<|TOPIC|>Should high-income countries take in refugees?<|ARGUMENT|>The major source countries of refugees are de-facto failed states for example Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia and South Sudan. It is unlikely that those who flee these countries could make much of a difference under these conditions.<|ASPECTS|>de-facto, refugees, failed states, difference<|CONCLUSION|>
This doesn't apply in the case of failed states. Refugees are people fleeing failed states.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>In the real world, even if you are doing heavy lower body work it is probably split leg moving forward, maybe up a hill or just on a flat surface, carrying something heavy . And if it's not, it's probably closer to a deadlift. And if it's not, you probably wouldn't want to do a deep squat anyway instead, you would probably just switch to a different motion like a deadlift. x200B Babies squat Squatting is normal Yeah, duh. Not with 500lbs right behind your neck. There are plenty of movements and positions that are normal . That doesn't mean that should be loaded to the max with a barbell in a precarious position. I don't think there is a single exercise that has so much clout around it, where people spend so much time trying to analyze it and figure out what they're doing wrong, only to inevitably end up injured anyway, besides the barbell back squat. For anyone here who disagrees how long have you been squatting heavy? Less than 5 years? I'm not sure if there are are quality studies either way on the issue. x200B EDIT I was unclear in my original title and post. I'm arguing against HEAVY deep squats like 250lbs on your back, or approaching your 1 rep max . I think deep squats with just your bodyweight or light weights are fine.<|ASPECTS|>squat, quality studies, precarious position, clout, different motion, light, bodyweight, body, normal, squats, squatting is normal, squatting heavy, injured, 500lbs, deadlift, loaded, less, deep squat, heavy, split leg moving forward, movements and positions, unclear<|CONCLUSION|>
Deep squats are not a functional exercise and should be avoided unless you are a powerlifter
<|TOPIC|>Is the Antifa direct-action movement beneficial?<|ARGUMENT|>The general population will not consider masked and armed protesters as trustworthy, peaceful individuals who want to move society forward, but more negatively as people who use anti-fascism as an excuse to cause mayhem. The majority of people would consider this scary.<|ASPECTS|>mayhem, society forward, trustworthy, peaceful individuals, scary, protesters<|CONCLUSION|>
Antifa is tarnishing the whole anti-fascist movement's reputation as being violent and extremist.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>AFAIK, the biggest issue many people have about drones seems to be collateral damage on civilians. I won't be touching upon assassinations of civilians in foreign nations as it's a whole different issue. Assassinations of civilians is independent from drones take for example Osama Bin Laden. This recent VICE video shows some of the anti drone sentiments. I really don't see the problem with Drones it seems as if the arguments against them are actually are arguments against warfare itself. Whenever there is a war, civilians always suffer and are caught in the crossfire. The reporter's comments about Skynet is incredibly ignorant IMHO. Computers only do what it is programmed to do nothing more, nothing less. These drones are essentially over glorified RC vehicles. What's difference in an attack done by a drone and manned vehicle? They both have collateral damage from the explosives used. The drone operators are not in direct danger of dying, so the costs of training drone operators is probably less than training fighter pilots as they do not get killed in action. When fighter pilots are on long missions, they have to stay awake the whole time, which negatively affects their performance. Drone operators can be switched off I'm not sure if that's the protocol, but it makes sense during a mission.<|ASPECTS|>, negatively, missions, awake, independent, nothing, danger of dying, costs, performance, attack, collateral damage on civilians, arguments against warfare, glorified rc vehicles, ignorant imho, drone operators, collateral damage, assassinations of civilians, crossfire, killed, suffer, switched, difference, programmed, anti drone sentiments, war, civilians<|CONCLUSION|>
about UAVs, aka Drones, on the battlefield.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>This sub Reddit is great because its stated purpose makes it somewhat impervious to complete intellectual dishonesty and circle jerking at least thus far . It's not about squabbling and calling each other fucking idiots, it's about changing views. If we state at the beginning of a response that we're just playing devil's advocate, then isn't OP going to be much more likely to just disregard what we said? In my opinion, saying I'm playing devil's advocate, but is the same as saying OP is totally correct, but here is an explanation of what the other side thinks . It then ceases to be a real attempt at changing a view and just an explanation of what the other side of the debate says. If I read devil's advocate at the beginning of a comment, I'm just going to read the rest of it knowing that the person who commented agrees with me and therefore doesn't really hope that my view changes, and so my view is very unlikely to actually change. I guess?<|ASPECTS|>unlikely, squabbling, disregard, change, changing a view, view changes, view, devil 's, circle jerking, intellectual dishonesty, devil 's advocate, changing views, explanation<|CONCLUSION|>
I don't think we should have to state when we're playing devil's advocate in this subreddit.
<|TOPIC|>South Korea should abandon its goal of unification with North Korea<|ARGUMENT|>One NK defector notes that because many can't find employment, "some just give up altogether. getting into trouble. They hang out, play cards, drink etc" p. 12.<|ASPECTS|>play, trouble<|CONCLUSION|>
Many SK businesses will not hire them, or they are fired.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>When I am driving on I 75 between Ann Arbor and the Mackinac Bridge in Michigan, I have noticed a very disturbing trend in the past few years. For some reason, on a four lane expressway, the majority of drivers will drive exclusively in the left most two lanes, practically leaving the right most two empty or lowly populated. When I get onto the expressway, I find it extremely convenient that I can just park myself in the far right lane, henceforth known as the “slow lane” and only have to switch lanes periodically to get around slow traffic who actually know how to drive. Most of the time, I find that the slow lane is empty, but it feels odd to me that I am passing so many cars while being in the far right lane. I have talked about this to many people, but the responses I get range from “you are driving too fast” to “you should never pass on the right”. My view is that if those people didn’t want to get passed on the right hand side, they would be driving in the right most lane they are able. That is what I learned in Drivers Training many years ago, and it has rang true so far. Cars should ALWAYS travel in the furthest right lane they are able. The way I see it, if you don’t want me driving in this lane, you should be. So, , Change my view on why I should park myself behind all of the idiots who are congesting the left most two lanes and leaving the right lanes pretty much wide open. And please spare me the “you shouldn’t be driving so fast” garbage. I drive at speeds I am comfortable driving at. If that means I am doing 80 in a 70, then so be it. I would like this discussion to focus on the “Passing on the Right” idea and not “Speeding is bad, mmmmkay?” drivel.<|ASPECTS|>fast, switch lanes, exclusively, garbage, slow, disturbing trend, right most lane, travel, many cars, open, speeding is bad, speeds, slow traffic, comfortable driving, convenient, right, right lane, always, passing, slow lane, driving too fast, lowly populated, empty, right ”<|CONCLUSION|>
When drivers park in the far left lanes, I see no reason not to drive in the empty right-most lanes and pass them.
<|TOPIC|>Artificial Intelligence AI: Should an artificial general intelligence be created?<|ARGUMENT|>We have AI today that are subject to learning the same prevalent race and gender biases we have learned:<|ASPECTS|>race and gender biases<|CONCLUSION|>
An AGI trained to think like humans would likely have the same biases as humans.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>For females pregnancy period, leftover weight, permanent changes to the vagina that lessens the enjoyment of sex No more sleep for a long time Majority of the parent's income and time is spent on the child, and they no longer have the freedom to do what they want and spend on what they want. I just overall don't see how it benefits the parents unless they have a desire to I guess create, guide, and lead<|ASPECTS|>sleep, freedom, enjoyment of sex, income, lessens, spend, leftover weight, permanent, benefits the parents<|CONCLUSION|>
Having kids doesn't improve ones life
<|TOPIC|>We should build an international space elevator?<|ARGUMENT|>If the elevator is placed on a nation's land, they might take ownership over it, which can cause issues for all nations, especially the ones who do not own it.<|ASPECTS|>take, cause issues, ownership<|CONCLUSION|>
Nations would battle as to where the elevator is placed, because the land it is placed on and distance from the nation are factors that stir political conflict.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>To start, my view only applies to commenting on linked threads. Voting without otherwise participating is something subs should rightly try to avoid. With all the subs wanting NP links, it seems to be squashing new parties from entering the conversation, even if they would have something insightful orb unique to add to the thread. Policy should be changed so that you can't vote without making a comment on the thread that reaches a certain score first. That would maintain the karma average of the sub while allowing new ideas to be added without that annoying NP message every time you link to another thread.<|ASPECTS|>squashing new parties, insightful, karma average, policy, annoying np message, new ideas, linked threads, voting without, commenting, vote, score, n't<|CONCLUSION|>
- Some subreddits' NP policy doesn't promote discussion.
<|TOPIC|>Should the US Pay Reparations for Slavery?<|ARGUMENT|>A main principle of reparations is to restore the original status status quo ante by returning to the victims what was lost restitutio in integrum. Because the victims are long dead, this is not possible with with slavery and therefore reparation claims become void Moffett, p. 6<|ASPECTS|>lost, reparation claims, original status, dead, reparations, restore<|CONCLUSION|>
There are no more former slaves or slaveowners alive, nor anyone who witnessed the system. This marks a break with the past.
<|TOPIC|>Does Hell Exist?<|ARGUMENT|>The Apostle John in Revelation 15:2-3 and Revelation 4:2,6,11 reveals that God surrounds himself with a sea of glass mingled with fire and that the righteous, not the wicked, are in His presence. This is biblical evidence that the lake of fire is in the realm of Heaven and not Hell.<|ASPECTS|>realm of heaven, fire, god, hell, wicked, righteous<|CONCLUSION|>
Heaven, not hell, is the realm of everlasting burning a view that contrasts with the popular conception of hell as a place of fire, brimstone, and searing heat. Heat is a characteristic of God's glory. See D&C 133:41-44
<|TOPIC|>Polygamy<|ARGUMENT|>Ameyatma Das. "We Are, Therefore, In Favor Of Polygamy". Vaishnava News. February 22, 1999 - "The point was not to facilitate more sex for men, but to give best protection to the women."<|ASPECTS|>best protection, sex, polygamy, favor, facilitate<|CONCLUSION|>
Polygamy is not about increasing sex for men, but security for women
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>First off its victim blaming to an extent and she is wrong. Second off, aren't rapists the most bated people in the world. This post Enjoying rape a woman’s point of view, legalize rape dominance and abuse. The first article is on how a women gets off on rape as she has had experience, the second is ways to legalize rape, and the third one is women should be abused this women needs serious help and if i joke, its sick. this post disturbed me and infuriate me and I all want to know is why would this women think this way. I think she is sick for being this way. All I thought about was victims o people in general seeing this and thought, why is this poor women thinking thistle way and her friends, how did she become this way, etc. I think she needs to rethink here right and wrong morals because her morals don't make sense<|ASPECTS|>morals, victims o people, abused, help, rape dominance, rape, disturbed, right and wrong morals, victim blaming, poor women, sick, infuriate, bated people, rapists, abuse<|CONCLUSION|>
I believe this women is sick and needs help
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>In reading about and hearing people talk about open marriage, polyamory, non monogamy, I often hear the statement I am capable of loving more than one person at the same time. My skepticism of this is that when people say love in this context, I think maybe they mean be attracted to or get needs met by. To me that's not the same thing as love, which requires self sacrifice. Can you be there no matter what for two, three or more people at the same time? People who live in different households? Similarly I have heard love is not a pie where the more I give one person the less there is for another person. But time, attention and resources ARE a limited pie. Can you really be a loving partner to multiple people the same way you can to one person? Does the answer change if you live in the same household with more than one partner? As a nonmonogamy skeptic, I'm still aware that there seems to be this minority of people who insist it's the natural way for them to live and seem to make it work somehow. I'm not in favor of restricting it, but I'm a skeptic of it. Please try to make your case without analogizing to having more than one child or loving both parents. These are very different kinds of love.<|ASPECTS|>polyamory, non monogamy, attention, attracted, restricting, different kinds, answer, loving both parents, get, resources, capable, natural way, self sacrifice, limited pie, different households, loving partner, skeptic, loving, time, less, open marriage, live, household, needs, love<|CONCLUSION|>
When a person says they can “love more than one person at the same time” romantically they really mean “I can get what I want from more than one person at the same time.”
<|TOPIC|>Is the Book of Mormon an authentic ancient scripture?<|ARGUMENT|>A revelation that Joseph Smith dictated during the translation of the Book of Mormon stated that Oliver Cowdery had a heavenly gift later described as the "gift of Aaron," 1835 D&C XXXVI:3 of working with the "sprout" divining rod and that by means of this rod, Cowdery would receive revelation from God. Revelation, April 1829-B Book of Commandments VII<|ASPECTS|>heavenly gift, revelation from god, gift<|CONCLUSION|>
The Book of Mormon implicitly compares Aaron's rod to the divining rod used by Oliver Cowdery 2 Nephi 3:17-18
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Disclaimer before anyone starts throwing names at me, I LOVE Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice cream, it is my favorite flavor without a doubt and life would be much more difficult without it. However, I do have my grievances with the frozen treat the chocolate chips HAVE to go Hear me out When frozen, chocolate becomes had and seems to lose it's taste, even more so because my mouth gets somewhat numb while eating the ice cream, so it adds nothing of value to the ice cream. Because the chocolate chips get hard, they can sometimes hurt, the other day it sortav scratched my gums while I was trying to eat it. So not only the little bastards are tasteless, but they are hard and hurt. Some brands abuse the chocolate chips, and neglect the cookie dough. See here We have three examples of chocolate chip cookie dough brands. I will give Ben and Jerry's a pass because you can see the cookie dough to chocolate chip to ice cream ratio is actually something I would consider acceptable, but if you look at Breyers and Island Farms, WHERE IS THE COOKIE DOUGH? All I see is vanila with chocolate chips Fuck If I wanted to eat ice cream with a bunch of tiny tasteless rocks, I'd just buy chocolate chip Before someone says, that there is a balance of taste that I may not notice due to the chocolate chips, I have news for you I have once separated the chocolate chips from the cookie dough some brands don't mix the chocolate with the cookie dough itself, but simply throw both of them in the ice cream , and it was waaay better The ice cream was smooth, delicious, I tasted the relevant components AAAANDDD there was no pain or annoying tasteless hard pieces coming from the chocolate. Also, to make things clear, I have nothing against chocolate chips I eat them all the time in my chocolate chip cookies, in a warm or room temperature environment, I just think they crossed the line when coming in contact with a frozen treat that is supposed to be nice and creamy, where they don't even add anything to the taste. Please <|ASPECTS|>, value, chocolate chips, pain, chocolate, hurt, hard and hurt, tasteless hard pieces, tasteless, life, balance of taste, cookie dough, cookie dough brands, neglect, taste, abuse the chocolate chips, numb, difficult<|CONCLUSION|>
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice cream would be made much better without the chocolate chips
<|TOPIC|>All Humans Should Be Vegan.<|ARGUMENT|>Contacting them wouldn't work, as it may introduce disease to them, which would lead to them not going vegan anyway if they're wiped out.<|ASPECTS|>disease, introduce, vegan<|CONCLUSION|>
It'll be really difficult to let uncontacted tribes know what veganism is, as likely they won't go vegan on their own.
<|TOPIC|>Should the US remove Confederate memorials, flags, and monuments from public spaces?<|ARGUMENT|>A statue is not merely a reminder that history happened; it is a depiction of how we choose to remember it. Replacing the statues with new art that reflects current values shows that our values as a country have changed.<|ASPECTS|>values, current values, history happened<|CONCLUSION|>
Modifications or new statues would accurately represent how history transpired, leaving no stand-alone monument the lesser.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>If you look at the work of Karl Marx, he was largely a sociologist who was commenting on how he thought the political systems of the world would eventually shift. He believed that we would progress from a feudalist, to a capitalist, to a socialist, to a communist state. He acknowledged that no system could produce technological advances like that of capitalism barring a slave state and viewed capitalism as a necessary step in eventual socialism. In tandem with the tyrannical forces at play, it becomes obvious to see why war torn states with little infrastructure like the USSR and Maoist China were never going to be able to successfully follow this evolution. If you look at the way that modern society is headed in relation to robotics, machine learning, AI, and automation, it seems inevitable that this evolution into socialism then communism will occur. That all of these massive changes in a technological revolution will completely change the landscape so that a large majority of the work sector isn't done by humans. I believe that once this happens, the idea of class will slowly cease to be and we will become a communist state largely maintained by self sustaining machinery. <|ASPECTS|>humans, work sector, sociologist, tyrannical forces, socialism, self sustaining machinery, capitalist, communist state, feudalist, little, eventual, communism, technological revolution, war, change the landscape, socialist, political systems, class, technological advances, infrastructure<|CONCLUSION|>
America will eventually end up a socialist state
<|TOPIC|>Kialo should separate voting into relevance and veracity of claim.<|ARGUMENT|>There's a strong argument to be made that savage and violent tribes and civilizations would have a survival advantage because they would defeat their enemies and be good at hunting.<|ASPECTS|>survival advantage, hunting, defeat their enemies<|CONCLUSION|>
There is no reason to believe moral values would be favoured by natural selection because it's not clear that moral values provide a survival advantage.
<|TOPIC|>Should the US adopt stricter gun controls?<|ARGUMENT|>With the increasing availability of 3D printing, untraceable homemade guns are becoming more and more likely.<|ASPECTS|>untraceable homemade guns<|CONCLUSION|>
Stricter legislation can do nothing to stop individuals from easily crafting their own firearms.
<|TOPIC|>Affirmative Action in Education<|ARGUMENT|>There is a benefit to students of all backgrounds from a policy of affirmative action in university admissions. College is not just about attending lectures and taking exams, it is also about the development of character and the broadening of the mind. If a university is overwhelmingly white and privileged, students are not exposed to different cultures, viewpoints and social experiences. By ensuring a diverse social mix on campus, universities strengthen the educational experience they provide.<|ASPECTS|>diverse social mix, educational experience, different cultures, social experiences, broadening of the mind, benefit to students, viewpoints, white and privileged, development of character, action<|CONCLUSION|>
There is a benefit to students of all backgrounds from a policy of affirmative action in university ...
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Just saw an article calling out announcers for referring to Katie Ledecky as the female Michael Phelps. The suggestion being that that was sexist, and why not refer to Michael Phelps as the male Katie Ledecky? This seems pretty clearly ridiculous. Phelps is the most decorated Olympian of all time, one of the most recognizable names in the world, and has shattered many olympic and world records. Ledecky has four medals. A laudable achievement for sure, but nowhere even close to Phelps'. Famous people are compared all the time to others. The Michael Jordan of The George Washington of The male Rosa Parks This is a common turn of phrase. To claim that it is sexist and not a compliment is insanity. Am I missing something?<|ASPECTS|>, decorated, shattered, world records, insanity, michael, missing, recognizable, medals, famous people, compared, ridiculous, laudable achievement, sexist<|CONCLUSION|>
Describing someone as "the female Michael Phelps" is not insulting, and saying so is being ridiculous and hyper-sensitive.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I was accused of being the biggest kind of piece of shit there is, politically yesterday, so I'd like to examine the view of mine that led to that and possibly change it. To begin, I will say that I do think conservatives perpetuate a laundry list of injustices against minorities and citizens in general. The GOP's base is why my queer friends and I can't marry who we love in most states. Many Republicans would ban gay sex entirely if they could. Conservatives wish to restrict my fellow Americans' ability to access healthcare. It's logical, in my opinion, that this will result in preventable deaths and patients who will live the rest of their lives in debt. On a similar note, Republicans would also like to take away the ability to have safe, clean abortions from my friends who are ciswomen. Southern Republicans often spout rhetoric about shooting immigrants on sight. Those who don't seem to think isolationism is the answer. Christian Republicans want to legislate their religion and try to do so constantly. As a non Christian queer, this angers and terrifies me. The GOP started the War On Drugs, a policy which is obviously a gross mismanagement of taxpayer dollars and racist to boot. Never mind the fact it's none of the government's business if I smoke weed, as long as I'm not driving afterward. The last Republican president started two wars that killed thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of foreigners. Now his party tries to obstruct any form of progress in our government. All that said, I do not understand when people decry what they call the liberal hate machine as the biggest political problem in the United States. So what if liberals boycott a business owned by a conservative because of that owner's views? This is a capitalist society, and LGBT folks are allowed to vote with their dollars. If a company fires their CEO who publicly donated to conservative causes that restrict the rights of minorities, isn't it just a reaction to the market? To consumers who will refuse to do business with a corporation because of who it deigns to employ and the effect that has on the world? I don't see how it's so unreasonable. I think that conservatives are ignorant of the scope of problems they cause and want to believe the other side is just bigoted as they are. They can trot out as many liberal professor stories as they like, it doesn't change the fact that restricting actual human rights is different than not putting up with someone's racist nonsense. This might be an overreaction to having my most downvoted comment ever, but if there's an issue with how I think about something, I want to fix it.<|ASPECTS|>foreigners, liberal professor stories, ability, access healthcare, view, legislate, overreaction, lgbt folks, progress, safe, gross, problems, gay sex entirely, clean abortions, human rights, angers, terrifies, effect, unreasonable, racist nonsense, bigoted, boycott, americans, mismanagement, piece, isolationism, marry, political problem, sight, liberals, preventable deaths, wars, government 's business, debt, shooting immigrants, killed thousands, refuse, ban, owner 's views, rhetoric, form, injustices against minorities, deigns, downvoted comment, racist, capitalist society, taxpayer dollars, rights of minorities, religion, scope, war, liberal hate machine, obstruct, vote, queer friends, ignorant<|CONCLUSION|>
Liberals are not more hateful than conservatives in the United States
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Premise So this is going to be a bit long winded, I have been trying to keep it as sparse, and also as clear, as possible. If it's too long or against the rule, I apologize. This is also a bit personal, because it is a major key in why I am broken I have no more a coherent system that allows me to interact with others. Please handle with care The Problem My view is based on behaviorist principles The Chinese Room for instance, behaves in all way like it's being conscious, so it is. Even further Feeling fear in itself does not exist, only behaving as being afraid does. This occurred first to me when I saw my sisters' children be terrified of a dog they were usually carefree around, after seeing her reacting to it. My sister's friend commented on how kids usually learned such things like, what to be afraid of through mimicry First they react to the threat, and then they start perceiving the threat as one. When she further asked But then, are they really afraid of this dog, or just playing pretend? , the question seemed nonsensical to me. If feeling is a learning process then we ought to treat feelings as such as early as they begin, so if the children were saying they were scared, they were scared, no matter if they feel it really or not. I do not like ad hoc frontiers, so my basic point is that we signal first, and then learn the meaning behind, we first say I love you and later on, we feel accordingly if ever. This is both somewhat supported and contrived by . Supported because the anosmiatic kid for instance did signal smelling even if the semiotic behind was not the same, and rebutted because in the end, the kid did not spontaneously learn to smell magically. Another experience that settles this view is when I am acting When I have to play sadness, I can feel a profound remorse, paralyzing, every movement becomes horribly draining, I just want to lie on the ground and stop moving to make it stop . I am not talking of mere recollections, I am talking of intense despair that runs through me. The same with anger, fear, joy or whichever. Sure, you might say that's because I'm incapable of feeling, but my peers do say I tend to have quite Extreme emotions. What does it matter For a long time, I've been fine with it. We are not really feeling emotions, sure. But it's the same as the p zombie problem, if the only conclusion you draw is It's not genuine but nothing changes, then it's a silly question indeed. So what does it matter? Well, my entire framework of human interaction deeply seated in NVC revolves around emotions. Trying to understand the other person's feeling, what they mean, their context. But if all their thoughts and feelings are coming from what they learned to feeel correspondingly to a situation, it does not really make any sense. Furthermore, it creates nasty incentives. If I hold everything a person tells me as the truth , then I am supposed to accept when a depressed person tells me they're fine that they are, even if they plan to commit suicid the next morning. Perhaps they really think they are fine. Perhaps they do not and just are affraid to tell me. It does not matter, in any case, they are not. Sure there might be some clues, some tarnished smile or whatnot that could be a hint to their real state of mind, but my point is that faking happiness is really easy is something a lot of depressed people will tell you . I've seen too many times people missing the clues . But it can get even worse If only your external behavior matters and your external behavior is your feelings, then if I impede someone their ability to convey anything, they won't suffer? If someone is in a coma, unable to do anything or communicate, then they don't feel anything and doing whatever to them is okay? It breaks down my entire comprehension of consent as well. To me consent is not only saying yes , it's about constantly checking in and see if we're fine with it this covers my understanding of consent roughly, I do not agree with everything, but it gives a very good first approx . Besides the fact that there is no feelings to check on anymore, it also means something else for this Since I do agree that there is a lot of societal injunctions, that ultimately means our values, and hence whether we agree to have sex or not or whatever, consent is not only about sex , is at least to some level influenced by society. I know, if it seems obvious, but if there is no way to have consensual sex with someone who has been drinking something I have no opinion on as of yet , then it is also impossible to have consensual sex at all, since there is a similar influence. Moreover, I've seen people remember the way they felt something very differently A friend of mine was saying they were enjoying a lot cowriting with me, that it was novel and fresh and why didn't we think about it before . Months after, during a quarrel, they told me the experience was okay and that I was the one who was constantly pushing for cowriting. They did not remember having said they enjoyed it so much as I remember them saying. So in this behaviorist setting I would not be able to say what's the truth about my friends' feelings for us cowriting. Was I coercive even though I checked frequently they were enjoying it? Context seems to change our feelings retroactively . Possible solutions Build another framework of interaction that does not require emotions or consent I have seen none yet. I value others being happy well, suffering less , so if I do not have emotions in account, I cannot do anything about it. Change my terminal values I would be okay with that, but then what do I change it to? The only real terminal value there is to me is my own well being, and others' suffering will make me less happy, regardless of whether I want it to or not Find substitutes for consent or emotions I have seen no such solutions. If you find any, I'd be interested. Accept that my system is inconsistent That I cannot do. If my system is inconsistent, my own actions are unpredictable to me, which may result in disastrous result. Recap Behaviorist point of view First people act, then they feel or think accordingly. Everything is signaling and we feel to better signal I cannot see any other unifying theory than the behaviorist one Unifying theories are of upmost importance to me No ad hoc frontiers or it all depends theories will do without a clear cut algorithm The fact we don't feel per se creates problems Changing external behavior means changing internal behavior, ie. Making you say I am happy is the same as making you happy Caring only about external behavior also would make me unable to really understand the other's person feeling if for instance they don't match eg. a suicidal person telling me everything is okay Feelings change retroactively Someone can remember they felt anger when they said they were feeling joy at this time. This creates communication issues, and makes building consent impossible. If society your parents your environment teaches you what to feel and think in a given situation, then true consent is impossible. This would be fine if there were a way to really get to you . If there were a way to have true consent with a drunk person, this would be a non issue. Recap of what won't work It is impossible to feel one way, and behave another in a totally imperceptible fashion Unfortunately, it does not matter if it is only a post prediction level. In other words, if no one can see it, then it is, indeed, invisible. If I hit your foot with a hammer, then you are going to feel pain, are you not? First off, please do not harm my feet or any other limbs P And well, yes I will. But how do I know I feel anything? I am going to cry in pain, probably, and other will understand it as pain. It kind of stops there, though. I could be faking it If they said yes to having sex, then of course they did consent Why do you want to deny people the freedom to kill themselves To me, it's a lot more complicated than that. Consent is not saying yes before hand, it's saying yes before and all the while during. The same for suicide, if you are in a corridor that only leads to an abyss, with a fire starting behind you, and you jump, I would not really call that a freedom . What do you care for others stop caring for others and care for yourself only your own survival matters, not others' suffering The only terminal value I care about is the decreasing in other's suffering. This is a simplification, of course, I do value my survival for instance. But a good first approximation. I am open to discuss about it in a meta discussion, to see if it is really what I want, how I sum utilities, etc But unless we are in that meta discussion, then others' suffering will mater to me, and there's not much one can say to argue terminal values P And also, me saying A does not mean I say B, even if A is only said by a group that usually says B. My point is just Please don't assume I have a view just because it is popular among people who say things I say Thanks a lot for reading if you've read it all or only the recap, and I'm excited to see where the discussion goes Please do not hesitate to ask for clarifications, I've tried my best to be as clear as possible, but I know I can still be messy in my explanations.<|ASPECTS|>, suffering less, interested, long winded, smell magically, pain, friends, pushing, consensual sex, paralyzing, frontiers, freedom, freedom to kill, cowriting, behave, convey anything, suffer, coherent system, missing the clues, feel, tarnished smile, interact with others, cry, popular, fine, feel and think, well, post prediction, invisible, anger, suicidal person, messy, terminal value, p, terminal values, survival matters, incentives, feelings, nonsensical, internal behavior, true consent, unpredictable, nothing changes, zombie problem, human interaction, despair, felt something, intense, get to, enjoyed, afraid of this dog, less happy, emotions, affraid, harm my feet, meaning, first approximation, consent, impossible to feel, joy, feelings change, understand, horribly draining, coma, experience, interaction, behaviorist, person, feeling, scared, thoughts and feelings, novel and fresh, change our feelings, external behavior, genuine, inconsistent, supported, 's, communication issues, values, value, learning process, think accordingly, long, comprehension of consent, caring for others, carefree, enjoying, happy well, disastrous result, survival, first, playing pretend, coercive, yes, building consent impossible, fear, terrified of a dog, incapable of feeling, threat, complicated, sum utilities, remorse, imperceptible, influenced by society, non, sadness, happiness, contrived, suffering, feeel, sparse, context, feel anything, system, changing, conscious, depressed person, afraid, behaviorist principles, unable, understanding of consent, nasty, signal smelling, state of mind, communicate, anything, societal injunctions<|CONCLUSION|>
It is impossible to genuinely feel or consent to anything
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Permaculture for those unfamiliar with the practice, is a system of food, fiber, fuel, and plant oil production that is modeled after natural ecosystems. There is a strong emphasis on perennial crops, biodiversity, and what is called a food forest . In a food forest, every layer of a forest is turned into productive space. Nut trees, fruit trees, fruit vines, berry bushes, perennial and self seeding greens and vegetables, and indigenous food plants are used. Reading data from Mark Shepard's book, Restoration Agriculture he makes a case for permaculture uses a different word, but the concepts are the same that is quite strong. For example, the adage of knee high by the fourth of July used by corn farmers to describe ideally growing corn demonstrates the inefficiency of annual based agricultural systems in that, by July, some of the sunniest days have been wasted on fields full of empty seedlings, where instead of the sunlight being used to photosynthesize and thus, to produce food and biomass , the sun bakes the soil, which is useless at best and actually harmful to soil at worst. A forest, on the other hand, is making use of the sun at least three seasons, if not four. Further, he argues that plowing fields creates erosion. When soil is plowed, it essentially creates little canals in the field, where, when a rain comes, the soil is sorted vertically by gravity, with the largest particles flowing down into the valleys and the finest particles staying on top, where, when the sun comes out, they are baked into a crust. Following this, when the next rain comes, this crust degrades, sending silt into runoff areas disrupting aquatic ecosystems, and causing a long term loss of soil. While Shepard doesn't argue this, another point often cited by permaculturists is that over long periods of time, if food crops are being shipped away from the land they are produced on and into large, non agricultural population centers, the nutrients in the soils are lost. The loop is left open soils from all over the world let their nutrients go down city sewers and into urban cemeteries. This means that, as soils degrade, fertilizers must be mined, synthesized, or shipped in all processes that are exceptionally energy intensive. With oil peaking, an increasing reliance on external energy inputs is irresponsible to everyone reliant on conventional agricultural practices. Additionally, in the face of climate change, studies are finding that plowing fields releases Co2 in far greater quantities than perennial systems where soil remains undisturbed. Link Last, food forest systems actually produce more calories and nutrients than conventional systems, albeit on terms not suited to the market which is no issue, given that market systems are fundamentally anti ecological and must be abandoned anyhow . A corn field produces lots of corn, which is calorie dense and nutrient bereft compared to nuts, tubers, and greens. A food forest produces small amounts of lots of high energy foods, totaling more bushels per hectare than conventional ag. Better still, such a system is suited best to be decentralized, meaning greater community control of food systems, less processing of foods, and locally adapted systems of production. Given that the human population has reached an anomalous point, contingent entirely on humans ability to obtain cheap, dense energy a resource that will only get scarcer we must acknowledge that corrections to the human population are inevitable. Permacultural practices might slow that effect, and soften the blow, perhaps even to the point where the human population could make a slow decline before stabilizing somewhere between industrial and neolithic levels. If we continue with conventional agricultural methods, we're ensuring that we purge the world of the poorest and quite possibly, many inside the bubble as well in the most brutal ways. Permaculture offers a very optimistic alternative to this.<|ASPECTS|>population, lost, , loss of soil, production, slow decline, forest, anti ecological, productive space, processing of foods, corrections, natural ecosystems, aquatic ecosystems, poorest, crust, dense energy, erosion, slow, biodiversity, energy intensive, nutrients, cheap, reliance, external energy inputs, useless, degrades, sun, undisturbed, world, optimistic alternative, systems, wasted, purge, open, harmful to soil, perennial crops, nutrient bereft, little, food crops, high energy foods, decentralized, sorted vertically, canals, climate change, co2, community control of food systems, calorie dense, less, cemeteries, soften the blow, fertilizers, irresponsible, inefficiency, food forest, practices, permaculture, days, calories and nutrients, long, indigenous<|CONCLUSION|>
Permaculture is a superior system of food production to all others, and humans must move towards using it large-scale
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>r science has gt 1000 mods. r askscience has 411. I haven't had any issues from adding moderators, either finding them or with unruly ones. The worst thing that any mod I've added has done in the time I've been moderating, IIRC, is remove a meta thread and become idle. Clearly it is possible to add mods until you have enough from all over the world to remove any number of rulebreaking comments at any time. With mod permissions and the wiki system, adding mods presents minimal potential for trolling and any that does happen is largely easily undone. Therefore if mods lock a thread instead of adding enough new mods to handle the flood of rulebreaking stuff, it's a sign that they don't care enough about a given community to let them speak. .<|ASPECTS|>care, community, trolling, easily undone, unruly ones, meta thread, potential, moderators, rulebreaking stuff, idle, rulebreaking comments, mods<|CONCLUSION|>
locking threads is partially a sign of laziness and partially a sign of not caring about a community
<|TOPIC|>Does Crime Control Speedy Justice trump Due Process?<|ARGUMENT|>A Micronomics report outlined the ways in which slow and underfunded justice systems are economically damaging and how underspending on justice systems ultimately costs more through this economic damage.<|ASPECTS|>economically damaging, costs, economic damage<|CONCLUSION|>
Given budget restraints, speedy justice is the only justice we can afford.
<|TOPIC|>Gender Neutral Bathrooms: Should They be Standard?<|ARGUMENT|>Gendered bathrooms are not always located next to each other in public buildings, so forming one unisex bathroom from two gendered ones would not always be a case of knocking through a dividing wall.<|ASPECTS|>dividing wall<|CONCLUSION|>
A law that allows anyone to enter both formerly gendered bathrooms would be much cheaper than rebuilding all the existing bathrooms.
<|TOPIC|>What is the best religion to believe?<|ARGUMENT|>Tertullian wrote around 200 AD, “Where was Marcion, that shipmaster of Pontus, the zealous student of Stoicism? Where was Valentinus, the disciple of Platonism? For it is evident that those men lived not so long ago.and that they at first were believers in the doctrine of the Catholic Church, in the church of Rome under the episcopate of the blessed Eleutherius, until on account of their ever restless curiosity.they were more than once expelled” Demurrer Against the Heretics 30 A.D. 200.<|ASPECTS|>zealous, curiosity.they, doctrine, stoicism<|CONCLUSION|>
There have been people in history who described the doctrines of the Catholic Church well before the council of Nicaea.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>No race owns anything. Saying a race owns anything is fascist, evil authoritarian and oppressive. If a white persons said that only white people should be allowed to wear suits, that would be, racist. I doesn't matter weather a white person is culturally appropriating anything, there is no defence. Sharing causes good. Sharing causes no harm. Wanting to keep an act, or look to yourself is selfish and long term immoral, keeping the good of it from others. I'd like to argue against a position, but I'm not sure there is one. <|ASPECTS|>long term, racist, sharing, race owns anything, culturally appropriating, evil authoritarian, immoral, selfish, good, white people, causes good, fascist, oppressive, harm, causes<|CONCLUSION|>
Cultural appropriation is good.
<|TOPIC|>Was Barack Obama a good President?<|ARGUMENT|>When Republicans lost control of the North Carolina and Wisconsin governorships in 2016 and 2018, they used lame-duck legislative sessions to pass a number of bills which stripped the incoming Democratic governors of power.<|ASPECTS|>power<|CONCLUSION|>
Republicans used dirty tactics to prevent Obama achieving his goals.
<|TOPIC|>Schools should eliminate grades and replace them with competency based education.<|ARGUMENT|>If employment structures in the workplaces of capitalist societies generally speaking, are run on competence hierarchies, and a core component of an educations mission is to "prepare a citizen for life long learning in a society to which they belong and will operate within," then the notion of specificity - in terms of what learners are best equipped for, logically supports CBE as an optimal way to educate society. Put simply -> Grades DO NOT equal societal progression. Competence does.<|ASPECTS|>life long learning, equal, competence, societal progression, competence hierarchies, specificity, educate society<|CONCLUSION|>
CBE in education is better suited for the transition to the professional sphere.
<|TOPIC|>Should communism be preferred over capitalism?<|ARGUMENT|>History has shown that communist countries may not always prosper. Many communist countries have had high levels of poverty.<|ASPECTS|>communist countries, poverty, prosper<|CONCLUSION|>
There are cases when communist governments may not provide for their people.
<|TOPIC|>Which political party is best for America?<|ARGUMENT|>The Democratic Party champions the right of women to make decisions regarding their pregnancy, including the right to a safe and legal abortion.<|ASPECTS|>right of women to make decisions, safe and legal abortion, right<|CONCLUSION|>
The Democratic Party advocates for the rights and opportunities of women.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>So I love European football but I hate, with a vengeance, the Away Goals Rule where goals scored on the away leg of the two legged fixture are used as a tiebreaker in the event of a tie on the aggregate of both games. I think this is the stupidest rule because it's already evened out by having a two legged fixture. No team is inherently advantaged so why does UEFA or whatever governing body feel the need to literally change the importance of a goal to try and even out something that is already even? This rule essentially says that a 1 1 draw is better than a 0 0 but only for the away team. Why is it that it's advantageous to concede a goal, as long as you've scored one yourself, than be able to keep a clean sheet? It makes no sense. If I'm the manager of a defensively minded team, I'm pissed that my scheme is now at a disadvantage for no reason, if we aren't able to score. Furthermore, the nature of football means that goals can come in the blink of an eye with a large amount of luck involved own goal, deflection, etc. . If an away team scores from a lucky deflection, it's just ridiculous the advantage it gives them. Lucky goals happen to everyone and are fine but the away goals rule just further enhances their effect on games. EDIT Thanks for the responses, everyone. I will put it out right now that I was half expecting there to be a simple This is why answer but it seems to me that there isn't and or that the answers provided, while correct in stating why the rule is there, still doesn't convince me that it's a sound rule.<|ASPECTS|>advantageous, stupidest, ridiculous, lucky deflection, goals, score, inherently, tiebreaker, deflection, fixture, advantage, advantaged, defensively, two, away goals, lucky goals, sound rule, luck, clean sheet, evened, european football, disadvantage, goal, concede, effect on games<|CONCLUSION|>
The 'Away goals rule' in football soccer competition such as the UEFA Champions League and Europa League is useless and fixes a problem which doesn't exist.
<|TOPIC|>ASEAN, abolition of<|ARGUMENT|>It is expensive and it diverts attention from the proper efforts of members’ governments – pursuit of the national interest. It is yet another unnecessary talking shop. Members frequently disagree with one another on important international relations issues like the war on Iraq, and on regional economic issues like labour laws, so the idea that it helps present a ‘united front’ is incorrect. Its institutions involve surprisingly high costs especially high when they don’t achieve anything but still complain of under-resourcing; members are unwilling to commit any more funds, so nobody is happy. Best to scrap it.<|ASPECTS|>national interest, costs, unnecessary talking shop, united front, diverts attention, high, under-resourcing, scrap, expensive<|CONCLUSION|>
ASEAN members would be better off pursuing their own national interests:
<|TOPIC|>Should there be automatic voter registration in the US?<|ARGUMENT|>Evidence shows that opt-out framing is far more effective than opt-in. Consider this study on organ donations. It is also summarized in the TED Talk by Dan Ariely of Duke University.<|ASPECTS|>effective, opt-out framing, organ donations<|CONCLUSION|>
Automatic registration would increase voter turnout and encourage additional participation.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>This was inspired by this post I want to preface this by saying that I'm not some ultra conservative who's repulsed by the idea of social welfare and supporting the poor people in our society. But I read that aforementioned post in r neutralpolitics and I think this makes a lot of sense. These jobs don't need to feel like punishment. I think they should be more along the lines of city neighborhood beautification. Planting gardens, cleaning up graffiti, etc. There are also plenty of other things that I'm sure could be done. These jobs wouldn't take away jobs from other people. It would mostly be things that would otherwise not be done. These jobs would keep people busy and keep opponents of social welfare programs satisfied. Hell, these jobs don't even need to be 9 5 or 5 days a week. I'm totally open to having my view changed if there's something big I've overlooked but I'm also hoping to change some of your views on this.<|ASPECTS|>city neighborhood beautification, view changed, poor people, social welfare programs, feel like, jobs, punishment, social welfare, satisfied, supporting, keep people busy, done, views, graffiti, take away jobs from, cleaning, planting gardens<|CONCLUSION|>
I think physically, mentally, and otherwise abled people who are on welfare should be required to do some menial jobs.
<|TOPIC|>Is political correctness detrimental to society?<|ARGUMENT|>Thoroughly discussing someone's views does prove whether they are incorrect or immoral, allowing bad views to be rejected, but useful views to be kept. Censorship can reject anything.<|ASPECTS|>incorrect, bad views, immoral, reject anything, useful views<|CONCLUSION|>
Censoring someone's views does not prove that they are incorrect or immoral.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>A few years ago I saw him do comedy online. Obviously his position in politics is clear as it's very obvious in his jokes. For the record, his stand up was actually good until he got a little too old and radical. But I digress. I feel that George Carlin did not really have much to offer in arguments. I've watched interviews of him and all he did was yell over other people and say buzz phrases like war is just old men sending young kids to die and shares his sentiments about the government is a business and doesn't care about the citizens. Now don't get me wrong, there is a lot of truth to what he says. But he's not really saying anything. He never managed to support his claims properly or get past the first layer of his argument. He just spouted claims and watched arguments unfold based on very little. In reddit language, George Carlin is that guy who reposts very obvious TIL's then watches his karma skyrocket and people circle jerk in the comments. EDIT Changed from present to past tense. Excuse any present tense errors. EDIT 2 After reading the comments, I'd like to clarify that im not attacking his comedy. I'm focusing on his political views and views of the west basically. Reread my post with this in mind if that helps clear up any confusion about what my topic is about. I was a little vague, my bad.<|ASPECTS|>, government, stand, edit, truth, position, spouted claims, views, comedy, watched arguments, old and radical, care, political views, tense, west, support his claims properly, present tense errors, confusion, citizens, politics, vague, war, karma skyrocket<|CONCLUSION|>
George Carlin is just another loud mouthed guy with a political view
<|TOPIC|>The only real solution to the European refugee crisis is to remove the human right to asylum from EU law<|ARGUMENT|>Quite a few EU members are suffering from declining populations Immigration is needed to avoid a shrinking work force.<|ASPECTS|>shrinking work force, declining populations<|CONCLUSION|>
Instead of sticking refugees in camps, they should be brought into the job market as fast as possible.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>So to preface this I'll say I'm very liberal. I'm very much the typical redditor, Sanders, weed, anti war. All that stuff. But I also think it is illogical to blame a gun maker for what some independent person did. For example The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act PLCAA is a United States law which protects firearms manufacturers and dealersfrom being held liable when crimes have been committed with their products. Wikipedia Now replace the word firearms with hammers and the word dealers with hardware stores. I highly doubt we'd allow those suits to go through. A lot of people I usually agree with want to repeal this law so I hope somebody can explain it and .<|ASPECTS|>independent person, blame, liable, liberal, dealers, crimes, stores, illogical, suits, anti war<|CONCLUSION|>
Gun manufacturers shouldn't be held accountable because somebody used their product to harm others
<|TOPIC|>Oil sands<|ARGUMENT|>"Canada's energy industry. Tarred with the same brush." The Economist. Aug 5th 2010: "20% of Canada’s natural gas a clean fuel is used to produce oil a dirty one."<|ASPECTS|>tarred, energy industry, natural gas<|CONCLUSION|>
Significant gas is used/burnt to extract oil from sands
<|TOPIC|>Religion, Source of Conflict or of Peace?<|ARGUMENT|>Most wars are not started by religion, although religion is often used by manipulative leaders in order to justify them. In the same way, other ideologies such as communism or ethnic nationalism are also pressed into service by dictatorial regimes to rally their people behind a policy of aggression. Whatever the justification, most wars are started for economic reasons or for territorial gain.<|ASPECTS|>manipulative leaders, policy, ethnic, religion, aggression, wars, territorial gain, economic reasons<|CONCLUSION|>
Most wars are not started by religion, although religion is often used by manipulative leaders in or...
<|TOPIC|>Humans should act to fight climate change<|ARGUMENT|>Fixing global warming by carbon capture putting carbon in the air back into the soil, might solve temperature problems but will not solve other air toxicity problems, leading to a greater imbalance on other situations.<|ASPECTS|>air toxicity, imbalance, temperature problems, global warming<|CONCLUSION|>
Human intervention to stop climate change by use of geoengineering may make the situation worse in unforeseen ways.
<|TOPIC|>The Trolley Problem: What's the Right Solution?<|ARGUMENT|>Chimpanzees recoginse themselves in a mirror. That shows that they can reflect themselves in some sort of way or at least that they have a feeling that they exist and who they are.<|ASPECTS|>reflect, recoginse, exist<|CONCLUSION|>
There is an emerging consensus among scientists that animals share parallel functions with humans' concious metacognition =our ability to reflect on our own mental processes and guide and optimize them.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I have trouble with any philosophy, and usually philosophy majors lmao , that believe that passive surrender is the better option. Philosophies like stoicism, buddhism, etc. seem to imply that one should learn to accept what is beyond ones control. But, imho, that's too much of a generalization. Literally everything and anything can be considered out of my control . Yet, that wont stop me from trying to change circumstances, behaviors, and thought patterns. It's ok to be a control freak sometimes. Passivity sucks. <|ASPECTS|>ok, generalization, , option, control freak, philosophies, control, thought patterns, stoicism, passive surrender, passivity sucks, change circumstances, behaviors, ones control, buddhism, accept<|CONCLUSION|>
Passivity is the wrong approach in life.
<|TOPIC|>Should Human Life Be Valued Above Animal Life?<|ARGUMENT|>Most of the ways in which humans impact the Earth are negative, save for those which serve the short-term well-being of the human species.<|ASPECTS|>impact the earth, negative, short-term well-being<|CONCLUSION|>
Ability to impact the earth does not necessarily equate to value.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>First I feel like I should specify what I mean by 'most music.' At least in my area, the music played on 9 10 of the radio stations is modern pop hip hop rap, think artists such as Ke ha, Lady Gaga, Pit Bull, etc. Almost all of these songs are about partying, sex, drugs, alcohol, and abuse, which in my opinion is a negative influence on children who are listening in to that station. It gives these children a false sense of what adult life is like nonstop parties, getting hungover all the time, most things that simply don't happen all the time. I understand that musical tastes differ between people and that the 1st amendment protects the right of the radio stations to play this music, and my view is NOT that the stations should stop playing the music, merely that this music is negatively impacting children who listen to it. In summary, my views Modern pop rap hip hop music played on radios is having a negative effect on children. Stations shouldn't necessarily stop playing this music, as they have the right to and people can always choose to turn off the stations to control what their children listen to. I don't have any sources or data supporting my belief, which I know is cringeworthy, but based on personal experience and observation I believe this to be true. Without further ado, please reddit, .<|ASPECTS|>musical tastes differ, sources, hip hop rap, drugs, modern, music, cringeworthy, life, negatively impacting children, partying, alcohol, nonstop parties, control, hungover, right, negative influence, sex, children, data, negative effect, false sense, personal experience, abuse<|CONCLUSION|>
I believe that most music played on the radio is detrimental to youth's listening to it.
<|TOPIC|>Should jury trials be abolished?<|ARGUMENT|>A jury in New Zealand took only 47 minutes to acquit a father who killed his baby daughter after she was diagnosed with a condition that meant her brain would never develop beyond that of a 13 week old fetus.<|ASPECTS|>brain would, develop<|CONCLUSION|>
There are cases where even though legally someone may have committed a crime, mitigating circumstances mean it would be wrong to punish them as criminals, and it is valuable that juries can therefore choose to acquit them.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I wrote a column on this back around Canada Day 4th of July last year. So most of my argument for why the border should be opened is in there. Highlights There are big economic benefits to an open border, especially more labor mobility and lower prices for a lot of goods. There are big human benefits to people who don't have to wait for long periods to get a visa for, say, spousal immigration. The welfare systems in the two countries are similar enough that few rational people would uproot themselves and move for government benefits. Opening the border with the US doesn't meaningfully impact the ability of Quebec to have a distinct society any more than the open borders with Ontario and New Brunswick do. I found one other on this topic. The main point there seemed to be about Canadians shopping in the US for lower prices and lower taxes. To the point about lower prices, especially on cars that's good The higher prices of identical cars in Canada are a drain on the Canadian economy and consumers. To the point of GST PST HST avoidance, I think it's less of a problem than is made out to be. The major population centres of Canada, while near the border, are not on the border. It's roughly 250km round trip from Toronto to the Buffalo area, and similar for Montreal Plattsburgh, and similar for Vancouver Bellingham. At those distances, you're talking about a cost including gas and maintenance of about 60 per trip. At a 6 sales tax differential, you'd need to be buying 1000 of stuff per trip to come out ahead. Most people won't do that. And for cars, you'd still need to register it in Canada and pay the sales tax to do so. Edit This has been really interesting so far. Thanks for all the responses. There has been a lot about security and immigration policy I haven't found convincing. It seems to be mostly generalizations without facts about what the current policies of the two countries are. So to convince me there, I'd really want some specific, concrete examples of legal or policy differences that would be a problem. Second, on the border shopping stuff, I have been a bit unclear of what I think would happen if you opened the border. The increased competition would likely lower Canadian retail prices and substantially reduce the rate of border runs for shopping, since the benefit would go down from ~6 tax gap big retail price gaps to just the tax gap. Am I wrong about that? Third, a couple people have mentioned gun control policy, which is a legitimate concern. I am curious for some more stats on that, as well as if any gun or law nerds can actually go over the differences in law between US and Canada since that's not my area. Fourth, nothing about Quebec? I mean I asserted that it would be fine, but I'd really love to hear some counterargument on that. Or would I have needed to post en français to get that?<|ASPECTS|>fine, sales tax, wrong, drain, tax gap, border, nothing, border runs, counterargument, sales tax differential, welfare systems, policy differences, distinct society, register, cmv, current policies, higher prices, differences in law, lower taxes, human benefits, economy, legal, maintenance, interesting, lower prices, buying 1000, stuff, economic benefits, gun control policy, government benefits, legitimate, avoidance, competition, cost including gas, generalizations without facts, post en français, less, labor mobility, problem, pay, retail prices, population centres, rate, consumers, security and immigration policy, retail price gaps, immigration, unclear<|CONCLUSION|>
The US / Canada border should be opened.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I only watch movies that either A capture my interest beyond a reasonable doubt or B have a good review on imdB or Rotten Tomatoes. I do this because I do not want to watch a bad movie. I do not want to sit through a whole two hours and at the end of it say meh, that was okay . Movies descriptions, title and trailers are designed to sound entertaining but this is certainly not the case with all movies. If the movie has a neat title, trailer and description and is in the genre I like BUT has a 28 on rotten tomatoes. I am very likely to skip it.<|ASPECTS|>skip, capture my interest, bad movie, rotten tomatoes, sound entertaining<|CONCLUSION|>
I pick movies I watch based on their scores from reviewers not on the content of the trailer or description because I do not want to waste time on a bad movie.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I am fully sympathetic to those with disabilities, and of course they have every right to own whatever vehicle makes them happy. I'm particularly referring to cars I see regularly, at work for instance if you drive a vehicle every single day that requires no insignificant amount of physical capability to crawl in and out of, you posess the physical capability to walk from the parking lot at large with the rest of us. This leaves those spaces open for those who really need them. This isn't a rant, I'm truly open to having my mind changed here. I'm hoping there's something I'm missing For clarity, I'm referring to permanent disability plates, not a pass hanging from the rearview that could indicate a temporary injury. Edit View has been changed. Thank you to those of you who contributed thoughtfully, and to those who continue to respond in kind after my view had changed. That appreciation is what I will take away from the discussion here, though I must say I'm quite disappointed that so many in this sub retain such useless hostility and downvote out of disagreement or spite rather than relevance. Remember, you're in a forum where people come to explicitly have their views challenged this means that there will likely be views expressed that are different than yours, and that they're here for that discussion.<|ASPECTS|>spite, mind changed, temporary injury, downvote, physical capability, right to, respond, permanent disability plates, views expressed, disabilities, sympathetic, disagreement, views, kind, spaces open, edit view, relevance, useless hostility<|CONCLUSION|>
When I see a Corvette or similar with a handicap license plate, parked in a handicapped spot, these words invariably cross my mind: If you regularly get in and out of a vehicle with bucket seats 6" off the ground, you're not handicapped.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>While I do believe that calories in, calories out plays a big role, I don't think that it's the final answer to weight loss. I also know that many people have worked well with counting calories, but many more people have failed. I'll start with a few articles I've found that are convincing to me that it's more complicated than calorie counting It seems to make sense that certain foods keep you fuller for longer, can improve your mood and therefore improve weight loss motivation , and can improve your base metabolism. The reason I'm looking for someone to change my view is my own personal experience. I am on the road to weight loss and have found high fat low carb diets to be most effective. I have tried using My Fitness Pal and while tools do work for a short time, I find them tedious, unsustainable and ultimately ineffective. For the last 4 months, I have meticulously weighed food and tracked everything I ate. I know most people who are overweight overestimate their calories, but I was extremely careful and used multiple tools to help me. I did lose weight, but it took me a long time to do it. I was unhappy, tired and sickly looking. After a few months, I gave up and estimated my food using a mostly primal diet. I lost 10lbs in a month. When I plugged my calories in, I was eating 500 calories more than I was with MFP and others. a 37 increase Based on my own experience, the experience of many others who are like me and the many articles I read, I just don't see how counting calories can be THE ONLY answer to weightloss and how counting calories can fail so often for people who are doing it right. edit formatting for easier reading<|ASPECTS|>lost, tedious, high fat low carb diets, tracked everything, unsustainable, eating 500 calories, overestimate their calories, view, meticulously, careful, weight loss motivation, formatting, tired, counting calories, weighed food, improve, failed, complicated, calories, weight, sickly looking, primal diet, easier, effective, worked well, weight loss, base metabolism, unhappy, weightloss, change, mood, fail, personal experience, ultimately, estimated my food, lose, tools, ineffective<|CONCLUSION|>
I believe counting calories is not the end all and be all of weight loss.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>This topic came back into the spotlight this week based on the news story of the Opera in Paris kicking a veiled woman out for violating the country's face covering laws. There is usually a lot of passionate debate on both sides of this topic. It's also a debate that usually centres around freedom . Things always get heated when the concept of freedom is involved. Those in favour of the ban , usually argue that the veils are a form of sexist oppression, and a free society should not tolerate them. Those against the ban , usually argue that the women are having their religious freedom violated by not letting them where the veils. But I don't want to talk about whether the women under the veils are being oppressed. As a male without any strong ties to religion, that's really none of my business. What I want to talk about is the French majority's right to religious freedom. That is, to be free from religion. Something not to be overlooked is the fact that France is a less religious place than the U.S. As little as 4.5 of French people say they go to church every week. And various polls show about a third of France to be self identified Atheists. Compare this to 20 or lower atheism in the U.S. Of those who are religious in France, Islam is much more prominent than it is in the U.S. From the same article, let's consider that gt Islam is the third largest faith in the United States, after Christianity and Judaism, representing 0.8 of the population. Meanwhile, on the other side of the ocean gt With an estimated total of 5 to 10 percent of the national population, France has the largest number of Muslims in Western Europe. Are you still with me? Okay. Enough with the stats, I know, they can be a headache when you see too many. The only reason I'm going through all this is because I didn't want to make the unsubstantiated claim that Islam is MUCH more prominent in France than it is in the U.S. or in fact any other Western country without backing it up. So what's this all mean? Well, it means that as a country whose second largest theism is atheism, and whose largest religion, Christianity, is quite casual about it hardly going to church they are a state almost as removed from religion as any in our world today. So as an ever increasing number of Islamic immigrants arrive in France from North Africa and the Middle East, some of the more devout extreme believers are arriving with veiled faces. And French people aren't happy about it. But it's not about hating Islam. It's about hating any form of theism that is directly in your face, on a daily basis, every where you go. We can talk religious freedom all we want, but at the end of the day, if most French people want a society where religion plays a minimal role, because their culture has evolved this way, don't they have the right to form that society? I hope I've articulated myself clearly enough. Consider that last bolded bit a tl dr if you like.<|ASPECTS|>islamic immigrants, atheism, free society, religious freedom, oppressed, ties, passionate debate, face covering laws, believers, muslims, happy, theism, headache, religious freedom violated, islam, french, much more prominent, freedom, atheists, hating islam, hating, right, number, less religious place, sexist oppression, articulated myself clearly, removed, veiled faces, religion, self identified, unsubstantiated, free from religion, woman<|CONCLUSION|>
I think there is nothing with France's ban on religious face covering
<|TOPIC|>Should Inheritance Be Minimized to Create an Equal Outset for Everyone?<|ARGUMENT|>People will stop being as greedy as their money does not serve them after death.<|ASPECTS|>greedy, money<|CONCLUSION|>
Inheritance should be minimized to create an equal outset for everyone.
<|TOPIC|>Is Net Neutrality Necessary?<|ARGUMENT|>There is no reason for Net Neutrality to exist. The internet existed for years before NN was put into place 24 months ago and there were no issues. Because Net Neutrality gives the government power to regulate internet providers, start-ups, innovators, etc. under the premise that without Net Neutrality we would not have equal and free access to the internet which we had before NN was put into place.<|ASPECTS|>power, regulate internet providers, equal and free access to the internet, net neutrality, government<|CONCLUSION|>
Prior to 2015 there were no Title II regulations applied to ISPs and the internet had developed as an open and free system.
<|TOPIC|>What is the best fantasy story?<|ARGUMENT|>In 2002, the Greek Orthodox Church authorities in Thrace released a statement denouncing the Harry Potter books as Satanic saying that they "acquaint people with evil, wizardry, the occult and demonology."<|ASPECTS|>wizardry, evil, satanic, demonology<|CONCLUSION|>
The books are highly controversial and have caused offence among certain groups.
<|TOPIC|>Is Classic World of Warcraft better than Retail WoW?<|ARGUMENT|>Whenever a new expansion comes out a couple of players new players arrive and some old ones renew their subscription, but a couple of months later they again unsubscribe and stop playing the game. 1 2<|ASPECTS|>unsubscribe<|CONCLUSION|>
That being as it may, players that are looking for instant gratification and quick rewards will not stick around to play Retail.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>While it certainly isn't easy, comparing child birth to the hardest thing I've ever done seems like a stretch to me. Edit Male<|ASPECTS|>birth, hardest<|CONCLUSION|>
I believe that child birth is no more demanding than a very large poop.
<|TOPIC|>abolish the US Electoral College<|ARGUMENT|>In 1824, 1876, 1888, 2000, and probably 1960, the candidate receiving the most votes for president lost the election1. This occurs because all but two states award all their electoral votes to the candidate winning a plurality in the state; because all states receive two electoral votes corresponding to their two US senators; because the number of House seats which serve as the basis of the remaining electoral votes often poorly match the population of the state; because states cast electoral votes no matter how many people actually vote; and because the size of the House is arbitrary. 1, ‘Presidents Winning Without Popular Vote’, Annenberg Public Policy Center, 24 March 2008, <|ASPECTS|>population, size, lost the election, winning, arbitrary, vote, electoral votes<|CONCLUSION|>
The electoral college violates the democratic principle that the winner should be the candidate receiving the most votes.
<|TOPIC|>Do video games have a positive effect on society?<|ARGUMENT|>Video game user communities, especially in competitive team-based games, tend to be toxic and abusive.<|ASPECTS|>toxic and abusive, communities<|CONCLUSION|>
Video games have a negative influence on people who play them.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>For the purposes of , I'll take for granted these groups hold policy ideas that are portray in the best light. Police corruption, government incompetence, crony capitalism, whatever movement members would say about their policies, I'll start this discussion taking their policies at face value. The Tea Party and BLM are different sides of the same coin The coin is to do and say the most incendiary thing you can to any group or person that does not agree with you. I don't say these groups are inherently nefarious or bad. They simply reflect the mood of the public. We love to hear those people are incoherent racists, sexists, homophobes who are standing in the way of great social utopia. On the flip we love to hear the government has conspired with big business and foreigners to destroy America's wealth and control the population. To stop these groups, we need to take the most drastic means available to us. Some of you will say the Tea Party members of congress have the capacity to default on the nation's debt just pushed the third most powerful man in the federal government out of office. At the time, would BLM members be averse to threatening to defaulting on the federal debt to get their policies enacted? I doubt that. The issue isn't that they are bad or evil people. The issue is at their core, they don't understand their political agendas cannot circumvent the slow and arduous republican democracy we have in America. <|ASPECTS|>foreigners, bad, nefarious or bad, incendiary, default, big business, mood of the public, defaulting, inherently, corruption, sexists, republican democracy, political agendas, crony capitalism, control the population, wealth, debt, federal debt, groups, evil people, 's, slow and arduous, incoherent racists, drastic means, government incompetence, policy ideas, destroy america 's, homophobes, social utopia<|CONCLUSION|>
The Tea Party and BLM are different sides of the same coin: The coin is to do and say the most incendiary thing you can to any group or person that does not agree with you and this is hurting our politics.
<|TOPIC|>Dividing Jerusalem<|ARGUMENT|>Ben Gurion explain in 1937, "for the Jews, the millions of the Jews who do not know the difference between the Sharon or the Jezre'el and the Valley or the difference between Rehavia and the Old City the name Jerusalem means everything."5<|ASPECTS|>means everything<|CONCLUSION|>
Jerusalem is too important to Jewish identity to be divided
<|TOPIC|>Children Voting: Should the Minimum Voting Age be Abolished?<|ARGUMENT|>Children have no interest in the matters most important to elections. The vast majority know nothing about economics and will not wish to learn. Let children enjoy their childhoods without the added pressures of expecting them to have deep understandings and strong opinions on such complex matters.<|ASPECTS|>interest, children, enjoy their childhoods, economics, elections, deep understandings, complex, opinions<|CONCLUSION|>
Children are not able to make such important and complex election decisions.
<|TOPIC|>Should humanity establish colonies on Mars?<|ARGUMENT|>The voyage is the pivotal starting point that determines the rest of the mission's success. Without this crucial step working, the rest of the process does not happen. If people do not place the utmost priority on this step, then colonization becomes an unproductive and wasteful endeavor.<|ASPECTS|>priority, unproductive, success, process, wasteful endeavor, pivotal starting point<|CONCLUSION|>
Even if the first colonists themselves fully accept the risks of going to Mars, if something bad happens to them, this could create a backlash in public perception against space colonization and delay the entire effort.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I have never been into anime but have had friends who are die hard fans. According to netflix I should love it but every time I get a wild hair and put one on it is an empty and quite frankly boring experience. Plus, it seems kinda weird. I've gotten recommendations from people before but I never enjoy it. At some point it comes down to personal preference but given my personally type nerdy late 20's guy I should like it. TLDR every anime I have ever watched left me scratching my head and asking why? Edit Some people are asking what I mean by empty . I will quote myself from my response to Amablue What I mean by empty is that I just don't get anything out of it. I find it almost impossible to empathize with the characters, many of the characters motivations are a mystery to me, the jokes aren't all that funny to me, ect. Edit again Thanks for the conversation everyone. I can't say that I have cmv but I will give some of the more classic animes a second look with new eyes. Thanks again<|ASPECTS|>get, boring experience, nerdy, die hard fans, head, recommendations, new eyes, characters, empty, enjoy, empathize, personal preference, weird, motivations<|CONCLUSION|>
I think anime in general is awful and an empty form of entertainment,
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Many of the major international standardized tests, like PISA, put the US and Sweden at the bottom of developed countries in terms of performance and Japan and other East Asian countries, as well as Poland, Russia, and Finland at the top. Considering that the main view of education in the west is as an input to the economy, one would expect poor headline performance from the US and Sweden and good headline performance from Japan. Instead, Japan is in a semi permanent recession while Sweden is the fastest growing advanced economy and aggregate GDP in the US is damn fine the problems relate to distribution in the US . It seems like above a certain point the marginal benefits of better schools are near zero and the US as a whole is at or above that point.<|ASPECTS|>standardized, better schools, permanent recession, performance, marginal benefits, distribution, headline performance, economy, poor headline performance, problems, aggregate gdp, developed countries<|CONCLUSION|>
there is no need to worry about low standardized test scores in the US or Sweden compared to other countries.
<|TOPIC|>Are modern democracies destined to fail due to their inherent weaknesses?<|ARGUMENT|>The rise in Populism, cause or effect of dissatisfaction ? Either way It pulls out voters but not necessarily engagement.<|ASPECTS|><|CONCLUSION|>
Voter turnout in the 2019 elections for the European parliament was the highest in almost 25 years.
<|TOPIC|>General AI should have fundamental rights<|ARGUMENT|>The Global Hawk has a unit cost of $222 million development costs included. Compared to the development and production costs of manned surveillance aircrafts like the classic U2 this is very high.<|ASPECTS|>costs, development costs, cost<|CONCLUSION|>
The development cost of AKMs that are as effective as humans is very high.
<|TOPIC|>Should Men Be Involved And Trusted In Childcare?<|ARGUMENT|>Single dads exist but are relatively rare - the proportion of single parents who are fathers in the UK has stayed at around 10 per cent for over ten years according to ONS 2017 Families and households, 2017.<|ASPECTS|>single parents, rare, single dads<|CONCLUSION|>
Given the current number of single mums, a male role model would probably be a good thing for lots of girls and boys.
<|TOPIC|>Should minors be allowed to go through irreversible gender reassignment procedures?<|ARGUMENT|>In the UK, young people, ie. 16 years and older, can give medical consent. Children younger than 16 can give medical consent when they are deemed Gillick competent.<|ASPECTS|>young, medical consent<|CONCLUSION|>
Meaningful medical consent is possible before the legal age of maturity.
<|TOPIC|>Should unpaid internships be banned?<|ARGUMENT|>Some workers are skilled enough to work for free, but not for pay yet. Unpaid internships allow companies to hire interns without all the red tape and legal paperwork of hiring someone who is a paid employee. This opens up an opportunity for people with less experience to join a workplace community that otherwise wouldn't be available if internships had to be paid; because in many cases, if paying was required, that position simply wouldn't exist at all due to budget restrictions.<|ASPECTS|>budget restrictions, paid employee, legal paperwork, pay, workplace community, interns, tape, work for free, skilled enough, experience, less, unpaid internships<|CONCLUSION|>
There may never be enough paid internships to go around. Therefore if unpaid internships were banned, some people would never be able to gain the long-term benefits of an internship.
<|TOPIC|>Term limits for legislators<|ARGUMENT|>In 2007, Professor Larry J. Sabato argued in A More Perfect Constitution that the success and popularity of term limits at the state level suggests that they should be adopted at the federal level as well. He specifically put forth the idea of congressional term limits and suggested a national constitutional convention be used to accomplish the amendment, since the Congress would be unlikely to propose and adopt any amendment that limits its own power.10<|ASPECTS|>, success, popularity, power, congressional, limits, term limits<|CONCLUSION|>
Term limits worked at state level, can work at federal level.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>To me, if you're going to leave out what people are really going through and the real state of the American workforce then why should I respect the propagandistic list of accomplishments he lists off? The labor participation rate has shrunk at the same rate unemployment has shrunk both have declined by 3 since there peak 7.5 official unemployment and 63 labor participation rate, when in 2007 it was 66 . But it seems like 10's of millions of Americans are still waiting and he isn't acknowledging their existence. It doesn't seem like the job of the president should just be 'good news everyone' but the truth, and I feel he and his administration personally leave out the hardest truths only to make their own administration look more successful. <|ASPECTS|>existence, americans, waiting, hardest truths, news, unemployment has shrunk, unemployment, labor participation rate, propagandistic list, state of the american workforce, accomplishments, successful<|CONCLUSION|>
I believe that if Obama makes a speech on the American economy without mentioning underemployment and the lowest worker participation rate in 35 years, then he is being purposely disingenuous when talking about our economic success.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Background Many countries prevent men who have sex with men MSM from donating their blood. Some countries place an indefinite ban on these men, other countries have a deferral period usually around 1 year during which these men cannot give blood, and other countries have no ban at all. Some groups and individuals have called these policies homophobic, some defend the policies with statistics on the prevalence of communicable diseases in the gay male community. View I believe that if I, a gay man who wishes to donate blood, am not eligible to give blood because of my sexual habits, but know that I do not have any communicable diseases or otherwise know that my blood will not harm a person in need of blood, I should lie about my sexual habits to donate my blood. Additional Information My view is tailored so that it does not touch on social issues concerned with the morality of the policies themselves. I am not interested in debating the policies at this time and instead am focusing on a slightly different topic relating to the logistics of a man, who has sex with men, who wishes to give blood. Edit To be clear, knowing that I do not have any communicable diseases means that I have not been sexually active for almost 5 years and have been tested within the last 6 months.<|ASPECTS|>prevent, blood, ban, sexually active, prevalence, morality, logistics, homophobic, harm, sexual habits, communicable diseases, social issues, deferral, msm, donating their blood<|CONCLUSION|>
If I am a gay man who wants to give blood and I know that I do not have any communicable diseases, then I should lie about my sexuality to give blood.
<|TOPIC|>Was the FBI Right to Keep the Pedophile Site Playpen Online After Hacking It?<|ARGUMENT|>The FBI disregarded the privacy of the children which could be seen on the online content on the website.<|ASPECTS|>privacy of the children<|CONCLUSION|>
By keeping the website running the FBI caused additional harm to victims.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Without getting into the merits of taxes and what they're used for since that's a whole different ballgame, currently some taxes go towards building and maintaining roads. The gasoline tax and a small portion of other taxes go towards roads. Government ran toll roads should not exist, as they are charging you multiple times on top of the taxes you already pay to create and maintain these roads. Note, I'm fine with the concept of toll roads and believe that a private toll road system would be better maintained than the current system of mainly government run roads. My issue is that governments should not be able to charge a toll on top of the taxes charged for roads. Edit I'm in the US to add some specifics to this post.<|ASPECTS|>toll road, taxes, toll roads, gasoline tax, toll, better maintained, roads, merits, building, maintaining roads, charge, specifics<|CONCLUSION|>
Government's should not be able to run toll roads.
<|TOPIC|>American Football Should Be Banned.<|ARGUMENT|>Many commentators have expressed views that instead of banning football, helmets and headfirst collisions should be banned.<|ASPECTS|>helmets, headfirst collisions<|CONCLUSION|>
American football can be made safer for players without banning it outright.
<|TOPIC|>Should There be a Universal Basic Income UBI?<|ARGUMENT|>People's living expenses are relatively constant costs — rent, food, etc are all must be paid for on a regular basis. When people do not work consistently the need for 'income smoothing' becomes burdensome and risky as people must carefully budget for how future costs can be met with irregular incomes.<|ASPECTS|>burdensome, future costs, irregular incomes, living expenses, risky, costs, rent, smoothing<|CONCLUSION|>
A UBI reduces the effective risks of working part-time or on a seasonal basis; allowing workers to better choose a schedule that suits their lifestyle.
<|TOPIC|>Kialo should separate voting into relevance and veracity of claim.<|ARGUMENT|>For instance, Jesus says "forgive," and cites God as his source of knowledge. Psychologists, 2,000 years later, realize forgiveness is beneficial. Jesus was right, but it wasn't accepted until science 'proved' it. Which 'proves' science but not Jesus. It is begging the question to think in such terms.<|ASPECTS|>knowledge, forgiveness, science, forgive, god<|CONCLUSION|>
This is only true with a narrow definition of "known cause" as one that is verifiable by science. Science has left us with many mysteries that, under this line of thinking, won't become "solved" until science finds the answer. This leads to circular thinking.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Hello, I hold the nature of molestation rape crimes to be of the upmost heinous acts that may be committed. I include these among the ranks of those who torture and murder serially. The reason for this is that the victims of these crimes, and those close to the victims, have their lives minds irrevocably damaged. I focus more on the tole this takes upon the victim however. This can be extrapolated out to those who commit domestic violence as well, however I believe that there is more nuance to be considered when approaching that aspect. The behind closed doors abusers, so to speak. This is not to say that there is no healing to be had for victims of these crimes. Many rise above the devastation caused to them, but I do not think it can be denied that victims of rape and molestation face very serious psychological stress, long term. I also concede that different people will experience varying levels of psychological damage, depending on their own mental character as well as the severity of the crimes committed against them. Any human that inflicts this kind of damage should not be allowed to remain in society. They have proven, by their actions, that they are a danger to others in a deeply disturbing way. Their value system is so broken that they would treat another human so horribly. This behavior indicates a dangerous sociopathy. I do not believe rehabilitation is an option for these individuals. It can never be proven that they are successfully rehabilitated. As I stated, they are sociopaths, using the term rather broadly. They have an uncanny ability to hide in plain sight, and no psychologist could ever truly know the inner workings of their minds. Releasing these people back into society is too great a risk. The victims of those who have been convicted of these crimes deserve the peace of knowing their abuser will never have the chance to harm anyone, or the victim, ever again. Should the offender be released, that security goes out the window. No victim should have to live with that uncertainty. Society does not deserve to have such a radical individual released back into its ranks. This also speaks to why rehabilitation seems futile. These abusers have caused permanent damage. The consequences for their actions should not, therefore, be temporary. I am neutral on the death penalty for these people. I am not interested in their punishment. That's not why I want them to get life in prison. I just want them to be separate from society because they have proven that they are not to be trusted with freedom. They do not value human life. To summarize, a termed prison sentence for any crime is a punishment, not a rehabilitation period, especially in the United States. Punishment for these abhorrent crimes is a moot point, as is rehabilitation. Anyone who would commit these acts has proven that they are evil, at their core.These individuals have caused permanent, profound damage to others and have therefore lost the right to their own freedom. As I have said, not as a punishment, but as a safeguard for society.<|ASPECTS|>, trusted, dangerous, value system, healing, behind, murder serially, security goes, neutral, temporary, prison sentence, consequences, domestic violence, psychological damage, value human life, profound, torture, uncanny, devastation, separate from society, abhorrent crimes, society, hide in plain sight, rehabilitation, radical individual, uncertainty, abusers, rehabilitation period, safeguard for society, doors, harm anyone, freedom, successfully rehabilitated, abuser, risk, mental character, offender, damage, peace, minds, treat another human, horribly, right, sociopathy, evil, rehabilitation seems futile, victim, danger to others, permanent damage, punishment, damage to others, lives minds irrevocably damaged, psychological stress, life in prison, remain, acts, sociopaths, inner workings, death penalty, nuance, molestation rape crimes<|CONCLUSION|>
Convicted rapists/molesters should be removed from society permanently.
<|TOPIC|>Is it Time to 'Free the Nipple'? Toplessness and Gender Equality in the US<|ARGUMENT|>Both the hijab and garments that censor breasts, for the sake of brevity, we will use the bra are means of censorship, and both are important tools to a large number of people who use them religious practice, and support in turn, but a good amount of people do not wish to require people to wear hijabs, while they generally respect the woman's right to do so, they feel the forced censorship is wrong, there is no obvious reason this attitude should not then be counted to the bra.<|ASPECTS|>woman 's, forced censorship, right, censorship<|CONCLUSION|>
Just as legal abortion does not increase abortion rates allowing women to show their nipples would not force anyone to show their breasts against their will.
<|TOPIC|>Should There be a Universal Basic Income UBI?<|ARGUMENT|>It would be possible to have a UBI in the form of a card or something similar that can't be cashed out, where people can make purchases with it, but not on what's not approved.<|ASPECTS|>ubi<|CONCLUSION|>
A UBI's use will always be conditional as people can only buy what's available to them and not what doesn't exist yet, like time travel, so setting up the conditions is fair.
<|TOPIC|>Should Italy welcome migrants?<|ARGUMENT|>European studies suggest that "increased terrorism is linked to increased migration from terror-prone nations and regions".<|ASPECTS|>terror-prone<|CONCLUSION|>
Research seems to support certain correlation between immigration and terrorism.
<|TOPIC|>Should religious practices that incorporate self-harm be banned?<|ARGUMENT|>Mortification has been endorsed by popes as a way of following Christ, who died on the cross.<|ASPECTS|>following christ, mortification<|CONCLUSION|>
Mortification of the flesh has been prevalent in Christianity throughout history.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>I will admit, in this election I was very much in favor of Bernie, but his chances look pretty well shot at this point. And in the primaries on the Republican side, Trump is honestly looking like the front runner. I think that the reasons that I can't vote for Trump are obvious. I will fully admit that I wrote him in during the 2008 elections because that was another presidential race where I didn't like either candidate and Trump had yet to prove to me what a colossally bad choice he would be. I still have beef with Hillary Clinton over her whole Videogames are making this country violent thing from the 90s and 2000s. Something so obviously wrong and something that was basically a crusade started by professional lunatic and vexatious litigant Jack Thompson, I just can't forgive that, despite the parts of her policy I agree with. I considered moving to Canada, but upon further reflection I would have to mock myself so hard I'd burst into flames if I did this. So the only option left is to try to shake things up in the American political system. 5 percent of the popular vote qualifies a third party for a government grant that will put them on somewhat equal financial footing with the big 2 and come next election cycle it's going to be much more interesting. I say Libertarian because I agree with them the most on social issues I've drifted away from them on economic policy, but I do think that many of their social policies ie stop imprisoning non violent drug users and let the ones who are currently in jail free will help the economy, so that mitigates things. Some things that probably won't change my view Challenging my currently held political beliefs that make me think Libertarians are my best bet I agree with Libertarians almost entirely when it comes to social issues, but align more Democrat for economic issues Trying to convince me that Trump or Hilary aren't that bad. I know that I agree with Hilary's stances on a lot of things, but I still don't trust her at all, and that's important. I don't agree with Trump on anything. Some things that might be the best avenue for a view change A different third party who has a chance at getting 5 and aligns more closely with my views. As a quick rundown on social issues I believe that people should be free to do what they want up until it infringes on the rights of others directly. I believe that victimless crimes should not be crimes. I believe that there's no reason that gays should not be able to both marry, and be able to carry a firearm, just so I get in something that gets both sides riled up. On economic issues I believe that wealth inequality needs to be addressed, and the free market fails to do this. I believe that once something has become both 1 ubiquitous enough and 2 a necessity for modern life, it should be made a public service or utility healthcare, internet, etc . I believe that the government should exist to make sure that companies and other people don't infringe on the rights of others, with bad business practices and the like.<|ASPECTS|>, political beliefs, shot, wrong, utility healthcare, mitigates things, agree, view, crimes, trust, drug, economic, victimless crimes, necessity for modern life, marry, trump, economy, chances, race, mock, bad choice, wealth inequality, economic policy, free market, interesting, equal financial footing, free, vexatious litigant, bad business practices, social issues, social policies, rights of others, help, lunatic, system, shake things, violent, front runner, economic issues, public service, vote, riled<|CONCLUSION|>
If the general election comes out to "Trump vs Clinton", I should vote for Gary Johnson or whoever is the Libertarian candidate and campaign for them hard.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>All boarded, we're ready to go. The pilot comes on and says a plastic LED switch cover is broken, they've called maintenance, no ETA. I get the integrity part, and once they notice a problem it had to be reported and called in, no matter how minor it seems. But, for the life of me I can't see how it could get broken without someone noticing when it happened. Had it been reported when the flight landed, we would be much less likely to have a couple hundred people be sitting here waiting for an hour. Yes, it happens. Yes, safety etc etc but come on. I would appreciate having my view changed by those in the know, because right now I'm not thinking clearly and instead am full of negative thoughts about unions, inefficiency, and human nature.<|ASPECTS|>safety, sitting, , unions, maintenance, inefficiency, human nature, people, negative thoughts, eta, cover, less likely, integrity, get broken, problem<|CONCLUSION|>
the earlier flight crew of my delayed flight is negligent by not reporting a mechanical problem at the end of their flight
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>R.i.p Chester. I don't get all the hate this album gets it's freaking dope and I don't even like any electronic band, it is catchy and has meaningful lyrics and Chester and Mike's singing sounds great, it's their band and people are angry at them changing their style but why shouldn't a band be able to experiment and as they said in interviews it is tiring to do the same thing over and over, I don't get people, hate on a band for changing but also hate on other bands for staying the same l There is still quite a bit of instrumentation and it is just different and more atmospheric, also I don't get the selling out claim, they will be losing a lot of fans from doing this so I can't see it increasing sales.<|ASPECTS|>fans, hate, increasing sales, losing, different, atmospheric, meaningful lyrics<|CONCLUSION|>
Linkin Park's One More Light album is dope.
<|TOPIC|>Junk Food Should Be Banned<|ARGUMENT|>Banning junk food is likely to have an impact on one's diet throughout their entire life. Prominent psychologists feel that healthy habits are formed during childhood. According to Blakeslee, a prominent psychologist, dietary habits formed in childhood tend to last throughout life.<|ASPECTS|>last, junk food, healthy habits, 's, dietary habits, diet, impact<|CONCLUSION|>
Habits Are Often Formed During Childhood And It's Important To Ensure That Kids Eat A Healthy Diet In School
<|TOPIC|>Should legacy be a factor in college admissions?<|ARGUMENT|>In the US prep and suburban private schools field teams in these patrician sports. This gives their affluent students an opportunity for the significant edge as college favor recruits who partake in these sports.<|ASPECTS|>college favor recruits, significant edge, affluent students<|CONCLUSION|>
Colleges also consider race, socio-economic background, and extra-curricular activities when selecting students.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>My perspective is that Suarez is a scumbag and a disgrace to the sport. For what it's worth, and by my own free admission, I tend to think the honor of a sport is more important than the average person. I really hate that taking a dive, faking an injury, and other gamesmanship techniques are not dealt with harshly. In any event, Rojas was given a lifetime ban for taking a dive more info 2014 06 17 sport football brazil chile world cup scandal index.html in a game. Suarez was worse, he directly attacked another player, and has already been penalized for the exact same action. He should be thrown out forever, I don't care how talented he is. Thoughts? Edit looks like there's a big discussion over on the front page<|ASPECTS|>thoughts, forever, lifetime ban, thrown, scumbag, discussion, honor, talented, attacked another, directly, disgrace, sport, scandal, penalized, harshly, gamesmanship techniques<|CONCLUSION|>
Suarez should receive a lifetime ban.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Spending drives the economy and people on welfare only inject about 8,000 year back into the system. It costs the state over 100,000 year to house an inmate. That’s a hundred grand getting paid out to prison guards, food suppliers etc. Even if only half of that makes its way back into the system, it’s still more than 6x the economic impact of the status quo. And if you’re homeless, jail starts to sound like paradise. Jail has many amenities like reliable access to food, shelter, security, education, clothing and community. Disregarding the loss of “freedom” whatever that means to somebody with health problems, survival anxiety and zero chance of improving their station in life why isn’t going to jail the best way a poor person can contribute to society? Even if through some divine intervention, a poor person was to get a job paying minimum wage, they would still be contributing less to the economy than an inmate.<|ASPECTS|>, clothing, “ freedom, shelter, paradise, society, homeless, community, costs, improving, economy, amenities, survival anxiety, loss, jail, reliable access to food, poor person, food suppliers, year, contribute, education, poor, contributing, economic impact, prison guards, security<|CONCLUSION|>
Going to jail is the best way for people on welfare to contribute to the economy.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>It's not like lifechanging cinema or anything, but I just rewatched the latest Star Wars movie The Last Jedi and I gotta say it's a great movie for a Star Wars movie. Gotta be in the top 3 for sure. I don't get why people hate it. It's a fantastical space opera with beautiful music, a healthy dose of panpsychist ish metaphysics and, unlike most Star Wars movies, solid acting, at least from all the main characters. It also has some wild aliens and alien worlds which are pretty great. Anyway maybe you can help me get why people think it sucks or persuade me that it's not good? <|ASPECTS|>wild aliens, metaphysics, sucks, hate, beautiful music, panpsychist ish, solid acting, lifechanging cinema, good, persuade, alien worlds<|CONCLUSION|>
Star Wars The Last Jedi is a good movie for a Star Wars movie
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Obviously I understand that reddit is an international community. However, nations exist. That is the reality, and idealizing our world as post national is naïve. Nations do not have friends, they have interests. Many of these new revelations needlessly embarrass our intelligence community and nation e.g. the tapping of Angela Merkel's phone. Why would Snowden leak such information when his stated intention is to curtail domestic surveillance increase transparency about domestic data collection? Apparently that is not his stated intention. That was the cause I stood behind. I saw him through rose colored glasses.<|ASPECTS|>friends, international community, transparency, phone, cause, interests, rose colored, domestic surveillance, data collection, tapping, intelligence community, naïve, embarrass, nations exist<|CONCLUSION|>
I am an American citizen. I believe Edward Snowden should have only leaked documents relating to domestic surveillance.
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Since I've had a smartphone, I've looked for a game I can enjoy and feel rewarded for spending my time in. However, I have yet to find a game that is enjoyable, rewards a time investment, and doesn't ask for my wallet. While I haven't given up on my search, I feel mobile gaming will never reach the more hardcore levels that we see PC and console gaming at now. All the games that get the closest teens to be mobile ports of already existing games, such as Hearthstone. And while these can certainly be considered hardcore, they tend to work much better on PC. As a bit of a game developer I've made a couple small games , I would love to create such a game but don't see how the mobile platform allows for that. I apologise if I'm not completely clear, first time doing this. I will be on and off intermittently all day, so I'm sorry if there is a bit of a delay in answering.<|ASPECTS|>mobile gaming, enjoyable, hardcore, feel rewarded, teens, hardcore levels, time investment, work much better, game, enjoy, delay in answering, rewards, mobile ports, small<|CONCLUSION|>
Mobile gaming will never have games for hardcore gamers
<|TOPIC|>NA<|ARGUMENT|>Imagine that you go to the emergency room for a broken rib cage. After being treated, you are sent home with a titanium device that houses your prescription opiates. Before leaving the hospital, the doctor tells you to take two pills, then programs the current time and prescription into the device. The prescription is for one pill every four hours. So every four hours the devise dispenses one pill until the container is empty. This device would be tamper evident, so doctors and pharmacists could be alerted to tampering when it occurs. Violators and addicts might require additional steps stay on medication. For example, instead of dispensing the pill every 4 hours, the patient would have to be take his pill on Skype while a remote safety officer controlling the dispenser verifies that he is using his medication properly. This would shrink the prescription opiate epidemic and preempt vulnerable people from becoming addicts. EDIT I meant to add to the device description that the pill is able to be dispensed by the patient every four hours. Not necessarily that it automatically dispenses every four hours. Unused pills that stay in the bottle stay in the device and if they sit for too long the bottle locks forever. Maybe there is a small incentive for mailing back a bottle with unused pills. EDIT 2 None of these objections have changed my view because I considered them before posting. 1 titanium is expensive. Got it. Pretend I said something else. This would be a very competitive contract to sell to thousands of hospitals and the cheapest bid would win. 2 Someone will find a way around it. Without a doubt. But people find a way around a lot of safety shit. And that safety shit still manages to save countless lives. 3 Something won't work and then bad stuff is going to happen to the patient. Sure but something flawed in this area is better than nothing. One of our biggest problems is that we have so many unused pills laying around.<|ASPECTS|>prescription opiates, prescription opiate epidemic, flawed, bottle locks forever, safety shit, automatically, prescription, tamper evident, device, steps stay on medication, tampering, properly, dispenses, current time and prescription, broken rib cage, violators, incentive, cheapest bid, unused pills, addicts, alerted, bad stuff, preempt, objections, small, dispensed by the patient, better than nothing, save countless lives, vulnerable people, empty, competitive contract, expensive<|CONCLUSION|>
Prescription opiates should come, not in a twist off bottle, but in an electronic device that vends the proper dose periodically in accordance with the prescription.