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I networked with some start-ups in my area. One needed a whole rewrite to their site, so I offered to do it. The start-up had investments from a rather large company with a huge IT presence, so I had a phone call from this large company. After talking with me, the start-up was told that if they didn't take me, the large company would. I took on both jobs for a short amount of time, but eventually moved to the larger company. | Network with small companies. Even if they don't need you, you can develop other connections. |
This is the Perry Mason part of the thread where you prove my point . :)
If you have no emotion about the topic, why would you use language (swearing) I clearly didn't use?
If you have no feelings about this sub, why trail off (...)?
If you have no insecurities about veganism, why would you respond at all?
There's a reason why RomComs always have the male and female protagonists hate each other during the 1st act, because we know the romance will bloom coming up. There's a reason why so many GLBT haters end up having a secret GLBT personal agenda themselves. Strong emotion in either direction shows an affinity for something which often begins as fear and ends as love. | If you really didn't care (i.e. was a strong carni/omnivore), you would have left it alone.
Congratulations, TruthWillSetUsFree, you've just started your journey towards veganism! By spending all this time trolling this sub, you've shown a real interest ! Once you get over your own self doubt, you'll make a fine vegan! |
its pretty much the perfect | for nofap |
This story's pretty anticlimactic, thankfully.
When I was living in Lebanon (I was 20, this was in '09), I hitchhiked from northern Lebanon to Beirut (about an hour and a half-ish) at night because I had missed all the buses and I really needed a ride.
I'm a single, Asian female and I'm in a skirt on the side of the highway. I stand out quite a bit. Looking back, I think most people thought I was a prostitute because a lot of cars stopped a few feet away from me and when I wouldn't approach them, they sped off.
Long story short, this really non-threatening looking guy pulls up in a small red car. I think it was roughly 8 or 9 pm. My Arabic isn't terribly good and he barely speaks English. Everything's going along just fine. He asks me about where I'm from and what I'm doing in Lebanon. Very basic. Then he asks me if I have any male friends in Lebanon (words are gendered). I'm kind of confused but I say that yes, I have lots of male friends, not only in Lebanon.
A few more minutes into the trip and he suddenly touches my exposed knee. I freak out and ask him what he's doing. He apologizes and we sit in awkward silence.
Ten minutes later, he does it again.
I freak out and call my guy friend in Beirut who speaks Arabic and I'm telling him what happened. He speaks to the guy driving me and basically explains to him in Arabic the situation. My friend then tells me that the guy giving me a ride seems to be an absolute idiot.
Thankfully, nothing bad happened. I was able to make it to my destination without any more issues. Though looking back, this could've easily gone REALLY bad REALLY easily.
I later realized that I had forgotten that the Arabic word for male friend can also imply boyfriend or husband depending on context. Whoops. | Single female hitchhiked in Middle East country; came across horny, ignorant male driver who kept touching her knee. |
Mine is a really weird one. My first job that I had was pretty crappy. What made it okay was that I was working with my cousin. It made it SO MUCH better. The job was manufacturing. So whenever the machines didn't run, we would sweep the floors and I remember cleaning the cracks on the floor, while talking to him, or having lunch outside in the other huge manufacturing floor.
One day he stops getting hours and for two weeks, he doesn't work. He finds a job and quits. I remembered the time when I was by myself and was sweeping the floor, and you get this nostalgia how the work used to be at least more fun when he was there. Now it is crappy and I hated it. Even though I didn't cuss, but it got me so badly that I cussed. You can see how much I didn't like the job. Same thing happened when I went to have lunch outside or go to the other manufacturing floor where I worked with him a lot.
I have ever since, quit the job, but still this is my really weird example of having nostalgia at work. | weird) surprisingly got nostalgic after my cousin left the boring job, and every time I remembered how it was more fun when at least he was there, I cussed. |
This is a current issue that may see no end (also closures such as corks/fake corks/[zorks](
First some background:
"High end" wine, which is defined by anything over $25 strangely enough, will almost never be in a box. The biggest reasoning is that some gas exchange is good. A well made bottle of wine (of the right varietals) needs a good cork to cellar and age. When stored properly the cork will allow a very minute amount of gases to go back and forth. This aids in the chemical changes that take place in a good bottle over time. When an artificial closure or a bag is used, it is too air tight for long term storage and maturation. All the hard work that went into making a wine of high enough quality to age will be lost.
As for mid-tier wines, the story is different. These wines can have some age, maybe up to 5 years, but isn't required. A lot of wine these days is being made to be drunk immediately, and not age, which makes it perfectly suitable for other packing and closures.
So about the boxes:
If there is such a large percentage of wine that falls into the mid-tier category, that doesn't require aging, then why isn't it in boxes? Some are. Clif can be found in a box, and are quite good for the price. There are also some eco-minded small producers (both old and new world) that use [tetra packs]( For the most part, most still aren't because of the stigma surrounding it. People see a box, they think of Fred Franzia's swill in-o-box, and turn their nose up to it. Wine is incredibly psychological to sell, and a bad package can turn people off to it regardless of the quality of what's in it. | Despite it's usefulness, boxed wine has a stigma that vineyards/companies won't invest in to break. |
Regardless of if it's a wine I represent or not, I will still point someone to good wine. I don't get people who don't do that. It would help break the pretentious stigma.
Anyway: this could take a bit of explaining. A lot of wine is aged in barrels (others in stainless steel or cement tanks). Quality wines always are if they desire that kind of treatment (some types of wine taste better unoaked [barrels are various types of oak]). One a side note, cheaper wines typically don't use barrels, but instead use staves, chips, or even essence to add the flavor and effect. Good wine that is meant to be aged, needs proper conditions and a real cork for proper gas exchange through the bottle.
I'm giving you this background so you can fully understand why you both can and can't. Yes you can, because a lot of wine is already. At the same time you can't (or won't), because if you are investing the money into aging a wine in a nice french oak barrel, you're not going to want to package it in something that won't let it age more. The barrel will add and change the wine, and then the process will continue in a neutral glass bottle (but without the oak adding to it). As the wine ages, it chemically changes, and proper barrel aging is one of the many parts that lets you do that. If you took that wine, put it in a bag (bladder), and then drank it down the road, it would be rough, tannic, and for lack of a better word, tight. | You can, but it would be a waste. |
I haven't been suicidal in three years. It wasn't Christ that led me from that time, although He has also significantly improved my life, it was finding a purpose. I didn't have time to be depressed. I took no anti-depressants. I worked hard at something I loved, tried to achieve my dreams, and even though things were tough, I wasn't sad. I wasn't jovial. I was content. | Things will get better. You may not be able to get the job of your choice in these times, but get a hobby. Connect deeply with your family, even if you hate them. And find a few people to be your friends. True friends. That's how I did it, anyways. |
This has been happening a lot to me recently. People dismiss whatever you say and sometimes pretend you don't even have a voice, no matter how useful your little tidbit of information may be. I suggest you surround yourself with people who respect you and will take your opinion or advice into account and not just brush it off like your some pretentious asshole. | People are cunts |
Redistribution" is short for "redistribution of wealth" and means that the government forcibly changes the amount of money everyone has. In other words, money is taken from people, in different amounts from each person, and is redistributed among the people. Taxation is by necessity redistribution, because it's essentially impossible for everyone to receive the exact same in benefits that he/she pays out in taxes.
That said, some forms of taxation can redistribute more dramatically than others. A more progressive tax system, in which high-income individuals pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than low-income individuals, will redistribute more wealth from high-income folks to low-income folks than a tax system where everyone pays the same rate. (You can also argue that some aspects of the tax system redistribute wealth from the poor to the rich; for example, Social Security taxes are only taken out of your paycheck up to a certain point, which I believe is around $112,500 a year. So for people who make more than that, the percentage of their income going to Social Security tax is less than it is for people who make less.)
So what does this have to do with Obama? Traditionally, Democrats have tended to prefer a progressive tax rate, on the idea that taking money primarily from the rich to pay for government programs that generally help the poor makes for a better society. (Programs like Social Security and Medicare would fall into this category.) Republicans have tended to prefer a less progressive tax rate, on the idea that people should take responsibility for themselves and that higher tax rates on the rich punish them for their success. Republicans often use the term "redistribution" because it suggests an unfairness in taking money from one person and giving it to another. And since the big question in American politics these days is whether we should reelect President Obama, Republicans have said that Obama's policies seek to redistribute wealth. | 1) using the tax system to take money from the rich to pay for programs that help the poor; 2) Obama and his party tend to prefer it more than the opposition. |
Not even this, there's just a huge difference between saying you're silly and being silly. Go to any online dating site and read the profiles: how many people describe themselves as being "funny" or having a great sense of humour, yet the profile doesn't contain a single joke or amusing anecdote/remark? At least some of these people will be funny in real life; they just fail to communicate it in written form. It's the difference between showing and telling. The net effect is coming across weird (or more likely, boring) even if this isn't the case in real life. | Show, don't tell. |
Bad writing. In all honesty though, Anakin is portrayed as a self absorbed, dim witted, man child. He is incredibly immature and lacks any kind of foresight. Also he is incredibly subject to his emotions and has little control over them. Essentially he's a big baby.
Papa Palpatine realizes all of this and sees a great opportunity to control his emotions, albeit through manipulation or the force. Yes that's right I would actually consider Anakin among the weak minded fools who can be controlled by the force mind trick. While, regular Jedi are able to manipulate people with a single thought, it could be very possible for Sith to extend this ability to actually control people's emotions, especially those who are very weak willed and overly emotional.
Anakin becomes fueled by fear and anger. This is probably why Yoda warns of bringing an over emotional child into the Jedi Order. This is also why Yoda said that he was "too old". Likely this merely meant that he had too much emotional baggage. While, Luke is much older when Yoda trains him, he actually has more control of his emotions than Anakin ever had, and this is even after he had his family bar-be-qued in from of him. | Anakin was a weak will man child, the Sith were able to prey on this weakness with relative ease. I believe this is similar to how Jedi are able to manipulate weak minded people into following their will. |
This all day long, i was on with my brother last night, it was his first PVP game after learning the maps and controls and such like against AI, we told everyone before hand he was new and he went Ashe, i took Pantheon and we said we were going top lane. Soon as we start two other guys went top and we got barrated with things like "little noobs go bottom" "GG guys lost already got a noob", now i'd like to state im level 15 now, and even though these guys claimed to be on Smurf accounts and were going to boss the game, they fed and the lane collapsed and they blamed it on us for being noobs even though our lane stayed strong and i ganked mid a couple of times to help out. | People on Smurf accounts or who CLAIM to be on Smurf accounts but actually just suck....STFU
P.S. be helpful to nooblets, not condescending dickshits. | is currently one of the best sites to get trusty (is this how you say it ? :> ) information. Don't go to MOBAfire, it is quite unreliable but on Solomid, Guides need to be approved by the Solomid-team + TSM (a pro team) makes guides themselves.
I know that when I started playing a year ago and found out the recommended items sucked, I'd pick my champion go to a site and look up my build. You don't need to memorize it, when you need to buy something you "Alt+Tb", pick your browser screen and look what items are viable on your champion.
You can follow the standard build if you don't feel confident enough yet or you can pick more Magic resists/armor/damage (depends on if you are losing/winning lane) in the items that are selected as 'good' for your chosen champion. Either way is better than following recommended and if you do just follow the standard builds, don't worry. The longer you play, the more confident you'll get in picking what items are the best in what situation. | Don't follow recommended, look up your champion on, follow build if you don't feel confident, change build order fo what you need if you do feel confident.
PS: Don't rush ranked when you hit 30, you'll maybe lose and people in ranked flame way harder than in normals when losing (or even winning). |
Dude i have a smurf as well, and I dislike those lvl 30 being rude and stuff to you real noobs (nothing offending)
Theyre like OMG noob stop feeding while the guy's just got 50 games max.
Hate that cause you can't learn from that.
And actually I found out that most lvl 10-15 players I play with are lvl 30 smurfs, and that shocks me.
Ofcourse i'm trollin people at those game, getting strange picks, AP ashe and stuff, and I still carry cause I know the mechanics, but i'm sick of people here to rape noobs, and raging flaming at their teamates. | when i play on my smurf I dont give a fuck, i troll and carry, and i dont rage at my mates.
I'm having fun after maybe a lose streak or something but I dont shit on other's game |
I just want to say that: I just made a new smurf account so that I could get a new account to try ranked with, without tainting my main.
When I chose the initial skill level, I selected the easiest one because I figured that would match me against the most people.
What I have found is that 7 out of 10 people in my matches (myself included) are all smurfing. People are building double GP10, warding, using shurelya's, randuins and aegis.
I must say that there are a few people that have been absofuckinglutely retarded, but most people that aren't smurfing seem to be picking up the game a lot faster than I did because of people being helpful for honor points.
That being said, if you're a new player and your teammate explains last-hitting, build advice, and the point that boots are a must-have item, and you do not listen, you are going to be in for a rough time. | My experience smurfing has been largely positive, but for a rare few |
Yeah, but at least they are absolutely terrible. You'll catch up eventually, just ignore them.
Real smurfs are only there to play with their friends, and will rarely rage at you because they actually know what they are doing and will not rely on team mates to do the same. They feel bad when they stomp too hard, and will usually apologize or try hard not to rub it in people's faces or go out of their way to steal kills from team mates
Bad smurfs will get angry at every mistake you do, use terms like "meta" or "counter jungle" to try to confuse you and to make themselves look cool, and then get angry when you couldn't tryhard as hard as them. They will get angry at team mates saying "gg noob team" at end of the game. They will usually lose because they are unable to adapt to lower level playstyles and will get stomped because they try to conform to "high elo play tactics" while playing againts level 5's. | all those people calling you bad are bad. Just keep playing, and keep ignoring players. Just remember, if they get matched up with you, they are just as bad, if not worse than you, due to them getting matchmaked with you. |
although i may be a rare case, i do get flamed at quite often for being a smurf on my level 16 account because i rage at people for not doing things that are very simple like freezing the lane and farming, although this is my main account. I do enjoy having smurfs in my team, even if they rage, because at least what they are saying holds value and they are actually helping the team win instead of simply complaining that the jungler or players nearby that doesnt save you and blame your death on them when it is your fault in the first place for running across half the map for that kill | smurfs may rage but at least they dont do or say thing that make you facepalm, although noobs that are open to suggestions are just as good |
Don't sweat it, man. I'm a fairly decent player and recently made a new account on BR server for ping reasons. You would not believe the amount of flame I get even though I always score positive.
Assholes People smurfing believe they're incredibly good even though they probably don't get a good grasp on the game yet.
Yes, that includes me and almost every smurf, that's why I never flame and nor should anyone. Try to give constructive advice and just enjoy the game.
[ | Carry team 90% of the time, still get flamed]( |
The companies are doing just fine [digital music report 2012](
What we're finally seeing is an industry that realises it has to change its business model. The pressure for this change was brought by piracy. Where the industry has changed it has done extremely well. | You're making shit up. |
Overall music sales have fallen
Cite your source please. As far as I'm aware profits overall are up.
Physical sales are down because people now want to obtain their media online. This is a desire the media industry was fighting because they could inflate prices on physical media... Something that got them into very deep water with the EU. | I'm talking about the only part of the picture that matters any more. |
I have never been a mod before but I feel like I could bring a decent amount to the table. I am in Central Florida Florida (GMT - 5 hours). I run a small animation/film company and normally keep an /r/Android tab open throughout the day. Some days I start at 4 a.m. in the morning. I have been an Android user since the HTC G1 and have owned a few handsets and tablets throughout the years. I stay up on hardware and SoC articles from various sites out of passion for the industry. I used to design/code websites so I have experience with CSS(I still make maybe a site per year - If you want examples I can PM some). I have been a pretty big advocate for keeping this sub-reddit on track and standing up against post bashing competitors. If the time ever comes for an Sub-reddit podcast I have a professional voice over microphone and equipment. As a mod I would help direct questions and post to their proper related sub-reddits and push for less app solicitation by developers in this reddit. I believe reddit offers great moderation by it's users... I wouldn't go on a power trip like many sub-reddit mods do. So if there is a question by a newcomer I wouldn't shun them but point them in the right direction or link previously discussed topics. As a mod I wouldn't mind writing white papers and demonstration videos - should there be a need. I wouldn't mind having a rotation period and step down after an allotted time to keep this reddit more like a republic. | I live on the East Coast of the USA (-5 GMT).
I am on /r/Android throughout the day.
I can code.
I am a neutral positive in the platform war.
I can help start new /r/Android content(podcast, whitepapers, video tutorials, etc).
Keep the reddit free from improper post and slander.
Help promote news here and questions to /r/AndroidQuestions. |
I detest public employee unions - so I can't believe I'm siding with them on opposing this amendment - but I hate unnecessary and counterproductive amendments to our constitution even more. Here's why I'm voting "no."
This amendment is toothless. It does nothing to resolve the huge unfunded pension problem ($83 BILLION!) in Illinois since [nearly all past increases in benefits have passed by more than a 3/5 majority]( OP isn't alone in being confused by the amendment. It is so poorly worded and drafted that no one really knows what its consequences will be.
Worse yet, this amendment is counterproductive. We shouldn't be so quick to amend our constitution. Constitutions are designed to provide stability and continuity in our political system. They should only be amended to address fundamental flaws in the way our political system functions. In the last few years, however, we've been amending our constitution to address single issue problems like our terrible governors or our unfunded pensions. But the problem is not how our governor is elected and maintains his office, or how many legislators are required to vote on pension increases. Our problem is the shitty legislators and governors we keep electing! Amending our constitution to require a 3/5 majority vote on pensions or to recall a governor does not fix our state's problems; on the contrary, it only deludes and lulls us into thinking we've addressed the problem. All this amendment does is give Madigan and his ilk cover to claim they did something about our unfunded liabilities, while kicking this 83 BILLION DOLLAR can down the road. | This amendment does nothing to fix our $83 BILLION pension liability. It does distract us from the real problem with our state: our elected officials. That's why I'm voting "no."
Edit: Formatting. |
Not much, unfortunately. Besides work and studies, I've been kept busy developing LuaRocks .
I still run it in my computers, though, and there's a small community that keeps using it, and updating our source-based "recipes" .
There have been also some updated images of the system floating around, but none of us actually went all the way to make a finished .iso that we could stamp as a new release.
The iso on the website is seriously outdated -- there are howtos on how to upgrade it after installation, but it's becoming more and more cumbersome, so we eventually have to get our act together and pack a new release. It might pop up unexpectedly at any moment, though, but who knows when. I guess a side effect of the qualities of the system is that it just keeps working, so most of us don't bother with radical upgrades anymore. :) | we're still using it, but we're all busy and keeping a low profile. At some point something may come up, but don't hold your breath :) |
Appearances are subjective. It makes me appear that way to you, apparently. tears of joy And all I've ever wanted was for someone on the internet to think I was an asshole! sniffle You've made my dream come true! run up and hug
On a more serious note, sometimes people express opinions that they know to be opinions as if they were facts for reasons like expressing the high degree of their attachment to the opinion. | Loosen up, the internet is serious business after all. :P |
This one time, I was handling my business in the bathroom, which was a one-seater with the door that opened up to a hallway connected to the office. I was having a pretty good time. Suddenly the door opened. The guy who came in and I shared a very awkward glance that seemed to last an eternity. All I could muster was a very weak, "I locked the door, what?" Then pooped a little more in embarrassment. Apparently I only half locked the door so that when the handle was jiggled even a little, it would come undone. | I'm never pooping at work ever again. |
The GOP lost this - not Romney. Romney did everything he's supposed to do, including fending off totally hopeless challengers for the "honor" of being nominated by strategic imbeciles who didn't even appreciate him. The GOP was a burden on Romney that Obama wisely piled onto. They could have helped Romney more by simply sitting the presidential election out and letting him establish his own party run everything himself. Romney would've been better off without delusional "masterminds" like Rove and the bobbleheads at Fox that turn primaries into freak shows. | Romney a pro race car driver asked to drive around in a clown car (aka the GOP) |
It was a poll by a biased party using dubious methodology, asking highly biased rhetorical questions. Does it really surprise you that the results show what they wanted it to show?
Also see a [previous comment]( of mine about that poll. | Even the pro-Palestinian organization supposedly behind the poll were distancing themselves from having any relation to it.
There is indeed a whiff of confirmation bias here, but I don't think I'm the one who smells... |
As an Iranian, I'm tired of reading this narrative by other Iranians. This is dishonest not only to non-Iranians but a self delusional explanation for the dire state of Iran. Not only do I think it's foolish to compare Iranians to Israelis culturally, a lot of Iranians tend to say the mullahs are different than the people and that their policies is not a reflection of everyday Iranians. This is simply not true.
The Islamic Republic has a strong support in Iran among merchants, rural residents, low-mid income families and the religious elite. And although some of its social values are not shared among the young educated Iranians, its culture of oppression and "king like rule" is still relevant even among them.
Iranians may set up rave parties in their basements or have bottles of whiskey in their homes, but culturally they're not ready for democracy. The idea of freedom of speech or questioning authority is something that has not settled well in Persian culture. For example the father figure still has the last word on most family matters and the idea of younger people speaking their minds is usually frowned upon. These are traditions that have defined Persian people for generation, and until they're overcome at the micro level, you can't expect a regime like the Islamic Republic becoming irrelevant at the macro level.
That was just one example, but there many more like it that demonstrate a lack of readiness by Iranian for true democracy. However, I don't believe it's all bad news. I believe out of all islamic/arab countries in the middle east, Iran is by far the most progressive. For example in recent years there has been a progressive push in sexual openness and family planning. However, like I said there is still a long way to go. | The idea that the Iranian people are not the same as their government is dishonest and self delusional. Iranian culture is still fairly traditional which in turn continues to make the Islamic Republic relevant. |
As a Persian-American, I understand what you mean. I used to have this notion that all Iranians are crazy and insane, but my grandfather who somehow managed to visit without getting killed (he's Jewish and has been to Israel) keeps telling me that people in Tehran and other cities are hospitable and generous, even though they know he is a Jew.
However, he did tell say that the rural people support the idiots that are the Mullah. And the entire government is run by monkeys and the brilliant politician that is Ahmedinajad (I do not like him, nor do I approve of his actions, but he is a very charismatic and manipulative puppet--the perfect politician). | urban Iranians aren't insane terrorists that run on nuclear "energy", but the Mullah needs to die. Also, Ahmedinajad looks like a monkey. |
can we get some | action here |
The Chinese system isn't exactly transparent, but there have been several decent attempts I've seen.
The National People's Congress is basically a huge gathering of all the most important people in China (leaders, generals, party chiefs, governors, mayors, managers of big state-owned business etc.) and what regional officials consider to be 'grassroots' role models that can range from teachers and doctors, to farmers and scientists. Big important people make up 70%, and the role models 30%.
The congress only happens every five years, and elects ~370 people to become part of the party's elite Central Committee (selected from a pool of people just a bit over ~370 - see a problem?). After being elected, this committee then chooses 24 members (who were also kind of pre-chosen by the state party's leadership anyway). Those 24 members (called the Politburo) decide the new standing committee.
The new Standing Committee (which is the elite elite) is then revealed after the first meeting of the Central Committee. Currently has 9 members (so it's pretty exclusive) but it's rumoured that it'll go down to 7, which will make the quick decision making power of the Chinese government even quicker at making decisions as there'll be less discussion in the wake of reforms. The top of this elite elite standing comittee is the chair, who is also now the president of China. | 2700 Delegates and representatives from all over China elect a Central Committee (~370 from a pre-chosen party list), which in turn elects a Politburo (24 members). The Politburo then elects an exclusive 9-member committee called the Standing Committee, the head of this is the President.
Edit: [shout out to custerc below for his last two paragraphs.]( and [TheAgora for a much more comprehensive explanation.]( |
The 90% figure probably comes from the 1% rule:
If you don't want to click the link, or just want the | 1% creators, 9% contributors, 90% lurkers |
last year my sister and I were driving from Portland to San Francisco late night. Around 2am we were rear ended by a drunk driver and our car flipped, landed on the passenger side and skidded down road for what seemed like an hour.
I had to hold on to the oh'shit handle to keep from getting dragged under the car, as glass, gravel and sparks showered my face (fuck you oxford comma).
I don't remember this part, but apparently while we were skidding, my sister looked down half expecting me to be mangled and dying, but instead, with my left arm hooked around the passenger seat head rest, I was looking up at her with a goofy smile, giving the thumbs up.
when we came to a stop about 150 yards later and I realized what had just happened, I looked back at my sister dangling from the drivers seat, and we exchange a look.
Somehow the ipod stayed plugged in and was still functioning, and it was playing this song. Just at that moment I hear the lyric "with my feet in the air and my head on the ground". Now my sister's band always covers this song and it still kind of still freaks me out to hear. | caraccident/thissong/upsidedown/woahman |
I see your post starting with "as" and raise you one starting with "Breaking Bad". DAE Breaking Bad? Breaking Bad? Breaking Bad? DAE see my Breaking Bad and raise me my DAE?
Game, set, match...Point.... Scott. Game over. End of game. | l]eAtheism. LeTheism. |
I was going to say that OP is a faggot but I realized you might just be homosexual and I wouldn't want to offend actual gay people so I regressed. | There's a difference between being a faggot and being homosexual. |
Bringing down a buffalo is much different than hunting a Bear. One is a glorified cow, the other is an apex predator. | Packers suck. |
I'm in the military but I'm stuck in a sort of limbo where I work in a supply techs posistion. I handle a wide range of strange tasks from inventory management to weapons vault management.
I fucking hate and love the job, it's annoying because I'm stuck and can't go anywhere with it so I'm riding out the end of my contract. It's brutal because it causes me to sort of sit and spin and hate myself.
That being said there's a lot of downtime and nothing going on so it's got some perks. Good boss, reddit time and a console on my desk for gaming between the effort that needs to happen.
A shitty side is that I lose a lot of weekends and the hours can be strange and unpredictable but generally it's a 9-5 ish job.
Family pressure and a lack of personal awareness sort of pushed me into an 8 year contract post high school and I'm free in june. | Military and no. |
I'm very confident that I've watched Mary Poppins more than anyone on earth. As a child living in a semi-developed country, we inherited a busted Betamax player that my father, being a handy sort, somehow managed to fix. Wedged inside was a tape of Mary Poppins , the only one we were ever likely to get our hands on given that our little island was all but cut off from the rest of the world.
At the time my mother worked in a small bar by the beach, one of the few places on the island with electricity. By chance they had an old TV in the back, and so one day while my mother was working she sat me in the office with my usual assortment of books, pencils and paper, and started the movie in the background. I was transfixed immediately, and as soon as I learned to rewind the tape I watched Mary Poppins on a loop, day after day, for well over a year. It wasn't until later that I was told that other movies existed, and that when we moved to England I'd be able to watch them.
I eventually wore out the tape, but not before I'd watched it three to five times daily, six days a week, for at least fifteen months. Even a low-end estimate would mean that I watched that movie 1400 times. I quickly abandoned it when I discovered that other movies did, in fact, exist, but by then I'd memorised practically every detail of every frame of that film. Oddly, I barely remember anything about the movie today. | I've seen Mary Poppins at least 1400 times. |
pop music, makes me want to vomit every time I here the next new hit played on the radio. it always ends up the same, being overplayed into oblivion and then discarded on the side of the road. Artists like justin beiber, nicki minaj etc. all suck and are simply designed to milk people out of their money | fuck pop |
I want to say pop, but I know thats next to impossible, so about about pop-fusions?
Believe it or not, there is good country, rap and electronica out there. I mean really good. I mean music that I could get my 16 year old sister to like.
But when people think Taylor Swift is country, that Flo-Rida is rap, and that the only good electronica is dubstep, theres a problem. Hank Williams, Hopsin, and Daft Punk would all like to have a word with you. | I wouldn't rid the world of a genre, just of radio music. |
Tinyfights (working title)
I posted a really rough screenshot last Saturday of a prototype that wasn't really anything more than graphics. Since then I've done lots to it and it's now a 2-player online mini-strategy game. The graphics are just programmer art.
[A few seconds into a match.](
[WIP album]( - here are the shots from last saturday, as well as progress shots in between then and now.
How it works: You start a match with 2 bases, with a shield each. Every half a second or so, each base spawns a "goon" that slowly trundles towards the enemy base. If they collide with another goon or with the shield, they die. Every time a goon collides with the shield, it loses health. Once the shield is down, the goons can collide with the base, bringing its health down. Once the base health is down, that team loses.
Players can build things behind the shields, like turrets, shield rechargers, power generators, etc. and this uses up available Power. Turrets can shoot goons in the same lane as them. | it's sort of like 2-player Plants vs. Zombies
[@oatsbarley]( - this is my twitter account.
[superbase]( - this is my new blog; I sometimes post screenshots here. |
Ah Steel Archers I got you pinned down at last. Took me a few months of full time, nearly a year of part time, to realize my mistakes.
So now it's gameplay first! And it is a very different game (again!) But in one week I feel I've accomplished more than the other 12 months.
[screenshot of the new Steel Archers](
Now the theme is still Western Cyberpunk - it's not communicated in the new graphics just yet. You'll have various mounts you can capture, with various uses. The levels will be strung together procedurally. The currency will be used for everything - from gaining powers and leveling up to, using your powers. So you'll be forced into making choices.
Why the big change? [here is the last render of the old graphics]( The Javelina there was a two week project and it's still not rigged or animated. The cowboy wasn't taking so long but he's still not done. I was overwhelmed! Then I went to Gamercamp in Toronto, and saw what was being done, and how fun all the games looked without fancy graphics, and how creative!
Later in the hotel, I messed with making some ultra lopoly graphics - I remember the Virtua games (Virtua Racer), and how amazing it felt when they first came out, and realized I still liked that style. In an hour or so I'd come up with [this]( Instantly liked it better than Steel Archers, the temptation was there to work on this project instead. Eventually I came to decide that it was Steel Archers that needed to change again, and far more drastically than it had before. | Basically started over with simpler graphics and focus on gameplay
[oh and here's a new mob i'm working on](
Here's the webplayer so far |
Well, there isn't. I suppose it's true that there can be long wait times for things like MRI's, but if someone really wants to have that scan they usually go to a private place (like in Alberta) or maybe a few super-rich go to the States.
The average person isn't running away from the system, though. It definitly isn't perfect, but I think the fact that elections are won and lost based on fears that X party will threaten our healthcare speaks volumes. | It seems to me that a lot of Americans have an irrational fear of national healthcare. I mean, most of the world has that kind of system and is successful, why would America be different? |
I tooke a bodkine gh & put it betwixt my eye & [the] bone as neare to [the] backside of my eye as I could: & pressing my eye [with the] end of it (soe as to make [the] curvature a, bcdef in my eye) there appeared severall white darke & coloured circles r, s, t, &c. Which circles were plainest when I continued to rub my eye [with the] point of [the] bodkine, but if I held my eye & [the] bodkin still, though I continued to presse my eye [with] it yet [the] circles would grow faint & often disappeare untill I removed [them] by moving my eye or [the] bodkin.
-Sir Isaac Newton | Isaac Motherfucking Newton stuck a needle in his eye just to see what would happen. |
It actually makes it less flat. Google it if you can. I'm way too lazy to explain. | surface area. |
Reminds me of yesterday when I went to catch Skyfall with my family. Before the movie started I was really excited because of all the good reviews I read. My heart sank when a couple moved into the seats behind me carrying a kid estimated at about 2 years old.
My prediction came true when the movie started and the kid just wouldn't stop making noises. It was distracting even at parts when the movie had no conversations. What pissed me off was that the parents wouldn't keep their kid quiet. Not even a shhh at him. Only when the kid was obnoxiously loud did they ask him to shut up.
To the revenge part. An idea came to me to condition the parents. I'm a pretty tall dude so I do my best to slouch in cinemas. So,whenever that kid make a sound,I sat up straight. As straight as I could. When the kid was quiet I went back to slouching. Soon the parents picked it up and as soon as I sat up they tried to keep him quiet. | If I can't enjoy Skyfall,no one can. |
Howdy, y'all!
I'm that Joe Hills guy, and I work hard to make videos focused on hilarity over technical precision.
Some folks don't like how I talk, which is fair, as I have pursued humor to challenge myself rather than to universally please.
If you watch what I make and you like what you see, I thank you and appreciate your time. If you don't like what you see, the time you spent is still appreciated, and I encourage you to check out other guys from Britain and Canada like Biffa and Topmass whose voices you might find less jarring. | I live to celebrate creativity. You can party with me, or party somewhere else. Either way, have fun! |
I'm more interested in seeing exterior nose decals, like parts of the hull, especially around the cockpit, painted/customized with art, a name, a numerical designation, number of kills, etc. Think like old school bombers and fighters, with a painted woman or shark maw, things like that. I'd love something similar as a personal touch.
Imagine wreaking havoc across a system, and seeing YOUR face and YOUR ship on wanted posters. | I wanna paint flames on my ship so it'll go faster. |
So I have been looking for anything from the BTAC for well over a month now, adding my name to lists, hitting up friends in other towns.
This weekend I went back to my old university to see some college friends. Got there a little early and decided to go my favorite liquor store. When I was in school, this is the only place I went. Basically it ended in me knowing all the staff and obviously the owners.
So I walk in and boom, all five bottles, gleaming in the light. Some of them were still wrapped, no price tags. So obviously I want all of them, but decide to be good and get Stagg and Weller because they were on the top of my list.
I got to ring up, Stagg: 77.99, Weller: 23.99. Uh oh. They rang up the Weller as WL Weller 12 rather than the BTAC Weller. I felt bad not saying anything, so I ask for Frank (the owner). I explain the situation to him. He had at 5 Wellers still on the shelf. He says "well, you just saved me a lot of money. rather than losing all that, i want to give you both of these for 100".
My jaw dropped. Just goes to show, treat your local shop owners well, bring them business, and be honest. A little compassion goes a long way sometimes folks.
Made my weekend to say the least. | Saved a familiar shop owner at least a couple hundred bucks by pointing out a pricing error. Score Stagg and Weller for $100 |
Both of you have to accept that it will be difficult. It obviously won't be easy. But if you both truly want to be together, you can make it work. It just takes will power. And skype. Skype helps a lot.
I've been with my girlfriend for 2.5 years, and we've lived at separate colleges for over a year. On top of that, sports are a huge time commitment, and I have almost no free weekends to see her. But we make it work.
Talk every day, but not all day. Always ask how his day went. Stay connected.
Also, it's fine to be mad at each other. You'll get over it when you're reunited. | Skype. |
I am going to check this thread throughout the day and then make all the necessary changes when I get home. | I am typical |
Apparently you didn't read the post in this thread from the guy living in Japan. His | is basically "you agree with some bullshit". |
I actually was at ski dazzle yesterday and everything looked like just below retail price as far as gear until I found a booth that sold me [this board]( , Avalanche boots and bindings for $250 flat with no sales tax since I paid in cash.
If it wasn't for that deal, I would have said it was a waste of a trip. I was just a novice snowboarder looking to score my own gear after borrowing for years. | there are some good deals at ski dazzle, just have to look |
It really depends. Just on food, flea/tick preventative, and heartworm preventative I spend about $85/month. My dog weighs a little over 60lbs and goes through a 60lb bag of food about every 5 weeks.
I definitely got more than I bargained for with my girl on basically every level. She's a pretty high energy dog so we go for 2-3 mile walks every day and go to the dog park a few times a week as well. We also spent a LOT of time at obedience school, which is typically around $100-$120 for six 1 hour sessions. My dog also turned out to be something of a special needs dog and has food allergies, recurrent bladder infections, a mild gastrointestinal disorder that causes her to vomit frequently if I don't manage her eating and drinking carefully, and she just had to have orthopedic knee surgery done by a specialist after she was diagnosed with a luxating patella (her knee cap didn't fit in the groove properly causing it to pop out frequently, this is something labs are genetically predisposed to) which cost over $2200 and requires her to be on joint supplements and monthly injections to preserve her joint health, which is about another $40/month. I've had people tell me that my dog is a "rescue dog horror story" and even though she's practically given me an ulcer over worrying about her and worrying about how I'm going to afford to take care of her I have never once regretted adopting her. She's hard work but she is so worth it and I'm honestly just grateful that she's in my life. She's saved me as much as I've saved her. | My dog is ridiculously expensive and also ridiculously awesome. I regret nothing. |
Cars are never "worth it" from a strictly financial perspective... its value decreases quite significantly as the chances of expensive repairs increase.
Honda website quotes base model starting at $26,305. You mention you're from California where average regular gas prices, according to, are currently at $3.792. This means you'll save $1.64/gallon. The CNG only has an 8 gallon tank, meaning you'll get 248 miles per full tank with its combined 31mpg.
In a regular 12,000 mile driving year, and assuming regular gas prices stay constant, you would need 387 gallons of natural gas, costing you $832/year and saving you $634.68/year over regular gas. Keep in mind that because of the CNG's tiny tank, you will have to go to a natural gas station about 48 times that year, essentially almost once a week.
Is saving $634.68/year worth it for you? Compare it, say, to the Civic Hybrid which costs $24,200 for the base model and gets a combined 44mpg, meaning that you would need 273 gallons of gas ($1,035). It has a 13.2 gallon gas tank meaning that you'd get 580 miles per full tank - 20.7 fillups per year!
So the breakdown:
CNG: $26,305, spend $832/year on gas, 48 fillups/year
Civic Hybrid: $24,200, spend $1,035/year on gas, 20.7 fillups/year
If you get the CNG, you'll save $200/year on gas vs the Civic Hybrid and it would take you 10 years to see that savings as you paid over $2,000 more for the CNG, not to mention the inconvenience of trying to find a natural gas station almost every week. | MPG and cheap gas prices help but for a regular driver, not as much as you'd think. |
My ring.
It took a lot to earn it, and I pushed my limits trying to earn it so it would serve as a reminder that no matter what, I could push myself harder to do whatever the situation calls for. | source of motivation. |
Can a logically consistent atheist believe that life on other planets exists?
Let's ignore for the moment the fact that you're going to get a bunch of statements to the effect that "atheizm is just a lack of believes in gods!!1!" There's nothing inconsistent about recognizing that the conditions for the formation of life on our planet are probably not unique to this planet, and indeed all indications are that they are ubiquitous. If anything, it would be foolish to suggest that life on other planets was impossible . While it may be improper to form a belief that there is life on other planets, there is nothing at all wrong with believing that life on other planets is likely .
Your question conflates the probability that there is life elsewhere in the universe with the probability that there is a single eternally existent entity with magical powers. I have no positive evidence that there is a fire burning anywhere within ten blocks of my house, but to form a belief to that effect is hardly a great offense -- it's nothing like forming a belief that there might be gods.
Indeed, if the atheist notes that she shouldn't form a belief that gods exist specifically because there is no evidence, she might yet be vindicated with respect to forming beliefs that life exists on other planets -- there is evidence that life exists elsewhere. Well, specifically, there is evidence that the conditions for life are elsewhere met.
You see, life is contingent . There are conditions which must be met if life is even to have a possibility of existing. Like the fire I may or may not believe is presently burning within a ten-block radius of my house, the conditions for life are surely somewhere met -- the question becomes one of whether or not there has been a spark. Since gods are [presumably] necessary (if they exist at all), there cannot be any special conditions which might count as [inductive] evidence -- so these two (gods and alien life) are not commensurate. | Forming a positive belief that aliens exist is potentially inconsistent (and a bad idea in general), given that the atheist in question refuses to form positive beliefs where there is no evidence. Also, life is contingent, whereas gods would not be contingent; recognizing the conditions favorable for life counts as evidence which at least increases the probability of life, whereas there are no conditions required for a necessary being, so there isn't that sort of evidence available. |
There is a certain likelihood that aliens may exist. However, this likelihood is based on a few assumptions about things we don't know enough about yet . Such as:
How common are planets? (we're making a lot of progress on this one)
How common are planets capable of supporting life? (also making a little progress on this one)
How likely is it that life will form in such an environment (we really can't know this one, until we actually visit other planets and check)
So as a logically consistent atheist, I'd believe alien life is possible, but we don't even know yet how likely it is. If I had to guess, I'd say about a 10% chance of life existing elsewhere in the universe.
Remember that one galaxy alone has about 300 billion stars, and there are many galaxies. We currently know of 849 extra-solar planets just in our neighbourhood.
That is a different argument, though, to my atheism . I believe there cannot be a god because the concept is logically inconsistent. Aliens might exist logically. We know life forms can exist because we are life forms. The same argument couldn't be used for gods, because we've never discovered any of them. | Belief in god or gods has nothing to do with aliens. |
Didnt want to post all of my code because there is about 5 different source files. Thank you for all of your help, you were right that is not where the error occurs i was misusing the debugger and trying to read the values at the function declaration before anything is actually passed through | i got it, thank you! |
The apparent size - which is a function of size and distance, so you're partly right - absolutely does matter.
There is light coming from the edges of the sun's disc, just as there is from the centre. That light, even when the sun is half blocked, is still illuminating the Earth's surface somwhat.
If the sun was just a single very bright light bulb, at the same distance (effectively a point-source), the moon moving across the sky would obscure it instantaneously - causing crisp shadows - there would be practically no "peeking around".
Thus, no penumbra. | Distance matters only as part of the function of size and distance, yielding apparent size . Size is the dominant factor, on local scales. |
So there is no law? As in legislation? Because so far as one can see there is a decision that would allow the Dail to make a law. But they have not yet done so. There are 2 other amendments that allow travel and prevent supression of B/C info. | There is no law. |
This contradicts my 3 tickets this year and a half.
behind a school bus in a school zone, they said I was going 10mph faster than the bus I was directly behind
On my 17th birthday the speedzone was changing from a 25mph to a 35mph and I was on the last block of the 25mph zone, got pulled over for going 30mph
My tail light was out and I was on my way to the hardware store in town to get a new bulb, I used my hand signals and still got pulled over and they gave me a 124$ ticket for that one. | Cops fucking hate me. |
Something crazier happened to me. I was driving back from a Modest Mouse show around midnight and since I live in a smaller town, the highway was empty and you can see anyone coming from either direction easily.
I decided that since I'd never been 100 mph in my shitty little 98 camry, now's the time! So I start getting up to around 85 and there is this car following me, keeping pace as I increase my speed. I get up to about 105 and this car is keeping pace. After about a minute, I slowed down to about 80 and the car whizzes passed me. It was that particular county's sheriff. I bout shit myself but he turned the opposite direction at the end. | decided to do 100 for the first time on some highway at midnight. Got passed by a sheriff. |
I've been ticketed four times (so far) for speeding; all gifted from the California Highway Patrol. My second ticket was from a badass old-timer patrolman who told me straight out "I'm only giving tickets out for speeding today. I don't care if you don't have your license or registration, you were speeding and thats what I gotta give you a ticket for". I was going 70 in a 55 (country road). He then told me most HPs won't even "look at you twice for going 80 in a posted 65-70". As someone who has taken this to heart ever since, drives about 1200 miles a week, and a frequent weaver, I can say that 99% of the time it's absolutely true! | Old Man CHP said 80MPH is tolerated on most state highways. |
Haha no, I don't live in Virginia, and from what I know from my friends who live in the area, they aren't friendly. And, to boot, they don't like the military (SO MANY military in that area).
Just a personal opinion, but lack of education and less stringent hiring standards are a big problem with some LE departments around the country. For example, I have a graduate education, military experience, and I'm a female, and I had a difficult time getting hired in my state (in New England). If I moved back to Florida, which is where i'm originally from, you don't even need a college degree (you many need some credits, but that varies). It was the "good old boys" that patrolled, and from what I remember, there were SO MANY MORE cops in Florida then there are in New England. | if you wan't better cops, don't hire the "good old boys". |
A few years ago my gf and I were driving down I-5, just pass corvallis cut off and I'm doing 80ish in a 65, mind you its like 1am on a weekday and there is nobody out. I'm in the fast lane because I don't feel like switching lanes every mile or so for the 1 car.
Suddenly this guy flys up on my ass, and flicks his high beams at me, I look up, pull over to the slow lane and he flys past me... $#!*! that was a cop, wtf, ok i'll go 65 for a little bit... 10 minutes pass, f-it back up to 80 in the fast lane... Guy flys up on my ass and high beams me again, pull over and BOOM another cop. WTF again. Do the same thing keep it at 65 for a little and then back up to speed, this happened one more time... I'm seriously freaked out, what the hell could be going on? a few more miles I get behind like 6-8 cop cars traveling in a pack taking up both lanes doing about 55 mph, I'm kinda scratching my head, when the 2 cop cars infront of me slow down and then lock up the brakes stopping I-5 feet infront of me, the ~4 other cops pull a pit type manouver and pull this s-10 over, seems like they ripped the door off and yank this guy out of the car. While 2 SUV cop cars come flying up the shoulders of the road.... WTF is going on, this is straight out of a movie...I sit, it clears up, traffic goes, over the next over pass I see a cop car packing stuff into his trunk(assuming spike strips), and more cops sitting on the on ramps...
I watch the news and newspapers the next few days... not a single word about it. There was easily 12 cops involved, country, state, who knows what else. | Multiple cops passed me while speeding, they had bigger fish to fry. |
First Impressions? Ok, here I go. I was mainly a WoW player and played since day one till i quit in Cata. This expansion feels a lot like Burning Crusade, mixed with Lich King combined, which in my book, its awesome, since I believe those where the best WoW expansions.
Rift feels like a completely new game. Capes are a welcome addition, giving the characters some fluidity that they needed. The mobs in the new starting zones have a Beast/SteamPunk feeling that somehow just merges right. Oh, and the sights! The zones are HUGE. Also, Carnage quests brings more streaming to questing which I found quite welcome, and Im quite liking the extra xp and motivation while exploring this zones.
At first I started experimenting with the new rogue class, but didn't quite get the hang of it, so decided to run with the prebuild Bard class, and OH BOY, Bards feel so OP, or at least, suits my play style perfectly, with their new direct heals and buffs all around, while keeping a high enough dps that increases survavillity.
After doing a few quest, I found a few fishing ponds untouched, and decided to fish in the new areas, and ended up getting achievements for fishing all the types fish of the area, but since I haven't trained the GrandMaster skills, didn't level up my fishing... >.>
Finally, I found the main new city, Cape Jule, and spent all my money in getting the GrandMaster skills, which left me with almost no plat (about 200 plat in new skills and related).
So far, I have found the game quite enjoyable that Im not even planning on using the XP pots to gain xp faster, since all the scenery, ambience and quest lines have the right feeling, and don't want to rush though it, which, imho, means they GOT me as a player. Can't wait to get home and keep playing :) | Game feels like Burning Crusade and Lich King expansions from WoW had a baby and that baby grew up into a beastly SteamPunk geek who enjoys painting beautiful portraits just to make people happy... |
Here's the thing about white elephant, dirty santa, etc... it's not about buying practical gifts that everyone will like. It's about finding something hilarious that makes the time with family more enjoyable and make the entire experience more memorable.
I've done this in the past with my family, and the absolute best idea came from one of my whackier uncles. He basically went to a thrift store and bought an old picture frame for around $5. It was pretty decently sized... I'm not sure of the exact dimensions, but it was at least slightly larger than an average sheet of 8.5x11 printer paper. He then took a picture of himself wearing a ridiculous christmas sweater and giving the camera a thumbs up with an award-winning grin. He then spent ~$15-$20 at a print shop to get one copy of the image blown up to the appropriate size to fit the frame.
So when we all were passing around gifts, people weren't really sure what to expect... then when the first person unwrapped it, the game was on the rest of the night to see who would get stuck with the awful photo. It's still hanging proudly in my cousin's living room, and we still all joke about it even though it was years ago.
Just a thought :) | Find cheap picture frame, take hilarious picture of yourself and fit to frame |
There will be a PC port, there has not been a single GTA that hasn't been on PC.
Anyway, here is why:
When Microsoft sees that console sales go up when a particular game comes out, they have successful done their job. Microsoft realizes that as long as they set up some sort of early release before PC, or some sort of content exclusivity deal, they stand to earn a lot more money because people are willing to spend an additional $200 on a console. Or PC gamers that also own and XBOX will buy it on XBOX so tey don't have to wait. Then, when the game comes out on PC, users like you won't buy it because you have already played it 6 months ago and then the games industry points fingers and says "See, I told you people don't game on PC anymore". Meanwhile, some of the butthurt fans that didn't get the PC version on the same day as the console version, feel betrayed so they decide not to purchase the game or support that 'evil' company by pirating the game instead.
As mature PC gamers, it is kind of our responsibility to tell the companies that we aren't happy being treated differently. It is also kind of our responsibility to buy the games when they do come out to support the company and let them know that we do exist and that we are a major part of their income. A lot of these companies also need to start putting fans slightly before overall income. The more you love your fans, the better your fans will treat you.
As much as some people don't like to hear it, piracy can be nearly eliminated by putting the game on Steam. The amount of money Valve earns from this deal is far less than the amount Rockstar would lose from piracy on the internet. | PC gamers need to show the companies what platform we prefer and that we aren't willing to make a sacrifice. |
The reason DoTa could easily implement duplicates is because it started from Warcraft and the champs were units in Warcraft which could be duplicated and thus code had to be in place to account for this. Since LoL has had the assumption of unique champs on a team from the beginning the process of allowing multiples would require a code review of essentially the entire game. | Duplicates = too much work. Not gonna happen. |
I'll just give you a | People are fucking disgusting. |
Contributing to the team" doesn't mean that your team is a good one. All it implies is that you act in such a manner as to help your team win. With proper explanation as to "How you would help your team win" would help much more than just throwing money at you for doing poorly.
Those "economy" fleas with 1ML teams won't be winning much, if at all. I have highly weighted "winning" over personal gain per match. Help your team win, win more often, gain much more money than "econ fleas"
Edit: Perhaps a Team Pool could solve the problem you propose. A team is given a flat rate of 160k to divvie up between its members, divided up into subgroups, including perhaps "Spotting Bonuses" totaling 20k, "Damage" bonuses totaling something like 50k, and Killing/Assisting totaling 90k, to be divided up based on how much you did with comparison to your team. For the 7 "econ flea" example, if you were to run an assault or LRM boat, the 7 "econ fleas" would divide up the 20k pretty evenly, you would get a large majority of the "Damage" pool compared to everyone else, and you would get a large portion of the Kill/Assist as well. Please note that this is a very rough example, and that numbers could be tweaked, new categories would be possible, different weighting, etc.
; | Bad team =/= Bad teamwork on your part. Losing + "econ builds" much less than Winning some + "expensive builds". |
While I disagree with a lot of your post (while for the most part I appreciate it's "heart"), there are only two parts that I can make a reasonable rebuttal at this time. The issue of the games instability at this time is one. To my knowledge, most people who are AFK any more are because of some sort of connection glitch/fps bug/didn't start the match with weapons/who knows what. Furthermore, I know a lot of people who this happens to more often than others. Because of this combination of factors, it seems that your manifesto would currently severely punish players who's hardware isn't playing nice with the engine. That's hardly their fault and it could cause some very soar players.
The other issue is that, while you say that the trial mechs are there specifically for no worry, I must admit that there are times when I simply am not a good pilot. And by that, I mean most of the time. I have my games, but really I am not great. Furthermore, I don't expect that I will ever be that great. I don't want to be forced into piloting only trial mechs because there is too much risk running my own to only take it out on special occasions. Just for clarification, I have been playing quite some time and at this point, I don't know how much better, I as a person can become. Maybe some of it has to do with the rather low fps and not quite high end enough computer to run it, but I think I also am just not enough of a "hardcore" player on a typical basis in order to really be awesome. Enough of the self bashing though, I know there are people worse than me, and there are people who will always be worse than me. I don't want them to feel like they shouldn't be playing the game either, just because that isn't going to change. | while I agree the economy could use some work, I feel that your manifesto could potentially punish some people rather harshly for things outside of their control. |
That's what would happen if the Covenant were smart. In halo lore, the reason the Covies lost was because their idea of combat was a sort of close-ranged, honor-based system. To humans, massive hammers or glowing sword were just sorta outdated after gunpowder become more accurate over long distances, but the Elites and Brutes saw them as par-for-the-course, and their tech reflects that. Why build a tanks with a short-range, slow-moving mortar when you could have a tank with a faster, more damaging shell? When you want to thin up the enemy right behind this wall so that your swordsmen can focus on the infantry out front.
In addition, the Covanent saw Forerunner tech a sacrosanct, and updating was a sin. Thus, human tech, while technically more simple, could be more effective when employed intellegently.
The problem faced by the UNSC was how to fight them in space. Human ships were generally more frail, and packed less firepower. For instance, the MAC guns on UNSC frigates required about a minute to fully charge up, and needed to be pointed in the right direction. For a slower moving ship facing a faster-moving ship, using the MAC guns would have been suicidal without extensive preperation. | Covenant were shitty ground troops, but space superiority gave them the upper hand. |
When I was a young and stupid kid, this happened to me. Me and my friend thought it would be a good idea to try and steal USB drives and sell them (in hindsight, a really dumb decision). I cut myself in a similar fashion as the person in op's story, and got caught. Believe me, there is nothing more embarrassing than sitting in the front of the store in handcuffs, watching strangers walk by you and judging you for being stupid. Also, I had to call my boss and explain why I couldn't come into work that night. | don't steal, you'll only embarrass yourself. |
I got about 3.5 mill in one year, without playing many games. (This was years ago so it could be different now) The first 14 days of February the gift shop sells "Mysterious Valentines Cards" for really cheap. You can sell them instantly for like 15,000. Instead. I bought a crap ton of them one at a time, waited a year until their value increased to like 50k I think and sold them all totaling about 3mil. 13 year old me was so proud, heck let's be honest I'm still proud. | Invest in stuff, sell stuff. |
we followed this guy who looked like he had nothing. he went around a tree, when we walked up he unloaded with an m4. his hands were literally empty until that point, small backpack. fucker was packing 3 rifles, 3 pistols and a shotty, lots of ammo. | looks can be deceiving. |
We shot this with a guy with nothing, didn't know he had nothing and if we could see we wouldn't trust them not to be hiding it, over local he talked nicely after his death.
We said come back and we'll guard you until you get enough loot for the road, he was back a few minutes late and started looting food and water.
I saw a guy approaching the airfield from the north and our friend was in the second small hangar, I decided to go save him because he had nothing and I could see the other guy had a gun because I'd found some binocs.
Killed the guy with my mossberg picked up his gun and told the guy to come collect the rest of his loot (which included a hammer)
We exchanged our good licks and he went on his merry way. | if you die to someone if you talk nicely over proximity they may help you get the necessities to start your next life. |
First off, thank you Snaphooked for all you've done for us. I don't think there's anything we can do or say to fully express our gratitude for what all you and your military brethren have done and sacrificed for us.
Anyway, to try and answer your question, you can try contacting [TRSP]( I know they have helped many veterans with their transfer plans, and have also helped in veterans transition into Berkeley/college life. Also, they can help you get into contact with other veterans who may volunteer to mentor you through the process. So I suggest contacting them first.
As a transfer student, I've met many in CC and at Cal who've done the CC to UC transfer route (as many have already stated). I don't know of any who've gone straight to a UC after their service, but I'm sure it's possible. I recommend going to any CA CC and transfer. Sure, it'll take a good 2 years to do so, but you save so much in costs, not just in tuition, but also for living arrangements. Additionally, if you're not originally a CA resident, attending a CA CC will give you time to establish residency (this will reduce tuition costs significantly, just in case the GI Bill doesn't cover 100%).
Additionally, some CCs have transfer agreements with Cal (mostly in Northern CA). Basically, you're "accepted", but just have to fulfill your necessary requirements (ie. core courses, GPA, etc). Note, that not all CCs have this program. Different CCs have agreements with different UCs. But just because the CC of your choice doesn't have a transfer agreement program with Cal, doesn't mean you can't apply to or attend Cal. My CC didn't and I had no problem.
One word of caution, Berkeley has different requirements than all the other UCs. So just because you fulfill your requirements for all the other UCs does not mean you fulfilled the requirements for Berkeley (I learned this the hard way).
Sorry for the wall-o-text. If there's anything else you'd like to know, feel free to PM me. And best of luck to you :D | Contact TRSP , be proactive with the necessary requirements (talk with a counselor, and make sure you pay attention to what classes you need to take, etc), kick ass in CC for 2 years (4.0 is not impossible, might even be easy), apply to Cal, wait for acceptance. |
President got involved in a couple of money scandals. One of the ADs got the university in a sexual harassment mess. The President decided to send us to the fucking Hawaii bowl last year. New AD is appointed and everyone hates him.
President is forced to resign so now we have no leadership at the university. We managed to lose our football and basketball coach in the same year. No idea if Current AD will be around next year. Current Coach thinks starting 5 QBs in a year is a good idea and has no idea what the university situation will be like. | Lack of leadership in all areas. |
Omg, I love sharing these stories! I was on a plane with my boyfriend and it was a evening flight, but still landed before 9, so we were talking to the guy next to us have a grand old time, when the woman in front of us gets up and says, "You guys are going to have to be a little quieter, you are talking way too loud and some of us up here are trying to read or sleep!". She was mostly talking to the guy we were sitting next to, he was from Louisiana and had a rather loud voice, but then she turned to my boyfriend and was like, "And you need to stop encouraging him!" I don't know what came over me but I was so mad that some random woman would talk to my man like that, only I'm allowed to be mean to him! So I told her she needed to get back in her seat and shut her mouth. The guy next to me started calling her a bitch though, and then called her ugly and SHIT JUST HIT THE FAN. Arguing all over the place, then the flight attendant came and talked to us. The best part was when we eventually made friends with everyone around us and started having way more conversations because everyone was on our side. We won! | Got in an argument on a plane and turned half the plane against one stupid old lady. |
This is gonna be a bit long, but I'm seeing a lot of pseudoscientific speculation in the comments so I'll set it out for you like this.
It's possible that visceral (internal) fat is partly responsible for your large lower chest circumference, but not very likely. At the level that would affect the ribs at all you have the liver, the stomach, pancreas, and gall bladder. Of those, your liver is the one most likely to increase in size due to extra fat.
Your ribcage can expand and shrink as well to a slight degree. The bones themselves won't change, but you can slightly stretch the cartilage, moreso at the level of the lower ribs because there is a lot more cartilage reaching from the sternum to span the distance to the ribs.
With both of those things in mind, your liver won't get that much bigger, I'm just estimating here, but I doubt you would get more than an inch, maybe two of rib circumference from a large fatty liver. The much more likely case is that there's just more subcutaneous (surface) fat than you think.
As far as lung size, the overall size of the lungs doesn't change in response to asthma, or really anything for that matter. They aren't the type of organs where physically getting bigger would help, they would need to develop new passageways and alveoli to increase surface area for oxygen exchange, which isn't something that happens. Also, your intercostal muscles which help breathing when you're having an asthma attack may slightly increase in size, but they're basically paper thin to begin with, they aren't going to affect anything noticeably.
[Source: B.A. in Integrative Physiology] | It's most likely just surface fat or you naturally just have a large chest. |
It doesn't have anything to do with asthma, but I think you're onto something with the fat thing. I don't believe your ribs are as displaced as you think they are. Even though you can feel them, there is deceptively more fat on the outside than you would think. I know this from experience!
Also, you should take your own personal body image into consideration. How you see your body will always be different from reality. It doesn't matter what size, sex, or age you are. I also learned this first hand in a body awareness class (opera singer here). We did an exercise in which we draw a picture of our own body from memory. Then we share them with the class and stand in front of a full length mirror and compare how you view yourself to how others view you. Nice, healthy dose of reality.
There is a really amazing Body Mapping textbook I would recommend to anyone. It's geared towards singers, but it is tremendously insightful for anyone.
[Here is an article about Body Mapping](
[Also, here is a somewhat graphic body scan of an obese woman next to a normal sized woman. You can see that fat does displace the ribs from the inside](
Sorry, didn't mean for this post to be so long! | ribs do move and fat can displace them from the inside. |
It seems that Damian is doing good not because of his values or own will but because Bruce orders him and likes to destroy evil? | Damian fights evil for malicious reasons not out of goodwill?
I personally think he will develop feelings and learn to do the right thing |
If people are truly interested, they will read the entire thing. This is a brief excerpt of the rule book and strategy guide for this that I am writing.
If you can't read this self post, good luck making your way through the rule book and strategy guide ;)
It'd be a bit difficult to create a reasonable | of this post while maintaining the same content. |
I once pointed out to an OP that his regular story and his | version were nearly identical in word count. You're interneting wrong. |
The city
OH BOY. mind if i ask what city? scout your planned route. how fucked are you in terms of cracks, loose gravel, braille bumps and pedestrians?
now, do you think you can do that on 50mm whees and a short wheel base?
its totally possible with 70mm wheels and a short WB to demolish the city, i do it. but it takes some work, and with the money you pore into it youde be better off getting a long board from churchill. that way sidewalk conditions are no problem and you can even take it into 20- 30 mph traffic should you feel safe doing so.
THEN if you feel like you still want a mini cruiser, get the churchill PK or a kryptoncics torpedo (i suppose a discounted penny is fine) and read [this]( | youre better off getting a longboard. then a mini cruiser or nickel with mods.
> I don't plan on doing any tricks
i remember when i said that...
>I like the aesthetics of the original Penny
hardcore city riding is going to need some grip tape IMO, but it looks bad ass. my board is black and red now.
>And last question, if I do decide on a Penny, should I get a Nickel, I am about 6', just short of 200 lbs, and wear size 10-11 shoes.
im 5 foot 9, 160 pounds and wear size 11. My torpedo is just fine under me. bushings are key! |
I really think people need to calm down calling this change a horrible/stupid mistake on riot's end. I feel this is a change that will work out better in the long run.
Honestly, they want to make the game less farm oriented for laners but more about having choices. I wanna see more people roaming and getting kills and taking advantage of that AFK farming Karthus/Anivia/Zyra. I hate seeing pure farm lanes.
This will also allow more interaction between the lanes and greater emphasis on dragon control, and with a lot of the new jungler items we could see a lot more crazy things coming out from teams b/c of a change in gold income for laners. | Don't hate on something we have yet to see go live. |
there's no way to verify that somebody creating an account is a minor or not, plain and simple. Despite the fact that I disagree with this policy, it wouldn't be possible to enforce it or check it. I can't remember if a date of birth was asked when creating a LoL account (it's been a long time since I created mine) but even so, whoever's below 18 (assuming that this policy is in place) would just change his year of birth. | Even if it was a good policy (which it isn't), change year of birth = gg |
Ember Isle events were unplayable with more than 30 players. There was so much lag that Lost Shores opening event with 100s of people and 1min lag seemed smooth as butter compared to a 3am Ember Isle event during the first week. And, Rift has a PTS and a sub to fix problems like this. If you need a reminder go check the forums.
Rift's performance is so bad that in a crowded city most of the time you can't see other players. In LA that happens during events when everyone gathers in one place, not every normal day.
The invasions in Rift are a joke. The bigger zerg wins. If you have enough players mobs don't matter. Most of the time you don't have time to hit an idol or a mini-boss before it goes down. Many times the players who do all the work can't get to the last boss on the other side of the map before it's dead. There aren't any side-objectives that matter apart from a couple of events in which you have to gather resources or escort a slow moving caravan. The rest can be zerged. Only lag can kill you, not even elite mobs.
The 'Ancient Karka' event was epic. For the first time a zerg could be defeated and playing smart to be able to survive and rez others was the best tactic. It had as much strategy requirement as you can expect in a non-instanced pug DE. And, Anet can't and should not try to fight stupidity. If you play the game for rewards, I don't care if you miss the event and just play 20mins to get them. I enjoy the game and get loot, you just get the loot. We are free people who bought their game and we can play it the way we like, as long as we don't exploit it or grief others. | GW2>WoW>Rift on performance. 'Ancient Karka' event>any Rift invasion ever. GW2 is B2P and new with problems to solve while Rift has a $35 expansion and $10-$15 sub with the same performance problems, no new race or class just a soul for each class, the worst balance in PvE and PvP of any MMO and with just as many bugs in patches as WoW or GW2. |
I've lived all my life in western New York. When I was a little kid, we would visit my grandparents in northwestern Pennsylvania, and they always had this bright green, delicious, spearmint soda, something they could had only down there -- we never had it up our way (I looked). I only ever got a tiny glassful because a) they only had one half-bottle at a time, and b) I was a kid whose parents forbade more than a tiny glassful of soda every once in a blue moon.
Then the day came when I had my first job, a little money of my own, and a modicum of control over where I spent it. The very next time we went to my grandparents', I was all excited as I was going to finally buy myself several full bottles of that spearmint soda. As soon as we arrived I asked my grandparents where to get it -- and they told me "they stopped making it." I was crushed, just crushed (no pun intended). Have never seen spearmint soda again since. | childhood spearmint soda at grandma's |
Haha yep back when i wasnt a smoker and was 16. Spearamint, frost and grizz wintergreen were my favorites. I started drinking more and being at the bar with a chaw in does not equal women... | started smoking to get laid.
Edit: oh yeah skoal berry nicotine candy. |
The hat was first awarded in Vintage quality to a limited but unspecified number of players for being a member of the KritzKast Steam Group prior to 7pm (GMT+1) June 12th 2011, 1 hour before the live recording of podcast episode #121. Before a hat was awarded, the members had to obtain a passing score on the KritzKast quiz. Players who did not win on the quiz were allowed to retake it as often as they wished so long as they left four hours between attempts. Those who were not part of the KritzKast steam group before the deadline received a message from Saxton Hale stating they were "manly enough not to receive" the "girly" hat.
> Since episode #129 a Vintage hat has been given to each "Player of the Week", assuming they did not already have one. This policy has been retroactively enforced. | It's promotional, I don't think you'll be able to get one on your own. |
Furthermore the Mumble is a courtesy and as I have said before it does not fall under the same rules as the subreddit or the server. If you are banned from the subreddit there really is no way to complain, if you are banned from mumble the result is almost nil. You are still fully capable of acting and complaining on the server and within the servers community.
According to the admission of exultant and and other members of the CKC the server's culture is on mumble, furthermore users are encouraged to use it as global chat. to cut the user of from mumble is to forcibly remove a form of communication from them, and cut them off from a section of the community.
However I think the problem is no rules were ever declared for the mumble. why not put in place a similar rule to the sub reddit, in that you cant make channels with raciest names and what not. in addition maybe a warning could be sent to the owner of the channel giving them a warning. after this if they continue to break the rules ban them. If you did this, you could point to the rules, and take action, and most of the community would be accepting of it as ODJ knew the consequences of his actions. Which I feel action was justified in OJD's case, however I am aware how difficult it can be to talk with exultant and can understand the reaction of the community. if there are rules like that perhaps making a way for us to be more publicly aware of them is in order, as have not yet scene them. | I think this whole issue can be solved with some enforced publicly known rules |
Heh. So, basically, everything an early-20's attention-seeking girl might do? But with cameras pointed at her 24/7?
Yesterday on the radio, I heard a detailed account of Justin Beiber and Selena Gomez's recent "let's see if we can reconcile" date. It was painful, listening to the DJ tell the world about where they went, how Selena stormed out, how they met up at a hotel later. I can imagine living that life, but it would get old after 2 weeks. | 15 minutes of fame is more than enough for most people. |
No. I've stated from the beginning that I believe Clash has a share of the blame here. Whether he's 1% or 100% at fault. All I ask is for people to consider the facts which DO point to him having at least some share of the blame.
It's the total ignorance of those jumping on the bandwagon to fully support him that's sad. Just because he's a celebrity.
As a celebrity, you DO NOT publicly settle like this. I firmly believe this second accuser is being an opportunist, BUT for Kevin to settle in the first place and then resign immediately after the second accuser gives a lot of merit to their claims!
The second accuser very well may have had underage sex with Clash, but I doubt that if he did he was ever "troubled" by it.
I believe Clash's willingness to first settle, then resign, means to me that there is incriminating evidence somewhere, and possibly MORE accusers that will be coming forward.
If you were 100% innocent in the first place, WHY settle when as a celebrity you are inviting copycat accusers? | Kevin Clash settled AND resigned for a reason . |
What would you do?
What would any of us do?
What would a celebrity do, who has access to top lawyers and publicists?
Any publicist worth a damn would have advised him NOT to settle after the first accusation was made public . As a celebrity, maybe it would have been worthwhile to settle before it became public to prevent anyone from talking to the press, just to prevent a PR nightmare. That stuff happens all the time, especially with celebrity divorces and things not involving these current allegations.
BUT, once this shit was made public, any publicist or lawyer would have advised NOT to settle if you were innocent, because it gives your public accuser credibility.
Now this second accuser comes along, which again any lawyer or publicist for someone famous and with lots of money would have expected. "Hey, this rich guy is giving out free money!" And copy-cats come out of the woodwork.
How does Clash respond?
He resigns .
Makes you wonder what evidence is out there, how many more accusers will come forth, etc. You might have 100 accusers come forth now, with 99 of them lying through their teeth . All it takes is just one with some evidence.
Which is why if Clash were 100% innocent, he should have never settled in the first place. | Clash himself is the only one giving these accusers any credibility through his actions, which on the surface appear very guilty. |
My sub and I are still figuring out our power exchange, but I am so happy and lucky to have her. Since this is my first and only relationship with a strong Power Exchange dynamic, I have no one else to compare her to, but I can certainly tell what I like about her submission to me.
1) She is REALLY SMART and WISE. I know this because we talk all the time about every topic under the sun and she never ceases to amaze me with her wit, wisdom, insight and intelligence.
2) She is VERY STRONG, not a wilting wallflower. I have seen her really angry on occasion (not at me). And she doesn't hesitate to speak her mind or stand up for herself.
In spite of both of those points, her intelligence and her strength, she submits to me almost completely. In other words, I find it incredibly hot that someone so smart, capable, competent and strong wants to submit to me and does so ao completely and willingly.
Also, COMMUNICATION. As I said above, we talk all the time. This is in spite of being in a long distance relationship. We talk about everything. There is no hesitation or fear WHATSOEVER on either of our parts to say what we're thinking or what needs to be said. There is nothing worse for a relationship than wondering if you're "allowed" to say this or that, for fear of crossing some line or causing offense. Neither of us do that. Ever.
All that communication has resulted in a deep and profound level of TRUST. And in that trust, she submits to me (almost) completely and utterly.
I am so fucking lucky, I dont even know what to do with myself. To be submitted to and (even better) LOVED by one such as her makes me so very happy. | me = luckiest dom in the world with the best submissive in the world.
EDIT: fixed some grammatical errors. |
I rage all the time. It's part of the process. I've gotten really good at not showing it in game even if someone else is because I found if I at least ignore where my rage is targeted we can get over faster as a team and finish the game with a better chance of a win.
When I'm raging because of a troll rager I bottle it up for a special day where I social engineer their residence and then plan my next trip that goes by them accordingly. I give myself a good two days maybe three to case their place and prepare. Before I ditch I break in silently and kill them then disappear. It helps me actually stand the ragers knowing I will kill them. Not like valve does shit about people telling others to kill themselves and whatnot. Gotta take punishment into my own hands if they ain't doin shit.
Joking aside mute button and play my shit is what I do. Teammate fucked up? Not like I haven't! Also people get mad about the time they "invest" going to a loss. You're gunna play tons more games so what design one hour mean?
5 people walk away investing their time into a loss every game | fuck the match point set your own goals |
Subsets and Splits