a toaster converts electricity into radiant waves for browning bagels
A light is refracted when it shines at a gem
coal is a resource that constructs with difficulty
After the wolf ate all the rabbits he survived on: fat
A bird makes its home in various places, such as groves of plants
To identify the percent chance of a trait being passed down we need at least four boxes
A pile of iron will tug devices for locating directions
The water in the bowl was gone before the water in the mug
A side effect of having a Husky as a pet is that when she sheds it takes hours to vacuum all of the fur
An example of feeling My pants against my skin
Some fields house incredible creatures such as large rabbits
Which of these items must be combined with a river to produce power? concrete
You can let someone know you are at the door thanks to a power plant
When being pursued by a lion a giraffe will dash
The ability that an oven has to turn ingredients into a moist cake come from its higher temps
Why would happen if the screw was loose on a bicycle's tire? it might fall off
Why was my son-in-law required to add rugs or carpeting to his upstairs apartment when the ground floor wasn't? Because they didn't want the downstairs renters to be as likely to complain about noise
the mantle is a level of our planet
Transpiration involves H2O traveling about a daffodil's system
A microscope can be placed against the sun and burn an ant in the light's path
one inherited characteristic of fur is it's hue
An example of adaption is wearing sunblock
If a snail is heated to the point of being burned, the snail will be discomforted
In a bog, when water levels become low, bog animals may search longer for nutrients
What contributes more, though less than some believe, to the lung damage caused by smoking? no filters
The below surface pebbles of the Snake River are of non rough edges because of? river movement
There are producers that exist in the food chain, and they basically require photosynthesis to survive
Pollution is caused by prescription medicine being put down sink drains
I have to plug in a processor of food because it is an electric Motor
The size of eyes matter relevant to sight and sight ability, given that elephants see better than ants
The reason that ducks are such excellent swimmers is because ducks have extra foot skin
Some minerals originated from a material that was far away
Heavy rains cause flooding which ruin crops
Stems are to flowers as silos are to grains
when an animal's eyes grow, what happens they see more
Environments which are covered in snow are often white as a result of said snow and what other factor? conditions which allow little if any heat to be produced or stored
Blood absorbs oxygen in the organs that develop during childhood
For a hungry hawk chasing a mouse, if the mouse darts away, the hawk must adjust speed
Mothers have many roles, one of which is gestating and birthing
Small, usually red plastic squares are often placed on transporters such as bicycles in order to shine light
If a lizard is unable to obtain sufficient nutrients in a period of time, the resulting effect may be ceased existence
A bunny wants to eat strawberries, but it is unable to find any. However, the bunny finds a patch of small white buds. If the rabbit waits a while there will be berries there
We can calculate a speed if we know a number of millimeters
When any two object strike with each other, the molecules of the outer of the two objects coming in contact could quake
Condensation over night can lead to slippery grass
In a warm room, it is likely that the source of heat is a series of metal pipes along a wall
Wax is on some plant leaves for what purpose? keep the ongoing hydration
Lightness may be seen reflected more clearly and brighter off of lighter colored objects, so an example would be a lilac door is easily seen
What can show how a rainbow is formed by refraction of light by splitting light into all different colors? shining a flashlight on a gem
Which of these animal traits is generally determined by environmental factors rather than heredity? hair length
Bees are attracted to a sugar rich liquid plants produce
If an animal is living, then it is taking in air
What does harming an organism cause? population decrease
Veins carry blood which means that they cart essential substances around
A source of something supplies that something, like how ponds are a moisture source
If you breathe out, especially in the vicinity of clear glass, you may witness your breath beading up
The bear in the wild needs to find other animals to feast. they are killers
A hawk would prefer this for lunch A bison
Why is it dangerous for an animal to be kept boxed up in an area without air circulation? it might get overheated
Animals may relocate to a new environment if their old environment experienced a large hurricane
many vehicles emitting pollution into the air may occur when EMT transports panting patient
What material is an example of an electrical insulator? Brick
The sun was straight above us when we took a break
Rubber can protect from electricity
A pollutions standard is something which will hopefully limit the amount of damage done to the environment by large producers
Electricity causes less damage to the Earth's atmosphere than Gasoline
If a river is rushing southwest on a sunny day, then it is safe to assume that the land gently inclines in that direction
Using a metal kitchen tool on a cheese can create small pieces
Someone in a room without any lights on, but that has mirrors in it, can still have light in that room if a joined room is lit
The increase in transport ability may increase the available types of grains
seeds are often found inside a cherry
If two hawks find a dead fox, they will battle
Seasons of the year highly impact what? Environment
There are fuels that we are soon to run out of, and there are options that are like the sun, in that they are endlessly available
while passing Jupiter the stronger the gravity
The sea is A mega Museum
A beak is used for catching prey by some birds, like how they are used by chickadees
Flowers will reproduce more if more bees make a pit stop at them
Which celestial object is the shortest distance from earth? Moon
Which would be a logical hypothesis after viewing a white substance on the floor, with a yellow carton on the counter? milk was spilled
With the apple tree chopped down, there was now no place for bird's nests
What makes a body stronger? parking far away
Recycling old cars has a positive impact on conservation of metal
Organisms require energy in order to do what? mature and develop
Where would the amount of water decrease most? under clear skies
If your pet bird is having trouble flying try putting them on a diet
Seasons are caused by earth's movement pattern
If a fox shuffles off the mortal coil, then that fox ceases to exist
A beaver is building a home in a river, and that eventually blocks up the river, giving the beaver a nice home. A side effect of the beaver's new home is freshwater body
A remote device may be powered by a gusting breeze
What shows that animals learn behaviors by watching their parents? kittens groom their faces because their mother licked their faces
ultraviolet light is found in light from where the flaming ball of gas we orbit
As a result of decreased water, what will happen to tree rings? Become narrow
Vegetables provide a lot of nutrients for humans
A prickly pear absorbs nutrients from below it
If electrical current is running the wire may be hot to the touch
If a wolf is unable to catch prey reliably, the wolf will show ribs
what does a barometer do to air pressure state its tightness
What is an example of reproduction occurring in adulthood? cats are unable to produce offspring until they are sexually mature
Because of human logging activities, some animals have to conserve their food