<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Whether it's the Kardashians Kanye West, Justin Beiber, or Snooki, celebrities are always getting torn apart by the media and criticized by the general public. Just look at the comment section of any article on one of these hated celebrities like this for example. I think this is EXTREMELY unfair and those that criticize these celebrities should be ashamed of themselves. These celebrities lives are completely exposed and they have no room for privacy. Yes, Justin Beiber may be an asshole for spitting on fans from his balcony, but when was the last time you did something that you weren't too proud of? Probably pretty recently. The only difference between you and Beiber is that your mistake isn't on display for the world to see. You might even get away with it and the only consequence is you may feel guilty. You might have stolen some little items back when you were a kid but if Lil Wayne did it then he is the worst person on the face of this planet. I think if you harshly criticize celebrities then you should be ashamed of yourself. Your mistakes in your marriage and personal life aren't on display for everyone to see, like the Kardashians and other celebrities.<|ASPECTS|>asshole, apart, worst person, criticized, personal life, criticize celebrities, stolen, exposed, spitting on fans, mistakes, guilty, hated celebrities, privacy, completely, ashamed of, celebrities, little items, unfair, harshly, mistake, feel, extremely<|CONCLUSION|>
I believe that celebrities are for the most part good people and those that criticize them should have a look in the mirror.
<|TOPIC|>Should European Monarchies Be Abolished?<|ARGUMENT|>Harry Van Dalen wrote a paper claiming the Dutch Royals caused economy to grow about 1 percent per year, adding 4 to 5 billion euros to the Dutch economy per year.<|ASPECTS|>economy to grow<|CONCLUSION|>
Monarchs can also have a positive effect on business and trade relationships.
<|TOPIC|>Should We Get Rid of Bottled Water?<|ARGUMENT|>There are more than 50 billion plastic bottles used each year; getting rid of the them will have a huge, fast, positive impact in the environment<|ASPECTS|>positive impact<|CONCLUSION|>
Currently, bottled water contributes to the growing problem of plastic waste.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>The Charlie Hebdo killing was heinous and I was horrified on hearing about them but As several people have commented, we should be able to make fun of anything and not get punished despite how many people hold Religion etc sacred. So, here's the thing that Obama and Monkey cartoon. How much backlash did that guy receive about being Racist? So, shouldn't we be thinking like okay, this is as touchy for thee guys as racism . Again, I don't know shit. Please tell me if my opinion is wrong and uneducated and if so , enlighten me<|ASPECTS|>racist, wrong, obama, uneducated, make fun of anything, sacred, religion etc, racism, opinion, punished, backlash, touchy<|CONCLUSION|>
Charlie Hebdo killing is bad but isn't there hypocrisy by some people?
<|TOPIC|>Are identity politics detrimental to society?<|ARGUMENT|>Successive generations have shown the propensity for increasing the range of positions within identity politics. Before claiming that new positions will cease to appear, this trend must discontinue.<|ASPECTS|>propensity, identity politics<|CONCLUSION|>
The succession of multiple generations without the advent of new positions within identity politics is required before claiming that new positions will cease to appear.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I am a Muslim Centrist fascinating right? And I hate how the left portrays us as innocent beings and completely throws the bad stuff out the window. While for the Republicans it's the completly swapped. Of course this isn't the only reason I switched to centrism, but it is one of the big ones. A government acknowledging mistakes and finding the best possible answer that won't put other political parties off is great. While I do agree with some Republican Conservative and some Democrat Liberal rules if that's the word I still consider myself Centrist. Let the debates rage on<|ASPECTS|>centrism, innocent beings, bad stuff, centrist, debates, acknowledging mistakes, muslim centrist, completly swapped, rules, republican<|CONCLUSION|>
Centrism is the best form of government
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I know Sanders is probably the best candidate for BLM policies though O'Malley is good as well , and that his supporters are probably the most likely to support BLM. This is exactly why I think he's the right choice. First, I think it means you get less backlash against the movement in general. If she were to interrupt another candidate, more people would use that as evidence against the BlackLivesMatter movement in general. That means more people would use the incident to negatively paint the entire BLM movement since they are less familiar with it, while the Sanders supporters who would be upset would be the least likely to do this. Second, it forces Bernie to make a bigger deal out of racial injustice in his campaign. Even if he doesn't support the people who interrupt him, he has to at least issue some statement that says Why'd you pick on me? Here's everything I'm doing to help . . . and suddenly, it's a major part of his campaign. Sanders does have a solid page on racial injustice on his site, but it is a little weak in terms of actual policy prescriptions. Compared to O'Malley's page Sanders has a lot of work to do. Interestingly enough, O'Malley began to better flush out his policy on criminal just after he was interrupted by BLM protesters. Forcing his hand in making his stances on racial justice more public and more thorough is the best way to make it a bigger campaign issue, and is the best possible result for the BLM movement at large.<|ASPECTS|>blacklivesmatter, another, racial justice, pick, backlash, policy prescriptions, weak, support, campaign, campaign issue, evidence, flush, blm policies, policy on criminal, less, right choice, work to, help, blm, movement, racial injustice, negatively paint<|CONCLUSION|>
I don't think the BlackLivesMatter protester should have interrupted Sanders' rally. However, it makes sense to choose Sanders as the candidate to interrupt, rather than anyone else
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I feel saying everything happens for a reason is a platitude that helps people make sense of things without much thought. It lets people ease their minds from dealing with unfairness and reasoning. It's a pretty insulting phrase to say to someone who is hurting or who wants to make things right. Life isn't fair and it can be hard. Needless suffering, pain, and unfairness are part of life. People make decisions and it can only go one way in this timeline. But that doesn't mean it should be treated like a sign. Right or wrong, we live with what happened choices and circumstances that may or may not have been in our or anyone else's control. It doesn't mean there is a higher purpose, it is how it is and other situations play off of it because that is the way things are.<|ASPECTS|>decisions, pain, thought, unfairness, hard, one, choices, life, fair, circumstances, right, needless, suffering, ease their minds, reasoning, insulting, higher purpose, things right, hurting, make, sense of things, treated like a sign<|CONCLUSION|>
Everything DOES NOT happen for a reason
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>The facts Fact 1 Officer Jason Van Dyke shot and killed Laquan McDonald Fact 2 County Cook District Attorney Anita Alvarez took more than 13 months to bring charges of First Degree Murder against the officer Fact 3 Mayor Rahm Emmanuel was running for reelection earlier this year, months after McDonald was killed and months before these charges were brought. Questions these facts present Why did it take 13 months to bring charges? Why didn't this video get released sooner? What should we be protesting? Here are my answers. It took 13 months to bring charges due to political reasons. Given the reelection implications, it would have been detrimental to bring charges and to release the video. It would hurt both Rahm Emmanuel police chief Garry McCarthy. The video wasn't released because the family asked for it not be. However it was also not released due to the same reasons the charges were not brought. It was also not released because of fear of public reaction. We often see protests like the one occurring right now calling for justice. We saw it in the Michael Brown case, the Eric Gardner case and countless others. This protest is a bit different since justice has been brought per se. The officer has been charged with First Degree Murder. From the evidence we have so far, that seems perfectly just to me. However what is left unjustified is why this case took 13 months to prosecute. It seems like this protest is missing a key opportunity to rectify so many of the systemic issues that plague American cities today. We like to focus our narratives of these kinds of events on the actions of police officers. However the actions of politicians seem to go by unnoticed. This protest needs to hold the representatives of Chicago accountable. We can all agree that there are bad officers and good officers. We can all agree that when bad officers do bad things they need to be held accountable. What's clear in the case of Chicago is that it's a city plagued by violence. There have been over 800 gun related murders in Chicago since January 2014. Over 4,000 shootings during that time. Chicago has a crime problem and a violent one at that. It's also had representation that has been both corrupt Democratic for decades. Why is it that Democrats, those who often portray the message that they are looking out for the black community are getting a pass here? Why is it Democrats like Rahm Emmanuel are not being questioned for all the black lives that have been lost in his city? Why is it that we only focus on the actions of police but ignore the actions of the politicians? I think the city of Chicago needs to realize that the way to truly affect change in their city is by electing new leadership. Leadership that will both keep their city safe hold those that protect it accountable for when they don't. This hasn't happened and it's time the real protesters come out and say, we want justice. We want justice for the black lives lost in our city, not just by police, but by everyone. Am I wrong to want to hold the politicians accountable? Am I wrong for thinking protesting the police in this situation seems misguided? Please .<|ASPECTS|>, ignore, unjustified, city safe, reelection implications, representatives, shootings, actions, systemic issues, protests, plagued, bad things, misguided, accountable, want, new leadership, narratives, fear, political reasons, affect change, chicago, black lives, corrupt democratic, violence, bad officers, public reaction, family, detrimental, sooner, rectify, hurt, good officers, justice, unnoticed, black community, charges, representation, black lives lost, garry mccarthy, actions of police, violent, police, gun related murders, brought, crime problem, politicians, first degree murder, prosecute, protesting<|CONCLUSION|>
Chicagoans should be protesting Chicago's politicians and the Cook County DA
<|TOPIC|>Does the European Union lack the necessary public discourse to function properly?<|ARGUMENT|>The single political systems do share basic principles such as the separation of powers or the rule of law.<|ASPECTS|>rule of law, basic principles, separation of powers<|CONCLUSION|>
The EU member states' political systems share core principles and roots.
<|TOPIC|>Will Sex Robots Advance Sexual Liberation?<|ARGUMENT|>It has been argued that sex with robots could become addictive, and that this could lead to people isolating themselves from other humans Responsible Robotics, p. 21<|ASPECTS|>addictive, isolating<|CONCLUSION|>
Sex robots will replace some human on human interaction. This can contribute to further social isolation
<|TOPIC|>Should governments fund security for places of worship?<|ARGUMENT|>As it is unfair to distribute the benefits of taxation disproportionately to those who have paid the most tax, it makes most sense to distribute these benefits equally.<|ASPECTS|>unfair, benefits, taxation<|CONCLUSION|>
Governments should offer equal protection to all their citizens. This means the revenue they spend on protection should be spread equally across the population.
<|TOPIC|>Is eating meat ethically wrong?<|ARGUMENT|>Grief is a secondary emotion which requires the ability to make a connection between feelings and actions. Animals are able to experience grief<|ASPECTS|>secondary emotion, feelings, grief, actions<|CONCLUSION|>
Humans, who we know are generally very complex biological and psychological beings, only differ from animals in degree, not in nature
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I lean pretty far to the left, but I'll admit that I don't know much about economics. I think the whole left right opposition is really one of subjective values – a privileging of the collective over the individual, or vice versa – so I don't really think economic facts will change my political orientation. However, I do wonder whether certain economic premises are accurate and whether certain policy solutions espoused by the left would work as intended. The questions I have are Is there really wage stagnation? I recall hearing that wages have actually been rising, it's just that the compensation has shifted towards benefits like retirement and healthcare. But is wage growth, including benefit compensation, keeping up with costs of living? What are the long term concerns about widening income disparity? If capital is reinvested to create market growth and jobs, does it matter if that capital is only being invested by very few people? Is growing income disparity linked to wage stagnation? Is the problem perhaps that the wealthy are spending more on luxury and less on capital investment? If so, what are the long term effects of increased luxury spending? Aren't you still getting money back into the economy via the purchase of luxury commodities? I am anecdotally certain that people can't actually live working full time on minimum wage – at least not where I live, the numbers just don't add up. I am all for raising the minimum wage, or perhaps even a UBI policy, but I am honestly not sure if either of these would have the desired effect. The counter argument that always comes up is that an artificial rise in consumer spending power would just result in a rise in living costs, bringing us back to square one. Is this true? What will the impact of increased automation be on the economy? Will this happen gradually enough for the economy to naturally adjust on its own, or are we going to need social policies to help people who lose jobs or require higher education to stay employed? Again, I am not looking to be shifted away from the left as I fundamentally believe that we should prioritize our concerns for the whole over the radical economic freedom of the individual. But if it turns out that interventions in capitalism won't fix the problems we want fixed, I would want to shift my focus towards fixing the psychology that drives capitalism. I worry that much of the left's desire for economic redistribution would never be satisfied, would never be enough , because it is a reaction to the obsession with material production inherent to capitalism. We need to distinguish between who suffers materially under capitalism, from how we all suffer psychologically under capitalism. Maybe there is a limit to redistribution, beyond which our struggle would be to free ourselves from the conflation of identity and productivity, our obsession with luxury as the sign of human value, the ethical compromises we make to maximize profit, etc. If we can only safely alter the economic system so much, then we should start trying to shift our own subjective relationship to the economic system. TL DR there may be practical limits to leftist interventions in capitalism such as minimum wage, UBI, efforts to decrease income disparity and wage stagnation, etc. we might be better off addressing our value system rather than directly intervening in the economy<|ASPECTS|>value system, increased, human value, money back, jobs, redistribution, market growth, capital, subjective relationship, luxury commodities, benefits, economic freedom, wealthy, problems, radical, wages, ethical compromises, wage growth, capitalism, collective, capital investment, consumer spending power, luxury spending, practical limits, costs of living, economics, economy, benefit compensation, income disparity, obsession, retirement, accurate, subjective values, desired effect, psychology, privileging, suffers materially under capitalism, psychologically under capitalism, spending, profit, healthcare, material production, living costs, social policies, live working full time, less, economic premises, suffer, economic redistribution, economic system, increased automation, lose jobs, identity and productivity, policy solutions, widening, luxury, compensation, political orientation, economic facts, education, wage stagnation, numbers, leftist interventions, adjust<|CONCLUSION|>
leftist redistributive policies might not work economically
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>so I did a search and read through a few similar s, mostly coming to the conclusion that an open justice system is a more fair justice system. Which makes a lot of sense. however, rape cases seem to be a very specific animal, so perhaps there should be some specific rules for them. EDIT to clarify, because this is the only part of the topic people seem to be latching onto, I am just saying rape cases are more volatile. the legal system agrees with me, hence special rules protecting the accuser's identity. the entire point of this is to debate whether those same protections should apply to the accused. The Jameis Winston accusation is case in point. He was never even charged with a crime, but this will still be on his name for the rest of his life. With these high profile cases, they are convicted in the court of public opinion before a trial even occurs. I have one friend who was falsely accused of rape in school. He is black, the girl was white. He ended up moving due to the incessant backlash. Small town in middle America was more than willing to condemn a black boy simply because a white girl accused him. I understand that most real rapes go unreported and that false accusations are relatively uncommon, but if we continue down the path of destroying someone's name permanently or worse with an accusation supported by limited to no evidence, it will only encourage this behavior of claiming rape as a revenge tactic. I'm interested in hearing counter arguments in support of publishing the accused's name but not the accuser. I think both should be given equal protection. Change my view.<|ASPECTS|>court, crime, rape cases, view, specific animal, white, specific rules, jameis, backlash, 's identity, volatile, black, fair justice system, rapes, rape, convicted, charged, falsely accused, condemn, destroying someone 's name, black boy, false accusations, open justice system, unreported, public opinion, incessant, revenge tactic, protections, equal protection, counter arguments<|CONCLUSION|>
I believe that the identity of those accused of rape should be kept as secret as that of the accuser.
<|TOPIC|>Does God Allow Evil: Is the Existence of God Compatible with the Existence of Evil?<|ARGUMENT|>Omnipotence is poorly defined because it could mean anything or the entity being could limited to the type of universe we happen to inhabit. For example, if we approach the world from a scientific model old earth model perhaps the difficulty of homeostatic maintenance is what is necesary to produce human like intellect over time through evolution, and some god figure made it so, making natural evils things that kill us necessary.<|ASPECTS|>necesary, poorly defined, natural evils, homeostatic maintenance<|CONCLUSION|>
"God has greater purposes" is actually an argument against his omnipotence he cannot do better or his benevolence there was a way to avoid evil but he did not choose it, because avoiding evil is not his main purpose.
<|TOPIC|>Should Trump be impeached?<|ARGUMENT|>The DOW is just the trading value of a few top companies, and their high values may have come from things that are bad for Americans. The Dow is high because investors expect this profiteering to increase under Trump.<|ASPECTS|>dow, high values, profiteering, trading value, bad for americans<|CONCLUSION|>
DOW is not a reliable measure of US citizens' interest or well-being, it merely reflects the trading value of an elite group of companies.
<|TOPIC|>Is the world of Harry Potter really the place to be?<|ARGUMENT|>It is possible that numerous other wizards and witches were expelled due to this oversight as they did not have the fame that Harry attracted.<|ASPECTS|>expelled, fame<|CONCLUSION|>
Harry Potter was almost expelled from school due to Dobby's magic which registered as his magic when in the Muggle world.
<|TOPIC|>Is Morality Objective?<|ARGUMENT|>Morality is the distinction between what is good and what is bad. Something that is good is simply something that is desired and approved of, and something bad the opposite. As what is desired or approved of is dependent on individual opinion, morality must also at its core be dependent on individual opinion. Due to the nature of genetics, all individuals are fundamentally unique, therefore causing anything derived of individual opinion, in this case morality, to be inherently relative.<|ASPECTS|>bad, morality, relative, individual opinion, desired, good, opinion, dependent, approved, unique<|CONCLUSION|>
When we say that something is morally wrong, we are really expressing our distaste, disapproval or disgust towards that thing.
<|TOPIC|>All software should be open source.<|ARGUMENT|>Open source software reduces duplication of effort, allowing developers to work on new things instead of reinventing something already done.<|ASPECTS|>duplication of effort, reduces, new things<|CONCLUSION|>
All software being open source would allow for increased innovation and enterprise.
<|TOPIC|>Is it Time to 'Free the Nipple'? Toplessness and Gender Equality in the US<|ARGUMENT|>One breast cancer survivor opted for a tattoo instead of a nipple reconstruction in order to empower other survivors and raise awareness of the double standards women's nipples face on social media.<|ASPECTS|>double standards, empower<|CONCLUSION|>
Many women who survived breast cancer get realistic tattoos of nipples to complete reconstructive procedures.
<|TOPIC|>Should all religions be banned on a global scale?<|ARGUMENT|>Utnapishtim effort in building the boat is painstakingly detailed. Noah's effort is outlined in a single sentence The difference is that Utnapishtim survives by his hard work and the love of Ea while Noah survives by the love of God while a point is made elsewhere that Noah will give men rest from their work. Utnapishtim's work is valued while Noah's rest is valued.<|ASPECTS|>noah 's, rest, love of god, valued, love<|CONCLUSION|>
The story of Utnapishtim and the story of Noah are re-tellings of the same story. Showing how YHWH is completely unlike the other gods.
<|TOPIC|>Do violent video games cause violent crime?<|ARGUMENT|>Both experimental and non-experimental research have shown that violent video games damage young people playing them in both the short and long term, leading to criminal and anti-social behaviour. Exposure to violent video games causes aggressive thoughts and feelings. It also creates unwanted psychological arousal and belief in a ‘scary world’, especially among young children. This is particularly significant as video game graphics develop to become ever more realistic. The effects of violent video games are even worse than those of films and TV because of the interactive element that exists in video games. In addition, most video games are played alone, whereas cinema and television are usually a social experience, allowing social pressures to filter the experience of violence upon the viewer.<|ASPECTS|>damage young people, aggressive thoughts and feelings, effects, social pressures, unwanted psychological arousal, violent, scary world, social experience, interactive element, realistic, violence, criminal, anti-social behaviour<|CONCLUSION|>
Both experimental and non-experimental research have shown that violent video games damage young people.
<|TOPIC|>Should Mother Teresa have been canonized?<|ARGUMENT|>Mother Teresa produced a character statement on behalf of Charles Keating a man who plead guilty to four counts of wire and bankruptcy fraud. Charles Keating had donated millions to Mother Teresa and had even provided her with a personal jet during her visit to the United States.<|ASPECTS|>wire, personal jet, donated millions, mother, statement, bankruptcy fraud<|CONCLUSION|>
Mother Teresa had relationships with many individuals who contributed to human suffering.
<|TOPIC|>Is OKC police officer Daniel Holtzclaw REALLY guilty of the crimes he was convicted of?<|ARGUMENT|>At trial, Holtzclaw's AVL GPS data was shown time and time again not to be following the programming protocol of pinging every 5 seconds when moving and every 5 minutes when stationary. This supports the claim that AVL is unreliable and "glitchy" as stated by the prosecution.<|ASPECTS|>glitchy, unreliable<|CONCLUSION|>
The AVL system is inaccurate and prone to glitches. It should not be relied on for hard evidence.
<|TOPIC|>Who Should Self-Driving Cars Kill?<|ARGUMENT|>Utilitarian theory recognizes that in split second decisions we will inevitably use "rules of thumb." Assuming that all lives are of equal value is a widely accepted rule of thumb.<|ASPECTS|>equal value, rules of thumb, lives<|CONCLUSION|>
Self-driving cars can accurately detect shapes that indicate a human. Thus they can easily calculate the most fundamental question of how many people will be impacted in a collision.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Let's assume we're talking about the Christian tradition here. I don't believe in hell. But if I thought that hell was actually a literally real place where, according to my behavior in life, I might be tortured for eternity, I would live my life in a very, very different way. I wouldn't just bank on getting into heaven, saying eh, I'm probably being a decent enough guy. I would give all my money to the poor and dedicate my life to helping those in need. And that wouldn't be a difficult decision at all. It would be a no brainer. So these people that say they believe in hell, yet go about their lives much like I do not doing EVIL things but focusing on wealth, having premarital sex, enjoying idle pleasures instead of contributing meaningfully to the world, etc etc can't REALLY believe there's a danger of going to hell, right? At the very least, they probably doubt enough to say yeah, my religion says there's a hell, but just in case it's all nonsense, I'm gonna live it up while I'm here.<|ASPECTS|>, real, money, idle pleasures, dedicate, brainer, hell, nonsense, danger, wealth, helping, decent enough guy, tortured, live, heaven, religion, going to hell, christian tradition, need, difficult decision, poor, believe in hell<|CONCLUSION|>
I'm pretty sure that almost nobody ACTUALLY believes in hell.
<|TOPIC|>Should an Animal Shelter refuse food from a bullfighting company?<|ARGUMENT|>Bullfighting is extremely popular in in Portugal. Therefore, there are likely to be a lot of bullfighting fans willing to support the dog shelter.<|ASPECTS|>bullfighting fans, popular<|CONCLUSION|>
The shelter would lose the support of a big community in Portugal- the lovers of bullfights.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I used to openly disregard the idea of fate. The concept of destiny seemed so akin to religion something I find totally unfounded in logic that I immediately rejected it. However, after reading some philosophy on the subject I ended up developing a perspective that I can't seem to logically disprove in my head. It goes as follows. It is commonly accepted that every action has a reaction. Thus every reaction was caused by an action, and that action was caused by an action before that, ad infinitum. Thus, it seems logically feasible to trace every reaction back to its origin action all the way back to some original, massive action for example, the Big Bang . It seems to me that if one could accurately predict the reaction to any conceivable action, we could predict the future 100 accurately. Of course, the requisite mathematical models will probably never be discovered by humans because they would have to be incredibly complex taking into account myriad variables as well as incredibly accurate. In terms of free will, I do not believe that it truly exists. Any action being made out of free will was in fact made as the result of some kind of thought process, however random , that was the result of some environmental catalyst s , which served as the origin action of the free will action. Thus, there is no truly random act generated out of nothing, because the human body is always reacting to some kind of environmental or internal stimulus, thus, theoretically it could be predicted by analyzing the events that caused it. Please, please . I truly hate thinking about the world like this but I cannot convincingly disprove this way of thinking to myself.<|ASPECTS|>, the world, thought process, reaction, destiny, accurately, hate, disregard, mathematical models, way, random act, thinking, accurate, exists, future 100, free, action, disprove, stimulus, religion, predict, environmental, fate, predict the reaction, environmental catalyst, massive, perspective, complex<|CONCLUSION|>
I believe in fate in the sense that our lives are entirely pre-destined, and free will does not exist.
<|TOPIC|>Is it OK to publicly approach a stranger for sex?<|ARGUMENT|>According to a study, the use of nonverbal "proceptive behaviors" generally makes someone of the opposite sex more attractive<|ASPECTS|>nonverbal, attractive<|CONCLUSION|>
Humans are hard-wired to take certain physical cues "Nonverbal Proceptive Signaling" as invitations to approach.
<|TOPIC|>Is DNA testing worth the money?<|ARGUMENT|>Whilst information is constantly provided to the public about the health implications of lifestyle choices such as drinking, smoking, dietary choices and other factors which come with our environmental situation, this objective advice is something that we are all aware of but often adopt the much clichéd “it won’t happen to me” attitude. By providing subjective details based on genetic makeup, surely this is a sensible approach to raising patients’ individual awareness of how they could change their lifestyle to reduce the risk of getting the illnesses to which they are particularly susceptible. Dr Paul Jenkins, medical director of Genetic health points out that whilst the tests are not diagnostic; patients have a right to know whether their genes put them at increased risk of certain diseases. In the same way that knowing you have high blood pressure increases your risk of heart attack, this is an advancement of such medical awareness which will allow patients to take precautions which may reduce the risk of specific diseases. Often, such shock tactics work better than being repeatedly told by others of general risks. The personalised nature of these tests will make people realise the immediacy of maintaining their health<|ASPECTS|>certain diseases, environmental situation, susceptible, risk, change their lifestyle, subjective details, medical awareness, individual awareness, shock tactics, risks, immediacy of maintaining, illnesses, right to know, lifestyle, heart attack, health implications, specific diseases<|CONCLUSION|>
Increased personal awareness and shock results can help prevention of diseases
<|TOPIC|>Should all religions be banned on a global scale?<|ARGUMENT|>Hasidic Jews are indoctrinated from a young age, often poorly educated with lack of English skills and pressured to have and provide for big families at really young ages. Those who try to live secularly are often completely rejected and, in many cases, their religious communities fight to keep custody of their children<|ASPECTS|>indoctrinated, poorly educated, jews, religious communities, custody, big families<|CONCLUSION|>
Being born and indoctrinated into a faith is not voluntary. Moreover several religions place severe consequences on those who leave.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I have found that the phrase Intolerant of intolerance , and the whole liberal movement, is just as closed and intolerant as anyone else, just about new things. I often come across liberal minded thinkers, who say that everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be accepted no matter who they are, yet they refuse to accept people they deem as intolerant for who they are. This seems to include massive groups, such as organized religion, people opposed to same sex marriage, conservatives, non western cultures that have non liberal views, such as arabic culture having a different idea of gender roles if it's a culture that is more similiar to our own, then it falls under the protected liberal category , and various others. I have also seen this view extended to a desire to remove some of their basic freedoms, most notably freedom of speech and the freedom to congregate. To clarify, I am not asking to debate individual views of the liberal community women's rights, gay rights . I would like to understnad, and perhaps change my view, on how if acceptance and tolerance is such a priority for liberals, how they can reject such massive swaths of humanity as unacceptable and intolerable? Thank you for your time. EDIT I accidentally said in favour of same sex marriage instead of opposed to. That has been changed<|ASPECTS|>freedom of speech, intolerant, protected liberal, liberal minded, women 's rights, acceptance and tolerance, freedom to congregate, intolerant of intolerance, new, basic, individual views, gender roles, closed and intolerant, freedoms, entitled to their opinion, gay rights, unacceptable, sex marriage<|CONCLUSION|>
I think the phrase "intolerant of intolerance" is just a new way of being intolerant, and that liberalism is not nearly as inclusive and accepting as it claims
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I love mangas. In fact, I have over 2k tankōbons. Yet, I have to admit I never read a single manga that was on par, artistically, with the best novels or movies. Specifically Think about Crime and Punishment by Dostoevskij which would be the manga equivalent of that? Most mangas are aimed at kids and teenagers with no art knowledge Famous mangakas are mostly concerned with fame and money, just look at how many series have been needlessly prolonged just to cash more on a successful IP American comics produced far more and more artistic masterpieces Most adult mangas are only adult in the sense they contain ultra violence<|ASPECTS|>mangas, artistically, fame and money, artistic masterpieces, art knowledge, ultra, crime and punishment<|CONCLUSION|>
Manga as in Japanese comics is a lesser form of art that produced few to none masterpieces
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>In my opinion, well educated people are beneficial to society. Tuition fees cause enrollment discrimination, which leads to net welfare losses for both the students enrolled and the society that would benefit from their professional employment. If the universities were funded by the public especially assuming a progressive tax structure , a large portion of the costs would still be covered by those who benefited from the institution.<|ASPECTS|>well educated people, beneficial to society, costs, progressive tax, welfare losses, professional employment, net, enrollment discrimination<|CONCLUSION|>
I am a student opposed to all tuition fees for higher education.
<|TOPIC|>Which political party is best for America?<|ARGUMENT|>Despite supporting pro-abortion legislature as governor in the 1960s, by the time he undertook his presidential campaign in the 1980s, Reagon was calling for the appointment of anti-abortion judges.<|ASPECTS|>anti-abortion judges, legislature<|CONCLUSION|>
Today, abortion alone can determine whether a person votes Republican or Democrat.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I think that men and women shouldn't be allowed to willingly sell their bodies for money. I think it's dangerous for the sex worker, I think it's misogynistic I think it hurts people's bodies and souls. I think it’s a gateway to drugs, many pimps use drugs to keep their girls around, and I think that society is worse when you can sell sex. By allowing it, we basically tell our children that they’re only worth as much as they can sell their body for, and that this is also bodyshaming. It's already illegal for the most part. However, in Canada, Sweden, and other places, it's becoming more and more legal. I think it should stay illegal for the reasons I listed. Change my view.<|ASPECTS|>dangerous, bodies and souls, society is worse, hurts, bodyshaming, stay, gateway to drugs, willingly sell their bodies, money, misogynistic, view, worth as much, sell sex, illegal, legal<|CONCLUSION|>
I believe prostitution should be illegal.
<|TOPIC|>Is Attachment Parenting the Best Way to Raise a Child?<|ARGUMENT|>Humans are mammals, closely related to bonobos and chimps. The study of mammals is enough to see that a mother's instinct is supported by hundreds of millions of years of descent.<|ASPECTS|>mammals, mother 's instinct<|CONCLUSION|>
There is anthropological research which demonstrates that many practices associated with natural parenting, such as baby-wearing and co-sleeping, have deep roots in our evolutionary past.
<|TOPIC|>Does God Allow Evil: Is the Existence of God Compatible with the Existence of Evil?<|ARGUMENT|>The classical God promises an eternal life after death, but could equally as well provide an eternal life with no death, or two-way communication between the living and unliving, which would better serve the goals of the classical God.<|ASPECTS|>communication, eternal life<|CONCLUSION|>
The concept of the God of Classical Theism is incoherent because within the attributes of God contradict each other and they also contradict our experience of the universe.
<|TOPIC|>The Existence of God<|ARGUMENT|>In the PBC part of the argument, the contradiction arose between PaS and Pa~S. Since the original assumption was □¬∃xSx, we must consider that it is also ◇¬PaS. If the contradiction could be resolved with this as a replaced premise in place of premise 3, then the argument will fail. When you don't consider this at all, you assume that it is possible that a supreme being exists. I.e., you assume the conclusion and beg the question.<|ASPECTS|>fail, contradiction, replaced premise, supreme being exists<|CONCLUSION|>
The third assumption made in Robert Maydole’s Modal Ontological argument begs the question by failing to consider an assumption that would resolve the contradiction, and thus simply assume the conclusion.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>The total amount of movable ot immovable assets owned by a family unit should be capped. That is, no one should be allowed to have possesions worth more than a certain amount, for example 1 million USD. This would get us the benefits of a capitalistic society but alleviate the dangers posed by the same capitalism, like greed. More and more wealth is being concentrated in the hands of a few, which leaves very little for those on the outside. These people don't care how they got money, they just want to have it. Take the case of Amazon, where so many temp workers work at its warehouses without any full term benefits, just to be able to survive. They do that and they get away with it becauze they have so much wealth that they can buy up the opposition or even worse collude with them to create an oligopoly like the one we already have in the pharmaceutical industry . If this amount was capped, they would have only a finite amount of wealth to spend and would reduce thr power they weild on everything. It will also force competion to increase, something which is considered as the main deiving force of capitalism. Our corporations have done way too much damage to our society health and environement and they get away with it because of some manifestation of capitalistic behaviour. I think this might be a good view to solve those problems. If you don't think this might be a good way, I would love to learn about your views on the subject. If you have come across some discussions on the very same idea before or know about some research published on it, please do share. I would love to read about it more. Edit I have recieved an overwhelming number of plausible responses on this topic. And I consider this view changed.<|ASPECTS|>survive, view changed, immovable assets, movable ot, capitalistic society, view, money, benefits, capitalistic behaviour, possesions worth, research, want, buy up the opposition, society, capitalism, solve those problems, term, deiving force, wealth, views, damage, competion to increase, dangers, wealth to spend, power, health and environement, greed, force, reduce, plausible responses<|CONCLUSION|>
There should be a fixed universal non-negatiable income limit for everyone on this planet.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>My thesis for this post is that trigger warnings attached to college courses have little value outside of being an ideological litmus test in online discussion. That is, people's reactions to them strongly aligns with their views on culture in general, and the trigger warnings' main function is to help us categorize others based on their opinions on those trigger warnings. Students in modern colleges have a great deal of choice in their course selections. Any argument based on student's discomfort with core material is weak because this choice means that there truly is no core material in the first place. Students who are uncomfortable with a particular set of ideas are going to avoid that class entirely and instead choose courses which a priori align with their world views and interests. For example, I had a race and ethnicity requirement at my college, and instead of taking a course on women's studies or African American studies, I choose a film course which focused on Eastern Europe. I wanted to watch movies, and I thought the course would be easier and more tolerable than taking a women's studies course. What's important here is that the broad scope of courses available allowed me to avoid material that I thought would be unpleasant or challenge my worldview. Similarly, someone with a vested interest in multiculturalism who believes in the presence of profound institutional racism sexism is likely to avoid a several semester sequence which focuses on the development and history of Western civilization. There no longer remains a core selection of courses or ideas in most colleges that all students are forced to study. If there was a time where carefully thought out core material was forced on students due to its value, that time is long gone. Students choose their path of study, and the volume of courses most universities offer means that students are able to avoid courses that do not fit in their interests or ideology.<|ASPECTS|>core material, core selection, courses or ideas, unpleasant, course selections, race and ethnicity requirement, tolerable, discomfort, uncomfortable, choice, challenge, choose, ideological litmus test, categorize others, trigger warnings, path of study, trigger, ideology, easier, little, avoid courses, worldview, world views, value, students, culture, avoid material, reactions, interests, civilization, eastern europe, institutional racism<|CONCLUSION|>
Trigger warnings in college courses have little importance because the core curriculum is so diluted by students' ability to choose their own courses.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I think that passive management using low cost index funds is the best way to invest for retirement and many other investment goals. did a good job summing up my thoughts why Research supporting passive management comes from the nation's universities and privately funded research centers, not from Wall Street firms, powerful banks, insurance companies, active managers, and other groups with a vested interest in the huge profits available from active management. Results from this research are clear and indisputable Active investment management is an appealing mirage which substantially boosts costs and decreases returns compared to properly designed passive portfolios. Active management does not do better in bear markets or allow investors to avoid losses. Marketwatch 7 31 15 quotes John Bogle, founder of Vanguard funds, The job of finance is to provide capital to companies. We do it to the tune of 250 billion a year in IPO's and secondary offerings. What else do we do? We encourage investors to trade about 32 trillion a year. So the way I calculate it, 99 of what we do in this industry it's a waste of resources .<|ASPECTS|>ipo, secondary offerings, active management, boosts, waste of resources, mirage, costs, losses, trade, investment goals, returns, avoid, markets, passive management, encourage, profits, capital to companies, retirement, decreases, huge<|CONCLUSION|>
Passive Mangement using low cost index funds is the best way to invest.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I do not think animals inherently have any rights. They only have the rights we, and god gave them. Also, as I said in the title, PETA values animals over humans, and think we should not have any pets.<|ASPECTS|>humans, values animals, god, pets, rights<|CONCLUSION|>
I believe PETA is crazy, and thinks of amimals as more important than humans.
<|TOPIC|>Should There be a Universal Basic Income UBI?<|ARGUMENT|>Selective denial of policy repercussions, as well as claims regarding the relative magnitude of effects, are problematic for the government to rely upon until it has provided a fully developed policy e.g. how much would the grant be in at least one currency, do only citizens receive it or do residents too, what will be sacrificed to finance it etc.. It is government's role to provide such policy clarity.<|ASPECTS|>denial of policy repercussions, policy clarity, magnitude of effects, sacrificed<|CONCLUSION|>
As has been the case throughout, in the absence of a policy framework, the claim that 'people simply having more of their needs provided for without any cost' is good is just a truism. This is an opportunity to provide a more detailed policy that specifically addresses the inherent trade-offs the government is willing to accept.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>A joke is at its funniest when it’s new. In my opinion, something on the internet is considered “new” up until its been around for one week and I think even then, that’s being generous . The internet is mostly made up of people who don’t know when to let a joke die with honor, and instead they beat it into the ground until it’s indistinguishable from the dirt and mud around it. This takes away from the value of the joke, which a lot of times is unfair to the joke itself. I use joke and meme interchangeably, because if we’re being honest it’s practically the same thing when it comes to the internet. Also, I feel this way specifically about a meme FORMAT, not the meme itself. Tell me why I’m wrong.<|ASPECTS|>joke, value, format, mud, honor, new, funniest, indistinguishable, generous, dirt, unfair, internet<|CONCLUSION|>
Meme formats should have a maximum shelf life of one week.
<|TOPIC|>Should Inheritance Be Minimized to Create an Equal Outset for Everyone?<|ARGUMENT|>People who inherit the wealth of many generations before them can have huge political influence which they probably couldn't have achieved with the money of their own lifetime's work.<|ASPECTS|>political influence<|CONCLUSION|>
Increased equality brings net social and economic benefits to the population as a whole.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Sure, classical music gets a lot of flack for being 'pretentious' and for high brow folks. I think part of that stereotype is the fault of media and movies and TV shows it's used as a social stance. However one doesn't need to be rich to appreciate it, but when you're uneducated a noob, I guess and you've only been listening to it for a few days, that doesn't make you an expert. Plus the way people describe their music experiences are really cringe worthy. 'That music is intense, it's just so awesome man' Leave your modern vernacular to your modern music. 'Awesome'? 'Intense'? Learn more vocabulary. The intellectual and emotional appeal of classical music is more true than the modern stuff. When was the last time you felt at peace, or joyful, or grief struck? Or full of rage? People nowadays exaggerate to such a large degree it seems like words have no meaning anymore. I think some of this may have to do with music being taught in schools as well. How many of us got exposure to it in an educational setting? No, Buggs Bunny doesn't exactly count. It seems like people will hear a solo classical instrument, like a guitar or violin performing on the street, and just mentally label it as classical when it's actually some pop melody or something. Of course, people who know things about classical music forms, facts, dates, theory, that sort of thing just get labeled as snowflakes when we point out a statement that, to us, is obvious or obviously wrong. Most people nowadays refer to everything as a goddam song. And that, I believe, is because we haven't had any exposure to any different styles in our twenty some odd years due to most radio stations playing 'songs' from various 'song' genres jazz, rock, pop, metal, etc. But a concerto? A fugue? An allegro? People take music too much for granted to want to explore, to want to learn its inner workings. Why do people think they wrote that music centuries ago? Sure, a lot of it was commissioned work by kings or dukes or colleagues. But to dedicate a concerto or string quartet to a pal or wife or write a series of keyboard pieces for your son to play was a common thing. Kanye West writes a song for his dead mother? Swift, for all her exes? The only difference between then and now is that the forms of music have changed greatly. Using four chords and changing the tonic to a half step halfway through your sick track is all just the basic recipe to a bland cake. What about modulating? Counterpoint? deceptive cadences? Or, I could be as uneducated about modern music as some people are about classical granted, my exposure is quite limited. Oh yeah, people hide behind this statement all the time too If I like it, it's music yeah okay pal, you do you, but Schonberg and Messaien are not my cup of tea. When you share something tonal and pretty say, a Bach fugue or Handel aria with someone who has no clue of classical music, they don't know how to appreciate it. You show them Thernody by Penderecki and they'll say, 'Oh. What's what's that about? It just sounds like noise.' Although then you have to explain that there's still intent and theory behind it, but at face value Perhaps this whole thing is a society trope. Superficiality in food, music, clothes, hell even the news it's like the only thing that shows human emotions directly are a lot of TV shows. To go off on a different point, I'm curious behind the appeal of popular artists today. An autotuned voice isn't singing what happened to vibrato? Do people care more about lyrics than melody? If so, why don't you become a poet? Why do you need the bass super loud? Do you care if something is in a different key? What's the appeal behind dancing? Much of classical music is based on dance forms minuets, gigues, allemandes, for example. No, you can't twerk to Beethoven well maybe you could? blast Symphony 5 and back dat ass up but then again, why is physical expression of enjoyment of music even necessary, or singing along or tapping your foot? You can enjoy something without having to show that you enjoy it. Sorry for the long post, but I'm genuinely curious. Please enlighten me I feel like I thought a lot but didn't it didn't come out the way I wanted it. edit thanks for all the responses so far I love the discussion I have to head out for the rest of the day so I won't be able to get to replies til later in the night. I'll be back I promise <|ASPECTS|>different key, , melody, commissioned work, wrong, exposure to, snowflakes, grief struck, vibrato, bass, cringe worthy, bland, discussion, intellectual and emotional appeal, beethoven, cadences, counterpoint, poet, thought, pop melody, bach, words, autotuned voice, noise, modern, changed greatly, dance forms, music, society trope, music experiences, high brow folks, forms of music, exposure, modulating, enjoyment of music, classical, obvious, social stance, appeal, count, care, uneducated, limited, peace, joyful, rage, enjoy, fault of media, intense, human emotions, appeal behind dancing, appreciate, fugue, curious, exaggerate, awesome, different styles, replies, schools, goddam song, concerto, intent and theory, modern vernacular, enjoy something, stereotype, vocabulary, loud, lot, lyrics, music being taught, solo classical instrument, flack, superficiality, rich, inner workings, meaning, dead mother, popular artists<|CONCLUSION|>
Classical Music should be appreciated more
<|TOPIC|>Should all religions be banned on a global scale?<|ARGUMENT|>In the US, there has been a spread of virginity balls in Christian communities, where young women attend a ball with their fathers and pledge to abstain from sex until marriage. This often involves the fathers vowing to protect their daughter's purity and therefore equates virginity with purity for women.<|ASPECTS|>virginity, sex, virginity balls, purity<|CONCLUSION|>
Gendered expectations around virginity often mean that women view virginity loss as giving something away and are encouraged to protect their virginity, while men losing their virginity is viewed as a way to gain status and experience.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I'm writing this from the perspective of a Starcraft fan So I won't be referencing much LoL or DotA stats here In countries like the United States, Canada, and most European nations, the choice to pursue a career in professional gaming is often looked down on within society. It is viewed by friends and family as a waste of time and just a game . While a good football player can get a free ride through college, a professional gamer is usually forced to live well below the poverty line in an attempt to chase their dream. There are systems in place to assist most professional athletes scholarships, visa's only a handful of pro gamers have ever been issued a visa, which has caused issues within tournament circuits , and better legal representation protection in contract disputes. Additional info Pro gaming tournaments such as LCS League of Legends , WCS Starcraft 2 , and TI DotA 2 bring in hundreds of thousands if not millions of viewers and yet due to the poor view the general population has for gaming, fans and players are typically laughed at for their choice in entertainment. In South Korea, their culture is much more accepting of gaming and professional gamers, which has created an environment that allows their players to excel in ways foreign ie non Korean players are unable to. This disparity has created a cycle which is preventing the foreign gaming scene from growing due to a lack of representation in major tournaments. Our best players such as Scarlett, HuK and Naniwa have had to move to Korea to train as the proper facilities do not exist here in the west. My argument is that if our culture was more accepting of professional gaming, the proper infrastructure to support pro gaming teams could be built within NA and EU, allowing a better representation within the pro gaming community. This would lead to higher viewer numbers and therefore a better ROI for investors, creating a more profitable business model. However due to the negative light pro gaming is viewed in often referred to as a type of addiction rather than a career choice in this CNN article, they ensure to always use the word athlete in quotation marks, a subtle yet fairly clear mocking of the culture the community is forced to remain small, and will eventually die off due to this.<|ASPECTS|>foreign gaming scene, entertainment, poverty line, excel, chase, waste of time, roi, poor view, professional, dream, infrastructure, accepting of gaming, lack, free ride, career choice, legal representation protection, gaming, viewer numbers, game, higher, contract disputes, addiction, profitable business model, representation, accepting, culture, better, disparity, proper facilities, cycle, choice<|CONCLUSION|>
Professional gaming is as valid/respectable a career choice as any other professional athlete and should be treated as such.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>By rich society i would say the 10 who owns 85 of global wealth, If you are not in this category you will work at a paid job to earn enough money for housing, food and extra stuff and with almost no guarantee you will ever stop working until you die unless you win the lottery Which i don't say it's a bad thing but it's not equal , so can't you say we are slaves to the 500m people who owns alot more than 100k each and 230 trillion dollars in total? there are 500m who do nothing but send transactions and eat salmon and all the other people are cooking the salmon and making sure the transaction goes well. I'm referencing the global wealth pyramid.<|ASPECTS|>slaves, global wealth, transaction goes, wealth pyramid, global, send transactions, eat salmon<|CONCLUSION|>
We are slaves to rich society
<|TOPIC|>Should Whaling Still be Banned?<|ARGUMENT|>Whales help to keep a stable and balanced aquatic food chain and ensure that certain animal species do not overpopulate the seas.<|ASPECTS|>overpopulate, balanced aquatic, stable, seas<|CONCLUSION|>
Whales are of great importance for the ocean's ecosystem.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I believe most people will never truly understand what it means to hate someone. I dare say it's not something you should ever want because what it means is you can barely go a day without a series of repeated sensations that are characterised by intense hatred for someone who wronged you so profoundly. The feeling itself can be described as irritating, intense, dark, annoying etc It is draining and depressogenic You then have to live with the highly typical manifestations of minor rage fits, as you gruesomely fantasise about murdering them. I can only imagine this has a venomous effect on your personality, elevating aggression levels and opening ones mind to a taste of violence. I've become rather hardened in recent times, swearing, rather disturbingly to make any future transgressor against me pay for their crimes. The seductive, dangerous nature of this feeling could precede actions that could get me into a lot of trouble one day. And I just hope I'm clearly expressing to you that these are things I call bad, terrible even. Chronic hatred is not something you can control at least immediately, the feintest of reminders of your abuser sends you into an uncontrollable sense of rage and hatred which can impact on your mood negatively. I'm suddenly finding myself looking to Buddhism and Christianity with admiration which both prescribe a doctrine of forgiveness to address that exact problem. Forgiveness is a selfish concept, you should value it because it is the very liberator that breaks ones chains to such a toxic entity. So to summarise, chronic hatred deserves to be viewed the same way depression and anxiety do because all three of them impose strong regulations on your daily moods, for the worse of course all three of them alter your personality for the worse. All three of them profoundly influence your behaviour often for the worse all three of them require a substantial degree of remedy on a psychotherapeutic level<|ASPECTS|>dangerous, depression, transgressor, bad, draining, murdering, crimes, venomous effect, uncontrollable, chronic hatred, depressogenic, doctrine, violence, hatred, influence your behaviour, toxic, minor rage fits, mood negatively, terrible, trouble, rage, liberator, forgiveness, anxiety, daily moods, hardened, breaks ones chains, taste, seductive, aggression levels, pay, hate someone, wronged, regulations, selfish, remedy, irritating<|CONCLUSION|>
Depression and anxiety are two relatively well understood and certainly well known afflictions that befall the human condition, but they have another relative who is underrepresented in a big way, and that condition is chronic hatred
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>What I believe Morality is not objective, meaning there is no absolute right or wrong and that nothing is wrong no matter what you think or say , and that there is no moral code set in stone. Morality is a social construct, and, when we try to argue right or wrong, the answer boils down mainly to what we value as individuals and or a society. Why The idea of objective morality simply does not make sense to me. It's not that I do not have my own moral code, it just seems arbitrary. Why is murder wrong? Because it hurts other people. Okay, well who decided the well being of other humans is important? We did. Another reason one may give would be because the victim has rights that were violated. Same answer could be applied. One more would be that the victim didn't do anything wrong. Well wouldn't that just make it an arbitrary killing? Who has the ultimate authority to say that a reason less killing is objectively wrong? Again, I don't condone murder and I certainly believe it's wrong. The whole objectively wrong thing just makes no logical sense to me. I'm pretty sure most people believe that there are circumstances that affect the morality of a situation. But there's more to why morality isn't objective. Take topics like abortion or the problem of eating meat. A lot of pro lifers and vegans are so certain of their positions that they think it's objectively wrong, but the reality is their beliefs are based on what they value. When talking about whether fetuses and animals have rights there doesn't seem to be a right or wrong answer. One side says animals have enough value that they shouldn't be exploited or killed for food, another says they don't have value other than as food, but neither side can really be wrong on this. It's just their opinion it's not really based on evidence or absolute proof but what that individual person values. Now these subjects are especially touchy to me so I could be very wrong about it. In fact the whole topic of objective vs. subjective morality is not something I'm an expert on. So I'm willing to consider any constructive input. <|ASPECTS|>, well, wrong, rights, morality, answer, objective, killing, right or wrong, murder wrong, individual person, absolute proof, touchy, arbitrary, society, subjective morality, moral code, objectively wrong, arbitrary killing, evidence, hurts other people, circumstances, eating meat, killed, logical sense, victim, problem, values, value, constructive input, exploited, absolute, nothing is wrong, objective morality, animals, social construct, condone murder, beliefs<|CONCLUSION|>
Morality is not objective
<|TOPIC|>Do more life challenges make a person resilient?<|ARGUMENT|>Extreme challenges such as sexual assault may lead to rape trauma syndrome and leave scars; when combined with complex PTSD, it may also cause effects that require management for years, sometimes for life.<|ASPECTS|>challenges, require management, rape trauma syndrome, effects<|CONCLUSION|>
Some challenges might be overwhelming and traumatic, leaving a lasting negative effect.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>This is a fairly straight forward position. Although much has been written about the heavy handedness of the Soviet campaign and its horrific bombing, given our current view of the situation in Afghanistan and beyond, I cannot bring myself to view the Soviet war in Afghanistan as anything less than one of the few, possible candidates for a just war since WW2. The war is frequently compared to America's war in Vietnam, however, I think important distinctions can be made between the two opposing forces in those wars. While the Vietnam war devolved into a situation where America was waging war against the bulk of Vietnam's anti colonial population, seeking to destroy any capacity for the nation to defend itself or create a strong state that could resist US control, the opposing forces in Afghanistan were quite different. While the tactics used by the USSR may have ended up being similar to those used by the US, instead of a unified nationalist body, the USSR fought a disparate band of fundamentalist warlords who, instead of posing the threat of a unified, independent state, fought for the complete and utter destruction of the state and civilization of Afghanistan in general. While the Americans in Vietnam fought against unity and stability, the Soviets in Afghanistan were fighting against warlordism and fundamentalist theocracy. tl dr I can't see how a Soviet victory in Afghanistan would have been a bad thing.<|ASPECTS|>resist us control, , state, warlordism, colonial population, distinctions, bad, defend, destruction, stability, unity, heavy handedness, war, straight forward position, soviet victory, horrific bombing, civilization, capacity, fundamentalist warlords, fundamentalist theocracy, forces<|CONCLUSION|>
The world would be a better place today if the USSR had won in Afghanistan without US interference.
<|TOPIC|>DACA and DREAMers: Should DREAMers be Granted Citizenship?<|ARGUMENT|>Many DREAMers are serving in the US military. According to some estimates up to 1,000 individuals may be covered by the Act.<|ASPECTS|>dreamers<|CONCLUSION|>
DREAMers are already highly integrated into US society and culture.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>There was another Republican debate tonight, and I didn't watch. I watched the first three debates, but I don't think that I've really learned anything about these debates, and I don't think that they've helped voters make their decisions at all. One of the big complaints at the first few debates was that they focused too much on the horserace the debates were about the race itself, rather than the issues, with too many questions about what Donald Trump said or comments other people have said over the course of the election. Even when the debate tried to go for substantive issues, like in the CNBC debate, it wasn't really helpful questions about whether the candidates' tax plans were feasible were shrugged off, and it just became popular to bash the moderators instead, even when asked substantive questions. Even when the candidates do answer the issue questions, it's mostly with answers that are on their websites. No new information has been gleaned, and asking about specifics is often pretty useless because so much will change even before the end of the primary that their answers are meaningless, and candidates promise so much over the course of the campaign that they can't have any reasonable chance of accomplishing. I just don't see the value in paying attention to the debates at this point. <|ASPECTS|>helpful, , decisions, value, meaningless, substantive, answers, horserace, republican debate, useless, race, debates, substantive issues, helped, learned, attention to, voters, make, tax plans<|CONCLUSION|>
Paying attention to the American primary debates is useless right now
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>First I want to say I'm perfectly aware that this is unpopular opinion which is the reason I want you to change my view. Last time I posted my thoughts on this game I got downvoted to oblivion and got some angry pm's I want to start with telling how I played this. First I didn't check any playtroughs and guides but went in completely blind as I do with most games. I've heard ofc how ruthless and difficult this game is, and I enjoy difficult games always play games on highest difficulty and enjoy puzzles so I wanted to finally start playing this. I played Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition on pc with dsfix and used Logitech F310 controller which is good controller. I didn't finish it, last boss I played was Nito the Gravelord 3rd last boss IIRC Now, to dice up my opinions on why I felt like this game wasn't actually difficult, but used tricks to seem difficult. Controls Now this is the first reason why I felt this game was more frustrating than difficult. Dodging Now this mechanic was pretty good except it isn't even near accurate. Several times when dodging an enemy, it could hit me even thought I was out of reach. It felt like my character dodged but my hitbox stayed behind. Many people just tell me I play badly or dodged wrong but I doubt I can play game that completely relies on dodging almost to the end without learning it. It felt bugged on purpose to give mobs some cheap shots at the player to make it feel more difficult Blocking This felt completely useless mechanic. Most times when fighting mobs not bosses you are facing 2 4 of them. And most of them have either some kind of hit combo or big hit with knockback. So most time blocking hits ended with you having no stamina and not being able to block or dodge hits, getting knocked back or in rare occasions actually blocking hits. Trough the game I tried to use block as means to get some shots in but it was most of the time unbalanced and useless. Parry and Riposte I gave up on this after Gargoyles. There is no indication on what types of enemies are immune to this even the wiki says most humanoids and honestly blocking and dodging was just so much easier. The controls overall made this game more difficult. And in my opinion bad controls isn't a good way to make game more difficult. Especially if they are buggy when it has nothing to with skill. Exploration Now this game relies alot on exploration. The best gear is often obtained in some kind of side boss. And for game that puts so much weight on not staying on the road and exploring the world it really sucks at balancing reward punishment. Often when exploring especially at early game you will run into enemies that are way over your level and will most likely one shot you. Now if you even manage to dodge and not get killed by them it will take you forever to kill them because most are complete bullet sponges which means they barely take any damage. Another thing that in most games is considered to be artifical difficulty but is for some reason praised in dark souls. This leads to stupid amounts of backtracking and avoiding exploration in early games which then leads to your character being underpowered. Mobs Now this game has the best bosses I've ever seen. They are absolute delight to fight and reminds me of learning mechanics in old Zelda games when I was a kid. But everything in between is just horribly balanced. Either mobs are bullet sponges that hit hard and takes 3 5 hits to kill or they are fairly easy to kill. Now this would be okay if they had balanced it somehow and not put 4 bullet sponges in one group so you have to try and fish them out of the group one by one. This leads to frustrating gameplay where everything between bosses feels like grind. Also, putting a mob that oneshots you no matter what behind a door isn't difficult, it is just stupid. There are few this types of spots in the game where you can't survive it unless you already know whats there and do some glitchy dodging back and forth. I get that one appeal is the element of suprise but that holds no value if the hit is completely unblockable and the game doesn't even give you time or any indication to dodge. Many say this is the point of Dark Souls and that it's what makes the game difficult but I don't see that as difficult but impossible. And it really makes players shy away from exploring especially if it's hour since you last came across bonfire. I think thats about it. In my opinion Dark Souls was medicore game that relied on gimmicks, bugs and cheap tricks to make it hard and that lead it to be more grindy than hard. Most times I died it wasn't because I was playing badly, but rather the controls bugging or the game playing cheap tricks on me. Most of the time skill had nothing to do with it. except maby learning how the controlls bug in certain situations Trought this game I felt that they should have just sent 3 4 mobs to kill the bosses and they would have done better job than me. It was like jumpscares on horror games. Sure they make you jump but they aren't really scary . Even though the bosses were fantastic, most of the game was grinding trough boring and badly balanced mobs. I'm not saying this is a bad game, I'm just saying that this game isn't nearly as brilliant and hard as people say this to be. So please change my view. Tell me why this game should be called actually hard rather than grindy game leaning on cheap tricks like so many other games after it? Git gud EDIT Since there are some comments that are going totally past the point, I want to mention few things. First, I didn't hate the game. I thought it was okay and enjoyed several aspects of it. Secondly, I wasn't horrible at it. I made it to Gravelord Nito and didn't find the game difficult. Third, my game glitched out several times. You can keep saying I'm bad player or that I'm playing it wrong but the fact is the game and controls bugged several times on me. <|ASPECTS|>, view, learning mechanics, avoiding exploration, block, oneshots, hard, backtracking, game more difficult, hit, immune, delight to fight, accurate, side boss, bullet sponges, gimmicks, ruthless and difficult, time, difficult, okay, better job, playtroughs, frustrating gameplay, cheap shots, badly balanced mobs, angry pm, bosses, artifical difficulty, game glitched, bonfire, scary, mob, enemies, downvoted, bad game, underpowered, guides, cheap tricks, oblivion, hit combo, medicore, big hit, stupid, bad player, dark souls, playing badly, enjoyed, balanced, play badly, character dodged, reward punishment, stamina, buggy, controller, suprise, blind, kill the bosses, dodging, mobs, reach, brilliant and hard, unbalanced, enjoy puzzles, players, grind, bad controls, knockback, controls, shy away from exploring, take any damage, difficulty, mechanic, blocking, hits, frustrating, impossible, game difficult, controlls bug, survive, hit hard, grindy, horror, easy to kill, dodged wrong, unpopular opinion, useless, grinding trough boring, hate the game, skill, unblockable, actually, play game, exploration, jumpscares, hitbox stayed, jump, one shot, horrible, best gear, game, horribly balanced, bugs, blocking hits, controls bugging, glitchy dodging, relies<|CONCLUSION|>
Dark Souls isn't hard game, but rather creates illusion of difficulty with gimmicky controls and unbalanced gameplay
<|TOPIC|>Should public transport be free?<|ARGUMENT|>Those in the UK who are job seeking and claiming Universal Credit can apply for a railcard which gives them 50% off fares.<|ASPECTS|>job seeking, fares, universal credit<|CONCLUSION|>
Alternative measures can be introduced to make public transport more affordable.
<|TOPIC|>Capital Punishment in the US: Inhumane or Just?<|ARGUMENT|>All humans are subject to cognitive biases in their thinking and decision making. Critical thinking, necessary to gaining valid understanding of any argument requires that we first do a self analysis of our own beliefs as they relate to verifiable evidence. This enables a critique of the filters that we have all developed over our lifetimes. These filters act in confirmation bias by facilitating information from sources that we are predisposed to believe to the exclusion of contrasting evidence.<|ASPECTS|>contrasting evidence, confirmation bias, valid understanding, filters, critique, information, cognitive biases, self analysis, verifiable evidence<|CONCLUSION|>
The justice system is always subject to human cognitive biases and therefore is an imperfect mechanism to determine truth and the death penalty cannot be rescinded.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Methods of controlling the population with voluntary methods will never work, at least in the long term. Even though in the short term, some people use contraceptives and refuse to reproduce, we are essentially breeding people to want to procreate. The reason why population growth is declining now is because, in our evolutionary history, we have never been exposed to the things that limit the population to the extent that we do today, and therefore have not evolved resistance to them. There are only two viable solutions to overpopulation that I am aware of sustainable agriculture and population control by force. If strict sustainable agriculture, humans will ultimately live at a subsistence level, but will not have to worry about massive famines due to fluctuations in the food supply caused by unsustainable agriculture. The other method, brute force, would most likely involve some combination of forced abortions, forced sterilizations, and or infanticide. Here is an article about this issue.<|ASPECTS|>subsistence level, population growth, breeding people, overpopulation, food supply, force, voluntary methods, controlling the population, refuse to reproduce, famines, sustainable agriculture, procreate, forced abortions, forced sterilizations, massive, infanticide, resistance, unsustainable agriculture, population control, limit the population<|CONCLUSION|>
"Voluntary" methods of dealing with overpopulation will be ineffective at limiting population growth long-term
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>To start my point, I just want to define what I'm talking about When I say VR companion , I mean a sufficient advanced AI or robot, either in a virtual space think Oculus, holograms or real life robot , that's designed to provide comfort, friendship and perhaps even love, to a certain person, and has a very close simulation of a personality. A good, if comical, example of what I'm talking about is Dr. Krieger's girlfriend from the show Archer With that addressed, here's my view It's a fact that many people have extreme difficulty with socialization in general, for several reasons. Personality disorders and mental issues, extreme shyness, physical deformations and scars, disabilities, and so on. There's a reason why the meme Forever Alone exists at all, as well as stereotypes like the Crazy cat lady or virgin neckbeards , and it's not just about people who are single for a year or two and think they're Forever Alone . For many people, the chances of finding a lover sometimes even a friend is very low, requiring years and years of all kinds of therapies, cirurgies, etc. These, I feel, are those who would be the ones who would gain the most with this kind of technology. Having a VR companion would help fight loneliness minimizing events such as suicide and I'd go as far as saying mass shootings and such as well and, yes, even allow these people to practice socialization, as a sort of therapy. In fact, the medicinal possibilites provided by an AI companion are huge. Providing comfort to terminal illness victims, aiding older patients on they day to day life as well as providimg companionship, and more. This is a technology that should be perfected and, honestly, it's an inevitability in my opnion there are plenty of companies working in basic prototypes and ideas right now, from porn focused oculus software companies to medical research. Now, of course, there are some cons and counter arguments to the usefulness and morality of this kind of technology, which I want to address Interacting with a perfect imitation of a human being will negatively impact expectations when interacting with real people, even more so in the case of virtual lovers This is IMO the best argument against the technology, but one that does not outweigh it's pros. Most people who would realistically resort to an AI companion are people that already gave up, or are simply unable to, getting a real companion. Them having unrealistic expectations would ultimately have no consequence for others, as they're not trying to interact regardless. It could lead to increased social isolation in general This argument is similar to the first, and I feel the retort is the exact same. It's highly unlikely that millions and millions of people adopt this kind of technology as a complete replacement for human interaction, to the point of it having a negative impact in our society. Those who do are probably people that were already more or less checking out . People already isolate themselves for various reasons nowadays, and will continue to do so. I'm sure that right now there's someone locked up in their room organizing his her collection of bread crumbs and shunning all social contact. It's better to combat the cause of loneliness and social isolation than provide simulated social interactions In an ideal world that would be the perfect solution, but it's quite impractical. In some cases say, a paraplegic , it's extremely hard if not impossible to get new friends and such. In other cases, the underlying problems may require years and years of therapy and other treatments, and having simulated relationships would both help in the treatment itself and immediately help combat loneliness while it is underway. And even in the most questionable situation say, a 35 year old person who never had a romantic relationship and just want a submissive android to live with or w e , it's really just a better outcome than leaving the person to their loneliness. It's worth noting that current society has a major disdain for people who are bad at socialization and romancing. It's hard to understand how bad it is unless you yourself have those issues. Most people don't help you, instead they put you down even more and criticize you if you ever broadcast how you feel. I don't see why any kind of technology that can help these people feel better and have happier lives shouldn't be developed and encouraged, yet I often see ridicule and disdain when this topic is discussed. .<|ASPECTS|>feel better, bad, morality, comfort, get new friends, stereotypes, paraplegic, consequence, shootings, bread crumbs, hard, advanced ai, real companion, technology, mental issues, loneliness, inevitability, older patients, disdain, extreme, shunning, interact, therapies, ridicule, submissive, isolate, scars, medical, chances, social isolation, fight, suicide, underlying problems, medicinal possibilites, negatively impact expectations, personality disorders, physical deformations, social contact, human interaction, romancing, usefulness, basic prototypes, negative impact, checking, gain the, happier lives, friendship, criticize, disabilities, impractical, relationships, unrealistic expectations, socialization, social interactions, difficulty, help, shyness, finding a lover, companionship, forever alone, ai companion, romantic, terminal illness victims, issues, love<|CONCLUSION|>
The pros of VR and eventually, android companions / lovers outweight the cons and their development is a good thing that should be encouraged.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Self explanatory title. I believe that though teachers especially civics social studies teachers should definitely promote awareness of current events, their main purpose is to instruct and teach students HOW to think and not WHAT to think. Young minds are impressionable giving them constant exposure from the perch of authority to one, and only one, side of the issues would be an abuse of this. x200B If a view must be presented, it should at the very least be presented with opposing views, and students should challenge their teacher on their view. The teacher should not disallow students from speaking to challenge if the teacher presents their view. By doing that, they've made their view fair game for everyone to discuss. x200B I have seen some who appear to be espousing this view on various Internet forums. This does NOT apply to college professors.<|ASPECTS|>, awareness of current events, view fair game, young minds, opposing views, speaking to challenge, disallow students, think, college professors, exposure, self explanatory title, abuse<|CONCLUSION|>
teachers should not inject their personal political views while in the formal classroom setting, teaching students and during lessons.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I'm sure this topic has been done before, but I thought I'd give it a shot. I was raised in an Irish catholic family, went to church weekly, did youth group, was even baptized and confirmed. I was never really that into it, I guess I was kind of indifferent and just went along with it because I thought that was what you're supposed to do. A few years ago I sat down and really thought about it and realized that it didn't add up and that I trusted science infinitely more than I trusted a book that contradicts itself, a community of people who discriminate and hate, and a corrupt hierarchy that delivers God's word in any way they feel benefits them at the time. I'm genuinely curious as to how people get past these things that are deal breakers to me, so by all means, change my view.<|ASPECTS|>god 's word, baptized, irish catholic family, corrupt hierarchy, discriminate, indifferent, youth group, deal breakers, confirmed, trusted science<|CONCLUSION|>
I am an atheist,
<|TOPIC|>Should puberty in children be delayed in preparation for gender reassignment?<|ARGUMENT|>Artificially delaying puberty in a minority of the population is unconstitutional. Singling out a minority of the cases with a supposedly universal mandate violates privacy protections afforded by the Constitution, as well as the equal protection clause.<|ASPECTS|>unconstitutional, equal protection, privacy protections, delaying puberty<|CONCLUSION|>
People who realize they are transgender should not be compelled to wait, but should be allowed to undergo the puberty they have realized is right for them.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I understand this is a very unpopular opinion here, so I submit it to for an alternate perspective. Summary Digital Piracy is stealing. Stealing is wrong. With our digital marketplace booming with free videos, music, games, and other assorted entertainment tools, there is no excuse to pirate. Common Arguments That Failed to gt I'm poor and want free stuff. I struggle and still manage to pay for the things I need, as well as budget for entertainment items I desire. I would like to own a fancy car for free I would like a high end gaming PC for free. However, this is not how our economy and our society work. You need to pay for goods. gt Huge corporate media companies make gazillions of dollars. I'm fighting against their monoploy. No, you aren't. This is a silly form of slacktivism with a healthy dose of self aggrandizing delusion. Hitting LIKE on Facebook does not make you an activist. Clicking Download on uTorrent does not make you a corporate buster. gt Digital goods require no cost to duplicate, and thus digital piracy does not affect their business. Following traditional Brick and Mortar business models, this would be correct. However, the shift to a digital production model and intangible goods does NOT remove the moral contract and obligation to pay for a product you wish to use and enjoy. Entire businesses are created on the idea that a product can be freely duplicated this is not some sort of Glitch in the Matrix that no one understands. It is a cost calculated into the budget that has been taken into account, and funds allocated elsewhere to accommodate for the difference. Also, the idea of free duplication is not always entirely correct often times the cost of server space, the time materials that go into the duplication software, the expertise required to design the product duplication effort, etc and at the end of the day, it doesn't matter You can hem and haw about how your uTorrent download does not affect a company's bottomline but that doesn't matter Someone created a product you want, put a price they want, and put the product online for clients to purchase. If you want it, buy it. If you don't want to buy it, tough luck contact the vendor. Maybe they'll take pity on you and give you a handout. At the end of the day, I have not heard a solid argument on why Digital Piracy is ok. Please .<|ASPECTS|>excuse to pirate, corporate buster, digital piracy, pay for goods, marketplace, gaming pc, free videos, pity, correct, business, self aggrandizing delusion, budget for entertainment items, society, corporate media, affect, freely duplicated, unpopular opinion, economy, free duplication, obligation, stealing, slacktivism, buy, fancy car, server space, moral contract, cost to duplicate, handout, want free stuff, funds, time materials, dollars, businesses, tough luck contact the vendor, high end, pay, cost, stealing is wrong, struggle, activist, intangible, poor, monoploy<|CONCLUSION|>
I believe Digital Piracy is wrong, and needs to be stopped.
<|TOPIC|>Has the Conservative government lost its legitimacy to govern?<|ARGUMENT|>A no-deal Brexit is likely to lead to increased tariffs on the export of British farming produce.<|ASPECTS|>tariffs, increased<|CONCLUSION|>
A no deal Brexit would be extremely damaging to British farming and food production
<|TOPIC|>DACA and DREAMers: Should DREAMers be Granted Citizenship?<|ARGUMENT|>Article 23: "1 Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. has the right to equal pay for equal work.has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests." Universal rights.<|ASPECTS|>universal rights, equal pay, favourable remuneration, interests, favourable conditions of work, unemployment, right to work, protection, human dignity, free choice of employment, right, social protection.the<|CONCLUSION|>
UDHR articles 1-3, 5-12, 16-20, and 22-29 are specifically directed to the idea that when someone crosses a border, they keep all rights and legal protections.
<|TOPIC|>Should high-income countries take in refugees?<|ARGUMENT|>Claims like these would need to be universalized across all scales. The small scale version of this is that those who make more money have a moral obligation to take in homeless people into their homes.<|ASPECTS|>moral obligation, universalized, homeless people<|CONCLUSION|>
Refugees are desperate, vulnerable, innocent human beings. Given that every human being is of equal dignity and humanity, high-income countries must help them.
<|TOPIC|>Should a license be required in order to have a child procreate?<|ARGUMENT|>It might establish a stronger sensitivity towards parenting. Similarly to other licenses: If we don't feel up to the challenge we don't get it.<|ASPECTS|>challenge, sensitivity towards parenting<|CONCLUSION|>
Licensing helps in case the parents aren't fit to be parents.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>This isn't referring to depression because of a terminal illness, but specifically about clinical depression prompting suicidal urges for years. Decades even. I don't view suicide as a choice it's a fight or flight response. Some people cope others don't. Also my philosophy on the value of life undoubtedly skews my stance. I don't believe that anyone has an objective, inherent value and that disallowing someone to end their life promotes their suffering for the comfort of society being uncomfortable with death. However, temporary bouts of suicidal behavior should be treated but at a certain point it becomes so chronic that pain overshadows pleasure. When someone has suffered for years with suicide but have held off because of guilt from family they are literally tortured into accepting life rather than be allowed to bow out peacefully.<|ASPECTS|>depression, value of life, pain, cope, pleasure, suicidal behavior, objective, clinical depression, accepting life, fight or flight response, suicide, inherent value, terminal illness, guilt from family, tortured, suicidal urges, suffering, choice, uncomfortable with death<|CONCLUSION|>
I don't think every suicidal person can be helped and some are "better off" gone.
<|TOPIC|>Should Governments Ever Limit Free Speech?<|ARGUMENT|>Without limitations on free speech, it opens opportunities for enemies of the state to undermine public faith in the state through spreading false or hateful information.<|ASPECTS|>public faith, free speech, hateful information<|CONCLUSION|>
In times of war, limiting information in media can be important for a country's national security.
<|TOPIC|>The Correct Donation: Gorillas or Starving Children?<|ARGUMENT|>This way children learn how to deal with winning and losing. They have a field where they can try out different behaviors without making a name as a jerk for themselves in public.<|ASPECTS|>winning and losing, different behaviors<|CONCLUSION|>
Competition is not only very good preparation for the future, it is also fun to compete within the family.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>There are too many people attempting Everest who lack the experience to really be doing so. They endanger not only themselves but the seasoned climbers as well. Having a requirement to have climbed one of the other Seven Summits would factor out those with insufficient experience and simply reduce the number climbers present on the mountain, saving lives and creating a better experience for those who do attempt Everest.<|ASPECTS|>insufficient experience, better experience, saving lives, endanger, experience<|CONCLUSION|>
It should be a requirement to have successfully climbed one of the other "Seven Summits" before you can attempt Everest.
<|TOPIC|>Mark Twain used the N-word in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Should it be censored?<|ARGUMENT|>Schools have a responsibility to strengthen the minds of students. That means encountering distressing texts and learning to deal with them in a context of greater struggles and morals associated with them. You only gain strength by encountering stress, be it muscles or mind.<|ASPECTS|>strengthen the minds of students, distressing texts<|CONCLUSION|>
The goal of education is to prepare students for the wider world. In the real world, there is no protection from distressing content.
<|TOPIC|>What Is the Best Drug Regulation System?<|ARGUMENT|>Even when a profession is legal, organized crime will infiltrate it, as the involvement of the Camorra in business illustrates. Thus, making drugs legal does not automatically break up the structures of these groups.<|ASPECTS|>infiltrate, structures, organized crime<|CONCLUSION|>
Gangs and cartels could easily move into the legal market for drugs, particularly if regulations on production and distribution are lacking.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I remember a while back hearing people talk about this video saying that it was such a great video and everyone should watch it. And I still hear people talking about rape and how people need to understand consent. But I don't understand what new things videos like this are supposed to be teaching me. I already know raping someone is bad. I already know that having sex with an unconscious person is bad. Everyone knows this Rapists know this They know rape is bad, and they do it anyway. You would have to be really dumb to not think having sex with someone against their will is bad. And if you tell them that it's bad, which they already know, they are going to do it anyway. Because it's what they were already doing, knowing that it's bad So, what is the point of supporting these videos, and saying 'Everyone should watch this, this is super important.' Videos like this are stating the obvious to anyone with more than two functional brain cells. Arguing that these videos are super important makes just as much sense as seeing a video saying torturing and killing people for no reason is bad, and then thinking Wow, I'm going to share this with everyone I know, and they're all going to learn something that they totally didn't already know and find to be obvious and completely pointless to discuss. So, making a big deal about how rape is bad, and promoting content that says 'rape is bad, consensual sex is good' as being super important, is stupid and a waste of time. Everyone, including rapists, already know that rape is bad. Telling them something they already know isn't going to change anything. <|ASPECTS|>new things, raping someone, pointless, bad, rape, change, torturing, rape is bad, unconscious person, functional brain, understand consent, consensual sex, killing people, waste of time, stupid, obvious, great video, dumb<|CONCLUSION|>
Trying to educate people that 'rape is bad' is a waste of time
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>First off, I want to say that I don't find sex scenes in TV shows unappealing because they are crude. They are just boring, unattractive, and awkward. If you really wanted to watch a sex scene, why would you be watching TV when you have the wonderful advent of the internet. The sex scenes on TV aren't even real sex scenes anyway because of FCC guidelines. Who enjoys watching 2 minutes of actors panting while under blankets? It also makes it hard to watch the show with other people. Is there any reason to include sex scenes in TV shows that I am missing? <|ASPECTS|>sex scene, unappealing, awkward, actors, panting, real sex scenes, people, sex scenes, boring, hard, crude, internet, watch, unattractive<|CONCLUSION|>
There is no place for sex scenes in TV.
<|TOPIC|>Autonomous Killing Machines: The Future of Warfare?<|ARGUMENT|>Human soldiers are superior to AKMs. Therefore the AKMs have limited use: To fight against other AKMs, drones and automated war machinery that they are designed to destroy.<|ASPECTS|>war, limited use, superior, human soldiers<|CONCLUSION|>
Soldiers inherently have human weaknesses which AKMs would not, thus making AKMs superior to soldiers.
<|TOPIC|>General AI should have fundamental rights<|ARGUMENT|>Ronald Reagan in contrast to his predecessor Nixon, was driven very much by ideals of freedom.<|ASPECTS|>ideals of freedom<|CONCLUSION|>
Leaders take moral aspects into account regardless of what Machiavelli said.
<|TOPIC|>Should Democrats Cooperate with Donald Trump?<|ARGUMENT|>Central to the Democrats’ diminishment has been their loss of support among working-class voters who feel abandoned by the party’s shift away from moderate positions on trade and immigration, from backing police and tough anti-crime measures, and from trying to restore manufacturing jobs. Moving to the left will not bring them back to the fold.<|ASPECTS|>, fold, manufacturing jobs, loss of support, restore<|CONCLUSION|>
A Democratic Party which is exceedingly far left will have a hard time getting its candidates elected if they continue to alienate parts of the electorate.
<|TOPIC|>Kyoto Protocol, Debate on whether the Kyoto Protocol helps to combat global warming<|ARGUMENT|>Joe Biden, US Senator D-DE, stated in a Mar. 30, 2001 press release - "The President's decision to turn his back on this treaty is a huge setback for the environment and could delay action on global warming for years. The United States has an inescapable responsibility to lead on global environmental challenges. It's wrong to simply walk away from this international agreement."23<|ASPECTS|>delay, environmental challenges, global warming, global, responsibility, setback, environment<|CONCLUSION|>
US has a responsibility to lead on climate change and in Kyoto
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Hello Whenever I see a post about Islamism or conflicts including an Islamist side I see several errors that I will try to summarize 1 Not distinguishing between different movements, for example mixing Hamas, ISIS and the Muslim brotherhood as one and the same when the literature actions and circumstances of these groups are different even if they were connected as some point or even today. 2 Assuming that Islamist organizations are internally coherent while in many cases there is ideological internal struggle between their members. 3 Misinterpreting the language Islamists use, for example Hamas's famous commitment to the destruction of Israel is a widely held view in the Arab world however It is never explicit that it means genocidal procedure while the killing Christians and Jews is explicitly banned even if they are considered second class citizens by many . 4 The cons of Islamist rule is not weighted against the cons of Military nationalist rule which is often the alternative I am not saying one is always better than the other . I am not sure if I need to say this or not but I live in Egypt and I am no longer a Muslim I am non religious now .<|ASPECTS|>military nationalist rule, muslim, islamist rule, class citizens, ideological internal struggle, islamism, destruction, israel, christians, genocidal procedure, circumstances, non religious, internally coherent<|CONCLUSION|>
Westerners' over hostility to less extreme Islamism is uninformed and unpractical
<|TOPIC|>Kangaroo culling in Australia<|ARGUMENT|>The international response to the proposal to cull Kangaroo populations in Australia has been met by significant international revulsion. This revulsion translates to the tarnishing of Australia's image and identity in the world.<|ASPECTS|>revulsion, image, international revulsion, identity, tarnishing<|CONCLUSION|>
Culling Kangaroo tarnishes the image of Australia around the world.
<|TOPIC|>make English the official language of the United States<|ARGUMENT|>Almost no one in the United States knows English, but then chooses not to use it to make some sort of political statement. The language is far too omnipresent in the economy, culture, and everyday life to make such a choice attractive or even sane. Nor do people generally choose not to learn English. The advantages and opportunities it opens up, and the stigmas and discrimination facing non-English speakers mean that learning English is one of the first things any immigrant is going to try and do. In reality therefore we are going to be talking about people who can’t speak English, either because they have not learned it yet, or because they can’t learn it. Perhaps they don’t have the time between working two jobs, or perhaps they find it difficult. In any case, if this policy is simply symbolic it will stigmatize these people. If it goes further, it will actively make their lives worse, and perhaps make it even harder for them to learn English.<|ASPECTS|>omnipresent, attractive, political statement, stigmas, opportunities, learn english, difficult, stigmatize, choose, discrimination, english, lives worse, time, make, choice, advantages<|CONCLUSION|>
It specifically denies a rich cultural heritage which is uniquely American of groups that spoke English but not as a first language
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I think the campaigns about body acceptance have many good points, but I see the message that one should love their body as setting up another expectation that is difficult to achieve, as well as promoting the idea that our appearance is the most important thing to offer the world. I see the value in campaigns that try to gain acceptance for different types of bodies, as well as noting that there are many types of beauty that don't fall under current societal ideals. However, we can promote different types of beauty without expecting that everyone will be enamored with their appearance. You can treat your body with respect and care without feeling that you need to love everything about it. While hating your appearance is hardly helpful, I think it's okay to not have strong emotions about it or accept it without being thrilled with it. Additionally, I think that promoting the idea that everyone is equally beautiful hurts those who know they are not, but would rather not have it be a big deal. While our ideas of beauty are far too narrow, our goal should be to ensure that everyone is equally respected as a person. I can note that I don't look like a super model and still feel good about myself, and claiming that I'm just as beautiful just insults my observational abilities. As people will always have aesthetic opinions, it's far more useful to note that our appearance should not define us. I've reached a point where I'm comfortable with how I look, which is beneficial because I can devote the energy that used to go into managing insecurity elsewhere. Looking in the mirror and loving what I see on a daily basis doesn't seem like a useful goal. However, I've never truly hated my body or dealt with my insecurities in a destructive way, and thus I'm not sure if I'm not the intended audience or if I misunderstand the message. I fear I'm writing off a whole movement simply because it doesn't appeal to me. Change my view by helping me understand how this message is useful or important to others.<|ASPECTS|>, beauty, strong emotions, appearance, observational abilities, hated my body, insecurity, aesthetic opinions, accept, societal ideals, useful, respected, enamored, useful goal, beautiful, love their body, feel good, appeal, insecurities, respect, treat, care, hating, love everything, comfortable, intended, acceptance, important to others, destructive, misunderstand, managing, body acceptance, equally<|CONCLUSION|>
The body acceptance campaigns claiming you should love your body are counter-productive
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I have recently been reading The Outsider as part of a French Literature class. Many people, including the professor, say that there are many underlying reasons for Mersault killing the Arab, but personally, having read the book, I can't see them. To me, it just seems that he is a sociopath, and there are several things justifying this the lack of reaction to the death of his mother the fact that he tells Marie that he does not love her, but will probably marry her anyway his indifference to the plight of the girl that Raymond is clearly abusing. So to me, it seems that him killing the Arab is just another thing in a series of relatively sociopathic events, especially given that following this, he shows no remorse for what he has done. But I do want to understand why people are telling me the opposite. Change my view.<|ASPECTS|>plight, indifference, underlying reasons, view, killing, sociopathic, opposite, mersault killing the arab, sociopath, remorse<|CONCLUSION|>
I believe that in The Outsider by Albert Camus, Mersault killed the Arab for no reason.
<|TOPIC|>The Ethics of Eating Animals: Is Eating Meat Wrong?<|ARGUMENT|>An ethical diet is not one which eliminates greenhouse gas emissions or other forms of harm; if it were, the best diet would be starvation. Instead, an ethical diet strives to balance a variety of goals; health, taste, environmental impact, cultural legacy etc. In that case, a diet which includes some meat but perhaps less than a typical diet in a developed country would be morally permissible.<|ASPECTS|>starvation, ethical, balance, environmental impact, greenhouse gas emissions, ethical diet, health, harm, cultural legacy, morally permissible, taste<|CONCLUSION|>
The fact that meat eating and production contributes to climate change is not an argument for complete abstention from eating meat, it is only an argument for reducing the impact of meat eating, either through reduction in per capital amounts eaten or more sustainable farming practices.
<|TOPIC|>The US Should Not Have Pulled Out of the Iran Deal.<|ARGUMENT|>U.S.-sponsored regime change in Iraq and Libya led to a civil war, a brutal insurgency, and the rise of the Islamic State and other terrorist groups. The United States has also intervened repeatedly in places including Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Syria in recent years, and all it reaped was additional instability and fertile ground for terrorists. There is no guarantee that an externally induced regime change in Iran will lead to any positive results.<|ASPECTS|>regime change, positive results, change, fertile ground, externally, islamic state, brutal insurgency, civil war, instability, terrorist groups, terrorists<|CONCLUSION|>
Regime change would not be in the US best interests.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Common Core goes with the one size fits all narrative and includes some circulumm that is simply not needed for the unspecialized. For instance, an engineer learns advanced algebra or calculus. A more technology based student should take technology based classes, classes need to be more specialized. I’m not saying abolish calculus but what I am proposing is a more specialized circulum. If a student wants to become an investor the school should prepare them for that style of higher education. Calculus, Forensics, Art, Design, Band, etc should not be forced into children teenagers young adults that do not want to go into that field. Every moment during education is precious and should be treasured thus useless fields such as Art in senior year of HS should not be needed as that time could be more useful in let’s say a personal finance class or a job prep class or a how to study class. Circulum reform is desperately needed as a high school graduate is barely ready for the destruction that is college or job searching. How to Show usefulness of these classes Show how HS prepares for jobs Show how HS prepares for college<|ASPECTS|>specialized, investor, prepares for jobs, higher education, circulumm, destruction, fits, job searching, prepares, reform, precious, specialized circulum, technology based, advanced algebra, college, usefulness, useless fields, unspecialized, style, children teenagers young, calculus<|CONCLUSION|>
The American Education needs a circulum reform
<|TOPIC|>Is science political?<|ARGUMENT|>One way scientists try to avoid the pitfalls of bias is through the continued evaluation and assessment of research even after it has been published. Academics at the University of Groningen recently succeeded in securing a retraction of publications based on questionable research conducted at Cornell University.<|ASPECTS|>evaluation, questionable research, assessment of research, bias, retraction, publications<|CONCLUSION|>
Scientists are indeed not completely above bias. However, this does not mean that scientists can't try to evade these pit-falls.
<|TOPIC|>Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union?<|ARGUMENT|>Leave campaigners advocated membership of the Single Market, as part of the Brexit deal, which is now clearly in question.<|ASPECTS|>single, leave campaigners<|CONCLUSION|>
Victory for the Leave campaign was only achieved because of misleading statements and undeliverable promises that were disingenuous.
<|TOPIC|>Should we buy local over global products?<|ARGUMENT|>This is particularly true for food and drink, as some crops cannot be grown in certain climates and therefore must be imported e.g. tea leaves and coffee beans are only grown in particular regions of the world.<|ASPECTS|>imported<|CONCLUSION|>
Global industrial products provide us with a bigger choice of products.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Lil Dicky’s debut album, Professional Rapper , debuted atop the Billboard Rap Album chart, and at number 7 on the Billboard 200, with sales of 22,000. It features guest spots from Snoop Dogg, Fetta Wap, Rich Homie Quan, Jace from Two 9 , and T Pain. Yet r hiphopheads, arguably the best place to discuss rap hip hop on the internet, forbids all discussion whether it be links or even discussion threads regarding his music. If I’m not mistaken, there are two reasons for the ban Someone in his camp posted one of his videos to Reddit, and either LD or that someone asked their friends to upvote the video. This was claimed to be vote manipulation a or publicity stunt. LD is making a mockery of the genre a hip hop Weird Al, so to speak and isn’t a “real” rapper. First, there’s never been proof from what I can tell that LD or his camp took part in malicious vote manipulation. It doesn’t seem at all like he’s rap’s u Unidan. Second, r HHH allows links and discussion threads for The Lonely Island. That alone should indicate at least a slight bias against LD’s music. I’m not an LD Stan or anything if anything I lean towards some of Fantano’s critisicms of him I’m just saying that the dude’s got the best selling rap album in the country until Dre’s numbers come in for Compton . He clearly has fans, probably a bunch on r HHH, and obviously a bunch on Reddit as a whole. If you want to karma earning links because of “vote manipulation,” I disagree because of a lack of proof but I suppose that’s not that outrageous. But a complete ban including discussion threads for fresh releases and albums is overkill and unnecessary.<|ASPECTS|>upvote, critisicms, bias, fans, karma earning links, mockery, rap ’, discussion threads, ld, best selling, links, rap album, overkill, malicious vote manipulation, publicity stunt, vote manipulation, unnecessary<|CONCLUSION|>
/r/hiphopheads shouldn't have ban on discussions or posts regarding Lil Dicky.
<|TOPIC|>All Humans Should Be Vegan.<|ARGUMENT|>The sea level rise that comes with global warming will definitely impact the growth of human civilization. What was once land would not be available for building on and populating anymore.<|ASPECTS|>growth of human civilization, level rise<|CONCLUSION|>
Eating meat will restrict where human civilization can go and grow, due to it being a major contributory factor in climate change
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Here are what happened recently 1 “AT T was pressured to drop the deal after members of the U.S. Senate and House intelligence committees sent a letter on Dec. 20 to the U.S. Federal Communications Commission FCC citing concerns about Huawei’s plans to launch consumer products through a major U.S. telecom carrier.” 2 “On Sunday, following a New York Times report, Facebook admitted that it had data sharing partnerships with at least 60 device makers, including Apple, Samsung, and Amazon. “ “ But Huawei, in particular, drew attention as the US government has claimed that its devices could be used for spying on American citizens.” Huawei is almost blocked in America Market and Facebook was pressured to drop partnership with Huawei in other markets worldwide. Here are reasons why I feel it’s unfair. 1 The facts to support “National Security Concern” are very weak. The concern seems just based on 1 fact and many rumors. The fact is that Huawei’s Founder is a veteran. It seems the best evidence to support those rumors is the “capacity to conduct undetected espionage.” “FBI director Chris Wray cited Huawei’s “capacity to conduct undetected espionage.” However, “US Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross, has said that the US Department of Commerce has found no evidence that Huawei poses any threat to US national security.” 2 Comparing with other phone makers in US market, Huawei gets unfair treatment. 3 Comparing with iPhone in China, Apple is free to get all kinds of partnership with carriers. To be clarified, I think it’s also unfair for the Chinese government to block Google and Facebook. Generally, I don’t like governments blocking foreign technology companies with the excuse of “national security”. It’s a bad practice in a long term. Without competition, the protected companies don’t do enough innovation. For example, Baidu in China didn’t do well after Google left China. Many people both in China and worldwide criticize government’s Great Firewall practice. However, from what I saw in the media, very few voices questioned government and lawmakers’ decision regarding Huawei’s case. Some background I lived in China before and moved to the US recently. I saw lots of bias on Chinese media. However, I also found lots of bias on media in the US. It seems democracy has little help with rationality. <|ASPECTS|>well, bias, data sharing partnerships, unfair treatment, national security ”, national, government, blocking foreign technology companies, bias on media, bad practice, partnership with carriers, threat, us, weak, rumors, democracy, spying on american citizens., protected companies, decision, questioned, unfair, competition, products, national security., innovation, blocked, security concern, block google, undetected espionage., great firewall practice, rationality, baidu, veteran<|CONCLUSION|>
US lawmakers and government are unfair to Huawei
<|TOPIC|>Should Aborting a Disabled Child Be Legal?<|ARGUMENT|>We are not allowed to harass or assault others with our bodies. Even if it's our body and we want to, it still hurts another person and inflicts their rights to safety and life.<|ASPECTS|>assault others, harass, safety and life, hurts another person, rights<|CONCLUSION|>
Humans do not universally have rights over their own bodies. There are many things that we are not allowed to do with our bodies.
<|TOPIC|>Should the US adopt stricter gun controls?<|ARGUMENT|>The polls could be misleading due to some people in the US not being aware of the process it takes to purchase a firearm, due to the misleading "gun show loophole" myth that is often quoted in the media and among<|ASPECTS|>show, misleading<|CONCLUSION|>
Polls are not always a reliable source and can be skewed depending on who is being polled.
<|TOPIC|>Should public health systems fund homeopathy?<|ARGUMENT|>There are already healthcare services funded by the government that may be placebos or may be working but are not possible to validate scientifically, only through intuition.<|ASPECTS|>healthcare services<|CONCLUSION|>
The use of homeopathy, given its lack of scientific evidence, will undermine people's faith in the public health system.