KEILAR: An Indonesian village is making an example out of people who violate the mask mandate, forcing them to dig graves for COVID-19 victims. CNN's Selina Wang has more.</s>SELINA WANG, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Each villager in this part of Indonesia who has refused to wear masks were then forced to dig graves of COVID-19 patients as punishment. The goal, that manual labor and empathy would convince others to do their part. The mask-wearing in public is mandatory in Indonesia. A very vocal part of the population has been reluctant. Experts say that's made it harder for authorities to stop the spread of COVID-19. It's infected nearly 230,000 people and killed more than 9,000 in Indonesia. Local officials there are able to decide how to punish people for breaking the rules. In this particular area, the district leader says those caught not wearing a mask can accept a fine or social punishment. He hopes options like grave digging will show, quote, "first-hand the real and serious effect of COVID-19." Jakarta is taking a similar approach. A man there was required to sit in a coffin in public after being caught not wearing a mask. But it isn't clear if these penalties are actually working. Indonesia has the second most cases in southeast Asia. Infections there are still on the rise. In Jakarta, the health system may be nearing a breaking point. Officials said the emergency units in all 20 Jakarta hospital approved to treat COVID-19 patients are full. Selina Wang, CNN, Hong Kong.
Indonesian Village Making Anti-Maskers Dig Graves for COVID Victims.
ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: Smoke from wildfires on the West Coast drifting more than 5,000 miles all the way to Europe. This morning, firefighters are still battling nearly 80 fires. CNN's Stephanie Elam is live in California with more. What's the situation at this hour, Stephanie?</s>STEPHANIE ELAM, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It's incredible, Alisyn. Even in the International Space Station, they're able to see the smoke from all of the wildfires on the West Coast. Those 79 fires burning in ten western states, including Idaho, Oregon, obviously, California, having the most with 22. I'm at the Bobcat Fire which you can see is still burning here behind me, burning more than 46,000 acres, still at 3 percent containment at last update here. But the good news is that neighborhood where I was yesterday, they were able to save that. They're mopping it up now, but still, they're -- overnight, there was another neighborhood back behind that did get an evacuation order. Just to give you an idea of what it is like here, this is the situation here in California. In Oregon, they are still looking for people. We do know that there are eight people that have been confirmed dead, but 12 more.
Smoke From West Coast Fires Reaches Europe, 4+ Million Acres Burn.
CHURCH: India's famed monument to love won't be so lonely anymore. The Taj Mahal has reopened after being closed for six months because of the pandemic. It will now welcome a maximum of 5,000 visitors a day, down from its usual count of 20,000. All social distancing measures must be followed. India has the second highest number of coronavirus infections in the world. The 72nd Emmy Awards on Sunday was the first major Hollywood award show since the coronavirus pandemic began. Host Jimmy Kimmel was joined by presenters in an empty auditorium while representatives in hazmat tuxedos were sent to the winners homes to hand out their rewards. Big winners of the night were the cast of "Schitt's Creek," who swept all four comedic-acting categories, HBO's "Succession," which won outstanding drama series, and 24-year-old Zendaya, who took home the award for outstanding leading actress in a drama. Winners and presenters like actress Regina King wore outfits with the names of Breonna Taylor and the Black Lives Matter movement, along with remembering Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Winners urged the public to register to vote in November's election. And thank you so much for joining us. I am Rosemary Church. I will be back with more news in just a moment. Stay with us.
The Primetime 2020 Emmy Awards Were Presented
KEILAR: The president's decision on a nominee to replace Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will come Friday or Saturday. With only 43 days until the election, he is moving at warp speed. But in 2016, then candidate Donald Trump had a much different view about who should make the call on a Supreme Court nominee during an election year.</s>TRUMP: Because I think the next president should make the pick and I think they shouldn't go forward and I believe -- I'm pretty much in line with what the Republicans are saying. I think that the next president should make the pick. We don't have a very long distance to wait. Certainly, they could wait it out very easily, but I think the next president should make the pick. I would be not in favor of going forward.</s>KEILAR: I want bring in White House Deputy Communications and Deputy Press Secretary Brian Morgenstern. Brian, thanks for coming on.</s>BRIAN MORGENSTERN, WHITE HOUSE DEPUTY COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR AND DEPUTY PRESS SECRETARY: My pleasure, nice to be with you.</s>KEILAR: So you heard the president then candidate Donald Trump saying it himself, the next president should make the pick. So why has he changed his mind this time?</s>MORGENSTERN: Well, it's a different scenario this time. The Republican majority, which was expanded in 2018, running on confirming constitutionalist judges is in charge, that the president and the Senate of the same party over history. There have been 19 such vacancies, 17 of them have been confirmed.
Trump Reverses View On Supreme Court Selection In Election Year.
KEILAR: TV's biggest night went on despite the pandemic but the 2020 Emmy's look unlike anything before. Most stars appeared virtually and it was audience free. Two red carpet hosts were also unexpectedly absent from the show. Stephanie Elam has detailed.</s>STEPHANIE ELAM, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Brianna, it was a great night at the Emmy's for "Succession," "Schitt's Creek" and "Watchman." This, as Jimmy Kimmel hosted a remote and socially distanced show from Staples Center. One show that was impacted was the pre-Emmy show. That's because two hosts both testing positive for the coronavirus according to NBC. As for the show, there was some politics involved. Jesse Armstrong, the creator of "Succession," taking a moment to unthank the pandemic and how some of the leaders around the world and media moguls have responded.</s>JESS ARMSTRONG, CREATOR OF "SUCCESSION": Unthank you to President Trump for his crummy and uncoordinated response. Unthank you to Boris Johnson and his government for doing the same to my country.</s>ELAM: And Jimmy Kimmel and many of the winners did also acknowledge Ruth Bader Ginsburg and encouraged people to vote -- Brianna?</s>KEILAR: Stephanie Elam, thank you. Our special coverage continues now with Kate Bolduan.
Emmys Red Carpet Hosts Forced Off Air After Testing Positive.
LEMON: So, take this. The Justice Department labeling three U.S. cities, New York, Seattle, and Portland, as anarchy jurisdictions. The DOJ making good on the president's threat to withhold federal aid in response to prolonged civil unrest in those cities. It is overtly political and a rubber stamp for the president's campaign rhetoric.</s>TRUMP: You're never going to have safe areas in those Democrat-run areas. They're not peaceful protests. That's anarchy.</s>LEMON: Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says it's all part of the president's divisive politics.</s>GOV. ANDREW CUOMO (D-NY): I think he's more concerned with remaining president of the United States, and he thinks his political opportunity is to try to divide this nation. Is it going to happen? No, because it's illegal and it's unconstitutional. But it's politics. It's politics for the next few weeks going up to the November election. That's all this is.</s>LEMON: I should note, and this is important, cities in Minnesota and Wisconsin, two states that also experienced unrest over the summer but are seen as competitive in the presidential election, they were not labeled by the DOJ. At this very moment I'm sitting in the so-called -- in a so-called anarchy jurisdiction. Things are OK. And look, that's Times Square tonight. Do you see all the lawlessness? Do you see the insurrection? Of course not. Because it's unreal. The president only wants you to think it is. Those are live pictures, by the way. Coronavirus deaths in the country on the brink of 200,000. But the president insists he deserves an a-plus.
Cities Labeled As Anarchy Jurisdictions.
KEILAR: As with almost everything in 2020, Halloween is going to look a little different this year. CNN's Brynn Gingras has the latest CDC guidance.</s>BRYNN GINGRAS, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: The CDC is saying Trick-or- treaters probably should not go door-to-door. Instead, people could leave treats outside of the home instead. Also those masks kids wear for their costumes, not a good idea as it is not a good replacement for the cloth masks. And the CDC says families should reconsider any large indoor gatherings like going to a haunted house or a party. And also maybe give a second thought to outdoor things as well like hayrides with strangers -- Brianna?</s>KEILAR: Brynn, thank you. And our special coverage continues now with Kate Bolduan.
CDC Discouraging Trick-or-Treating, Halloween Masks & Parties.
ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: The city of Louisville, Kentucky, declaring a state of emergency as it awaits a decision by the attorney general in the Breonna Taylor case. Taylor was a 26-year-old ER technician fatally shot in March by police while executing a no-knock warrant on her house. CNN's Shimon Prokupecz is live in Louisville. So Shimon, what's happening at this hour?</s>SHIMON PROKUPECZ, CNN CRIME & JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Alisyn, you can see behind me, signs already that police here are preparing for this announcement from the attorney general, who has been presenting the case before a grand jury here. The police, as you said, are operating under a state of emergency, closing streets. This is downtown here in Louisville, right by the courthouse. Stores around us have also boarded up, all across downtown Louisville. Of course, everyone is hoping for whatever the outcome is, that there are peaceful gatherings, peaceful protests, but the city here not taking any chances. The police here not taking any chances. As you see, they've started to close streets off. They've also canceled days off for officers across Louisville. So, they want -- canceled all vacations, they want to make sure they have enough officers on the street as a decision comes in, which could be any day now, where it is expected as early as this week, the attorney general will announce it. The family will get some notification from the attorney general, and then the attorney general will reveal the results of the grand jury investigation. Alisyn?</s>CAMEROTA: OK, Shimon, please keep us posted as to what happens there today. Thank you very much. Well, the British Prime Minister is outlining new restrictions to try to control a dangerous coronavirus resurgence there. We're live in London, next.
Louisville Police Declare State of Emergency Ahead of Decision on Breonna Taylor
CHURCH: An army of volunteers is working feverishly to head off a wildlife catastrophe in Tasmania, Australia. More than 450 whales have stranded themselves in a harbor and on a sand bar off the islands West Coast, the largest mass whale beaching in Tasmania's history. Experts believe more than a third of the whales have died. One biologist says any whale we save, we are considering a real win. It's not clear what's prompting the whales to do this. Well, time and again, we've heard how vitally important the upcoming U.S. election will be. And now even the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are weighing in. In a virtual event for the Time 100, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle warned of the need to reject hate speech, misinformation and negativity online.</s>MEGHAN MARKLE, DUCHESS OF SUSSEX: What we are exposed to online seeped into how we engage with each other offline. It can train us to be kind or it can train us to be cruel.</s>PRINCE HARRY, DUKE OF SUSSEX: When the bad outweighs the good, for many, whether we realize it or not, it erodes our ability to have compassion and our ability to put ourselves in someone else's shoes. Because when one person buys into negativity on line, the effects are felt exponentially.</s>CHURCH: The duchess noted how we always hear this is the most important election of our lifetime, but this year she says, it truly is. And thanks so much for joining us. I'm Rosemary Church. Be sure to connect with me on Twitter at Rosemary CNN, and I'll be back with more news in just a moment. Stay with us.
Race to Save Hundreds of Beached Whale Off Tasmania.
CHURCH: On National Voter Registration Day in U.S. federal authorities warned Americans to be on guard for false information on election night. The FBI and the nation's cyber security agency say foreign actors might spread disinformation about election results. The government is encouraging voters to be patient with results as officials count an expected avalanche of mail in ballots. The U.S. is just 41 days away from the election, but multiple crises could affect how many voters actually cast a ballot. CNN's Brian Todd has more.</s>BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Long lines for early voting in Fairfax County, Virginia.</s>KATE HANLEY, ELECTORAL BOARD SECRETARY, FAIRFAX COUNTY, VIRGINIA: It is very exciting to have all these people turn out, far more than we expected.</s>TODD: With voter interest off the charts and the stakes so dramatically high, many indications point to a massive turnout at the polls this fall.</s>BERNARD FRAGA, PROFESSOR, DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, EMORY UNIVERSITY: Frankly, this year, many election experts are predicting we are going to see voter turnout that exceeds anything we've seen in the last hundred years. This could really be a tidal wave of voter turnout.</s>TODD: The coronavirus pandemic, though, could throw a wrench into that if voters feel it is safer to stay home and don't want to rely on mail-in ballots. But President Trump's divisive personality and his handling of the pandemic, experts say, could drive more Americans to the ballot box, fans and foes alike.</s>JAN LEIGHLEY, PROFESSOR, AMERICAN UNIVERSITY: Many individuals are suffering.
FBI Warns Against Foreign Disinformation on Election Results.
ASHER: Volkswagen is lifting the herd on its new electric SUV. The ID.4 is the company's first long range electric vehicle to hit the U.S. market. It's currently made in Germany with plans for production in the U.S. and China. Scott Keogh is the CEO of Volkswagen of America. He joins us live now from Herndon, Virginia via Skype. Scott, thank you so much for being with us. So, on the market right now here in the U.S., you've got lots of affordable electric vehicles, but none of them are SUVs. Just walk us through how this new vehicle the ID.4 actually fits in to the future of Volkswagen?</s>SCOTT KEOGH, CEO, VOLKSWAGEN OF AMERICA: I think the future of Volkswagen is obviously about electrification. We see a massive opportunity here. The biggest driver of making that happen is, of course, get into the big segments of America and get the right price point. So, this vehicle competes in a compact SUV. That's the largest segment in America. 4 million cars sold a year, 35 million of them on the road, and not one of them is electrified. So, we think there's a massive opportunity. The second thing is the price point. And if you take out the federal rebates, you know, we have a car that's at $30,000 for a high tech spaceship. So, I think that's going to drive adoption. And that's exactly what we're looking for. We have a better product. We have a higher tech product. And we can bring electrification to the masses. I mean, that's what Volkswagen has always set out to do for the people. And that's what we've done here. So, actually, we're very excited.</s>ASHER: Yes, you mentioned the future of Volkswagen is about electrification. And just given how much money you're investing, that's definitely seems to be the case. Volkswagen is investing about 33 billion euros total on electric vehicles between now and 2024. OK, it looks as though we have to interrupt. Scott, I apologize. We are going to Kate Bolduan on CNN U.S. END END
Volkswagen Unveils ID.4, Its First Electric SUV.
BLITZER: In coronavirus headlines from around the world, Israel has just set a record for new coronavirus cases in one day. CNN's Oren Liebermann is in Jerusalem. Oren, tell us more.</s>OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Wolf, Israel is set to tighten its second general lockdown here perhaps severely so because of the surging coronavirus cases. Another record on Tuesday, according to the Ministry of Health with 6,861 new cases in a day. Far surpassing the old record set just one week earlier of about 5,500 cases. It's because of that sharp rise in cases that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called and convene the coronavirus cabinet issuing a statement saying the general lockdown needs to be tightened and quickly before the continuation of the High Holy Days to prevent the numbers from going up even further. Wolf?</s>BLITZER: Oren Liebermann, thank you. Britain also is seeing a spike, rather a dramatic spike in new cases and a return of tougher restrictions. CNN's Scott McLean is in London for us. Scott, what's the latest?</s>SCOTT MCLEAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Wolf, yesterday the Prime Minister announced strict new coronavirus restrictions, and today, the numbers show just how badly they're needed. Today, the U.K. recorded more than 6,000 new cases of the virus that's its highest single day tally since early May. The Prime Minister promised that these new rules would also come with stricter enforcement. In fact, he's even allowing police forces to call in the military to help. This second wave of the coronavirus in the U.K. comes just a month before a government wage subsidy program currently supporting millions of Brits is set to expire. But today, in Parliament, the Prime Minister rejected opposition calls to extend it. Wolf?</s>BLITZER: Scott McLean in London, thank you. Coming up, a growing concern about what winter may mean for the coronavirus pandemic. We'll be right back.
Israel Sets Daily Record Of Nearly 6,900 New Cases
KING: More evidence today the economy is struggling to find its pandemic footing. Another 870,000 Americans filed for first-time unemployment benefits last week. CNN Chief Business Correspondent Christine Romans breaks down the numbers.</s>CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN CHIEF BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: John, it is no wonder that unemployment was the top Google search related to the U.S. election over the past two weeks, the numbers, 870,000 people filed for the first time for state unemployment benefits in the week ending September 19. Weekly jobless claims are four times higher than pre- pandemic, continuing claims. Those are people receiving benefits for two or more weeks, almost 12.6 million people. Look beneath those headlines. And the story is one of chronic unemployment. On top of those state of benefits, in one week, another 630,000 people filed for special pandemic relief programs. These are self-employed people trying to get government aid. Altogether, 26 million people getting some sort of jobless assistance. This data, John, fits into a pattern now. America's recovery from the pandemic crisis is slowing down, it's looking less like a V-shaped recovery by the day. Millions are still out of work. Temporary job losses have turned permanent for many. And there's growing concern the recovery is really a K-shape, worsening inequality with big winners and big losers, especially for people working in retail, restaurants and bars, travel and leisure. John?</s>KING: Top of the hour. Hello, everybody. I'm John King in Washington. To our viewers in the United States and around the world, thank you so much for sharing your day with us, and a very busy news day it is. More anger and frustration on the streets of America.
870,000 Americans Filed for Unemployment Benefits Last Week.
DR. ROSHINI RAJ, CONTRIBUTING MEDICAL EDITOR, "HEALTH" MAGAZINE & ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE, NYU: However, sometimes that immune response, the antibodies can go haywire and attack your own body. And in that case, you're not doing yourself any good. In fact, you can have an overwhelming reaction to that. That's why sometimes people end up in the ICU or even dying. So this concept of autoantibodies, those antibodies that attack your body. And in this study, it shows they were attacking some of the immune factors that usually help you fight off the virus. Since those are being attacked in lower levels, people that tended to have that autoantibody reaction did worse with the disease. They also looked at a subgroup of people who were very sick, who had a genetic mutation in the production of one of these immune factors. It's called gamma interferon. It's one of the tools that the body uses to fight off viral infections. And in this subgroup, that level was actually reduced with the mutation. And they found that it was much more likely to be a male person with a genetic mutation than a female, which may explain why we saw many more deaths and severe illness in men versus women.</s>BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN HOST: Dr. Raj, thank you so much. You always make things so much clearer.</s>ROSHINI: Thank you.</s>KEILAR: Ahead, a young coronavirus survivor will join me on the long- term impact that she's been battling, which includes glaucoma. Plus, I'll speak live with a retired rear admiral who organized the letter with 500 national security experts endorsing Joe Biden. And I'm going to respond to the White House's baseless attacks on me, the wrong Brianna that they should be worried about.
Dr Roshini Raj Discusses "Misguided" Antibodies, Genetic Mutation May Be to Blame for Severe Cases
MARK HERRING, VIRGINIA ATTORNEY GENERAL: And there were reports that some voters felt threatened or felt intimidated. And so, given that I thought it was important to put a legal guidance out to let everyone know that there are laws, state and federal laws, that prohibit people from intimidating voters or threatening them and making sure that voters knew that there are laws to protect them. Because, you know, voting is one of our most fundamental rights. It is a right and it is a civic duty. No one should feel threatened or intimidated when they go vote. And so I wanted to make sure that the public knew that there are laws to protect them and I'm hopeful that type of conduct doesn't happen again. But people needed to know that depending on the circumstances it could be a crime and I hope that it doesn't come to that. I hope that people, you know, won't engage in that kind of conduct. If it does, elections officials have tools that they can use to make sure that people feel safe and comfortable and I wanted to make sure that Virginians and Americans know that they can vote safely, securely, and without fear of intimidation and threats.</s>KATE BOLDUAN, CNN HOST: Mr. Attorney General, thank you for coming on. I appreciate your time.</s>HERRING: Well, thank you for having me.</s>BOLDUAN: Appreciate it. A programming note for all of you, in four days, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, they will face off in the first Presidential debate. Our special live coverage starts Tuesday night at 7:00 Eastern only on CNN. A moment of history today. The late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg a champion for equality, she became the first woman and first Jewish American to lie in state at the U.S. Capitol. A moving tribute played out this morning bringing together for just a moment left and right, Democrat and Republican, the halls of government and the beauty of the opera that she loved so much. We're going to show you some of it. May her memory be a blessing.
Early Voting Already Underway in Virginia; Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Lies in State in Capitol
BLITZER: We're monitoring the situation in Louisville, Kentucky, right now, a third night of protests now under way after a grand jury failed directly charge any of the police officers with the death of Breonna Taylor. Our National Correspondent, Jason Carroll is on the scene for us in Louisville. He is joining us on the phone right now. So what are you seeing, Jason? What are you hearing.</s>JASON CARROLL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: And, Wolf, this has been a peaceful march, organized by Breonna Taylor's family. Her mother was out here at the beginning of the march, leading this march,</s>BLITZER: That seems like the big issue right now, whether the attorney general will release those transcripts. Jason, what's the latest thought over there in Louisville? Is that likely to happen, not happen?</s>CARROLL: Well, look, you listen to what Breonna Taylor's mother had to say the other day. She has very little faith in the system. I've spoke within legal experts on the ground from the state and they say it's unlikely. Also the same feeling is that there's no way that the case would have got on the this point, Wolf, had it not been for people coming out, marching in the streets, repeating Breonna Taylor's name. So, they're going to keep the pressure on. And, in fact, earlier today, when -- a press conference was held with Ben Crump and Tamika Baker and family, it was made very clear that they're going to keep the pressure on, keep out on the streets with the hopes that it could change the attorney general's mind.</s>BLITZER: All right. Jason Carroll on the scene for us in Louisville, Kentucky, as the protesters are marching as you can see peacefully on the streets over there. Jason, we'll stay in close touch with you. Thank you very much. Just ahead, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg makes history one final time, becoming the further woman and first Jewish person to lie in state at the U.S. capitol.
Third Night of Protests in Louisville Over Lack of Charges in Breonna Taylor's Death
WHITFIELD: All right for college football fans today may feel like Christmas. The SEC is finally kicking off today after delaying the start of this season due to the coronavirus. CNN's Andy Scholes is in Baton Rouge home of the defending SEC champs, the LSU tigers. Oh, I bet you people are excited.</s>ANDY SCHOLES, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: Excited Fredricka. And you know this kick off Saturday is usually a huge party here in Baton Rouge but it is much different this year. There's no tailgating so it's actually, you know, rather quiet out here right now. Now they will be allowing 25,000 fans into Tiger Stadium later today for the opener against Mississippi State. And I walked around campus. I asked some of those fans, you know, how do they feel about coming to a big time sporting event in the middle of a pandemic?</s>UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Definitely very different right now. I would -- usually this place is packed at this time. I guess, and one way is kind of nice to bring a kid, you don't have all the crowd to deal with on that because this would be his first game.</s>UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It feels sad, but we're going to make the best of it. The 25,000 of us are going to scream really loudly and make you feel like it's 102,000 in the building.</s>UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I've been teaching school since early August and I'm getting used to wearing a mask all the time. It's hard outside to wear it because it's -- it gets a little hot but thank goodness we have a nice weather today, so hopefully it won't be too bad.</s>SCHOLES: Now, all the teams in the SEC are kicking off play today.
SEC Football Season Kicks Off With Fans At Every Game.
CABRERA: A curfew is now in effect in Louisville, Kentucky, and protesters have left the city square where they gathered just last hour. This is the fourth night of demonstrations since a grand jury decided not to bring charges against the officers for the killing of Breonna Taylor. And CNN crime and justice correspondent Shimon Prokupecz is on the ground for us. Shimon, earlier we heard that warning from police to protesters. It looks like they responded.</s>SHIMON PROKUPECZ, CNN CRIME AND JUSTICE REPORTER: Yes, they did. The police made several announcements. One of those, while we were on the air at around 8:30, telling protesters that there was a curfew, and if they weren't going to leave, they were going to be subject to arrest. And then again, they made another announcement at 8:45 telling protesters to leave. And then all the protesters just gathered around and they left. They left the park, Jefferson Square Park, after vowing for hours that they would remain in the park in a potential face-off with police. They all left. And just moments before 9:00, the police started moving in, they moved in some of their heavily armored vehicles. National Guard troops came in. But by that point the park had cleared, the police made an announcement that the park was closed. And what happened was a lot of the protesters which they've been doing every night, they came to this church behind me, which has been used as a sanctuary, the church has allowed the protesters to come on their property to be in their parking lot and on their grounds past 9:00, so that they could avoid arrests. So certainly a tense night avoided here. Any kind of confrontation with police so far has been avoided here tonight -- Ana.</s>CABRERA: OK. That sounds like good news. Shimon Prokupecz, thank you.</s>PROKUPECZ: Yes.</s>CABRERA: Thirty-eight days, that's all that's left for President Trump and Joe Biden to battle it out for any remaining undecided voters. And one voting bloc that holds a lot of cards in deciding who ends up in the White House? The Latino vote. More on that when we return.
Curfew In Effect In Louisville After Protests
KEILAR: President Trump's former campaign manager, Brad Parscale, is in the hospital after a reported suicide attempt inside his south Florida home. Parscale was once a rising star in the campaign, who has a history with the Trump family. But he was reportedly armed and threatening to harm himself. A police report says Parscale's wife told investigators he had been ranting and raving about something while holding a gun and she thought he had shot himself. The report also said Parscale's wife said he had been making suicidal comments throughout the week. Here's CNN's Randi Kaye.</s>RANDI KAYE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hi, Brianna. Brad Parscale is getting treatment at the Broward Health Medical Center here in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, after police responded to his home yesterday. They were responding to reports of a suicide attempt. It all started around 4:00 yesterday afternoon. His wife had apparently called police saying that he had barricaded himself inside the home with numerous weapons. She was very concerned that he was going to harm himself so police did show up. They negotiated with him. They must have said all the right things because he did surrender without incident just shortly after the SWAT team had arrived, actually. They were negotiating with him on his exit and, apparently, they developed a rapport with him to get him out of the home. So he is being treated here. We can tell you that Tim Murtaugh, the communications manager for the campaign, gave CNN statement saying, "Brad Parscale is a member of our family. We all love him. We are ready to support him and his family in any way possible." So certainly a lot for this family to be dealing with. Once again, it's unclear what brought this on but certainly our thoughts are with them. Brianna, back to you.</s>KEILAR: Randi, thank you so much. We are right now digging through the numbers, after a report reveals how much President Trump is not paying in taxes. Could there be legal ramifications? Plus, the head of the CDC is overheard complaining that Trump's top COVID advisor is giving false information.
Police Report: Wife of Trump's Ex-Campaign Manager Says He Made "Suicidal" Comments, 10 Guns Found in Home.
SCIUTTO: We hoped this was getting better, but evacuations are under way again in California's Wine County as two new and fast-moving wildfires burn uncontained.</s>HARLOW: Our correspondent Dan Simon is on the ground in St. Helena, California. Good morning to you, Dan, I was just thinking about these fires over the weekend, and now this.</s>DAN SIMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It's really unbelievable, to think that here we are, you know, into this fire season, about a month or so into the season, and we're dealing with what could be another major catastrophe. I can tell you, just with my own eyes as we drove through the town of St. Helena, many homes have been destroyed. It looked like at least one church had been destroyed as well, along with a winery. And St. Helena is known for its lush vineyards -- you can see one behind me -- and its historic wineries. And you can see the smoke there in the hillside, and it's just a smoky mess. Fire was really all around us this morning, here in Napa Valley. And this fire of course is being driven by the wind, very strong winds. And we're under a red flag warning until later tonight, so there's the potential for this fire to spread even further. We actually understand it has gotten closer. It is actually in the town of Santa Rosa, which, as you may recall, was devastated a couple of years ago with thousands of homes destroyed, many people lost their lives. And yet here we are again with these major fires taking over California's Wine Country -- Poppy, Jim, I'll send it back to you.</s>SCIUTTO: And each of those homes, those are people's lives and memories. Dan Simon, thanks so much. We hope the people three stay safe.</s>HARLOW: Thank you all for joining us today. It's been a busy one already. We'll see you back here tomorrow morning, I'm Poppy Harlow.</s>SCIUTTO: And I'm Jim Sciutto. NEWSROOM with John King will start after a short break.
New Fires as California Evacuates.
KING: President Trump claims repeatedly a rigged election is the only way he could possibly lose. And he has refused in recent days to guarantee a peaceful transition. If he does lose and does not recognize himself the results that has Democrats worried the President will try to mobilize the federal government to help him win or to hold power. Also has the Democrats scrambling to have a post-election counter attack necessarily ready if needed. CNN's Kristen Holmes joins us with that reporting. I guess it's a good time to be an election lawyer.</s>KRISTEN HOLMES, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, certainly, John. There are a lot of positions open because we have learned that Democrats on the Biden campaign are building an enormous legal apparatus to deal with a wide range of scenarios. And scenarios that in previous elections in previous years would seem so incredibly farfetched and still sort of seem improbable. But given President Trump's rhetoric, everyone wants to be prepared for any scenario and talking about the potential of deploying federal law enforcement agents to the polls. That's something President Trump has suggested doing as well as this idea that President Trump may decide that he is the winner or declare victory on Election Day when there are still millions of mail-in ballots to be counted. And it's not just the legal side, the behind the scenes workings that's thinking about these potential scenarios. We also know that last night Speaker Pelosi sent a message to all of her members asking them to prepare to focus on state delegations in case there was a contested election. That is a scenario that hasn't happened in more than a century. But it gives you this idea of where everyone's head is that no one really knows what to expect as we get closer and closer to November and continue to hear these lines from President Trump.</s>KING: It is a remarkable moment. We will see the team they build. Kristen Holmes, appreciate the reporting there and it's becoming difficult challenge as we get closer to the election. We'll circle back with you. When we come back, Mike Pompeo, traveling the country looks very much like a future political candidate for Secretary of State. That's odd. Is it unethical?
Democrats Prepare For Trump To Disrupt The Election
KING: Republican leaders in the senate are fast tracking the Supreme Court nomination process for President Trump's nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett. GOP setting an ambitious calendar that an effort to get the president's picked in place before the election and before possibly Republicans loses the White House and the Senate. CNN's Phil Mattingly up on Capitol Hill for this one. It is an ambitious timetable Phil, and it is set by political realities.</s>PHIL MATTINGLY, CNN CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes. Look, I think this is a little bit of a simplification of things John, but I think you know this well. And that is, if you have the votes you can pretty much move as fast as you want on just about anything in the United States Senate. And that's what Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham has made clear, they are going to do. They have heard from the White House, the White House wants this nominee confirmed before the election, so do many rank and file Republicans, and therefore they are kicking this into high gear and they're doing it quickly. In fact, the confirmation hearings have already been set, they will start on October 12th, they will go four days, the main question and answer period will be on the 13th and the 14th. And by the 15th John, the Committee will start the process of actually considering the vote for that nominee. Now that will be held over a week so the expectation right now is Amy Coney Barrett's nomination will be out of the Judiciary Committee by October 22. Setting up a floor vote the week after, that is the week before the election, with all signs right now pointing to at least according to Republicans that I'm speaking to, she will be confirmed during that week. And I think one thing to keep in mind here a lot of people is wondering OK, how could this move so quickly? How when you looked at past Supreme Court nominees? Do they already have the votes lined up?
Republicans Set Ambitious Schedule For SCOTUS Conformation.
CURNOW: There are two new wildfires in the U.S. state of California and they are quickly becoming a really big problem. The Glass Fire tripled in size from Monday -- from Sunday to Monday. It ripped through the state's Napa Valley destroying vineyards and homes. And for some, the reality of that damage hasn't really set in yet. Take a listen.</s>ADAM FORNI, ST. HELENA RESIDENT: It's hard to put into words right now. It's just -- yes. You can't think about it till it's over. And then when you just kind of look back and reflect on it then you realize how crazy it is. But right now it's about doing what needs to be done.</s>CURNOW: Meanwhile this fire north of Sacramento doubled in size. We know that three people have died there. Firefighters have actually been unable to contain either of these fires so far. Meanwhile, California isn't the only U.S. state at risk. The New York Times reports have made for the worst fire season on record. Now the report says possible arson in addition to outdated forest management practices have been the cause of many of these fires. Also at fault, of course, climate change. Which has made for drier conditions and a longer fire season providing the perfect canvas for blazes across the country. And, of course, we'll continue to cover that here at CNN. So thanks for watching. I'm Robyn Curnow. World Sport starts after the break. I'll be back, same time, same place tomorrow. Bye-bye.
Two New Fire Dominate Sacramento And Napa Valley.
KING: Breaking news this hour, and it is confirmation of how the coronavirus disrupts everything. The National Football League announcing it must now postpone Sunday's contest between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Tennessee Titans. That move coming after at least four Titans players tested positive for COVID-19, including a starting offensive lineman. The NFL says it will share details next week about when and how it plans to reschedule that game. Welcome to top of the hour. Hello to our viewers in the United States and around the world. I'm John in Washington. Thank you for sharing a very busy news day with us. America is a global laughingstock today thanks to its president who ignored the rules, the facts and common decency in a campaign debate that was full of interruptions and rants but short of desperately needed discussions about problems, like coronavirus pandemic, the economy and the nation's racial reckoning. President Trump is trailing in his bid for re-election and his frustration was bared to the world for 90 sad minutes as he and Democrat Joe Biden shared the stage for what was supposed to be a debate, but instead was a debacle. Yes, both men tossed insults.</s>BIDEN: He's a racist and the worst president America has ever had.
NFL Postpones Titans Vs. Steelers Game After COVID Outbreak.
HARLOW: Welcome back. Well, unfortunately, today, it looks like it will be the worst day of job losses in the history of aviation. Between United and American alone, 32,000 jobs could be gone as of today as Congress has failed to reach a new aid deal. Delta CEO Ed Bastian joins us exclusively this morning. Good morning, Ed.</s>ED BASTIAN, CEO, DELTA AIR LINES: Good morning, Poppy. Good to be with you.</s>HARLOW: Good to have you. I know that as of today, you are able to avoid any furloughs or layoffs, but I wonder how long that can last if you don't get more money from Congress.</s>BASTIAN: Well, we are facing an issue with respect to about 1,900 pilots. We have figured out for all of our other groups through efforts they have made to take unpaid leaves of absence, thousands and tens of thousands throughout the summer, early retirement opportunities, we've been able to avoid furloughs in all of our other work groups through the end of the year and well into next year as well. I'm confident of that. But with our pilots, we're still working on a strategy to be able to hopefully get to that same outcome. But if we can't, certainly, the assistance from Congress would be helpful in avoid is those furloughs as well.</s>HARLOW: So, Congress getting a new deal together could save 1,900 pilot jobs at Delta?</s>BASTIAN: Absolutely.</s>HARLOW: Okay. So, a question a lot of people have and I certainly have is when and if you ever get back to normal, you've still got passenger loads at only about 30 percent, and some are asking does injecting taxpayer money into the airlines right now make sense, or is it delaying the inevitable? What do you say to them?</s>BASTIAN: Well, the industry, first and foremost, is an essential industry to our economy, to our nation, and we've had our people out working throughout.
American, United to Cut 32,000 Jobs as Federal Aid Expires.
VAUSE: An inventor in the Netherlands is working to make funerals biodegradable by growing what he calls a living coffin which, once buried, can enrich the soil and not pollute.</s>BOB HENDRIKX, INVENTOR OF THE LIVING COFFIN: It's made from mycelium, which is the root structure of mushrooms. So here you can see it really well. So this is mycelium. This is the mushroom, which is just the vegetative parts of, actually, the organism. And mycelium is nature's biggest recycler, so it's continuously looking for food and transforming it into new plants, nutritions. On the inside, you see a bed of moss, which makes sure, like, a lot of microorganisms are in here and help with the decomposition process, together with mycelium. Mycelium's natural function to transform/neutralize toxins in the body and in the soil into healthy -- healthy nutrients. For example, mycelium is used in Chernobyl to clean up the polluted soil there from the nuclear disaster. And the same thing happens in our burial places, because the soil is super-polluted there. And mycelium really likes metals, oils and microplastics. Our coffins should be able to decompose a human body in two to three years, compared to normal materials, that could be up to ten or even longer periods.</s>VAUSE: What a time to be alive, I guess. I'm John Vause. I will be back with more CNN NEWSROOM in about 15 minutes. WORLD SPORT is next.
Inventor Develops Coffin for Biodegradable Burials.
ANDERSON: Sports is unpredictable, isn't it? That's why we watch and in this most unpredictable of sports seasons, one of the glamour teams of U.S. pro-basketball with arguably the sports best known player is poised to take the title for the first time in years. Don, the Lakers look ready to get back on top.</s>DON RIDDELL, CNN WORLD SPORTS: Yes, looking good so far, isn't it Becky? Only one game into a potentially seven game NBA Finals series but like his look good against the Miami Heat last night. And this has been a really difficult year for them. Remember, I mean, it's hard to believe that it was this year because so much has happened in 2020. But Kobe Bryant, the Lakers legend dying in a helicopter crash back at the start of the year, that hit the Lakers organization really, really hard. It's been a long time since they've been at this level. It's been a decade since they last won the NBA Finals but here they are. LeBron James has taken them back. He was playing in his fifth NBA Finals game last night, helping the Lakers to a one game lead. But it's early days. Still potentially six more games to go but they are looking good this year for sure.</s>ANDERSON: Yes. And if it was any, let it be this year for them. Thank you, Don. And Don is back with Volkssport after this short break. More on that story. I will back after that for the second hour of "Connect the World". Stay with us.
Lakers Dominate Heat In NBA Finals Game 1; Bayern Munich Claim Fifth Title OF Year.
ALLEN: Thousands of firefighters in California continue to work to contain, get this, 23 major wildfires. So far this year the state has had over 8,200 fires and they have burned nearly 4 million acres. That's about 16,000 square kilometers; 31 people have died and over 8,000 structures have been destroyed. High temperatures have made it easier for wildfires to spread. But state officials say a cooling trend could start today. Thank goodness for that.</s>ALLEN: This is a special moment for me, it is a bit sad but mainly happy. As I sign off this show right now, I'm also signing off from CNN.</s>ALLEN: Well, the Man of Steel has apparently met his match and its name is Doomsday. We're talking about Superman, the superhero, and plans for his super end. CNN's Jeanne Moos has more.</s>ALLEN: How about that? That was a fun throwback to when I first started working at CNN in 1992. There's Lou, if you remember Lou. There's Derek. I've worked twice for this incredible network for a total of 20 years, anchoring coverage of extraordinary events. This pandemic is just the latest. And what a story to leave on. Between my assignments here at CNN, I worked at a different network as a climate correspondent. And it made me realize that climate change is the story of our lifetime. So I've made it my mission to cover the environment and climate solutions with a new venture I'll be starting. So stay tuned for that. And stay with me via Instagram and Facebook. And link in with me. I'm also planning to get married to a great guy, there he is, Dr. Jeff Rosensweig. On Earth Day in April, like many other brides and grooms, the COVID-19 crisis delayed our previous wedding plan. So we have much to look forward to. Thanks to everyone here at CNN. I will miss my wonderful colleagues and my friends here. And thank you for letting me be a little part of your lives. And that wraps my final hour of CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Natalie Allen. Thank you so much for watching.
California Fires Take Nearly 4 Million Acres in 2020
BLITZER: Much more on the President's hospitalization coming up. Troubling news out of New York City right now, after such notable success in flattening the curve. Cases of coronavirus are now on the rise again and now the mayor, Bill de Blasio is proposing closing down schools and nonessential businesses in at least some parts of New York City to try to slow down this new surge. CNN's Evan McMorris-Santoro is joining us right now. Evan, give us details on what the mayor is actually proposing.</s>EVAN MCMORRIS-SANTORO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Wolf, as you say, this is really the first big step back this city has experienced in its long journey forward battling against this disease. And what the mayor is proposing is shutting down schools and nonessential businesses in nine zip codes where the infection rate has been above three percent for seven consecutive days. In 11 other zip codes near those nine, he is proposing closing down gyms and pools, and indoor dining, which just reopened here. Now, as I said, these are proposals. He needs the governor to sign off on it. We haven't heard from the Governor officially yet, but he did say in a statement before the mayor spoke today that he is prepared to step in to close down businesses if local governments cannot get those restrictions obeyed -- Wolf.</s>BLITZER: All right, Evan, thanks. We will stay in touch with you.</s>BLITZER: Coming up, amid contradicting messages about his condition, President Trump now says he has learned a lot about the coronavirus, but instead of isolating, the President actually used his motorcade for a photo-op. We will have details when we come back.
New York City Mayor Proposes Closing All Non-Essential Businesses And Schools In Nine Neighborhoods Amid Case Spike.
BERMAN: This morning, Texas voters suing to overturn an order from the Republican governor, restricting the number of ballot drop boxes in each of the state's counties to just one, one box per county. Democrats say that Governor Greg Abbott's move is voter suppression. CNN's Ed Lavendera has the very latest from Houston.</s>ED LAVANDERA, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Welcome to Harris County, Texas. There are 2.4 million registered voters in this county. And if you're one of those voters who is skeptical of voting in person because of the coronavirus pandemic or your concerned that the Postal Service won't get your ballot to the elections office in time, county officials here had set up 12 satellite drop boxes, where people could drive their mail-in ballots and then drop them off at these 12 locations across the county. But the governor of Texas has ordered all counties across the state to close all of those down and that they can only have one of those satellite drop boxes open in the weeks leading up to the election. So this is the story of what it will take to get to that ballot box in.
Voters Sue Texas Governor over Limit on Ballot Drop Boxes.
TAPPER: Breaking news. The vice president's chief of staff, Marc Short, has just said that the Pence team objects to a plexiglass barrier being installed for both Pence and Senator Kamala Harris at tomorrow night's first and only vice presidential debate. CNN's Ryan Nobles joins me now. Ryan, just to make it clear, it is the Trump/Pence White House's own reckless behavior that has caused this -- the White House to become a hot zone and Pence has not been quarantining, even though he should be according to medical experts. And now, they are objecting to the idea that Senator Harris wants some sort of safety on the stage?</s>RYAN NOBLES, CNN WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT: That's exactly right, Jake. The Harris camp asked for this provision after the debate between the two presidential candidates last week which, of course, President Trump shortly after that debate tested positive for the coronavirus. So they thought that additional precautions should be put in place here in Salt Lake City for the vice presidential debate. Among the things they asked for was that the candidates to be separated further apart than what was originally planned. They agreed to that from seven to 12 feet. And then the Harris campaign also asked that both the vice president and senator have a plexiglass barrier in front of them to separate them even more. Now, the Pence camp said they had no problem with Harris having the plexiglass barrier around her. What they object to is the vice president having that same plexiglass barrier. Marc Short, who is the vice president's chief of staff, telling our Jim Acosta they don't believe there is any additional safety benefit to having that plexiglass barrier put in place. What we don't know at this point if it will have any impact whether this debate is taking place.
Pence Team Objects to Plexiglass Barrier at Tomorrow's VP Debate.
VAUSE: He was one of the greatest guitarists of all time. He shaped his generation, and the death of rock 'n' roll legend Eddie Van Halen sending shockwaves across the world. Van Halen died, aged 65, Tuesday after a long battle with cancer. He co-founded the iconic group Van Halen, known for its timeless hits, including "Jump," "Running with the Devil," and "Hot for Teacher." A few years ago, I had a chance to sit down and talk with Van Halen, one of the true greats of rock 'n' roll.</s>EDDIE VAN HALEN, GUITARIST: The way I grew up, I mean, even on the nine-day boat trip from home to New York, my father was in the band on the boat, and my brother and I also played piano during intermission. So we -- my whole life has been music. I could not imagine.</s>VAUSE: Thank you for watching CNN NEWSROOM. Van Halen was a legend. I can't believe I had the chance to talk with him, but I did. It was great. I'm John Vause. WORLD SPORT is up next.
Eddie Van Halen Dies of Cancer
KING: A big Senate debate in Arizona last night and it got feisty quickly. Former astronaut, Mark Kelly, is the Democratic challenger Martha McSally, the Republican incumbent. The question she had a hard time answering, are you proud to be in the President's corner?</s>UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you proud of your support for President Trump?</s>SEN. MARTHA MCSALLY (R-AZ): Well, I'm proud that I'm fighting for Arizona and done things like cutting your taxes.</s>UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Senator, the question was, are you proud of your support for President Trump?</s>MCSALLY: I'm proud to be fighting for Arizona every single day.</s>UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is that a yes or no for President Trump?</s>MCSALLY: Putting legislation on President Trump's desk.</s>KING: That's a dodge. The two you might recall competing for the seat once held by the late Senator John McCain. Kelly accusing McSally of not defending McCain when President Trump attacked him, this is McSally's answer.</s>MCSALLY: I've publicly and privately repeatedly talked to President Trump and asked him to stop attacking John McCain. Quite frankly, it pisses me off when he does it. I repeatedly said stop doing that.</s>KING: Kelly leading at the moment, one of the big Senate races we'll keep an eye on. Thanks for joining us today. Hope to see you back here this time tomorrow.
GOP's McSally Dodges Question On Support Of Trump.
KING: Europe right now bracing for a long winter because of a second surge of COVID-19 that is already under way. The hardest hit nations at the moment, Czech Republic, Spain and the Netherlands. Fred Pleitgen has this update from Berlin.</s>FRED PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: I'm Fred Pleitgen in Berlin, which has been declared a coronavirus hot spot as this country sees a steep rise in new coronavirus infections. Now, the German Center for Disease Control recorded more than 2,800 new infections in a span of 24 hours for the first time since the middle of April. And while Germany is still faring a lot better than most European countries, Angela Merkel has said she is concerned about the situation also because of the amount of people who are in intensive care and need to be ventilated is also on the rise. Here in Berlin, the local authorities have identified Berlin's vibrant party scene as one of the main culprits for the new rise in infections and they are taking some new fairly drastic measures. They are telling stores, bars, restaurants to shut down in the hours from 11:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M.
E.U. Nations Struggle with Second COVID-19 Wave Ahead of Winter.
KEILAR: Just in, an NFL doctor won't rule out pausing the season as cases around the league are growing. The league has already postponed two games this season. And today, a second New England Patriots' player tested positive. Here are more headlines from around the world.</s>SELENA WANG, CNN: I'm Selena Wang, in Hong Kong. The scenes at the Great Wall of China are inconceivable in most parts of the world. Massive crowds crammed along the wall. Even though the site has capped capacity and reminded tourists to wear their masks, many people were seen barefaced and jammed together in tight quarters. It's China's Golden Week holiday right now, one of the country's busiest travel periods. It's also a major test for China as it gets past the coronavirus pandemic with close to zero local transmissions. In fact --</s>SCOTT MCLEAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: I'm Scott McLean, in London, where Prime Minister Boris Johnson is one of the few people who can understand what it's like to be in President Trump's shoes right now, a world leader battling the coronavirus in full public view. Johnson has been pretty blunt about his own experience with the virus this spring, and the fact that it almost killed him. This week, in a speech to his own Conservative Party, he said that the reason he had such a difficult time with the virus is because he was overweight. Since then, he's lost 26 pounds and is using his own recovery from the virus as a metaphor for the country, promising that things will come back stronger than before.
Update on Coronavirus Responses from Around the World.
KEILAR: Right now, we are keeping an eye on the Gulf Coast as parts of Louisiana are bracing for yet another powerful storm that is sitting just offshore. This is Hurricane Delta, and it is set to make landfall later tonight with wind gusts potentially as high as 100 miles per hour. And this is headed for some areas that were already hit hard by Hurricane Laura just weeks ago. Delta is the fourth named storm expected to hit Louisiana this season, and our Ryan young is in Lake Arthur, Louisiana. you know, Ryan, this is a state that is still reeling from Laura, and now they have Hurricane Delta to contend with. How are they getting ready for this?</s>RYAN YOUNG, CNN NATIONAL REPORTER: Yes, absolutely. We're in</s>KEILAR: All right, we'll be watching along with you, Ryan Young, thank you for that update from Lake Arthur, Louisiana. Moments ago, the president, calling Black Lives Matter a racist term. And he goes on about black voters in America. Don Lemon will join me live to discuss. Plus, the president attacks the governor of Michigan for citing his rhetoric in the kidnapping plot against her. And House Speaker Nancy Pelosi introduces a bill that would give Congress some power in determining whether the president can be removed from office. Hear how President Trump is responding.
Hurricane Delta to Make Landfall Tonight
KEILAR: Parts of the Louisiana coast right now bracing as yet another powerful storm sits just offshore. Hurricane Delta is set to make landfall tonight, and right now it is headed straight for areas that were hit hard by Hurricane Laura just weeks ago. Hurricane Delta is the fourth named storm expected to hit Louisiana this season. And CNN's Martin Savidge is in Lake Charles, Louisiana, following all of this. This is an area that's still recovering after it was slammed by Hurricane Laura in late August. Tell us what's going on, Martin.</s>MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Right. Yes, that's exactly right, Brianna, although recovery might even be too much credit really. They're just barely getting out from under Laura. And that's really the problem here. Last storm, the big concern was, of course, the water. This time, it is the wind, any kind of wind. Tropical storm force and, for goodness sakes, they really don't want to think about hurricane force winds because so much damage has been done. The debris that's around me becomes the potential weapon in the next storm coming ashore. Let me just show you what you've got, like this stuff, aluminum siding, which obviously gets picked up in a very easy wind, this is almost razor sharp, it's got nails embedded in it. And it's just an example of some of the stuff that's out here. But look down the street.
Hurricane Delta Takes Aim at Louisiana, Fourth to do so This Season.
LEMON: So, the breaking news tonight is on the Gulf Coast. Hurricane Delta is pounding southwest Louisiana with powerful winds, heavy rain after making landfall a few hours ago. There you see him up on your screen right now. Martin Savidge is in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Give us the latest, Martin.</s>MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Don, this is the second hurricane in six weeks to strike just about the same part of Louisiana, conditions starting to ease or improve here in Lake Charles. Winds are dying down. It was a category two storm that came ashore. Quickly went down to a category one. The problem with Lake Charles getting hit was the fact that it got hit by a category four storm, that was Laura, just six weeks ago it devastated this town. And so many of the structures were already weaken. The mayor estimates about 95 percent of the buildings had suffered in some way including homes, and then you got another powerful storm that comes in. They began evacuating on Wednesday. They hope many people left. But here's the thing. The mayor is reporting they have received emergency call 911 calls from people needing help in the midst of the storm. It was too dangerous for the crews to go out. They will have to wait until the winds here and the conditions improve and the winds subside. They are very practice tragically at doing this. Search and recovery will begin as soon as this storm moves away, and once again this community will have to try to rebuild but the problem is all that debris that was laying around the streets, tons of it, much of it went airborne and is likely to have done additional death. So those that left will come home they have to start all over again, Don.</s>LEMON: Sadly. Martin Savidge, thank you very much. Martin is going to keep an eye on it and we'll get back to him if need to be throughout the hours here on CNN. We'll be right back.
Hurricane Delta Battered Gulf Coast.
BRUNHUBER: In American pro football, it is now a new rule for coaches talking to game officials in the COVID era. In a memo obtained by CNN, the National Football League says teams will be penalized 15 yards if the coaches speak to game officials without wearing a mask. The penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct comes after several coaches removed their masks when arguing with officials. And the New York Jets now have a clean bill of health, after sending all personnel home on Friday, when one player tested positive for COVID-19. It turns out that was a false positive. After a retest, everyone tested negative. And their game against the Arizona Cardinals will go ahead as scheduled on Sunday, which they will probably lose. All this uncertainty shows how sports leagues have walked the delicate line during the coronavirus pandemic. Carolyn Manno has more on what the NFL is planning to do.</s>CAROLYN MANNO, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: I'm Carolyn Manno in New York. For the second straight week, the Tennessee Titans and New England Patriots have had to push their games back because of coronavirus. The Patriots were originally scheduled to play the Denver Broncos on Sunday afternoon. But that game has been moved to Monday night at 5:00 pm Eastern. Meantime, Sunday's Titans-Bills game to be played on Tuesday. And Buffalo scheduled to play the Chiefs, two days later. And if that game comes to fruition, the other game will be pushed back. As the league's scheduling shuffle continues, the NFL tells CNN as of Thursday's round of testing, the Patriots, Chiefs and Titans are reporting no new cases, an encouraging sign as they try to move forward in their schedule.</s>BRUNHUBER: Well, that wraps up this hour of CNN NEWSROOM. I'm Kim Brunhuber. I will be back in just a moment. Stay with us.
NFL Reschedules Games for Second Week.
BRUNHUBER: The World Food Programme has won the Nobel Peace Prize for its fight to end hunger. Right now the world produces enough food to feed everyone but still 690 million people around the world go to bed on an empty stomach every night. CNN's Phil Black takes a look at the organization's accomplishments.</s>PHIL BLACK, CNN CORRESPONDENT: No one picked this but no one is disputing the worthiness of the World Food Programme as a Nobel Peace Prize winner, especially this year. In 2019, the organization helped 100 million hungry and starving people. In2020, that number expanded to 135 million, largely because of the pandemic and the organization warns that could expand further.</s>BLACK: Its executive director, talking about a potential wave of famine around the world before this year is over. The Nobel Peace Prize committee, justifying its choice and awarding the prize, to an organization that combats hunger. It drawing a clear link between hunger and war, saying they are often locked in a vicious cycle and you will never solve one without the other. The organization's executive director was in Niger, when he heard the news.</s>DAVID BEASLEY, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, WFP: This is the first time in my life I've been speechless. This is unbelievable. I'm talking about the most exciting point in time in your life, the Nobel Peace Prize. It's because of the WFP family. They're out there, in the most difficult, complex places in the world, whether it is war, conflict, climate extremes, it doesn't matter. They are out there and they deserve this award. And wow, wow, wow, wow. I can't believe it.</s>BLACK: The Nobel committee said through this choice, it wants to turn the eyes of the world onto the hungry. The World Food Programme is being honored for its work but also, its example. The committee made it clear, it is sending a message about the importance of countries working together to solve the really big problems. In its opening comments, making its announcement in Oslo, it said the need for international solidarity and multilateral cooperation is as great as ever -- Phil Black, CNN, London.
World Food Programme Honored with Nobel Peace Prize.
CHURCH: The Los Angeles Lakers have won the 2020 NBA championship. They defeated the Miami Heat in game 6 Sunday night. It's the Lakers 17th title all-time tying the Boston Celtics for the most in league history. LeBron James was named the finals MVP. Former President Barack Obama congratulated the Lakers and the Seattle storm winning the WNBA title thing he was proud of how the league's teams and players used their voices for racial justice. And in tennis, Rafael Nadal's victory at the French Open earned him his 20th Grand Slam title. It ties him with Roger Federer's all-time record, Nadal beat rival Novak Djokovic in straight sets in Sunday's final. The 34-year-old Spaniard says he is pleased with his performance.</s>RAFAEL NADAL, 2020 FRENCH OPEN WINNER: Yes. Well, of course, I played an amazing level of tennis now. For two sets and a half I played great. Honestly. I can't say another thing. It is impossible to play against him without playing great.</s>NOVAK DJOKOVIC, LOST FRENCH OPEN TO NADAL: Just he did, you know, he surprised me with the way he was playing and the quality of tennis he was producing and the level. I mean, it was phenomenal. I mean, he played a perfect match. The coronavirus pandemic forced tennis organizers to move the French Open from its usual late May start. And I want to thank you for joining me this hour. I'm Rosemary Church. I'll be back with more news in just a moment. Stick around.
Nadal 20th Win in 2020
HARLOW: Welcome back. So, coronavirus stimulus talks hit another major roadblock this weekend when lawmakers in both parties, some in both parties, seemed to just reject the latest $1.8 trillion offer from the White House, too big for a number of Senate Republicans, too small for Democrats. The president's top economic adviser still says a deal could happen. Take a listen to Larry Kudlow on with Jake just yesterday.</s>LARRY KUDLOW, WHITE HOUSE ECONOMIC ADVISER: Secretary Mnuchin is up to $1.8 trillion. So the bid in the offer is narrowing somewhat between the two sides. President Trump actually has always said -- I mean, I've heard him say it in the Oval, as far as the key elements are concerned, the checks, unemployment assistance, the small business assistance, we've got to help airlines out, he would go further. He's always said that.</s>HARLOW: Our Congressional Reporter, Lauren Fox, joins me from Capitol Hill. A good Monday morning. I wish I could say, it's Monday and there's a deal that help millions of Americans, but there's not. It's notable though that Kudlow was saying the president could go up to above 2.2 trillion.</s>LAUREN FOX, CNN CONGRESSIONAL REPORTER: Well, I think that this really speaks to why this negotiation has been so confusing to follow and so confusing to really be a part of on Capitol Hill, because you're looking here at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She is hearing from Kudlow basically saying, perhaps the president would go further than Steve Mnuchin's $1.8 trillion offer. And you get a sense that perhaps maybe she's going to hold out for that number to continue to tick upward. Meanwhile, over the weekend, you had Senate Republicans just outright rejecting the idea of $1.8 trillion, saying that this was just too far. They were on a conference call with Steve Mnuchin and Mark Meadows and you had someone like Lamar Alexander, sort of a member who is very soft spoken, doesn't really speak out very often, saying, quote, there was no appetite for going that high among Senate Republicans.
Kudlow on Stimulus, Mnuchin May Go Higher Than $2.2 Trillion Proposal.
KEILAR: New research shows your blood type may be linked to your coronavirus risk. CNN health reporter, Jacqueline Howard, is following the story. Tell us what these studies are finding about blood type, Jacqueline.</s>JACQUELINE HOWARD, CNN HEALTH REPORTER: Yes, Brianna, this is some new and emerging research that's kind of adding to our understanding of the link between -- a possible link, I should say, between your blood type and COVID-19 risk. Here's what the studies found. In the first study, when it comes to success susceptibility, it was conducted out of Denmark, and that study found that among people who tested positive for COVID-19, 38 percent of them were blood type "O." And that percentage is lower than how many people in the general population, who haven't been tested, were blood type "O," which was 42 percent in the study. And when it comes to severe illness, another study found that among critically ill COVID-19 patients in Canada, 84 percent of those patients had blood types "A" or "AB". Excuse me, 84 percent of those with blood types "A" or "AB" needed mechanical ventilation, whereas 61 percent of those with types "O" or "B" did. Also in that study, Brianna, patients with blood types "A" or "AB" were in the ICU for about four days longer than those with blood types "O" or "B." So you see there's a connection there. But more research is needed to really take a deep look at what this connection could really mean for us. Back to you -- Brianna?</s>KEILAR: So interesting. Definitely looking forward to more research on that. Jacqueline, thank you. President Trump is set to host a rally in Iowa tonight, a state with one of the highest coronavirus positivity rates in the country right now. Plus, Singer Demi Lovato goes after the president in a new song that she's set to perform on a national stage tonight.
Research Shows Blood Type May Be Linked to COVID-19 Risk
KEILAR: Singer Demi Lovato is taking aim at President Trump in a new song she's planning to perform for the first time at tonight's Billboard Music Awards. CNN's Chloe Melas is following this for us.</s>CHLOE MELAS, CNN ENTERTAINMENT REPORTER: Demi Lovato is calling out President Donald Trump in her new song, "Commander-in-Chief," for what she says is his mishandling of racial injustice and the COVID-19 pandemic. Demi Lovato spoke to CNN about the song's message.</s>DEMI LOVATO, SINGER: It's very important for me that I get to use my platform for something much bigger than just singing. There's been so many times where I've wanted to write the president a letter or sit down with him and ask him these questions. And then I thought, well, I don't really actually want to do that. And I think one way that I could do that is writing a song and releasing it to the whole world to hear and then he has to answer those questions to everybody and not just me.</s>MELAS: Lovato, who has over 150 million fans on social media, says she's not looking for the song to divide the nation. She's actually hopes it encourages her fans to vote in next month's election.</s>LOVATO: We have to show up. We have to turn up and vote. Because it's so important that our voices are heard, you know? And, honestly, for me, whether you are a Republican or Democrat, just get out and vote.</s>KEILAR: Our special coverage continues now with Jake Tapper.
Demi Lovato Calls Out President Trump in New Song.
KEILAR: Up to eight hours of standing and waiting, that is what some Georgia voters are enduring in order to cast their ballots early. And they are far from alone. There are thousands of folks across the nation encountering these long lines as voters are coming out in droves. They are setting records, doubling, even tripling in some states the early voting numbers seen in 2016. CNN's Amara Walker is in Georgia watching all of this for us. I mean, eight hours to vote, Amara, that is a considerably long line.</s>AMARA WALKER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, it's wild, isn't it? So that eight-hour wait time was up in Gwinnett County about a half hour north of here in Fulton County, an early voting site, and that was happening on Monday. On Tuesday, the wait times are down to six hours. And now, from what I saw, the line and the wait time there in Gwinnett County is two hours. Here at Fulton County at this particular polling site this morning, people are lining up starting at 6:00 in the morning. The wait time was about three hours. Now, it's down to about 45 minutes. Part of the reason why we've been seeing such long lines around the state, Brianna, is that many polling site are still having problems related to the electronic poll pads. That's basically the electronic check-in system, where it verifies the voter's registration and then generates an I.D. card for the voter to go ahead and then vote on the touch screen machines. The Georgia the secretary of state today said in a news conference, yes, this is a statewide issue that we're seeing, that we're seeing these slowdowns in the system because there's just not enough bandwidth. All of these polling sites are logging onto the digital record data system for the state at the same time. In fact, in Gwinnett County, just north of here, a spokesperson there told me that, yesterday, this system crashed for about a half hour.
Early Voters Enduring Long Lines To Cast Ballots In Texas, Georgia.
KEILAR: An American tennis player now in hiding after fleeing Russia on a private jet after testing positive. Fred Pleitgen is following this from Moscow.</s>FRED PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: We're talking about Sam Querrey, from California, who is very well known for an extremely powerful first serve and lots of aces. He was supposed to play at this tournament in St. Petersburg in Russia. However, a day before the tournament was supposed to start, he and his wife tested positive for COVID-19. The organizers then say they put Querrey and his family into self- isolation in the hotel. But when doctors wanted to visit the family, he refused to open the door. They were also supposed to get tested again for the novel coronavirus on October 15th but they weren't there anymore. Surveillance cameras in the hotel showed that they all left the hotel in the very early morning hours of October 13th. And later, apparently, Querrey told the ATP that he had left Russia with his family on a private plane. And now, no one really knows where he is. We tried to reach out to Querrey's representatives, however, they have not gotten back to us. And the ATP has acknowledged that this incident happened. And they called on all players to provide by coronavirus protocols or risk jeopardizing these tournaments being carried out -- Brianna?</s>KEILAR: All right, Fred, thank you for that.
U.S. Tennis Player Sam Querrey Accused of Fleeing Russia after Testing Positive for COVID.
KEILAR: Grammy-winning singer, Christopher Cross, is sharing his frightening coronavirus story. CNN entertainment reporter, Chloe Melas, explains how COVID-19 almost killed him.</s>CHLOE MELAS, CNN ENTERTAINMENT REPORTER: Brianna, singer, Christopher Cross, said that COVID-19 caused him to become temporarily paralyzed. Cross, who is best known for his hits like "Ride Like the Wind" and "Sailing," told "CBS Sunday Morning" that he and his girlfriend contracted the virus after returning from a trip to Mexico City. He said they were sick for several weeks. And that his doctors also diagnosed him with a rare neurological disorder, which they believe was due to the coronavirus. Cross says he was unable to walk and that it was his, quote, "darkest of times." He now walks with a cane. And says he feels like it's his obligation to share what happened to him. Saying, quote, "This is a big deal. You've got to wear your mask. You've got to take care of each other, because, you know, this could happen to you -- Brianna?</s>KEILAR: Chloe, thank you so much. We have some breaking news. The U.S. has surpassed eight million coronavirus cases. This, amid new questions about a promise made by President Trump. Why the antibody cocktail that he calls a cure may not be available for months and may not be affordable for many Americans.
"Sailing" Singer Christopher Cross Says COVID Paralyzed Him
KEILAR: It is the top of the hour. I am Brianna Keilar. The U.S. has now surpassed eight million cases of the coronavirus just a day after hitting a pandemic milestone that hasn't been seen since mid-August. More than 60,000 new cases in a single day, as multiple states post record highs for single-day infections. With almost two-thirds of the country reporting double-digit increases compared to a week ago, Dr. Anthony Fauci says that while the numbers are not where they should be, Americans still have a chance to bring things under control.</s>DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR ALLERGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASES: You can't enter into the cool months of the fall and the cold months of the winter with a high community infection baseline. And looking at the map and seeing the heat map, how it lights up with test positivity that is in more than 30-plus states is going in the wrong direction. It's still not too late to vigorously apply good public health measures. And again, I emphasize, without necessarily shutting down the country.</s>KEILAR: And let's listen in now to President Trump.</s>TRUMP: Thank you very much. Please. We're going to be talking to our great senior citizens. That's what I'm here for today.</s>TRUMP: We love our senior citizens. I'm honored to be here in Fort Myers to reaffirm my solid pledge to American seniors. It's so important to me. I happen to be a senior.</s>TRUMP: I will protect you, I will defend you, and I will fight for you with every ounce of energy and conviction that I have.</s>TRUMP: You devoted your life to this country, and I am devoting my life to you.</s>TRUMP: My administration is working every day to give our amazing senior citizens the care, support and respect that you deserve. And you understand that. We've worked together for a long time. As president, I'm deeply aware that America's 54 million seniors have borne the heaviest burden of the China virus.
U.S. Surpasses 8 Million Cases of Coronavirus
CABRERA: She was Ronald Reagan's strongest supporter, his sharpest negotiator, and his lifelong protector. This Sunday, the CNN original series, "FIRST LADIES," examines the life of Nancy Reagan. Here's a preview.</s>UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Nancy Davis and Ronald Reagan met in Hollywood in 1949. Nancy was an ambitious young actress.</s>UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Nancy arrived in Hollywood during the time of the Red Scare. There was a lot of concern that Communists were infiltrating Hollywood.</s>UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She sees the name Nancy Davis on a list of supposed communist sympathizers. I mean, this is a career killer.</s>UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So, she went to her director, Mervyn LeRoy. And he said, I'm going to have my good friend, Ronnie Reagan, the president of the Screen Actors Guild, look into this for you.</s>UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Reagan says, no, it's another Nancy Davis. Tell her not to worry. We'll stand behind her. But Nancy says, you need to engineer a chance for me to meet him face- to-face.</s>UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ronald Reagan, 10 years Nancy's senior, was a well-known actor and a staunch anti-Communist.</s>UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think the list was really a pretext to get to know Ronald Reagan, who was now a divorcee.
Sunday's "First Ladies" Examines Nancy Reagan.
COREN: U.S. president Donald Trump is offering his condolences to the French president after Friday's gruesome beheading of a teacher in Paris. Mr. Trump condemned the attack while speaking on Saturday in Wisconsin.</s>TRUMP: On behalf of the United States, I'd like to extend my sincere condolences to a friend of mine, president Macron of France where they had just yesterday a vicious, vicious Islamic terrorist attack. Beheading an innocent teacher near Paris. A horrible thing. They've apprehended nine people, who knows?</s>COREN: CNN's Jim Bittermann is in Paris with the latest on the investigation and he filed this report.</s>JIM BITTERMANN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: The French anti-terrorism prosecutor has now added considerable detail to Friday's deadly attack on a schoolteacher in a Paris suburb. According to the prosecutor, the teacher, identified as 47-year-old Samuel Paty, was knifed to death and decapitated as he walked home from his school, by an 18-year-old refugee living in France. Earlier this month the teacher and led a class discussion about freedom of speech using pictures from the controversial magazine "Charlie Hebdo," which itself provoked a deadly attack in 2015 when it published caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad. At least one father of the school took offense, filed a complaint with police and distributed the teacher's identity on the Internet. The assailant, gunned down by police when he refused to surrender his weapons, posted a message just after the attack saying he was responsible. It read, "I have executed one of thy dogs from hell who dared to belittle Muhammad" -- Jim Bittermann, CNN, Paris.</s>COREN: Absolutely tragic. It's a double victory for New Zealand.</s>COREN: How this rugby match became a symbolic win against COVID-19. That's ahead.
French Prosecutor Releases New Details On Paris Attack
TAPPER: We're back with our health lead now. And it's been one week since Johnson & Johnson paused its coronavirus vaccine trial, and we still do not have detailed information as to why. We do know that a participant in the trial became ill, but Johnson & Johnson and the FDA refuse to answer questions about the exact nature of that illness. Joining us now, CNN senior medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen. Elizabeth, transparency is very important. What have you learned?</s>ELIZABETH COHEN, CNN SENIOR MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Jake, not only do we not know those details that you mentioned about what happened to this patient, what kind of illness. There are even more basic and straightforward things that the company isn't telling us and that the FDA says they are legally prohibited from telling us. For example, we don't know the answer to the basic question, did this recipient get a vaccine or did they get a placebo? We don't know that. Johnson & Johnson says they don't know. But experts I have talked to says that that seems -- that we should know that by now. It's been more than a week. The second question is, is this the first pause for the trial? It's possible that this is not the first pause. When you ask that question, you don't get an answer. And to talk a little bit about why this pause is so important, I want to point out that there are only four phase three clinical trials for COVID vaccines going on in the U.S. right now. Let's take a look at them. Pfizer and Moderna both started July 27. And they have not paused. They are ongoing. AstraZeneca started August 31 and paused September 9, so, as you can see, didn't go on for very long. The J&J trial started September 23 and paused October 12. So, they also did not go on for very long.
Reason For Pause in Some Vaccine Trials?
KEILAR: Thousands of Georgians are still going to the polls, setting new early voting records. State election officials say pre-election voter turnout is up 142 percent. And they're predicting more than two million early votes could be cast. CNN's Amara Walker is in Atlanta with more on Georgia's record turnout.</s>AMARA WALKER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Brianna, it is day nine of early voting and Georgia voters are continuing to turn out in record numbers. As of 8:00 p.m. Monday, nearly 1.7 million early votes had been cast in person or via absentee. That's according to the secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger. Compare this to this time in 2016 when about 700,000 ballots had been cast. That's a 142 percent increase in total turnout. Georgia also seeing a 640 percent increase in the number of absentee ballots that have been accepted so far. Now, reports of those hours-long wait times have gone down as well. Raffensperger says the band width issues related to the electronic poll pads that check in voters have been fully fixed -- Brianna?</s>KEILAR: All right, Amara Walker, thank you so much. After a chaotic first debate, a presidential health crisis, a controversial debate cancellation and competing town halls, Joe Biden and Donald Trump will face off one last time. The final presidential debate is coming. And special live coverage starts Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Eastern here on CNN. And our special coverage today continues now with Jake Tapper.
Georgia Early Voting "Setting Records with Each Passing Hour".
ELIZABETH COHEN, CNN SENIOR MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: That's not as reliable as a clinical trial but it certainly does sort of, you know, keep some hope that maybe this drug is useful in certain patients.</s>JAKE TAPPER, CNN HOST: Elizabeth, another new study finds that blood from the very sickest COVID patients might make for the most effective convalescent plasma treatment. Why?</s>COHEN: You know what, because the sicker you get, the strongest response your body has to form. If you're very sick, your immune system really has to kick into gear. So, let's take a look at what this study found, because this has been a big question, is convalescent plasma the same from person to person? And it's apparently not. They looked at 126 survivors. 80 percent had detectible, neutralizing antibodies. That's what they're looking for. So, in other words, 20 percent weren't even useful, and that's good to know. The patients who were the best were older, male and hospitalized. And that is sort of a way of saying the patients who were the best were the ones that were the most sick.</s>TAPPER: All right, Elizabeth Cohen, thank you so much. Important information. What if you wake up on November 4th with no clear winner in the presidential contest and a category 5 tweet storm from President Trump? Well, the man who run political advertising for Twitter says it might be time to mute the President for democracy's sake. We'll talk to him. Plus, breaking news in our POLITICS LEAD. Stick around and I'll tell you what it is.
Study Shows Anti-Inflammatory Drug Can Reduce Risk of Death in Critically ill COVID Patients
KEILAR: Two and a half million years of life. That is what the coronavirus has cost Americans, according to Harvard University researchers who calculated the life expectancy rates for many in this country who died from the virus. Roughly half of those years lost were taken from middle-aged Americans, those in 40s, 50s, 60s, who, prior to the pandemic, had decades of life ahead of them. His research has not yet been peer reviewed or published in a medical journal. For more coronavirus headlines, let's check in with our CNN correspondents.</s>ELIZABETH COHEN, CNN SENIOR MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: I'm Elizabeth Cohen in Atlanta. A new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children's Hospital Association shows a 13 percent jump in the number of children with COVID from October 1st through October 15th. That's a jump from about 657,000 children to 741,000. Now children do tend to stay healthier with COVID when you look at hospitalizations. Children represent only between 1 percent and 3 percent of hospitalizations depending on the state.</s>JACQUELINE HOWARD, CNN HEALTH REPORTER: I'm Jacqueline Howard in Atlanta. The coronavirus pandemic continues to hit the black community hard. A new study finds black COVID-19 patients are more likely to be hospitalized than white patients are. There's a 1.7-fold difference. The study found no significant difference when it came to ICU admissions or deaths, although other previous research has. The new study included data more than 5,000 people tested for COVID-19 in Michigan. And the researchers call for more investment in testing and prevention efforts across racially diverse communities.</s>KEILAR: All right. Thank you so much for those reports. President Trump abruptly ending an interview with "60 Minutes" and he's now threatening to release it himself. Threatening but he hasn't yet. Plus, cracks emerge in the coronavirus task force at the White House. And a Louisville police officer involved in the Breonna Taylor case says what could have been done differently that would have saved her life.
Update On Coronavirus Responses Across The Country
SCIUTTO: While, the White House and Speaker Pelosi are working on a stimulus deal for millions of Americans, many of them desperately need it, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell seems to be on a different page here. Remarkable disagreement within the Republican Party, Poppy.</s>HARLOW: That's right. Manu Raju is on Capitol Hill with more. Good morning, Manu. Getting my words screwed up here this morning. So we just saw the majority whip James Clyburn on, and here is what he said about the timeline, he thinks, for a deal. Listen.</s>REP. JAMES CLYBURN (D-SC): The election is less than two weeks away, and I believe we'll be back in Washington a week or two after the elections, and we can do something there. At least the elections will be behind us. People will know what their futures are.</s>HARLOW: What are you hearing, Manu?</s>MANU RAJU, CNN SENIOR CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, that's similar to what I'm hearing. It just seems highly unlikely that any deal could be passed certainly through both chambers of Congress, before Election Day, not only because of major disagreements between the Republicans and the White House but also the details are still yet to be sorted out between Pelosi and the Trump administration. Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, is having a phone call today with policy staff of Speaker Pelosi's, also Meadows is expected to speak to some Republicans.
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Casts Doubt on Stimulus Deal as Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), White House Continue Talks.
ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: There's a new report out by the American Academy of Pediatrics. They've seen a 13 percent increase in cases just since the beginning of October. They say that's in children. But that's not terribly descriptive. Do we know what's happening? How old these kids are? How severe the condition is?</s>DR. JONATHAN REINER, CNN MEDICAL ANALYST: Well, you know, fortunately, this disease is often or usually tolerated to a much better extent by children. But, remember, what's happened recently? Kids have gone back to school. So that's why we're seeing this dramatic rise. We didn't really know what was going to happen in children because since the beginning of the pandemic, when schools closed in most places in the United States, kids were largely sequestered. But in parts of the United States, where in-person school exists now, we're seeing transmission from child-to-child. We know that children over the age of about 12 transmit the virus to adults probably as efficiently as adults transmit it to adults, maybe a little less for younger children. Most children will do pretty well with this virus. They will transmit it to adults, but a small number, still a tragic number, will not do well. Will either have long-term sequelle (ph) or will sadly die of this virus. This is nothing that we just sort of can let children have. This is not a chicken pox party, which you also shouldn't let kids have.</s>JOH BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: Dr. Reiner, as always, thank you for being with us this morning. We appreciate you expertise. Please stay safe.</s>REINER: My pleasure. You too.</s>BERMAN: Voters in at least two states this morning say they have received e-mails threatening them to vote for Donald Trump or else. Who's behind these? What does it tell us? That's next.
Coronavirus Cases in Children Jump
KING: Important news this morning in the quest for COVID-19 vaccine, the pharmaceutical company Moderna hitting a milestone by finishing enrolling all of its trial, phase three trial participants. CNN senior medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen joins us with more. Elizabeth, how significant?</s>ELIZABETH COHEN, CNN SENIOR MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: John, it's significant before Moderna had been said that they would be ready or possibly ready to apply to the FDA for authorization to put this on the market. In December, I spoke with the president of the company Dr. Stephen Hoge. And he told me early December, so they're even more optimistic than they were before. Let's take a look at what's going to happen here. So 30,000 participants enrolled in the trial, they've all gotten their first shots, and most of them have gotten the booster shot that happens about a month later. Now remember, half of these people got the vaccine and half got the placebo and no one knows right now who got what. When 53 participants get sick with COVID-19 an analysis will be done, who the people who got sick, did they get the vaccine or the placebo? If at least 40 received the placebo, in other words, 75 percent, that means that Moderna will apply to the FDA for authorization. Now let's take a look at where all of these trials stand. As I said, Moderna says they could apply to the FDA in early December. Pfizer says they could apply to the FDA for emergency use authorization in late November AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, John, those trials are both on hold. Participants one in each trial got sick. And so they've paused to see if they are going to go back or not. So those are both on pause right now. John?</s>KING: Elizabeth Cohen, grateful for that very important update. We'll stay on top of that. Coming up for us next, the race for the presidency, the battle for the control of the Senate, you want to look at one state to watch, how about North Carolina.
Moderna Reaches Target Of Enrolling 30,000 Participants For Phase 3 Of U.S. Vaccine trial.
KEILAR: A major development in the race for a coronavirus vaccine. The pharmaceutical company, Moderna, says it's now hit its target of 30,000 participants for its phase three vaccine trial. The company says all of those in rolled have received their first vaccine shot and most have also received the required second shot. Moderna's president said, if all the stars align, his company is now on track to apply to the FDA for authorization to put the vaccine on the market in early December. Now a CNN exclusive on Russia's push to develop a coronavirus vaccine. The developers of Russia's touted Sputnik-V coronavirus vaccine revealing to CNN the vaccine has not undergone the same rigorous testing required in other global trials. CNN's Fred Pleitgen is reporting from Moscow with exclusive details.</s>FRED PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Hi there, Brianna. In August, the Russians approved their vaccine Sputnik-V without going through the main phase three trials for efficacy and for safety of the vaccine. However, the Russians kept on saying that they were going to conduct trials quickly. Last week, they said they'd already vaccinated 13,000 people. This week, they were saying 17,000 people. When we exclusively spoke to the head of the Gamaleya Institute, which is responsible for the Sputnik-V vaccine, the head of that institute told us, so far, only around 6,000 of those participants have actually received both doses of the vaccine. Which, of course, are key to achieving immunization and then for the scientists to be able to collect data from those trial participants. Now, another thing we've also learned is this vaccine, the institute says, is suitable for people between the ages of 18 and 60, and also not suitable for people who have various illnesses and also allergies as well. However, the head of the Gamaleya Institute says he believes it's still fine to also give the vaccine to older people and also to people with most illnesses. Of course, many prominent Russians have already taken the vaccine but one notable exception remains the Russian President Vladimir Putin, who, for months, has remained in isolation essentially inside a bubble -- Brianna?
Only 6,000 Participants Received Both Doses in Russia's Vaccine Trial.
ANDERSON: This week, we've been tracking Manchester's mayor going up against the British government and losing. But not so for Manchester United player Marcus Rashford. He is down but not out, dodging the government entirely to help feed kids in schools and promoting private companies like this cab company, who are willing to help feed them for free. Fair play to him on that. Christina Macfarlane is in the house for you. For those viewers who don't know the background to this story, just explain, if you will, Christina.</s>CHRISTINA MACFARLANE, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: I mean, this has been a long campaign for Marcus Rashford, hasn't it, Becky. We've seen him in the last three months pushing for food for underprivileged children in the U.K. I can tell you we've been watching his Twitter feed all morning and it's topping about 100 businesses now across the U.K. pledging their support to provide free meals during the school holidays. It's remarkable, Becky, that this young footballer just 22 has almost singlehandedly here started a movement and done what no politician in the U.K. has been able to do and he's done it with poise, dignity, a laser focus whilst being able to shine on the pitch for Manchester United. It is an incredible story and is still unfolding, this young player is quite exceptional.</s>ANDERSON: What a -- this is sort of a humanitarian we want to do more stories on, right? I know he wouldn't call himself a humanitarian, he's, you know, he would probably call himself just a really good lad and that is exactly what he is and an exceptional footballer to boot as well. I know you have a lot more on that coming up. We will be watching. We are going to take a short break. "WORLD SPORT" is up after that break. I will be back at the top of the hour for you with the second hour of CONNECT THE WORLD. Stay with us.
Marcus Rashford Promotes Grassroots Network to Feed Hungry.