[CGV] and what are you going to play today?
[CHI] i'm going to play go go power rangers.
[CHI] go go power rangers.
[CGV] very good.
[CGV] you're doing well.
[CGV] now take it easy near the edges.
[CGV] now how's that look?
[CGV] is there any white bits?
[CGV] no?
[CGV] now what's the next color?
[CGV] green.
[CGV] right now choose green.
[CGV] oh that's lovely isn't it?
[CHI] i love this green.
[CGV] you're going to bite your tongue off.
[CGV] you're going to bite your tongue off.
[CGV] now you have it out.
[CGV] and what's that you're coloring in?
[CGV] what do you call those are hanging on the line?
[CHI] socks.
[CGV] very good and what are those?
[CHI] i don't know.
[CGV] shorts?
[CGV] what's those?
[CHI] trousers.
[CGV] what's that?
[CHI] a top.
[CGV] very good.
[CGV] now finish your socks.
[CHI] where's the shoes?
[CGV] you don't hang shoes on a washing line.
[CGV] sure you don't.
[CHI] but the shoes are on the ground.
[CGV] oh right.
[CGV] is that your washing line?
[CHI] .
[CGV] is it or is it granny's?
[CHI] it's granny's.
[CGV] right come on hurry up.
[CHI] why does missus mccross give us homework?
[CGV] missus mccross?
[CGV] missus mccross isn't your teacher.
[CHI] missus missus mckeever.
[CGV] why does she give you homework?
[CHI] yeah.
[CGV] so as you can learn be smart.
[CGV] and so as you can learn all your colors and all.
[CGV] is that not a good idea?
[CGV] couldn't you spell stuart this morning?
[CGV] do you remember how to spell it now?
[CHI] no.
[CHI] i think that was broken.
[CGV] what was broken?
[CGV] easy now.
[CHI] i think that was broken.
[CGV] is there any white bits?
[CHI] yes.
[CGV] color them all in then.
[CGV] very good.
[CGV] pardon?
[CHI] it's all done.
[CHI] can i go and call for adam?
[CGV] i don't think he's home yet.
[CGV] right are you going to put this stuff away?
[CHI] no.
[CGV] good boy.
[CGV] what happened?
[CHI] i'm playing the space monkeys again.
[CGV] space monkeys.
[CHI] space monkeys and the tigers.
[CHI] space monkeys and the tigers.
[CGV] and what happens in that program?
[CGV] he eats what?
[CHI] he eats the baddie.
[CHI] could you get this fish out?
[CGV] pardon?
[CHI] this fish this here fish.
[CGV] where is it?
[CHI] there beside the turtle.
[CGV] where did you get that?
[CHI] in the back garden.
[CGV] a stone yuck!
[CGV] so what did you do in school today?
[CHI] there was lots more people.
[CGV] there was lots more people?
[CGV] where were they all from?
[CHI] from my nursery.
[CGV] from your nursery?
[CHI] and missus trimble.
[CGV] missus trimble?
[CHI] .
[CGV] stuart what happened noddy's head?
[CGV] what happened noddy's head?
[CHI] over there.
[CGV] my goodness.
[CGV] and what about postman pat's?
[CGV] stuart where's postman pat's?
[CGV] stuart!
[CGV] wakey wakey.
[CGV] stuart tell us what happened in school then?