Hey guys, so basically I am having such bad connection issues that I'm not sure I can continue to play any more if I don't sort them out. I'm not sure what info will be the most useful, but basically I have Time Warner in Los Angeles, so that's a problem right away. I use a wireless connection with my desktop, which is only one wall away from our router, and I am capable of getting speeds of up to 20mbps(what we pay for). However, in game, during the evenings I get the most horrendous lag spikes. 500 ping steady, with 3000 ping spikes constantly that make the game unplayable. I guess my first question(if it can be answered) is does anyone know if this is my internet or if it's something to do the the valve servers that can't be fixed by myself? My roommate uses a wired connection, and he barely ever has a single lag issue, which makes me think it's my connection to the router, and unfortunately it's just too far to hook my computer up with ethernet. I've thought about power line adapters, but I've heard bad things about their reliability for gaming. Anyway, sorry for the novel. I guess the
would be: Am I lagging ingame because of my connection to the router or because of the servers? Does anyone know of a solution to get a more reliable connection? Thank you so much to anyone kind enough to help me, I'm about at my ropes end with this, especially with a tournament coming up for my team. Cheers!
Despite being at just 16 days now, I'm actually following on from a relapse after 45. Meaning that in the past 2 months I've only had one day of fapping. Anyway... I just have to say that I can't remember the last time I felt so sexually attracted to real life women. Two examples: the first being a girl in my office who I went out for a drink with a few weeks ago as a casual "hang out for the day" thing. It went ok, but it was clearly a one off thing for reasons that I won't go into here, so we're essentially back to office colleagues that say "hello" and not much else. That being said, in the few times I've passed her in the office I've found myself having the most insane, powerful feelings about all the things I'd love to do to her! Now - I should disclaim at this point that I am NOT about to go out and become a molester or a pervert or have rapey thoughts or any crazy shit like that, but holy hell, talk about driving a guy crazy with lust. The second example being one that happened on the walk from the office tonight. I passed a girl who was stood by the roadside waiting for a friend, and she was so hot know the way you sometimes say "bloody hell" to yourself when a beautiful girl walks past? I damn near said it out loud. TO HER FACE. So yeah...the
here would be that I'm really beginning to find real life women unbearably beautiful, and as long as I feel like this it's only a matter of time before I get somewhere! I'm starting to feel like I'm getting a bigger dopamine hit from admiring (and of course interacting with) real life women than I ever did sitting indoors and PMOing. (Yes, I am doing NoFap largely to better my success with women. Some have other reasons, some don't. I do intend to better my life in many ways but one of the main ones is to improve my love life and I'm not ashamed to admit that!)
So I submitted a post to /r/buildapc a couple of weeks ago, but I'm not sure that was the right place to put it. Anyway, since the problem seems most persistent while playing Dota, I thought I'd ask around here to see if anyone else has had a problem with any similar setups. Here is the content of the original post: > So, the other night I assembled my first Gaming PC along with a friend who has successfully built several computers in the past. We followed the instructions on the components very carefully and we went painfully slowly in order to avoid any mistakes. After several hours of work, we finally replaced my crappy old computer with the new £900 Behemoth and installed Windows, it was extremely satisfying. > Anyway, everything seemed to be working as planned, so he went home and I began the job of installing the necessary drivers and software (it was decided that my technical ability was sufficient for this), which was all very well except that during Catalyst installation the Computer froze. It didn't shut down or black screen, the display simply seized up entirely and I had to force reboot, only for it to happen again the next time I tried to install (from disk). At this point, I'm starting to panic, but it works okay the next time so I let it install and leave it for the night. > However, the following day when I boot up Dota 2 it happens again. This happens three times before I eventually abandon the match. A quick scout around online tells me that it is most likely not an overheating issue (because the screen would go black?), and suggested something to do with memory, so I removed both RAM drives (4GB each) and reseated them (this time in different slots, in case that was the issue). Booting up Dota 2, I managed to play a bot game for about 30 minutes without anything happening, which seemed very promising since it had been freezing every 2-3 minutes previously. Later, I joined a game of League of Legends and played without any trouble for 35 minutes before the system froze once again. At this point I really am panicked, and decide to turn to Reddit for advice. > So,
newly built computer freezes intermittently, only when under some strain (though it doesn't take much), I have adjusted the positions of my RAM since that was suggested online. What do? My IT ability is relatively limited so step by step answers would be appreciated :) > Specs: > HIS Radeon 7850 IceQ X > Intel i5 3570K 4 X 3.40Ghz > Gigabyte SKT-1155 motherboard > Crucial Ballistix 8GB RAM (2 X 4GB) > Western Digital 1TB HDD Caviar Green III 6Gbs > OCZ OCZ-ZS650W-UK ZS Series 650W PSU > * Zalman Z9 Plus Midi Tower Case One other thing, when it seizes up a loud, short beep plays once through my headset. I'm not sure if this is some sort of built in feature to signal a crash or just an error when the output cuts out but I thought you should know that. I'm pretty unqualified tbh, please help me out here :S
I[25] started sleeping with a new partner[25] about 2 weeks ago[2+ month relationship]. A couple days ago I felt a bit sore, I figured it was due to having too much/vigorous sex after being single for so long... but it got worse. I thought I might have a yeast infection and went to the Dr. today. They said it looks like herpes, did some swabs etc. and even prescribed me the anti-viral medication. Now I don't know what to do. I know I will need to tell my partner, but should I wait for my results for confirmation or should I tell them now? Does it matter if I do it face to face? I'd prefer to, but they live somewhat far and I'm worried after telling them I could be too upset (crying) to drive home right away and that would be awkward/unwanted. Any other suggestions/personal experiences are very welcome. Edit
just came back from the Dr. it's more then likely I have herpes. How/when do I talk to my partner about this?
I work as a teller at a bank. It's amazing how rude people are to those who handle their money! An older man came in the other day. He is always rude to everyone but the head teller who has been there for 25 years. I try to avoid helping him as much as possible, but I was the lucky teller who got him this day. He wanted to know how much he owed on his line of credit (overdraft protection service) this month. Truthfully we can't tell for sure unless they have their loan coupon. I tell him I will try to find out. I pull his account and cannot tell for certain but can guess about how much. I then go to the teller next to my station and ask her, loudly enough for him to hear, if we can find out for sure. She says no. I go up to him and begin to say, "I'm sorry, but I can't look up your exact payment. However, I can look up for past payments and estimate." I got as far as, "I'm sorry but.." and he interrupted my very rudely saying, "yes you can. Yes you can." in a childish manner. He then said the thing every person working below someone else dreads hearing; "Cindy does it all the time." Now those that know me know that I am never the type to respond this way. But I had had a long day and he is consistently rude to me. I looked him in the eyes and said, "then I suggest you go to Cindy." and walked away. The bright spot of this is the next customer I helped had heard the exchange. When I finished his transaction, I asked if there was anything else I could do for him. He smiled and said, "No thanks. You've made ME happy today!"
rude customer gets it back at him.
I haven't encountered anyone else with this issue, but I've noticed it more and more lately with myself. At work I am comedic gold, I can talk loosely with my upper management and employees no sweat. I'm known for my dry humor and joke after joke personality. I don't know if it's my sense of accomplishment/empowerment or what, but once I leave that environment, it all goes out the window. Even with friends I know relatively well, I hermit and wallflower. Does anyone else have this issue? Is there any advice you can offer? If you need more information I can provide, just don't want to
I'm in an organization that is planning an event and the plan is that we'll be donating the proceeds to fighting breast cancer. As our philanthropy organizer I'm in charge of setting up the event and choosing an organization through which to donate. However, I'm very wary of many charities after the stories I've heard from people who should have benefited from specific groups (victims of Hurricane Sandy who saw no change/assistance, etc.). The
of it all is: what charity that fights breast cancer is a reliable foundation to donate to?
Hi folks, I just have a quick question for you all, and hopefully you can help me out here. I am working on a trade right now, and I can't figure out how to value a beer I have for the trade. I am looking at trading a few Thomas Hardy ales, 2007, and 2008 40 year Anniversary bottles. I haven't traded any of these before, and I don't know what kind of value to put on them. I have seen them on auctions go for way too much, and I want to figure out a realistic value. I know they aren't being made any more, and have had these bottles in my aging closet since I bought them when they came out. The last thing I want to do is rip someone off. So,
what do folks think these bottles are worth, trade wise?
hi, my name is Gerben and im a video and photografie student on the deltion college in the Netherlands. im recreating a scene from the movie grease with the song greased lighting. in this scene guy gets lowered into shot with the engine block into the car. now we are doing this a bit different because we are filming this with a glider club so we are replacing the engine with a guy on a parashute. now here is the tricky part :P its inside and the ceiling is about 3 meters from the ground and i just cant figure out how to do this without special effects :/ and i was wondering if any of you redditors could help me out on this one. thanks in advance. <
want to lower someone in shot on a location with a ceiling at 3 meters hight and prefer no special effects)
One sentence only. This can be an example of something said person has done, or just an overall good description. Bring out the weirdos,
Much the same as the last couple of Saturday events, we'll be beginning with a co-op mission or two, following by a random selection of missions, usually voted on by the players at the time. Sign-ups are for the first Co-op. TIMES : 3pm EST / 12pm PST / 2pm CST / 8pm GMT (If I forgot a zone, use the [Time Conversion Tool]( Mission : CO-OP + Others Teamspeak : SLOTS : Sign-up isn't required, but much appreciated, just to give an idea of the expected player count for the event. SL = Squad Lead, FTL = Fireteam Leader AR = Automatic Rifleman AAR = Assistant Automatic Rifleman AT = Anti-Tank (rifleman) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Command Platoon Commander: Soup RTO/Deputy Commander: Dunke Platoon Medic: Dark &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Alpha Squad SL: Isfahan Medic: jwoshark Alpha 1 FTL: J23 AR: KilrBe3 AAR: AnejoDave AT: MattP3rry Alpha 2 FTL: Trebor AR: Walrus AAR: ComradeSidorenko AT: SuperSheep Alpha 3 - Reservists FTL: DirtyPaws AR: slate AAR: AudibleR AT: Juixius &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Bravo Squad SL: Slick Medic: August Bravo 1 F
aith AR: Ludwig AAR: JewCFroot AT: Debone Bravo 2 FTL: Medsouz AR: Saxton_FM AAR: Hingle AT: Qasaur Bravo 3 - Reservists FTL: AR: AAR: AT: Soleedus More teams/squads will be added, if needed.
To label the relationship as complicated is an understatement but after several years my gf/best friend/who knows what we were(her 27f--me 30 f), decided to part ways and start a new life with no contact. I can see where it was probably necessary for no contact because we fought constantly and was only destroying even our basic friendship. SHe's broken the no-contact rule several times for what she considered a good reason, and only then did i reply with as few words as possible. I'm not sure that even given the opportunity I'd want to start even basic communication on a more regular basis again. But regardless, something reminds me of her daily, despite my attempts to ride my surroundings of anything to provoke the thought of her. I don't hate her even though I"ve discovered she lied to me about some things to help make the breakup easier for her. I would normally classify my feelings about her and the whole situation as indifference and satisfied, but then there are especially the times when I"m PMSing that it starts to get to me. I have other close friends but none quite like she was. Oh well, it is what it is, I suppose. But it sucks and I need comforting. **
gf/best friend went our separate ways after several years and it's been no contact for two months now and I miss my best friend.
So there's this girl.... Yeah, ok I'm sure you've heard that before. Anyway, I have a 5-stringer whose pick-ups are absolutely shagged, they're active, but I have fallen out of favour with them, and have come to the conclusion that they are more trouble than they're worth. Does anyone have any recommendations? Current lot are EMG-HZ, can post a pic if needed. Also, I'm pretty inexperienced in the ways of repair, would it be worth me taking it to get it sorted? edit-
would like decent passive pick-ups for a 5-string, and should I fit them myself?
So, every time a champion that is at the top of their game gets nerfed (usually pretty hard), people all scream and cry and rage that Riot nerfed them WAY to hard. And sometimes that is the case (See: Diana and Rengar). But I can't help but feel that sometimes when doing so, Riot is making the right decisions, and here is why. We'll use Rengar for example/discussion; Riot tried giving him small buffs a few times to bring him back into balance, and it seemed to have little effect on how strong it was, which shows that something more drastic is needed. The problem with this is, something drastic often takes a long time to work out and balance properly. So Riot smack Rengar so hard with the nerf bat he becomes unusable. This causes everyone to rage because now the miss Rengar and think Riot is way to harsh. Riot then comes back out and says they realize they were too harsh, and they are working on a remake. So, while it may not be intentional, i feel that being too harsh on an overpowered champion is a good thing (this is coming from someone who loved rengar). Because by nerfing him (or Diana) too hard, it made them unplayable, which ruins 1 (in this case 2) champions. Instead of those 2 champions being picked or a forced ban every game and ruining the game for most of the other champions while waiting for a long time for Riot to really balance out the big changes needed. So my question, and the
is- Would you guys rather have a champion get overnerfed and then worked on to come back to balance, or go unerfed for a while, stomp everything, making them a required ban/pick, and finally get balanced, without ever having gone through an underpowered phase. Personally I'm ok with the overnerfing, even if it's on champs that I enjoy, because I think it's better for the overall state of the game to not have massively overpowered champs that make every champ in the game feel inferior, and instead have a few champs that feel inferior while the rest or more or less even. Thoughts?
So I was really bored and decided to troll on a random trade channel in Dota 2, basically I said that I wanted to trade my Timebreaker for real money in attempts to bait the ''/me'' scammers. a couple of hours later I managed to catch a little fishy (He could possibly be from this Reddit sub forum, as i only posted on the channel once and I received his friend request 2-3 hours later.) So this guy claimed that he has the money, he also wanted to low ball the TB for like 20$ at the beginning, which was funny because his money doesn't even exist in the first place. Anyway, I kept messing with him pretty hard by trading him then cancelling it and acting clueless and shit. At the end I even started accusing him of trying to scam me with a ''cancel trade'' (was trying to think outside the box, lol). I personally found it very amusing and worth a laugh at how oblivious this guy is, he didn't even figure out that I'm messing with him after I personally used the /me command myself. His steam ID: Screenshots: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Sorry for the
i personally like reading entertaining scammer threads and i thought someone might also find this at least worth a smile.
Hello Reddit, This is my first post (I have been a long time lurker). The reason I have brought you all here today is because nine days ago I set out on a mission, and I know that I will need your support to succeed. But first, A little back story. I am a high school senior, a straight A student, captain of the track team, I have tons of friends at school, and it feels like I know the entire school by name. Not the kind of person who you'd think would have depression right? Wrong. For the last few years of my life I've been incredibly depressed. I've actually been to a psych ward voluntarily for self harm because I was afraid I might try and kill myself If I didn't get help. I mainly contribute my depression to my obsessive nature for getting things done perfectly combined with my addictive tendencies. I would waste hours, then not be able to get things done to my standards and hate myself. I used to log unbelievable hours on my pc me and my brother built together. The fapping addiction was also a huge problem. I always felt like crap afterwards and it completely sucked my confidence. I've tried quitting before, but this time It's for real. I'm determined to get myself out of this depressed state, and so for my New Years resolutions I decided on three things: To quit going on Imgur (I wasted countless hours), to quit playing video games, and to quit fapping. None of my friends think I can do it, but I'm going to prove them wrong. (Literally none of my friends. They all laughed at me. I only told them the first two resolutions) The reason for this
post is that I wanted to say thank you. Today I had the biggest urge to fap I've had all year, but I cam here and started reading some of the articles you guys have posted, and it saved me. I came back from the brink (puns!) and undoubtedly would have hated myself if I hadn't. So, from one Fapstronaut to another, thank you. Thank you.
Me and some fellow ents are planning on growing our own trees in the future, we are still in planning stages but we want your guys input on how to not et caught, best growing methods, links to helpful sites, anything that will help! [
we want to grow, any tips?
I know I'm just complaining, but this is a self post that doesn't really affect anything. I just thought it needed to be said. However, my complaints are not the same as the majority of /r/atheism haters. This guy had it right: , but it seems to only have gotten worse... I used to love /r/atheism as it made me feel better to know there were people that felt the same way I did. This used to be a place where people could complain and joke around about the stupidity of religion while still having a lot of serious discussions. However, in the last year, this subreddit has become a place for apathetic atheists to never be serious and a place for theists to come and complain about respecting religions along with the atheists whom don't really care. Every time I open the comment section here, it seems that all the top comments are people talking of how we should respect all religions and not to generalize. They talk like we are disrespecting the actual believer instead of the beliefs. Their beliefs are moronic and should be mocked in our community. Of course you don't just randomly say it to their faces, nor should you disrespect them specifically. But it's like you can't say anything negative about religion on the atheism subreddit. Everyone is always in a tissy about how disrespectful this subreddit is when it hasn't done much of anything in months. If you are an atheist and don't really care about our belief system, why ever be subscribed here anyway? Anyway, sorry for the rambling,
this subreddit has sucked for at least the past year thanks to all the commenters wanting respect for religions when they deserve nothing of the sort, and it really sucks that stronger feeling atheists can't speak their mind in an atheism subreddit.
one of those nights where everything got clouded, every great thing seemed to be thrown down where you arent sure whats going on where you cant see much farther ahead where you arent sure where youre going if its a good place a bad place whether its heaven or hell one of those times where youre tired and worn out and beaten and thrown down on your knees and still lost and realizing you havent gone very far at all and youre wondering why you are still so blessed and just pissed off and angry and you know change needs to come but youve been trying for years and almost nothing has occured one of those nights where youre sorry and weak and wondering why you havent gone to bed yet why youre still sitting here why youre still typing staring at the screen and wishing it just went away and knowing its not that easy but also knowing it really is and still trying and striving and flailing and raving and fighting and then picking up from where you went wrong and trying to figure it out and getting no where and then.... somewhere..... you hear a voice..... its a familiar voice..... its the one that told you not to cheat on the homework, the one that made you feel guilty for leaving that homeless person lying there.... and you hear perhaps the best advice of all. youre not going to learn anything while youre talking, and everything is possible, you just have to know how to do it..... and then get off of the computer and go.... and if youre despairing, heres the last option that is the only one that really works.... praying. ya know, maybe i do talk too much. night everyone. (porn sucks) It's weird to think that I wrote this, I was a heck of a lot more immature way back at the beginning of January 2011 when I sat down and stamped it out. Just thought some of you might be interested. Porn's still a problem that I struggle with today, but with a lot more success and confidence and a great amount of victories compared to defeats. EDIT : I didn't pay any attention to reddiquette because I copied and pasted it from the document that I'd originally typed up. Sorry for any confusion. (
s I won't do because they're just a summary, that's not what I have this up here for)
The large battles entrall me, however I even enter them solo and it's just like rolling a dice. I can perform my ass off and we lose (generally) or we win of course! Sometimes I'll slack just to remind myself that without some decent teammates the glory is lost. It's not loss that bothers me, though I play to win - its the random chaos that kills me. So if anyone wants to team up for some controlled, kickass chaos please let me know. I've played Halo since the Xbox days and eventually lost touch with great teammates. Somehow even a loss feels better with a team because we can only improve. I'm a dedicated player who refuses to think halo has turned to individual promotion. So
join me or let me join you for a few war games. It'll bring the joy back. Thank you.
i became friends at first, out of necessity with this girl. im a single father and she watched my child. her husband works here with me. i have begun to fall for her, but having recently come out of a soon-to-be divorce, i just dont know what the fuck to think. i spend almost every minute of every day that i can with her. i CRAVE her. we have been drunk and fooled around before, which has been already brought up to her husband. that whole situation really sucked, but, everything has been worked out years later. i remained in constant contact with them and while on a night shift work block (6 months) my son and i lived with them. fast forward, and sorta
she craves my touch but i know my place. i cherish her as a best friend but obvioulsy i WANT/need (lowercase cuz its not THAT important) to have sex with her. she fears thats all i want, i fear she doesnt believe me when i say it isnt. please, some insight or advce or somethng?! im heartbroken everyday, and i shouldnt be. shes not my wife or gf, but i still feel like she is. halp
OP Link]( I'm reading it right now and if it had already been posted before it is definitely worth posting again. EDIT : Ha. Don't mean to hijack my own thread, but [here]( is the link that I originally got the OP link from which in and of itself actually has some VERY relevant information in terms of a bigger picture, etc. Additionally (and this is where it might get even a bit more "out there" for some folks), after reading both the "EDIT" link I just posted right here and the original "OP Link" at the very top, I personally noticed a striking level of parallels between the additional link I just provided here and the info found in this [HH]( link right here. It might, again, be pretty "out there" to some, but the info is consistent with the OP link (i.e. there are some interesting parallels in terms of just who is running things and pulling the strings on a global basis) and I think it's not a bad idea to at least include it here and allow people to have the chance to read it and simply decide for themselves how much of it is valid or not. [Here's]( a pretty long
giving a general description of what's in the "HH" link.
tried a short and sweet reply to this original post and reply Plenty of people drink and never harm anyone when they are drinking responsibly. (I'm assuming we are all pretty familiar with the dangerous of being irresponsible with alcohol) I'm not denying there are no violent/criminal behavior attributed to irresponsible use of marijuana, I'm sure there are cases out there. But I personally have never reached such a high where I was a danger to myself or others. Just as I would admit to being drunk at a bar, I would admit to being dangerously high. I wouldn't want to put myself or others in a dangerous situation if I was too high. If I were to do something that was considered to dangerous using marijuana I should be held accountable just as I am for use of legal drugs. (DUIs, selling to minors, being in public, etc.) Legal drugs and weed both have a high potential for abuse. Some people say, "Oh we can't be soft on drugs/kids will want to try it/etc." If they're hard on 'drugs', then they must be a soft, cushy mattress for alcohol, tabacco, and prescriptions. The system does reasonably well in terms of educating the user and controlling the availability of these drugs, but it's not perfect. It struggles to deal with major issues (drinking and driving, underage use, etc.) and strict policing doesn't seem to be working as well as it should. Regulation makes it harder for kids to get the legal drugs like beer and cigarettes. There is no regulation for drugs. No age limits or IDs required. It's easier for kids to get drugs than beer in schools today. (or so I've read) Any drug has the potential to be abused and bring harm to the user. Education, freedoms, and consequences are the only things that should influence a person's habits. Not the agendas of special intrest groups or the government. If I am capable of using legal drugs responsibly, why then can I not be allowed to use marijuana responsibly? >
but I wish you would) Sensible adults can use legal drugs responsibly, even though they might be potentially harmful. Why shouldn't sensible adults be allowed to use marijuana responsibly? Education, freedoms, and consequences are the only things that should influence a person's habits. Legalization/Regulation good, Prohibition/Black Market bad.
Hello Motorola fans! I am wondering if anyone has the Droid Z force (or Droid Z for that matter) and what their overall thoughts are on the device? I have a note7 now, but because of the recall I could switch to a different phone if desired. I am intrigued by the phone, and I like the idea of the mods - particularly the battery one. I just wish I could try the phone out. I mostly am just wondering what people's impressions are, and also if apps can actually be put on the SD card or not (and actually run properly). The main thing that scares me is well, I was burned really badly by Motorola customer service with my custom turbo 2. Making matters worse is that I am a Verizon wireless employee and they still treated me like nothing - and I'm supposed to sell their phone! The short version was that my custom turbo 2 randomly had half the screen turn like inverted colors in January. I paid $25 for a warranty claim and was told it would be 4 days. Then a week. Then 7-10 business days. Then I was told it would ship within 10 days and I'd get it after that. 2 weeks in and no phone because it's out of stock. Which well, yeah makes sense it's a customized 64GB how many of those can there be that match mine? Anyway, eventually they agreed to give me a code for a new phone, I'd get an email in 48 hours. For weeks I'd call every 2 days and explain my situation, from scratch, and get nowhere and nothing but a runaround. Long story shorter, I ordered an s7 edge and it came before my moto came - the moto finally came through 3 months after the original order in late March.... And that was only after scouring the internet and coming across some random moto forum user named karimoto who helped me. So understandably I am scared to ever own another moto phone because of that. I also am now spoiled on the camera from the s7 edge and note7. I have read that the moto actually runs games smoother because it has better software, and with a battery mod I feel like it should have the best battery on a smartphone. Anyway,
what are your guys thoughts on the Droid Z force? Thanks in advance. I have no interest in an LG so it's either wait for a note7 or switch to the moto
To break it down even more, lets say you took the sum total at 50%, with an additional 50% tax on that, so were looking at $1 Million. I ask because personally, this has nagged at me for the last 20 years. Long story short, I bought a lotto ticket from the convenience store I worked at, went away to college, and proceeded to lose the ticket. Months later someone at the store mentioned a winning ticket that was never cashed in. I've done the math in my head a million times. We sold about a thousand tickets a day (we were the only place to play for miles). How many other people just may have simply lost a ticket, or maybe died (given the number of elderly who played). I've accepted that there's simply no way to know. But I've also told myself over the years that it was probably a good thing. Give a cocky 18 year old $1 mil and what would happen? Spend it on a Lamborghini? Buy every video game system that exists, all that would be dated in 3 years? Looking back I'm reminded of when I received an inheritance at 22 just short of $100k. I bought SO MUCH stupid crap thinking "I'll just buy it now instead of when I'm rich and successful later." I still look at my $45 "Mallrats" DVD from 1999 and say "What the hell was I thinking?" But
what do you think a million dollars would have done to you at 18? Do you think you would have been responsible? Or would you have made some dumb decisions?
So tbh I actually really do still find this phone a compelling buy even to this day. I've helped develop and fix many issues when testing with other MUCH smarter developers than myself and even try to help out where I can on this sub. That being said I'm at the next crossroads. Att no longer has 2 year contracts on phones and at my current company discount rate their other rates would actually be more expensive and i would be giving up unlimited data. Bootloaders on ALL att phones are on lockdown so I'm headed into the wild and have started looking at what phone I will purchase in the next 6 months. So where is everyone else on this? I have some ideas but honestly I don't want to spend more than 250 on a new phone. I have some ideas after a few days of research but nothing has floored me and I'm actually flip flopping at this point which is fine since I'm in no hurry and the g2 is sticking it out quite well. So
what phone do you think you would get in the next 6 months meeting the criteria above? Edit: I originally thought I wouldn't list what I've been looking at but men..oh well. Zen phone 2, nexus 6, idol 3, xperia z3+ Time/cost depreciation after 6 months- Nexus 5x, g4 unlocked
I've been playing lots of Greymane games with Go For The Throat ult with almost any build I've tried with Greymane. I think GFTT is more for Worgen oriented builds, whereas here, I am going to make the argument that MRTK is a better ult for cocktail build. The build in question is Wolfheart(or Viciousness) Draught Overflow Incendiary Elixir( or Quicksilver Bullets) Marked For The Kill On The Prowl Concentrated Blast level 20 ult is Blunderbuss if you took Quicksilver Bullets and flexible if not. At level 20, Cocktail with Inner Beast with Vulnerability debuff from MFTK does 1100 damage. I wanted to find a build where I could work this into a combo, and then MFTK really provided an opportunity to make this work. The combo - Start in Human form. E-> W-> Q-> R -> Q -> R -> Q What's happening in this combo is, you dive into a worgen form, doing AA and Q swipe, then land the bullet, which forces you back into human form without incurring disengage CD, now you can Cocktail for 1100 damage, then press R again for worgen form for Q+AA damage. The frustration I've been feeling about playing worgen oriented builds with Relentless Predator and On the Prowl and Go For The Throat really had Greymane dive and be forced to dive even further. This build allows you to use MFTK on tanks, so you can do a full combo during 5 sec vulnerability window that includes a huge cocktail damage(to the tank who presumably is in front of his team and allowing full splash to hit the backline). <b>
b> Mark For the Kill forces graymane into human form despite having shapeshifted for a combo, after which you can weave a huge cocktail blast.
Hi all, novice here! First I'd just like to say thank you for everything that you do here. I'm a bit of a PF lurker, but this is one the greatest communities on reddit. This year I began self employed exclusively, and paid quarterly taxes after Q1 (Overpaid by a bit, but I planned to factor for that in Q2). At the start of April though, I took on a contracted job, and was a bit confused about the status. The job ended after June, although I had the duel income at the time. Nothing from either was taxed, but I didn't file another quarterly tax. during the year. In Q3 I was again exclusively self employed, but in Q4, beginning in October, I was fully employed (w/ a W2 and withheld taxes) with the self employment income on the side. All in all, the self employment and contracted income account for about 85% of my income. I'm just not sure which forms to use or where to start with the separate sources of revenue. Additionally I paid 3K in student loans in feb, and then lump summed 46K to finish it off just after the turn of 2016. I don't have experience with deductions or write offs, and wouldn't be sure whether the loans or standard deduction would be a better bet. The
is this: 85% of income hasn't been taxed yet (Self Employment) 15% has been taxed 3K in Student Loans paid One Quarterly tax paid. How best should I proceed? Thanks so much!
I looked at the "How to get started in UX" link but it wasn't really clear to me. I have an interest in UI/UX and at the end of this semester I'll be done with a diploma in Web Development through a local community college. I have the opportunity to either transfer to a four year school and pursue design, stay and transfer later and focus more on computer science, or do some sort of combination of the two. Obviously, I have a lot of options here, but
if I'm interested in UI/UX design (probably a bit more UX) what makes sense education wise? What kind of education did you folks have before you got your job?
I just saw the Lethal League video, I saw that literally none of you knew the tricks of the trade. Each character has a traversal ability, the most influential ones are Sonate (double jump), Switch (Wallride of whole map (Jump on wall)) and Latch (wall latch). All characters have a special ability. All of them can be utilized by pressing X twice on an Xbox controller, while Switch's ability is used by Pressing A twice. Downward smashes double speed while straight hits only increase a fraction. If you say
or we want to them to figure it themselves I understand.
Ever since the recent patch, I have been getting blank screen total crashes (i.e. requires hard reboot). These crashes happen consistently within 3 minutes of a drop. There wasn't even a blue screen of death. It is so complete that all my LEDs light up and all my fans turn to max. I have exhausted my usual software based diagnostics and fixes. It is not the first time this happened, I have had to sit out one or two patches in the past for this same symptom. Turning up the CPU voltage did not help, and I diagnosed the problem to be a temperature issue. So, I under clocked my i7-4770 cpu from 3.5Ghz to 3.2Ghz. It worked like a charm and I am able to play again. I am posting this here in hopes that it helps other people. Edit: A lot of good advice in the comments section; I guess the
is: don't be shy to underclock a little if it fixes your crashes!
Server Name: Daxi Server Location: US Website: Server Address: Version: 1.8.9 Game Play Types: [SMP][PVE][Survival] Description: A world, limited only by time and your imagination. Your survival is completely dependent on your ability to fight off monsters, feed yourself, and build defences. No kits, minigames, rank systems, or flashy donator ranks. If you want to actually play Minecraft, Daxi might be for you. Our server is set up for simple, semi-vanilla gameplay with tweaks over vanilla that we are sure you'll appreciate. Most of our plugins have been written in-house, offering a level of feature integration not usually seen on smaller servers. The server's largest differences from vanilla include: Grief Prevention Land Claiming Lightweight Teleport System Hotbar and Armor Saved on Death Rules: Our full rules can be found [here]( but
don't be a dick. Discord: You can join our Discord community [here](
So i havent finished my placements yet, and im hoping for some actual discussion or answers here, but im curious how riot decides that this placement system is the correct way of doing things, or has any logical basis behind it. I understand that most people (in particular high elo) will drop after their placements, that makes sense to me, the queue is slightly "normalised" to mark the start of the new season. however, from every person i know who i've talked to about their placement, the result has been the same, 6-8 divisions lower than their previous rank. whether they started in silver or platinum. this seems completely pointless to me, what do the placements mean or represent when its essentially just a block fall in rank for everyone, making golds silver, plats gold etc etc. The worst example of this is a friend of mine who was silver 3, went 8-2, and ended bronze 4. she could have started played ranked from scratch on a bronze 5 account and ended up bronze 4 with an 8-2 run, how in any way is this "placement" representative of actual skill level or rank when this seems to be almost always the case? So i guess my overall question is, what was the thought process behind how this seasons placements worked and how do you defend what seems a completely pointless endeavor. Edit:
placements arent about skill or restructuring, they just drop you 6-8 divisions. why?
Background: I'm trying to make customized cards for the Holiday season, wherein 'Dear _ , Happy Holidays' will be on an image, and I will send to relatives and friends. Instead of editing the image and text in Photoshop again and again about 50 times, I am looking to create an offline generator where I can supply the image, feed a text file or input names in a text field one by one and the image+text will be the output. The
version is I want to make a [church sign generator]( albeit an offline version. So far: After googling and searching, I reached 2 solutions: One suggested using [Imagemagick]( and the other is [this webpage]( with the actual php coding. The problem is I know zilch in coding, so could anyone help me make the coding actually work?
I'm in Europe moving to America, so don't expect good ping if you reside elsewhere. I can use any primary, secondary, and lastary weapon you want me to. I'll do it for free, but I accept tips. Schedule quite flexible. I'm okay at syringe aim, as good as you can get at pointing a medigun at someone, and decent at melee. I'll use whatever playstyle you'd like me to, including actually healing teammates burning to death! Please read this: (
people who haven't taken damage recently are healed faster) My Steam community profile, feel free to add me.
I graduated high school in 2009, I did not do too well. I am not dumb, or mentally handicapped, I just had a very immature mindset. I could not rid that mindset until just a year ago when I became a father to my beautiful daughter. I want everything for her, but I feel as if i have failed her already. Like i said earlier, I did not do well in High School, I was not even in the top 50% of my class, but i still graduated. I then was pressured immediately into college by my parents who were very excited to see me go. I went for Network Administration. I do enjoy computing and networking, but it is not what I wanted to do, and I still had my same old High School Mindset, and let my social life and gaming life get the best of me. I failed out of school a year into my associates. I have had so much trouble finding a job since then, my school loans have defaulted. I am barely making it from unemployment check to unemployment check. My state requires me to constantly look for work and there still is none to be found that would support me and my family even if i were to work at 2 jobs. My fiance has since been forced to move into project housing with my daughter and i was forced to move back in with my father until i can get back on my feet. My father constantly nags me on how i ruined my life in high school and in college and i agree with him everytime. He tries to find me work and helps out some, but i cannot be with him forever. He is 65 and i would like to let him enjoy the rest of his retirement. I just want to give college another try, but i cannot get the money or the loan to go. I want to learn now, i have totally different mindset and have such an urge to learn chemistry and physics. I look up lectures from different colleges on the subjects everyday and watch them. But this will not replace a degree. Is there anything you guys can suggest i get started with to get back on the right track to maybe get into a reasonable college with myself having a background as i do? But enough of me blabbing im sorry. The
version of this is. I did not do well in high school. I have defaulted loans and no way to pay them back in the forseeable future. Is there any possibly way I could make it into a college for Chemistry and Physics with a bad track record from high school, college and school loans? If so how can i get started? I am not sure where to stare or what to do. I want the best for my daughter and would appreciate any suggestions on how i can turn my life around and get back into college? Or rather into an actual College? Thanks :X
See what it says?Reddit with friends.Over the past week some of the people on the server were everything BUT friends.First i want to say that I am not going to express my opinion on this post it is more like a recap.Someone,that most of the server believe it is Honeyside has destroyed the houses/labs/hotels/restourants/"shitters" etc. of people on the server like khaos,har or me,naruto2828.Also,they banned aztecking1225.Honeyside decided that all the people on the server are immature fucktards but there is a post that i have no idea if it is true.The post states that honeyside has some kind of a alarm system to annoy people or something.Recently I,singlehandedly have repaired my buildings and some in-human animal of some kind decided that it is a good idea to blow some nukes on them.Do you actually realise how much resourses it costed me to build this?Honeyside,or whoever the god damn griefer is,STOP IT or you will have to menage a 2-people server.Most of my mates quit and we didnt even finish our project.I dont care who the griefer is,at this point the only thing i am going to say to you is FUCK YOU!You ruined my buildings twice and the buildings of the most people on the server and they QUIT the server.How is that "tekkit for friends"?And you ban AZTECK??Are you kidding me?What has he done to anyone?Ban the god damn griefer,ban me but why azteck?This server is slowly going to hell and i dont care who the griefer is but i bet that when there isnt 1 person on the server he is going to celebrate.I wish you choke with that beer. Best wishes(fuck you griefer),naruto2828
fuck you griefer
See what it says?Reddit with friends.Over the past week some of the people on the server were everything BUT friends.First i want to say that I am not going to express my opinion on this post it is more like a recap.Someone,that most of the server believe it is Honeyside has destroyed the houses/labs/hotels/restourants/"shitters" etc. of people on the server like khaos,har or me,naruto2828.Also,they banned aztecking1225.Honeyside decided that all the people on the server are immature fucktards but there is a post that i have no idea if it is true.The post states that honeyside has some kind of a alarm system to annoy people or something.Recently I,singlehandedly have repaired my buildings and some in-human animal of some kind decided that it is a good idea to blow some nukes on them.Do you actually realise how much resourses it costed me to build this?Honeyside,or whoever the god damn griefer is,STOP IT or you will have to menage a 2-people server.Most of my mates quit and we didnt even finish our project.I dont care who the griefer is,at this point the only thing i am going to say to you is FUCK YOU!You ruined my buildings twice and the buildings of the most people on the server and they QUIT the server.How is that "tekkit for friends"?And you ban AZTECK??Are you kidding me?What has he done to anyone?Ban the god damn griefer,ban me but why azteck?This server is slowly going to hell and i dont care who the griefer is but i bet that when there isnt 1 person on the server he is going to celebrate.I wish you choke with that beer. Best wishes(fuck you griefer),naruto2828
fuck you griefer
Look at the title of this subreddit.See what it says?Tekkit for friends.Over the past week some of the people on the server were everything BUT friends.First i want to say that I am not going to express my opinion on this post it is more like a recap.Someone,that most of the server believe it is Honeyside has destroyed the houses/labs/hotels/restourants/"shitters" etc. of people on the server like khaos,har or me,naruto2828.Also,they banned aztecking1225.Honeyside decided that all the people on the server are immature fucktards but there is a post that i have no idea if it is true.The post states that honeyside has some kind of a alarm system to annoy people or something.Recently I,singlehandedly have repaired my buildings and some in-human animal of some kind decided that it is a good idea to blow some nukes on them.Do you actually realise how much resourses it costed me to build this?Honeyside,or whoever the god damn griefer is,STOP IT or you will have to menage a 2-people server.Most of my mates quit and we didnt even finish our project.I dont care who the griefer is,at this point the only thing i am going to say to you is FUCK YOU!You ruined my buildings twice and the buildings of the most people on the server and they QUIT the server.How is that "tekkit for friends"?And you ban AZTECK??Are you kidding me?What has he done to anyone?Ban the god damn griefer,ban me but why azteck?This server is slowly going to hell and i dont care who the griefer is but i bet that when there isnt 1 person on the server he is going to celebrate.I wish you choke with that beer. Best wishes(fuck you griefer),naruto2828
fuck you griefer here's my situation...the band that i play in has recently taken an interest in learning cover songs to "promote band cohesion" or some shit. in this experiment, they've chosen for us to first learn every last single in and out of dillinger escape plan's 'black bubblegum.' it's easy enough for the other fellas in the band to find guitar and bass tabs and even top notch drum covers ([this fucker is actually pretty sick]( but as the band's keyboardist and generalized dial turner, it's a bit more....difficult. upon further listening, there seems to be a fucking song underneath the song that you hear. and lo and be-fucking hold, the internet has no help for me. it's almost like it denies the fact that dillinger went in and added a bunch of shit to make the song sound as bad ass as it does. now, what i'm asking of you, mathrock, is if there is any way to deconstruct the song and maybe somehow isolate all of the underlying parts that aren't the guitars, bass, drums, and vocals. i know this is possible...i mean...after all, girl talk exists. also, take into mind that i am the type of guy that knows less about computers than his girlfriend...and she uses a mac. as to why they (my band) chose me for this part, i will never know, but i'm their fucking problem, now. so,
a computer-retarded keyboardist needs help deconstructing 'black bubblegum,' and any help would be very much appreciated.
Hi all. :) Refugee from Saber of Exar Kun here, currently residing on Pot5. Now that the transfers have calmed down a bit and new characters have been locked on origin servers, I've come full circle when it comes to my separation anxiety with my first server. I'm going to try to keep this as to-the-point as I can, promise: It was really difficult for me to give up the name Rachel when i transferred and change it to Rachelle (take a look at my reddit username... I kinda just really like my name. Or I'm not very creative... :) take it how you will), and with the announcement that later this summer my characters will be moved one way or another, I now know that I'm losing it for good, even on SoEK. I gave up three other names (Joy, Pepper, and Alanna) that were far easier to let go of... but for some reason I can't shake losing Rachel. Pot5's Rachel is currently a level 15 Operative that hasn't logged on (at least not while I've been on) since I moved over (the first day that moves were available for SoEK). I added the character to friends and have been leveling a BH in the meantime whenever I play (in order to watch the Imperial side as my two 50's are both Repub), which is turning out to be awesome . It's also an excuse to have a high-level on the opposite faction for HK-51 someday. But the truth is, I really just want my name back and it seems like that character's just sort of... sitting there. I know I'm not the only one in this situation, so I'm not looking for any sort of sympathy. What I am doing is asking if any of you have or know who has the name so that I can rest at ease with some sort of "I want it just as much as you do and it's mine" or "My friend had it and quit but won't resub just to give you a name" or even a (call me a dreamer) "Meh, you can have it, here you go." So (this also being my
if you have or know who has the name Rachel on Prophecy of the Five , I'd really like to know one way or another. And that being said, with all these name-holder characters from Early Access and transfers running wild now, I'm almost curious as to whether there should be a separate subreddit for this so posts like mine (which didn't have a place to go other than here) will have somewhere to go and be noticed. There's no way I'm the only one who's added to friends to see who's got your old name. Just saying. Anyway, as promised in the title, this will be the only post from me on the matter. But if anyone else thinks this would make a good subreddit or has any info (good or bad) for me, let me know... thanks for reading!
Hi tech support, have a bit of an add one :) I have a pretty old Acer Aspire 9300 laptop, which has a Nvidia GeForce Go 6100, which has s-video and VGA out, and I'm having a bit of bother with the VGA out. If I hookup a 17" external monitor to the VGA out, all is fine, but if I hook it up to my Sharp Aquos tv, which has VGA In, things get a little odd. The screen is detected by the laptop, and I can mirror or extend etc... No problem, however at random intervals, the laptop 'drops' the connection to the TV, as if it has been disconnected, and then re-finds it, sometimes immediately, sometimes after a minute or so. I thought perhaps it was the cable I'm using, as like i said a regular external monitor, with its own cable, works fine, but I first chucked in an ubuntu live CD, to test it, just to be sure. I installed the Official Nvidia drivers and ... This has no problem outputting to the TV constantly, with no drops! So proving the cable I reckon. In Vista I used the manufacturer video drivers, and also tried those Omega drivers, no joy, still the same problem. I've no real desire to go back to Linux again so I'm a bit stuck :) So,
vista constantly loses connection to my TV by VGA, but not a 'normal monitor'. linux has no problem outputting to the TV by VGA. Sorry for the long post, cheers for any advice!
Maybe I'm an antique, DOS and windows 3.1 throwback kind of guy, but the windows RUN menu is super handy and saves time digging through the START menu. Here's some shortcuts I often use Press the WINDOWS key + R and type this to get: excel = MSExcel winword = MSWord powerpnt = MSPowerpoint photoshop = Adobe Photoshop calc = MSCalculator notepad = MSNotepad wordpad = MSWordpad msconfig = MS Configuration services cmd = command line (any MS Dos command works in run) iexplore = MS Internet Explorer browser firefox = Firefox browser chrome = Chrome browser And you can pass commands into the run menu, like telling Chrome to open a web page on launch you'd enter: chrome Jump to browse files on any drive: C:\ C:\Program Files D:\Reaction Gifs\
etc.. There's most likely a million more. And you can make your own as well, google can tell you how. I find it saves a load of time!
So, the Canada Agriculture Museum will be implementing a totally dumbass policy this Saturday. Because the power will be out in thier Admission booth it will not be possible to pay using debit cards. Instead of just saying, "Oh, our debit machine is down, please pay another way" they are instead letting anybody who says that they can only pay using debit FREE. This is so moronic that I want the museum to be PACKED with visitors who get in for free. Then maybe they'll smarten up. So,
if you go to the Museum of Agriculture this Saturday and say that you can only pay using debit, YOU WILL GET IN FREE. Enjoy. They have four baby goats and they're adorable.
I used smack talking to be polite, tbh. I'm a female with a love that runs real deep, and a rivalry with Raiders fans within my family, if that happens to help any...Anyway, I'm sick and tired of them who "Tony Homo this and Tony Homo that" or the always original "cowgirls" without any quality comebacks! Aside from our lovely quarterback's name being use in a homophobic way, I also get the "When was the last time you went to the Super Bowl?" in which I reply with, "At least the last time we went to the Super Bowl, we didn't get our asses handed to us by a team that has never been before." WHICH I can only use so much! Something else that popped up recently was this someecard riddled with misspellings about the cowboys and the past; but in reality this certain person brought up the 1989 season. While I wasn't old enough to understand football when I was just two years old, I know that for a fact. Anyway,
can one of you guys help me with some shit that can shut them down? They never have anything of quality to say! Thanks :)
I'd like to start off by saying I'm not an expert . Some of what I'll say below may be based on assumption and guesswork based on my (reasonably good, even though I say so myself) knowledge of the gaming industry as a consumer. Feel free to correct me if I have a misconception on how this works. Anyway, I believe day-one DLC is just as valid as day 100 DLC of the same quality for the following reasons: Not everyone is working on the same stage of the game at the same time. Someone writing the game, for example, will not be crafting the story when the pre-alpha play testers are running through levels. This means that not everyone finishes at the same time, so many can start the process again, except with less ambition, with DLC. Secondly, the development for the game doesn't stop the day before release. There will be extensive time when external testers will be playing and most of the development team will be free to work on the DLC. It's not just testing; more workload at this point will move towards the publisher, who has to deal with the logistics of shipping the thing, finding ad spots etc. Finally, the DLC could have been worked on any-time during development. It could be all finished months before they finish the game. Maybe it's a level that didn't fit with the story, maybe they couldn't hit a deadline and couldn't give it to playtesters. In summary (
what I'm trying to ask is, as long as the long as the quality is good, why do you care if it's day one? The DLC would have been worked on just as hard, but there is always going to be less time spent because it's a fraction of the length. If the timelines work out that way why do you care? If this gets enough support (or not enough), I might try and make a diagram to illustrate this because who like reading?
I picked up and played this game at launch. I had no idea what to expect. Didn't fund before launch Didn't look at what features were "promised". So that's irrelevant to me if the final product is fun. I expect some broken promises from crowd sourced goals. Don't care about them as long as the final game is polished and feels "complete". Didn't follow any news (or controversy) between launch and now. I just know there IS some... I felt the alpha launch was a solid product on it's own, just was missing some depth. So,
what did this patch add to make it MORE like the finished product , and what core stuff is left to be done before it's considered 100% done. (Don't care about gimmicky side features and such.) I imagine many people are in the same spot as me, so, help sell this game to those who haven't committed 100% to it yet...
So, I've been playing for 3 years. Since December 2014 I've played all of the games I have played on LoL on my stream, and that means I basically hardly type in chat at all except for timers or whatever. I recently (second week of 2015) received a 70 game chat restriction and a 35 game ranked restriction. My only problem with this is that I have no idea what I said wrong. I have no doubt I did say something wrong, but if I got a ban that large in the space of a week, then I'm just wondering why I'm not being told what I did wrong. I received a chat ban literally after logging in and watching a video RiotLyte made about how summoner feedback on their toxicity gave them a much higher rehabilitation rate. The other problem I have is this ranked restriction thing. Yeah, I get it - you want people to play the games and actually try instead of just lazing their way through them. Only problem is is that by tying the restriction to draft mode wins, you are inherently making people more susceptible to tilting. You could argue that that means the player shouldn't play ranked in the first place, but in my case, a lot of my viewers want to watch me play my provisionals. I never used to get pissed off about a loss in ranked or in draft games before, but now that I have to win 18 games (started at 35) in order to get back into playing ranked (let alone being able to communicate with my team properly again), it is really frustrating whenever we lose, because it feels like a waste of 30 minutes. It is hard to learn things in draft games because I'm not consistently playing with people at or above my level of play. I do make mistakes in draft queue, but that is primarily because I am also being matched with people who will use their 5 messages every 20 minutes to say something negative, instead of positive things or useful things to say. The
is simply: I don't know why I was chat banned. I don't want to dispute it, but I would be a lot less frustrated if I could actually see why I was chat banned. I am not being rehabilitated or told what I did wrong here, there is no way I can become a better player just by being forced to go through a stressful situation of having to win 35 draft games just to be able to play in the new season and get learning again. Given that, at least in plain terms, the reason that this was caused was due to free-form stressful situations (a la ranked), I don't see how pitting me in draft queue and forcing me to be unable to communicate without explaining what I did wrong is going to help me. I have played League for just over 3 years, and not once have I ever felt like not playing League. But since I've received this chat ban, it honestly has just sucked the drive out of me. I can't have fun with people in chat (and I VERY rarely type in chat because I am streaming, I usually only say stuff like "got em" or timers for flash). It feels like a chore to log on and play League because I am being forced to play through 35 games simply to be able to play something my viewers want to see me play again. I know that I have to play through them, and that's fine - I will play through them. But it just annoys me that I can't be told WHY.
I've been seeing this guy [28, M] for about 2.5 months now. It's hard for me to find people I connect with and that interest me, and I was so happy when we started dating. When i brought up our relationship status about 3 weeks ago he confided in me that he is a recovering alcoholic (sober 6 months) and that he didn't think it would be a good idea to start any typeof relationship due to this. We continued seeing each other and last night I asked him about being exclusive. He said he wasn't willing to commit to that as it leads to more serious things, but he wasn't seeing anyone else and would tell me if he did. He even said he has told his parents about us, which is rare for him. Basically I'm wondering if I should stick around or find someone else. tl,
guy I've been seeing won't commit to being exclusive due to issues he has, am I being played?
I've been getting ready to start a new survival map with procedurally generated asteroids. I wasn't sure what the average distance between them was based on settings, however. I've tried searching Google, but nobody seems to have even theorized an answer to this question yet. My original play was to build a small scout ship that towed around a rack of satellites, each with an antenna, keypad and solar panel. Each time I got to an asteroid I would break a satellite off of the rack, name it appropriately and continue on my way. I would then keep my main ship's antenna off so that my screen wasn't constantly filled with a clutter of satellite names when I wasn't trying to go somewhere specific. Having the asteroid density set to "high" seems to give me a decent amount of asteroids roughly 5km-10km away from each other. This would work with my plan, as small ship antennas have a maximum broadcast distance of 5km themselves. But I also looked at the "normal" settings, and one of the nearest asteroids I had flown to seemed to be closer to 20k distance from the next. Although this makes each asteroid seem a lot more remote to the next, and thus more valuable, this means I'd have to make my satellites out of large ship blocks. That would technically be doable, but seems a lot more expensive considering what I'm using it for. I'd rather not just use beacons for this purpose, or GPS waypoints. With beacons, I wouldn't really be able to "turn off until needed," and the GPS system personally feels like a cheap way to avoid ever using either antennas or beacons. (edit)
read title =P
I have found a guild I really enjoy (very nice and fun people) but we, as a whole, aren't very raider heavy. This has been steadily becoming a bigger issue since a handful of us are pretty dedicated but have to pug in people all the time to raid (though those of us that do show up do extremely well, and a decent number are ranked top 10 for our server). So we're trying to find new raiders to join the guild and more specifically our raid times. I'm not really asking for people here, I know there's a sub setup for it, but it seemed like a ghost town last I looked. In fact, every old place I used to look for this sort of thing seems pretty nonexistent now (our server's official forum barely moves and turned up no replies). I'd really like to stay with this guild, but I fear if we don't get more raiders to at least fill a team we're going to start losing people. So,
start here what add-ons and sites are actually active for raiding recruitment? I missed most of MoP as well so maybe I'm missing something that started there and took everyone. Thanks for any help you may be able to offer.
So here I am appreciating life after my first night with my first dose ever.. I was in a super positive environment with people just dancing and enjoy everything. I was with my dealer (one of my best friends) and another friend. At the beginning I didn't feel shit, but after some joints.. I started feeling super cold and nervous, for like 5 minutes. I was afraid of a bad trip, but then it just FUCKING KICKED IN destroying the gates. Best night ever. And this morning is still going so far! Even if in a different manner. So,
first timers, be in a friendly environment and it will be awesome.
I'm new to the whole competitive smash scene and hearing a lot about apex can some of you more experienced people in this sub give me a sort of
about apex and the people in it?
So...uh I saw the patch notes for last CTE patch... and something concerned me. But I should probably start from the beginning; I heard that DICE in the past has "come out and said that Marksman Bonus" mechanic is making people sit back instead of PTFO. Makes sense right ? Who wouldn't want to just get insane amounts of points for one kill that compared to something that other players do, like say taking out a heli with a SRAW (btw. nerfing it is a terrible idea, give it more maneuverability then in Vanilla instead of the opposite aswell as increased fov, but that's another topic for later). And now low powered scopes are going to be less effected by suppresion, something that I greatly applaud. The problem is that medium aswell as high powered optics are going feel suppresion more. That is just flawed game design right there. It should be exact opposite. Make low powered optics less effected by suppresion by 50% Mid - 65% and high powered 70% Reason for what I'm saying is that the higher the magnification the bigger the effect suppresion has. That will make mid-optics even less useful, and what's even worse make more snipers camp in the far. I don't even care if they kill somebody like once per minute. But they kill 4 people in the WHOLE goddamned round. And they definetly will start doing that. Reason being nobody in this game enjoyes being suppresed, regardless of what they think about that retarded mechanic. And if someone has access to high powered bolt action rifles AND optics that have magnification of 8x,14x,20x or even 40x ANNND is rewarded for sitting more in the back when he gets a lucky headshot ANNNNNND doesn't have to deal with suppresion on that distance then a lot more people are going to do that. Perhaps agresive reacons which sometimes use something like M40A5 with 3,4 or 4x scope will switch to SRR-61 or M98B and 20x sight. Not something I want. So
here's list of change I propose: -1x,2x optics - 50% less effected by suppresion -3,4x,4x - 65% less effected by suppresion -6x,7x,8x,14x (20x and 40x are not effected by suppresion anyways) - 70% less affected by suppresion. Oh, and make SRAW 40% more nibble/agile then it is right now in vanilla, speed of the rocket 25% faster then in vanilla, increased fov that is now in CTE. Thank you for reading through what I wrote. Edit. Not more then now just more then 1x optics.
I am honestly too scared to go there to see for myself. What's the
of that subreddit?
Hello everyone, I go to trade shows and need a better solutions to managing sales. Right now I have paper order blanks and write down what I'm selling to a customer. It's real slow and it's easy to make mistakes. Plus it gets hectic when someone says he wants to buy a couple things and is looking over my products to see if he wants anything else. Then while he's thinking if he wants anything else someone comes up and just wants one thing quick. I have a credit card processor and have an app and card reader for my cellphone. So I don't want or need anything that processes credit cards. Ideally I want an open source app for android tablet or cellphone. At these shows people haggle, and if they're buying something and on the fence about another item I might offer them a lower price on something to push them over the edge. So I would like something where I can easily adjust prices per order and not permantely change the product price. (Product prices range from $5 - $2000 average retail) I ship things because I don't have room for everything / I run out of inventory. So I need a way of marking products on an order that I need to ship. Also we collect customer info for warranties and so we can send out catalogs in the mail so on orders I'd like to get their name address and phone number. So
too much ramble. I want: Android cellphone / tablet POS Multiple open orders at once (kinda like multiple tables at a resteraunt) Per order price adjustments / discounts Customer info Flagging items per order that need to be shipped Bonus if I can integrate a barcode scanner and receipt printer so I could scan stuff like at a grocery store and give them a receipt. What I don't need: Payment processing Cash drawer Inventory management I'm a one man band. I barely make enough to get by so I'd like open source freeware if possible, if not a low one time price. I know odds are that I'm not going to find something that covers everything, I'm just trying to find something to make things run smoother and make my life easier. So I'd appreciate any suggestions that would be close.
Okay, so after this major update a few friends of mine and I decided to play. I hosted the server on my computer, and we all started and made home base on Gamma Nu Oct 39 IIIa (on mobile, don't have coords right now). Now, so far everything has been running relatively smoothly...except for if we try to go to GNO39 III. Every other planet in the solar system (we don't have our F
ives repaired yet) is fine, no real lag issues from anyone. However, that planet, if anyone goes to it, they lag. Even I lag just trying to walk around or dig just a bit. Does anyone know why it's happening? Could I fix it by say, leaving myself on the planet with the server running while I slept?
Dear Trees, So my grandpa is your typical extremely conservative, old-timey, army vet. I've called him Poppy my whole life. He doesn't know this but he's one of my favorite people on this earth. He's becoming depressed recently though. Poppy has been struggling with a disease that doctors still can't identify. They think it's cerebellar degeneration, but he has so many other symptoms it's hard to pinpoint. Essentially, his motor skills are completely deteriorating. He has no balance, can't ever sleep, and talks reaaaally slow. (think Eeyore but slower) He is all there mentally, but I can tell it hurts him a great deal when he's trying to get a point across but gives up because it takes him to long to form the sentence. I don't think he has ever even considered smoking pot medicinally. Between Army and working for the Whitehouse for over 40 years, you can guess why. I know several people though that have relatives who smoke for their cancer, glaucoma etc etc, and they say it helps greatly. My problem is I don't know how I should bring it up with him. So my wise Ents and
s, as the title says, How do I convince Poppy to try smoking pot?
So.. [Dominant gun]( (Yes I'm not the one that discovered this, I just tested it and am interested in what others think of it.) The way this actually works is pretty simple.. the game tries to balance the firepower on the "right" and "left" sides of the craft, making it so that if you got a lot of SMGs on one side and only one in the other side, it uses the single gun more, and because the game doesn't differentiate between the gun tiers it can make a single higher tier gun fire at increased firerate by adding a lot of lower tier guns. Obviously this much more noticeable with T-X1 SMGs cause of their high dmg, and "double shot". The thing that came to me as I was testing is "what about guns in the middle ?" the answer is, they are considered as guns on the side with less guns.. so if you have 5 guns on your right and one in the middle thats the same as 5 on the right and 1 on the left. So I decided to try this with T-X1-s in actual battles with a testbot created just for this. [Dominant gun testbot]( [secondary T1 guns in the left side of the hollow armor]( [empty hollow armor on the right side]( Naturally losing the "dominant gun" is pretty much a lost game, but most of the time you can still deal some significant damage before that happens.. and there are at least 1-2 medics each match anyways, healing up a single mega SMG is pretty fast.. So, whats everyone's opinion about this ? should this be considered an exploit ? or is it just clever use of game mechanics ? maybe it should get changed ? or leave it be as it promotes build diversity ? I honestly got no idea. EDIT:
check the first link in the post.
I am kind of a noob, despite having this game when it was first in beta, I started again as a novakid and im not sure where to find the Erchius crystals to fix my F
ive. I am only available to go to 2 planets and i cant seem to find anything on those.
What is the Song of the Week (SOTW)? The idea behind the SOTW is that one out of the absurd number of songs Aleks has created will be posted every Sunday for people to express their opinions on/have a chance to hear something they may have not heard before. Everyone is allowed to comment with their opinion on the song, sharing with each other what they personally believe is good or bad about it. It's important to note that the SOTW will cover all of Savant's aliases, meaning that every song is possibility, and not just something under the Savant name. Because of this, it's possible that a handful of people will have not heard the song selected for the week. In order to combat this, I will be posting a video of the song on the SFR Channel or linking another source for the song below. Basics/
of the above New "Song of the Week (SOTW)" every Sunday. A SOTW can cover any alias Aleksander has gone under. If you have not heard the SOTW before, you can find a video/link to the track below. You can freely comment your opinion regarding the SOTW. Suggest the next SOTW at the end of your post! (Not guaranteed to be selected) Previous SOTW [[SOTW #3 - 1/25/15] Savant - Siren feat. Ninur]( SOTW: Savant - I Want You (as suggested by /u/Spacewolfe) I Want You is the 7th track off of Ninür, Aleks' first official album under the Savant name. Ninür was released 11/11/11 and includes a total of 13 tracks. SOTW Links [Savant - I Want You](
Sorry to ask, I know it is a stupid question but how do you use integration by parts if there is a constant in front of the integral sign. Ex. ∫x^(3)e^-3x dx Once I get down to here: -(1/3)x^(3)e^(-3x)-(1/3)x^(2)e^(-3x)+(2/3)∫e^(-3x)x dx I get confused. I know that the 2/3 can come out in front of the integral sign since it's a constant. At the next step though you have: u=x-----------------v=-(1/3)e^-3x du=dx--------------dv=e^-3x This turns into -(1/3)x^(3)e^(-3x)-(1/3)x^(2)e^(-3x)-(2/9)xe^(-3x)+(2/9)∫e^-3x dx Where do the two 2/9 come from? Is it the same as writing: -(1/3)x^(3)e^(-3x)-(1/3)x^(2)e^(-3x)+(2/3)[-(1/3)e^(-3x)x+(1/3)]∫e^-3x dx Sorry if this is confusing. I guess the
would be the two lines above this. Thanks
So I've noticed a lot of threads along the lines of, "I haven't watched wrestling in x amount of time. Could someone catch me up?" And it gets down voted. So my idea is that we have a link, or some kind of
showing the past month of results for WWE, TNA, ROH, NJPW, etc... It could cut down on posts like this.
As the title says, I am currently looking to build myself a CSM Tzeench list, preferably I'd like to model them around 'The Scourged' chapter. EDIT: Here's a link to the 40kwiki about 'The Scourged' - I recently impulse bought the 'Crimson Slaughter' expansion kit (since the price is reasonable and the kit is pretty awesome) and decided I would like to build up a viable army list around it. Currently looking for 1500-2000 points of CSM - EDIT: Daemon Allies kind of clash with their chapter lore, so I'd like to avoid them after discussions below. - maybe with Daemon allies (as said previously I'm completely new to CSM) , I've been collecting 40k for around 6 months now and I have some experience with Tau and Imperial Guard, (I have 2000 point armies for both) so I'm familiar with rules and basic tactics. I guess the
is this: I am looking to field a Tzeentch CSM army, with 'The Scourged' as a base. Any help and discussions would be great. Thanks
So on Thursday, I hit up my dude and asked if I could get a few points until I get the cash on Monday. He said no problem and gave them to me. I did them all that night and was feeling like shit on Friday and all day yesterday. Around noon Saturday, he calls me and tells me if I can look at his two laptops. I said sure and if I can fix them, it'll be $50, but he can just take what I owe him and give me the difference in diesel. Well, he shows up an hour later with the laptops and two points to hold me over.. THEN, he gives me another 2 after I left the emergency room at 3am (another story in and of itself,
stepdad had a seizure). Finally, I called him this morning to get his laptops and he brings me another three points and simply says "Thanks for looking out, homie." I'm about to rail a few lines and hop in the shower. Thanks, Junkiechristo. I know I said I was gonna stay clean but... it's harder than I thought. How's everyone's Superbowl Sunday going?
So, I started again after months. After seeing the Outpost for the first time I was amazed. It was also my first time on a "protected" environment. All the stores and NPCs are a very nice touch. Until the quests appears. I don't mind quests, but catching bugs? Fetching coffee? Making a mug and a spoon? Seriously? I mean, my damn F
ive is broken, I'd rather figure out myself how to fix it than fetching someone coffee over the galaxy. And I have to go and come back like thousand times. At least ask me all at once. I thought nothing could be worse than WoW's "kill 10 wolfs and come back" but this is way worse.
For those ballin on a budget munchies can present quite the addition to the struggle. I'd always suggest making your own food from scratch because it's fucking delicious and you can make a grip for not a lot of money. Plus apparently it gets you pussy(or dick or both, whatever you're shooting for homie). Im not going to talk about the complexities of that so I'll just compare ramen and dollar store brownies. They both aren't the dankest shit you can get but it's all good. Ramen is about $0.20 and if it isn't it's going to be right now. Dollar store brownies are 4 for $1 so $0.25. Now let's compare some nutritional facts: ramen brownies calories 188 210 fat 7g 8g sodium 875mg 125mg total carbs 27g 33g fiber 1g 1g sugar 0.7g 17g protein 4.5g 2g Side by side brownies actually seem to top ramen as far as potential life force goes. If one can sustain ones-self on ramen then it should be theoretically possible to do so with dollar store brownies. I don't suggest it but you can judge by how appealing that sounds to you. Plus brownies are way danker than ramen imo. I believe the key to budget sustenance is the balance of the two. [5] EDIT:
buy brownies
Hey /r/giftofgames, I just wanted to say, that first of all, thank you for everything. I think I've gotten about 1/5 of my library on here, and that's quite a lot. I've grabbed Saints Row 2, Monaco, and a few others from this subreddit alone. But that's not the only reason I'm here. I bought a 4 pack of Dino D-Day for myself, and two friends. (Obligatory "But shit, it was 99¢") Now, if you do the math, that makes it 3 copies out, and one left. Instead of just selling the other one, I might as well just give it away here, to show appreciation for the community. I'm doing this because I love you. Rules: Follow /r/GoG rules. No exceptions. Give me a book suggestion. I like books like Insignia , and currently I'm reading Ready player one . I like those futuristic-ish stories. Recommend me a book like that, or any book you think I'll like. Any book will do, actually. Just give me a short
and I'll look at it. (OPTIONAL) This is completely up to you, but tell me why you want to play this game. You don't need to write this, but it'll score ya rage points, which might help you persuade me ;) You have 12 hours Winner will be chosen randomly. Good luck! EDIT: I need gooder grammer. EDIT2: Thanks everyone! :)
I preordered the Majora's Mask new 3ds xl the day the preorders went live. Everything was good, no issues. Then I switched bank accounts and realised I'd paid with my old card, checked to see if I could change the card details but couldn't find an option, shouldn't have caused any issues though as if the card payment failed they would most likely have sent me a request for the correct details and I could have fixed it. Sadly I was off work and started to worry as I had nothing better to do, somehow despite them being sold out I managed to create a new preorder, not really sure how. Anyway I realised that was never going to work so I cancelled it and didn't think anything more of it for a few hours. Then I suddenly started to worry that I'd cancelled the wrong one, I decided there was no way I would have done that so I tried to forget about it. Checked my account the next morning and confirmed my idiocy. I had cancelled the wrong one. So now I'm just left with a preorder that probably won't complete. Contacted Nintendo support but I doubt they'll be able to help with this. It's my own fault so looks like I'll have to shell out way more and get it from a scalper. No one to blame but myself, I feel like a complete idiot. EDIT:
preordered new 3ds, somehow created a duplicate order after trying to change payment details, cancelled wrong order. Anyone got any stories of Nintendo support pulling off a miracle for them? I could use some hope.
About 5pm, I was walking out of the station and about to hop into a cab. There were two cabs left at the waiting station. Cabs are parked in a way, that the first cab needs to move out first before the next one can. I walked up to the first one, after seeing someone jump out and asked him if he was available, he shook his head and I nodded at that. However out to the corner of my eye, I see this bitch run up from the other cab and jump into the back of the first cab, screaming that it was her cab, she was first. I shrugged at that, gave her a quick smile and walked to the other cab and hopped in. The person who had exited the cab before returns with his family, forcing the driver to kick out the entitled bitch. Now she had to wait possibly ten to twenty minutes for the next cab. As my cab drove off into the setting sun, I looked to her and gave her a nice big grin. bold
bold Bitch has to wait 10-20 minutes for next cab
I saw this on another website and it scared the living ** out of me! ---I'm 17 and pretty much fap every day/other day •The problem is, I've had independent study for the past 10 months •Which means I'm home A LOT, all day •So usually I fap once a day •I get boners randomly throughout the day •I get boners usually always when I wake up •I tried nofap on Monday •Went only 3 days, felt decent •Last night •Dumbass me started watching porn, not fapping to it •go to sleep •unable to fall asleep for nearly 2 hours •my dick felt tingly (lol) •had to do it cause I knew I wouldn't have been able to sleep •ONLY reason I couldn't sleep was because I watched it without fapping •Have never felt so guilty in my life after I fapped •Felt like I failed life after trying this and breaking after 3 days •Felt awful, fell asleep •Woke up and feel great... So that's pretty much what I'm dealing with right now. Has anyone here did the same thing I did? How guilty did you feel? Now I know that watching porn without fapping is NOT GOOD! I just don't know if I have porn addiction...because when I leave the house and hang out with my friends I don't care about porn/the would be way easier if I wasn't home all day. I thought I was going to wake up feeling terrible but I feel great right now. Why? I thought if I did fap I would feel like shit...sorry for the
but I need to get it off my chest :( thanks! Edit: And when can you start actually fapping again (without porn?)
I am shaking, dont know how writing. feel like bad person because cant see anymore. armhas a psi of 324r5. period so you know i ended my thought. i dont feel human, yest feel a certain lack of control, a force is leading me on, i am riding a train and i cannot determine where i go, but have to trust its destination. thank you, ni need to chill now, nned to become a human again, need to do it. ~
just do it. -Cody Petersen-(it was a good day, lets finish it even better.)
Ok, so I have to go with my office team to watch a baseball game and I don't know anything at all about the games. Rules, scoring, teams, star players.. nothing at all. Can you guys and gals give me the
of baseball so that I don't look stupid there? EDIT: Yes, I know there is Wikipedia and the Internet, but I trust Reddit can make this more interesting than reading those articles ever can.
I'm trying to find a comment I read in an askreddit thread ~1 year ago. The thread had something to do with the saddest story you know or the thing you feel the worst about or something of that nature. Some guy wrote a story about how when he was a kid, he had this special friendship with his next door neighbor - like how he'd talk to her in the backyard every day. She was elderly iirc. The
was that she got sick, and he was too young to be able to deal with the idea of her dying, so once she returned from the hospital, he became very distant with her. It was incredibly sad. It was a pretty highly rated comment within the thread if i remember right, but I can't seem to find it now. Anybody have any idea what it might have been?
Is this no longer a site to visit to openly discuss and share opinions on? After reading recent articles and comment strings I feel like Reddit is becoming another cave where slimy anonymous assholes come to make the best sexist, racist, shitty-shock-value remarks on posts that deserve some real insight and have potential to start a good 'ol debate about. I chose to post in 'Circle Broke' after googling where to complain about Reddit, within Reddit to dodge some snide remarks on being in the wrong place. Wait, am I in the right place?) Am I a pussy for fearing a few bad replies? Yeah kind of. Since discovering Reddit years ago, I've come here time and time again because I knew a lot of the information being shared and discussed here comes from real, credible people. But I feel like these qualities are being lost in the muck. I'm wishing there is some kind of place where I can post without having to run the noob gauntlet. Perhaps I've mistaken Reddit to once be some kind of ruined utopia. >
does anyone else feel like Reddit is devolving into a big, mean Neanderthal of a once social and intelligent website? [s](
I haven't had time to play in months. I pretty much stopped playing after I hit level cap a couple of weeks after launch. I really loved my flamethrower engineer though! I was wondering what kind of changes have been made to them? Good or bad. I'm hoping for a little bit extra damage though! hehe Also, what (big or small) changes should I be aware of? Any new jumping puzzles? I plan on reading thru all the patch notes when I get time... but theres a shit ton of them. So it will be quite the read. I come to the great community for the
lol I thank you all ahead of time!
It's always been a dream of mine to be a writer but I lack confidence/motivation. I've written different pieces over the last few years but have always deleted them after thinking they weren't good enough. Also I find it difficult to sit down and write. The only thing I have kept that I have written is a seven page prologue of what I'd hope to lead into a novel. Tonight I've come to the point where if I don't get off my ass and have some faith in myself then I'm going to be stuck in my piece of shit job for the foreseeable future and not get to accomplish my dream. I guess
what is your advice on becoming confident in your writing, getting and staying motivated, and sitting down and letting you imagination run wild on paper?
Hi all, I was playing in the test yesterday and I was really enjoying it, but because I was under NDA I couldn't really talk about the game with my friends. That is until I found out people were streaming their games on Twitch. So now I'm confused, because I could have sworn that there was a whole confidentiality clause in the beta agreement. So what's up with that? >
are we under NDA or not?
If your day just started, give us the
of the day before
I recently found out about cobaltstreak and I am wondering how he has amazing runs ALL THE TIME. I have trouble finding out myself because I haven't caught one of his livestreams Unneeded
how does cobaltstreak have amazing runs all the time?
So here's the story; I went to middle school with this silent girl and let's just call her Lauren. I got to know Lauren more in 8th grade when I started to text her and talk about everything. We literally texted each other everyday. Back then I had this huge crush on this really cute chick but she rejected me. So then after said rejection, I started opening up to Lauren about it. I honestly turned out to be a pussy about being rejected. So a little ways down summer I started liking lauren. And the dumbass I am, I told her friend and she found out. It was not good because I went to be a pussy about it and I couldn't stop. Freshman year comes by and the short story is that I just turned away and looked for new people. Well new people were just friends but not like the ones I've had. So then a few weeks ago I went to a party to impress this girl I've had trouble getting together with. We go to different school now so hence why it's difficult. Well she caught on and just avoided me the whole party. And we're at the new point of the story. The dj turns on a slow song for a couple in the room and as I look at the girl I said ,"fuck it," so I grabbed the nearest girl. Whataya know? It's lauren! It was awkward, a little strange too because we didn't talk. And now we opened up that we were both crazy and we need to start over again. I did just that and I asked her out on a date. I even went on by not being a dumbass and asked her what she liked to do. It happend to be the same thing I liked too. Walking around we talked about everything, from my crazy stories to the time I went to the worst party. I realized wow I'm actually having fun with her. She's just like what I like in a girl. She's smart, sweet, cute, she likes the same stuff I like, and she's not as boring as the other girls I've gone out with. I want to ask her to go out with me but I'm second guessing myself. *
a series of events I wound up getting back with an old friend of mine in middle school. I never knew how much more she was like my ideal girl and now I want to ask her to go out with me. I don't know if I should wait or not.
I'm going to preface this by saying, I'm sorry, I know this is entire question is going to look ridiculous and I'll probably look retarded, I'm sure using the word hack in the title didn't help, but this really does bother me and I'd appreciate it if I could get some help here. So I've been browsing reddit and 4chan for a while when I saw a post on /b/ asking how to get past the password log in on windows 7. With a linux bootup usb/cd and a few exe commands you can completely bypass the password log in. I know that doesn't worry most people here but it does kind of make me paranoid to think that someone could get into my computer that easily. So the
for my question: without physical access (i.e. being able to plug in a usb, etc.) how easy is it for someone to access information on another computer? How much does it vary by OS? With access to someone's ip, does that make things much easier? Again, I'm sorry, I know this is all probably basic stuff.
The other weekend was my schools prom and i went with a singles group (im not good with the ladies, but alas that is for an other post in a different sub) and i have this one friend who is crazy as all hell and once he gets up in front of people i dont feel embarrassed and just let loose when i go do crazy shit with him so me,him and some other friends just start dancing having a good time. i'm feeling the beat when all of a sudden i get a tap on the shoulder and hear" looking a little stiff there meat head" from one of the base ball players (whom hate me for no good reason) this would proceed all night,with remarks like "Do they have steroids that help with dancing?" and "hulk cant dance!" i didn't pay it any mind but others started to notice the swole hate and came to my defense. Some girls actually started giving me some dace lessons trying to help my stiff moving, swole self dance which was nice, got some swole complements in the processes.........which was REALLY nice so
kids who hate me made fun of my lack of maneuverability on dance floor, people notice and defend me, hot ladies give me dance lessons and compliments
I tried to do a run Saturday (the 25th) after 5 days off, but I barely ran at all and it was awful. So much walking. So I rested Sunday, and in my 7th week since STARTING the program, I am repeating week 4 again this week. I was really not looking forward to trying to do it again today, especially since I was very tired. But I saw [some sample packs of this stuff]( for sale at the health food store so I thought I'd try it out, seemed like a good alternative to the heavily caffeinated energy boosts I've tried in the past that leave me nauseous and very jittery. The directions vaguely say to consume with 1 - 1.5 cups of water "before exercise". Well, downing that immediately before heading out would cause a wicked case of the sloshies. I had it 45 minutes before leaving the house to warm up, that way it left my belly and I had time to pee before running :P WOW. I felt a huge burst of energy before I left the house, but not jittery or shaky (and I can be caffeine sensitive at times). It really helped me smile and power through today, and after my cool down I even did a bonus run or two ;) Now that I've stretched and cooled all the way down, I don't feel jittery, but I do still feel energized. Kind of hyper, but not in a bad way. And I don't feel like I'm crashing. So, if you need a boost on a blah day, put down the 5 hour energy, don't touch that coffee- maybe give even HALF a dose of this stuff (or something similar) a try! It DOES still have a source of caffeine, but less so than some products, and as I said I can be sensitive to it. But I feel good. [ Here's more info on it.]( **[
felt blah, no motivation, this stuff 45 mins before leaving the house helped me crush it](
So I figure that by posting this I'll have some level of accountability to people other than me. Maybe. I'm pretty new to serious/disciplined working out, I've done it before but never for longer than 4 weeks or so at a time aaaand I hate my habit of starting committed and then just tapering off. I love exercising and sports and I'm not "unathletic" so to speak; My parents are/were both fairly active, my dad is a strong distance runner, competing in national meets on occasion. I just ran the tough mudder a couple weeks ago, ("ran" is a generous term, it was two hours north of Toronto, ON, and it was 5 degrees C. yay) so I'm not totally sedentary, but I'd like to be stronger/fitter. So. Stats and stuff. Male, age 22 5'9", 155 lbs Not sure what my one rep max is for any of these exercises so here are just my regular exercises Bench: 165 x 6r x 5s Squat: 135 x 8r x 3s Dead Lifts I honestly don't even know, I've done them a few times but never feel like my form is right. I've had a few people show me, but it doesn't seem to stick. So! If I want to bulk, (shooting for around 170 though any more would be great) what all should I be doing at the gym? Just started using MyFitnessPal for calorie counting also, any tips for diet as well? Edit:
diet/workout tips for muscle gain?
So we all know that the Destiny has FTL (faster than light) drives. The Destiny being one of the first ships launched (considering it pre dates the ATA gene activation technology), is however much faster than any other Ancient ship ever discoverd. How is this possible? Ships with F
ives would have given a serious advantage over the Wraith. Someone explain this to me please. (forgive my English, not a native speaker)
I'm a meh top/jungle, decent adc/mid, and the worst support NA. I miss being able to influence the flow of teamfights with proper timing/targeting/positioning/stealth and execute targets with impunity. I play Akali and Fizz on occasion, but the counterplay is really strong against those two so I tend to avoid them. Shaco seems very weak. Irelia seems close to what I want, but she's in a weird spot. Any suggestions? EDIT: People mad about the
So it's only been within the last few months that I've really been open and exploring light bdsm (rope, clamps, pain, etc.) with my boyfriend. I was the one to bring it up in the first place, but he was on board with the idea right away. He's tied me up a few times, told me what to do, taken control; since then I've realized that I really enjoy being submissive. However, I think he has a hard time being dominant. The times he has been dominant it seemed that he had a really good time. The only thing is, he won't take complete control of the situation without me asking him to. I've told him before that it would be more than okay to dominate me whenever he likes but he never has. Though, the more I see now, I don't think he wants to dominate me at all. I think he would rather be dominated. The catch there is that I don't have much of an interest in being a dom. I want to be a pet, I want to do the worshipping, I want to get used for play and deprived of getting fucked (ah, already turned on *sigh). So what it comes down to is, (
how can I help myself get dominated, while staying submissive? Any advice will do, please help! xo
I was linked here by Epbot a few weeks back, and figured I'd give it a shot. My interest was piqued by the reports of disappearing armpit and back fat, of which I have more than a wee bit. I always half-assed my bra-shopping as I wasn't too concerned. That said: I tried the measuring guide. I went from a 38B to a 36FF! What the hell was I doing? Anyway, I have since devoured the sub-red, and I ordered a few things. Panache bras are the shit. I have discovered, like many others, that appropriate boulder-holders can actually make your body feel better. Plus my back doesn't look like the Stay-Puft man when I am wearing close-fitting shirts. I even discovered that there's a great bra shop with European brands and appropriate sizing in Portland, Oregon- it's called the Pencil Test, which makes me laugh. Lastly, for the
crowd: I am happy. I am 36FF, full on bottom. NOT a freaking 38B. I would like to find a t-shirt/smooth bra that is similar in shape or feel to Panache Idina. Any suggestions?
For those who my or may not remember him or his works, but the name sounds familiar: [Sir Quentin Blake's website homepage]( I've just always been really fond of his illustrations since I was a kid and don't feel like he's appreciated enough. Maybe enough people just don't know of his work, or had the exposure to reading I did as a kid, but whenever I think back on my childhood I remember these images quite fondly, and often recall images in my imagination in the style of his art. He's a phenomenal artist, and from what I know of him as a fan he's a pretty interesting person. Also, here's a quick
look at Blake in 2012 as well: ["Creating a story on the page"](
So I am a recent grad from a 4-year university for Graphic Design and I have been going on interviews for the past 3 months trying to get some sort of a job. I am not being picky between part or full time but a lot of places aren't hiring, or at least say they aren't. Now, I am not going to lie, but I have been feeling a bit dejected and not sure if my really good feedback that I keep getting from every interview is genuine or false-hope. But now I am going to try a different approach and just find new ways to stand out or be remembered. I am planning on doing a monthly or bi-monthly postcard of some sort to show off some illustration, photography, and typography work I have/will do, but other than that I can't think of anything original or something to stand out. So
what are ways that a junior graphic designer can stand out in a world saturated with new junior graphic designers?
I've never driven this far before. She's 600 miles from me. Though I'm probably also going to stop somewhat on the way at a friend I've known online for a few years. He's 400 miles away, and she's 400 miles away from him. I have wed-friday off and work 8pm on Saturday, so I'm planning on visiting my friend all day on Wednesday and leaving at night/early early morning sometime, to get to my SO on Thursday at around 2pm. Then I can visit her until it's dark and her family has to sleep. I'm planning on just sleeping in my car. Then I have all day Friday to visit with her. I'd just skip the friend visit and be with her on Wednesday too, but she has to stay at school until 5, so it seems like kind of a waste. So
details, 400 mile drive to friend on Wednesday, 400 mile drive to SO on Thursday morning, then a 600 mile drive home on Saturday morning. I have 300$ in the bank, and 200$ on my credit card I can use. I'd wait until I have more saved up, but my work schedule is sporadic so this seems like our best chance to see each other again... Mainly just need general advice on stuff to take for the trip there and back. Things to do or not do, etc... I'll be driving at night for a good portion of it. Or just wish me luck :p
Hey everyone! I've had multiple piercings (lobe x2, helix, navel, left nostril, nipples, rook, and VCH) and was fortunate enough never to have problems. I got my nipples pierced in October of 2009 by a reputable piercer. They took about six months to heal completely with the initial jewelry being high-quality opal 14g hoops. Well, I have long hair and one day in early 2013 it slightly snagged my RIGHT nipple when I got out of the shower. There was no damage, but I went to a local piercing shop and asked for help to change them to 14g bars (w/ pink cubic zirconia). Well, all was fine until a few months ago I noticed a small lump and some pain next to the exit of my LEFT nipple piercing. The lump proceeded to grow bigger and was red with yellowish lines throughout. There is no pain until the lump becomes enormous, and then any pressure becomes painful. Finally, it will "burst" and the entire piercing becomes encrusted with lymph. The cycle repeats about bi-weekly. I've been using salt soaks and compresses to no avail, on the advice of the piercer who changed my bars. Well, recently I did some closer inspection. I gently clean each nipple with recommended soap, and the right one is still in pristine condition- healthy, with glittering pink jewelry. The left one, however, is still having the same issue, and the pink jewelry has almost turned black. I clean them daily, and I tried using something to gently scrape the jewel, but it appears it may have "oxidized." When I gently moved the piercing, I noticed something- the left (injured) piercing has a normal 14g bar, but the right has a 16g. Sorry for the
but could I have a metal allergy? I just don't understand why a previously healthy piercing is acting up when it wasn't injured or knocked. The useless piercer in the small town I lived in offered me no help.
So I guess I'm going to do something a little bit different this time: I'm going to tell you what I would like in a person instead of just describing myself and my discrepancies. First off I'm really just looking for someone to talk to and get to know. I'm real big on communication and if that foundation falters then there's really no point in continuing any further. So where to start...where to start... Hmm...well I would like you to be intelligent and at least pursuing some sort of career. Smarts is a big plus for me. I don't mean you need to be a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon, just have some decent common sense. I'm what you would classify as a closet nerd, I suppose. You wouldn't be able to tell much from my outward appearance(unless I happen to be wearing a tshirt with a pop culture/movie/game reference, which is very infrequent), however, I would like it if you were passionate about those sort of things, whatever they may be. I'm not the biggest fan of Doctor Who or Game of Thrones(there goes 98% of the reddit base, and yes I have watched plenty of Doctor Who to be able to form an unbiased opinion) but if you are then I'm not going to judge you, we'll just already have something to argue about. You should be active and outgoing. Not saying that I don't enjoy lazy Sunday's or Friday nights in, but like most 20 somethings I do like to go out and have adventures. What does this mean? Maybe we go dancing, perhaps a bout of trivia, a walk down the greenway, or maybe your standard pub hopping, who knows. I like to read. A lot. While not a deal breaker, it would be nice if we could talk about books. I feel like if I continue I'm going to end up just talking about myself anyway so I'll just throw the
here: If you think your cool, relaxed, somewhat of an intellectual, like nerdy stuff, and just want to talk to a cool dude about random necessities, feel free and stop by. Aaaand because humans are visual creatures:
Reddit noob here, I didn't know where else to submit this, but if there's a better subreddit I trust everybody will point me in the right direction. As a gamer looking to be more productive, I've come across many "gamification" websites, programs/apps, excel sheets, and the like. What I've found is that the leveling for these systems is most akin to DnD. While that's fine and dandy, I don't believe that it's the best method for charting real life progress. In my opinion, the best game to mirror is Runescape (remember that one?). For those unaware, I won't explain but to say that each skill (cooking, crafting, combat skills) levels independently, and your character level is derived from your levels in all those skills. In RS it's just based on combat I believe, but for this use it would be all skills. For example, just because I'm level 60 in cooking doesn't mean my character is level 60 or somewhere close. Ideally, each skill could have its own task list, or a single task list would only advance the linked skill. If a system like this doesn't exist, would there be any interest besides my own in helping build/draft one? So,
does anyone know of any Runescape like productivity or gamification programs/systems? Edit: Format
So I have been browsing this subreddit for well over a year now, and have seen many amazing artists, designers, etc. speak of wanting to work with Riot. But here is my thing, I would love to work for Riot, it has always been my dream to go into either Shoutcasting or Analysis of Sports/Esports (Dating Back To CAL Leagues With CS 1.6), but I don't have college experience. What I do have is Military experience. I am currently active duty USN and I guess the
is does Riot look at Military experience the same as many other companies do and consider that a plus or acceptable source of experience when applying? Thanks Guys!
Okay, so. I stopped playing League about 3 months ago or so. I didn't post anything then because I didn't want it attributed to having a bad day. With that being said, I could no longer tolerate the toxic attitudes from teammates despite the high quality game that Riot continues to provide. It was a personal decision and I'm still happy I made it. The game had just gotten to the point where it was no longer enjoyable. The point of this post, however, is that Riot is a business like any other. People keep complaining about things, but yet people keep playing. If the environment is really THAT bad, you'd quit like I did. If Riot sees that, I'm sure they'll take it a lot more seriously. I stayed subbed because I do like seeing some of the highlight videos every now and then. I'm also waiting for a sign that the game has gotten better as far as the person to person environment is concerned. I dunno, maybe if enough people turn off the game, there will be an improvement. Although, if people keep playing and participating, why on earth should riot take any of these complaints seriously? I guess
if its that bad, stop playing. I did and I'm happier for it.
Hey all, I recently started really working on this and I've been doing really well, in my opinion. I had a large initial drop of 5 pounds in the first week, and I know I can't probably keep that up, but it was nice to start off like that. My question though is that I'm starting to go the gym now, and I'm planning to be working on the treadmill for a while before working up to a C25K. (I'm 300 lbs right now, so I think the C25K might be a ways off, but it's one of my goals right now.) Anyway, my favorite thing to do on the treadmill is intervals - they're pretty flimsy right now (1.5 mph for a min, then 3.0 for 2 min, 20 min total), but that was because I still haven't figured out what speeds I need. The question is: how do I record this? I'm using myfitnesspal to record everything, and I don't quite know how to record an "interval" type thing. (Side-question: you're not supposed to eat the calories you burn in exercise back, are you? That seems...counter-productive.) Second question: I'm going out tomorrow with a friend of mine, and I'm planning on getting my favorite chicken quesadilla. However, I have no idea how to record this either. I mean, you watch the guy make it - handful of cheese, handful of chicken, pico, tortillas, sha-bam. But I have no idea on any of the measurements, or anything that was added to the ingredients. I feel like this shouldn't bother me this much to not be able to keep an accurate count of calories in/out, but I can be kind of anal-retentive sometimes, and this is important to me... Maybe too important. Anyway,
how do I record calories burned for walking/eventual jogging in "intervals", and how do I record calories for a mystery quesadilla that's not from a chain restaurant and I didn't make/measure myself?
After some poor experiences in college with "counselors" I've been disheartened with the process, but know I still need help. For me I need someone who will be a good personality match and cannot find any resources that would potentially help me find 1- A well respected counsleor/therapist in my area, 2- a C/T I feel I would get along with, and 3- a C/T who isn't just going to put me on drugs to get a pharm kick back (as I felt happened in college). So,
how does one research counseling resources in their geographic area?
A tifu that actually happened today. Well i have a crush in my school that is almost exactly like me and of course i fell in love with her.Here comes the problem i am a total chicken and of course i can't talk to her and i think she was in love with me and now i think she is in love with another guy :(
fell in love with a girl she is probably in love with another guy