[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "canapes" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I'd like a cheap restaurant that serves canapes food. Can I have the address for that?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "canapes" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I'd like a cheap restaurant that serves canapes food. Can I have the address for that?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "portuguese" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "How about Portuguese? Can I get an address?" ] ], "system_transcript": "No such restaurant found.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "portuguese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "How about Portuguese? Can I get an address?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank You, Good Bye" ] ], "system_transcript": "Nandos has an address of Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way. Nandos City Centre has an address of 33-34 Saint Andrews Street. Do you need any other information?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "portuguese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank You, Good Bye", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "um... so, how about that local sports team." ] ], "system_transcript": "Your welcome.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "portuguese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "um... so, how about that local sports team.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Please close this dialogue. Thank you." ] ], "system_transcript": "thank you, goodbye", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "portuguese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Please close this dialogue. Thank you.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "russian" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Can you help me find a Russian restaurant?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "russian" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Can you help me find a Russian restaurant?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Yes, what about European type food?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry, there are Russian restaurants. Do you have a secondary choice?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Yes, what about European type food?", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ], [ "food", "european" ] ], "asr": [ [ "If you find a European restaurant, I would also like the address and phone number. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Please wait a moment while I check for European restaurants for you", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "If you find a European restaurant, I would also like the address and phone number. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you. Good bye." ] ], "system_transcript": "Cambridge lodge restaurant serves european food, their phone number is 01223 355166 and address is Cambridge Lodge Hotel 139 Huntingdon Road City Centre", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you. Good bye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "east" ], [ "price range", "expensive" ], [ "request", "postcode" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for an expensive restaurant on the east part of town, and could I have the address and postcode." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postcode" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for an expensive restaurant on the east part of town, and could I have the address and postcode.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I would be interested in British food." ] ], "system_transcript": "ok I have listings for British, Indian, Gastropub, and Chinese. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I would be interested in British food.", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you very much. Sounds good!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The grafton hotel restaurant is an expensive ritish restaurant located Grafton Hotel 619 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton, post code C.B 5, 8 P.A.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you very much. Sounds good!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "east" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I want a cheap restaurant in the east part of town" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I want a cheap restaurant in the east part of town", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Is there a phone number for the restaurant?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I recommend The Missing Stock on Newmarket Road. Please let me know if I can provide any further information.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Is there a phone number for the restaurant?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Thank you. Do you have the street address?" ] ], "system_transcript": "01223 812660", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you. Do you have the street address?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you for your help." ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, the address is Finders Corner Newmarket Road. I'm sorry, the name is the Missing Sock. I misspoke earlier.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you for your help.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "italian" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for a restaurant in the cheap price range that serves Italian food." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for a restaurant in the cheap price range that serves Italian food.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I don't care which area." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are five restaurants in the cheap price range that serve Italian food. What area are you looking for?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I don't care which area.", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Yes please, I would like their address." ] ], "system_transcript": "ask serves italian food and is in the cheap price range. Would you like their location? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Yes please, I would like their address.", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you, goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "Ask is located at 12 Bridge street city centre. Their telephone number is 01223 364917.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you, goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "west" ], [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I'm looking for a restaurant in the west part of town that is moderately priced." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I'm looking for a restaurant in the west part of town that is moderately priced.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "No, what is available?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are three restaurants listed that match your search. Are you looking for a particular food type?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No, what is available?", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "What is the phone number to Saint Johns chop house?" ] ], "system_transcript": "How about meghna, prezzo, or saint johns chop house?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What is the phone number to Saint Johns chop house?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "No thank you" ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01223 353110. Can I help you with anything else?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No thank you", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Have a good day." ] ], "system_transcript": "You're welcome", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Have a good day.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "north" ], [ "food", "eritrean" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I want an eritrean restaurant on the north side." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "eritrean" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I want an eritrean restaurant on the north side.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "indian" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Yes, how about the address of an Indian food restaurant?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry but no records match what you are looking for today, are you open to another option?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Yes, how about the address of an Indian food restaurant?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Cheap price please" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 2 options, would you prefer moderate or cheap price range?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Cheap price please", "system_acts": [ [ "price range" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "No, that should do it, thanks." ] ], "system_transcript": "Royal spice located at Victoria Avenue Chesterton and the phone number is 01733 553355. Is there anything else I can assist you with today?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No, that should do it, thanks.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "italian" ], [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am interested in finding an expensive restaurant serving Italian food. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am interested in finding an expensive restaurant serving Italian food. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I don't care which area the restaurant is located in." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are expensive Italian restaurants in centre and south. Do you have a preferred area?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I don't care which area the restaurant is located in.", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Can I have the address and phone number please? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There is a very nice Italian restaurant called Stazione Restaurant and Coffee Bar in the centre of town.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Can I have the address and phone number please? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "food" ] ], "asr": [ [ "what type of food do they serve? " ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number for stazione restaurant and coffee bar is 01223 352607 and they are located at Market Hill City Centre. ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "food" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "what type of food do they serve? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank You" ] ], "system_transcript": "They serve italian food. ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank You", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "lebanese" ], [ "price range", "moderate" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hi I am looking for Lebanese food that is moderately priced, I need the address and phone number." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "lebanese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hi I am looking for Lebanese food that is moderately priced, I need the address and phone number.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thanks!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes I have found a Lebanese restaurant on the west side. Here is the address and phone number.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "lebanese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thanks!", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "thank you good bye" ] ], "system_transcript": "Ali baba is located at 59 Hills Road City Centre. The phone number is 01462 432565. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "lebanese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "thank you good bye", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "north" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for a cheap restaurant in the north part of town. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for a cheap restaurant in the north part of town. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I don't care." ] ], "system_transcript": "What kind of food are you looking for?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I don't care.", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "What is the phone number?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I would recommend the Da Vinci Pizzeria. They are located at 20 Milton Road, Chesterton.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What is the phone number?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "What is the address?" ] ], "system_transcript": "da vinci pizzeria's phone number is 01223 351707. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What is the address?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "food" ] ], "asr": [ [ "What is the food type they serve ?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The address of Da Vinci Pizzeria is 20 Milton Road Chesterton. ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "food" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What is the food type they serve ?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you! Goodbye!" ] ], "system_transcript": "They serve italian food .", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you! Goodbye!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "east" ], [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hi, I'm looking for an expensive restaurant on the east side of town." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hi, I'm looking for an expensive restaurant on the east side of town.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "May I have the phone number please?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I have the Indian restaurant Pipasha located at Newmarket Road Fen Ditton. Does that sound good?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "May I have the phone number please?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thanks, thats great." ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01223 577786", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thanks, thats great.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Can I please have the second option." ] ], "system_transcript": "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Can I please have the second option.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The second option is Yu Garden, 01223 248882.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you!", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "thank you goodbye" ] ], "system_transcript": " Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "thank you goodbye", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ], [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I would like a moderately priced restaurant in the south part of town" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I would like a moderately priced restaurant in the south part of town", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "food" ] ], "asr": [ [ "What type of food do each of them serve?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I have two restaurants. They are Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton and Restaurant Alimentum.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "food" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What type of food do each of them serve?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ], [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Yes, what is the address and phone number for Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton is Italian, and Restaurant Alimentum is Modern European. Would you like information on either of them? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Yes, what is the address and phone number for Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "food" ] ], "asr": [ [ "What type of food do they serve? " ] ], "system_transcript": "The address for pizza hut cherry hinton is G4 Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton and the phone number is 01223 323737 ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "food" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What type of food do they serve? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "They serve italian food. Can I help you with anything else? ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you goodbye.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Goodbye again." ] ], "system_transcript": "Goodbye", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Goodbye again.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ], [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for a moderately priced restaurant in the south part of town. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for a moderately priced restaurant in the south part of town. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "dont care but I would like the address and phone number" ] ], "system_transcript": "What kind of food are you interested in having?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "dont care but I would like the address and phone number", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "area" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Which part of town it is in ?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I recommend Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton. its phone number is 01223 323737, and their address is G4 Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "area" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Which part of town it is in ?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you, goodbye. " ] ], "system_transcript": "it is located in the south part of town", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you, goodbye. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "east" ], [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for an expensive restaurant in the east part of town." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for an expensive restaurant in the east part of town.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Is there anything else?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I have found several. Would you like British, Indian, gastropub, or Chinese?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Is there anything else?", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "chinese" ], [ "area", "east" ] ], "asr": [ [ "No, that's okay. What Chinese restaurants are there on the east side?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no other types of expensive restaurants in the east, would you like to try another area?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No, that's okay. What Chinese restaurants are there on the east side?", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Is there another chinese restaurant in the east? " ] ], "system_transcript": "yu garden is on the east side, would you like the phone number?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Is there another chinese restaurant in the east? ", "system_acts": [ [ "phone" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "What is the phone number for Yu Garden?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Yu Garden is the only Chinese restaurant on the east side of town in the expensive price range.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What is the phone number for Yu Garden?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "No, I think that's it. Thank you for your help." ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number for Yu Garden is 01223 248882. May I help you with anything else?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No, I think that's it. Thank you for your help.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "kosher" ], [ "price range", "moderate" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Looking for the address and phone for a moderately priced kosher restaurant. If nothing available, I am willing to look at indian cuisine as well." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "kosher" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Looking for the address and phone for a moderately priced kosher restaurant. If nothing available, I am willing to look at indian cuisine as well.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Well, I'm not sure, you tell me?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Are there any moderately priced indian restaurants then?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "kosher" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Well, I'm not sure, you tell me?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ], [ "food", "indian" ] ], "asr": [ [ "It doesn't matter." ] ], "system_transcript": "I have no kosher restaurants, but several moderately priced Indian restaurants. Which part of town would you prefer?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "It doesn't matter.", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ], [ "food", "indian" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "All right, I'll take the address and number for both, please" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 2 on the east side: Curry Prince and Rajmahal. Meghna is on the west side and the nirala is on the north.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "All right, I'll take the address and number for both, please", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you and goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "The curry prince is located at 451 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton and their phone number is 01223 566388. The rajmahal is located at 7 Barnwell Road Fen Ditton and their phone number is 01223 244955. ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you and goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "french" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Where should I go for good French food?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "french" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Where should I go for good French food?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ], [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I don't know. Surprise me! I don't care about the price either." ] ], "system_transcript": "There is a restaurant on the north side and centre. Is there a specific area you would like to be?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "french" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I don't know. Surprise me! I don't care about the price either.", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postcode" ] ], "asr": [ [ "may i have the post code? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Cote is an expensive French restaurant on Bridge street in the city centre, their phone number is 01223311053. ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postcode" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "french" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "may i have the post code? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you." ] ], "system_transcript": "C.B 2, 1 U.F", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "french" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "french" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "west" ], [ "food", "german" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for a German restaurant in the west part of town. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "german" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for a German restaurant in the west part of town. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "asr": [ [ "How about Italian?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no German restaurants in the west part of town. Would you like to make another query?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "How about Italian?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "What is the phone number of one of them?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are several Italian restaurants in the west part of town. La Margherita is cheap and Prezzo is moderate. Would you like the address of one of those?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What is the phone number of one of them?", "system_acts": [ [ "address" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you goodbye. " ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number to Prezzo, which is moderately priced, is 01799 521260. Is there anything else I can assist you with today? ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you goodbye. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "west" ], [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I would like to find a moderately priced restaurant in a west neighborhood." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I would like to find a moderately priced restaurant in a west neighborhood.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Are there any others available?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 2 Italian restaurants, Maghna and Prezzo as well as a British restaurant, Saint johns chop house", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Are there any others available?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "No. Give me phone number of Saint johns chop house" ] ], "system_transcript": "No, those are the only three. Would you like to search in a different area?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No. Give me phone number of Saint johns chop house", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "are you sure that's the phone number of the chop house?" ] ], "system_transcript": "01223 353110", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "are you sure that's the phone number of the chop house?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "wait! can you confirm that that's the phone number of the chop house?" ] ], "system_transcript": "thank u, goodbye ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "wait! can you confirm that that's the phone number of the chop house?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "That is it." ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, that is the correct number. Will that be all?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "That is it.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "tuscan" ], [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for tuscan food in any price range." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "tuscan" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for tuscan food in any price range.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "vietnamese" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Okay. What about Vietnamese food?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry but there are no listings for Tuscan restaurants. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "vietnamese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay. What about Vietnamese food?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you very much." ] ], "system_transcript": "Thanh binh is in the west area with cheap prices. The phone number is 01223 362456 and address is 17 Magdalene Street City Centre.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "vietnamese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you very much.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "west" ], [ "food", "italian" ], [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I need the phone number of a restaurant in the west part of town that serves italian ood." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I need the phone number of a restaurant in the west part of town that serves italian ood.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you, goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "Prezzo is an Italian restaurant in the west part of town, their phone number is 01799 521260.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you, goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "hi! i'm looking for something cheap to eat" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "hi! i'm looking for something cheap to eat", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "east" ], [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "No. Can you find something in the east part of town?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Do you have a preference of what type of food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No. Can you find something in the east part of town?", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Just the address please." ] ], "system_transcript": "The Missing Sock is a cheap restaurant in the East. Would you like the address, phone and post code?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Just the address please.", "system_acts": [ [ "address" ], [ "phone" ], [ "postcode" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Can I have the address for the Missing Sock please? That will be all." ] ], "system_transcript": "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Can I have the address for the Missing Sock please? That will be all.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "No, thank you for your help. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Finders Corner Newmarket Road. Is there anything else that I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No, thank you for your help. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "west" ], [ "food", "basque" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hi, I'm looking for a Basque restaurant in the west part of town." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "basque" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hi, I'm looking for a Basque restaurant in the west part of town.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "asr": [ [ "How about british?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I don't see any Basque restaurants. Is there another type of food you might like?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "How about british?", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I need the address and phone number, please." ] ], "system_transcript": "Graffiti is a British restaurant located in the west part of town and in the expensive price range. Would you like their address?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I need the address and phone number, please.", "system_acts": [ [ "address" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "area" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Which part of town it is in ?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Graffiti is located at Hotel Felix Whitehouse Lane Huntingdon Road, and you can phone them at 01223 277977. Do you need additional information?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "area" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Which part of town it is in ?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "No, thanks. I have everything I need. Goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "it is located in the west part of town", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No, thanks. I have everything I need. Goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I need a restaurant that serves Turkish food." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I need a restaurant that serves Turkish food.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I do not have a preference. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two moderately priced Turkish restaurants and one expensive one, all in centre area. Do you have a price range preference?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I do not have a preference. ", "system_acts": [ [ "price range" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ], [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "asr": [ [ "What is the other turkish restaurant in the moderate price range?" ] ], "system_transcript": "anatolia serves turkish food in the moderate price range", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What is the other turkish restaurant in the moderate price range?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ], [ "request", "price range" ] ], "asr": [ [ "What is the address and price range?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Efes restaurant. Do you have any additional questions?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "price range" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What is the address and price range?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "food" ] ], "asr": [ [ "what is the food type they are good at ?" ] ], "system_transcript": "they are in the moderate price range and the address is King Street City Centre", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "food" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "what is the food type they are good at ?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you goodbye. " ] ], "system_transcript": "They serve turkish food. ", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you goodbye. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ], [ "food", "international" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for international food anywhere in town. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for international food anywhere in town. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I don't care" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 3 results for international restaurants. Do you care about the price range?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I don't care", "system_acts": [ [ "price range" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you. Goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "bloomsbury restaurant serves international food and is located at Crowne Plaza Hotel 20 Downing Street. Their phone number is 0871 942 9180. Can I help you with anything else? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you. Goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "polish" ], [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "asr": [ [ "hello, i'm looking for an expensive polish restaurant" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "polish" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "hello, i'm looking for an expensive polish restaurant", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "north american" ] ], "asr": [ [ "How about North American food?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Sorry we don't have anything in the area. Is there anything else I can help you find?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "north american" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "How about North American food?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postcode" ], [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Great, can I get the phone number and post code please?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The Gourmet Burger Kitchen is available.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postcode" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "north american" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Great, can I get the phone number and post code please?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "thank you, goodbye " ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01223 312598 and the post code is C.B 2, 1 A.B.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "north american" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "thank you, goodbye ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "swiss" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I'm looking for a restaurant that serves swiss food. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "swiss" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I'm looking for a restaurant that serves swiss food. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "vietnamese" ] ], "asr": [ [ "How about vietnamese food?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry but there are no swiss restaurants in town. Can i offer you something else?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "vietnamese" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "How about vietnamese food?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "could I have the address and phone number please?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes thanh binh serves vietnamese food and it is in the west part of town can i help you with anything else?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "vietnamese" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "could I have the address and phone number please?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "food" ] ], "asr": [ [ "what is the food type of that restaurant ?" ] ], "system_transcript": "thanh binh is located at 17 Magdalene Street City Centre and phone number is 01223 362456.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "food" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "vietnamese" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "what is the food type of that restaurant ?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "price range" ] ], "asr": [ [ "what is the price range ?" ] ], "system_transcript": "They serve vietnamese food. ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "price range" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "vietnamese" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "what is the price range ?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you, goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "They are in the cheap price range. ", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "vietnamese" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you, goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "jamaican" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I'd like a jamaican restaurant please." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "jamaican" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I'd like a jamaican restaurant please.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "portuguese" ] ], "asr": [ [ "alright then. how about portuguese?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no jamaican restaurants, would you care for another type of food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "portuguese" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "alright then. how about portuguese?", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "May I have the phone number and address for the south location?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two, Nandos City Centre as well as Nandos in the south part of the city, do you have a preference?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "portuguese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "May I have the phone number and address for the south location?", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you, goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "The address is Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way, and the phone number is 01223 327908. Can I help you with anything else?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "portuguese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you, goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "hi I'm looking for a cheap restaurant on the south side." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "hi I'm looking for a cheap restaurant on the south side.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Chinese." ] ], "system_transcript": "Okay, Portuguese or Chinese?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Chinese.", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Thanks. Can I have the address?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I have the lucky star at Cambridge Leisure Park on Clifton Way in Cherry Hinton", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thanks. Can I have the address?", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "hello, i'm looking for a restaurant with cheap prices" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "hello, i'm looking for a restaurant with cheap prices", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "north" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Something inexpensive and in the north part of town?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Ask for more constraints.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Something inexpensive and in the north part of town?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Are there any other options?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I have two listings for you in the north, da vince pizzeria and royal spice, an indian restaurant.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Are there any other options?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "What is the number for da vince pizzeria?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Those are the only options that meet your criteria. ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What is the number for da vince pizzeria?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "No, thanks" ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number for Da Vinci Pizzeria is 01223 351707. Do you need any more information?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No, thanks", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ], [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I'm looking for a good, moderately priced restaurant in the south part of town. Do you know of any?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I'm looking for a good, moderately priced restaurant in the south part of town. Do you know of any?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Anything else?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There is the pizza Hut or the restaurant Alimentum.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Anything else?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "No, tell me more about Alimentum. What's the address?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no other moderately priced restaurants located in the south part of town. I can show you moderately priced restaurants in other parts of town.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No, tell me more about Alimentum. What's the address?", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you very much. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Restaurant Alimentum has modern european food. The address is 152 - 154 Hills Road and phone number is \t 01223 413000.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you very much. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "panasian" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I'd like to find panasian food for cheap please." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "panasian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I'd like to find panasian food for cheap please.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "How about Asian Oriental food? I would like a phone number and address for any Asian restaurant you find." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no restaurants matching your requests. Would you like another restaurant? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "asian oriental" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "How about Asian Oriental food? I would like a phone number and address for any Asian restaurant you find.", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "price range" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "And that's a cheap restaurant?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Dojo Noodle Bar serves Asian Oriental. Their phone number is 01223 363471 and their address is 40210 Millers Yard City Centre. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "price range" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "asian oriental" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "And that's a cheap restaurant?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Is there anything else?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, dojo noodle bar is a restaurant in the cheap price range.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "asian oriental" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Is there anything else?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thanks." ] ], "system_transcript": "No, enjoy your meal!", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "asian oriental" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thanks.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "lebanese" ] ], "asr": [ [ "hello, i'm looking for a lebanese restaurant" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "lebanese" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "hello, i'm looking for a lebanese restaurant", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Can I please get the address? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Try Ali Baba on Hills Road City Centre.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "lebanese" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Can I please get the address? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "thank you, goodbye" ] ], "system_transcript": "59 Hills Road City Centre", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "lebanese" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "thank you, goodbye", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "chinese" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for a cheap restaurant with Chinese food." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for a cheap restaurant with Chinese food.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "asr": [ [ "South part of town. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are several cheap Chinese restaurants. Would you prefer any certain area of town?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "South part of town. ", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Yes, what is their phone number and address?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The Lucky Star is the only cheap Chinese restaurant in the south part of town. Would you like any contact information?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Yes, what is their phone number and address?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Excellent. Thanks a lot. I think that's everything I need." ] ], "system_transcript": "The Lucky Star restaurant is on Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton and can be reached by phone at 01223 244277.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Excellent. Thanks a lot. I think that's everything I need.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "north" ], [ "food", "kosher" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I'm looking for Kosher food in the North. If not, then French." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "kosher" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I'm looking for Kosher food in the North. If not, then French.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "french" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Okay, what is the address?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, we have a french restaurant in the north area for you. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "french" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, what is the address?", "system_acts": [ [ "food", "french" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "the phone number please" ] ], "system_transcript": "Restaurant Two Two is at 22 Chesterton Road, Chesterton. Is there anything else?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "french" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "the phone number please", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank You, have a great day." ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01223 351880.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "french" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank You, have a great day.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "malaysian" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for a restaurant that serves Malaysian food and is in the cheap price range." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "malaysian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for a restaurant that serves Malaysian food and is in the cheap price range.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "vietnamese" ] ], "asr": [ [ "How about vietnamese food, please?" ] ], "system_transcript": "No matches found for cheap Malaysian food. Would you like something else?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "vietnamese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "How about vietnamese food, please?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "That sounds great! May I have their phone number please? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Thanh binh is a nice restaurant that serves Vietnamese food and is in the cheap price range.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "vietnamese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "That sounds great! May I have their phone number please? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Okay, thank you for your help!" ] ], "system_transcript": "thanh binh's phone number is 01223 362456", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "vietnamese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, thank you for your help!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for a cheap restaurant" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for a cheap restaurant", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "centre" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I want somewhere in the center ." ] ], "system_transcript": "Ok, I'm showing a number of cheap restaurants in town. Which area do you prefer ?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "centre" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I want somewhere in the center .", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "north" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I made a mistake. I am looking for a cheap restaurant in the north part of town." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are many restaurants in the centre of town. Is there any particular type of food you desire?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I made a mistake. I am looking for a cheap restaurant in the north part of town.", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I prefer Indian food." ] ], "system_transcript": "I have two restaurants available, do you prefer Italian or Indian food? ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I prefer Indian food.", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Is there anything else?" ] ], "system_transcript": "royal spice is a cheap indian restaurant in the north.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Is there anything else?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "asr": [ [ "How about that Italian restaurant?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There is nothing else in the Indian and cheap in the north part of town. ", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "How about that Italian restaurant?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you for the information. Goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "Da Vinci Pizzeria is a cheap Italian restaurant in the north. It's address is 20 Milton Road, Chesterton. ", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you for the information. Goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "north" ], [ "food", "steakhouse" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I need a steakhouse in the north part of town please. What can you recommend?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "steakhouse" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I need a steakhouse in the north part of town please. What can you recommend?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "asr": [ [ "how about chinese? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no steakhouses in the north side of town. Can I help you find anything else?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "how about chinese? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "I was really looking for something that would serve a steak or chinese type food." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no Chinese restaurants in the north side of town. Can I search in a different area of town?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I was really looking for something that would serve a steak or chinese type food.", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Can I have the phone number?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Oh wait, there are some chinese restaurants in the north. The one I recommend is golden wok in the moderate price range.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Can I have the phone number?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you. Goodbye. " ] ], "system_transcript": "The number for Golden Wok is 01223 350688", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you. Goodbye. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "east" ], [ "food", "dontcare" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "What cheap restaurants are there in the east end?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What cheap restaurants are there in the east end?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "What cheap restaurants are there in the east side of town?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Is this the only cheap restaurant on the east side of town?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What cheap restaurants are there in the east side of town?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postcode" ], [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Super, can I get the phone number and postcode please?" ] ], "system_transcript": "how does the missing sock sound? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postcode" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Super, can I get the phone number and postcode please?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Sounds great! Thanks, goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "Sure thing! Phone is 01223 812660. Postcode C.B 25, 9 A.Q. Would you like anything else?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Sounds great! Thanks, goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ], [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Could you please help me find an expensive restaurant in the south part of town?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Could you please help me find an expensive restaurant in the south part of town?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "food" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Yes. What kind of food do they serve?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Both the restaurant alimentum and the peking restaurant are expensive restaurants in the south part of town. Would you like their phone numbers?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "food" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Yes. What kind of food do they serve?", "system_acts": [ [ "phone" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Could you please give me the phone number of whichever one you like better?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Restaurant alimentum serves modern european food, and peking restaurant serves chinese. ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Could you please give me the phone number of whichever one you like better?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you. Goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "Peking Restaurant's phone number is 01223 354755. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you. Goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "unusual" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Can you tell me where to find unusual food?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "unusual" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Can you tell me where to find unusual food?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "centre" ], [ "food", "international" ], [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Then, can you find me the phone number of an international restaurant near the centre of the city?" ] ], "system_transcript": "So there are no unusual restaurants in town?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "centre" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Then, can you find me the phone number of an international restaurant near the centre of the city?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Thank you, what are the phone numbers for these restaurants?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I found Bloomsbury restaurant and the varsity restaurant. 0871 942 9180 and 01223 356060", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "centre" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you, what are the phone numbers for these restaurants?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "price range" ] ], "asr": [ [ "What are there price ranges?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone numbers are listed above. Is there any other information you need?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "price range" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "centre" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What are there price ranges?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "I see, thank you for the support!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Both are moderate.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "centre" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I see, thank you for the support!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I'm looking for a place that has Chinese food." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I'm looking for a place that has Chinese food.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "east" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Yes, I'm looking for the address of one in the east part of town. " ] ], "system_transcript": "there are 17 chinese restaurants, do you prefer any price range or any area in town? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Yes, I'm looking for the address of one in the east part of town. ", "system_acts": [ [ "price range" ], [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you goodbye" ] ], "system_transcript": "Yu Garden is a great, but expensive, Chinese restaurant. They are located at 529 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton. Is there anything else I can do for you?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you goodbye", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for a restaurant in the west part of town." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for a restaurant in the west part of town.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "christmas" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I would like christmas food." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 14 restaurants in the west. Are you looking for a particular cuisine? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "christmas" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I would like christmas food.", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "asr": [ [ "How about british food?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry, there are no restaurants listed serving Christmas food. Would you like to try a different kind of food? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "How about british food?", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Either one is fine. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are 3 british restaurants in the west. Do you like moderate or expensive price range? ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Either one is fine. ", "system_acts": [ [ "price range" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ " I want the address and phone number." ] ], "system_transcript": "Graffiti is an expensive restaurant serving british food in the west. Would you like the phone number, address, or postcode?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": " I want the address and phone number.", "system_acts": [ [ "phone" ], [ "address" ], [ "postcode" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you goodbye. " ] ], "system_transcript": "the address is Hotel Felix Whitehouse Lane Huntingdon Road and the phone number is 01223 277977", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you goodbye. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "danish" ], [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I would like to find a danish restaurant this is moderately priced." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "danish" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I would like to find a danish restaurant this is moderately priced.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Go for it. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no Danish restaurants in the moderate price range. Would you like me to check for restaurants serving a different type of food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "danish" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Go for it. ", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "gastropub" ], [ "request", "address" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "area" ] ], "asr": [ [ "No. How about gastropub type food? May I please have the address, phone number, and area?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Some options are Lebanese, Turkish, international, British, European, and Chinese. Do any of these interest you?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "area" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "gastropub" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No. How about gastropub type food? May I please have the address, phone number, and area?", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you." ] ], "system_transcript": "The cow pizza kitchen and bar serves gastropub food, is located in the centre part of town and is in the moderate price range. Their phone number is 01223 308871. The address is Corn Exchange Street and the postcode is C.B 2, 3QF ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "gastropub" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "no, thank you " ] ], "system_transcript": "Is there anything else we can help you with today?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "gastropub" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "no, thank you ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ], [ "food", "international" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hello, I am looking for a restaurant on the south side of town that serves international food. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hello, I am looking for a restaurant on the south side of town that serves international food. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "asr": [ [ "How about Chinese food?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry, there are no international food restaurants on the south side of town. Would you like another type of food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "How about Chinese food?", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Can I have the address of Lucky Star?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are the Peking Restaurant, which is expensive, the Good Luck Chinese Food Takeaway, which is also expensive, and the Lucky Star, which is cheap.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Can I have the address of Lucky Star?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton 01223 244277", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "east" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I want to find a cheap restaurant in the east part of town." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I want to find a cheap restaurant in the east part of town.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "What is the address and phone number?" ] ], "system_transcript": "the missing sock is a cheap restaurant in the east .", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What is the address and phone number?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "OK, thanks. That's all I need." ] ], "system_transcript": "Their phone number is 01223 812660 and their address is Finders Corner Newmarket Road.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "OK, thanks. That's all I need.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "swedish" ], [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hi. This might be a long shot, but can you help me find a restaurant that serves Swedish food? I don't care about price." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "swedish" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hi. This might be a long shot, but can you help me find a restaurant that serves Swedish food? I don't care about price.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "asian oriental" ] ], "asr": [ [ "How about asian oriental type of food?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no restaurants serving Swedish food.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "asian oriental" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "How about asian oriental type of food?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postcode" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "No thank you. I just need the address and postcode, please." ] ], "system_transcript": "Dojo Noodle Bar serves Asian Oriental food in the centre of town. Would you like their number?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postcode" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "asian oriental" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No thank you. I just need the address and postcode, please.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "No, thank you, goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "Dojo Noodle Bar is located at 40210 Millers Yard City Centre and their postcode is C.B 2, 1 R.Q. Is there anything else I can assist you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "asian oriental" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No, thank you, goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "east" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hi I would like to find a cheap restaurant on the east side of town." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hi I would like to find a cheap restaurant on the east side of town.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postcode" ], [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "can I have the phone number and postcode please" ] ], "system_transcript": "There's The Missing Sock. Would you like an address?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postcode" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "can I have the phone number and postcode please", "system_acts": [ [ "address" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Awesome thank you so much." ] ], "system_transcript": "Sure! Phone is 01223 812660, postcode C.B 25, 9 A.Q", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Awesome thank you so much.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "asr": [ [ "anything expensive? " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "anything expensive? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "east" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Is there anything in the east part? If not, please give me the phone number and address for Backstreet Bistro." ] ], "system_transcript": "How about Backstreet Bistro, that serves gastropub food and is located in the center of town?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Is there anything in the east part? If not, please give me the phone number and address for Backstreet Bistro.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "west" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for a cheap restaurant on the west side of town. May I have the phone number and address?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for a cheap restaurant on the west side of town. May I have the phone number and address?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "thank you good bye" ] ], "system_transcript": "la margherita is a restaurant that matches your choice. They are located at 15 Magdalene Street City Centre, their number is 01223 315232.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "thank you good bye", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I'm looking for something cheap!" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I'm looking for something cheap!", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ], [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Nope, but it should be in the south" ] ], "system_transcript": "I found many restaurants matching your requirements. Do you have a particular type of food in mind?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nope, but it should be in the south", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Can you give me phone numbers for both?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There is Nados a portuguese restaurant and The Lucky Star which serves chinese. Can I get you the phone number for either one?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Can you give me phone numbers for both?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Nope" ] ], "system_transcript": "Nandos phone number is 01223 327908 and the lucky star phone number is 1223 244277. anything else i can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Nope", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "thank you good bye" ] ], "system_transcript": "Thank you for using the Cambridge Restaurant System!", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "thank you good bye", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "'click'" ] ], "system_transcript": "thank you, goodbye", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "'click'", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "west" ], [ "food", "halal" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I want a restaurant on the west side with halal food." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "halal" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I want a restaurant on the west side with halal food.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "chinese" ], [ "area", "west" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I would like a chinese restaurant on the west side then" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry there is nothing like that in the area. Is there anything else I could find for you?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I would like a chinese restaurant on the west side then", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ], [ "food", "indian" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ae there Indian restaurants in other areas?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry, there is nothing like that on the west side either. Is there anything else I could find for you?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ae there Indian restaurants in other areas?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "west" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ], [ "food", "indian" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I've already mentioned this. Please give me the address and phone number for an Indian restaurant on the WEST side of town." ] ], "system_transcript": "There is. Which part of town do you want?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I've already mentioned this. Please give me the address and phone number for an Indian restaurant on the WEST side of town.", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "north" ], [ "food", "malaysian" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I want to find a restaurant in the north part of town that serves malaysian food. If there isnt one, how about asian oriental type of food. I would like to know the address and phone number." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "malaysian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I want to find a restaurant in the north part of town that serves malaysian food. If there isnt one, how about asian oriental type of food. I would like to know the address and phone number.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Yes, what is the address and phone number for the Asian Oriental restaurant? " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no malaysian restaurants in that area, but i did find an asian oriental restaurant in that area. Would you like their information?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "asian oriental" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Yes, what is the address and phone number for the Asian Oriental restaurant? ", "system_acts": [ [ "food", "asian oriental" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Great, thanks." ] ], "system_transcript": "01223 356555 169 High Street Chesterton Chesterton", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "asian oriental" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Great, thanks.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "No that's all. Good bye." ] ], "system_transcript": "No problem. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "asian oriental" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No that's all. Good bye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "english" ], [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for english food in any price range." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "english" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for english food in any price range.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "turkish" ], [ "request", "postcode" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "How about turkish type food? I'll need an address and postcode, please." ] ], "system_transcript": "I don't see any English restaurants in the area. Are you interested in any other types of food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postcode" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "How about turkish type food? I'll need an address and postcode, please.", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you. Goodbye" ] ], "system_transcript": "anatolia is located 30 Bridge Street City Centre, with postcode C.B 2, 1 U.J", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you. Goodbye", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ], [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I want your most expensive restaurant in the south town." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I want your most expensive restaurant in the south town.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I don't care" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are five restaurants that are in the south part of town and in the expensive price range. What type of food would you like?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I don't care", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Ok, can you tell me the other restaurants?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Chiquito restaurant bar is a nice restaurant that serves Mexican food in the expensive price range and is in the South part of town.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ok, can you tell me the other restaurants?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Great! can you please tell me the address and the phone number of frankie and bennys? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, there are four other restaurants that meet your criteria. There is frankie and bennys, peking restaurant, taj tandoori, and the good luck chinese food takeaway.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Great! can you please tell me the address and the phone number of frankie and bennys? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you, goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "The address is Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton and the phone number is 01223 412430.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you, goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ], [ "food", "african" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I'm looking for an african restaurant anywhere" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "african" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I'm looking for an african restaurant anywhere", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "phone number please" ] ], "system_transcript": "I have an african restaurant, Bedouin located in centre, address 100 Mill Road City, Centre. Will that be acceptable?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "african" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "phone number please", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thanks, thats all I need. Bye." ] ], "system_transcript": "\t 01223 367660", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "african" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thanks, thats all I need. Bye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ], [ "food", "scandinavian" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I'm looking for Scandinavian food in any area." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "scandinavian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I'm looking for Scandinavian food in any area.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "vietnamese" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Yes, could you look for a Vietnamese restaurant?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I am not able to locate a Scandinavian restaurant; do you have a second choice?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "vietnamese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Yes, could you look for a Vietnamese restaurant?", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "That will work. I would like the address and phone number to the Thanh Binh restaurant please." ] ], "system_transcript": "Thanh Binh is a Vietnamese restaurant in the west of town, and is in the cheap price range.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "vietnamese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "That will work. I would like the address and phone number to the Thanh Binh restaurant please.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I need the address too please." ] ], "system_transcript": "Their phone number is 01223 362456. How else may I assist you?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "vietnamese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I need the address too please.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "That's it. Thank you, goodbye" ] ], "system_transcript": "The address for Tanh Binh is 17 Magdalene Street City Centre. Is ther anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "vietnamese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "That's it. Thank you, goodbye", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I want a moderately priced restaurant." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I want a moderately priced restaurant.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "asr": [ [ "The south part of town. " ] ], "system_transcript": "what part of town would you like? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "The south part of town. ", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "No preference. You choose one please." ] ], "system_transcript": "There is an Italian restaurant and one that serves Modern European. Which would you like?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No preference. You choose one please.", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ], [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "What is the address and phone number?" ] ], "system_transcript": "How about the Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What is the address and phone number?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "good bye" ] ], "system_transcript": "The address is G4 Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton. The phone number is 01223 323737.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "good bye", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I'd like to eat at a European place, can you help me?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I'd like to eat at a European place, can you help me?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Which of those are expensive?" ] ], "system_transcript": "You have a couple options. Cambridges Lodge, Eraina, Galleria, Michaelhouse Cafe? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Which of those are expensive?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "What is the address for those?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Cambridges Lodge, Eraina, and Michaelhouse Cafe are expensive.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What is the address for those?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I don't care about the area." ] ], "system_transcript": "To narrow it down, which area were you thinking?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I don't care about the area.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "I don't know...are there any others?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Try Michaellhouse Cafe, the address is St. Michael's Church Trinity Street City Centre", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I don't know...are there any others?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postcode" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I'd also like the postcode for Eraina's please." ] ], "system_transcript": "cambridge lodge restaurant address is Cambridge Lodge Hotel 139 Huntingdon Road City Centre. Darrys Cookhouse and wine shop address is 40270 King Street City Centre. Eraina address is Free School Lane City Centre. Can I help you with anything else? ", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postcode" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I'd also like the postcode for Eraina's please.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Okay, thanks so much. " ] ], "system_transcript": "C.B 2, 3 R.H", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, thanks so much. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ], [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Please suggest me some moderately priced restaurant in the south." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Please suggest me some moderately priced restaurant in the south.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "asr": [ [ "italian food" ] ], "system_transcript": "I found two moderately priced restaurants in the south part of town. Would you prefer Italian or Modern European food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "italian food", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Is there anything else? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton is a nice italian restaurant in the moderate price range and it is in the south.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Is there anything else? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postcode" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Can I get the address, phone number and postcode, please?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton is the only Italian restaurant in the moderately priced category in the south part of town.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postcode" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Can I get the address, phone number and postcode, please?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you, goodbye" ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number for pizza hut cherry hinton 01223 323737 and they are located at G4 Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton. The postcode is C.B 1, 7 D.Y", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you, goodbye", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I want turkish food." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I want turkish food.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Is there anything else?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I find 3 restaurants matching your request.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Is there anything else?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "centre" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Yes. Are any of those restaurants in the centre of town?" ] ], "system_transcript": "You're looking for Turkish food, correct?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "centre" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Yes. Are any of those restaurants in the centre of town?", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "price range" ] ], "asr": [ [ "What is the price range?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, there are three restaurants serving Turkish food in the center of town.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "price range" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "centre" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What is the price range?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "What is the address?" ] ], "system_transcript": "anatolia and efes restaurant are moderately priced, while meze bar restaurant is expensive.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "centre" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What is the address?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "address for anatolia please" ] ], "system_transcript": "The address for which restaurant?", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "centre" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "address for anatolia please", "system_acts": [ [ "address" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "That's all I need, Thanks. " ] ], "system_transcript": "anatolia is located at 30 bridge street city centre. Is there anything else I can help you with? ", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "centre" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "That's all I need, Thanks. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "north" ], [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I would like a moderately priced restaurant in the north part of town" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I would like a moderately priced restaurant in the north part of town", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "chinese" ], [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Can I have the phone number of the Chinese place please?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two moderately priced restaurants in the north part of town. One Chinese and one Indian. Please specify the desired cuisine type.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Can I have the phone number of the Chinese place please?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "OK, Thank you " ] ], "system_transcript": "Golden Wok is located in the north side of town, serves chinese food and is in the moderate price range. Their phone number is 01223 350688.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "OK, Thank you ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "east" ], [ "food", "canapes" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I need an east restaurant. I want to try some Canapes food." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "canapes" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I need an east restaurant. I want to try some Canapes food.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Then could you recommend a Chinese restaurant? " ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry, but there are no restaurants serving canapes food in the east part of town.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Then could you recommend a Chinese restaurant? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postcode" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "address, phone number, and postcode, please" ] ], "system_transcript": "Yu Garden is a Chinese restaurant in the east part of town.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postcode" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "address, phone number, and postcode, please", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "No, thank you, goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "Yu Garden is located at 529 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton and their number is 01223 248882. Also, their postcode is C.B 5, 8 P.A. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No, thank you, goodbye.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "Thank you.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "east" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "hi I am looking for a cheap restaurant on the east side." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "hi I am looking for a cheap restaurant on the east side.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Yes I am looking for a chinese restaurant" ] ], "system_transcript": "Are you interested in a specific type of food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Yes I am looking for a chinese restaurant", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "international" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ok, can I have the address, please." ] ], "system_transcript": "There is only one Cheap restaurant on the East side. It serves international food, and is called the Missing Sock. ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ok, can I have the address, please.", "system_acts": [ [ "food", "international" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you. That's all." ] ], "system_transcript": "Sure thing, it's Finders Corner Newmarket Road", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "international" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you. That's all.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ], [ "food", "crossover" ], [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for a restaurant in any area that serves crossover food; if not modern European food will do. May I please have the phone number?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "crossover" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for a restaurant in any area that serves crossover food; if not modern European food will do. May I please have the phone number?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Maybe mid price range. It doesn't matter that much." ] ], "system_transcript": "do you have a preference for how much you'd like to spend?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "crossover" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Maybe mid price range. It doesn't matter that much.", "system_acts": [ [ "price range" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "center" ], [ "food", "modern european" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Lets look at the ones in the center of town. " ] ], "system_transcript": "I could not find any crossover resteraunts but I found 3 modern european. Would you prefer south or centre?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "modern european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "center" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Lets look at the ones in the center of town. ", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ], [ "food", "modern european" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "great! May I please have the phone number?" ] ], "system_transcript": "You could try De Luca Cucina and Bar at 83 Regent Street. How does that sound?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "modern european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "center" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "great! May I please have the phone number?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you for your help! Have a great day." ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01223 356666.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "modern european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "center" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you for your help! Have a great day.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "east" ], [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hello, I am looking for a moderately priced restaurant on the east side of town. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hello, I am looking for a moderately priced restaurant on the east side of town. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Is there anything else ?" ] ], "system_transcript": "do you want curry prince ?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Is there anything else ?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "food" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "What is the address, phone number, and type of food of one of them?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two other moderately priced restaurants on the east side, Pizza Hut Fen Ditton serving Italian food, and Rajmahal, another Indian restaurant.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "food" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What is the address, phone number, and type of food of one of them?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you. Good bye." ] ], "system_transcript": "Rajmahal is the Indian restaurant. They are at 7 Barnwell Road Fen Ditton and their number is 01223 244955.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you. Good bye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "west" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I need to find a cheap restaurant on the west side. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I need to find a cheap restaurant on the west side. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Which one do you recommend?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I have one Italian and one Vietnamese.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Which one do you recommend?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Do you have the address and phone number for both restaurants?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Please check the reviews for La Margherita and Thanh Binh to determine which would be suitable for you", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Do you have the address and phone number for both restaurants?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "That will be fine. Thanks for your help." ] ], "system_transcript": "La Margherita is at 15 Magdalene Street City Centre, phone number is 01223 315232, and Thanh Binh is at 17 Magdalene Street City Centre, 01223 362456. Can I help you with anything else? ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "That will be fine. Thanks for your help.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "north" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Cheap restaurant in the north. address and phone number, please." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Cheap restaurant in the north. address and phone number, please.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I would prefer Italian." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two restaurants in the cheap category in that area. Would you prefer Italian or Indian?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I would prefer Italian.", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "da vinci pizzeria is located at 20 milton road chesterton and they can be reached at 01223 351707", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ], [ "price range", "moderate" ], [ "request", "address" ], [ "request", "food" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for a moderately priced restaurant in the south side of town. Can I get the address and restaurant type please?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "food" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for a moderately priced restaurant in the south side of town. Can I get the address and restaurant type please?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "italian" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I would like the Italian place please. May I get address and phone number?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are two, one has Italian food and the other modern European. Do you have a preference?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I would like the Italian place please. May I get address and phone number?", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thanks. What is the dress code for this restaurant?" ] ], "system_transcript": "sure, the number is 01223 323737 and the address is G4 Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thanks. What is the dress code for this restaurant?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you for your help. Have a great day! " ] ], "system_transcript": "We don't have that information, the name of the restaurant is Pizza Hut Cherry Hinton and the phone is 01223 323737 if you would like to call and ask directly.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you for your help. Have a great day! ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "seafood" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Will you help me find some really good shellfish?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "seafood" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Will you help me find some really good shellfish?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postcode" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Do you have the address, phone number, and postcode?" ] ], "system_transcript": "For seafood, there's Loch Fyne in the centre of town.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postcode" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "seafood" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Do you have the address, phone number, and postcode?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "price range" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Is it a high end restaurant?" ] ], "system_transcript": "the address, phone number, and postcode are as follows:\t 01223 362433 The Little Rose 37 Trumpington Street C.B 2, 1 Q.Y", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "price range" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "seafood" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Is it a high end restaurant?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "no" ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, it is. Anything else?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "seafood" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "no", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ], [ "food", "jamaican" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for a restaurant in the south part of town that serves Jamaican food." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "jamaican" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for a restaurant in the south part of town that serves Jamaican food.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ], [ "food", "jamaican" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Are there ant Jamaican restaurants in any part of town?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry but i cannot find any Jamaican restaurant located in the south .", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "jamaican" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Are there ant Jamaican restaurants in any part of town?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "portuguese" ] ], "asr": [ [ "How about Portuguese food instead?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Unfortunately there are not. Would you be interested in a different cuisine?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "portuguese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "How about Portuguese food instead?", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Awesome, thank you!" ] ], "system_transcript": "Nandos is located on the south side at Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way and the phone number is 01223 327908.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "portuguese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Awesome, thank you!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "irish" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I would like a restaurant that serves irish food" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "irish" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I would like a restaurant that serves irish food", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "european" ], [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "How about European food in any price range?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I am sorry, I can't find any restaurant serving irish food in this town. Do you have another type of food in your mind? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "How about European food in any price range?", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "I don't care about the price as long as it's European. Can you recommend one?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I found 10 restaurants. Do you have a specific area or price range in mind?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I don't care about the price as long as it's European. Can you recommend one?", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ], [ "price range" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "May I have their address and phone number please? " ] ], "system_transcript": "cambridge lodge restaurant serves european food in the expensive price range.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "May I have their address and phone number please? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you, goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "The address is Cambridge Lodge Hotel 139 Huntingdon Road City Centre and the phone number is 01223 355166.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you, goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "east" ], [ "price range", "moderate" ], [ "request", "postcode" ], [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I would like a moderately prices restaurant in the East part of town. I would like the phone number and postcode, please." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postcode" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I would like a moderately prices restaurant in the East part of town. I would like the phone number and postcode, please.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I don't care. " ] ], "system_transcript": "We have 3 matching your request in the East part of town. Do you prefer Indian or Italian?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I don't care. ", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "french" ], [ "request", "postcode" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Could you recommend a restaurant that serves french food? I'll need the address, phone number and postcode. Thank you." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postcode" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "french" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Could you recommend a restaurant that serves french food? I'll need the address, phone number and postcode. Thank you.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ], [ "request", "postcode" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I don't care. please give me address, phone number, and postcode." ] ], "system_transcript": "You would like a restaurant serving French food. Do you have a preference to what area it is located? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postcode" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "french" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I don't care. please give me address, phone number, and postcode.", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "thank you good bye " ] ], "system_transcript": "I can recommend 2 restaurants serving French cuisine: Cote, located at Bridge Street City Centre C.b2, 1 U.F, phone number 01223 311053 or restaurant two two located at 22 Chesterton Road Chesterton, C.B 4, 3 A.X, phone number 01223 351880 ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "french" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "thank you good bye ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "north" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hi, please find me a cheap place that's in the north section of town. I need the phone number and address please." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hi, please find me a cheap place that's in the north section of town. I need the phone number and address please.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Whichever you recommend. Can i get the phone number and address?" ] ], "system_transcript": "We found 1 Italian restaurant and 1 Indian restaurant, which restaurant would you like the phone number and address of?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Whichever you recommend. Can i get the phone number and address?", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "No thats great. Thanks for the info., have a nice evening." ] ], "system_transcript": "Sure, I recommend the Italian place. Here's the information: da vinci pizzeria 01223 351707 20 Milton Road Chesterton. Would you like anything else?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No thats great. Thanks for the info., have a nice evening.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for a restaurant in the west part of town." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for a restaurant in the west part of town.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Thank you. Can I have the address please?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Cambridge Lodge Restaurant is in the west part of town, and it serves European food.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you. Can I have the address please?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "price range" ], [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Thank you. I would like their price range and phone number as well please." ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes. Their address is 139 Huntingdon Road City Centre. ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "price range" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you. I would like their price range and phone number as well please.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you, goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "Cambridge Lodge Restaurant is in the expensive price range and the phone number is 01223 355166.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you, goodbye.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "You're welcome. Goodbye.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ], [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hello! Can you recommend a moderately priced restaurant near the south part of town?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hello! Can you recommend a moderately priced restaurant near the south part of town?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "It doesn't matter." ] ], "system_transcript": "Would you prefer italian or modern european food?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "It doesn't matter.", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "May I have their address please? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Restaurant Alimentum is a nice restaurant serving modern european food in the moderate price range and is located in the south.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "May I have their address please? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "Their address is 152 - 154 Hills Road.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ], [ "food", "portuguese" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I need Portuguese food - south side please." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "portuguese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I need Portuguese food - south side please.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Can I have the phone number and address please?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Nandos is over by Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "portuguese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Can I have the phone number and address please?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Great, thanks so much. " ] ], "system_transcript": "They are located at Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way and you can reach them by phone at 01223 327908.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "portuguese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Great, thanks so much. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Goodbye!" ] ], "system_transcript": "thank you, goodbye", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "portuguese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Goodbye!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "centre" ], [ "food", "venetian" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hello, I am looking for a venetian restaurant in the centre of town. " ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "venetian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "centre" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hello, I am looking for a venetian restaurant in the centre of town. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "thai" ] ], "asr": [ [ "How about thai food?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no restaurants serving Venetian food in the centre part of town. Would you like me to check another part of town?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "thai" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "centre" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "How about thai food?", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I don't care." ] ], "system_transcript": "what is the price range you are looking for? ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "thai" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "centre" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I don't care.", "system_acts": [ [ "price range" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Can I get the address and phone number, please?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Bangkok City serves Thai food in the centre of town. Would you like an additional information regarding this restaurant?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "thai" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "centre" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Can I get the address and phone number, please?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you, goodbye" ] ], "system_transcript": "bangkok city's address is 24 Green Street City Centre and their phone number is 01223 354382", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "thai" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "centre" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you, goodbye", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I want a moderately priced restaurant please." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I want a moderately priced restaurant please.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "north" ], [ "food", "dontcare" ], [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Any kind of food will be fine as long as it is moderately priced and in the north part of town. " ] ], "system_transcript": "What kind of food would you like to have?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Any kind of food will be fine as long as it is moderately priced and in the north part of town. ", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Is there any other restaurant?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Golden Wok is in the north part of town, and is moderately priced. It serves Chinese food.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Is there any other restaurant?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "That sounds good. What is their phone number?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There is the nirala, which serves indian food in the moderate price range and the north part of town", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "That sounds good. What is their phone number?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you, goodbye" ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01223 360966.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you, goodbye", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ], [ "food", "australian" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "price range" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I need a Australian restaurant on the southside. Can you get me a number and some prices?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "price range" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "australian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I need a Australian restaurant on the southside. Can you get me a number and some prices?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "chinese" ], [ "area", "south" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Okay, what about Chinese food on the south side?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no Australian restaurants on the south side. Would you like to try a different area?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, what about Chinese food on the south side?", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ], [ "request", "price range" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for the address and the price range" ] ], "system_transcript": "the lucky star serves Chinese food and is located on the south side. ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "price range" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for the address and the price range", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "thank you goodbye" ] ], "system_transcript": "The lucky star has cheaply priced dishes and is located at Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "thank you goodbye", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "swedish" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Is there a cheap swedish restaurant in town?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "swedish" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Is there a cheap swedish restaurant in town?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "mediterranean" ] ], "asr": [ [ "How about one serving mediterranean food?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no restaurants matching those preferences. Would you like a different restaurant? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "mediterranean" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "How about one serving mediterranean food?", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postcode" ], [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "That sounds good. What is their phone number and postcode?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There is a cheap Mediterranean restaurant in the centre area of town. It is called The Gardenia.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postcode" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "mediterranean" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "That sounds good. What is their phone number and postcode?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you!" ] ], "system_transcript": "The Gardenia is in the postcode C.B 2, 3 L.L. Their phone number is 01223 356354.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "mediterranean" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you!", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "Your welcome, is there anything I could help you with?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "mediterranean" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "christmas" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I'm looking for something serving christmas food." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "christmas" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I'm looking for something serving christmas food.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "chinese" ], [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "asr": [ [ "How about a moderately priced chinese restaurant?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no restaurants serving Christmas food. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "How about a moderately priced chinese restaurant?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ok, what's the phone number?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes, there is one called golden wok in the north part of town. do you want this one?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ok, what's the phone number?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Is there anything else?" ] ], "system_transcript": "golden wok's number is 01223 350688", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Is there anything else?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thanks! You too! " ] ], "system_transcript": "That's all, enjoy your meal. ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thanks! You too! ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for a restaurant that is cheap and in the south part of town." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for a restaurant that is cheap and in the south part of town.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ], [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Is there anything else? And what is the address and phone number?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Nandos is a nice restaurant in the South part of town. It is in the cheap price range and serves Portuguese food. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Is there anything else? And what is the address and phone number?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "No that is all. Thank you!" ] ], "system_transcript": "yes there is the lucky star serves chinese food in the cheap price range and in the south part of town, Its address is cambridge leisure park clifton way cherry hinton and the phone number is 01223 327908.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No that is all. Thank you!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Can you help me find a restaurant in the south that doesn't cost a lot of money. In fact, I need one that's quite inexpensive." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Can you help me find a restaurant in the south that doesn't cost a lot of money. In fact, I need one that's quite inexpensive.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "yes what is there address" ] ], "system_transcript": "nandos is a nice place, it serves Portuguese food and it is in the cheap price range and the south part of town, is there anything else? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "yes what is there address", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you good bye. " ] ], "system_transcript": "Nandos's address is Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way C.B 1, 7 D.Y", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you good bye. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "asr": [ [ "looking for a restaurant in the moderate price range" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "looking for a restaurant in the moderate price range", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "asr": [ [ "It should be in the west part of town." ] ], "system_transcript": "Do you have a preference on area?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "It should be in the west part of town.", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "asr": [ [ "British sounds good. What's it called?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Do you have a preference on food type? There are three restaurants with the following food types: indian, italian, and british.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "British sounds good. What's it called?", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Yes, I would like the address and phone number." ] ], "system_transcript": "Saint johns chop house serves british food in the west part of town and is in the moderate price range. Would you like their location? ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Yes, I would like the address and phone number.", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Perfect. Thank you very much. " ] ], "system_transcript": "saint johns chop house phone number is 01223 353110 and is located at 21 - 24 Northampton Street", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Perfect. Thank you very much. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Is there a restaurant on the North side of town?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Is there a restaurant on the North side of town?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ], [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I don't care." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are several restaurants in the north part of town. Do you have a preference of price range or type of food? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I don't care.", "system_acts": [ [ "price range" ], [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "swedish" ], [ "area", "north" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I would like a restaurant serving swedish food in the north part of town. " ] ], "system_transcript": "City Stop Restaurant is an expensive restaurant on the North side of town.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "swedish" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I would like a restaurant serving swedish food in the north part of town. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "asr": [ [ "How about indian food?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry but there are no Swedish serving restaurants in that area. Would you like to expand your search?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "How about indian food?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ], [ "request", "price range" ] ], "asr": [ [ "What is the address, phone number, and price range? " ] ], "system_transcript": "The Royal Spice restaurant has a cheap price range.", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "price range" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What is the address, phone number, and price range? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you goodbye. " ] ], "system_transcript": "it's address is Victoria Avenue Chesterton, and phone number is 01733 553355.", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "north" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you goodbye. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "crossover" ], [ "price range", "expensive" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Looking for the address and phone of a high end crossover restaurant. If nothing available, will consider modern european." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "crossover" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Looking for the address and phone of a high end crossover restaurant. If nothing available, will consider modern european.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "modern european" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Okay, great! Thank you." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no crossover restaurants, but Darrys Cookhouse and Wine Shop is a modern European restaurant in the expensive price range. Their phone number is 01223 505015 and their address is 40270 King Street City Centre. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "modern european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Okay, great! Thank you.", "system_acts": [ [ "food", "modern european" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "No, you have answered all my questions. Thank you, goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "modern european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No, you have answered all my questions. Thank you, goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hello, can you suggest me a cheap restaurant in the south area ?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hello, can you suggest me a cheap restaurant in the south area ?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "chinese" ], [ "request", "address" ], [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Chinese sounds good. I'd like the address and phone number please." ] ], "system_transcript": "Ok, I have one listing for a Portuguese restaurant and one listing for a Chinese restaurant. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Chinese sounds good. I'd like the address and phone number please.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "No, thanks for your help." ] ], "system_transcript": "The Lucky Star is at Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton, their phone is 01223 244277. Can I offer any further assistance?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No, thanks for your help.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "chinese" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I'm looking for a cheap restaurant that serves chinese food." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I'm looking for a cheap restaurant that serves chinese food.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "The address and phone number please?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I recommend golden house.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "The address and phone number please?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Is there another option?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The address is 12 Lensfield Road City Centre, and you can contact them by phone at 01842 753771.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Is there another option?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I'd like the info for Lucky Star, please." ] ], "system_transcript": "There is also Charliie Chan, Rice House, and The Lucky Star.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I'd like the info for Lucky Star, please.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you" ] ], "system_transcript": "Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cherry Hinton with the number 01223 244277", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "lebanese" ], [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hello, I am looking for an expensive restaurant that serves Lebanese food." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "lebanese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hello, I am looking for an expensive restaurant that serves Lebanese food.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "italian" ], [ "request", "area" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Can I get the address, phone number, and area of an Italian restaurant?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry, but I cannot find any expensive Lebanese restaurants.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "area" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Can I get the address, phone number, and area of an Italian restaurant?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Perfect, thank you!" ] ], "system_transcript": "How about Caffe Uno, they are in the centre area. Their address is 32 Bridge Street City Centre and their phone number is 01223 448620.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Perfect, thank you!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "eritrean" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Please tell me you know where to find Eritrean food!" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "eritrean" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Please tell me you know where to find Eritrean food!", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ], [ "food", "indian" ], [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I would be willing to go Indian on the South side as well. Could you give the phone number as well please?" ] ], "system_transcript": "I am sorry but I am not showing any restaurants that are serving Eriteran food.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I would be willing to go Indian on the South side as well. Could you give the phone number as well please?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you so much!" ] ], "system_transcript": "taj tandoori is on the south side of town and can be reached at 01223 412299", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you so much!", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "west" ], [ "food", "russian" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I'm looking for a restaurant that serves russian food in the west part of town" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "russian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I'm looking for a restaurant that serves russian food in the west part of town", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "asr": [ [ "How about Italian?" ] ], "system_transcript": "No results were returned. Would you like me to check a different food type, or another area?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "How about Italian?", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ], [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Yeah, could I get the phone number for those, please?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There is prezzo and la margherita.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Yeah, could I get the phone number for those, please?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you, goodbye" ] ], "system_transcript": "thank you, goodbye", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you, goodbye", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Oh yes, could you please give me the phone number to Prezzo?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Did you not want the phone numbers for the two restaurants after all?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Oh yes, could you please give me the phone number to Prezzo?", "system_acts": [ [ "phone" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I believe that is the address, I asked for the phone number." ] ], "system_transcript": "21 - 24 Northampton Road", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I believe that is the address, I asked for the phone number.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you for your help. " ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01799 521260. Can i help with anything else?", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you for your help. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ], [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I'm looking for a nice expensive restaurant in the south part of town" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I'm looking for a nice expensive restaurant in the south part of town", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postcode" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Can you please let me know the address with the postcode and the phone number please?" ] ], "system_transcript": "backstreet bistro is an nice expensive one. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postcode" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Can you please let me know the address with the postcode and the phone number please?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you. That is all I needed to know. Good bye." ] ], "system_transcript": "Backstreet Bistro is at 2 Sturton Street City Centre, post code C.B 1, 2 Q.A. The phone number is 01223 306306.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you. That is all I needed to know. Good bye.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "Thank you for using our system. Good bye ", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "east" ], [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hi, I want an expensive restaurant. East part of town please." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hi, I want an expensive restaurant. East part of town please.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "is there any other expensive restaurant in east? " ] ], "system_transcript": "Royal Standard is a Gastropub in East. Is this OK?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "is there any other expensive restaurant in east? ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "It doesn't matter, just not Gastropub." ] ], "system_transcript": "Yes there are four other options. What kind of food would you like?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "It doesn't matter, just not Gastropub.", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "That sounds like something I would enjoy. Could you give me the address and phone number?" ] ], "system_transcript": "May I recommend the Grafton Hotel Restaurant, then? They're very British, very expensive, and located in the east part of town.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "That sounds like something I would enjoy. Could you give me the address and phone number?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you, goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "Certainly. The Grafton Hotel restaurant is at 619 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton and the number there is 01223 241387. Can I be of further assistance? ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you, goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Get me a restaurant that serves european food." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Get me a restaurant that serves european food.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "i dont really care." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are several restaurants serving european food. Would you like the west, center or south part of town? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "i dont really care.", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Any price range is fine." ] ], "system_transcript": "Which price range are you looking for?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Any price range is fine.", "system_acts": [ [ "price range" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postcode" ], [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Could I have the phone number and postcode for that restaurant please?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Cambridge Lodge Restaurant serves European food. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postcode" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Could I have the phone number and postcode for that restaurant please?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "No, thank you. " ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is \t 01223 355166 and the post code is C.B 3, 0 D.Q. Is there anything else?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No, thank you. ", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "british" ], [ "price range", "cheap" ], [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Need the phone number for a british restaurant; would prefer cheap, but willing to go expensive." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Need the phone number for a british restaurant; would prefer cheap, but willing to go expensive.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ], [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Any area is fine. Are there any expensive British restaurants instead?" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no cheap British restaurants, but there are five moderately priced selections. What area are you interested in?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Any area is fine. Are there any expensive British restaurants instead?", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Yes, please. " ] ], "system_transcript": "No, I'm afraid not. Would you like information for a moderately priced one?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Yes, please. ", "system_acts": [ [ "phone" ], [ "address" ], [ "price range", "moderate" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "You told me there were no moderate restaurants, you were holding out on me. Thank you ever so kindly. " ] ], "system_transcript": "fitzbillies restaurant in the expensive range can be contacted at 01223 352500 and the address is 51 Trumpington Street City Centre.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "You told me there were no moderate restaurants, you were holding out on me. Thank you ever so kindly. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Yes. I appreciate your help." ] ], "system_transcript": "I apologize for any misunderstanding. Is my recommendation satisfactory?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Yes. I appreciate your help.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Is there anywhere that serves British fish and chips around here?" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Is there anywhere that serves British fish and chips around here?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "centre" ], [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I'd like something downtown and moderately priced" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are a lot of restaurants that serve British food. Do you have a specific area or price range in mind?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "centre" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I'd like something downtown and moderately priced", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ], [ "price range" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ], [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Any area is fine, really. It should be moderately priced however. " ] ], "system_transcript": "We do not have any restaurant downtown, would you like me search in a different area?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Any area is fine, really. It should be moderately priced however. ", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "asr": [ [ "East, please." ] ], "system_transcript": "I found four British restaurants in centre and one in east. Which area would be more convenient?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "East, please.", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Yes, I would like the address and phone number, please." ] ], "system_transcript": "I found cotto, a moderate british restaurant in the east. Do you like the address and phone number? ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Yes, I would like the address and phone number, please.", "system_acts": [ [ "address" ], [ "phone" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you. Goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "The address is 183 East Road City Centre and the phone number is 01223302010. ", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "british" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you. Goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I need to find a good restaurant in the south part of town." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I need to find a good restaurant in the south part of town.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "anything else?" ] ], "system_transcript": "ok I have two listings, one for Italian and one for Modern European. ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "anything else?", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Ok. It doesnt have to be expensive so much as great quality. So are there any dining in restaurants?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Those are the only expensive places in the south.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Ok. It doesnt have to be expensive so much as great quality. So are there any dining in restaurants?", "system_acts": [ [ "price range" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "chinese" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Chinese would be good. I need the address please. " ] ], "system_transcript": "There are several other restaurants in the South...is there any particular kind of food you're interested in?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Chinese would be good. I need the address please. ", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you very much" ] ], "system_transcript": "Peking Restaurant 10 Homerton Street City Centre. ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "south" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you very much", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "korean" ], [ "price range", "expensive" ], [ "request", "area" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for an expensive restaurant that serves Korean food. I would like the address and area, please." ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "area" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "korean" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for an expensive restaurant that serves Korean food. I would like the address and area, please.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank You." ] ], "system_transcript": "The Little Seoul fits fits your price request. It is located at 108 Regent Street City Centre.", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "korean" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank You.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you, goodbye." ] ], "system_transcript": "thank you good bye ", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "korean" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you, goodbye.", "system_acts": [] } ]
[ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "asr": [ [ "one in the East part of town" ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "one in the East part of town", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "irish" ] ], "asr": [ [ "and serves irish style food please" ] ], "system_transcript": "There are several restaurants in the east part of town. Do you have a preference for the type of food or price range? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "irish" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "and serves irish style food please", "system_acts": [ [ "food" ], [ "price range" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "indian" ], [ "area", "east" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Indian food in the east part of town would be good. " ] ], "system_transcript": "I apologize, there are no restaurants in the east part of town that serve Irish food. Would you like to choose a different part of town or type of food?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Indian food in the east part of town would be good. ", "system_acts": [ [ "area" ], [ "food" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "It doesn't matter." ] ], "system_transcript": "There are four restaurants in the east part of town that serve Indian food. What price range would you like?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "It doesn't matter.", "system_acts": [ [ "price range" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "May I have the phone number?" ] ], "system_transcript": "Curry Prince is an Indian restaurant located in the east part of town in the moderate price range. Would you like any additional information?", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "May I have the phone number?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "What is the address?" ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01223 566388.", "turn_idx": 5, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "What is the address?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you goodbye. " ] ], "system_transcript": "curry prince is located at 451 newmarket road fen ditton. Is there anything else I can help you with? ", "turn_idx": 6, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you goodbye. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "good bye" ] ], "system_transcript": "Okay thank you ", "turn_idx": 7, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "good bye", "system_acts": [] } ]