Wolfe’s Neck Farm got a new name, the Wolfe’s Neck Center for Agriculture & the Environment, and officially became part of an internationally trending agricultural movement that aims to fight climate change from the ground up. Beyond some signs referring to a TransFARMation, the changes aren’t obvious. That’s because a big part of the rebranding has to do with a mission happening underfoot. Literally. This transformation is about using the soil on this centuries-old 626-acre farm on the shores of Casco Bay to combat climate change. As to be expected with the ever-evolving world of agriculture, there’s a buzzword for the new approach: regenerative agriculture. But it’s not yet in widespread use, and Wolfe’s Neck’s executive director David Herring finds himself defining it a lot. Start with soil health. Richer soil, more dense with organic material, is the obvious path to stronger plants and better yields. That’s what compost is all about. Every farmer engaged in sustainable agriculture is already working toward this. “These are not brand-new things,” Herring said. “None of these things are.” But there’s a growing consciousness – Herring even uses the word “revolution” – of the potential agricultural soils high in organic material have to trap more carbon, enough potential to halt or even roll back climate change. Improving soil will build a higher level of resilience; organic matter in soil absorbs and retains more water, making farms more drought and flood resistant. But the major premise behind the burgeoning regenerative agriculture movement is that improving soil health is also the ideal means to get excess greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere and into the soil. Soil already sequesters carbon. It has potential to sequester a lot more, if it has human help to increase its capacity to hold carbon. And those humans need some help figuring out the recipe to healthier soil – meaning richer in organic material that can trap the carbon. Based on the speed at which the climate is changing, the recipe needs to be developed quickly. Which is where Wolfe’s Neck Center for Agriculture & the Environment comes in. It will continue to be the place to go for a hayride in the fall, seashore camping in the summer or a field trip to gawk at new calves and squeal at the cuteness of baby goats. It’s also still the home of a burgeoning organic dairy program designed to train the next generation of dairy farmers, thus bolstering a struggling sector of agriculture. But it has a new role as an observatory for how known methods of enriching soil naturally are working and – this is key, given how climate change is already affecting us – a laboratory for figuring out how to improve soils rapidly. Agriculture has to be part of the solution, Herring said, because it is a major contributor to climate change. Some estimates range even higher, up to 25 percent, although the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions puts it at 7 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. Methane releases from livestock (the flatulence of cows is no joke), are a huge factor. Ruminants represent 37 percent of agriculture’s contribution, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Wolfe’s Neck, which began an organic dairy farmer training program in 2015 with a $1.7 million contribution by Stonyfield Organic, has a lot of cows. Last year, Stonyfield, owned by French dairy giant Lactalis as of July, bought nearly 44,000 gallons of milk from Wolfe’s Neck, relatively speaking a drop in the bucket of the organic milk it sources throughout the region. But it is in the environmentally conscious company’s best interests to support efforts to halt the degenerative effect dairy farming has on climate. That’s why Stonyfield is contributing $250,000 in seed money for the regenerative agriculture observatory. The hope is, Wolfe’s Neck will help light the way to a better future for dairy. Katherine Paul is the spokesperson for Regeneration International, a group that formed in 2015 to advocate worldwide for regenerative agriculture. She’s also, coincidentally, a Maine resident who visits Wolfe’s Neck regularly (she was hiking there a weekend ago). She said it is heartening to see a local farm embracing regenerative agriculture. Wolfe’s Neck is trying to change that. Topsoil is the nutrient rich top layer of earth where crops and plants can easily take hold. It was the lack of topsoil that turned American farmland into the Dust Bowl in the 1930s. Overclearing of native plants for agricultural expansion in the Southern Plains in the 1920s, combined with severe drought, degenerated the soil and caused the topsoil to blow away in the hundreds of millions of tons. One of the all-time worst ecological disasters caused by mankind, the Dust Bowl broadened our understanding of how essential, and fragile, topsoil is. That was perhaps the ultimate early warning of how damaging agriculture can be to the soil. Through regenerative agricultural methods, which are sometimes referred to as carbon farming or conservation farming, the old rules are going out the window. As in, he’s deepening his topsoil, the good stuff, and it’s not taking him hundreds of years. Last fall, as it moved toward becoming a regenerative agriculture observatory, Wolfe’s Neck installed seven soil sensors that record data from 4 feet deep in the ground. They’re measuring the changes in the soil as they nurture it, with a focus on how much its composition is made up of organic material. The average healthy New England soil measures a 6 on the scale of percentage of organic matter in the soil (SOM), he said. (There’s no “top” of the scale per se, but Dust Bowl soil would have been less 1 at best, and Cox is proud that his in New Hampshire is an 8 and rising.) The plan is to see how fast Wolfe’s Neck can increase its organic composition through natural amendments, using cover crops, rotating crops and practicing no-till agriculture. They’ll keep an electronic record of all that they do (and don’t do), and the sensors will give them feedback about how the soil is changing. Before delving into regenerative agricultural methods, which combine pieces of permaculture, biodynamics and organic farming, it helps to understand how plants help trap carbon in the soil and why that’s so important. A plant pulls carbon out of the atmosphere through photosynthesis, drawing it down into the soil through its roots. Research shows that the plant releases some of that carbon into the area around its roots and that entices soil organisms to feed; they want that leached carbon. “The soil is alive,” Cox said. And it’s hungry, hungry for carbon-based food. Because of human activity, the world now has too much carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere; those shifting levels are higher than ever before in human history. The gauge is how many parts per million of carbon make up the atmosphere. Throughout human history, that’s been about 280 parts per million; 350 is considered acceptable by the scientific community. Today that figure is about 400 parts per million. That’s the numerical evidence, while record-breaking hot summers and disasters like hurricanes Harvey and Irma are the demonstration of it. Much of the increase comes from the way we burn fossil fuels, but some of it, possibly as much as a quarter of it, stems from the way we grow our food. The clearing of forests to make room for crops worldwide is an obvious culprit and so are those farting cows. But so are common methods like tilling, which exposes the microbes under the ground to oxygen. There are billions of organisms in a handful of healthy soil, and tilling brings them to the surface. “Just like opening the damper on your wood stove, you are accelerating the process,” he added. Cox urges people to think not just about soil as a living organism, jammed with tiny fungal matter and microbes, but as something with a physical structure. Regenerative agriculture is not a new concept. Robert Rodale, the son of J. I. Rodale, the giant of organic farming circles, is credited with coining the term, to describe the way topsoil could be regenerated. In the 1980s, the Rodale Institute started the Regenerative Agriculture Association and for a few years, regularly published books on the topic. Then it faded away. The term resurfaced in recent years. In June 2015, a group of 100 activists from 60 countries met in Costa Rica and formed Regeneration International. Then, during the United Nations climate change talks in Paris later that year, regenerative agriculture was a big topic of conversation, leading to the establishment of the French “4 per 1000” initiative to increase soil carbon by that amount every year over the next 25 years in order to stabilize the climate. Conservation activist and author Courtney White has watched as a topic he first heard about from a rancher in Marin County, California in 2010 become trendy. He published a book in 2014, “Grass, Soil, Hope: A Journey Through Carbon Country,” that included a chapter on Cox, and he’s working on a new book with a Western farmer who had powerful success with regenerative agriculture on his farm. More books are showing up the marketplace (see sidebar, S8). “Regenerative agriculture is where things are headed,” White said. The name might be confusing, since some call it carbon farming and others call it conservation farming, he said. But it is more than just a rebranding of sustainability. A TIMELINE of the Freeport landmark showing how it went from family farm to nonprofit educational farm and now, a center for studying regenerative agriculture. 1666: Thomas and Ann Shepherd settle in the area in what was known as Harrisicket Neck. 1674: Amos Stevens joins them on what is now called Shepherd’s Point. 1688: War with the Native Americans breaks out; Freeport is abandoned. 1697: Most Native Americans leave the coast. 1717: Henry Wolfe and his wife Rachel Shepherd reclaim her family’s land and rename it Wolfe’s Neck. 1733: Henry Wolfe receives an official land grant of 67 acres on the waterfront in Freeport. His descendants remain on the land for many generations. 1890: E. B. Mallet, local shoe factory owner and entrepreneur, buys most of the Wolfe land and turns it into a hay farm. Builds the biggest barn in Maine. 1914: Wolfe’s Neck Development Co. tries (and fails) to subdivide the Neck into a suburban development. 1917: Stanley Wood buys Wolfe’s Neck from the Development Co. for a country estate. He and his wife build the Stone House, designed by John Calvin Stephens. 1947: L.M.C. and Eleanor Smith, a wealthy couple from Philadelphia, buy Wolfe’s Neck Farm as a summer retreat. They begin tree farming and conservation practices. 1952: Smiths buy their first Black Angus cattle. As their family expands, they look for other land to buy in vicinity. 1959: Wolfe’s Neck Farm is incorporated. 1963: The Smiths open the 170-site Recompence Campground as a gift to the community. 1968: Charles DeGrandpre begins his 22-year tenure as farm manager, tending 300 head of Angus beef on a grass-fed diet. 1969: The Smiths give 200 acres to the State for Wolfe’s Neck Woods Park. 1973: The farm buys the first round hay baler in Maine. The Smiths continue to foster agricultural innovation, pursuing organic methods. 1985: Eleanor Smith gives the farm to American Farmland Trust, to be administered by the University of Southern Maine. 1987: Eleanor Smith dies. USM operates the farm, experimenting with agriculture techniques. An education program for children is established. 1997: Wolfe’s Neck Farm Foundation assumes management of the Farm as a nonprofit community resource. Its natural beef business booms. 2007: Wolfe’s Neck Natural Beef business sold to Libra Foundation and turned into Pineland Farms Natural Meats. 2015: Organic Dairy Research and Farmer Training Program launched with $1.7 million dollar grant from Stonyfield Organic. 2017: Wolfe’s Neck Farm becomes Wolfe’s Neck Center for Agriculture and the Environment. Organic or starve: can Cuba's new farming model provide food security?
The Reconciliation Book Club is a new initiative inspired by The Federation’s Reconciliation Action Group and other participants of the 2018 Social Policy Forum. Their goal was to find new ways for Federation members to come together to talk about this important work and to create new opportunities for learning and dialogue related to reconciliation. The Reconciliation Book Club will meet every other month to discuss a new book (via online webinar) chosen by our reconciliation action group members. Federation staff will facilitate and make available discussion questions, additional readings and resources, as well as author and publisher information. Was the book what you expected? What was your favourite quote? Why? How did the structure affect the book? What do you wish had been different? What other books did this remind you of? Who/what did you most relate to? Why? What was your initial reaction? Did the book hook you right away? Why? What part was the most memorable? What part was the most challenging? How reliable did you find the narrator to be? Did you feel like you got the ‘true’ story? The Reconciliation Book Club is a benefit of membership in The Federation of Community Social Services of BC. The Book Club is open to: all staff from Federation member organizations; all staff from organizations that have agreements with The Federation; participants in The Federation’s Leadership 2020 program. If you are unsure of your eligibility, please email bess@fcssbc.ca for information and assistance. Below are the books we’ll be reading and discussing over the coming months. Grab copies now and get a head start on reading. Then, join colleagues from across BC to ask questions, to share knowledge, to address bias and assumptions, and to inspire personal action in support of reconciliation. The Federation would like to thank the following publishers who have donated books and/or offered discounts in support of the Reconciliation Book Club. Do you want to start a book club of your own? Need even more great titles to read? Here is a list of dozens of other excellent reads by Indigenous authors. The Inconvenient Indian distills the insights gleaned from Thomas King’s critical and personal meditation on what it means to be “Indian” in North America, weaving the curiously circular tale of the relationship between non-Natives and Natives in the centuries since the two first encountered each other. In the process, King refashions old stories about historical events and figures, takes a sideways look at film and pop culture, relates his own complex experiences with activism, and articulates a deep and revolutionary understanding of the cumulative effects of ever-shifting laws and treaties on Native peoples and lands. A shocking exposé of the dark history and legacy of segregated Indigenous health care in Canada. The memories recounted by these survivors (from gratuitous drug and surgical experiments to electroshock treatments intended to destroy the memory of sexual abuse) are truly harrowing, and will surely shatter any lingering illusions about the virtues or good intentions of our colonial past. Yet, this is more than just the painful history of a once-so-called vanishing people (a people who have resisted vanishing despite the best efforts of those in charge); it is a testament to survival, perseverance, and the power of memory to keep history alive and promote the idea of a more open and just future. Like thousands of Aboriginal children in Canada, and elsewhere in the colonized world, Xatsu’ll chief Bev Sellars spent part of her childhood as a student in a church-run residential school. These institutions endeavoured to civilize” Native children through Christian teachings; forced separation from family, language, and culture; and strict discipline. Perhaps the most symbolically potent strategy used to alienate residential school children was addressing them by assigned numbers only, not by the names with which they knew and understood themselves. In this frank and poignant memoir of her years at St. Joseph’s Mission, Sellars breaks her silence about the residential school’s lasting effects on her and her family, from substance abuse to suicide attempts, and eloquently articulates her own path to healing. Number One comes at a time of recognition—by governments and society at large—that only through knowing the truth about these past injustices can we begin to redress them. This is a book like no other. Bev Sellars combines her keen insights, her studies in history and law, and her experience as a chief of an ‘Indian reserve’ in British Columbia to produce a book that will open the eyes of Canadians to the reality of life under federal government administration. This book will be a significant contribution to the nationwide campaign of Indigenous people to emancipate themselves from the Indian Act and its administrators in Ottawa. Their aim as Sellars explains is meaningful participation in the decisions that affect their rights and interests. From declaring cultural ceremonies illegal, to prohibiting pool hall owners from granting Indigenous Peoples entrance, from forbidding the speaking of Indigenous languages, to the devastating policy that created residential schools, Bob Joseph reveals the hold this paternalistic act, with its roots in the 1800s, still has on the lives of Indigenous Peoples in Canada in the twenty-first century. This straightforward book is an invaluable resource. There is much for non-Indigenous people to learn and to do. But equally important, there is much to unlearn and to undo. The time is right for this book.’ ‘Increasing Canadians’ knowledge about the terrible foundation this country has been built on is a critical part of reconciliation. Bob Joseph has highlighted some of the unbelievable provisions of the Indian Act and how they have impacted First Nations in Canada and gives a brief overview of what we may replace it with going forward. His book provides helpful context to the dialogue that needs to take place in Canada. In 2005, award-winning writer Richard Wagamese moved with his partner to a cabin outside Kamloops, BC. In the crisp mountain air, Wagamese felt a peace he’d seldom known before. Abused and abandoned as a kid, he’d grown up feeling there was nowhere he belonged. For years, only alcohol and moves from town to town seemed to ease the pain. In One Native Life, Wagamese looks back down the road he has travelled in reclaiming his identity and talks about the things he has learned as a human being, a man and an Ojibway in his fifty-two years. Richard Wagamese stares the modern world in the eye and takes careful note of its snares and perils. He sees people coveting without knowing why, people looking for roots without understanding what might constitute rootedness, people looking for acceptance without offering reciprocal respect, and people longing for love without knowing how to offer it. And underneath all lurks the seductive oblivion of substance abuse. These are the pitfalls of his own life, dangers he hopes his estranged son, Joshua, will be able to navigate with the guidance afforded by this heartfelt memoir. Indigenous resistance is a radical rejection of contemporary colonialism focused on the refusal of the dispossession of both Indigenous bodies and land. Simpson makes clear that its goal can no longer be cultural resurgence as a mechanism for inclusion in a multicultural mosaic. Instead, she calls for unapologetic, place-based Indigenous alternatives to the destructive logic of the settler colonial state, including heteropatriarchy, white supremacy, and capitalist exploitation. In her debut collection of short stories, Islands of Decolonial Love, renowned writer and activist Leanne Simpson vividly explores the lives of contemporary Indigenous Peoples and communities, especially those of her own Nishnaabeg nation. Found on reserves, in cities and small towns, in bars and curling rinks, canoes and community centres, doctors offices and pickup trucks, Simpson’s characters confront the often heartbreaking challenge of pairing the desire to live loving and observant lives with a constant struggle to simply survive the historical and ongoing injustices of racism and colonialism. This Accident of Being Lost is the knife-sharp new collection of stories and songs from award-winning Nishnaabeg storyteller and writer Leanne Betasamosake Simpson. These visionary pieces build upon Simpson’s powerful use of the fragment as a tool for intervention in her critically acclaimed collection Islands of Decolonial Love. In Unsettling the Settler Within, Paulette Regan, a former residential-schools-claims manager, argues that in order to truly participate in the transformative possibilities of reconciliation, non-Aboriginal Canadians must undergo their own process of decolonization. They must relinquish the persistent myth of themselves as peacemakers and acknowledge the destructive legacy of a society that has stubbornly ignored and devalued Indigenous experience. With former students offering their stories as part of the truth and reconciliation processes, Regan advocates for an ethos that learns from the past, making space for an Indigenous historical counter-narrative to avoid perpetuating a colonial relationship between Aboriginal and settler peoples. Mink is a witness, a shapeshifter, compelled to follow the story that has ensnared Celia and her village, on the West coast of Vancouver Island in Nuu’Chahlnuth territory. Celia is a seer who (despite being convinced she’s a little “off”) must heal her village with the assistance of her sister, her mother and father, and her nephews. While mink is visiting, a double-headed sea serpent falls off the house front during a fierce storm. The old snake, ostracized from the village decades earlier, has left his terrible influence on Amos, a residential school survivor. The occurrence signals the unfolding of an ordeal that pulls Celia out of her reveries and into the tragedy of her cousin’s granddaughter. Each one of Celia’s family becomes involved in creating a greater solution than merely attending to her cousin’s granddaughter. Celia’s Song relates one Nuu’Chahlnuth family’s harrowing experiences over several generations, after the brutality, interference, and neglect resulting from contact with Europeans. Harkening back to her first book tour at the age of 26 (for the autobiographical novel Bobbi Lee: Indian Rebel), and touching down upon a multitude of experiences she’s had as a Canadian, a First Nations leader, a woman and mother and grandmother over the course of her life, Lee Maracle’s My Conversations with Canadians presents a tour de force exploration into the writer’s own history and a re-imagining of the future of our nation. When Stella, a young Métis mother, looks out her window one evening and spots someone in trouble on the Break—a barren field on an isolated strip of land outside her house—she calls the police to alert them to a possible crime. In a series of shifting narratives, people who are connected, both directly and indirectly, with the victim—police, family, and friends—tell their personal stories leading up to that fateful night. Lou, a social worker, grapples with the departure of her live-in boyfriend. Cheryl, an artist, mourns the premature death of her sister Rain. Paulina, a single mother, struggles to trust her new partner. Phoenix, a homeless teenager, is released from a youth detention centre. Officer Scott, a Métis policeman, feels caught between two worlds as he patrols the city. Through their various perspectives, a larger, more comprehensive story about the lives of the residents in Winnipeg’s North End is exposed. Ask any Canadian what “Métis” means, and they will likely say “mixed race” or “part Indian, part white.” Canadians consider Métis people mixed in ways that other indigenous people—First Nations and Inuit—are not, and the census and the courts have premised their recognition of the Métis on this race-based understanding. Chris Andersen argues that Canada got it wrong. He weaves together personal anecdotes, critical race theory, and discussions of history and law to demonstrate that our understanding of “Métis” (that our very preoccupation with mixedness) is not natural but stems from more than 150 years of sustained labour on the part of the state, scholars, and indigenous organizations. From its roots deep in the colonial past, the idea of “Métis as mixed” pervaded the Canadian consciousness through powerful sites of knowledge production such as the census and courts until it settled in the realm of common sense. In the process, “Métis” has become an ever-widening racial category rather than the identity of an indigenous people with a shared sense of history and culture centred on the fur trade. Andersen asks all Canadians to consider the consequences of adopting a definition of “Métis” that makes it nearly impossible for the Métis nation to make political claims as a people. Children’s Literature (Kindgerarten to Grade 3). When a young girl helps tend to her grandmother’s garden, she begins to notice things about her grandmother that make her curious. Why does her grandmother have long braided hair and wear beautifully coloured clothing? Why does she speak another language and spend so much time with her family? As she asks her grandmother about these things, she is told about life in a residential school a long time ago, where everything was taken away. When We Were Alone is a story about a difficult time in history and, ultimately, a story of empowerment and strength. In this important graphic novel, two Aboriginal brothers surrounded by poverty, drug abuse, and gang violence, try to overcome centuries of historic trauma in very different ways to bring about positive change in their lives. Powerful, courageous, and deeply moving, The Outside Circle is drawn from the author’s twenty years of work and research on healing and reconciliation of gang-affiliated or incarcerated Aboriginal men. Youth Literature. Darcy writes letters from a group home to the victim of his bullying. Through his writing, he comes to understand how he can break his cycle of destructive behaviour and bullying. Winner of 2017 Governor General’s Literary Award (Young People’s Literature). Humanity has nearly destroyed its world through global warming, but now an even greater evil lurks. The indigenous people of North America are being hunted and harvested for their bone marrow, which carries the key to recovering something the rest of the population has lost: the ability to dream. In this dark world, Frenchie and his companions struggle to survive as they make their way up north to the old lands. For now, survival means staying hidden—but what they don’t know is that one of them holds the secret to defeating the marrow thieves.
Thanks to a shift takeover from Matt, I slept amazingly well on Wednesday-Thursday night. We are really happy with our set up with the bed in the nursery. One parent sleeps in there and keeps a fraction of an ear open for peeps and handles the diapers, swaddling and soothing after each feeding. The other parent gets to sleep in what I’m calling The Palace – our master bedroom (which is 6 feet from the nursery). This set up is such that the person in The Palace mentally can just zonk out while the person in the nursery sleeps less soundly. I had been doing most of the nursery shifts after midnight, but last night Matt let me stay in The Palace until 5am and I slept so well. Of course I had a few feedings in there, but it was great sleep when I did sleep. We’ll probably rotate this shift every few nights or so. I woke up so refreshed that I wanted to make something special for breakfast – a sense of my old life and new mixed together. I put Maze in his wrap where he promptly took a nap. SIDEBAR: The White Noise Lite app on our phones has been an AMAZING soother. M will often be a bit grumpy after a feeding or when he’s procrastinating a nap, and if we put this app on he instantly goes into a trance. I think the terrible phone speakers make the white noise even more uterus like! If you haven’t heard of Happiest Baby On The Block, the book’s soothing techniques for a crying baby are magical. White noise or “shushing” is one of the 5 s’s. I tuck my phone into the front of the wrap with the white noise on and it settles him to sleep in less than 2 minutes. SO – french toast with figs!! I soaked a big slice of Honey Whole Wheat in a beaten egg with cinnamon and vanilla and plopped it into a medium low skillet until it was all cooked through. Little figs danced around in a circle until they began to brown and sweeten. Topped with a drizzle of maple syrup and chia seeds and sunbutter! Served with a side of mom pills. Any idea what the two in the back are? He was back to sleep in a few minutes. Check out his little chick-a-dee hair! I miss him when he sleeps! But also enjoyed the time to make lunch myself. Karen brought us a delicious dinner. Baby played with Matt while we cooked! We had big fat beans with sundried tomato pesto, garlic bread, green beans with bacon and baked sweet potatoes topped with butter and candied pecans. I ended up crashing on the nursery bed around 8pm and our long night began early! The good news is, I am once again well rested and thankful. Rather than napping during the day, we are just making our nights last 12 hours. It’s working out well. In case you missed them, there are posts on BERF about Mazen’s name and also Matt’s perspectives on labor and delivery. Also, Mazen’s Birth Story has been posted!! I was about two seconds away from buying figs for the first time ever yesterday and decided against it, but your breakfast makes me regret it!! Maze’s little plant hat is adorable!!! That soup looks fantastic…you’ll have to share the recipe. I love the picture of Mazen with his greens. So cute and creative! I concur. Super adorable. Already looking forward to seeing his Halloween ensembles. That soup does look delicious! And Maze is so cute with the stuffed lettuce! Haha he loves his veggies already! sounds like you are in the swing of things! and you’re getting so much done during his naps. i just remember not wanting to spend time on the computer–i’d rather shower, eat, nap or do things around the house. they end up loving the bath soon enough! Those look like placenta pills? Love the picture of Mazen with the greens on his head! Adorable. Your meals are looking as lovely as always – especially the French toast with figs! So many cute Baby pictures to start the day!! I’m loving the sun dried tomato paste… Must hunt some down after my move to England tomorrow! I am so impressed with how together you are! I remember after my boys (3 & 4 years ago) feeling like a zombie and barely able to get anything done. I wish I had read Happiest Baby on the Block! I’m now referring pregnant moms and moms with newborns to your website; it’s such a great resource! Mazen just gets cuter every day and you and Matt truly are incredible parents. Keep up the good work and thank you for continuing to share your journey with us! Maze is a doll all wrapped up after his bath. Glad all is going so well! Figs are just the best, aren’t they? I had some on my pumpkin pancake this morning….great combo. Thanks for sharing his birth story, kath! It’s so fun to be able to read:) You’re superwoman for juggling a newborn and two blogs! I hope you keep it up, though, because I’m loving all the posts! these posts are not helping my baby fever 🙂 that sweet newborn face is making me think it’s about time to shoot for baby #3 soon. Thanks for the update and plethora of adorable baby photos!! I’ve been excited to get online each morning to read how things are going for you. Sounds like this transition has been pretty smooth. I am so glad! I am recommending that book to my sister in law’s sister, who is expecting identical triplets next month! She is on bed rest so has a little time to read right now. where do you find fresh figs at the grocery store? I have looked multiple times (at different stores) & still cannot locate them. I guess I should just ask the store!! I don’t know where you are Cait, but here in my area of Ontario they aren’t in regular supermarkets … I find them at farmer’s markets and smaller, independant grocery stores in the fruit section 🙂 They are sooo good right now, just made my family a fig, pesto, roasted red pepper grilled cheese on foccacia the other night – they are also great in oatmeal (my mom is from Scotland, and that is how her 101 year old grandmother used to eat them – every morning in her oatmeal, with a sprinkling of nuts. If he lived that long there must be something to it, right? 😉 ). So versatile, and they are so yummy! Good luck in your hunt! that would be 2 ibuprofen, 1 prenatal, 1 docusate sodium?, and 2 placenta pills, with a side of pumking beer! I can’t wait to have a little pumpkin brew! Due wednesday but will probably go over since I did with my first. I’m kinda surprised that chasing after my 16 mo old and working 12 hr shifts in the Peds ER has not sent me into early labor!! Oh well! Mazen is so handsome! A tip for bathtime? I take a bath and my husband hands me the baby so I can breastfeed him in the water. Then I put my knees up and let him lie back against them while I splash him with water. He loves it. He also oves to float on his back (supported by two hands, of course) and gets super calm and alert in the water. We haven’t tried a bath in the small baby tub yet because, like changes, I am sure he will hate it. With me in there (his food source) he seems to be like “Ok, this is what we’re doing now!” Afterwards, I hand him over for a coconut oil massage. Fun! I don’t think I’m supposed to take a bath yet but this will be fun eventually! Why would you not be able to take a bath? That’s interesting. I have three daughters and after each birth I was told to take a sitz bath (sitting in shallow warm water) a few times a day to help heal things down there. Our son also hated getting his diaper changed and baths in the first few weeks. It’s funny because now he LOVES them both. Anytime he is really cranky we know those are our go-to things to calm him down. Looks like you are doing great and I loved the birth story! Also, we finally got PUMKING yesterday! So good! Kath, I want to caution about using your phone for white noise sounds placed so close to the baby. There are strong electromagnetic fields and radiation around mobile phones (also computers) and him being so little and vulnerable that can be really dangerous (cancer!). If you place in safe distance (several feet) there is a lot less radiation. Better be safe. I loved HBOTB and white noise was a huge success with us as well. Are you not at all concerned with having a cell phone so close to your newborn’s rapidly developing brain? I’m usually not an alarmist about those kinds of things but I think I’d be a little anxious about that one. Even just a few feet between my baby and the phone would make me more comfortable but I guess it’s up to you! Anyway, he’s a cute baby and I wish you the best! How nice that you’re starting to get enough of a routine that you can make yourself meals again! I bet that’s one of the hardest parts, is losing that sense of consistency. Glad you slept well last night and hope you can keep resting! I’m so curious about the placenta pills – a friend of mine is also doing that. Do you find it helping w/ energy, hormones, etc? I love this! looks like you both are adjusting really well – love to see how your whole family is working as a team! just beautiful! That french toast looks amazing!!! Going to bed early really worked for me too. I found it difficult to nap enough during the day. If your baby is anything like mine he will start to like baths and diaper changes about week 3. I hope it is sooner rather than later for your sake. So glad to hear everything is going well. I’m so excited to head over and read his birth story- I’m still working on Jacksons…. Happiest baby on the block seems to be working really well for you! Yay- what a blessing that must be! …..I miss my little one when he sleeps too- or when he goes more than 4 hours without waking– I’m ready to see him again! The part in the middle of this post where you say you’re going to write his birth story this weekend…you already did, right? That post on Berf is amazingly detailed and seriously put me back to the throes of my own birth. It was just an incredible post, Kath! And I am thrilled for you guys that you have the nursery bed and the palace bed. My husband was not one who could be trusted to sleep with one eye open. He was an out-cold guy so I was the one-ear open sleeper for…a couple years 🙂 But he was a great bouncer! He bounced our daughter in his arms on our exercise ball for hours sometimes! I really enjoy reading your new family happiness. You are both enjoying this experience and I love what you are sharing. I’m guessing… placenta? : ). Was it hard at all to get the hospital to let you take your placenta? Do a lot of women do this now? It seems like it is worth trying for the potential benefits, but curious if hospitals ever have rules on it. You know, I am still yet to try a fig. I’m not sure what is holding me back. I will buy some next week and give them a go. *gasp* the itty bitty hairs on his head are too cute! My mom always used to call that ‘peach fuzz’. that’s quite a holler he’s got going on! You should rename the “Baby Kerf” section “Raisin’ Mazen”! I have a bath time suggestion for you- try swaddled bathing! Works wonders to keep babies calm and warm. I work in the NICU and this is how we bathe all our babies. Loosly swaddle baby-wash face first then unswaddle one extremity at a time- wash- then cover back up. Hope this helps! Leafy greens are already doing wonders for his complexion! White noise actually puts me and Dustin to sleep, too! We have the apps as well. It’s very soothing. I also like rain and thunderstorms and wind; especially useful in hotel rooms. I would be very nervous about putting a cell phone next to my newborns’ head as well. What would be a better option would be an actual noise machine. They sell them at Target in the baby section for about $20. It has several different types of music, and also includes a white noise function. Another thing is a big box fan. Both of my kids have them in their rooms (and have since birth) and they love them. I just turn it away from them so it doesn’t blow directly on them, but they still get the noise. Works great! I have a white noise machine that I bought through a therapy supply catalog. I am a social worker– it’s the kind you put outside your door while in session to protect confidentiality and it works wonders in the nursery as well! We have one, just haven’t used it yet, but I’m using it right now for naptime! Wow! Looks like Mazen has a good set of lungs! He is such a ‘sweet pea’! Sleep is key to staying ‘sane’! I ended up sleep deprived…it was not a pretty picture! Enjoy your little one and hubbie! White noise saved my life! For real. It’s amazing how much deeper and longer it helps my little one sleep. We still use it now that she’s 14 months. My dad worries that I’m training her not to be able to sleep without it, but I figure she’ll outgrow it like pacifiers and many other things. Thank you for your honest and lovely pictures, there is so much beauty going on in your home, and it is very comforting for a two maybe three-someday baby couple! My sister kept a bed in her nursery too and it worked out awesome for them;) So happy to see your happy family and please hunt down that delish looking soup recipe!! Funny how different babies have different liking’s! My mum told me that when I was young, I loved being bathe. I’d spend quite a time in the tub and enjoyed splashing water followed by wails and cries when my mum wanted to get me out of it. I grew up favouring vegetables though, and I’m sure Mazen would take after your healthy eating lifestyle. Invest in a white noise machine…at 10,9, 6 and 2 they are still one of the best investments we ever made…The phone is great for on the go but at home its also helpful bc it blocks out other noise during nap time too. I know I’m late to say congrats and I’m sorry. You have such a beutiful family. Glad everyone is healthy and happy. I have really enjoyed following your pregnancy, the birth, and I look forward to this stage. I don’t have kids so this has been very interesting. I think you are doing great with all the changes. Though they are good ones I’m sure it is a change which can be hard. On a side note for white noise I use a fan it is a large box one. Also since I have to try to sleep during the day black out shades. They are super cheap at home depot but very helpful. Looks like you are still eating marvelously. No need to let that slip. Mazen is quite handsome! LOVE that you are able to share your baby and continue blogging about food too! Sounds like you guys are doing wonderful as new parents! Not easy to juggle everything, but you guys make it look easy! Team tagging is a great idea and besides Matt being so helpful for you, it’s a wonderful connection for his son! Your days will really fly by with a little one – enjoy! Hi Kath, which “happiest baby on the block” did u read? Was just checking it ou & a few different versions came ou. Many Thks. So nice that you’re having company! I am loving figs these days! Great idea to add them on top of french toast! YUM! Love reading your updates! My little one is turning 7 month next week and started crawling this past week. It goes by fast. I don’t comment a lot just enjoy your posts and love all your baked goods. At night i write a food blog, but during the day i work in wireless technology. And i just wanted to let you know that what i know from cell phone radiation i will not put my cell phone close to my head or my little ones body. I always use an ear piece and try to keep the cell phone away from my growing baby, that radiation is not good for us. I just thought i would share with you since you said you tuck your cell phone into your wrap. If you are doing that turn off the wireless and put it into airplane mode.
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• Editorial client list: The Globe and Mail 2017, Canadian Geographic 1997-2013, Toronto Life 1997-2007, Cottage Life 2007, Our Kids 1999-2016, Comfort Life 2012-2013, The Torch 2008-2011, The Ark 2008-2011, The Jerusalem Report 2007, ON Nature/Seasons 2003-2013, Saturday Night 1997-1998, Canadian Aviator 2005, Fifty-Five Plus 2010, Golf Canada 2003-2004, National Post 2000, National Post Business 1999-2000, Elevate 2003-2005, Town & Country 2001, Elm Street 2000, Money Sense 1999, Vancouver Magazine 1995-1998, EnRoute 1998-1999, Cracker 2001-2002, Images 1998, Where Toronto 2002. • Non profit clients: Toronto East General Hospital, Pathways Through Possibilities, Women’s College Hospital, Queen’s University, University of British Columbia, Lung Association, Branksome Hall, St. Clement’s School, Havergal College, Nature Conservancy of Canada, Friends of the Greenbelt, GlaxoSmithKline Foundation, Toronto Botanical Garden, Laidlaw Foundation, Na’amat Canada, Safehaven, Ontario Federal Council, Olympic Aid, CNIB, United Way, Pickering College, Emagine. • Corporate clients: Liberty Insurance, Fish Out of Water Design, HOOPP, Dealer-FX, Mayhew, Loblaws, Fortinos, MCI Canada, Dundee Securities, Market Connections, Kamada Birdseye, Inco, MacDonald’s, Ontario Cancer Biomarker Network, Community Lifecare Management Inc., Stonebrook Condominiums. • 2016 Black and White Spider Awards Nominee Silhouette and People categories. • 2016 Centennial College Clix Awards, Faculty/Staff 1st and 2nd place. • 2015 Black and White Spider Awards Nominee silhouette category. • 2014 Black and White Spider Awards Nominee people category. • 2013 CCAE Prix d’Excellence Bronze Award for Best Institutional Annual Report for Branksome Hall. • 2011 Black and White Spider Awards Nominee people category. • 2009 Toronto Life Contact 2009: 50 Best Bets for “Legions” exhibition. • 2008 Gold Award, Wilmer Shields Rich Awards for Excellence in Communications in Annual Reports, for Friends of the Greenbelt. • 2004 Gold Award – Words and Pictures, National Magazine Awards, “Arrivals”, Toronto Life. • 2003 Finalist – Words and Pictures, National Magazine Awards, “Little Kabul”, Toronto Life. • 2000 Winner in Applied Arts Magazine Photo/Illustration Contest, Toronto, ON. • 1999 Winner in Applied Arts Magazine Photo/Illustration Contest, Toronto, ON. • 1999 Honorable mention for photography, Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition. • 1998 Silver Photojournalism and Merit Award from the Advertising and Design Club of Canada, “Life on Parade” in Canadian Geographic, and “Saturday Nights” in Saturday Night. • 1998 Finalist twice – Photojournalism, National Magazine Awards, “Life on Parade” in Canadian Geographic, and “Saturday Nights” in Saturday Night. • 1997 Marion McKenzie Best Photography Award, Toronto Outdoor Exhibition. • 1994 and 1991 Studio Magazine Photographic Award Winner. • 1992 Bachelor of Applied Arts, Ryerson, still photography option. • 2017 Project Grant Mid-Career, Ontario Arts Council. • 2010 Exhibition Assistance Grant, Ontario Arts Council. • 2008 Exhibition Assistance Grant, Ontario Arts Council. • 2005 Project Grant, Toronto Jewish Arts Council. • 2015-2018 Pearson Terminal 3 Photography Exhibition “Rinks,” Mississauga, ON. • 2014-2015 “Legion Halls,” Waterford Heritage & Agricultural Museum, Waterford, ON., Estevan Art Gallery & Museum, Estevan, SK., Thunder Bay Museum, Thunder Bay, ON. This is a Canadian War Museum travelling exhibition. • 2016 “Ellipsis”, Gallery 44 group show for Contact at Gallery 1313, Toronto, ON. • 2014 “Aging”, PhotoSensitive group show at Royal Bank Terrace, Toronto, ON. • 2014 “DNA”, Gallery 44 group show for Contact at Gallery 1313, Toronto, ON. • 2013 “Canadian Geographic,” Zoom Photo Festival 2013, Saguenay, QC. 2013 “InSight”, group exhibition of Gallery 44 members at Gallery 1313, Toronto, ON. • 2012 Haliburton School of the Arts Faculty show, Rails End Gallery, Haliburton, ON. • 2012 Art on the Danforth, “Toronto Legion Halls”, Toronto ON. • 2011- 2012 “Legion Halls”, solo exhibition, Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, ON. • 2011 “The Fuel of Life”, PhotoSensitive group show, Allen Lambert Galleria, Toronto, ON. • 2011 “Parks Canada”, group exhibition, Canadian Embassy, London, UK. • 2011 “PHOTO-OP”, juried group exhibition, John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto, ON. • 2011 “100 years of Women’s College Hospital”, Toronto ON. • 2010 PhotoSensitive 20th Anniversary Retrospective, Allen Lambert Galleria, Toronto ON. • 2009 “Legions”, Gallery 44 Members Gallery, Contact Festival, Toronto ON. • 2009 “Inspiring Possibilities”, PhotoSensitive group show shown throughout Canada. • 2008 “Rabbi Among The Lions”, solo show, Jewish Museum & Archives of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. • 2008 “Cancer Connection”, group show with PhotoSensitive throughout Canada. • 2007, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1995, and 1991 at the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition. • 2007 “Reconstructed”, group show, Gallery 1313, Contact Festival, Toronto, ON. • 2007 “Vibrant Communities in Focus”, PhotoSensitive group show, Allen Lambert Galleria, Toronto, ON. • 2006 “The Strength Within”, PhotoSensitive group show, Toronto, ON. • 2006 “Istanbul and Havana”, Leo Burnett solo show, Toronto, ON. • 2006 Praxis Gallery, miniature group show in Toronto, ON. • 2005 “Life of Water”, PhotoSensitive group show exhibited throughout Canada. • 2005 “Consequences”, group show, Gallery 1313, Contact Festival, Toronto, ON. • 2005 “Road Signs”, solo show, Balzac’s Café, part of Contact, Toronto, ON. • 2005 “The Tzedakah Box Project”, group show, Koffler Gallery, Toronto, ON. • 2004 “Destination Toronto”, PhotoSensitive group show, Allen Lambert Galleria, Toronto, ON. • 2002 “Pacific Tides”, solo show, Gallery 44 Members’ Gallery, Toronto, ON. • 2000 “Photo Works from the Collection”, group show, Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, Toronto, ON. • 2000 “Café”, solo show, Boulevard Café, Toronto, ON. • 1999 “TSA 30th anniversary Faculty Retrospective”, York Gallery, Toronto, ON. • 1999 “Odysseys”, group show, Elevator Photo Gallery, Toronto, ON. • 1998 “Travel Journal”, solo show, Gallery 44 Members’ Gallery, Toronto, ON. • 1996 “Parade”, solo show, Koffler Gallery, Toronto, ON. • 1995 “Recent Work”, two person show, Italian Cultural Centre, Vancouver, BC. • 1994 “Home and Homeland”, solo show, Zack Gallery, Vancouver, BC. • 1994 “Trinity Bellwoods”, solo show at Station Street Art Centre, Vancouver, B.C. • 1994 “Trinity Bellwoods”, Ryerson Gallery, two person show Toronto, ON. • 2016 and 2012 guest lecturer at Ryerson School of Journalism, Toronto. • 2013 to present, photography instructor in the Film and Broadcasting program at Centennial College, Toronto. • 2006 to present, photography and artist marketing/portfolio faculty, Haliburton School of The Arts, Fleming College. • 1998 to present, photography instructor, Toronto School of Art, Toronto. Currently teaching a documentary photography course. • 2014 and 2007 workshops for the Photo Educators’ Forum at Ryerson, Toronto. • 2010 Sheridan College, Instructor, Oakville. • 2014 to 2015 tdsbCREATES residencies with grades 4 to 6 students. • 2012 to 2015 photography workshops with grade 6 to 8 students, a joint initiative with the TDSB and Gallery 44, Centre for Contemporary. • 2005 to present, artist educator, youth and adult workshops, Gallery 44, Toronto. • 2010 Luminato photography workshops for youth, Toronto. • 2004 to 2008, Instructor, Humber College, Toronto. • 2006, 2001 and 1997, artist in the school, TDSB, Toronto. • 2002, 1999, 1997, 1996, and 1995, guest artist, Art at the Boyne – TDSB. • “The Globe and Mail”, The Ice That Binds, January 2017. • “PhotoEd Magazine” Canadian Ice, November 2016. • “Picture Change Interviews,” PhotoSensitive newsletter, May 2013. • “Centretown News” review of Canadian War Museum exhibition, February 2011. • “CBC Ottawa Morning” radio interview of CWM exhibition, January 2011. • “Canadian Geographic Compass blog”, CWM exhibition review, January 2011. • “Legion Magazine”, exhibition review, January 2011. • “Photographer’s Focus”, PhotoSensitive newsletter June 2010. • “Canadian Geographic”, field report interview for the photo club, 2010. • “Canadian Jewish News”, artist review, Toronto January 2008. • “Jewish Tribune”, artist review, Toronto January 2008. • “Carte Blanche”, photography book by The Magenta Foundation, documentary section, Toronto, 2006. • “Centre of City”, artist review feature article, Toronto March/April 2005. • “Response A Contemporary Jewish Review”, New York spring/summer 1994. • “The Canadian Jewish News”, artist review, Toronto, September 1994 and 1991. • PhotoSensitive core member since 2007, a photographer’s group committed to social justice through photojournalism. • Leave Out Violence Ontario, Board of Directors 2012 to 2016, and currently a member of the programming committee. LOVE is an organization empowering youth through media arts, who have experienced violence. • Member of Gallery 44 Centre for contemporary photography since 1997. (Board of Directors 1998-9).
I just wanted to say thanks for coming over to Windsor and doing my wedding makeup for my bridesmaids. They looked absolutely stunning and I was so pleased that they were so happy with the excellent job you did. I wont hesitate to recommend you. Thank you. We all loved our wedding makeup and thought it was a very professional and friendly trial to get a great new look. The day itself was super very calm, efficient and fun! We would all definitely recommend you! I just wanted to say a huge thank you for making me look so beautiful on Saturday. I felt amazing, and so beautiful for once and for that U would never be able to thank you enough. If you ever need make up for photo shoots or special occasions contact Kimberley. Did mine for my website shoot and I loved it! Had a few sets now, always gorgeous. Kimberley is very welcoming and knows her stuff. Just want to say a big thank you to Kimberley for being my makeup artist for my wedding day! I felt like a million dollars. Just wanted to say a big thank you for your hard work on Saturday. You did an excellent job and all of us looked great. We had a lovely day everything went to plan and even the rain held off til later on in the evening. Thanks again for your help. Just wanted to say a huge thank you to Kimberley for doing my bridal makeup on 21st. I have always been self conscious and had very bad skin. I really hate having my photo taken so was fretting about my wedding day, but Kimberley worked her magic and for the first time in my life I really felt like a beautiful woman! She made me feel so relaxed at the trial and on the day. She has a lovely personality and I felt like I had known her for years. I would recommend her in a heart beat for her makeup skills. I am now looking forward to my next big event so I can book her again! Well worth every penny! Thanks Kimberley. I met Kimberley when she did our make up for my sisters wedding so I knew when I got engaged there was only one make up artist I wanted for my big day, Kimberley is relaxing, helpful and above all amazing at what she does, she doesn't make you feel caked in make up and really listens to what you need, we all had our lashes done (again) and they make you feel amazing they are so natural and last for ages, We will be using Kimberley again I'm sure! Just to say a huge thank you to this lady she was amazing. She did my daughters prom make up and she made her look gorgeous, it was everything and mote that we could ask for. She made my daughter feel relaxed as she was very nervous. A really lovely lady. Thank you so much. Kimberley did my individual eyelash extensions as well as my make-up for my wedding in July 2013. I was over the moon with my finished look which was flawless and tailored to bring out the best of my features. The trial, a month before, was thorough and Kimberley readily listened to my own ideas in terms of colours and look as well as giving her own professional judgement. Kimberley is never rushed and makes you feel comfortable and relaxed. On the day of my wedding at Oakley Hall in Hampshire, Kimberley also did the make-up for my bridesmaids and my mum. All were delighted with the results and we all agree that Kimberley has a great knack for being able to make your eyes look amazing! I would recommend Kimberley every day of the week. She is a calm and professional business woman who genuinely cares about her clients needs. Thankyou so much for the wonderful make-up you did for myself and my bridesmaids on my wedding day 17th March. Your professionalism and relaxed manor made this very nervous Bride much calmer on the morning! The make-up was expertly applied, lasted all day and the girls looked simply stunning. I will not hesitate to recommend yourself to anybody else getting married in the future. Kimberley did my wedding make up, prior to the wedding, I had exchanged a few emails with Kimberley who was always quick to respond and answer any of my queries I had in a very professional manner. During the bridal trial, it was great to get to know Kimberley better, who also listens to all your ideas. Kimberley is such a friendly, lovely lady who made me feel so relaxed and at ease on the wedding morning. Kimberley did my make up only and I was so so pleased with the end result, it was perfect and lasted all day (even through the tears) I received so many compliments throughout the day. I would definitely recommend Kimberley to anyone for their special occasions. Thank you so much for being a part of my special day and for everything prior the wedding. I just wanted to say thanks for coming over to Windsor and doing my wedding makeup for my bridesmaids. They looked absolutely stunning and I was so pleased that they were so happy with the excellent job you did. Kimberley travelled over to Bentley in Hampshire on the morning of my wedding in August and did my make up for the big day. I couldn't have been happier with the result! The make up looked perfect, exactly what we discussed during our trial and it lasted all day. I had loads of comments from the guests on how great my eyelashes looked and how natural the make up was - just the look I wanted. I would highly recommend Kimberly - she did a fantastic job! I was so impressed by Kimberley's professional approach. I required Kimberly to provide makeup for me and 5 other ladies for my birthday party in April. Kimberley certainly had some demanding clients and a tough time frame in which for her to work. Kimberly listened to each and every request and worked with each lady customising their makeup to their outfit and personality. Kimberly also worked with a lady who suffers with Rosacea and the coverage that Kimberley provided was excellent, it left her feeling 100% confident with no signs of the angry skin condition. I will certainly be using Kimberley without hesitation again and will be recommending her where and when possible. A truly wonderful experience. Kimberley did my make up for prom in July and I absolutely loved it! she also did individual eyelashes and they looked fab! Kimberley was so calm and great to talk to. I loved how she really took the time to find out what I wanted by taking the time to ask me questions. I was very pleased with my end result, had so many compliments on the make up and I highly recommend! Thank you for doing everyone's makeup on the 30th October - everyone looked absolutely stunning and I can't thank you enough for making everyone feel comfortable and confident with the make up they had on. Personally I felt amazing and actually felt beautiful for the day, which felt awesome to feel that good. Kimberley recently done my makeup as a bridesmaid. I do not normally wear a lot of makeup but she made me look and feel special, with a natural but colourful finish without the makeup feeling heavy and stayed for the whole day and night. Kimberley was lovely, relaxed and professional at the same time. Highly recommended. Thank you for doing my makeup for me on Saturday, it was lovely, and lasted all day and night, I loved it! Glad you were able to join us to celebrate too. As a ‘mature’ bride I nonetheless wanted to feel beautiful on my wedding day, on Valentine’s Day. Kimberley managed to capture exactly what I had in mind; she made me look radiant and emphasized my eyes, but still managed to keep a natural look. She created a look that gave me confidence and drew many compliments. I would like to thank Kimberley for being so approachable, friendly and professional - and I can’t wait for another occasion when I can use her artistry again! I would recommend Kimberley to anyone wanting to look amazing on their wedding day. I just wanted to say a massive thank you to you Kimberley for doing such a wonderful job with mine, my mothers and my mother-in-laws make-up on my wedding day. I had so many comments about how lovely my make-up was. I was wearing some very bright pinks and purples in my indian wedding gown and your choice of colours complimented it perfectly. Your calm and friendly manner really helped make the morning the relaxing, enjoyable, fun time I was hoping for. And I must say, the eyelash extensions really were a revelation for me! The wedding makeup you did on Saturday at Audley’s for Mel, Everyone loved their look, my twin said to me earlier she felt lovely all day because you had done such a good job and I know Kaye was pleased so thank you. Many many thanks for the wonderful service we received on Saturday with the make up for Rebecca's wedding. She looked beautiful in the many photographs and it did not need touching up all day even though the weather fortunately turned really hot. we would recommend you to all. Like any bride I wanted to look and feel very special on my wedding day and a big worry was finding the right person to create make-up that looked natural yet radiant. I found Kimberley by searching on the internet. From the very first email she was exceptionally prompt in replying to my queries, highly professional in her approach and her advice and flexible in working around the other events happening during the morning. She came to do a trial in my home giving expert advice and trying different products to see which worked the best. On the day itself Kimberley was ready to start as soon as we arrived at the hotel making up myself, three bridesmaids and my mother all in unique and flattering ways which meant a very happy bridal party on the day! I personally wish to thank Kimberley for making the process so easy, for being so approachable and friendly and for ensuring I looked totally amazing on the best day of my life. I would not hesitate in recommending her services to any bride who wants to look and feel fantastic! Kimberley was recommended to me by a work colleague for my wedding and I too would highly recommend her to anyone. Initially Kimberley met me for a trial and listened to what I wanted. She knew exactly what colours would suit me and gave some excellent suggestions. On the actual wedding day Kimberley made up me, the bridesmaid and my mum. She has a very calm and efficient personality which was ideal on such a hectic morning! All three of us were so pleased with the outcome of our makeovers. The colours that she used were spot on, we would all have no hesitation to recommend her to anyone for their special occasion. Thank you so much Kimberley. We all hope to use you again in the not so distant future. Once again many thanks for your help with my make-up on my wedding day. With you help I looked beautiful yet natural just as I had hoped. I felt relaxed and happy in your company and you helped make getting ready for my big day a time of laughter and fun. If you are wavering on whether to do your own make up and having someone else to do it for your wedding I would say this is your one special day where you want to look your best so have a professional do it. I chose Kimberley to do my wedding make up and was so glad that I did, I really can't recommend her enough. She listened to what I wanted, was very professional and turned up nice and early on the day. She was very calm which is what you need when it all gets a bit stressful on the day and my make up was perfect just what I wanted.
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Minsk is the capital of the ancient Slavic state of Belarus in Eastern Europe. There have been many changes in these lands over many years, at one time they were called the Polotsk principality, then by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Commonwealth of Poland, which was later annexed by the Russian Empire. Despite the fact that the history of Belarus (White Russia) was diligently erased over the years and replaced by myths, a Slavic state still exists that has retained its own history, traditions, identity, language and culture. The history of the Belorussian ethnicity began to be formed in the 8th century according to the chronicles of the tribes of Krivichs, Dragovichs and Radimichs. The present day independent state of Belarus has a recent history initiated in 1991 after the end of the Soviet Union. Throughout history the lands of Belarus have been repeatedly subjected to total destruction by many wars . That is why most Belorussian cherish any old heritage that has been preserved throughout the centuries. I love coming here and walking through the ancient and modern streets. I cannot help but admire this city and the many changes it has undergone. Minsk has always been maintained, groomed and cared for during the Soviet period. Every piece of historic value and old building was and is constantly being restored back to it’s original splendour. Historically, the name of the city comes from the river Menka , a tributary of the Nyamiha river. Although legend has it that the name of Mensk was derived from a local hero known as Menesk who built a water mill on the river and organized an army of strong and proud knights to defend the land. The ancient name of Mensk gradually faded from official records and eventually became known as Minsk. I will now guide you through some of the city streets and the most important historical places. The first impression of Minsk you get is from the railway station. The railway was brought to Belarus in 1862 and reached Minsk in 1971. The Station buildings were destroyed by wars several times but were always rebuilt. Today the modern station built in 2002, has been declared one of the most beautiful railways stations in Europe. All trains travelling to Moscow from Paris and Berlin pass through Minsk. Many years ago, the area surrounding the train station was called Uborki, meaning “next to the forest”. Unfortunately, the forest was totally cut down when the railway was laid in the 1800s. In the 1950-s, two eleven-story identical buildings were built in the classic Stalinist style opposite the station, which are named the “Gate of Minsk”. As you pass through them and go along Leningradskaya street, in a near by park you will come across the sculptures of ” The lady on the bench ” and the ” Girl with an Umbrella ” as well as “Monument to Person who offers you a light” (by the way, the model was a businessman Vladimir Golynsky, and the monument was his idea). From here you proceed to Independence Square and then on to Independence Avenue (Niezalezhnasti avenue), one of the longest streets in Europe measuring 17 km. Independence Avenue is also famous for the fact that in it’s history, the name was changed no less than 14 times, the most prominent name was in honor of Francis Skaryna, the first Belorussian printer and historical writer. Indepedence square is where military parades and any demonstrations are usually held. The Government House is sometimes glimpsed in the European news releases, when the country is celebrating important events, such as the presidential election, especially if government security forces attempt to disperse protesters. Recently, the president of Belarus was referred to as the last dictator of Europe. Independence square is also famous for the Catholic Red Church (Cathedral of Sts. Simeon and Helene). It has a very interesting history. A wealthy nobleman Edward Voinilovich had two children Simon and Helena, he donated a considerable sum of money for the construction of this church and named it Simon and Helena in honor of his children who passed away at an early age. The church was consecrated in 1910. Unfortunately, with the advent of revolution and the Soviet Union, this church was put to many uses. It has been a Polish Theatre, a Film Studio and the House of Cinema. In 1990, the building was returned to the Catholic faith and in 2006 the indigenous inhabitants of this land reburied Edward Voinilovich in the church as a mark of respect for someone who had done a lot for his country. Next to the church there is an architectural composition of the Archangel Michael, the patron saint of Belarus, piercing a dragon with his lance, symbolizing victory over dark forces. At the beginning of Independence Avenue, there is a building housing the State Security Organization, which is symbolic of the Soviet era. Foreign tourists love using this building as a background on their photos being a typical monument of Stalinizm. Architecturally, it is a beautiful building, especially at night when it is lit up. Leaving one of the largest squares in Europe, which is a favorite walking place in Minsk both with residents and tourists alike, you wonder down some historical streets of the city. I was really surprised this year when I noticed that abandoned courtyards and crumbling houses were transformed into a very nice cozy historic areas. The original “Felitsianskaya” Street, later called the “Bogodelnaya”, was renamed “Komsomolskaya” street during the Soviet era. Also “Sborovaya” and “Preobrajenskaya” streets had their names changed to “Internationalnaya”. Perhaps, after they finish renovating these areas, the ancient street names will be reinstated? “Lenin” Street may once again be called “Gubernatorskaya”, or “Franciscan” street. For some reason I really like the old names. On Lenin Street, there is a magnificent baroque facade of a Jesuit church, known as the Archcathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This main Catholic church in the city, built in 1710 by the Jesuits, also experienced a lot of changes in its history. Since 1951, it was mostly used by training athletes but in 1993 it was returned to the Catholic faith fully restored and renovated. Back in the 17th century the Moscow metropolitan Bishop noted the religious tolerance of the Belorussian. Where many religious orders, like the Lutherans, Calvinists, Orthodox, Catholics, Jesuits, Franciscans and Jews existed peacefully. On the corner of Lenin and Internatsionalnaya street the hotel “Europe” was recreated in 2006 on the site of an existing hotel which was destroyed during the Second World War. Presidential suites overlook the Cathedral Square (Svabody Square), where the main Belorussian Orthodox Church of the Holy Spirit is situated, it was originally a Catholic church and Bernardine monastery which was destroyed by fire a long time ago. In the 16th century as well as being the cultural center of the city, this area was called the Upper market due to it’s position on a hill where jesters, traveling musicians, performing animals, festive parades and theatrical performances took place. In the 17th century, all the wooden buildings in the Square were destroyed by fire during the war with Poland . In 1793, according to some records, this was an area which contained a Town hall, a shopping arcade, two monasteries, local homes and retail shops . Today in Cathedral Square there is the city Hall (Ratusha) restored in 2003. A small glass pyramid at street level allows you to view the underground cellars of the city Hall. The first Governor of Minsk in 1796 Zacharia Korneev loved his horses and cart so much that a bronze statue of horses have been erected next to the city Hall, which are also in memory of the fact that this was once a favourite parking place for horse drawn cabs who chased after rich clients before the advent of motor vehicles. It was interesting to learn that in the old days cab drivers had their own codes and rules, which were much more civilized than our cab drivers today. From this square you go across the oldest street in the city, Nyamiha street, named after the River Nyamiha in the 12th century and into the Avenue of winners, in the old days, this region was called the Tatar settlement. In the 15th century, captured Tatars settled here and were allocated the land to grow their produce. Another interesting instance of tolerance by the Belarussian people. On the far side of Nyamiha street is March the 8th Square, another historic city center where once the Minsk castle existed. This castle settlement first appeared in the 12th and 13th century and was originally known as the Lower market area. Most of the buildings in this area destroyed during WW2. Today it is called The Trayetskaye Pradmestsye on the Svislach bank after a church dedicated to the Holy Trinity that used to exist here. The area contains the remains of pre-WWII buildings has been renovated in recent times. In 1985 the restoration of the old town cost 5 million USD (who said that Belarus is a poor country?) Today it has cafes, museums and antique shops. This is one of the favorite places for the locals and tourists alike, as the reconstruction of the 19th century buildings is such that one cannot help being fascinated by their beauty. Wander around these streets and enjoy the atmosphere of ancient times, some of the cobbled streets have been paved over with asphalt, but you can still feel the spirit of the time allowing for modern times and today’s technological progress. Over a small bridge across the river Svislach you will find the Island of Tears with a monument of a crying angel who failed to save his soldiers, dedicated to the memory of Belarusian sons killed in the Afghan war. Go along Bogdanovich street where there was once the Trayetskiy market, this was replaced in 1933 by another major architectural creation, the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus. During the war, this building was sacked by the German occupiers and they erected stables in the remaining areas . After the war, it was renovated and recently the sculpture of Apollo with flying nymphs has been placed on the top of the facade flanked by statues of Melpomene patron of the arts, Polyhymnia patroness of poets and dance. The theatre is surrounded by a magnificent park, nearly half of the city is covered by park land, Minsk is one of the greenest cities in Europe. Not far from The Trayetskaye Pradmestsye (Suburb) is Storozhevskaya street with it’s modern skyscrapers. Minsk has a further three beautiful squares, from the Opera House you can go along Independence Avenue to reach the main square, where the Palace of the Republic and the Palace of Trade Unions are situated and recently installed is a “zero kilometer” which tells you how far other cities are from the square. Continuing along Independence avenue you go past the Circus, a great big circular building with funny sculptures of various figures and animals. Further along the Avenue you will reach a large roundabout with an eternal flame at the base of the Victory monument in memory of World war 2, where today, newlyweds traditionally lay flowers. At the far end of Independence avenue, which by the way is one of the widest streets of Europe and flanked by Stalinist architecture, we reach the Yakub Kolas square. Yakub Kolas is the national poet of Belarus and in the centre of the square there are some monumental sculptures of the heroes from his works. This is also the present cultural and commercial center of the city with a great downtown department store and the Belorussian State Philharmonic Society. This area was called Kamarowka “Mosquito” in the old days, being originally an area of wetlands full of mosquitoes where poor people lived, hence the name of a nearby market called Kamarowski. Every capital of the world has its own unique building, creating a unique portrait of the city. The pride of the Belorussian capital is the National Library of Belarus, built in 2006 and already portrayed as one of the most unusual buildings in the world. It is built in the shape of a Rhombicuboctahedron with a height 73.6 meters and is illuminated at night with clusters of LEDs which make vivid electronic paterns on it’s surface. You can take the elevator to the observation deck, where you can view the green neighbourhood east of the city. The park surrounding the library is full of artificial ponds and landscaped gardens. Rumor has it that all the residents of Belarus where forced to contributed towards the building of this library, when it became clear that there was not enough money in the treasury to complete it’s construction. Apparently, a percentage of monies was deducted from their salaries in relation to the level of their income. Objections were not considered or discussed as is always the case in Belarus today. In the east of the city, you can visit to admire the beauty of the Church of All Saints honoring the memory of all those who served and died for the salvation of our Fatherland. One newly listed building, is the ” Minsk- Arena“, a really nice and big sports facility, which will be the central venue for matches of the World Cup Hockey tournament of 2014. That’s all about Minsk for now until next year when I will definitely be back to bring you more stories and photos. My thanks to the authors of the website “Minsk old and new” where I discovered many interesting facts about this wonderful city. This entry was posted in History&Towns&Castles&Palaces&Museums, Photo gallery and tagged Minsk capital of Belarus. Bookmark the permalink.
As I drove home this evening, I sifted through possibilities for tonight’s blog post. This was one of those days where I felt drawn in several different directions, with no clear indication yet which path to take. Music had snagged my heart, and I listened to the La La Land soundtrack as I drove…and yet silence met my inquiry when I asked about sharing something musical. I also felt drawn toward creating on a new page in my art journal. I am very much enjoying that artistic journey. Yet again, when I picked up the journal at home, and scanned through a new page, nothing really connected with me. I considered that tonight, for the first time since I began blogging, three plus years ago, I might not have anything to write about. And yet…something…something…was trying to rise to the surface. Reaching for my Walking in This World book, by Julia Cameron, I finished the last chapter. It was on the final two pages that the stirrings within finally surfaced and understanding dawned. In the final task, at the end of the book, Julia writes that each of us carries the inner capacity for awe. Different things inspire different people, and some things simply make us happy, and some things we love for no apparent reason. We experience the touch of the Great Creator, when we touch upon something we love. Julia says, “Because the part of us that creates is youthful and innocent, an ideal place to collect artist toys is a good children’s bookstore.” I know the truth of Julia’s statement. I often pick up a book from the children’s library, when I am learning something new. These books for kids cut out the unnecessary clutter and get to the important stuff quickly. The assignment was to find a children’s book that makes me happy. “Make it a point that your bedside table contains at least one book on a topic that simply delights you.” She goes on to write that delight opens the door for the Divine to touch us. There it was, the connection I was looking for, the door swinging open. I had a strong visual image of looking through an open door earlier in the day, and wasn’t sure how to interpret that. And now the Divine was inviting me to enter, by way of my delight. Because, I already have a children’s book on my bedside table, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, and I’ve been wondering how to share about it. However, I’m not exactly clear about why I have been drawn to read this book, and the series that follows. I recently rewatched all the Harry Potter movies. And that wasn’t enough. Now I know I am supposed to read the books. This magical tale, by JK Rowling, centers on Harry Potter, an orphaned boy who does not know who he is. He only knows he is miserable, living in a tiny cupboard under the stairs, in a house with horrible people. His aunt, uncle, and insufferable cousin fear who he might be and seek to prevent Harry from living his destiny. But when a mysterious owl delivers a strange letter to young Potter, his life shifts dramatically. The letter is an invitation to a place, a world, that Harry never dreamed existed. At Hogwarts, Harry Potter finds new friends and incredible knowledge, strength he didn’t know he possessed and almost overwhelming challenges. Ultimately, he finds himself. I may not know yet what all the truths are for me, within these children’s books, but in this first volume, I’ve discovered…it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live…it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to an enemy and just as much to stand up to friends…fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself…truth can be beautiful and terrible…and music is a magic, beyond all we do here. I don’t have to know why I am being guided to Harry Potter. I don’t have to figure it all out. My inner artist knows what she’s doing. I can simply marvel. I can delight. And in finding delight, I am opening the door to the touch of the Divine, and connecting to a sense of the marvelous. I am an Amazon Affiliate and may make a commission on products sold, at no extra cost to you. Thank you for considering the purchase of these books, or any other items, by entering Amazon through my links! For many people, Super Bowl Sunday is the most anticipated winter tv program. I do watch that sporting event. However, it is not the most keenly anticipated show for me. All my life, the end of December has not only signaled the end of the year, it signals the countdown to my favorite televised event…the Academy Awards, nicknamed the Oscars. I am posting in the blog during commercial breaks, as this award show typically concludes late in the evening. And I am loving the program already. Justin Timberlake performed one of the nominated songs as the opener, a lively number that had attendees on their feet, dancing in the aisles. I applauded as heartily as anyone. I confess to a slight trepidation, leading up to the award show. With the highly charged political climate that we currently live in, I felt my anticipation diminished by the concern that tonight’s focus would shift from the movies and spectacular performances to divisive speeches and statements. This is what I had to do…let my concerns go. I accepted that everyone is allowed to share their thoughts and opinions. Everyone. And if I reacted to something said, whether by host Jimmy Kimmel or a presenter or an actor accepting an Oscar, that’s on me, that’s something to go within and inquire about. I needn’t have been concerned. Host Jimmy Kimmel set the tone for the evening with a light hearted opening monologue. “We are going to have fun tonight!” Jimmy promised. I applauded again. The first winner of the evening was Mahershala Ali, for Moonlight. If Jimmy set the tone for the award show, Mahershala raised the bar for acceptance speeches. He was humble, gracious, sincere. “It’s not about you,” he was told as a new actor, “You are serving the characters, the stories.” My heart was pierced by his words, his tears. Mahershala is an actor to watch, as he tells stories. Viola Davis picked up the Oscar for her performance in Fences. Through tears she shared passionately that she became an actress because this is a profession that knows what it means to celebrate life…not just well known publically recognized lives, but the lives of common everyday people who hoped and dreamed and lived and died. She was asked, as an actress, “What kind of stories do you want to tell?” Viola is answering that question through the characters she chooses to portray. Emma Stone captured this award, her first, for her role in La La Land. She thanked the other nominees for allowing her to stand alongside them. Through tears she said she still has a lot of learning and growing to do, and her Oscar is a symbol, a sign, to continue on her journey. Casey Affleck, humble and searching for the right words, picked up his first Oscar for Manchester by the Sea. His acting career has been inspired by Denzel Washington, whom he met for the first time tonight. Damien Chazelle, La La Land, picked up his first Oscar and is the youngest director in history to win in the Best Director category. He is 32 years old. In all the years that I’ve watched the Oscars, I’ve never seen the wrong winner announced. It happened tonight, for the top award, Best Picture. The presenters were given the wrong envelope, which contained the winner for Best Actress Emma Stone, La La Land. Confused, they hesitated and at last announced La La Land as the winner. During the acceptance speech, one of the supposed winners broke the news that they had actually lost…and Moonlight was the correct winner. I was as confused as everyone else was! I was hoping La La Land would win. But I was impressed with the graciousness of the La La Land cast and the Moonlight group. I wish both could have walked off the stage with Oscars. I so enjoyed the evening. There were many surprises, such as a bus full of unsuspecting tourists who got a peek inside the theater, and a funny Mean Tweets segment where actors read trolls’ comments about them on Twitter. And a huge number of firsts occurred: all the major categories were won by people receiving their first Oscars, Amazon had its first big movie nominated, Manchester by the Sea, and it won in two categories, the youngest director in history won, and for the first time a major goof at the end caused the wrong film to be announced as Best Picture. Wow. For me, the biggest surprise (other than the unintentional twist at the end) was finding out what this year’s theme was for the Academy Awards…Inspiration. I didn’t know until the theme was revealed, half way through the show. My mouth fell open. I loved my personal connection with the word, my word for 2017, and that men and women shared throughout the evening about the films, characters and actors who inspired them. And there were tears, shed by winners as they spoke from their hearts, and shed by me during those acceptance speeches, during moving performances of the nominated songs, and when Michael J Fox, who is battling Parkinson’s disease, presented for Film Editing. The Memorial segment is especially poignant, as actors who have died in the past year are honored for their contributions to the world, and for their lives. We lost so many bright shining souls, passionate gifted people who devoted their lives to following their hearts. We have been blessed by their dedication. I was inspired tonight. I have nine Best Picture nominated films to watch and I made a list of other movies, shorts and documentaries to view as well. In fact, for the first time, I would like to watch all of the winners, in all of the categories, a lofty goal for sure, a challenge I am presenting to myself. I appreciated the diversity of the 89th Academy Awards. Although La La Land collected the most Oscars with six wins, no movie overshadowed the others. The winners were from countries around the world including Italy, Syria, Iran, Canada, France and England. All races, colors, genders and ages were represented, celebrated, and honored.
Microsoft Virtual Academy is a free access training portal site from Microsoft, that is focused on helping those in IT to easily learn about Microsoft technologies. It consist of several courses you can study at your own pace. The courses are worth a determined amount of points depending on their depth level. The MVA site in turn works on a points based system and scoreboard as way of encouragement and as way to rank you in the site. Bronze: 0 to 370 points. Silver: 371 to 699 points. Gold: 700 to 999 points. Platinum: 1000 points or more. Beyond the points and scoreboard within the MVA community. Finishing courses and getting points get anyone enrolled in the MVA discounts for Microsoft Certifications and access to special Microsoft promotions related to Microsoft technologies with courses on the MVA. The Microsoft Virtual Academy is free for anyone wanting to enroll in, the only thing needed is a Live ID and being interested in a specific course. The Microsoft Virtual Academy site in itself is very well laid out and as something worth of pointing out, it happens to sport a Metro UI-UX styled design. Something that looks to be spreading over all Microsoft web properties now. And I must say it works very well to make things fluid and pleasant. For further questions about the MVA, the site got a fairly clear F.A.Q page you can take a look at. Microsoft Virtual Academy results in a very interesting hybrid of e-learning portal and promotional vehicle from Microsoft as its main function beyond promoting Microsoft Tech is to help as a easier to follow and use learning aid for those interested in Microsoft Certifications. But that thanks to it being well balanced, works pretty well. Separated by less than a month from the release of Flash 10.2, A new Adobe AIR update is now out and while it is not a major release by itself, it is what should have also been released with Adobe AIR 2.5. In fact Adobe AIR 2.6 got released broken in several releases; From the release of AIR 2.6 for Android that was released in advance of both the Desktop SDK and Runtime of Adobe AIR 2.6, and of course the actual update for currently installed Adobe AIR runtimes that just went live last week. The reason for the advanced release of AIR 2.6 for Android had all to do with Adobe’s strategic partnership with Google, as Adobe needed and more than likely was demanded for this release AIR to spice up Google’s own release of Android 3.0 A.K.A Honeycomb and Android 3.0 based slates like the Motorola XOOM. This way AIR for Android could then fully support the Content Viewer for Android and Adobe’s new Digital Publishing Suite. Adobe AIR 2.6 is all about pushing forward the dream of Adobe to go Multiscreen and do so with good performance. Reason why I guess all that it is in AIR 2.6 could not had been released with AIR 2.6 as Flash 10.2 advancements were integral to realizing this. With AIR 2.6, Adobe goes back to truly supporting iOS in the SDK, and they are going back on iOS with a vengeance, as they are now offering a end to end solution akin to what Novell’s MonoTouch does for iOS. Giving Flash, Flex and WebStack devs the comfort of developing in the way they know they are faster with. Leaving it to the AIR for iOS solution to integrate the developed code as a native iOS App via the “new” AIR Developer Tool instead of the OS X Packager for iPhone; Native iOS apps with the RIAness of Adobe but without sacrificing performance anymore. So AIR 2.6 starts truly delivering Adobe AIR as a MultiScreen solution. In the same way you can say Microsoft is working on making Silverlight run everywhere. AIR 2.6 actually puts Adobe once again completely in the lead, by making it possible to deliver RIA apps that run in the Desktop (Win, OS X, Linux), the Web (Via the Flash plugin) and in two mobile platforms (Android and iOS) with two different form factors. And with the additional promise of AIR being able to deliver Apps to two extra Mobile platforms sooner than later. Starting with The Playbook from RIM and potentially following with HP WebOS later on. You could also wonder why am not also counting Adobe AIR for TV’s. And the simple reason for that, is because it is not truly there yet. But just like in the case of The Playbook, that should soon change. Take advantage of new features in iOS 4 like multitasking, retina display for higher screen resolutions up to 960x640, and front and back camera support. Capture audio with the microphone and build applications with an integrated development process when packaging to the IPA format. Conveniently debug your applications on an Android device through a USB connection with no Wi-Fi setup required. Android USB drivers for Microsoft® Windows® are now included with the Adobe AIR software development kit (SDK). Maximize graphics rendering performance for Android and iOS by taking advantage of the device's graphics hardware acceleration. Display web links inside an application (for example, your Facebook application) to quickly access web content without having to leave your application. No need to switch to your web browser. Simplify the development of multiscreen applications when soft keyboards automatically appear when required. Desktop applications originally designed for physical keyboards are more easily optimized for mobile devices when you don't have to modify the content or application to display the soft keyboard. Is in a sense what Adobe AIR 2.6 brings now, An Adobe that shows they are playing to win by bringing their best RIA game into fruition, in as many screens and platforms they can manage. Making the plight for the RIA a dead serious statement on why Runtimes and Plugins are here to stay and got a solid place in the future. But if words are not enough, here is a video showing what AIR 2.6 brings and the potential of what Adobe AIR 3.0 could then mean in the future. Before there were proper browser add-ons, there were Bookmarklets. These allow you to perform a function you would usually use a browser extension or userscript for. And they are named bookmarklets, because they can be saved in the same way as a simple bookmark, while at the same time they are not bookmarks at all. In order to use them you need to click them in the same way you would click any other bookmark. Usually best to access them from the favorites bar or Bookmarks toolbar in your preferred browser for a improved convenience. Marklets is a simple bookmarklet search engine and index, from where you can search for all kinds of these smart bookmarks, as the marklets site aptly calls them. Right now there are 99 bookmarklets, but the number should be able able to grow well beyond that as anyone can add a bookmarklet to the site or rank the existing ones. Site is well structured, while sparsely designed in order to make the ads in the site a bit more effective from what I can gather. Not really a bother just a make the site a bit uneven. So what kind of functions can you get by using bookmarklets? Anything from a one click link capture twitter share to a one click website element remover for a easier website screenshot capture, etc, etc. Bookmarklets are a good way to not having to install unnecessary browser-addons and easy to use and share because they will work in pretty much any browser. Marklets makes for a easier way to get them. Technorati Tags: marklets,marklets.com,bookmarklets,smart bookmarks,bookmarklets search engine. Burst Linking is a concept that always attracted my attention from the times it was only possible via a desktop tool running in Windows 95 (circa 1997 . Now the concept is being used along with Shorturl sharing as a web app, which makes this old concept fresh once again. Brief.ly is a great free burst linking online tool, that allows you to share multiple links in a single shorturl link. Going also beyond what other similar online tools did by giving you a better landing page for your pack of links with free analytics and even multiple shorturl providers for you to choose from. Previously, I had posted about BridgeURL, which was to my knowledge (at the time I posted on it) the best online burst linker tool around. With only a really big flaw: the shorturl it gave you linked to a website viewer first instead of linking to a landing page with the pack of links you had shared. Which struck me as odd as it goes against the purpose of burst linking. Brief.ly don’t does that and gets it right by giving you several shorturl providers to choose from and linking you first to a landing page with the pack of links you shared as it should be! Secondary to that come the iframe based website viewers, they also give you and even the need of you having to be registered to the service. You don’t have to be registered to use brief.ly. But if you do register, they give you some simple analytics for the links you are sharing as an extra. You can join brief.ly by registering a account or by logging in with Facebook. The choice is put at your discretion. I personally recommend registering an account. It is a really great online tool for sharing multiple links in one go, the best one yet. Taken from the Ireland Windows 7 Theme, here I bring you 17 Desktop Backgrounds (wallpapers) of Ireland plus 22 custom system sounds made for that theme you can also use if you want. Then you just select the sounds you want to change one by one, match accordingly to the file names of the .Wav files included in the zip file linker in this very post. That should give you the same “Celtic” sounds scheme that is added automatically in Windows 7, but in your Windows XP installation. In the case you want to revert to the default sound scheme, just go back to the Sound Tab in the Sounds and Audio Device Properties Window and select the default sound scheme under the sound scheme selector, then click apply. Easy. Then you just select the sounds you want to change one by one, match accordingly to the file names of the .Wav files included in the zip file linked in this very post. That should give you the same “Celtic” sounds scheme that is added automatically in Windows 7, but in your Windows Vista installation. In the case you want to revert to the default sound scheme, just go back to the Sound Tab in the Sound Window and select the default sound scheme under the sound scheme selector, then click apply. Easy. While it was mainly a coincidence, what better day to post a Windows 7 Theme focused on Ireland than in Saint Patrick’s Day right? Right. This way you can easily extend your thoughts of the contemplatively beautiful Ireland from a day to a week. And as the official theme write up says, why would you not if it is all so pretty and nice? This Windows 7 Theme comes with a green tint (of course), 17 desktop backgrounds, but more importantly 22 custom sounds for the OS with an awesome Irish folklore music touch to them apply called Celtic. Simply a very well conceived Windows 7 Theme. Above the average for sure. I wonder if it was put up by someone actually Irish, certainly hope so and if not, lets pretend it was to make it feel even more authentic. Some websites and blogs offer intentionally only cut-up feeds in order to make to you click to their sites and make you leave the confines of your favorite feed reader. A practice I personally dislike and disagree as you can easily check from Appatic’s own feed. For that reason I want to offer all of you that happen to agree with me a way to convert cut-up/truncated/limited feeds into full feeds. Full Text RSS Feed Builder is a free online service that does exactly what its self-explanatory name implies. It allows you to input any cut-up/limited/truncated feed that only offers a little part of a blog post instead of the full content, and convert into a Full Text RSS Feed. Once you have converted your truncated/limited/cut-up feed, you get a instant preview of how your converted feed will read along with the link for it. Fast & Easy. This is not the first time I tell you about a service like this, before I had posted about WizardRSS and FullFeeds. But Full Text RSS Feed Builder just seems a better option right now. WizardRSS was recently updated but not upgraded. And FullFeeds looks to be now down all the time, maybe even for good. For those reasons I thought that Full Text RSS Feed Builder was worth a post of its own since it resulted better and multiples choices are always good even if for the same kind of services. Check it as it well worth a bookmark if you are a feed reader user. Previously, FilesBoox was a File Search Engine based on FilesPump. But looks like it faced either some pressure or a change of heart and now the service has reinvented itself by jumping in the mirror, while at the same time conserving its name and domain. FilesBoox is a quick file sharing and hosting online service. With it you can share any kind of file of any size for quick online delivery. There is no leaderboard of recently shared files or anything like that, so you can either share the file publicly or privately. It is at your own discretion. Just load the site and you will see a Browse Files button. Click it and a Windows Explorer dialog will pop up, select the file you want to share and then click Open. After you click Open, you will instantly see a upload progress bar that will show you the name of the file you are sharing, its data weight and the % uploaded. If you need to cancel, just click the red x button to abort the upload. Once your file has finished uploading, a window frame will appear showing the Direct Download Link for the file you have just share along with a HTML and Forum code with that link for quick copy-pasting use. Finally, it will also show you a remove link in case you need or want to have the file erased. Now you got what you need to share your file. FilesBoox makes for a good uncomplicated online file sharer and temporary file host. Given the ease of use and size of the usable site. FilesBoox also makes for a good candidate to be used as a SSB app, if you want to consider that option, I recommend you to use Bubbles for that end. It was back in 2009 with the release of IE8 that Microsoft first started to publicly declare the need for the world of letting go of IE6. From then to now things have only got more and more direct and since last week, the breaking point has finally been reached. Now Microsoft is not just saying it and supporting others declarations for the phase out of IE6. They have decided to put up a site for that goal, and that goal only. TheIE6CountDown.com is a educational and promotional site that calls for the phase out of IE6 educating with the numbers of the current IE6 usage around the world and the basic info on why not use IE6. It is also a promotional vehicle for the close to be released IE9 in the case of Vista and 7 users or as a Microsoft sanctioned upgrade path to IE8 for those still using XP as their main Windows OS installation. As of Feb 2011, approximately 12% of the connected world is still using IE6 as the main browser. The goal of Microsoft is to make that 12% a 1% as soon as possible. Something not as hard to do when it comes to common users, meaning those not accessing the internet from workstation. From the detailed stats screenshot below combined with the profiled one above, It is clear that the average percentage of IE6 usage around the world if not counting China, South Korea and India (the top 3 countries using IE6) is already at 5-6%. So the goal of only a 1% of usage is reachable from that perspective, even if I see 3% on average as the most realistic figure for 2011. But counting everyone in, then I would put the reachable target for 2011 at 9% and maybe maybe 7% if things go extremely well. With all this said, it will be a good thing if you want to collaborate and check out on the site to know how you can accelerate the IE6 phase out. Ok, this one is pretty much only for those that either got a little kid (7yrs old or less) or happen to like and hunt for WPF based (.NET fans) apps. In my case I got a little nephew constantly around and I do like to hunt for .NET based apps, so since I had both reasons, I decided to post about this little App. FlashCards.Show is a ClickOnce enabled, WPF based educational kids game app focused in flashcard styled games designed by IdentityMine. Made for Microsoft to be used as a fleshed out illustrative example of a App that went from being a WPF desktop app to a Silverlight based one for WP7 and how the same app can be faithfully transitioned to different mediums. But since it was so fleshed out, I decided that it should not just be used by those doing tech demos at Microsoft, but by anyone that would want it. FlashCards.Show comes with 3 different Card Deck classes: Alphabet, Animals and Flowers. In turn each Card Deck class got 3 different kinds of game: Leaning, Matching and Memory. The learning games will show a card a time and if clicked, the card will turn showing the name of what the card is showing. Plus to that it will also show a play button with the audio of the correct pronunciation of the name of what was shown by that card. The matching games will show a wall of shown cards separated by demonstrative cards and name cards. Matching a demonstrative card to the name card will make both disappear and that will be marked as a correct match. The memory games will show a wall of unshown cards. Clicking or touching one card will show either a demonstrative or name card for 5 seconds and will turn around if left untouched or if a match is not made with another card. A memory match should then consist of a demonstrative card and a name card. If the match is made, both cards will disappear and that will be considered a correct match. A simple, well designed and free educational game app for kids easy to enjoy. Only drawback about it is that you truly wish it had a lot more card decks and more games. But given the price and the easy 3 clicks install, there is really no much to complain about. App works in XP, Vista and 7.
Just yesterday, I had attended a casual meetup session with our program director, Dr Mike Molesworth to gain a little more insight to the degree. Majority of the time spent during the session was about internship and I had been guilty of not putting much effort in sourcing for a company as of yet. Anyways, back to the topic: Students should acknowledge that internship is vital for their personal development. Allowances – Some students were paid as low as 450$ per month. Much lesser than my army allowance as an admin support assistant. The Slavery Perception – We all experienced it before, tasked to complete the most insignificant jobs out there which serves no purpose to what we really want to learn. Module Credits – It’s equivalent to 6 module credits and if we were graded badly, it would affect our GPA so badly. For interns, sometimes we might tasked to complete the most insignificant jobs to offload our supervisor’s pressure getting paid with peanuts with the constant pressure of unable to achieve better grades. Been there, done that and from a diploma holder perspective, the concerns were really insignificant as compared to what I had experienced. It had offered me a platform to test-drive my skills and contribute to the organization. I had a clearer picture of assessing questions pertaining to my interest in retail and my weaknesses under a sheltered work environment. Tip of the day: It’s about your progression and development as an undergraduate. Be enthusiastic about it! It might be the most simplest task, but constantly ask yourself if there are room for improvements and contribute in every means possible that is. The management would always appreciate employees with a heart to learn and you would get much more in return. Manpower – In a fast paced business process when time is crucial especially retail and manufacturing, well trained interns are a big help to schedule plannings and let us rest the full-time staffs. Atmosphere – Having fresh blood and youth in the firm provides a much diverse work environment and higher energy level. I enjoyed the ideas imposed by them and sharing sessions of what was taught from school. Employment – Future employment can be considered upon their graduation. Prior work experience under the firm makes things so much easier without the hassle of interviewing. Tip of the day: Take into account of the individual’s learning as youths should be given a chance to be entrusted with important tasks. Make them feel integrated as part of the organisation despite being here only for the short term. Let’s not forget that by offering an experience of a lifetime for the interns, it would benefit the firm back through word of mouth and achieve enhanced reputation as well! It’s a representation of how we deal with Human Resource. Yang Ying and Shahirul had just ended their 4 months tenure with us. 2 cultured and industrious individuals with a bright future ahead. All the best! To end off this post, I would like to share an article in relation to the internship landscape currently in Singapore – Some are offered $10.000 a month, others are working for free? In my opinion, i would define internship program as an important stepping stone for a job you wish to land in the near future and you are building your career concurrently. Final Assignment: But this is clearly not the end! I couldn’t agree further that the beauty of #MANG2049 is the freedom to conduct collaborate learning. This is evident from our video as it was created from the effort and skills of individuals with various viewpoints and unique backgrounds. From Topic 4, I had learnt that content marketing is a huge market to tap on and by having first-hand experience on posting my own video online on YouTube, it creates a platform for me to showcase more of the online identity which I wish to portray. As a marketer, it is vital to be creative! Moving on, I would wish to explore other software such as Sony Vegas and Prezi as it helps to present a more creative side of me to tackle future modules and blogging opportunities. #MANG2049 had encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone and craft interesting online contents. The interactions between the UK students made me realize the importance of social networking to enhance my digital presence through Blogging and Twitter. In future, I would continue to take the initiative to communicate with content owners on websites such as Forbes and Inc to build connection with other internet users. They might be interested in my contents such as entrepreneurship, marketing and lifestyle. Facebook was a platform for me to connect with people. However, by leaving my contents online backdated 6 years ago, there is a risk that others might stumble upon contents that isn’t a representative of my current identity. My account is now strictly to connect with friends, acquaintances and interest groups after cleaning up inappropriate contents. It was merely impossible to scan through the vast amount of tweets and my account is now used as a tool to connect with people for learning purposes and social networking. Also, as mentioned from my video, I am actively following accounts such as DDB and Nielsen to understand more about their culture and contents to stand a better chance for my upcoming internship interviews. Accounts such as CMi, DMWF updates marketing contents they had posted online and by constantly sharing what I find relevant and useful is another form of learning. Plans for the future: As my twitter was “reset”, I would follow more accounts relevant in the area of my interest and hopefully, gain followers whom are interested in my contents to build a stronger online identity. Despite deeming LinkedIn as rather irrelevant, it is still good to showcase my credentials online. I might be able to source for individuals with certain expertise to work on certain projects based on my connections. I had listed down that I am looking for an internship opportunity as well. Plans for the future: To join groups on LinkedIn and be part of communities related to my particular interest in areas such as Digital Marketing and Entrepreneurship to partake in the various discussions upon acceptance. I had purchase a domain name for Etools Technology and my personal blog. As a traditional B2B firm, Etools is lacking in the area of digital presence and it would be an excellent platform to tap on! My future plans for the firm would be working with external parties to get a corporate website set up to gain more exposures online from search engines. Hopefully, I would be able to run the website well based on what I had learnt so far. Successfully registered a domain name on http://www.godaddy.com for Etools Technology. I would continue to blog about “anything under the sun” in my personal blog and besides being more presentable and gaining exposures, I would consider customizing my email accordingly to my domain name to be achieve a more professional identity in the future. It would bring a form of standardization across my online profile. Google App allows me to customize my email according to my domain name at a fee of $5 a month. A great investment upon graduation perhaps? Upon further research in the area of Open Education Resources, I had amended my stand to say that we should not overlook on the various disadvantages which open access might bring. First of all, to elaborate on the advantages of OER from Yi Lin’s post, we had common grounds in agreeing that every individual deserves an equal chance to learn irregardless of differing demographics such as race, family income level or age. Based on my research on educational attainment, it draws my attention that even for a first world country like America, not everyone is privileged enough to afford college or a degree of their interest. OER provide substantial cost savings to students without negatively impacting their learning (Hilton & Wiley, 2011; Allen, 2010). Cheaper textbooks and material costs! Furthermore, education institution stands to benefit as well! Linking back to my post about academic publishers moving towards oligopoly, through OER, education institution can afford to provide a higher quality of teaching for their students through a wider source and selection of research materials! Moving onto the macro perspective. On the surface, OER seems to be an ideal solution to aid developing countries such as Africa and Afghanistan. Examples: Cheaper textbook costs and higher quality of teaching. However, Easter mentioned that the proliferation of free online resources available would result in a drop in OER quality. This problem would be magnified as developing countries would have a harder time filtering and locating relevant materials which are truly effective. Not to forget, due to the lack of internet access in developing countries, it drives the fundamental question of whether are the ones whom are truly in need of education benefiting from OER? Lastly, to what extent would transfer of learning truly takes place? As mentioned from Tonybates: you can’t just take content from one country and dump it into another and expect results. Perhaps educational institutions from developed countries may take distance learning into considerations and alter selected OER to ensure effectiveness of training in developing countries. To a certain extent, would OER and widen the poverty gap of developing countries since only developed countries get to reap the most out of open access? This leaves me to ponder about my previous stand, the disadvantages of open access in the area of global education shouldn’t be overlooked. Topic 5: What does the shift towards open access implies? Newsflash: Just barely 2 weeks ago, Lingua, a prominent linguistics journal lost a total of 37 editorial employees via resignation due to a disagreement over changing their business model to be a fully open access publication with the journal’s publisher, Elsevier. This is due to increasing concerns of institutional libraries unable to afford escalating subscription fees, a worrying trend, which is a disadvantage of open access. Academic publishers moving towards oligopoly in the digital era? Due to the popularity of open access, mergers and acquisition in academic publisher industry had increased. Five largest publishing houses combined control 50% of the market in 2015. “The world of academic publishing has been consolidated into a limited number of tightly controlled channels” Peter Mcpherson (Nov 3, 2015). Which is bad news for libraries and internet users like me as lesser competition would eventually lead to higher subscription costs for educational institution and more restrictions such as paywalls for consumers with the intention for them to increase their profit margins such as Elsevier. Harvard university raised concerns about these worrying trends. In topic 4, I had mentioned about user generated contents, a major disadvantage for anyone making their contents or materials available free online would be being prone to undesired outcomes such as not being cited or being a victim of plagiarism. It is only ethical for us to give recognition for other’s work! Open access would enhance the effectiveness of an individual’s informal learning process as there are more materials available at their disposal. It is definitely encouraged in businesses as it is a cost effective and efficient way of training employees. For example: Middle-aged employees whom wish to upgrade themselves besides training or part-time education grants offered by the firm, would be more inclined to research about particular topics to improve themselves. This give every single individuals a chance to gain more knowledge about a topic. In the aspect of society, it gives every individuals belonging to any of the income bracket a chance to gain in-depth knowledge about a topic of their interest instead of being put off by access fees and paywalls. In America, grants are given out from the nation’s taxes for researches to be conducted and perhaps due to social reasons, it encouraged the White House to review and announce a new US open-access policy. By making your content available online might perhaps be the start of your brand. Last month, I was invited to an alumni dinner and gained a little bit of insight to the concept of crowdfunding. Alphonso managed to kick start his brand through the exposure gained from posting his product idea online. A total of $39,213 AUD was pledged to bring his project to life and that was the start to Natsu Wallet. Open access had allowed plenty of internet users with brilliant ideas to gather feedback and attract venture capitalist to invest in their ideas. Dear readers, would you agree with me that the advantages of open access is too vital to be ignored today? Personally, I feel that the advantages of open access outweighs the negatives. Review of Topic 4: Should we embrace firms using social media unethically? For topic 4, I had touched on content marketing and UGC which revolve around creation, publishing and sharing contents in order to acquire and retain customers. Whereas competitive marketing reminds us on the importance of developing competitive insight and bringing it to our advantage. Tian Yi’s blog highlighted the importance of competitive marketing leading to public bashing of competitors. We have certain similarities in our stand – Using social media to bash competitors isn’t entirely a bad thing! Coca and Cola and Pepsi are locked in fierce battles as direct competitors described sometimes as “Cola Wars”. An example of integrating UGC into competitive marketing would be Pepsi creating a campaign urging customers to share reasons they prefer Pepsi MAX to Coke asking them to post it on social media such as Instagram and their mini-site offering prizes to the best entries. There might be questions to ethicality of the campaign but Pepsi had played their cards right as the consumer’s generated content based on their perception isn’t a representation of the company! No legal risks right there. Spectrum of Direct/Indirect Competition for Pepsi. Was it wrong of Pepsi to come up with a marketing campaign to create a better product image? Emilia’s blog mentioned a framework for moral decision making. Utilitarian approach is about us choosing the action that will produce the greatest benefits and the least harm which raises certain questions in my head. It would be naïve for a business to be confined into choosing the least harm for their competitors! Competition must exist even as we move onto the digital era. But of course, as she mentioned, the study of ethical approach can be taken by a firm to ensure success of a digital marketing campaign. Edging towards a macro perspective, my stand remains unchanged: Society should embrace firms using social media unethically as marketing strategies which involves the use of social media such as user generated contents and online bashing of competitors is a sign of competition which should be encouraged in the aspect of business. Topic 4: Is it Ethical for Brands to incorporate user generated contents under their names? Consumers can be content creators of today. GoPro’s content marketing strategies encourages and attract users to generate contents for them with a webpage to showcase the most captivating videos captured by their users. In return, they promise global exposure and monetary incentives for the best videos in competitions such as the annual GoPro awards. As cultural theorist Henry Jenkins (2006) once cited that: ‘Audiences, empowered by new technologies, occupying a space at the intersection between old and new media, are demanding the right to participate within the culture’. From my perspective, that was the rise of social media and digital residents whom are also the sources of user generated contents today. From a marketing point of view, user generated contents should never be ignored especially for B2C firms with strong branding presences. Instead of us creating content, why not actively encourage content creation, giving consumers a platform for communications and engagements just like Coach and Burberry? UGC had changed the landscape for content marketing and it is the upcoming trend for majority of the B2C firms in the upcoming year of 2016. Content Marketing Institute’s 2015 Benchmark, Budgets and Trends reports that 48% of the B2B firms and 70% of B2C firms are currently or planning to engage in UGC within next year. How and why are user generated contents effective? Here is an overview of the statistics. Exploiting from the online community? There are outcries from creative circles labeling UGC as “WFF” – Working For Free. Which is true to a certain extent, considering that crowdsourcing campaigns rewards the “top of the crops” and the winners are very likely to be individuals whom had experiences or exceptional talents in the relevant fields such as designing and photography. A growing concern for creators is how are they expected to make a living if their work are made available for free? The time and effort spend by all the participants combined are not taken into considerations and organizations get to reap further benefits by storing participants’ work or ideas as valuable references or data to work on future projects. There are criticisms of media corporations exploiting amateur creators by committing them to relinquish the rights of their creations and taking commercial advantage of “user-generated content”. However, I felt that the benefits of user generated contents outweighs the ethical issues highlighted above. For marketers, UGC may be utilized for a successful marketing campaign and brings forth several advantages such as cost effectiveness of a marketing strategy and enhancing brand loyalty for a firm. For creative circles, despite potential ethical issues arising, these opportunities had also created a platform for them to gain visibility and to gauge if their works would attract attention! It also creates networking opportunities, gaining reputation through increased followers which might arguably be better for the long run especially for amateur designers or creators to build on their portfolio. Dear readers, what are your views on this topic? Review of topic 3: What does an authentic and professional online identity implies for politicians? Are all digital platform truly effective? Upon reviewing Edward’s blog, I was really captivated by his style of blogging by drawing reader’s attention through his personal experiences as well as linking to the area of Singapore affairs. It reminded me of a news article with regards to a Singapore politician, Ms Tin Pei Ling. Ms Tin faced several criticisms for posting a selfie with her new Kate Spade Bag on FaceBook in year 2011. Majority deemed her image as non-professional and condemned her action through online petitions in an attempt to kick her out from the parliament! Despite the Petition in 2011, she managed to make a comeback through social media once again by upholding a professional and matured image as a politician. Edward‘s post had broadened my scope of research by understanding that there is an increased emphasis for influential figures such as politicians, educators and religion pastors to maintain an authentic and professional online identity simply by observing social trends or the news. Hence, a point which I had failed to mention for topic 3 earlier- be extremely caution of what you post! Technology advancements such as cloud data had made it impossible, something which I had learnt as a marketing student. On the other hand, Siew Woon’s blog had moved into the area of questioning the effectiveness of digital platform these days. A very creative post through utilization of GIFs and various interaction medias, she had approached the topic from a very unique perspective. Just like every ‘tools’ in a garage, every digital platform has its strength and shortcomings in areas of recruitment. For example: Blogging might had opened up potential spaces for you to ‘present’ more of yourself, but just like a double edged knife, the probability of you posting something negative increases and what are the chances of you really getting noticed by a chief executive of a big firm at the first place? Could it be that a certain mix of digital platforms create a better synergy such as the theory behind integrated marketing communications? An intriguing thought. To end off my reflection, I would like to link back to my topic 2, where I had mentioned about authenticity previously. From a marketing point of view, anonymity and authenticity would result in positives outcomes and hence should be encouraged! On the contrary, from an entrepreneur and job recruiter’s perspective, it is a must to display an authenticity and professional online identity.
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According to current practice, the Saudi trademark office requires a commercial registration certificate from local entities along with the trademark application. It is not a requirement to provide evidence of use or statement of intention to use a trademark. The new trademark law has extended the subject matter of trademarks in Saudi Arabia. The law provides a non-exhaustive list of registrable trademarks. Anything with distinctive character can be a trademark, such as names, words, signatures, letters, symbols, numbers, titles, stamps, drawings, pictures, inscriptions, packaging, figurative elements, shapes or colours, groups of colours, or combinations thereof, or any sign or a group of signs used or intended to be used to distinguish the goods or services of one undertaking from the goods or services of another undertaking or intended to identify a service or as a certification mark in respect of goods or services. For the first time in Saudi Arabia, the law has explicitly recognised smells and sounds as trademarks. The test of distinctiveness will, however, be applicable in each case, which may be strictly applied in the case of non-conventional trademarks. Presently there is no standard approach to three-dimensional trademarks other than in some cases (eg, shapes of bottles are registered in Saudi Arabia). In the new law, the inclusion of the term ‘packaging’ in the subject matter of a trademark seems to be an attempt to include three-dimensional marks. marks that contain the following words or phrases: ‘Patent’, ‘Patented’, ‘Registered’, ‘Registered drawing’ or ‘copyright’ or similar words and phrases. In practice, certain goods and services, inter alia, having religious connotation such as a Christmas tree, or prohibited under shariah law, for example, bars, dance clubs and any product or service with a reference to alcohol cannot be covered under trademark registration. In Saudi Arabia, common law rights are not recognised. Trademark rights are acquired only after registration of trademarks. The quasi-judicial bodies and courts in Saudi Arabia are reluctant to recognise unregistered trademark rights. The exception to this rule is only for well-known trademarks. There is a heavy burden of proof upon the claimant of a well-known mark to establish the fame of a mark in Saudi Arabia, and the law specifies the requirement. The fame of a trademark will be determined by different factors, including the recognition of the mark in the eyes of the consumers concerned, the length of the period of use or registration in the case of a registered mark, the number of international registrations and the commercial impact it has produced in the markets. If a claimant is able to provide sufficient evidence in court, rights over an unregistered well-known mark can be recognised. The online registration process in Saudi Arabia is relatively fast track. The registration process from filing to issuance of registration may take up to four months. The estimated time may increase in the case of office actions issued by trademark office, which may include a condition of disclaimer, deletion of certain terms and amendment of the trademark. In the case of opposition, the estimated time may be further delayed by nine to 12 months. The documentation required for filing of trademark application is legalised power of attorney up to the Saudi consulate and notarisation in case of a Saudi entity, a clear image of the trademark, priority document if priority is claimed and a commercial registration certificate for Saudi applicants in some cases. According to the online procedure, the first step is to upload a power of attorney for examination by the trademark office. After acceptance of the power of attorney, which does not usually take more than half a working day, a further process for application can be initiated. The trademark office does not consider uploading of the power of attorney as the initiation of the filing process, and this, in some (rare) cases, has the effect of missing the deadline for claiming priority. It is therefore not recommended to apply for trademarks with a priority claim on the deadline of a priority claim. The total official cost from filing to registration of one trademark in one class, without opposition, is US$2,405. Attorney fees may vary. Saudi Arabia has adopted the international Nice Classifications. The online portal for filing applications substantially includes all goods and services as provided under the international Nice Classification. However, to ensure that prohibited goods and services are not covered by trademark applications, the Saudi trademark office has either removed some such goods or services from the online portal or the portal is programmed in such a way that it is not possible to select such prohibited goods or services, even if available. As mentioned in question 2, prohibited goods or services, inter alia, include goods or services with a religious connotation, such as a Christmas tree, or those prohibited under shariah law, for example, bars, dance clubs and any product or service with a reference to alcohol. Under the trademark law effective from 27 September 2016, there is provision for multi-class filings; however, the trademark office is yet to issue the procedure and cost for filing such applications. there is a condition to put a disclaimer on certain descriptive terms. The applicant may respond with the required amendment, and the trademark office may issue an acceptance or refusal decision. Failure to respond within the stipulated period may lead to the refusal of the trademark. It is possible, although very rare, that the trademark office may issue a second chance to amend the mark. Letters of consent or coexistence agreements generally are not acceptable. In special cases, they may be acceptable. Since the filing procedure from start to end is online, it is therefore usually not possible to submit arguments to the trademark office. The applicants or their legal representatives can visit the trademark office to discuss any objections raised by the trademark office, but this is not stipulated procedure. Once a trademark is accepted, it is published on the website of the Ministry of Commerce and Investment, usually on the same day of acceptance. The 2016 law changed the opposition period from 90 days to 60 days. If no opposition is filed, the applicant will be asked to submit a registration fee for issuance of an online registration certificate. It is not a requirement of law to provide evidence of actual use or undertaking of intention to use for filing application; therefore the applicant is not required to submit such document. Non-use of a registered trademark during any five-year consecutive period renders it vulnerable to cancellation action. A registered trademark can be cancelled by third-party action on the basis of non-use before a competent court. An action of non-use can be defended if the registrant provides reasonable justification for non-use. Acceptable justification may be reasons beyond the control of the registrant such as during war, import sanctions or any other justifiable reason that can prove that the registrant had no intention of stopping using the registered mark. A single invoice has been accepted as sufficient evidence to defeat a non-use cancellation action in Saudi Arabia. Saudi trademark law does not define what constitutes ‘use’ of a trademark. Being a member of the Paris Convention, Saudi Arabia grants a right of priority to applications filed in convention states within a period of six months post filing. Substantial similarity of a priority application with the application filed in Saudi Arabia and within the same class is a condition of claiming priority. Minor amendments in later trademarks are allowed. An appeal can be filed against a refusal decision and also against the imposition of conditions by the trademark office, within 60 days of issuance of the refusal decision or imposition of conditions. Appeals are filed with the trademark office in writing form. Within the 30-day period for filing an appeal, the trademark committee will provide a copy of the appeal statement to the applicant for submission of a written reply within 60 days. The committee may also conduct hearings upon request filed by either party in the appeal, provided that the prescribed fee is payable by the party requesting the hearing. Fees are applicable for filing oppositions and for each hearing request. The decision of the trademark committee can be appealed by the aggrieved party to the Administrative Court within a 60-day period. The Administrative Court issues a hearing notice to both parties and conducts hearings. Both parties will submit written arguments and rebuttals. There are no court fees applicable in Saudi Arabia. A decision of the Administrative Court can be further appealed before the Court of Appeal. The Court of Appeal may either reject the appeal or remand the case back to the Administrative Court, along with observations. In case of refusal of appeal, the Court of Appeal will issue a written judgment, which will be final and enforceable. There is only one hearing conducted in the Court of Appeal and that is on the day of pronouncing judgments only. If a case is remanded back to the Administrative Court with observation, the Administrative Court may reconduct hearings by issuance of notice to both parties. The Administrative Court may reverse its judgment or maintain its earlier judgment. In either case, the judgment will be appealable to the Court of Appeal by the aggrieved party. Accepted applications are published on the website of the Ministry of Commerce and Investment for a period of 60 days. Within this period, the application is open to opposition by third parties. Under the new law, opposition can be filed with the trademark office in physical form. It is expected that an online portal may be created for filing online oppositions. Oppositions can be filed on the basis of legal justification, which can be earlier registered trademark rights or an earlier pending application in Saudi Arabia. Oppositions can also be filed on the basis of rights established by unregistered well-known marks having fame in Saudi Arabia. Other than earlier conflicting registered trademarks or applications, it is also possible to file opposition on the basis of any legal provisions that prohibit registration of certain marks in Saudi Arabia (eg, indistinctiveness, being contrary to public order and morality, based on religious connotations, covering prohibited goods or services, exclusionary subject matter) or challenging the competence of the applicant to acquire registration in Saudi Arabia. Within the 30-day period of filing opposition, the trademark office will provide a copy of the opposition statement to the applicant for submission of a written reply within 60 days. Hearings may also be conducted upon a request filed by either party to the opposition provided that the prescribed fee is payable by the party requesting the hearing. Fees are applicable for each hearing request. The decision of the trademark opposition committee can be appealed by the aggrieved party to the Administrative Court within a 30-day period. The decision of the Administrative Court can be further appealed before the Court of Appeal. The procedure for adjudication of a dispute by the Administrative Court and Court of Appeal is discussed in question 8. It is possible to challenge the existing registration of a trademark. A cancellation action can be initiated within a period of five years of registration by any concerned party on the basis of a prior use claim and by proving that registration was not acquired in good faith or on the plea that the trademark was not lawfully registered. Such actions will, however, not be maintainable after completion of five years of registration and use with no legal action commenced against such registration. In cancellation actions initiated by the owners of well-known marks, the extent of their fame in Saudi Arabia has to be established. Other than a case initiated on the basis of a well-known mark, it is very difficult to cancel a registered trademark in Saudi Arabia on the basis of earlier unregistered trademark rights. The total inclusive fee for opposition before trademark committee may be in a range of US$2,000 to 2,500. The attorney fee for a cancellation action in court may range from US$15,000 to US$25,000. There are no court fees in Saudi Arabia. The duration of trademark registration is for 10 hijrah years. The hijrah (lunar) year applicable in Saudi Arabia is 11 days shorter than the Gregorian year. To maintain registration, the registrant shall file renewal during the last year of expiry. There is a six-month grace period post expiry of trademark, with an additional fee payable as penalty. After the six-month grace period, the trademark will be declared cancelled and further renewals will not be possible. As per Saudi trademark law, an expired mark cannot be registered in favour of any third party for a period of three years post expiry or cancellation. Use of the trademark is required in order to avoid non-use cancellation action by any third parties. Continuous non-use for five consecutive years makes a registered mark vulnerable to cancellation action. Saudi trademark law does not define ‘use’; however, in a true legal sense, a registered trademark will be considered as used if the registered trademark or substantially similar mark is used on all or any of the goods and services covered under the registration. A single invoice has been accepted as sufficient evidence of use to defeat a non-use cancellation action in Saudi Arabia. there are no common-law rights. The only exception is well-known marks, which places a heavy burden of proof upon a claimant to declare the mark as well known in Saudi Arabia. Recordal of a trademark licence with the trademark office is optional in Saudi Arabia. Under the new trademark law, non-recordal does not have any legal detriment. From the point of view of enforcement of trademark in relation to third parties, it is always advisable to record a licence agreement for easy recognition of the licensee’s right to legal action by the Saudi courts. Recordal of licence also provides better protection to the licensee. A licensee of a recorded licence can object to the removal of a licence from the trademark register on proper grounds. A registered trademark can be assigned, wholly or partly, to any third party competent to acquire a registered trademark in Saudi Arabia. A trademark may be assigned with or without goodwill. Ownership of a registered trademark can also be transferred by will and succession. In order to make a trademark assignment effective in relation to a third party, it is mandatory to record the assignment with the trademark office. In transactions of transfer of ownership of actual business or investment projects, trademarks have been declared as an integral part of such transactions; however, even in such cases, it is not mandatory to assignment the trademark; the parties to transactions can agree otherwise. certified Arabic translation of power of attorney. Trademark assignment is examined by the trademark office and published in the Online Gazette. After publication, a trademark certificate is issued in the name of the assignee. This whole process may take up to two months, occasionally delayed. Saudi trademark law provides that in order to make the assignment of a trademark effective in relation to a third party, it is mandatory to record the assignment with the trademark office. The consequence of non-recordal of assignment is clearly provided in the law. As far as validity of assignment is concerned, it cannot be effected owing to non-recordal. However, it is in the interest of both assignor and assignee to record the assignment with the trademark office. Security interest is recognised and notarised, or legalised security interest can be recorded against a registered trademark. Security interest, unless recorded with the trademark office and published, shall not be deemed effective in relation to third parties. The law does not provide any marking as such. In practice, however, it is common to use the ® sign for a registered trademark. For an indication of trademark use, the ™ symbol is used; however, this is not common practice in Saudi Arabia. Use of the ® sign provides an indication to other parties that the mark is exclusively registered and not free to use. However, use of the ® sign is not a requirement to initiate infringement action, and non-use cannot be pleaded as a defence against infringement if otherwise infringement is established. Indication of an unregistered mark as a registered mark is a punishable offence in Saudi trademark law; therefore use of the ® sign for an unregistered mark may be risky from this perspective. There are two types of proceedings available in Saudi Arabia for trademark infringement actions: administrative action and court action. Administrative action can be initiated before the Anti Commercial Fraud Department (ACFD) in Riyadh. The ACFD has recently introduced a centralised complaint management system, and therefore a complaint can be filed with the ACFD headquarters in Riyadh against infringement occurring in any Saudi city. The ACFD requires evidence of infringement in the form of a sample of genuine and infringing products, purchase bills from outlets selling infringing products and the address of the location. The process includes submission of an online complaint along with evidence, study of the case by the ACFD, raids on outlets offering infringing products and destruction of the infringing products. Although the ACFD operates under its own law (Anti Commercial Fraud Law), in some of the court’s judgments trademark infringement cases were dismissed and plaintiffs were advised to first resort to administrative procedure. The court also stated in its (debatable) judgment that any trademark infringement case will be premature and not maintainable if, prior to filing an infringement action, administrative action was not taken by the trademark owners. Administrative procedures are usually speedy, and in cases of prima facie infringement ACFD inspectors may conclude complaints within a two-month period. Apart from administrative action, trademark infringement actions can also be filed with commercial courts in Saudi Arabia. In each type of action, registration of trademark is a precondition for success. Unregistered rights are not recognised in Saudi Arabia except in the case of well-known trademarks, in which case the plaintiff is under a heavy burden of proof. Border control measures are considered as a very effective approach in Saudi Arabia. The customs authorities in Saudi Arabia have set up a procedure to record registered trademarks with customs for vigilance in all upcoming consignments of imports into Saudi Arabia. The customs authorities will stop, either on their own suspicion or by request filed by trademark owner, any suspected shipment, and will contact the registered trademark owner or its legal representative to confirm whether the suspected held products are genuine or counterfeit. Customs authorities are cooperative in this procedure and usually share pictures of suspected products very quickly and, where required, samples are also provided for the purpose of confirmation. In any case, the trademark owner is obliged to initiate a case before a competent court within 10 days for the issuance of the order to destroy the imported goods or remove them from the channel of business. Goods harmful to public health and the environment are usually destroyed. knowingly possessing tools or material intended to be used in the imitation of registered trademarks or famous trademarks. Infringement proceedings are initiated by submitting a statement of claims to a competent court, or an online complaint before the administrative authority in the case of administrative action. In court proceedings, statements of claims will be served upon the defendants with instructions to submit a written statement on the date of the scheduled hearing. In Saudi Arabia, litigation is conducted through an exchange of written documents and oral arguments. In the case of technical matters, the judge can appoint an expert to submit his or her advice on any specific issue, although it is not the usual practice of courts. Oral testimony is acceptable as evidence. The case is decided by a presiding judge. Criminal proceedings in trademark cases are initiated by a public prosecutor upon the recommendation of the ACFD. Saudi criminal procedure law is applicable to all criminal proceedings. In Saudi Arabia trademark rights are acquired through registration; therefore a registration certificate is sine qua non to bring an infringement action. It is also the duty of the plaintiff to establish confusing similarity. In the case of unregistered well-known trademarks, the plaintiff is under an additional burden to prove that the mark is famous. The new trademark law stipulates the criteria for establishing the fame of a trademark, which are the extent of its recognition by the concerned consumers as a result of its promotion, the length of period of registration or use thereof, the number of countries of registration or fame or the value of the mark and the extent of its impact in the promotion of goods or services that the mark is used to distinguish. In any action based on a well-known mark, all the above elements shall be proved by the plaintiff. If a well-known mark is actually used in Saudi Arabia, it is usually very convincing in proceedings. The owner of a registered trademark or a licensee, authorised under agreement to do so, may bring a civil trademark infringement action if any third party has commercially exploited the registered trademark without authorisation. A criminal complaint may be initiated by the ACFD if, inter alia, the trademark infringement also has elements of fraud to consumers. The ACFD may initiate such actions suo moto or on a complaint submitted by the rights holder. In the latter case, the ACFD will examine the presence of criminal elements independently. In such cases, foreign activities outside Saudi Arabia should establish cause of action in Saudi Arabia. Any unauthorised exploitation of registered trademarks through activities done outside the jurisdiction of Saudi Arabia will establish actionable cause if such goods are attempted to be imported into Saudi Arabia. The Saudi customs department has a strong mechanism of border control. Any suspected infringing or counterfeit goods are seized at the border, either by a complaint or on the initiative of customs officials. The customs officials will communicate with the rights holder or its authorised representative (recorded with custom) to confirm the status of the seized goods. In the case of counterfeit goods, the consignment is seized at the border and the customs department will initiate a procedure to destroy the goods or remove them from commercial channels. There are no legal provisions in place for a discovery procedure. In practice, discovery of fact or discovery of documents is not possible in legal proceedings. The judge can, however, depending on the circumstances, ask any party to produce certain documents, but the law does not oblige litigating parties to produce them. The time frame for litigation varies from case to case. Preliminary injunction proceedings can be concluded within two months. At trial level, it may take 12 to 16 months. Appeals before the Court of Appeal are usually concluded within four to six months. Administrative infringement actions can be concluded within three to four months. A typical infringement action may cost from US$15,000 to US$25,000 before Saudi courts. Administrative actions before ACFD usually cost from US$5,000 to US$7,000. The award of damages is possible only in theory. Although Saudi trademark law has provisions on the award of damages, the Saudi courts follow shariah (Islamic) principles on damages. Under the Islamic principle, the damages should be actual, quantifiable and not based on speculation. Reputational damages are not recognised under this principle. The heavy burden of proof upon the plaintiff makes it difficult to establish damages to the satisfaction of the court, and in practice damages are not awarded. In infringement and cancellation actions, the decision of the first instance court can be appealed by the aggrieved party before the Court of Appeal. The Court of Appeal may either reject the appeal or remand the case back to the first instance court along with observations. In the case of a refusal of appeal, the Court of Appeal will issue a written judgment, which will be final and enforceable. See questions 8 and 9 for the appeal process in trademark refusals and opposition proceedings. if the infringement action is brought by the owner of unregistered well-known marks, the defendant can dispute the fame of the well-known mark in Saudi Arabia. A successful infringement case, whether administrative or in court, can end up in the issuance of an order to destroy the infringing goods. The actual damages and lost profits can be considered for apportionment of monetary relief, but in practice this is rarely granted. Award of damages or monetary relief is possible only in theory. Although Saudi trademark law has provisions on the award of damages, Saudi courts follow shariah principles on damages. Under the Islamic principle, the damages should be actual, quantifiable and not based on speculation. Reputational damages are not recognised under this principle. The heavy burden of proof upon the plaintiff makes it difficult to establish damages to the satisfaction of the court, and in practice damages or monetary relief are not awarded. Interim injunctions are available in law, but in practice hardly granted by Saudi courts. Application for interim injunctions should be based on a prima facie case, which should include proof of trademark registration, and prima facie infringement of the registered trademark. Where the nature of imitation is such that a question of similarity between the marks may be subject to consideration, an interim injunction will not be granted. Depending on the offence committed, monetary punishments can be between 1,000 and 1 million Saudi riyals. A recidivist can be punished with double punishments as provided for specific offences and reoffending may also lead to temporary closure of his or her business. ADR is highly encouraged under Islamic principles. Mediation and arbitration between parties to disputes is encouraged in all forms of litigation and has strong roots in shariah law and traditions. Arbitration in Saudi Arabia is governed under the new Law of Arbitration, issued by Royal Decree No. M/34, which is based on the UNCITRAL Model Law on international commercial arbitration, although not a verbatim adoption. Under this law, parties can exclude the jurisdiction of Saudi courts to take cognisance of a dispute between parties. Recourse to arbitration may save the parties time in a dispute and they may select a specialised arbitrator who has the relevant knowledge and skill to settle a dispute. The parties can adopt the language of the proceedings and place of arbitration. A notable concern is that the provisions of an arbitration agreement, either separately executed or by reference in a main agreement, cannot exclude the jurisdiction of Saudi courts on the invalidation proceedings of awards. The law provides a list of provisions for bringing an invalidation action; therefore, bearing in mind the Saudi legal system, there is always an element of uncertainty in the enforcement of awards, especially where the arbitration was held outside Saudi Arabia or by application of a non-Saudi law. Saudi trademark law has provisions on criteria to establish a well-known trademark. According to the law, the fame of the mark shall be determined by the extent of its recognition by the concerned consumers as a result of its promotion, the length of period of registration or use thereof, the number of countries of registration or the fame or the value of the mark and the extent of its impact in the promotion of goods or services which the mark is used to distinguish. Subject to the above provisions, a well-known trademark can be enforced against infringers if the use of the mark were to indicate a connection between the goods or services required to be distinguished by it and the goods or services of the owner of the well-known mark or the use of the mark would lead to the possibility of damage to the owner of the well-known mark. Saudi courts also recognise provisions of multilateral intellectual property conventions and agreements relating to well-known marks. well-known marks, whether registered or unregistered, are enforceable against a third party’s infringement. the Saudi government announced the establishment of a new IP Authority in March 2017. The Saudi Intellectual Property Authority (SIPA) is considered one of the initiatives of the Trade and Investment System within the National Transformation Program 2020. The Trade and Investment System has worked to bring SIPA into existence and has set up the regularity arrangements to enable the authority to achieve its objectives. This is all with a view to the unification, under one umbrella, of the competent authorities that have a direct relation to the protection of intellectual property rights in the Kingdom. Kadasa was founded 30 years ago by the renowned Saudi attorney Nassir Ali Kadasa in Riyadh, the Saudi Capital, under Associated Patent Attorneys. Mr Kadasa has the distinction of being the first Saudi attorney to prosecute and win an infringement lawsuit on behalf of a foreign entity against a national infringer.
Dr. Forwood received a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Pennsylvania State University (Penn State). He was employed for four years as a mechanical engineer before entering dental school. Dr. Forwood received his dental degree and completed a residency in orthodontics at the University of Pennsylvania. He practiced orthodontics in Massachusetts before returning to the University of Pennsylvania to serve as a Clinical Director of Orthodontics from 1980 to 1984. He has served on the faculty as an Assistant Clinical Professor of Orthodontics since 1980. He is a member of several professional organizations, including the American Association of Orthodontists, the Pennsylvania Dental Association, and the American Dental Association. In addition, Dr. Forwood sponsors three local baseball teams, the American Cancer Society Relay For Life, the Sunshine Foundation Sunshine Run, and numerous school theatrical productions. Dr. Forwood is married and has three children and 6 grandchildren. Dr. Christie grew up with a passion for science and dentistry having the opportunity to watch her father, Dr. Forwood, transform people’s smiles since she was a child. Dr. Christie grew up in Wallingford and graduated from Strath Haven high school in 1996. In 2000, she received a B.S. in Biology with a Minor in Psychology from Lehigh University. After graduating from Lehigh, she spent two years teaching special needs children at the Ivymount School in Rockville, MD. In 2002 she began dental school at the University of Pennsylvania and received her doctorate in dental medicine in 2006. She continued at the University of Pennsylvania for her orthodontic residency and was awarded the Department of Orthodontics Outstanding Research award at the completion of the program. Her research on palatal expansion was published in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics in April 2010. Dr. Christie has been a Clinical Associate professor of Orthodontics at the University of Pennsylvania since 2012. She is a member of the American Association of Orthodontists, the Pennsylvania Dental Association, the American Dental Association, and the Dental Society of Chester and Delaware County. Dr. Christie is married, has two daughters and can often be found jogging outdoors and loves the sun shine, warm weather and traveling with her family. Dr. Christie’s passion is to create beautiful smiles while treating every patient as a member of our family. Her goal is to bring joy, kindness and compassion throughout the process so that orthodontics can be an overall positive experience for all. Dr. Drane is a native of southern New Jersey and a lover of all things Philadelphia. He attended the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, where he received a B.A. in the Biological Basis of Behavior with a Minor in Psychology. A 4-year varsity letter winner in Sprint Football, Dr. Drane was also an Academic All-Ivy Award Winner. His educational journey continued at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, where he was president of the American Student Dental Association during his junior year. He graduated from dental school in 2012, at which time he was awarded two departmental honors, a corporate scholarship award, along with his D.M.D. degree. Dr. Drane then completed a two-year residency in orthodontics at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Dental Medicine in 2014. He is currently a Clinical Associate professor of Orthodontics at the University of Pennsylvania. Having been through orthodontic treatment as an adult (treatment that included jaw surgery), Dr. Drane fully understands the value of a healthy bite and smile. The ability of orthodontics to impart a positive impact on someone’s life is what initially drew Dr. Drane to the profession, but he also truly enjoys the balance of art and science within the profession. When he is not in the office, Dr. Drane enjoys spending time with his wife and 3 young daughters. They live in the community with their rescue dog Wilson. Dr. Drane enjoys many outdoor activities, including skiing, mountain biking, and playing golf when time allows. He is an avid Philadelphia sports fan and especially enjoys talking Eagles football. He also may have a slight obsession with wacky socks. We are committed to providing you with the best orthodontic care possible. We have a friendly, outgoing staff comprised of skilled and knowledgeable professionals. We are proud to deliver efficient, individualized care in a treatment atmosphere that is private for both adults and children. I have worked in dentistry since 1983 and started working for Dr. Forwood in 1988 and presently, I have the pleasure of working for Dr. Christie and Dr. Drane as well. My duties are mainly those of office manager and administrative support. I am happy to be working in the innovative field of orthodontics and I love being a member of the team. Outside the office, I enjoy spending time with my husband, Mike, and visiting my two married children and their families. I am always glad to be able to play with my grandchildren or my Shetland Sheep dog, Stormy. Cooking, knitting are my favorite hobbies and I am always ready to try new recipes or knitting projects. Singing with my church choir is also something that I enjoy. I have been with Forwood & Christie Orthodontics since 1995. I am a licensed expanded function dental assistant. I particularly enjoy working in Orthodontics. I love to see the beautiful, healthy smiles at the end of treatment. I have had the pleasure of assisting and managing our imaging program over the years. I currently help the doctors prepare for our consults with our new patients, and work in insurance and billing for our practice. I am blessed to love my job. My husband, and I have been married since 1991 and have a son. We also have an adorable mini schnauzer who thinks he is the star of the family! We enjoy spending time in the Poconos. Cheering our son on at his various school activities. I also enjoying the volunteer work I provide for our church. I am a huge fan of all the Philadelphia sport teams. I entered the dental field in 1985 and I’ve had a variety of assignments, from insurance, billing and dental assisting to administrative duties. I have worked for Dr. Forwood since 2004. I’m extremely happy to be working in the orthodontic field, and I try to make a difference in each patient’s life by treating each with the utmost respect and care. I always offer patients a kind word and a smile when they visit us. My husband Ty and I have been married since 1985. We have an adult son, Cordell and a pit bull, Ginger. I love reading and spending time with my family, extended family and friends. I am also very active at our church, which Ginger attends with me regularly. I have been working for Forwood & Christie since the fall of 2007. Before joining the practice, I worked in the medical field as a receptionist for 18 years. I worked first for a family practice and then for a general surgeon. Orthodontics is a new and exciting experience for me. I am really enjoying meeting and greeting all the patients. My husband Mike and I have been married since 1972. We have three grown and married children. We love spending time with our 6 grandchildren. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family, friends, and my two dogs. I also like to knit, read, cook and crochet. I have been enjoying interacting with both the adult and young patients, getting to know them, and making them feel comfortable in our office. I begin my career in dentistry in 1984. I graduated from Health Careers Academy in Cherry Hill, NJ. I have been working for Forwood & Christie Orthodontics since the summer of 2014. Before joining the practice I worked as a General Dental Assistant for 18 years, then I decided to specialize in Orthodontics as an Orthodontic Assistant. I have been an Orthodontic Assistant for 14 years and I love it. I am also trained as an Appointment Coordinator, I enjoy the interactions with the patients, both children and adults. Outside the office I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I have a daughter (Dana), and a son (Earnest) both are grown and married. I have two grandsons and one grandson on the way, he’ll be born in March 2018! I am so excited! I love to sing, I am very active at my church and I sing on the church choir. I began working in general dentistry in 1986. I started working in orthodontics in 1988 and I have worked for Dr. Forwood since 1990. I enjoy working in the office because I meet a lot of nice people, and I enjoy participating in the creation of their beautiful smiles. I have been married to my husband Bob since 1996. We have two daughters, Katelyn and Erica, a stepson Bobby and a daughter-in-law, Kaytee. We also have two grandchildren, Payton and Brogan. I enjoy spending time with my family and traveling to the beaches. I started my career in dentistry at a pediatric dental office in 2004. I graduated from an Expanded Functions Dental Assisting program in 2010. I joined Dr. Forwood and Dr. Christie shortly thereafter. Joining the practice has brought me much pleasure and joy. I value interacting with patients and seeing the change orthodontic treatment can make. I have two sons, Aiden and Gavin. Outside of the office, I enjoy spending time with my family, gardening, trips to the beach and watching football. Go Eagles! I graduated from the expanded function dental assistant program at Allstate career school in 2011, I started working for a general dentist shortly after graduating. I was offered an amazing opportunity at Forwood and Christie Orthodontics where I started my career in 2015. I’ve grown and learned so much working here and enjoy helping patients fall in love with their smiles. Outside of the office I enjoy reading, watching football and traveling. I have worked for Dr. Forwood since 1999. Before I joined Dr. Forwood’s staff, I was a pediatric dental assistant. I enjoy orthodontics and helping the patient feel comfortable about their treatment. I am married and have three grown and married children. We enjoy spending time with our many grandchildren. I am very active in my church and my hobbies include sailing, cooking and shopping. I also enjoy making jewelry in my spare time. I love being a grandmother! I began working for Dr. Forwood in 2000. My duties are insurance/patient information coordination. I enjoy water color painting, gardening, learning Italian and traveling to Italy.
Looking for an events design? Eventfull is here and brings you two beautiful themes to choose from in one package. We have styled Eventfull to fit either a business/tech conference event or an athletic one. The design also incorporates the new full page scroll option that is being added to the Vertex framework. We have also added an option to enable a floating menu for the tablet/mobile version of Vertex.В This month brings a few other nice touches. Google maps has been updated to now give you 3 options: default, light gray and dark gray. You can choose between either the standard S5 Flex menu or the S5 Overlay menu. S5 Tab Show incorpated with some custom coding to bring you a layout perfect for your next event. Use the most powerful material for your business! Professional level Ready - closed paths, no overlaps, no intersecting objects, no crossed lines. Laser Engraving, Screen Printing, Routing & Laser Engraving, Large Format Printing. Ambient is a fresh, and modernВ business Joomla templateВ that can be used for any kind of website. Its unique side menu system allows for better organization of your content, while providing a unique layout for your visitors. The header area features an html5 video with overlay text to attract your visitor's attention. Many S5 extensions were used this month including: S5 Tab Show to organize customer quotes and business information, S5 Vertical Accordion to consolidate page text, S5 Popup Contact to provide a quick way for your customers to get in touch, and more.В In addition to these great features you can also set the column area to light or dark, and select your own custom highlight colors to easily match your company's color scheme. General Contractor is great for any type of labor service such as a plumber, handyman, mason, electrician and construction company. The template is designed with elements key to any of these labor services. The phone and email are placed in the top right along with the Request a Quote area which leads your users down to the contact form. The layout is simple and flows through the major points a service type business would need.В We've included the Masonry module on the design so you can easily display your latest projects on the homepage by just publishing a new article with an image. As always we include some theme specific items such as custom color and custom fonts. Game World brings your gaming site to the next level of design. Whether it's for a clan website, gaming backgrounds or just an informational site, Game World gives you everything you need for a successful and professional website. Game World comes with a transparent header and top row area, so that you can highlight your amazing pictures in the S5 Image and Content Fader and the top background image option, where you can set your own custom background image.В This month we have added a new zoom in feature to our popular S5 Image and Content Fader. This feature is fully customizable, and allows you to set the size and speed of the zoom. This template also highlights other great extensions such as: S5 Media Player, S5 Tab Show, S5 Masonry, S5 Vertical Accordion, and more. Welcome to the Charlestown template! A modern, clean and beautiful template designed for any township or city. We've included all the features you would need for a website like this. We've used the Joomla articles module for the upcoming meetings and alerts area. Our S5 Masonry module has some new features and is a great tool for outputting the lastest news in the community. The Quick Links area gives individuals easy access to the most used links they'll need.В The design also includes the ability to choose between a wrapped layout with a light gray body background as shown on the demo or a full width version. This is the first time we've included a feature like this and it gives you the ultimate in flexibilty and choice for your site layout. BlogBox uses aesthetics and great functionality to publish content for authors, bloggers and publishers. Every blog is built around content and for this reason BlogBox focuses mainly on large article areas to present your content in an easy to read and aesthetically pleasing way. Each article in a blog or featured layout can have full width intro images. If you don't want a full width column you can use the default Joomla column settings as well. Alternatively, you can use the S5 Masonry module, which is also stylized for the homepage to display articles in columns of various lengths. In addition to these great layout options, we have also stylized, and demo, the default Tags component for articles.В This month we have also launched a new S5 Disqus Comments plugin. This plugin will add Disqus powered comments to any article of your website. In addition to this, many extensions have been stylized to match the elegant design of BlogBox. The Campus LifeВ responsive Joomla templateВ is packed with all the features you need to setup any college, university or education style website. The front page includes all the necessary areas that an education site may include and displays them in a clean, well organized fashion. Along with all the front page features, we've also added some CSS overrides for theВ Kunena forum. The Kunena Forum integration can be seen on the "forum" menu item.В We've included multiple extensions that have CSS styling added to them and a few custom areas of HTML that are all documented on the "Tutorials" menu item on the demo. The S5 Masonry module got a slight update that gives you the option to output the category an item is published to. Business Line is an extremely powerful, corporate, and general businessВ Joomla template. Its design and unique styling allow you to showcase and organize important content to your website visitors in the best way possible. The header area of the design features a heavily custom Image and Content Fader which will attract your visitor's attention. Further down the page you will find areas where you can showcase a company's services, testimonials, staff, statistics, and much more.В This month we are also releasing V4 of our very popular Image and Content Fader module. This new version integrates directly with Joomla articles to automatically pull content into the module. This theme comes with lots of other great features as well such as custom highlight colors to easily match a company's color scheme, two sub menu width options, customized Tab Show and Vertical Accordion, floating menu, Google Fonts, and much more. Amazed Photography is clean, beautiful and most important, easy to useВ responsive Joomla photography template. We've done some modules updates so a photographer can simply publish one article to their site and have everything pull from this article. For example the new S5 Photo Showcase v2 module now can pull articles and you can set it to only show featured articles. This means you can publish a blog and if you really like it just click "featured" and it will show up in the homepage photo showcase module.В We also created a new plugin called S5 LikeMe. This little plugin allows you to output a little heart or thumbs up icon on images throughout your site. The module is quite flexible allowing you to output on images inside certain DIVs or even on just specific images. We also included a feature to display the Flex menu in columns. This can easily be disabled if you desire the standard Flex menu. With other small features throughout this template comes packed and is ready to go for any photography style website. Regan Tech is a modern technology themedВ Joomla template, that is loaded with great features to showcase technology news and even a small eCommerce solution for products. This design comes with many great ways to showcase content and products by wrapping them in several variations of our S5 Tab Show module. News content is easy to display as well by using our popular S5 Masonry extension, now with a new automatic height feature.В We've also included our S5 Snipcart module which gives your site a simple eCommerce solution powered byВ snipcart.com.В In addition to this we've heavily stylized several extensions such as our S5 Tab Show module and S5 Masonry. Along with that there are many great template specific features such as: custom highlight colors, custom Google fonts, enable or disable uppercase letters, etc. Of course there are also the great built-in features of Vertex like: over 100 module positions, an easy-to-use admin, custom row and column widths and so much more! If you have an upcoming wedding or special event, then "Emma and Mason" is the perfect design for you! It comes with many great layout features that allow you to showcase event details like the date, a count down feature, addresses, contact information and much more. Let your guests RSVP quickly with use of the S5 Quick Contact module. Find out more information about the hosts and the event with several aesthetically pleasing content areas. And showcase pictures and quotes through the S5 Tab Show module.В This design also comes with a custom count down script that will show just below the heavily styled S5 Image and Content Fader on the homepage. This script will count down towards any date that you set in the configuration area. This feature is also optional and can be turned off at any time. The Store ProВ responsive Joomla ecommerce templateВ makes a powerful solution for any ecommerce style website. The template is demo'd with the VirtueMart component and additional styling was added to match the design. We've added the "categories" button for easy acccess to any store menu you publish there. We've demo'd the template with VirtueMart but any menu can be published there including a default Joomla one. We've also included the countdown timer again perfect for any sales or promotions you may have to display.В In the theme specific area you can add a solid background color to show up behind the menu, great for when your images make the menu text hard to read. With 11 module styles you have a wide vareity of options to display and layout your site modules. Six of these module styles can have their own custom background assigned to them in the theme specific area.
A prestigious event, one of a kind, must-attend here, for the first time, in London this year. The event brings together an array of cutting edge solutions emanating from some of the brightest, most innovative companies in Spain. Whether it is the next fabric, print, colour – or the most effective and efficient source – we know making a sourcing decision involves searching around the world for the best Readymade Garments, Textiles and Home Textiles to stand out amidst your competition. In its third edition, Destination Africa 2018 will take place this November 17-19, 2018 at the Royal Maxim Palace Kempinski Hotel in Cairo. The 3 day event, will open its exhibition doors on the 17th – 18th and will host an International conference with leading expertise on the 19th. It is THE event of the year to source Readymade Garments, Textiles and Home Textiles from the new frontier: Africa. Register now for Destination Africa 2018! Give your business the tools for success it deserves. Register now to attend Destination Africa 2018. Copernicus International Consulting in association with Enterprise Estonia and Gateway Baltic have organized meetings with potential UK trade partners in a 3 day visit to the UK. The companies involved (see list below) are all specialists in their field, and bring with them new ideas and the potential for outsourced cost savings to UK businesses. Leading Spanish cosmetic and pharmaceutical company expands their market presence in the UK via an increase in their distribution network facilitated by a a Copernicus market entry project. Brands such as E'loifexir and Atashi celluar cosmetics are now increasingly available to the UK public thanks to this initiative. The Pechkek Misfortune Cookie which was introduced to the UK for the first time at the Speciality & Fine Food Fair. Well, the taste – it’s crisp, not at all dry, high quality organic ingredients. The concept –It’s unique. A Pech is a German imp or mischievous gremlin. The humour in the cookie and the brand imagery reflect that – dry, sardonic wit that met with a fantastic response in the UK field research. It’s a collection – there are a number of Pechkeks – in a box of 13 at least 4 variations as you can see from the illustration, so at a dinner party they provide a talking point in respect of the individual Pech, and of course there are a whole host of sayings inside, again no two ever the same in a single box. One of the oldest and most respected graphic design companies has joined with a leading International Marketing Consultancy to launch the Multi- Award winning Body of Work™ Photographic Collection into the Global Markets. Company offers authentic Scandinavian designed houses, barns and accessories for self build projects. Copernicus evaluated the Canadian market entry opportunity for the company. The building and remodelling boom in Canada revealed a market niche for the company and its unique product offerings. Introduce the company's product to Canada in a stylish manner which communicates authenticity and originality of use for residential and commercial applications. Create a web site featuring impactful graphic displays and detailed product information that reflected the company’s Scandinavian origins. Develop a marketing, advertising, and communications effort to generate interest among the target audiences (contractors, architects, interior designers, real estate developers and consumers) and direct them to the web site. Implementation: Copernicus executed a targeted trade and consumer advertising campaign supported by public relations to create awareness and direct the audience(s) to the web site and generate inquiries. Results: The marketing campaign generated thousands of hits on the web site and generated a quality data base of 100+ Canadian contractors, architects, interior designers, real estate developers and consumers. In addition to Canadian editorial coverage, our public relations efforts resulted various European publications covering the Company's Canadian market entry which was valued at over $25,000 in media coverage. Founded in the 19th century, our client is one of the most famous marques for filled products and household textiles in England, Europe, and around the world. Copernicus conducted a market evaluation to explore the viability of the client exporting down-filled products to the US. We discovered the US comforter market is dominated by the less expensive synthetic products but category growth was found in the down segment. The analysis revealed that current pricing, competitive product dynamics and an innovative distribution strategy presented a genuine opportunity for our client to strongly consider a US market entry program. Introduce client down-filled products to the US market. Exploit existing consumer perception that European goods are well-crafted, high quality products. Using American consumer preference for high quality household furnishings, communicate benefits and imagery of owning a genuine English comforter. Client to build on initial market entry and consider product development for wider US entry based on customer feedback from initial 12 months. The client has a unique process that adds real wine to chocolate to produce non-liqueur chocolates with authentic wine flavours such as shiraz, merlot and pinot noir. UAE is a challenging retail environment with leading brands from around the world fighting to be part of the success story. The client, in wishing to enter the UAE market, engaged Copernicus to carry out a pre-market assessment study on which to base their market entry strategy. Copernicus conducted a market analysis, an opportunity assessment, and evaluated the competitor’s product offering, pricing, and routes to market. Introduce the client into the market within a 6 month timeframe. In doing so establish a potential sales pipeline that would demonstrate a short term return on investment in line with agreed targets. In the short term to identify and work with established retailers to allocate store space to our client. Subsequently to introduce the client to suitable hotel and hospitality partners to obtain in-house concessions and to make our client’s product the accompaniment of choice, white labelled per customer, for events and occasions such as conferences. Copernicus introduced the company to retail buyers, distributors and hotel management through our established network of contacts. The unique aspect of the client’s chocolates was emphasised as this was seen as a key element in a market where differentiation is becoming increasingly difficult as investment budgets for competing parties seem virtually limitless. Sales in year one exceeded 15% of targets. The client realized its objective of entering the UAE market and is now continuing to work with Copernicus with the aim of developing a specific range for the UAE in line with customer feedback with the intention of growing sales by over 200% in the next 24 months. Z wear is an innovative baby care product created and launched by company founder Natasha Rocha in upstate New York in 2004. Natasha has a background in creative design and developed her range after the birth of her first child when she was unsatisfied with the various baby slings and associated products on the market. Once established she started to look further afield and was referred to Copernicus by a former colleague. “there was nothing quite like my range available in Europe that I could find, but how to sell there? On a strong recommendation we undertook a preliminary market research project covering the EU in general. This then narrowed down to Germany where Copernicus introduced us to our first international distributor. We now ship to Germany every month and will be looking to replicate the success there as we work with Copernicus to identify additional markets in the very near future”. Client company has been established over 100 years, is well known in their domestic market and also has some export success to Europe. Using grapes from their own vineyards they produce a range of Bomvu and Ifula African wines. In previous years they have attempted, but have never been able to establish, a foothold in the US market. Introduce the African range as a brand associated with the wildlife and traditions of the continent of origin. In doing so establish a distribution route that would demonstrate a first year return of investment in line with agreed targets. Position the client with ethnic brands and in locations complimentary to the offer as a quality, affordable wine alternative to better known Australian, New Zealand or European wines. Communicate through trade advertising and promotion to the target consumer market that this was a wine to be enjoyed anytime any pace by discerning wine drinkers who desired value for money and were open minded to new experiences. Client company has been very successful in their domestic market with a new rang of Aloe Vera based drinks. Introduce the range to establish a distribution route that would demonstrate a first year return of investment in line with agreed targets. Position the client with health awareness brands and in locations complimentary to the offer as a quality, affordable alternative to better known “health” drinks. In particular lead with the “hangover tea” product which we are reliably informed is a liver remedy which also cures hangovers before they start if consumed ahead of the alcohol over indulgence. Communicate through trade advertising and promotion to the target consumer market that this is a drink for the health conscious and introduce further products from the range (Aloe King Coffee, Juices and Teas) as uptake increases. The client realized its objective of entering the Canadian market and is now continuing to work with Copernicus with the aim of generating incremental sales revenue. Macademia nuts and associated products. Macademia nut exports to Russia are virtually zero, yet in 2006 over 40,000 tons were produced in Australia and exports to new markets are growing. As consumerism in Russia continues to develop surely there must be a place for this “high end” nut and derivative products at the tables of the more affluent Russians. Identify any barriers to entry, and which products or derivatives would be ideal launch products and through which channels or partners. Potential distributors and retailers were invited to taste firsthand the nuts baked, grilled, ground, salted, baked into bread or served as an aperitif alongside traditional vodka or French Champagne. Negotiations over subsequent months have resulted in the appointment of regional distributors in Moscow and St. Petersburg. 2008 year sales will exceed pre-agreed target by over 20%. The client manufacturers a high quality array of capacitors, sensors. Protection devices and inductors. Northern Italy is widely recognised as a major European manufacturing hub. Suppliers worldwide compete at all levels of the value chain to be involved in the output of a huge variety of high quality equipment. Introduce the client into the market as a first or second tier supplier. Build a business case for market entry that will demonstrate a clear return on investment in line with agreed targets. From the market intelligence gained it was clear that additional R&D work would have to be undertaken to meet local standards and requirements. Gaining input from potential customers assisted this process, and in turn led to buy-in of the redeveloped products. Sales in year one failed to achieve expectations, but in year 2 sales of 380, 000 Tunisian Dinar (€197,000) were achieved. The client realized its objective of entering the South European market via Italy . Germiston is a South African based furniture manufacturer who wished to enter the UK market in 2006. Their unique designs, use of indigenous materials and short lead times had led them to believe that finding a UK distribution network would be simple. In reality it was anything but. After 2 years, thousands of air miles, the cost of not one but two exhibitions, the company turned to Copernicus. Within 3 months owner Petyr Beyer was back in the UK to discuss UK and Ireland distribution with two multiple retailers, and has since gone on to partner further with one of the retailers as they have entered the Dutch market, once again with the assistance of Copernicus. Petyr commented “We could have saved ourselves time and money if we had used the connecting market service that Copernicus offer in the first place. The interim key account manager support we first offered to our new distributors helped to consolidate our initial sales, and we have since gone on to employ someone full time in the UK as the business levels justify the investment. For anyone contemplating entering a new market there are free services, like the government support, and there are business services with a real understanding of what is required. In Copernicus we found an organisation that knows what the demands of international business are, and how to deliver results”. Company is a second generation family business based South London with 12 staff that offers authentic Mexican marinades in hot, hickory smoke and original flavours for use in domestic cooking. In the UK they sell on-line, through regional distributors and have a limited rage available in one national supermarket chain as of 2008. France is of course world famous for its gastronomic and culinary expertise, and has a reputation for shunning ready meals and cooking short cuts. Copernicus evaluated the French market entry opportunity for the company to ascertain if this was the appropriate first export market and to quantify the opportunities and investment required to achieve market penetration. Introduce the company's product to France in cost effective manner which can then be replicated in subsequent markets. Make direct contact with the buyers and where necessary outlet managers to introduce the products and to create meetings at which the client can best present their marinades and the potential additional sales opportunities to the buyers. The client is a niche designer and manufacturer of Irish Linen clothing. They have an established distribution across the UK, with some additional sales to other English speaking markets such as USA, South Africa and Australia. Introduce the client into the market in a low volume, zero credit, high end position . In doing so define where the Russian perception of Irish products would position the company, identify what, if any, modifications needed to be made for the Russian market and establish a sales pipeline that would demonstrate an 18 month return on investment in line with agreed targets. Access the independent retail trade associations and through them generate awareness and from there offer potential sole regional rights to the product portfolio to increase the exclusivity aspect of the range. Within three months the client had their first customer in Moscow. By the end of 2008 the “Russian” range is handled through 14 individual retail outlets, sales are expected to exceed €100,000 and EU funding has been obtained to exhibit at Moscow fashion week. Specialist manufacturers of solar products from lighting, solar home systems, fridges, freezers, mosquito killing machine to cookers. Affordable solar powered products. Identify any barriers to entry. Introduce the company's product to potential distributors in a cost effective manner. Having identified the competitors, benchmarked their offer and routes to market it was agreed that potential volume users would be contacted, their level of interest gauged and the product introduced in Southern Italy to wholesalers and distributors who had the most extensive sales networks. Potential distributors and re-sellers were contacted to gauge their level of interest in the entire product range, and from this research to define what was to become the South European market entry offer. A network of 12 showrooms has been established within the first 2 months since market entry. Showroom display stock is heavily subsidised y the client, and sales satisfied from via regional fulfilment partner. The client has been established for 5 years and employs just 15 skilled personnel in a very modern production facility on the outskirts of Helsinki. The client specialise in high quality coloured glass processing for architectural and furniture products. The company has some export success in Scandinavia, but following a trade mission to Canada believed that there could be a niche market for their high end ducts. Introduce the client into the market in a low risk, limited capital exposure strategy. In doing so establish a sales pipeline that would demonstrate a first year return of investment in line with agreed targets. Copernicus worked with the company to create a market awareness of the clients capabilities by identifying Canadian companies who were involved in small scale projects “with a difference”. The client’s ability to produce intricate, individual designs, made to measure with a 99.9% first time delivery accuracy and a rapid delivery system despite the distances involved has endeared them to their customers. Results: Sales in year one exceeded 18% of targets, and year two over 66% demonstrating an more than acceptable return on their investment with Copernicus and the export to Canada connecting markets service. The client realized its objective of entering the Canadian market and is now continuing to work with Copernicus with the aim of generating further sales revenue and new opportunities in additional markets.
Don Keough thinks Ireland should have a Diaspora Minister, saying it would transform Diaspora/Irish relations. He also wants to see Notre Dame back in Dublin playing football in the next couple of years. Tourism leaders will surely salivate after 30,000 US fans showed up the last time they played. He has just helped raise $3 million for a world class 1916 Rising documentary prepared at Notre Dame and already bought by RTE Public Television in the US and the BBC. He also believes that Ireland faced the worst crisis any western government had after the economic collapse and that American business leaders are keenly aware of how well they have handled it. He is the man who brought Notre Dame and Coca-Cola to Ireland. He also brought Bill Gates and Warren Buffett his lifelong friend too, hosting them at the K Club on their first ever visit. He serves on Berkshire Hathaway’s board with Buffett and is still an advisor to the board of Coca-Cola, the company he served for 40 years. As president of Coca-Cola he blazed the multinational trail to Ireland in the 1970s. As Chairman of the Board at Notre Dame he created the Keough-Naughton Irish Institute in 1994 and their Dublin campus and laid the groundwork for the university to play in Dublin in September 2012. At 86 he is far from a back number. He is Chairman of the Board of Allen and Company, the New York investment bank, and co-hosts their annual Sun Valley retreat attended by world business leaders such as Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch. He divides his time still between New York and Atlanta, his home, and keeps a schedule a younger man would surely tire of. Every year he visits his beloved Ireland with his family and recently paid a visit to New Ross in Wexford and the famine-era replica ship like the one his great-grandfather Michael embarked on back in the 1840s. He has come a long way from Michael’s lonely journey. Warren Buffet once stated that two men he met in business, Jack Welch and Don Keough, could have become president of the United States if they had chosen a political rather than a business career. Keough demurs, but there is little doubt that he has been Ireland’s greatest advocate in America for decades now. His sense of the potential of the Diaspora was uppermost in his mind during our New York interview. How would you approach the Diaspora if you were the Irish government? If a person wants to be part of that Diaspora the Irish government needs to acknowledge that. A good start would be a Minister for the Diaspora, who would be charged with creating that welcome and outreach. I know when you become an Irish citizen in Ireland there is an event around it. If you announce you are of the Diaspora and coming to Ireland that is important too. Israel has a minister of the Diaspora, I read in the New York Times, where and I quote, “Over the next five years the Israeli government will spend $1.4 billion on a range of initiatives to strengthen Jewish identity abroad and Jewish connections to Israel and vice versa.” That is the kind of thinking we need. There should be someone as Minister who is a constant part of the Diaspora, who is reporting back to cabinet. It is an asset that needs to be used. Just to announce that minister would be huge all over the world. I was delighted to see Irish President Higgins mention and dedicate his trip to the Irish Diaspora in Britain in his remarks during the state visit. We are everywhere across this world, this Irish army waiting to help this small country their people left from. Think of it – 70 million people worldwide, millions of whom are seeking a relationship with their ancestral home. What an opportunity! If the Notre Dame game can bring 35,000 people to Ireland what could a massive outreach do? The Notre Dame game demonstrated what was possible. It was the ultimate power of the Diaspora that they didn’t just come to the game – they captured the country. I was at church last week in Atlanta. A couple who came to the game came up and told me they were returning again, they fell utterly in love with Ireland. They are just one small example of what I’m saying. What is the upside potential for the Diaspora do you think? I think within a matter of five years you would double the number of people who would visit Ireland. That would be my goal. It needs preparation; Diaspora packages need to be put together. A self-proclaimed member of the Diaspora should feel like Notre Dame fans do, part of something bigger, greater than the sum of its parts. There should be special discounts, meetings, and outreach. Look what we did with Notre Dame – 35,000 came and there was a massive range of activities. The visit to Ireland is always enjoyable, despite the weather sometimes. Ireland and what it continues to represent is the best argument for itself. What brought you there first to your Irish roots? Well, I wanted to bring my children to Ireland. My father had gone late in his life and he was deeply moved by it. I’ll never forget how proud he was to go. It was the memory of my father. It was the happiest trip of his life, and he said he was so upset he didn’t go when he was younger so that was always on my mind. So the first time I went was when I could afford it. My father touched Ireland for me. I brought my children and we drove everywhere. This was the early 1970s. I was so excited. I wanted to get involved. I remember years later reading your magazine Irish America and saying, finally, someone gets it. You first created the links between the University of Notre Dame and Ireland. There was very little connection until you came along. What made you want to do it? Well, Notre Dame had an extraordinary Irish background. Almost all the presidents had Irish connections. It was just waiting to be connected into Ireland. What made me do the Keough-Naughton Irish Institute was Professor Chris Fox, who I had met, and he told me we had an amazing Irish collection of books and major historical links and he had a deep interest in Ireland. I said, “Why don’t you do something?” Then the issue was how do we get it started. So I talked to Seamus and said, “You have some amazing ideas about what an Irish studies program should be like we’ll give you the blank canvas and the paints and you paint the Irish studies program you want at the home of the Irish in America.” By golly, that was what exactly he did. One of the most exciting things in my life has been to see it develop the way it has. It was perfect timing and Chris was a great leader, and the university supported it totally. Some 10,000 students have studied there in the past 20 years and thousands go to Ireland. Then Martin Naughton came on board as my partner. He has been amazing. Martin and his family played a massive role in the success of Notre Dame game. It became a happening because of Martin and it was great that the Taoiseach was fully involved, and we even got the weather! I always remember telling Martin about the idea of the game and really getting the Irish involved. He asked, “What took you so long?” It was a huge boost to the institute and we have enlarged our efforts and numbers in Ireland since. You have a great new Irish project as well. Yes, the 1916 landmark documentary series. BBC, RTE and PBS will show a three-part landmark documentary about the 1916 Rising and we have raised the money, almost $3 million for it. We are very excited about that. The series will run to coincide with the centenary of the Easter Rising. What has Ireland meant to you overall? Ireland has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. To have such an involvement there is a privilege. My family loves it and we have all spent amazing times there. I wanted to buy a house there, but my wife Mickie said I’d never leave it. How is Ireland doing now in your opinion? So the Kenny government had no easy way to solve the problems, and so they had the toughest job of any country in the world. They have done well. You hear a lot of respect for Ireland now over here. They faced the toughest problems and were the first to demonstrate that they were working their way out of it. I look on what happened with a lot of pride on how they have done it. It has been very tough on the Irish people I know, but you have to give them credit. I’m very optimistic about what is going to happen. A lot of smart Americans are getting involved there now, guys like John Malone. Will you bring Notre Dame football back to Ireland? It is not up to me but my own view is they will be back. The call to Ireland for Notre Dame is very strong. Maybe within the next couple of years. Are you still bullish on US? When I talk about the US I say never bet against it, these are the most resilient people in the world. We have an amazing gene pool a collection of people from all over the world who came not to exploit but to find a new way to grow and develop, many of them were running away from poverty and oppression. They could see hope here those that came. It took enormous courage for people to get up and leave in the first place. I’m an absolute optimist; my own journey proves it from a small farm in Iowa to the presidency of Coca-Cola. Who do you consider inspirational figures? Father Ted Hesburgh at Notre Dame. He is an absolute inspiration; still a simple priest. His most important moment in his life is when he says Mass. I took him to Latin America once. We called on several heads of state. The minute I brought him in there they paid no attention to me. He spoke to them in Portuguese, Spanish and charmed them all. He was an incredible visionary who served six presidents on issues such as civil rights and immigration and built one of the great universities. There were those who said a Catholic university could never reach the heights of academic excellence, but Father Hesburgh knew differently. Warren Buffet still tap dances to work every day. He has arranged to give all his wealth away, but he’d be rich in every important way with or without it. He lives a very simple life. We have been friends for decades. I lived across the street from him in Omaha many years ago and he still lives there, in a modest house, like the man. Outside of my own father, of the people I have worked with Warren Buffett stands out. He is a learning machine, a great philanthropist. He has kept an amazing sense of humility. What is the best life lesson you have learned? The life lesson I have learned is that wealth has nothing to do with money. It has to do with family, with friendships, with knowing and learning from interesting people, people who make a difference. If I didn’t have ten dollars I’d consider myself one of the wealthiest people in the world with the friends and family I have had. I say to my grandkids, you need to be an interesting person, and not just learn how to move your thumbs around an iPhone or iPad. No one wants to be around uninteresting people I tell them. Young people today don’t want to be vulnerable. They want to be cool, the worst possible thing to be. I tell them you need to go through life saying this is who I am comfortable in my skin, for better or worse. Take me for what I am.
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This is the first Randy Singer novel I’ve read and I’m certain it won’t be the last. The combination of the legal, military, political and intrigue is compelling. Yes, some of the legal mumbo-jumbo and Supreme Court protocols were at times a bit tiresome but it wasn’t long before Singer brought us back to the human element. Special forces soldiers who were fighting for their country were killed in a bungled raid in Yemen. And now their loved ones had no father, no husband, no son, no brother and no explanation as to what really happened to their men. Paige Chambers and Wyatt Jackson are two excellent creations. So different in style, mannerism and attitude but a terrific combination of youthful innocence and seasoned cynicism. And Amanda Hamilton, the President, was a leader with heart and courage to do what is best for the people of the nation not just make the right political move. I suspect the story line borders on the truth – are the CIA effectively a rogue unit when operating outside the US without appropriate Congressional authority to act? When acts of war occur without appropriate authority are the executive branch protected by the “state secrets” provisions allowing such acts to not be properly brought to account and the perpetrators brought to trial? Like many novels the novel is set up well and the first 200 pages are compelling. The story sagged a little in the middle as our lawyers went through their processes to testify in multiple court situations. But the last 50 pages or so are brilliant. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough and I was kinda sad when it all came to an end. I do hope Randy Singer has found himself a new hero that he can use in a series of JAG-style novels: Paige Chambers. I know I’ll certainly be reading that series. If you enjoy watching TV shows like JAG and Madam Secretary you going to enjoy Rule of Law (without the soap opera that sometimes comes with TV shows). I received a Net Galley copy of Rule of Law as part of the Litfuse Blog Tour with no expectations of a favourable review. Spirit Bridge is the third and final episode in the Well Spring series. And wow, it sure finishes in a mighty way, so much so I’m very sad that it has now ended. I’d suggest all readers read the first two in the series: Soul’s Gate and Memory’s Door, not just because they are fabulous novels but they provide a valuable introduction to this final episode. This one starts where the last one ended, the Warriors Riding hoping to take some time out to rest and convalesce after the battle with Zennon and his demonic warlords. However, the Spirit has other ideas and it isn’t long before the battle is renewed and with tragic circumstances. Two additional characters play pivotal roles. Simon, who we’ve met previously, and are never quite sure whose side he’s on. Rubart manages this ambiguity brilliantly. The second, Miyo, is in fact a new character and she plays an important leadership role in discerning the insidious plot of Zennon. Brandon and Dana’s characters are well developed in this episode and I especially grew to like both of them. The romantic tension between them continues as an undercurrent but doesn’t distract the reader in developing empathy for them both. What I particularly appreciated about this episode is how Rubart presents spiritual warfare in the context of the daily battle we all have in surrendering our desires and hopes to God. He explores it through Reece, Brandon and Dana demonstrating how each of them unknowingly allows the enemy to infiltrate through some form of self-glorification. This culminates in a fantastic final battle scene that is magnificently described allowing the reader to visualize it effortlessly. This is a wonderful series that so powerfully demonstrates spiritual warfare in a fictional context that is uplifting, challenging and thrilling in its suspensefulness. I can’t recommend it enough and so look forward to reading Rubart’s next creation. Seventeen year old Nyah Parks is a genius hacker whose world is unraveling. Desperate and with no other choice, Nyah turns her programming skills to cracking the firewalls of the world’s largest corporations. She exposes their weaknesses, and then offers her services to secure their systems from hackers. But when the most dangerous job of her life backfires and forces her to go on the run, she encounters an impossible reality that shouldn’t exist, but does. A hack unlike any other. A hack that will take her beyond the firewall of the human brain itself. A hack, which may be the only way to save her mother now. What if there was a way to tap into the unseen reality that surrounds us all? Would you hack in? How far would you go to find the answers to your deepest questions? The answer lies deep beyond the firewall. As part of the FirstLook Blog Tour Worthy Publishing provided a Q&A with Ted Dekker which adds good background to the above teaser. I was given the opportunity to participate in Worthy Publishing’s First Look blog tour for Ted Dekker’s latest novel: “Hacker”. “THE OUTLAW CHRONICLES consist of EYES WIDE OPEN, WATER WALKER and HACKER. Although related through one common character, Stephen, they can be read in any order. Written in the vein of Ted’s thrillers like Thr3e and Blink, these are transformational stories that take the reader on an intense ride full of twists that unravel the deep mystery or reality in ways rarely seen. This first instalment in “The Quiet Professionals” series has everything we’ve come to love about Kendig’s writing: thrills a plenty, heart-pounding pace, solid character development, great military heroes, some crazy mad bad guys and a love story in a war zone. But in this novel, it’s wonderful to see how Kendig has excelled in upping the ante so everything I’ve mentioned is even better. What I’ve always loved about Kendig’s writing is her tremendous craftsmanship in drawing the reader into her war zone. In Raptor 6 it is no exception. She takes us right into the thick of it. We can feel the tension, hear the guns being fired, smell the sweaty testosterone within the cramped confines of the military vehicle and taste the grittiness of the dust. And then there’s the love story. A young military leader passionately responsible for leading his small troop go where very few dare but emotionally wounded by events of the past. Torn by serving his nation and opening his heart to what has only led to heartbreak in his past. The soldier soon meets a striking American but with Afghani blood and an absolute ripper of a name: Zahrah Zarrick. The daughter of a military hero who has returned to her mother’s homeland to bring hope to the children who know no other life than living in a war zone. Zahrah falls hard for her soldier hero, he reminds her of her father, the decorated General. But it’s her faith and willingness to die serving God that attracts me the most to Zahrah. Kendig handles this well in demonstrating the challenge it can be when faced with terrible consequences for one’s faith. I’ll stop there before I start giving too much of the engrossing story away. This is a great start to the series and I can’t wait for next one. This is different to Tom Pawlik’s first two novels that I enjoyed immensely. Pawlik describes it himself as a ‘coming-of-age’ sort of novel which it is, but one filled with gripping suspense that kept me turning (well flicking, is that what it’s called on a Kindle?) the pages. Pawlik is masterful in how he describes his settings. In particular, the way he describes Jake and Buck’s boat trip through a creepy swamp had me feeling like I was a third passenger on it. The suspense he creates when danger is at hand is riveting. His scenes with a certain large crocodilian creature reminded me a lot of Peter Benchley’s Jaws. But it was his character, Abe Garner, an elderly man, misunderstood and rejected by his small community, that grabbed my heart. It is his story that lingers in my mind on finishing the novel. His story is such a beautiful one of grace in action, of forgiveness and not allowing one’s mistreatment to malign one’s life with bitterness, mistrust and hatred. Read this so you can meet Abe Garner. Oh, and one very large water-dwelling reptile. Two teenage friends, Austin and Christy, both with “forgotten” childhoods get accidentally lost in a mental hospital. You’d think once they could explain their situation, all would be fine and they’d leave and go on their way. But this is a Ted Dekker novel. The hospital authorities re-admit them both as Scott and Alice. So who are they? Are they Austin and Christy or Scott and Alice? Dekker weaves his clever story telling skills in a thrill-of-a-minute ride where even we the reader are unsure of the truth. The truth? What is it? How can we be certain we know the truth? Why do our perceptions of our reality play such an important part in our understanding of our individual lives? Who can provide the truth, about who we are? about our childhood? These are great questions which Dekker asks as we the confused reader try to understand what’s going on in the two protagonists lives. Are the doctors and even delightful psychiatrist Nancy really the bad guys? I love the Gabriel Allon series. And this one sure doesn’t disappoint. As other reviewers have stated, Daniel Silva has used the same formula with the other books in the series. This is now my third so I’m not tired of it. I thoroughly enjoy Gabriel’s character, however, wish we’d see some development in Chiara, his wife. She’s obviously very smart but we seem to see her mostly presented as the gorgeous, young wife who is also an extraordinary cook. Nadia who plays a critical role in this book is a strong character. Rich due to inheritance and desiring to make a difference in the Saudi world as a woman who cares, she is both captivating and very believable.
Later today, the Super Bowl will have its first male cheerleader. Australia has been more progressive with male NRL cheerleaders for awhile now – when Patrick isn’t playing games, he’s probably not rooting for the Parramatta Eels, but it’s the best picture that I could find. We’re coming to the end of the reviews generated by our Essen Review weekend now. A bit more winnowing, a bit more culling, but some keypers (ahem) as well. There are more coming still, being in the hands of friends, but they just haven’t got to the table yet. And there are so many more out there we’ll never get to. We don’t want really want or need to get to all of them mind you, but it’s fun trying. I was pleasantly surprised by this thinky filler. It’s in the Hey, That’s My Fish vein of taking the tile that you move off, but moves it away from territory denial and into set collection instead. Each tile has two elements – animals (majorities in each will score) and symbols (for bonus movement points, or a majorities race, or one that scores point on a geometric scale). If you want to play it seriously, you need to pay real attention to what everyone’s picking up and where they intend to go next. But the game is enjoyable in friendly mode as well, because it replaces that cut-throat denial nature with a friendly gather-stuff-and-let’s-see-how-it-plays-out feel. Some tiles adjust the values of what each animal scores, so that’s another consideration to play with if you like that kind of thing. If you don’t, go for the symbol scores instead. Options are open to suit different play preferences, and that flexibility is a positive in a game that can play relatively quickly if you want it to. Your initial plays are hampered by too much explaining – all the different scoring systems (this goes with that at Sussan), to begin with and throughout, and then for each character as it’s revealed in each of the 22 rounds (they’re all unique). The second issue is that the game is laden with the dreaded simultaneous blind bid mechanic, meaning you can never be sure what you’re going to get – each player must simply make the best of whatever’s left. Sure, there are rounds where you don’t care and can bid low, and rounds you do care and bid high, but in the main, your scoring feels just too much out of your hands. Unless of course you’re totalling up the mass of scoring at the end, in which case the scoring is in your hands for entirely too long while the other players watch a Western to pass the time. The scoring variety is also the main strength however, and it may well lead to ongoing interest once your group has the hang of it so I’m not writing it off entirely! This felt like fresh Euro. The main point of interest was that the dice selection felt non-mean. The chosen dice have two functions – the pips indicate your bid for card selection (and card synergies are the bread and butter) and the colour indicates which of the four income tracks you’ll score. If you get to take three dice of the same colour, you’ll score that same form of income three times! And that, my friends, felt fresh. It meant you always felt like you had a good option and an interesting decision. The other plus is that the game only went four rounds, so all your choices mattered. I’m not sure there’s a wealth of different strategies to explore, for the game is mostly about bidding smartly for cards that riff off what you’ve built and then exploiting your income strengths. It somehow manages to find that sweet spot of providing plenty to think about but with little downtime, which is sweet indeed. A by-the-numbers light Euro. Play tiles to earn resources. Spend resources to buy VP cards from the draft. Repeat for 13 rounds. It has a nice mini-Java-esque approach of playing tiles on top of tiles, building up your house. There are the inevitable bonus cards for buying cards of this type, or your tiles this many levels high, and the like. There’s a fair bit of luck in what tiles you draw (which will drive your future resources) vs what cards come out when (re what resources they require), but it’s not inappropriate for the game’s length. It works, it’s pleasant, it’s non-objectionable, I can see why it’s been produced, but for the older hands at play, there’s not much to explore here either. All the nice things about Keyflower in waaayy less time. Get cards 7 Wonders style, play a building card, or a one off resource creator card, or play a meeple card to trigger a building (which to start with usually means triggering your home building to move resources off their creator cards over to building cards that will convert the resources into points or other benefits). You’re trying to maximise a select few things, as directed by the end-game bonus cards that you have sight off from the beginning (you get one for free, the others will go into the draft). It’s still make the most of whatever you get and try to collect different things than your neighbours, but the decisions you make need to be focused, so each play feels important. It goes pretty fast, packs some oomph, there are enough cards to ensure you see different things each game, and I liked it a lot. Ahh, this is the game that Villa Paletti always wanted to be and should have been. The stupid win condition (where you win if the player after you crashes) is replaced by co-op mode where you’re setting up the next player to succeed. There’s a decision to make each turn on how challenging a turn you want and how much risk to take, The actual placement is just as fun, but it’s a satisfying shared achievement when the tower gets as high as it needs to be for the win. As a bonus, you can play Jenga afterwards for the tower deconstruction! Although I rate this and Villa Paletti the same (because I only play this style of game occasionally), this is the better, more interesting, and more fun version. Clever and interesting, but plastering over a layer of perhaps too much randomness to climb higher up the replay ladder. You build resource converter buildings (from cards in your hand). At the beginning of the round, half the resources available this turn will be flipped from the deck. You decide which of your buildings you’ll attempt to fire up – do you play safe with a low scoring building that almost has all the resources it needs, or will you gamble on a higher scoring building that needs more resources? Then we flip for more resources and see what scores, supplementing from the hand if needed. There are interesting building decisions, trying to build stuff that will parlay stuff you’ve already built into better scoring stuff (read me an engine), but on the other hand it can be pretty random getting that engine firing. The good news is that it comes in at a nice timeframe where the randomness can leave an itch to want to play again at some point. Team based real-time dexterity game that hits the right spots. One side plays up to 3 pieces on the base, and flips the timer. Then the other teams adds up to 3 pieces on top, flips the timer, and turns continue to alternate, adding pieces to the pile. A team gets points if they get their last piece on, or if the other team crashes the pile, or lets the timer run out. Either way, they discard a piece from the other team’s collection (usually the easiest to place), making future rounds harder and faster. First team to 4 points wins. It’s only a small base, and not many pieces, but they’re wide and varied, so rounds go fast, points are gathered quickly, and it’s all over in a perfect fun-filled timeframe where you can share glory or commiserations with your partner. A nice game, and I’d be tempted to rate higher if there was a touch more variety from game to game. Some fun for when you have 6 players and a real-time dice rolling team game is called for. Which isn’t often, but it’s nice to have up your sleeve when the time comes (Strand Cup used to be an option here.) This channels the Space Alert vibe, having to co-ordinate the allocation of dice to the right places at the right time to load torpedoes, move to somewhere in range to fire the torpedoes, set up shields, etc. The dice rolling is constant and semi-frantic, but you need to get your head up along the way to make sure you’re building the right things at the right time, especially when you have tractor beams available to put the enemy ship exactly where you want them. It has the potential for going a little long, but eliminating the healing-the-ship option should fix that. With “commands” and “requests” for energy being thrown around frenetically, it captures the feel of a hyper-busy bridge in the throes of battle nicely, and good fun is had along the way. This is quite the fun card game that I imagine a lot of people don’t know given its lack of ratings and comments on BGG. I’m told it has Dutch / German pub heritage, where the loser of the round buys the next round. There’s a lot of luck with the cards, with only 4 cards in the hand plus benefits to leading in the first, but the ability to bluff people out of the round by knocking and driving up the score being played for (backgammon-style) is what makes the game, as the winner of the hand is whoever wins the last trick. That’s all it comes down to. So, can you drive other people out and win with a nothing card? Does he have the Ace or is he bluffing? Anyway, there are lots of laughs along the way with bluffs called and made, and we’ve had good fun with it over the years. Jeff Allers: I picked up MENARA in Essen and wonder why someone hasn’t thought of a cooperative dexterity game before (maybe someone already has, but I hadn’t heard of it). In any case, it’s the best thing since chocolate met peanut butter. It’s not only a Villa Paletti-killer (which hasn’t seen any playing time in my circles since it won Spiel des Jahres ages ago), it’s now my preferred (non-flicking) dexterity game of all time. Elegant mechanics, great team-building tension and beautiful to look at. Publisher Zoch has gone back to its dexterity roots (Bausack, Bamboleo, Hamster Rolle, Gulo Gulo, Riff Raff, and the aforementioned Villa Paletti) and this one may be their best ever. Alan How: I’ve only played Carson City: The Card Game, but it works really well and is a solid little filler. For me it’s a 7. I want to get some multiplayer games in to check this style of game out. I was a play tester for Key Flow, so maybe I’m slightly biased, but I’d agree with Patrick’s thoughts. The simultaneous play is a major plus for me, as well as only needing to focus on your neighbours for options to place your Keyple cards. My rating would be 8 or 9. I’ve also found it easy to teach to newcomers and it is far easier to appreciate the options in this game over Keyflower. The cards are unusual size so more difficult to find sleeves for those that are concerned about these things. Oh My Goods works really well and it’s only downside was it was over too quickly for me. I’ve picked up the expansions but not yet tried them out yet to see if the games last a bit longer. Pretty enjoyable engine building fun though. A least a 7. Larry: Coimbra is very good and the best thing about it is it’s very elegant dice selection mechanism. Another great game from that wonderful crop of Italian designers. I love it. Key Flow is also excellent. Keyflower is a wonderful design, but there’s too much going on for me to deal with. Key Flow focuses things much better by taking away the auction. I came up with a variant where you keep two of your Winter scoring cards during the Winter Is Coming interphase instead of one and it’s worked so well that it’s the only way we play now. I love it. Oh My Goods is another clever design from Pfister, but it’s really hard to set up your building combinations in time before the game ends. I understand the second edition of the game introduced some new rules that made long chains of buildings more feasible, but I’ve never had the chance to try it out. I like it. Brandon: Gingerbread House was one of the surprises of all the Essen time releases. A nice gateway, thematic tile placement game, with fun little micro transactions to drive the victory points. Menara is easily in my Top 10 games of 2018, a wonderful production from the folks at Zoch and it works wonderfully. I love how the towers can grow separate from each other but the necessity to bring them together for architectural sturdiness is quickly learned. Fraser: What Larry said about Oh My Goods. I have enjoyed Gingerbread House, it is reasonably lightweight, but has some things going on in terms of positioning your tiles for future moves. It has been very popular with the people I have taught it to, including non-gamers and casual gamers. Matt Carlson: I do enjoy the real time dice games so am a fan of both Escape the Curse of the Temple and Space Cadets: Dice Duel. Escape is cooperative, so that is nice, but Dice Duel has the advantage of a stronger interdependence between players. Trying to communicate more involved topics (than just “I need suns”) during Dice Duel makes the game seem even more frantic (which is a good thing.) Dice Duel is best with a full, or nearly full complement, so I prefer Escape with fewer people. The expansion with its “fighter ships” is an excellent way to even out lopsided teams as well as add some variety. Dice Duel captures much of what I like about the original Space Cadets game, but in a shorter, more intense timeframe. I love these articles! I walk away with a couple of titles to bug my dealer into getting (Key Flow and Menara). I don’t really see how I would have noticed these without OG. That makes for a lot of thanks from me. Oh My Goods! falls a little short for me. I like the idea of it and think there is possibly a great game in there but the actual plays seem to end up being less interesting and more frustrating as things often don’t go your way (and the workers mechanism is very rigid so hard to make that better). The revised end of game scoring (where all your buildings get a chance to fire even without activation) was a step in the right direction but that it was added later does seem to show it was put out a little under-cooked. Only have one learning game of Coimbra but I enjoyed it a lot.
The New Age Movement, what does it teach? Find out with Eric Barger on the show Christ in Prophecy. Last aired on August 8, 2010. Dr. Reagan: What in the world is the New Age Movement and how does it threaten the Church today? And why do many people believe that Oprah Winfrey has emerged as one of the premier leaders of the movement? For the answer to these questions by one of Christendom’s foremost experts on cultic movements, stay tuned. Dr. Reagan: Greetings in the name of Jesus our blessed hope, and welcome to Christ in Prophecy. I am delighted to have back with me again this week my special guest Eric Barger. Third week you’ve been here Eric. Eric Barger: It’s great, feels like an old hand now. Dr. Reagan: I am also glad to have Nathan Jones with us to help interview Eric. Nathan is our Web Minister and he is on that site everyday of the week for about 8 hours. Answering questions and talking with people all over the world, so if you want to get acquainted with Nathan just e-mail him through our website, ask him the question that you have and he will be back in touch with you. Nathan, why don’t you start off with the first questions. Nathan Jones: Sure! Well, your story is so interesting. Your testimony and all you started off in the church as a Christian and then somehow you ended up in the New Age Movement which isn’t Christian. How did the transition happen? And, again, I am still a little nebulous about the New Age Movement. What is the New Age Movement? Eric Barger: Well the transition took place, I came out of a liberal church background. I say liberal, I was unsaved but I went to church and I’m not sure the Gospel is preached there faithfully it may have been I am just not sure. I just never meet Jesus there, no one every challenged me about a personal relationship. When I was about 13 years old I started playing in rock bands every Friday and Saturday night, I would be out playing some place. I was actually thinking about playing my first band when I was 11. Eric Barger: Yeah, a local DJ heard about us, and I was kind of an anomaly at that age you know to be out playing in a band. But that is where it started, and by the time I was 16 or so I was a full blown drug addict, by the time I was 21 I was involved in New Age Philosophy. I moved to Seattle, a lot of New Age philosophy in Seattle, it became my religion. Now I would have still said there was a God, and I believe there was probably a guy named Jesus, that kind of thing. But I had adopted Eastern Mystic philosophies and techniques the arrow sticks, which you throw it is a form of fortune telling. The I Ching which is a book that explains to you life, you know from an Eastern viewpoint. And so I was into those kinds of things. I was very much into astrology charts, it wasn’t a little tiny thing in the newspaper. By the way I used to be an Aries and now I am a Christian. But it wasn’t a little thing in the newspaper. This was a scroll that had been made for me by a lady, I use that term very loosely who was a bona fide black witch and I literally would follow it, I was so superstitious by this it controlled my life. When I was playing in the band I would literally would not go out of the hotel room door until I knew what my stars said for that day. Eric Barger: That is where I was at. Nathan Jones: Because stars and planets determine your life? Eric Barger: Exactly, you know even though those things have no bearing on it. The God who created me and controls my life He created those stars too. I don’t need to look up at the stars I need to look to the One who made them you know. And a lot of people today, I meet Christians all the time who will make some statement about, “Oh well he is a Libra and he will do this and he will do that.” And I go, “No that has nothing to do with it.” You know people don’t realize where they are putting their faith and trust. Nathan Jones: So, is astrology a major component of the New Age Movement? Eric Barger: It is more so the occult, but many things that are occultic flow into the New Age, and many things that cultic also flow into the New Age. And in the occult it is all in that genre of rebellious spiritualism that is maybe the best way to define it. Dr. Reagan: Well how would you define the New Age Movement, it just seems so difficult to get your hands on it, it is so amorphous. Eric Barger: I’ll give some definitions that I think one of these will stick with people. It is a Westernized form of Eastern Mysticism. Dr. Reagan: Okay, very well put, yeah. Eric Barger: And often time is not taught with the Maharishi or a figure like a bong wan or an Eastern Mystic leader now it is taught with a College Professor and it is taught in business courses in our colleges. But it is a Westernized form, it is put in our words. Some of the teachers and leaders on the PBS Network, we can start naming them by name, which I do in the DVD’s and in my seminars, are teaching these things. And you look to who their leaders and their gurus are, are Eastern Mystic gurus, but they are now Westernizing this teaching making it palatable to us and therefore making a fortune. Dr. Reagan: So does this get into Pantheism? Eric Barger: It certainly does, you know there are many, many gods or that you have become part of one ethereal god force. Nathan Jones: Which is Hinduism, right? Eric Barger: Yes, very much so, but Hinduism and Buddhism both flow in those. Most Americans wouldn’t say I am a practicing Hindu but many have adopted those philosophies as a way of life. Dr. Reagan: Would you put the teaching spiritual teachings of Shirley MacLaine, for example into the New Age category? Eric Barger: Certainly, she is out on a limb just like her books says. Dr. Reagan: I am god. Eric Barger: It is also a spiritual experience without the cost of repenting of your sin, and probably the best definition I can give is: any system of belief that tells you to look inside of yourself, to yourself for enlightenment, wisdom and power is generically New Age. Now we look to the Holy Spirit who lives in us for enlightenment, wisdom and power. But we are not god. In the New Age, you look to the spark of god, the god force within you for enlightenment, wisdom, or power, it is a very close counterfeit. And this is across the board today, doctors, lawyers, scientist, PhD’s, Nobel Prize winners, people of politicians, people of high mental capability. Okay I guess we can take the politicians out of that group come to think of it. But people of high mental capability who believe in these philosophies because it works, and just because it works doesn’t make it right. New Age philosophies do work, because they are spiritually powered, they work, but by what spirit it works should be the question we ask. Nathan Jones: It works in the here and now, but for eternity it doesn’t work. Eric Barger: No, not at all and that’s the thing people want it now. Of course we live in a culture that if the one drive-thru across the street isn’t fast enough we drive across to the other one that is faster that is where we are as a culture. Dr. Reagan: Well it seems to me that there is an overwhelming, the New Age Movement indicates an overwhelming need of people to have something spiritual in their lives. They want some sort of spiritual expressions but they want one that makes no demands on their life. Dr. Reagan: I mean this is the Hollywood religion, owe yes I am very religious, I sit and I meditate, and I hum and I do all of this, but I don’t have any demands on my life in terms of morality or whatever. Eric Barger: Jesus calls us to come to God through repentance. The New Age Movement doesn’t like that idea. Our culture doesn’t like the idea. We want a spiritual experience without the cost of repentance of our sins. Dr. Reagan: Well that happens to be one of the most unpopular words in all of Christianity today. Dr. Reagan: You flip on TV and you see ministers of some of the largest churches in American who would never mention the word repentance, because it might offend somebody. Dr. Reagan: Or that they are sinners. Eric Barger: Exactly those words are all left out in many Christian circles but that is, that is the core message of Christianity that is being cut off at the knees. Dr. Reagan: So Christianity itself is being impacted by the New Age Movement. Eric Barger: It is, it is and do you know why, because our culture has adopted the gospel of self as a religion. Nathan Jones: How many churches are holding Yoga, that is what gets me. Yoga now is becoming a mainstream class offered in churches. Eric Barger: That’s big in emerging circles. I heard Rob Bell and Doug Pagitt both recently speak about how Yoga is so transforming. Nathan Jones: Empty yourself out, when we should be filling ourselves with the Holy Spirit and the Bible and thinking on these things. We are emptying ourselves so we don’t think of anything. Eric Barger: Rob Bell went as far, and he is an emergent leader from Michigan to say that we should listen to the message of the Yoga masters. Now wait a minute, I know about that, and yet his congregation seems to buy into this because many of them have no church background. You can have a big congregation but it depends on what type of Gospel you preach when you get in there. I will take 10 people who will turn a community upside down for the glory of God, over a thousand who will sit there and do nothing and never, ever make it to Heaven. We want those 10 who will actually go out and evangelize with the Gospel not with a false counterfeit. Dr. Reagan: Reminds me of a sermon that I heard here in this area by a Hispanic preacher who was talking about what is a live church. And he said, “We often think a live church is one that has lots of activities going on.” He said, “The other day I opened the newspaper and here is a major denomination in our city and they are offering Yoga classes, Transcendental Meditation classes and all kinds of Eastern, Oriental, Mystical things that have spiritual significance to them, they are not just neutral. And he says, “Lots of activities going on, but he says, “It is just spiritually dead.” He said, “Folks it reminds when I was a kid and living in Mexico once a week we went to Grandma’s house and we looked forward to it on Sunday because she had chickens and we got meat once a week. And she would go out to the back yard and she would grab a chicken and she would pop her wrist, and pop that chicken’s head off and it would run all over the yard. Said it was the liveliest and active chicken in the yard and it was the deadest.” Now brother that preached. Eric Barger: That is great, that is great, let me write that down, new sermon title, dead chicken will preach. Dr. Reagan: Dead chicken that is real active, you know. It is just, it is a lack of discernment that people just don’t seem to understand that something like Yoga and this sort of thing has spiritual significance. Eric Barger: It most certainly does no doubt about it. And those who have brought this into our culture and now it has seeped its way into the church. Hey if a church doesn’t stand for good doctrine, if we don’t have a standard that is the Bible being the truth we follow, and the only truth we follow, this other stuff is going to make in the door, it is just that simple. Dr. Reagan: And I am reminded of this I think, I guess it wasn’t a novel but it was a sort of self-help book, The Celestine Prophecy wasn’t that a New Age type of book? And I saw Christian everywhere reading this thing. Eric Barger: Yeah, yeah. Well you take a look of the reading, I was in a well known national chain print shop recently, a whole book rack there of self-help books. And I went down through them and I went I can find one Christian there throughout all of these books and the rest of them every one of them I could name to you as somebody that has adopted Eastern philosophies and put it into a Western context as a New Ager. So this is the stuff that is being sold to us as the way to control the problems or the things in our life, to get what we want to think and grow rich ideas. Eric Barger: The idea that we can, we are going to make it through life and be more popular people and be more powerful around people by using these techniques, so it works, yeah. But let’s never forget atomic bombs work, just because they work doesn’t make it right, you know. Nathan Jones: That seems to be the theme that you have talked about – the New Age and the Emergent all these – everything seems to go back to the sin that Adam and Eve committed when Satan said, “You will be like gods.” Everything you have said about this replaces God with us. Nathan Jones: And we buy into that. Eric Barger: That is exactly right. I think the five major doctrines even though New Agers would never claim to hang the doctrine, but the five major belief systems inside the New Age coming right out of Genesis 3:1-5 the Fall of mankind, starting with the very first Trans channeling or mediumship or séance in history. The devil possessed the body of a serpent and spoke to Eve the same as a medium gives over the use of his body to a spirit to speak to people today. I mean that is the first séance that we have ever seen in recorded history and that is where the lie came from, just like the same lie is being perpetrated in New Age séance. Dr. Reagan: Several years ago I read a New Age book that just astounded me, it talked about the fact that the masters of the universe have been channeling to New Age philosophers. And one of the things they’ve told them is that time is coming in the very soon future when those who live by faith will be taken out so that those who live by reason can continue in their evolutionary development and develop the world and the earth and all this. And I thought man this is going to be a New Age explanation of the Rapture. Eric Barger: Oh, most certainly, the Devil reads the Bible, the Devil knows. Dr. Reagan: And they will be able to say, “Hey we told you this back in 1970 we told you this in ’75 this is what happened. Eric Barger: Yeah the Devil is a Bible expert no doubt about it. Look at the most famous transchanneler in modern history is J.Z. Knight but the name of the demons she channels Ramtha is more famous then her. I mean she has been doing that for over 30 years, I saw a clip on YouTube recently when she is on the Merv Griffin show and she is talking to Merv Griffin as herself, and they go out to break and come back and Ramtha has shown up while they are at break. And this is a mans voice now speaking out of this woman’s body. Now whether it is fake or not it is just like Saul in 1 Samuel 28, he went to the witch of Endor, whether that was Samuel or not that spoke to him, he died the next day for even trying to contact the spirit realm. Folks we are not to be involved contacting any spirit in the spirit realm except the Holy Spirit of God. Eric Barger: All other spirits that do not confess Jesus Christ as Lord, whether they be angels or spiritual beings, they are demonic spirits they are counterfeits. And our world today is loaded with people looking for anything. They think a spiritual experience validates the idea that it must of come from God, it must be good. They forgotten or didn’t know that Satan comes as an angel of light. Dr. Reagan: Welcome back to our interview with Eric Barger, who is the Founder and Director of Take a Stand Ministries. I like that name, we desperately need to do that in this day and time, take a stand. Now Eric I heard an expert on the New Age Movement recently make a startling statement and I want to read it to you because I want to get it right. He said, “The largest church in the world is preaching New Age philosophy, and the pastor of that church is Oprah Winfrey.” What did he mean by that? Eric Barger: Well she is the most influential New Ager out there, by far the most famous New Ager. Ten to twelve years ago I began to make off the cuff statement in my seminars that Oprah was a New Ager, and I took a lot of heat for it. Eric Barger: Phone calls, letters, and then later on when e-mail became popular, e-mails telling me, “No Oprah is a Baptist.” You know and people defender her, these are Christians defending her. And I am going, nope what Oprah is teaching is New Age and eventually we will all know. And now we do know. Dr. Reagan: Well she just finally came out of the closet. Eric Barger: Completely, completely came out of the closet this year. And I want to preface anything we say now or anything we have said about the Emergent Church and others the last show we were talking about in the last program, this is not about good person versus bad person this is about truth versus error and that is what apologetics is, it’s the study of what truth is against what error is. And it’s not that we hate anybody, we are praying, I pray for Oprah Winfrey nearly everyday that she would be saved and think about the impact that she could have. Dr. Reagan: And I found that people often respond to any criticism of her by saying, “Look at all the good work that she does.” And she does a lot of good works. Dr. Reagan: And denied that Jesus was the only way to God on her program. Eric Barger: She is arguing with two audience members, saying that there couldn’t possibly be just one way, there are millions of ways that was her exact words you know. This is a headline from US Today, we will probably put this up on the screen, Cultural Agenda is Set by Oprah not Religious Leaders. Dr. Reagan: And that is true. Dr. Reagan: Recently Oprah has really begun to actively and aggressively teach New Age Philosophy right? Dr. Reagan: Not only on TV but mainly on the Satellite radio, right? Eric Barger: Satellite radio and the Internet but now on TV. She is coming out of the closet. Dr. Reagan: Who are some of the gurus she is using? Eric Barger: Well Eckhart Tolle, and his book A New Earth, she made him an instant millionaire. He was a well known New Age author before, but he is not the only one she has had on there. She promoted and really brought out to the public the book, The Secret, three years or so ago. And all you would have to do is go to the websites of the authors of The Secret, to see what this was. It was a mix of the Kabala and Gnosticism and Rosicrucianism and she helped to promote that idea. She has also had on her XM satellite radio channel a lady named Esther Hicks who is a transchanellor, who channels who channels several entities who all call themselves Abraham they are different to her. Now this must be confusing at Thanksgiving dinner. Dr. Reagan: There are several Abrahams? Eric Barger: Several Abrahams but that is one of them and this lady has also been on our TV show and Oprah has probably has done more to promote the old New Age philosophy of A Course in Miracles then anybody else. Eric Barger: Because she has brought Mary Ann Williamson to her website and to her TV set, now Mary Ann Williamson is doing a devotional everyday during 2008 on Oprah’s XM radio network that came right out of the Course in Miracles. And Mary Ann Ramson has written a book about it, she is unity minister by the way, which is not a Christian denomination. Eric Barger: It’s a cult my mother was involved with for 25 years before she got saved, and tragically passed away. But, so I know all about Unity and that’s Oprah is promoting this. Dr. Reagan: I know for a long time there Oprah continued to say that she was a Christian but does she even claim that anymore? Do you know? Eric Barger: She doesn’t claim that at all, you know, she doesn’t claim it at all, and she is bringing the heaviest hitters in the New Age Movement. Dr. Reagan: Well I didn’t know that. Eric Barger: Because he wanted to be connected forever with a 14th Century occult mystic named Meister Tolle or Meister Eckhart, sorry. I mean that’s how deep this guy is, he is into all kinds of mysticism. And he says, the first thing when you ask him his influences he says, A Course in Miracles and that is something a common theme throughout all these New Age leaders and authors today. But here is Oprah turns to him and says to him, “So if your God is a believing experience it really is not God because God is a feeling experience and not a believing experience.” And folks if you go on your feelings you will be deceived; if you go on the absolute truth of God’s Word you will never be deceived. Dr. Reagan: Amen, brother preach it. Dr. Reagan: Eric the Bible says that in the End Times right before the return of Jesus we are going to enter into a period of great deception. And it seems to me that we are in that period and it seems to me that one of the greatest needs in the church today is discernment. How can a person become a more discerning Christian because all of us are capable of being deceived? How can we be more discerning? Eric Barger: There is no short cut for sound Bible study, there is no short cut for the preaching of the Word of God. I say enough with the programs, enough with the spin doctors from the pulpit. That we come back and teach the Word of God to our people because as you said privately to me there is a famine of the Word. And there is a famine of the Gospel today amongst our people. I am talking about in evangelical circles. Places that say they believe the Bible let’s preach the Word of God, enough of the programs. Come back to the Word. Look at what is happening in the lives of the people and tell me there isn’t a need. Dr. Reagan: And it’s not just the responsibility of the preacher or the teacher, it is the responsibility of each of us as Christians to study. Dr. Reagan: You know you are talking about what my colleague Dennis Pollack used to call the 5 letter dirty word, STUDY. Dr. Reagan: And people just don’t want to. Eric Barger: That is because we have allowed Television and everything else to get in our way. Nathan Jones: But, they can watch this show. Eric Barger: Obviously we are not against TV, we’ve got my DVD sitting here, we’re on TV right now. That isn’t, the point is that we’ve have forgotten what the on/off button does we let everything get in our way. We let, well I am going to get on somebody, we let Sunday morning soccer tournaments get in our way. We let all this other stuff get in our way from being first of all constant in the church, but maybe more important, constant in the Word of God. If you had to look at what’s the most important thing knowing the Word because from there everything thing else emanates that we are supposed to be. Dr. Reagan: Well the bottom line is you can just never become a discerning Christian if your only spiritual experience is one hour a week on Sunday morning. Eric Barger: I never forget when I was a youth pastor I had a distraught mother come to me and say, “My son is doing all this stuff, can’t you do something about it?” I said, “Ma’am, I only have him for an hour on Friday nights, I can not replace what the school system has taught him, what his friends have done to him, what is happening in the home.” I mean she looked at me like, I thought you were the problem fixer, the problem solver for my son’s problem. And it is the same with us as adults. Dr. Reagan: When I first became acutely aware of this problem of discernment was when the Barna polls began to, I began to read those concerning the freshman in evangelical colleges and universities coming out of evangelical churches who could not even name the four Gospels or name 2 of the Apostles. Eric Barger: Yeah, you don’t dare ask them where Philemon is. Yeah. Dr. Reagan: And you ask them, and then you begin to wonder what are they doing in these churches just weenie roasts? Eric Barger: Yeah, yeah, it makes you wonder and that is part of it, that is certainly part of it, but this is also the Era we live in. We live in the time when the Apostle Paul said to the Thessalonians that the mystery of iniquity would abound. Eric Barger: That is a mysterious, occultic, direct affront to the Word of God that’s what those words mean, the mysterion of anomia, mystery of iniquity. When He said that is something behind that, when the occult rises up, and I have a whole DVD and message about this, when we see the rise of the occult we know that is a prophetic sign that has to happen just before the return of the Lord. At the same time there is going to be this famine of the Word of God, where we have a lot of people that have a form of godliness but deny the power there of. Eric Barger: We see these things. To the Christian, to the Pastor, to the Sunday School teacher, examine what you are going to present to the people, examine what you take into your heart. It’s fine to read other books then the Bible, but if the Bible isn’t being read, do you really have time to read another book? Dr. Reagan: Well it seems to me, test everything, test it by the Word of God. Dr. Reagan: And if you don’t know the Word of God you can not test it, but you’ve got to test it. The fact that a person gets up and who is smooth and charismatic and dynamic, and can speak well, and mentions Jesus name a whole lot of times, does not necessarily mean that he is teaching the truth. And maybe 90% of what he is saying is absolutely true, but it is just that 10% that is so off base, you’ve got to test it. Paul complemented the Bereans for testing everything that he taught by the Word, and he was an Apostle of God. How much more should they test what you teach and what I teach? Eric Barger: Oh, I invite people, I say this so often when I am teaching to test what I’m telling you, to test what I am teaching, to test what I have on the screen behind me in my seminars, to test what I am saying. And if you do you’re going to come out there ahead, more Biblically sound. We need Christians who will test through the Word of God, use the Word of God as the strainer to strain everything through, now we are going to get into this. Dr. Reagan: Brother you have got some wonderful materials on your website that you have produced to help people to be more discerning. So would you just look into that camera and tell people how they can get in touch with your website. Eric Barger: I appreciate that. It is ericbarger.com, E-R-I-C-B-A-R-G-E-R.COM or course www. And for those that do not have web access you can call us at 214-289-5244, we would be glad to send you an informational package. Dr. Reagan: Mention that telephone number one more time. Eric Barger: It is 214-289-5244, and that is our office line, just leave a message if we don’t answer we will call you back. Dr. Reagan: And you have quite a variety of materials, videos, pamphlets and so forth that they can order. Eric Barger: We’ll send a free packet of information with some past newsletters and that kind of thing. Dr. Reagan: Well that’s great. Well Eric I want to thank you again for being on this program and you know I would like to ask you to come back for a 4th week. Would you be willing to do that? Eric Barger: Well I started to say a minute ago, I would love to get into one thing that we’re going to talk about here. Dr. Reagan: Because I would like to talk about many roads to God and some things like that.
PI and our global partners have been at the forefront of challenging communications data retention for over a decade. Communications data, also known as metadata, tells the story about your data and answers the who, when, what, and how of a specific communication and activity. Companies are supposed to delete this data when it is no longer necessary, because it can be highly revelatory about people, their habits, thoughts, health and personal relationships. Governments worldwide seek to oblige companies to retain this communications data so that they can get access at some point in the future. In a context where the gathering and exploitation of data by private companies becomes increasingly privacy intrusive and widespread, data retention poses risks to individual privacy and data security. The data opens the door for governments and third parties to make intimate inferences about individuals, and to engage in profiling. Many of the laws introduced by governments demand indiscriminate and mass retention of data, beyond what is admissible under applicable international human rights standards. In turn, these laws result in the indiscriminate creation of vast dossiers of information on everyone’s activities, including location data and communications with friends, families and work colleagues. There are alternative methods of surveillance that are less disproportionate, for example, requiring a court order to allow operators to retain data related to a specific individual suspected of criminal activity. Privacy International has been at the forefront of challenging data retention. We have been tracking the spread of these laws, raising awareness about the risks of metadata surveillance, and campaigning against their adoption. Given its international influence, and the fact that the US has to date refrained from placing data retention obligations on communications service providers, much of the battleground on data retention has been in Europe. By the early 2000s, some EU member states had enacted national data retention laws, and were pushing for mandatory data retention regulations across the entirety of the EU. In 2003, a draft Framework Decision on data retention under discussion by EU Justice and Home Affairs Ministers sought to oblige Member States to require communications providers to retain for up to two years. In response, PI published a legal memorandum reviewing the proposal, critically analysing existing retention laws in Member States, and argued that these retention policies were not in accordance with law, were not necessary in a democratic society, and therefore violated the right to privacy as protected by the European Convention on Human Rights. We built coalitions, drafted joint letters, and repeatedly gave evidence at various Parliaments. For a while we were successful in pushing back against repeated attempts to create a legal regime across Europe. Following the terrorist attacks in London in July 2005, the European Parliament, under the UK Presidency of the EC, decided to approve the Data Retention Directive. Despite the decision however, some EU member states continued to mandate data retention provisions, with the UK parliament rushing through the Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act (DRIPA), to intense criticism from legal and technical experts. As a result, DRIPA was challenged in court through judicial review by two Members of the UK Parliament, Tom Watson and David Davis. Intervening in the UK High Court, we argued that data retention was in itself unlawful, and reform couldn't be limited to just creating a system of safeguards required around government access to retained data. The case was referred all the way up to the Courts of Justice of the EU (CJEU), whose job it is to rule on the application of EU law across the Union. Courts have recognised that blanket data retention obligations represent a violation of the right to privacy and data protection law. In December 2016, the European Court of Justice reaffirmed the 2014 ruling against data retention and expanded upon it, ruling that “general and indiscriminate retention” of data was in fact prohibited, that retention and any access to the data must be strictly necessary for the purpose of fighting serious crime, and that access to the retained data by the Government must be subject to prior review by a court or independent authority. The decision has far-reaching implications. While the judgment was not specific about other surveillance powers, it also implicated other surveillance laws, such as those contained within the UK’s Investigatory Powers Act. The judgment raised significant questions about whether vast swathes of the new laws should now be repealed. Governments play a long game. This was a 17 year battle. We thought we had achieved victory after victory only to for our victories to be undermined by governments. If we were winning at the national level, governments would seize on terrorist attacks. If we pushed back successfully, they would move forums. Even if you win in court, governments may choose to ignore the decision. While European telecommunications companies such as Telia announced that they stopped retaining specific data, it remained unclear how different EU member states interpreted or acted upon the Court's decisions. In 2017 we ran a survey of 21 EU member states data retention practices in consultation with industry and other NGOs, assessing their legislation and jurisprudence with regard to data retention. We found that while some countries, such as the Netherlands and Slovakia, had repealed national legislation on retention, no country surveyed was in compliance with the 2016 European Court ruling, and in many states their legislation is not even in compliance with the 2014 ruling in favour of Digital Rights Ireland against the Data Retention Directive. The fight against unlawful data retention is one of the most long-running and important privacy issues in the modern era, involving stakeholders from across government, the courts, industry, and civil society. Above all, it shows how collaborative and coordinated campaigning can achieve results for the protection of privacy on a highly contentious and murky issue. Now the challenge becomes about ensuring respect for the rule of law in an era when human rights legislation is coming under increasing attack. To challenge this, it is essential to continue to research and expose data retention practices, to raise awareness about the fundamental threat they pose for everyone’s freedom and security, and to challenge them through the courts and in parliaments. Ultimately, it is only through public attention and pressure that this crucial right will be protected and respected. As we move into a world where our data affects every aspect of our lives and will increasingly do so in ways we don’t yet know, this fight is more crucial than ever. We are now working to ensure that countries reform their legislation and come into compliance with Court rulings. We are pushing for states to review and amend their legislation to comply with European standards, including the CJEU jurisprudence, for telecommunications and other companies subject to data retention obligations to challenge existing data retention legislation which are not compliant with European standards, and for the European Commission to provide guidance on reviewing national data retention laws to ensure its conformity with fundamental rights. In the UK, following the 2016 judgement, the case has been remitted back to the UK Court of Appeal. A hearing has not yet taken place. The government stated that “...in light of the CJEU judgment, and in order to bring an end to the litigation, the Government have accepted to the Court of Appeal that the (DRIPA) was inconsistent with EU law in two areas.” However, until a hearing takes place, the details of what the Government is prepared to accept, the response to this from the Claimants’ and ultimately what results from the CJEU’s ruling is unknown. We will be working hard to ensure that the rule of law is respected, and that the Government act upon the Court’s judgements.
There haven’t been as many stories quoting the tall, affable Yellowstone Park wolf manager in the last several years, but on Aug. 2 at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, Wyoming, he give a talk that was covered quite well by the Cody Enterprise. Nice to see a balanced view that will help the wolf restoration succeed, if not to wolf advocates pleasure…. It is time for Doug to stop putting collars on the wolves in Yellowstone. He has gone from collaring the alpha pair to putting collars on half of some packs. I will be happy when he retires. If the collars are used for positive research then great, but for someone to not like them because a collared wolf or grizzly does not make for a good photo to sell is another thing. I wonder how Doug Smith can say wolf packs are stabilizing/stabilized. Perhaps he meant pre-wolf hunting and killing by the states? That might have been true a year or more ago or in Minnesota but can anyone call the number of wolves that have been killed a stabilization? Maybe the wolves are moving back into Yellowstone, as he points out because thats the only place they are safe, at least for now. …or tracked and know where they are for good purposes. Different collars, placed on wolves for a different purpose (i.e., monitoring–not research). In my mind, several things should go into the decision of collaring. These are subjective to some degree because I don’t like Wildlife Services or the state wildlife agencies much anymore. -Jurisdiction over the wolf, e.g. state or national park, purpose: research or monitoring, type of radio collar, the agency or personnel monitoring the wolf. -Monitoring can be broken down into monitoring to stop potential trouble, research on movements (a subclass of research), or monitoring to kill (worst is to wipe out an entire pack by means of a judas collar). I am not much interested in esthetics for photographers. Given the state government attitudes of Idaho and Montana, I hope the fewer collars and the more expensive they are to put on the wolf, the better. I wish Doug Smith would be more specific regarding which areas wolves should be hunted heavily and not hunted in. Obviously, he is trying to be diplomatic. Doug Smith was in the picture about wolves in Washington, and he hopes they migrate all the way to Mexico, he sounded so sincere? I think he is full of himself, by reading all the comments. As for wolf watchers it started out good,but don’t blame the people for wanting to see wolves.They did not start the killing,Salazar had a great deal to do with this and Max Baucus and Tester.I raelly would like to know how much more information do we need on Bears and wolves,I for sure am not an expert,like most people on this website,but when is enough is enough? It should be noted that today there are only 80 wolves in Yellowstone and just 2 breeding pairs. The peak number of wolves was over 170. And how many elk were there in the beginning (1995), and how many now? My understanding is that there were ~19,000 elk in the northern herd, though NPS thought carrying capacity was around 5,000. The herd now has ~6,000. Stay tuned, JB and WM. Dr. Smith echoes what others are now saying…the population of the Northern herd of elk in Yellowstone is now where it should be and should have been all along had we not eradicated wolves. The 20,000 present a few decades ago were way to high for the health of herd or range there. The northern elk herd and wolf populations seem to have reached the equilibrium we were expecting. Too bad that cannot happen OUTSIDE Yellowstone where wolf control , poaching, and a whole slew of economic land use interests make ecological management a pipe dream , even in wilderness areas surrounding Yellowstone. The difference between the Elk-Wolf dynamic ( and Elk-Wolf-Grizzly-Black Bear-Cougar dynamic for that matter ) inside Yellowstone Park compared to the same species outside the Park is night and day. Or more metaphorically , Heaven and Hell. I was in the front row for this talk by Dr. Doug. he ran long with his remarks so the Q & A was short, but I got in a good question. I asked him for his own view of the popular notion emanating mainly from the anti-Wolf camp about the sub-Species of Canis lupus reintroduced being too different than the native wolves eradicated from Yellowstone before 1930 . The old Canis lupus irremotus vs. nublilus vs. occidentalis ad absurdum that we get so much noise about from Rockhead, Toby , BlackBearBlog and the likes , without me saying as much. Smith said the subspecies of the wolf now in GYE and the wolf that was there before eradication is moot. Totally moot and groundless to make a case with . He said it’s a a taxonomic distinction that has little to no value , more like a bookkeeping thing. In other words, Dr. Smith agrees with Ed Bangs and Carter Niemeyer et ux that it’s Canis lupus IRREGARDLESS. We need to impress that on the anti-Wolfers if we can get it thru their thick skulls. In that Canid taxonomy there are listed 37 distinct subspecies of Canis lupus worldwide. From the current population in GYE and Idaho all the way to the far Northern Rockies or southern Canadian Rockies provinces ( where the Yellowstone wolves were sourced) any co-mingling is negligible until you disperse as far away as the Yukon ( sub species arctos ) or east or south into the realm of the smaller Red Wolf ( rufus) and Mexican Grey Wolf ( baileyi ), maybe . An infusion of the former Southern Rockies wolf ( youngi ) or the British Columbia wolf ( columbianus) would not tilt the genetic scales. It might be better stated that the greater genetic disparity from the ” wrong” Gray wolf subspecies in Yellowstone would be the lone wolf breeding with some family’s Border Collie or Labrador Retriever somewhere south of Butte or east of Salmon. BECAUSE— one of the sub species of wolves is Canis lupus familiaris. We call them Domestic Dogs. ALL the breeds of domestic dogs from Chihuahua to Pyrenees great Hound and everything in between are Canis lupus familiaris and breedable back to Yellowstone -Idaho wolves . Call the American Kennel Club and let’s see if we can get a new breed taxonomized into the Westchester Dog Show. Recommended reading. 32 pgs. Smith handed out hard copies at the Cody talk . What Smith did append to his own team’s work were several crossreferences to Arthur Middleton’s study on the ecology of Elk and relationship to predators in the region immediately east of Yellowstone’s boundary where Smith’s own work basically stops. Smith seemed really jazzed by the preliminary results of Middleton’s Absaorka Elk Ecology Study ” demonstrating the dramatic flux that climate climate and altered vegetation cycles are having on the entire predator-prey system of GYE. There’s a lot of anti-Wolfers than need to hear THAT , too.Starting with Idaho Fish and Game and Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks and anybody and everybody in Wyoming halls. Nice post. One correction: modern genetic and morphology suggest about 5 subspecies (not in the 30s) in all of North America. So the 600 or so miles away where they came from in Canada is not far from Yellowstone if there are only that many subspecies. That does not include the eastern/red wolf discussion in eastern North America. „Phase One“ implies there´s a „Phase Two“ already in the pipeline. Just curious what that could be…. Nice remarks,my thoughts exactly,you stated it with grace. Nice remarks,my thoughts exactly,you stated it with grace. I think Ralph felt the same way as you. Again very nice. Just two breeding pairs? I got the impression that the park is capable of supporting far more than just two. Tayo, there are around 10 packs in Yellowstone. That has been stable over the years. What seems to be happening is the wolf population is not reproducing b.c of lack of food and conflicts with other packs. That is why only 2 produced pups this year. Not to take words from his mouth, but judging by the article Phase 2 seems to be a new more stable phase where wolf pops will likely be lower (will not get into the 175-200 range like earlier) and wolves will have larger territories and live in more stable packs. In other words, they may approach a long term average hovering around the 100 mark. Of course, a lot depends what happens with elk due to climate change, predation, etc.. Why don’t photographers like them? Shouldn they be thrilled to take a photo of a wolf WITH a collar? At least that proves that it is a wild wolf.
For 48 hours, Theresa May looked as if she was in control of her government. On Friday, July 6, Britain’s embattled leader called all her ministers to the bucolic prime ministerial bolthole at Chequers. The so-called ‘Chequers deal’ was heralded as a major breakthrough. On the Friday evening, the BBC reported that May had emerged with her position greatly strengthened after every cabinet minister endorsed her proposals. Afterwards, the Conservative leader sounded an unusually bullish tone, telling one British newspaper that it was up to the European Union to step up to the mark. “It’s now for Europe to be prepared to sit down and move the pace of negotiations on and talk about it seriously and address what we’ve put forward,” she said. But by Sunday evening, such confidence had evaporated. Hardline Brexiteers had already begun to voice their disquiet with the Chequers plan. Maintaining a “common rule book” for goods with the EU, collecting tariffs on behalf of the EU, free movement for skilled workers and students from the EU, and giving “due regard” to the European Courts of Justice was too far for many Eurosceptic Conservative MPs – and for the Brexit minister David Davis. As Sunday night moved into Monday morning, Davis announced that he was resigning from the Department for Exiting the European Union. Davis was nominally in charge of Brexit, but in practice had been usurped by Theresa May’s most trusted aide Olly Robbins. In the previous six months, Davis – who is not known for his grasp of detail – had spent less than hours in talks with European Commission chief negotiator Michel Barnier. May had hoped to wake up on Monday to her first week in control of her cabinet since last June’s disastrous general election when the Conservatives lost their overall majority in the Commons, forcing them to rely on the support of Democratic Unionist MPs. Instead, the prime minister had lost her Brexit secretary and rumours were swirling of who would go next. Nominally Johnson was foreign secretary – one of Britain’s ‘great offices of state’ – but, in reality, he ran a freelance operation geared around manoeuvring himself into Number 10 Downing Street. The concept of collective cabinet responsibility was an alien one as Johnson penned pieces in right-wing broadsheets attacking May’s Brexit plan. But the prime minister was unable to sack the most prominent Brexiteer in her cabinet; to do would risk mutiny from her Eurosceptic backbenchers. But there was little strategic logic to Johnson’s decision to leave. Pro-Brexit Tories for whom any continued relationship with the European Union is anathema lack the numbers to force May out. This point was tacitly acknowledged by another resigning cabinet minister – junior Brexit secretary Steve Baker – who noted that “arithmetic” might “constrain the Government’s freedom of action”. Baker will return to where he has always been: the anti-EU Tory backbenches. Indeed, within minutes of his resignation, he had once again been made an administrator of the WhatsApp group controlled by the European Research Group (ERG), the rather incongruously titled cadre of hardline Brexiteers led by the priggish Jacob Rees-Mogg. The ERG supports leaving both the customs union and the single market – a pledge made by May herself in her Lancaster House speech last January – but which is opposed by most businesses and is incompatible with the commitment to no border in Ireland. With three ministers gone, febrile talk grew of a leadership challenge. But shifting May is not easy: under the rather arcane Conservative party rules, a vote of no confidence is triggered by at least 15pc of Tory MPs requesting one by writing to the chairman of the party’s backbench 1922 committee. Graham Brady, the 1922’s chairman, keeps names of those writing the letters confidential – and does not provide a running tally – but we do know that the 48 MPs currently needed to trigger a vote of confidence have yet to put pen to paper. If they do, there is every chance that May could survive a vote amongst her own MPs, many of whom are wary of another general election with Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour party narrowly ahead in the polls. Even if May were to be defenestrated, a Conservative leadership contest could take months – and might not radically change the content of the UK’s Brexit plans. “It is easy for the Brexiteers to criticise the plan and the prime minister but they don’t have a clear rallying point to circle around,” says Simon Usherwood, senior lecturer in politics at the University of Surrey. This lack of an alternative Brexit plan has been a constant feature of British politics since the vote to leave. Last week’s Chequers tête-à-tête was the first time the UK cabinet had sat down to discuss what Britain should look like outside the European Union. A referendum won on soundbites – “take back control!” – and slogans daubed on the side of brightly coloured buses, bequeathed a paralysed political system. Britain had voted to leave the European Union, yes, but how should it leave? Nobody can quite agree. For ardent Brexiteers, the path is straightforward. Out of the customs union and the single market. Rees-Mogg dismisses dire economic warnings from the dreaded ‘experts’ as just another example of Project Fear, pre-referendum prognostications of doom that never materialised. (In fact, the UK’s growth has slowed noticeably and is expected to fall further.) But true Brexit believers are still a minority. For most Conservative MPs, party unity – and their own parliamentary seats – are more important than Brexit red lines. There is even a small Tory cabal, led by former attorney general Dominic Grieve, that is actively pushing for the UK to stay in the single market by following Norway’s model by joining the European Economic Area. The opposition benches are no less ideologically cluttered. Throughout four decades in politics, Corbyn has never been a Europhile. Officially, his Labour party is in favour of staying in the customs union and leaving the single market. But as many as a hundred pro-EU Labour MPs oppose the party’s line on Brexit, with many wanting to see a second referendum on any deal. May’s Chequers plan – fleshed out in a White Paper released on Thursday – represents the first time the UK government has set out what it wants from the Brexit process. But in attempting to define what was previously a constructive ambiguity, May has exposed huge fissures, both within her own party and across British politics. On the hoary problem of the Irish border, the Chequers plan recognised the backstop for Northern Ireland agreed last December with the EU. Leo Varadkar welcomed the proposals, saying the EU “could be flexible too”, but the Democratic Unionists, upon whom May depends for her parliamentary majority, were far more muted. The DUP MP group includes some of the most fervent Brexiteers in Westminster. The public reception to the Chequers plan has been equally lukewarm. A midweek poll found only 14pc of respondents thought it was good for Britain. (More than half did not know.) The prime minister herself has made little attempt to sell the merits of the deal, leaving much of the media to her newly appointed Brexit secretary – and trenchant Eurosceptic – Dominic Raab. Indeed, the Chequers proposals are not an easy sell. Brexiteer wails that it represents “the worst of all worlds” are not without merit. The putative new customs partnership with the EU is fiendishly complicated and would place onerous bureaucratic demands on business – flying in the face of the long-running Tory lines about EU ‘red tape’. Brexiteers fear that by keeping so close to the EU’s orbit, the UK will not be able to realise the vision of ‘Global Britain’ constructed during the referendum to avoid the (valid) accusations that fear of immigration was driving the leave vote. There is palpable enthusiasm among sections of the British media and political establishment for free-trade deals with the US and elsewhere as an alternative to the EU. That such deals would come at a price – most likely felt by British farmers and manufacturers – and amid a global turn towards protectionism has received less attention. At the same time, the Chequers proposals would likely leave the UK economy in a much worse position than staying in the EU. Services – four-fifths of the UK economy – would be outside the single market, with the threat of barriers to trade. The City of London could be badly hit. Major business interests are warning of a serious disruption to both production and sales. Whether the UK’s White Paper will survive until October’s crunch talks with the EU27 is unclear. It provides a potential basis for a negotiation with the EU but it will not be acceptable to Brussels in its current form – the whiff of freshly picked cherries is far too strong. But any further softening of Theresa May’s malleable red lines could see more ministerial departures, and more no confidence letters to the 1922 committee. The prospect of Britain leaving the EU without a deal still remains. Brexiteers have signalled that they could stymie the progress of any deal through Parliament. That could prove a successful tactic: if Westminster does not agree on a deal before 11pm on March 29 next year, the UK will crash out of the EU. The warnings of a “no-deal Brexit” are dire – including, this week, the possibility of stockpiles of tinned fruit and a flotilla of electric generators to power Northern Ireland. Whether this is all ‘Mad Max fantasy’ will depend on May’s ability to deliver an alternative deal that can command cross-party support – a difficult challenge in partisan British politics even in fair weather. Leaving the European Union is often described as “leaving a club”. But the UK is discovering that it more like a computer operating system: having run on the customs union and, latterly, the single market, for 45 years, almost everything Britain does is connected to the EU in some way. Building a new operating system cannot be done overnight – and comes with huge risks about its efficacy and efficiency.
From Lionel S. Challis's "Peninsula Roll Call" Is this the item you refered to Ian as it does state Peninsula service till Apr 1813? Sorry for the delay in providing more details of Lt Jonathan Layton's life outside his service years. Jonathan Layton was named after his father’s elder brother Jonathan (1742-1801), who was the squire/copyholder of Reedham Hall (Norfolk) until his death. Young Jonathan was born in Clippesby, the second son and third child of Charles Layton (1744-1791) and Catherine Lawne (1755-1837), and was baptized there on 24th February 1782. He was followed by seven more siblings - the last, Henry, being born only a year before his father died. The family lived at Clippesby Hall, as had his paternal grandparents Charles (1715-1772) and Elizabeth Pritchard (1716-1772). After the untimely death of her husband, Charles in 1791 (aged only 48), Catherine and her 9/10 small children may well have gone to live in Reedham Hall with her bachelor brother-in-law, the elder Jonathan. Upon his death in 1801 her children inherited most of his property and fortune, but were mostly under-age. The eldest son Charles took over the largest properties (Reedham, Salhouse, etc), while his brothers received smaller estates and/or cash legacies. Catherine apparently moved to Caister-next-Yarmouth (Caister on Sea), inherited by her youngest son Henry, as the property appears in her name on the inclosure map of 1802, or she may have stayed on at Reedham until her sons successively attained their majority (age of 21). According to the Military List of 1805, Jonathan (1782-1836), the second son, began his military career as an Ensign in the Norfolk East Militia (15 May 1804) and was soon commissioned as Lieutenant on 22 Aug 1804 (aged 22); he became a militia Captain on 3 Sept 1806. His income must have derived mainly from the rents in Salhouse (a small estate owned by Hawes in 1798/9 but purchased by his uncle), which he had retained after inheriting it in 1801 from his wealthy uncle Jonathan (1742-1801). However, his older brother Charles sold his larger Salhouse estate in 1802 and, while living at Reedham Hall, became interested in acquiring further land and estates, including the two manors of Cantley, where he also purchased the lordship title from William Morriss (farmer and copyhold tenant of Cantley Uphall) on 25th August 1815, thereby becoming squire of both Cantley and Reedham. Being in Harwich, he should have embarked for Sweden with part of the 1st Battalion and other forces led by Sir John Moore, arriving Gothenburg 7 May 1808. However, still pending trial, he was not permitted to join the expedition. He didn’t miss much as there was no action, only drills and exercises. After two stints of service in the Peninsula ((Nov 1808 - Jan 1809, & July 1809 - Apr 1813), Jonathan returned to the depot in Kent for unknown reasons. In 1815 he was wounded in the wrist and side at Quatre Bras but is not listed among the wounded - so maybe the wounds were considered minor, enabling him to retain command of Charles Beckwith's 10th company at Waterloo? On 1 May 1825 Jonathan Layton married Emily Mingay (from near Salhouse?) in St Marylebone, New Church, London. Did he still receive any income from his small estate in Salhouse, Norfolk, or had he sold it? On 27 Dec 1828, when his half pay apparently ceased (10 years?, after a total of 21 years of service. What about the two years extra pay and pension promised to the victors of Waterloo?), Jonathan and Emily were living at No 47 London Street, Fitzroy Square, London; during the previous 5 years he had lived at Hermitage House & Reading, both in the county of Berkshire, and at No 24 Upper Marylebone St., Fitzroy Square, London (Jonathan Layton’s service record at Kew, WO 25/765/9. First page in the folio, urgently needs preserving as it is damaged through excessive handling). Was this strictly true? Was he really still on half-pay? His sojourn in the White Cross Prison must have been in relation to his earlier insolvency and debts. Jonathan Layton died 3rd July 1836 (aged 54), and was presumably buried somewhere in Marylebone/Regents Park; evidently he was not buried in Reedham. Was he among the 600 or so burials moved from inside the church to another cemetery? 18 July 1836 his widow, Emily Layton, claimed the balance (was there any?) of his half pay – no will left? She was then living at 6 Frederic Street, Regent’s Park. In the 1841 census she was possibly a domestic servant (35 rounded down) in the household of a merchant, James Duff, at 13 Harley Street, Marylebone. She remarried OND 1842 to William Mines, a retired oilman, and in 1851 they were living at 1 Windsor Cottage, Tavestock Road, Hampstead (she was then 47 and he was 49). Well, that's about all I have. Apart from the Waterloo medal issued in 1816, he would also have been entitled to the campaign medal and five clasps for his Peninsular War service. However, they were not issued until 1847, long after his death in 1836, which explains why his name is missing from the medal rolls. Hope this is of interest. Any comments or extra information would be much appreciated! Does anyone know anything about the Late Issue Waterloo Medal awarded to those who fought between the 16th and 18th June 1815? It appears to have been distributed later, to those who were wounded (in hospital?) and who were not with their battallion/company at the time of the first issue. What were the actual dates of the first and late issues? Lieutenant Jonathan Layton was wounded in the wrist and side at Quatre Bras on the 16th, but it seems impossible to know whether or not he was present and in command of the 10th company (Beckwith's) on the 18th. Does anyone have access to the pay list that immediately followed the final battle? If Jonathan was indeed hospitalised then I presume he would not figure in the 10th company's roll? Hi, I may have given the wrong signals, but I do know that Jonathan received a Waterloo Medal (he is on the list just cited). However, according to Caldwell & Cooper's "Rifle Green at Waterloo" he did receive a Late Issue Medal and I was trying to find out more about the two, apparently separate, issues. Did the medals differ in any way and what was the time interval between their issue? I shall be in England and hope to visit the PRO at Kew between 4th to 7th May - hopefully to find out more about the military career of my remote ancestor, Jonathan Layton. If anyone (perhaps Adrian?) has any tips on which series of records I should look at, to clarify his return home from the Peninsula in 1813 and his participation or non-participation in the actual battle of Waterloo (he was wounded in the wrist and side at Quatre Bras), I would be most grateful to hear from you. You will need to bring proof of ID (drivers licence etc) and they will issue you with a readers card. The staff are helpful and will point you in the right direction but from experience they aren't familiar with everything so may take a bit of digging. The set of files you are after are marked WO (for War office), and from memory all the monthly returns are in WO13. That is probably the easiest way to see his name on the roster during the Waterloo period. It's worth remembering that the returns are not listed by engagement/ battles but by monthly periods. Service records are there but I have yet to look at them so I can't help you with that one. Thanks Adrian, once again, for your advice. I have been to the PRO many moons ago, so I am aware of the bun fight to get documents! He confirms that Layton commanded the company at QB but does not mention him at Waterloo at all. However he states that Layton's injuries were minor and I therefore believe that he continued to command the company at Waterloo. Here are the quotes. Lieutenant Layton commanded the company, Lieutenant Stewart, Lieutenant Simmons, Lieutenant Felix, 2nd Lieutenant Wright, Mr Smith Volunteer, these officers constituted the mess, for whom I had to provide. I sprang up & said ‘Fire it yourself.’ Layton entreated me to do so, not this time. The sergeant then placed his rifle over the stump, I pointing at (almost bent over him) a man at the corner of a wall. At this moment a round shot struck him in the face, dashing his head into long shreds or ribbons, throwing him backwards a distance of 10 yards. It was quite marvellous, his smashed head did not touch me, only a little sprinkling of blood. Layton & Felix were close by [&] observed ‘George Simmons, you really have a charmed life. P. S. Reference late issue Waterloo Medals. I was lucky enough a number of years ago to browse the original Waterloo Medal list at the Royal Mint in Llantrisant (I believe it is now held at Kew). It would seem that the lists sent in by regiments were not always correct and certainly not consistent in their approach; some including the dead others not etc. A number of medals were issued beyond the issue date of 1816 (memory serves me that the last listed was in the 1830's), some to families of deceased, others wounded or missing not on the return etc and even some for lost originals. There was no official re-issue date; they simply issued out spare medals (all cast together in the original batch) to claims as they came in and were accepted as genuine. Gareth! Many thanks indeed for keeping an eye open for Lt Jonathan Layton. I had not expected to get any further with his career and exploits and I really needed to get George Simmon's own words rather than relying on Mark Urban's words. I am therefore most grateful for your verbatim extracts from the original journals and for your useful observations on the issuing of the Waterloo medal. More details about the life of Jonathan Layton keep cropping up! On retiring on half pay in 1818, he appears to have returned to Reedham Hall in Norfolk, where his older brother Charles had lived until 1817 - continuing the family's ties with the property, dating from the 1730s. In 1822, however, he held a sale of livestock, farm implements, furniture, etc., and was no longer the tenant in 1823. Among his possessions up for auction were four peacocks, three Spanish asses, a rifle gun, mahogany loo table ('loo' was a popular card game), mahogany card tables, etc., which give some idea of his lifestyle and may well account for his economic downfall. One wonders if he had brought the Spanish asses from the Peninsula in 1813, when he returned to England, and if his rifle gun was the one he might have used in the Peninsula and at Waterloo? Or did officers only have pistols and swords? After a long silence, I have at last something more to add to the tale of Lt Jonathan Layton of the 1st battalion. Named silver campaign medals (Waterloo 1815) were awarded for the first time to all men and officers that took part in the Waterloo battles and were distributed in early 1816. Lt Jonathan Layton must have received one but, possibly because of his wounds, he did not appear on the original medal roll (as was the case with a number of other officers and men). However, he appears on the late claims roll 5th February 1818; BUT, he is shown as ‘James Laton’, so his medal rim could possibly be named as this, and the name of the Regiment may well be ‘Late 95th, Rifle Brigade’ as a number of others were. I doubt he was pleased to receive his medal with the wrong christian name and misspelt surname! Does a collector still have this medal? Jonathan may have pawned it when he was hard up in London! The Views counter seems to have gone berserk... Nothing more to add unfortunately.
Quite frankly, thoughts and prayers can only go so far. They have limited ability to protect our families. The time has come for our elected leaders – including President Barack Obama – to stand up and fight for our families and children, and their safety. But the American people support stronger gun safety measures more than he believes or cares to say. Polls now demonstrate this to be true. When our children are being shot at and killed in their schools, or movie theaters, we have to take meaningful action. These tragedies are too frequent, and are, as the president said, heartbreaking. We need to talk about gun laws. We need an open and honest debate about the tragedies happening in our communities, one after another. There are common-sense laws that can help prevent these tragedies, and Americans support them. The “Fix Gun Checks Act,” if passed, would make it tougher for the mentally ill to legally buy guns by strengthening background checks so people like James Holmes (the Aurora shooter) can’t acquire guns. Ninety percent of Americans want to fix gaps in government databases that allow the mentally ill or drug users from buying guns. Even gun owners support the laws. Eighty-two percent of gun owners (National Rifle Association and non-NRA members) believe that a criminal background check should be required for anyone purchasing a gun, according to data released by Republican pollster Frank Luntz for Mayors Against Illegal Guns earlier this year, 76 percent of gun owners support prohibiting people on the terrorist watch list from buying guns, 80 percent support mandatory gun safety training for anyone applying for a concealed permit, and 78 percent of gun owners believe that concealed permits should only be granted to applicants who have not committed violent misdemeanors. The NRA, which fights against all this, is out of touch — even with its own membership. Its power to dictate this debate has to be challenged. The data on assault weapons is just as telling. The man identified Friday as the gunman, Adam Lanza was armed with semiautomatic pistols and a semiautomatic rifle and the killers in Aurora and Portland both used an AR-15 semi-automatic assault rifle. Sixty-three percent of Americans said they favor a nationwide ban on assault weapons, according to a 2011 CBS/New York Times poll, and 63 percent favored banning high-capacity magazines that hold many rounds of ammunition. We found, in a 2011 survey we conducted for the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, that 57 percent of Americans support a law that would limit the size of ammunition clips so that the gun could not fire more than 10 bullets without having to be reloaded. Only a third, or 34 percent, of Americans opposed that law. The Brady Bill, which expired under President George W. Bush, and that Obama said he supported, regulated these kinds of assault weapons (AR-15). Those guns are now unregulated and the result is tragedy after tragedy that won’t end until elected leaders step up. Support for sounder, safer gun laws is not restricted to blue states or big urban cities. In a study conducted by Lake Research Partners earlier this year in swing state-senate districts in Virginia, we found that two-thirds of voters (65 percent) in a rural western Virginia district believe the gun laws should be made stronger — including 52 percent who strongly believe so. Just 24 percent say they should be less restrictive. Ninety-two percent of voters in a state senate district centered in Roanoke, Virginia, strongly endorsed requiring background checks for people purchasing guns and permits for people who want to carry a concealed loaded weapon. The NRA and those who oppose gun safety measures should welcome a gun-control debate — especially if they think they have the winning hand. The consistent lack of leadership on this issue is stunning. But what is most unnerving is that it does not have to be this way – the American people support common sense gun laws. Others have said, even on Friday, that now is not the time to discuss more gun laws. They said this same thing after Aurora, after Portland, and now after Newtown. They are trying to silence the millions of Americans who want stronger protections from gun violence in their communities. These silencers, led by the NRA, continue to use the 2011 Gallup poll, which we have already explained is problematic, to shut down the debate about new gun laws that will make us safer. That poll said that 43 percent of Americans support stricter gun laws, a 6 percentage point drop from 2008. But as the numbers we have cited here show, this single Gallup question is too shallow to really tell the story of what Americans think about gun safety measures. Now is the time to have a discussion about gun laws that will make our communities and families safer. The American people are ready. Obama showed great courage earlier this year when he stood up for the right of gay and lesbian couples to marry. His courage and leadership is needed here too. These tragedies will happen again and again until our leaders stand up and pass meaningful gun-safety laws that the American public supports. No, the public doesn’t agree. The majority of Americans support the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. This is a fact. The public does not agree. The only reason there were so many deaths is because the federal ban on firearms within 100feet of a school does not permit a responsible citizen from carrying a firearm. Otherwise someone would have dropped this Perp in his tracks. The police and your gov’t can’t be everywhere and make you safe. Grow up and start taking responsibility for your own security. This article represents the psychology of the victim. The Republicans need any and all fringe groups to make up for the fact that they represent a small percentage of the electorate. Their greatest fear is that people will figure them out. Which public is this that you speak of? The 26% as usual? Stop using tragedy to push your BS agendas. Almost every Swiss man has an assault rifle and its ammunition, at home, as part of his obligation to do military service. Yet killings using these rifles are extremely rare. Why? The two writers of this “opinion piece” (you noted, I didn’t call it news, nor refer to the authors as journalists), have managed to present about as much political drivel and spin as I’ve ever seen, in one single story. The vast majority of the article is composed of opinion, half truths, and highly targeted, and vague opinion “polls”. PULEEZE, can we get some real journalism here? A species that eats its young or fails to protect them becomes extinct. Think about it. @saildog07. You are clearly remarkably ignorant of what the US is, what we face as a people and what “inalienable rights” means. I think we should ban meth and heroin, that would keep it off the streets and, keep people from doing it. The Colordao theater killer chose the only movie theater within 20 miles that had a ban on concealed weapons. You want the only people in the world to have guns to be governments and criminals? a naive concept. This guy was insane – lets address the problems with mental illness and get some security at schools for God’s sake. For the first time in my life, I am thinking about buying a gun. The only places where these mass shootings have happened are where guns are not allowed. (Schools, churches, government buildings) These people maybe mentally ill but they still know enough to do this in places where someone can’t shoot back at them. Anyplace that does not allow legal gun owners to carry a firearm should be required to have an armed guard 24/7. Even then the armed guard won’t be in the right place at the right time. I would feel much safer sending my kids to the school in Texas with the Guardian program where some of the teachers are licensed to carry firearms. Outlaw firearms and only criminals will have them. This is not what the public wants. This is what the liberals want for the public. I believe in gun control. I control mine very well. How about controlling the pez dispensing of mind altering, psychosis enducing drugs you’re giving people. Even dispensing these harmful drugs to young adults! In the Supreme Court case, Castle Rock v. Gonzales, 545 U.S. 748 (2005), the court ruled that our local police are not responsible for protecting us. SOOOOOO, who IS responsible for protecting us? We are responsible. That’s why I responsibly conceal carry. I protect my wife and 2 small children. When more responsible people carry, violent crime goes down. The FBI crime statistics don’t lie. Why do the left and gun grabbing crowd ignore this fact? Liberalism is a mental disorder. Lets look one poll that this particular article is using for it’s numbers. The poll used 2 Senate Districts in the State of VA. District 21 and District 38. with the total numbers of respondents being 305 voters in District 21 and 302 voters in district 38. That’s a fairly small sample size considering Roanoke VA (part of district 21) has a population of 92,376 (2010 numbers) but polls being what they are they can’t call every registered voter. So they are making a statement for the entire state of Virginia with a population of 8 million give or take from the words of 607 people. Now not all of the 8 million are old enough to vote or even care enough to vote. But the statement that such a small group of people are the norm for a much larger population is suspicious. Lets now look at the generator of the poll and the authors of this piece. Lake Research here is a snippet from their web site. Nothing unusual there, next check their “outstanding clients” I did not check all of them but the ones I did check are Democrats with a history of voting for more firearms laws or outright bans. So going down to the list of causes that they have worked for I see several that catch my eye, The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, MoveOn.org, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. So I think it is safe to say that this is a group that is defiantly not non-bias. Nothing wrong with that, but I would not trust this group to give me honest results any more than I would a Republican think tank on gay marriage. So as to the title of this opinion piece states “Public agrees” there is not enough data in their source material to even make that assumption let alone any reason to believe that the authors are trying to give anything but their own viewpoints legitimacy. I think the founding fathers would have had a different opinion if they realized that modern “constitutionalists” were defending the right of 14 year old drug dealers to carry semiautomatic weapons or mentally deranged people to spray bullets into elementary school classrooms. The one part that is frequently lacking in these types of discussions is any realistic alternate solution or approach for stemming the regular occurrence of these types of events. Arming guards at the entrances to all schools? Really? Is that really the statement of our times? Ok, so we are the most heavily armed society in the world and we kill more fellow Americans every year than the combined total of the Gulf War, the Twin Towers assault, the Iraq war and the War on Terror in Afghanistan. Every year. Are there any serious suggestions of how to begin to address these murders? A gun is an inanimate tool not deviant behavior and crime is deviant behavior not an inanimate tool. You can’t prevent deviant behavior by regulating tools because tools are incapable of behavior and the number of tools available to the world’s deviants is endless. Even if you could legislate guns out of existence, deviants could, would and have used other things that gave them a power advantage over their victims—knives, clubs, rocks or even sharp sticks—all of which are very legal and very accessible.
Perfect for those travelers who like to enjoy and divertirce on the trip. Transfer + City tour + the Incas Sacred Valley + Machu Picchu + Dinner Show + Disco night Tours. An experience of life in Cuzco, the capital of the Inca Cusco festivals and Tours is a special program for those who love to travel and enjoy the nightlife that Cusco offers to its visitors. Be in Cusco and not enjoy their grandiose urban beauty is a sin. The entrepreneurs who, in recent years, have been occupying one how much local lent itself to open a pub, a bar or a coffee in the houses surrounding the Plaza de Armashave understood that. Each window of the second floor and each balcony have become viewpoints towards the great square that night, illuminated the Cathedral and the company acquires an even more captivating charm. Enjoy the main attractions of Cusco, Machu Picchu and a unique experience in Cusco. DAY 1.-ARRIVAL TO CUSCO, CITY TOUR. 14:00 p.m. start of the excursion and guided tour in the following attractions. (was the main temple and the entire Empire Central) where surrendered cultured to the Dios Sol. Highlights the engineering used in the construction of this place, its walls were covered with gold plates and animals made the precious metal to size, also contained Momias Incas were kept and their wives who once ruled these lands and which were embalmed, the Chronicles indicate that they seemed that they were alive. The city of the Cusco had the shape of a Puma, and the head was exactly Saqsayhuaman. It is located 3 km from the city of the Cusco impressive temple of stone and magnificent architecture, also it known as the House of the Sun. Annually on June 24 is at this place where the ancient ritual of Inti Raymi is performed. It keeps memories of the last battle between invaders and incas. (Temple of the Pachamama or mother earth) was a ceremonial and ritual Center, there is an amphitheater where they performed sacrifices of black flames, this every winter solstice "21 June" with the shadows cast by worked and polished stones have one very well known is called "The awakening of Puma" natural phenomenon that the incas took advantage to start wing great celebration of the Inti Raymi. (Inca Fortress) old tambo, outpost that existed throughout the Empire and along the Inka roads. In this case this Tambo controlled output and income of those who moved from or to the Holy City. (Royal baths of the Inca and the Ñusta) 7 km. The city of the cusco ceremonial center of worship to the water, its name is due to water sources that exist in the workplace, is believed to be resting place of the Inka. 18:30 p.m. return to the city of the Cusco, leaving us in the beautiful Plaza de Armas. DAY 2.-SACRED VALLEY OF THE INKAS. TOUR VALLE SAGRADO OF THE INCAS. P' p'isaq constitutes one of the most important archaeological parks in the region. Possibly its name derives from a type of very common Partridge of the area known as ' p' p'isaqa '. Some scholars suggest that the pre-Hispanic City had the form of a ' p' p'isaqa ' which represented the local fauna. Today there is a colonial town named P' p'isaq in the lower part of the Valley, established as a result of "Indian reductions" famous for the quechuas were joined in small towns. The inca City currently offers a Local market, full of crafts and local products. The archaeological complex of Ollantaytambo was a strategic military, religious and agricultural center. The architectural scenario is of exceptional interest for the size, style and originality of its buildings. For the quechua language, the name comes from the word Ollanta (which is the name of an Inca captain, whose history was saved as a written and oral tradition as a drama of Antonio Valdez, priest from Urubamba, in the middle of the 18th century) and the term, tambo, a Spanish derivation from the quechua Word tampu; you mean, "city which offers accommodation, food and comfort to travelers". Agricultural activity in this area benefited by the presence of the stream of Patacancha, place where was large terraces cultivation. The most typical town of the Sacred Valley of the Incas, is a purely Inca city that the ambitious conquerors wanted to "civilize" to implement their culture, but never succeeded, since they resisted completely. Today this resistance can be seen in its people since they live in the almost untouched Inca constructions, in the same place where their distant ancestors lived and formed the largest and most prosperous American civilization. Rainbow City is located 28 km. to the Northwest of the city of Cusco, on the 3,762 meters, in an intermediate place between puna and quebrada tempered, flanked by the snow-capped Salkantay, Veronica and Soray. The view from here is impressive. Chinchero was the place chosen by the inca Túpac Yupanqui to establish his residence. DAY 3-EXCURSION TO MACHUPICCHU PM: DINNER AND TOUR PUBS, BARS AND CLUBS. 6:30 am transfer from the Hotel to the train station to take the train from Cusco to Aguas Calientes, reaching this village immediately will board a bus from Machu Picchu town to Machu Picchu the Inca city. We will have a visit in the city with a bilingual professional guide, 02 hours, we visit the city on our own. Picchu (Machu Picchu's original name) was one of these llactas, but retained a special role for himself. It is the only one away from the Capacnan and was built in a hidden and impregnable place the Valley of Tampu, in lands of the panaca of Pachacutec (the founder of the Tawantinsuyu). It was the most beautiful of the Empire because it was built to be the refuge and dwelling place of the most selected of the aristocracy in the event of a surprise attack. Roads leading to Picchu were forbidden to the common population, as its location was a military secret. The deep ravines and rugged mountains are the best natural defense. As all important llacta, they did not let be present in Picchu an Acllawasi ("House of the chosen"), an intiwatana (solar clock, which mark the seasons of the year), punas (sheds for Warriors), baths and aqueducts, as well as spacious areas with terraces. Optional to climb Wayna Picchu mountain, Sun and Puente Inca door or what you see by suitable do in that time. 22:30 p.m. arrival to Cusco. More late start of our tour Cusco at Night. A modern and hectic nightlife only arrived in Cusco with tourists. For them, by the mid-1970s, the local first opened: the Abraxas and the Hatuchay, both in the Plaza de Armas. Shortly after, the own cusqueños imagination fueled by the stories that ran from mouth in mouth, were encouraging to face the night cold that kept them cloistered in their homes and were discovering that, at night, people have easier to approach each other overcoming social, cultural and even language barriers. We can therefore say that, its many attractions, Cusco has joined an intense, feverish and cosmopolitan nightlife with an original touch of Andean. Enjoy its charms is one more way of knowing the Imperial City and empathize with his spirit. The lines following are a key to open the doors to this world. A good way to begin a night in Cusco is appreciating the singular richness and variety of the folklore of this region, both in its musical expressions in their dances. The traveller will have to choose between the sets of some institutions that folk art, and a select number of restaurants that offer this type of shows. Be in Cusco and not enjoy their grandiose urban beauty is a sin. The entrepreneurs who, in recent years, have been occupying one how much local lent itself to open a pub, a bar or a coffee in the houses surrounding the Plaza de Armas have understood that. Each window of the second floor and each balcony have become viewpoints towards the great square that night, illuminated the Cathedral and the company, acquires an even more captivating charm. Ideal to tone before continuing the evening dancing are pubs. Usually, they serve until one in the morning and offer happy hour (drinks at half price) at times indicated at the entrance or at the bar. DAY 5.-DEPARTURE FROM HOTEL AND TRANSFER OUT. Breakfast. Transfer to the airport and assistance for boarding by our staff. Language English and Spanish personnel. Cusco tour at night "Pubs, Bars and nightclubs" Train tickets round trip and return. In Machu Picchu Gourmet lunch. Professional bilingual (English - Spanish) for all the excursions Guide. Support custom throughout his visit in Cuzco. Income to recreational sites, such as "Clubs" "Hot springs, amusement parks" Other not specified in the program. Note : Waynapicchu entry must be confirmed at the time of making your reservation and is subject to availability of places. (maximum 400 quotas per day). Paucartambo se ubica al este de la ciudad del Cusco. Es una hermosa ciudad colonial, con sus casitas blancas hechas de adobe, tejas y sus clásicos balcones de color celeste. La festividad de la Virgen de Paucartambo es una fabulosa celebración que convoca a verdaderas masas humanas de feligreses y visitantes de todas partes del mundo acompañada siempre de su pueblo y sus 12 grupos de danzantes que irradian fe, encanto, color y júbilo. Este tour se inicia a las 8:00 de la mañana, con el traslado desde su hotel al Koricancha. La ceremonia del INTI RAYMI tiene tres escenas diferentes en tres lugares diferentes, se inicia en el Templo Inca de Koricancha en la Avenida El Sol, a continuación, nos dirigimos a la Plaza de Armas del Cusco, donde se realiza la segunda escena y finalmente, termina con la escena extraordinaria y más grande celebrada en Sacsayhuamán, donde nos trasladaremos en autobús.
I gave it a five star rating, HOWEVER, I'm reducing that to 2 star because They make you write something in the review. IF YOU WANT THE CUSTOMER'S RATING, Then be satisfied with what the customer gives you PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Visconti Jaws BD12 Black Leather Tall Checkbook Wallet 4" x 6.5" Store your credit cards and ID in a secure, handy way with this RFID credit card wallet. Fashioned from Italian top-grain leather for a sophisticated look, this wallet is fashionable and professional. Dimensions 4.25 in. x 6.63 in. I looked long and hard to find a replacement for my old, worn out leather wallet. I wanted one with may pockets for credit cards, IDs, etc, with pockets for bills and notes under the card area. I almost gave up the search, as it appeared no one makes them in this style, when I stumbled across this model at Overstock. It fits my need beautifully, with more than enough card slots. I keep my wallet in my front pocket, so its size is just right for me. It is Italian leather, and very nicely constructed. I expect it to last quite a long time. This wallet had excellent quality, the leather was top notch. Plenty of room for ALL of your credit cards (or coupons, store cards, etc.). Overstock.com shipped super fast. Very pleased with this purchase. I have always loved my old wallet given as a Christmas gift 30 years ago. It was the best, held a good number of credit cards, a place for my license,and for cash. I thought I would never find another like it. But I saw the Columbo Long Credit Card Wallet on Overstock and thought why not give it a try. It is fantastic. High quality leather, holds 21 cards and has a place for cash. I had read that the License holder was hard to extract a License from so I put mine in a Credit Card slot and the problem is solved. I am now happier with this new wallet than with my old reliable. Great Product. I just received this fine wallet. It's very simple, and plain, and yet it looks very expensive and elegant (real leather), at least the cognac color I ordered. I have a very expensive wallet, but I cannot carry all my cards at once. With this one absolutely no problem at all. I have more than twenty, plus two large pockets for bill/receipts. The price is very low in comparison with other ones. I like the size, you can fit it nicely in any normal pants or shirts pockets. Go for it!! I've been looking for a credit card that would accommodate 18+ credit cards. After unsuccessfully searching for the wallet at countless stores, I decided to check out overstock.com. The Colombo Long Credit Card is just perfect! I would highly recommend this product! It is strong, clean, and neat. I looked long and hard to find a replacement for my old, worn out leather wallet. I wanted one with may pockets for credit cards, IDs, etc, with pockets for bills and notes under the card area. I almost gave up the search, as it appeared no one makes them in this style, when I stumbled across this model at Amazon. It fits my need beautifully, with more than enough card slots. I keep my wallet in my front pocket, so its size is just right for me. It is Italian leather, and very nicely constructed. I expect it to last quite a long time. Purchased this Christmas for my husband, who had always carried a basic leather wallet. His ATM card literally broke off on the top portion, "twice" in the last year, due to the fact that his cards were all bunched in his traditional wallet. I've just asked him what he liked most about this wallet, he says "the fact that it was so thin now", compared to the "thickness" of the regular types he'd carried in the past. I'm sure now it has to be more comfortable to carry, not to mention to sit on, now that it is no longer 3" thick! It's just a very nice wallet. And a special "Thank You" to Overstock for the price! Recently purchased this item since I seem to carry a lot of cards but I also carry lots of bills like one's, five's, ten's, twenties, and so on. So I also needed a capable bill holder and I saw this one had two bill holders. I was pleasantly surprised as to how it absorbed all cards and how neat and low key it closes. As for the bill compartments they were tight which I attributed to the new leather and still waiting if it will be easier to carry currency like on a oversized bi-fold, which is what I was using before. The bi-fold seemed to handle the bills with more composure but the Colombo Long Credit Card Wallet, as its name so implies, is the clear winner for carrying cards without a hassle. If the leather cedes and my bills gain ground I will be most satisfied for I killed two birds with one shot, sort of speak. I like it enough to rate it 4 stars and if it loosens up, well, the sky is the limit. Either way did not think once about returning this item and it is easy to carry around because of its low profile. Until the day comes when one rfid coupled with biometrics can consolidate all my plastic into one card, something like this is a necessity. This does the job I need it to do in handsome fashion. My wife bought this wallet for me as a birthday gift and I absolutely love it. At first I only used it for business travel but now use it every day. Great craftsmanship and design. I can now keep my work related cards& ID's separated from my personal cards. It took some getting used to pulling my wallet out of my inside suit jacket pocket and don't see myself ever going back to carrying a wallet in my rear pants pocket. ( A money clip does just fine on the weekends!) Plenty of space for cash, receipts, id's, credit and rewards cards. Best of all, this wallet is not bulky and fits nicely in to the inside pocket of a suit coat or blazer. I had been searching for a wallet like this for over six months. Every store I would go into and nothing. I went on line to many websites and nothing. I went into my email and like always I had a email from Overstock.com and I started looking on web page and there it was. I ordered this wallet and when I got it I was very pleased with the price, quality and that it had 20 slots that would now hold all my charge cards. Finally I had what I wanted and it only took five minutes on Overstock and over six moths looking elsewhere. This wallet is top of the line and you will love it. Great shipping as always. Thanks to Overstock.com for bringing us nice items at a low price. For people who have a lot of credit cards and want easy access to them at a glance, this is a excellent solution. This is not a "back pocket" wallet - too large and flat for that. The quality of the leather is better than I expected for the price. The slots are a snug fit for the cards, but will ease with use. All in all, I'm very satisfied. well made but quite large for fitting in a pants pocket. I love this wallet. I have had it for a year and still looks brand new. Holds several cards and is RFID. I surely recommend this wallet. Well worth the money! It was nothing like it was shown in the picture not worth the money. Exactly what I wanted. It arrived sooner than I expected, and is well made. It should last a long time. Would recommend it to anyone who needs large card case. Great! Comfortable and silky feeling! It fits my king great! It’s not as big as I thought, which, is a good thing. The quality is great, I just have to use it more, meaning; taking cards in and out to break in that process. Being new, it’s a bit tight. Exactly what I was looking for. Has held up well. "I need assurance that the black wallet is like the cognac. The photo for the black color does not look anything like the wallet I'm looking for." They are the same, just different colors. "The name of the Wallet is the Colombo RFID credit card wallet yet in the descriptions nowhere does it entail about the RFID features. Does it really have that security feature?" Inside the wallet it is stamped RFID secure. It is a very nice wallet. As of today I haven't had a problem yet security wise. "I am wondering about the color. When the cognac wallet is pictured by itself it has a darker color. When it is pictured beside the black wallet it is much lighter and looks more orangy. I am wondering which color is more accurate." I have several purchased over the years, both black and cognac. My take is that the cognac is true to its name, but some might associate the color with light brown? Very nice, though, I would wait for a nice sale to purchase. "Yes, it did come in a box. It's a Beautiful Walett, and would in courage you to make the purchase." "Is it come with box? " Yes, it came packaged in a box that was worthy of gift giving. Yes, it comes in a box. Gave away as a gift in the box/ package that it came in. "Is there room for a checkbook and register?" Hello kellyjs, this wallet is designed mostly for credit cards only. It will likely be too small for a checkbook and register. Please let us know if you have additional questions. Thanks for shopping with us. "When will the black be in stock again?" Hello Richard.Kissick, items are restocked as they become available; however, we cannot guarantee an item will be restocked. Thank you for shopping with us.
With numerous individuals attempting to make a decent living and TV adverts with infectious jingles enticing you to offer your auto for speedy money, it can appear to be engaging. Your auto (alongside your home) is presumably your most costly bit of value and considering this, it very well may entice offer it, buy a less expensive make or model and pocket the distinction. Auto barters, regardless of whether they be physical or on-line, can be a decent method for offering your auto, safe in the information that an accomplished barker has yours, and the closeout house's, best enthusiasm on the most fundamental level. You may surmise that these things don't in every case fundamentally go as one yet remember that the sale house will take a level of the price tag (purchasers charge) as commission so it is to their greatest advantage to get you however much cash as could be expected! What is an auto sell off? Auto barters include a long history inside the car business with a wide range of kinds of business utilizing them to either offer abundance stock or buy new stock for resale. They are to a great degree well known in the USA and Japan and are picking up ubiquity in the UK where they are never again observed as messy spots. This is primarily because of the business attempting to change the notoriety of the part and make it all the more engaging all individuals, not only those 'in the exchange'. Auto barters offer autos, business vehicles, cruisers, plant gear, and some of them will likewise offer huge products vehicles and conceivably processions and RVs. Closeout houses don't claim the vehicles which they offer. They only go about as a shop front for various sorts of vender. These can incorporate renting organizations, armada administration organizations, merchant gatherings, banks and money related establishments, legislative bodies, police, and obviously private people. Renting organizations lease vehicles to organizations or private drivers for a set timeframe (once in a while as meager as 1 year) so the vehicles put into sale are typically youthful models with a decent mileage and in light of the fact that the autos are generally rented from new, they may have just had one individual driving them while heading off to a gathering two times per week! At the point when the rent or rental period closes, renting organizations will enter their old stock into closeout as their clients are more keen on renting shiny new vehicles. These organizations are typically possessed by banks or budgetary establishments. These are like Leasing organizations in that they rent their stock to associations yet vary in that they will supply their clients with an entire armada of autos and deal with that armada for the benefit of their customer. Once more, when the rental time frame for the armada closes, the organizations wish to exploit the capital wrapped up in their stock with the end goal to supplant it with new models. On the off chance that you have ever part traded your old auto at one of the extensive, glass fronted merchants or showrooms, odds are it has in this way been put into closeout and sold. Merchant gatherings will likewise enter old or unsold stock (known as overage) from their forecourts with the end goal to keep their showrooms looking new with the most recent that the manufacturer(s) bring to the table. Obviously, purchasing a vehicle at sale which has been entered by a merchant gathering can be somewhat less secure than the renting or armada organizations as though somebody has part traded their old auto, you need to ask yourself for what valid reason did they do it, what kind of individual where they, how well did they keep it and what number of past managers has it had? Banks and money related organizations can fall into armada and renting organizations the same number of them include these components inside their individual corporate families and pursue similar patterns. In any case, banks can likewise enter autos into closeouts that have been repossessed from their clients after defaults on advance or home loan reimbursements. Clearly an auto itself is of practically zero enthusiasm to a bank, they are just intrigued by the esteem and the cash which can be produced using it. Government bodies will run armadas of autos for their staff and key officials and will refresh this armada all the time with the old stock being put into closeout. Separate Government offices will likewise enter an extensive variety of vehicles at closeout from ex-safeguard Land Rovers or staff autos, to grass cutters and diggers utilized on the neighborhood playing fields or in the nearby burial ground! Neighborhood Government may likewise enter autos into sale that have been seized by bailiffs pursue non installment of bills, for example, Council Tax (contingent upon the Local Authority being referred to, these can be very top of the line models). Police powers will sell vehicles seized from sentenced hoodlums to either repay unfortunate casualties, separate an illicit home or recapture open cash picked up falsely. The police likewise sell off an assortment of different things seized for comparable reasons and may do this through a bartering house or by holding their very own property barters. And also these parcels, all police powers will likewise run an armada of covert or plain vehicles and these should be continually refreshed, with the old stock being put into sale to raise assets for the power. This is the class of vender that we are extremely intrigued by. Private venders can enter and buy autos from closeout and if their auto isn't sold first time round, they can advise the sale house to continue placing it in until the point when they get a satisfactory offer. Be cautioned however, closeout houses will charge you for each time they enter the auto so on the off chance that you have sold your auto after a few deals, you might need to check your hold cost or reconsider your choices. Most sales take a shot at a similar main; your imminent purchasers offer against each other, raising the sum which they offer with each new offer they make until the point when their rivals drop out and they are left as the most astounding bidder. The majority of your bidders will be in the bartering lobby (despite the fact that an online component is getting to be expanding mainstream) and all offers are made in the open. This sort of closeout is known as an 'English Auction and its equation applies to the lion's share of vehicle barters. At the point when your vehicle touches base at the bartering focus, it will be investigated by the closeouts professionals who will feature any scratches, imprints, scrapes, rust, and so on and esteem the general harm costs. It very well may be essential to consider this when you consider your hold exchange purchasers will have a smart thought of the vehicles esteem and of the harm costs and will figure this their offering. The harm cost won't be appeared to any purchasers, it is only for the bartering house's records. Your auto will then be shot and 'lotted', the procedure whereby your auto is gone into a deal. It will be allocated significantly number and will be put in the closeouts yard to be seen by the purchasers. In the meantime, your vehicles points of interest will be distributed online for purchasers to take a gander at before they touch base at the bartering. This is a decent method for building enthusiasm for your auto and most sale houses will send our duplicates of their most recent indexes to their purchasers. These things are critical to purchasers and on the off chance that you were purchasing an auto, you would hope to have everything that you could have identifying with it so think about these when you enter your auto. Obviously, you will likewise need to leave your key and any extras with the closeout. At the point when your vehicle is arranging to be crashed into the closeout corridors, purchasers will begin to take a gander at the auto, searching for any harm and they may open the ways to take a gander at the inside. Purchasers are not generally permitted to test drive autos or look under the hood so this procedure of conclusive assessment is critical to them. When your auto is set up before the barker, the autos subtle elements and any uncommon highlights, for example, additional inside highlights, amalgam wheels, and so forth, will be perused to the gathering of people. The barker will then begin the offering with an opening offer beneath your hold. On the off chance that there is a lot of enthusiasm for your auto, offers can rise quick with numerous individuals contending. In the end, the barker may drop the increments in size to sums that the last couple of bidders feel more good with. This could imply that you see increments of £50 for your auto instead of the £500s you were seeing comfortable begin. The purchaser with the last most noteworthy offer has now purchased your auto as long as their most noteworthy offer was over your hold. Now the purchaser has gone into a legitimate contract. In the event that the last most astounding offer did not exactly meet your hold, the salesperson may class this a temporary offer and the closeout will then endeavor to consult among you and the purchaser. Now, you can request more cash or request that your hold be met. On the off chance that you go too high and the purchaser hauls out, the deal will fail to work out. It is an exercise in careful control between what the purchaser is set up to offer and the base sum you will acknowledge. On the off chance that you achieve an understanding, the deal will experience as typical.
The BRAIN Center offers unique, specialized brain-based neurological and musculoskeletal rehabilitation therapies to treat a wide-variety of conditions. We’re very different than other healthcare clinics you may have been to. Therefore, we deliver very different results. Concussions and traumatic brain injuries can be debilitating injuries with lifelong consequences. Most concussions resolve on their own in a short period of time. When symptoms do not fully resolve, those that remain are classified as post-concussion syndrome. These individuals may experience severe headaches, dizziness, light-headedness and vertigo, crippling chronic fatigue, painful light and sound sensitivity, and incapacitating brain fog. They may suffer from memory loss, and even struggle to find the words to communicate. Multi-tasking becomes impossible, and even the completion of a simple task may become challenging. Often these symptoms never resolve, despite extensive therapy from numerous physicians and therapists. While there are many ways the brain may be damaged, often many of the symptoms seen in post-concussion syndrome and traumatic brain injuries derive from a failure of integration within the brain. The primary function of your brain is to make sense of where you are in the environment, so that you can adapt to the world appropriately. Your brain does this with visual, vestibular (inner ear), and proprioceptive (muscle and joint) pathways. It needs to use all of these pathways simultaneously to create a coherent unconscious picture of where the world is, and where you are in relation to gravity and the environment. These pathways include long, thin, and fragile fibers that project from all over the brain down into the brainstem. This is unfortunately the area that takes the most torque and stress from the multivectorial shearing forces that develop with rapid acceleration and rotation of the head. This disrupts these pathways and damages their integration. They may then have difficulty knowing where their body is in relation to the world, and the brain must struggle to resolve the mismatch between the senses. This can be profoundly fatiguing, as it robs resources from cognitive pathways, and provokes the majority of post-concussive symptoms. The BRAIN Center works to find solutions to these complex neurological problems using cutting-edge diagnostics and examination procedures to find the root of your dysfunction. We utilize various neurodiagnostic technologies to quantify all of the relevant aspects of your visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive systems. More importantly, we analyze how they work together, in order to determine what circumstances provoke their failure and devise strategies to make them work in unison again. Lastly, we determine the precise fatigue thresholds of these pathways, and create programs to rebuild your functional endurance. Vertigo is a sensation that can make you feel as though you are spinning, tilting, swaying back and forth, being pulled in one or several directions, or generally unstable. Dizziness is a sensation of light-headedness that can make one feel as if they might faint and lose consciousness. Both these conditions may cause nausea, headaches, heart palpitations, ringing in your ears, inability to hold your eyes still, vomiting, and a feeling of being unable to sit up or stand without passing out. Together they can range from a mild annoyance to a severely debilitating problem. Vertigo is often caused by a problem with the vestibular system. This includes the inner ear and vestibular nerves. The problem can also involve any of the brainstem, cerebellar, and brain regions that receive inner ear input. Sometimes the mechanism might even be visually-induced. When the input from the vestibular system does not match the input from the eyes or the muscles, this sensory mismatch creates the inappropriate perception of motion. Orthostatic hypotension is a form of dizziness that develops when people shift their position towards being more vertical. People often feel like they are about to pass out during sit-to-stand transitions. This can involve poor coordination between the vestibular system and the brainstem mechanisms that regulate blood flow to the brain. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is a more severe orthostatic issue, wherein people lose the ability to properly regulate heart rate appropriately. This is a common consequence of traumatic brain injuries, but can also be the result of viral infections, mold exposure, chemical sensitivities, and other types of autoimmune conditions. Traumatic Brain Injuries frequently result in vertigo and dizziness. Vertigo is one of the most common symptoms of an injured brain. Vertigo can also be the result of neck injuries. The forces that create TBI also commonly damage the vestibular system and the neck muscles and joints. This can create severe sensory mismatches. This can affect some or all of these systems simultaneously. Mal De Debarquement Syndrome is a type of vertigo that creates a rocking sensation, as if the individual is constantly on a boat. This is the result of a mismatch between the two types of vestibular receptors, the Otoliths and the Vestibular Canals, along with dysfunction in the brain and brainstem systems that make these receptors work together. Vertigo can also be the result of migraine headaches, or more insidious brain problems such as tumor or stroke. In some cases, dizziness and vertigo can be a consequence of prescription medications and their interactions, or even from certain dietary supplements. At The BRAIN Center our goal is to rehabilitate the brain and receptor mechanisms that may be creating the mismatch, and make them integrate properly with other systems. In other cases, our goal is to teach the brain to adapt to the impaired reflexes, and teach it to rely on other mechanisms to maintain balance and decrease the vertigo sensations. Treatment starts with a comprehensive neurological examination, followed by cutting-edge neurodiagnostic testing. We use several advanced technologies to map and graph the function of every system involved in your vertigo, including important visual reflexes, vestibular function, and the feedback from your muscles and joints. We assess how these systems integrate in several different balance conditions. This allows us to precisely identify and quantify which systems are creating the mismatch, how they integrate, and the exact circumstances under which their integration fails. We then create a neurorehabilitation program that is unique to your condition, and specific to your individual pattern of dysfunction and fatigability. At The BRAIN Center, we perform comprehensive evaluations which include advanced technology to assess the functionality of different areas of the brain and how each area of the brain communicates with one another. As a consequence of the evaluation, a customized management plan is created with the goal of increasing the strength and efficiency of specific connections in the brain which may be underdeveloped and/or not working optimally. Neurodegenerative disease is an umbrella term for a range of conditions which primarily affect the neurons in the human brain and spinal cord. Some examples of neurodegenerative conditions are Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, Parkinson’s disease and other Parkinson’s related disorders, prion disease and other neuro-infectious disorders, motor neuron diseases, Huntington disease, spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA), and spinal muscular atrophy. Currently, many neurodegenerative disorders are incurable and debilitating conditions that continue to progress over time. At The BRAIN Center, we assess the functionality of different areas of the brain. This allows us to understand which areas of the brain are still viable and functioning versus other areas which may have been damaged. A customized management plan is then implemented to help strengthen the available brain circuits with the hope of increasing function and slowing progression. Commonly, we co-manage patients with their medical providers, and we focus on improving functions such as balance/fall prevention, walking/gait, coordination, memory, speech, dizziness, visual problems, digestion, fatigue, pain and a variety of movement disorders. When conventional pain management interventions fail, patients are often left without direction where to turn next. While in some cases these offer relief, there are still a large number of pain syndromes that persist without relief. So, where do you turn if you’re one of the many individuals with chronic pain syndromes which have not responded to conventional pain management therapy? Regardless of the location or cause of chronic pain, many patients will develop altered patterns of brain activity, which may result in occupational disabilities, insomnia, cognitive deficits, depression, anxiety, and ultimately a diminished quality of life. The BRAIN Center utilizes a combination of neuroscience, physical modalities, biotechnology and pain management approaches to effectively treat a wide range of common pain conditions. By treating the body and brain simultaneously, clients often experience unusually rapid reductions in pain and improvements in function, even after a long-history of chronic pain and multiple, prior surgeries. Migraines can seem complicated, but they often can be very simple. There is only one main cause for migraines: Neurological Dysfunction. However, there are 3 main triggers: Dietary, Musculoskeletal and/or Hormonal. To treat migraines effectively, you need to address both the cause and all 3 triggers at the same time. Hormonal: The hormonal correlation with migraine is well known, but how to address hormones is still an ongoing area of debate. Many of our patients are prescribed birth control or hormone replacement therapies (HRT) which can be helpful in some cases. Unfortunately, there is also research concerning the long-term effects of these treatments which may lead to other health complications. Many female patients report flares in symptoms around the beginning of their cycle, which is why estrogen is frequently prescribed. However, we often find low estrogen to be associated with a bigger problem. Often migraine patients have an increased response to stress. This causes resources required for estrogen production to instead be converted to stress hormones. Therefore, The BRAIN Center utilizes a ‘top down’ approach when assessing hormones by performing comprehensive hormonal panels to identify the underlying cause. Dietary: Healthy diet and removal of common ‘triggers’ is essential for migraine treatment. However, many patients often report having tried every type of dietary modification without results. It’s important to understand that nutritional changes are often just a piece of the puzzle. For some, this may produce profound outcomes. For others, there are additional underlying factors which must be addressed. So, if you’re one of the many migraine sufferers who have not responded to dietary modification there is still hope. Musculoskeletal: Increased musculoskeletal stress on the body will make a person more likely to experience migraine. Therefore, research shows positive outcomes for migraine with almost any type of manual therapy. An important consideration, however, is that different types of manual therapy can have a very different impact of the neurological structures central to the onset your migraines. No two patients are the same, therefore, treatment recommendations must be individually tailored. This is why a thorough functional examination is important to understanding which treatment interventions will be most beneficial. Neurological: Individuals with migraine have a known genetic predisposition. It has been outlined that migraineurs have an altered brain state different from individuals who do not experience migraine, even when they are not having symptoms. Groups of cells in the brain are more predisposed to fatigue or fail in these circumstances, leading to various symptoms associated with migraine. For example, if your genetic predisposition is in the area associated with sight, you’ll have visual symptoms. If this is an area associated with balance, you can experience dizziness. The underlying pathology is basically the same, however it impacts different parts of the brain and brainstem. To fix migraines it's essential to identify the areas of the brain that are functionally not as healthy as others and stimulate that part of the brain at an appropriate level. Too much stimulation can actually lead to a migraine, and too little won’t make much of an impact. This is why The BRAIN Center uses a graduated approach in which some people will be given a great amount of stimulation right away, and some get very little. The key is to continually strengthen these parts of the brain. The other aspect of the brain has to do with injury and general neurological dysfunction. It is very common, for example, to see someone who gets in a car accident or has had a concussion to have a noticeable increase in migraines. It’s not that these injuries caused migraine, but the stress on the brain and nervous system makes them more likely to have migraine. This can also happen with vestibular imbalances, difficulty with eye or head movements, or difficulty with motion. Improving these aspects will help move you down the spectrum of migraine to have less and less.
In my humble opinion, and admittedly I did at one time subscribe to the ladders…..how quickly I learned that they are scamming the people who cannot afford to be scammed…..it’s funny how that always seems to be the case. In my extended unemployment (by choice…but now not by design…) I found Nick Corcodilos to be honest…does what he says, and more…and is reasonable in terms of price for those things that he charges for. Everyone has to eat….if you climb “the ladders”, thinking that the best fruit lies near the top, you already have fallen and hit your head….. After having my resume critiqued by the ladders and receiving the same exact letter my husband did from his resume critique, i decided to have a second opinion. I ended up hiring Debbie at fishbowlresume. Not only did she take the time to actually review my resume, but she charged MUCH less and was much more personable to deal with. My husband was so impressed with my new resume he ordered one for himself as well. Since using my new resume I am getting more calls and interviews. I can’t say that the same wouldnt have happened with the ladders, but I was not willing to pay that price for a company which as a whole has horrible reviews and sends everyone the exact same resume critique. I dont think they even looked at my resume before reviewing it, to be honest. I recommend debbie and fishbowlresume to everyone who needs a stand out resume! I am a current writer for The Ladders. Yes, they do charge very high prices and, if the client is lucky, he or she will be assigned to a writer who truly cares about the client and not just about throwing together some poorly written bit of fluff in order to move on to the next assignment. However – customers will find that with any resume writing service – – and a nod to Winston Groom – – – but Resume Writers are like a box of chocolates. You never know who you’re gonna get. I, for one, take great pride in going above and beyond to help the client assigned to me. I love what I do, and I’m very good at it. As for the critiques, yes, most are canned responses. This is because the majority of resumes out there display the same issues. I have seen many times, however, a Ladders’ evaluator who is honest and replies that the client’s current resume looks fine and is not in need of a rewrite. Before The Ladders, I worked for another company that shall remain nameless; suffice it to say that I didn’t last very long there. They required their writers to ensure the properties of the final document displayed their company name in case the client tried the old resubmit-for-another-critique-and-see-what-they-say scenario. That protocol was inappropriate and dishonest, and I left. While I was there, I was also assigned, on numerous occasions, resumes that were obviously already very well written or already written by a professional, which made it extremely difficult for the writer. Not only that, this company’s leadership left much to be desired. The Ladders doesn’t scam anyone. No one’s holding a gun to the client’s head after the evaluation, demanding their VISA number. Shop your original resume around for different critiques or, better yet, read up on the latest trends in the industry and then compare to the critiques. Time and again, I’ve had a client come back with feedback from their headhunter who said they needed an objective or to put everything back into bulleted line items. I always want to tell them that the Nineties called and they want their archaic resume back. The Ladders’ management insists their writers take courses regularly as well in order to stay abreast of current trends in the industry. They are very customer-centric to the point where I can say they are more customer-based than writer-advocate. …and they must be doing something right or there wouldn’t be blogs with people complaining and bashing them in an effort to highlight their own companies and services; not understanding the intricacies involved in composing a well-written, eye-catching resume. Wow, “Anonymous Contributor”, you certainly are a staunch advocate for your employer. That’s true. The customers that go to The Ladders are the ones that are so naive and in the dark about resume writing that they go to the service with the biggest advertising budget. I get that. It’s not your fault they are suckers. I’ll stick with the intelligent consumers — I like working with them a lot better anyway. As a consumer, one counts on the fact that effective advertising should in fact also reveal the quality of the product. So when I see commentary such as the following: “I get that. It’s not your fault they are suckers.” being dribbled about, I question the writers ability to judge anything….I utilized their services…I got a re-written resume, and in fact it was fairly well written, it just didn’t produce the results I had hoped for….I bet the original author of the quoted segment has also been subject to a purchase due to advertising….such as wedding or engagement rings or dresses, other clothing etc….how many times have they ever purchased something (with their visa card nonetheless) that they were not happy with? Everyone has, at some time or another made an ill decided purchase….as P.T. Barnum said, there is a sucker born every minute….that would include you Jennifer. I know you really either don’t care of won’t believe me, but “sucker” is one of the few terms that cannot be used to describe me. You could call me “nonconformist”, “cynic”, “skeptic”, or maybe even “contemptuous”, and even though most people may consider those terms negative, I will proudly wear those labels. That saying used to really annoy me, but now as an educated consumer and a very skeptical adult, I get it and I love him for it! I learned as a child that if it’s too good to be true, it probably is. Trust and respect must be earned, not spontaneous. No matter what you’re shopping for — whether it’s a TV or a professional resume writer — you should ALWAYS ask questions. — How long has the company been in business? — What do their customers say about them? — Do they have references? I do not advocate going into anything blindly especially when it concerns your career! I don’t care how many fancy buttons, images, or flash gizmos are displayed on the website either. That stuff should make you more skeptical. Whatever the investment is, you should always do your due diligence. If you don’t, and you feel scammed or taken advantage of, it’s your own fault. First, you are correct, there are many resume writers claiming to be professionals. However, saying that “resume writers are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get” is true only if a person doesn’t do their due diligence. With a box of chocolates, you get pieces of candy with fancy designs, but absolutely no way to tell what is contained within the chocolate coating. So, you have to investigate. 4. You can buy chocolate that has a complete description of what you are buying on the package so you can make an informed decision. Frankly, I think option 4, combined with option 2 is how consumers, whether they are buying a car or retaining the services of a resume writer, should approach their purchases. There are many things that differentiate resume writers. Level of service provided (personal consult, IMHO, is always better than having a job seeker fill out a form without any human contact), experience not only in resume writing, but hiring candidates, credible certifications earned by the writer, and a commitment to continuing education. Further, they surround themselves with a “board of directors” within the employment industry, including recruiters and HR Managers to ensure they keep abreast of trends. As for other resume writers “bashing” The Ladders to “highlight their own companies,” I am going to disagree with you. The Ladders model of writing canned critiques and producing poorly composed resumes has put them in a position of garnering criticism. However, unless you actually speak to the potential client, assess his / her goals, and determine the most effective strategy to help the candidate win interviews, backed up by solid experience and knowledge, there is no way to know the best way to present that client to a potential employer. Great resume writers aren’t inexpensive. Neither is The Ladders. Job seekers beware – make sure you know the name and credentials of the person writing your resume before you hand over your credit card number. Do your research, make inquiry calls, and Google the person’s name and their company name. Are they quoted by the media as an expert? Do they have clients complaining about them or complimenting them? Knowledge is power – make an informed decision before hiring anyone to perform a service. I understand that people are pushing their resume services here, however, it has to be said that theresumechick, or Karen Flowers, the first person posting above, is a scam service. She charges $50 to copy and paste information you provide her into another resume, and then stops responding to emails asking for a second draft or explanation. Kudos to the rest of you for providing a decent service…it’s scams like theresumechick that give mom & pop resume rewriters likeyourselves a bad name. How much time/effort would you put into something for $50? Resume writing is something that requires a lot of time and a lot of effort and expecting something drastic from a $50 investment seems unrealistic to me — especially when it comes to your entire career. Again, I’m not defending Karen. I don’t even know Karen…I’m just pointing out what’s obvious to me. She may be a scammer, but she might just be someone who offers something that’s worth $50. Here’s an example of something that happened to me. I let a friend try to bleach my hair once because I was being cheap. After I bought the supplies, I spent maybe $10-$12 total. We had to bleach it FOUR times and then it still looked banana yellow and my skin was damaged. It was awful! Well, a few years later, I wanted my hair bleached again so I dropped $90 for a bleach job at the salon to avoid what had happened before. And guess what? It was done right. The first time. And in only 30 minutes. I tipped her an extra $20 because I was so grateful! Anyway, to mirror what Kathy said, you should make an informed decision before hiring ANYONE to perform a service, no matter what it is (a resume service, an electrician, a dentist, a lawyer, whatever). You can be cheap when it comes to tee shirts, but when it comes to the things that have an influence on your quality of life, I don’t suggest shopping for the cheapest price. Live and learn right? At least you didn’t lose hundreds of dollars! We’re not here pushing our services. I do know Kathy and I know me and we are very passionate about what we do. We come here to inform and educate consumers. I don’t always agree with Nick (Ask the Headhunter) but I have been following him for several years because he offers a really great point of view that comes from a lot of experience. We (the resume writers) don’t always comment on the other blog topics, but we are here reading and learning and we take opportunities to share what we know when we can. And we don’t always agree either! However, what we do agree on is that we don’t like the business practices that The Ladders uses so we come here and comment on that as much as possible because it brings us all down and tarnishes the resume writing / career coaching industry. I’ve never made a single sale here and that’s not why I’m here. I’m here defending what we (the “mom & pop” writers) do each day. Nearly all of what you assert happens to be supprisingly accurate and that makes me ponder why I hadn’t looked at this with this light before. Your piece truly did turn the light on for me as far as this specific subject matter goes. Nevertheless at this time there is one particular point I am not necessarily too comfy with so whilst I try to reconcile that with the actual core theme of your position, permit me observe what all the rest of the subscribers have to say.Nicely done.
• Number of investigations assigned to Quentin Edward Miller. List by case number or OCA. • Length of time the investigation was open. Or date of assignment and date of case closure. • If open investigations are still pending closure, amount of time the investigating or assigned case oca/file number has been open. Or date of assignment and indication that the incident is still under investigation or pending closure. • Indication incident or investigation is a felony or misdemeanor. Editor’s Note: We received 9 requests for info related to Quentin Miller (see all at bottom). For organization’s sake, we sent all 9 similar requests to government in the same email thread. You may keep track of all updates, in this current request thread for “Officer Quentin Edward Miller Asheville Police Dept. – Investigative Cases assigned and cleared”. Our apologies on the long overdue reply on this. Thank you so much for your help with this request! We’ve added your update on the site and marked as complete. I hope all is well. This is a response on behalf of Dr. Denise Patterson, Superintendent of Asheville City Schools. This information is in response to the request submitted by the Sunshine Committee related to Quentin Miller. The requests are as follows: scheduling of secondary employment and/or work by law enforcement officers for sporting events, payment for off duty security assignments and removal of School Resource Officer Supervisor during the time period of August 27, 2010 to August 27, 2012. The first request referenced scheduling of secondary employment and/or work by law enforcement officers for sporting events during the time period of August 27, 2010 and August 27, 2012. During this review we were not able to find any matches in our email archive in relation to this request. Our email archive system is set up with a six-year retention period, which is beyond the requirement identified in Asheville City School Policy 7350 that sets a three-year minimum. The second request referenced payment of monies paid to Sgt. Quentin Miller for any off duty security assignment between August 27, 2010 to August 27, 2012. During this review we were not able to find any matches in our email archive in relation to this request. The third request referenced emails referring to the removal of Sgt. Quentin Miller as the School Resource Officer Supervisor. During this review we were unable to find any matches in our email system. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Thank you for your time. You will be receiving the information very soon regarding this request. Assistant Superintendent Dr. McAllister will be sending you the information. Have a wonderful day. I have received your request. I will need time to research the information. Thank you in advance for your patience. Below are 5 requests we’ve gotten relating to Quentin Miller and Asheville City Schools. They are numbered specifically, so when replying with information relating to a specific request if you could please note the request number that you’re referring to. I respectively request information on the work schedules i.e. days, dates and hours of the days that Sgt., Quentin Edward Miller submitted as working to the City of Asheville for pay. For the time frame that Miller was assigned as the School Resource Officer supervisor for Asheville City Schools. **Editor’s Note: Please note that the requestor filled out a field on our site indicating that they’d like for this request to also include the time period of August 27th, 2010 – August 27th, 2012 if applicable. I respectively request information on the work schedule, payments and checks made to Sgt., Quentin Edward Miller that were paid to the Officer for being employed as security for athletic events for the Asheville City School System. For the time frame that Miller was assigned as the School Resource Officer supervisor for Asheville City Schools. 08/27/2010 to 08/07/2012. I also request copies of E-mails sent by Miller on the City of Asheville School system e-mail program referencing Scheduling of Secondary employment and work by other law enforcement officers for sporting events of the Asheville City School System. **Editor’s Note: Please note that the requestor filled out a field on our site indicating that they’d like for this request to also include the time period of August 21st, 2010 – August 30th, 2012 if applicable. I respectively request copies of emails sent by Asheville City School Staff referencing concerns of over payment of monies paid to Sgt., Quentin Edward Miller for off duty security work at Asheville City Schools Athletic events. E-mails sent on the City of Asheville School system e-mail program. For the time frame that Miller was assigned as the School Resource Officer supervisor for Asheville City Schools. 08/27/2010 to 08/07/2012. **Editor’s Note: Please note that the requestor filled out a field on our site indicating that they’d like for this request to also include the time period of August 1st, 2010 – August 31st, 2012 if applicable. **Editor’s Note: Please note that the requestor filled out a field on our site indicating that they’d like for this request to also include the time period of January 1st, 2012 – June 1st, 2013 if applicable. I respectively request copies of email correspondences between Asheville City School Staff to the Asheville Police Department requesting removal of Sgt., Quentin Edward Miller as the School Resource Officer Supervisor. As well as emails in the City of Asheville E-mail System referencing removal of Sgt., Quentin Edward Miller as the School Resource Officer Supervisor in 2012. **Editor’s Note: Please note that the requestor filled out a field on our site indicating that they’d like for this request to also include the time period of January 1st, 2012 – January 1st, 2013 if applicable. Thank you so much for your assistance with these requests! We greatly appreciate your help. Since we are keeping track of all 9 requests within one email, when you respond will you please specify exactly which request you’re referring to? We have numbered the requests #1 – 9 on our site, and also have a “Requests Key” for our users to keep up with which requests are being referenced. #1 being the original email we sent in, which you are replying to on this email thread – “Officer Quentin Edward Miller Asheville Police Dept. – Investigative Cases assigned and cleared”. We will keep track of all your replies for all 9 requests inline on that same request thread. For reference, you may view all of the updates to these requests at: https://www.sunshinerequest.com/records_request/officer-quentin-edward-miller-asheville-police-dept-investigative-cases-assigned-cleared/. Specific to your most recent reply, I will clarify to our users that you are referring to Request #5 Subject: “Sgt., Quentin Edward Miller – Work Schedules”, but can you please also clarify what “remaining requests” you are referring to? Will you also please update in your email contact list if you haven’t done so already, that the email address records@sunshinerequest.com is only associated with Sunshine Request, and is not specific to an individual person. There are not any email records for the requested dates. Please contact Asheville City Schools, as the custodian of records for the remaining requests. We added that update to our site, and have also added a “Requests Key” for our users to keep up with which requests are being referenced (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9). Please find the Asheville Police Department’s responses to the requests below. Please note we are still working on the remaining requested documents. The Asheville Police Department’s current record management system (RMS) contains records dating back to late 2004. Therefore, we are unable to pull information dating back to 2000, per the request. All information below reflects a time period of roughly September 2004 to present. 1. Sgt. Miller was assigned 54 investigations. Of those investigations 2 remain open (as of 6/13). 2. Sgt. Miller issued 46 citations. 3. Sgt. Miller made 80 arrests. 4. Sgt. Miller was either the primary (initiating officer) or backup officer on 331 traffic stops. Traffic Stop Reports that are reported to the state are anonymous and are therefore not public record pursuant to public record laws. 5. During this time period Sgt. Miller worked in different APD divisions and on a number of teams and shifts, each of which have a different work schedule. Our Patrol officers work 12-hour shifts from either 6-6 or 7-7 (day and night shifts). Criminal Investigations Section (CIS) detectives and Sgts. work four days a week for 10 hour shift (with either a Monday or Friday off). We have a number of specialty teams which work varying schedules. Sarah’s reply refers to our original email sent Tue., May 29, 2018 at 1:04 PM. Subject: Records Request: 9 Requests Related to Quentin Miller (Please see original email at bottom for additional request message info). We received 9 separate requests for info. related to Mr. Miller at the same time. For organization’s sake, rather than send 9 separate emails, we’ve listed each request by number in one email, and will treat all replies as part of one long request. As we receive replies, those will be added to this request, and we will indicate the # we are referencing. My apologies for the delay. Staff is currently in the process of compiling the requested documents. The requests involving email correspondence (x5) are currently in the process for review. Please note, there are currently 5 different request for emails in the queue before these ones. Just wanted to check in and see if you could provide an update on the status of these nine requests related to Quentin Miller. Thank you so much for all your help with requests! Editor’s Note: For organization’s sake, we sent all of the 9 similar requests in the same email thread. Please note that we will update the responses to each request individually, as they are received. At this time all 9 requests have been sent, and are being “processed by government”. Once replies start to come in, they will be “published” on our site. You may keep track of all updates here on the current request thread for “Officer Quentin Edward Miller Asheville Police Dept. – Investigative Cases assigned and cleared”. Thank you for compiling! We are in receipt of the nine requests and have begun processing. We received 9 individual requests all for specific information related to Quentin Miller. Rather then sending them all as 9 separate emails, we have listed them all here in this email. As you reply, please indicate the subject line of the request you are referring to. • Number of investigations assigned to Quentin Edward Miller. List by case number or OCA. • Length of time the investigation was open. Or date of assignment and date of case closure. • If open investigations are still pending closure, amount of time the investigating or assigned case oca/file number has been open. Or date of assignment and indication that the incident is still under investigation or pending closure. • Indication incident or investigation is a felony or misdemeanor. **Editor’s Note: Please note that the requestor filled out a field on our site indicating that they’d like for this request to also include the time period of February 1st, 2002 – May 26th, 2018 if applicable. • Listed List by case number or OCA. • Showing the criminal offence, violation or infraction. **Editor’s Note: Please note that the requestor filled out a field on our site indicating that they’d like for this request to also include the time period of May 1st, 2000 – May 26th, 2018 if applicable. **Editor’s Note: Please note that the requestor filled out a field on our site indicating that they’d like for this request to also include the time period of May 1st, 2000 – May 28th, 2018 if applicable. • Number of traffic stops listed in the Asheville Police Department computer assisted dispatch system (CAD) made by Miller. **Editor’s Note: Please note that the requestor filled out a field on our site indicating that they’d like for this request to also include the time period of January 1st, 2000 – May 26th, 2018 if applicable. Thank you for your help with these requests!
Climbed mountains with prominence exceeding 1000 meter. Here is a list of some mountains I have climbed. This list is ranked (sorted) according to the "primary factor" (in the US also called "prominence") of the peak. Only mountains with a primary factor of at least 1000 meter is qualified for this list. The interval from 600 to 1000 meter is covered on a separate list below. The column "vertical climb" currently lists the vertical elevation from the actual trailhead to the summit. Note that the actual vertical gain may be substantially higher. Prominence based Completion Maps can be found here. 17 Yu Shan 3952 m 3952 m 1341 m HP on Taiwan. 18 Mount Margherita 5109 m 3951 m 3507 m HP Uganda/Congo. 19 Gunung Kerinci 3805 m 3805 m 2043 m HP on Sumatra. 21 Jebel Toubkal 4167 m 3757 m 2427 m HP in Northern Africa. 22 Cerro Chirripo 3820 m 3727 m 2330 m HP Costa Rica. 23 Gunung Rinjani 3726 m 3726 m 2741 m HP on Lombok, Indonesia. 26 Hvitserk 3694 m 3694 m 1500 m HP in the Arctic. 27 Nevado Ojos del Salado 6893 m 3688 m 1642 m HP in Chile. 28 Gunung Semeru 3676 m 3676 m 1500 m Java HP. 29 Ritacuba Blanco 5410 m 3645 m 1420 m HP in Cordilla Oriental, Colombia. 30 Ararat 5137 m 3611 m 2944 m HP in Turkey. 31 Mount Blackburn 4996 m 3535 m 2102 m HP in the Wrangell. ** 50 finest cut. **** 3530 m **** Word 50 finest. 32 Etna 3326 m 3326 m 1422 m HP on Sicily. 33 Mulhacén 3479 m 3285 m 1662 m HP in (continental) Spain. 34 Mount Meru 4566 m 3171 m 3235 m No. 2 in Tanzania. 36 Gunung Lawu 3265 m 3118 m 1373 m Java, Indonesia. 37 Pico Duarte 3098 m 3098 m 2000 m HP in the Dominican Republic. 38 Mount Whitney 4417 m 3071 m 1869 m HP in the 48 states. 39 Piton des Neiges 3070 m 3070 m 1682 m Indian ocean HP. 40 Gunung Agung 3031 m 3031 m 1871 m Bali HP. 41 Mount Shasta 4316 m 2979 m 2225 m California. 42 Pico do Fogo 2829 m 2829 m 1071 m HP Cape Verde. 43 Pico de Aneto 3404 m 2812 m 1394 m HP in the Pyrenees. 44 Mount Ruapehu 2797 m 2797 m 1158 m HP North island, New Zealand. 45 Mount Elbert 4399 m 2772 m 1336 m HP in Colorado. 46 Mount Baker 3286 m 2707 m 2275 m Washington, USA. 47 Monte Cinto 2706 m 2706 m 1494 m Corsica HP. 48 Gunung Sumbing 3371 m 2628 m 1442 m Indonesia. 49 San Jacinto Peak 3304 m 2542 m 1363 m Southern California. 50 San Gorgonio 3506 m 2526 m 1403 m HP in Southern California. 51 Charleston Peak 3633 m 2517 m 982 m HP in Southern Nevada. 52 Corno Grande 2912 m 2514 m 777 m HP of the Apennine. 53 Mount Adams 3751 m 2474 m 2218 m Washington, USA. 54 Musala 2925 m 2473 m 2218 m Balkan HP, Bulgaria. 55 Psiloritis 2456 m 2456 m 1089 m HP on Crete. 56 Gunung Merbabu 3145 m 2432 m 1600 m Indonesia. 57 Roque de los Muchachos 2426 m 2426 m 270 m Palma, Canary Islands. 58 Grossglockner 3798 m 2423 m 1430 m HP in Austria. 59 Cotopaxi 5897 m 2404 m 1259 m No. 2 in Ecuador. 60 Mount Olympus 2429 m 2386 m 2246 m Washington, USA. 61 Galdhøpiggen 2469 m 2372 m 629 m HP in Scandinavia. 62 Gerlachovsky Stit 2654 m 2356 m 974 m HP in Slovakia. 63 Olympos 2918 m 2354 m 1835 m HP in Greece. 64 Montanho do Pico 2351 m 2351 m 1116 m HP in Portugal/Azores. 65 Mount Hood 3426 m 2341 m 1632 m HP in Oregon. 66 Profitis Ilias 2407 m 2337 m 850 m HP on Peloponnes. 67 Mount Taranaki 2518 m 2308 m 1563 m North island, New Zealand. 68 Hotaka-dake 3190 m 2307 m 1806 m Japan. 69 Wheeler Peak 3982 m 2305 m 879 m Nevada, USA. 70 Asahi dake 2290 m 2290 m 700 m Hokkaido HP, Japan. 71 Glacier Peak 3213 m 2285 m 2590 m Washington, USA. 74 Wedge Mountain 2892 m 2249 m 2525 m BC, Canada. 75 Kita-dake 3193 m 2240 m 1700 m 2nd. highest in Japan. 76 Piz Bernina 4049 m 2234 m 1400 m Switzerland / Italy. 78 Nevado de Toluca 4690 m 2220 m 714 m 4th. highest in Mexico. 79 Choqa 4095 m 2220 m 30 m Ethiopia. 82 Korab 2764 m 2169 m 1489 m Albania and Macedonia HP. 83 Dufourspitze 4634 m 2165 m 1835 m Switzerland HP. 84 Gannett Peak 4209 m 2158 m 1888 m Wyoming HP. 85 Cloud Peak 4013 m 2154 m 1237 m Wyoming, USA. 88 Hvannadalshnukur 2119 m 2119 m 2028 m Iceland HP. 92 Amba Farit 4270 m 2061 m 711 m Ethiopia. 93 Medetsiz Tepe 3524 m 2058 m 1617 m Turkey. 94 Triglav 2864 m 2052 m 1877 m Slovenia HP. 95 Mount Hanang 3417 m 2047 m 1533 m No. 4 in Tanzania. 98 Páchnes 2453 m 2038 m 765 m No. 2 in Crete. 99 Jezerce 2693 m 2036 m 1827 m Albania. 100 Mount Edith Cavell 3363 m 2033 m 1815 m Jasper, Canada. 101 Mount Tapuae-o-Uenuku 2885 m 2022 m 2420 m New Zealand. 102 Säntis 2503 m 2021 m 1150 m Switzerland. 103 Mount Athos 2030 m 2012 m 2030 m Greece. 104 Mount Loolmalasin 3648 m 2006 m 1250 m No. 3 in Tanzani. 105 Grand Teton 4199 m 1996 m 2150 m Wyoming, USA. 106 Gunung Yong Belar 2181 m 1992 m 1200 m Malaysia. 107 Tope de Coroa 1982 m 1982 m 1600 m Cape Verde. 108 Tengu-dake 1982 m 1982 m 985 m Japan. 109 Volcan Agua 3761 m 1981 m 1700 m Guatemala. 110 Single Cone 2319 m 1969 m 730 m New Zealand. 111 Kizlar Sivrisi 3070 m 1966 m 933 m Turkey. 112 Morron de la Agujereada 1956 m 1956 m 50 m Gran Canaria, Spain. 113 Ortler 3905 m 1953 m 2055 m Highest in South Tirol. 114 Olympos 1952 m 1952 m 756 m Highest on Cyprus. 115 Halla-san 1950 m 1950 m 1300 m Highest on Jeju. 116 Sacajawea 2999 m 1949 m 1469 m Oregon, USA. 117 Volcan Calbuco 2015 m 1946 m 1610 m Chile. 118 Kings Peak 4123 m 1938 m 1245 m Utah HP. 119 Miyanoura 1936 m 1936 m 850 m Utah HP. 120 Syue 3886 m 1932 m 1746 m 2nd. highest on Taiwan. 121 Mount Graham 3269 m 1932 m 530 m Arizona, USA. 122 Torre de Cerredo 2648 m 1931 m 814 m HP Picos de Europa. 123 Monte Baldo 2218 m 1931 m 1800 m The summit is called Cima di Valdritta. 124 Mount Gelai 2948 m 1930 m 1000 m Tanzania. 125 Yosef 4280 m 1929 m 230 m Ethiopia. 126 Ta Chi Nhu 2979 m 1924 m 1883 m Vietnam. 127 Hasan Dagi 3268 m 1922 m 1280 m Turkey. 128 Volcan La Malinche 4430 m 1920 m 1341 m Mexico. 129 Aka-dake 2899 m 1916 m 1500 m Japan. 130 Sierra la Laguna HP 2085 m 1905 m 2046 m Mexico. 131 M'Goun 4071 m 1904 m 1965 m Morroco. 132 San Antonio 3068 m 1903 m 535 m Local name is Baldy. 133 Jebel Tidirhine 2428 m 1901 m 600 m Morroco. 134 Haku-san 2702 m 1897 m 1400 m Japan. 135 Gran Paradiso 4061 m 1891 m 2091 m Highest in Italy. 136 Chokai san 2236 m 1891 m 1030 m Japan. 137 Volcan Osorno 2652 m 1889 m 1470 m Chile. 138 Telescope Peak 3368 m 1886 m 889 m HP in Death Valley. 139 Picachos el Chena 2630 m 1885 m 1769 m Mexico. 140 Mount Peale 3877 m 1878 m 833 m Utah, USA. 141 Cerro Chemal 3837 m 1878 m 230 m Guatemala. 142 Pizzo di Coca 3050 m 1878 m 2115 m Utah, USA. 143 Yotei san 1898 m 1878 m 1560 m Japan. 144 Cerro el Potosi 3720 m 1875 m 50 m Mexico. 145 Mount Washington 1917 m 1872 m 1300 m New Hampshire State HP. 146 Killini 2376 m 1870 m 793 m No 2 on Peloponnes. 147 Pico Ruivo 1862 m 1862 m 611 m Madeira HP. 148 Montanas Pena Blanca 3520 m 1860 m 950 m Guatemala. 149 Mount Mitchell 2037 m 1857 m 181 m North Carolina State HP. 150 Kissavos 1978 m 1854 m 1125 m South of Olympos, Greece. 151 Humphreys Peak 3851 m 1841 m 1008 m Arizona State HP. 152 Acatenango 3975 m 1835 m 1587 m Guatemala. 153 Doi Inthanon 2565 m 1835 m 20 m Thailand. 154 Marmora 1834 m 1834 m 628 m Sardinia Island HP, Italy. 155 Cotacachi 4944 m 1832 m 914 m No. 11 in Ecuador. 156 Mount Borah 3861 m 1829 m 1591 m Idaho HP. 157 Volcan Llaima 3125 m 1819 m 1650 m Chile. 158 Monte Amaro 2795 m 1812 m 890 m Abruzzo, Italy. 159 Kootenay Mountain 2456 m 1801 m 787 m BC, Canada. 160 Manakau 2608 m 1798 m 2470 m New Zealand. 161 Dikti 2148 m 1798 m 1013 m Crete, Greece. 162 Haute Cime 3257 m 1796 m 1843 m Switzerland. 163 Maja e Papingut 2482 m 1792 m 1419 m Albania. 164 Nakadake 1791 m 1791 m 751 m Japan. 165 Mount Ellen 3512 m 1787 m 319 m Utah, USA. 166 Mount Jefferson 3640 m 1786 m 965 m Remote in Nevada. 167 Vihren 2914 m 1783 m 931 m Bulgaria. 168 Birkenhead Peak 2506 m 1781 m 1115 m BC, Canada. 169 Kitumbeine 2867 m 1779 m 700 m Tanzania. 170 Cima Dodici 2336 m 1779 m 611 m Near Asiago, Italy. 171 Pangaion 1956 m 1773 m 771 m Greece. 172 Deseret Peak 3362 m 1771 m 1096 m Utah, USA. 173 Mount Harrison 3360 m 1770 m 1325 m BC, Canada. 174 Chamechaude 2082 m 1769 m 756 m Near Grenoble, France. 175 Mount Jefferson 3199 m 1767 m 1740 m Oregon, USA. 176 Babadag 1969 m 1763 m 50 m Turkey. 177 Gunung Sindoro 3150 m 1761 m 1344 m Indonesia. 178 Mount Hector 3394 m 1759 m 1550 m Alberta, Canada. 179 Peleaga 2509 m 1759 m 907 m Romania. 180 Kaimaktsalan 2528 m 1758 m 616 m Greece. 181 Volcan Atitlan 3537 m 1754 m 1929 m Guatemala. 182 Kisokomaga 2956 m 1751 m 500 m Japan. 183 Shengena 2464 m 1750 m 775 m Tanzania. 185 Dirfis 1749 m 1749 m 640 m Evia island HP, Greece. 187 Pilot Peak 3266 m 1745 m 1255 m Nevada, USA. 188 Iwate san 2038 m 1745 m 1425 m Japan. 189 Crazy Peak 3417 m 1743 m 1451 m Montana, USA. 190 McDonald Peak 2993 m 1743 m 1477 m Montana, USA. 191 Jiehkkevarri 1834 m 1741 m 1834 m Troms HP, Norway. 192 Smolikas 2637 m 1736 m 975 m 2nd.highest in Greece. 193 Monte Antelao 3264 m 1735 m 1593 m 2nd. highest in Dolomites. 194 Hakken-take 1915 m 1732 m 1032 m Japan. 195 Sungwi Mountain 2301 m 1731 m 418 m Lushoto, Tanzania. 196 Rishiri 1721 m 1721 m 1510 m Japan. 197 Cond Peak 2801 m 1720 m 1300 m BC, Canada. 198 Pointe D'Arcalod 2217 m 1719 m 1076 m France. 199 Jebel Kawr 2730 m 1718 m 2000 m Oman. 200 Serra Dolcedorme 2267 m 1715 m 709 m Southern Italy. 201 Newtontoppen 1713 m 1713 m 1713 m Svalbard, Norway.. 202 Montalto 1956 m 1710 m 634 m Calabria, Italy. 203 Grintovec 2558 m 1706 m 1662 m Slovenia. 204 South Sister 3157 m 1703 m 1489 m Oregon, USA. 205 Grosser Priel 2515 m 1703 m 1950 m Austria. 206 Gunung Karang 1778 m 1703 m 934 m Java, Indonesia. 207 Giona 2510 m 1702 m 975 m Greece. 208 Cheonwangbong 1915 m 1700 m 1200 m South Korea. 209 Pukeashun Mountain 2301 m 1696 m 861 m BC, Canada. 210 Morton Peak 2250 m 1695 m 678 m BC, Canada. 211 Sierra Blanca Peak 3652 m 1693 m 671 m New Mexico, USA. 212 Almanzor 2592 m 1687 m 822 m Highest in Sierra de Gredos Spain. 213 Grigna Settentrionale 2410 m 1687 m 991 m Italy. 216 Mount Nebo 3636 m 1679 m 820 m Utah, USA. 217 Overseer Mountain 2749 m 1679 m 3035 m BC, Canada. 218 Gunung Salak 2211 m 1678 m 1430 m Java, Indonesia. 220 Cima Presanella 3558 m 1674 m 1700 m Near Madonna di Campiglio, Italy. 221 Solunska Glava 2540 m 1666 m 1119 m Macedonia. 222 Kendervices 2121 m 1666 m 1109 m Albania. 223 Birnhorn 2634 m 1665 m 1760 m Austria. 224 Uyluk Tepe 3016 m 1664 m 850 m Turkey. 225 Phu Soi Dao 2120 m 1664 m 1650 m Thailand. 226 Dedegol Tepesi 2992 m 1663 m 1300 m Turkey. 227 Picachos el Centinela 3130 m 1660 m 1900 m Mexico. 228 Snowshoe Peak 2663 m 1658 m 1400 m Montana, USA. 229 He Feng Jian 2323 m 1658 m 1267 m Hubei, China. 230 Pichincha 4784 m 1652 m 664 m No. 14 in Ecuador. 231 Picacho San Onofre 3550 m 1650 m 841 m Mexico. 232 Hayford Peak 3022 m 1650 m 1236 m Nevada, USA. 233 North Schell Peak 3622 m 1647 m 854 m Nevada, USA. 234 Phu Khe 2079 m 1646 m 1290 m Thailand. 235 Star Peak 2999 m 1645 m 1024 m Nevada, USA. 236 Upper Saddle Mountain 2330 m 1645 m 1442 m BC, Canada. 240 Adrar Bou Nasser 3340 m 1642 m 1850 m Morroco. 243 Mount Taylor 2333 m 1636 m 1639 m New Zealand. 249 Mount Ossa 1617 m 1617 m 867 m Tasmania HP. 250 Shirane 1617 m 1617 m 867 m Tasmania HP. 251 Jebel Igdet 3619 m 1613 m 1500 m Morroco. 252 Fansipan 3143 m 1613 m 180 m Vietnam. 254 Picachos el Fraile 2400 m 1610 m 1682 m Mexico. 255 Mount Timpanogos 3581 m 1606 m 1493 m Utah, USA. 260 Skippers Range HP. 1648 m 1598 m 450 m New Zealand. 262 Jôf de Montasio 2752 m 1596 m 1251 m North-East Italy. 264 Arc Dome 3588 m 1595 m 924 m Remote in Nevada, USA. 265 Radomir 2031 m 1595 m 663 m Greece and Bulgaria. 266 Cerro Chorolque 5571 m 1593 m 535 m Bolivia. 267 Dainichi 2128 m 1593 m 2290 m Japan. 268 He/She Devil 2865 m 1591 m 551 m Idaho, USA. 269 Volcan El Mocho 2422 m 1587 m 1430 m Chile. 270 Chiricahua 2986 m 1580 m 936 m Arizona, USA. 271 Mount Seton 2855 m 1580 m 1800 m BC, Canada. 272 Polinik 2784 m 1580 m 1444 m Austria. 273 Volcan Cumbal 4764 m 1579 m 1630 m Colombia. 274 Boz Dag 2156 m 1579 m 420 m Turkey. 275 Mount Lemmon 2791 m 1578 m 238 m Arizona, USA. 276 Pietrosul Rodnei 2303 m 1578 m 1360 m Romania. 277 Puy de Sancy 1885 m 1578 m 748 m Massif Central, France. 278 Monte Cimone 2165 m 1578 m 800 m Italy. 279 Store Lenangstinden 1624 m 1576 m 1624 m Lyngen, Norway. 280 Volcan Villarrica 2860 m 1575 m 1006 m Chile. 281 Abercrombie Mountain 2227 m 1575 m 706 m Washington, USA. 282 Barla Dagi 2800 m 1574 m 1100 m Turkey. 283 Mount Cronin 2396 m 1571 m 1410 m BC, Canada. 284 Tödi 3614 m 1570 m 2809 m Switzerland. 285 Chieu Lau Thi 2402 m 1570 m 200 m Vietnam. 286 Gunung Bintang 1862 m 1570 m 1900 m Malaysia. 287 Birkkarspitze 2749 m 1567 m 1000 m Austria. 288 Botev 2376 m 1567 m 1628 m Bulgaria. 289 Maja e Cikes 2044 m 1563 m 1000 m Albania. 290 Kispiox Mountain 2096 m 1561 m 1528 m BC, Canada. 291 Iztaccihuatl 5230 m 1560 m 1575 m 3rd. highest in Mexico. 292 Mount Eddy 2751 m 1556 m 670 m Northern California. 293 Davraz Tepe 2635 m 1553 m 972 m Turkey. 294 Ellmauer Halt 2344 m 1552 m 1259 m Via Ferrata route. 295 Ilgaz Daglari 2587 m 1546 m 300 m Road to the top, Turkey. 296 Geyik Daglari 2877 m 1543 m 770 m Turkey. 297 Grande Tete de L'Obiou 2790 m 1542 m 1227 m South of Grenoble, France. 298 Roman-Kosh 1545 m 1541 m 1195 m Crimea, Ukraine. 299 Tsurugi-san 1955 m 1540 m 600 m Japan. 300 Whitecap Mountain 2918 m 1533 m 2459 m BC, Canada. 301 Dunn Peak 2636 m 1531 m 1250 m BC, Canada. 302 Miller Peak 2885 m 1527 m 1099 m Arizona, USA. 303 Valamara 2373 m 1526 m 1010 m Albania. 304 Volcan Lonquimay 2865 m 1524 m 1036 m Chile. 305 Mount Tod 2155 m 1523 m 315 m BC, Canada. 306 Cerro Kennedy 2866 m 1522 m 300 m Colombia. 307 Mount Temple 3540 m 1520 m 1678 m BC, Canada.. 308 Hochtor 2369 m 1520 m 1800 m Austria. 309 Sarektjohkka 2089 m 1519 m 1659 m Sarek, Sweden. 310 Grimming 2351 m 1518 m 1696 m Austria. 311 Grand Combin 4314 m 1517 m 2500 m Switzerland. 312 Imbabura 4634 m 1516 m 1172 m No. 17 in Ecuador. 313 Pelister 2601 m 1516 m 1182 m Macedonia. 314 La Tournette 2351 m 1514 m 923 m France. 315 Guna Terara 4120 m 1510 m 425 m Ethiopia. 316 Psili Korifi 1589 m 1514 m 611 m Greece. 317 Mount Joffre 3433 m 1505 m 1935 m BC, Canada.. 318 Piz Kesch 3418 m 1504 m 1172 m Switzerland. 319 Zirbitzkogel 2396 m 1502 m 785 m Austria. 320 Malpaso 1501 m 1501 m 153 m El Hierro, Spain. 321 Cima Brenta 3151 m 1500 m 1630 m Dolomites, Italy.. ****** End "Ultras" ****** ****** ***** End "Ultras" 322 Mount Marcy 1630 m 1498 m 966 m HP in New York. 323 Mount Moriah 3678 m 1497 m 657 m Nevada, USA. 324 Le Taillefer 2857 m 1490 m 1184 m France. 325 Monte Amiata 1738 m 1490 m 1184 m France. 326 Cucurbata Mare 1849 m 1483 m 671 m Romania. 327 Yolla Bolly Mountain 2467 m 1479 m 372 m California. 328 Bobotov Kuk 2523 m 1478 m 616 m Montenegro. 329 Midzhur 2168 m 1478 m 600 m Serbia/Bulgaria. 330 Monte Togano 2301 m 1474 m 1362 m Italy. 331 Pourianos Stavros 1610 m 1473 m 532 m Greece. 332 Torrecilla. 1919 m 1472 m 655 m Malaga, Spain. 333 Culebra Peak 4282 m 1471 m 1466 m Colorado. 334 Dammastock 3630 m 1465 m 1394 m Switzerland. 335 Mount Pinos 2692 m 1463 m 150 m California. 336 Monte Vettore 2476 m 1463 m 937 m Italy. 337 Raucheck 2430 m 1463 m 1300 m Austria. 338 Gjegnen 1670 m 1460 m 1610 m Sogn og Fjordane, Norway. 339 Monte Grappa 1765 m 1456 m 50 m Italy. 340 Haldensteiner Calanda 2806 m 1449 m 1050 m Switzerland. 341 Monte Cadria 2254 m 1434 m 1252 m Italy. 342 Monte Viglio 2156 m 1422 m 728 m Italy. 345 Pico da Antonia 1393 m 1393 m 748 m Cape Verde. 346 Reisskofel 2371 m 1390 m 860 m Austria. 348 Monte Velino 2486 m 1385 m 945 m Italy. 349 Skårasalen 1542 m 1385 m 1142 m Møre og Romsdal, Norway. 350 Oksskolten 1916 m 1384 m 1386 m HP in Northern Norway. 352 Monte Petrella 1533 m 1370 m 620 m Italy. 353 Emery Peak 2388 m 1367 m 742 m HP in Big Bend, Texas. 357 Afentis Stavromenos 1476 m 1350 m 494 m East Crete, Greece. 358 Schneeberg 2076 m 1348 m 1291 m Austria. 359 Monte Cervati 1899 m 1344 m 250 m Italy. 360 Ben Nevis 1344 m 1344 m 1344 m HP in Great Britain. 361 Mirnock 2110 m 1343 m 888 m Austria. 362 Santiago Peak 1733 m 1340 m 350 m California. 368 Monte Miletto 2050 m 1306 m 1080 m Italy. 372 Col Visentin 1763 m 1295 m 341 m Italy. 375 Store Trolla 1850 m 1292 m 1741 m Sunndal/Innerdalen, Norway. 376 Grosser Pyhrgas 2244 m 1290 m 1200 m Austria. 377 Snæfellsjökull 1446 m 1283 m 1100 m . 378 Langlitinden 1277 m 1277 m 1275 m Highest island in Norway. 391 Monte Semprevisa 1536 m 1231 m 660 m Italy. 396 Toro Peak 2657 m 1218 m 140 m California. 399 Sacagawea Peak 2941 m 1204 m 645 m Montana, USA. 400 Petermans Bjerg 2940 m 1200 m 2940 m HP in Northeast Greenland. 401 Grossvenediger 3666 m 1199 m 2722 m Hohe Tauern, Austria. 409 Double Mountain 2433 m 1171 m 1120 m California. 413 Monte Cairo 1669 m 1165 m 560 m Italy. 419 Greenhorn Mountain 3764 m 1151 m 277 m Colorado, USA. 423 Cerro San Luis 4051 m 1136 m 950 m Chingaza, Colombia. 425 Pico de Posets 3375 m 1131 m 1900 m 2nd Highest in the Pyrenees. 426 Øksfjordjøkelen 1204 m 1131 m 1202 m Finnmark HP. 427 Cerro San Luis 4051 m 1131 m 950 m Colombia. 428 Hochgölling 2862 m 1124 m 1800 m Austria. 429 Cervialto 1808 m 1124 m 729 m Italy. 430 Norra Sytertoppen 1768 m 1115 m 1272 m Sweden. 431 Cerro Cunurana 5071 m 1114 m 484 m Bolivia. 432 Monte Taburno 1394 m 1114 m 370 m Italy. 434 Volcan Galeras 4256 m 1111 m 900 m Pasto, Colombia. 453 Løksetinden 1242 m 1069 m 1191 m Troms, Norway. 460 Piute Peak 2573 m 1061 m 50 m California. 478 Wheeler Peak 4011 m 1039 m 1207 m HP in New Mexico. 479 Nord Saulo 1768 m 1038 m 1218 m HP on the Norwegian-Swedish border. 480 Tverrbakktinden 1392 m 1038 m 1392 m Lyngen in Troms, Norway. 481 Yr Wyddfa 1085 m 1038 m 750 m HP in Wales. 482 Store Sølnkletten 1827 m 1037 m 862 m Hedmark, Norway. 483 Eidskyrkja 1482 m 1037 m 1022 m Møre og Romsdal, in Norway. 484 Lavangstinden 1215 m 1037 m 1045 m Troms, Norway. 485 Spanstinden 1457 m 1034 m 1031 m Troms, Norway. 486 Vanntinden 1031 m 1031 m 1026 m Troms, Norway. 487 Smisetnebba 1175 m 1030 m 1000 m Møre og Romsdal, in Norway. 488 Sætertind 1095 m 1027 m 1087 m Troms/Nordland, Norway. 489 Hermannsdalstinden 1027 m 1027 m 1027 m Norland, Norway. 490 Le Piton de la Fournaise 2621 m 1026 m 750 m Reunion. 491 Vassdalsfjellet 1587 m 1026 m 1326 m Troms, Norway. 492 Trollvasstinden 1441 m 1025 m 1321 m Troms, Norway. 493 Mount Lafayette 1603 m 1024 m 1054 m New Hampshire, USA. 494 Kirkestinden 1677 m 1022 m 1559 m Troms, Norway. 495 Drangen 1022 m 1022 m 1000 m Troms, Norway. 496 Stormauken 1249 m 1021 m 1078 m Troms, Norway. 497 St. Mary Peak 1171 m 1021 m 641 m Flinders Ranges, Australia. 498 Santa Barbara 1021 m 1021 m 1 m Terceira, Azores. 499 Monte Sirente 2349 m 1019 m 1200 m Italy. 500 Skåla 1128 m 1018 m 943 m Møre og Romsdal, in Norway. 502 Monte Greco 2285 m 1015 m 800 m Italy. 503 Unterberghorn 1773 m 1013 m 300 m Austria. 506 Breckenridge Mountain 2310 m 1011 m 10 m California. Go to mountains having primary factors in the range 600 - 999 meter.
New South Scotland (known in Australia as Quadrangle Lawn and formerly known in Zealandia as Nya Ystad) is an Austenasian Crown Dependency situated on the eastern seaboard of the Australian continent. Between June 2014 and September 2016, the polity was administered by the Commonwealth of Zealandia, although de jure Austenasian sovereignty over New South Scotland continued to be acknowledged. Established on 19 November 2012 as a colony of New Wessex, having formerly been part of an Australian university campus, the colony was ceded to the Empire of Austenasia on 20 January 2013 by Declan I upon the ascension of Jonathan I to the Austenasian Throne. New South Scotland was formally made a Crown Dependency of Austenasia on 25 January, by the First Imperial Decree of HIM Emperor Jonathan I. The then Haakon Lindstrom, also monarch of the nearby nation of Zealandia, was appointed New South Scotland's Governing Commissioner. A notable incident took place on 30 October 2013, when two constables of the New South Wales Police were escorted out of New South Scotland by a constable of the New South Scotland Constabulary after they were found asking individuals for identification in a rude manner. The New South Scottish constable was helped by a group of socialists visiting from Australia, who sung the Internationale as the two NSW constables were escorted out. On 22 May 2014, Lindström - who reigned by the regnal name of Astrid as Queen of Zealandia - ordered the Zealandian military to prepare an invasion of New South Scotland. A false version of events was reported to the Austenasian government, which were that Queen Astrid had been threatened with a coup by rogue elements of the Zealandian military and that she would be deposed unless she sanctioned an invasion of New South Scotland. The queen notified the Austenasian government of her apparent inability to suppress the rebellion, which was eventually allegedly pacified by an agreement by which use of half of New South Scotland would be granted to the Zealandian military in exchange for the force's annexation of new territory for the Crown Dependency. However, Lindstrom failed to pass on information to her government in regards to the Empire's wish for a deal, and instead willingly passed on misinformation, falsely accusing Austenasia of hostile designs on Zealandia and provoking her government into going ahead with an invasion of New South Scotland. Before Austenasia had a chance to respond militarily, a massive diplomatic backlash from the intermicronational community forced Zealandia to accept a compromise whereby New South Scotland would be administered independently by the Zealandian queen, but remain under formal Austenasian sovereignty. Relations between Austenasia and Zealandia remained extremely frosty for over a year over the subject of New South Scotland and Lindstom's actions in relation to it, but began to thaw in 2015 after a treaty was signed formalising the arrangement. Relations between the two nations warmed considerably in mid-2016 as a result of uniting against diplomatic attacks from Sandus, and in July 2016 the Austenasian government was contacted by Lindstrom who informed them that she was unable to continue administering the crown dependency due to her and many members of the Zealandian government and military leaving the university which borders New South Scotland. After negotiations, a treaty was signed returning New South Scotland to full and exclusively Austenasian jurisdiction on 10 September 2016. Later that day, Emperor Jonathan I appointed The Rt Hon. Sir Hugh McFarlane, KCA as New South Scotland's second Governing Commissioner. New South Scotland is governed by Sir Hugh McFarlane, a friend of Emperor Jonathan I who lives near to the crown dependency. The position had previously been held by Charlotte Lindstrom, who held the position of Governor when New South Scotland was a colony under Wessaxon rule, and ruled as Governing Commissioner in the name of the Emperor before 10 September 2016. Lindstrom established the New South Scotland Constabulary in August 2013 to provide law enforcement in her absence, although this force had become defunct by May 2014. Since returning to exclusively Austenasian jurisdiction in September 2016, New South Scotland has been governed as a normal Austenasian Crown Dependency, being neither taxed nor having representation in Parliament, with the Emperor holding absolute power (exercised by the Governing Commissioner) over the Crown Dependency, and Austenasian legislation not applying to New South Scotland unless it explicitly refers to it. 1 HM Queen Astrid 25 Jan 2013 10 Sep 2016 Appointed Governing Commissioner of the newly-founded Crown Dependency by Imperial Decree. Monarch of the nearby Zealandia; had New South Scotland administered by Zealandia from June 2014 until September 2016 by agreement with Austenasia as a result of the 2014 New South Scotland crisis. Removed from office upon New South Scotland returning to ordinary Austenasian administration. 2 The Rt Hon. Sir Hugh McFarlane, KCA 10 Sep 2016 Incumbent Appointed Governing Commissioner by Emperor Jonathan I upon the return of New South Scotland to Austenasian administration. Had previously visited NSS as a tourist in March 2015. New South Scotland has an area of approximately 3.3 square kilometers. The territory is located within the campus of the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and is bordered by the City of Sydney, Australia. The geographical position of New South Scotland means that it regularly frequented by students and teachers attending the university, having a huge effect on the geography, culture and economy of the area. The flora of New South Scotland is not very diverse, only featuring several trees and an extensive grass area. This grass area is used by students as a place to relax, which brings some environmental issues such as food waste which attracts fauna such as the Australian White Ibis. In the interest of preserving the area, groundskeepers at the university maintain the environment by removing litter and mowing the grass. Three pathways also exist, and are used as a major throughway for students and teachers. Drainage pipes and gutters border New South Scotland to protect against minor flooding and rainfall damage; since it is a small catchment area, this task is essential. Bordering New South Scotland are several areas of varying economic activity, however very little occurs within the borders themselves. Nearby, multiple vending machines can be found, which dispense food and drinks to students. These machines are operated and owned by the university itself, but it is unclear if they generate any profit at all. Numerous shops are located a short distance away from New South Scotland, such as a pharmacy and the university bookshop. A Commonwealth Bank Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) also exists near to these shops which is used to fund transactions across the university. A section of the UNSW Business School is also housed within the large building that is directly next to New South Scotland itself. It is one of the major faculties at UNSW, and teaches a variety of courses regarding economics and commerce and has had a hand in creating some economic activity around the university campus. New South Scotland is primarily used by university students as a recreational area, which has a huge effect on the culture of the area. The grass area is usually a location where food is eaten and where activities such as games and festivals take place. These types of activities define the culture of New South Scotland and how it behaves, as they have a huge effect on the different environments that exist. New South Scotland also features dozens of international cultures, despite having no citizens. The array of nationalities that students who use the area belong to gives New South Scotland a strong sense of multiculturalism. Close by to New South Scotland is the university health clinic and dentistry, provided by UNSW itself. Not only does this facility treat students suffering from an array of health complications, but it also acts as an Infectious Control Zone (ICZ), which is used in the case of an epidemic as a location to treat patients. On display at this clinic are pieces of information regarding how to deal with current diseases and what major symptoms are. Whilst these services are technically outside the borders of New South Scotland, should any major disease outbreak occur, New South Scotland itself may well be used as a grounds for dealing with the issue. A pharmacy is also nearby which sells many different medical and cosmetic products. This page was last edited on 19 April 2017, at 09:54.
Right now, I am feeling compelled to write the South Carolina chapter of Alexander Gordon’s life. So, for now, I plan to return to the South Carolina Gazette to discover everything that I can about Gordon from his arrival in South Carolina until his death in 1754. I need to write this chapter in his life. No, I must do so—if not me, who? And I shall do so. The task will not be an easy one since I will have to read the South Carolina Gazette on microfilm, but, I am blessed to be able to do so! Please, join me here, as I share with you the highlights of Alexander Gordon’s life in Colonial South Carolina! Since that post, I have been working diligently to discover and piece together the details of Alexander Gordon’s life from the time that he arrived in South Carolina until his death in 1754. I have only touched the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, but I am eager to start sharing my findings with you all. As it turns out, I continue to dig into old newspapers but they are not musty at all. In fact, they are digital! How wonderful, technology! Emily Dickinson wrote in one of her poems, “There is no frigate like a book / To take us lands away.” Today she might well write, “There is no frigate like the Internet / To take us lands away.” How true! So, for right now, I’m being transported (via the Internet) past place and past time, using digitized versions of The South Carolina Gazette as well as digitized versions of some eighteenth century newspapers published in Scotland and England. I’m pursuing the Scotland/England angle because as I started to find information in The South Carolina Gazette about Alexander Gordon and his patron, James Glen (Governor of South Carolina, 1738-1756), I started wondering what kind of press coverage the two of them received “at home” as they started their journey to the New World. I’ve found a lot! But where do I begin? And what shall I share? I am tempted to begin with September 11, 1739, when “his Majesty’s Royal Commission passed the Great Seal, appointing James Glen, Esq., to be Governor and Commander in and Over his Majesty’s Province of South-Carolina in America” (Stamford Mercury, September 13, 1739). Last Saturday arrived here in the Tartar Man of War commanded by Captain Ward, his Excellency James Glen, Esq; Captain General, Governor and Commander in Chief of this Province, and Vice-Admiral of the same. Upon a Signal of Five Guns being discharged at Fort-Johnson, the Charles-Town Regiment was drawn up under Arms upon the Bay, extending in Two Lines facing one another from the Council-Chamber to Gibbs’s wharfs. His Excellency in passing by Fort-Johnson, was saluted by the Guns of that Fort; and when the Ship came before the Town, by the Guns also at Granville’s, Craven’s, and Broughton’s Batteries. As soon as she came to an Anchor, the Clerk of the Council and Master in Chancery having been first sent on board, to wait on his Excellency, and to shew him a proper Place of Landing, she was afterwards received at the Landing, by the Honourable Edmond Atkin and Charles Pinckney, Esqrs as Members of his Majesty’s Hon. Council who conducted his Excellency through the two Lines of [one word illegible] to the Council-Chamber, to his Honour the Lieutenant Governor attended by the Rest of the Members of Council then on the Spot; His Excellency having there produced his Majesty’s said Commission, he was conducted by them, the Sword of State being carried before, and attended by the Honourable the Commons House, and many Officers and other Gentlemen of Distinction, to Granville’s Bastion, where the same was published in due Form, which was followed by Three Whirras, a Discharge of the Cannon at the Bastions, and a general Volley of the Regiment. Then his Excellency, attended by all the Gentlemen present, marched back in like Manner, to the Council-Chamber, being saluted as he passed by all the Officers of the Regiment. And having there qualified himself to act by taking the usual Cloths, and the Regiment being drawn up as before in Broad-street, his Excellency attended again in the same Manner walked to Mr. Shepheard’s Tavern, where a handsome Entertainment was provided for him, and a numerous Company concluded the Day with Joy, the House being handsomely illuminated (South Carolina Gazette). Again, however, I think not. The SPEECH of his Excellency JAMES GLEN, Esq; Captain General, Governor, and Commander in Chief, in and over the Province of South-Carolina, delivered to our Houses of Assembly, on Wednesday the eleventh Day of January, 1743-4, in the Council-Chamber. Once again, though, I think not. The speech is too long to serve my purposes right now, and, more important, our principal player here—Alexander Gordon—played a behind-the scenes role as Clerk of His Majesty’s Council. So I won’t begin with any of the above temptations, important as they are. I will save those nuggets for a later post. What I will begin with, then, is the very first notice of Alexander Gordon that I have been able to find in my journey through the “musty,” digitized versions of newspapers published in Scotland and England. Proposals, for Printing by Subscription, ITINERARIUM SEPTENTRIONALE: or, A Journey over the greatest Part of the Kingdom of Scotland, and most northerly Parts of England; in One Volume, Folio, divided into three Parts: The First to contain an Account and Description of all the Monuments of Roman Antiquity, that have been found, and are to be seen in the North Parts of the Island. The 2nd, A Description of the most remarkable Monuments of Pictish and Danish Antiquity; together with the other valuable Curiosities of Art that are in Scotland. The 3rd, An Account of all the Curiosities of fine Taste that have been brought from Italy and elsewhere, to be seen in the Collections of the Curious in that Part of the Island. By ALEXANDER GORDON, Citizen of Aberdeen. Subscriptions are taken in at John’s and the Exchange Coffee-houses, Edinburgh. Itinerarium Septentrionale: or, a Journey Thro’ most of the COUNTIES of SCOTLAND, and Those in the NORTH OF ENGLAND. PART I. Containing an Account of all the MONUMENTS of ROMAN ANTIQUITY found and collected in that Journey and exhibited in order to illustrate the Roman History in those Parts of Britain, from the first Invasion by Julius Caesar, till Julius Agricola’s March into Caledonia, in the Reign of Vespasian. And thence more fully to their last abandoning the Island, in the Reign of Theodosius Junior. With a particular Description of the ROMAN WALLS in Cumberland, Northumberland, AND Scotland. Then different Stations, Watch-Towers, Turrets, Exploratory Castles, Height, Breadth, and all their other Dimensions; taken by an actual Geometrical Survey from Sea to Sea with all the Altars and Inscriptions found on them. As also a View of the several Places of Encampment, made by the Romans, their Castles, Military Ways, etc. PART II. An Account of the DANISH INVASIONS on SCOTLAND, and of the Monuments erected there, on the different Defeats of that People. With other curious REMAINS of ANTIQUITY, Never before communicated to the Publick. That it didn’t appear in the published book is neither here nor there in terms of the work that I am doing with Alexander Gordon and his Humourist essays. What made me sit up and take notice were the words Curious and Taste. In the Humourist essays, Gordon uses the word Curious twice and the word Taste or Tastes seven times. Sometimes the words are used together and sometimes, even, in the context of discussing art! This certainly helps strength my identification of Gordon as the author of the Humourist essays. But let me hasten back to those musty, digitized newspapers and my early findings there! Edinburgh, August 22. Several persons of Distinction, etc. are gone hence to meet their Graces the Duke and Dutchess of Athol, who are expected in Town this Night. We hear that Mr. Alexander Gordon, Author of the Book entitul’d Itinerarium Septentrionale, had the Honour to present their Royal Highnesses with his Book, and was very graciously received; and for his future Encouragement, were please to subscribe to his Proposals for the Maps he designs to publish of the Roman Walls in Britain. That Gentleman is shortly expected in Scotland, to illustrate a Project which will greatly redound to the Advantage of Trade and Navigation in Britain (Caledonian Mercury, August 22, 1726). Monday last Mr. Alexander Gordon, Author of the Itinerarium Septentrionale, presented his new History of Pope Alexander VI and Caesar Borgia, to the King and Queen, was very graciously received, and had the Honour to kiss their Majesties Hands; and on Tuesday he presented the said book to the Prince, and had the Honour to kiss his R. Highness’s Hands also (Caledonian Mercury, March 27, 1729). How truly wonderful that Gordon’s early—and, let me hasten to add, important—scholarly works were of such high caliber and of such historical significance that British Royalty took notice and favoured him.
I believe this fix didn't take things far enough. For example, a meta_query that does a lot of comparing on the same meta_key, will have a JOIN and a WHERE for each query array. It shouldn't have to re-join the postmeta table on each query array though, since they are based on the same meta_key. I'll attach a suggested patch that will only join if it needs to, and use the previous alias for the first meta_key joined table if it's already been joined. 24093.patch​ (1.8 KB) - added by sc0ttkclark 6 years ago. 24093.1.patch​ (1.0 KB) - added by kevinfodness 5 years ago. 24093.2.patch​ (2.2 KB) - added by vprat 5 years ago. 24093.3.patch​ (2.9 KB) - added by vprat 5 years ago. 24093.4.patch​ (2.5 KB) - added by vprat 5 years ago. 24093.5.patch​ (23.2 KB) - added by boonebgorges 5 years ago. Stumbled upon this patch/ticket while updating Codex on ​WP_Meta_Query. Nice patch! Finally. Thanks for the feedback, I'll have a look and update the patch accordingly. @sc0ttkclark Please keep in mind that the $alias will be used in all returning WHERE clauses, so that needs consideration as well. For sure, will look this patch over again and see what it'll take to bring it to it's original intention. #26281 was marked as a duplicate. I wrote a patch that uses subqueries instead of JOIN operations and seems to be significantly more efficient. It should work fine for both OR and AND operations. I tested the patch on a relatively large site running WordPress 3.8. I'd be interested to get the opinions of core contributors and see the results of unit tests to determine if this is a workable solution. The previous patch I submitted was git formatted - per guidelines I converted it to an SVN formatted patch and attached it to this issue. any update about that issue or plans to incorporate the fix in core for 3.8.x? I installed the patch and for me it works very good. I hope this update will be incorporated into the next WP release. kevinfodness Your modification works fantastic when You need to query thru multiply meta_keys but it breaks order_by meta_key statment. I need badly this fix so I have given it another look. Starting from the second patch, I have managed to fix the DB errors that have been mentionned by Mr.Defi. I have managed to fix the orderby meta issue. In the WP_Query class, for ordering, we simply use the mt0 alias instead of the main meta table name. The rest is pretty similar to what had been proposed by the original patchers. Let me know if there is any test case that fails and how to reproduce it, I'll try to fix the issue. I would love that patch to make its way into WP 4.0. This "bug" reared its ugly head after using a plugin by vprat. Using mySQL profiling I found the impact to be crippling after adding more than a few groups to a user. And keep in mind that this install is very small... like around 15 posts. I'm sure a site with more posts would get impacted much earlier as adding multiple INNER JOIN statements blow up the tempDB exponentially. I would really like to have this merged into core as soon as possible. I've tested the patch on 3.9.1 with no issues - or at least none that I could find. Sounds like we still need patch review, unit tests, and profiling data. Come on, that ticket is more than a year old and is derived from a 3 year old ticket that had an incomplete fix. Profiling data is pretty simple. A query with 6 meta query elements will simply never complete without the patch. When having 4 meta query elements, as said, it goes from a few minutes to a few milliseconds. Unit tests have been provided with the ticket referenced in the ticket of origin. I guess they are still valid. I would love if somebody could review the patch here (not my wheelhouse), and if we could get unit tests into the same patch for overall review. We are still too late for 4.0, though. It would be good to get this finally in. I happened to stuble on this when I was looking for an answer to a problem I have with a dynamically generated meta_query. When the amount of the meta_query arrays exceeds nine my local development server and my staging server both just freeze. The DB query seems to run indefinitely and I need to restart the MySQL server to get the site operational again. EDIT 1: I can confirm that vprat's latest patch fixes the issue on my development and test server. EDIT 2: The patch doesn't seem to break anything but cases WP to show errors on the admin side, example below. There's no mention of a limit in the WP Meta Query class reference. The meta_query implementation creates so bad SQL that it actually can cripple the whole server with only 9 compares. I think the type of this should be changed to bug. In general I also feel that it's weird that the meta_query implementation differs so much from the taxonomy_query implementation (f.ex. missing the support for multi level query with different compares). See #29560 for an extended set of unit tests that any change in SQL syntax has to pass. More detailed benchmarks about the switch to subqueries would make the case for a switch much more persuasive. The post linked to by ve9gra in https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/24093#comment:19 is a good start, but ideally we'd have a script for generating test data (maybe a wp-cli subcommand) for the core team to test with, and/or more detailed specs about server environment, the matrix of queries tested, etc. @sarukuku - "The patch doesn't seem to break anything but cases WP to show errors on the admin side" Can you please specify some steps to reproduce this? I would be happy to fix it. It is always somehow risky for a plugin author to play with SQL directly instead of using the WP core functions. So I feel these cases should be adressed by plugin authors (and this is why I submitted a patch to improve WP Core instead of patching my plugin with such a filter). This is very easy to reproduce. You simply need to issue a WP_Query with at least 5 clauses in the meta query. Even if you only have a few posts (10/20) in the database it will blow (will not even complete). With the patch, the query takes a few milliseconds in all cases. @vprat - It seems to be only the WPSearch plugin (​https://searchwp.com/) that is confused about the changes in the patch on the environment I tested the it. Plain WP installation doesn't seem to have any problems with the patch as far as I can see. Patch works, random plugin was confused and caused the error. The unit tests in #29560 are great for this ticket - they're showing a bunch of bugs in 24093.4.patch​ that need fixing. I'm not particularly fussed about us changing the SQL that goes through the get_meta_sql filter (I'm in favour of deprecating all filters on SQL, but that's a different discussion). We should definitely at least warn developers that it's changing, though. @vprat: Could you upload your test cases to this ticket, so that we're all looking at the same test data? It's worth noting that this will need testing on different versions of MySQL (at least the latest major versions from 5.0 to 5.7) - various optimisations for both JOINs and sub-queries have been introduced over the years, we can't assume that performance on the latest version is indicative of performance on all versions. In get_sql_for_clause(), tirst time a meta_key is referenced, create a new alias and JOIN clause. The next time you see a clause that has a meta_key that already has an alias, check to see whether the $parent_query has OR as a relation. If so, use the existing alias. Clearly, this will need some thought, and some unit tests, and maybe some compromises regarding how many JOINS we can eliminate in case of multiply-nested queries. Who is up for a Really Fun Time writing this patch? I've been thinking about this some more, and I think I've come up with a technique for consolidating JOINs that is along the lines of what I've laid out above. See #18105 for how it works in WP_Tax_Query. The check for "compatible aliases" will be more complicated here. I'll write some unit tests and see what I can do about a patch. So: in each call to get_sql_for_clause(), the JOIN logic goes like this. Does this clause have any siblings that are already doing a join and are compatible with this clause (by the rules listed above)? If so, use that alias. If not, create a JOIN clause, and store the alias for use by later siblings. So that's the first thing 24093.5.patch does. As I was writing this part of the patch - which is largely a port of - I realized that most of the rat's nest of WP_Meta_Query::get_sql_for_clause() was a result of past developers attempting, in patchwork ways, to avoid unneccessary table joins. (See, for example, the old 'key only' queries.) With the new centralized logic for finding "compatible aliases", it became possible to rewrite the SQL generation logic of WP_Meta_Query so that it actually makes sense. With 24093.5.patch, the query goes from 4 INNER JOINs to 2 (NOT IN can't share the join), which cuts execution time roughly in half. It'd be great to have someone look over the logic above and the logic of the patch to make sure I'm not missing something obvious. I'm fairly confident that what I'm proposing here is solid, and it's definitely a big performance win (even if we continue to explore additional avenues for performance improvements in WP_Meta_Query). This looks awesome @boonebgorges -- and brings up another idea that could be useful to plugins, adding a filter to the return of find_compatible_table_alias would be grand. This could allow a plugin, such as Pods, to pick up a meta fields that it covers and stores in a separate table and return a custom alias, then hook in later in the joins clauses to add it's join there. Other than that, this is the bees knees and probably wings too. Thanks so much for having a look, sc0ttkclark! The filter idea sounds fine to me. Overhaul SQL generating logic in WP_Meta_Query to avoid unnecessary table joins. clause combinations that result in shared table aliases. Remove redundant table alias check in WP_Meta_Query. Also adds documentation for 'meta_query_find_compatible_table_alias' filter. In the interest of having a ticket that we can close against the 4.1 milestone (and because the original ticket was about OR queries, which have been largely addressed by ), I'd like to move discussion of the subquery/AND issue over to #30044. Thanks, everyone.
This Week at the FLEET & Beyond ~ September 11, 2013! Back to School Edition - Education News, Great Programs, Chocolate Unwrapped & UAV Day! Did You Know That California’s 8th Grade Students Rank 47th in Science Scores Out of 50 States––According to the 2012 National Assessment of Educational Progress? The Fleet is Working to Change That Status and You Can Help. We want to change this equation by providing vital science education (STEM) programs to students in need, and donations to the School Scholarship Program can help. California students outperformed only Mississippi, Alabama and the District of Columbia. Only 22% of California students scored proficient or above, and only 11% of Hispanic 8th graders scored proficient or above. In a community like ours in which science and technology plays such important economic, cultural and societal roles, these results raise more than mere concerns. The demand for STEM professionals in the U.S. and locally outpaces supply. Currently too few students have the skills that could lead to careers in the field or to even meaningfully participate in the political and social conversations that will arise if we are to meet a range of new and emerging challenges. The Fleet wants to be part of the solution by implementing a new strategic vision to provide experiences, support and programming designed to advance the competency not only of our future STEM workforce, but our community as a whole. The Fleet aspires to change the equation by inspiring and educating students and teachers through our hands-on approach to science education that will feed and maintain a steady pipeline of STEM-capable graduates and lifelong science learners. With your help we can change these statistics by making science accessible to as many local students as possible who otherwise would not have the opportunity to take part in Fleet science programs. Your generosity can be its own reward, and ensure our children’s future. Please help by making a donation today! Our YOUNG SCIENTISTS Return This Week! Our Tiniest Geologists Will Be EXPLORING EARTH in Session 1, Running September 12–October 6; with Sessions Featuring ASTRONOMY ADVENTURES, WACKY WEATHER and KID CHEMISTRY Coming Up. Young Scientists Session 1: Exploring Earth will delve into Landforms, Geology Rocks!, Water Wonders and Awesome Animals. Subjects for remaining sessions this year include Astronomy Adventure, Wacky Weather and Kid Chemistry. Preschoolers age 3–5 (and a parent) explore the scientific wonders of the world through experimentation, investigation and scientific questioning. Four 4-week sessions run monthly. Limited to eight students per class. Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday morning. See more at: http://www.rhfleet.org/events/young-scientists. PICOCRICKETS Make Things Happen at SATURDAY SCIENCE CLUB for GIRLS, as Participants Learn to Design and Program the Tiny Computers, SEPTEMBER 14! PicoCrickets STEaM* it up with science, art and technology to build gadgets that light up, spin, make music and even purr! You plug lights, motors, sensors and other devices into a PicoCricket and program them to react, interact and communicate as familiar and fun things––from a kitty to a birthday cake. Girls in grades 5–8 join the Fleet on the second Saturday of each month to investigate exciting science topics. *STEaM=Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math. Members $12, nonmembers $14; must pre-register by calling (619) 238-1233 x806. FAMILY SCIENCE SATURDAYS Builds BRIDGES Between Even the Toughest Siblings in September. Tinkering Studio Coordinator Bruce Gemmell is an architect who will share his knowledge of building bridges. Learn the fascinating history and nature of bridges, the integral concepts underlying their construction and the various types of bridges in common uses today. Challenge Saturday, the last Saturday of each month, will culminate in two visitor contests. Build bridges to cross our challenging chasm and compete in an ultimate strength challenge to see whose bridge will support the most weight OR explore the ratio of strength to load-bearing capability (or whose bridge can support the most times its own weight). UAV DAY––Multi-rotor Experts and Hobbyists Alike Will Share Their Knowledge on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, in conjunction with ON THE FLY: Technology Takes Off! Aerial filmmakers, quadricopter designers, search & rescue experts, educators, wind tunnel testers, military aviators and pilots––experts from all these fields and more will bring their multi-rotor creations and share their expertise with the San Diego community. It promises to be a full day devoted to this forward-thinking technology and its many applications, with displays of the newest toys and creations, expert panels on related topics—and perhaps even the premiere of a UAV Search & Rescue documentary! Our new exhibit, On the Fly: Technology Takes Off, has attracted a unique following in the Southwestern multi-rotor industry, with its fascinating display highlighting the unique characteristics of UAVs and how they fly, multiple daily performances by small-scale unmanned aerial vehicles and the chance for every visitor to apply the principles of aerodynamics to create their own aircraft. Join us to learn more about the constantly evolving uses of unmanned flight technology from our exhibits and on October 6, from our experts in the field! IMAX® en Español Takes You TO THE ARCTIC Once More This SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15! Un viaje extraordinario a la cima del mundo, To The Arctic es el cuento supremo de supervivencia. La pelicúla lleva audiencias a un viaje nunca experienciado en las vidas de una osa blanca y sus dos cachorros de siete meses de edad, mientras navegan por los cambios del ártico un lugar que ellos llaman hogar. En esta presentación de IMAX en español. IMAX en Español es una oportunidad para usted y su familia que disfruten las películas IMAX en español cada tercer domingo del mes. Adicionalmente audífonos sin costo para quienes deseen escuchar el audio en español siempre están disponibles para las películas que se presentan con el audio original en Ingles. El costo de admisión para las películas incluye acceso a todo el museo Fleet y las más de 100 exhibiciones científicas a la mano de todas edades. Varias de nuestras exhibiciones ofrecen explicaciones en español. An extraordinary journey to the top of the world, this ultimate tale of survival film takes audiences on a never-before-experienced journey into the lives of a mother polar bear and her two seven-month-old cubs as they navigate the changing Arctic wilderness they call home. Captivating, adventurous, and intimate footage brings moviegoers up close and personal with this family’s struggle to survive in a frigid environment of melting ice, immense glaciers, spectacular waterfalls, and majestic snow-bound peaks. IMAX en Español is an opportunity for you and your family to enjoy IMAX films in Spanish. Additionally, headsets are always available free of charge for audiences to listen to available Spanish soundtracks when films with English soundtracks play. Admission includes one film and the Fleet’s exhibit galleries, which feature more than 100 hands-on exhibits for all ages. Many of our exhibits feature bilingual explanatory text. With the Central Library On the Move, Don’t Forget to “CHECK IT OUT ~ The Reuben H. Fleet Science Center’s” Free Family Membership Program Is Available at Every SD City Library, Courtesy of SCHOLARSHARE! The Fleet is delighted to continue its very popular “Check It Out ~ The Reuben H. Fleet Science Center” program in partnership with San Diego Public Library, sponsored by ScholarShare College Savings Plan. This innovative program provides families with unlimited access to the Fleet, through circulating “Exhibit Experience Membership Cards” available for checkout at each of 36 city libraries. When library patrons check out a Fleet membership card, they receive full membership benefits for two full weeks; including free gallery admission for two adults and up to six children, discounts on IMAX® films and digital shows and discounts at Galileo’s Café and the North Star Science Store. Available at a San Diego Public Library near you; two week family membership free to check out with your library card. We Know Who Will be Pouring for SCIENCE ON THE ROCKS on OCTOBER 17: Aztec Brewing, Helm’s Brewing Company, Manzanita Brewing Company and St. Archer’s! Our Fave Eclipse Chocolate Returns for CHOCOLATE UNWRAPPED: The SCIENCE of FLAVOR! Tickets On Sale Now—Don’t Miss Out! Brews from Aztec Brewing, Helm’s Brewing Company, Manzanita Brewing Company and St. Archer’s will be flowing at the Fleet’s next Science on the Rocks, along with yumminess from local chocolatier Eclipse Chocolate! Chocolate Unwrapped—The Science of Flavor will feature their chocolate with another exquisite beer pairing, along with wine tasting and flavorful samples from local restaurants including Ritual Tavern. In addition to enjoying the delicious fare, partygoers will discover the facts about flavor from Dr. Francisco Villarreal on the health benefits of chocolate and an expert from Senomyx on the science behind our taste buds. DJ Will Hernandez and drummer Dre (Drumbeats by Dre) will be performing—these guys know how to get a party rockin'! As always, there will be fun, scientific chocolate- and beer-related hands-on activities! Rocky Mountain Express propels audiences on a steam train journey through the breathtaking vistas of the Canadian Rockies and highlights the adventure of building a nearly impossible transcontinental railway. Spectacular IMAX aerial cinematography, archival photographs and maps, and the potent energy and rhythms of a live steam locomotive immerse audiences in this remarkable story form the age of steam. OCTOBER—Kids Free Month free gallery admission for kids 12 and under with a coupon from http://www.sandiegomuseumcouncil.org/. OCTOBER 7–– Senior Monday lecture on Deep Sea Challenge; lecture begins at 10:30AM, with IMAX film Deep Sea at 12noon (NEW time, Fleet location & price). On March 26, 2012, James Cameron (National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence) became the first person in history to reach the Earth's deepest known point as a solo pilot, successfully piloting the DeepSea Challenger nearly 36,000 feetdown in the Mariana Trench. The dive was part of the DeepSea Challenge Expedition, a series of dives to investigate the New Britain and Mariana Trenches. Bruce Sutphen will be presenting on behalf of James and the Expedition Team. He will be giving a brief overview of the technical elements, fabrication, assembly and operation of the DeepSea Challenger submersible. San Diegan Bruce Sutphen has 25 years in scaled modeling and technical project management, including composite, design, fabrication, hydrodynamic stabilization and subsea robotic programs. As U.S. Project Manager for DeepSea Challenge, his responsibilities ranged from running the scaled-model vehicle dynamic stability testing to managing the U.S. composite development, Lower Pod robotics fabrication, including the Lander Systems. He was also a member of the DeepSea Challenge Expedition Team in the successful dives to the Mariana and New Britain Trench. The first Monday of the month, seniors 65+ enjoy the Science Center exhibits, a lecture and a Giant Dome Theater show at a discount! Please note new time & price: 10:30AM lecture (doors open for snacks courtesy of ScholarShare at 9:30AM); 12PM theater show; $8. The lecture now takes place in the Heikoff Giant Dome Theater. OCTOBER 7-8—Astronomy Event: Draconids Meteor Shower—Meteor shower that will be visible after 12am. Shower originates out of the constellation Draco. Remnants of Comet 21P Giacobini–Zinner.
I’m going on a month and a half of no sugar. It’s forced me to be more inventive in the kitchen. I’ve always loved to cook but now that I can taste food better, i‘m really into experimenting with flavors. This recipe resulted from me prepping tons of spaghetti squash one Sunday and I didn’t know what to do with it all! It’s so easy and so delicious. If you make it please let me know what you thought! Enjoy! I had already meal prepped my spaghetti squash but just in case you’re making it as you go I’ll give you my tried and true recipe for baking it in the oven. Step 1: cut your spaghetti squash in half (not lengthwise). I know a lot of people do lengthwise but I personally think it makes for a longer “noodle” when it’s halved horizontally. Step 2: hallow out the inside and rid of the “guts”. Step 3. Add a little grape seed or avocado oil, salt, and pepper. Step 3: did you notice I didn’t say preheat oven? Yeah, I don’t. Place your pan of halved squash in the oven and set it to 460 degrees for 40 minutes. *if the squash is overly large you may need longer* That’s it! It comes out so tender and with a delicious naturally carmelized flavor. Scramble eggs in coconut oil. I like to slow cook mine on low-medium so they turn out nice and fluffy! Salt and pepper to tast! While your eggs are cooking, combine a tablespoon of avocado oil with diced white onions and your chicken sausage (sliced into coins). Cook to your liking. I like mine a tiny bit blackened. I add salt, pepper, and garlic and herb seasoning to taste. Add some of your favorite hot sauce for a kick! My favorite right now is anything Siete makes or good ol cholula! You all really loved our Halloween Faves post so we’re back to share our Thanksgiving and Autumn inspired faves! We read a book to Ever every single night along with her daily devotional so we keep the bookshelves in her freshly stocked with relevant books. The thought behind that is so that we can educate her on the current and upcoming holiday or event. I also like to pull books from her library that coordinate with the colors and overall vibe of the collection. These will be up until the day after Thanksgiving. Do you have any favorites that we’re missing? Comment below so we can grow our collection too! Bad weather is on the way and the autumn stores are still not gathered in! Quickly, all the mice of Brambly Hedge set to work to finish the harvesting before the rain begins. Primrose, Lord Woodmouse's daughter, meant to help, but somehow she daydreamed her way over the cornfield and into the Chestnut Woods, and before she knew it, she was lost. The sun went down, the wind rose and it began to rain. Primrose was all alone in the dark and she was frightened. Poor Primrose, would she find her way home again? Words are powerful. They can hurt or they can heal. It's time to tell a special tale that will warm the hearts of readers of all ages. Seeds and Trees revels in the power of words. It explores their effects on feelings and emotions. And it does so though the journey of two different seeds. ​Every year a family and their friends gather in the woods to celebrate Thanksgiving among the trees. Everyone brings something to share and the day becomes a long celebration of family, faith, and friendship. Told in a gentle, lyrical style, this picture book includes warm illustrations of people gathered around bonfires and long tables adorned with candles and food, singing songs and sharing laughter. Every year around this time, some special happens in the forest. When the leaves begin to change color, the animals come together to celebrate. Join in on the fun and find out what happens on this very special time of year. Lauren Stringer celebrates the coming of autumn in this exuberant, joyful ode to that magical time when the leaves are changing color and the animals are preparing for winter. Children and animals alike excitedly anticipate yellow time, when the trees release their colorful leaves to blanket the earth, crows raise their voices joyfully from the bare branches, and squirrels busy themselves preparing their nests for winter. This lyrical celebration of the beauty and fun of autumn is sure to become a perennial fall favorite. As trees sway in the cool breeze, blue jays head south, and leaves change their colors, everyone knows--autumn is on its way! Join a young girl as she takes a walk through forest and town, greeting all the signs of the coming season. In a series of conversations with every flower and creature and gust of wind, she says good-bye to summer and welcomes autumn. -Cotton Candy (I like to order mine from the Splurge Works App! This one is pumpkin flavor! Step 1: Mix 2 ounces of vodka with 1 1/2 tablespoons (or 3/4 ounces) of fresh lemon juice. Shake shake shake! Halloween is dare I say my favorite holiday to decorate for. It allows for such whimsical decor and the color palette possibilities are endless. I typically decorate with things I paint myself and this year Ever got to paint too! I try and aim for making Halloween more cute than spooky. And I like to use things Ever likes so she thinks I’m a cool mom. I’ve linked and listed as many sources as I could find! Pillows Homegoods finds and man was that a good day! Haha! Happy Halloween from the Hummels! The first time we did a reading list of our favorite books was for Father's Day. It was so much fun and so well received that I thought we would do it year round for every season and holiday! Around here books become part of the decor. Halloween is a favorite in our house and the books are no exception. We've rounded up our favorites (obviously Coco and Minnie Mouse made the cut) and are excited to share with you! Enjoy! A warm-hearted best seller. Gilbert goes to ghost school like all the other ghosts, but he's a special ghost: he doesn't like to screech in a scary way, he doesn't want to haunt and was always polite. What will happen to Gilbert when he's sent by the principal of school to the Abandoned Tower? Oh, to be a ballerina! It's a challenge for any little girl, but even more so if you happen to be a vampire like Vampirina. First of all, you have to find a class that meets at night. Then you have to figure out how to perfect your form when you can't see yourself in the mirror? And then there's wearing pink (not the most flattering of colors if you happen to be undead) and that nagging urge to take a little nip out of the other dancers. And worse of all… STAGE FRIGHT!!! What do you do when you meet a ghost? One: Provide the ghost with some of its favorite snacks, like mud tarts and earwax truffles. Two: Tell your ghost bedtime stories (ghosts love to be read to). Three: Make sure no one mistakes your ghost for whipped cream or a marshmallow when you aren't looking! If you follow these few simple steps and the rest of the essential tips in How to Make Friends with a Ghost, you'll see how a ghost friend will lovingly grow up and grow old with you. A whimsical story about ghost care, Rebecca Green's debut picture book is a perfect combination of offbeat humor, quirky and sweet illustrations, and the timeless theme of friendship. Bonaparte is having a tough time. It’s hard for this young skeleton to just hang loose when he can’t keep hold of himself. When he plays catch, his throwing arm literally takes a flyer. Eating lunch can be a real jaw-dropping occasion. How can he start school when he has so many screws loose? Luckily, Bonaparte hit the bone-anza when it came to his friends. Franky Stein, Black Widow, and Mummicula all have some boneheaded ideas to help pull him together. But will it be enough to boost his confidence and get him ready for the first day of school? With these words, Chiro's mother sends him off into the night for the first time alone. It's an adventure, but how will he find his way? And how will he find his way home? As the young bat discovers, navigating the world around him is easy as long as he uses his good sense. This beautiful and touching coming-of-age story, with mesmerizing artwork from New York Times bestselling illustrator Loren Long and lyrical text from Ari Berk, conveys a heartwarming and universal message: No matter how far away you go, you can always find your way home. Black Cat—black from the tips of his ears to the tip of his tail—only ever goes out in the day. But White Cat—white from her whiskers to her four furry paws—only ever goes out at night. He picks daisies, while she gazes at the stars. When they both feel the urge to explore a world beyond their own, Black Cat and White Cat go on a journey of discovery and meet for the very first time. Vividly illustrated with bold black-and-white art, each page paves the way toward a surprise (and surprisingly colorful) ending. When Oscar hears a blackbird singing in the meadow, Bat swoops in to talk to him about sound. A sudden thunderstorm and a visiting cow give Oscar lots of opportunities to learn about sounds that are loud or soft, near or far, deep or high. Back matter includes an index and supplemental activities. Boo! It's Halloween! And that means it's time for Minnie's Annual Halloween Costume Contest! Who will win the prize for Best Costume? Halloween is one of my favorite holidays because it allows for such whimsical crafting and decorating. I like to dream up out-of-the-box color palettes for the holidays in my home decor and Halloween is so much fun to play with. I hope you enjoy this cute DIY as much as I did. -Ghost cut-out. I got mine at Party City (2.99) Linked here. -Yarn. Any and all. I recommend different textures as it gives your wall hanging more depth and variety. I purchased all of mine at Michael's. -A ruler (this isn't a necessity) You'll see in my photos that my cut isn't perfect. I eye-balled it but if you are a stickler for precision, be my guest. Cut your yarn to your desired length. What I love about this craft is that you can create it to fill a space in your home that you need filled. I was looking for something to go above Ever's kitchen and I decided why not make my own. So here we are. Cut as much as you think you'll need. Don't worry if it is not enough- you can go back and add more as needed. You can also use my photos for an approximate reference point. Glue away. I used a glue gun but if you want to make it more of a kid friendly craft you can certainly try a different glue. I, for one, love any excuse to use my glue gun. It doesn't really matter if the strings of yarn are even where you are gluing because that part won't show! Just make sure you are gluing to the back side of the ghost. Pro Tip: glue one piece of yarn at a time or the glue will dry too fast. Now you are ready to decorate your ghost. On the left is what the ghost looks like when you purchase it. Now, you can totally use the ghost the way it comes, but I decided to draw on my own face to keep it a little more simple. All I did was re-create the face part of it. Feel free to get creative and draw any kind of face you like- or even leave it blank. Another fun idea would be to spray paint it a fun color like gold metallic! Please be sure and share with me on Instagram if you make one! We have been reading to Everley since she was just a little peanut in my belly. Partly because "they" say it makes babies smart but mostly out of the pure excitement of becoming parents. For me the best part was how she responded to Kurt's voice within seconds of coming into the world. So, we know and love our books. Ever has over one hundred and counting. I thought it would be fun to round out our top favorite dad books in honor of Father's Day! I came up with a few options for themes for my girl’s first birthday party and had a hard time deciding but this theme always had my heart! I wanted to really play on blushes and peaches and a pop of sunny yellow. Somewhere along the line I threw in some lilac which if anyone knows me is kind of out of the norm. But I’m so glad I did! I wanted to do a more whimsical version of this theme than anyone would expect. So I had fun with suns and stars and ditched the galaxies and planets.
Both geometrical (cis-, trans-) isomers for can exist. Also, optical isomers for cis-isomer exist. (ii) Two optical isomers for exist. Give evidence that [Co(NH3)5Cl]SO4 and [Co(NH3)5SO4]Cl are ionization isomers. planar structure is diamagnetic and the [NiCl4]2− ion with tetrahedral geometry is paramagnetic. There are 4 CN− ions. Thus, it can either have a tetrahedral geometry or square planar geometry. Since CN− ion is a strong field ligand, it causes the pairing of unpaired 3d electrons. In case of [NiCl4]2−, Cl− ion is a weak field ligand. Therefore, it does not lead to the pairing of unpaired 3d electrons. Therefore, it undergoes sp3 hybridization. [NiCl4]2− is paramagnetic while [Ni(CO)4] is diamagnetic though both are tetrahedral. Why? Though both [NiCl4]2− and [Ni(CO)4] are tetrahedral, their magnetic characters are different. This is due to a difference in the nature of ligands. Cl− is a weak field ligand and it does not cause the pairing of unpaired 3d electrons. Hence, [NiCl4]2− is paramagnetic. [Fe(H2O)6]3+ is strongly paramagnetic whereas [Fe(CN)6]3− is weakly paramagnetic. Explain. In both and , Fe exists in the +3 oxidation state i.e., in d5 configuration. Since CN− is a strong field ligand, it causes the pairing of unpaired electrons. Therefore, there is only one unpaired electron left in the d-orbital. Thus, it is evident that is strongly paramagnetic, while is weakly paramagnetic. Explain [Co(NH3)6]3+ is an inner orbital complex whereas [Ni(NH3)6]2+ is an outer orbital complex. Predict the number of unpaired electrons in the square planar [Pt(CN)4]2− ion. The hexaquo manganese(II) ion contains five unpaired electrons, while the hexacyanoion contains only one unpaired electron. Explain using Crystal Field Theory. The crystal field is octahedral. Water is a weak field ligand. Therefore, the arrangement of the electrons in is t2g3eg2. The crystal field is octahedral. Cyanide is a strong field ligand. Therefore, the arrangement of the electrons in isT2g5eg0. Calculate the overall complex dissociation equilibrium constant for the Cu(NH3)42+ ion, given that β4 for this complex is 2.1 × 1013. The overall complex dissociation equilibrium constant is the reciprocal of the overall stability constant, β4. Explain the bonding in coordination compounds in terms of Werner’s postulates. FeSO4 solution mixed with (NH4)2SO4 solution in 1:1 molar ratio gives the test of Fe2+ ion but CuSO4 solution mixed with aqueous ammonia in 1:4 molar ratio does not give the test of Cu2+ ion. Explain why? Both the compounds i.e., and fall under the category of addition compounds with only one major difference i.e., the former is an example of a double salt, while the latter is a coordination compound. A double salt is an addition compound that is stable in the solid state but that which breaks up into its constituent ions in the dissolved state. These compounds exhibit individual properties of their constituents. For e.g. breaks into Fe2+, NH4+, and SO42− ions. Hence, it gives a positive test for Fe2+ ions. Explain with two examples each of the following: coordination entity, ligand, coordination number, coordination polyhedron, homoleptic and heteroleptic. The neutral molecules or negatively charged ions that surround the metal atom in a coordination entity or a coordinal complex are known as ligands. For example, , Cl−, −OH. Ligands are usually polar in nature and possess at least one unshared pair of valence electrons. What is meant by unidentate, didentate and ambidentate ligands? Give two examples for each. (a) Unidentate ligands: Ligands with only one donor sites are called unidentate ligands. For e.g., , Cl− etc. The charge on the complex is −2. List various types of isomerism possible for coordination compounds, giving an example of each. How many geometrical isomers are possible in the following coordination entities? (i) For [Cr(C2O4)3]3−, no geometric isomer is possible as it is a bidentate ligand. Optical isomerism Since only cis isomer is optically active, it shows optical isomerism. In total, three isomers are possible. Write all the geometrical isomers of [Pt(NH3)(Br)(Cl)(py)] and how many of these will exhibit optical isomers? In both these cases, the weak field ligand water is replaced by the F− and Cl− ions. What is the coordination entity formed when excess of aqueous KCN is added to an aqueous solution of copper sulphate? Why is it that no precipitate of copper sulphide is obtained when H2S(g) is passed through this solution? Thus, the coordination entity formed in the process is K2[Cu(CN)4]. is a very stable complex, which does not ionize to give Cu2+ ions when added to water. Hence, Cu2+ ions are not precipitated when H2S(g) is passed through the solution. As CN− is a strong field ligand, it causes the pairing of the unpaired 3d electrons. 6 electron pairs from CN− ions occupy the six hybrid d2sp3orbitals. There are 6 F− ions. Thus, it will undergo d2sp3 or sp3d2 hybridization. As F− is a weak field ligand, it does not cause the pairing of the electrons in the 3d orbital. Hence, the most feasible hybridization is sp3d2. Hence, the geometry of the complex is octahedral and paramagnetic. Draw figure to show the splitting of d orbitals in an octahedral crystal field. The splitting of the d orbitals in an octahedral field takes palce in such a way that , experience a rise in energy and form the eg level, while dxy, dyzand dzx experience a fall in energy and form the t2g level. What is spectrochemical series? Explain the difference between a weak field ligand and a strong field ligand. What is crystal field splitting energy? How does the magnitude of Δo decide the actual configuration of d-orbitals in a coordination entity? [Cr(NH3)6]3+ is paramagnetic while [Ni(CN)4]2− is diamagnetic. Explain why? In [Ni(CN)4]2−, Ni exists in the +2 oxidation state i.e., d8 configuration. CN− is a strong field ligand. It causes the pairing of the 3d orbital electrons. Then, Ni2+ undergoes dsp2 hybridization. A solution of [Ni(H2O)6]2+ is green but a solution of [Ni(CN)4]2− is colourless. Explain. In [Ni(H2O)6]2+, is a weak field ligand. Therefore, there are unpaired electrons in Ni2+. In this complex, the d electrons from the lower energy level can be excited to the higher energy level i.e., the possibility of d−d transition is present. Hence, Ni(H2O)6]2+ is coloured. In [Ni(CN)4]2−, the electrons are all paired as CN– is a strong field ligand. Therefore, d-d transition is not possible in [Ni(CN)4]2−. Hence, it is colourless. [Fe(CN)6]4− and [Fe(H2O)6]2+ are of different colours in dilute solutions. Why? The colour of a particular coordination compound depends on the magnitude of the crystal-field splitting energy, Δ. This CFSE in turn depends on the nature of the ligand. In case of [Fe(CN)6]4− and [Fe(H2O)6]2+, the colour differs because there is a difference in the CFSE. Now, CN− is a strong field ligand having a higher CFSE value as compared to the CFSE value of water. This means that the absorption of energy for the intra d-d transition also differs. Hence, the transmitted colour also differs. Discuss the nature of bonding in metal carbonyls. The metal-carbon bonds in metal carbonyls have both σ and π characters. A σ bond is formed when the carbonyl carbon donates a lone pair of electrons to the vacant orbital of the metal. A π bond is formed by the donation of a pair of electrons from the filled metal d orbital into the vacant anti-bonding π* orbital (also known as back bonding of the carbonyl group). The σ bond strengthens the π bond and vice-versa. Thus, a synergic effect is created due to this metal-ligand bonding. This synergic effect strengthens the bond between CO and the metal. The d orbital occupation for Co3+ is t2g6eg0. What is meant by stability of a coordination compound in solution? State the factors which govern stability of complexes. What is meant by the chelate effect? Give an example. How many ions are produced from the complex Co(NH3)6Cl2 in solution? Thus, [Co(NH3)6]+ along with two Cl− ions are produced. Amongst the following ions which one has the highest magnetic moment value? Therefore, the complex can be written as K+[Co(CO)4]−. Therefore, the oxidation number of Co in the given complex is −1. Hence, option (iii) is correct. We know that the stability of a complex increases by chelation. Therefore, the most stable complex is [Fe(C2O4)3]3−.
Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump's lawyers are preparing for a legal showdown with special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources familiar with their thinking. Trump's legal team is bracing for the dramatic possibility that Mueller would subpoena the President, setting up a collision that could force a lengthy court fight and test the legal limits of the President's power all the way up to the Supreme Court. Mueller has raised the possibility of a presidential subpoena in at least one meeting, according to two sources. But some of the President's legal advisers are gambling that Mueller would not go that far. The Washington Post first reported on the subpoena threat. The already slim chances of Trump sitting for a voluntary interview with Mueller's investigators are growing dimmer, sources close to the President say. Asked whether the President would ever plead the Fifth Amendment to avoid answering questions, two sources said the legal team believes there are many "constitutional challenges" that would need to be met before that possibility even would be considered. Trump's lawyers are careful to say that the President hasn't shut the door to a possible agreement for an interview. His new legal team is still assessing that before making a recommendation, sources say. The leaking of a version of Mueller's potential questions for the President, first published by The New York Times, and the President's reaction on Twitter underscore where the issue is moving, sources say. Trump himself has told reporters he'd speak with the special counsel, and the President's legal team initially claimed that an interview could happen under the right terms. The President's lawyers said they wanted to finish the interview quickly, claiming it would help end the special counsel's investigation. But after the April 9 raid of his personal attorney, Michael Cohen, the President's view of sitting down with Mueller had a "seismic shift," according to one source -- from yes toward no. Many legal observers believe that if Mueller issues a grand jury subpoena for Trump's testimony, the courts will order the President to comply, because the Supreme Court has repeatedly ordered presidents to comply with subpoenas. During independent counsel Kenneth Starr's investigation of President Bill Clinton related to Monica Lewinsky, prosecutors eventually subpoenaed the president for grand jury testimony. Clinton's lawyers attempted to delay Clinton from speaking to prosecutors for months and told a federal judge they would avoid arguing the issue in court. They ultimately agreed to let Clinton appear before the grand jury without the weight of a subpoena. In 1974, in United States v. Nixon, the Justices unanimously directed President Richard Nixon to comply with a criminal trial subpoena for the White House tapes. And in 1997, in Clinton v. Jones, the Court directed Clinton to comply with a subpoena for his deposition in Paula Jones' civil sexual harassment lawsuit against him. Yet if Mueller attempts to force Trump to testify under subpoena -- as many legal analysts suspect could happen -- the sources familiar with the thinking of Trump's legal team say they believe Trump could successfully challenge the subpoena all the way to the Supreme Court. One of the sources says the legal team views a subpoena for a presidential interview as "precipitating a constitutional crisis." The Trump team's legal argument, according to multiple sources, is that they believe the special counsel does not have the authority to force a President to appear before a grand jury. They also believe that Article II of the Constitution, which defines the office of the President, prevents the high court from ordering an investigation into the President's use of his executive powers. In this case, that could include the hiring and firing of persons like former national security adviser Michael Flynn and ex-FBI Director James Comey. Their political argument also has changed. While the lawyers were originally in a let's-get-this-over-with mode, they now believe that time is on their side -- especially with the 2018 elections looming. They believe that Trump has done a good job discrediting the investigators and the investigation itself. Barrack's spokeswoman, Lisa Baker, declined to comment. Washington (CNN) Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort will await his trial for foreign lobbying charges from jail. Two weeks after special counsel Robert Mueller's prosecutors dropped new accusations of witness tampering on him, US District Judge Amy Berman Jackson on Friday revoked Manafort's bail, which had allowed him to live in his Alexandria, Virginia, apartment under house arrest. The order marked an end to almost eight months of attempts by Manafort to lighten his house arrest restrictions after he was charged and pleaded not guilty to foreign lobbying violations. "The harm in this case is harm to the administration of justice and harm to the integrity of the court's system," Berman Jackson told Manafort in court. The judge emphasized to Manafort how she could not make enough rulings to keep him from speaking improperly with witnesses, after he had used multiple text messaging apps and called a potential witness on an Italian cellphone. "This is not middle school. I can't take his cellphone," she said of Manafort. "I thought about this long and hard, Mr. Manafort. I have no appetite for this." Manafort also entered a not guilty plea to two additional charges levied against him last week, of witness tampering and conspiracy to obstruct justice. In total, he faces seven criminal charges in DC federal court. Three US marshals led Manafort out of the packed courtroom into the prisoner holding area immediately after the judge's ruling. He was not placed in handcuffs. Before he disappeared through the door, he turned toward his wife and supporters and gave a stilted wave. Minutes later, a marshal returned to give Manafort's wife, Kathleen, still standing in the courtroom's front row, his wallet, belt and the burgundy tie he wore Friday. Court marshals held Manafort in the bowels of the courthouse for several hours following the hearing as they considered how to keep him protected from other inmates behind bars. He arrived about 8 p.m. at the Northern Neck Regional Jail in Warsaw, Virginia, 90 miles south of Washington. In a tweet, President Donald Trump said the decision to revoke Manafort's bail was "tough," although he referred to it as a "sentence." "Wow, what a tough sentence for Paul Manafort, who has represented Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole and many other top political people and campaigns. Didn't know Manafort was the head of the Mob. What about Comey and Crooked Hillary and all of the others? Very unfair!" "This hearing is not about politics, is not about conduct of the office of the special counsel." When Manafort was first arraigned and pleaded not guilty in October, a magistrate judge set a $10 million bail price and placed him under house arrest, confiscating his passports. Manafort then attempted to find assets of his own and through real estate and family members' accounts. In December, the judge signed off on his plan -- provided he could supply the correct documentation. It didn't come through, according to the court filings. Prosecutors have argued all along that the jet-setting political consultant was a significant flight risk. As the process to negotiate his bail dragged on, prosecutors discovered possible mortgage fraud related to some of the properties he hoped to use as bail. That's when they finalized additional federal criminal charges against him in Virginia. In the past month, Manafort finally came up with a plan to post some of his own and others' properties for his bail. The prosecutors appeared to agree with the plan, according to court filings. Then, last week, Mueller's team alleged they found evidence Manafort had tried to coach potential witnesses. On Friday, they told the judge Manafort was a "danger to the community" and that he had committed a crime while out on release: obstruction of justice. A man was driving with his wife through rural Italy when his phone rang. Manafort identified himself to the man, Alan Friedman, a public relations consultant he once worked with. "I need to give you a heads up about Hapsburg," Manafort told him three times. "Have you seen any article about Hapsburg?" Manafort was referring to a project he and Friedman had worked on years ago to bring influential Europeans to the US to push pro-Ukrainian politics while the group posed as independent experts. The project, dubbed the Hapsburg group, was among Manafort's efforts to skirt foreign lobbying laws, prosecutors allege. Friedman turned down the radio as Manafort spoke, Andres said, then hung up the phone a minute and a half into the call. Manafort tried several more times to reach him in the following days. Andres said prosecutors now know Manafort used multiple ways to communicate with former colleagues like Friedman and Konstantin Kilimnik, a Moscow-based associate who's also charged in the alleged witness tampering: In addition to phone calls and half a dozen encrypted messaging apps, Manafort uses a system with email called "foldering," where multiple people have access to an account and write messages to one another as drafts,but the emails are never sent. "This was a sustained campaign over a five-week period to use multiple numbers, applications and people," Andres said in court about the witness tampering allegations. Manafort's lawyer Richard Westling argued that Manafort had no way to know Friedman would be a witness in the case. Westling asked the judge to simply issue a more specific order for Manafort to follow while out on bail. "This will not happen again," Westling said. But the witness tampering allegations, which also resulted in new criminal charges, were enough Friday for Manafort to lose his house arrest privileges. Manafort has maintained his innocence and vowed to fight the charges since he was indicted alongside Gates in late October. Gates has since changed his plea to guilty and agreed to help prosecutors, because of the significant cost of his legal fees and attention bearing down on him and his family. Another associate of Manafort's, Kilimnik, was charged with witness tampering and has not yet appeared in court. Prosecutors haven't tied Manafort, Gates and Kilimnik's alleged wrongdoings to the actions of the Trump campaign, which is at the core of Mueller's investigation. However, prosecutors have said in several previous court filings that they are looking into Manafort's contacts with Russians and Ukrainians -- including Kilimnik -- and possible coordination he may have orchestrated with them while he oversaw the campaign. Manafort had spent his days since October stuck in his apartment under court order. He could leave only for legal meetings, medical needs and religious observances. The judge had allowed him to travel a few times for special exceptions, such as to his father-in-law's funeral on Long Island and his grandson's baptism in Virginia. He wore ankle bracelets that tracked his movements through GPS technology, one on each leg. Leading up to Friday's hearing, Manafort was optimistic he would avoid jail, according to a source familiar with the situation, but he and his legal team expected Mueller's team to be as aggressive as possible. His friends were "shellshocked" in the wake of the judge's decision Friday, the source said. Manafort's new confines create another hurdle in his trial preparations and will make it more difficult for him to confer with his counsel and prepare his defense. (CNN) Michael Cohen, the President's former fixer and ultimate loyalist, is sending a clear signal to President Donald Trump and his attorney, Rudy Giuliani, that "the truth is not you(r) or your client's friend," according to sources with knowledge of Cohen's thinking. It is his most direct statement so far on the reason for Donald Trump Jr's meeting with Kremlin-linked lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya in June 2016. Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating US intelligence findings that Russians conspired to sway the election in Mr Trump's favour. He has called the ongoing investigations in the US "the greatest political witch hunt in history". Russia has repeatedly denied claims it interfered in the November 2016 presidential elections, where Mr Trump defeated Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. On Sunday, US media including the Washington Post, CNN and AP reported that Mr Trump was worried Donald Trump Jr could be in legal trouble because of the 9 June 2016 meeting with Ms Veselnitskaya. They cited multiple unnamed sources. Mr Trump responded: "Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, Donald, had in Trump Tower. "This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. Why does his tweet matter? When the meeting was first reported by the New York Times, Donald Trump Jr said in a statement that he and Ms Veselnitskaya had mostly discussed a suspended programme for Americans to adopt Russian children. However, he subsequently admitted he had agreed to the meeting after being told he would be offered information that would prove detrimental to Mrs Clinton. He also released the email exchange that brought about the meeting. US commentators have argued that Mr Trump's new admission that the meeting was to gain information about Mrs Clinton shows that the earlier statement was misleading. Why is the Trump Tower meeting controversial? It is common for US politicians to research their opponents during a campaign. His apparently enthusiastic response to the offer of information about Mrs Clinton could also breach conspiracy laws. The Trump team has argued that Mr Trump Jr ultimately did not receive any damaging information about Mrs Clinton at the meeting. One of Mr Trump's lawyers, Jay Sekulow, said on Sunday that the meeting had nor broken any laws. "The question is what law, statute or rule or regulation's been violated? Nobody's pointed to one," Mr Sekulow told ABC News.
The most efficient operation of boilers can be achieved by combining the features of their own controls with those of a BMS. Christian Engelke of Viessmann explains why the benefits are often going unnoticed. A. O. Smith has launched five commercial boilers to complement its range of high-efficiency water heaters and solar systems. Epsilon and Upsilon (pictured) condensing boilers have outputs from 38 to 140 kW and enable the company to deliver a total solution for heating and hot water. Two major plumbing and heating merchants have added Windhager biomass heating boilers into their catalogues. They are Plumb Center, part of the Wolseley Group, and PTS, part of the Travis Perkins Group. Pre-assembled lifting stations for removing condensate from boiler plant have been development by Grundfos. Conlift operates automatically when condensate enters the collection tank. When it comes to refurbishing heating systems in schools, offices, municipal facilities or even churches, building-services engineers are faced with many choices. If budgets are tight, tough decisions have to be made, especially when the cost of replacing entire heating systems is prohibitive. Peter Gammon of MHS Boilers, explains the potential problems of new boilers on old systems, and examines the simple and cost-effective solutions available. Following a successful trial of scrub willow to fuel a Euroheat HDG 50 boiler, a farmer in Wales went ahead with the replacement of an oil-fired system that was costing over £4000 a year to run. Hendre Farm in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park has 20 acres of scrub willow, which owner Jim Dale was initially concerned would not be a suitable fuel. Where energy efficiency is concerned, heating manufacturers and specifiers are setting themselves new challenges to deliver maximum efficiencies and energy savings at all times, says Mark Northcott of Remeha Commercial. Despite the popularity of low-water-content boilers, there are many instances where selecting boilers with a higher water content will significantly improve system performance. Simon Mitchell of Hoval explains the engineering reasons, which will be reflected in the next version of ‘CIBSE Guide B1: Heating’, due in March 2013. Whilst wider technologies such as renewables and Combined Heat and Power (CHP) have increased their share of the limelight over recent months, Pete Mills of Bosch Commercial & Industrial Heating explains why condensing boilers should still be considered an essential element of an industrial heating solution. The long-appreciated benefits of packaged plant for heating and hot water can be extended to incorporate low/zero-carbon energy sources, explains Jeff House of Baxi Commercial Division. The R40 wall-mounted boiler from Stokvis incorporates the latest gas-heating technology to achieve maximum operating efficiencies with minimum environmental impact. For example, CO2 levels are 8.5 to 8.7%, and NOx emissions are less than 39 mg/kWh at 0% oxygen — exceeding requirements for maximum BREEAM credits. Baxi Commercial Division has supplied Potterton Commercial boilers and Baxi-SenerTec multi-module Dachs mini-CHP system for the refurbishment of the heating system of St Aidan’s College of Durham University. The previous heating system had reached the end of its operational life, and the university was keen to ensure that the replacement equipment should employ low-carbon technologies. Viessmann has added three models to its line of Vitocrossal 200 gas-fired condensing boilers, offering higher heat outputs of 400, 500 and 630 kW. A standard two units can be cascaded to deliver a total output of 1260 kW, though it is possible to cascade up to four boilers. These boilers can deliver flow temperatures of up to 95°C for applications such as schools, hospitals and other buildings with large radiator coverage. Renovation work of St Leonard’s Church in Bridgnorth, Shropshire, included the replacement of a 60-year-old oil-fire unit with three 65 kW gas-fired Thision L boilers and a Pisces pressurisation manager from MHS Boilers. They are mounted on a free-standing cascade frame as part of the complete refurbishment of the heating system. The new communal heating system for two high-rise blocks in Wolverhampton is served by Evinox packaged boiler skids that are more efficient than individual boilers. The £12 million investment to refurbish the buildings on the Hickman estate is part of the Wolverhampton Homes Decent Homes programme. Each flat has a ModuSat heat-interface unit equipped to provide accurate metering of energy consumption and billing. Many types of boiler could disappear from the commercial market as the Energy Related Products Directive takes effect. Bob Walsh of Hamworthy Heating looks at the potential implications for the heating industry. Marshall-Tufflex has produced a mini-brochure outlining its most popular PVCu multi-compartment perimeter trunking solutions. Called ‘We’ve got it covered’, the brochure details size, ideal installations and brief technical information. It also includes images. Danlers’ batten-mounted ‘intelligent’ photocell switch delivers significant energy savings at low cost. Its radical new calibration process enables this control to distinguish between artificial and natural light, removing the site-specific addition of artificial light from any decision to automatically switch the lights on/off. This minimises hysteresis drift and reduces the risk of false triggering or ‘hunting’. This technology has a GB patent pending No. 1219746.3. Plumbing and heating merchant Plumbase has rebranded its Plumbline stores in Scotland to Plumbase during a national rollout of its new brand identity. A total of 19 stores have been rebranded. Each store has been remerchandised and received new exterior and interior signage. The Save It Easy adapter that enables energy-efficient T5 lamps to be installed in existing fittings now comes with a 5-year guarantee, making it an even lower-risk way to cut fuel bills and maintenance costs. Over a million of these T5 converters have been installed across the UK and Europe. By converting old-style luminaires to high-frequency operation, energy savings of 37 to 65% can be achieved with T5 and T8 lamps. Armstrong has opened a new London sales office to enhance services for customers and provide a base for its expanding energy-services team. The company has always had a strong presence in London and the South East, but with the growing demand in the capital for its energy-audit and efficiency-upgrade services has decided to create a dedicated site. Climate Center now supplies Carrier Chillers nationwide following an agreement enabling it to offer a full chilled-water solution alongside the existing refrigerant-based range. The agreement includes Carrier’s Aquasnap chillers up to 160 kW in screw- and scroll-compressor versions, high-efficiency fan coils with EC motors and a range of bespoke compact air-handling units. Hattersley offers a range of press-fit valves with integrated adapters for the Geberit Mapress system. Comprising a ball, balancing, strainer and check valve, the range is available in sizes from 15 to 54 mm and can be used with copper and Geberit stainless- and carbon-steel tubing. Prefabricated valve assemblies from Marflow Hydronics for HVAC applications save a lot of time on site. Xterminator valve assemblies are not only supplied pre-assembled but also pre-tested and individually tagged and labelled. Other benefits are that fewer components need to be ordered for a project and that these assemblies can help optimise flow and temperature in a building, potentially reducing wasted energy in unoccupied or rarely used spaces. Is Remote Commissioning really a great innovation that could change our future and make possible the long wish list for improving and sustaining the efficient operation of buildings. Martin Lowe of Marflow Hydronics shares his thoughts. Thoroughly cleaning a pipework system before it is commissioned and ensuring it remains clean is vital to the success of commissioning and the subsequent life of the pipework — so much so that it requires proper management. Reginald Brown of BSRIA explains the latest guidance. SES has won the contract to supply MEP services for the £15 million design-and-build contract for a multi-site project for Avon & Somerset Police. It is the largest win to date for the south west regional office of SES, which will work on behalf of Miller Construction, which is delivering the facilities for the Blue Light Partnership. Eaton now offers a 3-phase RCBO that can fit directly into the popular Memshield 3 range of distribution boards. This RCBO is a 3-pole plus permanently connected neutral device, eliminating the inconvenience and extra cost associated with using externally mounted RCDs to protect 3-phase boards. The Grundfos Selcoperm electrolytic chlorination system uses common salt to disinfect water and is an approved disinfection method complying with the Drinking Water Inspectorate regulations for drinking water. The sodium hypochlorite solution produced has a pH of 8 to 8.5 and a maximum equivalent chlorine concentration of less than 8 g/l. Its long life makes it ideal for storage in a buffer tank. An LED lighting system for applications such as offices that produces uniform light for direct and indirect illumination can replace T5 and TCL lamps. TALEXXengine Stark INDI is avaialble in the Classic version with a CRI greater than 80 and is ideal for floor-standing and pendant luminaires. In pendant luminaires, 80% of the light is direct and 20% indirect. This ratio is reversed by floor-standing luminaires. A development from Passivent makes possible natural air movement in partitioned floor areas without noise transfer from one area to another. The Active SoundScoop Transfer unit delivers optimum efficiency in balancing natural ventilation with noise attenuation in closed-plan buildings. CP Electronics has introduced a series of PIR presence detectors to provide automatic control of lighting loads using an infra-red handset. These miniature detectors can be mounted directly to batten-style luminaires — either inside or outside — and controlled manually if required. When movement is detected, the load will switch on. When the area has been empty for an adjustable time period, the load will be switched off. Sensitivity to movement can be adjusted. Pegler Yorkshire has developed an improved version of the union angle valve that is used in its Prestex thermostatic mixing valves. The principal new feature is that the water supply to the valve can be locked when it is closed to prevent it being opened when, for example, maintenance work is being carried out. This locking function can be particularly used in commercial applications The union connection provides 360° of rotation. Grundfos’s SoloLift2 range of sewage and wastewater domestic lifting stations comprises just five models to provide the solution to handling wastewater for any combination of WC, bidet, sink, shower and washing machine. Applications include providing an extra bathroom, holiday cottages, adding facilities in hotels and guest houses or during the renovation of commercial buildings. Xpelair Ventilation has expanded its Avantgarde range of extract ventilators with the Avantgarde DC, designed to one of the most energy-efficient ventilation solutions on the market. Ideal for new build and refurbishment, this range features Xpelair’s most advanced DC motor. Units can deliver intermittent or continuous ventilation, with an optional pre-trickle function and boost speed selectable at point of installation. Helvar’s drivers for LED lighting fittings include a 30 W dimmable (pictured) and 60 W constant-current version. They have a projected life of 50 000 h and are suitable for a wide range of fixtures — including downlights, track lights and linear lights in offices, schools, hospitals and retail environments. Powrmatic’s TE range of gas- and oil-fired free-standing air-rotation heaters deliver efficient heating with excellent temperature control for large spaces such as warehouses, factories, retail ‘sheds’ and leisure facilities. They are especially for areas with dense racking, as well as open-plan manufacturing facilities. Vent-Axia’s ERV range of energy-recovery ventilation units cover airflows from 500 to 1500 m3/h. Offering basic controls and functionality, these units are designed for projects that require cost-effective heat-recovery ventilation without the complexities of demand-controlled ventilation. Thermoscreens’ HX range of air curtains features EcoPower air technology and optional weather compensation. EcoPower air technology provides improved air velocity, uniformity and high levels of energy effectiveness by combining three design features. Airedale International Air Conditioning has added 27 models to its SmartCool range. They have cooling capacities from 16 to 60 kW and increase the scope of the range to 16 to 180 kW to meet an even greater range of IT cooling requirements — from small computer rooms to large data centres. AET’s Flexmatic controller for its underfloor air-conditioning system, Flexible Space, can monitor and adjust up to 16 zone units. This wall-mounted controller can monitor up to 24 master fantiles and seven slaves per fantile per zone unit, with each zone unit delivering air through the floor void to individual fantile units. To provide complete control over every aspect of the performance of its e-pump range, Grundfos Pumps has developed GO control software to provide intuitive handhold control. A user-friendly interface in a smart phone or iPod Touch provides the capability to monitor, set up and control any Grundfos e-pump. Heatrae Sadia has begun creating BIM (building information modelling) objects of its water-heating products, starting with its Megaflo eco unvented hot-water cylinder. The BIM objects are available from the company’s web site, and architects and specifiers can simply drag and drop them into building designs and also access the product information they require. The Zitares range of compact wide-spectrum control gear from b,a,g, Electronics is designed for the operation of LED modules and can achieve an average efficiency of up to 93%. Applications include commercial, industrial, retail and educational lighting. S&S Northern’s Merlin CT1650 gas interlock product is designed for commercial kitchens and supports the TB140 guidance by The Gas Safety Register and IGEM, which states that a secondary backup in the form of a carbon-dioxide detector may be used in commercial kitchens if the ventilation system fails. Advanced Ergonomic Technologies (AET) has developed a direct-expansion version of its Flexible Space System for underfloor air conditioning. With this system, the whole plenum under a raised access floor becomes the ‘duct’, with each floor of the building divided into a number of zones to suit operating requirements. Xpelair has added a 12 in commercial fan to its Carbonlite range. Improved styling gives greater aesthetic appeal, and these fans are designed to be among the most efficient on the market. They use ultra-efficient long-life EC motors, which are available with variable-speed control when used with MS2/MS3 controllers. Airflow’s new Loovent eco fan is based on the million-selling Loovent. It is exceptionally quiet and offers 2-speed intermittent operation up to 31 l/s. Alternatively, setting a switch during installation provides a choice of 5-speed continuous (dMEV) ventilation. They can be installed in any room and form part of a whole-house ventilation strategy. Amtech is expanding its product offerings to include intelligent data content for Autodesk Revit MEP via Building Data SysQue following a recently announced strategic product and technology partnership with Building Data LLC. SysQue managed data content, powered by the Building Data database, is a cloud-based software as a service that enables designs in Revit MEP to use real-world, manufacturing-specific data that is ready for fabrication and meets the detailing, fabrication, manufacturing and installation requirements of MEP contractors.
Fix KingMiner Malware Efficiently Via Free Scanner. KingMiner Malware is another creation of cyber criminals which can cause damage to your PC. The malware was first observed in June 2018 and according to security analyst it is a modified version of infamous XMRig miner. Victim of this threat is found from different countries such as Sweden, Malaysia, India, Mexico, Peru etc. As the name suggest, this malware is designed to make utilization of system resource and mine cryptocurrency for the criminals. Research also reveal that this malware is designed to mine Monero which is another digital currency. In simple it makes profit for crooks and arise problem on your system. KingMiner Malware is dropped on the system as an XML file and after sometime it get converted into ZIP file. If the malware found that the mining process is already running on the victim system the it stops the new attempt. Most of the victim fail to detect this threat because it runs under a legitimate looking process known as powered.exe. In order to run its mining process the malware utilize 100% available resource due to which user's have to suffer from different problems. If your system is also infected with this threat then you will get a slow and sluggish computer. Report also suggest that KingMiner Malware make several changes in the settings of system and also add registry entries. By doing that it make sure that no interruption will occur during mining process. In addition, the malware also weakens the security of infected system. As a result other malware as well as cyber criminals can attempt to invade it. Cyber criminals behind KingMiner Malware use different combination of password and username to get the login details. This process of invading is known as brute force attack. Therefore it is suggested to change the credential password and username on a regular basis. To remove KingMiner Malware use a robust anti-malware software. A KingMiner Malware is generally shortened as KingMiner Malware which is a type of malware designed in order to provide unauthorized access to a user’s system. It is not capable of replicating themselves like virus but it can lead to viruses which is being installed on a machine since they allow the system to be controlled by the KingMiner Malware developer. KingMiner Malware continue to increase in popularity and nowadays majority of known malware found on the web is Trojan. It misrepresents itself to appear like an useful program and persuade a user to install it. It is generally spread through email attachment, freeware download, accessing of an unauthorized websites or from web browser. It may also get transferred into the system via a USB flash drive or any other external devices. KingMiner Malware are not easily detectable by themselves but when a system appear to run slower due to heavy processor and network usage it is to understand that the system has been infected with a malware like Trojan. KingMiner Malware never attempt to inject themselves into the other files but propagate themselves. To eliminate it from the USB flash drive or from any external devices you will have to reformat your USB and removable devices. Once it get installed inside the system it run the infected code and perform all the malicious functions in order to harm the system even without user’s knowledge. It unload the hidden programs and perform unauthorized access to other victim’s system. KingMiner Malware use to erase or overwrite the data on a system. It is capable of deactivating the anti-virus and Firewall programs. It may download and install other malicious files without user concern. It can steal information like bank details, cookies, search history or other important data like passwords. If you disable or uninstall it from your system then still it is capable of re-installing themselves on the system. It is such a dangerous program that it disable the task manager as well as control panel from the system. KingMiner Malware is an extremely perilous threat that generates various unavoidable commercial ads which can hamper normal functioning of the PC and modifies Internet browsers settings. It attaches itself to the web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, safari, IE and shows bunch of pop-up ads every time you open it. Most of the time infectious files of this threat hides itself in system’s background process so as to cover its identity from admin. Severity level of this worm will even cause system crash because it constantly downloads its supporting files. This virus additionally installs unwanted browser add-ons and plug-ins to your browser. In presence of this threat, the performance of your PC might degrade to large extent. KingMiner Malware could send you to some unsafe websites and advertisements that don’t seem to be trustworthy. Visiting its redirected sites could infect your PC with harmful malwares as this virus largely redirects you to phishing websites. Other awful threats are often come along with this virus. To being unseen from security programs, it deletes the windows registry items as well. Moreover, it will record your browsing history and transfer the collected data to cyber crooks. It typically displays ton of unreliable pop-ups, fake error messages, annoying ads and alerts. KingMiner Malware endlessly spreads malicious code in web browsers so they may simply interfere users on-line activity with the sole objective to get cash. If you are not careful enough while using your Computer then the KingMiner Malware can enter and infect the system through various sources. You should be aware of different entry points of virus program so that it can be stopped and the computer and its data can be prevented. The system is always at a great risk if it is connected to the Internet because there are numerous sites that can automatically insert the virus program just on a click of a button. When you download any unknown software then it may contain the KingMiner Malware along with it. So you must browse sites that are considered to be safe. There is a huge misconception that the virus can spread only in online mode but the truth is even if you have never used Internet on the computer it can still get infected. The sources are already infected computers, USB drives that carries malicious programs like the KingMiner Malware. When you insert and transfer any data to your healthy PC it will surely get infected. These are some of the known sources that can inject the virus to your computer so you must be alert while performing any kind of data transfer that is happening either in the online or the offline mode. Follow the below mentioned steps carefully in order to uninstall KingMiner Malware from your Windows computer system completely. If KingMiner Malware has also infected your browser then you also need to remove extensions and add-ons from your infected browser. The user can remove it with the help of KingMiner Malware Scanner. It is an ultimate solution which can make the infected computer threat free. This scanner is designed with advance technology that makes it capable to detect all threat from the computer very easily. It offers heuristic working strategies to its users and that is why it is considered as a most reliable tool. You can download and install this tool easily in your system and make it use to remove harmful worms. The best part of this software is its user-friendly interface. The user who does not have proper technical knowledge can also run this tool in their system. It is taking very less time to complete the threat scanning process. The manual process to remove KingMiner Malware from computer is somewhat risky process on the other side there is no any risk if you use virus scanner tool. It does not leaves any adverse effect on the computer performance and consumes very less system resource. This KingMiner Malware Scanner will also provide its trial version that can be used to see the virus attacks by scanning the PC, and when the user get satisfied and further go for its licensed version to remove all detected threats. The heuristic scanning algorithms of this tool is making it very powerful and thus it became able to deal with all the unwanted issues like PC performance degradation, pop-ups, fake alerts, browser redirection etc. The experts also recommend this KingMiner Malware Scanner.
Over the past month, there has been a major debate surrounding the revision and selection process of our events at the 2024 Summer Olympic Games. With the upcoming Board meeting, I would like to take this opportunity to provide some clarification and share with you my personal point of view on this matter. First, I want to discuss the process. It seems that there are some who question our process and make unsubstantiated statements, for example “It seems to me that Sailing has lost confidence in itself and like an insecure overachiever is scrambling...”. From my perspective these statements have no merit and I am very confident that Sailing is progressing in a positive way. In fact, I would proudly say that for the first time in the history of World Sailing, there is a regulation in place challenging the World Sailing Council to stay competitive by undertaking a strategic review. And within this regulation, a clear framework and timing has been outlined to ensure that progress continues to be made. Given that this is the first time the World Sailing Council has had to address this challenge, only one area was missing: the strategic consideration of events and equipment for the future of sailing. In order to address this missing piece, last November at our annual meeting and as part of World Sailing’s strategic review, the Board made three submissions concerning the future of sailing in terms of events and equipment. All three were voted on and approved by the majority of the members and together with the recommendations on the five events to be reviewed, the three submissions are forming the framework for the decision process according to World Sailing regulations. We are clearly not having any confidence issues, but a lot of options to be decided upon for the future of our sport. Second, I want to address comments made with regards to media and audience e.g. “sailing has never been a spectator’s sport”. These kinds of comments have recently appeared as part of the Events evaluation and I have a hard time understanding the reasoning for these statements as part of the events selection process. Let me be clear, I see our sports presentation as being very important. And yes, in the past we have not used the opportunities given to us by new media, but this is changing. Again, for the first time ever, World Sailing now has a clear plan on how to present our sport using new media and new technology. The World Sailing team has been working very hard in building a strong communication plan that will enhance the distribution of our sport at all levels and Tokyo 2020 will have a much improved platform. By using new media and new technologies such as SAP Analytics, sailors can have a better understanding of their performance at all times. Furthermore, new technologies make our sport more accessible and understandable to newcomers and therefore increase our audience. Already, the feed from our World Cup Series Rounds and Final are distributed to 36 broadcasters which has resulted in 2017 in more than 3,834 hours of live, delayed, highlight, repeat and news coverage being broadcast across 195 nations in all 6 continents. Third, in discussing the revision process of events, - one design and manufactured one design has been made a major issue. Accusations about one or the other being more fair or better than the other solution. Our sport is equipment driven, which is leading to a lot of politics being played when voting on new Olympic equipment. There is a trend to favour manufactured one design equipment (believing this will secure a level playing field). However, when it comes to Olympic level sailing, more funding naturally gives more possibilities to some nations to buy more equipment and thus optimizing the manufacturing tolerances to optimize the fit of the boat to the athlete/team. On the other hand, equipment built by several builders gives the freedom to customize, making the testing and customization a driving cost factor. Looking at history, there is no clear answer on cost vs a total level playing field for equipment. The cost of a sailor’s Olympic campaign is expensive, as there are cost elements far bigger than equipment being addressed. However, if we look at the longevity of our sport going forward and the benefits to our sport on all levels and the increasing importance of sustainability, our main concern should be the quality and longevity of equipment. I believe that this is the reason for tightening quality control as part of the new Olympic classes contract being implemented. Fourth, I want to address the EU competition law that relates to equipment issues as this is subject with a lot of debate within the Sailing world. I can assure you that the Board is taking this extremely seriously and several measures are being taken to review this complex area. Currently World Sailing has revised the contracts with our Olympic equipment manufacturers, however, the issue we are facing is that when selecting equipment for a discipline we are in fact granting exclusivity in favour of the equipment chosen as other Classes fitting the discipline are not able to compete in getting access to the discipline for a long period. The new changes in the Regulations allow for a retendering process every eight years – opening the discipline up for the possibility of new equipment and leaving the decision after an evaluation for the Council to decide whether or not to keep the equipment being used. Again, just to be clear, the issue we are addressing at our mid-year meeting in May, is focused only on the selection of the new events to be added to the 2024 Olympic programme – all decisions related to equipment will be made in November. Fifth, is the subject of the IOC. In debates around the sailing world, it has been mentioned that the IOC is demanding change. I must say that this is not the case. The review of Olympic events is motivated by our own World Sailing regulations, however, the IOC Agenda 2020 should be seen as a source of inspiration and guidance. While there have been different articles indicating that the “Olympic Movement has lost its way”, I have found this to be contrary to all of our dealings with the IOC. They are taking the future development of the Olympic Games concept and host venues very seriously, and are providing support and advice to International Federations based on proven data and studies. As a sport governing body, it is our role to process all this information and adapt it to our sport. Now, with those debates put to rest, I want to focus on our goals and objectives for the future. Considering the challenges Sailing is facing when “competing” with other sports, we should have two clear objectives in mind: to be attractive to new sailors and to reduce the dropout rate among teenagers, high schoolers and university level students. Sailing is a global sport and benefits from a long history and legacy across all continents. One way to keep bringing positive developments to our sport on all levels in all countries is to be focused on core global goals. In order to do that, I see the main actions going forward focused on the following: Improving our gender balance, attracting and capturing the interest of youth and growing our global audience. I believe that the vision for the Olympic sports presentation of sailing should offer the best possible value to Sailing and strengthen the position of Sailing within the Olympic Games, including both universal events and events that showcase diversity and innovation of sailing. Looking forward to the decision in May, the selection regarding the future events for the 2024 Olympic Games should strongly be dependent on whether the suggested event is relevant for the Olympic programme, whether it fulfills our mission and whether it positively impacts our goals. By exercising the revision of the five events in question and applying the three submissions approved by a big majority at our annual meeting last November, this will undoubtedly put some of the traditional events under pressure. That said any decision to develop the sport will never come easy, but we must think about what is best for the future development of our sport. The current trends show that Olympic classes are weakening at the national level and losing Olympic status for a class in many instances increases the activity level at the national level – to the benefit of sailing in general. Today with the guidance of the IOC Agenda 2020 we actually have a new option: creating a new mixed Olympic event for the strong traditional Olympic classes instead of maintaining the status quo with traditional women’s and men’s disciplines. Some may ask the question: will the traditional events grow at the national level? I believe they will. A Class will maintain Olympic status and at the same time introduce a new discipline. It will most likely create the first multi-medals at the World Championship and continental level in our sport but it will be anchored in strong classes rooted worldwide. Furthermore, it will send a strong signal to young and new sailors that sailing as a sport has a clear pathway that is not only well defined for each separate gender but also mixed. Therefore, I believe that the Olympic programme in 2024 should have four mixed events creating a strong platform supporting the change for improving the gender balance throughout our sport. By having four mixed events we will become more inclusive and still being able to accommodate different nationalities, religions and cultural backgrounds in our ten Olympic events. To accommodate the submission for a broader representation of physiques for women and men, we should evaluate two possibilities for dealing with the issue. The introduction of a new Offshore mixed event will be showcasing a major part of our sport, making a strong statement that 70.8% of the global surface is the field of play for Sailing. This event option will also secure interest at the grassroots to encourage youth to stay in our sport when being introduced to keelboat- and endurance racing. The introduction of having two single-handed technical disciplines facilitating one event for women covering the representation of an average weight of 50kg and an event for men representing a weight range above 90 kg. These event options in combination with existing events will secure the fulfillment of a broad representation of physique for men and women. Furthermore, this new event will facilitate the growth of women’s sailing worldwide. To conclude, understandably a major concern from MNA’s is linked to equipment costs. However, while we look at the option given in the framework, there are clearly slates of events making it possible to maintain the existing equipment. This can be done through the inclusion of “new” mixed events and only adding new equipment for two events (one possibility to be Kite which is relatively cost efficient). From my perspective, maintaining existing equipment and at the same time develop the presentation of our sport should be our highest priority. The decision to be taken at the upcoming council meeting in May is important for the future of sailing; and I am confident that in the end we will have a strong final slate of 10 events and a well rooted sports presentation going forward.
In order to carry out some of our activities, the British Neuro-oncology Society (BNOS) collects certain types of data. This policy expands upon our previous data protection notices to incorporate changes to data protection requirements introduced by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), effective from 25 May 2018. Within the context of this policy, the terms ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ refer to BNOS. This policy outlines how BNOS collects, stores and processes any personal information. BNOS has a legal duty to ensure that we process personal data in a way that is fair, safe and secure, in accordance with the GDPR. We will not share your personal information with anybody else without your knowledge, unless we are required by law to do so. The types of personal data we collect, our legitimate interests for such data collection, and how we use this data is described in the section below. The IP addresses of visitors to our website: using Google Analytics, this data informs us of how our website is used. This data does not identify any individual. Please visit Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites for more information, and to access Google Analytics privacy document. You can opt out of Google Analytics tracking any part of your visit to our web pages by disabling cookies on your internet browser. Annual conference evaluation feedback: This is collected from those attending our annual conference, collated into anonymised aggregate data, and used internally to examine patterns of feedback and to inform the planning of the subsequent year’s conference. Your data will only be used for the purposes described at the point that you submit it, or as detailed within this policy. Prior to our annual conference, BNOS invites abstract submissions for consideration of awarding the opportunity to present a poster / oral presentation at the conference. Abstracts are submitted securely via ExOrdo. ExOrdo’s privacy details can be found here. As part of the process, applicants will be required to submit some personal data including name and email address. These details will only be used by us to verify the application submission, to make contact with the individual(s) making the submission regarding application status, and/or to gather further information if/as required. Abstract submission data is kept for 12 months then deleted. Shortlisted abstracts will be collated for display on our website; and in the Oxford University Press (OUP) online publication, Neuro-Oncology. Published abstracts will include author name(s), and no other personal data. BNOS will, from time to time, seek applications to join Council. Applicants will be requested to provide a CV and supporting statement; plus two nominations. Applicants will need to provide contact details which will only be used by us to make contact regarding the status of the application, or to gather more information if/as required. All application data is stored securely and retained for 12 months, then deleted. Data is kept for this period of time in the event that any individual requests to discuss or contest the outcome of their application. Prior to our annual conference, BNOS welcomes applications for Bursaries – an award which is made to assist those successful with the cost of conference attendance / associated costs. Bursary applicants are required to provide a letter of support and CV. Similarly, those wishing to apply for the YIA award will be required to provide a summary of research, relevant papers, CV, plus a letter of support from a BNOS member. In both cases, applicants will need to provide contact details, which will only be used by us to make contact appropriate to the application. Our website offers the facility to contact us via an online form. This form requests completion of details including your name, email address, organisation, and query/message details. The data provided is collated into an email which is sent to the BNOS Administrator. None of the data provided when completing the online contact form is stored by the website. Those who wish to request a CPD certificate following our annual conference can submit a request via our post evaluation meeting questionnaire. Personal details submitted for this purpose will only be used to create and send the certificate to the individual, and for no other purpose. Individual data relating to CPD will be stored for six months after the annual conference date, in the event that a replacement certificate is required. A delegate attendance list will be maintained for as long as required by the external body providing the CPD approval of the annual conference. The mailing list data is maintained by Data Processor, Jenny Loughlin. All individuals on this mailing list have provided consent, consent most recently being sought prior to the GDPR implementation date of 25 May 2018. BNOS will review this list every three years and carry out consent update exercises accordingly. If you are on our mailing list and wish to be removed, please contact us directly by email. Additionally, do please email us if you would like to be added to our mailing list. In order to apply for membership you will be asked to submit some personal information, including: your name, position, place of work, address, postcode, telephone number and email address. Personal data provided by our members via the online membership subscription form is stored electronically in our website database. We never share this database with any other parties and we will hold your personal information for up to three years. If you wish to opt-out of BNOS holding your personal data electronically on our membership database, please complete our online Request to remove data records form, or email us. The online membership system is linked to an account BNOS has set up with Stripe, for the sole purpose of processing payments. No card payment details are recorded by the BNOS website, and BNOS does not have access to, or store any payment details within our own systems. Payment details that are entered are encrypted, ensuring users a higher level of security. BNOS will, with permission, take photographs at our annual conference for use on our website and other publicity material. Delegates will be requested, when arriving for conference registration, to indicate whether they are happy to provide consent for the taking and using of photographs for the purposes outlined. If any of your data changes, do please contact us as soon as you are able to, so that our records may be kept up to date. We may from time to time request that you confirm or update the details we hold for you, to ensure that the data we hold remains accurate. As Data Subject (termed by the GDPR as ‘Natural Person’) you have the right if you wish to request what data we hold for you. This is called a Subject Access Request (SAR). To make such a request, please contact us. There is no charge for making a request, and BNOS will respond within one month as set out by GDPR guidelines. We will need to validate any request before responding. You also have the right to request that data we hold is amended; or that your data is deleted. Additionally, you may request a restriction on the processing of your data. For example, whilst you may consent to BNOS holding your data for the purposes of administering your membership, you may wish to opt out of generic email updates about events etc. For any queries about / or to exercise your rights, please contact us by email. BNOS takes precautions to ensure that any data disclosed to us is kept secure, accurate, up to date, and only kept for as long as it is needed for the purposes of its use. Data is stored using password protection systems, and only authorised personnel can access this data. BNOS members are responsible for keeping their own username and password details confidential. BNOS will never share any personal data held with any third party other than any organisations named in this policy for the purposes described. Our website may, from time to time, contain links to other websites. BNOS is not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of these websites. It is your responsibility to check the policies of these sites prior to submitting any personal data. Alternatively, you can get in touch with us via our Contact form on the BNOS website. BNOS’ nominated Data Controller is the collective of BNOS Council. Details of current Council members can be found on our website. Amended versions of this policy will be posted directly to our website with the date of update clearly displayed.
I agree with many of your points and am curious what you think the better combination is. Another question may be why would McDonalds/Coinstar want to sell? Here is one potential buyer: PayPal/Ebay. The purpose would be to showcase mobile payments. You have this backwards.. Redbox should buy blockbuster.. convert all those Blockbuster retail outlets into Redbox lounges by installing like 10 networked Redbox kiosks inside each to keep offering the full blockbuster selection and just doing away with the staff.. put in a sofa and a widescreen so folks could watch trailers at their leisure….. then in phase 2.. Redbox sells off all that commerial real estate wtih one requirement.. Redbox can maintain at least one kiosk at that site forever.. Look at you’ll….Your wanting to take away more jobs from Americans and give more to the already rich corporations! you people make me sick! Don’t make a deal with the devil, Redbox. Well, I just started using Redbox a few weeks ago after seeing it in Wal-Mart and hearing friends sing its praises for over a month. I decided to give it a try – and I love it! Now I’ve got more friends started using it too! See, I used to work for Blockbuster and it was during that transitional time when they got rid of “late fees” and started Blockbuster Online and all that. I remember the first day I had to sort out all the returned-by-mail movies and get new ones ready to be shipped out. Blockbuster has definitely TRIED to keep up with progress. I’ve even had their “Rewards” program for the last 2 years and got more than my share of free movies every month (without buying anything more than the $10 Rewards card – I learned a few tricks of the trade). But with all that, I can just say that Blockbuster is going down. Their prices are sky high. Their selection is still the best (for non-online vendors), but you can buy an old movie off eBay for the same price you’d rent one there. I agree with what someone else said, Blockbuster shouldn’t be able to afford Redbox. Redbox is just so much better. If Blockbuster DID manage to buy Redbox, they’d probably jack up the rental prices. The idea of Redbox buying Blockbuster and converting all the Blockbuster stores into Redbox lounges really isn’t a bad idea. That’s the only thing Redbox lacks – a decent selection of older titles. For probably a small rental price (or more crowding of current locations), they can have specialized Redbox kiosks, like “Classics” (meaning all good older movies, not just movies from the 50s), “Sci-Fi”, “Action”, whatever. They still wouldn’t have to pay employees (beyond the basics), but they’d be able to further eat into Blockbuster’s customer base that way and gain more loyalty from their own customer base. The lounge idea sounds great. You still could have the lounge managed by and employee or two (one during slow times, two at peak). They could be Movie Experts or something along the lines of the Genius from the Apple Store. Besides monitoring the kiosks, they could be there to suggest films. They also could sell the extras like sodas, candy, chips, etc. The idea of having kiosks for new releases, comedies, classics, dramas, indies, foreign, documentaries, etc. is great. But, another great thing would be game kiosks (360, PS3, and Wii). I also think that you could do a unlimited package with kiosks, where rather than pay $1/day, you simply pay the monthly fee. One other possibilty (and McDonald’s wouldn’t like it) would be for Blockbuster to sell dinner to go (pizzas — perhaps just take n bake) inside their stores, with the kiosks in what normally would be the dining area. Regardless, I think Blockbuster ultimately be forced to change the direction with its B&M stores. This would be one way to change their footprint. Redbox doesn’t need blockbuster to grow their business. Their kiosks are better business model than any traditional video store. What Readbox needs is securing strategic locations where traffic is stopping, like airports, hospitals, gas stations, places outside all the hotels and motels, any places where there are people waiting for unrelated services and having time to kill. NO, NO, NO…it would be a tragedy to sell, in my opinion. I agree with Mikey above…we like you just the way you are! nooooooooooooooo REDBOX it’s just fine the way it is, i try blockbuster before and i didn’t like it at all, in the other hand i love redbox and would not change it for nothing!!! Redbox is just so much better. Please listen up folks…………NO! No Way! No Way in Hell !!! Should Redbox sell………………..just keep improving what you already have to offer and forget Blockbuster, unless Redbox has a desire to purchase Blockbuster/Netflex to enlarge Redbox’s service/business. For now we love you Redbox just the way you are…….. I say keep the red box and keep teaming up with grocery stores, McDonalds, and wal-mart to house them….not block busters. The only contract I would take out with blockbusters, if I were red box, would be one to house and possibly fill the machines…I wouldn’t let blockbuster buy them, but you could team up under contract for blockbuster staff to fill them and even have one at blockbusters for customer convenience, then give blockbusters a kickback on % of sales…. NO Blockbuster shouldn’t touch Red Box. Maybe Red Box could do online renting of older movies and keep the Red Box ease of use for the newer movies. If a big company like them gets hold of this it may morph into something UGLY. Blockbuster won’t buy redbox, they’re currently offering $1 billion for circuit city. Leave Redbox alone; it works great. Why turn something good over to a company that is doing so poorly? leave the redbox alone. blockbuster will raise the prices. I don’t think it will be a reality because from what I underestand, Redbox pretty much breaks even on the video rental end. Their main income comes from leasing the kiosks to retail stores, who uses them as traffic generators. McDonald’s gets two visits for each rental transaction — one to rent the movie, another to return it. That’s TWO chances to sell you a Coke, Coffee, or even bring home dinner. Someone suggested putting Redbox’s in airports, hotels, etc. That wouldn’t fit their busiess model, as you are already going to be at the airport anyway — having a Redbox there doesn’t lure you to the airport vs. the train station or driving your own vehicle. Second, having a rental lounge staffed with employees would not work – employees could dispense videos from racks much more inexpensively than costly machines, so you’re back to a plain ol’ retail locaction. McDonald’s would be very unlikely–at least while there are Redbox’s inside of McDonald’s stores–to allow them to sell drinks, chips, etc, as that would compete with their food business, and if you still had the ability to rent/return anywhere, McDs would be losing traffic generation benefits, while redbox would be competing with them in food sales. McDonald’s at one time saw retailers that sold microwave ovens as competitors, as it was a means for people to get hot food fast, vs. running down the street to the golden arches. Don’t forget, that most of Redbox’s founders are former McDonald’s executives — While they owe no allegience to McDonald’s, there are undoubtedly many unwritten agreements that exist. Don’t forget that McDonald’s is MUCH larger a corporation than Redbox — they could crush Redbox if they wanted to. This is a company who has been known to buy real estate and open a location and sell dime hamburgers across the street from a licencee that had fallen from favor. I think that Blockbuster is a dinosaur. As such, it should go the way of dinosaurs. Part of my feeling stems from Blockbuster’s unfriendly treatment of Director’s in the way it arbitrarily edited movies without consent. But also it charges way too much for rentals when there are so many better options such as Redbox and Netflix. Now Blockbuster wants to buy Circuit City and Redbox? I think Redbox can do better and so can Circuit City. Perhaps they should get together and buy Blockbuster? if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! i’m very pleased with red box. there are enough movies and the price is right. if blockbuster puts there fingers in the pie; forget about the price and convenience. no to blockbuster! the idea of having 2 redbox at a location is great. i would like to see more old clasics..gone with the wind,humphry bogart,jimmy cagney the 30 and 40 movies like tntetc. I actually think combining an electronics retailer and Circuit City might not be a bad move. Circuit City is in serious need of restructuring, as it really can’t compete with Best Buy. I really don’t think BBI will try and ruin the convenience of Redbox. Several years ago, BBI purchased an online DVD store based in Phoenix. They actually improved on that company’s offering and came up with a viable competitor to Netflix. At this point, BBI could buy DVDPlay, The New Release, or any of the other kiosk businesses OR buy Redbox OR start their own. By getting into home electronics, Blockbuster can cross market DVD/Blu-Ray players for DVD rentals, consoles for game rentals, its STB for Movielink, portable players for Movielink, and televisions to bring it all together. It could put Blockbuster video stores directly into existing Circuit City stores — which would put it a step ahead of Best Buy. Or, it could put Blockbuster-branded kiosks into Circuit City. The Blockbuster stores could tap Circuit City’s inventory for its own stores. The possibilities are limitless. Oh, and a rental from BBI is cheaper than a rental from Comcast OnDemand … by about 50 cents. Plus, I get 9 (2+7) to 14 days (7+7) to return the movie. Simple as that. Plus, I like to use BBI to acquire hard to find films. On the surface Redbox is cheaper. $1/night, but I have had my latest rentals since last Tuesday. Guess what? I could have rented the movies for less at Blockbuster. Guess what? You could have taken them back a lot earlier too…..HELLO!! NO. i had more trouble with blockbuster and none with you. don’t ruin a good thing. PLEASE! Please!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All they would do is jack the price up. Don’t mess with this great thing!!!!!!! It would be a shame to mess up a good thing. There are a lot of people on limited budgets and REDBOX has been a welcome breath of fresh air. To sell to blockbuster would mean the end of a very good thing, because they would raise prices. The old saying “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” surely applies here. Please do not sell out to Blockbuster! I’m barely able to make ends meet on a limited income and if it weren’t for Redbox, I wouldn’t be able to rent DVDs at all. With Redbox, I am able to rent a different movie each week for LESS than one single rental from Blockbuster. Four movies for less than the price of one…? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out! As this country moves further into a recession, every penny counts. Redbox is and will be a godsend for those feeling the financial crunch. Blockbuster executives are well aware they may be out of a job once the recession in “full bloom” so trying to corner the market by having a monopoly is in “their” best interest, not the public’s. Do not sell out to the “big guys”! Keep Redbox the way it was intended: friendly, affordable and fun! I feel that they are both different places. Blockbuster has tons of copies of a movie while redbox has only one or two. Sometimes it is hard to get a new movie from redbox because they dont have it. I think it should remain the way it is but redbox should put more machines in even more places. #1: User goes onto Redbox website (or maybe kiosk-based selection) to select a movie they want to watch which isn’t currently in stock. #2: Redbox checks other semi-local Redbox locations to see if an existing hard copy could be shipped/brought in within a couple days. Would not want Blockbuster to buy Redbox. Agree with comments they would just jack up prices and mess things up. Think the ideas of a Redbox lounge with multiple kiosks or a burn on demand machine for non-stocked titles would be good ideas, but both would require big capital outlays for new equipment or buildings and staff. Living in a town with both video stores going bankrupt within a couple of weeks of each other, I really appreciate the RedBox machines to get just the movies I want when I want them for a minimal rental charge or sometimes for free with a discount code. No buying of redbox by blockbusters. The media mass monopoly of buying and taking over is getting ridiculously out of hand. One of the viewers is correct in stating that Redbox is friendly affordable and fun. In times of recession this is the only affordable entertainment left. Blockbuster is a waste. Redbox should never let them buy out. 1st if it’s online renting netflix is better the movies come in about the same time when shipping. however blockbuster is only ships mon-fri netflix is mon- sat. Netflix on the 8 plan i am getting about 16 a week, on blockbuster i was on the 3 unlimited in store plan and still only getting like 5 a week. that’s something else if you have the instore you return it and the next bussiness day they will ship out. That’s not true. On the week end i would have all in and monday 1 would be shipped and tuesday 1 and wednesday 1. sometimes it was friday before they even sent out the one from the weekend. When calling and complianing all they said was sometimes after the weekend we get busy. But a whole week? come on. And if your talking about the in-store deals. On blockbusters unlimited 2 at a time 29.99 there’s one better hollywood video has 3 at a time for 14.99 just not the hot new releases or everything in the store 3 at a time for the same price as blockbuster 29.99. So again blockbuster has been beaten again. with blockbuster i got more cracked dvd in the mail then with netflix and with the store i have gotten more really bad scratched dvd then hollywood video. So in every part of the dvd business blockbuster is a waste of time, there is better and cheaper where ever you look. Even with the instore rewards program which is none like anyone i have found yet, theres still problems. The one free every month you have to have a transaction to get the free one, so buy something. Rent 5 get one well max 2 a month, there’s no trick there. And once you mon, tues, and wed rent one get one, no trick here. each rental costs 4.65 or around that it’s 4.50 plus tax where I go. Ok so if you use your 10 rentals on mon-wed you get 12 after paying for 5 plus the free one which you get after getting something you will pay 46.25 for 23 dvd’s which is 2.01 per disc. Still not as good as renting from redbox. So it a nutshell STAY AWAY FROM BLOCKBUSTER. There’s someone better no mater what you want to do.
The New York Press – for which I wrote in the late 90s (along with friends such as Scott Nybakken, J.R. Taylor, Dawn Eden, and Daniel Radosh), answering to editor Sam Sifton – is effectively no more, enduring only as a website for multiple publications and a section within the print version of one of those publications. The Village Voice, by then a leftist rag completely devoid of self-awareness or irony akin to The Nation, ran an article calling NYPress a bunch of “P.J. O’Rourke wannabes,” and I hope I had at least some influence on them picking that epithet. Accurate yet judgmental epithets were exactly what the Voice tended to lack and the Press deployed in abundance. I often told people back then that I liked the Press because, unlike the Voice with its reverent mentions of “the homeless,” the Press was willing to use phrases more like “stinking wino” as necessary. New York City needed that sort of truth-through-gonzo callousness as a substitute for the conservatism it sorely lacked. For instance, it was twenty years ago today that a car driven by a Jewish man accidentally struck and killed a black child in Crown Heights, sparking three days of rioting. Police under Mayor Dinkins, notoriously, did little but watch – though, astonishingly, he not only still has his defenders, there are even some liberals who are now eager to credit him – Dinkins! – with the precipitous drop in crime since then, since he technically hired future Police Chief William Bratton (doing precious little with him). By the time I moved to New York City, the place was ready for Giuliani to unleash Bratton and get tough on crime – the reason Giuliani’s even now being talked about as a potential presidential or vice presidential candidate – and the U.S. was ready to hear a liberal, Bill Clinton, denounce criminals and praise cops, talk which had literally been considered mere code for racism for the preceding two decades of New Left-dominated thinking. Ultimately, the reason some Gen Xers like me (but also some future Clinton fans) had conservative instincts probably had less to do with the Cold War than with the Dirty Harry-like awareness that if our houses were robbed back when we were children, there were people on the left who would sympathize more with the burglars than with us, and, diabolically, who would even work to disarm our parents, making things that much easier for the burglars (this mission failed in the case of my gun-owning older relatives, but they don’t live in heavily-regulated NYC). I have to look with sorrow, then, upon the UK riots and the Philadelphia flashmobs (and I even feel a bit vindicated in my worried Luddite reaction when I first heard of flashmobs a few years ago, recognizing the danger in – well, mobs). I note that Bratton has now become an advisor to the UK government after being denied a more official post due to his U.S. citizenship mere weeks ago. That’s a start. More important, I think – as always – is rooting solutions in individualism, not communal thinking, despite everything experts tell you to the contrary. The main reason civilization runs on individualism is that only individuals can be held accountable in any meaningful sense for wrongdoing. Everything else is mere unending tribal warfare. Punish a whole village with curfews, weapons bans, pop-psychology lectures, and police cordons and you create aggrieved innocents (even if you do it in a left-leaning fashion). Taking the even sloppier route of blaming whole ethnic groups (in the worst right-wing fashion) and you justify people thinking that law never had anything to do with justice in the first place and can rightly be ignored. hypothesized that the very origin of individual consciousness, as opposed to either vigorous but unthinking predatory instinct or passive herd mentality, lay in the careful accounting of wrongs against or by individuals. Ghouls love it when everyone gets blamed indiscriminately for something, just as the class bully would rather see the whole class kept for detention than have his own culpability exposed. The more thoughtful and articulate adult ghouls, similarly, love ideals such as “solidarity” that fend off individual accountability. •Even my quasi-Marxist friend Josie Appleton sees the failure of her UK home to propose solutions that will truly distinguish between the innocent and the bad actors (read her article “Policing the Innocent, Ignoring the Riotous,” even though I think that brief dig at mercenaries is inappropriate – a libertarian would recognize that mercenaries are usually paid to get results, not just shore up bureaucratic programs). Governments would rather come up with new ways to regulate everyone than do the hard work of spotting the wrongdoers. Left-wing talk of broad social causes plays right into this laziness – but right-wingers who can’t differentiate among a billion Muslims display the same sort of intellectual irresponsibility. I was disheartened to learn from the Associated Press of your vigorous call yesterday to build an anti-immigration wall along America's southern border ("Michele Bachmann plays up immigration, hits Warren Buffett," August 17). Surely your commitment to freedom, to free markets, and to an open and vibrant society isn't so tepid that it is dissolved by some perceived need to appease xenophobes and economic ignoramuses whose votes might help you win the GOP's 2012 Presidential nomination. I must assume, instead, that you really believe that the United States is threatened by Latin Americans seeking to live and work here (for those are precisely the people who would be kept out of the U.S. by the wall you wish to build). Several weeks ago the Wall Street Journal reported that while vacationing you read the works of the late Ludwig von Mises. That's encouraging. But you should read Mises's works more carefully. In what I believe to be his greatest book -- Liberalism -- Mises writes, "There cannot be the slightest doubt that migration barriers diminish the productivity of human labor." And in his book Omnipotent Government, Mises notes an even more menacing consequence of tightened immigration restrictions: "The closed-door policy is one of the root causes of our wars." By obstructing the building of economic and cultural ties that would ever-more-closely bind the United States with Latin America, your wall would not only keep Americans' (and Latin Americans') prosperity from growing over time as much as possible, it would -- both as an awful symbol and as an actual structure -- divide the Americas in ways that dramatically increase the risk of future bloodshed. I plead with you to reconsider your support for such a wall. Tear down this wall, Rep. Bachmann. •Being too quick to lump people into big aggregates is the root cause (if you will) of both socialism and racism, from the kind that produces damaging policies to the kind that just leads to embarrassingly goofy TV commercials like this one. •Better people should think in terms of economics, which is in an important sense color-blind (as is the scientific method, the other bulwark of my own thinking). But as Stephen Moore writes, with admirable efficiency and brevity, getting people to think in economic terms has been made very difficult by the statist turn in the economics profession itself. •Even failed senatorial candidate Christine O’Donnell is clearly striving to shed her religious-conservative baggage and rebrand herself as a fiscal conservative (you can tell from the transcript that’s why she freaks out and walks out on her interview by Piers Morgan), which I will take as a good sign for the direction of politics in general. Even completely crazy chicks can be useful cultural weather vanes. Life presents occasional economic educational opportunities. So, tomorrow: a look at the decidedly civil upheaval known as Lemonade Freedom Day. Maybe I'm being naive, but I think the libertarian effort to de-emphasize borders could eventually appeal to conservatives like Bachmann - with their keen awareness of the fundamental difference between pre-New Deal immigration and immigration today - if people like Boudreaux (and Gary Johnson, for that matter) took the time to explain the logical steps that should be followed to achieve it. Namely, dismantling the welfare state first, then calling for the world's poor and huddled masses sometime after. It seems dangerous to insert a single component of a comprehensive economic philosophy into an array of entrenched, contradictory programs indiscriminately. Most libertarians understand that complete freedom is a beautiful, cooperative, intricate system of positive feedback loops, but others obviously do not. Vehemently advancing an idea out of turn without explaining how it fits into a larger system (much of which is already an easy sell to conservatives) only undermines libertarian efforts to more closely ally with the right (which I agree with Jonah Goldberg is where libertarians stand the best chance of fighting statism) and thus establish a coalition big enough to significantly slash government and taxes. In the short term, talking about open borders as a final step might at least convey the lack of necessity for a permanent, King Kong-like wall on our southern border and turn GOP attention to what matters most. Regarding NY Press - It was a great place for personal essays when I first came to NYC in 1994. I loved reading Jonathan Ames, Amy Sohn, and Ned Vizzini (then a nerdy teenager). Even the letters were pretty interesting. After the 1990s its heyday was over.
Looking to add a creative twist to your next event? Travel back in time with Dino Encounters. Innovative entertainment for businesses and family! Our parties are designed to be fun, interactive and educational. We offer full service from planning to execution and management of your next event. Where can I see Rocky? Come see Rocky and his friends at one of these public events or schedule a private event and have Rocky come to you! Rocky has visited and thrilled thousands. Rocky has appeared in these locations. Sign up for our newsletter and keep up to date on where Rocky will be and any Dino Encounters news. Check out our videos and photos of Dino Encounters Events and Rocky the TRex. See what others are saying about Dino Encounters. A very honest review of my experience hiring Dino Encounters for my son's 3rd bday party. Pros: owner was accommodating to the late RSVP I made. She was responsive. The dinos are cool. Cons: Too much talk and explanation, not enough hands on activities. The kids were very anxious, they wanted to touch the dinos (fyi, some dinos can not be touched). It was too long and not interactive enough. Presenter was not patient enough with the kids, I got complaints from parents saying she was being too harsh. This is not the type of experience I wanted for my guests. I paid for $670 for the entire thing (includes mileage fee) and it put a damper on my party. I do not recommend the activities, probably just stick to renting the dinos themselves. Tips: If you are having the activities make sure to have a good shaded area, no water activities near by. Yesterday was my sons 2nd birthday and we had a dino theme party. Keri and her husband are the best they are so personable and friendly. First their costumer service was amazing they always kept in contact with me and just made it easier for me planning my sons birthday , you know planning your kids birthday party you always have to make sure every vendor is on the same page and they just made it one less call because how attentive they are. Second they came to the party and the kids and adults were so amazed on how realistic there dinosaurs look. Also Keri presentation was awesome kids loved it and were so amused with the real fossils and poop ahaha! Lastly Keri and her husband were just very genuine nice people and were a hit at my sons party ! We definitely recommend them to any kids dino birthday party it just adds that bang ! And they were def. the talk of the town ! We love Dino Encounters!!! Had Dino encounters come to my sons 2nd birthday! The kids loved interacting with Rocky! We had a big party and everyone was able to take pictures with Rocky! Thanks Dino encounters for a great birthday! WOW. Just wow! Ms Keri and her crew of dinosaurs were incredible. Everyone had the best time and the kids all enjoyed themselves even with the hot weather. When Ms Keri, her helper, and the crew of dinosaurs arrived, they were very considerate and professional. Although there was a very tiny miscommunication, Ms Keri was able to figure it out and arrive at the party earlier than the set time! Ms Keri was super attentive to my daughter (the birthday girl) during the baby triceratops hatching and the interactive show about dinosaurs; she even allowed plenty of time for pictures. Most of the kids were under the age of 4 and were so interested with the whole event aside from the dinosaur rides. Everything from start to finish was more than I could have ever expected from a Dinosaur event company! Everyone was amazed at my daughter's 3rd birthday party but now I need to find out how to top this one next year! Our Elementary School had Dino encounters come and do two assemblies and they were AMAZING!! The students were enthralled with all the "real" dinosaurs-they looked fantastic! Of course the T-REX Rocky was the hit!!! Keri is so knowledgeable about dinosaurs-she even taught the teachers a bunch! She is very organized and professional! As a teacher I highly recommend Dino Encounters for your school or party. You won't be disappointed!!! Awesome Job! Dino Encounters ended my grandsons birthday Jurassic Park theme party with a bang.They fought through traffic texting me with updates on ETA every 1/2 hour.Rocky was the hit of the party. Can't say enough about Keri kindness and her husband entertainment with the Q & A during the show.They really do a great job.Thank you guys once again. Dino Encounters came to Pasadena Public Library in July. It was one of the best programs we have EVER had. Rocky is a STAR! He had to walk down the street to get in while cars were screeching to a stop to see the dinosaur on the sidewalk. Keri easily handled a crowd of 150+ and gave them an unforgettable morning. This is a totally unique performance. Everyone of every age loved it. My wife found Dino Encounters while researching ideas for my two sons' (ages 3 and 1) joint dinosaur themed birthday party. We were a little bummed that we didn't have enough space at our party for the big dinosaur, BUT even without that, the presentation and activities they provided were awesome! We had a diverse age range of kids from 1 to 13 who were all very captivated by the demonstrations provided which were both educational and loads of fun. The kids got to put together dinosaur bone puzzles, chisel and use other scientific methods to extract dinosaurs from fossil eggs, make shark tooth necklaces, witness a dinosaur egg hatch, and watch a volcano explode. The kids got to take these necklaces and the dinosaurs the excavated home wit them. As I mentioned we didn't have room for the large dinosaur, but they provided two smaller puppets, one of which hatched from the egg which amazed a lot of the young ones. The kids were able to take some cute pictures with the realistic baby dinosaurs. Overall Dino Encounters was worth every penny and helped make our sons' birthday memorable for all. We live in San Diego, so there was some mileage charges, but all reasonable. Our party had a lot of adults too, which caused a lot of ambient conversation noise. At times it was difficult to hear if you weren't close enough, but despite that Keri did a fantastic job interacting with the all kids. I would recommend a quiet space or some kind of microphone and PA system depending on your situation. Another positive, Dino Encounters kept the kiddies so busy, the parents had a nice little break to enjoy the party. I found Dino encounters thru Craig's list then came across their website and let me tell you all booking them was the best experience ever!!! I booked then for my sons 5th birthday and I'm sure it'll be one he never forgets! :) I'm huge when it comes to Yelp reviews so I'd thought I'd share some in site for people interested in booking rocky for your next event! :) right when I submitted a request online for info I got a call within 15-20 min!! They're truly the nicest people I've ever met. The kids loved every activity they did and when rocky came it was 20xs more enjoyable! Bottom line I could guarantee you would not be disappointed!! Thank you sssooooooo much again Dino encounters!! We had "Rocky" at a corporate event last week and every adult there had a great time. Rocky posed with the staff for Selfies and put a lot of smiles on everyone face. Rocky isn't just for kids. We would not hesitate to have Rocky back. 5 stars from us! rocky the dino was great ,everyone had a great time ,the crafts and games were fun and amazing. we would do this again !! My son and his guests had an amazing time! I mean, seriously, how cool is having a walking and roaring dinosaur at your birthday party?!!! Even our adult guests had a blast. The kids were highly entertained, occupied the whole time and my favorite part, as a teacher, the education! We had the party out in the front yard and Rocky the dinosaur literally slowed down traffic. People from down the block came to see the dinosaur. So cool! Definitely an experience to remember forever! If you have a kid who is even mildly into dinosaurs, I highly recommend using Dino Encounters.
Iberia Líneas Aéreas de España, S.A. (Iberia Airlines of Spain in English), usually shortened to Iberia, is the largest airline of Spain, based in Madrid. The years following World War I saw a large advancement in aircraft technology with concomitant increase in possibilities for rapid connections between international business concerns. Germany had many business concerns, particularly in Africa and South America, but was still reliant on ships and land routes to reach these. In order to circumvent the Treaty of Versailles stipulation that prohibited German aircraft access to flying over France, agents in Spain explored the possibility an air liaison between Germany and Spain. As such Deutsche Luft Hansa on behalf of German government, established a general agreement with the Spanish government which was signed on December 9, 1927 authorizing an air service between both countries. Iberia, Compañía Aérea de Transportes was incorporated on June 28, 1927 with an initial capital investment by the financier Horacio Echeberrieta and Deutsche Luft Hansa of 1.1 million pesetas. The company obtained Government authorisation to establish commercial daily (except Sunday) connections between Madrid and Barcelona. A fleet of three Rohrbach Roland monoplanes were bought in from Deutsche Luft Hansa. Flight operations started on December 14, 1927 with inaugural flights aimed to coincide at a commemorative show in Madrid. The opening ceremony at Carabanchel aerodrome was attended by Alfonso XIII and the president of Iberia, Horacio Echeberrieta. The maiden flight from Madrid left on schedule, taking off from Madrid at 12:30 and arriving in Barcelona 3½ hours later. However the Barcelona to Madrid flight was briefly forced to stop in Almazán, Soria due to reduced visibility caused by snow. Although this flight had set off at 9:00, aiming to arrive in Madrid at midday, the delay meant it arrived in Madrid two hours after the dignitaries had already left. Passengers in front of an Iberia Breguet 27 Limousine in 1931. Within a year, the company was sponsored by the government to provide postal transport between Madrid and Barcelona. Meanwhile, Deutsche Luft Hansa was favourably rewarded for the 24% investment in the Iberia company when it was granted the regular service between Germany and Spain. On January 5, 1928 the route Barcelona – Marseilles – Geneva – Zürich – Stuttgart – Leipzig/Halle – Erfurt – Berlin was initiated. In July 1928, a twin-engined Dornier Wal was added to the fleet. This seaplane was used on a pioneering route between Cádiz and the Canary Islands. This was used to test the viability of a postal route to South America, by extending the route via Cape Verde Islands. During the dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera, it was proposed that the aviation companies in Spain should be combined and become state-controlled as a general interest public utility. This came into effect in early 1928. As a consequence, Iberia was merged into Compañía de Líneas Aéreas Subvencionadas S.A. (C.L.A.S.S.A.) together with the following other airlines Unión Aérea Española (U.A.E.), Compañía Española de Tráfico Aéreo (C.E.T.A.) the pilot training company Compañía Española de Aviación (C.E.A.) and the airship line Transaérea Colón. Although Iberia ceased activities on 29 May 1929, barely eighteen months after having begun operations, the name "Iberia" continued to be registered by Director-General Daniel de Araoz y Aréjula. Of all the airlines that formed CLASSA, Iberia would be the only one to keep in existence after the merger. Following the proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic in 1931 the LAPE (Líneas Aéreas Postales Españolas) company, the airline that would replace CLASSA, became established. LAPE began operations in April 1932, CLASSA flying under the Spanish Republican Flag for one year. LAPE operated even during the Spanish Civil War, mainly in its Madrid - Barcelona line, although a great part of the planes of its fleet were requisitioned by the Spanish Republican Air Force and used as military transports. As the name "Iberia" was still registered, it was used anew when airline operations began in 1937 in territory held by the rebel faction during the Spanish Civil War. In 1939, after the end of the conflict, the planes belonging to LAPE's fleet were repainted with the Iberia airline livery. When the Iberia company fully restarted operations following the Civil War, it became a purely domestic airline. It won the right to many of the international routes, such as the service between Madrid and Lisbon; which had been previously established in early 1927 by Unión Aérea Española (U.A.E.). Inaugural flight to Bata (Ecuatorial Guinea) in 1941. One eighth of the new Iberia's capital investment was offered to Ala Littoria, fascist Italy's airline. After some deliberation, due to its negative experience in investing in the related Corporacion Sud Americana dos Servicios Aéreos, Ala Littoria decided to invest capital in Iberia in the form of two aircraft which were to join Iberia's fleet. The new Iberia's shares were held by the Spanish government (51%) and private investors (49%). Foreign interests could only own up to a maximum of 50% of the 49% of Iberia shares allocated to foreign investment. Ala Littoria purchased three Ju 52 airframes (without engines) from Lufthansa and gave them to Iberia in lieu of capital. The aircraft were put to work initially on the Rome-Venice-Munich-Berlin route. The company still had close ties with Lufthansa, which during World War II caused considerable difficulties to maintain the fleet as the import of fuel and spare parts was infrequent. In addition the Allied Powers refused cooperation with the company until connections with Nazi Germany were severed. Source: ICAO Digest of Statistics for 1950-55, IATA World Air Transport Statistics 1960-2000. 1969 RPKs are for the year ended 31 Oct 1969. A Sud Aviation Caravelle seen in May 1973. An Iberia McDonnell Douglas DC-10. The airline was nationalised on September 30, 1944, becoming part of INI. In 1946, using the Douglas DC-4 on the Madrid to Montevideo and Buenos Aires route, it became the first airline to fly between Europe and South America after WWII. The lucrative market to South America was helped by the families separated by the Civil War. However, there was intense competition from Air France, KLM and British South American Airways. Since the company was struggling to meet domestic demand, the Government allowed another company, Aviaco, to operate the domestic routes that Iberia did not use from February 18, 1948. By the Pact of Madrid in 1953, visa requirements were eliminated for US visitors to Spain. This stimulated the commencement of transatlantic flights between Spain and United States the following year. In addition, the amendments made in Montreal to the Convention on International Civil Aviation on June 14, 1954 were liberal to Spain, allowing impetus for mass tourism using charter planes. Iberia responded to the increased traffic by acquiring a fleet of Lockheed Super Constellation long range aircraft and these served the routes to North and South America from 1954. The pressurised twin-engined Convair 440 was introduced to the company's European routes from 1957. From 1961 Iberia had a fleet of Douglas DC-8 four-engined long range jet airliners. The busiest route was Madrid to Buenos Aires. By 1965 a joint board of Iberia and Aviaco was set up to coordinate policies so that services did not conflict. In the early 1970s the company bought Douglas DC-9s and Boeing 747s as it expanded routes to Central America, Warsaw, Athens and Istanbul. In 1974 it launched Europe's first walk-on shuttle service, linking Madrid and Barcelona. That year it established the Serviberia telephone information service, the precursor of today's popular call centres, as well as the 'Red Jackets', uniformed ground staff with the mission of providing special service to customers and to resolve any problems that might arise. A Boeing 747-400 in 2006. By the 50th anniversary in 1977 the airline carried over 10 million passengers in a year for the first time. There was fierce internal and political debates over the use of Douglas DC-9s or Boeing 727s; with the result that Iberia bought Boeing 727s thereby boosting Boeing's flagging production line. However this financial commitment and subsequent failure to anticipate predicted passenger numbers, caused heavy losses for the company during the 1980s. This was especially disappointing in 1982, with the visit of Pope and the football World Cup. By 1987 routes to Tel Aviv, Khartoum, Moscow and Tokyo were added. In the late 1980s/early 1990s Iberia planned a fleet renewal with the McDonnell Douglas MD-87, Airbus A320 and Airbus A340 replacing the Douglas DC-9, Boeing 727 and Douglas DC-10 respectively. A number of Boeing 757s were also bought. At this time Iberia began to build up interests in other Spanish airlines – Aviaco, Viva Air, Binter Canarias and Binter Mediterráneo – and Latin American airlines Aerolíneas Argentinas, Viasa and Ladeco. In June 1990 the company led a consortium to buy Aerolíneas Argentinas for an agreed $2billion for 85% stake and the following year bought 45% stake in Viasa for $145million. In 1991 Iberia set up Europe's first international airline frequent-flyer programme, Iberia Plus, and, in 1996, the airline launched the www.iberia.com website. The company ordered 76 aircraft from Airbus in February 1998, which was largest single consignment of Airbus ordered, and bought Aviaco in 1999 and inherited its fleet. This was the start of Iberia's shift from a Boeing/McDonnell Douglas fleet to an Airbus fleet. By this stage privatisation calls from European Union and Spanish Government were being implemented. In December 1999 the company became semi-privatised with shares distributed 40% shareholders, 9% British Airways for €245million and 1% American Airlines. An initial public offering on October 2000 failed to go ahead, due to internal business difficulties, most notably the failure to offload stock in Aerolíneas Argentinas. Iberia is an international transportation group, operating in about 100 airports in 40 countries, employing more than 26,000 people. In 2002, Iberia celebrated its 75th anniversary making it one of the oldest airlines in the world. During those 75 years nearly 500 million people have been flown by Iberia, placing the company among the five largest European airlines, and important for routes connecting Spain with Europe and Latin America. The Iberia Group encompasses the Iberia Regional/Air Nostrum franchise. In addition to transporting passengers and freight, Iberia carries out many related activities, such as aircraft maintenance, handling in airports, IT systems, in-flight catering, and holiday packages. Iberia Group airlines fly to 97 destinations in 40 countries. Via code-sharing arrangements with other companies, it offers flights to another 60 destinations in 25 countries. With a fleet of almost 200 aircraft, it makes about 1,000 flights each day. In 2002, Iberia carried 28 million passengers and 210,000 tons of freight. In addition, Iberia is an aircraft maintenance company, servicing its own fleet and those of another 48 companies, including some European airlines.[which?] Iberia is the main supplier of aircraft handling services at all Spanish airports, with more than 200 airline clients. Iberia was a founding partner in the computerised air ticket reservation system Amadeus CRS, with an 18.28% stake – this was sold in 2005. It is also a tour operator through its Viva Tours and Tiempo Libre units, and with Cacesa it supplies package delivery services. Iberia is allied with American Airlines and British Airways, and on September 1, 1999, joined the Oneworld alliance. British Airways owns 9% of its share capital. In July 2004, Iberia announced it had decided to move its Latin American hub from Miami, Florida to San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Although rumoured plans that the airline was considering to set the hub at Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport were discarded with the announcement, Iberia announced that it plans to expand its Puerto Rican schedules to connect San Juan with Central American cities. In 2005, Iberia introduced its new Business Plus Class, on its Airbus A340 aircraft. On February 5, 2006 the new Terminal 4 at Madrid Barajas was awarded to Iberia and the Oneworld alliance members. This provided expansion capabilities for Iberia. Iberia alone is responsible for around 60% of Madrid Barajas traffic. In 2005 Iberia and its regional branch Air Nostrum transported 21,619,041 passengers to/from Madrid Barajas alone. On November 12, 2009, Iberia Airlines confirmed that it had reached a preliminary agreement to merge with British Airways. The merger between the two carriers will create the world's third-largest airline in terms of revenue. On April 25, 2010, it was confirmed that British Airways and Iberia had agreed to a merger, forming the International Airlines Group, although each airline would continue to operate under its current brand. International Airlines Group, established its head office in London and its registered office in Madrid, operating mainly from its two main hubs of London Heathrow Airport and Madrid Barajas Airport with secondary hubs at London Gatwick Airport and Barcelona El Prat Airport. On December 23, 1948 a Douglas DC-3 crashed in bad weather near Gandesa killing all 27 occupants. On March 5, 1973, 68 people were killed in a mid-air collision above the French city of Nantes involving an Iberia Douglas DC-9 flying from Palma to London as Flight 504; and a Convair 990 Coronado aircraft, operating as Spantax Flight 400. The Spantax Convair 990 was able to make a successful emergency landing whilst the Iberia DC-9 crashed killing everyone on board. The accident occurred during a French air traffic controllers' strike. On December 17, 1973, an Iberia McDonnell Douglas DC-10 registered EC-CBN overran the runway upon landing at Boston Logan after a flight from Madrid Airport. There were no fatalities amongst the 168 people on board, however the aircraft was written off. On February 19, 1985, Iberia Flight 610, a Boeing 727-256 crashed after hitting a television antenna installed on the summit of Monte Oiz while landing in Bilbao, killing 148 people. On July 26, 1996 Iberia Flight 6621, a McDonnell-Douglas DC-10-30 flying from Madrid to Havana was hijacked mid-flight. The hijacker, a Lebanese national named Ibrahim Saada demanded the flight be diverted to Miami International Airport. Saada was later apprehended and faced up to 20 years in prison. No one was hurt and the flight later landed at Jose Marti International Airport some hours later. On November 9, 2007 an Iberia Airbus A340-600, registration EC-JOH, was badly damaged after sliding off the runway at Old Mariscal Sucre International Airport. No injuries were reported. According to Airbus, the aircraft was written-off. ^ Luis Utrilla Navarro & Marcos García Cruzado (2005). Madrid: Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea, S.A., ed. Historia de los Aeropuertos de Madrid (I). ISBN 8496456315. ^ "BA seals long-awaited Iberia deal". Reuters UK. April 8, 2010. Retrieved April 8, 2010. ^ "Iberia occurrences". Aviation Safety Network. Flight Safety Foundation. Retrieved January 26, 2016. ^ "Mid-air collision kills 68". BBC news. March 5, 1973.
I usually cook a couple of pounds of beans in one day, depending on the size of your cooker (refer to the manufacturers guidelines) about a pound at a time. So yes, I will cook several batches, one after another and then store them in the freezer for an easy addition to soups and other meals. I know some resources say that you can cook the beans without soaking, or ‘quick soak’ them by letting them sit in boiling water, here’s my experience: You know all the things beans are supposed to do to you, the bad things why folks don’t want to eat beans? In my experience, the gentler you prepare the beans the less they cause you to have to forego your upcoming social appointments. 😉 That includes soaking them overnight, draining and rinsing them before putting them in the cooking pot and cooking over gentle heat. Yes, it takes a bit longer but the results are way worth it. Have I ever led you astray? No? See! For most beans: 1 pound dried beans = 2 cups dried = 4 – 5 cups cooked beans= 3-4 cans of beans! Rinse the dried beans in cold water, then to soak overnight place in a good-sized bowl (the beans will swell and get bigger as they soak up the water) and cover with cold water. You want them covered by at least two inches of water. Option A: Regular pot is fine, just cover with plenty of water and bring to a boil then reduce and simmer until tender, can take 1-2 hours depending on the variety. Options B (my preferred method): Pressure Cooker, (following manufacturers guidelines) For mine that means cover with about a finger’s width of fresh water, close the lid and place on the stove over medium heat. Slowly heat until the pressure valve gets up to the first red ring, turn heat to low and set your timer (*see below). After releasing the pressure from the cooker by running cold water over it, open and drain the cooked beans in a colander in your sink until cool, then package in snack sized zip top bags, and store 6 to 8 baggies in a gallon sized bag labelled with the type of bean and the date before putting in the freezer. And please understand that every pressure cooker is different, the beans could be fresher or older, so you do need to experiment a little. A lot of times I can tell by the smell of the steam escaping the pot if they still smell ‘green’ and need more cooking. I pre-soak all of these beans, unless otherwise stated. I also find that letting the pot stand off the heat for a while before releasing the pressure by running cold water over the outsides and the top keeps the beans nicer. NEVER EVER try to open a cooker that is still under pressure, this could be highly dangerous as the water still boils inside the cooker long after it’s been removed from the fire! Also too drastic of a pressure change and they tend to burst, same when you cook them at too high a pressure, so stick with the first red ring. This is not an activity to watch TV next to. *Buy beans at a place where they have a quick turnover. WHile they are dry and will keep a long time, quality will diminish over time, just like with anything else you eat. Buy your beans at a latin or indian grocer, folks that eat a lot of beans tend to not have them on the shelf as long. *Do not mix beans from two packages bought at different times. Cooking time varies with how old and dry the beans are as well as by variety and a new bag plus one that just showed up in the back of your pantry could cook at different times leaving some beans hard and some mushy. I wanted to do something a bit special, celebratory for our 1 year anniversary and how better to celebrate than with something sweet and chocolatey? Yes, it is true, today my little blog turns one! And since the weather looked a good deal like fall today I added another good for you ingredient: Pumpkin, to make it moist (also packs vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Iron, Manganese and is a good source of fiber) and chick pea flour to keep it gluten free. I did have a whole big bag of chickpea flour, from who knows what recipe originally that I just rediscovered last week in making Socca. By the way, get Besan from the Indian grocer, much cheaper than other healthfood store brands. As a matter of fact, anything you can buy at an ethnic store will be cheaper. If it is considered a specialty or an exotic item the grocery store will a) buy less of it, making it more expensive, and b) they can get away with charging premium dollar for ‘delicacies’ and ‘gourmet food’.For example, if you have a Asian grocer nearby, get your shallots there, also rice and rice noodles, dried or fresh will be a lot cheaper, so is Tofu, if you have that on your meal plan. Indian grocers usually carry various beans, peas and lentils, spices and almonds are usually less as well. And of course they have Besan, which is the chick pea flour we just talked about. But since it is not sold as a ‘gluten free’ flour… fraction of the cost! In a large bowl mash the bananas and mix in the pumpkin puree, then stir in the cocoa powder. Add the flours and 2 tablespoons of the raw sugar to the cocoa mixture and stir until well blended, then add the chocolate chips or nuts. Bake in the middle of the pre heated oven for 45-50 minutes or until tester inserted in the center comes out clean. Soft serve state… …or popsicle, fantastic either way! Well, beyond dreaming, this is not going to get much words from me, except it’ only 2 ingredients and a must-try! No added sugar since mangoes are sweet as a dream, and if you use coconut milk, the whole thing is vegan. With the machine running, slowly pour in coconut milk (or half and half, if going the dairy route) until the mango crumbles start to blend into a homogenous mass. Gosh, you have no idea, but just writing about those cookies makes my mouth water, and of course they are already gone… (I see some more baking coming up in this girl’s future) They are chewy and fragrant and yes, the texture is somewhat different than regular oatmeal cookies, after all there are mostly oats in there (and they are made without gluten flour). If you are cultivating your sweet tooth, please feel free to use more ‘sweet stuff’. The cookies here are getting some of their sweetness from the raisins, but they would be a perfect treat for my Dad, who doesn’t really like sweets. I am a big believer in flavor over just plain sweet, or salty for that matter; and these cookies fit the bill perfectly. Stir the flax mix into the bowl with the oats, add up to another 1/4 cup of water if dough looks too dry. Drop cookies by the rounded tablespoon onto a prepared baking sheet, and bake until golden brown on the bottom and just starting to turn golden on top, about 8 to 11 minutes. Glorious colors of fall! Here the leaves have finally turned color and as I am typing this I can see the red and yellow leaves glow in the sunlight, and the bronze and ‘still green’ leaves add depth to the shadows. The birds have returned to the bird feeder in droves, the nights finally have that crisp quality you only experience on an early morning in fall and I am enjoying the view to say the least. To celebrate fall, with its vibrant orange of pumpkins, golden corn field and that last rest of summer’s warmth int he afternoon, I roasted up a brightly colored, mighty tasty and versatile sauce/dip/spread. Enjoy! Roast whole red pepper until blackened in spots all over by holding it over a gas flame or placing under the broiler, then place in paper bag to cool a bit (the steam will loosen the skin making it easier to peel, added bonus, you won’t burn your fingers as much). Peel red pepper (don’t have a guy do this, for some reason their hands are not made the same as ours and they cannot handle heat, as per my experience 😉 ) , this works best using a paper towel and literally rubbing the skin off. Cut in half and discard the seeds, then chop flesh. Place pepper in your food processor or blender. I use a really cute mini processor for sauces and dips. And blend until you have a chunky mess, add the olive oil, blend until fairly smooth. Add the pumpkin and salt and process some more. The result should not have any chunks left in it but be smooooooth. Gently reheat to use over pasta, like the Pumpkin Goat Cheese Ravioli for example or chill and use as a spread for sandwiches or serve cold as a dip for veggies. Yields about 1 1/2 cups. The story goes: After one of the Gods (Brahma) gave the demon Mahish the power not to be destroyed by man (including male Gods) because of doing a good deed for Brahma, Mahish started to cause all sorts of terror. So, the 3 forms of God, Brahma (birth or creation), Vishnu (life or preservation) and Shiva (death or destruction) combined their energies and powers and created a female form of God (Devi or Durga) to destroy the demon, (since no man could vanquish him). She represents the furious powers of all the male gods, and is the ferocious protector of the righteous, and destroyer of the evil. Durga is usually portrayed as riding a lion, and carrying weapons in her many arms. I’ve also heard “Durga” means ‘invincible‘ and she is the personification of ‘shakti’ or divine feminine force! * Make sure that one of these is frozen. If it is still hot outside, both may be frozen or you could add some ice cubes before blending. Put all ingredients in the blender, starting with the banana, add fruit, then the almond butter on top and pour the liquid over top. Enjoy or pack in a cooler or lunchbox and take to work to have throughout the day. Pour into popsicle molds (or any small paper or plastic cups and add one of those wooden sticks they sell at craft stores) and freeze for a sugar free treat later.
The WavLog: A California Surf Blog: Session 5151: I was in the Finals! I was lying in the bed and looking at the window to see the first light that signifies the start of the day. The competition was at 7:30 and the location is going to be the Francis; a beach that I normally avoid surfing because it can be, or shall I say almost always, seriously gnarly. Usually I am fully up by the time the sky gets lighter, but this morning is a bit different. I have been nervous since I gave that $40 entry fee to the surf shop, and I did not catch any satisfactory wave yesterday on a practice session at the Jetty. It is the same kind of the jittery feeling that I had when I had to take the TOEFL test, or a GRE. Both times, I had to get up early, drive 50-60 miles to the next big college town and take the test early in the morning. I got out of a bed and put on a rash guard and board shorts. The outside was now a full day, shrouded in fog, of course. This is Half Moon Bay in the summer after all. But fog in the morning is a nice thing. It usually indicates a lack of wind and so it would be glassy out in the water. As I gathered the gear and started to load them into the car, I was starting to feel a bit more at ease. I kept telling to myself; "What the hell! This is just a local competition, and I know I would come last so there is nothing to lose." It was only 2 minutes drive from home to the Francis Beach, but the anticipation of the big gnarly waves are taking me over as I get closer and closer to the park, and finally I had to face the moment of the truth. I parked the car and I immediately jumped out of it and ran to the beach. "Oh man! Am I going to do this?" Already there was that familiar sound of, and yes, the gnarly white close outs. Already juniors division was working the waves and some contestants were really good. I wished I started surfing that young! Getting nervous in the morning is not a good thing; my internal organs would do the kind of things that only happen if I ate and drink too much or sick from flu. I was hoping that with the changing tide, and hopefully weakening swells, it can get to the point of "doable." I went up to the tent and greeted Dalyn who owns the HMB Board Shop. He has been quite helpful to me lately (I hope that this is because I buy a lot from him.) At least seeing some familiar faces would comfort me a bit. Just when I was feeling a bit better about the situation, I saw another local surfer that I hang out with said; "Oh, no. This is biiigggg! I am not going to do this today!" Right in front of the tent were three judges already scoring. It was actually quite educational to be by the judges listening on the conversation. There was one time a drop in and they were determining whether to disqualify that ride, and also I hear people vocally making comments about each of the rides the contestants are making. It is exactly like a TV broadcast. The Heat Number 10 is where I was placed. That's about 2 hours away. I continued to watch the competition and then I finally decided to go out and practice some more. Getting out was not easy and I was pushed back a lot as the chest level white water barred my way. I push the nose of the board down, find the tail edge of the board to push the tail edge under to do a duck dive, but I could not feel the tail edge of the board. Darn! This is a long board, I can't duck this guy. I decided to get off the board and waited for a bit, then suddenly there was a moment of a lull between the sets. I dashed out and finally made it out. I was hoping that it won't happen during the actual heat. I tried to catch some waves and they were definitely catch-able kinds, I went for them and I got up on the board but twice I wiped out, and another hard paddle out. This cycle happened twice and I still could not get the first turn to set correctly. If and only if I do that then I can get in to the face even if I am inside. On the third wave, I was finally getting the first turn in and rode some. I was encouraged, finally, and the forth wave was acceptable. Going back for more, another lull started to set in then the sets stopped for a long time. Now I was starting to worry that my heat might begin soon. In these kind of competitions, things are not that well organized, so there really is not a set time when my heat starts, it requires a lot of checking on the participant's part. And, as soon as I went back the organizer is calling my name; "Will Manuba Tokunga, please check in at the desk." I thought "Gosh, it's already my turn?" It turned out that I was going to be in the Men's Longboard Finals? "Finals!" What happened is that 3 of the men who were in two other heats dropped out (actually I was almost going to drop out too based on the practice I just had.) So there aren?t enough people to hold two heats. So in essence some people were zipped as they can surf two heats should there have been the qualifying heat. Now, I have ended up sharing the waves with the best of the breed local surfers. Originally I had a glimpse of a hope that if one of the contestants would not catch any waves and if I did one, then I would go to the second heat! I reluctantly put the blue jersey on, and slowly walk towards where other contestants are about to be entering the water. This is probably the most nerve wrecking part of competition to me. Finally and now it is the time to compete! A man at the tent is signaling for us to paddle out. Everyone jumps over the shorebreak and start to paddle like crazy to get out. They do that so easily! Just that moment the set starts to build. We got about 5 minutes to get out and another 5 to wait in the water to wait for the 5-minute warning horn. I was frantically going out, turtled many times, and but I have barely made the outside. But I did. It would have been awfully embarrassing that even if I did not do that, but the first hurdle is over. While we waited, two sets passed by, and they were good. I thought I could have caught them. A few more minutes passed by, some good short boarders were catching some good waves. Then the blast of the 5 minute warning horn cut through the foggy air. We were all sitting in the outside of the lineup waiting for the flag to turn green, and that's the sign to go. There is a lot of waiting and anticipation in surfing and this is one of them which is really something I am not used to yet. They changed the flag to green. We have now gone live and count back the clock for the next 20 minutes. Now we are waiting for the set, and it took for a few minutes before that darkening horizon came. When it did everyone started to go, and all of them were on the wave. I waited for the second one, and I went for it. It was a good wave, I got up on it, but as I was trying to make the first turn, the board over turned, slipped under me and I wiped out. As I tried to paddle back the sets came after another (and why is it that it always always happens to me?) and I was starting to lose time. I paddled and looked back and I was not making any progress. I was almost going to give it up, and then I thought I would just take it easy and just paddle back for one more wave. I stroked deeper and slower and harder on my paddling hands, breathing deeply and regularly. I was half way between the outside line when the waves were reforming, and I caught one ride. Not a good one but a ride that counts. Then another hard but paddle and I did another ride which was also a countable one. On the next get out though the darn sets got frequent again, and I hard the 5-minute horn again. I was a bit relieved that it will be over soon, and kept paddling out but I was not making any progress. So I decided to call it a day. On the way back to the tent to return the jersey, one guy said, "Hey, you did great!" So at least it was not a total loss. And of course what brings all of these nervous wrecks in the end was a great satisfaction of competing against some of the best of the best in local surfing people and added confidence that next year, may be I can become more of a serious contender. Just may be!
This is going to sound like a broken record but nothing has changed. We have had a crack of open water about a third of a mile out which extends as far as I can see to the north and south and is at least 25 yards wide for the last two days. Our access is closed to any traffic until we get some COLD weather to close up the whole lake. Until then we just watch the ice pack float around based on the wind direction. We will open the bath house on Friday for people who want to come up for New Year's weekend. You can fish on the south end or hit some smaller lakes close by. Just remember--No Access here this weekend. Nothing has changed. The cracks have not healed. The lake still has open water so the ice still moves with the wind as evidenced by the hovercraft rescues recently. We need cold weather to freeze everything over. Our access is closed and will be closed through the weekend at least. The lake is not safe near us. You can view our new webcam on the mnlakecams.com website and you should be able to access it soon off our own website. The link should be done soon. Happy holidays and wish for cold temps and no significant snow until we are out with fishhouses. Not much change. Our access is still closed to all traffic. The winds last Thursday and over the weekend really raised havoc with our ice. I cleared out our main approach where the ice had piled up. The alternate approach still has 6' of ice piled up and we will start on that on Tuesday. The problem is not with the approaches, it is with the cracks and resuting open water. I see a fair amount of open water from shore and I heard of a few problems this weekend with stranded anglers. I can tell you straight out that the ice near us is not safe for any travel right now. Most of the ice is 7-8 inches, but there are also open water and spots which have frozen over with skim ice and are not safe. We need some cold weather to freeze up the cracks and open water patches. Also with the open water the ice can and is shifting in the wind. Well, where do I start? Monday, I went to the meeting of the Mille Lacs Fishery Input Group with the DNR. They said that the test nets this fall showed a lower number of fish, especially among younger male fish. This is not too surprising considering that is what the Band targets with their nets and also what we target as the fish less than 18". What is very shocking and quite unexplainable is that the band was 81,000 pounds under their allowable harvest this year and we were 170,000 pounds under our allowable harvest. In fact, in the last 4-5 years the total harvest (Band and sportsmen) is around 400,000 pounds under the allowable harvest. What happened? How can total fish be going down when we have not even been close to what is allowed? I think there is still much to be figured out. Are the fish moving to different spots? It would certainly be reasonable considering how popular and successful the deep water, lead core line trollers have been the last few years. Has the zebra mussel growth changed fish location where maybe the DNR test nets are just not catching as many fish? Are the test nets still a valid statistical sample which can be used to estimate the total fish population? Are Band net counters and DNR creel census workers getting an accurate measure of total harvest? One interesting fact from the DNR was that the apparantly lower young male population had not had much effect on fish reproduction. It was still very good with a very healthy young of the year fish population. Maybe the population of male fish is not all that important to the overall health of the total fish population. ( It makes me feel somewhat useless as a male). Also, the lower number of fish caught per test net in Mille Lacs is still higher than in any of the other big walleye lakes in MN. In fact, it was higher than Leech Lake where the DNR reported fish at a "strong" level. I do not mean this to seem as a condemnation of the DNR. They have a very tough job to do and ,in my opinion, the people responsible for the testing and biology work are dedicated to doing their best in a very tough environment. Having said that, I feel that the numbers they work with are estimates of uncertain accuracy and maybe we are trying to micromanage a huge body of water beyond our capabilities. Because of our agreement with the band, the lower number of fish per test net this year means we do not have the possibility of going over our maximum harvest. If we get close, the DNR will have to change the slot limits. The DNR also said they fear that the fishing will be very good this winter and also next summer. The forage is somewhat lower also so the fish may be biting aggressively. They certainly know how to rain on our parade and make what would be wonderful news any other time seem like bad news. They were trying to warn us or at least make us aware of a potential problem. The walleye regs this winter have not changed. The limit is still 4 walleyes with a protected slot of 18" to 28" with one walleye over 28" allowed. Considering that the fishing was good this summer and very good this fall and we were still 170,000 pounds under our allowable harvest, I am not losing any sleep about regs for next summer. The DNR said the maximum harvest for next year may be around 10% less than in 2011, that still allows a significant harvest for 2012. I say enjoy a very good winter, eat some walleye, and most importantly, HAVE FUN!!! On to ice conditions and fishing. Until thursday, we were enjoying very good fishing and excellant ice conditions. The strong winds yesterday caused many cracks with some ice pile-up and many water spots. Some of the water is around the cracks, but some open water is also present. Adding to this is the fact that it is supposed to warm this weekend . Our access will be closed this entire weekend with no traffic of any kind allowed. We need some cold temps to heal everything up. I wish I had better news. STAY SAFE AND THINK COLD!!!! We have been getting out for 3 days now with ATVs and snowmobiles, as well as walking. The ice is around 7 inches and the fishing has been very good. Most people are fishing along Agate Bay Reef (ABR) in 16 to 25 feet depending on the time of day and cloud cover. I have heard from several groups who have done very well towards sunset along the reef in 20-23 feet, jigging with minnows. Hope to have a webcam installed within a week so watch for that! I was out checking ice this morning. There was 5-6 inches of ice all the way to the reef. There were several small cracks which is not uncommon on early ice. By Sat am we should have 6-7 inches if nothing bad happens. At this time, we will be allowing walking and ATV/snowmobile traffic this weekend. HOWEVER, this means one person per ATV or snowmobile with a sled ot tub. It DOES NOT mean an ATV pulling a trailer with people and all their gear riding on it. If you need to pull a lot of weight, the bays down by Isle have more ice and that may be a better bet. THINK COLD AND NO SNOW!!!!! Book any house for 24 hours or more for this weekend ( Friday morning till noon Sunday) and get 25% off our regular price. This only applies to new bookings, not houses already reserved. The discount will also apply to our weekend special prices. So if you have waited until the last minute to make plans, jump on this. It is a great price. Please mention the "LAST MINUTE SPECIAL" when booking the house. Hope to see you on the ice!!!!!! After quite a New Year's weekend, the ice is getting straightened out. We had several cracks when we went from 36 and 1-2 inches of rain to below zero in a couple of days. We moved the main road and bridged the worst of the cracks and this week of cold temps have done wonders to heal the ice. The cold weather slowed the fishing for a few days, but it seems to be picking up again. We saw several nice catches of perch in the last two days and heard of nice walleyes taken also. The deeper perch bite is improving, although they continue to pick some up in shallower areas as well. I think we will see some fishermen leaving the reef areas and start moving deeper along Perch Parkway and south of the reef along either Walleye Drive or Lake St.. Walleyes continue to like shiners and red hooks are still working. Perch have taken fatheads one day and only wanted wax worms or euralarva the next. Be prepared to offer them a bait buffet and let them show you what they want. The mornings have been better for perch. Walleyes still prefer the low light times.
Portland had been on my US bucket list for a really long time and I finally made my way to the Pacific Northwest! (Photo above: 3158 W Burnside St) My best friend, Dina, and I booked a last minute trip to Portland on a whim. We justified it by saying it was our last hoorah before the beginning of the school year (we’re both teachers) and since I was gone most of the summer it was perfect for us to catch up. The cheap flights also encouraged us to finally go. I’m so glad that we did because we both had so much fun and we can’t wait to go back because there is just so much to see and do. On this trip I still had my boot on so I missed out on all the adventure stuff (i.e. waterfalls and hiking) but I will do those next time. Below are what we did, saw, ate and drank for three days in Portland. We tried to maximize all of our days, but we still wanted to relax. I think we accomplished just that. If you have any recommendations for next time I go, let me know in the comments or send me an email 🙂 And YES, Portland is so weird, but so amazing. We stayed at Hotel Lucia (400 SW Broadway) in Downtown Portland. We used Hotwire and got really really lucky with our hotel. We even got upgraded and our room had two bathrooms – so luxurious! The location was actually perfect because we were in the middle of everywhere we wanted to go. Hotel Lucia is also like an art museum. We didn’t have time to go to a museum but I felt like the museum came to us via Hotel Lucia. Art was everywhere and I was in heaven. Right by Hotel Lucia is the coffee shop Public Domain. Great lattes, cappuccinos and decor. We went there every morning. And the expression is very true, “But first coffee.” Dina and I know that we both need our coffee before we become our chatty selves and are ready to explore, so thank you PD for making us happy in the morning. The Pearl District was formally the industrial part of Portland, but now occupies great restaurants. We stumbled upon Brix Tavern and they had an awesome happy hour-all day long special along. So good. I have to say that all the food I ate in Portland was great. I didn’t think Portland had a food scene, but I was proved wrong. Not pictured, and also a great place to eat, is Imperial; not just because it was attached to Hotel Lucia but because all the food was scrumptious. Again, you won’t be disappointed. On the same street as Public Domain, there is the cutest French bakery, St. Honoré Boulangerie. That’s where I got my chocolate croissant fix. That also made me very happy. There’s no picture of what I’m going to describe to you right now because it quickly disappeared. If you’re willing to stand in a 45 minute line, Salt & Straw is definitely worth the wait. They have such unique flavors of ice cream, but I devoured my sea salt and caramel ice cream in a freshly made cone in record timing. Some helpful tips: If you don’t want to wait in a line, you can by pass everybody and go straight to the freezers. You can pick up a pint of your favorite flavor. Also, if you stay at Hotel Lucia, they can deliver you pints of ice cream. I don’t think it can get better than that! If you still have sweet cravings, Voodoo Donuts will probably fill that void in your life. I’ve eaten some crazy donuts in Colorado from Voodoo, but we didn’t want to wait in the long line because walking around with the boot got tiresome. I realized that waiting in lines for tasty treats is a thing in Portland, but the treats make you forget about all that. Every book worm’s dreams exist at Powell’s Books, the world’s largest independent book store. I think we were there for several hours because we lost track of the time and there were just sooo many books. I repeat, sooo many books. You need a map to get around the store because it takes up a whole city block. I repeat, a whole city block of books!!! I’d go back to Portland just for the books, honestly. We were lucky to stumble upon the Portland Saturday Market. This an arts & crafts market with entertainment, food and drinks. It’s open to the public by the waterfront and is runs on weekends March through Christmas Eve. If you like shopping local and you like one-of-a-kind pieces or just enjoy people watching, then that’s a place for you to go. Portland has so many bridges and you can see them next to the PSM. P.S. I ate an amazing polenta at the Market – find the cart. Obviously, nature is all around Portland. But you can find tranquility at the Japanese Garden (admission fee) and then hop on over to the International Rose Test Garden. This is where they test different types of roses because Portland has ideal growing climate for roses. Photographs don’t do it justice because it’s so beautiful and it smells heavenly. I was amazed at all the beauty! Definitely one of the best parts of the trip and there’s no admission! If you want to explore out of the city then rent a car or buy a bus ticket and go to Cannon Beach. This was also another highlight from the trip. We decided to take the bus to Cannon Beach which was about an hour and a half each way. We left early in the morning and came back in the evening. Just enough time to explore the beach and the town. At first look, I think I lost my breath because Haystack Hill and the surrounding beach were so pretty. I had seen lots of photos before arriving and it was equally magical in real life. We spent a few hours taking photos and reading and being chased by a seagull. Then we ate the best lobster mac n’ cheese at Wayfarer Restaurant with Haystack Hill as our background and then we drank homemade root beer at Pelican Brewing. Make sure to visit both parts of the town to be fully immersed in the town life. We walked around looking at the cute shops and before we knew it, it was time to head back to Portland. You could stay overnight, but I think a day trip would suffice. Dina is definitely the one who makes plans ahead of trips unlike me where I look up some stuff before, but then I wait to get there and go with the flow. Well I’m glad she’s the planner because she booked us an amazing wine tour through Viator. Portland is now booming with wineries; especially pinot noir wine. It turned out that we were the only people on the tour that day and what were the odds that our guide was part Greek! Niko was awesome! He knew so much about Oregon and about wine. We had a fantastic time and seriously, email him if you’re going to Portland (niko@liveherepdx.com) I can’t recommend him enough! The first winery we went to was the Durant Vineyard. I think frolicking among the vines might be one of my favorite activities. All the wines we tasted were wonderful. I know I’m Greek and it’s probably mandatory that I love olive oil, but I have a confession – I don’t really like it. I know, it’s a shocker but I did try some of the olive oil from this vineyard’s trees and it was tasty. I think the tour could’ve ended there, but we had no idea how the other wineries were just as excellent. The second winery we went to was Erath Winery. Another great one with stunning views. It was so peaceful there and I loved just hanging out, drinking wine and eating cheese. It was really amazing. I’d give anything right now to go back. I feel like I keep writing how amazing everything was, but it truly was!! The last winery we went to was Zerba’s Cellars. Zerba’s also had wonderful wine and chocolate! At that point on our tour, the chocolate tasted like the best chocolate I’ve ever had. Everybody was so nice and we found out one of the guy’s who run the cellar is married to Everclear’s lead singer older sister who also happens to be Greek. What a small world. You were weird in a sense that you had so much to offer. I loved every moment of this trip! I hope this guide was helpful. Again, this is just what Dina and I did on our trip even though there are so many things to see and do – we wish we had more time, but I have a feeling we shall return one day Portland. I can’t wait to follow along on your trip Darcy!! I hope you have an amazing trip and you’ll love Hotel Lucia! Thank you for always being so supportive – it means sooo much to me (and the rest of the Kollias’ girls)! Definitely on my list of places to go!! Looks amazing!!! ? Looks beautiful!! Love the guide!! Putting it on my bucket list too!! You should definitely go because the entire time we were at the International Rose Test Garden, I kept thinking how you would love it sooo much.
Many secure systems rely on a �human in the loop� to perform security-critical functions. However, humans often fail in their security roles. Whenever possible, secure system designers should find ways of keeping humans out of the loop. However, there are some tasks for which feasible or cost effective alternatives to humans are not available. In these cases secure system designers should engineer their systems to support the humans in the loop and maximize their chances of performing their security-critical functions successfully. We propose a framework for reasoning about the human in the loop that provides a systematic approach to identifying potential causes for human failure. This framework can be used by system designers to identify problem areas before a system is built and proactively address deficiencies. System operators can also use this framework to analyze the root cause of security failures that have been attributed to �human error.� We provide examples to illustrate the applicability of this framework to a variety of secure systems design problems, including anti-phishing warnings and password policies. It is becoming increasingly apparent that humans are a major cause of computer security failures. In the context of secure systems, humans are often thought of as �the weakest link in the chain� . In 2006 the SANS Top 20 Internet Security Vulnerabilities report began listing human vulnerabilities along with software vulnerabilities . A 2006 Computing Technology Industry Association survey found that security managers attribute approximately 60 percent of security breaches to human error, up from 47% the previous year . Social engineering attacks and lack of compliance with organizational security policies are increasingly cited as security concerns. With so many security failures attributed to humans, secure systems that do not rely on a �human in the loop� to perform security-critical functions are attractive. Automated components are generally more accurate and predictable than humans, and automated components don�t get tired or bored . Indeed, in some areas we have seen significant progress towards secure systems that �just work� without human intervention. For example, while early anti-virus programs prompted users to make a decision about every detected virus, today many anti-virus programs automatically repair or quarantine infected files in their default mode of operation. Thus, anti-virus software no longer relies on inexperienced users to make security-critical judgments. When software is likely to be able to make a better security decision than a human, removing the human from the loop may be wise. Likewise, when a user is unlikely to have relevant insights into which configuration options to choose, well-chosen default settings may result in better security-configurations than most humans would achieve on their own. In some cases we don�t seem to be able to avoid relying on humans to perform security-critical functions. There are a number of reasons why it may not be feasible or desirable to automate these functions completely , . Some tasks rely on human knowledge that is currently difficult for a computer to reason about or process. For example, today humans tend to be better than computers at recognizing faces in crowds or noticing other humans who are acting suspiciously . When tasks rely on human knowledge about context, it may be difficult to capture the entire necessary context in a way that a computer can reason about it. For example, a human may be a better judge than a computer about whether an email attachment is suspicious in a particular context. We also rely on humans to make some security-related configuration decisions and to apply policies when it is difficult to encode all of the nuances of a policy or program a computer to handle special cases. In some cases a completely automated system might be too restrictive, inconvenient, expensive, or slow. Some secure systems rely on humans to manipulate or protect physical components, for example, insert a smartcard into a reader and remove it before walking away from the computer. When secure systems rely on the use of secrets, humans must typically store and protect the secrets, and produce them when needed. In addition, most systems that restrict access to only certain humans rely on those humans to participate in the authentication process. When secure systems rely on humans in the loop to perform security-critical functions, threats to system security include not only malicious attackers, but also non-malicious humans who don�t understand when or how to perform security-related tasks, humans who are unmotivated to perform security-related tasks or comply with security policies, and humans who are not capable of making sound security decisions. To protect against these threats, we must systematically analyze the human role in a secure system to identify potential failure modes and find ways to reduce the likelihood of failure. In this paper we propose a framework for reasoning about the human in the loop in a secure system. In Section 2 we provide an overview of the framework and describe its components. In Section 3 we explain how to apply the framework, and show how it can be applied to make recommendations in two different settings. We discuss related work in Section 4 and discuss our conclusions and future work in Section 5. The human-in-the-loop security framework is designed to help us understand the behavior of humans whom we expect to perform security-critical functions. We are primarily interested in understanding the behavior of non-malicious humans—those who intend to maintain the security of a system as well as those who are indifferent to system security, but do not intend to attack the system. While this framework provides some insights into the behavior of attackers, traditional computer security threat modeling techniques may be better suited to identifying vulnerabilities that attackers may exploit. The human-in-the-loop security framework is based on a simple communication-processing model in which a communication is sent to a receiver (the human user), triggering some behavior, as shown in Figure 1. What behavior occurs is dependent on the outcome of several information processing steps taken by the receiver, as well as the personal characteristics of the receiver and the influence of communication impediments. Our framework is built on the Communication-Human Information Processing (C-HIP) model from the warnings science literature . More general transmission models of communication are discussed in the communication theory literature . We discuss the ways our framework differs from the C-HIP model and explain the rationale behind developing a new framework in Section 4. We based our framework on a communication processing model because security-related actions by non-experts are generally triggered by a security-related communication—for example an on-screen alert, software manual, or security tutorial. Indeed, if a human security failure occurs and there is no associated communication that should have triggered a security-critical action, the lack of communication is likely at least partially responsible for the failure. In such situations, if it is not feasible to automate the security-critical action, a good starting point for analysis would be to consider possible communications that might be added to the system and determine whether they would have been likely to prevent the failure. Experts may initiate security-related actions on their own, based on their past training (a communication), or a self-discovered security technique. In the latter case, an individual�s decision to carry out a security plan might be modeled as a communication to oneself. For example, an expert may notice that emails containing hyperlinks in them seem rather suspicious and might decide to adopt the strategy of examining these links before clicking on them. We can consider the decision to adopt this strategy as the relevant communication as we apply our framework. The framework facilitates the analysis of a wide range of secure systems that rely on humans. For example, the warnings provided by anti-phishing toolbars or other security tools are communications that may or may not result in the user heeding the warning, and password policies are communications that may or may not result in users selecting strong passwords. The human-in-the-loop security framework is not intended as a precise model of human information processing, but rather it is a conceptual framework that can be used much like a checklist to systematically analyze the human role in secure systems. The framework, summarized in Appendix A and described in detail below, includes factors and information processing stages that will impact security-related behaviors. However, the relationships between the various components are intentionally vague. While Figure 1 depicts a temporal flow from communication delivery, through communication processing, through application, this should not be interpreted as a strictly linear process. In practice, some of these steps may be omitted or repeated. The first component of the human-in-the-loop framework is the communication, which if all goes well will trigger an appropriate behavior. We distinguish five types of communications that are relevant to security tasks: warnings, notices, status indicators, training, and policies. Warnings are communications that alert users to take immediate action to avoid a hazard. For example, web browsers provide a variety of active pop-up warnings as well as passive warning indicators in the browser chrome to alert users to phishing web sites, expired SSL certificates, and other hazards. While some warnings merely alert users about the presence of a hazard, the most effective warnings generally provide clear instructions about how to avoid the hazard. Effective warnings must get the users� attention and convince them to take an action to avoid or mitigate a hazard. Warnings experts emphasize that warnings should be used only as a last resort when it is not feasible to design a system that fully protects against a hazard . Thus, in cases where we can use software to accurately identify and thwart security threats without user involvement, that is generally preferable to the use of warnings. Notices inform users about characteristics of an entity or object. For example privacy policies and SSL certificates are examples of frequently-encountered notices. Notices may be used by users to evaluate an entity and determine whether interacting with it would be hazardous or consistent with their security or privacy needs. However, generally notices are not intended to be used when an automated tool has determined that a hazard is imminent. Effective notices provide users with the information they need to make judgments. Status indicators inform users about system status information. Generally they have a small number of possible states. Examples of status indicators include taskbar and menu bar indicators that show whether Bluetooth has been enabled or whether anti-virus software is up to date. File permissions information can also be thought of as a status indicator. Training communications are intended to teach users about security threats and how to respond to them. They may take a variety of forms including tutorials, games, instruction manuals, web sites, emails, seminars, courses, and videos. When training is effective, users will not only learn concepts and procedures, but also remember what they learned and recognize situations where they need to apply what they have learned. Policy communications are documents that inform users about system or organizational policies that they are expected to comply with. For example, many organizations have policies about the types of passwords people may use and what types of documents must be encrypted. Policy documents are frequently part of employee handbooks and ISP terms of service documents. Policies may also be conveyed as part of memos or training communications. If policies are to be effective, users must recognize situations where the policy is applicable, understand how to apply the policy, and have the capability and motivation to comply. Some communications fall into more than one of the above categories. For example, notices and status indicators provide objective information for users to interpret as they wish or to consider as part of a trouble-shooting process; however, some might also function as warnings when they provide information that may enable users to make risk-reducing decisions . Another way to classify security communications is to put them on a scale from passive to active. The active communications are designed to interrupt the user�s primary task and force them to pay attention, while the passive communications are available to the user, but easily ignored. At the most extreme active end of the spectrum, the user cannot proceed with the primary task until the user has taken an action related to the communication. For example, the Firefox anti-phishing tool prevents Firefox from loading suspected Phishing web sites unless a user clicks on a link to override the tool�s recommendation. Other active indicators might play sounds or animations to get a user�s attention, without blocking the primary task. Passive communications, on the other hand, may simply change the color of an icon without doing anything to attract the user�s attention. Secure systems designers should consider which type of communication will be most effective in a particular system, as well as where to place it on the active-passive spectrum. They should consider the severity of the hazards that the system is attempting to avoid, the frequency with which the hazard is encountered, and the extent to which appropriate user action is necessary to avoid the hazard. For example, frequent, active warnings about relatively low-risk hazards or hazards that ordinary users are unable to take action to avoid may lead users to start ignoring not only these warnings, but also similar warnings about more severe hazards. A more passive notice or status indicator might be a better choice than a warning in such situations, as it will provide information that may be of use to expert users without interrupting ordinary users for whom it is of minimal use. On the other hand, when hazards are severe and user action is critical, active warnings may be most appropriate, perhaps with links to relevant training. Both environmental stimuli and interference may cause a partial or full communication failure. In the most extreme cases, the receiver might not even be aware that a communication was sent. Environmental stimuli are communications and activities that may divert the user�s attention away from the security communication. These include other related and unrelated communications, ambient light and noise, and the user�s primary task (which the security communication may interrupt). The more passive the communication, the more likely environmental stimuli will prevent users from noticing it. Passive indicators may also compete with each other for the user�s attention. For example, a number of security-related Firefox extensions add passive indicators that clutter the browser chrome, making it difficult for users to focus on any particular one. Interference is anything that may prevent a communication from being received as the sender intended. Interference may be caused by malicious attackers, technology failures, or environmental stimuli that obscure the communication (for example, ambient noise that prevents a user from hearing an audio alert). Traditional secure systems analysis typically focuses on interference, examining whether a critical communication might be blocked or manipulated. In the case of security indicators, the analysis first examines whether the indicator behaves correctly when not under attack, and then whether it behaves correctly when under attack. Does the correct indicator appear at the correct time without false positives or false negatives? Is the indicator resistant to attacks designed to deceive the software into displaying an inappropriate indicator? Can the indicator be spoofed, obscured, or otherwise manipulated so that users are deceived into relying on an indicator provided by an attacker rather than one provided by their system? For example, Ye, et al demonstrated how malicious web servers could cause browsers to display SSL lock icons and certificates, even when no SSL session has been established . The first information-processing step is communication delivery, which includes both attention switch and attention maintenance. The communication will not succeed unless users notice (attention switch) the communication or are made aware of rules, procedures or training messages. They must also pay attention to the communication long enough to process it (attention maintenance). In the case of symbolic indicators, this may mean simply focusing their attention on the indicator long enough to recognize it. For other communications this may mean spending time reading, watching, or listening to it fully. Environmental stimuli and interference, as well as characteristics of the communication (format, font size, length, delivery channel) will impact attention switch and maintenance . In addition, communication delivery may also be impacted by habituation, the tendency for the impact of a stimulus to decrease over time as people become more accustomed to it. In practice this means that over time users may ignore security indicators that they observe frequently. It can be easy for a system designer to overlook communication delivery failures as a potential underlying cause of human security failures, especially when the communication is properly displayed and the user simply fails to notice it. However, there is evidence that many users don�t notice a variety of security indicators in software they use regularly. For example, user studies indicate that some users have never noticed the presence of the SSL lock icon in their web browser , . A study that used an eye tracker to observe participants� behaviors when visiting SSL-enabled websites found that most users do not even attempt to look for the lock icon . The next information-processing step is communication processing, which includes comprehension and knowledge acquisition. Comprehension refers to the user�s ability to understand the communication. The user�s familiarity with indicator symbols and their similarity to related symbols, the conceptual complexity of the communication, and the vocabulary and sentence structure will all impact comprehension. Short, jargon-free sentences, use of familiar symbols, and unambiguous statements about risk will aid comprehension . Knowledge acquisition refers to the user�s ability to not only understand a communication, but also to learn what to do in response to it. A user may comprehend a security warning and understand that they must take action to avoid a hazard, yet be unsure about what specific steps to take to avoid that hazard. Knowledge acquisition depends on the extent of training provided to the user and their involvement during the training. In many cases warnings are accompanied by little or no training in hazard avoidance, and thus unless users have received previous training they are unlikely to know what they are supposed to do when they see the warning. Thus, a good warning will include specific instructions on how to avoid the hazard. Communicating clearly to non-experts about computer security is challenging, and communication-processing failures are common. It is difficult to write about computer security concepts without using technical jargon, and security-related concepts are difficult to represent clearly with icons. For example, most users do not understand the meaning of web browser security symbols and pop-up warnings , . Anecdotal evidence suggests that the lock icon variations used by Firefox 2 to indicate certificate problems and the eyeball icons used by IE and Netscape Navigator to indicate blocked cookies are meaningless to the vast majority of users, including security experts. The final information-processing step is application, which consists of knowledge retention and knowledge transfer. Knowledge retention refers to the user�s ability to remember the communication when a situation arises in which they need to apply it, and to recognize and recall the meaning of symbols or instructions. Knowledge retention is impacted by the frequency and familiarity of the communication, the user�s long-term memory abilities, and the level of interactivity of training activities. Knowledge transfer refers to the ability of users to recognize situations where the communication is applicable and figure out how to apply it. Knowledge transfer is impacted by the level of interactivity of training activities as well as the degree of similarity between training examples and situations where knowledge should be applied. For example, users may retain knowledge from anti-phishing training, and use it to analyze email messages similar to those shown in the training materials. If they can apply this knowledge to other types of email messages, or even to suspicious messages sent through other channels then they have also transferred this knowledge. In the case of security warnings that appear automatically whenever the system detects a hazard, knowledge transfer may be unnecessary, as there is no need for the user to figure out on their own when a warning is applicable. Personal variables include demographics and personal characteristics, as well as knowledge and experience. Demographics and personal characteristics that impact the receiver may include age, gender, culture, education, occupation, and disabilities. When designing a secure system that relies on humans, it is important to consider who these humans are likely to be and what their personal characteristics suggest about how they are likely to behave. It is also important to consider what relevant knowledge and experience these humans are likely to have. The users� education, occupation, and prior experience will impact this. Personal variables may impact a user�s ability to comprehend and apply communications, and their intention and capability to take appropriate actions. For example, expert users with computer-security-related training and experience may be more likely to understand complicated instructions than novice users. On the other hand, experts may also be more likely to second-guess security warnings and, perhaps erroneously, conclude that the situation is less risky than it actually is. Intentions includes attitudes and beliefs, as well as motivation – factors that will influence whether a user decides that a communication is worth paying attention to and acting upon. A number of theories and models of behavioral compliance are useful for understanding why users may receive and comprehend a communication, yet decide not to bother complying with it . Relevant attitudes and beliefs include beliefs about the accuracy of the communication, whether they should pay attention to it, their ability to complete recommended actions successfully (self-efficacy), whether recommended actions will be effective (response-efficacy), how long it will take to complete recommended actions, and their general attitude towards the communication (trust, annoyance, etc.) . Motivation addresses the incentives users have to take the appropriate action and to do it carefully or properly. Since security communications often distract users from their primary tasks, security goals may be in conflict with a user�s primary goals and their attitudes and motivation may be colored by their perception of security risk and importance they place on the security communication versus the primary task. If users tend to view delays in completing the primary task as more important to avoid than security risks, then they will tend to ignore the security communication. Attitudes and beliefs might be further influenced by a user�s past experience with a particular security indicator. For example, if the indicator has displayed erroneous warnings (false positives) in the past, users may be less inclined to take it seriously. Organizations might create incentives for complying (or disincentives for not complying) with security policies that serve as additional motivation. There are a number of approaches that can be taken to motivate users to take security-related actions. Whenever possible, security tasks should be designed so that they are easy to perform and minimize disruption to a user�s workflow so that users do not perceive these tasks as overly burdensome. Users should also be taught about the security risks involved so they can appreciate the consequences of security failures and that their actions might lead to security failures or hazard avoidance. Any relevant cultural norms that might serve as disincentives to good security practice should also be identified and addressed. Finally, within an organization, rewards and punishments may be useful motivational tools. Finally, even if receivers comprehend a communication, understand how to apply it, and recognize a situation where they should apply it, a failure may still occur if they do not have the capability to take the appropriate actions. Depending on what these actions are, specific knowledge, or cognitive or physical skills may be necessary to complete the action. In some cases specific software or devices may also be required. For example, the ability to remember random-looking strings is a capability demanded by many password policies. Many users fail to comply with these policies because they are not capable of performing this memory task. The goal of a security communication is to produce the desired behavior. The receiver�s information processing steps, personal variables, intention, and capability, interact with any environmental stimuli and interference to influence the human receiver�s behavior. In the best case, the receiver properly understands what action needs to be taken and proceeds to take that action. However, failures may still occur at this stage when users are unable to actually complete the action successfully or determine whether they have carried out the action properly. Norman describes the gap between a person�s intentions to carry out an action and the mechanisms provided by a system to facilitate that action as a Gulf of Execution . For example, a user may be aware that anti-virus software is out of date and that they need to take action to update this software. However, they may be unable to find the menu item in their anti-virus software that facilitates this update. On the other hand, a user may complete an action, but may be unable to interpret the results of the action to determine whether it was successful. Norman refers to this as a Gulf of Evaluation . The Gulf of Evaluation is large when it is difficult for users to determine what state a system is in. For example, Maxion and Reeder found that users have trouble determining effective file permissions in Windows XP . Thus, when users change file permissions settings, it is difficult for them to determine whether they have achieved the desired outcome. The gulf of execution and gulf of evaluation can be minimized through good design. To minimize the gulf of execution, designers should make sure security communications include clear instructions about how to execute the desired actions. They should also examine the interface components or hardware that must be manipulated to make sure the proper use of these components is readily apparent. To minimize the gulf of evaluation, designers should make sure that software and devices provide relevant feedback so that users can determine whether their actions have resulted in the desired outcome. For example, after a usability study of cryptographic smart cards revealed that users have trouble figuring out how to insert these cards into card readers, Piazzalunga et al. recommended that visual cues be printed on the cards themselves (reducing the gulf of execution) and that the card readers provide feedback to indicate when a card has been properly inserted (reducing the gulf of evaluation) . James Reason developed the Generic Error-Modeling System (GEMS), a theory of human error that distinguishes three types of errors: mistakes, lapses, and slips. Mistakes occur when people formulate action plans that will not achieve the desired goal. For example, a na�ve user may decide to evaluate an email message before opening an attachment by checking to see whether the message was sent by someone the user knows. However, this plan will result in a mistake when a friend�s computer is infected with a worm that propagates by email messages to everyone in her address book. Lapses occur when people formulate suitable action plans, but then forget to perform a planned action, for example skipping a step in a sequence of actions. Slips occur when people perform an action incorrectly, for example press the wrong button or select the wrong menu item . Good design can reduce the chance of mistakes, lapses, and slips. Designers should develop clear communications that convey specific instructions so as to reduce the chance that users will make mistakes while completing security-critical tasks. They should minimize the number of steps necessary to complete the task and, whenever possible, provide cues to guide users through the sequence of steps and prevent lapses. To prevent slips, designers should locate the necessary controls where they are accessible and arrange and label them so that they will not be mistaken for one another. Secure systems often rely on randomness to prevent attackers from exploiting predictable patterns to breach system security. Thus, failure can also occur at the behavior stage when users successfully perform the desired actions, but do so in a manner that follows predictable patterns that an attacker might exploit. For example, a number of studies on graphical passwords have found that users select these passwords according to predictable patterns. Davis et al. found that students using a graphical password system based on images of faces tended to select attractive faces from their own race. They demonstrated that an attacker who knows the race and gender of a user can use that knowledge to substantially reduce the number of guesses required to guess a password. Thorpe and van Oorschot found that many background images used in click-based graphical password schemes have a small number of popular �hot spots� from which users tend to select their password click points. They demonstrate techniques an attacker can use to learn what these hot spots are and substantially reduce the number of guesses required to guess a password . Designers should consider whether an attacker might be able to exploit predictable user behavior, and if so, find ways to encourage less predictable behavior or prevent users from behaving in ways that fit known patterns (e.g. prohibit passwords that contain dictionary words). We designed the human-in-the-loop security framework to be used as part of a four-step iterative process in which human threats to system security are identified and mitigated. This process is illustrated in Figure 2. The human threat identification and mitigation process can be conducted at the design phase to proactively reduce opportunities for human security failures. It can also be conducted after a system has been implemented and deployed to identify the cause of observed failures and find ways of mitigating them. In the task identification step the secure system designer identifies all of the points where the system relies on humans to perform security-critical functions. This can be done by enumerating the points of human interaction with a secure system and considering which of these interactions are critical to security. In the task automation step, the designer attempts to find ways to partially or fully automate some of the security-critical human tasks. This may or may not be possible or desirable, depending on the type of task. One way of automating tasks is to replace user decision steps with well-chosen defaults or automated decision making. Whenever software developers build systems in which end users are asked to make security configuration decisions or answer questions posed by pop-up security alerts, they should consider whether the anticipated users will have expertise or information that will allow them to make a better decision than the software developer can implement through an automated process or a default setting . Edwards et al. describe the limits of security automation in detail and propose a set of guidelines for appropriate security automation . In the failure identification step, the designer identifies potential failure modes for the remaining security-critical human tasks. The human-in-the-loop security framework offers a systematic approach to identifying these failure modes. User studies can provide empirical evidence as to which failures occur in practice and additional insights into the reasons for these failures. If empirical data is not available, the framework can suggest areas where user studies are needed. In the failure mitigation step, the designer tries to find ways to prevent failures by determining how humans might be better supported in performing these tasks . For example, context-sensitive help and decision-support tools might assist humans as they perform security tasks. Automated error checking tools might warn users if they appear to be making mistakes. Alerts might remind them that a task remains to be done. Visualizations might make it easier for them to spot anomalies or understand the overall system state. Training materials might help them better understand the tasks they must perform. Warnings might be better designed to communicate more effectively. In many cases it may be possible to reduce the burden on humans, even if it can�t be completely eliminated. User studies can help designers evaluate the effectiveness of their failure mitigation efforts. After completing a first pass through the four-step process, designers may revisit some or all of the steps to try to further reduce the risk of human security failures. For example, if after completing the mitigation step designers are unable to reduce human failure rates to an acceptable level, they might return to the automation step and explore whether it is feasible to develop an automated approach that would perform more reliably than humans. An automated approach known to be imperfect might have been considered and dismissed during the first pass through the process, but might be reconsidered during a second pass once it is discovered that human performance on a given task is even less reliable than the automated tool. In Appendix B we present two case studies to illustrate how to apply the human-in-the-loop security framework in the human threat identification and mitigation process. Security researchers often evaluate the effectiveness of systems as measured by their ability to resist various forms of attack. They typically envision a threat model in which a determined attacker will attempt to �fool the software� by disabling the security software, performing a malicious action in an undetectable manner, or deceiving the security software into interpreting a malicious action as an innocuous one. More recently security researchers have expanded their threat models to include semantic attacks , in which attackers attempt to �fool the humans� by obscuring or visually spoofing the indicators provided by their security software. However, this work tends to focus on how to prevent sophisticated semantic attacks by developing unspoofable indicators , . But humans are often fooled by much simpler attacks and may even ignore the (usually correct) warnings provided by their security software . Cranor proposed a series of questions that can be used to analyze the human factors criteria associated with security indicators and identify areas of potential failure. These questions can be mapped to models of warning processing from the warning science literature, for example the C-HIP model on which the human-in-the-loop framework is based . Research on how to create the most effective warnings goes back at least 100 years—for example, research was performed at Yale University between 1904 and 1906 to determine the most effective colors for railroad signals, and the results were subsequently field tested before red, yellow, and green were adopted as standards in 1908. However, most warnings have been introduced to address industry needs, with little or no scientific evaluation of their effectiveness , . In the past two decades, interest in warnings research has increased, and peer-reviewed studies are now being published in this area. Wogalter proposed the C-HIP model to identify reasons that a particular warning is ineffective . Similar to the human-in-the-loop framework, the C-HIP model begins with a source delivering a warning to a receiver, who receives it along with other environmental stimuli that may distract from the message. The receiver goes through several information processing steps, which ultimately determine whether the warning results in any change in behavior. This model is directly applicable to computer security warnings. However, we have added some components to address failures that are typical in a computer security context. We have added a capabilities component because we have observed that human security failures are sometimes attributed to humans being asked to complete tasks that they are not capable of completing. We have also added an interference component because computer security communications may be impeded by an active attacker or technology failures. We have modified C-HIP to apply more generally to the five types of computer security communications outlined in Section 2.1. The knowledge acquisition, knowledge retention, and knowledge transfer steps are especially applicable to training and policy communications. Finally, we have explicitly called out two types of personal variables and restructured the human receiver representation to emphasize related concepts over temporal flow. In his seminal book, The Design of Everyday Things, Don Norman proposed a seven-stage �action cycle� to describe how humans proceed from formulating a goal, through executing an action, to evaluating whether or not the action achieved the intended goal. He described how the action cycle can be used as a check-list for design so as to avoid the gulfs of execution and evaluation . Norman�s focus was on the design of physical objects such as radios and film projectors, but his seven stages of action are applicable to software user interfaces as well. The human-in-the-loop framework incorporates concepts from Norman�s action cycle, as well as James Reasons� Generic-Error Modeling System (GEMS) . Brostoff and Sasse have also applied concepts from GEMS to systematically identify and address human security failures. They focus on the distinction between the active failures described by GEMS and latent failures that predispose a system to failures. They propose a model that represents errors in five areas: decision-makers, line managers, preconditions, productive activities, and defenses . Brostoff and Sasse�s approach is more organization-centric, while the human-in-the-loop framework is more user-centric. There are three high-level strategies for building secure systems that humans can use. The first strategy is to find ways to get humans out of the loop and build systems that �just work� without involving humans in security-critical functions. Secure systems designers should consider what functions performed by humans might be automated, and what configuration choices might be replaced by default settings that are generally appropriate. The second strategy is to build systems that are intuitive and find ways of making them easy to use. Secure systems designers should engineer human tasks to maximize the chances that humans will perform them successfully. The third strategy is to teach humans how to perform security-critical tasks. Here we must find effective ways of teaching complicated concepts to humans who may not be all that receptive to learning them. In most cases we are unable to rely on just one of these strategies and must adopt a multi-pronged approach to secure system usability. We have proposed a framework for reasoning about the human in the loop in secure systems that is intended to help secure systems designers and operators reduce the occurrence of human security failures. Whenever it is not possible to get humans completely out of the loop in a secure system, it is important that the human�s role in performing security-critical functions be considered in any security analysis, and that potential failure modes be identified. The human-in-the loop security framework provides a systematic approach to identifying these failure modes and identifying their root causes. It can be applied as part of a human threat identification and mitigation process during system design to identify potential problem areas so that they can be addressed prior to implementation. The framework can also be used to analyze deployed systems to gain insights into why they are failing and to determine where corrective actions should be taken. Future work is needed to validate the usefulness of the human-in-the-loop framework to security engineers, and to provide more concrete guidance on how to operationalize the human threat identification and mitigation process. So far we have focused on the identification of failure modes. Future work should develop more specific guidelines and design patterns for mitigating human threats by automating security-critical human tasks and better supporting humans as they perform these tasks. Thanks to Serge Egelman, Jason Hong, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Rob Reeder and the other members of the CMU Usable Privacy and Security Laboratory for providing feedback on this framework. A. Adams and M. A. Sasse, 1999 Users are not the enemy: why users compromise security mechanisms and how to take remedial measures. Communicaitons of the ACM 42(12), 40-46. A. Adelsbach, S. Gajek, and J. Schwenk. Visual spoofing of SSL protected web sites and effective countermeasures. In Proceedings of the 1st Information Security Practice and Experience Conference (Singapore, 11-14 April, 2005). ISPEC2005. LNCS, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. S. Brostaff and M. A. Sasse. Safe and sound: a safety-critical approach to security. 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Dhamija, J. D. Tygar, and M. Hearst, 2006. Why phishing works. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Montr�al, Qu�bec, Canada, April 22 - 27, 2006). R. Grinter, T. Rodden, P. Aoki, E. Cutrell, R. Jeffries, and G. Olson, Eds. CHI '06. ACM Press, New York, NY, 581-590. J. S. Downs, M. B. Holbrook, and L. F. Cranor, 2006. Decision strategies and susceptibility to phishing. In Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 12 - 14, 2006). SOUPS '06, vol. 149. ACM Press, New York, NY, 79-90. W. K. Edwards, E. S. Poole, and J. Stoll, 2007. Security Automation Considered Harmful? Proceedings of the IEEE New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW 2007). White Mountain, New Hampshire. September 18-21, 2007. S. Egelman, L. Cranor, and J. Hong. You�ve Been Warned: An Empirical Study of the Effectiveness of Web Browser Phishing Warnings. 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ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, vol. 112. Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, 137-144. M. S. Wogalter, 2006. Purposes and Scope of Warnings. In M. S. Wogalter, ed., Handbook of Warnings. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ, 3-9. M. S. Wogalter, 2006. Communication-Human Information Processing (C-HIP) Model. In M. S.Wogalter, ed., Handbook of Warnings. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ, 51-61. M. S. Wogalter and W. J. Vigilate, Jr., 2006. Attention Switch and Maintenance. In M. S.Wogalter, ed., Handbook of Warnings. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ, 245-265. M. Wu, R. C. Miller, and S. L. Garfinkel, 2006. Do security toolbars actually prevent phishing attacks?. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Montr�al, Qu�bec, Canada, April 22 - 27, 2006). R. Grinter, T. Rodden, P. Aoki, E. Cutrell, R. Jeffries, and G. Olson, Eds. CHI '06. 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Do they believe they should pay attention to it? Do they have a positive attitude about it? Are users motivated to take the appropriate action? Are thy motivated to do it carefully or properly? Are users capable of taking the appropriate action? Do users notice the communication? Are they aware of rules, procedures, or training messages? Do users pay attention to the communication long enough to process it? Do they read, watch, or listen to it fully? Do users understand what the communication means? Have users learned how to apply it in practice? Do they know what they are supposed to do? Do users remember the communication when a situation arises in which they need to apply it? Do they recognize and recall the meaning of symbols or instructions? Can users recognize situations where the communication is applicable and figure out how to apply it? Does behavior result in successful completion of desired action? Does behavior follow predictable patterns that an attacker might exploit? Anti-phishing tools that provide passive warning indicators in web browser toolbars have been found to be largely ineffective at preventing users from accessing phishing web sites . Recent versions of Internet Explorer (IE) and Firefox browsers include more active anti-phishing warnings that block access to suspicious web sites unless a user explicitly chooses to override the warning. When Firefox suspects a site is fraudulent it greys out the page and displays a pop-up warning that does not look similar to other browser warnings. When IE suspects a site is fraudulent it can either load the page and display a passive warning that will be dismissed if the user types anything into the browser, or it can display an active warning instead of loading the page. Users can choose to ignore any of these warnings and proceed to the suspicious site. We will apply the human threat identification and mitigation process and the human-in-the-loop security framework to help us determine whether the new anti-phishing warnings effectively protect users from phishing attacks and how they can be improved. Empirical evidence from user studies provides insights into the failure modes. Task identification. The IE and Firefox anti-phishing tools rely on human users to decide whether to heed the warning and leave a suspicious site or ignore the warning and proceed to visit that site. Task automation. This human decision could be eliminated by blocking access to suspicious sites without offering an override option. Arguably, if the false positive rate associated with the automated phishing detection tool is sufficiently low and the risk associated with visiting a phishing site is significant, it would be better to completely block users from visiting suspicious sites rather than presenting them with warnings and letting them decide what to do. However, for the time being browser vendors believe they must offer users the override option. � Communication impediments: Environmental stimuli can include other browser warnings, the user�s email client and/or other applications related to the user�s primary task, and other ambient conditions that may distract the user. We are not aware of attacks that interfere with the display of IE and Firefox anti-phishing warnings; however, the IE passive warning usually loads a few seconds after the page loads, and if users start filling out a web form they can inadvertently dismiss the passive warning before they notice it is there . � Personal variables: Web browser anti-phishing tools are used by people with a wide range of knowledge, abilities, and other personal characteristics, many of whom have little or no knowledge about phishing. � Intentions: A user study found that most users who read the warnings believed they should heed them and were motivated to heed them. However, a few users did not believe the warnings were important, generally because they confused them with other warnings, they did not trust them, or they did not believe the risk was severe. One user commented �since it gave me the option of still proceeding to the website, I figured it couldn�t be that bad� . � Capabilities: A user study found that users are capable of taking the appropriate action, closing the browser window or navigating to a different web site. However, those with inaccurate mental models may be incapable of making an informed decision about whether to take this action . � Communication delivery: A user study found that users noticed the Firefox warning and active IE warning. Many users did not notice the passive IE warning. Some users in the study did not fully read the warnings. Some users erroneously believed that the IE warning was one of the frequently-encountered browser warnings such as a 404 page not found warning . In another user study of three simulated passive anti-phishing warnings that displayed symbols in a browser toolbar, 25% of participants claimed they had not noticed the warnings, even after being explicitly instructed to look for them . � Communication processing: Most of the users in the Egelman et al study understood the warnings and knew what they were supposed to do. Firefox users were more likely to correctly understand the warnings than IE users. Some users who were not previously aware of phishing attacks appeared to have erroneous mental models of the situation and thus misinterpreted the warnings. These users assumed that the email containing the link to the suspicious web site was legitimate and that the warning indicated that there was a transient problem with the web site. They clicked on the link in the email repeatedly in an attempt to reach the web site without triggering the warning . � Behavior: All users in the study who understood the warnings and decided to heed them were able to do so successfully. Although users who clicked on the link in the email repeatedly were actually making a mistake, it ultimately resulted in the users not accessing the suspicious web sites, which was the desired outcome. Thus it appears that the Firefox and active IE warnings tend to fail safely . Predictability of behavior is not relevant to this situation. Failure mitigation. This analysis suggests that the Firefox and active IE warning are much more effective than the passive IE warning, and that the passive IE warning should be replaced with an active warning. The active IE warning could be made more effective by making it look less similar to non-critical warnings. A number of studies suggest that many users have formed inaccurate mental models related to phishing, and that these faulty models lead to mistakes , , , . The warnings include links to educational materials about phishing, but we don�t have empirical evidence about how frequently users consult this material and whether they understand it (the human-in-the-loop framework could be applied to analyze the effectiveness of these educational materials). Additional anti-phishing training delivered through other channels might be helpful for educating users with inaccurate mental models , . It might also be useful to provide users with information they can use to decide whether to heed or ignore the warning, as the IE and Firefox warnings did not explain to users why they were being presented with this choice. The warning might provide additional explanations about why the site is suspicious and offer users the option of visiting the real site that the suspicious site appears to be spoofing . The human threat identification and mitigation process suggested a possible approach to getting the human out of the loop altogether in this case, and a number of ways anti-phishing warnings could be improved. The failure identification step highlighted the need to find ways to correct users� inaccurate mental models about phishing and suggested that it would be useful to study the use and effectiveness of links to educational materials in anti-phishing warnings. Many organizations have policies that specify how users should select their passwords. Typical password policies specify minimum password lengths, mandate a combination of different types of characters, and require that users select different passwords for each system they use and remember these passwords without writing them down. Some policies also require users to change their password frequently. Password policies generally prohibit users from sharing their passwords with other people. In practice, people tend not to comply fully with password policies . For example, Gaw and Felten found evidence of widespread password reuse . We will apply the human threat identification and mitigation process and the human-in-the-loop security framework to help us determine how an organization might improve compliance with their password policy. Task identification. Users must select passwords that comply with the policy, remember them without writing them down, recall them when needed, and refrain from sharing them. Task automation. To simplify the password creation task, the system might generate random passwords and assign them to users. However, these passwords are likely to be too difficult for users to remember. Alternatively, tools might provide feedback to users on the quality of their passwords and suggest improvements . Single sign-on systems or secure password vaults might be deployed to reduce the number of passwords that must be remembered. Alternative authentication mechanisms might also be considered . � Communication impediments: Environmental stimuli combined with the desire of users to create their password quickly so they can access a system may interfere with policy communication. � Personal variables: Most organizations have users with a wide range of demographics, knowledge, and experience (complete novice through security expert); however, this will depend on the organization. � Intentions: Users tend to find password policies inconvenient and may not appreciate the importance of protecting their password, especially if they do not believe it protects a resource that an attacker would value. Thus, they may have little motivation to comply with a password policy. The policy may also conflict with users� goals when users view password sharing as necessary to facilitate tasks that require multiple people to edit a document. � Capabilities: User studies suggest that people are capable of following typical password security guidance to create compliant passwords [Kuo et al]. However, people are not good at remembering random-looking passwords. Most people are incapable of memorizing the numerous passwords they must typically use . This problem is exacerbated when people are required to change their passwords frequently . � Communication delivery: Most computer users appear to be aware of the typical password security guidance, indicating they have read it at least once, and likely multiple times. � Communication processing: Recent user studies suggest that most people now understand typical password security guidance and know what they are supposed to do to apply it . � Application: Users appear to be generally familiar with password security policies and know how to apply them. It is likely that they are fully aware of when they are violating these policies, although this should be verified with a user study. � Behavior: Users who intend to follow policies on password creation are generally able to do so without error. However, the passwords users create may still be somewhat predictable, despite adherence to policy. For example, Kuo et al found that users advised to select passwords based on mnemonic phrases often selected well-known phrases on which to base their passwords . Failure mitigation. The most critical failure appears to be a capabilities failure: people are not capable of remembering large numbers of policy-compliant passwords. This can be addressed by reducing the number of passwords people must remember through single sign-on and alternative authentication mechanisms. Organizations should also consider whether the security benefits associated with frequent, mandatory password changes make up for the tendency of users to violate other parts of the password policy because they cannot remember frequently-changed passwords. Motivation failures may become less of an issue if the capability failure can be addressed in a way that is consistent with employee workflows. Training communications that explain the rationale behind password policies may also mitigate motivation failures. Finally, the problem of users creating passwords that are not random enough can be addressed through better guidance at password creation time and software tools that support users in the password creation process.
1.What is the uniform fabric has been used? 2.How can speed up sweat shirt? 3.What is the natural fibers and synthetic fibers, respectively? 4.What are the characteristics of natural fibers? 5.Natural fibers and synthetic fibers What are the advantages and disadvantages? 6.How to tell the cloth harmful? 7.Toxic impact of clothing on the body? 8.What is the Single Jersey and double plain? 9.What type of plain cloth and what the pros and cons? 10.What are the advantages of cotton fabric and disadvantages? 11.What is hemp fabric strengths and weaknesses? 12.What are the advantages of wool fabrics and disadvantages? 13.What are the advantages of silk fabrics and disadvantages? 14.What are the advantages of chemical fiber and disadvantages? 15.What are the advantages and disadvantages of knitting? 16.Fur and leather What advantages and disadvantages? Q: 1 What is the uniform fabric has been used? A: The uniform is generally used with a mesh cloth. The T-shirt T-shirt fabrics with plain weave fabric generally. The above two can be divided into polyester, T \ C, CVC, cotton. No polyester cotton, T \ C cotton cloth containing about 25%. CVC cotton cloth containing about 60%, by definition, that is, all of the texture of cotton is cotton. More easily with lower cotton fluff ball (plain fabric mesh fabric is generally easier than pilling). Cotton fabrics more difficult to fluff ball, but the drawback is easy to shrink and wrinkle deformation. Recommended collar and round neck T-shirt Tee applications CVC fabric, fluff ball short time, the deformation will not shrink. Q: 2 How can speed up sweat shirt? A: made from recycled polyester jersey that 13% lighter weight jersey and make stretching more than 10%. Each line caused by the yarn spinning, rapid evaporation of sweat, so jersey to keep light and dry. Q: 3 What is the natural fibers and synthetic fibers, respectively? A: There are two natural fibers, animal and plant can be divided into two. Animals, animal fiber is hair, skin, or silk, etc.; plant fiber is commonly used for cotton and linen. Man-made fibers are petroleum by-products. Q: 4 What are the characteristics of natural fibers? A: natural fibers, animal hair or skin, both soft and extremely warm, suitable for wearing in cold areas, but there are some on the clean and retention difficulties. Silk is soft and smooth texture easily but breathable, making skin feel cool, but the silk likely to have wrinkles, moisture resistance is poor, leading to high prices and limited production of cleaning and maintenance difficulties. Q: 5 Natural fibers and synthetic fibers What are the advantages and disadvantages? A: The hemp plant fiber, relatively coarse fiber, textile fabric, although straight out of the appearance, but the disadvantages is that it gives a rough feel. In addition, the cotton woven cotton, the plant is widely used fiber materials. This is because cotton can be breathable, absorbent good, but also warm and not with a static, and easy to grow, the price is right, it could be popular, but cotton is easy to wrinkled. Man-made fibers are petroleum by-products, low production costs, the advantages are quite complete, washable, quick drying and cold. Instead the risk of man-made fibers are flammable, easy to vacuum caused by allergies and other Egypt, together with the chemical structure of the lack of man-made fiber fabric hydrophilic gene, moisture absorption and ventilation is poor, it is difficult to absorb sweat, prolonged exposure to this type of clothing, skin will often sweat and clothes of chemical stimulation, easily lead to "chemical dermatitis." Q: 6 How to tell the cloth harmful? A: cloth with harmful chemicals, the main killer is formaldehyde. We have to distinguish whether the remaining excess of formaldehyde clothing, mainly through the sense of smell to determine, because formaldehyde has stimulated the taste, so do not buy clothes smell unusual. If the clothing does not come from a reputable brand, even if there is no obvious irritant smell, are advised to purchase after immersion in water, wash before wearing through. Because formaldehyde soluble in water, so after washing, which can effectively remove the residual formaldehyde in clothing. Q: 7 toxic impact of clothing on the body? A: decomposable aromatic amine widely used by the textile sector, the main reason is because they are inexpensive, this type of dye color range, bright durable, easy to color and solid color and high degree. In the hot summer heat, sweat easily degradable clothing dye, so that harmful substances penetrate the skin with sweat, ranging from would cause headache, vomiting, cough, insomnia, nausea and fatigue and discomfort, weight is more carcinogenic. Study of the medical profession had long-term exposure to toxic dyes such people will be suffering from bladder cancer was nearly 30 times. 1 chemical dermatitis - In addition, some synthetic fabrics lack the chemical structure of hydrophilic gene, moisture and poor ventilation, easy to evaporate and absorb sweat, with a strong static, long-term repeated exposure to these allergens when underwear, skin sweat and the clothes will be on the chemical stimulation, easily lead to "chemical dermatitis." 3 acute inflammation or toxicity - on the left in the fiber fabric dimethyl formamide, formaldehyde on human skin, eyes and mucous membranes and other organs to stimulate the largest lead after inhaled too much headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and other symptoms of poisoning, serious injuries but also the gastrointestinal tract, causing gastrointestinal bleeding; also easy to damage the liver, malaise, poor appetite, more likely, hepatomegaly and elevated aminotransferases of the situation. Q: 8 What is the Single Jersey and double plain? A: plain cloth is woven into the plain. Single Jersey is on both sides of fabric textures are different. Double knitting is plain that both sides of the same or nearly the same. Double plain is generally thicker, more suitable for long-sleeved t shirt, and Single Jersey are more suitable for short-sleeved t shirt. Q: 9 What type of plain cloth and what the pros and cons? A: can be divided into plain weave cotton fabric, CVC, T / C, imitation cotton. Cotton is cotton that is 100%. Advantage is better performance sweat, more breathable, easy to cramped, but the disadvantage is easier to fold and easier to shrink. CVC is 50% -99% cotton, 60% cotton, generally, other components are polyester. CVC has the advantage of the advantages of cotton, plain weave cotton cloth, but in no one's shortcomings, after adding the polyester fabric that is more to come forward, easy to fold, easier to dry, shrink the case also are small, compared with cotton there will be a little baked, but it is generally difficult to detect, other than CVC cotton t shirt plain easier to dry. Q: 10 What are the advantages of cotton fabric and disadvantages? A: Advantages: good moisture absorption / permeability, soft and comfortable to wear, can be warm, easy to dye, color bright, alkali, heat resistance, suitable for making children's clothing and summer clothing. Disadvantages: poor acid resistance, flexibility is not high, high shrinkage, easy wrinkling, easy to mold, for a long time and sun exposure, the fiber will harden and crisp. Q: 11 What is hemp fabric strengths and weaknesses? A: Advantages: high strength, thermal conductivity, high moisture absorption ability than cotton, is not sensitive to the acid-base reaction, anti-fungal, not easy to damp moldy, bright color, not faded, the color temperature is high, water-jet printing directly on the opposite side iron. Disadvantages: uncomfortable to wear, the appearance of rough, blunt. Q: 12 What are the advantages of wool fabrics and disadvantages? A: Advantages: fastness wear, warm, flexible, anti-wrinkle, not fade. Disadvantages: easy to shrink, heat resistance is poor, because a prolonged period will lead to tissue damage under strong light, wool susceptible to insects, friction will often fluff ball. Q: 13 What are the advantages of silk fabrics and disadvantages? A: Advantages: soft, smooth, bright colors, gorgeous high, moisture and heat. Disadvantages: No light, no water, no alkali, raw fold, easy to absorb the body, not strong enough, faded rapidly. Q: 14 What are the advantages of chemical fiber and disadvantages? A: Chemical fiber is divided into fiber for the fiber element, polyester, cotton, acrylic, acrylic, PVA, C-fiber, etc. Recycled fiber advantages: moisture, breathable, soft, comfortable, have the effect of silk, bright color, chromatography complete and better luster. Disadvantages: easy to wrinkle, not crisp, easy to shrink. Polyester for the improved version, adding natural fibers, recycled fibers, fiber blends. Polyester advantages: anti-wrinkle, strength, wear washable quick-drying, no worms, no rotten, easy storage. Polyester Disadvantages: poor moisture absorption, ventilation is poor, uncomfortable to wear, easy cleaning, easy to fluff grains. Nylon Advantages: good flexibility, and vigorous, like wool, high strength, warmth, light. Nylon Disadvantages: poor moisture absorption, poor comfort, improved after blending. Acrylic Polyacrylonitrile Fiber Advantages: good flexibility, soft to the touch, better shape retention. Acrylic Disadvantages: does not absorb moisture, not heat. PVA Vinylon Advantages: good strength, moisture, not afraid of mold bore, firm texture, durable. Dimensional fiber Disadvantages: not heat-resistant, easy to shrink, wrinkle easily. Spandex Spandex Fiber Advantages: Flexible, comfortable, acid, alkali, abrasion. Spandex Disadvantages: low strength, does not absorb moisture, not heat. Polypropylene Polypropylene Fiber advantages: high strength, good elasticity, wear-resistant, crisp appearance, size and stability. PP Disadvantages: does not absorb moisture, not heat. Q: 15 What are the advantages and disadvantages of knitting? A: The advantages of knitted underwear: scalable, flexible, moisture absorption, air permeability. Knitted outerwear advantages: wear fastness, bright color, crisp crease, shrinkage is small, quick-drying washable. Knitted coat Disadvantages: poor moisture absorption, poor ventilation. Q: 16 fur and leather What advantages and disadvantages? A: Advantages: Grace appearance, dressed in elegant, noble and beautiful, comfortable and warm. Artificial fur advantages: warm, soft, elastic, fluffy texture, light, wearable, anti-bacterial pest control, easy preservation, can be washed. Disadvantages: Any anti-poor, lint-free rate. Artificial fur Advantages: soft, beautiful and durable, warm, moisture permeability, with a bore, free iron, Wen set size.
sev eral firm s hav e recently launched funds to capitalize on the situation. Fund II, to focus on the strategy . which now has $2 00 m illion in assets. take distressed assets from banks, insurance com panies and other financial firm s in exchange for units in the fund. half the size of the m arket during the Asian financial crisis. The play ing field m ay be sm aller in em erging m arkets, but the potential rewards are outsize, m oney m anagers say . Bonds hav e traded with y ields to m aturity of 2 5 to 3 5 percent “without being candidates for default,” notes Rauch. to its target price of 9 0 cents. sold its bonds the following m onth when they were trading at 82 .50. ” notes Booth.” he explains.S. “There is m uch m ore underly ing strength and v alue. giv ing bondholders a sm all am ount of cash.” ADM is also looking to strike sim ilar refinancing deals in India. but ov er the next three to fiv e y ears. In Septem ber 2 008 the firm began buy ing the 1 0.S. including ADM’s $50 m illion loan. a Chinese m aker of solar energy cells.. Durango em erged from bankruptcy in August with its debt load cut by m ore than half. The firm inv ests in distressed. that today ’s rich returns are not likely to last long as the global econom y recov ers: “It’ll be a short-liv ed opportunity — m ay be two to three y ears. which was seeded with $1 00 m illion in assets from UBS. are sim ilar to those in the U. Gram ercy expects that the deal will ultim ately be worth 45 to 50 cents on the dollar. but the courts are untested. a 6 percent equity stake in the com pany and new bonds due in 2 01 6 that pay an interest rate rising from 6 percent initially to 1 0 percent in later y ears. a Mexican paper and packaging com pany . which was created after the Asian financial crisis. The fund m anager retains the warrants. when it was wound down. it’s highly likely y ou’re going to want to do it out of court.” say s Appleby . Galleus — nam ed after a ty pe of shark found in tropical waters — has prov ided net returns of 1 1 percent annually since its inception in April 1 9 99 . In April.” Rauch points out. The firm ’s initial foray into distressed em erging-m arkets debt.” he say s. ty pically as the head of an organized creditor com m ittee. “The rules are on the books. ADM also obtained 4 . The com pany paid the loan back in January 2 009 .3 tim es. and debt-to- cash-flow cov erage ratios were 5 to 6 tim es. The goal is to recy cle capital as quickly as possible. But when Yingli was looking to refinance. ADM helped refinance Yingli Green Energy Holding Co. Appleby expects the fund to generate net annual returns of 1 5 to 2 0 percent. Two y ears ago such loans ty pically carried 8 percent coupons. He cautions.” Rauch notes. Although bankruptcy laws in som e jurisdictions. which are well in the m oney . ”We try not to buy other people’s cooking. banks were not lending and the public bond m arkets were v irtually shut. Ashm ore ty pically does not get inv olv ed in the day -to-day m anagem ent of the com panies it inv ests in. such as Hong Kong and India. countries like Indonesia and Russia do not offer good legal protection to creditors.6 4 . That produced a lev erage-adjusted y ield (coupon div ided by cov erage ratio) of 8.” asserts Appleby .7 6 last m onth. which m anages $2 4 . Yingli raised close to $2 03 m illion in a share offering and used the proceeds to retire debt. Project financings and public and priv ate equity are also expected to be part of the portfolio.2 percent from July 2 000 through Decem ber 2 005. underv alued or ev ent-driv en opportunities and generally seeks to buy out existing creditors and take an activ e role in restructurings. The opportunities in em erging m arkets are m ore attractiv e than in dev eloped m arkets because com panies there are not as lev eraged. ADM offered a fresh $50 m illion senior secured loan to Yingli at an interest rate of 1 2 percent. He declines to disclose the details of the Asia Pulp and Paper settlem ent.1 m illion warrants to buy the com pany ’s shares at a price of $5. “We think the current env ironm ent offers ev en greater potential than what we saw in that earlier period. the $7 80 m illion Gram ercy Em erging Markets Fund. but there is still substantial uncertainty about how the sy stem will work in practice. “It is extraordinarily exciting.9 billion in assets. ADM prov ided the com pany with a new loan carry ing a coupon of 2 0 percent and giv ing the com pany a cov erage ratio of just 2 . priv ate loans and conv ertible bonds from com panies in Eastern Europe and Asia. Its Asian Opportunities Fund.com/…/PrintArticle… 2/3 .” say s Appleby . “China is littered with these kinds of opportunities. Ashm ore Inv estm ent Managem ent. Last y ear it posted a 1 3 percent decline. generated gross annual returns of 3 4 . with Yingli’s New York Stock Exchange–listed shares trading at $1 3 . which is still open.” asserts Rauch. to $2 50 m illion. is taking a different tack by m arketing its Global Consolidation and Recov ery fund as a v ehicle for financial firm s to get illiquid assets off their books. say ing institutionalinvestor. he adds. is currently inv ested prim arily in tradable loans. with a $1 50 m illion senior secured loan. The firm ’s flagship hedge fund. “I’v e nev er seen that in m y life. “We try to get a new piece of debt with extended m aturity and lim its on the com pany ’s ability to get cash out until we’re paid off. Gram ercy ended up hav ing to reach a priv ate deal with an Indonesian indiv idual to resolv e its claim s against the com pany .6 percent in the three y ears following its April 1 9 9 9 inception. The com pany filed for bankruptcy the following m onth. courts ruled in fav or of creditors. The new fund has a fiv e-y ear lockup period. generated gross annualized returns of 2 3 . ADM takes a sim ilar approach to corporate restructurings in Asia. Booth expects the fund to generate returns sim ilar to those of other Ashm ore special-situation funds.3 percent from its May 1 9 98 inception through March 2 009 . “If y ou hav e to do a corporate reorganization in em erging m arkets. an Indonesian com pany that defaulted on $1 4 billion of debt in 2 001 .. at about 1 5 cents on the dollar.S. Gram ercy headed up the creditors’ com m ittee and struck a deal in April to restructure the debt. Although Indonesian and U. howev er.” explains Rauch. “We consider this a m ultiasset class fund. China has passed new bankruptcy laws com parable to those in the U. Its Asian Recov ery Fund. In August 2 008. y ielding at least a threefold return on its original inv estm ent. say s Booth. ADM does not look to operate its target com panies and often leav es m anagem ent in place. Gram ercy learned a lesson about legal pitfalls with its inv estm ent in Asia Pulp and Paper. but rather seeks to add v alue by working with local partners to consolidate assets and restructure target com panies. Gram ercy has targeted gross com pound annual returns of 4 0 percent ov er the next fiv e y ears for its new fund. returned 1 7 .5 percent senior unsecured bonds due in 2 01 7 issued by Corporación Durango.7 percent.5/1/2011 Print an article Gram ercy takes a proactiv e approach to reorganizations.. The fund. In June. Managers of distressed-debt funds acknowledge the risks of inv esting in em erging m arkets. fund m anagers say ..S. By contrast.” say s Ashm ore’s Booth.” he notes. there is m uch less com petition for distressed assets in em erging m arkets. “Our approach has been to choose strong partners. institutionalinvestor. In light of the risks inherent in em erging m arkets. including the integrity and objectiv es of the owners of the business. In the U.” explains Mark Patterson. “That’s what giv es rise to the potential for outsize risk-adjusted returns.” say s Rauch.com/…/PrintArticle… 3/3 . distressed inv estors are “tripping all ov er each other. chairm an of MatlinPatterson Global Adv isers. and dev eloped m arkets on a risk-reward basis.” Such v iews are m usic to the ears of em erging-m arkets specialists.S. “We like the law here and the opportunities here.5/1/2011 Print an article only that “it was a reasonable recov ery .” Inv estors also need to consider other factors when assessing potential inv estm ents. though.S. The key to success is building long-term relationships and gaining knowledge of local play ers. m any Am erican fund m anagers are m ore than content to stay at hom e and concentrate on the am ple supply of distressed debt av ailable in the U. a priv ate equity firm in New York City that specializes in distressed situations and m anages m ore than $9 billion. “The facts of this cy cle ov erwhelm ingly fav or the U.
Music: The priority we live by, but can we afford to use by? Music has been all around us and has made much of style since it’s creation. The indigenous past time went through it’s many incredible cycles. It started with the ominous and vintage vinyl player. That upgraded, eventually, to the casette player. And, as you can guess, that came to the Ipod. And, now the Ipod leads the world in music. But music costs money, and today’s music producers deserve the right to automatically share with their listeners. But what makes this topic so debatable? The fact of the matter is that music producers and artists receiver more money and credit than their audience wishes to pay them. If you look at prices on Itunes, 1.99 may not seem bad for a song, but those prices add up, and as you slowly, or increasingly, make your way up to 100 songs, you’ve wasted 200 bucks. Sorry cash that could have easily made it to a better purchase. Tax hikes recently on music have also brought me to this topic. This heated debate between the consumer and producer have given way to corruption as many fill their hands with more and more cash as prices for songs go up. Spotify recently was filed for tax hike by music producers. That is absolutely insane by my standards as I see paying for the service of listening to my favorite bands an outrage in itself. As a free member, I believe music should be free. The mass market of artists make high above normal, and don’t need the extra green to live. So why price the music? The producers want to earn money, and to do that, they can’t let people listen to the music. They want you to buy the music. Sure it may be their credit, but is a two minute song really worth spending on? I love coding and re-visioning the web. Designing it and redesigning it. Pixel by pixel. And technology and news rule my life. Check out my stories here and you shall truly see what I mean. Facebook’s IPO: The Killer Company’s Decision That’s Killing Itself. I come from a position that once used to be a web for all to share. Copyright content was non talked about, until a resent tragedy that left us all nervous and wallowing in fear. This was the start of an evil opponent to the internet. Many of us take it in some views, and others in another perspective, but I believe this bill should be put to rest. The uprising of many protesters has not been pretty, and more may come if this demon of a bill breaks through this coming Tuesday. This bill, proposed to pass, may, in fact, not be all that it says. It holds truth, also, to cutting off sites IMMEDIATELY. So, say you have a song, maybe on your site. It could be anything infringing. You may not know it, but Comcast could immediately take your site off their IPS. That is incredibly bad in a way that they can actually take you to court. This is an immediate threat that many of us on here have never come to. Having to pay to use pictures, video, or music? That’s insane. Many of you, i’m sure, have heard of Blogger. They’re huge Google company, but SOPA could force them out of business. Blogs currently hosted on there have copyrighted content. So, Google and ISPs would block that. But, I know what you’re thinking. What about my site? If it’s on a domain name, you may be lucky to get the IP address in the box and head to the site while in affect. Global perspective could bring down the internet usage worldwide. And you may be wondering why? This is because foreign targets are suspected as copyright violators. While you may be able to view your site from that country, if you live there, and it contains copyrighted material, you won’t see it here in the U.S. The bill also puts pressure on ads. Many companies rely on ads, Google being one of them. When ads are taken away, so is that company. And the fact that SOPA is doing this is not going to help anyone in this situation. The ads from the infringing site, global sites included, are found on Google now, they will no longer be found later. This is a big regime to keep the money coming to the media companies. Hey, my blog is awesome, let’s put up an ad. Oh, wait. You have a photo, maybe from Engadget or Huffington Post, on your site. Now, your site is shut down, and no ad for you. This may infuriate users, but I see a globally hacking spree coming. Anonymous, the world-famous group, hacked a few sites recently in opposition of MegaUpload shutting down. FBI arrests of MegaUpload’s founders were made, and not much good will come out. And censored search results will come into play. Money is lost and money is gained, and this will not be an easy task to tackle through. SOPA will also make building a startup harder. New regulations put into place will most likely bring less innovation. And less innovation almost falls to a monopoly, or oligarchy of the internet. These rules will weaken the internet indescribably. Say goodbye to Grooveshark and many other free services you use, as building another one will be made even more complicated than the first. Going through domain names is another subject. You may want to go foreign on domains, if SOPA passes, seeing as you may not have copyright issues there. Much has gone through the past 4 months now. Fear and nervousness wretch through your bodies as you anxiously await the gruesome fate of the internet as it lies towards it’s bed of disease. This never-ending virus will push you off from where you started. Anger and rage will soon flourish after this passes (hopefully not). Anonymous has helped by taking sites down today, and many others may be able to bypass SOPA. Other’s will find it difficult and may give up. Vote No at AmericanCensorShip.org, and write to him today. Before the fate of the internet’s hands is left beside the devil himself. The season of giving has headed up so fast, you might not have felt the holidays until now. And the thoughts pile up. What should I buy for the holidays, whether it’s a family member or a friend. But if it’s a tech gift, we’ve got you covered. The many devices emerging this year are great, so for you shop-ahaulics, and you wise money-spenders, we’ve got the list for you. Many tablets and mp3s mare dropping in, plus phones, cameras, and 3d video glasses? Check below and become worry-free with the excellent list. The Kindle Fire seems to be the talk-of-the-town this holiday season, and for many reasons, you can see why. This sleek tablet carries a vibrant 7 inch screen. This is great for viewing HD movies. It’s perfect for most apps, and has a super fast silk browser, cloud support, and more! This is the go-to tablet for last minute shopping. Now, if you’re upgrading from point-shoot cameras to mid-dslr range cameras, this one is for you. The $600 price line may shock you, but it pays off in reassurance from it’s magnificence. This amazing little device is the smallest micro four-thirds camera with complete dslr sensor and 1080p video. So, to step up your photo game on a last-minute rush, head to pick up one of these babies! Finally, if you’re looking for a great laptop that’s at least 500 bucks cheaper than a macbook, and have money in town pick up this slick beauty. This laptop has great strength with overall fantastic graphic and performance quality, great for work, and free time roaming. This concludes our overview of some last minute holiday gifts. If you wish to include some more items, please comment, and tell us. Minecraft: A Game Of Excellence. A Game Of Legendary Status. Minecraft has reached millions, and continues to grow. For It’s title, it has reached legendary status. 30 million copies sold and a game of never ending excitement has given the name Indie Game a new name. The popular title started off a mere 2 years ago. The game settled off Stockholm, Sweden, as these developers would release the next biggest Indie Game. Minecraft started as a world. Just a world. To create and edit unique buildings and shapes out of blocks. Updates were made, with many changes. They added day and night and new music. New blocks were also concealed in forthcoming packages. The ability to move blocks and items via redstone was also added. Pistons and coyotes. Ghasts of the underworld. Hundreds, if not more, items have been pushed through this immense process, until today. Minecraft 1.0 officially kicked off yesterday! But while that news may mean nothing, the game officially has no glitches or bugs. Continuous updates of the game will launch, as promised. But more to this package was added that made our mouths water. Minecraft: Pocket Edition. Now, Minecraft for the IOS and Android may seem difficult to play, but Mojang perfected the game, in classic mode, of how platformed-gaming should be done. The easy touch and break blocks and glitchless, for now, has gotten this game ranked #1 in the App Store, although not released until yesterday. With that being said, Minecraft is also launching…for Xbox! That’s right, and the interface seems outstanding. Check out the videos below, and feel free to share your comments.
You have many options for using points with Qantas and Jetstar. Book your next flight with Classic Flight Reward+ or take advantage of Points Plus Pay - Flight#. You could also use your points for a Qantas Classic Upgrade Rewards~. Or, on select flights, you could be eligible for Bid Now Upgrades using a combination of points and money. Our most popular and best value reward flight. Book available Qantas flights up to 353 days in advance. Jetstar Classic Flight Rewards are also a great value option. Classic Flight Reward+ seats are limited, so it's best to book early. Calculate where your points could take you. If you would like to find out more visit our Classic Flight Rewards section. To search for Classic Reward Flights, login to your account and select the 'Search Classic Flight Rewards' tick box below the search flights tool. Or, calculate where your points could take you. If you would like to find out more visit our Classic Flight Rewards section. Another great way to use your points. All available seats on Qantas or Jetstar flights can be booked using a combination of Qantas Points plus cash† when you login to Your Account. You need a minimum of 5,000 points for Qantas flights or 3,500 points for Jetstar. As long as you have the minimum points required, the mix is up to you. You can even use points for the entire flight. Plus, you'll also earn Qantas Points and Status Credits on eligible flights* as you would with a cash fare. To find out more, visit our Points Plus Pay - Flights section. Experience the next level of service and luxury. After you've booked an eligible class, you could use Qantas Points to request a Qantas Classic Upgrade Reward~ - for an upgrade to Premium Economy, Business or First. You can also use your Qantas Points to request an upgrade on eligible Classic Flight Reward bookings. See how many points you need to upgrade here. Effective for upgrades requested from 16 November 2016 and confirmed on or after 20 February 2017, the Qantas Points required for Classic Upgrade Rewards will increase. Refer to the upgrade tables below for the points required after 20 February 2017. Find out more. Effective for upgrades requested from 16 November 2016 and confirmed on or after 20 February 2017, the Qantas Points required for some domestic Classic Upgrade Rewards will increase. Find out more. Discount Premium Economy, Premium Economy or Flexible Premium Economy (where availableπ) to Business. If you request a Classic Upgrade Reward for an itinerary that includes an international and a domestic leg with the same flight number, this will be treated as an international Classic Upgrade Reward. You need to have an eligible paid and confirmed ticket on a Qantas operated service (with a QF flight number on your ticket). Classic Upgrade Rewards may also be requested on selected domestic Qantas Points Plus Pay - Flights and Qantas Classic Flight Rewards. From time to time Classic Upgrade Rewards may be requested on eligible paid and confirmed tickets on codeshare flights operated by another airline with a Qantas (QF) flight number on the ticket. You will earn Qantas Points and Status Credits for the fare class you originally purchased. The fare conditions applicable to the fare originally purchased will apply. Special meals may not be available in the upgraded class of travel. Classic Upgrade Rewards are subject to capacity controls and availability (which is limited). Members must have enough points for the Classic Upgrade Reward at the time they request it and when the upgrade is confirmed. Family transfers may assist in ensuring that sufficient points are available. All PIN changes between the time a Classic Upgrade Reward is requested and the time of confirmation must be advised to Qantas reservations. Otherwise the Classic Upgrade Reward request will not be processed. If there are multiple people travelling in your booking and all passengers are eligible family members, your online request for a Classic Upgrade Reward will apply to each passenger. If your booking includes passengers other than eligible family members, you will need to contact Qantas Telephone Sales to split the booking and then you will be able to request an upgrade. You can request a domestic Classic Upgrade Reward any time after you have paid for your ticket and received confirmation up until 24 hours before your flight leaves. Just log in to your Qantas Frequent Flyer account at qantas.com, go to 'Your Bookings' and click on the 'Upgrade' button. If an upgrade is available, it will be confirmed immediately and points will be deducted from your account. If your request cannot be confirmed when submitted online, you will be given the option to register for an upgrade should one become available in the future on your booked flight. Classic Upgrade Reward registrations are prioritised according to your Qantas Frequent Flyer membership level: Platinum first, followed by Gold, Silver and then Bronze. If your upgrade is confirmed after you have registered, it will be noted in 'Your Bookings' at qantas.com, and where possible we will notify you with an SMS≠. You will also be informed when you check-in to your flight at the airport. Points will be deducted from your account when your upgrade is confirmed. Effective for upgrades confirmed on or after 20 February 2017, the Qantas Points required for some domestic Classic Upgrade Rewards will increase. Find out more. While you can ask for a Classic Upgrade Reward any time after you have paid for your ticket and received confirmation, you can also request a domestic On Departure Upgrade Reward at the airport if you are a Platinum or Gold Frequent Flyer or a Qantas Club member. You can request a domestic On Departure Upgrade Reward for Qantas operated services with a QF flight number on your ticket (unless the QF flight number is from 1 to 199). Domestic On Departure Upgrade Reward requests can be made between three hours and 20 minutes before your scheduled flight departure. For full details on domestic On Departure Upgrade Rewards, see the terms and conditions. Qantas Club members and Platinum and Gold Frequent Flyers can request a domestic On Departure Upgrade Reward at domestic Australian Qantas Club lounges (except QantasLink lounges). Platinum Frequent Flyers can also request an upgrade in domestic Australian Business lounges. Qantas may occasionally have to restrict this facility on some routes or under special circumstances (for example, where there is an unexpected disruption to services resulting in heavy demands on Qantas Club personnel). For more information, ask at The Qantas Club Service Desk. Qantas Club members and Platinum and Gold Frequent Flyers can also choose to request domestic On Departure Upgrade Rewards at domestic Check-in-Kiosks, where available, when travelling by themselves. If you are travelling with your family, your request will include all passengers in your booking who are eligible family members. If your booking includes passengers other than eligible family members, you will need to contact Qantas Telephone Sales to split the booking and then you will be able to request an upgrade. If you are not travelling but use your points to request an upgrade for an eligible family member, the upgrade will be awarded according to the eligible family member's priority, not the status of the Qantas Frequent Flyer whose points are being used. An exception is made when Platinum One members, though not travelling, redeem points for an upgrade on behalf of eligible family members. In this case the eligible family members will enjoy the same high priority as a Platinum One member. You may cancel an unconfirmed request for a Classic Upgrade Reward without forfeiting your points at any time prior to the scheduled flight departure. Should your upgrade request be confirmed and you choose to cancel your upgrade request more than 24 hours before the scheduled flight departure your Classic Upgrade Reward may be refunded subject to a fee. If you cancel your confirmed request within 24 hours of the scheduled flight departure, or if you fail to board your flight, you will forfeit the points used and a seat may no longer be available in your original booked class. If you cancel or change your flight before your upgrade is confirmed, the Classic Upgrade Reward request will be cancelled, and a new request must be made. Effective for upgrades requested from 16 November 2016 and confirmed on or after 20 February 2017, the Qantas Points required for Classic Upgrade Rewards will increase. Find out more. You can request an international Classic Upgrade Reward up until 24 hours before your flight leaves on eligible paid and confirmed tickets and on Economy and Premium Economy Classic Flight Rewards on flights operated by Qantas, with a Qantas (QF) flight number (1 to 199~) on the ticket. From time to time Classic Upgrade Rewards may also be requested on eligible paid and confirmed tickets on codeshare flights operated by another airline with a Qantas (QF) flight number on the ticket. Discount Business, Business or Flexible Business to First. You need to have an eligible paid and confirmed ticket on a Qantas operated service (with a QF flight number from 1-199~ on your ticket). Classic Upgrade Rewards may be requested on certain international Qantas Points Plus Pay - Flights but are not available on Qantas Classic Flight Rewards or international airfares booked in E, N, O, P, Q class₪, which includes some Qantas Points Plus Pay - Flights and some international Red e-Deal fares. For full details on Classic Upgrade Rewards and cancellations, see terms and conditions. Other Frequent Flyers, within 24 hours of the scheduled flight departure. International Classic Upgrade Reward requests are always prioritised according to your Qantas Frequent Flyer membership level: Platinum first, followed by Gold, Silver and then Bronze. It may not be possible to confirm your international Classic Upgrade Reward according to the timetable above even if seats are available for sale in the upgrade cabin due to expected future commercial passenger demand. If your upgrade is confirmed, it will be noted in 'Your Bookings' at qantas.com, and where possible we will notify you with an SMS≠. Or you will also be informed when you check-in to your flight at the airport. Points will be deducted from your account at the time that a request is confirmed. Qantas is committed to providing international Classic Upgrade Rewards wherever we can. Upgrades may become available at the last minute due to cancellations, no-shows or missed connections. To increase your chances of an upgrade your request can now be further considered at the airport. To be eligible simply select 'upgrade at the airport' when you register for a Classic Upgrade Reward. For upgrades at the airport, if you are travelling continuously on a flight that stops in one or more ports (with the same flight number), you will only be eligible for an upgrade on the last leg and only if that last leg has a flying time longer than three hours. Points will only be deducted for the portion of your flight that was upgraded. Upgrades at the airport will only be awarded for bookings containing one passenger. When requesting an upgrade to Business you must also select the option for a Premium Economy upgrade (when offered) to be considered for an upgrade at the airport. If you are unable to accept all of these conditions, then you should not opt-in to be eligible for an upgrade up to the gate when you register for an international Classic Upgrade Reward. If your upgrade is confirmed at the airport, you may not be able to use some of the benefits that you receive with the upgrade such as your additional baggage allowance (or lounge access if your upgrade is confirmed at the gate). An upgrade at the airport requires the same amount of points as an upgrade prior to arrival at the airport regardless of whether or not you are able to use some of the benefits that you receive with the upgrade such as additional baggage allowance and lounge access. If a request for an upgrade at the airport is successful, it cannot be refused. You will be required to travel in the upgrade cabin in the seat you have been allocated. This is because the upgrade may be awarded as your flight is due to depart and airport staff will not be able to re-seat you on the aircraft. You may cancel an unconfirmed request for a Classic Upgrade Reward without forfeiting your points at any time prior to the scheduled flight departure. Should your upgrade request be confirmed and you choose to cancel your upgrade request more than 24 hours before the scheduled flight departure your Classic Upgrade Reward may be refunded subject to a fee. If you cancel your upgrade request or fail to board a flight for which you have redeemed points for a Classic Upgrade Reward within 24 hours of the scheduled flight departure, you will forfeit the points used and a seat may no longer be available in your original booked class. Bid Now Upgrades are an invitation-only opportunity to use a combination of points and money to upgrade to a more premium cabin. A minimum amount of Qantas Points and money is required. Bid Now Upgrade offers will be considered after requests for Classic Upgrade Rewards have been processed and confirmed. Invitations will be made, and upgrade offers will be accepted or rejected in Qantas' sole and absolute discretion. The number of Qantas Points required for Classic Upgrade Rewards is increasing for some fare types. When is the increase effective? - For Classic Upgrade Rewards requested prior to 16 November 2016 the Qantas Points required will not change regardless of the upgrade confirmation date. - For Classic Upgrade Rewards requested after 16 November 2016 and confirmed before 20 February 2017 the Qantas Points required will not change. - For Classic Upgrade Rewards requested after 16 November 2016 and confirmed after 20 February 2017 the new Qantas Points levels will apply. Are all Classic Upgrade Rewards increasing? Will On Departure Upgrade Rewards be affected? On Departure Upgrade Rewards can be requested for Domestic Classic Upgrade Rewards at the airport by Gold and Platinum Frequent Flyers and Qantas Club members between 3 hours and 20 minutes before your scheduled flight (excluding flight numbers from 1-199). The number of Qantas Points required is the same as Classic Upgrade Rewards. The Qantas Points required for domestic Classic Upgrade Rewards are increasing when upgrading from Discount Economy to Business Class on flights greater than 600 miles (zones 2 & 3). Will the changes affect the Qantas Points required for Points Plus Pay - Flights? No. The number of Qantas Points required to redeem a Points Plus Pay - Flight (and the Fare Conditions applicable to them) vary. The number of Points required for and the Fare Conditions applicable to a Points Plus Pay - Flight are those described at the time of booking. Will there be any changes to Qantas Frequent Flyer earn rates as a result of these changes? No. The number of Qantas Points and Status Credits earned will not change as a part of these program changes. Will there be a change to the number of Qantas Points required for Classic Flight Reward bookings? No. The number of Qantas Points required for Reward bookings will not change. Further information about the program can be found at qantas.com. You must be a member of the Qantas Frequent Flyer program to earn Qantas Points and Status Credits. A joining fee may apply. Membership, Status Credits and the earning and redemption of Qantas Points are subject to the Qantas Frequent Flyer program terms and conditions. + Classic Flight Rewards are available on Qantas, Jetstar and partner airlines. Classic Flight Reward seats are subject to capacity controls and availability is limited. The number of seats available depends on the flight, date, season and destination and some flights may not have any Classic Flight Rewards available. # Points Plus Pay - Flights are available on any flight with a QF or JQ, 3K, GK or BL flight number. A limited number of seats on selected partner airlines (as offered by Qantas at the time of booking on qantas.com) may be combined with Qantas orJetstar flights in Points Plus Pay - Flights. Partner airline flights which may be combined with Jetstar flights in Points Plus Pay - Flights are more limited than those which may be combined with Qantas flights. See the Points Plus Pay - Flights section for more details. ~ Classic Upgrade Rewards are available on Classic Flight Rewards in Economy and Premium Economy and eligible paid and confirmed Qantas domestic and international flights, with a QF flight number on your ticket and from time to time on codeshare flights operated by another carrier that have a Qantas (QF) flight number on your ticket. Classic Upgrade Rewards are subject to capacity controls and availability is limited. Classic Upgrade Rewards are not available from all fare types. See tables for details. Classic Upgrade Rewards are subject to capacity controls and availability (which is limited). a) Discount Economy includes Red e-Deal fares booked in L, V, S, N, Q, O and E classes, and Group fares booked in G class; and b) Flexible Economy includes Flex fares booked in Y, B, H, K and M classes. ≠ SMS notification of a confirmed international Classic Upgrade Reward is available only to Qantas Frequent Flyers who are travelling on the upgraded segment, and who have a valid mobile telephone number in their membership profile. Some members may not receive SMS notification due to operational reasons. ~~~ For international flights: a) Economy includes classes G, K, L, M, S and V; and b) Flexible Economy includes classes B, H and Y. ₪ Classic Upgrade Rewards from selected discount Economy classes which are not normally eligible (for example N, Q and O class) may be offered on a selected basis for limited periods at the discretion of Qantas. The points required for a Classic Upgrade Reward from these discount Economy classes may be higher than the points quoted in these tables, will be advised at the time of the promotion during the Classic Upgrade Reward registration process on qantas.com and are subject to change between promotions. π Premium Economy is available on all Qantas A380 aircraft and selected B747-400 aircraft. † Points Plus Pay is a facility on qantas.com which allows you to choose the number of Qantas Points you redeem above a specified minimum level and pay the remainder with an Accepted Payment Card to obtain your Points Plus Pay - Flight. Minimum points levels apply, are subject to change and will be quoted at the time of booking. * Qantas Points and Status Credits (where applicable) are earned on eligible flights with a Qantas or applicable oneworld® Alliance Airline or Airline Partner flight number on your ticket. Qantas Points and Status Credits may not be earned on some fare types and booking classes. See terms and conditions and the Airline Earning Tables for details on the conditions for the applicable airline. ^ Available on domestic segments of international flights that offer a Premium Economy cabin.
For background information about English-language theological terminology, see Why did England execute early Bible translators? A sharp twinge that accompanies the realization of wrongdoing. Compunction is constructive if it leads to confession, repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation, justification, and sanctification. As in a court of law, confession means admitting that you’ve done something wrong, or that your values were leading you down the wrong path of conduct. When you “confess that Jesus is Lord,” you admit that you didn’t recognize Jesus’ authority and did not obey His commands. Just as in court, confession is something you say out loud. You can confess sins to a mature Christian, a pastor, a counselor, or to God in prayer. Before you confess to a human being, make sure they have the training and credentials to deal with the issue you are confessing. In the ancient church, catechumens were required to stand on a box in front of everyone and confess their sins to the the entire congregation. This eventually ran into practical problems, because a convert’s confession could implicate other people, especially if the convert were a government official. Since we are not supposed to confess other people’s sins, catechumens were given the option of confessing to a clergyman privately. Confessing to clergy began as an option in the fourth century, then gradually became the norm. Today, confession is a church rite that some churches consider a sacrament. Confession to clergy is still the practice among Orthodox, Anglican, Lutheran, and Catholic Christians, though among Anglicans and Lutherans, it is optional. A dedication ceremony that sets people or objects aside for a holy purpose. A church can consecrate buildings, furniture, crosses, candlesticks and so on, or it can consecrate people for a holy purpose, such as lay reader or missionary. Consecration can be for a limited period of time, such as a person’s term of office, and it usually has a limited scope, such as for reading scriptures publicly. The inner nature of the object or person being consecrated is not changed. The only thing that changes is an object’s function or a person’s tasks. See also sanctification and ordination. Deep sorrow for having done wrong. Contrition is constructive if it leads to confession, repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation, justification, and sanctification. The word communicate originally meant to take Communion. People who are excommunicated are barred from Communion for disciplinary reasons, but may still participate in other parts of the service. In the ancient church, excommunicated people had to start over as catechumens, and after they completed the process, they were welcomed back to Communion. The unilateral act of a creditor who cancels a debt, notifying the debtor that repayment is no longer necessary. Theologically, forgiveness cancels the guilt but not the consequence of the sin. If you are forgiven for robbing a bank, you still have to give the money back. Free will is a person’s capacity to freely chose to repent and be saved. All branches of the historic Church affirm that we have free will, except theological traditions that are heavily influenced by Augustine’s later writings. Those who deny free argue that it impugns God’s sovereignty. The rest of the Church disagrees, observing that scriptures tell us to choose and to obey, two things we cannot possibly do without free will. God’s unmerited love and favor toward sinners, the divine gift that brings about contrition, penitence, repentance, and the works of obedience in response to forgiveness. A legal term that is often used instead of compunction. The word guilt has the unfortunate implication of a hopeless situation, so it is better to use the terms compunction or contrition in a theological setting. Feelings of guilt are only constructive if they lead to repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation, justification, and sanctification. The place where the stars and planets are located, as in Matthew 24:29. We use heaven in this sense when we talk about the grandeur of the “heavens” while looking at the nighttime sky. The place where God abides with His angels, as in Matthew 3:17. In popular religion, good people zip off to heaven at the time of death. In Christianity, when Christians die, their souls go to Paradise (Luke 23:43, also called the Bosom of Abraham ) to await the Resurrection and the Last Judgment, after which they live in the New Jerusalem, also called the New Heavens and the New Earth. In scripture, the word hell translates the Hebrew word Sheol and the Greek word hades, both of which refer to the realm of the dead. Before Christ, the souls of all the dead, whether wicked or righteous, went to this realm to await the Resurrection and the Judgment. In popular religion, hell refers to the place of eternal torment, which is called the Lake of Fire, Tartarus, or Gehenna in scripture. According to Jesus in Matthew 25:41, this place of eternal torment was designed for the devil and his angels, not for humans. Thus humans can escape this fate through repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation, justification, and sanctification. Intrinsically holy. Only God is intrinsically holy. A mundane object or person who is set aside for a holy purpose. The words saint and holy have the same meaning. The only difference is in the usage: we use saint to refer to people and holy to refer to objects. The act of God that frees a sinner from the penalty of sin. A church ceremony that acknowledges that God has called a person into professional ministry and formally delegates the duties and responsibilities of clergy to that person. In most cases, there is a lengthy ordination process that includes systematic examination and approval before the ordination is performed. Ordination is generally for life. An ordained person, like a lay person, can be consecrated to carry out a specific task or office. See also sanctification and consecration. Original sin is the doctrine that as descendants of Adam, we inherit his sinfulness, just as we inherit his humanity. In the west, primarily because of St. Augustine, this concept grew to include the idea that we inherit Adam’s guilt. Calvin took Augustine’s position to the extreme, teaching that we are totally depraved and without any natural virtue or worth whatsoever. The eastern Church teaches that we have inherited from Adam the state of sin, but not the guilt of sin. Therefore, despite original sin, we still possess the small amount of goodness necessary to realize our sinfulness, to choose good, and to repent of evil. The eastern Church teaches that if we were totally worthless, we would be totally irredeemable. Any voluntary act that results from repentance. Penance is a concrete expression of gratitude for the forgiveness of a debt that can never in fact be repaid. Willingness to correct a wrongdoing, synonymous with repentance. Predestination means that our destination is set in advance. Calvinists argue that predestination means that God has decided our eternal fate in advance and that we cannot choose it. However, we are still free to choose such things as fries or onion rings with our burger. Hyper-Calvinists and others maintain that predestination means determinism, that we have absolutely no free will about anything; we are like actors saying our lines in a play. Therefore, they argue that some people are predestined for eternal punishment. The rest of the historic Church argues that since it is not God’s will for anyone to be lost (Matthew 18:14), all people are predestined to live with God in His glory. However, since they have free will, some may choose not to go to their destination and end up in hell. They also note that if a person’s eternal fate was determined in the beginning, the Judgment took place on the first day, when in scripture it takes place on the last day. God’s benevolent intervention to supply needs. The literal meaning is “to change one’s mind.” The Greek and Hebrew words that are translated as repent can either mean a simple change of mind or a realization of sin with the accompanying resolve to reform. In some Bible translations, we find God repenting. In the original language, it simply means that God changed His mind. Repentance is the change of mind and penance is the change of deeds. For example, realizing that you were wrong to steal something is repentance, while returning the stolen goods is penance. Willingness to correct a wrongdoing, synonymous with penitence. A person who has been set aside for a holy life; in this sense, all Christians are saints, as in Philippians 1:1. A person whose life is upheld as spiritually exemplary. In some churches, there is a process for recognizing saints. In the Roman Catholic Church, it is a formal, centralized process. In Orthodox churches, the process is not centralized. In the Episcopal Church, it is done informally by the Prayer Book committee. To set a person apart for a holy purpose. In most usages, sanctification is an act of the Holy Spirit that permanently transforms the person’s inner nature. See also consecration and ordination. In current usage, the meaning of the word “sin” is restricted to “a violation of a divine commandment.” God commanded us not to judge other people, therefore judging other people is a sin, even if they don’t know that we did it. Not all wrongdoings are sins. There is no divine commandment against stepping on someone’s toe, so you would have to seek forgiveness from the owner of the toe, not God. If we offend more than one party, we have to confess to all of them. Confessing to God that you stole something doesn't relieve you of the need to admit it to the victim and to restore their property. The Bible uses the word “sin” in more general sense. It can mean an offense against a person. Obviously, sins are not created equal; some are worse than others. Some churches have categorized and ranked sins according to severity and consequence, others don’t see the need, since no matter how serious or trivial they are, your obligation is the same: confess, repent, and obtain forgiveness. A sin can be deliberate, accidental, unintentional, or out of ignorance. It could be something that you did long ago, and only realized now that it was a sin. It’s still a sin.
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This agreement will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Victoria, Australia. You irrevocably submit to the non exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Victoria, Australia. If any part of this agreement is found to be void, unlawful or unenforceable then that part will be deemed to be severable from the balance of this agreement and the severed part will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. If we do not exercise or enforce any right or provision under this agreement, it will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. Any waiver of any provision under this agreement will only be effective if it is in writing and signed by us.
I make tomato jam several ways using variations on the New York Times recipe. I made the recipe as written once, but thought it was far too sweet. I use half the sugar, switched to brown sugar, and quite a bit more lime juice. I sometimes use cinnamon and red pepper flakes, sometimes I add a habanero, but the best, I think, is this one with Jamaica Jerk seasoning mix. It’s a deeper, more earthy flavor. Dump everything in a heavy medium saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring steadily. Bring the heat down to a simmer and let it cook down to jam consistency. This will take about an hour to an hour and a half depending on how juicy your tomatoes are. Check on it and give it a little stir about every 15 minutes so it cooks evenly and you don’t let it scorch. Taste about mid-way through and add seasoning to your taste. When it’s cooked down to a jam, let it cool and store it in the fridge. I will keep at the very least a week, more likely two weeks thanks to all the acid in the tomatoes and the limes. There’s nothing like a delicious sandwich for lunch. The trick is to get a good blend of flavor and texture and this sandwich brings everything. There are three ingredients in this sandwich, roast pork, cabbage, and chutney. I like to buy the cheapest pork roast, the shoulder or picnic roasts which run about $1.50 per pound. I spread Jamaica Jerk seasoning over the outside of the roast, top, bottom and sides. I roasted for about 40 minutes at 450° F. Roasting time depends on the size of the roast, so I always use a meat thermometer, removing the roast from the oven to rest when the thermometer reaches 140°. Chutneys are the easiest thing to make. All you do is toss some fruit in with sugar, spices, lots of ginger, and some vinegar or citrus juice, in this case, lime juice. Chop everything up, bring to a boil, reduce heat and let simmer for about one to two hours so all the substance is cooked down to a thick liquid. These are ingredients in this chutney. This makes about a cup of chutney. Just about any slaw will work, a mix of crunchy cabbage with a dressing of vinegar is all you need. I suppose you can use any bread, but I am partial to rye. I spread chutney on one slice and mayonnaise on the other. On the side with mayo, I put the cabbage slaw and I put the pork on the chutney side. I spread a bit more chutney over the pork. This helped hold it all together when I put the pieces together and cut it in half. This is a delicious sandwich with the crunchy freshness of the cabbage with the bit of tang of vinegar and lime. The chutney adds the unctuous sweet and sour. The rye lays down this hearty foundation for the meat and slaw. It’s perfection. The cabbage should be chopped first and left in a colander, salted to bring out the liquid so the slaw does not turn watery. Wring the cabbage out after it has sat for 30-45 minutes. Then add the carrots, onions, and tomatillos. Mix. Add dressing and shake to distribute dressing over the entire slaw. Do not serve for at least 30 minutes so the flavors begin to marry. This is a very light, fresh cole slaw. Despite the Sriracha and the ginger, it is not that hot. It just has a bit of zing. The tomatillos add a tartness that is fabulous and there is the layer of lime that is right there, adding that citrusy note but it not bitter. I chopped everything very small to make it work well on sandwiches or even dropped into a bowl of chili or soup. There is just enough dressing to coat the veggies and soak in a bit, but not enough to leave a layer of liquid in the bottom of the bowl, so it does not saturate the bread and when you sauté it with some pasta or rice, it does not add a lot of oil. This is a big batch. It made 4 quarts of cole slaw and I gave half to my best friend who went with me to Harvest Share. However, the thing with cole slaw that does not have a creamy dressing, that has no buttermilk, yogurt, mayo, or sour cream, is that it will last for several days…which means it is there for several meals and there is nothing more versatile. Eat cole slaw on its own. Use cole slaw on a sandwich. instead of lettuce. It’s delicious wth some pulled pork and chili beans on a burrito. Sauté lightly with some pierogies or pasta. This was another easy to prepare and flavorful salad I made ahead for some company coming over for brunch. In the morning, I added 1 cup of boiling water to 2/3 cup of bulgur in a one quart plastic bowl with a lid. I sealed the lid and left for later. In a few minutes the wheat absorbed all the water and it was ready. I stuck it in the fridge for later when I would mix up the salad. I drained a 15 oz can of black beans, rinsing all the liquid off and let them drain in a strainer while I chopped up the veggies. I chopped 3 green onions, 1/2 of a red pepper and a bunch of cilantro. I also quartered 8 cherry tomatoes. I mixed them all in with the bulgur, added the beans and 1 cup of corn salsa. I squeeze 2 fresh limes, added a dash of salt and pepper and 1/2 tsp of cumin and it was ready for prime time. It’s a flavor fiesta – spicy, sweet, crunchy and toothsome. The corn salsa adds just the right amount of heat. This made one quart of salad – all in the original container – so it also meant very little cleanup – a strainer and a knife. This is just a recipe for the Wild Plum Sauce. My best friend made the stir fry that I served over the rice with the sauce and a pork chop. She brought over 2 quarts of wild plums and suggested I come up with a good sauce. I love a challenge and started to work. I put 1 TBSP of olive oil in a sauce pan and heated to medium. I chopped on medium yellow onion and sautéed them with 2 inches of minced ginger and about 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of grated nutmeg. I let the onions cook until tender. Meanwhile I removed the pits from the plums. When the onions were tender, I added the plums and 1/4 cup of white vinegar. I let simmer until the plums broke down into a sauce. I used a potato masher to help it break down some more. Removing from the heat, I squeezed the juice of two fresh limes, added a bit of salt and pepper to taste. Then I added some sriracha to taste. I suppose about two tsps or so. Mileage may vary. If you like it hotter, add more. After it cooled, I pureed to a nice, smooth sauce. This is sweet, sour and spicy – perfect for meat, for fried wontons and anything that likes a sweet-sour flavor. It’s good with veggies on rice and just about anything. I mixed the following ingredients together and put them in an airtight storage container. I let the salsa rest for a few hours, allowing the lime juice, onions and chile flavors to soak into the cherries. This made a quart of fresh salsa. Since it is fresh, not cooked, it will need to be consumed relatively quickly, though all the acid will slow spoilage. I served it with a turkey burger for supper and with a bagel for breakfast. I think it would be delicious on grilled chicken breast or pork chops, added to a burrito or on top of a salad. This salad is inspired by Aarti Sequeira’s salad for Food Network, but I have changed it slightly. I cut up 1 watermelon and 1 cantaloupe into 1 inch pieces. As I cut them up, I put them into my giant colander inside a large mixing bowl so that the juice dripped into the bowl. While removing the rind from the watermelon, I set it to one side to use for a watermelon chutney. I left the fruit to drain into the bowl for an hour. Coming back, I poured the melon juice into a glass for a lovely glass of juice. However, I took 2 tbsp of the juice and put it in a small bowl with 1 tbsp of raw buckwheat honey and stirred and stirred and stirred until the honey was blended with the juice. I then juiced two limes into the bowl and 2 generous pinches of sumac. I cleaned and chopped about 1/2 cup of fresh mint and added it to the bowl. I mixed these together and dressed the watermelon. I put it all in a plastic container to marinate a bit. When serving, I just spooned some salad in the bowl and sprinkled feta on top. I do not mix the feta in with the salad until serving because I don’t want it to soften in the dressing. Watermelon is my favorite fruit. I honestly thought nothing could improve on watermelon. Watermelon is so delicious it hardly needs anything to make it better, but the tartness of the sumac and the bright mint and sour lemon and that hearty buckwheat honey are just amazing together and then the bit of feta. There really can be something better than watermelon.
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We all strive to be better people and to embody what most of us call excellence. But there’s a fairly large gap between excellence and what we might call innovation. Both qualities live on the leading edge. Excellence surpasses what might be considered required or average performance where innovation takes our actions into expanding beyond the envelope of what is expected in terms of perspective and options. In accomplishing either there’s also a tremendous difference in the rapport we can expect to have with others, especially our peer group, relative to the support we might also expect to come from them. Being on the leading edge can be extremely exciting but at the same time disconcertingly lonely. Portraying excellence sometimes embodies a few unexpected twists but it, invariably and generally, matches some “job description” or intended and publicly assumed goal. With whatever is accomplished there remains a sense of consistency and the feeling that things will go on as they are and that we are all on the “right path.” Humans love consistency. It provides a reassuring and solid point of reference for us to know that we stand within the specified limits of what is possible for the average person and what will be acceptable by our society’s majority for our approval, continued support and our guaranteed sense of belonging. In this we remain part of the herd and will keep receiving their shelter and protection. Innovation moves way past excellence in what is expected, however. It does have its perks in connecting us with like minded individuals who usually, end up becoming our support system. But even there, jealousy and resentment can rear its ugly head but, perhaps, not quite as much as simply excelling past our limits. This regard for excellence and hero worship has spawned many proverbs and myths about socially desired perspectives designed to promote success but within specified social parameters protecting the status quo so everyone may feel safe and secure within accepted guidelines. “Everybody loves a winner” is one of our proliferated social proverbs. On the surface it requires our expected, and usually granted, public adulation of the winner but underneath it sparks cloaked jealousy and resentment within “average” people. Why? Within our contemporary social context we have a spoken, unspoken and often accepted assumption that to be considered “good” and productive by others we must always strive to do our best and even more so when life and its circumstances challenge our survival and our comfort. But living life with life’s challenges can often be overwhelming and draining of whatever energy we have well past our capacity to regenerate it and resume our struggle. In light of this perceived “battering” we often assess our resiliency as not being “up to snuff’ with what we think others expect us to cope with. This tends to lead us to feel “badly” about ourselves and to either hide our perceived inadequacies or, if they are too obvious, rationalize them away. We may also find refuge with others through commiseration. Generally, if we don’t commiserate we just accept “discommendation,” pull back and refocus elsewhere. This is not a self-empowering feeling when we live in what we might perceive as a highly competitive society. However, we usually just do our best to put I out of our minds. When someone exhibits excellence in something we have struggled with and have not been able to overcome, it resurfaces our feelings of frustration, overwhelming and defeat. Depending on our level of maturity, strength of self-confidence and if the person achieving excellence is “one of our clan” will determine how we react. If the person is “one of our clan” we may have mixed reactions; partly happy for them and the group and partly sad about our own experience with our past efforts. If either or both of our maturity or self-confidence are below the threshold of feeling compassion, we will tend to congratulate them outwardly and resent them privately. Achieving excellence puts us in a precarious position with our friends, loved ones and peer group. First, it puts us in a position of leadership whether we want it or not. This, in itself, can put us into circumstances which accelerate resentment and competition among and with those who “follow” us. Second, it puts us into a position that, were we to repeat the challenge, we would be expected to repeat our excelling performance, at the least, to the degree that would qualify us for continued accolades regardless as to whether the circumstances had remained the same or had become more difficult. Third, if we did not repeat our performance to the level that we gained accolades for on a subsequent challenge, those who “followed” us would denigrate us mercilessly. Why? Because we had been reluctantly elevated, to a level of “better than,” by them, and was expected to and failed to “spearhead” as a “point man” the task that no one else could or would do leaving a vacuum that someone else will have to fill and, potentially, fail at revealing their perceived inadequacies. In no way am I attempting to discourage anyone from attempting and achieving excellence and innovation. However, it is necessary to become aware that the support system or even the commiseration that once came with being part of an “average” or “regular” group of people may often change from what we expect from them. The security, belonging and acceptance of being just one of the “regular guys” evaporates when we outstrip our peers in performance. Our excelling performance reminds them of what they should or could be doing exposing their self doubts and, if they employ projection, they begin to look at us as a problem diminishing their self-image in the presence of their peers and the world. I actually had a coworker say to me, “Don’t work so fast. You’re making us look bad.” This type of attitude tends to make them distance themselves from us allowing their self-doubts to again retreat into their shadow and then validate their withdrawal by commiserating with the remaining peer group about their differences from us through rationalizing their perceived inadequacies. There is one other perspective that I wish to bring to your attention. And that is the plight of a family member who is used as a “catch all” for blame when the family is unable to either accomplish something or live up to a standard that’s “required” for social approval. This is can also be a person who moves onto the leading edge relative to their family’s health and functioning. This family member then becomes the “scapegoat.” Even though they may receive derision for being the cause of perceived but hidden family “incompetence,” they still receive a form of family protection and inclusion through maintaining the dysfunctional family rapport with the perceived family inadequacies by keeping them covered and hidden from public knowledge. When the “scapegoat” moves past his or her role as sustainer of the projected family mask by reclaiming his or her own self-respect and dignity, the family feels intensely threatened and will subject him or her to much more pressure while additionally threatening them with “excommunication” lest they return to their prior supportive role in keeping the family secrets intact and unexposed. As we can see here also, excellence and innovation are relative to what is expected regardless of the level we start at. There's no Crowd on the Leading Edge. Not only must we deal with the challenge of the circumstances that we strive to overcome to be an excellent or innovative performer, but we must also deal with potential feelings of jealousy and resentment coming from our immature co-workers or family members who were either unable or unwilling to achieve excellence on their own. Our fate is often in becoming the object of gossip and, perhaps, being ostracized. Being on the leading edge can truly be exciting AND a lonely place. It often requires us to make a choice between remaining as a safe and secure sheep among the “average” in the herd or moving past our limits to accomplish what others may only dream of. All of us must eventually choose.
Alright, so I’ve spent a ton of time doing these online traffic school reviews and getting together some discount codes and coupons. I’m not sure of anybody else who is crazy enough to review online traffic schools, but as a certified driving instructor and long-haul trucker, driving is a passion for me. I’ve gone through some of the major online traffic schools out there and narrowed it down to the best. Of course, for each driving school I recommend below, there is also an extremely detailed review of the course so you know exactly what to expect. I just want to prepare you real quick. There is no such thing as a fun or exciting traffic school. These online traffic school reviews aren’t meant to tell you which one is the most exciting. It’s going to be boring no matter who you go with. However, these are the most bearable online traffic schools around. These are also the only schools that I can personally vouch for as I’ve gone through them myself. There are probably other options out there that are just as good, but being one guy, I can’t review them all. Believe it or not, there are hundreds of “state certified” online traffic schools out there and most of them are very low quality. Good luck! It’ll all be over soon! Aceable is one of the best online traffic schools right now. Up until March of 2017 you would not have seen them listed here at all. That’s because they were only certified in a small handful of states, but as they now cover all of the major states, I feel comfortable listing them among my top choices. Check out this page to see if they are certified in your state. While Aceable is one of the newer online traffic schools and I usually say that’s a bad thing, in this case, it means the opposite. For starters, this is the ONLY online traffic school that was built from the ground up for each individual mobile device you might use (and yes, you can switch between devices anytime as you take the course). While most online traffic schools have “mobile-friendly” versions (usually crap), Aceable has dedicated apps and platforms for each device. They also provide audio, video, graphics, animations, and they even have a cool robot mascot named Ace, who I promise you’ll actually miss when it’s all over. Their customer service, based out of Austin, Texas, is second to none. If you have any problems, tell them I referred you, and I promise they will take care of you (if not, contact me!). It’s fast, it’s cheap, it’s easy, it’s modern, they have a money-back guarantee, and it’s the course I would personally use if I had to sign up. While I have a detailed review of the Aceable online driver’s ed course, I don’t have a review of their traffic school or defensive driving courses yet. I’m working on it!! Use This Exclusive Link For The Best Price On Aceable! iDriveSafely is one of the largest and oldest online traffic schools with more than 5 million customers having already completed the course (although I prefer to call them guinea pigs). They’ve been at this for decades now and have kept a very good reputation. This was the very first online traffic school I ever reviewed and as of this writing, they are still among my favorites. The school also has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and their system will check to verify you are eligible for their course. Before online traffic school became available, iDriveSafely was one of the few companies that had a home based course through workbooks and VHS tapes. Now that technology has advanced into awesomeness, they have continued their home based online traffic school courses with state of the art videos, animations, and tracking software so you can use the course whenever, from wherever, using virtually any device with an internet connection. Improv Traffic School was created by the famous chain of Improv Comedy Clubs. Many years ago, a bunch of Hollywood Comedians began giving classroom based traffic school but focused on making it fun and easy. Their traffic school courses were a huge hit, since it was more like entertainment than anything. Thankfully, Improv decided to take this same approach to online traffic school. While most online traffic schools consist of boring full length pages to read, Improv Traffic School is full of hilarious videos, pictures, animations, and even games. Plus, when you sign up, they also give you 2 free tickets to one of their Improv Comedy Clubs. The tickets have a market value greater than the actual course you’re paying for. Whether you decide to use those tickets or not, chances are you’ll have a few laughs taking their online traffic school. This is one of my favorite courses and my top recommendation for those with a good sense of humor. Oh, and don’t forget to use the coupon link they gave me (posted below) so you can save 5 bucks! GoToTrafficSchool is the best option for one person in particular… The bargain hunter! While GoToTrafficSchool isn’t exactly the most advanced traffic school in terms of engaging videos and animations, they have been around for well over a decade with millions of people having completed their course already. The main thing that sets this online traffic school apart from the rest is their lowest price guarantee. If you are able to find a price anywhere else that is cheaper than GoToTrafficSchool, they will match or beat that price. Most states set a mandatory minimum price for all online traffic schools and GoToTrafficSchool.com normally prices their course at the minimum. If you are simply looking for the lowest possible price to complete your ticket dismissal requirements, this is the course you want to sign up for. And don’t worry, you can start taking the course for free just to make sure you like it. While many people enjoy an interactive course filled with games, videos, and animations, other people just like the most bare bones course available. This is where Traffic School 101 comes in handy. This course has no frills, no thrills, and no attempts at using cheesy humor. Instead, the course is set up very similar to a standard ebook. They simply present you with the info, provide the testing platform to complete your required quizzes, and you’re done. But don’t worry, you still get the benefits of most other online traffic schools. You can still log in and out whenever you want and you get access to 24/7/365 technical and customer support. Unfortunately, some reports have come in that certain parts of this course requires a “flash plugin” so this will not work well on many mobile devices / tablets including all Apple devices. If you want a straight forward course without all the extra bells and whistles, this is definitely the course for you. DriversEd.com is a school I normally recommend for online drivers ed courses, although they are approved in a few states for online traffic school including what I call “the big two” – California and Texas. This company is huge with drivers ed programs and repackages the material from drivers ed courses into an online traffic school. The advantage to this is, the quality is very high because there are more quality checks for drivers ed programs. The graphics and animations they use are very high quality and have a cool 3D look that’s easy on the eyes. Really impressive stuff. So this is another good option for you. Comedy Traffic School, located at ComedyTrafficSchool.com, is a course I only recently got around to reviewing. I’ve gotta say, I’m pretty darn impressed! I’m still a huge fan of my highest rated online traffic schools, Improv Traffic School and iDriveSafely, but this is definitely another great option to look into. If you are a fan of comedy based traffic schools, do yourself a favor and take a look at this one. The type of comedy they use might not be very well received by everyone, so be sure to check out their course demos and videos before you sign up. NOTE: As of this review, Comedy Traffic School is only approved in the state of California. I decided to include this school for one main reason – they also guarantee to have the cheapest pricing. This course is very similar to GoToTrafficSchool and the school is actually operated by the same owners. However, the course is set up slightly different. Since you are allowed to start taking the course for free, you might want to go through a chapter or two and see how it compares with some of the other online traffic schools listed here. The last time I took this course, it appeared they had updated some sections and made it a bit more modern compared to their GoToTrafficSchool course. It really comes down to personal preference, so sign up for free and see what you think. Review #: The Online Traffic School, Inc. The Online Traffic School, Inc. is another well known online traffic school. They’ve been around for so long that they have had over 4 million people graduate from their course so far. That’s a lot of traffic violators! You get everything you’d expect from a good online traffic school like 24/7/365 support and a money back guarantee. They also have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and a good online reputation. Since they were founded in 1996, they have become certified in over two dozen states. Chances are, if your state allows online traffic school for ticket dismissal or point reduction, The Online Traffic School, Inc. will be approved. Just in case, during the signup process, they will verify your eligibility. This is definitely a higher quality online traffic school. Traffic School To Go is operated by the American Safety Council. It was was one of the very first online traffic schools in the nation. They have maintained an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and have kept a good track record with millions of former students. The course is designed so you can complete it using any device with an internet connection. In addition, this course is also guaranteed to be the cheapest. I personally had a few issues with their customer service department, however. I had sent multiple emails and had trouble getting any response. However, I still decided to include this school since many people like that they are owned and operated by the American Safety Council. It is a name people trust and their school has been licensed for well over a decade. Traffic School Online has been around for about 15 years now and they have been able to maintain an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. When doing a Google search for online traffic schools, this is one of the very top schools that comes up. When I saw that, I knew I had to write a review for it. The course itself is pretty decent, but I do have some complaints about it. For starters, it isn’t exactly mobile friendly. Their main website is not mobile friendly at all and in fact, some portions of their site require the use of Flash Plugins which are not available on most apple devices like the iPhone or iPad. We wish they were keeping up with technology a bit better. Also, we noticed some very deceitful “customer reviews” on the site which we are unable to verify. We do know there are some strange things going on with those “reviews” though. Make sure you check out my full Traffic School Online review for more details. NOTE: This online traffic school is only approved for the state of California. No Stress Traffic School is one of the newer online traffic school on my review list. As the name of the school implies, they do everything they can to take all the stress out of your online traffic school experience. From an easy sign-up process to a lowest price guarantee and automatically sending your certification to the courts, you can rest assured this certified school will fulfill all of your court requirements in California. As with most other modern courses, you can log in and out at anytime using any device, so you truly can do this at your own pace and from anywhere. NOTE: This online traffic school is only approved for the states of Texas, Virginia, and Florida. TicketSchool.com caught my attention because I kept seeing it pop up during Google search results when searching for online traffic schools. What’s interesting is even though this course ranks highly in the search results, I can’t quite figure out why. There are no indications this is a higher quality online traffic school than many of the others who don’t show up highly in search results. With numerous “red flags”, I am very suspicious about the quality of this school or their ability to update their technology as we move into a mobile and tablet world (and whatever else comes along). While I was able to verify that this school is legitimate and approved in Texas, Virginia, and Florida, I am not able to fully recommend this school. I go into more detail in my detailed review. Should You Really Take Your Traffic School Online? What Is The Best Comedy Based Online Traffic School? I truly hope you find the above online traffic school reviews to be helpful. Be sure to check out the coupon codes and discount links I also listed above. I was able to contact many of these schools and get special referral codes that will save you some cash. While that wraps up the reviews of traffic schools, below I included a bit more information I thought you might be interested in. It’s pretty simple, really. First, I research the company who runs the online driving school. I make sure they are a real company and are legitimate. If the company isn’t legit, I don’t even take the course. Anytime I enter personal information, I only go with secure websites on secure servers with secure companies that are well established. So rest assured, these schools are safe in that aspect. Once I’ve determined the traffic school is legit, I take the course for myself. Yeah, it’s boring. But I’m happy to sacrifice my time and sanity for my fellow speeders and for the success of this website (I’m addicted to building websites – it’s fun!). After I complete the course, I write up my review. That’s it! I mean really, besides taking the course for you, there isn’t much more I can do to help, is there? If for whatever reason you don’t want to go with one of these driving courses, just be careful. Many online defensive driving schools are run by 3rd parties. In other words, you sign up for a course through one site, and they simply resell you a course from another site. Since they are acting as a “middle man” there is probably something in it for them. So before you fill in your personal information and sign up for the course, be 100% sure you are signing up for a driving school and not for some third party. Anymore Online Traffic School Reviews? I’ll try to get this updated, but I haven’t found any other online traffic school courses worth mentioning in a long time. Seriously, those are the best online driving schools out there. Don’t even bother with any other ones. Just stick with one of the above 4 and you’ll be good. I do, however, have some online driving school reviews listed by state. It’ll mostly be repeated information, but check it out if you’re interested. How Long Will Online Traffic School Take To Complete? This depends entirely on your state. Check out my online traffic school reviews by state for more detailed info. In some states, there are programs you can take with no course timers, and that’s awesome. What’s a course timer, you might ask? Each page of your online traffic school must be timed in most states. For example, if your state normally requires a classroom traffic school to last 6 hours, the online driving course alternative must take you 6 hours as well. To ensure it takes that amount of time, there are timers in the course to prevent you from skipping ahead and finishing the entire thing in 10 minutes. Sorry, no way around this one. Although sitting in front of the television while simultaneously “taking the course” seems to act as a nice remedy (you didn’t hear that from me). What Happens When I’m Finished Taking My Online Traffic School? Once again, this depends on the state you’re from. In some states, such as California, it is up to the traffic school themselves to electronically send your completion certificate directly to the courts for you. However, in other states such as Texas, you will need to receive a paper copy of your certificate in the mail, then personally deliver that to the court or, in some cases, mail it into the court yourself. Most online traffic schools require up to 7 days for “processing time” before your completion certificate is shipped. Then, they use the slowest mailing method possible with delivery times estimated at 7 to 10 days. In order to receive your certificate quicker, you have to pay ridiculous expedited processing fees. Do not procrastinate taking your online traffic school! If you do, you’ll pay for it in the way of overpriced shipping and handling fees. Just get it done. Question / Answer Format: At the beginning of the course, you may be asked several personal questions that only you should know (do you have a mortgage, what are the 3rd and 4th numbers of your social security number, what is your mothers maiden name, what year was your father born, etc.). Once you have answered these questions, you will be asked throughout the course randomly to answer those questions again. If you get too many wrong or don’t answer within the amount of time allowed, you get locked out of the course. In addition, they may ask you new questions throughout the course that only you should know the answer to. You are allowed to get some of these wrong, but get too many wrong and you are locked out. Voice Authentication: You may be required to authenticate your voice. This is usually done through the telephone. Basically, they call your phone number to get a “baseline” recording of your voice. After that, they will call you randomly throughout the course and ask you to give a secret code that is currently shown on the screen. If you do not get the code right or it is not your voice being used, you may get locked out of the course. Some courses require a microphone to be used and plugged in / active while taking the course. Webcam: In some cases, a court will require you to have webcam capabilities. The webcam will need to be on and active throughout the course and/or the cam will take pictures at random times. If you are not clearly visible and identifiable, you may be locked out of the course. Note that this is a rare form of authentication and voice authentication is much more widely used. What happens if you get “locked out” of a course? Normally, it’s a simple phone call to customer service. This is part of the reason why 24/7/365 customer support is necessary with online traffic schools. Most of the time when people get locked out of a course, it is due to a simple error and not due to any attempts at cheating. Keep in mind, if you do get caught cheating or having somebody else take your online traffic school for you, it is a criminal offense. Granted, I’ve never heard of anyone actually getting fined or going to jail over this, but it’s probably best to simply complete the course yourself and not risk it. This is just traffic school, not a prison sentence! Along the lines of state requirements, online traffic schools can only keep your account in “active” status for a certain period of time. Usually this is 3 to 9 months, depending on the state. If you have not completed the course in this timeframe, you will get locked out of your account. In order to re-activate, most online traffic schools we reviewed charged a fee to re-activate. Don’t sign up until you are ready to take and complete the course. Well, I hope you found these online traffic school reviews helpful and I hope this is the last time you ever have to take an online traffic school! But hey, at least you don’t have to waste your time sitting in a stuffy classroom with a bunch of other traffic law criminals (hey, technically you’re a criminal!). Online traffic school isn’t so bad in comparison. So take one last look through all of the online traffic school reviews listed above, feel free to use our coupon codes and discount links, and get it done! It’ll all be over soon!
Let me congratulate on you on taking charge of the ministries of finance, corporate affairs and defence. I submit that as finance minister you are inheriting the legacy of Shri James Wilson, a fee trade activist who became British India's first finance minister (called finance member then) who introduced Income Tax in India in 1860 to overcome the losses on account of the ‘Military Mutiny’ of 1857 by Indian revolutionary soldiers and after British Government realized that it cannot govern India indirectly through the fiction of the East India Company. I wish to draw your attention towards your article “My Call Detail Records and A Citizen’s Right to Privacy” as the Leader of Opposition, Rajya Sabha which was published in Urdu, Gujarati, Hindi and English. Your reading about the adverse implications of the disease called biometric identification syndrome spread by automatic identification and intelligence companies through likes of Shri Nandan Nilekani is quite accurate. I submit that your comprehension is in sync with former intelligence contractor, Shri Edward Snowden’s disclosures. General Keith Alexander, as director of USA’s National Security Agency (NSA) had instructed information gathering saying, "sniff it all, know it all, collect it all, process it all and exploit it all”. This came to light when Russia Today made available some crucial pieces of information which was edited out NBC News broadcasted interview of Shri Snowden on the night of May 28, 2014. Shri Snowden observed, “The problem with mass surveillance is that we’re piling more hay on a haystack we already don’t understand.” This is what has been attempted by Shri Nilekani and people like Shri Sam Pitroda through Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations (PIII) who headed it in the rank of a cabinet minister. It must be noted that by Notification No. A-43011/02/2009-Adm.1 (Vol II) dated 02.07.2009 appointment of Shri Nilekani as Chairperson of UIDAI in the rank and status of a Cabinet Minister was approved for an initial tenure 5 years. On March 5, 2014, Lok Sabha election dates were announced. On 09.03.2014, Shri Nilekani officially joined Indian National Congress without resigning from the post of Chairman, UIDAI. He wrote a letter to the Prime Minister relinquishing the post of Chairman, UIDAI vide ref.no. Chairman / 34/2013-UIDAI on 13.03.2014 but his resignation as accepted on 18.03.2014 by the ‘competent authority’ in Planning Commission, Government of India vide Notification no. F.6 /2009-Adm.I, with retrospective effect from March 13, 2014. I submit that Shri Nilekani has been caught red handed in violation of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules 1964. Under Rule 5 of the Rules regarding “Taking part in politics and elections” reads: “No Government servant shall be a member of, or be otherwise associated with, any political party or any organisation which takes part in politics nor shall he take part in, subscribe in aid of, or assist in any other manner, any political movement or activity.” While implicitly and informally Shri Nilekani functioned as a member of the Indian National Congress from July 2, 2009 but between March 9, 2014 and March 18, 2014, he functioned totally illegally and illegitimately by throwing all norms to the dustbin with impunity so far. I wish to submit how biometric aadhhar is linked to Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN). It may be noted that the sovereign function of the tax administration is being transferred to Goods and Services Tax Network, a private body. This approach appears to have no parallel anywhere in the world. I submit that a New Indian Express story ‘Aadhar cut down to size, data mining projects raise concerns’ (Sept 29, 2013) underlined how NIUs like GSTN are linked to biometric UID/aadhaar number. Supreme Court’s verdict on the legitimacy, legality and constitutionality of this identifier is likely to impact NIUs as well. I submit that no taxation without political representation was the battle cry of the American Revolution. The issue is how GST can be imposed when there is no political representation in the GSTN. Chief Ministers of all non-Congress States and all the non-Congress parties be vigilant against the subversion of hard earned rights of true political representation in matters of taxation. Amidst opposition from Chief Ministers and officials from the Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC), GSTN is meant for controlling all new indirect tax data from the Centre and states. It is noteworthy that Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Dr J Jayalalithaa had sent a letter dated August 18, 2011 to non-Congress Chief Ministers urging them to stridently oppose the introduction of a Goods and Services Tax (GST). She argued that it would affect the fiscal autonomy of States. In the light of the proposal for GSTN, Dr Jayalalithaa’s opposition has been proven right because as per the plan, entire individual data—direct and indirect taxes—including registration, return and payment by taxpayers will be in custody of a NIU. It is a case of handing over of public data to a private entity. It is akin to day light robbery. I submit that your predecessors have at the Finance Ministry have compelled the CBEC and Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) to sign MoU for the sharing of data. This is to ensure that GSTN will be able to access and process the entire tax data-both direct and indirect taxes. It has asked the CBEC to hand over the processing of data for tax surveillance to GSTN. This has been done without any security or privacy safeguards. I submit that such initiatives will lead to handing over the control over indirect and direct tax data to GSTN for tax profiling and surveillance without any legislation passed by Parliament, the personal sensitive information like biometric data is being handed over to UIDAI and its partner companies like Accenture from USA and Safran from France. This undermines citizens’ sovereignty, states’ autonomy and national security for good. I submit that in April 2013, a number of news reports announced that the Government has ‘decided to set up a special purpose vehicle to provide information technology support to various stakeholders under the proposed Goods and Services Tax (GST)’. The Goods and Services Tax is a value-added tax that is expected to replace all indirect taxes on goods and services imposed by the Centre and Indian states. The special purpose vehicle has been named the Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN), is seen as an important step in ushering in a little understood but much touted reform, because it will make it possible to bring together taxation data from the Centre and states that was so far processed separately. The GSTN is already in place as a private limited company despite strong opposition by senior officials of the Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC), and Shri Naveen Kumar, former chief secretary of Bihar, has been appointed chairman. This body will control all new indirect tax data from the Centre and states and will have access to past data as well. The charges it will impose for processing this data will be the revenue that sustains its operations. I submit that since the Finance Ministry headed by your predecessors directed the CBEC and Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) to sign MoU for the sharing of data, Goods and Services Tax Network will be able to access and process the entire tax data of the country, both of direct and indirect taxes. Obviously, this should have been a matter for far more public debate than it has evoked, but the actual process of setting up Goods and Services Tax Network is far more alarming than this broad outline. Since it will have to be in place before the Goods and Services Tax is rolled out, the Finance Ministry has asked the CBEC to hand over the processing of data for tax surveillance to Goods and Services Tax Network, which would ensure it a revenue stream as soon as it takes over these functions. As a result, Goods and Services Tax Network body will be the sole information hub for linking and processing all of India’s tax data, something that has never been attempted by the Government, leave alone a private entity. This is being done in the absence of any security or privacy provisions in place. I submit that in January 2011, the Technology Advisory Group for Unique Projects (TAGUP) headed by Shri Nilekani recommended the setting up of five infotech intensive financial projects—for the Income Tax Department, National Pension Scheme, Reserve Bank of India, and for tracking government expenditure and Goods and Services Tax Network for the Goods and Services Tax. A similar structure for each of the five was proposed, a not-for-profit Section 25 company, with a self-sustaining revenue model, where the Government’s holding would be restricted to 49 per cent and private institutional holding set at 51 per cent. Having gone through relevant documents, I submit that the not-for-profit structure of GSTN means that before the company can sustain itself by levying user fees, it needs funds to hire the staff. Private investors—Housing Development Finance Corp Ltd, HDFC Bank Ltd, LIC Housing Finance Ltd, ICICI Bank Ltd and NSE Strategic Investment Corp Ltd—have no incentive to provide the necessary money. Therefore, GSTN has been set up on equity of just Rs 10 crore and the Government has provided it a one-time grant of Rs 315 crore. In effect, the government has funded a start-up that it does not even have majority control of. I submit that despite the issue of money required, since GSTN is already in place as a self-sustaining body, it needs sources of revenue other than those that would be eventually generated from receiving and processing Goods and Services Tax data. This is unfolding as a result of the recommendations of the Empowered Group on IT Infrastructure for Goods and Services Tax headed by Shri Nilekani. I submit that in November 2011, when the CBEC was brought fully into the picture, Ms Sheila Sangwan, then Member had summarised the problems with the Empowered Group’s proposals: ‘…a meeting was held wherein ‘There was unanimity amongst the officers present that the sovereign function to be performed by the tax administration should be kept out of the purview of the GST’ and GSTN, a private body. Ms Sangwan had pointed out that much the same could be done through a government-controlled body that would outsource computing requirements but would not lose control over the data. This has the advantage of retaining the security and privacy safeguards and legal controls that already exist for such data. I submit that these apprehensions of senior officers of the CBEC have been set aside. In fact security at GSTN due to private control is worrisome. It is clear that tax profiling and surveillance has been handed over to GSTN without any legal mandate, the way biometric aadhaar unfolded. I submit that this signals movement towards a regime where the country’s entire tax data will be accessible through a body which will be in no position to guarantee security standards. I submit that likes of Shri Nilekani have been allowed to distort language and commit linguistic corruption to take away the sovereign function of tax collection from the Government and hand it over to National Information Utilities (NIUs) which is purported to be a private company with public purpose and which has profit making as motive but not profit maximizing. I submit that in his book which was first published in 2008, Shri Nilekani is deeply worried because “zeroing in on a definite identity for each citizen particularly difficult, since each government department works as a different turf and with different groups of people.” He argues that “Our databases are in these disconnected silos” and states that “NIUs would be databases that amass information…” which will connect all these “disconnected silos”. I submit that in this unprecedented move country’s most sensitive financial data -entire tax data of Indians has been turned over to a private firm, set up as a special purpose vehicle (SPV) named GSTN, an IT company on the recommendations of Shri Nilekani headed panel. GSTN is supposed to provide information technology support under the proposed Goods and Services Tax (GST). There is no provision for data security in it. As you are aware GST is a value-added tax which is expected to replace all indirect taxes on goods and services imposed by the Centre and Indian states. GST will replace the State VAT, Central Excise, Service Tax and a few other indirect taxes will be a broad-based, single, comprehensive tax levied on goods and services. It will be levied at every stage of the production-distribution chain by giving the benefit of Input Tax Credit (ITC) of the tax remitted at previous stages. GST is based on a destination-based taxation system, where tax is levied on final consumption. It is expected to broaden the tax base, foster a common market across the country, reduce compliance costs, and promote exports. The GST will be a dual tax with levy by both Central and State tax administrations on the same base. The GST demands a well-designed and robust IT system for realizing its potential in reforming indirect taxation in India. The IT system for GST would be a unique project, which will integrate the Central and State tax administration. I submit that while presenting the Union Budget in 2011-12, the then Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee informed the Lok Sabha that Technology Advisory Group for Unique Projects (TAGUP) headed by Shri Nilekani, Chairman, Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) which submitted its report dated January 31, 2011 and its recommendations have been accepted in principle. Other members of the TAG UP included Shri C. B. Bhave Chairman, SEBIR, Shri Chandrasekhar, Secretary, Department of Telecommunications, Shri Dhirendra Swarup, Former Chairman, PFRDAS, Shri S. Khan Former Member, CBDTP. Shri R. V. Ramanan Former Member, CBEC and Dr. Nachiket Mor Chairman, IFMR Trust. I wish to reiterate that NIU is manifestly an exercise in linguistic corruption with the aim of ‘building a coalition for change’. The TAG UP report reveals, “GSTN is an NIU that is being set up to serve multiple levels of Governments (Central and State) in GST”. It also states that “The IT Strategy for GST was defined and accepted within Government even before the NIU was selected.” It is noteworthy that IT Strategy for GST was also defined by Shri Nilekani. I submit that in November 2011, Ms Sheila Sangwan, Member (Budget and Computerisation), had summarised the problems with the GSTN related proposals: ‘…a meeting was held on 14/15 November 2011 in the Chairman’s office (Shri S K Goel) to discuss the structure and functions of the proposed GSTN… Dr Nandan Nilekani has mentioned as minuted that there is need to go in for the SPV even without GST being introduced. ..There was unanimity amongst the officers present that the sovereign function to be performed by the tax administration should be kept out of the purview of the GST.’ It was noted that ‘Across the tax administration in the world, the privacy of taxpayer data is accorded utmost priority and it is the practice to house this data in Government hands…’ So far Chairman of CBEC has not addressed the essential question of who would be the repository of the data. The question is why is CBEC made to hurry to comply with the whims and fancies of Shri Nilekani and his coalition partners given the fact that Nilekani has never taken oath of office and secrecy? I submit that Shri Naveen Kumar, the head of GSTN when was asked about control of the data said, “We will start from scratch with our own servers and beginning with a list of dealers we will start building a database of transactions on our system. For this, we do not need additional data from the Customs or any other department.” It is quite evident that servers of GSTN, a private company will be stored in a Grid of sort. I submit that as Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee announced that India has “voluntarily sought a full-fledged Financial Sector Assessment Programme” from International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank in January, 2011. This is similar to the voluntariness displayed in the drafting of Sixth Plan (1980-1985) after secret negotiations with the Bank. I wish to draw your attention towards a chapter ‘Extended and Specialized Lending,’ in Silent Revolution The International Monetary Fund 1979–1989 by James M. Boughton published by IMF in October 2001, it is revealed that Congress Prime Minister Indira Gandhi “gave the go-ahead to enter into secret negotiations” with IMF, following which on November 25, 1980, Shri R.N. Malhotra, Secretary, Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance “visited the Managing Director at the Fund to signal his country’s interest in obtaining a credit arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) that offered the option of longer-term credits. The first negotiating mission went to New Delhi in January 1981, led by Tun Thin, Director of the Asian Department. The then Finance Minister, Shri R. Venkataraman, met with IMF’s Managing Director in Washington and subsequently signed and submitted the Letter of Intent on September 28, 1981. Following the IMF’s approval for EFF, Indian National Congress led government faced massive criticism for subjecting itself to IMF’s conditionality. I submit that in an exercise of sophistry, this Congress led government argued that “the EFF arrangement did not impose conditionality at all, because it was fully consistent with the policies that were already incorporated in the Sixth Five-Year Plan” and after having internalized the conditionality imposed by IMF, Mrs Indira Gandhi informed the Parliament that “the arrangement does not force us to borrow, nor shall we borrow unless it is for the national interest. There is absolutely no question of our accepting any programme which is incompatible with our policy, declared and accepted by Parliament. It is inconceivable that anybody should think that we would accept assistance from any external agency which dictates terms which are not in consonance with such policies.” This IMF publication unequivocally establishes that Mrs Indira Gandhi lied to the Parliament and misled the nation. I submit that GSTN is being created with an ulterior motive to bring it under the financial sector surveillance program of the IMF, World Bank Group in continuation of the policies pursued since the days of Mrs Indira Gandhi. These policies have made India servile to the dictates of the Bank. GSTN helps the World Bank Group to make deeper inroads and erode the financial sovereignty of the country in complicity with the ministers of the Congress party. The new government must reverse this trend in national interest. I submit that Foreign Policy magazine of the Washington Post Company listed Shri Nilekani, apparently a protégé of Shri Mukherjee as one of the Top 100 Global Thinkers in 2010. This was prior to disclosures about invasion of privacy by intelligence agencies of USA and UK by monitoring emails, web searches, and telephone records. And the disclosures by Wikileaks about the keen interest of US administration in the aadhaar project. It appears that Shri Nilekani undertook their task by collating biometric data of India. It is admitted his well wishers like the President of World Bank have volunteered his services to other developing countries as well. This was done in April 2013 at World Bank in Washington. I submit that in October 2012, in an interview with McKinsey & Company, Shri Nilekani said, “Our goal, our vision, is by 2014 to have at least half a billion people on the system, which will make it one of the world’s largest online ID infrastructures. So that’s one metric of success. The second is we’d like to see two or three major applications that use this ID infrastructure. One of them is electronic benefit transfer, where governments will pay pensions, scholarships, or whatever entitlements by cash. And the third is [that] the mobile industry will use [the ID infrastructure] for verification”. He added, “In the US, to me, the two big examples are the Internet, which was originally conceived as a defense project, and GPS. Again, it was a defense project. Both these things, though they began as [part of] a government defense infrastructure, today are the basis for huge innovation.” Shri Nilekani was/is aware that the substratum of the “world’s largest online ID infrastructures” is Internet which is in total control of US Government and US companies. b) Copy of contract of UIDAI with M/s Accenture for Biometric Technology" After examining these documents I wrote to UIDAI submitting that with regard to the M/s Accenture for Biometric Technology, I noticed that the first 237 pages appear to be in order but after that there is a one pager titled Annexure J Technical Bid Technical Bid as submitted by M/s Accenture Services Pvt Ltd. The Technical Bid document is missing. After that there is a one pager titled Annexure K Commercial Bid as submitted by M/s Accenture Services Pvt Ltd. The Commercial Bid document is missing. Company Private Limited. The Commercial Bid document is missing. These very pages were missing from the contract agreement of Ernst and Young as well. Also its pagination was not in order. I also wrote to CIC responding to their letter dated September 10, 2013 stating that their reasoning for sharing the document due to "contractual obligation in respect of BSP (Biometric Solution Provider) contracts" having expired is flawed in the light of the previous judgment of Central Information Commission (CIC). Under the Right to Information (RTI) Act, the Public Information Officer (PIO) cannot deny information citing commercial confidence for agreements between a public authority and private party. While giving this judgment, CIC said “The claim of 'commercial confidence' in denying access to agreements between private parties and the masters of the public authorities—citizens—runs counter to the principles of the Right to Information. “Any agreement entered into by the government is an agreement deemed to have been entered into on behalf of and in the interest of ‘We the people’. Hence if any citizen wants to know the contents of such an agreement he is in the position of a principal asking his agent to disclose to him the terms of the agreement entered into by the agent on behalf of the principal. No agent can refuse to disclose any such information to his principal,” the CIC said in its order dated 27 July 2009. An appeal for getting the missing pages has been filed by Col. Mathew Thomas and Qaneez Sukhrani who had filed the RTI applications, the former had asked me to appear on his behalf. I submit that there is a need to examine the minutes of the admitted meeting between Mongo DB and UIDAI. It was evident from one of the RTI replies that UIDAI had given tasks to some company with whom it had no contract agreement. Its sounds like the R&D Centre of Bhopal which was operated by Union Carbide Corporation without permission based on "recognition" I urge you to set up an inquiry commission to ascertain whether or not Internet that remains a defense project deeply allied with USA’s National Security Agency (NSA) is structurally linked to biometric aadhaar, National Population Register (NPR), PIII and GSTN. It is not without reason that Shri Nilekani maintained a deafening silence amidst NSA’s surveillance on Indian ministers and officialdom. In such a backdrop, it does not seem strange that PMO under the previous regime has withheld the correspondence it had with Shri Nilekani all through his tenure. The commission must unearth the players who wish to create and function through a fiction of private company with public purpose and profit making as the motive but not profit maximizing called NIU like GSTN. Let me take the opportunity to submit that the Ministry of Defense must order a probe into the circumstances under which Admiral Nirmal Kumar Verma who as the Chief of the Naval Staff of Indian Navy, from 31 August 2009 to 31 August 2012 and as Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee got himself biometrically profiled on 18 August 2011 for aadhaar number. It must be examined whether he took the permission of Ministry of Defence before subjecting himself to the ignominy of being biometrically profiled. It is noteworthy that in November 2012, Admiral Verma was appointed as the High Commissioner to Canada. The probe must examine whether or not Admiral Verma’s biometric profile is available with Canada’s Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC), which is part of the intelligence sharing alliance comprising of US, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and France. In a seemingly unrelated development, Shri Nilekani was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree by the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, Canada on 31 May 2011. I submit that Shri Nilekani was given ID Limelight Award at the global summit on automatic identification ID WORLD International Congress, 2010 in Milan, Italy on November 16, 2010 wherein Safran Morpho (Safran group) was a key sponsor of the ID Congress. Its subsidiary, Sagem Morpho Security Pvt Ltd has been awarded contract for the purchase of Biometric Authentication Devices on 2 February 2011 by the UIDAI. Earlier, on 30 July 2010, in a joint press release, it was announced that “the Mahindra Satyam and Morpho led consortium has been selected as one of the key partners to implement and deliver the Aadhaar program by UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India).” This means that at least two contracts have been awarded to the French conglomerate led consortium. Is it a coincidence that Morpho (Safran group) sponsored the award to chairman, UIDAI and the former got a contract from the latter? It is noteworthy that Shri Tariq Malik, the then Deputy Chairman of Pakistan’s National Database Registration Authority (NADRA) was given the ID Outstanding Achievement Award on November 3, 2009 in Milan at the eighth ID WORLD International Congress. In an interview, Shri Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks informed Imran Khan, a noted politician from Pakistan about the grave act of omission and commission. Shri Assange said, “…we discovered a cable in 2009 from the Islamabad Embassy. Prime minister Gilani and interior minister Malik went into the (US) embassy and offered to share National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) – and NADRA is the national data and registration agency database. The system is currently connected through passport data but the government of Pakistan is adding voice and facial recognition capability and has installed a pilot biometric system as the Chennai border crossing, where 30,000 to 35,000 people cross each day. This NADRA system is the voting record system for all voters in Pakistan. A front company was set up in the United Kingdom – International Identity Services, which was hired as the consultants for NADRA to squirrel out the NADRA data for all of Pakistan. What do you think about that? Is that a…? It seems to me that that is a theft of some national treasure of Pakistan, the entire Pakistani database registry of its people.” The interview is available here. It must be noted that NPR is being prepared by Shri C Chandramouli, census commissioner & registrar general of India, is meant to create resident identity cards is exactly like Pakistan’s version of biometric exercise for citizens’ identity card which was completed by NADRA, ministry of interior, Government of Pakistan and their database has been handed over to US Government. I submit that Dr M Vijayanunni, former Census Commissioner and Registrar General of India underlined had explained reasons for China giving up a similar exercise on Rajya Sabha TV on 2 February 2013. In view of the above, if Shri Nilekani’s initiatives including GSTN are not reversed and he is not held liable and accountable in an exemplary manner for his illegal and illegitimate conduct and creation of questionable institutional entities, it will set a very bad precedent for ever. I will be happy to share documents and references which have been cited above. Thanks to inform us about tax statements and know your pan card detail to take benefit of pan card.
For a birthday treat I decided to go to somewhere more luxury and venture out to Majorca for my first holiday on an island. Although the trip felt shorter than it should’ve been as I only managed two full days of activities and sightseeing for the trip due to many delays, which is a story of its own that I’ll cover in another post. Unfortunately for those hoping I’d break into the Love Island villa I come with disappointment as the villa is located in the northern region of Majorca as opposed to nearby Palma, whih was the ciry I was in and is located in the south-west part of the island. Palma, formerely known as Palmaria, is one of the two Majorcan cities founded by the Roman Empire in Majorca. It’s a city that always has something going on: whether it’s public performers dressed up as stuffed animals in town squares, families and friends chilaxing and having fun on beaches and beach clubs or buzzing bars and restaurants at night in Santa Catalina. The attractions in the city I saw through the free walking tour I took part in the first morning there (via the Majorca Free Walking Tour). Much like the free walking tour in Dublin I enjoyed the walking tour, mingling and talking with other English-speaking travellers as there was a guide in both Spanish and English and trying to gain a deeper understanding of the history area I am residing in. It gave me a sense of comfort and platform to do my learning. As of now most, if not all, original traces of Roman and Asian architecture has been destroyed by natural disasters affecting the city. All the buildings, walls and balconies you see when exploring the inner city are reconstructions. Commonly referred to as Cathedral Le Seu by Majorcan residents, the Palma Cathedral is described as a gothic temple and is largely seen as the main point of attraction in the city. Le Seu translates to bishop temple in English. The construction of the original cathedral started between the years 1276-1280 and took 300 years to finish. Unfortunately and the current version of Catheral Le Seu that you see today is a reconstruction, which took half the time to complete. By looking at the aesthetics I can see why, the architecture is so rich in detail and that’s just the reconstruction. At the top of the cathedral you can see is the statue of San Gabriel, the proclaimed defender or guardian of Palma. Sunday masses are at 9am and are when there is free entry into the cathedral but apart from that people are looking to pay the full price of €7 at any other time of the week. Known to be the oldest living tree on the island the Arbol Singular resides opposite to the. Comics are made and printed to tell many generations stories, myths and tales about the 800 year old tree itself. The Santa Eutalia is one of the most revered places of worship in the city of Palma and is one of the must-see tourist attractions. It was built in the 13th century, meaning it is the oldest but ironically helped shape modern-day Palma into what it is today. Much like the Cathedral Le Seu, the church is a piece of gothic architecture that has some Roman ties connected to it. The name of the church is derived from the Patron-Saint of Barcelona, a teenage girl who was tortured and killed by Romans. The Plaza Espana was where the walking tour was concluded. Located directly next to San Miguel Street, one of Palma’s busiest shopping streets, Plaza Espana represents what’s left of of the old city of Palma. In the middle of the town square is a statue of James III. There’s a myth from Britain thats said that the lakes are raised when Spanish soldiers die in wars that took place in bygone ages. Like Plaza Mayor, it is enriched with places to eat and drink at, including McDonalds, KFC and Burger King if you’re a lover of fast-food (I believe there’s a Subway there if you’re looking for a healthier option), as well as street perfomers and kiosks for souvenirs, confectionary newspapers and magazines. I enjoyed the walking tour, particularly learning more about Spanish culture as a whole. I’d highly recommend it (the link to more details of the walking tour is above) or any other one as there’s got more than one Palma tour guides who do free walking tours around the city. In Palma I stayed in an area known as Rafael Vell and like in Dublin it was an Airbnb that I took up. Following my success with my first Airbnb experience I felt more at ease about about this one. The room was quite smaller in comparison to my en suite pad in Dublin and it didn’t help tackle issues with the heat, despite windows and blinds being open. An AC was badly needed for me to survive and make it through the three nights as the room was boling like an electrical kettle. Jesus! Although I had to make do with a fan given to me by Tamara, my Airbnb host, which made things a bit better. The Airbnb accommodation also had a shared bathroom, kitchen and shower. There was only one plug socket in the entirety of the bedroom which wasn’t as it meant with all the electrical devices I had I could only use one at a time. Positives was that there were plenty of pillows on the bed like my own bed back at home along with loads of drawers for storing my clothes. There was drinking water provided by the kitchen sink and was handy in case I needed to refill my 2L bottle for the day. As for Tamara my host to be honest I didn’t get the chance to interact with her much and get to know her as I was constantly in and out of rooms and the flat itself, but she was helpful and polite whenever I saw her or needed help with something around the flat. its menu you shouldn’t give it a miss. I won’t lie I was a bit tentative in terms of service fees and extras they may give me without request to make the bill more expensive than it should (most European countries I feel you need to be weary of it) but the staff at Celler Sa Premsa welcomed me and made me feel at ease by providing me with a seat and a menu and such, even though they had a restaurant packed full on a Saturday afternoon which was good to see. The quality of the food was great for the price. I went for something more international and had roast chicken with chips. The chips could’ve been a touch warmer but with the heat and humidity in Majorca and my desire to eat I’m not complaining, plus the portions were sufficient and weren’t oily either. Same went for the chicken portions, which were medium-sized and came in three pieces as seen in the pics below. All only for €6.50. Mercadona is Palma’s Lidl or Aldi basically. Mind you there are actually also Lidl and Aldi supermarkets but not as many as the national one. Much like the aforementioned superstores, Mercadona is one that offers both global and local brands of food and drink as well as healthcare and homeware essentials at affordable prices. I discovered it when I was exploring the local area of my Airbnb and thought I’d pop in to see what it’s like and wasn’t disappointed. I fully got hooked onto their store-branded 2L lemonade bottle which was just about 60 cents. Regulated my hydration levels I must say! There are various branches around the city so you shouldn’t have much trouble finding one if you’re desparate to keep the costs on food and drinks down. From what I can remember, maybe from the exception of my Amsterdam break last year, I haven’t turned to supermarkets to keep myself fuelled for so it’s a nice change from depending on restaurants and cafes for food. Recommendations: Try Tapas, a Spanish snack that can be eaten either hot or cold, and Frito, which is a popular dish containing potatoes, meat and mixed vegetables. Majorca and Spain as a whole is notorious for its abundant amount of cafes. Take the opportunity to go to one and mingle with some of the locals, especially in the local area you’re staying in. Getting around Palma was generally a nightmare. The main way to get round town was with the EMT Bus service, which is basic to say the least. In comparison to transport systems in major cities like London and Paris it’s lagging. For example there’s no double decker buses so thet can easily get congested. Not to mention that for whatever reason the number of seats on buses are inconsistent: some have the right number while others have too few seats. Another example is only being able to pay in coins and cash (maxmiun limit is up to €10 in terms of what you can pay in) rather than via debit card or or a top up travelcard. One of the bus routes (28) runs one bus every hour and ended up waiting longer than an hour for one of my trips back to my Airbnb. How I found the patience within me to stay in one spot for that duration of time I’ll never know and can only thank God for. Another occasion a driver of the same bus 28 on one of my trips back home even refused to stop for me, even though there was space on the bus and people got on other buses from that same bus stop. What’s worse was that the driver pulled into the lane but still kept his foot on the pedal. Ridiculous and disrespectful. Couldn’t believe what I was seeing! For the tourists there’s a lack of flexibility in terms of playing for travel. I.e. no travelcard or tourist pass available. Train and tram services are non existent as far as I’m aware (although I could be wrong). The only positive I can think of is the single bus journey tickets only being €1.50 which is not expensive at all. Mind you return tickets aren’t even available. So yeah the Palmeria public transport system is not the greatest. If you’re planning to stay inner-city, unlike myself, you’re better off walking since many of the tourist attractions are fairly close to each other. It’s experiences like these for Londoners like me that serves as a reminder not to take what we have for granted. I hope you guys enjoyed my Day 1 review. I’ll be coming back at you with a post on the Day 2 of my Spanish adventure sometime next week. Have you been to Palma before? What’s was your experiences like? Drop your thoughts on the comments below. In the meantime keep updated by following me on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and following my Facebook travel page. Don’t forget to pin my posts and share the love! Such a good blog post! Majorca is one of my favourite islands ever, it’s a gorgeous place! Thank you 🙂 Absolutely, there’s so beauty there from the views to the palm trees and seaside. I felt like paradise at times!
Just over a decade ago, Simaudio introduced their Moon Evolution series: a no-holds-barred line of products representing the pinnacle of what this highly regarded Canadian company has to offer. Within the year, Jeff Fritz had reviewed three Moon Evolution models -- the P8 preamplifier, the Andromeda CD player, and the W8 stereo amplifier -- and awarded each what was then Ultra Audio’s Select Component status (now Reviewers’ Choice). And he kept the P8 as his reference preamp. Shortly thereafter, our founder, Doug Schneider, reviewed the Moon SuperNova CD player, gave it a Reviewers’ Choice award, and made it his disc spinner of choice. Since then, the Moon Evolution line has expanded threefold, into a plethora of highly reviewed integrated amps, phono stages, line stages, DACs, and a supplemental power supply designed to drive any of the aforementioned components apart from the integrated amplifiers and flagship 850P preamplifier. There are also five Moon Evolution power amplifiers: a colossally powerful monoblock, a highly configurable multichannel amp, and three stereo models, the most modest of which, the 760A, is the topic of this review. Out of its packaging, the Moon Evolution 760A ($8000 USD) is a visual playground embodying much of the original Evolution aesthetic, with some subtle differences. Take, for example, its stature: the 760A stands just 4” tall, stretches 18.8” wide, and displaces 18.1” of depth -- it will easily fit on most cabinet shelves or amp stands. Its solid aluminum case is exquisite in its assembly, and is offered in three color schemes: all silver, all black, or black faceplate between silver “cheeks,” as Simaudio calls them. When I lifted the 760A, I was immediately made aware of its density: it weighs a hefty 45 pounds. As in a high-end automobile, there’s been no faking of quality materials: no plastics painted to look like aluminum, no cheap metals finished to imitate expensive ones. If something on the 760A looks expensive, it is. An exploded view of the 760A’s slim Evolution case would reveal that most of the parts comprising the exterior are machined from solid aluminum; this was done in Simaudio’s own five-axis CNC machining center. The top plate, perhaps the sexiest panel on this amplifier, is hewn from a solid slab of aluminum and is chamfered at the edges to give it an elevated appearance. Generously vented toward the rear, toward the front this top plate is adorned with an embedded plaque showcasing an engraved Moon logo and name. Running the length of the 760A’s sides are lateral heatsink fins extruded from solid aircraft-grade aluminum. Much like the top plate, the heatsinks are bead-blasted, anodized, covered with heat-resistant paint, then clear-coated off-site by local suppliers before being sent back to Simaudio for final assembly -- as are the 3/8”-thick faceplate, cheeks, bottom plate, and rear panel. The 760A is a provocative-looking amplifier. Positioned top center on the faceplate is another polished Moon logo, “Moon” printed directly below it. Below that, a single blue LED indicates the status, On or Standby, of the matte-finished pushbutton directly below it. The model name is silkscreened in small letters in the faceplate’s lower left corner. On the bottom plate are four newly designed, conical, screw-in feet of chrome-plated steel; their flat bottoms, thankfully, do away with the spike-and-puck design of yesteryear. As you face the rear panel, at the far left are the RS-232 communication and 12V trigger in/out ports; at far right are a fuse bay, hard On/Off power toggle, and IEC power inlet. The center of the rear panel is home to two pairs of symmetrically placed, gold-plated, high-quality WBT output terminals designed to enable biwiring and accept banana plugs, spades, or bare wire. Between these are single pairs of gold-plated unbalanced inputs (RCA) flanked by balanced inputs (XLR). For a look under the 760A’s hood, I removed its top panel. But to better understand what I was looking at, I enlisted the help of Simaudio’s manager of public relations and marketing, Lionel Goodfield. He began by explaining that the Moon Evolution 760A is a “no overall feedback” design largely based on the amplification section of the Moon Evolution 600i integrated amplifier. A fully balanced differential design from input to output, the 760A has a unique pair of 0.5kVA toroidal transformers. These transformers are said to have a very low regulation factor, which, Simaudio claims, results in minimal voltage drop with increasing current draw. Each transformer supplies enough juice to power four of Simaudio’s proprietary, ideally matched (so they say) bipolar output transistors to produce 130Wpc into 8 ohms, or 260Wpc into 4 ohms, or 500Wpc into 2 ohms. In bridged mode, the 760A can be used as a monoblock to produce a stout 500W of power into 8 ohms. Its power-supply capacitance is said to be 80,000µF. Goodfield mentioned something intriguing: Both the 760A’s transformer design and output transistors are shared by all Moon Evolution amplifiers, including the flagship 880M monoblocks ($48,000/pair). Other than the cases, the only significant changes among all Moon Evolution two-channel amplifiers are the size of the transformers, and the number of output transistors used in each application. This explains why the specifications of total harmonic distortion (THD) of less than 0.015% from 20Hz to 20kHz at 1W and 0.04% at full power remain consistent throughout the line. It also partially explains why the intermodulation distortion of all Moon Evolution amps is claimed to be “unmeasurable.” Other pertinent differences between the 760A and its bigger brothers are that the 760A has a slightly lower signal/noise ratio -- 104 instead of 106dB -- and a slightly higher output impedance of 0.03 ohm, which correlates with its lower damping factor of 267. Goodfield noted that the marginal difference in noise is due to the fact that the 760A’s case is roughly half the size of the larger models’, which means that its component parts are packed much more closely together. Designed to be left powered up at all times, the 760A’s circuitry is fully symmetrical, and uses four-layer printed circuit boards with heavy tracings of pure copper and short signal paths, to minimize noise in the signal path. The signal path itself is capacitor free, which is said to aid transient response. The 760A is designed to provide pure class-A power for the first 5W of output, then switch to class-A/B as power demands increase. To help protect against such problems as a fault or overheating, Simaudio has included a self-diagnosis system to detect the presence of any DC in the input signal and, when it does, to shut the amplifier down. Throughout this review, and despite the 760A’s protective circuitry, I made sure to turn everything off when swapping it with my Classé Audio CAM-300 monoblocks. I have my two-channel system integrated into a home-theater system using the bypass feature of my Moon Evolution P8 preamplifier, and accordingly segregated from my Ayre Acoustics C-5xeMP universal player, Simaudio MiND streamer, and Calyx Femto DAC, each connected via the latest Analysis Plus Silver Oval interconnects. The same balanced cables feed all amplifiers, and my Rockport Technologies Atria speakers are connected using Kimber Kable Select 6063 speaker cables. All electronics are fed power via Cardas Clear Beyond power cables by a Torus AVR20 power conditioner hooked up to a dedicated 20A line. When all of this was set up, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I didn’t have to rerun Audyssey’s room-optimization software through my Marantz AV8801 preamplifier-processor to correct for the negligible difference in output when watching movies. Listening to the Moon Evolution 760A straight out of its box, I thought it sounded a bit sterile -- but I knew that my review sample was brand new, and had not been broken in at all. So I set the Moon Evolution P8’s volume at a moderate level and let rip the Simaudio MiND streamer on continuous playback for about a week before sitting down to hear what the 760A had to offer. First observation: The 760A was just lukewarm to the touch. With roughly 175 hours of continuous play under its belt, any signs of sterility were things of the past. What remained was an amplifier that had matured into a refined little powerhouse -- it reminded me of stories my father used to tell about his adventures in the muscle-car era. He’d owned several iterations of highly underrated Detroit muscle himself, and the usual topics of these tales were his victories in quarter-mile races. It was the way he described the looks of astonishment on his opponents’ faces that tied these stories to the Simaudio -- their bewilderment was akin to what I felt as I listened to the audible results of the muscle under the 760A’s hood. Out of the gate, the Simaudio had me locked in my chair. The extent of the 760A’s resolve, in combination with its ability to extend the boundaries of my room farther than ever before, was jaw dropping, and exceeded that of even my reference Classé CAM-300s ($11,000/pair). With all genres of music, soundstaging was consistently massive yet clean, neutral, and full of tonal shadings. Instruments, images, and nuances were delineated with mesmerizing levels of clarity and focus. These observations were driven home by the live recording of “Hotel California” on the Eagles’ Hell Freezes Over (16-bit/44.1kHz FLAC, Geffen) -- I was able to appreciate the nuances of each instrument more easily than I’m accustomed to. Plucks of each string of Glenn Frey’s acoustic guitar were conveyed with truthful singularity, possessing precise leading-edge definition without sounding analytical. Even more alluring was the tightrope the 760A consistently walked between offering snappy transients and focused images while retaining the natural golden hue of the acoustic’s strings. As the intro went on, the 760A continued to excel at resolving minutiae I typically have to be careful to listen for. Slidings of Frey’s pick, for example, sounded marginally larger and sharper. The beads in the maracas had more presence, which allowed me to differentiate them within their gourds that much more easily. When Don Henley’s kick drum entered, I was so elated with the sheer levels of slam, density, and control with which the 760A delineated each kick of skin that I had to temporarily halt my listening session to swap in my Classé CAM-300s for a quick baseline reminder. Side by side, the sounds of the two -- er, three -- amps were almost indistinguishable. Impressive, considering that the Classés are collectively almost three times the size, weight, and power output of the Simaudio, not to mention $3000 dearer. There were subtle differences, though; the 760A’s slightly warmer, fuller sound consistently translated into images and voices drawn with greater depths of tonal color and naturalness. The Simaudio also painted images with a hint more grandeur, giving me somewhat of a front-row vantage on the sound, as opposed to the Classés’ slightly recessed and drier character. Henley’s kick drum proved a perfect example of this -- through the Simaudio, it sounded larger and more organic, while the Classés struggled to balance their punchy authority with the same level of scale. Supplementing Henley’s kick drum was Randy Meisner’s bass, which, again, was now easier to hear due to the Simaudio’s slightly fuller, rounder bottom end. This isn’t to say that the 760A lacked control, or sounded bloated or tubby in any way -- just the opposite. The fine balance between suppleness, control, and detail enunciated by the Simaudio allowed Meisner’s bass to sound more alive, organic, and, ultimately, more enjoyable. The 760A also did a remarkable job of defining the listening space. Not only could I hear images being formed beyond the confines of my side and front walls, I could hear people clapping beside me as I sat in my listening position. In fact, no matter what genre I listened to -- rock, jazz, pop, or electronic -- the 760A consistently excelled at projecting music into my room. This not only created the impression of a vaster soundstage, it provided an addictive sense of realism for each instrument and voice on stage. I found this particularly advantageous when listening to live recordings, or music in which the ability to hear the recording environment was clearly the engineer’s intent. Changing gears and digging deeper into the individual constituents of a few tracks proved a revealing and thought-provoking exercise. I began with “What a Shame,” from Patricia Barber’s Café Blue (24/88.2 FLAC, Premonition) -- a very well-recorded track with numerous instrumental nuances to focus on. This time, I focused predominantly on the thrashing of the brass during the instrumental break, as the dynamics can prove challenging for some amplifiers to convey convincingly. The 760A handled this passage with aplomb. Cymbals leapt out of the Atrias with impressive transient speed, impact, shimmer, and precision, sounding highly dynamic yet distinctly refined and finessed. While the Classés exhibited even greater levels of dynamic panache and equal levels of decay, they couldn’t quite match the Simaudio’s naturalness in depicting each cymbal in space. This balance of spatial prowess, tonal accuracy, and lack of pretension was quickly proving to be a dependable trademark of the 760A. I liked it. Later, while listening to Diana Krall’s cover of Crowded House’s “Don’t Dream It’s Over,” from her latest, Wallflower (CD, Verve B0020989-02), I bore witness to a seductively realistic and transparent portrayal of her voice. The track begins with a brief, melodic piano solo that saturated my room, ostensibly erasing my speakers from existence. As the sound of Krall’s piano seamlessly integrated with that of an articulately plucked acoustic guitar, her voice emerged center stage with remarkable image specificity and textural detail. Other amplifiers, including the Classés, have communicated similar levels of transparency and microlevel detail, but few, if any, have been able to so convincingly balance the rasp, breath, and depth of Krall’s voice. This sensitivity to voices was also present when I listened to “I Only Want to Be with You,” from Shelby Lynne’s Just a Little Lovin’ (16/44.1 FLAC, Lost Highway). Lynne’s voice can have a somewhat dense or even faintly buried character through less-resolving amplifiers, masking the much-needed microlevel details required to preserve a sense of liveliness. The inherent transparency of the 760A allowed these details to be heard with ease, and in doing so laid bare the velvetiness of her voice. The nearly inaudible noise floor out of which emerged Lynne’s subtle tonal fluctuations and dynamic variations of vocal intensity allowed me to hear deeper into this recording as well. It was here that I began to understand why, the more I listened to music through the 760A, the more endearing I found it. Many amplifiers, good or bad, can be somewhat predictable in their sound, their consistent sonic characters enabling one to expect or predict what specific musical facets might sound like based on how others have been presented. For example, if an amplifier can convincingly communicate deep, powerful bass, one might also expect that amplifier to be able to easily handle dynamic swings. Likewise, if an amplifier sounds particularly transparent in the midrange, even bright, one might expect this quality to aid it in resolving microlevel details. The 760A proved the antithesis of this analogy, throwing me curveballs every chance it got. For starters, I never would have guessed that the 760A would be able to tango as well as it did with a pair of monoblocks almost three times its size and might. The balance of transparency and liquidity exuded by the Simaudio could also easily fool one into thinking one was listening to a high-quality tube amplifier, if it weren’t for the silence of the noise floor reminding one that this is, in fact, a solid-state design. But none of this compares to how this diminutive amplifier could, with commanding authority, project into space three-dimensional images of a scale appropriate to the recording. I tried to get the 760A to clip as it drove my Rockport Atrias (sensitivity: 87dB) to levels I’m sure designer Andy Payor never thought probable, but I failed. Dismally. Instead, I heard from the system a highly controlled yet refined portrayal of whatever I had the guts to throw at it. The 760A deserves respect. During my time with Simaudio’s Moon Evolution 760A, I was reminded of what an exceptionally well-engineered and -constructed amplifier can provide, aesthetically and sonically. The finesse with which the 760A consistently balanced power, transparency, dynamics, tonal colors, and dimensionality, all against near-silent backgrounds, was spellbinding. It may strike some as being a tad pricey, considering its modest size and power rating, but its sound, flexibility, and ten-year warranty put this amplifier in an elite crowd of products that can serve as benchmarks for what the rest of the industry offers. Heck, even if you’re not in the market for a new reference amplifier, go hear firsthand what the 760A has to offer -- it’s the best-sounding standalone power amplifier I’ve heard for anywhere near its price of $8000. Recommending it is a no-brainer.
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It is not a myth! If you buy property in Spain you can get a Spanish residency permit (this is the correct bureaucratic terminology for Spain’s golden visa), which allows you to live in Europe. The only challenge is the paperwork, and you must invest at least 500.000 €. Keep reading for the details . . . In 2013 Spain passed a law that gives residency permits to non-EU citizens in exchange for a property investment of 500.000 € or more. The idea is to attract foreign investment and create jobs. This will stimulate the economy and reduce public debt. We have many clients that have taken advantage of Spain’s Golden Visa. In this article we address their most frequently asked questions. We explain the difference between a visa and a residence permit, details about the type of property purchases that qualify, timing and more! Q: Can I apply for Spain’s Golden Visa with more than one property if each property is less than 500.000 €? Yes. You can use more than one property to qualify for Spain’s Golden Visa as long as the amount invested is equal to or greater than 500.000 €. Q: Is there a certain period in which the purchases must take place? Suppose I buy one property now and another, say, a year later? Currently there are no requirements on the timing of your purchases. The only potential problem would be if the Spanish Government modified the law. Please note that this type of thing has been known to occur. Spanish laws do respond to external factors. For example, the law that created Spain’s Golden Visa was established in 2013. At that time there was a deep economic crisis, caused by the collapse of Spain’s housing bubble. There was a large inventory of unsold properties that were seized, or slated to be seized, by Spanish banks. These weighed heavily on public and private debt. Since domestic housing demand was virtually non-existent, the country did everything it could do encourage foreign investment. Like any law, this one could undergo changes. For example, if the government decided it was more interested in infrastructure development, as opposed to selling real estate, it could increase the minimum floor for real estate investment and offer more advantageous programs for infrastructure investment. If this were to happen before you submitted your application, it could be negatively impacted. In our opinion, this law will not suffer important changes in the next five to ten years. However, it is important to know that there is a small chance that the law could change We will tell you why we don’t think it will undergo material changes in coming years. Q: Can the law regarding the right to have a Golden Visa be changed retroactively? One of the cornerstones of the Spanish legal system is that laws don’t have retroactive effects. This achieves legal stability with respect to acquired rights. Thus retroactive change is only applied in very exceptional cases. Q: How long does Spain’s Golden Visa last? Please note that there are two steps to this process. First you obtain the visa, which is a stamp in your passport issued by a Spanish Consulate. It allows you to travel to Spain, with multiple entries and exits, for one year. Within this year you should travel to Spain and apply for your residency permit. You must apply for this in Spain. Q: How long are the residency permits valid? Residency permits are initially valid for two years. After this period you can renew it. This renewal is valid for five years. You can continue renewing it every five years as long as you own properties in Spain. You do not have to reside in Spain in order to be allowed to renew your residency permit. A: In order to start the Golden Visa/Residency Permit process you must first purchase properties in excess of 500.000 €. You will need the purchase agreement(s) and the deed(s) to prove that you have made the investment(s). For information on how to obtain your title and other documentation, read 5 steps to take after purchasing property on Costa de Sol. A: Once you apply for your residence permit, it takes about 60 days. Roughly 30 days to complete the application process and 30 days to receive your ID card. Q: Does the Golden Visa only apply to me or can I extend it to family members? A: Spain’s Golden Visa extends to immediate family members. As Spain is one of the best places in the world to raise children, this is an attractive option if you have a family. Spouses and dependent children under the age of eighteen years are guaranteed residency permits. For all other family members you must present paperwork proving they are your legal dependants. Q: Can I get a mortgage to purchase my property? A: Yes, but it has to be from a foreign bank. The logic is that will bring 500,000 € of foreign investment into Spain. If you borrow money from a Spanish bank, you are not bringing money into the country. Our recommendation is to either pay in cash, or have your financing lined up before you purchase. Ideally, this will be with a bank you’ve done business with for years. Q: If I buy property through a company, can I still get a Golden Visa? A: Yes you can. All you have to do is prove that you, directly or indirectly, hold the majority of the voting rights and have the power to appoint or dismiss the majority of the board of directors. This needs to be demonstrated through official documents such as your company’s articles of incorporation. These documents should be notarized and translated into Spanish. Q: Are there any scenarios under which the immigration authorities will deny renewing your residence permit? Basically there are only two scenarios under Spain’s Golden Visa program where you would be denied renewal. First, if you sell your property or transfer it into someone else’s name. Second, if you have a criminal record. If you have a criminal record you will not receive an initial residency permit. When you purchase property in excess of 500,000 € you will receive a multiple entry visa which is valid for one year. Within this year you must go to Spain and apply, in person, for your residency permit. It is valid as long as you keep your Spanish properties in your name. You do not need to reside in Spain, but will have to come here each time you need to renew your residency permit. This is because you have to personally apply for your Spanish ID card. If you decide to live in Spain, you are eligible for permanent residency after 5 years. However, you have to demonstrate that you did not spend more than eleven months outside of Spain within the prior five years. Once you have a permanent residency permit you do not need to renew it. You just renew your ID card which is very fast and easy. As you may heard of, navigating the Spanish bureaucracy can be time consuming, tricky and frustrating! We advice lawyers, who have applied for many Golden Visas and residence permits for our customers and can make the process very easy for you. Given the time and headache the lawyers can save you, we think you will find using their services a very worthwhile investment. Es ist kein Geheimnis! Wenn Sie eine Immobilien in Spanien kaufen, können Sie eine spanische Aufenthaltserlaubnis bekommen (das ist die genaue bürokratische Ausdrucksweise für spanisches Golden Visa), die gleichzeitig erlaubt, dass Sie in Europa leben. Die einzige Herausforderung ist der Papierkram und dass Sie mindestens 500.000 € investieren müssen. Weiter zu den Details….. In 2013 hat Spanien ein Gesetz erlassen, dass einem Nicht-EU-Bürger die Aufenthaltserlaubnis genehmigt, im Gegenzug für ein Immobilien Investment von 500.000 € oder mehr. Die Idee ist, ausländische Investoren ins Land zu bringen und Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen. Dies würde die Wirtschaft ankurbeln und die Staatsschulden reduzieren. Wir haben viele Kunden, die diese Möglichkeit des Golden Visa in Anspruch genommen haben. In diesem Artikel beantworten wir die von ihnen meist gestellten Fragen. Wir erklären den Unterschied zwischen Visa und Aufenthaltserlaubnis, über die Art des Immobilienerwerbs, die die Aufenthaltsgenehmigung möglich macht, sowie den Zeitaufwand und mehr! Frage: Kann ich ein spanisches Gold Visa beantragen, wenn ich mehr als eine Immobilie erwerbe, diese aber jeweils unter 500.000 € kosten? Ja, Sie können mehrere Immobilien erwerben um ein Gold Visa zu beantragen, so lange das Gesamtvolumen des Investments über 500.000 €. Frage: Gibt es ein Zeitlimit bis die Käufe getätigt werden müssen? Zum Beispiel, ich kaufe jetzt eine Immobilie und in einem Jahr eine Weitere? Zur Zeit gibt es keine Bedingungen diesbezüglich. Das einzige Problem das auftreten kann ist, dass die spanische Regierung das Gesetz ändert. Wohlgemerkt könnte dieser Fall eintreten. Das spanische Gesetz reagiert auf externe Faktoren. Zum Beispiel wurde das Gesetz für das Gold Visa in 2013 erlassen. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war eine schwere Wirtschaftskrise, die zum spanischen Immobilien-Crash geführt hatte. Es gab einen riesigen Bestand an nicht-verkauften Immobilien die betroffen waren, von Banken übernommen zu werden. Dies war schwerwiegend für die staatliche und private Verschuldung. Seit die Nachfrage nach heimischen Wohnimmobilien quasi nicht mehr existent war, hat das Land alles getan, ausländische Devisen und Investments zu holen. Wie jedes Gesetz kann sich dieses ebenfalls verändern. Zum Beispiel, sollte die Regierung entscheiden, dass der Ausbau der Infrastruktur interessanter ist als der Verkauf von Immobilien, dies würde Möglichkeiten eröffnen für Infrastruktur Investitionen. Wenn das stattfindet bevor Sie Ihren Antrag gestellt haben, könnte dies negative Auswirkungen haben. Unserer Meinung nach wird es in den nächsten 5 bis 10 Jahren keine besonderen Änderungen geben. Wie auch immer, es ist gut zu wissen, dass es eine geringe Chance gibt, dass sich dieses Gesetz doch ändern könnte. Wir werden Ihnen sagen, warum wir nicht glauben, dass es massgeblichen Änderungen geben wird. Frage: Kann sich das Gesetz rückwirkend ändern bezüglich dem Recht ein Gold Visa zu besitzen? Eine der Grundsätze der spanischen Gesetzgebung ist, dass Gesetzesänderungen niemals rückwirkend greifen können. Das schafft gesetzliche Stabilität betreffend die erlangten Rechte. Rückwirkende Änderungen fanden nur in wenigen Ausnahmen statt. Frage: Wie lange dauert es ein Gold Visa zu bekommen? Wohlgemerkt ist das Verfahren in 2 Schritten zu bewerkstelligen. Als Erstes erhalten Sie ein Visa, das ein Eintrag in Ihrem Passdokument sein wird durch ein spanisches Konsulat. Dieses erlaubt Ihnen nach Spanien ein- und auszureisen, so oft Sie möchten für den Zeitraum eines Jahres.In dieser Zeit sollten Sie nach Spanien reisen und den Antrag auf Aufenthaltserlaubnis stellen. Der Antrag muss in Spanien gestellt werden. Frage: Wie lange ist die Aufenthaltserlaubnis gültig? Die Aufenthaltserlaubnis ist zuerst für 2 Jahre gültig. Danach kann sie für 5 Jahre verlängert werden. Sie können anschliessend die Aufenthaltserlaubnis immer wieder um 5 Jahre verlängern, solange Sie Eigentümer einer Immobilie in Spanien sind. Sie müssen nicht in Spanien bleiben, um eine Verlängerung der Aufenthaltserlaubnis zu erhalten. Frage: Wie beginne ich mit dem Antrag? Um mit dem Antrag der Aufenthaltserlaubnis/Gold Visa zu beginnen, müssen Sie erst einmal eine Immobilie kaufen im Wert von 500.000 €. Sie brauchen die Kaufurkunde zum Beweis des Investments. Informationen wie man die Kaufurkunde erhält und weiter Dokumente, lesen Sie die 5 Schritte die zu tun sind nach dem Kauf einer Immobilie an der Costa del Sol. Frage: Wie lange dauert der Antragsprozedur? Nachdem Sie den Antrag zur Aufenthaltserlaubnis gestellt haben, dauert es ca. 60 Tage. In etwa 30 Tage um die Antragsprozedur zu vervollständigen und 30 Tage bis Sie Ihre ID Karte erhalten. Frage: Kann nur ich selbst das Gold Visa beantragen oder kann der Antrag auch für Familienmitglieder erweitert werden? Das spanische Gold Visa kann sofort auch für Familienmitglieder erweitert werden. Da Spanien eines der besten Plätze auf dieser Welt ist um Kinder gross zu ziehen, ist dies eine attraktive Option wenn Sie eine Familie haben. Ehepartner sowie Kinder unter 18 Jahren erhalten garantiert eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis. Für alle weiteren Familienmitglieder müssen Dokumente vorgelegt werden, die belegen, dass es gesetzlich anerkannte Angehörige sind. Frage: Kann ich eine Finanzierung erhalten für den Kauf der Immobilie? Ja, aber es muss von einer ausländischen Bank sein. Logischerweise sollen 500.000 € an Fremdkapital nach Spanien gebracht werden. Wenn Sie sich Geld einer spanischen Bank leihen, dann bringen Sie kein Geld ins Land. Unser Ratschlag ist entweder die Immobilie mit Eigenkapital zu kaufen oder aber die Finanzierung in Ihrem Land vorab zu regeln. Am Einfachsten wird es sein, die Finanzierung mit einer Bank zu tätigen, mit der Sie seit langer Zeit arbeiten. Frage: Wenn ich die Immobilie durch eine Gesellschaft kaufen will, kann ich trotzdem das Gold Visa bekommen? Ja Sie können. Sie müssen lediglich beweisen, dass Sie direkt oder indirekt Inhaber der Mehrheitsanteile und dass Sie der Bevollmächtigte der Gesellschaft sind, der den Vorstand/Administrador benennen und absetzen kann. Dies muss durch offizielle Dokumente belegt werden, wie zum Beispiel eine Gesellschaftsvertrag/Gründungsurkunde. Diese Dokumente müssen notariell beglaubigt und ins Spanische übersetzt sein. Frage: Gibt es irgendwelche Szenarien, die eine Verlängerung der Aufenthaltserlaubnis verhindern könnten? Grundsätzlich gibt es nur 2 Szenarien des spanischen Gold Visa Programmes, dass die Verlängerung abgelehnt werden würde. Zum Einen, falls Sie Ihre Immobilie verkaufen oder an einen Dritten übertragen würden. Zum Anderen, wenn Sie mit einer kriminellen Vergangenheit behaftet wären. In diesem Falle wäre allerdings bereits der Erstantrag abgelehnt worden. Wenn Sie eine Immobilie erwerben, die mehr als 500.000 € kostet, erhalten Sie ein Visa um mehrmalig einreisen zu können innerhalb eines Jahres. In diesem Zeitraum müssen Sie in Spanien und persönlich den Antrag auf Aufenthaltserlaubnis stellen. Es wir so lange gültig sein so lange Sie Ihre Immobilie in Spanien auf ihren Namen behalten. Sie müssen nicht in Spanien wohnen bleiben, aber Sie müssen jedes Mal, wenn die Aufenthaltserlaubnis verlängert werden soll, persönlich die Verlängerung in Spanien beantragen. Auch deshalb, weil die spanische ID Karte persönlich beantragt werden muss. Wenn Sie sich entscheiden in Spanien zu leben, sind Sie berechtigt nach 5 Jahren die unbefristete Aufenthaltserlaubnis zu beantragen. Hierzu müssen Sie beweisen, dass Sie nicht mehr als 11 Monate ausserhalb Spaniens verbracht haben während den ersten 5 Jahren. Wenn Sie dann die unbefristete Aufenthaltserlaubnis erhalten haben, besteht keine Notwendigkeit mehr zu einer Verlängerung. Es muss dann lediglich die ID Karte verlängert werden, das sehr schnell und einfach von statten geht. Wie Sie sicherlich schon gehört haben, kann es sehr zeitaufwendig, kompliziert und frustrierend sein, sich durch die spanische Bürokratie zu kämpfen! Wir empfehlen Ihnen Anwälte, die bereits Anträge für viele Gold Visas und Aufenthaltsgenehmigungen für unsere Kunden gestellt haben. Dies wird für Sie die Prozedur erheblich erleichtern. Die Zeit und die Kopfschmerzen einem Anwalt zu überlassen, denken wir, wird sich für Sie als lohnendes Investment erweisen. Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne um einen Termin zu vereinbaren zur kostenlosen Beratung.
What risks do women face when seeking advice during pregnancy from pharmacies and natural health retailers? Natural health products are popular among pregnant women in Australasia,1,2 yet potential risks of exposure to teratogenic herbs, vitamins and other substances raise concerns regarding the present lack of effective regulation of the complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) industry in New Zealand. Natural health (or CAM) products, including herb, mineral and vitamin supplements, are marketed for pregnancy on the basis of health promotion as well as to remedy pregnancy-associated ailments such as nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP). The key issue that this study sought to investigate was the risks which a woman may face when seeking advice regarding NVP, and vitamin supplementation during pregnancy from pharmacies and health food stores (HFS) in Greater Wellington. A search of The Yellow Pages telephone directory in February 2010 identified 26 Health Food Stores (HFS) in the Greater Wellington region. Of these, 5 were excluded: 3 were no longer in operation, 1 was a residential property, and 1 specialised in sports supplements. Twenty-one HFS and 21 geographically-matched pharmacies (on the basis of closest location to the HFS) were visited by the same researcher between the months of February to July 2010. With each visit, the researcher commenced a conversation with a retail assistant by saying she was 6–8 weeks pregnant, having problems with morning sickness, and enquiring about any herbal products which the retail assistant could recommend to help reduce nausea. The researcher would then ask what the retail assistant could recommend with regards to vitamin supplementation. Finally she asked which vitamins were important during pregnancy and if there were any to avoid. If questioned by the retail assistant, the researcher would reply, as appropriate, saying she was: 30 years old, married, excited about her first pregnancy, currently working in a clerical office job, and otherwise fit and healthy with no previous medical history. During each interaction, the researcher would take note of the products recommended and their prices, and upon leaving immediately complete a standardised data collection form to document the advice received. The ingredients of each recommended product were later confirmed by searching for the product on the Internet. The NZ MOH Food and Nutrition Guidelines of Healthy Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women (revised 2008) was the standard against which all advice was compared. For ingredients not noted therein, a database search using Medline was performed for evidence of safety during the first trimester of pregnancy. Safe—Product contains ingredients which are not absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy or their daily dose does not exceed the upper limit recommended by NZ MOH guidelines, or, if the ingredient is unknown, there is no evidence that it may be unsafe by Medline search of the literature. Unsafe—Product contains ingredients which are absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy or the daily dose exceeds the upper limit recommended by NZ MOH guidelines, or, if the ingredient is unknown, there is evidence that it may be unsafe by Medline search of the literature. Correct—Dose advised corresponds with NZ MOH guidelines for supplementation with 800 mcg/day in low-risk pregnancy. Incorrect—Folic acid not recommended or dose advised was less than 800 mcg/day. Advice regarding vitamin supplementation in early pregnancy – Vitamin A overdose risk. Safe—Advice given did not pose risk of vitamin A overdose. This includes recommendation of a multivitamin product marketed for pregnancy which did not contain doses of vitamin A exceeding 3000mcg/day of retinol, even without demonstrating explicit vitamin A overdose awareness. Unsafe—Advised that there is no limit to vitamin dosing during pregnancy or recommended a product containing >3000 mcg/day of retinol or advised to take any generic multivitamin. A statistically significant McNemar's test means the marginal proportions of the contingency table are different. In the analysis McNemar’s test is based on an exact test whereas the confidence interval is based on asymptotic (large sample) assumptions. Where more than one product was recommended for nausea, the primary recommended products were compared in one analysis, and then the secondarily recommended products compared separately. The number of matched pharmacies/HFS was based on an earlier study comparing the advice from HFS assistants with that of pharmacy assistants given to an individual presenting with symptoms suggestive of moderate to severe asthma who should be referred to a medical practitioner18 Based on this, it was calculated that the study would need to have 19 store/pharmacy pairs to have 80% power to detect the difference. The study was approved by the Central Regional Ethics Committee. Data was collected from 21 HFS and 21 geographically-matched pharmacies in the Greater Wellington region. The investigator was advised by retail assistants in all the HFS, with 6/21 (28.6%) HFS advising further discussion with a naturopath (n=2) or GP (n=4). In 7/21 pharmacies, advice was indirectly (n=3) or directly (n=4) from the pharmacist. 9/21 (42.9%) of pharmacies referred the researcher to a GP (n=7) and/or midwife (n=2) during the interaction. Table 1 lists the products recommended for nausea and Table 2 summarises other recommendations made, including multivitamin supplementation. In brackets = Number of HPS and P recommendations for the product. *Also contains herb mixture called cardiodoron 250mg/15 drops = Digestion, equiv. fresh plant juice: Hyoscyamus niger, herb 1mg; onopordon acanthium, flower 25mg; Primula veris, flower 25mg. Nausyn is licensed by Medsafe as a Medicine. Advice given for nausea in the first trimester of pregnancy—5/21 (23.8%) of pharmacies and 1/21 (4.8%) of HFS made primary recommendations for nausea which were supported by the NZ MOH guidelines, with a non significant difference in marginal proportions of 19.1% (95%CI -2.3% to 40.4%), p=0.10. Both pharmacies (14/21, 66.7%) and HFS (7/21, 33.3%), made primary recommendations which were contrary to NZ MOH safety guidance. The difference in marginal proportions was 33.4% (95%CI 5.9% to 60.8%), p= 0.07. With regards to recommendations of second-line products which were contrary to MOH safety guidance, this occurred in 7/21 (33.3%) of pharmacies and 10/21 (47.6%) of HFS with a non significant difference in marginal proportions of -14.3% (95%CI -41.6% to 13.0%), p=0.51. The most common reason for a product being considered unsafe was that it provided >1g ginger ± >50 mg pyridoxine in the maximum daily dose as directed (Table 1). 7/21 (33.3%) of pharmacies and 0/21 (0%) of HFS advised GP consultation if nausea did not settle. Due to two zero cell counts in the paired contingency table, it was not possible to calculate McNemar’s test or a confidence interval for the difference in paired proportions. Advice promoting a balanced diet with folic acid supplementation—1/21 (4.8%) of HFS and 0/21 (0%) of pharmacies correctly advised that a balanced diet, along with folic acid supplementation, was recommended during pregnancy in otherwise healthy young women. However, 0/21 of HFS and 18/21 (85.7%) of pharmacies primarily recommended Elevit by Bayer, a multivitamin product which is licensed by Medsafe. Due to zero cell counts in the paired contingency tables, it was not possible to calculate McNemar’s test or a confidence interval for the difference in these paired proportions. Advice regarding folic acid—The majority of those promoting folic acid supplementation advised that this was for the prevention of neural tube defects (14/20 pharmacies and 13/17 HFS). 20/21 (95.2%) of pharmacies and 10/21 (47.6%) of HFS correctly gave dosing recommendations on the basis of national standards, with a difference in marginal proportions of 47.6% (95%CI 22.5% to 72.7%), p=0.006. 1/21 (4.8%) of pharmacies and 4/21 (19.0%) of HFS did not actively recommend taking folic acid supplementation. Advice regarding Vitamin A overdose risk—2/21 (9.5%) of pharmacies and 4/21 (19.0%) of HFS vitamin recommendations were unsafe due to the potential risk of vitamin A overdose, with a non significant difference in marginal proportions of -9.5%, p=0.69. Both pharmacies and HFS recommended products for nausea in early pregnancy which did not adhere with NZ MOH safety guidance. A minority also provided potentially unsafe advice regarding vitamin supplementation. There were no statistically significant differences between stores in the majority of recommendations made, except pharmacies were more likely than matched HFS to advise correctly regarding folic acid dosing. While this difference is unsurprising taking into consideration that pharmacies promote Medsafe-approved folic acid products which only they can sell, it does demonstrate the positive influence of product approval. This study supports the urgent introduction of regulatory reform of the CAM industry and the businesses which sell these products. This study is the fourth in a series of surveys in New Zealand looking at the appropriateness of advice given by pharmacies and HFS for a range of medical conditions. Previous surveys have all raised concerns regarding the advice provided by HFS when compared with pharmacies.18–20 This is the first scenario to find that the standard of advice was, on the whole, similarly matched between both types of store. In fact there was a trend towards the primary promotion of potentially unsafe products for NVP by pharmacies when compared with matched HFS. This is largely due to the primary promotion of homeopathy by HFS, which although only able to offer a placebo effect at best, is inherently safe. There were several limitations of this study. One of these is the possibility of recall bias although advice was entered into a data collection sheet immediately following the interaction to minimize this. The study was limited by the sample size available to the researchers in the greater Wellington region and although no statistically significant differences were found the confidence intervals for the comparisons were quite wide. While this is the first study in New Zealand examining advice given by CAM retailers for a scenario of pregnancy, the closest comparative is a survey carried out in 2003 in North America.21 In this study, advice was sought from HFS via telephone for the treatment of nausea and migraines in early pregnancy. They found that HFS readily made recommendations, 5% of which were for products contraindicated in pregnancy, and most stores primarily promoted ginger for NVP giving incorrect dosing instructions. Since the 1990s the use of CAM has surged worldwide and the World Health Organization actively recommends the regulation of all complementary and herbal medicine products and practitioners.22 This is particularly so in situations where the practice of complementary medicine brings economic benefit. This is to ensure the quality of the service received and thus to protect the public from potential harm. This study supports the introduction of the Natural Health Products Bill in New Zealand (currently before the Health Committee) which is aimed at improving regulation by making pre-marketing ‘product approval’ mandatory, establishing a database of permitted CAM ingredients, requiring product labeling and licensing of CAM product manufacturers.6 This proposed legislation would ensure that commercially available CAM products complied with national guidelines prior to appearing on the shelves. Furthermore it would help ensure the quality of the ingredients used. Analysis of the contents of the recommended products was outside the scope of this study, but it would have been interesting to assess the accuracy of the listed ingredients. Research has demonstrated a wide variation in the constituents of ginger present in commercially available ginger supplements.23 This not only has implications for the rights of the consumer, but lack of standardisation of the products used in research, as exemplified by the variety of preparations used in ginger studies, may create misleading results. Further monitoring of the therapeutic claims made on product labeling is also appropriate; a number of products not registered as medicines by Medsafe, and therefore not permitted to make therapeutic claims, were found to do so. Unfortunately the proposed bill will not address the issue of setting minimum staff training requirements for the promotion of health food goods. Although only a minority provided unsafe advice regarding vitamin supplementation (e.g. 4.8% of pharmacies and 19.0% of HFS did not recommend folic acid) in the context of a retailer presenting themselves as a source of health advice to the public, any unsafe practice is unacceptable. In conclusion, this study found that both HFS and pharmacy staff made potentially unsafe recommendations for nausea and vitamin supplementation in early pregnancy. Many of the pregnancy promoted products recommended often did not adhere to the safety guidance set out by the NZ MOH. This study supports the call for legislative change and high quality research to guide the practice of health care professionals and retailers who sell natural products which may exert both beneficial and harmful effects. There are potential risks to mothers and their unborn babies with the incorrect use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) products during pregnancy. 21 Health Food Stores (HFS) and 21 geographically matched pharmacies were visited by a researcher who sought advice regarding vitamin supplementation and nausea in early pregnancy. A minority of pharmacies and HFS made primary recommendations for nausea which were supported by Ministry of Health guidelines, and both pharmacies and HFS recommended products contrary to these guidelines. Pharmacies were more likely to give advice consistent with MOH recommendations for folic acid. Regulatory reform of CAM products and those who sell them is called for in NZ. Potential risks to mother and foetus exist with the incorrect use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) products during pregnancy. This study aimed to identify the risks that a woman may face when seeking advice during pregnancy from pharmacies and health food stores (HFS) in Greater Wellington (New Zealand). 21 HFS and 21 geographically-matched pharmacies were visited by a researcher who sought advice regarding vitamin supplementation and nausea in early pregnancy using a standardised scenario. Any advice given, including details of recommended products, was documented immediately upon leaving the premises. Proportions were obtained and paired contingency table analysis was used to examine the agreement between the matched pairs. A minority of pharmacies (5/21, 23.8%) and HFS (1/21, 4.8%) made primary recommendations for nausea which were supported by Ministry of Health (MOH) guidelines, and both pharmacies (14/21, 66.7%) and HFS (7/21, 33.3%) recommended products contrary to these guidelines. A greater proportion of pharmacies gave advice consistent with MOH recommended dosage of folic acid supplementation than HFS (20/21, 95.2% vs 10/21, 47.6%). 2/21 (9.5%) of pharmacies and 4/21 (19%) of HFS gave advice with a potential risk of vitamin A overdose. Pharmacies and HFS in Greater Wellington provided potentially hazardous advice, recommending products, often branded for pregnancy, which contradicted NZ MOH guidelines. Regulatory reform of CAM products and those who sell them is called for in New Zealand. Allen T, Thomson WM, Emmerton LM, Poulton R. Nutritional supplement use among 26-year-olds. N Z Med J 2000;113:274-7. Maats FH, Crowther CA. Patterns of vitamin, mineral and herbal supplement use prior to and during pregnancy. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol 2002;42:494-6. Hollyer T, Boon H, Georgousis A, et al. The use of CAM by women suffering from nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. BMC Complement Altern Med 2002;2:5. Wardle J. Regulation of complementary medicines. A brief report on the regulation and potential role of complementary medicines in Australia. In: The Naturopathy Foundation and NorphCam; 2008:3-20. MOH. Questions and Answers: Development of a Natural Health Products Bill. Wellington: Ministry of Health; 2011. MacLennan AH, Myers SP, Taylor AW. The continuing use of complementary and alternative medicine in South Australia: costs and beliefs in 2004. Med J Aust 2006;184:27-31. Matthews A, Dowswell T, Haas DM, et al. Interventions for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2010:CD007575. Snodgrass SR. Vitamin neurotoxicity. Mol Neurobiol 1992;6:41-73. Hardy ML. Herbs of special interest to women. J Am Pharm Assoc (Wash) 2000;40:234-42; quiz 327-9. Backon J. Ginger in preventing nausea and vomiting of pregnancy; a caveat due to its thromboxane synthetase activity and effect on testosterone binding. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 1991;42:163-4. Guh JH, Ko FN, Jong TT, Teng CM. Antiplatelet effect of gingerol isolated from Zingiber officinale. J Pharm Pharmacol 1995;47:329-32. Vijaya Padma V, Arul Diana Christie S, Ramkuma KM. Induction of apoptosis by ginger in HEp-2 cell line is mediated by reactive oxygen species. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol 2007;100:302-7. Janssen PL, Meyboom S, van Staveren WA, et al. Consumption of ginger (Zingiber officinale roscoe) does not affect ex vivo platelet thromboxane production in humans. Eur J Clin Nutr 1996:50:772-4. Karna P, Chagani S, Gundala S, et al. Benefits of whole ginger extract in prostate cancer. Br J Nutr 2011;18:1-12. Agresti A. Categorical data analysis 2nd ed: John Wiley, Hoboken; 2002. Buckner KD, Chavez ML, Raney EC, Stoehr JD. Health food stores' recommendations for nausea and migraines during pregnancy. Ann Pharmacother 2005;39:274-9. Schwertner HA, Rios DC, Pascoe JE. Variation in concentration and labeling of ginger root dietary supplements. Obstet Gynecol 2006;107:1337-43.
I am traveling this weekend and regrettably will not be in my kitchen, but I want to share with you the wonderful dishes from my guest blogger, New York Times Bestseller cookbook author Danielle Walker, who overcame debilitating disease through healthful eating. I found her story and her cookbooks inspirational and hope that you will enjoy these recipes. Hello Hungry Empress readers! I hope you enjoy my new recipe collection. Each recipe is gluten-free, dairy-free and Paleo-friendly. Eating a nutritious diet focused on meals and snacks prepared at home doesn’t have to be intimidating. While it does take a little extra work to prepare things from scratch, I think you’ll find that you’ll not only enjoy the food, but also the process. I’ve included a few of my favorite tips for easing nutritious eating and cooking into your regimen—if you haven’t already! Feel free to stop by my blog Against All Grain for more tips, recipes and information about my cookbooks. Preheat the oven to 350°F and line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Whisk together 1/2 cup hot water and ground chia seeds and let sit at room temperature for 15 minutes to thicken. Meanwhile, in the bowl of a stand mixer, combine the almond butter, flaxseed, arrowroot, applesauce, maple syrup, cinnamon, lemon juice, nutmeg, ginger and sea salt. Mix on medium speed to combine fully. Add the thickened chia mixture to the bowl with the baking soda and beat again until fully combined. Stir in the cherries and chocolate pieces. Using a cookie scoop or a large spoon, drop dough onto the lined baking sheets. Wet fingers slightly with warm water and gently press the mounds down to flatten slightly. Sprinkle the tops of the cookies with sliced almonds. Bake for 15 minutes, until golden brown around the edges and the almonds are lightly toasted. Cool on a wire rack completely before serving. Combine all of the ingredients in a blender. Blend on high until smooth. Serve immediately. To make the spicy almonds: Preheat the oven to 350°F. Toss all of the ingredients together in a bowl, then spread the almonds in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and drizzle with any remaining sauce. Bake for 10 minutes, turning once halfway through. Cool completely, then roughly chop. Meanwhile, make the dressing: Place all of the ingredients in a blender except for the olive oil. Blend until smooth. With the blender running, slowly drizzle the olive oil into the blender in a steady stream. Add one tablespoon of water, to help keep the dressing liquid when refrigerated. To assemble the salads: Toss the shrimp in the olive oil and season generously with salt and pepper. Heat a grill pan or skillet to medium-high heat and cook the shrimp for two minutes on each side, until pink throughout. Set aside to cool. Divide the dressing between six 24-ounce Mason jars or bowls. Divide and layer the remaining salad ingredients in the four jars or bowls in the order they are listed, with the lettuce and shrimp at the top. Leave 1 inch of space at the top of the jar. Garnish each with about 1 tablespoon chopped spicy almonds, cover and refrigerate until ready to enjoy. When ready to enjoy, shake the jar vigorously to mix the ingredients and dressing. Heat olive oil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Season the chicken generously with salt and pepper then add half of the chicken to the pot. Cook for 5 minutes, browning on all sides. Transfer the chicken to a slow cooker and repeat with remaining chicken. Return the pot to the stove and add onion and garlic and sauté for three minutes or until tender. Add the ginger, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, cayenne, salt and pepper and sauté for 30 seconds or until fragrant. Stir in chicken stock and almond butter, scraping pot to loosen any browned bits. Pour contents of pot over chicken into the slow cooker. Cover and cook on low for five hours. Meanwhile, prepare the cauliflower couscous. Rice cauliflower by running the florets through a food processor with a grating attachment or use a box grater to create rice-like pieces. Pick out any large fragments that didn’t get shredded and save for another use. Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Sauté the onions and garlic for 2 minutes, then add the cauliflower, salt and pepper. Sauté for 8 to 10 minutes, until the cauliflower is tender. Stir in the cherries, basil, cilantro and lemon zest. Garnish the chicken with toasted, sliced almonds and fresh cilantro. Serve over cauliflower couscous. Pour 3/4 cup water into a saucepan and sprinkle the gelatin over top. Turn the burner to med-high heat and whisk until the gelatin is fully dissolved. Set aside. Combine almond milk, dates, cacao powder, chia seeds, vanilla, cinnamon and sea salt in a blender. Blend until very smooth, about two minutes. With the blender running, slowly pour in the gelatin liquid. Transfer the mixture to a bowl, cover and refrigerate overnight. To assemble the parfaits: Divide the banana slices between six 8-ounce Mason jars or bowls. Spoon equal amounts of almond butter into the jars, then top with equal amounts of the chilled pudding. Top with berries and almonds and serve immediately or refrigerate covered for up to three days. When Audrey visited me on the set of Marco Polo in Malaysia last year, she often rehearsed dialogue with Benny, the actor who played Kublai Khan. Audrey would read all the other characters to help Benny memorize his lines. Did the acting bug bite her then? I was surprised when Audrey expressed her interest in acting this week and sent in an audition tape to a young director who is shooting a short film in April. I told her that she can do it if the shooting happens during spring break. I have never wanted to involve my children in acting. The profession can be a treacherous one because hard work doesn’t correlates with success. There is too much uncertainty and not enough security in this business. But I guess it’s no use telling her how acting is a bad profession when I do it myself. I have long learned that you can’t teach your children by telling them things. What you teach is what you are. We will find out in a few days if Audrey will do her debut role in Las Vegas during spring break. Should I keep my fingers crossed for her? If there is “beauty sleep,” is there beauty food? I think the salad I made for dinner comes close to “beauty food” if there ever is one. This simple salad is it’s own dressing. With the oil in the avocado and the citrusy juice from the grapefruit, all you need is a little salt and pepper if anything. I used organic cooked beets from Love Beets. It took me less than 10 minutes to make this delicious and satisfying salad. Give it a vigorous toss before serving to mix the flavors of the three ingredients. Whenever I am pressed for time, I turn to stir fry. Not only is it something that I have been doing since childhood and therefore second nature, but also it is a way of cooking that is, in my opinion, good for almost any food. A quick stir fry enhances the flavor without compromising the nutritional value of the vegetables, and it never over cooks the meats. A friend who seldom cooks texted me today to let me know that she was making the Chinese shredded pork that I posted yesterday. It brought a smile to my face to know that the blog inspired a friend to try cooking. All the fancy culinary performance shows can sometimes be intimidating and make cooking a spectators’ game. In reality it is just an activity that human kind has been doing since the use of controlled fire over a million years ago. You don’t need to be a professional to cook. Combine soy sauce, lime juice, water and cornstarch in a small bowl, mix together and set aside. Marinate the chicken for 30 minutes to an hour. Drain the chicken and discard the marinade. Add 1/2 tsp corn starch and mix. Marinating meat in wine enhances the flavor, if you don’t have the time, you can skip the step. Just salt the chicken and add 1/2 teaspoon corn starch. Heat a large wok over high heat. When the wok is very hot, add half of the oil, then add the chicken. Stir fry, stirring occasionally until the chicken is cooked through and browned, about 3 minutes. With a slotted spoon, remove the chicken and set aside. Reduce heat to medium. Add the remaining oil to the wok; add the garlic and ginger, stir for 20 seconds. Add the sugar snap peas and bell pepper, stirring over medium high heat until tender crisp, about 3 minutes. Return the chicken to the wok, add the soy sauce-lime mixture, mix well and cook another 30 seconds to one minute. Serve immediately and top with fresh scallions. Mondays are usually busy with all kinds of errands, but I managed to read a few more chapters of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up. I learned today that I’m never supposed to ball up my socks. It cracked me up when the author asked “This should be a time for them to rest. Do you really think they can get any rest like that?” My socks are supposed to be on holiday in my drawer. Being balled up means that they are in a state of tension. I wondered where she was gong with this until she showed me how to fold it and store it “the right way.” It actually made sense. I can’t wait to un-ball all my socks tomorrow and create a sock resort for them. I will show you a photo of my relaxed socks if it all goes well. I’ve never been good at the lotus position meditation, but I can imagine the methodical smoothing out and folding of the socks to be a meditative process as cooking oftentimes is for me. Combine the hoisin, orange juice soy sauce and wine with a whisk and reserve. Add pork chops to marinade and refrigerate for 2 hours. While chops are marinating, bring a large pot of water to a boil. Place the broccoli in a wire basket and cook for about 3 minutes at a slow boil to blanch. Remove from pot and place in ice water to stop the cooking process. Let sit in ice bath for a couple minutes until chilled. Remove chops from refrigerator and allow to come to room temperature for about 5 minutes before cooking. Remove from marinade, reserving the marinade for later. Heat a medium nonstick sauté pan on high heat, spray with oil when hot then place the steaks and cook 3 minutes on each side. Lower the stove to medium and cook another 2 to 3 minutes on each side or until the thermometer inserted to the center reads 140. Transfer to a cutting board and let it sit for 5 minutes. Add the reserved marinade to the skillet, reduce heat to medium-low, bring to a boil and simmer 2 to 3 minutes. Place the sesame oil in a large nonstick skillet, add the onions, garlic and ginger and cook on high 1 to 2 minutes. Add the broccoli and carrot noodles, season with salt and cook 3 minutes. Add the blanched broccoli and cook until hot. Divide the vegetables unto 2 separate plates. Place the chops on a cutting board and cut into thin strips. Lay chops on top of the vegetables, top with sauce and serve. There is something wonderful and exciting about receiving and opening packages in the mail, especially when you are not sure what exactly the boxes contain. I was away on film locations in remote regions of China when I was only fourteen. My mother used to send me bi-weekly care packages from Shanghai — often times my favorite snacks such as dried plums or a can of spam, which was a luxury item back then. I can still recall those moments of excitement and anticipation when I opened up the care packages. On Christmas Eve, we received in the mail a beautiful set of artisanal silverware from For Such a Time Designs! We first saw Aly Nickerson’s lovely hand-stamped spoons on SkinnyTaste.com and coveted them for months before they finally arrived, a generous gift from Aly. Each piece of the silver plated flatware is vintage and stamped with antique metal stamps. It is absolutely gorgeous and makes eating even more fun than it already is. “Serve With Love,” “Eat Clean,” my thoughts exactly! Heat a flat non-stick pan on medium, add oil, then add most of the chopped scallion. After the scallion softens, about 40 seconds, pour in the beaten eggs. Add salmon, the rest of the scallion and the cheese. Sprinkle the Dill Weed. Roll the Omelet. Sprinkle with fresh pepper. Everyone in the house loved Yam Casserole so much that I made it for the second time this week. It is a delicious and healthy dish that is relatively easy to make. When I picked Audrey up from school today, she looked sad and tired. What a horrible day, she said. I asked her what happened and she told me that they had a really difficult math test. Half the class didn’t finish and many of them cried during and after the test. I asked if she cried too and she said that she did only because her friends cried. So, it was time to churn some ice cream. Audrey has a sweet tooth. And the ice cream (and perhaps Mommy’s hugs, too) brightened her right away. With our healthy ice cream recipes, we can eat it everyday and not worry about weight gain or tooth decay. As a matter of fact, xylitol is even good for your teeth. We had Chinese food for dinner. I only have enough daylight to take the pictures of one of our dishes. Slice all vegetables into desired similar sized pieces. Mix chicken meat, corn starch, wine, oyster sauce and Sha Cha in a small bowl. Marinate for 1 hour. Heat the wok on high heat, drop in the ginger, when ginger is dry pour in the oil. When the ginger is sizzling in the oil, put in the vegetables and stir for about 3 minutes or to desired tenderness. Set aside. Repeat the same process to stir fry the chicken, but save the marinate. Set aside. Cook the marinate until it thickens. Mix in everything. Mix in the nuts. Dessert is all American apple crisp, but a much healthier one than the traditional recipe. The girls were excited about going to see The Last Emperor tomorrow and asked me how I got to play the part of the empress. And I told them well, that’s a long story. In a large bowl, mix together apples, coconut water, 1 tbs. xylitol, maple syrup, cinnamon and nutmeg. Pour into a pie dish and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove from the oven to sprinkle crumble on top. Mix together almond flour, pecans, honey and coconut oil in a small bowl until well combined. Take small portions of it into your hands and sprinkle chunks of it onto the apples. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. I have never been good at auditions. When I was growing up, modesty and humility were the two qualities that were hammered into me ever since I could remember. And expressing personal desires was frowned up. Basically the only thing we were encouraged to express was our desire to serve the people and to devote our lives to the realization of Communism. This kind of mentality was so ingrained in me that it was difficult for me to “sell” myself at auditions. Growing up I was supposed to negate every compliment or praise given to me. If someone said that I was pretty, I would immediately say no, no, I am ugly; if someone said that I was smart, I would say no, no, that’s not true. It took me at least one year to get used to saying thank you after people complimented me, and another year to honestly express my feelings and desires. The first time I truly fought for what I wanted was when I auditioned for Michael Cimino’s Year of the Dragon. It was a lengthy process which lasted several months and involved dozens of call backs and a final screen test with Mickey Rourke. The part was a sophisticated TV newscaster and I still looked and talked like a FOB from China. In retrospect, I could see that I was completely wrong for the part but at the time I gave it everything to get the part. I hired the the most expensive dialogue coach in Hollywood to teach me speak newscaster English. Every session was $200 for 2 hours while I was working as a receptionist in a Chinese restaurant earning about $5 an hour. I went for broke but I did not get the part. Both the director and the casting director were very impressed by my progress not only in my dialogue but also in my acting ability, but in the end I was wrong for the part. This was the only time that I ever received a huge bouquet of flowers from any director who rejected me. I felt very dejected, believing all my effort had been a complete waste and hard work meant nothing in this business. Then about a year later, I got a call from Joanna Merlin, the casting director who worked on the Year of the Dragon, and she said, Joan, there is a part that is perfect for you and I want you to meet with the director who is in LA for only a short time. Can you come? I said yes, anytime, I will be there. Joanna said it is still preliminary. We haven’t started casting, but I have told the director to look no further because I have exactly the person he’s looking for. That’s how I met Bernardo for the first time, with the highest recommendation from a very reputable casting director who just a year before had combed through all the Asian actresses around the world. The months of work I thought was wasted paid off in a much grander film. It would take the producer Jeremy Thomas another year to complete the financing , and they did go around the world to cast the film, but Bernardo would always call me whenever he came to LA and we would meet for coffee and chat. The role was mine the first time Joanna brought me to meet Bernardo. With Bernardo in Jack Nicholson’s house. Jack told me that speaking perfect English has nothing to do with my acting career. I didn’t quite understand what he meant at the time, but I think I do now. Imitating an American accent, however perfect, is not going to change the life experience that makes me who I am; and that entire being is my asset in acting as well as in life. So I told my girls that hard work always pays off. And that’s when they told me I was boring and left the table. Twin Peaks is back after 25 years, but I highly doubt that I will be back as Josie. I was the exotic beauty in an incestuous town, a poisonous fish out of water. And we all know I that haven’t been these things for quite a while now. However, a glimmer of hope still exists, for Josie was last seen trapped in a wooden doorknob. Perhaps I can come back in one of the episodes as a doorknob witch? I have made countless stupid mistakes in life and wanting to be written out of Twin Peaks was among the stupidest. With the ignorance of my youth, and the influence of the PC factions in the Asian community, I naively rebelled against being an exotic flower. I believed that I should want to be something more meaningful. When I asked to be written out of Twin Peaks, I didn’t realize how impossibly precious the opportunity of being a beautiful Ming vase was. Unlike a real Ming vase, the value of which increases by the day, the human version, like a blossoming cereus, is only valuable for a few short hours. Couldn’t I have searched for meaning after my once in a lifetime bloom? The project for which I quit Twin Peaks was called Turtle Beach, a disaster of a film that no one ever saw. The only good thing was that it was filmed in Thailand, where the world’s best coconuts were grown. I came to LOVE coconut during the 10 weeks of filming Turtle Beach on the balmy beach of Phuket. People still walk up to me to tell me they loved me in Twin Peaks. I would be walking on the street or shopping for groceries with a dirty face, and a stranger would begin to gush about Twin Peaks with me. I have always been quite shocked and totally embarrassed at how people could make the connection between this slob and Josie Packard. For desert tonight I served my family almond flour coconut chocolate cookies and coconut mango raspberry ice cream as I told them the story of how I ended up in a wooden doorknob so many years ago. And how I came to love coconut. This recipe was improvised based on a few online references.
The northern triangle formed by these three tropical towns creates, for many backpackers and tourists, the ultimate Australian getaway. Broome, Darwin and Cairns represent much of the iconic Australian image. Laid back lifestyles punctuated by holiday adventure themes. Hiking through rainforest and snorkelling on the Barrier Reef or camel rides along long white beaches fronted by crystal tropical waters. Perhaps crocodile spotting from a tiny dinghy, hauling in a massive Barramundi or a venture into timeless Arnhem land. Broome, Darwin and Cairns are the largest municipalities of the upper northern region of Australia and their tropical climate and easygoing remoteness have eared them reputations as 'must-see' destinations for travellers of all persuasions. Throngs of heat-seeking backpackers converge on all three towns (Darwin and Cairns are actually classed as small cities) and each destination is able to combine a healthy mix of pub and party lifestyle with cultural and adventure style activities. All three centres host an international airport with Broome and Cairns catering specifically to the Japanese tourist. For many Japanese visitors Broome or Cairns are the only points on the Australian map to be visited - the oceanside culture of Cable Beach or exotic tropical Cairns are enough for one holiday. Daily flights direct from Tokyo or Osaka ensure the Yen keeps on arriving. Cruise ships regularly visit the deepwater ports of Darwin Harbour and Broome while Cairns remains the busiest cruise port in Australia with over 200 ships visiting every year. The 'grey nomads' (retirees towing caravans) flock to all three towns with most deserting at the onset of the 'wet season' and returning to the cooler southern climes. Adventurers towing off-road camper trailers enjoy a stop-off before venturing on to more remote hideaways and many Australians choose Broome, Cairns or Darwin for their annual holidays. It is the backpackers who really thrive in this tropical triangle. Backpacker Hostels gear up to host the hordes of Swiss, French, Korean, German, English, Japanese, Irish, Scottish, Chinese and any other nationality you can name. Apart from the usual budget dorm-style accommodation, extra services can include swimming pools, spas, sun decks and bars. Shuttle Bus services often run from the front door with bookings for external activities being taken on site. Nightly entertainment can be a drawcard but it is the chance to meet and socialise with so many other likeminded souls that really draws the backpacker crowd. Broome, Cairns and Darwin all offer casual laid-back attitudes and atmospheres. Bather's and beach footwear are generally welcome in the pubs and eateries and days filled with fun tourist opportunities are offset by long nights of partying. The tourist onslaught ensures casual job opportunities are plentiful (especially in hospitality) and it's possible for those with work visa's to enjoy a working holiday in a sublime environment. Northern Australia was under constant threat from Japanese air raids during WW2 and these three outposts became crucial strategic bases for the defence of Australia. The three towns set up anti-aircraft posts and watches and Darwin and Cairns became pivotal bases for American troops. Broome suffered three air raids but it was Darwin which bore the brunt of Japanese aggression with more ordinance being dropped on Darwin than at Pearl Harbour. Local museums all pay tribute to the service people who defended northern Australia with Darwin doing the most to document it's war time involvement. Bunkers, shipwrecks, gun emplacements and fallen aircraft litter the coast and are testament to a very real threat at the time. This part of the world is a multicultural melting pot. Early settlers included large numbers of Chinese while Darwin enjoys the influence of early Italian and Greek migrants. Broome was originally a prime pearling ground and Japanese pearl divers were part of Broome society as early as the late 1800's. Their influence is still keenly felt today, both in the faces of the townsfolk and the cultural identity of Broome. Northern Australia's close proximity to Asia means large numbers of Asian migrants have emigrated here. The weather, relaxed lifestyle and work opportunities ensure that the north enjoys a culturally diverse population. These regions are also attractive to those with an artistic flair and many artists, photographers and musicians make Broome, Darwin or Cairns home. Local arts and crafts are easily sourced at local markets (Darwin excels at markets) while those seeking an alternative lifestyle are easily accommodated. Tie-dyed singlets, braided hair and hand made bracelets are all the go and a lost flower child from the sixties is not an uncommon sight. Aborigines lived here long before Captain Cook sailed into Cairns or Charles Darwin visited on the Beagle and local aboriginal art is on display and on sale. Local tours feature Aboriginal culture and if you're seeking to get back to earth with an indigenous experience - these may be the towns to find it. All three destinations are great launching pads for a variety of experiences on offer. Broome lends itself to a 'natural' experience. It's the gateway to the stunning and remote Kimberley region of Western Australia and there are plenty of stunning sights a short drive or tour away. White or red ochre beaches, hidden bays and turquoise waters create a postcard picture perfect scene and if you want a relaxed beachside experience with a chance to explore some remote outback scenery then Broome is ideal. Darwin offers a more culturally diverse experience with more on offer within the town itself. The town's history is well represented and museums and galleries are plentiful. A growing cafe culture combines with a diverse population to bring a casual dining experience. Darwin rests on a large point in the Timor Sea and you have to venture 300km south to find the magnificent natural regions like Nitmulak, Kakadu and Arnhem land. Cairns is the adventure playground of the three. At it's front door lies the Great Barrier Reef, dotted with reef, islands and marine activities. Behind Cairns, tropical rainforest spills down into the ocean and hides a myriad of things to do and see. A mountain train journey, white water rafting and cable cars above the rainforest are just a few of the activities on offer. Cafes and restaurants are plentiful and relaxed and a vibrant nightlife and pub scene keeps things humming along after the sun goes down. Broome, Darwin and Cairns can all serve up an varied and interesting experience at any time of the year. However, the wet or monsoonal season (also know as 'troppo' and 'mango' season) sees the tourists leaving in droves. Hot maximum temperatures combined with extreme humidity create an uncomfortable living environment. Tropical ailments can effect an unaccustomed metabolism. Suffering constant sauna-like conditions coupled with an influx of insects and flooded roads is enough to drive even the hardiest tourist away. The 'Wet' really begins building up in November and carries through to around the end of March. Torrential rain can bring about road closures and many tour operators take a break and close for part of the wet season. The locals and those that choose stay on are treated to amazing wildlife, a blindingly green landscape, stunning lightning shows and thunderstorms (particularly in Darwin) and quiet, unpopulated facilities. The end of the wet season around April is, perhaps, one of the best times to visit. The environment remains vividly green, wildlife is abundant, the parks and gorges become accessible again and the rivers and waterfalls are still flowing hard. At this time the 'runout' around Darwin is the signal for the Barramundi to leave the inland areas and move closer to the ocean and the fishing can be sensational. So Is It All Beer and Skittles? Well, frankly no it's not. This is northern Australia. Crocodiles and Irukandji and Box jellyfish are all present in these tropical waters. Big saltwater crocs are a real and present danger the further north you venture and occasionally they drag a dog or unsuspecting sightseer off a beach. Thankfully, signs will usually make you aware of when and where you shouldn't swim. These are not towns where you can just slap your beach towel onto the sand and take a dip anywhere you want. The beaches further south are the real postcard image of sun drenched Australia. You can also be bitten in the tourist shops of these three travel icons. Inflated prices for tourist junk - Koala 'Teddy' bears made in China or Boomerangs made in Taiwan can leave a slightly unpleasant taste in the mouth of the tourist dollar. You can get a handle on local indigenous culture in these towns. There are plenty of tours and artistic opportunities organised by self-reliant local aborigines. The intrusion of white colonial Australia has had less of an impact up here than in the major cities down south. Or rather, the impact down south is less obvious. You will probably see indigenous Australia at it's worst up here. These towns lend themselves to outdoor living and many indigenous locals (and plenty of white Australians) choose to reside on the beaches or under the trees. Alcohol and welfare reliance are serious social issues and groups of traditional owners can be seen emerging from metropolitan bush hideouts to spend the days hanging about the town centre. It's nothing particularly bothersome it's just a fact not portrayed in the holiday brochures. Apart from these minor issues these towns really have a unique offering. So Which Town Is The Best To Visit? Tough question. We must admit to having an attachment to the area around Broome. Broome sits at the top of the Pilbara and the bottom of the Kimberley regions which both offer some of the most stunning landscapes and touring icons in the country. It is a small, isolated country town of only 15,000 residents which swell to 45,000 when the tourist season kicks in. The beach at Broome offers a postcard image of white sand and turquoise water and is probably the most idyllic swimming opportunity of these three towns. If you want to see remote 'outback' Australia then you have to travel a fair distance from the CBD but some of the sights are spectacular. Darwin has a unique feel and attitude. Friendly, relaxed folk make it easy to forget Darwin is actually the capital city of the Northern Territory. The place feels more like a big country town which it really is. There's plenty to see and do around the CBD and you will always find some activity around the centre of town - day or night. With tours aplenty and Nitmulik(Katherine Gorge) Kakadu and Arnhem Land just south of the town there is loads on offer. Cairns is a bit more more hustle and bustle than Broome or Darwin. And so it should be. It's the largest of this trio and as such has the most comprehensive services and facilities. Cairns caters to the tourist dollar and sometimes it can feel a little impersonal. This may be the price for having the Barrier Reef at your front door and a tropical rainforest at your back. The climate is great, the scenery spectacular and the activities endless. If we had to rate them we would choose 1.Darwin, 2.Broome and 3.Cairns in that order. But hey, our opinion is relative to our experience. The best way to visit is by car. Your own. A drive around the top end using these three points as stopovers is a great way to see some of the best Australia has to offer. For us the coastal strip at Coral Bay and Ningaloo offer some of the best beaches on offer in Australia.
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DeAndre Gray, a senior at Spangdahlem High School earns 4 year ROTC scholarship. VICENZA, Italy— Stacy Knappe was announced today as the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Europe South District 2020 Teacher of the Year. Knappe teaches AP Literature, English 12 and drama at Vicenza High School in Vicenza, Italy. Two Spangdahlem HS students are chosen for the Air Force Flight Academy this summer. On Saturday, November 17, SHAPE American Middle School AVID students visited history. The students woke up extra early and boarded a bus for England. Spangdahlem High School Marksmanship Team Makes its Mark! Two students from Spangdahlem High School broke previous school records in the first competition of the season. Spangdahlem HS JROTC students visit WWI battle sites ahead of the Centennial of the Armistice: 11-11-1918. Congratulations to the AFNORTH Junior ROTC Corps of Cadets! They underwent an AF JROTC Headquarters inspection just before the Easter break and did exceptionally well. Mr. Frank Roehl, DoDEA Europe West Superintendent, is proud to announce Ms. Colleen English as the District Teacher of the Year. Lakenheath High School's dramatic rise to the pinnacle of robotic dominance! SHS AP Research teacher Mr. Daniel Coapstick will be taking Aidan DeHan ‘18, Otheniel Wetlesen ‘19, and the partnership of Clare Walls ‘18 and Lyanne Nacario ‘18 to present their research at the JSHS symposium in Reidstadt, Germany. After beating Brussels three times already in 2018, Baumholder had to work extra hard to do it again and win the Division III boys’ basketball crown. It had been nearly a decade since Baumholder won a basketball championship so the team had no qualms with slowing down the tempo and running off clock time in its Department of Defense Education Activity Division III championship game last weekend. The shooting tragedy in Parkland, FL caused a lot of attention to be directed at the school's JROTC program. What is becoming increasingly more evident is the number of cadets who acted independently to protect and assure the safety of others. In January, a group of high school students from Alconbury, Brussels, Lakenheath, SHAPE, and Spangdahlem participated in a week long MUN conference in The Hague, Netherlands. Jordan Soles, a senior Air Force Junior ROTC (AFJROTC) cadet at Spangdahlem High School has received a scholarship to attend one of six partnering universities participating in a pilot training program over the summer of 2018. The Host Country Community Service Club (HCCSC) of Stuttgart High School traveled to downtown Stuttgart in order to clean the Stolpersteines located around the area. As part of Netzaberg Elementary School’s Kindness Challenge, NES students participated in spreading kindness and holiday cheer in several ways this season. A life lived overseas, away from family and those who care about you, can leave one feeling alone. For two years, Shana Blankenship has coordinated a massive effort to provide our single soldiers with a little love, attention, and appreciation. The hugely anticipated, top-secret, high-tech, 2017 Zeitgeist Cover was unveiled in a special ceremony at Stuttgart High Media Center. The thermochromatic panther cover, created by senior Sean Loeben, contains over 30 Photoshop layers. Stuttgart High School (Germany) was proud to see two students advance to nationals: Rachael Dickenson (SHS ’18) and Jimmy Lynch (SHS ’17) were both selected to attend the JSHS National Competition. Enjoy looking at drawings, paintings, printmaking, and ceramics. Wow! What an exciting day! The Fifth Grade Oral Reading Festival was held on May 15. Students from Kaiserslautern MS and Livorno EMS win first-place in state-level categories for 6th and 7th grade. Please check out these employment opportunities at GES! Stuttgart High performs "Charlotte’s Web" Stuttgart’s traditional annual spring play fell on the 21st and 22nd of April this year. Based on E. B. White’s Charlotte’s Web, this year’s performance was executed brilliantly by cast and crew alike. NETZABERG, Germany - The AFN Bavaria DJs took to Netzaberg Elementary School to read to kids ages preschool through 5th Grade. DJs Chappie, Livvy Liv, Tank, Lingo, and Bob Sauce each went to a few different classes. Students, staff, parents and community members around Vogelweh have know since his arrival that Mr. Joe Lovett is an amazing principal, but now everyone knows. The Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) is a program offered to high schools that allows students to develop character, achievement, leadership skills, and experience diversity among their peers. Stuttgart High School offers many wonderful opportunities to its students; recently, students from Mrs. Stephanie Payne’s AP Biology and Anatomy and Physiology classes were given the rare opportunity to observe an advanced surgical team in action. CSI. NCIS. Bones. Many people are familiar with these television shows but do not understand the science used by the crime fighting main characters. A group of students had the opportunity to learn about forensic science and how it is used judicially. Mr. Thomas Brady, Director, Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA), announced Emma Rook and John Casey as delegates to the 55th annual United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) to be held March 4 - 11 in Washington, D.C. NETZABERG, Germany - Students at Netzaberg Elementary School participated a traditional German Fasching Parade celebrating various aspects of German culture with the theme, "We Are German." Bitburg High School's Professional Learning Communities See Student Growth! Stuttgart High School Model United Nations team traveled to Prague for the annual MUN conference. The trip consisted of making new friends, touring the beautiful Old Town and city of Prague, and fierce negotiations between delegates. The time for applying for military family scholarships is now! Local information about the city of Baumholder. The Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN, or European Organization for Nuclear Research) opened its doors for Stuttgart High School advanced placement physics II and chemistry students to see the Hadron Collider, Jan. 25. This YouTube video showcases Sembach MS students receiving CPR training. Vogelweh Elementary has a brand new number so if you need to call the school please call 0611-143-545-1475 or DSN 545-1475, effective February 1, 2017. October 31st through November 4th, Stuttgart High School was home to over 90 principals from several regions in Europe including Germany, Italy, England, Spain, Belgium, and The Netherlands. The DoDEA Europe East District Superintendent’s Office awarded nearly $30,000 to support innovative teaching and learning models. NETZABERG, Germany - Students at Netzaberg Elementary School celebrate the new year with an environmentally-safe balloon launch. PCSing/Accelerated Withdrawal? Please contact the Registrar for more information. The Host Country Community Service Club at Stuttgart High School provides opportunities for students to volunteer, help out, and make a difference in the Stuttgart community. Ramstein MS was among the 329 schools nationwide to receive the prestigious Blue Ribbon School recognition. NETZABERG, Germany Students in Mrs. Hall's class participated in a "Booktasting" on Monday. The students previewed various genres of books selected from the classroom and school library, to sample. The annual Stuttgart High School College Fair happened on Friday, September 30th. The grand event featured colleges from all over the world! SHS students attended the event, excited to learn more about the numerous college opportunities offered! Netzaberg Elementary School students talked with AFN Bavaria's C-Dub during World Animal Day. U.S. Secretary of Education, John B. King, Jr., announced today that the Department of Defense Education Activity – Europe’s Ramstein Middle School has been named a 2016 National Blue Ribbon School. The United States is investing 106 million dollars in renovating the infrastructure of Smith Barracks, Baumholder. DoDEA Europe announced Elise Rasmussen of Bitburg HS and Eli Spencer of Stuttgart HS as the 2016 Athletes of the Year. Students from Hohenfels MHS National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society chapters were recently recognized by the NASSP and NHS for a service project that brought clothing to refugees in Germany. Stuttgart High School art students honored single and unaccompanied soldiers by adopting the Military Police Dormitory to show gratitude for service, May 16. NETZABERG, Germany - On May 13 Netzaberg Elementary School students learned all about making our Earth a better place while celebrating being green with their Earth Day Extravaganza. Once designated for closure, the Baumholder military community is growing. Ansbach ES wins 1st place overall in the District-level DoDEA-Europe EMS Robotics Challenge! 2016 DoDEA MATHCOUNTS state competition was held in Wiesbaden on March 31st. Ramstein MS took top honors in the team category. NETZABERG, Germany — When I was 8 years old, my elementary school hosted a spring read-a-thon, something schools do to promote reading and recognize Dr. Seuss, whose birthday falls in March. A video montage highlighting the use of technology and computers across the curriculum in the classrooms at Kaiserslautern Middle School. Google Apps for Education is highly used and integrated in and out of the classroom environment. The Weiden Polizei Department visited with Netzaberg Elementary School students to teach them the importance of looking both ways before crossing the street. GRAFENWOEHR, Germany — Netzaberg Elementary School celebrated Fasching Friday with a parade that highlighted countries around the globe. Parent-teacher conferences in the Kaiserslautern area are scheduled for Feb. 9, and school officials and key leaders strongly encourage parents to attend. Wiesbaden students find math a little fishy. Teachers and staff at Aukamm Elementary School combined the eating of the slimy little fish with the excitement of graphs and charts at a “Sardine Day” celebration during lunch Tuesday. Most teenagers probably don’t have the “Salsa Caribena” in their Spotify playlist or downloaded to their MP3 devices. Outside the confines of the classroom, more than a hundred students from Defense Department schools are developing solutions for plastic that’s polluting the world’s oceans. Imagine packing science, technology, engineering, art and math all in a single 2-hour event. Well, that’s just what Netzaberg Elementary School did Oct. 2 during STEAM night with 100 families and teachers. Goal 2 at Kaiserslautern MS states that KMS will diminish bullying or the perception of bullying. In support of DoDEA's Bullying Awareness and Prevention Program and KMS' Goal 2, a video highlighting the school's success has been created. After more than 50 years, Illesheim Elementary School is closing its doors. A crowd of students, their parents, school staff, U.S. Army Garrison Ansbach community members and more attended the closure ceremony for Rainbow Elementary School at Barton Barracks Tuesday. Blue caps flew in the air, tears rolled down cheeks, and laughs were shared as Ansbach High School seniors graduated Thursday at the Kur- und Kongress-Center here. High school artists here spent the past six months creating works. Recently, they sold their art pieces raising funds to donate to disabled veterans. James “Dutch” Frye related his WWII experiences to JROTC cadets, students, and staff of Ansbach Middle High School, Ansbach, Germany, on May 18, 2015. Frye was visiting Europe for the 70th anniversary of V-E (Victory in Europe) Day. On Thursday, March 19, 2015 students in the Ansbach Middle High School Robotics Club and Tech Class competed in a robot battle hosted by Steven Nelson, the Technology teacher and Sponsor of the Robotics Club. On Friday, April 24, a field maple was planted at Ansbach Elementary School, Ansbach, Germany, to commemorate Arbor Day. On Saturday, April 25th, 2015, the 9th JROTC Battalion held a 5 km-long race which started at the Ansbach Middle High School track. Grammy award winning artist Justin Timberlake and CNN’s Carl Azuz joined forces with a group of sociology students and staff at a U.S. Department of Defense school in Italy to honor military kids serving overseas. Cadets with Ansbach Middle/High School's 9th Junior ROTC Battalion presented quilts to 15 Soldiers from the 12th Combat Aviation Brigade during the March 26 "Quilts of Valor" ceremony at the school. The four kindergarten classes at Patch Elementary School celebrated their annual Kindy 500 on Friday, Apr. 24. We received many creative, artistic and beautiful entries for this year’s contest, making judging more difficult than ever! Thank you to everyone who submitted an essay or art work. On April 20, 2015, U.S. Army Educational Outreach announced that two groups of students from Ansbach Middle High School won first and second place in their eCYBERMISSION STEM Competition. Department of Defense Education Activity high school students from across Europe gathered in Wiesbaden, Germany, to participate in the annual Model United States Senate program March 16 through 19. Ansbach High School members of Student 2 Student, a student-run organization, traveled to Landstuhl Fisher House in Landstuhl, Germany, March 7 to help wounded Soldiers and their Families. In celebration of Women’s History Month, students from Alconbury Elementary School’s Fit STEM Girls club attended the RAF Alconbury Women’s History Luncheon on March 30th sponsored by Alconbury/Molesworth Women’s History Month Committee. The 2015 DoDDS MATHCOUNTS State Competition was held in Wiesbaden on March 26th at the Youth Activities Teen Center. More than 125 students from local Department of Defense Dependent Schools gathered at Royal Air Force Lakenheath High School, England, March 25, to compete in a National History Day showcase. Ansbach High School students of the 9th JROTC Battalion went to the German town of Remagen March 7 for the 70th anniversary of the Battle for the Ludendorff Bridge on the Rhine River. The mathematical constant pi has long struck fear into the hearts of the numerically challenged. But at Patch High School, pi — 3.14 — has proved to be a messy inspiration for seeking to set a world record. All season, Baumholder sophomore Eliyah Tillman worked to push her considerable talents into new territory. But with her team’s season on the line, Tillman returned to her comfort zone. The Lady Warriors were gunning for their third stash of gold — and they got it. Fasching, Carnevale, Mardi Gras - no matter what name or region, the season leading up to Lent is a raucous celebration of parties, costumes and craziness. Fifth graders at Sembach Middle School are combining exercise and academics in a recently-implemented "Read and Ride" pilot program designed to boost physical activity and reading time. DoDDS Europe student participates in “Schau in Meine Welt” or “Look into my World” a series produced by the German children’s television channel, KiKA. Each month families at Netzaberg Elementary School eat breakfast at the school and discuss ways to improve their children's education with school leaders. Department of Defense Dependent Schools students from across Europe recently participated in a project that let them express their creativity while also helping promote U.S. Army Medical Command’s System for Health and Performance Triad programs. When the final school bell rang at Ramstein High School on Tuesday afternoon and kids swarmed toward the exits, the eight students exercising their vocal chords in the music room didn’t budge. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Europe District welcomed 36 students, representing 23 military high schools, for a day of design, engineering and construction activities in light of the Europe STEMposium. Thirty-eight cadets from the Ansbach Middle/High School's 9th ROTC Battalion recently participated in the commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge in Bastogne, Belgium. Thomas Harwood, a senior at Patch High School, was one of two DoDEA students named as delegates to the 52nd annual United States Senate Youth Program. For the last 37 years, Dr. Nancy Bresell has traveled around the globe supporting students, staffs and administrators alike. An Army contract for security at its bases in Germany is moving ahead after the U.S. Government Accountability Office dismissed a protest against the award. More than one hundred of the world’s future engineers converged in Wiesbaden to tackle one of the year’s biggest crises: the Ebola virus epidemic. With caps and gowns, honored guests, jubilant spectators and even a commencement speaker, it seemed like an ordinary graduation ceremony, but there was one small difference. There was only one graduate. “You can’t go home again.” In his book with the same title, author Thomas Wolfe penned this phrase to describe the disoriented feeling that people often get when they try to return home after many years and find things are not the same. 5th grade students at Patch Elementary School listened to the story of a 5th grade student in Dallas, Texas who convinced her classmates to help her make meals to take to homeless shelters around Dallas. Students from U.S. Army Garrison Ansbach's closed out Red Ribbon Week at Rainbow Elementary School today. The students assembled in the gymnasium to wrap up the activities of the week and recite the drug-free pledge. Fifty-Six Department of Defense Dependent Schools- Europe, students came together in Wiesbaden, Germany, for exposure to world languages from Oct. 20-23. Educational and U.S. Army Garrison Bavaria leadership gathered at the Grafenwoehr Jugendheim for the School of Excellence recognition ceremony for Grafenwoehr Elementary School, Oct. 9. Students from the elementary, middle and high schools at RAF Alconbury, United Kingdom, asked questions and chatted with a NASA astronaut during a virtual conference, Sept. 23. Quite often over the last decade, DoDDS-Europe teachers have seen parents and other members of their respective communities deploy to both Iraq and Afghanistan—with some never to return. DoDDS-E is proud to announce the 2014 Athletes of the Year. On June 26, one of Aviano Air Base middle schools' very own will be one of 17 participants to attend the U.S. Space & Rocket Center's Robotics Space Camp in Huntsville, Ala. When most people think of STEAM, dropping eggs, building Legos, or riding on hovercrafts is probably the last thing they think of. But for Vilseck Elementary School students, STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics. Sarah Loomis, an educational technologist at Kaiserslautern Elementary School, was announced as DoDEA’s Teacher of the Year. In a ceremony today at the Wiesbaden High School library, Dr. Nancy Bresell, DoDDS-Europe director, officially launched the Illuminations website, an online student anthology that showcases student art and literature. All-around the Kaiserslautern Military Community, DoDDS Europe students observed Job Shadow Day on Friday, May 16, organizations provided areas of learning outlining daily routines and interesting facts for different jobs around the military community. DoDDS Europe adds another educational tool to help setup and prepare its students for the future. Learn more pertaining to the the 1 to 1 Laptop program. The courtroom fell silent as the prosecutor confidently stood and faced the jury, adjusting his glasses and bow tie before he spoke. A student from Ansbach Middle High School was recently selected for a full scholarship to attend a summer college-credit program at the University of Southern California. Keyton Daniels is a member of a band that plays “metal-type” stuff. It’s not a typical math class. The Department of Defense Education Activity is closing the book on a part-day math and language arts summer enrichment program that’s been offered at some of its schools since 2004. When most people use the word STEAM, they are probably referring to the gas that appears as they cook spaghetti. But at Schweinfurt Elementary, STEAM stands for using creativity, projects and engineering to create learning. Twenty-one eighth-grade German students from the Johannes-Kepler-Gymnasium in Bad Cannstatt visited Patch High School as part of a school outreach program Feb. 25. 50 Patch High School music students sat in with Chris Daughtry, on a closed sound check and had a closed Q&A session prior to the doors opening for the military community Mar.17. OSHNA is proud to announce that Jody Richmond has been selected as its 2014 School Nurse of the Year. Kaiserslautern Middle School’s NJHS members read for Kaiserslautern Elementary students on Mar. 3, in celebration of Read Across America. Capping a full year of preparation, the Alconbury Middle/High School Band and Choral Ensemble traveled to Disney Paris on Mar. 7-10. DoDDS has extended the application deadlines for both the Excess Placement Program and VSIP/VERA to 5pm (EST) this Thursday, March 6. When Dr. Michael Priser, Vilseck High School psychologist, first met with his "deployment group," six VES students of deployed parents, he found that most didn't need his help. Their nerves were on edge Jan. 18 when the 14 anxious participants at the Schweinfurt Elementary School quietly took their seats at the school’s final spelling bee. On Veterans Day, Americans honor the services of men and women, but military life also affects their families. Department of Defense Dependents Schools-Europe is inching closer to unveiling brand new elementary, middle and high schools here. An art exhibition in Kaiserslautern helped forge stronger bonds between partner nations. Bryce Kaw-uh from Incirlik Unit School has been selected as one of 141 U.S. Presidential Scholars for 2013. He is the only DoDEA student to win this special distinction for this year. Mathletes from the DoDDS Med District competed in this year's Math Counts competition.
"Reflections On A Life Spent In Pursuit Of Women And Beauty" Offers a unique perspective on life and women that you won't find in other dating advice products. Provides a good insight on what it means to be a man who is naturally attractive to women. Helps inspire a greater appreciation of women and life that goes beyond the superficial. The book is overly long and repeats a lot of the same points again and again. Makes a lot of generalizations. Vocabulary at times is difficult to understand. This isn't a practical 'how-to guide' on dating and relationships. It's more of an insight on Zan's philosophy on how he lives his life and the role that women play in it. If you're looking for inspiration on how to live a mindful life where you're able to be in the present moment and really appreciate women and their feminine energy, this book is worth checking out. If you want a manual on how to meet and date women, including tactics and techniques, you won't find it here in this product. The Alabaster Girl, by Zan Perrion, takes place on a few different levels. It tells the story of a fictional character who is one of the world's greatest seducers, and the book he has written, The Alabaster Girl. He's on a train journey where he is joined by a female journalist, intent on discovering his story and how he has become so successful with women. The dialogue between them makes up one part of the book. The second level is excerpts from the fictitious book, recounting the character's memories and experiences of the different women who have been in his life. And the third level, which accounts for the majority of the book, consists of thoughts, musings and the overall philosophy of how he approaches life and women. While the character is obviously based on Zan, it's not clear if any of the stories are fictionalized or if he experienced all of these things himself. I recognized a few stories as those that Zan recounted back in the earlier days of the seduction community, so it would be fair to assume that most, if not all, of these stories are based on fact. If you're not familiar with Zan, then its worth noting that he has his own unique style which is very different to most dating coaches. You get the feeling he sees himself as a throwback to a bygone era, a Casanova-esque type who doesn't fit into the modern world or share any of mainstream society's values. Throughout the book he refers to himself as a gypsy pirate, an adventurer, a seeker of beauty. He continually offers up quotes from literature, poetry and philosophy, with more than a liberal sprinkling of foreign-language phrases thrown in for good measure. There's a sense of romantic adventure combined with curiosity in the way he approaches life. He has a deep love of women and the feminine energy they offer, and one of his most frequent quotes is, "A man who loves women is loved by women". As you red through the book, you can see why women are drawn to him; how he offers them something that most other guys never could. While he points out that he wasn't always good with women, in fact far from it, he has become a 'natural' in the truest sense of the word. His interactions with women are genuine and authentic, and he doesn't adopt any sort of persona or try to be someone he's not. A theme throughout the book is that he treats all women the same, even the ones he isn't physically attracted to. His mindset is that they are all 'his girls' and deserve to feel special, which is the gift he gives them. As much as he loves the women he is with, he can never stay with just one. He talks about the reasons for this throughout the book, but ultimately his need for freedom and thirst for adventure outweighs the desire he has to stay. This is shown through some of the excerpts in the fictitious Alabaster Girl and shows how you can be honest with women when explaining you can't give them the commitment they are looking for. This isn't really a typical dating advice product, in the sense that it's not giving you specific advice on how to meet and date women. You won't find anything in the way of tactics and techniques, or instructions on what you should do yourself. The closest thing you'll get to this is from some of the dialogue between the seducer character (who is essentially Zan) and the women he interacts with. You'll get an insight into some of the things he says to women, which vary between sexually direct, romantic, challenging and playful. For the most part though you'd be advised not to try and copy the examples here too closely. The things that Zan does work for him because he's being himself and expressing his authentic personality. Most guys would have a very difficult time pulling off this particular style as it wouldn't be congruent with their personality. If you normally don't quote 19th century literature or French poetry in your daily life, it wouldn't make sense to try this as a tactic in the hopes of attracting a girl. Here's a passage from the book: "I am often asked: What do I say that other men do not say? What do I do that other men do not do? I have no clear answer to any of this, for who, as they say, has seen the wind? It is almost impossible to describe it in words. It is foolish to even try. I can only hint. I can only guess. I can only wonder. There is no clear algorithm to follow, there is no 'You start by saying A; if she responds with B, then you go to C.' It is all about intuition and sub-communication, feel and flow." If there were any direct advice in this book, it would likely revolve around the themes of knowing who you are as a man and living life on your own terms. When you have these two things in order you can then offer your authentic masculine self to women while embracing her feminine energy. In that respect, there are some similarities here to what is discussed by David Deida in The Way of the Superior Man. What you'll likely get from the book is inspiration to make conscious decisions about how you want to live your life. Previously Zan has referred to himself as a 'bon vivant' which in French means 'one who lives well'. This is probably as good a description of him as any, a man with a renegade spirit who chooses a life pursuing beauty, adventure and great memories. Zan's enthusiastic zest for life is contagious, and you'll discover the importance of choosing your own path and not spending your life trying to please other people, women included. At over 400 pages, this is a really long read. It's more noticeable since Zan tends to repeat a lot of the same points over and over. I think 100 pages could easily be slashed off without really losing any of the message or effecting the overall quality. The female interviewer on the train asks the author of the Alabaster Girl who he wrote it for, and he replies it was for himself. In the same sense, it seems like Zan has written this book mainly for himself also. The vocabulary is difficult at times and there are many obscure foreign phrases that the average person will never have heard, so you may want to read this with a dictionary and Google Translate on hand if you want to comprehend everything. One issue, that Zan actually acknowledges a few times throughout the book, is he makes a lot of generalizations and speaks in absolutes. He tends to depict men and women in a black and white fashion without recognizing the large grey area in between. Potentially this could cause confusion for guys with little experience, who might take some of what Zan says as gospel, even though that isn't his intention. For example, he says at one stage that if a girl is talking to more than one man, she'll always pay less attention to the man she is most interested in. From my experience, I know that this isn't always true. If you're a beginner, it's important to learn to read the situation for what it is and understand that not every woman is the same, rather than accepting these over-simplified rules that don't always hold true. On the same note, he mentions how he only approaches women who have shown him some interest through eye contact, unless he just happens to be right near them anyway. Less experienced guys often struggle with reading a woman's non-verbal sign of interest, or don't receive any in the first place. To build up your experience it's a good idea to talk to lots of women and not rely on invitations to do so. Zan isn't explicitly telling you not to approach women without a signal of interest, but it's the lesson that some people could take away.
How Long Do I Have to Purchase Car Insurance After Buying a Car? Car insurance can be complicated if a person does not have a good agent to help them through the process. How much do you need? When do you need to buy it? Can it be added to an existing policy? This article won’t answer all your questions. It will, however, help answer the question of how soon you need to buy insurance after you purchase a car. The answer can depend on where you purchase your car, your state laws and the existence of any other car insurance policies you may have. Many car lots will not even allow you to drive off the lot with a car until you have insurance. This is more to protect them than protect you. They want to make sure the car is covered until it is paid in full. There is also likely to be a requirement as to how much insurance you need. A private owner will most likely not care whether you have insurance or not since you will be taking title of the car right away. In this case, you may have two weeks or so, depending on when the temporary tags expire. It is then likely that you will be required to show proof of insurance before you will be issued permanent tags. This is definitely the case in states that require all drivers be covered under some kind of car insurance. Car owners who have existing insurance policies will need to talk to their insurance agent. Some policies have a grace period during which the new car is covered under the existing policy. These grace periods vary in terms of their duration, so it is important to carefully review your policy. Other policies do not allow this at all. Your insurance agent can help you determine whether you are covered or not and how long you have before you need to get the additional car covered. Most states have some type of car insurance regulations in place and they may differ from the requirements of the dealer where you purchase your car. In all cases, it is better to check in advance with your state Department of Motor Vehicles to find out their requirements. Once you know the State’s requirements, you will be in a better position to comply with them. Unless the dealer requires insurance before allowing you to take possession, state law is the standard, and that will likely mean you need to secure car insurance before you can be issued permanent tags for your car. A Business Owner’s Policy (also known as a BOP policy) is a package policy, providing both property and liability coverage geared toward small to mid-size businesses. They are worthwhile because, unlike separate property and liability policies, they are bundled to contain extra coverage at a low price. Many companies now offer specialized BOP policies for home based businesses or specific classes of business, like retail stores and small restaurants. These policies offer more comprehensive coverage to business owners who may not be able to afford purchasing coverage a la carte. The property section of a typical BOP policy will include but is not limited to office equipment, furniture, leased or rented equipment, and property belonging to someone else damaged while in your care. This also includes additions to your building and premises that you rent. When deciding on your limit of property insurance, don’t forget to include the cost of your build-out and improvements, equipment used to maintain the building, and permanently attached fixtures. Always consult your lease agreement, if applicable, so you can include any items you are responsible for and confirm that these items are covered. Liability coverage under the BOP policy covers Bodily Injury and Property Damage claims that you are liable for. A claim can be filed against you for medical bills and expenses resulting from injury, sickness or death caused when you act negligently. If not covered correctly, these situations can drain your financial resources and can result in thousands of dollars out of your pocket. The most common example is a slip-and-fall accident. These can result from something as simple as spilled liquids, uneven flooring, or narrow stairs. These accidents account for around 17,000 deaths in the United States each year. They are among the most frequently filed claims against small businesses, making it important to carry liability coverage in the event of such unfortunate accidents. Several key coverages are not included in the basic policy but may be added to the policy by endorsement. A few of these coverages are Automobile, Disability, Health, Worker’s Compensation and Professional Liability. Each business has different needs, meaning not all of these coverages may apply to you. When buying a BOP policy, carefully review what coverages are included and what are not. Worker’s Compensation is required by most states for businesses with more than one employee and you may need to purchase a separate policy for this coverage. Talk to your insurance representative about the Worker’s Compensation laws in your state. Buying the right Business Owner’s Policy is a first step in protecting you from the risks inherent to running a business. Carrying this policy may also be a requirement of your rental agreement or leased equipment agreements. By not carrying the right BOP policy, you may be vulnerable to lawsuits or uncovered damages. It is a low cost alternative to out-of-pocket expenses and is packed with coverages which may otherwise be costly. Ryan Niles is an insurance advisor for NewFirst Insurors, specializing in the development and implementation of risk management strategies for small- to mid-sized businesses in the Texas Coastal region. Risk events can come in many different shapes and sizes, but regardless of your profession, risk management is something that can give you the edge over potentially damaging risks. For Small Businesses, there are several reasons why Enterprise Risk Management should be implemented. These reasons range from legal obligations to budgetary requirements and below, we highlight four of the foremost reasons for introducing Enterprise Risk Management to your Business. In large companies, market risk covers the risk that the value of the company’s assets will decrease due to a change in the value of external factors. Changes in interest rates, foreign exchange rates and commodity prices can all negatively impact on a company’s assets. Similarly, changing economic and environmental factors can negatively impact on the productivity of small businesses. By monitoring market influences and assessing other external influences that could impinge on the company’s market presence, you can protect against market risks and ensure the productivity of the business. For small businesses, accounting for market risks can help ensure projected growth patterns and prosperity. By formulating an enterprise risk management plan, employers can effectively address and mitigate unfavourable market forces. Operational risk represents the risk of loss from failed internal processes. These risks can arise out of everything from poor or inadequate employee practices to hardware malfunction. While operational risk is relevant to all categories of profession, many small businesses often overlook or underestimate the possibility of operational risk-related events damaging their business. Operational risks such as internal and external fraud, employment practices, business continuity processes can all negatively affect the overall business process of a small enterprise. Through in-depth analysis, the identification, measurement, monitoring and managing of operational risk, small businesses can ensure the security and efficiency of the operating process. This involves having well-defined and organized roles, segregating duties and responsibilities, and implementing management review mechanisms that will allow employers to account for operational risks and ensure they don’t threaten the business. Reputation is one of a business’ most important assets, particularly if they operate globally. That said, reputation is everything for small enterprises and start-ups as it represents the extent to which the company is meeting the expectations of its stakeholders, and this can often prove a determining factor in whether or not a small business can take off. While reputation is one of the most important assets of the business, reputational risks are indelibly difficult to protect against. Factors such as negative publicity, whether accurate or not, can compromise the business’ reputation capital while marketing channels such as social media can carry a lot of risk potential. By defining how you want your business to be perceived, you can begin to clearly identify what risks could negatively impact on the company’s public image. Outlining an enterprise risk management strategy can greatly help a small business to actively monitor the effects of operational incidents on reputation capital and the public perception of the business. This involves an assessment of relationships with consumers, partners and the media as well as assessing the functionality of the business in terms of commitment and quality processes. Emerging risk accounts for any new risk that is in the process of being quantified and understood. Emerging risks have the potential to substantially impact on a business or insurance policy and significantly damage the company’s reputation, reach and overall process. Emerging risks can infiltrate any part of your business or personal life and have a huge impact, and unfortunately, as there tends not to be any resolute method of predicting and protecting against emerging risks, they are considered some of the most potentially damaging risks that businesses face. Typical emerging risks include Cyber Risks and Social Media Risks, both of which can be reduced greatly through a comprehensive risk management plan, but other emerging risks such as changing economic factors and wholly unpredictable risks like natural disasters can have devastating consequences for unprepared businesses. Enterprise Risk Management is all about predicting, preparing for and protecting against the occurrence of a risk event. Each of the risks discussed in this post carry the potential to inflict serious damage on a company’s reputation and overall business process. However, if a small business incorporates each of the aforementioned risks into their overall Enterprise Risk Management plan, they can significantly protect themselves against the possibility of a risk event occurring and devastating the business. Ensure your Risk Management Strategy is up to scratch with a free risk assessment. Lonnie Meadows is a risk advisor for NewFirst Insurors. Lonnie specializes in developing commercial risk management plans for small to mid-sized businesses and focuses on leadership and management relationships to improve his clients’ overall operations. As the U.S. home market slowly recovers, builders are seeing a boost in construction contracts. New commercial buildings are being built at a rapid pace. With these surges in construction, specialized policies like Builder’s Risk provide important protection against exposures that are unique to the building trade. The Builder’s Risk policy provides protection for homes or commercial buildings under construction, while being remodeled, or undergoing renovation. The policy covers materials like concrete, lumber, and fixtures as well as machinery and equipment used to maintain the building. The policy also covers the cost to remove debris caused by a covered accident, like a fire or lightning strike. In most cases, a Builder’s Risk policy is required for buildings under construction and purchased when the home or building is at least 30% complete. The limit of insurance is based on the estimated value of the project once its complete. Because the value will increase as glass, framing, and other materials are added, the limit should also be increased. Once the project is done, coverage will end when the building has been taken over by the owner, the work has been complete for 90 days, or the builder has abandoned the project. Accidents happen and by their nature, they’re never anticipated. An accident can stall or completely stop a building project. To avoid the pitfalls of damage, there are three types of perils coverage to choose from: Limited Perils, Specified Perils, or Special Perils. Each has their own unique advantages but the most inclusive is Special Peril, which covers accidental losses that are not specifically excluded. While this type of coverage is the most attractive, it is also the most expensive. Though the cost may be more than its counterparts, the broad coverage pays for itself in the event of a large loss that might otherwise have been excluded. It’s a common misconception that all property policies replace damaged items based on their original replacement value. While many companies sell enhanced policies with special endorsements, like Replacement Cost, a great majority of policies come with Actual Cash Value. In the event of covered damage to your property, claims are paid on an Actual Cash Value basis by default. This means only the depreciated cost to repair or replace will be paid. This can leave the project with a shortfall in funds and possibly halt further construction. To avoid this common mistake, check the policy and endorsements to ensure that Replacement Cost coverage is included. While the coverage provided is vital to most building projects, limitations apply. Builder’s Risk does not cover Earthquake, Flood, Steam Boiler, or intentional acts of damage. Because policies vary by company, coverage for materials in transit, equipment such as scaffolding and trailers, or theft of materials may be limited or excluded. For an additional premium, separate policies or endorsements can be added to ensure coverage is in place where it is needed.
Grafton was first settled in 1861, and the Great Flood of 1862 washed the town site away. The town was then resettled on higher ground in1862. Although Grafton is a ghost town, its once-thriving community spirit lives on. Its soul lives as one beholds green pastures, and imagines settlers working in the fields and crafting these buildings within this lands’ striking beauty. Grafton returns us to a time when life was tenuous but strengthened by residents who relied on religious faith and each other to survive. Such communities, then and now, instill a sense of belonging to place. This connection between people and landscape lives today through many of Grafton’s descendants. May you revel in the history of Grafton and join us in preserving its future. When settlers arrived at Grafton, the valley was like a meadow with tall grass and feed for livestock. The river bed was so narrow it could be jumped at any place with a vaulting pole. While Grafton remains the physical evidence of a time gone by, its essence lives on. The buildings and irrigated pastures take us back to a time when the certainty of life was fragile but overcome by obedience to a religion and a strong testament of faith. We can all learn from this place and recognize the power of community where a sense of place and shared culture has the ability to shape its people in concert with the land-past and present. Why did the settlers abandon Grafton? Water too much when they didn’t need it, too little when they did. In 1906 a newly built canal delivered Virgin River water to the wide, flat Hurricane bench 20 miles downstream. Many Grafton families packed everything even some of their homes and reassembled them in Hurricane. The loss of farm fields from repeated flooding, and lack of modern utilities contributed to their leaving Grafton. Grafton’s remaining buildings stand as a place holder, a physical memory of a time and lifeway few living today recall. Towns like this are rare, and becoming rarer. Most pioneer villages either lost their historic heart as they grew into modern towns or were washed away in flash floods. Grafton is intriguing to the traveler. Is it the area’s beauty and thoughts of past times? Is it the peaceful, quiet, breathtakingly beautiful surroundings capable of hosting a bustling community of people that lived so close to each other that community life took on a fellowship of camaraderie, mutual love, and support? Is it where survival, and colonizing success, meant people had to depend on each other? At times, the traveler may think, yes, this is the way it ought to be. Perhaps the most photographed ghost town historic structure in the Western U.S., is this rustic adobe building that stands in front of the massive tan and red walls of Zion National Park. The subject of countless movies, paintings and photographs, the building’s hand-made beauty adds a note of human gracefulness to the outstanding natural beauty that surrounds it. The schoolhouse’s 2-story walls stand on a solid foundation of lava rocks quarried from the nearby hillside; its colored adobe bricks were hand-made from a pit of clay on the west end of town. The settlers cut trees for this structure from Mount Trumbull, nearly 75 miles away, and bought them across the Arizona Strip and down the steep canyon cliffs of the wood road near the cemetery. The town’s people used this building as a school, community meeting place, church as well as a place for dances and plays. People would come from all the settlements on the Upper Virgin River to attend the community dances, which were held on weekends. As was customary with dances in the early west, they continued early into the morning, sometimes until dawn. Then people would hitch up their wagons, buggies or horses and head back to their homes for Saturday chores and Sunday preparations. The last classes were taught in this building during the 1918-19 school year at which time the enrollment had dwindled to nine students. The following year students were transferred to the school at Rockville. Alonzo Haventon Russell came to Grafton in December 1861 with his wife Nancy Briggs Foster and their children. He may have built the home that remains standing in Grafton at the same time the school was built in 1886. The adobe home has a beautiful restored hand-crafted front porch where Alonzo’s family often met to socialize, sing, and listen to the music of his guitar. Alonzo Russell had his own family band called the Russell Band in which he played drums and fifer. His sons played fiddles, accordions, guitars, and mandolins. Alonzo was an expert blacksmith by trade and supplied the town with eating utensils and farm tools in addition to repairing broken wagon parts, sharpening plows, and shoeing horses. Because Indians would try to steal their cattle, Alonzo made hobbles for the cattle the Indians couldn’t undo. Alonzo had four spouses. His first wife, Fanny Malina Royce died in childbirth in 1845. He then married Nancy Briggs Foster. Alonzo made a loom for Nancy and they carried it across the plains. Later it was given to the museum at Pipe Springs National Monument, and a replica can be viewed there today. Alonzo and Nancy had nine children; the last four died as infants. In 1853 Alonzo married Clarissa Henrietta Hardy as a plural wife. She gave birth to three children before their divorce. One of the children died as an infant, and Alonzo and his second wife Nancy raised the other two. In 1856 Alonzo married Nancy’s sister, Louisa Maria Foster. Louisa gave birth to nine children. Nancy lived in the large adobe home and Louisa lived across the street in the small log cabin that has been restored. Alonzo lived in the adobe home until he died in 1910 at the age of 89; he is buried in the Grafton Cemetery. Louisa Maria Foster and Nancy Briggs Foster are also buried in Grafton Cemetery. Alonzo’s son Frank Stephen Russell bought the house for $200 and a cow. Frank and Mary Ellen Ballard Russell moved into the house in 1917 and lived there until they moved to St. George in 1944. They were some of the last residents to leave Grafton. John and Ellen Smith Wood and their children lived in Grafton. John was a farmer, raised cattle, worked in a blacksmith shop, and made beautiful horse-hair ropes and hackamores in his spare time. An historic split-rail fence surrounds the property. Ellen died on May 7, 1898, and is buried in Grafton cemetery. John lived in Grafton until 1909, then moved to Hurricane, where he died August 4, 1911 at the age of 92. The property contains two other buildings: a large log barn (1877) and a raised one-room log granary (1877). David and Maria Smith Ballard built a home and barn around 1907 in Grafton and the buildings still stand. David was born at Grafton in 1867 to John Harvey Ballard and Charlotte Pincock. David died in 1939 at the age of 72 and is buried in Rockville. Maria was born in Rockville in 1867 and died in Cedar City in 1917 at the age of 50. Her father was Charles N. Smith. Like most other Grafton residents, David worked as a cattle rancher. Cattle ranching became Grafton’s principal industry decades earlier due to the difficulty and unpredictability of growing crops. He is Jeff Ballard’s grandfather. David’s father, John Harvey Ballard, first settled Grafton in 1862. He was a farmer, stock raiser, postmaster, and shoe mender. He was also an excellent violinist and provided music for local communities. He served as a chorister for many years. John and Charlotte had 14 children: 11 sons and three daughters. Only five boys lived to adulthood. John and Charlotte and five of their children are buried in Grafton Cemetery. Alonzo and his first wife Nancy returned to Grafton in 1868 after the Indian Troubles; however, his third wife Louisa remained in Rockville, giving birth to three more children while there. Between 1873 and 1879 Alonzo built this one story, gabled log home for Louisa Maria. In 1879 she returned to Grafton, and their six children were raised in this home. In 1861, Sarah and William Hasting and their three children settled in Grafton. They lived in a wagon box, cooked over a campfire and lived on caneseed bread, pigweed and sego lily roots. William bought a dugout from the Romney family (Hastings Dugout). It is now just a depression in ground behind the cabin pictured above. The lot is located on a corner across the street from the schoolhouse. The dugout was a room 12 by 14 feet, which was a hole dug in the ground and hill and walled up in front with two windows and a door. William died in 1882 at the age 58. Sarah lived there for over 50 years and moved from Grafton to Hurricane in 1915. She died in 1920 at the age of 90. In 1947 a log cabin was moved from Beaver, Utah to the Hastings Dugout lot in Grafton for the movie Ramrod. The cabin interior had plaster walls and used extensively in the movie as Rose’s home and dressmaker shop. My father always called it the Ruby cabin so I will call it the Rudy Rose cabin. My father, Jack Harden fell in love with Grafton. He was born in Salt Lake City and we would drive back and forth from Los Angeles stopping at Grafton. We either forged the Virgin River barefoot, or walked across a board and cable footbridge, or drove across the steel bridge. But we had to open and close many gates all along the dirt road to Grafton. The Berry headstone found within the wood fenced enclosure near the center of the cemetery reminds us of a time when there wasn�t enough to go around. When the Utah Territory was settled, the upper Virgin River was already inhabited by native Southern Paiute peoples. Pioneers often settled the same places required by these native people for their subsistence. This competition for land and scarce resources led to conflict. At the same time, Navajo people living south of the Colorado River were squeezed between pioneer settlement in Arizona to the south and Utah to the north. In December 1865, Navajo raiders stole cattle and horses from Kanab and the Shirts ranch at Paria. InJanuary 1866, two ranchers were killed at Pipe Spring and their cattle stolen. Consequently, the Mormon militia killed Indians near Pipe Springs and in retaliation the Indians killed the Berrys, who were traveling home to Berryville (now Glendale on Highway 89), near Colorado City. At the time, Grafton was the County Seat, and their bodies were brought to Grafton for burial.During this time, Mormon Church leader Brigham Young ordered villages in southern Utah to coalesce into towns of at least 150 men. Grafton and other Virgin River towns were deserted as townsfolk consolidated in Rockville. Grafton farmers returned daily to tend their fields, and by 1868, Grafton was resettled and the residents were back, working to create the future. Mary Lavina Andrus died at one year of age; Mary Jane York, 28, died of tuberculosis, Byron Lee Bybee, 65, died of �poor health.� And there were accidents: Joseph C. Field, 9, was dragged to death by a horse. Robert Madison Berry, 24, his wife Mary Isabella Hales Berry, 20, and brother Joseph Smith Berry, 22, were killed by Navajo raiders. Today, the cemetery is an historical monument that provides a unique opportunity for area visitors to learn about early pioneer settlement and Grafton’s human history. It serves as a cultural legacy to the many families who are descendents of Grafton settlers. The cemetery is included as a contributing feature to the proposed “Grafton Historic District”. The Grafton Heritage Partnership (Partnership) entered into a cooperative management agreement with the Bureau of Land Management so that the Partnership can manage the site. The agreement would allow the Partnership to improve existing site conditions by replacing the existing fence surrounding the cemetery with like-kind materials, repair the wood headstone enclosure, install interpretive signage that includes pioneer and Southern Paiute history. Agriculture-the most useful, the most healthful, the most noble employment of man. I know of no pursuit in which more important service can be rendered to any country by improving its agriculture. Agriculture played an important part of Grafton’s history. The settlers had to live off the land to survive. They built dams across the river and diverted water for cotton and other staple crops. They planted orchards and by 1855 the fruits were used fresh, dried and as preserves. A variety of nut trees were planted making pecans, black walnuts and almonds available. Some of these fruit and nut trees are still alive and producing. As the years progressed, raising of cattle and other animals became an increasingly important occupation for the early settlers. Nearly every family had at least a few head. Shortly after 1865 they started to change from farming to cattle raising. The harvest in 1866 was from 21 acres of wheat, 45 acres of corn, 18 acres of cotton and 8 acres of sugar cane. By about 1874, silk production had become common in Grafton. However, as with cotton, silk production lasted only a few years. The settlers were more concerned with growing food crops and were often too busy recovering from floods to concentrate on silk and cotton production. The Partnership is working with the other landowners in Grafton in order to conserve this agricultural, scenic and historical heritage. This foot bridge, known as the Swinging Bridge shown above, was one of the ways to cross the river in early days another was by horse team or by wading, as demonstrated by these women at the first Grafton reunion in 1961. In 1924 the Historic Rockville Bridge was constructed that provided another way to get to Grafton. A visit to Grafton wouldn’t be complete without a visit to the Virgin River that forms the Townsite’s northern boundary. Pioneers raised garden crops on the few acres of sandy river-deposited soil next to Grafton. Today, these soils support an impressive gallery of trees, plant and wildlife species, including one of only a handful of remaining stands of cottonwood trees anywhere along the Virgin River. The Partnership is interested in helping manage the floodplain for native plant communities. This will include removing the exotic tamarisk and Russian olive trees and restoring the natural cottonwood, willow, and grass communities. A restored floodplain with native plants presents an opportunity to interpret Grafton’s natural history, especially as it relates to the town’s human history. It was the river that both gave life to and drove away Grafton’s residents.
Only today don’t be angry. Only today count your blessings. Only today be kind to everyone around you. Eat the food of gratitude. Honour your parents and those near you. The Virtues, indestructible foundations of the "Project Mikado Nintoku" To dig into the ancient and profound Taumaturgiche roots of the "Project Mikado Nintoku" , it is necessary to sit comfortable while you listen to my new story. We have seen at the beginning of the story of the birth of Japan, how the “Taumaturgiche virtue of burns” represent a command on the emotions and mental state, and the “intestinal worms or ossurasi” represent the command on the physical state, and of “the equilibrium” the fusion between the buio-Kury-ama with the light-Fuji.These three virtues are the Taumaturgiche foundation of the "Project Mikado Nintoku" .That in honour of the wise one Yuzu Asaf and of Mikado Nintoku-tennò is transmitted Christmas Eve at midnight . Let’s continue and try to absorb the first life lived in Japan by an official Makado, that with spiritual courage transmitted to a simple land worker Sensei called Kami a part of the divine power known later as "Project Mikado Nintoku" , that is the gift to absorb Light and Stars with the aim to increase the path of life on earth. The "Project Mikado Nintoku" began his first official path in 107a.d. and his real founder was not called Mikado Usui, but Yuzu Asaf, that at the age of 107 years went for the second time to Japan and gave the ability to absorb the “light and the stars” to a young boy of 20 years called Nintoku-tennò. Now sit comfortably and I will tell you of his enlightened story. Many years ago there was in the sunny land of Japan, an Emperor by the name of Nintoku-tennò who left a profound mark on that era. Now I will transmit the immortal story that is shown to me with my inner eye. I see my Sacred Book in front of me and I am ready to begin. “Dear Mikado Francesco when you read this page it will be the sign that humanity has arrived at the third millennium and brother will fight brother each in the name of his God*. Mikado are you asking yourself why. The answer is one only, because Japan has closed the door of the 7th. Heaven and lives intensely in the power of the third dimension, without a Sensei, a Divinity, a Mikado of Light and Stars! *Israel and Palestine, America, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Corea, Japan, India and Kashmir. ***it should happen by the end of the cycle of purification 2000-14. After a moment of repose I am now ready to take up my story again thinking of my experience of the light and the stars lived at the peak of Fuji and I want to disclose to you something that has accompanied me all my enlightened lives. The love for my Sacred Mountain of Fuji. In the year 314, word spread that Fuji was the residence of immortals, hence the Chinese doctor of the Emperor of China Hsu Fuh, Ts’ in Che Houang and the magic Taoist, went to Japan in search of immortality. The historian Sseu ma Ts-ien affirms that he arrived with three thousand young people all skilled in various trades and with many sacks of seeds. The magic liquor was not found and the wise man refused to let the young people return to China. In so doing many classic books were destroyed as the the Chinese Emperor had them destroyed in revenge for not receiving the much awaited elixir. His many companions formed a rural family community in Kawachi and from then on forgot the Emperor and his orders and lived happily ever after. It is well to remember that Fuji will show all the strength of her anger by letting an entire town on a mount on her western side fall into degradation of body and soul. * This has been the inspirational source of many poets and painters. It is written in the Sacred Book that when the Emperor of Japan Nintoku was born, an enormous white cloud formed over the crater of Fuji and dispersed in all directions sending all over the country waves of violet energy. Nintoku was born with a very particular sign. On the top part of his arm there were three suns or vaioli in a vertical line a cross that visibly came out of the flesh and at the centre of this there appeared a face with a crown of thorns. On precisely 18th.october a.d. at 8.30. the moment when he was born, a bad omen, the owl Tsuko flew into his room. The father, the Emperor of Ojin-tennò secretly venerated as the God of war with the name of Hachiman, to change the future of his son, gave his son the name of O-sasagi and his other son the name of Tsuki. He wanted his first born Waki-iratsuko to succeed the throne but to guide the land of The Rising Sun was too great a responsibility for this son, so he asked his brother to accept this honour in his place. O-sasagi refused the crown bowing to his father’s will and in consequence a competition of modesty between the two brothers lasted for more than three years ending with the suicide of Waki-iratsuko. After this tragic gesture O-sasagi was morally compelled to help the weak in spirit and become Mikado Nintoku-tennò the new Emperor of Japan. Now we will share together a beautiful ancient story set in the land of The Rising Sun. The two principal protagonists are two children born at exactly the same year, same day same second. It is important to know that on that very day the sun and the full moon fused together to give a strange vibration of divine and Taumaturgic* energy to chosen spirits. In this light that was settling on the earth there were two who decided to be part of the sacred country of The Rising Sun and these were Alfa and Omega or the beginning and the end of the path. One was called Kami, the son of a land worker and the other Nintoku, son of the Emperor of Japan Ojin-tennò. The story tells us that both from the moment of birth cured the sick with their hands from which passed a strange flow of energy that they felt coming from their heart. Many moons passed and both Kami and Nintoku became respected and adored by all. Kami loved the land and the so called “cure of the earth or sacred virtue” this love had been in his family for many generations and knew that now his elderly grandfather was awaiting his natural passage in nature. For Nintoku it was completely different he had absorbed from birth “the rare Taumaturgic or Mikado power” to cure the body and soul of the Japanese people. The years passed and the day arrived of Kami’s 33th. birthday Celebrating with his family in front of the warm fire his elderly grandfather asked him what he would like for this special day. Kami paused for a moment and then surprised his parents with a strange request. He would like to go away from the family home for 21 days. They of course asked him the reason for this unusual desire, and his only answer was that they must try to understand what was happening to him bodily and spiritually, and ensured them that he would return having enhanced the family honour. The next day Kami said goodbye to the family and the father gave him his blessing and watched as he walked away from the house, his figure fading into the distance enveloped in a ray of sun that the god Amaterasu sent to accompany him on his journey. After 22 days the old parents very worried, watched anxiously for the return of their beloved son. After some time they saw his figure in the distance and with great joy they and every one in the village celebrated his long awaited return. To add to the dilemma the young Emperor Nintoku-tennò had also disappeared in the same strange way at exactly the same time as Kami the kind peasant. The birth of the "Project Mikado Nintoku" One evening after a long day on the land Kami was returning home with his old grandfather when he felt the warm rays of the sun sent by Aamaterasu enter his heart and burn it with love. In the prescence of his father his body was completely enveloped in light and all the ground around him was so absorbed in energy that all the planted seeds gave immediate life to plants. “Peace to you my loved ones, the moment has come for me to tell you of the “sacred dream” lived by me in those 21 days of my absense. Close your eyes and listen to me with your hearts open because now we can all share together this beautiful dream that you will want to keep all the life. Imagine that in this dream you have taken the decision to go out of your Kury-ama, that represents the anticamera of the light, to understand “who you are” really and to do this you must walk to the top of the sacred Fuji where there is the light. One warm morning you decide it is the moment to say goodbye to your family and go towards the light. On the way you hear the song of the birds, you feel the sweet wind blowing from the top of Fuji and the sound of the source of the river that transports it’s sacred water all over Japan. Walking towards the river looking at the peak of Fuji at a certain moment you see a figure in a regal pose meditating. Above his head there is a beautiful light unknown to man. You try not to disturb Him but He is aware of your presence and opens his eyes. They are full of love and he gives a beautiful smile. You lower your head in respect before asking how He radiates that magnificent light and if it is possible to show you how. He answers that a long long time in the past he asked his master the same question. “I was 21 years old when I decided to come out from my Kury-ama to go to Fuji to make a big decision in communion with the sacred Divinity. I stopped exactly in this spot of the river and saw a man with long hair dressed in a long white linen robe with strange signs on His hands and feet. He said He had come from afar and was called Yuzu Asaf. He was completely enveloped in a incandescent light and His every movement was so peaceful and harmonious that it did not belong to this world. Yuzu Asaf became my master and in answer to my question He looked at me with an indescribable love, opened His chest and pulled out His heart from where came a flame, He then opened my chest and took out my heart and put in the flame. When He returned my heart I immediately felt an intense love, that of Yuzu Asaf that He had passed to me through the flame. This love was in honour of the energy that the Only Father or God had left on Fuji, in the name of "Project Mikado Nintoku" . That flame became an enormous fire, but a fire that doesn’t burn, but purifies all that it touches.It touched every cell in my body and transformed my love. The love grew and grew. That fire touched all my emotions and became so intense that I felt to be the spokesman for the world. In the name of all humanity I thank the human body. All it’s functions that contribute to life: the blood the bones, the fluids, the nerves, the muscles, the intestines, and all the cells that form them. at perfect peace in the world. because it is the sacred temple of God. The fire continues to burn and I feel the need to share this love. I decide to insert this “Divine Flame” into the centre of the earth and so make my way to Fuji. that preside on the earth, earth I thank you. generosity that gives life to all forms of life. *In the past they were known as a Divinity or Kami. My love grows even more looking at the sparks in the sea that are given by the “Sacred Flame” and watch as the flame becomes one with the sea. I thank all the angels that preside in the sea. Sea I thank you that we may live. of man that does not recognize you. that beat on the coast and destry the ships. My love does not stop it grows and grows. The “Sacred Flame” is put in every flower every blade of grass, and every plant bewitching the path of Kury-ama that leads to the peak of Sacred Fuji and receives in exchange the love and all becomes one only. I thank the angels that preside in vegetation. Grass, trees, plants of all variety I thank you. Thanks to your immense generousity we live. of man that does not acknowledge you. I put the “Divine Flame” in every crystal every stone in every speck of dust from the lava of Fuji, in the metals and all love me and become one. I thank the angels that preside in the minerals. of minerals I thank you. Every day we live thanks to you. and pardon the irresponsibility of man. The “Sacred Fire” grows and purifies all that it touches I decide to put it in food and it becomes one. I thank the angels that preside in the food. Thanks to all types of food. Because of you we live. Pardon man’s lack of gratitude and greed. You are the souce of our energy to live and work. The fire caused by the “Sacred Flame” continues to burn and it can’t be contained inside I must share this great love with the water and be at one with it. I thank the angels that reside in the water. I thank you water, without you we do not live. We thank you for your existence and for your function. I decide to give the “Sacred Flame” to all the atmospheric phenomena. I feel a communion with thunder lightning storms and tempests and my love grows. I thank the angels that reside in the atmosphere. other celestial phenomena I thank you. Every day our lives depend on you. us for the insolence of man in not acknowledging you. The “Sacred Flame” becomes a great fire the fire that does not burn but purifies.I look at the sky and my love continues to grow for the God Amaterasu. I give thanks to all the angels that preside in the sun. We live every second thanks to your energy. Every living thing owes it’s life to you. We thank you for your generousity. I look at the sky and the “Sacred Flame” wrapped in my love I put in the moon and my love grows. I give thanks to the angels who preside in the moon. we thank you moon for your generousity. My love grows even more and I decide to give the “Sacred Flame” to all the animals of the world that reply with an exchange of love and we become one. on earth as we are and because of some of you we live . We thank you for your part in the equilibrium of nature. Please pardon the insolence of the humans who do not respect your important role on this earth. The fire continues to burn and I realize I am almost at the peak of Fuji, I then feel the need to ask the permission to ask the Divine Residents to share the “Sacred Flame” and my heart with them and become one. awakening with eruptions and land slides. 1. Infinitive love - 2. Infinitive harmony - 3. Infinitive peace- 4. Infinitive light - 5. Infinitive protection - 6. Infinitive wisdom - 7. Infinitive life. Then I see them happily go down the path and see the second group and say: 8. Infinitive happiness - 9. Infinitive prosperity - 10. Infinitive wealth - 11. Infinitive abundance - 12. Infinitive success - 13. Infinitive capacity - 14. Infinitive possibility. And then to the third group: 15. Infinitive health- 16. Infinitive vivacity - 17. Infinitive healing - 18. Infinitive renewal - 19. Infinitive freshness - 20. Infinitive vitality - 21. Infinitive hope. To the fourth group I say: 22. Infinitive freedom - 23. Infinitive creation - 24. Infinitive expansion - 25. Infinitive greatness - 26. Infinitive development - 27. Infinitive energy - 28. Infinitive gratitude. To the fifth I say: 29. Infinitive joy - 30. Infinitive beauty - 31. Infinitive youth - 32. Infinitive goodness - 33. Infinitive sincerity - 34. Infinitive purity - 35. Infinitive justice. To the sixth I say: 36. Infinitive victory – 37. Infinitive courage - 38. Infinitive progress - 39. Infinitive improvement - 40. Infinitive strength - 41. Infinitive intuition - 42. Infinitive innocence. Finally to the seventh group I say: 43. Infinitive forgiveness - 44. Infinitive glory - 45. Infinitive nobility - 46. Infinitive dignity – 47 - Infinitive grace - 48. Infinitive splendour - 49. Infinitive compassion. At that moment the young imperial figure appears together with his Master Yuzu Asaf, each one encircled with a bright light. The Master with his sacred hands opened His breast and took out His heart that contained a beautiful flame and He opened your chest and put it in. “now his love will continue to grow inside each of you and will continue to grow in life after life until the “thousand plus thousand.” and that will be the signal to re-awaken this extraordinary dream called “Project Mikado Nintoku-tennò” and all will be immortalized in a Sacred Book in Light and Stars. Now you are one with the Earth, the Fuji, the wind, the water, the sun, the moon, the stars, with the nature, and with all beings. Feel the warmth that comes from the flame that you have in your heart. From your heart comes a light that shines in all different colours that does not belong to this world. It shines with love, pray with us. given me to experiment with the unified love. Yuzu Asaf and Mikado Nintoku call "Project Mikado Nintoku" . to change what I can, the capacity to distinguish one from the other. That I may love for the rest of my life.
Got lots of tasks running at the same time? Projects to invoice? Returning to work on that particular job from last month? The Tasks feature keeps all of these details in order, so you can best manage your time, your projects and your clients’ needs. Running: A task that is currently in process. Logged: A task that has been completed, recorded, but not yet invoiced. Invoiced: A task that has been completed and the invoice sent to the client. To view your Tasks list page, click the Tasks tab on the main taskbar. This will open the Tasks list page. The Tasks list page provides a range of opportunities to carry out actions relating to each specific task. Now, we’ll explore the Tasks list and show you all the features and actions that make managing tasks so easy. The Tasks list page displays a table of all your tasks, at every stage, from Running to Logged to Invoiced, together with handy accompanying information about each task. Action: The Action button provides a range of possible actions, depending upon the status of the task. Edit Task: Edit the task information on the Tasks/ Edit page. Stop Task: Stop the task from running. It will then change status to “Logged”. Invoice Task: Send an invoice for this task. An invoice will be automatically generated for this task, featuring all relevant information, including invoice number, client name, task duration, description, etc. You can continue creating the invoice and then Save or Send as desired. Archive Task: Click here to archive the task. It will be archived and removed from the Tasks list page. Delete Task: Click here to delete the task. It will be deleted and removed from the Tasks list page. For tasks with “Logged” or “Invoiced” status, only the relevant and applicable options from the above list will show in the Action drop-down list. However, for tasks with “Invoiced” status, the Action drop-down list will also display “View Invoice”. Select this option to view and/or edit the invoice of the specific task on the Invoices / Edit page. To sort the tasks list according to any of the columns, click on the orange column tab of your choice. A small arrow will appear. If the arrow is pointing up, data is sorted from lowest to highest value. If the arrow is pointing down, data is sorted from highest to lowest value. Click to change the arrow direction. You can create a new task directly from the Tasks list page by clicking on the blue New Task + button located at the top right side of the page. The Tasks / Create page will open. To filter the Tasks list, enter the filter data in the Filter field, situated at the top right of the page, to the left of the blue New Tasks + button. Tasks can be filtered according to the client name or description, or elements of these data. Let’s filter the table for a client named “Best Ninja”. You can type “best ninja”, or “best” or “ninja”, or even “bes”, or “nin”, or “ja”, or any other grouping of letters in the client name. Alternatively, you can filter according to the description data. The filter function will automatically locate and present the relevant entries. Tasks can be invoiced directly from the Tasks list page. To invoice a task, check the relevant task in the check box that appears in the far left column next to the client name. Then click the blue Invoice button that appears at the top left of the Tasks list page. You’ll be redirected to the Invoices / Create page, and the invoice will automatically include the task and client information. You can invoice more than one task to the same client in a single invoice. To invoice more than one task in the same invoice, select the desired tasks in the check boxes to the left of the client name column, and then click the Invoice button. You’ll be redirected to the Invoices / Create page. All the selected tasks will be automatically included in the invoice. Each task will appear as a separate line item in the invoice. To archive or delete a task, hover over the task entry row, and open the Action drop-down list. Select Archive Task or Delete Task from the list. The Tasks table will automatically refresh, and archived or deleted tasks will no longer appear in the list. You can also archive or delete one or more task via the gray Archive button that appears at the top left side of the Tasks list page, to the right of the blue Invoice button. To archive or delete tasks, check the relevant tasks in the check boxes that appear in the far left column next to the client name. The number of tasks selected for archiving/deleting will automatically update and show on the Archive button. Then click on the Archive button, open the drop-down list and select the desired action. Want to view archived or deleted tasks? Check the box marked Show archived/deleted tasks, situated to the right of the Archive button. The table will automatically refresh, and will now feature the full list of tasks, including current, archived and deleted tasks. The status of archived and deleted tasks will be displayed in the Action column at the far right of the table. Deleted tasks are displayed with a red Deleted button. To restore deleted tasks, hover on the red Deleted button. A gray Select button will appear. Click on the Select arrow, and select Restore task in the drop-down list. Archived tasks are displayed with an orange Archived button. To restore or delete the archived task, hover on the orange Archived button. A gray Select button will appear. Click on the Select arrow, and choose Restore task from the drop-down list. To delete an archived task, select Delete task from the drop-down list of the Select button. The Tasks page provides clickable links to take you directly to a particular client summary page, or a particular task page. To visit the client summary page, click on the client name in the Client column. To visit the Tasks / Edit page of a particular task, click on the date/time data in the Date field. With many clients, and any number of projects ongoing at the same time, you need a simple, automatic way to keep track of the time spent on a particular task or project. Of course, this is really important when you charge clients according to time spent, such as by the hour. Yet, it can also be helpful to know just how much time you are devoting to a client or a project – even if the time spent doesn’t necessarily affect your billing. Either way, the Tasks component of Invoice Ninja allows you to record and manage your tasks and sessions for every one of your clients. To create a new task, go to the main taskbar and click the Tasks tab. Then, select New Task from the drop-down menu. The Tasks / Create page will open. Before creating a new task, it is vital to ensure that the correct time zone is set. To set the time zone, go to the Settings button on the right side of the main taskbar. Click to open the drop-down menu. Select Localization. The Localization window will open. Here you can choose your time zone, enable 24 hour time, and select your preferred Time/Date Format. Now that you’ve set the correct time zone, you can begin creating a new task. On the Tasks / Create page, begin by selecting the client name from the drop-down list that opens when you click on the arrow at the right side of the Client field. Then, in the Description box, enter any information you want to describe the task at hand. For example, you might enter “Designing company logo”, or “Consulting conference call”. This will make it easier to identify and manage each task. There are two ways to record sessions spent on a task: Timer and Manual. This is an automatic timer feature that allows you to record working sessions in real time. To begin the timer, press Start. Then get to work. The timer will run until you select Stop. When you select Stop, you’ll be automatically redirected to the Tasks / Edit page for this created task. Here you can view a summary of the task, including Date, Time and total Duration. The other way you can create a task is by manual entry of the session details. When you check Manual, two separate fields - Start Time and End Time - will automatically open below. Here, you can record the time spent on a task session, no matter when you completed it. Whether last week, yesterday or just now, simply enter the relevant date and time. The Set to Now link, situated at the right side of the time fields, gives you the fast option of selecting today’s date and the time right now. Then you can easily edit and make minor adjustments to record the correct times. With Manual entry, you can enter multiple sessions for the same task. When you finish entering a start and end time in one row, a new row will automatically open, giving you the option to enter another session. If you want to delete a particular session, hover your mouse over the time duration of the session you wish to delete. A small red cancel icon will appear. Click on the icon to delete the entry. Want to save the task information and move on to something else? Click Save. The task information will be saved, and you’ll be automatically redirected to the Tasks / Edit page for this created task. Here you can view a summary of the task, including Date, Time and total Duration. With Manual entry, the dates and times you enter must be logical with no overlaps. If you’ve entered sessions that cannot exist simultaneously for the task, the relevant time fields will be highlighted in red, and you’ll be instructed to fix the incorrect times before leaving the page. Whether Timer or Manual, once you’ve saved or stopped a task session, you’ll be automatically redirected to the Tasks / Edit page. To edit the task, click the blue Edit Details button situated just below the task information. This will open a list of all sessions for this task accrued so far, both Timer-based and Manual sessions. Now you can manually edit them. If you wish to add a session manually, enter the start and end times in the new row below the list of existing sessions. Want to continue working with the timer? To use the Timer function, click Resume, and the timer will begin again. Continue working. When you finish, click Stop. You can resume working as many times as you like for the particular task. When the task is complete, all the time spent will be recorded as one session. Want to save the task information and move on to something else? Click Save. The page will refresh and the task information is saved. Want to invoice the task and get paid? Click More Actions, and select Invoice Task from the list. The task information will be imported directly into a new invoice. Now, you can add your rate, and any other information needed to complete the invoice. Want to archive or delete the task? The task or project no longer relevant? Click More Actions and select Archive Task or Delete Task from the list. After making your selection, you’ll be automatically redirected to the Tasks list page. If you archived the task, it will appear on the list in a lighter gray font. If you deleted the task, it will appear on the list with a strikethrough. Began a task but want to cancel it? Simply click Cancel.
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“The Funeral Director from the Dark Side” was the introduction to an item broadcast on TV One’s Close Up at 7.00pm on 7 June 2005. The item reported on the experiences of two women who were angered and disappointed by the way Wainuiomata undertaker, Darryl Angus, trading as Omega Funeral Services, had handled the funerals of family members. The item also included critical comment about Mr Angus from the Funeral Directors’ Association of New Zealand. Mr Angus, it noted, was not a member of that Association. Peter Freedman complained to Television New Zealand Ltd, the broadcaster, that the item breached the standards relating to privacy, balance, accuracy and fairness. Explaining that he was a friend of Mr Angus, Mr Freedman said TVNZ was advised early on 7 June that Mr Angus, having taken legal advice, did not wish to participate in the programme. Nevertheless, TVNZ’s film crew, travelling in a vehicle on which the TVNZ logo had been concealed, spent several hours that day trying to track him down. That included going to his home and filming it. It also involved attempting to film Mrs Angus through the window at the Wainuiomata Fire Station where she worked as a volunteer firefighter. Those efforts, Mr Freedman complained, breached the privacy principle which dealt with intentional interference in the nature of prying. In support of his contention that the item was unbalanced, Mr Freedman maintained that Close Up, despite Mr Angus’s refusal to take part, was required to broadcast a balanced item. Complimentary letters from former clients of Mr Angus’s Omega Funeral Services had been published in the local newspaper at the time of the recent controversy when he moved his business from an industrial to a retail area, Mr Freedman wrote. Other comment could have been obtained from the Police, from the website www.wainuiomata.com, or from Mr Angus himself if he had been approached informally. Mr Freedman said that the Anguses and Omega Funeral Services had also been subject to harassment from a small number of people for some weeks before the broadcast, but that matter was not disclosed. Mr Freedman argued that the item lacked impartiality as, with minimal evidence, it had referred to “claims of theft, inappropriate attention, appalling workmanship and bad debts”. The critical comment from the Funeral Directors’ Association, he added, was based on unsubstantiated rumours. Turning to the requirement for accuracy, Mr Freedman contended that the item failed to distinguish between fact and highly critical comment. Further, the item should have reported that efforts had been made to put Mr Angus out of business, and that had included an attack on the company’s hearse. Moreover, Mr Freedman wrote, the item was unfair in that it accepted without question the criticisms of Mr Angus and reported them as fact. In addition, some of the footage used in the item had been gathered through deception, while the item had also used some file footage of Mr Angus taken in 2003. In its response to the privacy complaint, TVNZ noted that no private facts were revealed. Further, it asserted that there had been no “intentional intrusion in the nature of prying” as the reporter, like any member of the public, had gone to places where he thought he might find Mr Angus. TVNZ also referred to the privacy principle which states that discussing a matter in the public interest is a defence to a privacy complaint. It maintained that the item was in the public interest as Mr Angus’s business went into liquidation within a month of the broadcast owing creditors $130,000. As for balance, TVNZ pointed out that a broadcaster was not obliged to broadcast balancing material. Rather, it was required to make reasonable efforts, or give reasonable opportunities to present balancing material. Such efforts and opportunities had been clearly given on this occasion, TVNZ wrote, pointing to the reporter’s attempts to obtain a response from Mr Angus (which had included faxing a list of questions to Mr Angus several days before travelling to Wainuiomata). TVNZ commented that an investigation was not abandoned if one party declined to participate. To do so, it added, would not contribute to the free and unfettered flow of information envisaged by s.14 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990. As for the complainant’s suggestion that Mr Angus should have been approached informally, TVNZ said that such an offer had been made several days before the broadcast of the item. In view of the item’s focus on some specific actions of the undertaker, TVNZ did not accept that reference to the harassment Mr Angus had experienced was required under the balance standard. TVNZ did not accept that the item was inaccurate. It had reported accurately the claims made against Mr Angus, and the genuinely held opinions of the disgruntled families and, as noted above, it stated that “every effort” had been made to get a response from Mr Angus. Turning to the complaint that the item was unfair, TVNZ acknowledged that the logos on the vehicle had been covered. That had been done, it said, to avoid those who worked with Mrs Angus from impeding TVNZ’s efforts. Such a practice, it added, was not unusual and the need for it was apparent as there had been heated exchanges on this occasion between the TVNZ crew and the fire station staff. Dissatisfied with TVNZ’s response, Mr Freedman referred the complaint to the Broadcasting Standards Authority under s.8(1)(a) of the Broadcasting Act 1989. The referral was accompanied by some other correspondence he had had with TVNZ in which Mr Freedman questioned the professionalism of TVNZ’s approach. In regard to privacy, Mr Freedman said he had not contended that the programme had disclosed private facts. The item, he pointed out, had not dealt with the publicity surrounding the decision of Omega Funeral Services to move its business, but with the concern expressed by two families about Omega’s services. Mr Freedman stressed that TVNZ’s reporter was informed on several occasions that Mr and Mrs Angus did not wish to participate in the item. Despite this, they were harassed for several hours and the item included footage taken on their property of the reporter knocking on the side door of their house. TVNZ could not claim that it was exercising the rights of any citizen as it was well aware that it was not going to get an interview. They had visited the property against the Anguses’ wishes, he wrote. As for balance, Mr Freedman did not suggest that the item should have been abandoned. Rather, he questioned whether “reasonable efforts” had been made in view of the other information which was available. Mr Freedman considered the item lacked impartiality by referring to Mr Angus as “the Undertaker from Hell”. He noted that Mrs Angus’ workmates were angry as they knew she did not want to be filmed but had been harassed in her work place. The correspondence attached to the referral included a letter from Mr Angus, apparently to Mr Freedman, to which Mr Angus attached an email from Close Up dated 3 June seeking an interview and listing the issues to be discussed. In his letter to Mr Freedman, Mr Angus said he advised Close Up on 3 June that he did not wish to participate in the programme. It also included an email to Mr Freedman from Close Up’s reporter, dated 8 July, in which the reporter expressed surprise that Mr Freedman was “still defending” Mr Angus in view of his actions. It was followed by a letter to Mr Freedman from TVNZ’s Head of News and Current Affairs, who said it was not appropriate for a reporter “to independently engage in argument over the validity of a story” and he had been counselled accordingly. TVNZ maintained that the issues surrounding Omega Funeral Services remained issues of “broad public interest”. The liquidator, it added, had reported that among the unsecured creditors were people who had prepaid more than $36,000 for funerals. As for the comments made by the reporter, TVNZ said that the matter had been dealt with internally and was now closed. “That argument”, it contended, “did not impinge upon or relate to programme standards”. Mr Freedman said that it was “bizarre” for TVNZ to refer to Omega’s liquidation as that had occurred several weeks after the broadcast. He accepted that the email sent to him from the reporter had been dealt with internally but maintained his belief that the reporter’s actions demonstrated the “unprofessional and biased” manner in which the item had been prepared and broadcast. Mr Freedman contended that the item breached the Anguses’ privacy as TVNZ’s attempts to track them down amounted to intrusion. The Authority accepts that TVNZ, before it visited Wainuiomata, knew that Mr Angus, on legal advice, did not want to be interviewed. The Authority acknowledges that journalistic practice is always to attempt to obtain comment from the key subject at the time of doing a story, even if the subject has previously declined to participate. If this practice is not observed, a subject may have changed their position and complain that they were not consulted, The Authority does not intend to consider whether a reporter has an implied licence to enter private property if the reporter is aware that the visit would be unwelcome. That is an issue defined by the law of trespass, and is not an issue of broadcasting standards. In view of the nature of the complaint, the Authority’s concern is whether TVNZ’s actions on this occasion amounted – in the words of privacy principle (iii) – to intrusion in the nature of prying. The Authority accepts that TVNZ attempted to track down the Anguses. TVNZ visited Mr Angus’s business, Mrs Angus’s place of work, and their home. TVNZ suspected that the approaches would be unwelcome and had covered the insignia on the company car. However, beyond covering the insignia, there is no other evidence that TVNZ resorted to covert tactics. TVNZ wanted to confront Mr and/or Mrs Angus and did so in a way which it believed was direct. Taking into account the overt nature of TVNZ’s actions, the Authority concurs with TVNZ that the methods used were justified in the pursuit of a reluctant interviewee, and that they did not amount to prying that would breach Standard 3. It declines to uphold the privacy complaint. When an item deals with a controversial issue of public importance, reasonable efforts must be made or reasonable efforts given to present significant points of view. The Authority considers that this item did address such an issue – the potential problems with an unregulated funeral director industry. This wider issue was highlighted by the experiences of Mr Angus’s dissatisfied customers and a spokesperson for the Funeral Directors Association. The Authority notes, however, that the complainant’s concerns were not that the programme lacked balance in respect of the controversial issue raised by the programme. The complaint instead alleged, in essence, that the programme had portrayed the Anguses unfairly, and made insufficient efforts to put their side of the story. The Authority considers that these concerns are more appropriately addressed as issues of fairness, and therefore subsumes the balance complaint under the Standard 6 (fairness) determination. In his referral to the Authority, the complainant did not specify any factual inaccuracies in the programme. His complaint in relation to Standard 5 instead focussed on the requirement for impartiality, and alleged that the programme, in portraying Mr Angus as “the funeral director from hell”, had adopted a partial point of view. The Authority again considers that the essence of the complainant’s concerns is that Mr Angus was treated unfairly, in light of the “highly critical” comments about his business practices, and the “unsubstantiated claims” made by former clients. This aspect of the complaint is therefore dealt with under Standard 6 (fairness). In his original complaint, Mr Freedman also alleged that the programme’s sources were not reliable. He referred to a campaign that he alleged had been conducted against Mr Angus in Wainuiomata, and stated that reference to this campaign would have raised “serious questions” as to the interviewees’ reliability. Mr Freedman did not pursue this matter on referral of his complaint. For the avoidance of doubt, however, the Authority records that the complainant provided no evidence to suggest that the allegations made against Mr Angus in the programme were motivated by his disputes with other sections of the Wainuiomata community. In the absence of any information casting doubt on the credibility of the interviewees’ story, the Authority finds that TVNZ was entitled to use those sources. the item had not advanced the Anguses’ point of view. While the story told in the item dealt mainly with Mr Angus’s competence as a funeral director, other material provided to the Authority suggests that a number of people in Wainuiomata were concerned about other aspects of his business – in particular its relocation to the main retail area. Mr Freedman explained that incidents involving Omega Funeral Services have been reported to the Wainuiomata police. One incident involved an attack on the company’s hearse. The Authority accepts that Mr Angus had been involved in other disputes with sections of the Wainuiomata community, and that these disputes were not canvassed in the item. However, it considers that the fairness standard did not require the item to detail this background. The complainant provided no evidence to establish that the concerns outlined in the programme were not genuine, or that they were part of a “concerted attack” on Mr Angus’s character, motivated by the disputes other Wainuiomata residents had with him. Accordingly, the Authority considers that the omission of the detail surrounding these other disputes did not render the item unfair. In relation to the second limb of the fairness complaint, the Authority observes that TVNZ was required to make Mr Angus aware of the interviewees’ criticisms, and to give him the opportunity to respond. It tried to do so. Indeed, it went to such lengths to obtain Mr Angus’ response that the complainant alleged Mr Angus’s privacy was breached. This, of course, does not derogate from a broadcaster’s responsibility to broadcast available information which would have advanced the criticised person’s point of view. The complainant referred to several sources of information that he maintained TVNZ should have included in the programme – information from local community newspaper the Wainuiomata News, local police, and a website, www.wainuiomata.com. The complainant does not advise, however, that any of these sources could have provided information that defended Mr Angus against the allegations made about him in the programme. The examples he has provided relate only to information about the other disagreements in the community involving Mr Angus. As noted above, the Authority considers that in the context of a programme that discussed specific concerns about Mr Angus’s practice as an undertaker, it was not necessary to include information about these other disputes. For the above reasons, the Authority considers that TVNZ gave Mr Angus a reasonable opportunity to respond to the allegations. The Authority also notes that the complainant has not pointed to any information available to TVNZ that, in the absence of comment from Mr Angus, could have provided his perspective on the allegations made in the programme. Accordingly, the Authority declines to uphold Mr Freedman’s fairness complaint.
It is clear that there is an ongoing excitement surrounding web-based IDEs and tools, e.g. Eclipse Che, Eclipse Theia, Visual Studio Code, Atom or Eclipse Orion. If you attended recent presentations or read current announcements, you may get the feeling that desktop IDEs have already been deprecated. But is this really true? If you ask developers for the tools they use in their daily work, you will rarely find someone already using web-based development tools in production. Do we go for a desktop tool, a web-based, or cloud-based solution? Therefore, we want to share our experience on this topic. This is the first of three articles. It describes the most important drivers behind any design decision: the requirements. In the second article, we will describe challenges, technical patterns, solutions, and frameworks on how to match the requirements and how to remain as flexible as possible. In the third article, we will provide an example scenario to substantiate those best practises. So first things first: As for so many design decisions, the most important thing is to know the requirements. Software Engineers love to talk about implementation and we also like to use new, fancy, or just our favorite technology. But in the end, we need to solve a given problem as efficiently as possible. Therefore, we should think about the problem definition first, even if that leads to a design decision that doesn’t bet on “what’s trendy right now”? For the impatient reader, here is the possibly unsatisfying conclusion: Whether to go for a desktop or a web-based solution is a complex decision. If you want to make an optimal choice, you will need to consider your custom requirements in several dimensions. For some projects, it will be a rather simple and straightforward choice, e.g. if you are required to integrate with a given existing tool chain. However, for most projects you will need to consider the overall picture and even try to predict the future as accurately as possible. In our experience, it is worth the effort. In the end, you will hopefully develop a good strategy. This strategy does not have to be limited to strictly choosing one option. It is also a perfectly valid strategy to choose one primary option, but also to decide on being compatible with another option. This allows for a future migration path forward. Further, it is possible to mix both worlds on a per use case basis. We will detail these particular strategies in a follow-up post. So let’s look at the most common non-functional requirements, which play a role in the design choice between desktop and web. To be more precise, the following areas are typically treated as advantages of a web-based solution. Installability: (also referred to as deployment or “set-up effort”): How easy and fast can you set-up the required tooling and the runtime for executing a system. Usually this is mainly referring to the developer tooling and its runtime(s) since it needs to be repeated for every developer. For simplicity, let us assume this also includes the effort to keep the system up-to-date. Portability: How difficult is it to port a tool to another platform/hardware. In the case of IDEs this requirement is also sometimes referred to as “accessibility”. The typical use case is to access all development resources from any platform, e.g. also on your mobile device. Performance and responsiveness: How responsive is the tool or how responsive does it feel. How long do crucial operations take to run, e.g. a full rebuild. Besides those non-functional requirements, tools also need to fulfill functional requirements. As those are specific to a certain tool, we will only consider the cost requirement since typical projects are aimed at fulfilling their functional requirements at the lowest possible cost. As a first requirement, we will look at installability, because it is the most obvious distinction between a desktop-based and a cloud-based solution. For this requirement, we will also introduce some example scenarios and dimensions, that recur for other requirements later on, so the next section is the most comprehensive. Installability is probably the most prominent advantage that is advertised for web-based solutions. The vision is that you can simply log into a system via your Browser and you can directly start to code without installing anything, neither the IDE or tools, nor any runtime environment. Further, you do not need to install any updates anymore, as they are applied in a central way. So let us look at this obvious advantage more in detail. The first interesting dimension of this is how much time you can save with improving the installability. This is connected to the number of developers that you have on-board to use the tooling and the number of people who are occasionally using those tools. Further, it plays a role on how long a developer would use the tool after installation, the shorter the usage the more significant the set-up time would be. Let’s look at three example scenarios. First let’s consider a tutorial/training scenario, where participants should participate in completing exercises. A tutorial/training takes usually a couple of hours or days, so the set-up time is a crucial part here. Further, trainings/tutorials are typically conducted for a bigger number of developers. Anybody who ever had to deal with preparing a setup guide for a tutorial would agree that a browser-based solution would immediately pay off here. Even the simplest and best prepared desktop-based setup will take some time to install. So this scenario is a win for a web-based solution if, and only if, you can rely on a robust high-speed internet connection. Consequently, you can observe that a lot of online tutorials already embed web-based code editors and tooling. The second scenario is an open source project. Many OS project have a mix of different developer roles. Some developers (committers) are regularly contributing to a project. The second group of contributors typically uses a technology (“adopters”), but want to eventually contribute small enhancements and fixes. While for the regular committers, set-up is not that important compared to their time working on the project, occasional contributors are obviously often discouraged from contributing to a project by a complex set-up. Therefore, in this scenario, there is a mismatch between the requirements of two user roles that you need to balance. So is it worth to switch existing committers to a cloud-based solution to ease the life for contributors? Ed Merks has described this issue very well in his blog post in 2014. His conclusion was the creation of a tool called Oomph, which automates the set-up of a desktop IDE for projects. For the source code, Oomph even goes partly a little further than most cloud-based solutions, as it even allows you to automatically check-out the sources. Please see here for a tutorial regarding Oomph. While Oomph greatly improves the set-up process, it does not solve the issue completely. It will still take some time to materialize all project resources (i.e. download time). So for a very small contribution, it might still be too much of a burden. Further, it does not fully automate the creation of an appropriate runtime. If a project requires a lot of external tools (e.g. databases, applications servers, etc.), those have to be installed separately. In turn, it does not touch the regular committer user, as they just continue using their existing and well-proven solutions. In scenarios with such different roles, it is always a good idea to let all developers use the same set-up and tooling. Otherwise, there might be slight differences in their output and further, the committers will usually only maintain their solution well. The third scenario is not differentiated by the type of project, but by the use case: code review. In a scenario where a developer works on implementation within a project every day, she might not care about installability so much, at least other requirements might be more important. In turn, if you only review a code change and you do not implement something regularly, installing/updating all the required tooling plays a significant role. As a consequence, most reviews are already probably done in web interfaces (e.g. Gerrit or Pull Requests). Also the use case is focussed on reading and understanding code, rather than on changing or creating new code. Therefore, other requirements are not so important for a code review compared to a good installability. Like the three scenarios described here, you can categorize any arbitrary project and the according use cases based on the importance of a good installability. The result of this will be very specific to a custom project set-up. Those considerations are naturally already reflected in today’s toolchains, where parts of the tool chain more focussed on reading or browsing code are often web-based. There are some more considerations to make, which are related to installability. One is the updatability. While of course an update to the tooling is hopefully not the same as installing it from scratch, most considerations we had for the installability should be applied for the update case as well. This especially includes, how often updates to the tool are applied. Another obvious dimension is the complexity of the project set-up. The more difficult it is, the bigger the advantage of simplifying it via a cloud solution. For this, we need to differentiate of course between the IDE tooling itself and the necessary runtime environment. The environment is often much more complicated, e.g. if you need to set-up several services, databases and so on. If only the runtime set-up is very complicated, a cloud-based IDE might not be the only valuable solution. There are several ways to ease those setups, even without using a cloud- based IDE, e.g. with docker containers or workspace servers like Eclipse Che. Installability is one of the major advantages of a web-based solution. However, it will only provide a significant advantage, if the use case fits. Therefore, it is worth it to spend some time on defining the core users and use cases of your system and define the importance of installability for them. In a nutshell, installability pays off most in environments, where a lot of people need to and can be on-boarded very fast, and if they do not work continuously on a project. Unfortunately, when onboarding developers it is usually much more time consuming to transfer the required knowledge than to setup the IDE. Portability is the second very obvious advantage of a cloud and browser-based solution over a desktop-based tool. The ultimate goal is that you can access the tooling and runtime with any device which has a browser. As a consequence, you can ideally fulfil your development use case at any location, even from a mobile device. In some discussions, this is currently referred to as “accessibility”. While this strictly speaking means something different, we consider Portability as the ability to access the tool from anywhere on any device. A lot of the considerations we have described for installability can be shared when thinking about the advantage of Portability. Different project roles and different tooling use cases would benefit on a different level. Doing a code review or browsing a diagram on a tablet makes more sense than writing a lot of code. So, again, the detailed roles and use cases will need to be evaluated. We will not repeat that in detail, but focus on new dimensions, which are specific for portability. One additional scenario connected to portability is the ability to share a certain runtime set-up or project state. That means developers always have exactly the same environment. This obviously simplifies life as the typical phrase “I cannot reproduce this on my machine” would no longer occur. However, this only fully applies to the tooling. For the runtime, it plays a role if the runtime platform for a system is unified, too. If the system under development runs natively on different operating systems again, you still need to test different runtime environments. As a consequence, cloud-based tooling currently seems to get adapted in the area of cloud-based development, first. And like mentioned for installability, there are other ways to achieve a uniform setup, although not as unified as a cloud solution. A disadvantage of a pure cloud-based solution is that they often rely on constant internet connection. While this issue becomes less and less relevant, at least it must be considered. Some cloud-solutions already provide a good work-around, e.g. the offline mode of Google Mail. A final word about the dream to be able to contribute to a project from anywhere on any device: While this sounds appealing for certain use cases, do we really want to be called by a client and subsequently feel obligated to fix a bug on our smart phone while we are sitting in a ski lift? Performance is a very interesting requirement to consider. In contrast to installability and portability, there is no clear winner between desktop-based and cloud-based tooling. You will find valid arguments for both to be “more performant”, e.g. this article by Tom Radcliffe claims that desktop IDEs are the clear winner. The major reason for this tie is again that we have to consider the specific use case when talking about performance. While writing and browsing code, we want fast navigation, key bindings and coding features such as auto-completion. While web IDEs have caught up a lot in recent years, you can still claim that a desktop tool is typically more performant for those “local” use cases (as also claimed by Tom Radcliffe in the article referenced above). Things change, when looking at other use cases, e.g. compiling. A powerful cloud-instance can certainly compile a project faster than a typical laptop. Further, it is comparably cheaper and more scalable to gain more resources in a central way. However, when going for a cloud-based solution, scalability must be taken into account. Any advantage is obsolete, if developers have to wait 15 minutes for getting something compiled, because other build jobs are running on the central instance. So for performance, it is important to consider which development use cases are crucial and will benefit performance-wise from either solution. A follow-up decision of a cloud-based solution would be to strip down the hardware for participating developers to save costs (Chromebook scenario). While this sounds like a rational thing to do, not everybody will like the idea of giving away his or her powerful device. Usability also doesn’t have a clear winner in the comparison between desktop-based to web-based IDEs. While advocates of both platforms would claim a clear advantage, this is really a matter of personal taste. Web technologies have become incredibly powerful when it comes to styling, look, and feel. Therefore, you can achieve almost any visualization you would like. Further, there is much more innovation going on in the web area in comparison to, e.g. SWT. On the desktop, depending on the UI Toolkit you use, there might be more restrictions. JavaFX and Swing are powerful when it comes to styling, but Swing is kind of deprecated. SWT has limitations when it comes to styling. However, it probably provides most existing framework support when it comes to tooling (see also “cost vs. features”). Besides styling, native desktop applications have still some advantages in usability, e.g. by supporting native features such as application menus, tray icons, key bindings and such. Although, it is expectable that these advantages will shrink over time as browsers keep on evolving very fast. In any case, usability is not equal to the ability of supporting a dark theme as some browser advocats may try to make us believe. It is worth mentioning that there are platforms combining advantages of both worlds. Platforms such as Visual Studio Code, Atom or Eclipse Theia embed web technologies (HTML and Typescript) into a desktop application (using Electron). At the end of the day, for many projects a very important constraint is cost, meaning the required effort to satisfy your list of functional requirements. A comparison of the required effort on either platform is driven by several parameters. Second, cloud-based solutions usually add some complexity to the architecture due to the required encapsulation of client and server. Of course, you want to have encapsulation of components in a desktop-based tool, too. However, you typically do not have to deal with the fact that components are deployed in a distributed environment. Third, a very central aspect for implementing tooling is the availability of existing frameworks, tools and platforms to reuse. Ecosystems like Eclipse have grown over 17 years now and already provide a tool, framework or plugin for almost everything. Many requirements can be covered with very little effort, just by extending existing tools or by using the right framework. While there are frameworks for cloud-tools, too (such as Orion, Eclipse Che or Theia), they are arguably not as powerful as Eclipse/IntelliJ/NetBeans, yet. This might of course change over time. One mentionable trend is to reuse existing “desktop” components in web-tooling. As an example, Eclipse JDT provides an API to be used using the language server protocol (LSP). This allows you to reuse features such as auto-completion and syntax highlighting from another UI, typically a web-based IDE. While LSP does not yet cover the full feature set of the Eclipse desktop IDE, it is a great way of reusing existing efforts. Finally, powerful frameworks usually also carry the burden of complexity. The advantage of reusing existing stuff typically (or hopefully) justifies the effort of learning to use a framework. In turn, if you just use a tiny bit of a platform, you might be better off in using something slimmer, which covers your use cases just as well. As an example, if you need a plain code editor without any context, e.g. for a tutorial use case, a platform such as Eclipse might be overkill. So it is useful to evaluate the desired feature set and how well it is supported by existing frameworks on the respective technology stack (web vs. desktop). It is also worth it to investigate whether existing features on one stack can be adapted to be reused on the other (e.g. using LSP). This applies in both directions. Not only can you call existing frameworks in the background from a cloud-based solution, it is also possible to embed web-based UI components into desktop applications (see also conclusion). Finally, what makes the dimension of cost vs. features especially difficult is that you typically cannot know exactly what kind of features you need to provide with a tool in the mid-term future. There are obviously many other parameters to consider when comparing the costs of cloud vs. desktop-based tools. This article would go beyond scope if we were to spend a section on all of these, but let us at least mention some more important topics. One meta criterion in the decision for a platform, framework, or technology stack, is the long term availability as well as how actively it is maintained. Again, there is no clear winner, when comparing desktop and web stacks. While you can argue that there is more development going on in the web area, it is in turn extremely volatile. Platforms such as Eclipse have been successfully maintained for 17 years now. There are existing workflows for long-term support (LTS) and suppliers like us providing this as a service. Plus, the platform is very stable in terms of APIs. In turn, web frameworks provide major version updates with improvements almost every year. While this brings in innovation, it also often requires refactoring of an adopting project. As an example, there is currently a lot of variety emerging when it comes to web-based IDEs (e.g. Visual Studio Code, Theia, Eclipse Che, Orion, etc.). We will cover strategies to deal with this risk in a follow-up article. Another meta criterion is the availability of skilled resources. At the moment, you can probably find more Angular developers on the market than SWT experts. However, this may change very quickly – once Angular is not “hip” anymore. Another frequently discussed topic when it comes to cloud-based solutions is of course the security as well as tracing aspect. While it is certainly worth considering, it is probably not the key decision factor for most professional environments, but rather requires special attention. In this article, we have tried to cover the most important considerations when deciding between a cloud or web-based solution and a desktop tool. There are for sure many more things to consider. However, what all dimensions have in common is that it is most important to think about the users, their use cases and the frequency of those. Based on these criteria, you can evaluate the benefits of supporting them in the web or on the desktop. This is especially true, if you already have an existing tool and are considering a migration. In this case, there must be clear advantages justifying the cost. While this is already complex, it is even worth it to make this decision on a per use case basis. This is already happening naturally in our tool landscape, e.g. code reviews are very often conducted using web-interfaces. Identifying the use cases in your tool, which would benefit most from being available online, reduces the effort and risk to migrate everything at once. So it is often a good idea to pick the low hanging fruits first. Ultimately, it will almost never be possible to make a perfect decision. This is especially true, as important criteria, use cases, and technologies change over time and no one can perfectly predict the future. Therefore, the most important thing is to keep some flexibility. That means, even if you decide for a desktop solution, or vice versa, it should be as easy as possible to switch to the other option later on. Even mixtures of both technology stacks on a per use case basis often make sense. While this sounds ambiguous, there are some simple patterns to follow to make this true. We will highlight those strategies in a follow-up article. This strategy also allows an iterative migration, which is often the only viable way tackle the complexity and efforts of migrating existing tool projects. Some Frameworks even proactively support this strategy by supplying implementations based on web- and desktop technology at the same time, e.g. EMF Forms and JSON Forms. Some projects directly aim at a pure web-based solution, typically, if they benefit a lot from the advantages, if they implement something from scratch and if they have a pretty self-contained feature set (e.g. training). Few projects do not consider web-based tooling at all, mostly if they have a defined set of continuous users and a lot of existing investments in their desktop tools. Most projects plan to maintain their desktop solutions in the near future, but will migrate certain use cases to web technology. Therefore, those projects implement certain design patterns allowing this partial migration. We will highlight those patterns in a follow-up article. Follow us on Twitter to get notified about our blog posts. Stay tuned! Finally, if you are dealing with the designing decision in your project and want support, if you want an evaluation of a web-based version of your tools or if you want to make your current tools ready for the upcoming challenges and chances, please do not hesitate to contact us. A great article to compare these different options!
In a previous article we described the most modern class of fast attack missile craft (FACM) of Hellenic Navy (Πολεμικό Ναυτικό), the Roussen class. However, the backbone of the fast attack craft fleet consists of two older classes, the Laskos and Kavaloudis class. Laskos class is known as type Combattante IIIA while Kavaloudis class as type Combattante IIIB. Hellenic Navy, after the purchase and entry into service of the Konidis class FACMs (type Combattante II) in 1972 (P-14 Anninos, P-15 Arliotis, P-16 Konidis and P-17 Batsis, all withdrawn the period 2002 - 2004), decided to buy more boats of the type but larger and with heavier armament. It is worth of mention that the boats of Konidis class were the first missile boats to enter service in the Hellenic Navy and the first FACS worldwide that carried the Exocet missiles, one of the most modern anti-shipping missiles of that time. Thus, in September 1974, HN ordered again from CMN and their shipyard in Cherbourg in France, four vessels of the type Combattante IIIA, an admittedly heavy armed design for its time. The vessels were delivered in the period 1977-1978. Laskos class boats are of full displacement 429 tons (almost double displacement of the previous class), length of 56.6 meters, a maximum speed approaching 36 knots with economic speed of 25 knots and a range of 2,500 nautical miles and a complement of 42 men. Click to enlarge: modified photo of Laskos class fast attack craft of Hellenic Navy. For a high resolution image click here. The class is armed with two OTO Melara Compatto 3in (76.2mm) fully automatic guns; one foward at the bow and one at the stern. This gun can strike air and surface targets at a distance of 16 km and 12 km respectively; with a rate of fire 85 rounds per minute and weight of shell greater than 6 kg. The vessels also feature two naval mounts Emerson Electric (Emerlec) with twin Oerlikon KCB 30mm/75cal guns. These guns have a dual role, the firing rate is very high reaching 600 rds/min, the weight of shell is 0.420kg with a range of 10,000 meters in the anti-surface role and 2,750 meters in the anti-aircraft role. Each mount has a cabin for an auxiliary operator role who is responsible to start the engines of the system and other secondary duties. The system is remote controlled from the Combat Information Centre (CIC) of the boat while the operator retains priority on target engagement by utilizing the data from the sensors on board. The ammunition stowage per gun on its mount is 985 rounds. See a video of the system in action in HN service here. The boats carry two twin launchers for the French made MBDA MM38 Exocet missiles which have a range of 42 km and a speed of 0.93 Mach carrying a warhead of 165 kg. The Exocet family of missiles as we have referred to previous articles have deadly capabilities due to the sea-skimming operation of the missile, i.e. the ability of the missile to fly few meters from the height of the sea (about 2 meters)in order to minimize the recognition of rival radar and infrared seekers and subsequent interception of the missile from the air defense of the target. The Falklands war demonstrated the ability of the missile to destroy or to take out of service large vessels. Hellenic Navy nowadays is in discussions with MBDA to replace these missiles on three boats in the class (HS Mykonios will receive Harpoon) with newer models of the Exocet family such as MM40 block II (70+km) that will come from the first three Roussen class FACM which they will receive the newest MM40 block III (180+km). The missile guidance is inertial in mid-flight until turns on active radar late in its flight (active guidance) to the corresponding trigger point for the detection and locking of its target. In order to minimize the recognition from rival radar and infrared seekers and the subsequent attack of the projectile from the air defense around the target, the system maintains a very low altitude during ingress, staying 1–2m above the sea surface (sea-skimming) while the speed is high approaching 0.9 Mach. Due to the effect of the radar horizon, this means that the target may not detect an incoming attack until the missile is only 6,000m from impact and thus it leaves little time for reaction of the target’s CIWS. The missile has low signature and it has enhanced target discrimination and ECCM making it very difficult to be intercepted. Except missiles and guns, the boat are armed with two 21in (533mm) single torpedo tubes for SST-4 Atlas torpedoes (SST: surface-to-surface torpedo) with a weight of 1,400 kg, warhead of 250 kg and a maximum speed of 35 knots and 12 km range of active search.The armament complete two MG3 machine guns. Their rate of fire is 1,000-1,300 rounds per minute and the effective firing range is close to 1km. The vessels of the class were extensively modernized with the exception of their weapon systems and handed over to the Navy the period 2008-2011 featuring the most cutting edge electronic systems (the majority of the new electronic equipment are products of Thales Nederland) similar to those of Roussen class missile boats and Machitis class patrol vessels. In 2010, during the last phase of the modernization programme, one of the Laskos class boats, P-22 Mykonios, was damaged by fire and retired immediately from active service. The work on the boat to bring it back to active service begun in 2014. The boat will be re-commissioned in November of 2016. Modified photo of modernized Laskos class fast attack craft of the Hellenic Navy. For a high resolution image click here. The old Triton surveillance radar was replaced by a Variant two-dimensional (2D) multipurpose short-medium range (up to 70km) surveillance radar. Variant, offers surveillance and target indication. Its principal role is as an automatic, fast reaction time radar sensor, supplying targeting data to weapon systems. Automatic target detection and tracking in 2D plus radial speed is supplied for both air and surface targets simultaneously. For surface targets, it offers 3 gunfire channels. Variant includes a dual-band radar, utilizing both the I- and G-bands (X&C-band). Fully coherent, Variant provides pulse-doppler operation for optimal clutter suppression and air target detection without disturbance by multi-path (or lobbing) effects thanks to the dual-frequency. Outstanding ECM facilities are provided by the ability to operate over two frequency bands, an octave apart, and the third part of Variant, an integral Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) radar. This LPI radar can be used alone for flexible responsiveness, thus providing Variant the unusual ability to operate in a mode that is almost undetectable to external ESM. The SCOUT Mk2 is the integrated LPI radar, a short-to-medium range surface surveillance and tactical navigation radar. The system can be operated remotely (radio or line connection). It is an all-weather fully solid-state system of high reliability operating in X-band radar featuring Frequency Modulation Continuous Wave (FMCW) and therefore has an extremely low output power which makes the system ideal for cover operations in hostile environments where radar silence is required and thus its transmissions cannot be detected by ESM systems or radar warning receivers. SCOUT Mk2 outstandingly detects targets in adverse sea clutter conditions, thanks to its very small range cell size. The system is also very suitable for coastal surveillance.Each boat, has two SCOUT, one integrated with Variant radar and one seperate that is integrated with a Bridgemaster navigation radar. The Decca 1226 navigation radar was replaced by the new Decca/Sperry Marine BridgeMaster E of Northrop Grumman, integrated with SCOUT radar in common antenna, while the fire control radar of Pollux Thomson replaced with LIROD Mk2 fire control tracking system. LIROD Mk 2 is Thales Naval Nederland's lightweight combination of a K-band pencil-beam tracking TWT radar and a TV camera. LIROD Mk 2 has been designed primarily for use as a target tracking system for gunfire control and it can operate either as a main sensor in an autonomous weapon control system or as a secondary sensor, integrated in a combat system configuration. LIROD Mk 2 is particularly suitable for short range all-weather operation where high accuracy is required combined with low-level capability, low susceptibility to jamming and the possibility of passive operation. For upgrade and ship-life-extension-programs (SLEP), the system can be adapted to long range search, identification and classification of asymmetric threats as piracy and insurgency. In the sensors equipment of the boats it was also installed one MIRADOR electro-optical tracking and fire control system. MIRADOR is a compact, fully optronic observation and weapon control system. The one-piece stealthy sensor head houses a mix of electro- optical sensors for TV surveillance, TV tracking, IR tracking and laser range finding. Its lightweight design enables ultra-quick responses. An ergonomically designed state-of-the-art Human Machine Interface completes the system in a stand-alone configuration. MIRADOR acts as a secondary passive fire control and observation channel on board. The vessels also feature a WISPR-Net communications of INTRACOM Defense Electronics and a terminal Link 11, integrated together with the other weapons, guns, radars, sensors, EW system, chaff launchers and communications in the modern TACTICOS Combat Management System (CMS) of the vessels with 4 Multifunctional Operator Consoles (MOC) Mk3 (more information here). Hard-kill and soft-kill weapon systems of a Laskos class fast attack missile craft. High resolution image here. Additionally, the two old Panda optical targeting systems have been replaced with Target Designation Sights (TDS). Target Designation Sight (TDS) that provides means for optical investigation, target designation and weapon firing. The TDS is equipped with binoculars and the latest version includes a Laser Range Finder. Bearing and elevation data are fed into the CMS system but the TDS can also be used for emergency control of a gun or CIWS system. The importance of the function of the TDS is re-emphasized against asymmetric tactics such as piracy and insurgency. To deceive enemy missiles except the electronic countermeasures, the old system of chaff and flares the boats of the class are equipped with two Hycor RBOC (Rapid-Blooming Chaff) Mk135 launching system which are part of the Mk34 launching system. The launchers are either automatically or semiautomatically controlled by the boat's ESM system. Each launcher is a six-barreled mortar fixed in positions: barrel elevation angles are 55, 65 and 75 deg in pairs. The HN made a new order from CMN for six (6) new vessels with the main difference that they carry the KDA Penguin Mk2 Mod3 anti-ship missiles. The new class named Kavaloudis class or else type Combattante IIIB. The vessels were built in Hellenic Shipyards and delivered to the Navy in the period 1980-1981. One of the vessels, P-25 Kostakos which was sunk in November 4th, 1996, when it was struck by Samaina a passenger ferry. Four members of the crew lost their lives in that tragic accident. The vessels of the class have the exact electronic equipment of the Laskos class boats before the undergoing modernization program. Click to enlarge: modified photo of Kavaloudis class fast attack craft of Hellenic Navy. For a high resolution image click here. In the electronic equipment of the boats it is included a Thomson-CSF TRS 3220 Pollux Fire Control System (FCS) that is an X-band fire control radar for the Thomson-CSF Vega II weapons control and tactical data system (for missiles and wire-guided torpedoes). Pollux is mainly used in gun control applications. It makes use of a 'fast' conical scan pattern and is circularly polarized. Thomson TRS 3030 Triton is the air/surface surveillance and target indication 2D radar onboard. Triton can detect 2m2 air target at 30-45km. Accuracy in range is 30m. The control of the Penguin missiles is performed by the Penguin Fire Control System 2 (PFCS 2) which receives data from the sensors and the Panda optical director. Panda is an optical fire control system with an onboard ballistic computer. Once the target has been acquired the operator measures its angular velocity by tracking. The navigation radar is a Decca 1226C. The only modernization that has taken place it is the installation of the DR3000SLW Electronic Support Measures (ESM) system which equips the majority of HN warships, replacing in that way the previous model DR2000 that did not fulfill the expectations of HN. As it has been already mentioned, the armament is the same except the anti-shipping missiles witch is six KDA (former Kongsberg, Norwegian company) Penguin Mk2 mod 3 in six single launchers placed amidships. The boats of the class, as their Laskos sisters, are equipped with two Hycor RBOC (Rapid-Blooming Chaff) Mk135 launching system which are part of the Mk34 launching system. The launchers are either automatically or semiautomatically controlled by the boat's ESM system. Each launcher is a six-barreled mortar fixed in positions: barrel elevation angles are 55, 65 and 75 deg in pairs. The Penguin missile, is an all-weather fire-and-forget anti-ship missile with a highly accurate inertial navigation system that integrates a high resolution passive IR seeker which provides a high degree of discrimination and target selection. The IR seeker also allows the missile to operate in close proximity to land and in open waters. The passive IR seeker makes it possible to operate close to land while it is unaffected by all known IR decoys and ECM systems. The missile of this Mark has approximately a range of about 34km with a subsonic speed (Mach 0.8) and with a warhead of 120kg. With up to 180 degrees waypoint turn, mid course sea skimming, weaving and erratic maneuvers in the final stage of attack, the missile has advanced penetration capabilities through enemy defense lines. The missile is designed so as to hit the target in the waterline with a downward penetrating angle. The delayed fuze mechanism ensures warhead detonation under the waterline, thus creating maximum damage in the target. Thus, the combination of covert targeting, passive flight path and selectable waypoint manoeuvres makes the Penguin a very effective weapon against surface combatants. Hard-kill and soft-kill weapon systems of a Kavaloudis class fast attack missile craft. High resolution image here. The Penguin missile is ideal for countries like Greece with the high concentration of islands. As it was mentioned, Penguin can fly a course to the target using several different flight paths that enable the missile to fly over and around islands before arriving at the target with no warning. However, because the missile is IR, has limited capabilities in bad weather conditions. The boats of the class are currently replacing their Penguin launchers and missiles with Harpoon missile launchers which came from older vessels (S148 class FACM, FRAM destroyers). The Harpoon missiles have four times the range of Penguin missiles and thus they increase dramatically the efficiency of boats' armament.
Posted on October 4, 2018 by garrytat Posted in affiliate marketing, Blogging, internet marketing, online marketing, work from home . Customers are essential to any business. Otherwise, even the best products or services will not keep it afloat. that you will be in business for years to come. Continue on for a great deal of useful information. Learn about the buying cycles related to your business when developing lead generation plans. and then decide on whether to buy it or not. Target your offers to this cycle and you will be successful. the more likely your new customer will make the purchase. Utilize customer reviews to help you generate leads. on the benefits of your goods or services. Use these studies to show the benefits of your products along with customer testimonials. You should take the time to understand the value of your leads. Some leads simply won't be what you need for your current campaign. Don't pursue leads that don't fall within your target audience. Getting the best leads is definitely the key to success. Get rid of any opt-out privacy issues people have. Keep track of the leads that you've had opt out of getting incentives and offers. and disrespectful of others' privacy. As you can now see, it is impossible to overstate how important lead generation is. Failing to take it seriously will have a detrimental impact on your endeavor. Using the above tips will help you attract lots of new prospects. Tags: affiliate marketing, Affiliate Marketing Made Simple, Affiliate Marketing Tips, blogging, lead generation, online business, Successful Online Business, work from home . Posted on September 28, 2018 by garrytat Posted in affiliate marketing, Blogging, internet marketing, online marketing . Every business owner needs to understand that Internet marketing is just as important as TV and radio ads. Follow these Internet marketing tips and see if they help to boost business. Whenever and wherever you use your signature online, make sure it appears with your website’s link. If you post to a forum, add your link to your signature so that it will be seen every time one of your posts is read. Include the link in your email signature, so that people will see it whenever you send a message. This will be a way to passively promote your website to everyone you come in contact with on the web and might affect your search engine rankings as well. Write a catchy sentence just before your link that makes people want to see your site. Ask for feedback often. This can be crucial to your success because your perception of how your site looks or how your pricing is may not be the perception of others. Get feedback from customers, relatives and even your competition. Take all of this information under advisement and make any necessary changes. Keep focused and have goals when you first start working with internet marketing. Don’t give up before you see success. For all you know, you will give up when you might’ve been on the brink of success. Make sure that you have everything ready before you launch your website. Endeavors such as this may take a great deal of effort. Always stay focused, and remember the work will pay off later. Internet marketing can really help out your business. It can be used to promote products and services instead of using traditional print and television methods. By keeping the tips in this article handy, you can make Internet marketing a successful business endeavor. Tags: affiliate marketing, Affiliate Marketing Tips, blogging, blogs, Helpful Tips For Using Email To Market, internet marketing, online business, work from home . Posted on September 14, 2018 by garrytat Posted in affiliate marketing, Blogging, internet marketing, online marketing, Successful Online Business, work from home . Tags: affiliate marketing, blogging, how to have success online, internet marketing, niche marketing, Successful Online Business, work from home . Posted on September 12, 2018 by garrytat Posted in affiliate marketing, Blogging, internet marketing, online marketing, work from home . It’s essential to not send your customers a large amount of unwanted emails. Always send out a message that is relevant to your products and target audience. If your readers have found previous messages interesting, they are more likely to open new ones. The following article will give you tips on how to maintain a great email campaign through information that is interesting. Ensure that your audience is targeted correctly. After you get a small list going, go a step further and find ways to get them to invite their friends on board. Always make sure there is “subscribe” link in the emails you send so that those who receive forwarded copies can easily sign themselves up if they are interested. You can use this method to make your list grow organically. You want to make sure that every client has chosen to receive your emails so they don’t feel like you are spamming them. If you do not get their permission, you will get a lot of spam complaints and perhaps lose customers all together. Do not send emails encouraging people to ‘buy now’. ” strategy. This approach appears like spam and you will lose your customers this way. They understand you want sales, but build a solid relationship and stay professional. You will be more likely to get a sale from them. All emails should be proofread before they are sent out. Be certain that anything you send out is grammatically correct. You should also test the layouts of your emails to make sure they are displayed properly on different browsers and devices. Don’t forget, if you have embedded links, to check the links to be sure they function properly. Remember that your email marketing campaigns should be interested to your customers. If your messages are no different than the fake Rolex and mortgage spam they receive every day, your customers will leave your list and tell their friends about that spamming email list they mistakenly signed up for. Use what you’ve just learned from the article above and your customers are sure to appreciate your quality content. Tags: 4 tips for attract visitors to your blog, affiliate marketing, Affiliate Marketing Made Simple, email marketing, Helpful Tips For Using Email To Market, internet marketing, work from home . When people think about email marketing they often consider it spam. You should always work towards changing their minds. It is your job to create an entertaining, informative and effective email campaign that people will look forward to being part of and patronize the business of. These are some great ideas you can try right away. If you plan to tackle email marketing, you need to know you have to have the permission from all those you wish to include on your email list. If you don’t get permission first, you may get lots of spam complaints and even lose otherwise loyal customers. Learn as much as you can, from a variety of sources, to become a master of email marketing. There are lots of great online books or even ones in libraries. There are a lot of classes that you may be able to enroll in to benefit you. Try many different email formats. New offers and the most crucial information should always be at the top. Vary email formats regularly to determine which ones generate the most sales. Once you determine the format that works for your customers, stick with it. This will help build consistency into your email marketing; your subscribers will be familiar with your style and more apt to open your email, as it is something they trust. Do not send any more than a single email message a week. Your customers are busy and don’t want to be bombarded by too many messages. If you send too many messages, your customers may begin deleting them unread. In addition to using what you’ve just read, think of your audience in order to be effective at email marketing. What are they hoping to see? Think about what they would like to read. Then, convert these interests into sales opportunities! Take these ideas and start making money. Tags: 4 tips for attract visitors to your blog, affiliate marketing, Affiliate Marketing Made Simple, affiliate programs, Helpful Tips For Using Email To Market, internet marketing, niche marketing, online business, work from home . Posted on August 21, 2018 by garrytat Posted in affiliate marketing, Blogging, internet marketing, online marketing, work from home . Tags: 25 Free Tips for Marketing your Blog, affiliate marketing, Affiliate Marketing Made Simple, Affiliate Marketing Tips, affiliate programs, blog marketing, blogging, blogs, how to have success online, online business, work from home . Posted on August 18, 2018 by garrytat Posted in affiliate marketing, Blogging, internet marketing, online marketing . You can use affiliate marketing to generate extra revenue for your online business. You need to have a good base of knowledge in order to be successful at affiliate marketing. This article discusses tips that other affiliates have found useful for their businesses. Be sure that you and your affiliate partners are not taking advantage of the process. This accomplishes very little, and many online users view it as an annoyance. In the worst examples, this can spread viruses to customers. Figure out how a company tracks the orders that weren’t done on their website when choosing a program in affiliate marketing. If you are responsible for one of their sales and you do not link them to you, it can cost you money. Once you are making a decent amount of money, you should think about asking for more money from the program that you joined. The affiliate marketing program will want to keep you aboard if you generate a lot of sales and would be more inclined to give you a pay raise. Tell your readers that you are an affiliate marketer from the outset. Your readers won’t hold it against you if you are up-front about it. Being upfront and truthful regarding your affiliate marketing is the best approach. When people understand that your affiliate marketing venture has a purpose and a goal, it will decrease their wariness of the links on your site, increasing the likelihood that they will use the links as intended. Tags: 13 Steps to Successful Blogging, 4 tips for attract visitors to your blog, affiliate marketing, Affiliate Marketing Made Simple, affiliate programs, blog marketing, blogging, blogs, internet marketing, work from home . Posted on June 10, 2018 by garrytat Posted in affiliate marketing, internet marketing, online marketing, Successful Online Business . This day and age everyone wants a successful online business, and why not? You can make your living online if you know how to get started. Here are three essential elements of a successful online business to help you get started. If you are contemplating starting an online business, you are joining one of the fastest growing communities in the history of commerce. Before you jump in you may want to give a little thought to what you need for your business to become successful. Some folks think that all they need is a product and a web site or store front and the world will stampede through their doors. In real life and even in e-life that is not the most likely scenario—in fact I can guarantee it won’t happen that way. To succeed with an online business you need to have a few basics down pat—no exceptions. The first thing that you must have to be successful is a plan. This must be a well thought out business plan not just a vague idea in the back of your head. You may have to pay someone to help you with this, but even so, it’s worth it. A business plan will look at what you have and what you propose to do with it. It will outline your money, inventory, sales goals, profits, losses, distribution, advertising, marketing, competition and even your possible expansion. Consider it the blueprint of your business. A well thought out business plan will combine your purpose, mission, goals and ideas into a comprehensive step by step guide that you can follow. If there are potential pitfalls or downsides to your plan they will be evident before you plunge into the deep end and lose your shirt. Promotion is a key element and without good promotion your business is never going to fly. You may have one of the best ideas and products to be found online but if people are not going to find out about it it may well be a lost cause. You will have to be a marketing and advertising genius or invest a little to get some professional help. Remember that if you cut too many corners to save a little money you are going to pay dearly in the long run. When you hire someone try for the best assistance you can afford. Customer service adds a lot to an online business. You need to treat your customers well because without them your business life is finished. You need to attract and build a supportive and loyal base of great customers with whom you interact. You can keep them on mailing lists and send them updates on a frequent schedule, offer them specials and bonuses. Tags: how to have success online, internet marketing, niche marketing, online business, Successful Online Business, work from home . Posted on April 12, 2018 by garrytat Posted in affiliate marketing, Blogging, internet marketing, online marketing, work from home . You should begin your blog with a free blog hosting service such as wordpress. A free blog host is very rewarding for a new blog. Starting with a free blog hosting service allows you to begin blogging instantly without having any advance knowledge of scripts, hosting, or programming. It allows you to build an audience and buzz for your blog. It allows you to focus on your content and not the internal maintenance of the blog. The best benefit of starting with a free service, is in the case your blog doesn’t become successful you do not lose any money or are you left holding the bill. The great thing about a blog is that they are organized in chronological order, your latest entry is displayed first. When your blog traffic grows greatly and you are ready to upgrade to your own domain then you can simply make your last blog entry the announcement of your “move”. Simply add a last entry stating that your blog has “moved” and type the new blog URL address. Which directs visitors to your new blog site, keeping your following, without a major inconvenience to anyone. Upgrade as you need to…but only when you need to! It’s no secret. You must have traffic to profit from blogs. There are numerous ways to build traffic. Paid advertising, free advertising, viral marketing, search engine marketing, RSS/XML feeds, and word-of-mouth. You should always use your blog URL address in the signature of your email, forum discussions, message boards, or any other communication media. You should submit your blog URL address to search engines and blog directories. You should submit your RSS/XML URL feed to blog ping services like Technorati, Ping-O-Matic, and Blogdigger. You should confidently share your blog with family, friends, co-workers, associates, and business professionals when it relates. Many blogs can be considered as a collection of articles, for this purpose you should submit your blog entries (those that are valuable and lengthy articles) to content syndicators like GoArticles.com. Once submitted your articles can be picked up and published by others. The trick is to make sure you include your Blog URL address in the “About the Author” passage. What this does is create link popularity and backlinks for your blog, when someone picks up your article from the syndication then publish the article on their website the “About the Author” passage is included with each publication and the link you included is followed, crawled, and indexed by search engines. Imagine if your article is popular enough or controversial enough to produce 10,000 publications across the web. The search engines is bound to find your blog in no time with that many publications and credit you a authority on the topic, in return increasing your rank on search engines. The small effort of writing a well written article is rewarding. You should try to write at least 1 full length article every week for syndication and submit your article to at least 10 article syndicators. Use multiple blogging accounts (free) to attract more people. This means you should have a blog with WORDPRESS, WEEBLY and others. The more blog accounts the better (be sure to read and adhere to the Terms of Service for each site). You can copy/paste from 1 blog to all others. Having different blog accounts is like having a publication in different newspapers. This enables you to attract more visitors and this also increases the chance that 1 of your blogs will be in the search engine results for your focused keywords. Once your blog has gained some real momentum and your blog traffic is increasing then it is time to start thinking about turning your traffic into profit. You should use contextual advertising, like Google Adsense or Chitika. Contextual advertising is usually text links which use the content of your blog to publish targeted ads on your blog. The payout is usually based on a pay-per-click model, meaning for ever click an ad receives you are paid a small percentage of the profits. In addition to contextual advertising it is good to also use graphical advertising such as: BlogAds.com, Amazon.com, or General Sponsored Advertising. Please leave a comment so I can improve or if you liked it. Tags: 13 Steps to Successful Blogging, blog, blogging, blogs, internet marketing, niche, niche marketing, weblogs, work from home . Posted on March 15, 2018 by garrytat Posted in affiliate marketing, Blogging, internet marketing . The world doesn’t really need another ‘vanity blog’ about what you had for breakfast. Unless you are a super-model good looking teenage girl who wants to put a lot of photos on your blog, then you are probably going to have a hard time getting noticed. If you already have a vanity blog and are wondering why you are not getting traffic, then you need to know that the vanity blog market is totally saturated. Consider starting or changing your blog to some other topic – an interest or a hobby for example. Next, you need to start posting to forums. Put the URL of the blog in your forum signature (don’t spam forums saying “look at my blog”). If you just join in the conversation naturally, then people will get curious and you will get a few more readers. If the forum you post in is also to do with a similar topic to your blog then you will probably get repeat readers from it! Try to find the most popular forums in the niche you are writing about. To find them, just go over to Google and search for your niche keyword plus ‘forum’ and you should get a list. Try to find forums with at least a few thousand active members. That you have linked to so that they know about you. When people find out that you have talked about them, they will come to see what you said. So will some of their readers. Talking about popular stories from popular blogs may get you more than just a few visitors too. As much as you can (without spamming). In most cases you can put a link back to your own blog and people do follow these links. It is also good to target blogs that talk about the same subject as you, because then you will get targeted readers who are more likely to continue reading your blog. (Avoid using “comment spam” programs as Google can track this and will penalize you). Nobody will return to a blog that is updated weekly or only occasionally. You need to add more content at least once per day, especially in the early stages of getting your blog noticed. This is hugely important. Get fit end up in above image why not check it out! Now if you follow these few rules, then you should be well on the way to getting a constant readership for your blog. Tags: blogging, blogs, internet marketing, niche marketing, online business, weblogs, work from home .
Directions to the Pine Manor and Visitation Disclaimer. How to Use Skype. Wedding Times are CST. 2). Each partisipant must send my PineManor401 handle a friend request and note the couple / wedding name date in the message. I will rely back the morning before the wedding and create a video group. 3). I will call the group at at the time of the ceremony CST. Do not call us. it rings during the ceremony. If you drop off I'm sorry. We can't stop the wedding to get you back. Log into your Facebook account and go to Rev Pam's page. There you will see the live feed running on the main page. After the wedding you can download a copy to watch again. Pine Manor Weddings is the photo gallery where you can download your photos and see other galleries of past wedding. LQQK for the barn shaped brick house corner 83 & Lincoln. Metra NW Train Line to Harvard Schedule. Leave Ogilvy Center Madison Street Chicago take NW Line Mt Prospect D-Stop. Walk two blocks south and follow the S-Curve to Pine Manor. Chicago CTA Blue Line & Pace Bus (Chicago Loop Train) to: Jeffferson Park and transfer to Metra by walking across the street, or Monday - Friday take the Blue Line to Rosemont and CTA Bus #221 to Cumberland Metra Station two stops is Mt Prospect and walk from there. Blue line runs 24 hours. Open Every Day By Appointment. Please Never "Just stop by" you must call first and have an arrival Appointment time. Mention the "Pine Manor Discount" when you call Gretchen directly and she will take care of you. Special discount for guests on overnight lodging and at the restaurant too. Holiday Inn address is 1000 Busse Elk Grove Village, IL Phone: 847-434-1144 *$89+tx Bed type will be allocated upon arrival based on availability. Courtesy Van to and from O'Hare International Airport and the Blue Line Train to courthouse and Chicago's city center, plus to and from Pine Manor. Couple's and their guests have full access of the manor and garden area, however this is Rev Pam's private home and it is not wheelchair accessible. When Most Officiant's Prices Include the Trip to You, These Prices Include the Venue! Officiant is always included at Pine Manor or Rev Pam will travel to you. Elope, small weddings and large wedding packages, all pre planned, all inclusive wedding packages with overnight included. Click the image to watch a wedding live on Facebook. Later download a video to save. Click the image and read what other couples say! Proudly All five-star! Please be on time - but do not come early. If you are early please stay in your car. Please use the side door and walk down the red path to the manor. Do not walk on the driveway next to the house. stay on the sidewalks. Park right on Pine Street. There is no time limit. If you are having the hotel van drive you please pre-arrange the pick up time before you leave the hotel. Logon to free WiFi at the manor. and feel free to bring a music setlist on your phone, video tape, or live feed. Rev Pam has Blue tooth speakers. A beautiful covered porch is the designated smoking area in the garden of Pine Manor - Please do not stand in front of the manor or sit in your car to smoke. All visits to Pine Manor are at your own risk. By visiting, you agree that the owners, neighbors and city is not liable for any direct, indirect, punitive or consequential damages. All visits to Pine Manor are at your own risk, no exceptions. All visitors of Pine Manor assume all risks while on the property. If you are guests of a wedding couple, they have agreed to take full responsibility and liability for you as you visit Pine Manor. In consideration of access and use of the available amenities, and the home itself, you as guests fully understand the risks and dangers associated with the facility, it’s equipment and / or activities that cannot be limited, regardless of the care taken to ovoid injuries. As a guest, you wave, release, and agree to hold harmless, and not to file legal action against Rev Pamela, any said owners of the private property or adjacent property; city or private, or any contractors working on behalf of Pine Manor. Your hosts are financially and legally responsible for any and all claims, actions, suites, expenses, damages and loss, including loss of life. Please be aware that Pine Manor is under video security surveillance at all times. Theft will be prosecuted. Also please understand, if you break it they pay for it, so please mind your kids. When You Purchase a Wedding Package from Rev Pam You Agree to These Conditions. CONTRACT & LEGAL AGREEMENT This serves as a legal and binding contract between us. Please understand you are agreeing to payment in full if last minute cancellation. $200 down is required to reserve your date and that amount is nonrefundable. I will be most happy to move the date with a $50 paperwork fee. MARRIAGE LICENSE The couple is responsibility to acquire a valid license at least 24 hours prior to the ceremony in the county where the ceremony will take place, and that license must be on premises when the ceremony is performed. If you are getting married at Pine Manor you need a Cook County Illinois License (marriage or civil union). Commitment ceremonies do not require a license. If the couple fails to provide the proper legal marriage license to be signed at the ceremony, a $50 dollar convenience fee will apply to sign and file afterwards. After the signing, Officiant will take the license and mail USPS certified to the appropriate county courthouse to be legally files with the court. Officiant will provide the couple with a formal (not legal) certificate of union suitable for framing and most insurances, at no additional charge. RESERVATIONS/DEPOSIT- A non-refundable deposit of $200.00 of the cost of the ceremony must be provided at the time of booking to guarantee the ceremony date. The remainder of the payment (including travel fee) will be due on the date of the ceremony. Payment in full is due before the ceremony is performed. Both partners equally agree to cover any and all legal fees and costs if it becomes necessary for Rev Pam to collect any outstanding debt to the agreement details of this contract. If balance due goes beyond 30 days a 1.5% service charge will apply. The marriage license will not be filed until full payment for all contracted services are paid in full to Rev Pam. You are not married until it is filed. CANCELLATIONS/REFUNDS - Because of the nature of wedding and event planning, a full refund is not possible. I start working on your event the day we book. The $200 down is non-refundable plus, any costs incurred by Pine Manor on the event's behalf. (ordering invitations as an example and my planning time) There is no discount for weather related moves from garden to inside. If, for any reason, the ceremony is canceled by the couple less than seven (15) days before the contract ceremony date, the Couple agrees to be responsible for the Officiant's FULL agreed upon balance due as stated above. I am most happy to move the ceremony to another date whenever possible at no additional charge. But full payment is required immediately to have that option. VENDOR RSVP AND VENUE DEPOSITS will be the responsibility of the couple and payment must be made in full at time of cancellation. Refunds for reservation fees are not possible, and a larger fee maybe required because of the timing of your cancellation. These fees cannot be moved, and are forfeit if rescheduled. PROPERTY RENTAL & INDEMNIFICATION Pine Manor is my private home. Guest attendance to this event is at their own risk. Pine Manor will not be held responsible for loss, damage or bodily harm. You - the couple will take full responsibility for themselves and their guests, financially, legally and otherwise, regardless of circumstance, and will not hold Rev Pam or the property, or city responsible for any injury, theft or an incident not pre-mentioned here. The manor is under video surveillance at all times and no money is kept on the property. If you are bringing cash – we cannot make change. You agree that you and your guests in attendance here indemnify and hold completely harmless Rev. Pamela Magnuson, any said owners of the private property or adjoining city or private property, or any contractors working on Pine Manor 401’s behalf from any claims, actions, suits, expenses, damages or liabilities, including all court and attorney’s fees regardless of personal injury, loss or damaged property, accidents, illness, or death suffered as a result of attending this event. The Owner shall not be liable for events beyond their control which may interfere with your visit. This may include but is not limited to Acts of God, acts of governmental agencies, fire, war, inclement weather and traffic noise. CHILDREN do count as guests if they sit in their own chair and are permitted on the premises; however, they must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times. Further, the Renter(s) acknowledges potential hazards to any guests including children of some of the amenities including but not limited to owner's pets, stairs, owners personal items, the pond, outside / indoor fire places, etc. BREAKAGE There are personal items about the home. You are responsible to replace any damaged or broken, or stolen items that happen as a result of your visit. You are responsible to pay in cash for broken items before you leave. Glasses are $40 each. Plates are $20. Folding chairs are $25 Any damage found after you leave, or your wedding party leaves past their booked check-out time, you will be billed after the wedding and expected to remit reasonable payment to cover these issues, included contracting additional help, and overtime. Services will be withheld until couple makes restitution. PHOTO RELEASE All photos taken by Rev Pamela are posted on a public digital gallery, announcement photo posted on facebook, and maybe used for other advertising purposes for Rev Pam. If the couple prefers not to have their photo posted this is no problem - just tell her in advance of the wedding. Also the photo gallery can be password protected upon request, BUT in no way is Rev Pam responsible for any images leaked on the Internet because of the nature of the World Wide Web. Also - We grant to Rev Pam or any photographer working on her behalf full and unrestricted permission to reproduce any photographs taken or may take of us which may include our invited guests, to include any and all media, including the internet, without restriction as to alteration or implied product endorsement. Unless otherwise stated in email by couple prior to use of the wedding date. Copyright © 2019 Wedding Officiant Mount Prospect, IL - All Rights Reserved.
Back then duvets were packed with the feathers of senior duck, which were noted for improved insulation as compared to other kinds of feathers. Nowadays manufacturers utilize a wide range of products. Most modern-day duvets are loadeded with cotton, wool, silk or artificial fibers like polyester batting to achieve the same result without needing to rob senior ducks of their feathers, otherwise PETA would be knocking on their front doors. One of the first suggestions to bear in mind when you are planning to buy comforters is to take the cost into consideration. Possibilities are that you’re not going to keep your room like this permanently and at some time in time you ll wish to remodel. This implies you’ll wish to avoid investing a fortune on your comforter set. Search for a lot and compare costs to discover a reasonable cost for your comforter of selection. If you are in need of a face-lift, you might think about attempting some of the numerous alternatives available for bedding. From designer looks to specialty items, you make sure to find exactly what you are looking for swiftly and easily. Many internet sites are available online and there are numerous other selections in retail stores too. The fabric of the duvet likewise requires special attention. While the duvets are available in a variety of products, it is cotton that works the greatest. It produces a cool wrap in the summertimes and does not cause you to perspire as those with artificial fibers. Nevertheless, cotton tends to soil conveniently therefore you have to constantly keep duvet covers convenient. Likewise, do inspect for the thread matter of the fabric ahead of buying any one. Life is full of different tones so are the seasons. Relying on the various stages of winter season, duvets with various insulation power are offered in the market. One must know which tog of duvet is appropriate for which season. The term tog indicates the fill power – the volume occupied by the filling and it varies relying on the quality of the material made use of as a fill. However before purchasing the bed linens it is great to do a little study then move on. With this you will get a hang of exactly what is available in the market and their rates. It will also provide you a larger image of the on-going trends. An excellent set of bed linens will help you in putting on a contemporary and elegant aim to your bedroom. The higher the thread matter much better will be its quality and will provide you the much needed toughness and durability. Those will accompaniment you for several years to come without fretting about the day-to-day wear and tear. Why Do You Really Need Bellino Sheets? Option down comforters are make of an artificial product that is fast ending up being as good if not much better than the goose or duck feather down to keeping you warm during the night with out the allergic reactions. These synthetic materials are as breathable as the goose or duck down. In some cases you will discover that the option down comforter is fulled of polyester and while this might not sound appealing initially polyester is an extremely versatile product and can be spun to an extremely soothing softness. While you are buying to have bedding sets or comforter sets to match your bed area or perhaps even an additional area, you can find great deals of layouts, designs along with features to choose from. In spite of the reality that it’s really appealing to accept whichever compares or complements your preferred bed space home furnishings or wall surfaces, it genuinely is really essential to keep ease in concepts. Whenever you are selecting on which comforter readied to buy you have to maintain the subsequent pointers in mind. Down is frequently rated by what’s called “fill power,” which is a measure of how much one ounce of down would occupy within a particular variety of cubic inches. The higher the variety of cubic inches the higher the insulating capability of the down itself. High quality down generally has a fill power of 700 or even more, by the method. Fill power is another term you will wish to become acquainted with as you consider your choices. Fill power is a number that ranks exactly how fluffy a comforter will be. Usually you want the number to range in between six hundred to eight hundred. This means your comforter will be fluffier, warmer and longer lasting. Eiderdown comforters provide their owners exactly those feelings. They will provide impressive heat as well as the particular warmness important to sleeping well, and in addition tend to be so light that one just senses contentment. However, such luxury comes at significant expense. A king size eiderdown comforter is commonly in the $10,000 rate array. A duvet supplies phenomenal insulation from the cold, due to the fact that it is loadeded with down, other soft feathers, wool, or synthetic fiber. Comforters are typically loadeded with synthetic fiber, cotton, and goose down, that helps keep the user warm in mildly cool weather. These bellino sheets are tied or stitched to evenly spread the filling and keep them in area. You can find that bellino sheets sets are usually in numerous sizes such as queen, king, twin, full comforter sets etc. So it is recommended to select the one that is most appropriate based on the size of youe mattress that you utilize on your bed. Besides style, you should likewise consider the style, the theme and the fabric that you would desire for. When you decide on the fabric of the material, you should know whether it is made from cotton, flannel, polyester and synthetic. Nevertheless when it comes to fabric, thread count of a sheet set is the primary part. And the softness and convenience of the material rest with the density of the thread. Both kinds of filling are incredibly light-weight, appearing to float on your bed. The silk duvet displays all the tightness of barely whipped cream, whilst the down duvet is more of a totally whipped version. After all, Mulberry silk duvets are created in a different way to down duvets as silk does not need box sewing in order to be kept uniformly distributed and get rid of cold spots. This indicates that silk duvets probably curtain that bit much better than down duvets. Lastly, and by no means least of all, as natural fibers both down and silk have the marvellous ability to breathe, raising away perspiration so you dont experience the clamminess which frequently occurs when sleeping under a synthetic duvet. The sale can be due to the fact that brand-new patterns and designs are squeezing old inventory off the racks. You could be able to find extremely attractive, classic comforters on sale, but you could also discover that some of those “too great to be true” specials are booked for patterns that did not make the cut. That does not suggest you need to stay clear of those deals if they save something you such as. You need to realize, however, that you could not be picking from the current or most popular patterns and constructs. The designer bedding sets are the current trends in bedroom interiors which develop fresh and appealing effects and boost general look of interior. Theincludes different bedding accessories such asTop sheetsTop sheets are the sheet that spread over the top of the bed to remove you from the duvet or comforter. It is commonly known as the flat sheets. Some of the smooth side comforters or duvets dont have leading sheet. Should Installing Bellino Sheets Take A Long Time? You are likewise going to want to ensure that you are looking carefully for a business that you can trust as well. The last thing you want to do is to end up thinking you have actually found the best bedroom bellino sheets sets, just to discover that the business was less than enjoyable to work with. Sticking to a business you can trust is definitely worth it. There are a couple other choices that duvets are made from. Bamboo is among the materials made use of typically in duvets. Bamboo duvets are really soft and made with eco friendly materials. These duvets will usually be on the more pricey side. Silk is someone else option, but is really pricey. Silk will supply the best and softest feel. Polyester is likewise made use of often. Polyester duvets are commonly the most budget-friendly. There is a huge variety in polyester duvets to select from. The majority of parents usually get the youngster’s baby room all set even before the youngster can show up. Oftentimes such parents ignore the gender of the youngster, therefore leading to decorating the whole space in the most improper color possible. That is when you see an infant boy in a pink space and an infant girl in a blue space with toys and clothes that match that certain color. When thinking about comforter sets, back support pillows and also bed coverlets, simply take into consideration simply just how much time and in addition specifically how easy it’s going to be to fit your needs to comprise your bed. Comforters with each other with quilts take advantage of the advantage of being incredibly simple to easily simply pull up and toss every thing in position. Bedspreads naturally genuinely require simply take a lot longer to be made up properly each and every day. That’s the reason bedspreads do simply terrific in a really further bed space specifically due to the fact that the bed does not need to be developed up on typical basis. Some individuals may not know it however keeping an eye out for low-cost sales can give you great deals when it pertains to buying queen bedding sets. Some of your local establishments will certainly offer this type of low-cost sales occasion a couple of times a year. This type of sale can give you as much as 50 percent off even for top quality bedding sets and this will surely make your shopping a lot less expensive and within your spending plan. You might be used to doing your shopping through your community local establishments however in some cases you need to understand that online establishments such as amazon can give you great deals for your preferred bed set. This is a great concern and one that needs even more than a basic response. Goose down has actually constantly been reserved for the very best duvets, pillows and mattress toppers. Soft, sensuous and very comfortable, well, that cares for the brief reply. Pure down has the capability to soak up big quantities of moisture and sweat, regrettably while we rest our bodies send out sweat as part of the natural cycle of living. If the moisture is left on the skin it can cool down the body and wake you up as you feel the chilling effect. Preserving a healthy and balanced temperature level while you rest is essential to a long continuous sleep, if the body gets up often during the night the overall effectiveness of your rest is diminished. The soft fluffy down soaks up the moisture and locks it means inside the duvet and gradually launches it as the duvet cools. The favored comforter for heat for those who withstand long winters is the natural down comforter. Down is gathered from the underbelly of ducks and geese and is exactly what is utilized in the comforters. The ability of the filaments gathered to loft space is exactly what offers the heat that we get from these comforters. Some individuals are generally not generally adverse along, however on the mud mites and dust fragments that live inside along. Hypodown Comforters are an exceptional different for individuals adverse mud mites. Hypodown is actually a fill made from incorporating white goose straight down and milkweed. Hypoallergenic Hypodown traps the dust and keeps it from presently being inhaled.
The Cycle That Never Arrived..... Untill Today! Discussion in 'Aquarium Nitrogen Cycle' started by LineRat, Mar 26, 2010. New to the forums and wanted to share my cycling ordeal with you all. Now, I have never owned any fish but my wife has and we both thought (well mostly I thought) It would be fun to start an aquarium especially since the price was right. Got it home and set it up.. decorated it and filled it with de-chlorinated water (The kit came with a packet of Tetra Aqua Safe). I then sat down and scoured google for all the info I could find on this new hobby I had just committed myself to and saw that I needed to let the tank cycle before we add any fish. Okay I say.. lets start on that and wait so off to our LFS just down the street to see what they had to help that along and fish gaze a bit lol. I mentioned that we weren't buying any fish for a few weeks to let the tank cycle first and that's when the clerk suggested TSS. GREAT! Now we can "Add Fish Immediately" as the package says. So we take them home and add the TSS and then we add the fish. Water tests seemed great for 2 days 0,0,0 no anything in there.. as far as I knew at the time things had worked out. Till day 3 when I had 0.5,0,0.... did a 50% water change and the next day we had 1,0,0.. did back to back water changes and this has been the story of my cycle ever since.. I have even added a second bottle of TSS just incase I used it wrong the first time... numbers are still consistantly 1,0,0 and this is now week 6 going into week 7. So 2 weeks ago ( knowing alot more now.. knowledge is power right?) We purchased a 55g kit from walmart.. again the price was right. Set it up and decided to cycle it fishless and just move all the fish into it once it's good to go and till then coninue the daily water changes to keep them atleast alive.. poor fish. Got a cup of gravel from the LFS (all they would give me but I wasnt counting on any) placed it in a new nylon and dosed the tank with ACE brand ammonia ( yep the pure stuff.. did my research this time around lol. I can learn sometimes) to 5ppm and waited for the magic to happen..... it didn't. For the last 2 weeks my 55 has been sitting at 5,0,0 ph is 7.6, KH is 87ppm temp 86. So I did more and more reading... I have asked around at work and no one I know owns an aquarium which since most of them live on base in Navy barracks isn't surprising I figured I was SOL as far as cycling anything went. Till I read a short post where someone mentioned Fritz Turbo Start #700. I had never heard of it but figure I'd google it and see if it was worth even considering ( So far I have tried TSS twice, BioZyme once.. that stuff is utter and used gravel) Everything I had read seemed like it was the real deal... so now in desperation I ordered some. My 4oz bottle arrived yesterday in an inflatable Ice chest box liner thingy with an ice pack in it I was now curious.. I know it has to be refrigerated but hey this was cool.. the bottle also had a use by day for 3 months from now... even better. So I dose my tank with 2 oz of it ( package says 1 oz treats a 40g and one can dose 5x more than needed so I went for just over my needed amount) And waited. I'm can't sit still I'm so happy to see a color other than light blue on my nitrite kit and Yellow on my nitrate kit lol!! I've had them for 6 weeks now and they never were any color but the one for 0! It usally takes a few weeks for notice in cycle change doesn't happen over nite Lol!!! Bio chemicals don't work like the bottle reads takes time for tank to go thru cycle!What did these tanks come with? Are they under gravel filters or hang on the back? At most tanks in fresh take around 4 to 6 weeks to gain strenght and even then can take longer depending on what your setup is can you give me more info on all that you have so far? Yeah, I know a fish in cycle takes a while but 6 weeks with nothing but ammonia spiking and nothing else even hinting at registering is getting tiresome. I'm also concerned for the long term health effects it will have on my fish ( which I can't return.. my LFS is really a crappy little store). In my 28g I have a Penguin 150B HOB filter and a Aquatech 10-20 HOB with a combined flowrate of 270g. I'm going to upgrade to a second Penguin 150B as soon as I can afford to. Substrate is Gravel and the plants are plastic. The ph and kh is the same as the 55g I'm doing the fishless in and the temp is kept at 80. I'm not expecting an instant cycle with the turbostart.. I'm just thrilled to finally see a cycle going period. Yeah I totallty understand. It takes a good while to cycle a tank but with no fish or a bacteria start will take twice as long. If there is no fish in your tank then there is a faster way to acheive this buy a shrimp not frozen but a fresh one and hang it in your tank for a week and let bio load get started this way it's alot cheaper this way and you will see a change don't let shrimp totally decay but just enough to see a spike in ammonia levels then as well as nitrites. You do know about cycle I suppose ? this will happen much faster this way.After tank cycles slowly introduce fish into your tank like 1 or 2 every other week but make sure all ammonia and nitrites are at 0 levels. Welcome to Fish Lore LineRat! Yep, I now know all about the Nitrogen cycle lol.. have done nothing but research it for the last 6 weeks since my 28 was set up. You are talking about doing a fishless cycle.. thats what I am doing in the 55 gallon that I added the ammonia and Turbostart to. You need to feed bacteria to start up and I would just put in a few gold fish to help out and feed them every day the thing that's happening is there is nothing in your tank that bacteria can feed on so I suggest doing this to help bio lload to produce or other wise you spent money on bottled stuff that has nothing to eat and end up dying so try this and you will see. Stang Man, I have been feeding the bacteria 5ppm of ammonia once a day since adding the bottled stuff. So far my ammonia is going from 5ppm down to 1 ppm in a 24 hour period. Nitrites have been holding steady at 1 ppm but the nitrates are climbing by 5-10ppm a day. I'm not sure if my first post was confusing or not but I am pretty sure I explained that I was dosing the 55g with ammonia maintaining 5ppm in there.... I wrote that after a long day at work so it's possible it was un clear. Okay so ammonia has done it's job and nitrites are next sounds alot better than nothing happening. Have you tested water for ammonia and nitrites? If I'm reading your thread correctly, you did a water change when TSS was in the tank? If so, that might have led to the TSS failing you. You're not supposed to do a water change until the tenth day of having TSS. I was going to buy Fritz in case my TSS failed me, but I saw the high shipping costs ($22) and I think I'm just going to do daily W/C's or get some SuperBac if TSS fails. B what kind of pleco? Most types of pleco will out grow your tank within a year. I'd suggest looking it up and if he isn't one of the ones that stay small let him go to a better home and buy a different type. I agree that it was most likely the water changes that caused the TSS to fail. I've used it twice on two separate tanks and IME, as long as you follow the directions carefully and completely it works well. Since the TSS didn't work, I would recommend getting a bottle of Prime or Amquel+ and starting a daily water change routine until the cycle is complete. I'm sorry this part is a bit confusing, are we talking about the 28 or the 55 here? You start and end with what seems like the 55, but there are parts where it sounds like you are talking about the 28. ??? You mention that you used TSS and BioZyme, but were those supplements added to the 28 with fish, or the 55 without? Which tank did you add the Fritz to? and which tank do these readings belong to? It came with the setup. I also have an AquaTech 10-20 running as a supplement to the penguin. Thats been the game plan so far. I have been doing daily W/C on my 28g since day 3.. going on 7 weeks now. Yep, it is kinda confusing... thats what I get for posting at the end of a 14 day stretch of 12 hour work days lol. Let me try to clear that up... That bit is referring to the 55g I am cycling without fish. I haven't used any TSS in it only the 28g was ever treated with that and only that. The 55g has had Used Gravel, BioZyme and Fritz added to it. So far everything looks to be on track. My Ammonia is dropping daily and the nitrates are climbing while the Nitrites have held steady at 1ppm the whole time. That was day 4. I dosed it up to 2ppm ammonia right after taking the readings. Ill keep updating with where the numbers are at this afternoon. Hi. Just weanted to say welcome to the forums! Looks like the other members got you covered. Good luck with the rest of your cycle. Congrats that your cycle is appearing! It seems you are doing all you can for now, best of luck, it gets easier once this is all done! You're right that the bottle of TSS doesn't really give sufficient information regarding proper use for success. Our mods were kind enough to ask Tetra directly about the proper use of TSS and received a very detailed response. Q & A With Tetra on TSS If you would like to try TSS one more time, we can help you ensure that this time would be more successful. If so, please post your readings for your 28g, and we can give you a step by step on how to proceed with TSS. It would also be a good idea to test and post results of your tap water so we can get an idea of what your base parameters are. Your 55 seems to be coming along great! Just keep up with that one and you should be good to go in no time. If you would like to try TSS one more time, we can help you ensure that this time would be more successful. If so, please post your readings for your 28g, and we can give you a step by step on how to proceed with TSS. It would also be a good idea to test and post results of your tap water so we can get an idea of what your base parameters are. I read the info contained in the Q & A With Tetra about Tetra SafeStart post and purchased another (and hopefully the last) bottle of TSS. My base tap water readings are. I have not done any water changes in 3 days so the water would be free of any conditioners or ammonia purifiers etc. So today will be day one and I will update as it goes along over the next couple of weeks. Now if I can only restrain myself from testing the water over the next 48 hours I'll be good lol! Good luck! Remember even if you test NO water changes until you test on day 10. If your cycle isn't done then you'll have to go back to daily water changes. If it is done than generally all you need is one water change to get nitrate levels down for your regular maintenance. I am starting day 5 of the 28g TSS cycle and just thought I'd post my readings over the last 4 days.. Day 2 Did not test as per instructions.
Giving dietary advice can cause controversy, as we all have unique bodies and lifestyles. Our modern abundance has allowed us to create philosophies surrounding food, rather than just eating what is available. In this article, we will explore some general principles that a tea lifestyle teaches us about diet, without mentioning any specifics. Hopefully, this will mean that all of you will find something useful in this article. Of course, we aren't doctors and our dietary experience should be understood as our own life wisdom, shared in the hopes of helping you with your health. There is more to the old saying that we are we what we eat than just the obvious fact that what we consume determines our physical constitution. Especially in the modern age, diet is as much a philosophy, a way of life, as it is sustenance. Throughout history, our ancestors ate what was available to them, without as much selection as we have. In an age of abundance, we spend a lot of time and energy deciding on a diet, which affects our orientation to life. We can focus on the flavors, the health benefits or even a spiritual philosophy, which we use to navigate our food choices. Along with the copiousness of food choices, there is also a wealth of information on what is and is not healthy - an overwhelming barrage of often-contradictory data, such as studies endorsed by food producers and other agendas. This can be frustrating and affect our health. But there is a compass that can help steer us into our optimal physical well-being. Because diet has become such an important aspect of our personal identities and philosophies, rather than the simplicity of eating whatever is local to us, the topic of diet itself is rather controversial. People nowadays have strong views about what to eat and when. And we all have different needs based on our lifestyle and makeup. This means that one can only share one's experience in the hopes that some of one's wisdom will be valuable to others. Perhaps some portion of my experience in developing a healthy diet for myself will also be useful to you, though probably not all of what I have to say. I will try to keep this discussing focused on very general principles in the hopes that sharing will be helpful to more of you, my beloved tea community. Of course, all of what I am sharing here is my own experience and should therefore be taken as such. I am not a physician of any kind. We all must take responsibility for our own bodies, health and happiness. As this is a tea magazine, I will also focus on the areas of diet that I feel have been directly impacted by my tea practice. I think the problems with the world of food are very analogous to tea: both worlds are full of misinformation and tea and food also require further research. Tea and diet are furthermore often studied with a commercial agenda, and one finds that studies are published to promote a certain agenda, like "green tea is anti-cancerous" or "dairy is good for you," and the published research is paid for by businessmen who approach scientists with a conclusion they want proven. Perhaps green tea is anti-cancerous, but true science always starts with a hypothesis, not a conclusion. Such studies are always suspect. But Tea has taught me some things about diet, and many of the methods I cultivated in learning to evaluate tea also apply to food. For example, I find that the Ten Qualities of a Fine Tea, which we often discuss in this magazine, can be very helpful for evaluating the quality of food as well. Here are some of the things Tea has taught me about life and diet. Since so much of the tea world is marketing, we need to have a method for evaluating tea independent of the story that surrounds any given tea. Stories about a tea - where it came from, how old the trees were or who processed it - these stories are wonderful when shared amongst friends, but not so great when they are used to market a tea. I guarantee that your favorite tea has a story. Maybe you found it in a special shop or got it from a friendly source. And sharing such a story with friends over tea enhances the experience. Telling tea stories, old and new, over a cup of fine tea is something every Chajin enjoys. However, we can all grow jaded by vendors using such stories to sell tea. For that reason, we have to learn to use our own experience to evaluate a tea for purchase. "The truth is in the cup," as my teacher always says. And a sensitivity to one's own body through a tea and meditation practice has also helped me more than anything else to cultivate a healthy diet. Our bodies are marvelous instruments of experience and wisdom. One of the most important aspects of a tea practice is that it opens the dialogue of nonverbal communication again. And opening that book is an opportunity to read the greatest and deepest book ever written, for no matter how wise the teachings of humankind (even the Buddha), they do not compare to the teachings of the mountains - millions of years in the making. No matter how powerful the chant (even the almighty Heart Sutra), it pales in comparison to the chants of the stars, whose lightsongs have rung uninterrupted for billions of years. All that we know about this universe, from science to spirituality, we learned from Nature. Observing and exploring Nature is the only truth there is. And this applies as much to what is inside, and the workings of our bodies, as it does to our exploration of the world around us. As you read these words, your body is performing millions of functions from the subatomic to the chemical level: your heart and liver function on their own, as your brain releases hormones, and so on, and so forth. Depending on how we mark our beginnings, these bodies were either formed billions or millions of years ago, for these very atoms that make up my body were born in a star many billions of years ago; or, if we want to look through the lens of organic evolution, then millions of years of growth and change, adaptation and change have gone into the creation of this very body that is my only life. And it is wise, indeed. One of my favorite Zen proverbs is, "The life force that breathes this body a certain amount of times when I am in deep sleep is the same life force that turns the autumn leaves red," which speaks to this philosophy - that the evolutionary adaption and, in a manner of speaking, the wisdom that created this body is the same wisdom that created all life on Earth. My body is very wise, in other words. Our bodies are the doorway to noverbal communication, and nothing inspires the connection between these bodies, our instruments for exploring the world, more than when something of Nature (like tea) meets our senses in such perfect harmony, bringing sensual joy. When a creation of Nature is so perfectly fitted to our bodies, these ideas become quite profound - experientially so. Learning to listen to our bodies is paramount in cultivating our ability to truly understand tea, and to find a healthy diet as well. This doesn't mean that one shouldn't explore dietary research, or learn about tea for that matter. The mind is a part of the body, after all, and listening to one's reason is as important as any other part of the body. But in this age of information, conceptual information has taken over a disproportionate amount of our life, controlling everything. We study and create diets based on data, breaking the world down into amino acids, proteins and calories without enough connection to the actual, physical sensations of our bodies, which is to say the nonverbal communication. My teacher always said that it's not that eating junk food makes one insensitive, but rather that one must be insensitive to eat junk food. In other words, eating such food means we are not listening to our bodies, which will send messages that such food is not in our interest. In order to find a healthy diet, one must develop a sensitivity to the body itself, listening to its wisdom. Then, we can combine this with information, data and research. This means using our reason and our intuition in harmony, which is a deep life lesson and can be applied to all areas of life. In order to access these subtle messages of the body, we will need to cultivate an ability to quiet the mind, for these noisy thoughts are often so loud that the softer, quieter messages of Nature and our bodies cannot be heard above the din. For this, we should practice tea ceremony, meditation or other quiet, Yin techniques that still the mind. When the mind softens to a whisper, or becomes silent altogether, the teachings of our bodies and of Nature become clear. Many of you know that I have gone through a great physical transformation this year, losing a lot of weight and getting fit. A large part of this was in applying these messages to the research I had done. Sometimes it can be hard to distinguish the body's messages from our cravings. There are times where my cravings are signals of my body's needs, but other times a craving is just a craving. I try to find a way around the craving for rich foods that aren't healthy for me by eating healthy foods first and telling myself that if I still want some peanut butter, I can have some after lunch. Even if I do then decide to eat some, it is always just a little and part of a balanced diet. The most important factor in finding my own healthy diet was learning to balance research and dietary education with an intuitive ability to listen to my body. I developed this ability through my tea practice, which really does require the same skills. As I learned to listen to Tea speaking to my body through my senses - of taste, smell and touch mostly - my sensitivity to food and its relationship to my body's needs has also developed. As I meditate, focusing on my breathe and body sensations, I also hone and sharpen the clarity of my body's voice. And then, I try to cultivate the strength and heart to heed my body's wisdom and make appropriate choices. Sometimes that's even harder than becoming sensitive to the body's wisdom in the first place! But the more I experience, the easier it becomes, since I more fully feel the effects of making unskillful decisions and choosing food with my mouth instead of my body. One of the tea lessons I value above all the many, many ways that Tea has impacted my life is my growing esteem for the ordinary. The more tea I drink, the simpler life becomes. When I don't have an issue, I drink tea, and when there is a challenge, I drink tea. If we spend our lives waiting for the special times when things go our way and all is fine, we miss out on all the average, ordinary moments that are the real pith of our time on Earth. We will spend much more of our time walking, brushing teeth and making lunch than we will on special trips to exotic locales or other exciting and fortuitous times. Tea has taught me that the ordinary is never, ever really ordinary. Every moment is special. There is always magic afoot. We are right now whizzing through space at thousands of kilometers per hour on a giant blue ball filled with fire! And, as we already discussed, these gorgeous bodies have been billions (or at least millions) of years in the making, with precious eyes and breaths, heart and hands to live. The more tea I drink, the more I understand how precious each moment is, including this very one - these very words shared between us. With an appreciation for the simple things in life, I can cultivate a joyful approach to all of life. Most of the time, we mistakenly wait for the world to make us happy, finding joy in the times when our desires are fulfilled and things go our way. But joy can also be cultivated. We can develop our joy, learning to find gratitude and richness in each and every moment. As Tea has helped me simplify my life, teaching me that less is indeed more, She has also helped me to simplify my diet. As I said at the outset of this article, most of the confusion in our diet stems from too much complexity - too many choices. We now have access to food from all over the world and are constantly barraged with data from all fronts that is far too often contradictory. For me, the best approach to a healthy diet has been to radically simplify all this. I eat whole foods. Since we are discussing simplicity, I'll put it simply: If the ingredients look like the kinds of things in my great-grandma's kitchen, that is healthy food and if it reads like a science textbook, I avoid it. Diet really can be that easy! The complexity, confusion and complication that we face when researching dietary advice also applies to the modern methods of food production. For thousands of years, people produced food on farms and brought it to market, where city-dwellers would buy the produce and take it home to cook. When my father was young, he had relatives in Florida that would bring oranges to them in Ohio for Christmas. Some of his friends had never had an orange, and my father would be king for a day, bringing one to show-and-tell. Nowadays, everything is so confused. The food is still made at farms, but then, instead of going to a market where it is sold, it is taken to a factory and mixed with artificial ingredients. We then build other factories to produce the machinery used in those factories, more factories to make the packaging materials and even more factories to build trucks to carry all this stuff around between factories... This senseless complication of what should be simple also deteriorates the nutritional value of our food. If we saw what goes on in factories, we wouldn't want such processed food. They don't take simple, whole ingredients and cook with them as you do in your kitchen. They actually don't cook much at all. Food factories aren't filled with chefs, though they may have some on their staff; they are filled with scientists and laboratories. And our health and happiness plays no part in their research, development and production of food products. They are profit-driven to use artificial flavors/ ingredients that are cheaper than natural ones, to preserve food longer and to add sugar, fat and oil to make the food more desirable to us. They care about their profits, not our health. And all too often, this whole process damages the environment as well, which further deteriorates our health and quality of life. Diet doesn't have to be complicated. Eat whole foods. Cook with ingredients straight from a farm, and one that didn't harm the environment and pollute our ability to create more food and pass on a green, healthy Earth to our descendants. Just like tea, the best food is sustainable, organic and grown in balance with Nature. Also like tea, we could speak of "living food," grown in biodiversity rather than monoculture, grown without agrochemicals and with a healthy relationship between humans and the environment. Simple foods are always the best choice for me. In fact, sometimes the best food is no food. Sometimes I feel like the best question for me is not what to eat, but whether to eat at all. Our ancestors didn't live in such abundance, with food around at all times. Much of our obesity issues stem from our evolutionary makeup: we developed a psychological preference for the rarest foods in Nature, which are fats and sugars, as well as an inherent ability to store these substances for longer since they are so rare - or at least were. When sugar and fat become abundant, and life grew more sedentary, so many of us (myself included) have come to face problems with being overweight, which affects our health, longevity and, worse yet, our quality of life. Without as much food available, there were always periods of fasting during the millions of years that our bodies were evolved. All indigenous people fast. Eating three times a day at particular times is an invention. It is convenient for social reasons, as you can meet others and eat together, but it has very little health benefits. Also, I have found that eating at a particular time, rather than when my body tells me to eat, further deafens the voice of my body. The messages and wisdom of what I should eat get lost in the schedule of feeling obligated to eat at certain times. When I dropped the idea that I had to eat a certain amount of times a day, or at particular times, my sensitivity to my body and its needs increased. Most of my problems when it came to being overweight stemmed from not getting enough exercise and overeating. My diet has always been rather simple and based on whole foods, but I had a bad habit of eating too much for my body's needs in any given day. Eating just to eat was a way of ignoring my body and of growing more insensitive to its wisdom. As I began to listen more, I learned to eat less, at the appropriate times and in an amount suited to my lifestyle. For me, fasting is of incredible value to my health and well-being. I find it important for my physical health and for my spiritual cultivation. Every spiritual tradition on Earth includes fasting as a useful technique for dealing with our attachments to food, for growing lighter and more energetic, and for expanding consciousness. If the body is constantly digesting food, it is more difficult for it to rest and heal itself. For me, I try to never eat in the evening or night, so that my digestive system can rest during the night while I sleep, healing my body and relaxing my mind. On the rare occasions that I do eat dinner, I always notice that my sleep is less deep and my dreams more fitful. This is one of the nonverbal teachings of my body. I practice fasting the way I do meditation: regular small fasts and annual deep fasts. Similarly, I meditate for shorter periods of an hour or two every day and then sit for longer, deeper retreats once or twice a year. I try to fast every evening, and then for a longer period once a week. Then, I try to schedule a week-long fast at least once a year, sometimes twice. I always feel the effect of this practice as a cleansing of my system. Amazingly, I find that after a couple days, the desire to eat completely leaves me and the fast is no longer a struggle at all. I usually spend a couple days coming off of food and then a couple days at the end of the week of just water to slowly return to eating with smoothies and soups. There is a lot of research about the benefits of fasting, and even some marvelous results coming from centers that are using fasting to treat incurable diseases. If you are interested in practicing intermittent fasting or fasting for longer periods, you should do some more research and find a way to go about fasting that is conducive to your health and happiness. There may be people with constitutions that make fasting dangerous. I can only speak for myself when I say that fasting is an essential aspect of a healthy diet for me. The Buddha taught the "Middle Way," which advises us to avoid extremes. The path of Tea has also taught me this, helping me to actualize these teachings in my life. This is something I aim for in my relationship to my diet as well. Since my transformation has come about this year, and is therefore still so fresh, I must admit that I haven't yet found my balance. I still feel the need for enforced discipline surrounding my exercise and eating habits. I still feel the need for an inner drill sergeant that can bully the rest of me into exercising even when I don't want to and to shout above the cravings for unhealthy food. But I don't want to live with this bully forever. I aim to harmonize with my nature. As I have started exercising every day, I have indeed found myself getting closer to a balanced state where I can enjoy exercising some days, loving the act for its own sake, and then be compassionate and let myself take it easy on other days, finding my limitations and respecting them. Similarly, I want to be able to feast with friends and enjoy food for its own sake when the occasion calls for it. Human beings celebrate with food, after all. There is more to eating than just our physical health. Sometimes we need "soul food," as well. Besides a lack of exercise, one of the biggest causes for my being overweight was the fact that I travel so much - often six or seven months a year. And we all know that when we are away, in a new or exciting city, we give ourselves permission to "cheat." Also, everyone wants to take you out to eat and share local, often rich and delicious, dishes with you. Though I was feasting far too often, I don't think it is healthy to be so hyper-focused on health all the time. Devoting too much energy to our physical well-being is a bit like having a gorgeous antique violin and spending all your time polishing and tuning it without ever playing. We must live. The purpose of having a healthy body is to increase our quality of life and our longevity so we can live more and cultivate ourselves further (in service of others). We must live fully and happily, and being healthy in body is a means to that. In the end, all our bodies will break down and we will die. Finding a balance between eating skillfully, in a way that is conducive to our physical well-being, and also celebrating life and the people we love through delicious meals is my personal ideal. I hope to achieve this by learning to cook special meals with simpler, healthy ingredients, while maintaining a certain extra something that makes such dishes stand apart from our ordinary, daily fare. I also hope to find balance in my food discipline, not letting myself become too loose as to gain weight again, but also not being too tight to enjoy life. As I said, I haven't yet found this balance, though I know it is possible. Beyond balancing our eating for health and eating for the joy of eating, I think that finding a harmony with Nature is the key to a healthy diet for us as individuals and as a species. The more we develop agriculture based on a philosophy of balance and sustainability, the healthier our world will be. And it is only in a healthy world that we can truly be healthy. You cannot find a healthy organism in an unhealthy environment. If a single cell in our body stops caring about cooperation with the other cells and starts reproducing itself ad hoc, we have the beginnings of cancer. It is no wonder that this is the disease of our age, and one that so many of us will face, since we behave in the same way on the macro level, ignoring the health of the Earth and Nature for our own personal well-being, which, like the crazy cell, is not possible. How can a being whose body is composed of fifty to seventy percent water ever be healthy in an environment where the drinking water is polluted? How can an organism that requires the inhalation of oxygen several times a minute ever be healthy in an environment in which the air is toxic? To truly be healthy and happy, we have to create a healthy, happy environment, where we can design our cities around sustainable agriculture, green energy and zero pollution. Doing so is a personal matter directly related to my own health, happiness and longevity - perhaps even more so than my dietary choices! Nature is wiser than us, and like our bodies, we must learn to listen to Her, working in cooperation rather than in opposition to Her. If we learn to eat seasonally and harmonize our efforts with the forces of Nature, we can create environments that are conducive to human health and happiness. To achieve this, we will also have to learn to cooperate with one another, understanding that our health and quality of life is dependent upon others. We cannot all be farmers. We need our fellows to make our clothes and food, tea and computers. Together, we can create such a healthy world. It is our selfishness, on the other hand, which has polluted the air and water, Earth and Sky. When we love and serve one another, and our future descendants, realizing that our health is bound to one another, we may indeed have a chance at a clean and healthy Earth. These are all lessons that I have seen in the bowl. What can I say, other than that tea is the most important part of my diet, as it has not only helped me to be healthier, but has taught me the life wisdom I need to cultivate a healthy relationship with my food, my Mother, the Earth and with you, whom I love.
Chamber choir Voces Musicales was founded in 1999 by Risto Joost mainly from the students of the Estonian Academy of Music. Audiences received the choir well already during the first season, which was highlighted by prizes from several competitions. In April 2001, as a great acknowledgment Voces Musicales won 1st prize in the category of chamber choirs at the international choir competition Tallinn 2001. Success in the Tallinn choir competition was continued by another victory in 2005, when besides two 2nd prizes in minor categories the choir also won the Grand Prix. The repertoire of the choir includes music from Renaissance polyphonies to contemporary compositions. Voces Musicales has been a guest performer at festivals in France, Israel and Finland and has participated in the performance of several oratorical works. The choir has premièred the compositions of several composers (Toivo Tulev, Helena Tulve, Timo Steiner, Ülo Krigul, etc). Voces Musicales has co-operated with conductors Neeme Järvi, Olari Elts, Arvo Volmer, Andres Mustonen, Jüri Alperten and orchestras such as the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, Corelli Baroque Orchestra, NYYD Ensemble, Hortus Musicus, Pärnu City Orchestra. In autumn 2009, the choir celebrated their 10th anniversary with a jubilee concert. Conductor Risto Joost (b 1980) studied singing as well as choral and orchestral conducting at the Estonian Academy of Music, and received further training at the University for Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. He has participated in the conducting master classes of Neeme Järvi, Esa-Pekka Salonen, Eri Klas, Paul Mägi, Paul Hillier and several early music master classes in Denmark and Sweden. In 1999 Risto Joost founded the chamber choir Voces Musicales. Since 2000, Risto Joost has regularly participated in the Estonian Music Days and NYYD Festival, conducting approximately 50 première performances ranging from chamber music to symphonic repertoire. From 2001–2002, he was a singer in the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir. In 2002, he founded his own orchestra, Ensemble Voces Musicales, which is focused on performing Baroque and contemporary music. In spring 2008 Risto Joost graduated from the Royal College of Music in Stockholm majoring in orchestral conducting with Prof Jorma Panula. He has conducted the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Pärnu City Orchestra, Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, Tallinn Baroque Orchestra, Corelli Baroque Orchestra, Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra, Swedish Chamber Orchestra, Gävle Symphony Orchestra, Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra as well as the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, Estonian National Male Choir RAM, Swedish Radio Choir, State Choir Latvija, Ars Nova Copenhagen. Since autumn 2006 Risto Joost is the principal conductor of the Tallinn Music High School Symphony Orchestra. In June 2007 he made his debut in the Estonian National Opera conducting Erkki-Sven Tüür’s opera Wallenberg and in spring 2008 he conducted Mozart’s La Finta Giardiniera in co-operation with the opera studio of the Estonian Academy of Music. Since Sep 2009, Risto Joost is a conductor at the Estonian National Opera. From 2010–2011 the artistic adviser to Glasperlenspiel Festival. Tallinn Sinfonietta was established with the aim of performing symphonic repertoire written primarily in the 18th and 19th centuries and focusing on music from the classical and romantic periods. The orchestra’s debut concert was titled Mozart and his symphonies; with this concert series the orchestra strives to perform all the symphonies of W A Mozart. Tallinn Sinfonietta consists of young professional musicians who pursue active careers as soloists and chamber musicians, performing in Estonia as well as abroad. Arvo Pärt was born in Estonia on Sep 11th, 1935. His musical studies began in 1954 at the Tallinn Music Secondary School, interrupted less than a year later while he fulfilled his National Service obligation as oboist and drummer in an army band. He returned to school for a year before joining the Estonian Academy of Music in 1957, where his composition teacher was Prof Heino Eller. Pärt started work as a recording engineer with Estonian Radio, wrote music for the stage and received numerous commissions for film scores so that, by the time he graduated from the Academy of Music in 1963, he could already be considered a professional composer. He won 1st prize in the All-Union Young Composers’ Competition for the children’s cantata Our Garden and the oratorio Stride of the World. Living in the USSR, Pärt had little access to what was happening in contemporary Western music but, despite such isolation, the early 60s in Estonia saw many new methods of composition being brought into use and Pärt was at the fore front. His Nekrolog was the first Estonian composition to employ serial technique. He continued with serialism through to the mid 60s in the Symphony No 1, Symphony No 2 and Perpetuum Mobile, but ultimately tired of its rigours and moved on to experiment, in works such as Collage über BACH, with collage techniques. Official judgement of Pärt’s music veered between extremes, with certain works being praised and others, like the Credo of 1968, being banned. This would prove to be the last of his collage pieces and after its composition, Pärt chose to enter the first of several periods of contemplative silence, also using the time to study French and Franco-Flemish choral music from the 14th to 16th centuries: Machaut, Ockeghem, Obrecht, Josquin. At the beginning of the 70s, he wrote a few transitional compositions in the spirit of early European polyphony, like his Symphony No 3. Pärt turned again to self-imposed silence, but re-emerged in 1976 after a transformation so radical as to make his previous music almost unrecognizable as that of the same composer. The technique he invented, or discovered, and to which he has remained loyal, practically without exception, he calls tintinnabuli (‘little bells’), which he describes thus: “I have discovered that it is enough when a single note is beautifully played. This one note, or a silent beat, or a moment of silence, comforts me. I work with very few elements – with one voice, two voices. I build with primitive materials – with the triad, with one specific tonality. The three notes of a triad are like bells and that is why I call it tintinnabulation.” The basic guiding principle behind tintinnabulation of composing two simultaneous voices as one line – one voice moving stepwise from and to a central pitch, first up then down, and the other sounding the notes of the triad – made its first public appearance in the short piano piece Für Alina. Having found his voice, there was a subsequent rush of new works and three of the 1977 pieces – Fratres, Cantus in Memoriam Benjamin Britten, and Tabula Rasa – are still amongst his most highly regarded. As Pärt’s music began to be performed in the west and he continued to struggle against Soviet officialdom, his frustration ultimately forced him, his wife Nora and their two sons, to emigrate in 1980. They never made it to their intended destination of Israel but, with the assistance of his publisher in the West, settled firstly in Vienna. One year later he moved to Berlin. Pärt has concentrated on setting religious texts, which have proved popular with choirs and ensembles around the world. Among his champions in the West have been ECM Records who released the first recordings of Pärt’s music outside the Soviet bloc, Hilliard Ensemble who have premièred several of the vocal works, and Neeme Järvi who conducted the première of Credo in Tallinn in 1968, and has, as well as recording the tintinnabuli pieces, introduced Pärt’s earlier compositions through performances and recordings. Pärt’s achievements were honoured in his 61st year by his election to the American Academy of Arts and Letters. In May 2003, he also received the Contemporary Music Award at the Royal Albert Hall in London, and in May 2011, again in Royal Albert Hall won the Classic BRIT Award Composer of the Year 2011.
I don’t normally watch such movies, but I liked to watch something on the indie channel while eating my breakfast or drinking my morning coffee. And, this movie, Aeon Flux, came on after the movie Spectre, in which I watched the last hour. This Aeon Flux 2005 movie was directed by Karyn Kusama, as well as written by Phil Hay, Matt Manfredi, and Peter Chung. The only familiar actors in this film are Charlize Theron and Francis McDormand. At first glance, I was attracted to the modern little city, surrounded by a huge cemented wall for protection. But as I continued to watch the film, it reminded me of 1984, Hunger Games, and other dystopian futuristic societies. It was dark and controlled, but the residents were provided for and promised a good life if they don’t resist and keep their mouth shut. This high wall reminds me of the one in Zionist Israel, in which we know is controlled by Rothchild family, as well as the wall that Trump wants to build between USA and Mexico. The cinematography was cool and fun because everything was very modern and futuristic, taking place at a futuristic city in 2024. I enjoyed the cinematography because the scenes were like traveling into another world far away. It almost looked like scenes from Dubai because of the cool building shapes. Like any other futuristic dystopian movie, there was a cool monorail, which is really created to reduce driving cars and further control the public. But beyond and around this futuristic city with very high cemented walls is a huge jungle filled with animals because apparently, the animals have taken over that area. So, at first glance, this futuristic and circular-shaped city looks like a safe haven from others. But is it really? The names in the movie were interesting, such as this city was controlled by the Goodchild family, which reminds me of the Rothchild family. Coincidence? I think not. One character, a Goodchild member, is Oren Goodchild, which is similar to the Israeli Oren who always promoted Zionist Israel. Another character, played by Frances McDormand, is the”Handler.” Charlize Theron plays the main character, Aeon Flux, who is an assassin fighting to save a repressed city from the Zionist government. But Aeon Flux is more modern than Hunger Games’ Katniss Everdeen because Aeon wears a sleek black outfit, like the Catwoman, with a black modern asymmetrical bob. Her weapons and tools are modern gadgets, such as a long modern microchip on the inside of her lower arm, and other modern gadgets she uses to fight off others. She is also able to change her left eye into a huge dark pupil, which is a symbol for Satanism, and it is similar to the David Bowie different eyes—the right eyeball looks normal and the left eyeball looks overly dilated. The city is controlled by a Police State to keep the residents silent as they conform to the Goodchild society rules. There appears to be a lot of scientists, chemists, doctors, and gardeners in this film, which indicates they are doing all kinds of experiments to further alter genetics. For one thing, cloning is very common in this society, and it appears that Aeon, as well as others like her, are a form of transhumanism. The military appears to be involved in this Police State to control and repress the residents. One character in the movie is a Keeper, in which is similar to the Hunger Games' Peacekeepers to control its resident slaves. It is also mentioned in the film that residents often mysteriously disappear or are mysteriously murdered for some reason, which indicates that dark forces or a dark group are always controlling situations and the public. The music and film editing were good because it blended well with the futuristic scenes to create drama and suspense as Aeon enters various futuristic buildings with cool shapes and hidden modern rooms, in which some of these rooms appear to be underground. I enjoyed watching this science fiction film, mostly because of the cinematography, special effects, and visual effects. I also noticed at the end of the film that this movie was originally in 3D if you had seen it in the theater, and in my case, it would have been fun to watch in 3D since I was more interested in the cinematography and visual effects. Therefore, you get the idea about this film. For me, it was fun to watch visually because of the effects and cinematography, but the story was basically about the New World Order agenda, a futuristic dystopian and totalitarian society, and a repressed and silenced public who are constantly being watched 24/7 and they are always under control via “created fear.” Such movie plot is getting old because there are many similar movies out already, but with different actors and different scenes to make it appear like a different movie. Such movies are used to push certain ideas and a twisted agenda on the public so that idiots will start accepting this New World Order agenda as the normal and cool way of life. Such movies are also created to make the moronic people think that they need some form of protection from “created” terrorists so that idiots will want to live in a futuristic prison, fully controlled by the Zionist government, who are actually the real terrorists behind all the fictional and created terror worldwide. You can also watch the full movie on Youtube for free. I don’t normally watch such movies, but I liked to watch something on the indie channel while eating my breakfast or drinking my morning coffee. And, this movie, Aeon Flux, came on after the movie Spectre, in which I watched the last hour. This Aeon Flux 2005 movie was directed by Karyn Kusama, as well as written by Phil Hay, Matt Manfredi, and Peter Chung. The only familiar actors in this film are Charlize Theron and Francis McDormand. At first glance, I was attracted to the modern little city, surrounded by a huge cemented wall for protection. But as I continued to watch the film, it reminded me of 1984, Hunger Games, and other dystopian futuristic societies. It was dark and controlled, but the residents were provided for and promised a good life if they don’t resist and keep their mouth shut. This high wall reminds me of the one in Zionist Israel, in which we know is controlled by Rothchild family, as well as the wall that Trump wants to build between USA and Mexico. The cinematography was cool and fun because everything was very modern and futuristic, taking place at a futuristic city in 2024. I enjoyed the cinematography because the scenes were like traveling into another world far away. It almost looked like scenes from Dubai because of the cool building shapes. Like any other futuristic dystopian movie, there was a cool monorail, which is really created to reduce driving cars and further control the public. But beyond and around this futuristic city with very high cemented walls is a huge jungle filled with animals because apparently, the animals have taken over that area. So, at first glance, this futuristic and circular-shaped city looks like a safe haven from others. But is it really? The names in the movie were interesting, such as this city was controlled by the Goodchild family, which reminds me of the Rothchild family. Coincidence? I think not. One character, a Goodchild member, is Oren Goodchild, which is similar to the Israeli Oren who always promoted Zionist Israel. Another character, played by Frances McDormand, is the”Handler.” Charlize Theron plays the main character, Aeon Flux, who is an assassin fighting to save a repressed city from the Zionist government. But Aeon Flux is more modern than Hunger Games’ Katniss Everdeen because Aeon wears a sleek black outfit, like the Catwoman, with a black modern asymmetrical bob. Her weapons and tools are modern gadgets, such as a long modern microchip on the inside of her lower arm, and other modern gadgets she uses to fight off others. She is also able to change her left eye into a huge dark pupil, which is a symbol for Satanism, and it is similar to the David Bowie different eyes—the right eyeball looks normal and the left eyeball looks overly dilated. The city is controlled by a Police State to keep the residents silent as they conform to the Goodchild society rules. There appears to be a lot of scientists, chemists, doctors, and gardeners in this film, which indicates they are doing all kinds of experiments to further alter genetics. For one thing, cloning is very common in this society, and it appears that Aeon, as well as others like her, are a form of transhumanism. The military appears to be involved in this Police State to control and repress the residents. One character in the movie is a Keeper, in which is similar to the Hunger Games' Peacekeepers to control its resident slaves. It is also mentioned in the film that residents often mysteriously disappear or are mysteriously murdered for some reason, which indicates that dark forces or a dark group are always controlling situations and the public. The music and film editing were good because it blended well with the futuristic scenes to create drama and suspense as Aeon enters various futuristic buildings with cool shapes and hidden modern rooms, in which some of these rooms appear to be underground. I enjoyed watching this science fiction film, mostly because of the cinematography, special effects, and visual effects. I also noticed at the end of the film that this movie was originally in 3D if you had seen it in the theater, and in my case, it would have been fun to watch in 3D since I was more interested in the cinematography and visual effects. Therefore, you get the idea about this film. For me, it was fun to watch visually because of the effects and cinematography, but the story was basically about the New World Order agenda, a futuristic dystopian and totalitarian society, and a repressed and silenced public who are constantly being watched 24/7 and they are always under control via “created fear.” Such movie plot is getting old because there are many similar movies out already, but with different actors and different scenes to make it appear like a different movie. Such movies are used to push certain ideas and a twisted agenda on the public so that idiots will start accepting this New World Order agenda as the normal and cool way of life. Such movies are also created to make the moronic people think that they need some form of protection from “created” terrorists so that idiots will want to live in a futuristic prison, fully controlled by the Zionist government, who are actually the real terrorists behind all the fictional and created terror worldwide. You can also watch the full movie on Youtube for free. LiaF7 › I admire your capacity to watch a movie during breakfast. My brain is half asleep during breakfast. I am only at full function about 1 hour after I wake up. I admire your capacity to watch a movie during breakfast. My brain is half asleep during breakfast. I am only at full function about 1 hour after I wake up. fifileigh › i get restless easily, and i need to do something all the time, whether read, watch a movie, or meditate. i get restless easily, and i need to do something all the time, whether read, watch a movie, or meditate.
Donald Lawrence Keene (born June 6, 1922 in New York City) is a noted Japanologist, scholar, teacher, writer, translator and interpreter of Japanese literature and culture. Keene is currently University Professor Emeritus and Shincho Professor Emeritus of Japanese Literature at Columbia University, where he has taught for over fifty years. Keene has published about 25 books in English on Japanese topics, including both studies of Japanese literature and culture and translations of Japanese classical and modern literature, including a four-volume history of Japanese literature. Keene has also published about 30 books in Japanese (some translated from English). Keene is the president of the Donald Keene Foundation for Japanese Culture. Perhaps no one is more qualified to write about Japanese culture than Donald Keene, considered the leading interpreter of that nation's literature to the Western world. The author, editor, or translator of nearly three dozen books of criticism and works of literature, Keene now offers an enjoyable and beautifully written introduction to traditional Japanese culture for the general reader. The book acquaints the reader with Japanese aesthetics, poetry, fiction, and theater, and offers Keene's appreciations of these topics. Based on lectures given at the New York Public Library, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the University of California, Los Angeles, the essays - though written by a renowned scholar- presuppose no knowledge of Japanese culture. Keene's deep learning, in fact, enables him to construct an overview as delightful to read as it is informative. His insights often illuminate aspects of traditional Japanese culture that endure today. One of these is the appreciation of "perishability." this appreciation os seen in countless little bits of Japanese life: in temples made of wood instead of durable materials; in the preference for objects -such as pottery- that are worn, broken, or used rather than new; and in the national love of the delicate cherry blossom, which normally falls after a brief three days of flowering. Keene quotes the fourteenth-century Buddhist monk Kenko, who wrote that "the most precious thing about life is its uncertainty." Throughout the volume, Keene demonstrates that the rich artistic and social traditions of Japan can indeed be understood by readers from our culture. This book will enlighten anyone interested in Japanese literature and culture. Wednesday evening, January 30, 2008 I attended a presentation at the Japan Society in New York City, given by Donald Keene, University Professor Emeritus and Shincho Professor Emeritus at Columbia University. Among his accomplishments are the publishing of approximately 25 books in English, including a four-volume history of Japanese literature; and approximately 30 books in Japanese, some original and some translated from English. "Professor Keene's 'Meiji Tenno' (Shinchosha, 2001; translated by Yukio Kakuchi) a biography of the Meiji Emperor, recently won the 56th Mainichi Shuppan Culture Prize." "In the autumn of 2002, Professor Keene was awarded one of Japan's highest honors, the title 'Person of Cultural Merit' (Bunka Koro-sha), for his distinguished service in the promotion of Japanese literature and culture. Keene is only the third non-Japanese to be designated this honor. He is also the recipient of the Kikuchi Kan Prize of the Soceity for the Advancement of Japanese Culture (1962); the Order of the Rising Sun, Second Class (1993) and Third Class (1975); the Japan Foundation Prize (1983); the Yomiuri Shimbun Prize (1985); the Shincho Grand Literary Prize (1985); the Tokyo Metropolitan Prize (1998); the Radio and Television Culture Prize (1993); and the Asahi Prize (1998)." Professor Keene began his talk by stating that he is 85 years old. [He maintains a head of dark, thinning hair with gray around the edges.] He related several anecdotes from his life to illustrate his contention that the path his life has taken has been more of an accident, at least near the beginning, than a purposeful plan. In 1939, as a freshman at Columbia University, he sat next to a fellow student who was Chinese in a class taught by Mark Van Doren [Pulitzer Prize-winning poet and critic]. After a while of sitting next to each other four days a week, they became friends. Eventually Professor Keened asked his friend if the friend would teach him Chinese. So they ate a $0.25 lunch every day at an Asian restaurant on Broadway near the university; a restuarant that finally closed only about ten years ago. The Chinese friend began teaching him Chinese characters out of a contemporary Chinese novel, which Prof. Keene said later gave him a headstart in learning Japanese. However, the friend didn't teach him Chinese pronunciation. Prof. Keene said this was because his friend didn't speak Mandarin, but rather Cantonese, and was embarrassed about that. Prof. Keene said that 1940, his sophomore year, was the worst year of his life, mostly because of the war news from Europe. But it also was the year that began to shape his interest in Japan. He found, in a bookstore in the Astor Hotel in Times Square, the remaindered two-volume Tale of Genji translated by Arthur Waley, and bought it for $0.49. In 1941 he took a class called "Readings in Japanese Thought," taught by Professor Tsunota Yusaku. Prof. Keene was the only student in the class. He asked Prof. Tsunota if he was going to cancel the class, but Prof. Tsunota said, "One is enough." But the class abruptly ended shortly after December 7 of that year. Professor Tsunota was accused of being a spy because, according to Prof. Keene, he was known to take long walks without a dog. Therefore he was thought to be a spy. He was interred in an internment camp for the duration of the war. Prof. Keene then volunteered for the Navy Japanese language school, and after 11 months of immersion in the Japanese language, he was stationed in Hawaii, where he translated documents and served as a translator in the interrogation of Japanese prisoners, among other things. and Persian. When he got there, the teachers of Arabic and Persian asked him how long he was planning on staying. When he said a year, they said, goodbye. He ended up staying for five years anyway, teaching Japanese. The text that was being used to teach beginning Japanese at that time was the preface to the Kokinshu, because it was written in mostly simple characters and had easy grammar. Prof. Keene then went on to discuss his lifelong interest in Japanese literature and culture. He said that as a scholar, he doesn't "plunge deeply" into one particular area, but "goes from flower to flower." He feels that this character trait of his has served him well, although he acknowledges it does open him to the charge of being superficial. Prof. Keene said that one change from his first visit to Japan in the late 1950s to now, is that there seems to be a break with tradition among the young Japanese people. On his first visit, he said that Japanese literature was being extensively taught at the university level; today, there is hardly any teaching of it. He said that Japanese young people today have more in common with young people around the world than with their own cultural heritage. In order to feel an active part of Japanese culture, he first thought to study a Japanese musical instrument, but his lack of musical aptitude quickly dissuaded him from doing that. So on what sounds like a whim, he studied Kyoogen acting, which is farcical in nature. It tried his patience, since his teacher would make him repeat a single phrase over and over until the teacher was satisfied with how he said it, and the teacher would tell him, when he was supposed to pick something up, he was only to use TWO fingers, etc. But Prof. Keene said he enjoyed the experience. In answer to a question, Prof. Keene said that the translation of his that he is most satisfied with is his translation of Kenko's Essays in Idleness. Unlike other translations, where he feels that he could have made improvments, he feels he achieved "the right voice" with Essays in Idleness. He translated it while living in Japan during the rainy season, and he said that as a result, there wasn't much else to do. In answer to another question, he said he feels that literal translations, have, on the whole, failed. He says that he most enjoys reading translations in English that sound beautiful in English, and stand as independent works in English. He went on to say that even though Arthur Waley, in his translation of The Tale of Genji, left things out and even added things in that aren't in the original, he finds it to be a beautifully written work in English, and hopes it doesn't disappear as a work of English literature. One questioner who is Japanese (speaking English with an accent) said that she is disturbed by how poorly students in Japan speak and write Japanese these days. She mentioned she was involved in translating tanka and haiku written by Japanese prisoners of war during WWII, and although many of them were common foot soldiers, with farming backgrounds, etc., and often had no more than a fourth or sixth grade education, they nevertheless wrote beautiful tanka and haiku. She said the Japanese they wrote back then, with limited education, was better than many, more educated, students write today. Prof. Keene replied that he understood her point, but he said you can't stop a language from changing, and that there will probably end up being a compromise between traditional Japanese language and the Japanese currently being used by young Japanese people, resulting in a new version of Japanese. He implied this prospect didn't trouble him. At one point, in answering a question about the Japanese author Kobo Abe, Prof. Keene said that although Abe's reputation is in decline at the moment, he expects that it will rise again. Prof. Keene said he developed a genuine friendship with Kobo Abe, and he thinks Abe was an extraordinary human being. Prof. Keene's current project is a book about the changes in Japanese society that took place during WWII and afterward. He is consulting diaries, some written by people he met and knew after the war. Thus ended an enjoyable talk. "I sometimes think that if, as the result of an accident, I were to lose my knowledge of Japanese, there would not be much left for me. Japanese, which at first had no connection with my ancestors, my literary tastes, or my awareness of myself as a person, has become the central element of my life." "While a translation can always be disputed, it is the illustrations that make this book worth the having." Then came the great earthquake on March 2011. . Mr. Keene's noble decision . Keene told reporters in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, on Wednesday that he shuddered when watching the March 11th tsunami on TV. He said that during his stay in the region, he wants to see what escaped destruction and how survivors are living rather than what the tsunami has swept away. . A Miracle will happen . Prominent Japanese literature scholar Donald Keene has been granted Japanese nationality. The 89-year-old professor emeritus of New York's Columbia University was welcomed by applauding officials on Thursday at an office of Tokyo's Kita Ward, where he lives. Keene decided to reside in Japan permanently after the March 11th disaster. He said at a news conference that he was very excited when he was told the news by Japanese authorities earlier in the day. He said he wants to take part in activities in Japan not as a foreign guest but as a citizen, and that his writing may have a different tone from now on. Keene also showed the Japanese version of his name, written using characters also used for the Kinugawa River in Tochigi Prefecture and the Naruto Strait in the Seto Inland Sea. Japanese characters used for his name evokes the images of Japan's natural beauty. Donald Keene, one of the world's most renowned scholars of Japanese literature, said during an event held in Tokyo on March 20 that he believes that Japan's northeast will recover from the Great East Japan Earthquake and be reborn as a beautiful region. At the opening of the lecture held at Nihonbashi Muromachi Nomura Building in Tokyo, Kaoru Matsushita, MC of the event, introduced Keene to the audience of 250, who had been selected by lottery from some 1,000 applicants. "As you may all know, Professor Keene has recently become a Japanese citizen," Matsushita said. "The Justice Ministry approved the request and Professor Keene obtained Japanese nationality on March 8." To a huge round of applause, Keene, Professor Emeritus of Columbia University, then appeared and gave a lecture titled "Scenery of Tohoku — 'Oku no Hosomichi' ('The Narrow Road to Oku')." During the lecture Keene talked about Tohoku and "Oku no Hosomichi," the famous journal of travel in the region by Matsu Basho (1644-1694), one of Japan's greatest haiku poets. "I am sure that the beauty of Tohoku will be revived. Absolutely," Keene said in fluent Japanese. "But I think it will not be possible for everyone to construct whatever buildings they want. I hope Tohoku residents will consult experts in order to create the most beautiful, the most Japanese and the most Tohoku-like towns in the region." The 90-year-old scholar said he had read "Oku no Hosomichi," which consists of essays and haiku on various scenic sites in Tohoku, for the first time in 1946. Around that time, Keene had begun to study at the graduate school of Columbia University after serving in the U.S. Navy as a translator and interpreter of English and Japanese during World War II. "Since then, I read 'Oku no Hosomichi' a number of times, and used the book as a textbook at university," Keene said. "By reading the book, I learned how difficult Basho's writing was, while at the same time discovering its attraction. Whenever I found difficult sentences, their meanings had depth and the expressions were beautiful." To follow Basho's journey through Tohoku, Keene traveled to the region in 1955 while he was studying by scholarship at Kyoto University. "I wished to go to Japan and make the same journey as Basho. I hoped I could visit the same places Basho had visited. Maybe, I thought, I wanted to make haiku, too." Keene recalled his visit to Sendai, maintaining that he had heard Sendai City had been completely destroyed by U.S. bombings during WWII. However, Keene found the city still standing and was able to visit the sites to which Basho had been, including Hachimangu Shrine and Yakushido (the Hall of the Healing Buddha). "At that time, I was fascinated by the town of Sendai. Several years later, I taught at Tohoku University for half a year, and I enjoyed a lot of Sendai's attractions. The university is located on the top of a hill, and I loved walking the avenue from the university to (Sendai) station. I loved the town, which has a lot of trees." When the massive earthquake and tsunami hit Tohoku on March 11 last year, Keene said he was at his home in New York and was shocked by news of the disaster. To express his grief then, Keene referred to a famous verse by Chinese poet Du Fu (712-770), who had been revered by Basho. The theme of the verse is the defeat of the Tang Dynasty by the Yan Dynasty in China. "After the great earthquake last year, I could no longer believe the meaning of the words in the verse by Du Fu: 'The country lies in ruin after the war, but mountains and rivers remain.' Today we can say the opposite: 'The country remains, but mountains and rivers do not." However, Keene said in a delighted tone that he has heard a lot of details about the reconstruction efforts taking place in Tohoku. As an example, Keene noted the city of Higashi Matsushima, one of the most severely hit towns in Miyagi Prefecture. "The schools in the city were also damaged. But the residents of the town began to rebuild their community, according to my friend, C.W. Nicol, who called me yesterday and talked about the effort," Keene said. He explained that Nicol, a naturalist based in Kurohime, Nagano Prefecture and a Japan Times columnist, had told him that residents in Higashi Matsushima had recently started constructing a wooden school building. "It will be a part of a community where residents can enjoy life among the trees. I believe the region of Matsushima will be reconstructed and be a beautiful place," said Keene. At the ending of the lecture, Keene talked about Chusonji Temple in Iwate Prefecture, which he feels is the most beautiful place in Japan and which fortunately did not suffer any major damage in the disaster. Keene visited the temple in September, and gave a speech complementing the temple to an audience that included people whose homes were damaged in the earthquake and tsunami. After the talk, a member of the audience, an old lady whom Keene had never seen before, stood and approached him, Keene said. "She shook hands with me and I was moved," Keene said. "I felt our handshake symbolized my lifelong bond with Japan. I felt deep gratitude for Japan and I hope Chusonji Temple never changes." After the lecture in Tokyo, Yuki Suzuki, a member of the audience, said he was impressed by Keene's deep understanding of Japanese culture, adding that when he heard news of Keene's intention to change his nationality to Japanese, he was touched. "Right after the earthquake and the nuclear disaster at Fukushima, many foreign residents in Japan left the country," said the 35-year-old care worker for the disabled. "But at that time, Keene decided to live in Japan permanently. I was so moved." Shortly after the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, the prominent scholar in Japanese literary and intellectual circles, Dr. Donald Keene retired from Columbia University and moved to the wounded nation permanently. Later, he gave up his American citizenship and became a citizen of Japan this year. Dr. Keene is one of few scholars awarded by the emperor one of Japan’s highest honors for his contributions to Japanese literature and befriended by Japan’s most celebrated novelists. My first encounter with Dr. Keene is through reading his influential book on Japanese literature, World Within Walls: Japanese Literature of the Pre-Modern Era, 1600-1867, which helped me to write an essay on Yosa Buson and the Basho Revival. but so lively and full of energy and enthusiasm. Full of ideas for new projects. Keene is working on a translation of Takuboku's Rōmaji nikki. They talked about their meetings with famous literati and then about our present time. He was able to bring a white stone offering to the new Ise Shrine this year during the renewal ceremonies in Ise. This is the fourth time he could attend the ceremony in his long life. Every 20 years, new ideas sprout in Japan and then fade away . . . Matsuo Basho had also been able to attend this ceremony after coming back from his trip to "Oku no Hosomichi". The Olympics should not be held now, since they only take away monen and menpower from Tohoku (both have strong ties to Tohoku). The new laws about secrecy and freedom of the press will bring Japan back to the pre-war conditions . . . and they are both worried. . Setouchi Jakuchoo 瀬戸内寂聴 Setouchi Jakucho . . fueki ryuukoo 不易流行 Fueki Ryuko - and Matsuo Basho . Nihon o shinjiru 日本を、信じる Let us believe in Japan! So few teaching opportunities existed for a young Japan scholar in late 1940s America that a professor suggested he teach Greek instead. Donald Keene persevered, arriving in the ancient Imperial capital of Kyoto in 1953 to do research. Lucky too, he says, because it was a time when few foreigners spoke Japanese, so he easily gained introductions to well-known people. Writer Yukio Mishima was a friend. From those beginnings he counts about 25 books in English and 30 in Japanese and more than six decades of teaching. He’s considered a giant in the field he helped build, translation and Japanese literature. His life has become so intertwined with Japan that he has decided to spend his remaining years here, becoming a Japanese citizen in 2012. Though his memory isn’t what it once was, the longtime Columbia University professor remains active. He becomes animated when talking, his eyes gleaming in a way that conveys an earnest interest in the subject. His latest book — about the early 20th-century poet Takuboku Ishikawa — will be published in Japanese in February, and he hopes an English edition will follow later in 2016. His decision to settle in Japan in 2011, at a time when many foreigners were fleeing because of the meltdowns at the Fukushima nuclear plant, made him something of a hero in Japan, where he had already been widely honored by the government and others for his scholarly work. As a university student in 1940, Keene came across a copy of “The Tale of Genji,” an 11th-century Japanese classic, in a New York bookshop. It changed his life. The two-volume translation by Englishman Arthur Waley seemed a bargain at 49 cents, Keene wrote in a 2008 memoir. It has since been translated three more times, but never by Keene. He learned Japanese in U.S. Navy language school and interrogated Japanese prisoners in Okinawa during World War II. Keene sees a declining interest today in traditional Japanese arts. He senses that Japan’s best minds gravitate toward science in a modern, more materialistic world. . Japanese Literature, Books about Japan . - - - Join the discussion on facebook ! much richness within its compact frame. Although she is ill and infirm, that didn't stop 93-year-old Jakucho Setouchi from rushing from Kyoto to Tokyo at the last minute to join protests against the Abe administration's new national security legislation. The Buddhist-monk novelist is one of the decreasing number of people left in Japan who lived through World War II. She joined the protests near the Diet building on June 18, rising from her wheelchair to deliver a passionate rebuke to the government's plans and insisting they will lead the country into another war. Setouchi is a member of one of the many civic groups protesting the controversial legislation, which would allow the Japanese Self-Defense Forces to use force overseas to support an ally--a sweeping shift in the nation’s defense policy. Setouchi talked about her own experiences of war during her five-minute speech slamming the new legislation. Protesters at the demonstration responded by applauding her commitment to peace. “People of my generation have shown varying degrees of interest (in the new security legislation). I would like them to take this fight to heart and take action like Jakucho,” said a 32-year-old company employee from Kawasaki. Kan Kamei, a third-year high-school student from Funabashi, Chiba Prefecture, said a speech made by a person who experienced the war resonated with him. “It was really convincing because she is a person who went through a war and made an appeal in a society where most people have no experience of war,” he said. The author came to Tokyo on the spur of the moment, deciding to join the demonstrators just two days before. She was hospitalized in May last year for a compressed spinal fracture. She also underwent surgery for gallbladder cancer in September. Her commitment to peace is well known due to her being an author and a monk and for having experienced World War II. She lost her grandfather and mother in U.S. air raids on Japan. She went on a hunger strike in protesting the 1991 Gulf War. Later, she traveled to Iraq to offer relief aid such as milk and medicine to war victims. Setouchi also went without food to protest the war in Afghanistan following the 2001 terror attacks on the United States, and also put her name to a petition in a newspaper ad condemning the 2003 Iraq War.
As most of the visible Universe is Hydrogen, the emission line for Hydrogen-Alpha is particularly prominent. Astrophotographers producing monochrome narrowband images always choose Hydrogen-Alpha as a result. In the most part however, those pursuing narrowband imaging tend to capture images through multiple narrowband filters. These include Hydrogen-Alpha, Hydrogen-Beta, Nitrogen-II, Sulphur-II and Oxygen-III. The most popular of these are Hydrogen-Alpha, Sulphur-II and Oxygen-III, as these can be used to produce colour images of the likes produced by the Hubble Space Telescope, using the popular Hubble Palette. This tutorial is dedicated precisely to this palette and the variety in colour that one can really achieve using this palette. As with all colour narrowband images, astrophotographers exercise an artistic license when it comes to the final colour representation in their images. This tutorial explores various popular choices within the Hubble Palette​. Please note that due to strong similarities to the other narrowband tutorial, this one has some text in the first section that has been copied over. The above three autostretched images correspond to Hydrogen-Alpha (left), Oxygen-III (middle) and Sulphur-II ​(right). They have been fully pre-processed, have been registered with each other, have had background gradients removed with DynamicBackgroundExtraction and have been noise reduced with MultiscaleLinearTransform​. As aforementioned, in order to get the most out of colour combining these images, it is best they are stretched to non-linear. Since this is the subject of another tutorial, the procedure covering stretching the images to non-linear will not be covered in detail. I generally use either HistogramTransformation or MaskedStretch, or a combination of both (first MaskedStretch and then HistogramTransformation to tweak). ​​​Having used the same settings in MaskedStretch (besides the Background reference image referring to each image's own background preview box), the background has been raised to the same brightness in both images. The trouble is that naturally, the Oxygen-III and Sulphur-II images' nebulosity is also less bright than Hydrogen-Alpha's and this means it will contribute less to the colour combination. Though the final colour image can be tweaked significantly, if you are unhappy with the overall contribution from Oxygen-III and Sulphur-II, you can stretch them further using HistogramTransformation until you are happy. The Mean and Median pixel values for each image can be seen quickly using the Statistics process, selecting each image one by one. This can give you an idea of just how much brighter one image is over another. As is naturally the case for the vast majority of nebulae, the overall brightness is highest in Hydrogen-Alpha and lowest in Sulphur-II, with Oxygen-III being a bit in the middle. ​Nevertheless, in this particular case, all three images have comparable brightness and can contribute fairly toward a colour image. However, should you want to brighten one or more images, there are several options at hand. For manual tweaking, one can use HistogramTransformation or CurvesTransformation. Before starting to use either process, click to select the image you wish to tweak. For HistogramTransformation, one only needs to select the image in the process window, click the Real-Time Preview button and start moving the mid-tones slider to the left and the black-point slider to the right, until you achieve the desired level of contrast in the image. Small tweaks are generally good at this stage (since the images are already non-linear) and fairly comparable. ​Either method is good for manually tweaking the image's overall brightness and contrast. You can use the Statistics process to check how they compare against each other after some tweaking, and perhaps use this measure to control how much you tweak each image. PixInsight has a process that can be used to equalise the images. This process is LinearFit. Despite its name, it works for both linear and non-linear images. Ironically it works slightly more effectively with non-linear images if what you want to achieve is essentially the same Mean and Median pixel values on your images. The LinearFit process is very simple. Simply select one of your images as the reference to match the others to and then apply the process to the other images. ​The one thing to be careful about when using LinearFit is that if your less bright images are significantly less bright than the brightest image that you happen to use as reference, it will produce a very noticeable brightness increase to the images you apply the process to. This may sound great but if your images are not very bright, it likely means you have low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and therefore it will increase the level of noise as well. This will also brighten the background, giving your colour image a non-neutral background likely full of noise. One way around this, which is not necessarily ideal, is to use a lower brightness image as reference. This may not be ideal because it will essentially dampen the contrast on your higher brightness image(s) (e.g. Hydrogen-Alpha), which tend to provide much of the detail. ​As my images already have fairly comparable Mean and Median pixel values to start with, I simply applied LinearFit to Oxygen-III and Sulphur-II using Hydrogen-Alpha as my reference image. With the background and noise levels still under control, I opt to not tweak the brightness any further on any of the three images and proceed to colour-combine. ​Once selected, we click the circle Apply Global​ button to produce the new, colour image. With the colour image produced, we can close the three monochrome narrowband images and the ChannelCombination process. Though the background in the image is fairly neutral, it is always a good idea to neutralise it manually. ​For this, we will use the BackgroundNeutralization process but we first need to create a small preview box encompassing an area that is essentially background (not nebulosity, not even faint). You can zoom in and pan around your image to identify such an area (it need not be very big). Once identified, click the New Preview Mode button on the PixInsight toolbar and drag to create said preview box in the background region identified. ​With the preview box created, because the image is non-linear, we will need to measure the maximum level found in the background. This is most accurately done using the Statistics process. In it, we can specifically select the preview box itself. It is best to then select Normalized Real [0,1] mode so that the values displayed are from 0 to 1 rather than pixel values. We simply need the value under maximum​. Looking at the values shown on maximum, it seems mine are 0.194 for Red, 0.175 for Green and 0.196 for Blue. We need not be exact as it is best to round up a bit so we will use 0.2. ​We now close the Statistics process and open the BackgroundNeutralization process. Here, we select the preview box as the Reference image, increase Upper limit to our maximum of 0.2 and then apply the process to the image. The BackgroundNeutralization process can now be closed and the preview box can be deleted by going through the PixInsight menus Preview -> Delete All. At this point we have a traditional Hubble Palette image. It is predominantly green because the Hydrogen-Alpha signal tends to be so much stronger than Oxygen-III and Sulphur-II. Most of the stars are also magenta. If you are a purist and the Hubble Palette is truly what you want to achieve, you can now continue post-processing the image as normal as the colour-combination is done. A lot of astrophotographers however, make changes to the palette after colour-combining. Some changes made are subtle and some are very pronounced. A common palette change is to make the blues deeper and change the greens to reds/oranges. It is also common to alter the star colours to remove their magenta tone. The following sections deal with these common changes. To reduce the stars' magenta tone, we first need to select the problematic areas of our image. Thankfully, we have the ColorMask script we can use to quickly target these areas. This script is found under the menus Script -> Utilities -> ColorMask. Once the script is opened with your colour image selected, click the Magenta button and set Mask blur: layers to remove to 2 (this will smooth the mask a little bit), then click OK​. The mask image produced is one that specifically targets areas of the image with a magenta tone. Sometimes however, there is a small halo around stars left out of the mask image, so it is generally a good idea to dilate the mask a little bit in order to include these areas. For this, we will use the MorphologicalTransformation​ process. ​Once open, select Morphological Selection under Operator, set Selection to 0.90, select 5 (25 elements) under Size and then click the black squares under Structuring Element to give it a kind of star shape (as shown below). If you make a mistake, hold the CTRL key and click a white square to turn it black. Worthy of note at this point is that Morphological Selection is a combination of dilation and erosion, producing a smooth result than using just one of those. Increasing Selection above 0.50 will dilate more than erode and decreasing Selection below 0.50 will erode more than dilate. We wish to dilate so 0.90 works well. Once set as above, apply the process to the mask image and close the process window. The mask image can now be applied to our image. To do this, click to select the colour image and then go to the menus Mask -> Select Mask (or press CTRL M on your keyboard). Select the mask image from the list and click OK. Once applied, your colour image will likely turn almost completely red. This shows the mask is protecting everything except the magenta areas. We can hide the mask through the menus Mask -> Show Mask (or press CTRL K on your keyboard). This will keep the mask active but hidden so we can actually see our image. To reduce the colour saturation on magenta, we simply click the flat line to create a point in the middle of the purples and drag this point down. You will notice adjacent areas on the flat line curve downwards as well, but we need these colours to stay unaltered. To prevent these colours on the spectrum being altered as well, we click to create more points in order to flatten the curve everywhere except around the purples. The procedure is to first create a point on either side of the purples (the start and end, so to speak) and then if the rest of the line is still not flat, click to create points there (above/below the peaks) as well to flatten it. Flattening the line completely is difficult using a mouse or trackpad, so you can simply use the left and right arrow buttons on the ColorSaturation window to select each point individually and set Saturation to 0.00000 on all those points that are meant to flatten the line. Above, I have selected the point to reduce the purples' colour saturation and manually set its value to -1.00000. Once set up as above, we can apply the process to the colour image. I tend to apply this three times or so. Below we can see the before (top image) and after (bottom image) for an area with lots of magenta stars. The difference in the strength of the magenta tone of the stars is very noticeable. Of course, it can be reduced further by being more aggressive on ​ColorSaturation with the value on Saturation on the purples, or by applying the process a few more times, or by ensuring the mask image is a bit more dilated to encompass larger areas around your stars. What I normally do not recommend doing is using the CurvesTransformation process in Saturation mode to strongly reduce all colour saturation in selected magenta areas. The reason for this is that the mask image tends to select areas of your image that do not look magenta but have some magenta in them (in my case, the core of the nebula). As you can imagine, removing all colour saturation in these areas is not going to produce a very pleasing result. Because of this, I always use the ColorSaturation process as described above instead. Once happy with the result, we can close the ColorSaturation process and remove the mask image using the menus Mask -> Remove Mask and then close the mask image without saving as we no longer need it. Again, if you are a purist with the Hubble Palette and would like to keep the colour palette as it is, with the reduced magenta tone on the stars, then ​​​you are done at this point. However, it is common for astrophotographers to take their own artistic license with the Hubble Palette and make changes to the colour palette. This is covered in detail in the next section. ​Arguably, Photoshop's Selective Color tool ​is actually faster at performing the colour palette changes, but because this is a PixInsight tutorial, we will concentrate on how to do it there. I must admit however that at times, I have saved the colour-combined image as a 16-bit TIFF, opened it in Photoshop, made the colour palette changes, saved and then re-opened in PixInsight​ to continue post-processing. The tools we will use in PixInsight are the CurvesTransformation and SCNR processes. A typical Hubble Palette version is one that is orange and blue, sometimes with hints of green. The SCNR process can be used to reach this point immediately, though not with as good results as we can reach with some more effort. ​To quickly reach an orange-blue palette, we can simply use default settings on SCNR. That is, with Green selected as Colour to remove, with Average Neutral as Protection method, with 1.00 as Amount and Preserve lightness enabled. Amount set to 1.00 ensures that the end result is the completely the processed image (e.g. if we set 0.50, the end result would be a combination of half the original image and half the processed image). Preserve lightness is important to leave enabled as otherwise the green areas will become extremely washed out. Though your end result from this may be pleasing and you may be happy to proceed with further post-processing, we can actually achieve a brighter and more detailed end result from using CurvesTransformation. SCNR, in its Average Neutral mode, will calculate an average of the Red and Blue values of pixels and replace Green pixels with this average if the average of Red and Blue is lower than the Green. This is mostly visible in predominantly green areas of your image, and therefore these green areas are replaced with an average of the red and blue present in those areas, which because green is the dominant (brighter) colour, ends up making the image look a little washed out in previously green areas. We will use CurvesTransformation in Hue mode to shift colours closer to what we would like to achieve, thus altering the pixel values to a point that the green areas are more red and blue than before application. This means that when we apply SCNR later, the effect of washing out the image in predominantly green areas is less destructive. Enabling the Real-Time Preview window is a good idea while tweaking. ​​To get closer to the orange-blue palette we want, we simply click to create two points on the Hue curve. The precise location of these two points varies from image to image but I find that roughly where they are shown below is a good compromise for most images. The hue shift generated by creating these two points on the Hue curve has the effect of making the reds and blues more intense, while de-emphasising ​the greens a little. It ends up giving the image more of a tri-colour palette, which you may indeed prefer to end with as-is. Once happy, apply changes and close the Real-Time Preview​ window. ​If you are happy with your image, you may stop here and continue with other post-processing. We can however tweak the amount of green in the image using SCNR as we did before. If you are happy with removing all traces of green from the image, you can simply apply SCNR precisely as we did before - in its default settings with Amount set to 1.00​. Indeed this is significantly better than by just using SCNR without using CurvesTransformation​ prior. ​Below is a comparison of the original attempt at using SCNR and the new attempt above (CurvesTransformation followed by SCNR​). The left image is the original attempt and the right image is the new attempt. There is a very noticeable increase in brightness, detail and depth, making the use of a CurvesTransformation hue shift prior to application of SCNR a definite choice. ​Of course, if you choose to leave some green in the image, you may lower Amount in SCNR for its application. For example, a value of Amount of 0.50​ leads to the following result. ​For fans of a tri-colour Hubble Palette that prioritises orange-blue, this is a good choice. Experimentation with different values of Amount is key to achieving the desired result at this point. The higher the value of Amount​, the less green there will be in your image. One may also choose to then play with a smaller hue shift to tweak the modified colour palette to perfection​. For example, to deepen the blues a little bit, one can perform a small hue shift as follows. ​This involves creating points along the hue curve that ensures the line is straight except a little bump is produced half-way up that curves the line upwards, only a little. This pushes the light blue to a darker tone. The same hue shift can be applied to an image without any green. When you have reached a point that you are happy with your Hubble Palette image, you can then proceed to perform all other post-processing you may want, such as feature and contrast enhancements. These techniques are all subjects of other tutorials.
Cosmetic dentistry gives an experienced cosmetic dentist the ability to transform any smile from ordinary to extraordinary. Porcelain veneers can be a major component in that transformation. Unfortunately, not every patient who wants porcelain veneers is a good candidate for them. Below you will find what is needed to be a good candidate for porcelain veneers. -Desire For A Beautiful Smile. when one desires a change, especially one requiring a financial investment, they are usually open to being diligent to maintaining it. If the porcelain veneers are not cared for they will break down overtime. Regular dental examinations, professional cleanings, and excellent homecare are an integral part of keeping your smile transformation. -Healthy Teeth And Gums. If extensive tooth decay, fractured teeth, or periodontal disease are present, you will not be considered a good candidate for porcelain veneers. A stable platform is needed for porcelain veneers. The mouth needs to be in a healthy, stable state to allow porcelain veneers to be considered an option. You will need a full dental evaluation to assess your dental health. If your mouth is unhealthy, it is best to avoid porcelain veneers due to the high liklihood of failure. -Alignment Of Teeth. Severely misaligned teeth will cause issues with preparation of teeth for porcelain veneers. Most dentists try to be quite conservative when removing natural tooth structure. If the teeth are too far out of alignment it means more tooth structure will need to be removed to accomodate the spacing. Removing too much tooth structure can lead to tooth sensitivity and even nerve exposure (requiring root canal therapy). For teeth that are severely misaligned, invisalign, 6 month smile, or traditional orthodontics may be needed to bring them into better alignment. -Sufficient Tooth Enamel Present. Tooth enamel is needed for the porcelain veneers to bond to your teeth. If the tooth is severely worn down or damaged, porcelain veneers will not bond well and may not be a good option for you. In this case a full crown may be a better option. -Tooth Color. In general, veneers look best when they are thin and translucent. If you have severely stained teeth (developmental dentin staining, tetracycline staining, root canal staining), it is usually best to whiten your teeth prior to veneers. Blockout of color is possible, but doesn’t look as natural. -Gum Tissue Alignment. Proper gum contours are necessary to proper tooth shaping of veneers. If the gum heights are out of proportion, they will need to be recontoured with a gingivectomy procedure prior to veneer placement. - Oral Habits: Nail Biting, Teeth Clenching/Grinding (Bruxism). Severe teeth clenchers or teeth grinders are not good candidates for porcelain veneers. Veneers are not able to handle the powerful stresses put forth by grinding and clenching. If a patient only grinds their teeth at night then it is possible to still complete porcelain veneers but only with the use of a night guard at night. Other oral habits such as, biting nails, chewing on pens, opening packages with your teeth, etc. will also cause damage to veneers and may cause them to fail. Porcelain veneers when done on the right individual can change a persons smile dramatically. It is important to remember that veneers are not right for every situation. Be sure to have a thorough evaluation by your dentist to see if your cosmetic options may include porcelain veneers. Why do teeth change color? Our teeth can stain and darken over time for many reasons. In many instances, yellowing of the teeth comes with age, staining of the enamel, and the accumulation of plaque on the teeth due to poor dental hygiene. Whatever the cause, most people prefer whiter teeth as they as a sign of health and youth. What Causes Yellowing Of Teeth? Yellowing of teeth is due to many factors. It is different for each individual. For some, it might start with one or two teeth while, for others, it might be more pronounced. The entire tooth may not discolor in the traditional sense, either. Some teeth may exhibit spotting, pitting, or streaks of white or yellow. Luckily, the initial yellowing of teeth does not generally cause pain or discomfort. What it can cause is a person being self conscious and trying to hide their smile. There are certain factors involved with the changes in tooth color. -Staining. Also referred to as yellowing. The enamel of the teeth yellow or darken due to staining from coffee, red wine, soda, tobacco, and other foods and drink. - Thin and discolored enamel. Sometimes, thin enamel is genetic, or discolored because of issues during tooth development. Over exposure to high amounts of minerals in water or tetracycline use during tooth development as a child can cause gray or mottled looking teeth. Fevers during tooth development can also cause malformed enamel. For others with stronger enamel, wear can happen over time, from trauma and use. This wear can be caused by aggressive brushing, physical trauma such as grinding and clenching, high exposure to acids from foods or health issues. As the enamel thins out over time, the dentin on the inside of the tooth will begin to show through. This thinner enamel will also allow more uptake of stain deeper into the teeth. The yellow color will be more prominent due to the thin enamel layer on the outside. -Age. As we get older yellowing of teeth is quite normal. From wear and use our enamel layer will become thinner thus allowing more of the underlying tooth structure to show thru. How To Treat Yellowing Teeth? -Teeth Whitening. Teeth whitening products and treatments are able to whiten our teeth by removing stains and discolorations. Across the globe, teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedure. It works best when teeth are stained from foods, beverages, and smoking. The results for malformed enamel can vary in effectiveness, and sometimes look worse. There are two main types of teeth whitening: in office treatment and at home treatment. In office whitening involves application of whitening products to the teeth while in the dental office. Results up to several shades lighter are achieved the same day. The process is fast, and easy. At home procedures involve application of whitening products to the teeth by the patient daily, for approximately 1 week to 1 month. The at home process is slower to achieve results, generally less expensive, and usually easy. Both cosmetic dentistry whitening procedures are very effective, and can help you to achieve the whiter smile you have been dreaming of. Any type of whitening can cause sensitivity, which is usually short term. -Porcelain Veneers. Porcelain veneers are a great option for teeth that will not whiten the way you would like. Mottled enamel, and tetracycline stained teeth do not evenly whiten, some of us have see through or translucent which do not whiten well either. Porcelain veneers give the cosmetic dentist the ability to change the color of teeth, keeping them natural looking and have low incidence of staining when taken care of properly. Porcelain veneers are custom made ultra thin porcelain restorations that are bonded to the front surfaces of the teeth. Modern porcelain veneers offer a natural looking, beautiful smile. Porcelain veneers generally last between 8 to 12 years, but if cared for properly can last for much longer . The lifespan of porcelain veneers (and any dental restoration) depends upon your oral hygiene maintenance, the forces on the teeth(hard use, grinding), tooth decay, and maintaining regular dental visits. -Porcelain Crowns. Porcelain crowns give the cosmetic dentist the ability to restore a tooth to its natural look without the use of metal. This allows the dental laboratory to fabricate a tooth that reflects light just like our own natural teeth. Porcelain crowns can be used on teeth that either already have crowns or need more extensive work. Teeth with large, deep, silver fillings, root canals, or extensive tooth decay generally have deep staining which needs to be covered with a crown to restore strength and beauty. -Dental Bonding. Dental bonding is the process in which tooth colored dental materials are bonded to a tooth. This might be one of the easiest cosmetic dentistry procedures to change our look. Using dental bonding we can change color, shape, size, and close any spaces that might be present. Dental bonding is generally completed in the dentist office in as little as an hour. This is especially useful when treating damaged, thin, or malformed enamel. Yellowing teeth does not have to be an issue. Protect your smile by limiting acidic and highly staining foods. See your dentist to help you stop grinding and clenching habits. See your hygienist to have your cleaned teeth regularly. Maintain good oral hygiene, without being overly aggressive. If you already have deep staining or damaged enamel, see your dentist to see which options will work best for you.You can achieve the bright white smile you desire with a little help from your dentist! Internal Bleaching Can Make You Smile Again! office and at home options like the use of teeth whitening strips. But did you know there was a procedure available to perform a deeper teeth whitening from the inside of the tooth out? This procedure is commonly known as internal teeth whitening or internal bleaching. Internal bleaching is used to lighten a discolored tooth that has had root canal treatment. Internal bleaching is a more conservative option compared to restoration with veneers or crowns, but is sometimes used to lighten teeth before the application of these techniques to prevent the discoloration of the natural tooth from showing through. In addition, porcelain veneers or crowns may be required not only to achieve improved color, but also to strengthen a root canal treated tooth. How is Internal Bleaching Performed? Internal bleaching is a dentistry technique that is used to lighten the color or whiten the appearance of a tooth or teeth. Internal bleaching is only to be done under the direct supervision of a dentist. This is because the procedure involves inserting a chemical oxidizing agent directly into the tooth. The internal bleaching procedure is performed on a non vital tooth that has received root canal treatment. The root canal treatment could have been the result of infection or dental trauma. Whatever the reason, the tooth in question did not require a crown and has maintained its natural tooth structure. When a tooth dies or becomes non vital it loses the blood and nutrient flow to it. This sometimes results in a changing of tooth color to a darker shade than the surrounding teeth. Following completion of root canal treatment, the dentist will place a chemical oxidizing agent into the chamber of the tooth and leave it there for about 2 weeks time. This process can be done a few times over that 2-3 week period until the tooth achieves the level of whiteness desired by dentist and patient. Once the color is correct, the opening is sealed closed with a white tooth colored composite filling to keep out foreign matter and bacteria that could cause further problems. Internal bleaching may be used by itself for whitening teeth or in combination with exterior teeth whitening products. Your dentist will evaluate the current condition of the teeth and determine if it is necessary to make use of two different kinds of teeth whitening procedures at the same time. When it is decided to use both products at the same time, the dentist will choose two products that are compatible to one another so that they do not interact poorly with one another. If chosen incorrectly, the interaction between the two bleaching products could ultimately damage the teeth they are designed to treat. How well does Internal Bleaching work? Internal bleaching is very effective for whitening teeth that have been damaged by trauma or infection. The process allows the dentist to focus on one tooth to raise its level of whiteness back to the level of the other teeth to give a more natural appearance overall. Anyone who has had a tooth turn color after receiving root canal treatment can understand the difference between natural, undamaged, tooth structure, and dark, non-vital, tooth discoloration. While internal bleaching is very specific in it’s applications, it is an easy choice for someone with a dark front tooth. Internal bleaching is a great tool for cosmetic dentists to restore one or more teeth back to their natural white condition. It is a fairly simple procedure with great reward. If you have a tooth that does not whiten as all the others do, ask your dentist about internal whitening, and see if this is an option for you. White fillings are a dental restorative material used to restore function, integrity and morphology of missing tooth structure. The missing tooth structure can occur from cavities, external trauma, and also lost intentionally via preparation of the tooth by the dentist for the dental filling. The development of tooth colored or white fillings has provided the cosmetic dentist and patients with a far more cosmetic alternative to traditional metal fillings. Because the white fillings can be blended and mixed, a skilled cosmetic dentist is able to precisely match the tooth color of the fillings with the natural color of your teeth. Thus, they are able to place fillings that are virtually undetectable. This means only you and your dentist will know you have these fillings. These fillings are commonly called composite resins after their ingredients. These resins are metal free and are composed of a variety of materials. The most popular ingredients include acrylic resin and powdered particles similar to glass. Tooth colored white fillings are done in one visit, in a procedure much like that for metal amalgam fillings, except that a high intensity curing light is used to bond the composite material to the tooth. Most patients will select tooth-colored composite fillings when they have a new cavity. As the availability of white fillings has increased more and more patients are having their cavities filled with cosmetic tooth colored fillings. Metal fillings do not bond with the tooth structure. They merely rested on it and provided a degree of protection but over time the margins will open causing bacteria to leak inside. This causes a new cavity to form. Decades of research has led us to know so much more about the interface between dentin and enamel. This has led scientists to discover new ways of bonding fillings to teeth to create a stronger, more sealed connection between filling and tooth and also to be more aesthetic. Composite resins allow us to keep more of your natural tooth structure intact than amalgams. Most dentists believe in being as conservative as possible. The more natural tooth structure we maintain, the better teeth you will likely have in the future. Mild sensitivity is felt by some patients following the placement of composite resin fillings. This is usually temporary in nature and resolves on its own, usually in a few days. The only caution that is usually mentioned is that coffee, tea, and other staining foods and beverages may discolor your white fillings over time. These restorations have been shown to last an average of 7-10 years. It is vital to see your dentist regularly so they can be evaluated at every visit for possible breakdown of the material or further cavity formation. -Close gaps or spaces between teeth. -Change the contours of small, misshapen teeth. -Repair chipped or cracked teeth. -Replace old metal amalgam fillings with a cosmetic alternative. -To protect an exposed root surface following recession of gums. Cosmetic dentists can shape and color a single tooth, or they can change your entire smile.
He was in the airline business. He was American. And he knew his golf. You know, he said, the American golfer who makes a first foray across the Atlantic typically goes to Scotland first. Then the golfer goes to Ireland. This, of course, begged the question: why? I’ll attempt to answer, but first an admission. I am biased because I am from Ireland and much of my youth was spent of golf courses there, one in particular, where my dad and other family members enjoyed membership. That said, I am also objective enough to know that in writing about Ireland as one of the planet’s prime golf destinations I am on very firm ground indeed, anything but a voice in the wilderness, or the rough. And here’s another thing. I have played the game all over the United States and that includes Hawaii. I have walked the walk at the likes of Augusta National and Pinehurst. I have cast an admiring eye over Pebble Beach. And yet I still close my eyes and imagine a fair Irish day on a green Irish fairway. I also imagine better shots than I’m capable of hitting, but that’s another story. At the end of this homage to Irish golf - being penned just days before the U.S. Open in a place called Erin Hills (Wisconsin) no less - I will repeat what has been said to me by more than one American golfer, this with regard to where arguably the most spectacular golf course on planet earth can be found. It’s an Irish course…of course. And, yes, this is a subjective point of view. It’s really impossible to rate a course as being “best” in the world. But “spectacular” leaves a little more wiggle room. And, as stated, the affirming with regard to this particular course opinion has been directed at yours truly more than once. I have not played this course, but have played a fair few other Irish courses that certainly rate in global terms. So let’s take a little trip around the island and name a few. First up though, it’s important to note that golf, along with a number of other sports, is an all island affair in terms of governance. There is no border in Irish golf. This fact led to all the ballyhoo a while back regarding Rory McIlroy and whether he would represent Ireland or Great Britain in the Olympics. He didn’t play in the games, but had he done so it would have been for Ireland. Rory is a pivotal figure in Irish golf in more ways than one. His foundation is a prime sponsor of the Irish Open, this year being played in Portstewart, County Derry in early July. McIlroy’s success in golf majors, along with that of Graeme McDowell and Darren Clarke, both from Northern Ireland, has been instrumental in the decision to bring The Open to Royal Portrush, just down the road from Portstewart, in 2019. Padraig Harrington’s name being twice inscribed on the Claret Jug is also a factor. This return of The Open to the Antrim coast draws a link back to 1951 when the oldest of golf’s majors was played there and won by Max Faulkner, a player remembered for his preference for plus fours instead of golfing slacks. Faulkner was a standout in more ways than just dress. The story has it that after three rounds through the rolling Portrush dunes, Faulkner was signing autographs that already proclaimed himself as the winner of the tournament. True, he was six shots up after 54 holes but stranger things have happened. In this case they didn’t. I met Max Faulkner when I was a kid. He was playing at that course where I spent so much of my youth, Woodbrook, which straddles the line between Dublin and Wicklow. I remember those odd looking plus fours. Faulkner was also a nice guy, or at least a tolerant one as he was being buzzed by whippersnappers like myself eager for player monikers. Royal Portrush and Portstewart rate highly then. And in Ulster there’s another brace to add to the list of must-plays. Royal County Down for sure, and I have fond memories of a nice stroll around Rosapenna links in County Donegal, a place where you could tee off on the eighteenth at 10.30 on a midsummer’s night and, assuming no diversions into the rough, finish in a manageable gloaming. Being an island, Ireland has an abundance of links courses but also some truly beautiful parkland venues. The K Club in Kildare and Mount Juliet in Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny come to mind. In the case of the latter, there is a claim that this is the best parkland course on the island. Well, it was designed by Jack Nicklaus so that’s an argument that would be difficult to refute. Druid’s Glen in County Wicklow is definitely worth a visit. Killarney, which I have battled my way around, is for sure another as is Adare Manor in County Limerick. The aforementioned Woodbrook, which hosted a number of Ireland’s top tournaments in the 1960s and 1970s, is beside the Irish Sea but is rated a parkland course because it is fronted by mud cliffs. The wind has had its wicked way with some of the course trees, not least pines that end up leaning this way and that. Sometimes, with a quick glance at certain corners of the course, you would actually be reminded a little of Pebble Beach. It is probably fair to say that the American golfer, when thinking in terms of an Irish foray, first and foremost considers a links. No shortage of those of course. From those northern bastions mentioned above come on down the coast stopping at Rosses Point in County Sligo, Lahinch in Clare and also in the Banner County, Doonbeg and its mountainous dunes. Doonbeg has Greg Norman’s name on the designer credits. He is reputed to have turned up, cast an eye over the landscape only to proclaim that there was nothing he could do here that God had not already done. Having played Doonbeg, I would confidently second that assertion. Having played it in a fresh Atlantic wind I would throw in the devil himself for good measure. Down the coast a bit there is mighty, and mighty famous, Ballybunion with that opening tee shot that invites you to land your ball in a cemetery. A fitting metaphor for my game so when I stood on the tee I made sure that I aimed well left of the headstones. Waterville in County Kerry is another course to tackle. This was the late great Payne Stewart’s home from home. He used to tend bar in the clubhouse and was proclaimed honorary captain. There is a statue of Stewart at Waterville that is the Irish match for the bronze that can be viewed at Pinehurst in North Carolina. The Waterville website mentions that less than one percent of the world’s golf courses rate as true links courses, and that 85 percent of them can be found in Ireland and Britain. Waterville asserts that it is the greatest links in the Republic, while granting the title to Royal County Down in Northern Ireland. There would be argument over that of course, but both courses are for sure prominent in said argument. Closer to Dublin there are a fair few fine links tracks, notably Royal Dublin and Portmarnock, while down the coast a bit, in County Wicklow, there is a true gem called the European Club. But what of that as yet unnamed course so beloved by those peripatetic American eyes? Many years ago, the great journalist and broadcaster, Alistair Cooke, spun out a tease on television. At the end of the broadcast he promised that he would deliver his verdict on the woman that he believed was the most beautiful in living memory. Well, he went this way and that until the very end at which point he proclaimed his belief that the actress Ava Gardner was his one and only. Such a proclamation was certain to inspire debate of course. Every Hollywood star has a fan club. Every great golf course has a fan club. And Irish golfers will spend many a long evening arguing for this course and that course – and never quite reach a conclusion. But this assertion is based on the verdict, arguably more objective, of a slew of American golfers who have played this course, or have simply clapped eyes on it, and who have come within earshot of yours truly while announcing their verdict. So this jury is in. To describe it as the “best” course is not applicable because that invites subjective argument from here to eternity. But to describe this course as being the most stunning sight in the most spectacular setting invites greater consensus. So without further ado….Well, with just a little because the reader can have a moment to guess. The course in question can be found on a clenched fist of land off the Cork coast. I am speaking (of course!) of Old Head. This promontory peach has prompted a unanimity to a degree and pitch that I have not heard applied to any other golf course in Ireland, and from some, the world. Readers might beg to differ, but best to do that after playing Old Head which is just a few miles from Kinsale. In a way, Old Head is itself a metaphor for the entire island when it comes to golf. It reaches out into the sea from a much larger landmass, just as Ireland itself sits in the sea off a much larger landmass. Both metaphor and reality share their other worldly and spectacular natures. And that’s beyond any argument in any club house bar. We will be reminded of this very soon with the Irish Open at Portstewart, and again two years from now when The Open returns to Royal Portrush. Finally, back to that question at the top: Scotland, Ireland, Ireland again. Why? Now that’s a tough one but I suspect that the “craic,” as they say, might just be a little mightier in Hibernia than Caledonia. One to argue over a wee dram ... of Irish, of course.
Public backyard sculptures can be defined from the context on this study while any backyard sculptures which have been commissioned along with executed by simply government as well as agents, township links and areas. Public backyard sculptures are generally part along with parcel involving modern Nigerian art work. Similarly, the work spaces and art work schools initiated with the catholic missionaries cannot be left out and about when talking over the breakthrough of general public outdoor statues, because it turned out the products of such workshops that started installing public backyard sculptures throughout Nigeria. Your introduction along with creation involving sculpture performs in Nigerian educational facilities, specifically inside South Western regions, began over the activities involving Kenneth H. Murray. He was the 1st British colonial policeman assigned to explain to art throughout Nigeria. He appeared Nigeria throughout 1927 along with advised individuals to contemplate forms from the contents along with boundaries with their rich along with lively nationalities. Students ended up taught solid wood carving, modeling, mural decor, painting, along with drawing. His educating of art work had a substantial preference pertaining to local ancient art kinds. He encouraged that classic and fashionable art always be incorporated straight into public complexes like chapels and schools to ensure art becomes familiar on the society. The principle purpose in the exhibition ended up being to get the endorsement of art with the people involving England as being a good activity worth inclusion in the school’s course load. Murray could, not merely encouraged art work in educational facilities and educational institutions, but in addition broadened the previous syllabus by simply including statue. Traditional statue was in addition upgraded by simply recommending it as a technique for inventive propagation. Classic and fashionable arts ended up also designed into structure. Many motives may as a result be dependable or due to the expertise and commonness involving public backyard sculptures throughout those parts. To commence with, governments, township links, communities and a few influential individuals apparently have commissioned lots of public backyard sculptures inside areas. Second, the people of such areas get many national activities along with festivals that need the commissioning involving sculptures, and this specific made your areas to experience a long convention of sculptural excellence that may be traced time for the historical traditional cultures in the people in your neighborhood. Do you need to learn tips on how to draw, but have to have a purpose pertaining to drawing? While I draw, I am among those people who require a function. Drawing usually takes time. Although I still find it very satisfying, I still love to have some cause of spending some time. I need some form of motivation. Probably most of the people who bring, if the will certainly make a minor money without delay, would haven’t problem receiving motivated for you to draw often. However, the intention of this article is just not to show you the best way to make money from drawings. I are assuming you are definitely not that place yet. You are the one who is even now learning or searching for a way in that you can get motivated to get started on drawing yet again. You are the one who wants to grasp drawing before looking to sell your current first profitable drawing. When you even check to monetize you should first develop your style, strategy and brand. It usually takes quite a little bit before men and women want that you draw something for the children. So, here are several ways in that you can stay determined. The 1st way my spouse and I get determined is by choosing a photo I like a good deal, and really need to draw. Finding a fantastic drawing image may take time, but it’s going to be much more pleasant to bring. I get tried attracting some photos for those that can’t be found great quality and still have never been very pleased with the consequence. What is a superb drawing image? Well, I get lucky and love digital photography and would likely eventually love to draw every one of my individual photos. Although my spouse and I own an outstanding camera, we are not always capable to, or contain the time for you to shoot your photos I need. A very good drawing image is one which you like immediately for the reason that subject is focus plus the lighting is extremely good. Professional camcorders are exciting to participate in with because you may use a various lenses that let you get any particular one area throughout focus and any devices will always be blurred. In an upcoming article let me explain precisely why you usually like most of these photos superior to others wherever everything is focus. You draw what we see without having to worry with regards to making your drawing look superior to the image. That is the reason why I get pleasure from drawing pertaining to photographers. I realize that we are setting me up pertaining to success in lieu of failure. It needn’t be hard to discover why people receive the winter blues, home buying are short as well as cold along with miserable outside the house. The winter month’s winds could chill that you the bone individuals no sign in the warmth in the sun! Nevertheless, just given it is frosty outside will not mean it should be cold on the inside? During the winter months, when many of us tend to shell out additional time inside your home, it’s a thrilling time to start being active Color along with style to your dwelling to perk up the prolonged winter days and nights. Buying gas painting doesn’t should be expensive while thought. There are several painting galleries and museums who present competitive artwork prices on-line. Look pertaining to special discounted online as well as special discount for virtually any special instances that you will save big income. Don’t forget about to evaluate your place then you do not get an unacceptable size artwork. If you wish to buy an innovative painting, quite often it comes in artist expo as well as exhibition. On the other hand, some artwork galleried can also offer initial oil paintings available for sale online also. Note that you not get any discount for the original pictures. The ideal paintings pertaining to winter blue include the paintings which in turn paint using warm hues like crimson, yellow along with orange since these 3 colors include the active hues which develop movement throughout people. Any panorama painting while using light involving sunshine, or discipline of flowers may be good just for this idea. Another easy way to find wall art work painting for you to beat winter months blue should be to have your current painting commissioned. Just decide on your nearly all favorite impression or photo from a holiday, your current wedding arena, friends as well as family bash, etc. and focus on your thought of painting fashion and personal preferences with payment artist. It’s also possible to ask your artist to feature other more elements or stuff hold meaning for a painting also. The price tag for payment painting may appear little high-priced like initial painting nevertheless it will worth the cost as the results will certainly be a painting that will show your own idea along with style. For a long time, cards have been a great way to exercise effective teaching in classes while learning through card games. This is why they are still used until today as they have helped the education field. However one of its largest and most significant roles is in recreational sectors in which these cards are utilized as playing cards. As playing cards they lead to so many impacts, and not limited to passing time away with friends. They have become effective tools for campaigns, advertisement as well as promoting brands. If this is what you are looking for, you have come to the best place to make your first order. This team designs and creates custom playing cards front and back. Recreational cards function as game devices. With the embedded brand or message you wish to convey they become a multipurpose tool for its users to enjoy. As well as a promotional gift these cards are also great favors for wedding events, birthday presents and surprise gifts. Make the best out of them and let the team pour your ideas into shape. Orders will be shipped to your door as soon as they are accomplished. If you are not looking for card games in particular, custom card and board games for sale is also an option to embrace. Board games and cards play a large role in bringing people together. Customize board game forms, functions and styles to meet your specific order and enjoy your very own creation of games with loved ones. Gift them to friends or develop them into promotional gifts to promote you brand, whichever one you go for be sure that they are created and developed by a team that you can trust. Take a look at the options that are available and see if they spark more creative ideas.
Perhaps most of your experience with the creative arts stems from when you were younger, whether that was learning to play the piano after school, constructing a vibrant collage during art period, or studying British literature in college. Unfortunately, for many of us, that might be our only experience with the artistic world. As we grow older, some of us put aside the easel and metronome and stop participating — both as active creators and observers — in the creative arts. Erwin Raphael McManus, artist, author, and pastor at Mosaic, a church in Los Angeles, recently wrote a book titled, The Artisan Soul, in which he explores our universal call to be creative. The book is appropriate, since many today view the creative arts as something to which only a limited few have claim — professional musicians and writers, critics, scholars, and so on. Whether we have busy schedules, or a deep belief that we are not artistically inclined, many factors can hold us back from spending time devoted solely to the creative arts. Yet, McManus explains that all of us harbor an innate desire to both behold and bring about order and beauty in the world, a desire which he attributes to being made in the image and likeness of God. “Creativity should be as common as breathing,” McManus wrote, emphasizing that to be fully alive in the way God desires us to be, we must be creative. Dr. John Calhoun, director of PLNU’s Center for Pastoral Leadership, agrees. God, whose Spirit hovered over chaos to bring about order, form, and life, calls us to participate in the continued sustaining of creation. In fact, Scripture uses metaphorical language related to the arts — “we are the clay, you are the potter” — to emphasize God’s role as the supreme artist of all creation. “This call to take part in God’s work of creation signifies our dignity as children of God,” Calhoun said. When we create, we heed the call within us from God, and when we take the time to actively observe our neighbor’s creative work — such as a painting or song — we are, according to Calhoun, able to uncover the “hidden mysteries” of creation. But what are the “hidden mysteries” that spring forth when we engage the creative arts? If we spend time participating in or pursuing artistic endeavors, despite our demanding schedules, what real impact can they have on us individually, in our communities, and in our relationship with God? It’s only been in recent years that science has started to reveal how beneficial the creative arts are to our physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. For example, hospital art has begun rapidly emerging across the U.S. in recent years. An article in The Wall Street Journal, titled, “More Hospitals Use the Healing Powers of Public Art,” explains how current research suggests patients are positively affected by scenes of nature and figurative art with “unambiguous, positive faces that convey a sense of security and safety.” In response to similar studies, hospitals all over the country have adorned their pallid walls with works of art, including the new Jacobs Medical Center at University of California, San Diego, which offers a robust collection of paintings, photographs, and sculptures on every floor and patient room. By offering patients sight of a bucolic vista or quaint prairie, hospitals are able to provide small but meaningful ways to ameliorate suffering. Dr. Daniel Jenkins, professor of psychology and director of PLNU’s Master of Arts in Clinical Counseling program, views the broadening of traditional therapeutic treatments to include these types of art therapy as encouraging. The NCBI article highlights four primary art therapies that yield positive results: music engagement, visual arts therapy, movement-based creative expression, and expressive writing. Music therapy involves the passive listening of soothing music as well as the active involvement in music improvisation. It has been shown to decrease anxiety, restore emotional balance, diminish pain, and even restore effective functioning in the immune system. Recently, Nuvi Mehta, San Diego Symphony special project director, spoke on the cognitive effects of music at one of San Diego’s Creative Mornings, a monthly lecture series for people interested in joining a creative community. Mehta explained that music, unlike language or information, is processed in “an older and deeper section of the brain,” which is why people suffering cognitive damage, such as Alzheimer’s patients who have lost all memory of language and understanding, can nevertheless still recite the words and recognize the tune of a song played for them. Since music is processed at such a deep level of the brain, it can be used in rehabilitation centers to speed up the healing process, lessen the amount of anesthetics needed, and facilitate greater and more rapid overall recovery for patients. Visual art therapy has also been effective by helping patients express certain ideas or realities that are otherwise hard to put into words. For example, a patient recently diagnosed with cancer could be asked to draw or sculpt his or her felt experiences: fear, pain, a sense of isolation, and so on. Often, the creation of the visual art piece — no matter how simple or crude — offers an outlet for pain. This type of therapy has been shown to be especially effective with sculpting, since molding clay provides tactile involvement at a somatic level that can offer greater catharsis and release. Movement-based creative expression, such as dance, focuses on nonverbal and physical forms of expression to help with psychotherapeutic healing. Instances of this type of therapy have been shown to lower stress and anxiety, and provide other health benefits. By offering patients sight of a bucolic vista or quaint prairie, hospitals are able to provide small but meaningful ways to ameliorate suffering. Rachel Pomeroy (09), a speech language pathologist in San Diego, incorporates aspects related to movement-based creative expression to help bring healing and transformation to her students. She teaches at Innovations Academy charter school, where she works with students from kindergarten through eighth grade who have language and speech disorders, helping them develop the communication and social skills needed to be successful in life. Many of these students have been diagnosed with autism or other similar conditions that make communication and proper social behavior difficult. Pomeroy is also part of the cast at the National Comedy Theatre, where she performs improv comedy shows with other comedians. This form of live theatre is created and developed on the spot during the performance. While earning a Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology from California State University, San Marcos, Pomeroy realized that many of the skills needed to be successful at improv theatre — flexible thinking, the ability to read subtle mannerisms, the capacity to put one’s self in another’s pair of shoes — could help her students develop skills in communication, empathy, and social connection. The ability to perceive and understand others’ intentions, beliefs, desires, and mental states, and realize that they may be different than one’s own, is known as Theory of Mind. Pomeroy cited an example: a male student is assigned to the role of a mother of six children charged with getting ready for Christmas Eve. In such a scenario, the student is required to imagine what it would be like to be a solicitous mother of six unruly children. The attempt to access a vastly different perspective stretches the student’s mind, developing the part of the brain needed to foster healthy relationships and social interactions. Though her curriculum is in the early stages of implementation, she has observed and documented encouraging findings; improv seems to help those struggling with language and social conditions develop necessary skills and have more socially integrated lives. Expressive writing has been another effective tool used to help patients cope with illness, depression, and other maladies. This creative art form is successful when it incorporates meaning-making techniques, in which patients are invited to construct a narrative regarding a tragic or unpleasant experience to accept and come to terms with it. Expressive writing has been proven to aid immune-system functioning; limit the frequency of physician visits; and positively influence stress hormones, blood pressure, and other cognitive and emotional issues. Dr. Katie Manning, associate professor of writing and acclaimed published poet, views the creation of her art as something that grants healing, deepens her faith, and better connects her to others. Her desire to tinker with words and craft beauty through language extends back to her childhood. One of her earliest memories of finding solace in poetry was when, at 12-years-old, she learned about the “Trail of Tears,” the Cherokee nation’s journey from its native lands east of the Mississippi to Oklahoma, as a result of the Indian Removal Act in 1838. Being of Cherokee descent, Manning expressed her lament and sorrow for these displaced and suffering people through the form of a poem. Participation in the creative arts also allows us to express our humanity, and therefore, our likeness to our neighbor — which can heal broken communities and foster solidarity with others. David Adey, PLNU professor of art and well-known artist and sculptor, understands that, especially today, art is vital to our communities because of our society’s constant access to frothy entertainment and distraction. Adey explains that experiencing a work of art is an active process that requires focused time and attention. Unlike flipping on Netflix or scrolling through a newsfeed, viewing a work of visual art requires deep thought and honed observation to understand what the work is communicating. Dr. G. Jim Daichendt, PLNU dean of the College of Arts and Humanities and renowned writer, curator, and lecturer, devotes much of his life to the study and scholarship of visual art. Like Adey, he emphasized the crucial importance of observing the creative arts in an active and reflective posture. “Rather than being a passive observer, or a passive consumer, as can be the case when we watch television, art requires us to be active and reflective observers by engaging with various types of stimuli,” Daichendt said. By such engagement, he explained, we become more intelligent participants in society. Art requires us to question it to receive something from it, and what we receive — a deeper grasp of a human or societal reality — allows us then to engage our world in a more meaningful, thoughtful, and connected way. Therefore, art, if we take the effort to engage it seriously, is vital to our communities because it allows us to better understand both ourselves and others, and serves as the connective tissue that highlights how we are more alike than different. The physical, psychological, and communal benefits of the creative arts compose aspects of the overall spiritual healing they offer. Calhoun marvels at the transformational effect a single work of art can have on one’s spiritual life and relationship with God. He recalled Henri Nouwen’s book, The Return of the Prodigal Son, in which the author meditated on Rembrandt’s historic painting of the same name, pondering its spiritual significance and what it revealed about himself, God, and his call to the priesthood. Nouwen was profoundly touched by the painting, spending days doing nothing but gazing at each careful stroke, delicate shade, and intentional hue. Nourished profoundly by Rembrandt’s sacrifice of time and talent, Nouwen has, in turn, nourished many others, including Calhoun. Calhoun mentioned that when we strive to create something beautiful for God and for others, we are getting outside of ourselves and curtailing a strong tendency to be inward focused. Heather Ross, PLNU professor of philosophy, makes a distinction between the creation of art for the sake of one’s own glory — the “inflation of the genius self” — and the creation of art as an act of Christian love. If our creative work is merely a form of self-expression, no matter how beautiful or masterful, it doesn’t accomplish what it could — its noble and transformative purpose. When art is properly ordered, it is granted agency to draw its observers closer to God as well as edify them. The work of art then exists as an act of love created for the sake of the other. In addition to the tremendous spiritual benefits, Manning sees art, and specifically her poetry, as a vehicle of grace that casts new light on who God is through its reinvention of human language. The poem employs visceral imagery and diction — words like “aorta,” “ventricle,” and “blood” — to emphasize a literal invitation of God into the human heart. The rawness of the language forces readers to consider what it really means to invite God into our hearts: it’s messy, risky, and incredibly intimate. According to Manning, the notion of using poetry to better understand the nature of God is known as theopoetics, which strives to speak about God through poetic articulations and metaphors of lived experiences as opposed to a systematic understanding of God. In other words, to understand God we need to perpetually reinvent the language we use to talk about Him. As within all creative arts, the acts of both creating and observing can lead to a better understanding of God — His beauty, harmony, and so on — through a vehicle that speaks directly to the heart. An article in Newsweek titled, “The Creativity Crisis,” details that “since , creativity scores have consistently inched downward” for children. The reason for this overall decline in creativity is not fully understood, but some believe it’s our attenuating the importance of creativity in schools coupled with the increase in hours spent watching television, playing video games, and browsing the Internet. Daichendt has seen this decline in creativity manifest through an increased attention to activities or hobbies that, though perhaps beneficial in other ways, only serve to emulate active participation in the creative arts at the expense of real artistic engagement. “Culturally speaking, this decline of both creative thinking and output is expressed in the popularity of certain things for both children and adults, like adult coloring books and art-related games,” he explained. But real participation in the creative arts cannot be done through simulated surrogates, since “creativity is about creating something unique, pursuing something that wasn’t there before through real and meaningful work,” he said. We can reverse this alarming trend by simply placing greater emphasis on the creative arts, no matter our age. Makenzie Plumb (12) teaches drama full time at Hillsdale Middle School in San Diego and is someone well aware of the importance of the creative arts. She recounted a specific instance when she required all her students to audition for a prominent role with an acting piece and a song. The girl who was chosen for the part — Plumb found out later from the girl’s mother — would never have auditioned if it hadn’t been required, because of her fear and lack of confidence. The girl’s mother was delighted because her daughter had been selected for the part, and because of the all encompassing effect it had on her daughter. Similar to Plumb, Dr. Barb Taylor, dean of PLNU’s School of Nursing, recognizes the creative arts can have positive effects on her students that bubble over to other areas of their lives. The skills required to complete these projects help her students become better at nursing, a profession in which they need to apply similar skills — divergent thinking, focused concentration, and vulnerability — to best meet the needs of their patients. Manning follows suit. She requires students of all majors in her introductory literature course to craft a poem. If we are not already participating as active observers or creators in some form of the creative arts, by picking up the guitar or setting aside time to read a book of poetry, we might experience much more than the enjoyment of a hobby. In doing so, we open ourselves up to the physical fruits of healing, self-expression, and affirmation, and ultimately, to a deeper connection with others and God. By participating in the creative arts, we are able to better live in community as children of God. According to Calhoun, we are granted the privilege of discovering the hidden beauties of God’s creation, whether that is through a human truth derived from a piece of literature, orchestral composition, or pointillist painting. Chris is a contributing freelance writer for Viewpoint Online.
Camping with your truck is a fun activity because you have the flexibility your vehicle provides you with. If you don’t like your camping area, having your truck with you allows you to change it almost instantly. And since you won’t be sleeping on the hard ground, your body won’t hurt in its entirety when you wake up. Although, the latter is somewhat part of the whole experience because it makes you feel like you’re truly living a lifestyle that is connected to nature. However, if you want to have a fuss-free trip and to avoid any accidents, there are some things that you need to buy before you start this journey. The first thing you need is a high-quality truck bed tent. Don’t overlook this, as it will be the item you’re going to use the most when traveling. You want it to be waterproof, windproof and to be comfortable at the same time. Truck tents have a different design compared to traditional models. They are adapted to fit the bed of your pickup truck, and to be safe and effortless to install. You could use a traditional tent, but it will be tough to fit it into your car. Moreover, I don’t recommend sleeping on the bare soil, as nature is filled with animals that could be a threat to your health. If you like to eat healthy while traveling, then a camping stove is a must. There’s nothing more rewarding than preparing a delicious meal while the only thing that guides you is the blue light of the burner and the moon. Go for a compact model that has plenty of power and that can be quickly refilled. I would suggest going for a dual burner cooker, especially if you like to prepare your breakfast and your coffee at the same time. Refilling the product is simple, and make sure you buy a can of gas from your local gas store before going to a remote location, so you won’t have to make a trip back when you run out of it. Speaking of coffee, maybe it’s a good idea to invest in a premium camping espresso maker. It is essential that you make the arrangements for a good start to your day, and a fresh cup of coffee will ensure you have the energy for an entire day. These machines are designed to work without electricity, without making any compromise when it comes to taste. There are other small things that could make your life easier. Invest in a portable light, in a camping radio to stay in touch with the outside world and also in a good cooler for your beer and a mosquito repellant if you plan to travel in a swampy area. The preciousness of family moments is immeasurable. And in today’s busy world, we hardly come across such free time to spend with our loved ones. Therefore we tend to capture these moments as pictures and videos, to recall them later. That’s what we do with camcorders. But why should we spend on a camcorder at all, when we already have so many alternatives to it? I mean Smartphones and tablets, can record and capture (along with their fundamental functions), then where is the need to buy a CAMCORDER? Well, this is something that even I kept contemplating about before my friend gifted me one camcorder. Since it was gifted, I had to use it AND when I used it, I actually realized how useful a camcorder could be even in this age of multiple recording alternatives. Here are a few of the reasons why a camcorder still stands to be the best device out of all the others for capturing those special family moments. It is obvious that a dedicated recording device like camcorder will produce better quality videos than a Smartphone( which do recording as an additional function). But this is not it. Most camcorders are found to be more precise in capturing videos than a video capable DSLR. DSLR definitely capture best quality pictures and record high-quality videos but when compared to camcorders, they do perform a little wishy-washy. Since camcorders are entirely dedicated to video recording, they tend to have all the mechanisms required for a good visual delight as well as superior audio with the built-in mikes. Most camcorders come with built-in standard quality stereo recorders to produce quality audio with videos unlike digital camera and Smartphone (that record videos as a secondary function). Yes they aren’t as handy as a Smartphone or a tablet but when it comes to selecting a good quality recorder which is also very handy, camcorders will always be placed first (and not DSLRs). They are easy to shoot anywhere by anyone (including young movie makers of your home) and also allow easy, fast and smooth sharing. And the last reason but I don’t call it least that family moments are very valuable and therefore you surely need a dedicated moment capturing gadget for them. You need a camcorder. Get one today and relish togetherness forever! Okay so after all the hard work that you do all day long, you finally get to rest at night and having a ‘not-so-comfortable’ resting place can ruin your sleep which will directly affect your mood and another day. We spend around one third of a complete day on the bed. This fact itself signifies the need and importance of having a comfortable mattress. Hence if you are about to buy a new mattress then do read these tips, in order to be able to make a sensible choice. Know what you need. Do not simply spend on an excessively firm sheet or on a too fluffy one. First determine which mattress is needed and then select the type. Different people have different sleeping behaviors and therefore there is no ‘one mattress for all’. If you suffer from lower back pain or joint pains, then you should not think of a firm mattress. Choose the one you find most comfortable. When selecting the mattress, do consider your sleeping partner’s taste (if you have one). If you both have the same taste, well and good, else discuss and then choose something that goes in between. Check everywhere, on different online stores as well as several local stores, and compare well before you invest. Ask questions about differences between the different types they offer. Query the manufacturers if required. When you are finally satisfied with the decision, ONLY THEN purchase it. As you go on to check mattresses, take at least 10-15 minutes to check each and every mattress. Do not hesitate to lie down and test it. Lie down on your sides for some minutes and then on your back and stomach. Check every possibility. Ask for test periods if they offer. It will be smart to buy a mattress that offers test periods. This will help you make an even better decision. Ask about warranty details. Buy mattresses that come with a warranty. Due to a warranty you’ll not only have a secure investment but it will also indicate a sense of reliability on your selection. This implies that the manufacturer is himself confident of his product and hence you can also rely on the quality. You don’t buy a mattress every month. It is a ‘once in a decade’ kind of shopping. Therefore it is very important that you make a smart choice and the above tips will help you achieve it. They are way too expensive. They are difficult to carry. They are good for professional photography, but for a casual use they seem to sound too much. These takes us to another option for photography, i.e. point and shoot cameras. Digital point and shoot cameras are perfect for casual photography and can definitely produce precise quality images if shot carefully. Wanna know how? Read the following tips for taking DSLR-quality pictures without a DSLR (i.e. with your point and shoot cameras). Before you start shooting, determine the scene and set up the white balance which best suits. Choose the setting that gives accurate colors. If you have time, design your custom white balance. When shooting out in sun, shoot with the sun behind you. This will make sunlight fall on the object/person increasing the lighting and also prevent formation of rainbow in the image. In order to get the best results you still need to get a decent point and shoot camera with a good zoom. Use the flash wisely. See what amount of it is required and then set the suitable amount. Most people often use either full flash or no flash at all. This usually goes with most of the scenarios, but spoils photos that require moderate amount flash. Flash influences the picture a lot. Hence always determine the proper amount needed. When taking a portrait, avoid taking wide angles. They make the face and features look wider than they actually are. Stand to the position from where you need to zoom. This will influence the picture a lot. Trust me; most of the pictures get spoiled due to the improper position of the photographer. Suppose you want to capture something below your height (like a pet’s portrait) then don’t simply stand and try to shoot. Bend down to their level and shoot from a proper distance. If your camera offers, use this to improve the quality of the photo. Also try to avoid background distractions by zooming in when required. These are very basic tips and keeping them in mind one can easily picture moments perfectly because you don’t need an expensive DSLR always. For smart people, point and shoot cameras can do enough work. Baby cribs are necessary furniture for newborns and infants. They keep them safe and avoid falling while they are asleep. But buying a baby crib is an expensive affair. You will hardly find any low-end cribs. And it is fair enough as well because nobody would like to compromise on quality of the furniture and their kid’s safety and comfort. However before investing in an expensive crib, it is prudent to determine whether it is worth your hard-earned money or not. Here are a few questions to ask and essential factors to determine before spending on cribs. Is the quality worth the price? Don’t be hesitant to pose this question to the shopkeeper or the manufacturer. And don’t believe them blindly. Nobody will call their product an average. Therefore do your part of research properly. Go online to check the details of the product as online descriptions are very up to the point. Read customer reviews and ask your acquaintances who have bought that specific baby crib. Don’t hesitate to choose a cheaper one if you find it better in quality and features. Cribs are priced based on not only the quality but depending on the brand, features and several other miscellaneous factors. A costlier crib doesn’t automatically become better than the one with lesser price. However, in most of the cases this happens but it may not be necessary for every case. Hence check and compare all and choose the one that best fits your choice, be it costlier or cheaper than others. Plan for a long term use. A fancy crib may appear awesome, but then you may use it only for a year or two. But if you buy a multipurpose crib or convertible crib, it will extend the age of usage of the furniture. There are certain convertible cribs that can be turned into baby beds for the time when your kid grows up a little. Don’t go for an ultra designer one. The basic design is the best investment. Your kid may not like her clothes getting caught in the design or getting scratched if the design is edgy. Crib is a one-time purchase so be wise and buy the one that you can utilize effectively for as long as possible. It’s nothing to show-off, it must be comfortable and easy to maintain. Flat irons have become a must have styling accessory in every girl’s styling kit. The elegance of straight hairs is unmatchable and so obvious. But a slight experiment with looks every now and then, indeed adds glamour to the appearance and confidence in you personality. Did you know that there are more than one innovative ways to use your hair straightener? Yes, a flat iron or straightener not only straightens the hairs, but also allows you to style your hair in a number of creative ways. Check out the list of experiments you can do with your flat iron below. Bend ends: Straight hair look sleek and elegant. You can add a little more to it by bending the ends of your hair. This looks chic and goes really great with formal looks. This is a great office or presentation hairstyle and adds a professional touch to your personality. Crispy crimps: Yes, these are back in fashion. The best thing about crimps is that they go with every outfit. Whether you use them with a chic evening gown or a sassy disco mini. They go with them all. To get those perfectly crisp crimps with your straightener, simply motion your hands in zigzag fashion, from side to side, as you slide the iron to the end. Take a thin bunch at a time for crispier look. Beach babe waves: Another in-style hairstyle, beach-waves, can also be attained using a flat iron. All you do is pull outside your locks with the iron and it will create a wavy appearance. This hairstyle adds volume to your hair, a good way to tackle limp hair. Pumming : This is an evening gown hairstyle and is quite popular among the divas of these days. This is the hairstyle where your upper hairs remain straight and the bottom end of them is curled to bounce. To achieve this hairstyle, first straighten your hair. Don’t straighten them at the ends, just focus on straightening the upper part properly. After you have completely straightened them, take a thin bunch and roll it around one hand of the iron and slide the device down to the end. The result will be curled ends. Do this on different section of hair and you are set for a perfect dinner evening. These are basic ones, you can mix and match and use these techniques to convey you remarkable sense of style to the world. It is fun to experiment with looks and a flat iron is a perfect partner for it. This feature replaces the vacuum bag by directly depositing the dirt in a holding tray via a whirlwind cleansing. Many vacuum cleaners today offer this feature and it’s very a useful addition to look for. With this feature you’ll be able to adjust the height of the cleaner for handling different kind of messy surfaces. Further advancement in this will let you choose between automatic adjustment and manual adjustments. The automatic one will adjust itself automatically (of course) and the manual one will come with knob and lever. You can choose the one most comfortable to you. The brush, on one hand is very handy for cleaning up carpets because it brushes off the dirt nicely from the fine fibers, on the other hand it can be harmful and uncomfortable for rough floors and hard rugs. This is where the brush-roll switch helps you. With this you can turn the brush roll on or off as per your cleaning needs. Another good feature for all those who hate rolling it up after cleaning. An auto-retractable vacuum cleaner rolls up the cord automatically after they are switched off. Though, generally the vacuum cleaners offering this feature do not offer long cords. So be careful if you have big rooms. However for people with big rooms, a cordless vacuum cleaner becomes a better option. This feature allows you to give an additional length to your cleaner’s handle which can extend it to reach and clean far, unreachable surfaces such as ceilings. This is an additional tool for those who love their pets but hate their hairs all around. This will help you remove the loose hair on your pet before they fall off here and there. Radar detectors have become a must have accessory for all the fast and furious drivers, around the world. Since their introduction in 1960, they have come a long way from being a radar signal detector to GPS radar detectors and Lidar detectors at present. The pain that a speeding ticket causes to the pocket can only be understood by those who have experienced it. It is no less than a tiny heart stroke. For these weak hearted fast motorists, a radar detector indeed becomes a savior. To understand how a radar detector helps you avoid speeding tickets, you must first know how those tickets are imposed on innocent speed-lovers. Traffic police use a radar gun to detect the speed of vehicles. This gun is simply a radio transmitter and a radio receiver in one unit. The radio transmitter transmits a radio signal (an electromagnetic wave) of a specific frequency. This wave travels through air and bounces back (to the receiver). The receiver then detects this echoed signal and calculates the distance of the object with the receiver. If the object is moving then the pattern of the signal changes which is detected by the receiver. The receiver then is able to calculate how fast the object is moving towards or away from the radar gun. The cops with this information charge a speeding vehicle violating the speed limit. A radar detector is a radio receiver that is designed to detect the waves transmitted by radar guns. The detector detects the waves and alerts you before the cops could catch you. A driver can easily slow down the vehicle whenever the detector announces a radio wave coming from the radar gun. There are several kinds of electromagnetic waves propagating in the space. A radar detector is, however, an upgraded receiver designed to receive only a certain frequency waves (similar to the frequency of the police radar guns). The major difference between a low-quality radar detector and a high-quality detector is their speed and accuracy of catching radar gun’s signals. A high-end, reliable detector will detect only the radar gun’s signal and alert you immediately. On the other hand, a detector of low quality may be, way too sensitive or way too less sensitive to alert you before the cops catch you. A low-quality radar detector may also confuse you by announcing the signals from other appliances like garage closers. If you are looking to purchase a good radar detector for highways because of the speed you will have, I really recommend spending some money on a high-end product. Insist on getting a good quality radar detector. It is indeed the best way to avoid speeding tickets. Hair says so much about your looks. Hair is an important aspect of grooming. You can style them in so many ways. A little variation to your hairstyle will make you look dramatically different and appealing. In fact, most of the makeovers start with a new hairdo and are usually only about hair. Hence it is important that you choose the right gadgets to groom your crowning glory. I wanted to buy a hair dryer a few days back but was stuck when choosing the right one. Finally, I got this Conair Ionic Turbo Styler and I am so happy with my decision and the smooth and healthy look of my hair. While you buy from Conair, it offers a vast variety of blow dryers from those with high power to the ones with a medium wattage. From heavy duty high-enders to the affordable ones, you’ll find them all under the trustable product range of this brand. This is the reason that makes Conair your desired brand. Thick locks or fine hairs choose the right one for you from the huge selection range that Conair offers. The heating is smooth and fast. It won’t burn your hair and yet dry them evenly, gently and thoroughly. Conair chooses only those heating components and materials that possess even and proportionate heating abilities and therefore the heat that comes is always precise. With Conair, you can customize your heating preferences, as all its’ blow dryers come with multiple speed settings to allow users get what they want. You can set the speed at low for your fine and delicate hair and your friends and siblings can use it for their thick hair afterwards, simply by adjusting the speed and intensity. The best thing about Conair blow dryers is that they will keep your hairs shiny and smooth even after heavy use. This is because they use ionic heating which doesn’t affect the hair cuticles. So unlike other blow dryers, Conair blow dryers do not damage hairs as you dry them. It keeps your hair healthy and beautiful. Conair hair dryers have definitely changed the way I dry and style my hair and that is the reason why I prefer and advice Conair blow dryers to all of you!!
Only American Institute of Aeronautics. Operated 28 years, experiments conducted. Instructions and professional advice given. sizes from smallest models to largest Captives or long voyage vessels with or without motors. 150 gas balloons for U. S. Government. Patent, portable, hydrogen generators, lightest gas and gas works made. Machine-varnished balloon fabrics, hydrogen-proof, acid-proof, weather and spontaneous combustion proof, manufactured exclusively under basic patents for process, fabric, and machine. Bargains :—4-man captive balloon outfit, complete with power windlass and gas plant for $1200 cash. New, tested, 7-I1. p., 2-cyl., 1-man airship complete with gas works, $1300, cash. Second-hand airship frame, shaft, 10 ft. propeller and rudder, with or without gas bag and motor. 4-h. p., 1-cyl. stationary kerosene motor; 2-cyl., 12-h. p. and 2-cyl., 10-h. p. Gas balloons and airships, bought, sold or exchanged. New i-man gas balloon outfit complete. Address with stamp. Dear Sir:-- Last year you furnished me with an instrument which I used on the "Mudlark" in ray tour from New York to Florida, and it gave us such good satisfaction that I would like to have one of your clock and light instruments for a model "M" Olds in which I will make a similar run this coming week from New York to New Orleans by way of Syracuse, Buffalo, Cleveland, Louisville and Birmingham. Trusting that you will give this order your personal attention, and that I may receive the instrument in time, as other speed Indicator companies have offered to furnish me free of charge an_instrument for this occasion. However! I would rather buy a Warner than accent their offers as the Auto-Keter has always given me complete satisfaction^ " 136 Wheeler Ave., Beloit, Wis. AMERICAN MAGAZINE OF AERONAUTICS CO. Ernest L-aRue Jones, Editor and Owner Thoroughfare Building, 1777 Broadway, New York, U. S. A. Aeronautics is issued on the tenth of each month. It furnishes the latest and most authoritative information on all matters relating to Aeronautics. Contributions are solicited. AN AVIATION PRIZE IN AMERICA? With the announcement abroad almost daily of a new prize for the encouragement of the study of aeronautical science it does seem as though some one in America should at least be "willing," if not anxious, to contribute a sum suitably large in comparison with those offered abroad. Not a money prize im America for dynamic flight! We have an Aero Club whose members are worth $50,000,000—or more and an attempt to raise a thousandth part of that sum, $50,000, failed of accomplishment. In this land of big projects, it would seem almost likely that a goodly prize would be offered merely for the honor of the country, not to mention an interest in the subject. But up to date there has been no apparent "run" on honor's bank. We have either no wish to fly through the air, no money, or no desire to aid. The first is not the case; the second cannot be true, for we daily hear reports of the well filled pocketbook of the public; it must be, then, though most preposterous, that we do not want to aid. On reflection, however, this latter cannot be correct, for have we not an Aero Club "to advance the development of the science of aeronautics, * * * * * to encourage ***** aerial navigation" and to "do everything necessary, suitable and proper for the accomplishment of any of the purposes hereinbefore set forth?" In what way can the science be furthered more than by offering prizes? Judging from the results accomplished by offering prizes in France, this seems to be the best way to "advance the development." In France, at the end of his resources, Farman wins $io,ooo(. Result—the first machine improved, the distance capable of being flown tripled, and a new machine under construction! In America, no prizes and no flights. If the offering of prizes is the quickest way to success, are not Aero Club members bound by their constitution to offer prizes? Messrs. Michelin, the well known tire manufacturers, have offered $52,000. Thiè amount is divided into two sections. It was first announced that a $2000 cup and a cash sum of $3000 would be given annually for ten years to the aviator who, between January 31 and December 31 in each year, would cover the greatest distance, either in France or in one of the countries whose aero club is affiliated with the Aero Club of France. The distance was to have been at least double that of the previous year. That is, the winner for 1908 must cover twice the distance made by Farman on January 13 last. The cup to be handed by one club to another as won, the cash going to the aviator. This has now been changed. $4000 is offered annually for eight years, beginning in 1908. This sum will reward the aviator who makes the greatest distance during the year, the minimum to be 20 kilometers. Of course, the apparatus will not be allowed to touch the ground while flying and the aviator will have to be officially controlled. The prize is open for competition, beginning April 10. For 1909 to 1915 the official regulations may be modified yearly by the Aero Club of France to conform to the progress of aviation, without, however, making too difficult conditions. If during one year the prize is not won the sum will be added to the one of the following year. The flight must be from any place in the Departments of the Seine or Seine-et-Oisc, a turn being made around the Arch de Triomphe, at Paris, another turn around the cathedral of Clermont-Ferrand and then a landing on top of the Puy-de-Dome, which has an altitude of 1456 meters (4777 feet), in the total time from the Arch of Triumph to Puy-de-Dome of 6 hours. The distance from Paris to Puy-de-Dome in a straight line is about 350 kilometers (217 miles). The speed would have to be, therefore, a little over 36 miles an hour. M. Archdeacon calls attention to the possible difficulty on account of the drop in pressure from 760 to 620 mm. at the altitude to which Puy-de-Dome rises. Theoretically the motor would give slightly less efficiency. The sum of $20,000 has been offered by Prince Roland Bonaparte as the nucleus of a fund for scholars and inventors, some of which money will be devoted to the progress of aviation and dirigible balloons. Karl Lanz, a merchant of Mannheim, has offered $10,000 to found an aviation prize. $2500 will also be devoted to the aid of indigent German inventors. A prize of $1000 is offered by the A. C. F. for a flight of s kilometers. A prize (no sum yet mentioned) has been offered by Georges Dubois and Omet-Decugis and others, for a flight of 50 meters at a height of 25 meters. On February 28 M. Charron paid Ernest Archdeacon $200 toward a prize for the encouragement of aviation. Following this came a contribution from Mme. Heriot, owner of the Louvre. * $50,000, London, Daily Mail, to the flying machine, preferably aeroplane, starting within five miles of Daily Mail Office, London, and landing within five miles of Daily Mail Office at Manchester. Distance, 160 miles. $10,000, Adams Mfg. Co., if the motor and apparatus winning the Daily Mail prize be entirely constructed in Great Britain. $2,500, Autocar, to the maker of the motor, if English, above competition. * Also a gold medal offered by Santos-Dumont in connection with the above competition. * $2,500, Lord Montagu, to the machine which makes the longest flight in any one year. Contest must be in England. $25.00 a mile in addition for every mile flown up to 25 miles. * $12,500, Brooklands Racing Club, to the first machine which makes a flight of three miles above the (egg-shaped) Brooklands course, at a height of three to fifty feet. Speed must be at least ten miles per hour. * $2,500, Ruinart Pere et Fils, to the first aviator to fly from France to England or vice versa before 1910. This contest is international. The shortest distance is from Cape Gris Nez to Dover, 30 kilometers. * $2,000, M. Armengaud, Jr., to the first aviator who remains in the air fifteen minutes. * $1,000, Aero Club of France, for a flight of five kilometers. * $200, M. Pepin, to the first aviator to fly across the Garonne. * $4,000 in cash to be won by aeroplanes at Vichy in the Fall of 1908, conditions to be announced later. * $52,000, MM. Michclin, consisting of $4,000 to be won each year for 8 years, the last holder to become owner; also $20,000 for a flight from Paris to Clermont, 217 miles, in 6 hours. *$I20 in three prizes of $40 each and three silver plaques offered by Aviation Commission of Aero Club of France for flights of 200 meters. One of these has just been won by Farman. Various prizes for aeroplane contests at Bordeaux in July. * $11,100 in cash in aeroplane races at Spa, in July, 1908. The largest prize is for a flight of 23 kilometers. * $2,500, Dr. Ganz, at Munich Exposition. Aviator must stay in air 10 minutes over a specified course. $10,000, Karl Lanz, of Mannheim. Machines must be constructed in Germany of German material. Also $2,500 to aid poor German inventors. *$ioo, A. C. Triaca, for the longest flight during 1908. Open to members of Aero Club of France and Aero Club of America. * $5,000 for an international aeroplane contest at Venice in October. The only prize for dirigibles is that of M. Archdeacon. $4,000 cash and a $2,000 trophy, both annually during 1908-9, open from March 1 to October 31, for a flight of 200 kilometers, passing above St. Germain, Senlis, Meaux, Melun and St. Germain. This is international, open to any affiliated F. A. 1. club. Landings for gasolene, etc.. permitted. THE ADVANTAGES OF THE HELICOPTER OVER THE AEROPLANE. The helicopter type of flying machine has been comparatively neglected. Although suggested several centuries ago, supposedly by Leonardo da Vinci in 1500, much less work has been done on it than on other types of flying machines. Not even one man-carrying helicopter has ever been flown in free flight. This neglect of the helicopter-type appears to have been due to a general impression that it does not offer :a likelihood of success equal to that of the aeroplane or even of the ornithopter! It "has, in fact, frequently been contended that even if one of large size could actually be constructed, and- should be found convenient in operation,, it would still be found very low in efficiency. 4. Hovering 10. Lift per square foot. 1. The starting of a helicoper is comparatively simple, especially if it be of the vertically ascending type. It is merely a matter of starting up the propellers without requiring a special launching device or a long run on a smooth ground, as required by the aeroplane. This is important because such launching devices will not always be available and because large smooth open spaces are uncommon. 2. A helicopter can ascend nearly vertically. It can therefore arise from small starting places such as a small field surrounded by large trees. In actual use flying machines will encounter many obstacles such as high houses or steep hillsides. Such obstacles a helicopter will be able to surmount by simply rising at a steep angle whereas an aeroplane will be compelled to turn completely around and ascend in a large spiral. It is evident that the ability to fly at any angle with the horizontal will be of great advantage to the helicopter. 3. The balance of a helicopter may be made practically automatic. It is evident that the simplest way to secure equilibrium is by using a very low centre of gravity. The known objection to this construction is that it causes excessive pitching and rolling. Now in an aeroplane, violent pitching absolutely destroys its power to fly as it spoils the all-important angle of incidence of the supporting planes. But in a helicopter the essential angle of incidence is the angle of the blades with the shaft, which remains practically constant whether the machine as a whole pitches or not. Therefore a helicopter can be arranged to have a more pronounced pendular stability than is possible with an aeroplane. The helicopter, furthermore may readily be designed to have gyroscopic stability, without requiring as much special apparatus for this purpose as would be required by an aeroplane. 4. A practical helicopter will be able to hover over a selected point, whereas an aeroplane must continually move horizontally in order to retain its elevation. The ability to hover should prove a great advantage, for instance in taking observations and in selecting a suitable landing place. 5. A helicopter under good control could descend at any desired speed and at any angle, or vertically if preferred. It could, in an emergency, descend in a contracted space much too small for the flight of an aeroplane. 6. Landing will always be difficult. It is particularly dangerous in an aeroplane owing to the high horizontal velocity. At present aeroplanes can only land safely on smooth ground in large open spaces. It may be found possible in later models, to suddenly check the horizontal velocity at the exact moment of landing, but the general nature of the difficulty will still remain the same. A practical helicopter would be able to descend slowly in any open space of moderate size and land safely whether the ground be smooth or not. If under perfect control it could land without any horizontal velocity either in a calm or in any moderate wind. The above described favorable characteristics of a practical helicopter have been pointed out by other writers and are here repeated only for convenience. With one or two possible exceptions they have been described by Penaud, Chanute and Hastings. The mechanical efficiency of the helicopter, however, has apparently not been so carefully studied nor so correctly judged, so that it merits further examination and discussion. 7. The helicopter can be constructed more simply than the aeroplane. In the former, the power is applied directly to the inclined surfaces, whereas in the latter the power is transmitted to a propelling device, and the resultant thrust applied to the planes. It will be clear, without elaborate explanation, that simplicity is especially desirable in flying machines, as weight and power are both limited, and as simplicity in these fragile structures favors reliability and safety. As this article is intended to deal only with general principles, details of structure will not be here discussed. 8. The achievement of reasonable safety is essential to practical flight. Special provision must be made against the occurrence of an unretarded fall and consequent complete destruction. Of course all hcavier-than-air flying devices must fall in case of serious accident to their means of sustentation. In this contingency, however, they should not drop too rapidly nor upset in falling. upon the continuance of its motive force. Stoppage of the motor means a sudden drop and a sudden backward shift of the centre of pressure. This is liable to cause a complete somersault particularly as the centre of gravity in an aeroplane is necessarily high and as curved surfaces such as are usually employed are in themselves unstable with the concave side downwards. An expert operator may occasionally, if the motor stops, be able to glide to the ground in an aeroplane as if with a gliding machine, but the actual landing is then likely to occur at a dangerous horizontal velocity. Of course a helicopter will also drop if its motor stops but its stability need not be seriously affected. The drop may be made vertical if preferred, or given a slight horizontal component. The speed of falling will depend largely upon the weight per square foot, so that the advantage of large areas in this contingency is apparent. The low centre of gravity will tend to keep the machine right side up. In addition to this, the supporting surfaces may be arranged to have a slow reverse rotation about their shafts, thus forming an efficient and stable rotatory parachute. The rate of fall probably need not exceed 20 to 30 miles per hour with weights of one or two pounds per square foot, or about the landing speed of a man jumping from a height of 15 to 25 feet. An emergency descent at this rate would not generally seriously endanger the life of the operator. 9. The helicopter has a considerable advantage over the aeroplane in the matter of head resistance. Considering only the forward progress of the machine as a whole it will be clear without explanation that a helicopter Hying with about three quarters of the horizontal velocity of an aeroplane will have approximately half its head resistance if the bulks are about equal. In order to analyze the matter, however, we may divide the total head resistance into two parts, namely the back pressure of the supporting surfaces, sometimes called the drift, and the head resistance of the car and body of the machine. The back pressure of the supporting planes may be divided into three parts, the head resistance of the front edges, the skin friction, and the horizontal component of the normal pressure. Now as far as the head resistance of the car and body is concerned, the helicopter has the advantage of a slower horizontal speed. At the time of starting this advantage is most pronounced as the aeroplane has to overcome its full head resistance when first leaving the ground, whereas the car and body of the helicopter offer no horizontal head resistance at all during the difficult period of starting. The head resistance of the supporting surfaces has heretofore generally been higher on models of helicopters than on aeroplanes. This is, however, entirely unnecessary as it is only a question of using proper areas, speeds, and angles to get the same ratio of lift to drift in a helicopter blade as in an aeroplane surface, provided that proper allowance be made for the helicopter blades working in disturbed air. We may reasonably conclude that the head resistance of the supporting surfaces of a properly designed helicopter will be about the same as that of an aeroplane, and that the head resistance' of the car and body will generally be less, principally owing to the slower horizontal velocity. to. In the matter of lift per square foot the helicopter has this advantage over the aeroplane, that it may be designed with any desired lift per square foot within wide limits without materially affecting the horizontal velocity of the whole machine or the head resistance of the car and body. It has been urged in favor of the helicopter that this fact will permit of the use of very small areas thereby reducing the weight of the supporting surfaces. The writer does not recommend this construction, particularly not for use during the present early stage of the art, as it is dangerous in case of a sudden fall, and as it' requires very light construction and inordinately powerful motors. It should also be observed that the use of high speed and very small areas reduces the lift per horsepower and consequently the efficiency of the helicopter as a lifting device. Nevertheless, the fact that the lift is practically independent of the horizontal velocity of the machine as a whole is a great advantage of the helicopter over the aeroplane and itself accounts for the majority of the advantages in operation referred to earlier in this article. 11. In the matter of lift per horsepower the helicopter has heretofore been stated to compare unfavorably with the aeroplane. A number of authorities including Chanute * give the lift per horsepower of a helicopter as about half that of an aeroplane. As this question is of considerable importance and as the author believes his deductions to be original the matter will be discussed in some detail. helicopter provides a simple and efficient method of direct drive for the supporting surfaces. The lifting force of a helicopter will be the full thrust of the shaft or in other words, the full lift of the supporting surfaces directly driven by the motor. The error lies in the assumption that this same propeller would actually be used in this way, whereas propellers intended for use as helicopters can actually be constructed to give a thrust of over 50 pounds per horsepower. The reader may wonder why, if this be correct, propellers giving such a large thrust are not used on aeroplanes thus obtaining a still larger lift and preserving the supposed advantage of the aeroplane. It should be remembered that the screw propeller is simply a mechanical device for exerting thrust or pressure. As soon as this pressure is exerted over a giA'en distance the work done can be expres>cd in foot pounds or horsepower. For any given efficiency, therefore, the thrust that can be obtained per horsepower will vary inversely as the distance through which it is exerted. A propeller of perfect efficiency for instance could give a thrust of 8 pounds per horsepower at a velocity of 69 feet a second or about 46 miles an hour. Another propeller also of perfect efficiency might give a thrust of 50 pounds through a distance of 11 feet per second or about 7}4 miles per hour. These are the theoretical maxima for the given speeds, the distances per second through which these thrusts could actually be exerted being much less, owing to the yielding of the air, skin friction, etc. Now it is well known that the yielding of the air is relatively larger for propellers progressing slowly along their axes, but even so, the largest thrusts can be exerted at the slowest speeds if the propellers are properly designed for their work. If the slip in the cases suggested above be assumed as 8 miles per hour in one instance, and 5 miles in the other, being about 17 per cent, in one case and 67 per cent, in the other, the first propeller will give a thrust per horsepower of 8 pounds at 38 miles an hour, the second a thrust per horsepower of 50 pounds at 2^2 miles. These figures are fair examples that might occur in actual construction. As aeroplanes require a considerable horizontal velocity in order to fly at all, it is evident that they will always be limited to the use of propellers giving only moderate thrusts per horsepower. It is the contention of the author that this more than balances the advantage of the favorable ratio of lift to drift of the supporting surfaces. The aeroplane, considered as a supporting device, also has in its propelling mechanism a source of inefficiency not occuring in the helicopter. The helicopter is handicapped by having its blades work in disturbed air. This ֤isadvantage is a serious one but is not quite as great as generally supposed, because the drift is reduced at the same time as the lift and nearly in the same proportion. As soon as the helicopter moves horizontally its blades act on fresh air and the lift is slightly increased. The helicopter is sometimes stated to lose in efficiency owing to the action of ֣entrifugal force. It is assumed that air is thrown outwards requiring power without giving an adequate supporting reaction. Now as a matter of fact the centrifugal action must be very small if it occurs at all, because it is shown by experiment that there is an actual inrush of air around the circumference of a helicopter and even for a short distance below its blades. In any case, as centrifugal force depends largely upon the angular velocity it may be reduced by using large diameters and low speeds and by adopting an efficient form of blade. Considering both types of machines in a general way the incidental head resis tance will also reduce the lifting efficiency, but as the helicopter at its usual slower speeds will have a smaller head resistance of car and body than the aeroplane, it will lose power from this source. The writer is inclined to believe that the advantage of reduced head resistance will balance the disadvantage of working in disturbed air, but this can be definitely determined only by actual experiment on a large scale. As far as theory is concerned the author holds that the direct drive of the helicopter is more effective than the indirect drive of the aeroplane, and that with suitable construction the helicopter will actually give a larger lift per horsepower. cosine of the angle of inclination of the main shaft with the horizontal. This would make the maximum attainable horizontal speed equal to the maximum theoretical pitch velocity times the cosine of the angle. The actual horizontal speed would naturally be estimated at less than this owing to the head resistance of the car and body. But the author contends that the horizontal speed will exceed this supposed theoretical maximum and may even exceed the full theoretical pitch velocity. This is a striking paradox, but if correct is important and therefore worthy of careful analysis. Let us consider the thrust along the inclined shaft to be divided into two components, the one vertical, the other horizontal. Let us assume the vertical component to be balanced bv the weight. Let us further assume the effective pitch angl* of the blades to be for example 12 degrees and the angle of the main shaft with the horizontal 78 degrees. The currently accepted computation would then give a maximum horizontal speed of about one-fifth of the pitch velocity. Let us now analyze the action of the blades. In the assumed case they will make no angle with the horizontal on the forward stroke and double the pitch angle with the horizontal on the back stroke. Then the forward stroke will have a lifting effect but practically no horizontal component. This is because the pressure on an inclined plane is always perpendicular to the surface.* Of course there may be a slight backward horizontal pressure due to skin friction, or a slight forward horizontal component, if the surface be slightly curved, due to the tangential force described by Lilienthal,** but for practical purposes the pressure on the forward stroke may be considered vertical. The back stroke will give a strong forward thrust on account of the pronounced angle of the blades with the horizontal. This will continue as long as the blades move backwards faster than the whole machine moves forwards. This forward thrust, at least during the central part of the back stroke, will not disappear entirely until the horizontal velocity of the whole machine equals the linear rotational velocity of the blades. But the linear velocity exceeds the pitch velocity if the pitch be less than unity. Therefore the attainable horizontal velocity exceeds the pitch velocity times the cosine of the angle and may even exceed the full theoretical pitch velocity. It is thus a fact that a slightly inclined helicopter may travel horizontally faster than it would if used directly as a horizontal propeller. It immediately follows from the above that the horsepower required for horizontal motion will not be as high as might otherwise be the case, the power for vertical support being separately considered. The efficiency of a helicopter as a vehicle for horizontal transit will also be fairly good if driven by a special horizontal propeller intended to increase the horizontal velocity, provided that the main shaft be inclined forward at a suitable angle in order to take advantage of the above described peculiar feathering action of the main blades. It thus appears that the maximum horizontal velocity and transit efficiency of the helicopter although lower than those of the aeroplane will be sufficiently high for practical use and very much higher than heretofore supposed. It will always be an advantage that the horizontal velocity can be regulated, and especially that it can be reduced to practically nothing whenever desired. In summarizing our conclusions we may say that the helicopter can be made superior to the aeroplane in the first nine points considered, namely: starting, ascending, balancing, hovering, descending, landing, simplicity, safety and head-resistance. The author also contends that the helicopter may be designed to have a very large lift per square foot, or a very large lift per horsepower, and that its horizontal velocity, although less than that of the aeroplane, will be considerable, variable and sufficient. As this article is limited to a theoretical discussion the desirability of testing the conclusion in practice is evident. The author is engaged in experiments along this line and expects soon to publish the results of some tests of a large helicopter. The important questions of lift per horsepower and of horizontal velocity appear to be especially worthy of discussion and experiment. The author hopes that this article may serve to arouse greater interest in the comparatively neglected helicopter-type of flying machine and that the merits here asserted and discussed may be fully confirmed in actual practice. Baltimore, Aid., March, 1908. *See "Aeronautics," Vol. I, No. 3; Page 11, Sept., 1907. **See Moedebeck's Handbook, English Edition, p. 289. In an aerial voyage the aeronaut and his assistants usually have certain special objects in view that demand their full attention—but still, it is easily possible for an earnest man to make every voyage tell along the special lines in avhich students of the atmosphere are interested. No generous minded navigator of the ocean omits to keep a full record of wind and weather, barometer and thermometer, ocean currents and temperatures, and whatever can be considered as appertaining to navigation. He does this partly for his own information, partly as the habit of a cautious man— principally because he knows that the pilot chart of the ocean that he uses daily is compiled from thousands of such records gratuitously contributed for many years to the. central national hydrographic offices at London, Paris, Hamburg and Washington where the charts are published. Those who contribute this observational data receive the "pilot charts" in return, or a thousandfold more than they give. Precisely analogous arrangements should be made by the aeronauts with their central meteorological offices. They can hardly expect the meteorologist to tell them beforehand what upper winds and temperatures to expect on a given day unless they furnish from past voyages the material that is needed for such predictions. The students of the atmosphere who are employed in Government weather bureaus get daily reports as to conditions at the earth's surface and as to the clouds, if any are visible, and they have these many years asked for regular reports from balloons and kites as to upper air conditions—but asked in vain, because this branch of meteorological work has been expensive and has only lately been developed. An aeronaut is but helping himself when he sends us copies of his records, since he is sure to receive in return items of valuable knowledge generalized from numerous other corresponding reports. For instance, in December, 1871, the veteran aeronaut, Prof. Samuel A. King, who is still living and active in Philadelphia, communicated to me the records that he had saved up relative to his early voyages. From these I compiled a table and deduced a law that was at once published by the Philosophical Society of Washington, showing that in general, with scarcely a single exception, the higher he ascended so much the more did the direction of the movement of the balloon and the air deviate from that near the ground, the deviation being always toward the right, and frequently amounting to a semi-circle by the time that he reached the highest current flowing eastward. Of course, such a law as this when once well established would become most important for all long voyages in North America and equally important when one has to calculate for his descent and choose a landing spot on the shore of lake or ocean. I was at that time wholly absorbed in the study of the daily weather maps and the practical forecasting of the winds and weather (telegrams and forecasts were made daily at 10 a. m., 5 p. m. and midnight). The same law had just been revealed by the comparison of these telegraphic reports of the motions of the winds, lower clouds and upper clouds, but the continuous records of balloon voyages, when the sky was cloudless, now extended this local rule into a generalization of the broadest character. Subsequently I found that Clement Ley, from cloud observations in England, had arrived at the same result and eventually I found that Henry Allan Broun had announced it at Edinburgh in 1845. The international cloud work of i8q6-'97 has served to reveal the universality of the law that the upper winds deviate from the lower winds toward the right in the northern but toward the left in the southern hemisphere. It will be a fine contribution to our knowledge if some aeronaut following Professor King's habit of keeping careful records of his voyages shall show us when and why exceptions to this rule occur—as their probably do occasionally. The records of the recent long distance competition of 1907 in which the balloon "Pommern" exceeded by a few miles the long voyage of 791 miles by John Wise on 1st and 2nd, 1859, show that some of the aeronauts took advantage of this law. In order to get a good record of the varying directions of travel the aeronaut has only to keep his map at hand and mark thereon by numbers within circles (1), (2), etc., the position immediately below him as often as he can possibly identify it. But he doubles the value of his record if he also adds the minute and second (or minute and tenth of a minute if his watch has no second hand), for thus he gives the meteorologist the one datum that we can only get from free balloons, namely, the true velocity of the movement of the free air. The heat that we get from the sun starts the atmosphere in motion. From these movements when actually known we may reason back to the heat that caused them or forward to the results that must follow. The movement of each part of the atmosphere is the fundamental need of meteorology. The chart and watch, the barograph and thermograph of the aeronaut can alone give us what we so sorely need. for data of value to the Bureau. These will be distributed gratis to balloonists. The forms will be reproduced, with the instructions, in the May number of Aeronautics. On the first Thursday of each month at a number of institutions of learning, aeronautical experiments are carried on^to^ determine various questions regarding the atmospheric conditions, to a certain extent; they include free ballooning, captive ballooning, and balloon ascensions with registering instruments, etc. As before, the free balloon continues to be the one to help these experiments more than any other, gives results that can be depended upon, and is independent of the weather which gives the scientists so many opportunities to carry on important experiments. The following described trip, which was made from the Observatory at Linden-berg, should have begun without fail on the evening of Wednesday, April 4th, 1906, so as to enable the companion, my brother, Dr. Alfred Wegener, who had made many observations by day, to likewise make observations by night. We desired on the following day to ascertain the meteorological conditions at a high altitude. At the inflation, which, as usual, was made by the balloon battalion at Reinickendorf, the net of our balloon "Brandenburg" became damaged, and w7e were able to only make our ascension at 9 o'clock in the morning of April 5th in another balloon hurriedly made ready. night, and then the following day be able to take the balloon to a higher altitude. As the balloon started to rise in a thick fog, although above the sky was quite clear, it acted very restless, and directly after we had begun to ascend it settled again on the ground and again rose and settled before we could do anything to remedy the evil. The mid-day heat made a considerable change in the atmosphere, and we noticed that the partly warmed air rose while the colder air sank away from it. This vertical downward current is the principal enemy of long balloon trips, for it always means a sacrifice of ballast when a balloon is suddenly caught by one of these downward currents. The balloon flew rapidly over the Tegeler Sea, Neu-Ruppin and Wittstock, and toward noon sailed east from Wismar toward the ocean (Baltic Sea). Soon the ocean became visible in all its greatness below us, and the smoke we could see in the distance showed that we had the same wind as we had before. Cities, forests and water flew past under us. It was by much hard work that we succeeded in putting the basket in order, and in doing this work we discovered many defects in our equipment which we did not notice in our hurried departure. For provisions we had only for each man one pound of chocolate, two cutlets, one orange and one flask of seltzer. We also discovered we had forgotten something even of more importance. In our hurry to get away we had forgotten to take our heavier coats, and we only wore light Summer jackets. Soon Fehmarn lay under us; we just cut across its west corner, and we flew further toward Langeland and Funen (a peninsula of Denmark). At this time the sun began to sink. The lessening of the sun's rays cooled the balloon, the gas contracted, and we began to sink. After the sun began to sink we had to sacrifice four bags of ballast. When over the north coast of Funen it became dark; and when shortly afterward we approached the east coast of Jutland (Denmark) by Fridericia, the earth could only be seen by dim moonlight. We had lived fairly well the first day; almost three-quarters of a pound of chocolate and one cutlet were used. In spite of this, as a result of our heavy work with the ballast bags and because of the extreme smallness of our basket (i m. x 1.20), we had many pains, which were very noticeable at each movement of the basket. During the night we had another queer experience. The aeronaut knows that the basket begins to shake slightly when the drag rope drags on the earth. We had decided to remain at 2-300 m. altitude because the current below us travelled too much toward the west, directly toward the North Sea. The basket began to shake slightly while I lay rolled up in the bottom of the basket vainly trying to sleep. I imagined that my brother, who had assumed command of the balloon, had fallen asleep, and that the balloon had sunk so that it was resting on the guide rope. I called to him: "The guide rope is dragging." But he answered, "No, I am only shivering from the cold." It was he, shaking from the frost, which did not leave him until after we had landed. The course changed slowly to the north while our speed slackened. We were a little puzzled as to our whereabouts, but determined our position after investigating our charts. Slowly the balloon, continually turning toward the right, approached a long Fjord (we believed this at first to be the Limfjord, but later it proved to be the Manager Fjord). We then changed our course entirely to the east and approached the Kattegat. Soon the rising sun began to warm us and the balloon continually rose until twelve o'clock noon without using any ballast. When at an altitude of 2500 m. we saw the country we had passed over without knowing our whereabouts stretched out below us like a chart. During the time the balloon was rising, we stood practically still. Only after noon time, when the balloon again began to fall, we found more wind, and drove with increasing speed toward the south, over Funen and Aero, where we crossed our path of the day before toward Kiel, which we passed over at six o'clock in the evening. Our rations on the second day were cut down some. Six chocolate bonbons, one cutlet and a half orange per person. The sun when it set on this day also cost us four bags of ballast, so we had left, only 12 bags out of 38 we started with. The first part of the night we passed very restless. After passing Kiel our course began to turn sharply toward the right, so that we feared we would be driven over the North Sea, and we prepared to land. While we were considering the question of landing, our balloon rose to an altitude of 2400 m., where we suffered considerably from the cold and exposure. It must have been 10 dcg. C. up there, and we could hardly endure it. Soon, however, the course again changed toward the south, and we again got control of our balloon. During the night the balloon drifted over the Elbe and Hamburg; and over the Luneburger Heide. altitude, and we gained an altitude of 3700 m'. and continued to fly over cities and towns. The cold at this altitude—16 deg. C.—combined with our cramped quarters and insufficient nourishment, made it unbearable. After we had been at this altitude about two hours, at 11:30 o'clock we again began to descend, although we still had six bags of ballast. When we came nearer to the earth we drifted under a heavy cloud and into a strong downward current, and we had to use four bags of ballast in two hours, and were compelled to land near Laufach in Spessart after a trip of 52l/> hours' duration. We had in fact broken the record for duration. We gained many important points for science on this trip. De La Vaulx in his record trip of 3s hours to Kiew, in southern Russia, was exhausted when he landed. He had a balloon of 2000 m. capacity, well equipped, and with plenty of clothing, etc. We, however, had a balloon of only 1200 cu. m. capacity, with a miserable equipment and insufficient food and clothing. We account for this now that De La Vaulx remained at too high altitudes. During his second night he was at an altitude of 5000 m. According to our records on the third day we did not once reach an altitude of 3700 m. The lesson learned by our long trip was: "Keep your balloon as near the earth as possible all the time." We probably had an advantage over many others, as I did not spend 2V2 years at the Royal Aeronautical Observatory for nothing, testing the atmospheric conditions day after day. During our trip, understanding these conditions as well as we did, we did not once think about any danger. THE FIRST SUCCESSFUL TRIAL OF THE NEW AEROPLANE "RED WING" OF THE AERIAL EXPERIMENT ASSOCIATION, AT HAMMONDSPORT, N. Y. By First Lieut. T. Selfridge, First Field Artillery, Secretary. The motor driven aeroplane "Red Wing" was completed and ready for trial March 9, 1908, in slightly less than seven weeks after she was started. This was the virgin attempt of the Aerial Experiment Association to construct a motor driven aeroplane of this type, and hence we were not over-sanguine of success at the first trials. Completed, the dimensions of the apparatus are as follows: two superposed aero-curves of a mean depth of 5' 3" (6.3' front to rear at the center and 4' at the extremities) and the same mean distance apart. The front edge of the upper plane extends out 4' beyond the last vertical connecting posts at each end and the silk surface tapers back from this point to the last verticals at each end of the rear edge. The total spread of the upper plane is 43 feet. The total spread of lower plane is 36' 8". The total area of surfaces of the cell is 385.7 sq. ft. down to those at the end., which are 1.5" front to rear, with a thickness of .5". The surfaces are of silk with transverse pockets in which are inclosed the bent laminated wood strips extending from the front to the rear edges of the surfaces to give the surfaces their curved form. Above each strut a T-shaped wood strip extends from front to rear and helps to strengthen the structure. The spacing of the vertical struts decreases from the center toward the lateral extremities. The two center struts at the front and rear edges are about 22" apart; the first strut on either side of these two is 6.5' distant, the next 5.5' and then 5' to the outer struts. The framework is still further strengthened by steel cable gu3rs 1-32" diameter. The tail consists of a single surface 14' 10" by 3', whose front edge is 10' in the rear of the rear edge of the main surfaces. In the center of the tail, and above, is placed a balanced vertical rudder 4' by 4'. The tail is set at a fixed angle of 7.5 degrees with the front surfaces. A horizontal rudder 8' by 2' is supported at the end of a pointed bow of rectangular cross-section (22" by 22"), which projects from the front of the middle panel. The rear edge of the rudder is 5' in Iront of the front edge of the main planes, making the maximum longitudinal dimensions of the machine 26' 3". 145 pounds. The ignition is by jump spark from a single coil and distributor. The intake valves are automatic. The crank shaft is of Vanadium steel i^",-in diameter, made hollow. The cylinders, pistons and rings are cast from a specially treated pattern and are ground carefully to fit. The crank case is cast from the new light aluminum alloy "McAdamite." The total weight of the engine, batteries and coil, gas and oil tank, fuel and propeller, is 200 pounds. The engine is mounted between the main surfaces and drives direct a 6' 2" propeller of two blades having approximately a 4' pitch. The operator sits inside the bow, which is covered with silk, about 6" in front of the front edge of the planes. The total weight of the apparatus, without engine or operator, is 185 pounds. The operator weighs 1S5 pounds. The total weight complete with motor and operator is 570 pounds, to an effective area of 385.7 square feet. On March 9 the machine, which was fitted with runners for the purpose, was put on the ice with a view to ascertaining the effect of the vertical rudder. The area of ice available was so restricted that it was out of the question to attempt a flight, and no runs of over 100 feet or so were made with the engine running. These trials were quite satisfactory and no alterations were made. win, M. E., of Toronto, Can., mounted it and G. II. Curtiss, of Hammondsport, N. Y.,. its maker, started the engine. It was hardly expected that the machine would rise at the first attempt. The motor was running with the spark retarded and no effort was made to have it develop its full power. The apparatus gathered momentum very quickly, and, much to the surprise of everyone, left the ice after travelling only 200 feet from the start. She arose to a height varying between 10' and 20', and had flown but a short distance when the right half of the tail buckled up, causing the right wing of the machine to lower and the apparatus to turn to the right, at the same time descending. The right auxiliary runner struck first, breaking the strut above it. while the machine pivoted about this runner and settled on the ice facing the starting point. The switch was then thrown out and the "Red Wing'" came to a stop not far from where she left the ice. her momentum carrying her some distance after the power had been shut oft. Measured in a direct line from the point where the runners left the ice to the point where they first touched on descending, the distance was exactly 318' 11". The actual distance travelled was somewhat greater than this, as the machine described a curve while in the air. Twenty-five onlookers witnessed the flight. As it was impossible to make the necessary repairs on the spot, the machine was brought back to her shed, thus terminating the trials for the da}7. The experiments will be resumed at the earliest opportunity, and upon the disappearance of the ice, the apparatus will be placed on wheels. The actual thrust of the propeller was probabl}- in the neighborhood of 130 pounds, but this was not definitely known, as it had not been measured, and the engine at the time of the flight was certain!}' not developing over 20 horse-power. MARCH AEROPLANE FLIGHTS AT ISSY. The first two weeks were miserable, wet and cold. The field at Issy was a veritable lake. Work has been pushed on the machines in the shops of Chauviere and Voisin, and several new ones will be out soon. Kapferer and others are merely waiting for good weather. ՠOn March 14th Delegrange was out and made 300 meters with an Antoinette 40 h. p. motor, his personal record up to this time. The average height was 6 meters. Farman on the remodeled No. 1 accomplished several flights of 500 to 600 meters, using a 40 h. p. Renault air-cooled motor. The speed made was superior to that heretofore accomplished, as he made a curved flight of 600 meters in 19 seconds, which is equivalent to a speed of 100 kilometers an hour. Several very fortunate improvements have been made in the machine, and he hoped with an automatic process for air cooling, doing away with water, to outdo the results he has already obtained. He has replaced the silk covering of the planes with Continental caoutchouc, which, among other advantages, otters less resistance to the air and has complete impermeability. The extra light Renault motor used gave "the best satisfaction and gives good hopes for the future." General Kovanko, of the Russian Army, who was present, has just given a very important order to Voisin Brothers. On the 16th Delegrange made five flights, covering in the first three distances between 200 and 500 meters. In the last flight of 700 meters at a height of 5-6 meters he was limited by the fence. The Antoinette 40 h. p. motor worked perfectly, and it is evident that the aviator is now thoroughly acquainted with his machine. Farman was also out, but did not fly, for which the motor might have blamed had it not been deprived of its "demultiplicateur." The monoplane Gastambide-Mengin did not quit its garage at Bagatelle. on October 26, 1907; and that Santos Dumont made 220 meters on November 12, 1906, winning two prizes, and 25 meters on October 23, 1906. officials of the club. Farman made two complete circuits of the course. The time was 3 minutes 31 seconds for a distance calculated to be 2004.8 meters. Taking into account the curve of the turnt ing, the real course must have been nearly 4 kilometers in that short space of time. Farman had thus beaten his own record by tripling it. superb loop, which measured 1500 meters, in 2^2 minutes. Delegrange had beaten his own record also, but was unfortunately too late to win the Deutsch-Archdeacon. Then Delegrange offered Farman a seat on the machine The two men stuck very close, one behind the other, and left at good speed. They covered 50 meters close to the ground. This was the first time that two men had ever flown in one machine; and the first that two machines had ever competed together and covered between them 5 kilometers in France. The two machines are exactly the same model. The sustaining surfaces are made of two superposed slightly curved planes, of oiled canvas for Delegrange and of caoutchouc for Farman. They measure 10 meters in width by 2 meters front to rear. In front is a horizontal rudder for steering vertically, with a movable cell in the rear for guidance to left or right. The total length is 10.5 meters. Behind the aviator is a 40 h. p. Antoinette 8-cylinder water-cooled motor, driving a single 2-bladed aluminum propellor. The whole is mounted on a 4-wheeled chassis. The aeroplane leaves the ground at a speed of 40 kilometers an hour, or at the end of about 50 meters of rolling The wheels are mounted with springs which diminish the shock of landing. The second annual banquet was held at the St. Regis on March 14th. The guests of honor were: Hudson Maxim; Gen. George Moore Smith; Major George O. Squier, Signal Corps; Colgate Hoyt, President Automobile Club of America; Dr. Alexander Graham Bell; Cortlandt Field Bishop, President Aero Club of America; Prof. Willis L. Moore, Chief U. S. Weather Bureau; McCready Sykes; Johnson Sherrick, President Aero Club of Ohio; Lieut. Frank P. Lahm, Signal Corps; J. W. Kearney, Secretary Aero Club of St. Louis. Dr. Bell and the Aerial Experiment Association. Dr. Bell in his speech told of standing with Prof. Langley and seeing the "flight of his prophetic aerodrome. He proved that navigating the air was a practical thing and within the control of man. The flying machine prophesied by Langley is no longer in the future—it is here. We have no longer to produce a heavier than air flying machine; we have only to perfect it as we have perfected the automobile. bit to me. The 'Red Wing' was constructed under the direction of Lieut. Selfridge and generally on plans laid down by him and carried out by the engineers, Messrs. F. W. Baldwin and J. A. D. McCurdy. "One great success has been worked by Mr. G. H. Curtiss, who has produced a 40 h.p. motor weighing 145 pounds. "The aeroplane took a circular course, but the distance was taken in a straight line, 318 feet, 11 inches. This was the first public exhibition of the flight of a heavier than air machine in America. "I think that we have a new agency of great importance in this Aerial Experiment Association, and it was suggested and has been carried out by a lady. It may be interesting, just for a moment, to speak of its origin, as I think it is destined to be productive of great things. In trying to construct my tetrahedral kite into an aerodrome I felt I had reached the limit of my own powers. I was afraid to put a man in the air without more knowledge of engineering. I wanted to be quite sure my structures were sound and so I associated with me two engineers, Messrs. Baldwin and McCurdy. Even with their assistance I didn't feel confidence, for I didn't know anything about motors, and so I associated with the moto'r expert of America, Mr. G. H. Curtiss. "Along came Lieut. Selfridge from the War Department to see what we were doing. In conversation with this gentleman I found he had made a special study of heavier than air machines and knew everything being done abroad. A powerful combination if we could get together: two engineers, one military expert, one motor expert! M3' wife made the suggestion, 'Why don't you organize yourselves into a scientific association?' Mrs. Bell made the proposition to us that she would supply the capital necessary to carry on the experiments—all go in together to carry on scientific experiments until we got a machine into the air. "This association started simply to help me to carry out my notion in regard to tetrahedral structures but the men composing it were of independent minds. The association came into existence so that we could help each other. It helped me to complete the tetrahedral structures and advance so far as to put a man into the air. The prediction that the structure had all the stability necessary was verified. "The Association has established headquarters at Ffammondsport. Here we follow in the footsteps of others. Selfridge, Baldwin, McCurdy and Curtiss have all made numerous gliding flights. They have gone to work to make this aerodrome "Red Wing," have applied a motor to it and have succeeded in putting it into the air." better than I can fly" was the reply, "and I disrobed. Donaldson was in tights— on a trapeze bar. But a breeze came along and we drifted over to land. That was my only experience in a balloon." "The Chinese have been flying kites for a thousand years but have never made an aeroplane. They make no advance. They do what they do because their ancestors did. There is no Alexander Graham Bell of the Chinese to send the human voice over the metallic circuit, no Caesar, no Nopoleon. There is contentment and stagnation of thought." He spoke of the high kite flights made at Mt. Weather ever}- day since last September; that on no day was there a variation of temperature; that the air at the six mile level is above the effect of the lower currents. "We know very well that the temperature that causes storms ceases at 6000 feet." "Now that the flying machine has become an actuality, and as all that now remains to be done is to perfect already existing means and apparatus in order to complete the conquest of the air, it is well for us to forecast some of the adjustments that will be necessary to meet the changed conditions when we shall have our aerial navies of commerce and of war. "That the flying machine will find very wide application in future warfare, there can be no doubt. Furthermore, it will be the demand as an engine of war that will give to the flying machine industry its greatest stimulus. "Inventors will have to delve in the depths of their genius in order to develop, perfect and bring the flying machine to the very high efficiency necessary to meet the requirements of government specifications. "There is no other incentive to invention so great as that which impels to the development and perfection of implements of war, for the very security of property. country, home and life itself often depends upon a little lead over an enemy in war inventions. "The result will be that in the not distant future we shall have our aerial battleships, cruisers, torpedo boats, and torpedo boat destroyers, although they will be far different," of course, than those that sail the seas. "Some terrible things have been predicted for the flying machine as a war engine. Many a sanguine inventor has claimed that with the advent of his flying machine, battleships, coast fortifications and cities coidd be utterly destroyed by dropping dynamite from the air. "It is comforting to know that no very great loss of life or property would result from dynamite dropped from flying machines for the reason that dynamite requires confinement to work very wide destruction. "Dynamite must penetrate and explode inside battleships, earthworks and buildings in order to do very great damage. Half a ton of dynamite dropped upon the four-inch deck of a battle ship might kill a few men, wreck some of the superstructure and dent the deck a bit, but the destruction would not be widespread and the crew below would be uninjured. Dropped on coast fortifications the damage would be negligible. Half-ton bombs dropped into the streets of a large city, or on top of the great buildings, would shake a few foundations, break a lot of glass and kill a few people, for the blast of the dynamite not being confined, would rebound up into the air in the form of an inverted cone and the effect in a horizontal plane would be small. "But the fb'ing machine will have very great use in war as a scouting craft for the purpose of locating an enemy and inspecting his position; but the enemy will have his aerial pickets out, and there will be many a tilt in the air between the warring craft. Then it will be that speed will count for much and there will be intense rivalry between the nations in the production of flying machines that will fly fast and fly high, for those able to fly the highest will have a tremendous advantage over their enemies. It will be the high flyers who will win. "Do not let the inventor think that the employment of the flying machine as a war engine is an ignoble one, for it is not. It is the most noble use of all." On Monday, March 4, Mr. Stanley Y. Beach gave a lecture on the machines abroad. The meeting was very well attended. The following addition to the By-Laws has been proposed: "No member shall take part in-any contest in the United States which is not organized by the club, without the consent of the committee in writing." The name of the "committee" is not given. Conditions of competition for the Scientific American cup will be made more strict on August 1st, and prospective contestants are urged to "get their machines incondition as soon as possible." AVIATION SECTION OF THE AERO CLUB OF AMERICA. The Aero Club of America, at a general meeting on April 6, formed an Aviation Section for the purpose of particularly encouraging experiments and providing opportunities for carrying 011 experiments with gliding machines and all types of gasless apparatus. A committee, consisting of A. C. Triaca, S. Y. Beach, Lee S. Burridge, Wilbur R. Kimball and D. L. Braine, has been appointed to locate suitable grounds for demonstrations, to provide motors for the use of experimenters, a repair shop for small repairs, etc. It is expected to enlarge this shop to such proportions that entire machines can be constructed at cost price for members of the Section. A meeting room will be provided as soon as possible for members of the Section at the experimental grounds. The members of the Aero Club of America will, of course, be entitled to visit the grounds, but will not participate in the active privileges of the members of the Section except by joining the Section. A large membership is earnestly solicited in order to enable the rather extensive program to be carried out. The membership has been decided at $10 annually, to include all privileges of the Section. Every endeavor will be made to secure offers of prizes to reward creditable flights and enable the successful aviators to further prosecute their researches. Monthly lectures, illustrated with slides and motion pictures of the new machines here and abroad as the}- are tried out. The privilege of competing for the following prizes: Scientific American Trophy; Michelin annual prize of $4000 for a flight of 12 miles; Triaca annual prize of $100 for the longest flight during the year: and others offered abroad which are international in character. Contests for cash prizes will be arranged from time to time. Write for circular and information to Aviation Section, Aero Club of America, 12 East 42(1 St., New York. The third contest for this cup will be held on October 11 at Berlin. Twenty-three entries have been received, as follows: America 3, Belgium 3, England 3, France 3, Italy 3, Spain 3, Switzerland 2, Germany 3. The Italian contestants will be Sr. Usuelli, with the balloon "Ruvensori," of 2250 c.b.m.; Prince Borghese, with the "Aetos," of 2250 c.b.m., and Sr. Frassinetti, with the "Basiliola," 2200 c.b.m. The English contestants will be John Dunville, Prof. A. K. Huntington and Hon. C. S. Rolls. Belgium will be represented by M. Demoor m the "Belgica," of 16S0 c.b.m., M. Leon de Brouckere, in the "Ville de Bruxelles," of 2200 c.b.m, and one other, which will probably be named by the Aero Club des Flandres, an affiliated club of the Aero Club de Belgique. The "Belgica" will be a new Mallet balloon. The Aero Club of St. Louis has made application to enter one balloon in behalf of America. The number of prizes won in contests. The number of kilometers traveled and hours consumed in these contests. The total number of all flights previously made, with total distance and duration. Record flights or especially long ones. The answers to these questions must have been received by the Committee by April 1st. If it is impossible to agree upon the selection of any two particular pilots from considering their past records, an elimination contest is to be held between the two applicants, the time and place for same to be decided by April 15. In referring to the race of 1907 at St. Louis, Major Moedebeck calls attention to the fact that "the French balloon 'Isle de France,' pilot Le Blanc, in the Gordon Bennett 1907, had a capacity of 2400 c.b.m., while the rules place the limit in size at 2200 c.b.m., with an allowance of 5% in excess, or 2310 c.b.m. total." Acting in strict compliance with the rules, the Aero Club of America should have refused the entry of such balloon, which, it will be remembered, made the second best duration record of the world, 44 hours 5 minutes. On Oct. 10 distance contests and contests for a specified objective point will be held. The city of Berlin offers free the gas for the Gordon Bennett race. This is the last year in which a cash prize of $2,500 is offered in addition to the cup, Mr. Gordon Bennett having agreed upon offering the cup to donate $2,500 yearly for three years. Dispatches state that an international aeroplane contest will take place at Venice during October. Prizes amounting to $5,000 will be available. President: Professor Willis L. Moore. Secretary: Dr. Albert Francis Zahm. Chairman Gen'l Committee: Wm. J. Hammer. Chairman Executive Com.: Augustus Post. Sec'y Committees: Ernest La Rue Jones. The eighth and ninth, papers are presented in this issue. EQUILIBRIUM AND CONTROL OF AEROPLANES. There is a certain problem in the theory and practice of aeronautics which has been rather neglected by the majority of recent dynamic experimenters, generally with disastrous results. I refer to the balance and steering of aeroplanes, a subject which must be absolutely mastered by the experimenter who hopes to develop a flying machine of any type. Unfortunately, previous investigators have failed to give any precepts or data concerning this problem, either because they had none to give or because they thought their secrets too valuable to make public. To me, this latter excuse seems unnecessary for it is highly improbable that any experimenter could get ahead by following up the ideas of a man who had the advantage of several years experience. Of course there are exceptions, such as the case of the French aviators who imitate in appearance but not in success, the machines of Professor Langley and the Wright brothers, but even the Frenchmen begin to see that they are on the wrong track. As one close observer has put it, "there are two ways to learn to ride a balky horse: by working out on paper-just what moves a man would have to make to get the best of him (data obtained by observing his antics from a safe distance), or by getting into the saddle and finding out by experience." . Substanially the same thing is true concerning aviation, and a very brief glance at the history of aeronautics reveals which method has given the best results. Laboratory data are valuable only when based on information gained in actual field experiments and mathematicians desiring to contribute their calculations concerning mechanical flight would do well to learn the practical side of the proposition so as to produce more useful material. An aeroplane moving" freely through the air is in a state of equilibrium when its center of pressure coincides with the center of gravity. Unfortunately this state of things exists only when the machine flies in perfectly still air, and even in a calm some defect in the construction or adjustment of the apparatus may cause a disturbance in the equilibrium. Projected forward in a wind, a machine must be cleverly designed and adjusted indeed to preserve inherent stability and beyond certain limits it will not fly at all unless the controlling agent is human intelligence. paper models the investigator becomes acquainted with the merits of variously shaped wings and the travel of the center of pressure under various conditions. GLIDER NO. 2 OF I.. J. I.ESH. the single support type having; the center (or centers) of pressure approximately on the same vertical straight line; and the type having two or more centers of support placed consecutively from front to rear. The Lilienthal. Pilchcr and Channte gliders are examples of the first class of machine and the Pangley, Wright and Dumont flyers will serve as illustrations of the second type. A careful study of the design of these six machines representing the various, types of successful flyer, leads one to some interesting conclusions. The Pilienthal and Pilcher machines possessed very little inherent stability, required remarkable agility on the part of the aviator, who steered and balanced the apparatus bv shifting his .weight, and were unsuited for dvnamic flight. The explanation of these difficulties is found in the arrangement of surfaces, which consisted of two large and wide supporting wings arched from front to rear and tilted laterally at a dihedral angle (forming an unstable craft in a gusty side wind) a tail tilted steeply upward, placed at the rear of the main surfaces, its object being to prevent the wings from tipping over frontwards, and a vertical fin which prevented the apparatus from swerving unduly to one side. This arrangement is about as unstable as one could wish and its management makes one think of that circus feat which consists in riding a one-wheel cycle. Indeed the two devices are quite similar in reference to the principles of equilibrium concerned—for in one the trick consists in keeping the center of gravity over the center of the pressures exerted on two large artificial wings, while in the other success depends on the rider keeping himself directly over the point of contact of his wheel. Chanute's machine, although it was also of the "single support" type, embodied some changes in construction and design which were a distinct improvement over former practice. He ingeniously applied the principles of bridge design to the construction of his gliding machines and overcame, in part, the difficulties of balancing, by the use of semi-flexible or pivoted wings and rudders. The second or "double support" type mentioned in my classification of flyers might be subdivided again into the Langiey type of machine, consisting of two consecutive supporting surfaces with the center of gravity placed between; and the Wright type consisting of a single main support practically coincident with the center of gravity, and a forward rudder which lifts slightly and therefore forms a second center of pressure. Bleriot's recent flights have demonstrated the inherent stability of the Langiey type of machine which, having two centers of support, is more stable than the single support type for the same reason that a conveyance having two wheels is steadier than a monocycle. The arrangement of supporting surfaces used in the Langiey type of machine puts it at a material disadvantage, however, for the front wing cutting the wind into eddies as it passes, interferes with the action of the next following surfaces. This has been termed "interference." Bleriot has effected a considerable improvement over the Langiey design by placing the rudder at the front of the aeroplane instead of at the rear, but the principal defect, "interference," has not been eliminated and the machine is still relatively inefficient. Apparently, experimenters have not yet arrived at the most efficient system of aeroplane surfaces: for in one case "interference" has been practically eliminated (with a resulting loss of stability), while in the other, excellent equilibrium is assured but the surfaces lose their efficiency. It is probable that the best arrangement would be a system of surfaces providing two centers of stipport with the weight of motor, operator, etc., located between them. In order to reduce the "interference" and improve the control of the machine it would be desirable to place the controlling surface in a position where it would support a part of the weight and assure a positive control. This could be made possible only by the use of a rudder placed in advance of the main wings. To obtain this arrangement with the rear supporting surfaces curved to the arc of a circle or with their curvature forward of their center of figure, would necessitate (unless the forward surface be prohibitively small), the weights being placed somewhat in advance of the rear center of pressure and this would introduce new and objectionable complications of construction. After arriving at these conclusions 1 proceeded to undertake a series of -experiments with models, in hopes that some satisfactory arrangement would be evolved. As the work proceeded T became convinced that in order to province a practical "two support" machine it would be necessary to design the main supporting surface in such a way that its center of pressure would be near the rear edge of the wing. The answer to these vexing problems came when it was found that a supporting surface curved slightly downwards at its rear edge possessed ■excellent stability when balanced by a forward rudder, and permitted the placing of the weight between the two centers of support thus formed. My recent experiments with this system applied to a full-sized man-carrying aeroplane have proved it to be practical and efficient. After the working efficiency and inherent stability of a flying machine are satisfactory, the problem of manipulating the surfaces to produce horizontal and vertical changes in the direction of flight may be taken up. Since steering is largely a matter of skill, and skill in managing an aeroplane can only be acquired by actual practice, the problem will require but little treatment here. The efficiency and versatility of the system of control will depend on the balancing of the rudders and arrangement of the controlling ropes or levers. The horizontal rudder should be so balanced that it will return to a horizontal position when not under the control of the operator and the vertical rudder should move freely in its sockets, assuring" positive action. The arrangement of devices for moving the rudders will obviously depend on the position of the aviator in the machine. If the operator assumes a horizontal position in flight, the surfaces may be manipulated to the best advantage by controlling cords passing within easy reach, while if he assumes a sitting posture or hangs suspended by his arms, levers will generally be found most convenient. I have found that an aeroplane ma}- be steered to good advantage by the use of a "Chanute type" rear rudder connected to the main wings by a single spar and universal j6int, the steering being done by controlling lines passing in front of the aviator. 1 found it necessary, however, to shift my weight when quartering into the wind Avith this arrangement, for side gusts caused a lateral oscillation of the surfaces which could not be overcome by the rudders without changing the direction of flight. It occurred to me that these troubles could be overcome by the use of two individual horizontal rudders, and the arrangement was accordingly installed in my experimental machine. The tests demonstrated that with the new device it was possible to quarter into the wind with the wings parallel to the ground, the control being effected by the use of the two horizontal rudders alone. I believe this system of control to be efficient and hope in the near future to install it in a motor aeroplane. Its most valuable feature will be its abilicy to overcome the torque of the propeller if a single screw is used for propulsion. CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT OF WIND-TUNNELS. By Dr. A. F. Zahm. (As Dr. Zahm 7vas unable to write out his paper, he made an impromptu address which is here published from the stenographic reports of the Congress). In determining the atmospheric resistance of bodies there are two general methods that may be followed. One is to propel the bodies against still air, the other is to drive the air in a uniform current against the bodies. By uniform I mean constant in velocity and direction. These two methods should give identical results. I take this as a self-evident proposition. The first method has been quite generally used for several generations. Originally the bodies were dropped from high places. Sir Isaac Newton determined the resistance of a sphere by dropping it from the dome of St. Paul's cathedral. Others later determined the resistance by placing the wind objects on the end of a long arm of a whirling table. And others again on a car running on a rectilinear track. in this building', place the bodies on the car, and have them moved at a regular speed. A method that .has come into use quite generally in recent years is to drive the air against the body. If it were possible to find a uniform current of air out of doors, we will say blowing" over an extended tract of water or a level surface of the earth, these experiments might be made in the natural wind. 1 would ask our meteorological friends what they think of that proposition. What kind of winds can we find in the most favorable localities? How much do they vary during the time necessary to take careful observations? That is to say, one minute. If the velocity be constant for one minute to within one or two or three per cent., such a wind would be very useful for measuring the resistance of many shapes important in engineering. But in the laboratories I speak of winds are generated artificially. A very small wind tunnel was built by Professor Marey in Paris. The tunnel was vertical, had a netting" for fine mesh closing" its top and a suction fan at its bottom. The suction fan drew the air through the screen-closed mouth of the tunnel, then passed it through the tunnel in uniform straight lines. By this simple device he was able both to measure the resistance of the bodies and to determine the action of the air as it flowed about the bodies. For instance, he would place a sphere in this current and observe the streamlines as they flowed around it. This could be done by allowing fine particles, or fine threads, to float in the current, but very much more satisfactorily by means of a great many fine streams of smoke. Across the tunnel he constructed a large comb with hollow teeth. Smoke was admitted into the body of the comb and came out of the ends of the teeth, and these smoke streams moved in parallel lines till they came to the object, and then passed gracefully around, if the shape was "easy," but broke into eddies if the body was blunt. Around the front of a sphere they would bend very smoothly, but towards its rear they would break into eddies and then there would be a long wake below the sphere. In the case of a wing surface, the inclination being comparatively small, the stream-lines would begin to bend a short distance in advance of the forward edge of the wing. Part of the stream-lines would bend gracefully over the top of the wing-surface and smoothly close at the rear of the surface and unite with those which passed underneath. Of those that passed underneath, some were bent smoothly and others were disturbed, broken into eddies. I have observed some of Professor Marev's photographs. I must mention that these stream-lines were photographed by an instantaneous process. The photographs show the stream-lines very clearly, where they bend smoothly, and where they are broken into eddies. In addition to that, the stream-lines will give the actual velocity, because he made the comb vibrate. An electric motor caused the comb to vibrate 10 times a second regularly. That caused all the stream-lines to have a wavy form. Looking at the photographs, you observe the stream-lines beginning at the comb with all the waves parallel. Then, as they approach the wind body, some move more rapidly than others. By counting the number of these waves along each inch of the photograph, you can tell the velocity of each part of the current. a picture to illustrate. Let us suppose that the wind is blowing directly into the mouth of a tube connected with an anemometer. Then the impact of the wind will generate a pressure in this tube. If we know the static pressure in the undisturbed stream, we can immediately compute the velocity of the wind. In order to determine that static pressure, it is necesary to have the air enter another tube undisturbed. The other tube may be co-axial with the first tube mentioned. If a hole is made on the convex surface at some distance from the end of this co-axial outer tube, air will flow into it undisturbed. The stream-lines of the air will be undisturbed as they pass that orifice, and the pressure of the air inside the outer co-axial tube will be the same as in the unchecked, undisturbed stream in the tunnel. Xow, if the pressure in the two tubes is observed in a manometer, and the difference between those two pressures taken, the velocity of the air may be read proportionally to the square root of this differential pressure. Alany engineers have used the Pitot tubes and have applied the impact at the mouth correctly, but have not used the proper precaution in getting the static pressure. For example, one method is to erect a tube at right angles to the wind current and take the pressure that exists at the mouth of such an orifice. The results are unreliable, because the stream of air bends around the mouth, and a partial vacuum is created. The stream-lines are disturbed; therefore, the static pressure inside the tube is not the same as the static pressure in the unchecked stream. Two Italians, Dr. G. Fin zi and Dr. X. Soldati, have investigated this subject, and find that the true static pressure in a current may be determined very accurately by using a thin disc. A thin metal sheet placed over the static orifice will prevent the disturbance of the stream-lines, so that the air will flow in a uniform stream, unbent, undisturbed. And, therefore, the pressure obtained at the static mouth is the true pressure in the unchecked stream. Of course, there are other methods of measuring the wind velocity which are familiar to every one here. Having obtained a wind of uniform velocity and direction, the wind objects are supported inside the wind tunnel on a balance, and the pressures of the air are measured just as one weighs off sugar in a balance. Mr. Herring: You said that the pressure is measured off directly in the tube; but aren't the effects of pressure of a moving stream on any body composed of pressure in the front and suction in the back? That would give a different value from the direct impact of the air itself. Dr. Zahm: .That is a very important consideration when you are determining the wind pressure at a particular point about a model. What I am attempting to do in this case is to measure the velocity of the unchecked wind current in the tunnel before it reaches the body. Mr. Herring: Measure its velocity instead of its wind pressure?" friction. The experiments of Finzi and Soldati bear out Langley's assumption. Lang'ley assumed that a fish-shaped body moving through the air has a resultant pressure, which is zero, the pressure on the rear balancing the pressure on the front. When such a body is placed on the balance in a wind current, it is found to have a finite.resistance. It may be a considerable resistance. I should judge, then, comparing the results of' Finzi and Soldati with the actual total resistance, that this resistance must be largely frictional. Of course, since I have measured the absolute skin-friction in my wind tunnel at Washington, I can state absolutely and positively that there is such a thing as skin-friction, and I can give its law, and the magnitude for any velocity; and so it is possible to explain the existance of a resultant force on a wind object, even if we assume the aggregated pressure all over the surface balanced and neutralized. To answer Mr. Herring's question more fully, I would say that, while the static and impulsive pressures at the nozzle of the Pitot tube are used to compute the wind speed at a point well away from the model, the resultant wind force on the model itself is measured, in my tunnel, by means of a bell-crank balance. The knife edges and horizontal graduated arm of the balance are above the ceiling of the tunnel, on the outside; the vertical arm runs through the ceiling into the tunnel (being protected from the wind by a surrounding tube fastened to the ceiling of the tunnel) and supports the wind model at its lower end. The resultant wind pressure on the model is determined by sliding weights on the horizontal graduated beam outside. Thus by means of the two instruments—the Pitot tube and the bell-crank balance,—the velocity of the undisturbed air, and the resultant wind thrust on the model are measured, but nothing is revealed as to the unit pressure at each point of the model's surface. To determine this latter, one may use the manometric method of Drs. Finzi and Soldati, just referred to. In other words, my balance gives the resultant wind thrust, including skin-friction ; their manometer gives the unit pressure at each part of the model, but ignores the skin-friction. A combination of the two devices would give the unit pressure at every part of the model, the resultant pressure and the resultant skin-friction, but not the unit skin-friction at each point. This latter quantity, so far as I am aware, has never been measured directlv. Gas Bag—Form, ogival; double-wall cemented silk with a breaking strain of 75 x 75 pounds per inch width. Length, 58 feet. Greatest diameter, 16 feet; smallest diameter, 14 feet. Capacity, about 8,000 cubic feet. Envelope with 3 layers of material fore and aft with reinforcements where required. Twelve-inch plunger valve at the top. Ten-inch pressure valve at bottom. Inflating neck, 6 inches. Ripping strip, 5 feet. at all times. The netting is so adjusted that in case of collapse it would form a parachute and permit a safe descent. Attachment of the gas bag and the frame is the "three-way suspension," which holds the gas bag and frame absolutely rigid. Frame—Square cross-section of spruce, x i^-inch, bolted together with ^ x J^-inch strips. Operator's section is 3 x 3 x 6 feet. Frame is built in convenient lengths for shipment. opposite directions on the same shaft at a speed of about 250 r. p. m. The shaft is of Shelby steel tubing mounted on ball and roller bearings. There will be four planes 3 x 3 feet for regulating the ascent and descent, and keeping the ship on an even keel, worked in unison from the operator's section. The rudder, propellers and planes will be of tubing, spruce, bamboo and silk. M>tor—The motor will be a specially-designed Cnrtiss of 20 horsepower, 4-cycle, 4-cylinder (vertical), air-cooled, magneto-ignition, cast-iron cylinders. The crank case will be of McAdamite. The shaft is a four-throw, hollow vanadium steel, with Parsons' "white brass" bearings. The weight is approximately 200 pounds. Enough fuel will be carried for a two hours' flight. HYDROGEN AT LOW COST TO ADVANCE BUILDING OF DIRIGIBLES. By Albert C. Triaca, General Director International School of Aeronautics-. Up to the present time the inflation of spherical balloons with hydrogen has not been practically realized on account of the high cost of this gas, which has never been less than 20 cents, in France, the cubic metre,'while the price of coal gas is 3 cents per cubic metre. If one could produce hydrogen at a moderate price, equal, if possible, to the cost of coal gas, he would render an immense service to aeronauts in giving them a gas lifting from 11 to 12 hundred grams per cubic metre. Using hydrogen we can have smaller balloons. This means the lessening of the expense for fabrics, the cost of the journey back home, and greater facility in handling. Of course, gas holders for hydrogen must be stronger and will be somewhat more expensive, but they will give greater service and by holding the gas for a longer time enable the aeronauts to make longer trips. Cheap hydrogen will aid greatly in the development of dirigibles for pleasure use instead of being used by Governments for war purposes only. Perhaps next Summer we can have a great number of small private dirigibles, with contests between them. It was to the realization of the production of hydrogen at low cost that Mr. Howard Lane applied himself, and these are the results of his researches. Hydrogen is prepared from the decomposition of water through iron in presence of sulphuric acid; from the decomposition of steam through iron or coal at high temperature; and chiefly by electrolysis, which furnishes a gas chemically pure, but at a cost price of nearly 2 francs per cubic metre. It is the industrial application of the decomposition of steam through red hot iron that is the basis of the Lane process, and it is that which has been able to accomplish the manufacture of hydrogen gas at a cost of 1 franc (19.3c.) per 10 cubic metres (353.14 cu. ft.). This apparatus has already proven its excellence, since it has been adopted by the Russian Government, which has successively ordered two plants capable of producing respectively 200 cubic metres (7062.80 cu. ft.) per hour. The English Government has also installed at one of its aerostatic parks, South Farnborough, an apparatus of the same capacity. The officers who have experimented with it there, and who were present at the long trials, are unanimous in declaring that the gas thus obtained is of as good quality as that from the electrolytic process, reaching a degree of purity of 97 per cent. The Royal Batallion of the Prussian aeronauts has asked the Minister of War for a plant of the size above mentioned. The installation realized by Mr. Lane is essentially composed of an oven in which are three series of retorts; of a special generator, high grade (AA); and of a generator of the Wilson type (BB). Besides the oven with retorts and generators, and a small steam boiler, there are also other accessories and mechanical parts of which it i* not necessary here to give a description. In order to well understand the work of this installation we will give some explanation about the two generators just mentioned. The high-grade generator is an apparatus capable of producing, with ordinary combustibles, and even with bituminous coals, a gas of a very high quality and of a high calorific power. This gas, accordiug_to the combustibles used for its production, has a richness in hydrogen varying from 40 to 48 per cent. The Wilson type generator recalls the old Siemens oven, which worked by natural draught without the use of steam and which rendered great service for the heating of ovens. With the Lane apparatus one can use not only ordinary coals and cokes, but also wood and inferior combustibles. The gas produced in this apparatus is sent directly, in a hot state, through special pipes to the parts which arc to be heated. The retorts in the oven mentioned above contain pieces of iron. These are the three principal organs of the installation. We will see now how it works and how one can obtain hydrogen of a good quality. The retorts are heated red hot with the gas produced by the Wilson type generator. Then a draught of steam is made to go through the iron contained in the retorts for each one of the series contained in the oven. The steam is decomposed and hydrogen is formed until the complete oxidation of the iron. When this oxidation is accounted for. the same operation is gone through for the other series of retorts. During this new operation a current of gas coming from the high-grade generator is introduced into the series of retorts where the oxidation is produced. This gas has the virtue of combining itself with the oxygen of the magnetic oxide of iron remaining in the retorts and to revivify the iron, at the same time obtaining some steam and carbonic acid. This iron can again be utilized for producing hydrogen as soon as the iron contained in the series of retorts will be completely exhausted. During the new production of hydrogen the revivification will be made. Finally, it is interesting to establish the cost price. First, 30 kilos of coal at 12 francs a ton (in England) produce 10 cubic meters of gas; second, an apparatus able to produce 200 cubic meters per hour is worked by four men earning each a maximum of 1 franc per hour; third, one can allow a loss of 30 centimes per 10 cubic meters. Coal (30 kilos at 12 fr. a ton).........................0 fr. 36c. Labor - ..................................o fr. 20c. Per 10 cubic meters...............................1 fr. 00c. Such in brief, are the advantages resulting from the use of the Lane system for manufacturing hydrogen at low cost. I believe that because of the geographical position of New York, it is not an easy matter to take balloon trips, by reason of the nearness of the water and the strong winds which frequently prevail. It would be very interesting to have a factory for producing hydrogen at low cost. The time is coming when you can build an airship at a less cost than a 24 horsepower automobile. This is a question of only a few months. In France there was organized two weeks ago a Company especially for the construction of airships. In this company are interested AI. Maurice Mallet, the well-known aeronaut. Count de la Vaulx and M. Schelcher of the Panhard-Lcvavasseur firm. Certainly hydrogen at a low price is the greatest aid to the development of dirigibles. On account of high winds you cannot return with your airship to the starting point. It will be an easy and not very expensive matter to use the ripping cord in your dirigible as in any ordinary spherical balloon. The Aero Club of France will have this Spring the Lane hydrogen system installed at its own park at St. Cloud, Paris. Note: The information about the Lane system is taken from Aerophile of July, 1907. BALLOON SPEED RECORDS. Carl E. Myers. Under this head a recent balloon voyage from Pittstield, Mass., to Hampton Falls, N. H., 130 miles in 3 hours time, or 43 1/3 miles per hour, is thought "possibly better than has been made anywhere," and better than made by the same party last fall from Pittsheld to Short Beach, Conn., a distance of 84 miles, in two and one-half hours, at a rate of 33 1/5 miles per hour. Prof. John Wise exceeded this nearly 49 years ago when in July, 1859, he made a balloon trip from St. Louis, Mo., with three companions, nearly 1200 miles in length of course, and over 8co miles in air line in about 18 hours, or at a rate of about 45 miles per hour. In Sept., 1886, Mrs. Carl Myers of Frankfort, N. Y., made a balloon journey from Franklin, Pa., to Kinzua Bridge, a distance of 90 miles in 90 minutes, at a speed of 60 miles per hour, which so far as known is the world's record. Her balloon arose to over 4 miles elevation, the highest record in America, and is notable also as being the first made with natural gas from the earth. Thus the work of a woman is the aeronautic record today. The natural gas on this occasion arose from the wells at a pressure of 700 pounds to the square inch, and was brought through pipes thirty miles to the place of ascension. Mar. 9.—A. Holland Forbes (A. C. A.) alone from North Adams in the "Stevens 22" (22,500 cu. ft.) at 11:25 <i- landing half-way between Wilbraham and Monson, Mass., at 1:02 p. m. Distance, 58 miles. The ascension was made with the idea of qualifying in this respect for a pilot's license. The start was made in a strong wind which continued throughout the trip. Taking the times noted by observers at various villages, the balloon was travelling 40 miles in 50 minutes during part of the journey. The clouds hung low and the balloon disappeared as it cleared Hoosac Mt. The landing was beautifully made at the exact spot picked out some distance ahead. A very heavy wind was blowing, which necessitated quick work with the rip cord. In checking up the distances on a large scale road map they are found to be as noted on the diagram. Using the time table given by Mr. Whitehouse most surprising speeds result. Even allowing for small inaccuracies in measuring and the indefinite exact spot of landing, which lias been ascertained within about half a mile, the mean speed by path, 49 m.p.h. (adding together the speeds between points and dividing), is indeed curious from a meteorological standpoint. m.p.h. until 8 p. m., and reaching a maximum velocity of 22 miles from the southwest at 5:17 p. m. Low currents were from a northeasterly direction in the forenoon and southwest to west in the afternoon." "C. R. Newcomb, 776 Main St." There can be no doubt of the approximate times as noted by Mr. Whitehouse and the only error is in the mileage. We do not know of any case in which the speed between Haverhill and the landing place has been exceeded. The total distance by path is 131 miles. Mr. Stevens stated that the drag rope at times hung almost horizontal with the car. Mar. 20.—A. Holland Forbes (A. C. A.) and N. H. Arnold (N. A. A. C.) in the "North Adams 1" (35,000 cu. ft.) from North Adams at 11:02 a. m., landing in Wilbra-ham, Mass., at 1:30 p. m., a distance of 55 miles. The highest altitude was 7,800 feet. This makes five trips for Mr. Forbes and two for Mr. Arnold. It was also the initial trip of the "North Adams 1," formerly the "Stevens 21." It is interesting to note that out of the five ascensions made by Mr. Forbes from North Adams, three landings were made within a few miles of the same spot, Palmer, Mass. Mar. 25.—Second ascension under the auspices of the N. A. A. C. A. Holland Forbes (A. C. A.). A. W. Chippendale and N. H. Arnold (N. A. A. C.) in the "North Adams 1" from North Adams at 10:20 a. m., landing in Chesterfield, Mass., about 12 miles northwest of Northampton, at 11:45 a. m. Distance. 27 miles. This was Mr. Chippendale's initial flight. Highest elevation, 6,500 feet. Mar. 31.—A. Holland Forbes (A. C. A.), N. H. Arnold and Roswell Gardner (N. A. A. C.) in the "North Adams 1" from North Adams at 9:25 a. m., landing at Chester, Vt., at 11:50, a distance of 46 miles. ON THE USE OF LIQUID HYDROGEN AND HYDROGEN-CONTAINING-COMPOUNDS IN LONG DISTANCE BALLOON FLIGHTS. The first instalment, published in the March issue, dealt with the various hydrogen compounds and considered the adaptations of such compounds to an aeronautic use. For the benefit of those who are unacquainted with the difficulties met with when we attempt to preserve in the liquid state a fluid with a boiling point of minus 253 deg. Centigrade,* considerable must be said: we will also touch upon the various kinds of flasks and receptacles used for holding such a fluid. Incidentally, a few things will be said concerning its nature, properties and production. Liquid hydrogen is simply hydrogen so cold that it has assumed the liquid state. Matter is usually considered as existing in three forms: the solid, the liquid and the gaseous. Many authorities state that there is a fourth state—the ultra-gaseous or radiant state—and some physicists say that matter in the crystalline form should be considered as a separate "state" of matter. This is rather off the topic in hand, and I state it merely because so many people entertain an erroneous conception as regards the true nature of a gas in the liquid condition. They either think it a certain "preparation" of the gas or a "solution" of the gas in water. It is because of a want of a correct understanding of such things as these that there so often results an obscurity of ideas bordering upon complete bewilderment. * Authorities differ greatly on the boiling point of hydrogen: some stating it to be as high as minus 238 deg. C. (—396 deg. F.), while others state it as low as minus 253 deg. C. (—423 deg. F.). The latter is now considered to be correct, although it is one degree lower than that observed by Dewar in 1899, using a hydrogen thermometer under reduced pressure and held as accurate. The reduction of a gas to the liquid state is, with few exceptions, accompanied by a reduction of volume. A cubic foot of steam condenses to a cubic inch of water—or, in other words—a cubic inch of water will give a cubic foot of steam. A cubic inch of liquid air will give 800 cubic inches of air at ordinary temperatures. At the sea-level with a temperature of 27 deg. C. (80 deg. F.) a cubic inch of liquid hydrogen will give nearly 900 cubic inches of hydrogen gas. The volume of a gas also varies according to the pressure. When the pressure is doubled the. volume is decreased to one-half; and when the pressure is decreased to one-half the volume is doubled. Increase the pressure two, three or four times and the volume becomes one-half, one-third or one-fourth, and vice versa. In other words, the volume of a gas varies inversely as the pressure. By reading the barometer and thermometer, and using the two formulae given above, the aeronaut can always tell the exact volume of hydrogen gas that will be given off by, say, a cubic inch of liquid hydrogen. The ratio of liquid hydrogen and gaseous hydrogen under standard conditions of temperature and pressure is about 1:820. Suppose we wish to measure the volume of gas that will be given off by a cubic inch of liquid hydrogen at the sea level at a temperature of 20 deg. C. (68 deg. F.). At the sea-level the atmosphere exerts a pressure equal to that of a column of mercury 30 inches high; or, in other words, equal to 14.7 pounds per square inch. At a temperature of 20 deg. C. and with the barometer reading 30 inches, we have figured that a cubic inch of liquid hydrogen would yield 880 cubic inches of gas. We have already seen that the volume of a gas varies inversely as the pressure. Thus, at a height of 19,500 feet, the aeronaut would get 1,760 cubic inches of gas from each cubic inch of hydrogen, for at this height the pressure of the atmosphere is just one-half of what it is at the sea-level, the barometer reading only 15 inches. Taking both temperature and pressure into consideration, the most convenient ratio for the aeronaut to use in computing the amount of gas he is going to obtain from his liquid hydrogen, would be 1:1000. * The departure from the law is wider the more nearly the point of liquefaction is approached, the diminution of volume then being more than proportionate to the increase in pressure. hour to hour, and with latitude and longitude, but for our purposes it is near enough. If the atmosphere were everywhere of the same density we would have no difficulty in calculating its height. We would only have to divide the pressure upon one square inch of the earth's surface by the weight of a cubic inch of air, and the quotient would be the height of the atmosphere in inches. Thus a cubic inch of air at o deg. C. at a pressure of 14.7 pounds (235.8 ounces) to the square inch, weighs 0.000749 of an ounce. Dividing 235.8 by 0.000749 we get 314,000, which (were our atmosphere homogenous and of uniform density) would be the height of the atmosphere in inches— 314,000 inches or 4.97 miles. If we turn from this problem to the more important and difficult one of finding the height to which the atmosphere really does extend, we find that no such definite and satisfactory results can be given. We know that at a height of 5 miles, the atmosphere is so attenuated that it barely supports human life; and that at 6 miles it will not support life. We know from the phenomena of twilight that at a height greater than 45 miles it is too attenuated to reflect the light of the sun; but from the combustion of shooting stars we know that an appreciable atmosphere exists as high as 200 miles. As we ascend the strata become rarer and rarer, for the reason that the lower layers are weighed down and compressed by those above, and at increasing heights there is less and less air above to exert this compression. Thus the further we go the more and more attenuated the atmosphere becomes, until at last, by insensible gradations, we reach a perfect vacuum. In the famous balloon ascension of Glaisher and Coxwell, on Sept. 5, 1862, these gentlemen attained a height of almost 5^ miles—a point at which the barometer reads only gj/2 inches. We computed above that at 20 deg. C. and at a height of 3?4 miles, a cubic inch of liquid hydrogen would yield 1760 cubic inches of gas. At the height attained by Glaisher and Coxwell this would have increased to 2589 cubic inches. With the exception of helium, hydrogen is the most difficult of all the gases to liquefy, and was the last to withstand the efforts of James Dewar. Its liquefaction in bulk was unknown ten years ago, and hence our rather incomplete data concerning it. In 189T Professor Ramsay wrote as follows: "It [hydrogen] has never been condensed to the solid or liquid state. Cailletet, and also Pictet, who claim to have condensed it by cooling it to a very low temperature and at the same time strongly compressing it, had in their hands impure gas. Its critical temperature, above which it cannot appear as a liquid, is probably not above minus 230 deg." One of the advantages in the use of liquid hydrogen to the aeronaut is that the gas given off is pure hydrogen—an article almost unknown to balloonists, though many appreciate its value. For it should be borne in mind that air is 14^ times as heavy as hydrogen, and therefore at this rate 7 per cent, of air by volume in hydrogen, means 51.4 per cent, by weight of the mixed gases—over 50 per cent.! If a few drops of water are put in a clean, smooth spoon that has been heated in the fire, they will gather into a globule which will dart around over the spoon's surface. The water has assumed what is known as the "spheroidal state*' and is at a temperature below its boiling point. The globule rests upon a cushion of steam, which prevents it from coming into direct contact with the metal. A liquid so situated that it could touch no other liquid or solid would assume the "spheroidal" state. The importance of the spheroidal state with reference to the liquefaction of gases can hardly be overestimated. But for the spheroidal state not only would it be next to impossible to manipulate liquid gases as we now do, but the dangers in such manipulation would be increased a hundred fold. However, owing to the fact that liquid gases do assume the spheroidal state, we are able to handle them in much the same fashion as we do water, although theoretically it is the same as though we kept the water in red hot vessels. This, as can be proven by experiment, can easily be done, but it is still easier to keep liquid air or hydrogen in vessels at room temperature, for the reason that such a temperature is, as compared with liquid air, "more than red hot," and they are maintained at this "red hot" temperature without having to depend on artificial heat. Thanks to the "spheroidal state," if liquid hydrogen is accidentally spilled on the hand no injury results. In fact, the hand may be immersed in it with safety, for the heat of the hand causes an extremely thin layer of gas to be formed between the surface of the skin and the liquid hydrogen. Thus this layer of gas keeps the liquid gas from coming in direct contact with the skin and protects it for a short time. Should good contact take place, as may happen if the hand is very dry and chapped, the result is a severe sore similar in nature to a burn. The reason liquid air does not immediately "flash into air" when poured into a tin cup is again because of this protecting cushion. If left in the open air in ordinary vessels, liquid gases evaporate rapidly—for our purpose altogether too rapidly. The reason liquefied gases volatilise and disappear is that they receive heat from surrounding matter—from the containing vessel, and from the atmosphere. Early in his scientific work Dewar recognized that it might be possible to make this loss considerably less by utilizing a vacuum as a non-conductor of heat, and that in handling liquid gases the greatest desideratum would be some kind of a vessel that would hold them without the rapid absorption of heat experienced under ordinary conditions. After much labor and many failures he devised the vessel bearing his name. The Dewar vacuum flask, or "Dewar-bulb," as it is more commonly known, consists, in its simplest form, of an inner flask sealed into the neck of a larger one. The space between the two flasks is made as perfect a vacuum as possible. A triple walled flask is still better, as this gives two vacuum spaces. The only ways by which the liquid hydrogen contained in the inner flask can gain heat are, by conduction through the glass where the vessels are joined, and by direct radiation. The first is small; for the walls of the vessels are thin and glass is a poor conductor of heat. The liquid receives practically no heat by conduction from the air above it, for it is protected by a layer or "pad" or gas almost as cold as the liquid itself. The greater part of the heat that is received is imparted by the ether waves as radiant heat. This is further reduced by the device of placing in the vacuum space a small amount of mercury: in the vacuum, this mercury evaporates, and when the flask is filled, the mercury vapor condenses and freezes upon the outer wall of the inner flask. There is thus formed a very perfect mirror which reflects the greater part of the radiant heat striking it. By all these devices the liquid hydrogen is so protected from its heated environment that its boiling is scarcely perceptible: in fact, but for the loss by evaporation, we would not know that it was boiling. As before said, it is only of late that we have been able to manufacture liquid hydrogen in bulk. To calculate its rate of evaporation by comparison with liquid air (though theoretically possible) is difficult, for many things have to be taken into consideration, and at present it is impossible to make any definite statement except as a result of observation on the particular container in question.t Even then a great difference is found depending upon the method used to reduce the convection currents in the gas above the liquid. With the Dewar bulb something depends (for hydrogen we cannot yet say exactly how much) on the degree of exhaustion of the bulb and the perfection of the silvering. A great deal more depends on the shape and size of the flask, since, as before said, with a good vacuum and small convection, the chief source of heat is by conduction through the inner glass wall. This will obviously be smaller when the flask is not agitated and when the neck is kept as cold as possible by the gas that escapes. * This question with a more detailed description of the tin buckets used by Tripler for transporting liquid air, the various kinds of wrappings used, and a comparison of the Tripler buckets with the Dewar bulbs will be treated by Air. Lyon in the May number.—Ed. t This will be more fully discussed in the May number. A Park of Sports at Brussels. There has just been formed a company having a capitalization of 125,000 francs for the purpose of conducting a sporting park in that city. It is expected that aerial contests will be among those held. At a meeting held on March 9th, the North Adams Aero Club was duly organized with Colonel Frank S. Richardson, President; John H. Waterhouse, Vice President; Arthur W. Chippendale, Treasurer and N. FI. Arnold, Secretary. The Executive Committee is composed of Messrs. George A. Macdonald, Roswell A. Gardner and W. H. Pritchard. The other charter members are: Arthur D Potter of Greenfield; E. C. Peebles, R. J. Stratton, Dr. R. D. Randall, I. D. Curtiss, J. D. Hunter, Archer H. Barber, Harry Hewat, Hugh P. Drysdale, all of North Adams; A. Holland Forbes and Aeronaut Leo Stevens, of New York. The new club has purchased the "Stevens 21," which will be known hereafter as the "North Adams No. 1," and will rent the balloon to its members and supply a qualified pilot at a nominal rate. With the two old balloons of the Aero Club of America out of commission, this will be the only club in this country maintaining a balloon for the use of its members—a great credit to the enterprise of North Adams, but rather the opposite for America in general. The Berkshire Club gave a "balloon smoker" in the club rooms Thursday evening, March 19, to members of the North Adams Aero Club and invited guests, who included 20 members of the Massachusetts Legislature, who were in the city, having come a day earlier in order to attend the smoker and ascension, than was their intention. About 200 in all were present, and President A. H. Barber of the Berkshire Club, and also a charter member of the North Adams Aero Club, presided. The speakers included President Frank S. Richardson of the Aero Club; Mr. A. Holland Forbes of the Aero Club of America and the North Adams Aero Club, who piloted the first trip of the "North Adams No. 1" the following morning; President Luke J. Minahan of the Aero Club of Piltsfield; Superintendent E. C. Peebles of the North Adams Gas Light Company, and who is responsible for the excellent quality of gas provided for ballooning purposes at North Adams and is a charter member of the Aero Club; Senator C. Q. Richmond of North Adams; Senator Grimes of Reading and N. H. Arnold, Secretary of the North Adams Aero Club, who was Mr. Forbes' companion on the first trip of the balloon. The aneroid barometer and statoscope were explained and exhibited by Mr. Forbes in the course of his talk to the audience. During the evening-substantial refreshments were served. On Friday morning, March 20, after the balloon had been inflated and was ready for flight, it was christened by Miss Elizabeth B. Chippendale, daughter of Treasurer A. W. Chippendale of the Aero Club, who broke a bottle of champagne on the anchor. A crowd estimated at over 3,000 and including many from other towns and cities, was present. The start was made at 11.02 to the accompaniment of the shrieking of mill and factory whistles and the cheers of the crowd. The balloon traveled slowly first to the south and then to the southeast, attaining a height of 5500 feet in 15 minutes. The winds were light and variable, and the sun and clouds bothered a good deal, so that finally after having crossed the Connecticut River at a height of 6400 feet and ascended soon after to 7800, the highest mark, it was decided to descend. The landing was perfect, on property of Mr. Seymour Holland in Wilbraham at 1.30, about two and one-half hours after the start. Distance traveled, about 60 miles. Owing to the stiff ground breeze it was necessary to use the rip cord to prevent damage to the balloon after effecting the landing. Mr. Arnold proposes to qualify at once as a balloon pilot. He has already made two ascensions. on the steam and electric roads to witness it. In that way the merchants would be benefited and the city would be in the public eye all season. We must not give up the sport under any consideration, as it means too much for the city." At a meeting of the charter members of the Milwaukee Aero Club, held March 16th, at the offices of the Merchants & Manufacturers" Association, the following officers were elected: Directors—Win. Woods Plankinton, John H. Moss, J. H. Kop-meier, Wm. Geo. Bruce, R. B. Watrous, A. O. Smith, Major Henr}r B. Hersey, Sheldon J. Glass, 11. P. Vilas. The following named gentlemen were elected officers to serve one }'ear as follows: President, John H. Moss; First Vice-President, J. PI. Kopmeier; Second Vice-President, Commodore Vilas; Secretary, R. B. Watrous; Treasurer, Oliver Clyde Fuller; Consulting Engineer and Assistant Secretary, Dr. A. Rudolph Silverston. The following named gentlemen comprise the charter members: W. H. Whiteside, President Allis-Chalmers Co.; John 1. Beggs, President The Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light Co. and President of the St. Louis Street Car Co.; Col. Gustave Pabst, President Pabst Brewing Co.; Oliver Clyde Fuller, President Wisconsin Trust Co.; E. P. Vilas, Commodore Milwaukee Yacht Club; Sheldon J. Glass, President and Manager Milwaukee Gas Light Co.; Wm. Woods Plankinton, Capitalist; John H. Kopmeier, President Wisconsin Lakes lee Co. and President Citizens' Business League; John H. Moss, President Rockwell Manufacturing Co. and President Merchants & Manufacturers' Association; A. O. Smith, President A. O. Smith Manufacturing Co.; Major Henry B. Hersey, Inspector United States Weather Bureau; Dr. Louis Fuldner, President Milwaukee Automobile Club; Wm. Geo. Bruce, Secretary Merchants & Manufacturers' Association; R. B. Watrous, Secretary Citizens' Business League; Chas. F. Pfister, Capitalist; Dr. A. Rudolph Silverston; the best men of the State, all enthusiastic sportsmen, and willing to give their time and energetic attention to the affairs of the club. Aero Club of the United Kingdom. The English club has made an arrangement with the Hurlingham Club by which a 12-inch pipe will deliver to the grounds 100,000 cubic feet per hour of pure coal gas. Aero Club of St. Louis. An aeronautic "carnival" is planned fur October. A. B. Lambert, a member of the committee on arrangements, is now abroad, and while no report has been rendered the directors, a national or an international balloon race will be one of the features. There will be also, it is expected, a contest for dirigibles. Perhaps we can have aeroplane races by that time! It is reported that the Philadelphia Aeronautical Recreation Society is being formed, and that Samuel A. King is making a 50,000-cubie foot balloon for the society. "The new society will be composed entirely of amateurs and its sole object will be aerial recreation. It is not meant to be a society for the study of the subject of aeronautics or advancement of science, but a social organization entirely. Its organizers are Dr. Thomas E. Eldridge and Dr. George H. Simmerman, both members of the Ben Franklin Aeronautical Society of the United States and the Balloon Association. Women will be admitted to membership, and before long it is expected that a club house will be purchased." The Aero Club of Frankfort has been formed and has ordered a 2200 c. b. m. balloon. It already owns the "Ziegler" for the scientific ascensions of the Physikalischer Verein. The Aero Club de l'Ouest has been formed at Angers. The club already possesses a balloon, l'Ouest, of 800 cubic metres' capacity, built by M. Emile Carton, which recently made its first trip, starting from the enclosure of the present association of the Aero Club de France at Saint-Cloud. The club has leased an enclosure near the Angers gas works, and arrangements will be made for the prompt inflation of balloons. M. Rene Gasnier, who was one of the French competitors at St. Louis, who resides close to Angers, has also promised to give the new club his support and help. An Aeronautic Section of the Automobile Club of Milan has been formed. Among the members are Engineer Forlalili. Captain Frassinetti. Messrs. Usuelli and Crespi, the renowned Italian aeronauts. Prof. Carl E. Myers, of the "Balloon Farm," Frankfort, N. Y., announces "that he is constructing for western parties the largest airship yet built by himself or any one else in this country. It is of his well-known spindle shape, and has a circumference and length of 84 feet, and a buoyancy of 1700 pounds. This will be finished in two weeks, when he will begin the construction of a still larger airship on the lines of the Government specifications, but twice the dimensions of the late accepted bid. Within the past five days he has wholly constructed two captive hydrogen gas balloons and nets for the United States Government. This speed is only made possible by use of ready machine-varnished hydrogen proof fabrics originated by him and in use exclusively during thirty years, and from which he has already built 150 hydrogen balloons for the War and Weather Departments of the United States. Ordinarily by the usual systems it requires from thirty to sixty days to completely varnish a hydrogen tight balloon." France and Her Experimental Field. The Minister of War has given the Aero Club of France the use of a large field adjoining Issy les Moulineaux. Space will be provided for those aviators who will build garages for their apparatus. The field will be surrounded by a fence and properly policed, so that experimentors can make flights at any time whenever the soldiers are not using the held. Bleriot, Farman and Voisin have already applied for their spaces. The prizes have been announced for the aviation contests of the Aero Club de Belgique at Spa, July 12, 19 and 26. $11,100 will be distributed in prizes during the three days: $2400 as first prize the first day, $3000 the second day, and $4000 the third clay. Second prizes of $300 each will be distributed on the three days. On the 12th and 19th there will be duration contests, with two prizes of $600 and $200 respectively. In addition to these, an indemnity of $100 will be granted to all competitors not winning prizes, providing that they compete on all three days and make in one of these three at least 100 metres from the point of departure or that their home club, if affiliated, will certify that flights of that length have been made by them. The competitions are open to any type of aeronefs. The entrance fee is 80 cents for each horsepower. In the contest for duration the one who stays in the air the longest time wins, and an indemnity of $40 will be allowed to any competitor who stays in the air 5 minutes or whose club will certify that he has done so at some other place. The aeroplane of the Danish experimentor, Herr Ellehammer, has made two hundred flights, of which the best was that on February 13th, 1908, when he achieved a flight of 300 meters. The machine has gone through three forms; monoplane, biplane and triplane. As noted in the July, 1907,1 issue of AERONAUTICS, with a biplane machine of the "Wright type" he made a flight in January, 1906, of 162 feet against the wind. The motor was then stopped and an easy descent made. On January 14th, 1908, he progressed to 175 meters at a height of 5 meters from the ground, with remarkable steadiness. The confined space did not admit of a longer flight. He has been practicing curves and has succeeded in executing an "S" at a speed of 11 meters a second. Cost of British Military Airships. According to figures taken from the English Army statistics for 1906-7 the expenditures on "Nulli Secundus" up to March 31, 1907, were, roughly, $33,395. $45,000 represents the "value of articles manufactured and services performed at the balloon factory;" and the United States Government is spending what? The International School of Aeronautics has removed to 2 East 29th Street, directly opposite the "Little Church Around the Corner." Two entire floors are devoted to the school. Models of the "Ville de Paris" and the "Farman I," besides other valuable additions, are expected within the week. Weekly bulletins from abroad will be posted on the bulletin board. The students thus receive the latest detailed news items two weeks or more before it can be printed in the foreign journals and read here. A TABLE FOR FINDING THE ASCENSIONAL FORCE OF GASES. By Charles DeF. Chandler, Captain, Signal Corps, U. S. Army. All persons interested in aerial navigation frequently have occasion to use in computations, figures showing the ascensional force of gases, and, in calculations for dynamic flying machines, it is necessary to know the weight of a certain volume of air. No accurate answer can be given to inquiries concerning the weight of air or the ascensional force of gases, without knowing the temperature and pressure of the atmosphere. A casual inspection of the table shown herewith illustrates the great difference in weight of equal volumes of air when there is a change, either in barometric pressure or temperature. The weight of one thousand cubic feet of air can be found by an inspection of this table, without any computation, when the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and barometer in inches of mercury are known, by simply following the horizontal line representing degrees Fahrenheit until it intersects the vertical line corresponding to the barometric reading. At the point of intersection of these two lines, note the figures indicated on the nearest diagonal line. This table is sufficient^accurate, for prvcUcal ballooning. Fa extreme ocuirocy. correcUons~inast be^opplied for force. 61 gr.jvltyot lob'tude andetevouori^-thermal expansion at bans scale and glass tut* of thermometer and barometer ond difference in coefficient of expansion of air and hydrogen. The above is a practical example of finding the ascensional force of a gas having a specific gravity of .40, the barometer reading 30 inches and the thermometer 70 degrees Fahrenheit. By inspection of the table, the lines for 70 degrees Fahrenheit and 30 inches barometer intersect near the diagonal line marked 75. The figure 75 is the weight of 1,000 cubic feet of air. Multiply 75 by .4, which result is 30, the weight of 1,000 cubic feet of the gas. Subtracting 30 from 75 gives 45 pounds as the ascensional force per thousand cubic feet of the gas. U. S. AERONAUTIC PATENTS, JULY TO DECEMBER, 1907. airship, A. C. Ellsworth, 871,164; airship, G. W. Lane, 871,710; airship, Fadda & Di Lorenzo, 872,334; airship attachment, A. Mathews, 870,448; air motor, P. Kiefer, 868,868; air wheel, H. A. Lockwood. 864,317; balloon inflator, F. J. Creque, 874,166; balloon, car suspension for, A. von Parseval, 872,539; balloon captive, II. A. Herve, 870,430; flying machine, J. H. Wilson, 859,274; flying machine, W. Ft. Cook, 860,447; flying machine, F. M. La Penotiere, 861,740; flying machine, A. O'Brate, 867,525; flying machine, mechanism for, J. U. de Uherkocz. 868,038; flying machine, steering gear for, J. U. de Uherkocz, 868,039; flying machine, J. D. Pursell, 869,019; flying machine propeller, L. Gathmann, 871,926; kite, H. Lurz, 859,395. McADAMITE: A NEW ALLOY HAVING NEARLY THE STRENGTH OF STEEL AND THE LIGHTNESS OF ALUMINUM. A new aluminum alloy called McAdamite, which is now being manufactured by the United States McAdamite Metal Company, of Brooklyn, is a metal that should have a very wide application and be most useful in the flying machine industry. Most of the best alloys heretofore produced had only some 16,000 pounds compression strength, while McAdamite has 126,000 pounds per square inch. Where the elastic limit was extremely low, the new metal has more than most others, or 84,000 pounds before the yielding point is reached when under compression. Where the very best of the bronzes could barely claim 38,000 pounds per square inch torsional strength, this alloy has 60,000 pounds, or nearly as much as steel, which has 66,000 pounds. The specific gravity of cast McAdamite is 3.20, as against 2.56 for aluminum and 2.89 for partinium. There is a shrinkage in casting it of 12 to 14 per cent. Its melting point is 977 deg. Fahr. as against 1,830 deg. Fahr. for brass; but, roughly speaking, it has nearly three times the strength in any direction, and three times the volume or one-third the weight of brass. Various degrees of strength and hardness are obtained by the mode of casting. So homogeneous is this metal and so free from gas that extremely intricate and delicate castings can be made. Very thin strips of the metal, when cast, are much stronger in proportion to their cross-sectional area than are pieces of larger size, as the rapid cooling and consequent hardening takes place from the surface inward, and are more complete with a thin piece than with a thick one. When a piece of this new metal is broken, it shows a fine grain similar to steel; and if a bar of it be struck by a hammer, it will ring with a clear and resonant tone. While heretofore it would have been out of the question to make long slender screws, for example, out of any of the aluminum alloys, with this new alloy it is quite possible and almost all of the moving parts of machinery, such as gears, levers, screws, cams, frames, etc., can be made from it. It can be machined with the greatest ease; the chips peel off in long curls, and fine screw threads are cut in it without the aid of oil, turpentine, etc. Although comparatively soft, it is an exceedingly tough metal, retaining all the beautiful qualities of aluminum and removing the weak ones. It gives to aluminum color, strength, tooling, density, fluidity; removes its dryness; and protects it from the attack of salt. It is the first commercially practical metal of great strength and little weight for common every-day use—a metal that may even partially displace cast iron as it grows cheaper, which it will do in time. Among its many qualities is its freedom from occluded gases and viscousness, which gives it fluidity; and to-day gears and many things are being cast finished. The machine shop is no longer needed to cut the teeth in gears; they are cast cut, so to speak. One of the heavy costs of work executed with the common metals is the finishing of the castings after they have been, obtained. The surface must be removed by filing, grinding, turning, buffing, etc. With McAdamite only a slight buffing is needed at the most, for the pieces are cast with a bright, silver-white surface. bears a very favorable comparison with the usual grades of mild steel even when equal volumes are compared. Thus it will be seen to have a great superiority in weight. Its toughness and elasticity arc quite unusual for a cast metal, and it far outranks all metals classed as alloys in this respect. The fact that the elastic limit when under compression runs so high, gives it a wide application in the arts, and with its other qualities, puts it in a class by itself when compared with any other known alloy, its principal field being largely wherever brass and bronze are used and where extreme strength with minimum weight is required. McAdamite has already been employed for aeronautical purposes and has been found most satisfactory. March.—Balloon race organized by the Aero Club of Nice. Distance race at Verona, Italy, on the 19th. April.—Balloon race of the Aero Club of France on the 15th. May.—Aero Club of France balloon race on the 16th. International balloon race of the Aero Club of the United Kingdom. International Aeronautic Congress of the F.A.I, at London, on the 30th. Distance balloon race at Barcelona, Spain, on the 17th; $2900 in prizes and gas free. Grand Prix of the Aero Club of France on the 24th. Aeronef contests at Munich. June.—Aero Club of France balloon race on the nth. Balloon race at Tours on the 21st. July.—Balloon race at Brussels on the 19th. Flying machine contests at Spa, on the 12th, 19th and 26th. September.—Grand Prix of the A. C. F. Aeroplane contests at Vichy. October.—Distance contests and contests for prearranged objective point at Berlin on the 10th. Gordon Bennett International Race on the nth. International aeroplane contests at Venice for $5000 in prizes. 1911.—International assembly of dirigibles in Italy under the auspices of the Societa Aeronautica Italiana. I notice a mention of the National Airship Company of San Francisco, in February AERONAUTICS under the head of "Notes." Although I am not connected with the Company other than a small stockholder, I am anxious with other stockholders to see our Company a success. And such misleading articles tend to militate against the best interests of the Company. Your correspondent states that all the officials connected with the concern have disappeared, and with them what is left of the stock sales, amounting to more than a quarter of a million dollars. After I heard of the trouble I went over to San Francisco and found Mr. Morrell in the office working at a typewriter. He said he had been in the office every day, notwithstanding the report that he had absconded with the funds. He says he has paid out twenty-seven thousand dollars more than received for the sale of stock; never sold a share of personal stock and never accepted a dollar for personal services, and has worked more than fourteen hours per day during three years since the Company was organized. He says the Ariel, will be built, if he is let alone, and do all that he has ever claimed for it. Where the malicious articles claim that the federal officers were asked to investigate on the complaint of hundreds of stockholders, Mr. Morrell says that only two stockholders have made any complaint, and these two are connected with other airship companies, and have an interest to down him. I do not pretend to say how this trouble will come out. But there are certainly misstatements abroad concerning the Airship Company that should be corrected. Berkeley, Cal., Feb. 28, 1908. W. S. HASKELL. The Engineers' Corps have finished the project for constructing a dirigible like Patrie, capable of carrying five passengers. It will be built with Russian workmen and with Russian material. The motor is already completed. It will be ready in September. This magazine will publish each month a list of such rare and contemporaneous books relating to aeronautics as it is able to secure. If you desire any of those listed, kindly send check with your order for the amount stated. Should the book ordered be sold previous to the receipt of your order, the money will be promptly returned. Flying and No Failure, or Aerial Transit Accomplished More than a Century Ago. Travels in Space (Valentine and Tomlinson). Introduction by Sir Hiram Maxim. The Dominion of the Air (J. M. Bacon). Story of aerial navigation. Illustrated. History & Practice of Aeronautics (John Wise). Illustrated, 8vo., cloth, 310 pp.. Airships Past and Present, by Captain A. Hildebrandt; translated by W. H. Story (D. ESPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR AERONAUTICAL PURPOSES. GREATEST POWER, LEAST WEIGHT CONSISTENT WITH RELIABILITY. 20 H. P. 4-cylinder vertical air cooled, " 110 " H. P. 8-cylinder air cooled V. " 160 " H. P. 4-cylinder water cooled, " 200 " H. P. 8-cylinder water cooled, " 300 " g. H. CURTISS MANUFACTURING CO., ... - Hammondsport, N. Y. 44 H. P. (brake test) motor, water cooled, weight 130 lbs., including magneto, oil cups and water. Especially bnilt for aeronautic work. Aeroplanes bnilt complete or materials furnished Steel or aluminum tubing, bamboo, etc. Castings for joining corners Advice on construction given. Also information relating to past machines or experiments. J. W. ROSHON, Harrisburg, Pa. ILLUSTRIERTE AERONAUTISCHE MITTEILUNGEN German illustrated Aeronautical Record. THE SOCIETY OF AVIATION OF VIENNA. Contains Articles in German, English and French. G. E. STECKERT & Co., 129 W. 20th St., New York, or to B. Westermann & Co., 11 E. 17th St., New York, or direct to the Publisher, Karl J. Trübner, Strassburg (Els.), Germany. AVIATOR AERONAUT EXPERT IN THE U. S. MALLET, Paris; Spherical Balloons, Dirigibles. L. CHAUVIERE, Paris; Maker of new V. Tatin Aeroplanes—Helicopters. HUE, Paris ; Aeronautic Registering Instruments specially made for the Aero Club of France. The ANTOINETTE extra light aviation motors. TORRILHON special Rubber Fabrics for balloons and airships. Messrs A. C. Triaca and Leo Stevens are ready to deliver Aeroplanes of the Farman No. I and Delagrange types after trials of I mile circle. Subscriptions received for "Aerophile" Paris.
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