[CHI] but first at the beginning we done play doh play and what else?
[CGV] what else?
[CHI] you'll not believe this.
[CGV] what?
[CHI] p one.
[CGV] page one.
[CHI] p one.
[CGV] p one.
[CHI] put you better believe this.
[CGV] you believe this what?
[CGV] it's very what?
[CHI] believe this.
[CHI] don't tell missus mckeever.
[CGV] oh right.
[CHI] see.
[CGV] what?
[CHI] she needed to go to the toilet.
[CHI] and missus follis didn't allowed him.
[CHI] and he wet herself.
[CGV] who?
[CHI] missus mckeever.
[CGV] missus mckeever did?
[CHI] yeah.
[CGV] ach you're an old blow!
[CHI] don't tell her that.
[CGV] will i tell her it in the morning then?
[CHI] no.
[CGV] well sure you told me it.
[CHI] no.
[CHI] no she only told us.
[CHI] please don't tell her.
[CGV] okay.
[CGV] and who did he not let go to the toilet?
[CHI] do you know hannah?
[CGV] hannah?
[CHI] from my nursery school.
[CHI] from missus mccross's?
[CHI] she needed to go to the toilet.
[CHI] and they were doing the roll call.
[CHI] she wasn't there.
[CHI] and she thought she was at home.
[CGV] oh right.
[CGV] she thought she was at home.
[CGV] did she think she wasn't there because she was out at the toilet?
[CHI] her bag was still there wasn't it?
[CGV] what kind of a bag does she have?
[CHI] i hit my head.
[CGV] oh dear.
[CGV] what kind of a bag has hannah?
[CHI] hannah moore.
[CGV] hannah moore?
[CHI] hannah moore.
[CGV] who's hannah moore?
[CGV] oh right.
[CGV] well whose birthday party are you going to on sunday?
[CHI] i don't wanna go.
[CGV] you don't.
[CGV] why not?
[CGV] why not?
[CHI] i just don't wanna go.
[CGV] sure peter and adam and all is going to be there.
[CHI] well i don't wanna go.
[CHI] i don't wanna go.
[CGV] there might be a bouncy castle.
[CHI] well i'm not going.
[CGV] why not?
[CHI] i don't wanna.
[CHI] i just wanna stay here.
[CHI] send the envelope back.
[CGV] pardon?
[CGV] send the what?
[CHI] send her flobalope back.
[CGV] what's a flobalope?
[CHI] the thing.
[CGV] invitation.
[CHI] well i'm not going.
[CHI] send it back to her.
[CGV] will i send it back then?
[CGV] sure you took it round to her.
[CGV] said you were going.
[CHI] what do you say?
[CGV] sure you took it round and put it through her door didn't you?
[CGV] hm?
[CHI] i don't wanna come just.
[CGV] well sure everybody else'll be there.
[CHI] i don't wanna go.
[CGV] sure we'll wait for you.
[CGV] will that do?
[CHI] no.
[CGV] why not?
[CHI] i don't wanna go.
[CGV] all right then.
[CGV] that's fair enough.
[CGV] you'll miss all the fun.
[CHI] well hannah's not going to my birthday.
[CGV] and why not?
[CGV] what?
[CHI] michaela adam christopher and simon.
[CGV] why where are you having your party?
[CHI] valley leisure centre.