I recently tripped 600ug of LSD and it was amazing and wonderful and actually - I think - life changing. However I can't shake the feeling that I could have got a little more out of it if I'd been able to 'properly' 'let go'. Or if I'd moved around and explored the wonderful setting I was in rather than sit in the same spot for virtually 6 hours. I guess I was kind of hoping that if I took a big enough dose, the 'experience' would come to me rather than me have to go out and get it. Perhaps I had too high expectations too - I was hoping for ego-death and maybe entity-contact (I think I may have achieved ego-death for a very short time, but I've thought that before and - now, I think - been wrong). In future, I'll try and go into trips with fewer expectations and more willingness to go-with-the-flow and enjoy whatever happens rather than worrying about 'achieving' something. Anyway,
what do you do to make the most of a trip or what have you found great while tripping?
Edit Items are now being posted to eBay. [Army of Darkness soundtrack CD]( [Policenauts Collector's Edition import Sega Saturn]( [Star Wars Galaxies Artbook]( [Shining Force 3- US Sega Saturn]( [Dragon Force- US Sega Saturn]( [Arc the Lad Collection- PSX]( [Lunar Silver Star Story- PSX]( [Lunar Eternal Blue - PSX]( Please allow me to apologize beforehand for the wall of text. My 7 year old computer took a shit last night and I had just spent everything to fix my car. I was up all night going through my collection looking for items of interest or value, and I'm offering it to you via /r/gamesell before craigslist or ebay. I'm fairly up to date on the actual selling values vs. their huge ebay asking prices, so by all means post your offers on this thread, I'll get back to you asap. If you'd like the
up front, here's a [link to the album.]( If you have time for the guided tour, > Stay awhile and listen. Warcraft 1: Orcs and Humans instruction manual [here.] ( [This]( is the opposite cover. [Here]( is a good image of the awesome lore contained inside. [Here ]( a map included. This manual's seen some love and really only of value to the Warcraft loving collector. [Japanese Phrase Book, 1944.]( Yes, it doesn't belong in gamesell. I apologize, I'm in a bad spot and I'm just offering gamesell the first crack before I post to ebay. [Star Wars Battlefront 2, Dynasty Warriors 2 - PS2]( Thanks very much for viewing my list, I hope you are able to find some treasures while helping me get back to the PC gaming world!
I'm the manager for a small, family-run canoe/kayak rental business. We've only got two incoming phone lines, and only 3 or 4 individuals out of all the employees that deal with phone calls. We have to re-answer sort of a common list of questions over the phone, a LOT. Too much. Way too much in fact. So I'm looking for a phone system with a few features to help take the strain off employees and tying up our phone lines. So I'm looking for a system that when you call in say something like "For today's water conditions, press 1" "For hours of operation, press 2" "For directions, press 3" "To make a reservation, press 4" Now, the first three options, I simply want it to lead to a pre-recorded bit for them to listen to. I dont want it to connect them to someone. That would defeat the purpose of what I'm trying to get out of this system. For the 4th one, I would like it to go to a pre-recorded bit explaining how reservations work, give the whole spiel, then at the end say something like "If you have all of these necessary items for your reservation, please press 9 to speak to an employee to place a reservation" So I guess my
is that I'm looking for a phone system with only 3 or 4 handsets, voicemail, and catches all calls that come in to bring up an automated menu, with the ability to connect to pre-recorded messages, or the ability to listen to a pre-recorded message to later be connected to an employee after they listen the menus and pre-recorded messages. Am I looking for a unicorn? Or does something like this exist that doesnt cost an arm and a leg?
Hello, I'm a returning player. I just redownloaded the game today and I noticed in my stats that I made my account in June 2012 and my last game played was in August 2012. I know a LOT has changed since then. Can anyone just give me a quick
of some stuff I should know? I'm curious about these god ranks/gold things and can't seem to find much info on them. Thanks
So here are just a few short ones from today. I was working in the retail bit of the shop (coffee beans, machines, etc). STORY ONE: A lady walked in and asked about latte glasses. I walked over to the shelf and opened a box to show her but they were the wrong size. I went over to a different shelf to look for the right ones as my coworker was with another customer. As i'm looking this happens: Latte Lady : Do you have metal ones? Me : No, sorry, we only have latte glasses, i haven't seen metal ones before. LL : No. Glass ones with metal things (hand gesture i cant discern). Me : I'm not sure what you mean, can you describe them? As i was speaking she glared at me and turned and walked out the door without another word. Oh, okay, thanks to you too! STORY TWO A man came in and stared through me for a minute at the chutes with the coffee in them. I asked if i could help and after a pregnant pause, this conversation ensued: Half and Half : I uh... I'm looking for a blend. Uh... it was 50/50. Me : Okay, sure. Do you remember the roasts? HH : Uh... no. Maybe... that one? Or the Columbian... Ummm.... Me : Well, what were you looking for when you made the blend? Strong, medium...? HH : Uh... it was to match a blend from another store. Do you know what it would be? Basically at this point, this guy is asking me to recreate a mystery blend that was a recreation of somebody ELSES mystery blend. Out of the 20 coffees we have, was a mix of ANY TWO OF THEM (
a ridiculous amount of possibilities) without knowing anything about the blend itself. He really didn't want to try something new, and specifically wanted that specific blend. After hemming and hawing for another five minutes trying to get me to somehow conjure it up he gave up and let me give him a different roast that fit what he wanted. STORY THREE: Two eastern european men came into my shop. I asked how they were doing and if i could help at all. No response. I figure they may not have heard me so I waited until one walked near me and asked again. He looked at me, ignored me, and kept speaking russian(?) to his friend. Finally they both pause near the store owner. He asks if he could answer any of their questions about the machines. They totally ignore him and and meander around for another minute before leaving. Look, I get if you can't speak english at all/well but to totally ignore somebody who is obviously speaking at you? Oh, come on. When they left he told me that in the past two years there's been an influx of rich Russian guys who pretty much treat everyone like dirt because they can. After that my manager and I had a lovely talk about how everyone should be forced to work in retail.
I noticed the other day that one of the bolts holding the catch for the convertible top to the top of the windshield frame is missing, on both sides of the car. This is the point on the frame of the windshield that the spring loaded part on the soft top mates with. It's just an L-shaped piece of metal. There are two holes for bolts, and both sides are missing the bolt that goes in the hole towards the front of the car. The bolts that are in there are fairly large with torx heads. I can't find an image, but I could go snap a quick picture if no one understands what I'm talking about. The
is that I need to go to lowes and buy some new bolts that will fit in there. Anyone know the length and thread type? Or, alternatively, what part number can I give the Mazda dealer?
I've been on a birth control called tri-sprintec for a number of months, and I have started to slowly erode away into an emotionally volatile, anxious, moody individual. It's starting to seriously take its toll on my relationship, and I only realized recently that no, crying every day at the slightest provocation is not normal and no, even though I've always had chronic depression issues this is definitely not me. My boyfriend has to walk on eggshells all the time, and that's not good for either of us. I took a hard look at what changed and realized that I've always been extremely susceptible to small changes in my body chemistry. So I don't know for sure, but my BC seems like a likely cause. I've decided to go off of it and see if things get better. My brief history with BC is that most of it has worsened my depression; the depo shot in particular made me batshit crazy. I had a terrible experience with getting an IUD, and although I was told that my cervix is too small I have reason to believe that they might not have been entirely honest or competent (that's a whole 'nother story but the
is midwifes at a Mormon maternity hospital), so that might be on the table. Anyway, for you similarly physiologically sensitive ladies, what kind of birth control works for you besides condoms? I was a broken condom baby and I'm really uncomfortable with the idea of relying on them for the rest of my life, but the way this BC affects me is almost ruining my relationship (I'm pretty sure, we'll see) and I'm getting pretty spooked by the whole putting hormones in my body thing.
Hey everyone, I've been going out with this girl for a little over a month. I have never said I love you to a girl before, and I have gone out with girls for longer than a month, easy. This girl, however, I've fallen for. Problem is, it's long distance. We get along very well, but we can only spend time together by talking at the moment. We've been good together, but this morning she said what you see above. She still wants to be with me, but our conversations seem to be pretty similar each time. We talk about our feelings, or our day. I can relate with her, but I just don't know what to do. Any advice on how to keep long distance relationships interesting? Anything we can talk about besides how our day has been, or how we feel about each other? Any help would be greatly appreciated! She means a lot to me.. Thanks. [EDIT] I've been told
a few too many times here, I've tried to keep it short, but I'll give you a shorter version if you want.
I'm in Act 2 Inferno currently. It feels like I'm just grinding the gears with no noticeable benefit. If I get an elite pack I can't kill, I might as well just skip it and try to move on. If I can't move on, I might as well just remake the game. At this point, I've pretty much stopped trying to progress on my 60 Wizard. It feels like my only chance for actually progressing at this point would be to buy a bunch of gear from the AH. I don't have the money to do that, so my options are to degress back into Hell or Act 1 Inferno and try to farm some gold there, or buy some gold from chinese farmers. Either way, I'd rather be playing and progressing simultaneously. The problem, in my opinion, is the way that these two things happen at nearly the same time: Reaching inferno and the difficulty becoming exponentially harder, and reaching the level cap. I feel like, if I weren't already max level, then at least I would be getting some experience for all these wipes I'm encountering in Inferno. At least I would be progressing towards something. As it stands, if I can't complete the objective, I'm just screwed. There's really nothing for me to gain by continuing to try to play at my current stage of progression. However, if I were not max level, and I was gaining a small amount of xp for all of the mobs I killed, and the XP was better than I would have recieved by degressing to previous acts or difficulties, then it feels like there might have been some reason to actually stick it out in Inferno. God, I'm having a hard time putting this idea down into text, but I'll try to
it here: I feel like Inferno would be more fun if you weren't max level during "it" (during playing inferno? how the hell do i say this lol) Because then you'd be gaining XP while you wipe all day long.
I graduated college a year ago and landed my first permanent position a few months ago. Shortly after, my SO got a great job two hours away from mine. We moved to a sort of mid-point (he takes the train 1.5 hours and I commute 30 minutes) and signed a 1 year lease. Shortly after that I found out my department was being moved across the country! My job is going to be gone in about a month and I have 6 weeks severance. An opportunity is opening up in the call center (there are a lot of open spots) and my boss's boss seems eager to have me working there. I went to recommend my former coworker to the call center to my boss's boss and she asked me if I was applying. I said I was unsure because I had calls get really hostile and I wasn't sure it was something I could do all day. She suggested I shadow the call center. It really was not that bad and the questions that came in were very simple. My original plan was to not apply to anything, take my severance, and apply 100% to jobs around my SO's job. I've had 3 temporary positions before my current job which I have only been at a few months, so I am afraid other jobs will not even consider me.. also when they see that I live 1.5 hours away from the positions I am applying to. My SO said we could not break our lease and move until I got a job out there. I'm insecure and think I need more time in this company just to get considered for another job. Another issue is that working full time, I have less time to apply to jobs. That 6 weeks for my severance was tempting to job hunt, but what happens after? I also do not know what looks worse: being laid off or leaving my company to relocate. I think the call center will eventually be moved too. I am just extremely confused and need advice from people who have more insight on this. In the long term, I need a job near my SO. It is just a matter of whether I stay at my company or take my severance. Edit:
I am so tired! My beautiful baby girl is a day past a month old. I stay at home with her and breastfeed. I have a manual pump, but end up so frustrated just trying to get a single ounce of milk that i prefer not to use it. i have maybe 3 oz of milk in the freezer for an emergency and hope to get an electric pump this evening (yay!) My husband just moved into an office a week or so ago after working at home since we've been together. This is (hopefully) good for business, but not so good for me. I understand he has to spend long hours at work when he's getting started, but I really could use his help at home a little more. I'm getting so frustrated and it's not fair to the baby. How do I get myself under control and find time for myself when anytime she's asleep I'm doing chores trying to keep the house in order? I start school soon, online, but full time. Am I making a death wish? I'm going to be basically on my own except for a few minutes here and there. Any advice appreciated! edit-
starting to get a little overwhelmed with newborn. any ideas?
This is something I've been wondering for quite a while.. On this subreddit I see a lot of linking to sexist articles followed by a sarcastic comments, but I am wondering what percentage of the members here actually take the time to write out a thoughtful, well written letter every so often? The language of persuasion and strength in numbers is the greatest tool available to those interested in this movement, but I feel a lot of time and energy is being squandered on posting frivolous screenshots of facebook messages and random forum comments. Every group of activists spends a great deal of time writing. For example, when I attended university I noticed the Muslim students at were writing stern letters to various authoritative figures every other week, and feminists have an entire faculty dedicating to mastering the art of writing in order to influence public opinion. In short, we need more of this if we want to see any success. To give a small, but inspirational example, when I was in school I got fed up with the articles running in the daily student newspaper that exclusively covered women's issues, often at the expense of men, and completely ignored men's issues. One night I took the time to put together a letter, only a few pages long, expressing my disappointment at the bias in the newspaper. Two weeks later the editors ran a scathing article about the infamous "boys are stupid, throw rocks at them" t-shirt debacle, which actually sparked a lot of controversy. The point is, if you want to see any sort of constructive change, you need to start writing your newspapers, universities and especially your members of parliament. The world in which you hope to see change is far removed from this internet subreddit. So,
write more letters people, but make damn sure they are reasonable and level-headed.
Long story short, this user - has been spamming me and several of my friends with invites to servers for the past week and a half or so. When it started, I was receiving something like 50 invites a day and it has since slowed down. Every time I try to report him, I get an error, so I thought "hey, there MUST be someway to block this guy and I'm just too dumb to find it." Cue my EA support chat. (sorry for the weird text artifacts, IDK what happened when I had the transcript emailed to myself) Now this guy was really nice and I don't blame him at all, but WHAT THE FUCK. There is seriously NO WAY to block users from viewing or contacting your profile and I really doubt a single user's report will have any effect. Basically, the
of the chat is "we'll send this complaint to our Fraud team, and you're SOL until they decide to do something." Does anyone have any suggestions for preventing this guy's spam?
I have a iPhone 3Gs. The front screen is broken, like shattered broken. The back is also cracked as well. Honestly, I threw it against the wall when I got a bad exam score back, and it wouldn't charge for the 3rd day in a row.--- My question is/
how much can I get for a iPhone 3Gs that won't charge, and has a shattered screen?
OOC) Hey guys, this is my first time doing this ... This Eevee is based off of my Eevee I obtained in heartgold :] . Name: Lynnette . Gender: Female . Race: Pokémon :D ! Age/Level: Lvl.37 . Held Item: Everstone . Hometown/Region: Goldenrod, Johto . Current Town/Region: Mossdeep, Hoenn . Caught or Wild: Caught, but she got separated from her trainer . Nature: Quirky . Move Set: Tackle Quick Attack Bite Baton Pass More Information: Lynnette is an Eevee owned by Pokémon Trainer Xavier . He keeps her outside of her Pokéball so they can share a stronger bond as both Trainer and Pokémon . Though Xavier loves to have Lynnette with him, it is a struggle keeping her in one place and making sure she doesn't run off . He learned this while he was picking Apricorns and humming a tune or two . Lynnette had saw a young trainer playing with a Mareep . The trainer looked like she was 6 . Wanting to do something amazingly fun, Lynnette ran towards the trainer until she heard a rumble in the bushes . She immediately stopped and started looking around . Still slightly sceptical, she took her next steps with caution . Despite her effort to notice details, she had been captured in a net . She was shocked, the best thing she could do at this point was bite and gnaw at the ropes that held her in the air . She gave up once she saw a woman in all white approach her . "Finally, I've caught an Eevee . The boss will be proud . But, I have to ship it to Hoenn before I can present it to the boss ." She cut Lynnette down from the tree and walked away with her tucked between her arms . (OOC) Sorry guys, I have a tendency to get carried away when I wright ... There might be alot of
s ... But, for those who did read, thank you and I hope you liked it :D . Edit: Tryed to make it so you could read it . Haha :] .
Over the past couple of years I have become a huge fan of cooking and making brilliantly tasty dishes for me and my family. Sadly, with that love of cooking came the love of eating it and over the past 2 years I've gained 2 stone. I decided to put the Wii fit into my room and do exercises on it everyday but my boyfriend protests that I need to change my diet. So I have decided on cutting back on the pancakes and eating only one small snack between my meals.For the meals themselves, I've decided to focus on having meat cooked in the Forman grill (to reduce fat) and having healthy marinades on the meat to make it tasty. Sadly, the only marinades I know are; -Tandoori chicken -cajun chicken -herbed pork -5 spice pork and that's it! So you guys, give me your tastiest marinades to use on the meats: pork, chicken and beef! One rule I will say is I cannot stand fruit/veg, the textures aren't very nice to me (If it has to blended that's fine!) Also, What sides do you consider healthiest? i love rice, noodles, pasta and potatoes. Which of these is the best for me and is there any other sides I should consider? Thank you in advance! (
read from ''So you guys')
Ok, I'm looking for a nice turn-based simulation like this...I just know if it's the right fit for me to dive into. I used to waste huge chunks of my life on SimCity2k and 3k this isn't a completely new genre to me although I admit I haven't played much of anything here in over 10 years. Is this game insane deep and I'll get roflstomped into the ground unless I play it for a year? What's the new God and Kings coming out this month and do I need all the DLC packs to truly enjoy all Civ 5 has to offer? Is Civ 5 already old and getting outdated and should I wait for God/Kings or Civ 6 or something else altogether? Do you play online with/against others or is it all offline solo play? What's the
on the 'reasons to stick with Civ4' link in the margin? How would you rate Civ4/5 and would you recommend I purchase one or the other? Or is there something you suggest instead of a Civ game? Thanks, I know it's kind of a nubbish thread but I'm a nub on Civ games and I'd like to maybe pick one up if it's that good of a game. - EDIT - Thanks everyone for being so detailed in your responses and suggestions, upvotes for all!
So my girlfriend and I would usually both rather not have sex during her period, but it was one one of those "maybe days" at the end of it, so we decided to go at it anyway. We're about 30 seconds in missionary nose starts bleeding...right on her face. We quickly cleaned up and eventually finished afterwards (of course everything downstairs was fine) and laughed about for a long time. Still one of the funnier things I've experienced in a sexual endeavor. hahaha
had ironic sex - worried about her period...ended up bleeding on her face
i am planning to subscribe Marvel Digital Comic Unlimited, a netflix for comics. the thing is it only avaiable on browser with flash support (no app for now, heard they are planning to but no promises made) I ussualy read books/comics during commute and dont want tablet, so galaxy note looks appealing. (and stylus really will help my workflow) So, yeah,
any flash support on samsung Galaxy Note? Particularly this site: (it requires flash 10 and above) And is samsung planning to launch note 2 anytime this year?
8x4k 5MB .jpg]( I wasn't able to use imgur for it downscales large images into oblivion, but I assure you this dropbox direct link will last forever. Screenshots are timely placed to reflect the time of the chat. There are small parts of the chat missing here and there... becasue I'm not perfect :) But most of it, like 90% of what was going on between 20:19 and 01:12 GMT+1 is there. For those of you who were there, this is meant as a memento of how epic it was. For those of you who weren't, it's a great way to catch up and see what it was like in WvW on Sunday. And for those who never played WvW (I dunno... your mom?) It's a great way to find out how the WvW gameplay feels over the course of the day, how the battles and tatics progress over longer periods of time, something that is hard to present in a video for one would have to watch many hours of it, yet here you can just skim through this chat with accompanying screenshots and sort off get the idea. In the upper right corner of every screenshot you can see the exact time on the ingame clock (clock via xfire, becasue some of us don't care to wait for features to get implemented ;). for
check out highlights at times such as 20:24, 20:27, 20:39, 20:50, 22:07, 22:42, 22:52, 23:31, 23:46, 23:56-00:03 is probably the most epic part with large scale tactical battle decisions, 00:12, 00:46, and guerrilla warfare @01:07 (when handfull of us held their entire army at spawnpoint via a clever ballista positioning). ~Feiris Nyannyan
Recently I posted in r/Christianity about the struggle I feel between a call to greater holiness and perhaps joining the clergy, and my apprehension over the Methodist Church's general direction lately. Someone suggested that perhaps this apprehension was a sign that I needed to look into other Christian churches and see if maybe God's calling me to one of them, and I've always loved the theology of Catholicism, so I thought I'd start here. Let me share a little information about my spiritual life: I own, and read from, a copy of the NRSV-CE quite often (I even have it on my phone for on-the-go scripture reading), I pray with a Catholic Rosary, I even say Hail Marys and Cross myself. I've just never really looked into joining the Church, because, and this is my biggest question, why? I don't mean any disrespect at all. It's a sincere question. Why should someone join the Catholic Church when they already consider themselves Christian? Should loving the Liturgy and the Traditions be enough to combat the apprehension I feel over the controversies I grew up hearing about in the Church? Am I too liberal (I'm a liberal-leaning Independent)? Basically, the
is that I might be lost, and I would really appreciate any help I could get in figuring out where I need to go and what I need to do. God bless.
So, as some people know, I've posted about my difficulty with clarity and control in my first 2 LDs. I had my 3rd LD on Friday and, although I didn't have great control (couldn't fly), the dream was very sharply in focus. I was having a picnic by/in a river with friends and there were these dolphins with really neat patterns on their skin - I could draw them from memory, if I had any talent in art. And the sky was beautiful and the trees were turning colour... it was amazing
not everyone has super clear dreams or has control during their first LDs. Do NOT be deterred
So, people love Day[9] and he's a huge pillar in the Starcraft community. Most discussions online, whether here or on the Blizzard forums or TeamLiquid, invoke Day[9] whenever someone's looking for advice or insight into the game. From what I can tell, he's a cool guy and has good lessons. But I can't be bothered to watch them anymore because they're loaded with bulllllllllshit! I see people say "check out #XYZ: Drone Scouting" and I'm like "that sounds great!" But then before I get to learn anything about drone scouting, he's gotta spend 15 minutes telling me the minutia of his life: telling me what kind of tea he's drinking and how many cups of water he has today and what decorations are in his room and what the weather's like and the entire production calendar of his program. Then once he gets into the lesson, we start learning some worthwhile information, but then it tends to either (a) go back into tangents or (b) beat the horse to death by teaching the same lesson five different ways so the slow kids can get on board. So I'd love to get knowledge from this guy, especially since "watch Day9" is like "the one thing SC2 players can do to get better" according to many people. Someone should cut his videos down to the relevant parts (like the Phantom Edit, I'd be interested to see how much of his program is actually necessary), or he should provide a damn
once in a while.
Join [Stowaway]( and [docmatrix]( for an amazing match tonight as [Heartbreakerz]( defend their #1 position against [I don't know?]( on the [Gameshrine EU Ladder]( tonight at 20:30CEST! Both of these teams have so far gone undefeated on the ladder, so who will continue their run of dominance and claim the top rung, and which team will be shut down? Make sure to [bet your shazbucks]( on the game and join us at doc's [Twitch TV channel]( at 20:30CEST for what promises to be an epic battle. [
link to channel](
20/f, daddy issues, family issues, PTSD I've dated many, many many men and women in the last three years-- people as young as age 16 to as old 30. All of them fail after the "spark" fades and i do think it is due to not having a good exampled structure of a relationship when i was young. (Parents split when i was 5, i witnessed their breakup fight; dad then went to live with woman who i just recently learned is his girlfriend/lover. Mom has had many boyfriends that all fail because they took advantage of her weak will and poor mental health and gullibility.) So, naturally, i can watch tv and movies and imagine what a good relationship is like, but i can't grasp it in real life. I know i'm only 20 but, all of my realtionships have crashed and burned. i usually end up being overly promiscuous when they fail to fill the void. This skews things even further when i beat myself up about it. I tend to have "burst attraction" to people--strong emotional or sexual attraction that will only last a certain amount of time/ will be very spontaneous. Eg really being attracted to an individual, then not wanting anything to do with them. I'm kind of a pushover and i go out of my way to help people, and end up staying with people longer than i should even though i don't like them or simply like them but have no sexual attraction to them. The relationship i'm in now hit its 8 month mark and i've been happy until the last two months or so, where the spark is dying. I'm really unhappy because i legitimately like and respect this man. But the sexual attraction is fading and it's making me miserable. I know that there is no proprietary "healthy relationship" rules but i am realizing at the ripe age of 20 that i have no idea what i'm looking for or chasing after when i get involved with people. I'm a hopeless romantic and, sometimes, a very sexual person-- dangerous combination. No
as all details are important. Please read whole post if you want to comment, this is not something to summarize. Can i have perspective on this? Is it even worth it to try and persue a normal relationship, if the idea of it was not properly structured in my brain at a younger age? Should i just try to fix myself before i continue on? I'm so fucking lost and i'm sick of making bad choices that affect me for months or even years, and hurting others in the process Edit: sentence structure
I'm 26/m, shes 25/f Been together 5 years Really need some advice. To first point out, I have an amazing girlfriend, we are in love, we never fight, and I would never cheat on her. I went with a few friends drinking , ended up somehow blacking out in 2 hours on a few drinks, and stumbled home. I live downtown so I didn't have far to go. The last thing I remember is vaguely talking with friends outside the bar, then coming home 30 minutes or so later. I couldn't use my keys, and I stumbled in with my pants half undone. When she told me this the next morning I assumed I probably urinated somewhere inappropriate, which is something I shamefully do. Anyway, she kept pressing me who I was with, what i was doing. I vaguely lastly remember talking with a guy acquaintance outside, but didn't know his name, so I drunkly say "I don't know, I don't know his name" After so much pressing I say to her "I screwed some girl, OK? Happy?" I say this in my drunken state coming home. I have been dwelling on that so much, its been almost 3 weeks. I asked everyone what happened that night with no leads that I acted inappropriately. I think I may have just said it to be a drunken ass, since I know I was actually talking to the guy outside about my girlfriend, since they were both from the same city in a different state. Do I tell her I'm uneasy I may have done something? I'll never know, since I can't even remember. There was one girl I was suspicious of but she acted normal around me, and I even asked her and she said she thinks we vaguely talked sometime during the night but that was it. I just don't know what to do, I keep thinking and almost believing stories I'm making up in my head about me doing something shitty to my girlfriend. Thing I would never in a million years dream of doing. I have a problem with holding onto ideas like this, so I mean, any advice... <b>
b> Blacked out, didn't know what I did, or what to tell my girlfriend
So this is somewhat behind the curve in terms of news, but I'd like to discuss sexism and harassment in the gaming community. So I heard about the [Tropes vs. Women]( kickstarter a while ago, but only recently went to check it out. I was avoiding it because I don't consider myself a hardcore feminist - I don't have any torches or pickets, I just think we ladyfolks should have the right to vote and all. The
version is a nice lady wanted funding to make videos talking about sexism in gaming - Princess Peach needs constant saving, jiggle physics in DOA, etc. [And this happened]( So. Yeah. Do you think the gaming community is less welcoming to women than other communities? And if we are less welcoming, why? What is it that makes the gaming community so hateful as compared to other mediums/communities/fanbases?
I remembered a post popping up here that offered free textbooks, pretty sure that site got shut down to hell. My wife is attending a state college that's rapidly increasing tuition costs... I'm used to this since I graduated at a different state school a few years ago. Is there a place fugal can point me to to get the lowest price text books? Obviously (tongue in cheek), calculus changes every year, so they have to keep incrementing the book versions... Physics too... God knows Netwtons laws have been a huge roller coaster for the past 3 centuries... Do you guys know where I can find a way to find cheap, newer version college books? We're doing our homework, asking the teachers how far we can go back in editions, but aren't getting the best luck. I've never even used torrent in my life, but I'm an Ubuntu user, so it's built in, and out of curiousity I checked piratebay for textbooks, (with the intention of donating to either ACLU or DPA what I would have paid), but came up empty. So,
what's the best place to buy a text book for someone who can barely afford tuition?
I'm on a synthetic ecstasy analogue. I've done it many times before with friends and always had a great time. But now I have an undesirable urge to go streaking at a baseball field near my house where the sprinklers with be on and it would be AMAZINGGGG, the area is fenced off private property of a high school and literally across the street from the police station and courthouse. It's not lit at all and I do not think it's patrolled by the school or the police. I actually just got back from sitting on the grass after waking home from a 7-11, but I wasn't on drugs then. Sorry if
unnecessary info, this stuff makes my mind wander. It streaking there a bad idea? ~Much love
hi all. so I have been with this amazing guy(24) for 5 years. we have a great relationship, we get along really well, rarely ever fight. end of 2013 we had a son together and moved in together. In the last couple of months I have been dreamig about this guy I knew back in highschool. It all started when, talking to my guy, he said that he'd be ok if I slept with someone else, hes pretty open minded and has a lot of trust in our relationship. he asked who id sleep with if I could sleep with anyone and i immediately thought on "johnny"(26). Now I cant get him off my mind, he shows up in my dreams, I daydream about him... Background story about Johnny: guy 2 yrs older than me, met him through family friends. Had a MASSIVE crush on him for all of highschool. I stalked him at school, thought about him constantly, he was aware of this and flirted with me, but it was just for fun for him. I confronted him and said I liked him on MSN (I know, im so cool) and he said it would be weirs because our families are friends. But he kept flirting. Our families drifted apart **
in committed relationship, got permission to sleep w/other guy. since then I fantasize about past crush. see questions below: and I never saw him again. I guess I am asking 2 questions: should I pursure my guy's suggestion that I could sleep with someone else? if I did, wpuld it be unwise to pursue johnny?
I know for most it will be a gradual change into what you like, but I assume there was a realization at some point. I'd like to read that story. Feel free to
the fetish for extra suspense.
So I've had the most incredible nostalgic dream of my heroic days in BF3. Haven't played it for few years and I'm atm abroad so I can't check if the player base is still high. So my question is: (
are there still decent enough players to play the game with of has everyone jumped ship to BF4 (which kinda broke my relation to BF franchise).
When playing Master Yi, it is annoying when your double strike (passive) only autos once and then resets when a minion, monster, or champion dies. Lucian's passive on the other hand kills the unit and then uses the second shot on a different target. It would be a small QOL update for Master Yi, but extremely helpful for his second auto in his passive to attack the next target in his melee range. Just a suggestion. Edit:
when Yi has 2 or more enemy units in his melee range, let him use his second auto instead of wasting it on the dead unit.
Holy crap, it's been a while guys. Sorry for the delay. I have some updates I'm excited to share, but overall, it's been a pretty quiet time of trying to eke out some level progression as my monsters start to get into the 60s. I'm trying to be really conservative with my "good" exp fodder as I definitely won't stone for super kings before 100 stamina. That said, I have still not rolled the REM aside from my initial Raphael roll. I am sitting on 65 stones! (225 box space) Nothing has really called out to me. I was actually quite tempted to roll the pink REM as any of Kano or Thumbelina would actually be rather nice additions. However, there was too much I didn't want to really tempt me. (Still holding out for JP1 and or Egyptian, it's just shame that they won't be back together (since they were together last time each rolled around)). I expect my stone count to plummet this week. Poring Tower is returning, which is EXTREMELY fortunate for me. It doesn't come around often and I've been waiting to make my Cu Chu useful. As a side-effect, I'll be able to skill up my Berserk, which will be wonderful. However, I never cleared Valk's dungeon. I was in no hurry to acquire her and I wasn't confident I could clear it nor did I have excess stamina. This, of course, means that I have to either use Drops as fodder and wait to skill up Valk until next time, or increase my box space. Either way, between box space and stamina refreshes I expect to blow quite a few stones on this endeavor. I have no problem doing so. A max skilled Cu Chu, Valk, and Sieg are all worthy of REM rolls. This will also get me a Mastering (very likely max-skilled), which is actually quite an excellent sub as well. I know I have a team to work toward already in mind, but picking up other quality subs along the way will likely help later. I got my big rant out of the way before the
of the post this time, I'm going to try this format out, hopefully more people will read it this way. Goals Achieved: Over rank 120! +297 Anubis is now up more often for me, as is a +297 Bastet. This was a very welcome goal. Sky Dragon Rush - Legend Cleared Takeminakata - Mythical Cleared Hera-Is - Legend Cleared Hera - Cleared Hera-Sowilo - Legend Cleared As before, more details for descend clears here: My PADHerder (monsters):
To start out, I should tell you that I was raised catholic and have not had the church in my life for 5-6 years now. I never really felt on the same page with some of the teachings, yet was often interested and felt like engaging discussion in some of my religious classes at the colleges I attended (one was catholic, the other lutheran). Over the year that we have been dating my girlfriend has asked me to come to church with her on several occasions. I have never refused going, and have volunteered at a church with her during this time. We have attended several different denomination churches together and several non-denominational churches. She has a very deep faith in religion and has it cemented in her life. I do not feel like I have ever tried to remove or criticize her faith, yet recently when discussing faith, she said: "I feel like I want to be with someone who has a strong faith and that I can share that with" my ultimate question or
is Has anyone had success with a relationship where they differ religiously? (aka religious and non-churchgoer) How?
Potions. I think that as a support, you should have the ability to give your own health/mana potions to other players. It's a subtle change and will only help early game really, but it's something that would helps ADC or even junglers a lot. Would also make Crystalline Flask a lot better pick early on. Would help to maintain your lane and keep the ADCs in lane for longer. Wards. Although I do love the new mechanism of a maximum of 3 wards plus 1 pink, the support isn't blamed for not littering the map with wards now. It would be nice to have that extra 1 ward, I think it could be introduced in the masteries in 'Utility' or even as a quintessence but with a maximum of an extra 1 ward. Items. I'm not going to go into any additions of items, but one item that could do with another tier. Ruby Sightstone, yes it's handy, but in the games where you push towards full build but still require map vision, it become a debate as to keep it or not. For a support, if the current recipe of Ruby Crystal + Sightstone was changed to Sightstone + Kindlegem would be good. And Ruby Sightstone ^(could change the name to Kindle Sightstone) could have 450 health and 10% CD. Would make it a much more viable early game item I think. You could even do alterations of it and create a Sapphire Sightstone with the same concept but with extra mana/mana regeneration or cd. Not saying I hate ruby sightstone, just that it could use a little tweeking. What do you guys Edit 1: Title
for /u/SwordAUT. I play supp, heres a few game improvements imo for supps.
Together 3 years, living together 2 (she kinda just moved in one day without me even realizing it). She's not from this country and is on a visa, have to do de facto to prolong stay. Main issues: I miss my old life, I miss total freedom, the ability to do what I want when I want. I care for her deeply as a lover and friend but I don't want to settle, this causes a lot of friction as I'm always going out with friends to party and sometimes just want to be out of the house. She's highly dependent on me, claims I'm her first love and has pretty much been with me everyday. She's lost touch with old friends, no family contact and just lost touch of her old life. This causes her to be extremely clingy. Lately she's started to feel that I'm becoming a bit distant and claims that she's starting to get depressed and suicidal. I can relate as I have been diagnosed with some issues a while ago. This guilt and responsibility is tearing me up. I really do care for her enough that I can just keep things as they are for her sake and suppress my curiosity for freedom, but it might make things worse in the long-run. If I cut her off, she has no where to go, no one to support her, no money to even go back to her country, no therapist nothing. It would destroy her and probably me as well. So what would someone do in such a situation? I've been plagued with this dilemma for a year now. [b]
b] Kinda miss being single. No choice but to stay due to partners international visa and lack of support.
Good morning all - I'm going to make this post as short & concise as possible to make it easier to understand. In 2007, my best friend & I (both of us were about 23, if it matters) decided it'd be a great idea to pool our resources & buy a house together; with plans to update it & resell. Of course, right after we bought, the market went to shit.. Here we are 7 years later, still in the house. In that 7 years, I got married, and he moved out. He & I are both still on the mortgage & title; but for the past year I've been making all payments, and basically acting as if the place is mine completely. Last week, he came to me saying he & his girlfriend want to buy a place together & asked if I can try to figure out what needs to happen to get him off of our mortgage & title/deed. This is where I'm stuck now, as I have no idea even where to start. I'm worried that the only option would be to go through the entire 'purchase' process as if I'm an outside person buying it from ourselves; which won't work as in the time that we've owned the house my credit has gone from upper 700's then to low 600's now; my wife just started back to college & has no income, and we have no funds saved up anywhere to make any sort of down payments or to cover any closing costs. So I guess the
for this would basically be: Are there any options to alter the names on my mortgage & house deed/title to remove my friend and add my wife that wont require us to basically go through the entire home-purchasing process?
And when we got matched I never thought I'd feel like this. We've been texting every day for going on 3 months now, although we didn't have a chance to meet before I had to go back to school, and at this point I really like this girl. And the thing is, we get along well, like a lot of the same things, and she has all these qualities that I'm recently discovering I value in a partner. I feel like the whole situation is fucked because I think I like her more than I should, and she has told me she likes me too, but when I ask her about a relationship, she just tells me she's working on her and doesn't want to commit to something when "who knows where my life will go", and she doesn't want to hurt me. And the thing is, I'm not even mad because she's also said that it's not no, but that she "cant right now", and as long as I'm talking to her, I guess I'm happy if she is. But at the same time, I have these thoughts along the lines of "shes just lying to be nice" and all that typical stuff, and while I don't think shes the type of person to do that, its hard to get used to thinking of people as genuine, for me at least... I'm not sure what my real point of posting this was, I guess the
is I hope I can keep her in my life until she is (if ever) ready
My last boyfriend was a jerk, I broke up with him after he went to jail for getting into a bar fight, I'd had enough of the immaturity. He was never abusive to me but that was the final straw that broke the camels back. My current s/o has been with me for a year now, I got together with him two weeks after getting out of that relationship. My ex had always disliked him because we clicked so well so maybe a part of me just wanted to get back at my ex. although my current boyfriend is a great guy and would literally give the world to me hes just not quite as exciting not only to talk to but also to live with! What I mean by that is that he's never into going out, never trying new things and never makes the effort to suggest anything. Ive tried to bring this up with him only to be told he'll go out and do something if I "really" wanna do something. As thoughtful as that is to me it's not what I'm looking for. Would it be best to just end it or is there something else I can do? **
boyfriend isn't as fun as he used to be, what do I do?
I have been dating my lady for over a year. I love my girlfriend and I think she's hot shit. She is curvy, about 5'2 120-130 pounds, and has the exact body dimensions of Marilyn Monroe (lucky me!) however, she thinks she's fat every so often, a lot more lately. I do not think she is fat, but this is a problem because her self esteem is so low at times that it is making her feel unattractive. Today at work I sent her a text saying I wanted to have sexy time later, which led to her giving me a smiley face in a very encouraging maybe. Then fast forward 4 hours and she says that I shouldn't even think about it because she is fat and does not want to have sex. This is a problem because I am a simple man. When my girlfriends happy I am happy, and when she is in a terrible self-loathing mood it doesn't help my cause to be happy. I like to exercise, I typically work out at least four times a week. However this seems like it is not a good option for my girlfriend, because she hates working out and tore her knee a few years ago. I want my girlfriend to be comfortable in her body, I know that a lot of people would die for hers. However for her height she is overweight, her mother is very skinny and I think that she shames her into losing weight some time.(I am not here to talk about her mother, she is awesome just very old-school Italian) But getting back to the point, how can I find ways to get my girlfriend to exercise when she cannot run due to potential injury. I know that she likes to do yoga but there aren't any good yoga studios where we live. Women especially could you please help me out with this? What can I do to get my girlfriend to exercise without it being a major burden to her? **
my girlfriend thinks that she is overweight, she can afford to lose a few pounds but it doesn't matter to me, what is the right approach to get her to start exercising more.
So these dudes in my city are legit the biggest toys you'd ever see, no word of a lie. You think toys in your city are bad well I can challenge that. Literally nothing makes sense about their graff (structure, 3d/shadow, even their fucking throws and hands are complete garbage). They've been bombing for 7 years and they look like they're pre-schoolers. They actually have the nerve to just scribble their absolute shit hands over every freight they see, and they go over half way up and across the whole car. I don't know how to deal with them at all, one time I gave out some slaps to my buds, and one of them slapped over one of these guy's faded ass slap. You can guess what happens, they seek me out. But shit, they pull a knife on me and threaten to fucking kill me. My slap was a simple straight (3 colours) and theirs was a small hand style. Not to mention they're more than 10 yrs older than me and have fucking children over 10. I can't squash them because they somehow have every other writer in this city on their side. I'm thinking of just sticking to myself and not meeting people. Or quitting until I get out of this fucked up city. Sorry I needed to rant... Any ideas as to what to do? edit:
these dudes in my city are biggest fucking toys who have everyone's respect and they won't stop bombing absolute garbage. Almost got stabbed over a slap.
Besides many reasons for my reasoning that, at least for non-muslims, all who hold the Qur'an to be the word of Allah, the only god, reveiled to his messenger Muhammed are Muslim i have come to wonder why anyone would even make that claim. As i understand it the Qur'an and Hadith are very clear what the requirements to be a Muslim are: To accept and declare that "Allah" (God) is the ONE and ONLY God and that Muhammad is his messenger. To pray 5 times a day (sounds like more than it feels like) To pay zakat (charity) To perform Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) once in your lifetime, of you can afford it Fasting during the month of Ramadan. These are the requirement for being a Muslim and are even called the five pilars of Islam. By these five requirements members of IS certainly meet the requirements and so do those of Boko Haram. In the Qur'an and Hadith very great emphasis and importance is given to the unity of the Muslim community. It is made clear the unity is of paramount importance. With that in mind should the muslims present a united image and embrace all who believ themselves to be Islam instead of denouncing each other, killing each other and accuser each other of being un-islamic? Don't get me wrong, i think its nothing more than an inevitable part of any religion's adolescent "puberty" to develop conflicting beliefs, hold the beliefs of the other side to be blastphemous and those you hold to be the only truth. It happens to all religions at one point or another. But with such clearly defined requirements for being a muslim i cannot understand the fragmentation of the Muslim community (betweenSunni, shii, quranists, ahmaddyans, quranists, alewites and so on and on. and now i shall stop. It is already to late to prevent this post to become
and i would really appreciate any serious reply.
I check this sub a lot and I consider my self a PC gamer and member of the master race. And when I browse this subreddit I notice that a lot of posts and comments are basically just bad jokes against consoles and their players. I get the jokes against the people who claim console is better and that fps isn't real and stuff like that. Those people are silly. The area that bugs me the most is when people hate on the consoles for the "pixel graphics" and claims the consoles are just potatos. It kinda feels silly to me. The newest consoles are basically low to mid cost high-end computers in a smaller form. If you took the parts and placed them in a PC case. They would make for good budget builds. To me when people hate on console graphics you're basically hating on budget computer builders. The people who don't have all the money in the world but still think PC is a better system. As a gamer I don't think you should exclude the newest generation of consoles or hate on them. We should focus the hate or animosity towards the publishers and content providers and the players who suckle at their teat and besmirch the name of quality gaming. Players who defend console games blindly and in sheep like fashion deserve our ire. Maybe not the consoles and their capabilities themselves. So bassicaly
is hate the idiot console gamers and idiot console publishers/developers but try not to hate the actual console so much. You're basically hating a budget build PC. Edit: a lot of people are arguing and hating on issues created by the developers and content providers. Inability to upgrade, locked ecosystem, dlc, pay to play online, etc. These are problem not caused by hardware. And the hardware is what I'm trying to "defend" not the shit business practices.
For the past 2 years I have worked for a company that is great, but I feel that the store location that I work for does not care about the companys values, as I have seen many things and many great workers fired. One of their values are to promote within, and to help team members move up the chain. While I have seen many workers do this, I feel that my coworkers and I have got ourselves into a deadend job. The thing is, we took the night shift, a job that is not for everyone, one of the most labor intensive in the store, not to mention on top of our work load we fix/clean up every ones messes that they leave out in the day. My coworker and I have been there from the opening, get good reviews, great raises, I personally never been late or called out and always exceed. The down side is that my coworker and I have tried to apply and move up the ladder multiples of times only to get denied and have someone outside the company or with little to no experience hired, that tend to last on average of 3-4 months. I personally applied for about 4 positions. We had a supervior when we opened that got fired, then they decided to save money and that we did not need one, then after about a year they decided to open the position, only to have a outsider get it that we had to train. Then they moved up to a higher position in 4 months. I just recently had a second daughter, she is 4 months now, and I mentioned I needed a day shift, but keep getting the run around. I truly think the issue is that we are unreplaceable as night crew and we miss a lot of good opportunities because of it. I currently have my family's insurance on my account, so I feel trapped at the moment tip I can get it back on my wife's account. I can't look for other jobs outside the company until then. Anyways,
deadend job, what are the best options.
Was chatting with a friend today (we're both athiests), when she tried to sum up the Bible in just a few words. I wondered what others'
versions would be.
I go to graduate school in a large city. My parents live about 2.5 hours away. Friday they call to tell me they are coming to visit me this Sunday (today) and staying until tomorrow. I think, okay, kind of short notice but okay great. They get here and drop it on me that they want to stay the night in my (one bedroom) apartment a the futon. I also live with my BF (24). I thought this was quite rude. My parents are constantly fighting, say racist things, and generally complain and hate on everything. I need some time away from them whenever I have to spend large quantities of time around them. I tell my mom that I don't mind them staying but I wish they would have at least asked or mentioned it beforehand. Not unreasonable right? Not a big deal either, I foolishly thought. My mom starting pouting and acting all huffy all evening. I call her on it and she says I'm ungrateful, anyone would love to let their parents stay, blah blah. After that she kept shit talking everything about where I live, why she hates it, why she would never live here (like anyone cares) etc etc. My parents ended up going home quite early that evening. Before dark. My parents did pay for my undergrad tuition, I feel like that's relevant. I also did work two jobs and paid for my rent/bills, so it wasn't like I was doing nothing. I got into grad school and graduated with a good gpa. I am grateful they did that for me, and I do love them. But damn, does that give them the go ahead to be obnoxious? Should I have just sucked it up and kept my mouth shut about them staying here? Was I out of line? I feel really guilty, because I know my mom is depressed and already is disappointed with my sister for being mean to her, she has no friends and hates her job and marriage. I'm the only positive force in her life but I'm so sick of being it. I don't even know how to bridge the gap. **
parents didn't give me any warning about staying the night. I live with my bf and thought it was kind of rude. Mom got upset and left in a huff. I feel bad because she has had a rough life and always gets the shit end of the stick, but I can't control that. She always mentions how she only lives for us kids. Should I have just let them stay without making a fuss? Does anyone else have a terrible relationship with their parents even though they would do anything for you?
I am a huge fan and have been following and spreading the word of vr and oculus obsessively since John Carmack showed off the duct tape prototype at quakecon. I whole heartedly believe vr to be part of gaming's future. I have had my rift 2 weeks now, being on holiday I have been able to invest a lot of time into gaming, testing and building things in unreal engine 4 for the rift. I have been lucky to be immune to all forms of sim sickess, but I have also never experienced presence or even deep immersion on the dk2. my previous experience with vr before the dk2 was with dactyl nightmare as a young boy. so here's my problem... I know the current rift is a developer hardware platform and people will say not to judge it because of that, and while I agree I am not judging it against a consumer platform but rather the hype from all sources about it. Also bear in mind dev kit or not its still the most sophisticated and affordable vr experience consumers have been able to get their hands on. so why does it just feel like a low resolution 3d monitor strapped to my face? I cant begin to recount the years of reading about "users feeling like they were transported to another place" with the dk1 let alone dk2... the youtube videos and reaction compilations... why don't I get any of that? I have an open mind, a powerful computer and not unrealistic expectations from the hardware... but not once has it even fooled an iota of my brain... which is likely why I get no sim sickness. the resolution is way too low for me perhaps? I don't even think 1440p will cut it. the fov is much lower than people would have you believe... it's less "a window to another world" and more like looking at something through a toilet paper tube covered in fine mesh. is it fun to use regardless? absolutely for the 3d and head tracking alone yes. It does not induce presence for me however,the immersion is increased but the trade off in resolution and visibility aren't really worth it. [b]
do you think people in the media and industry hyped the rift? or are you blown away and its simply me who is not affected by it?[/b] EDIT: FINALLY ACHIEVED THE PINNACLE OF DK2!!!
Salutations to all of you gorgeous, and oh so lovely human beings of /r/gonewildaudio! I am here coming to you with a bit of a challenge and also a cheeky little request, a concoction of both, really. One thing you would probably know about me if you have ever listened to my posts or if you have spoken to me personally is that I am extremely body positive and very much into loving myself, it IS one of my most favorite things to do after all! Unfortunately, I have it on good authority that this isn’t actually the easiest thing for a lot of people to do which saddens me to the core. And, in lieu of all of this I am proposing a challenge for all of you, because I think it would be lovely for every one of you beautiful people to make a recording of yourselves telling everyone the things you love about YOU and YOUR bodies; Whilst loving yourselves in the process. A simple request in theory but ever so difficult for a fair amount of people to do unfortunately... I want you all to really focus on the things you love about yourselves, the things that make up you - as you are, the little things that might not be stereotypically sexy to mainstream society but the things that you cherish about yourselves nonetheless. After all, self loathing is for the birds! It benefits no one and makes absolutely nothing better. We need to realize that no one person is perfect and that is perfectly fine in itself! We are living in a world of historically imperfect people, haphazardly expecting ourselves and others to be a stereotypical bastardized image of perfection when that just puts a massive unnecessary strain on the world. Every one person has their own ideals of what they think is beautiful but I want you all to tell us what you think is beautiful and lovely about YOU. not to appreciate the body you have and to love it to the full extent possible. It’s your body and you were born with it, which makes it all the more amazing. After all, our bodies carry us through our lives, and help aid us in moments of happiness, pain, love, distress, and most importantly pleasure and I just so happen think that our bodies are due more loving than they get. The ;
version: Make a recording of you showing lots of love to yourself, tell us the things that incite those feelings of self-love, and most importantly be kind to yourselves. You deserve it after all. Have a fantastic day and good luck to you all.
Pretty self explanatory. Not looking for creativity, evidence, or logic. Just sheer number of words. Dont just tell us that you thought of it in the shower. Tell us WHY you were taking a shower. Were you getting ready in the morning? Did you fall in the mud? Did you use a cool hair product that you would like to share? And if your significant other said something to make you think, make sure you explain the relevant details ie how attractive they are, how did you meet, were you mad at them at the time. And how are we supposed to know if something is funny if you don't tell us you laughed out loud? Posts will be disqualified if it contains formatting, quotes from the book,
s, or paragraphs. So lets see what you got! Crush me under the weight of your streaming consciousness!
Busy, busy, busy graduate student here. On top of night classes, I teach speech, and help coach debate and forensics, so between teaching, learning, office hours, and coaching, I have very little down time. Weekends are awesome. For now. But when the debate season starts I'm going to be pretty stressed and overwhelmed. This is where you come in. And, functionally, I can reciprocate in whatever fashion you want. I'm looking for an outlet. A distraction. That doesn't mean side girl, and it doesn't mean mistress. That doesn't mean a secret, although I'm probably not going to go scream from the hilltops about a girl I just met on the internet. Anyway, talking/flirting/laughing really does a good job of keeping me grounded, and I'd love to find that. If you're into dirty talk or sexting, that would be great as well, because there's definitely a level of intimacy I'm lacking in my life right now, primarily because of my schedule. But honestly, we can be anything you want. I'm super affable. If you're in the area maybe we can chill too. So the
for me is; I've got a good head on my shoulders, but no time for outside-of-class/job-interpersonal-conversations. On top of that I'm sexually frustrated and emotionally lonely. But hey, I'm witty, sarcastic, intelligent and endearing. You? I don't care. Obviously I'd prefer if you're of legal age, but no matter what if you think we can connect in some fashion send me an orange envelope :). I love talking about pretty much any music, movies, and TV. Anything pop culture related really. Politics are pretty alright as well. Also, I write. I don't know, I'm rambling at this point and I need to get back to work on a presentation. But please, hit me up. We can message or text or whatever. Peace, kids.
I have been maining irelia for a few months now and I believe i may just make gold this season (fingers crossed) because of it. My win rate with her is over 60% and I love playing her, but there is always that small nagging feeling of sameness. Playing the same champion gets repetitive, especialy when you dont feel challenged in lane since you dont meet main other main champion players (in the silver elo). While i know I should ride my irelia train as long as I can, I was wondering when a good time is to start branching out to other champions? I mean I play a few solidly in other lanes, but no where near as good as I am with irelia. Im not sure what point I should focus on being good with other champs (as most pros/ streamers seem to be already). Is it not until even diamond that I should start branching out or is earlier fine. P.S. Sorry for dragging this one out. Wasnt sure how to summarize it better, so no
for this one.
I know I'm probably slightly better than my MMR but that's besides the point, I earned and deserve my MMR and I'm not complaining about it. What is so confusing is that I have started to question my actions in an effort to get better and now I've accidentally sapped all the fun out of it. I wish I could go back to blindly pushing down middle over and over. I'm experiencing some kind of DoTA existential crisis everytime I play. Every mistake frustrates me, every success feels meaningless. I've started to realize that it is going to be very hard to recognize what I'm doing wrong because misplays and poor decisions are so inconsistently punished at this bracket, and that's frustrating/confusing as well. I'll make a play and be punished and then make the same play and be rewarded with a triple kill. And it's so tempting to just put it off as "welp they got lucky that time" rather than actually learning from my mistakes. Couple this with teammates that are foreign, trolling, retarded, or some combination thereof and it's just hard to have the fun I once did. It also doesn't help that I don't really have anyone to play with to keep me sane, and I'm turning into the toxic, micflaming player that I know loses games, but somehow I just feel like the people I'm playing with need to be yelled at: ( I was playing clinkz). Such as this game, where your Faceless Void literally ends a 30 minute match with a gloves of haste, and your bloodseeker farms a 30 minute morbid mask. So
how do you learn from mistakes, and how do you recognize or quantify good decisions from bad ones, how do you improve and play seriously while having fun. How can you learn from your mistakes when 50% of the time the players you are playing allow you to be greatly rewarded for them. How do you cope with bad players and how do you remain calm when trying to do lead them even when you know that defeat is inevitable? How do you become a better player knowing that your fundamental decision making and positioning and map movement and prioritization is already fundamentally wrong?
I'm really struggling because I know that its bad to be "desperate" but I actually feel desperate. I've never been in a relationship and I'm shy and not very confidant. I find it difficult to meet people and I feel as though girls find me uninteresting and often ignore me in social situations. People say to be who you are, but I'm not very funny or interesting until you really get to know me. I've tried being more confident and I've tried online dating and I've tried all the conventional advice, but I don't know what to do. I know its not a good idea to search for a relationship just for a relationship's sake, but that's all I really want in life. Nearly everything else is unappealing to me. Its not that I am looking for happiness. I don't believe in pursuing happiness. Its not that I don't have aspirations, I just really don't care at the end of the day about them that much. I want a relationship with someone I actually care about, not just a relationship for its own sake. I don't know how to go about it and I don't have many opportunities to meet people. I'm terribly socially anxious and I don't know what to do because I feel desperate and in a lot of pain. I'm not suicidal, but I feel pretty hopeless and at the end. **
desperately want a relationship, painfully shy, feeling hopeless and depressed, tired of conventional advice, can't gain confidence even when I try, tried online dating, don't have the strength to try anymore. Please Help
English is not my first language so please be patient with me and excuse me grammar mistakes Background story: me and her are classmates and we work together, we both work at a restaurant where I work as a bus boy and she being a host. We knew each another over a year now and our friend relationship have gotten more in depth as days goes by. We would always go eat afterwork and have a good time together, we are both under 21 so no alcohol related, I would always make her laugh and swear to god, seeing her smile is the most beautiful things in the world. If she does not have a boyfriend, I would definitely scrap my knees for her... But I've been holding back since. She has a boyfriend they been going out for a year and her relationship with her boyfriend been doing bad lately, to the time where she question herself if she should break up with him, and she would ask me for advice via text, I been telling her to break up with him because I do not want to see her getting hurt anymore... (One time she was really disappoint at her boyfriend but still having to go work while being upsad, so I decide to buy her some flowers and a drink to cheer her up, that day was also Chinese valentines day) She's too afraid of losing this "boyfriend" since she got used to it, and afraid to change. I don't know what to do anymore, we are both seniors in high school and she is moving to mainland (we live in Hawaii ) for college. Right now i would go to her house every Thursday for SAT tutoring, for return home together when she going work (work and my house is close by) should I keep going for her or should I just stop since we are graduating soon? Does she notice me liking her? Prom is coming up and I really want to ask her to be my date, but since she has a boyfriend, that's a whole different story, should I ask her? Or would it be too awkward to do so? Once again sorry for my horrible English... Thank you :) Edit:
how should I continue my "relationship" with her when she have a boyfriend?
so a guy added me and offered me a 100% blue flip CH on PS, like full blue. He also took a [screenshot]( and showed it to me ingame, he wanted my kara fade FN for it [kara is 70% pink, 20% purple and 10% yellow]
i traded for it, did i make any profit and how much is it in keys? EDIT : to many haters, marking this as NSFW / closing trade
I know I'm probably slightly better than my MMR but that's besides the point, I earned and deserve my MMR and I'm not complaining about it. What is so confusing is that I have started to question my actions in an effort to get better and now I've accidentally sapped all the fun out of it. I wish I could go back to blindly pushing down middle over and over. I'm experiencing some kind of DoTA existential crisis everytime I play. Every mistake frustrates me, every success feels meaningless. I've started to realize that it is going to be very hard to recognize what I'm doing wrong because misplays and poor decisions are so inconsistently punished at this bracket, and that's frustrating/confusing as well. I'll make a play and be punished and then make the same play and be rewarded with a triple kill. And it's so tempting to just put it off as "welp they got lucky that time" rather than actually learning from my mistakes. Couple this with teammates that are foreign, trolling, retarded, or some combination thereof and it's just hard to have the fun I once did. It also doesn't help that I don't really have anyone to play with to keep me sane, and I'm turning into the toxic, micflaming player that I know loses games, but somehow I just feel like the people I'm playing with need to be yelled at: ( I was playing clinkz). Such as this game, where your Faceless Void literally ends a 30 minute match with a gloves of haste, and your bloodseeker farms a 30 minute morbid mask. So
how do you learn from mistakes, and how do you recognize or quantify good decisions from bad ones, how do you improve and play seriously while having fun. How can you learn from your mistakes when 50% of the time the players you are playing allow you to be greatly rewarded for them. How do you cope with bad players and how do you remain calm when trying to do lead them even when you know that defeat is inevitable? How do you become a better player knowing that your fundamental decision making and positioning and map movement and prioritization is already fundamentally wrong?
Diagram below. I got 4. But the answer is 8 please help. Solved! Thanks guys. The simple
to this problem add the numerators exponents and subtract it by the denominators exponents.
Genre: coming of age/epic/narrative fiction/acid reality/counterculture (I'm not good with categorizing this book.) The story is this: A recent college graduate begins their coming of age crucible, traveling west across the country. Early in his trip, he meets a man called Jay. Jay has long been forgotten by society, deemed a bum and written off as such, but his true nature is far more complex. Together, they trek about the US revealing the seedy underbellies of some of our greatest cities in dramatic fashion, leaving a wake of discarded blotters in their trail. I enjoy writing, and have let the hobby take over much of my free time recently. I've been working on this book idea for close to 3 years now, just kind of mulling it in the back of my head as I went about my daily life. Over that time, I've written a lot of different Chapters 1 and 2, and wanted a beta reader to help me figure out what to keep, what to scrap, and offer feedback as I continue. I've finally got a Chapter 1 that I'm okay with, and am at the pace of about a chapter/3 days-1 week. I struggle with wordiness and overuse of ten-dollar words. I'm by no means a professional writer. I already have a detailed outline, a couple MB's of scattered chapters, ideas, and scenes, and a 2500ish word Chapter 1. I say all this because I don't want somebody to take 1 look at it, say amateur, and move on. I want somebody who can be patient with my long-winded self, which is why this post is so long. I wanted to weed out the
ers. I promise to keep an open mind, and give all due reverence to the gift of your time, thought, and opinion. If you have gotten this far, perhaps you will go just a bit further. Comment if you are interested in being sent any further work on this. [Here]( is that first draft of ch. 1.
I emailed Shane from Adirondack Vapor a little over a week ago inquiring about their out-of-stock VTC5s, and if/when they would be back in stock. He informed me that they were out of stock and he was trying to restock, but it could take some time. Fast forward to 1 AM that night, I get another email from Shane, letting me know that he found and put in stock 9 VTC5s, and wanted to email me and make sure I was aware of the fact that he had done so. He very easily could have not gone looking for these batteries, or not emailed me to let me know, but he did and I am grateful for that. Upon receiving my order this afternoon I was greeted not only with two brand new VTC5s, but a sample of an upcoming Summit flavor called Algonquin. If you're familiar with Adirondack you know how smooth and tasty their juices can be, and I can assure you this one is no exception. It's absolutely delicious, but I couldn't figure out what it was so I emailed him. He wouldn't tell me much, but there's apparently "some Lychee in there, with some other goodies." They also have a second new flavor coming out, named Cayuga, "which is a very tropical type of vape." According to Shane these will both be released by the end of the week, so keep your eyes peeled! >
u/adirondackvapor's customer service is amazing, and they have two new flavors coming out by the end of the week: Algonquin and Cayuga. If you haven't tried their juice.. Do it. PS, rumor has it that there will be a sale accompanying the release of these two flavors, but in the meantime you can always use coupon code "redditlove" for 10% off your order.
Hey r/pathfinder_RPG! I have a question regarding the critical hit decks and a game scenario that played out recently. I GM, but i also play a rogue char in a group thats currently running carrion crown. We are halfway through the second book and came across several trolls that are accompanied by troll hounds. Long story short, One of these trollhounds rolls a critical hit on me with his bite attack, the gm draws a card (he uses them for pc and monster crits) and reads me the the slashing damage effect which is... Decapitation! The trolls confirmation was ridiculous (beyond my ability to save) and boom, my head is gone. Something didnt sit right with me, however, and i did a little research. in my crit deck rules i found the following: "When monsters score crits, refer to the follwing guidelines when determining the type of crit. Slams, tail slaps, wing attacks and tentacles do bludgeoning damage. Bites, Stings and spikes do piercing damage. claws do slashing damage" Reading this l see that my gm may have applied the wrong damage effect. Before i bring it up, however, i do want to make sure im right: i remember reading somewhere that bite attacks can be P, S, B, or all 3 (which is confusing). If anyone could help with the ruling thatd be great. Or if you subscribe to the "what the gm says is law" belief then that's cool too. Im certainly not trying to undermine the gm; he does a great job and its a lot of rules for anyone to juggle. I also know that char death is to be expected in pathfinder, but it would be nice to settle the debate for future encounters. **
my gm used a crit card with a bite attack and used the slashing damage effect which was, surprise, decapitation
aka : wat i want to see in a zambie game plox (not necessarily H1Z1) zombie archetype : smart zombies (predatory animal instinct, smart but not quite human) cumulative zombie intelligence (the larger the zombie group the more complicated their behavioral patterns.) zombies will growl and whisper. (the larger the zombie group, the louder the whispers, you can even start to hear a few words rather than just unintelligible noises on larger groups. "jooiin usss") zombies grow more feral at the absence of light. (they move and attack faster in darkness. zombies are photosensitive) building : i like smooth voxel terrain sandbox similar to 7dtd (7 days to die) vehicles : i like the vehicle modification/storage system of STN (survive the nights) combat system : i like the melee combat, archery, and horse riding systems of Mount & Blade. i like the momentum based limb damage system and dismemberment in toribash everything else : i like the dayZ mod. they already got most of it right. a genre-defining hardcore no-holds-barred anti-game. H1Z1 : 'coz it's a goddam dayZ inspired F2P MMO. why i wrote this? it's just a list of features i liked from other games, that i thought would work well with other features from other games. i'm just connecting the dots. :P edit : i'm so glad to see downvotes, especially from people who didn't even seem to bother reading the post. lol. maybe next time, i'll just write everything on the title so the attention deficit dudes won't go
on me. :P
I think of what I would do if I was feeling especially euphoric and had no problems of my own.. I would sit somewhere on my throne and let it be known on my kingdom that I am prone to the problems of the world. Then I receive and achieve the american dream of cash fame and crash." Vergz, 2012 Esoteric stuff yes? In simple terms, I'm feeling especially chipper - type out your problems and I will give you my best, most impartial advice. this
will never not deliver - ie I will never edit this until I feel down. womps
To keep the beginning short, i obiously smoked some trees and started getting the munchies, eventually i decide to walk a little over a mile to the gas station, but before i cross the street to the gas station i see some people i know so i stop to say hi, eventually i move on to get my munchies (jerky, hot cheetos, etc.) and when i go to check out i remember my mom asked me to pick up some milk, and on my way back to the register i hear a guy talking about what i was buying, so i think he knew i was up in the trees, so i purchase my items and head home, when i get back across the street i see my friends again and i told them about the guy possably knowing and one guy said "i bet you were freakin out when the state trooper walked in" which i was too high to even notice TH;DR/
went on a muchie run at about a [8] and didnt even notice the state trooper at the gas station (i didnt drive there)
Lurker here, I just realized that when ever I'm in class, or surrounded. Y a bunch of people and I'm doing my own thing and they're all talkin, socializing, what ever else NT's do. I tend to put on a fake smile, and I feel really fake, i think it is. Because I. Been asked too many times if I'm angry or sad, or people have told me to smile more. I'm usually concentrated on something completely different from others, like readi g or sketching or folding origami :) and I always get a really serious face doing this, and I hardly never smile, I'm like a stone face, people I'm around a lot knows this, but people I only see now and the. Always asks what's wrong with me. This became really long sorry. But
or what it's called; I put on a fake smile in public DAE do this? And do you fel fake doing so?
Basically bass heavy modern dubs, digital dub, and dub influenced dubstep. Instrumental or with ragga/dancehall/ska vocals. Few examples of what I'm on about: [Radikal Guru - New Decade]( [Radikal Guru - Strong Dub] ( [Die & Break Ft. MC Fats & Buggsy - Peace and Dub]( [RSD - Jah Way]( [Dubkasm - More Jah Songs (RSD remix)]( [Mungo's Hi-Fi Ft. MC Ishu - Belly Ska Dub]( [Dub Terror Ft. Echo Ranks - Shinobi Warrior]( [Dub Terror - Digital Terror]( [Dubzoic - Let There Be Dub]( [Soom T & Disrupt - Dirty Money]( [Pupajim - International Farmer]( [Solo Banton - Herb Story]( [Iration Steppas - Mistikal Warrior]( Pretty Broad mix but you get the gist, basically
ead/Listen - modern electronic Dub.
So I [24M] am quite interested in a [17/18F] new girl that I work with. A little background is she already has a bf, however she has complained about him multiple times to me, and even telling me she is planning to break up with him as soon as she turns 18 (soon), I wasn't sure if she was serious or not when she said it, but she had a pretty serious look on her face when she said it and didn't follow it with any gesture to show that she was kidding. She seems really interested in me, like we talk with each other a lot and waste a lot of time chatting when we should be working. If I'm sitting down over in my department she'll come over and talk with me, and even has spent her lunch breaks sitting in my office area just to talk with me, instead of sitting in the break room (and literally no one ever does this, everyone always goes to the break room for lunch.) She has also has told me that I'm her only friend at work so far. Just so you all know I would never make a move on a woman who is already in a relationship, I despise cheaters. My current plans to get closer with her is to either ask if she wants to hang out together as friends, or even get her mobile number off her so we can chat when we're not at work. However this makes me feel a bit scummy because like I said I would NEVER make a move on her while she is still with her bf, but idk it feels guilty for some reason... Mostly I want to hang out with her to make her see how awesome I am, or to show her that I'm interested in her. edit:
girl i work with is really interested in me, and i'm into her, she has a bf, but she says she is going to leave him very soon So my question is should I ask for her number? Or ask her to hang out? Or leave it alone all together? And if I do hang out with her, how can I show her that I'm interested? What should I do?
Get it out of the way, stalked for 2 years or so, finally posting. Anyways. I was raised christian, very much so. Came from an upper middle class family and attended a private christian school in the bible belt from k5-graduation. I lived a very sheltered life until i was carted off to christian college, where i suddenly learned allll about life outside of biblical perspective. Suddenly I was presented with a much more feasible explanation of existence, and instead of focusing on self-growth I joined the military and began drinking heavily. I refused to believe that my whole upbringing was a lie - and have since sank deeply into alcoholism, and once it gets you, well its got ya(I don't ask that you understand what it is like being under the control of alcohol, just please know that I am genuinely asking for guidance) So this is the question i pose; having gone through rehab twice already, and knowing that another session centered around God fixing me will be of no use, I'm hoping someone knows of a treatment/program out there that can help me get control. bold
former christian, suffering from inability to cope with inconsistencies seeks alternative to standard AA
Basically, I have health insurance because the university I am currently attending (I'm a freshman) requires all students to have one. My family moved to USA when I was about 9, and since then we could not afford health care, and therefore never went to the doctor's. Never even once in about 10 years. The closest thing I came to "going to the doctor's" was when I went to a chiropractor for some jaw/neck/shoulder/back/hip/ankle (the entire right side of my body) problem and I paid in cash. I went to the dentist's a month ago (for the first time) but was treated for free and without much paperwork because the dentist was a close family friend (God bless him, he gave my dad a free implant). Now I'm 13 hours (drive) away from home, in a town where I don't know literally anyone except for some friends of my age that I met this week. My foot's been hurting quite badly since yesterday and I'm worried that this may end up being the same problem I had when I went to see the chiropractor. I would like to get treatment because, after all, I am paying for this health insurance, and because I don't want this problem to get worse. My college campus (actually, my dormitory) is right next to a hospital but I don't know how to "go to the doctor's" because I've never been to one. I'd love to call my parents, but honestly, they don't know much either (I'm the first and only one in the family to have health insurance). What do I do? What should I do? Do I just walk into the emergency room like I've seen so many people do? What do normal people do when "they go to the doctor's"? EDIT: Airado gave a great
for my wall of text: "Never been to doctor's, afraid of going for the first time, what do I do?" Sorry, I guess I was panicking when I wrote it all out. You are awesome r/Christianity!
So I posted [this thread]( earlier, and I was told in a PM to come here for more advice, so here goes. >My girlfriend Sarah is a part of my "social circle" so to speak. She's friends with all of my friends, and we all get along. So last week, my friend Matt asks if we can talk. He says that he thinks Sarah has been flirting with him lately, and he doesn't feel comfortable about it. I tell him it's cool, I'll talk with her about it. >So I forgot about it, and just today I find out they slept together the next night. I'm pissed, so I call up Matt and confront him, he said he just gave in, and I told him to fuck off. Sarah comes home and I ask her about it, she says yes she did sleep with him. I get pissed and tell her I need to think about our relationship. >Next thing you know, SHE'S pissed with ME! She says I have no reason to be mad, it was just a one night fling, and that she's not married, and she can do whatever she wants. She got pissed and went to stay with a friend. And this morning I wake up to a message from her friend saying the same bullshit she was. >
girlfriend cheats on me with friend, gets mad at me for being upset >So reddit, who do you think is in the right here? Me or her? And why? I just need some advice so I know what to do. We've been together for about a year and a half, and she's 25 and I'm 24. I'm not sure what to do, I'm still in love with her.
So I like the R+L=J theory and while I can't claim to have suspected the specifics on my own, I definitely noticed the weird circumstances of Lyanna's supposed kidnapping and conspicuous absence of any reasonable explanation for Rhaegar's actions (doesn't really seem like the kidnapping/raping/killing type by anyone other than Robert's recollections). My only problem with the whole thing is that, if true, Jon is still a bastard. While this doesn't preclude him from being AA/TPTWP, I keep seeing mention of Jon being Rhaegar's true heir. Assuming Aegon is legit, he would be the true Targaryen heir, and even if Aegon is not legit (be him a Blackfyre or otherwise), wouldn't Dany would be the heir as a true-born sister (heck, just about anyone) would come before a bastard son? And even though Jon's been legitimized as a Stark, he has no real claim on the North as long as Bran or Rickon (or maybe even Robb Jr) is around. Am I missing something here? I guess the
is that I like the R+L=J theory, and can buy that Jon could be AA reborn, but I don't see him as having any reasonable claim on either the Targaryan or Stark House. I guess R+L=J and even Jon being AA doesn't require this, but people keep saying that Jon is Rhaegar's heir which doesn't make sense to me.
The trip was extremely intense i had barley slept the night before (1 to 2 hours) so i knew it would be intense. I start to walk after cashing the bubbler and all of a sudden my hearing goes crazy i hear music that my soul is creating and then i hear ringing like a radio with a bad signal my mind felt like it was in an old tv with antennas that had a shitty connection to reality. i sat back down because i was overwhelmed and felt very sick my friends were starting to leave cuz we were in a semi sketchy spot so i got up and after three steps i puked i looked around me and everything looked as if it was made out of rubies and diamonds. Everything started getting brighter and brighter and i thought i was going to pass out or something so i sit down and my mind seems to adjust to a more normal high but still extremely smacked. my friends are about 20 feet ahead of me so i stand up to try to catch up and the trip comes back almost immediately i have to sit down every ten steps because i was afraid i was going to pass out. I finally got out of the woods through a shortcut and caught up to my friends still sitting down alot because of a feeling that i NEEDED to sit down from something of an extreme couch lock. after about an hour i went into a regular smacked high while chilling in my friends basement. i had smoked this weed before this day and had no hallucinations or anything like this and i was with a couple people during this smoke sesh and they didn't have any kind of experience like mine so i know it wasn't laced. the only explanation i have is that i hadn't eaten that day and i had barley slept and my knees might have been locked while smoking but i don't know for sure. for anyone that wants to know about the weed i smoked it was a northern lights skunk hybrid intense high with a chill comedown. Btw this is my first post to this amazing trees community:D. [
had no sleep didnt eat toked higher than i had ever been saw everything as if it was made out of rubies and diamonds shit got bright as fuck thought i was going to pass out but everything ended good shit wasn't laced.
As the title says, I've been running for about a year now, and I seem to be stuck. A little bit about my routine. I alternate days of running and lifting so every other day is a running day. I stretch before and after each run for about 5-10 minutes and if my shins hurt I ice them. I have to take an inhaler about 30 minutes before my run because I have awful allergies and bad asthma. My problem is that I don't seem to be making any progress on distance or speed or endurance. For the first four months there was notable progress, I went from like a 20 minute mile to a 14-15 minute mile but that's where I've stayed. I also can't seem to run a full mile without having to stop and walk or catch my breath. I can only make it about a mile and a half before my legs start to stop responding. I'm wondering if I'm stuck at this plateau forever because of my allergies (or maybe something else I'm doing wrong.) I don't necessarily want to run faster, but I would like to be able to run further and maybe the full length of my run. Basically what I'm asking (
is if anyone who has just awful allergies like me (allergic to basically every tree, plant, and fungi) has overcome their allergies and learned to run well, and how they did it. Also if you can think of anything that might help me. Thank you runnit.
I submitted a ticket about 7 hours ago. I'm posting this here in case anyone has any ideas while I am waiting for Arenanet to respond. >Earlier today, I updated my e-mail address because the e-mails I was getting at my original [link removed] e-mail address did not have clickable links. I tried using the address of the link itself, but that didn't work. So I changed e-mail addresses because I thought maybe yahoo would work better. >I checked my e-mail on my phone, and it worked, and I clicked the link through my phone. That was about 6 hours ago perhaps. I do believe I have played since then, but I wasn't completely disconnected so I didn't have to re-enter my password. >I just tried to log on, and since you patched, I had to log in again. but this time, it keeps saying that it's waiting for authentication. It tells me to click the link in an e-mail to authenticate the log in. I don't have any new e-mails, I've gone through the old ones in both e-mail accounts and I've used all links provided, but I can't log in. I can't even log into the site because that also tells me that it's waiting for an e-mail confirmation. >
changed e-mail address, now I can't log in.
I don't give a shit if you've low self-esteem or you're shy, you just think too highly of yourself. You are worried about what might happen- polite rejection, mocking, contract killer being hired to make a hit on you- because you think you are not a teenager, you think you're some creepy weird social retard and you are afraid of getting comedically rejected and the fact yer so weird that there's no chance it'll go well and the repercussions haunting you to the grave , like you're some feckin' tragic queen. Listen, you know what? You are a teenager. Stop taking yourself so seriously, and let go. Nothing you do today outside of the blatantly illegal will be remembered or matter, at least to people who aren't sad, hollow shells. Besides, your feelings probably aren't real and/or won't lead to anything. You know that fluttering feeling you've in your chest whenever the girl with the long hair and BEEG AMERICEN TITTEEZ walks by, her flawless skin and personality, and her reading of the same obscure sci-fi series as you, all of which means you two are clearly SOULMATES but only if you'd have the courage to actually talk to her you could guarantee 70 years of beautiful sunsets at the lake house? Chances are, that feeling in your chest is your blood passing through your heart as it makes a desperate dash for your lil willy (or something else, it depends on your diet), you haven't even TALKED to this broad, how can you talk about her personality, her skin is covered by 1mm of makeup, her book reading is about as deep as the rabbit hole goes, and you will never have a meaningful relationship with her. While it's not good to objectify girls to just their bodies, it's just as bad to put pussy on a pedestal. Look for a good balance, as in remember they're a human being, just like you and me. So,
stop taking yourself so seriously and remember that you're just a kid.
Server is Seattle Private Server By . The server and site have grown in popularity, and our group has decided to start recruiting loyal, responsible, and active players to be part of the fun. We are starting on our outpost as of now, and will be taking special interest in people from the EU time zones, so if you're interested in playing on the server, apply on the forums ( ) for access, and if you're interested in joining the clan, please have experience, and have some play time on the server first, then apply. Thanks and I know
with a wall of text, sue me. I'm eating.
so advice please. I went to a "party school" and graduated with a 1.9 GPA (according to the way LSAC does it) and had no intrest in law school even though i took the LSAT since i was a polisci major. I worked for 3 years at good jobs then decided I wanted to go back to school. Now i'm working around a 3.9 GPA at my new economics program at a different school. I know law schools don't calculate that kind of stuff in their numbers but is it even worth it? not only that on my LSAT back in the day I got a 162 just casually walking in not even studying for it. Would kill to get into northwesterns JD/MBA program
super low gpa at 1st school.... super high at second school.
Here's a link to the book . I read this book for quite a while actually, summarizing it as I went along in a series of blog posts. Here's the first post . Mainly, I wanted to summarize his arguments for the benefit of those who do not own or can not find this book. It's the
version basically, though it's still quite long. So, has anyone here read this book? I'd love to have a discussion about it, or even just about what I wrote in my blog entries.
Here's some, but not all, of the background. First and foremost: I already tried /r/gamedevclassifieds - and I actually found someone who was pretty good to work with. He set his own rate, which I agreed to, and I paid him for his work. Unfortunately since he was doing it in his spare time, he began running low on spare time and had to say he couldn't work on the project anymore. This split was perfectly amicable, and I was paying him fairly at his own quoted rate/estimates, etc, just to be clear. So here I sit with some unity3d source code for a really great board game... but the code is incomplete (some rules need fixing, and eventually after rules are all settled, more functionality is needed -- e.g. actual 2-player connectivity, etc)... Problem is, I don't even know unity3d at all, and I'm way too busy working 60+ hour weeks (and trying to maintain RES here and there) right now to take this on myself. I got into this thinking I'd pay someone to complete the project... now I'm kinda stuck. The bigger problem (sigh) is: I've been doing this to help a fellow redditor (who shall remain anonymous) who becomes more and more in need as time passes. He's had trouble finding employment and this board game idea of his, which I do feel really has potential if we can find the right help, is a potential source of income for him if people like it. Ultimately he wants to be able to build physical copies of the game as the end-goal. So, I've poured a fair amount of my own money into this as a favor to an internet stranger who is a genuine person and whose idea I believe in. Problem is: I've never had to take a project that's been abandoned midway through and find someone else to pick it up. I feel like that may well require a special kind of talent, so for the
where do I look.. and what do I look for?
Hopefully this is the right place for this, if not i apologize and will delete this. I just started this year growing a few outdoor plants. The seeds were planed around mid april. I have one plant that is really nice, one plant is so-so and the other 2 are kind of stunted by the pot i grew them in, so im discarding those. Now, my big plant has easily over 20+ "nugs" or "buds" growing on it and it looks amazing. I live in the northeast US and was wondering how long i can keep these outside for to get the most out of it? I guess my
question is, can i keep them outside until the first frost? which is usually Mid october at the earliest. My nugs range from as small as 1/4th inch to an inch in length). Are those (the 1 inch ones) even harvestable ?
Thank you, everyone, for all the awesone support, laughs and kindness. These christians could learn a thing or two about how to treat people from those of us who are baby eating, satan worshiping atheists! My neighbors are crazy, stalkery assholes. I've had to call the police on them for shooting a steel tipped arrow through my backyard fence, nearly hitting my dog. On top of that, they stare at us from their second floor window, whenever we are in the backyard, or out their front room window when we're greeting guests or doing yard work. Their 13 year old son has a history of animal abuse, he once threw about 40 Hot Wheels at my kids while they were riding their bikes out front, from his second floor window. He has shot my pool and backyard up with thousands of air soft pellets and they even called the HOA when I didn't take out my trash one week. Since we called the police, they finally seemed to leave us alone. Today, however, the husband and I left our homes a few minutes apart. He paced me for three miles then cut me off, slammed on his brakes and zoomed off. I noticed he had a "NotW" sticker on the back of his car. Yeah, guy, real fucking Christian of you. Their kid is also enrolled in a private, Christian school at one of the major churches here. My brother's good friend from childhood is the head pastor. Should I get him involved? There are so many more horrible things these people have done to my family and me. I don't think this is what Jesus had in mind for his followers. ETA:
crazy hypocrite Christian neighbors. 'Nuff said. Edit #2: [pics of the arrow. For SCIENCE]( Edit #3: I am a godless, baby eating, heathen, witch atheist. I'm sure that's where part of their hatred stems from. Edit #4, for clarification: not that it matters all that much but the mother takes a nasty cocktail of anti-psychotics and mood stabilizers. Dad is on some kind of anxiety meds. Kid put an electric drill to the family dog's head and went crazy until blood and bone spurted out. He has a ton of emotional issues and is on par with his mom for creep factor. Edit #5: my husband travels, a lot, for work, for extended periods. He's away on average 8 months/year. They are aware of this. Not that it changes much but I'm usually left to deal w/their crap. He was here for the arrow, however, which I was thankful for. We approached her together.
Hey :) I'm currently writing this review of the Gremlins novel. It's kinda crazy. It's written by a guy called George Gipe, who also wrote the Back to the Future Novelisation. That was reviewed hilariously by Ryan North (of Dinosaur comics fame) - and the Gremlins book is shaping up to be exactly the same. Thing is, I'm putting all this effort in and I only have 3 followers. This book is crazy and hilarious; Gipe uses purple prose, descriptive language, wordy characters and blends it all into the craziest thing you'll ever read (or review). Here's an excerpt: "Today she was dressed in blue, a form-fitting but conservative dress that complemented her flashing green eyes and dazzling dark hair. Billy, like so many other young men - and older men too, for that matter - had fallen madly and totally in love with Kate Beringer the first time he laid eyes on her." Anyway, I won't say too much more for fear of
itis. But yeah, I'd love more followers because I'm putting a lot of work in to this and I think a good bunch of people would enjoy this if they knew it existed. So I'd really appreciate some upvotes of some sort :) Thanks!
First of all I just want to thank you guys for giving me the confidence to talk to women. Here is my story. A few years ago I was the loner in the class that hardly participated due to fear of being judged. I had only a few female friends but not many people who I actually hanged out with. Here in my second year of college I have more female friends than guy friends. Sure am not really going out with all of them but that is not the point. This community gave me the confidence to talk to anyone and in front of a class. Today I talked to two HB 8's. For the second it was basically me talking the whole time. She just listened as I was ranting about religion. Later on in the end of class I asked for her name and she replied with "Oh you forgot my name already" (was that a shit test?) I was caught off guard because she seemed like the quite type of person and for half a sec I said "ughh" before she quickly corrected herself that she hadn't given it to me yet. We exchanged names and left the class. Now some of you guys might be disappointed that I didn't number close but for once in my life I felt happy. I literally had a smile on the whole day. As I was walking out of the schools library a guy that looked like Michael Clark Duncan looked at me and asked "Why you smiling boi" and I said "Am just happy for once" and he replied "Must be nice feeling like that". Anyways, thanks guys for the help and support. Pleas excuse my grammar. Also I don't know how
works so...
Not that the low levels of the game are particularly hard or anything, but I'd like to have some decent gear saved off in a "bank" character, or whatever, to give to my starting out chars. According to Torchlight 2 Armory, the lowest level unique requires level 8 or 9 to equip, which is fine as it's by no means difficult to get those first few levels. And those would probably be good well up into the 20's, at which point I'd like to switch to some lvl 20 or 30ish uniques to last to the 50's, and repeat until I'm just grinding out late game gear. Anyway,
is there a good place to farm for early game uniques? Or do I just need to run that first act on NG a shitload with high magic-find gear?
EDIT: apparently people are still posting comments to this, so I'll just say that we already discussed in the comments that you don't need to pay attention to this. As /u/ThorinRuriksson and /u/aleglad said, all questions to practices and beliefs can open up discussions, a FAQ like this would take away that discussion and would only give a one-minded answer. So you can just go ahead and ignore this post, also, thank you for reading this! - Hello again heathens! I've noticed that questions get asked frequently around here (even I asked a few), and so I've decided to make a FAQ where other new Ásatrúars (did I spell that right?) might want answers to, as well. I'll be sure to update as questions and answers come along. - 1. Why are most of the top posts in /r/asatru Mjonir necklaces and what are their significance? 2. How should I go about making my altar, god poles, and shrines? 3. When is the correct time to do a blót, and how do I go about offering objects, food, and drinks? What should I offer for my first few blóts? 4. The
of the Nine Noble Virtues? 5. How should I pray? 6. Where can I find copies of the lore online? - That's all I can think of right now, as I said, I'll update as questions and answers come along!
Hey guys, I played at release and just came back, so impressed with all the changes! Have a quick question regarding the difficulty levels. So I was farming in Norway for those spirit things but realized I out-leveled the area so they aren't dropping anymore (even though the other spirits still do, not sure why that is). Is my only option to play through the story again on the next difficulty to get back to Norway and get them that way? I am level 37 so is my best bet to just level up the fastest way possible to 45 or whatever the level is for the 3rd difficulty (x-def and legendary quests(?)) and then go through the story mode to Norway on the 3rd difficulty and finish that spirits quest then? I guess the
is - is there any benefit/even possible to complete the story mode on each of the 3 difficulties or is it best to just complete all the quests of story mode on the 3rd and final difficulty level.
So my boyfriend and I have been together for just shy of a year now, and I honestly feel like my heart is going to burst out of my chest with love. He and I have both had some pretty bad relationships (he was cheated on multiple times by multiple girls, i was in a 2 year long abusive relationship - to name the worst ones.) and being together has seemed to really help both of us. We seem to have the best relationship ever, we're super comfortable with each other, we have fun, we both care deeply about each other, his family loves me, etc, etc. The only thing that seems to keep tugging at me is that we still haven't said I love you. I know this is so silly and trivial, but it's really bothering me. After about four months, I told him I was falling in love with him, and he said that he knows and feels the same way but he doesn't want to say "it" because he has a habit of jumping the gun and getting hurt. I totally understand that, and I respect it. But now we're coming up on our one year, and I can't help but wonder if theres a reason he hasn't said it. He;s very affection and sweet, and very rarely says hurtful things (and they're always accidental and he apologizes immediately) and our sex life is great and we never fight. Also his sister and best friend have told me on multiple occasions that he's admitted it to them. So what gives? Is it just because of his past relationships, or am I just the "one before the one", if you know what I mean? basically, for
our relationship is pretty amazing and smooth and wonderful but he can't seem to tell me he loves me and I'm starting to think something is wrong.
I'm in a relationship with a wonderful man for about a year now. No major issues. He's loving, successful and the closest to a soul mate I've ever had. From past conversations I've figured out he was quite the "bad boy" in his youth, but we never really went further into it since it's not who he is now. Last week, however, we were talking and I questioned a bit more deeply into his past. He admitted to having done a lot of bad things-- getting into fights, "manipulating people to get his way", even getting arrested, and also has quite a history with women, including being unfaithful. I thought he acted out in his youth. Turns out it was in his twenties (so, about 10 years or so ago). I suppose I might have been too nosey, but I was in no way judgemental. But he then got angry with me for wanting to know all this about him, saying that it was his past, he learned from his mistakes and it's not who he is now. To be honest I've never seen him that pissed off at me before. I respect his privacy and I told him I'm not judging him, but his reaction and unwillingness to be frank about everything put me off a bit. So, reddit, what do you think? Should a person have the right to question their SO's sordid past, especially if things are getting serious, or should one let sleeping dogs lie? Edit: Sorry,
current SO was someone else in his past. Got mad at me for prying, but should I have the right to know who he was?
A while back I made a program to change the launcher background every time it was launched, and today I saw a post of a method to do this. From what I can tell that only works with up to 12 backgrounds, and took a bit of setup that some people had trouble getting to work, so I though I'd post my program ([again]( Download link: [click]( How do you use it? It should be set up already to work if you have smite installed to the default directory, but if not there is a settings.exe where you can change the skin patch and main HiRez folder locations. In the settings.exe you should ignore the third input spot, that was for the old crappy version. Now just throw whatever pictures you want to use into the Laucherpics folder, and run the Manu Launcher.exe (that just changes the picture then runs the normal launcher). So basically just use the Manu Launcher instead of your normal launcher opening method. EDIT: just remembered if you want to move the new launcher from the folder, you'll have to create a shortcut and move/use that. Some things to note: It does require administrative permission to run if your smite is installed to C:/ since it will be modifying a file on your harddrive (it just switches out the 16_001.jpg file with the randomly selected background) This comes with a collection of backgrounds already, feel free to use/add/remove any This does technically violate the ToS (as does the other method), but at the time I sent an email to HiRez and got a response which is included in the readme.txt
they can ban you for it, but won't as long as the program doesn't get blacklisted by them, which is unlikely. There is an old version of the program (Auto Switcher.exe), just ignore this one, delete it if you want, I just don't want to re-upload the folder without it. Virus Scans: [Manu Launcher.exe]( <-- this is the program that actually works well [Auto Switcher.exe]( <-- this is the old one you might as well just delete [Settings GUI.exe]( Dear mods: I understand if you want to delete this post since to avoid the whole launcher background posts craze again.
Last week my semester started, by a stroke of luck my crush from my previous class last semester was in one of my classes this semester. On the first day of class I walked in and she noticed me and said hello and and asked me how my break was. I sat down next to her and we chatted for a long time until class started. We hit it off really well and I found out that we have tons in common, and she seemed to be interested in what I was doing too. The next day of class I encountered a roadblock. Her best friend had decided to transfer into our class and now I have no chance to talk to her since she talks to her BFF for all of it. That class is the only time I see her. I would really love to get to know her better and to see where it could lead. How do I overcome this obstacle? **
crush on girl in my class, got along really well, her BFF transferred into class and can't talk to her.
Hey all, most of you don't know me, but maybe one or two of you have seen some of my past work or maybe even read one of my old posts back when NS2 was new, but I did some work trying to encourage and light a path for some high quality NS2 customization beyond the server-side modding and mapping. In collaboration with a good friend, Benjamin "Jamin" Dalling we created remakes and re-designs of old classic NS1 weaponry and iconic imagery for NS2 such as: NS1 Knife ( NS1 Fade ( Onos Devour ( And most recently, but with a great deal of development time and dely, I present you this final piece of nostalgia (admittedly a bit late too!) Sadly the great claims of ease and support of moddability for NS2 were vastly exaggerated, and ultimately the opposite ended up being true. Despite great efforts and requests by the excellent modding community, very little was done beyond the initial launch to improve the ability for artists and modders to customize and improve the experience of the game for others. So ultimately after almost a full year of sporatic development on what I consider a master-piece of re-invention, re-design, and reverse engineering, I can present this last piece that has ultimately gone almost completely unnoticed. There was talk with some of the devs at a few stages that great consideration was put into the inclusion and incorporation of this asset, but ultimately when development of UWE's new project set into full motion, almost all support and continued development for NS2 went dark. I know this isn't the best way to present this sort of thing, but I even attempted to liven up the community some with some light teasing for the unveiling of my surprise, which conveniently managed to reach completion in time for the anniversary of NS1. I respectfully request that you to glean through this thread and follow along with the developments and reveals to really appreciate some of the effort that went into it. You can also just skip to the last page, or skim for video bits if all of this text already has you in
mode. Many of you might not recognize or appreciate it, but I feel like too much effort went into this project to let it slip away so quietly, and I only want for it to be appreciated, if only for a few last moments of nostalgia for the golden era of HL1 modding... Regards, Daniel "Evil_Ice" Bentz Edit: Bonus "Che Gorgerra"
I have been running an Eheim 2236 for the past year in my (I think 35 gallon) tank which houses our painted turtle, Rory. Always kept up on filter maintenance pretty regularly, until about 3 months ago. Got a new job, etc, excuses excuses I know. I went away for the weekend and came home to find no water flow whatsoever, and a low grade mechanical humming noise (different from regularly sound, what I assume is the sound of the motor running dry.) "Oh crap," thought I. Opened up the filter, tons of brown slime on the beginning ring of filtration and first layer of mechanical filtration. Obviously got clogged up and stopped pumping water while I was away. I do a complete cleaning, put everything back together, plug it back in, and nothing. No water movement, not even noise. Nothing whatsoever. I assume the motor burned out completely. My budget doesn't really have room for another ~$120 for a brand new one, and I've always been very happy with it and hope to not have to go with a cheaper, lower quality option. What I'm wondering is if you guys know of anyway my filter can be salvaged? Is there a single replacement part I could possibly swap out that would fix it? Any help is appreciated, thank you bold
eheim 2236 ran dry due to me stupid, now doesn't work, makes no noise when plugged in. Repair possible or must replace?
I'm new to this subreddit, but I should fit right in given I'm 18 and never had a girlfriend, or never even been on a date. Super awkward and shy around girls. Anyways, onto the story... I started the spring semester at my community college on Tuesday. In the beginning of composition class we had to talk to our neighbor and introduce them to the class. There was no one around where I was sitting, and a few seconds later this pretty blonde girl moves her chair over to me and starts stimulating a conversation with me. To my surprise, I found it easy talking to her, despite us being complete strangers having just met. We didn't talk to each other at all after these 'introductions', but I mustered up enough courage to ask for her number after class and got it. Yesterday I sent her a text and she responded (we had an adequate conversation, she was taking a while to respond), so I know she didn't blow me off or didn't ignore me. I have class with her again tomorrow, what should I do? Sit next to her, get to know her more? I would love to get to date her, she seems like a worthy girlfriend. Biggest question I have is: are the two signs (starting conversation and giving me her number) just her being nice or are they signs of interest? (Btw, we're both 18 in our second semester of college if that changes anything) Any input is very much appreciated, thank you for your time and concern! :)
girl starts talking to me in class and gives me her number. signs of being nice or interest?
I get asked a lot to evaluate players' PvP builds - so often in fact that I figured the best way to handle it would be to set up an event where players can chill out, listen to music, and most importantly, discuss PvP builds. I'll be reviewing a few submitted builds, offering insight and critiques to improve each build. Next build chat will be tonight (1/23) at 9pm Eastern. If you'd like to submit a build for me to review on the cast, I'd like you to meet the following requirements: Required Saved (preferred - to include notes) or minified [Mugenmonkey]( link. Write out intended use/benefits of the build. Need to know your Twitch username (so I can make sure you're in the channel when I check out the build). Preferred SL or range so I know how far the build can be tweaked. Optional List of hotbar items List of off-hardbar items List of mandatory gear/spells List of any gear/spell swaps. [For the
crowd, I've put together a short video explaining the event.](
I've wanted to try 13th Age since I first started reading the book. If you haven't heard of it, it's a spiritual successor to D&D from the lead designers of 3rd and 4th Edition with a strong design focus on the development of the player characters' place in the world. The only thing I wasn't blown away with was the default setting the game presented. But the game's focus on the relation character has to the Icons of a setting reminded of a world I've never tried using for a role-playing game. Now there's a lot I like about the Warcraft setting and nearly as much that rubs me the wrong way. So I don't know when exactly in the Warcraft metaplot the game will be set; I want a vote among players first. I'd also like all player characters to be from allied factions (note I didn't mean Alliance factions there, I just don't see a Scarlet Crusade knight working with a Forsaken. If you wanted a mix of Knights of the Ebon Blade working with the Argent Crusade though, that would be fine). My availability is also odd. I'm typically not available until about 8 pm est most nights but even then it might be best to try this as a play by post. We'll try live runs first though so fingers crossed. Skype preferred. So please leave a comment with a Skype name, availability, confirmation that you either know 13th Age or are willing to learn (I'm still learning it too), and a couple of factions you'd be interested in playing a member of (Horde, Alliance, Earthen Ring, Tuskarr, whatever). Alright, if that's
then deal with it.
I'm playing a multiplayer game as Castile, with my friend playing England. We're roughly in 1470. Since I was stuck with my bad 0-0-0 Enrique de Trastamara heir I've tried my utmost to off him for the first 30 years, by letting him lead the charge against Granada, Portugal and everything else I attacked. I was pretty happy when I eventually got the popup that he died. And then we saw what would happen if my king (64) would die right now, since I have no legal heir: "Succession war between France and England". I don't even HAVE a RM with France. I have RMs with Navarra, Portugal (both vassalized), England and Aragon (both also allied). How on earth did France get the right to claim my throne? Probably due to its high prestige, but still. So we decided to have a go at France and obliterated it between the English, Spanish and Aragonese armies. Its prestige dropped a lot, and my dynasty tooltip now says "On Monarch Death: Succession war between England and Aragon". I would like to keep a Trastamara on the throne so I have a shot at the Iberian Wedding event, or if it doesn't fire before 1500, a chance to Claim the Throne of Aragon to force a PU. Otherwise annexing Aragon the regular way will cost me tons of AMP, of which I already have very little due to my crap king, costs of coring up parts of Portugal, and lots of negative stab events. So,
what happens if my heir dies and a succession war for my throne begins? Can I join the war myself, or will it only be between England (human player) and Aragon (AI)? And if Aragon wins, do I enter up as the lesser partner in a PU with them (bad), or do they simply send someone from the Trastamara dynasty to take my throne (good)? Finally, if Aragon does PU me, can I simply DoW them to declare independence, or should I wait for their king to die first? How do I maximize my chances of turning the tables on them and becoming the senior partner in the PU? Any advice would be helpful. I never had this situation before of not having an heir and then getting a succession war for my throne, and especially not in MP. We had a great start and this could throw the whole game off balance.
If you're looking for an easy alternative/change from banana ice cream . Step 1: Buy a can of fruit. Peaches or pineapple in light syrup works well. You can try fruit in water to make it healthier, but the light syrup does make it more traditionally sorbet. Step 2: Freeze it overnight. I tend to buy the small single-size servings of the dole fruit tins that are crazy cheap and 50 calories each and just always keep a few in my freezer. Step 3: Place the can in hot water for 1 minute. If you've got a great blender, skip this step. Step 4: Remove the lid and pour any liquid into a blender. Step 5: Remove the bottom of the can, slide out the fruit, and chop it into 1-inch pieces (no need to chop if you've got a really good blender) Step 6: Throw the fruit into the blender and puree. Step 7: Eat immediately. edit:
freeze a can of fruit, blend it and eat.
To elaborate; when saying options, I'm thinking about the sum of opportunities that's possible for you in life - primarily thinking about work/dreams. Either you live in a country where it's more/less likely to achieve one thing or the other, or a family that pushes/holds you back. And (granted you have contemplated the matter) does it influence your sense of meaning? Do you feel you are where you're supposed to, or on the road to said location? Or do you feel trapped by limitations/too many opportunities? Feel free to make an easy-to-understand
if i've phrased myself poorly, and I'll add it to the OP.
Figure I would put this out there as a PSA. I was obsessing over canvas bags and reallllllly wanted a Filson, but I missed out on one of the sales that made it justifiable to spend that much on a bag so I figured why not try a good looking, very spacious Mossimo square duffel bag. It is a dark khaki square duffel with brown fake leather accents and barely noticeable camo piping around the edge of the bag (which I know sounds awful but it is barely noticeable and I have gotten a few compliments on it). ANYWAY - This thing is absolute crap, crap, crap. Now I get why you guys love quality bags like those from Filson so much. I immediately noticed that the zipper would get stuck often. After ~two weeks of use I noticed fraying threads and dark/dirty spots. Today, when I pulled it out of my car and slung the shoulder strap over my shoulder one of the ends completely separated from the bag and I nearly sent the bag w/ my laptop flying onto concrete, but I was able to catch the bag in time. I also noticed that the stitching on the fake leather handstraps is falling out a ton - literally pieces are just separating - after maybe three or four uses (I always carried it by the shoulder strap). I know - WAYYYY
but I needed to vent. Don't buy the Mossimo Canvas Duffel, even for $17.
I have a Sony Vaio running XP. I uninstalled a program and when I restarted, it says n
missing press ctrl alt del to restart.