59 values
tweet comcast and tell them that their service is down again
social post
tag you're it
play game
olly set up a daily reminder for me please
calendar set
add rebecca green to my list of favorite contacts
email querycontact
how much is a dollar worth compared to a yen
qa currency
please send an email to my family
email sendemail
i need you to remove item south from my list
lists remove
weather in florida this week
weather query
open events this week
calendar query
is there any new unread yahoo email
email query
alexa please delete all appointments for today
calendar remove
fraud in weighing products
social post
music change
music settings
turn on pandora
play radio
tell me ways to learn cooking
cooking recipe
what country has the most population
qa factoid
is it going to freeze overnight
weather query
increase the volume a bit
audio volume up
what is the time difference between here and there
datetime convert
show all emails of contract
email query
please remind me the birthday of my uncle joe every may fourth
calendar set
list the latest apple stock prices
qa stock
radio play nine hundred and eighty nine please
play radio
what does word mean
qa definition
olly today was the best day of my life
general quirky
could you delete this event
calendar remove
start the podcast application
play podcasts
what happened yesterday on samurai jack
news query
next train to d. c.
transport query
open train ticket app
transport ticket
i need to know where to get chicken wings in benton are
recommendation locations
define schadenfraude
qa definition
identify current song playing
music query
tweet to bank about non receipt of checkbook
social post
what is marketing
qa definition
i want to play the game of life with you
play game
please delete this list for me
lists remove
when is the doctor's appointment
calendar query
add a new notifier for the g. p. s. on my car
news query
i want to play the audiobook good grief
play audiobook
show me recent news on particular subject
news query
can i remove a reminder
calendar remove
look up in contacts
email querycontact
i want to hear that song
play music
send an email to sjobs at apple dot com
email sendemail
it was a very hectic workday
general quirky
delete meeting scheduled with john on twenty one march
calendar remove
its hot today
weather query
hello what are you up to
general greet
how much does one euro cost in rupees
qa currency
turn all lights on
iot hue lighton
change the colors please
iot hue lightchange
turn the lights on
iot hue lighton
olly how do i make meatloaf
cooking recipe
have i received any emails from tim
email query
tell me the time in boston
datetime query
today is
datetime query
olly what does snafu mean
qa definition
play this radio channel for me
play radio
did anyone message me on facebook
social query
what is this event is called which happening my area
recommendation events
what is happening in my area
recommendation events
set alarm for tomorrow morning at six am
alarm set
add a five am alarm in place of my nine p. m. alarm
alarm set
food order from grubhub
takeaway order
can you pull up the latest time so i won't be late for my appointment
calendar query
do events
calendar set
check my email for new emails during the last hour
email query
what were the first number of email subjects i got today
email query
does mary smith live on main street
email querycontact
design the chemical compounds necessary to create sugar that doesn't cause diabetes or weight gain but doesn't provide a chemical taste
qa factoid
tell me if anything important is happening on social media today
social query
book uber for tonight at seven p. m.
transport taxi
dim the lights please
iot hue lightdim
do you think i should see a movie or go out to dinner
general quirky
did anybody email me today
email query
can you do me a favor my eyes are feeling strained on these lights can you please change it to a cooler tone
iot hue lightchange
what's that the album is current music from
music query
has mary responded to me email yet
email query
meaning of enthusiastic
qa definition
there is an email i need you to send my friend
email sendemail
repeat this event every friday on my calendar
calendar set
get rid of everything on my calendar
calendar remove
how would you tackle the following problem brush your teeth
general quirky
play sixty
play music
alexa define television
qa definition
mark my calendar as unavailable today
calendar set
create a new list please
lists createoradd
please remove sporty event from list
lists remove
tweet to the customer service account of starbucks
social post
did i have any plans later on tonight at eight p. m.
calendar query
sum of five and two
qa maths
i need oranges added to my grocery list
lists createoradd
list shops in douglasville ga
recommendation locations
i am grateful if you call the amazon customer service
social post
start a conversation with me about sports
general quirky
let me know the latest weather news
news query
how old is jennifer garner
qa factoid
refresh my list and tell me what's on it
lists query
please tell me the closest convenience store to my house
recommendation locations