Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: paul joseph watson senior british army officer and former deputy supreme allied commander europe gen sir richard shirreff warns that nato faces nuclear war with russia in europe and that america is already technically at war with russia in a hawkish article for cnn shirreff asserts that the west faces the biggest threat from russia since the cold war and that vladmir putin plans to re establish russia s status as one of the world s great powers by marching into the baltic states of latvia lithuania and estonia comparing the west s policy towards putin to the appeasement of hitler shirreff claims that moscow may have already lit the fuse that could lead to the unthinkable nuclear war with russia in europe under article of the washington treaty an attack on one nato member country represents an attack on all member countries meaning the united states would be at war with russia if russian troops set foot in baltic countries a russian attack on the baltic states puts america at war with russia meaning nuclear war because russia integrates nuclear weapons into every aspect of its military doctrine writes shirreff he also states that russia is at war with america already recycling the claim which remains unproven that russia is behind the email hacks that led to wikileaks publicizing of clinton campaign emails and don t think russia would limit itself to the use of tactical nuclear weapons in europe any form for entire article click link
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: international investigation team ignores russian radar data
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: georgian president giorgi margvelashvili on monday vetoed a draft new constitution and sent it back to parliament with his objections which included opposing its call for an end to direct elections for president parliament which is dominated by the georgian dream party adopted the new draft last week over objections from margvelashvili and the opposition under this new proposed new constitution direct elections for president would be abolished from the country would transfer to full proportional parliamentary representation and the system of electoral blocs would be scrapped in a televised statement margvelashvili who was elected in for a five year term said he remained in favor of direct presidential elections rather than a system in which the president would be appointed by parliament he said he had proposed to the parliamentary majority to allow parties to form electoral blocs for the next parliamentary elections in he said he also supported scrapping the voting bonus system under which votes of parties that failed to muster enough support to enter parliament would be transferred to the winner of the election he also supported a switch to a proportional electoral system in i will send my justified objection to the parliament today margvelashvili said the next presidential election in georgia is to be held in and it is not clear whether margvelashvili who is at odds with the ruling party on several issues will stand again mps from the georgian dream said after adopting the new constitution that they would give ground on only two of the president s objections allowing the parties to form electoral blocs and scrapping the voting bonus system the ruling party has a constitutional majority at the parliament allowing it to overcome the president s veto
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: no word on when soros will be put on trial for paying protestors to riot or when al sharpton will be charged with inciting the riots with his inflammatory racist rhetoric all comments in italics are opinions of fed up according to a report from the u s department of justice police responding to race related protests and riots in ferguson missouri last summer made a series of missteps including antagonizing crowds with attack dogs and military style tactics yeah because the people inciting riots burning down businesses and threatening anyone who dared to drive through ferguson are probably pretty credible witnesses when it comes to missteps by the ferguson police department the report a copy of which was obtained by reuters is a draft summary of a document the doj plans to release in the coming weeks evaluating law enforcement actions a justice department spokesperson said the after action assessment will convey the findings and lessons learned the report focuses on the tactics of police from ferguson st louis st louis county and the missouri highway patrol all four agencies tried to quell the protests and riots that broke out after a white ferguson police officer shot and killed michael brown an unarmed black teenager on aug we are always willing to engage in constructive dialogue about best practices the st louis department said in a statement we are interested in the final report to identify what we did well and what we may need to improve upon how improving number of arrests made for arsonists rioters who burn down businesses to make a statement the justice department draft report which covers actions over the days following the shooting found that police lacked effective protocols were not adequately trained struggled with communication and coordination and made mistakes that sometimes heightened tensions the use of dogs for crowd control during the ferguson protests incited fear and anger in the crowd according to the report while the use of teargas on people without warning was also a problem in addition police were inconsistent in using force and making arrests and some officers removed their nameplates to evade accountability for their actions the justice department said the report also criticized police for positioning snipers atop armored vehicles to monitor the crowd through rifle sights saying the tactic served only to exacerbate tensions yeah because why would the cops in ferguson be concerned about their own safety when clowns like this are openly walking around advocating for violence against officer wilson it found that law enforcement agencies set a negative tone with the media by initially offering limited public information about brown s shooting the report also said police inhibited protesters constitutional right to free speech in all the report lists findings along with recommendations for improvements via reuters
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: yesterday white house counselor kellyanne conway sparked national outcry when she used a fox friends interview as a pathetic commercial for trump s daughter ivanka after nordstrom became the latest retailer to drop ivanka s brand from its stores it was not only an incredibly awkward interview to watch as conway shamelessly told viewers to buy ivanka s products but it was also highly unethical causing conway to get blasted for violating ethical guidelines earlier today cnn reported that conway had to apologize to trump for the controversy as federal employees are not supposed to endorse products or promote the goods of friends or family even though trump seems to do this quite often white house press secretary sean spicer was even forced to respond to the backlash stating that conway had been counseled for her behavior now that conway has apologized to trump she s apparently back in his graces and can continue spewing her alternative facts aka blatant lies conway tweeted that trump still supports her and her shameless lack of ethics but not all is well just yet according to cnn trump is not happy with spicer s comments about having counseled conway on the matter apparently trump said he hated what spicer said this is just the latest in the breakdown of trump s chaotic volatile team every day there is a new f k up or controversy to react to as trump s team proves to be the most incompetent dishonest disorganized and troubled team we ve ever seen operate the white house there have already been rumors that trump is looking to replace spicer and conway continues to be shunned by the media over her pathological lies which won t work in trump s favor it seems like trump s biggest supporters conway and spicer are now doing more harm than good and things are definitely imploding faster than they can handle featured image via alex wong and chip somodevilla getty images
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: according to abc eye witness news on saturday nov in newark new jersey seven people were stabbed the stabbing occurred shortly before p m et it has been reported some the victims have life threatening injuries so far the police have reported there is no clear motive for the stabbing and there are no suspects in custody updates on this story will be provided as they come available another stabbing earlier this year according to abc eye witness news on july there was another stabbing this victim was in critical condition was stabbed by her husband which lead to a standoff the year old victim was stabbed multiple times by the year old suspect at the time of the stabbing their nine year old grandson was in the home he was not injured and he was able to get help neighbors came in and pulled the woman onto the grass until paramedics arrived the suspect sat behind the front door of the home talking to police since about a m and the standoff ended at about p m with the man taken into custody during the standoff the suspect threatened to commit suicide residents of the area were told to stay in their homes while officials negotiated with the suspect by brady combs edited by cathy milne sources abc eyewitness news people stabbed inside newark home police searching for suspect abc eyewitness news woman stabbed by her husband in a newark home police say image courtesy of ems s flickr page creative commons license stabbing
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: lincoln applegate hahn november pm we ve seen your french values and they are the problem comme ci comme ca like this and that etti november pm what a foolish man he believes that accepting migrants and teaching them to learn french will see them in the french parliament of course you will and they will be forcing sharia law on to the french population not making the country more civilised lisa november pm because rightly or wrongly people project their view of the world onto others we live according to the golden rule and don t do to others that which we do not want them to do to us many cannot fathom or conceive just how vile the followers of the murderous paedophile can be it s incomprehensible even animals that have been traumatised and abused don t behave like that when rescued europeans have mostly been peaceful for the last years because they made a concerted effort to live in peace and to uphold dignity of life and human rights that came at a price followers of the paedophile savage are socialised differently they are pathetic and emotionally infantile in the west we are taught to take personal responsibility for our actions they are taught to blame everyone but themselves often turning victims into the guilty in the case of raped women in the west violent displays of anger are frowned upon and we are taught to apologise for our wrong doings muslims have a warped and messed up sense of honour an honour they will gladly kill their families to restore in short they accept everything that is a crime in our countries as somehow permissible incompatible in the west they are given human rights they don t deserve and freedoms they can t handle proven recipe for disaster you have to be very very naive to believe that people who are fed a steady diet of intolerance opression and hatred since birth will miraculously change just because they cross a border from hell hole to civilsed country it should be obvious by now that muslims born in europe cannot be integrated so what hope do we have integrating the rest nicolai sennels wrote a great paper on why islam is prone to creating monsters puts it all into perspective and is a must read in my opinion
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: berlin ap a german court has convicted a iraqi man of raping two chinese college students in the western city of bochum the dpa news agency reported tuesday that the court sentenced the man to years in prison the defendant who wasn t identified by name acknowledged in court that he assaulted the women in august and november last year dna evidence linked him to both crimes the defendant came to germany as an more than a year ago with his wife and children the victims who were and years old at the time had been studying at bochum university the case was one of several that fanned a national debate in germany about how to respond to a rise in violent crimes committed by migrants
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: click here to learn more about alexandra s personalized essences psychic protection click here for more information on psychic protection implant removal series click here to listen to the irp and sa dna process read the testimonials click here to read what others are experiencing copyright by galactic connection all rights reserved excerpts may be used provided that full and clear credit is given to alexandra meadors and www galacticconnection com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content unauthorized use and or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited thank you privacy policy by subscribing to galacticconnection com you acknowledge that your name and e mail address will be added to our database as with all other personal information only working affiliates of galacticconnection com have access to this data we do not give galacticconnection com addresses to outside companies nor will we ever rent or sell your email address any e mail you send to galacticconnection com is completely confidential therefore we will not add your name to our e mail list without your permission continue reading galactic connection design development by aa at superluminal systems sign up forour newsletter join our newsletter to receive exclusive updates interviews discounts and more join us
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: a new arms race has been declared the united states destroyed global security relying on its economic dominance washington expects russia s economy to collapse under a new arms race
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: the united states has told russia to close its consulate in san francisco and buildings in washington and new york that house trade missions the state department said on thursday in retaliation for moscow cutting the u s diplomatic presence in russia the announcement was the latest in tit for tat measures between the two countries that have helped to drive relations to a new post cold war low thwarting hopes on both sides that they might improve after u s president donald trump took office in january last month moscow ordered the united states to cut its diplomatic and technical staff in russia by more than half to people to match the number of russian diplomats in the united states after congress overwhelmingly approved new sanctions against russia the sanctions were imposed in response to russian meddling in the presidential election and to punish russia further for its annexation of crimea from ukraine we believe this action was unwarranted and detrimental to the overall relationship between our countries state department spokeswoman heather nauert said in a statement on thursday adding that the united states had completed the reduction in the spirit of parity invoked by the russians nauert said the united states has required the russian government to close its san francisco consulate and two annexes in washington d c and new york by sept the white house did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the decision secretary of state rex tillerson informed russian foreign minister sergei lavrov of the closures in a phone call on thursday a senior trump administration official said the two men plan to meet on the sidelines of the u n general assembly in september the official said lavrov expressed regret about washington s decision during the phone call with tillerson his ministry said moscow will closely study the new measures announced by the americans after which our reaction will be conveyed the russian foreign ministry said in a statement the latest u s move caps eight months of back and forth retaliatory measures between the two countries spanning two u s administrations in december the administration of barack obama closed two russian countryside vacation retreats in maryland and new york saying the compounds had been used for intelligence related purposes the closures were part of a broader response including the expulsion of suspected russian spies to what u s officials have called cyber interference by moscow in the elections the kremlin has denied the allegations trump came into office wanting to improve relations with russia a desire that was hamstrung by the election interference allegations the new sanctions passed by congress conflicted with trump s goals but he grudgingly signed them into law this month the united states said last week that it would have to sharply scale back visa services in russia a move that will hit russian business travelers tourists and students the russian consulate in san francisco handles work from seven states in the western united states there are three other russian consulates separate from the embassy in washington they are in new york seattle and houston the consulate in san francisco is the oldest and most established of russia s consulates in the united states the senior trump administration official told reporters an official residence at the consulate will also be closed no russian diplomats are being expelled and the diplomats assigned to san francisco can be re assigned to other posts in the united states the official said the russians can continue to retain ownership of any of the closed facilities or sell them but will not be allowed to carry out diplomatic activities there the official said even after these closures russia will still maintain more diplomatic and consular annexes in the united states than we have in russia the official said we ve chosen to allow the russian government to maintain some of its annexes in an effort to arrest the downward spiral in our relationship
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: the religion of progressivism is working overtime to erase and replace christianity in the lives of americans god is nothing more than a nuisance he only gets in the way of a more accepting religion the left has been cultivating for decades where the rules are morals are determined by a select group of people in our government and in specially appointed positions within our government you know kinda like communism the obama administration has appointed a transgender individual to the president s advisory council on faith based neighborhood partnerships selecting barbara satin for a post along with two representatives of minority faiths satin who was born a man but identifies as a woman is an air force veteran a member of the united church of christ and currently works with the national gay and lesbian task force according to cbn news given the current political climate i believe it s important that a voice of faith representing the transgender and gender non conforming community as well as a person of my years nearly be present and heard in these vital conversations satin said in a statement published through the united church of christ the blazeh t weasel zippers
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: legendary news anchor dan rather just gave us a new name to use when referring to those who deny climate change and facts in general as we all know trump supporters and conservatives now think science and anything the media reports is a hoax instead they live in their own little echo chamber where they will only believe what right wing media tells them to believe but dan rather has come up with a new name to call them in a facebook post rather talks about how he once visited the northwest passage to report on climate change and how warming temperatures are going to one day melt all of the ice and open it up well the new york times now reports that temperatures are spiking in the arctic and rather s report is actually happening with his lifetime i think at this point we can stop calling them climate change deniers rather wrote reality deniers is closer to the truth a few years back i traveled to the famed northwest passage to report on how climate change might eventually melt the icy blockades which had thwarted explorers for centuries well later seems to have become much sooner than scientists expected and the leader of the reality deniers is about to take over the white house indeed donald trump is the king of denying reality and he apparently intends to pretend that climate change is not real and wants to purge the government of employees who research it which is why he sent a letter to the energy department demanding the names of people who work on climate change and the labs where climate change research is taking place this is dangerous to our country considering that sea level rise will likely wipe out the coastline if we continue to deny reality and do nothing to prevent these impending disasters climate change is real and those who refuse to believe the scientists are going to pay the price for their ignorance featured image larry busacca getty images for ifp
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: thailand s prime minister said on tuesday he had told officials to prepare for changes in u s trade policy under president donald trump but it was too soon for the big exporter to worry as in other asian countries which run large trade surpluses with the united states concern has spread in thailand since trump last week said he had ordered a study of the causes of u s trade deficits we should take it easy as there are no formal words about that yet junta leader prayuth chan ocha told reporters i have asked deputy prime ministers and relevant agencies to look into it as we have to be prepared but don t worry too much about that now thailand ran a surplus of about billion in trade with the united states last year the thai commerce ministry says that puts it globally
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: the u s department of homeland security on friday designated u s election infrastructure as critical widening the options the government has to protect voting machines from cyber attacks the decision announced in a statement by dhs secretary jeh johnson followed a presidential campaign marred by concerns that hackers could disrupt the election also on friday u s intelligence agencies released a report accusing russian president vladimir putin of directing a campaign to hack democratic party computers in an effort to help republican donald trump win the u s presidency u s officials determined hackers targeted more than states voter registration systems during the election but that there was no evidence tallies were altered when ballots were cast on nov elevating election systems to critical infrastructure puts it on par with other sectors eligible to receive prioritized cyber security assistance from dhs including communication and transportation systems the banking industry and the energy grid election infrastructure includes polling places centralized vote tabulations locations storage facilities and voter registration databases and voting machines johnson said johnson said he and his staff had consulted with state and local election officials and that he was aware that many of them are opposed to this designation some conservative states such as georgia objected when the idea was floated during the presidential campaign claiming elections have historically been overseen by local officials the classification was not a federal takeover regulation oversight or intrusion concerning elections in this country johnson said in a statement this designation does nothing to change the role state and local governments have in administering and running elections
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: mar a lago trump rally blacks for trump trump volunteersmarch trump trump tower fisa wiretapping wiretap pic twitter com charles march president trump stops motorcade near mar a lago to wave at supporters and say thank you florida breakingnews pic twitter com florida street team chatrevolve march as president trump as exits his vehicle to show his appreciation for trump supporters breaking video pres trump gets out of motorcade at mar a lago rally fisa wiretap blacksfortrump obamagate trump pic twitter com charles march
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: leave a reply click here to get more info on formatting leave the name field empty if you want to post as anonymous it s preferable that you choose a name so it becomes clear who said what e mail address is not mandatory either the website automatically checks for spam please refer to our moderation policies for more details we check to make sure that no comment is mistakenly marked as spam this takes time and effort so please be patient until your comment appears thanks replies to a comment are the maximum here are formating examples which you can use in your writing b bold text b results in bold text i italic text i results in italic text you can also combine two formating tags with each other for example to get bold italic text em emphasized text em results in emphasized text strong strong text strong results in strong text q a quote text q results in a quote text quotation marks are added automatically cite a phrase or a block of text that needs to be cited cite results in a phrase or a block of text that needs to be cited blockquote a heavier version of quoting a block of text blockquote results in a heavier version of quoting a block of text that can span several lines use these possibilities appropriately they are meant to help you create and follow the discussions in a better way they can assist in grasping the content value of a comment more quickly and last but not least a href http link address com name of your link a results in name of your link no need to use this special character in between paragraphs you do not need it anymore just write as you like and your paragraphs will be separated the live preview appears automatically when you start typing below the text area and it will show you how your comment will look like before you send it if you now think that this is too confusing then just ignore the code above and write as you like name
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: chancellor angela merkel said on wednesday donald trump must be shown appropriate respect for holding the office of the u s president even if she may differ with him on policy issues merkel campaigning for a fourth term in office after a sept national election has refused to bend to pressure from her social democrat spd rivals to resist demands by trump for nato members to increase their defense spending as a committed atlanticist she has stressed the strength of german relations with the united states even when flagging differences in opinion on policy if you take the president of the united states whatever differences of opinion there may be i know he prevailed in a tough election it wasn t reserved for him on a silver platter she told business daily handelsblatt in an interview in the end he won the election under american electoral law and that means he is democratically elected and that this person should be shown the appropriate respect regardless of how i assess his views she added her spd challenger martin schulz has been far more critical of trump referring to the u s president as this irresponsible man in the white house merkel who enjoyed holidaying in the united states before becoming chancellor in said she missed the opportunity to vacation there now i can t go on holiday in san diego now as chancellor because the time difference is too much and that is something i miss a bit but the work itself is so marvelous that i can afford to miss it
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: president trump has made it clear that he will not stop the search for those responsible for leaks at the white house the hunt that began with the resignation of national security advisor michael flynn does not stop now that he is gone trump has also vowed that the perpetrator will be punished to the fullest extent of the law even possibly serving hard time via fox news leaks are prevalent in washington i think what makes this different is the leak environment has just kicked into hyper drive thomas dupree former deputy assistant attorney general told fox news in the first few weeks of this administration we have seen a multitude of leaks on a variety of subjects from national security to immigration to the conversation that flynn had with the russians it s just every direction https www youtube com watch v source fox news
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: professor dr mujahid kamran vice chancellor of the university of punjab on the suspension without pay of prof tony hall shares professor mike mahon president and vice chancellor lethbridge canada dear professor mike mahon it is with a sense of great sadness that i have learnt of the suspension without pay of professor anthony hall one of the most distinguished scholars not only of the but a researcher and writer who is recognised and respected globally in a country like pakistan which is far behind canada in term of education research and scholarship no teacher or non teacher of any university can be suspended without pay when someone is suspended he or she is entitled to draw full pay for the period of suspension if canada is doing better than us on various scales then one would expect that suspension without pay puts canada behind us in terms of due process and in terms of requirements demanded by the principles of justice and fair play i may add respectfully that in pakistani universities no one is generally suspended unless a fact finding committee has first looked into the matter thoroughly and found prima facie evidence of wrong doing the decision of the administration also destroys the concept of a tenured appointment from his writings that i have read over a period of time it is evident that professor anthony hall is a scholar whose work exposes the crimes and conspiracies of those who are taking the world headlong into a global war and simultaneously transforming it into a global slave state his analysis is impeccable and his grasp of facts masterly and his writings are devoid of any prejudice against any ethnic group or nation or any university for that matter should have been proud to have professor hall on its faculty his suspension creates an impression even from this distance from where i write that certain powerful interests that aim destroying free speech have targeted people like professor anthony hall who speak out for democracy decency peace and justice i have found out from the internet that b nai brithis behind this movement against shutting down free speech it is quite evident that the charge that professor anthony hall has created a discriminatory atmosphere is highly dubious to the contrary it appears that an anti muslim bias has been created in your institution by professor hall s unfortunate suspension there is also a strong impression that b nai brith has taken over the administrative decision making at lethbridge more suspension of tenured professor lacks due diligence toxic mind control contaminates the public sphere irish human rights activists against freedom of speech b nai brith attack on canadian professor has roots in zionist false flag tactics it is also worrying that b nai brith have now targeted canadian universities and canadian society if this is the case then the situation is disturbing not just for lethbridge and canada but for all freedom loving people worldwide when i was a young student at university of edinburgh scotland in the i used to meet many canadian students and i found that they invariably stood for freedom of speech and for tolerance and justice the suspension of professor hall is inconsistent with my image of the canadian people that i had then formed on behalf of the academic community of the university of the punjab established i urge you to kindly reconsider your decision to suspend professor hall it will go a long way in rehabilitating the impression of people worldwide about the upholding of free speech academic freedom and genuine scholarly discourse at lethbridge with my humble regards and very best wishes professor dr mujahid kamran vice chancellor university of the punjab since january author of a dozen books including einstein and germany the grand deception corporate america and perpetual war the inspiring life of abdus salam the new world order international bankers world wars i ii and beyond winner abdus salam prize this prize was instituted from salam s nobel prize money presidential pride of performance award awarded sitara e imtiaz i e star of distinction awarded by government of pakistan etc
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: if this is the budget deal we get when republicans control the house the senate and the presidency there s no point in ever voting for a republican again not only is there no funding for a wall but thanks to the deft negotiating skills of house speaker paul ryan the bill actually prohibits money from being spent on a wall at a cya press conference on tuesday trump s ridiculously chipper budget director mick mulvaney described the bill s prohibition on building a wall as a major win at least mulvaney said it in english unlike his townhall true there will be no wall but the democrats graciously agreed to allow the administration to fix broken parts of any existing fences on up to miles of our mile border the other big wins according to mulvaney are more defense spending which is fantastic news because i was worried boeing and lockheed martin ceos were falling behind mark zuckerberg with their gluttonous salaries and school choice an obsession of washington wonks that is hated out in america where parents move to towns for the express purpose of avoiding schools full of disaffected urban youth and the disaffected urban youth don t want to spend two hours on a bus every day but mulvaney assures us that this monstrosity of a spending bill has set things up beautifully for the next budget negotiation in october that has become the gop s official motto next time we can never win this time instead republicans idea is always to surrender this time in hopes that their gentlemanliness will be rewarded by their mortal enemies next time then next time comes and republicans again surrender in hopes of currying favor with the democrats and the media for the next time mulvaney s most disturbing comment was to say that what upset trump the most was the democrats spiking the football on this deal apparently trump s fine with no wall and everything else in a bill straight out of george soros dream journal if only the democrats hadn t been so rude as to tell the public about it when your main complaint is that the other side is gloating too much maybe you re not that great a negotiator yeah sure it s only days in it s an artificial deadline the media is dying to say trump has failed and so on except planning for the wall should have begun on nov and a spade should have been put into the earth to begin building it the day after trump s inauguration now it s days later and we still don t have the whisper of a prospect of a wall moreover this isn t one random bill funding planned parenthood which this bill does this is the budget deal there won t be another one like it until next october that s a spectacular failure democrats have got to be pinching themselves thinking am i dreaming this it s theoretically possible that trump could still build a wall but he s just massively lengthened the odds of ever prevailing sure you can let the other team build a lead in first half and still come back to beat them but it s a lot easier if you don t go into halftime points down trump entered the presidency with the only kind of power that matters he didn t owe wall street a thing he didn t owe anyone not donors lobbyists nor any political party what he had was the people passionately on his side but as soon as he got into office trump started giving away his miraculous unprecedented power hey wall street even though you didn t give me any money is it too late to be your friend no amount of abandoning his supporters will get trump anywhere with wall street hollywood or the media their ferocity will simply shift to ridicule admittedly trump has the enormous handicap of having to work through congressional republicans who are feckless cowards if speaker ryan and senate leader mitch mcconnell had been around for reagan s firing of the air traffic controllers they would have been hysterically screaming no you can t do that the planes will crash this isn t new information we knew washington republicans were useless that s why we elected such a comically improbable president as donald j trump the deal was that we were getting the hollywood version of a new york businessman an uncouth incurious rube who would be ruthless in getting whatever he wanted in addition to being the only candidate for president in either party taking america s side on trade immigration jobs and crime what set trump apart was his promise that we would finally win remember there would be so much winning we were going to get sick and tired of winning and beg him please please we can t win anymore it s too much it s not fair to everybody else we re not winning we re losing and we re losing on the central promise of trump s campaign how would trump the businessman react if an underling charged with developing a new golf course could never break ground what if the subordinate s progress reports sounded like this i have given speeches to various chambers of commerce and neighborhood groups assuring them that there s going to be a golf course everywhere i go i say don t worry about it it s going to be built i have started a commission to study developing a golf course i have put up a sign saying golf course coming and i have caved and caved and caved so now our opponents know what good guys we are trump would fire that employee so fast your head would spin we want the ruthless businessman we were promised
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: washington in president trump s world boring is disruptive after weeks of gleefully setting the washington establishment ablaze and declaring a new war with virtually every public utterance mr trump took the radical step on tuesday night of delivering a soothing comfort food of an address to a jittery congress and skeptical public for the first time since his in january mr trump seemed to accept the fetters of formality and tradition that define and dignify the presidency and while he touched on all of the elements of the economic nationalist agenda that has impelled his executive orders and calls for revolution mr trump brandished a blunter rhetorical ax and for once delivered on his promise to speak the reagan republican dialect of optimism and reconciliation why the sudden shift numbers mr trump s approval rating is the worst for any new president in recorded history between and percent at a time when many presidents are in the slamming the news media or demonstrators energizes his base but it s hard to move much higher in the polls without making a less partisan pitch the other key statistic spurring his adjustment billion the amount of federal funding he hopes to siphon from other departments to increase spending at the pentagon a budget proposal that is already on arrival judging from its lukewarm reception on capitol hill this week presidents even those commanding comfortable majorities in both houses need to get congress in line and the only way to do that is to declare peace here are five takeaways from the most presidential speech mr trump has ever given delivered at precisely the moment he needed to project sobriety seriousness of purpose and the between tuesday s temperate mr trump and the everyday mr trump was striking to put it mildly the time for trivial fights is over said mr trump a man who spent the first hours of his presidency bickering about the size of the inauguration crowd while that statement was meant as a challenge to his establishment critics it also seemed as if he were coaching himself all of the previous speeches delivered by mr trump from his nomination address in cleveland last summer to his inaugural speech had a gloomy quality his aides promised a ronald invocation of america s future in the days leading up to his what he delivered thanks to his speechwriting team of stephen miller and stephen k bannon was an invocation of american carnage since his mr trump roved the airwaves and twitter lashing out at anyone who opposed him and many people who didn t in just the past couple of weeks the president has reiterated his description of some news outlets as enemies of the american people while taking his shots at paris sweden hill democrats the f b i government leakers president barack obama and his own communications staff among other targets but on tuesday the president rolled the dice and went for nice in style if not substance mr trump delivered an address that nearly any of his republican primary opponents whom he once savaged as establishment stooges might have delivered had they been standing at the rostrum that torch is now in our hands mr trump said within the first few minutes of his speech echoing if not entirely approaching the wispy mountaintop oratory of more polished predecessors like mr obama and mr reagan and we will use it to light up the world i am here tonight to deliver a message of unity and strength and it is a message deeply delivered from my heart mr trump has made immense progress sticking to a script but wednesday is a new day and the presidential twitter finger gets itchy in the middle of the week the big question is whether his unifying tone represents the mythical pivot point or was just part of a speech efficiently delivered by a gifted politician learning his new trade mr trump has been criticized for his sluggish response to violence and vandalism against jews blacks and muslims during his presidency but the opening words of his speech were dedicated to tolerance and inclusion recent threats targeting jewish community centers and vandalism of jewish cemeteries as well as last week s shooting in kansas city he said remind us that while we may be a nation divided on policies we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms again it s hard to say if his statement reflected a genuine change of approach mr trump and some allies have suggested that recent episodes might be attempts by his opponents to embarrass him but his words were welcomed in the house chamber greeted by some of the most sustained applause of the evening the polls have not been especially kind to mr trump lately but there is one distinct bright spot percent of voters in a consult poll released on tuesday said that mr trump was following through on his campaign promises this is no small matter for a president eager to prove he s no mere talker for all its messaging personnel and operational struggles mr trump s team has relentlessly executed a branding strategy aimed at projecting the image of a man of action fighting against gridlocked and corrupt washington elites every day mr trump appears before the cameras where he is shown doing stuff like signing executive orders or convening panels of business labor or political leaders it s been a little over a month since my inauguration and i want to take this moment to update the nation on the progress i ve made in keeping those promises he said taking an extended bow for saving jobs at several factories across the country renegotiating defense contracts scrapping the partnership greenlighting two new fuel pipelines and cracking down on illegal immigration and criminal foreigners never mind that mr obama the man mr trump says left him a mess to clean up had accomplished much more at this point in his term including the stimulus package and a gender law for all his newfound civility and message discipline mr trump cares most about this takeaway proving he is an effective president at a time when his administration is being portrayed in the media as adrift and the president s speech had admirable length it clocked in at just over minutes the requisite number of ovations about and a succession of punchy pronouncements what it didn t have was very much of an explanation on how mr trump plans to govern there were hardly any details about his proposals on the items that will most likely define his first term that included his obamacare pledge his plan to overhaul the tax code the big infrastructure package he s vowed to ram through or even his plan to shovel billion into the defense department cracking down on illegal immigration is the central pillar of mr trump s popularity with white voters so much so that it was the subject of his most decisive action thus far as president the bungled rollout of his executive order barring migrants from seven predominantly muslim nations but mr trump and his team sent out some seriously mixed messages in the hours leading up to the address we will soon begin the construction of a great great wall along our southern border mr trump declared to the delight of many republicans in the hall who gave him a hearty standing ovation but earlier in a with some of the country s leading news anchors the president seemed to soften his stance considerably as he has done previously in private suggesting that legal status be granted to millions of undocumented immigrants who have not committed serious crimes immigration led by his attorney general jeff sessions have long considered such a stance amnesty mr trump never brought up the topic again and didn t touch on his prior reference to legalizing undocumented immigrants raising questions about what position he ll stake out in negotiations with congress
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: the united states canada and mexico have a powerful shared interest in reaching a deal to modernizes the nafta trade pact canadian foreign minister chrystia freeland said on wednesday strong economic fundamentals are a compelling argument for bolstering what works and improving what can be made better she said at the start of talks to update the north american free trade agreement
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: hillary clinton on saturday challenged fbi director james comey to provide a fuller explanation of investigative steps he is taking related to her use of a private email server as the democratic presidential candidate accused him of deeply troubling behavior days before the u s elections speaking to volunteers in daytona beach florida clinton said some of you may have heard about a letter the fbi director sent on friday to the u s congress informing it that the agency is again reviewing emails comey had decided in july that the fbi was not going to seek prosecution of clinton for her handling of classified materials on a private email server while she was secretary of state it is pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election clinton said adding it s not just strange it s unprecedented and it s deeply troubling because voters deserve to get full and complete facts she urged comey to put it all out on the table in tandem with clinton fellow democrats on saturday also worked to pressure comey to provide details on a controversy that dominated the presidential campaigns on saturday less than two weeks before the nov elections four u s senators
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: the escalating threat from north korea s nuclear program shows a clear need for a new approach u s secretary of state rex tillerson said on thursday although he did not say what the trump administration planned it was the first time that tillerson who was speaking at a joint news conference in tokyo after talks with japanese foreign minister fumio kishida had taken questions from the media since taking office in early february two decades of diplomatic and other efforts including u s aid for north korea had failed to achieve the goal of denuclearizing pyongyang said tillerson a former oil executive with no prior diplomatic experience at the start of his first trip to asia as secretary of state so we have years of failed approach tillerson said that includes a period where the united states has provided billion in assistance to north korea as an encouragement to take a different pathway in the face of this ever escalating threat it is clear that a different approach is required part of the purpose of my visit to the region is to exchange views on a new approach he said a japanese foreign ministry official said u s officials had discussed potential new approaches regarding north korea but he declined to elaborate as tillerson presses the chinese to do more to rein in north korea s nuclear and missile programs he is expected to tell them the united states intends to increase missile defense in the region despite beijing s strong opposition a u s official told reuters in washington an advanced u s anti missile system is being installed in south korea and the official said the trump administration wants to discuss similar improvements with japan tillerson visits south korea and china later in the week tillerson is also likely to raise the prospects for imposing secondary sanctions on chinese banks and other firms doing business with north korea the official said speaking on condition of anonymity it is among the options being considered in a full review of north korea policy expected to be completed by late march or early april the official said state department spokesman mark toner said on wednesday tillerson will have substantive hard talks on next steps in dealing with north korea but that his visit was not likely to produce an immediate specific response in beijing chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman hua chunying repeated foreign minister wang yi s proposal last week that north korea should stop its nuclear and missile tests and south korea and the united states should stop joint military drills and seek talks instead we welcome all parties including the united states to come up with their own proposals hua told a daily news briefing as long as these proposals are conducive to ameliorating the present tense situation on the korean peninsula and are beneficial to maintaining regional peace and stability china will have an open attitude tillerson made it clear he expected china north korea s sole major ally to do more we will be having discussions with china as to further actions we believe they might consider taking that would be helpful to bringing north korea to a different attitude about its future need for nuclear weapons he said tillerson s comments in japan were eagerly watched by international observers for indications as to what they meant for the trump administration s foreign policy japan is seeking clues to washington s policies both on north korea and china s increasing military and economic clout while hoping to steer clear of trade rows tillerson also held talks with japanese prime minister shinzo abe and had dinner with kishida u s president donald trump made it a hallmark of his campaign to call on allies including japan to pay more for hosting u s forces and other elements of american protection tillerson issued a far gentler message at the conference underscoring the long standing u s japanese alliance while the security environment in this region can be challenging the united states is committed to strengthening our role and we welcome an increased japanese commitment to their roles and responsibilities in our alliance he said tillerson is the second member of trump s cabinet to visit japan defense secretary jim mattis visited last month and vice president mike pence is due in april underscoring u s concerns surrounding north korea s missile and nuclear programs abe was the first foreign leader who met trump after his november election win north korea last week launched four ballistic missiles the latest in a series and is developing nuclear tipped missiles that can reach the united states in defiance of u n security council resolutions and sanctions washington has said all options including military are on the table in its review of policies toward north korea in the final months of the obama administration u s officials warned it would blacklist chinese companies and banks that do illicit business with north korea if beijing failed to enforce u n sanctions against pyongyang the united states has begun deploying the terminal high altitude area defense missile defense system in south korea a move china objects to strongly because it sees the system s radar as a threat to its security pak myong ho a north korean embassy official speaking in beijing on thursday said the deployment will destroy the balance in northeast asia and the pacific region the radar is not aimed at just us pak said it is also aiming for china and russia china s assertiveness in the east china sea where it has a territorial row with japan and the south china sea where it has disputes with the philippines and several other southeast asian nations were also on the agenda
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: republican presidential candidates may find themselves in a more subdued debate than usual on thursday night in miami since nothing donald trump s rivals have thrown at him has made a major dent in his front running campaign after the histrionics of last week s gathering in detroit the four remaining candidates are likely to search for higher ground as they offer closing arguments to republican voters particularly those in florida and ohio who vote next tuesday in nominating contests for the nov election the burden is particularly heavy on u s senator marco rubio of florida and ohio governor john kasich who must do well in their home states or face pressure to exit the race while kasich is holding his own against trump in ohio opinion polls rubio has lagged far behind trump in florida trump s victories in michigan mississippi and hawaii on tuesday added to his momentum after a week of attacks by mainstream republicans who are offended by his statements on muslims women and illegal immigrants and alarmed by his threats to international trade deals trump defended his calls for a tougher u s stance on free trade on thursday saying the united states has been taken advantage of in negotiations with other countries he also cited currency devaluations as a particular problem i like free trade but you have to be represented by very very good and smart and cunning people and we are not trump said in an interview on cnbc other countries are and that s why they re all taking advantage the tough talking billionaire businessman told cnn on wednesday he expected the debate to be a nicer softer lighter debate i hope but he added i ll be ready i m the only one who can beat hillary a reference to democratic presidential front runner hillary clinton the tone could be set by trump who forecast before several previous debates that he would take a more measured approach only to quickly get into a verbal brawl with his rivals the cnn hosted debate will be held at the university of miami at p m gmt on friday i would focus on a positive uplifting message that takes us back to why they re running for president and what s at stake in this election said eric fehrnstrom a senior adviser to republican nominee mitt romney in detroit last thursday trump came under sustained fire from rubio over parts of his business empire such as trump university a now defunct venture that critics said offered a flimsy education u s senator ted cruz of texas piled on trump over his past support for democratic causes trump blasted rubio throughout the debate as a lightweight and cruz as a liar the trump rubio debate clash in detroit followed an abrupt change in rubio s campaign to begin raising personal questions about trump such as saying he had small hands a statement trump saw as a reference to his penis size rubio said he now regretted the personal insults in terms of things that have to do with personal stuff yeah at the end of the day it s not something i m entirely proud of my kids were embarrassed by it and if i had to do it again i wouldn t rubio told msnbc on wednesday cruz who would like to knock rubio and kasich out of the race so he could draw more support from anti trump republican voters will seek to use the debate to position himself as the best trump alternative trump is clearly trying to reach out and be a little more statesmanlike said cruz backer saul anuzis a former chairman of the michigan republican party cruz is going to make the case as to why he can beat trump and be the viable alternative from our perspective we think it s a two man race we re the only one with a path rubio is fighting for survival and is facing something of a last stand in florida rival campaigns said rubio may feel a need to return to the optimistic message he stuck to for months before getting sidetracked by trump rubio told fox news on wednesday the campaign was always going to come down to who wins florida the nominee has to win florida you can t be the republican nominee if you don t win florida he said kasich rubio and cruz have one shot at denying trump the nomination
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: amateur president donald trump signed was forced to sign a bill today to punish russia for its interference in the election despite his reservations to tighten sanctions against moscow the year old twitter addict did not hold a signing ceremony in late july the house of representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill giving congress the power to block any effort by the white house to weaken sanctions on russia that move was a direct challenge to donald trump s authority so trump really had no choice here especially since his campaign is the focus of the probe into russia s meddling in the presidential election last year the legislation was passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in congress the bill limits trump s ability to lift or waive sanctions against russia the bill keeps in place sanctions imposed by the obama administration last year trump s limited power has unnerved the thin skinned alleged president i built a truly great company worth many billions of dollars https t co steven shepard politicosteve august s statement potus signing statement on sanctions bill pic twitter com zeke miller zekejmiller august reports it also allows the u s to deny entry and revoke visas for individuals who have engaged in certain activities such as selling arms to the syrian government or abusing human rights before the bill was signed secretary of state rex tillerson revealed that neither he nor the president approved of the sanctions believing they hinder the administration s attempts to restore relations with russia the action by the congress to put these sanctions in place and the way they did neither the president nor i were very happy about that tillerson said on tuesday we were clear that we didn t think it was going to be helpful to our efforts russia responded to the sanctions by ordering the u s to cut its diplomatic staff in the country by people by sept trump has maintained that former president barack obama did nothing in response to russia meddling in our election process but that s untrue before the election the obama administration issued several warnings to moscow about its activities and he expelled dozens of diplomats as well as closing two russian compounds trump was just humiliated by being forced to take action which he didn t want to take photo by steffen kugler bpa via getty images
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: if elected mexican presidential candidate andres manuel lopez obrador will review oil contracts signed after historic reforms in the sector the leftist politician said on tuesday the year old leads various polls ahead of next year s presidential election and opponents looking to keep him out of office denounce him as a populist who would seek to emulate venezuela s socialist government mexico opened up its energy sector with sweeping reforms in and to give investors the chance to participate in oil exploration and extraction it has held auctions for sites on land as well as in shallow and deep water in its efforts to boost energy production we will intervene because we don t want to end up not producing petroleum lopez obrador said in a speech at the wilson center in washington d c the fall in production must be stopped if not we will end up buying crude oil and we can t have that we are going to intervene quickly and we are going to review the contracts the leader and founder of the political party morena did not specify the form of the intervention but he said he would not trust those who had signed the contracts for mexico and would ensure the pacts were favorable for the country we are not going to act in an arbitrary way we are going to be respectful of the law but we will review the contracts lopez obrador said everything related to pemex must be public business
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: republican donald trump pulled even with democratic rival hillary clinton in a reuters ipsos opinion poll released on wednesday in a dramatic early sign that the nov presidential election might be more hotly contested than first thought while much can change in the six months until the election the results of the online survey are a red flag for the clinton campaign that the billionaire s unorthodox bid for the white house cannot be brushed aside trump s numbers surged after he effectively won the republican nomination last week by knocking out his two remaining rivals according to the poll the national survey found percent of likely voters supporting clinton and percent backing trump with percent undecided the survey of people was conducted over five days and has a credibility interval of percentage points very happy to see these numbers trump said in a written comment to reuters good direction a spokesman for clinton s campaign did not respond to requests for comment on the poll a reuters ipsos survey conducted in the five days to may had the former secretary of state at percent and the new york magnate at percent republican strategist dave carney said the reuters ipsos poll showed the vulnerability of clinton who is still battling u s senator from vermont bernie sanders for the democratic nomination she has been in the public eye for decades served in high office and now she s in a dead heat with trump in a race that everyone thought she would win easily said carney who has been critical of trump everyone thought it would be a romp trump has his own problems though he is struggling to bring some senior republicans behind his campaign after primary election battles in which his fiery rhetoric rankled party elites several republican leaders including house of representatives speaker paul ryan are withholding their support after a tough primary that s going to take some effort ryan said about unifying the party we are committed to putting that effort in the former reality tv star will face pressure to tone down his rhetoric and clarify his policy positions when he visits republican lawmakers including ryan on thursday former republican presidential nominee mitt romney criticized trump on wednesday for not releasing his tax returns saying the only explanation was that the documents contained a bombshell trump has said that he will make public his tax returns on the completion of an audit clinton and trump both poll well with voters of their respective parties but independent voters continue to express uncertainty about who they will support with percent in the reuters ipsos poll saying they are unsure or would vote for someone else with the party s primary season winding down the two likely nominees have turned their attention to attacking each other both on policy and personality clinton took aim at trump s tax reform plan at a rally in new jersey on wednesday with a typical american family earning per year clinton said it would take that family years of work to earn what donald trump s tax plan will hand out to people like him in just one year that is no way to create good job with rising incomes for the vast majority of americans is it trump has taunted clinton in recent days for failing to close the deal against sanders university of virginia political science professor larry sabato said trump
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: republican donald trump s and democrat hillary clinton s efforts to portray themselves as assertive adversaries of the islamic state terror group are increasingly defining the presidential race and never more so than in the wake of the massacre in nice france this week although authorities have not yet tied the attack to jihadist inspired terrorism both candidates immediately responded to the latest in a string of attacks at home and abroad that have heightened voter anxiety by vowing aggressive efforts to combat the islamic state they have done so in strikingly different ways she with specific proposals and he with broad promises but together their messages effectively assure a war time posture in the white house next year no matter who becomes president and they mark a sharp departure on the campaign trail from the non interventionist sentiment that then sen barack obama rode into office eight years ago the intense jockeying was encapsulated in a round of dueling telephone interviews thursday evening with fox news host bill o reilly following the deadly truck attack in southeastern france that killed more than people assembled to celebrate bastille day the interview was especially notable for clinton who rarely speaks to fox news but may have been trying to engage with conservative voters who care deeply about national security and may not be sold on trump we ve got to do more to understand that this is a war against these terrorist groups the radical jihadist groups clinton said it s a different kind of war we need to be smart about how we wage it but we have to be determined that we re going to win it in his interview trump ticked through a list of recent attacks as evidence that a change in management style at the top is a necessity to blunt future attacks you look at san bernardino you look at paris a hundred and thirty people killed and so many injured in paris from that attack and you look at orlando it s out of control trump said and bill unless we get strong and you know really strong and very very smart leadership it s only going to get worse the back to back interviews underscored the differences in the two candidates approaches trump has embraced the debate over terrorism to emphasize his proposed ban on most foreign muslims which clinton vigorously opposes and advance a muscular but nebulous strategy to stamp out terrorists abroad clinton has been more specific arguing for a smart but strong effort to combat the islamic state focusing on ratcheting up intelligence cooperation between the united states and its allies and fighting radical propaganda online clinton must walk a fine line even as she pursues centrist republicans including veterans of the bush administration s foreign policy shop she is trying to consolidate support among democrats after a bruising primary with sen bernie sanders of vermont many liberals already see her as too hawkish going back to her vote for the war in iraq in which contributed heavily to her primary defeat six year later against obama there s a lot of concern about another war in the middle east conceded sen jeff merkley d ore a sanders endorser who helped the candidate win a landslide in his own state s primary but look this is not a choice between hillary clinton and gandhi this is a choice between hillary clinton and donald trump and i d be far more terrified of trump s reckless foreign policy than of hillary clinton trump faces challenges of his own while his freewheeling rhetoric and his controversial muslim ban and proposed wall along the mexican border were big hits in the republican primary they have exposed him to accusations in the general election that he is not serious and ill prepared for the rigors of major security decisions with the republican and democratic conventions taking place over the next two weeks clinton and trump will be auditioning on the national stage at a time when the public s attention has been repeatedly directed to global terrorism threats it s an electorate that is profoundly insecure and unsure about what happens next both in terms of the economy and increasingly in terms of international policy and terrorism said anita dunn former white house communications director in the obama administration making the case to the american people that you are the person to address their issues and to make the country feel secure again is really the predominant challenge for both campaigns in his fox news interview trump said he would ask congress for a war declaration on the islamic state a move rarely used in american history if you look at it this is war coming from all different parts and frankly it s war and we re dealing with people without uniforms trump said in her interview clinton used similar language to describe the threat posed by the islamic state but asked on cnn whether she would endorse trump s proposal to seek authorization from congress for war she made clear that she has no intention of drawing u s or nato troops into a fight with the islamic state she called it the islamic state s dream to pull u s ground troops into a war in the region i would point people to read more about what the hopes and ambitions of isis happen to be clinton said using a common acronym for the group they would love to draw the united states into a ground war in syria they actually think the end times could be hastened if we had some great confrontation in that region she added hours after the coup attempt in turkey clinton became the first candidate to issue a statement calling for calm and respect for laws institutions and basic human rights and freedoms the sentiment closely echoed the comments of obama and secretary of state john f kerry and offered an implicit contrast with trump who had not yet commented on the situation still clinton has not shied away from supporting an aggressive and frontal approach to the threat she has argued that the united states and its allies should continue to reclaim territory from the islamic state boxing their fighters into smaller and smaller territory she has criticized allies in the region for not doing enough to stop radicalization within their own borders and she called on countries including saudi arabia and qatar to invest more in the global effort to fight the islamic state she has also embraced the language of more conservative politicians after the orlando attack on a gay nightclub by a self radicalized convert to the islamic state clinton said radical jihadist terrorism and radical islamist terrorism are virtually the same after once refusing to use the word islam in the context of terrorism out of concern that it would only embolden the enemy and enable recruitment trump like many republicans has repeatedly slammed obama for refusing to use the term radical islamic terrorism and he has accused clinton of moving closer to his point of view in fact clinton s positions are not that divergent from the policies of the current white house her hawkishness has been mostly displayed through rhetoric or by degree though she has strayed from the president on a key issue stating that the islamic state threat cannot be contained as obama has stated but rather must be defeated liberal democrats who support clinton have struggled to get sanders supporters past her foreign policy record at netroots nation the annual conference of progressives held this year in st louis clinton s campaign was nearly invisible foreign policy a focus of some past conferences was discussed only at a few crowded panels rania khalek a journalist who has written critically of clinton said the democrat poses a more direct threat to the muslim world than trump people are not going to protest when she decides to put boots on the ground in syria khalek said people are not going to protest when she decides to give israel more military aid she has a record of killing people donald trump doesn t have that record yet jennifer miller smith a year old clinton supporter from florida argued that some progressives subjected clinton to tests they never demanded of kerry or vice president biden for example their support for the iraq war iraq was a long time ago and she s learned since then miller smith said we ve all learned since then even i believed colin powell she said about the former secretary of state charles khan a financial reform activist who was in seventh grade at the start of the iraq war said that polling and politics might curb clinton s hawkish tendencies i think hillary is smart and doesn t want to do anything that is unpopular khan said with a huge majority of americans not wanting to be involved in another war that s probably the stance she d take
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: when police kill by franklin e zimring illustrated pp harvard university press unwarranted policing without permissionby barry pp farrar straus giroux it is to hear the new president s posse tell it an exceptionally dangerous and thankless time to be a police officer in the united states in the streets we are told there is a war on cops fired up by the activists of black lives matter in the corridors of washington liberals want to deny law enforcement the powers they need to keep us safe the media runs endless video loops of a few police shootings of civilians and the justice department nannies swoop in to take charge of this most local of public functions facing harsh scrutiny demoralized cops hesitate to do their jobs a phenomenon called no wonder some police forces are having a hard time recruiting now two legal scholars challenge that bleak portrayal with timely arguments that in fact police have been given more power than they need have too frequently abused it and are the least accountable of our public servants in donald j trump s world these assertions may be dismissed as the products of progressive academic hothouses franklin e zimring teaches law at the university of california berkeley barry friedman at new york university but they come from reputable scholars armed with facts and respectful of good policing zimring s book when police kill is essentially a riff on a single statistic roughly americans die each year at the hands of the police there are several remarkable things about that number first it is about double the official counts by agencies of the justice department an extraordinary margin of error for something so important the higher and now generally accepted estimate of deadly encounters comes from investigative reporting by the washington post and the guardian the paucity of good official data as a handicap is a major theme in both books second the civilian body count does not seem to be declining even though violent crime generally and the deaths of police officers are down sharply third as in so many aspects of criminal justice violence by police and against police are orders of magnitude greater than in other developed countries credit our promiscuous affair with handguns fourth police kill at more than double their share of the population a phenomenon zimring painstakingly demonstrates is not explained by higher crime rates in black neighborhoods zimring calls this a civil rights crisis that nobody had seen on the horizon until the anger that boiled up after the shooting of michael brown in ferguson mo and the subsequent cases recorded on bystander video fifth about of these targets of deadly force carried no firearm and more than had no weapon of any kind sixth the average number of those deaths per year that result in felony convictions of a police officer one zimring s most explosive assertion which leaps out of a work that is mostly nuance is that police leaders don t care the circumstantial evidence suggests that police departments do not regard whether the victims of police shootings live or die as a matter of great moment he writes zimring argues that unnecessary deaths are excused by rules of engagement that encourage cops to keep firing after a suspect no longer represents a real threat and by fake science like the rule which holds on the basis of no credible evidence that a subject with a knife represents a lethal menace if he gets within feet the default assumption is that a perceived threat is real and a police killing is righteous to zimring s point the f b i compiles its unaudited reports of these deaths under the rubric justifiable homicide by weapon law enforcement barry friedman s broader and more accessible book looks beyond the lethal use of force at the many other ways the fourth amendment protection against unreasonable searches and seizures has been ignored or stretched in the name of public safety the litany of invasive policing practices swat teams stop and frisk sobriety roadblocks airport security cctv cameras use of informants is steadily being expanded by technology to include readers stingray cellphone interceptors facial recognition software warrantless collection of metadata and archives of dna samples friedman s case illuminated with stories of hapless civilians encountering excesses of force or surveillance is not that police should be denied the best tools but that there should be clear rules more often than not the rules are ambiguous the prosecutors are reluctant to pursue excesses because they have a symbiotic relationship with police and judges have hesitated to apply the constitution to perplexing questions raised by new policing capabilities does using an infrared heat detector to discover a pot farmer s basement grow lights constitute a search what about attaching a gps device to a suspect s car the authority to use force on citizens and to conduct surveillance of them the powers that define policing and set it apart may be necessary to maintain order but those are the most awesome powers we grant any public servants friedman writes we have categorically failed to offer clear guidance to policing agencies as to what they are to do or refrain from doing friedman and zimring say the solution to abusive policing is not ensuring prosecutors and grand juries are more independent though they favor both nor should we expect an easy fix from body cams or community policing strategies that attempt to turn police into neighborhood ombudsmen a job for which they have neither the will nor the training ultimately both writers look to police leadership noting that the blue culture will not be moved by reforms imposed from outside the main arena for the radical changes necessary to save many hundreds of civilian lives is the local police department not the federal courts or congress not state government not local mayors or city councils not even the hearts and minds of the police officers on the streets zimring writes courts and legislatures can bring pressure to bear but until police departments become willing to spend time money and management effort on resolving conflicts without killings nothing significant can happen yes the police friedman agrees they are after all the experts friedman who is a constitutional lawyer puts much of the blame on courts for failing to demand that police show probable cause and obtain warrants and more generally for letting police invade our privacy in new ways without a prerequisite of open democratic debate but the ultimate culprit is us what s notable is that when there is transparency when public dialogue occurs policy unequivocally does change friedman says he illustrates with examples of communities where public engagement led to regulation of stingray cellphone intercepts body cavity searches the militarization of police arsenals and stop and frisk the bluster of the new administration notwithstanding there are plenty of police leaders who will concur with much of what zimring and friedman say in the more enlightened police training academies the mantra is that cops should see themselves as guardians not warriors and there is an increasing emphasis on over confrontation but these will remain exceptional unless the public demands better to paraphrase the french philosopher joseph de maistre every country gets the police it deserves
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: donald trump once said that he loves the poorly educated and he skips his intelligence briefings regularly so it is reasonable to assume that he is not a fan of intelligence in any form but on thursday the donald took to twitter to assure everyone that this isn t true and to backtrack on his agreements with julian assange so fast that one is forced to wonder what information he learned about russia s hack of the election in the past hours the dishonest media likes saying that i am in agreement with julian assange wrong i simply state what he states it is for the people trump tweeted apparently forgetting that his vapid meth addled nazi followers prefer him to use the word l genpresse to make up their own minds as to the truth the media lies to make it look like i am against intelligence when in fact i am a big fan the dishonest media likes saying that i am in agreement with julian assange wrong i simply state what he states it is for the people donald j trump realdonaldtrump january make up their own minds as to the truth the media lies to make it look like i am against intelligence when in fact i am a big fan donald j trump realdonaldtrump january hacked emails were not just distributed by assange who is currently hiding out from rape charges in an embassy but by guccifer and dc leaks as well two web sites run by actual bona fide russian agents nevertheless though he admits he doesn t look into who gives him information assange claims that he didn t receive the emails from russia on wednesday trump mindlessly parroted the claim because it supports his nonsensical decision to spend every waking moment doing the twitter equivalent of dropping to his knees in front of putin and well you get the idea in his nonsensical morning tweet wednesday edition trump informed the world that his intelligence yes he put the word in quotes again had been delayed by a few days and attacked intelligence agencies he could have meant any of the more than a bakers dozen who say that russia absolutely hacked us and putin led the operation but he seems to mean the cia this was a lie he followed that up by spreading assange s nonsensical claim that their friend vladdy poot didn t give him the information and by attacking the dnc for getting hacked but even though the donald regularly tweets out agreements with assange including the false claim that russia had nothing to do with the hack something he would know if he actually attended intelligence briefings he says his tweets should not be construed as agreement with the sexual predator behind the release of some of the hacked documents russian hackers stole naturally twitter stepped in and did the online equivalent of beating trump with a broom handle realdonaldtrump only you would use intelligence in quotes as if it s always theoretical pic twitter com kristina wong mskristinawong january realdonaldtrump bullshit name three of intelligence s albums maura quint behindyourback january twitter com treypearson status realdonaldtrump next you re going to tell us putin isn t smart it s just the media taking your comments out of context pic twitter com fubjjvbovs jordan uhl jordanuhl january realdonaldtrump you state what he states but you disagree w our intelligence officers who sacrifice their lives to defend us mmmmk isaac saul ikesaul january realdonaldtrump same thing when you retweeted nazis throughout your campaign that was for the people jon bershad jonbershad january realdonaldtrump so you quote julian assange but not fbi and cia january realdonaldtrump retweets and politically beneficial relationships with dictators and hackers are not endorsements our president jon bershad jonbershad january realdonaldtrump why would you simply state what he assange states you are peotus now your words matter stop tweeting nonsense rj palacio rjpalacio january realdonaldtrump this is literally the definition of agreeing with him https t co chris jackson chriscjackson january realdonaldtrump if you state the same thing you re in agreement accepting russian propaganda as truth makes you a traitor a puppet karen munro baileypittipat january realdonaldtrump so you are saying you simply parrot what he wants you to parrot so you admit to being a puppet roland scahill rolandscahill january realdonaldtrump so you state what assange states but you completely ignore what the u s intelligence agencies say doesn t add up buddy impeach donald trump impeachdtrump january mrga realdonaldtrump pic twitter com cheeto jesus blobfish january realdonaldtrumpso you are in agreement with what he says but the media is wrong for saying you agree with him got it doody giuliani january realdonaldtrump no you literally agreed with him get some more sleep buddy pic twitter com david snodgrass webdevgeek january realdonaldtrump listen buddy piece of advice never defend assange while your head is resting on putin s shoulder you lose credibility lida piompino lidapiompino january re so right the media is dishonest they quoted you verbatim shame on the media rolling eyes realdonaldtrump chico delainky chicodelainky january there anyone anyone at all who doesn t believe realdonaldtrump is a wholly owned pawn of vladimir putin and russia anyone trump pic twitter com johndevashon january realdonaldtrump um so you state what he states but you are not in agreement i don t think you know what you want to say for the people billy spillwater billyspillwater january in trump didn t agree with assange so much as he wanted to have him murdered you see before russia and wikileaks teamed up to hack and release information about his opponent in what the intelligence community agrees was an effort to install him in office the donald said that assange is disgraceful and that there should be like death penalty or something for his new rapist friend putin on the other hand trump has just always loved a few years back the donald tweeted that he hopes the brutal russian dictator becomes his new best friend it s nice that we re all friends now and that assange and trump are bonding over the dishonest press but if trump is getting his intelligence from russia and some rapist it s time we talk about peacefully removing him from the white house and what was that thing he wanted to do to his opponent who had legitimately not committed a crime oh yes locking him up featured image via getty images christopher furlong screengrab
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: in a letter addressed to konrad szymański the secretary of state on the european affairs of the ministry of foreign affairs of poland the high representative of the european union for foreign affairs and security policy federica mogherini urges the polish authorities to reconsider the position concerning the education reform undertaken by the government of ukraine
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: soy should not be consumed in significant quantities unless it has been fermented or otherwise traditionally processed industrially processed soy should be avoided david gutierrez staff writer tags soy fermentation phytoestrogens naturalnews the recent history of soy in the western diet has been a turbulent one from its status as a non food item in the early century through its transition to a health food in the last few decades of that century to current concerns over its high content of natural estrogen mimics what many debates over the nature of soy fail to take into account is that soy based foods are neither healthy nor unhealthy it all depends on the processing the soy bean itself is highly unhealthy for human consumption in addition to potentially dangerous levels of phytoestrogens it contains exceptionally high levels of chemicals that bind to the nutrients in the bean preventing their absorption soy derivatives such as soy protein are even worse as they are isolated from the rest of the nutrients in the bean and have usually been extracted with toxic chemicals traditional cultures developed two major ways to bypass this problem fermentation and curdling both are ancient techniques for changing the fundamental nutritional makeup of foods these processes are what transform soy the dangerous food into the healthful products of tofu tempeh miso and soy sauce that have played a major role in the diets of many asian cultures for hundreds of years sources
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: california massachusetts just legalized recreational marijuana nov in a major win for cannabis proponents the state of california has just voted to legalize recreational marijuana california just turned green the proposition was approved by california voters on tuesday evening which now makes california as the biggest state for legalizing the recreational use of marijuana as it is often said as california goes so goes the nation this will certainly bring a massive push from the rest of the nation to legalize marijuana for recreational use with the proposition now passed people living in california who are or older can now legally possess transport and buy up to an ounce of marijuana as well as allowing up to plants to be grown by an individual nate bradley executive director of the california cannabis industry association is happy with the results we are very excited that citizens of california voted to end the failed policy of marijuana prohibition proposition will allow california to take its rightful place as the center of cannabis innovation research and development proposition was opposed by most major law enforcement groups including the california assn of highway patrolmen the peace officers research assn of california and the california police chiefs assn interestingly and perhaps somewhat controversially the initiative to vote in favor of the proposition was supported and funded by facebook s president sean park as well as billionaire george soros they raised nearly million which is about times the amount the opposition campaign raised massachusetts has also joins california in passing recreational marijuana with florida approving medical marijuana as of this writing the vote for recreational marijuana is currently being approved in maine has officially been approved in nevada and is being opposed in arizona votes are also pending for medical marijuana in north dakota arkansas and montana we could very well wake up in the morning with new states approving recreational marijuana and at least state florida approving medical marijuana with california massachusetts and nevada passing the legalization of recreational marijuana they now join colorado alaska washington and oregon regardless of the presidential election outcome we are surely to wake up to a different and more green friendly world tomorrow spread the good news lance schuttler graduated from the university of iowa with a degree in health science health coaching and offers health coaching services through his website orgonlight health you can follow the orgonlight health facebook page or visit the website for more information on how to receive health coaching for yourself your friend or family member as well as view other inspiring articles
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: president donald trump s son in law and senior adviser jared kushner on monday gave details in a statement made public before his closed door meeting with the u s senate intelligence committee about his contacts with russians during the election campaign and the presidential transition period the following are some of the main points in the statement
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: us intelligence sees attacks likely ahead of tuesday vote by jason ditz november share this us intelligence officials have reportedly warned law enforcement around the country of the potential for multiple al qaeda terrorist attacks on monday aimed to coincide with the day before the us election the reports were described as possibly legitimate and concerning details are still scant but the intelligence has singled out new york virginia and texas as the mostly likely targets even then they offered no details on potential locations saying al qaeda and its affiliates are eager to regain their relevance a nypd spokesman briefed on the matter said that the threats lack specificity however local police around the country were said to have been warned that polling places are considered attractive targets for both organized and homegrown terror attacks of course saying that any upcoming event is a potential attractive target is not unusual these days and hardly a significant holiday goes by in the us where warnings and briefings about potential attacks are not heavily publicized the monday warning offers some unusual details however as generally one would think the day of the election itself would be the target when more people are queuing up for the vote an attack the day before the election would however cast a rather dramatic pall over the entire matter last posts by jason ditz
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: beijing north korea s biggest nuclear test conducted last week less than miles from the chinese border sent tremors through homes and schools in china s northeast but hours later there was no mention of the test on china s evening television news watched by hundreds of millions of viewers the decision on friday to publicly ignore stark evidence of pyongyang s expanding nuclear capabilities illustrated the embarrassment that north korea s leader kim poses for his patrons in beijing but although north korea remains nearly percent dependent on china for oil and food chinese analysts say beijing will not modify its allegiance to north korea or pressure the country to curtail its drive for a nuclear arsenal as the united states keeps requesting the united states cannot rely on china for north korea said shi yinhong a professor of international relations at renmin university in beijing china is closer to north korea than the united states china sees living with a state on its border as preferable to the chaos of its collapse mr shi said the chinese leadership is confident that north korea will not turn its weapons on china and that china can control its neighbor by providing enough oil to keep its economy afloat the alternative is a strategic nightmare for beijing a collapsed north korean regime millions of refugees piling into china and a unified korean peninsula under an american defense treaty the obama administration s decision to deploy an advanced missile defense system in south korea also gives president xi jinping of china less incentive to cooperate with washington on a north korea strategy that could aim for example to freeze the north s nuclear capacity the analysts said the missile defenses in south korea known as the terminal high altitude area defense system or thaad have effectively killed any chance of china s cooperating with the united states they said china is strongly opposed to north korea s nuclear weapons but at the same time opposes the defense system in south korea said cheng xiaohe an assistant professor of international relations at renmin university it is not clear which situation the chinese leadership is more agitated about he said beijing interprets the thaad deployment as another american effort to contain china the system reinforces china s view that its alliance with north korea is an integral part of china s strategic interests in asia with america s treaty allies japan and south korea and tens of thousands of american troops close by mr shi said washington insists that the thaad system due to be installed in is intended to defend south korea against north korean missiles and is not aimed at china the system does not change the strategic balance between the united states and china president obama said after meeting with mr xi in hangzhou china a week ago but china is not persuaded chinese officials argue that the thaad radar can detect chinese missiles on the mainland undermining its nuclear deterrent so despite what chinese analysts describe as the government s distaste for mr kim and his unpredictable behavior china s basic calculus on north korea remains firm mr xi is expected to continue to ensure that north korea remains stable the chinese leader has shown disdain for the much younger mr kim he has not invited him to china and has authorized only sporadic visits by chinese officials to pyongyang the two militaries remain largely uninvolved with each other but the personal and professional antagonisms do not alter beijing s goal of preventing a unification of north and south korea under an american defense arrangement the longstanding fear that punitive economic action would destabilize north korea makes it very unlikely that beijing will cooperate with the united states on more stringent sanctions at the united nations according to chinese analysts in march after considerable hesitation china agreed to washington s appeals and signed on to tough united nations sanctions that included a ban on the export of north korean coal now as the west moves toward another round of united nations sanctions china s mood is very different said a former senior chinese official who worked on north korea he said some officials were wondering why china would work with the united states at the united nations after washington went ahead with the antimissile system against chinese wishes meanwhile the sanctions imposed in march have been enforced in only a desultory fashion trade experts said a loophole in the sanctions allows north korean coal to be sold if the proceeds are used for humanitarian purposes and that opening seems to have been exploited said stephan haggard a korea expert at the university of california san diego the sale of coal since the sanctions came into force was down percent from the same period last year a marginal amount he said on its own the united states imposed secondary sanctions on business entities that do business with north korea and in the united states but north korean businesses have found chinese partners or are creating front companies to use smaller chinese banks mr haggard said there are differing opinions in china about whether an oil embargo an unlikely punishment would result in mr kim s giving up his weapons if china stopped the flow of oil north korea would face a severe economic crisis in about one year and then face a choice between keeping its economy going or maintaining its nuclear program the former senior official said it is possible that at that point mr kim would negotiate the former official said but others disagree saying the chinese government would not dare cut the oil supply knowing that north korea would be able to get supplies from russia and elsewhere the fundamental reason for not cutting oil is they don t want to sacrifice the buffer zone and they also know if they cut off the oil supply it will not force kim to surrender his weapons mr shi said mr shi questioned why china would want to risk making north korea into an enemy by cutting off the oil supply if you cut off the oil there is a percent possibility north korea will not surrender their weapons and they will hate china even more he said china s continued support of north korea is a fundamental reason the united states should stop relying on china for progress on reducing the north korean nuclear threat said joel wit a visiting scholar at the u s institute at the school for advanced international studies at johns hopkins university mr wit is among a group of american north korea experts who believe the united states should take the lead and negotiate with the north
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: ben carson is setting all three of his supporters up for disappointment in a statement wednesday the retired neurosurgeon announced that in light of his crushing defeat on super tuesday he will likely no longer continue the charade that can loosely be called his presidential campaign carson announced that he will be skipping the fox news presidential debate in his hometown of detroit on thursday i remain deeply committed to my home nation america cason s statement says i do not see a political path forward in light of last evening s super tuesday primary results carson promised that this grassroots movement of we the people will continue i appreciate the support financial and otherwise from all corners of america carson added gratefully my campaign decisions are not constrained by finances rather by what is in the best interests of the american people carson s attempt to become the man to lose to the democratic nominee started out promising but carson s campaign took a series of wrong turns that thrust him as far into political obscurity as carly fiorina after the center for medical progress baby parts videos were shown to be heavily edited and fraudulent carson s wild tales like his claim that he once tried to gut a motherf cker only to be thwarted by a rogue belt buckle and that he attacked his mother with a hammer his story about bravely telling an armed robber to shoot a popeye s chicken cashier as well as his wild theory that biblical storybook character joseph built the pyramids to store grain did him absolutely no favors nor did his complaint that obama isn t black enough his campaign also suffered from numerous shakeups like much of his staff abandoning the sinking ship that was team carson all at once while he was reluctant to give up carson seems to have finally come to his senses now perhaps he will have time to travel to egypt with his buddy jesus so they can have their portrait painted inside a grain pyramid he promises to discuss more about his future plans at cpac the annual gathering of christofascist lunatics like carson as the stupid part of america s options narrow one thing remains certain it is more important than ever that you make it to the polls in november here are some of the dumbest things carson has said his intelligence and wit shall be missed featured image via twitter
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: pittsfield new hampshire is an unlikely place for something like an isis flag to show up that s why neighbors were shocked when the terrorist flag appeared in a local neighborhood hanging from a fence near the town dam and river police immediately removed the flag from the fence which was on state property just an fyi in the past months the state department has settled muslim refugees in new hampshire pittsfield nh has been designated a welcoming city which is code for bring on the refugees if you want to know the number of refugees who have come to your town in the past months please go here wrapsnetauthorities are working with the fbi and have questioned a person of interest in this effort to flaunt a terrorist symbol the local authorities are now working with the fbi to determine if a crime was actually committed this chart is ridiculous why are these people still here why should americans have to put up with having isis anywhere near us the pittsfield police chief had this to say about the flag giving what that flag represents it understandably caused public alarm and concern the flag itself is probably going to be protected under freedom of speech the response from neighbors is great neighbors are responding by flying american flags outside of their own homes so what re we supposed to do about this person of interest will they now be on a watch list it would be great to know more about this individual and their background read more wgme
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: u s house republicans are unlikely to begin tackling tax reform legislation until the summer after first moving to revamp the nation s healthcare system house speaker paul ryan said on thursday in an interview with fox news the wisconsin republican said lawmakers had to make good on their pledge to repeal and replace the affordable care act or obamacare before they can turn to rewriting the u s tax code it s just the way the budget works that we won t be able to get the ability to write our tax reform bill until our spring budget passes and then we write that through the summer ryan told fox news we feel the need to rescue healthcare he said that s why we re going with healthcare first and that s the first budget and then in the spring when we do our second budget that s where tax reform comes ryan later told reporters at his weekly press conference that he hoped to move on healthcare legislation by the end of march his comments came as trump who has called on congress to act swiftly to enact his sweeping agenda met with the republican chairman and ranking democrats on the senate finance and ways and means committees the two panels oversee tax writing among other issues but the white house meeting appeared to mostly focused on trade any tax reform package would also have to pass the senate where it could face resistance over a border adjustment tax provision republicans who control both houses of congress as well as the white house have pledged a range of overhauls after eight years of the democratic obama administration even as tensions have arisen over timetables and priorities enough all talk no action we have to deliver trump told republican lawmakers at their retreat in philadelphia last month pushing them to move on tax reform as well as his planned u s mexico border wall and repealing obamacare trump has also vowed major spending to overhaul the nation s roads bridges and other infrastructure democrats have said they could back such a plan but would not support privately funded efforts that could lead to people paying tolls and other costs ryan dismissed the idea of using taxpayer funds on infrastructure however instead he told fox news house republicans will weigh how to leverage more private sector spending for projects such as pipeline overhauls and reforming the federal aviation administration to revamp the air traffic control system
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: china said on friday that its people today enjoy the greatest level of political and civil rights ever in a report issued just days after the european union and united states expressed extreme concern over a deterioration in human rights in china in the last five years chinese president xi jinping has presided over what rights groups decry as an elevated crackdown on the country s rights activists and lawyers with dozens arrested and hundreds detained ahead of human rights day last sunday the european union and the united states released statements saying they were extremely concerned about a deterioration of human rights in china citing measures such as internet restrictions and detentions of lawyers chinese citizens have never before enjoyed as ample economic social cultural as well as civil and political rights as they do today the state council china s cabinet said in an annual white paper the paper heralded a new era where greater legal protection ensures human rights in china citing as evidence the ruling communist party s recent establishment of a central leadership group to guide legal reform rights group says the lack of an independent judiciary to keep a check on the ruling party leads to abuse of rights china rejects criticisms of its human rights record saying that the critics place too much emphasis on political and civil rights without recognizing the social and economic freedoms being provided to its citizens diplomats from liberal democracies say that the chinese definition is overly broad and ignores aspects like free speech that are essential to the accepted definition of human rights used by the united nations china considers its human rights successes to include for example using law to control infringement on the health and property rights of its citizens by closing down polluting companies according to the report controversial legislation on spying counter espionage and internet security as well as others in a series of new laws to bolster china s national security are also cited as helping to protect citizen s security and property the paper further says that china is actively working to promote human rights overseas and to build a international legal system to protect them up to august chinese military peacekeepers have been sent abroad to take part in un peacekeeping operations and now have a standing force of troops the paper said
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: rep kevin mccarthy r ca has dropped out of the race for house speaker the reason he gave to the republican caucus for dropping out i am not the right person to lead at this moment mccarthy was expected to win the speakership in a landslide but his comments on benghazi were frowned upon by his fellow republicans mccarthy s mistake of saying the benghazi investigation was all about politics was exactly what hillary clinton needed to revive her campaign ultimately he was concerned he could not get the votes needed to win mccarthy s decision announced moments before republicans were set to nominate their candidate will postpone the vote for speaker mccarthy had been running against reps jason chaffetz r utah and daniel webster r fla before he dropped out and it s unclear whether other candidates will now step forward while mccarthy r calif faced vocal opposition from some conservative members and groups he was thought to have more than enough support to win the party s nomination in the vote initially set for thursday fox news is told mccarthy in revealing his choice simply told colleagues it was not his time his withdrawal rattled fellow lawmakers particularly allies in leadership but addressing reporters afterward mccarthy said he thinks the party needs a fresh face read more fox news
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: u s immigration and customs enforcement ice launched a new website ice en español iceespañol is also now on twitter the new media campaign allows officials to distribute information currently being distorted or misreported by some media officials said the expanded spanish language presence is our most recent step in increasing access to important and accurate information about ice the translated website provides press releases information about ice and the agency s mission and a detainee locator tab ice released a statement touting one of the highlights of the new forum is informing audiences about the important work ice does such as combating child exploitation human trafficking and fighting transnational gangs moreover offering information in other languages helps ice communicate across cultures and reach a broader audience while also ensuring that the public can obtain information directly from ice and not from unofficial and possibly unscrupulous sources said liz johnson assistant director of public affairs breitbart texas reported in early february that ice officials were working to combat false reports of checkpoints and ice raids reports of ice checkpoints and sweeps are false dangerous and irresponsible these reports create mass panic and put communities and law enforcement personnel in unnecessary danger any groups falsely reporting such activities are doing a disservice to those they claim to support the statement provided to breitbart texas said after president trump was sworn into office and ongoing ice raids were targeting criminal aliens media outlets and open borders and amnesty advocates spread fear and false information the profile on the iceespañol twitter page calls ice the largest investigative agency at dhs and has a link to report suspicious activity there is also a detention reporting and information line dril a service to answer questions and report the rotating cover on the website details the number of arrests made and the amount of currency and the number of firearms seized the site also has a section that provides access to its declined detainer outcome report s a weekly report that exposes sanctuary cities and their release of criminals subject to detainers the report was mandated by president trump s executive order enhancing public safety in the interior of the united states texas lead the country in sanctuary city releases the first edition revealed as reported by breitbart texas in the report has been temporarily suspended the agency released a statement that it was working to refine the data reporting process ice officials received pushback from some jurisdictions that were incorrectly reported as having released criminal aliens under detainers bob price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for breitbart texas he is a founding member of the breitbart texas team follow him on twitter bobpricebbtx and facebook
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: some senior members of chancellor angela merkel s conservative bloc and potential coalition partners have backed the idea of an immigration law as a possible way to help solve germany s migrant policy jigsaw merkel who won a fourth term in a sept election albeit with heavy losses to the anti immigrant far right is considering a three way coalition with the pro business free democrats fdp and environmentalist greens
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: many muslims around the world expressed dismay on wednesday at donald trump s election as u s president saying they feared it might raise tensions between the west and islam and contribute to radicalization while egypt s president made an early congratulatory call to trump ordinary muslims were worried that his victory would be a propaganda gift to jihadist groups others were apprehensive that the president elect will implement campaign pledges to clamp down on muslims entering the united states trump has espoused highly inflammatory rhetoric against muslims voters there will expect him to fulfill his promises that makes me worry about the impact on muslims in the u s and in the rest of the world said yenny wahid a prominent mainstream muslim figure in indonesia the world s billion muslims follow a multitude of sects and schools of thought constitute a majority of the population in countries as varied as indonesia pakistan saudi arabia senegal and albania and hold a vast array of political views yet trump s previous comments about muslims that those from abroad should be barred entry or intensely scrutinized beforehand and the presence of vocal anti islam activists among his supporters has alarmed many during a bitter election campaign trump also attacked his opponents for what he characterized as their denial about the threat posed by militant islam which he said was coming to our shores adding that he would quickly form a commission on it egyptian president abdel fattah al sisi was the first world leader to congratulate trump on the phone sisi s office said many other egyptians also welcomed his victory saying his opponent hillary clinton s record in office had won her few friends in the most populous arab country clinton secretary of state during the arab spring uprisings is unpopular with many egyptians many of those who backed the revolt saw her as a long standing supporter of hosni mubarak the autocrat they toppled from power but elsewhere other muslims saw trump as a hostile figure whatever happens to america affects everybody and with all these promises of doom by trump to the blacks to the muslims the minority so it s not something we re happy about said ganiu olukanga a muslim resident of the nigerian capital lagos some muslims including wahid said they feared his election as president might encourage a view that the united states held enmity for muslims and that this would hinder efforts in islam to counter radicalization trump s victory will be an enormous gift to a failing jihadist movement that will have now have a renewed rallying cry said ammar rashid an academic and member of pakistan s awami workers party on twitter if jihadi ideology has a source of sustenance it is the image of the us as the evil anti muslim crusader they will milk trump s win dry he added in jihadist social media forums militants said trump s election had merely revealed the true position of the united states toward muslims the masks have slipped one wrote but some other muslims were more hopeful including umer daudzai former afghan minister of interior citing the record of ronald reagan who was u s president from ronald reagan ended the cold war i hope donald trump will end all wars and become hero of peace in the world he told reuters among some officials there were also expressions of concern but the organisation of islamic cooperation oic the body that represents muslim states issued no statement early on wednesday in indonesia the most populous muslim nation an official from the faith s top clerical body there said trump s election could create new tension between the united states and the islamic world trump had made negative cynical comments about muslims in the past din syamsuddin a senior official at the indonesian ulema council mui told reporters in jakarta he had forgotten that many americans are immigrants saudi arabia a u s ally that is both birthplace of islam and home to its holiest places issued a statement that it had congratulated trump on his election win without making further comment however awad al qirni one of its most popular clerics with a twitter following of two million said in a social media post after the election
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: share this prime minister haider al abadi again warned turkey to avoid provoking conflict after turkey strengthened its forces in silopi at the iraqi border in mosul counter terrorism forces captured a state owned television station building troops also reached the judaidat al mufti neighborhood at least security personnel have been killed in the last week in mosul about people have fled the city militants attempted to move human shields out of hammam al alil but were thwarted by strikes shalalat sharezad and twila were reported freed at least people were killed and were wounded in recent violence in mosul at least one soldier was killed and another was wounded militants killed men believed to have been soldiers from shura and hammam al alil and then they tossed the bodies into the tigris river
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: an phoenix apartment was searched by federal agents monday as part of an investigation into a shooting outside a mohammed cartoon contest on sunday texas police killed two gunmen after they opened fire on participants in a contest to draw cartoons of islam s prophet mohammed in the dallas suburb of garland as the cartoon contest hosted by the american freedom defense initiative was ending two men arrived in a car jumped out and started shooting this is very scary we heard boom boom boom and then all of a sudden we saw the cops everywhere garland resident kim easley told dallas fort worth s wfaa tv they drove up got out and opened fire on the security officer garland police spokesman joe harn said after the security guard was hit garland police returned fire killing both gunmen sunday s attack took place following remarks by geert wilders a dutch lawmaker known for his outspoken criticism of islam we are here in defiance of islam to stand for our rights and freedom of speech wilders told contest participants that is our duty our message today is very simple he continued we will never allow barbarism never allow islam to rob us of our freedom of speech fbi agents are hoping the phoenix residence will offer clues as to what motivated the shooting meanwhile there s evidence sunday s attack was inspired by the islamic state approximately minutes before the shooting a twitter account expressing support for isis used the hashtag texasattack and indicated two men were going to give their lives for allah an isis spokesman called the gunmen brothers of the islamic state
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: sir rod stewart has apologized after a video appeared online this week in which the rocker seemingly performed an mock execution on a male friend in the desert according to the independent stewart s wife penny lancaster first posted the video to her instagram account which showed the maggie may singer walking on a sand dune in the desert of abu dhabi with a group of friends at one point one of stewart s male friends kneels down in front of the singer as stewart pulls his head back with his hand and appears to make a cutting motion across the man s throat the video was deleted from lancaster s account but was captured by several media outlets including tmz the rocker came under fire from some fans social media users and even the families of isis victims relatives of david haines and alan henning two british aid workers who were murdered by the isis terrorist known as jihadi john told the uk mirror that they found the joke to be brainless and disgraceful stewart apologized in a statement saying he had not intended to mock isis executions and had instead been emulating a scene from the hbo series game of thrones from the beatles abbey road crossing to spontaneously playing out game of thrones we were simply larking about he said in a statement to the independent understandably this had been misinterpreted and i send my deepest apologies to those who have been offended stewart s apology did little to quell the criticism and sarcastic jokes on social media not sure i m a great fan of rod stewart s new album cover tbh pic twitter thomas jones march rod stewart what happened man dirtbag leftist coconono march i hope i ve got the energy to perform mock executions with teenagers when i m rod stewart s age i won t probably but nice to have options john shafthauer hourlyterrier march excited to start my first day as rod stewart s us publicist time to take a huge swig of coffee and see what s in today s news pic twitter patrick monahan pattymo march follow daniel nussbaum on twitter dznussbaum
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: it s for my children ammon bundy s testimony likely what cleared oregonstandoff seven posted at am on october by sam j share on facebook share on twitter the first seven of arrested in the oregonstandoff were cleared of all charges by a jury on thursday legal experts are suggesting ammon bundy s hours or testimony yes is what may have won the jurors over ammon said everything comes from the earth and if can get control of the resources they can get control of the people it was ammon bundy s hours of testimony that likely won over jurors legal expert says https t co pic twitter com new york daily news nydailynews october ammon who is the father of six also said he was doing this for his children and his grandchildren and that americans need to wake up the oregonstandoff verdict shows that sometimes citizens get fed up with an abusive fed govt obviously the lesson is not to have juries kurt schlichter kurtschlichter october interestingly enough after the verdict bundy s attorney was tasered ammon bundy s attorney tased and arrested after oregonstandoff verdict https t co pic twitter com raw story rawstory october can t make this stuff up trending
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: danish police have charged a year old syrian man an asylum seeker to sweden with attempting to commit a terrorist act in copenhagen in november according to a police statement the man whose name media are prohibited from mentioning was arrested on thursday in an operation involving the danish intelligence service police said the court found there was reasonable suspicion the man had planned to commit a terrorism attack at an unknown place in copenhagen in november together with a man who was convicted in germany in july of planning an attack in copenhagen the two men had aimed at killing or wounding several random people by attacking them with knives and afterwards detonate one or several explosive charges the police said
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: people excited about christmas adverts told about rest of human culture people who cannot wait for big shops new christmas tv adverts have been told about books films and art amid growing anticipation about whether the john lewis advert will feature a lovelorn reindeer or a sad robin people who love cloying corporate sentimentality have been informed about humanity s other cultural output professor henry brubaker of the institute for studies said for many centuries before high street shops started creating second seasonal narratives to sell jumpers mankind has been telling stories these stories were written down in books which are stored in libraries or on bookshelves some of them are pretty good museums are another good starting point for learning about the things humanity has created that do not involve an animated creature breathing on a window and then drawing a heart in the steam fuck it even netflix has some good stuff on it mother of two nikki hollis said i actually tried to get the book version of the last john lewis advert but apparently it doesn t exist i hope the new one is about an otter who falls in love with rita ora and they have little half human festive otter pups then they all go up in a balloon save
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: we must tell the truth about the iraq war posted on oct by jodie evans alternet ewan mcintosh cc by nc the only silver lining of the brexit vote is that it will reduce medium term attention on chilcot though it will not stop the day of publication being uncomfortable former british foreign secretary jack straw told the previous u s secretary of state colin powell in a july email obtained by the intercept as it turns out these words would be prescient the chilcot report a damning volume million word inquiry into britain s role in the iraq war did not get much attention on either side of the pond upon its july release the probe was overlooked at a time that the iraq war was still raging even though everyone thought it was over and the millennials i talked to had little idea of the lies or the costs this summer and fall it became increasingly clear that the tumultuous u s election cycle will not propel anyone with a peace platform to the presidency i decided i needed to do something that will be useful in the face of even more wars after the election madness is over so we launched a people s tribunal on the iraq war as a tool to bring the anti war movement together and build what is needed for we aim to lay the lies and costs at the feet of president barack obama and call for a commission on truth and accountability there are years worth of testimony in reports lawsuits books and articles we have read the facts about the lies and costs over the years but the totality has never been been pulled together to show the breadth of all effected according to a report released last year by physicians for social responsibility psr physicians for global survival and international physicians for the prevention of nuclear war the u s invasion and occupation killed at least one million iraqi people that would be more million people in the united states if we compared it in terms of percentage of the population imagine the effect of million people dying advertisement square site wide there are over casualties on the side of the u s and the coalition of the willing with a small percentage of those dead the rest are living with permanent physical and psychological wounds some so bad that u s military veterans are committing suicide at a rate of a day in suicides surpassed war as a the leading cause of death in the u s military since u s wars have cost taxpayers nearly trillion according to a new report from brown university s watson institute but few can understand what that number actually means nor does this amount count the cost to people in iraq or other members of the coalition of the willing i have heard these reports at various tribunals over the years but numbers and facts don t change hearts and minds this tribunal will be different it will be a people s tribunal to be witnessed by the public which will be presented with a large body of evidence the participants on the days of the tribunal will be delivering evidence with a five minute statement about the meaning of that evidence dennis kucinich will present the letter he wrote to congress in october of outlining his research which showed there was no operational connection between the saddam hussein and al qaeda or weapons of mass destruction jeremy corbyn will deliver the chilcot report elizabeth holtzman the member of congress in the recognized as the woman who impeached nixon will deliver her book calling for the impeachment of george w bush we will be joined by people from across the united states and world the world tribunal on iraq which culminated in istanbul turkey and has held sessions across the globe will deliver all of these testimonies the brussels tribunal will deliver the book and testimony that emerged from their efforts inder comar will deliver the documents that make up the ongoing class action suit against six members of the george w bush administration alleging that the iraq war constituted a war of aggression there will be over offers of testimony each day on day one december first we will focus on the lies that fed the drive to war on day two we will hear more than people testify to innumerable costs of u s war in iraq which in fact goes back at least years yes there is a staggering cost to u s taxpayers but also the cost to the planet and the militarization of our cities and police departments we will hear from the mother of a young black man who was killed the last week of high school by a cop who was a veteran of the iraq war suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder we will hear from soldiers who were raped by fellow soldiers rabbis and priests will discuss the cost to our morality we will hear about the costs of the u s use of depleted uranium to iraqis and the children of american soldiers who served there the event will be live streamed on the real news with testimony delivered in person by live stream or by video the combination of all the testimony will be delivered to obama and congress but the real work has already begun the coalition is using the tribunal to gather local communities to discuss the cost of war to them encouraging them to review what they could have had instead of war such collective exercises demonstrate how the costs of war come home literally most of the members of our coalition are outreaching to their lists to join with a call to obama for a commission on truth and accountability other partners are outreaching for voices that still need to join those testifying when the election is finally over testifiers will begin to discuss their testimony in the media laying a path to the tribunal of details broken hearts destroyed communities and devastated families we must tell our truth as passionately and effectively as the architects of war tell their lies we must come together and gather the stories of destruction and loss in order to witness and remember join in make it your own share with your community raise awareness the time to stop the next war is now
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: u s president donald trump on thursday eased off his earlier call to send the suspect in this week s truck attack in new york city to the military prison in guantanamo bay but stood by his comments that the alleged attacker should get the death penalty would love to send the nyc terrorist to guantanamo but statistically that process takes much longer than going through the federal system trump wrote in a pair of posts on twitter there is also something appropriate about keeping him in the home of the horrible crime he committed should move fast death penalty
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: to give a boost to her candidacy who appeared in on the list of a student association close to the far right did not exclude a blitzkrieg though a positive one
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: just so we have this straight a somali cab driver had already repeatedly threatened to decapitate police officers earlier in the year yet he may still be driving a cab we re gonna go out on a limb here and speculate that this somali cab driver is a muslim and further speculate that he may even be a racist a st louis cab driver faces hate crime charges after attacking a man and saying he was going to kill him because you re white mahad abdinoor abdi from somalia threatened to decapitate police officers earlier this year a renegade cab driver now faces hate crime charges after reportedly attacking a man for being white mahad abdinoor abdi is the same suspect we exposed in a fox report after witnesses said he threatened to decapitate police officers these are extremely rare charges because prosecutors say hate crimes can be very hard to prove in this case according to this probable cause statement the victim reports that abdi attacked him wednesday only because the victim was white the cab commission revoked his license after abdi reportedly threatened to chop the heads off police officers he is already facing assault charges for threats abdi now faces two hate crime charges property damage and assault motivated by discrimination court documents say the victim did not know abdi he was sitting on the tailgate of his truck when abdi put him in a headlock and said he wanted to kill the victim because he was white in july we followed abdi for minutes in his unauthorized cab and tipped off cab commission investigators we were following him based on our tip they stopped him and stripped his cab plates abdi drove off that day without plates but with the unauthorized wilson taxi logos remaining it s unknown if he s still driving that vehicle today via gateway pundithere s a video of muslim nation immigrant advocate and democrat presidential candidate joe biden talking about his great relations with somali immigrant cab drivers
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: why do we even need a congress anymore we have a king and it appears the majority his council are there at his behest in fact why do we even need a constitution or elections chief obamatrade proponent house ways and means committee chairman rep paul ryan r wi admitted during congressional testimony on wednesday evening that despite tons of claims from him and other obamatrade supporters to the contrary the process is highly secretive he also made a gaffe in his house rules committee testimony on par with former speaker rep nancy pelosi s d ca push to pass obamacare in which she said infamously said we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it it s declassified and made public once it s agreed to ryan said of obamatrade in rules committee testimony on wednesday during questioning from rep michael burgess r tx what ryan is trying to convince house republicans to do is vote for trade promotion authority tpa which would fast track at least three highly secretive trade deals specifically the trans pacific partnership tpp the trade in services agreement tisa and the transatlantic trade and investment partnership t tip and potentially more deals right now tisa and t tip text are completely secretive and unavailable for even members of congress to read while tpp text is available for members to review although they need to go to a secret room inside the capitol where only members of congress and certain staffers high level security clearances who can only go when members are present can read the bill ryan s exchange in which he made this gaffe came as burgess who opposes obamatrade and rules committee chairman rep pete sessions r tx who stands with ryan supporting it were discussing the secrecy of the deal with him it came right after an incredible exchange where ryan attempted a ploy to try to save immigration provisions contained within the obamatrade package as a whole specifically tisa that were exposed by breitbart news earlier on wednesday a problem for which he put forward a phony non solution designed to get more votes for his obamatrade agenda but not stop the immigration provisions i would like to add and i stated this up front that the gentleman mr ryan worked well with not only myself but other members to address specific ideas concerns issues and you have done an outstanding job to make sure instead of saying well that s not a problem no i m not going to get into that you ve bent over backwards mr ryan sessions said i ve watched you do this and working with us whether it be a request from the united states senate that was done on a bipartisan basis or whether it be one of our members we have tried to work with those things this dr burgess this is why i can tout this agreement because we ve tried to go in whether it s the areas that i ve talked about foreign policy dispute resolution climate change sovereignty immigration currency transparency fast track presidential power and more that haven t previously been addressed we ve tried to thoughtfully articulate a good answer and mr ryan has done that most favorably and i think his articulation today is evidence of his knowledge of those parameters therein after sessions pitch burgess jumped back in to make another point and i appreciate all of that but again you read through this language down in the secret room and i welcome the day when people can read it burgess said before ryan cut him off by the way tpa it s declassified and made public once it s agreed to ryan said what ryan is technically referring to is that tpp will become public if tpa is agreed to but congress will lose much of its ability to have oversight over and influence on the process since tpp is in many respects already negotiated it s pages long and on fast track congress will only get an up or down vote and won t be able to offer amendments the senate vote threshold also drops down to a simple majority rather than normally having a vote threshold or in the case of treaties a vote threshold burgess then moved forward with his point but this is really tough sledding and it s not an area where i have a lot of familiarity and i m sorry burgess said the language as its written looks to me as if it is something that could be exploited i appreciate all the safeguards you ve tried to put in place and with this administration you can leave no stone unturned as far as putting in safeguards but i m not convinced that we again i can t get into the specifics of what i ve read because of the agreement that i signed downstairs but it concerns me and i ll just leave it at that and i ll yield back sessions then jumped in to say he and ryan are available to answer any questions about this matter whenever anyone wants yet sessions committee staff is publicly refusing to answer any detailed questions from breitbart news on obamatrade at this time i thank the gentleman sessions said in fact the gentleman mr levin is correct there will be some changes that have to go back to the united states senate but i would like to say with great confidence to my dear friend the gentleman from lewisville texas that if you still have reservations from your reading of anything i would encourage you to engage the gentleman mr ryan or myself dr burgess any time you d like i m available mr ryan s available we ve made ourselves available with specifics on the same level burgess noted how the process seeking fast track in the bush administration was much more transparent than it is now thank you mr chairman i promised to be on my best behavior today and i am really trying it took a long time for me to even be able to see the agreement down in the secret room even though i was willing to sign the release that said i wouldn t talk about it it took me a long time to get an audience with the u s trade representative burgess said it should not have done that ten years ago we did cafta sen rob portman r oh was in my office he lived there i couldn t get rid of him this time i couldn t get a it was an act of congress literally to get him to come and talk to my subcommittee on energy and commerce which is the subcommittee of commerce manufacturing and trade that s how difficult this has been so please i thank you for the work you ve done in trying to make this an open and fair process but my confidence in this administration has been and remains at an all time low and i appreciate what we ve heard today but i can t tell you that i m mollified by ryan then interrupted burgess again to argue that his concerns over the secrecy are why republicans should relent and support obamatrade all i would say is all the more reason to pass tpa ryan said first of all yes this administration is different and i can jump on the bash bandwagon better than anybody else as far as how they conduct themselves via matthew boyle breitbart news
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: google pinterest digg linkedin reddit stumbleupon print delicious pocket tumblr this entire election season has been insane and no one has broken it down like seth meyers has in his nightly segments a closer look on the eve of the election meyers decided to focus this segment on how the two candidates have handled their campaigns during the final stretch he took a few minor shots at hillary but the bulk of his time was spent incredulously trying to make sense out of what has gone on with trump during the last days in particular he also shares a highly entertaining clip of president obama s burns on trump while hillary clinton has been campaigning with mega stars like katy perry beyonce jay z bruce springsteen and lady gaga trump has scott baio trump couldn t seem to stop whining about hillary s celebrities all weekend even saying how horrible and inappropriate jay z s lyrics were yes this coming from the man who inspired the newest phrase p ssygate and had the likes of ted nugent grabbing his crotch and referencing his blue balls at a rally over the weekend after showing a clip of trump bitching about all of these a listers and saying he doesn t need them or their guitars and pianos seth had a message for the republican candidate that s okay i ve got an instrument for you donald the world s smallest violin meyers said it should be noted that with your hands it would be a regular size violin watch the entire segment below featured image via screenshot
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: david brock accused of elitist racism paul joseph a new email released as part of the wikileaks podesta dump features clinton ally brent budowsky accusing hillary operative david brock of having a plan that relied upon black voters being stupid the email sent to clinton campaign chairman john podesta and another clinton ally ceo roy spence centers around a discussion of a bernie sanders campaign ad which featured many black faces back in january clinton operative david brock caused consternation within the campaign when he publicly claimed that bernie sanders didn t care about black people budowsky is not impressed with brock s outburst writing in the email brock makes the cardinal mistake of those who bring politics into disrepute with voters he tells a lie that people will know is a lie and insults the intelligence of black voters with a kind of elitist racism that bill and hillary clinton should not be seen with i guess brock s plan is that black voters are stupid and will not watch the ad and believe his lie writes budowsky i cannot think of anything more desperate more stupid and more self destructive than david brock lying about the bernie ad and playing a seamy brand of the politics of race using the tactic of deceit on her behalf adds the the hill and huffington post columnist before offering to write a campaign ad for hillary to counter the bernie sanders ad the email once again underscores the clinton camp s paranoia about not being able to authentically connect with african american voters in a way that bernie sanders could some black voters have been reluctant to support clinton as a result of her support for a crime bill that resulted in the mass incarceration of young black americans whom hilary referred to at the time as super predators subscribe on youtube
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: catalonia s former leader carles puigdemont was spared custody on monday when a brussels court ruled he could remain at liberty in belgium until it had heard spanish charges against him of rebellion the court s decision means puigdemont who left spain last month after madrid fired his secessionist government and dissolved the catalan parliament is free to campaign for independence in an election in the region on dec puigdemont said on monday his government s actions were legitimate and criticized the spanish judicial system for a clear lack of independence and neutrality the december vote is shaping up to be a de facto independence referendum puigdemont s pdecat and another secessionist party said at the weekend they might run on a combined ticket but would need to make a decision on any formal alliance
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: state legislators in new hampshire narrowly blocked a bill on thursday that would have prohibited discrimination against transgender people including allowing them to use the public bathrooms that match the gender with which they identify transgender rights are a politically charged issue in the united states supporters say bills like the one blocked on thursday protect people who do not conform to their birth gender while opponents say they could give cover to voyeurs and sexual predators the vote by the republican controlled new hampshire house of representatives to table the bill without debate came one day after governor chris sununu also a republican said he had no position on the matter many democrats had supported the bill with sununu s support the bill which was tabled by a slim margin would be on its way to the corner office said ray buckley chairman of the new hampshire democratic party his silence and apathy are a tacit endorsement of discrimination and he will have to live with the fact that he denied many transgender people the freedom that is granted through equality under the law a spokesman for sununu whose father john sununu was a new hampshire governor and later white house chief of staff in the first bush administration did not immediately respond to a request for comment this was the latest in a string of defeats for transgender rights this week the u s supreme court on monday threw out a lower court ruling in favor of a virginia transgender student after president donald trump rescinded a policy put in place last year protecting such youths a texas senate committee on wednesday approved a bill that would require people to use public restrooms that match the gender on their birth certificates that measure is similar to one passed last year in north carolina which sparked boycotts that are estimated to have cost the state hundreds of millions of dollars due to economic concerns analysts do not expect the texas measure to pass the state house despite their dominance in new hampshire s government republicans in the state legislature do not unanimously support the party s national agenda last month state legislators blocked a bill that would have allowed employees in union represented jobs not to pay dues
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: few villagers living near a half built golf course in indonesia s west java province know the name donald trump and fewer still are aware that one of his firms will be managing a six star hotel and luxury resort in their backyard but in the capital jakarta a growing number of indonesians want the u s presidential candidate and his businesses banned from the world s most populous muslim majority nation after trump pledged to temporarily bar muslims from entering the united states if elected the anger simmering across the pacific is a likely preview of the strained relations a trump presidency could expect not only in indonesia but from the rest of the muslim world indonesia whose more than million muslims largely practice a moderate form of islam has close relations with the united states many indonesians think highly of president barack obama who spent part of his childhood in jakarta if trump continues his racist position it will bring danger to american assets hasanuddin a parliamentarian who is also a member of the assembly s commission overseeing foreign policy told reuters donald trump s arrogance could be harmful for u s citizens around the world fadli zon the deputy speaker of the house told reuters he would seek restrictions on u s trade and investment if trump became president the united states is indonesia s second largest export market worth about billion last year and is a popular study destination with children of the elite an online petition set up anonymously is urging indonesian president joko widodo to ban the billionaire and his businesses from the country and has received more than signatures donald trump doesn t want muslims of the world to enter the united states so we should do the same to him signatory ayu dyah wrote on the petition website condemn refuse and boycott every donald trump business and his affiliations we should prove that we have power widodo has not responded to the petition trump s comments on muslims have already provoked strong reactions elsewhere with british politicians in january debating barring the real estate tycoon from entering the country where he also has business interests the hostility toward trump could threaten his company s expansion efforts into southeast asia s largest economy indonesian lawmakers and government officials said it s just his statement hurts many people in this muslim majority country edy putra irawady indonesia s deputy chief economic minister told reuters surely it will be a black shadow for his business representatives for donald trump did not respond to requests for comment trump hotels collection last year announced a partnership with indonesia s pt media nusanta citra mnc to manage new luxury hotels on bali and in west java the trump unit s first foray into asia in bali one of asia s most popular holiday destinations trump hotels will operate a six star hotel built atop a cliff overlooking the indian ocean and tanah lot a popular sea temple located on a small rock formation mnc which will be building both resorts declined to comment on trump s politics business is business the implication for wider indonesia we have to see later said syafriel nasution corporate secretary of mnc group adding that he had not seen any damage to the company s brand due to its relationship with trump mnc group is controlled by billionaire hary tanoesoedibjo indonesia s richest person who also owns four national television stations and last year launched a new political party a senior member of muhammadiyah indonesia s second largest muslim organization said protests were possible if trump becomes president though none were yet planned indonesian muslims are very strongly united said abdul mu thi the group s secretary general if he is elected there will be a strong reaction from indonesian communities to any business that is run by donald trump in west java near where trump s golf resort will be built one villager said he had never heard of trump and wouldn t be protesting against him if we protest he will likely close his business said agus who owns a small mobile phone shop and for the time being earning money is hard additional reporting by kanupriya kapoor hidayat setiaji gayatri suroyo and yuddy cahya in jakarta editing by lincoln feast this article was funded in part by sap it was independently created by the reuters editorial staff sap had no editorial involvement in its creation or production
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: thursday on chicago s when asked by correspondent judy hsu if race relations have gotten better or worse during his tenure president barack obama said for the most part they had gotten better obama said you know i think that in some ways like everything else it s gotten better and in some ways we have surfaced tensions that were already there but are getting more attention look i came to chicago in in the middle of council wars between harold washington and eddie vrdolyak some of your viewers are too young to remember this stuff i promise you for the most part race relations have gotten better follow pam key on twitter pamkeynen
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: so the working people of america are basically supposed to sit back and watch bernie sanders and hillary compete to see who can pander to get more votes by promising americans and illegal aliens more free sh t with our hard earned money like healthcare education is a sclerotic overexpensive underperforming industry both have strong parallels they re dominated by government subsidies and controls though not entirely socialized they re perhaps the only growth industries in our moribund economy and they dominate the thought life of the nation as arnold kling and nick schulz pointed out in these are our foremost growth sectors the ones most central to employment and consumption the ones that increasingly drive our economy and it is in precisely these two sectors that the case for extensive government intervention and planning if not outright control is dominant and becoming ever more so if there is to be any hope of reversing this trend champions of market economics must come to see these two sectors as the front lines in the battle for capitalism at stake is not only an ideological or theoretical point but also american prosperity the historical record makes this clear in the nations where it was practiced government control of the old commanding heights of the economy made those industries less efficient and less innovative bringing overall economic performance down with them today hillary clinton is touting her plan for obamacare izing higher education competing democratic presidential candidates martin o malley and bernie sanders have already proposed essentially socializing college straight up clinton s proposal like obamacare is also collectivist and unjustified wealth redistribution but with a more complicated less direct crony capitalist flavor in other words it s not direct socialism but it might as well be by mucking around this way clinton gains the benefit of deception she can argue that both the left and the right by right she of course means the craziest of republicans not actual conservatives have proposed elements of her plan so she gets to smear her frankenstein with pretty bipartisan makeup and the average voter won t care because the average voter doesn t give jack about enslaving his children or other people s children to the unseen but growing monstrosity of federal debt as long as he gets feel goodies now regardless of whether they actually benefit anyone but it s still a frankenstein what does hillary clinton propose exactly before we get into the mud slinging let s do what most journalists do not and give some actual hard facts about clinton s proposal do any of you also scan news articles looking for actual facts instead of paid spokespeople s lying spin it s hard to find those isn t it the full proposal doesn t seem available probably so they can tweak its details in response to initial criticism reporters have gotten three fact sheets msnbc says inside higher ed kindly posted them a news summary of the major points under the plan which was outlined by clinton advisers on sunday about billion in grants would go to states that guarantee students would not have to take out loans to cover tuition at four year public colleges and universities in return for the money states would have to end budget cuts to increase spending over time on higher education while also working to slow the growth of tuition thought the plan does not require states to cap it nyt military veterans lower income students and those who complete a national service program like americorps would go to school for free in the clinton plan ap she would also expand income based repayment programs allowing every student borrower to enroll in a plan that would cap their payments at percent of their income with remaining debt forgiven after years ap student borrowers would be expected to work at least hours a week to contribute while their families would continue contributing under the current income based model clinton s plan would also expand a tax credit from to for families paying for college msnbc her campaign says she will create a dedicated fund for historically black colleges and universities and will expand americorps from to members msnbc mrs clinton would pay for the plan by capping the value of itemized deductions that wealthy families can take on their tax returns nyt so more income redistribution and more federal micromanagement because clearly central planners know better how to manage college costs than colleges and families topped off of course by what else playing self appointed robin hood against people who earn lots less money than she does envy and greed are our society s favorite sins after all federal meddling is the problem not the answerthe most expensive portion of clinton s proposal involves bullying states into following federal marching orders in order for them to receive cash the feds scooped from taxpayers for entire story the federalist
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: pinterest despite being acquitted by a federal jury tuesday bundy brothers ammon and randy still remain in jail the brothers as well as a number of other co defendants were acquitted in the case involving the occupation of the malheur national wildlife refuge the band of ranchers and farmers had commandeered the refuge at the start of the year to protest what they felt was the illegal seizure of land by the federal government after the standoff eventually ended in late january federal prosecutors charged them with conspiring to impede federal workers from their jobs as reported by fox news but as tuesday s news demonstrates the charges did not stick sadly for the bundy brothers however the story is far from over it turned out that the bundys still face charges in nevada stemming from a previous standoff this one at their father s ranch in ergo u s district judge anna brown could not release them instead she approved the u s marshals request to take them into custody when the marshals attempted that however a scuffle broke out between them and ammon bundy s lead attorney marcus mumford after the verdicts were read an attorney for group leader ammon bundy demanded his client be immediately released and repeatedly yelled at the judge u s marshals tackled attorney marcus mumford to the ground used a stun gun on him several times and arrested him mumford later explained to reporters what exactly had transpired also speaking with reporters another one of ammon s attorneys reportedly shared his belief that an acquittal would be achieved in the nevada case as well when the jury here hears the whole story i expect the same result attorney daniel hill reportedly told the associated press adding that he intended to ask for client s release from federal custody pending trial in nevada according to the oregonian the bundy brothers trial is set to begin feb their notorious father cliven bundy is slated to go on trial that day as well
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: fox news reporter mike tobin interviewed former new black panther leader malik shabazz who promised violence on the republican national convention malik shabazz from what i know many of the groups on the left mainly the white left and others i know for a fact that there s going to be the blocking of highways and there s going to be arrests and there s going to be some things i hear that s going to go on next week it s highly likely there s going to be arrests there s going to be tear gas it s going to be happening this is the same man who called police officers occupiers
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: the woman who wants to be the next democrat candidate for president is doing exactly what democrats do best these days expressing their desire to harm anyone who holds an opposing political view oh we know fake indian and us senator elizabeth warren was only kidding when she told a crowd that she would like to cut the republicans open after all she s just pandering to her base isn t that how the majority of democrats operate these days trash trump suggest violence against his supporters then talk about how intolerant republicans are in a discussion about the repeal of obamacare democrat elizabeth warren who is famous for lying on her application to harvard and university of pennsylvania about having cherokee and delaware indian heritage mocked the republicans attempt at offering americans a better option than the horribly failed government controlled health care that warren voted to support i hope they leave their bodies to science i would like to cut them open warren said during an event in chicago on saturday god what planet do they live on warren asked before sharing her wish to cut open their bodies warren then told the crowd she hoped republicans donated their bodies to science so she could cut them open when they died ladies and gentlemen introducing the the first native american presidential candidate for the future face of the democrat party lol
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: ron paul institute for peace and prosperity executive director daniel mcadams stated that donald trump s victory has proven the entire political class in washington and especially the mainstream media that does their bidding to be completely out of touch with the american people the victory of republican party candidate donald trump in the us presidential elections proves that washington s political class and the mainstream us media are completely detached from the actual us electorate ron paul institute for peace and prosperity executive director daniel mcadams told sputnik more than anything else donald trump s victory has proven the entire political class in washington and especially the mainstream media that does their bidding to be completely out of touch with the american people mcadams said according to mcadams over the course of the election the mainstream media has proven not to be independent resources seeking out inconvenient truths but rather a lapdog to the power elite earlier in the day trump won the us presidential elections despite most of the analysts and opinion polls predicting his defeat to democratic party nominee hillary clinton source
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: el mejor lugar para observar estrellas fugaces de ot selección de reseñas y recomendaciones de usuarios el mejor lugar para observar estrellas fugaces a sólo minutos de barcelona en sant just desvern el mirador de sant nicanor es un espectáculo para los amantes de las estrellas fugaces situado junto al antiguo plató donde se grababa operación triunfo es relativamente fácil observar a algún exconcursante arrastrado por la nostalgia y el éxito efímero nosotros tuvimos suerte y vimos un ramón de una idaira de y un chipper de melissa serrat una sombra de lo que fue hubo una época dorada en el gorgorito s en la que los intérpretes sentían la música lamentablemente eso pertenece al pasado gregorio se ha acomodado en los boleros más populares desde que se juntó con una chica más joven no transmite la pasión de antaño tampoco charo que interpretaba como nadie a paloma san basilio parece sentir la letra de juntos quizá el único que se mantiene fiel al espíritu gorgoritero sea sebas su tractor amarillo continúa siendo el símbolo de la barcelona divorciada jorge cardona estación de bicing de aribau diputació historia y tradición en el centro de la ciudad esta estación de bicicletas municipales fue una de las primeras en instalarse en la ciudad condal las mismas bicicletas estropeadas los mismos problemas para sacarlas acercarte allí te teletransporta automáticamente a los locos parece que en cualquier momento vaya a aparecer algún joven de la época con sus vaqueros y sus zapatillas con su iphone escuchando lo último de miley cyrus aaah those were the days my friend ramiro carmona
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: in natasha pierre the great comet of a rock opera on broadway adapted from a section of leo tolstoy s war and peace amber gray and lucas steele play hélène and anatole kuragin a pair of aristocratic siblings who are impervious to consequence and impossibly chic in their punk romantic in other words they were perfect casting for new york fashion week presuming they could get seats to a show a reporter s initial plan was to take them to raf simons s debut at calvin klein but with just seats in the house and no calvin klein available for them to wear the request was declined they almost didn t get into tory burch either until ms burch and her team agreed to dress ms gray and seat her with mr steele in the front row at her show tuesday morning which took place at the whitney museum in lower manhattan the company doesn t have a men s line and therefore couldn t outfit mr steele had so few people in the fashion industry read the rapturous reviews in the new york times variety and the hollywood reporter or could it be the source material if it was the latter ms gray could hardly blame them she hadn t read the classic novel when she and mr steele debuted as the scheming siblings in in its first off broadway production in when i first picked the book up i cheated and just read the section the show is based on ms gray said upon arriving at the whitney in a burgundy leather jacket from allsaints along with a smart looking tory burch guipure lace carolina dress and ankle boots from ms burch mr steele wore his own vintage black leather jacket with a borrowed burgundy and black shirt borrowed black slacks and borrowed black and red loafers from allsaints behind them was a stylist named michael fusco he s here to make sure we don t look like morons mr steele said with a glance as mr fusco adjusted his jacket collar on their way into the museum they ran into the veteran magazine editor and critic hal rubenstein whom mr steele had met over the summer at a charity gala i was at your benefit mr steele said i saw your show mr rubenstein said it was a wonderful evening a few minutes later a nervous mr steele and ms gray were introduced to anna wintour who had seen it too i saw it i loved it ms wintour said going on to marvel at how gloriously awful their characters managed to be in their seats the duo chatted about what it has been like to take part in a show that started small before settling at the imperial theater in times square both actors said they struggled for years before being cast in an early production of the great comet in ms gray who is and lives in brooklyn with her boyfriend and young son worked over the years for the jewelry company dinosaur designs mr steele who lives in harlem and is unmarried did everything from being a nanny to manning sample sales although he is in his he asked that his age not be printed given the quirky format of the show neither saw its ultimate commercial viability as the production took place in a faux supper club broke the fourth wall and featured dance numbers and progressive casting choices which is how ms gray who is black and mr steele who is white ended up playing biological siblings the audience often got inebriated and unruly ms gray said there was a little groping of the ladies she said and there was the famous incident when someone threw a cellphone mr steele said referring to the time in when kevin williamson a writer from national review earned plaudits among the cast for taking the device of a texting seatmate and hurling it into the distance yet here they were five years later being photographed by the fashion paparazzi still not exactly famous but not anonymous either around a m the muslin came up and the models began their march roxy music blared and ms gray joked with mr steele who noted the similarities to the opulence of the models and their characters in the great comet they re all kuragins she said like all fashion shows it was considerably shorter than a russian novel ten minutes later the pair headed over to meet ms burch who was holding court in a corner with a gaggle of editors thank you so much for coming ms burch said before apologizing for not having yet been to see them on broadway the three posed for pictures and then ms gray and mr steele exited onto the street and walked over to the nearby standard hotel for avocado toast there s no dairy in it right mr steele asked the waiter although the great comet has been on broadway just two months ms gray and mr steele have each performed it more than times in its various incarnations both said that next fall might be a good time for them to leave mr steele has had surgery and extensive physical therapy that he attributes to all the he does in the show it also gets exhausting he said playing one of those people who peaked in high school ms gray seemed more upbeat before departing the restaurant shortly before a m she recalled some advice she got early in her career if you stand in line long enough you will get served
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: news view articles first online academy for the visionary arts opens global press release october new online learning community explores art with the power to shape the future and integrate the wisdom of ancient cultures originally identified through claim your deepest desires with tonight s super moon in aries the full moon is a time for the most potent access to manifesting your dreams it is a time when your thoughts and emotions become magnetised to attract the exact reality that matches what you why did apple ban dash what are they so afraid of corporate technology giant apple has banned trailblazing digital currency dash from its app store what we should be asking is why is apple so threatened by dash other digital currencies such as finnish scientist spots great mystery at the bosnian pyramids a scientist from finland states he has found anomalies at the bosnian pyramids in visoko which cannot be explained as a natural phenomenon the ultimate proof these are man made structures a found noah s ark blueprints reveal the ark was round a clay tablet believed to be around year old details the material used in the construction of the ark and indicates noah s ark was in fact round the so called ark blueprints are among this transformational festival is creating real change by setting up sustainable communities oh how we love our transformational festivals for so many of us they have guided and shaped chapters of our lives inspiring us exposing our souls to new truths to incredible workshops art inspiration discover something hubble has just spotted mysterious plasma balls of unknown origin using the hubble space telescope nasa has detected massive flaming spheres traveling at a speed of thousand kilometers per hour these monstrous balls of melted plasma are located at a distance meet the eye a strange and nearly perfect circular island that moves in the middle of south america there is a strange and almost perfectly spherical island that moves on its own the landmass in the middle called the eye floats on a pond of clear and cold mindboggling facts about the ancient anunnaki according to numerous ancient texts and books written throughout the years hundreds of thousands of years ago before recorded history planet earth was visited by astronauts from an alien world scientists find a massive continent did sink in the distant past it turns out that there is a lost continent after all experts have found that half of the mass of eurasia and india is missing according to scientists half of the land surface that existed researchers decipher millenary manuscripts belonging to genghis khan researchers were able to decipher millenary manuscripts belonging to the great genghis khan the documents preserved in the museum date from the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries and include first online academy for the visionary arts opens global press release october new online learning community explores art with the power to shape the future and integrate the wisdom of ancient cultures originally identified through health wellness improve life are you fatigued ways to take back your adrenals when you take back your adrenals you take back your power i kid you not when i say that adrenal fatigue is the subject of a entire book the intricacies of how inter connected this issue eating black raspberries significantly lowers cardiovascular disease an extract found in black raspberries can significantly lower arterial stiffness a key measure of cardiovascular disease by preventdisease black raspberry rubus watch what happens when cannabis is injected into cancer cells this is mind blowing watch this mind blowing video as the active ingredient in marijuana thc kills cancer cells by mindbodysoulspirit since studies have shown that cannabis has anti tumor this is the most powerful natural antibiotic ever kills any infections in the body this master cleansing tonic is actually an antibiotic that kills gram positive and gram negative bacteria by healthcareaboveall the basic formula of this powerful tonic dates back to monsanto lobbyist panics when offered a glass of water after saying weedkiller is safe to drink what this monsanto lobbyist says about your water is shocking by nick meyer monsanto lobbyist dr patrick moore claims to be an ecological expert and is currently the frontman don t throw this banana part ever again this is why the health benefits of bananas are undeniable but it s not only the flesh that can boost your health the peel can do wonders too by healthyfoodteam although we normally throw banana spirituality universal patterns first online academy for the visionary arts opens global press release october new online learning community explores art with the power to shape the future and integrate the wisdom of ancient cultures originally identified through the sacred contribution of the mazatec shaman to the spiritual world there was a time when shamanic ceremonies played a key role in a society such rituals involved the consumption of different herbs under the supervision of the shaman who acted as a spiritual guide thou shalt not kill scorpions and smoketh them you might think that lighting up a spliff makes you cool but you re nowhere as hardcore or exposed to danger as afghanistan s dried scorpion smokers look we get it mankind needs its fix how to go on your first shamanic journey into the spirit world as days go by the way of the shaman is becoming more and more axiomatic if you feel that one day your path might include a shamanic journey consider these steps the most important thing understanding and preparing the magic mushrooms experience ingesting psychedelic mushrooms can provide without doubt a life changing experience but there are certain rules one has to follow in order to get the best out of their alluring effect when done psychedelic mushrooms a year old friend with an ancient history spanning over tens of thousands of years of human evolution psychedelic mushrooms are once again making a comeback hallucinogenic mushrooms also known as magic
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: barrel bomb the cataclysmic close of campaign by chris floyd well here we are at the bottom of the barrel under forty feet of slag in a few days time we ll know our fate the five alarm fire of trump rule oh how those police unions are chomping at the bit or the clinton age of hyper war oh how those neocons are chomping at the bit in either case the entrenched coagulation of corporate interests and war profiteers that have strangled the peace prosperity and prospects of the american people will not be budged an inch the change that people are so desperately hungry for so hungry that that some of them might well elect an establishment insider whose sinister clowning makes him appear to be a rebel will not come thus their bitterness will grow deeper more sour erupting more and more often in physical violence from militarized police against protestors from trump empowered racists if he wins or loses from extremist militias from angry maddened people on every side and of course there will be more much more of the horrific never ending globe spanning violence of the bipartisan terror war that churns on and on no matter who is sitting temporarily in the white house there s no use in pretending that s not what we face but there s also no use in pretending that this situation is somehow sui generis some terribly unlucky conflation of unforeseen circumstances coming together at this particular time it is in fact the culmination and embodiment of the deliberate choices of the most powerful forces in society the choices to enrich themselves beyond all reason and extend their military and economic dominance over the earth it doesn t matter that many if not most of the practitioners and functionaries of this system believe in its rightness it doesn t matter that brutal neoliberal nostrums and extremist imperial notions have become religious dogmas for those who see themselves as the meritocracy it doesn t matter if the leaders and factotums genuinely believe in the exceptionalism they preach or if they are cynical power seekers it doesn t matter if they actually believe their rapacious financial machinations are reflections of the natural law of the the market that will eventually benefit all or if they know themselves to be what they really are ugly souls disfigured by greed the end result has been the same a long series of deliberate choices by a bipartisan elite that have hollowed out the lives and communities and futures of millions of americans and created a living hell of war ruin and hatred over much of the earth this is a system that has delegitimized itself a system that has undermined its own institutions through its own actions it has rotted out the foundations of trust and reason which once upheld it some might say oh but there s been a decades long concentrated effort by right wing billionaires and corporate forces to foment ideological and religious extremism to undermine the legitimacy of secular government which might restrict their profiteering or let more people have a share in power and that s true but it s been accompanied at every step by the collusion and cowardice of the putative opposition the so called new democrats exemplified by the clintons jettisoned concern for the common good to embrace centrist and technocratic policies i e to adopt the neoliberal dogma that unbridled pursuit of private profit by a connected elites will somehow someday lead to general prosperity the idea that the party should fight to improve the lives of ordinary people in the here and now to fight for their quality of life in a genuine substantive way came to be seen as old hat a quaint and fusty notion of has beens and dreamers who didn t understand the way the world really worked a true savvy moderate knows you must compromise every ideal show yourself to be a willing and avid servant of the monied interests and the militarists in order to gain power so you can make a few cosmetic changes around the edges a few little social improvements here and there but only of course in partnership with private interests but never ever challenge the system at its core this is the only deal in town outright unvarnished right wing rule or simpering cowardly moderate management of a violent rapacious system that s been the choice on offer since that s the choice on offer today the only difference is that the system has metastasized to a monstrous degree over the years lacking any genuine opposition the system has grown more violent more rapacious establishment collusion and democratic cowardice finally and completely degraded and delegitimized the american electoral process years ago when the supreme court with two members who had direct family ties to the bush campaign stopped a recount that would have resulted in the actual winner of the election to take office this outrageous action was accepted by every single organ and institution of the american system with the momentary exception of the black congressional caucus whose members tried in vain to get a single democratic senator to challenge the result instead americans were encouraged to applaud the fact that power had changed hands without tanks in the street that is we were to celebrate that an actual coup d etat had taken place before our eyes without the slightest show of resistance once in place the coup regime staffed at the highest levels by extremists who a year before had publicly called for a vast militarization of american policy and society even if the public had to be galvanized by a new pearl harbor led the nation into a disastrous war based on false pretenses a vast crime that not only killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people but has led directly to unbridled turmoil extremism conflict and corruption around the world the elite supported coup regime instituted torture programs and death squads and launched an orgy of war profiteering unprecedented in world history the regime then presided over the worst economic collapse in generations not a single member of the regime was ever tried or even investigated at even the most preliminary level for a single crime committed during its time in power there were no high profile congressional investigations into the hideous carnage and ruin and instability they wrought not even a chilcot commission into the origins of the war as the uk belatedly launched instead the regime s leaders and top factotums were heaped with honors and wealth today their endorsement is eagerly sought and gained by the progressive democratic candidate for president in the desperate electorate turned to a figure presented to them as an outsider who would at last bring real change he had the trappings of difference a black man with a muslim name who spoke eloquently of peace and social justice who most people thought was far to the left but voted for him anyway but barack obama was of course a meritocratic centrist to his core riding an enormous wave of popularity and a strong congressional majority he proceeded to bail out wall street fraudsters and finaglers with tax money and create a health care system based on the plan of a rightwing think tank that prioritized corporate profit and probably killed the chance for a genuinely public health care system for generations if not for good he also doubled down on the terror war expanding it to more countries extended bush s death squads helped destroy nations like libya and yemen thus spawning more chaos and terror expanded illegal surveillance of the populace and the world to an extent beyond the wildest dreams of the stasi or kgb and after saving big money from itself and securing the guaranteed profits of the healthcare insurance corporate complex he spent most of his time on the domestic front trying to strike a grand bargain with republicans to cut social security and medicare again all hopes of any real change were thwarted so now the nation swings from being ready to embrace a perceived leftist to the brink of voting in a bellicose rightist as it seeks the genuine change no one will give them of course after the scorched earth tactics of bipartisan neoliberalism and the inevitable moral degradation and brutalization that comes from year after year after year of vicious aggressive war the choice for trump is more nihilistic it s as if people believe positive change is no longer possible so let s tear everything down and see what happens this is the actual open philosophy of the breitbart gang who are now directing trump s campaign even if clinton wins this nihilism will still be rampant and given that she happily embodies the bipartisan establishment now roundly despised on all sides for its many depredations the nihilism will grow even worse especially as she has given no indication whatsoever that she will even try to make substantive changes in the neoliberal militarist system that is strangling us quite the contrary so yes this has been a campaign like no other but mostly because it has brought the systematic decay of the republic into the sharpest possible relief and has shown more clearly than before that the neoliberal militarist ascendency offers no hope for a better life a better world indeed that it offers nothing at all except more violence more bitterness more ruin more degradation for us all chris floyd blogs at www chris floyd com
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: the white house said on tuesday it believes it is important for congress to raise the u s federal debt ceiling promptly to ensure that we have robust economic growth and promote fiscal discipline the trump administration believes it s important to raise the debt ceiling as soon as possible said white house spokeswoman sarah sanders
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: next prev swipe left right a very accurate pisstake of craft beer culture if you want a nice pint of bishops bellend or something to eat served out of a vintage ambulance in the vaping section in the back this craft beer knob knows just the place
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: uefa investigates ukrainian team for possible doping
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: barack hussein obama has not exactly done a stellar job convincing america he s a christian he spent his entire career as christian in a church that preached hate against america and the white man his own preacher the racist reverend wright admitted that obama only became a christian to help himself become better integrated with the people who he was trying to embed himself with as a community organizer even the casual observer couldn t help but notice that while obama s been in office he s done everything but backflips to defend the islamic faith while bashing christianity bill o reilly shared photos of barack obama in traditional islamic dress on his program wednesday night claiming they were from his half brother malik s wedding the fox news host said it was very difficult to verify the exact location of the photographs a similar set of which were first released back in by malik and previously published on dailymail com but claimed they were taken in maryland in the early according to his half sister barack obama attended his half brother s wedding in the early malik obama was a muslim said o reilly the factor has obtained pictures allegedly from that wedding which we believe was held in maryland malik was married in for the first time and president obama was his best man at that ceremony he now has multiple wives o reilly used the photos in a monologue alleging the president s deep emotional ties to islam have stopped him effectively combating isis while also saying he believes the photos prove that president obama is not a devout christian he did this while attacking president obama hours after he revealed he would not be withdrawing troops from afghanistan saying president obama as we all know will not even use the words islamic terrorism again today when telling the nation that america will maintain eight thousand troops in afghanistan the president did not accurately describe the situation there putting forth that it was more about politics than islamic terror o reilly claims the president obama s failure to identify the terrorist threat facing america has allowed isis to run amok in the middle east a mistake he claims the commander in chief will not acknowledge there is no question the obama administration s greatest failure is allowing the islamic terror group isis to run wild murdering thousands of innocent people all over the world including many muslims said o reilly mr obama has never never acknowledged that mistake nor does he define the isis threat accurately that group is killing innocent people in order to impose a radical version of islam on the world the jihad is solely based on theology perverted as it may be obama s refusal to use the phrase islamic terrorism preferring instead to say militants or simply terrorists has long been a sore spot for his republican detractors including donald trump o reilly also said of obama after sharing the photos i believe he s a christian i m not one of these guys who says he s a muslim but i don t think he s a devout christian he went on to say during the program i base my analysis on the fact that in my opinion and i could be wrong but i m not president obama s sympathetic treatment of muslims put the country in danger because he has not elevated the risks that we have to the level it should be and he allowed isis to be created because of his foolish decision to withdraw troops in iraq and to pretty much run wild for five years so another president angry about the jihad would not have done that o reilly s guest obama from promise to power author david mendell jumped in at that point to say i think president obama is very sympathetic to all cultures all religions he grew up in a multiplicity the host cut him off though to ask is that good for a commander in chief to be very sympathetic to all cultures and all beliefs when thousands of people are being murdered o reilly then closed out the segment by stating he s the commander in chief of the united states and his main charge is to protect us it s not main charge as to be touchy feely to all different cultures via daily mail
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: maybe you ve finally heard by now that a mosque in bloomington minnesota was bombed early saturday morning maybe it seemed confusing as it was being reported because nobody was calling it what it actually was an act of terrorism aimed at a church in fact you were hard pressed to find anyone even calling it a hate crime despite the fact that it clearly was everything about the incident added up to exactly what america would have called a terrorist attack if it had been committed by muslims instead of against them in the new york times report details included the fact that congregants has just begun to gather for morning prayers the fact that the bomb was thrown into the imam s pastor s room and the fact that one worshiper ran outside at the sound of the explosion just in time to see a truck speeding out of the parking lot just everything you might need for a terrorist attack maximum presence a specific target and a fleeing suspect when news hit the wire that it was carried out with an improvised explosive device an ied in the parlance of middle east wars you d think that would draw some response from the president of the united states a terrorist attack on a church using a weapon you might find in the desert of iraq condemnation from every republican in washington right not so much apparently there was a terrorist bombing in minnesota today take one guess why trump has said nothing about it https t co mark follman markfollman august i miss trump s statement of concern for the victims of this bombing and members of the mosque does he care https t co marty parrish martyparrish august bombed a mosque in minnesota recently you probably didn t hear about this because mainstream media likes to demonize muslims brown saraah brownsaraah august took until sunday before someone finally called it a terrorist attack and it was minnesota s own democratic governor mark dayton who used the appropriate language he visited the dar al farooq mosque with a cadre of other public officials and was devastated by the sight what a terrible dastardly cowardly act was committed it is a criminal act of terrorism but muslims across the country surely know that trump s silence on the issue is quite purposeful he s made it very clear that his aim since before he even secured the republican nomination was to curtail muslim entry into the us to marginalize them and monitor them as though their very presence were terrorism in itself every attack inside the us that is perpetrated by a muslim whether it is related to religion hate crimes or simply random is immediately branded terrorism but crimes against them are never looked at in the same light we must support our muslim brothers and sisters across this country and never allow them to be marginalized the way trump and his fellow republicans want them to be if we don t hold the terrorist responsible for this attack to the same account we would demand of a muslim attacker we are no better than the trump fans across the country who were no doubt secretly glad that it happened featured image via spencer platt getty images
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: listen to the first min segment of this new fortnightly podcast on the qt hosted by patrick henningsen this new show brings together a number of news stories not covered on the sunday wire as well as additional deep state and geopolitical analysis covering key international events as we read between the headlines this week julian assange is about to drop another wiki bomb on the clinton family s drive to power what s behind it the motivations and will it derail the clinton political machine we ll also look at how rigid politically correct regimes transforming university campus life listen to episode part min sec for free on the audio player below enjoy the show to hear part one of episode click hereif you like it and would like to hear the full episode as well as enjoy all our premium content for members subscribe and become a member tv
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: ibtihaj muhammad is on the olympic fencing team for the united states she s also a muslim and before even competing has one olympic record she is the first american to compete while wearing a hijab muhammad is also an advocate for acceptance of muslims in america so of course she s no fan of donald trump who wants to ban all muslims from the united states there s just one okay several problem muhammad is native to her new jersey home she has no other country to go back to naturally in a cnn interview she had some harsh words for the republican nominee i think his words are very dangerous muhammad who is competing in team sabre competition monday morning told cnn last week when these types of comments are made no one thinks about how they really affect people i m african american i don t have another home to go to my family was born here i was born here i ve grown up in jersey all my family s from jersey it s like well where do we go source washington posther goal is more than about seeing that trump is never elected though she wants to change the public s view of muslims i m hopeful that in my efforts to represent our country well as an athlete that they change the rhetoric around how people think and perceive the muslim community she told cnn here s the video not surprisingly she has long been a critic of trump beginning with this tweet last december friends don t let friends like trump ibtihaj muhammad ibtihajmuhammad december another interview muhammad was asked about trump by a new jersey com reporter her sarcastic answer was who she did say this though that s the gift and the curse of social media you hear from young women all the time but you also hear from the haters muhammad said but i want people to know that as hard as they ve been on me they don t even come close to what we saw in the shooting in north carolina or the rhetoric around the khan family at the democratic national convention it s ridiculous we as a country have to change and i feel like this is a moment unfortunately for muhammad after winning her first round the eighth ranked fencer lost to her ninth ranked opponent from france featured image via dylan buell at getty images
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: there are doubts that lisa case was a fake no german court ruling has punished russian media outlet for lying german police covered up this and similar cases for various reasons the more they get involved in cover ups the more they will be blamed for fearing to tell the truth that this sometimes happens to newly arrived refugees
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: paul d ryan is a bit of a control freak each day should have a similar rhythm each meeting should begin on time each day should end like the day before all of which makes his new job as speaker of the house overseeing a raucous caucus of republicans an odd fit for this very type a personality this past week was an early test i m really kind of into routines so i m still working on getting a routine established ryan r wis told reporters thursday in a roundtable discussion ryan whose german mother instilled a rigid discipline in him can t even get over the fact that the speaker by tradition skips most house votes to conduct more meetings in office suites off the chamber floor i just like having routines and i can get more done that way with three weeks under his belt as speaker ryan has learned that the routine business of congress can turn on a dime for almost any reason he s aware that his words carry more weight now and he s aware that some weeks he s not going to be able to live up to his promises of letting the house conduct business in a completely transparent fashion one week he was promoting a wide open free flowing system of dozens of amendments for a highway funding plan winning an impressive bipartisan vote the next week brought the exact opposite with a rushed bill to tighten safety requirements for syrian refugees in the wake of terrorist attacks in paris no committee considered the legislation no amendments were allowed and the bill was made public about hours before it was voted on by the house that inflicted whiplash on some lawmakers but it demonstrated that ryan understands that the ultimate judgment of his tenure will be based on results as much as if not more than the process used to achieve those results in the minute session ryan said that the decision to rush the legislation which calls for tighter screenings of refugees before they can be admitted was actually driven by the lawmakers themselves despite their repeated outcries for an open process once they saw the impact of terrorism in paris lawmakers reverted to their most basic political instinct and demanded that something be approved before they left thursday for a day recess over the thanksgiving holiday most members said we need to act before we leave we need to act before the recess ryan said people came from intelligence briefings saying you need to do something so ryan obliged setting up a process he admitted was outside the realm of regular order and scored a big political win getting more than a two thirds majority enough to overrule a presidential veto he said that with so much fear of terrorist attacks the public just needed to see congress get something done if we had a free for all on the floor who knows what the outcome would be and i think that the country is very worried and the country wants to see us doing something he said but he also ran into some familiar partisan turbulence despite ryan s assertion to have consulted democrats the ranking democrat on the homeland security committee said he had no part in the legislation and described it as a gotcha bill that will not make the nation any safer we probably say things to get where we are position wise rep bennie thompson miss said after thursday s vote during which nearly democrats rejected white house pleas and voted with ryan but once we get there it s not nearly as easy to govern with new rules as we thought the high profile victory was an odd one for a new speaker who has staked so much of his reputation on advancing deep policy proposals eschewing so called show votes that are more designed to protect political flanks back home even ryan said that the real concern for national security was a visa waiver program that lacks proper protocols and the emerging threat of homegrown terrorists inspired by overseas events and that those threats could make their way across the atlantic ocean common sense and prudence dictate that we be on higher alert and that we cannot assume that paris was a one and done event he said house minority whip steny h hoyer d md mocked ryan s quick turnaround to flush a bill through the house so quickly suggesting that the increasingly conservative tone of the republican presidential primary campaign would reflect the congressional dysfunction and boost democrats in next year s elections some gop presidential hopefuls called for a full stop of any syrian refugees while some also called for allowing only christian refugees the speaker said that his motivations were based on what he heard from house republicans on capitol hill i don t even know all of their positions to be candid he said of the presidential aspirants i ve been busy doing my job the speaker s newly fumigated office the smoke filled paint left behind by camel smoking john a boehner was chipped off the carpet cleaned multiple times has proven to be comfortable in the early days it smells better in here ryan joked but once congress returns after thanksgiving ryan s routine will revert to what the speaker dismissively calls the chores passing a compromised version of the highway bill through the house and senate approving a new k education program and finally by dec a massive funding plan for federal agencies each of these issues is either many months or many years behind schedule so ryan views them as cleaning up other leaders messes they will again test his ethos for opening up the house a demand from the conservative flank that so bedeviled boehner he became only the second speaker to resign midterm in the past years he claims to be one of those far right conservatives that he is of their ilk and not trying to force them to bend to his will you have to understand i come from the conservative wing of the party i m a movement conservative who comes from this part of our party people know that you know so a lot of these guys are pretty good friends of mine he said if only he can figure out a routine again he might make it work time management has always been challenging it s just even more challenging he said shaking his head i m really weird about time management and punctuality and i just want to make sure i can stay on top of those things
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: you re gonna be so proud of your country we re gonna win so much we re gonna win at every level we re gonna win so much you may even get tired of winning you may even get so tired of winning and you ll say please please it s too much winning we can t take it anymore mr president it s too much candidate donald trump may trump tweeted about an exciting new opportunity for us cattle farmers as china lifts year ban on american beef imports after years u s beef hits chinese market trade deal an exciting opportunity for agriculture during his senate hearing to be confirmed as ambassador to china then gov terry branstad said he would prefer to serve iowa beef not cuts from australia at the u s embassy there he won t get that wish yet but the prime rib he slices into friday when joined in beijing by u s department of agriculture secretary sonny perdue and chinese government officials to ceremonially mark the return of u s beef to china after a year ban will be from closer to home nebraska the meat shipped last week by a south omaha meatpacker was reported to be the first shipment of u s beef to china since after officials sealed a long sought trade deal this month this is a big deal it s definitely very positive news said lee schulz an iowa state university extension livestock economist but schulz cautioned overcoming the political hurdles that had prevented u s beef exports to china over fears associated with mad cow disease are only the first step it will be some time before american beef becomes it s what s for dinner for nearly billion chinese he described the chinese market for u s beef as in its infancy in terms of its impact on iowa and u s producers and processors the market today is very different from according to chris freland executive director of the iowa beef industry council still what she saw while visiting china earlier this year makes her believe u s beef producers have an exciting opportunity to move into the chinese market there are a lot of people there and a rising middle class who can add beef to their diet she said china is projected to become the largest beef market in the world and a major destination for u s beef products according to american farm bureau federation economist katelyn mccullock adding to the market potential is china s changing taste mccullock said in much of the market there was offal tongues kidneys and livers for example today there has been demand for higher value muscle cuts or steak before china closed the door on u s beef it imported million worth of beef annually with the united states supplying percent of that today china imports about billion worth of beef every year last year chinese beef imports totaled tons and demand is expected to increase ninefold in four years so if we can even have a portion of that coming back for iowa producers that s a celebration for producer profitability freland said for entire story the gazette
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: nairobi kenya kenyan consumers have long suspected a little monkey business when it comes to their power bills but the news making its way around the country on wednesday was almost too much to believe a nationwide blackout that knocked out lights severed internet service and paralyzed countless businesses for more than three hours on tuesday was caused by a monkey the electricity company announced the monkey which appeared to be of the vervet species with a collar of white fur climbed onto the roof of the gitaru power station and fell or jumped onto a transformer the transformer tripped which in turn tripped other machines at the hydroelectric power station setting off a nationwide blackout the kenya electricity generation company or kengen said kengen power installations are secured by electric fencing which keeps away marauding wild animals the company said we regret this isolated incident and the company is looking at ways of further enhancing security at all our power plants the monkey survived and was given to kenya s wildlife services kengen said the company posted a photograph on facebook showing the animal on the transformer crouching shyly vervet monkeys which are usually about two feet long not including the tail can be pesky creatures they can be seen everywhere in kenya and they often travel in packs scampering along power lines snacking on mangoes in backyards and even sneaking into kitchens through open windows to pinch a banana or two kengen which has been criticized over what some call kenya s high electricity costs said late tuesday that the failure had been fixed some homes in nairobi were still without power on wednesday
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: october another unesco vote to disregard jewish connection to jerusalem in recent days the israeli ministry of foreign affairs has acted to achieve the support of the countries to vote against the expected condemnations but sources in jerusalem say that the results are already clear and the committee will almost certainly pass the draft resolution against israel according to those same sources the reason for this is that troublesome composition of unesco s world heritage committee countries like germany colombia and japan who were part of the committee last year left and have been replaced by notoriously anti israeli countries like kuwait lebanon and indonesia prime minister benjamin netanyahu addressed the scheduled vote and said this is the continuation of the theatre of the absurd who s really deserving of condemnation is unesco s world heritage committee not israel
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: former new york mayor and right wing puppet rudy giuliani stepped in on wednesday to defend trump after his let s say controversial remark that second amendment people should assassinate hillary clinton on good morning america giuliani dumbsplained that the donald couldn t have possibly threatened clinton because the crowd didn t cheer loudly enough we know donald trump is not particularly indirect giuliani told george stephanopoulos if donald trump was going to say something like that he d say something like that hillary wants to abolish essentially abolish the second amendment by the way if she gets to pick if she gets to pick her judges nothing you can do folks although the second amendment people maybe there is i don t know trump said on tuesday echoing right wing rhetoric typically associated with dealing with political enemies but i tell you what that will be a horrible day if hillary gets to put her judges in right now we re tied for years conservatives have accused president obama and hillary clinton of attempting to strip guns from the hands of americans calling for the assassination of both political figures as the only way to deal with the perceived problem the need to murder the president and former first lady is a sentiment echoed by many of trump s followers especially the second amendment people and one trump himself seems to have adopted in his rhetoric this is something giuliani clearly recognizes however he says that trump didn t say the thing he said because the enthusiastically hateful crowd didn t cheer loudly enough you know how speeches go he was talking about how they have the power to keep her out of office that s what he was talking about with a crowd like that if that s what they thought he d meant they d have gone wild trump fans have repeatedly called for the former first lady s arrest and execution at his rallies with the donald and other speakers egging them on since clinton has done nothing illegal and can not be imprisoned assassination is left as the only option for many of them including trump who projected a message of hopelessness clearly intended to encourage gun nuts to take action on his behalf the threat was so serious that the secret service has made the unprecedented move of commenting on the clear federal offense via trump s favorite platform twitter the secret service is aware of the comments made earlier this afternoon u s secret service secretservice august former top secret service official told time that if he was still with the agency he would contact someone on trump s campaign staff to have a conversation about whether he understands the consequences of that rhetoric it will be interesting to see how this plays out if everything happens as it should trump could be the first presidential candidate to be simultaneously protected by and investigated by the secret service watch giuliani s insane remarks below featured image via screengrab
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: rick santorum withdrew from the race for the u s republican presidential nomination on wednesday and said he would endorse senator marco rubio in the race for the white house santorum a year old former u s senator from pennsylvania won the iowa caucuses four years ago but managed only percent of the vote in the iowa contest on monday santorum in an appearance on fox news announcing his withdrawal and endorsement of rubio called the florida senator a tremendously gifted young man and a born leader he said rubio can bring this country together not just moderates and conservatives but young and old rubio finished third in monday s iowa caucuses the first contest in the state by state battle to decide who will be the republican nominee in the november presidential election u s senator ted cruz of texas finished first in iowa putting a dent in real estate tycoon donald trump s standing as the republican front runner santorum s withdrawal leaves nine republican candidates in the white house race with the next contest in new hampshire on tuesday u s senator rand paul of kentucky announced earlier on wednesday he was suspending his campaign after a fifth place finish in iowa a favorite of the christian right santorum announced his white house bid in may with an eye on economic issues he campaigned on a promise to boost the middle class eliminate the internal revenue service and crack down on illegalimmigration santorum won a reputation as a strong social conservative in congress where he opposed same sex marriage and the teaching of evolution in schools reporting by eric beech additional reporting by mohammad zargham editing by cynthia osterman sap is the sponsor of this content it was independently created by reuters editorial staff and funded in part by sap which otherwise has no role in this coverage
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: gaza city palestinians reacted with anger and bafflement on wednesday after the trump administration apparently backed away from insisting that having two states one for israelis one for palestinians was the only viable solution to the middle east conflict saeb erekat chief negotiator for the palestinians raised the specter of apartheid and called for concrete measures in order to save the solution a white house official in remarks to reporters on the eve of president trump s meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu of israel on wednesday said the trump administration would not push the solution an apparent retreat from decades of american policy in his news conference with mr netanyahu in washington on wednesday mr trump directly broke with diplomatic tradition on the issue by saying his concern was the deal not whether that included a state for palestinians i m looking at two states and one state mr trump said i like the one that both parties like i can live with either one some palestinians and middle east experts reacted with alarm saying that such a policy change would undercut the chances already slim of progress toward reconciliation between the two sides this is going to give israel a free hand to do what it wants said mosheer a amer an associate professor at the islamic university here in gaza city at least obama had some control over netanyahu israel captured and occupied the west bank and east jerusalem years ago in and the status of the former jordanian territories has been a source of conflict ever since so has the gaza strip which had formerly been administered by egypt many palestinian leaders especially those in the west bank hold strongly that a solution is the only acceptable resolution of the conflict there is also considerable diplomatic weight behind the goal of having two viable states living in peace side by side in december with the obama administration s tacit support the united nations condemned israeli settlements on occupied land as obstacles to the solution but lately the chances of achieving it have been dimming many israelis and palestinians have begun to doubt whether it is possible or even desirable many israelis argue that the palestinians in the west bank and gaza are too divided among themselves to ever be able to permanently accept two states some in the israeli right advocate annexing all or part of the west bank and some rightists warned mr netanyahu not to raise the possibility of two states in his meeting with mr trump at the same time many palestinians say the line has already been crossed that israeli settlements have already eliminated the possibility of creating a contiguous palestinian state instead they advocate a single state encompassing both israel and the occupied territories a secular state where palestinians and israelis would live together with equal rights at a news conference on wednesday in the west bank mr erekat said the only alternative to what he called mr netanyahu s apartheid vision was one single secular and democratic state with equal rights for everyone christians muslims and jews on all of historic palestine that is opposed by many israelis who want israel to remain a jewish state some israelis say that the deep divisions between the palestinian factions that control the west bank and gaza are another reason that it will be impossible to reach an agreement on two states the fatah faction in the west bank has tried to cooperate with the israeli authorities on some levels while hamas the group that has controlled gaza since is more actively hostile to israel hazim kassim a spokesman for hamas said on wednesday what trump said is new but whatever he says we in hamas still believe that resistance is the only way to liberate our lands from the israeli occupation it is now clear that the u s has provided a cover for aggression occupation and the confiscation of palestinian land he continued the u s is never serious when it comes to palestinians human rights
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: wow the liberal supreme court s really making their views known with the past few decisions thank goodness for the aclj and all the good work they do this afternoon the supreme court of the united states ordered to stay the fifth circuit s ruling upholding the common sense abortion restrictions passed by texas in in a vote with chief justice roberts justice scalia justice thomas and justice alito dissenting the court granted the application to stay the circuit decision as the new york times reports the supreme court on monday allowed nine texas abortion clinics to remain open while the justices consider whether to hear an appeal from a decision effectively ordering them to close the case concerns two parts of a state law that imposes strict requirements on abortion providers one requires all abortion clinics in the state to meet the standards for ambulatory surgical centers including regulations concerning buildings equipment and staffing the other requires doctors performing abortions to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital other parts of the law took effect in causing about half of the state s abortion clinics to close if the contested provisions take effect abortion rights advocates said the number of clinics will again be halved the associated press has more details the supreme court order will remain in effect at least until the court decides whether to hear the clinics appeal of the lower court ruling not before the fall the court s decision to block the regulations is a strong indication that the justices will hear the full appeal which could be the biggest abortion case at the supreme court in nearly years the aclj is mobilizing all of our resources to continue to support texas as it stands up for the health of women and the lives of unborn babies at the fifth circuit we filed an amicus brief detailing the dangers of unregulated abortion and the abortion industry s deceptions we are preparing to file briefs at the supreme court to vigorously defend this pro life law and aggressively protect the lives of thousands of unborn babies and women in need our pro life advocacy is vital in defending the constitutional rights of pro life crisis pregnancy centers protecting the health of women and children and urging congress to be a voice for the voiceless via aclj
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: washington jeffrey m lacker the president of the federal reserve bank of richmond in virginia resigned abruptly on tuesday saying that he had broken the fed s rules in by speaking with a financial analyst about confidential deliberations mr lacker said he also failed to disclose the details of the conversation even when he was questioned directly in an internal investigation the confession and resignation shed light on a nearly mystery in october medley global advisors a firm that tracks policy developments for financial investors sent a note to its clients describing previously undisclosed details of the fed s plans for a new phase in its campaign the information was potentially valuable to investors who could have made money by anticipating the market s reaction when the fed s plans were publicly disclosed the fed conducted an inconclusive investigation into the source of the leak the commodity futures trading commission opened an insider trading investigation and referred the matter to the united states attorney s office in manhattan which then began a criminal investigation two people briefed on the matter said but the investigation stalled in the past couple of years one of the people said as the various government authorities sought to resolve the matter negotiations heated up about six weeks ago the statute of limitations on the case was due to expire in the fall mr lacker decided to announce his resignation after being told by the authorities that they had completed their investigation into his role a lawyer representing him said dr lacker has cooperated with the department of justice and has been informed that no charges will be brought and that the investigation as to him is complete said the lawyer richard cullen a partner at mcguirewoods mr lacker has a doctorate in economics from the university of wisconsin the fed s office of the inspector general said tuesday that its investigation also was now complete it is not clear whether any other investigations are in progress the episode occurred after the fed said in september that it would begin to accumulate mortgage bonds until job growth improved substantially a new chapter in its campaign to stimulate economic growth in the aftermath of the financial crisis on oct a day before the fed released an account of its deliberations regina schleiger a medley analyst sent a note to clients saying the fed was likely to announce in december that it would buy treasuries too the note also said that fed officials were considering a statement that the central bank would not raise interest rates before the unemployment rate fell below a threshold of percent the information was accurate and valuable on the day ms schleiger published her memo the yield on the benchmark treasury was percent after the fed s official account was published the next day the benchmark yield rose to percent on the day investors who saw the memo titled fed december bound could have profited by anticipating that movement mr lacker said tuesday in his statement issued by mcguirewoods rather than the richmond fed that he had not provided any confidential information about the fed s deliberations to ms schleiger whom he did not name instead he said that ms schleiger mentioned the information and that he had failed to make clear that he could not comment the next day after seeing ms schleiger s memo mr lacker said i realized that my failure to decline comment on the information could have been taken by the analyst in the context of the conversation as an acknowledgment or confirmation of the information he added i deeply regret the role i may have played after the leak the c f t c pursued an investigation under its eddie murphy rule this rule was a nod to mr murphy s movie trading places which humorously exposed the legality of insider trading in commodities in the act adopted some restrictions on federal employees intentionally providing nonpublic government information to help other people trade in certain markets yet the investigation stalled as the agency and manhattan federal prosecutors were unable to serve a subpoena on medley because it considers itself to be a news organization the people briefed on the matter said the justice department generally avoids issuing subpoenas to news organizations separate from the insider trading rules the fed had announced a new policy in restricting contact between policy makers and market intelligence firms like medley which traded on the perception that analysts had access to inside information officials were instructed to avoid conversations that might contribute to such impressions mr lacker said tuesday that in speaking with ms schleiger he may have violated this policy too regardless of the contents of the conversation he acknowledged speaking with her multiple times mr lacker was the member of the fed s committee he became president of the richmond fed in august he had previously announced that he planned to resign in october the richmond fed said it would continue to search for a new president and that its first vice president mark l mullinix would lead the bank in the interim mr lacker was not a voting member of the fed s policy committee this year the fed has sought to limit leaks in recent years both by sharing more information with the public and by tightening its communications policies in a statement the fed said we appreciate the diligent efforts made to bring this matter to its conclusion
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: newark gov chris christie of new jersey knew that three of his top officials were involved in a plan to shut down lanes leading to the george washington bridge as it was happening and that the closings were intended to punish a local mayor for declining to support him federal prosecutors said on monday the assertion was an unexpected and startling beginning to the trial of two former christie administration officials charged with closing the lanes in and then covering it up and it was a surprising claim because of the side of the courtroom it came from as lawyers made opening statements defense lawyers have long argued that mr christie a republican and his top advisers were well aware of the lane closings and that they directed the as they tried to protect the governor s political aspirations saying their clients were thrown under the presidential bus as one lawyer argued on monday but this was the first time a prosecutor had pointed a finger at mr christie and it directly contradicts the governor s statements in the three years since the lanes were mysteriously closed paralyzing the borough of fort lee n j mr christie a former top federal prosecutor in new jersey has consistently denied that he knew about the lane closings as they unfolded and argued that the united states attorney s office had exonerated him when it declined to indict him along with the defendants now standing trial the prosecutor speaking for the united states attorney s office said that two of the alleged in the case david wildstein and bill baroni had bragged to the governor about the lane closings at a memorial service for the sept terrorist attacks on the third day of the closings and that they had been done to mess with mayor mark sokolich of fort lee a democrat because he had declined entreaties to endorse the governor s mr baroni and bridget anne kelly who were close allies of mr christie are the two defendants in the trial mr wildstein and mr baroni boasted to mr christie that panicked phone calls from mr sokolich pleading that the lane closings were a public safety emergency were deliberately being ignored the prosecutor said the prosecutor vikas khanna quickly moved to quell any curiosity the jury might have about why mr christie was not charged in the plot the evidence may show that others could have should have perhaps known certain aspects of what was going on in fort lee he said perhaps you will even wonder what happened to those people but at the end of this case the only issue for you to decide is whether bridget kelly and bill baroni are guilty of the crimes with which they are charged beyond a reasonable doubt that s it defense lawyers quickly seized on his comments in their own opening statements michael critchley a lawyer for ms kelly a former deputy chief of staff to mr christie said we know who they re talking about they re talking about governor christie they re talking about kevin o dowd mr o dowd was the governor s chief of staff at the time of the closings a spokesman for mr christie brian murray responding to the prosecutor s assertion referred reporters on monday to statements the governor made in in which he said he had not known about the plan to close the lanes mr murray declined to address whether the governor knew about the closings while they were happening the office of the united states attorney paul j fishman declined to comment on why the governor was not charged but mr fishman has said in the past that merely knowing is not a federal crime mr christie was intimately woven into the story both sides told in the packed courtroom on monday prosecutors and defense lawyers alike described an administration tightly controlled by the governor one that worked with his campaign to trade favors for endorsements the governor was trying to win a big and broad margin of victory and to win over democratic mayors like mr sokolich so he could make the case that he was the republican best able to win the white house mr khanna said mr baroni covered up the lane closings because this was something that was important to trenton he added trenton the governor s office mr baroni s lawyer michael baldassare later told the jury it would be hearing a lot about trenton trenton trenton trenton trenton is the governor he said let s make no mistake open a dictionary trenton the governor the details of the plot that mr khanna laid out are largely familiar by now that ms kelly sent an email in august saying time for some traffic problems in fort lee after confirming that the mayor of that borough would not endorse mr christie a month later two of three access lanes to the george washington bridge were shut down mr baroni then the official at the port authority of new york and new jersey which runs the bridge studiously ignored the mayor as he pleaded by text email and a handwritten letter for the agency to reopen the lanes mr critchley ms kelly s lawyer said mr christie and gov andrew m cuomo of new york developed a strategy to cover up the lane closings as soon as they ended and executed it through official statements over the next several weeks lying that the closings had been a traffic study mr critchley characterized their strategy as one that sought not to inflame the issue the idea that they the governors of new jersey and new york they re going to let a single mother of four control the future is also crazy he added referring to ms kelly a spokesman for mr cuomo flatly denied that he had any involvement the governor did not have any role direct or indirect in any press statements regarding the purported traffic study he said the case will hinge on the government s star witness mr wildstein a former political blogger hired to a position created specially for him at the port authority who has admitted in a guilty plea as part of a deal to cooperate with the government that he conceived the idea to close the lanes defense lawyers characterized him as crazy a liar described even by witnesses for the prosecution as a vicious guy maniacal and a horrible person and it was mr christie they said who installed mr wildstein at the agency to be his enforcer mr baldassare mr baroni s lawyer said the governor referred to mr wildstein as his fixer or mr wolf after the harvey keitel character in the movie pulp fiction the guy who cleans up the dead bodies and everyone mr baroni included feared crossing him at the port authority at the time when david wildstein spoke governor christie s voice came out and everybody knew it mr baldassare said it wasn t just bill david wildstein based on this evidence looks like a ventriloquist s doll sitting on christopher j christie s lap mr christie defense lawyers said was united states attorney when he began talking to mr wildstein then the author of an anonymous and gossipy political blog in new jersey the governor hired him after seeing his ability to work in the shadows as a virtue mr wildstein was a political operative so wily mr baldassare said that he once stole senator frank r lautenberg s jacket before a debate so that mr lautenberg would have to borrow someone else s jacket and be uncomfortable during a debate with mr wildstein s candidate representative millicent h fenwick at the port authority mr baldassare said he operated on one constituent rule wanting to please only mr christie he and the governor played a red light green light game mr critchley said going down a list and firing people they did not like greenlighting those who remained in their favor mr wildstein s goal mr critchley said was to run mr christie s presidential campaign in one of the important early states iowa new hampshire or south carolina as the bridge scandal threatened to take down those presidential hopes mr critchley said mr christie pinned the blame on ms kelly this case is not only about traffic it s about a presidential campaign for the united states of america he said what she knew could be fatal to an embryonic presidential campaign she was scapegoated he argued by a coterie of cowards cowards who were addicted to power he said cowards who despite all their titles when it became time to speak the truth they showed they were nothing more than opportunists ambitious opportunists
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: we hear so much talk from the left about working to help foreigners assimilate yet here we have a prominent imam calling for the segregation of muslims from their host nation how is this okay shaykh said rageah was born in somalia and in the late and moved to north america rageah has a bachelor s in islamic studies and a masters in shari ah and he has had several posts over the years including founder of masjid huda in montreal and masjid aya in maryland advisor for muslim youth magazine and member in the aqsa association he is also the founder of both muslim magazine and al aqsa association and served as the chaplain at both the university of calgary and the southern alberta institute of technology sait he served as an imam at the abu hurairah mosque in toronto the chairman for the journey of faith conference and as an instructor for the almaghrib institute in a sermon delivered at abu hurairah centre in toronto the video was uploaded to youtube on february imam rageah called on canadian muslims to unite and translate their demography into a political and economic power that is necessary to make the government allow muslims to implement the islamic law sharia in their communities and to change the foreign policy rageah spoke in favour of following the example of the sikh neighbourhood in edmonton alberta by bringing the muslim community to live together in one area in which the authorities will not be able to make any decision without the approval of the muslims he urges muslims to hire only muslim workers to buy products or services only from muslim owned businesses and to avoid advertising with media outlets owned by kafir meaning unbeliever or infidel in this way he maintained canadian muslims can strengthen themselves and live according to islam the following is a transcript of segments from rageah s sermon with four five thousand muslims you can create the most powerful lobby in canada with that number of muslims you can create one of the strongest muslim business in toronto if you just put our resources if we put our resources together if we can work together as an ummah we can change a lot as muslims we are scattered all over the city you have people living in brampton you have people living in mississauga you have people living in whitby you have people living in richmond hill imagine if we all get together in one area in the city of edmonton the sikh sikh they live in one neighbourhood and nothing can be changed or done without their approval we here we may as well benefit from the system that they have here what can you do with unity a lot you can change a lot you can change the foreign policy of this country you can change how the muslims think you can even when need help when you need help you call muslim for your need you will help the muslim community brothers in the masjid right now they are coming up with the magazine or newspaper called ummah times what ummah times is that ummah times is advertising all your businesses all the muslim businesses ummah all you need to do i will never advertise with a kafir there you go i hear some advertisements giving to news before your muslim brothers and or we think twice before we do it unless we work together the day we need a truck driver we know where to find truck drivers the day that i need a cab i should have a number of a muslim cab it s ok pick me up when i wan to see a doctor only muslim doctor when i want to hire someone only muslim worker then we can strengthen ourselves this is the way and this is the only way we can exist in the society living according to islam when the sharia when the government of toronto ontario gave us a break and said deal your internal affairs based on your sharia we did not go and say those few people are ismailis and ahmadis they are not even muslims why would they speak on behalf of muslims but we say no we keep quiet and see and watch what happens and then the result was that they said we will never allow you to rule yourselves your internal affairs based on the shariah my brothers in faith anything that happens in your muslim community in the city of toronto anything that can be done five hundred thousand muslims that is a great number large number you can do a lot work together let s be an ummah take your children to islamic schools take your vehicle to muslim owned business if you buy a vehicle make sure there is a muslim business or car dealer that sells cars if you want to do anything just ask if that individual is a muslim or not if he is not then look for a muslim because i m sure you ll find a muslim i m sure you ll find a muslim in that field o allah raise the standing of islam and the muslims and humiliate the infidels and the polytheists via creeping sharia
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: the president of the european commission jean claude juncker promised more money from eu funds to czech government in the case that it will start to fulfill quotas for refugees
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: we do this not because it s legally required because it s not patton said at a hearing on the agreement we do this because we believe it s the right thing to do both for the victims and their families and for the city this is historic said mr coverson the only city in america that has given reparations and passed a reparations ordinance and given an official apology for the violence that the police have done to citizens the city of chicago on tuesday sought to put to rest one of its most persistent scandals proposing a million reparations fund for dozens of torture victims connected to former chicago police cmdr jon burge and his so called midnight crew of rogue detectives the proposal negotiated with a key plaintiff s attorney and supported by mayor rahm emanuel would offer free city college tuition for victims and their families free counseling for psychological issues and substance abuse as well as other assistance to more than potential victims the city would also issue a formal apology create a permanent memorial recognizing the victims and ensure that eighth and grade students attending chicago public schools would be taught about the burge case and its brutal legacy cementing the scandal s role in city history but as much as the proposal seeks to end a painful controversial era emanuel said it would close this book the burge book on the city s history it is unlikely to stanch the flow of torture claims from victims a loyola university chicago law school dean appointed by a cook county judge has identified some additional cases in which inmates may have been burge victims other inmates who have made torture claims continue to fight to overturn convictions and win their freedom and one lawsuit over the torture is pending already this stubborn scandal has cost taxpayers about million in lawsuit settlements judgments and other legal costs according to lawyers it brings it much closer to closure especially from the city s point of view said flint taylor an attorney who has been pursuing the torture issue for decades and was one of the lawyers who negotiated the reparations package but it s not done and over but as much as the proposal seeks to end a painful controversial era emanuel said it would close this book the burge book on the city s history it is unlikely to stanch the flow of torture claims from victims a loyola university chicago law school dean appointed by a cook county judge has identified some additional cases in which inmates may have been burge victims other inmates who have made torture claims continue to fight to overturn convictions and win their freedom and one lawsuit over the torture is pending already this stubborn scandal has cost taxpayers about million in lawsuit settlements judgments and other legal costs according to lawyers it brings it much closer to closure especially from the city s point of view said flint taylor an attorney who has been pursuing the torture issue for decades and was one of the lawyers who negotiated the reparations package but it s not done and over burge was convicted in federal court of lying about the torture and sentenced to years in prison he was released in october but confined to his home until february he still collects a police pension burge did not return calls tuesday to his home in florida but john jack byrne burge s former right hand man on tuesday called the reparations deal a scam perpetuated on taxpayers via chicago tribune
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: because blaming the muslim migrants who raped and sexually assaulted an untold number of women on new years eve would be politically incorrect and certainly not very hospitable a political scandal is developing in germany as ordinary citizens wake up to the scale of the migrant crime cover up and the callous reaction of the mayor of cologne to mass sex crime on new year s eve the mayor of cologne has spoken out about the attacks but her carefully chosen words are unlikely to delight many rather than addressing the root causes of the violence unlimited mass migration and a totally failed system of integration the newly elected pro migrant mayor instead blamed the victims of the sexual abuse for having failed to defend themselves against the immigrant attackers here is a video of the shocking chaos that took place on new years eve speaking on live television this afternoon mayor henriette reker who was near fatally stabbed in the run up to october elections by an anti mass migration campaigner said in future women would have to be better prepared in her city to deal with migrants she remarked the women and young girls have to be more protected in the future so these things don t happen again this means they should go out and have fun but they need to be better prepared especially with the cologne carnival coming up for this we will publish online guidelines that these young women can read through to prepare themselves what form this guidance will take is presently unclear the mayor could take inspiration from young victim whose modest clothes protected them from the worst consequences of walking at night in areas controlled by migrant men the woman said fortunately i wore a jacket and trousers a skirt would probably have been torn away from me despite her words of warning towards women in the city they could prepare for more violence against them she refuted the suggestion there was any link between the attacks and migrants contradicting her own chief of police an opposition council member has today sounded the alarm bell on the deteriorating state of control the local government has over the city of cologne and in an official letter from the council group has warned those planning to come to the famous cologne council next month the city and the police are unable to guarantee the safety of locals and tourists council group leader and lawyer judith wolter said in her letter to the people of cologne today i want as a member of the cologne city council to submit a travel warning for the carnival time in cologne city centre especially the area in and around the central station the cathedral and the adjoining area towards the banks of the rhine for tourists and locals is no longer considered even in normal times as safe for months there is in these areas numerous thefts open drug dealing robberies and harassment of all kinds dozens of women were sexually harassed in public and there was at least one rape neither the city nor the police are able to guarantee in the territory described the safety of tourists and locals especially for women it must be assumed that a high security risk is here in the evening and night hours at new year s eve there was a legal vacuum and a no go area for women with the climax of the carnival season it is unfortunately expected to be a similar situation german police have admitted to losing several urban areas to migrant gangs as so called no go zones but this is possibly the first time a public square in the centre of a european city has been acknowledged by officials as having been lost to criminality and out of the control of police at night news of the attacks was suppressed for days with just short reports of isolated incidents in cologne city centre making it to local outlets on new year s day the kolnifsche rundschau described the scene at the railways station as largely peaceful and made no effort to describe those who attacked the young women one of which told press she had fingers on every orifice after she was stripped near naked only after nearly victims of assault and abuse came forwards to police and stories of attacks started circulating on social media did the truth of the situation start to slowly emerge forcing local police to hold a press conference on monday afternoon despite the chief of police admitting the enormous scale of sexual assault and confirming the attackers were of north african and arab origin much of the mainstream media is still in damage control mode either trying to shift the focus from migrants or avoiding the events completely via breitbart news
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: how elite leftists celebrate america s independence day the kennedy clan gathered at their hyannis port compound on cape cod over the weekend for their annual fourth of july festivities and took some time to attack donald trump robert f kennedy jr s daughter kathleen between known as kick posted a photos of a pinata of the donald from a family party over the weekend it s yuge party wrote kick in the caption of the instagram post which also showed some of her family members milling about in the background she later deleted the instagram post just before on monday via daily mail
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: further stories about a russian girl allegedly raped in by migrants
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: if the weather hadn t been so foul the most dramatic moment of tiffany mallory s wedding to jerrell moore would never have happened it had been pouring and then it stopped raining but turned cold and windy right as we started the ceremony said mrs mallory moore who was married april before guests on the back lawn of the mint museum in charlotte n c just as she arrived through the squall to meet her groom at the altar a gust blew her veil into the sky it went flying right off my head she said but i m over six feet tall so people thought it looked very glamorous during a very wet april and may on the east coast many couples learned the hard way that a perfect or at least nearly perfect wedding does not require perfect weather did my guests get wet yes kind of said minoo fadaifard wade who married john wade in a drizzle on may at the brooklyn botanic garden in front of a crowd of it was chilly too but nobody complained everybody made the best of it we were all lighthearted should rain clouds threaten your wedding here are some tips on how to salvage that perfect day provided by couples who have managed to do just that rain was expected on may the day jill jacinto was to marry sander van den bergh on the outdoor terrace of battery gardens a new york restaurant but she held out hope that the day would clear by the ceremony s p m start time i gave up on checking weather com the night before and assumed an indoor ceremony was in our future and out of our hands said ms jacinto an associate director at an investment firm but then minutes before the start time the sun came out the couple was able to swiftly switch from their plan b an sheltered space to the patio their plan a we ended up with a gorgeous ceremony ms jacinto said but we were ready for whatever happened at mariana rodrigues and david rothschild s may wedding at cherry hill in central park rain began falling as guests boarded buses bound for a reception at the nomad hotel the bus driver was really kind and offered everyone on the upper deck ponchos but i was pretty upset said mrs rothschild a former financial executive then i was upset with myself for being upset and david reminded me that that was absolutely warranted that i was allowed to have that moment she did not let the moment last though i realized it wasn t perfect but it was a great celebration she said you have to remember that the weather is out of your control and just enjoy yourself erin mcgrail and elliot fleming invited guests to their june wedding under a stately oak tree at the destrehan plantation just outside new orleans thirty minutes before the ceremony the sky turned black then it just started pouring torrentially in that typical new orleans way mrs fleming said instead of panicking as she watched friends and family run for shelter at a gift shop she played it cool at first i took it badly mrs fleming said then i saw how upset my mom was so i said to myself stay calm we can figure this out the wedding was moved to the reception site nearby where guests were seated at decorated tables but it didn t matter at that point i had just accepted it for what it was said mrs fleming who works in purchasing at the audubon zoo in new orleans looking back she added she wouldn t change a thing your state of mind is going to determine your guests state of mind said constantino khalaf mr khalaf married david khalaf on may in cathedral park in portland ore the couple s hometown under drizzly skies with the occasional hard rain there was no shelter for their guests we warned people far in advance to bring their umbrellas and raincoats because we knew getting married in may in portland was like playing russian roulette with the weather said david khalaf who runs the christian website modern kinship with his husband then they made the best of it during the reception held at the wedding site we all huddled together to stay warm and we danced in the rain he said if you re just like hey this is a beautiful occasion let s dance in the rain everybody is going to pick up on that the first advice i would give is ask all your vendors what their rain policies are and read the contracts closely said mrs mallory moore the bride whose veil wouldn t stay put and who is also an assistant united states attorney with the western district of north carolina that includes contracts with musicians some live musicians who play string instruments won t play in dampness she said we had a trio of horn players so it worked out for us but it might not have if we had a violinist she also was not sure how her florist would handle broken vases several were smashed in the storm the couple was not charged but you really have to pay attention to that stuff mrs mallory moore said rachel bowie felt personally responsible when the rain started coming down on may at jane s carousel in brooklyn where guests had gathered to watch her and matthew dorville get married it was friday the we sort of asked for it she said but she was glad she remembered a tip from her photographer buy a lot of clear umbrellas they don t cast a shadow on your face said mrs bowie an editor who lives in brooklyn if she had to do it over again she would have asked a friend to pack galoshes for her too right before i walked down the aisle my shoes were so wet i was slipping in them i had been jumping through those gross deceptively deep new york city puddles hurricane irene was an uninvited guest at the august wedding of jacqueline shea and matthew bailey of eatontown n j when the bride was getting her nails done in preparation for the rehearsal dinner an evacuation was ordered for an area that included the wedding site on the beach near asbury park i was in denial like this is not happening said mrs bailey a teacher of the deaf the couple married that night at a local restaurant flowers were assembled from trader joe s and the bride s mother bought a sheet cake from shoprite then vendors refused to refund deposits for the wedding a year later the couple appeared on anderson cooper s talk show anderson ostensibly to warn other couples about the need to buy wedding insurance instead mr cooper announced that the show was giving them a wedding redo including a reception at the wilshire grand hotel in west orange n j and a trip to the caribbean island of st lucia to renew their vows on the beach the baileys now have two children ages and and more perspective on disasters i think what happened to us is sort of like a precursor to what everybody finds out once they re married mrs bailey said and that s that there are ups and there are downs in married life sometimes big ones what you do is you make the most of it no matter what
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: federal investigators probing the lobbying work of ousted national security adviser michael flynn are focused in part on the role of bijan kian flynn s former business partner according to a person interviewed by the fbi investigators are also looking at whether payments from foreign clients to flynn and his company the now inactive flynn intel group were lawful according to two separate sources with knowledge of the broad inquiry into flynn s business activities that includes payments by three russian companies and a netherlands based company inovo controlled by turkish businessman ekim alptekin they said the fbi s interest in kian has not been previously reported kian played a central role in securing and overseeing the inovo contract two people with knowledge of that project said it is not clear whether kian is a target of the criminal investigation or whether investigators are trying to build a fuller understanding of how flynn s company operated a person recently interviewed by the fbi in connection with the flynn investigation said agents from the bureau s criminal division had asked as much about kian and his work on the project with alptekin as they had about flynn kian did not respond to repeated requests for comment nor did the lawyer he recently hired robert trout the fbi declined to comment flynn s lawyer robert kelner did not respond to requests for comment alptekin declined to comment for this story but last month told reuters that he was satisfied with the work done by flynn intel group and denied any wrongdoing the fbi has been investigating whether flynn s consulting firm lobbied on behalf of turkey after being paid by inovo without making the proper disclosure reuters reported earlier this month the federal investigation is being run by special counsel robert mueller mueller has a mandate to investigate contacts between russia and trump s election campaign team and any related matters flynn was fired by the trump administration in february after officials said he mischaracterized a series of phone calls with russia s ambassador last december the top democrat on the house committee on oversight and government reform which has separately been looking into whether flynn made false statements in applying for security clearance said he was also scrutinizing kian i have an interest in bijan kian and his interactions with general flynn based on specific documents already obtained by the committee elijah cummings told reuters in an email kelner has sought immunity for flynn in exchange for his testimony saying his client certainly has a story to tell in private conversations with potential clients kian portrayed himself as a rainmaker for flynn tapping into connections cultivated during a five year tenure as a director at the u s export import bank according to one person who worked with the firm alptekin told reuters in may that his firm hired flynn intel group to research muslim cleric fethullah gulen s activities in the united states which he suspected were poisoning relations between the united states and turkey like turkish president tayyip erdogan alptekin blamed a failed coup in turkey last july on followers of gulen gulen who has lived in self imposed exile in pennsylvania since has denied involvement in the attempted coup and dismisses turkey s allegations that he heads a terrorist organization kian oversaw key elements of the project that emerged including a still unfinished documentary on gulen according to two people involved in the project inovo paid flynn intel group a total of starting in september according to a justice department filing by the company in march flynn intel group paid to inovo in consultancy fees according to the filing which does not provide more detail on why payments were made in both directions on sept kian and flynn met in new york with turkey s foreign minister and energy minister who is erdogan s son in law according to a person with knowledge of the meeting in late october kian invited staff of the house homeland security committee to flynn intel group s headquarters in virginia the meeting was called to show off new mobile phone security technology but kian also used the opportunity to try to get a congressional hearing on gulen according to a person at the meeting at that point the flynn intel group had only disclosed its work for alptekin s inovo in a filing with congress it had not mentioned inovo s ties to turkey when justice department officials became aware months later that kian and other flynn intel group officials had met with turkish officials they insisted on a fuller disclosure people involved in those discussions said the flynn intel group made the more detailed disclosure in its march filing with the justice department under the foreign agents registration act that said the work that flynn and kian did for inovo could be construed to have principally benefited the republic of turkey
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: the us will not protect nato member states in the event of an armed conflict with russia this because the us is a classical empire that has regions nato in case of a conflict it will defend only the metropolis and not the colonies
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False Input: chinese president xi jinping urged joint efforts to keep sino u s ties on track during a meeting with president donald trump on saturday on the sidelines of the summit in the german city of hamburg state news agency xinhua said