STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: Good morning, I'm Steve Inskeep. Think of this as the Berlin Airlift - except for cats. About 100 cats were flown out of Florida yesterday. Malik Jackson paid for this flight. He's a defensive tackle for the Jacksonville Jaguars and has a foundation. Moving cats and kittens out of Florida made room for cats displaced by Hurricane Michael. And if you think 100 cats remained in their seats just because the seatbelt light was on, you were out of your mind. It's MORNING EDITION.
Malik Jackson paid for the Wings of Rescue flight. He's a defensive tackle for the Jacksonville Jaguars and has a foundation called Malik's Gifts. The cats were flown to Delaware.
NOEL KING, HOST: Good morning, I'm Noel King. Earlier this month, on October 6, Christopher Pavloski was born at a hospital in Liverpool, England. Christopher's dad, Filip, mentioned to the nurses that he shares his son's birthday - lovely. Then Filip told them that his father was also born on October 6. A BBC statistician puts those odds at 1 in 130,000. Filip says his dad burst into tears when he heard the news. His family may want to consider buying some lottery tickets. It's MORNING EDITION.
Over the weekend, Christopher Pavloski was born. He arrived on Oct. 6, the same date as his father and his grandfather. A BBC statistician puts the odds at 1 in 130,000.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin with a real estate listing made for Halloween. Think back to your high school history class and the Salem witch trials in 1692. A man named John Proctor was accused of witchcraft and hanged. Now one lucky soul could own his house. The listing says it was built in 1638. It's nearly 4,000 square feet, has six bedrooms. The exterior is a lovely, deep gray color with a bright red door. Let's be honest. It could be haunted. But it does have a pool. It's MORNING EDITION.
In 1692, John Proctor was accused of witchcraft and hanged, and now someone could own his house. The listing says it was built in 1638. The exterior is a deep-grey color with a bright red door.
NEAL CONAN, host: You're listening to TALK OF THE NATION from NPR News.</s>NEAL CONAN, host: And we have some tragic news to pass on from Libya. CNN, Vanity Fair and others report that photojournalist Tim Hetherington was killed today in the besieged city of Misrata. Other photographers were killed in and - excuse me - were injured in the incident.</s>NEAL CONAN, host: Hetherington and journalist Sebastian Junger co-directed the documentary "Restrepo." For a year, they followed a platoon of soldiers who were stationed in one of the most dangerous places in Afghanistan, the Korengal Valley. The two joined us here on TALK FO THE NATION in February, when the film was up for an Oscar.</s>NEAL CONAN, host: Hetherington was injured while making the film. He explained what they were trying to convey about life in a war zone.</s>Mr. TIM HETHERINGTON (Director, "Restrepo"): Many of these young men were going through some less traumatic experiences of their life. They were dealing with big existential questions, and most of them we deal with as we get older. I mean, both the idea of killing and have been - the threat of being killed or seeing your, you know, having a friend die in your arms, as Doc Restrepo did.</s>Mr. TIM HETHERINGTON (Director, "Restrepo"): You know, they tried to save his life, but he bled out on the side of a mountain. And it affects them deeply. And we wanted to bring the public into that emotional terrain.</s>NEAL CONAN, host: Photojournalist Tim Hetherington, on this program in February, killed today covering the war in Libya. He was 41 years old. Four other photojournalists were injured in that incident. Tomorrow, more on the siege of Misrata and the ongoing conflict in Libya. Join us for that. This is TALK OF THE NATION from NPR News. I'm Neal Conan in Washington.
Photojournalist Tim Hetherington was killed Wednesday in the Libyan city of Misrata while covering the conflict there. Hetherington may be best known for co-directing the Oscar-nominated documentary Restrepo with fellow journalist Sebastian Junger. Hetherington was 41 years old.
DAVID GREENE, HOST: Good morning. I'm David Greene. Say you're a parent, and you still like dressing up on Halloween. Your kid's dressing up as Luke Skywalker. And so you decide, for fun, you're going to go as Princess Leia. Well, I would just not do that in Chesapeake, Va., a city law there says anyone over age 12 who engages in, quote, "the activity commonly known as trick-or-treat" could face a $100 fine or up to six months in jail. Maybe I'd be OK with this if they let me take my candy with me.
A city law says anyone over 12, who engages in the "activity commonly known as trick or treat could face a $100 fine or up to six months in jail."
STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep. Kentucky lawn gnomes are safer today. The Louisville Metro Police arrested the alleged gnome thief. Barton Bishop is accused of stealing items off porches, including a, quote, "wide variety of garden gnomes." The Louisville Courier Journal reports that police received a tip about him. He tried to hide in an attic, but they caught him when he fell out. Afterward, police reassured the public with the hashtag #gnomemoredanger.
Barton Bishop is accused of stealing items off porches β€” including "wide variety garden gnomes." The Courier-Journal in Louisville reports that police received a tip he was hiding in an attic.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin. Old Faithful in Yellowstone Park is the geyser that usually gets all the attention, but this story is about Ear Spring geyser, which recently erupted with a blast shooting up 30 feet in the air. Cool enough, but according to Live Science, the geyser also spewed out a cement block, aluminum cans, a drinking straw and - to make things even more interesting - a baby pacifier from the 1930s. The park said it may keep some of the debris in its archives but encourages visitors not to throw things in geysers. It's MORNING EDITION.
According to Live Science, the geyser discharged, among other things, a cement block, coins, cans, and a baby pacifier from the 1930s. The park encourages visitors not to throw things into geysers.
DAVID GREENE, HOST: Good morning. I'm David Greene. Bears in Katmai National Park in Alaska have been bulking up as they get ready to hibernate, and the park is having a little fun with this. It is Fat Bear Week. The park wants people on Facebook to look at bears caught on bear cams in the park and vote for the fattest. Some of the favorites - a bear named 32 Chunk. There is also the jelly-bellied jumbo jet 747. I mean, honestly, I cannot bear the competition here. It's MORNING EDITION.
Bears in the park are bulking up as they get ready to hibernate. The park wants people on Facebook to look at bears caught on bear cams in the park and vote for the fattest.
NOEL KING, HOST: Good morning. I'm Noel King. Mona Sirbescu is a geology professor at Central Michigan University. People often bring her rocks and ask if they're meteorites. Usually her answer is no. But recently, a man came to her office with a 22-plus-pound rock just to check. Turns out it's the sixth-largest recorded meteorite found in Michigan, worth as much as $100,000. The man said that for 30 years, he'd been using it as a doorstop. It's MORNING EDITION.
A recent check determined that the rock that weighed more than 22 pounds was the sixth-largest meteorite found in Michigan, and could be worth as much as $1,000.00.
DAVID GREENE, HOST: Good morning. I'm David Greene. You know, when I'm at karaoke, I always hope someone will do Garth Brooks. I mean, I could listen to "Friends In Low Places" any time, even multiple times. A karaoke deejay in Seattle sang this over and over again...</s>GARTH BROOKS: (Singing) 'Cause I got friends. I got friends. I got friends.</s>DAVID GREENE, HOST: ...For 36 straight hours with brief bathroom breaks. He was raising money for breast cancer awareness, being a good friend to his sister, who is a survivor. It's MORNING EDITION.
The karaoke DJ was raising money for breast cancer awareness. He sang, over and over again, for 36 straight hours, Garth Brooks' "Friends in Low Places."
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin. A year or so ago, we told you about the realization that the road signs for the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge in New York were missing double Z's. The misspelling has been there for more than 50 years, since the bridge was built. It was named after the Italian explorer who discovered New York Harbor in 1524. Now New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has signed a bill to finally get the signs fixed. Giovanni da Verrazzano - two Z's, if you please - can now rest in peace. It's MORNING EDITION.
For more than 50 years, the name of the New York City bridge had been spelled Verrazano when it should have had an additional "z." The bridge is named after Italian explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano
STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep. I was on a train the other day and a sign declared see something, say something. That common security message has spread across this country and reached West Fargo, N.D., where a person saw something, a sign, seemingly written in blood that said help me. They said something, calling 911. WDAY-TV reports police responded and congratulated the sign's author on her early Halloween decoration before departing the scene. It's MORNING EDITION.
A person called 911 after seeing a sign, seemingly written in blood, that read "Help Me." WDAY-TV reports police responded, and they congratulated the sign's author on her early Halloween decoration.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin. Michael Pascuzzi was a contestant on "Jeopardy!" the other day. And instead of chatting with Alex Trebek about his hobbies at the top of the show, he used that time to ask his girlfriend, Maria, sitting in the audience a big question.</s>MICHAEL PASCUZZI: Will you marry me?</s>MARIA: Yes, of course.</s>ALEX TREBEK: Dang it, Maria. You responded too quickly. I was about to say, we'll have the answer to that question right after this commercial break.</s>RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Maria then answered again, this time in the form of a question. What is yes? It's MORNING EDITION.
Instead of chatting with Alex Trebek at the top of the show, Michael Pascuzzi used that time to ask his girlfriend Maria a big question. Remembering the show's format, she answered, "What is yes?"
TONY COX, host: Tomorrow, we'll hear a very different story of students making their way in New Orleans. News & Notes regular contributor Melissa Harris-Lacewell recently taught a course at Princeton University called Race, Disaster, and American Politics.</s>MELISSA HARRIS-LACEWELL: So my students who engaged with the course for 12 weeks said, you know what? That was all great - we enjoyed learning. But there's not enough for us. We want to literally get our hands dirty. We want to go to New Orleans. We want to see and talk with people on the ground there, and we want to make a difference in any way we can.</s>TONY COX, host: Melissa and her students are in New Orleans all this week. Tomorrow on NEWS & NOTES, we'll catch up with them and hear what they're doing to make a difference.</s>TONY COX, host: Just ahead, the government is dropping big bucks on the war, but what about at home? We'll look at post-Katrina spending. And Saxophonist Branford Marsalis on his music, his message, and his home sweet home, New Orleans.</s>TONY COX, host: This is NPR News.
Tony Cox previews Thursday's show, which will include a segment on Princeton University students visiting New Orleans to put what they've learned into practice.
TONY COX, host: The world's oldest person passed away in Connecticut on Sunday at age 114. Emma Faust Tillman was the daughter of freed slaves, and she had been deeply religious since childhood, always attributing her longevity to God's will, friends and family.</s>TONY COX, host: Tillman was the world's oldest person for just four days - said to be the shortest time on record. So now the world's oldest person is believed to reside in Japan. She, too, is 114.</s>TONY COX, host: That's our show for today. Thanks for being with us. To listen to the show, visit NEWS & NOTES was created by NPR News and the African-American Public Radio Consortium.</s>TONY COX, host: I'm Tony Cox. This is NEWS & NOTES.
The world's oldest person died Sunday at the age of 114. Emma Faust Tillman, the daughter of freed slaves, was the world's oldest person for just four days; that's said to be the shortest time on record. Now, the world's oldest person is believed to reside in Japan. She is also 114.
FARAI CHIDEYA, host: And now we remember woman whose life was filled with firsts. She was the first black woman to graduate from Yale Law School, the first black woman to join the New York City Bar Association and the first black female judge in the United States. She was Jane Bolin, and she died on January 8th at the age of 98. Based in Poughkeepsie, New York, the Bolin family had been movers and shakers since the end of slavery, says historian Lorraine Roberts(ph).</s>Ms. LORRAINE ROBERTS (Historian): Her father was the first black graduate of Williams College. He came back here and became the first black lawyer in Poughkeepsie. So there are a lot of firsts in that family.</s>FARAI CHIDEYA, host: Jane Bolin attended Wellesley College and then Yale Law School. She was one of three women and the only black student at Yale. After law school, Bolin worked for her dad, her husband and finally for the city of New York. In 1939, Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia made her a judge in the domestic relations court, which later became family court. Bolin served there until 1978 when she retired at the age of 70. Lorraine Roberts says Bolin was known for her open mind.</s>Ms. LORRAINE ROBERTS (Historian): Her father was the first black graduate of Williams College. He came back here and became the first black lawyer in Poughkeepsie. So there are a lot of firsts in that family.</s>FARAI CHIDEYA, host: But Bolin never made a big deal of all her firsts. In 1993, she told The New York Times, everyone else makes a fuss about it but I didn't think about it and I still don't. My work was my primary concern.
Jane Bolin was the first black woman to graduate from Yale Law School, the first black woman to join the New York City Bar Association, and the first black female judge in the United States. Bolin died Jan. 8 at the age of 98.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: By now, you've probably heard of the dustup following Sir Tim Hunt, the Nobel prize-winning British scientist. Hunt volunteered some controversial comments at a conference last week about women. He said, quote, "You fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticize them, they cry". The 72-year-old biochemist was roundly criticized for his remarks, and he ended up resigning his honorary university post in London.</s>RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: OK, we know the subject of sexism and gender bias in science isn't funny. The field has struggled mightily with those issues, but, you know what is hilarious? The surprisingly light-hearted reaction from the female scientific community. Nope, they didn't cry. Instead, they post selfies from their work in the lab and in the field, often in giant hazmat suits or facemasks with the hashtag #distractinglysexy. And they posted old photos of female scientists like Marie Curie and Fausto Sterling. And by Thursday, #distractinglysexy exploded with more than 10,000 tweets in just a couple of hours. Of course, everyone has their favorites, but here are a few of mine. A photo of wildlife biologist Sarah Durant crouched in the grass with the caption (reading) nothing like a sample tube full of cheetah poop to make you #distractinglysexy.</s>RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: An ecologist named Jennifer Pannell captioned a photo of herself outside, quote, "In the field because I'm too #distractinglysexy for the lab. Took ages to find a pic where I'm not crying."</s>RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: And an archival photo of a famous British chemist titled Rosalind Franklin was so #distractinglysexy the boys forgot to credit her with helping discover the structure of DNA. Kudos internet. Sometimes it's just better to fight fire with humor in a hazmat suit.
After the sexist comments of Nobel Prize-winning British scientist Tim Hunt went viral, female scientists staged a counterblow on social media.
STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep with credit for an air traveler's resolve. A man in Dublin, Ireland, was determined not to miss his flight. He remained determined even after the plane rolled away from the gate without him. So he broke through an airport door and began racing across the tarmac after the jet. We will never know exactly how he planned to climb into the plane because airport workers ran after him and tackled him just short of his goal. Darn.
A man in Dublin, Ireland was determined not to miss his flight. After the plane rolled away from the gate without him, he broke through an airport door and began racing across the tarmac.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin. If you're really into Scrabble, you know you can't just use any old word. It has to appear in Merriam-Webster's "Official Scrabble Players Dictionary." Now all you diehards will have 300 new words to play with, including bizjet - yes, a small plane used for business - also some words that are scattered everywhere in spoken English, including OK and ew, like when you see something gross. And if you want a zinger of a point word using a Y, W and Z, yowza is now available.
It's OK, because 300 new words are being added to the Scrabble dictionary. Like OK, ew, yowza, twerk and bizjet.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin with apologies in advance for putting this image in your head. A rare two-headed snake was discovered in Woodbridge, Va. A woman spotted the monstrosity in her flower bed. She scooped it up into a plastic bin, took a photo and posted it to her neighborhood email group. Someone then forwarded it to the state snake expert who identified it as a venomous copperhead. Eventually, the two-headed snake will be donated to a zoo. Until then, it'll haunt your dreams. It's MORNING EDITION.
She posted the photo to her neighborhood email group. Someone then forwarded it to a snake expert, who identified it as a venomous copperhead.
STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep. The saying goes it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. The life of John Turmel suggests it's better to have run and lost. He's run for office in Canada 95 times, losing every time. And this year, he's running for mayor of Brantford. The Guardian says he set a record while pushing ideas like calling climate change a hoax. Apparently, Canadians can't imagine electing somebody with notions like that. It's MORNING EDITION.
Guinness World Records recognizes John Turmel as Canada's most defeated politician. He's tried for office more than 90 times β€” losing each time. Now he's running for mayor where he lives.
ARI SHAPIRO, HOST: Pittsburghers of all faiths gathered to remember the dead last night at the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall. The first speaker was Jeff Finkelstein, president of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh.</s>JEFF FINKELSTEIN: The traditional Jewish way to respond to news about the death of an individual is to say blessed is the judge of truth or, in Hebrew, baruch dayan ha-emet. And when 11 people are slaughtered, we say it 11 times. Baruch dayan ha-emet. Baruch dayan ha-emet. Baruch dayan ha-emet. Baruch dayan ha-emet. Baruch dayan ha-emet. Baruch dayan ha-emet. Baruch dayan ha-emet. Baruch dayan ha-emet. Baruch dayan ha-emet. Baruch dayan ha-emet. Baruch dayan ha-emet.</s>MARY LOUISE KELLY, HOST: Thousands of people attended the vigil. They filled the hall. Crowds outside listened on speakers. Faith leaders from across the region spoke, including Liddy Barlow, pastor for the United Church of Christ.</s>LIDDY BARLOW: First, to the Jewish community, when violence came to Christian sanctuaries at Mother Emanuel in Charleston, at Sutherland Springs in Texas, you stood with us. And today, with our whole hearts, we stand with you. We will cry with you. We will resist anti-Semitism and all hatred with you. And we will work with you to end violence. We will do that because you are our neighbors but more because you are our friends and, still more, because you are our family. We love you, and we are so sorry.</s>ARI SHAPIRO, HOST: That's Pastor Liddy Barlow speaking last night at an interfaith vigil in Pittsburgh.
On Sunday, thousands in Pittsburgh came out to an interfaith gathering to remember those who were killed by a gunman at a synagogue on Saturday.
ROBERT SMITH, host: The top U.S. commander in Iraq, General David Petraeus, will arrive on Capitol Hill Monday, facing a Congress that includes a number of skeptics. Two reports on Iraq issued this week did not paint a rosy picture, and Petraeus has to convince Congress his strategy is working. That's if the Pentagon hopes to win an additional $50 billion to continue the war through the spring.</s>ROBERT SMITH, host: NPR's defense correspondent Guy Raz has a preview.</s>GUY RAZ: What's long been described as the Petraeus report is now being referred to by the Pentagon as the Petraeus assessment. There's a reason why. General Petraeus won't actually be writing anything down; he'll arrive to Capitol Hill Monday armed with a stack of statistics and charts. Later in the week, the White House will put his testimony and the testimony of U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker into a written report for Congress.</s>GUY RAZ: Now, according to sources in the Pentagon and in Iraq, Petraeus will suggest a modest U.S. troop reduction in Iraq beginning early next year. But any proposed reduction won't necessarily be tied to security conditions in Iraq. The reductions are actually scheduled to happen anyway because starting next April the Army and the Marines run out of ready brigades to replace the ones scheduled to rotate out of Iraq.</s>GUY RAZ: The first surge brigade, that's about 4,000 troops, arrived in Iraq last February, and each soldier now serves a 15-month tour. So add 15 months to February and you get to April 2008. Every month after that, another brigade is scheduled to rotate out until October 2008, when the total number of U.S. troops in Iraq will return to the pre-surge level of 130,000. And Pentagon officials believe the Army and the Marines can sustain that level of troops in Iraq for several more years.</s>GUY RAZ: Guy Raz, NPR News, the Pentagon.
Gen. David Petraeus will testify Monday before Congress about military progress in Iraq. Petraeus will likely support a minor troop reduction beginning early next year, but will recommend keeping at least 130,000 U.S. troops in Iraq after the surge forces depart in October 2008.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Last week, a woman named Ingeborg Rapoport finally got a chance to defend her doctoral dissertation 77 years after writing it. Did I mention she's 102 years old? Ms. Rapoport was a 25-year-old PhD student at the University of Hamburg in 1938 when the Nazis derailed her studies because although she was raised Protestant, her mother was Jewish. She made it to the U.S. where she eventually graduated from medical school. After the war when her leftist politics got her into trouble in this in this country, she returned to Germany with her family. There, she founded the country's first neonatology clinic. According to The Wall Street Journal, a few months back, Ms. Rapoport got the notion to try to earn the doctorate the Nazis denied her. Her original thesis was long gone. But with research help from the Internet and friends with better eyesight, last week, she wowed her committee. On June 9, Ingeborg Rapoport will be awarded her degree, likely the oldest person ever to receive a doctorate.
At age 102, Ingeborg Rapoport finally got to defend her doctoral thesis, 77 years after she was prevented from doing so by the Nazis. NPR's Rachel Martin takes note of the milestone.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Now, to a grim anniversary in the mountain climbing world. It was a year ago that 16 Nepalis guiding climbers up Mount Everest were swept away by a hanging glacier that had peeled off the mountain. It was the worst single accident in the history of Everest. Last year's tragedy focused attention on the risks Sherpas take far more than their western clients. Expedition companies were accused of exploiting the Sherpas. There was also anger directed at the Nepalese government, which skims off millions from climbing fees. The controversy hasn't affected the mountain's allure, though. The Nepalese have handed out more climbing permits than they did last year. And many of the Sherpas have returned, too. Often, it's the only way they can support their families. On Saturday, the government agreed to divert a portion of climbing fees to a welfare fund for those injured or killed on the mountain. The climbing route was also changed to avoid that deadly hanging glacier. But the reality of the climbing industry has not changed. There are still thousands of western climbers who want to get to the top of that mountain, and they need local guides to get them there so the Sherpas continue to climb.
One year ago, 16 Nepalis guiding climbers up Mount Everest were swept away by a hanging glacier that had peeled off the mountain. It was the worst single accident in the history of Everest.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin. We've told you about these two guys - they thought McDonald's ads needed more Asian-American representation, so they made a fake McDonald's poster starring themselves, hung it up inside a real McDonald's. And for weeks, nobody noticed. Eventually, the posters and the two friends got a whole lot of attention. And McDonald's noticed them and their message. The company says it plans to feature more Asian-Americans in its marketing, and it cut each of the guys a $25,000 check.
Two Asian-American men made a fake poster and hung it up at McDonald's. The company plans to feature more Asian-Americans in its marketing, and cut each of the guys a $25,000 check.
STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep. Motor vehicle officials in Delaware know you want to do it. You're at the DMV. You get a new license. So you take a selfie with the license and post it on social media, which means you just published your license number and home address - not secure. The agency has now set up safe selfie zones at motor vehicle offices. You stand in front of a colorful backdrop that says, look who's driving - and you keep the license out of sight. You're listening to MORNING EDITION.
The Delaware DMV has now set up "Safe Selfie Zones" at motor vehicle offices. You stand in front of a colorful backdrop that says "Look who's driving now," and you keep the license out of sight.
STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep. Elon Musk does not yet have a rocket that can circle the moon but does have a passenger. A Japanese billionaire, Yusaku Maezawa, says he'll go. He would be the first private citizen ever to travel so far. He would fly on a rocket made by the SpaceX company. One downside is that Musk's Big Falcon Rocket is not yet built. But he does have lots of plans, including sending people to other planets just in case we can't fix this one. It's MORNING EDITION.
Yusaku Maezawa is the first to book a trip as a private passenger with the commercial space company for a voyage that hasn't been attempted since NASA's Apollo missions ended in 1972.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin. A German triathlete was banned from an all-you-can-eat restaurant for eating all he could eat. Jaroslav Bobrowski went to Running Sushi in Bavaria. You pay a flat fee - in this case, around 18 bucks - and eat as much sushi as humanly possible. But Bobrowski isn't like other humans. He follows an extreme diet where he doesn't eat for 20 hours, then eats until he's full. In this case, that meant nearly a hundred plates of sushi. He tried to tip when he left, but they said, no thanks - and don't come back. It's MORNING EDITION.
Jaroslov Bobrowski doesn't eat for 20 hours and then he eats until he's full. In this case, that meant nearly 100 plates of sushi. After he finished his $18 meal, he was asked not to come back.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Police in Farmington, N.H., are issuing tickets all over town. But these are tickets you might not mind getting.</s>CHIEF JOHN DRURY: They're for a slice of pizza or a small French fry.</s>RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: That's Farmington Police Chief John Drury. And these tickets, or coupons really, are being handed out for good behavior.</s>CHIEF JOHN DRURY: Someone shoveling a sidewalk or pushing a car out of a snowbank.</s>RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: There's been lots of opportunity for that in Farmington. Chief Drury says they've had some nine feet of snow, which is actually how he got the idea.</s>CHIEF JOHN DRURY: It had been in between all these crazy snowstorms that we've had and we've all been dealing with. And this gentleman walked down sidewalk, and he walked across the crosswalk. And he climbed over a snowbank and got into the store he was going into. And I said that gentleman needs a metal.</s>RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Drury decided pizza was the next best thing. And a local shop donated coupons for police to hand out.</s>CHIEF JOHN DRURY: It's the little things that we do every day that can make a difference in people's lives. And the expression that you get when you hand somebody these is priceless.</s>RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Drury says it gives police a chance to engage with their community in a different kind of way.</s>CHIEF JOHN DRURY: We got into this profession to help people. Unfortunately, sometimes, we have to help them into a pair of handcuffs.</s>RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: But if you do someone else a favor or just do the right thing, you might get a free pizza. And even in mid-March, there are plenty of opportunities. Today's forecast for Farmington, a 90 percent chance of snow.
Getting a ticket isn't all bad when it's in Farmington, N.H. Police Chief John Drury tells NPR's Rachel Martin that officers there are giving out pizza coupons for good behavior.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: There's a movie out right now that you may or may not have heard of. It's a thriller called "The Boy Next Door" starring Jennifer Lopez. And there's a scene in this film that has caused a bit of a literary kerfuffle. In it, this high-school-student-slash-stalker gives his classics teacher, played by Lopez, a gift - a book. But not just any book - "The Iliad" - and not just any "Iliad."</s>JENNIFER LOPEZ: (As Claire Peterson) This is a first edition? I can't accept this. This must have cost a fortune.</s>RYAN GUZMAN: (As Noah Sandborn) It was a buck at a garage sale. One man's trash...</s>RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: OK. So sharp-eared listeners will know that a first edition of "The Iliad" is even rarer than a classics professor who looks like Jennifer Lopez. Homer's "Iliad" is 3,000 years old and wasn't actually put down on papyrus, let alone paper, until the 10th century. But it appears that the movie has launched 1,000 searches - at least on the online used bookstore AbeBooks which reports that "The Iliad: First Edition" has been the top search term since the film opened. Sure, sure, you can get a first edition of, say, the 18th century Alexander Pope translation. But if you found it at a garage sale, well, you definitely want to keep looking. I mean, who knows? You might find an original copy of Genesis.
An online used bookstore reports that demand for a "first edition" of Homer's Iliad has soared, thanks to a new thriller starring Jennifer Lopez.
STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: As we wait for Hurricane Florence to make landfall in the Carolinas, let's hear the way a noted writer imagines a hurricane. The latest book of short stories by Lauren Groff includes a tale called "Eye Wall." A woman decides to ride out a hurricane alone in her house and spends the time imagining men she's known. At last, the wind and water make it inside. Here she is from her audio book.</s>LAUREN GROFF: (Reading) The house heaved around me and the wind followed, overturning clocks and chairs, paging through the sheet music on the piano before snatching it up and carrying it away. It riffled through my books one by one as if searching for marginalia, then toppled the bookshelves. The water pushed upward from under the house, through the floor cracks, through the vents, turning my rugs into marshes. Rats scampered up the stairs to my bedroom.</s>STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: As the house comes apart, the narrator retreats to a windowless bathroom and emerges after the storm to find the room blazing with light.</s>LAUREN GROFF: (Reading) The storm had stripped the sheets like a good guest. And they'd all blown away, save one, which hung pale and perfect over the mirror, saving myself from the sight of me.</s>STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: Lauren Groff from the audio version of her story collection, "Florida."
The writer Lauren Groff's recent book of short stories includes one called "Eyewall" in which a woman decides to ride out a hurricane.
DAVID GREENE, HOST: Good morning. I'm David Greene. Buzzfeed has revealed America's best Mexican restaurant. It is Taco Bell, according to the Harris Poll. Angry people have been tweeting things like, quote, "I want to know what part of the population was polled." Well, whatever you think here, can you resist the urge when hunger strikes at midnight? I mean, you'll find me at a certain late-night drive-through, and I am not sharing my Doritos Locos Taco.</s>DAS RACIST: (Singing) I'm at the Taco Bell. I'm at the combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell.</s>DAVID GREENE, HOST: It's MORNING EDITION.
According to The Harris Poll, Taco Bell topped a customer survey as America's best Mexican restaurant.
STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep with best of luck to Eli Ellsworth, the owner of a North Carolina bar called Barbary Coast. It has stayed open as Hurricane Florence approached last night. The bar is in the seaport of Wilmington. Mr. Ellsworth says it's 77 years old, it's been through storms before, and he has hundreds of PBRs on hand. Overnight, the windows were boarded up, and customers were sipping a last beer or two or three before heading for shelter.
A couple dozen locals gathered at the Wilmington, N.C. bar Barbary Coast Thursday night as the hurricane approached. The owner says he stocked up on PBR.
STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep with a story of American ingenuity. The Philadelphia Phillies postponed a game Monday. They'd left the tarps off the field during last weekend's massive rain. Hoping to dry an impossibly soggy infield, the grounds crew brought out flame throwers, or more properly speaking, blowtorches. The dirt still wasn't dry enough for last night, but the Phillies hope to play the Nationals today, squeezing it in before Hurricane Florence. It's MORNING EDITION.
The Phillies postponed a baseball game Monday. They'd left the tarps off the field during the weekend's massive rain. Crews tried unsuccessfully to fix the problems with blowtorches.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin. A grocery store employee in eastern Ohio has been charged with felony theft. The woman wasn't pilfering cash. Nope. It was the ham that did her in. Turns out that for the eight years she worked at the Giant Eagle, nearly every day, she was helping herself to between three and five slices of ham from the deli, although sometimes she switched it up and ate salami instead. Someone tipped off authorities, and they estimate those daily pork cravings cost the store about $9,200. It's MORNING EDITION.
A grocery store employee in eastern Ohio has been charged with felony theft. For eight years, nearly every day she was helping herself to between three and five slices of ham.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning, I'm Rachel Martin. What a night to remember for Kaylee Foster. On Friday, the high school senior from Ocean Springs, Miss., was named homecoming queen right before her team's football game. And I do mean her team because afterwards she put aside her tiara, put on her uniform and ended up kicking the extra point that led her team to victory. After the game, she told a newspaper she didn't really think she'd become homecoming queen, but she was pretty sure she was going to make that kick. It's MORNING EDITION.
The high school senior from Ocean Springs, Miss., was named homecoming queen right before her team's football game. Later, she kicked the extra point that led her team to victory.
NEAL CONAN, host: Sad news this afternoon of the death of jazz pianist, composer, broadcaster and educator Billy Taylor, at the age of 89. Born in North Carolina, he grew up in Washington, D.C. and arrived on 52nd Street in New York, where he became the house pianist at the landmark club Birdland, and play with Charlie Parker, Miles Davis and Dizzy Gillespie.</s>NEAL CONAN, host: He founded Jazzmobile, served as musical director for "The Subject is Jazz," the first ever TV series on jazz, broadcast on radio stations WNAW and later WLIB in New York City, then for a quarter century here at NPR, including "Taylor Made Piano," the long-running series "Jazz Alive" and "Billy Taylor's Jazz at the Kennedy Center." A point of emphasis -at the piano, on the air, as a professor at Yale, or more recently East Carolina University - was the status of America's indigenous music.</s>BILLY TAYLOR: Like most people, I had studied that classical music was European. One thing (unintelligible). Then as I begin to look further, I realized there was an Indian classical music, which was an oral tradition. There were African classical musics, many of them from oral traditions. There were - there was Chinese classical music, which was quite different from all of the stuff that we had studied. In doing research in an academic setting, I began to put all these things together. And I realized that jazz answered the description of what a classical music is.</s>NEAL CONAN, host: More on Billy Taylor later today on ALL THINGS CONSIDERED.</s>NEAL CONAN, host: The jazz great died earlier today in New York City at the age of 89. This is "A Bientot," a tune he wrote and used to sign off on his radio program.</s>NEAL CONAN, host: This is TALK OF THE NATION from NPR News. I'm Neal Conan in Washington.
Billy Taylor founded the Jazzmobile, and served as musical director for The Subject Is Jazz, the first-ever TV series on jazz. And at NPR, he was behind Taylor Made Piano, the long-running series Jazz Alive, and Billy Taylor's Jazz At The Kennedy Center.
NEAL CONAN, host: We lost one of the most famous voices in radio history yesterday. Fred Foy died at his home in Woburn, Massachusetts, at the age of 89. In the late '40s and early '50s, Foy was the announcer for "The Green Hornet," "Sergeant Preston of the Yukon," and three days a week, "The Lone Ranger." As he told the New York Daily News: We knew it was good, but it was a job. You came in at three. You checked the script. You did the rehearsal. You made sure the production elements were in place, and you went on the air.</s>Mr. FRED FOY: (Radio announcer) By special recording, the Lone Ranger.</s>Mr. Unidentified Man: (as The Lone Ranger) Hi-yo, Silver.</s>Mr. FRED FOY: A fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust and a hearty hi-yo Silver - the Lone Ranger.</s>NEAL CONAN, host: Fred Foy played the lead role once when the actor who played the Lone Ranger came down with laryngitis. I guess I did all right, he told the Daily News, because we didn't get any complaints.</s>NEAL CONAN, host: Tomorrow, it's SCIENCE FRIDAY. Ira Flatow will be here. Have a happy, healthy Christmas, everybody. We'll see you again on Monday.</s>NEAL CONAN, host: This is TALK OF THE NATION, from NPR News. I'm Neal Conan, in Washington.
The famous voice of The Lone Ranger β€” Fred Foy β€” called "Hi-yo Silver!" in the opening of each program. He was also the announcer for The Green Hornet and Sergeant Preston Of The Yukon. He died Wednesday in his home in Woburn, Mass. at the age of 89.
NEAL CONAN, Host: It's Tuesday, and time to read from your emails and Web comments. Many of you shared stories about the jobs you held while serving in prison - working in call centers, making furniture, mixing paint.</s>I: I served a two-year sentence in federal prison. I started working in the kitchen, where I made about $7 a month. I then worked as an electrician, where I made seven to $9 a month. Both of those jobs were 40-hour-a-week jobs. There wasn't one job that paid inmates fair wage. The system is unjust.</s>I: I suggest that's a great reason to stay out of prison. It's not supposed to be nice, comfortable or fun. It's punishment. That by email from Mark Vanderbeer(ph) in Michigan.</s>HR: And a final word from John Faulkner(ph), also in New York State. For Euphemisms of death he wrote, you can't do better than the parrot sketch from "Monty Python."</s>JOHN CLEESE: (as Mr. Praline) This parrot is no more. He has ceased to live. It's expired and gone to meet his maker. This is a late parrot. It's so stiff, bereft of life. It rests in peace. If you hadn't nailed it on the perch, it would be pushing out the daisies. It's run down the curtain and joined the Choir Invisible. This is an ex-parrot.</s>MICHAEL PALIN: (as shop owner): Well, I better replace it then.</s>NEAL CONAN, Host: And if you're on Twitter, you can follow me there, @nealconan, all one word. As always, if you have comments, questions or corrections for us, the best way to reach us is by email. That address is Please, let us know where you're writing from, and give us some help on how to pronounce your name.
Talk of the Nation listeners β€” and former inmates β€” wrote to the show to talk about their experiences working in prison. Also, listeners shared their favorite euphemisms that get around explaining a worker was laid off.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: South Georgia Island is a spectacular spot in the South Atlantic with mountains and glaciers and seabirds and an overabundance of rats. The vermin arrived on whaling ships 200 years ago. And over the decades, they have decimated some of South Georgia's more delicate bird species by attacking their nests.</s>RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Last week, a ship headed out from the Falkland Islands with what scientists are hoping is enough poison to finally exterminate the rodents. This is the third phase of a five-year project to put nature back in balance on the island. But it's a tricky proposition in which scientists must spread the poison so it wipes out the rats without killing off the birds at the same time. Apparently, the plan has been working. One expert speaking about a particular bird species told the BBC, quote, "the pipit is our equivalent of a canary in a coal mine. And we are starting to hear their song again."
A ship has departed for South Georgia Island with enough poison to wipe out the rats that have been decimating the local bird population.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Last week's tragedy inspired a larger debate about freedom of speech and the future of Islam. In a moment, we'll hear from one outspoken advocate for reform. But first, a few perspectives from the past week.</s>RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: CONAN O'BRIEN: In this country, we just take it for granted that it's our right to poke fun at the untouchable or the sacred. But today's tragedy in Paris reminds us very viscerally that it's a right some people are inexplicably forced to die for.</s>IMAM ANJEM CHOUDARY: Many right-wing organizations are now allowed to espouse their own anti-Islamic, you know, ideas very openly. And if we could have a government in places like France, which are very anti-Islam and anti-Muslims.</s>AYAAN HIRSI ALI: But the most important bit of it is to face the grim reality that this is embedded in the religion that we were brought up in.</s>RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: We just heard the voices of Conan O'Brien, Imam Anjem Choudary and Somali-born writer Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
We hear perspectives on the Charlie Hebdo attack, from Secretary of State John Kerry, French philosopher Bernard Henri Levy, Conan Obrien, Imam Anjem Choudary and Somali-born writer Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
SHEREEN MARISOL MERAJI, HOST: More now on the case of the missing Saudi journalist, Jamal Khashoggi. He disappeared and is thought to have been killed after he entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul earlier this month. Saudi Arabia denies those allegations, but President Trump, yesterday, promised powerful consequences if Saudi Arabia is behind Khashoggi's disappearance and possible death. NPR's Jackie Northam has more.</s>JACKIE NORTHAM, BYLINE: President Trump has had to walk a fine line over the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi. He wants to ensure that $100 billion worth of arms sales to Saudi Arabia - and the American jobs that go with that - aren't in jeopardy. But the president is also under pressure to investigate what happened to Khashoggi and whether Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was involved. Trump told CBS's "60 Minutes" program his administration would be very angry if that were the case.</s>PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: There's something really terrible and disgusting about that if that were the case, so we're going to have to see. We're going to get to the bottom of it, and there will be severe punishment.</s>JACKIE NORTHAM, BYLINE: Today, the Saudi government lashed out, issuing a statement that it rejects any threats or attempts to undermine it by repeating false accusations. It warned that if any economic sanctions were imposed on the kingdom, it would respond with what it called greater action. It wasn't made clear what that action would be. About five hours after it issued that statement, the Saudi Embassy in Washington tweeted out a much gentler message, saying Saudi Arabia extends its appreciation to all, including the U.S. administration, for refraining from jumping to conclusions about the Khashoggi investigation. There are signs the deteriorating situation over Khashoggi is hitting Saudi Arabia's economy. The kingdom's stock market plunged today as much as 7 percent before rallying slightly.</s>JACKIE NORTHAM, BYLINE: Jackie Northam, NPR News, Washington.
Tensions between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia are on the rise as the Saudis continue to deny reports that they murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin. The town of Madison, Ala., has a new minor league baseball team. And now, after three months of throwing around ideas, they have a new name - the Rocket City Trash Pandas. The team let the public suggest those names. And trash panda, another name for a raccoon, was the brainchild of resident Matthew Higley. He'll get two box seats for five years, and he gets to throw out an opening pitch. His name beat out Thunder Sharks, Moon Possums and Space Chimps.
A new minor league baseball team for Madison, Ala., will be named the Rocket City Trash Pandas. A trash panda is a nickname for a raccoon.
STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep congratulating DJ Sumirock, a Japanese woman who now holds the world record for the oldest professional club DJ. She attended DJ school at 77, and now at 83 has a regular gig in a Tokyo-area club. A Montana woman named Helen Self had a quieter triumph. She ate at a restaurant that gave a percentage discount based on age. And she's 109, so the 109 percent discount means they paid her.
DJ Sumirock attended DJ school at age 77. The octogenarian has a regular gig in a Tokyo area club. And a Montana woman ate at a restaurant that gives a percentage discount based on age. She's 109.
NEAL CONAN, host: Amid all the reminders of the death of John Lennon, 30 years ago today, who he was and why he mattered so much to so many, we thought it might be nice to hear one of his songs all the way through.</s>THE BEATLES (Rock Band): (Singing) There are places I remember all my life, though some have changed. Some forever not for better, some have gone and some remain. All these places had their moments with lovers and friends, I still can recall. Some are dead and some are living, in my life, I've loved them all.</s>THE BEATLES (Rock Band): But of all these friends and lovers, there is no one compares with you. And these memories lose their meaning when I think of love as something new. Though I know I'll never lose affection for people and things that went before, I know I'll often stop and think about them. In my life, I love you more</s>THE BEATLES (Rock Band): Though I know I'll never lose affection for people and things that went before, I know I'll often stop and think about them. In my life, I love you more. In my life, I love you more.</s>NEAL CONAN, host: John Lennon, "In My Life," from the Beatles' "Rubber Soul."</s>NEAL CONAN, host: This is NPR News.
Amid all the reminders of the death of John Lennon 30 years ago β€” who he was, and why he mattered so much to so many β€” host Neal Conan thought it might be nice to hear one of his songs, all the way through. He selected "In My Life."
DAVID GREENE, HOST: Good morning. I'm David Greene. It may be the moment that got the most buzz at the U.S. Open, and it had nothing to do with tennis. A fan was caught on camera dipping a chicken tender into her Coke and then eating it. Social media has deemed this disgusting. The woman, Alexa Greenfield, admits it's a pretty weird habit. But I mean, thank goodness for the first person who dunked a doughnut in coffee or realized french fries taste great dipped in a chocolate Frosty. Alexa, you be you. You're listening to MORNING EDITION.
A tennis fan was caught on camera dipping a chicken tender into her Coke and then eating it. Social media has deemed this disgusting. Alexa Greenfield admits it's a weird habit.
DAVID GREENE, HOST: Good morning. I'm David Greene. Dunkin' Donuts is part of New England culture. So this has got to hurt. Some New England Patriots fans have been served their Dunkin' iced coffee in Philadelphia Eagles World Champions cups. The Eagles, of course, beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl. Dunkin' says those cups should not have been served in New England. To those Pats fans who had to stare at this reminder that you did not win last year, I just feel so terrible for you.</s>DAVID GREENE, HOST: Ah. It's MORNING EDITION.
Dunkin' Donuts is part of New England culture, and yet some Patriots fans were served their iced coffee in Philadelphia Eagles World Champions cups. The Eagles beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl.
STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep. Police responded to a report of gunshots in a Connecticut home and found a man inside with an explanation. He said he was a paranormal investigator shooting at an intruder who was a possible ghost. Now, just one question - suppose you really were a paranormal investigator, suppose you did encounter a wandering spirit, if you fired a gun in that situation, exactly what makes you think it would do any good? It's MORNING EDITION.
Police responded to a report of gunshots in a Connecticut home. A man there said he was a paranormal investigator. He said he was shooting at an intruder who was a possible ghost.
TONY COX, host: And now we have a death to report. P.W. Botha, the former South African president, died at his home on the southern cape coast in South Africa Tuesday night. Botha served as president of the country from 1978 to 1989, the height of South Africa's apartheid struggle.</s>TONY COX, host: His administration was marked by tension and riots. Human rights groups estimate that more than 30,000 people were held without trial and often tortured during states of emergency called by Botha.</s>TONY COX, host: The finger-wagging hardliner was known for his bad temper and belligerence. He earned the nickname the Old Crocodile. In 1997, Botha refused to appear before a state-appointed truth and reconciliations commission investigating apartheid- era crimes against humanity. He called the commission a circus and said he did not authorize any murders.</s>TONY COX, host: In 2003, the commission released its final report and found him guilty of human rights atrocities during his regime. P.W. Botha was 90 years old.</s>TONY COX, host: In the days ahead, we'll bring you more on this news and how South Africans are responding.</s>TONY COX, host: Next on NEWS & NOTES, an Africa update, the latest from the Congo, a billionaire's big offer and the world's most famous bones to tour the U.S. Plus, should you read after 7 p.m.? Nutritionist Rovenia Brock answers that question and others about diet myths.
Tony Cox reports on the death of former South African President P.W. Botha. Botha died at age 90 at his home on the southern cape coast of South Africa Tuesday night.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin. A man in Los Angeles has been caught dining and dashing one too many times - and on dates, no less. Authorities say he invited women on dates and then walked out of dinner, sticking the women with the check. One woman told a local TV station, he claimed to be a bodybuilder and ordered two entrees before bailing. Another said he left half a baked potato on his plate then got a phone call and just walked out. Maybe all that first-date conversation was just really awkward. It's MORNING EDITION.
He's accused of inviting women on dates and then sticking them with the check. One woman told a local TV station that he claimed to be a bodybuilder and ordered two entrees before bailing.
DAVID GREENE, HOST: Good morning. I'm David Greene with news about...</s>DJ KHALED: DJ Khaled.</s>DAVID GREENE, HOST: ...A man who loves giving advice.</s>T-PAIN: (Singing) All I do is win, win, win no matter what...</s>DAVID GREENE, HOST: In our interview last year, he talked about resting your greatness.</s>DJ KHALED: I have a lot, a lot of pillows - in my bed, my tour bus. Every time I turn, there's a pillow.</s>DAVID GREENE, HOST: So do you want to live like Khaled? Well, he has now designed a furniture line. You could own, say, his red throne chair, which supposedly goes for 2,500 bucks. It's MORNING EDITION.
Musician DJ Khaled has launched a line of furniture.
DAVID GREENE, HOST: Good morning. I'm David Greene. The story of a canceled wedding has gone viral. The bride wrote this profanity-filled essay that's been shared online. She and her fiance, it seems, asked guests to each pay $1,500 to help fund their $60,000 dream wedding. Most of the guests declined. The bride then blamed her friends and family for ruining her marriage and life. A cousin of the bride said her obsession with, quote, "Kardashian stuff" may have led to all this. It's MORNING EDITION.
The couple apparently asked guest to each pay $1,500 to help fund their $60,000 dream wedding. Most declined. The bride then blamed her friends and family for "ruining" her "marriage and life."
DAVID GREENE, HOST: Good morning. I'm David Greene. Scientists in Canada have been wondering about STEVE for a long time - no, not our Steve. This STEVE is short for Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement. It's this purple ribbon of light you can see streak across the night sky in parts of Canada. Some assumed it was an aurora, but the CBC reports that that is not the case. Scientists are still figuring out where the energy that causes STEVE's light comes from. Solving the mystery of STEVE on MORNING EDITION.
Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement is the purple ribbon of light that streak across the night sky in parts of Canada. Scientists want to know where the energy the causes it comes from.
DAVID GREENE, HOST: China and the United States are resuming trade talks this week in Washington. This is even as a fresh round of tariffs on each other's goods is set to take effect tomorrow. We're going to have the latest now from NPR's Rob Schmitz in Shanghai.</s>ROB SCHMITZ, BYLINE: The U.S. is set to impose tariffs on $16 billion dollars' worth of Chinese products ranging from motorcycles to railway cars while the Chinese will respond with tariffs on an equal amount of U.S. goods. That will include coal, medical instruments and cars. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang told reporters yesterday China was upbeat about today's talks in Washington, but he didn't make any promises.</s>LU KANG: (Through interpreter) We certainly hope the talks could lead to good outcomes, but one thing you should know is that we prefer no unnecessary prejudgments and predictions.</s>ROB SCHMITZ, BYLINE: President Trump was also reluctant to express much optimism at a campaign rally in West Virginia yesterday.</s>PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I have people coming to me, some people in Congress - sir, can you get this deal done immediately? I said, it doesn't work that way. I don't want to go too fast. The deal's not going to be any good if we do that.</s>ROB SCHMITZ, BYLINE: The U.S. is holding hearings this week about additional tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese imports that could go into effect as early as September 6. China has vowed to retaliate with tariffs on $60 billion worth of U.S. goods. An escalating trade war will cast a new light on events this autumn, where President Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping may have a chance to negotiate a deal such as an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in November, as well as a G-20 meeting in Argentina. Later that month. Rob Schmitz, NPR News, Shanghai.
New U.S. tariffs on China are set to go into effect Thursday on $16 billion worth of Chinese goods. Beijing is expected to respond immediately with tariffs on the same amount of U.S. products.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin. The mayor of Hoboken, N.J., Ravi Bhalla, has been trying to get control of a water main break in the city. He posted an update on Facebook. And according to a local lifestyle magazine, this comment appeared below. Quote, "thanks for the hands-on work and unrelenting pressure." Nice compliment, except it came from the mayor's own account. Someone noticed, and the city immediately deleted the post and reportedly said Bhalla's brother accidentally posted it from the mayor's account. Oops. It's MORNING EDITION.
Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla posted on Facebook about the water main. A magazine reports that in the comments section, a nice compliment appeared but it came from the mayor's own account.
DEBORAH AMOS, host: From the studios of NPR West, this is DAY TO DAY. I'm Deborah Amos sitting in for Alex Chadwick.</s>MADELEINE BRAND, host: And I'm Madeleine Brand. Coming up, a refugee from Iraq settles into a new life in Boise, Idaho.</s>DEBORAH AMOS, host: We also talk with an Iraqi psychiatrist about the traumas ordinary Iraqis are experiencing.</s>MADELEINE BRAND, host: First though, the White House continues to call for patience with its Iraq strategy. Here is White House Press Secretary Tony Snow on CBS's "The Early Show" this morning.</s>Mr. TONY SNOW (White House Press Secretary): I understand what Americans want, which is Americans pulling back off the major combat roles and eventually being there in supports roles, as the Baker-Hamilton Commission recommended some time ago and as the president's been talking about since as early as January. So we agree with that goal.</s>MADELEINE BRAND, host: And on the Senate floor today, Republican Senator John McCain, fresh from a trip to Iraq, reiterated his support. He said the current military strategy have shown some progress.</s>DEBORAH AMOS, host: But Democrats continue to pressure the president. Senator Carl Levin is co-sponsoring an amendment to begin a reduction and phased pull-out of troops in 120 days. And here's what he said today...</s>Senator CARL LEVIN (Democrat, Michigan): The open-ended occupation of a Muslim country by the West has played right into the hands of al-Qaida. And we need to bring it to a responsible end.
The White House continues to call for patience with its Iraq strategy as Democrats pressure the president for a change. Democratic Sen. Carl Levin, chairman of the Armed Services Committee, is co-sponsoring legislation that would begin a reduction and phased pullout of troops in 120 days.
DAVID GREENE, HOST: Good morning, I'm David Greene. St. Petersburg, Russia, is gorgeous thanks in part to the French architect Jean-Francois Thomas de Thomon. He has a page on Wikipedia. Sadly, it had the wrong face. It was the image of a Scottish chemist named Thomas Thomson. Now, names are so close - right? - so it's an innocent mistake. Don't tell officials in St. Petersburg. Newsweek reports the city has erected seven statues of the city's famed architects. And, yes, one is actually a chemist with absolutely no ties to Russia. It's MORNING EDITION.
St. Petersburg, Russia, is gorgeous, thanks in part to the French architect Jean- Francois Thomas de Thomon. His image, however, has been confused with a Scottish chemist named Thomas Thomson.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin. And I don't know about you, but every time I see someone - usually a kid - ripping through a Rubik's Cube, I'm blown away. But that pales in comparison to what Vako Marchelashvili has done. Last Friday, the 18-year-old from Georgia broke the Guinness World Record by solving six Rubik's Cubes in 1 minute and 44 seconds. And he did it while holding his breath underwater. But how many can he solve doing a headstand in the dark in winter while eating pizza under a full moon? It's MORNING EDITION.
Vako Marchelashvili, 18, of the former Soviet republic of Georgia, broke the Guinness World Record by solving six Rubik's cubes in one minute and 44 seconds. He did it while under water.
NOEL KING, HOST: Good morning. I'm Noel King. For years, the jam band Phish has held a three-day festival called Curveball. This year, 40,000 Phish fans headed to western New York for the event. But flooding in the area contaminated the water, and Curveball was canceled. Disappointed fans tweeted at Elon Musk and President Trump to do something. One guy said it sucked but he would surrender to the flow. It's a Phish lyric and an attitude I think they'd really appreciate. It's MORNING EDITION.
This year, 40,000 Phish fans headed to western New York for the event. Disappointed that the festival was canceled, fans tweeted Elon Musk and President Trump to do something.
AUDIE CORNISH, HOST: On Capitol Hill today - competing testimony from the man who hopes to become a Supreme Court justice and the woman who's accused him of sexual assault when they were teenagers years ago. First, Christine Blasey Ford recounted what she said happened to her when she was at a high school party and two boys pushed her into a bedroom.</s>CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD: I believed he was going to rape me. I tried to yell for help. When I did it, Brett put his hand over my mouth to stop me from yelling. This is what terrified me the most, and this had the most lasting impact on my life. It was hard for me to breathe, and I thought that Brett was accidentally going to kill me.</s>AUDIE CORNISH, HOST: Hours later, Brett Kavanaugh spoke. He denied all allegations and said they had destroyed his family and reputation.</s>BRETT KAVANAUGH: This whole two-week effort has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit fueled with apparent pent-up anger about President Trump and the 2016 election, fear that has been unfairly stoked about my judicial record, revenge on behalf of the Clintons and millions of dollars in money from outside left-wing opposition groups.
Professor Christine Blasey Ford testified Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, detailing her sexual assault accusation against Brett Kavanaugh, who also testified.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: OK, do you hear that?</s>RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Because for a lot of people, that is the sound of the past. Those early days of the Internet, nay, the World Wide Web where AOL dial up reigned supreme. Turns out AOL's dial up service is still alive and kicking with 2.2 million subscribers holding on. And really, who can blame them? After all, it's the sound of anticipation.</s>COMPUTERIZED VOICE: You've got mail.</s>RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Honestly, can broadband really compete with that?</s>UNIDENTIFIED GIRLS: Surfs up, see you on the net.</s>UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: On your mark, get set.
Despite broadband, AOL is still going strong. Around 2 million people still subscribe to the company's dial-up service, ringing in the '90s one modem at a time.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Do you hear that baseline?</s>JACK BRUCE: (Singing) Born under a bad sign.</s>RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: That is the great Jack Bruce, the bass player for Cream. Bruce died yesterday from liver disease at the age of 71. Cream was a British trio including Eric Clapton and Ginger Baker. And although they only played together for a couple of years, they made a lasting impression on the music world. Listen to Cream playing American blues standards like "Cross Road Blues" or "Born Under a Bad Sign," and you hear Jack Bruce's bass line grounding the song and pushing it forward at the same time. He co-wrote some of Cream's biggest hits including "Sunshine Of Your Love" and "I Feel Free." Roger Waters, the great bass player for Pink Floyd said this of Jack Bruce - he was probably the most musically gifted bass player who has ever been.</s>JACK BRUCE: (Singing) It's getting dawn. The lights close their tired eyes. I'll soon be with you, my love, to give you my dawn surprise. I'll be with you, darling, soon.
The rock bass player Jack Bruce has passed away at age 71. The Scottish musician was best known for his work with the 1960s band Cream, one of the greatest rock trios of all time.
FARAI CHIDEYA, host: Now we say goodbye to a great Southern musician. Ninety-three-year-old blues guitarist Etta Baker died on Saturday. Baker performed on a 1956 album many credit with starting the folk music revival. Baker was a mother of nine. She worked for 26 years at a North Carolina textile mill. She retired at 60 to focus on her music full-time and toured the festival circuit for more than 20 years.</s>FARAI CHIDEYA, host: Baker was known for her mastery of the Piedmont blues, a blend of bluegrass and the Delta blues. In an interview last year with NEWS & NOTES, she explained her musical style.</s>Ms. ETTA BAKER (Musician): Piedmont blues and Delta, it's all pretty. But in the Delta music it's explaining hardship. The Piedmont blues is kind of a peppy joyful sound.</s>FARAI CHIDEYA, host: In 1991, Baker won the folk Heritage Fellowship for the National Endowment for the Arts. She eventually gave up performing because of heart trouble, but did return to the studio two years ago to record with blues great Taj Mahal. Ms. Etta Baker died in Virginia while visiting her daughter.</s>FARAI CHIDEYA, host: Thanks for joining us. That's our program for today. To listen to the show, visit NEWS & NOTES was created by NPR News and the African-American Public Radio Consortium.
Farai Chideya pays tribute to the late blues guitarist Etta Baker, who died over the weekend in Virginia. The 93-year-old North Carolina native helped revive folk music, and quit her long-time job at a textile mill to focus on her music career that lasted into her 80s. Baker was known for her mastery of the Piedmont Blues, a blend of bluegrass and the Delta blues, which she called "a joyful sound."
DAVID GREENE, HOST: Good morning, I'm David Greene. In some cities, people have fallen in love with motorized scooters. You can rent them then ditch them anywhere. But some residents are sick of them. The LA Times reports, they've damaged scooters, thrown them off balconies or in the ocean. They've posted all this on social media, and police have mostly looked the other way. Now, vandalism is against the law. Was I angry a scooter was left in my driveway? Yes. Yes, I was. I just moved it - ever so gently. It's MORNING EDITION.
In some cities, people have fallen in love with motorized scooters. The Los Angeles Times reports some people in that city have damaged scooters, throwing them off balconies or in the ocean.
STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: We have some news now from California. A firefighter has died battling the Mendocino Complex Fire, which is the largest recorded fire in California history. Now, the man has yet to be named, although we do know he was injured north of San Francisco and died Monday night at a hospital. A total of six firefighters have died in northern California's most recent fires.</s>DAVID GREENE, HOST: That's right. Braden Varney, a heavy equipment operator, was killed in the Ferguson Fire in Mariposa County. He grew up in Mariposa and spent part of his career working alongside his father, who also worked for Cal Fire.</s>STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: Brian Hughes, a native of Hawaii, also died in the Ferguson Fire. He was the captain of the Arrowhead Hotshots, which is a crew responsible for fighting fires in rugged terrain.</s>DAVID GREENE, HOST: Andrew Brake, a heavy equipment mechanic, he was killed in a car accident on his way to the Carr Fire near Mount Shasta. He grew up in Chico and spent his time off camping and dirt biking.</s>STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: Then there's Don Ray Smith, a contract bulldozer operator, and Jeremy Stoke, a fire inspector for the Redding Fire Department who also died in incidents related to the Carr Fire. Smith was 81 years old from Pollock Pines. Stoke cut his own vacation short to volunteer to battle the Carr Fire and died while going door to door in a Redding neighborhood helping with evacuations.</s>DAVID GREENE, HOST: Now, it is a tradition in the fire service to honor those who have given their lives with the ringing of a final bell. And so this morning, we are going to follow that tradition six times.
State fire officials say another firefighter has died battling wildfires in Northern California. Monday's death occurred at the site of the Mendocino Complex Fire north of San Francisco.
DAVID GREENE, HOST: Good morning. I'm David Greene. Caitlin in Utah was turning 6. And what a treat - Mom let Caitlin use her Amazon account to order a Barbie doll. Caitlin asked if she could jump back on Amazon - you know, just to check on her order. She did not mention that she was also going to order $350 more in toys - oh, with next-day shipping. According to BuzzFeed, Mom sent it all back. Caitlin is banned from the Internet now for a month. She did get to keep that Barbie doll. You're listening to MORNING EDITION.
Caitlin was turning six so her mom let her order a Barbie doll. Caitlin later got back on Amazon and ordered $350 in more toys with next day shipping. Her mom sent everything back but the Barbie.
NOEL KING, HOST: Good morning. I'm Noel King. A construction crew demolishing an old middle school in Massachusetts made a discovery this week under the front steps - a copper box about the size of a shoebox. It was a 124-year-old time capsule. Inside - two newspapers dated 1894, and among other things, pieces of military uniforms from the Civil War and the names of local people who served. A local official says they'll likely be displayed at town hall.
Inside the copper box found under steps of a middle school were 2 newspapers dated 1894. Among other things, pieces of military uniforms from the Civil War, and the names of local people who served.
MARY LOUISE KELLY, HOST: The voice of a 40-pound, 7-year-old girl filled a Los Angeles soccer stadium on Sunday.</s>AUDIE CORNISH, HOST: We'll let her introduce herself.</s>MALEA EMMA TJANDRAWIDJAJA: My name is Malea Emma Tjandrawidjaja.</s>AUDIE CORNISH, HOST: And she sang "The Star-Spangled Banner." And this was her stunning finish.</s>MALEA: (Singing) The bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave over the land of the free and the home of the brave?</s>MARY LOUISE KELLY, HOST: Wow. Seven-year-old Malea Emma Tjandrawidjaja - and with that, how could the LA Galaxy not go on to beat the Seattle Sounders?
A 7-year-old belted out the national anthem at a major league soccer game Sunday and amazed the crowd. We hear a bit of the performance by Malea Emma Tjandrawidjaja.
NEAL CONAN, host: The family of Joan Sutherland announced today that the great opera star died yesterday at her home in Switzerland. She started to sing by imitating her mother, a mezzo-soprano, but came to be recognized as one of the great coloraturas of the 20th century, famed for her high range and impeccable trills. She performed first in her native Australia, then around the world until a farewell performance at London's Covent Garden on New Year's Eve in 1990.</s>NEAL CONAN, host: Here, Joan Sutherland performs Donizetti's "Lucrezia Borgia" with the London Opera Chorus and the National Philharmonic Orchestra in 1978.</s>Ms. JOAN SUTHERLAND (Opera Singer): (as Lucrezia Borgia) (Singing in foreign language)</s>NEAL CONAN, host: Joan Sutherland, who died yesterday at her home in Switzerland at the age of 83. More later on ALL THINGS CONSIDERED. This is NPR News.
The family of the Joan Sutherland has announced that the opera star died at her home in Switzerland. She was 83. Sutherland was recognized as one of the great coloraturas of the twentieth century, famed for her high range and impeccable trills.
DAVID GREENE, HOST: Good morning. I'm David Greene. A British tourist was visiting Dubai. He rented a luxury car and, in four hours, racked up traffic fines totaling $47,000. How? Well, he was speeding - really speeding - like, 150 miles an hour on a busy Dubai street. And he triggered every single speed camera. The dealership that rented the car actually worries they'll have to pay if he leaves the country, but they have his passport, and they said, just keep that car till you settle up. You're listening to MORNING EDITION.
A tourist reportedly got ticketed by traffic cameras in a span of only about four hours while driving a luxury rental car in Dubai.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin. Washington, D.C., is rife with bureaucracy. You know what comes along with that? Documents written on paper, lots and lots of paper, which can really weigh you down - or your airplane. An American Airlines flight was about to take off from D.C. when the pilot announced that the plane was overweight, and they had to offload 1,400 pounds of government documents. An airport spokesman says the pilot may have been kidding, but the metaphor, quite frankly, is too good to pass up. It's MORNING EDITION.
An American Airlines flight was about to take off from Reagan National Airport when the pilot announced that the plane was overweight, and that they had to offload 1,400 pounds of documents.
NOEL KING, HOST: Good morning. I'm Noel King. A few years ago, parishioners from a church in Marshfield, Wis., struck up a friendship with a business nearby - a strip club called the Rear End - an odd pairing, but it lasted. So when the club's owner decided to sell, he knew the church wanted to build a community center. And they made a deal. The church's lead pastor says restoration is part of its mission. He added, sometimes that comes through ministry and sometimes through purchasing a strip club. It's MORNING EDITION.
Parishioners from the church in Marshfield struck up a friendship with a business nearby: a strip club. When the club's owner decided to sell, he knew the church wanted to build a community space.
DAVID GREENE, HOST: Good morning. I'm David Greene. If you use the ride-hailing service Uber, you know there's UberPOOL, UberX, UberCHOPPER. Yeah. You can hail a helicopter. Well, now in western Michigan, there is Uber buggy, or Amish Uber, as Tim Hochstedler calls it. WWMT News says Tim is not affiliated with Uber. He just likes the name. His $5 horse-drawn buggy rides have been a hit. Only catch? The Amish driver doesn't use a cellphone. You've got to hail him the old-fashioned way. Just put your hand up. It's MORNING EDITION.
Tim Hochstedler's horse-drawn buggy rides have been a hit. WWMT news says Hochstedler isn't affiliated with Uber β€” he just likes the name. A ride costs $5.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin. We all want to give our kids the tools they need to succeed in life. For some parents, that includes helping them succeed at video games - specifically, the game "Fortnite." Apparently, tutoring for "Fortnite" is a huge thing. Coaches reportedly charge up to $25 an hour. Some parents hope it pays off in the way of a college scholarship for their kid. Others set a low bar, one telling The Wall Street Journal, not dying in the first two minutes of the game would be nice.
Apparently tutoring for the game Fortnite is a huge thing. Coaches reportedly charge up to $25 an hour. Some parents hope it pays off in the way of a college scholarship for their kid.
LINDA WERTHEIMER, HOST: And if you want to get a bit closer to Florida's fish than the view of Mitchell Roffer gets from a satellite, soon you'll be able to scuba dive under the sea without leaving your living room. A survey of the coral reefs off the Florida Keys is being done using the same fish eye camera lenses that Google uses to capture street view images. Researches and scientists will use the images to measure the effects of climate change, pollution and fishing on the reefs. This is the first time this has been done in the U.S. But the Caitlin Seaview Survey has already recorded 400,000 images off the coasts of Australia and around the Caribbean. The project is funded by the insurance company Catlin Group, which hopes the data will help them understand how insurance risks could be managed in the future. How exactly that works, we're not sure. But it's probably safe to say it won't bring down your car insurance rate. What it will mean, though, is that you can explore the deep sea from your computer when some of these images are made available on Google Maps.
A scientific survey of coral reefs off the Florida keys is being done using the same fish-eye camera lenses that Google uses to capture street views. Scientists will use the images for research.
ARI SHAPIRO, HOST: The White House says President Trump will visit areas affected by Hurricane Florence next week. Since the storm hit North Carolina's coast this morning, four people have died. That number is expected to climb. Florence continues to drench the eastern part of the state even as it heads into South Carolina. Evacuation orders went out days ago along the coast, and yet many people chose to stay in their homes.</s>AUDIE CORNISH, HOST: One of them is Marilyn Cullison. She lives in coastal Swansboro, N.C. But her house is 24 feet above sea level. She thought she'd be out of the water's reach. And yet...</s>MARILYN CULLISON: It's about high tide, and I'm watching waves break over the sea wall and into my yard where I don't have a sea wall. This is not a normal thing that I see. I don't usually see waves breaking in my yard.</s>ARI SHAPIRO, HOST: Levi Alligood also chose to wait out the storm. He lives in Blounts Creek, where a storm surge forced water up the river. Alligood went out earlier today to assess the damage and broadcast it on Facebook Live.</s>LEVI ALLIGOOD: It's bad. It's real bad. It's bellybutton-deep. I think I just saw a alligator. Y'all stay safe. I'm praying for the best for all of you.</s>ARI SHAPIRO, HOST: We called Alligood once he got back on dry land to ask why he ventured out.</s>LEVI ALLIGOOD: This is my third hurricane living here without power. The storm surge has just been crazy. I've never seen anything like this. And we might not ever see it again. So I'm going to document it. It was just something I wanted to have on record.
NPR's Audie Cornish and Ari Shapiro check in with residents of North Carolina who stayed behind during Hurricane Florence despite evacuation warnings.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin. Good news for fans of the show "Game Of Thrones" who'd love to make that crazy fantasy world their reality - a castle in Northern Ireland that was used in Season 3 of the show is up for sale. Exterior shots of the castle were used as Riverrun in the hit show, the ancestral home of House Tully. And get this; you could buy the castle for about $650,000, which is less than the median price of an apartment in Manhattan.
A castle in Northern Ireland, that was used in Game of Thrones, is up for sale for about $650,000.
NOEL KING, HOST: Good morning. I'm Noel King. The Bogle family owns a sunflower and seed farm in Ontario, Canada. A few days ago, they opened it to let people take pictures in their fields of flowers. It seems too many perfect selfies were taken. Hordes of people descended on the farm. They strolled into the fields with selfie sticks. They trampled on flowers. They got in fender benders. Some refused to leave. The Bogles now say they're closed to picture takers forever.
The Bogle family let people take photos in the field of flowers. Some trampled on flowers and others refused to leave. The Bogles say they're closed to picture takers "forever."
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin. We all have goals that inspire us to do the impossible. Yane Petkov had a goal. The 64-year-old Bulgarian wanted to swim more than two miles with his feet bound and his hands tied behind his back. And, if that's hard enough, he wanted to do this with his entire body enclosed in a red sack, his head and everything. The video is totally crazy. Petkov looks like this big, red fish, legs flapping away. It took him about three hours, but the 64-year-old swam his way to a world record. It's MORNING EDITION.
Yane Petkov wanted to swim more than 2 miles with his feet bound and his hands tied behind his back. He wanted to do it with his entire body enclosed in a red sack. He looked like a big red fish.
ARUN RATH, HOST: Coming up next week, President Obama looks set to sign legislation to overhaul the Department of Veterans Affairs. VA Secretary Eric Shinseki was forced to resign in May after it was revealed that the agency had manipulated data on it's wait times, hiding delays in patient care. The bill came in response to the deaths of several veterans amid a backlog in service at a VA facility in Phoenix. The nearly $17 billion compromise measure will expand health care options for veterans who face long wait times and commutes and hire more nurses and doctors. Both the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars credited the chairmen of Congressional Veterans Affairs committees for putting aside their political differences and approving the overhaul legislation.
Two months after VA Secretary Eric Shinseki resigned, President Obama looks set to sign legislation to overhaul the Department of Veterans Affairs, to the tune of nearly $17 billion.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin. It's Friday, and it's summer, the perfect excuse to go get some ice cream. If you're in Falkirk, Scotland, and you're feeling adventurous, you could stop by the ICE ice cream shop and try their newest concoction. A warning, though - it's not for the faint of heart - mayonnaise. As you might imagine, people have mixed emotions about this. The owner of the shop describes it as a, quote, "full-on hit of fat and cream followed with an eggy, milky aftertaste." The New York Post put it best, though - may-no.
People have mixed emotions: The owner of the ice cream shop in Scotland described it as a "full on hit of fat and cream followed with an eggy milky aftertaste." The New York Post put it best: May-NO.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin. A teenager in Palo Alto, Calif., was arrested after allegedly breaking into a couple's home. But here's where it gets really strange. According to the police, after the 17-year-old snuck into the house, he actually woke up the couple sleeping in their bedroom and asked for their Wi-Fi password. Maybe he thought they'd be cool with it - you know, just let him stream some videos, kick back, maybe order some stuff on Amazon Prime. Alas, no. One of the owners pushed the kid out of the house before the cops arrived. It's MORNING EDITION.
A 17-year-old in Palo Alto, Calif. was arrested after allegedly breaking into a couple's home. According to the police, he sneaked into the house and asked the sleeping residents for their password.
NOEL KING, HOST: Good morning. I'm Noel King. It started with some disappearances. Lawn decorations and potted plants vanished from an Indiana neighborhood. Security camera footage showed a woman taking them from people's porches. A resident-turned-gumshoe tracked her down and called police. Cops say a search warrant turned up 165 plants and lawn decorations on her property. Residents say they don't know why she took plants when at least one porch had an Amazon package. It's MORNING EDITION.
Security camera footage showed a woman taking them. A resident tracked her down and called police. Cops say a search warrant turned up 165 plants and lawn decorations on her property.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning, I'm Rachel Martin. Long before he was David Bowie, a 16-year-old named David Jones did the lead vocals on a demo tape for a band in London called The Konrads. Now more than two years after his death, one of his early bandmates, David Hadfield, has discovered that audiotape in an old breadbasket during a move - the first known recording of David Bowie, singing a song called "I Never Dreamed."</s>DAVID BOWIE: (Singing) I never dreamed that I'd fall in love with you.</s>RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: It's MORNING EDITION.
Long before he was David Bowie, a 16 year old named David Jones did the lead vocals on a demo tape for a band in London called The Konrads. The audio tape was found in a bread basket during a move.
NOEL KING, HOST: Good morning. I'm Noel King. A man in Ontario, Canada, was caught on tape basically executing the best idea ever. Neighbors reportedly had watched him struggle to cut his overgrown grass with a little hand-held push mower. It kept stalling. So the guy tied the mower to the back of his minivan, turned it on then tore across his lawn. His neighbors shot a video. You can hear them giggling in the background. But, if you look carefully, the minivan mower worked just fine.
A man in Ontario was caught dragging a lawnmower attached to the back of his minivan. The mower had reportedly kept stalling.
DAVID GREENE, HOST: Good morning. I'm David Greene. Don't mess with Faith Pugh. A guy asked the Tennessee woman out on a date. They took her Volvo, and when they stopped at a gas station, he fled with her car. Worse - her godsister texted that she had been asked out by the same guy, who was now sporting this really nice Volvo. WREG-TV says these women worked out a plan. Faith arrived at the other date. She got her car back. He got arrested. And you're listening to MORNING EDITION.
A Tennessee woman went out with a man. They stopped at a gas station and he stole her car. Then he asked out her godsister. The women worked out a plan: The man got arrested and she got her car back.
DAVID GREENE, HOST: Good morning. I'm David Greene. And I am done predicting the next thing to go viral; this time, an abandoned couch in Florida. It didn't seem like an extraordinary couch. It was left on a sidewalk, as couches tend to be. But then people started adding things like curtains, a plant, coffee table, rug. Now this couch has its own hashtag, #TheCouch. Finally, yesterday, officials cleared this makeshift living room, but they stressed to those concerned that the couch will be preserved. Thank goodness. It's MORNING EDITION.
It was left on a sidewalk. Then people starting adding things: curtains, a plant, coffee table, rug. Now it's #TheCouch. Officials cleared the makeshift living room but said it will be preserved.
NOEL KING, HOST: Good morning. I'm Noel King. Archaeologists in Jordan's Black Desert have made an amazing discovery - a stone fireplace, and in it, the burnt remains of bread baked over 14,000 years ago. It proves people were making bread far earlier than originally known, years before plant cultivation. It looks like pita and was made of wild cereals like barley and oats. Archaeologists reproduced the recipe. They say it's gritty and salty and a little sweet. It's MORNING EDITION.
Archaeologists in Jordan's Black Desert found the burnt remains of bread, baked more than 14,000 years ago. It proves people were making bread far earlier than originally known.
NOEL KING, HOST: Good morning. I'm Noel King. A Florida man was pulled over for what appeared to be drinking and driving. That's according to local news, which reports the man was slurring his words and there was a bottle of Jim Beam in his passenger seat. When a police officer asked, the man admitted, yes, he had been drinking but, he said, not while driving. He'd been sipping whiskey at stop signs and traffic lights. Creative defense, but he still went to jail for driving under the influence. It's MORNING EDITION.
Local news reported the man slurring his words when police pulled him over. He had a bottle of Jim Beam in his passenger seat but said he'd been sipping only at stop signs and lights. He went to jail.
DAVID GREENE, HOST: Good morning. I'm David Greene with a guest.</s>MATT VOGEL: (As Kermit) Hey-ho. Kermit the Frog here.</s>DAVID GREENE, HOST: Hey, Kermit. OK, so the Muppets' first full-length European show this weekend in London. Are you excited? Wait. Where are you going?</s>MATT VOGEL: (As Kermit) I'm headed this way.</s>DAVID GREENE, HOST: OK, bye. Well, he did do an interview with the BBC. He talked about his romance with Miss Piggy and how he's returning to Britain, where the first "Muppet Show" was made. I guess he likes the BBC more, which has me feeling a little green with envy.
The Muppets have their first full-length European show this weekend in London. Kermit did an interview with the BBC and talked about his romance with Miss Piggy.
LINDA WERTHEIMER, HOST: Three-time Argentine President Juan Peron hasn't been gone quite as long as Lenin - he died 40 years ago. But despite his popularity, he can't manage to get a statue in his honor. The husband of Evita, Mr. Peron ruled in the '40s and '50s and then again in 1973. And even though the party he founded is currently in power, plans to erect a statue in his honor continue to be stymied. There have been disagreements about the location and the sculptor, and only a pittance in donations has been collected. And now, according to the BBC, a rival plan by the city of Buenos Aires - the city is threatening to put up an alternate Peron monument by a different artist not far from the planned but still never realized national memorial. Enrique Savio, the sculptor who won the contest to create the national statue, told the BBC - everyone wants to see it done, but nobody actually does anything.
NPR's Linda Wertheimer takes a moment to note that 40 years after his death, former Argentine President Juan Peron still can't manage to get a statue erected in his honor.
SCOTT SIMON, BYLINE: After generations of war and violence, Afghans are poised to make history with blue fingers. Seven million people voted in the country's runoff presidential election this weekend in Afghanistan's first democratic transfer of power. Abdullah Abdullah, who was Afghanistan's former foreign minister, is running against Ashraf Ghani, a former World Bank economist. Photos on social media show Afghan men and women standing in long lines at polling booths, so proudly displaying a finger dipped in blue ink used to mark the ballot. One picture posted by a former NPR producer in Kabul days before the election shows a group of smiling, young Afghans brandishing their voter ID cards with the caption, we will vote for a better Afghanistan. Say no to the enemies of Afghanistan. It will be weeks before all the votes are counted, but Afghans have won a lot just by showing up to vote.
Host Scott Simon takes note of the huge turnout and great pride Afghans exhibited during their presidential election runoff.
NOEL KING, HOST: Good morning. I'm Noel King. Two Ohio men were just trying to get a free ride when they hopped a moving train. But more than 50 miles later, the train hadn't slowed down enough for them to hop back off, so they called 911. Police made the rail operator stop the train. The free riders were eventually caught and arrested for trespassing. The police captain seemed kind of impressed, saying, it's very, very unusual to be nimble enough to call 911 while hanging off the side of a train. It's MORNING EDITION.
Two Ohio men were just trying to get a free ride when they hopped a moving train. More than 50 miles later, the train hadn't slowed down enough for them to hop off. They called 911 and were arrested.
NOEL KING, HOST: Good morning. I'm Noel King. Twenty-eight-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stunned the political world recently. She beat out a well-known incumbent in the New York primary race. Now the New York Daily News reports that she has won another race in a district she wasn't even running in. How'd that happen? Well, people in that neighboring district wrote her name onto the ballot. Ocasio-Cortez said thanks on Twitter, but she will stick to running in her own district. It's MORNING EDITION.
Ocasio-Cortez stunned the political world when she beat out a well-known incumbent in a New York primary. She won another primary after voters in that district wrote her name on the ballot.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin. Beyonce and Jay-Z's new music video has given a world-class works of art the kind of attention even the "Mona Lisa" would envy. The first video of the couple's new album, "Everything Is Love," went viral, and it shows the two artists performing in front of 17 paintings and statues at the Louvre. If you happen to be visiting Paris this summer, you can take a self-guided audio tour of those works of art-turned-pop icons by the presence of a queen.</s>THE CARTERS: (Rapping) I can't believe we made it.</s>RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: It's MORNING EDITION.
The first video off the couple's new album Everything is Love went viral and it shows the two artists performing in front of 17 paintings and statues at the Louvre.
RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: This is an excerpt from "Symphony No. 3" by British composer and conductor Oliver Knussen. Knussen died earlier this week in Snape, England. He was 66 years old.</s>NOEL KING, HOST: Knussen has been called one of the most influential contemporary classical figures. Raised in a musical family, he rose to fame at the age of 15 when he wrote his first symphony. He later conducted its premiere at the London Symphony Orchestra.</s>RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: One of Knussen's most beloved compositions is a piece titled "Where The Wild Things Are," an opera based on the book by Maurice Sendak.</s>UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR: (As Max) He bites. M-A-X. Watch out. Watch out for the wild wolf king. Max.</s>NOEL KING, HOST: Knussen was not a swift composer. He missed deadlines at times. But his pieces were known for being intricate and detailed. Here he is speaking at the Library of Congress in 2015 about the unfolding of his painstaking process.</s>OLIVER KNUSSEN: One of the great thrills of being a composer is when you hear a piece that you've written for the first time, and it talks back to you, and you remember what it was that made you want to do this in the first place.</s>CLAIRE BOOTH: (Singing) ...But I told you so.</s>RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Oliver Knussen leaves behind a rich body of work and approximately 60 recordings.</s>CLAIRE BOOTH: (Singing) ...We have to pay. If I could tell you, I would let you know. If we should weep when clowns put on their show, if we should stumble when...
Composer and conductor Oliver Knussen rose to fame at 15 when he conducted the London Symphony Orchestra for the first time after the principle conductor fell ill.
NOEL KING, HOST: Good morning. I'm Noel King. One of America's iconic toy stores recently closed, which means one of America's favorite mascots is out of a job - Geoffrey the Giraffe. The cartoon Toys R Us mascot was photographed rolling a tiny green suitcase out of an empty store. It's heartbreaking, but he's got a job offer. The San Antonio Zoo wants to make Geoffrey an ambassador for giraffe conservation. He could bring himself back from extinction and help his non-cartoon friends.
The San Antonio Zoo wants to make Geoffrey an ambassador for giraffe conservation. The zoo says he could bring himself back from extinction, securing a future for himself and his non-cartoon friends.
DAVID GREENE, HOST: Good morning. I'm David Greene. It seems like this guy's everywhere, right?</s>DJ KHALED: (Rapping) DJ Khaled.</s>DAVID GREENE, HOST: Well, not yesterday. A festival in London said he was a no-show because of travel issues, which, according to Khaled's Instagram feed, had him lounging in an infinity pool in Mexico. One festivalgoer said by not showing up, Khaled made her cry on her birthday. Well, DJ Khaled loves offering major keys to life. How about don't make fans cry on their birthdays? You're listening to MORNING EDITION.
Instead of being in London, Khaled's Instagram feed showed him lounging in an infinity pool in Mexico. One festival-goer said by not showing, Khaled made her cry on her birthday.
STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep. Cleveland Cavaliers fans took this departure of LeBron James better than last time - they were furious when he left Cleveland years ago; his departure for LA met resignation - except for a man who tried to set a LeBron jersey on fire. He laid the jersey on a paper beer case dumped in fuel from his weed eater, reached in with a match and set himself on fire. The New York Post says he wasn't seriously hurt, but the video looks painful. It's MORNING EDITION.
The fan wanted to burn LeBron's jersey β€” he laid it on a paper beer case and dumped fuel on it. He then reached in with a match, and ended up setting himself on fire. Reports say he'll be okay.