The sun is responsible for plants sprouting, blooming and wilting
When standing miles away from Mount Rushmore the mountains seem smaller than in photographs
When food is reduced in the stomach nutrients are being deconstructed
Stars are great balls of gas burning billions of miles away
You can make a telescope with a mailing tube
Poison causes harm to which of the following? a Tree
an inherited characteristic found on all mammals is fur
What doesn't eliminate waste? robots
As a car approaches you in the night the headlights become more intense
When the weather changes as it does from Christmas to Easter, the ground may warm
Using mirrors to focus collected light from heavenly bodies allows detailed observation
Which of these things will supplement a squirrel's caloric needs? nuts
As you look deeper into a Marbel you can see minut defects
What happens when mercury is placed in water? it sinks
In the desert, a hawk may enjoy an occasional reptile
A magnet will stick to a belt buckle
Shorter periods of daylight happen December to March
A person is lost in a dense forest, and needs to find their home. They know their home is to the south, and they are headed north. They can find home by using a northern-directing device
Where are you likely to find a nonrenewable resource? a mine
A man is searching for his dog in the woods and brings a flashlight. The flashlight has two large batteries in it, which provide light due to wiring
the summer solstice is on June 21st in the upper portion of earth
A mouse is being hunted by a Great Horned Owl. The owl watches the mouse carefully, and the mouse is unaware that it is being hunted. The mouse is unable to tell where the owl is, because the owl matches its background
You would use a seismometer if A mysterious rumble off the coast of Japan
Many animals that give birth to live young have legs
A child will only grow if they are provided with energy
Every twenty-four hours and fifty minutes, the moon can have an effect on bodies of water causing them to swell
The many trees on a forest floor broke, passed, will decay
A car is driving on a highway trying to get up the the speed limit. However, there are strong winds hitting the windshield of the car. Even though the driver is trying to speed up, the high winds conflict with the driver's goal
a student leaves a nail line on a mineral sample, so that mineral can be described as what? a soft mineral
An example of a chemical change is acid breaking down substances, another is lemon juice added to milk
Matter in the gas phase has fluctuating volume
an example of an excellent earth mover is annelids
Which animal gives birth to live young? Giraffe
As a plant's roots get bigger, they split apart granite
In the wilderness, light pollution is? less
Water vapor is an example of what? moistness
Heat and moisture in the ocean is a good recipe for a violent storm
if the boiling point of water is attained, what ensues beyond this point? the water turns evaporates rapidly
What is the most likely to be an effect of acid rain on an aquatic environment? decrease in plant life
When the moon is full is has a different appearance
What happens when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun? cools
One renewable fuel source is vegetable oil
I can use electrical energy to bake a bagel
On the list of a flower's goals would be to produce offspring
A person wants to buy some reusable equipment for the kitchen, so they get ceramic plates
The only stage of the water cycle process that is nonexistent is evaluation
which of these would more likely survive? a lost dog by the river, with small rodents
The moon's surface contains large cavities cause by explosions
Greenhouses protect plants from snow and frost
Earth rotating causes the cycling of AM and PM
which one of these can help a person cook their food? a counter cooker appliance
Sunlight produces heat that causes warmth on bodies
with which could you tell the exact size of an object? a plastic tape with graduated markings
Which would be the result of the breeding of two wolves? wolf pups
Scales help users know if they need to drop some lbs.
When producers create food in an ecosystem, a portion of the nutrients are carbs
Two ships grazing each other as they pass will slow them down
A battery converts chemical energy into energy stored due to the relative positions of charged particles or electric fields
The leaves of a plant benefit from? sun
Quartz may produce rainbows when light is shined through any of its sides
A woman is digging under a tree on a tall mountain. She is looking for interesting rocks, and a foot down into the soil, discovers a fossilized fish skeleton. From this discovery, the woman is able to determine that the mountain used to be underwater
Which animal lacks the ability to see by sensing light? Southern cave crayfish
Which animal emits something that many autistic people would be extra sensitive to? skunk
which of these usually occur over the shortest period? a super size earthquake
If the sun has set it is harder to see outside
A magnifying glass would allow the user to better view the legs on an ant
What do rotating vanes on an electric fan do to air? circulate
An animal would have its inner parts better protected if it had which of these? a calcium fortified internal structure
Plants require this to grow H2O
Renewable resources can be used ad infinitum
a day hiking will most likely result in which of these? an even darker tone
Refraction makes a straw appear broken when in a cup of water
which of these can be considered a stage in the water cycle? the presence of H20
Which of these items is required for a deer to live sun
Where is the best place to shoot animals? forest
Spiders can catch prey by doing all aside from howling
When does electricity flow through a conductor? when it's attached to a battery
I can use a stopwatch to track how many marshmallows I can eat in 10 minutes
If John were going to the store, how would he measure his trip? kilometer
A man plugs his television into an outlet behind a cabinet. He sees that the television may now be turned on so that he can watch his favorite show. The man knows that by hooking the t.v. cord into the outlet he completed a circuit
Which type of energy is the most environmentally friendly? Sunlight
Which form can be made into a triangle? ice
who would see better through an underground tunnel? a man with a candle and match
There are now many more people because of efficient farming
Water in a sealed jar might do what when placed in the freezer? break it
What causes a chemical reaction? mixing and heating edible items
What stores food for future use and is green? tree
Filling a bottle full of water and then placing it in the freezer can lead to bursting of the bottle
What functions without contact between objects? opposites attracting
Which doesn't contain water? Sea of Tranquilitiy
Fungi can do their food chain jobs without ingestion
Compared to a regular swimmer, a scuba diver deals with more pressure
What is an example of the fact that a thing is dead once it dies after having previously lived? a vibrant cat is deceased after being hit by a car
Thunder clouds are of a significant weight
If someone is experiencing frequent falls they should try putting down carpet or throw rugs
It is easiest to get a clear photo of the moon by using a telescopic lens
Filling a glass with markers for cup amounts on it would be a way to collect data
Winter snows follow Autumn's falling leaves by three months
The way that squirrels put away food during the cool season ensures that they survive
An example of a consumer would be a deer munching grass