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You can always refute clever logic with more clever logic, but when it comes to the nature of reality that shit ain't really quantifiable. Fun to think about, but it may be a distraction.
A monk named Malunkyaputta came to Gautama Buddha with questions regarding whether the universe was real or unreal, finite or infinite, etc. He claimed that he could not continue his practice unless the enlightened one provided him with the answers to these questions. The Buddha told him he was like a man who had been shot by a poisoned arrow and would not have it removed until he knew the name of the shooter and the maker of the arrow. | Stop worrying about shit that has no answer and start worrying about the shit that does |
I have to disagree with you on what this video is actually about. Bret is trying to show developers that you can live your life with a driving principle.
The demos that he shows are there to help drive home his point that you don't have to be a journalist or some sort of modern day Martin Luther King in order to make a difference.
I title this "Every Developer Should See This" because I absolutely believe that you can make a difference in any field, especially one related to technology.
It isn't immediately obvious how a game developer can live by a driving principle, but I think this talk helps to enlighten us to see that there are more possibilities than just making games that people like to play.
I hope the majority of the people who read these comments and watch the video realize that finding out what you stand for is very important. Doing something about it is even more important. | This video is to show you that you can live your life with a driving principle, no matter what field you are in. Find something that you believe in and do something to change the world. |
People who order hot dogs at the movie theatre where I work. It's always when there is a huge line behind them and the take about 4 minutes to make. Plus our oven is total crap and never cooks them properly and then they complain and it's just a mess. | HOT DOGS |
Go play Guild Wars 2, step into World vs World and watch what happens when your 100 players runs into the enemy group of 100 players.
Spoiler: You get killed by invisible enemy players and AOE because they aren't loaded up on your screen before they kill you.
The massive battles that take place in EVE would be able to take place if it was an FPS twitch combat game. | Don't expect to see battles anywhere near the scale you see in EVE. |
If your opponent's policies are bad for the country, inform the public as to how and why this is the case, and let said public remove him on the next election cycle if they see fit. That is how democracy works: obeying the will of the people. The politicians in Washington are supposed to be public servants, not public tyrants.
By doing otherwise, the Republicans prove that they are not acting in the best interests of America. They further prove that they are acting in a way that is fundamentally anti-democratic, and thus, anti-American. | Republicans are traitors to the United States. |
It may sound a bit lame, btu here's mine: I was driving in my Explorer in a small town in MD when i came to a red light. I like country music, so this new song "Cruise" by Florida Georgia Line came on, I had my windows rolled down and the volume cranked up. It was just one of those songs you can't not roll down the windows and blast. A while ago, Maryland instituted noise violations, and would ticket you for having your music too loud. I believe the measure is that it can't be heard more than 5 feet from hyour vehicle. Anyway, they just recently started enforcing it. So here I am sitting at a red light, and a MD state trooper pulls up next to me, in a turn line. I'm rocking out and singing along when I turn my head and see him staring at me. I think "CRAP!" and drop the music real low. The trooper rolls down his window with the same unchanging stern look and says "Excuse mer sir!" I sheepishly replied "Yes officer?" He glared at me for what felt like an hour before breaking a smile and saying "Turn that shit up! I love that song!" I laughed, turned it up, and we had about a half minute duet between our cars until the light changed. Driving away I thought to myself "Wow, that went better than expected!" Then I knew I had to share. | Sang duet with cop at red light, had to tell Reddit. |
I agree, and feel like TRM...may or may not get a lot of unnecessary hate on Reddit a lot of the time (not that everyone doesn't, but still). He wears his emotions on his sleeve like a lot of people do, Oce is a good example, and is another of the players either loved of hated on a every other day basis.
Being emotional isn't always a bad thing either, and there are people like that in every part of life. NBA fans either else love or hate Kevin Garnett, a very vocal emotional player who is generally liked by everyone on his team...and not so much by his opponents. But he has won a MVP and lead teams to titles regardless. | Wearing your emotions on your sleeve is alright, I do the ramblings |
I kinda of have issue with putting blame on just one party.
Yes, I agree 154.37 (repeating, of course) % that Riot should have had booths (or at least some sort of method blocking the minimap). They offer so many positive benefits that its almost a necessity. Hell, given the chance I'd argue this with Carmac, who is against the idea of booths (just look at any IEM).
BUT looking behind you is against the rules that Riot set in place before the tournament began. And rules is rules. You don't see guys running up and down a court in basketball not dribbling the ball because it is easier and faster that way. You don't see American Footballers making horse-collar tackles because its a good place to get a grip - and if they do, they get penalized.
For those saying riot is just using frost as a fall guy: Redbeard posted this, and might have been skipped over, in the rulings post:
"In hindsight, the potential visibility of minimap screens for players was a mistake. Despite on-site referees, close monitoring of player cams backstage, and stage design that ensured players would have to turn more than 90 degrees to be able to catch a glimpse of the minimaps, even the possibility of unfair play was simply unacceptable. We’re taking steps to ensure the minimap screens are not visible to players." | Riot should have had booths, but at the same time Frost did break the rules |
I graduated from the University of Colorado, a pretty well known drinking school. Every year it seems they would have graduation earlier and earlier to try and curb pre-graduation drinking. My year, it was at 7am. Needless to say, the bars were open at around 5am. I was able to fit in my fair share of drinking, but there were others who got in an entire days worth in those 2 hours. As we all lined up and funneled into the stadium single file, almost the entire graduating class passed a poor soul who had made it almost the entire way into the stadium only to pass out cold and hit his head on the concrete. When I passed him there were paramedics treating his head wound and he still didn't appear conscious. To this day, I wonder about what happened to that kid and to his parents and extended family. If they were anything like mine, they had flown in from across the country just to see their child walk across that stage. This guys parents would hear their child's name called and be puzzled as to where he was, only to find out later he was in the hospital with a head wound, a hangover, and the collective shame of the entire family. OP, At least you weren't that guy. | Saw a guy pass out from drinking and hit his head before college graduation. He didn't walk and I am sure it sucked for all involved. |
Fuck Gawker and anything related to Gawker.
Years ago (before I was on reddit, and I've been reading reddit for 5+ years) I registered an account with Kotaku with my main e-mail address which I was using many years prior - which was spam free.
Not long after registering with them I started getting spam, later on I hear they got hacked, did anyone get an apology, nope.
Yeah I'm sore about something kinda minor, but whatever, fuck that company for all it's worth. | I HATE Gawker |
I'm sorry, but I don't submit evidence to child rapists. What I will do, in my infinite generosity, is allow you an attempt to clear your own name - that is, unless you're too busy raping children.
What you need to do is post all of your real life information - name, address, recent photograph, et cetera. Additionally, I insist that you provide a detailed history of your Internet usage, so that we can pour over it and see how it definitely includes raping children. We'll then go through your logs, and if you're really clean then we'll leave you alone. Hopefully we'll go through them before someone uses your information to track you down and do something illegal, but that's the risk you took when you decided to literally rape children in the first place.
I realize you aren't going to do that, and I know why. While the innocent may have nothing to hide, you're hardly innocent. In fact, the mere fact that you haven't given us what I so reasonably demanded only goes to further prove that you're obviously guilty of raping children. | u/Lucifielle literally rapes children. Tell your friends. |
He deserves to be publicly exposed like he did to so many other people against their will.
Can anyone speak to the extent of VA's participation in r/creepshots? He was a moderator in over 530 subreddits. His level of direct contribution to each inevitably varied.
So, was he submitting pics himself? Or did he just delete a spammy link on occasion?
Edit: VA posted on an alt: | he never posted to creepshots. He was recruited to help delete inappropriate submissions after the sub was targeted by SRS. |
I don't know what kind of relationships you've been in, but I've never suffered or lost friends because of a relationship. My girlfriends have been nice, friendly people that my friends loved. If we had a problem, we'd discuss it. | Find some better people to date. |
I am autistic and made it through boot camp and was on a ship. I participated in a deployment to the Persian Gulf. I've been accused of sexual harassment (and later exonerated from lack of evidence because I had several witnesses who found out the accuser was lying and trying to get me in trouble; I never found out what her issue was).
However, I wasn't skinny in the Navy, but otherwise I sound like you in a way back when I was in. I was fine. | you'll be fine. |
From a chemical standpoint, it has to do with the incorporation of fat and liquids in your final product. Cookie dough is an emulsion - a mixture of two compounds (fat and water) that can't usually bond. Emulsions are fragile by nature, and prone to breaking. Keeping cookie dough too long at room temperature, over handling while shaping - these are things that will "break" your emulsion, and cause the fat to separate into the oily substance you sometimes find in flat cookies. Chilling your dough before forming and before baking, and any time that it begins to get overwarm, helps to keep the dough intact.
The greatest benefit, however, is during baking itself. Cookie recipes are often chemically leavened - with baking powder or baking soda. And cookie recipes often contain butter. Butter is itself an emulsion, being composed of several parts fat (about 80% in the states) and water (along with small quantities of sugar and protein). When butter is heated in a mixture like cookie dough, one of two things may happen: The emulsion may break, and the fat begin to leak, OR the water may turn to steam, creating small pockets of water vapor that act as barriers to fat and help the product to rise. Bringing your dough rapidly from chilled to oven temperature allows water to steam before the fat melts, keeping your cookie in one happy, homogeneous package - instead of spread onto your baking sheet. | Fat and water don't bond. |
the bit on butter/ghee confusion comes from his eat-don't eat chart on oil/fats vs dairy. on one he says not to eat them (oil/fat), the other (dairy) he does
ok, the bit on omega 3/6 balance is completely true, it's so hard balancing it.
i love my garlic & onions :)
fermentation breaks down the antinutrients (and gluten) and it's great for your gut. you should read up on it. bread used to be fermented to make it rise rather than adding yeast. | i really need to listen to the podcasts and not judge it based on the quick summary |
Well, I suppose you are getting great color reproduction and screen response time
CRTs (typically) don't go higher than 480p, or 640x480, which is ~307,000 pixels, while 1080p is 1920x1080 which is 2,073,600 pixels.
1080p is 6.75 as many pixels at 480p.
You can get 1080p monitors for, on the low end, about [$120]( That's the 22" stuff, nice 23" are about $150. I'm a big fan of the [VH236H]( which has HDMI, 2ms response time and currently is going for $140. | You're a monster for taking 3 seconds to write that note, Mr. or Ms. atrocious penmanship. |
Yes! Emiliah is a nickname I have in my family, but my birth name is Emily.
You have no true name. When you were born, you took one look around at the poverty and despair you were going to be raised into, and said, "Fuck this shit." Alas, you were too young to actually say anything that made sense, and instead let out an inhumane wail that portrayed your feelings of the hell you weren't ready to witness.
Your birth parents called you by a name they chose. However, you would cry out in fear and anger whenever they spoke it. Fear because you were afraid to become attached to the name (and, in turn, the home you were being raised in). Anger, due to the fact that you were upset at your parents for keeping you in a hell-hole such as this.
When you were old enough to move on your own (even before you started to crawl), you just rolled out of the door. You rolled and rolled and rolled until you reached the shores. You learned to crawl and eventually walk little by little. You taught yourself to speak. You taught yourself how to cook without basic necessities, and you were amazing at it. You could make a clam chowder by simply using the things you found on the beach. Bread made out of sand. Steamed fish with moss and grass clippings. Yet you still managed to make it taste wonderful. You were saddened by the fact that no one else was witnessing your wonders.
One day, a ship appeared and you saw your ticket out. You offered to work for free, just to get a ride. Anything, you said. They asked you what you were good at. Cooking, you answered. They asked to see your credentials. You didn't have any, you told them. A food handlers card, perhaps? No, not that either. You then became the 823rd dishwasher to work on that ship.
Right? | I know more about your life than you do. |
This thread is a perfect example of people, while well-meaning, do not know the most basic things. If you're serious, use google and your brain. Numbers such as 8, 16, 32, 44.1, 48, 96, and 192 should be automatic. These are the parameters that define modern musical output/consumption. Your 32-bit float sounds better than a 180 kbps mp3? That's obvious, if you know the fundamental concepts and terminology. | Learning is good. |
Upsampling effectively does nothing. It just adds more samples between the already recorded samples. This shouldn't change the sound at all. Raising the bit rate just adds more zeros at to the sample but doesn't change the value.
Downsampling is different. Let's say you record in 24bit/48k and you want to bounce a 16bit/44.1k CD mix. In some DAWs (Pro Tools for example) bouncing just truncates the bits and throws away samples based on some sort of algorithm. This causes a problem. Truncating bits creates what is called "quantization error" which in turn adds some nasty little noise to the mix. This raises the noise floor and effectively reduces the dynamic range of the mix even further than just recording in 16bit. To get around the quantization error, you must apply dither. Dither is noise but is "good" noise, it is very quiet and can be manipulated through psychoacoustic equalization or some other form of EQ to sound even quieter. Dither cancels out the harsh noise from quantization error and recreates a lot of the missing dynamic range. Dither lies at -90dB or lower btw, most people don't even hear it.
If OP sees this, I think this may be your issue. Quantization error noise can really tear up a mix. If you are bouncing at a bit rate lower than you recorded, apply some dither. Put it on the stereo mix bus and DO NOT apply any gain modification after dither, make sure all automation and level adjustments occur before the dither. | upsampling does nothing, downsampling creates quantization error. Also, DITHER RULES! I suggest reading about it in the Izotope Ozone manual. Those guys have awesome manuals. |
One of my mother in law's friends was helping out at a shower my husband's parents threw for our wedding this past summer. Since it was geared towards their friends and family, a lot of them didn't know me or my family history (my mother died when I was 13 years old). This woman pulled me aside during the shower to exclaim "Everyone keeps asking me if I'm your mother! I just keep saying 'I'm not old enough to be HER mother!!' HAHAHAHAHA." I am six years younger than my husband, and this woman is the same age as my mother in law, who was almost ten years older than my actual mother. She was telling me that she somehow thinks that she is TOO YOUNG to be my mom, so essentially telling me that I look old at my wedding shower. Fuck you, lady. Seriously, fuck you. | Friend of my mother in law told me I looked old at my own wedding shower. |
I've been struggling with anorexia and bulimia for the past two years.
When I was at my smallest, (around seventy pounds) I was constantly complimented, asked about my diet, inquired as to why I wasn't a model, and so on.
I recovered over the summer, got up to ninety-five pounds, and when I got back to school one of my male friends mentioned offhandedly that I looked plump today.
To a non-disordered mind, you'd probably brush this off with a little hurt feeling and self-consciousness. I kept my hands wrapped around my torso the rest of the day and hid in the bathroom stalls crying. | Having an eating disorder transforms any intelligent, logical mind into a self-obsessed spiral of irrational thinking. |
You would be pretty if you didn't have all that acne." Although I realized when I was older that it likely was intentional. She was constantly criticizing me, likely to feel better about herself. She did while acting as though she was my 'friend.' that was the most hurtful thing she said though. I cried that night. | Middle School sucked. |
Went home for the Thailand's military draft at 21. They made us all take off our shirts and sit in lines according to our village ( only some villages get chosen ). A MP was walking up and down the lines when he saw the city boy next to me still wearing his shirt.
MP "Hey! Take off your shirt!"
Boy "But I'm shy"
MP "Shy!? Look at that fat foreigner! He's not shy!" | I'm half Thai and didn't get drafted due to my belly. Hurra for ma belly! |
Something similar happened to me: I'm in my final year of a 3 year degree, but it's my 5th year doing it. I rarely attended lectures in 1st year and felt like I'd look stupid if I turned up after missing 5/30 lectures already, so why not miss the next 25 too. Scraped through that year. Failed 2nd year because my approach didn't change but the tests got harder. Took a year off and now I'm in 3rd year, haven't missed a single lecture and on top of things. All you need to do is start attending your classes and check your college emails every morning. Once you start doing that you'll start catching up on the material and you'll generally have a week or two before exams to go over the stuff you missed. | ATTEND CLASSES |
First off: I'm german. Born here, live here and will stay here (although reading such news makes me wanna leave immediately, but that's a different story).
Those (Turks, or enter any other nationality here) you are talking about are pointing it out in every spare second they got. It's them who put so much emphasism on their descent, and we respect that. For myself, I really couldn't care less where anybody is from. But if you are proud of where you're from good for you, I'll let you have it. I really really really don't give a single fuck.
So your skin is darker than mine? So what? Does that make you any different? No? Then why point it out? | It's a pretty common thing that "nationalitys" beeing pointed out. I don't like it myself, but it's what most other nationalitys (living in germany) demand. |
There's nothing wrong with being turned off by some ideas; everyone has their limits. But you must realize that the scenes in porn create unrealistic expectations. They're a dramatization and nothing like most people's experiences. Even people's personal stories are often embellished to make them appear more interesting than the actual truth. Stop watching that stuff. It's doing nothing to help you. If you must consume erotic media (man's gotta eat ), try tasteful art for a change.
When you meet a girl whose company you enjoy and for whom you care, your feelings for her won't just go away when you get into bed. In fact, these feelings are often required for some people to feel comfortable enough to open up both literally and figuratively. I think the reason you are having a hard time reconciling your feelings is because your ideas about sex are separate from your ideas of friendship when they are in fact very closely related. My personal definition of romantic love is friendship plus mutual attraction. | Focus on forming real friendships with people and let nature take it course. |
I'm going to disagree here. I think Moffat has run the show in a great direction since being made showrunner. The problem with bringing RTD back is that he was, in my opinion, a much better showrunner than a writer. His direction on keeping the show a certain way with episodes not written by himself is what made him good at what he did. However, I think that not only is Moffat a much better writer than RTD but he also a better showrunner.
During the RTD era there were many high points and great episodes (Dalek, Blink, Midnight, Etc.) but along with those there were some godawful terrible episodes (Slitheen two parter, Daleks in Manhattan two parter, Fear Her, etc.). The difference between these were staggering and you almost didn't know what you were getting from week to week. With Moffat's era there isn't a huge discrepancy from the high points to the low points. The worst of the episodes in Moffats era (Curse of the Black Spot, Night Terrors, etc.) are leaps and bounds better than the worst episodes of the RTD era. I'll even go as far as to say I think that the better episodes of Moffat's era are better than the better episodes of RTD's as well.
I'll agree with The_Evil_Within in that RTD is a huge fan of the Deux Ex Machina.
I'll also agree that even though I love the direction Moffat has taken the show and think he's doing a great job, I think he's a better writer than a showrunner if I had to pick him to do just one job. | I disagree, I think not only was Moffat a better writer but also a better showrunner than RTD. |
Hey Audiofreq, I'm a pretty big fan of yours ever since I heard 3 empty heads and i was wondering have you tried experimenting with any other type of music?
For example I think you should take a try at Makina (Japanese & Spanish), it has similar tempo and melodies with hard repetitive kicks, much like what your use to producing but with less in studio vocals and more samples and a touch more "happiness"
If you you or anyone else wants a good example of Makina here are some albums from M-Project
Underground Makina Connectionz Volume.10
Underground Makina Connectionz Volume.9
Makina Exclamation | Try Makina (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ |
i got cha... i'm going to try and get out of it, what should I tell my ex? she did nothing wrong and she was planning on meeting up asthe only thing to do on her one night here | How can I nicely cancel the plans with my ex? |
i got cha... i'm going to try and get out of it, what should I tell my ex? she did nothing wrong and she was planning on meeting up asthe only thing to do on her one night here | How can I nicely cancel the plans with my ex? |
Today's patch has little to no affect on cash-outs -- it just means you have to plex a bit more to flip systems. Pushing to tier5 is unaffected. | Jester doesn't understand FW mechanics worth a damn. |
he liked to put millions of his soldiers into her gas chamber. | buttsecks |
True story: Raiding back in wotlk, (Naxx 25), and before we pull the 2nd boss in Plague quarter our holy priest says 'Can you guys wait 2-4 minutes', Our leader asked him why, and his response was 'Bit of confusion at the next platform and I want to pay attention. Shouldn't take too long'. It was at that moment we understood why he couldn't use teamspeak. | Our priest healer in wotlk was a Train driver. |
Atheists don't mock Buddhists....nice strawman dumbass
Atheist is a non word for lack of a real definition. If you don't believe in UFOs, is there a term for that? Since Atheists don't believe in the foolish religions of Abraham, there really shouldn't be any word for them except "rational."
Atheists don't believe in anything with faith. It is pure logic, reason, and science. period. They can prove everything so far, which christians and muslims never will be able to without lies and ignoring everything that proves them totally wrong. | it's not silly if you can prove it |
I like the idea that he's getting rid of his former self that is a player. How he hints about the broken hearts in the trunk(yes, I also understand the 'bleeding' is a double entendre for the speakers in his possible trunk). I think he's just 'swimming' away from his former self, 'Lonny' Breux, and becoming Frank Ocean, which is where the ocean and swimming reference comes in. | He references his former ways, rather than his fame/music |
I suppose there is plenty of truth in what you say. I don't want to simply argue for no reason. But I feel that sharing similar values is a pretty big deal. An atheist might not gel as well with a devout catholic even if they have excellent chemistry.
I think there are details that you really really really miss here. In the long term, there is more than just chemistry. The new car smell in the relationship fades, and then you see truths you didn't see before. Ignoring those flaws will make for a bad bad relationship, no matter what kind it is. I've experienced this myself and seen it before.
I agree that chemistry is super important, but sharing many values makes a huge difference in the long run. I think that plenty of the answers you find in okcupid eventually start to paint a picture that makes those percentages of more than zero value. I want to really send this message home, two people can fall in love and even stick together for 3-9 months with great chemistry. But is that the goal? For many, absolutely, but then why bother with okcupid at all? Why not just find someone you can tolerate at a bar or plentyoffish? I think many on okcupid aren't looking for a fling or some sort of short term thing. I think they really want something like marriage or someone to spend their life with and have kids with and so on. Many relationships end when, if they looked at their personal values and compared, they may not have wanted to start the relationship at all. | Goals, dreams and personal values are pretty critical components of a relationship. |
There is no way you can put 500k into one penny stock and expect to sell all your shares in one day. Highly unlikely that any penny stock would have the volume to support that kind of influx.
ie:500k into a stock worth $.004 would be 125 million shares. Your purchase alone would jump the stock up in price and everyone else would cash out (think when warren buffet invested 5 billion into BofA) and if the 10 day avg volume was around 10-20 million, it would take a minute to cash out yourself. | mathematically feasible but very unlikely putting 500k into a penny stock would work in your favor |
You need to add a | That's painful. |
Yeah, stupid story is stupid. I didn't bother with the second or third pages (I know, I'm lazy), but I would be surprised if the article ever noted the fact that human saliva tends to kill very nearly all of that stuff. As I understand it, human saliva should kill all of that stuff, such that NFL players' ailments due to mouthpiece goo is probably no more frequent than the average person's ailments due to chewing on a pen or not washing one's hands often enough. Add to this the fact that NFL players are often taking vitamins and supplements at a much higher rate than the average person, and the actual incidents of ailment as a result of a soiled mouthpiece are most likely much less than those in the general population. | If I don't get sick from chewing on my pen, after having scratched my ass or balls with my writing hand a few times, then probably NFL players will be just fine. Saliva kills shit. |
I was getting annoyed because I thought I knew what was going to happen and the damn gif was taking too long. I was happily surprised to see that they didn't plop on the vehicle. | happily unexpected ending to long gif. |
sure! took a photograph of my face, and then another in the same position with my hands covering the face. selected the hands and isolated them from the rest. altered the contrast, saturation, and what have you. imported said hands into the image with the face, and used the photoshop effect "overlay" to combine the two images. then tooled around with the levels and everything til it looked how i wanted. | photoshop magic. |
Long-term CM player here.. started out playing CM 92-93 on the Amiga, CM Italia 93-94 on the Atari.. then 96-97, 97-98, 01-02 before eventually moving onto FM 05, 06, 08 & 10. I haven't played any others since then but have put a fair amount of hours into FM10.. probably more than is healthy.
Anyway, I digress as this post isn't about that.
I went back to play 97-98 recently purely for nostalgic reasons and it was so simple. Very simple. Three subs on the bench in the Scottish league and one of those had to be a keeper. Hah, changed days! What I missed most from that is being involved with the running of the club. I love being able to take charge of training sessions, get board requests, send the scouts to foreign countries, develop youth players and everything else that 10 did. What I hate most about it is the press conferences. No, I like them... but what I actually hate is that you say one thing or even if you don't comment on it, and it picks that up as the main story which in turn upsets the entire squad or a player that goes in the huff. I sincerely hope that this has been fixed for '13. What I'm really looking forward to is the challenges. The ones where you're bottom of the table at Christmas and have to save the club from relegation. This has the potential to be an excellent feature and I sincerely hope that it is. | I ramble my previous experiences with FM and I'm looking for updates for how good/in-depth this version is to know whether I want to get involved with another FM campaign. |
I agree with Khael8. That being said, I might recommend something other than a game design degree. If you're interested in the programming side (as it seems you are), I would suggest Computer Science or Software Engineering. Not as a side lesson like it would be for a game design degree, but as a full on course of study. There are a couple reasons for that. First, if you pick a game design degree, there's a good chance you're going to be stuck, and if you ever change your mind about your career down the line, you're out of luck. With CS or SE you're a lot more marketable and you'll have more flexibility when it comes to your career. Next, you'll learn more programming doing this than a game design degree. And if you want to work for a developer, the usual jack of all trades type person isn't always what they want. Many developers want someone who is VERY good at a specific thing. They want their artists to be great artists, their audio guys to be great with audio, and they want their programmers to be great programmers. Normally they don't need their programmers being great with sound and graphics, just the programming behind the implementations. This way, you'll be great at programming and along the way you can pick up the tools that artists use and learn those so you're at least familiar with them should you need to use it by yourself. | I recommend CS or SE as more suitable degrees. Also, get an internship. |
I can't say that I have tried the 5pc bonus. But I will have to say unless you drop a LOT of cash you can get much better or comparable rares.
The issue is that very little of the set is absolute endgame. Helm I would rather have a crit mempo. Boots firewalkers can roll better and ice climbers blow them out of the water. I do keep the belt chest and gloves( with ar) because I end up having some 16% melee reduction. | Too expensive for gear that can be beat quite handily. |
There seems to be a lot of misinformation in this thread about dry ice, so I'll try to clear some things up: Dry ice is frozen CO2. When warmed up, CO2 'sublimates' from a solid straight to the gas we breathe every day. When placed in water, dry ice warms up very fast. So fast, that the sublimating CO2 forms bubbles of very cold CO2 gas in the water. When these bubbles reach the surface and the cold CO2 gas is released, it cools down the air around it causing water to condense into a fine mist. It is the condensed water vapor mist that is visible, and that the OP would like to use to visualize air flow. (independent source:
Now then, would this work? Sort of. If you pass a small trail of mist into the case, you can see where the air is going based on how the mist moves through the case. It won't work very well however, because the mist needs to remain visible to do its job. First problem: case fans create a lot of turbulence. They'll chop up any stream of mist that travels through them pretty good, and blow it around on the other side. The second problem: air inside of a computer heats up. Remember that the mist stream was created by by cooling down water vapor in the air. Now, as that mist passes through the CPU or GPU, it gets heated back up and the mist goes away. | If you're lucky, you'll get a rough until the heat syncs.
Second question: would it damage the hardware? In moderation, probably not. Water is not inherently bad for electronics. Pure water is a very poor conductor, and it's usually the salts and other dissolved minerals in water that damage electronics. Since most of the water in your dry-ice produced mist came from the air, it's relatively pure. There also isn't much of it: again, most of it came out of the air and there isn't much water vapor in the air to begin with. (Very little water comes from the dry ice's water supply because cold water doesn't evaporate well. The water level will drop because the ice sublimated.) Some of the water will condense inside of the case, but for a short time not enough that it should cause major problems. I say probably because computers can handle humidity pretty well, but don't expect the warranty to cover you if something goes wrong. |
Wellington New Zealand.
It's cool. I can't stand going anywhere flat having lived in such a hilly place all my life. The city itself is quite piecemeal, with CBD being on a kind of raised platform of terraces (The street is called The Terrace), smooshed into the motorway, and with an old Cemetery full of trees and bushes that has been almost fully developed around, that is very relaxing to walk through.
Then there is Lambton Quay, the high end shopping street, which eventually flows into Cuba Mall (named after Cuba - we get a shitload of good Cuban imports here, especially coffee, if you come to Wellington you have to like coffee) which is a Bohemian shopping district, with some of the best clothing shops, and great food and bars. Courtney Place is full of clubs, and is pretty full with drunks most nights.
It's probably twenty minutes walk from one side of the city to the other, and when it's sunny the best path to take is along the harbour. There's a big town belt too, lots of MTB tracks, trees and stuff just sprout up from the footpaths, a well trimmed lawn looks very out of place, and the houses are a random assortment of styles that stick out from the green hillsides.
Lots of hipsters, lots of businessmen, it's the capital, so loads of politicians. People say its windy, but it's not that bad, and when the sun shines, it really godamn shines. | I like Wellington a lot |
In college, both are extremely useful. I really want a tablet for taking notes in class over my laptop at this point. Specifically for math classes, where typing equations is annoying and drawing graphs is unreasonable.
Classes where you are needing to do things such as programming, a laptop would be preferred. | as a college student, both would be nice. |
I should have guess so. I contacted my president, and he explained to me that he is wary of accepting large donations just like this because we don't know you. He said that you could meet him Wednesday night, but that you declined for other reasons(the trivia game of course!) anyways, I tried to vouch for you, but then I realized that I haven't even actually met you, I just know that we've contacted via reddit a bunch... If you can come by our office tomorrow around 2:10, then I might can do more | nobody knows who you are, and we have to protect the organization. |
honestly if things go to form, notre dame would be on the outside looking in. If K state, oregon and alabama/florida win out I see very little opportunity for Notre Dame to be taken seriously for the NCG.
edit: | sigh can't wait til playoff. |
Well, time to spam my friend's ongoing (well it just started but I think you can see it will be good) series about rocket design!
As for the other stuff, there are tutorials out there and I'm guessing people have already pointed them out ( | tired). I should do some. I'm lazy and I figure people can figure it out by watching one of my launches, but ya...I should. >.>
^^ See you in space. |
I believe it's because they wanted to run with as few scripts as possible. They didn't want to enable downloading for the same reason. Microsoft and Xbox are all about retaining proprietary information. From my understanding, enabling Flash has certain loopholes that would enable attacks on the Xbox 360 itself, and that doesn't sound too appealing. | anti-virus, sorta. |
This is pretty simple: Accept the gifts.
For the things that you consider clutter, don't want, don't need etc. simply store them for one year - when you will receive a whole new set of gifts.
Store them in one of those large plastic storage tubs for one year, then when they are replaced with new gifts, donate the old ones to a salvation army or goodwill store. | Plastic Storage Tub, contents donated annually |
Here's proof that you are affected. You're a fucking moron in denial that's why you can't help replying with anger and butthurt indignation. If you truly weren't affected, you would have ignored this entire. | you're a fucking idiot. lol |
Easilt still $70 dollars or over, it's a very limited print run and is now a mythic, this will mean that some demand is met, but with a whole pack dedicated to getting modern staples more relevant, as well as shocks being reprinted, will increase the demand as. Ore people want to get into this 'more accessable' format! | will hit 60-70 then will slowly creep up again, long discussion with an economics grad confirmed this (to me at least) |
Your mileage may vary, but generally it's considered bad to mess with your hormones without a doctors guidance. Although possible and also possibly safe, there's still a chance you could do a lot of harm than good - that's the chance you take.
I've heard good and bad about it. People achieving the results they wanted or minor effects that were desired with minimal to no bad side effects. I don't know if "bad for your liver" is the right term, rather you're putting more hormones, more "stuff" into your blood and your liver and kidney's have to work harder because they have a certain level programmed into them they want to maintain. That being said, liver or kidney's that work harder are more likely to fail.
The only true advice i'd offer is, it's really up to you. If you do decide bone up on the subject, /r/asktransgender has a lot of self medicated posts (posts for both full on transition and minor changes).
I'd like to add, there's a lot of non invasive things you could do to help promote more feminine changes. Getting plenty of rest, lots of water, regularly changing sheets and pillow cases more often, moisturizing, etc are all the little things I do and my skin has softened and cleared up quite a bit. I drink a lot of tea, specifically wintergreen tea, helps make my skin not so oily. I mean it still is but it helps, and whether or not it's placebo, i believe the tea helps with it. | Do what you gotta do to feel happy/content with your self but be sure to read up before you do things that could do more harm than good. /r/asktransgender has a lot more helpful folks on the topic of home supplements for full transitions as well as minor changes.
EDIT: Also, I"m pretty certain the directions to take estrogen supplements as directed are geared mainly towards female biochemistry and would not show correct dosage for a male to take. |
Not necessarily... Plants are finicky organisms that can't talk and tell you what's wrong. Depending the book you look at and the person you talk to, there are anywhere between something like 13 and 18 essential plant nutrients. Within the plant, nutrients can be either mobile or non-mobile. Nitrogen is a mobile plant element, being used in amino acid biosynthesis and essential to the chlorophyll molecule. Magnesium is also a critical element in chlorophyll. These both are mobile. When the plant is lacking mobile nutrients, they take them from the older tissues and put them where they are needed.
On the other hand, the non-mobile nutrients show signs in the new growth, as the plant cannot move these elements around. Many elements become bound in cell membranes, and cannot be transported.
Many times when lots of leaf tips are burnt, this could also be a nutrient toxicity, too hot of fertilizer, or too much fertilizer.
It is always a good idea to consult a deficiency manual or guide to help diagnose a particular issue. A lot of the time though, pH is the number one thing that is off that causes deficiencies. Unfortunately, a lot of the time when you want an answer for a cause in plant sciences, you get a 'Well, it depends...' and it does, on many variables. | It all depends. |
I'm fairly certain I understood your point correctly: keeping gay men out of the BSA is doing nothing to protect the scouts since they're apparently still being molested. Therefore it's stupid to assume the gay men are the cause of the molestation. Please correct me if I am wrong. If I understand you correctly, I whole-heartedly agree.
I just want to add: I know it's not intuitive, but the majority of child molesters, even those who target boys, are not gay. (I say it's not intuitive because the boys are still male, not because I think all gay men like little boys. Sources disagree on why they target boys, but many experts agree its simply because of ease-of-access.)
I did a paper that included this subject in school and I read a few studies that all pretty much agreed that gay men are less likely to molest children than straight men. The numbers are about .5% to 2% of child molesters are homosexual, and while the numbers differ depending on who you ask, roughly 2% to 10% of Americans identify as gay. This means that your child is either less likely or just as likely to get diddled by a gay scout leader as he is a straight scout leader. But he is definitely not more likely to get molested by a gay scout leader. | So yeah, gay men, according to statistics, should totally be allowed to be scout leaders. |
A few months ago: "Brand is SO good but his ult is too unreliable! But he would be so broken if his ult prioritized champions!"
Still isn't played.
Now he needs a MS buff because he has no escapes?
Anivia, Galio, Karthus, Ryze, Twisted Fate, and Zyra would like to have a word with you. | Brand is fine |
Yes, but I feel in this case they are separate entities. Civcraft is a game. The game starts, and the game ends. The character dies, the player moves on. Everyone plays Civcraft for different reasons, but some people wish to learn. For me the most intelligent option was to choose a different character so I may experience a different reality within this game. A reality that happens to effect others in ways which they perceive as negative. So this "victim" of my actions, how do they choose to feel about me? Do they resent the character portrayed, or the person who chooses to portray them? Do they keep these resentments when the game ends and a new one begins?
There is a risk factor that happens when you step into Civcraft, you're stepping into an experiment, you don't know whats going to happen. I personally feel that when I, or any one carries forth with an action some perceive to be negative, there is truly no harm being done. The only harm that any "Real Person" receives is that which he allows himself to receive, at least in CivCraft.
This isn't really a clean issue though, right now I feel that most interaction taking place right now is between players, and not so much between characters. Especially when you hold a player accountable on the same level as the character for the actions of a character. | Always pick GI Joe, cause apparently when you pick Cobra, you aren't worthy of cookies at snack time. |
The schedule is advanced by 2 weeks at a time. It is preferred that all games would be human vs human, and I feel we achieve this more often than not.
If any GM feels he won't be able to play all or any games in schedule period, then it's requested you build your AI and set team to enable CPU.
If anyone goes a schedule period without playing, a friendly reminder is sent.
If the team seems to be completely inactive for the next period ( 1 week real life) and no response to reminder, that GM will be removed, but seat held for one schedule period if they wish to rejoin.
Not a nazi about this tho, exceptions have been made, people have lives and shit happens. | we weed out people who disappear, most GMs in league play lots human vs human. |
As excited as I am about this, I'm upset, too, for having to say goodbye to the Coliseum. This was the arena that I grew up in, watching my team play in. I saw some of my all-time favorite players, skating on that ice...Jason Blake, Mike Peca, Bryan Berard, Eric Cairns, John Tavares....Alex Ovechkin, Donald Brashear, Evgeni Malkin, Milan Lucic, Mario Lemieux. I've seen some of the best games of my life played in that building, so many memories were made there. I hate leaving the Coliseum, I love the building, but it's been time for something new. I'll enjoy it until 2015, and once it's time to move to Brooklyn, I'll be right there on opening night. I'm just so happy they won't be leaving New York. | Tough to say goodbye to the Coliseum, but fuck it, Let's Go Islanders!!!!! WHERE BROOKLYN AT |
As the saying goes, "Good artists create, great artists steal."
The only real problems are if anyone else has played the game before, and therefore knows what's going to happen, and if they decide to go off the rails.
Remember, the great strength of pen and paper RPGs is that they're freeform. Unfortunately, that's the exact opposite of the great strength of published stories, namely that they're completed.
Regular authors don't have to worry about one of their characters suddenly deciding to derail the plot, because they control everyone. You don't have that luxury.
What will you do if they decide to side with the bad guy? Will it be an insurmountable campaign-killer if they decide to refuse a job? What happens if they murder an important NPC?
You need to be prepared for the inevitable wrench in the works known as creative players. I know there's nothing they like more than confusing me and making me scramble to describe what happens when they do something I didn't think of. | There's nothing wrong with a little noncommercial IP theft, just be aware that the players almost certainly will derail the plot. |
Does it really matter? The past was the past, lurking 4chan back in the days was fun , yes. Do I get annoyed with the same overused jokes you and I used years before now? Yes. The general population is stupid when it comes to the internet. However, just because the social aspect of it has changed to a watered down cycle of spouting "memes" at one another over facebook, the amount of information that is now available to us is phenomenal. Instant streams to my phone of practically anything I want, quicker response times, more sources for coding and shit like that. It's all perspective. Sure the old jokes aren't funny anymore, but I think that goes along with most things. I'm just happy to have been a part of it in its infancy. | meh. Only a few gems of OC remain. The internet is for hipsters nowadays. |
As a kid I heard the rumor that in Pokemon Leafgreen or Firered if you leveled up your Charmander to Level 50 before beating the Nugget Bridge and without evolving it when you beat the last guy on the bridge who was from Team Rocket he would ask you to join Team Rocket and if you said yes the game would restart and you would be able to choose either Mewtwo or Mew as your starter. Needless to say, I spent about a month doing that with it taking about 5 hours to level up just once because of how weak to wild Pokemon were. It didn't work and I was pissed as hell. | Get Mew or Mewtwo as a starter if you beat Nugget Bridge with a level 50 Charmander. |
My cousin and I were always competitive battlers, and we'd often battle on firered/leaf green through wireless adaptors.
When we weren't battling, we would search for different pokemon to catch for the pokedex and battle with.
Well I chose squirtle as my starter, and after a lot of searching and training he reached level 98. I had a rare candy in my bag, so he would've been my first level hundred.
That is, of course, if my cousin hadn't been there! He told me that if I raised it to level 100 then he would die and I'd have to say good-bye to him at the pokemon tower in lavender town. That scared the shit out of me! I didn't want to lose that blastoise, so I never used it.
Until one day my cousin and I traded game boys for the day and just started messing around with each others. I was tryin to get mewtwo on his, and he was going through the elite 4 on mine. He used blastoise and a bunch of other pokemon, but mostly the blastoise. He leveled up to 99, and then my cousin gave him the rare candy.
Level 100.
I was scared and nearly shit my pants. My cousin gave me this somber look. I did the only reasonable thing I could think of to save my blastoise. I started over so I didn't have to see him "die".
Damn it! I miss that guy! | cousin convinced me that a level 100 pokemon would die so I deleted my save file. |
not really a rumor but similar:
When I was younger and more naive, i often hung out with my cousin and his friends, they were the ones who got me into pokemon, for that i thank them. Why they got me into it was horrible, as soon as i got my first game (Emerald, yes I'm a yougin, shh) and had a decent team built, we battled, what i didn't know was that all of the bastards hacked their games. Needless to say it was the first time i encountered a shiny and a lvl 100 (with stats that could never be achieved). Even after the battle i knew nothing about their cheating, so i played obsessively for the next several years, even after i learned what they were doing, trying to beat them, i never did. To this day, I am proud to say i have never hacked or cheated in any game of Pokemon. | friends hack pokemon games, play a lot to try and beat them, never do, have never cheated |
I know in Thailand there are a lot of Western tourists.. But black people are more rare. I've seen locals stare at a black guy, just because he was black (this wasn't in Bangkok but in a really small non touristic village). I don't think people would find it weird to see a mixed couple, or react strange.. But it's not something you see in Asia everyday, so maybe people will look but they won't bother you.
I can imagine it's the same in Vietnam and Cambodia. | people will maybe look, but not give you trouble |
Thanks. I got burned for a while when the whole three fiddy thing was happening a lot, so when I see a block of text I'm hesitant to read unless there is a | That said, good story |
I really get where you're coming from with wanting to date people you know well. Some people will tell you not to wait that long, but I know from personal experience you can't just change your methods like that.
That comment tells me you're more about the personality than the looks. Of course you want a cute girl, too, but a girl can become cute to you if she's interesting enough.
That's how it is for me, at least. If that doesn't apply to you read someone else's advice, instead, I guess.
What I'd recommend in that case is an online dating profile. Online dating is all about personality. You make a profile, answer some compatibility questions, and then see profiles that would be a good fit for you. You get to know girls before you even have to talk to them. And for the most part everyone on these sites is looking for dates so you both know what you're after. (Also, I personally really like OKCupid. There's lots of cool people on there and it's free. This has not been a paid endorsement haha.)
As for the virgin thing and the girlfriend dry spell, you can't think about it too much. You can't let it consume you and become desperate. Desperate is not sexy. You have to own who you are. Own it and be awesome about it. You don't have a girlfriend? You don't suck, you've just been waiting until you find a girl that is awesome enough for you. You're overweight? Fuck that, you're the right weight, everyone else is too damn skinny. And there are girls out there that go crazy for a little extra. Just ask my girlfriend. No matter who you are, what you like, what you look like, there are girls out there that want some of that. Find them. | Go online, find a girl that matches you, date that girl, own who you are, impress that girl with your you-ness, and then have sex with that girl, if she wants to have sex with you. |
The best part about her- she is actually very intelligent. In one of my undergrad neuroscience classes, we referenced a study done at Harvard titled " Frontal Lobe Activation during Object Permanence" with credit given to a Natalie Hershlag..yup so now you know | She is really smart |
It would be great if he only broke his leg.
At the very least he dislocated his knee, i would be surprised if its not shredded. Based on what i saw he might never play football again I hope that not the case but from the looks of that play its a very real possibility.
He spent the last year rehabbing his other knee to come back and play at a high level. Only to have this happen.
This is a young man that has great talent and by all accounts and even better person. He was most certainly a first round pick and his football future is now very much up in the air.
Forget flair a very shitty thing just happened to a quality person much less football player. | you are an uninformed shit head. |
My boyfriend got me interested in football this year, after my family had been trying to get me interested in the Bears my entire life. The difference was that he drew me a diagram of the positions, starting with offense, then a seperate diagram for defense. He explained what each position was for, and then i understood what was going on. It's not fun to watch football if you dont get what the players do, then its just a bunch of guys throwing the ball around. Trying to explain it during the game is a pain and i just didnt have the patience for it. Seriously try the diagram and then repeatedly teach her who the main players are. Once i knew who people were and what they did, it mattered if they won. | draw her a diagram of the offensive and defensive lineup, teach the names of main players |
Nothing happened in my life to bring me round. I've had a slow burn on a lot of different issues. Until I was 12 I genuinely believed that men should be treated like women were in Victorian times. after that, the more I got into politics and issues, the more I cared about all sorts of issues, like proper feminism, the environment, charities, wars, gender and sexuality etc.
It's been increasingly creeping me out this last decade the growing distrust of men and the alarmist stuff about rape and pedophilia (the latter culminating when a (female) pediatrician in England was hounded from her house by a bunch of illiterate locals).
I have a father and a stepdad, neither of whom were much cop at being dads, and my mum always did the job enough for both of them, so I actually really have the archetypal angry feminist (I was also once in an abusive relationship with a man and was raped more than once - something I blame him for, not his gender).
The one area that does make sense is that I've never been very good at gender roles - I am female and while I object to all the unspoken rules about appearance and behavior that are pressed on me, I have always identified as female - but I've often followed the male unspoken rules without really realising it - buying little presents for my husband, being uncomfortable around children because of how it might look if I make eye contact, holding doors open and all that stuff. I'm baffled by this preferential treatment women supposedly get online - that idea that you prove you're a woman with a picture and suddenly a goddess or something, because in my experience putting a picture of myself in most places means I'll be ridiculed.
This was way longer than expected. | Not who you'd expect to be into MR, never have a conversion moment, don;t really understand it myself. |
I don't agree with your general assertion that men are more likely to support female entitlement, or legislation that makes such entitlement possible. Sure men are more in power, but those men are not free to act in opposition to feminism, because they may lose their jobs, or not get voted for and so on.
My point about the math comment is two fold. I am using that example to show that men in power are not free to oppose many forms of female entitlement, and therefore it is not predominantly men who support female entitlement. People are also less likely to accuse women of misogyny, and so the women in power do have more of an ability to speak out against feminism. | Men are not predominantly to blame for the system that allows women to behave badly, because they cannot speak out against such a system because of primary female lobby groups and public opinion. |
Maybe the woman just didn't want to see shit get completely out of control? If I saw a guy on the ground getting slapped around and not showing any signs of fighting back I would've told Bruce to chill out too. For the sake of context, say all this mulletman did was run his mouth. Why care about it that much to kick his ass when he's already down?
The anti-fight mentality is only for safety and doesn't make us pansy-asses. Not everyone has the same restraint that you might have. That other someone might just kill a man while seeing red without careful discretion of why. Nipping this behavior in the bud stops what could be an unnecessary issue (like death, or something, maybe. I dunno). I do commend your reasoning about getting someone to see the error of their ways, but your methods might not work out in your best interest one day.
However, if you were protecting yourself from a physical assault, then you gotta do what you have to. Yet if some jackass is spitting shit, why bother? They probably wont change just because they got floored. Most assholes that like nothing more than to talk will just be pissed off that they got floored, but will never think as to WHY it happened. This isn't the wild west frontier anymore, and walking away from this situation would've best way to handle it.
If people truly understood their own mortality, this ridiculous aggression wouldn't happen on either end. I hope you didn't take any offense to this, as none was intended. Also in the very least you can understand why fighting isn't usually the best answer, and that shouldn't make America a pansy-ass nation. | Fighting sometimes gets people killed over stupid shit. Death isn't normally a good thing for an individual. Breaking up a fiight or walking away doesn't make you a pansy-ass.
EDIT: Derped a word & fixed into paragraphs. |
Highly educated Americans were sold the belief that their "higher education" would get them a well-paying job so that they would be able to pay off the debt. When that didn't materialize it only makes sense that there would be a higher percentage of them with debt. It's not like banks were lending money and giving mortgages to impoverished people. They were targeting recent graduates and convincing them that the American Dream is to own their own home. And once you own that home you as well make that loan a bit bigger so that you can properly furnish the house. | It was a scam that targeted "highly educated" Americans so it only makes sense that "highly educated" Americans fell for it. |
i think that was one of the main issues of contention about reach and how it didn't sync up at all with "first strike" and "ghosts of onyx." something i was kind of bummed about be cause both of those are tremendous books, with gox being one of my favorites.
as far as i understood it bungie kinda went out on their own on this one and decided to tell their own story. thus starting fun arguments like which is more canonical. i know the going word before was that the games trump the books. so let the debate rage on. | no easy answer, books and reach don't really match up. |
Yes it's noticeable, but here are my two cents:
Many people are brainwashed by media and don't want to admit it. You do this experiment yourself, try reading news from one biased source all the time, try it for 2-3 months in row and see how your views will start to change. Now think about those people who have been hearing the same biased media their whole life.
Honestly, we (Muslims) aren't much better. Example, there are many clips on youtube now for the Sandy storm, Arabic comments are full of hate and wish all Americans die in the storm, not all comments but most of them though. This isn't what Islam teaches us. | uneducated/ignorant/stereotypical people who don't think about other humans, exist on both sides of the fence but you are looking only at the Americans side. |
According to what they've said beginning next year, so that will remove the requirement for manufacturers to support both CDMA and LTE in one phone if they want to make a phone that will work with Verizon. Because of this, I don't think that Verizon's going to be shut out, especially considering their size and clout with manufacturers.
Despite this, I still wouldn't recommend Verizon. They might have the largest network, but their policies are incredibly anti-consumer. After being a Verizon customer for 11 years, I'll be dropping them to get a Nexus phone once my contract is up. My last two phones have been smartphones, and they've both been crippled at Verizon's request. The first was the HTC Vogue (XV6900 on Verizon), which had its GPS chip locked down so that only Verizon-signed apps could access it (read: VZ Navigator). Fortunately the community was able to get around it and I was able to run Google Maps on their, but not well. My current phone is a Droid X, which had its bootloader locked down to prevent the user from running custom versions of Android. That wouldn't be a huge deal if not for the fact that the stock software on it is terrible and Verizon loads their phones with garbage. On top of all this, Verizon has made it so updates take forever to their Nexus device (Galaxy Nexus) and has forced Google to block Google Wallet from being installed on the GNex. Verizon shows a clear history of decisions that actively work against the consumer's interest and are entirely greed motivated. | Verizon isn't going to be left out in the cold based on technology, but screw them anyway, they're a terrible company. |
I've played every character at least to 18, and they're all lots of fun in their own way. Axton and Gaige are generally regarded as the easiest to play (though not necessarily the best), and most feel that Zer0 is the most difficult. I have not personally had any issues using him though, and I've completed PT1 and part of PT2 with him. His cunning tree is very powerful and fun to use while playing through the game. Sniping is good too, but melee is pretty difficult to use unless you want to farm for good melee gear. Melee is extremely powerful with the right gear though. | pick whichever one you want. They're all fun and powerful. |
I speak english, and live in america. 7-9, and 11 don't matter much. 13 who cares? 12: if the handful of apps are what I want thats better than 250,000 i need to sort through to find what I want (more likely in apples favor but quantity < quality). 5: would never use either as a phone (I'm not that much of a jackass). 6: Screen size (more a personal preference, get whichever fits your needs.
So, we have again the issue of resolution (kindle), speakers (possibly kindle), wifi (I don't know enough, give it to apple), and video compatibility (Its better that apple is compatible, but maybe it doesn't matter, depends on what you want to watch or whether you'd put up with converting the video yourself). | Most of the points probably don't matter that much. Get want better suites your needs. |
It's just so easy though! If you plug something in, why would you want to have to go through like 5 steps to get to it? | You'd think. |
Apples touchscreens are actually very sub-par. You ever try scrolling horizontally with them? Good fucking luck. You ever try using them with gloves on? Good fucking luck.
Android screens can do all the functions above, at higher resolutions, less input lag, with less freezing. | if you think apple's touchscreens are better quality, you might be new to computing. |
Because they are different markets, assembling and engineering cost money and people are not buying noisy grey boxes anymore. You can't assemble an iMac with parts, you can have more power for the same money but there's a tradeoff in space, noise, cables and energy consumption. | The casing is VERY important for most people. Also, a crappy TN LCD doesn't cut it anymore, the screen iMac's have is not a cheap TN. |
Humorous edits like this are quickly reverted, especially on high-profile pages. The system of checks, which is essentially nerds competing to define reality, works remarkably well. That said, in my editing experience, I've seen a few pages with egregious unintentional slips and deliberate distortions of their sources that make it anyone's responsibility who uses wikipedia as a source to actually check wikipedia's sources. These sorts of errors can go for months and possibly years unnoticed while every major news source is citing the article and they can occasionally take a pretty hefty discussion on the talk page to get the article cleared up properly. | It's not the frivolous surface vandals like this that make wikipedia's content less than trustworthy; it's the people who edit seriously and do so with either careless or disingenuous source usage. |
From everything I've read on here, the Community community seems fairly split between the two nights.
On one hand, friday is generally called the "the death slot" because it's where shows have classically gone to die. That said, recently there have been a few shows to pull two or three more seasons out of a friday night slot (see: Chuck, Grimm, Fringe).
On the other hand, thursday night is NBC's classic big "night" (ER, Friends, and Seinfeld were all on NBC thursday nights at one time or another). Recently, however, it hasn't been doing too well (I blame the fact that NBC keeps moving their shows around) and NBC has stated that for at least the first half of this season, they're focusing their marketing on strong Monday-Wednesday numbers. On top of that mess, Big Bang Theory (heavy hitter from CBS, brings in great ratings*) is on at 8PM on Thursday nights as well. Community has gone up against BBT before and come out looking pretty good compared to other NBC comedies but not so great overall.
In a perfect world, NBC would have gone back to their old stack of 30 Rock, Community, The Office, and Parks and Rec at the beginning of this season. That was winner of a lineup back in the day. Sadly they didn't and 30 Rock is ending in December.
I think the best lineup we can hope for is NBC throwing The Office, Parks and Rec, and Up All Night ( shudders ) just after Community and with any luck rope in some new fans and greater numbers from people tuning in early.
*Viewers not critics.
/essay | They both suck. |
I'm so confused. I really am. On one hand I think, "Well fuck that ACORN shit, those dicks made a mountain out of a molehill."
And I think, "I'm glad that I support a party that doesn't play like that."
And then I see all of the ELECTION fraud wierdness, all of the turdplay that the other side that puts our entire system at risk and I wonder, "Are Democrats simply lazy? Or that fearful of confrontation?"
And..I honestly don't know if I want us to become more like them. Sometimes I'm glad that Obama has Biden as his pitbull. Sometimes I wish he had a pack of them. And then, I worry that if he did, we'd become a party of dirty tricks. And that would gross me out. | Circular ramblings of an incoherent mind. Yay Ambien. I should go night night now. |
Everyone always brings up the "the remakes only happened so you could complete the pokedex" crap argument, but if you had XD: Gale of Darkness and Emerald, you could complete the National Dex. Because you can move those Pokemon up into Gen IV, the HGSS games where pointless under that line of logic. Hell, FRLG was pointless in that case.
The Pokemon series is one of the most signifigant in all of gaming. Not bragging, just reporting. The fact that the games get updated versions after a year (y'know, Blue, Crystal, Emerald, Plat) is a good system because it helps keep the games alive in the long run with the short amount of post-release hindsight. The fact that Black and White didn't get their third version, in my mind, suggests that Gamefreak, if they do make remakes into a fixed tradition, is replacing third versions with remakes.
I think it's a better move on their part. You have a lot more hindsight and you know just how the game aged and can go back and tweak the things that age like milk. Remakes are just better third versions.
Gaming is very young, and this release system seems very weird because there really is only one release system for games that is widely adopted right now: releasing the game, possibly on several platforms, and then aside from DLC, being done with it. Pokemon already invented the whole dual version thing. I like the fact that Gamefreak is trailblazing. Pokemon has the freedom to try and do weird stuff in the non-game because even if it's the worst idea in the world, the constant refinement of the core Pokemon gameplay makes up for it and more. | We're getting RSE remakes because Gamefreak can do weird things safely because Pokemon. |
It's not particularly humane, but ...
Boat people have made a choice. Go to a refugee camp (crappy choice), stay home and risk getting shot (crappy and dangerous choice), go on a boat to Australia (less crappy but dangerous and expensive choice). Unless Australia is the logical destination (Indonesian ethnic minorities?) then they shouldn't be encouraged to take a dangerous voyage to Australia.
If they go to a refugee camp, there's a good chance they will end up in a country that treats refugees like shit. Australia puts refugees (once they are processed) on a path to PR and citizenship, so they are almost as well-off as citizens. Places like Germany will treat them as second-class people indefinitely, unless they get deported.
If we want to really help people, we should accept more refugees from refugee camps (we do pretty well at this) or make refugee camps better. We could also push for better treatment of resettled refugees in other countries.
Permanent resettlement is not seen as an option by many countries. "You can come here for a few years, but should go home once you're no longer in danger". Many countries say it's better off if refugees just wait for the war to end, so they can go home. It's bullshit, and inhumane, but many countries take that stance. That's what we should be fighting, because Australia (and the other countries which treat resettled refugees like real people) can't fix all the worlds problems. | Australia does a good job permanently resettling 80,000 refugees a year (mostly from refugee camps, boat people are the worst choice because of the risk they die in a boat accident). Other countries should step up their game. |
It is okay to date multiple guys at a time, absolutely. I'm 28 and male. I date regularly. I'm cycling through women pretty much constantly. I'm not a player. I'm actually seeking a relationship. I just haven't found the right girl. Until the girl I'm dating and I sit down and decide that we want to exclusively date each other and evolve our dating into a relationship boyfriend/girlfriend thing I will date as many people as I feel like. This being said I generally know after about 4-6 dates whether it is going to work or not, so I'm not exactly leading them on either. | Date as many people as you want till you find the one you want to settle down with. |
I'm just about to register for my license in Real Estate. If you are really considering this jump the first thing you need to do is not to quit your 9-5 immediately, at least not until you have some sort of savings. This business isn't as many would like to think where you jump in, get your license and start selling or representing buyers, it's a serious game to be playing. Most people end up quitting within 2 years because they can't handle the attention this profession deserves or because they just can't make any sales.
Depending on your location you could be spending upwards of $3000 for registration and insurance after spending money going through the phases (classes) in preregistration, and $1500 or more on brokerage fees depending which one you pick to work for. And keep in mind you may not make any sales within your first few months working, maybe you won't make your first sale until after 6 months. So before registering think about saving $10 000 so you have something to live on in case you make no sales and earn 0 commission. It also helps to be living at home with your parents (i.e no rent), if you're young this shouldn't be a problem.
This business can be very rewarding, despite the hardships and struggles one might face in the beginning, but it's good. The level of success you achieve in this business is only limited to how much you work which means the economic pay offs can be limitless as long as you study a lot and work hard. The more you learn about this business the more fascinating it becomes and the wider your eyes get to the opportunities waiting for you. The key thing is to learn as much as you can, stay educated and work hard. | If you are really serious about getting in real estate as a salesperson, have a savings of at least $10 000 in case you struggle in your first year. Study a lot, stay educated and work hard and you'll do just fine. And don't be afraid to grab the bull by the horns, nothing extraordinary in life happened by people who played it safe. |
Kevin was the only one douchey (or smart?) enough to turn his Dragon's Den/Shark Tank personality into a business model. If he acts like an ass hat on TV, claiming to only care about money and makes a show of everything, people will watch him. He has turned this personality into 3 shows as well as thousands of people thinking he is one of the best business minds Canada has to offer. I think he tries too hard to make a show and not hard enough on treating would-be entrepreneurs with respect. | Kevin is a douche because we pay him to be one. |
Nah, seems like a good reason to me. You're asking these people for money, you show them respect. These are businessmen, not your buddy yet. Walking in to a meeting, job interview, business pitch, pretty much anywhere and calling the person you're trying to impress by a nickname is one of the most disrespectful (and stupidest) things you can do. | never assume someone's cool with a nickname. ;) |
Lori, you make this show so much more enjoyable to watch when you are on. You are incredibly attractive, and on top of it incredibly brilliant. | I love you :) |
I'll take a crack at this. Starting with: this is a list of all the products made by Arduino (an Italian company). There are multitudes of spin-offs of the open source design, but they popularized it. Almost all of the Arduinos us an ATmega chip of some sort except the new "Due" this uses an ARM cortex processor. The data sheets for each of the products can be seen on the product's page towards the bottom, as well as listing the pin capabilities. I'd also just download the software, it's free: . There are tons of examples to look at that come packaged with the software, including examples for 802.11, ethernet, zigbee, servos and solenoids as well as others. OK, so you want to buy one now? Well I'm going to plug a favorite site of mine: this is run by good folks. If you want to go super cheap and don't mind waiting for something to ship from China that is of a cheaper construction, DealExtreme has some knockoffs for cheap. this looks like what you describe kind of. So to use networking capabilities you'll need a "shield" that essentially just connects to the pin headers on the arduino and uses either SPI or I2C depending on which shield you go with. | Yes you can do that with an arduino. |
i know that feel bro but once in a while u will get such offers and u can actually take it... u just have to make silly-sounding offers to the peoples where they think they will win...
I once had a guy that had no clue of the game and flamed me like hell and i told him that he simply doesnt have the mindset nor the skillset to call me a bad player and i simply told him that i could crash him even if i play soraka against any champ he wants.
Since i was pretty sure he isnt good enogh to know about counters and stuff. SO he agreed to soraka and picked xin in his 1v1 and i smashed his face to the ground over and over again and at the end of the game he came and said: "Okay, gg, you are a good player and i am just too bad to notice it. exactly what u said earlier on"
I was crying to see such awesome behaviour even if the most stupid players would rage and say it was luck. | I got my 1v1 once as Soraka vs Xin and owned him. Afterwards he said: u were right |
Honestly im tired of the norv turner and aj smith bullshit.
Sure norv calls some questionable plays, so a bit of the poor performances can be placed on him, but when the team gets to the other half of the field and players are droppin passses or throwin picks, how is that his fault?
Also, almost everyone i talked to at the beginning of the season was excited about all of the talent the charers had, and how this might be our year. 3 losses in a row and now everyone thinks AJ fucked up on something, even though everyone was with him 2 months ago. | Norv and AJ should be fired" |
I'm not good at creating stories, and even worse at writing them, but here it is:
Freya Black-Steel is a Nord woman, born in Morrowind. Her ancestor, Wulfgar Black-Steel, was exiled to Morrowind, and later discovered he was the Nerevarine.
After dealing with Dagoth Ur, he settled down, and started a family with a Dunmer huntress. Years passed, and the Black-Steel clan, now composed of both Nords and Dunmers, became one of the most wealthy and influential families in Morrowind, but they lost it all when the Red Mountain erupted, and moved to Solstheim.
Freya's father, a Dunmer blacksmith, taught her the arts of smithing, and her mother, a Nord warrior, taught her how to use an ax, but Freya's real passion was reading. Freya loved books, and was especially fascinated with the history of Skyrim. When she reached adulthood, she traveled to Skyrim, to explore and learn about her homeland, and to hone her warrior skills.
One little detail about her: everyone knows how... promiscuous... are the Dunmer ladies, and being born and raised among them influenced Freya a lot. She's very promiscuous, and she has a thing for Dunmers.
I used the Live Another Life , but she is a talented enchanter.
Since her family has a mix of Nords and Dunmers, she has characteristics of both. Her skin is slightly grey, her eyes are red, and she has a small resistance to fire. | Freya Black-Steel is a Nord woman, born in Morrowind, her ancestor is my character from TES III. She traveled to Skyrim to learn its history and culture, and to train her fighting skills. She uses axes and light armor, and is a talented enchanter. |
When I was in high school, I had a buddy whose dad "didn't burn" but knew we were toking up in the basement most nights and didn't care because we weren't out getting into "real trouble" but rather getting baked and playing AD&D with Zeppelin records on.
Turns out the guy who "didn't smoke" had a half lb of the sweetest trees quite possibly in existence in his gun safe at all times. He admitted this to us when he "accidentally" came down stairs and caught a "contact" which we all knew was a horse shit story because he was high as balls the minute he got to the bottom of the stairs. | my buddy's dad didn't want us to know he blazed but we found out he burned the dankest of the dank. Much fun ensued. |
Subsets and Splits