EntrepreneurShop(ESO) HEALT & INSURANCE
In addion to focusing on e-money, e-commerce, payment systems. We will also collaborate with health insurance, accidents, old-age benefits to make our users more comfortable and made comfortable in everything they need with just a simple device but can fulfil all needs. If you have pain or have to undergo treatment in the hospital you no longer need to bother to pocket money, insurance cards or smartphones because we will integrate with the insurance that works with us so that you only have to carry UGW devices (such as rings, bracelets etc.) and you will handle you quickly. His technology will be beneficial when the user has an accident. [](
ESO E-commerce is a platorm for buying and selling goods and services on a global/international scale. As a large-scale target, ESO will use ESO tokens for barter transactions based on ESO token market prices or using ESO cash for payment by exchanging fiat currencies instantly, so that it can make it easier for everyone to shop anywhere and anytime without having to use a credit card for the payment.
EntrepreneurShop(ESO) HEALT & INSURANCE
In addion to focusing on e-money, e-commerce, payment systems. We will also collaborate with health insurance, accidents, old-age benefits to make our users more comfortable and made comfortable in everything they need with just a simple device but can fulfil all needs. If you have pain or have to undergo treatment in the hospital you no longer need to bother to pocket money, insurance cards or smartphones because we will integrate with the insurance that works with us so that you only have to carry UGW devices (such as rings, bracelets etc.) and you will handle you quickly. His technology will be beneficial when the user has an accident. [](
ESO Token assets if you are a citizen / resident (tax or otherwise) or green card holder from the United States (including Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, and other protectorates of the United States) or other representatives from the United States, China, North Korea, Singapore or jurisdiction where the ESO Token issue will be illegal or subject to any conditions for registration, licensing or locking
Are most rich people rich because they were born into it?
I was reading Yuval Noah Harari's book *Sapiens*, and on page 136, he says, "'s a proven fact that most rich people are rich for the simple reason that they were born into a rich family, while most poor people will remain poor throughout their lives simply because they were born into a poor family." There is no specific citation for this in the book, and it caught my eye because I had read that Thomas J. Stanley's book, *The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy,* said that [only 20% of millionaires inherited their riches.]( I'm guessing that perhaps Harari is going off the Georgetown study that said [to succeed in America, it’s better to be born rich than smart]( or talented? Would you say Harari's quote is true? And is it inconsistent with Stanley's contention?
I can't speak to the empirical facts, but simple logic decrees that these statements are not necessarily inconsistent: "most rich people are rich for the simple reason that they were born into a rich family" vs. "only 20% of millionaires inherited their riches." It is entirely possible that being born into a rich family carries a host of economic advantages other than inheritance. E.g., children of rich families might go to better schools, get better medical care, better support outside of schools, have wealthier and more influential people in their social networks, and have a better financial safety net if they want to do something risky, like starting a new business or running for political office. Even if no one inherited anything (e.g., if there was a 100% estate tax), you would still expect children of rich families to start out with a considerable advantage in terms of lifetime earnings.
The military is a “paint by numbers” option for fatFIRE
I’m 39, and a few years out from retiring (43). My net worth is about $3 million. And the only real job I’ve ever had is in the Army. I own three rental properties because the army makes me move every few years. (In 16 years I’ve never had a problem filling a house next to a military base) The leadership tells me how to get promoted. There’s no politics in it until (maybe) O6 (colonel). Strategically there’s three rules. 1) be an officer 2) volunteer for every deployment to a tax free zone. 3) don’t get divorced. It’s not easy, but the money is guaranteed. My pension is going to be worth about $63k a year. (With my portfolio, Is this FatFIRE?)
I may delete this later. I don’t like posts that border on the political. I have 4 employees, all vets (5 till recently, vet too). I am not a vet. The military may be a great fire source for some, maybe the highly motivated, but for many they return to lives in small towns to eke out a living. I’m from rural IN, a decent number of my high school class joined up to serve. Often with a goal of getting education benefits but when they return years later, that push is gone. Some work meaningful jobs but a non trivial amount fall into the local meth/heroin addiction cycle. Your instance may be reflective of “victors bias” but look closely, really closely and determine if you see most of your fellow servicemen retire to luxury or daily struggles. To be clear, this is not an attack on you. It’s a frustration that more isn’t done for many that have given so much. Oh, and fuck meth.
Chamath Palihapitiya was just on CNBC trying to explain our current situation
A pretty good segment with Chamath Palihapitiya who apparently took a $100k call position in GME "to learn". []( ​ The bottom line was that Chamath was pushing the point that Hedge funds have had the advantage until now, but with social media being where it is, a bunch of retail investors with a cellphone can take the other side of a trade and be effective at it. ​ I felt that Scott Wapner was pushing for him to admit that GME is horribly mispriced, which it really is on massive scale, but Chamath did not give him that, instead pushing the narrative that the hedge funds being 200% short the float is what is really wrong and the time has come where retail traders are leveling the playing field. This is indeed a watershed moment in the markets, things are not going back to where they used to be. I am really concerned that the SEC is going to take some unfair action like they did back in 2001 when they decided you need $25k minimum to daytrade.
Scott can’t accept that this is a strategy and it has nothing to do with the underline fundamentals of GME. Yes people are going to get burned but it’s a move in the market you can play. Retail investors exploited hedge fund positions and he’s salty. Scott says something is broken. Chamath smartly came back with, “140% short on a stock is broken”. There are ways to play the market and institutions got burned.
The price was very briefly somewhere above $510
I have three call options, one with a 510 strike price. Just before the halt, I got notifications from my broker that all three options were in the money. Before the halt was lifted, I was notified that all three were no longer in the money. How much more theft are we going to put up with? How much more blatant can you get? The American market is just as bad, if not worse, than the LME. These idiots seem to have forgotten why there was a French revolution. At some point, people will decide enough is enough.
The flash crash makes more sense now. It was a desperation move if the price was about to gap up. They would have that data ahead of time somewhat. Fascinating and absolutely **Bullish** that your 510 call was itm for even a moment!
Please upvote if you don't think the mods should run a Twitter. @rSuperstonk does not represent us. Nor do the Mods.
If you really want to be on twister, make a DD account with link to facts every day. Don't call it ss. Then you can announce it here and I for one will follow it. We are not a group. We are individuals that hold. #GME #GME #GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME
I'm not trying to launch personal attacks on mods, but of the two people who claim to have access to the account one has a profile tag that she's a mod on superstonk (cringe to me) and the other outright claims she never invested or knew about the market until GME. Perhaps we could have had mods who don't tout to the general public they're mods or maybe someone with actual experience investing in the markets?
Bitfarms LTD (BITF.V / BFARF) DD, extremely undervalued crypto miner
Crypto stocks have had an insane development, one of the reasons being the current price levels for BTC/alt coins, the fact that BTC is touching 50k (and might break it soon), but also because the crypto mining industry as a whole is maturing. I believe that Bitfarms is in a better overall position compared to their competitors I terms of scaling and controlling costs, and this will pay off in the future with better profit margins as the industry grows. **Company overview** Bitfarms is a blockchain infrastructure company providing an essential service: validation and verification of global cryptocurrency transactions. Bitfarms has been building and operating industrial Bitcoin mining facilities since 2017. **Operations** Bitfarms owns and operates one of the largest mining operations in North America with 69 MW of built-out capacity. Bitfarms increased its hashrate capacity by 185 PH/s or 24% in 2020. Bitfarms operates five advanced Bitcoin mining facilities in Quebec, Canada. Each mining facility is powered by low -cost renewable hydro power. They mine Bitcoin at all facilities and Litecoin at two. Bitfarms’ 2020 year-end hashrate is 965 PH/s Bitfarms’ anticipated ending Hashrate Q1 2021 is 1,205 PH/s Bitfarms has mined the most Bitcoin during the nine months ending September 30, 2020 with an **industry leading average cost per Bitcoin of $5,300**. With the current price of BTC being around $49 000, this gives you a gross mining margin per BTC at 89%. **Competition** The case with Bitfarms is especially interesting as their value proposition is to be the most cost-effective crypto miner. Relative their competition, all Canadian crypto miners seem to be undervalued right now, look at the table below (credit to CHESHIRE\_CAT), dated to 12 of Feb. [Bitfarms PH is almost up there with RIOT and HUT. Bitfarms estimated mining revenue from Jan 2021 is 6 M compared to RIOT \(4.2 M\), HUT \(7 M\) and MARA \(1.7 M\).]( Looking at the financials (Q3 2020 nine-months), compared to RIOT, and HUT 8 mining below (12 Feb market closing): |Company|Market cap|Revenue|Gross mining margin| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Bitfarms|375 M|23.3 M|38%| |Hut 8 Mining|994 M|27.7 M|\-5%| |RIOT|3.3 B|6.7 M|38%| The fact that RIOT is listed on Nasdaq obviously has a major impact on their market cap. **Valuation** Valuations are complex in this industry and usually the companies present PH/Market Cap to demonstrate the business potential based on capacity. Average PH/MC (current) for the 11 listed companies (in the chart above), is 1.18. Average MC is 1.16 B. Based on these numbers alone, Bitfarms market cap should be 2.2 B (Average PH/MC x Multiple = Average MC). **In this case, a share price based on current float would be $25.6 (32.4 CAD)**. This is a very high valuation and relative to their competition. The valuation would bring Bitfarms PH/MC ratio to 1.18, **which is approx. the same as for HIVE**. Bear in mind that we are only looking at PH alone, not gross mining profit. Accounting for the fact that Bitfarms is not listed on Nasdaq (eliminating outliners MARA, RIOT, BTBT, NCTY). The average market cap is 620 M for the remaining 7 companies, with an average PH/MC at 1.32. This would give Bitfarms a market cap at 1 B, which would put the share price at $11.6 (14.7 CAD). So **even compared to non-Nasdaq listed crypto miners, Bitfarms is undervalued**. However, I do understand the flaws of my valuation, as it is strictly based on the operational capacity, and not “soft values” such as brand, marketing, etc. All these calculations are based on data from 12 of Feb as this DD took some time to compile, since today, all the crypto mining stocks have gone up, but Bitfarms is still undervalued relative their competition and mining capacity. **Upcoming catalysts** · Q4 earnings at the start of March · The company is preparing to establish a sixth mining center · Potential NYSE listing. The president recently stated the following in an interview: “In an interview yesterday, the president confirmed to the Newspaper step up the **steps to register Bitfarms on the New York Stock Exchange**. “The Nasdaq would be ideal,” Morphy told us.” []( · Gaining new institutional investors (investments up to 60 M (CAD) from US institutional investors since January) []( []( **Risks** · Like other crypto mining companies, the stock price is affected by the volatility and the price of major crypto currencies (BTC, ETH, LTC) · Ability to scale up production and meet their set PHs targets for 2021 · Attract new institutional investors · Price and supply of electricity, as this is their major cost of production · The whole crypto industry might be overvalued right now, which would indicate a coming correction Please share both positive and critical opinions on this DD as I want to look at the company from different perspectives. My own position in the company is 250 shares at 3.7, I also own shares in other crypto mining companies. ​ EDIT (UPDATE): Bitfarms is getting more attention [\_V16-M&ab\_channel=FinancialSuccess](
Good DD right here, I recently sold my HIVE position and was looking to get back in but I think I'll head towards Bitfarms. ​ > · Price and supply of electricity, as this is their major cost of production I would add some feedback on this, their operations are all located in Quebec where electrical rates are the lowest in Canada and Hydro-Quebec (electrical utility provider) has some programs aim at crypto mining companies. Having said that, I was reading an article that mentioned that there is some concerns about the increase electrical consumption, that may mean some potential restrictions in the future, but Bitfarms does have aggreements in place with Hydro and municipalities, and they barely use 50% of their capacity, so there is room for growth!
$HAPPY Is primed to shoot past a $100M market cap. Donated another $50k this friday to the biggest organisation yet, happy is at the forefront of a new era of charity.
I already know what you’re thinking. You’ve seen the HappyCoin posts here, and thought you missed your entry point after it shot up from an $11mil market cap to a $80mil one in 24 hours. But what if I told you this is just the beginning to what will become one of the largest charity tokens in the BSC space? I bet you wanted to get in on Elongate or something similar before it pumped up to a 9 figure market cap, well now you have your chance with HappyCoin. Over the next month, HappyCoin will be receiving a massive marketing push, much larger than anything done so far. With what the marketing team has done so far, HappyCoin touched a $100 Million market cap within 3 weeks, now imagine how it’ll be one month from now with what I’m about to tell you. The founder is about to be in LA this Sunday, meeting up with some massive influencers like Jesse Wellens and Casey Neistat to promote HappyCoin, and if you already recognize those names, do I really need to stress how good they are at what they do. Because HappyCoin has such a positive use case, it has been a lot easier to bring on big names given the power of what this token can do for those in need. Along with this, HappyCoin is being listed on a number of different exchanges as awareness about the coin continues to spread. HappyCoin has been listed on the LARGEST exchange in Europe, WhiteBIT, with marketing through all the channels WhiteBIT offers coming very soon. They’ve said that they are coming out on two more exchanges this month, rumoured to be Bilaxy AND BitMart, both with massive reach. As for what HappyCoin has done so far, they have donated $90,000 in their first THREE WEEKS with another $50,000 being donated to the American Foundation of Sucide Prevention (massive organization) this Friday. They livestream every donation they make and do a short AMA with the organization after, you can watch them on Twitch! HappyCoin isn’t aiming to be just any other charity token, they want it to be the prime example of what good crypto can do for the world, and with an AMA set for tomorrow and and a huge push set for next week, I invite you to check out what Happy, and come join the $HAPPY team before it takes off once more. Website: Can be bought using pancakeswap.
This is probably one of the best projects on this subreddit. They have an actual cause behind their project. They donate money to charities live on twitch every friday which means there is literally a catalyst every single friday! The growth has been crazy. The marketing hasn’t even started and there are plans to work with very popular influencers.
Is it possible to have a shortage of low-skilled workers resulting from everyone being educated?
This is one of those questions that ive always been afraid to ask because I feel stupid for not knowing / understanding the answer, but it came up in my mind as I was listening to a lecture from Mankiw. In that lecture, he said that expanding education would decrease inequality because most of the US' inequality increase from the 70s onward was due to Skill-Biased Technological Change, since technology significantly benefited those with high skills, while those with low skills were more or less left out. This makes sense, and I can definitely see why giving low-skilled workers more skills would decrease inequality (as it could help them capture the gains of technology) but dont we need low-skilled workers, like in services, for instance? Dont we need taco bell workers, janitors, etc.? If everyone had a college degree or more, who would be / who would wanna work in these jobs?
No (and yes). First thing is that the price of any good or service in any given market is determined by the supply and demand of that specific service. Labor market, like it or not, is not different. So education and salaries, even if they are correlated since there are factors moderating their relation (like specialization) do not have a causal relationship. Second, there is a gap between giving somebody high education, and having that person working in jobs related to his high education experience. You may be a mechanical engineer and end up working as a bartender. This is happening in many economies around the globe. When you consider a closed environment (let's say that we lock everybody up in X country and nobody can enter or leave) if you give high education to 100% of the population, the only thing that is going to happen, is that these skills will decrease in value as there will be an oversupply, and probably, lack of enough demand. On the other hand, low skilled jobs will be in high demand, so the salaries of the first will go down, and the salaries of low skilled jobs will go up, and eventually, you will have people that are engineers and rather work in a low skilled job. So, no, education does not cause that shortage by itself. But, and here comes the trick, we don't live in closed environments. If high skilled employees are not paid enough, before going to work to low skilled manual jobs, many will leave the country, and you will have a brain drain.
I'm Ryan Avent, and I cover the global economy for The Economist. Ask me about economics, journalism, or anything else!
Hi, I'm Ryan Avent, the trade and international economics editor for The Economist, where I've been covering various economics beats since 2007. My recent work has focused on challenges facing emerging markets; see this recent piece on debt woes across developing economies and the risk of a lost decade: But I write about lots of other stuff as well. I have a Substack newsletter, where I try to tackle big-picture social, economic and political questions: I also wrote a book about technology and the future of work, which was published in 2016: And I'm in the process of writing another, which will argue that cultural norms and values matter a lot in shaping political and economic outcomes, and that economists should take them more seriously. Anyway, here's my proof: And I'm happy to take whatever questions you have about economics, The Economist, or anything else!
We saw Sri Lanka's protests over inflation topple their government earlier this year. Despite a recent slide in commodity prices, we're probably not out of the woods yet. Where do you think there's an undercovered potential for unrest over this?
Decentra-Lotto - $DELO Bsc token with Lottery Staking Platform - Launch 3 Oct 14:00 UTC - Huge Jackpot to be won! 8 utilities - Audit complete - Marketcap at launch $100K
**Prepare to be blown away. Enter Decentra-lotto...** ​ **BUY HERE ON PANCAKE SWAP:** []( **CHARTS:** []( ​ Decentra-Lotto is a token & a lottery with multiple winners and De-Fi staking options with 3 ways to earn. 1. Via the token 2. Winning the jackpot 3. Staking your $DELO ​ Decentra-lotto is the flagship project of Decentra-Ecosystem. ​ Token launching on 3rd October 14:00 UTC. ​ The higher the lotto jackpot, the more winners there are - increasing the odds for each ticket to win. Users are encouraged to stake in the deflationary (no minting) farm, where a percentage of every ticket sale is distributed amongst stakers, offering additional decentralised finance earning potential. ​ The Decentra-Lotto lottery platform will launch on 10th October at 14:00 UTC. ​ The staking rewards being deflationary means there are never any more tokens minted than are in existence at launch. This results in a variable APR and means that the staking is sustainable long-term without fear of the token decreasing in value from minted token sales. ​ The Decentra-Lotto staking pool will launch on 17th October at 13:00 UTC. ​ DELO is the deflationary BSC token of the Decentra-Lotto platform. The DELO token incorporates burn & reflection yield mechanics on every transaction to reward holders passively for holding the DELO token. There is a symbiosis between the token and the lottery as every transaction increases the lottery pot, and every ticket sale results in DELO token transactions. ​ ​ **Tokenomics** * 8% of every token transaction goes to the jackpot * 1% Burned * 3% Marketing Wallet (in BNB) so we won't need to sell our own token to fund marketing * 1% reflected to holders ​ **The Jackpot** There are two mechanisms that feed the lottery jackpot: * 8% of every transaction of the DELO token is sent to the lottery jackpot. * 50% of every ticket sale is also used to expand the lottery Jackpot ​ **Roadmap** ​ Take a look at our website & what we are going to offer, there is serious vision combined with action. Most of our products on the roadmap are under development. ​ Be ready for lift-off, we're going to be sharing our products far & wide with a huge marketing arsenal at our disposal. Come & join the community & see what we're all about, we're here for you! ​ **All Links:** Website: []( Audits: []( Telegram: [\_Lotto]( Medium: []( Github: []( Reddit: [\_lotto/]( Twitter: [\_Lotto]( Instagram: [](
I can see since buying that the 'Decentra' part is going to cover a whole eco system, which is very exciting, and having just listened to the voice chat I'm very confident in the team. Theyy're familiar faces from other tokens I've invested in over the last year who were always above board. Now theyre putting their multiple talents together to cover all the bases a crypto project needs. Going back to the lottery part, its a modern take on the lottery in terms of stats such as what your odds of winning are, discounts for multiple buys, plus excellent tokenomics to benefit the coin in terms of a tax for marketing as well as the typical reflection for the prize and for hodlers. The UI looks sleek too. The first prize is $3000+ after only a few hours of launch, and with lots of press releases and other marketing going out this week its gonna grow substantially before the inaugural draw at the end of week 1. Decentra-Lotto has a long bright future ahead of it
David Graeber outlined our abundance of "bullshit jobs"; how do we fix this problem?
The anthropologist David Graeber's book "Bullshit Jobs" describes how out of all of our jobs, an enormous amount are pointless, non-productive jobs that contribute little or nothing to society or even the firm. A lot of his information seems to be gathered from surveys and talking to people about their jobs, what they do on a daily basis, and their opinion about how important their job is. Such jobs exist in the public sector, although, from what I have gleaned (I have not read the book), Graeber seems to stress that these jobs are located (primarily?) in the private-sector, particularly in the corporate world. His typology of bullshit jobs via Wikipedia: 1. flunkies, who serve to make their superiors feel important, e.g., receptionists, administrative assistants, door attendants 2. *goons*, who act to harm or deceive others on behalf of their employer, e.g., lobbyists, corporate lawyers, telemarketers, public relations specialists 3. *duct tapers*, who temporarily fix problems that could be fixed permanently, e.g., programmers repairing shoddy code, airline desk staff who calm passengers whose bags do not arrive 4. *box tickers*, who create the appearance that something useful is being done when it is not, e.g., survey administrators, in-house magazine journalists, corporate compliance officers 5. *taskmasters*, who manage—or create extra work for—those who do not need it, e.g., middle management, leadership professionals So, my question is: what can we do (through policy?) to eliminate the tendency to have an abundance of bullshit jobs?
>A lot of his information seems to be gathered from surveys and talking to people about their jobs, what they do on a daily basis, and their opinion about how important their job is. To put this into context, his data consists of things like survey of the readers of strike magazine, which has [very clear political leanings]( as well as literal dinner table conversations. Reliable empirical work is scarce to nonexistent. The problems with that should be obvious. But to be a bit more precise, how people feel about and judge their job does not just depend on the nature of their work, but also things like societal perception, management performance, your age, or if you like your boss and coworkers. Not to mention that picking representative samples should be absolutely paramount to good research, and getting your samples from a group with obvious biases is the opposite of that. I also shouldn't have to mention that if your work is societally useful or not does not depend on whether you like Susan sitting at the desk next to you or not. And his work does not hold up to direct scrutiny, either. He makes an entirely unwarranted jump from the subjective perceptions on the usefulness of work to objective societal usefulness. The testable hypotheses one can derive from that mostly fall apart once tested. Also, really, just sit down and read his examples and think about them for a bit. It's a list of jobs Graeber doesn't like. He cites actuaries as one example. That's the guy who tells you how expensive your car insurance is. Is that "useless" work? Maybe in a perfect world where nobody ever gets into an accident. In our world, risks happen and risk management is incredibly useful. He cites bailiffs as another one. That's the guy who makes sure criminals can't just get up and run away in court. He also cites programmers as one. Because bugs "shouldn't happen". Bugs are basically bound to happen once a program gets sufficiently complex, which in reality is a few dozen to a few hundred lines of code. You can't possibly cover every case, not to even mention that something like different hardware can lead to new bugs that make it impossible to fix everything preemptively without infinite time and a time machine. All in all, of course bullshit jobs exist, but Graebers work in particular is scientifically unsound and it's unlikely the scale of the problem is nearly as big as described by him.
KittieFIGHT synopsis - As a reminder ; kittieFIGHT is an Ethereum-Cryptokitties Real-Time Blockbuster Dapp Game. It is a crowd-driven, real-time fighting Dapp game.
KittieFight Tokens and ETH are awarded to winners of each fight session that utilizes customized fighting kittie characters derived from the Cryptokitties platform. kittieFIGHT is gamified with a unique economic token model utilizing limited supply with suppressed emissions and incentivized crowd dynamics to drive up each value of token necessary to reward owners of Cryptokitties non-fungible tokens. The kittieFIGHT Dapp also solves the problem of oversupply of Cryptokitties via euthanasia/kittie-sink called ***kittieHELL***. The sink effect from fights also serves to create demand for new kitties on the Cryptokitties platform. Winners of fights on the kittieFIGHT platform can trade winning tokens to buy more Cryptokitties collectibles. [](
The kittieFIGHT is an Ethereum-Cryptokitties Real-Time Blockbuster Dapp Game. It is a crowd-driven, real-time fighting Dapp game. KittieFight Tokens and ETH are awarded to winners of each fight session that utilizes customized fighting kittie characters derived from the Cryptokitties platform.
KittieFIGHT synopsis - As a reminder ; kittieFIGHT is an Ethereum-Cryptokitties Real-Time Blockbuster Dapp Game. It is a crowd-driven, real-time fighting Dapp game.
KittieFight Tokens and ETH are awarded to winners of each fight session that utilizes customized fighting kittie characters derived from the Cryptokitties platform. kittieFIGHT is gamified with a unique economic token model utilizing limited supply with suppressed emissions and incentivized crowd dynamics to drive up each value of token necessary to reward owners of Cryptokitties non-fungible tokens. The kittieFIGHT Dapp also solves the problem of oversupply of Cryptokitties via euthanasia/kittie-sink called ***kittieHELL***. The sink effect from fights also serves to create demand for new kitties on the Cryptokitties platform. Winners of fights on the kittieFIGHT platform can trade winning tokens to buy more Cryptokitties collectibles. [](
Winners of fights on the kittieFIGHT platform can trade winning tokens to buy more Cryptokitties collectibles. kittieFIGHT Cryptokitties-based, crowd-driven, real-time fighting Dapp game is brought to you by the team below and others from SuperDAO.
Cyclean - Marketing
For the success of CyClean ICO, we are both eager to invest on online marketing and offline marketing. The publishing point of this whitepaper triggers threshold for CyClean teams to engage more actively on marketing schemes. We are operating various online marketing tactics such as social media posting and maintenance which can constantly deliver messages of CyClean to the general public. In our website, one can find all of our social channels to stay tuned with on-going CyClean processes. We treat following social channels. (Links are at Appendix) Additionally we are also conducting display ads for online community where the main topics for cryptocurrency and blockchian are evident. For the whole online marketing, we are aiming major countries where ICO investments are active and retargeting appropriate users in order to perform effective marketing actions. We did not overlook the importance of offline marketing as well. Because we are well connected with TOP advisors of cryptocurrency landscape, and because they trust us and want to share our message to the world, we are invited to many prestigious offline roadshows or pitch talks or summits. Within our allowed budget, we are sending agents to go spread the message to citizens of various countries. Although offline marketing may reach smaller crowd than online crowd at the moment itself, it has powerful influence over people and over industry opinions because a real person, most of the time founder or core director, visits the place with real presence so the outcome is quite as powerful as the online marketing.
Exhaust fumes are a serious problem and the numbers speak for themselves. According to the CyClean’s whitepaper, approximately 1.2 billion cars are on the roads worldwide, which releases harmful gas, 12 bikes are sold per person in the world, and 53,000 deaths in U.S. and 5000 deaths in U.K. per year alone are due to air pollution.
4New’s blockchain
Electricity is an intangible commodity. Nevertheless, it is not practical or feasible to scale access to electricity globally due to its dependence on tangible infrastructure that tends to be localized and dependent on jurisdictional laws and local supply demand economics. With the advent of the blockchain technology, for the first time in human history, we have the ability to scale a localized, intangible commodity such as electricity, globally. Historically, power providers would structure Power Purchase Agreements with large consumers of power such as factories or manufacturing lines. This would allow the consumers of power to negotiate deeply discounted prices due to the collective bargaining strength of their unique vantage point. The KWATT Coin allows us to fractionalize the output capacity of a power plant down to the most fundamental and basic unit, which is the kilowatt hour. Moreover, by pegging the power unit to the coin, for the first time we can make power mobile as long as the power plant has the supply of electricity to back it up 4NEW has successfully configured the KWATT coin to be pegged with electricity since we are a power producer not an exchange. Furthermore, the 4NEW blockchain will enable holders of the KWATT coin to stake their tokens on the network allowing consumers of power to utilize the staked coins in order to process crypto transactions for currencies such as Bitcoins, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Dash amongst others. In this manner the 4NEW ecosystem including the power plant and the mining farm will operate on the underlying blockchain technology making kilowatts mobile and scalable globally. The 4NEW decentralized, distributed ledger is also where all actors in any industry will be able to transact using the KWATT coin. The coins are smart contracts which establish a binding relationship between transacting parties and provide a value for each transaction. The ledger will provide an immutable and auditable journal of all transactions related to purchase and sale of goods and services on the blockchain. With all parties to each transaction being able to see the same ledger entry, costs of reconciliation and potential issue of disputes and revenue leakage are controlled to a very large extent.
Each of our plants takes in 50,000-100,000 tonnes of waste annually, processing it in an environmentally-friendly method, in order to create electricity. Gate fees offset the operational costs of the plants, allowing for free electricity production.
4New’s blockchain
Electricity is an intangible commodity. Nevertheless, it is not practical or feasible to scale access to electricity globally due to its dependence on tangible infrastructure that tends to be localized and dependent on jurisdictional laws and local supply demand economics. With the advent of the blockchain technology, for the first time in human history, we have the ability to scale a localized, intangible commodity such as electricity, globally. Historically, power providers would structure Power Purchase Agreements with large consumers of power such as factories or manufacturing lines. This would allow the consumers of power to negotiate deeply discounted prices due to the collective bargaining strength of their unique vantage point. The KWATT Coin allows us to fractionalize the output capacity of a power plant down to the most fundamental and basic unit, which is the kilowatt hour. Moreover, by pegging the power unit to the coin, for the first time we can make power mobile as long as the power plant has the supply of electricity to back it up 4NEW has successfully configured the KWATT coin to be pegged with electricity since we are a power producer not an exchange. Furthermore, the 4NEW blockchain will enable holders of the KWATT coin to stake their tokens on the network allowing consumers of power to utilize the staked coins in order to process crypto transactions for currencies such as Bitcoins, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Dash amongst others. In this manner the 4NEW ecosystem including the power plant and the mining farm will operate on the underlying blockchain technology making kilowatts mobile and scalable globally. The 4NEW decentralized, distributed ledger is also where all actors in any industry will be able to transact using the KWATT coin. The coins are smart contracts which establish a binding relationship between transacting parties and provide a value for each transaction. The ledger will provide an immutable and auditable journal of all transactions related to purchase and sale of goods and services on the blockchain. With all parties to each transaction being able to see the same ledger entry, costs of reconciliation and potential issue of disputes and revenue leakage are controlled to a very large extent.
4New blockchain platform will be built on top of the underlying treatment infrastructure covering the entire supply chain from collection of waste to generation of electricity to sale of energy units to the national grid.
Former WSB member looking for guidance.
Hi guys, I’m a former WSB member who grew disenchanted with the sub after the GME fiasco and the irrational pump and dump and siege mentality that developed over there. I’ve decided to rotate away from the overvalued growth stocks that are popular now and want to get into more value based positions. I have read Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham as well as The Intelligent Investor so I understand the basics of the strategy. My question for you is what platforms/ sites do you use to do research and what factors do you look for in a stock and do you have any stock recommendations? Thanks for all your help, I’m excited to be in a community that isn’t dominated by insane and irrational children.
Read, and Read More.... Peter Lynch: One Up on Wall Street + Hewitt Heiserman: It’s Earnings that Count The first taught me to use my nose to find good opportunities...think goes to Target a lot during pandemic and then invests in TGT The second transformed me from a value guy into a value and quality guy. That’s where you can make major cash without headaches of getting one last puff of a cigar butt. This got me to invest in Nike at high 20’s PE... what may seem expensive isn’t when you examine long term prospects and a quality balance sheet.
1.5 years later: After 1000s of hours reading and taking notes, gallons of coffee, pints of beer and red eyes, I present to you my humble ebook to help Europeans with personal finance.
Who is it for? \- If you are a complete beginner, this book will help you get started and act as a basic roadmap to keep on track \- If you have an intermediate understanding of personal finance, this book might help you get new ideas \- If you are already trading calls and options, CFDs and more, this book is probably not for you ​ Why me? ​ Ahhh. I can already hear the Internet trolls from here. ​ Who are you to write this [book]( How dare you? Good question. ​ This book was born from the amalgamation of 3 things; my scientific background, my inherent curiosity about a wide variety of topics (especially personal finance) and an interest in writing. I do not have an accounting degree nor a CFA or an MBA. I am simply a person who loves to read widely across different topics, especially those that can be implemented in my own life. The act of writing this book helped me clear my own thoughts and understand even further. After all, interest in any topic should not be static. It should keep evolving through time. ​ My intention to write this out was simple; combine good material that is out there and put it out in a systematic way to get started in investing for the typical European millennial. By no means do I consider myself a financial guru. The key concepts in this publication are mostly borrowed from the minds of giants such as Howard Marks, Warren Buffett, Burton Malkiel and a whole host of other people across different disciplines. My contribution apart from the collation is the addition of my personal flavor to this existing body of knowledge. Nothing else. ​ I would appreciate if you leave a review, if you find the ebook useful. ​ TL;DR: \- I love nerding out and doing research to improve every aspect of my life \- Years ago, I started taking care of my personal finances and wrote a ton of notes from books, blogs, podcasts and videos. \- Today, I present my humble contribution- here's the [link]( \[it's FREE for the first few days\]
[US link]( for those of which the UK link does not work.
WARNING: Brutal scam. Guy buys a Ledger Nano wallet on Ebay, and it steals all his cryptocurrency ($34,000, which is his life's savings).
Cross-posted from /r/BTC. As many as possible in the crypto space should be educated. Here is his post: Here's where we find out how he was scammed. The scam Ledger Nano (bought on Ebay) came with a "scratch off" paper, to reveal the seed words. With a real Ledger Nano, the seed words are generated by the device. Some other people have come across the same scam: Picture of the fake "scratch off" paper with seed words. Pictures of the scam instructions: Brutal scam.
Just a small correction: The Ledger he bought was (almost certainly) the real device, not a fake. The scammer initialised the device and generated the seed on the device before sending it to the victim. The victim, not knowing any better, used this pre-made, compromised seed. Had he victim reset the device when he got it (getting a new 24 word seed) then he would have been perfectly fine.
Quick Reminder to Not Give Away Your Salary Requirement in a Job Interview
I know I've read this here before but had a real-life experience with it yesterday that I thought I'd share. Going into the interview I was hoping/expecting that the range for the salary would be similar to where I am now. When the company recruiter asked me what my target salary was, I responded by asking, "What is the range for the position?" to which they responded with their target, which was $30k more than I was expecting/am making now. Essentially, if I would have given the range I was hoping for (even if it was +$10k more than I am making it now) I still would have sold myself short. Granted, this is just an interview and not an offer- but I'm happy knowing that I didn't lowball myself from the getgo.
HR: What salary are you asking for this position? ME: I really love the opportunity, and I'm confident if this is a good fit, the salary will be within range. HR: We need to put down a salary. ME: What is the general range of salary for this position and level of responsibility? It can go on and on. It is a dance. I usually ask on the first call from the headhunter / recruiter "What is the general range of compensation for this position?" . This is something they normally have in front of you, and the person cold calling is usually not the person who does the 'negotiation' to see your starting range. There have been a couple times the HR absolutely would not budge and required a number. I would simply say "Between *75% of current pay* and *25% more than current pay* ,depending on the benefits and job responsibilities". If you get backed into a corner, put a big range, and then later say ... the benefits aren't nearly good enough, and the responsibility is high enough that the low offer simply isn't an option. This is coming from a software developer specializing in Cloud/SAAS/Agile/Medical/Finance , so your mileage may vary.
How can you stretch $100 for food to last 2 weeks?
Edit: It's been 7hrs since I posted this, I did not expect so many people to comment. I'm reading everyone's comments and I apologize if I do not reply to every single comment there is a lot! But I sincerely appreciate all of you, This doesn't just benefit me, It helps others that are also looking for budgeting on this sub! I'm glad to have such awesome people on here..You guys rock!!
Buy the following (prices from Walmart currently on website, rounded up to nearest dollar): * 20 lb bag of rice - $17.00 * 8 lbs Dried pinto beans - $6.00 * Better than boullion - $3.00 * Bunch of bananas - $2.00 * Dozen eggs - $3.00 * Loaf of bread, 20 oz - $4.00 * 40 oz peanut butter - $4.00 * 42 oz oats - $2.00 * 15 oz canned oranges - $2.00 * Gallon of whole fat milk - $3.00 * Frozen vegetables of your choice - approx $4.00 Total comes out to $50 and should yield 12 peanut butter + banana sandwiches, at least 14 meals of rice and beans (add veggies + boullion for taste), 12 hard-boiled eggs, at least 10 meals of overnight oats, and some oranges. Should be nutritionally complete as well.
What are some good decisions you have made with your money that are different then the typical investment advice?
I have quite a bit of savings now, as well as a pretty good stock portfolio. What are some things I can do with the savings besides throwing it into the market (which I believe has some correcting to do)?
I don't know about your work situation, but if you have some extra time - buying businesses worked for me. Go after businesses that already have a blueprint or are operational. Personally, I like franchises. Here's a good site to research them in your area:
Would You Like to See Reddit Accept ETH as a Means to Pay for Gold?
More payment transactions per day than any other decentralized cryptocurrency: One can complete 1 million unique transactions for under $1. Massive developer driven ecosystem (stackoverflow, github etc.) & subreddit activity. $45 Billion highly liquid market cap. Where's the disconnect here? Paging u/spez
u/spez I will rain some reddit gold if you accept ETH. The information in the post should show it is way past time for Ethereum + Reddit. Even better, integrate into metamask. Make reddit a web3 compatible site! Please!
Report: 'Minimum wage workers are unable to afford rent anywhere in the United States' - I shared this report with my friends who are unaware of my difficult upbringing, and I was saddened to find out that none of them cared. At all.
I consider my friend group to be pretty progressive and relatively empathetic, so I thought that I would share this with them. I've kept the details of my childhood and young adulthood pretty close to the chest, so they're unaware of my past struggles. This sort of information strikes a chord with me because as a child, my family faced several evictions and repossessions. I'm sure many on the forum are familiar with such events, they're no fun. However, much to my horror, my friends didn't care at all. They didn't even react. It makes me feel as if I'll have to continue to hide large parts of myself from them because they just don't have a place of sympathy for poor people and those who are habitually underpaid. I really don't have any additional words to describe it, but I was just really disappointed. [](
Did they just not engage with the article, or did they actually show you through words or actions that they have no sympathy for poor people? There's a lot of bad news in the world, and many systemic issues like this one to spend time thinking about and working to improve. If a friend of mine sent me that article, I might make a brief comment or none at all and move on. That's not because I don't care, or because I haven't thought a lot about this issue, it's because I don't have much to add beyond "that sucks, and I don't have anything productive to add right now." If these are good friends, they'll be willing to discuss the things you care about, but randomly sending them an article probably isn't going to start an in-depth discussion and outpouring of sympathy, especially if no one in the group chat is personally affected by the problem or asking for help/support in some way.
Jon Stewart on the collapse of FTX. "How is this different than Ken Griffin running a hedge fund at Citadel and also being the the most gigantic market maker that we have? And... who's the biggest donor to all kinds of politicians? It's Ken Griffin." Starting at 23:00. Link in comments.
Jon Stewart on the collapse of FTX. "How is this different than Ken Griffin running a hedge fund at Citadel and also being the the most gigantic market maker that we have? And... who's the biggest donor to all kinds of politicians? It's Ken Griffin." Starting at 23:00. Link in comments.
I love that Jon Stewart is doing his job and talking about FTX, but also making that connection back to our current financial situation. Everyone talking about how FTX isn't isolated in its crime here is a big help.
Is anyone trading while holding a 9 to 5 job?
I'm a software developer in my 30s. I have a day job in my field but I don't see myself getting anymore promotions. Most developers my age move on to managerial positions. I don't have the social skills required for those kind of positions. I have recently started reading up on day trading and slowly trying to get in this market. My goal is to start very slow and make progress over a span of 3 - 5 years. So if you're trading while holding 9 - 5 jobs, I'd be grateful for some tips and strategies.
Use thinkorswim for research. Start to become familiar with building studies. Set up a chart that compares the 20 day EMA with the 50 day EMA; when the 20 is higher than the 50, that’s a buy sign. Watch for high ADX in stocks trending upward. That’s a buy sign. Ask me any questions.
Where do we go from here and who is going to step up to help us?
We have grown to the kind of size we only dreamed of in the time it takes to get a bad nights sleep. We've got so many comments and submissions that we can't possibly even read them all, let alone act on them as moderators. We wrote software to do most of the moderation for us but that software isn't allowed to read the Reddit new feed fast enough and submit responses, and the admins haven't given us special access despite asking for it. We're suffering from success and our Discord was the first casualty. You know as well as I do that if you gather 250k people in one spot someone is going to say something that makes you look bad. That room was golden and the people that run it are awesome. We blocked all bad words with a bot, which should be enough, but apparently if someone can say a bad word with weird unicode icelandic characters and someone can screenshot it you don't get to hang out with your friends anymore. Discord did us dirty and **I am not impressed with them destroying our community** instead of stepping in with the wrench we may have needed to fix things, especially after we got over 1,000 server boosts. That is pretty unethical. To add to this, people are co-opting our name on twitter. I won't mention their accounts, but lots of handles with "wsb" and "wallstreetbets" in them are pretending to speak for us. They're saying things that we don't agree with, driving traffic to derivative communities and shitty pixelated merch stores, and generally making it harder for us to define who we are. There's also too much political bullshit in a community that was never *ever* political. The only way I want to occupy Wall St is in a suit myself or rent-free in the mind of a blown up short. ~~That is why I'm throwing my support behind the Twitter handle in general. We need a way to PUBLICLY reach out to the staff of the infrastructure that is failing us so the world can see that we aren't doing anything wrong here if they don't respond. We need to be able to respond directly to a reporter that is lying to the world about our clubhouse. We can't be expected to meet any expectations when we aren't given the tools we need.~~ ~~That's not to say I approve of every message or will even be in the loop for all of them, but it's clear to me we can't do nothing and we need a megaphone.~~ ~~We'll do our best not to pretend to speak for you, but to try to speak with the volume our name now seems to command to get shit done for us.~~ EDIT: As of recent developments the aforementioned twitter handle is obviously not legit anymore. Phew.
They didn’t come for us when we were burning our money on **MSFT 200C**s. We weren’t a problem when we lost it all to the “**quad witching**” on SPY puts. Retail is only a problem because we are winning. They don’t want to protect us; just themselves, now that they realize they don’t hold all the answers. The real problem is naked short selling on leverage. Retail will be the scape goat and Melvin will get a bail out. This is how it goes. The little man holds the bags for the ass hole institutional investors with no risk management. Just like 08 when the big players get a bailout and retail loses half of their pension. We play to our *personal risk tolerance*. They leverage to the tits and lose to ultimately walk away without a scratch. **Guh**
if 35-80% of US dollars were printed in 2020, why is inflation ‘only’ at 6.8%?
i’ve seen a bunch of different figures for how much the money supply rose in 2020, but surely if there was a 35% increase in the money supply there’d be an increase of 35% inflation? is that not what the fisher equation shows?
>is that not what the fisher equation shows? No. The fisher eq just states that real interest rate = nominal interest rate - inflation. The money supply isn't part of that at all. >but surely if there was a 35% increase in the money supply there’d be an increase of 35% inflation? No. First of all, to state the obvious, there isn't. Everything else being equal and all new money going towards consumption, this would be the case. But everything else *isn't* equal. Monetary policy doesn't happen in a vacuum, significant changes are usually a response to a change in economic conditions. In this case, the increase was so substantial to avoid the *deflation* that would have occured thanks to the economic shock by the pandemic. You had a fall in output, a fall in how quickly money changed hands, and in response an increase in the money supply. Notable is also that behaviour in of itself matters. That's why central banks generally try to communicate their policy clearly and try to communicate policy changes ahead of time, so that expectations are in line with it. What people *believe* about inflation changes their actions and alters de facto inflation just as changes in the money supply do. Ultimately in an economy you always have a mix of factors that push inflation up or down, the job of the central bank is to counteract these factors in order to reach their target of low and stable inflation. That's not always a perfect process, central bankers are neither wizards nor can they perfectly anticipate the future, but it does mean that "why did the central bank alter the money supply" is an important question to ask.
Fed's Seize Robinhood CEO's phone in GameStop Trading Halt Investigation
[Feds Seized Robinhood CEO's Phone in GameStop Trading Halt Investigation (]( Looks like Vlad is feeling some heat right now! Maybe another 12M for clients and 58M for the lawyers...... /s In its filing, Robinhood states that the fallout from these restrictions still have the potential to be disastrous for the company. “We have become aware of approximately 50 putative class actions … relating to the Early 2021 Trading Restrictions. The complaints generally allege breach of contract, breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing, negligence, breach of fiduciary duty and other common law claims. Several complaints further allege federal securities claims, federal and state antitrust claims and certain state consumer protection claims based on similar factual allegations,” the S-1 states. The best part: The company said that the incident was bad for the company and “resulted in negative media attention, customer dissatisfaction, litigation and regulatory and U.S. Congressional inquiries and investigations, capital raising by us in order to lift the trading restrictions while remaining in compliance with our net capital and deposit requirements and reputational harm. ***We cannot assure that similar events will not occur in the future.”*** If this last statement is not a sign to get out of Robbing the Hood, I don't know what would.
I’m not a legal expert but I’m preeeeetty sure confiscating a phone requires a search warrant which requires a judge to sign off on there being evidence and probable cause that the cell phone would contain evidence.
How Mixin Trusted Blockchain Messenger Network Works
The platform is designed to offer everyone a fair platform, created on a decentralized network – built for purpose of processing transactions, contracts and businesses within seconds. It is a p2p based system that will make it possible for any third parties to use the system successfully and safely through the use of contracts. The purpose of the platform is to provide an ultra-safe and decentralized environment where people can go to make safe exchanges and transactions.
The first DApp developed and activated in the network is the Secure Messaging app that utilizes the signal protocol to drive end-to-end messaging encryption. Here are the main components that help Mixin to work more efficiently;
Wife got a job offer that feels like a scam
So my wife has been looking for part time work from home jobs to supplement my income. She found a virtual assistant position and applied. The company offered her a position without interviewing her. It's for 6-7 hours a week making hotel and travel reservations. She will be paid $400 a week, and $30 extra per hour over 7 hours as needed. She asked some questions and got an odd response that felt canned. Basically she said she would receive a check for $2950 that would cover the first week's pay, the cost of a printer and paper, as well as booking software. This all feels like a scam, but I don't know how. Has anyone run into this? What should I be asking/looking for? Edit: Thanks for all of the responses everyone. I should have phrased this a bit differently. I knew this was a scam, I just didn't know how. I appreciate all of the advice for legitimate work from home options.
This is 8000% a scam, and a very well-known one. Your wife will get a check and be told to cash it and then send $X to the "printer company" and keep the rest as her pay. There is no printer company. She is sending money to the scammer. The check will later bounce, and the bank will deduct the full $2950 from her account. She'll then be out the money that she sent for the "printer," and possibly incur overdraft fees as well if it causes an overdraft. The way this works is that the scammer uses a bad check, but that looks good enough to pass initial muster. It then gets credited to the account within X business days according to the bank's policy, but just because the money is available in your account doesn't mean a check has actually cleared. It takes a few weeks on the back end to make sure the check is legitimate and the account it's drawn on has sufficient funds to cover it, and once they realize it's no good they pull the money back from the account it was deposited in. Tell her to run from this job, and she can report the person to the police if she wants to, though I doubt they'll actually catch them. In general, if it sounds too good to be true ($57/hour for making travel reservations from home is *way* too good to be true), it usually is.
Please upvote if you don't think the mods should run a Twitter. @rSuperstonk does not represent us. Nor do the Mods.
If you really want to be on twister, make a DD account with link to facts every day. Don't call it ss. Then you can announce it here and I for one will follow it. We are not a group. We are individuals that hold. #GME #GME #GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME
I've never commented on this subreddit before.. For the love of God, delete this dumb twitter account. Did we learn nothing from r.antiwork? The DD speaks for itself, no mod needs to represent us anywhere.
How is Vienna So Successful Despite Extensive and Strict Rent Control?
Was reading an article about Vienna's housing [policy]( and they mentioned rent control with indefinite contracts being a key feature of the government's approach. I thought economists were in agreement that rent control was a terrible idea but Vienna seems to be doing [great]( What gives?
The short answer is that the Viennese government uses a combination of subsidy and direct government construction to get around any negative supply effects caused by rent control.\* The city itself is also in a lot of ways more free market than most US cities; single-family zoning doesn't exist in Vienna, comparatively around [75% of land zoned for housing in the US is zoned exclusively for single]( family homes; [their building codes are also much more permissive]( and allow for cheaper construction than the US; they have much more streamlined building processes. The other answer is that they do also have some of the negative characteristics associated with rent control. In particular, they have a two year residency requirement for social housing plus a waitlist. I don't have a source for typical wait times or for how easy it is to get a rental in the private market, though. It's certainly does not seem to be nearly as bad as it is in Sweeden or for trying to get into the US housing voucher system.
It's not a bubble, absolutely not!
​ [https:\/\/\/canada-has-the-biggest-gap-between-real-estate-prices-and-incomes-in-the-g7\/]( Since 2005, *house price-to-income* ratios across Canada rose by over 67%. Ontario and BC obviously have it even worse. Among the G7 countries, the comparison is outstanding. The second country that worsens its housing affordability is Germany, with a 28% surge from the 2005 baseline. According to any economic metrics, something really dangerous is going on in Canada. And yet, many Canadians believe this is totally normal. Time will tell, I suppose.
You know it’s bad when that chart ends Q1 2021 and you know houses have only gone up *at least* another 20% since then while nobody is getting raises (unless you were lucky to hop into a new job during the pandemic). Totally normal.
Why are economists way more likely to vote democrat relative to the general population, but way more likely to vote republican relative to other social scientists and academics?
So according to [this study]( for every 1 republican economist, there are 4.5 democrat economists. That is obviously a much bigger ratio of democrats to republicans relative to the general population. But what’s interesting is the ratio of democrats to republicans is 11.5 on average for tenured academic faculty, ranging from 8.6 for law, 17.6 for psychology, 20 for communications/journalism, and 33.5 for history. I’m wondering, is there a reason for why 1) economists are way more likely to vote democrat relative to the general population, but 2) way more likely to vote republican relative to other social scientists and academics? And, more importantly, does it have anything to do with the economic policies of democrats and republicans?
Unfortunately, there isn't a clear answer - just as there isn't a clear answer for any of the other fields either. Just like all individuals, economists have diverse objective functions and the way they vote is a reflection of that. As far as voting trends go, Economists tend to be relatively affluent individuals who have all went to college. That vote share, [tends to vote Democratic]( and has been leaning more so in recent years. They also all tend to live in cities (where universities are) or neighboring suburbs which also all tend to vote in the same manner. Beyond doing some basic correlative discussion on polling data and demographics, there really isn't much more that we can understand about economist voting behavior. As for why their views would differ from other academics I offer [this (**JOKE**) post]( on the difference in ideology between economists and other social scientists
Ink Protocol Partners with Monarch Token to Power XNK Storage and Payments
Here is a great video interview with Monarch about the partnership and the future of Ink Protocol + decentralized marketplaces : Learn more:
Monarch token, user can use only one password for all services. Monarch will generate new password for each service, but the users only need one password to access their platform which shall be used for every transaction on the platform
Ink Protocol Partners with Monarch Token to Power XNK Storage and Payments
Here is a great video interview with Monarch about the partnership and the future of Ink Protocol + decentralized marketplaces : Learn more:
## Aspects * **Hot/Cold Wallet:** Monarch Token has a dual purpose wallet which helps store funds, transactions, and helps with completing subscription payments to merchants. * **Password Vault:** Users can store their 2FA codes and passwords. It also supports Mneomic phrases which ensure that all of your passwords are highly protected. * **Proprietary Blockchain:** Monarch’s blockchain platform is able to handle scalability issues while also being able to cater to decentralized applications. * **Exchange:** You can buy and sell cryptocurrencies at the best prices and has liquidity from 3rd party and internal exchanges.
I have a gambling addiction. Don't fucking t+2 if you can't afford it.
The highs, oh the fucking highs of it paying off, and the stress when it doesn't. At the start of the year I took the 5k available in my redraw out of my homeloan, I thought I was smart and could invest and earn more than I was going to save in interest. I was wrong, because I'm an idiot, with no self control. For a few weeks it was going great, I was having some wins and some losses and overall I'd made about 2k by the start of March. It fell apart. I made some bad moves, I started losing money on t+2, my worst was a 6k loss. I stopped for a few weeks, I regained my composure I started t+2ing again. It went from bad to worse, I had to apply for 3k pay day loan to get myself out of hot water. I didn't learn my lesson. I went in again, my final move, I t+2d on QEM at 2.45 on Thursday the 25th. I was a dickhead. I was an even bigger dickhead when I didn't sell out at 2.4 on Monday around 3pm. A bigger dickhead again when I still hadn't sold by 11:13 on Wednesday the 10th. Tommie sold my shares for 3k loss. He took the $800 sitting in my bank account. A week later, I'm in negotiations with Tommy for a payment plan. My account is being closed. I've lost 11k, maybe more with the little top ups I did when things were good. IF YOU DONT HAVE THE MONEY DON'T DO IT. I haven't slept in weeks, I've gotten a second job to get back to where I was, don't be dickhead. **EDIT** Tommie has spared my knee caps and is giving me an interest free payment plan. I had to cry to 4 people to achieve this. My account is closed and I'm not welcome back.
It’s good you can talk about it openly mate. I reckon getting it out there is cathartic. Everyone goes through a roughy trot and it’s good you have learnt a lesson early on. It will help you out down the track and make you a better investor and a wiser person. Take care
What are some of the investing lessons which you would like to share from your life?
I began investing some five years back in 2016.At that time,the principal source of my income was just some measly internship stipend which I used to receive working in a CA office.That was the first time I had ever invested in equity markets and it seemed fascinating.During the course of my investment journey of these five years,I would have been able to say I had a decent run if not for the following blunders which I would like to share with every newcomer out there: **1)Blindly investing on the basis of new when it has already been priced in:** In the beginning of July 2016 just during the launch of GST,I was reading a lot about the way GST is going to transform the logistics sector.Hence,I ended up investing a large sum of money in *Snowman Logistics* despite the stock having a massive bull run in the months before.The stock had already run up \~90% in the last few months from \~Rs 50 in February 2016 to Rs 90 in July end,which was the price at which I invested.Funnily enough,the price at which I invested is literally the highest it has seen in the last five years.I finally had to cut my losses and exit the trade after waiting for long. **Lesson learnt**:No matter how lucrative the news seems to be,its important to have a look at the price action preceding to it. **2)Blindly investing on the basis of concepts like PE ratio without understanding the context** Like many newcomers,I took metrics like PE ratio as a gospel and invested with the notion of cheap PE=undervalued.This led to some disastrous investments like *Dena Bank* and *Brightcom Group*(erstwhile Lycos Internet).I simply filtered industry wise stocks on the basis of PE and went with investing in several stocks with the cheapest PE.In lure of investing in the stocks which were undervalued based on my understanding,I failed to look at some vital aspects like promoter quality and business prospects.Like above,both Lycos and Dena bank wiped out a lot of my capital. **Lesson learnt**:While theoretical metrics are important they should not be relied upon blindly **3)Not respecting stoplosses and holding poorly performing stocks for long term** Somewhere around 2017,I invested a major amount in *Ashok Leyland* and *AB Capital*,both of which I intended to hold for the long term.Out of these,while Ashok Leyland returned with some good returns over the year,AB Capital was a disaster and was negative most of the time right after its demerger from Grasim.I continued to hold both of them and while AB was already negative,Ashok Leyland also began to reverse and soon turned negative.Since I planned to hold both of the stocks for a long term,I didn’t bother to cut my losses when I should have and when a return to their investment prices seemed impossible,I had to exit the trade with huge losses. **Lesson learnt**:Even if there is a plan to hold the stocks for a long term,it is important to have a reasonable stoploss **4)Catching falling knives** Most of you would recall the price action of *DHFL* after some fund houses sold its commercial paper due to liquidity concerns.The share crashed from the \~600 levels to \~300 levels in a single trading session.I ended up investing a lot of money thinking DHFL to be too big to fail and again,lost a lot. **Lesson learnt**:Market’s wisdom is supreme and when a stock corrects to such levels in absence of an overall market crash,its NOT a time to buy. **5)Day trading like its gambling** When I first learnt about day trading and margins.It appeared nothing short of a way to earn quick riches and as luck would have it,I made a lot of profit in the beginning mostly as a fluke.However,I had the habit of overleveraging my trades and I would use the highest possible margin available with my capital.I also began to like the adrenaline rush which came with trading and would take \~30 trades in a day!Losses were imminent and coupled with charges which accompanied such high volume of trading,I again lost a lot of my capital. **Lesson learnt**:Margin is a double edged sword and over trading is a sure shot way to burn capital owing to charges. While most of the people in here would already be knowing these,I thought about writing it for the new entrants in the stock markets. Similarly,what are some of the investing lessons from your life would you like to share here?
First of all upvote for finally some good conversation on this sub. My two cents I think one has to see what's the objective of investment. For example, I am not dependent on the investment income and share investment are for my retirement. So I basically focus on a 10-20 year horizon. And a thumb rule which I work with is that profit or loss, I will go with booking it under Long term capital gain or loss. In years where I have only loss, I just carry it forward. Found this is better than booking profit and paying 15% away as tax. Obviously since I focus on long term I don't buy falling knives, and try to pick good stocks. Made the ashok Leyland mistake too, but I held on and Brought some more during the pandemic lows. Plan to hold on for the next two cv cycles. It's slowly turning green lately. Made another mistake in vedanta, bought it around 400s, shits burned a hole in my head. I will be booking my loss any time, just watching if the commodity cycle will turn up,will hold if it does and sell if it won't. P. S. My portfolio is not very big, it barely in the lakh range. Editing the tax number
Dividend paying ETFs & individual stocks is the best strategy for me.
49yo focused primarily on growth ETFs over the last 25 yrs, and focused on dividend paying stocks over last 3 yrs. I love the process of building up my 10 dividend paying stocks, digging in to each company and seeing the higher yields compared to my ETFs. But having ETFs, largely VTI, VXUS, iShares, that also pays regular dividends has been a boon to my dividend income (still DRIPing at this point) strategy, albeit with much lower yields. The combination of growth and fixed income is what helps me sleep at night.
Congratulations! You are a real inspiration to me, and all of us on this sub. I'm turning 18 soon, meaning I will be able to invest in all stocks, bonds, currency etc. , and I would be eager to follow in your footsteps. If I may ask, what investment did you start with? What are the things you learned that you deem the most valuable through this journey? Thank you and again, Congratulations on your huge achievement!
This kitty litter producer has seen a 99% increase in net income while the stock is down 21%
ODC is the ticker. The stock is down 21% since the quarter ending July 31, 2018 while in the same time since: Pretax Income up 32% Net Income up 99% Cash in bank up 206% It’s a really boring business (kitty litter and other absorbent materials) but the stock looks extremely undervalued and has a strong dividend as well. Thoughts?
Interesting company, if I was to invest, I'd seriously look into a few things from quickly going through their financials before I pull the trigger: 1. Why is the net margin so thin at 5%? Is this a price competitive commodity industry with no moat? Do people buy their products because of the brand and sticking to it, or do they go to the pet store and pick the cheapest on sale litter that day. 2. Cashflow growth is at around 3.7% for past 5 years, this is low growth. Which is fine, but the price needs to reflect the slow growth. Is there any other future growth potentials from their 10-k? 3. Yes, both cash and income shot up during pandemic, is this sustainable? In past history their cashflow is slowly trending up with many spikes and drawdowns like this, I would look into those drawdown years and see what caused them. 4. I would also build a DCF model with all my assumptions and see if it returns my target annualized rate of return if it just repeats past 10 years of growth.
I recently started searching for my first home and holy hell it must be one of the most frustrating unfair purchases I have planned in my life, lets start with Agents listing huge inflated prices during good times and almost the entire REA/DOMAIN listings now being "Price on request"
How is there not some legality behind this bullshit, why do I need to call and ring back over and hassle these guy's just to find out the price. This entire market is set up for the people who are already in it. Also other things that kill me Photos of the best spot in the surrounding area instead of the actual property No pictures of the actual building making it hard to find prices in the area. Demanding to know your exact buying situation over the phone before opening the home (It is your fucking job) Trying to turn your economic outlook and arguing with you Signing you up to loads of their subscription emails without ever asking permission I am sure there is plenty of people out there looking to sell without all the nightmares so why is it that we have allowed these blood sucking scum and the associated websites to rule the property market and skew the truth by hiding numbers etc? EDITThanks for ranting with me guy's and thanks for the award's haha Made my morning better.
We're looking to purchase something after owning for a while and we're in our 40's now - so, our attitude to agents is very diffferent this time. We go to open inspections and always have the same fun conversations. What's your budget? A) We'll know the right house when we see it. Are you approved for finance? Will you be selling your current place? I know a great broker! - A) If I like a house I'll have the money. Oh so you're renting at the moment? A) We've moved in with the mother in law to look after her, poor things not got long left and doesn't want to go into a home (usually stops any more questions). I'm still waiting for one to offer to sell her place when she's gone, I know it'll happen one day. So what are you looking for in a place? etc etc on and fucking on A) Let me have a look at this place and I'll tell you if it's one I want. Well we'd be happy to sell your current place for you A) Cool, I'll call you if that ever happens. After they've spent the entire time trying to sell me their services rather than the house, on the way out they'll ask the standard 'So did you like place?' to which we answer 'it's not for us' regardless of how much we like it. Only once did I ask, because we really liked the place and were interested. So for a house listed as 'priced to sell' but sitting in the database at the 500-650 range I got this beauty "Ooooh they're negotiable but they're looking in the high 600's and we've had a couple very interested people come through today". To which we said ok I'll call you if we decide on it and the owners can give us an actual number. They try to get my number, and I just tell them I'll call them. The phone number we leave on the visitors book is so often wrong, silly memory of mine. And then the fucking classic I heard from an agent who was super desperate to get me to agree to a call "Oh but we have properties that aren't on the market we could let you know about!" A) Really, jesus do the sellers know you're offering their properties to a reduced market?" As you can tell I have no time for agents stupid questions, and they don't care once you come back to them and make an offer. But this way all they know about you is that you want to buy their property and you're probably willing to walk away.
Somebody tried to steal my wife's purse because we were using an ebt card.
So, like most everybody else here, we are poor in basically every common meaning of the word. It's ok, we have love and close relationships with our kids so we are generally happy. This past june my daughter save her salary from her part time job for months to buy my wife something really nice for her birthday. My daughter went out and bought my wife an expensive Michael Kors purse and wallet because: "She always sacrificed for us to have what we needed, often going without for herself or giving up things she already had." in my daughters own words. My wife cried when opening the gift and cherishes that purse and what it meant to her from her daughter. So, yesterday while grocery shopping the lady behind her spotted the ebt card and the purse it just came out of. She made a big scene and tried to take my wife's purse because "poor people don't deserve expensive purses." This failed spectacularly because my wife will always buckle her purse to the cart to prevent theft. When the buckle was pulled tight the momentum the lady had started made her sprawl out on the floor. So she just sat there shaming my wife before getting up and leaving. Security was slow to respond and did basically nothing because no theft had actually occurred. So now, my wife is ashamed to enjoy this gift from her daughter and wants to get rid of it. It would be safe to say I'm more than a little bit pissed that a stranger took away one of the few things my wife has had that was just for her. **TLDR:** A stranger misjudged our situation and proceeded to shame and attempt steal my wifes things because "poor people don't deserve nice things."
The problem with society is that they feel all poor people need to suffer. If they don't shame you for having an expensive handbag they will shame you for getting cheese on your burger. You've done nothing wrong and shouldn't be ashamed of having nice things. That woman was wrong and she's the one that should be ashamed.
Why are companies taxed on profit but individuals taxed on income
Is there any economic rationale behind this ? Or is it a policy decision thats more like "it was always like this" ? How would things change if people were only taxed on their net income, like corporations ? Edit: I want to clarify here that I am not asking a political question. I understand there are different ways to structure taxation and I just wanted to understand the history and rationale behind this particular taxation strategy. I felt professional economists would have probably thought about this before so I wanted to get their opinion of what issues might be encountered in an alternate regime of taxing net income.
People aren't businesses, they for the most part don't earn a profit. >How would things change if people were only taxed on their net income, like corporations ? They are taxed on their net income from their labor.
My net-worth is now 5 million dollars. It was 7000 three days ago.
So, unfortunate circumstances have made me a millionaire over night at the age of 37. I remember stating that if I wasn’t a millionaire by age 40, i would blow my brains out. Be it as it may, my grandfather passed away from old age, and unbeknownst to me, he left me his mansion in the sweetest part of town, and a his childhood home which is about 2 hrs away; also in a prime location. My aunts and uncles screwed me and my mom out of everything when my grandmother passed away, since she left no will. All certificates were then modified to favor them. But now, as hard of a situation this is, the tables turned. I will not be selling my homes or any art of jewelry. I am not allowed to anyways, for 5 years. I have received 450k cash along with this. What’s the best way to work these 450 so I don’t have to sell my homes for millions of dollars. Thanks
Take everything you see online with a bucketload of pinches of salt. I cannot overstate this enough: *Hire a qualified financial advisor or consultant ASAP* In fact, hire three from separate firms. It might cost you $300 or so each, to spend a couple of hours having coffee and discussing options for your finances, but the insight and advice you gain will be immense and will save your far more than the $900 or so you spend now. So your first step is to shop around for three highly-qualified financial advisors/consultants in your local area.
If the market really is so fragile that just over half a million retards can bring the worlds economy to its knees by simply investing in a company they like then fuck it, it deserves to fail.
It is absolutely mind boggling that the media has spent the past day or so spreading these bullshit stories suggesting that retail and "meme stocks" pose a serious threat to the market. How is it that the ultra rich can basically GAMBLE in the stock market with over-leveraged positions, Dark Pools, insider information, etc. for YEARS and there is nothing to worry about. All of a sudden a group of people find out about some bullshit that the ultra rich are doing to generate infinite money and BAM, HOLY SHIT GUYS, THE ENTIRE MARKETS AT RISK OH NO!!!!!! I have never lived through an event quite like this. Every day I go online or watch TV and we see some old white guys malding over how dog shit of a company GameStop is. Like, if its so bad, why the fuck do you care? The irony is that the more they talk about it, the more obvious it is that GameStop is the ultra rich's kryptonite. "Meme stocks" are not a threat to the entire market, they're a threat to the financial terrorists that have been running rampant throughout our markets for decades with ZERO repercussions. I for one am glad that somehow, some way, we found a way to stop all the criminal bullshit that happens daily and quit literally goes unpunished. As an XX HODLer just know, if all it takes is for me to simply live my life and NOT sell a few shares of a company that is responsible for YEARS of amazing childhood memories than fine, that is exactly what I will do. EDIT: Thank you all for the comments, without going through and replying to every single one just know that it is nice to see we haven’t lost sight of the true endgame. No matter what bullshit they throw at us we stay Zen and focused on the goal; making a fuck ton of money and changing the world for the better. I am proud to be apart of this community. I have been here since March and will never leave. Apes forever strong! See you all on the moon. EDIT 2: WOW, I just woke up and honestly can’t believe the traction this post got. Top of r/all? Jeeze. Anyways, please know that I am not claiming we, the apes, have literally crumbled the economy. I am saying that this is the narrative the media is starting to write and it’s bullshit. Please try your best to read my post entirely before commenting. For those that read it, thank you for the comments! Hope everyone has a great day!
GG said during one of the hearings, and subsequent interviews, that social media (and specifically Reddit) is not behind any market manipulation anymore than CNBC is for touting specific stocks during their broadcasts. I'm paraphrasing here, but the sentiment was basically this: ​ "Market manipulation is defined by the intent to defraud people. If you tell your friends about an investment you like, that's not market manipulation." ​ So any pyramid scheme is definitely market manipulation. What banks and SHFs are doing is market manipulation. What Reddit does with regards to GME is not considered market manipulation, at least according to the man in charge of enforcing regulations.
Girlfriend applied for a job, within 24 hours they hired her, and sent her a check for $4,000 to buy supplies. Scam?
I dont know if this is the right place to post this. My girlfriend applied to a job at a place called HCI group. Within one conversation online they hired her, and said they will send her a check for $4,000 to buy necessary equipment like software. This morning, she received an overnight check from Patelco Credit Union for $4,415. My dad used to tell me "If it seems too good to be true, it is". And this seems like one of those things. Does anyone have any info on HCI Group, Patelco Credit Union, company scams where they send you a cashiers and rush you? **Edit** Email she just received: You're to deposit the check to your account and scan and email the atm deposit slip to me on ( redacted ) once done for confirmation, no need to send the slip to any other email address or email any worker that you got the package even if a note came with the check, have already contacted them they just want to make sure you get it, so you email the slip to my email address only, thanks NOTE: Make sure it's an atm deposit because atm is 24 hours service and funds availability, you need to order the equipment tomorrow once the full funds are available so that you can receive the Equipment by next tomorrow and get started. you only need to take your atm card with the check to your bank's atm machine then deposit it into your bank account okay ? you will see the option when you get to the atm **Edit 2** Just talked to Patelco. A check for $4,415 was never issued from their company. Sending Patelco a picture of the check since they said its a fraud, and then shredding that son of a b. I've read all your comments by the way! We're just figuring out how to respond to a very needy spammer. **Edit 3** Scammers are angry at our non-responsiveness. They threatened us by saying "you better cash in that check or their agents will find you". I promptly told them to fuck off and blocked them. Patelco was very happy we called them, since now they know their company is being used for scams. **Edit 4** Just wanted to do another quick edit. My girlfriend received this job offer from her schools job network. She goes to a small, expensive private college and she got hit with this fraud through a secure network that needs to be approved by the school first. Always be on the lookout for scam. **Edit 5** We did NOT shred the check. We decided against it and are going to report it. **Edit 6** Blowing up much further than I expected this too. /u/iac74205 said I could report it to the postal inspectors if it came by USPS. It came by FedEx, is there a postal inspector for that? **Edit 7** We've contacted the school once to report the scam! My girlfriend is taking a shower and right afterwards shes A: Reporting it to the FBI and B: demanding that the school sends out an email blast to all of the students going there. **Edit 8** I said it in a comment below, but I just wanted to thank all of you for all of your advice. I've read every comment and we have a ton on our plate to take care of. The users of /r/personalfinance rock! **Edit 9** Reported it to the school, this was their message: Hi Girlfriend, Thank you for sending over this information. We have flagged this employer in Handshake as fraudulent and have removed them as an approved employer as well. I know that REDACTED, our Office Manager, has already created a warning in the system for them, and I will do the same with the information you have sent to me. I will also discuss with our Directors about any further steps that need to be taken. Thank you so much for reporting this! Please let me know if you have any other concerns. **Edit 10** Using edits to answer FAQ's now. She did not give any information besides what would be on a resume. Work history, name, etc. She did NOT give bank account details or her SS number. **Edit 11** Just in case someone wanted to see what the fake check and the letter she was send looks like, [here you go]( **Edit 12** I just wanted to confirm this, both Patelco and HCI are legitimet companies. We called Patelco and they have their fraud working on it. We didn't call HCI but I've had enough messages saying they've worked from HCI I believe its legit. I think this guy was just using the names to sound legit. **Edit 13** Ladies and Gentlemen, I need to give a shout out to /u/dotonfire /u/Kell_Naranek and /u/meanreds . They pointed out that the signature is Thomas Jeffersons. The dead are rising, and they're scamming /s **Gilded edit 14** I was just given gold. As much as I appreciate someone thinking a thread for asking advice is good enough to pay real money too, its unneccessary! If you are really feeling charitable, consider giving to a charity. Personally, I suggest [Doctors Without Borders]( or [PACER]( . Use it for something more important than bragging rights. **Final Edit 15** Final edit unless there's anything super important that happens. Everythings been reported to the proper agencies, like the FBI. Hopefully we find this guy or get a response. Nothing on our end was lost and we took all security percautions so we're safe. Thank you everyone for the advice and help! **Final Edit 15.2** For some reason I can't see this post on Reddit anymore besides direct link? Anyways, school sent out an email blast for other students safety. **[MAKE SURE TO REPORT FRAUD TO PEOPLE WHO CAN HELP PREVENT IT](** **Final Edit 15.3** I told my dad this got tons of upvotes. He replied with "awesome". Finally my dad is proud
This is a common scam. What will happen is that she will cash it and three days later the check will "clear". Your girlfriend will believe that the money is free to use and will send moneygrams or the like to the places her "boss" tells her to, while keeping the agreed upon fee for herself. Sometime later the bank will let her know that the check was a fraud. See, when a check "clears" after three days, that doesn't mean it can't still turn out to be a fake check. But your girlfriend has already sent the money out and only has a small portion of it left. Now she will find herself in debt to the bank. Don't cash the check. Discontinue contact with these scammers. Edit: I wanted to clarify what "clears" means, since there a lot of questions on it. When I wrote that OP would have seen the check "clear", clear was in quotes because the assumption is that if the funds are available that the check has cleared, but that isn't true. So it hasn't actually cleared. Banks will make funds available to you because there is both federal law the mandates this as well as a courtesy to you so you don't wait weeks for a check's funds to become available to you and upend your life, since most checks are not fraudulent and the money is needed. Just because a check's funds have become available does NOT mean that the check has fully cleared the bank. Most people do not realize it and think a check has "cleared" after at most 3 days. Scammers know both when checks actually clear and what the popular public perception of when they clear is and they use that knowledge to prey upon people. They also know to use out of state or even foreign bank accounts as the supposed "source" of the bad check they send you since they know that local banks that run through the local Federal Reserve will be able to actually clear and verify a check relatively quickly, but it takes longer for non local banks. Checks are sent to [clearinghouses]( in order to be processed and are not cleared by one bank calling the other bank for every single check to see if it is valid. All of this is to say that a check goes through several steps that take time in order to figure out if it can actually be collected upon. Checks are vulnerable to this sort of fraud which is why the [Comptroller of the Currency]( says: > It's an example of why you should never accept a check from someone you don't know. Checks are an exercise of trust between you and the person giving the check and between you and your bank. Unfortunately for you, your bank can unwind a bad check and take their money back. If you have already turned that bad check into cash and sent it off via irreversible means like Western Union or giftcards then you are left holding the bag and the scammer keeps your money. And for those wondering what happens if you deposit the check and don't send anything to the scammer, well, the answer is only bad things. You don't keep any money (since there was no *real* money sent to you to begin with) and it is likely the bank will shut down your account for cashing fraudulent checks. They may also give you a black mark in the ChexSystems that banks use to vet customers before opening accounts for them. So you may find yourself hard pressed to be able to open a new bank account. So if you suspect that a check is a fraud, do NOT deposit it!
1.5 years later: After 1000s of hours reading and taking notes, gallons of coffee, pints of beer and red eyes, I present to you my humble ebook to help Europeans with personal finance.
Who is it for? \- If you are a complete beginner, this book will help you get started and act as a basic roadmap to keep on track \- If you have an intermediate understanding of personal finance, this book might help you get new ideas \- If you are already trading calls and options, CFDs and more, this book is probably not for you ​ Why me? ​ Ahhh. I can already hear the Internet trolls from here. ​ Who are you to write this [book]( How dare you? Good question. ​ This book was born from the amalgamation of 3 things; my scientific background, my inherent curiosity about a wide variety of topics (especially personal finance) and an interest in writing. I do not have an accounting degree nor a CFA or an MBA. I am simply a person who loves to read widely across different topics, especially those that can be implemented in my own life. The act of writing this book helped me clear my own thoughts and understand even further. After all, interest in any topic should not be static. It should keep evolving through time. ​ My intention to write this out was simple; combine good material that is out there and put it out in a systematic way to get started in investing for the typical European millennial. By no means do I consider myself a financial guru. The key concepts in this publication are mostly borrowed from the minds of giants such as Howard Marks, Warren Buffett, Burton Malkiel and a whole host of other people across different disciplines. My contribution apart from the collation is the addition of my personal flavor to this existing body of knowledge. Nothing else. ​ I would appreciate if you leave a review, if you find the ebook useful. ​ TL;DR: \- I love nerding out and doing research to improve every aspect of my life \- Years ago, I started taking care of my personal finances and wrote a ton of notes from books, blogs, podcasts and videos. \- Today, I present my humble contribution- here's the [link]( \[it's FREE for the first few days\]
UPDATE: Guys, thank you once again! I will keep on replying to DMs and queries one by one. In the mean time, feel free to download from the US site and the other links in the thread. ​ Once again, a review on Amazon really helps me out :)
What a difference dividends have made in my life.
At the beginning of 2020 I didn't even know how to buy a stock. Now I have over 44k invested with about $1,800/year in dividends. It's not much, but still it's like I give myself a little raise every time I add to my portfolio. I never knew growing up how to make my money earn me more money. Family always told me the stock market was a scam and school didn't teach anything about it. I wish I would have figured this out when I was 18 or 19 instead of blowing all the thousands I'll never get back.
Wow congratulations! I also started getting into stocks last year too, my portfolio is a little over $11k right now, mostly dividend stocks with a few growth stocks. So basically $6k of my portfolio is towards dividends. So far generating $30-$60/mo, estimated a little over $500/year. Its always good to start when you know and learn as you go.
One million dollars for changing my last name
Throwaway account. i was adopted to a great, loving, incredible family before i was born. met my birth parents at age 28. my wife and i had a baby recently. I own a fairly successful business that plans on hitting net 400k profit this year, making 200k/year, solid retirement, and investment portfolio. My birth father told me tonight that his father, my grandfather, said that he would give me a million dollars if i change my and my daughters last name to his. super grateful for this offer, for my upbringing, for everything really - i’ve been blessed to have certain opportunities. a million dollars would be life changing, duh, but honestly, i’m kind of torn here and not sure what to do. i feel like i’d be letting my parents (who raised me and name i carry) down by changing it. i guess i could change it, get the money or invest/move it to a new entity to invest in property, and always change it back to my current last name, but idk. aside from the slight, or not so slight, headache of dealing with the SSA changing legal names, it is feeling like a weird “indecent proposal” and a little bit scuzzy of an offer. my birth grandfather doesn’t have any other grandchildren or great grandchildren and he’s 94, nearing the end of his life and wants “to keep his blood line going and his rare family name to continue.” just looking for any insight or advice here. i love my parents and life is strange.
Easy. Legally change your name. Tell no one except those in his social circle. Collect money. Change back legally after his inevitable death. This is a tough one though. Being a financial subreddit, we should all say "take the money," but whoring oneself out for a price usually never feels great. Just remember that it's not black and white. There is plenty of grey area, like my first section, even if it looks like a joke. Edit: in theory you could change back as soon as you get the money and before his death, but I'd advise against potentially making enemies who are willing to drop $1MM on trivial details.
META analysis PE less than 11. It’s a home run, convince me otherwise
Does anyone else see the similarities Meta stock has to when Buffett originally purchased Apple. 2016 Headline of when Berkshire first initiated their stake. “Buffett's investment in Apple comes as Carl Icahn, another famous investor with a long history of taking activist stakes in tech firms, sold more than 45m Apple shares and said the company was no longer a no-brainer" investment. Berkshire Hathaway, which manages assets and investments of more than $500bn, disclosed in a regulatory filing on Monday that it held 9.8m Apple shares as of 31 March. Apple's shares, which have lost almost a third of their value since mid-April when the firm announced its first quarterly drop in sales in 13 years, rose 3.4% to $93.50 dollars by 11am on Monday following the news.” Regardless of the negative news I see Meta as a no brainer investment at these prices and am swinging big, betting my entire liquid net worth on it. (I do this for a living). As of writing this Meta has a market cap of $350 billion. Free cash flow net profit of around $40 billion, not counting the 10 billion being lost put towards innovation to compete with companies like apple developing Oculus. They have enough cash on hand to buy back 10% of the company. They have a young leader that owns a large portion of the company and is still very involved with the innovation, but otherwise the company could be ran by an idiot(some speculate it already is). It’s young in its journey as a public company with only around 10 years public. Extremely attractive returns on their investments and current portfolio of companies, a very high margin business with an extreme moat. New to the game of reels plus whatsapp is a profit monster that hasn’t been unleashed yet. While Facebook might be a cigar butt its a cash flow king with their Ai marketing. My conclusion? Its as close to a sure thing swing as I have made since buying tesla at a 40 billion market cap(that was a much more risky bet). With the tide of investments flowing outward due to this fed induced recession it might indeed fall with the market, but I’m betting long term.
The most common META-thesis rebuttals: * Apple flips a couple of bytes in their privacy settings and facebook's business model is screwed. * Whatsapp can't be aggressively monetized because chat platforms are a dime a dozen and survive by having the largest possible userbase. Monetizing whatsapp leads to people jumping to a less monetized or free alternative, taking their friends with them. You essentially can't earn big bucks from whatsapp. * The metaverse is a smokescreen to divert attention away from the currently flailing advertising market position of Meta's biggest asset, facebook. It will fail because people fundamentally don't want it. I do like instagram, I do agree that facebook generates boatloads of cashflow at the moment. But when the market sees no hope due to the above points, I just don't see the price coming back to $200+ regions. Somewhere around $180 would be possible imo, so in a sense I would say META's current price is closer to its bottom than it is to its top going forward.
Anyone else scared about soaring inflation?
Anyone else scared about soaring inflation? I made a graph, Whilst this is "The FED" and the amount of money they are propping up the markets with. The markets are so interconnected, Intertangled. No one knows who owns what anymore and you can bet there is exposure around the world and I bet they don't even know what some of what they own is, Is is A+++++ rated or absolute dogshit? What are your thoughts? For the first time in my investing "Adventure" I have gone over 10% Physical Metals. What do you think the "end game" here is without diverging into wild conspiracy theories.
I stayed invested in the dot com crash. I stayed invested during the GFC. And I've stayed invested during the pandemic. Over time it's all just blips. Specifically regarding inflation. If you owe money, you're hedged. If you own a house you're hedged. If you own commodities, you're hedged. And if you're in stocks, they to will go on to beat inflation over time. If you're retired on a fixed income, then you're going to rent in one of the above helping you out.
What are some ways to earn some crypto (2$ for example) daily?
I live in a third world country and even 2 dollars a day can definitely change my life in a long run. but i can't do most of the surveys since they usually require KYC. are those games that give you crypto for playing actually work? i even couldn't withdraw my BAT earned with Brave since it also needs KYC. Edit: Thank you everyone for the suggestions! you all have my upvotes. Edit2: Man I've been upvoting and answering you guys for the past hour or something i think! thank you all so much you helped me a lot! i wanted to continue but it's 23:15 here i have to sleep and wake up early. I'll continue upvoting everyone tomorrow! agian, thank you all!
My setup: Brave, Presearch, Swash. If you can invest->provide liquidity to a stablecoin pool, basically printing free money. Also commenting here is fairly profitable, one upvote on a comment = 1.76 MOON right now, so quite a lot. There are also bonuses on posting on Tipestry, watching videos on Odysee, tipping people on Publish0x, going to spots in WeNano, and others....
🚀 Launching Today - rADAr Token 🚀
🚀🚀🚀 rADAr Token 🚀🚀🚀 🚨Don’t miss out! Launching September 26th at 2pm UTC!!! Unlike most other rewards tokens, rADAr is a long-term and sustainable rewards token on Binance Smart Chain with multiple use cases, lotteries, bonuses, and daily giveaways. As the name suggests, rADAr automatically rewards holders with Binance pegged Cardano (ADA) tokens. 💰Multiple REWARD Opportunities Simply by Holding rADAr ⭐️Receive REWARDS in Binance pegged ADA at regular intervals, depending on volume. 💎Show us your diamond hands. Receive weekly BNB BONUS REWARDS if you hold your rADAr 🏆Take part in our WEEKLY LOTTERY and win more rADAr tokens 🔥Massive wallet used multiple GUARANTEED BUYBACK & BURNS ✅Large actively used marketing budget: Expect lots of Ads, AMAs, GIVEAWAYS and more. 🧠AUDIT with KYC from solidproof .io passed - https://solidproof. io/audits Tokenomics: 8% - ADA Rewards 4% - Marketing/Buyback 2% - Bonus Rewards 2% - LP (4% - Additional Tax on Sells) Telegram: Twitter: Reddit: Website:
Hey everyone! I’m the lead dev, I can assure you that this project is safu and we are going places! Don’t just take my word for it, come check out our telegram and see for yourself how awesome our community is! 🔥😎
The stock market is roughly at the same place it was pre-Covid. Isn't that a huge red flag?
The S&P 500 is almost exactly at the same place it was in January. The Dow hasn't recovered as well yet, but it is still at where it was in October. This is true despite COVID-19 preventing trillions of dollars in economic activity. I understand some of mechanisms used to fight the financial crisis in 2008 and how we are using them now. However this crisis seems to be totally different than 2008. The lost economic activity is directly from people not being able to work. It isn't value being lost on a balance sheet when investments fail. It isn't companies going into financial distress because they don't have the cash flow to continue operating. Those problems seem solvable by pumping extra money into the system to get through the temporary disturbances. This seems different. This is people literally not producing value and that lost value is never going to come back. How is the stock market not reacting to this? Isn't this a sign that the stock market either was in a bubble previously, is in a bubble now, or is being propped up by huge inflation that is right around the corner?
>How is the stock market not reacting to this? Isn't this a sign that the stock market either was in a bubble previously, is in a bubble now, The stock market has already priced in the crisis, and the stock market is about expectations about the future as well. This tells us at best that the expectation is that companies will survive and do just fine after the crisis is over. >or is being propped up by huge inflation that is right around the corner? [No.](
Joe bidens tax plan
So I understand that Bidens tax plan will only affect individual incomes of over $400k, but what about the increase in corporate taxes? There's fear from the opposition that corporate taxes don't truly affect the corporation as much as it eventually affects the consumer. I guess I'm looking for a rebuttal to this point. I can totally envision a major multi million dollar company getting taxed more, but increasing their prices while finding more reasons to go offshore. Thanks and hoping for a prosperous presidency!
A detailed economic [analysis]( of the Biden platform was done at the Wharton Business School (Trump's alma mater, ironically), which said the following: > Under the Biden tax plan, households with adjusted gross income (AGI) of $400,000 per year or less would not see their taxes increase directly but would see lower investment returns and wages as a result of corporate tax increases. Those with AGI at or below $400,000 would see an average decrease in after-tax income of 0.9 percent under the Biden tax plan, compared to a decrease of 17.7 percent for those with AGI above $400,000 (the top 1.5 percent). It also summarizes the general impact of the Biden platform, finding that it would result in a reduced debt and increased GDP growth relative to the status quo: > PWBM finds that over the 10-year budget window 2021 – 2030, the Biden platform would raise $3.375 trillion in additional tax revenue and increase spending by $5.37 trillion. Including macroeconomic and health effects, by 2050 the Biden platform would decrease the federal debt by 6.1 percent and increase GDP by 0.8 percent relative to current law. Almost 80 percent of the increase in taxes under the Biden tax plan would fall on the top 1 percent of the income distribution. In short, the Biden tax plan would result in slightly lower wages and returns on investment for those with incomes under $400,000, but would not directly increase their taxes. His platform would also reduce the national debt and boost GDP growth relative to Trump's policies. I hope that answers the question.
FIRE: I’m ready now at 49. But very difficult to walk away from strong salary and benefits. Concept of early retirement was much more intriguing at age 40. Am I alone in this?
(throwaway acct) From a pure financial perspective I’m set with $3MM non-real estate. I’m not “super wealthy”, but I’m good to go. Challenges are: 1) I don’t really know what to do next — this is the big one. 2) None of my friends are in the same boat, which can present real issues. No one knows I’m in such a good spot. 3) Earning $400K + nice benefits, and I’m just gonna walk away? 4) College for my kids will be taken care of, but I’m not sure I could be so selfish as to spend down savings on wife and I, while kids might potentially start with little (just like I did, but... I admit that a huge part of feeling “successful” is that I can pay it forward to my kids as well as charitable causes close to my heart).
You have financial Independence. You have fuck you money. That doesn't mean you have to retire. It just means you can if you want to. And that ought to be a liberating feeling. If your 400k salary and benefits are important to you and/or your legacy, keep getting them. If you want to quit working completely, do it. If you want to go clean cages at an animal shelter for minimum wage, you can do that too. Or, you can take risks. You can tell your boss no. You can go home early from work and spend some time with your wife and kids. You can take days off and go to little Suzy's piano recital or Timmy's baseball game. You can take your wife to a cabin in the woods for a week and alternate between sitting in a wood fired hot tub and going at it like rabbits. Maybe you will be ready to retire early next year instead. But today you should enjoy life and enjoy all the hard work that it took to get to fuck you money status.
How Does an Economist Get Up-to-date News Without Going Insane?
My friend is an economist who tries to stay updated with the latest economic news for his job. He mostly watches major news channels and tickers on TV. However, a lot of the media on major news networks is decidedly negative, sensational, biased, and not entirely accurate (usually by omission) and it is making him go insane. It is affecting his mental health, making him more afraid of our world, extremely depressed, and causing him to develop views that aren't accurately reflected in society. I really worry about him and wish he could be happier. There has got to be a better way to get up-to-date economic information. Do y'all have any ideas?
Professional economists typically try to stay up to date on economic literature in their respective fields by reading journals and do not watch the news. Econ Twitter, when they’re not shitposting (which admittedly is most of the time) does occasionally add some value when they recommend or advertise prominent literature or debate methods. For me, it honestly helps me keep up to date with latest econometric methods because I don’t actively seek out reading that literature. If his work is more focused on keeping up with recent trends in macro policy or global financial markets, without needing to go into the nitty gritty of academic literature, I would recommend the Economist over all of the other news sources.
ETH Killer, Solana, Attempts Suicide
If I didn’t know any better, I’d say Solana is gonna hear from the SEC pretty soon. Their ability to shut down the network on a whim today proves extreme centralization, thus making them a security. And, this has happened several times. Other areas of concern are they have 600 nodes managed by three companies, 95% of total tokens are owned and controlled by VC, Team members, and the foundation. 5% of tokens in circulation are available to purchase. Most of that 95% of the market is locked in staking and has a two day unlocking period. Sending good vibes to the small bag holders that big bags don’t dump. After thoroughly reviewing the project, I’m just not brave enough to catch this flight.
I had strongly considered buying solana but the fact that it was even more centralized than binance is what ultimately turned me off. That said each coin has its +/-, hope for all sol holders that it bounces back strong. But not a knife I'd be trying to catch atm.
The older I get, the more I realize a lot of people are successful because of their parents.
I love my parents. But they were absent for most of the major decisions I made. I started working under the table at 12 to help make ends meet and have been working ever since. I’ve never gotten any help from them financially. They never taught me how to budget or look for jobs. I don’t blame them and never expected this from them. But I can see the opposite for a lot of my friends. I worked for someone who is lauded as a business owner, but if you hear the full story, you find that her mom funded and helped with her business, and her parents bought her a house to live in so she didn’t have to pay rent when she first started her business. I have many friends who have the jobs they have, the cars they have, the house they have, because their parents knew someone or their parents bought it for them or paid for a down payment. I know this because they have told me. Anyway, I’m just venting. But I can’t help but wonder how my life would be different if I had been blessed with parents who had money or degrees or nice jobs, or even who just didn’t have severe depression and could have taught me more about how to succeed in life. Editing to add: I’m not saying your success is based on your parents. You can have awesome parents and still manage to fuck up your life and you can have bad parents and get out of it. But at the same time, I used to think there was something inherently wrong with me because others I knew were successful or had things I didn’t. But as I get older, it’s easier for me to see that not everyone who I assumed was just better at life than me are really that way, some have had a lot of help that I’ve never had. And that’s okay. If anything, it makes me feel less like a loser because I’ve figured things out on my own instead of consistently having help from family. But still doesn’t mean I could potentially be better off had I had support growing up.
I was sleeping on park benches in my mid 20s and wondering how long it would be before I became a statistic. Then my grandparents decided to use some of their retirement fund to put me through school. Now I own a house and have a partner and a good job. But that never would have happened without my family sticking their necks out for me. And I try really hard not to let my success cloud how I view everyone out there struggling these days.
Blockchain based and using smart contracts technology Dataeum relies on a solid technological solution that enables transparency and reliability for data collection. Dataeum’s platform is based on technology layers to ensure efficiency, security and flexibility from the data collection to its availability on the marketplace. BigchainDB is used as a storage solution for the collected data. Its immutability ensures a transparent process of data verification and update. The data validation triggers the collectors’ remuneration using a Smart Contract on the Ethereum blockchain. IPFS is used for any image linked to the visual element of the collection. This real-time process ensures a high scalability of the system. It guarantees the collectors’ reward transparency, and ensures a real-time interaction for the token holders within the marketplace.
Dataeum is a blockchain-based stage which utilizes crowdsourcing to help the accumulation of 100%of every single worldwide datum, (for example, stores, service stations, movement signs) anyplace on the planet, with 100% precision.
Today is fat-fire day for me
6.5M net-work, most of that liquid. Did it the slow and steady route. Spent my career as a SW engineer, mostly at biotechs. In exactly half an hour I will be logging off from work. No big plans at the moment other than more mountain biking and going out to some good restaurants. We do plan to do slow travel for the next year, or up until we feel ready to settle down again. I've thought about this day for a long time; but feels a bit weird now that the day has arrived.
Any lessons learned along the way? Things you would do differently? I'm also a software engineer and I could definitely save some more, but I want to enjoy the process. Getting some perspective from someone who has already traveled the path ahead would be nice :)
Sonar ($PING) | 💻 By Investors For Investors | CMC listed today | Join our AMA x on 7/7/2021 | Team doxxed | 5K+ holders | 1.3m cap | Blockfolio fasttracked 💎
**Game Changing Dex Tool, Made By Investors For Investors!** We are building an **AI-driven data aggregation platform** which monitors BSC and Ethereum network tokens, **providing holistic analysis and tracking capabilities** for any given token – All within a carefully crafted UI. Description: The **Sonar Platform** is a multi-chain analytical tool, which presents its users with an interface that tracks social network/influencer trends, vets contract code, price charts, creates price action alerts, executes orders, as well as feature other innovative and unique solutions, including the **implementation of artificial intelligence for investments**. For example you can use the platform to buy a token the second it is listed on Coin Market Cap or a Binance listing is announced! The Sonar Platform intends to serve as a **crypto analysis one-stop-shop** and provides users with all the **necessary tools** and **information** need to make **smart investment** choices and to reduce the likelihood of traders falling for rugpulls and honeypots. In progress: \-Techrate audit in progress \-Blockfolio coming soon \-Web3 wallet in development \-Dev hire announcement soon ✅ CG listed ✅ CMC listed ✅ Partnership with Cryptotoken Media ✅ Doxxed Core Team ✅ Real Use Case (Utility Token) ✅ Web3 demo ✅ Clear Roadmap and Whitepaper on Website Sonar Token ($PING) Distribution: \-Total Supply: 4,000,000,000 \-Team Tokens: 4% \-Development/Marketing: 4% \-Pre-sale tokens: 56.2% \-Token Burn and Launch Fee: 5.6% Transaction taxes: 💰 3% tax to Liquidity Pool to create a stable price floor 🤑 2% tax to Redistribution 👨‍🔬 2% tax to Sonar Innovation Lab Wallet 👨‍💻 3% tax to Sonar Marketing and Development Wallet ✉️ Telegram: [\_official]( 📷Instagram: [\_token/]( 🐦Twitter: []( ⭕️Reddit: []( 🎮Discord: []( 🎥Tiktok: []( 📽Youtube: []( 👫Facebook: []( 🌐 Website: [](
This project is going to be huge!!! Amazing team working on this and they're very transparent. Highly recommend grabbing a bag and waiting for their wallet release in 2/3 months. Join the TG and watch their AMAs
What are some of the investing lessons which you would like to share from your life?
I began investing some five years back in 2016.At that time,the principal source of my income was just some measly internship stipend which I used to receive working in a CA office.That was the first time I had ever invested in equity markets and it seemed fascinating.During the course of my investment journey of these five years,I would have been able to say I had a decent run if not for the following blunders which I would like to share with every newcomer out there: **1)Blindly investing on the basis of new when it has already been priced in:** In the beginning of July 2016 just during the launch of GST,I was reading a lot about the way GST is going to transform the logistics sector.Hence,I ended up investing a large sum of money in *Snowman Logistics* despite the stock having a massive bull run in the months before.The stock had already run up \~90% in the last few months from \~Rs 50 in February 2016 to Rs 90 in July end,which was the price at which I invested.Funnily enough,the price at which I invested is literally the highest it has seen in the last five years.I finally had to cut my losses and exit the trade after waiting for long. **Lesson learnt**:No matter how lucrative the news seems to be,its important to have a look at the price action preceding to it. **2)Blindly investing on the basis of concepts like PE ratio without understanding the context** Like many newcomers,I took metrics like PE ratio as a gospel and invested with the notion of cheap PE=undervalued.This led to some disastrous investments like *Dena Bank* and *Brightcom Group*(erstwhile Lycos Internet).I simply filtered industry wise stocks on the basis of PE and went with investing in several stocks with the cheapest PE.In lure of investing in the stocks which were undervalued based on my understanding,I failed to look at some vital aspects like promoter quality and business prospects.Like above,both Lycos and Dena bank wiped out a lot of my capital. **Lesson learnt**:While theoretical metrics are important they should not be relied upon blindly **3)Not respecting stoplosses and holding poorly performing stocks for long term** Somewhere around 2017,I invested a major amount in *Ashok Leyland* and *AB Capital*,both of which I intended to hold for the long term.Out of these,while Ashok Leyland returned with some good returns over the year,AB Capital was a disaster and was negative most of the time right after its demerger from Grasim.I continued to hold both of them and while AB was already negative,Ashok Leyland also began to reverse and soon turned negative.Since I planned to hold both of the stocks for a long term,I didn’t bother to cut my losses when I should have and when a return to their investment prices seemed impossible,I had to exit the trade with huge losses. **Lesson learnt**:Even if there is a plan to hold the stocks for a long term,it is important to have a reasonable stoploss **4)Catching falling knives** Most of you would recall the price action of *DHFL* after some fund houses sold its commercial paper due to liquidity concerns.The share crashed from the \~600 levels to \~300 levels in a single trading session.I ended up investing a lot of money thinking DHFL to be too big to fail and again,lost a lot. **Lesson learnt**:Market’s wisdom is supreme and when a stock corrects to such levels in absence of an overall market crash,its NOT a time to buy. **5)Day trading like its gambling** When I first learnt about day trading and margins.It appeared nothing short of a way to earn quick riches and as luck would have it,I made a lot of profit in the beginning mostly as a fluke.However,I had the habit of overleveraging my trades and I would use the highest possible margin available with my capital.I also began to like the adrenaline rush which came with trading and would take \~30 trades in a day!Losses were imminent and coupled with charges which accompanied such high volume of trading,I again lost a lot of my capital. **Lesson learnt**:Margin is a double edged sword and over trading is a sure shot way to burn capital owing to charges. While most of the people in here would already be knowing these,I thought about writing it for the new entrants in the stock markets. Similarly,what are some of the investing lessons from your life would you like to share here?
I have seen a lot of my relatives buy a home. What I see is it often the budget overshoots by 10%. Folks will start with a budget and look for a home that costs that. (Some folks dont even consider the registration costs, but lets assume they do). There are MOTD costs, broker costs(if there is one), interior (painting/woodwork), fittings (new/replacement plumbing/electrical), housewarming, shifting - the list is long and subjective but usually adds up. So if your budget is 50L, look for a home that costs 45-46L. That is much less stressful than starting at 50L and ending up at 55L.
The canceling of student loan debt has greatly helped me and my family.
I’ve read a lot of post about the outrage and how unjust this decision was. I wonder if I am alone in feeling this is the first time the government has directly helped me as a citizen. I’m 32 years old went to college and nursing school, have a modest house and two children. I have worked as a registered nurse for 8 years now. I personally have cared for thousands of individuals on some of the worst days of their lives, and still make just enough money to buy groceries and pay bills. I have felt that essentially I’ve never been directly helped my government and often felt they were out to make my life harder. The amount of money that comes from my check, I pay in property taxes , school taxes , tax on everything I purchase, ect. It appears people are disgusted by this decision. I still will have 40,000 debt from my schooling after this assistance. But this will greatly improve the life of my family and the dread of student loan payments when looking at the ability to pay for everyday things. Clothes for my children, groceries, gas. I haven’t found a lot of things to be excited about recently. If you turn on the news it’s quite literally depressing. But today I felt some hope. Is there anybody else out there that feels this way? Or is it just people that think we are freeloaders and don’t deserve assistance?
Hey would anyone agree tht the best form of student debt relief may be a lowering of the interest rates rather than the principle reduction. Saves borrowers more money while they still return the full loan and therefore it won’t be tax payer funded?
Would You Like to See Reddit Accept ETH as a Means to Pay for Gold?
More payment transactions per day than any other decentralized cryptocurrency: One can complete 1 million unique transactions for under $1. Massive developer driven ecosystem (stackoverflow, github etc.) & subreddit activity. $45 Billion highly liquid market cap. Where's the disconnect here? Paging u/spez
To the people saying this chart is incorrect: I think it only applies to Proof of Work currencies, you can't compare Ripple which uses an own consensus mechanism (read about it [here]( or in the RPCA [whitepaper]( and you can't compare Bitshares and similar coins which use Delegated Proof of Stake ([DPOS]( So among its competitors Ethereum is indeed processing more transactions than all of the other PoW coins.
Why isn't Russia going bankrupt?
Apparently the war costs Russia [$20 Billion a day](, and assuming that half of Russias $630 Billion foreign reserve remains frozen - russia only has reserves for two weeks of war. One of which is already over. Obviously, Russia also has a acces to rubel reserves. But you also have to consider that the aftermath will also cost Russia a lot if they want to achive their goal (an independant Ukraine). If Ukraine ties itself to the EU to finance rebuilding, that would kinda miss the point of the whole invasion.(Comparison: Rebuilding [Donbas alone was estimated to cost $20 billion]( \- even without the additional damage of the invasion). So I'm just ignoring that and say thats the money is allocated elsewhere. I guess Russia is largely self-sustaining regarding the most basic needs (food, water, energy), but rebuilding the army after the war seems like it would eat all of russias reserves. All that wouln't really be a problem if Russia would amass debts like any other country - but I can hardly see anyone willing to lend them money to rebuild their army? TLDR: The numbers above seem to align with articels like [this](, claiming the war is over after 10 days. But the majority of news claim the sanctions don't hurt Russia (shortterm) and the war might go on for a long time still. How is that possible?
Russia is semi self sufficient. They’re one of the worlds largest producers of both grain and energy. Food and fuel and state control of many industries means they can probably last longer than most countries would with their currency in the state it’s in. But the situation in the long and medium term for Russia is still very bleak. I cannot see any scenario where they achieve any measure of victory in Ukraine. Almost The entire world is United in opposition of their invasion, that some means the world won’t allow Ukraine to cease to exist (in the way say Poland was partitioned during WWII). And the strength the Ukrainian people have shown tells me that they will never surrender and never stop fighting now matter how long Russia remains there. Most data points to Russia not having the manpower to sustain an occupation of the country. Assuming that’s out the window, Russia can only try to achieve a decisive victory. They want to depose Zelenskyy. I think they’d like to have a pro Russian government installed but short of that I think Putin would settle for a Ukraine that is unstable and in a state of civil war/reconstruction with no economic, military, or otherwise capacity to join nato or the EU. Even if Russia achieves some measure of victory, they will only have achieved destroying themselves and Ukraine in the process. Their economy is gonna be fucked for a decade to come at least whether putin is still there or not in the years to come. There’s no way out of this for Russia short of them internally eliminating putin and pulling all forces from Ukraine immediately
I've read ~91% of the books on the /r/Economics reading list, how much do I know compared to the average undergrad?
I've read almost all of the books on the /r/economics reading list (64 of 70). I've also read and studied Mankiw's Principles of Economics. Compared to a reasonably smart and accomplished undergrad at a state school, how much do I know and have yet to learn at the undergrad level? I ask because in the long run, I'm interested in maybe getting a masters or maybe even pursuing a doctorate (if I can get into a top 40 school) in Economics.
Math skills and familiarity with the intermediate micro/macro/metrics coursework are far more important for grad school admissions than the pop economics books on that reading list. \-Former PhD candidate
This sub has become r/wsb but with ETFs
The posts are getting more and more ridiculous. > Rate my medium risk portfolio, it is 70% crypto, weed, NASDAQ, eSports, clean energy, and videogaming, with some junk bonds for the safe part. I know past performance is not an indicator of future gains. My strategy is to double my initial investment in five years. This is a personal finance subreddit, not a gambling community, and bullshit like this should be shot down. Instead we have a bunch of newly arrived shoeshine boys upvoting and encouraging each other and giving each other genius tips like "Clean energy is the future and lots of people do weed so they will outperform the market". This is concerning and dangerous for the people involved. Not sure what can be done about it. But I know what is not ok. Looking at the people who understand what is going on but write something to the effect of "Well, maybe do 20% crypto instead of 45%". Recommending moderation in gambling is just enabling gambling. My 0.02€ worth of opinion.
All the new people that are entering the market are only seeing the massive gain posts. Combined with that we have a massive bull market and you can make money with pretty much anything. When those new people arrive, they may learn a bit more and hear about how safe ETFs are and that they pretty much guarantee you good returns based on the last few years. So they will basically still YOLO just with ETFs which seem like they have no risk :)
I have come to realize that everything I knew about money has changed.
When I (27M) was growing up my father made about 100k/ year working in a mine. He had multiple houses big boats. I have always tried to follow in his footsteps by always being the hardest working, and taking hard jobs most won’t do that will pay more but it isn’t enough. Now people are getting wealthy from the easiest jobs like sitting on your computer or whatever. I would really appreciate some advice because I honestly don’t know what to do at this point. I have had a family for a couple years and we are barely getting by. I make 26 an hour right now but with inflation I had to get sent money for gas just to get to work today. I have been full time at my job for 2 years. I try to budget and I can’t remember the last time I actually got myself anything. I feel like a failure to my family and I’m doing the best I can. I need to learn modern ways of making money, this is not how I want to spend my life. TLDR: old ways of making money are dead please show me the way.
If there's a way to make money there's already a billionaire who has 2 or 3 companies working on a way to get in that market easier, faster, with lower prices, etc. Not much opportunity for us common folk
Stop picking on wsb
We are all on the same team. Everyone wants to make money in the end. It's a zero sum game. The difference is the risk-return tradeoff. There are many on this sub who use a combination of multiple strategies(buying & selling options). We all have gotten burned on crazy unexpected moves in several underlyings, when the other side won bigly or vice-versa. It's like making a good income on a 9-5 job but feeling jealous because someone made it big with the risk they took in their business or laughing at them when their business goes to shit. People acting as if their strategies as superior to others. This will just demotivate newcomers from learning
It isn't just the bad trade that's worth criticizing WSB for. It's for the sheer amount of literal conspiracy theories spewing out of there. It's like the qanon of finance now. If it was filled with people who realized they made a bad trade you would have a point. But even now it's people spamming bullshit memes and attacking anyone who tries to argue anything different. It's basically devolved into a cult.
How have you spent money to optimize your well being / time along the journey to fatfire?
Starting a new remote role as a staff sde in big tech in a few weeks. This role will likely be more responsibility than my last but also a lot more pay. I was wondering if any fatfirees made similar amounts at moderately demanding jobs on their way to the top, and what you did to optimize your time and wellbeing? I've always been the kind of person to do everything myself, but some of my coworkers have really leaned into paying others for almost everything so they can purely focus on their craft/job. Things I've been thinking of: * Personal Trainer * Nutritionist / Meal Service * Cleaning service * Good Ergonomic Desk / Chair setup * Good Vacations Curious to hear people's thoughts! Thanks
I'm a therapist and my patients are mainly "fatfire" people. Them being patients, I obviously have the ultimate selection bias. Yet: What I find is that those who lean too much into this logic of optimization are the ones that suffer from a (literal) maddening degree of alienation. It's an easy trap to fall into as it is so very *sensible*: Why would you spend six hours cleaning (doing a chore you hate and doing it badly) if you could just work an additional hour and outsource that? So you hire a cleaner. And a cook, a personal shopper, an interior designer and a nanny. But if you don't watch out, all your little self worth eggs, so to speak, are kept in the same work basket - and, step by step, you start to live the life of a stranger. You eat the food of someone else, wear the clothes of not-you, in an apartment that might as well be a hotel room, with kids that are more attached to their nanny than to you. Your vacations are glamorous, but there's little connection to anyone or anything in them. At this point you might start to feel a little unease. You might start to wonder why you're unfulfilled and try to treat yourself better - so you double down. You get a PA because dealing with a schedule is annoying, you get a personal trainer because *mens sana in corpore sano* and while you're at it, you also start therapy, where you learn techniques that help somewhat and where you analyze childhood events. But what somehow is kept at bay, in a fish-not-having-a-word-for-water-way, is that you identify with your job of optimizing processes to maximum efficency to a degree that you treat yourself like any work project. What I am getting at here is: Watch out. It may be easier and more worth it to develop an interest in cooking or join a sports club or a gym that you like. But also: Screw cleaning.
Congrats but not congrats. I followed fatFIRE to learn... not to read your humble brags.
People, when you post your success, please throw some bones in here for the rest of us. Too often I read people creating "throw away" accounts to humble brag their success and retire early, etc. PLEASE remember there is a super majority of us here who are still grinding the day to day - making ends meet. When you post your wins, congrats, but post some details on how you got there. Why did you choose your method vs others. I wanna read your thought logic, not just how much NW you have and what you started with. Help us connect the dots. Lift others up, not bring other down. This is not Instagram. Edit: "making ends meet" meaning trying to hit my investments, earnings and savings targets (not always easy). Some folks are saying I don't belong here, so I want to clarify that I'm currently on the FatFIRE track, but would like to learn more from others - especially those who made it.
> Lift others up, not bring other down. Why does someone posting about their success in a forum intended for that “bring other down”? Some people have nobody they can tell or talk to, and just want to share their success. They’re not doing it for you, they are doing it for them, and I’m not sure why there would be a problem with that.
Dear flippers: please stop using gray vinyl mock-wood flooring. PLEASE
I’m a millennial who has been slowly clawing his way out of the lower class for the better part of 10 years now, and am finally in the position to look at buying a first home. Other than the fact that I still probably won’t be able to afford one at this point, my main gripe (and a common one I’ve heard among almost everyone in my peer group) is that everything is gray. Specifically this ugly vinyl gray mock-wood flooring that is in literally almost every home I’m looking at. I just want to cry out “please STOP”… Like if I’m going to have to pay $250k for a 2 bedroom shoebox in OMAHA in 2022 the last thing I want to do is rip out the new floors you just put in and repaint everything :(( /end rant
The force is strong with the gray shit. Worse yet is the ceramic gray tile intended to look like wood. Typically installed by amateurs and a bitch to remove. Id rather have a bare sub floor to work with.
Having dividends completely replace job income is not easy.... it takes sacrifice and time! But it’s a fun goal to pursue!
So I’m 41 years old. The dividends that I am earning on my investments currently amount to 17.3% of my regular job income. My goal is for dividends to completely replace the income that I earn at my regular job. Sometimes I get discouraged because I don’t see my dividend income growing as fast as I would like... but, I think the key is to just keep the focus on the short term goals. For me, that would be.... getting my dividend income to represent 20% of my regular job income, which would require me to earn an additional $2,500 a year in dividends. At a 4% dividend yield, that would mean I would need to invest another $65,000. $65,000 seems like a daunting amount to save up. But, if I am able to save and invest that amount, I would not only reach my short term goal of dividends representing 20% of my job income, but it would mean that year after year after year after year, I’ll hopefully be earning $2,500 per year on that same $65,000. It’s so powerful because it’s a continuous stream of money pouring in year after year. After I post this, I think I will be setting myself a new budget and cutting out more expenses. I’ve already cut out many things such as cable TV (I work long hours so the money I spent on cable TV was largely wasted) and cutting down on eating out too often at restaurants. There are more things that can be cut out though. I feel that I’d rather sacrifice now in order to retire early and live off dividends! 😁
Good for you, but remember that it’s no use if you’re the richest man in the graveyard, also try to live a little. Finding a good balance between saving and living is one of the hardest things about investing imo
Couples with large income disparities, has it stopped you from wanting to get married and/or share finances?
My boyfriend (36m) and I (29f) have been dating for 5 years and we have large income differences. My NW is around 1.2 million and I earn roughly $400k per year. He has 30k in debt and earns around $80k per year. I love him and we’ve been together 5 years. From the beginning, I said I never want to get married and he said he’s okay with that, as we both don’t come from happy families, and he’s ambivalent about marriage too. We both don’t want kids. The thought of being legally bound to someone for the rest of my life scares the beejesus out of me. I know first-hand how fast and unpredictably feelings and people can change, and how expensive and financially devastating divorces can be, especially for the higher-earning partner. That said, I do see a (hopefully) long and happy monogamous relationship for us. Given that we don’t want kids, I never want to get married or share finances. I am about to buy a house and when I do, my boyfriend can live there rent-free or contribute to groceries. When we vacation, I don’t mind paying the bulk of it. If he wants my financial advice I am more than happy to help advise and/or maybe even help pay off some of his student loans. But in no way do I want to share my money with him (or anyone) in the sense that my take-home salary is now jointly ours and belongs to both of us. And in the case where if we break up, I would have to owe him anything or split any of my current assets. Am I being selfish? One of my friends was saying the whole point of being in a relationship is that you share your wealth financially as one team. If I’m being honest, if we were in the same financial position, I think it would make a lot more sense to share things together. I do feel selfish that I am making a lot more than him and have a lot more assets and don’t want to share, but at the same time I feel like I’ve worked extremely hard to be where I am and I want to remain financially independent and in total control of my money. I’ve heard of prenups but AFAIK, in the event of a divorce all assets accumulated during the marriage would need to be split equally. Has anyone been in a similar situation with a large income gap between partners? Anything you would or would not recommend?
I (33 M) have always been the breadwinner compared to my now-wife (30 F), even when we were dating. When we met (25 and 22), I earned $130k and she earned $18k. I was earning $250k and she was earning $50k when we got married (29, 26). Now I earn $500k and she earns $0 as a stay at home mom. She has a bachelor’s degree from a top 30 school, is a great artist, phenomenal cook, amazing mother, and perfect wife. She works way harder than I do. Worked out for us. I never really cared. I’m very money driven, but when it came to selecting a partner, I just figured I was going to rely on myself financially and someone else for the other stuff. I don’t know why I compartmentalized it that way, but I did. And it worked for me. Many men face the same thing you’re struggling with. Interesting to read it from a female’s perspective. I don’t think there is a right or wrong. However, if you wanna be with this guy for the long haul, accept him with his financial situation. Seems like you’re 90% in and 10% out - and that 10% is important. If you can’t overcome the income disparity, maybe move on from him. The “live in my house but buy some groceries you poor schmuck” set up sounds odd for a couple.
What's the fucking point of insurance?
My healthy tree in my yard got it's ass kicked in a wind storm two nights ago. It fell into the street, and hit the power lines and caused everyone on my block to be without power for a day. The city came by, cleared the road, and put all the debris into my lawn and told me that the tree is so badly damaged, it's dangerous, and could fall onto my home. Here's the kicker, because there was no damage to my actual physical home (lawn is destroyed, the healthy tree is destroyed) my insurance won't pay for the debris removal or tree removal even though I pay extra for that exact coverage... but I guess ONLY in the scenario if the tree hit my home. Like, I get it if I wasn't keeping up with it's maintenance, but this was a healthy tree that got destroyed during a tornado. If I remove this 50 foot oak, not only will the value of my house drop, but I will lose the shade and cooling it provides. And now, because the tree is considered a hazard, if in 6 months it falls, insurance could deny the claim because I didn't take care of the tree now. This is a rant/vent/anger session. I know I sound whiny. I'm having a hard time understanding why I'm going to have to pay upwards of 5k due to damage from a wind storm.
Whoa, $5k is a lot for a 50’ oak unless it is right over two houses and would require being hand dragged for a distance. Where are you located? I’m an arborist and I would be interested in helping you find someone to do the work for a more reasonable rate. DM me, I have lots of friends in the industry. E: boy howdy that is some really heartwarming commentary. I promise you I am no saint, and while I appreciate the praise and the karma and the gold, I’m only trying to be decent, and I’ve certainly been less-than-decent to a lot of people who deserved better. I’ve also gotten a lot of messages and I will reply to everyone and do my best to get all of you fine people in touch with tree professionals who care and understand that they’re working on your life, not just your property.
EntrepreneurShop Preliminary Information
Transacons are currently using a system that is le behind. Or can be said to be oldfashioned and have not adapted to the latest methods that have developed, or maybe even some refused to accept these developments, and we are here to establish a new system that integrated with Blockchain with the aim of introducing and disseminang transacon technology which is beer and easier to use by various groups. In connecon with this, a transacon must fulfil several condions such as efficiency, effecveness now. Developers have made various efforts but sll cannot complete and achieve all market or consumer desires, primarily due to conflict with the law in some jurisdicons. With these various problems, ESO is also present to develop a system that is expected to solve these problems. The ESO will also open an opening door for the future progress and development of financial transacons from transacon technology integrated with machine learning mechanisms and NFC (Near-Field Communicaon) which currently not applied in the financial transacon field. Through the ESO plaorm, you can make transacons like tap and cash as currently implemented with more advanced development where security, convenience and transacon speed are a priority []( ​
With these various problems, ESO is also present to develop a system that is expected to solve these problems. The ESO will also open an opening door for the future progress and development of financial transactions from transaction technology integrated with machine learning mechanisms and NFC (Near-Field Communication) which currently not applied in the financial transaction field.
EntrepreneurShop Preliminary Information
Transacons are currently using a system that is le behind. Or can be said to be oldfashioned and have not adapted to the latest methods that have developed, or maybe even some refused to accept these developments, and we are here to establish a new system that integrated with Blockchain with the aim of introducing and disseminang transacon technology which is beer and easier to use by various groups. In connecon with this, a transacon must fulfil several condions such as efficiency, effecveness now. Developers have made various efforts but sll cannot complete and achieve all market or consumer desires, primarily due to conflict with the law in some jurisdicons. With these various problems, ESO is also present to develop a system that is expected to solve these problems. The ESO will also open an opening door for the future progress and development of financial transacons from transacon technology integrated with machine learning mechanisms and NFC (Near-Field Communicaon) which currently not applied in the financial transacon field. Through the ESO plaorm, you can make transacons like tap and cash as currently implemented with more advanced development where security, convenience and transacon speed are a priority []( ​
ESO token market prices or using ESO cash for payment by exchanging fiat currencies instantly, so that it can make it easier for everyone to shop anywhere and any me without having to use a credit card for the payment.
My no.1 tip to find gems before anyone else
So, I'm sharing a secret tip of mine that I've used to make most of my gains this season. **A technique I've refined to find amazing, under the radar Twitter profiles.** Because in my opinion, following the correct accounts on Twitter can have a huge benefit to your success in this space. I'm not talking about huge influencers. I'm talking about those insane, under the radar accounts with a few thousand followers who are just freaks at finding gems. **So, here's how.** When you come across a project/coin that has done incredibly well, search the $Cashtag in Twitter (e.g. $PILOT), but then select the three dots in the top corner for 'Advanced Search.' In the advanced search, re-enter the $Cashtag in the top field and then scroll to the bottom to find 'Dates.' Here, you can select an exact date range to refine your search! **The important part: choose dates before a coin started to blow up.** For example, search $PILOT and select the date range October 10, 2021, to October 15, 2021. The result? You'll find whoever was talking about PILOT before it blew up. These are people who had conviction before anyone else (and even enough conviction to post about on Twitter about it). You can now follow these accounts and wait for the next project they talk about. You'll end up finding the most amazing accounts who will provide the alpha going forward. **EDIT: Then you DYOR on these projects!! I'm not saying ape blindly into whatever they call next haha, it's a starting point for finding new projects then commencing your own research.** Lastly, some of these smaller accounts have Telegram or Discords in their bio, so you can interact with them directly. This lets you dive even deeper. Hope this helps! WAGMI
I just buy and flip the new coin that pops out on kucoin every day. Usually makes bit money. I mean sometimes like today someone will hit that sweet spot and make a million dollars on a matter of seconds
Why not let the US rail strike play out? Wouldn't it help slow down the economy and help reduce inflation?
Sure, we'd all feel the pain, but apparently we need the pain, and we wouldn't have to help an industry that won't give even one sick day to rail workers. Are interest rate hikes the only acceptable mechanism to control inflation?
It should be noted that a rail strike wouldn't necessarily reduce inflation, as it would slow down shipping for both intermediate products for production and final products to market. The former would impact production costs and increase prices as a result, whereas the latter would reduce market supply and increase prices as well. The result would most likely be higher prices for goods and an economic downturn as a result of businesses struggling to ship cross-country and consumers struggling to buy affected goods. (I should note that threatening to strike is not necessarily a bad thing, and I support rail workers in their strike action should they choose to take it. Given the importance of rail infrastructure for cross-country shipping and given the threat that a work stoppage would pose for the economy, it should go without saying that the workers that operate that system should be taken seriously and given what are ultimately pretty small demands anyways, especially in the context of labour provisions provided in other OECD countries.)
Warning: AT&T applying "customer loyalty speed upgrades" without customer consent
So over the holiday I received an email with an order confirmation from AT&T (my ISP, and the only one available in my area) and it had a new bill amount (about $5/month higher). I haven't ordered anything so the first thing I thought was maybe someone got a hold of my account number or personal info and changed it. I immediately logged in to check out my plan and make sure everything was in order. I had a notification that showed that [AT&T had "upgraded my internet speed at no extra charge"]( Obviously I was annoyed by this, so I dug a little deeper to figure out why the bill had changed. I then found this alert showing that the "promotional discount" for this so-called ["customer loyalty speed upgrade"]( would expire in a month and my bill would go up $20 more per month. I then looked at my bill and found that they had [upgraded my plan to the highest speed and most expensive plan they have without my consent](, under the guise of "customer loyalty", and applied a $20/month promotional rate for 1 month to make it look like my plan hadn't changed and the new bill was probably just some random $5 fee added on like most ISPs occasionally do. I immediately called and spoke to a rep named Jorge who stated that it was a mistake, that the change was applied automatically and it wasn't supposed to be applied to my account, but after telling him if it was automatic it needed to be addressed immediately because it was probably affecting other people, he confessed that AT&T was aware of it and that they had received many calls about it. I don't for one second believe this was accidental. I believe they are doing it on purpose and hoping that many people won't notice. Make sure you watch your bills, because if this happened to me it is almost certainly happening to others. I'm not sure what should be done about it (if anything) and I don't personally care at this point because the issue is resolved for me, but I do feel like AT&T should be outed for this shady behavior and that someone should be held responsible, so I wanted to post to show everyone what happened. If this is the wrong place to post, please suggest a better sub. This was just the closest thing I could think of that applied and it could be shared/crossposted from here. **Edit:** since there were a couple questions about my last login, the 2015 date is inaccurate. I usually log in from my phone but did it via my computer this time so I could make the post easier w/ images etc. Not sure why it's showing 2015 as my last login as I'm pretty sure I didn't even have AT&T then lol ... anyway, [here's the email I received, dated 12/30/17, so this is definitely a current thing]( **Edit 2:** Since this is getting a good amount of attention, if this happens to you here's what I did: You should immediately pause your autopay if you have it so the bill doesn't get paid (note that I got this email 12/30/17, two days before the bill was due on 1/1/18, so they definitely tried to sneak it by me). Then call them and they should credit your current bill back to your normal rate, you should pay that month's bill manually, then let autopay resume. As others have noted in the comments ALWAYS WATCH YOUR BILL CLOSELY! **Edit 3:** Fixed some formatting stuff **Edit 4:** Holy moly this thread has picked up some steam! Thanks anonymous Reddit friend for popping my golden cherry! **One last edit:** from a PM I received...the sender wanted to remain anonymous but I thought this was great info: >I work in big telcom. What you experienced is called a “slam sale” in the industry. It’s when a salesman places an order for you, without ever receiving your approval for the order. The salesman gets credit for the sale, meets quota or receives a big bonus. >Oddly enough, this is not a very common tactic today. It was popular until 10 years ago, and it’s almost unheard of today. I wasn’t aware that AT&T was experiencing Slam Sales today. >You can protect your account from Slam Sales. All the major telco providers will offer authentication-secure account protection. Call AT&T, ask for billing, and tell the rep that you want to password-protect your account from unauthorized sales. You can setup either a password or a PIN that must be entered to make any account changes. >Sorry this happened to you. And another PM: >I also work for a major telco as well(name is somewhat synonymous with dicks), the account PIN/Password is visible to us when we do verification and would not stop someone from putting sales on random accounts. Pretty much every ISP and cable company uses outdated billing software from the 80's that's a glorified AS400 mainframe running with a 90's era gui overlay. Scroll about halfway down in [this]( pdf for some screenshots.
AT&T charged my wife credit card without permission $400. We always paid cash for our bills. The customer support said they would use our credit card for a "one time charge" and that they would not keep it on record. I then took a moment to blatantly ask if they no longer had the credit information on file after everything was finished at the end of the call. The customer support rep laughed and ensured me after the transaction the information was no longer needed and was gone. 3 months later we go to pay our bill and the customer rep said it had a $0 balance, I said why is that? My bill was $160 due or so we thought. Turned out after 3 hours on the phone, being passed around, AT&T took it upon themselves to enlist me in Auto pay. I argued that I specifically requested to pay my bill in cash, every month and note my account to never enlist me in auto pay at the time of credit check, and every payment monthly. Then I argued how a monthly bill of $160.00 became $400.00, I was put on hold and hung up, I called back and the office had closed. The next day I was told this far fetched process if you make a in-app purchase, billing your account it requires you to have a credit card on file. I asked, What about the story they spun me yesterday. I got hung up on. Many years later, I not only advise against anything auto pay, but I go out of my way to enlighten people about AT&T's business practices.
Why after all the money printed, USD keep getting stronger compared to GBP or EUR? Wouldn't that mean that it will keep getting stronger and suddenly crash soon?
Hi all, So I have been observing GBP, EUR and USD and dollar and euro are now 1 to 1 which didn't happen for a long time (Probably to Russia/Ukraine things going on) but I don't get why GBP soon will be 1 to 1 to the dollar as well? I am no expert in economics but from my understanding, it is quite worrying as such things didn't happen for more than 20 years. Would that mean that currencies/markets will crash soon? or if not what could be the major change in the economy since GBP/EURO/USD will be all 1 to 1?
1) The ECB and BoE were also running fairly loose monetary policy 2) The Fed is tightening monetary policy more aggressively than BoE and ECB 3) The UK and EU are highly dependent on oil & gas imports, whereas the US is a net exporter of gas and more balanced in oil, so the Ukraine war has dealt a more severe terms of trade shock to the UK and EU than to the US
The older I get, the more I realize a lot of people are successful because of their parents.
I love my parents. But they were absent for most of the major decisions I made. I started working under the table at 12 to help make ends meet and have been working ever since. I’ve never gotten any help from them financially. They never taught me how to budget or look for jobs. I don’t blame them and never expected this from them. But I can see the opposite for a lot of my friends. I worked for someone who is lauded as a business owner, but if you hear the full story, you find that her mom funded and helped with her business, and her parents bought her a house to live in so she didn’t have to pay rent when she first started her business. I have many friends who have the jobs they have, the cars they have, the house they have, because their parents knew someone or their parents bought it for them or paid for a down payment. I know this because they have told me. Anyway, I’m just venting. But I can’t help but wonder how my life would be different if I had been blessed with parents who had money or degrees or nice jobs, or even who just didn’t have severe depression and could have taught me more about how to succeed in life. Editing to add: I’m not saying your success is based on your parents. You can have awesome parents and still manage to fuck up your life and you can have bad parents and get out of it. But at the same time, I used to think there was something inherently wrong with me because others I knew were successful or had things I didn’t. But as I get older, it’s easier for me to see that not everyone who I assumed was just better at life than me are really that way, some have had a lot of help that I’ve never had. And that’s okay. If anything, it makes me feel less like a loser because I’ve figured things out on my own instead of consistently having help from family. But still doesn’t mean I could potentially be better off had I had support growing up.
Honestly, this is the sad truth people don’t talk about. People would rather say any success is up to themselves alone, but it’s not. I had good parents, no drugs, no drinking, no weird religious beliefs, no history of abuse in the family, and I wish everyone could have had parents like mine. Some people are so hobbled at the start of life, but are still expected to be perfect and have it all together.
Today is fat-fire day for me
6.5M net-work, most of that liquid. Did it the slow and steady route. Spent my career as a SW engineer, mostly at biotechs. In exactly half an hour I will be logging off from work. No big plans at the moment other than more mountain biking and going out to some good restaurants. We do plan to do slow travel for the next year, or up until we feel ready to settle down again. I've thought about this day for a long time; but feels a bit weird now that the day has arrived.
Congratulations. Let me reinfirce the suggestion to take your time befire deciding what to do next— but to be sure to hsve something you want to work for. Work distorts perspective. So now that you no longer have to a lot if past decisions are no longer relevant (eg buying a house near work, stuff like that.) Takes awhile to unwind. At same time you don’t want to just sit bored, so your new job is to rethink everything slowly until you figure out a new mission for your life.
DeepFuckingValue's potential picks, courtesy of the Wall Street Journal
[This WSJ article]( had a photo of u/DeepFuckingValue's notebook. Among other thoughts, it includes what I assume to be various stock picks. [Screenshot of said image]( I decided to put these in a simple spreadsheet, to see a broad overview of performance. [This is the result of that](; fairly good performance. [Easier to read image of picks]( Mace Security Inc, MACE, $0.39 Funko Inc, FNKO, $12.90 Jumia Tech AG, JMIA, $62.80 BYD Company, BYDDF, $32.10 Forterra Inc, FRTA, $19.44 NVIDIA Corp, NVDA, $529.48 Starpharma Holdings Ltd, SPL, $1.53 FSCR, $5.48 Nano Dimension Ltd, NNDM, $15.11 Ericsson, ERIC, $12.75 Nokia, NOK, $4.89 FuelCell Energy, FCEL, $21.88 Ideanomics Inc, IDEX, $4.34 Humanigen Inc, HGEN, $19.59 Since DFV views himself as a value investor, I'm curious to see the opinion of these tickers on this subreddit.
I also got a screen shot of his top holdings as of Dec 2020: GME GAMESTOP CORP RFP RESOLUTE FOREST CNR CORNERSTONE BUILDING NGD NEW GOLD INC TSE TRINSEO S A FTK FLOTEK INDUSTRIES AR ANTERO RESOURCES BXC BLUELINX HOLDINGS RRC RANGE RESOURCES PBF PBF ENERGY INC. He displayed this list in one of his lesser viewed YT videos about tracking and analyzing stock.
UPVOTE if you're sick of KRAKEN's performance!
I understand that all exchanges have to deal with the huge influx of new users. However, since I use a lot of exchanges, the performance on KRAKEN is the worst by far compared to other exchanges. It doesn't matter whenever I try to use it, it's not usable. Yesterday I tried Coinbase during the same time and it worked perfectly. I used to defend KRAKEN as I am an old-school user, but guys, get your shit together. And why isn't there more communication on when KRAKEN is going to implement it's new and more stable trading system? God damn it, I am seriously considering leaving KRAKEN for good... you can't rely on it ... #frustrationintensifies EDIT: oh wow, didn't expect so many upvotes. would be nice if someone from KRAKEN would comment on this topic
I'm upvoting this topic and pretty much every comment on here, just because I'm a bit bored of hitting F5 on that shitty excuse for a website. I'm going to sound like a bit of a prick writing this, but hey-ho: I'm Tier 4 verified for good reason; I shouldn't have to put up with this shit.
Is $MSFT overvalued?
Looking to hear thoughts on Microsoft. I just feel like there’s too many people buying it at these numbers and acting like it’s such a great deal. Who knows maybe I am wrong?
Slow and safe grind up. I sleep well with a very large portion of my net worth in MSFT. It's like a mini-ETF unto itself. Pays a healthy dividend too if you're into that. CEO's great. He doesn't try to start shit like the Zuck or Timmy Apple. He single handedly took the crap that Balmer left him and turned the ship around with his vision. Azure still has room to grow, which is insane to comprehend if you're not in the industry. Ubiquitous use of the largest suite of productivity SW in the world. They haven't even really started with any big gaming moves so anticipate some news there eventually. What's not to love? This jump after last earnings was insane and has blown past my own expectations to the point I let some shares get called away with some covered calls I wrote. It's almost like meme stock movement, but with the GDP equivalent movement greater than that of small countries.
Google announces 20-1 split in share
Stock price flew up ~10% after hours when the announced the split are you considering buying? Edit: Most people are adding that they had a very impressive earnings day today and that’s the reason the stock has been moving. Maybe makes it a more appealing play if the market hasn’t “hyped in” the split yet.
I don't think the price went up because they announced a potential stock split, but the fact that net income rose 36% yoy and revenues 32%. For a behemoth that is insane. So glad i picked up more shares when it dipped to 2500.
I recently started searching for my first home and holy hell it must be one of the most frustrating unfair purchases I have planned in my life, lets start with Agents listing huge inflated prices during good times and almost the entire REA/DOMAIN listings now being "Price on request"
How is there not some legality behind this bullshit, why do I need to call and ring back over and hassle these guy's just to find out the price. This entire market is set up for the people who are already in it. Also other things that kill me Photos of the best spot in the surrounding area instead of the actual property No pictures of the actual building making it hard to find prices in the area. Demanding to know your exact buying situation over the phone before opening the home (It is your fucking job) Trying to turn your economic outlook and arguing with you Signing you up to loads of their subscription emails without ever asking permission I am sure there is plenty of people out there looking to sell without all the nightmares so why is it that we have allowed these blood sucking scum and the associated websites to rule the property market and skew the truth by hiding numbers etc? EDITThanks for ranting with me guy's and thanks for the award's haha Made my morning better.
You are spot on with a lot of these points, it’s no surprise that when people show up to the open they’re let down and walk away disappointed. The way they photoshop the photos is shocking. Editing in grass, stretching out rooms to make them look larger, hiding patchwork and chipped paint. My guess is there will be a lot of agents out of work in a decade when they become irrelevant. They will be standing next to blockbuster employees at the unemployment line.
30 Seconds From Triggering Market Nuclear Bomb
I'm glad this place has quieted down enough for some actual DD written by a monkey with a keyboard and Adderall. Disclaimer: I am that monkey. Let me explain to you what happened, play by play. I will give you illiterates who hate reading a spoiler up front: __We were within approximately 30 seconds of triggering a nuclear bomb that would have blown up the market.__ Do I have your attention? Here goes: 1. ⁠Yesterday, new call option strike prices were added all the way up to $570. Do I have to go over gamma squeezes again? Really? We've been over this: when deep out-of-the-money call options start being gobbled up and the price starts moving towards being in-the-money, the call writers have to hedge their risk of having their sold calls exercised, typically by buying stock. This creates upwards pressure on the market. We've been seeing these movements all week. 2. ⁠Yesterday after market, you probably saw that coordinated effort to drive the price down and spook retail investors into a mass sell-off. It didn't work. 3. ⁠Last night, Robinhood sent out a message to users: you could no longer enter into new options. You could exercise them if you had the collateral (money in the account) to do so. Very interesting and the first sign of pants-shitting fear. 4. ⁠Today, the market opened very strong. It opened so strong that we were looking at a self-perpetuating gamma squeeze all the way up way past $570. 5. ⁠At approximately 9:58 am, the stock had reached $468 in a parabolic move. 6. ⁠Two minutes earlier, at 9:56 am, Robinhood tweeted that they were not allowing users to buy GME stock, but they would allow selling. 7. ⁠The trend instantly halted and started a collapse downwards, before picking up a bit, especially after some retail was allowed back in. Okay, now that you are clear on the facts, understand this: The market ran out of liquidity today, or was threatening to get close enough that they killed it. What does that mean? It means they ran out of shares and/or capital. They wouldn't let you buy new shares because we were burning through all the shares on the market. __I saw an unsubstantiated post from a user ([u/zshub]( who said a market sell order executed at $2600 for him. Also, someone else for over [$5,000]( per share. Do you get the severity of the situation, if that's true?__ It means the buying was getting to the point where it was just about to put INFINITE pressure on the price of the shares. It means virtually any ask was getting bid. How do you get infinite upwards pressure? A gamma squeeze triggering the mother of all short squeezes, just like we predicted. The call writers need shares to hedge. Retail is still buying more. The short sellers need over 100% of the float back. Add these together. There were more shares needed than existed on the open market. That's what a liquidity crisis is. [Listen to this ]( this remarkable (if infuriating) interview where the chairman of Interactive Brokers admits that they didn't have the capital to pay out the winners (us), so they took their ball and went home. DO YOU GRASP HOW INSANE IT IS THAT HE SAID THEY NEEDED TO SHUT DOWN BUY ORDERS TO "PROTECT THE MARKET"? Hello! He's not talking about the market for GME shares. He's talking about the entire market! The New York Stock Exchange. The NASDAQ. All that. Remember the movie Snowpiercer? Do you remember that scene where the lower class people realize the soldiers who oppress them have no bullets? Go to the 1:00 minute mark of this link: It kick starts a full blown rebellion. They have no bullets. It's the exact same in this market: No capital. No shares. Infinite losses inbound. __TL;DR: For all you who will just skip to the bottom to ask, "Do I get my tendies now?" the answer is this: they NEED NEED NEED your shares. Do you get that? HOLD. Like the guy in the movie, scream, "They're out of bullets!" and create a stampede. That's how we win.__ They needed your shares so badly that they literally risked PRISON TIME to get them. They tried robbing you, and I'm not even exaggerating. They were within 30 seconds of all being wiped out today. Credit: u/PlayFree_Bird
To those that didn't get it on reading: the short squeeze didn't just work, it worked so well that we almost broke stuff. It's not just shorters that could not get the shares they needed. The BROKERS RAN OUT OF SHARES and couldn't find places to borrow them! You wanna know why fidelity and vanguard were the only two standing? They hold something like over 20% of the gamestop shares. They could let you buy, BECAUSE THEY WERE THE ONLY ONES WHO COULD GET SHARES. The squeeze is squozing, and the only way out of $100k+ share prices which would break everything was to STOP THE MARKET.
My life changed because of one silly post that I came across on reddit. It was a pic of someone holding up their paper wallet from a bitcoin atm showing both public and private keys. The picture made me wonder if there were any nearby bitcoin atms, so I did a quick google search and found an atm 10 minutes away from me. I went to the atm and put in $20 just to say that I had some bitcoin. I signed up for /r/bitcoinbeginners and learned about Coinbase. After signing up with Coinbase, I started researching the "other" crypto being offered and learned about /r/ethtrader. I started buying eth at $11 and eventually invested 10% of my net worth in crypto. I stuck with eth when it rose above $400 and when it recently dipped below $200. This month I decided that I wanted to set a baseline on what I would get with my crypto investment. I sold enough eth and bitcoin to pay off the mortgage to my house and compensate for taxes. Today I went to the bank and turned in my final house payment. No matter what happens to crypto from here on out, I have a house. Paying off the house was never a goal for 2017. Hell, it wasn't even a goal for the next decade. Do I think eth will hit above $400 again? Yes, and it might happen tomorrow or next week. I've never doubted the technology. However, getting rid of my mortgage takes an immediate, priceless weight off my shoulders. I work in an industry where layoffs always seem to be on the horizon, and it's hard to get a job when everyone is out of a job. Now I don't have to worry about keeping a roof over my family's head. The relief is euphoric. I'm not completely off the crypto ride. I still have a good amount of eth left. I'm going to invest a small amount per month back into eth and bitcoin to slowly build my stockpile back up, but I'm not in any rush. I'd like to thank this sub as well as many others for all the knowledge, advice, and entertainment. Posting this on a throwaway account so I can continue to post questions on this sub (I probably made two posts here). tl;dr - Paid off my house with cryptocurrency gains. Financial freedom is awesome. Edited to add: I've been getting a lot of private messages asking for advice on how to get started with investing in crypto. The advice I give to all my friends is to start how I did and just buy $20 worth of bitcoin or ether. Think of $20 as payment for an intro lesson to crypto. I suggest Coinbase only because that's what I started with after the atm, and I thought it was pretty simple to understand. Once you have a small amount of crypto, download a wallet app and practice transferring the crypto from Coinbase to your wallet and back to Coinbase. Then just hold (hodl) the crypto and watch how it gains/loses value and check your risk tolerance, and don't invest more than you're willing to lose completely. Subscribe to the subs that you have your crypto in.
After the bit about seeing the pic of the private key, i totally thought you were going to say you started hanging around the atm to try to snap pics of keys and steal enough to pay off a house... lol Anyway, that's an awesome turn of events. Paying off a mortgage super early is a huge accomplishment and really makes you feel like a winner. Just make sure you're totally square with uncle sam, you don't want fees and insane interest to come back and bite you. And don't forget to thank your wife for letting you take the risk.
$HAPPY Is primed to shoot past a $100M market cap. Donated another $50k this friday to the biggest organisation yet, happy is at the forefront of a new era of charity.
I already know what you’re thinking. You’ve seen the HappyCoin posts here, and thought you missed your entry point after it shot up from an $11mil market cap to a $80mil one in 24 hours. But what if I told you this is just the beginning to what will become one of the largest charity tokens in the BSC space? I bet you wanted to get in on Elongate or something similar before it pumped up to a 9 figure market cap, well now you have your chance with HappyCoin. Over the next month, HappyCoin will be receiving a massive marketing push, much larger than anything done so far. With what the marketing team has done so far, HappyCoin touched a $100 Million market cap within 3 weeks, now imagine how it’ll be one month from now with what I’m about to tell you. The founder is about to be in LA this Sunday, meeting up with some massive influencers like Jesse Wellens and Casey Neistat to promote HappyCoin, and if you already recognize those names, do I really need to stress how good they are at what they do. Because HappyCoin has such a positive use case, it has been a lot easier to bring on big names given the power of what this token can do for those in need. Along with this, HappyCoin is being listed on a number of different exchanges as awareness about the coin continues to spread. HappyCoin has been listed on the LARGEST exchange in Europe, WhiteBIT, with marketing through all the channels WhiteBIT offers coming very soon. They’ve said that they are coming out on two more exchanges this month, rumoured to be Bilaxy AND BitMart, both with massive reach. As for what HappyCoin has done so far, they have donated $90,000 in their first THREE WEEKS with another $50,000 being donated to the American Foundation of Sucide Prevention (massive organization) this Friday. They livestream every donation they make and do a short AMA with the organization after, you can watch them on Twitch! HappyCoin isn’t aiming to be just any other charity token, they want it to be the prime example of what good crypto can do for the world, and with an AMA set for tomorrow and and a huge push set for next week, I invite you to check out what Happy, and come join the $HAPPY team before it takes off once more. Website: Can be bought using pancakeswap.
tdlr pros - solid founder (swayer) done multiple livestreams on twitch about the plans of this charity coin (went to the bestbusiness school in Canada ) sawyerwildgen on linkedin - Low marketcap currently - compared to other coins like BONFIRE this can easily x5-10 within the next coming days (esp since it just had 30 mmcap 2 days ago) - Solid marketing and goals by the team to reach this point and continue growing - youtube partnerships, tiktokers, - founder already donated more than $90k total over multiple streams to different charities - not attached to an animal (can go bigger than shiba) cons - 10% tax when you buy or sell - tricky to buy right now since there's so many new people and there have been issues with pancakeswap v1 pool (but if you can get in right now great)
GF is selling her dress for $100, gets a check for $1,980, scam?
My girlfriend is selling an old prom dress for $100, she got a call from what seemed like a nice older woman, who wanted to buy it, but she needed her to hold it for her until this weekend, in exchange she said she would pay an extra $70. The woman said she would have some relatives coming into town to pick up the dress. So far so good. Then today my gf got a check from the woman for $1,980, much more than the agreed $170. The dress itself was bought new for $400. I wondered if the woman mistakenly added another zero. So we called the woman and sent her a picture of the check asking if the check was correct. The woman said that it was correct and she wanted to give her a little extra for her trouble. We haven't even given her the dress yet. I think the woman still could have made a mistake and still hasn't noticed. Or maybe the check will bounce, but then why did she send the check before she got the dress? My gf thinks that woman's "relatives" could come to kidnap her. My mom thinks we should cash the check at a check city so that we can get it in cash without any bank information being involved. Is this some sort of scam? EDIT: We called her back and she said $1,800 is for the movers, aka family members that are picking up the dress.
It's obviously a scam. This gets posted every couple of days. They'll want real money sent out for this fake check. Check cashing places want to copy your driver's license so that... wait for it... they can come after you when you give them fake checks. Throw the check away. And never take financial advice from your mother.
Please – Offering a fresh approach for travelers
A new era has come Technologies are changing the world. What previously seemed to be impossible, today is already the reality. Cryptocurrencies are already transforming the business world by providing a decentralised platform that enhances business and would make cryptos more real in the minds of consumers. Cryptocurrency is an innovative ecosystem, already doing its magic in business all over the world, and it is here to stay. In case you do not know, cryptos are digital currencies, that do not depend on banks to transact due to its blockchain security, which records every transaction in an open-source list that lives in every single computer that becomes a part of this technology. Transactions with cryptos are done directly from one person to another, without the need of a third-party like PayPal.
Please is a new generation travel platform with a unique approach that fundamentally changes the way people book their travel, saving them time and money, and giving them more control and a more customised experience, while opening the travel industry to the sharing and decentralized economies.
Please – Offering a fresh approach for travelers
A new era has come Technologies are changing the world. What previously seemed to be impossible, today is already the reality. Cryptocurrencies are already transforming the business world by providing a decentralised platform that enhances business and would make cryptos more real in the minds of consumers. Cryptocurrency is an innovative ecosystem, already doing its magic in business all over the world, and it is here to stay. In case you do not know, cryptos are digital currencies, that do not depend on banks to transact due to its blockchain security, which records every transaction in an open-source list that lives in every single computer that becomes a part of this technology. Transactions with cryptos are done directly from one person to another, without the need of a third-party like PayPal.
Please’s underlying platform is not designed as a travel site, but as a services marketplace. As time goes on, we will add portals for services in other markets, starting with services that compliment travel, such as food delivery or laundry services, gradually expanding into a number of additional markets.
Please upvote if you don't think the mods should run a Twitter. @rSuperstonk does not represent us. Nor do the Mods.
If you really want to be on twister, make a DD account with link to facts every day. Don't call it ss. Then you can announce it here and I for one will follow it. We are not a group. We are individuals that hold. #GME #GME #GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME#GME
If you want Superstonk to get more traction and GME in general through twitter, that's great. But do it as an individual and make GME your profile picture, banner etc und share their tweets and news. We don't need an official Superstonk twitter, just share the message yourself
My net-worth is now 5 million dollars. It was 7000 three days ago.
So, unfortunate circumstances have made me a millionaire over night at the age of 37. I remember stating that if I wasn’t a millionaire by age 40, i would blow my brains out. Be it as it may, my grandfather passed away from old age, and unbeknownst to me, he left me his mansion in the sweetest part of town, and a his childhood home which is about 2 hrs away; also in a prime location. My aunts and uncles screwed me and my mom out of everything when my grandmother passed away, since she left no will. All certificates were then modified to favor them. But now, as hard of a situation this is, the tables turned. I will not be selling my homes or any art of jewelry. I am not allowed to anyways, for 5 years. I have received 450k cash along with this. What’s the best way to work these 450 so I don’t have to sell my homes for millions of dollars. Thanks
Not legal or financial advice, just an internet opinion. First off don’t start giving any away. You have a lot to manage and the fact you are posting about it with random internet strangers isn’t a good sign. Find out what bills need to be paid and start learning about real estate investing (because you suddenly are in that) and other types of investing and wealth preservation. If people call asking for money just give some throw away line like it is tied up in a transfer. Find out the tax implications of this ASAP, this will get taxed when you file next year, so be ready with cash for that. It sounds like up to this point you knew you wanted to build wealth but didn’t really know where to start. Now, I don’t have a complete picture of where you were, because a net worth of 7000 could be zero debt, zero assets, and 7000 cash in the bank or it could be a million in debt, and a million and 7000 in assets. Your worst enemy is your self. As you look for an adviser make sure they are a registered fiduciary.