[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: israel s ambassador to new zealand on wednesday appealed to the pop star lorde to meet him after she canceled a show in tel aviv after appeals from activists for her to shun israel as a protest against its treatment of palestinians itzhak gerberg israel s ambassador to new zealand said in a public letter it was regrettable that the concert had been called off and the boycott of his country represented hostility and intolerance i invite you to meet me in person to discuss israel its achievements [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: illinois first budget after two years is filled with partial outlines to address its debt ridden pension system and unpaid bill backlog signs that political fighting and the fiscal mess in the nation s fifth largest state are far from over at least house and senate republicans broke with first term republican governor bruce rauner on thursday and joined with democrats to override rauner s vetoes of the state s first budget package in more than two years the billion spending plan relies on a billi [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: democratic presidential hopeful hillary clinton struggled with how to secure the endorsement of labor unions while announcing her opposition to the keystone xl oil pipeline a project they supported but environmentalists opposed according to leaked emails published by wikileaks on friday before announcing in september that she opposed transcanada corp s proposal to build a pipeline from canada to the united states her campaign sought to soften the blow to labor unions by offering an energy infrastruct [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: during an appearance on meet the press sunday morning republican senator tom cotton ar was grilled by the show s host chuck todd todd repeatedly asked cotton to make a case for the presumptive republican presidential nominee spoiler alert cotton was unable to do explain why he supports trump other than the fact that he is not hillary clinton here s a transcript of the relevant portion of the interview chuck todd okay fine but you just gave the case against clinton what s the case for trump you [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: share on facebook share on twitter the root cause of stress is fear as all fear is the threat of losing our attachments if we re attached to a desired outcome anything that threatens it will be something we fear the fear of losing control underpins stress for example and creates frustration over what can t be controlled as desirable as it is to be in a position of control our attachment to it ultimately creates a fear that can manifest as stress worry anxiety and panic advertisement learn more [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: russia has not promised to ensure a withdrawal of pro iranian forces from syria ria news agency quoted russian foreign minister sergei lavrov as saying on tuesday the presence of iran in syria is legitimate lavrov was quoted as saying by another agency interfax [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: if the border of separatist controlled dnr and lnr with russia will be closed this will trigger a massacre in this area like one which took place in srebrenica in the early russia will not allow this though ukrainian authorities already started offensive that resulted in around victims [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: representative mike conaway s new role leading the house intelligence committee investigation into the trump team s ties to russia has plunged the low profile legislator into one of the most contentious issues in congress and the country republicans and democrats both praised his selection he has administrative experience as a committee chairman and familiarity with delicate subjects after leading the house ethics committee from to i like him i hope he can get us back on track representative eric [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the following are people mentioned as contenders for senior roles as u s president elect donald trump puts together his administration before taking office on jan according to reuters sources and other media reports trump already has named a number of people for other top jobs in his administration navy admiral mike rogers director of the national security agency ronald burgess retired u s army lieutenant general and former defense intelligence agency chief robert cardillo director of the n [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: creditors of puerto rico s government development bank on monday sued to stop it from distributing money to creditors in what they call preferential transfers ahead of the gdb s may debt payment that puerto rico s governor says may not be payable hedge funds including brigade capital management and claren road asset management which hold some of gdb s billion in debt asked a federal court in san juan puerto rico to bar municipalities public entities and other depositors from removing their money [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: on friday a cruise ship carrying around passengers will dock at st john s harbor in the caribbean island of antigua it will not be where the passengers expected to land when they booked however the carnival plc ship was meant to dock in saint martin miles km to the northwest however hurricane irma devastated the island wrecking its port and infrastructure and leaving it out of bounds for tourists antiguan officials now expect the carnival fascination to visit every friday and have gotten a [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: in ukraine neo nazis are integrated into the system of power [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: president trump is known for not holding back and he certainly didn t on friday during a speech in huntsville alabama he lashed out in a big way at nfl players who don t stand during the national anthem he said team owners should remove the silent protesters from the field trump appearing at a campaign rally for us sen luther strange r ala said he wished nfl suits would take a hard line stance against players who take a knee while the star spangled banner is played before kickoff we re proud of [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the kremlin said that a meeting between jared kushner u s president donald trump s son in law and russian state development bank vnesheconombank was a routine business encounter tens of meetings were held and one of these meetings was with kushner s company and with him it is routine business said kremlin spokesman dmitry peskov in a conference call with reporters [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: addis ababa ethiopia gunmen have killed more than civilians near ethiopia s western border with south sudan an ethiopian official said on saturday the attackers came from south sudan and killed civilians including women and children said getachew reda the communications minister the ethiopian defense force is currently chasing after the perpetrators mr reda said adding that the attackers did not have links to south sudan s government or its rebel fighters our defense forces have so far k [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: born mary grace a north texas child is now officially named max his parents petitioned a court to change all of his legal documents including his name birth certificate and social security card to reflect his male name and identity max briggle s mother amber told wfaa he s always going to be transgender but having that piece of paper my hope is that it s going to make it a little easier for him she called these changes another milestone and believed the new paperwork was essential for [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: donald trump just got owned on monday the congressional budget office graded the gop healthcare bill that they dubiously named the american healthcare act and the results were not good at all despite trump calling the bill wonderful and claiming that everybody in america will have health insurance coverage the cbo pointed out that the bill would cause million americans to lose their healthcare and would make the price of healthcare skyrocket of course trump administration officials immediately attac [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: sanford fla the struggle for the white house and the capitol took center stage this week in one familiar battleground florida as donald trump and hillary clinton swept across the state mr trump finished three days of campaigning here tuesday touching down in its biggest cities and filling the airwaves with his most expensive advertising buys at the same time mrs clinton launched a two day trip seeking to capitalize on an [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: saudi arabia does not believe that iran is abiding by the nuclear deal between the islamic republic and six world powers the kingdom s foreign minister said on wednesday without elaborating we expect the international community to do whatever it takes to ensure that iran is in compliance the minister adel al jubeir told reporters at the united nations [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the actions of this country are afflicted by total russophobia the lithuanian leadership aims to initiate new sanctions against russia they do not go deep into what exactly russia has decided what advantages and opportunities the residents of donbas will have for them it is very important to raise noise in ukraine [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: cnn donald trump s campaign is undergoing a major staff shake up with less than three months to election day adding two officials to top posts overseeing his struggling campaign and signaling a shift toward campaigning as a scorched earth outsider in order to win trump has named steve bannon the executive chairman of breitbart news and a former investment banker to the post of chief executive and promoted kellyanne conway a senior adviser and pollster to his campaign to the position of campaign man [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: as federal agents prepare to scour roughly emails to see how many relate to a prior probe of hillary clinton s email use the surprise disclosure that investigators were pursuing the potential new evidence lays bare building tensions inside the bureau and the justice department over how to investigate the democratic presidential nominee the justice department official was very pissed off according to one person close to mr mccabe and pressed him to explain why the fbi was still chasing a matter the d [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: united nations secretary general antonio guterres warned on thursday that the violence against myanamar s rohingya muslims in the northern part of rakhine state could spread to central rakhine where more people were at risk of displacement guterres told the u n security council during its first public meeting on myanmar in eight years that the violence had spiraled into the world s fastest developing refugee emergency a humanitarian and human rights nightmare we have received bone chilling accou [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: u s president donald trump will nominate goldman sachs gs n banker james donovan as deputy treasury secretary the white house said on tuesday adding another alumnus of the wall street investment bank to his administration treasury secretary steven mnuchin and national economic council director gary cohn are also former goldman executives who occupy senior economic posts within the administration donovan s work at the bank as a managing director has included work on corporate strategy investment bank [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: recently norway carries out systematic work to propagate the image of russia as an enemy it is an aggressive anti russian policy based on provocative fakes [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: there may have been a time many years ago when the republican party gave a crap about its constituents but those days are long gone if you haven t seen enough proof of that yet all you have to do is watch this snippet from a rep darrell issa town hall in san diego california to see where he mocks a constituent who claimed to be assaulted by one of issa s staff the woman who said she is a member of california s bar a lawyer and that she was holding a sign at the town hall which was taken away from [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: deepwater horizon continues to impact public health deepwater horizon continues to impact public health by it s hard to believe that the deepwater horizon incident which discharged over million gallons of oil into the gulf of mexico happened six years ago what s not hard to believe is that the environmental health implications of the spill are stubbornly lingering gulf residents of variety of species are paying a high price for it so high that litigation against bp for its role in the spill offi [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the u s state department conceded for the first time on friday that intelligence officials were correct to say that at least emails sent through hillary clinton s private server contain some of the government s most sensitive secrets the seven email chains from clinton s time as secretary of state amounting to separate messages will be withheld from the public as a result because the information in them is classified at the highest level as top secret state department spokesman john kirby said the [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the european union is increasingly willing to consider western balkan states joining the bloc which could help ensure peace in the region while enriching the eu itself the bloc s integration commissioner said there is more willingness among eu member states to address an enlargement than a year ago johannes hahn told austrian daily wiener zeitung in an interview published on tuesday albania macedonia montenegro and serbia are official candidates for eu membership while bosnia and kosovo are see [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: posted on november by dcg comments from the independent saudi arabia is set to behead a disabled man for taking part in anti government protests a specialised criminal court in riyadh the arab kingdom s capital sentenced munir al adam to death for attacks on police and other offences they said took place during protests in the shia dominated east in late the year old is partially blind and was already partially deaf at the time of arrest he alleges he is now completely deaf in one ear [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: michigan s former democratic governor jennifer granholm gave rick snyder some sharp advice on saturday during an interview over the phone granholm told the detroit news that she believes michigan s governor rick snyder should move to the troubled city of flint michigan further granholm says i think who s ever going to fix this problem should move to flint and live in one of those houses so that they can understand the urgency with which the citizens of flint are operating that they feel it so deep [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: while the right accuses the left of being snowflakes because we think all people should be treated with fairness and respect the right led by donald trump is becoming more and more frightened of any dissenting voices that point couldn t have been made more clearly on wednesday s fox and friends they did one of their man on the street segments where they visited a diner in louisville ky the idea was to have a debate but only with fox s rules apparently let s get right to the debate fox s tod [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: protesters clashed with thousands of police at a south korean village on thursday as seoul deployed the four remaining launchers of the u s anti missile thaad system designed to protect against mounting threats from north korea the south s defense ministry confirmed on wednesday the launchers would be installed on a former golf course near seongju city some km miles south of seoul two launchers and a powerful radar are already in place at the site as part of the u s terminal high altitude area def [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: shares a new video purportedly released by the islamic state shows young isis boys executing two spies the film titled repent and you have safety from us is directed at russians and putin threatening violence at the syrian government ally the nearly minute video was released on isis terrorist channels on november and comes from wilayat al jazirah northern iraq vulnerable cities in the isis occupied region include tal afar al ba aj al ayadiyyah al mahlabiyyah sinjar wardiyyah sa [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: donate the american way socialism for the rich free enterprise for the rest it is political decisions not invisible hands that dictate the functioning of the market photo fed up steve mcfarland photography by jake johnson commondreams org while it s not entirely clear who coined the phrase socialism for the rich free enterprise for the rest its ability to provoke and more importantly to describe is beyond question there are numerous variations on the saying but each articulates a [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: catalan secessionists on friday registered a motion with the regional parliament to proclaim independence from spain and a catalan republic though it was unclear whether the text would be put to a vote newspaper la vanguardia said the motion was presented by lawmakers from junts pel si together for yes and cup popular unity candidacy which together hold a majority in the assembly [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: apparently donald trump s precious little girl is sick of mean old congressman ted lieu saying mean things about her daddy yes she may be a senior white house official but ivanka doesn t think congress has a right to see her tweets well she doesn t think congressman ted lieu does anyway on sunday lieu tweeted a screenshot showing that ivanka had blocked him hey look a senior white house official is afraid of tweets from a congressman ivanka blocked me he wrote also why is she in the white ho [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: president obama carried out his annual youtube interview on friday and revealed what he carried around with him each and every day inside his pockets while normally what s in a person s pockets might be self explanatory i e phone wallet etc the president is no ordinary person and the items he carries around aren t ordinary either there s also an in depth explanation for each one of them here s obama in his own words i stick these in my pocket to remind me of all the people i ve met along the wa [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the iraqi air force has bombed the convoy of islamic state leader abu bakr al baghdadi in iraq s western anbar province the iraqi military said sunday the condition and location of al baghdadi were not known the military said it did not say when the strike occurred the military statement said al baghdadi had been heading to karabla near the syrian border to attend a meeting with isil commanders al arabiya and other media outlets reported the location of the meeting was also bombed and many o [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: chelsea clinton is not getting much support to run for office from american voters according to a new poll only percent of registered voters say they would support clinton if she ran for political office while percent said they would rather not see her run according to a morning poll the remaining quarter of voters said they had no opinion or were unsure along party lines clinton did not have a lot of support from her own party with only percent of democrats saying they would support her i [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: china s communist party opened a meeting on wednesday to make final preparations for a key party congress later this month state media said a five yearly event where president xi jinping is expected to further tighten his grip on power the seventh plenary session of the party s central committee will review draft reports on the work of the party its discipline and anti corruption commission and amendments to be made to the party s constitution all of which will be delivered at the party congress that [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the resentments trump represents while the mainstream u s media has focused on personal scandals the presidential race has revealed a deep and sometimes ugly resentment among many americans who blame the haughty elites for declining living standards says andrew spannaus by andrew spannaus this year s presidential election has been surprising on many fronts with the success of a number of outsider candidates and the fact that the most unorthodox of them all donald trump is within striking distance [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: zimbabwe s president robert mugabe will meet military commanders for talks on sunday state broadcaster ztv said on saturday quoting catholic priest fidelis mukonori who has been mediating the negotiations [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: president elect donald trump has said he plans to deport two to three million undocumented immigrants with criminal records from the country immediately and has insisted that he will build his wall via alternativenews in his first extensive interview since he won the white house trump is reassuring his supporters that he will deport or incarcerate up to three million gang members and drug dealers in an interview with cbs s minutes that airs on sunday evening his first since winning the electi [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: páginas libres conducta ilegal y producto ilegítimo en bcrp socios de noviembre de por guillermo olivera díaz la conducta es la pluralidad de actos realizados que exteriorizan una voluntad y el producto es el resultado conseguido con esa conducta los congresistas mayormente fujimoristas que designaron a josé chlimper rafael rey y elmer cuba para integrar el directorio del banco central de reserva del perú bcrp violaron la constitución política y la ley orgánica de dicho banco cuando tal [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: this week s trend barack obama approved recep tayyip erdogan s plan to shoot down the russian su during the meetings [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: if you want to call me a hack you should probably be able to point out at least one thing i said that was demonstrably false pic twitter com dinesh d souza dineshdsouza march [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: if you have not yet heard alt right that means nazi scumbag milo yiannopoulos will be headlining the annual stupid people convention cpac this year but did you know he totally thinks it s ok for grown men to f ck kids we get hung up on this sort of child abuse stuff to the point where we are heavily policing consensual adults yiannopoulos can be heard saying in a recently surfaced video before giving his controversial viewpoint that grown men having sex with middle schoolers is perfectly normal a [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: here s what mccain said that got rand paul all worked up [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: obama gives trump a gift obamacare collapsing nationwide one week before election day a look at what happened in arizona shows the cascading effects of problems with the design and implementation of the aca combined with early missteps by insurers some priced plans aggressively angling for market share and betting special programs built into the law would protect them from losses those protections didn t work as expected enrollees health care expenses repeatedly overshot the projections of nearly all [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: turkish authorities issued detention warrants for people working in the finance and labor ministries the state run anadolu news agency said on thursday as part of a widening crackdown following last year s failed coup attempt the suspects were detained for allegedly using bylock an encrypted messaging app which the government says was used by the network of u s based cleric fethullah gulen blamed by ankara of orchestrating last july s abortive putsch gulen who has lived in self imposed exile in pen [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: state department spokeswoman heather nauert did a great job of defending the u s move to pull out of a un organization that has been connected to terrorist organizations hostile to israel israel immediately praised the move by the trump administration and announced they will follow the u s will withdraw from united nations educational scientific and cultural organization unesco citing financial reasons and anti israel bias this decision was not taken lightly and reflects u s concerns with mountin [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: washington cnn donald trump finally admitted friday that president barack obama was born in the united states reversing himself on the issue that propelled him into national politics five years ago trump sought to end his longstanding attempt to discredit the nation s first african american president with just a few sentences tacked on at the end as he unveiled his new hotel on pennsylvania avenue in washington but the issue isn t likely to die down any time soon especially as trump continues to [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: sunday on nbc s meet the press while discussing the details of president donald trump executive order halting access to the united states for immigrants from seven countries white house chief of staff reince priebus expressed his frustration over host chuck todd s interruptions partial transcript as follows todd one of the in in the order is to include green card holders and that is something that there has been a report that the department of homeland security recommended it not include green car [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: authorities in the chinese territory of macau have ramped up security measures following the deadly las vegas shooting this month and unveiled plans for a series of mock attacks and crisis training to safeguard the world s largest gambling hub the new recommendations were laid out in a government statement following a meeting on monday between macau s gaming regulator the judiciary police and representatives from the six licensed casino operators which include wynn macau and sands china the former portug [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: many humans are discovering they have unique abilities that science can t explain suggesting that we may have untapped potential beyond our wildest dreams since the majority of people have yet to realize this potential there is a certain mysticism surrounding this phenomenon which is why many perceive people with special capabilities as superhumans one of the more recent superhumans to share his talent with the world is nong yousui a young boy from dahua china nong yousui and his superhuman eye [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: net migration to britain fell to its lowest level in three years in the months to the end of march with more than half the drop caused by european union citizens leaving and fewer arriving since the brexit vote the biggest drop in the figures came from eight eastern european countries including poland and hungary that joined the eu in leading to a migration to britain of many eastern europeans hoping for better paid jobs net migration which shows the annual difference between those moving to and [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: in the book the world is blue how our fate and the ocean s are one marine biologist sylvia earle wrote even if you never have the chance to see or touch the ocean the ocean touches you with every breath you take every drop of water you drink every bite you consume everyone everywhere is inextricably connected to and utterly dependent upon the existence of the sea a report released this week discovered roughly percent of the great barrier reef in australia the largest living structure on earth ha [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: as conservatives rushed to find excuses for melania trump s plagiarized speech at the rnc convention on monday night joy reid pointed out the hypocrisy the festivities got off to a rocky start on the first day of the convention which is definitely not what the republican party had in mind melania trump auditioned to be the first lady by stealing part of michelle obama s dnc convention speech from and it s pretty obvious that the similarities are not just a coincidence here are passages of both speeches [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: detroit donald j trump who has campaigned for president as a blunt provocateur dismissing complaints of racial insensitivity as political correctness took an uncharacteristic step on saturday he visited a black church for the first time and tried to blend in flanked by a few black supporters including ben carson a former presidential candidate and omarosa manigault a former contestant on the apprentice mr trump cut a subdued figure here at great faith ministries international he beamed a [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: georgia intends to join the nato after which it will become a military protectorate of the united states [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the western countries showed that they are enemies of democracy when they protested against the elections in the dnr and lnr the western countries today are dictatorships a dictatorship of liberalism military bloc of nato and that is our main threat today there is pure democracy here in donbas the donbas elections are a lesson of democracy for all of europe the west needs to learn from dnr how to organise elections the minsk agreements contribute to holding open and transparent [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: oops the narrative isn t fitting the truth and the truth is despite police commissioner anthony w batts insistence that a minority of out of town instigators caused the violence online court records sunday showed that only three of those arrested during saturday s protests were from outside maryland rep elijah cummings d md alleged sunday that many rioters in baltimore the previous night were from out of town noting that he was amid crowds in the area a protest over the death of freddie gray a [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: allegations of russian meddling in elections in the united states and europe are fantasies the interfax news agency cited russian foreign minister sergei lavrov as saying on tuesday without a single piece of proof we are as you know being accused of meddling not only in the u s election but also in those in european states the agency quoted lavrov as telling a briefing at the association of european businesses in russia recently there was an allegation that moscow decided what minister to appoi [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: i used to teach at the graduate school of information sciences at the university of california berkeley i couldn t believe how many students looked at espn com or its ilk in class we live in a world of screens where digital distractions contend with our need to learn is multitasking a good idea no clifford nass a stanford professor who pioneered research into how humans interact with technology conducted numerous studies of people juggling different cognitive tasks like talking on the phone watc [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: year old hebrew mention of jerusalem found rare papyrus from century b c refers to consignment of wineskins published mins ago times of israel a rare ancient papyrus dating to the first temple period years ago has been found to bear the oldest known mention of jerusalem in hebrew the fragile text believed plundered from a cave in the judean desert cave was apparently acquired by the israel antiquities authority during a sting in when thieves attempted to sell it to a dealer radiocarbon [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: an angry black gay racist democrat victim the poster child for today s progressive in america gay black reporter vester flanagan was an angry barack obama democrat he was reprimanded for wearing a barack obama sticker at work he had his racial suits tossed from court he was a high paid companion he attempted to subpoena personnel records on both of his victimsthen he shot them dead killer vester flanagan was a big obama supporter the huffington post reported vester lee flanagan the man s [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: reports are surfacing that cnbc s larry kudlow is on the short list of candidates for chairman the council of economic advisers which is the government s top economic policy group kudlow isn t just an advocate of the failed trickle down theory of economics he also claimed back in that no recession was coming as we all know proved him dead wrong and now trump wants him in a top economic position according to craig harrington director of the economic policy program at media matters for america thi [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: b b but baron trump wore a t shirt that said the expert with classes at harvard starting in just a few short weeks malia obama is making sure to end her gap year in style the former first daughter was caught on video rolling wildly on the ground while pounding her fists and during a performance at the lollapalooza music festival in chicago video obtained by tmz shows malia and a gal pal dancing wildly as the las vegas rock band played its hits during the headlining set on friday night this isn t the firs [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: thousands of homeless iranians huddled against the cold late on monday a day after at least people were killed in iran s deadliest earthquake in more than a decade state tv said rescue teams kept up search operations for dozens trapped beneath the rubble of collapsed houses in towns and villages in the mountainous area of the western province of kermanshah that borders iraq iran s english language press tv said more than people were killed and were injured when the magnitude earthquake jolted th [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the u s government is most willing to utilize religion for the propagation of its agenda it is not at all anti religious it is although completely anti christian a new global mind and narrative must emerge for this to happen the old mind must be eradicated christianity specifically orthodoxy so it is not surprising at all when tremors begin to emerge that joe biden and others in the us government are at current putting pressure on the patriarch of jerusalem to recognize the false and sch [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: in mainstream media multimedia propaganda sleuth journal special interests us news there is no evidence that anything described on these tapes actually took place cnn news analyst gloria borger now is the greatest time ever to wake up politically to what is really happening in america and in the world it s the perfect time to wake up and see the corrupt ruling elite in action and in real time mass deception is at an all time high every day the deceivers speak on tv boldly telling us more [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: dozens of supporters of us president donald trump rallied on the hollywood boulevard in los angeles saturday a day ahead of the academy awards ceremony in order to defend the president and protect his star on the walk of fame one arrest was made after clashes erupted as some by passers confronted the protesters breaking one of their placards protesters campaigned for trump to build the wall at the southern us border with mexico and displayed signs such as mexicans for trump california for trump an [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: nice france at times it was hard to know who was on trial the smuggler or the state the defendant cédric herrou a slightly built olive farmer did not deny that for months he had illegally spirited dozens of migrants through the remote mountain valley where he lives he would do it again he suggested instead when asked by a judge why do you do all this mr herrou turned the tables and questioned the humanity of france s practice of rounding up and turning back africans entering illegally [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: u s president donald trump on saturday said only one thing will work in dealing with north korea after previous administrations had talked to pyongyang without results presidents and their administrations have been talking to north korea for years agreements made and massive amounts of money paid trump said in a tweet hasn t worked agreements violated before the ink was dry making fools of u s negotiators sorry but only one thing will work trump did not make clear to what he was referri [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: there are no traces of a chemical attack whatsoever in douma and the doctors in the hospital in douma said there were no chemical attacks [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: a united states representative from north carolina said in a television interview on thursday that protesters in charlotte hate white people because white people are successful and they re not and then hours later recanted and apologized the representative robert pittenger a republican whose district includes parts of charlotte was interviewed on a british broadcasting corporation show bbc newsnight when he made the comment in response to an interviewer s question about the demonstrators grievanc [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: want to get this briefing by email here s the good evening here s the latest donald trump was in louisiana above early friday to campaign for a republican seeking a united states senate seat he headed to michigan afterward to continue his victory tour rex tillerson the head of exxon mobil appears to be the leading candidate for secretary of state mr trump said earlier that rudolph giuliani was no longer in the running for the job selections for other top posts keep coming gary d cohn [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: if you ever need to know exactly how divisive donald trump has been if you ever need a perfect example you don t need to look much further than donald trump s twitter timeline while it is a cesspit of racist garbage on a good day sometimes his fans stand out and one of them serves as a perfect reminder of what exactly we are righting against on sunday trump bragged about his ratings in a desperate effort to distract from the fact that no one showed up to his party on friday wow television ratings j [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: an earthquake of magnitude struck a town near the iranian capital tehran on wednesday night state media reported but there were no initial reports of casualties or significant damage last month a magnitude earthquake hit villages and towns in iran s western kermanshah province along the mountainous border with iraq killing people and injuring thousands of others authorities said they were gathering information about the latest quake which hit in the late evening at a depth of km miles they [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: get short url a parliamentary inquiry reports that there are four ku klux klan affiliated groups currently operating in germany ap photo markus schreiber strangers in their homeland germans leaving germany en masse due to migrants while the groups have very low membership they are suspected of committing at least crimes in germany since their members also include at least two police officers though it remains unclear whether they are still on the force the low membership numbers cannot disco [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: one of the most insane things about republican nominee donald trump is that even when he massively f cks up he can t help but brag about how smart and brilliant he is this has been especially true when it comes to his shady tax returns which he still refuses to release to the american people despite several promises to be transparent if you watched the first presidential debate between trump and hillary clinton last week you saw trump shamelessly boast about how smart he was for not paying federal [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: refugees have left one of australia s offshore detention centers on sunday for the united states an asylum seeker and a refugee advocate said as part of a swap brokered by former u s president barack obama last year refugee action coalition s ian rintoul told reuters he had spoken with some of the group by phone and that men were in port moresby on sunday night rintoul said the group had been told they would be flown to the united states via the philippines on wednesday they re happy they re going [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: here s how fake news works in an effort to cast president trump s eldest son donald jr as a liar the new york times boldly accused him of giving two different accounts of his meeting with a russian lawyers on july the new york times headline read donald trump jr s two different explanations for russian meetingthe nyt s article attempts to paint donald trump jr as a liar ironically it was the new york times who was lying in less than hours president trump s eldest son donald trump jr has g [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the russian response to barack obama s announcement that he was expelling diplomats over the alleged cyber attack on the us election was fast and in some cases rather amusing the russian response to barack obama s announcement that he was expelling diplomats over the alleged cyber attack on the us election was fast and in some cases rather amusing as officials in moscow said that us diplomats would be ordered to leave in a tit for tat response the russian embassy used twitter to make its point with [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: this is hilariously perfect hillary clinton has already responded to republican nominee donald trump s temper tantrum on twitter but decided to double down early saturday morning by mocking him with a twitter barrage of her very own except whereas trump focused on hurling sexist insults hillary focused on touting public service and threw in some characteristic trump speak it s as good a time as any to tweet about national service https t co hillary clinton hillaryclinton october are hundre [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the european union on wednesday called on president barack obama to block a u s bill allowing survivors and families of victims of the sept attacks to sue saudi arabia saying it was in violation of international law the possible adoption and implementation of the bill would be in conflict with fundamental principles of international law and in particular the principle of state sovereign immunity the european union delegation to the united states said in a letter to the u s department of state see [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the trump white house is now officially in full blown crisis mode first we learned yesterday that donald trump himself is now officially under criminal investigation for potential obstruction of justice by department of justice special counsel robert mueller what s worse for team trump is that mueller is a decorated vietnam veteran a george w bush appointed former fbi director who is the only head of that agency to serve past his ten year term as barack obama went to congress and asked them to exten [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: print gappers team photo from every boy needs a hero just in time for the start of the major league baseball world series wnd films has acquired the father son baseball movie every boy needs a hero for immediate release on dvd we re confident that hero is a grand slam movie that will build up families across america and restore luster to the game said joseph farah wnd founder and ceo starring burgess jenkins of remember the titans and nashville and gregory alan williams of miracle [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the eu inception was initiated by nazis and american ngos in france entreprises and farms are closed daily there are million unemployed people million people live in exceptionally poor conditions and other million below the poverty line [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: antonin scalia was a conservative giant on the supreme court his death will affect this supreme court term the future balance of the court and the election why trump says he wants to ditch plans for new air force one an american flag flies at half staff in front of the us supreme court in washington sunday morning in honor of supreme court justice antonin scalia who died this weekend the passing of justice antonin scalia substantially undercuts the ability of the united states supreme court to dec [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: cia is financing and supporting al qaeda linked terrorist group that is responsible for terrorist attack at the mali hotel washington uses its proxy state qatar to finance the group pentagon with the help of nato is trying for to destabilise of the whole africa [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: congressional republicans are ramping up discussions on overhauling the u s tax code that a prominent republican anti tax advocate said on wednesday will produce a bill by september with a hefty corporate tax cut grover norquist head of the anti tax americans for tax reform and a lobbyist close to republican leaders said a big six group of republican tax decision makers was targeting the end of this month for producing a basic framework for a bill to be introduced in september the house the white [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: another u s massacre in afghanistan by jacob g hornberger november information clearing house fff the latest massacre of many innocent people by u s forces in afghanistan provides another demonstration as to why it is imperative that the american people stop deferring to the authority of the national security state and demand the immediate withdrawal of all u s forces from afghanistan in a war that has now gone on for years u s forces just killed at least more civilians many of whom [/INST] ### Response: False ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: the nation may not have to wait much longer to learn the future plans of hillary rodham clinton the former secretary of state who s considered the leading democrat for the presidential race in a wednesday interview with abc s barbara walters who named the former first lady the most fascinating person of clinton said she hadn t yet made up her mind on a presidential run she assured walters her announcement would come soon obviously i will look carefully at what i think i can do and make that de [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: san francisco want to invisibly spy on iphone owners without their knowledge gather their every keystroke sound message and location that will cost you plus a setup fee with an israeli outfit called the nso group you can spy on more people if you would like just check out the company s price list the nso group is one of a number of companies that sell surveillance tools that can capture all the activity on a smartphone like a user s location and personal contacts these tools can [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: president donald trump is expected to sign an executive order on cyber security on tuesday two sources familiar with the situation said marking the first action to address what he has called a top priority of his administration the order is expected to commission several different reviews of the government s offensive and defensive cyber capabilities according to one of the sources and a third briefed on a draft of the order that circulated last week the move follows a presidential campaign that was do [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: criticism of europe by u s president elect donald trump only serves to reinforce european solidarity french finance minister michel sapin said on tuesday trump said german chancellor angela merkel had made a catastrophic mistake with her open door policy on migration according to an interview published on sunday by german newspaper bild the more he trump makes this sort of statement the more europeans close ranks sapin told reporters adding that such criticism was unacceptable the attack o [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: jerusalem islamic state sympathizers and militants celebrated last night s deadly terrorist massacre at a crowded concert in manchester england with the jihadists vowing to continue the onslaught against the west allah is great this is a call that will rise high on the horizon and we will yet defeat the cross and the countries of infidels isis member abu abdullah alsury the syrian wrote thanks to allah who caused the faithful to rejoice we ask and request of allah that this blessed act wi [/INST] ### Response: True ### End
[INST] <<SYS>> Below is an instruction that describes a task.Choose a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Categorize the news article into one of the 2 categories: True False <</SYS>> Input: for a deal that took six months of battling back and forth the message of its collapse was cursory in a brief telephone conversation early tuesday morning robert j dickey the chief executive of the gannett company told his counterpart at the company formerly known as tribune publishing that gannett the nation s largest chain of newspapers was dropping its takeover bid weeks after a price had been agreed upon a deal would have merged the publisher of usa today with the owner of the los ange [/INST] ### Response: True ### End