59 values
what album is this song on
music query
get route for los angles from here
transport query
please play are rahman music
play music
please send an email to toms principal in regards to the meeting we have tomorrow
email sendemail
how is my inbox looking at the moment
email query
how do you cook a good burger olly
cooking recipe
add this one also
lists createoradd
open weather
weather query
my day was stressful
general quirky
open f. m.
play radio
play pdr on the am band radio
play radio
put on a song by celine dion
play music
find the nearest rock station
play radio
what is the remainder when five hundred and twenty one is divided by three
qa maths
change background
iot hue lightchange
what is the us dollar to euro exchange rate
qa currency
what will be weather for tomorrow in mumbai
weather query
what are today's highlights from facebook
social query
recent headlines
news query
lower brightness of lights
iot hue lightdim
what is happening in milwaukee today
recommendation events
directions to new orleans
transport query
play next episode of her story
play podcasts
dismiss my next event
calendar remove
any specific event in washington
recommendation events
olly i'm starving what's good to eat in cincinnati
recommendation locations
give me the number to mom
email querycontact
cancels lunch at the restaurant booked for march twenty five
calendar remove
play sholay
play music
send an email to bill that i'm sorry i didn't realize he was so sick
email sendemail
artificial intelligence
news query
send mail to john for money
email sendemail
hey olly what's the time
datetime query
how cold is the weather right now
weather query
give me a description of iron fist on netflix
qa definition
how is this week's weather
weather query
reply to all emails received from ten p. m. to nine am
email sendemail
tweet complaint to at
social post
make happy birthday the next song
play music
shut the lights off in my bedroom please
iot hue lightoff
what does two plus two equal
qa maths
do i have any mails
email query
current local events
recommendation events
please talk softer
audio volume down
train wreck
news query
play something random from google play
play music
open the new york times app
news query
email joe and tell him to hurry
email sendemail
four divided by two equals two
qa maths
we are going to play poker together
play game
google please be extra quiet the baby is sleeping
audio volume mute
any updates from donald trump's tweet feed
news query
show timings
recommendation movies
show me some vegan restaurants close by
recommendation locations
what is on my schedule for today
calendar query
i would like a cup of coffee with one cream and three sugars
iot coffee
calendar query
what is the name of this song
music query
tell me latest updates of new york
news query
please tell me bob lives
general quirky
what purpose the event been scheduled for
calendar query
how long do i boil a hard boiled egg
cooking recipe
please make the smart socket turn off
iot wemo off
play over the rainbow
play music
check the notes app and give me details of all the lists
lists query
how to make cheesecake
cooking recipe
change lights to red
iot hue lightchange
i want to hear a book by torey hayden
play audiobook
raise speaker volume
audio volume up
is the balloon festival this weekend
calendar query
please hold for the next hour
audio volume mute
please increase the volume
audio volume up
how is the weather right now
weather query
play eight hundred and eighty nine
play radio
tell me upcoming event's
calendar query
add event book club debbie's house wednesday night
calendar set
how are my stocks doing today
qa stock
what is the dress code for the party
calendar query
book an uber to pick me up outside of long island bar right now
transport taxi
is it too warm to wear my wooly sweater today
weather query
what is happening in the world today
news query
repeat the last song
music settings
what time is it in california
datetime query
what was the news for march fourth two thousand and seventeenth
news query
about reality in world
general quirky
play the new record of malika
play music
i would like to hear the podcast from the website i was at earlier
play podcasts
who was the first president of united states
qa factoid
please list the best clothing shops near me
recommendation locations
please note on song title good tune
music likeness
empty calendar for this week
calendar remove
turn on radio play prambors with max volume as alarm in the morning
play radio
what is the euro to dollar exchange rate
qa currency
change alarm to start at midnight
alarm set
could you fix me some coffee
iot coffee
send a request to this company to receive a refund
social post
add wine to list
lists createoradd
reset alarm
alarm remove
read my next reminders for this afternoon
calendar query
what alarms do i have
alarm query