+1(800)273-8255 - U.S. National Suicide Hotline
If you feel you might be suicidal, and live in the United States, I urge you to call the Suicide Hotline at 800-273-8255 or navigate to for a live chat and additional resources. If it's not an emergency, but you want to know more about mental health, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) offers information on their website and a free HELPLINE 800-950-6264. If you do not live in the United States please seek out local resources. /r/SuicideWatch has a list that may cover your country: /r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines Let others know if you need any other guidance to people who help. --- **EDIT:** People from /r/all or those outoftheloop, here is what the market looks like this right now: And Bitconnect has evaporated/exit scammed. --- **EDIT2: For those confused what happened,** here: **How bad is it?** The hardest hit people are one of the following: Newcomers, Margin Traders, or Day-Traders (and those in Bitconnect) The vast majority of people who have held for more than 60+ days are still in green.
I think for many this -20% has been quite the wake up call. Crypto just doesn't keep going up and up, it has to correct and consolidate. That being said though (and sorry if this clashes with "keep all comments positive") if a crash this small makes you suicidal you're overextended as fuck, check out /r/personalfinance and get an emergency budget at the very least. edit: just realized that "if a crash this small makes you suicidal" might have been mildly insensitive, no disrespect to those with depression edit2: welp... if only we could go back to the time of -20%. Rip
I would appreciate it if everyone could keep in their thoughts the person who paid me $105,000 for 500,000 shares of DW8 on this cold weekend.
We're coming into winter and the nights are getting colder. It's been about four days or so and I worry that the man or woman who paid me [$105,000 for 500,000 of my DW8 shares]( is only feeling the cold in their weary bones and no matter how close they come to the fire they feel nothing but that terrible driving chill.   Amongst the rabble, when the stock price for DW8 [reached to the stars and caressed 21c as a company all time high]( on the 13th of April, a single trade was made and an order executed: [$105,000 AUD for 500,000 DW8 shares]( A poor soul with wax wings battling in those few short seconds did their dash, paying for each of my DW8 shares a [single silver coin]( and an old bronze one not often seen nowadays in our deeply unfair land.   I don't think of the person I bought the shares from in 2019, or I never have before but I think they're probably quite settled now. Perhaps they bought back in. Perhaps they moved on. I know sometimes I don't remember having purchased a stock, and am very surprised to see it in my purchase confirmations. I think they're okay. I hope they're in. I hope they were selling next to me at 21c, within the minute of 10:06, starting at 10:06:36 and finishing at 10:06:40. A nothing four seconds that passed in a flash, but carries for a harried soul out there with sunken eyes a nebulous and ethereal burden uneasily conveyed to family and friends.   I don't think the man or woman, the human, who gave me $105,000 of their money and who in my eyes threw their money into the air and let rain upon me, I don't think they're settled yet, not like the person who sold me $6999 of DW8 shares in 2019.   No, not at all.   Over the weekend, the share price for DW8 is 15.5c, so they are sitting with a loss of $27,500. I imagine it might be printed in red on their brokerage account. I imagine they don't like opening their account now, but perhaps they're harder than I imagine. People have such capacity, and can take upon themselves and their shoulders such burdens that I can't begin to fathom. Maybe like a moth to a flame, this person's eyes are drawn back to the red numbers and their mind back to those four seconds from four days ago.   So I would ask you all to give a moment for that person, of whom we all are, that so freely distributed their funds to what they believed was right but is now wrong.
There’s some weird sadistic tendencies going on in this subreddit where you guys claim to take great pleasure in other people losing money or missing out on gaining money, be proud of your good trades but drop the weird edgy act it’s unbecoming look un natural and weird
I sold a stock to make my very first profit today
It wasn’t a lot, about $200, but it was an overall gain of 28.95%. I am completely self-taught and really did a lot of time and research to learn so even this small gain is a big win for me!
28% is good profit off a trade. Very good work and keep it up. Money lost is money spent learning, but don’t spend all your time doing homework 🤠 Edit: ty for all the upvotes I don’t comment much so the comment karma is much appreciated :)
Bank Teller Contacted Me Via Facebook Messenger and Asked for Money.
I deposited a sum of money this past Wednesday. I asked the bank teller to write down the account balance on the deposit receipt. I don’t keep what I would consider to be an exorbitant amount of money in that account but it does have about 6 months worth of living expenses and all of my standard checking and savings accounts are with this institution. Later that evening, I received a message request on Facebook from the bank teller asking for money. It was a long story about how he was trying to marry his fiancé and a bunch of other nonsense. I didn’t respond and tried to forget about it, but It’s been bothering me for the past two days. I know it’s inappropriate, but if it were just that, I could get over it. Does this person have access to my accounts? Should I be moving my assets? This feels like a breach of trust between me and the financial institution. I’m a way, I feel like my privacy has been violated.
I am a bank manager. Tell someone. They 100% have access to your accounts and should not be working with peoples money. This is a huge breach of trust. This employee should be fired and black listed for this.
My Dad just figured out he's been paying $30/month for AOL dial-up internet he hasn't used for at least the last ten years.
The bill was being autopaid on his credit card. I think he was aware he was paying it (I'm assuming), but not sure that he really knew why. Or he forgot about it as I don't believe he receives physical bills in the mail and he autopays everything through his card. He's actually super smart financially. Budgets his money, is on track to retire next year (he's 56 now), uses a credit card for all his spending for points, and owns approximately 14 rental properties. I don't think he's used dial up for at least the last 10....15 years? Anything he can do other than calling and cancelling now? EDIT: AOL refused to refund anything as I figured, and also tried to keep on selling their services by dropping the price when he said to cancel. I got a little clarification on the not checking his statement thing: He doesn't really check his statements. Or I guess he does, but not in great detail. My dad logs literally everything in Quicken, so when he pays his monthly credit card bill (to which he charges pretty much everything to) as long as the two (payment due and what he shows for expenses in Quicken) are close he doesn't really think twice. He said they've always been pretty close when he compares the two so he didn't give it second thought.
I used to work for AOL and this happens ALL THE TIME. If you haven't called yet, honestly, make it sound like your father is pretty much senile and had this set from when he was using it and since then hasn't touched a computer...we're "taught" that you use the terms of service and that you should be managing your finances so it really isn't up to AOL to monitor your usage or your finances. They CAN do a credit back to the card, don't let them say otherwise, BUT DO NOT MENTION ANY LAWYERS...the minute you do that, they have to refer you to legal and the conversation stops. ALSO, DO NOT CANCEL THE ACCOUNT UNTIL AFTER A REFUND HAS BEEN SUBMITTED. If you do, it locks the CSR out of the account and you can't get anything back. You MIGHT be able to get a years worth of AOL refunded back to your card, but I wouldn't hope for much more. Dear God if there was ever a time you read all the comments to your post...let it be this.
My best friend committed suicide tonight because of his financial future with stocks.
Just wanted to say that my best friend had been a CPA/Financial Advisor for 3 years and had been entrusted by his family to invest some savings. The volatile market and stress from his family led him to inflict a fatal shot upon himself in the middle of the street tonight. Of course, we can conclude that he had a mental imbalance, depression issues, or a crappy family, but let’s put that aside and say that this market we play can be a stressful environment. Please call tel:+18002738255 or speak with a friend if ANYTHING might make you consider taking your own life. If you are a friend of someone who might be at risk, please lend a non-judgemental ear if they need it.
For anyone like u/h0ndaboy making light of this situation, perhaps out of callousness or an inability to relate, I'd love for you to read my favorite David Foster Wallace quote: “The so-called ‘psychotically depressed’ person who tries to kill herself doesn’t do so out of quote ‘hopelessness’ or any abstract conviction that life’s assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise. Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire’s flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. It’s not desiring the fall; it’s terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling ‘Don’t!’ and ‘Hang on!’, can understand the jump. Not really. You’d have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling.”
What habit changed your life?
Someone asked me this question the other day and I thought long and hard about it. For me I would have to say reading and the ability to say no to friends or anything else I truely don’t want to do. Both such simple concepts but they have exponentially increased my performance and speed. Anyways, now I am asking you, what’s the one habit that changed your life?
Stopped drinking alcohol - mind you, this is better advice the older you get. In your 20's the social upside probably outweighs any of the downsides. As you approach 40 never being hungover is like a superpower compared to many of your peers. Never had a "problem" but you quickly realize how society has normalized willingly being sick once or twice a week once you actually stop.
If you thought the hard part was holding the last 8 months, I have bad news for you…
So you diamond handed for 8 whole months. Picked up plenty of more shares, maybe even saw some gains along the way (or losses no judging). You didn’t sell you beautiful ape. You’ve seen the FUD, the theories, the DD… you’ve seen it all and survived it. The MOASS is finally here. The hard part is over right? Wrong. That was the easy part. The hard part is when things start actually moving into action. When the ticker slowly moves from 1,000 to 10,000 to 100,000 to 1,000,000 and so on. It may even drop at certain points. You will start to feel the temptation. *maybe I should sell at 37,000, I could buy a new house and pay off my parent’s loans* You will start to feel the anxiety. *what if this is the top. I don’t want to lose all my money. I can’t trust every ape out there after all. What if others sell first?* You might even feel fear. It may be the scariest moment of your life. This is the hard part. It’s gonna be harder than a freshman at cheerleader practice. You will be blamed for what is happening to the economy. You will be scared. But you need to hold. Hold for your family. Your friends. Hold for your fellow apes. Hold for what those fuckers did in 2008. I’m holding and I’m holding hard. Don’t forget the DD. They need your shares, and you name the price. Don’t cheapen yourself for selling less than what it’s worth. Harden your resolve, apes. The MOASS is coming soon, and when it comes, be prepared. Here comes the hard part. HODL. 🦍
They disabled buy button. Apes disabled sell button. 🦍 🦧 🐒 Edit: I am disabled and this is not a financial advice. ~~Liquidating~~ Yoloing my 401k in February and going all in **again** was the best decision. Guest who is XXXX holder now? It is funny that MSM keep talking down GME’s fundamental, but all I see is a great company with bullish potential and I like the stock. Let’s fucking go!
Emotional involvement has never been this high, please understand the risk involved.
First of all, I can't wait to be berated in the comments. I'm gonna be blunt, I have seen a whole lot of dumb shit over the last week. A lot more than normal. And compounding all of that is an unprecedented amount of legitimate emotional involvement here. So let me get started by saying outright that people getting emotionally involved with trading stocks always lose. Short, long, whatever. It doesn't matter if you're a 19 year old throwing in your life savings or Bill fucking Ackman not being able to admit he was wrong with Herbalife. Letting your emotions be a major factor in trading is a fantastic way to lose money. And a whole lot of you are really emotionally involved with this GME, AMC, whatever. To the point: I am not making a buy/sell/hold/whatever recommendation. I have no special insight in to what's happening with GME or whatever else. What I can tell you is that it is for sure not worth $300. So let's dispel one quick thing: this is not David vs Goliath. It also isn't the little man vs hedge funds or WSB vs big finance. It might have started out that way, but if you only read one thing [read this]( >Many of the big retail brokerages, including Robinhood, route a lot of their customer orders to Citadel Securities, so it ends up seeing a large percentage of retail trades in U.S. stocks. It can see if retail traders are mostly buying or mostly selling or mostly pretty balanced. You might expect—I certainly expected—to see that retail traders were buying more than they were selling this week. The stock seemed to be rocketing up on frenzied retail sentiment, and the posters on WallStreetBets were all claiming that they would never sell and keep buying until it hit $1,000. >But here’s what Citadel Securities’ retail flow looked like in GameStop this week: 1 >[Graphic here]( >Retail investors were net buyers on Monday but net sellers for the rest of the week (through yesterday), and all in all quite balanced: About 49.8% of retail orders (that Citadel Securities saw) were to buy, and 50.2% were to sell. >What do you make of that? One reading would be: “Retail investors on Reddit might have started the GameStop rally, but they’re not piling into this stock now, and the price action this week is coming from professionals.” Or as one Twitter user put it, “past the retail ignition, the rocket ship was mostly intra-fast money warfare.” So, just to be clear about this, there is massive institutional money on both sides of this trade, and retail is a toddler sitting at the world series of poker. **Understand that melvin does not need to cover in the way a retail trader needs to cover**. You, and everyone else, have no idea what Melvin's position looks like, and they can reorganize and exit a position before you ever knew it happened. You don't know how hedged they are, you don't know what their collateral looks like, and you don't know if they've covered and restructured a short at last week's prices. You simply don't know. You only know what's been presented in the news, which is almost certainly bullshit. This thing could come to an end as fast as it started and you won't know what happened for weeks. You might go take a shit at 1pm today and come back to GME trading at $16 because Ken Griffin got on CNBC and announced they restructured their short at an average price of $200, and were happy to sit on it. Make no mistake, you'll get kicked in the nuts and have your ball taken away faster than you can comprehend. **Emotions** The problem with this whole "strike back at wall street" narrative is that lots of you are getting really worked up over this trade. Losing money sucks, but losing money and feeling like you got shit on by the big guy is going to hurt. This isn't a moral crusade to them, it's 25 billion dollars. So if you're out here putting money and emotions on the line that you can't afford to lose there won't be a happy ending. Want to fight the good fight against wall street? Write your congressman, Tweet AOC or Ted Cruz, get you a fucking picket sign and go wave it around on the streeet. But dropping money on GME that you need in life ain't gonna change anything except your net worth. TLDR: 1) know and understand who is playing this game. And that they have access to tools, leverage, and markets that you do not. You're playing Le Chiffre at Casino Royale right now, you might think you're James Bond but there's a good chance that you're just the fat dude in the corner. 2) Short squeezes end fast. As fast as they started. If you're new to trading then understand buying GME at this price can mean all of your money will evaporate before you had time to make a TikTock about it. 3) Get your emotions out of play here. This whole nonsense political narrative is only going to cause you to make trading mistakes. Can't handle that? then maybe it's not a good idea to sit at this table. Lastly, if you really just can't get yourself out of the whole "fight the hedge funds" nonsense, at least understand that you're spending money that you likely won't get back. If that's worth it to you then have at it. But don't fool yourself in to thinking otherwise. **E: Completely unrelated**: I hate reddit awards, reddit doesn't need your money. Go buy like a hundredth of a share of VTI or something.
I see what you're saying, I myself have been cautiously optimistic, and I do have one question since I want to understand this fully. If the hedges aren't in any big trouble, i.e no squeeze, why would they be using ladders and other tricks to influence the price? I mean everything they're doing points to them being scared to lose money. What could they have to win on doing this despite not having a bunch of still shorted stocks anymore?
Is anyone else feeling really depressed from the turn of events recently?
I used to be a proud trader and investor, determined to break through the shackles of society to reach financial freedom. I started out with almost zero, and by capitalizing on the stock market frenzy last year, I was able to completely change my life around. I used to think that if I worked hard, did my due diligence, traded smartly, I could make great investments and someday reach the pinnacle of my financial dreams. Something has shifted now. I no longer feel the same way, and I'm not sure if I ever will again. I wonder if it's naive of me to have thought that the free market was fair. I'm not American so I wasn't aware of the parties involved during the financial crisis in 2008, but it seems that many people are equating what's happening now to back then, calling out the blatant market manipulation in favor of the rich at the expense of the poor. They can crash multiple brokerages at the same time, disable purchase of specific stocks instantaneously, manipulate price action in real-time by changing the supply/demand, unleash a short ladder attack on the stock price while the trade volume is being restricted. We've always understood that the media was manipulated, but it was up to us if we wanted to listen. But our direct purchase of stocks, and outright price action manipulation, suddenly it feels very personal. It just makes me so sad to know that this hobby of mine that I've enjoyed and come to love so much, is actually controlled by people at the top who can do whatever they want, at any time they want in favor of their own interests. I came into the investing world filled with hope and excitement, and passion for the art of understanding business and capitalizing on opportunities. I'm sad to think that I may never have this outlook again, in light of everything that's been coming out. Just looking for words of encouragement right now. I love investing and I don't want that joy to be taken from me EDIT: This is not about money, it's about the integrity of the market. After some consideration, I am, and will continue to hold and buy the stock, no matter the tricks they play.
I'm 49. I've seen a lot along the way - the birth & rise of the internet, dotcom bust, 9/11, great recession & now the pandemic. One thing I know for certain, I am so grateful to my younger self for having the sense to invest & stay invested. I'm sure there others my age have made & accumulated more, were smarter in their strategy, but I will beyond a shadow of a doubt, be able to retire in 10 years, knowing I will be comfortable. Stay the course. Be smart - do your own research & trust your gut - do what's best for you. Don't overspend or worry about the Jones. Time is your greatest asset. Control the controlables. You got this.
Is Supply and Demand a law that is only valid within our current economic system or is it an actual natural law?
Probably a very stupid question and even more philosophical than economic, but are there theories or even proof that Supply and Demand is a law that applies to nature as well?
What an interesting question! One way to look at the law of supply and demand is as a law about what the **optimal quantity** to be supplied based on the benefits to the supplier is. If the supplier produces more than that quantity, they will either have a surplus, meaning unnecessary costs, or reduced benefit, since it will have to discount the supply to get rid of all of it. If a supplier produces too little, they miss out on potential benefits. From the perspective of the consumer, if they consume below the optimal quantity, they're missing out on a trade that would make them better off. If they over consume, they have spent more resources than they like. To see how this might play out in nature, consider a flowering tree and a bee. The bees are consumers, using energy to fly from flower to flower (price) in order to consume nectar from the flowers. The tree is the supplier, using energy to produce flowers, and gaining the benefit of pollination from the bees (price). If the tree produces too many flowers, the bees will only visit the easiest ones, so there is a surplus. The law of supply and demand doesn't say that the tree will produce the right number of flowers, or that the bee will visit the right number, just that there is an equilibrium value.
Following Biden's speech last night: What exactly does $6 trillion is deficient spending actually mean?
So, pardon my ignorance, but we are essentially borrowing $6 trillion from who exactly? And what does that mean on top of what we already owe? The further I look into this, it just seems like a shell game. I mean, who the fuck borrows $28 trillion dollars, who is lending that, and who the hell is going to call out on that eventually?
The US mostly finances it's debt via bonds. So they sell bonds to literally the highest bidder, and pay them back once they reach maturity. Who owns those bonds? Well, more or less anyone who wants can buy them, people, companies, foreign investors, etc. That said, most of this debt is held by the American public. How is it paid? Well, you have to keep in mind that this isn't one big loan, it's hundreds of thousands of bonds. It's not paid back all at once, either. The cost of the debt isn't really the 28 trillion, it's what it costs to service that debt. And it's paid by mostly tax dollars. Current tax dollars and future tax dollars. And especially with things like infrastructure investments, what matters is how much you get in return, meaning how much you invest into the economy and how much economic growth you get for that. In that regard, the US has a pretty good track record. Because debt is generally cheap for the US, because it's literally the most reliable debtor there is, so rates are low, and because returns are good, leading to a cost that's ultimately the vast majority of the time either negative or slightly positive.
Gamestop Big Picture: Technical Recap - 1/25 - 1/29
*Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. This entire post represents my personal views and opinions, and should not be taken as financial advice (or advice of any kind whatsoever). I encourage you to do your own research, take anything I write with a grain of salt, and hold me accountable for any mistakes you may catch. Also, full disclosure, I hold a net long position in GME, but my cost basis is very low, and I'm using money I can absolutely lose. My capital at risk and tolerance for risk generally is likely substantially different than yours.* Wow, what a week. All I'll say on that for now. I'll maybe do a recap of Friday at some point this weekend if I can. For this post, rather than a narrative recap, I'll go into some very light technical analysis on a couple of screenshots from TD Ameritrade Thinkorswim and Ortex. I don't have a lot of time to go very deep into everything I normally do, but I wanted to give the newer traders an example of how I go about coming to some of my conclusions. Some of the conclusions I came to in the heat of the moment in my previous posts may also not stand up to more rigorous scrutiny of the data. In my opinion, at least, it's very important to ensure that you go back and review any of your high conviction trades from time to time. Please feel free to use the charts I'll show to challenge some of the assumptions I may have made and written about while watching the live ticker tape action, social media, and other high-frequency sentiment indicators (things I might rely on for a hyper-realtime momentum monster trade like GME has been this past week). Maybe use them to challenge your own thoughts and assumptions as well. I realized while doing this that writing those prior articles probably cost me \~$300k in momentum trade opportunity LOL, since I used all of my free non-trading hour time to write instead of do an even more in-depth version of what I'm going to show you now. That being said, if that writing helped any of you understand what was going on, and ultimately progress on your way to becoming better traders and investors, that to me is well worth it--maybe one day you too can pay it forward! If any of you reading this are chart jockeys, please share some tips if you have them. First, the charts (links since pics aren't allowed on this sub) 1. [Ortex Short Interest Data]( 2. [Daily Summary of the Week]( 3. [1/26/2021 Mini Squeeze Hourly]( 4. [1/28/2021 to 1/29/2021 Fibonacci Retracement]( # Fundamentals - Ortex Short Interest First, lots of questions on the prior post about Short Interest remaining on GME so I'll start with this one. Looks good to me. I think Ortex will update end of trading Friday data just before/around Monday market open. I consider this chart to convey mostly fundamental data, as the underlying value thesis behind the recent push by retail traders has at least recently been about the squeeze. This is the type of data you'd use to try to analyze data about the security being traded. Note that most pro traders would not consider short interest to be a 'fundamental ' attribute, and normally I'd agree, but I think GME and maybe some of the other high SI plays are an exception to that. If any of you are inclined to feel jumpy about the diving lines on the chart, make sure to look at the axis values on the left. The chart is calibrated to capture the movement over the period, so the bottom of the axes are not 0. A few things to note: 1. Short interest drops substantially from 1/26 into 1/27 2. Volume is shrinking 3. Remaining free float on loan has gone down, but at 66% as of Thursday, is still quite high # Overview - Daily Chart & Summary of the Week A few things going on here 1. The big volume days on Friday, Monday, and Tuesday are when it seems to me that the greatest retail momentum would have occurred. The battles were pretty intense at key price points if you take a closer look at those intra-day charts. 2. Big picture here, what it tells me is that many if not most of the retail share volume was acquired at or below $148 on huge volume. That means the core of your retail support, and the majority of shares in WSB diamond hands would have been bought probably between the $30 and $148 price range. My guess is that Only DFV the DFV early acolytes, Dr. Burry, and the institutional holders have meaningful volume below $30. 3. Given points 1 and 2, I'd consider the $148 price level as the critical defense level of your earliest, hardest retail support. You can dive deeper into the 1/26 trading day and possibly make a case for other levels as well, but I'll roll with that for now. 4. Ok, so maybe the Melvin guys weren't really lying. The Ortex data showing short interest drop from 1/26 to 1/27 coinciding with the massive and sudden price dislocation upward on 1/27. 5. If new shorts entered the game it would have been near the highs, possibly selling into the forced buying of what I'll just assume was the overnight Melvin squeeze and into the early market hours on 1/28. Possibly aggressive momentum shorting on top of the Robin Hood BS, the bots, and the networking issues came together in a perfect storm with that HFT ladder attack on the vertical dive. Wow--no wonder that thing was so intense. 6. As you can see on that downside wick on 1/28, the huge momentum briefly pierced the Retail line before being slammed back up. We'll take a closer look in the fibonacci chart. # Analysis - Mini Squeeze Hourly Just a few notes. I checked and the after hours volume here was sudden, quite unusual, and pretty consistent with a forced liquidation of a substantial position. Rather than slamming it all out at once, the broker spread it out quite a bit. Some takeaways: 1. If you wanted to take money from Melvin, this was the chance, and a lot of people (or a few whales) certainly did. The numbers in my summary were very quick mental math of the hourly volumes in overnight trading 2. The price didn't break away as aggressively as it probably could have, which means there was some carefully calibrated pre-planning to unload a bunch of shares, laddering up to the $350 level. 3. I am genuinely sorry to have to conclude, therefore, that the WSB bros with the $420.00 limit got scooped. Something on the order of 17 million shares worth of Melvin dollars got cashed out under them by a HFT whale with access to firehose shares at Melvin's broker all the way through overnight trading. few retail even have the ability to trade for that entire window, and certainly not on the order of 17 million shares anyway. 4. Another important takeaway: 17 million shares is a lot, but it's nowhere near the entire original SI in GME. The Game hasn't necessarily Stopped yet (heh). # Technical Analysis - 1/28 to 1/29 Fibonacci Retracement For those of you who are unfamiliar with what traders call "technical analysis", it's really just a fancy set of words to say looking at squiggly lines, bars, etc. on charts to try to figure out what's going on. One particularly popular tool is called a fibonacci retracement. It sounds a lot fancier than it is, but it is extremely useful, and extremely commonly used by momentum traders (which is partly why it's useful--if everyone is trading off of the same thing, it's a self-reinforcing bias in the market). There is a lot of background reading you can do on the topic--I recommend it. You'll be a better trader and even investor for it, as it tends to be useful even on longer timeframe charts. Kind of uncanny really. Looking at this chart I realize I probably should have plotted the 'retail line of defense' here too. Oh well, maybe next time. Takeaways: 1. I figured the relevant trading range going forward was peak euphoria to peak despair in regular trading on relatively good volume. That happened to be the top to bottom move on the Robin Hood news. 2. Using that for the fibonacci retracement, you can see how much of the trading action bounces around between the various levels before settling in scarily accurately into the 50% - 61.8% channel in after hours trading. 3. it's quite possible that short-term equilibrium on this battleground stock is $300 to $350 until either side makes a strong push. Price was trapped in that range toward the end of normal trading on relatively good volume. 4. Probably a bunch of momentum traders drew exactly this retracement (or something very similar) for their rest of day trading after the floor got put in near the retail line of defense. In all honesty it's hard to say if the tool works because of some fundamental reason or because everyone uses it so everyone times their momentum plays off the same playbook, making it self-reinforcing. All that matters in the end is that it works pretty consistently once you get used to working with it. 5. Below the price graph, pay attention to the volume bars below. It's especially critical when trading momentum to understand the relationship between share volume and price, as there are patterns that are more likely to play out depending on the relationship. For example, when price is moving around a lot, is it doing so on high volume or not much volume? 6. Traders tend to overshoot a little on each push, so even if price ultimately drops lower after an upside spike, if the volume on that drop is low compared to the upward push, that actually tells you that it's likely to go higher a little later on. There are many sites that go more in depth into this kind of thing (patterns, volume and price analysis, etc.), and it is incredibly useful to try to understand what to take away from price and volume movement as you watch it unfold live. Lots more going on here, but this post is getting pretty long already. # Other Takeaways * The whales in the pond obviously do their homework (that's how they got to be that big, after all), and they were therefore prepared to act decisively to unload 17 million shares at the upper end of the trading range when Melvin got blown up. That's how you make big bank on big volume--do your homework. * My thesis in the [part 2 article]( that the big early drop before retail pre-market was a short-side scare tactic could very well be totally wrong. You could make a case either way that it was a new short-side player diving in at a higher price point, a long-side whale making bank, or a combo of both. if you check the Ortex data against the numbers here you can probably come up with an order of magnitude educated estimate. If so, apologies to the CNBC Squawk Box crew--probably no factual inaccuracies in your reporting (though the tone did make a lot of retail panic) * Ironically, it might very well have been the continued unwinding of Melvin's short position that intercepted the panic drop into premarket rather than a long-side heavy hitter. LOL. * Thursday afternoon and Friday were low volume, low-conviction momentum sloshing around. Dueling HFT algos and momentum traders trying to scalp alpha from each other is my guess. * Contract expiration may cause a price dislocation into the new trading week, so I'm not sure the fibonacci retracement chart is still useful. * I'm sure if I go back over my previous articles and compare to the chart data more carefully I'll find all kinds of other inconsistencies with my realtime thoughts. It's key when trading, at least in my opinion, that you are willing, able, and indeed eager to go back and rethink your assumptions, no matter how much you liked them. Challenge and verify with data whenever possible. Not doing that is how Melvin got blown up, after all. * My worst case scenario thesis in the [part 3 article]( may still be valid depending on the total amount of short interest loading up into GME at these newer highs. I remember hearing some fund manager talking about shorting GME at the $400 as a stabilization mechanism. Wow.. short something with the most hyper volatility of any $1bn+ stock I've ever heard of... for stability. That's not a word I'd ever associate with a WSB meme momentum rollercoaster stock. * An infinity squeeze is still totally on the table, as long as sufficient short interest remains. The strategy and tactics you'd use to get there may have to be different though, as price ratchets up into higher bands. I'll keep those thoughts to myself--for sure those WSB guys have a plan. They've proven to be scary effective so far after all. There are other things you can take away, or theses you can come up with from these and other charts you may have access to. Hopefully, for you newer traders I've given you a useful glimpse into how I might try to use readily available data to improve/challenge/refine a working thesis to ensure I'm better prepared for the days ahead. You should find the tools that seem to work best for you. Hope you all have a good weekend. See you on the field on Monday.
I can’t believe I’m able to read this level of information on a stock forum in my sweats on a Saturday morning. I’ve learned so much from you folks in the last year. Thank you for taking the time to do the research, write this up and share with the board FOR FREE!
⬆️ EverRise - $RISE | Launching EverOwn dApp to change the DeFi space Forever | Introducing the EverRise Ecosystem | September 8th ⬆️
⬆️ EverRise - $RISE | Launching EverOwn dApp to change the DeFi space Forever | Introducing the EverRise Ecosystem | September 8th ​ ⬆️ EverRise ($RISE): []( ​ 🌐 EverRise Ecosystem: []( ​ EverRise, the original buy-back hyper-deflationary token. EverRise is becoming the new standard of security in DeFi, starting with the BSC space and soon ETH. ​ We are back here to remember our first steps, and also to celebrate the launch of our first dApp, EverOwn, the first dApp ever to introduce Community Contract Ownership in the crypto space. ​ September 8th is the date - 1:00 PM EDT is the time. EverOwn dApp will be launched and we will be doing a live event to renounce the EverRise contract to EverOwn. ​ If you want to assist at this historical moment in crypto, join us now, don’t hesitate to, because there’s things in life that only happen one time. ​ With EverRise, we all $RISE together. ​ 👉 Telegram: []( ​ ⬆️ \*\*EVERRISE ($RISE)\*\*⬆️ ​ EverRise is establishing the new standard of DeFi tokenomics with its innovative Buyback system and game changing use-cases. ​ On the EverRise protocol, $RISE tokens are bought back from the market, resulting in an immediate effect on the price. These repurchased tokens are then instantly burned, permanently removing them from the circulating supply. ​ Once the $RISE tokens are bought back, the new BNB amount is added to the liquidity pool and the $RISE tokens bought are immediately burned. This creates a true burn and guarantees the price per token will increase every time a buyback is activated. The Strategic Buyback feature is deployed at specific moments to create stable floor prices during downward market trends, chart manipulation, or whale dumps. ​ Holders are additionally "auto-staked" instantly receiving 2% of the transaction volume and you can watch your wallet grow in real-time. ​ 💎 THE EVERRISE ECOSYSTEM 💎 ​ EverRise’s game-changing ecosystem and EverRise dApps will bring a true revolution to the cryptocurrency space. ​ Our dApps: EverOwn, EverWallet, EverSwap, EverLock and EverSale will solve key problems in the crypto industry and will bring a new dimension in personal and project security for crypto. ​ A relevant percentage of the revenue from the dApps will be used to support $RISE and its community, giving both revenue to the Buyback Reserves and directly to holders via token reflections. ​ 📄 TOKENOMICS AND PROJECT SUSTAINABILITY 📄 ​ The EverRise contract is coded to collect 11% in fees from all transactions (buys, sells and transfers), to be dedicated into the following: ​ \* 6% for strategic buyback funds ​ \* 2% as commission to holders (rewards through reflection) ​ \* 3% contribution to project sustainability: enhancements, operations and marketing ​ ✅ ACHIEVEMENTS ✅ ​ \* CoinPayments integration for payments on Shopify, Magento and WooCommerce \* MyCryptoCheckout integration for payments on Wordpress Sites \* Listed on CMC, CoinGecko & Blockfolio \* 80K+ Holders \* 33K+ Members on Telegram \* $29m+ Market Cap \* 4K BNB ($2M USD) Strategic Buyback Funds \* 21,5K BNB used in Strategic buy-back burns (26.1%) ​ 🔐 SECURITY 🔐 ​ \* Dev & Core Team Doxxed \* Contract to be Renounced with EverOwn on September 8th \* Liquidly locked for 1 year \* Code audited by Certik ([]( \* Dev wallets locked until January 2022 ​ 💰 MARKETING 💰 ​ \* Big marketing wallet for non-stop promotion \* DAVID GOKHSHTEIN joined the Core Team as Branding Consultant \* Luna PR as agency of record \* Targeted Ad campaigns on social media and DeFi platforms \* Full fledged press, media & influencer campaign \* NY and London Billboards ​ 🔼 NEXT STEPS 🔼 ​ \* Launching EverOwn dApp - September 8th \* EverRise to become a registered company \* Upcoming interviews and AMAs with relevant leaders in the crypto \* dApp EverLock (Liquidly locking) \* dApp EverSale (Pre-sales) \* dApp EverWallet (Wallet) ​ ✍️ Contract: 0xc7d43f2b51f44f09fbb8a691a0451e8ffcf36c0a
▶️▶️▶️DemandEverOwn🔐◀️◀️◀️ \#EverOwn empowers investors and developers to increase a projects longevity after renouncement by allowing contract evolution with fixes and improvements through community voting. EverRise is here to make #BSC the safest place for all investors and to make the network rug pull and scam free. With #EverRise, we all $RISE together!
Dark time to be a crypto investor
It is a hard time for all crypto investors right now. Literally everything is red, esp after it has been a hard couple weeks on the crypto markers. Many of us are holding bags, many of us have lost money that we couldn't afford to lose, some of us might not be able to pay rent or mortgages or possibly even buy food... ​ Most of us invested in crypto to 'get rich' or at least escape poverty... weather we like to admit it or not we invest because we want a better life for ourselves, our family, our children etc ​ Sure people who are on their high horse will say don't spend money you cant lose, dont over leverage, dont buy crypto, dont xyz - But that doesn't help in this moment and it isnt fair to be kicked when you're down. ​ There have been many crashes in crypto and probably many more to come. I'm not here to tell you to Hold or buy the dip or even sell. I'm just here to tell you that you're not alone, tomorrow is another day. ​ So where ever you are around the world, whatever you do just know others are all hurting just like you right now and we will be better investors for this experience and for those that are HODLing like me just know we will see better days again and not to give up on chasing a better financial future for yourself. ​ TL: This is Pastry1 from Australia tell you to stay strong!
All the indicators pointed to this. A lot of crypto pumpers clowns (economically illiterate) encouraged people to buy in regardless. Water under the bridge! It will recover. Pulling out now is only worth it if you know exactly when to get back on. Holding is probably the safer option. Long game now.
Why does the economy run paycheck-to-paycheck?
It's common sense personal finance advice to build enough of an emergency fund to last a few months, but clearly institutions don't act the same way because otherwise the Fed wouldn't be forced to intervene so heavily in the repo market. Is it fair to draw analogies between short-term liquidity facilities and payday/title loans? Is the expectation of cheap institutional credit disincentivizing the long-term planning that we encourage from individuals, and does this cost the economy in the long run?
It's important to remember the difference between liquidity and solvency. It's not that companies are at risk of going bankrupt due to bad managment, its a sudden demand shock thats hurting them. They just need cash to hold them over until things normalise. So that leads to the question; why don't companies keep rainy day funds? Now a lot of people on reddit will start harping on about stock buy-backs and corperate evil and stuff like that, but it's actually a lot simpler. Leaving cash sitting around in a bank account waiting for a rainy day is a bad investment, like an awful investment. Say you run a cafe, any extra cash you have lying around can probably be invested back into you business, buy a better coffee machine, upgrade your kitchen, ect. Now for a cafe there's only so many things you can spend your money on, but for a massive international firm there are always ways to invest that money. And if you as a company don't have anything good to invest in then you can pay money to your shareholders and let them invest in new things. Money sitting in a bank account isn't doing anyone any good, if we did what some morons on latestagecapialism are suggesting and made companies have rainy day funds that would tie up billions (maybe even trillions) of dollars in the economy (and fuck with interest rates).
This subreddit should be called debt free congratulate me, not poverty finance. So sick of it, finally unsubscribed.
Actual legitimate questions or tips? A few upvotes. "Finally paid off x?" Hundreds or thousands. This is not what I signed up for. Edit: comments have since suggested r/helpmeimpoor for actionable advice and r/debtfree for more bragging posts. Edit again: I have received several comments implying that the reason I'm upset is because I am in debt, which is a fair assumption tbh, but I am actually not in debt, just frustrated with the repetitiveness.
I can see where the OP is coming from. I originally assumed that this was a subreddit for people who can BARELY get by or who are struggling to get by. As in people who hardly have any money to their name.
$450,000 in debt. Medical school grad with no job.
Hello everyone. Throwaway account here, hoping I can get some valuable advice regarding the situation I'm in... I'm 29 y/o, recently graduated from medical school 2 years ago with $450,000 in student loans from both undergrad college and med school. Now the way becoming a "working" physician in the US works is you apply once a year during September, interview for a couple months, then find out whether or not you got any job the following March. This is called being "matched" into a job called medical residency where you work as a junior doctor physician for 3 years inside a hospital and then you get to apply for a real doctor job thereafter. Unfortunately for me, I did not match into residency twice in a row. I am honestly a below average student (low grades). Upon requesting feedback from the people and directors that interviewed me, they said I was qualified, interviewed well, but my initial board scores although passing was just below average compared to everyone else. I decided to reapply for the next year's cycle.. During that time, I worked as an ER scribe for minimum wage and unfortunately could not save up as I was living paycheck to paycheck while paying application fees, interview costs (flights, hotel, car rentals), etc. In regard to my student loans, I applied for REPAYE and qualified for $0/month on my loans, but am still accruing an insane amount of interest each day. Fast forward a year, I ended up again not "matching" into a residency job again. At this point, I've almost completely given up and am seeking alternative career paths, but my parents convinced me to apply one last time. I moved back home (different state) to save on rent, sold pretty much most of my belongings, and am now unemployed. At this time I am studying for another medical board exam test that if I pass will hopefully show these hospitals that I may be qualified for their program. Most of my friends and family say that with the half million dollar debt I am in, I have no choice but to work as a physician and keep trying to land a residency job as a junior doctor... With that said, I really don't know what to do now, financially speaking. I can keep reapplying year after year but then my loans would just keep increasing. To even make a dent on them, I would have to pay over $900 a month just to cover interest costs before even scratching the actual loan borrowed. I don't even have the money to pay for the application fees and another years worth of travel expenses so much of the costs will be unfortunately covered by my parents. I feel like a huge financial burden to them and even with their help, I am not sure how I will pay for the other expenses for this year's cycle while trying to pay back the interest on my loans. The application season starts this September. My exam is next month in August. I will try to find a local clinical job nearby after to acquire any income, but I'm further concerned that I will never really get out of this debt and/or never become a working licensed physician. Thank you for reading, I know I probably went all over the place so if i can clarify anything, let me know. tl;dr $450,000 student loan debt. Medical doctor degree with no job. Living with parents. update 1: Oh wow, thanks for all the advice folks, I really appreciate your time. So a bit more info, I applied Internal medicine during the first cycle, then family and internal med during second cycle. I graduated from a foreign medical school which I don't think I can disclose at this time. I think that the military route isn't open for foreign medical graduates even though I'm a US citizen. Based on these replies, if the 3rd Match cycle doesn't work out, I'll attempt to transition into a government job with PSLF since that really is my only other option. With that said, I hope I didn't dissuade anyone from wanting to enter the medical field based on the situation I'm in. The majority of US-medical students match into a residency and have no problem so I believe they will be okay.
Okay, so while the intentions are good in these comments I would recommend you ignore most of them. Unfortunately, if you're not in the medical field it's hard to give advice to those who are. Let me clarify a few things: 1. You cannot practice as a physician without at least completing an internship. Those suggesting you practice in low-income and rural areas are wrong -- you cannot do this in your current situation. Edit: apparently some states are offering an "Assistant Physician" program now, but I know nothing of these and can't speak to them. It sounds like there are quite a few restrictions for eligibility. 2. You cannot practice in the military. You must be a graduate of a US/Puerto Rican MD/DO program in order to become a military physician without being licensed already. In addition, there is a highly competitive military match that mirror the civilian match -- and you cannot go into this match unless you are already a member of the military through HPSP or USU. It *may* be possible for you to look a the Fee Assistance Program after an internship, but this would be better discussed with a military medicine recruiter. 3. The Public Loan Forgiveness Program might not be for you. Make sure you read about the [eligibility]( before pursuing this. In addition, it's probably not the right time to think about this as your #1 priority should be getting your post-graduate training(residency.) So I can't speak too much to the financial aspect, but may by able to provide some advice regarding your career. If I were in your situation, this is what I would do: 1. Don't worry about matching into a residency so much as matching into an internship. You should be applying to every preliminary medicine program you can afford to. You are unlikely to match into a categorical internship without making some sort of drastic change to your application. Getting an internship sets you up to be able to practice in a limited setting as well as gives you an opportunity to "prove yourself" and become more competitive for residencies. It also gives you a year of income. 2. Bolster your application. It is very, very easy to get publishable case reports. Almost every doctor has a pile of cases they've been meaning to write up and will likely never get around to. Contact some of your faculty from medical school and see if they have anything available. Even if you don't publish, getting abstracts accepted(or even presented) at conferences will go a long way. Case reports do not take a lot of effort but can be high yield. 3. Get to know Program Directors, if possible. If you live in an area with a preliminary medicine program, it may be a good idea to get some face time with the PD there. I know of several people who were sub-par applicants who got in the good graces of PDs and were selected come match day. 4. Apply broadly. Look at programs and specialties that did not fill last year and shoot for those. You are not in a position to be picky, so things like location and prestige of the program should not be priorities. Just getting into *any* program should be your hope. 5. If you don't match, continue to look for job listings throughout the year. *Tons* of interns drop out or transfer throughout the year. Many of these positions go unfilled. A lot of programs post openings for these throughout the year, fully expecting that their selection pool will be from unmatched grads looking for a spot. These are opportunities for you. Good luck, hope this helps.
Why This Weekend Is So Crucial...
Ok listen up retards... I know it's Friday and some of you short-term monkey brains are thinking about bailing on your brothers. Your paper hands are beginning to cramp up. I get it. **BUT WE CANNOT SELL!** There are still **MASSIVE** amounts of shorts on $GME. Still well over 113% of total shares floated (*from S3 Partners*). Some old shorts have gotten out, but many **NEW** shorts have taken their place in the past couple of days hoping that $GME will die out. # Here is the key part... They are literally PRAYING for us to sell our shares and end this entire thing today. They are HOPING that they can make back their money at our expense... **BECAUSE EVERY SINGLE DAY THAT THEY HOLD THEIR SHORT POSITIONS IS COSTING THEM BILLIONS OF DOLLARS COLLECTIVELY!!!** # BILLIONS A DAY. All we need to do is **HOLD**. That's it. We will cost them so much money today, next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and on and on. Soon enough they won't be able to pay the cost of their shorts or it just won't be worth the cost anymore and they will all eventually have to bail. **THAT IS GOING TO BE THE SQUEEZE**. Once the costs keep adding up, they will start to bail and the rest will follow. WE MUST STAY STRONG. DON’T FORGET WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO US. IT'S A GAME OF CHICKEN. WHOEVER BLINKS FIRST.. LOSES. We're not fucking blinking. **TL/DR: HOLD. HOLD. HOLD. THIS WEEKEND INTO NEXT WEEK IS CRUCIAL!** *(Not financial advice. Entertainment only)*
I've told everyone. Hold at the minimum till next week and expect a long siege. There is literally no end to this golden castle so long as we hold. Edit: Really appreciate the rewards everyone but put that money in $GME on Monday and hold! The first battles have been won. The war is not over!
Have we Forgotten what Defines Value Investing?
Honestly guys. I'm not some boomer and I understand there is space within the value investing field for technology stocks, but on the front fucking page we have analyses for AAPL and AMZN, two of **the biggest technology stocks** currently that are **massively over-priced** and have been massively over-priced since before the ridiculous stimulus benefits they've received since the start of COVID. Please understand, I am not specifically short AAPL or AMZN. I know and will freely say these are strong, respectable companies with long, profitable futures ahead of them. But, are we seriously so lazy that *these* are the stocks that get voted to the front page? Are any of you upvoting these actually value investors? Take some of the most respected value investors out there. Warren Buffet, Mike Burry, Seth Klarman, you name it. These guys wouldn't touch these companies with 10,000-foot poles. Warren Buffet listened to his partner and bought into AAPL at a time where its P/E was mid single digits and it was hammered by negative news following poor tech releases. Mike Burry has stated that his *entire investment philosophy* is based around the concept "margin of safety". Seth Klarman? He wrote a fucking book titled "Margin of Safety". In no god damn way shape or form do AMZN or AAPL offer *any* margin of safety. Their future earnings are speculative, and I admit they almost certainly will increase, but they certainly are not reflected reasonably in either of their price points. Can we please reserve this subreddit for analyses and discussions on stocks and methods for finding stocks that are true value investment nuggets? Like GME 1.5 years ago. Like any number of small cap/mid cap stocks that are waiting to be found. Honestly. A subreddit dedicated to value investing and two of the top posts are about 2 of the biggest companies that have every existed and have insane valuations. Sorry for apparent disrespect /u/0toHeroInvesting, your analyses were very thorough, but, I feel this subreddit can do better. For the record, I have posted on my alternate account and will post on this one as I get more Karma so that I can make this my strict investing-only Reddit account.
The actual good value plays sound stupid to most people, otherwise they wouldn't be value plays. When it works you look like a genius but the reality is no one listens when you first take your position. In fact usually no one listens until the majority of the returns have already materialised. GME is a great example and demonstrates why you shouldn't be surprised at the top posts. That guy got ripped on back then, but he stuck to his guns and it paid off. Anyone can sound like a genius with 20:20 hindsight. I bought an Australian airline in January 2020. Bought it for less than the value of their fleet of planes, which they owned outright. Country airline that just did regional routes. COVID hits, down 60%. I look at it again and reason that they can survive this easily with their balance sheet. I wait. Virgin Australia collapses. A couple of months later they announce that they are a) starting routes in our "golden triangle" (SYD, MLB, BNE), and b) selling and leasing back their fleet. Sold weeks later for a 150% profit on original price. When I told people I was buying a small regional airline back in January 2020 they looked at me like I just strangled a puppy - but all I did was buy $1 bills for 60 cents and sold them for $1.20 ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯
I've been successfully trading since the late 90s. All I have is a single cheap 27" HP monitor. What gains did I miss out on by not having 6 monitors?
I was also a professional derivatives trader. Even at work, all we needed were two monitors. A lot of us old guys (mid 40s) are still very actively trading and for the life of us, we dont understand why folks need that many monitors. What are we missing out on? I'm not being snarky or sarcastic. Why do you need that much information for a job you do for an hour after open and an hour before close? Most lifers only work the opening gaps and make a very comfortable living. Even if you're scanning setups to scalp throughout the day, how many setups are you scanning that requires that many screens? Again, not being sarcastic. Just sincerely curious.
For me multiple screens just make it easier watching charts and doing research. But I’m also the kind of person who has like 200 tabs open in my phone browser. Would you be willing to share a bit more about your trading pattern? You mentioned just working opening and closing time frames. I’d love to hear more about what you’re doing!
Parents just asked me to invest ~$100k for them for about 9-12 months.
Obviously I’m not going to buy into the most upvoted stocks so no “positions or ban” bs They offered be a % of the post tax gains as payment for doing so. All I do is yolo onto tickers posted by autists here and they think I’m the next Warren Buffett. Just wondering if you had this opportunity what you would put it to, and if you’d even take the chance knowing you could lose your parents money
Decline cunt, your investment strategy is no better than the casino, and losing 100k on meme stocks of your rents money sounds like a good way to damage your relationship. Or pump it all on LRS, easy returns
Almost no one here knows what they're doing.
I'm just gonna keep it real. There's me and some others on this board that are aware of the problem, and occasionally I'll talk about it inside various threads: Most of you trade like retards. Risk management is not in your vocabulary. There's no justification. No financial analysis. No technical analysis. No plan. It's just "High IV? OK me sell now." If this is honest to god how you trade, I'm gonna sound like a total dick here but you do deserve to lose everything you're trading with, if only to prevent you from losing an even bigger amount later on with your "fool proof strategy" of wheeling 100IVR stocks in a bull market. Unfortunately, a massively traumatic loss (or a few) seems to be the only way to get people to snap out of glaringly stupid trading methodologies. I said this a million times to people throughout 2020, but when you're in a bull panic people never listen until they get destroyed the second the market slows down even a bit. This isn't even tough. This is just a slow/chugachug type market, neutral-bullish, and a lot of people here are suffering badly on over-allocated positions, because they're in *deeply* overvalued garbage with prices built on sentiment rather than fundamentals. And if you don't understand how you can be "cash-secured" and still deeply over-allocated, you don't know what you're doing. I'd also say if you're trading theta strategies on momentum stocks, you probably also don't know what you're doing (Ah said it). But seriously, imagine where you'd be in a prolonged market contraction, which our overvalued equities market is just begging for at this point: little doggy sitting in the middle of the house on fire dot jpeg. IV is dead. Theta strategies are not the only strategies there are in trading. ADD active management usually does more harm than good -- sometimes there's just no trades. Maybe, just maybe, there's some market environments where your one-trick pony should sit the fuck still. Maybe then you'd be able to find the time to read a book or two on fundamental or technical analysis (preferably both), learn how to trade shares or long premium on stocks that actually deserve capital allocation, and stop this madness. Now let me show myself out so you can read more threads on how people hate their job and want to make 5k per month passive income off the wheel strategy. I'm beyond flattered that so many people think I, as a random internet guy, can so easily show them how to do that.
We're here to learn. It's an incredibly arduous and unrelenting journey, learning options. As Mark Cuban said (I think), "the most valuable lessons are the ones you cant afford to lose". Or something like that Don't let this guy discourage you. If you're on this sub, you're already probably on the right track. Just keep learning
If you’re ripped off by Comcast (or any internet company), Wells Fargo (or any bank/student lender), or Aetna (or any health insurance company), here’s how to get your money back.
Update 3: $3332 returned! Update 2: Holy moly! $2361 returned to redditors so far! If you reached out for help, don’t forget to share your update here! Update 1: WOW! Thanks for your votes and gold and sweet notes. Adding more resources below and an ask to share this post with people who might need it. — All of these companies are regulated — a government agency is paid by your taxes to make sure you’re not ripped off. These companies also rip you off in small amounts in part because they assume you won’t do anything about it. When you complain about it to the government agency that regulates them, they not only fix your problem but if enough people complain, they’ll fix the whole system, which helps other people. The types of problems could be billing (they overcharge you), service (you’re not getting what you’re paying for), unfair and deceptive practices (you were tricked) or more. All of these complaint systems work in 2 weeks or less and it’s awesome. It’s sort of crazy more people don’t know about them. Internet: Banks/student loans/credit reports/debt collectors etc: Health insurance: Google “[state where you live] health insurance complaint” and select the government agency that will let you file a consumer complaint. It’s usually an insurance commissioner. Here’s the form for Texas for example: Cable: Cell phone: Other company (home security system, eBay, Amazon, contractors): google “[your state] attorney general consumer complaint.” Your landlord (won’t return your deposit, won’t fix the heat etc): google “[your city] tenant advocate.” They typically have excellent, free advice. Kind of everything falling apart (out of money, need housing help, low cost/free health or mental services etc): Call 211 (works in many us cities but not all). It’s like an artisanal version of this post — they will personally help you find all the local services. If you’re not sure where to complain, share your issue in the comments and I’ll help you find the right spot!
I've resolved this since then, but back in December I had a fraudulent iphone ordered on my AT&T account. Seemed like it was happening to a lot of people and all during the same time frame. It shipped the SAME day it was ordered. I swung by AT&T right after work and they couldn't get through the fraud line and I couldn't. The phone reps couldn't help. Even when I told them the shipment was intercepted and phone was returned, no one could help. I was on hold for fraud for over six hours. After assuring me it was taken care of, I STILL got charged for the phone. It took two months to get it settled. Who would I have filed a complaint with?
"less than 1% of active traders earn more money than a bank fixed deposit over a 3-year period" ~ Nitin Kamath
The above quote is from [this]( article. Is this really true? If true then why so many people do trading?
Perhaps because of this quote from the same article? ​ >Trading is extremely addictive. Most traders enter trades just because there is nothing else to do that was more interesting or exciting.
I was adamant that Bitcoin was a pyramid scheme. It was so obvious to me. Here’s a laugh for you.
About 4-5 years ago I sat at a bar here in Bangkok and argued with an English mate about Bitcoin. I’m an engineer and mathematician and had studied it extensively. We argued for hours. To prove my point, I said I would buy one Bitcoin and happily lose it when the system collapsed to prove my point. So I bought one BTC for around US$4,000. We argued for years. I sold it a few months ago for $48,000. Best investment I ever made!!! Ha ha. I wish I’d bought more.
Sounds like you still don’t understand Bitcoin. -ok, my comment may have come off snide, but it’s not a hostile attack. Y’all attacking this man’s intelligence is unnecessary. If you want to sell- by all means sell. The amount of attention this single comment has received is astounding. The hostility behind some of these peoples comments is astounding. It has me rethinking how I will communicate with people online anonymously in the future. Best of luck to this man and his family. Also remember to hold your own keys, learn about internet/Bitcoin privacy and try to teach others about bitcoin and the potential behind it. Love and peace y’all.
Could/would Goldfinger's plan have succeeded?
In the fine 1964 film Goldfinger, James Bond and the audience initially think the villain's plan is to steal the gold from Fort Knox. Bond even points out the madness of this idea by calculating how many trucks would be needed to haul it away. Not so fast, Goldfinger replies. The actual plan is to detonate a dirty bomb inside the vault, irradiating the gold. In Goldfinger's mind, this will essentially destroy its usefulness for many years, and his own legally-owned gold will increase in value because it's now a scarcer resource, making him an immense profit. Bond later tells Pussy Galore that the plan is insane. What would actually happen if a dirty bomb went off inside the Fort Knox gold depository? Would owners of non-radioactive gold make out like bandits? If the U.S. suddenly had some urgent need to trade away highly radioactive gold, could it just sell bullion inside lead boxes?
So I'm not an economist, but I am a chemist. A dirty bomb works by scattering radioactive dust in the area of the explosion, so there's little bits of radioactive uranium causing the health hazard. It's possible to remove the dust, so after a thorough clean the gold would be fine. If the uranium caused some of the outermost layer of gold to become radioactive, it would form an isotope of gold, which would then undergo decay into regular gold and helium in a pretty short amount of time, seconds to days depending on the particular isotope formed.
If rent control is unintentionally counterproductive, how can we keep rent from rising faster than people's wages?
I'm piggybacking off this thread:
Increase supply. There are a bunch of factors that limit supply. Building codes. City Ordinances. Tax incentives. Labor costs. All of those trade offs effect supply. For example: You have a high rise building in Manhattan with a beautiful view of central park. The building in front of it wants to add another hundred floors, obscuring the view. What do you do? You try to block the construction via the city. That limits supply, that drives up rents.
My Niece and her "Stonks"
So I thought everyone could use a chuckle... Backstory: Not too long ago my niece (turns 15 this month) that lives with me came bopping into my office and flopped down into the chair I keep behind my desk for her to sit and ramble while I work (she is a talker, lord can she talk, but for the most part you only need to half pay attn since all she wants is to feel heard, not actually be heard). I happened to be researching some stocks trying to decide where to put my next few dollars, and she asked what I was doing. I told her, she wanted to know more, so we went down a rabbit hole of dividend and stocks explanations. She nodded, finished her rambling, and flitted off to be a teenage girl somewhere else for awhile. I merrily go about my business for awhile, then she comes meandering back in holding her piggy bank. Turns out she had saved 45 dollars and was having trouble deciding what to do with it, and she REALLY liked the idea of her piggy bank getting PAID to be a piggy bank. I explain to her that I can start her her very own account, it will legally be hers, but she won't be able to touch it for years and years. She decides that's cool with her, as long as there is MORE money in the piggy bank when years and years happens. So - flash forward to last week - She, once again, comes bopping into my office, flops down in her chair, and loudly announces that she is here to review her STONKS. Apparently, she has heard this word, knows it applies to something to do with stocks, so now all her stocks are officially "stonks". Nothing I say or do will dissuade her. So I pull up her stocks, which I've added a few dollars to here and there, and she sees her piggy bank is now worth over 55 dollars and is tickled pink. I then show her the payout for this month- a grand total of 57 cents - I'm worried she will be discouraged. Instead, she gets to most dreamy girl in love in a movie look and says "My stonks gave me free money... they really gave me free money... " She looked so happy I let her keep that thought. Her birthday is this month, and she is wondering who is giving her cash and how much so she can get more stonks. I think she's gonna be alright. Edit - Umm... Wow. Thank you, each and every one of you.
Very nice. I only started learning about stocks and crypto this year due to the fact no one ever talked to me about them. I decided to go ahead and start teaching my 14 year old daughter. I took the $2500 from the stimulus money that came for her and bought her 1 Ethereum coin (which was $2500 at the time I did it). I told her, "if you ever want to know how much money you have for your first car, just check the price of Ethereum". Hopefully each of us are teaching our younger generations about this so they don't have to struggle like we did.
My Niece and her "Stonks"
So I thought everyone could use a chuckle... Backstory: Not too long ago my niece (turns 15 this month) that lives with me came bopping into my office and flopped down into the chair I keep behind my desk for her to sit and ramble while I work (she is a talker, lord can she talk, but for the most part you only need to half pay attn since all she wants is to feel heard, not actually be heard). I happened to be researching some stocks trying to decide where to put my next few dollars, and she asked what I was doing. I told her, she wanted to know more, so we went down a rabbit hole of dividend and stocks explanations. She nodded, finished her rambling, and flitted off to be a teenage girl somewhere else for awhile. I merrily go about my business for awhile, then she comes meandering back in holding her piggy bank. Turns out she had saved 45 dollars and was having trouble deciding what to do with it, and she REALLY liked the idea of her piggy bank getting PAID to be a piggy bank. I explain to her that I can start her her very own account, it will legally be hers, but she won't be able to touch it for years and years. She decides that's cool with her, as long as there is MORE money in the piggy bank when years and years happens. So - flash forward to last week - She, once again, comes bopping into my office, flops down in her chair, and loudly announces that she is here to review her STONKS. Apparently, she has heard this word, knows it applies to something to do with stocks, so now all her stocks are officially "stonks". Nothing I say or do will dissuade her. So I pull up her stocks, which I've added a few dollars to here and there, and she sees her piggy bank is now worth over 55 dollars and is tickled pink. I then show her the payout for this month- a grand total of 57 cents - I'm worried she will be discouraged. Instead, she gets to most dreamy girl in love in a movie look and says "My stonks gave me free money... they really gave me free money... " She looked so happy I let her keep that thought. Her birthday is this month, and she is wondering who is giving her cash and how much so she can get more stonks. I think she's gonna be alright. Edit - Umm... Wow. Thank you, each and every one of you.
I love this story! I started custodian accounts for my two godchildren. I don’t add that much - $20-$50 per holiday/birthday - and just tack on to their existing shares or sell off/reinvest in new dividend stocks but overall very happy with the growth over the last few years and while one is too young to care now (6) the other (12) I think will appreciate learning about his new asset and once he turns 18 hopefully keeps it up. Nothing like teaching kids financial literacy!
My Niece and her "Stonks"
So I thought everyone could use a chuckle... Backstory: Not too long ago my niece (turns 15 this month) that lives with me came bopping into my office and flopped down into the chair I keep behind my desk for her to sit and ramble while I work (she is a talker, lord can she talk, but for the most part you only need to half pay attn since all she wants is to feel heard, not actually be heard). I happened to be researching some stocks trying to decide where to put my next few dollars, and she asked what I was doing. I told her, she wanted to know more, so we went down a rabbit hole of dividend and stocks explanations. She nodded, finished her rambling, and flitted off to be a teenage girl somewhere else for awhile. I merrily go about my business for awhile, then she comes meandering back in holding her piggy bank. Turns out she had saved 45 dollars and was having trouble deciding what to do with it, and she REALLY liked the idea of her piggy bank getting PAID to be a piggy bank. I explain to her that I can start her her very own account, it will legally be hers, but she won't be able to touch it for years and years. She decides that's cool with her, as long as there is MORE money in the piggy bank when years and years happens. So - flash forward to last week - She, once again, comes bopping into my office, flops down in her chair, and loudly announces that she is here to review her STONKS. Apparently, she has heard this word, knows it applies to something to do with stocks, so now all her stocks are officially "stonks". Nothing I say or do will dissuade her. So I pull up her stocks, which I've added a few dollars to here and there, and she sees her piggy bank is now worth over 55 dollars and is tickled pink. I then show her the payout for this month- a grand total of 57 cents - I'm worried she will be discouraged. Instead, she gets to most dreamy girl in love in a movie look and says "My stonks gave me free money... they really gave me free money... " She looked so happy I let her keep that thought. Her birthday is this month, and she is wondering who is giving her cash and how much so she can get more stonks. I think she's gonna be alright. Edit - Umm... Wow. Thank you, each and every one of you.
I started this with my kids at an early age at 8 years old. Now at 22,19,16 they can read a chart like nobodies business and can do basic fundamentals but I started the same way with having them invest their birthday money in solid stocks and I added to them at birthday and Christmas. You are on the right track keep it up and she will be happy when she is retired early !!
Entrepreneurshop ecosystem
On this platform, there will be 2 (two) consumer financial management menus, including: A passive balance of "ESO cash": ESO cash is a fiat currency that is valid in that country can legally be used for various transactions and protected by law; Active "Cryptocurrency" balance: Active balance is a balance that has a fixed value at all times (the amount will always change according to the price of the digital asset (cryptocurrency) that the user has and the user can manage all of his financial or digital asset (cryptocurrency) investments. In this platform, users can quickly buy cryptocurrency for future investment of users and sell assets instantly when they need funds. Also, users can top up ESO cash at any merchant that has collaborated with ESO and users can make electricity payments, purchase credit, order train tickets, planes etc. "Payment" feature ESO payments are e-money or cryptocurrency payment features that can be used to make various types of payments such as payment of electricity, PDAMs, health insurance, online shopping. Not only that, but users can also buy credit, tickets, etc.
**Entrepreneurshop** **ESO** introduces the most advanced applications created on the basis of blockchain processes and artificial intelligence technologies. Such approach and the theory of real competence associated with your current networking approach to the blockchain.
Stigma attached to stock market in uk.
Why do so little people in the uk invest in the stock market? From a quick google search only around 12% of brits are invested. 5 years ago i received a £75,000 inheritence and was advised by my peers who i trusted it would be safer in the bank. Looking back in hindsight that was a massive mistake. By now i would be sat on a much healthy figure in the ball park of £140,000 if i had invvested it into the s&p 500. Finding it difficult at the moment thinking about how much more wealthier i could be right now if i had taken the initiative and done my own research. Anyway i cant change the past, so i shall try not to dwell on it and learn from my mistakes. I have now invested a large portion of this money into rolls royce and the rest split between a couple of etfs. I will also be investing as much as i can bi weekly into the s&p 500 and the all world index and just hope that it carries on like it has in the past. Knowing my luck, we will now enter a 20 year bear market and ill watch my inheritence dwindle even further. Anyway, back to the original question, why is there so much stigma attached to the stock market in the uk?
> 5 years ago i received a £75,000 inheritence and was advised by my peers who i trusted it would be safer in the bank. Looking back in hindsight that was a massive mistake. Don't confuse safety with risk related returns. Putting money in the bank is still the safer option, regardless what the stock market does in 5 years. We just happened to have a scenario where it went up. There would have been potential scenarios where it went down. Safety is about wealth preservation. Investing in the stock market is about growing your wealth (but you can also lose it). Don't kid yourself that just because the stock market went up over the last 5 years instead of down, that it is now "safer" than a bank deposit.
Why I gave up on active stock picking and sold every individual stock I own
I have a full time non-investment job like a lot of you. Post Covid, I had some extra time due to the lack of commute and I decided to study up on all terminology and background required to to pick stock. I even read Benjamin Graham's book cover to cover diligently ! I read and watched a bunch of videos and was very familiar will all the terms in stock picking. I started religiously filtering stocks on Screener eventually. Carefully reading through annual reports and quarterly results. It was actually pretty exciting. Researched the background and experience of the leadership of the companies I was interested in as well. After 2-3 months of solid studying, I eventually bought a few stocks and started tracking news about them regularly. I also followed discussions about these companies in forums and twitter so see if I had missed some important info. After further 2-3 months of doing this, I eventually got busy in some office project and just couldn't give much time to this. Weeks went by when I didn't open Screener to see BSE filings simply because I was tired after work. Eventually I just lost track of what was going on with the companies. I opened Screener eventually and there was such a backlog of reading material that it was just too much for me to go through. The point is, apart from some lucky time spells, it just takes too much time and energy to track your stocks and see results, filings, news etc. Even if you just track 15 stocks, you will have a LOT of data to go through on a regular basis. It's not sustainable for most of us unless this is your full time job as well. I recently sold all my stocks in Zerodha(I was up 45% btw) and put that money in Nifty 50 index fund and have never felt more relaxed with my investment choice. Nothing really to track apart from an occasional check of how Nifty is doing. It's 10000x more convenient. Phew !
Active portfolio management is a full time job and the guilt that comes from under performing the benchmark even by just 0.1% is much more than the satisfaction that comes from beating the benchmark by even 1% considering the kind of efforts involved if you're serious about stock picking.
I made $11,500 into $45,000 in a month day trading options. Should I continue?
I am one of those people who goes all in. I was trading 30 DTE+ options and using strict stops my strategy was utilizing strict stops and if I saw a substantial amount of profit I would sell. Secondly, I had a daily goal of $1,500, but in reality I would be okay with anything above $500.
Take all the money out. ALL THE MONEY. All of it. Start over with 2k or 2500 and lower your expectations for daily gains. This was a miracle and you will be very unlikely to replicate it consistently. If you really want to try to trade the best thing for your ability to stay aggressive and confident in the market is to have 20 more bullets on deck for when your 2k gets liquidated. Congratulations and welcome to trading. We will now take all your money.
I've been buying Intel stock a few shares a month. This is a long term play 5 to 10 years. Thoughts?
I know Intel has some challenges. They are building a new manufacturing plant in the states making thier own chips. Right now the stock is around 35 a share. This long term looking atv5vto 10 years.
Intel will never fail. The US gov will simply not allow it. Its the only option for good ole fashioned, high quality, 100% home grown silicon. The day the US military starts putting foreign chips inside its guided missiles and mission critical comms equipment is also the day my pet pig will fly.
\[This post is designed to serve as an introduction to new users of the subreddit, based on my own personal experience. Please read this post in its entirety before contributing to the subreddit, as it answers 95% of the questions most commonly asked by new users and investors. The Moderation Team will remove any submission that asks a question answered by this post. Nothing in this piece should be taken as legally binding financial advice. Even though citations have been included, please do your own research. While I ( u/Firstclass30 ) am the lead moderator of the r/dividends subreddit, I am not a licensed financial advisor.\] Good afternoon, and welcome to r/dividends. We are a community by and for dividend growth investors. Our community was started all the way back in 2009 as a discussion forum for dividend investors. Whether you are just starting out in your investing journey, or are months away from retirement, we hope you will find enjoyment in participating with this online community. This post will go over absolutely everything you need to get started in the world of dividend investing. Whether you are new or have been investing for years, it is well worth a read. **Part 0: What are dividends exactly?** From Investopedia: >A dividend is the distribution of some of a company's earnings to a class of its shareholders, as determined by its board of directors. Common shareholders of dividend-paying companies are typically eligible as long as they own the stock before the ex-dividend date. Dividends may be paid out as cash or in the form of additional stock.[^([1])]( Dividend investors are those who incorporate dividend payers into their portfolio. **Part I: Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of dividend payers** Dividend payers tend to be big, well-established companies that have an abundance of cash. According to Steve Greiner, Vice President of Charles Schwab Equity Ratings^(®), *"They \[dividend payers\] often can't compete with the rapid appreciation of fledgling, fast-growing companies, so they use dividend payouts as an enticement."* Because of this, many newer investors often think of dividend payers as being the opposite of so-called "growth stocks." In reality, it is usually dividend-paying securities that produce more growth over a long period of time. Dividends, when reinvested, can significantly boost total returns over time, making dividend-paying stocks an attractive option for older and younger investors alike. For example, if you invested $1,000 USD in a hypothetical investment that tracked the S&P 500 Index on January 1, 1990, but did not reinvest the dividends, your investment would have been worth $8,982 USD at the end of 2019. If you **had** reinvested the dividends, you would have ended up with $16,971 - nearly doubling your returns. The longer the timeframe, the more dramatic the disparity. According to research conducted by the Hartford Funds, "Dividends have played a significant role in the returns investors have received during the past 50 years. Going back to 1970, a whopping 84% of the total return of the S&P 500 index can be attributed to reinvested dividends and the power of compounding."[^([2])]( Drawing from the decades of data available, intentionally excluding dividends from your portfolio could result in significantly handicapping your portfolio for decades. With the S&P 500 yielding approximately 1.52% as of December 31, 2020, dividends paying securities can serve as an attractive alternative to Treasuries and other fixed income investments often pushed by professional retirement planners. The downside to dividends is that they are not guaranteed. This is important information to consider, as companies can and will stop paying dividends if necessary, or worse, if legally required. Certain market conditions like the 2020 coronavirus pandemic can create an uncertain environment for dividend-focused companies. In 2020, 68 of the roughly 380 dividend-paying companies in the S&P 500 suspended or reduced their payouts.[^([4])]( Fortunately, companies generally only cut their dividends when they are in distress, so favoring those with sound financial metrics can help mitigate the risk. **Part II: Understanding how to pick dividend stocks** If you create a post in the r/dividends subreddit asking for a list of good companies that pay dividends, your submission will be removed. This is because this community believes firmly in the "teach someone to fish" mentality. Instead of asking for a list of dividend payers, it is far more valuable instead to understand the fundamental ideas behind why specific individuals choose specific companies. By knowing and understanding these principles, you can build your own portfolio that, if properly executed, could beat 90% of lay investors with relatively little effort. While far from comprehensive, these six tips can help you identify dividend-paying stocks with strong financial health. ***#1.*** ***Do not chase high dividend yields:*** If a company has a high dividend yield, there is always a reason (most of the time not a good one) that a security is offering payouts that are well above average. A good rule of thumb is that before you purchase a high-yield security (those with a yield of 5% or more), try to determine why it is so high. It is important to note however, that the dividend yield is not a fixed amount, but in reality changes every second a stock is traded. According to Investopedia: >The dividend yield, expressed as a percentage, is a financial ratio (dividend/price) that shows how much a company pays out in dividends each year relative to its stock price.[^([3])]( If a high or rising yield is due to a shrinking share price, that is a bad sign and could indicate that a dividend cut is in a company's future. However, if a rising dividend yield is due to rising profits, that indicates a more favorable scenario. When net profits rise, dividends tend to follow suit. Make sure you know exactly what is causing the increase before buying the stock. ***#2. Assess the payout ratio:*** This metric (calculated by dividing dividends per share over earnings per share) tells you how much of a company's earnings are going toward the dividend. A ratio higher than 100% means the company is paying out more to its shareholders than it is earning. In such cases, it may be able to cover its dividends from available cash, but that can only last for so long. If a company whose stock you own is losing money but still paying a dividend for an extended period, it may be time to sell off and cut your losses. US tax law allows you to write off up to $3,000 per year in capital losses in exchange for a tax credit. Your circumstances may vary, so check your local tax authority. The reason you may want to consider this option is because dividend payers in financial hard times may try to stave off a dividend cut by funding payouts with borrowed funds or cash reserves. These actions will often drive away shareholders, forcing the share price down. History also shows these actions rarely turn things around, and are usually just delaying the inevitable. (To those of you who know about REITs, keep reading, they will be addressed further down. ***#3. Check the balance sheet:*** High levels of debt represent a competing use of cash. Under most global securities laws, a company must pay its creditors before it pays its dividends. A fast-rising level of debt could indicate bankruptcy in the short or medium-term future. Under US and EU bankruptcy law, corporations in the bankruptcy process are (depending on the circumstances) legally barred from paying dividends to shareholders. Corporations with high debt levels may also look to the courts to assist in reorganizing debts without declaring bankruptcy. Oftentimes, judges in these cases will force reductions or suspensions in dividend payments to prioritize the repayment of creditors. ***#4. Look for dividend growth:*** Generally speaking, you want to find companies that not only pay steady dividends, but also increase them at regular intervals (i.e. once per year over the past three, five, or even 10 years. **Research has also shown that companies that grow their dividends tend to outperform their peers over time.^([2])** Not only that, but a strong history of regular dividend growth also helps keep pace with inflation, which is particularly valuable to those who wish to seek financial independence and live off of their investments. With that being said, just because a company did not increase their dividends in 2020 or 2021 does not make it necessarily worthy of exclusion from your portfolio. Certain industries (like the top US banks) were legally prohibited by the federal government from raising their dividends during the COVID-19 pandemic. Most companies have been hoarding cash to help weather the economic uncertainty, so it is not unreasonable to for them to keep dividends stagnant until the economy bounces back. When it comes to companies impacted by the pandemic, look for other factors aside from dividend changes to determine whether or not the company is worth your investment. ***#5. Understand sector risk:*** Some sectors offer a more attractive combination of dividends and growth than others, but they also offer different risk characteristics that you should consider when researching dividend payers for your portfolio. Stocks from the banking, consumer staples, and utilities sectors, for example, are known for steady dividends and lower volatility, but they also tend to offer less growth potential (though this varies from company to company). Dividend paying tech companies, on the other hand, could offer attractive dividends along with the opportunity for larger price gains, but they also tend to be much more volatile. If you are a long-term investor, you might be willing to accept tech's higher volatility in exchange for its growth and income prospects, but if you are nearing or in retirement, you might want to prioritize dividend-payers from less volatile industries. ***#6. Consider a fund:*** If you are worried the potential for price declines eroding the value of your dividend stocks, consider instead a dividend-focused exchange traded fund (ETF) or mutual fund. Such funds typically hold stocks that have a history of distributing dividends to their shareholders, and they provide a greater level of diversification than you can achieve by buying a handful of dividend paying stocks. Funds are typically preferred by those who wish to take a more hands-off approach to their investments. These will be your best option if you lack the time or inclination to conduct in-depth research of companies. **Part III: Ideal age of the dividend investor.** Oftentimes inexperienced investors will claim dividends are for those at or nearing retirement. As was demonstrated earlier in this piece, nothing could be further from the truth. No matter what stage of your life or investing career, dividend-paying stocks can be a great way to supplement or even replace your income and improve your portfolio's growth potential. Just be sure you research their overall financial health, not just their dividend rates, before investing. There is no such thing as a right or wrong decision, as long as you achieve your desired outcome. **Part IV: When not to reinvest** Part I demonstrated how powerful reinvesting one's dividends can be, but there are certain circumstances where it can be more financially savvy to refrain from reinvesting your dividends. Below are three situations in which you might want to deploy dividend payouts elsewhere. * **You are in or near retirement:** When you are living off your savings, taking income from your dividends allows you to let more of your portfolio stay invested for growth. If you are nearing retirement, on the other hand, you can use the payouts to build up your cash and short-term reserves as you prepare for the transition to life after work. Some dividend investors have even built their portfolios to have their dividends cover 100% of their expenses. * **Your portfolio is out of balance:** Reinvesting the dividends of a well-performing investment back into that investment can throw your portfolio off balance over time. In such cases, you might want to take the cash and reinvest it elsewhere. * **The investment is underperforming:** If you are worried about an investment's future prospects but are not quite ready to let it go, you may not want to reinvest the payouts back into that investment. Instead, you might use the dividends to dip your toe into something prospective that could ultimately replace the underperforming investment. **Part V: Understanding Taxes on your portfolio** The question of taxes often comes up a lot in investing communities, and r/dividends is no exception. However, we mods prohibit direct questions regarding taxes and other questions of legality because nobody here is a licensed tax professional in every single tax jurisdiction on Earth. The question of taxes varies so wildly between regions that even making basic generalizations borders on pointless. The only constant is that you will pay taxes at some point in your life on your investments. Whether it is before you make your gains, after you make your gains, or somewhere in between, you will pay taxes. The different types of accounts and options available to you varies based on your income, geography, employer, and dozens of other factors. Some countries offer special accounts for those who serve in the military, law enforcement, or some other specialized profession(s). Some trade unions help pay the taxes you may owe on certain investment types. The variations on the tax question are so all over the place that I could break Reddit's character limit just covering the most general details. Typically the best resource for understanding your local tax situation is the government agenc(ies) responsible for collecting your money. As of 2021, most all have websites of various levels of usability. They should often be your first stop for most questions. When in doubt, always talk to a professional. **Part VI: Special Snowflake companies (REITS, MLPs, royalty trusts, etc.)** Some companies do not fit neatly into the category of an S-class corporation, and see themselves as special snowflakes worthy of a special tax status. Understanding these entities is a critical prerequisite to holding them in your portfolio, as many may require additional tax paperwork. In my personal experience, aside from REITS, most are not worth the time of the average investor. Unless you already have a preexisting knowledge of how these companies work, I would not go out of your way to understand in-depth how they operate when there are so many options out there that could provide better returns. The only exception to this rule is the Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT). Unlike other special snowflake investments, REITs are relatively self explanatory. They deal 100% in real estate. Nothing else. REITs are favored by dividend investors because of their special arrangement with the US government. In exchange for not having to pay most federal corporate taxes, REITs are legally required to pass on at minimum 90% of their profits under GAAP to shareholders in the form of dividends, which are taxed as income by the US government. The keyword here is GAAP. Most places on Earth (aka the United States and almost nobody else) requires the usage of the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (or GAAP standard of accounting). GAAP is incredibly strict, intricate, complicated, and almost impossible to cheat. 100% of publicly traded companies in the US use GAAP, which makes comparing the finances of US stocks incredibly easy. However, the tax structure of Real Estate Investment trusts often causes the math behind GAAP (or any other accounting system for that matter) to break down. This can make REIT payout ratios look absolutely insane in relation to other companies, and can make most REITs look incredibly unprofitable. To combat this, REITs have developed their own standards utilizing simplified math, called the funds from operations (FFO) metrics. I originally had a more in-depth explanation of this concept (as well as information about BDCs, MLPs, and Royalty Trusts), but I had to cut it out of the final draft of this post because Reddit has a 40,000 character limit. The best I can do right now is to point you in the direction of Investopedia, which has an [excellent article on the subject of FFOs, linked here]( The decision of whether or not to incorporate these types of investments into your portfolio is a personal one, and just like with any other type of investment, varies greatly based on your risk tolerance and portfolio goals. **Part VII: Performing in-depth research on companies** While anyone can read a balance sheet synopsis on Seeking Alpha and vaguely grasp its meaning, above understanding a concept is the ability to put one's knowledge into practice. The reason I put this skill above actually picking companies is because stock picking can be done with a relatively low knowledge base, but actually digging deep into financial statements and balance sheets to discover companies on your own not on the traditional press circuit can serve as the true test of someone's research potential. Oftentimes I come across even experienced investors unaware of just how many resources are available to them on this front. While websites, apps, and YouTube channels exist all over the place, an often underutilized resource for investment knowledge is the companies themselves. 99% of publicly traded companies have a website dedicated to serving the needs of investors, often with email addresses, phone numbers, and physical addresses just begging to be contacted. How much did Coca-Cola pay in dividends in 1926? Google doesn't know (I checked), but I guarantee you somewhere in an Atlanta filing cabinet lies Coke's dividend history from back in that time. It is obscure, seemingly random knowledge like that investor relations experts are paid to answer. \[Side note: originally, there was going to be a far larger expanded section about this, but it was cut for the sake of conforming to Reddit's character limit.\] **Part VIII: Diminishing returns and micromanagement** By paying attention in school, you may have been informed regarding the law of diminishing returns. When it comes to dividend investing (or any type of investing), the law of diminishing returns can play a big part of your portfolio management. While you should always be on the lookout for investment opportunities, if day trading is the reason you wake up in the morning, dividend investing may not be right for you. Strategies like buying right before the ex-div date and selling immediately afterwards rarely turn out in your favor, and even when they do are often not worth the trouble. Your gain will be a few cents at best, or worse you lose money. In my experience as the lead moderator of this subreddit, monitoring comments, I can say with confidence that most people **will** lose money on this day-trading type strategy. Most of the price action regarding a dividend took place days or weeks before the ex-dividend date, spread out over a period of time. Companies often issue dividends on a clockwork schedule according to the [ISO Calendar](, so institutional investors are often able to predict when the dividend will be paid months or even years in advance, long before the boards of these companies officially announce their dividends. A similar thing can be said for those attempting to buy stocks at the absolute lowest possible price. I have seen individuals hold out for days waiting for a few extra cents. If you have a six figure portfolio, you do not need to be trying to time a 12 cent price drop. Your time will be better spent elsewhere. Understanding the law of diminishing returns can sometimes singlehandedly turn an underperforming portfolio into an overperforming one. By taking a hands off approach to most of your investments, you let the market work in the background of your life. As the old saying goes, "time in the market beats timing the market every day of the week." **Part IX: Debt and financing your investments** Early in your investment journey, the idea of purchasing dividend stocks on debt sounds like a great idea. Buy the stocks, use the dividends to pay off the loan, then keep the stocks and profit. It sounds foolproof right up until it isn't. What seems like free money is more akin to an advance on a sh\*\*\*y record deal. If you decide to take out a $50,000 loan to buy dividend stocks, don't be surprised if acquiring a home or auto loan becomes significantly more difficult or downright impossible depending on your circumstances. Banks and credit unions are often far more hesitant to lend out money to those with high amounts of preexisting debt. When these loans are given however, they often come with interest rates higher than what you would have normally had to pay if you had not decided to buy a bunch of AT&T with a personal loan. Any amount below $20,000 will hardly have a significant effect on your long-term portfolio (assuming you are still investing with earned income), and any amount above $20,000 could have serious ramifications on your ability to access credit in the event you truly need it. If you fail to disclose this preexisting loan to any prospective lender, then congratulations, you have just committed fraud, which is something we do not condone here on r/dividends. Your income and lifestyle should be sufficient to fund your investment needs. While I understand the frustration that can come with being a student with 0 disposable income, being a student is actually the best possible reason **not** to have a five-figure unsecured debt load. As someone with a degree in Management and a career in the field, I can tell you that many employers conduct background and credit checks on prospective employees (though credit checks on employees are illegal in certain states). A $20,000 personal loan made by a 20 year old raises a lot of red flags, and while it could signal personal illness or medical debt, it could signal a gambling problem. When you tell them you used the money to buy stocks, they will immediately assume gambling problem. Good things come to those who wait. **Part X: Brokerages and celebrity portfolios** If you came to this post or subreddit looking for nothing but a brokerage recommendation, I recommend you look elsewhere. While my wife and I personally use M1 Finance, and I do recommend it to friends and family, I have no idea who is reading this post. I know only what information Reddit gives me as a moderator, so I will say that for the love of whatever you believe in do not choose a brokerage just because some internet personality, or some random person on Reddit told you about it. Brokerages are not interchangeable, and they offer wildly different features and benefits. I like M1 because of the ability to form pies. [This for example is my personal portfolio]( I enjoy what I enjoy about M1, and what it is able to offer me and my family. Your situation is (likely) different. This is also the reason we explicitly ban referral links on r/dividends. The only recommendation I will issue is do not invest with Robinhood. Other than that, go nuts. **Part XI: Beyond dividends, and knowing when not to invest.** Equally important to the skills of investing are the skills of knowing when not to invest. If you have credit card debt, pay that off first, and make sure to pay 100% of your balance every month. If you do not have an emergency fund, create one. It should consist of roughly six months worth of expenses. If you lack a financial plan or budget, create one. My wife and I use []( for our budget. We sync it with our cards, and everything comes out perfectly. I highly recommend it. **Part XII: Seeking feedback** Saving and investing can become an addiction, so it is important to know when to moderate it. Having a third party provide additional input or opinions on your decisions can work wonders. If you have a significant other or a best friend, I would recommend getting them into the investing mindset, if they are not already. Having a trusted voice to bounce ideas off can lead to not only financial reward, but emotional and intellectual growth. Since I took over this subreddit in August 2020, I have strived to create that environment here. It is from this base framework that I am hoping future discussions in this community can branch from. If you are just joining us, or have been with this community for years, I thank you for joining us on r/dividends. Happy investing, u/Firstclass30 \[This post was inspired by an article in Charles Schwab's Spring 2021 Investment magazine. The article was titled *"Rx for what ails you. Dividend-paying stocks could be just what the doctor ordered."* The research it presented served as the inspiration and backbone of the first half of this piece. Other works found through my own research constituted the majority of the factual content of this piece. The majority of this post's contents are my personal opinions, and should not be taken as financial advice. Invest at your own risk. Recommendation or mention of a security or service does not constitute an endorsement. I received no compensation from any individual or group for writing this post.\] \[The first draft of this post was over 50,000 characters long, and exceeded Reddit's character limit by more than 25%. For the sake of brevity and my own sense of perfectionism, this post's length was cut in half. As of original publication it contains over 4,100 words, with over 26,000 characters.\] Edit: This piece was originally written in Microsoft Word, and copied over to Reddit. A few formatting errors slipped through by mistake, and those were corrected after publication.
I read all 26,000 characters. Appreciate the work you put in behind the scenes for our individual benefit. I’ve personally made great strides in my investment mindset, game-plan and portfolio since discovering this sub.
Most of my tenants have become heroin addicts and it's really starting to piss me off.
I own 20 units with 45 tenants across 7 buildings. Over the past 3 years, I have observed more and more of them turn to heroin and it sucks. They all moved in with jobs, sobriety, and no pets. Whether it's a curled and burned spoon I find tucked away in the basement, or a p-trap jammed full of used broken syringes under a kitchen sink. Or the stink of a couch I drag to the dump after the HAZMAT team does their best to scrape the rotting flesh of my previous tenant's corpse off it. The pet-free apartments that they sneak pets into a year after moving in, and I only find out because I can smell the urine in the hallway after they stop changing the litter. The filth that comes with addiction. Destroying lives and houses one tenants at a time. I'm in a town of 20k people in the midwest. I've known some of these people for almost a decade. They were productive members of a society that was once productive, and I'm the last thing between them and homelessness. I've already had to send a few to the streets to keep their neighbors safe. Just a vent but this sucks. Drugs suck. Needles scare me, but I've been collecting them like stamps. Being a landlord is glamorous.
Been there - doesnt change on the small multi unit level either. Once that "circle" embedds itself they all gravitate to your units like wildfire. Either you're going to support them or you need to put in strict codes by putting up Drug Free zone verbiage and start calling law enforcement, so they know there is ZERO wiggle room. I ended up turning one of my buildings into subsidized housing for mentally challenged and drug addiction and in the end they destroyed it. Worst feel good investment ever. Never again. Never.
Why didn't Buffett sell when rate hikes were first announced?
Why didn't he just sell? Not just him, but other great value investors, Li Lu, Klarmann... It obviously gets 100% worse once rate hikes start. Consumer spending slowly goes down. And often times, a recession happens. So why didn't they sell, then buy back after the 5th rate hike, or when rate hikes stop, or immediately after rate reductions start? It's not "timing the market" when you know the stock market will 100% go down when rate hikes happen and a likely recession. Burry sold in Q2. So it's not like these big super-investors can't sell for some reason. And they don't even have to time the market perfectly when buying back. They could sell, wait just 2 months and get discounted stocks, or wait 6 months. Those alternatives seem better than holding all the way through. Of course they're in it for the long-run. Burry is too. But it seems like an obvious time to sell at the beginning of rate hikes and rebuy later. I didn't sell because I was a noob. I started investing at the top. I didn't know any better. But now I know. Next time they announce rate hikes 5 or 10 years from now, I'll just sell every except healthcare, consumer-staples, insurance and certain commodities --and buy back at a later time. Even if I don't buy back at the very bottom, I'll be better off than the ones who held through. Educate me please. There must be a good reason these brilliant super-investors didn't sell. It's not like they thought there was a possibility of 2-3 rate hikes, then that's all. They know what they're doing. I'm just trying to understand. BTW is Berkshire's stock portfolio beating the market YTD? Could it be green? I know the business is more than its stock holdings. Maybe their holdings are actually green. Much of their stock picks are bearish and do well in all climates. I wonder what his average cost is for AAPL is. I'm annoyed that I didn't sell. Rate hikes continue, but I'm holding, because we're so far into it. My picks are deep in value territory. I'm down as much as the market. Not bad for a noob.
You keep saying this isn’t timing the market, but this is literally the definition of timing the market. You are trying to enter and exit in accordance with market movement predictions. That’s what timing the market MEANS.
Gemstra-How It Works
*Smart contracts power the social selling transaction. Merchants administer the platform by utilizing open source software or integrate existing platform with SDK.* *ASTRA can host single or multi-level affiliate, custom compensation, and gamification/rewards models depending on action endpoints defined within the contract. In fact, ASTRA can be used to host any affiliate, commission, or gamified reward model - so its application can be used beyond the scope of social selling.*
Gemstra tokens feature a rewards system that perfectly suits social selling. Retention and continued growth by Sellers are quintessential to success. Gamification through rewards (beyond standard commission and compensation plans) is how traditional social selling companies have kept their sellers engaged and constantly striving to grow.
Is it wrong to assume that Canada's economy will become slow in future years because of the housing costs?
I was reading the following article: [Priced out: Young professionals making $60,000 — even $120,000 — say they can no longer afford Toronto and will likely have to leave]( ​ And it occurred to me that due these housing costs, most of the talent would leave Toronto and Vancouver and probably choose US because there aren't really other good options. This will in the long run hurt the production because of lack of talent and slow the economy. ​ What do you think?
Absolutely, and for more reasons than just that: - When homeowners earn more from their house than their job, that job seems less worthy of their valuable time - When it's become more attractive to go into real estate than, say, engineering or entrepreneurship, you can expect fewer engineers and entrepreneurs, and those entrepreneurs that remain will be running startups in the real estate industry (ie, Key Living Corp) - And as long as the bubble continues, expect it to soak up more investment capital like a black hole, resulting in less investment available to productive endeavours or disruptive innovations - It will also get more expensive to run businesses, as more and more of your revenue gets allocated to the ground under your factory and the ground under your workers' beds - When it's more expensive to start a family, expect fewer children - If the bubble truly never pops, expect immigration to eventually slow down too, as Canada becomes more expensive and less attractive - And if it does pop, well, the picture might get a lot brighter, but only after a period of deep darkness as our mistakes catch up to us
I'm pretty sure private health insurance is a scam
I'm sorry for this rant, this might be common knowledge, but I've just wasted about 10 hours of my life trying to understand how private insurance works, do I need it, and finally, begrudgingly, trying to buy it. To start, I'm a doctor, new to Australia. I have 4ish years of experience providing health care in Australia, all in the public system. From my point of view, as a provider, the public system seems to work pretty well. I have almost no experience as a consumer, though my partner has a little bit more. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't even consider private health coverage. The existence of the medicare levy surcharge means people who earn over 90K (180K for couples) must consider it (i.e. me). Looking at plans, the most obvious thing to me is that 1) They are expensive 2) They don't seem to cover very much. Even the most expensive plans don't seem to offer a guarantee that you'll never pay out of pocket. So, even with private health insurance, if you're in a private hospital, you're *probably* going to be out of pocket. The breakdown seems to be this: The government sets out the recommended price for stuff in the MBS. If you go public, 100% is covered by the medicare. If you go private, medicare will cover 75% or 85% of the MBS. If you're covered for whatever thing you're accessing (and I couldn't find a plan that covered common things like scans or blood tests) then private health care will pay that 15% or 25% difference. If your private provider chooses to charge more than what's recommended on the MBS then you have to pay "the gap". Your insurer might cover some of the gap; they might cover all of the gap (expensive plans only); they might cover none of the gap (e.g. the specific provider is not covered by your insurer, even if you a fancy and expensive plan). I think a realistic example of this is: You have fancy insurance. You need an operation, it can wait a couple of weeks but not a couple of months. You decide to go private because you have fancy insurance. Your operation is covered, so is the 3 day hospital stay that follows. You intentionally choose to see a surgeon whose gap is covered by your insurer. But it turns out that your anaesthetist isn't covered, so you have to pay that gap out of pocket. So, in summary, you pay a lot of money for expensive insurance and you're still out of pocket. Alternatively, you go public, maybe (maybe not) wait a bit longer and pay nothing. (And I know there are plenty of anecdotes of the public health care letting people down; but there are plenty of anecdotes of the private system letting people down too.) And, to state the obvious, insurance companies exist to make money. That means on average over the course of your life, you will probably pay more to the company than you would have if you just paid for private care out of pocket. Also, I would like just say here that paying for "Extras" plans is probably always a money loser for you. I assume it's because private health insurers offer so little value for money, is the reason the government has stepped in to prop up the industry. * Carrot: [The government rebate]( A discount applied to policies based on age/income (subsidised by the Australian tax payer) * Stick: [Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS)]( A tax on high earners who don't have hospital coverage. (Extras don't matter) * Stick: [The Lifetime Health Coverage (LHC) levy]( This very stupid policy is designed to scare young people (who are profitable for insurance companies) into buying insurance they don't need. It also acts as disincentive for older people (who are expensive for insurance companies) to buy insurance for the first time. This government policy is designed for the benefit of insurance companies at the expense of Australians and is very gross. That grossness aside, [it probably isn't a good reason to buy insurance you don't need.]( So back to me. I'll have to pay the MLS if I don't buy insurance I don't want. So, it only makes sense to buy this if it's cheaper than the MLS I'll pay. In my experience of trying to buy the cheapest insurance possible, I found the language used by almost all websites were to encourage/scare you into buying expensive plans. Comparison sites are almost all run by the insurance companies. The government comparison tool is good, Choice is good (but their comparer is only available for paid subscribers). I found the cheapest plan that would cover me in my state (the policy was not available on the insurers website, but both Choice and the government said it was available). So I got on the phone, spoke with a sales rep. He tried to upsell me by telling me that while the cheap plan is good enough for the MLS, it's not good enough for the LHC and I should get a bronze plan (which is not true). To recap: I was lied to in order to buy a more expensive version of a product I don't need, but want to buy in order to save money because of policies enacted by the Australian government at the expensive of Australian tax payers to prop up an industry that doesn't provide value for money. Anyways, for anyone who read this far, thanks for reading this rant. So yeah
I wonder what the cost comparison would look like on self-insuring for the private system. In an emergency situation, the public system (as I understand it) provides better care than the private system. So that is a no-brainer. Then people talk about how they might have to wait 2-3 years for a knee or hip replacement in the public system. But what about accessing the private system without insurance? Would it cost $10k? Or $50k? (I actually have no idea). Would it be reasonable to bank the insurance money and be prepared to stump up for a private procedure if the public wait is too long? EDIT - As this is a high-interest post. Others below have commented that certain medical professionals might refuse to consult or treat you if you are not an insured patient. My initial thought that perhaps you could simply "self-insure" is not a good solution if you cannot reach into your own pocket to see a private doctor.
30 Seconds From Triggering Market Nuclear Bomb
I'm glad this place has quieted down enough for some actual DD written by a monkey with a keyboard and Adderall. Disclaimer: I am that monkey. Let me explain to you what happened, play by play. I will give you illiterates who hate reading a spoiler up front: __We were within approximately 30 seconds of triggering a nuclear bomb that would have blown up the market.__ Do I have your attention? Here goes: 1. ⁠Yesterday, new call option strike prices were added all the way up to $570. Do I have to go over gamma squeezes again? Really? We've been over this: when deep out-of-the-money call options start being gobbled up and the price starts moving towards being in-the-money, the call writers have to hedge their risk of having their sold calls exercised, typically by buying stock. This creates upwards pressure on the market. We've been seeing these movements all week. 2. ⁠Yesterday after market, you probably saw that coordinated effort to drive the price down and spook retail investors into a mass sell-off. It didn't work. 3. ⁠Last night, Robinhood sent out a message to users: you could no longer enter into new options. You could exercise them if you had the collateral (money in the account) to do so. Very interesting and the first sign of pants-shitting fear. 4. ⁠Today, the market opened very strong. It opened so strong that we were looking at a self-perpetuating gamma squeeze all the way up way past $570. 5. ⁠At approximately 9:58 am, the stock had reached $468 in a parabolic move. 6. ⁠Two minutes earlier, at 9:56 am, Robinhood tweeted that they were not allowing users to buy GME stock, but they would allow selling. 7. ⁠The trend instantly halted and started a collapse downwards, before picking up a bit, especially after some retail was allowed back in. Okay, now that you are clear on the facts, understand this: The market ran out of liquidity today, or was threatening to get close enough that they killed it. What does that mean? It means they ran out of shares and/or capital. They wouldn't let you buy new shares because we were burning through all the shares on the market. __I saw an unsubstantiated post from a user ([u/zshub]( who said a market sell order executed at $2600 for him. Also, someone else for over [$5,000]( per share. Do you get the severity of the situation, if that's true?__ It means the buying was getting to the point where it was just about to put INFINITE pressure on the price of the shares. It means virtually any ask was getting bid. How do you get infinite upwards pressure? A gamma squeeze triggering the mother of all short squeezes, just like we predicted. The call writers need shares to hedge. Retail is still buying more. The short sellers need over 100% of the float back. Add these together. There were more shares needed than existed on the open market. That's what a liquidity crisis is. [Listen to this ]( this remarkable (if infuriating) interview where the chairman of Interactive Brokers admits that they didn't have the capital to pay out the winners (us), so they took their ball and went home. DO YOU GRASP HOW INSANE IT IS THAT HE SAID THEY NEEDED TO SHUT DOWN BUY ORDERS TO "PROTECT THE MARKET"? Hello! He's not talking about the market for GME shares. He's talking about the entire market! The New York Stock Exchange. The NASDAQ. All that. Remember the movie Snowpiercer? Do you remember that scene where the lower class people realize the soldiers who oppress them have no bullets? Go to the 1:00 minute mark of this link: It kick starts a full blown rebellion. They have no bullets. It's the exact same in this market: No capital. No shares. Infinite losses inbound. __TL;DR: For all you who will just skip to the bottom to ask, "Do I get my tendies now?" the answer is this: they NEED NEED NEED your shares. Do you get that? HOLD. Like the guy in the movie, scream, "They're out of bullets!" and create a stampede. That's how we win.__ They needed your shares so badly that they literally risked PRISON TIME to get them. They tried robbing you, and I'm not even exaggerating. They were within 30 seconds of all being wiped out today. Credit: u/PlayFree_Bird
Im the one who sold GME for $2600 per share! Too bad I'm retarded and only had 0.11 shares []( Edit: Ive tried making this its own post but it keeps getting autodeleted. Mods? Edit 2: It was a market sell. I did not set a limit.
Baby Fort Knox ($BFK) - Upcoming Launch | Dynamic Tax System - Auto Buyback, Usdt Dividends, Hyped NFT Play-to-Earn 2D Shooting Game on BSC 🔥
Hello, what's up fellow Crypto Investors, NFT game hunters, whales, apes, degens, and gamblers of Reddit! Firstly, thank you for checking out this potential moonshot $BFK - Baby Fort Knox ( $BFK is a buyback token with USDT rewards, with use case in the form of a gaming token where users can P2E for free OR rewards based, and buy NFTs that double as playable game characters which can be upgraded and sold in the $BFK Marketplace or 'black market'. The BFK team is providing investors multiple avenues to earn cryptocurrency and taking advantage of the NFT hype and pushing the limits of NFT use cases and memecoin projects. We're all now thinking what is $BFK and why should we invest? This is not just any BSC Token, it's also an NFT Gaming project with USE CASE. DYNAMIC TOKENOMICS : tax increases after buybacks are engaged to protect price floors - refer to website Buy Tax 12% - 3 % Usdt rewards - 1 % Liquidity - 4 % Marketing/Development - 4 % Buyback & Burn Sell Tax 12% - 24% ( Min - Max) - 3 - 6 % Usdt rewards - 1 - 2 % Liquidity - 4 - 8 % Marketing/Development - 4 - 8 % Buyback & Burn Max Transaction is 0.3 % of max supply. Antibot will be incorporated during the launch phase. Here are some of their tokenomics explanations: 1. VAULT SECURITY Auto LP + randomized big buyback at support/resistance levels. LP swap threshold is 10%. Generated LP will be removed once it reaches the threshold, the native token gets burned; BNB goes to buyback contract. 2. THE GREEN ZONE After COUNTERSTRIKE (buyback), the "vault is unlocked"; where buy tax reduced to 5% for one hour, and sell increased to 15% and slides back down to 12% over the hour. 3. COUNTERSTRIKE Auto buyback & burn. Fixed amount on set time intervals, for example, X amount BNB every 1-4 hours. Can be set to any time frame, or have on for limited time per day - this activates LOCK DOWN. 4. LOCK DOWN After Auto BuyBacks - Sell Tax increase by double or X then slowly decrease over X time until next buyback. 12% to 24% back to 12% over 1 hour. 5. PAY OUT Holders of $BFK rewarded in USDT dividends - auto distribution every hour. 6. TREASURY Marketing/Development Tax - Tax contributes towards marketing/Development fund on every buy/sell of 4%, 4-8% respectively during Close The Vault. After reviewing these tokenomics on their website and Whitepaper, I realised just how genius this is. Their tokenomics allow for long term sustainability and growth. Note: to execute sell might need to increase slippage. For example, if dashboard is showing 15% sell tax, users may need to set slippage to 15%+(16%) = 31% , while only 15% sell tax will be charged even when 31% slippage is used, this can be verified on transaction record blockchain - everyone is encouraged to view this. PROJECT DETAILS : This token has utility as it is an NFT Gaming Project on the BSC network. The game being built is a Play to Earn (P2E) Game with 1v1 up to 5v5 where you can play free or stake tokens or NFT ownership in winner takes all. You will also be able to team up in regularly held dungeons, and unite against enemies to win tokens, loot, and experience points needed to upgrade your NFT characters. This team already has many features of their project they have developed before even launching yet. So they seem very committed, here are some of the things they've produced so far: Audited Contract - A complete pass and successful audit by BlockAudit; this communicates sincerity and safety to be as secure as 'Fort Knox'. $BFK Swap DEX is a live swap similar to Pancakeswap, live and available on the website. Change Log with Project Development progress - link in heylink tree, with NFT character, game, and marketplace production, you can view all latest releases in Chanelog DashBoard - Keep track of the token rewards paid out and due to pay out here. Or even re-invest to BFK. WhitePaper is very detailed and professionally put together with a great break down of the project. First Public AMA held just a few days ago in their telegram room which was recorded, their team discussed details of the game, nfts, as well as technical details and tokenomics - you can find this in the changelog as well. Social Media and platform coverage and following all across with Twitter, Telegram, Discord, Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram, YouTube, Medium and Reddit. Marketing exposure across Social Media and crypto/DeFi space with well known twitter and telegram influencers and rooms backing the project. Media content and production from team and community; logo and introduction videos, NFT preview trailers, memes, gifs, stickers as well as their very own SONG! Whitelist contests including their own Gleam with activities and engagement; community was actually rewarded without overfilling whitelist. Established very active and populated English, Japanese and shilling/Raiding Contest Groups - as well as growing groups for Chinese, Philippines and Indonesia. You can check out full details of their plans, utility, tokenomics and usecase on their website, roadmap, whitepaper, AMAs or reach out to them at their domain email or telegram room - they are always around! PreSale Details : Min/Max : 0.1/2.0 bnb Soft-Cap : 450 bnb Hard-Cap : 600 bnb PinkSale Presale Rate : 600,000 per bnb PancakeSwap Listing Rate : 570,000 per bnb PancakeSwap Liquidity : 100 % Liquidity Locked for 1 Year Token Distribution : Total supply 1,000,000,000 - 13% Private Funding 100% Marketing & Development = 130,000,000 (200 bnb) 650,000 per bnb - 36% PinkSale Presale = 360,000,000 - 34.2% Pancake Liquidity = 342,000,000 - 5% Team = 50,000,000 - 5.08% In Game Token Pool = 50,800,000 (Locked for 8 weeks until game is ready) - 6.72% Airdrop + Presale fees = 67,200,000 Useful Links : Website - Telegram - Linktree -
Just clicked on that ChangeLog and OMFG those game update features are FIRE! I'll be playing this for sure. Listened into their PinkSale AMA the other day with over 100 members in there was pretty aold then, but his change log is sick! And seeing them on here too, now I'm definitely gonna be loading up big bags at launch LFG
[Serious] Economists of Reddit: If over 80% of the US dollar has been printed in the 3 years, why is the value of the dollar not a fifth of what it was 3 years ago?
**Ive seen many sources claim that 80% of all US dollars ever issued have been issued since January of 2020. If this is the case, how has the purchasing power of the dollar not complete dissipated? Shouldn't the US dollar be worth more or less a fifth of what it was 3 years ago? Please make it make sense.**
This is probably because you have seen this [graph of M1 money supply]( from the Fed. The problem with that graph is that the Fed changed their definitions! Notice the rather complex speil about "Before May 2020" and "After May 2020". Basically, in May 2020 the Fed decided to include savings accounts in M1 money supply. That caused a lot of unnecessary confusion and was a bad idea in my view. If you look at M2 money supply you will see that that metric has risen by 40% since the COVID pandemic started. So, it is not surprising that we have high inflation. In recent months money supply has been falling slightly.
Restaurant made a mistake and charged me $228 on a $19 bill. It's a reminder to monitor your accounts and keep your receipts.
I went out to dinner on Saturday night. After splitting the check with my girlfriend, the bill came to $19. Used one of my credit cards, left a tip, kept my receipt and walked out. That charge had been pending until today where it posted as a $228 charge. It would have been easy enough to slip buy if I didn't check my accounts often, but I knew something was wrong right away. Called the restaurant, explained the situation, gave them the order number and table number, sent them a photo of my receipt and it's being corrected. So this is a friendly reminder to monitor your accounts and keep your receipts often!
something like this happened to my boyfriend... he likes to visit the same few eateries during lunch and one day he visited a small mom-pop Italian eatery and ordered a sandwich... he was charged 99.99 instead of 9.99 and he never caught it... it wasn't until he came in about three months later to order another sandwich that the employees all freaked out and ran back for the owner, the owner came out and started apologizing to my boyfriend and pulled out an envelope with exact change in it for $100 she told my BF that they had been waiting for the day that he come back in because they realized after he had already left that they overcharged him but they had no idea how to reach him.... sooo BF got an envelope of $$ and a free sandwich... now my BF knows to check his CC statements more carefully
⬆️ EverRise - $RISE | Launching EverOwn dApp to change the DeFi space Forever | Introducing the EverRise Ecosystem | September 8th ⬆️
⬆️ EverRise - $RISE | Launching EverOwn dApp to change the DeFi space Forever | Introducing the EverRise Ecosystem | September 8th ​ ⬆️ EverRise ($RISE): []( ​ 🌐 EverRise Ecosystem: []( ​ EverRise, the original buy-back hyper-deflationary token. EverRise is becoming the new standard of security in DeFi, starting with the BSC space and soon ETH. ​ We are back here to remember our first steps, and also to celebrate the launch of our first dApp, EverOwn, the first dApp ever to introduce Community Contract Ownership in the crypto space. ​ September 8th is the date - 1:00 PM EDT is the time. EverOwn dApp will be launched and we will be doing a live event to renounce the EverRise contract to EverOwn. ​ If you want to assist at this historical moment in crypto, join us now, don’t hesitate to, because there’s things in life that only happen one time. ​ With EverRise, we all $RISE together. ​ 👉 Telegram: []( ​ ⬆️ \*\*EVERRISE ($RISE)\*\*⬆️ ​ EverRise is establishing the new standard of DeFi tokenomics with its innovative Buyback system and game changing use-cases. ​ On the EverRise protocol, $RISE tokens are bought back from the market, resulting in an immediate effect on the price. These repurchased tokens are then instantly burned, permanently removing them from the circulating supply. ​ Once the $RISE tokens are bought back, the new BNB amount is added to the liquidity pool and the $RISE tokens bought are immediately burned. This creates a true burn and guarantees the price per token will increase every time a buyback is activated. The Strategic Buyback feature is deployed at specific moments to create stable floor prices during downward market trends, chart manipulation, or whale dumps. ​ Holders are additionally "auto-staked" instantly receiving 2% of the transaction volume and you can watch your wallet grow in real-time. ​ 💎 THE EVERRISE ECOSYSTEM 💎 ​ EverRise’s game-changing ecosystem and EverRise dApps will bring a true revolution to the cryptocurrency space. ​ Our dApps: EverOwn, EverWallet, EverSwap, EverLock and EverSale will solve key problems in the crypto industry and will bring a new dimension in personal and project security for crypto. ​ A relevant percentage of the revenue from the dApps will be used to support $RISE and its community, giving both revenue to the Buyback Reserves and directly to holders via token reflections. ​ 📄 TOKENOMICS AND PROJECT SUSTAINABILITY 📄 ​ The EverRise contract is coded to collect 11% in fees from all transactions (buys, sells and transfers), to be dedicated into the following: ​ \* 6% for strategic buyback funds ​ \* 2% as commission to holders (rewards through reflection) ​ \* 3% contribution to project sustainability: enhancements, operations and marketing ​ ✅ ACHIEVEMENTS ✅ ​ \* CoinPayments integration for payments on Shopify, Magento and WooCommerce \* MyCryptoCheckout integration for payments on Wordpress Sites \* Listed on CMC, CoinGecko & Blockfolio \* 80K+ Holders \* 33K+ Members on Telegram \* $29m+ Market Cap \* 4K BNB ($2M USD) Strategic Buyback Funds \* 21,5K BNB used in Strategic buy-back burns (26.1%) ​ 🔐 SECURITY 🔐 ​ \* Dev & Core Team Doxxed \* Contract to be Renounced with EverOwn on September 8th \* Liquidly locked for 1 year \* Code audited by Certik ([]( \* Dev wallets locked until January 2022 ​ 💰 MARKETING 💰 ​ \* Big marketing wallet for non-stop promotion \* DAVID GOKHSHTEIN joined the Core Team as Branding Consultant \* Luna PR as agency of record \* Targeted Ad campaigns on social media and DeFi platforms \* Full fledged press, media & influencer campaign \* NY and London Billboards ​ 🔼 NEXT STEPS 🔼 ​ \* Launching EverOwn dApp - September 8th \* EverRise to become a registered company \* Upcoming interviews and AMAs with relevant leaders in the crypto \* dApp EverLock (Liquidly locking) \* dApp EverSale (Pre-sales) \* dApp EverWallet (Wallet) ​ ✍️ Contract: 0xc7d43f2b51f44f09fbb8a691a0451e8ffcf36c0a
Simply CANNOT wait for tomorrow. EverOwn is releasing. Finally a team that DELIVERS. EverOwn is going to revolutionize the defi space by giving security back to investors!! No more rug pulls by slow liquidity drain!!! From this point forward I will only invest in projects using EverOwn. NOT TO MENTION revenues go back to the community. 50% to the kraken and 25% auto bought back increasing my reflections!!! How cool! Not even poocoin gives revenue back to their holders. BY FAR the best investment on BSC. EVERRISE is going places! Don’t miss the rocket ship! Going to go buy some more!
I have $20.41 in savings
And I am so proud of myself!! I've never had this much in savings before. Two months ago I was homeless with a young baby. One month ago I signed a lease to an apartment and started working. Now I have all of my bills covered for this month *and* next, and I even have some money in a savings account!! If you're going through a hardship, remember the bad times are just times that are bad.
Have an up vote for your "bad times are just times that are bad". That's my mantra any time I am struggling. Ah Katrina, so profound. You're doing awesome! Remember to do small 'treats' to help keep up the motivation/stop you from impulse blowing the money. Free things like make time to take a long bath or go for a walk or visit the library help a lot. Great job, keep it up!
Don't Be Me, A Cautionary Tale
In November of 2020 I closed on a duplex for 305,000 using a VA loan. Total payment was $1680 and I budgeted for $750 a month for repairs, capex, maintenance, etc. One side was completely renovated, while the other needed some work. I chose to rent out the renovated unit and fix the other unit up as I lived in it. I had about 30k saved up for the renovations and I came in right on budget for a kitchen update that turned out great. I ended up renting out the other side to a great couple for $1500 a month. ​ This seemed like easy money besides the occasional maintenance call and I was doing very well financially by saving about $25,000 a year towards retirement, and a few hundred a month extra towards the next house, fully funded emergency fund, and stashing a little into a brokerage as well. ​ In January of 2022 I took on a new job making 40% more and thought I was ready to take on the next house with only a small amount of savings outside of the emergency fund ($15,000). ​ I found a house down the street from my current house that had been on Zillow for several months whereas most houses sell within days. It definitely needed some work. Listing price was $240k, I offered $170K and they told me to pound sand. Reached out a few weeks later and offered $190K and they countered at $215. We eventually settled at $200K. ​ I used a VA loan again, and the plan was (still is) to make this my house for the next five or so years. The house needed a lot of work so using some of the quotes I had from the renovations on the duplex, I crunched the numbers and came up to about with about a $60k budget for updating the kitchen, adding a bathroom, updating the electrical, and adding AC. Rough timeline I gave myself was two months. ​ During closing I called the contractor who I had used in the past to come out and give a quote. He came out and said he'd be in touch, and I ended up closing on a house without an estimate in hand. This contractor ended up ghosting me and I had to start looking for a new one after I had already closed. I ended up getting one quote from a guy who said he could start relatively soon. The quote was way over budget, but I had about $15k worth of stocks in a brokerage I convinced myself into selling. Mind you, I had already taken out a personal loan of $35K @ 5% and opened up two interest free credit cards to pay for the renovations. ​ I tore out all of the lathe and plaster in the entire house myself to save money and the contractor began working on the house about a month after closing. Timelines and promises were made and I fully expected to be in the house by the end of March. In its current state, the framing, insulation, AC, plumbing & electrical rough ins are complete, but still needs drywall, paint, flooring, cabinets/countertops. ​ Total budget for this house was $60k and I'm currently $112k in. Two change orders wiped out my emergency fund. ​ To make matters worse, I listed my side of the duplex to be rented @ $1650 starting May 1 and my house will not be livable by then. So at the ripe age of 31, I get to move back in with my parents. ​ In a span of four months, I have completely obliterated my emergency fund, taken on $65k of credit card/personal loans, put myself in a paycheck to paycheck situation paying off the debt, stopped all retirement savings, and have essentially made myself homeless. ​ I feel like a complete failure and am in therapy for the depression. I am so angry with myself. The light at the end of the tunnel is that I will have a beautiful home in an area I really enjoy, and If I decide to rent the house out, I could likely cash flow $700 a month. ​ TLDR: don’t be an idiot and buy a house with unrealistic timelines and a lack of cash.
I don't see what the issue is here. You just need to get through this rough patch, don't lose your job and DIY in the evening and weekends. The only upside I see is that I imagine you're single and you won't have a partner beating you over the head. So you're broke right now but have gotten yourself on titles for 2 properties, in due time they'll pay themselves back. Sucks right now ok but you just need to tough it out.... save your dough from the therapist and go buy some drywall and screws.
Sold startup, depressed
Throwaway account for reasons that will be explained below. I have been following this sub for a while now. I do not come from money, but about 15 years ago I co-founded a fintech company that has become successful. For the last 3 or 4 years I have felt lost at the company, not really finding a role I liked. Played with the idea of selling my shares. Summer 2021 I finally decided that I wanted out. Sold my shares, quit, netted about $20M. Until that day I had never sold a single share and was living not paycheck to paycheck, but just a normal life. My wife of course knows about the money, but none of my friends nor my immediate family. In fact, they were probably not even aware of that I was a founder of the company. I just don't like to talk about that. I literally celebrated the sell by ordering food home, something we never do. I thought it would be a blessing, but now 6 months later I'm probably literally depressed. I and my wife simply don't know what to do with our lives. My wife keeps working, and I basically take care of the children and play video games all while saying to friends and family that I work from home. I realize that my company was my "life" and without it, I had no daily purpose. I'm blessed with basically infinite resources and angry that I even dare to say I'm depressed. Has anyone here had any similiar experience? I think what I'm mostly afraid of is that the money will destroy my relationship with friends and family. Like histories you read about lottery winnings. $20M might not even be an insane number in this sub, but, while $20M is roughly correct I do not live in USA and our current life costs around the equivalent of $50k. **Edit:** Thank you for the many great replies. They have given me many things to think about, and I'm happy to read that I shouldn't be ashamed of my state of mind. As several noted, it is very likely that my depression started years ago but I managed to mask it by keeping myself occupied in the company. Though I don't regret leaving my company, I did leave without a plan in place. **Edit 2:** I have decided to talk to a therapist and see where it takes me. My main concern is how to manage everything while still maintaining my relationships. My inbox is currently full of messages from people asking for money for either rent, gifts or investments. Makes me just want to give everything to someone to manage long-term, give myself enough to maintain current lifestyle and make a white lie about working remotely as a consultant whenever someone asks what I do.
My numbers aren't anywhere near yours, but I had pretty much the exact same experience when I quit my job about 11 years ago. No passion for it, constant stress and drudgery for what felt like little reward... all I dreamed about every day during my 9-5 was just floating out on our pool, reading and playing video games. And when I did finally pull the trigger, I did exactly that... and fell into a semi-major depression within about 3-4 months. I quickly learned the lesson preached by many in this subreddit - you can't just retire, you need to retire to *something*. A hobby, a passion, a challenge... something, anything that challenges you or gets you out of your comfort zone. The human brain evolved to solve problems in order to acquire food, shelter, and security. Being FAT means all those problems are now well and truly solved for you. It's now on you to point those problem-solving skills in a new direction. Otherwise your brain is going to start shutting down those parts that it recognizes are no longer being used... and that, my friend, is depression.
Baby Fort Knox ($BFK) - Upcoming Launch | Dynamic Tax System - Auto Buyback, Usdt Dividends, Hyped NFT Play-to-Earn 2D Shooting Game on BSC 🔥
Hello, what's up fellow Crypto Investors, NFT game hunters, whales, apes, degens, and gamblers of Reddit! Firstly, thank you for checking out this potential moonshot $BFK - Baby Fort Knox ( $BFK is a buyback token with USDT rewards, with use case in the form of a gaming token where users can P2E for free OR rewards based, and buy NFTs that double as playable game characters which can be upgraded and sold in the $BFK Marketplace or 'black market'. The BFK team is providing investors multiple avenues to earn cryptocurrency and taking advantage of the NFT hype and pushing the limits of NFT use cases and memecoin projects. We're all now thinking what is $BFK and why should we invest? This is not just any BSC Token, it's also an NFT Gaming project with USE CASE. DYNAMIC TOKENOMICS : tax increases after buybacks are engaged to protect price floors - refer to website Buy Tax 12% - 3 % Usdt rewards - 1 % Liquidity - 4 % Marketing/Development - 4 % Buyback & Burn Sell Tax 12% - 24% ( Min - Max) - 3 - 6 % Usdt rewards - 1 - 2 % Liquidity - 4 - 8 % Marketing/Development - 4 - 8 % Buyback & Burn Max Transaction is 0.3 % of max supply. Antibot will be incorporated during the launch phase. Here are some of their tokenomics explanations: 1. VAULT SECURITY Auto LP + randomized big buyback at support/resistance levels. LP swap threshold is 10%. Generated LP will be removed once it reaches the threshold, the native token gets burned; BNB goes to buyback contract. 2. THE GREEN ZONE After COUNTERSTRIKE (buyback), the "vault is unlocked"; where buy tax reduced to 5% for one hour, and sell increased to 15% and slides back down to 12% over the hour. 3. COUNTERSTRIKE Auto buyback & burn. Fixed amount on set time intervals, for example, X amount BNB every 1-4 hours. Can be set to any time frame, or have on for limited time per day - this activates LOCK DOWN. 4. LOCK DOWN After Auto BuyBacks - Sell Tax increase by double or X then slowly decrease over X time until next buyback. 12% to 24% back to 12% over 1 hour. 5. PAY OUT Holders of $BFK rewarded in USDT dividends - auto distribution every hour. 6. TREASURY Marketing/Development Tax - Tax contributes towards marketing/Development fund on every buy/sell of 4%, 4-8% respectively during Close The Vault. After reviewing these tokenomics on their website and Whitepaper, I realised just how genius this is. Their tokenomics allow for long term sustainability and growth. Note: to execute sell might need to increase slippage. For example, if dashboard is showing 15% sell tax, users may need to set slippage to 15%+(16%) = 31% , while only 15% sell tax will be charged even when 31% slippage is used, this can be verified on transaction record blockchain - everyone is encouraged to view this. PROJECT DETAILS : This token has utility as it is an NFT Gaming Project on the BSC network. The game being built is a Play to Earn (P2E) Game with 1v1 up to 5v5 where you can play free or stake tokens or NFT ownership in winner takes all. You will also be able to team up in regularly held dungeons, and unite against enemies to win tokens, loot, and experience points needed to upgrade your NFT characters. This team already has many features of their project they have developed before even launching yet. So they seem very committed, here are some of the things they've produced so far: Audited Contract - A complete pass and successful audit by BlockAudit; this communicates sincerity and safety to be as secure as 'Fort Knox'. $BFK Swap DEX is a live swap similar to Pancakeswap, live and available on the website. Change Log with Project Development progress - link in heylink tree, with NFT character, game, and marketplace production, you can view all latest releases in Chanelog DashBoard - Keep track of the token rewards paid out and due to pay out here. Or even re-invest to BFK. WhitePaper is very detailed and professionally put together with a great break down of the project. First Public AMA held just a few days ago in their telegram room which was recorded, their team discussed details of the game, nfts, as well as technical details and tokenomics - you can find this in the changelog as well. Social Media and platform coverage and following all across with Twitter, Telegram, Discord, Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram, YouTube, Medium and Reddit. Marketing exposure across Social Media and crypto/DeFi space with well known twitter and telegram influencers and rooms backing the project. Media content and production from team and community; logo and introduction videos, NFT preview trailers, memes, gifs, stickers as well as their very own SONG! Whitelist contests including their own Gleam with activities and engagement; community was actually rewarded without overfilling whitelist. Established very active and populated English, Japanese and shilling/Raiding Contest Groups - as well as growing groups for Chinese, Philippines and Indonesia. You can check out full details of their plans, utility, tokenomics and usecase on their website, roadmap, whitepaper, AMAs or reach out to them at their domain email or telegram room - they are always around! PreSale Details : Min/Max : 0.1/2.0 bnb Soft-Cap : 450 bnb Hard-Cap : 600 bnb PinkSale Presale Rate : 600,000 per bnb PancakeSwap Listing Rate : 570,000 per bnb PancakeSwap Liquidity : 100 % Liquidity Locked for 1 Year Token Distribution : Total supply 1,000,000,000 - 13% Private Funding 100% Marketing & Development = 130,000,000 (200 bnb) 650,000 per bnb - 36% PinkSale Presale = 360,000,000 - 34.2% Pancake Liquidity = 342,000,000 - 5% Team = 50,000,000 - 5.08% In Game Token Pool = 50,800,000 (Locked for 8 weeks until game is ready) - 6.72% Airdrop + Presale fees = 67,200,000 Useful Links : Website - Telegram - Linktree -
Liking the looks of these tokenomics. Interesting and quite different, guess they are looking for sustainably in price floor increases with the sliding tax and auto buybacks. The reduced buy tax feature will bring a whole lot of fomo for sure. Glad to see more NFT game projects being built on BSC. Is this the start of the comeback bnb needs? Lmao something innovative here. Liking it
About my post earlier
Hey everyone, So first of all I want to apologize about my reaction earlier. Writing dailies every day isn't an easy thing, I usually get up at 6 am my time, research write etc, then post answer questions etc, then have dinner research more check facts and stay online till midnight trying to moderate the sub and help out wherever I can, and it seems I've bitten off more than I can chew in that regard as I've been doing that for months now. Today I wrote something that I had on my mind for the past few days, as I knew it was an unpopular opinion but it needed to be said, even though I knew it had to be said I was expecting some backlash and has cost me more sleep then I wish to admit. but when everyone started to dogpile I lost it. I will need to grow some thicker skin in that regard. I reacted badly, I forgot that we have people in here who are deliberately trying to do threadsplitting as we have learned before. Now I have been lucky enough to have a great support team around me, my fellow mods, the guys on discord, the people who reached out, everyone. ​ I never told anyone what they need to do or how to do it, I never said you have to follow a certain exit strategy, this is all personal and you should look into what is best for you. Again if you think that I am a shill, or bought off you have missed the point of the entire post, I try to help that's what I've always tried, and I now know I can't please everyone nor is that my goal. I have thought about the dailies and being a moderator, I will continue to do both. not just because I feel I'd let people down but it also feels bad, like I'm backing down from a fight and that's not me. so if you guys can excuse me I'll go eat my crayola sandwich and start helping again. cya guys tomorrow
Thank you u/Rensole for all your tireless work, artful posts and fortified resolve. I speak only for myself, but I am proud to be a Mod along your side, helping this glorious congregation of apes navigate these choppy waters and unprecedented times. Though we come at things from different perspectives and carry different responsibilities and burdens, I’ve never doubted your unyielding loyalty to this group, your motives or the forthrightness of your intentions. You sir, are a true Ape. 🦍 Apes before Mods, always. 🤜🤛 Profit to the People. Power to the Players. 💎✊
I blew up my account today.
Was trading $ALF this morning on the short side then out of nowhere it when parabolic on me. Didn’t cut my loses when I could and over leverage myself on that position. I even 200% my account just this month. Lost it all in a single trade. I’m not even sad about the money or feel betrayed by the markets. I’m more disappointed about not following my rules and not having discipline. I will take a break from trading to self reflect on my actions before funding my account again. I hope my lost will help somebody learn to follow there rules. Edit: thank you for all the support and words of encouragement from this community, It was greatly appreciated. I’ll be gone for awhile but I hope to see you guys again in the trading floor.
Discipline is a skill you have to exercise everyday. This morning my Z calls were up 30%, I had a feeling it would go up more but I’ve been burned so many times getting greedy so I sold. Had I. Held on 10 minutes longer I would’ve had a 70% return but it doesn’t matter. Profit is profit and you have to stick to your plan.
I want to live off dividends.
My goal is to live off dividends by the time I am 40 years old. I am currently 24 and have roughly 30k a year in investable income. What do you think my best course of action is over the next 16 years to achieve that goal, and is that goal even realistically achievable at my income level? Thanks in advance for your time. Edit: This is an awesome community and I appreciate all of you very much. Edit 2: Have read all comments and thank you all but simply can’t reply to all. So much knowledge here and thank you for the warm reception on my first post.
Keep investing. Stick to around 4-5 percent yield. When it gets to 12k a year, start shopping around the lowest states in the US to live in. When it gets 24k, pull the trigger. If you’re more adventurous, you locate a cheap country like Portugal or Thailand or something where a grand a month has you live like a god and then you bounce.
How did you make your first million?
It can be anything. I know long term investments have made my parents millionaires but I don’t want to wait 40 years to become a millionaire. I work in tech right now and at a junior level but there’s only so much money most people in tech make a year. So I’m brainstorming other ways to make my first million.
> there’s only so much money most people in tech make a year. Don't be afraid of challenging that assumption. Keep your resume polished, and interview for better jobs than yours semi-regularly. If your skills are in demand, you may be surprised by the offers you get. If they're not, that's something to work on. Don't bother trying to juggle multiple jobs. Your main income is going to be your one good job until you accumulate investments. It's okay to have side projects though, this is how you can close the gap on some of those in-demand skills, and who knows, some of those projects may turn out to be monetizable. Or they may help your resume look more attractive. Aim to get jobs where the salary covers the bill, but that also have significant equity compensation (for public companies) and bonuses. The company stock I accumulated by sitting pretty at a large internet company right out of school went a long way toward meeting my financial goals.
(CAN) I'm 17 years old, stranded in a rural home, taking care of dozens of animals on a $50 per week income, for an undetermined amount of time. I'm completely lost.
So, twelve days ago, my great-grandma had a stroke. My grandmother, my legal caregiver, went to the local hospital (a ripe two hour drive away) and has stayed there ever since to ensure that the doctors don't take her mom off life support. My aunt, my other caregiver, and her kids went with her. So long story short, I'm home alone. I've been home alone for over ten days and have had to take care of the family's two sheep, two goats, five dogs, three cats, six large birds, dozens of chickens/ducks/quails/guineas, two horses, and a rabbit to boot The people taking care of me don't know when they'll be home. They're not gonna let the doctors let my grandma die so they're gonna stay there until she dies naturally or recovers, which could be months. I've expressed my concerns through text and have only been met with "I don't knows" and the like. They've come home twice (for a couple hours) just to check on things but aren't making money themselves so they haven't been able to help. I'm basically taking care of a house and all these animals alone at 17. I'm not sure what to do. Eventually bills will start popping up and the animal are already low on food. I have a weekly shift at McDonalds to fund myself, but in the area I live, the bus to town runs very rarely so taking full time hours isn't an easy solution. I go to school as well since a school bus goes through my area. (though I'd be willing to drop out if needed) TL;DR: Fending for myself, as well as dozens of farm animals, for an indeterminate I make almost no money and live in a rural area. **EDIT:** Thank you for your replies, I'll read them all and respond when I'm out of school in a couple hours! **UPDATE:** Thank you all for replying, I'll try to get through as many as I can but I honestly did not expect this to blow up like it did. Anyway, I talked to my family and while they're not returning home, my aunt has come back with cat and dog food so the animals won't starve for now. She says she doesn't know how much longer they will be gone but don't anticipate it being months like they originally thought. I'm going off her words here. I also talked to my manager and am getting three evening shifts this week over my usual weekly one, so I'm not gonna be completely broke. The bus rarely comes through but I'm fine killing time in town if it means more money coming in. I won't drop out of school either. I was just panicked and assumed I'd have to work full time. I'll update more as events unfold
Ask aunt/grandmother how you should pay bills/pay for animal food and care. Point out you don't have money to do so. If they say they don't know, talk about selling animals. If they say no, ask for alternatives. If they don't have alternatives, welp. Sell animals. Don't drop out, you'll be screwing yourself for life.
U.S. Breaks Up Fake I.R.S. Phone Scam Operation -- 21 people sentenced for up to 20 yrs, 32 in India indicted
[Some good news]( for those who have experienced this scam or know people who have been duped by the same: >With stiff sentences for 21 conspirators last week in the United States and a round of indictments in India, the Justice Department says it has broken up what appeared to be the nation’s first large-scale, multinational telephone fraud operation. >Over four years, more than 15,000 victims in the United States lost “hundreds of millions” of dollars to the sophisticated scam, and more than 50,000 individuals had their personal information misused, the department said Friday. The money was routed through call centers in India back to the ringleaders in eight states. >The fraudulent calls came suddenly and frequently while the scam was active from 2012 to 2016, according to court documents. A person posing as an Internal Revenue Service or immigration official was on the phone, threatening arrest, deportation or other penalties if the victims did not immediately pay their debts with prepaid cards or wire transfers. >In an announcement on Friday, the department said 21 people living in eight states — Illinois, Arizona, Florida, California, Alabama, New Jersey and Texas — were sentenced last week in Houston to prison for up to 20 years for their role in the scheme. >In addition, 32 contractors in India involving five call centers in Ahmedabad, a city in western India, have been indicted on wire fraud, money laundering and other conspiracy charges as part of the operation, the department said. As always, remain vigilant about supposed IRS claims, and never accept or believe any calls from people purporting to be the IRS. The IRS never demands immediate payment (e.g. wire transfers or gift cards), or threatens to bring in the police, immigration officers or other law-enforcement. Communication always begins over snail mail. Hopefully these arrests will serve as a warning to others trying to prey on vulnerable populations.
The new scam is an "agent" calling you and telling you that your social security number has been compromised and will be cancelled. It's an automated message created with a Text To Speech system. They give a number to call them back at. In the last week they've all been 401 numbers (Rhode Island). If you call them, you can tell it's just another group in India running a similar scam.
Is Santa Claus a deflationary risk?
Santa Claus provided well-behaved children with goods without simultainously injecting liquidity into the economy doesn't that create deflation because now the goods/currency ratio is higher?
But, don't we have to consider that these are non-traded goods? For the rest of the goods that people would like consume, that didn't make santa's list, doesn't this actually lead to more money chasing fewer goods?
JNH - Jack Nathan Health $.90 / 80M shares
Why is no one talking about this company? They have agreements with Walmart for medical centres in Canada, Mexico, and they’re going to be expanding globally. They are running on almost break even with very little cash burn. The chart says reversal.. anyone else take a look and let me know your thoughts. Cheers!
I bought these guys at .8 and sold at $2 when they got hit with some hype Bought back in at 1.36 when they announced the Mexican expansion and then sold at a around a dollar after they released their last earnings. The more popular founder is a liar touting how the company always been profitable when their sitting on a deficit on their balance sheet. They keep claiming they won't pay each founder $3mil which is stated in their financials if the stock market cap went over 100mil and they raised funds. However they had an extremely large financing cost which happened to be over 6million There openly moving away from profitable operation to chasing after revenues in hopes it'll drive up the stock price not actually deliver strong bottom line profits. Did I mention the founders gave themselves a massive raise after going public which pushed the company into a loss taking out the financing expenses
16 year old here, i have a lot of time and i want to learn how to make a lot money
I have a lot of free time, basically i stay home almost all the time. My goal is to get rich, how would you recommend me to spend my free time? Read specific book? Look something on websites? Thank you
My advice.. Learn how to write a business plan. Come up with fake businesses, or pretend you're writing a business plan for an already existing business in your area. Once you've learned how to do that, take the skills you learned writing a business plan, and apply it to your personal life. What are your values, your mission, goals.. how are you going to achieve those goals? What obstacles might you run into? How are you going to overcome those obstacles? What is the timeline for achieving each goal? And everything else put into a business plan can be applied to your own personal mission, as if you are the business.
+1(800)273-8255 - U.S. National Suicide Hotline
If you feel you might be suicidal, and live in the United States, I urge you to call the Suicide Hotline at 800-273-8255 or navigate to for a live chat and additional resources. If it's not an emergency, but you want to know more about mental health, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) offers information on their website and a free HELPLINE 800-950-6264. If you do not live in the United States please seek out local resources. /r/SuicideWatch has a list that may cover your country: /r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines Let others know if you need any other guidance to people who help. --- **EDIT:** People from /r/all or those outoftheloop, here is what the market looks like this right now: And Bitconnect has evaporated/exit scammed. --- **EDIT2: For those confused what happened,** here: **How bad is it?** The hardest hit people are one of the following: Newcomers, Margin Traders, or Day-Traders (and those in Bitconnect) The vast majority of people who have held for more than 60+ days are still in green.
Thanks for the post, it could really help some people in times of distress. I also liked [this post]( regarding stuff more important than money
Finally free from the chains of being an employee - Devoting next chapter to pro bono
Burner account. 37 recently ex big law attorney who quit after hitting 10M liquid, and I feel like I’m on the top of the fucking hill after turning in my company laptop. I been practicing in an AM 50 firm for the last ten years. Saved a lot and invested wisely in stocks, options, crypto, futures, and was an OG eth and doge miner. I like practicing law but I made more this month through investments than big law paid me over the last five years. Head of my practice group called on the last day to offer a one time $25k forgivable loan that will be paid off if I stick it out another 2 years 😂 ##### please! Most hilarious part is that one of the boilerplate sections of the written offer even stipulates that my widow must return all $25k if I happen to die within the next 2 years 😂 😂 . I spent 10 years working 6-7 days a week protecting billions of profits for trillion dollar fortune 5 companies, making tens of millions for my away from the office bosses, and getting crumbs. Next Monday will be my first day as an attorney for the local pro bono organization that is dedicated to helping those who are too poor to pay for legal representation. My new salary is 30k a year (organization refused my offer to work for $1 due to legal reasons), which I intend to donate.
As someone who always dreamt of being a lawyer (and who was told by all lawyers not to do it, Yale of fail, you’ll be a 7th year big law associate burning out and failing to make partner, etc), I am both happy for you and thrilled to hear you made something decent. But most of all, it puts a smile on my face you donate your time now. Good for you. Enjoy life. Cheers.
Bitfarms LTD (BITF.V / BFARF) DD, extremely undervalued crypto miner
Crypto stocks have had an insane development, one of the reasons being the current price levels for BTC/alt coins, the fact that BTC is touching 50k (and might break it soon), but also because the crypto mining industry as a whole is maturing. I believe that Bitfarms is in a better overall position compared to their competitors I terms of scaling and controlling costs, and this will pay off in the future with better profit margins as the industry grows. **Company overview** Bitfarms is a blockchain infrastructure company providing an essential service: validation and verification of global cryptocurrency transactions. Bitfarms has been building and operating industrial Bitcoin mining facilities since 2017. **Operations** Bitfarms owns and operates one of the largest mining operations in North America with 69 MW of built-out capacity. Bitfarms increased its hashrate capacity by 185 PH/s or 24% in 2020. Bitfarms operates five advanced Bitcoin mining facilities in Quebec, Canada. Each mining facility is powered by low -cost renewable hydro power. They mine Bitcoin at all facilities and Litecoin at two. Bitfarms’ 2020 year-end hashrate is 965 PH/s Bitfarms’ anticipated ending Hashrate Q1 2021 is 1,205 PH/s Bitfarms has mined the most Bitcoin during the nine months ending September 30, 2020 with an **industry leading average cost per Bitcoin of $5,300**. With the current price of BTC being around $49 000, this gives you a gross mining margin per BTC at 89%. **Competition** The case with Bitfarms is especially interesting as their value proposition is to be the most cost-effective crypto miner. Relative their competition, all Canadian crypto miners seem to be undervalued right now, look at the table below (credit to CHESHIRE\_CAT), dated to 12 of Feb. [Bitfarms PH is almost up there with RIOT and HUT. Bitfarms estimated mining revenue from Jan 2021 is 6 M compared to RIOT \(4.2 M\), HUT \(7 M\) and MARA \(1.7 M\).]( Looking at the financials (Q3 2020 nine-months), compared to RIOT, and HUT 8 mining below (12 Feb market closing): |Company|Market cap|Revenue|Gross mining margin| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Bitfarms|375 M|23.3 M|38%| |Hut 8 Mining|994 M|27.7 M|\-5%| |RIOT|3.3 B|6.7 M|38%| The fact that RIOT is listed on Nasdaq obviously has a major impact on their market cap. **Valuation** Valuations are complex in this industry and usually the companies present PH/Market Cap to demonstrate the business potential based on capacity. Average PH/MC (current) for the 11 listed companies (in the chart above), is 1.18. Average MC is 1.16 B. Based on these numbers alone, Bitfarms market cap should be 2.2 B (Average PH/MC x Multiple = Average MC). **In this case, a share price based on current float would be $25.6 (32.4 CAD)**. This is a very high valuation and relative to their competition. The valuation would bring Bitfarms PH/MC ratio to 1.18, **which is approx. the same as for HIVE**. Bear in mind that we are only looking at PH alone, not gross mining profit. Accounting for the fact that Bitfarms is not listed on Nasdaq (eliminating outliners MARA, RIOT, BTBT, NCTY). The average market cap is 620 M for the remaining 7 companies, with an average PH/MC at 1.32. This would give Bitfarms a market cap at 1 B, which would put the share price at $11.6 (14.7 CAD). So **even compared to non-Nasdaq listed crypto miners, Bitfarms is undervalued**. However, I do understand the flaws of my valuation, as it is strictly based on the operational capacity, and not “soft values” such as brand, marketing, etc. All these calculations are based on data from 12 of Feb as this DD took some time to compile, since today, all the crypto mining stocks have gone up, but Bitfarms is still undervalued relative their competition and mining capacity. **Upcoming catalysts** · Q4 earnings at the start of March · The company is preparing to establish a sixth mining center · Potential NYSE listing. The president recently stated the following in an interview: “In an interview yesterday, the president confirmed to the Newspaper step up the **steps to register Bitfarms on the New York Stock Exchange**. “The Nasdaq would be ideal,” Morphy told us.” []( · Gaining new institutional investors (investments up to 60 M (CAD) from US institutional investors since January) []( []( **Risks** · Like other crypto mining companies, the stock price is affected by the volatility and the price of major crypto currencies (BTC, ETH, LTC) · Ability to scale up production and meet their set PHs targets for 2021 · Attract new institutional investors · Price and supply of electricity, as this is their major cost of production · The whole crypto industry might be overvalued right now, which would indicate a coming correction Please share both positive and critical opinions on this DD as I want to look at the company from different perspectives. My own position in the company is 250 shares at 3.7, I also own shares in other crypto mining companies. ​ EDIT (UPDATE): Bitfarms is getting more attention [\_V16-M&ab\_channel=FinancialSuccess](
BFARF/BITF is criminally undervalued. Blows me away that BTBT and SOS. Junk, unproven companies from China have sky high valuations based on PR’s, and Bitfarms is where it is at. Main difference is being on a senior exchange. If Bitf was on Nasdaq, it would be at $15-$20 easy right now. I am holding heavy Bitfarms bags.
Bitfarms LTD (BITF.V / BFARF) DD, extremely undervalued crypto miner
Crypto stocks have had an insane development, one of the reasons being the current price levels for BTC/alt coins, the fact that BTC is touching 50k (and might break it soon), but also because the crypto mining industry as a whole is maturing. I believe that Bitfarms is in a better overall position compared to their competitors I terms of scaling and controlling costs, and this will pay off in the future with better profit margins as the industry grows. **Company overview** Bitfarms is a blockchain infrastructure company providing an essential service: validation and verification of global cryptocurrency transactions. Bitfarms has been building and operating industrial Bitcoin mining facilities since 2017. **Operations** Bitfarms owns and operates one of the largest mining operations in North America with 69 MW of built-out capacity. Bitfarms increased its hashrate capacity by 185 PH/s or 24% in 2020. Bitfarms operates five advanced Bitcoin mining facilities in Quebec, Canada. Each mining facility is powered by low -cost renewable hydro power. They mine Bitcoin at all facilities and Litecoin at two. Bitfarms’ 2020 year-end hashrate is 965 PH/s Bitfarms’ anticipated ending Hashrate Q1 2021 is 1,205 PH/s Bitfarms has mined the most Bitcoin during the nine months ending September 30, 2020 with an **industry leading average cost per Bitcoin of $5,300**. With the current price of BTC being around $49 000, this gives you a gross mining margin per BTC at 89%. **Competition** The case with Bitfarms is especially interesting as their value proposition is to be the most cost-effective crypto miner. Relative their competition, all Canadian crypto miners seem to be undervalued right now, look at the table below (credit to CHESHIRE\_CAT), dated to 12 of Feb. [Bitfarms PH is almost up there with RIOT and HUT. Bitfarms estimated mining revenue from Jan 2021 is 6 M compared to RIOT \(4.2 M\), HUT \(7 M\) and MARA \(1.7 M\).]( Looking at the financials (Q3 2020 nine-months), compared to RIOT, and HUT 8 mining below (12 Feb market closing): |Company|Market cap|Revenue|Gross mining margin| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Bitfarms|375 M|23.3 M|38%| |Hut 8 Mining|994 M|27.7 M|\-5%| |RIOT|3.3 B|6.7 M|38%| The fact that RIOT is listed on Nasdaq obviously has a major impact on their market cap. **Valuation** Valuations are complex in this industry and usually the companies present PH/Market Cap to demonstrate the business potential based on capacity. Average PH/MC (current) for the 11 listed companies (in the chart above), is 1.18. Average MC is 1.16 B. Based on these numbers alone, Bitfarms market cap should be 2.2 B (Average PH/MC x Multiple = Average MC). **In this case, a share price based on current float would be $25.6 (32.4 CAD)**. This is a very high valuation and relative to their competition. The valuation would bring Bitfarms PH/MC ratio to 1.18, **which is approx. the same as for HIVE**. Bear in mind that we are only looking at PH alone, not gross mining profit. Accounting for the fact that Bitfarms is not listed on Nasdaq (eliminating outliners MARA, RIOT, BTBT, NCTY). The average market cap is 620 M for the remaining 7 companies, with an average PH/MC at 1.32. This would give Bitfarms a market cap at 1 B, which would put the share price at $11.6 (14.7 CAD). So **even compared to non-Nasdaq listed crypto miners, Bitfarms is undervalued**. However, I do understand the flaws of my valuation, as it is strictly based on the operational capacity, and not “soft values” such as brand, marketing, etc. All these calculations are based on data from 12 of Feb as this DD took some time to compile, since today, all the crypto mining stocks have gone up, but Bitfarms is still undervalued relative their competition and mining capacity. **Upcoming catalysts** · Q4 earnings at the start of March · The company is preparing to establish a sixth mining center · Potential NYSE listing. The president recently stated the following in an interview: “In an interview yesterday, the president confirmed to the Newspaper step up the **steps to register Bitfarms on the New York Stock Exchange**. “The Nasdaq would be ideal,” Morphy told us.” []( · Gaining new institutional investors (investments up to 60 M (CAD) from US institutional investors since January) []( []( **Risks** · Like other crypto mining companies, the stock price is affected by the volatility and the price of major crypto currencies (BTC, ETH, LTC) · Ability to scale up production and meet their set PHs targets for 2021 · Attract new institutional investors · Price and supply of electricity, as this is their major cost of production · The whole crypto industry might be overvalued right now, which would indicate a coming correction Please share both positive and critical opinions on this DD as I want to look at the company from different perspectives. My own position in the company is 250 shares at 3.7, I also own shares in other crypto mining companies. ​ EDIT (UPDATE): Bitfarms is getting more attention [\_V16-M&ab\_channel=FinancialSuccess](
In 7000 shares at 1.36$ and added today 2000 shares at 4.80$. Holding long. Plan on adding another 1000 shares to have 10k shares. Sold most of my portfolio and put it in BITF. Literally 90% of my portfolio 😅 Diamond hands on that company!
Bought a hotel, converted to apartments $0 down
Hello! I did something recently that I’d like other people to do - so I thought this might be a good format to lay it out. The financing was $0 out of pocket, but we paid for repairs / did a lot ourselves. Last Summer, I went in with family and bought a 43 bed hotel. Over a few months it was converted to small efficiency apartments, with a large commercial kitchen, dining room, meeting area and a lobby. Why? Because we are very, very short housing in the Midwest. We met up with the local housing authority and got all the rooms inspected and ready to accept section 8 vouchers. After the conversion we have 42 rooms, roughly 320 SF each. There’s a large courtyard in the middle. Our local bank was able to do an 80% loan, with a wraparound product that also had the 20% gap, plus gave us about $50,000 for some repairs. We’ve spent probably $170,000 in total on the updates so far, which I don’t think it’s bad considering. For the rooms we put in a medium size apartment refrigerator, they each have a private bathroom, and the sink is on the outside so it doubles as the kitchen sink. New microwaves, hot plates, updated some furniture. Thankfully the rooms had recently been rehabbed and had a nice new laminate flooring as well as beds and bedding. The courtyard was a complete disaster and we spent a good chunk of money re-designing that. The commercial kitchen in the dining room we had converted the apartment where the owners originally had stayed but also took some money. But it’s totally functional now, we also added two laundry rooms with eight coin washers and dryers, new window heating / cooling units in all rooms. We are able to charge $850 a month, Which more than covers the bills. We probably have another 150k on capital improvements, I would like to add new windows, work on the parking lot, and the septic system needs update. But in addition to a cash flowing beautifully to pay for these improvements, it’s a huge gain for the community. Roughly, We have $15,000 going out every month that covers the insurance, property taxes, gas, payroll for two full-time employees, TV, Internet, miscellaneous. We are always full, average income is 41 rooms paid a month. I will say the key to this is volunteers, who are helping because they see it as an asset to the community. some tenants were through rehab, we also have a dozen disabled veterans, mainly older folks who just need somewhere small and quiet to live. We’ve had great support with people dropping off clothes,food, household items. While technically we are “just” apartments, we’re trying to be a little bit more than that and provide support with meetings, job training, community functions. While it is set up in an LLC it’s acting as benefit corporation. So far me and the other two owners have not taken out a dime. The goal is to get this totally self-sustaining and then maybe sell it and build another one. We owe about 475k on it, in total will have spent maybe 750k, which is pretty good for 42 doors that will soon be turnkey. So I’m just posting this to encourage you to look into alternate avenues of housing, especially if you can work with your local voucher program. It’s really sad that nine out of 10 in my area do not find a landlord who is weren’t willing to work with them, so the vouchers expire. Only 3% of vouchers are used rural areas, that is where I am. I don’t have an angle for posting this, other than I would really like to see some other people try to do something similar. It is possible, it can work.
Congratulations. I was just reading up on a program in Oklahoma for children aging out of the foster care system with nowhere to go. They built a group of "tiny homes" that the kids live in as they transition to living on their own. There's absolutely a need in many parts of the country to help people hope it can be a fruitful relationship for all parties involved.
The Puzzle Pieces of Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods. Or, "The Theory of Everything".
# 0. Preface I am not a financial advisor and I am not providing you financial advice. I know that many, MANY people have looked into swaps, equity swaps, total return swaps, and so forth over the months. There's quite a few DDs on the matter! I either never saw the posts or did not dig into them until lately. So please know that the Equity Total Return Swap stuff is **not** my original theory. I've just tried to expand on it to fit the pieces together. The price movements, the Deep OTM PUTs (DOOMPs), ITM CALLs, and where Short Interest went. Which I'll discuss here. I'm stealing this image from u/Chucry. Really sorry - I love the picture too much. [ \/u\/Chucry pup]( [\_footage\_of\_ucriand/]( # 1. Equity Total Return Swaps - Hidden Short Interest [/u/quiquealfa]( described their theory about Equity Swaps being the main culprit in the meme stock price movements to me. So we started digging into the theory. I was googling in a chain about Credit Default Swaps that led me to Equity Default Swaps which led me to 'Synthetic Prime Brokerages' which then led to Total Return Swaps, which finally led me to this post: [\_wargame\_theory\_the\_beginning\_total/]( Which I think is so amazing. It discusses Total Return Swaps and all of the players who may be involved in this "meme stock" situation. As u/Blanderson_Snooper calls them - the "Voltron Fund". This isn't just Melvin Capital and a few other SHFs being short. It's likely to be a massive amount of SHFs and SFOs around the world that abused naked shorting on a basket of stocks, putting not just the SHFs and SFOs at risk but the market makers and banks at risk as well. Basically, they're all fucked if these stocks squeeze. The SHFs. The SFOs. The Market Makers. The Banks. All of them involved. [ https:\/\/\/terms\/t\/totalreturnswap.asp]( The thing with Equity Total Return Swaps is that it's a type of derivative that, essentially, allows naked shorting. It's not an uncommon derivative either - it's a very popular instrument used by Hedge Funds which has blown up in popularity over the past decade. There's actually a term for this type of exposure. And it'll probably piss you off. It's called a "synthetic prime brokerage" because of how you're borrowing the prime broker's benefits. [ https:\/\/\/2005\/09\/08\/equity-swaps-alternative-trading-equities]( The way that it allows naked shorting is because the Hedge Fund "borrows" prime brokerage privileges through the swap. **The Hedge Fund is not short on its balance sheet but they are effectively short through the exposure of the derivative**. The counterparty of the swap is the one who is short the underlying. But, because the broker dealer can short for the sake of liquidity, **they do not need to report short interest on the stock by internalizing the orders and selling against their own "inventory".** Reg Sho must have pissed them off how they couldn't "legally" naked short - so they went off and created a new derivative so the game could continue on. The Hedge Funds can enter into many of these swaps and get short exposure to the stock without directly shorting it. They can enter into **tons** of these swaps and create tons of synthetic shares without ever worrying about the short interest being reported. Sneak attack! Any stock could have an actual SI% which is well over 100% and it isn't even reported! This doesn't come without risk however. The liability of locating the share for the short position is now on the counterparty rather than the Hedge Fund. But if you know of a few stocks which retail doesn't care about and are bankruptcy jackpots, you can abuse the hell out of the Equity Total Return Swaps. Churning away that synthetic share machine. Unless of course, one stock (GME) gets overexposed with **reported** SI and causes a short squeeze play where retail and institutions pile into the stock. What happens from the start: 1. The Hedge Fund opens a Equity Total Return Swap with a counterparty. 2. The counterparty is the one with the short position on their balance sheet. SI is not reported due to broker dealer privileges. 3. The Hedge Fund gets returns if the stock goes down. 4. The Hedge Fund will go under if the stock shoots up in price too much. They're not short on their balance sheet but they are short the swap. 5. If the Counterparty did not hedge the position, the counterparty is on the hook to buy up shares that were shorted. 6. If Equity Total Return Swaps were abused to add too many synthetics to the share pool, and a short squeeze play occurs, the counterparty is **absolutely** fucked. # 2. Portfolio Swaps and "Meme" Stocks Something fun you can do beyond an Equity Total Return Swap is something called a "Portfolio Swap". Which is basically a basket of Equity Total Return Swaps. Read the below and think of how all the "meme stocks" move in tandem: [ https:\/\/\/derivatives\/p\/portfolio-swap]( There's a basket of "meme" stocks that move in tandem, signaling that some counterparty (or counterparties) are on the hook for a ton of swaps and that these "meme" stocks are most likely shorted as a basket through Equity Total Return Swaps. Here's a sample of just a few stocks and how their prices are quite related. GME, AMC, KOSS, BBBY, EXPR: [ GME, AMC, KOSS, BBBY, EXPR]( The prevailing theory is there's a massive amount of Portfolio Swaps against these meme stocks, where so many entities can be pulled under if these squeezes occur. Hmm. Why is BoA closing locations and why are they lit up like a Christmas tree every night? Why are other banks and Citadel doing those night shifts all the time? Because if they are on the other end of these swap trades which were abused to create short squeeze plays across the market, then they are **screwed**. Which means many meme stocks can be decent squeeze plays. Because if the SHFs go down (and consequently the counterparties of the swap trades), then they liquidate all positions and buy back the short positions on these stocks. Many stocks can have massive short interest that is hidden through the swap derivatives. But in my opinion, **GameStop is the backbone to it all** because it had an alleged reported SI% of 226% in January. Note that the 226% was **reported** SI. **The shorts from the swaps are unreported.** GameStop had a massive reported SI. So it was, and is, the most overexposed short position of the SHFs. Melvin and other SHFs got cocky and shorted the stock directly rather than entering into swaps because it's a more profitable bet. They exposed themselves to the world - significantly - and here we are. Rest In Peace, Dumbass(es). That all being said, the swaps are just one part of the picture. The stocks are being shorted and have been shorted through 'synthetic prime broker' derivatives. **WHAT** is driving the price spikes every quarter? That's how I dove into futures. Because having an understanding of **why** the prices move every quarter and fitting the price movements with swaps gives you complete Zen mode. You can go out and enjoy life instead of watching the ticker 24/7 knowing that all the puzzle pieces fit together. # 3. Future Roll Dates; Loss Of Hedging The Swaps Causes Quarterly Squeezes I made a post about futures roll dates because they oddly lined up with the price surges: [\_futures\_or\_swaps\_the\_secret\_sauce\_to\_price/]( With futures Roll date deadlines of: |Futures Expiration Date|Deadline of Futures Rolling| |:-|:-| |March 19th|March 11th| |June 18th|June 10th| |September 17th|September 9th| |December 17th|December 9th| These deadlines I'd refer to as the end of "volatility" because all futures must be rolled by this date. Once the roll period ends, the quarterly squeezes end. The settlements of the swaps is also around these quarterly dates. So, there's a wombo combo around the "Quad Witching Days" of March 19th, June 18th, September 17th, and December 17th. This wombo combo of the futures roll period and swap settlement forces them to hedge their swaps by buying the underlying stocks. Because the counterparties don't want to buy-in the shares to hedge their position for the Equity Total Return Swaps, the counterparties instead hedge the swaps with other derivatives. And from the following, they could be using futures (maybe even forwards) to hedge risk against these swaps: []( These futures can't protect them year-round, because the future/forward contracts **require** the underlying asset to be bought or sold unlike options if they go to expiration. To avoid the forced purchase/sell of the underlying asset, futures can be settled for cash or rolled forward to a later expiration date before a specific deadline date called the "Roll Date". In the case of settling the futures, they are settled prior to the "First Notice Day". The "First Notice Day" is the third business day prior to the start of the month that the contract expires in. They settle **before this date** to avoid physical settlement. Which gives: |Futures Expiration Date|Dates Futures Are Settled (On or before this day)| |:-|:-| |March 19th|February 23rd| |June 18th|May 25th| |September 17th|August 26th| |December 17th|November 24th| But once they settle the futures, it leaves their swaps exposed to the volatility of the upcoming futures expirations and during the roll period until the deadlines of March 11th, June 10th, September 9th, December 9th. Their hedge against the swaps is practically gone, and they are forced to start buying-in the stocks to go delta neutral: >... (3) In effect, **the cash-settlement of the first future removes all risk of this contract, and traders are left with the risk from the underlying swaps that were hedged by this expiring contract.**...Of most importance during this process is managing the effect of (3). This is the so-called “Stub” position that a trader is running – a position that is almost unhedgeable and certainly very difficult to manage. **This is because all liquidity is concentrated in the first futures contract – such that hedging any risk that settles before the expiry of this front contract is virtually impossible.** This ends up creating the following time periods where the counterparties must hedge by buying the underlying stock and driving gamma squeezes across the meme stocks: |Squeeze Start (First Notice Day)|Squeeze End (Futures Roll Date Deadline)| |:-|:-| |February 23rd|March 11th| |May 25th|June 10th| |August 26th|September 9th| |November 24th|December 9th| They're not only putting the SHFs at risk by driving the prices, but putting **themselves** at risk because if the SHFs go under then they have to buy up the short positions anyway due to being the bagholders. Which then brings the entire set of dominoes down. Trading is a tough game . Don't you think? **HUGE Note:** The cycles are getting more violent each time. This cycle **could be** the MOASS. And with everything lining up for September being a crackdown of margin requirements + a possible market crash, you may lose **big time** if you try to day trade. Not to mention selling shares hurts the squeeze plays. **Other Note:** The cycles don't necessarily have to start on these dates. The futures can be settled at any date prior to the "First Notice Day", causing a loss of hedging against the swaps at an earlier date. Today's run could have been for an entirely different reason such as T+2 settlement from August monthlies. But in my opinion, I'd say this run is due to the lack of hedging because they have fewer DOOMPs to hedge with. I'll discuss the DOOMPs later on. Gamma Neutral spikes during these squeeze events, as provided by /u/yelyah2 or as I say "hell yah 2". The first ape who ever helped me out when I started researching. She inspired me from the get-go. Stealing a chart from /u/yelyah2, "Gamma Neutral" has spiked above $10,000 in the previous March and June runs, signaling that indeed a hedging problem occurs to drive the price runs: [ https:\/\/\/r\/Superstonk\/comments\/pasn91\/190\_maximum\_gme\_gamma\_point\/]( From /u/yelyah2's post explaining the spike of Gamma Neutral: >Gamma Neutral (GN) and Gamma Maximum (GM) - This helps identify **momentum. The GN** represents the underlying price that would create a total market gamma of 0 across all GME options (all expiration dates) for a given date, whereas the GM represents the underlying price that would create the maximum gamma across the market. > >In general, a sudden increase in gamma indicates a sharp upward in momentum that continues until that gamma drops. > >The GM seems to act like a ceiling, but fun things happen when the underlying crossing that threshold! And right now, gamma girl is seeing evidence of their bullish signals flashing for another quarterly price run - lining up with the futures roll period and the quarterly patterns as identified by other apes such as /u/pwnwtfbbq and /u/Minimal_Effort_73. I know many other apes have identified the quarterly runs as well. I'm very sorry if I did not mention you. The two apes above are the main posts I have been tagged in, so I know them off the top of my head! It's so difficult to remember all of the posts over the past few months. Putting it all together based on the futures roll period and loss of hedging against the swaps results in the following chart. The green shaded area is not arbitrary. It is the period between the "First Notice Day" and the "Futures Rollover Deadline". It's scary how closely it lines up. And kablam - just as expected - it's getting ready to rocket off: [ Quarterly Price Movements And ETRSs]( # 4. ITM CALLs; SI% Dropped From 226% In January - Where'd It Go? Bringing up these charts from /u/broccaaa that you've probably seen a million times now, an anomaly of ITM CALLs appeared in great numbers in January, February, and March: [ \/u\/broccaaa Suspicious ITM CALLs]( These ITM CALLs were bought and immediately exercised. Their OI never appeared on options data which leads us to conclude that they were exercised on the same day. Doing this transfers shares to the exerciser since the options are fully hedged against. The ITM CALLs were paired with an absolute ungodly amount of DOOMPs (Deep Out Of The Money PUTs), roughly 110 million shares worth, that have been untouched and allowed to expire worthless: [ \/u\/broccaaa GME Option Open Interest; PUTs and CALLs]( From [my post over here]( I did some math and came up with the ITM CALLs and OTM PUTs lining up with roughly the amount of shares that SI% dropped by in January from 226% to 30%. Meaning that these were most likely used to hide SI%: [ Rough Calculation of SI Dropping Based On ITM CALLs]( But wait... [the SEC document]( describes these anomalies as a "Buy-Write Trades" to reset failure to delivers? If a failure to deliver is reset, it won't pull the SI% away because the short is still on the shorter's balance sheet. On top of this - the failure to deliver would cause another failure a few days later. So if it was used for a FTD reset then we should have seen these anomalies of ITM CALLs non-stop, which we did not. Likewise, we did not see nearly enough FTDs at the time to justify this many buy-write trades. So what happened? My friend "Assets" on Discord described that the ITM CALLs could have been used as a pure risk-swap of the short position from the SHFs to fake-out to the world that the shorts have been closed. /u/quiquealfa also kept hammering this theory my way. And yep, sure as hell makes sense. What happens is that Citadel (or another counterparty) pulls the short position from the SHFs books by giving them synthetics to cover with through the ITM CALLs, and then they enter into Equity Total Return Swaps to reposition their portfolio so that they're still effectively short the stock. **Reposition**? Hmmm? [ https:\/\/\/article\/us-gamestop-melvin\/hedge-fund-melvin-capital-has-closed-gamestop-position-spokesman-idUSKBN29X0EN]( Legally speaking... they're not lying. I do believe that Melvin closed their original short position (directly shorting GameStop) but they're still effectively short through the exposure of Equity Total Return Swaps and that Citadel took the short position bag: 1. Melvin and other SHFs buy up ITM CALLs with low OI so that the counterparties are guaranteed. 2. Melvin and other SHFs exercise the ITM CALLs to obtain synthetic shares from the counterparty (Citadel, Virtu). 3. Melvin and other SHFs deliver the shares to the clearing house to close out of their original short position. 4. By delivering synthetics through the ITM CALLs, the counterparty (Citadel, Virtu) is now net short the trade and must hedge the short position to avoid forced buy-ins. 5. Melvin and other SHFs open Equity Total Return Swaps with the counterparty to reposition their shorts and still have short exposure - only this time, the shorts aren't on their balance sheets. 6. Short Interest drops because it is no longer reported on the SHFs balance sheet. Rather, it's on the broker-dealers who have special privileges for the sake of liquidity. 7. Counterparties open up DOOMPs to hedge these synthetics/Equity Total Return Swaps. 8. If the stock goes up, the SHFs are still screwed because they are "short" through the derivative exposure. Citadel and Virtu are also screwed by taking on the bag. Why would they do this and take the risk? They probably already have bags with other Equity Total Return Swaps or are involved in them through their own Hedge Funds. And thus, it is a fake-out that the squeeze is "over". Sure. They "covered". With synthetics. But they went straight back into the short position through derivative exposure and the entire short position is even bigger than before because they doubled down. The anomaly in February, honestly, could have been them pulling the risk from Archegos if Archegos was indeed short GameStop. Pull them off of the table before they go under and **really** bring things down. And we can be pretty damn sure of this whole risk-swapping bullshit because of: * The mechanics around Equity Total Return Swaps hiding Short Interest * The mechanics around Portfolio Swaps and how "meme" stocks move in tandem * The "losses" of Melvin over the quarters from premium payments for the ETRSs. Seriously - how do you lose 54% in January, get 22% gains in February, and then go back to 54% losses in this bull market? * The ITM CALL and OTM PUT anomalies * The fact that futures/forwards/other derivatives can be used to hedge against Equity Total Return Swaps * The quarterly price runs happening exactly around the time when derivative settlements occur and volatility is injected into the market, especially for swaps. Hey Shorties. Citadel. Virtu. Banks. You guys ever watch IT 2? 🖕**🐶**🖕 [ Not Scary At All]( # 5. OTM PUTs (DOOMPs) Hedged The Swaps/Shorts; Each Cycle is More Explosive To leave you, I have a theory for the OTM PUTs that were opened in January. The near 1.1 million OI worth, or 110 million shares worth. This can be even **more** tit jacking for you guys. From the following study: [\_What\_Drives\_the\_Price\_Convergence\_between\_Credit\_Default\_Swap\_and\_Put\_Option\_New\_Evidence]( There's statistical evidence of DOOMPs (very low DOOMPs, in our case <$5 strike) being used to hedge against swaps and short positions. This paper discusses Credit Default Swaps (CDS) but, Equity Return Swaps are roughly equivalent in structure and can be applied here. [ What Drives the Price Convergence; Pg 9]( [ What Drives the Price Convergence; Pg 23]( These DOOMPs are further described to hedge risk here if you want more fun reading: []( >The common features amongst credit derivatives is their ability to transfer credit risk from one counterparty to another, and their payoff is materially affected by credit risk. When they pulled the (reported) short position from the SHFs balance sheets, the counterparties had to hedge against those additional shorts and (possibly) the new swaps. How to do so? Open up DOOMPs. The following is a chart that shows total PUT OI (not Deep OTM) but it is a great visual to see the PUT anomaly: [ \/u\/broccaaa GME Option Open Interest; PUTs and CALLs]( And by "DOOMP" this means **deep** out of the money PUTs. Like, bankruptcy-low bets. It's **impossible** that the stock would go this low. So rather, these were used as bankruptcy credit bets for the credit hedging. In the study, they state in their sample of hedging that the majority of DOOMPs are opened and mature within six months. They found roughly 77% of their sample did so: [ What Drives the Price Convergence; Pg 2]( It would be curious if 77% of the DOOMPs opened in January expired as of July 16th, right? /u/Quiquealfa did some quick maths regarding this. Because he's my goddamn quant (also my original source of the swap DD that I stole from). Guess what? He came up with \~76.5% DOOMPs (under $3.5 strike) that expired as of July 16, 2021. Looks pretty close, statistically, to a risk hedge for those shorts that they took on from the SHFs: [ \/u\/quiquealfa DOOMP Data - Expirations Within 6 Months]( If the culprit of the runups is hedging the swaps via buy-ins, then they were mostly protected for the March and June runs due to the DOOMPs. It was a slow runup in March and we didn't see the price boom until the final 3 days of the roll period. There were about 1,200,000 OTM PUTs (all strikes) during this time. Lots of hedging protection for the runup. But then June comes around, and it was a much more violent roll period. I believe Gamma Neutral started to spike more frequently here as well. I was expecting Gamma Neutral to spike around June 4th but /u/yelyah2 showed that it spiked two days earlier than expected. There were about 800,000 OTM PUTs during this time. The loss of PUTs made it harder to hedge during this runup. And here we are, days before the expected run to start, with the price starting to surge. It could be other underlying reasons but I think it's due to the additional loss of DOOMP hedging, as OTM PUT OI is now down to roughly 500,000. Here's /u/broccaaa's chart, once again, for a visual of what I mean. It has arrows pointing roughly to when the price runs occurred. I shittily drew in what the OI for PUTs is as of today. You can see that the majority of their hedging through the DOOMPs is **gone** and has been decrementing for each quarterly sneeze: [ \/u\/broccaaa's Chart Extended]( It's quite frightening that the price is already above $200 and it hasn't even hit "First Notice Day". Maybe there's an even **MORE** violent squeeze coming due to lack of hedging with the DOOMPs. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. [ Quarterly Price Movements Compared]( Much love. May MOASS come soon. 😎
Apes, don't even attempt to day trade GME at this point. I think when MOASS takes off, Shitadel and MM might open the price at the day of the MOASS close to $10,000 to prevent the FOMO crowds from joining the party. This strategy will be in favor of Hedgies so no retail can compete with them on the way up. The field will be wide open for hedgies to close their positions without pressure from FOMO investors. Smart up and don't get tricked because you might miss the train when price open so high in the day of the MOASS. We have been waiting all this time for this moment, so please don't day trade it Apes.
The Puzzle Pieces of Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods. Or, "The Theory of Everything".
# 0. Preface I am not a financial advisor and I am not providing you financial advice. I know that many, MANY people have looked into swaps, equity swaps, total return swaps, and so forth over the months. There's quite a few DDs on the matter! I either never saw the posts or did not dig into them until lately. So please know that the Equity Total Return Swap stuff is **not** my original theory. I've just tried to expand on it to fit the pieces together. The price movements, the Deep OTM PUTs (DOOMPs), ITM CALLs, and where Short Interest went. Which I'll discuss here. I'm stealing this image from u/Chucry. Really sorry - I love the picture too much. [ \/u\/Chucry pup]( [\_footage\_of\_ucriand/]( # 1. Equity Total Return Swaps - Hidden Short Interest [/u/quiquealfa]( described their theory about Equity Swaps being the main culprit in the meme stock price movements to me. So we started digging into the theory. I was googling in a chain about Credit Default Swaps that led me to Equity Default Swaps which led me to 'Synthetic Prime Brokerages' which then led to Total Return Swaps, which finally led me to this post: [\_wargame\_theory\_the\_beginning\_total/]( Which I think is so amazing. It discusses Total Return Swaps and all of the players who may be involved in this "meme stock" situation. As u/Blanderson_Snooper calls them - the "Voltron Fund". This isn't just Melvin Capital and a few other SHFs being short. It's likely to be a massive amount of SHFs and SFOs around the world that abused naked shorting on a basket of stocks, putting not just the SHFs and SFOs at risk but the market makers and banks at risk as well. Basically, they're all fucked if these stocks squeeze. The SHFs. The SFOs. The Market Makers. The Banks. All of them involved. [ https:\/\/\/terms\/t\/totalreturnswap.asp]( The thing with Equity Total Return Swaps is that it's a type of derivative that, essentially, allows naked shorting. It's not an uncommon derivative either - it's a very popular instrument used by Hedge Funds which has blown up in popularity over the past decade. There's actually a term for this type of exposure. And it'll probably piss you off. It's called a "synthetic prime brokerage" because of how you're borrowing the prime broker's benefits. [ https:\/\/\/2005\/09\/08\/equity-swaps-alternative-trading-equities]( The way that it allows naked shorting is because the Hedge Fund "borrows" prime brokerage privileges through the swap. **The Hedge Fund is not short on its balance sheet but they are effectively short through the exposure of the derivative**. The counterparty of the swap is the one who is short the underlying. But, because the broker dealer can short for the sake of liquidity, **they do not need to report short interest on the stock by internalizing the orders and selling against their own "inventory".** Reg Sho must have pissed them off how they couldn't "legally" naked short - so they went off and created a new derivative so the game could continue on. The Hedge Funds can enter into many of these swaps and get short exposure to the stock without directly shorting it. They can enter into **tons** of these swaps and create tons of synthetic shares without ever worrying about the short interest being reported. Sneak attack! Any stock could have an actual SI% which is well over 100% and it isn't even reported! This doesn't come without risk however. The liability of locating the share for the short position is now on the counterparty rather than the Hedge Fund. But if you know of a few stocks which retail doesn't care about and are bankruptcy jackpots, you can abuse the hell out of the Equity Total Return Swaps. Churning away that synthetic share machine. Unless of course, one stock (GME) gets overexposed with **reported** SI and causes a short squeeze play where retail and institutions pile into the stock. What happens from the start: 1. The Hedge Fund opens a Equity Total Return Swap with a counterparty. 2. The counterparty is the one with the short position on their balance sheet. SI is not reported due to broker dealer privileges. 3. The Hedge Fund gets returns if the stock goes down. 4. The Hedge Fund will go under if the stock shoots up in price too much. They're not short on their balance sheet but they are short the swap. 5. If the Counterparty did not hedge the position, the counterparty is on the hook to buy up shares that were shorted. 6. If Equity Total Return Swaps were abused to add too many synthetics to the share pool, and a short squeeze play occurs, the counterparty is **absolutely** fucked. # 2. Portfolio Swaps and "Meme" Stocks Something fun you can do beyond an Equity Total Return Swap is something called a "Portfolio Swap". Which is basically a basket of Equity Total Return Swaps. Read the below and think of how all the "meme stocks" move in tandem: [ https:\/\/\/derivatives\/p\/portfolio-swap]( There's a basket of "meme" stocks that move in tandem, signaling that some counterparty (or counterparties) are on the hook for a ton of swaps and that these "meme" stocks are most likely shorted as a basket through Equity Total Return Swaps. Here's a sample of just a few stocks and how their prices are quite related. GME, AMC, KOSS, BBBY, EXPR: [ GME, AMC, KOSS, BBBY, EXPR]( The prevailing theory is there's a massive amount of Portfolio Swaps against these meme stocks, where so many entities can be pulled under if these squeezes occur. Hmm. Why is BoA closing locations and why are they lit up like a Christmas tree every night? Why are other banks and Citadel doing those night shifts all the time? Because if they are on the other end of these swap trades which were abused to create short squeeze plays across the market, then they are **screwed**. Which means many meme stocks can be decent squeeze plays. Because if the SHFs go down (and consequently the counterparties of the swap trades), then they liquidate all positions and buy back the short positions on these stocks. Many stocks can have massive short interest that is hidden through the swap derivatives. But in my opinion, **GameStop is the backbone to it all** because it had an alleged reported SI% of 226% in January. Note that the 226% was **reported** SI. **The shorts from the swaps are unreported.** GameStop had a massive reported SI. So it was, and is, the most overexposed short position of the SHFs. Melvin and other SHFs got cocky and shorted the stock directly rather than entering into swaps because it's a more profitable bet. They exposed themselves to the world - significantly - and here we are. Rest In Peace, Dumbass(es). That all being said, the swaps are just one part of the picture. The stocks are being shorted and have been shorted through 'synthetic prime broker' derivatives. **WHAT** is driving the price spikes every quarter? That's how I dove into futures. Because having an understanding of **why** the prices move every quarter and fitting the price movements with swaps gives you complete Zen mode. You can go out and enjoy life instead of watching the ticker 24/7 knowing that all the puzzle pieces fit together. # 3. Future Roll Dates; Loss Of Hedging The Swaps Causes Quarterly Squeezes I made a post about futures roll dates because they oddly lined up with the price surges: [\_futures\_or\_swaps\_the\_secret\_sauce\_to\_price/]( With futures Roll date deadlines of: |Futures Expiration Date|Deadline of Futures Rolling| |:-|:-| |March 19th|March 11th| |June 18th|June 10th| |September 17th|September 9th| |December 17th|December 9th| These deadlines I'd refer to as the end of "volatility" because all futures must be rolled by this date. Once the roll period ends, the quarterly squeezes end. The settlements of the swaps is also around these quarterly dates. So, there's a wombo combo around the "Quad Witching Days" of March 19th, June 18th, September 17th, and December 17th. This wombo combo of the futures roll period and swap settlement forces them to hedge their swaps by buying the underlying stocks. Because the counterparties don't want to buy-in the shares to hedge their position for the Equity Total Return Swaps, the counterparties instead hedge the swaps with other derivatives. And from the following, they could be using futures (maybe even forwards) to hedge risk against these swaps: []( These futures can't protect them year-round, because the future/forward contracts **require** the underlying asset to be bought or sold unlike options if they go to expiration. To avoid the forced purchase/sell of the underlying asset, futures can be settled for cash or rolled forward to a later expiration date before a specific deadline date called the "Roll Date". In the case of settling the futures, they are settled prior to the "First Notice Day". The "First Notice Day" is the third business day prior to the start of the month that the contract expires in. They settle **before this date** to avoid physical settlement. Which gives: |Futures Expiration Date|Dates Futures Are Settled (On or before this day)| |:-|:-| |March 19th|February 23rd| |June 18th|May 25th| |September 17th|August 26th| |December 17th|November 24th| But once they settle the futures, it leaves their swaps exposed to the volatility of the upcoming futures expirations and during the roll period until the deadlines of March 11th, June 10th, September 9th, December 9th. Their hedge against the swaps is practically gone, and they are forced to start buying-in the stocks to go delta neutral: >... (3) In effect, **the cash-settlement of the first future removes all risk of this contract, and traders are left with the risk from the underlying swaps that were hedged by this expiring contract.**...Of most importance during this process is managing the effect of (3). This is the so-called “Stub” position that a trader is running – a position that is almost unhedgeable and certainly very difficult to manage. **This is because all liquidity is concentrated in the first futures contract – such that hedging any risk that settles before the expiry of this front contract is virtually impossible.** This ends up creating the following time periods where the counterparties must hedge by buying the underlying stock and driving gamma squeezes across the meme stocks: |Squeeze Start (First Notice Day)|Squeeze End (Futures Roll Date Deadline)| |:-|:-| |February 23rd|March 11th| |May 25th|June 10th| |August 26th|September 9th| |November 24th|December 9th| They're not only putting the SHFs at risk by driving the prices, but putting **themselves** at risk because if the SHFs go under then they have to buy up the short positions anyway due to being the bagholders. Which then brings the entire set of dominoes down. Trading is a tough game . Don't you think? **HUGE Note:** The cycles are getting more violent each time. This cycle **could be** the MOASS. And with everything lining up for September being a crackdown of margin requirements + a possible market crash, you may lose **big time** if you try to day trade. Not to mention selling shares hurts the squeeze plays. **Other Note:** The cycles don't necessarily have to start on these dates. The futures can be settled at any date prior to the "First Notice Day", causing a loss of hedging against the swaps at an earlier date. Today's run could have been for an entirely different reason such as T+2 settlement from August monthlies. But in my opinion, I'd say this run is due to the lack of hedging because they have fewer DOOMPs to hedge with. I'll discuss the DOOMPs later on. Gamma Neutral spikes during these squeeze events, as provided by /u/yelyah2 or as I say "hell yah 2". The first ape who ever helped me out when I started researching. She inspired me from the get-go. Stealing a chart from /u/yelyah2, "Gamma Neutral" has spiked above $10,000 in the previous March and June runs, signaling that indeed a hedging problem occurs to drive the price runs: [ https:\/\/\/r\/Superstonk\/comments\/pasn91\/190\_maximum\_gme\_gamma\_point\/]( From /u/yelyah2's post explaining the spike of Gamma Neutral: >Gamma Neutral (GN) and Gamma Maximum (GM) - This helps identify **momentum. The GN** represents the underlying price that would create a total market gamma of 0 across all GME options (all expiration dates) for a given date, whereas the GM represents the underlying price that would create the maximum gamma across the market. > >In general, a sudden increase in gamma indicates a sharp upward in momentum that continues until that gamma drops. > >The GM seems to act like a ceiling, but fun things happen when the underlying crossing that threshold! And right now, gamma girl is seeing evidence of their bullish signals flashing for another quarterly price run - lining up with the futures roll period and the quarterly patterns as identified by other apes such as /u/pwnwtfbbq and /u/Minimal_Effort_73. I know many other apes have identified the quarterly runs as well. I'm very sorry if I did not mention you. The two apes above are the main posts I have been tagged in, so I know them off the top of my head! It's so difficult to remember all of the posts over the past few months. Putting it all together based on the futures roll period and loss of hedging against the swaps results in the following chart. The green shaded area is not arbitrary. It is the period between the "First Notice Day" and the "Futures Rollover Deadline". It's scary how closely it lines up. And kablam - just as expected - it's getting ready to rocket off: [ Quarterly Price Movements And ETRSs]( # 4. ITM CALLs; SI% Dropped From 226% In January - Where'd It Go? Bringing up these charts from /u/broccaaa that you've probably seen a million times now, an anomaly of ITM CALLs appeared in great numbers in January, February, and March: [ \/u\/broccaaa Suspicious ITM CALLs]( These ITM CALLs were bought and immediately exercised. Their OI never appeared on options data which leads us to conclude that they were exercised on the same day. Doing this transfers shares to the exerciser since the options are fully hedged against. The ITM CALLs were paired with an absolute ungodly amount of DOOMPs (Deep Out Of The Money PUTs), roughly 110 million shares worth, that have been untouched and allowed to expire worthless: [ \/u\/broccaaa GME Option Open Interest; PUTs and CALLs]( From [my post over here]( I did some math and came up with the ITM CALLs and OTM PUTs lining up with roughly the amount of shares that SI% dropped by in January from 226% to 30%. Meaning that these were most likely used to hide SI%: [ Rough Calculation of SI Dropping Based On ITM CALLs]( But wait... [the SEC document]( describes these anomalies as a "Buy-Write Trades" to reset failure to delivers? If a failure to deliver is reset, it won't pull the SI% away because the short is still on the shorter's balance sheet. On top of this - the failure to deliver would cause another failure a few days later. So if it was used for a FTD reset then we should have seen these anomalies of ITM CALLs non-stop, which we did not. Likewise, we did not see nearly enough FTDs at the time to justify this many buy-write trades. So what happened? My friend "Assets" on Discord described that the ITM CALLs could have been used as a pure risk-swap of the short position from the SHFs to fake-out to the world that the shorts have been closed. /u/quiquealfa also kept hammering this theory my way. And yep, sure as hell makes sense. What happens is that Citadel (or another counterparty) pulls the short position from the SHFs books by giving them synthetics to cover with through the ITM CALLs, and then they enter into Equity Total Return Swaps to reposition their portfolio so that they're still effectively short the stock. **Reposition**? Hmmm? [ https:\/\/\/article\/us-gamestop-melvin\/hedge-fund-melvin-capital-has-closed-gamestop-position-spokesman-idUSKBN29X0EN]( Legally speaking... they're not lying. I do believe that Melvin closed their original short position (directly shorting GameStop) but they're still effectively short through the exposure of Equity Total Return Swaps and that Citadel took the short position bag: 1. Melvin and other SHFs buy up ITM CALLs with low OI so that the counterparties are guaranteed. 2. Melvin and other SHFs exercise the ITM CALLs to obtain synthetic shares from the counterparty (Citadel, Virtu). 3. Melvin and other SHFs deliver the shares to the clearing house to close out of their original short position. 4. By delivering synthetics through the ITM CALLs, the counterparty (Citadel, Virtu) is now net short the trade and must hedge the short position to avoid forced buy-ins. 5. Melvin and other SHFs open Equity Total Return Swaps with the counterparty to reposition their shorts and still have short exposure - only this time, the shorts aren't on their balance sheets. 6. Short Interest drops because it is no longer reported on the SHFs balance sheet. Rather, it's on the broker-dealers who have special privileges for the sake of liquidity. 7. Counterparties open up DOOMPs to hedge these synthetics/Equity Total Return Swaps. 8. If the stock goes up, the SHFs are still screwed because they are "short" through the derivative exposure. Citadel and Virtu are also screwed by taking on the bag. Why would they do this and take the risk? They probably already have bags with other Equity Total Return Swaps or are involved in them through their own Hedge Funds. And thus, it is a fake-out that the squeeze is "over". Sure. They "covered". With synthetics. But they went straight back into the short position through derivative exposure and the entire short position is even bigger than before because they doubled down. The anomaly in February, honestly, could have been them pulling the risk from Archegos if Archegos was indeed short GameStop. Pull them off of the table before they go under and **really** bring things down. And we can be pretty damn sure of this whole risk-swapping bullshit because of: * The mechanics around Equity Total Return Swaps hiding Short Interest * The mechanics around Portfolio Swaps and how "meme" stocks move in tandem * The "losses" of Melvin over the quarters from premium payments for the ETRSs. Seriously - how do you lose 54% in January, get 22% gains in February, and then go back to 54% losses in this bull market? * The ITM CALL and OTM PUT anomalies * The fact that futures/forwards/other derivatives can be used to hedge against Equity Total Return Swaps * The quarterly price runs happening exactly around the time when derivative settlements occur and volatility is injected into the market, especially for swaps. Hey Shorties. Citadel. Virtu. Banks. You guys ever watch IT 2? 🖕**🐶**🖕 [ Not Scary At All]( # 5. OTM PUTs (DOOMPs) Hedged The Swaps/Shorts; Each Cycle is More Explosive To leave you, I have a theory for the OTM PUTs that were opened in January. The near 1.1 million OI worth, or 110 million shares worth. This can be even **more** tit jacking for you guys. From the following study: [\_What\_Drives\_the\_Price\_Convergence\_between\_Credit\_Default\_Swap\_and\_Put\_Option\_New\_Evidence]( There's statistical evidence of DOOMPs (very low DOOMPs, in our case <$5 strike) being used to hedge against swaps and short positions. This paper discusses Credit Default Swaps (CDS) but, Equity Return Swaps are roughly equivalent in structure and can be applied here. [ What Drives the Price Convergence; Pg 9]( [ What Drives the Price Convergence; Pg 23]( These DOOMPs are further described to hedge risk here if you want more fun reading: []( >The common features amongst credit derivatives is their ability to transfer credit risk from one counterparty to another, and their payoff is materially affected by credit risk. When they pulled the (reported) short position from the SHFs balance sheets, the counterparties had to hedge against those additional shorts and (possibly) the new swaps. How to do so? Open up DOOMPs. The following is a chart that shows total PUT OI (not Deep OTM) but it is a great visual to see the PUT anomaly: [ \/u\/broccaaa GME Option Open Interest; PUTs and CALLs]( And by "DOOMP" this means **deep** out of the money PUTs. Like, bankruptcy-low bets. It's **impossible** that the stock would go this low. So rather, these were used as bankruptcy credit bets for the credit hedging. In the study, they state in their sample of hedging that the majority of DOOMPs are opened and mature within six months. They found roughly 77% of their sample did so: [ What Drives the Price Convergence; Pg 2]( It would be curious if 77% of the DOOMPs opened in January expired as of July 16th, right? /u/Quiquealfa did some quick maths regarding this. Because he's my goddamn quant (also my original source of the swap DD that I stole from). Guess what? He came up with \~76.5% DOOMPs (under $3.5 strike) that expired as of July 16, 2021. Looks pretty close, statistically, to a risk hedge for those shorts that they took on from the SHFs: [ \/u\/quiquealfa DOOMP Data - Expirations Within 6 Months]( If the culprit of the runups is hedging the swaps via buy-ins, then they were mostly protected for the March and June runs due to the DOOMPs. It was a slow runup in March and we didn't see the price boom until the final 3 days of the roll period. There were about 1,200,000 OTM PUTs (all strikes) during this time. Lots of hedging protection for the runup. But then June comes around, and it was a much more violent roll period. I believe Gamma Neutral started to spike more frequently here as well. I was expecting Gamma Neutral to spike around June 4th but /u/yelyah2 showed that it spiked two days earlier than expected. There were about 800,000 OTM PUTs during this time. The loss of PUTs made it harder to hedge during this runup. And here we are, days before the expected run to start, with the price starting to surge. It could be other underlying reasons but I think it's due to the additional loss of DOOMP hedging, as OTM PUT OI is now down to roughly 500,000. Here's /u/broccaaa's chart, once again, for a visual of what I mean. It has arrows pointing roughly to when the price runs occurred. I shittily drew in what the OI for PUTs is as of today. You can see that the majority of their hedging through the DOOMPs is **gone** and has been decrementing for each quarterly sneeze: [ \/u\/broccaaa's Chart Extended]( It's quite frightening that the price is already above $200 and it hasn't even hit "First Notice Day". Maybe there's an even **MORE** violent squeeze coming due to lack of hedging with the DOOMPs. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. [ Quarterly Price Movements Compared]( Much love. May MOASS come soon. 😎
Amazing work. The amount of time put in to help out the rest of gme investors while you could easily hold the info to yourself and not bother is truly inspirational. May the tendieman be extra generous to you. 🦍 🌝 🔜
+1(800)273-8255 - U.S. National Suicide Hotline
If you feel you might be suicidal, and live in the United States, I urge you to call the Suicide Hotline at 800-273-8255 or navigate to for a live chat and additional resources. If it's not an emergency, but you want to know more about mental health, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) offers information on their website and a free HELPLINE 800-950-6264. If you do not live in the United States please seek out local resources. /r/SuicideWatch has a list that may cover your country: /r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines Let others know if you need any other guidance to people who help. --- **EDIT:** People from /r/all or those outoftheloop, here is what the market looks like this right now: And Bitconnect has evaporated/exit scammed. --- **EDIT2: For those confused what happened,** here: **How bad is it?** The hardest hit people are one of the following: Newcomers, Margin Traders, or Day-Traders (and those in Bitconnect) The vast majority of people who have held for more than 60+ days are still in green.
Not to make light of this post but Jesus people, take a breath. So many posts about not panicking. Where you panicking the last week of crazy growth? Just walk away for a few days or buy something you've been wanting cheap
My (almost) FatFire Journey, 33F with no family money, no tech, no crypto, and no ultra high wage W2 and lots of family drama
I decided to go out on a limb and post my (almost) FatFire story in the hopes that maybe it will encourage others who do not have family money, who are not in tech, and who do not have an ultra high wage job, and also so I can look back in a few years when I am finally ready to FatFire and post an update post. I am not here to say my exact results are replicable, but just one example of how I was able to put myself on a path towards fat-fire. I think every Fatfire story also has a bit of luck involved, and this was definitely true at points for me. A little bit of background, I am a 33F who grew up incredibly poor. My parents were drug addicts and physically and emotionally abusive. We regularly had eviction notices on our door and I slept in a one room apartment with three brothers, we rarely had clean clothes and never had enough food. I was always in the gifted program and while my brothers dropped out of school early on in life (6th grade or earlier), I absolutely loved school and would make sure I was there every day as my escape. I also would read non-stop anything I could possibly get my hands on and lived in the library to escape my home. After a really bad episode of physical abuse when I was 13, I moved out. I declared myself a homeschool student and because I had already taken several high school courses at that time (along with the SATs as part of a gifted program through Duke University), I was able to go right to college at 13 as a dual enrolled student. Unfortunately, living on my own and couch surfing and being put in adult situations, I ended up being a teenage mom at 16. Despite this hurdle, I worked at night as a waitress and went to college during the day, and graduated college at 18. At 19, I enrolled in law school and graduated law school at 22, while working full time. My fat-fire journey really began in 2015 when a friend married a physician and he had owned a medical practice, but wanted to relocate and sell the practice. The medical practice was barely making money after expenses, but they agreed to sell me the practice for no money upfront and to make bi-weekly payments on a seller note. After physician payments and the seller note, there was a little money leftover and the practice began to grow at a fairly good rate. However, at this point, I made big mistake #1, I let my dad manipulate me into letting him "manage" the practices since I lived out of state and had a family and full time legal job. He basically siphoned out all of the money in the practices, he would take 90%+ of the profit as a management "fee" and then threaten me if I ever cut him out that he would ruin the practices. At this point, the profits were about $1M per year (2019), and the prior seller note had been paid off. Despite this, he was over drafting checkbooks, and we even were unable to pay a large bill that came due for the practices ($80K) because nothing had been left in reserve. I let this happen because of many years of abuse and felt paralyzed. However, in 2019, I hired an attorney to try and mediate a way to get him out of the practices while not ruining them, and even offered a very generous annual salary to just walk away. He was infuriated. Mistake #2, I did this all while I was 9 months pregnant, and he knew I couldn't travel to the practices. He pretended like he was going to go along with everything, meanwhile he had convinced the physicians to leave with him and all the patients and start a competing practice. I had a feeling something was happening (while he was telling me everything was fine), so I had my friend who sold me the practices fly back to them and see what was going on. She walked in and called me and told me the practices had been completely cleared out and emptied. As soon as she told me this, I immediately went into labor. I called a locksmith and was giving him my credit card number to change the locks as I was in the middle of contractions. My baby was born 30 minutes later in my bathroom with just my husband and I there because I had no time to get medical assistance. At that point, I had just had a baby, no income, and medical practices with no patients and no physician. I started working 20 hour days immediately. I had to file suit to get access to my Comcast accounts that he changed all passwords on (for our phone systems) as well as our Electronic Health Records System. All I had to my name at this point was $40,000 in savings. I did however, own longterm medical practices, with all the required licensing in place. I immediately started recruiting for a physician, and contacting all of our patients (who had been told our practice was shutting down). Finally, after about 2 weeks, I got a physician to agree to come into this mess (probably because a hormonal new mom was crying into the phone begging, but he was honestly my savior at this time). I immediately drove the 12 hours to the clinic site in the middle of the night, for him to start the next day. All computers/printers/equipment/even the toilet paper had been taken out of the offices, so I had to bring my baby, my home computer, my home printer, and anything I could bring so I didn't have to buy it. I arrived at 6 am and started setting up for a 9 am opening, and I was frantic. That first day back we didn't even make enough money to pay the physician his daily contracted rate, but he said I could owe it to him. There is a lot more between this and the next parts, but to spare all the long details, suffice to say I was working 20 hour days with a newborn strapped to my chest in order to rebuild the practices. I lived away from my family and my husband and I slept on a couch of a friend with my baby because I had no where else I could afford. Also, important to note that while this was all going on, I went into survival mode. I looked at my husband and said "remember when we went axe throwing about 6 months ago, it was packed and overhead was low, I have no way to make money right now so we need to open up an axe throwing range immediately." This was stupid and crazy, I admit, but I had always thought about doing it because I evaluated the potential ROI, knew they were always busy, and it was a ton of fun. We did it during a date night several hours from our home and realized that our medium sized city didn't have a range within an hours distance. I immediately started sourcing locations and submitting zoning applications. I don't even know how I did it, but in three months, start to finish, we opened our small local axe throwing range for less than $25K. I had my baby in March and we opened July 4th weekend. All the while, I was working non-stop to re-open the practice. Finally, after about a year after the birth, I had recovered, not only had I recovered, I had done better than I ever had financially because there was no "manager" siphoning off the majority of profits. But to be honest, I was EXHAUSTED. I literally would cry every other week getting on flights to go back to the practice to make sure all was okay and manage the day-to-day details. I decided to sell my practice. I met a cool, young investor who seemed like a good guy, but only had enough money to purchase about 70% of the practice. I agreed, and put a management agreement in place whereby he would manage the day to day and I would be a passive owner and retain 30% of the profits. Based on my experience with "partners" this was a huge risk for me, but I couldn't continue to work non-stop and had to de-risk. He paid $1.7M for 70% of the practice. I held a seller note of about $500,000, and received the other $1.2M upfront. With my $1.2M, I started investing in real estate in 2020. I purchased an old historical building in a super popular area close to a major national park and invested about $200k in renovations. It had been sitting on the market for 3 years at that point and because of the state of disrepair I got an AMAZING deal, $500k (total investment about $700K). Additionally, in order to keep renovations on track I had to move up to the location for two months and jump in with construction, including working 18 hour days sun up to sun down to get it ready for rental, even tiling and grouting myself when progress lagged. Also important to note, that also because I was in survival mode, I started applying for legal positions, and landed an in house remote position that I held this whole time as well. I was on conference calls while grouting my bathroom, and when I wasn't working on the house, I was working my W2. After I finished the historical building and put it up for a vacation rental, I invested in 6 other properties last year, leveraging the money I had from the partial purchase of the medical practice, as well as the 30% cash flow, along with the money from the axe throwing range, and my w2 job. I made sure that if any one thing failed, I was never going to be in a position like that again, where I had no money and no way to pay my bills. I have made sure I have about 100 contingency plans, even if it would kill me. So, there is a LOT more to all the story, but I realize that if this gets too long, no one will read it anyways, here is where I am at now: \-Medical practice, 30% passive owner earning about $30k monthly \-Historical property, paid off, invested about $700K, currently worth about $2M, and earning about $150K annually in vacation rental income \-Beach vacation rental, purchased last June for $1.2 million, leveraged with a loan for $900K, after mortgage and expenses, profit is about $80K/annually (conservatively), additionally, the appreciation has been huge, the same property a few houses up just went on the market for $2.4M, realistically, I think it would sell for $2M if listed today. \-5 long term rental townhouses, I purchased each one outright for between $105K and $125K, no loans, and they earn about $60,000 profit annually \-Axe throwing range, we are currently in the middle of a large expansion, but conservatively earning about $150k/annually \- I am still working as in house corporate counsel, I make about $170K annually after bonus = Total annual income, about $970K Assets: \- 30% passive ownership, I value this at $0 when calculating my net worth, I am too worried about it disappearing one day \-$500K seller note, expected to be accelerated and paid off in full this year \-$600K stocks \-Approx. $1.8M for historical home after selling costs \-Approx. $1M for beach house after mortgage and expenses \-5 townhomes at about $130K each, about $650K total \-Axe throwing range, $0, bringing profit but no tangible assets \-Primary home, bought before the market went crazy, and did a full house renovation, total equity about $1M but calculate this as $0 in net worth as well. \-$100K cash, and $60K in retirement = Total NW $4,710,000 This is after having only $40,000 in savings in 2019 and not having a job or any income at that point. With all of this said, I am exhausted. I feel like I aged 10 years in the last three years. I can't let go of any of the jobs, or investments, or businesses because I am terrified of not only what happened in 2019, but also because it brought up all of the insecurity of my childhood and not having food or a place to live. I don't know when I will "Fat Fire" or what it will look like. I do hope to give up the W2 at some point, but right now its my safety blanket. I am expanding the axe throwing range, and always looking at additional real estate investment. My passion is home design and renovation, I love bringing things back to life and showing other people my vision for homes they thought were totally beyond saving. I hope that one day that can be my focus, but right now, I find myself getting more cold feet when jumping into opportunities. When I had nothing to lose, I was taking risks left and right, I am definitely finding myself more hesitant to risk-take. Hopefully something to evaluate and overcome in the future. Also a future fat-fire goal, summer in Italy and learn Italian, we will see how that pans out. I was previously verified by mods, but happy to verify anything I can, because I know this has been a crazy journey. I can't give any sage advice just yet, I am still in my own process, but I hope this story gave some encouragement to others when things in their fat-fire journey have gotten tough. Also, in case anyone is wondering, my baby I had when I was 16, is an amazing honor student, champion wrestler, and is currently 17 now and headed off to college where he wants to study pre-med and become an orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine physician. My #1 goal in life was to raise my kids in a totally different environment from the one I had growing up, and the thing I am most proud of is being able to break the cycle (and if anyone is wondering, I haven't spoken with my dad since that day in March 2019, and this is definitely one of the best things to come out of what I went through).
Could you provide more details on the acquisition of the medical practice? How did a 22 year old with a college degree and seemingly no professional experience managing a medical practice get a bank to give you a loan to buy a business that is doing $1mm a year in profits? What was the purchase price of the practice? How did you qualify for a loan that size at that age with no capital of your own? That part of the story is only 3 sentences but it's the most important part. Love the story, just curious about the details.
75% Capital Gains Tax promised to Canadians by NDP
"Further, they propose to increase the inclusion rate on capital gains tax to 75 per cent. That would be a big increase from 50 per cent at present. Singh’s plans to soak the rich reflect his obvious disdain for the wealthy." []( []( Hopefully such an increase will be phased in over time (ie. several years)!
Every Canadian investor is going to change their investing strategy. Everyone will become buy & hold investors, it's not worth the risk to try to make a few extra bucks. I bet this move actually decreases the tax revenue, since fewer people will realize gains
⬆️ EverRise - $RISE | Launching EverOwn dApp to change the DeFi space Forever | Introducing the EverRise Ecosystem | September 8th ⬆️
⬆️ EverRise - $RISE | Launching EverOwn dApp to change the DeFi space Forever | Introducing the EverRise Ecosystem | September 8th ​ ⬆️ EverRise ($RISE): []( ​ 🌐 EverRise Ecosystem: []( ​ EverRise, the original buy-back hyper-deflationary token. EverRise is becoming the new standard of security in DeFi, starting with the BSC space and soon ETH. ​ We are back here to remember our first steps, and also to celebrate the launch of our first dApp, EverOwn, the first dApp ever to introduce Community Contract Ownership in the crypto space. ​ September 8th is the date - 1:00 PM EDT is the time. EverOwn dApp will be launched and we will be doing a live event to renounce the EverRise contract to EverOwn. ​ If you want to assist at this historical moment in crypto, join us now, don’t hesitate to, because there’s things in life that only happen one time. ​ With EverRise, we all $RISE together. ​ 👉 Telegram: []( ​ ⬆️ \*\*EVERRISE ($RISE)\*\*⬆️ ​ EverRise is establishing the new standard of DeFi tokenomics with its innovative Buyback system and game changing use-cases. ​ On the EverRise protocol, $RISE tokens are bought back from the market, resulting in an immediate effect on the price. These repurchased tokens are then instantly burned, permanently removing them from the circulating supply. ​ Once the $RISE tokens are bought back, the new BNB amount is added to the liquidity pool and the $RISE tokens bought are immediately burned. This creates a true burn and guarantees the price per token will increase every time a buyback is activated. The Strategic Buyback feature is deployed at specific moments to create stable floor prices during downward market trends, chart manipulation, or whale dumps. ​ Holders are additionally "auto-staked" instantly receiving 2% of the transaction volume and you can watch your wallet grow in real-time. ​ 💎 THE EVERRISE ECOSYSTEM 💎 ​ EverRise’s game-changing ecosystem and EverRise dApps will bring a true revolution to the cryptocurrency space. ​ Our dApps: EverOwn, EverWallet, EverSwap, EverLock and EverSale will solve key problems in the crypto industry and will bring a new dimension in personal and project security for crypto. ​ A relevant percentage of the revenue from the dApps will be used to support $RISE and its community, giving both revenue to the Buyback Reserves and directly to holders via token reflections. ​ 📄 TOKENOMICS AND PROJECT SUSTAINABILITY 📄 ​ The EverRise contract is coded to collect 11% in fees from all transactions (buys, sells and transfers), to be dedicated into the following: ​ \* 6% for strategic buyback funds ​ \* 2% as commission to holders (rewards through reflection) ​ \* 3% contribution to project sustainability: enhancements, operations and marketing ​ ✅ ACHIEVEMENTS ✅ ​ \* CoinPayments integration for payments on Shopify, Magento and WooCommerce \* MyCryptoCheckout integration for payments on Wordpress Sites \* Listed on CMC, CoinGecko & Blockfolio \* 80K+ Holders \* 33K+ Members on Telegram \* $29m+ Market Cap \* 4K BNB ($2M USD) Strategic Buyback Funds \* 21,5K BNB used in Strategic buy-back burns (26.1%) ​ 🔐 SECURITY 🔐 ​ \* Dev & Core Team Doxxed \* Contract to be Renounced with EverOwn on September 8th \* Liquidly locked for 1 year \* Code audited by Certik ([]( \* Dev wallets locked until January 2022 ​ 💰 MARKETING 💰 ​ \* Big marketing wallet for non-stop promotion \* DAVID GOKHSHTEIN joined the Core Team as Branding Consultant \* Luna PR as agency of record \* Targeted Ad campaigns on social media and DeFi platforms \* Full fledged press, media & influencer campaign \* NY and London Billboards ​ 🔼 NEXT STEPS 🔼 ​ \* Launching EverOwn dApp - September 8th \* EverRise to become a registered company \* Upcoming interviews and AMAs with relevant leaders in the crypto \* dApp EverLock (Liquidly locking) \* dApp EverSale (Pre-sales) \* dApp EverWallet (Wallet) ​ ✍️ Contract: 0xc7d43f2b51f44f09fbb8a691a0451e8ffcf36c0a
Best opportunity to load up on Everrise. The run to the top is just starting. Join the TG. Awesome community! The everown Dapp (contract renowncement and community vote to unlock contract for changes) will generate income . 50% of Dapp revenue to the BuyBack (kraken) and 25% divided amongst community as reflections. This is unprecedented. Our Dev Titan is using business profit to pump back into the token price. After token buyback, they get Torched. HYPERDEFLATIONARY=HYPER PROFIT
Q4 2018 Application release and back office consolidation Q1 2019 Blockchain integration throughout the platform Q2 2019 Integration of XDT tokens throughout the application Q4 2019 Marketplace deployment and its interface Q1 2020 Integration of an exchange platform within the system Q2 2020 Collection optimization Extension to the collection of all physical data Q3 2020 Enhancement of the marketplace Full automatization of the marketplace data licensing Q4 2020 Member to member interaction functionality Q1 2021 Merchants interactions solution Artificial int johnbosco aghaonu, \[28.06.18 17:49\] elligence Q2 2021 Extension of the marketplace to future solutions Q3 2021 App enhancement to additional functionalities
The Entire token generation event is to be executed in three stages including a private sale, pre-sale and Public sale. The total number of tokens to be generated is fixed at 1,0000,0000,000. Tokens to be issued is 500,000,000. The price of 12,000 XDT tokens is 1 ETH. The hard cap will be reached when 35 0000 Ethereum is collected.
UPDATE - Found out tenant was laid off work
***Context***: About a month ago, I [*posted in this sub*]( *about my tenant losing his job and falling behind on rent. Responses to that post ran the gamut from "have a heart, you bastard" to "kick his ass out yesterday." When I see posts like that one, I usually wonder how the landlord actually handled it, and what the outcome was. I'm here with an update, which is by no means me telling you what to do. It's simply how I chose to proceed and the results.* After my previous post, I called Mr. Tenant and asked him if I could buy him a beer. He agreed to meet me at a local bar. I filled out and printed a Notice to Quit, leaving the date blank, and brought it along with me. I started by thanking him for meeting me and explaining that I'm not trying to be a jerk, but this is a business and my livelihood. I asked about his job prospects and whether he had considered finding another place to move, since my rental was too expensive for him to handle comfortably. He shared that he had just completed a second interview and hoped to hear back in a couple days. Additionally, his girlfriend had also accepted a new position. Their income prospects were looking up. He also told me that he was now getting joint custody of kids, after a bitter divorce from last year, so they would need more space. I offered to help with the search, because I know other landlords around town. He told me that he and his girlfriend should have paychecks in the next 2-3 weeks, and that he would pay as much as he could when those came in. Additionally, they expected tax returns by the end of February, and would pay everything current, including late fees. I decided to give this a chance to work. I explained the Notice to Quit to him, and I wrote in 2/15/20 as the date I would begin the eviction process, if he had not paid at least a full month's rent (he was past due for Jan and Feb). He agreed, signed the document, and thanked me for working with him. The next day, I called around to see if any of my contacts had a 3-bed house available. One did, so I explained the situation to him. He is more comfortable dealing with the "edge cases," so he agreed to let them move in, once they had proven they could get current with me. We set the tentative move date for 3/15. Mr. Tenant texted me to confirm he had been hired at the new job. Two weeks later, I got a payment for January rent + late fees! Today, I got the remaining payment for February rent + late fees and an unpaid pet fee!! They're now paid completely current, and they're going to be moving into a less-expensive 3-bedroom house just down the street. I'm so happy with the way things turned out. I recognize that I took additional risk by being patient with them, but it has definitely paid off in more ways than one. **TL/DR - I decided to be patient and work with a tenant, who had fallen on hard times, and was two months behind on rent. The situation worked out well for everybody, and I've now been paid in full.**
You make me confident in how I will deal with things in the future. Thank you for being compassionate while still being logical and recognizing that not every tenant is a piece of shit because they hit hard times. I have a deep amount of respect for you posting this and following up. Thank you.
Where are all the non-rich people?
I read a lot of posts asking about surviving or at least building a financially smart life on a 'meagre' 60k wage. I earn about 30k as a social worker and do alright. I mean I have to manage spending of course, but I'm not in trouble or anything, and seem to be able to use advice here as well. But I'm just wondering: is this mainly a sub for the more wealthy?
We exist (1200€ netto about 1/3 of the average in DE), but we post less because there's less to be managed when you have little left over. Every subreddit has a demographics distribution.. and for diverse reason be it education, language knowledge, job field, well you kinda self selected yourself here simply by knowing English, which already separates you from the majority of probably poorer "single language" Europeans that exist. Think about it, if you already know English, and care about your finances enough to read about it, how likely is it that you remain poor (at least relative to your own country's standard)
If corporate profits are at a all time high. Than why is the stock market plunging?
Isn’t the stock market mostly an indicator of how well corporations are doing? If they are doing well than why is the stock market falling at unprecedented rates?
Markets are forward looking. Investors and speculators see that things will be worse in the future. That affects corporate profits now. Remember that companies borrow a lot. They also often borrow at variable interest rates. As a result, their borrowing cost will rise significantly. Bank borrow and lend. In the US however, they usually lend at fixed interest rates for home loans. So, the mortgage payments banks are getting are falling in value due to inflation, but banks can't compensate by increasing interest rates. Then there's leverage. Many investors use leverage to obtain higher returns. Those loans are also variable rate. They have become sharply more expensive because of the Fed interest rate rises. Lastly, there's bonds which are an alternative to shares. The rate rises have made bonds much more attractive. 15 year US government bonds yield nearly 4%. Compare that to the shares of a company that gives no growth, those may also yield 4%. So, why buy a share - which comes with risk - when you can buy the bond?
It’s happening ..$HAPPY just rocketed from $9m to a $60M market cap. Now there's no limit on where this beauty can go.
**The gears are in motion. Strap in for the ride.** The last 24 hours we’ve seen **parabolic growth** from $HAPPY. Despite Pancake swap migrations causing a stir (Use Bogged swap for the best buy price) Happy is still making **huge gains.** Many people thought HappyCoin was moving sluggishly for the past 2 weeks... **the paper hands left** and what remained a few days ago was an incredible project at an undervalued marketcap, and **a solid community with 30,000 holders..** The fundamentals were all setup to **launch happy into the stratosphere.** **The fully doxxed founder** has laid the foundations [(easy how to buy page)]( A-List influencers, 24/7 support on their website) to prepare for a **HUGE** marketing push, and as a result the price is up 600% in just over 24 hours with way more fuel left in the tank. **This week alone there’s going to be a CoinMarketCap listing, WhiteBit marketing push, Certik audit, merch, 2nd centralized exchange announcement, and a huge influencer marketing + community push for mental health awareness week..** Which is solidifying HAPPY as a token with **staying power.** Here’s the juicy news.. **The fully doxxed HappyCoin founder is flying out to LA this Sunday for a month.** Yep, you heard that right. It looks like they’ve already locked Jesse Wellens (10m + youtube subs), who is best friends with **Casey Neistat.** The devs can’t help but leak easter eggs. When all is said and done, **$HAPPY** has all the makings of a token and brand designed for mainstream success. With a huge liquidity pool, and a community that stuck with it through thick and thin, I have a feeling by the end of this week, this market cap will look like a speck on the chart. **I’m bullish as ever on this one. I won’t be surprised to see it at $1B+ by June.** Check out their site, watch the AMA’s, meet the dev, and you’ll be just as sold as me. Stay $HAPPY friends :) 🌐 Website: 💸Bogged Swap (still uses pancakeswap, just way easier 😊):
Synopsis for 04-20-2021 what we need to know before the market opens DD
Good morning San Diago, I am Rensole, Do you smell that? pass that! \*insert flashy intro card\* ​ As always none of this is financial advice, just a typewriter ape # Yolo with Domo [\_ama\_justin\_dopierala\_founder\_and/]( today at 4:20 # DFV FUD Ok let's start with the obvious one in the room, I've seen loads of people/new accounts say DFV sold. No he didn't, why? he is a value investor, he sees deeper fucking value in a company, and it would be stupid to put this much in and pull out BEFORE the transformation of the company is over. So the argument of him having pulled out is nonsensical. He will at one day though because doing a stock market is to make money, but don't expect any value investor to stop halfway through. # Twitcher offered a 1000 to lie, lied yo People were quick to jump on this but the dude who said he was offered a 1000 bucks to post bad shit about GME was lying, again be sceptical even if it feeds into your bias. the post got removed, as the person himself confirmed later that it was fake. ​ # Team for the man with a plan []( Gary named his initial team, give it a read and know who you'll be working with. Again yes I know the SEC had been lacks to say the least, but again I believe that this guy can bring big changes. Also a brief overview of the recent filings. [\_brief\_overview\_of\_recent\_filings\_from\_the\_dtc/gv61tmd/?context=3]( # MacD good thread about MacD [\_on\_gme\_is\_showing\_bullish\_signs/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf]( ​ [Not sure if the correlation is caustation]( # 60% of the time time it works a 100% of the time 6 out of 7 of the biggest american banks have made a statement in the past week. Give it a decent read. [\_out\_of\_the\_7\_top\_listed\_us\_banks\_have\_made/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf]( hmmm [\_effect\_drumroll\_whos\_next/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf]( ?? ​ ​ # They're watching [\_remember\_hfs\_are\_watching\_us\_dont\_give\_them/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf]( So as that thread stipulates they are watching us, I mean I would if I were them. look at all the free data we offer them but we are doing the same [\_late\_night\_google\_searches/gv6d1x4/?context=3]( Again not sure how accurate those google results are but interesting none the less. ​ Can't stop won't stop [𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗽\_𝗘𝘅𝗲𝗰𝘂𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲\_𝗧𝗲𝗮𝗺\_𝗕𝗼𝗮𝗿𝗱\_𝗼𝗳\_𝗗𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘀\_𝗨𝗣𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗦/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗽_𝗘𝘅𝗲𝗰𝘂𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲_𝗧𝗲𝗮𝗺_𝗕𝗼𝗮𝗿𝗱_𝗼𝗳_𝗗𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘀_𝗨𝗣𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗦/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) NEW GAMESTOP ​ ​ So at this point you might think "ok Rennie, it's missing it's OOMPH today", and you're right I've been focussing on something else, yesterday I got pulled aside by some friends and how r/superstonk is looking right now and I had to take a good hard look at the sub and the mentality we hold. And I personally didn't like some of the stuff I've seen, people who are trying to help are getting called shill because they come with lower numbers, people who want to help and immediately getting kicked to the side as shill, this is not what I want guys. Again we need to keep our head straight and look at every possible scenario. **None of this is financial advice, but I do feel people should examine their risk/rewards.** I know many of us will jerk react to what I am about to say and think it is FUD, but I feel it is something we need to explore as the MOASS is impending. There are several things that you need to know when it comes to extremely high market volatility. Selling isn't as easy as pressing "sell at market" and expecting the number you "sold at" to appear in your brokerage account. When trading in extremely volatile conditions, like the upcoming squeeze, it's important to know exactly HOW to exit your position and not fall victim to these traps. **I know that the DD on this sub is good but in trading nothing is a 100% guaranteed** This is not meant as FUD in any way, but rather to get everyone to think about their own positions and what they want to do, and how they want to do it. also if possible to get people talking and have different conversations so people make an educated estimation/decision of what they want and how they want it. **This is a personal choice for everyone, so listen to your own logic, reasoning and research.** I've seen a lot of people talk of 100 million is a "sure thing", I'm sorry I know you all like this but I want everybody to be grounded for this. The statistical probability this will even reach 1 million is an anomaly, I'm not saying it won't happen I'm saying in my personal opinion I don't expect to reach that level. Yes I know the memes of 1 million and everything, but let's be honest there is a high likelihood that before that happens the government would step in, the nasdaq would stop trading or something else can happen. We do not know how far it will go. And just as much the []( thing, please realise it's a meme. The thing is with a short squeeze it is impossible to know how high it can, or will go to or how long it will last, I've seen people post it would be minutes, I've seen others post that it will be days. One thing I do have to say is that I rethought my own exit strategy, it used to be "catching the falling knife" but it has changed as I think it would be closer to catching a falling piano. so this leads me to my other point. Everyone here should evaluate **their own** Risk vs reward situation. And at the same time I'd ask you to be realistic, no one knows what will happen and anyone telling you that ANY price is a 100% is wrong. We can have all the specific indications for a Moass/squeeze but we don't know what will happen. So in order for people to make a well educated decisions on their own stock they should ask themselves some questions. 1. how much money do I want to make with this stock 2. how high can it go? 3. how much can I afford to lose? (for example if the stock goes back down at some point) \^ these are important questions that people need to ask themselves and act on them. An exit strategy for me is covering my initial cost of investing at a "lower hanging fruit" number, when it squeezes, as it's more likely I'll cover that point, from that point on I can let it ride to higher numbers and be sure I'm playing with the house's money. (this means lowering exposure and still have a possibility of reward). ​ **Everyone should think on his own how he or she wants to exit.** There is no perfect plan, unless you're DFV and you're the time traveler. But let's look at a few different versions of exit strategies. **"The Tiered exit"** One I've heard a lot about is a "tiered exit" a tiered exit is putting everything in tiersfor example: 15@ 10 10 @ 15 20@ 20 etc etc, this depends fully on how you want to place this and what you think is a logical step, this could be at 5000, a 10000 or any number whatsoever. **(remember I'm giving examples, I'm not setting numbers for you to follow).** Another exit strategy is **"The value investor"** This is what DFV did, he saw an opportunity with a company and invested on a number he thought the company would be low, but he will ride this to a certain set point for him and either cash out then, or do so in layers like in the tiered exit. This means he said to himself X number is low, I want to have Y number for returns etc etc, this is also called the long play. or how he got his name, seeking deeper value in things and seeing them before others do. But even DFV has a number set in his head where he want's to take profit. ​ Another would be "**the mixer"** The mixer is a simple concept of my own tbh, just take a bit from the **Tiered exit,** a bit off the **Value Investor**. You can choose to get some of your initial investment out at a certain point, have another part you want to leave with that company, and a part you'll sell at a higher point. Or any mix you'd like, remember this is fully up to you and up to your own risk assessment. Some examples of other exit strategies: []( []( []( []( There are loads of exit strategies out there, but be sure to research what is best for **YOU!** (seriously google is a thing people, use it, do your own DD and your own legwork). Again I don't question the DD at all, I do however think people here need to take a good hard look at their risk/reward system and at reasonable numbers, I personally don't think 10m is something that can happen, again I could be a 100% wrong and if it does hell I'll be just as excited as everyone else, I just think the chance of happening is low to none. What I am saying is what I've said before, you should not risk more than you are comfortable with. ​ Now something else I want to touch on. You have to realise that yeah sure it's all fun and games checking out all those buildings and what's going on in them, but what if we have one idiot in here that's mentally unstable?what if they think it's ok to go there and he hurts someone or worse? Seriously everyone have a sense of decorum. Do not under any circumstances pester the personal that works there, as these are still people who just have a job, you may not agree with what they have done but that's what the courts are for. we need to stay on our best behavior always, because we are better than they are. I want everyone to be logical and decent here, and everyone here does his or her own part in that. So I'm asking you please, PLEASE guys chill, we are in what people can say is a "high stress" situation, and tempers can run high. Don't call people SHILL because you don't agree with them, I've said before go into conversation with them and you may be able to learn why they think a certain way.If it's logic then you can learn, if it's a troll you'll notice soon enough.But don't kneejerk react that everyone who disagrees is wrong. ​ # EXCELLENT! Be friendly, help others! as always we are here from all different walks of life and all different countries. This doesn't matter as we are all apes in here, and apes are friends. Doesn't matter if you're a silverback a chimp or a bonobo. We help each other, we care for each other. **Ape don't fight ape, apes help other apes** this helps us weed out the shills really fast, as if everyone is helpful, the ones who aren't stand out. remember the fundamentals of this company are great, so for the love of god if someone starts with trying to spread FUD, remind yourself of the fundamentals. There is no sense of urgency, this will come when it comes, be a week, be it a month be it six. We don't care, just be nice and lets make this community as Excellent as we can! Remember one of the only ways to counter the Cointelpro we have seen is by being overly nice, so treat all the other apes as if you're dating and you wanna get to first base. ​ Remember none of this is financial advice, I'm so retarded I'm not allowed to go to the zoo 'cause they'll put me in the cage with the rest of my ape brothers. If anything happens throughout the day I will be adding it here. backups: []( []( []( [\_elite]( []( And I'll be posting updates as they happen here:
Gme was a meme, untill it wasn't. Don't get discouraged if someone thinks 10M is a meme, the logic behind that is as feeble as 10M is possible. The most expensive tulip during the dutch tulip buble cost $700k, don't underestimate the insanity of the financial market.
Google has blocked auto-complete of the word 'perjury' with 'Ken Griffin' - I don't care how much money you pay a search engine company, this shouldn't happen. We are not China.
​ (Edit) Note: US IPs are experiencing this across the board, while Euro IPs are reporting they are not. TLDR; For the last several days Go0gle has stopped associating (auto filling) the word perjury with Ken Griff1n when searching (try it yourself). Virtually every other name you search (including 'random name' and 'mickey mouse' will complete the word perjury when you start to type it. DRS is the way. ======= A couple days ago [I posted about this](, and it was lost in the noise. Since this is still actively happening, I felt it was worth bringing it to light again so more people can see the lengths K3n will go to to protect himself. You think when you search Go0gle (or any other search engine), you're receiving an unbiased view of the internet, free from manipulation, and that hasn't been massaged based on monetary incentives. You think you live in a world of free information flow on the internet. Guess who else is being protected... Recommend watching the following documentaries on this topic to learn more about what's going on with your internet searching: The Creepy Line (Amaz0n Prime) The Social Dilemma (N3tflix) ​ Please let me know what other names associated with this mess are hiding from the public through this subtle yet blatant search manipulation. ​ # DRS is the way. ​ Edit: It brings a smile to my face to imagine a Google analyst deep in he bowels of Alphabet HQs getting a pop-up notification of a **trending search** that hits their blacklist *'Ken Griffin + perjury'* and wondering "Hm... what's this?" thinking to himself *'why did thousands of IPs from all over the globe just now search this?'*, as he took off his Google hat for a second, placing it slowly down on his desk, he clicks the disable button on the "don't show Griffin + perjury news" (camera pans to the side of this noble character... to reveal an Ape riding a rocket to the moon tattoo (one of us, can be heard chanting in the background as the scene cuts to Ken's trial)... likely there is no analyst like this, but one can dream. The movie deserves it... if I were the one writing :D Edit 2: Worth noting. This post is at 98% upvoted (at 7.5k votes) at 11:03am EST and I've added the phrase "DRS is the way." in two places. I'm curious to see if that upvote diminishes with this phrase being included. I will report back later. Edit 3: Checking back in... 30 minutes later. This post is now 94% upvoted (at 11.1k votes). I'm an engineer, so I think I can do this math, but someone please correct me if I'm wrong (I assume upvotes cancel downvotes in the total represented)... in that case a drop from 98% (at 7.5K upvotes and 150 downvotes = 7.65k total at edit 2 above) to now 94% (11.1k upvotes and 667 downvotes = 11.7k total as of this edit) means the last 4.1k voting between edit 2 and this edit required 517 (or 667-150 = 517) downvotes to bring the average to 94% on the total upvote of 11.1k as of now. So... After the words "DRS is the way" were added to this post. The percentage of downvoting increased from 2% (150 of the first 7.65k) to 12.6% (517 of the last 4.1k votes) to make the total 94% upvotes at 11.1k upvoted (as of the time of this edit). or... if I'm being fair in considering alternative explanations... it's possible that being at the top of the sub brings a lot more "this isn't directly about what I want to see... so I'll downvote" sentiment. That said, the post was at the top for a good 30 minutes prior to edit 2 above and was fluctuating between 98-99% since it started. So I see this as unlikely to be the main contributing factor to the uptick in downvoting here. Just providing the data and some thoughts of my own. I'll let others draw their own conclusions. Edit 4: Looks like my edit 3 section included the name of the sub triggering the automod to remove this post. I'm hoping it can be fixed. I've edited that part to read "the sub" instead of the name. Edit 5: It's back up. Thanks mods, appreciate you. Edit 6: Searching the term now brings you directly to this post. "Fate it seems is not without a sense of irony." Edit 7 (1:45pm EST): continued analysis of the voting ratio... current upvote total is 22.1k with 91% upvoted (continuing to fall and approach the 12% rate we've seen since edit 2 above). This means there are a total of approximately 1,989 downvotes as of now. From previous points of reference we know that 150 of the first 7.65k were downvotes (2%). From Edit 3 we know that about 517 downvotes (12.6%) came with the next 3,600 upvotes (the time between edit 2 and 3). Since edit 3 another 11,000 upvotes have been registered along with approximately 1,322 downvotes (1989 - 150 - 517) which represents 12.02% downvoting since the last recording at edit 3. **The downvoting percentage has been holding steady at 12%** since edit #3 and after the words "DRS is the way" were added to this post. To summarize. This post saw the front page here about an hour after it was posted. It made it to the top post by the 90 minute mark. At the 2 hour mark I noticed the upvoting was steady between 99-98%. During edit 2 (about 30 minutes after this post was at the top spot) I added "DRS is the way" to it in two places... after sitting at the 1-2% downvote mark the first 5k votes, the post drastically changed to a consistent 12% downvote right after the mention of DRS was included. To me, this is proof that either approximately 1 in 8 apes dislike DRS enough to downvote posts that mention it, but not enough to comment about it under the post (I don't see many comments saying anything negative about DRS since I've added it), or the more simple conclusion might be that a network of accounts are downvoting DRS mentions. ========== Edit 8: Since I was asked... here is the TLDR for the edits (downvoting analysis in real time; and how it relates to DRS mention)... TLDR edits; Before the mention of DRS being added to this post (second edit) the first 5k votes were 1-2% downvotes (I'd say 1.5% based on it fluctuating between the two at that time). Since I added "DRS is the way" to this post the downvoting has steadily been 12-13%. There is no explanation I can think of to explain this sudden change from consistent 1.5% downvote to suddenly a 12% downvote... other than to point to the obvious conclusion that: # a network of bot accounts are downvoting posts that mention DRS.
Don't forget Apple deleted RH reviews. Edit: to all those lecturing about "anti-brigading" software on their end, maybe they should account for the fact that millions of users were ROBBED by Robinhood (and company) in a single day/week. Fix the algorithm, and keep legitimate reviews. So long as it sits at 4.1 stars, I call BS on Apple and blame them for misrepresenting RH to millions more who they will screw again by disregarding the REASONABLE flood of horrific reviews.
Why are so many Americans living above their means?
The new car is on avg. $40,000, and the homes people buy are usually way above their pay grade. I see people making minimum wage buying a PS5 and fast food and unlimited data, etc. I make alright money and am frugal, no debt, and still I'm struggling to plan for kids, a home, and retirement. Is everyone just in massive debt? Is this sustainable or will it cause another crash?
I think a lot of it is not just financing (cars and houses bought on credit incuring interest) but just the way that monthly payments are the norm. I feel like I live in a bubble from reading a lot of financial planning subreddits and blogs, so I'm always surprised to see furniture and cell phones bought on a monthly payment (whether financed or not). Best example I have is my partner went to buy an apple watch and asked the price and it was like "$30". She said no, like the price to buy it, not to pay monthly. The employee had to go look it up. I was blown away. Is it really that rare that you buy something at cost anymore? I get it, if it's not financed what's the problem? For me, the problem is shitty cash flow every month because you're tied up in monthly costs. And if your income changes, you're not done with those transactions, you owe on them for years (usually). I'll never go back to that. TLDR: I feel like everyone is tricked into believing they can afford it if it's broken into cost per month.
What am I doing wrong? Everyone here makes like $150k+ per year. Meanwhile I bust my ass for $80k, and others earn less than that. What's the deal?
How do I get one of these $150k per year jobs? I've been busting my ass for years for way less and feel lucky to make $80k. But then I come here and everyone talks about earning hundreds of thousands per year like it's no big deal. I'm 33/M with a master's degree, veteran. Live in MCOL USA. What am I doing wrong?
Nah man, people making sub-100k aren't making posts because it's harder for them to humble brag about. Keep your costs reasonable, don't let lifestyle inflation kick in, invest religiously and let compound interest take care of the rest. You have a Master's, I'm sure you could move somewhere in search of a better salary if you chose to, but the point is you have *options*. Just stay the course.
🔥 The MicroPets 2D NFT sale is now Live! 🔥
To buy, simply visit the MicroPets dApp at []( and click the “2D NFTs” menu item. Each 2D NFT is just .25 BNB and will be used to fund incredible initiatives that support the growth of MicroPets. There are ONLY 10,000 available! 🚀 Major Centralized Exchange (CEX) listings 🌏 Metaverse development 💝 When 50% of the NFT’s are sold, MicroPets will donate $100K to charity! 💥 When fully sold out, $100K will be given to a random winner during a livestream in addition to $50k split between 10 random winners ($5k each). To be eligible, the winners must hold at least 1 MicroPets 2D NFT and NOT have any sells of PETS tokens in their wallet from Dec 11, 2021 9pm EST / 2 AM UTC until the winner is drawn! 🚀 Each .25 BNB purchase is an entry into the $150K giveaway. To add further utility and value to the MicroPets 2D NFT’s, we’ve just actioned a brand new feature with our development team! Wallets that hold a 2D NFT will be Whitelisted to receive early access to new crate launches, such as Season 2. 🔥 Aside from utility within the future Metaverse expansion, this drives real utility much earlier, further increasing the value in the short-term of these 2D NFT’s. Season 2 may be coming sooner than you think! 😎 ​ Thank you, The MicroPets Team ​ Website: []( dApp: []( Telegram: []( 2D NFTS: [](
Would absolutely love it seeing chat gaining more members! We thrive off the busy lifestyle we have!! There isn't ever a time when main chat isn't available for questions to be answered. The admin and guard dawgs team at just utterly next level.
Unpopular opinion: 47% tax rate at $180k+ is too high
I'm sure I'll be downvoted to oblivion, but $180k is a very low tier to start taking half of earnings. The $180k top bracket hasn't changed in over a decade. House prices, wages, cost of living has gone up substantially since '09. The median salary has gone up 30% since '09, so we should see all tax brackets adjusted $235k should be the new top bracket. To be clear, I'm no just advocating for the top bracket increase but when you're talking about 1/2 being taken, it's no wonder we see so many trying to minimise tax through less productive ways (negative gearing/trusts etc) (Yes, I get how progressive tax brackets work...)
We tax labour too high imo, and capital gains, gift, and estate taxes are too low. Why do people working hard and earning well have to high taxes, while someone can inherit a 2 million dollar house and not pay a cent. It's kind of ridiculous.
Would a group of new grads who just graduated from college with Bachelor's degrees in Economics do a fairly good job at running the Federal Reserve, or would they most likely lead the country to economic ruin given the amount of knowledge that their degree has taught them?
Would a group of new grads who just graduated from college with Bachelor's degrees in Economics do a fairly good job at running the Federal Reserve, or would they most likely lead the country to economic ruin given the amount of knowledge that their degree has taught them? Let's say this is their first job and they are tasked with running the Federal Reserve and creating U.S. federal economic policy. I'm curious as to what necessary on-the-job training in economics you all felt like you acquired that you did not learn in school that would be necessary in government positions like this.
The Fed is supported by about 300 PhD economists. A PhD in economics is typically an additional five years of training beyond undergrad. Within the Fed, there are a bunch of more senior positions that are pretty much strictly for established economists (so at least ten years post PhD). A position as an economist at the Fed usually requires the accumulation of at least 15 years of bachelors training. Beyond that, the Fed employees a number of lawyers who ensure that the actions the Fed takes are legal and a number of bankers who I honestly don't know what they do, but presumably it's important. So it's not just the economics that the Fed requires, but all the legal and institutional knowledge as well. A lot of the difference is that a PhD is substantially more thorough and rigorous than an undergraduate degree. As for on the job training, maybe someone who is a mid career PhD economist can chime in. So yes, it would be very bad for the economy if the Fed was run by people straight out of undergrad,
It is ok to just rent. You're not a failure.
No stamp duty. Flexibility to move around to pursue better job opportunities. The chance to experience multiple different lifestyles, suburbs, restaurants, parks, other local highlights. Move overseas for a while. See a bit of the world. Invest in shares, pump up your super, take advantage of compounding. Live in multiple parts of Australia; go on road trips to highlights in each state. Equity Builder for leverage if you desire. Dealing with landlords? Yeah, but no dealing with tenants. No maintenance costs. Live in a nicer place than a mortgage would cost. More friends, in more places. Invest in businesses, not unproductive assets; be a more useful member of society. End up in a place with screaming neighbours? No worries, move in 6 months at no real cost. You are not a "failure" as a renter. The narrative needs to change for us to progress as a country. Edit: it seems some people are taking this the wrong way. **This is not saying "renting is BETTER than buying"**. It is for the people who are down on themselves/depressed that they can't scrape together a deposit - or choose not to - and have people looking down on them for it for no real reason when there are actually *multiple* positive aspects to renting.
I also have this mindset (mainly because owning a house feels like such a pipedream these days). However, my rental has just been listed for sale and I now have to move within the month in circumstances where the rental market is as dog shit as the housing market (shit properties up for almost twice what they were 18 months ago, competing with an insane amount of other applicants who are all offering $100.00 + more than the weekly asking price). The main benefit of buying is *security*.
When the stock market crashed in 2000, it took 12 years for the S&P index to recover its losses and yet the cash dividends from one's running balance in the S&P index grew by 359% (not by 0%) from 1999-2012. Why weren't dividends affected?
When the stock market crashed in 2000, it took 12 years for the S&P index to recover all its losses for a **net gain of 0%**. However, the cash dividends from one's running balance in the S&P index **grew by 80.5%** (not by 0%) from 1999 to 2012, growing at an annualized rate of 5.04%. See [S&P gains & dividends table from 1940-2020]( Why weren't cash dividends adversely affected by the stock market crash and the ensuing drawn out economic recession? IMPLICATIONS: [Can a retiree who draws dividends to cover 120% of living expenses **keep stock/bond allocations at 90/10 for life** (instead of 50/50) to let the stock assets (including future dividends) double in value every 7-9 years from $2M to $4M, $8M, $16M in another 21 years?](
The crash in that period was entirely driven by runaway valuations and expectations about how the internet would revolutionize businesses. A company’s stock price doesn’t impact operations on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter to Apple if their stock trades at $50 or $500. They have enough cash and cash flow to continue business as usual. Most established companies operated the exact same way before and after the crash. The only thing that changed was their stock price. Since dividends are a function of how much cash the company can generate, dividends weren’t hit by the crash.
Can anyone see the future?
Jokes aside, with everything that's being going on, we keep hearing about fuel,groceries,CO2 and a million other shortages, and then apparent housing crisis coming, evergrande(a huge Chinese real estate company, that if it collapses will effect the worlds stock market) on the brink of collapse apparently, etc etc. Its all doom and gloom. Does anyone think a crash is coming? If you think there is a crash coming, what will your strategy or plan be? Selling out soon, and buy back in during the crash? Just ride it out, time in the market beats timing the market? There is no crash coming, stop panicking and shut up? LOL The market has all things considered, performed well since March 2020, I personally believe cyclical stocks are going to perform tremendously when we finally break free from the limitations and worry of covid, but I worry(maybe a bit to much) that other factors are going to cause us issues. I say all this relatively light hearted and without trying to panic myself or cause panic, i keep hearing all these issues and wonder what the general consensus and thoughts of the community are. TIA for replies. _I feel like this is within the rules after reading them and seeing other post, I really dont want to get banned, I hope this is OK._
My thinking: I genuinely don't know about a crash, it could go either way. But I do think this is the start of a significant increase in the cost of living, disruption and inequality. I actually suspect that the '08 crash was just the beginning, it started QE and turbocharged a transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich. I think a lot of what drove Brexit, Trump and a general appetite for authoritarian leaders was a subtle but huge reduction in the quality of life for everyday people. Gone are the days of one income supporting a family, a house and two cars. Gone are affordable degrees that lead to well paying jobs. Gone are the opportunities to better yourself and climb up the ladder, everyone can see that hard work will get you nowhere. Inherited wealth is the only thing that'll significantly improve your finances. I think that the subtle and complex economic machinations that caused this are too vague and too boring for the general public to get angry about, instead it's blamed on skapegoats. ​ Comparing 2021 to 2008, I think The UK has much more destructive QE, inflation, disruptions to supply chains, weaker politicians who just want to pillage what they can and economic crisis at several points in the world (not just American mortgages this time). The dark comfort I take in this is, just like in '08, some people can make money off it. If you've got a stable income and you already own property and assets, you'll weather things much better than others. You can even scoop up assets at a discount and watch your debts inflate away. I'm doing my very best to be on the right side of this shift. Cash is trash, buying assets with debt is great. I've got a stable job with private healthcare, a hybrid car I own outright, a mortgage with an interest rate well below inflation, and a good amount of equities and crypto. ​ I don't like where the government and the country is headed, it really doesn't align with my values and how I want things to be done. But I can't change that, so I'm gonna make sure I'm not on the losing side. It's dark and it's bleak, but it's my life and I'm gonna look after myself.
Hold or sell QQQ?
At current time, should I hold my QQQ or sell part of it and switch to other value ETF like SPYD or DIA? Just the last year performance of QQQ is so good that I am afraid it will be lagging this year.
Hold and buy the dips. If you’re trading ETFs regularly to play a game then stop what you’re doing and go trade stocks and play day trader and you’ll be happier. Do your research and only buy things you plan on holding long term, whether that’s a year from now or 10 years from now.
Daily Discussion
Welcome to the Community Discussion thread of r/EthTrader. This thread is a place for community meta discussion - to learn or make suggestions for how community members could be better served. Donuts are a welcome topic here as is non-donut related discussion. [Earn donuts for providing uniswap liquidity on the DONUT-ETH pair]( 100k donuts distributed each week. [How to register for Donuts]( [Previous Community Discussion](/r/ethtrader/comments/hcjo38/community_discussion/).
After some discussion the mods have decided the current events surrounding GME, RobinHood and r/wallstreetbets are an opportunity to evangelise Ethereum and DeFi to a wider audience. EthTrader is getting a lot of visitors/new-subscribers as a spillover effect of the WSB sub shutdown, and we want to encourage this growth. We plan to take a lighter touch around topics and posts that might otherwise seem off-topic, as a way to welcome these newcomers to our ecosystem and reevaluate after 2 days. If you disagree, please feel free to comment below. If there is significant opposition to this decision, we're more than willing to reverse it and go back to strict moderation.
I'm pretty sure private health insurance is a scam
I'm sorry for this rant, this might be common knowledge, but I've just wasted about 10 hours of my life trying to understand how private insurance works, do I need it, and finally, begrudgingly, trying to buy it. To start, I'm a doctor, new to Australia. I have 4ish years of experience providing health care in Australia, all in the public system. From my point of view, as a provider, the public system seems to work pretty well. I have almost no experience as a consumer, though my partner has a little bit more. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't even consider private health coverage. The existence of the medicare levy surcharge means people who earn over 90K (180K for couples) must consider it (i.e. me). Looking at plans, the most obvious thing to me is that 1) They are expensive 2) They don't seem to cover very much. Even the most expensive plans don't seem to offer a guarantee that you'll never pay out of pocket. So, even with private health insurance, if you're in a private hospital, you're *probably* going to be out of pocket. The breakdown seems to be this: The government sets out the recommended price for stuff in the MBS. If you go public, 100% is covered by the medicare. If you go private, medicare will cover 75% or 85% of the MBS. If you're covered for whatever thing you're accessing (and I couldn't find a plan that covered common things like scans or blood tests) then private health care will pay that 15% or 25% difference. If your private provider chooses to charge more than what's recommended on the MBS then you have to pay "the gap". Your insurer might cover some of the gap; they might cover all of the gap (expensive plans only); they might cover none of the gap (e.g. the specific provider is not covered by your insurer, even if you a fancy and expensive plan). I think a realistic example of this is: You have fancy insurance. You need an operation, it can wait a couple of weeks but not a couple of months. You decide to go private because you have fancy insurance. Your operation is covered, so is the 3 day hospital stay that follows. You intentionally choose to see a surgeon whose gap is covered by your insurer. But it turns out that your anaesthetist isn't covered, so you have to pay that gap out of pocket. So, in summary, you pay a lot of money for expensive insurance and you're still out of pocket. Alternatively, you go public, maybe (maybe not) wait a bit longer and pay nothing. (And I know there are plenty of anecdotes of the public health care letting people down; but there are plenty of anecdotes of the private system letting people down too.) And, to state the obvious, insurance companies exist to make money. That means on average over the course of your life, you will probably pay more to the company than you would have if you just paid for private care out of pocket. Also, I would like just say here that paying for "Extras" plans is probably always a money loser for you. I assume it's because private health insurers offer so little value for money, is the reason the government has stepped in to prop up the industry. * Carrot: [The government rebate]( A discount applied to policies based on age/income (subsidised by the Australian tax payer) * Stick: [Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS)]( A tax on high earners who don't have hospital coverage. (Extras don't matter) * Stick: [The Lifetime Health Coverage (LHC) levy]( This very stupid policy is designed to scare young people (who are profitable for insurance companies) into buying insurance they don't need. It also acts as disincentive for older people (who are expensive for insurance companies) to buy insurance for the first time. This government policy is designed for the benefit of insurance companies at the expense of Australians and is very gross. That grossness aside, [it probably isn't a good reason to buy insurance you don't need.]( So back to me. I'll have to pay the MLS if I don't buy insurance I don't want. So, it only makes sense to buy this if it's cheaper than the MLS I'll pay. In my experience of trying to buy the cheapest insurance possible, I found the language used by almost all websites were to encourage/scare you into buying expensive plans. Comparison sites are almost all run by the insurance companies. The government comparison tool is good, Choice is good (but their comparer is only available for paid subscribers). I found the cheapest plan that would cover me in my state (the policy was not available on the insurers website, but both Choice and the government said it was available). So I got on the phone, spoke with a sales rep. He tried to upsell me by telling me that while the cheap plan is good enough for the MLS, it's not good enough for the LHC and I should get a bronze plan (which is not true). To recap: I was lied to in order to buy a more expensive version of a product I don't need, but want to buy in order to save money because of policies enacted by the Australian government at the expensive of Australian tax payers to prop up an industry that doesn't provide value for money. Anyways, for anyone who read this far, thanks for reading this rant. So yeah
Let me be brief. You and I are in the same industry, but I've been here a lot longer than you. It's not a scam. It's an incentive scheme designed to take pressure off long waiting lists. Like health systems all over the world, it's under pressure. It's a No Brainer for me and you. You need to be on The Doctor's Health Fund. Not everyone qualifies for it, but you do. You won't regret it. Medicare is very good to Australians. All Australians. Nowhere in the world has it better, and I've worked in public and private sectors, in four continents all over the world. But, the biggest beneficiaries of Medicare, by far, are not the Australian public, but the Australian doctors. PM me if you want details. You are welcome.
Is it true that a small percentage of your taxes goes to social programs, while the vast majority goes to military?
I heard that only a small fraction (like 7%) actually goes to social programs like food stamps and whatnot, while over 50% goes to military. Is this true?
No, here are pi-charts of last year's U.S. tax income and government spending from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Even during a normal year less than 1/4th of U.S. federal spending is directed towards the military. Social programs like social security and medicare/medicaid usually make up around 2/3rds of U.S. spending. [](
I can't believe what just happened! Got an unexpected pay raise because I joked about it.
Saturday I was at work at the grocery store. At the end of my shift my boss comes by and thanks me for helping him find mistakes in the inventory a bit earlier. I go along well with my boss, he's cool and jokes easily so I just go like "yeah you know I've become aware that this place can't function without me. My services are about to become more expensive, you pay me $7.50 but I'm more like a $9.00 employee". It was just a joke and I thought he would laugh it off but he goes "you know, you're not wrong, I'll think about it". An hour ago at the end of today's shift he told me that I would now be paid $9.25/hr. I really wasn't expecting it! As you can imagine I'm very happy about it, this is a big pay bump for me! So nice to see my hard work (and stupid jokes) recognized for once.
Oh man we need a minimum wage raise so bad! I hope all the politicians that voted no--all of the republicans and those [8 democrats](\--lose votes for that mistake. Regardless, congrats on the raise! Grocery workers are part of the backbone of our society. I appreciate the work you do :)
Finally free from the chains of being an employee - Devoting next chapter to pro bono
Burner account. 37 recently ex big law attorney who quit after hitting 10M liquid, and I feel like I’m on the top of the fucking hill after turning in my company laptop. I been practicing in an AM 50 firm for the last ten years. Saved a lot and invested wisely in stocks, options, crypto, futures, and was an OG eth and doge miner. I like practicing law but I made more this month through investments than big law paid me over the last five years. Head of my practice group called on the last day to offer a one time $25k forgivable loan that will be paid off if I stick it out another 2 years 😂 ##### please! Most hilarious part is that one of the boilerplate sections of the written offer even stipulates that my widow must return all $25k if I happen to die within the next 2 years 😂 😂 . I spent 10 years working 6-7 days a week protecting billions of profits for trillion dollar fortune 5 companies, making tens of millions for my away from the office bosses, and getting crumbs. Next Monday will be my first day as an attorney for the local pro bono organization that is dedicated to helping those who are too poor to pay for legal representation. My new salary is 30k a year (organization refused my offer to work for $1 due to legal reasons), which I intend to donate.
Wow ggwp. I am in consultancy business, own a boutique consultancy firm. About ten years ago, a famous well known NGO approached me for a quote for a critical piece of work for them. Unknown to them, they are my favourite charity. I have a monthly direct debit donating to their cause. But business is business. I spent couple of days examining their case and gave them my standard quote. They came back and said that out of all the proposals they got, they liked mine but they couldn't afford my price. To be honest, I had already given them a discount in my quote as they are my favourite charity. I asked them for a budget and I just can't do it. The profit margin would be too small and I would have other opportunity cost. In the end, I told them to find someone else. A few years later, I had the chance to interview someone for a position. He had it in his CV that he was the lead on this project. I called him in for an interview. From the conversation, I can tell that he did the project and he was shit. Didn't pass my technical interview. I checked in on my contact at the NGO. They told me that they went with a small outfit and the project failed. I was totally gutted. To be honest with you guys, I felt like a looser. All those money that I donated to them is a drop in the ocean compared to what they had lost. I will be fatfire in a few years. My plan is that I will take a volunteer position within that NGO or whichever NGO that will take me and make it right. Sorry for the rant. I have missed out on a few details so as not to doss myself.
US airlines would not need the bailout if they didn't spend their recent enormous profits buying back stock. They could've set up emergency funds. They didn't. The money spent for the stock are gone. Now they are bailed out with taxpayers' money. Mismanagement squared times recklessness = our loss.
US airlines would not need the bailout if they didn't spend their recent enormous profits buying back stock. They could've set up emergency funds. They didn't. The money spent for the stock are gone. Now they are bailed out with taxpayers' money. Mismanagement squared times recklessness = our loss "American airlines has spent $12.9 billion over the last six years on its own stock. People are mad because $12.6 billion is what it cost to pay the employees' salaries for an entire year " [](
This opinion is so exhausting. Airlines did everything right and were slammed by a totally unforeseen once in a century pandemic. No, airlines can not operate by hoarding all their FCF in case another pandemic strikes. That’s not their job to prepare for. It’s the governments job to prepare for that and keep us and our businesses well informed and safe. The airlines didn’t do some evil stuff here, and they aren’t evil companies. We rely on them for traveling to our jobs, our clients, our families, our vacations, and just about everything else. Our world is much smaller and much bigger at the same time because of air travel. We cannot afford to lose this industry. Enough of this hindsight revisionist nonsense. The buybacks were the best thing left to do at the time, and now we can’t go back and excoriate them for doing so.
It’s happening ..$HAPPY just rocketed from $9m to a $60M market cap. Now there's no limit on where this beauty can go.
**The gears are in motion. Strap in for the ride.** The last 24 hours we’ve seen **parabolic growth** from $HAPPY. Despite Pancake swap migrations causing a stir (Use Bogged swap for the best buy price) Happy is still making **huge gains.** Many people thought HappyCoin was moving sluggishly for the past 2 weeks... **the paper hands left** and what remained a few days ago was an incredible project at an undervalued marketcap, and **a solid community with 30,000 holders..** The fundamentals were all setup to **launch happy into the stratosphere.** **The fully doxxed founder** has laid the foundations [(easy how to buy page)]( A-List influencers, 24/7 support on their website) to prepare for a **HUGE** marketing push, and as a result the price is up 600% in just over 24 hours with way more fuel left in the tank. **This week alone there’s going to be a CoinMarketCap listing, WhiteBit marketing push, Certik audit, merch, 2nd centralized exchange announcement, and a huge influencer marketing + community push for mental health awareness week..** Which is solidifying HAPPY as a token with **staying power.** Here’s the juicy news.. **The fully doxxed HappyCoin founder is flying out to LA this Sunday for a month.** Yep, you heard that right. It looks like they’ve already locked Jesse Wellens (10m + youtube subs), who is best friends with **Casey Neistat.** The devs can’t help but leak easter eggs. When all is said and done, **$HAPPY** has all the makings of a token and brand designed for mainstream success. With a huge liquidity pool, and a community that stuck with it through thick and thin, I have a feeling by the end of this week, this market cap will look like a speck on the chart. **I’m bullish as ever on this one. I won’t be surprised to see it at $1B+ by June.** Check out their site, watch the AMA’s, meet the dev, and you’ll be just as sold as me. Stay $HAPPY friends :) 🌐 Website: 💸Bogged Swap (still uses pancakeswap, just way easier 😊):
^(This coin is NO JOKE. I've been here since day 2 - never has any coin on BSC had a more solid team or a bigger few weeks coming up. You are early to the biggest win of the year.) It's EASY: Buy $HAPPY - Hold it - Help donate to mental health charities - make some of your own money. ​ Come kick it with us in the TG baby! Yew!
How Does an Economist Get Up-to-date News Without Going Insane?
My friend is an economist who tries to stay updated with the latest economic news for his job. He mostly watches major news channels and tickers on TV. However, a lot of the media on major news networks is decidedly negative, sensational, biased, and not entirely accurate (usually by omission) and it is making him go insane. It is affecting his mental health, making him more afraid of our world, extremely depressed, and causing him to develop views that aren't accurately reflected in society. I really worry about him and wish he could be happier. There has got to be a better way to get up-to-date economic information. Do y'all have any ideas?
I was mostly in the IR world, but there are a lot of similarities in news cycles. Regardless, even the best newspapers have bias. Its important to be familiar with the subject, you will know when to apply salt accordingly. The NYT opinion section has Krugman and WP has wonks like Drezner. Both sections also have a ton of filler shit articles as well. Economist: Probably more geopolitics than Economics ironically, but magazines-due to having to cover a wider period- often have longer articles and tend to be better researched. They often do reviews or talk about topics du jour that you can explore further: piketty appeared a bunch when Capital came out. Policy Wonk sites: If you are familiar with the subject, you'll be able to detect someone's bias by their argument/ who they cite. Some sites are more casual opinion, warontherocks and warisboring for Nat Sec. Others are focused on Industry news, such as Defense one. Use salt accordingly. I'm not as familiar with which ones are the economics equivalent. Try googling scholars you respect, they'll often post to these sites as well. The actual source: If you are interested in legislation or enacted policy, bills are available online and the Federal Register is the official mouthpiece of all government organizations policy-wise. The Fed also has a ton of cool graphs/info. Finally, the daily news cycle is oppressive in how much comes out a day. Rarely does one require minute-by-minute knowledge, since 24 news channels are just trying to fill up time on slow days. No one wants to watch "boring day in NYC". Clicks tend to be garnered from disasters that don't affect them, like miners trapped in cave in or "disaster occurs in area we would never cover on a busy day". A lot of signal is lost in the noise. Longer form journalism, even weekly magazines, tend to go more in depth and are better at identifying important aspects.
The GameStop Reddit - A GME Subreddit focused on GameStop News, product launches, theoretical discussions about business, and stocks - specifically GameStop Stock ($GME). This is how you win a Google Search, upvote away and watch the magic happen.
# The GameStop Reddit If you’re looking for the GameStop Reddit, you’ve come to the right place. r/superstonk is a one stop shop for all things GameStop. Financial news about GME, updates on GameStop Earnings, and discussions on the upcoming short squeeze. r/superstonk’s over 500,000 members have cemented this subreddit as the GameStop destination addressing questions like… - GameStop Stock manipulation? 👍🏽 - [What is Direct Registered Shares otherwise known as DRS?]( ✅ - What is ComputerShare? 💫 - Do I own my GameStop Shares? 🙋 - [The GameStop x Immutable Partnership]( 🤝 - Was GameStop Stock Manipulated? 😡 - What are synthetic or phantom shares? 😶‍🌫️ - What is naked short selling? 😳 - Why is GameStops Stock Still High Reddit? 💨 - Why are Reddit users buying GameStop? 💰 - Is it Too Late to Buy GameStop? 👎🏼 Learn the story of GameStop Chairman Ryan Cohen, Keith Gill also known as DFV, and hedge fund manipulation to suppress the worlds best Gaming company. Dive deep into our GameStop Reddit r/superstonk and learn about the Immutable X partnership, NFT marketplace, and future of Gaming as we know it. Get a better understanding of how Loopring, Immutable, GameStop, and other potential mega partnerships are creating the next phase of human connectivity. ## Information on GameStop 👈🏽 The answer lies inside of r/superstonk. Be sure to check out our [GME Daily Discussion](, the [Beginners Guide to GME](, and the [GameStop Due Diligence Library]( for more information on all the above. Start by exploring our subreddit’s “About” and “Menu” section. And If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to any 🦍 , we welcome all. ——————————- Don’t forget to Buy, Hold, DRS, and support the best company in the world. 💎 🙌🏽 This is not financial advice, I just like the stock. TLDR Read my comment Edit* [MOMMA WE MADE IT!]( Edit* I also eat crayons and paint water color paintings with my wee wee
The goal of this post was to surface r/superstonk under the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) for the term “GameStop Reddit”. The more traffic, upvotes, and other posts that link to this post the more likely it will start to rank under that term. [More info here]( as someone pointed out we do not rank under that search term. If someone wants to help me continue to expand on content/writing please fire away and I’ll add to it. I’m not sure if you can do H1 or H2 headers on Reddit, but that would help. Also could use some help just organizing content. That way people don’t bounce from the post once they click it. Oh…if people source this at the bottom of your Reddit post, make sure you hyperlink to it and use words like. - GME Reddit - GameStop Reddit - All About GameStops Subreddit - The GameStop Reddit - GameStop Reddit News - GameStop Reddit Info
Please stop promoting Belfort
I get it, a famous person doing memes in our favor is fun. We all love the wolf of Wall Street movie. But let’s be real here. Belfort is the epitome of what we’re up against as retail. He’s a convicted con artist who actually did so much fucked up shit he didn’t just get a slap on wrist from the SEC, he actually went to prison. He was just anti-GME a few days ago, and now he’s meme-ing in its favor? A meme repeating the sentiments being echoed in this sub? It’s pretty clear to me. Belfort came to the realization that this is the next generation of decentralized hedge fund. There’s power when a bunch of apes all like the same stonk. He sees the popularity and realizes the potential and impact that crowd sourced DD will do. He knows communities like this will grow. And he wants to use you. this is nothing more than seedy opportunist bullshit because Belfort realizes you’re the exact type of person who makes him rich- a retard who yolos into risky investments at the idea of massive % gains. he wants to capitalize on the popularity of GME and this sub. He wants to sell you his shitty motivational book and the idea that he can teach you how you can be rich and famous with his “miNdSeT” when really he got rich by scamming people, and famous for being caught. Please. Stop. He is not your friend. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him try to leverage popularity gained here to a “trading community” of his own: > “Belfort will share his favourite market sector in “Wolf Report” and give 10 lessons in “Wolf Mentality”, which includes tips on “what it takes to be a trader, how to handle emotions, the intangibles of success, how to take advantage of opportunities, and how to learn from your mistakes”.” Yeah, how about you eat my stinky dick instead. I want nothing to do with this shit and this sub should not be strengthening any kind of association with criminals of the finance world.
>He’s a convicted con artist who actually did so much fucked up shit he didn’t just get a slap on wrist from the SEC, he actually went to prison. You know how bad you have to be for the SEC of all people to hand you a punishment? Only 1 dude went to jail over 2008. The rest sipped champagne from rooftops.
I have $20.41 in savings
And I am so proud of myself!! I've never had this much in savings before. Two months ago I was homeless with a young baby. One month ago I signed a lease to an apartment and started working. Now I have all of my bills covered for this month *and* next, and I even have some money in a savings account!! If you're going through a hardship, remember the bad times are just times that are bad.
My bank auto deposits $75 dollars from my checking to my savings each month. This is the second month in a row where I didn't immediately have to move it back to cover a bill. Small victories add up! Keep at it, I believe in you OP!
Please – Offering a fresh approach for travelers
A new era has come Technologies are changing the world. What previously seemed to be impossible, today is already the reality. Cryptocurrencies are already transforming the business world by providing a decentralised platform that enhances business and would make cryptos more real in the minds of consumers. Cryptocurrency is an innovative ecosystem, already doing its magic in business all over the world, and it is here to stay. In case you do not know, cryptos are digital currencies, that do not depend on banks to transact due to its blockchain security, which records every transaction in an open-source list that lives in every single computer that becomes a part of this technology. Transactions with cryptos are done directly from one person to another, without the need of a third-party like PayPal.
"Please Protocol brings decentralization to the masses using xApp approach. The protocol allows service providers to publish their services on the Blockchain using smart contracts. The hybrid nature of the protocol makes the architecture very flexible, scalable and be used by other projects whether they are centralized, decentralized or hybrid.
Today we will talk and analyze the working principle of the new 4NEW project. To begin with, I will say that this is not just a project, but the world's first environmentally friendly waste treatment for a power plant, a blockhouse and a crypto-mining facility. Sounds too good, but it's true! 4NEW products are based on consumerism, resolve the lack of two public problems, excess waste and energy. The blockage platform is created in the improvement of infrastructure, covering the entire supply chain from waste collection to the power plant, trade in power units in the domestic network or the industry associated with buyers. Recalling the practical nature of the service, I can report that the enterprise safely integrates network units in applications with the goal of transforming waste into an extensive statement and modifying energy. 4NEW Purpose 4 NEW contains a significant goal in order to produce a built-in scalable conclusion, the localization of the transformation of waste for the purpose of the opposite relationship and the energy provided to this user. Because this caused the position, what does this have the opportunity to appear in the clock, is carried out with transparency the technological processes of blockchain, used highly. 4NEW Purpose 4 NEW contains the task of producing a likely fine representative, they have all the chances to accumulate balances for processing into energy consumed by buyers. 4 NEW enough fine conclusion later in society, let's take a look, as well as use the blockage that they use. The great goal and task, as the result of 4NEW owns, attract traders. This is expressed in the implementation of the ICO, which happened within the ability to make the most $ 25 million. This is an excellent result from the number of hundred-ruble notes of other plans, working in this case because time 4 NEW creates a platform that customers directly use to enable them to make payments with accumulated and used waste energy. The chain of blockage is that in addition they are used to provide 4NEW unchanged current relationships with the user next to the use of energy, merge with the mental counter. This is enough to monitor and verify 4NEW and enough to guarantee a steady supply of power to any user. Expansion strategy However, taking into account that the same group of workers disposes of a licensed website and initial regionalization in England, it is planned to launch our pilot product. Selection of the upcoming market 4NEW By getting an interest in the approval of the network source chains that go into the final ten, 4 another represented increase with exponential speed, if the site has entered the main stage. The information generated by this company will require additional servers defined in developing countries in the continents, like the Continent and the Continent. With the purpose of this server, a lot of energy is needed to successfully operate. Emerging states have met with a huge shortage of energy. The 4NEW solution can help fill the period, the locking line, forming structures in perspective in direct similarity from the middle of the town, where the information computer is located, hence the social galvanic bond load. In the world of the energy gap, be kind, dispose of the type that 4NEW contains the probability put treatment facilities in the energy area in every place on the planet. 4NEW Strategy 4NEW had thoughts, and the theory is adequate, in order to release a strategy later, 4NEW carries out a follow-up strategy: \- From business to business \- Business with the purpose of consumers \- Consumers to consumers Ecology 4 NEW contains the ecosystem in the following way: 4NEW Coin Limited - gives "coins as a service" to industry partners, customers and unique users. This site connects the calculated direct diagrams and makes it possible to easily and easily exchange transactions among businessmen (B2B), among buyers (B2C) and among buyers (C2C) in connection with balances and energy markets. I implement this. 4NEW Limited - The remains of wasteful energy without energy. 4NEW Smart Meter Limited is a leasing and ruling enterprise of smart meters. 4NEW Assets Co., Ltd. - The initial enterprise according to the real estate subjects, including the main resources. 4NEW is the platform of the society, and also public ties. For the purpose of interconnection with other platform partners in public networks; [](
It is a very exciting project, I like the idea of the project, I think that the project will be implemented in the crypto world, but a lot depends on large investors, how they like this project, or if it will find a response from millions of people