Mechanosensitive Ion Channels in Cardiovascular Physiology. Exp Clin Cardiol 2014;20(10):6550-6560. Epub 2014 Oct 29. Laboraotry of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Wisconsin - Madison, WI 53706, USA; Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin - Madison, WI 53706. Detection of left ventricular asynchrony and its relationship with the Tei index in patients with coronary artery ectasia. Objective: To evaluate left ventricular (LV) systolic asynchrony and its relationship with the Tei index using tissue Doppler imaging (TDI); and to evaluate the relationship of thrombolysis in myocardial infarction frame count (TFC) and Tei index with LV asynchrony in patients with coronary artery ectasia (CAE). Smooth muscle-like cells resident in the media participate in spasm-induced coronary intimal hyperplasia. Background: Coronary intimal hyperplasia occurs at the site of spasm in patients with vasospastic angina. The migration of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) from the media has been proposed as a potential mechanism; however, this has not been confirmed with supportive evidence. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid-enriched diet differentially protects two subpopulations of myocardial mitochondria against Ca(2+)-induced injury. Department of General and Molecular Pathophysiology, AA Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, Kiev, Ukraine. What lies beneath: Posterior ST elevation myocardial infarction with underlying right ventricular-paced rhythm. Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of California, Davis, Davis, California, USA. Patent ductus arteriosus closure using an Amplatzer(™) ventricular septal defect closure device. University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, Texas, USA. Mitral annulus calcification is independently associated with all-cause mortality. University of Arizona School of Medicine, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Evaluation of left ventricular function, rotation, twist and untwist in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Abnormal myocardial perfusion and risk of heart failure in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. HF Clinic, Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición "Salvador Zubirán". Background: Diabetes is a major risk factor for heart failure (HF), although the pathophysiological processes have not been clarified. Objective: To determine the prevalence of HF and of abnormal myocardial perfusion in diabetic patients evaluated using technetium (99m) sestamibi single-photon emission computed tomography. Atorvastatin improves endothelial progenitor cell function and reduces pulmonary hypertension in patients with chronic pulmonary heart disease. Objective: To explore the effects of atorvastatin on the migration and adhesion of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) and on pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) in patients with chronic pulmonary heart disease. Relationship between serum uric acid levels and ventricular function in patients with idiopathic pulmonary hypertension. Objective: To investigate the relationship between serum uric acid levels and pulmonary hypertension in patients with idiopathic pulmonary artery hypertension (IPAH). Background: Few studies have assessed the prevalence of mixed dyslipidemia (MD) and the effectiveness of lipid-modifying therapy (LMT) for the treatment of abnormal levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), triglycerides (TG) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) in Australian clinical practice. Objective: To estimate the prevalence of MD in Australian patients undergoing LMT. Combined circumferential and longitudinal left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus without myocardial ischemia. Background/objective: Left ventricular (LV) circumferential or longitudinal shortening may be impaired in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). In the present study, patients with type 2 DM without myocardial ischemia and combined impairment of circumferential and longitudinal (C+L) shortening were studied to assess the prevalence and factors associated with this condition. How do cardiorespiratory fitness improvements vary with physical training modality in heart failure patients? A quantitative guide. University of New England, School of Science and Technology, Armidale, New South Wales, Australia. Background: Peak oxygen consumption (VO2) is the gold standard measure of cardiorespiratory fitness and a reliable predictor of survival in chronic heart failure patients. Furthermore, any form of physical training usually improves cardiorespiratory fitness, although the magnitude of improvement in peak VO2 may vary across different training prescriptions. High prevalence of subclinical thyroid dysfunction and the relationship between thyrotropin levels and cardiovascular risk factors in residents of the coastal area of China. Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of subclinical thyroid dysfunction and the relationship between thyrotropin levels and cardiovascular risk factors in residents of the coastal area of China. Hematological parameters and coronary collateral circulation in patients with stable coronary artery disease. Abant Izzet Baysal University School of Medicine, Department of Cardiology, Bolu, Turkey. Background: Although hematological parameters have been associated with prognosis in patients with various cardiovascular diseases, their relationship with coronary collateral (CC) circulation in patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) is unknown. Objective: To investigate the relationship between hematological parameters and CC vessel development in patients with stable CAD. Left ventricular systolic and diastolic function in subjects with a bicuspid aortic valve without significant valvular dysfunction. Cardiology Department, Bursa Yüksek htisas Education and Research Hospital, Bursa, Turkey. Background: The bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) represents the most common cardiac congenital malformation in adults. It is frequently associated with dilation, aneurysm and dissection of the ascending aorta. Role of gamma-glutamyltransferase in cardiovascular diseases. Department of Cardiology, the Third Affiliated Hospital to Nantong University, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, China. A novel measurement technique for the design of fenestrated stent grafts: Comparison with three-dimensional aorta models. Validation of the vitronectin knockout mouse as a model for studying myocardial infarction: Vitronectin appears to influence left ventricular remodelling following myocardial infarction. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of British Columbia and the James Hogg iCAPTURE Centre for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Research, St Paul's Hospital, Vancouver, British Columbia. Background: Vitronectin (VN) is an abundant acute-phase plasma protein that regulates cell adhesion and migration as well as interactions with components of the plasminogen activator/plasmin system, specifically plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1. This system plays a major role in tissue remodelling regulating wound healing after myocardial infarction. Effect of the stellate ganglion on atrial fibrillation and atrial electrophysiological properties and its left-right asymmetry in a canine model. Objective: To investigate the effect of the stellate ganglion (SG) and its left-right asymmetry on atrial fibrillation (AF) inducibility, AF duration and atrial electrophysiological properties. Department of Cardiology, University of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama, USA. Right ventricular myocardial infarction: From pathophysiology to prognosis. Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology, Masaryk University and University Hospital Brno, Brno, Czech Republic. Mitral valve repair versus replacement in simultaneous aortic and mitral valve surgery. Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic. Background: Double valve replacement for concomitant aortic and mitral valve disease is associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. Excellent results with valve repair in isolated mitral valve lesions have been reported; therefore, whether its potential benefits would translate into better outcomes in patients with combined mitral-aortic disease was investigated. Percutaneous coronary intervention delays pacemaker implantation in coronary artery disease patients with established bradyarrhythmias. Department of Cardiology, The Fourth Clinical Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China. Background: Pacemakers have long been used to assist the heart under pathological conditions, and they are the first choice in the treatment of systematic bradyarrhythmias. However, the effect of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with coronary artery disease as well as bradyarrhythmias remains unknown. Effect of prostaglandin E1 inhalation on pulmonary hypertension following corrective surgery for congenital heart disease. Background: Intravenous infusion of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) has been used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH); however, the efficacy and safety of inhaled PGE1 is unclear. Objectives: To investigate the effect of inhaled PGE1 on PAH following corrective surgery for congenital heart disease. Depression increases the risk for uncontrolled hypertension. Metabolic and Research Clinic, Hospital General de Ticomán SS DF and Mexican Group for Basic and Clinical Research in Internal Medicine, México DF, México. Background: Because hypertension and depression share common pathways, it is possible that each disease has an impact on the natural history of the other. Objective: To determinate whether depression influences blood pressure control in hypertensive patients. Effects of low-dose hydroxychloroquine on expression of phosphorylated Akt and p53 proteins and cardiomyocyte apoptosis in peri-infarct myocardium in rats. Division of Cardiology, Department of Geriatrics, The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, People's Republic of China ; Laboratory Research Center, The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, People's Republic of China. Background: Low-dose hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) protein kinase have recently been postulated to be beneficial for the prevention of the age-associated metabolic syndrome including hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and glucose intolerance; however, the effects of low-dose HCQ on the expression of ATM downstream phosphorylated Akt (protein kinase B) and p53 proteins and cardiomyocyte apoptosis in the peri-infarct myocardium remain unclear. Objective: To explore the effects of low-dose HCQ on the expression of phosphorylated Akt and p53 proteins and cardiomyocyte apoptosis in the peri-infarct myocardium in a rat model. Exercise-induced ST-segment elevation during the recovery phase of an exercise stress test. Oxidative stress: Predictive marker for coronary artery disease. Third Medical Faculty of Charles University and University Hospital Royal Vineyards, Prague, Czech Republic. Nitrate-induced paradoxical ischemia predicts adverse outcomes in elderly patients with healed myocardial infarcts. Nuclear Cardiology Service, Università Campus - Bio Medico di Roma, Via Alvaro del Portillo, Rome, Italy. Background: It is well known that nitrates can induce paradoxical myocardial ischemia. Correlation between major adverse cardiac events and coronary plaque characteristics. Background: Unstable plaque is believed to be responsible for major adverse cardiac events (MACE). Objective: To determine whether coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) could be used to predict future MACE. Functions of cyclophilin A in atherosclerosis. Department of Cardiology, No.3 People's Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China. A modified murine model for the study of reverse cardiac remodelling. Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. The effect of trans-resveratrol on platelet-neutrophil complex formation and neutrophil burst in hypercholesterolemic rats. Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Bozok University, Antalya, Turkey. The effects of cyclooxygenase and nitric oxide synthase inhibition on cardiodynamic parameters and coronary flow in isolated rat hearts. Background: Despite the widespread clinical use of cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors, dilemmas regarding the potential impact of these drugs on the cardiovascular system persist. Objective: To estimate the effects of different COX inhibitors (meloxicam, acetylsalicylic acid [ASA] and SC-560) on cardiac function and coronary flow in isolated rat hearts, with special focus on the L-arginine/nitric oxide system. Effectiveness of a new inflatable balloon device for gluing dissected layers in an experimental model of aortic dissection. Effect of metoprolol on myocardial apoptosis and caspase-9 activation after coronary microembolization in rats. Department of Cardiology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, China. Objective: To explore the effect of metoprolol on myocardial apoptosis and caspase-9 activation after coronary microembolization (CME) in rats. Substrate-dependent modulation of oxidative phosphorylation in isolated mitochondria following in vitro hypoxia and reoxygenation injury. Department of Anesthesiology, Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine, Sapporo, Japan. Wenxin Keli suppresses atrial substrate remodelling after epicardial ganglionic plexi ablation. Cardiovascular Research Institute of Wuhan Unviersity, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, China. Background: The chronic effects of ganglionic plexi (GP) ablation on atrial fibrillation (AF) inducibility have not been elucidated. Objective: To investigate the effect of Wenxin Keli (WK) on the inducibility of AF and atrial substrate remodelling after epicardial GP ablation. Myocardial inflammation in polymyalgia rheumatica assessed using cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. Chronic diarrhea as the initial clinical manifestation of light-chain amyloidosis with cardiac involvement despite negative duodenal and rectal biopsies. University of Technology Dresden, Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology, Heart Center Dresden, University Hospital, Dresden, Germany. Pulmonary embolism, part II: Management. 2nd Department of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, General University Hospital and 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic. Pulmonary embolism, part I: Epidemiology, risk factors and risk stratification, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and nonthrombotic pulmonary embolism. 2nd Department of Medicine - Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, General University Hospital and 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic. High-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels and treadmill exercise test responses in men and women without overt heart disease. The primary anomalies of coronary artery origin and course: A coronary angiographic analysis of 16,573 patients. Ondokuz Mayis University, Faculty of Medicine, Cardiology Department, Samsun, Turkey.
Chinchillas are adorable, gentle animals that need attentive care in order to thrive. They make great pets but are sensitive, so they should be handled delicately and housed properly. To keep them happy and healthy, you also need to provide them with a proper diet, give them opportunities for exercise, and keep their cage clean. With planning and ongoing care, your chinchilla will be a wonderful and enjoyable pet for years to come. Provide a large, wire cage. Chinchillas should be kept in cages made of metal. Since they are extremely active animals, the larger the cage, the better. Your chinchilla's cage should be 16 by 18 by 16 inches (41 × 46 × 41 cm) at minimum. A tall and wide cage is the best, but tall is better than wide if you can't get both. Chinchillas love to jump, so multiple levels are great for them. Try to get a tall cage because they can jump up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) high. Glass cages are not good for chinchillas because the glass severely limits air flow. Make sure the cage has a solid bottom. A chinchilla can get its feet caught in wire floors, which can cause serious physical harm. A solid floor can be made of hard plastic or plywood and it is helpful if the bottom piece is removable so it can be cleaned thoroughly. Ensure that the cage bars are close together. It's important that the chinchilla can't stick its head through the bars. If its head fits through the bars, its whole body will fit through and it can escape. These animals have a lot of fur and small bodies underneath. If you choose a wire cage, ensure that there are no bits of wire poking out that your chinchilla could cut itself on if it does try to squeeze through the bars. Provide a nesting box for your chinchilla. A nesting box will give your chinchilla somewhere to take refuge if it is scared or tired. This box should measure at least 20 in (50 cm) in length and 10 in (25 cm) width and height, and can be made out of a chew-proof material. The nesting box should be placed on the floor, not on any shelves, because the chinchilla might knock it down. Proper nesting boxes can be purchased through pet supply retailers online and in some pet supply stores. Place the cage in a high, quiet area. It's important to keep their cage in an area where it is quiet during the day so their sleep cycle is not interrupted. Also, chinchillas do not like being looked down on. You should keep their cage on a counter top or somewhere relatively high up. If you look down on them, it can severely scare them. Chins have different psychology from cats and dogs, which are predators. They are prey animals, so they are always fearful of being attacked and eaten. Do not put a chinchilla's cage in a spot where a dog, cat, or anything else can harm or injure it. Keep your chinchilla cool. Chinchillas overheat easily, so it's ideal to keep them in a room that is between 60 °F (16 °C) and 70 °F (21 °C). They cannot survive temperatures over 80 °F (27 °C) or below 50 °F (10 °C). Also, keep their cage in a room with lots of air flow and make sure their cage is not in a spot where the sunlight can directly land on them. Any amount of direct sunlight can cause them to become overheated very quickly. Do not allow them to be in high humidity, either. If you have a humid home, put them near a dehumidifier. Provide healthy bedding. Try to use kiln-dried aspen on the floor of your chinchilla's cage. You can also use Carefresh or any other paper bedding, but be aware that, when ingested, the paper will expand in the animal's system, causing possible blockage in the digestive tract. Some people use fleece fabric on the bottom of their chinchilla cages. If you do this, the fabric needs to washed weekly and you need to be careful to use only fleece and not other fabrics. Also, never use cedar shavings as bedding, as the phenols in the cedar are very strong and cause serious respiratory, skin, coat and liver problems. They are also poisonous to chinchillas if they try to eat them. Remove soiled hay and bedding from the cage daily. It's important to keep the bottom of the cage clean so that the animal stays clean and disease doesn't spread. Pick up soiled bedding in areas where the chinchilla goes to the bathroom as soon as you see their waste and put new, clean bedding in its place right away. Wash the cage with hot water weekly. It is generally suggested that you use no soap or chemicals on the inside of your chinchilla's cage. Instead, simply use hot water to clean the cage. Swish some water around the cage's plastic pan, then clean it thoroughly with hot water and let it air dry. This is a good way to kill most of the bacteria that can harm your chinchilla. Don't ever use bleach or any other chemicals on the cage that could harm your chinchilla. If you are housing more than 1 chinchilla in a cage, that cage should be cleaned more than once a week. Provide a constant supply of timothy hay. Your chinchilla should have a supply of good quality timothy hay available to them at all times. Provide it in a bowl or loose on the bottom of the chinchilla's cage. You can provide timothy hay in racks and hay balls, but be aware that chinchillas are known for getting stuck in them. Providing hay gives your chinchilla necessary fiber. Chewing hay helps them avoid tooth overgrowth. Give your chinchilla pellets daily. Pellets provide your chinchilla with a variety of vitamins and nutrients. Choose a pellet that is designed for chinchilla nutrition needs and follow the instructions provided with it for portion sizing. Place the pellets in a food dish and make sure that dish is cleaned daily before the pellets are put in it. Most adult chinchillas should eat around 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of pellets every day, depending on what type of pellets they are given. Feed chinchillas treats infrequently. Feeding them other snacks too frequently can cause digestive problems. Safe treats include raisins, carrots, apple, oats, dried blackberry leaves, rose petals from plants that have not been sprayed with poisons of any kind, unsweetened cheerios, unsweetened shredded wheat, dried rose hips, and safe wood chew sticks. However, these should be given in very small servings and should only be given once or twice a week. Never give fruit, vegetables, nuts, or other treats that are not listed as safe. Replace the drinking water daily. Use either filtered water or chemical-free tap water and place it in a water bottle with a sipper tube on the end of it that is connected to the side of their cage. Make sure that they have water in that bottle at all times and put clean water in it every day, even if it still has water in it from the day before. Remember to sterilize the water bottle when changing the water. The algae that grows in their water can cause liver problems or severe diarrhea, or even kill a chinchilla. Chinchillas cannot handle some naturally occurring bacteria or parasites in water like humans, dogs, and cats can, so you need to be sure that the water you give them is clean. Begin handling a chinchilla weekly from an early age. If they are handled from birth, they will be tame and docile. If they have no positive physical contact with people until they are full-grown, they will likely not adjust well to being handled unless they are given extensive training. Read a chinchilla's cues to determine if they want to be handled. Chinchillas are usually very friendly but shouldn't be over-handled. Make sure your chinchilla does not bark as you go to pick it up. If it does, don't pick it up. This is one of their ways of telling you to back off. Chinchillas have other defenses as well, such as losing fur, biting, and spraying urine. If your chinchilla is doing any of these things, you may be handling it too much. Lift your chinchilla properly. Lift your pet like you would for a rabbit. Slide your hand under the chinchilla's belly and place your other hand on top of the chinchilla. Use the hand under the chinchilla to support its hind legs and bum so it feels secure. Don't hold the chinchilla too tightly, but do remember that they can be squirmy, so you need to hold them firmly. It is very important that you don't squeeze, especially around the upper torso. Chinchillas have what is known as a "floating ribcage" and you can cause severe internal injuries to it by squeezing that area. Make sure to be gentle with them to avoid scaring them. Give your chinchilla something to chew on for dental health. Chinchillas' teeth grow continuously and can grow up to 12 inches (30 cm) a year. To avoid overgrowth, which can impact a chinchilla's ability to eat, purchase a special block of wood or pumice stone for your chinchilla to chew on. These are typically available at most pet supply stores. Also provide your chinchilla with branches that can be climbed and gnawed on. Ensure that these branches are not cut from trees that have recently been sprayed with chemicals, or that are poisonous, such as yew, laburnum, and fresh pine. Recommended trees are sycamore and manzanita, as they provide straight wood that is quite resistant to the chinchilla's sharp teeth. Apple tree branches are another good alternative that can be found quite easily. Give your chinchilla dust to bathe in. Water can harm the chinchilla's fur, so you can't give it a bath with water. Instead, give them a dust bath. The "dust" bath is made with a mix of dusting powder made of volcanic ash or activated clay and is available from most pet supply businesses. Place the dust in a metal pan that is at least 6 inches (15 cm) by 12 inches (30 cm) and only allow the chinchilla access to it for about 10-15 minutes 2 to 3 times per week. The dust baths help the chinchilla get rid of excess grease in their fur. Do not get chinchillas wet. Their fur does not dry out like a normal animal, causing it to get damaged and moldy. Letting your chinchilla have too much time in the dust bath will cause too much dryness on the animal's coat. However, too little dust bathing will cause their coats to build up oils, which can cause a disfiguring and deadly fungus to grow on their skin. If you do let your pet out of the cage for supervised play time, it should be in a small room and the room should be chinchilla-proof, which means there are no wires, furniture, or other things for them to chew on. Keep in mind that chinchillas can jump several feet (nearly 2 meters) in the air and can squeeze through tiny spaces when you let them out of their cage. Chinchillas are nocturnal animals, so exercise time outside of the cage is best in the evening in a big area where they can run around. Be wary of using an exercise wheel or ball. Do not provide a wire exercise wheel in their cage. Using wheels like this can cause them to injure their feet. If you want to give them a wheel, make sure it has a solid surface and is large in diameter, so they don't bend their backs too far and injure them. Also, never use the giant hamster balls pet stores try to sell you. Instead, let them out in a supervised air-conditioned room, and allow your chinchillas to run freely. Watch out for signs of illness. Keep an eye on the general health of your chinchilla so that you can catch health problems early and get them treated. Assess the animal's energy level and physical health daily, looking for changes in how it moves and how much it is eating and drinking. Also look over its coat, making sure there are not areas of fur loss. If you see any of these problems, consult with your veterinarian. Look at the clarity of the chinchilla's eyes and for excess drainage from the nose, which can be signs of an infection. Also look at the state of the chinchilla's feces. If the consistency changes dramatically, it may have a digestive problem occurring. How often do I change the sand in their bath house? Dr. Elliott is a veterinarian with over thirty years of experience. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987, and worked as a veterinary surgeon for 7 years. Afterward, Dr. Elliott worked as a veterinarian at an animal clinic for over a decade. When the chinchilla bathes, the dust becomes contaminated with grease and skin debris. If the chinchilla bathes 2 or 3 times per week, change the dust at least once a week. Chinchillas are a prey species which makes them cautious around things they are unfamiliar with. They are not naturally friendly, but can be won over by regularly spending time in the company of people. I dislike terms such as 'low' or 'high' maintenance because each pet is a living creature with its own needs. Chinchillas are a commitment because their cage needs to be kept very clean, they need good quality food, and they need daily interaction with people if they are to be friendly. What is a dust bath? A dust bath is the chinchilla's way of keeping their coat clean. They have exceptionally dense fur, and shouldn't get wet. Rolling in fine volcanic ash absorbs the natural grease produced by the skin and keeps the chinchilla clean. How long does a chinchilla live in captivity? When well-cared for, a chinchilla can live in captivity for up to ten years. Do chinchilas have to live in cages, say if I have my chinchilla in my bedroom would it cause any problems? A chinchilla needs its own space where it can feel safe and secure. Putting it loose in your bedroom will not necessarily give it the space it needs, and it may destroy your room as well. This is a temporary solution only if you have no other options. However, a chinchilla needs a lot more space than a guinea pig does. If you have to use a small cage temporarily, make sure that your chinchilla gets a lot of time out of its cage. No, you should not poke a chinchilla. You should not poke or injure any animal that is in your care. My chinchilla hasn't eaten or drunk water in 4 days. What should I do? Take it to be looked at by a vet right away. It is likely very ill and it needs veterinary care as soon as possible. How many times do I need to clean the chinchilla's cage each week? Once a week should be sufficient for a deep cleaning, but you should remove any soiled hay or bedding daily. Don't try to hold or get up close with your chinchilla until you earn their trust, because they are shy animals and it can be stressful for them whenever they are cornered in an unfamiliar place. Check when you buy any item for a chinchilla from a pet store that it is made specifically for chinchillas and that it is safe. Never feed chinchillas human food. Keep flimsy plastic away from chinchilla cages. Ingesting plastic can cause sickness and/or death. Chinchillas are typically not good for children, because of their rather reserved nature and delicate bodies. To properly care for a chinchilla, keep it in a cage that’s tall enough to give it plenty of room to jump and climb. Provide bedding made from dried aspen or pine shavings, and make sure your chinchilla always has a fresh supply of clean water and timothy hay to eat. Remove soiled hay and bedding from the cage daily, and give your chinchilla a dust bath every 1-2 weeks to help prevent oils from building up on its coat. Keep reading to learn what you can give your chinchilla to chew on! Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 569,753 times. "This helped me know how to keep a chin alive and healthy and how big of a responsibility it is to have one." "Did not realize the degree of hardiness or lack thereof. E.g., heat sensitivity, need for dust bath." "I think this article was really helpful. I'm getting a chinchilla soon, and this prepared me a lot. " "Great information, as I am adopting a chinchilla next week. Much on here I didn't know. Thanks!" "It helped me by telling me what I need for my chinchilla and I think that it was helpful for me." "I love chinchillas, and I love this article. Thanks so much for the info on chinchillas. " "Thank you! Thinking very seriously about owning a chinchilla, and am doing research. " "Everything helped. Now I know how to take care of what will be my chinchilla." "Just been given a chinchilla and am pleased to find out how to care for him." "I am considering getting a chinchilla and this article helped me very much." "This helped me learn how to take care of a chinchilla and where to get one." "This made me realize that a chinchilla is more work than I need to take on." "Very helpful for me. I'm planning to get a chinchilla on Christmas 2016." "I have learned so much! I really want a chinchilla and this is great!" "I think this article was really helpful because I want a chinchilla." "This helped so much, I did not know this stuff until I read this." "Thank the author. As for me, it is really a very useful article." "Yeah, it helped. I don't think I want one. Too much work."
In this world I'm working on, magic is extremely bound by the laws of physics. Magic is explicable through science, and many people study it. The study of magic itself is like studying physics; the study of applied magic is like engineering. I like to think of magic as behaving similar to electromagnetism. Humans emit electromagnetic radiation naturally, but it would be very unnatural if a human suddenly could shoot out a bolt of lightning, or if they could use their bare hands to power a circuit. In a world like that, where magic is akin to electromagnetism, how would a civilized society react to individuals capable of magical feats? Note that these mages would be incredibly rare--perhaps 1 for every 750,000. Society would view this as a threat and eliminate it entirely. Society, already advanced in studying magic, wishes to learn more and wants to determine if the condition can be induced onto others. Society finds a means of using their abilities to conduct war and trains them as soldiers. I can see a lot of possibilities. I want to know: which possibility, of the ones above or otherwise, is the most realistic one to occur, and why? 1: Does magic run in families or is it totally random? Let's say that it is beyond the scope of genetics. It is not inherited. No single race or ethnicity is more likely than another to have mages appear. Mages may also appear in animals, but the scope of ability is limited based on physical constraints. A cow's magic is different than a human's. 2: Is it a recent thing? Did mages start appearing like X-Men or have they always been? It is not a recent thing, but it gets more noticeable as time goes on due to ease of communication amongst people. Additionally, since the probably of being born a mage remains the same throughout time, having an increased population means the likelihood of mages appearing also increases over time. 3: Do mages have any historical organization/guild/power base? I doubt this largely because of how rare it is, though I can see these emerging as time goes on, for reasons stated in 2. 4: Just how powerful are they? World shattering, city shattering or small country village shattering? This I believe varies greatly depending on the individual. While some mages may only be able to, say, cause light to emerge from their hands, others may very well be capable of devastating offensive tactics. That said, since I do want magic to be at least partially tied down to a scientific study, I wouldn't imagine an individual capable of destroying the world. For cities, it'd likely have to be a small one. Humans have limits, and as such human mages also have limits. All three. Here in the US you would likely get all three in one country. The average person would probably fear them, some would find them fascinating, elevating them to the level of super-stars, 'scientists' would want to study them, and governments would want to control them and use them as a threat or worse. Re the answers: since they've existed historically I'd say that puts them in a different light. Mages aren't going to be in competition with governments: historically they've been governments or a major part of the power base of governments. But no dynasties since it doesn't run in families. If it did then mages would be the dominant group with almost all royal families being very magical. In fact I can imagine that history would look very different. Before the invention of guns/sniper rifles mages would have been the dominant force in any war. Since it's totally random and 99% of the population would have been dirt poor every generation almost all of the most powerful people in the world would would have risen from poverty to the heights of power. Any nobility that abused the poor would be facing a new ruler who had been born in poverty within a few decades. Social mobility is going to look quite different and there's unlikely to have been a history of long-term royal lines. Indeed such a world is likely to have been far more egalitarian out of practical and justified fear, any big country is going to produce a few mages and most will be born the children of peasants. For stability it's likely that mages will seek out others like themselves to form some kind of guild in order to get some kind of continuity of power and to make sure their grandkids aren't slaughtered by the next generation of mages. 2 and 3 are certain though whether mages are the ones controlling it is uncertain. Finding mages at a young age when they can still be indoctrinated will have become part of the culture but they'll have been scooped out of the regular population so predictably that social views towards them would probably be highly negative. A countries mages are likely to be viewed as a major military asset but if they've been part of the system for many centuries they're likely to have status as well. Also there will be a lot of chicken mages. Worldwide over 50 billion chickens bred every year so that well over 50,000 chicken-mages. If their power can be tapped it will be. A civilised society would probably become a mix of scared, angered, confused, curious, interested and intrigued. Here are the reasons for each of these: Scared/angered because this magic could easily be misused (depending on how destructive this feat of magic was). Confused/curious/interested because of what just happened (depending on what exactly happened though). Intrigued because of the abnormality of what just happened (depending on how dramatic this magic was). Another thing that would probably happen is if the police equivalent in your society (assuming there is a police equivalent) are there during the feat there will probably be actions taken to restrict the person who did the magic (again depending on how dramatic and how destructive this magic was) to ensure safety of the public. What exactly would happen to the person after that would mostly depend on what sort of police exists in your society (are the police more aggressive and brutal or are they more calm), how dramatic and destructive this magical feat was and what the witnesses say as well as the "magic guy"'s attitude/reaction towards the police. If the police weren't there at the time but were notified about it by a decent amount of people then an investigation would probably take place. If the police are ultra brutal and aggressive then they might take a much more direct approach like searching for this person house by house. I can't be too specific because a lot of this depends on the type of society it is and specifics but hopefully this narrows it down a bit. EDIT: I replied before you editted the question to include the three different thoughts. First of all, 1:750k isn't super-rare. Europe has almost 750 million people currently. So there would be around a thousand of your mages in Europe alone, and ten times as many globally. That is more than enough to form their own society, organisations, maybe even small country. The answers to your question depend a lot on whether or not this happens. You evade the question with your answer 2, but it is absolutely vital to the entire concept. If they don't form a guild, the governments of the world have more than enough means to control them. Some would use positive reinforcement (honours, loyalty, etc.) some would use soft pressure (prejudices in society, cultural taboos), some hard pressure (laws, regulations, punishments) and some suppression (jail, execution). Society would react much like it does to anything else. Drugs, climate change, disasters, new technology - with a variety of responses. If the mages cooperate and form an organisation, they can free themselves from outside influence. They would become a player in global politics instead of pawns - with all the opportunities and risks associated. If they have a physical location, they need to be ready for war. Someone will want to fight them, for religious or other reasons. If they don't have a physical location, they will be in the place of other international organisations, and can potentially be restrained by laws or sanctions. Many possibilities are discussed in the TV Tropes page for "Super Registration Act": http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SuperRegistrationAct . One particular one which seems likely to me is that mages would not be explicitly forbidden to use their magic, but would be so tightly regulated that magic use became next to impossible in practice. You'd have to submit an application in triplicate three months in advance before you cured a wart. A good effect of this from the government's point of view would be that mages would be willing to join the government research programme or the army simply to get a chance to use their powers - without the government having to introduce conscription, or fend off civil rights lawyers. How would magic affect the subjects taught in school?
Saudi’s Shoura Council Seeks Probe Into Haramain Rail Project Delays - railmeds JimdoPage! 04/06/2014 (Gulf Business - UAE): Saudi Arabia’s Shoura Council has asked the national anti-corruption commission (Nazaha) to investigate the delay in the completion of the Haramain Railway project. The Haramain high-speed link, which will link the holy cities of Makkah and Medina, has seen a number of construction delays, which have pushed back its launch date to 2016 from 2012. The project has also seen cost revisions from $12 billion to $14 billion, according to an earlier report by Saudi Railway Organisation (SRO). “The Nazaha should also investigate the budget allocated to the Haramain Railway project and the reasons for the increase in the funds needed for the completion of the project,” the Shoura Council said in a meeting held to discuss the annual report of the SRO, Arab News reported. 02/06/2014 (Gulf News - UAE): Abu Dhabi: Etihad Rail — the developer and operator of the UAE’s national railway network — has said it has achieved more than 10 million working man-hours, or over 250 days, with zero lost-time injuries.“This achievement, which includes time dedicated to the testing and commissioning of trains since September last year, reflects that the high safety standards of the rail industry have carried over into Etihad Rail’s activities prior to the launch of commercial operations,” said Engineer Faris Saif Al Mazroui, Acting CEO of Etihad Rail. Al Mazroui added that at Etihad Rail, they believe that all accidents, injuries and work-related illnesses are preventable, with safety being a value and mind-set shared by all. “From senior management through to the frontline, each of our employees and contractors is trained and empowered to eliminate unsafe conditions and implement the necessary corrective actions to make an area or situation safe. This has resulted in a common set of principles and behaviours that ensures working safely is part of our daily business. This 10 million hours figure is a significant milestone for us, particularly considering the challenging desert conditions of the Western Region,” Al Mazroui said. 06/06/2014 (AzerNews - Azerbaijan): Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran railway will be put into operation this year. The remark was made Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov at a meeting with his Kazakh counterpart Nursultan Nazarbayev in Turkey. Turkmen and Kazakh presidents met as part of the Summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic-Speaking States (CCTS), held in Turkey's Bodrum city on June 5. During the talks the Turkmen president invited his Kazakh counterpart to take part in the solemn ceremony of opening of this strategic railway, which is an essential part of the North-South transport corridor, with a global significance. The sides also noted the new railway will provide a convenient and economical transportation of goods to South Asia, to the Gulf ports, as well as in the opposite direction - to the Eastern Europe through Russia, Turkmen media reported. Qatar committed to schedule of GCC railway network - Min. 02/06/2014 (KUNA - Kuwait): DOHA, June 2 (KUNA) -- Qatari Minister of Transport Jassem Al-Sulaiti on Monday reaffirmed his country's commitment to the schedule of the implementation of the GCC railway network, due to go operational by 2018. "The developers of this mega project in the GCC member states are working closely together to lay out the designs of project; this process is well underway and will complete this year," the minister told reporters. Al-Sulaiti made the comments on the sidelines of the IATA's 70th Annual General Meeting (AGM) and World Air Transport Summit, being hosted by Qatar Airways (QA). "Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have already made good progress, compared with other GCC countries, in the development of technical and feasibility studies and offering them to bidders," he pointed out. "The meeting of the GCC ministers of transport and communication in Bahrain two months ago was a step forward towards the implementation of the project," he recalled, noting that undersecretary of the Bahraini Ministry of Transportation will be visiting Doha on Thursday for technical talks on the project. 03/06/2014 (The New India Express - India): As the Modi government defines its foreign policy priorities, one of the issues that needs urgent attention is the finalisation of India’s investment in the development of Chabahar Port in Iran. This is particularly important because the window of opportunity available to India to have a presence in Chabahar may be closing rapidly. India and Iran had agreed to cooperate on the development of this Iranian port way back in 2003 when Iran’s president Mohammad Khatami had visited India but nothing much has been achieved in these 11 years. It appears the previous government was close to approving US $100 million investment in the development of the port but could not take the decision. The new government could pick up the threads and quickly seal the deal. The strategic importance of Chabahar Port for India cannot be overstated. Located in the Sistan-Baluchistan province of Iran on the Makram coast and just outside the Persian Gulf, Chabahar is a natural gateway for India to Afghanistan and Central Asia. In the last 10 years, the Iranians have invested considerable sums of money in the development of Chabahar city. A 600km-long highway linking Chabahar to Zahidan in the north is operational. 01/06/2014 (Fars News - Iran): TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's Ambassador to Moscow Mahdi Sanayee and Head of the Russian State Railways Company Alexander Yakunin pledged to do their best to complete joint railroad projects, specially the one which will link the two countries via the Azerbaijan Republic. In a meeting on Friday, the two officials voiced readiness for consolidating Tehran-Moscow economic cooperation in all domains, particularly joint railway projects. “The plan for connecting the two countries through railway is practically complete now and only a few kilometers of it have remained, whose construction will not take a long period,” said the Iranian ambassador. Sanayee went on to say that there are four other joint projects between the two countries in railway transportation field, including electrifying the two countries’ railway systems. Iran-Russia trade currently totals $5bln a year, but economists say they can at least quadruple the volume of their trade exchanges. 06/06/2014 (ABC - Azerbaijan): The Asian Development Bank (ADB) informs hat it keeps in force its proposal of technical assistance for the preparation of Multi-Financing Facility (MFF) Preparing MFF Railway Investment Program. "The Bank is ready to award a $1 million grant for MFF preparation," the ADB said. CJSC Azerbaijani Railways (ADY) remains an attractive partner for ADB. Thus, in the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), which is being prepared for Azerbaijan and will cover the period of 2018-19, cooperation in the development of the railway system in the country remains a priority. The Strategy has not been adopted, but back in 2010 the government refused from the use of Bank’s finances under the formal pretext of lack of investment project. Then ADB planned to approve the first tranche in the amount of $200 million with overall Preparing the Railways Sector Development Program MFF loan in the amount of $500 million. The Bank-drawn consultants fulfilled successfully the first stage of technical assistance by 13 April 2010. The second stage of works on technical assistance (feasibility study and preliminary designing of first tranche of MFF) was never started. 06/06/2014 (RT - Russia): Russia will team up with North and South Korea in a railroad construction project that could restore peace between the two neighbors. The link will extend the world’s longest railroad, so goods can be shipped between Europe and Korea 3x faster. Russia’s Minister for Far East Development Aleksander Galushka announced the plan to extend the Trans-Siberian Railroad at a meeting in Vladivostok on Thursday. The expansion would provide a link between the Korean peninsula and Europe’s $17 trillion economy, making Russia a major transit route between Europe and Asia. Shipping by rail is nearly 3 times faster than via the Suez Canal, Russian Railways CEO Vladimir Bakunin has said. 04/06/2014 (Global Post - USA): URUMQI, June 4 (Xinhua) -- The trial run for the first high-speed railway in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region started on Tuesday, marking a countdown to formal operations by the end of the year and a confidence boost to the region. A CRH2-061C high-speed train ran through the 300-km Urumqi-Shanshan section at speeds of 160 km to 277 km per hour. The designed speed is 250 km per hour, but the train must slow down when passing through windy areas. The train is part of the Second Double-track Line of the Lanxin Railway, which links Lanzhou City in northwestern Gansu Province and Urumqi. The 1,776-km line crosses a vast expanse of the Gobi Desert and windy areas -- a major technical feat -- and will be Xinjiang's first high-speed railway when it begins operation by the end of 2014. With the new railway, travel time between Lanzhou and Urumqi will be cut from the current 21 hours to 8 hours or less. 06/06/2014 (The Nation - Pakistan): ISLAMABAD - Ministry of Railways on Thursday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with leading state-owned Chinese company, China Gezhouba Group Corporation (CGGC). The agreement was signed between RAILCOP, a subsidiary company of Pakistan Railways and the CGGC which is a subsidiary company of China Energy Engineering Corporation. The MoU demanded RAILCOP to work as local partner of Chinese company in Pakistan to identify potential construction projects and relevant information. As per agreement RAILCOP would also ensure complete cooperation in provision of engineers and supporting staff under the clause of human resource cooperation. It is pertinent to mention here that presently, the CGGC company is working on 1.5 billion US dollars Neelum - Jhelum Hydro Project. Recently, the company has also submitted expression of interest for National Highways Authority’s Lahore - Karachi motorway project.
The months-long standoff between Fiji’s government and the country’s largest Christian denomination became more heated last week when police arrested, held and later charged seven Methodist Church officials and a high-ranking chief for “incitement” and infringing on emergency rules regarding meetings. The government alleges that Rewa High Chief Ro Teimumu Kepa broke meeting rules when she met with Methodist church leaders to plan its annual two-week conference that the government has refused to issue a permit. The conference was scheduled to take place near the end of August in her province of Rewa, a poor, mostly rural area not far from the capital Suva. It brings in tens of thousands of members, includes choir competitions and provides a substantial amount of fundraising for the church. The government denied a permit for this year’s conference because leaders refused to not include two of its former presidents, Manasa Lasaro and Tomasi Kanailagi, and remove any political discussions from its agenda. Detractors of both men accuse them of mixing ethno-nationalist politics and religion. Both men also attended the alleged planning meeting and were arrested. Judges released all eight people on $500 bail and (for some) forfeiture of travel documents. They will reappear in court August 13. The predominately indigenous Fijian Methodist church, which nearly one-third of the country's population belongs, was closely aligned with the government of Laisenia Qarase, which ruled from 2001 until it was overthrown in December 2006 by Commodore Frank Bainimarama for what he called corrupt and racist rule that benefited indigenous Fijians at the expense of other ethnic groups. It was Fiji’s fourth military coup since 1987. After a court ruled in April the 2006 takeover was illegal, Fiji’s president annulled the country’s constitution, fired the entire judiciary and appointed Frank Bainimarama to a five-year term before elections will be held. The government then passed a series of Public Emergency Regulations, controlling the media and limiting assembly. Insaafi, writing in Raw Fiji News, says the arrests are a a case against religious freedom. The issue is not so much that a high chief has been apprehended at midnight and taken for questioning without any justfication. It is more about the moral repugnance and abomination of denial of very basic tenets of natural justice to a decent citizen of fiji whose rights to human freedom , dignity and freedom of speech are enshrined in not only the abbrogated constitution but also in the preamble to the Charter tha the regime has adopted as its mantra. It is also about the traditional respect that we have for all the mothers, sisters and citisens of our country. Religious freedoms form the cornestone of all civilised societies and the suppression of the Methodists in Fiji cannot and should not be condoned by those who have any respect for their own rights and religions. It is time for all the religious groups to show total solidarity with the Methodists. Intelligentsiya argues by picking a fight with the powerful Methodist church, the military government may soon meet its match. The Methodist Church remains steadfast and refuses to budge on their intent to hold their conference. There could be wave after wave of believers willing to face persecution and oppression for the Lord's work (as is foretold in the good book). This time Bainimarama has picked a fight with the wrong foe – God. Let's see how many methodists the military can round up and charge with incitement, before they collapse in exhaustion or run out of holding capacity. However, an anonymous comment in the above post criticizes Church leadership. As a Christian, I am sick and tired of publicity hungry chiefs seeking political notoriety, without dealing with what's important, standing amongst distracting homosexual looking Kanailagi crying out as victims of what they created. Impure intentions of the embittered and the desperate, missing what once was which many did not favor, feeling rebuffed by a government who professed to represent us, the common average hardworking invisible people of Fiji. Real Fiji News contends this is issue is political and not religious. We should be reminded that only a hand full of Methodists have a political agenda, which consequently is destroying the religious values for the remainder of the 300,000 followers. This is not about religion its about POLITICS. The Government is NOT against the Methodists, its against the POLITICS, lets be constantly reminded of that. The SDL party has freely admitted it has a clear strategy with regards to the Methodist church and the current government. For a few bloggers, however, the arrests and charges do not represent a fight between the government and the Methodist church; rather, it is a battle against Rewa High Chief Ro Teimumu Kepa, a practicing Catholic who was Minister of Education in the SDL-led Qarase government. What makes this issue so complicated – and potentially destabilizing – is it intersects so many fault lines within indigenous Fijian society: Namely, the role religion plays in the public sphere and the power indigenous chiefs have in politics. Some in Fiji are more than willing for chiefs and church leaders to entertain political aspirations. Others point out that there is no place for either in modern society. They argue Fiji is a multi-ethnic and poly-religious nation – with other ethnic groups, especially ethnic Indians, making up nearly 40 percent of the country’s population and non-Christian worshippers accounting for more than 30 percent of those who live in Fiji. Jenny Hayward-Jones, blogging at the Lowy Interpreter, argues the arrests were a desperate move by the government. Yesterday's arrests in Fiji of the leadership of the Methodist Church and a female paramount chief are a dramatic development in Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama’s quest to increase his control over the country. Whether they will be the trigger for the ultimate demise of his leadership, or civil unrest, or whether they are a sign of the permanent entrenchment of a military dictatorship remains to be seen. The arrests are a clear threat to two key pillars of Fiji society – the Methodist Church and the Chiefly System – and represent the most significant provocation from Bainimarama to civil society in Fiji since the 2006 coup. It’s a risky and desperate move from a leader who claims to understand the ‘Pacific Way’. Laminar Flow, writing in Stuck in Fiji M.U.D., asserts the so-called pillars no longer have a pull on anyone in the country. The proverbial pillars of Fiji's society, which Jones raised in her latest blog posting, was an emotional appeal for incitement. It may have escaped the mind of Jones, that those dual pillars she had highlighted; are so out of touch of reality that their influence on Fiji's populace has dwindled to a such a pathetic degree that, their appeal is actually anachronistic-oblivious to the changing demographics of Fiji's modern society. Both pillars are no longer load bearing entities in politics, as they once were. Currently both bedfellows flaunt their roles in public, but the actual process of reducing their Chiefly/Religious footprint in Fiji politics would neither dent nor damage, the structural integrity of the progressing nation. Nasima, writing in the Soli Vakasama blogsite, salutes a “true chief” like Ro Teimumu for defending her people. A true chief will acknowledge that without his/her people, they are nothing. Therefore his/her service will always be to the people first and self later. A chief who respect his people will get respect in return and a true chief will readily acknowledge that people’s respect should never be taken for granted to justify discontinuing his respect for his people. A true chief will always have the welfare of his people close to his heart. The above is rarely witnessed nowadays because true Fijians chiefs are an endangered species. Sadly, there are not many of them around and the Fijian people, as a unique race on the face of this earth, are being led to a slow death. Wannabe chiefs are more concerned with the figure in their bank account than with the livelihood of their people. Many will highlight the fact that a woman is standing up in the face of danger to fight for what she believe in because of the Christian faith gifted to her and her people by her forefathers. What many will fail to realise is that regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, it takes a true blue blood to flow in your veins to be able counter head-on the dangers, the likes of which is descending upon the Fijian people. My interpretation is that her primary purpose is to use the Conference as a means to create unrest and rally mass Fijian support for a political cause she shares with extreme Fijian nationalists. That is, to overthrow the Bainimarama government and see the return of a government that puts chiefly, and Fijian elite rights and privileges, ahead of those of other citizens, including those of ordinary Fijians. This is not because she is an unfeeling person but rather, I suspect, because she believes chiefs are born to rule, and that Fiji, first and foremost, must be for Fijians. But Some traction, some gain, must come from the past three years. I say this with no disrespect for Ro Teimumu or the Fijian chiefly system. But in the modern, multi-ethnic, multi-religious state of Fiji, Fijian chiefs and national politics — and religion and politics — should be kept apart, and the concepts of vanua, lotu and matanitu [Fijian culture, Christian church and government], as they apply to the 21st century, need to be re-thought. The prostrate bodies of slaves should no longer be used as rollers to launch Ro Teimumu's or anyone else's waqa drua. Over the next few weeks ordinary Fijians should be particularly wary of such manipulation by chiefs, church and the SDL. From the Blog: Waqa Drua = Large double-hulled canoes, some as long as 30 metres, capable of carrying up to 200 people, and faster than contemporary European ships.
TXAB: The Christ Almighty Blog: God must be our first resort. Never our last. God must be our first resort. Never our last. “When all else fails, try God” is not how Christianity works. Let me reiterate: There’s nothing at all wrong with asking God for things. Jesus teaches us to do so in the Lord’s Prayer: It’s all prayer requests. (Even the parts Christians claim are “praise before the requests.” Asking that God’s name be blessed, his kingdom come, his will be done, are meant to be stuff we want.) When we need something, God expects us and invites us to turn to him for help. In contrast, our culture encourages us to be independent. Do for ourselves, then ask for help. And you wanna avoid asking for help as long as possible. The world isn’t kind. They don’t help you without first asking, “What’s in it for me?” Strings get attached. They expect cash, or a quid pro quo… or at least a pizza. Pagans in particular. When things are going fine, they tend to ignore God. When things are dire, suddenly they “get religion” and try to bargain with God. And to many pagans’ surprise—’cause we’d never offer ’em grace on those terms—God regularly takes ’em up on it, and brings ’em into his kingdom as a result. How many testimonies have you heard where people came to Jesus because of a crisis? But even Christians have a bad habit of only calling upon God when it’s a crisis. God was a last resort when we were pagans; God’s still the last person we turn to when we’re totally stuck. Heck, I’ve heard Christians teach this. In church. “When there’s no one else to turn to, you have God.” Isn’t that nice? He’s our safety net. He doesn’t wanna be our safety net. He wants to be our support. He wants to carry us. Help us. Love us. Provide for us. Our first resort. We don’t trust God to be our first resort. Yeah, this is a faith thing. Desperation isn’t faith. It’s actually the opposite of hope. Our other options have played out, we have no further options, we’ve given up… so we’re gonna try something ludicrous, on the tiny chance it might work. Like the basketball player with two seconds left in the game, who wildly flings the ball at the basket on the slim chance she actually makes it. Or—to get away from all the sports similes—like the man who would ordinarily never buy lottery tickets, but he really needs money bad, and figures, “What have I got to lose?” Well, the $1 you spent on the lottery ticket… or the $100 you spent on 100 tickets. On the rare occasions these desperate attempts actually succeed, they’re always met with shock and surprise. It’s this unbelieving surprise which exposes how little faith went into the last-resort behavior. Same with last-resort prayers. We don’t really expect God to come through for us at all. Like the surprise last-second basket, if God ever does help us out at those times, our typical response is stunned amazement. We never thought he’d do it! In too many cases, people still don’t believe he did it. It had to be some bizarre coincidence or dumb luck. See, the request was never made in faith. Stands to reason it wouldn’t be received in faith. And yeah, this is true of Christians too. We think we have faith, ’cause we believe in God and do religious things. But too often, we do religious things ’cause we’re used to doing religious things. Our “belief” is a learned behavior and an automatic response. It’s not actual belief. “I believe in one God…” is a creed we memorized, not the core of our being. If we did believe in the Almighty, we’d have turned to him immediately! But we turn to him last because we don’t believe. It’s not a belief. It’s a theory, which we doubt too much to really put to the test. We’re comfortable with accepting it, but doing nothing more with it. Sometimes we embrace cessationism so we never have to test it. If we thought it was solid, we’d stand on it; but we imagine it’s a thin balloon, and don’t wanna poke at it and pop it and destroy our illusions. This barely counts as faith. Arguably it’s not. Those who choose God as a last resort, often claim they do so have faith. Because at least they turned to God in their desperation. They didn’t give up and turn to no one. That’s something. Right? Like I said, barely counts as faith. True faith is involving God in our decision-making process long before we have to get desperate. ’Cause we can’t see all the variables like God does. He sees the big picture. He knows the consequences of our actions—not just the logical conclusions, but the wholly unexpected accidents which no one could see coming. We could make the wisest decision possible, but God sees the slip-ups which’ll unravel everything. Or the happy accidents which create whole new opportunities. He can help us navigate these things. He wants to. But if we never consult him, and ignore everybody he forewarns, we’re on our own. you’re vapor. You appear briefly, then you pass away. 16 Currently you all emphasize your phony plans, and all such emphasis is evil. 17 So when one knows to do good, and doesn’t do it, to them it’s sin. If we truly follow Jesus, we have no business making any serious life plans without first submitting our plans to God. If Jesus were your boss, you know you’d phone him to get permission before starting a project. How much more should we get his okay since he’s our Lord? God’s solutions have only positive consequences. They may be counter-intuitive, but that’s because our intuition has its limits: We’re only guessing at the future, but God is in the future already. (He fills time, y’know. He looks at it from the inside.) He sees what’s gonna happen, and can help us around the pitfalls. True, from time to time this involves his miraculous power. Also true: He doesn’t always warn us he’s going to do something miraculous. But if we’re following and trusting him, the miracles and the pitfalls won’t shipwreck everything. We just gotta do our part. saying, “Your servant, my husband, died. You know your servant respected the LORD. 3 Elisha told her, “Ask for containers from all your neighbors outside. Empty containers. Not little ones. 4 Come inside; shut the door behind you and your children. 5 The woman left Elisha and shut the door behind her and her children. They brought her containers, and she poured the oil. They told her, “There are no more containers.” And the oil stopped. 7 She came to tell Elisha the God’s-man. He told her, “Go. You might remember that story. You might not know the woman herself was a prophet; most translations only figure she was only the wife of a prophet. (’Cause sexism. The idea of a woman prophet simply eludes them, and futzes with their interpretation.) So she knew to turn to God in a moment of dire need. She knew to consult with Elisha, the head prophet, to seek God’s solution to her problem: Her creditor wanted money, and in that culture you could pay your debts through slavery. God’s solution: An oil pot that could miraculously fill much larger containers. A weird solution that would never have occurred to us. Wouldn’t even be tried by us—unless we had this woman’s level of faith. The weirder God’s solutions sound, the more obviously he’s trying to stretch our faith. His answers won’t always appear to make sense. And he knows it. But we gotta trust him anyway. Our prayers are answered only to the limit we’re willing to trust him. Notice how the oil kept flowing till they ran out of containers. Had the woman borrowed any fewer containers, God would’ve turned off the oil sooner. But she borrowed enough to pay off the family debt, and then some. As a prophet, this woman had the God-experiences to know Elisha’s instructions weren’t that crazy. She’d seen weirder. It’s way easier to have faith after we’ve seen God work often enough. If we’ve seen nothing, the first leap of faith seems impossible. Hurdle it, and it gets way easier. So: When you pray, start submitting your plans of the future to God. What does he need to sign off on? What expectations do you have for your ideas—and might God be better able to fulfill them? Where might God need to give his input? Trust him with your future. If we’re truly following Jesus, it’s the least we can do.
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In a nutshell, they are bulky, wired, weighty and require a power source. Because of this concern, the revolution of Bluetooth portable speakers has made it so much easier and seamless to listen to the music we desire. The Bluetooth speakers provide a reliable and effective answer to this issue since they are extremely portable and you don’t need to carry multiple cables wherever you go. Moreover, a portable Bluetooth speaker is an accessory that is certainly beneficial to own for both your laptop and smartphone but selecting one can often be challenging. With the multitude of options found in the market, it’s difficult to choose the best one. There are models that range from different sizes and shapes. The best method when it comes to selecting a speaker that’s ideal for you is not only testing the sound but to see how suitable a speaker is by just reading through the specifications. Nevertheless, in contrast to smartphones, users don’t have the liberty always to try the product out before purchasing it in grand shopping malls. The solution to this problem is to pre-plan and know what to search for in a Bluetooth speaker. This will help you figure out all your needs and requirements before you make the final choice. Fortunately for you, we’ve put together a small review buying guide which will help you checklist features, aspects and review the best Bluetooth speakers under 5000 in India before purchasing the next best Bluetooth speaker. These products are affordable for all the users and come with stunning features. Why Should I Pick A Bluetooth Speaker? Before we move ahead with the product reviews, we need to understand (briefly) on what a wireless speaker does and why you should select a Bluetooth speaker so that you have a better grasp on the fundamentals before making an informed decision. Wireless speakers have the capability to enable users to link their music players without requiring the need for many cables. In order to perform this feature, users will need to connect their devices such as a tablet, mobile, computer etc with a loudspeaker by utilizing any of the current connection technologies i.e Wi-Fi, personal wireless network, NFC (Near Field Communication) or Bluetooth. Wifi speakers (a type of wireless speakers) require the wifi internet network in order to set up a connection. This connection offers authentic sound quality than compared to Bluetooth, however, when it comes to mini portable speakers, this is not a huge concern. In contrast, they have multiple drawbacks. For instance, they require an initial configuration which can be quite complex for those users who are not knowledgeable with the technology. Or, if a user’s domestic connection is not effective or strong, he/she may need to endure frequent connectivity issues. Apart from this, the main disadvantage for a Wi-Fi speaker is to always be situated near a plug in order to use it. This can be quite cumbersome for you on a regular basis. Moreover, there are quite a few wireless speakers such as Apple and Sonos machines that resolve connectivity issues by generating their own wireless network via an external device. Nonetheless, they still have the downside of requiring a connection to the electricity network. So far, we have seen how a Wi-Fi speaker (as an example) seems to be quite complicated especially when it comes to integrating speakers with the wireless network. Therefore, if you’re a user who is searching for easement of a super-simple speaker that can be easy to configure and carry around at the same time, we recommend opting for a portable Bluetooth speaker since it is, without a doubt, the best option. Regardless of where you are i.e at the pool, beach or maybe driving with friends, watching a show on your device, making a barbecue or in the patio of your household having dinner, a portable Bluetooth speaker will bring you amazing sound quality in the most soothing way possible. As stated before, it’s not suitable to construct your buying decision solely on specifications alone but it’s the right place to begin, especially if you don’t have the opportunity to obtain an audition test in order to test out the speaker yourself. When it comes to Bluetooth technology, you can analyze the audio transmission quality by measuring the distance kept between your smartphone and the speaker. Ideally, it’s suggested to search for a Bluetooth 4 version or something more advanced since this version (minimum) includes a better battery life expectancy, assistance for Low Energy profile, and is about 60 meters. On the other hand, Bluetooth 5 is the advanced and latest standard these days. It enhances the data transmission range and rate tremendously, however, not a lot of speakers adopt this standard. Response from a frequency level is measured in hertz is usually outlined within a range of 100Hz – 20,000Hz. The typical theory for frequency response is that – the wider the range, the better the speaker’s ability to generate audio as it was expected. Although, implementing a wide range only doesn’t deliver an appropriate sound quality since it all depends on how the ear discerns sound and this can differ significantly from one user to another. There are other factors such as the listener’s age since the ability to listen to particular frequencies tend to decrease over time. For example, in an audio file, the bass is generally heard at an approximate frequency range of 20Hz to 250Hz. Vocals along with other musical instruments such as piano and guitar tend to dwell in the range of 250Hz to 4000Hz. This range is usually identified as the mid-range. Treble is formed from the remaining frequencies that range up to 20,000Hz. Apart from wireless connectivity, it’s always great to have the choice open for a wired connection as well so you should look into an auxiliary connector. Generally, this is known as ‘Aux-In’ and is found in a speaker’s specifications page. A wired connection is always beneficial for those users to aim to conserve a bit of their phone’s battery or speaker and it definitely assists in obtaining better sound quality sometimes. A majority of speakers these days integrate NFC, which provides instant pairing with multiple devices. A microphone is also a fantastic feature to experience since it allows you to answer calls through the speaker directly which is quite similar to a speakerphone. With this, you don’t have to keep searching for your phone whenever you receive a call because you can answer directly via the speaker. Using a microphone even enables you to interact with the virtual assistant embedded into your phone. Therefore, you can easily inquire about the weather update and schedule appointments without touching your phone. As CPU is the heart of a computer, the driver is the heart and soul of the best Bluetooth speakers under 5000 or any other speakers in general. This is why it’s crucial to check out a driver that’s decently sized. A majority of portable speakers will generally integrate a 40mm driver which is a recommendable size, to begin with. If you expect bigger drivers, then you should anticipate the fact that the overall speaker size will increase too. The number of drivers along with their placements creates a huge impact on how the speaker will sound. Bluetooth speakers that are small in size usually come with an independent, full-range driver and are faced either upwards or downwards so that the oust sound is better. A lot of speakers even incorporate a twin driver setup which performs on a louder basis than compared to its counterparts. Due to insufficient space inside a portable Bluetooth speaker, a woofer can’t be implemented. Therefore, many manufacturers install in passive radiators that vibrate in order to produce bass. It’s quite common to have a conventional USB charging port since it is an additional convenience for the user. This is true for those who regularly go outdoors or spend time at a relative/friends place but often forget to bring the bundled cables with them. Many speakers, currently, are interested in a Micro-USB port. This port opens the possibility to charge speakers with power banks thereby you don’t need to be near a wall socket whenever you need to charge it. 6) Where Will You Utilize A Bluetooth Speaker The Most? Apart from its charging capabilities, you need to ponder upon how and where you’ll be using the Bluetooth speaker. If the speaker is mostly for home use, then we recommend you to consider options that will combine well with your home interiors. The Bose SoundLink Revolve, for instance, is built with an aluminum body and includes a modern design. This is suitable and brilliant for any urban living room. However, if you aim to use the speaker outdoor or in the shower mostly, then we suggest you search for a sturdy, waterproof speaker. The best Bluetooth speakers under 5000 in India offer decent options within an affordable price range. As mentioned before, battery life is important to evaluate. If you go out camping or commute for long periods of time, you need a good battery source since it is highly unlikely to gain access to a power source unless you’re in a shop. A great number of Bluetooth speakers today can perform a lot more than streaming music in general. Intelligent speakers are now the latest trend in the industry and it’s quite obvious to see how some of these models are paving their path into India. For example, ALEXA – Amazon’s virtual assistant is now integrated into Echo’s line of wireless and wired speakers in India whereas Google has its own dedicated smart speakers. Other than sound, there are a plethora of features to try out and you should check to see whether or not it has companion app support. This is convenient if you desire to check the battery life of a speaker, control several speakers, or just simply update the firmware of a speaker. If you’re that user who hears high-resolution audio files most of the time, then it’s exceptionally useful to obtain high-resolution audio profile support such as LDAC or aptX HD. These profiles make a whole lot of if only you use it with a compatible device and the right audio source. Finally, one other reliable feature we like to mention is the capability to pair several speakers together in order to generate a bigger sound. Often times, a single speaker isn’t enough when it comes to loudness or rather ‘fill’ a huge room or when you’re outdoors. This is why pairing two or more speakers of the same type is a perk you need to take advantage off. Many brands include this feature in their Bluetooth models and certain brands such as JBL allow you to link up 100 speakers and more together even though it’s not necessary for you to utilize that many. Actually, users will only use the option to link two speakers in stereo mode, thus delivering them a much advanced audio experience. With a few simple guidelines like these, it should now be less-challenging to narrow down your options when it comes to selecting a Bluetooth speaker that fits your hearing interest the best. As we have seen some of the pivotal factors when it comes to deciding a worthy Bluetooth speaker, let’s take a look at some tips on how to choose the best Bluetooth speaker under 5000 in India. Checking out the sound quality is without a doubt one of the most crucial parameters. Ultimately, if you are going to purchase a loudspeaker, then you should search for a model that will allow you to listen to music on an advanced standard than compared to listening to music on mobile. But to be clear, how do I figure out which device outputs a good or decent sound quality? Technically, there are 4 parameters that’ll make you realize which Bluetooth speaker will sound best, despite not hearing it before: sound system, output power, impedance, and frequency range. The first point to evaluate is the type of sound system employed. Each of these systems comprises a particular amount of channels. Speakers can be integrated with a certain channel, therefore, allowing it to emit sounds. You might have heard about 2.1, 5.1 and many more versions. 5.1, for example, consists of a single subwoofer for bass and 5 full range speakers. Many Bluetooth speakers these days implement either 2.0 system which contains two full-range speakers or a 2.1 system (including subwoofer) which is known to behave the highest quality in terms of sound performance. The second parameter is the output power (measured in watts). This value basically relates to the watts outputted by the loudspeaker. Moreover, it will cause sound pressures in decibels which is none other than the volume. Most of the Bluetooth speakers mentioned in this article are small in size thereby cannot generate a lot of power. Typically, you can expect power to range between 15 and 20 watts which should sufficient enough to get about 80 dB. This volume is loud enough in order to hear well in environments that are either outdoors or large in size. However, it’s still recommended to not crank up the loudspeaker to its maximum power because it can lead to distortions. Usually, it’s recommended to use an optimal power of 80%. One another parameter that dictates the quality of sound is the resistance (measured in ohms). This parameter is connected to the power parameter and is linked with the passage of electric currents. The golden rule is the higher the resistance, the lesser the power of which a speaker produces. To put it in simple terms, just note that the lower the impedance level, the superior the sound quality. The last parameter to ponder about is the frequency range of which the machine is potent in emitting. The common audible spectrum, or the sounds that can be heard by the human ear, range on an estimate between 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. If a Bluetooth wireless speaker is not competent of producing within the whole range of the audible spectrum, then there will be multiple sounds that will be missed. Thereby, by having a substantial range of frequencies that are engulfed by the Bluetooth speaker, users can experience and perceive a much better sound. Imagine a scenario where you need to get away for the weekend or go camping with your friends but your bag is too tight to fit into a huge speaker. Well, with a compact and lightweight Bluetooth speaker, this will not be such a problem. A lot of manufacturers have created a line of extremely compact and lightweight Bluetooth speaker models that can be placed anywhere in your luggage. The best Bluetooth speakers under 5000 in India can be carried anywhere without you worrying about the load. If your aim is to own a portable speaker which allows you to take it wherever you commute, then pick a model that does not exceed more than 15 cm in terms of size. Many contemporary speakers in the market are packed with advanced Bluetooth versions such as Bluetooth 4.0 or 5.0. If your transmitting device of which you are going to use to connect is a ‘dinosaur’ version, then it is quite possible of you experiencing a connecting problem. That is why we should make sure whether or not the speaker is compatible with older versions of Bluetooth (up to the A2DP) in order to prevent dismay. A lot of brands integrate their speakers with either a micro USB or USB output connection so that it is capable of charging the machine when needed. In addition, there are some instances where a user would need to install in the latest updates, therefore, prevent further compatibility issues. There are few models that include batteries and enable up to 10 hours (maximum) of music playback – within a direct, single charge. Generally, a Bluetooth speaker should offer music playback for at least 6 hours. The charging period is another point to consider. There are few models that promote a quick charging feature whereas some models don’t. Have you planned out where you’re going to place the Bluetooth speaker at home? Fortunately, the best Bluetooth speakers under 5000 don’t require a royal seat for showcasing. Nevertheless, it is a compact and small device which tends to take up space as little as possible. If you wish to leave it in an area such as a table or a bookcase, then we suggest you pick a model that’s equipped with a suitable design. Although, if you like to take it outdoors such as to a party or maybe to a beach, then you need a model that’s covered with appealing colors in order to suit the mood and draw attention. Mostly all brands deliver beautiful color combinations and you should pick one that fits your taste and personality. This feature can’t be seen in all Bluetooth wireless speakers but are much popular in Wi-Fi home speakers. If you wish to generate a better surrounding sound in a room, then a single speaker cannot do the trick since the source of the emitting sounds is discharged only from a single point. To combat this, you can add in additional speakers at multiple points. In order to gain this versatility, there are a few Bluetooth units which have an app that enables you to manage the links and pairs between multiple speakers. Apart from Bluetooth connectivity, you should give NFC a try. NFC makes the job of connecting devices much easier than expected. All you need to do is to basically bring the units closer, keep them at a range for a second or so and they will pair up automatically. But of course, you would need both your units to include an NFC system (both the tablet or phone along with the speaker). In order to pair up your previous drives which don’t have Bluetooth as an option, use a 3.5 mm auxiliary input since it will enable you to link devices by utilizing a cable. Sadly, all of us live our lives in a hurry. Daily activities and tasks strive us to perform jobs instantly and we certainly don’t find time for ourselves. Thus, if your speaker is easy to use and manage, you will find your hands filled with more time which can be used for other important tasks. Having an easy-to-use speaker will not let you spend more than 5 minutes or so in reading instructions and understanding how to operate it. All you need to do is to switch it on, pair it and enjoy yourselves. Moreover, you just need to know a few controls found on the speaker because it will assist you in performing some simple functions. For instance, the volume control, the power button, a button to answer calls (if available), the play/pause button, and the Bluetooth pairing switch is all you need to know in order to obtain complete control of the device. If you are hearing music on your speaker which is linked to your smartphone but surprisingly receive a call. What happens next? Well, if this speaker incorporates a microphone that’s built-in, then you can easily speak in front of it as if it were a hands-free approach. The music is paused, and you can answer your call by tapping on the speaker’s button. Furthermore, once you’re done with the call, the music continues to play. This can come in handy for most of the users. When it comes to durability, it’s best to research and read through online reviews, forums before purchasing the product. If you are one of those users who frequently drop their belongings (phone, tablet etc), it will be beneficial to obtain a speaker that’s sturdy and strong enough to withstand potential damage. Additionally, few Bluetooth speaker models are constructed with aluminum housings which are practically more resistant than compared to the typical plastic material. If you drop it, by chance, it will still not break due to its aluminum housing construction. This is the final tip we can give you folks. You should carefully think about why you should purchase a Bluetooth speaker. Do you wish to position it in places at home, is it for parties and outdoor adventures or rather do you wish for something that’s waterproof? Fortunately, there are multiple models out there that serve different purposes so you should choose smartly. You should make it clear on where you’ll be using the speaker. If you take it with you for camping adventures or to a barbecue then you should be prepared for it. On the other hand, if you’re going to utilize it for mainly exterior purposes then pick a model that provides a high sound and emits remarkable output power. This will allow you to listen to music with clarity even though the environments are noisy. Even so, the model should not produce less than 85 decibels optimal power. Another aspect you should consider, especially in this case, is the battery capacity. We mentioned this before, but you need to have at least 6-10 hours of music playback. If suppose the speaker is massive, the unit will come with a sturdy yet comfortable handle. This is helpful since you can carry it anywhere comfortably in your hand for long periods of time. Lastly, search for a model that’s water resistant since an accident can occur when you’re in a party, at the beach or any environment that’s wet. The all-new Creative Sound portable speaker allows you to roam freely outdoors while listening to your favorite tunes. If you’re that user who is in life with adventure and spontaneity, we recommend you to opt for this sound device. You can carry this compact machine with you anywhere you go and drive freely with music. What we like about this speaker is that it features a 360 degrees sound which is equipped with deep bass. Due to this, you can start your very own party and position the speaker at a suitable place in order to appreciate the 360 degree sounds all around you. Moreover, it comes with dual radiators (passive) which are designed on both sides of the unit, therefore, giving your music adequate ‘oomph’ and making your music sound so much better than compared to playing it on a smartphone. Even so, the model adjusts the EQ automatically in order to obtain optimal results. Other than that, the machine includes a Loud mode feature. If you wish to boost up the volume then you can simply push the loud button and enjoy the music with your friends or family. Also, this model integrates a 10-hour battery life capacity. Thereby, you can expect this model to play powerful sounds – all within a portable unit for 10 hours directly without worrying about charging it in between. Lastly, the model is ‘splash proof certified (IPX4)’. This means that it is water resistant and if water spills or splashes in any given direction, it will not damage your device. You should note that the speaker needs to be charged initially and then later switched on (after purchase). Afterward, you need to push and hold the Bluetooth button till the white color turns blue and the light continuously flickers so that it can scan any Bluetooth devices nearby. With a brand new makeover in terms of design and specifications, the Echo Dot smart speaker sweeps the whole market off its feet. The Echo Dot is widely popular for its voice-controlled speaker and even comes with an enhanced design and sound system which amplifies your music playlist to a whole new level. In addition, it pairs up with Alexa (a voice service that’s cloud-based. in order to answer your questions, play music, check the weather update, view news sources, control smart home devices that are compatible, set alarms, and many more. You can even stream music from internet services such as Saavn, Amazon Prime Music, and TuneIn wherein all you need to do is to ask for an artist, a song or maybe the genre. Due to this, you can create a phenomenal music environment at your own home by connecting several Echo devices together but place them in different rooms. It features a hands-free control mechanism which means that it has the capability to listen to what you say despite being so far away due to its integrated, advanced 4 far-field microphones. This is even possible in environments that are extremely noisy or even when you play music. You have the privilege to message or even call up friends and family who already have an Alexa App or an Echo device in order to conduct Skype calls. Additionally, you can make announcements i.e one-way intercom in order to publish messages to all the Echo devices you own. By just using your voice, you can control compatible smart plugs, lights, and remotes from Syska, Philips,, and TP-Link. Apart from Bluetooth connectivity, this unit implements 15,000 and more skills such as ordering food for you, booking a cab, play games etc. It keeps getting smarter due to all the latest upcoming features. The UE Roll2 is a Bluetooth speaker which you must have since it’s engineered to pump out astounding sounds. It outputs music in every direction and certainly guarantees clarity. It does this by emitting sounds through the air with bass that’s deep enough to be heard in noisy environments. This speaker is small, compact and lightweight which makes it effortless to utilize and carry it around anywhere you go. Although, regardless of its minute size, this model has the capacity to blast out loud music anywhere (indoors and outdoors). It also features deep bass with a stunning 360-degree sound feature. You can play your favorite music list and expect it to be heard from all directions due to its 360 degree sound feature. It’s engineered to be waterproof (IPX7 rated) as the shell or housing for this speaker is life-resistant. Therefore, this model is built for outdoors/adventure purposes. However, you should note that it is only waterproof for 30 minutes max. and can only sustain its performance up to a water depth of 1 meter. Another feature that’s worth reading about is its 65 feet wireless range (Bluetooth) and offers up to 9 hours of battery life. This means that you can play continuous music up to 9 hours however this varies with use, environmental factors, and settings. In terms of battery, this model offers 3 batteries that are nonstandard. By using the UE Roll2 companion app, you can set alarms, tune it, and even enhance the sound by linking it up with another UE speaker. This unit works well both Apple and Android smartphones thus making it extremely compatible. The Zoook Rocker Torpedo speaker is an award-winning speaker unit that comes with a sturdy body construction along with a fine masculine build. You can add this unit to your collection of the popular Zoook rocker series. Apart from the regular speaker you see in every electronic shop, the Zoook rocker speaker is developed to amplify both high and low bass frequencies. This is made possible due to the powerful blend of a passive subwoofer and a magnificent stereo sound. This model brings you multi-connectivity options such as Bluetooth, AUX and even a hands-free approach that allows you to take calls without touching your phone. What we like about this model is that it integrates both durability and portability. Moreover, it features a water-resistant housing material so you can take it to the beach or to the pool without worrying about dropping it. In addition, it provides an 8-hour battery life expectancy. With this, you can listen to your tunes without having to charge it in between. By utilizing massive bass diaphragm drivers that are huge sized, you can expect loud music to be played like never before. The UE Roll 2 Bluetooth speaker represents the bold, big, and beautiful sounds that are never witnessed before. With this beast, you can say bye to mumbling, muddy noises and say hello to clarity sounds that’ll make you scream in order to be heard. This model is a compact yet ultra-portable Bluetooth speaker that can be taken anywhere since its wireless and extremely lightweight. Moreover, you can attach this unit to a kayak without worrying about water damage since it’s completely waterproof. You can take this model to a pool party or even to a beach with your family or friends. Apart from a kayak, you can even it attach it to your board, bike, backpack or anywhere else you wish to take your music. Even if you’re hiking, biking, or running trails, this speaker won’t hold you down since it’s not as heavy as compared to other Bluetooth speakers. To be precise, this model weighs a little more than half a pound i.e 330 grams. Surprisingly, this is much lighter than compared to a soda can. Additionally, the wireless range for this unit has been upgraded to 100 feet which are 50 percent more than the initial UE Roll speaker version. Lastly, the battery implemented in this speaker is rechargeable and can carry out 9 hours of nonstop music playback. The Philips BT122/94 speaker is an all-in-one wireless speaker that’s built to ensure portability and has the capability to make calls since it implements a microphone that’s in-built. It also offers a rechargeable battery of 20W and operates well with any device that’s Bluetooth enables. Since Bluetooth allows wireless communication in a short range, it makes the whole process energy-efficient and robust. As mentioned, this contemporary technology enables a flawless wireless connection between other Bluetooth units, therefore, you have the advantage to play your favorite music from devices such as tablets, smartphones, or even laptops. When we talk about RMS, it basically refers to the root mean square which is a usual calculation taken into consideration whenever measuring the electrical or audio power that’s transmitted to a loudspeaker (measured in watts) from an audio amplifier. In fact, the electrical power is transferred to the loudspeaker, therefore, its sensitivity decides the amount of sound power it should produce. Ultimately, having higher the wattage would mean better sound power that’s generated by the speaker. This model even features an effortless mp3 music playback system that enables continuous music operation. In the end, this device offers listeners with a variety of options along with information which is produced in clear, muddle-free sound quality. The Denon Enyaya speaker is an upgraded version of the popular Denon speaker model. Nevertheless, this new sharply styled Envaya provides similar sound quality but is more vibrant, compact, suave and water resistant. It’s certainly a must-have product. This model is your ideal travel buddy since it features a solid 10-hour battery life and even integrates a speakerphone that’s noise, therefore, it’s not necessary for you to pick between music and chats. Enyaya has introduced an appealing yet user-friendly design wherein you have the luxury to place the unit either horizontally or vertically and even have the option to pick between a soft blue cloth grille with a smart black finish or an orange cloth grille with a fresh white finish. hat we like about this model is its build quality. For instance, it’s produced using high-quality, sturdy materials thereby ensuring durability. When it comes to sound quality, Denon carries a 100-year hi-fi legacy. This unit incorporates Maxxaudio technology along with double drivers that are oversized. This allows the device to function above the common threshold in a discreet manner. With the all new Philips BT114, you can now appreciate listening to your tunes even more due to its size and portability features. It combines all the necessary elements within this speaker thus allows you to play your music playlist via USB, Bluetooth, and Audio-In connectivity. The Bluetooth speaker is extremely compact and even includes a rechargeable battery. Moreover, it blends well with the contemporary lifestyle and is certainly appealing to the eye. In terms of Audio-in connectivity, this model offers instant, direct audio playback in content from external devices such as portable media players i.e tablets, smartphones etc. You will love the convenience aspect for this model since all you’re required to do is to insert your smartphone or other music player device to the audio system. If you’re interested in listening to radio tunes, the machine has an FM tuner that’s in-built and lets you listen to radio broadcasts, early morning news channels or listen to popular songs every day. It’s simple to operate since you just need to basically tune into the radio station you wish to listen to. Whenever you receive a call, the device is engineered to pause immediately and grant you the advantage to communicate via the speaker. This technology enables users to wirelessly connect to Bluetooth devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones. When it comes to the Oontz Angle 3 Plus, this machine is actually Oontz’s fourth-generation model and still carries on the tradition of producing great sounds for a decent price. As a matter of fact, it generates really great sounds and provides justice for its price. This model can be placed either horizontally or vertically. Even though this design is not award-winning material, it’s functionally appealing and friendly. In addition, the battery life for this unit is remarkable since it can deliver up to 30 hours of music playback at moderate volume levels. Also, the speaker is splash proof i.e water resistant therefore you can use it while you shower. This model has the capability to link up to any TV system due to its 3.5mm audio cable port and includes an in-built microphone thereby you can utilize it as a personal, hands-free speakerphone. It implements Dual 1.7 inch precision drivers that are designed with neodymium thus helps in offering premium HD sounds. Moreover, it’s equipped with a bass radiator in order to offer sharp, clear sounds which are free from distortion. The Sony XB10 speaker moves things at a fantastic pace due to its additional bass feature. Additionally, this model incorporates a passive radiator that operates with the internal speaker in order to upgrade the low-end reaction. This gives the bass a lift regardless of its compact size. With that being said, you can pair up your smartphone device within a single NFC touch. NFC helps you connect devices instantly without going through the manual process of connecting them wirelessly. This helps in getting the beats going quickly. If your device doesn’t support NFC technology, then there’s no need to worry since you can always link via Bluetooth and you’re completely ready to go. All you need to do is to connect two speakers (wireless) in order to access stereo sound. Despite listening to music indoors or outdoors, you can chill out without fretting since this wireless speaker is water-resistant. Furthermore, you have the advantage to listen to music and content up to 16 hours without having to recharge the unit in between. Due to its compact size, users can always pick up the speaker, keep it in a bag and carry it anywhere they go. For more stereo sound, you can also connect another speaker. Choosing a Bluetooth speaker can be quite challenging at first, but once you narrow down your options by confirming your purpose of using such a machine along with reading this clear-cut guide, then making the decision becomes far more easier. By picking one of the best Bluetooth speakers under 5000 listed above, you can have access to all the cool features at a very low price.
Security continues to be a major issue within the crypto space. Although Blockchains are designed for optimal security because of their decentralized nature, this has not prevented the users and institutions operating on these Blockchains from being exposed to hackers. From Mt.Gox exchange ($473 million hacked), to Bitfinex ($72 million hacked), and most recently, Crypto Youtuber Ian Balina ($2 million hacked). It’s clear that users and exchanges are still very exposed. Fortunately, a new Blockchain company called Sentinel Protocol promises a solution to secure our exchanges and funds. Sentinel Protocol is offering a cyber security ecosystem that leverages the collective intelligence of cyber security specialists, as well as advanced technologies like machine learning and sandboxing to help crypto traders and exchanges protect their crypto currencies. It works by providing a threat reputation database, which contains security intelligence information like the addresses of confirmed dangerous wallets belonging to hackers, or malicious URL’s. The database sits on the Blockchain and is connected to API’s. Exchanges and other organizations can use these API’s in order to receive an alert or block an action whenever they encounter any of these malicious URLs or wallet addresses. Sentinel protocol provides 3 main security features: The Sentinel Portal or Threat reputation database (TDRB), Machine-learning engine integrated security wallet (S-wallet), and a distributed malware analysis sandbox (D-Sandbox). The threat reputation database is designed to offer a decentralized source of shared knowledge amongst security vendors. This database is provided as an API that individuals and organizations can connect to. Traditionally, security vendors would compile information by themselves and store them in the centralized databases of their respective organizations. This lead to security blind spots due to the lack of complete information, as well as the centralization of vital data creating a single point of failure (NSA’s hacking by Russian state hackers in October 2017 is an example of this flaw). TRDB uses a token incentive scheme that encourages vendors to contribute to an ever-expanding threat database containing hacker’s wallet addresses, malicious URI’s, phishing addresses, malware hashes, and more. Submissions are validated based on group consensus and feedback from participants using the Delegate proof of stake method. Only security experts can update TRDB, however, general users can also participate by auto reporting or manual reporting. Auto reporting allows Sentinel Protocols machine learning based security wallet to automatically detect unknown threats the user comes across while connected to the TDRB API. When a threat is identified, it is sent to the database. Manual reporting requires the user to report the risk information themselves, which is then validated by the security community afterwords. S- Wallets can be held by individuals or institutions to store their crypto currencies with enhanced security. The S-Wallet uses machine learning to anticipate incoming security threats based on information gathered from the threat reputation database. The wallet operates like anti- virus software, except it doesn’t have to wait to receive updates from a centralized server. It can be more proactive in its detection based on analysis of threat tendencies and history gathered from the TRDB. The S-Wallet is especially effective against Ransom ware threats, and provides filters for Crypto currency wallet addresses, URL/URI’s and other forms of Data. The machine learning technology also enables Sentinel Protocols Fraud Detection System to identify transactions that are reported for misuse or stolen. Sandbox is a security mechanism that isolates untested and unverified programs. These programs are isolated away from the main application and into a testing environment so that potential threats can be analyzed and submitted to collective intelligence via a ticket system. These 3 features of Sentinel Protocol are overseen by the ‘Sentinels’, a group of security experts, individuals and organizations who serve to validate hacking claims, analyze the root cause of a threat, and update the TRDB. Just like how black hat hackers are incentivized by money to perform malicious activities, Sentinel protocol aims to create an ecosystem where white hat hackers (or Sentinels) can earn money by contributing to the security intelligence of the ecosystem. Sentinels earn ‘sentinel points’ for their contributions, and these points can later be converted to crypto tokens called UPP (Uppsala) Tokens. Sentinel points are added up as a reputation score that evaluates how much a Sentinel has helped a hacking victim, or contributed to the TRDB. Users can make indirect contributions and earn sentinel points by creating or translating articles to alert the community about cyber-security threats. UPP tokens are the currency used to pay for security features within the Sentinel Protocol ecosystem. The threat detection database as well as API integration come free, while users have to pay UPP tokens to use more advanced features like Machine Learning-based anomaly detection or Distributed-sandboxing. Sentinel Protocol gathers one of the most experienced teams in the Blockchain space. Their combined expertize in cyber security spans decades, and involved working for major corporations as well as Governments. Patrick came up with the idea for Sentinel Protocol when in 2016, 7,218 Ether (around $70,000 at the time) was stolen from his wallet as a result of a hack. He took this very unfortunate incident and turned it into a business opportunity by starting Uppsala foundation, which Sentinel Protocol is under. Patrick brings 10 years of experience with network security and system architecture at Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet. Before this, he was Koreas chief technology consultant at Darktrace, and AI focused global security company. He consulted the government and large corporations including Korea Cyber Defense and Samsung. Hae leads the business operations of Sentinel Protocol. He has over ten years of IT security experience, specializing in database architecture, web application firewall (two patents), fin-tech security, and machine learning. Prior to Sentinel Protocol, Hae designed the DB architecture of the corporate banking system at KB Bank, and led global business operations in Korea at F5 Networks and Darktrace. John has over 25 years of international experience in Asia’s high-tech industry. He specializes in next-generation software solutions to address the needs of organizations throughout the key markets across the Asia Pacific region, particularly in Japan. Prior to Sentinel Protocol, John held senior roles with several leading technology companies including WatchGuard Technologies, Softbank, CyberGuard, and Darktrace. Sentinel has a very utility focused Token structure. They have well-designed incentive structures to create the best ecosystem for cyber security. The success of Sentinel protocol is very reliant on external assistance. I’m not sure if tokens will be enough to incentivize cyber security experts to collaborate with each other, especially if they compare what they will earn as part of the sentinel network versus working exclusively for one Blockchain (or non-Blockchain) company. The money individuals or institutions pay to get access to exclusive security features is a big factor preventing the best security experts from collaborating with each other today. There’s also the issue of secrecy between nations, which may prevent many cyber security experts who work for Governments from contributing. Sentinel protocols Token Pre Sale starts on May 23. Their public sale starts on May 27th and ends on June 10th. The company is looking to raise $32,900,000, and have already raised $23,294,012. Sentinel protocol is offering a service that solves a critical problem within the crypto community – security. As more exchanges are launched and more crypto users emerge, security will only become a bigger issue. By becoming one of the first Blockchains to focus entirely on security, Sentinel protocol is well positioned to be a relevant player in this space for a long time. The company has wisely chosen not to go the route of conventional marketing, and is instead focused on bringing real world cyber-security experts to Sentinel Protocol, and establishing partnerships with exchanges, wallets and payment services. They may face some initial challenges recruiting the best security experts to the network. These players are already in high demand and will be dealing with competing interests in the real world. However, overtime we do believe Sentinel protocol will begin to achieve a network effect as institutional investors enter the space and demand higher levels of security to protect their funds.
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Home » Blog » Is This Real Life? Today was ridiculous in the best way possible. If not for the nagging twinge of pain in my right knee (nothing serious), I would be questioning whether or not I needed to wake up from a pretty nice dream. After crushing yesterday’s long run (woo!), I was admittedly in rough shape. I wasn’t sore, but I was so tired and my legs felt like they weighed 2 million pounds. Sadly I didn’t get to spend the day resting and recovering, because I had to work. I watched some dance classes (no dancing for me yesterday!), attended a seminar, took a break for dinner at Rue 57, then returned for the evening’s choreography competition. By 9:30 pm I was shot and could barely keep my eyes open. I barely remember going to sleep last night. And I slept until 9:30 this morning. Much needed. I don’t remember the last time I slept that late and it felt so sinful and wonderful to stay in bed that long. So around 11 am I hit the road — the Bridle Path, actually — with a certain friend of mine. And we had a particularly awesome celebrity sighting: Coach Cane and his fantastic wife, out for a run of their own! Coach Cane, Ali & Mrs. Coach Cane! Allow me to remind you all that Mrs. Coach Cane is the fantastic runner lady who ran with me during the NYRR Mini 10K back in June. Do you also remember that she’s pregnant? She’s due in November (their fingers are crossed for an 11-11-2011 baby since they were married on 10-10-2010 — Coach Cane is into numbers) and she was out running like a champion. Coolest pregnant runner lady ever. I think she’s my idol. It was great running into them and chatting for a bit — as always, running with others makes the miles go by much faster. Coach Cane was happy to see that I was running without headphones, though he did call me out for running with my phone in my hand…even though he has repeatedly told me not to. But I assured him that I only ran with my phone today because I wanted to make sure I had a way to take a picture just in case I ran into him. My legs felt super heavy today as I slogged through 5 miles. It was hot and late in the day for me to be out there. But whatever. I got through it. And then my day got great. I ate brunch at Taste, which was delicious. I crave fruit every day lately. I got an omelette with spinach, ham and cheddar cheese. With a full belly, it was off for a long walk through Central Park. Great people watching, though walking those hills wasn’t much easier than running them. My legs were screaming at me. I walked from the Upper East Side all the way through Central Park and over to Herald Square. Doable the day after your longest run ever? Barely. Luckily I had good company. Wink. Next stop? Aura Wellness Spa. He liked the idea. And he made appointments. Spa Aura is pretty incredible. I didn’t take pictures, obviously — I wanted my phone as far away as possible today so I could really relax — but check out the website. The spa has these four grottos which are basically sauna igloos. Two of the grottos are really hot, one is a steam room and there’s an ice grotto. My skin was ridiculously soft after sitting in them for about 10 minutes. Then it was massage time. A dark picture of the dark massage room. It had a private sauna, steam room and shower! The massage was awesome. My massage therapist may have walked on my back. I was fine with it. After the massage, I thought the fun was over. And then a tray appeared in the room with a bottle of champagne, cantaloupe and crackers. Well played, Aura. Well played. You brought my body back to life and got me a tiny bit drunk. You rule. After a little steam action it was back to reality. I’ve been craving mango salsa lately. My friend who is a man and is a good time managed to find a Mexican restaurant near the spa that served mango salsa. So we went and got some. And we chased it with 16 Handles. Now I’ve got my air conditioning blasting and I’m ready for the week ahead. TELL ME: What was the highlight of your weekend? 29 Responses to "Is This Real Life?" Your day was so perfect! Don’t know how you can run and walk like this after a long run. Amazing about the champagne… And the mango salsa. My highlight was my half marathon PR- one I never thought I’d see in my lifetime! I am having a great time as I have been on vacation since Thursday and we have a long weekend so tomorrow is vacation again 🙂 A lot of running involved but it feels good when you are on vacation!! How fun! I’m going to look into these sauna igloos. My highlight was finally having dinner with a bestest friend who needs a lot of support, but we’ve missed each other the past few weeks due to travel. It was so good to finally sit and chat and share. Wow, I’m definitely jealous! Sounds like an amazing weekend…and I want to hear about this “nice man friend’….next AM sweat squad chat session?? And I want a sauna igloo. Wow, what an amazing weekend!! Its so nice to have a special someone do such lovely things for you! Can’t wait to read more about him! Love your blog by the way 🙂 and thanks for tweeting me back yesterday, I’m still getting the hang of that thing! Actually looking forward to a run this afternoon (its Monday and winter in New Zealand) so I think I’m starting to ‘get it’ with running…slowly but surely! Sounds like a fabulous weekend! Your coach’s wife does NOT look pregnant at all. I want to be like that someday! Congrats on your long run and getting out for some recovery miles today. I want to try that massage place – awesome! Ali–a real treat running with you even though you guys didn’t do the turnaround, and I had to sprint to catch up. Don’t worry, Baby doesn’t need oxygen. So, I guess Coach Cane wasn’t fast enough to get all three of us in the pic, huh? Or was that pic cropped? I know who your man friend is. I know Ali’s man friend and will divulge for the right price. Next time will you slow down for me? hahahahhahaah. BTW, my running girdle gives me the sexiest silhouette. What a fun weekend! Mrs Coach Cane is pregnant???She looks fabulous! I certainly did not look like that when I was 6 months pregnant! Yay for a great weekend! I love nights when I get a ton of sleep. Seriously, best feeling ever! Best part of weekend – chilling by the pool with two of my best friends (and former teammates). And sleeping in today! Hope to see you and the am sweat squad soon! We had friends in from out of town, so we overate (I might be a liiiiiiittle sick to my stomach from all the overeating), checked out all the Chicago touristy things, and had a ridiculously good time. I can’t believe it’s already over! a massage? mexican food? champagne? damn. you really did have an awesome sunday. love it! the highlight of my weekend was brunch with the ladyfriends. so relaxing. so delightful. so yummy. What a great day and weekend! Your friend who is a man sounds amazing! Does he have any friends available?? If your special friend is smart, he will sell the rights to his first blog photo Suri Cruise style! Now that is an awesome day. Man who is a friend is amazing! Where can I get one of those (for real, actually, I would like to know that more than one exist)? Sounds like an absolutely wonderful weekend! We drove to Cleveland to see one of my sorority sisters get married. She’s one of te very first people I met my first day at college, and it was amazing to see her in her dress. So beautiful! oh man, a massage + cantaloupe + champagne sounds AWESOME. good work man that is your friend. congrats on running 18-miles – you are going to CRUSH this marathon 😀 morning sweat squad meet-up soon?? Your handsome friend sounds pretty awesome. So does the whole massage, champagne, salsa, frozen yogurt combo. Is there a better way to celebrate a long run? I think not. Glad you had a great weekend! My highlight was crushing my previous half marathon PR this weekend at the NYRR Queens Half Marathon!!! Mmm mango salsa. I’ve made it at home a few times but it’s never as good as when you get it in a restaurant!
The Shocking Revelation Of Png Dc Logo is free HD wallpaper. This wallpaper was upload at March 09, 2018 upload by Mia in Company Logo. You can download The Shocking Revelation Of Png Dc Logo in your computer by clicking resolution image in Download by size:. Don't forget to rate and comment if you interest with this wallpaper. The Shocking Revelation Of Png Dc Logo If someone were to suggestion the no question reveal McDonalds to you, the first issue you'd recall is the golden arches. You'd even consent those golden arches if they were presented to you in swap colors. The McDonalds logo has become a brand icon today The Shocking Revelation Of Png Dc Logo. Most companies try to achieve that sort of brand recognition. Everyone wants a unique tale that will be recognized as their company logo wherever it appears. This is something that every issue person understands - it is a global language. And this is why businesses across the globe try to sustain a brand identity that always starts in the manner of a logo.The Shocking Revelation Of Png Dc Logo This is why most companies who are frustrating to tweak their image begin by redesigning their logo. So, if you are in the manner of making a brand other logo for your other business, or if you are in the manner of redesigning your existing one, later there are a few things you habit to remember. Your logo is the first visual circulate of your company. As important as this role is, it is just the begin of what your logo can actually pull off for your company. It acts as a usual for your brand identity and can be used on your website, letterhead, product and even t-shirt! Anywhere that it appears, it should be sharp, distinct and unmistakable. Creating a logo that sits pretty on your letterhead is not an easy task. It requires the gift of a professional designer who understands your business. Calling in a professional to design your logo is the first step in your journey towards building a successful brand name, but it can go awry if you don't know what exactly to expect. Although every graphic design resolved has its own set of measures and regulations, there are a few things you should expect from a professional logo designer. What sets your The Shocking Revelation Of Png Dc Logo issue apart from other same businesses? The last ask is by far and wide the most important ask as it helps the designer decide the concern and size and how it will see on swap materials and textures. If you are going to use your logo for something specific and unconventional, later your designer should know just about this. Once you've consulted in the manner of your designer, he will begin off by sending you a aggressive draft of the logos and will wait for your approval. Always be honest just about whether you in the manner of the design or not. It is OK if you in the manner of the font in one logo but select the design in the other one. He'll perform regarding it to come happening in the manner of a resolved product that adds value to your business. If you are thinking just about introducing recognized company letterheads for your issue or, alternatively, if you are avid in re-branding, you might decide designing or shifting your corporate logo. This could later form ration of the letterhead's design. Think just about the overall aspiration of a logo. in reality it is a easy design which allows a issue to be recognised. as a result potential customers will see at it and shortly join it in the manner of particular standards, goods and services. The Shocking Revelation Of Png Dc Logo when choosing your logo, the first decide is to try to keep it simple. It should furthermore be easy to remember. try to make distinct it will not date too quickly and make it occupy in terms of the types of goods or facilities it provides. Also decide your company's colours or declaration - some designs might see good but maybe not in your company's colours. Colour can be a no question important factor in branding - banks use a particular shade of blue that is expected to inspire trust. Colour analysis is a collection swap subject and there are lots of articles, studies and recommendation easily reached on the internet if you want to probe it in more detail. Consider a variety of successful logos to get inspiration. try to think just about why they worked and what the designers were thinking of. For example, the Nike swoosh could be interpreted as indicating the eagerness of a sportsperson (actually it represents the wing in the Greek Goddess of victory). Use the same thinking techniques, but don't copy other designs. Go through a brainstorming process in order to generate a range of swap ideas and designs. try to concern a number of senior members of staff and key employees. begin in the manner of the declaration which you want to project, and perform from there. make several sketch designs. A great brand identity visually expresses the core values and essence of any company or direction in the manner of consistency. It is an necessary component in the ongoing endowment of any company wishing to compete for dominance in a niche market. The prime element in reflecting this essence in it's simplest form is the logo. Whether elegant, outrageous, literal or conceptual; every logo must be, above all, memorable. This company 'thumbprint' is the cornerstone of every company's visual promotion efforts. A well expected logo is conceptual, the aesthetic is good tuned and the color palette inspires trust and drives consumer behavior. It is important to note that in this daylight and age, visual discernment in consumers is high. Any logo purchased for $39 at some area in the manner of '' will be rejected on sight, and prospective customers will rationally file your direction into the "you've got to be kidding me" category. The importance of proper logo innovation cannot be understated. The second main further details of a company's identity is it's online presence. Websites, blogs, social media pages and email promotion campaigns are the most visible carriers of a company's image. A well expected home page alone can inspire and win more than customer loyalties instantly. Conversely, one that is not a hundred percent designed, repels visitors and creates a negative equity for the company. There are no excuses to desertion investing in proper, well integrated, professionally expected visual branding. Financially speaking, the innovation cost of a well executed strategic identity is a "no-brainer" investment in any company's future. Design fees are budgeted expenses deducted the same year they are incurred; as opposed to a piece of machinery which usually costs more and is amortized more than a number of years. And yet the advance of a professionally expected branding system is retained more than a longer amount of time. One united chemical analysis of a more authentic nature was completed by Yankelvitch Partners, Inc. They surveyed senior-level issue executives nationwide, asking them to rank the relative importance of a company's branded promotion materials. The chemical analysis showed that a company's logo and branded visuals ranked second only to annual sales figures in conveying a company's professionalism and prestige. Customers, prospects, investors, potential employees and other important audiences do, in fact, decide a corporation largely by its branded identity and corporate visual language as it's applied to printed marketing, an online presence, external campaigns, radio and television, etc. We can furthermore have the funds for authentic proof that even 'specialty' production techniques agreed for producing promotion collateral can make a notable difference in how the company is perceived and embraced. good branding sets you apart at every opportunity to communicate in the manner of your aspiration market. Starbucks is a great example of successfully consistent, well integrated branding. From buildup stomach signage to packaging to online presence, brochures, interiors, cups and gift cards; they know how to leverage their perfectly targeted branding solution. A company can, for a modest budgeted expense, make and rule a well-strategized visual brand identity, cultivating loyal, trusting customers for many years. Or it can choose to desertion this foundational process and allow customers catch them not a hundred percent prepared in every opportunity in which presenting professionalism is necessary to winning business The Shocking Revelation Of Png Dc Logo. Poorly executed and strange brand identities make negative public sharpness and execute business; on the other hand, well expected and managed brand identities propel companies, inspire loyalty and sell. In short, good design is always good business The Shocking Revelation Of Png Dc Logo. Related Posts of "The Shocking Revelation Of Png Dc Logo"
I have often asked practitioners what they found the most challenging thing in the entire patient management process. Over the years I have realised beginner practitioners have challenges in one of the following processes that incorporates a homoeopathic case management. 2) Case analysis that also includes miasmatic totality, susceptibility and prognosis. 3) Creating a Totality of Symptoms. 4) Matching this totality with the most indicated remedies in the Materia Medica – includes use of repertorization process. 5) Differential diagnosis and determining the first prescription and dose. 6) Eliciting Remedy Response and determining the second prescription/s until the case improves completely depending on the scope of homoeopathy. Personally when I started my practice, the most frustrating part of case management process was matching my totality with the most indicated remedy in the Materia Medica. While I seemed to do quite well with my case taking and I could even elicit the totality and core essence of a case well, I struggled to find a remedy that matched this state. One possible reason could be that there were a just handful of remedies that I could say I knew really well in those years and prescribe confidently. While we were "taught" around 400 remedies in my training and were expected to memorize them well, I could never manage to remember them. I could never understand remedies from reading a book directly because they lacked something. The only remedies that I could ever learn and still remember clearly were those those that were filtered through a clinical case. I found it extremely futile and boring to memorize a set of indications of remedies just because they were dumped together in a book. Having said that I thoroughly enjoyed the clinical cases from books journals or in lectures. I spent hours going through journals and archived cases to find my remedies. I observed cases being prescribed by my teachers in practice and made sure I recorded the remedy indications and the response that followed during the followups. I would compare cases of the same remedy. The idea was to see the many varied expressions of a remedy in clinic, using various approaches and to really get that depth of the remedy understanding and pathogenesis. Now this was a slower process and while I knew some remedies really well, my materia medica was quite limited. So it was rare for a remedy to pop in my head as soon as I took the case in my first few years of practice unless I had read or seen it prescribed before. Hence the only way I could find remedies in most of my cases was by repertorizing and trying newer remedies if they were indicated. The most tricky part for me was converting the symptoms into rubrics. While the totality of the case was quite clear and depended on the "stage" I took the case at, I wanted to make sure that the rubrics exactly represented the depth, core and essense of my patient's totality. (For more information on the concept of stages and its relevance in homoeopathic practice, kindly have a read of the free ebook - The Quest for Simillimum on the left of this page). Over the years after some extensive research into the repertorization process and making many mistakes, I could come to a stage where the process has become much easier. I want to share some hints that have helped me over the years to ensure that one can take the best possible rubrics that are represented in a case. I will explain this through a case example so you can understand the subtle differences in the type of rubrics chosen, what to take and what not to take in a given patient. Don't forget to put your thoughts on what you think about this in the discussion forum below. Sohani Gonzalez Nov. 12, 2013, 10:23 p.m. Just want to say Shilpa ~ a very clear and helpful description on how you found this remedy ( of which I have never used yet in 30 year s) I hope that a case comes my way now ~ all very exciting ! Shilpa Bhouraskar Nov. 13, 2013, 11:33 a.m. Yes it is one of those remedies that needs to be a polycrest but isn't. I look forward to your experiences. Sarah Daniel Nov. 12, 2013, 11:01 p.m. Thanks for going through this case, Shilpa. As you described the dynamics of this emotional sensitivity leading to a diversion into pleasant fantasy I said to myself, I wonder if this could possibly be Pip-m? I have had some success with this remedy and have found that people who need it tend to be almost incapable of solving big problems in their lives (like real happiness at work, or what to do about health problems, or what to do about a relationship) because as soon as they get a signal that something isn't just right, they look away. Can't help it. It's an instantaneous response. I'm very happy to have seen this case of yours; it deepens my learning about how the remedy state might express itself physically, and how the case can be translated into the rubrics so the picture of which remedy is best comes clear. Shilpa Bhouraskar Nov. 13, 2013, 2:55 p.m. Thanks for sharing your experiences Sarah. Niki Nov. 14, 2013, 12:48 a.m. Thank you for posting such a beautiful wonderful case! You have no idea how much I just learned from you about kava kava. So, I approach homeopathy from a different perspective. In addition to being a homeopath, I am also a pharmacist and a hypnotherapist. I'm also a medical intuitive. My intuitive gifts are auditory, so usually within the first few minutes of someone giving me their case, if their problem stems from a past life trauma, I know what it is. (I do a lot of past life regression in my practice.) I am so glad that the kava kava works so well. I have never studied that remedy, and it makes me think that perhaps kava kava is a wonderful remedy for helping the person forget their past life traumas. I can't wait to read more about the natural history of that remedy. So, I will tell you what I got in the first minute - he was a dog in his past life. He had a wonderful life, and loved the family he was with. His dreams reflect the happy memory of his past life - laying on a lawn, and dreaming of chasing rabbits - his favorite past time. After they dragged him away by the neck, they shot him in the head- in the temple. They were trying to protect their children - thinking that if he bit an adult, he might bite the children. But he was protecting the children, and he got shot. It was such a shock for him that he carried it with him into his next life. I am so happy that the kava kava worked! You have given him back his joy and allowed him to live free and happy again. The only thing I would have done differently is that sensing that he had a past life trauma, I would have removed the trauma first with a past life regression so he wouldn't aggravate. (Aggravations are often caused from past life traumas.) But you can always do a past life regression at any time, to remove any subconscious trauma and allow him to get the learning of his past life as a dog! I have to be honest, I am so sensitive to pain and trauma that I had to turn off the video several times! In fact, I almost didn't listen to the rest of the case, but if I hadn't, I never would have learned that Kava kava helps a person forget their past lives so they can move forward with joy and happiness in their current life. What a wonderful remedy. I had a hard time listening to him suffer, when he saw his fellow animal friends being butchered, but I'm glad I listened to the entire case, because if I hadn't, I would have never learned about the wonderful useful properties as kava kava on past life traumas! Kava kava is probably a wonderful remedy for homoepathic physicians, because they have so many people coming to see them, and they don't have time to do a past life regression on everyone with a past life trauma. Thank you Shilpa, for teaching such a wonderful case, and for teaching me so much about the wonderful properties of kava kava! Shilpa Bhouraskar Nov. 14, 2013, 11:20 a.m. Thanks for sharing your insight and offering a fascinating perspective to the case. I have never done or seen past life regression therapy so I will definitely have a read of Brian's work. Dr.Mehru seth Nov. 24, 2013, 11:56 a.m. you ..I want to tell u I have learnt so much from you . Thanks alot .look forward to u for further experiences and cases . Asefa Adam Firdosy Nov. 27, 2013, 3:06 a.m. Thanks Shilpa for explaining the case so clearly.I have not used this remedy yet.I have learned about the rubrics you gathered to reach the remedy.Through this interestin and wonderful case you have intoduce kava kava s wonderful properties. Thanks Shilpa and waiting for more experiences and case study. sarang Dec. 12, 2013, 11:10 p.m. Good analysis of the case giving a nice understanding of the drug. Prabhas Mishra May 18, 2018, 12:07 a.m. It was great Shilpa! I understood the case analysis shared by you. It is really very enriching. My concern can we not take a rubric like Ailments; grief after here along with other rubrics considered by you.
A year and a half ago, a new client Johanne White walked through the doors of Body Harmonics. She was petite and a bit nervous, but seemed dedicated to using movement therapy to help heal her body. Within a few months, we began seeing more and more of her. We had many conversations in passing and over time I had the chance to learn more about her incredible story and how Body Harmonics was helping her overcome physical and emotional pain. I asked if she’d be willing to do an interview and share her story with others. She agreed. This is definitely a must-read for anyone in pain. Johanne’s commitment and dedication to healing is incredible. She’s gone out on many limbs and overcome many obstacles. Below is just a small piece of Johanne’s fascinating story. I encourage you to spend a few minutes to read this interview I had with her and pass this on to anyone else you feel may benefit from reading it. Larisa: What brought you to Body Harmonics? Johanne: Oh my, that’s a long story! Before I came to Body Harmonics, my body systems were shutting down and the doctors couldn’t figure out why. They thought I had Multiple Sclerosis, but it wasn’t it. My entire spine was rotated and had damaged my joints, muscles, ligaments and nerves. This compromised my central nervous system and sense of balance when doing even simple day-to-day activities. I underwent several surgeries to repair damaged joints and the surgeries caused more damage and rotation to my body. I began to see a neuromuscular dentist, Dr Susan Huxtable. She was great! Dr. Huxtable did an assessment with me and determined a course of treatment that would “unrotate” the spine and provide stability to C1 (top of my cervical spine) which should improve alignment in the body. For many, this may sound a bit unfamiliar and strange as a treatment option, but it really made sense to me so I followed my gut and trusted the process. I also worked with Dr Tania Siquiera a NUCCA Chiropractor to help shift my spine while Dr Huxtable used dental orthotics to support my skeletal system and move me towards alignment. The first year I wore an orthotic on my lower jaw and it was modified weekly. Once I was more mobile I was ready to take the next step and find a safe movement and strength-building program. I knew without this my body would not heal as quickly or effectively. I chose Body Harmonics for my movement and strength training part of my rehabilitation because of the specialization in Neurological programming. I’m so happy I made the right choice. Larisa: Tell me about the journey you’ve taken at the studio. What programs and services have you used? What’s your experience been? How has it worked with your other treatments and therapies? Johanne: At first I started with Physiotherapy once per week. After the first month, I was able to add a couple Pilates privates to my weekly routine. A month later, I was done with Physiotherapy and was able to do four Pilates privates per week. It was a lot, but I was motivated to get strong. And I was making progress. Another month later, I began attending Core Essentials. It’s a spine-safe class that moves slowly and really helps you feel your core. Another month after that, magic happened and I tried a Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) session at the Body Harmonics clinic and was completely blown away. Naturally, I added that to my weekly routine as well. My next step was to have Dr Huxtable operate on my tongue. It was tied and holding my body in a rotational pattern. This was another way to release and continue shifting my body into better alignment. I continue to undergo weekly adjustments with Dr Huxtable and a cranial sacral practitioner, Jennifer Bond the (both these practitioners are external to Body Harmonics). Just recently I was able to add a few more group Pilates classes to my weekly routine. It feels so fantastic to keep moving forward on this strength-building journey. One last piece to my puzzle, is Pilates teacher training. I’ve done a lot of work on myself and about a year into my journey at Body Harmonics, I took some educational workshops offered to Pilates teachers. From these workshops I learned so much I decided to take it a step further. A couple months ago, I enrolled in the Pilates teacher training and certification program. Perhaps one day soon I’ll be able to teach and give back to people. Larisa: You’ve been on a healing journey for a long time now. What would you say is the biggest difference you’ve experienced at Body Harmonics from other clinics you’ve been to? Johanne: They keep saying it, but Body Harmonics really does have an integrated approach to wellbeing. I’ve worked with many different practitioners and instructors at the studio and it was the first time that everybody I was working with communicated about what was going on in my body. All the Body Harmonics staff, Dr. Huxtable and Jennifer Bond were all on the same page about my progress, collaborated with each other and knew what steps to take next. Also, both Dr Huxtable and Jennifer Bond have come for Pilates and MAT sessions. They’ve become raving fans and refer clients to Body Harmonics. This means the world to me. I’ve fallen apart in the past when my past practitioners didn’t communicate and nobody was there to catch me. I’m so blessed my body healing team is now able to communicate openly for my wellbeing. Coming to Body Harmonics, everyone helped me feel safe, supported and strong. My blood is flowing freely and my feet are looking normal for the first time in years. These may seem like silly things to some, but are a HUGE deal to me! Larisa: That’s great. Some of the smallest seeming things can make the biggest differences to out bodies and wellbeing. Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) is not a practice that many people are familiar with. Tell me a bit about it and what it’s done for your healing process. Johanne: Oh my goodness! It’s pretty amazing stuff. First of all, my MAT practitioner SueAnne is the absolute best. My body is hypermobile and constantly changing. When I start an MAT session, my pelvis is usually rotated and I have pressure in my spine. Also, when my dental orthotics are adjusted that really affects me. I’m really sensitive to any twists, kinks and imbalances in my body. When this happens I experience a lot of pain. SueAnne starts our sessions by taking a look at me and doing some muscles tests. This let’s her know what muscles are strong and which are weak. She uses touch, pressure and careful isometric exercises to help ‘turn on’ my muscles. As she works on me, the muscles in my body get rebalanced, my nervous system settles and I feel lighthearted. One crazy story is that I had severe stenosis in my cervical spine (neck) and my doctor wanted to fuse it. SueAnne did some work on the muscles at the top of my cervical spine at C1/C2 and they released. After that, my spine healed on it’s own and no surgery was required. Imagine that? Some days we work on my pelvis, other days on my spine, neck or feet. Even when she works the muscles in my finger it can affect how my neck and shoulders feel. It’s mind-blowing. SueAnne & MAT really supports the massive changes my body goes through every day. This sets me up for success. By the end of my MAT sessions, my muscles fatigue like I’ve been working out. Although my muscles are tired and worked, they’re not stressed. It feels like my body gains strength and my body knows how to hold itself together. Straightening out and rebalancing my body has improved my posture and digestive system. I’ve also got feelings in my body where I haven’t in 30 years. Without M.A.T, my rehab would be a lot slower and I’d be in a lot more pain. Larisa: I’m so happy you’ve had such great success with MAT. It’s sounds like something everybody should learn more about! Let’s go back to Pilates. What’s that journey been like? Johanne: We all hear that the body needs to stay strong to function, but I really saw firsthand how much my body loves to move and how much my muscles love to be stimulated. Sometimes things take time to click for me, but I know if I can feel or sense something once, even a little something, it can heal. My Pilates sessions not only make me strong in my body, but present little challenges for my brain. I like to learn and think and am excited to be able to have this extra stimulation. I’m like a kid in a candy store. I walk out of the studio with my head up and a spring in my step. My balance is better and I’m not nearly as afraid of falling. It’s terrific and I feel so much more confident. Something that was a bit surprising is how in-tune everyone is about the body and how it works. And they’re excited to share with me. I’ve learned a lot about anatomy, biomechanics and fun facts. For example, two great ways to help stimulate my pelvic floor are by putting my tongue on the roof of my mouth or working the arches of my feet. It’s a great example of how Pilates works my body from head to toe! Larisa: You’re now doing several classes a week in addition to your other therapies and Pilates private sessions. Tell me about that. Johanne: Going to class was a bit scary at first, but is now exciting. I’m actually doing 4 intermediate level group classes on the mat and Pilates machines. Doing a lot of privates has taught me a lot about what my body should be doing and feeling. Larisa: What else would you like to share with our readers? Johanne: I feel incredibly blessed to have such an amazing team supporting me: SueAnne, Andrea, Jocelyne, Danielle, Elizabeth, the front desk and everyone else I get to work with are top notch. It’s only been a year and a half and I’ve come so far in the gains I’ve made. Some of the words to describe what I have experienced from everyone I’ve worked with are gracious, supportive, positive, encouraging, knowledgeable, above and beyond, accommodating, passionate, learning, sharing, uplifting, fun, laughter, joy, bliss and tons of love! I could go on, but I think you get the point. I’ve also found an amazing community of people at Body Harmonics. I spend a lot of time there and have made many friends with clients and instructors. We speak about classes, go for coffee and even teacher training workshops together. It’s so amazing to spend time with like-minded people who are health conscious and interested in learning and bettering themselves in each in their own way. I’m happy to celebrate this special place. I hope everyone has a chance to experience Body Harmonics. Come for a class, try a private session or check them out online to connect with the gifts they offer the world. They really do care and I hope you get a chance to experience the power of Body Harmonics for yourself. I’m so happy you interviewed Johanne. I had asked her many moons ago if she’d be willing to share her story and she had said yes. I’m very glad it happened. The progress I’ve seen Johanne make has been truly remarkable. She is a beautiful strong woman inside and out and I hope this story can help others find hope. What an inspiring story. So glad that Johanne found BODY HARMONICS. Her persistence and discipline are also key ingredients to her transformation. Congratulations both! Johanne, it is amazing to see how far you have come! You always bring such a positive attitude with you to the studio. You show that anyone can achieve their goals once they put their mind to it, I look forward to seeing you teaching soon!!
Focusing only on shareholders’ financial return is not consistent with the concept of sustainable corporate governance. In contrast to financial performance, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a non-financial performance index. Financial reports consist of both financial and non-financial disclosures. These disclosures help investors make decisions. This paper characterizes the interaction between the sentiment analysis of financial reports and CSR scores. The classification accuracy through SVM exceeds 86%. The empirical study shows that the financial report sentiment based on the PESTEL model, Porter’s Five Forces model, and Value Chain (Primary and Support Activities) significantly correlates to the CSR score. Lawlor (2001) warned that even if an organization is “as pure as the driven snow in its own operations, it should expect public scrutiny of the practices of suppliers and associates”. Bad news about companies such as Nike, GAP, Reebok, and Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) attracted negative media attention in the late 1990s. In 2012, Apple became a high-profile target for non-government organizations concerned about working conditions in multinational supply chains. These concerns were related to the China-based Foxconn organization, where the vast majority of its 1.2 million employees were involved in assembling Apple products (according to Reuter’s reports). At the request of 250,000 petitioners, Apple was persuaded to ask the Fair Labor Association to investigate the working conditions at the Foxconn factory in China. Walmart was heavily criticized for its workplace practices in the US. In 2012, the National Employment Law Project (NELP) published the “Chain of Greed” report (Cho et al., 2012) about Walmart’s worker exploitation in the US. Some responsibility for the conditions of the poorly paid garment makers in Bangladesh has also been placed on the western retailers who sold the garments made by these oppressed workers after the collapse of the Rana Plaza building caused international outrage. Since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), and amid a lingering recession that has intensified pressure from shareholders, companies are devising new corporate social responsibility (CSR) models that are more aligned with their core business goals and services. For example, blue-chip companies, such as Visa and Unilever, are creating new markets in the developing world by closely aligning social causes with their overarching corporate strategies. CSR has a strong role to play in the provision of information for risk management purposes. The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) was formed in 2000. Based in New York and London, the CDP focuses on the implications of climate change for shareholder value and commercial operations. CDP believes that carbon emissions and climate change represent significant business risks and, therefore, an organization’s policies and performance in relation to climate change should be factored into investment decisions. The decision to report information (whether it be CSR or financial information) is the concept of “accountability”. It is defined as the duty to provide a report, or an account, of the actions and decisions made about those areas of activity for which an organization is deemed to be responsible. The Commission of European Communities (CEC) states that CSR is “a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis. Being socially responsible means not only fulfilling legal expectations, but also going beyond compliance and investing more into human capital, the environment, and the relations with stakeholders” (CEC 2001) , p. 6. The above definition is also consistent with the definition of CSR provided by the World Business Council on Sustainable Development: “The commitment of business to contribute to sustainable economic development, working with employees, their families, the local community, and society at large to improve their quality of life” (Holme & Watts, 2000), p. 10. The 3 main pillars of sustainability include environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Social and environmental performance can affect an organization’s future reputation, brands, and its ability to attract talented staff and maintain consumer and public support (CPA Australia, 2015a). Based on the Stakeholder Theory, corporate governance includes both financial performance and CSR. CSR refers to a wide range of activities that an organization undertakes, from charity donations to the management of carbon emissions. Based on the Signaling Theory, a financial report (FR) is the fundamental tool investors use to make decisions. It contains financial ratios as well as textual notes. Through this textual information, investors can learn about the firm’s social responsibility. Sentiment analysis is a relatively mature technique. However, China’s capital market is growing and Chinese is a complex language. We developed a sustainable strategy for corporate governance based on the sentiment analysis of Chinese financial reports with CSR. We solved 3 main problems: (1) Identifying the subjective object description in financial reports, (2) building an object library based on strategic models, and (3) characterizing the interaction between the CSR score and financial report sentiment categories. Sustainability is widely recognized as one of the most important challenges facing the world today (Wan, Arief, & Rajagopalan, 2014). For most of the world’s largest companies, reporting on non-financial information appears to be a continuing trend. The communication of the social and environmental dimensions of a company plays a key role in the sustainable development of an organization, and therefore should be investigated in depth (Enrique & Michaela, 2015). Multinational corporations play a prominent role in shaping the environmental trajectory of the planet. The integration of environmental costs and benefits into corporate decision-making has an enormous, but as yet unfulfilled, potential to promote sustainable development. Now is the time to take advantage of an explosion of sustainability commitments from business leaders and expanding pressure for sustainable practices from shareholders, financial institutions, and consumers (Kareiva, McNally, & McCormick Steve et al., 2015). CSR initiatives are crucial for achieving part of an inclusive growth vision. Organizations that are proactive rather than reactive may help achieve a sustainable inclusive growth via various CSR initiatives (Radhakrishnan, Chitrao & Nagendra, 2014). Research on CSR disclosure points to an increasing lack of completeness and decreasing amount of credibility in the information reported, as well as concerns about overall reporting practices. The evidence supports increasing skepticism about the use of CSR reporting practices as tools used to enhance perceived accountability (Giovanna, Silvia, & Federica, 2015). Standalone CSR reporting by retail companies appears to positively influence perceptions of a company’s reputation and may lead to increased appeal for socially responsible investors (Dennis & Na, 2014). Disclose CSR could increase transparency and non-financial accountability in capital markets. The empirical study reveals that family ownership reduces the level of CSR disclosure (Safaee M & M S Gerayli, 2017). Combining stakeholder theory with CSR research is a historic accomplishment (Zhang, Liang, & Yin, 2012). Chinese empirical data showed that CSR behavior is one of the key factors influencing consumers’ purchasing decisions (Ma, 2011). Data from listed Chinese companies in Shanghai demonstrated that the previous years’ CSR positively affects the current year’s corporate financial performance (CFP), and the current year’s CFP positively affects the CSR (Zhang, Jin, & Li, 2013). An empirical analysis showed that, assuming CSR is exogenous, the current CSR plays a significant positive role in promoting the current CFP, and vice versa (Yin, Liu, & Chen, 2014). There is a vast amount of financial information on companies’ financial performance available to investors in electronic form (Salahuddin & Gow, 2016; Loughran & McDonald, 2011; Robert, Schumaker, & Hsinchun, 2009; Kloptchenko et al., 2004). While the automatic analysis of financial figures is common, it has been difficult to automatically extract information from the textual part of financial reports. The textual part contains more information than numerical part in an annual report (Chen et al., 2012; Hobson, Mayew, & Venkatachalam, 2012; Chan & Franklin, 2011; Feng, 2010; Feng, 2006; Kloptchenko et al., 2004). In recent decades, and with the advent of the eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL), financial reports have experienced a great change in terms of the unified reporting process. Nevertheless, the unstructured part of financial reports, the footnotes, remains a barrier to accurate automatic and real-time financial analysis (Heidari & Felden, 2015). Currently, the application of data mining to auditing is at an early stage of development and researchers typically take a scatter-shot approach to it, investigating patterns in financial statement disclosures, text in annual reports and MD&As, and journal entries without the appropriate guidance, such as the lessons drawn from investigations on known fraud patterns (Gray & Debreceny, 2014). The sentiment (tone, opinion) has been assessed using several categorization schemes in order to explore the various aspects of language used in the annual reports of US companies. The results indicated that the sentiment information is an important forecasting determinant of financial performance and, thus, can be used to support the decision-making process of corporate stakeholders (Hajek, Olej, & Myskova, 2014). (Wang et al. 2016) investigated the correlation between mutual funds’ scale and return in China by text mining a large volume of online financial reports. They further employed K-means clustering for fund categorization, which enables the reliable examination of correlations between the fund’s scale and return. The findings highlighted the uniqueness of emerging markets while providing interesting guidelines for exploiting big data analytics for financial studies. Corporate social responsibility is crucial for sustainable corporate governance. Researchers have realized the potential value of the textual analysis of financial reports for detecting fraud, managing risk, and forecasting future performance. However, few researchers have performed empirical studies on the sentiment analysis of financial reports based on strategic factors and CSR. This paper will illustrate how to perform an effective sentiment analysis of financial reports. The research framework is shown in Fig. 1 and includes 4 steps: (1) data collection and preprocessing, (2) subjective sentence identification, emotional trend classification, and object description extraction, (3) the object library of the financial reports, and (4) empirical analysis. To develop the sample for the transferrable object library, we used firm-year observations from different industries, including real estate, automobile, medicine, electric, communications, and energy. The final sample contained 50 financial reports from 2008 to 2013. The data came from www.cninfo.com.cn, which is the designated disclosure website of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. To distinguish our work from existing quantitative (financial ratios) research and mine the potential information contained in the textual content of the financial reports, we did not extract common words like “we” or “company” or industry-specific words and pure financial terminology such as “automobile”, “real estate”, or “asset-liability ratio”. The classification precision based on the sentence corpus was higher than that of the paragraph or document (Zheng, 2014); we extracted 32,767 sentences from the textual part of the financial reports based on the full-stop punctuation. Using the approach found in (Bao and Datta’s 2014) work, we recruited 10 graduate students to label the sample sentences. Each student labels around 4000 sentences, among which 800 sentences are repetitive. Before labeling, they are briefed on the definition and trained on a number of real labeled examples. We keep communication and discussion during the whole process. The consistency of repetitive sentences reaches 80%. We only retain the subjective sentences whose labels are agreed upon by other annotators. The final sample set contained 2001 subjective sentences with a general emotional tendency and 4181 groups of related object descriptions. The expression of the subjective emotion was very complicated, and each sentence may not only have described the situation and emotional expression of a single aspect of the company. Although the variety of sentences means that some sentences will tend to approve some aspects of the company while others tend to criticize aspects of the company, a sentence’s general emotional tendency can be identified. The emotion tendency of the internal parts of 1 sentence can be different from the whole emotional tendency of the sentence. Therefore, we labeled the whole emotional tendency, related object description of each sentence, and emotional tendency of each object description (shown in Table 1). Let us use the first sentence to illustrate this process of identification. Even though there is only one sentence (divided by full stop punctuation), the subjective expression involves 4 groups of the object description, which should be listed separately. Among them, 2 groups of emotional expression are negative descriptions about the company’s external environment, but the whole emotional tendency of this sentence is positive. Therefore, the general emotion of this sentence should be labeled as positive, while its constituent parts are labeled as having different emotional tendencies. We obtained a set of 1724 positive sentences and 277 negative sentences. Among the object description groups, there were 3482 expressing positive emotions and 699 expressing negative emotions. For both the sentence level and object description level, around 85% of this sample expressed positive emotions and only 15% expressed negative emotions. After removing the repeated items, there were 2637 objects and 1728 descriptions. The difference in these results may be explained by the fact that the describing objects in financial reports can differ in thousands of ways, while the emotional tendency is mainly expressed as either “good” or “bad”. Text consists of characters and punctuation, constituting words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, sections, chapters, and documents. Before the computer could automatically deal with textual content, we needed to find an idealized method of formal representation that reflected the potential content of the text and then help it to identify different texts. The Support Vector Machine (SVM), a supervised learning method, is a prominent method for text classification (Pang et al., 2002; Mullen & Collier, 2004; Whitelaw et al., 2005; Ni et al., 2007). The basic idea of the SVM is to use a training set to find the hyperplane in vector space and then separate the data points into as many different categories as possible. Through a trained SVM model, the emotional tendency of the testing data could be automatically predicted. We labeled the subjective sentences of financial reports from different industries. After removing the data with missing values, we obtained a matrix of 1966*1728 (sentence*description). Based on the proportion of 3:1, we divided the data into a training set and a testing set. Table 2 shows the SVM classification result. The precision ratio was 97.36% and recall ratio was 88.04% when identifying a positive emotional tendency. The precision ratio was 35.29% and recall ratio was 73.17% when identifying a negative emotional tendency. The total precision ratio reached 86.83% and the F-measure value was 51.81%. The positive precision was much higher than that for the negative identification, which can be explained by the aforementioned statistical results. When preparing financial reports, managers usually have a positive attitude or mood (instead of a negative or adverse emotional tendency) towards the company’s financial position, operation results, and cash flow. Thus, most sentences in the sample set expressed positive emotion and few were negative. This tendency was also reflected in the calculation of “the precision ratio of identifying the negative emotional tendency”. The denominator contained a large number of misjudged samples that the machine recognized as − 1 while the human label was + 1, which led to the lower precision ratio for negative expressions. SWOT strategic analysis is a common method for evaluating corporate performance, which contains an analysis of the internal environment and external environment. In the above section, we divided the financial reports into sentences based on full stop punctuation, then identified the emotional tendency of the sentences, and finally extracted the related object description. These objects were words or phrases that we wanted to classify. Our process was as follows. First, we labeled these objects as internal or external. If the text described the company’s external information, it belonged to the external strategic analysis. The strategic analysis of the external environment is usually subdivided into the macro environment analysis and industry environment analysis. The former analyzes the whole environment, which can influence all kinds of industries, so we used the PESTEL model for these data. The latter aims at the strategic factors in a specific industry outside of a company that affect the company being analyzed as well as all the other companies engaged in similar economic and operational activities in the same industry; for these data, we adopted Porter’s Five Forces model. If the sentence described the company’s internal situation, it belonged to the internal strategic analysis. Companies cannot control external environment factors. The strategic analysis of the internal environment relates to controllable factors, which can be improved by management and other control measures. The Value Chain includes the Primary and Support Activities and is used for corporate internal analysis. There were 11 (6 + 5) external object categories, shown in Table 3. After removing the repeated items, the statistical results indicated that, among the factors in the corporate external environment, companies were concerned about the economic factor, industry rivalry, and power of the buyer the most, which are issues related to company earnings. Table 4 shows that the internal objects are more related to a firm’s infrastructure, marketing and sales, and operations and technology development than human resource management and services. The factors of least importance are inbound logistics, outbound logistics, and procurement. There were 345 sentences describing the external environment and 859 related groups of the object descriptions. There were 1656 sentences describing the internal environment and 3322 related groups of object descriptions, which were 4.8 times and 3.9 times as great, respectively, as the results from the external analysis. Among the related descriptions of the external environment, 41.68% described positive emotions and 58.32% described negative emotions. In contrast, 94.04% described positive emotions regarding the internal environment and 5.96% described negative emotions regarding the internal environment. These results demonstrated that the main sentiment expressed in these financial reports was about internal information disclosure, mainly good news about corporate performance. Compared with the internal disclosure, the description of the external environment revealed much more emotion that is negative. The CSR score data was taken from www.hexun.com. Control variables included the ROE, BM ratio, and company size, which were obtained from the China Stock Market & Accounting Research (CSMAR) database. The empirical data set consisted of 16 companies (000002 Vanke, 600050 China Unicom, 600028 SINOPEC, 601857 CNPC, 600104 SAIC Motor, 000800 FAW CAR, 000927 TJ FAW, 000572 HaiMa Motor, 601607 Shanghai Pharma, 000538 Yunnan Baiyao, 000423 DEEJ, 600085 TongRenTang, 000651 GREE, 600690 Haier, 600839 Sichuan Changhong, and 000016 KONKA A) in various industries over a period of 2 years, 2012 and 2013. Based on the object library we built and emotional tendencies classified in the above sections, we calculated the financial reports’ sentiment value of each category using Models 1–6. Table 5 presents the descriptive statistics for our sample. The units of the CSR and Size are obviously different from the other variables, so we used the log value of these 2 variables for the regression. Table 6 shows the experiment results, among which Model 5 demonstrates a statistical significance between the CSR score and financial report sentiment based on the categories of the PESTEL, and Porter’s Five Forces, Primary Activities and Support Activities. It outperformed the other models. The signs of the 4 variables’ coefficients were consistent with the aforementioned statistical results. When preparing a financial report, managers express positive emotions in accordance with Porter’s Five Forces and Support Activities, which show the company’s opportunities and strengths. Managers may also complain about the threat from the macro environment and weakness of the Primary Activities. Based on Model 5, we calculated the predicted values for the CSR scores. The comparison between predicted values and true values of the CSR scores is plotted as Fig. 2, which shows a consistent trend. Milton Friedman, the noted economist, argued that the primary responsibility of managers is to maximize shareholder wealth. However, any director or senior manager who believes that acting for the exclusive benefit of its shareholders will lead to long-term success and satisfactory corporate governance is mistaken. It is often forgotten that Friedman also mentioned that this pursuit of shareholder wealth should be “within the rules”. In the real world, ignoring stakeholders’ interests will result in poor performance and could even result in corporate bankruptcy. Based on the Stakeholder Theory, an organization’s success depends on the successful management of all the relationships that the organization has with its stakeholders. These stakeholders include not just shareholders (for corporate entities), but also other parties who could be affected by the operations of an entity, such as its employees, competitors, customers, suppliers, lenders, government, community, and environment. Paying attention to a broad range of stakeholders is important from a moral or ethical perspective and the survival of a firm depends on the management of a range of relationships. This research contributes to stakeholders’ comprehensive decision-making ability in regards to corporate accountability. The attitude of a manager towards CSR interacts with the emotional tendency expressed in the financial report. Stakeholders can learn more about a company’s sustainable accountability through the sentiment analysis of its financial report. Companies can also do better by paying attention to CSR and by pursuing sustainable corporate governance. We developed an object library for financial reports that consisted of 20 categories based on strategic analysis. Regression models of the CSR score and financial report sentiment of different categories demonstrate that when financial report sentiment is classified into 4 categories based on the PESTEL model, Porter’s Five Forces model, the Primary Activities and Support Activities, it adds statistically significant explanatory power to the CSR score. The result is transferrable to different industries. In the future, we can apply the method for creating an object library of financial reports to other financial disclosures. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 71371144, 71601119, 71771177). Yuan Song collected data and wrote the main paper. Hongwei Wang gave the main idea and improvement suggestions. Maoran Zhu contributed to the experiment analysis. All the authors read and approved the final manuscript. Yuan Song is a PhD candidate at School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Shanghai 200,092, China. Her research interests include corporate governance, auditing and textual analysis. Hongwei Wang is currently a professor of Information Systems in the School of Economics and Management at Tongji University, China. His research interests include sentiment analysis, social media, and business intelligence. Maoran Zhu is an associate professor of Management Science in the School of Economics and Management at Tongji University, China. His research interests include E-commerce and business intelligence. Holme R, Watts P (2000), Corporate Social Responsibility: Making good business sense, World Business Council on Sustainable Development. http://www.ceads.org.ar/downloads/Making%20good%20business%20sense.pdf. Accessed Feb 2018.
Lisa Noble is the President of the Sports Car Club of America, better known as the SCCA. She has been a nationally licensed motorsports driver since 1992 and in addition to her passion for motorsports she is an artist and a sculpture. She’s on the board of trustees for the Motorsports Hall of Fame and in 2014 she was recognized by the Women’s Sports Foundation and given their award for cultural change in the motorsports world. She’s also won the SCCA historic Kimberly Cup, held multiple track records at Sebring, Hallett, and Heartland Park and she was the first woman to earn a national race win in a Formula Vee. Patrick Foster is one of America’s best-known automotive journalists. He has been writing for more than 25 years and is a dedicated historian and author with a broad experience in the automotive industry. His work has appeared in numerous automotive magazines and he has regular columns in Hemmings Classic Car and Old Cars Weekly. Patrick has written 17 books about the American automobile and has two new books coming out this year titled, George Romney-An American Life and The History of International Harvester Trucks. He’s won numerous awards and was honored with the Lee Iacocca Award for excellence in automotive writing. Dennis Palatov is the owner of Palatov Motorsport, founded in 2008 and operating in Portland, Oregon. Their he and his talented team design, manufacture, and market lightweight high performance vehicles, parts, and accessories primarily targeted at recreational track day and street use. His company philosophy focuses on innovative, lean, and efficient design coupled with an excess of power and performance. Klaus Schnitzer is an internationally renowned automotive photographer and writer. He is a professor in the department of art and design at Montclair state university and is the director of the photography program. Assignments take him all over the world and have resulted in books, feature articles and more than 110 cover photographs for national and international publications. His work can be found in numerous private collections as well as the Museum of Modern Art and numerous other museums around the world. His name appears on the mastheads of Bimmer, Roundel and Sports Car International magazines along with many other worldwide publications, advertisements, and commercial accounts. Rob Ida owns Rob Ida Concepts in Morganville New Jersey. His family history and involvement around cars goes back to his grandfather Joe Ida who opened a Tucker dealership in Brooklyn New York. His father Bob was a hot rod and racecar builder. Today, Rob and his talented team can build you the car of your dreams and he is a national award winning custom car designer and builder. They provide full design and creation of one-of-a-kind vehicles, modified automobiles, and customs. They specialize in American cars from the 30s to the 70s and their current Tucker Torpedo project, a car that has never been built but was presented to Preston Tucker when he built his first car. Bruce Meyer is a life long classic car enthusiast and one of the most vocal ambassadors of the collector-car hobby. He has built a world-class collection of important motor vehicles, he is a racer holding several records and an inspiring philanthropist. As an active participant he enjoys driving in events around the world and serves on the board of many museums including the Nethercutt Collection, the Petersen Automotive Museum, The Mullin Automotive Museum and the LeMay Museum. He is the founding chairman of the Petersen Automotive Museum and their Checkered Flag 200 group. Bruce is a serious cheerleader for the car hobby and industry. John Light is the Powersports Division Manager at Evans Cooling. Evans is a company his father Thomas and uncle Jack started over 25 years ago. They develop, manufacture, and sell waterless coolants for all kinds of combustion engines and they work with some of the biggest automotive companies and names in auto racing. Their products solve cooling problems, reduce maintenance costs and can reduce fuel consumption and emissions and they eliminate the need for disposal of harmful contaminants. Harrod Blank is one of the key figures behind the art car movement in the US. His website Art Car Agency is a place to find the most unusual automobiles ever created. He has designed and built several of his own art cars using a hodgepodge of found objects. The Camera Van (above) is covered in 2,750 cameras of which ten function. A VW Bug based oh My God! Car that has to be seen, to be believed. Then there is Pico De Gallo, an interactive VW music mobile. Harrod has created 3 documentary films, all broadcast on TV: Wild Wheels, Driving the Dream, and Automorphosis, as well as two books featuring his photography, Wild Wheels and Art Cars. He is currently working on a film and book project on the Burning Man arts festival, in addition to creating the Art Car World museum in Douglas, Arizona. Zack Miller is the publisher of Motorbooks. It has been a wonderful source for the worlds best transportation books for almost 50 years. Founded in 1965 as Classic Motorbooks the company has published many of their own titles and has teamed with most of the biggest names in the industry over the years embracing the automotive enthusiasts lifestyle. Since joining the company in the early 1990s, Zack has held a variety of positions at Motorbooks and he authored the book Illustrated Vincent Buyer’s Guide. An automotive and motorcycle enthusiasts since childhood, Zack has a particular weakness for motorcycles, especially bikes hailing from Italy. Steve Johann owns Sound Image Solutions and he is the producer of The Hog Radio Show. Started in 2007, Steve and his co-host Walt Fletcher cover the world of motorcycling and rider lifestyle. He has interviewed many of the most well known enthusiasts in the market. His website is an extension of the show and features news, articles, and content covering the world and lifestyle of motorcycling. Billy Hammon aka Jet Boat is the CEO of Action Vehicle Engineering. Combining over 30 years of car experience and 20 years in the film industry his vehicles are legendary. He’s worked as a mechanic in multiple racing events including the Indy 500, Daytona 500 and 24 Hours of Daytona. He’s been a part of numerous automotive commercials and films. We all played with Hot Wheels as a kid. Billy plays with full size, real life Hot Wheels that he builds. Billy partnered with Mattel to create full size Hot Wheels cars and coupled with Mattel, Billy has been a part of 3 world records including the world’s longest jump of 332 feet, the longest corkscrew at 92 feet and a double dare loop built for the 2012 X-Games. Jim Hyde owns The World of RawHyde Adventure Motorcycle Training, Tours & Special Events. He started the business in the spring of 2002 with a goal of providing adventure destinations for motorcycle riders around the world. Jim and his talented crew provide numerous motorcycle tours, training, and trips in a wide variety of locations around the world. From intermediate to advanced challenges they will guide and coach you through some of the most fun you’ll ever have on two wheels. RawHyde is officially endorsed by BMW Motorrad North America and they are an official BMW training center. Their goal is to provide participants with fun and exhilarating adventures on motorcyles. Henk Holsheimer is a designer and artist, with a strong focus on conceptual thinking and idea generation. With years of experience as concept manager for the LEGO Group and through collaboration with partners such as IDEO, Audi, BMW, and others his automotive design competencies derive from a lifelong passion for car design and its history. Henk lectures at art and design universities and curates art events and exhibitions. In 2010 he published the book ‘Constructed Styles, LEGO bricks in urban art’. His automotive artwork and design has been on display in museums, in magazines, galleries, and in private collections and in 2005 he created the poster for the Concours d’elegeance at Villa d’Este. Henk lives in Munich where he continues to create automotive art and design. Louie Shefchik is the owner of J&L Fabricating in Puyallup, Washington. Since 1981 Louie and his talented team have been restoring and building vintage racecars, hot rods, concours, and collector cars for automotive enthusiasts who demand the best in craftsmanship and expertise. Louie’s passion for cars goes back to 1972 when he was 15 and filled a mechanic’s position on Salt Walther’s Indy Car team. Today J&L celebrates over 30 years of design, engineering, building, and fabricating parts for some of the most famous racecars ever built. They also offer trackside support and transportation to racing events around the country, and the world, giving their customers an arrive-and-drive convenience further enhancing the vintage racing experience. Dennis Gage is the producer and host of the wildly popular television show My Classic Car. For twenty years he’s traveled around the globe sharing automobiles, collections, car shows, and more with enthusiasts. His show has been on TNN, SPEED and can now be seen on the Velocity and MAVTV networks and is enjoyed in over 90 million households. Dennis is also the Executive Producer of the motorcycle television programs, Trippin’ on Two Wheels and Corbin’s Ride On and the reality series, Texas Hardtails and the independent film, Novem. Matt Stone is a freelance journalist, author, broadcaster and former Editor at Motor Trend Classic magazine. He’s been a professional automotive journalist and photographer since 1990. He’s a Chief Class Judge at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, a member of the LeMay America’s Car Museum Steering Committee and past-President of the Motor Press Guild trade association. He’s written several books including: Winning: The Racing Life of Paul Newman, McQueen’s Machines, My First Car, and History’s Greatest Automotive Mysteries, Myths, and Rumors Revealed. Holly Martin of Metal and Speed, is a photographer who specializes in innovative automotive and mechanical photography. She also drives racecars. Her passion for automobiles, metalwork and the mechanical arts is captured in her photography and she is an artist with a background in painting and mixed media. She loves classic cars, hot rods, customs, motorcycles and her portfolio has something for every car and racing enthusiast. Her work has been featured world-wide in numerous publications including the Robb Report, Hot Rod magazine and others. She is the head photographer for Danny Thomson and his Challenger II and she often shoots at Bonneville and El Mirage Dry Lake. Steve Moal of Moal Coachbuilders in Oakland, California, comes from a long line of skilled metal workers going back to his grandfather William who emigrated here to the United States from France. Steve’s shop carries on a tradition carried forward by his father George and today Steve and his wife and sons design, engineer, fabricate, and assemble custom coachcraft vehicles for the most discerning automotive enthusiasts. His skilled team of artisans create, and build distinct and spirited high-performance motorcars that are recognized around the world as works of art. Scott Riekstins is the owner and operator of Green Auto Detail in Kirkland, Washington. He’s been detailing and caring for automobiles since 1989 out of his mobile detailing van. In 2009 Scott made a commitment to going green and today he focuses on using eco-friendly cleaning products and processes while cleaning vehicles. This reduces the impact on the environment and his customers, not to mention Scott himself. Scott’s detailed all kinds of vehicles including some famous cars from the movies including James Bond’s Aston Martin DB5 and the iconic Chuck Barris Batmobile. Vic Elford was one of the fastest drivers of the sixties and seventies and is a racing icon in Porsche’s history. He is arguably the most versatile all around driver of all time and he’s raced and won pretty much every motoring event in Europe and the U.S. The Monte Carlo Rally, the Daytona 24 Hours, Targa Florio, the Nurburgring 1000 Kilometers, Sebring and the European Rally Championship. Then he moved to Formula 1, Can Am, Trans Am, off road racing in Africa and even Nascar. In addition to Porsche Vic’s raced for almost every marque and set speed records and lap records around the globe. He drove for Steve McQueen in the movie Le Mans and Vic’s authored books, narrated Michel Keyser’s film The Speed Merchants and still participates in many motoring and vintage racing events.
A decade is a long time, but sometimes it doesn’t feel like it. A lot can change in a decade, even though it seems to happen in fast-forward mode, like a time-lapse video. This often leaves people with a nagging sense that they need to update some things. Maybe it’s their estate plan or their insurance coverages? But in my experience, for every one thing you can think of that needs to get updated, there are likely five to seven things that you probably would update if you had time to think about it. Whitnell’s commitment to producing thought leadership materials stretches back several years now. The Whitnell Way is one example of how we share ideas with our clients and the wider market. But it’s not the only way – especially now that Brian Henderson is a published author on Forbes.com. I know it might sound strange for me to say that you shouldn’t focus on money. Of course, I’m not saying that you should ignore your finances and hope for the best. That would not be wise. But through my experiences with serving families, something has become very clear to me. Wealth is a means to an end – living a great life. Families work hard to build wealth, not for the sake of achieving some number on a balance sheet. They want the wealth to support their family life. As a family’s wealth grows, it is easy to get consumed by the numbers from taxes to balance sheets to interest income, etc. There comes a point where it may be a good time to take a step back and reflect on the why – your family purpose – to assess whether your wealth and hard work is helping you to achieve a greater purpose. Over the last few years, I've begun to work with more private equity entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and business executives. I really enjoy working with these people because they are so bold and willing to take risks. These individuals live and breathe the American Dream every day. They put it all on the line. Yet I've also noticed that their penchant for risk-taking sometimes hurts them when they miscalculate an opportunity. Private equity entrepreneurs are willing to take huge risks because they know that's how they'll realize huge rewards. But this mindset can be a hindrance to building and preserving long-term wealth. We all have to take risks to achieve rewards. But it’s essential to fully evaluate the opportunity while being realistic about best-case and worst-case scenarios. The key is to take the right risks at the right time. When we take the wrong risks, or take reasonable risks at the wrong time, we diminish the likelihood of achieving our goals. Here are lessons I've learned about risk-taking from working closely with private equity entrepreneurs. While there are many strategies that can be put in place to preserve multi-generational wealth, here is what I’ve learned after so many years of serving affluent families. There are two critical factors that will have a greater influence on this goal than anything else: recognizing tipping points and viewing family wealth as an enterprise. The surprising thing is that neither of these are strategies, per se. They are both about mindset, about taking a certain perspective. Let me explain. “Family offices” are often thought of as the domain of the ultra-affluent. When people think of a family office, they often envision a team of highly skilled people, such as lawyers, CPAs and investment advisors, serving a single prominent American family, such as the Rockefellers. While this has been the common perception over the last several decades, a new trend is emerging. This trend is designed to serve a changing demographic. During the Baby Boomer and Gen X generations, the US witnessed a proliferation of wealth unlike ever before. Whitnell is pleased to announce that Robert Legan is now leading the Family Office Service team. His background in working with ultra-affluent families made him the obvious choice for this role. For those who may not be aware, the Family Office Service team at Whitnell works with a select group of ultra-affluent families who have complex financial needs. I read an interesting statistic the other day, although I did find it somewhat disturbing. According to the Exit Planning Institute’s Readiness Survey (2013), 75% of business owners “profoundly regretted” selling their business 12 months after the deal. To me, this is very sad to hear. I’m privileged to work with a select group of entrepreneurs and I know how much passion and energy they bring to their businesses. They pour their lives into these enterprises. They look forward to the day when all of their hard work will culminate in a transfer of equity to someone else. But all too often, that moment is followed by disappointment. Why? As I watched the Super bowl recently, I was reminded of different teams I played on growing up. In team sports, there are certain fundamental principles that come to life. Teamwork prevails over a star player. Execution matters more than raw talent. Experience comes with age. Defense wins championships. But the football season is now over and baseball is just around the corner. Not everyone finds baseball exciting, but I find myself exhilarated by the looming start of the season. Of course it doesn’t hurt that I’m a lifelong Cubs fan and we have a lot to be excited about. I’ve had the privilege of working with entrepreneurs to transition their business to others, and I’ve noticed a disturbing trend. Many business owners may be unprepared to transfer their business when the time comes to sell. This not only delays the liquidity event, it can also have a material negative impact on the value of the business. If you are a business owner over the age of 40, I’d like to give you some key insights to think about now so you can start to prepare for your business transfer. Even if you think this may not happen for another decade, these insights will help you be ready when the time comes. How Might These Benefit Your Situation? Interest rates are still pretty attractive compared to previous decades. In fact, today’s low interest rates provide some opportunities that may not come around again for a very long time, potentially in our lifetimes. What seems certain, at this point, is that interest rates will not remain low forever – in fact, they could start to trend higher yet this year. This raises some important questions. How can one take advantage of low interest rates? What strategies might work for your goals? What steps might you take now that might not be available or attractive in the coming months and years? Will you miss out on some great opportunities? Many successful private businesses are owned and managed by a limited number of partners. Sometimes these partners are family members or life-long friends. Other times the business partnerships formed after trusted working relationships were fostered. But I’ve noticed a dangerous trend in these types of businesses. It seems many closely-held, privately owned businesses do not have formal agreements in place to protect the business owners from unforeseen circumstances that could dramatically impact them and their families. A high degree of personal trust and loyalty, handshake agreements, seem to suffice between partners. I believe this is a mistake. I’d like to share my perspectives with you. The holiday season is here in force. I feel it and I’m sure you do too. This is a wonderful time of year. But I sometimes wish there were 62 days in December instead of only 31 days. I know it’s the holiday season because of what happens with my clients. The busy executives and business owners that I’m privileged to serve are often so busy during the year that I have to schedule meetings months in advance. The pace of work and life leaves them with little time for anything else. But during the holidays, somewhere around the third week of December, things start to change. People slow down a bit. They take time off from work and spend it with family. They relax and just breathe. For family-owned businesses, especially those families where children are involved in the business, the retirement of the business founder can be a real conundrum. There are so many issues to sort through. Some of these issues are financial or business-related. But other issues are unique to family-planning and caring for loved ones. My son’s t-ball team recently won the championship in the Oak Park, Illinois youth baseball league. Over the course of the season, we experienced many highs and lows. That’s the nature of coaching 5, 6 and 7-year olds. I witnessed joys and agonies among these young competitors who are just learning to deal with life’s ups and downs. In my last article, I stated that a great financial team includes a wealth manager, CPA and estate attorney. The reason you need this team is because success in business does not necessarily equate to success in wealth. Even those who earn a high income may not achieve their wealth goals unless they have the right team guiding them. Success in business does not necessarily equate to success in wealth. Just because someone earns a high income, owns a lot of assets, holds equity in a private business or has a large portfolio – this does not always mean that they’ll achieve their wealth goals. To achieve the goals that matter most to you regarding your wealth, you need a team of experts who work together to address a wide range of issues including financial planning, taxes, retirement, cash-flow, estate planning, asset protection and even charitable giving. When I meet with business owners, it seems they want to talk primarily about their investment portfolio. What I often discover, however, is that their current investment portfolio is a fraction of their potential net worth, unless they’ve already had a liquidity event and sold their business. Sooner or later most senior executives consider switching to another company. Exciting new opportunities pose increases in career satisfaction and work-life balance. But when it comes to comparing the executive compensation packages and figuring out if you are better off leaving or staying – based on economics alone – it can be very tough to make an apples-to-apples comparison.
Can you believe week six of school is already coming to a close? It seems like just yesterday freshman were moving in and it was syllabus week. Currently we are in the middle of mid-terms and it is a stressful time on campus. People are rushing about from class to class, studying, and working on those projects that are due in the coming weeks. But that is okay, there is only a week left in mid-term season and life on campus will be back to normal. All the hours studying this semester have made me think about my three favorite places to study on campus, and I thought I would share them with you! GSIS Building: There is a lounge in the GSIS building with couches and tables for students to relax and study at. It is one of the newer buildings on campus and is normally pretty quit during the day (except when classes are transitioning). Perfect if you want to be left alone to study or do homework. Everyone I have talked to has different places they prefer to study but these are my top picks. Hope these help you find your quiet place to study, and ace your mid-terms. I wish everyone brains as they continue through mid-term season, it will be over soon! My name is Marquette Davis and I studied abroad in the United Kingdom for one month in the summer of 2016. Although this program is called a study abroad in England, I say the United Kingdom because in the month that we were there, we were not just in England. We had the opportunity to explore the entire United Kingdom. Many of the locals we met told us, upon hearing our travel plans for the month, we would get to see more of England and more of the UK than they had ever seen and they had lived there their entire lives. Traveling to the big city of London and the small seaside towns of Northern England and Scotland and the historic cities Newcastle, Edinburgh, and Bath, and the scenic towns of Wales, we took part in an awesome adventure all over the United Kingdom. And the greatest part about it was that we could personalize it because we were in our own van. And the second greatest part about it was that we probably walked as many miles as we drove, which made for some incredible and unusual sightseeing. Aside from the wonder of all the travel and the cultural experiences we got to partake in, the different foods we tried and the various people we met, it was an intellectually stimulating experience. Completing seven credit hours in one month, every day was busy with classes and homework. Classroom and lab times were never boring and the small class setting made each penny per credit worthwhile. Be warned, however, that the work load was not for the faint of heart. One of the greatest lessons I learned while in England was how to seize the day and make the most of my experiences, meanwhile completing a semester’s worth of school work in four weeks. Sleep became a secondary need. I made the most of my time there and maintained a pleasing grade and still did not have any regrets about any missed opportunities. Even as we traveled, we lived and breathed what we had learned in our classes, making them all the more worthwhile and exciting. In addition, we were in the United Kingdom at the time of the mass shooting in Orlando and at the time of the Brexit vote by which the United Kingdom withdrew from the European Union. With these events occurring, we were able to experience how a massive tragedy in the U.S. is globally affective. Walking the streets of London, we even came across a banner that read, “We Stand with Orlando.” And we were able to see firsthand the reaction of the UK people to a major national event. Needless to say, with these events taking place and our presidential election upon us, the English people were eager to know our political stances on several issues, including gun laws, nationalism, and Trump/Bernie/Hilary, and they were eager to share their opinions on their own national issues. I had the pleasure, for example, escaping the rain one evening in Bath, to talk to the manager of a shoe store for a brief time who excitedly conversed with me over British and American politics. This brings me to my next point. Of all the amazing history and incredible places we saw, it was the people that I will remember most and hold most dear to my heart. Granted I came across more rude people than I had ever encountered, but the good outweighed the bad. I will always remember the three locals we shared jokes with at the smallest pub in the UK; the friendly Chinese couple I listened to one of our students practice her Chinese with during high tea on the Thames River; the kind French girl who led our horseback ride along the beach in Inverary, Scotland; the professors at our host university; all our friendly waiters and waitresses; the pub owner who helped us struggle through the Welsh word “Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch” for extra credit; the employees of Dunollie Castle who allowed us to conduct a crime scene investigation in the middle of their work day and even participated as witnesses and interviewees; and all others who took our pictures, gave us directions, or made friendly conversation with us on the buses, trains, and planes along the way. I am particularly grateful and would like to give a shout out to the employees of United who were so helpful to me in the airport when I had issues with my flights and had to find my way home. And lastly, in the month I was in England, together in good times and in bad, I developed a relationship with my fellow students and with our professor that I will always cherish. Above all the experiences and sights, it is these people that I will hold dear when I remember my study abroad. From my study abroad experience, I gained seven credits toward my degree, friendships I will always be able to turn to with my fellow students, and a mentor that I truly respect in my professor. In addition, as a GSIS student, I achieved my first international experience that I believe has opened the door to many more international travels and potential career opportunities. I discovered the path I want to take in my degree program by taking Interviewing Techniques and Forensic Science and finding out what I really enjoyed to do. I grew as a person, figuring out my way through a foreign country and culture with a group of people that were mostly strangers to me before the study abroad, and was exposed to the diversity that exists just between two English speaking western cultures, really opening my eyes to the incredible diversity that exists globally. I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to study in England in the summer of 2016. I will never forget my time there and will eternally appreciate all the incredible experiences. I’m Trupti Mahendrakar from Bangalore, India. Exploring and innovating is my passion. I joined Riddle in Fall 2015. Since then till now, I was encouraged and motivated to do what I like. Professor’s here are so helpful. The entire institution makes me feel at home. My first semester here, I came up with an idea of making Graphene based composites. Later, I got to know that the University encourages and funds student researches through Ignite or Undergraduate Research Institute (URI). All I had to do was to find a Professor who can help me with my project and find a group of people who are interested. Thus, I started Alternate Composite Team (ACT). Here are some pictures of me and my team working. It may not look fun but remember “Appearance can be deceptive.” So come on over and try it yourself. I am officially signing off for good. It has been an awesome four years blogging for all of our readers out there but, its time to go!! I am happy to say that I have a job now, in the “real world” as the professors at ERAU like to call it. As some of you know from my previous blogs I got my job through AFROTC, which I was involved in over the last 4 years at Riddle. It is a great program and if you are willing to give it a shot you can learn a lot about yourself while securing a future position in the Air Force. Not everyone makes it through but, boy does it feel good if you are one of the lucky ones who does! Summer is a great time where free time is not scarce. However if you don’t plan it well it can become really boring after a couple of weeks. My summer started in May right after I finished my hardest test, Themes and Humanities. An English class can be quite challenging. That day I came straight home and I fell sleep for about 12 hours until the next day. Some people go out dinner, others go out to party, others start driving back home, I just wanted to sleep. I was exhausted. I was busy to hanging out, going to the lake to do nothing other than lay down at the shore, and I started playing chess again at the Prescott Public Library (By the way, those elder men know how play chess, I didn’t win one single game.) —-The remaining 2 months is a story for another time. I realize that having fun and doing what you love is as important as getting good grades. I started thinking “How I could stop doing what I love to do?” I came to conclusion that there has to be a balance between college and time for yourself and this year as a sophomore, I am going to find this balance.
Need a Dumpster Rental in Excelsior Springs? We have the commercial and residential dumpster service you need in Excelsior Springs. At DumpsterFly, we strive to bring you the best service at the best price available. We have a wide selection of dumpster sizes in stock in Excelsior Springs, MO, with flexible & timley pickup and delivery. Give us a call today for all your dumpster rental and roll off needs. Your roll-off dumpster in Excelsior Springs, MO is only a phone call away. Don't delay! Dumpsters are available* in Excelsior Springs. Most Excelsior Springs dumpster rental companies will take care of securing this permit for you if you rent from them. Make sure that if you’re planning to put the dumpster on the street, the company has made the appropriate arrangements. You should also ensure that you get the permit in a timely manner and at the correct cost. If you thought the dumpster company was getting a permit and they did not, you will be the one who will have to pay the fine that is issued by the authorities. The average tariff of a Rent a Waste Management Dumpster in Excelsior Springs, MO is around $500. The maximum pricing is generally close to $1,200, while you're on the low conclusion, it could play $100. Local, property owner projects will likely need a dumpster about the $500 size, even though larger professional companies will more than likely need the higher priced model. You'll probably want to call up around to several companies to receive price quotations before you make one further selections. Many businesses will also have various sizes they can present you with as well, according to your needs. If you're unsure how big a you will need, say to the company plus they can help you define your options to the type you want. Although you chuck out what you may need to, however dumpster service likewise allows you work towards your own time-frame rather than possessing to conform to several outside pick up schedule. If you're doing any type of construction or even renovation project, or if simply know that you will be a couple of week-ends to actually get yourself a cleanout job done, letting a dumpster is a great choice. Whenever you rent from your neighborhood junk transporting pros, you will get to say if you want the unit when you'd like these people to pick it up. That way, you're not compelled to do a job more quickly in comparison with you want to (or even than you can), and you don't possess to clutter your property together with debris because you finish the job. Renting any dumpster makes a home remodeling project much simpler and speedier and it does not have to cost you a ton of money. There are little differences among markets consequently ask any waste managing professional together with specific inquiries you might have regarding your project ahead of deciding on the Rent a Waste Management Dumpster in Excelsior Springs, MO corporation that's right for you. Finding a dumpster service to assist you to to clean out of which big, old garage loaded with who-knows-what is a good idea. Although many people do not understand it, you must not use a classic garage pick up as a way to take away the debris in addition to old goods you've saved in this space. You may encounter fines or even limitations according to what you have got included in that. Rather, it's really a good idea to hire a company to drop off dumpsters at the home so as to work through your mess as you need to and chuck away what you need to as you go. There are a number of benefits to accomplishing this. Finally, produced crew can certainly put on your finishing hits of your brand-new baseboards in addition to molding over the entire residence. Your home is going to look like any showplace once things are all completed. Not merely is your brand-new living room and residential gorgeous, but it is clean and really comfortable in your case and your family. You've made your desires come true in your house you want to are in. Going for a Rent a Waste Management Dumpster in Excelsior Springs, MO doesn't involve any massive strategic options as in circumstance of your massive business issues. You just need to publication a dumpster revealing the period associated with Rent a Waste Management Dumpster in Excelsior Springs, MO. To book any dumpster, you need to make an order with Rent a Waste Management Dumpster in Excelsior Springs, MO supplier. A prior intimation associated with 24 hours can help the Rent a Waste Management Dumpster in Excelsior Springs, MO supplier to place the right size dumpster for your door step. The biggest benefit of going with a specialist Junk Elimination and Dumpster Rental clients are that you get to sit down back relax comprehending the job will be done right and also professionally! The secret lies in definitely not falling for all those fly by simply night workers that feature low cost prices on the phone. They may seem good exactly in danger, but the complications only commence when you conclusion the call. They will often not make an appearance, they may enhance the price when they do come out. If you have ever transferred, this type of approach will sound familiar to you. Then it could even worsen, they may not be insured. They might damage your own property, or your neighbors' house. They could acquire injured and also sue you. If every thing goes okay at your web site, your worries are not above, when they keep. Then there is the matter of disposing of your squander, are they performing it properly, could they be adhering to the dumping bylaws locally or could they be illegally disposal your squander and crap. If the man with his pickup truck can't be positioned YOU COULD BE Kept LIABLE. How will you avoid the trap? Schools also collect many old crap that may no longer be needed. Universities tend to retail store them inside their basement or any other storage area. Aged couches, seating, desks, computer systems and displays, etc. could possibly be overloading the storage space. Booking a dumpster is the perfect solution to get rid of all the unwanted junk in a quick manner. When choosing a Rent a Waste Management Dumpster in Excelsior Springs corporation, find out how prolonged you can keep the dumpster at a single rate. If you need to extend time find out the price ahead of time. Whatever project you've planned to take on, imagine all of the materials that you are going to be taking out of the property. Imagine aged appliances, aged cabinetry, maybe even the old floor coverings. In each one of these simple cases, you've got to do something with all the items that you happen to be removing. Another excuse you might contemplate Rent a Waste Management Dumpster in Excelsior Springss is actually you plan on doing building on your office or home building. Almost all areas do not let the disposal of timber, nails or any other similar squander. These items can easily almost always be put within the dumpster to be hauled off when needed. A few garbage bin rental fees allow for the dumping associated with hazardous squander as well and may utilize convenience bins due to this on the property. Every house construction project involves a lot of garbage and boulders. You can enjoy get and personal hygiene during a house construction project by making use of a building Rent a Waste Management Dumpster in Excelsior Springs. Excellence and also beautification does not have to look like demolition and devastation during the process. Quality in every building process is quite possible only by making use of proper garbage removal in the home and also premises. These commercial dumpsters usually have a whole conclusion opening regarding dragging items into the big box, plus an cracking open in the top rated so that roof top workers, for instance, can just toss shingles and also old roof top wood into the dumpster, saving work. Some are totally open with top. when The rental charges will be established after you move to the website, and may depend on how big your garbage heap, precisely what is in it, whether recyclables have to be separated -- as well as can be split up, how long you will need the dumpster regarding, and how massive it is. What is the daily rental charge? Some businesses will charge an every day rental fee consequently be sure to ask if the rental cost is included you aren't. With all these types of advantages, you will need to definitely select a Rent a Waste Management Dumpster in Excelsior Springs, MOs company to clean the house and surroundings around the house construction website. You can get rid of all the junk or garbage to the particular dumpster service rental company to maintain clean and hygienic setting around your livelihood locations. This dumpster service company will assist you to keep your job spot free from affordable charge. When starting any type of diy project our recommendation is that a plan end up being created which describes every single part of the method. Many times in creating these types of a simple action is neglected. Almost all improvements projects big or small produce throw away. Typically there is little change thought provided as to the way to properly contain and dump this throw away. Many municipalities have limited restrictions about what is allowable to drag out and about to the curb. In the case of a lot of construction jobs the throw away created isn't allowed. Older homes particularly have to end up being tactful since the building items used in the first construction of the house has a chance of containing asbestos fibers or other damaging chemicals. Exclusive sites and precautionary procedures have been set in place by modest governments to alleviate the potential damage that might be a result of inferior fingertips methods. The bottomline is these charges can be pricey, and still need an appropriate fingertips process. That will alone is definitely reason enough to consult local throw away management company before starting assembling your shed. Renting rotate off dumpsters weren't able to be easier, but there are a few things you need to think about before placing an order: You may not place wet coloring into the dumpster however are able to place dry coloring cans in it. Is the best den not big enough? Do you devote a lot of time within your den? In case you answered of course to either of those questions, it's possible it is time to upgrade your family room. If you have a spare bedroom which connects with your den, perhaps you should think about trashing out the wall membrane in between the 2 rooms. This can open up the den area and make it much more ample and comfortable in your case. There are many reasons you want a Rent a Waste Management Dumpster in Excelsior Springs, MO in Maryland. You could be sporting a new roof on your home or business Maryland. You may need the Rent a Waste Management Dumpster in Excelsior Springs, MO in Maryland to the construction group coming to perform new roof or you might require it in your case and your family to receive the roofing work completed. If you're planning on a little bit of renovating in comparison with you will need to rent any dumpster. By renting any dumpster you can easily keep your condo area looking cool. You do not want the particular neighbors moaning at all with the mess available nor are you wanting them to record you to law enforcement or your local building examiner. Make sure you get to keep your dumpster at virtually no additional cost for at least two weeks so you have time period to get your bathroom renovation must knows completed. Check out ahead of time together with the dumpster company you'd like to rent from about how long you have to use the dumpster.
GSES recently gave a presentation at the APVI workshop in Brisbane as part of the International Battery Association conference. The presentation considered the drivers of battery storage, possible future business models, and the impacts on generators. This article was collectively authored by Jono Pye (who gave the presentation at APVI) and others in the GSES team. There is no such thing as a ‘natural market’ when it comes to electricity – there is nothing natural about buying and selling electrons. All electricity markets are designed around the technology available at the time, which up until now has been large centralised generators that are located close to their fossil fuel resource. The business models of generators, transmission/distribution companies and retailers are similarly based on the available technology (and existing market). Distributed PV has already had a serious impact on presumed business models. It is constantly flagged that soon the price of batteries will fall to the point where distributed storage is common place. Such a dramatic shift in the technology of the electricity market promises to disrupt many of the incumbent players . Much has been written about the utility ‘death spiral’, in which utilities, facing a reduction in the use of their networks, will increase the unit cost of energy to make up their revenue, which in turn will increase the incentive for customers to use less energy. 2) that there is either no need for a back-up power source or that a grid connection is more expensive than a generator. In suburban areas with houses powered by distributed PV with battery storage, there will still be the need for a grid and a utility to manage it. The question then becomes: how will distributed storage integrate into the current market? To a large extent this will depend on which stakeholders in the industry retain ownership of the batteries; whether this ownership rests with private individuals, utilities or a new type of gentailer. Privately owned systems present the greatest threat to utilities and retailers, as customers with these systems are theoretically able to provide all their own energy needs. Although there will be a market for these systems, they will have a high upfront cost and leave the owner responsible for their maintenance and to pay for equipment failures in the system. The group of customers that go down this path of self-ownership will be the early adopters; those that have been waiting eagerly for the price of batteries to drop to a point they can exploit their PV systems to their full potential, and be completely self-reliant. Distributed storage will allow customers to leave the grid entirely. The role of a utility is to provide the infrastructure required for consumers to have access to electricity – batteries could be viewed as a simple extension of this infrastructure. Utilities could provide batteries at street level that were owned and operated by the utility, dispatching during peak times to reduce the demand and strain on their network. How this would function with the wholesale electricity market (and the market rules) would be challenging, with the utilities themselves buying electricity during low periods to charge batteries, and using it to suppress demand during peaks. Utilities could operate batteries either at a street or residential level. Utilities could also provide batteries in the home. In this situation, the utility would retain ownership of the battery and lease its use to the customer. Customers could then choose how they utilise the system; either storing energy from their PV array, or from the grid during low demand. Whatever the ownership model, in this new market there will still be a need for a back-up power source: to provide power for PV customers during periods of low irradiance, and to charge the batteries of those customers who do not have PV. The purpose of an energy retailer is to buy energy from the wholesale market on a customer’s behalf and deliver it to their door, paying the network providers for their services along the way. In order to ensure they can supply the required energy throughout the day, retailers either hold Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), or physically hedge themselves with their own fleet of generators. Coal traditionally supplies the baseline, with open and combined cycle gas turbines supplying the peaks. In many ways, distributed storage can be thought of in the same way as a peaking generator. When a retailer acquires a new customer, instead of ensuring they have enough generation or futures contracts to cover the new demand, they will also have the option to install a storage system (either with or without PV). Retailers will be able to provide customers with the energy they need through a mixture of battery storage, PV, and the wholesale market. This mixture can be optimised to suit either their generation assets or existing power purchase agreements. The benefit to customers in this situation is that all risk and responsibility are carried by the retailer. Very little changes in the way the consumer must think of their energy consumption: being able to pay either a fixed monthly lease payment, or a tariff rate for their energy. This model also provides Gentailers with an incentive to maintain the system and process equipment at its end of life, hopefully leading to responsible recycling and reclamation of these products. This article was collectively authored by Jono Pye, and others in the team at GSES (Global Sustainable Energy Solutions). GSES is a renewable energy engineering, training and consultancy company specialising in photovoltaic solar design, online and face-to-face solar training, publishing solar books and PV system audits. Further background to Jono can be found on Jono’s LinkedIn profile. Fast Frequency Service – Treating the symptom not the cause? The National Electricity Market (NEM) is designed to operate at 50 Hz. Frequency deviation occurs when generation and load are mismatched. It is important in a lightly meshed and long network such as the NEM to maintain tight frequency control and that frequency response is available throughout the network. After spending a day looking into the future (at prospective generation developments) I noted this reverse correlation between wind and volatility that’s been occurring over the week. 7 Comments on "Three Possible Business Models for Distributed Storage" I think you are missing the other option that will be relevant in many locations. Community ownership can be considered a mix of private and utility ownership where the term “distributed” really comes into its own – and local smart-grids can implement the integration of all relevant options in the most economical way. Local smart-grids (community or utility owned) will need to operate like the internet, where various levels of operation will occur to meet current conditions. As far as end-users are concerned, their power supplies should be seamlessly selected from the available supplies – via the transmission system or from local sources depending on availability, security and cost considerations. There could be others evolve, as well – in the NEM there are a couple of Demand Response Aggregators operating in a variety of forms. It may be them that take the step of owning and dispatching the resources. I think you raise a good point, local mini grids have many advantages and I think there is definite potential for these, particularly in rural areas. The business model will be much more of a complete energy provider, supplying both generation and distribution (gentility?). There is the potential for a large cost saving with this model, and I think it will become more common as the price of storage drops below distribution infrastructure costs. just had to say that a co-op and that is what you are getting at will not work (sorry) no co-op works that good. Stand alone is the only way to go. Generate your own power,store it in battery’s and use it when you need it. Now generating power and have it on hand is the hard part so it seems I must admit that it could not be done however I have seen a genorator that works off a 12 volt system and genorates it’s own power running an inverter that runs this persons home. He made it in his shed. It was something I had never seen before and I have been round for 1/2 a century. It really did work how I do not know! Will he make another one not sure! Will he sell it I can give the answer to that NO I tried to buy it but no way and I had to make sure I did not tell anyone his name or where he lives. No co-op works that well? I would have thought coops for electrons would suffer seriously with small scale operation due to the problem of peak demand and all electrons not being of the same value at varying times. The coop would clearly need to engage itself with demand management- ie smart meters and peak pricing and the investment and admin of that on a small scale may well prove the greatest hurdle, absent the economies of scale of Big Gen now. As well we live in a mobile world and attaching a lien to my home via a street, block or whole suburb power coop would be one I’d have to carefully consider buying into. After all if I sell up and move, there’s no guarantee the next buyer wants to be shackled with my home’s power coop obligation. That would leave most to consider stand alone system economics only and their risk return should there be a change of plans and any forced move in future. Again Big Gen has the edge over any small scale coop there.
Major League Baseball will recover from the latest revelations regarding the use of steroids. After all, fantasy teams continue to drive the box office as passive fans found a way to finally participate in the game as manager-general manager-owner. Thank goodness for gambling. That is what keeps professional sports afloat. The fan cannot field, bunt, or throw but they can field a team and they can wager. Now the steroids have destroyed more than the game. Arguing about the game is pointless. Steroids make everything meaningless. There is no point to arguing over who was the greatest left handed hitter, the best second baseman whose last name started with the letter 'F', or which pitcher dominated his league for the longest period of time. Those were ageless debates; debated for the ages. Every season players provided the fodder for fans of all ages to argue the merits of Sandy Koufax, Randy Johnson and Willie Mays. Now comes more revelations of steroid use. Are the debates and arguments to be punctuated by asterisks? Do we now compile the all-Texas-born-team and divide it into two lineups -steroid era and not? It was easier to catch a few burglars hiding behind the President of the United States than a couple of hundred ball players playing in front of millions of fans every summer. Important Food Safety Legislation Debate Obscured By Media Obsession With "Beer Summit" While the media machine obsessed over the absolutely trivial "beer summit" in President Obama's backyard between Cambridge police Sgt. James Crowley and Harvard Professor Henry Lewis ("Skip") Gates, Jr., the House of Representatives has, after days of dramatic wrestling, passed an important bill, HR 2749, the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009. Luckily, Obama Foodarama has been all over the story, calling it "the biggest change to the food safety landscape in fifty years." It's terrific to actually have a food safety Bill passed, but if there's a recall this afternoon for, say, half a million pounds of ground beef due to E coli contamination (as there was just two weeks ago...) well, American eaters are still on their own. The Senate is concerned right now primarily with health care reform, and food safety still has adopted-child status. But the burdens to public health from foodborne disease can't be overlooked, either, which is an interesting disconnect on Capitol Hill. The Bill should be fast-tracked in the Senate, too. So is it safe to eat again? Not yet. Any way you pour it, the Beer Lobby is, in general, thrilled as they have been for months, as president Obama has been photographed a couple times drinking beer in public--at a hometown DC basketball game, and more recently with MLB Commissioner Bud Selig. And all those questions about beer track vs. winetrack voters that arose during Campaign Season? They're clearly over. The President is positioning himself, right now, as a beertracker. It works swell for generating all kinds of political capital, particularly for health care reform. So now it's time to contact our Senators, and remind them that food safety is too important to ignore. They (at least the two from Wisconsin) are smart enough to work on at least several issues at once, even as a recess period beckons. If you see your Senator back home this August, remind them that attention to food safety shouldn't be left entirely to the week or so after each contamination recall story. Ryan, who sided with big business and big lobbies for his entire congressional career, is now the champion of the folks on Main Street. It was Ryan who attended the April 15, 2009 'Tea Party' in Madison, decrying government spending to a modest Capitol steps crowd after voting for the record stimulus spending package last fall. It was Ryan who voted for the George W. Bush plan that deprived the federal government of using its bulk purchasing power in negotiating the price of prescription medications with the giant pharmaceutical companies. That decision increased the cost of health care to the federal government and taxpayers as well as health care recipients by tens of billions of dollars. Right now, the nucleus of power lies with third parties - insurers, employers and bureaucratic administrators. Ryan had a dozen years to fight for patients and consumers. So long as the battle was against the private sector lobbyists who supported his campaigns he was silent. Now that reform is in the air, he muddies the waters by claiming to be the champion of the people. The recent induction of Jim Rice of the Boston Red Sox and Rickey Henderson, who always had his suitcase packed, into Major League Baseball's Hall of Fame (HOF) fueled the discussion about Pete Rose's absence from Cooperstown. MLB commissioner Bud Selig is not about to admit Rose, the all time hit leader, into the HOF, for fear that it will do nothing but contribute to an already sordid roster of pirates and thieves. And not the Pittsburgh variety. We know that the content of his character is holding back Rose's admission, though some might argue it had more to do with his personality. The problem for Selig is that every time Rose is mentioned, it raises uncomfortable reminders of the past and more uncomfortable reminders of the future. Steroids and the Hall of Fame are not a good mixture. Charles Comiskey experienced success as a player, manager and owner for a half century. He became player-manager of the American Association's St. Louis Browns at age 24 in 1883 and won four consecutive pennants from 1885 to 1888. He became one of the founders of the American League in 1901 and owned the Chicago White Sox for 31 years, winning five pennants. In 1910, he built famed Comiskey Park, an impressive steel and concrete structure that lasted 80 years. Comiskey was a disreputable businessman who lied, mistreated his players, and engaged in deception that rivaled his Eight Men Out, his Chicago White Sox, accused on throwing the 1919 World Series to the Cincinnati Reds. may have been baseball's greatest player, if not the game's fiercest competitor. His batting accomplishments are legendary -- a lifetime average of .367, 297 triples, 4,191 hits, 12 batting titles (including nine in a row), 23 straight seasons in which he hit over .300, three .400 seasons (topped by a .420 mark in 1911) and 2,245 runs. Intimidating the opposition, The Georgia Peach stole 892 bases during a 24-year career, primarily with the Detroit Tigers. Ty Cobb was as racist and as bigoted a man who ever walked the planet, let alone ran the base paths. All of which leads us to Shoeless Joe Jackson. Illiterate, not the sharpest knife in the drawer, Jackson was one of the greatest players of all time. There is less and less evidence that he conspired to throw the World Series in 1919, and more and more evidence indicating that what personal flaws and defects the man had, they pale next to Ty Cobb, Comiskey, Pete Rose and the dozens of players of this generation that juiced their game. While providing a welcome boost to high-tech entrepreneurship, Wisconsin's new budget on the whole solidifies the perception of the state as a tax-happy, business-unfriendly place, company owners and leaders of business groups say. Of course it was preceded by the perception, least anyone believe that this might be the party line over at the MJS. Critical to all of this was the source of such concerns, company owners and leaders of business groups. I needed to know who were these key players in the state so I read on. Business owner Michael L. Hansen pulled no punches, "They've sure given a lot of people the impetus to get the hell out of here." Lots of facts, lots of data and no emotional response, just the way Hansen makes decisions at his place of business? Hansen, 58, moved recently from Wisconsin to Florida - because of the weather, not taxes - but still has his business interests here, and a summer home in the North Woods. Wisconsin, he said, isn't doing much to help itself foster a strong private sector. The article is actually more balanced than the headline. There was the usual failure to note the distinction between taxes and fees, and what that means in terms of total revenues collected. Wisconsin, while a high tax state, is a low fee state and consequently total revenues collected from both individuals and businesses puts us in the middle of the rankings of state spending - something lost on Todd Berry and the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance - or did Berry caution the MJS and the author fail to put it in? The remainder of the article contains perspectives from Zach Brandon from the Wisconsin Department of Commerce, Tom Still from the Wisconsin Technology Council, and even some moderate tones from Wisconsin Manufactures and Commerce (WMC). There was an assault on job creators, It sends a signal to people not to invest here." Which leaves the rest of us wondering what was the point of the story. Despite substantial reductions in U.S. infant mortality during the past several decades, black-white disparities in infant mortality persist (1). Among 40 states with sufficient numbers of black infant deaths to generate reliable rates for the years 2002--2004, Wisconsin had the highest black infant mortality rate (IMR) at 17.6 deaths per 1,000 live births, approximately three times the state rate for whites (2). However, in contrast to trends in Wisconsin and the other 39 states, the black IMR in Dane County, Wisconsin, has declined substantially, achieving parity with whites and meeting Healthy People 2010 objective 16-1 for reducing fetal and infant deaths (3). The county rate declined 67%, from 19.4 per 1,000 live births for the period 1990--2001 to 6.4 for the period 2002--2007. the entire article: "No significant changes in local health-care systems, infrastructure, or practice that correspond to these improvements have been identified..." While Waxing America mostly deals with state and local politics, we range over the waterfront of topics to include sports, popular culture, and whatever else catches our interest. Local Madison culture is always right up our alley, as are the accomplishments of our friends, and today we feature both. Running into the fall at Steep and Brew's State Street (#544 State) location is a showing of wonderful photographs by Rich and Joan Gassen, featuring both rural and iconic Madison views. Most feature handmade reclaimed barnboard frames that echo the rustic subjects, and are all less than $100; most cost less than $50. They make great gifts for ex-Madisonians longing for a glimpse of Madison landmarks like the Capitol or the Terrace. Nina covered the show's opening gala, and provides a glimpse of the camera-shy photographers, who take "photos that only people who understood farming from the core could take." Tony Bernazard, a New York Mets executive, recently challenged one of club's minor league teams to a fight during a postgame clubhouse tirade, the New York Daily News reported, citing multiple sources with ties to the team. The tirade by Bernazard reportedly occurred ten days before the All Star game, and only now are the New York Mets reportedly investigating the matter. MLB.com is silent on the subject as of this postin;, it is fortunate that we have John Kruk to reflect on this matter. The former Philly slugger and artful ESPN sports commentator made it clear that there is no role in professional sports for this kind of management. Leadership is about calmly coaching, building teamwork and perfecting the craft. It means creating a comfortable and inspired culture, not one of intimidation and fear. Leadership is about building trust. Taunting and challenging your own people to fight, whether it is literal or figurative, does not cut it. Those of us concerned about management practices in both the public and private sectors wince whenever bad sports analogies or bad mindless 'inspirational' performances are presented as examples of coaching and managing. As we have noted before, the style of Lakers coach Phil Jackson is far preferable to the fiery and erratic performances of Chicago White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen. Now if we could just get a response from MLB Commissioner Bud Selig. Or perhaps the wiser thing to do is give the job to Kruk. He has a sense of humor and he can get those honorary first pitches over the plate. A couple of weeks age Steve Prestegard attempted to drag my name through his column. I corrected Prestegard in a post What was Steve Prestegard thinking? Was he? I made an assumption in that statement. I assumed that Prestegard, as a right wing expert on tax policy and business taxes knew how Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) worked. I assumed that Prestegard understood that TIF has the 'But for Test.' I assumed that Prestegard could follow the discussion. I assumed he was not into gamesmanship. Silly me. Then Prestegard got too cute by half, writing back, "So basically if I read him correctly, Soglin does not believe in tax breaks for business, period, other than TIF districts, “which are to capture new taxes.” I hope this sets the record straight," as though he had a gotcha. With a TIF, there are new taxes collected because of the new construction. The taxes I referred to are not a new tax as in a new tax rate or a new tax on an item previously free of taxation. No one was paying a higher tax rate or finding a new item subject to taxation. can someone explain this to him? Drastic times call for drastic measures, so maybe it is time to admit the possibility that the best Chicago hot dog for Madison isn’t a Chicago hot dog at all. To Doug's credit he was up front about his betrayal. He distingushes between Chicago Hot Dog and any old hot dog. He betrayed Chicago and more importantly disgraced his idol, Mike Royko. Catsup: an accoutrement that does not belong in the same sentence or even paragraph with the aforementioned works. Hot Dog: any variety of wieners, most not Kosher and all in need of repair; thus the introduction for a variety of adornments including chiles, cheeses, tacos sauces and whizzes. Food reviewer: usually the top person at a newspaper that eats cheese and wines, expensive meats and 'veggies.' Anyone claiming to be a 'foodie' has no business passing judgment on a hot dog, let alone eating one. No one can be forgiven for putting catsup on a hot dog, any hot dog unless they are under the age of eleven. If you are over the age of ten, there are only two ways to order a Chicago Hot Dog - with "everything" (also "the works") or "everything but peppers." There are guys sleeping with the fishes in Lake Michigan who uttered the word catsup. As for Falkenstein's review, she should be banned from sampling any important culinary delight. Her lead is, "It's hard to get too persnickety about a food that's usually sold out of stainless steel street carts or hawked from boxes at ballgames.." ...raises the question of the pickle or 'cuke.' The pickle that nestles alongside the hot dog is to be a 'new' pickle. One that has not been seasoned for a lengthy period of time. By definition that means it will crunch as the teeth penetrate. I watched the young woman take out the bun and carefully build my hot dog. Immediately I suspected there was something wrong. Missing was the the grizzled knuckles, hairy arms, the sweat dripping off her just as hairy brow, topped by a paper hat that looked like it been used to clean her shoes. And that is my review on the newest place in Madison to offer hot dogs.
There really is a difference. And right now we’re loving fougasse. So much that we have entirely rejected the idea of making focaccia. This month, I have the honour of hosting the kitchen of the month and have asked the BBBabes to bake fougasse as well and weigh in with their thoughts on the subject. When I first read about fougasse, I thought it must be virtually the same as focaccia. I dismissed making fougasse because I’d made focaccia. They were the same, after all…. But because of still being certain – what with my terrific retention skills when reading – that fougasse was simply French focaccia, I used the ingredients for our focaccia recipe along with Robertson’s shaping and baking method to make our first fougasse. Because fougasse is baked on a stone instead of on an oiled pan, there are more crispy bits. Not too crispy though… it’s juuuuust right! Surprisingly, there are few mentions and just a handful of recipes for fougasse in all the various bread baking books we have. Imagine a small, round and flat loaf, so dense that a knife point cannot penetrate and slips off its surface, and you are obliged to break it in half with your hands. […] This was the bread of poverty, the bread of the peasant, baked under an inverted iron pan over which the ashes of the fire were heaped. The English called them ashcakes, and the French fougasses. The lyrical, ladderlike bread known as fougasse is my Provençal pizza. I take my favorite bread dough, shape it into individual breads, then flavor them with whatever delicious toppings I might have on hand – black or green olives, home-cured anchovies, marinated baby artichokes, capers, bits of fresh goat cheese, a touch of hot pili pili oil, or simply a brush of olive oil and a scattering of fresh thyme and coarse sea salt. The most traditional fougasse is flavored with bits of browned pork fat (what we call cracklings), but one also finds sweet versions prepared with a butter-rich dough or briochelike butter and egg dough flavored with orange flower water. The origin of the word is a mystery, though in the rest of france a fouace can refer to any sort of flat, baked galette either sweet or savory. [T]raditional French ladder or lattice-shaped bread [… is …] crisp, deeply walnutty, dense and chewy […] This bread is moist and full-flavored eaten by itself, and it is a babulous complement to Roquefort cheesee and Sauternes or port. The Provençal flat bread known as fougasse is a crust lover’s dream: it’s flattened and scored, which maximizes the surface area that gets exposed to direct heat but still leaves plenty of room for toppings, such as olives, herbs, sea salt, and cracked pepper. A traditional southern French flatbread, fougasse can be flavored with herbs, olives, and lardons (fried bacon or pork belly), and cut to resemble a leaf or ladder just before sliding onto the hearth to bake. The dough is pressed into a rectangular shape as for focaccia, and a bench knife is used to make swift, decisive cuts in the dough on the peel before it’s cast onto the hearth to bake. Chad Robertson says for “herbs, olives, or lardons, incorporate the ingredients early in the bulk rise, after the first turn […] The just-baked fougasse can be brushed with olive oil and seasoned with salt and fresh or dried herbs after it’s pulled from the oven to suit your taste.” Wells suggests putting extra flavourings on top like a pizza, just before baking. Because we were planning to bake olive fougasse in the barbecue and often have to turn the fougasse over, I used Robertson’s idea. After the first couple of times making fougasse, I noticed that in their books, both Patricia Wells and Chad Robertson suggest using lean bread or baguette dough. ie: no oil in the dough itself. So. Here is what I propose. Use whatever ingredients you like in your fougasse. As Patricia Wells says, use your favourite bread dough. But please follow the shaping and baking methods set out below. Make the fougasse plain. Or fill it with things. Shape it however you like. Bake it in the barbecue or the oven. Whichever is more convenient. Have fun!!! Mix, knead and allow your favourite bread dough to rise to double. If you are adding anything like olives, sun-dried tomatoes, onions, caramelized garlic cloves and/or walnuts, mix them into the dough near the end of kneading it or on the first turn of the dough. If you are wanting herbs/spices on top, please add them just before baking. Shaping: About an hour before baking the fougasse, turn the dough out onto a lightly floured board and press it out into an oval (or a rectangle; or a circle). Using a floured rolling pin, roll the dough out until it is about 1 cm (.5 in) thick. Baking If the weather is fine or just too hot to be turning the oven on, fougasse can be baked in the barbecue. If it’s raining or just too cold and dark, of course the fougasse can be baked in a conventional oven. Baking in the Barbecue: Put a pizza stone over the half of the barbecue you will turn on and preheat the barbecue to high. Transfer the fougasse to the pizza stone that is sitting over direct heat. Close the lid of the barbecue and bake for about 8 minutes, rotating the stone once or twice or thrice to account for uneven heat in the barbecue (Hot Spots!!!). Then move the stone over to cook with indirect heat (lid down again) until the fougasse is done (about another 8 minutes)… our gas barbecue can be turned off on one side. Watch for hotspots and move the fougasse around to keep it from burning on one side. Because of the heat from the bottom, we like to turn the fougasse over. Just make sure to wait until the top crust is relatively well-formed. Baking in the Oven: Put a pizza stone on the middle or top shelf of the oven and turn it to 400F (200C). Transfer the fougasse onto the hot stone and bake for about 15-20 minutes, turning it around at least once to account for uneven oven heat. The finished fougasse will be deep gold on the bottom and gold on the top. When the fougasse done, remove it from the heat and allow to cool on a well-ventilated rack. To serve, break it apart and dip it into good quality olive oil with herbs if you want. 1.) Corn Meal: This is to make it easy to move the shaped fougasse from the peel to the hot stone. We use a medium-grind corn meal. I’ve heard that semolina flour works as well and apparently, rice flour may be used as an alternate. Parchment paper is definitely a viable alternative with the advantage that it can be placed in the oven and slipped out once the fougasse is half baked. 2.) Pizza Stone: Pizza stones are available at most kitchen supply stores in the larger cities (and possibly the smaller ones too?) in Canada. They cost about $10 and often come with a pizza wheel inserted in the box. They may be a little lighter weight and thinner than a conventional bread stone but the advantage is that they fit easily into a barbecue and they work pretty much as well to protect bottom crusts from burning to cinders. 3.) Shaping and slashing: The traditional shaping for fougasse is in a leaf or ladder shape. But it can be shaped in any way you want. This was an attempt at a Jack-o-fougasse. I’m afraid I didn’t open the eyes enough before baking it. Robertson shapes his fougasse and allows it to rise (covered with a tea towel) for 2 to 3 hours. Wells shapes and slashes her shaped fougasse at the same time and allows the fougasse to rest for about 10 minutes before baking it. Beranbaum also shapes and slashes at the same time, allows it to rest for about 15 minutes before baking and suggests using scissors (and gentle pulling with fingers) to open up any of the slashes that have closed during that time. Depending on the temperature of your kitchen, you can start this in the morning if it’s cool and in the early afternoon if it’s warm. Spoon the yeast into the bottom of a medium to large sized bowl. (I use a casserole dish). Pour the water over top and whisk until the yeast has dissolved and the mixture looks like diluted cream. Add the olive oil and dump the flours, malt and salt overtop. Using a wooden spoon, mix together until the mixture comes away from the side of the bowl. Turn the dough out onto an unfloured board. Wash and dry the mixing bowl (cleans the bowl AND washes your hands). Using a dough scraper as your friend and ally to keep the board clean, hand knead for about 5 minutes until the dough is soft and silky. Put the kneaded dough into the clean mixing bowl. Cover it and leave on the counter (out of drafts) until it doubles. Cut olives in half and remove the pits. In a decent sized mixing bowl, whisk the yeast into the water. Using a dough scraper as your friend and ally to keep the board clean, hand knead for about 5 minutes until the dough is soft and silky. About a minute before finishing, knead in the olives. I’m a little less casual about measuring for baguette dough and usually use our digital scale to weigh the ingredients. This is enough to make one medium-large sized fougasse and two baguettes. Yeasted Water: On the evening before baking the bread, spoon the yeast for the yeasted water into the bottom of a small bowl. Pour in water and whisk together until dissolved and creamy looking. Scrap Dough: put flour and salt into the bottom of a medium sized bowl (I use a smallish lidded casserole dish). Pour in 80 gm of the yeasted water (reserve the leftovers for the Poolish) and use a wooden spoon stir the ingredients together. This will create a stiffish dough. Without adding any extra flour, knead in the air and/or the bowl until the dough is smooth (about 5 minutes). If it seems like there is too much flour, add a drop or two of water. Place the kneaded scrap dough into a smallish clean bowl that is large enough for the scrap dough to double. Cover the bowl with a plate and leave it on the countertop in a draft-free area until the next morning. Poolish: put the flours into the medium sized bowl used for mixing the scrap dough. Add water (making sure to include the leftover yeasted water) to the flours. Stir with a wooden spoon until the flours are encorporated. This mixture will be quite sloppy. Cover the bowl with a plate and leave on the counter (out of drafts) overnight. Actual Dough: On the next morning (the day for baking the bread): In a largish bowl, whisk yeast into lukewarm water until the mixture looks creamy. Stir in all of the above Poolish that should be quite bubbly. Add the flour and salt and using a wooden spoon, stir until the dough pulls away from the bowl and the flour is pretty much encorporated. Cover with a plate and set aside to sit on the counter for about 10 minutes. Turn the dough out of the bowl onto an unfloured work surface. Place the scrap dough on top. Wash and dry the bowl. This prepares the rising bowl AND gets your hands clean. Without adding any extra flour, knead the doughs until silky and the scrap dough is fully encorporated into the rest of the dough (5 to 10 minutes). Once again, let your dough scraper (a spatula works) be your friend when the dough is sticking to the board. Keep scraping up any dough that is on the board and adding it back into the actual dough so the board is always clear. Put the kneaded dough into the clean mixing bowl. Cover with a plate and allow to rise in a no-draught area (warm room temperature) for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes has passed, with the back of your hand against the inside of the bowl, slip your fingers down the side of the bowl to the bottom and gently scoop the bottom of the dough up and around to the top. Turn the bowl a quarter turn and repeat. Do this maneuvre 4 times in all (try not to disturb any bubbles too much). Cover and allow to rise in a no-draft area (warm room temperature) for 20 minutes. Repeat this step three times in all. (This step is done at 20 minutes, 40 minutes, 60 minutes after the first kneading.) After the final time, cover and allow to rise at room temperature until it has doubled. A good way to tell if the dough has doubled is to wet your finger and poke a hole in the top of the dough. If the hole fills up, it hasn’t risen enough. If there is a whoosh of air and the dough deflates a little, it has risen too much. If the hole stays in exactly the same configuration and the dough remains otherwise intact, it is ju-u-st right. When the dough has doubled, it’s ready to shape. 4.) Yeast and Water: Field calls for active dry yeast; Glezer calls for instant yeast. There’s nothing wrong with instant yeast; we just don’t happen to have any on hand. I use active dry instead. And a LOT less than either Field or Glezer suggested. N.B. Under no circumstances do I ever use water from the hot water tap. Water from the hot water tap sits festering in the hot water tank, leaching copper, lead, zinc, solder, etc. etc from the tank walls… the higher temperature causes faster corrosion. Of course, saying that it is unsafe to use water from the hot water tap might be an urban myth, but why tempt fate? I heat the water in our kettle. But I LIKE warm bread right out of the oven: If you wish to reheat leftover fougasse, put them on the top shelf of the hot barbecue for a few minutes. OR… turn the oven to 500F for 5 minutes or so. Turn the oven OFF. Put the fougasse in the hot oven for ten minutes. I haven’t yet made Rose Levy Beranbaum’s fougasse (remind us to get some walnuts!) And I really must try Susan’s Gorgonzola Fougasse With Figs and Pecans (remind me to get figs at the same time as we get the walnuts!). But I have made fougasse with poppy seeds to go with grilled salmon. If you don’t have a blog, no problem; we still want to see and hear about your bread! Please email me with the details so your fougasse can be included in the roundup. Karen, Bake My Day: Fougasse baked by the Bread Baking Babes! Katie, Thyme for Cooking: Fougasse v Focaccia: What IS the difference? Natashya, Living In The Kitchen With Puppies: The Bread Baking Babes bake Fougasse! Please note that today is also World Bread Day and World Food Day. World Bread Day is an annual event set to coincide with World Food Day, where participants are invited to bake bread and share it. World Food Day is a yearly event put together by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to raise awareness and funds to feed the world’s chronically hungry. In ancient Rome, panis focacius was a flat bread baked in the ashes of the hearth (focus in Latin). This became a diverse range of breads that include “focaccia” in Italian cuisine, “hogaza” in Spain, “fogassa” in Catalonia, “fugassa” in Ligurian, “pogača” in the Balkans, “fougasse” in Provence, “fouaisse” or “foisse” in Burgundy. The French versions are more likely to have additions in the form of olives, cheese, anchovies etc, which may be regarded as a primitive form of pizza without the tomato. There is also in Portugal the “fogaça“, a sweet bread. This entry was posted in baking, BBBabes, bread - yeasted & unyeasted, bread recipe, food & drink, posts with recipes, PPN; YeastSpotting, MLLA, Bookmarks; T&C on Sunday, 16 October 2011 by ejm. Good morning to you lovely fougasses! Looking really nice Elizabeth. I’m happy to tell you that my fougasse is eh still just a thought soon to be transferred into something real. Which is an awkward way of telling you I’m laaate! Again. Starting the dough now. No really! Elizabeth I loved that fougasse, you are totally right it’s not at all like focaccia tho it’s made of the same dough. Very interesting indeed! Beautiful challenge Elizabeth and my hat is off to you for making the baking of fougasse in a barbecue work! Lovely breads. Thank you for choosing fougasse this month…it was fun and delicious. My post is just up…off to breakfast with friends soon. I agree with Elle, so clever to bake bread on a BBQ! Fougasse is a great bread, always a winner, great choice. Gorgeous shape! I’ve had fougasse with walnuts and yes it was excellent. Now I need to try that. LOVE the olive I just made! Really good but then I LOVED the olives going into it. So glad to do fougasse again. It’ll be on our evening wine table more often again. Yes, no knife, it’s made for hands. Great choice, so many options but all a crust-lover’s delight! I love the olive oil brushed on after baking, which I hadn’t done before.
We check out the underrated AU Falcon XR8 range and Australia's Windsor-powered limited editions. With the recent resurgence in the popularity of high-performance Ford vehicles, it's only natural that previous models will now be looked back on in a new light. In Part One of this series we looked at the EB to EL Ford XR8s. This time we'll check out the most powerful Windsor-powered machines – the late-model AU Falcon XR8 and the various limited edition models. Following the EB-EL shape XR8, Ford Australia introduced the all-new AU model in 1998. The AU Falcon copped plenty of flack about its innovative styling when released but, thankfully, the XR version managed to escape much of this criticism thanks to its more attractive quad headlight front-end. XR8s were also fitted with a subtle body kit and an optional bi-level rear spoiler, which is said to generate actual downforce – it doesn't merely reduce rear aero lift. But the biggest news in the AU Falcon was the long-awaited introduction of a double wishbone independent rear suspension. This – combined with a host of other chassis and suspension changes – gives the AU XR8 class-leading handling and stability. The standard wheel size is 16 inch but many buyers spent extra on 17s. Under its bonnet, the AU XR8 adopts a Windsor 5.0 that was said to be designed for the US-market Ford Explorer. This engine brought new heads, inlet manifold, camshaft and the EEC-V engine management was recalibrated to suit. Peak power remained pegged at 185kW but peak torque increases slightly to 412Nm (achieved at 5000 and 3500 rpm respectively). Fitted with either a revised 5 speed manual or 4 speed auto, the 1650-odd kilogram AU XR8 can accelerate to 100 km/h in the low 8 second range. The quarter mile takes a shade under 16.0 seconds. For the 2000 Series 2 version of the AU XR8, the faithful Windsor V8 was given another major revision. Struggling to compete with Holden's newly introduced 5.7 litre LS1 V8, Ford Australia gave the Windsor an upgrade to the tune of 200kW at 5000 rpm and 420Nm at 3650 rpm. This powerplant – when backed with the base 5 speed manual gearbox – delivers a LS1-beating launch but falls behind as road speed increases. The AUII XR8 can rip to 100 km/h in the low 7 second bracket and does the quarter mile thing in low 15s - not hanging around. The XR8 ute received the 200kW donk in early 2001. To cope with the extra speed, Ford offered standard dual-pot front brakes and an optional 329mm Premium brake package. Other options include leather, a high-end sound system and body kit. The body received less daring styling and the original AU XR8's bi-level rear spoiler was dropped to make way for a conventional single element spoiler. And just when you thought you'd seen everything the AU had to offer, the Series II was boosted to 220kW half way through its model run. The 220kW Windsor was hand-built by Tickford and features reengineered cast iron heads, a match-ported intake manifold, larger throttle body, ceramic coated headers and revised camshaft. Fuel pressure was also increased and the management system was recalibrated. Compression ratio had crept up to 9.4:1 – still low enough to cope with normal unleaded fuel. Producing 220kW at 5250 rpm and 435Nm at 4000 rpm, the late AUII XR8 is decidedly quick. In 5 speed manual guise, it can launch to 100 km/h in high 6s and run the quarter mile in high 14s. The final AU XR8 – the AUIII – appeared in late 2001 was available with the choice of a traditional XR appearance or a Ford Racing body kit. It was unaltered mechanically. Second-hand, these 220kW monsters fetch around $25 to $30 grand. The AUIII stepped aside for the BA series in late 2002. Ford Australia – as opposed to its FTE division – released only one limited edition of the AU XR8. The 2001 XR8 Rebel employs the same hand-built 220kW engine found in the late AUII XR8, 18 inch Speedline alloys, a Ford Racing body kit and – wait for it – a Sony PS2 for home use! A copy of Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec (signed by Glenn Seton and Steven Richards) was also thrown in on the deal. What's the point? Well, Sony included the FTR racecar in the vehicle line-up of GT3 and this is a 'celebration'. Not long after the release of the original EB-series XR8, Ford rekindled the glory days of old and released another Falcon GT. The 1992 25th Anniversary EB Falcon GT employs a heavily reworked Windsor 5.0 with big valve GT40 heads, hydraulic lifters, roller rockers, a high-flow intake manifold and throttle body, large diameter airflow meter and a recalibrated engine management system. This gave the EBII GT an even 200kW at 5200 rpm and 420Nm of torque at 4000 rpm. It was more than enough to take on HSVs from the same era. The EBII GT was available with a T5 5 speed featuring a heavy-duty Mustang Cobra gearset and upgraded bearings, while the optional 4 speed auto was a recalibrated BTR 85LE unit. The auto version uses a shorter diff ratio than the manual. A comprehensive add-on aero kit, bigger brakes, improved suspension, 17 inch alloys and mega-dollar 235/40 Pirelli P Zero tyres give the EBII GT all-round talents to match its grunt. Its high price tag also meant full leather/timber trim, climate control and electric everything was essential. Unfortunately, the 'give it everything' approach contributed to a substantial 1646kg kerb weight. Combine this with doubts that the engine really made 200kW and it's no surprise the EBII GT struggles to hit 100 km/h in 7.5 seconds. Auto versions took low 8s and around 16 seconds to run the quarter mile. Ford retrospectively admitted the Ford was built as a luxury express to satisfy men who had once owned GT Falcons of the '60s and '70s. An immaculate 1992 EB GT currently fetches around AUD$20,000 due to its collector appeal. Hot on the heels of the EBII GT was the ED XR8 Sprint – a vehicle that offers virtually the same performance without all the hoo-ha. The XR8 Sprint is equipped with essentially the same engine as the EBII GT but, curiously, it is quoted with 8kW less. The Sprint is said to generate 192kW at 5000 rpm and 404Nm at 4000 rpm. Also available in 5 speed manual and 4 speed auto form, the cloth trimmed XR8 Sprint weighs almost 100kg less than the EBII GT and takes only 7.3 seconds to accelerate to 100 km/h. The quarter mile requires only 15.0 seconds of your time. Visually, the XR8 Sprint received unique chunky-style 16 inch alloys and Sprint badges. The interior is standard ED XR8 fare with the addition of a Momo wheel. An ED XR8 Sprint currently costs around AUD$15,000 depending on kilometres and condition. The GT name was dusted off once again for the 1997 EL Falcon series. The EL GT – which is based on the top-line Fairmont Ghia – is equipped with a total of 11 stick-on body parts and an integrated bonnet vent. The look is, well, controversial but unarguably attention-getting... At least the rear spoiler is effective – it is said to reduce rear axle lift by a massive 70 percent. Behind its vertical barred grille are a pair of air intake scoops, which ram induction air into a free-flow induction system. The intake manifold was also swapped for a mandrel bent tubular set-up with a 65mm throttle body. The heads are cast-iron GT40 items with 2mm oversize inlet valves and providing a 9.0:1. compression ratio. Interestingly, the cam profile is identical to that used in the cooking model Windsor but increased valve lift is achieved through the use of 1.7:1 roller rockers (instead of conventional 1.6:1 units). Exhaust gasses pulse through 4>1 headers, twin cat converters and dual mufflers. The EL GT's quoted power output is 200kW at 4700 rpm and it has 420Nm of torque at 3700 rpm. There's no doubting its power and torque figures, but its limited rev range is far from sporting. The live axle suspension is retuned while 17 inch wheels, 329mm front discs and twin-spot calipers come standard. The cabin is decked out with leather trim, wood inlays, a Momo wheel, 240 km/h speedo and all the power luxuries Ford had available. This, like the EBII GT, adds weight and the EL GT tips the scales at 1668kg. As a result, its straight-line performance is nothing astounding – 0 – 100 km/h in the mid 7s and the quarter takes mid 15s. Price wise, an EL GT costs a bit more than a comparable EBII GT – up to around AUD$25,000 for one in collector's condition. During the AU Series 1 timeframe, Ford's newly formed FTE division released the T-series. The 1999 TE50 and Fairlane-based TL50 were the first AU models to use a 200kW version of the Windsor. The 200kW output was achieved using a more aggressive camshaft, aluminium roller rockers and bigger induction piping. Peak power arrives at 5000 rpm while peak torque – 420Nm – can be reached at 3750 rpm. Marketed alongside the TE and TL50 was the mid-spec TS50, which boasted a full 220kW and 435Nm. Further camshaft development, big valve aluminium heads, a flow-matched GT40-type intake manifold, bigger throttle body, upgraded exhaust manifolds and cat converters and increased fuel pressure are required to achieve the 220kW output. Compression ratio remains at a mild 9.0:1. Note that both power and torque arrive at higher revs – peak power is at 5250 rpm and peak torque is at 4000 rpm. Unfortunately, much of the Windsor's previous refinement has been lost – the 220kW TS50 has a lumpy idle, which is a tell-tale sign of its relatively hot cam. An electronic sports shift auto transmission – with buttons on the steering wheel – was standard for the first time in the TS and TL50 and was optional on the TE50. Both TE and TS50s employ 329 x 28mm front discs with Cobra Mustang calipers. The discs are grooved and the master cylinder is modified to suit. The independent suspension systems of each are improved over the XR8. TS and TL50s also employ Koni dampers and traction control. Unique 17 inch alloys and 235/45 tyres come fitted to the TE, while the TS50 and TL50 use 18s with 245/40s. A chrome mesh grille, colour-coded headlight bezels and other subtle body touches give the TE-series their own look. Interiors are also upgraded, with the TE50 having sports fabric trim and the TS and TL50s having leather. A Momo wheel comes standard. Well, high 6 second 0 – 100s are typical for the manual 220kW TS50. TL50 autos take about 7.5 seconds. When the Falcon AUII upgrade came along, the T-series received some important revisions. The 200kW engine was dropped so the TE/TS and TL50 were now standard with 220kW/435Nm. A manual gearbox was also available on the TE and TS50s. Mechanically, the AUII T-series vehicles were given a revised cam profile, SVO alloy heads and recalibrated engine management to provide improved bottom-end performance. The big 329mm brake package was also made standard on TS and TL50s and optional on the TE50. Other engineering changes made to the AUII range apply to the T-series and there are other minor trim and detail changes. It appears that buyers wanted a greater variety of colours and styling options – not everyone wanted a subtle look. And now for what is the ultimate Windsor engine development – the Australian-built 5.6 litre stroker. For late 2001, FTE released the hairy-chested T3 range of TE, TS and TL50s. The T3s share the same under-bonnet monster – a 5.6 litre stroked Windsor. The big-cube motor is hand-built with a new crankshaft, ported GT40P iron heads with hi-po springs and valves, billet rods, lightweight 9.6:1 pistons, revised cam, 82mm throttle body, unique high-flow intake manifold and a conical air filter with a dedicated airflow meter. Try 250kW at 5250 rpm and a monster 500Nm at 4250 rpm! It's no surprise these machines – despite weighing over 1700kg - can rip to 100 km/h in around 6.0 seconds in Tremec 5 speed manual form. The spread of torque and throttle responsive is also very strong. Just don't expect a huge amount of refinement – the 5.6 shakes around at idle and suffers excess vibration at high revs. Based on the AU Series III, the T3s feature a heavy-duty Dana M78 LSD, 355mm front discs with 4 pot Brembos, 18 inch wheels and an aggressive body kit on TE/TS50 models. Note that a 5.6 litre FTE Pursuit 250 ute was also released. We've seen early 200kW TE50s appear for sale from AUD$25,000 while 5.6 litre TS50s nudge AUD$45,000. The stroker T3s go into the history books as the undisputed king of Aussie Windsor performance. The only other Ford V8 that's managed to upstage them is the current DOHC beast 5.4 in the BA-series.
Surgery affects people in a variety of ways, but as you begin to emerge from anesthesia, you’re likely to want to alert your nurse to any issues you may have. LASIK eye surgery is done in offices all over the country by experienced eye surgeons and you need to be in a position to discover a great surgeon to work with. It has turned into a popular technique for the intent of correcting all types of eye issues. When you’re considering LASIK eye surgery you have to make certain you have all of the info you want to create an educated decision. When you’re considering LASIK eye surgery you should receive all the facts so as to make an educated choice. LASIK surgery is merely among the most popular eye surgeries today. LASIK eye surgery has gotten an enormous amount of favorable publicity. It can be less stressful if you are familiar with the process. Lasik is an outpatient procedure, but your physician may supply you medicine that will allow you to relax. Before you choose whether or not LASIK is best for you, you want to select the opportunity to speak with an eye surgeon about all of the info involved with LASIK. LASIK is almost universally regarded as one of the most significant investments a person can make in their wellness and higher quality of life. Although LASIK is a kind of surgery, it’s done at our center with a minimally invasive technique, resulting in rapid healing, and a high degree of succeeding. LASIK is performed while the person is under local anesthesia in the kind of eye drops and usually takes about ten minutes to complete. Custom made Lasik employs a distinctive scanner to yield an extremely detailed, virtual map of your eye. Customized LASIK It is also called the customized wave front LASIK. The treatment may expose the man to numerous symptoms. You could also conclude that such treatment isn’t easy to do, not enjoyable and not pleasant. Complications While getting laser treatment seems like the best solution for vision troubles, it is necessary to know it’s not without certain risks. Definition Many people decide to have laser eye therapy, also referred to as refractive surgery, to increase their sight so that they no longer have to wear glasses or contact lenses. My surgery is now scheduled for the exact first week in September! Rather than relying on Internet reviews when you’re interested in LASIK surgery, use reliable resources to come across surgeons that are qualified to supply you with the highest degree of care. If you’ve heard a good deal about Lasik Singapore vision surgery but are already a small tentative inside taking step one, it’s vital to point out not everybody is going to be suitable to have the surgical procedure. In most instances, the process will take under a quarter hour. You have to enquire about the other laser-assisted procedures too and learn which one would suit the very best for you. One of the absolute most well-known procedures is named Laser Assisted in-situ Keratomileusis or LASIK. To assist you better understand the sorts of laser vision correction procedures readily available today, below are some brief descriptions of every one of the most frequent vision troubles. Talking with Your Surgeon Prior to the Surgery The surgeon you’re working with should make a bid to go over the whole procedure. You and your refractive surgeon will discuss the treatment options that are correct for you. Your LASIK surgeon can provide you more specific details about your specific risks during your LASIK consultation. The LASIK surgeon utilizes a computer to fix the laser for your precise prescription. The surgeon is going to have to take more time completing the LASIK surgery procedure to make sure that the optimum eyesight is accomplished. He will then reshape your cornea with the help of the laser. An excellent eye surgeon will also speak to you about possible financing choices. A great eye surgeon will give you references and all the information that you need to create an educated decision about the process and the way you believe you will recover afterward. Doctors find it impossible to pay to get listed. The physician might also have prescribed few medications and likewise some eye drops. Nonetheless in case you experience bleeding you always need to get an examination form your physician. At your consultation, your physician can tell you all about the surgery and what it is you’re ready to anticipate. Most doctors can offer you with a mild sedative that might be taken before the LASIK surgery commences. Many LASIK doctors offer you free, no-obligation consultations so you may get to understand them and decide if LASIK is best for you. Therefore, it’s crucial that you find the appropriate Los Angeles Lasik doctor. If you are thinking about Lasik at the current time then now would definitely be a very good time to pay a visit to a laser eye surgery center. LASIK with IntraLase is considerably more costly than LASIK with Microkeratome. Wavefront lasik involves the intralase which basically means the flap is made using a laser rather than a blade. Wavefront LASIK is presently one of the most well-known options as it can increase the truth of laser guided surgery. Lasik is really a surgical procedure whereby the surgeon utilizes laser beams to fix the unevenness of your cornea. LASIK has a rather substantial success rate and luckily complications are astoundingly rare. If you are searching for LASIK in Boston, there are quite a lot of clinics offering many different eye services. Make sure that you get to understand your surgeon. At exactly the same time, the surgeon ought to be highly skilled in order to use such advanced equipment. So the ideal collection of your surgeon has become the most significant factor in your eye operation. During a pre-operative evaluation, the eye surgeon will provide you with an eye exam used to determine if you’re an excellent candidate for the process. Well, eye surgeons are operating a business enterprise. Laser surgery is much more popular today and the prices have a tendency to be only a little greater. Laser eye surgery is an amazingly secure and efficient procedure that could get rid of the need to wear glasses or contact lenses. It can be quite pricey, so it pays to do your research to find an affordable and experienced surgeon you can trust with your eyes. It is one of the most advanced procedures performed today to correct vision problems. In the start of the surgery, your surgeon is going to have you lie back on a reclining chair. The Lasik surgeon will inform you that it’s forbidden to drive your vehicle shortly after the surgery. To conclude, keep in mind that you don’t necessarily wish to employ the least expensive LASIK surgeon out there. You come back home a few days following the lasik surgery. LASIK eye surgery is very good for men and women who are bored with wearing eye glasses and contacts everyday. Before you are accepted for Lasik eye surgery, your health care provider is going to have to execute several test. Prior to getting LASIK eye surgery, however, you want to understand a few things so that your LASIK experience is a good one. If you wish to try out lasik eye surgery Minneapolis, then it is preferable to look at the reviews online before you choose the surgeon. Much like any profession, some surgeons are somewhat more skilled than others which includes not just surgical expertise, but in addition diagnostic expertise also. Should your surgeon uses a laser throughout the surgery, the computer is suitably set so the laser will acquire rid of the accurate quantity of corneal tissue. Fully investigate before selecting your surgeon, because it’s also possible that the absolute most expensive surgeon would not be as skilled and professional. So it is recommended to prefer the most experience surgeons It’s also possible that the absolute most experienced surgeon demands more than the above mentioned maximum prices. A great Lasik doctor also continually tests her or his healthcare equipment to make sure they are working correctly. The Lasik eye doctors could also consist of extra costs for brand-new systems they use within the surgery. Now you must visit the lasik eye surgery doctor to see whether you’re a candidate for lasik. Try to remember, the typical price of LASIK surgery a vary based on your geographical area and the precise provider you select. LASIK eye surgery is performed to correct farsightedness, nearsightedness, in addition to other eye disorders like astigmatism and presbyopia that’s a state that describes the impaired ability to focus because of aging. It can be performed for $1500 at a reasonable eye clinic. It is a minor surgical process that is offered across the world. It is a good choice to enhance your vision. If you’re interested in having Lasik eye surgery, and are an acceptable candidate, you should be in a position to spend money on the procedure. Since LASIK surgery is a very competitive market you might even be in a position to negotiate your own discount. LASIK eye surgery is among the most popular elective procedures done today. It continues to gain popularity in the US and Canada because it is effective and affordable. Lots of people wish to go for lasik eye surgery since they are tired of wearing glasses, and don’t have enough time for contact lenses. When you choose the surgery don’t expect to get it done for many weeks. Lasik eye surgery is the most frequently suggested treatment for myopia in the USA. It is among the safest in the world. Denver LASIK Eye Surgery isn’t a new practice. With corrective vision surgery, regardless of what the results of the surgery is, is just what you are likely to live with. LASIK surgery can at times under-correct or over-correct the issue of myopia or, rarely, can help it become worse. The Lasik eye surgery was initially executed in 1991 in the usa and since that time it has come to be remarkably popular. From time to time, surgery might need to be redone in order to supply additional corrections. Laser surgery is for men and women who cannot tolerate medications. Additionally, you might have to delay having surgery if you’re pregnant or are nursing. You wouldn’t would like to find out that you cannot see after the surgery, as it would defeat its own intent. One other great thing about Lasik surgery is that it’s an outpatient procedure. Deciding whether you would like to undergo Lasik eye surgery is a really important choice. You don’t need to have LASIK surgery and consequently, you should have a very in depth discussion with your ophthalmologist before you opt to have the procedure. The very first step to carry out before selecting a LASIK surgery is to research intensively on the benefits and disadvantages of the process. It will only provide a temporarily improved vision. It has a very high success rate. If you have made the decision to undergo a LASIK surgery, the next step to take into account is choosing the correct surgery centre to ensure the operation is going to be carried out smoothly. Once you’ve had your LASIK surgery, you will possibly wish to recommence your regular activities almost instantly, but you should be cautious. You always ought to remind yourself that Lasik surgery is intended to aid in improving your vision. LASIK surgery may be used for those with mild, moderate or severe myopia. Of the different forms of refractive surgery, it is probably the most popular. It is the most well-liked method for correcting visualization difficulties caused by refractive error, in which the eyes fail to focus light appropriately. When you choose to have Lasik surgery, the following thing you need to consider is choosing the ideal Lasik surgery clinic. It’s not cheap to get Lasik eye surgery, but another part is comparatively cheap for something which may have a dramatic influence on their everyday lives. No surgery, no matter how common or simple, is absolutely free from risk. In some instances, refractive surgery may be required. Plastic surgery cares for the reconstructive aspect whereas cosmetic surgery addresses the aesthetic aspect. It has become increasingly popular not only among celebrities, but also among the average people who are either looking for treatment that can halt the signs of aging or can help you get that flat belly that you always wanted. It’s also advisable to keep in mind that surgery isn’t risk-free. Eye surgery may be an alarming prospect. LASIK eye surgery isn’t an exception. Because of the unobstructed view of the cornea, surgeons are somewhat more comfortable in achieving the degree of customization they want which results in better vision. Some surgeons might mislead you with claims that they’ve been doing such surgery for at least 15 decades. You have the ability to pick a LASIK surgeon by adopting some steps like ascertaining credentials. You need to talk to your Lasik eye surgeon to understand the length of time your recovery time will be. There are lots of lasik eye surgeons you can select from. For certain, you will regret later if you select an incompetent Denver Lasik Eye Surgeon. The expense of a strabismus surgery would vary based on many factors. You would need to understand that LASIK surgery costs is nothing like purchasing a physical item at a department shop. The price of LASIK will change from surgeon to surgeon too. Fortunately, LASIK costs in the last two years have stabilized somewhat, but the complete out-of-pocket cost still varies dependent on what treatment you’ve done. If you were told LASIK is your only option you may require another opinion. By speaking to your health care provider and making certain you’re qualified for LASIK, you’ll have a greater possibility of getting the best outcomes. Lasik, nevertheless, is generally an extremely safe procedure. Lasik is definitely the most preferred corrective eye surgery for quite a few, and so it’s critical that you decide on an eye surgeon with a good deal of expertise and who’s using the very best medical equipment available. LASIK is the simplest and safest approach to knock out your bulky spectacles. LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) is among the most popular and powerful elective medical procedures out there. Even the very best lasik md desires some simple details about the patient’s medical history so as to carry out the surgery properly. If your physician won’t tell you, find a different one. After the process is done most individuals are advised by their doctors to return to work three days later. The physician will ask the patient to lie back on the operating table and set the eye beneath the laser. Following your exam, the physician or his staff can help you choose frames. Some doctors will need you to wear an eye patch over the eye that had surgery although others will just prescribe a great deal of rest. Now if you’re not a physician or nurse or have had problems with your elbows you might not understand what your ulnar nerve is. Bear in mind, you’ll need to use a doctor in your network if you wish to be covered. Your doctor needs to order several tests to find out whether your gallstones are symptomatic (causing symptoms) ahead of making a recommendation for surgery. To completely eliminate risks, you will need to locate a dependable doctor for the operation and you want to do constant care of your eyes after the process is completed. Exactly like with any sort of medical procedure there are things to think about before undergoing any form of surgery and LASIK is just the same. Cataract surgery is a sort of corrective eye surgery, which is utilised to clear the vision of someone. Furthermore, the secondary surgery isn’t a guarantee that you will reach your preferred appearance. Non invasive surgery is performed by employing laser beams to correct the issue. Lastly, you might demand a revision surgery with a different surgeon if your initial surgery ends in a lopsided, unnatural or simply unflattering appearance. Should you do an extremely thorough pre surgery consolation with your surgeon you should have the ability to rule out any potential risk factors that would turn you into a terrible candidate for LASIK eye surgery. Also, on rare occasions special surgery may be done in order to replace the fluid within the eye. Corrective eye surgery might not be a big surgery that expects you to stay in the hospital, but you ought to plan on taking at the very least a day off of work to let your eye or eyes recover. Conclusion While it may seem to be the miracle you’re looking for, it’s important to be able to make an informed decision on both the best option and the potential temporary (or permanent) side-effects. There are various sorts of laser eye surgery and so you need to speak to your eye doctor to discuss what is appropriate for you as well as your ailment. Simply take a while and research the LASIK center you are thinking about for laser eye surgery. If you’re considering having laser eye surgery to correct your vision, you will need to likewise be conscious of all of the potential side effects and outcomes connected with the surgery. As to whether you are appropriate for LASIK surgery, leave this to your physician. There are many sorts of Lasik surgery too. It is nothing new and has been around for quite some time now. You may also learn what kind of LASIK surgery is going to be performed since there are a number of distinct techniques currently being utilized to enhance the eyes of folks wanting laser surgery. There are things that you’ll need to get before you leave for your surgery so that they are prepared for you once you come home. Be certain to research a bit before you’ve got your surgery, so you can better understand the procedure. Discount surgery is like a discount parachute. Other people aren’t wild about surgery just because of how the procedure scares them. If you are thinking about vision correction surgery, you should talk to your ophthalmologist to find out whether the surgery is best for you. Laser vision correction surgery also works best for those who fear blood as a result of an important procedure. Thus, a laser vision correction surgery stipulates the fastest approach to your eyes’ healing procedure. 1 quick trick is to go for LASIK, and you’ll be able to go without bifocals then. LASIK is different for everybody. LASIK, on the flip side, does so. A lot of people often wonder if Raleigh LASIK is perfect for them. Some people decide to have one eye operated on at one time, although other men and women prefer to find both eyes done during the identical appointment. To put it differently, if your eye is damaged in a car crash and you require the assistance of an eye doctor, it’ll be covered. A vital part of the eye is the cornea. Just one eye will be treated at a moment. The other eye needs to be treated with another Lasik after a couple of days. LASIK can be a good alternative for many athletes and non-athletes too. however, it needs to be an informed option, Dr. Everett states. Because LASIK is performed on the cornea, we will perform measurements to make sure your cornea is healthy, the corneal surface is absolutely free from irregularities, and confirm that there is sufficient corneal tissue readily available to take care of your prescription. LASIK has evolved in the past several decades, Dr. Everett states. All lasers LASIK reduces the danger of particular complications caused because of the use of microkeratome. LASIK has evolved in the past several years, Dr. Everett states. LASIK is almost universally regarded as one of the most significant investments a person can make in their wellness and higher quality of life. For quite a while, LASIK is getting more complex as it can certainly now accommodate many kinds of patients with different eye issues and requirements. LASIK demands the invention of a lamellar flap by microkeratome. LASIK One of the most frequent procedure to fix the vision is LASIK. At the end, you will want to learn how to decide on the ideal procedure for you. Nevertheless, don’t be worried if you’re not acceptable for the LASIK procedure. Deciding to have vision correction procedures like LASIK and PRK is a substantial step. Deciding to get vision correction procedures like LASIK and PRK is a huge step. Our lasik eye surgery group of doctors are the best experts to provide a thorough assessment and a tailor a treatment plan to suit your requirements. Our lasik eye surgery team are definitely the most skilled specialists to evaluate your eyesight and provide a prescribed therapy. Our lasik eye surgery group and our staff are top notch experts to rate your vision and supply a treatment protocol. Accuracy There are a few of the best doctors who provide the Lasik treatments to their patients so they can attain an excellent and far better vision. There are a few of the best doctors who provide the Lasik treatments to their patients so they can reach a good and much better vision. Your Midwest Eye Consultants doctor together with your eyewear consultant will also suggest a high definition lens that will supply you with the finest visual clarity. Today if you’re interested in vision correction surgery you can decide on a bladeless LASIK. Laser eye surgery is the most recent innovation in eye surgery therapy. It Now is dedicated to providing the best vision correction expertise and customer care in Brooklyn Park. Though Lasik treatment may sound risky, with the newest technology used at our facility, our group of professionals are ready to supply a safe surgery to ensure no harmful side effects could impact your vision. Not only does it restore your vision to the fullest, it can also prevent you from getting the constant headaches that you have been getting for which you have started to use spectacles. There are some who opt for the LASIK treatment for receiving their vision. The most critical part of LASIK surgery is a great preoperative evaluation. It is performed on approximately one million eyes every year in the world and it is no different than any other surgery, but its drawbacks may be a little different than others. It is no different than any other surgery, but its drawbacks may be a little different than others. Lasik Laser Eye Surgery has caused a good deal of hope andexcitement to a lot of men and women. Lasik surgery treatment Laser eye surgeries in Los Angeles are commonly utilised to take care of shorts and close to sightedness along with astigmatism. The entire surgery is completed in one step utilizing single laser, thereby, taking only few seconds to complete the surgery. Additional surgery or’ enhancement’ may be asked to take pleasure in the most effective possible outcome of a LASIK. For Femto-lasik surgery that is additionally a bladeless surgery, we use the exact same Visumax machine and a different type of software for producing femto lasik flap. When it has to do with corrective vision eye surgery, there are many choices to select from. As soon as you have located a surgeon you’re interested in contacting from our directory of LASIK and cataract surgeons, we welcome you to critique the surgeon’s profile and compare their qualifications with different doctors you’re contemplating. Your surgeon will work with you to help determine when you are able to go back to your sport whilst ensuring the very best possible outcome. Surgeons generally advise that the very best alternative for eye surgery is Lasik. With The Blend Zone, your surgeon can ablate the surface that is equivalent to your pupil size in dim light, reducing the chance of post-surgery vision difficulties. You want the very best surgeon you’ll be able to find, the most innovative equipment available and a team you may trust. Very best lasik surgeons have struggled to consider lasik surgery procedure which is not just bladeless but flapless. Lasik eye surgeons in Los Angeles usually elect for the procedure as it’s quick together with safe for everybody. If you’re contemplating LASIK surgery, among the most crucial points to think about is the very best approach to come across the perfect LASIK surgeon. LASIK surgery is just one of the most frequent forms for vision correction available today. Lasik Laser Eye Surgery has caused a great deal of hope andexcitement to numerous women and men. The surgery shouldn’t be painful, but there’s a little smell of burning during using the laser, which can allow it to be an unpleasant experience for the individual. All surgeries have their advantages and disadvantages, and Lasik eye surgery is the same. When you opt to have Lasik surgery, the following thing you need to consider is choosing the very best Lasik surgery clinic. Now, Lasik eye surgery is extremely common. It is a relatively new ocular procedure designed specifically for people who are nearsighted. It is a very complex operation involving the most delicate part of the eye, the cornea. Much like any profession, some surgeons are somewhat more skilled than others which includes not just surgical expertise, but in addition diagnostic expertise also. They might mislead you with claims that they have been doing such surgery for more than 15 years. Third, to discover certified and expert eye surgeon is critically vital for Lasik eye surgery. When you have chosen the eye surgeon you will work with it’s important to get a very long conversation about just what the procedure will consist of, which means you understand just what to expect prior to, during and following the procedure. You must discover an expert eye surgeon, with a superior experience and success rate in LASIK surgery. Surgery is done at Umhlanga. Furthermore, the surgery isn’t fit for every individual. Over three million cataract surgeries are finished in the US itself. Cataract surgery is just one of the most regularly done surgical procedures in the global world of health science. Cataract eye surgery isn’t an exception. When you’re considering LASIK you will want to speak to your present eye doctor to learn if you’re an excellent candidate and receive a referral to an eye surgeon. In years past the very first step in LASIK consisted of developing a flap in the cornea working with a metallic blade (microkeratome). For example, Wavefront LASIK is quite costly. LASIK has a rather large success rate and luckily complications are astoundingly rare. The term Lasik implies using laser rays underneath the corneal flap to enhance the form of the cornea in order to correct defects in eyesight. When you’re considering LASIK for your vision correction requirements, you ought to take the opportunity to find a LASIK evaluation to make certain you are a superb candidate for the process. Lasik can be a complicated procedure based on the level of your vision impairment, but always a procedure that may be accomplished. People today consider LASIK for an assortment of explanations. What Is So Fascinating About Lasik Eye Surgery Reviews? Laser surgery is the most commonly used methods among them. Laser eye surgery is an amazingly secure and efficient procedure that could get rid of the need to wear glasses or contact lenses. In case you’re contemplating undergoing laser eye surgery, here’s a rundown on the fundamental facts that you want to know prior to deciding to have one. Laser eye surgery is easily the most successful type of eye corrective surgery. It truly is one of the wonders of modern medicine. When you’re planning to undergo laser eye surgery, ensure you have selected the proper surgeon. The surgeon will ask an assortment of questions regarding the health care history of the individual. When you satisfy the eye surgeon personally, you should ask some questions in order to find a notion about his expertise in refractive surgery. You may also speak with your eye surgeon about the financing choices available so that you don’t need to be concerned about the total price tag of the process. Laser therapy and plastic surgery is able to help you remove them permanently. If you are searching for a treatment for pink eye, we’ve got a list of the greatest treatments. Natural treatment for pink eye may also be used. Plan A Visit To Your Surgeon In order to choose whether eye laser treatment is the perfect selection for you the first thing which you’ve got to do is to seek the advice of your surgeon. Immediately after surgery patients are usually provided with antibiotic eye medication and lubricating eye drops to be utilized in these days, and might also have to put on a protective eye patch. In the majority of cases, it’s much better to finance or put off the procedure until the money may be procured for greater technology and attention instead of settle for cheaper inferior technology or level of service. Additionally, there are other distinct kinds of laser-based procedures like CK, LASEK, and PRK. Nowadays, it’s not unusual to hear people are choosing surgical procedures for correcting various vision difficulties. By now it must be apparent that all LASIK procedures and surgeons aren’t equal. LASIK procedure is most appropriate for astigmatism, nearsighted, farsighted and several different difficulties. Procedure of Laser Eye Surgery Laser eye surgery, also called blade-free LASIK, is a surgery which uses excimer laser to fix the vision of someone. Remember that LASIK isn’t always the ideal procedure for everybody. You should make certain the surgeon is well qualified if you would like to get the ideal eye doctor. To provide you with a prosperous lasik surgery outcome, you must pick the best surgeon that will help you achieve better and clearer eyesight. Bear in mind you should also be searching for the very best LASIK surgeons in your region. Even in the event that you can’t appear to get any of the greatest Lasik surgeons around, there are directories accessible to aid you in your search. When you’re searching for the ideal Lasik surgeons to help improve and fix your vision, it seems sensible you don’t wish to compromise. Tell your optometrist or ophthalmologist that you wish to understand who the ideal lasik surgeons. If you’re looking for the very best LASIK surgeons in Lee County, think about the skilled physicians at Elmquist Eye Group who are qualified to offer you the highest degree of care. LASIK surgery has gotten highly popular over the previous 5-10 decades. Finding the ideal Lasik doctor is essential in deciding where and when to have the surgery. Picking A Surgeon You should select a surgeon that specializes in refractive correction if you wish to have laser eye surgery. Although it may appear simple, in addition, it requires a surgeon with amazing expertise in lasik procedure since there is no room for any minor error. If you’re thinking about LASIK surgery, among the main facts to think about is the way to come across the perfect LASIK surgeon. Lasik Surgery is among the most recent and most advance vision treatments, available in the industry today. It is just one of the most well-known procedures out there today. If it comes to LASIK eye surgery, there aren’t any right answers. Lasik surgery was designed within IBM. It is considered an elective surgery and is one of the most common eye surgery procedures performed because it is quick, simple, and affordable with amazing results. Only for instance, it might not be able to give to perfect vision but it will definitely provide you a better one. Lasik eye surgery is now a regular procedure that huge quantities of people have already undergone. If you’re looking for a capable Lasik eye surgery in Rochester. Eye surgery may be an alarming prospect. There is going to be many more fees and extras you will need if you would like the ideal eye surgery. Laser eye surgery is not appropriate for everybody and there are likewise some non laser vision correction choices available. You’ve decided you are prepared to have LASIK. Itas important to consult with your ophthalmologist in depth to learn whether LASIK or any other refractive procedure is most suitable for you. LASIK can be a good choice for many athletes and non-athletes too. Driving at night might be an issue for any number of those who get LASIK. LASIK has grown into one of the most popular elective surgery procedures in the States. LASIK, surgery to reduce or eliminate the demand for eye glasses, has become quite popular over the previous 5-10 decades. The usefulness of advertising for the role of picking a surgeon is restricted, however. Eye surgeons that are affiliated with teaching hospitals generally stay current on all the most recent procedures and breakthroughs in their field, instead of private practice eye doctors who might see a great deal of clients but don’t keep on top of the greatest new procedures. When you satisfy the eye surgeon personally, you should ask some questions in order to find a notion about his expertise in refractive surgery. If you are searching for a LASIK surgeon, the very best eye doctor is a person who has performed several thousand eye operations already. To begin with, the LASIK surgeon will produce a flap from the cornea. The best method to discover the perfect Boulder lasik surgeon for you is to visit and speak to lots of eye surgeons and after that go for the best one. There are a number of Boulder lasik surgeons which will flood you with a great deal of information during and following the operation. Our surgeons have other selections like PRK as a replacement for correcting your vision. You shouldn’t feel that if you consulted a surgeon, you’re obligated to find the expert services of that surgeon. A superb surgeon will have further understanding of the most up-to-date and advanced technology is normally the ideal choice for you to think about. In the modern Internet-centric world, locating a very good surgeon has turned into much easier. Following are a couple of aspects to consider before selecting a superior refractive surgeon. You’re fortunate to get many great surgeons in San Antonio so you’re seeking the ideal LASIK surgeon with the very best value. Unfortunately, not everybody is a candidate for Lasik. Speak to Your Ophthalmologist About LASIK You might be a candidate for LASIK if you’ve got good general health and don’t have any eye diseases. If you’re curious in the event that you will earn a fantastic LASIK candidate, there are a few considerations which should weigh into your choice. Typically, if all the following apply to you, you ought to be a very good candidate for LASIK. Suitable LASIK candidates need to have a prescription that has remained stable for more or less a year. Keep reading to see whether you’re a possible candidate for LASIK surgery. If you’re a candidate, he can coordinate with surgeons in the region to ensure your eyes are taken care of so you may have a prosperous outcome that satisfies your expectations. It is critical that you discern whether you’re a possible candidate for LASIK surgery or not. What’s more, potential candidates have to be well educated about the advantages and dangers of the procedure and have realistic expectations about the possible outcome. Ask your surgeon to check out when you’re a possible candidate for monovision. Lasik surgery isn’t as complicated as many folks think. If you aren’t qualified for LASIK surgery, our surgeons can assist you in finding an alternate procedure that’s ideal for your personal needs. LASIK surgery is accustomed to the treat refractive errors brought on by a misshapen cornea. Lasik eye surgery has been invented in many forms. It can be a very rewarding procedure, but is not an optimal solution for everyone. Now it can be performed within a span of a few minutes with help of laser. It can put a quick end to all that. The surgery is most suitable for healthy patients that are at least 18 decades old. Before it can take place, potential candidates need to undergo various tests to determine lasik surgery compatibility. There are several suitable alternative eye surgeries available for patients of all of the needs. If you’re considering LASIK, you can wonder if you’re a candidate for the process. If you’re not a candidate for LASIK, you’ve got many different choices. Don’t forget that even if you’re not a candidate for LASIK, there’s another procedure like PRK, which can help treat your refractive errors and supply you with the vision you’ve always desired. As one of the quickest and best vision correction treatments currently available, LASIK is now an extremely popular alternative for people trying to correct refractive errors like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. LASIK provides an exciting chance for folks who depend on glasses or contact lenses to better their vision. LASIK has come to be the alternative of choice for more than two million eyes each year. If you’re prepared to take the next step and figure out if LASIK is best for you, first, we have to determine your candidacy. LASIK can be accomplished with monovision. LASIK has turned out to be a secure and efficient procedure. LASIK is a fine-tuned procedure which has been utilized for more than 20 decades now. LASIK can be a risky operation. LASIK is a delicate procedure and just a seasoned ophthalmologist can figure out if you’re a perfect candidate for LASIK, dependent on your general wellbeing, the status of your eyes and your distinct condition. LASIK has turned out to be a secure and efficient procedure for clearer vision. LASIK employs an instrument commonly referred to as a micokeratome. LASIK is a health procedure. Additionally, LASIK can take care of a greater array of vision errors. Before LASIK is performed you will have to undergo a string of diagnostic tests to establish the stability of your vision. Lasik can help people with bad vision. Lasik is the greatest thing in their opinion. In the same way, LASIK isn’t advised for extreme farsightedness, since the form of the eye makes it hard to correct. While LASIK is easily the most popular kind of laser eye surgery, it isn’t for everybody. Then LASIK just could be the thing for you. Although Lasik is among the simplest surgeries in medicine, patients ought to know of its expectations before undergoing the surgery. Make certain to ask your doctor all questions concerning the surgery if you’re thinking about moving toward the next step. Cataract surgery is just one of safest and most prosperous surgeries that may be done. It’s essential to be conscious that the surgery isn’t a guarantee of perfect vision, and a few patients may require extra surgery to further increase their vision. In truth, it’s the most frequently selected vision correction surgery available. Consult a TLC-affiliated eye doctor for a completely free LASIK consultation to decide on if you’re a LASIK candidate. If you’ve been told that you’re not a candidate for LASIK, we welcome you to come in for a totally free VIP exam. To schedule a complimentary consultation to decide whether you’re a suitable candidate for LASIK, please contact Laser Eye Center. Pay a visit to your eye doctor for a comprehensive consultation to find out when you’re a perfect LASIK candidate. Not everybody is a great candidate for LASIK. It is possible to learn more about whether you’re a very good LASIK candidate in a consultation at our Toronto practice. In the event you decided to have the LASIK surgery, you must learn if you’re a LASIK candidate in a visit to an ophthalmologist. LASIK surgery is accustomed to the treat refractive errors due to a misshapen cornea. LASIK eye surgery contains 3 steps. It has been performed on more than one million of people in the world. It may dramatically improve your life and the way you see it. You’re not a great candidate when you have degenerative or autoimmune diseases, if you’re pregnant or nursing, or when you own a condition that deters or slows healing. A lot of people are regarded as good LASIK candidate, but some people don’t meet the criteria. 1 thing you ought to be conscious of is only a skilled ophthalmologist can tell you when you’re even an excellent candidate for Lasik surgery. Keep reading to see whether you’re a prospective candidate for LASIK surgery. It is very important that you discern whether you’re a prospective candidate for LASIK surgery or not. Also a perfect candidate has to be a quick healer and don’t have any disease that may impact wound healing like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and HIV. Ask your surgeon to check out when you’re a possible candidate for monovision. Just like with any surgical procedure, however, it’s important to make certain that LASIK is the proper fit for your distinctive vision requirements. Lasik is the best thing in their opinion. Then LASIK just may be the thing for you. Because LASIK isn’t right for everybody, we screen potential candidates very carefully to guarantee they meet the correct qualifications. You also can’t get LASIK should you have dry eye syndrome, since the surgery can help it become worse. Over 30 million procedures are performed worldwide, and increasing numbers of people are considering LASIK everyday! Lasik Candidate – Is it a Scam? Speak to your LASIK surgeon to learn if you’re able to get LASIK at your present age. LASIK has been shown to have long lasting benefits, with a high level of safety. Before LASIK is performed you will have to undergo a string of diagnostic tests to figure out the stability of your vision. LASIK is a health procedure. LASIK is not advised for everyone that has a systemic wellness problem or an autoimmune disorder, which can impact the healing process after LASIK. While LASIK might not be a possibility for everybody, there are still plenty of means to increase your vision! Customized LASIK is intended to treat both lower order abnormalities such as far sightedness and astigmatism in addition to higher order abnormalities that can result in blurriness, halos, and other kinds of vision troubles. Experience matters in regards to performing LASIK. At present, LASIK is among the most frequently performed healthcare procedures in the nation, and it has a fantastic record of succeeding. While LASIK has become the most popular kind of laser eye surgery, it isn’t for everybody. While Custom LASIK is utilized to take care of an extensive variety of refractive errors, not everybody is going to be a perfect Custom LASIK candidate. LASIK enables people to perform the majority of their everyday tasks without corrective lenses. LASIK takes around 15 minutes to finish, with minimum discomfort, and yields incredible outcomes. For obvious reasons LASIK has many advantages over the conventional prescription glasses and contact lenses to repair your eyesight. The only means to decide if LASIK is best for you is to come in and go over your choices with our LASIK Optometrist. LASIK is the most frequent eye procedure, and is thought to be among the safest elective procedures in modern medication. In the same way, LASIK isn’t suggested for extreme farsightedness, since the form of the eye makes it hard to correct. Before Custom LASIK is performed you will have to undergo a set of diagnostic tests to ascertain the stability of your vision. Deciding on A Surgeon You ought to choose a surgeon that specializes in refractive correction if you would like to have laser eye surgery. The best surgeons will have the newest technology, a pleasant staff, and great bedside manner. Even in the event you can’t appear to find any of the ideal Lasik surgeons around, there are directories accessible to aid you in your search. If you’re searching for the best LASIK surgeons in Lee County, consider the skilled physicians at Elmquist Eye Group who are qualified to provide you with the maximum level of care. Surgeons should be prepared to analyze the facts of your procedure and answer any questions which you may have. Your surgeon and your principal care physician may need to consult with one another as a way to guarantee you’re fine for LASIK. Some surgeons might mislead you with claims which they have been doing such surgery for over 15 decades. Picking out the ideal surgeon can be done through an assortment of processes. Most surgeons acknowledge that the main security issues in laser vision correction are associated by means of the mechanical device used to create the corneal flap. Even in case you can’t seem to acquire any of the best Lasik surgeons around, there are directories accessible to assist you in your search. There are a great deal of other great LASIK surgeons in the country. You should make certain the surgeon is well qualified if you would like to locate the ideal eye doctor. You prefer to go for an eye surgeon who focuses on safety and the proper upkeep of the person. The eye surgeon will assess the form and thickness of your cornea, refractive errors, pupil dimensions and your general general health to find out if you’re candidate for LASIK. It’s very simple nowadays once you receive the best Lasik eye surgeons. If you’re looking for a LASIK surgeon, the very best eye doctor is a person who has performed several thousand eye operations already. Lasik eye surgeons in Los Angeles usually elect for the procedure as it’s quick in addition to safe for everybody. In case you have, and you still think it’s theright action to do, then the upcoming logical step is tostart searching for a LASIK surgeon. When you’re searching for a Lasik Surgeon in Beverly Hills, you’ve got a great deal of distinct options. The LASIK surgeon employs a computer to fix the laser for your particular prescription. Lasik San Diego surgeons will explain the particulars of the process on your very first visit. Surgeons should be ready to examine the facts of your procedure and answer any questions that you can have. A seasoned surgeon might be more expensive, but sure is well worth it. You shall always go for the more experienced Lasik eye surgeon as compared to a different surgeon. When you choose to have Lasik surgery, the following thing you need to consider is choosing the ideal Lasik surgery clinic. Lasik Surgery is the most frequent term employed for the process. Lasik eyes surgery shows affect inside a few minutes alone and is utilised to treat near sightedness in addition to farsightedness. Lasik is thought to be a cosmetic or elective surgery so might not be addressed by the insurance policy policy policy company. Lasik is thought to be a cosmetic or elective surgery so might not be covered by the insurance policy policy company. LASIK has been a benefit for the bulk of individuals trying to find a safe, convenient approach to make the most of their vision. The number of LASIK varies. Call to learn how much you are able to save on LASIK with one of the very best rated LASIK surgeons on earth! If you would like to find out more about our Orange County LASIK results, we are going to be delighted to provide them to you. Lasik is a relatively easy and quick procedure. LASIK is a kind of refractive eye surgery. Lasik is considered to be a cosmetic or elective surgery so might not be covered by the insurance policy policy company. Lasik is a very skilled procedure and demands an extremely skilled Lasik Surgery doctor. If you’re thinking about getting LASIK or PRK, here is what you have to know. LASIK is a surgical procedure, it’s essential to follow together with instructions from your wellbeing care provider. LASIK is almost universally regarded among the most vital investments an individual can make in their wellness and greater quality of life. Lasik is an outpatient procedure, but your doctor may supply you medicine to help you relax. If you’re contemplating getting LASIK or PRK, here’s what you need to find out.
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Insuring your home against financial catastrophe can involve a number of high-stakes decisions. From which carrier to use to how large a deductible to choose, the insurance industry has become endlessly complicated. Volcanic eruptions, riots and falling planes? Your standard policy definitely covers those unlikely events. Pit bull bites, sinkholes and mold infestations? Perhaps, perhaps not. Flooding? Definitely not. Here you will find an overview of what homeowners insurance protects and what it doesn’t, and how you can make informed decisions about buying coverage. What Type of Homeowners Insurance Should You Get? If you have a mortgage, homeowners insurance isn’t just extra security and protection — it’s required. Find out the average cost of home insurance in your state by using the below map. Source: National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). is injured on your property. The most popular insurance is an “all risk” policy, although people with newly constructed homes may qualify for comprehensive coverage. Whether you live in a mobile home, condo, single family home, or rent an apartment, you can find a policy to protect your home and/or property. A bare-bones policy that doesn’t include liability coverage. It’s no longer available in most states, according to the Insurance Information Institute. Also called a “broad form” policy. The coverage protects your home from 16 different types of perils (see above list). A “special form” policy that covers the attached structures of your home as well as detached structures like a garage, cottage and fence. It also includes personal liability coverage. The name “All Risk” Policy is misleading as the policy doesn’t cover all risks. It does cover the aforementioned 16 perils and everything except the named exclusions in the policy, which include war, power failure, flood, vermin and nuclear disaster, among others. This is an insurance policy for renters. It covers your personal belongings, though not the structure of the property you rent. A “comprehensive form” policy that covers the structure of your home and offers broader coverage for personal property. You’re protected from the same perils as an HO-3 but don’t have to prove your belongings were damaged by a peril named in the policy. This form of coverage is usually for new or recently constructed homes. A policy for condo and co-op owners that works similar to HO-2 coverage. It covers the structural parts of the building you own, plus your personal belongings. This coverage is like an HO-2 policy, but it protects mobile homes. A policy that typically covers the replacement cost — minus depreciation — of damage to an older home. Homeowners insurance is complicated, and rate quotes hinge on numerous variables. Check out our guide on comparing homeowners insurance quotes. Homeowners and renters insurance policies almost never cover floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural hazards. Learn how to protect yourself from Mother Nature’s worst. You can’t control the wrath of nature, but you can prepare for the worst. Here are steps to take to get ready for an emergency, and what to do if disaster strikes. Homeowners coverage varies based on the type of policy you buy and where you live. The most bare-bones insurance policy is known as “dwelling fire,” also known as HO-1 coverage, and it insures against hazards that include fire, smoke, lightning and explosions. No homeowners policy covers flood damage if it’s caused by rising water. That peril is covered through a separate flood insurance policy from the federal government. You need a separate federal flood insurance policy. This risk is covered by separate earthquake insurance. If you live in Hurricane Alley, you might need a policy from your state’s windstorm plan. Many carriers have begun to exclude mold damage from policies. You might be able to buy a special rider for this peril. Some insurers exclude such breeds as pit bulls, Akitas and Rottweilers. You might be able to buy a special rider for this hazard, too. Say FedEx delivers work-related package to your house, and the driver slips and falls. Your policy doesn’t cover liability. If your roof is simply old rather than damaged, you pay for the repair. Does Your Location Affect Your Coverage? Yes, where you live affects your coverage and policy costs. If you live in California, earthquake coverage isn’t part of your standard policy. You’ll need separate coverage, which usually carries a high deductible. And if you live in Florida or another hurricane-prone state, you might need separate windstorm insurance. Some of the language in your policy might seem ridiculously specific, but there’s a reason for the hairsplitting. “Civil unrest” is covered in standard policies, but “war” isn’t. And the extensive damage left by Hurricane Katrina led to many lawsuits over whether water damage was technically caused by a flood or a windstorm. For most homeowners, the high-value part of the policy applies to the structure of your home. If an insured hazard hits your humble abode, your coverage will pay to fix or rebuild your house. Insurers typically cover not just your living quarters but also garages, fences, tool sheds and gazebos. In addition, insurance policies generally pay to replace personal belongings if they’re stolen or damaged in a fire, hurricane or other covered disaster. Be sure to review your dwelling coverage occasionally because capital improvements and inflation can affect your home’s cost of replacement. Due to the so-called 80 percent rule, if your coverage limits fall below 80 percent of the full replacement cost of your home, your insurance company may reduce the amount it pays on a claim. In a typical policy with $200,000 in coverage for the dwelling, the insurer would cover up to $100,000 to replace furniture, electronics and other personal items. Pricey items such as jewelry, furs and silverware typically are covered, but many insurers impose dollar limits if they’re stolen. If you have an extensive jewelry collection, though, you might consider paying for an endorsement, which specifies coverage under certain special circumstances or for itemized valuables. Homeowners policies also include liability protection, which pays for legal costs and any court awards in the event of a lawsuit against the homeowner. Typically, this coverage is limited to $100,000. Finally, your policy might pay for your living costs if your home is rendered uninhabitable. Pays to replace home and possessions minus a deduction for depreciation — so don’t expect to get $2,000 for that ancient laptop. The most generous coverage that pays to rebuild your home no matter the cost, useful if you’re the victim of a disaster that causes a spike in the costs of labor and construction materials. If you’ve lived in your house for years, creating an inventory might seem tedious. Start with your most recent purchases and then work backward to your older possessions. It’s better to have an incomplete list than no list at all. Source: Adapted from the Insurance Information Institute. Don’t feel like cataloging every article of clothing, book and knickknack in your home? Jack Hungelmann, author of Insurance for Dummies, suggests tallying the value of furniture, TVs and other major items, then doubling it. That should approximate the value of all your stuff. The average user is able to develop “a complete picture inventory of a property and generate detailed reports” in about an hour or less by using this app, according to its iTunes Store description. This app gives you the ability to quickly produce a complete estimate of your belongings. The free version has a 25-item limit, while the $4.99 version unlocks all of the app’s available features. Doubling as an organizer and home inventory resource, MyStuff2 allows you to keep track of your personal possessions. The “Lite” version is free; the main version of the app is $4.99 and the “Pro” version is $8.99. This app is described as the “perfect companion for your move.” It helps with creating a visual inventory of your belongings through photos, videos, tags and other features. The basic version is free and it’s $4.99 for the “Plus” version which has additional features. Stuffanizer is a visual inventory app that allows users to set custom locations, create tags and take photos to keep track of their stuff — for $2.99. One of the most important variables determining how much you’ll pay for coverage. Hurricane Alley and Tornado Alley are the most expensive places to insure a home — Florida, Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma top the list of priciest markets. Idaho, Oregon and Utah are the cheapest states to buy homeowners coverage. If your Florida abode is a wood-frame house with jalousie windows, you’ll pay more. If it’s a concrete-block structure with impact-resistant windows, you’ll pay less. Insurers use a catastrophe model to determine prices. Rate regulation is the duty of insurance commissioners in each state. If State Farm, Allstate, Nationwide and other carriers are competing for customers in your area, rates are likely to fall. This is known as a soft market. In the opposite case, a hard market, rates tend to rise. How much insurers pay for this form of reinsurance can affect rates. Catastrophe reinsurance indemnifies the insurer for losses in excess of a stipulated sum arising from a single catastrophic event or series of events. What Kind of Discounts Might You Expect? Bundling your home insurance with your car insurance (buying it from the same insurance carrier). These are known as multi-line discounts. Having dead-bolts and/or a home security system. Bringing your old wiring up to code. What happens if you’re the victim of a burglary, fire or other insured claim? First, your policy requires you to mitigate the damage as soon as possible. So, for instance, if you have a water leak, turn off the water and immediately call a company that handles water damage. Next, contact your insurance company to report the damage. When you reach your company’s adjuster, be sure to get his name and cell phone number, along with your claim number. In most cases, your carrier will come through with a check to cover your claim, up to the limits of your policy. Whether you store it in the cloud or in a filing cabinet, your policy spells out what your insurer owes you in case of a loss. If you have a large collection of jewelry or art, buy an endorsement to insure it. Say you have a $1,000 deductible and your $500 bike is stolen from your garage. In that case, you’d be wise to keep your insurer out of the matter. Hit by a storm or significant water damage, it makes sense to file a claim. However, you may want to skip a small, non-weather claim, lest your insurer drop you when your policy comes up for renewal. Insurers handle each type of claim a bit differently. In case of a burglary, you’ll need to provide a police report and an inventory of the items taken. In the event of a fire or weather-related claim that damages the structure of your house, you’ll need to hire a contractor, and your insurer ultimately will reimburse you for your costs. Source: National Association of Insurance Commissioners. Cost adjusted to 2014 dollars. Do I Need a Public Insurance Adjuster? The typical insurance claim goes relatively smoothly, and the carrier pays up as promised. But in some cases, an insurer simply refuses to pay what you think you’re owed. If you’re faced with an unreasonable settlement offer, it might make sense to hire a public adjuster. Unlike an adjuster who’s employed by your insurance company, a public adjuster works for you and is paid by you. Public adjusters say they know policies and insurers’ processes, and they can persuade insurers to pay up when you can’t. You’ll pay your public adjuster a percentage of the settlement he negotiates on your behalf. Public adjusters stress that they’re not insurance agents nor paid by carriers, which puts them firmly on the side of policyholders. The National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters offers a listing of its members. Sources: National Association of Insurance Commissioners, based on average annual premiums for 2013; Insurance Information Institute. If you own a car, you’re familiar with the difference between insurance and a warranty. If your car is stolen or damaged in a crash or natural disaster, that’s a matter for your insurance policy. If your transmission blows out, you’ll turn to your warranty for financial help. The concept is similar for real estate. A home warranty is a service contract that helps offset expenses if the roof springs a leak or the air conditioning needs a repair. Home warranties are a type of insurance, but they’re designed to cushion the blow of the smaller costs of routine maintenance rather than some significant loss from a catastrophic event. Sellers often provide home warranties as a tool to market their homes. A lender will require you to have homeowners insurance but not a warranty. An individual employed by an insurance company to evaluate losses and settle policyholder claims. This computerized method of predicting claims combines long-term disaster trends with current demographics and building patterns. The result is a prediction of the potential cost of catastrophic losses for a given area. Insurers typically can handle billions of dollars of losses, but to protect against major disasters such as Hurricane Andrew and Hurricane Katrina, they buy reinsurance that helps cover claims filed after large-scale catastrophes. The amount of loss paid by the policyholder. It’s either a specific dollar amount or a percentage of the claim amount. A cut-rate type of insurance policy that covers only the most basic risks. This type of policy covers a structure and its contents but has a high deductible. A written form attached to an insurance policy altering the policy’s coverage, terms or conditions. A provision in an insurance policy disallowing coverage for certain risks. Coverage for flood damage is available from the federal government under the National Flood Insurance Program. It is sold by licensed insurance agents. A period when carriers are reluctant to sell coverage. A numerical ranking based on a consumer’s credit history. Insurers say people with poor credit histories have proven more likely to file claims. A specific risk or cause of loss covered by an insurance policy, such as fire or theft. A person who negotiates with insurers on behalf of policyholders and receives a portion of a claims settlement. The process by which states monitor insurance companies’ rate changes. An environment of plentiful, low-cost coverage. State-sponsored insurance pools sell hurricane coverage to people who can’t buy it in the voluntary market because of their high risk. Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas offer these plans. Georgia and New York also have special windstorm pools for certain coastal communities.
brand MARINE CONSULTANTS GmbH | Salvage Experts, Casualty Management and more. 24/7. brand MARINE CONSULTANTS GmbH is a fast-growing, global Marine Consultancy. Since the company was founded in 2014, bMC has completed over 200 projects on behalf of shipowners, law firms, P&I clubs, offshore contractors, shipyards and insurance companies. Our services include carrying out Survey, Casualty Investigation and Expert Witness work throughout the Maritime & Offshore sectors. Our staff have a wide range of training and qualifications as well as significant experience in many sectors of the Marine industry. Our current team have backgrounds as Master Mariner, Chief Engineer, Naval Architect, Ship Broker, Ship Manager & Spill Response Specialist. As experienced marine surveyors our Consultants have performed inspections on vessels of all types including passenger vessels, tugboats, barges, dredges, ferries, cargo ships and warships for the purpose of pre-purchase evaluation, insurance eligibility, insurance claim resolution and regulation compliance. We are specialised in inspecting marine cargo, marine engines and offshore and facilities such as drydocks, loading docks and more. Thanks to our many international projects in the past, our Consultants have significant experience in ensuring compliance with international guidelines dealing with issues such as pollution, international security and safety management schemes. We are happy to examine cargo gear to ensure that all requirements, regulations and standards are met. At bMC we pride ourselves on providing clear, concise and independent reports. We base ourselves on the surveys as well as other relevant documents to present the most accurate possible document. Over the years we have developed of presenting factual written elements, strengthened with 3D drawings, calculations at the hand of our own in-house software, self-evident graphs and illustrations. Casualty Investigation is the process of establishing the root cause and extent of a damage resulting from e.g. collision, grounding, fire, engine failure, sinking etc. Our wide range of techniques for acquiring the necessary information and data includes surveys, inspections, 3D simulations, diving, ROV and side scans. We also interview the crew and analyse VDR’s in order to support the investigation process. We maintain our commitment to providing clear, independent reports which are based on our findings and on further relevant documents. Our reports aim to outline an accurate sequence of events, which we present with our own unique style and back up at the hand of 3D drawings, calculations, graphs and illustrations. As Marine Consultants we have an excellent track record, proving our qualifications and expertise in the field of Marine and Offshore. We boast a combined experience that spans over decades and have been hired as independent experts several times to provide expert evaluations and reports for a variety of cases in the past. We understand the importance of our role as educators of the court and fully comprehend our duties as Expert Witness. In terms of Casualty Management, our single objective is to prevent an incident from turning into a full-blown crisis. We understand the importance of effective planning and the need for integrated crisis and emergency response organisation. Our Consultants pay special attention to identifying and prioritising the interests of the main shareholders, organising resources accordingly and mitigating the risks and costs of the whole operation. We are familiar and have worked with most of the prominent contractors in this field and are skilled in negotiating with them, as well as keeping them focused on the project at hand. Click the flags below to see a brief description of bMC’s previous projects. In 2014 bMC was hired to carry out a root cause investigation and a damage survey on a container vessel. bMC was later sent on site to negotiate an alleged cargo claim for the same vessel in 2016. In May 2016 bMC was hired to carry out a root cause investigation and a damage survey after a multi-purpose ship suffered damage to its propeller. bMC were mandated as consultants to support the owners of a car carrier with substantial fire damage during a tender process for repairs. bMC was mandated to carry out a condition survey on a reefer ship in September 2014. When a jack-up vessel’s leg got stuck in the seabed in February 2016, the vessel grounded and eventually capsized. bMC dispatched consultants on site and were later appointed SCR. In 2015 bMC was mandated to carry out a damage survey on a bulker with significant damage to its rudder. After the grounding of a bulker off the coast of Greece in August 2015, bMC acted as SCR during the salvage operation. 36 - 38 Großer Burstah in the centre of Hamburg. In June 2015 bMC was assigned the role of SCR during the salvage operation of a container vessel which suffered a dangerously list after a severe storm. In 2014 bMC was mandated to carry out a damage survey on a reefer vessel after it had suffered an engine failure and had to be towed to the port of Busan, Korea. In September 2016 bMC opened its London office, located in The Leadenhall Building. After the grounding of a bulk carrier in March 2016, the bMC team was mobilised to Madagascar as SCR to support the salvage operations. When a bulk carrier got caught in a hurricane in October 2015 it veered off course and was stranded against a cliff. The bMC team was dispatched to manage the salvage operations. In 2014 bMC has carried out various projects for the Offshore Wind sector including an analysis of a vessel’s jacking system, Expert Witness work and a damage survey of Offshore Substations. bMC’s Consultants have excellent courtroom skills and have frequently been involved as Expert Witnesses in the resolution of claims disputes. In April 2016 bMC was contracted to investigate an offshore claim on behalf of a vessel’s owners. In May 2016 bMC opened its first overseas office in Singapore: brand MARINE CONSULTANTS (SG) Pte. Ltd. In late 2015 bMC was contracted for the investigation and handling of a flooded engine room for a general cargo ship. bMC was contracted to carry out a Casualty Investigation. This project later led to bMC providing technical services to the vessel’s owners. In December 2014, bMC’s Consultants were contracted to manage in the salvage of a barge off the coast of Qatar. The bMC team was hired to act as Towage Consultants for the tow of a fully laden bulk carrier with a damage propeller and rudder from Suez to Singapore via India. In March 2014, bMC was assigned the role of SCR during the salvage operation of a bulk carrier. In May 2014, bMC was assigned the role of SCR during the salvage operation of a RoRo carrier off the coast of Angola. Subsequently, bMC supported Owners and Underwriters in preparing the tender for the wreck removal. In June 2016, bMC was given an Expert Witness assignment. In February 2014, bMC was assigned to negotiate an alleged cargo claim. In May 2015, bMC was assigned as salvage consultant during the salvage operation of a jack-up rig. In June 2015, bMC was assigned as salvage consultants to advise on the salvage operation of a container ship on fire. In May 2016 bMC was contracted as Owner’s Representative during the salvage of a grounded bulk carrier in the Rio de la Plata. bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad has been appointed as consultant for the removal of two wrecks. During the fire on board of a bulk carrier in November 2016, bMC was mobilised to Colombia as SCR to support the salvage operations. bMC associate office in Mumbai. Please contact bMC Singapore to get in touch. Our Consultants are recognised experts in their field and can lend support across projects of all shapes and size around the globe. Please do not hesitate to contact us directly for further information. bMC feel very lucky to have secured the highly regarded and experienced Mark Hoddinott on to their ever growing team. It’s difficult to give a fitting title to such an experienced and knowledgeable individual but Mark will be joining bMC as a Senior Advisor. When it comes to Salvage and Wreck removal there is little that Mark doesn’t know and few people that don’t know Mark. bMC are therefore very pleased indeed to announce that Mark is now part of the bMC team. bMC welcomed Mark Hoddinott to the bMC Group at an informal gathering in Hamburg at the start of April. We’re all excited about the latest development and looking forward to tapping in to some of the wealth of knowledge that Mark brings with him. Welcome Mark! bMC’s Captain Lars Tesmar remained in attendance of a grounded container vessel off the coast of Tripoli, Libya as P&I Club Representative. bMC’s Giacomo Pison was engaged by P&I underwriters to attend the site of the sinking of a general cargo vessel in Turkish waters. The vessel’s fuel was promptly and effectively removed under bMC’s oversight. bMC’s Heiko Foerster was engaged by insurance interests to attend and survey a bulk carrier in a north German port following loss of an anchor. Heiko was requested to report on the loss, including route cause analysis. bMC Singapore continued to work with Owners and insurance interests in respect of the salvage and subsequent disposal of a tanker in Malaysia. bMC’s Thomas Baer was engaged by Charterer’s via their insurance interests to attend and survey a tanker on German inland waterways, following an alleged cargo contamination. bMC’s Captain Ajay Prasad was appointed as Special Casualty Representative (SCR) following the grounding and partial sinking of a tanker off Johor, Malaysia. bMC’s Captain Lars Tesmar has continued to give to give professional advices to the responsible German authorities, following the appearance of several shipping containers in German waters thought to have been lost overboard from a passing vessel. bMC’s Heiko Foerster was engaged by insurance interests to attend and survey a river cruise vessel in southern Germany following damage to a propulsion unit. bMC’s Captain Dennis Brand was engaged by legal representatives to give professional opinion and expert witness report relating to a collision case in German waters. bMC are very excited to announce the opening of a site office in Koblenz, Germany. Opened on the 1st January 2019, the main purpose of the office is to service our important client base with attendance to vessels and incidents on the inland waterways of the surrounding region. After careful consideration, bMC selected Koblenz as it gives ready access to the Cologne, Dusseldorf & Duisburg area to the North and Mainz area to the South. bMC have engaged an experienced former Chief Engineer to be available for the requirements of our clients, present and future. It is expected that the team in Koblenz will grow in the months to come. Please contact us for further details. We welcome any enquiries for the Koblenz office. bMC’s Captain Dennis Brand was engaged by the German responsible authorities to give professional advices following the appearance of several shipping containers in German waters thought to have been lost overboard from a passing vessel. bMC’s Captain Dennis Brand was engaged to attend a grounded container vessel off the coast of Tripoli, Libya as the appointed Special Casualty Representative (SCR). bMC’s Captain Lars Tesmar was appointed by the German responsible authority to give professional advices following the grounding of a tanker in German waters. The vessel was re-floated in a safe and timely manner. bMC’s Captain Lars Tesmar attended the site of a vessel collision on the River Rhine. This was an interesting job that was particularly satisfying as it was the first case for the bMC Koblenz office. Capt. Tesmar was requested to make an initial investigation and to provide expert opinion in relation to possible route cause. bMC’s Captain Ajay Prasad was engaged by insurance interests to attend a semi-submersible drilling rig off the east coast of India following a severe listing incident. Capt. Prasad was requested to survey and carry out an initial investigation in respect of the incident and subsequent attendance of a contractor to correct the list. bMC’s Alex Leonard was engaged by P&I Interests to oversee the removal of bunker fuels and other potential pollutants from a grounded vessel in south east India. bMC’s Captain Dennis Brand attended an inland water cruise vessel at Cologne following a grounding incident resulting in damage to the propulsion system. BIG news for bMC in November! We look forward to serving new and existing clients in this major shipping centre. We welcome new enquiries. bMC are also pleased to announce that Captain Lars Tesmar has been formally notified that he will be appointed to the Lloyds Special Casualty Representative (SCR) panel effective as of 1st January 2019. We give our hearty congratulations to Lars and wish him every success with this added role carrying significant responsibility. bMC is confident that Lars has all the attributes and experience to make an excellent SCR. Equally the bMC team will be on hand to support Lars throughout any SCR appointments. Congratulations Lars! At the same time. bMC is happy to advise that Capt. Dennis Brand has been re-appointed following the latest round of biennial re-applications. Well done Dennis! bMC was appointed by Owners and insurance interests to survey and make an assessment of route cause following a stern tube leakage and change of stern tube parts during a vessel call to Tenerife. bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad and Per Tyrsted remained present on site as representatives for P&I interests in respect of a grounded container vessel in the Northern part of the Bay of Bengal. bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad was requested by P&I interests to attend the site of a grounded vessel in south east India and provide an initial assessment as well as recommendations for future actions. bMC were engaged by Owners of a Ro-Ro terminal in India to give professional advice in respect of an engineering project. bMC’s Alex Leonard attended the site to make an assessment and provide initial advices. bMC Singapore were engaged by vessel owners in the Philippines to conduct a review of office based procedures and provide an assessment of Management practices with a focus on maintenance procedures. bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad and Capt. Lars Tesmar remained present on site as representatives for P&I interests in respect of a grounded container vessel in the Northern part of the Bay of Bengal. bMC were requested by Insurance interests to review pertinent information and give expert opinion in respect of a main engine damage case. bMC are also pleased to announce that on the 1st October Alex Leonard joined the bMC Team in London, UK as a Senior Consultant. Alex brings some new and different experience with him to contribute to the bMC knowledge base. As a response specialist and duty manager with Oil Spill Response Ltd Alex has spent the last eight years planning and training for, responding to and managing oil spill across the oil and gas and maritime sectors. As a technical advisor Alex has worked as a consultant embedded in the largest oil majors supporting crisis management teams in the development of emergency plans and designing and delivering response organisations from Africa to the Arctic. bMC’s Captain Dennis Brand was engaged to give preliminary expert witness advice to insurance interests in respect of a cargo damage claim following damages to motor vehicles loaded on a vehicle carrier. bMC’s Capt Lars Tesmar was instructed by Charterer’s insurance interests to conduct a survey and report on the findings in respect of cargo hatch cover damages on a vessel at a Port in Northern Germany. bMC was requested by insurance interests to review pertinent information and give professional opinion following an instance of main engine breakdown as a result of failure of the piston rings from a main engine of a Bulk Carrier. bMC’s Captain Dennis Brand was requested by Insurance interests via their appointed Legal representatives to give professional advice regarding salvage costs following a collision between a vessel and a berth. bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad and Naval Architect Ms Yu Ling Mok have maintained a presence on site as representatives for P&I interests in respect of a grounded container vessel in the Northern part of the Bay of Bengal. bMC was engaged by insurance interests to survey an offshore vessel in Bremerhaven with bow thruster damages and to report on the likely causes of the damages found. bMC Singapore were engaged to give professional advice to insurance interests in respect of repair options and likely costs following a collision between a tanker and a barge in Indonesian waters. bMC staff were on site in the Azores over the summer months to oversee a wreck removal project on behalf of P&I interests. The project was successfully concluded and approval given by the relevant authorities in late July. bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad and Capt. Lars Tesmar remained present on site as representatives for P&I interests in respect of a grounded container vessel in the Northern part of the Bay of Bengal. bMC is very happy to announce that Capt. Per Tyrsted Jorgensen has joined the bMC Team based in Singapore. We are excited by his arrival and looking forward to working with him. Per has significant experience in the marine industry, specifically in tanker management and business development which we certainly expect to be of benefit to bMC and consequently to our growing client base. Per started his career at sea in 1980 and completed his Master’s Examination at Copenhagen School of Navigation in 1989. He continued his career at sea on various type of vessels as 2nd officer to Master before commencing his shore based career in 2000. Since then Per has held several senior management positions, with the last being Vice President of Commercial Operations in a Chemical Tanker company involved with development of Company Strategy and Business Development. Per has vast experience in marine operations including Demurrage, Claims, Insurance, P&I, Bunker Procurement, Port Captaincy, Vessel inspections, Vetting as well as having been involved with Salvage and General Average. We welcome Per to our team. Per will take on the role of V.P. Operations and Strategy. At the same time, Kieran Hopkins will take on the role of V.P. Operations for our Hamburg office. bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad was engaged by underwriters to survey two vessels in the Singapore area following a collision. bMC’s C/E Heiko Förster was requested by insurance interests to survey and report on damages to components following a machinery breakdown on a Platform Supply Vessel. bMC’s Captain Dennis Brand and Capt. Konstantin Boroffka remain engaged on project relating to a container vessel grounded in the Northern part of the Bay of Bengal. bMC’s C/E Heiko Förster was engaged by owners to survey planned modification works to a Ro-Ro Vessel in Bremerhaven, Germany and give professional advice. bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand and Capt. Ajay Prasad attended a container vessel in the Northern part of Bay of Bengal that had suffered a fire and subsequently grounded. bMC were requested to attend by the P&I Underwriters of the vessel. Captain Dennis Brand is appointed as the Special Casualty Representative. bMC’s Captain Konstantin Boroffka is currently also attending in support. bMC Singapore were requested by vessel’s P&I Underwriter to give professional advice in respect of the damages caused following a collision between a tanker and a towed barge off Indonesia. bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand was engaged by insurance interests to give professional advice and opinion in respect of a vessel wreck off the coast of Norway. bMC were requested by insurance brokers to survey and give opinion on the root cause in respect of a vessel generator breakdown in a Dutch Port. bMC is very pleased to announce that Capt. Lars Tesmar has joined the bMC Team based in Germany. We are all looking forward to working with Lars and we value the high level of marine experience that he brings. We are certain that Lars’ experience will be a great addition to our growing company and that it will serve to benefit our increasing client base. After a technical apprenticeship in 1994 and experience as an engineer on offshore dredgers and barges Lars went on to study Nautical Sciences at the University of Applied Sciences Oldenburg/ Ostfriesland/ Wilhelmshaven from 2004, finishing with a degree as Dipl.-Ing and the Certificate of Competency for Watch Officer. Lars started as his bridge career as watch officer on large Anchor Handling Tugs gaining his unlimited Master Mariner license and Dynamic Positioning Operator licence. Inspired through the work with FPSOs and Oil Rigs Lars completed a Diploma in Marine Surveying, specializing in Mobile Offshore and Drilling Units (MODUs) by correspondence course as at Lancaster University. This course was followed by a job as Staff Surveyor in 2011, specialized in Towing and Salvage, at a leading claims management organisation. Following this, Lars joined Svitzer Salvage in 2014 later becoming Ardent, where he carried out several Salvage Projects as Salvage Master. We welcome Lars to our team. bMC’s Heiko Förster was dispatched by P&I Insurance interests to attend Tug in the Hamburg area which has suffered an engine malfunction leading to a crew injury. bMC’s Captain Dennis Brand was engaged by P&I Insurance Interests to conduct a survey relating to damage of lock gate walls allegedly caused by a vessel collision. bMC Hamburg office & Team enjoyed a well-attended “House Warming” party at our new office on the 26th April. Many thanks to those that made it along for the evening to help us celebrate! bMC’s Heiko Förster was engaged by P&I Insurance interests to attend an oil production facility in Northern Germany where product received ashore from a tanker was found to be incorrect. bMC’s Captain Dennis Brand was engaged by Owners and their Legal representatives to provide further expert witness statement & advice in respect of an earlier case involving loading of project cargo in the Far East. bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster was appointed by P&I interests to attend a wreck removal in Eastern Germany on the Baltic coast. The client required a route cause analysis and report in this case. bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad (SCR) and bMC’s Naval Architect Giacomo Pison were engaged by P&I insurance interests to attend a capsized vessel in Guayaquil, Ecuador. bMC have been requested by the underwriters to assess the situation and arrange removal of the vessel. In addition bMC have been requested to carry out root cause analysis. This will involve the skills and expertise of brand ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS to provide computer modelling of the incident. bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster has been appointed by insurance interests to make a technical analysis following a machinery breakdown on a vessel in the port of Bremen, Germany. bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster was instructed by P&I Underwriters to carry out a survey of damage to a jetty, allegedly caused by a bulk carrier in Nordenham, Germany. bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR) spoke at an event of BDO – 10. Schifffahrtsforum – about “Economies of Scale vs. Salvage”. The event took place on 27.02.2018 in Hamburg. A previously reported wreck removal project of a grounded tug and barge off Zhuhai, China has been concluded to the satisfaction of the local authorities and the client. The wreck of the tug and barge was successfully removed in February. A previously reported wreck removal project of a sunken fishing vessel off Dalian, China has been concluded to the satisfaction of the local authorities and the client. The wreck of the vessel was recovered in February. bMC’s C/E Heiko Förster was appointed by insurance interests to attend a vessel following main engine damage. bMC is engaged to provide a survey report and route cause analysis. bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR) was appointed as P&I Club representative to attend a ferry following a grounding in the Azores. bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad was appointed to act as SCR and attend a vessel following a grounding in Israel. bMC was engaged by P&I interests to attend the site of a bunker spill, during bunkering operations on the Kiel Canal. The Client looked to bMC to provide assistance and support with appointment of clean-up contractors as well as intervention with the local authorities and report covering the event. bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR) was appointed to advise P&I interests with respect to a possible wreck removal case off the coast of Uruguay. bMC’s Peter Wölk, CEO, spoke at an event of the Nautischer Verein zu Bremen about Casualty Management. The event took place on 09.01.2018 in Bremen. bMC proudly announce that YuLing Mok has joined the team as Consultant in Singapore. YuLing is a qualified Naval Architect and holds a Diploma in Marine & Offshore Technology from Ngee Ann Polytechnic in Singapore and a degree in Naval Architecture with Offshore Engineering from Newcastle (UK). She has broad experience in 3D and 2D modelling of ships and casualties. Prior joining bMC YuLing has worked as a Naval Architect and Consultant with LOC and several Shipyards and Marine companies in Singapore. YuLing has experience in ship inspections and collision investigations and is well versed with HSE requirements onboard vessels. We welcome YuLing in our team. bMC are pleased to advise that owing to expansion we have moved to a larger office. However, no need to amend your address book as we have moved just across the hall to a far larger office. In doing so we have sufficient space for the Captain Klaus Förster Unabhängige Schiffahrtsexperten team to join us in the same space as well as PANDI SERVICES J. & K. Brons and the rest of the bMC team. We also have enough space for some further planned expansion of the bMC Group as well as a separate meeting room. We look forward to a small “housewarming” party in our new premises soon! bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR) and C/E Heiko Förster were simultaneously engaged by insurance interests in relation to a general cargo vessel that suffered a flooded engine room of the coast of West Africa. Whilst Capt. Brand gave the client advice in respect of the urgent salvage efforts, C/E Förster was engaged to carry out a route cause analysis in Sierra Leone. bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad (SCR) was appointed as Consultant to support owners and P&I Underwriters with the wreck removal of a fishing vessel off Dalian in in China. bMC’s Yuling Mok has been appointed to carry out a collision investigation between two vessels off Singapore. bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad (SCR) was appointed as Consultant to support owners and P&I Underwriters with the casualty management of a capsized barge off the South Indian Coast. bMC’s C/E Heiko Förster was engaged by insurance interests to review a historical claim relating to Vessel’s machinery damage. bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR) was appointed by legal representatives to review and offer expert opinion in relation to a claim for repair costs on an off-shore installation. bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad (SCR) was appointed as Consultant to support owners and P&I Underwriters with the casualty management of a grounded barge off the East Malaysian coast. bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR) was appointed as consultant to assist P&I Underwriters with the wreck removal operation of a crew transfer vessel, which sank in the port of Pula, Croatia. bMC’s Oliver Fowke was instructed by Charterers to carry out a survey on board of a container vessel in the port of Hamburg, which lost containers during the sea passage. bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster was instructed by P&I Underwriters to carry out a survey of the side shell damages of a vessel caused by a bunker barge. bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad (SCR) was appointed as Consultant to support owners and P&I Underwriters with the wreck removal of a grounded tug and barge off Zhuhai in China. bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad (SCR) has been appointed to carry out a contact investigation between a vessel and a pier off Indonesia. bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster was instructed by Owners and Underwriters to carry out a fire safety assessment on board a cruise ship dry docked in Bremerhaven. bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad (SCR) has been appointed to carry out a collision investigation between a vessel and a pier off Singapore. bMC is proud to announce that Kieran Hopkins has joined the team, based in Hamburg on 1st November 2017. We look forward to working with Kieran and we value the shipping experience and knowledge he brings to our growing international team. As we continue on our exciting path of expansion in to new areas of the marine industry, we are confident that he will bring further value to our clients. Kieran completed a degree in Marine Technology and Maritime Law at the University of Plymouth, UK. Thereafter, he went on to work on the Technical Maintenance team for the British America's Cup Challenge in New Zealand 2002 – 2003. Following a number of years as a professional yachtsman, Kieran joined Samuel Stewart & Co as a Towage and Salvage Broker in 2007. He recently concluded a tenure of 10 years with The Stewart Group / RS Platou / Clarksons Platou Offshore, where he was involved with a significant number of towage and salvage projects, gaining significant experience of commercial and contractual aspects. We welcome Kieran to our team. bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster was instructed by P&I Underwriters to carry out a damage survey and subsequent root cause analysis relating to a collision in a German port leading to the collapse of a shore crane. bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR) has been appointed to carry out a commercial and technical review relating to a container vessel which grounded in German waters. bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad (SCR) has been appointed to carry out a collision investigation between two vessels off Singapore. bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster was appointed by P&I Underwriters to undertake a damage survey of a vessel in the port of Bremen following an alleged collision in the Indian Ocean. bMC’s Oliver Fowke was instructed by owners to carry out a condition survey onboard a container vessel in a German port, following a cargo discharge incident. bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad (SCR) has been appointed as Consultant to support owners and P&I Underwriters with the handling of a casualty off Malaysia. bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR) was instructed by the German Coast Guard to attend, as their representative, a bulk carrier grounded on the German coast in the North Sea. bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR) was appointed by the German Coast Guard to give advice relating to a grounded bulk carrier on a German Waterway. “The last few days have been extremely busy, but I am very satisfied to have assisted with the safe and controlled re-floating of two vessels within 10 hours. The bMC team has once again shown, that we are ready to mobilise on short notice. We are proud to assist our clients whenever and wherever they need us”. The first stage of a previously reported wreck removal operation of a bulk carrier sunk in Greek waters which bMC has been managing on behalf of P&I underwriters was safely and successfully concluded in October. A previously reported wreck removal operation of a submerged General Cargo vessel in Chinese waters which bMC has been monitoring on behalf of P&I Underwriters, was safely and successfully concluded in October. bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad (SCR) and Naval Architect Adeline Goh have been instructed to carry out an investigation of a collision involving two vessels off Singapore. bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR) has been appointed by P&I Underwriters with regard to an alleged wash damage suffered by a megayacht (Berne, Germany). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster has been appointed as an expert to advise Underwriters regarding a hull damage (Democratic Republic of the Congo). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster has been contracted as expert on behalf of Underwriters for the evaluation of jetty damages allegedly caused by a tanker during berthing (Brake, Germany). bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR) has been appointed as an expert on behalf of Charterer’s P&I to survey and investigate a collision damage to a ship's crane (Bremerhaven, Germany). bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR) has been instructed to provide an expert opinion on a salvage operation (Hamburg, Germany). bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR) has been appointed as an expert witness regarding a collision (Hamburg, Germany). bMC’s Peter Wölk, CEO, spoke at an event of the Shipping Professional Network in Hamburg (SPNH) about Mergers & Acquisitions. The event took place on 19 September in Hamburg, Germany. bMC proudly announce that in addition to brand MARINE CONSULTANTS GmbH now also brand MARINE CONSULTANTS (SG) Pte. Ltd. in Singapore and brand MARINE CONSULTANTS (UK) Ltd. in London have been successfully approved by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance to the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Standards. The Quality Management System is applicable to Specialist Services to the Marine and Offshore Industries, Surveys, Salvage and Wreck Removals, Casualty Management, Expert Witness Services. bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR) has been appointed by P&I Underwriters to carry out a root cause analysis in regard of a collision between two container ships as well as to quantify the sustained damages (Hamburg, Germany). bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR) has been contracted as expert on behalf of P&I Underwriters for the evaluation of jetty damages allegedly caused by a bulk carrier (Bremen, Germany). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster has been appointed as expert to carry out a survey of the aft stern tube seal of a bulk carrier inclusive a root cause analyses (Hamburg, Germany). bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR) has been appointed by P&I Underwriters to carry out an investigation of alleged personal injuries to stevedores on board of a container ship (Bremerhaven, Germany). bMC’s Dennis Brand (SCR) has been appointed as expert to advise P&I Underwriters regarding a collision of a bulk carrier with a ferry boat (Berne, Germany). bMC joined the 35. Peter Gast Schiffahrtsregatta and sponsored this fantastic maritime event, which took place end of August. bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad (SCR) has been appointed to carry out a collision investigation and damage assessment (Singapore). bMC’s Dennis Brand (SCR) has been appointed by German Authorities as consultant during a salvage operation of a grounded freighter (Cuxhaven, Germany). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster has been appointed as expert to advise P&I Underwriters regarding a collision of a vessel with a shore crane (Hamburg, Germany). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster has been appointed as expert to advise H&M Underwriters regarding an engine damage of a megayacht. bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster has been appointed as expert to advise P&I Underwriters regarding damages of a gantry crane caused by a vessel (Emden, Germany). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster has been contracted as expert on behalf of P&I Underwriters to carry out an investigation of a main engine breakdown (Hamburg, Germany). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster has been contracted as expert on behalf of P&I Underwriters for the evaluation of the damage a river cruise vessel sustained during a fire on board (Linz, Austria). bMC has taken over the leading German P&I correspondent PANDI SERVICES J. & K. Brons (PANDI). Thomas Kühl, the main shareholder behind PANDI SERVICES for many years, has transferred the business to brand MARINE CONSULTANTS GmbH (bMC) with effect as of 1st July 2017. The history of PANDI goes back to the year 1865 and already 1902 the company has been appointed to act as P&I Correspondent. The transition process is being led by bMC's CEO Capt. Peter Wölk. Peter Wölk has previously worked with PANDI for almost six years. bMC is glad to announce that the PANDI team will remain on board. Rolf-Jürgen Hermes who joined the company back in 1985 will continue as Managing Director. PANDI will continue as a separate and independent entity. But the cooperation with the bMC group of companies will offer PANDI direct access to wider technical and engineering expertise as well as to experts and surveyors which will increase our service capability. In addition, this acquisition increases the footprints of both companies. On the one hand bMC will have associated offices in Bremen, Wilhelmshaven and Rostock (beside the HQ in Hamburg). And on the other hand PANDI will be put on a global scale via the bMC companies in the UK and Singapore. bMC’s clients will directly benefit from this new set-up. bMC’s Dennis Brand (SCR) has been appointed by P&I Underwriters as consultant to investigate a collision (Rostock, Germany). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster has been appointed as expert to advise H&M Underwriters regarding an engine damage of a river cruise vessel (Tolkamer, The Netherlands). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster has been appointed as consultant to advise H&M Underwriters regarding stern tube repairs (Antwerp, Belgium). bMC’s Oliver Fowke has been appointed as consultant attending a capsized floating dock and a chemical tanker (Gdynia, Poland). bMC’s Dennis Brand (SCR) has been appointed as consultant for the investigation and handling of a cargo claim (France). bMC’s Dennis Brand (SCR) has been appointed as consultant to advise P&I Underwriters during a salvage operation (Burullus, Egypt). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster has been appointed as Court Surveyor (Hamburg, Germany). bMC has been appointed as consultant to advise Owners regarding a cargo claim (Valencia, Spain). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster has been contracted as Consultant to carry out an investigation of a main engine damage. bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster has been contracted as Consultant to carry out an investigation of a propeller shaft damage. bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster has been contracted as Consultant to advise on a damage to intermediate shaft bearing and possible damages to the vessel’s stern tube. bMC’s Dennis Brand (SCR) has been appointed as Consultant to advise on an a major cargo damage. bMC proudly announce that Giacomo Pison joined the team as Consultant in London. Giacomo has a background in naval architecture, ship construction, propulsion, stability and subdivision, ship behaviour at sea and shipboard electrical power systems. He studied in Italy and holds a Bachelor`s and a Master`s degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. We welcome Giacomo in our team. bMC proudly announce that Adeline Goh joined the team as Consultant in Singapore. Adeline is a qualified Naval architect and has studied in Singapore Ngee Ann Polytechnic. She holds a diploma in Marine & Offshore Technology and has broad experience in 3D and 2D modelling of ships and casualties. She has been involved in numerous salvage projects while with her former employer TITAN SALVAGE / Ardent Maritime . Adeline has experience in ship inspections and is well versed with HSE requirements onboard vessels. We welcome Adeline in our team. bMC proudly announce that Capt. Jonas Alphonso joined the team as Associate Consultant in Mumbai. Jonas is a Master Mariner with years of command experience on foreign going vessels. Thereafter he has worked with ship brokering and commercial operations gaining invaluable experience in dealing with Contracts and Charter parties. He has worked with surveying firms and has extensive experience with accident and incident investigations, condition surveys, cargo surveys, project cargo operations and damage assessment surveys. He has been involved with several salvage cases off the coast of India. We welcome Jonas in our team. bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR) and Capt. Ajay Prasad (SCR) have been appointed as Consultants to assist Owners, H&M Underwriters and P&I Underwriters with the handling of a casualty (Singapore). bMC’s Capt Ajay Prasad (SCR) has been appointed as Consultant to support Owners, H&M Underwriters as well as P&I Underwriters with the handling of a grounded tug and barge combination (Maldives). bMC’s Capt Ajay Prasad (SCR) has been appointed as Salvage Master handling a casualty (Chennai, India). On 14 March 2017 brand MARINE CONSULTANTS (UK) Ltd. has been incorporated in London. On 30 March 2017 bMC celebrated the 3rd anniversary party with approximately 150 clients, friends and guests in their office premises Hamburg. bMC proudly announce that Brit Brand joined the team as Head of Finance based in Hamburg in February 2017. Brit has a broad experience in Finance and has been with Axel Springer SE (one of the largest publishing houses in Europe) for the last 15 years, her last role was Director of Sales Controlling. She holds a degree in Finance and currently takes learning courses to become a VBA programmer. We welcome Brit Brand in our team. bMC’s Oliver Fowke has been appointed as SCR attending a salvage operation of a general cargo vessel (Lesbos, Greece). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster has been contracted as salvage consultant attending a fire on board of a car carrier (Southampton, UK). bMC’s Dennis Brand (SCR) has been appointed as Expert Witness (London, UK). bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad (SCR) has been appointed as consultant supporting underwriters and owners with the handling of a cargo damage (Mumbai, India). bMC has been appointed as GA surveyors (Bremerhaven, Germany). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster has been appointed as Court Surveyor for an engine damage (Stade, Germany). We are proud to announce that Captain Ajay Prasad of bMC Singapore, has been appointed as a member of the Lloyd’s Panel of Special Casualty Representatives. Ajay joined bMC in June 2016 after a career at sea and ashore both in commercial shipping and salvage. Since starting up our Singapore Operation, Ajay has been instructed by various parties on no less than four salvage and wreck removal projects - most recently acting as a representative for underwriters on a fuel removal and subsequent ITT process for a wreck removal in China. This appointment strengthens our ability to respond rapidly on a global scale and is a testament to our experience and in-depth knowledge of the SCOPIC clause; since 2014 bMC has had an SCR appointed on ten SCOPIC cases and numerous other high profile casualties. bMC proudly announce that Peter Wölk joined the team as CEO based in Hamburg on 1st January 2017. As a member of the company’s management, he will shape strategic, operational and commercial business activities and initiatives for bMC around the world, as we successfully continue our exciting path of international expansion and growth. Peter Wölk is a fully qualified German lawyer and member of the Hamburg bar association but also an engineer for maritime transport, who studied Nautical Sciences. Peter Wölk has gained considerable industry insight throughout his career. First nautical experiences he collected on board of the "GORCH FOCK" of the German Navy, later also on commercial vessels. Prior joining bMC, he has been for nearly five years the Claims Director of Hanseatic Underwriters, a leading fixed premium P&I and FD&D provider. Prior to this he gained deep experience in maritime law as well as large casualty handling while first working as a maritime lawyer in a law office followed by more than six years working for a leading P&I correspondent. That followed he worked as Senior Operations Manager and Legal Consultant for a major international Flag State Administration. Apart from his office duties, Peter Wölk regularly acts as lecturer e.g. at the Bucerius Education GmbH and the University of Applied Sciences in Bremen. He also acts as an arbitrator at the German Maritime Arbitration Association (GMAA) and is a member of the German Association for International Maritime Law (DVIS) and the German Society of Travel Law (DGfR). Peter Wölk’s core competences include the combination of legal and nautical expert knowledge, large casualty handling, process and organisational development, risk assessment and analysis. We welcome Peter Wölk in our team. bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad has been appointed as consultant for the removal of two wrecks (India). bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand has been appointed as SCR during the salvage operation of a bulk carrier (Cartagena, Colombia). bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad has been appointed as consultant for the removal of a wreck (China). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster has been appointed for the investigation of a crane damage (Brake, Germany). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster has been publicly appointed and sworn by the Chamber of Commerce, Hamburg as expert for hull and machinery damages and ships valuations. bMC’s Oliver Fowke has been appointed as Owner’s Rep. in order to prepare the ocean-going towage of laden LPG tanker (Buenos Aires, Argentina). bMC’s has been appointed as consultants for a fuel removal operation off Yingkou (China). bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand has been appointed as SCR during the salvage operation of laden LPG tanker (Buenos Aires, Argentina). bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad has been appointed as consultant for the removal of two wrecks (Taiwan). bMC’s Capt. Ajay Prasad has been appointed as consultant for the investigation of the root cause leading to the sinking of a barge and to attend the respective salvage operation (Singapore). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster has been appointed as Port Engineer on behalf of Owners to oversee the docking and repairs of a Ro/Ro ship (Dansk, Poland). bMC has been appointed by Time Charterers as casualty consultants during a cargo fire on board of a container ship (Hamburg, Germany). bMC has been appointed by H&M Underwriters as technical consultants during the tow of a disabled tankers (Mediterranean). bMC(Sg)’s Capt. Ajay Prasad is appointed as expert by underwriters to investigate the origin of the contamination of oil products at the discharge port of a tanker (Thailand). bMC has been appointed as technical consultants to investigate the main engine break down of a reefer ship (Turkey). bMC is delighted to announce that Capt. Olaf Linnemann has joined the team and will fill in the role as Senior Consultant Marine & Offshore. Thanks to his many years’ experience in the heavy lift industry and in the salvage industry, Capt. Linnemann brings a wealth of knowledge. He has successfully carried out high-profile heavy lifts and salvage operations as project manager as well as salvage master including the wreck removal of the SMART off South Africa. He holds degrees in mechanical engineering and nautical science. bMC has been appointed as experts to review and verify the cost of a salvage claim (Hamburg). bMC has been appointed as technical consultants to review and verify the cost of engine repairs of a container ship (Hamburg). bMC has been contracted to investigate the loss of an anchor (The Netherlands). bMC has been appointed as experts to investigate the cause of a main engine break down of a container ship (Turkey). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner, is mandated as Arbitrator in a Marine claims dispute (Hamburg, Germany). bMC’s Oliver Fowke, Consultant, is appointed as Owner’s Representative during the salvage operation of a grounded bulker (Rio de la Plata, Argentina). bMC is delighted to announce it has founded its first overseas office in Singapore. Capt. Ajay Prasad has joined the team and will take over the management of the Singapore branch as Managing Director & Partner. Thanks to his many years’ experience in the Salvage industry, Capt. Prasad brings a wealth of knowledge and has successfully carried out high-profile operations as Salvage Master and Project Manager. He holds and MBA from INSEAD and his keen commercial expertise and understanding of the Far Eastern Shipping market is sure to strengthen the global bMC team. bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner, is contracted as a consultant to carry out an investigation on a bulker (Berneo, Spain). bMC’s Dennis Brand (SCR), Managing Director, is appointed as Expert Witness to carry out an expert evaluation of a Wreck Removal operation (Fortaleza, Brazil). bMC’S C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner, is contracted is contracted to investigate the collision of a vessel with a flood barrier (Greifswald, Germany). The bMC Team is contracted as Expert Witnesses for the investigation of an offshore claim on behalf of a vessel’s owners (Hamburg, Germany). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner, is contracted as consultant to carry out a damage survey and to advise on repair costs for an offshore vessel (Hamburg, Germany). The bMC Team is contracted as Consultants to investigate the lost tow and sinking of barges. bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR), Managing Director, is appointed as SCR during the salvage operation of a bulk carrier (Faux Cap, Madagascar). bMC’s Oliver Fowke, Consultant, is appointed as Owner’s Representative to advise during the salvage operation of a bulk carrier (Faux Cap, Madagascar). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner, is contracted as consultant to run a root cause analysis for a main engine damage of a general cargo ship (Hamburg, Germany). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner, is contracted as consultant to carry out a damage survey and to advice on repair costs for an offshore vessel (Hamburg, Germany). bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR), Managing Director, is appointed as Salvage Consultant during a salvage operation of a jack-up barge (Hvide Sande, Denmark). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner, is contracted as consultant to carry out a root cause analysis for a main engine damage of a bulk carrier (Hamburg, Germany). bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR), Managing Partner, is appointed as SCR during a salvage operation of a jack-up barge (Hvide Sande, Denmark). The bMC Team is contracted as Consultants to investigate the capsizing of a ferry. bMC signs an agreement to provide technical management services to a ship owner. bMC’s Dennis Brand, Managing Director, is contracted as consultant to negotiate an alleged cargo claim (Chittagong, Bangladesh). bMC’s Oliver Fowke, Consultant, is appointed to advise during an emergency response operation (offshore UK). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner is contracted as consultant for the investigation and handling of a damage of reefer ship in (Busan, Korea). bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR), Managing Partner is appointed as Senior Salvage Master during a salvage operation (Manzanillo, Mexico). bMC’s Oliver Fowke, Consultant is appointed as Assistant Salvage Master during a salvage operation (Manzanillo, Mexico). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner is contracted as consultant for the investigation and handling of a damage of container ship (Algeciras, Spain). bMC’s team is contracted as Expert Witnesses for the investigation of a cargo claim on behalf of vessel’s owners (Hamburg, Germany). bMC’s team is contracted as Towage Consultants on behalf of H&M (London, UK). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner contracted as Engineer during sea trials of an LNG powered ship in the North Sea (Germany). bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR), Managing Partner is appointed as SCR during a salvage operation (Kythira Island, Greece). bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR), Managing Partner is appointed as SCR during a salvage operation (Hodeida, Yemen). bMC’s team is contracted to develop a mooring/anchoring plan for an offshore project (Hamburg, Germany). bMC proudly announce that Chief Eng. Else de Jong has joined its team as Associate Member. Else de Jong is domiciled near Rotterdam, the Netherlands and will work via our Hamburg office. Else de Jong holds a Degree as MBA and a BSc in Naval Sciences and Marine Engineering. He gained considerable industry insight throughout his career. Most recently he was employed as Salvage Master, Commercial Manager and Project Manager for a leading salvage organization. He has broad knowledge and experience in salvage and wreck removal, surveying and repairs as well as project and commercial management. bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR), Managing Partner is appointed as SCR during a salvage operation off Mumbai, India. bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner is contracted as a consultant for the investigation of a main engine failure of a container vessel (Hamburg, Germany). bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR), Managing Partner is contracted as a salvage consultant responding to a casualty of a jack-up rig in an oil field on behalf of H&M Underwriters (Gulf of Mexico). bMC’s Capt. Claas-Heye Diekmann, Director Operations is contracted as consultant for an ISM gap analysis for a Mega Yacht (Mediterranean). bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand (SCR), Managing Partner is contracted as a salvage consultant responding to a casualty of a MPP vessel on behalf of H&M Underwriters and the P&I Club (North Sea). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner is contracted as a consultant for the investigation and handling of a collision damage (Hamburg, Germany). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner is contracted as a consultant for the investigation of heavy whether damages to a MPP Vessel (Mediterranean). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner is contracted as a consultant for the condition survey and valuation of an offshore construction vessel (Barth, Germany). bMC proudly announce that Capt. Claas-Heye Diekmann will join its team as Director Operations based in Hamburg on 1st April. As a member of the company’s management, he will shape strategic, operational and commercial business activities and initiatives for bMC around the world. Further he is tasked with transforming bMC from being a start-up company to a sustainable growing enterprise as we continue our exciting path of international expansion and growth. Capt. Diekmann has gained considerable industry insight throughout his career. Prior joining bMC, he has been heading the Quality Assurance & HSSE department at E.R. Schiffahrt GmbH & Cie. KG, a leading bulk and container ship owner and manager. Capt. Diekmann also has extensive sailing experience, having worked for major ship owners and managers such as NSB, Hapag-Lloyd and Peter Döhle. After having completed his apprenticeship as ship mechanic, Capt. Diekmann studied Nautical Sciences at the University of Applied Sciences in Bremen, leading to his qualification as an industrial engineer and master mariner. In addition, he completed a two year’s full study master program in business psychology. Capt. Diekmann’s core competences include process and organisational development, risk assessment and analysis, auditing and quality management. We welcome Claas-Heye Diekmann to our team. After a successful start in 2014 with 22 projects, bMC is proud to announce of having hit the 10 project mark within the first two months of 2015. bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand, Partner is contracted as an Expert Witness dealing with an offshore claim, Edinburgh (Scotland). bMC supported its clients in successfully refloating a 100m barge fully laden with rocks off Doha (Qatar). The scope of work included investigation, contract negotiations, supervision during the project including liaising with the relevant authorities and dealing with the aftermaths. bMC has been contracted to carry out a feasibility study for an Offshore-Supply-Ship. bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner is contracted as consultant for the investigation of an offshore construction claim. bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner is contracted as Expert for the purchase survey of an Offshore-Supply-Ship. bMC proudly announced today that Capt. Jean-Gabriel Tridon has joined its team as Associate Member. The mariner is domiciled near Sant-Nazaire (France) and will work via our Hamburg office. Capt. Tridon holds a degree in Nautical Science as well as a degree in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. He has gained considerable industry insight throughout his career. He has worked as staff expert for a leading claims handling organization as well as construction manager and dock operation coordinator for a ship yard. Capt. Tridon has broad knowledge in ship construction, repair, claims investigation as well as in surveying. bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner is contracted as consultant for the investigation and handling of a damage of an inland water tanker in Minden (Germany). bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand, Managing Partner / SCR is appointed as consultant for the handling of a major marine casualty. bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand, Managing Partner / SCR is appointed as Consultant during a salvage operation in Doha (Qatar). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner is contracted as consultant for the investigation and handling of a damage of an inland water tanker in Hamburg (Germany). bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner was contracted as Engineer during sea trials of an offshore construction ship in the North Sea (Germany). bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand, Managing Partner / SCR provided expert advice during a cargo recovery operation in the North Sea (The Netherlands). bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand, Managing Partner / SCR was appointed as SCR during a salvage operation in The Netherlands. bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner is contracted as consultant for the investigation and handling of a damage of an offshore construction claim (Germany). We are proud to announce that approximately 70 guest have attend our housewarming party. It was great fun meeting so many good friends, clients and partners! bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner is contracted as consultant for the investigation and handling of a damage of an inland water tanker in Bremerhaven (Germany). bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand, Managing Partner / SCR is contracted as Expert for the purchase survey of an Offshore-Supply-Ship. bMC proudly announced today that Capt. Konstantin Boroffka has joined its team as Associate Member. The veteran mariner is domiciled in Kiel (Germany) and will work in our Hamburg office. Capt. Boroffka has gained considerable industry insight throughout his career. He has worked as warranty surveyor for all type of ocean going transports and heavy lift operations (on- and offshore) as well as staff expert for a leading claims handling organization. Furthermore, he was the Marine Risk Control Manager Europe for a leading insurance company. Capt. Boroffka has broad knowledge in offshore operations, cargo surveying, claims investigation as well as in salvage operations. bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner is contracted as consultant for the investigation and handling of a marine claim in Shidao (P.R. of China). The crew at brand MARINE CONSULTANTS is pleased to announce that bMC has been allowed to sponsor the Peter Gast Schiffahrtsregatta 2014. Please visit us at our bar during this exciting event! bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner is contracted as consultant for the investigation and handling of a marine claim in Chittagong (Bangladesh). bMC’s Capt. Cornelius Bockermann, Associate Member has been contracted to support its clients during a salvage operation in the Baltic Sea. bMC’s C/E Heiko Förster, Partner has been contracted to carry out an investigation of a casualty in the Baltic Sea. bMC’s C/E Heiko Foerster, Partner is contracted as consultant for the handling of an offshore claim in the North Sea. bMC’s Capt. Dennis Brand, Managing Partner / SCR is contracted as Expert Witness during a court case in Germany. bMC has proudly announced today that C/E Heiko Förster has joined its team as partner. Heiko is a leading casualty expert. He holds a degree in marine engineering as well as in mechanical engineering. Furthermore, he is an unlimited Chief Engineer with ocean going experience and has spent the last 7 years as staff consultant with a global operating claims management organization where he was involved in hundreds of surveys, claims and casualties on a global basis. In addition, he has worked as Site Manager during new building projects in South Korea. Heiko is based in Hamburg (Germany) and will travel and work globally. bMC announced today that Capt. Cornelius Bockermann has joined its team as associate member, Australia and Asia. The veteran mariner, who started his career at sea over 30 years ago, is domiciled in Cairns Australia and will oversee the company’s business and operational activities in Australia and Southeast Asia. Capt. Bockermann has gained considerable industry insight throughout his career. He has worked over 20 years in West Africa running offshore, salvage and diving companies and was involved in dealings with serious maritime disasters and vessel casualties. In addition Capt. Bockermann brings wide knowledge and experience in heavy lift operations both on- and offshore. bMC’s Captain Dennis Brand, Managing Partner / SCR was recently interviewed by MunichRe’s magazine TOPICS/SCHADENSPIEGEL (issue 01/2014) about wreck removal operations. The magazine can be found online. bMC’s Captain Dennis Brand, Managing Partner has been appointed as Owner’s Representative in order to respond to a casualty in Angola. bMC’s Captain Dennis Brand, Managing Partner has been appointed as SCR in order to respond to a casualty in Angola. bMC was contracted as technical consultant on a wreck removal, in Germany. brand MARINE CONSULTANTS GmbH is now an Associate Member of the International Salvage Union. bMC’s Captain Dennis Brand, Managing Partner / SCR, is scheduled to speak on a panel about salvage operations at the Aon Risk Solutions’ in-house seminar. The event is scheduled for May 2014, in Hamburg. bMC’s Captain Dennis Brand, Managing Partner / SCR, is scheduled to speak on a panel about salvage operations at the Reederei Thomas Schulte in-house training. The event is scheduled for May 2014, in Hamburg. bMC’s Captain Dennis Brand, Managing Partner has been appointed as Owner’s Representative in order to respond to a casualty in Newfoundland, Canada. bMC’s Captain Dennis Brand, Managing Partner has been appointed as SCR in order to respond to a casualty in Newfoundland, Canada. bMC’s Captain Dennis Brand, Managing Partner / SCR, is scheduled to speak on a panel about barge operations at the GDV Loss Prevention Conference 2014. The event is scheduled for 01 till 04 June 2014, in Hamburg. bMC’s Captain Dennis Brand, Managing Partner / SCR, is scheduled to speak on a panel about wreck removal operations at the Lion’s Club monthly meeting. The event is scheduled for May 2014, in Uelzen. bMC’s Captain Dennis Brand, Managing Partner / SCR, spoke on a panel about mega carrier salvage at the NVzB (Nautical Association Bremen) monthly meeting. The event took place on 12 March, in Bremen. bMC was contracted as technical consultant on a marine collision case in March, in Germany. bMC supported its clients in handling of a marine claim in February, in Mozambique. bMC gave technical support and advice on an offshore project in February, in Germany. bMC gave technical support to its clients during an insurance project in January/February, in The Netherlands. bMC supported its clients in handling of an offshore claim in January, in the Netherlands. bMC’s Captain Dennis Brand, Managing Partner / SCR, spoke on a panel about salvage operations at the AGRO (Association of Reserve Officers) monthly meeting 2014. The event took place on 10 January, in Lueneburg. Specialist Services to the Marine and Offshore lndustries, Surveys, Salvage and Wreck Removals, Casualty Management, Expert Witness Services. The copyright for any material created by the author Capt. Dennis Brand is reserved. Any duplication or use of objects such as graphics or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the author´s agreement. Our website and the information provided are carefully examined and regularly updated. The author reserves the right not to be responsible for completeness, correctness or topicality of the information. This includes especially direct or indirect links to other websites. The respective authors of linked sites are exclusively responsible for their contents. The author is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any linked websites. With the court decision of September 12, 1999 (312 0 85/98, "Liability for links"), the regional court of Hamburg took the decision that when providing a link, the provider is in part responsible for the contents of the given website. According to the regional court decision, this responsibility can be averted by an explicit dissociation from the website contents. Free Country Flags by Gang of the Coconuts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
WHAT’S A BALKIN AND WHO ARE THE BUDDIES? I’m the Balkin. Well, I’m one of them. I’m one of the Catherine Balkins. My mother was another one, but then a Catherine Balkin in Australiafound me on Facebook. We have no idea if we are related but we hope so, since we felt like sisters when we met during a trip she and her husband made to New York City. I’m from Buffalo, New York originally, although I lived in New York longer than I lived in Buffalo (about 35 years). Still, that’s where my roots are and where my childhood memories live. Soon I’ll be living in Tampa, Florida, where the Balkin Buddies office will be a bit bigger. Once upon a time, I worked in advertising, then in publishing. The place I worked at the longest was HarperCollins, where I spent nearly 15 years working with the legendary Bill Morris until he died in 2003. I used to set up author appearances in schools, libraries and at conferences, and handled all marketing activities and events related to HarperCollins' participation in library and educational conferences. If you've ever been to an ALA, IRA, NCTE, ALAN, or TLA, you've probably met me. While at HarperCollins, I also created the first publisher's electronic listserv dedicated to serving teachers and librarians, providing information on awards, authors and illustrators, and the Balkin Buddies blog (http://balkinbuddies.blogspot.com) is something of an extension of that. Soon after Bill’s death, I started my own author appearance business and thus, Balkin Buddies was born. So I’m still arranging author appearances in schools, libraries and at conferences, and I also do a bit of consulting for various publishers from time to time and a bit of freelance work every now and then. But mainly I work directly with authors and artists, and they, of course, are the buddies. Some of them are old friends, some of them are new. All of them are wonderful, creative, fun, unique, and great with kids. With the economic downturn, many Balkin Buddies authors and artists have also begun doing online chats via Skype or iChat. One university professor in Florida used Adobe Connect to have her distance learning students in Seattlechat with an author in Tennessee. Online chats are a good deal cheaper than onsite visits. The honorariums are much lower because there’s less preparation time for the author or artist, and there are no expenses like hotel bills, airfare, train fare, or even gas mileage for the hosting organization. You can find more information about this on the online chat page at the Balkin Buddies website (www.BalkinBuddies.com), where you’ll also be directed to other pages with even more details. However, if you prefer, you can just phone or email me (718 857 7605,catherine@balkinbuddies.com) and I’ll be happy to talk to you directly, but please wait till after August 11, as I’ll be in the moving process until then. In the meantime, you can learn more about me on my Facebook page, although I must warn you, there are a lot of pictures of my two parrots. Occasionally, I give talks myself, sometimes about author appearances, sometimes about online chats, sometimes about specific subjects I’m asked to address. On November 19, 2011, I will be giving a presentation with an illustrator I represent (Jan Spivey Gilchrist) NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) and we’ll be discussing collaboration between writers and illustrators and she will give a brief illustrating workshop. On November 21, 2011 at ALAN (Assembly on Literature for Adolescents of NCTE), I’ll be on a panel with a writer and a couple of teachers discussing Skype chats. Deirdra: Can you tell us a little about “Balkin Buddies,” and what your organization does for authors and readers? Catherine: I set up on-site speaking engagements for about 75 authors and illustrators in schools and libraries and at festivals, conferences, university programs, and any other type of event where they would get paid. I also set up Skype chats for about 40 authors and illustrators in the same types of venues, and for several of them I also set up on-site engagements. I also partially represent a few extra authors and illustrators who basically set up their own speaking engagements but I promote them on my site. Each year, I go to library and educational conferences like ALA, NCTE, and ALAN to promote my business, plus I have a blog which is dedicated to spreading news about my authors and illustrators books and events. Deirdra: Can you tell us about your experience working with HarperCollins? Catherine: I was the director of library promotion in the children's book division of HarperCollins and worked with the legendary Bill Morris. I set up speaking engagements for Harper authors and artists (just like I do now at Balkin Buddies). I also published a listserv, of which my current blog is an off-shoot. I also handled all matters related to Harper's participation in library and educational conferences: organizing the booth and autographing sessions, planning author parties, breakfasts, dinners, etc., creating promotional materials for the conferences. Because I worked there for nearly 15 years and Bill was there for nearly 50, we were often the people to go to when no one else knew the answer or where to go to find it. Before HarperCollins, I worked at Macmillan -- the one that was taken over by Simon and Schuster, not the current version. Deirdra: What is your favorite part of working with authors and illustrators? Catherine: It's a very personal kind of business, and a lot of them have become good friends. And of course, we all have something in common: we love good books. Catherine: I don't really know. A couple hundred maybe. I have built-in bookcases in at least two rooms because I find it hard to part with the ones I especially like. Deirdra: What are the worst mistakes authors make while trying to promote their own books? Catherine: Failing to learn about the industry is probably the biggest mistake. I advise authors and artists to join SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators: www.scbwi.org), which puts out an excellent newsletter and also offers writers' conferences that feature speakers from publishing industry. The CBC (Children's Book Council: cbcbooks.org) is another good place to go for information. Deirdra: What advice would you have for traditionally published authors regarding promotion? Catherine: Every author should have a website that includes a bio, an annotated list of their titles that includes the awards they know it has won, information on how to order their books, information about or a link to their publisher. If they are available for speaking engagements, I'd also suggest they include descriptions of the types of programs they do, how many programs they can do a day, and an honorarium range. I know many people don't like to list their honorariums, but it helps the teachers and librarians a lot to know this kind of information even before they contact you for a variety of reasons (the librarian might be writing a grant, for example, or a teacher may need to let the PTA know how much they need to raise). I'd also suggest contacting their local libraries, schools and bookstores to let them know they're available for speaking and/or autographing. If the author has a publicist at her publishing house, I'd suggest picking his or her brain; and if the house has someone who handles author visits, the author might want to contact that person, too, for the same reason. Deirdra: What advice would you have for self-published or indie-published authors? Catherine: To start, I'd suggest hiring an editor to make sure their books are ready for publication. There are some excellent freelance children's book editors available. Here are three: Deborah Brodie (http://deborahbrodie.com/FAQs.html), Emma Dryden of Drydenbks(http://www.drydenbks.com/home.html), Catherine Frank of Catherine Frank Editorial Services, LLC (http://www.editedbycatherine.com). For promotion, I'd suggest hiring a publicist. Here are two very good ones: Media Masters (www.mmpublicity.com and ask for Tracey Daniels or Karen Wadsworth), and Raab Associates (www.raabassociates.com and ask for Susan Raab). For speaking engagements and promotion, every author should have a website with the kind of information I mentioned in my answer to the question above, and, again as above, should contact local libraries, schools, and bookstores to let them know about their books and availability for speaking and/or autographing. Depending on their finances, it would be a good idea to attend some local state library or reading conferences. Also, to make sure their books gets some visibility at these shows like traditionally published authors, I would recommend contacting Combined Book Exhibit (www.combinedbook.com) to find out how much they would charge for various conferences. The contact there is Peter Birch and he'll be able to help the author choose which conferences would be the best venues for his or her book(s). Contests or raffles – Come up with a contest or raffle (and be sure to base it on some aspect of your book), and publicize it on your website and/or blog, and put up flyers about it at local schools, libraries, and bookstores (be sure to get their permission first – you might even be able to enlist their help). Set up a Google Alert for the title of your book and one for your name as well. Google will then alert you when it finds one or both on the internet. If the alert lets you know your book has been nominated for an award or received a good review, publicize this news via your website and/or blog and inform all the librarians, teachers, and booksellers you know. Create bookmarks or postcards of your books (I’ve used 1-800-POSTCARDS.com and they’re quite helpful). Distribute them at conferences, bookstores, libraries, schools. If you know parents on local PTAs, give them some of your bookmarks and find out if the school would like to have an author visit. If you are self-published, you might offer to do the visit for free if you can sell your books for autographing purposes. Catherine: I don't really have a favorite kind of book -- or even a favorite age range. My tastes tend to be pretty eclectic. I read my authors' and illustrators' books, of course, and try to read those that have won major awards (Newbery, Caldecott, Printz, etc.), but I've always felt that books are like food. Sometimes I'm in the mood for fine dining (a Newbery winner), sometimes I'm in the mood for home cooking (a good midlist book), and sometimes I'm in the mood for junk food (the latest vampire book). Catherine: My husband used to read books on his Palm, but the Palm is now a thing of the past so some of the books he bought, he had to buy again. When will Kindle or Nook become a thing of the past? How many times will you have to buy the same book? This is the question that bothers me. Plus, okay, I'm old fashioned. I like the way a book feels in my hands. I appreciate how a book is designed and bound. I love that the 1920s paperback copy of Wuthering Heights I found in my parents' attic when I was eight is still intact in my bookcase. Catherine: Educate yourself as much as possible about publishing. Writing a book is only 10% of the work. Getting it published, getting it promoted, and keeping it in print is 90%. Catherine: Yes, I have. It's hard. Deirdra: What other talents and hobbies do you have? Catherine: I have two parrots and, being a reader, I have read every book about them I could find. I am now somewhat knowledgeable about them. Catherine: It used to be the subway. Now it's my living room. Catherine: No, I don't like to get crumbs on my precious books. Catherine: It's an honor to be in your company. Great interview. Thanks so much Catherine for sharing all the useful contacts and your advice. You definitely have had a lot of experience in what you do. Good luck with your move. Hey, thanks for this interview with an industry expert! I think most writers don't realize how much of the work comes after publication until they're published...er, at least I didn't. But then, I hadn't fully realized how much work went into kids either, haha. Thank you for this treasure trove of great info. Great interview. Thank you for dropping by my blog and leaving that lovely award. And wow, lots of information available here, too. Interesting interview. I enjoyed reading this- very informative and interesting! :) I also love your blog overall. I'm now following you and definitely plan to visit often! Great interview, very informative! Also interesting and I loved reading it. It was nice of you to visit mine. Your blog has won a spot on my list of "visit-daily" blogs. Thanks for sharing! Was checking in for the Star Trek blogfest entry. Terrific interview! She had the ideal job! I am always fascinated by author's stories and how they came to write. Thank you for the award. It made my day. I have it on my sidebar and i also grabbed your button. I enjoyed the interview. I do think she left off one important way to market your books and that is with the bloggers. I know I work hard when I really like a book and I know the author is Indie. I review the book. Use the book in memes, allow the author to do a guest post. I make sure to put my review every where I know the book is being marketed. I do giveaways and interviews. I tweet. I Facebook it and Good Reads it. I know other bloggers work just as hard to help a good book sell. Giving a few bloggers your book to review is a really good investment.
I had an opportunity to talk with Steve Singh, CEO of Concur Software about SaaS. Steve’s company Concur is in the business of automating corporate travel and expenses through SaaS (or On-demand as Steve prefers) offerings his company provides. Concur is also one of the few that’s successfully undergone a transition from being a conventional vendor selling On-premises to being a pure SaaS vendor. Did I say succeessful? Concur is now one of the powerhouse SaaS plays, second perhaps only to Salesforce.com. Steve’s a real gentleman to talk to, extremely smart, and as you’ll see, he is passionate about what Concur does and about SaaS in general. He provides a number of key insights that companies thinking about entering the SaaS world should consider. Below is my transcript on the interview, with my parenthetical remarks (meaning my reaction but not something Steve and I talked about) in parenthesis. Any mistakes are mine, and any great insights are Steve’s! What’s your elevator pitch to customers about what Concur does? Steve: It’s an amazing opportunity, so good I have to pinch myself sometimes. We bring innovation to a stagnant market by automating business processes around booking travel and getting expenses reimbursed. This creates a more efficient supply chain around these areas. This kind of processing is amazingly expensive. It costs companies anywhere from $45 to $50 per trip to book travel without automation. We bring that down to $5. It costs $40 to $60 (let’s call it $48 on average) to get an expense report reimbursed and we can automate it to do that typically for under $8 a transaction. In addition to the savings, we eliminate a ton of paper. We pull data together for mining. We help companies address governance and SOX issues. Think about how big a portion of budget travel and expenses can be. CEO and management have to sign of on the integrity of these transactions. Concur spends something like 2 1/2% of expenses on Travel and Expense reimbursement. That’s a big piece of our budget. And, it’s very hard to govern a process without automating it. Steve: Our metric is transactions. Think about it like a cell phone plan. You get volume discounts with lots of minutes, and incremental minutes cost more. A volume discount can be thought of as your free minutes. Concur has 5,000 customers and we’ve sold about 28 million transactions. What crystallized your decision to go SaaS? Steve: I would love to tell you there was an epiphany, but we just paid attention to our customers. Our business and stock were doing well, but, there was a realization that our business served large customers well but nobody else. This is true for all conventional software companies. This limited our market and growth. We wondered how best to solve that problem? The only real example serving customers of any size and with an accountable 2-way relationship was On-demand. Licensed software has no accountability. Our examples were companies like ADP or Paychex. Technologists think they invented everything, but On-demand has been around for decades. Steve: To make the transition involves a lot of pain. Only some technology is common, everything else has to be reinvented. The best example of what can happen if you get it right is to look at Concur vs Extensity. In March of 2000, both were the same size. During the downturn, Concur went On-demand and Extensity stayed On-premise. Extensity was betting the downturn was the source of their problem, that it was just the economy and their growth would resume as soon as the economy turned around. Fast forward to today and our guidance is almost $35M, Extensity is at $3M. Steve: It’s about driving a long term business, not short term success. We knew we faced a lot of pain going SaaS, but we wanted to focus on the long-term. Our first quarter of transition expanded new customers sales faster than ever before. This was like getting instant feedback that our decision had been a good one, so I’ve never looked back. What Were Your Biggest Fears About the Transition, And How Did They Turn Out? Steve: Our stock cratered and we wondered in the first 6 months. We replaced all but 2 executives over 9 months. The only 2 that stayed were the founder and myself. Nobody else wanted the job. We had massive changes in sales, support, prod development. We created a new hosting organization. We needed a new consulting organization that changed from traditional SI-style consulting to smaller deployments. Essentially, we started a brand new business. We didn’t know if people would buy SaaS. Even though customers bought payroll that way from ADP, they weren’t buying anything like what we had. There was no proof they’d buy software as on-demand. We did do customer research, but it was a bet. Our first quarter told it all. We couldn’t have asked for a better response. This is why SaaS is doing so well. It’s cost effective. The vendor is accountable to the customer. The customer’s life is easier. And there is a much lower cost structure. We also had a fear of whether our people could transition. They had a lot of choices outside Concur. It was the height of dot com. Many wouldn’t take the pain. We lost a lot of folks who wouldn’t do it. Some were fine to lose and some it was very painful. What surprised you as you moved into the SaaS market that you didn’t expect? Steve: We knew we’d do well in the middle market bringing enterprise class services that were unavailable to that market before. But we didn’t think global accounts would embrace as quickly as they did. American Express. BofA. Alcoa. They came early. They thought we had a much better solution than any other choice, including our own on-premises software. The other surprise was how things went with sales. On-demand delivers reduced cash flow versus perpetual. Initially, we tried to incent our sales orgs to tackle big accounts perpetually to offset the cash flow issue. Eventually we made comp completely neutral. Same commission no matter what the customer buys. We let the customers decide whether to go SaaS or On-premises. When the sales comp favored On-premises, it was a 50/50 split. When we made it neutral it went to 99% On-demand versus 1% after comp change. Steve: Absolutely. Look at what’s happened in the last 30 years. We went from mainframes and sky high transaction costs with few users. Then we went minis. Lower costs, more users. Micro/PC. Web-based On-demand is the lowest cost structure and most users yet. It’s inevitable continuation. Any other advice for those who want to convert? Steve: This is just one guy’s prediction. I don’t believe large companies can make the conversion. Forget their genetic code. How many will take the pain? Companies won’t reinvent themselves. Think of taking a $40B company to On-demand. The value of the business will go through huge negative change. It will get crushed. Cash flow will get crushed. You have to layoff. The transition is really hard and its very sudden. If you’re north of $100M its hard. Over $1B its impossible. I’d like to compare businesses that have gone through fundamental shifts in the business model. Very few have done it. Intel is one. But for every Intel there are 100 DECs. You will see a next generation of leaders that don’t look anything like the last generation. Keep your eye on the SaaS leaders. Lots will happen there. Check out Part 2, where Steve gives his view on Salesforce, their Force platform, SAP’s ByDesign and acquisition strategy for SaaS companies,. Part 3 discusses Sales and Marketing for SaaS companies as well as some observations Singh makes on future trends in the SaaS world. Be sure to click the “subscribe” link at the top left of the blog page so you don’t miss out on these future posts! And special thanks to Steve Singh for taking so much time to talk with me for this interview. To Seth Godin’s point, Steve Singh is the guy that said “follow me” at Concur and converted the company from Seth’s green curve to the blue curve. Rational Security has a great post on the challenges of multicore for vendors of security boxes. You’ll recall that the Multicore Crisis comes about because the impact of Moore’s Law on microprocessor performance has changed. We no longer get a doubling of clock speed every 18 months, instead we double the number of cores. The problem with this, and the reason its a crisis, is that conventional software isn’t designed to make use of more cores. Performance and throughput matters to these black boxes. Since they’re just computers, they can run afoul of the multicore crisis too. Apparently the majority of these boxes are built on software that’s at least 5 years old. It seems the multicore crisis will find its way to every corner of the computing ecosystem before too long.
So, you have decided to take a vacation to Universal Orlando Resort!! Congratulations! Now, where are you going to stay? The following is an overview of my personal opinion and experiences with the Universal onsite resorts. Universal Orlando (USO) separates their resorts in the categories of Prime Value, Preferred, and Premier. Universal’s Cabana Bay Beach Resort was Universal’s first step into the Prime Value category. With 2200 guest rooms, this is the largest resort onsite. Offering standard guest rooms, family suites, and two-bedroom suites, this resort can accommodate up to eight guests per room. With the theming of a 1950’s/1960’s beach resort, there is an abundance of fun, colorful activities. The resort offers two pools (one with a waterslide and the other with a lazy river), fitness center, bowling alley, arcade, and a few play areas for children. Cabana Bay offers dining in a food court, poolside lounges, table service in the bowling alley, and a Starbucks. We have stayed in both a standard room and a family suite. I love the suite layout as the bathroom makes it so easy for multiple people to get ready for the day. The resort offers a fire pit in the evening for guests, and who doesn’t love a good s’more? You can purchase s’more kits in the food court. The shower is located in a separate area than the toilet for ease of access. The resort has a great layout with easy access to the main building from all rooms. The amenities are more accustomed to a four-star resort, so this resort offers great bang for your buck! Parking is outdoors and will cost $12 per night. If your room is in the newer towers, you can park in the small parking garage to access your room much easier for the same cost. I travel often with my husband and 14-year-old daughter, so I also feed off of their experiences. While we have enjoyed our stays at Cabana Bay, we find there to be a little too much ‘activity’ at this resort for our taste. We prefer a slower, more relaxed pace when we return to our resort at the end of the day from the theme parks. USO will be opening another Prime Value resort named Universal’s Aventura Hotel in August 2018. Like Cabana Bay, there will not be Universal Express passes included with your stay here. The hotel will feature a rooftop bar that promises amazing views of both the Universal theme parks and the Orlando area. This hotel will also feature a food court, multiple pools, Starbucks, and fitness center. I look forward to checking this out next summer! Stay Tuned. Loews Sapphire Falls Resort was the second Preferred level hotel built onsite. This resort opened last year, and I was able to stay one night. I really enjoyed the island décor and the tropical vacation feel of this resort. The décor is very Caribbean with cool blues and dark wood contrasts. The rum bar in the lobby is stunning to look at and also offers an extensive rum menu. Sapphire Falls offers a huge zero entry pool with a waterslide, hot tub, and a children’s play area. This pool is amazing! There is a “sandbar” that you can walk across the pool on, to make getting to the other side both fun and easy. Walking to the parks is much more manageable here than Cabana Bay, as the path takes you past Royal Pacific. The resort also offers a boat to Citywalk, which is an enjoyable ride. This resort offers two table service restaurants, one quick service location, and a poolside café. There is not a full Starbucks at this resort, but they serve a few Starbucks items at the quick service location. Parking is in a garage at $22.00 per night. There are several suites to choose from that will make your stay even more relaxing. Although it is a step up in the luxury scale and price, no Universal Express Pass is included with your stay here. This is a huge factor when deciding on a resort in my opinion. These passes totally change your entire vacation. Read on to find out how much they impact your day. The first Preferred level resort at USO was Loews Royal Pacific Resort. This is one of my favorites based on décor, amenities, and overall beauty. The theming is South Seas and the feel is carried all the way through the resort. I absolutely love the lobby and the elephant fountain. This resort offers three full-service dining locations, as well as two quick service locations. They also offer a fitness center, children’s play area, and a lagoon style pool with a sandy beach! Just beautiful!! All rooms will have two queens or one king and offer the choice of adding a rollaway ($25.00 per night) to either bedding choice. This means you can sleep up to five in a standard room. Royal Pacific also offers suites of varying levels to enhance your stay. There is a Luau offered weekly as well that gets great reviews. This certainly adds to the South Pacific feel of the resort. Parking here is also $22.00 per night. The most important feature is the Universal Express Pass that is included with your stay for each person in the room. This changes your entire vacation. I cannot even begin to explain the joy of seeing a two-hour wait for a popular ride or attraction and walking right past all of the scowling faces to the front of the line. On my most recent visit, I was able to ride both Harry Potter attractions with a five-minute wait. Instant happiness. This pass not only gets you to the front of the line once, but as many times as you would like. You can ride the Hulk until you match him in color if you so desire. This pass is pure gold. We have now reached Premier level status hotels!!!! The first is the Loews Hard Rock Hotel. This is the closest hotel to the parks. It is literally a five-minute walk to Universal Studios!! You can also opt for the boat, but walking is faster, plus it is a nice walk. Hard Rock offers two full-service dining locations and three quick service locations. Known for the not-so-subtle noise levels, Hard Rock offers you the chance to party like a Rock Star. You can even get a guitar delivered to your room! The pool has speakers underwater and you can sometimes catch live music performed there during the day. Volleyball and table tennis are also offered poolside, for those that have no intention of slowing down. Universal Express Pass is included with your stay here. Parking is $22.00 per night and valet is offered for $29.00. The rooms here are a true oasis from the hustle and bustle of the parks and offer the luxury a Rock Star would expect! These rooms all allow up to five guests with the use of a rollaway ($25.00 per night). This resort does have a reputation for being loud and busy, especially on the days they offer Velvet Sessions concerts in the lobby, but it’s a great option for those looking for a high-energy resort experience. The pinnacle of the Universal Orlando onsite hotels and resorts is the Loews Portofino Bay Resort! This resort is the Premiere Level onsite hotel in all manners of the term. Themed after Portofino Italy, this resort has that breathtaking appeal that you want on vacation. The unassuming arrival area and lobby give way to the most spectacular piazza on the east coast. From the live opera music sang from a balcony to the amazing Mama Della’s restaurant, and all the way to the Gelateria (blueberry muffin flavor is the best), this hotel screams Italy! The rooms have Italian marble desks, huge bathrooms and amazing piazza views available. This hotel even offers Despicable Me kids suites which have the bomb beds! The Universal Express Pass is included here as well. It comes to great use when you can sleep in, have a wonderful breakfast by the water or at the Trattoria del Porto, and then take the boat to the parks. You have the option of walking as well. I can tell you when you ride the boat back to the resort, this is when you have that gasping moment of the beauty of the resort. This place is so unique in its design and atmosphere. The pool beckons as a refreshing oasis with a slide and fun kid’s area. If adult time is your cup of tea, they also offer two other quiet pools with the Villa pool being extremely elegant, and the Hillside pool being cozy. Oh, and yes there is a full-service Starbucks!! Parking again is $22.00 per night and valet is also offered. Portofino offers both surface and underground parking. In case you haven’t figured it out this is my favorite USO onsite hotel and I highly recommend it. Express Passes - you will want them no matter the time of year, but especially during high crowd times. A lot of the time it is less expensive to upgrade the hotel choice instead of adding on the passes. Plus, with the hotel, you get the passes for the day of check-in until the park close of check-out! Amenities - make sure the resort offers what your family considers important to them. You may need a Starbucks or more variety in dining than what some locations offer. All rooms will feature a small refrigerator, coffee maker, and free Wi-Fi. All Universal resorts and hotels offer at least two queen size beds. Price - Have Dreams Unlimited price more than one resort, and you will be surprised at the special rates Universal offers. A lot of the time the Portofino Bay comes in less than the Hard Rock! Location - staying onsite not only gets you closer to the parks but also Citywalk. You will want to be fully immersed in Universal Orlando for your entire stay. or fill out a request form for a free, no-obligation quote located here.
Venues & Suppliers - Eaton Drink Co. We are Canterbury based but can cater anywhere in New Zealand. Here’s a few of our favourite venues. For further information about us catering for you at your place, any of the listed, or somewhere else special please get in touch. Papa Hou (Treasure Box) is YMCA Christchurch’s new arts venue. With 5 main spaces available to hire, these flexible spaces are ideal for all kinds of events from 10 to 300 people. Get in touch with them or us directly to discuss your corporate event, product launch, conference, wedding or private event. We are a preferred supplier to the Tait Technology Centre, conveniently located 2km from Christchurch Airport, Tait Communications offers a purpose-built conference and event facility in an award-winning architectural setting. With flexible conference and meeting rooms flooded with natural light and featuring comprehensive audio-visual equipment, the numerous spaces are perfect for conferences, meetings, presentations, cocktail events and more. The spacious ground floor Atrium flows seamlessly through to beautifully landscaped outdoor courtyards while the meeting rooms feature stunning views, wrap-around balconies and discreet integrated technology. Whether a meeting for 12 or a cocktail function for 250, the Tait Technology Centre delivers style, comfort, and convenience for your next event. Contact us or visit their website for further information. Originally farmland, today Harpers Homestead sits amongst a tree-studded three-acre property designed by landscape architect Alan Izard. It showcases all the beauty the seasons have to offer with its blossoms in spring through to the fiery leaves of autumn. Harpers Homestead overlooks acres of pristine farmland located on the northern banks of the Waimakariri River, just 15 minutes north of Christchurch city. Owned by Andrew and Marina Arps the garden is bounded by the source of Silverstream. Whether you are hosting an intimate anniversary dinner, a conference meeting, or a wedding, Harpers Homestead offers various options, from a private dining table in the homestead, to a purpose-built reception barn offering a unique guest experience. With accomodation onsite for conferences, private guests or wedding parties all offering glorious views and privacy, you really must arrange a viewing with Marina. Three Boys Brewery is available to hire for your next event. We can arrange everything for you from the beer, to wine and arrival cocktails with canapés or a seated dinner. With the option of upstairs or down, there are plenty of options for your event. Contact us for further information. Level 1 Suites is located in the old Asian Supermarket, above Supreme Coffee at 10 Welles Street. By day this is a fantastic meeting spot for board meetings, seminars and workshops. At night by arrangement you can hire this space for your product launch, board dinner or incentive dinners. It can hold up to 50 guests, and is a great blank canvas to transform into something spectacular when required. For more information see www.level1.nz/ or of course you can just call us to discuss how this venue may work for your event. An iconic building located at the heart of the city, The Gym offers a stunning interior and high-tech lighting and sound. It is available for hire for performances, workshops and private functions. The space is ideal for a variety of events, from concerts, receptions, reunions, cocktail and dining functions to corporate board meetings, AGMs and staff training sessions. Millstream Garden is a four and a half acre garden located in Ohoka, North Canterbury. The garden is very formal, with the focus on themed “room” gardens, several water features and expansive lawns, hedging and ponds. The garden is considered idyllic and has become a favourite for garden tours, weddings and wedding photographs. Millstream Garden is available for private or corporate luncheons under the trees, intimate dinners in the courtyard or house, and for wedding ceremonies with cocktails and canapes, we can recommend venues for the wedding reception in close proximity. For further information please contact us at Eaton Drink Co. This central city pent house is exclusively available to host events through Eaton Drink Co. Whether you are looking for somewhere for a private dinner party, proposal, or cocktail event or maybe even a product launch, we recommend you view this space. Riverlands House Pent House is a 280sq meter apartment with city views to Hagley Park, a large semi-covered deck and even accomodation for two. Flaxton Manor is located just a couple of minutes south of Rangiora, it is a peaceful and relaxing venue with park-like surroundings. Owner, Gay Walker can not only offer accomodation for up to 7 guests, a bridal suite to get ready in on the day of your wedding, or spend your wedding night, but a wonderful lawn to host a wedding ceremony and reception too. Gay (+64 3) 313 9599. Situated beneath the Torlesse Range of the Southern Alps and on the banks of the mighty Waimakariri river, Riverside venue boasts the most stunning views in the Christchurch and Canterbury area. The area’s native bush has been meticulously restored to make Riverside a venue of outstanding natural beauty. Riverside can seat up to 140 people and caters for functions, corporate events and weddings the whole year round. There is also room to erect a marquee if required. Mt Vernon Lodge is tucked away in a peaceful, secluded location with stunning Akaroa harbour views. It is perfect for weddings, functions and corporate events for upto 130 guests. The lodge also offers conference facilities and onsite accommodation. More information can be obtained from Angela or David on (+64 3) 304 7180. The Isaac Theatre Royal has spaces available to hire which are perfect for pre or post show cocktail and canape service. It is also available to hire for functions such as corporate events, product launches & showcases, weddings, awards ceremonies & dinners, private functions and more. Located in central city Christchurch, the theatre features versatile new function spaces with premium decor and facilities, and a unique heritage experience. The Gloucester Room suitable for upto 120 guests seated, or 180 guests cocktail style. The Stage can seat up to 220 guests, or 380 cocktail style. Dress Circle can seat 70 guests, or 150 cocktail style. Grand Circle can seat 30 guests, or 70 cocktail style. Westhaven Gardens is a unique rural wedding venue located in West Melon. Booking here you will receive exclusive use of the award winning wedding venue allowing you and your loved ones to celebrate in complete privacy whilst enjoying the idyllic rural surroundings. There are various hire options accommodating for all numbers and budgets, from ceremony only using the onsite chapel which seats up to 100 guests, or the lawn for larger numbers, to a small wedding reception in the school room (onsite) for up to 40, or you can have a wedding package tailored to include a marquee on the lawn for larger numbers. For further information view their website, or call us and we can act as your wedding planner. Ohoka Hall is located 20 minutes from the city, and offers a multi- use space, from gala dinners, to product launches or weddings, it can accommodate it all. Being a hall means you can transform the space into almost anything you wish, it is the perfect blank canvas. To view floor plans and additional information see their website. Built in 1857, the wonderful Blythcliffe House is listed as an Historic Place with Heritage New Zealand, it sits graciously within the charming and historic French settlement of Akaroa on Banks Peninsula. It offers harbour views, and B&B accommodation, as well as a marquee lawn suitable for up to 160 guests. Located in the heart of Christchurch, Chambers offers a neat gallery space for our clients to hold events for up to 60 people seated, or 80 standing. This is the perfect venue for anything from a product launch to a corporate dinner, as there are two areas which can be opened up to form one large room, or closed down to create a more intimate atmosphere. If you are interested in this venue, let us know and we can arrange to show you our vision for the space. Jonathans‘ gallery is located in Sydenham, and houses up to 80 guests, if you require more space, then we can have a marquee put up out the front, adjoining to the gallery. The high ceilings and location of this gallery create a unique contemporary industrial feel. If you would like to view this gallery with us to hear our visions for the space, let us know. PG Gallery192 is housed in a converted villa on Bealey Avenue. The villa was significantly transformed post-quake and re-opened in March, 2015. PG Gallery192 is a dealer gallery representing leading contemporary New Zealand artists of diverse practice. They open their gallery to us to use as an event space for limited days each year. This venue is suitable for up to 50 guests. Please contact us directly for more information. Angela and Barry’s 5 star boutique accomodation venue in Cashmere is a great location to stay and get ready on the day of your wedding or host small intimate dinner parties in the conservatory. Dyers House boasts 3 luxurious bedrooms, conservatory suitable for small gatherings and a beautifully manicured cottage garden, for more information please get in touch with Angela directly. Located in the Ohinetahi Valley of Governors Bay, restored by Sir Miles Warren and gifted to New Zealand. This location is truely stunning! There is a large lawn suitable for erecting a marquee, a natural amphitheatre over looking the harbour, sculpture garden, pool house, art gallery and towers to explore, not to mention the extensive gardens paths and archways. If you are interested in hosting your wedding or corporate event here, please get in touch with us directly and we an assist you with your enquiry. Waipuna Estate is a secluded wedding and event venue with accomodation located in Tai Tapu, just 30min from the airport. Great to small intimate weddings and events for up to 70 guests, private dinners and meetings with a view. Naval Point’s Wardroom offers seating for upto 120pax, with a fully stocked bar onsite. All you need is a fe decorations and your set. Contact us to find out more, or the club manager directly. The Lookout Lodge, Wanaka, with its magnificent setting, manicured gardens and fantastic facilities, make an absolutely stunning venue for weddings in the Wanaka region. The grand dining room can seat 124 guests and there is accommodation for 18 guests on site. The Lookout Lodge has a stunning back drop for the wedding ceremony and a festive wedding marquee. The Lookout is just 10 minutes drive from Wanaka. Situated just 65km south of Christchurch International Airport, the Rakaia Gardens are set on the Canterbury Plains with a backdrop of the Southern Alps. This venue is perfect for your wedding ceremony, with many halls nearby for the reception. Contact Sue for further details. This private garden is located in Motukarara and is available for weddings and marquee events. Get in touch with Rachel at Ridge Road Gardens for more information. Ti Papa Woolshed is cradled in the rolling hlls of North Canterbury, this is an oasis of privacy surrounded by its own land and park like grounds. It is approx. 1 hours drive from Christchurch, and has plenty of accomodation options onsite and nearby. Suitable for us to 130 guests. With a large lawn for your ceremony and woolshed for reception, Ti Papa has everything you need. Get in touch with John for further information. Gaiety Hall on the main street of Akaroa can host up to 160 seated or 380 standing. Qb Studio is a network of boutique curated workspaces, this one is located in the CBD, within it are seven offices and a cafe. This space can be hired for photoshoots, product launches, private dinners, cocktail events and more. Suitable for up to 40 pax standing in the central atrium. Kaituna Valley Homestead offers a beautiful dining room for events of up to 50 guests. Accomodation in The Apartment is also available, with private dining options are also on offer when staying with them. The Lincoln Event Centre can accomodate every event, from boardroom meetings, rooms for 20-50, 100-225 and a hall suitable for banquets for 500 or cocktail events for 685. The Woolshed is the social heart of Criffel Station , a 2000 hectare commercial breeding and finishing farm of predominately red deer. Located close to Lake Wanaka’s town centre, the Woolshed provides expansive views of the surrounding Criffel range creating a stunning backdrop for a memorable Central Otago experience. This stunning venue is a relatively “blank canvas”, is incredibly versatile and suitable for everything from corporate events to memorable high country Wanaka weddings. Criffel is suitable for 50 -160 guests and offers onsite accomodation too. The Elmwood Club based at the Elmwood Bowling Club, has a number of spaces for hire. Whether it be a large corporate event or community group meeting they have many options available. Their various spaces to hold up to 40, 50, 100 and 120pax, and upto 300pax on the sand for social activities. Get in touch with us or Erin directly for further information. An exciting new North Canterbury wedding and functions venue located on the edge of Cust Village. A 30minute drive from Christchurch Central City, Woodfields Paradise has vast garden areas to host weddings, special birthday milestones, high tea parties, conferences or your next corporate function. Whether you have 20 guests or 120+, this brand new venue is a great choice for your event. Located right on the beach in Sumner, the Surf Club is a fantastic venue for upto 140 guests standing or 80 seated. Boasting a large outdoor area and onsite tables and chairs, you can’t go wrong. Contact us or Murray himself to find out more. Alternately, you can give us your venue requirements and we can source something truely unique for your event. Get in touch, we can help you source a space to have a marquee or Tipi erected, or even an empty warehouse to transform into something spectacular. Simply let us know your requirements and we will do the searching for you. We can assist you with more than just catering your food and beverages, we can also recommend or source suppliers on your behalf, taking all the stress and worry away from your event. We can source anything from invitations, theming, equipment hireage, to entertainment, styling, photographers, and accomodation. Alannah is a talented florist with over 10 year experience, she will work with you to create something truely unique. Whether you need glassware for your party or a marquee for a wedding or corporate event, Party Warehouse have it all. Marquee hire is a great way to turn the grounds of a special venue or even your back garden into the perfect setting for a party, wedding or corporate event. Our team have extensive experience of setting up marquees across Canterbury, each marquee hire can be customised to complement the style of event. They are a one stop shop, with an extensive list of equipment, and even helium balloons and party supplies available in their Blenheim Road store. For more information check out their website, or contact us. Susannah has been photographing weddings full-time for over 5 years, she admits she is super awkward in front of the camera but a little bit badass behind it. So if you are a little bit apprehensive, she feels your pain – you have to feel comfortable to act natural and she will do just that. Susie shoots moments and stories in a fusion of photojournalism and creative captures, great for those who like a bit of direction as well as letting things unfold naturally. Olympia, the woman behind Mya Makeup is an award winning hair and make-up artist based in Canterbury. She specialises in wedding make-ups, but also lends her talents to photoshoots, editorials and any other special event that you want to look your best at. Create an atmosphere that is unique, inspiring and different for your next event. Nordic tipis are visually stunning and create a warm atmosphere and a place to party long after the sun goes down. Tipis can be set up on any patch of grass with enough space – a farm, park or even your back yard, you name it, Kiwi Tipi will do it. For more information visit their website, or give us a call, we are happy to help you find the perfect lawn to erect a Tipi. From cakes over flowing with deliciousness to beautifully made individual desserts. They make everything on site from scratch with love and the best ingredients they can lay their hands on. Their food is influenced by global pastry trends meeting with their love for quirky flavours! When you need to impress and you want impact, Kim can create it. Make your event a celebration to remember. Whether a corporate event or an intimate wedding, Kim can assist with theming and planning, or manage the entire event. Kim can work independently or as part of your team to create a memorable occasion. For more information contact us, or visit her website. Rebecca creates cakes and desserts in Christchurch, New Zealand with modern, artistic designs. From colourful party cakes to elegant tall wedding cakes or delicious dessert tables, she can custom design to suit you and your event. She also sells a range of cake toppers and accessories so you can top off your cake in style! Graceful Hair Art specialises in weddings, and can work around the timing and location you have chosen to make your day as stress free as possible for you and your family. They will organise a trial, so that on your special day you feel at ease with the knowledge that the style you have chosen is right for you. Contact Monique via her website. Marquee Events have marquees available for all occasions, from a small family gathering to the most stunning of weddings. Our favourite is their clear marquee – it’s truely stunning. Kaysee and the team can also provide a large range of tables, chairs, accessories and more. Happy Hire are has three locations- Christchurch, Wellington and Dunedin. They have marquee and party equipment available to hire where ever your event is. From marquees, tables, chairs, lighting & portable bars, to bouncy castles – they have everything covered.
Mary was released as the branch Seminary teacher a couple of weeks ago. She decided she wanted to show her appreciation for the student’s support over the last 17 months by crocheting warm watch caps for each of them. Altogether she made 13 caps – the young ladies get ones with flowers and the young men get ones with stripes. We will miss the couple of hours we got to spend with these special young people who are the future of the Church in South Africa. After seminary and cap selections it was time for photos and then a dozen games of Book of Mormon Bingo. This entry was posted in Johannesburg Mission - Back To Africa on July 30, 2015 by Bill. Opps – The Elders Have an Accident – but not their fault! I called the elders to get them to help me with a project when elder Wild told me that they had just been in an accident. Mary got the location and knew where to go – she is my personal GPS, When we arrived we found that a taxi had backed into the front left side of their car. Of course the taxi driver said that they had run into him and none of the witnesses would make a statement to the police. Besides the hole in the fender, the only damage seems to be that the washer reservoir was broken. I told the elders to keep an eye on the heat gauge just in case the liquid that poured out included a leak in a hose to or from the radiator. I took a couple of photos of some of the spectators. The little fellow in red was reluctant to have his photo taken but his big brother got him to pose. When I showed him his picture he got a big smile. The young lady seems too young to have a child but here it happens regularly. Elder Wild wanted a souvenir of the accident so he posed with the police officer. She seemed surprised to say the least. I had the elders pose with their damaged car. This entry was posted in Johannesburg Mission - Back To Africa on July 28, 2015 by Bill. 27 July – We go for a game drive with the Elders! We were talking to elders Wild, who has been here for over 22 months, and Hentunen, who has been here over a year, and found out that neither of them had ever been to a game reserve. So we invited them to come with us to the small game park in our district. Mainly it has antelope, zebras, a few giraffes and three rhinos. No cats and no elephants but at least it provides a touch of a major reserve. We left Potch at about 6:30 and were in the park a little after 7:00. The usual springbok was there to greet us. We saw a couple of small herds of zebras. But the main attraction was a family of 6 giraffes that elder Hentunen spotted and we all took lots of pictures. Notice that elder Hentunen who is from Finland had on a coat while elder Wild who is from England just had on a short sleeve shirt. Later elder Wild got cold and put on his jacket. The group included an old dark male that is almost invisible in the first couple of photos. There seemed to be 4 adults, a juvenile and a younger one. in the group. I got some good shots of a pair of them that look like the front one is standing in front of a mirror. Later we saw the same group silhouetted against the skyline heading across the plains to another group of trees. The big male was in front followed by a female and the juvenile. In the last photo you can see the littlest giraffe plodding along behind. Mary had put together a nice lunch of sandwiches, chips and chocolate. I had stopped and bought some soft drinks. There is a large and very picnic area with comfortable tables and chairs, braai pits, toilets and lots of shade. But today it was cold and windy so although we ate in the sun, we still were rather chilled. As we were driving along one edge of the park we came to a plains area that had three large herds of antelope. The largest were wildebeests and bonteboks – there was also a herd of impalas but I did not take a photo of them as they were even further across the plains. We decided they were all there because of the watering hole that was near by. This Gemsbok was nice enough to stay standing in the middle of the road so that I could take a nice head on shot. Later we got a side photo of another one. Notice the size of the horns on this antelope. I would not want to get one of them mad at me while I was outside. This is the only photo of a bird that I got. I tried to shot a couple more but they flew away before I could take their pictures. So this Fiscal Flycatcher is has to represent all the birds in the park. We had not seen any eland – the largest of the antelope – on our other trips to the park but this time we saw a couple – one walking through the grass at a distance and the other one quite close and personal. Notice that his one has a broken horn on the right side. This is a common eland – there seems to be some uncommon versions around. This entry was posted in Johannesburg Mission - Back To Africa on July 27, 2015 by Bill. It was freezing cold this Sabbath morning due to low temperatures and a biting wind. I really did not expect many of the members who had to walk a good distance to come but 55 great saints braved the cold and wind to come to our meetings. This says a lot for the faith of the saints here in Ikageng and Potchefstroom. Between meetings the courtyard was busy with people trying to get a little warmth from the sun. Sister Merriam in her sharp looking check coat and sister Kea who was watching over a young sister caught some sun. The wonderful primary presidency leads all their charges to the toilet while sisters Kruger and Ncapayi share some thoughts. Brothers Omphile, Gomolemo and Tinashe seem to be talking about the little one. Sisters Ratema and Lekebe pose for me while president and sister Kwaikwai try get a couple of moments alone. Sister Kujane and the other sister Lekebe in the sun while we pose with brother and sister Tlotleng. There is a small gathering of the priesthood, brothers Tlotleng, Johannes, Komatso and Rampai. It would not be a Sabbath with out a photo of sister Thulo. The youngest Thulo gives me a smile while president Kwaikwai is caught trying to get some lunch at the social for brother Omphile Mokate’s farewell. Speaking of brother Mokate here he is with sisters Williams and Thulo and then with Kea and a young lady I do not recognize. Then he is with us and finally sister Ratema. The Kruger family gave Mary this beautiful flower arrangement for her birthday.. This entry was posted in Johannesburg Mission - Back To Africa on July 26, 2015 by Bill. This entry was posted in Johannesburg Mission - Back To Africa on July 25, 2015 by Bill. We have visitors…meet the Lombardis! We had visitors today – only the second time that some one outside our zone has come to see us. We served in the same mission as Dennis and Taunia Lombardi but at different times. We got to know them through FaceBook and they were kind enough to help me replace my favorite Swaziland silver ring when the one I bought there in 2009 got damaged. They are now serving their second mission in South Africa. The first one was served in the Durban mission and they spent their 18 months blessing the lives of the members, missionaries and others in Swaziland. This time they are serving in the Area offices in Johannesburg as Church History Advisors. We dropped in to see them in their office a couple of weeks ago and they returned the favor today. Sister Lombardi said that they missed working closely with the young missionaries and the people. She also mentioned she missed the dirt roads. So we invited them to take a quick tour of Promosa and Ikageng where we would be happy to get them on some dirt roads. Our first stop was in Promosa where we visited our dear friend sister Mary Mothobi. She lives in a humble home but it is filled with love and the spirit. We then directed them – elder Lombardi was driving – to the orphanage that we give a little support. Sister Lombardi was in heaven when she found a group of young men playing on the dirt road. They have a big bag of lollipops ready to hand out to the children. They were equally as pleased to meet some of the children who live at the orphanage. Unfortunately neither Lolo or George were home but Lolo’s daughter was there to answer all their questions. It was a fun afternoon for us and I think that this brief trip to the real Africa that they saw every day in Swaziland kind of recharged their batteries. We invited them back any time – at least up until we leave for home. This entry was posted in Johannesburg Mission - Back To Africa on July 22, 2015 by Bill. Monday night is YSA Family Home Evening time at the branch. Sister Ratema conducted the meeting and sister Kwaikwai thought a lesson on Tithing and Keeping the Sabbath Day holy from a talk by elder Bruce R. McConkie given at BYU 40 years ago but just as relevant today as it was then. 10 Commandments After the lesson the group settled down to a couple of intense games of Book of Mormon “Go Fish” which is a favorite of the group. Sister Kwaikwai cleaned up in the first game having accumulated 7 sets with the next best being 4! On Tuesday we picked up elders Hentunen and Wild and took them up to Parys to visit sister Bobbi Swanepoel and Louis. As we were driving into the town, elder Wild spotted a group of monkeys so we stopped and took some pictures. Elder Hentunen is from Finland and elder Wild is from England…they make a great companionship. After our visit we walked down to the Vaal River that runs behind her flat. It was a beautiful day and the river was as smooth as glass. It is also very low for this time of the year. If you look really closely at the photo on the left you can pick out a man paddling a small kayak down stream. The other photo is from the same spot but looking up stream at a small rapids. Usually I get a couple of photos of Louis but this is the only one I took this trip. He is leading sister Bobbi back to their flat. They make a great pair and we have been blessed to know them. 19 July 2015 – Another Beautiful Sabbath in Ikageng! Sunday was clear and cold but over 50 members of the branch came to Church to enjoy the blessings of the sacrament and the fellowship of the saints. Due to load shedding the heaters stopped working about 30 minutes before the meeting started and the power did not come back on until 30 minutes after the block was over. I guess wanted us to be warmed by his spirit and it worked. Above is president and sister Kwaikwai who had a few moments together for a photo. Three of the lovely young women in the branch posed for the next one – sisters Kruger, Lekebe and May. Below we have brother Menzi with sister Amos – I try to get Menzi with a different lady each week. The warmest place was out in the yard in the son so there were a number of gatherings including the one of the PH with sister Ntabising. We were glad to have Bongani Buti visiting the branch. If you look through the blog you will see that I often have a photo of sister Thulo – she is joined in the other two by sister Khanye Lekebe. Sisters Ratema and Kea show off their smiles and also their oh so tall high heels. Below Sister Ratema with brother Omphile. While his main girl, sister Kea gets even by posing with Bongani Buti. Bongani served as my counselor until he got a job up in Pretoria so he knows the branch members well. Then we got the two love birds together for a photo. In the last photo in this series we find sister Kwaikwai joining brothers Omphile and Bongani as well as sister Ratema. The branch is blessed to have a very active Primary that is watched over by a great Primary presidency of sisters Georgina, Viona and Merriam. Mary plays the keyboard for sharing time and then does the same for Relief Society. This entry was posted in Johannesburg Mission - Back To Africa on July 19, 2015 by Bill. Since we hold our sacrament and other meetings in a room where there are school classes, each week a different group of members have an assignment to clean and wax the floor and then set up the room for the meeting. They also clean the bathrooms – not always a pleasant task at the best of times, and a couple of other rooms. The Tlotleng group have never missed a cleaning assignment! The crew today included sister Renny Motha who shows below her excellent mopping skills while elders Hentunen and Wild start setting up the chairs. The bottom photo is of brothers David Rampai and Simon Tlotleng cleaning and setting up the Primary room for the children. While the crew was cleaning, Institute class was being held in another room. I did not get a photo while the class was going on but I did get some of class, plus sister Renny who had turned in her mop, afterwards as they were preparing to play some wicked games of UNO. They take playing very seriously but you could not tell from all the smiles and laughter. This entry was posted in Johannesburg Mission - Back To Africa on July 18, 2015 by Bill.
Hollywood, 1927. George Valentine (Jean Dujardin) is a successful silent movie star. But the advent of talking movies plunges him into oblivion and makes a young extra named Peppy Miller (Bérénice Bejo) into a huge star. This movie retraces their destinies, or how fame, pride and money can become obstacles to a love story. la Lon Cheney style and made a resurgence as a viable art form once again ~ 84 years since the talkies pushed their way into Hollywood and 75 year after the last widely considered ‘relevant’ silent film flickered on the big screen. What’s interesting to me is that, sure I’m certain the film is good, but part of what the buzz is about is the novelty of a silent film. A silent film is far from novel. From the looks of the trailer, it looks stunning and powerful, with a killer score to match. Fingers crossed & prayers made that this film realizes it’s potential and doesn’t suffer the same fate that ‘Louis’ seems to have. Silent Movies: why it’s hard to like them but why it’s worth it. I came across this post about silent horror films a bit ago on WordPress’s main page. I reposted it and you may’ve read it by now. The author hit the nail on the head…or rather hit the coffin nail into the coffin as her post dealt largely with the silent horror film Nosferatu. The blog is worth the read and the film is worth the watching and was the inspiration of this post. To those who know me or at least have read a few posts on this blog, you’ll gather that I love and adore old films. Specifically silent films. Silent cinema is my favorite artistic medium and I’ve even made one myself. But there is one thing that is interesting yet not all together surprising; people at large don’t generally like silent films. For the longest time I didn’t know why. When I saw The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari for the first time I was mesmerized. When I saw Buster Keaton’s The General, I was hooked for life. Interestingly it is a badge of honor among the artsier-and-fartsier-than-thou to say “oh I love silent film” yet for the average Joe and average Jane they’ll take Rush Hour over The Gold Rush any day of any week of any year. Silent movies are fatiguing though I don’t mean this is a negative way whatsoever. It’s a positive. They are fatiguing because they are engaging. They are engaging in ways that modern movies are not. For instance, you can go to the theater and chat with whoever is next to you, talk on the phone, watch the silhouettes of the people around you, check your email, send a tweet about being at the movies and still not miss a beat of what’s going on. No imagination is required either. It’s all done for you. A bunch of guys in white shirts and ties made sure that you’re spoon-fed every plot device and want to reduce the amount you’ll have to ‘work’ (i.e. think) to watch the movie. With silent film it’s a different story. There’s actually very minimal use of title cards in silent films. The filmmakers did not want to rely on title cards but rather they held fast to the “show, don’t tell” mantra. And that’s not to say that the characters in the films went around like mimes with their mouth shut trying to act out what they’re trying to communicate with broad gestures. It’s much more subtle than that. Often times characters will ‘speak’ on camera but, lo and behold, it’s up to you, dear watcher, to imagine what they’re saying based on the context and other visual cues. No title cards. For an hour or two of this, this can get fatiguing as the general public is not used to using their thinking muscles while watching Avatar. This fact, mixed with our culture’s ever-shortening 140 letter attention span, is a recipe for dismal result when you introduce thinking into one’s entertainment. But I submit to you that this is a privilege, not a liability, for silent cinema. It’s an art form that takes, not merely gives. It’s an engaging exchange, a wordless dialog without words between the film and the film watcher. It’s an art form that commands attention like no other work of art can and it’s an art form in which you become part of the creative process. It’s entertainment that challenges you to take off your bib and put on an apron. The 3D movies that we are being force-fed come with the promise put the viewer inside the movie watching experience yet it appeals to no other senses than it did before. Our brains can remain in the ‘off’ position from beginning to end but now we can see terrible movies in one extra dimension now! Another dimension of terrible! How is that a privilege? How is this advancement? Silent film star Mary Pickford famously said, “It would have been more logical if silent pictures had grown out of the talkies instead of the other way around”. Many of the silent film stars of the 1920’s felt that pantomime was the highest form of art and that talking pictures, first widely accepted in 1927, was a devolution of the craft of film rather than an evolution of it. Pickford is famous for her complaints against the ‘new’ talking pictures, comparing them to, “putting lipstick on the Venus de Milo”. Iconic silent film hero Charlie Chaplin echoed this sentiment in a different way by saying in 1928, “Moving pictures need sound as much as Beethoven’s symphonies need lyrics“. By sheer necessity, the craft of pantomime grew and grew and silent film had quickly become a universal language. Cinematography also was just starting to grow by leaps and bounds because, as I mentioned, the medium was almost completely visual without the dialog to lean on and carry the film. It became the camera’s job to “show, not tell”. Again, I know a lot of popular conceptions about silent film is that the camera is static, the shots are clumsy at best but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Take 1927’s “Sunrise; A Tale of Two Humans” by Nosferatu director, F.W. Murnau which was released right as sound made it’s way to Hollywood. Beautifully long and graceful tracking shots, hardly any title cards throughout, and some very state of the art special effects. It is the silent film that you wouldn’t expect to be a silent film. It really is a shame that the ‘talkies’ came along so early on as I feel that it slowed down the innovative direction that cinematography was heading. George Lucas even admitted that he doesn’t think film, and particularly cinematography, still to this day, has fully recovered from film’s transition to sound. Wow! I covered more than I’d intended to but I suppose my passion for these films is clear and that’s really what I wanted to communicate. These films are gems and I find them to be more satisfying to experience them and I hope that more and more people will explore these films for themselves. They are the great-grandparents of every single modern film you have ever seen or ever will see. They are time-capsules. They are engaging works of art that invite you to invest in their continual creation and interpretation. They might be hard to like but they are so, so, so worth your time. I’m working on a post about silent film but I’m going to have to interrupt that post with another post about silent film. Google’s ever changing “google doodle” logo is paying tribute to Charlie Chaplin’s 122nd birthday with a short Chaplinesque silent film. His birthday is actually tomorrow so I’m a little confused as to why it showed up today but I digress. In place of the regular Google logo there is a small movie clip and the play button is cleverly paced right over the Chaplin-character’s tiny toothbrush mustache. The movie itself is actually very cute though one thing is glaringly obvious: you can’t just add a b&w filter on your sped up footage and think you’re Charlie Chaplin. You don’t realize how very subtly good the likes of Chaplin, Buster & Harold were until you see someone trying to imitate them. The genius and the years spent honing their craft really shines through when held up against those who were merely inspired by them. The sheer genius of the masters is amazingly invisible on-screen, as well it should be. You notice it most when it’s not there. It was a little bit on the spoofy side with all the clichés firmly in place but none the less I’m pleased to have YouTube and Google paying tribute to art forms of yesteryear. I have to point out ~~ that long-haired cop who bought the muffin for $2 must be mighty rich! With that price tag in 1923, he paid the equivalent of $26.14 for it! Iffy homework aside, well done Google! Make more~! Buster Keaton’s 116th is coming up in a few months! Forget last week’s kudos to Google for their vintage Houdini logo. YouTube’s done gone n’ one up’d em’. In what I assume is in honor of April Fool’s Day, YouTube has a new logo (with a one day lifespan I’m sure) and has not so much revamped their site but revamped their videos. First of all there’s this clever little video that shows what a few modern viral videos might’ve looked like had there been a YouTube 1911. Now only that but each video has the option in the bottom right hand corner that allows you to watch it in 1911 style ~ jangly piano music, dust & scratches, with a nice sepia toned image. Well done, YouTube! My question now is…why 1911? Is it to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Colt 1911 ? But that would’ve been March 29th. Ah well. Whatever the case, I love it when the modern goes old-timey. Three cheers for YouTube.
These words are responsible for a completely spur of the moment trip that Wanderlustmate M and I took into Engadin, a region in Switzerland whilst on our jaunts in Italy. Through following my series “Footsteps in Italy” my Wanderlusters will probably recall that our adventures out here involved a road trip all the way from Florence to Lake Como. It was whilst we were driving from Milan to Como that we saw snow-capped peaks en route, which in my vivid imagination were none other than the Alps, and I just HAD to find a way to see them up close. The one thing I love about Europe is borderless travel and how easy this makes it to hop from one country into another. For a Kenyan Passport Holder, a Schengen Visa is the epitome of traveller’s heaven because in my world, this allows me to see multiple countries on one Visa and that is simply amazing! Despite their proximity, the landscapes in each of the countries in Europe differ so much from place to place and the perfect way to traverse and explore this diversity is by taking a road trip. The prospect of simply getting into a car and going somewhere that catches my fancy is to me, the crux of wanderlust, the very essence of travel: to discover those places that I once dreamed about and revel in those moments, pinching myself to make sure that I am not dreaming but now breathing life into what was once a dream. Setting footsteps in Switzerland on my quest for snow.. So, fuelled with wanderlust and the image of snow-capped peaks in mind, Wanderlustmate M and I set out to find me some snow. Poring over some old-fashioned maps in our hotel room in Como revealed that the Engadin Region was the closest and easiest to get to from where we were and ideal for a day trip and so we headed out to St. Moritz, the most glamourous of ski resorts frequented by the rich and famous when it comes to skiing holidays. Now, in my imagination, we would see endless mountain peaks blanketed with snow that go on for miles on end. In reality, at the tail end of summer, there isn’t any snow because it has all melted away and what your eyes are treated to is the view of lush alpine scenery, complete with beautiful blue lakes with green pastures and meadows fringed with mountains. It is completely unspoiled nature, and there is nowhere quite like this in the world. I just cannot contain my excitement at the gorgeousness around me! St. Moritz which would ordinarily be bustling with activity in the winter revealed a different side to it at the tail end of summer. Relatively quiet, we enjoyed a leisurely walk in its environs, just soaking in the atmosphere and simply wanderlusting. Surrounded by the Upper Engadin lakes and mountains, I can only imagine how pretty this place is in the winter, dusted with snow like powdered sugar on a Victoria sponge cake. The town itself is cutesy, lined with luxury boutiques and of course, irresistible Swiss chocolate shops selling the creamy bespoke gorgeousness that is Lindt. But that’s about it for St. Moritz in the summer, well for us anyway because we weren’t out here to indulge in any of the activities it has to offer other than to make my whims and fancies of seeing snow come true! These fantasies my dear Wanderlusters, the lust to see snow, is the reason we stumbled upon a little gem out in the Engadin region: Muottas Muragl. See, in my mind, the Alps are perennially laden with snow and there isn’t any such thing as summer or winter, but of course, the reality is something else. I was stubbornly refusing to believe that there would be no snow for me after driving for nearly 3 hours from Italy into Switzerland and my Wanderlust spirit was insistent that surely there was some snow SOMEWHERE along the Alps, hopefully nearby that would make this fantasy come alive? It is so true, what Paolo Coelho says. When you want something bad enough the whole Universe conspires to make this happen. Some furious googling revealed that indeed there was a high enough peak of the Alps that wasn’t too far from where we were and with this came the promises of…you guessed it, snow! The drive, oh my gosh, the drive to get to Muottas Muragl was just something else. I wish I had the words to describe what can only be deemed breath taking. Our trusty Jane’s screen highlighted crazy hairpin twists and turns winding up the mountain, and with each mile, as we drove higher and higher, all we could say mutter under our breath was “WOW”. Google had promised us the best landscapes and views of the Engadin region from Muottas Muragl, and as we know, Google doesn’t lie…indeed, the scenery out here is spectacular, to say the least. Lush Alpine pastures with peaks and valleys go on as far as the eyes can see, dotted with enchanting little villages with beautiful chalets and blue glacier lakes. It is indeed a landscape of pure fairy tale’esque beauty. Our destination: the Romantik Hotel at the top of the mountain range. The view: a panoramic, uninterrupted idyllic scene of never ending peaks, beautiful meadows, classic Alpine scenery and the cherry on the cake: the glacier glistening at the top surrounded with dustings of snow. It still wasn’t the endless peaks blanketed with snow that haunted my imagination but my little Wanderlusting heart was content. I got to see snow and even stand amidst some on the terrace at the Romantik Hotel, because it was that cold out there! Yay….finally got to feel some snow! I have a thing for signs! I am a foodie as much as I am a Wanderluster and so of course being in Switzerland meant that I also had fantasies of the cheesy goodness that is raclette and fondue. Back home, my parents have this red cookery book by Hamlyn. I am a firm believer that the sole purpose of this cook book is simply to tantalise our taste buds because all we ever seem to do is flip through the pages and look at the delicious looking pictures and then end up cooking pasta! Anyway, one of the pictures in this recipe book is that of an ooey, gooey melting wheel of cheese that I have long since associated with Switzerland and given that I was here, of course this is what I had in mind when Wanderlustmate M asked me that all too familiar question of what I wanted to eat. Well, you win some and you lose some because there was no fondue or raclette on the menu at this restaurant, but there was potato rosti and a meat that I hadn’t tried before and had some qualms about eating – reindeer! Yup, I ate Rudolph! Eeeek! My sister has never forgiven me for that little revelation but my rule in life is to try everything at least once. There are some things I draw the line at, but I must admit I was curious as to what Reindeer meat tasted like and I dare say it was delicious! Yup, I ate Rudolph! Eeek! The irony is that my fondue dreams could have come true. Walking around the gorgeous pathways of the hotel after we had eaten and soaked in the views from the panoramic terrace, we stumbled upon a cute log cabin offering none other than what I had been lusting after: fondue! Yup, right here in the gorgeousness of Muottas Muragl was a story book picture of Swiss perfection, barely 10 minutes from where we had been sat. The moral of the story is to explore before settling, though in hindsight we had a perfectly wonderful lunch and I doubt I would have changed that, even for fondue! There is always a next time and I can’t wait to set Footsteps in Switzerland properly to explore more Alpine treasures and indulge my inner child’s whims and fancies of making snow angels in powdered snow and easing myself into a cheese induced food coma by eating too much raclette and fondue! I do hope you have enjoyed this little ramble. Until next time, Happy Wanderlusting! Xoxo. St. Moritz is about a 2 hr 30 min to 3-hour drive away from Como. We simply input our current destination into our TomTom and followed the directions given. You can choose toll or non-toll roads, and we always find that though longer, the non-toll roads offer the best scenery and places for stopping to take beautiful pictures. We did take our Passports with us for the border crossing in case of any checks, but there were none. I would still recommend you carry your passport even on day trips because you just never know, and it is always better to be safe than sorry. The pictures say all, that why visiting Switzerland is everyone’s dream.No doubt, Switzerland is one of the most beautiful places in the world but In winters the beauty of Switzerland can’t be compared with any other place. I felt like I was in a dream….still need to go back to see Switzerland in the winter! I always admire beauty of nature and yes Switzerland is full of that beauty no doubt. But i would say that your way of expressing the that beauty also nice. You also beautiful lady. Magnificent post.Road trips are always best.I love road trips.Love reading your blog.Pictures are also good.Thanks for the post.Keep sharing. Thank you so much for stopping by Fred, and thank you for your wonderful commnent, glad you enjoyed the post! Previous post: WanderInspo…Confessions of a Serial Wanderluster!
The SuperFlower has been the unadvertised secret product for years and has now made its way into its own featured cabinet. We think the design and specs of this newly featured system will be hugely popular with beginning and experienced growers alike. The New SuperFlower is the all important left side of the Trinity 2.0 and is now upgraded with SuperPonics to grow your plants up to 2-5X Faster, Bigger, Better, and Easier than other traditional methods along with all the other Award Winning Features, Customer Service, and 3 Year Warranty. All of our Award Winning Features are included with the SuperFlower - Lifetime Customer Service and an industry leading 3 Year No Hassle Warranty. Easy as One, Two, Three, Grow! Comes with EVERYTHING You Need, Including the TechnaFlora Nutrients Starter Kit. Anti-Mold Reflective Panels For Optimal Light Distribution and Cleanness. Free DVD and Lifetime Customer Service. The SuperFlower is a single chamber, Full-Cycle cabinet, meaning you can grow from seed to harvest. Arriving at your door completely assembled, including everything you need to get started (plug it in and add water and provided nutrients starter kit!), and with a maximum growth height of 4.5ft, the SuperFlower is perfect for all your growing needs. Dimensions: 36" x 24" x 72" Harvest 1-16 5 Foot Tall Plants Every Single Month! Utilizing our patented SuperPonics watering system, this reservoir can hold up to 15 gallons of nutrient based water and is incredibly easy to maintain. The LED's are encased in a well ventilated, fully enclosed metal frame and is height adjustable! This allows your plants to get the perfect amount of light at all stages of growth!!! Automated SuperPonics System. You can also grow in Soil. CO2 is an extra $199.95 and recommended to achieve up to 30% more yield. Only SuperCloset Grow Systems are professionally assembled with every component imaginable including air-filter, nutrients, timers, and growing medium. Only SuperCloset Cabinets are guaranteed to grow easier, bigger, healthier and better than any other grow cabinet or system. Up to 20% less energy usage, power surges, more efficiency than other systems with our special digital ballasts. Yield up to 40% more growth with exclusive Net Trellis and unique auto watering method. Tips in DVD video. Fully automated controls with hydrometer on back of unit, not front, to retain clean cabinet appearance. “No corner plants left ungrown” Only cabinet design with real-cross airflow, PROPER air-cooled lights and internal circulation fan. Free No Hassle 3 year Warranty. We incorporate the very best components, design, and customer support. Fantastic watering system. No clogged drippers, constant cleaning, or random dead plants. Strongest roots and plant structure possible. Leave for days without worry. See testimonials! Only one plug in to any outlet in your home or apartment on a standard 110v!!! Yields up to 30-50% more than other systems. 3x more airflow than most other systems. Comes with every single component imaginable and free technical support. Heavy Duty aluminum circuit boards @ 2cm thick for optimal heat dissipation. Helps your Super LED run smoother and more efficiently for years to come. Game-Changing Secondary Optical Lens for maximum photosynthetic pentration for plant canopy to the stem. Will match or outperform ANY other 3 watt LED grow light, including the very expensive HydroGrow LED lights, Guaranteed! Produces more yields per watt than HPS lights with better internodal spacing for denser fruits and flowers. Produces less heat than HPS lights, eliminating the need for fans that can be noisy. Grounded Power cord plugs into any standard 120v household outlet - Measures 7' long. Constructed under stringent quality control standards - You can expect years of trouble-free use. Your fully automated Superponics system will grow faster than any single method of hydroponics. You also grow safer as there are both an air pump and a water pump powering your plants, so that if either go out, your plants will still live! Growing your plants by both top feed watering and bottom feed oxygenation will ensure that your plants thrive and grow at rates you truly never thought possible. They can grow plants up to 2-5x times faster than any single hydroponics method, and up to 5 times faster than growing with soil. The perfectly designed carbon filter made by OdorSok eliminates 100% of the odor produced inside of your grow box. You can expect about two years of use before needing to replace the activated carbon - Which is very easy to do. This carbon filter helps to make sure that the air coming out of your cabinet is clean and odorless! Each SuperFlower comes with a Nutrient Starter Kit. Lotus is a simple 3 part nutrient line that replaces the need for complex 8-10 part recipes. This 3 part system gives your plants everything they need for development from seed to harvest, giving you unmatched results in flowering and fruiting plants. Specifically formulated for medicinal plants, Lotus Nutrients are 100% water soluble formula milled and blended to provide perfect consistency and contains no binders, fillers, or dyes. 16 oz. Lotus Pro Series Grow: Specially formulated to give your plants exactly what they need to produce lush, rapid vegetative growth. Lotus Pro Series Grow will aid in producing thick stems, tight inter-nodal spacing, dense canopy development and massive root systems, all of which are the building blocks for successful harvests. The turbo-charged secret weapon that leads to an unsurpassed size and density of flowers, while maximizing oil production for increased potency and taste. Specifically designed to trigger the rapid onset of flowering, by providing your plants with all the necessary components needed for strong development, producing dense, massive yields spanning all flowering sites. This kit also includes a full feeding schedule that will explain how to mix your nutrients, when to use them, and how often to feed your plants. You will be impressed by how well your plants respond to these awesome nutrients. You'll impress your friends with your bountiful crop each and every time! Are your plants looking funny? Check your pH! Regularly checking your pH is one of the most important parts of running a hydroponic system. Each SuperFlower comes with a pH Control Kit from General Hydroponics. The kit comes with 8 ounces of pH Up, 8 ounces of pH down, pH indicator solution, test vial, a dropper, and a color coded identification chart. The TDS-EZ Meter has a large and easy-to-read LCD screen. It has a transluscent blue housing made of strong and durable plastic. On the back of the meter you will find a color coded chart that explains the TDS values so you know exactly how to read your meter. This meter is perfect for testing the amount of nutrients in your hydroponic system. This fan is perfect for the interior of the SuperFlower. It is a 2 speed, 4 1/2 inch internal circulation fan which produces 100 or 160 CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute) of air flow depending on the setting. The purpose of the fan is to create a breeze that moves your plants - This recreates natural wind, which is crucial because it helps to strengthen the stems of the plant so that they can handle the weight of the massive fruit and vegetables they will produce! The fan is fully adjustable - Change the height, speed, and tilt of the fan so that your plants grow nice and strong. This timer is one of the most crucial parts your SuperFlower. It is responsible for regulating the on / off cycle of the lights, exhaust fan, and internal circulation fan. Programming the timer is super easy - Once you have it setup you can safely leave your grow box for days at a time without worrying. Wondering what the temperature and humidity is inside of your SuperFlower? Our Digital Thermometer and Hygrometer takes the guesswork out of managing your SuperFlower by providing you with accurate temperature and humidity readings on the fly. This unit comes complete with a clock function, alarm, 12 / 24 hour mode, and a waterproof temperature probe. Rockwool is the perfect medium for starting plants with the Superponic System and the Supermini Cloner. It is made from rocks that are melted and spun together. Rockwool provides a stable foundation for your roots to start growing. Once your plants are mature enough, simply transfer the Rockwool Cube to the clay rocks in the Superponic system and watch your plants take off! Our top-quality Dutch Master Replicator Cloning Gel is included with each SuperFlower. This professional strength and ready to use cloning gel makes quick work of cloning your plants. It is as simple as taking a cutting at a 45 degree angle, trim down the leaves a bit, then dip the cut end into the cloning gel for about 30 seconds. Insert into the Rockwool Cubes and place them into your SuperMini Cloner. The 100% natural root stimulant will help your clone to quickly take root. The primary pump for the SuperPonics system is our high quality 185 GPH (gallon per hour) water pump. This pump acts as the heart of the system - constantly circulating fresh water to your plants so they stay healthy 24/7. The pump is driven by a powerful and oil free magnetic rotor. The high quality bearings and ceramic shaft insure reliability and quiet operation. Plug it into your programmed timer and you will never have to worry about whether or not your plants are getting watered. This pump is covered by our 3 Year No Hassle Warranty, so you have complete peace of mind. The Eco Air 2 Air Pump is perfect for the included SuperPonics system. It helps keep the nutrient solution aerated with fresh oxygen, which your plants need in order to flourish. This model features variable output so you can adjust how much air your plants receive (the more the better!) This pump is powerful, durable, and quiet! Plus, it is covered by our 3 Year No Hassle Warranty. Safety First! We always encourage following proper safety protocols, especially when water and electricity are in such close proximity. We include this high quality Shock Buster GFCI plug adapter with every grow box. It is easy to use and a must for preventing electronic malfunctions. The purpose of this switch is to shut off the electrical supply to your grow box if a surge in power is detected - Which can occur if water comes in contact with live electrical equipment. Too many nutrients can damage or even kill your plants! We include a measing cup with every grow box so you know exactly how many nutrients you're feeding your girls. All plants growing in a hydroponic system need a solid base to flourish - Clay Grow Rocks provide a perfect base for your plants to grow on. The clay grow rocks provide perfect drainage and a solid foundation for the roots of your plant to cling to as your plant grows larger. CO2 is simply amazing - One simple component can increase your growth rate by up to 50%!! This CO2 kit comes complete with a Solenoid, Regulator, Timer, and Injection Tubing. Professional growers know the true value of a quality CO2 system, that's why you would have a hard time finding a serious grower that doesn't use a CO2 system. It is super easy to setup inside the SuperFlower. The included instructional DVD will guide you through setting up your CO2 system. Estimated setup time is only 5 minutes! Note: CO2 tank not included. Is your city / municipal water full of chloramines? Do you have well-water full of iron and sulfur? If so, a Reverse Osmosis Water Filter will solve all of your water woes. Save the hastle of buying water from the grocery store! Our Reverse Osmosis Water Filter can provide up to 200 GPD (gallons per day) of highly purified, ultra low PPM water. It will remove 99%+ of chloring and other contaminants. Due to its high quality, ultra high efficiency design, it wastes 25% less water than other RO systems. This package includes EVERYTHING that you need in order to maximize your chances of having all of your precious babies blossom into adolescence. You will be able to quickly, easily, and significantly increase your germination success percentages with this all-inclusive kit. Our 24-7 Nutrient Meter made by Control Wizard Products is perfect for growers that need to constantly monitor the water in their hydroponic system. This meter measues pH, PPM, and Temperature. Measurements are displayed on a large illuminated display that is easy to read from a distance. This unit is also very easy to calibrate - Calibration screws are conveniently located on the front of the unit. 64 oz. Lotus Pro Series Grow: Specially formulated to give your plants exactly what they need to produce lush, rapid vegetative growth. Lotus Pro Series Grow will aid in producing thick stems, tight inter-nodal spacing, dense canopy development and massive root systems, all of which are the building blocks for successful harvests. 36 oz. Lotus Pro Series Boost: The turbo-charged secret weapon that leads to an unsurpassed size and density of flowers, while maximizing oil production for increased potency and taste. 64 oz. Lotus Pro Series Bloom: Specifically designed to trigger the rapid onset of flowering, by providing your plants with all the necessary components needed for strong development, producing dense, massive yields spanning all flowering sites. The ultimate optical tool for indoor gardeners. Featuring patent pending Rendition Technology, your Method 7 Growing Glasses provide the "Perfect Color" when viewing plants under bright grow lights. This technology was created for growers who need to work with their plants while their grow lights are on. Your eyes stay protected and you see a full range of natural colors. Staff review of the SuperFlower is coming soon! All of our grow boxes are built to order and shipped from our state-of-the-art facility in San Francisco, CA. You may pick up a grow box locally if you are near our shipping facility. There is no charge for picking up your grow box from the manufacturing facility and you will not have to pay for shipping. Contact us for more information. Orders shipped to Florida will be charged sales tax. Orders picked up from the manufacturing facility do not have to pay sales tax. Processing / Manufacturing Time: 15-25 Business Days - All units built to order. Shipping Method: Freight - Grow boxes are shipped through a freight company. They are too large and heavy to ship via UPS or Fedex. Packaging Materials: Grow Boxes are palletized and discretely packaged. There are no labels or stickers on the packing to indicate its contents. Shipping Destinations: We only ship to the Continental United States & Canada. Please contact us for shipping quotes to other destinations such as Alaska and Hawaii. This product includes a Three (3) Year Warranty on all internal components except for the light bulbs. Lifetime Customer Service is included at no extra charge. We have an experienced horticulturist and hydroponic enthusiasts on staff to assist growers of all skill levels for as long as they own their grow box.
Sven-Ivan Mella, who grows shiitake mushrooms in a disused office in an iron ore mine in Kiruna, Sweden, harvests fresh fungi off a log of alder wood. I visited the mine in May 2007. © 2016 text and photos, except where noted. All rights reserved. Reading “Deep Down Dark,” about the rescue of the 33 miners in the Chilean desert in 2010 (see August 29 post), got me thinking about the mines that I’ve visited on my travels, one in particular. In May 2007, I flew from Stockholm to Kiruna, Sweden, to visit the LKAB mine, the largest underground iron ore mine in the world. It’s owned by the Swedish government. Much of the Kiruna mine’s high-grade processed iron ore is used in steelmaking, and is exported to markets in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. In reality, the Swedish and Chilean mines don’t have much in common other than the obvious: They both are sources of a metal. In the San José Mine in the Atacama desert, copper and some gold were extracted. The San José Mine has been closed since the 33 miners were rescued and it is unlikely to ever open again. The LKAB mine in far north Sweden has a good safety record and it’s expected to continue producing for several more decades. My trip to Sweden started with several days spent visiting friends who live in a Stockholm suburb. But when I planned my itinerary, I knew I also wanted to go north, about 90 miles above the Arctic Circle, to see the area that is part of the traditional homeland of the indigenous Sami people, to check out the mine and learn more about why the central section of Kiruna was being relocated. This two-week trip also included several days on the gorgeous island of Gotland, to walk along the medieval walls that encompass Visby, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and undertake a lengthy self-guided ramble. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, where I worked at the time, ran my extensive stories and photos in the June 17, 2007, Travel section. When I arrived, spring hadn’t, as the temperature was hovering in the 30s during the day and snow was scattered on the ground in many places. The sun did eventually come out, but not for long, and I remember more overcast sky and cold than anything approaching a change of season. There is an official LKAB mine tour, which can be booked through Kiruna’s tourism office. But I sought out a more informal, three-hour one, led by a retired electrician and software writer, Sven-Ivan Mella, who had worked at the mine for decades. I’d come across his name in several guidebooks, noting that his current specialty was growing shiitake mushrooms in a disused office in the mine. He picked me up at my hotel in a minivan and provided a lot of background information about Kiruna, the Sami, and the mine’s founding before we actually drove in. At the time of my visit, the mine had 248 miles of paved road. That number has likely increased as the downward digging into the magnetite ore has continued. The company’s website says the Kiruna “ore body” is about 2.5 miles long and about 1.25 miles deep. More than 1 billion tons have been mined since the late 19th century. Twenty-first century drilling has reached a level of about 4,478 feet, and LKAB officials expect the ore body to hold out for another 20 to 30 years of excavation. Not surprisingly, the roads in the mine were pitch black. The only illumination was the reflectors on the walls, and vehicle headlights. Fresh water is brought in via pipes, air is circulated by fans, and cables run for miles allowing all interior functions to be executed from banks of computers in state-of-the-art control rooms. Mella drove me to what looked like a workshop, where an enormous three-hole borer took up a great deal of space — and dwarfed everything around it. I even had a chance to climb into the cab and have Mella snap a photo of me in a white hard hat, with my hands on the controls. He said that this machine, too, was run by remote control, though a driver positioned it before someone pushing buttons from a distance took over. So how did the idea of growing shiitake mushrooms in the mine blossom? In 1988, Mella was part of a group at a symposium in Takikawa, Japan, on the island of Hokkaido. The topic of discussion was how LKAB and Kiruna’s workers had dealt with a round of wide-ranging job loss. His hosts showed Mella their shiitake mushroom farm, and a scheme was born. Back in Kiruna, it didn’t take much to persuade mine officials that a shiitake farm could be a success. Darkness: check. Water source: check. Surplus manpower: check. Secure the necessary start-up components: check. Using alder wood from a Finnish source, spawn and technical advice, Mella was on his way. In about six months he had his first crop, and at one point was harvesting more than 220 pounds of mushrooms a week. He said one of his proudest moments was having his shiitakes served as part of the 1992 Nobel Prize banquet in Stockholm. Since my visit, Kiruna’s railway has been rerouted and a new main sewer line is now operating. New apartment construction is under way, with some families already in residence. In 2001, Kiruna’s church was voted as Sweden’s most beautiful building. The red wooden exterior is in stark contrast to the overcast sky in May 2007 . The architect was Gustav Wickman. Completed in 1912, it was donated to the people of Kiruna by LKAB Mining. Over the next 20 years, about 6,000 people in Kiruna (current population is about 23,000) will relocate as a total of 3,000 new housing units are constructed, in addition to a commercial center and new public buildings. Historic buildings, such as the church that resembles a Sami hut and which dates to 1912, will be disassembled and reconstructed. The target date for completion is 2035. Souvenir iron ore pellets from the mine in Kiruna are smaller than the average marble. I came away from Kiruna with three unusual souvenirs: 3.5 ounces of fresh shiitake mushrooms, a recipe for cream of shiitake mushroom soup and seven gray-blue pellets of iron ore. My friends and I enjoyed the soup on my last night with them in Stockholm. The pellets sit in a small porcelain dish I bought at a market in Tokyo, on the same sideboard as my amezaiku bunny (see August 22 post). If you’re going all the way to Kiruna, check out the many seasonal outdoor activities available listed on the tourism website: http://www.kirunalapland.se. I wasn’t able to find any current contact information on Mella’s mushrooms, but check with tourism officials to see if he’s still growing them and if his tour is available. The tourism site also has links to dozens of beautiful photographs. Click on “press” at the bottom of the page. I make Holiday Apple Cake in the early fall, but it’s delicious any time of year. Every year at about this time, I make a gorgeous apple cake. The apple harvest, usually beginning in September, helps to signal that the hot and humid days of summer are nearly over, and that the beautiful colors of fall are on the way. The recipe itself isn’t difficult, but there are several steps and the prep is lengthy. Read through the recipe twice to make sure you understand the assembly. Unfortunately, I don’t recall the original source of the recipe, except that I photocopied it out of a book. I always use Granny Smith apples because their tartness offsets the sweet batter, and their firm flesh doesn’t turn to mush during baking. Making the cake a day or two in advance allows time for the flavors to mingle, while the crumb stays moist. You’ll also need the advance time to let the cake cool completely. If you get impatient and accelerate this step, the glaze won’t cascade down the sides properly. For presentation, choose a wide plate, platter or platform that will support the weight of this dense cake. Use both hands to carry the plate when bringing it to the table to serve. It is also important to have a well-constructed bundt pan. This is one of those instances where spending the money for the best equipment pays off. My sister bought me a fluted bundt pan more than 25 years ago. It’s the one I still use. It’s also splendid for pound cakes. Below is the Nordic Ware link to the cast-aluminum pan that is closest to the pan that I have. This cake makes a lot of batter, so make sure the pan accommodates 10 to 15 cups. It’s sometimes referred to as a 10-inch pan. You may be able to find it cheaper on another site, but make sure what you purchase is a heavy-duty pan, not a lightweight one. The heavier weight helps the cake to bake uniformly. The Nordic Ware site also shows other bundt-pan shapes and includes recipes. This cake is guaranteed to bring compliments, and likely a request for the recipe. An assembly line is an efficient way to construct the layers. The first layer of batter and the first layer of apples are in the fluted bundt pan. Wrapped tightly, the cake will keep for four to five days. Leftovers can also be frozen. Wrap individual pieces in plastic wrap, then encase in aluminum foil. That said, the cake is best when fresh. To prep the apples: Peel and core apples. Cut apples into quarters and then slice apples into pieces about 1/2-inch thick. In a large mixing bowl, combine apple slices, cinnamon and 5 tablespoons granulated sugar. Mix well; set aside. The apples will give up some of their juice while resting. To make the batter: In a very large mixing bowl (or the large bowl of a stand mixer), combine margarine or butter and 2 cups granulated sugar. Cream at medium speed until fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition. In a large bowl, sift flour, baking powder and salt together. Add to batter about 1 cup at a time and mix until combined. Scrape down sides of bowl as needed. Add orange juice and vanilla and almond extracts. Continue mixing until batter is smooth (it will be thick). This is the third and last layer of apples. Grease and flour a 10- to 15-cup bundt or tube pan. Shake out extra flour. Place a small amount of batter in the prepared pan. Arrange a layer of apple slices in a circle on top of the batter. Repeat layers until you have 7 total (batter, apples, batter, apples, batter, apples, batter). The bundt pan will be about three-fourths full. When it bakes, cake will rise almost to the top. If you’re worried about it overflowing, place bundt pan on a rimmed baking sheet before putting it in the oven. This is the fourth and last layer of batter, and the cake is ready for the oven. Preheat over to 350 degrees. Bake 1 1/2 hours or until toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool on a wire rack 15-30 minutes, then carefully invert on a large plate or serving dish. Cool completely before drizzling with White Glaze. Notes: You will have leftover apples. After making this cake for many years, I’ve cut back to 4 the number that I prep, and I still have leftovers. So enjoy eating them later. It will take some practice to get the ratio correct when layering the batter over the apples. Cover the apples completely on each batter layer, but not overly thick or you’ll run out of batter for the last layer. If this happens, don’t panic or give up. Remember that you’ll be inverting the cake and may be able to disguise the shortcoming. The most important step: Grease and flour the pan well. If not, it won’t come out in one beautiful piece. The glaze isn’t thick enough to disguise where you’ve tried to put it back together. That said, I’ve never had that happen. I repeat: Grease and flour the pan well. The fully cooled cake is ready for glazing. In a medium mixing bowl, combine confectioners’ sugar and dash of salt. Add enough liquid to form an icing of spreading consistency. Liquid choices can include water, milk, nondairy creamer, orange juice, lemon juice, brandy or liqueur. Add vanilla extract. If icing is too thin or runny, add more sugar and mix again. If icing is too thick, add liquid a little bit at a time until you reach the desired consistency. Using a spoon, drizzle a small amount at a time over cake, beginning at the crown. Icing will roll down sides and puddle on serving dish. If you’d rather not have a puddle, place wax paper pieces around the bottom of the cake stand or plate before putting the cake on it. Glaze the cake. When glaze is set, carefully remove the pieces of wax paper. An overhead view of the glazed cake. For this version, I mixed orange juice with confectioners’ sugar for a slightly off-white glaze. © 2016 text and letter. All rights reserved. It is September 2, 1945. At four minutes past 9 a.m., aboard the battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay, Japan’s Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu, pen in hand, is leaning over a green cloth-covered crew mess table. On deck, surrounded by other Japanese representatives, military men, the Missouri’s crew and a bank of photographers and reporters, he formally signs the eight-paragraph Instrument of Surrender, marking the official end of World War II. His signature is followed by that of General Yoshijiro Umezu, who had wanted Japan to fight on even after the two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki the previous month. Umezu is at the ceremony under direct orders from Japanese Emperor Hirohito. The third and fourth paragraphs of the document, prepared by the U.S. War Department and approved by President Harry S. Truman, read: “We hereby command all Japanese forces wherever situated and the Japanese people to cease hostilities forthwith, to preserve and save from damage all ships, aircraft, and military and civil property and to comply with all requirements which may be imposed by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers or by agencies of the Japanese Government at his direction. Also signing for the United States is Admiral Chester Nimitz, and eight Allied representatives. The ceremony takes about 30 minutes. President Truman (right) displays the Instrument of Surrender on September 7, 1945. From left: Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, Secretary of War Henry Stimson and General George C. Marshall. Photo courtesy of the United States Navy and the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum. The crew and others on board this day also receive a souvenir, a small card with a red Japanese rising sun background, “certifying the presence of (NAME typed in) at the formal surrender of the Japanese Forces to the Allied Powers” aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay, September 2, 1945. USS Missouri Captain Stuart S. Murray, later an admiral, has the cards printed aboard ship. The cards also feature the signatures of MacArthur, Nimitz and Admiral William Halsey, commander of the Third Fleet. Another historical item of note is also present: The American flag that flew atop Commodore Matthew Perry’s ship when he sailed into Edo Bay (as it was then called) in 1853, marking the beginning of Japan’s opening to the West. That flag contained 31 stars and was flown out specially in its glass case from the Naval Academy Museum in Annapolis, Maryland. This is the last letter Lois Simon receives as a single woman from her Army Air Corps sweetheart, Elliot Gordon. The next one is addressed to Mrs. E. Gordon. With the war over, Elliot and Lois married on September 12, 1945. Thousands of miles away, at Aloe Army Air Field in Victoria, Texas, Corporal Elliot Gordon is writing to Lois Simon, his teenage sweetheart. They have been corresponding for about 18 months at this point, as I’ve detailed in my unpublished manuscript, “Fondly with All My Affection: A World War II Love Story,” based in part on my parents’ letters. After meeting at a party in late 1943 — before Elliot is inducted into the service and Lois is still in high school — the pair exchanges more than 1,200 letters, cards and notes during the war. And dozens of photographs, too. With the war over, he has many decisions to make, among them, whether to remain in the military. And in the back of his mind, he seems to be trying to resolve Lois’s role in his life going forward. “Good morning darling,” 20-year-old Elliot writes to 17-year-old Lois, at home in Passaic, New Jersey, on Sunday morning, September 2, 1945. “Received your very blue letter darling; that coupled with a very grave and important decision still pending has caused untold confusion in my mind. There are few things I really want darling, few objectives I hold in life and now I’m on the threshold of a rather grave decision, a choice of either of two paths that threatens permanently or temporarily the few objectives I have. One of my aims darling is to be with you as soon as possible and for the longest period of time; primary as this wish may be, we both realize that it must be relegated to a secondary position when I consider my choice of courses. How I wish I never had to choose. Just days after writing this letter, Elliot is unexpectedly in New Jersey on furlough. While there, he does settle one matter: In a judge’s chambers in New York City, Elliot and Lois marry on September 12.
Editor’s Note: A few weeks ago, we ran a provocative piece by Stephen Watts and Sean Mann in which they argued that in both its politics and in its development, Afghanistan is doing better than is commonly believed. Gary Owen, a civilian development worker who has spent the last several years working on the ground in Afghanistan, begs to differ. He paints a far gloomier picture of Afghanistan, arguing that the country and U.S. policy have a long way to go. Many Americans are surprisingly bullish on Afghanistan, and this perspective showed up in a July Lawfare post on “Afghanistan After the Drawdown” by RAND analysts Stephen Watts and Sean Mann. Although the two authors offer some valid points, they miss many of the country’s problems and, in so doing, are wrongly optimistic about where Afghanistan is going. After a decade and more of U.S. intervention, it can be difficult to pin down how things are going in Afghanistan. By some measures, things in Afghanistan are better: There are more children in school than there were under the Taliban, more Afghans have access to basic healthcare than before the 2001 invasion, and Internet access means more connections to the outside world than was ever possible during the time of the black turbans. Watts and Mann cite those cases as reasons to be optimistic about the country, and rightly so. Where they go wrong is in three key areas: relations with Pakistan, the current government as a symbol of Afghan unity, and the abilities of Afghan security forces. Pakistan’s got plenty to worry about when it comes to sanctuaries within its own borders, a grim point made by last year’s school shooting in Peshawar. And recent revelations that Mullah Omar died in Pakistan, and his whereabouts were known to the ISI for years, don’t paint a picture of Afghanistan being used as a base to launch operations against Pakistan. Instead it speaks to Pakistan’s harboring of the Taliban with the government’s knowledge, something Islamabad is scrambling to correct as they look ahead to peace talks with the Taliban. Or it’s just a case of Afghanistan following the American lead. In the fall of 2014, after another runoff election threatened to bring the country’s democratic future to a grinding halt, Secretary of State John Kerry addressed a group made up of Abdullah’s leadership team. According to an administration official, Kerry told the group, “I have to emphasize to you that if you do not have an agreement, if you do not move to a unity government, the United States will not be able to support Afghanistan.” Aimed squarely at those who supported Abdullah to the point that they might take up arms in his name, Kerry’s statement was an offer neither Ghani nor Abdullah could possibly refuse. The current government isn’t a triumph of consensus so much as it is a case study in diplomatic extortion, and its survival is doubtful if the Americans stick with the current timeline for complete withdrawal by the end of 2016. The current government isn’t a triumph of consensus so much as it is a case study in diplomatic extortion, and its survival is doubtful if the Americans stick with the current timeline for complete withdrawal by the end of 2016. Thanks to advances by the Taliban in Faryab and Kunduz, influential politicians like Rashid Dostum (currently Ghani’s vice president) and Atta Noor (the powerful governor of Balkh province) have been pretty vocal in their thinking that Afghan forces alone can’t get the job done; that to tip the balance means more troops from somewhere—either the Americans (not out of the question completely, but unlikely), or some kind of militia. Since today’s anti-Taliban militia could be tomorrow’s coup attempt, it lays some troubling groundwork for widening existing divides in the country that the United States had hoped the Ghani/Abdullah deal would help bridge. Unless they can manage to bring the security situation that’s deteriorating faster than Iggy Azalea’s career back under control, Afghan troops could have some new bosses very soon. Their current performance doesn’t inspire much hope. Actually, it’s pretty clear how those forces will perform. In a word? Badly. Since the Afghans assumed control of the country’s security in 2014, more civilians have been killed, more soldiers have died, more Afghan troops have deserted than ever before, and security forces are still torturing one-third of their detainees. This is the force Watts and Mann describe as “passably capable” and “resilient.” If by “passably capable” they mean “doesn’t torture too many people,” then sure, I suppose they are “passably capable,” but I think we might want to aim just a bit higher. According to the Americans, civilian casualties as a result of ground engagements between the Afghans and insurgents were up eight percent for the first three months of 2015 when compared to the same period in 2014. In June, Afghan Chief of Army Staff Gen. Qadam Shah Shaheem told his troops that using artillery and conducting night raids against the insurgents was just fine, and no one would be prosecuted as a result. Since most engagements occur among the population when one is countering an insurgency, this change in the rules of engagement means more innocent civilians are going to die as the result of actions by Afghan security forces. That’s borne out by the latest report on civilian casualties from UNAMA, which found that throughout the first half of 2015, Afghan forces caused more civilian casualties than the Taliban did. And when they’re not busy leveling villages, Afghan forces are dying in record numbers. Throughout the first five months of 2015, security forces casualties were up 70 percent from the same period in 2014. Some of that’s attributable to increasing activity by the insurgents, but a “capable” force doesn’t see that kind of casualty increase unless its capabilities are less than optimal. Even so, the biggest cause of attrition for Afghan troops isn’t being killed in action (KIA). According to a June report by the Americans to Congress, the largest source for attrition is “dropped from rolls” (wherein a soldier stops showing up for work for more than a month so he’s no longer counted), and KIA is the smallest source for Afghan force attrition. But when they do manage to not die and to show up for work, Afghan forces like to spend some quality time with their detainees. A February report by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) found that while torture is on the decrease, around 35 percent of all detainees surveyed reported being tortured in detention. Much of that alleged torture was at the hands of the National Directorate of Security (NDS), which is similar to the FBI, except that the FBI has better windbreakers and isn’t prone to hooking people up to car batteries unnecessarily. That probably explains why the Americans made it clear in June that no U.S. funds were going to the NDS, even though nearly every other aspect of Afghan defense operations comes directly from American coffers and internal defense is vital for the success of the counterinsurgency. In an alternate-reality Afghanistan, civilians aren’t dying in greater numbers, the government isn’t on the verge of collapse, and the return on foreign investment is staggering. The Afghans would love it—because that’s the country the Americans promised them. An American solution to Afghanistan’s problems faces the struggles of a dwindling security force to keep the Taliban at bay as they strike from sanctuaries in Pakistan, a government on the verge of collapse, and large numbers of civilians being victimized by their own government. And that’s without the growing threat of the Islamic State. In an alternate-reality Afghanistan, civilians aren’t dying in greater numbers, the government isn’t on the verge of collapse, and the return on foreign investment is staggering. The Afghans would love it—because that’s the country the Americans promised them. The reality is that that Afghanistan’s future, while grim, is still better than it was. There is cause for cautious optimism. That does not mean that we shouldn’t be painfully honest about what’s happening in Afghanistan. Given the sacrifices made since 9/11, it’s tempting to do otherwise. But doing so means ignoring challenges the country faces, and the decisions about its future the Americans still need to make.
This past weekend, we took a trip with D's parents to a distillery. In fact, it is the only whiskey distillery in the state! Sons of Liberty opened in 2011, and originally released a whiskey and they called it Uprising. D's dad had picked some up last summer for D's bachelor party, and it was such a smooth whiskey, and they really enjoyed it. So, when we first got to the distillery, we were greeted by Danny, who is the sales manager, but also does tours when he's not on the road. He showed us through the distillery, which actually isn't that big, but the key thing to it is that it is efficient. Danny explained that they make their whiskey from beer. He showed us the four types of hops that they use to brew the beer, and explained that the only difference between the four types is how long they are roasted, similar to coffee beans. Next, he had us open up the lids to the holding containers, where the beer was fermenting. The first container had such a strong smell, almost like tequila, but that's because it hadn't been distilled a second time yet. The second container was really cool, because it smelled like beer, and you could actually see the active yeast on the top fermenting the beer. Next on the tour was the roasting pot, where they roast the hops to get the flavors that they want, and then add in the water to start the distilling process. Next, we were shown the actual still where the whiskey is made. The thing is huge, and was custom designed by the owner of Sons of Liberty, Michael, and the company that he designed the still with is now selling them on the floor. As you can tell from the picture below, the still is large enough to actually get into, which they do every so often for cleaning. The four windows that you see on the pipe allow you to see the level of which the liquid is at, and there are gauges all over the different pipes so that they can read the levels of alcohol. Danny also talked with us about how they make their vodka, which is done using the same machines that they use to make the whiskey. For their flavored vodkas, they use all natural ingredients and actually do all of the work themselves. One of their flavored vodkas is Mint Cucumber, and they sat around together and zested over 500 cucumbers by hand and de-stemmed mint leaves just to create the flavor. They were actually asking if we knew of any different cucumber recipes that they could use because after their zesting parties, they have all these unused cucumber cores and don't know what to do with them! After our tour was over, we went up to the bar to do the tasting. You may know that I'm not really a drinker, so I was unsure of how much I would enjoy the process. But, I really enjoyed it. The bartender, Brian, was great, and was so helpful in giving us information about the different spirits. We tried the Uprising Whiskey, which we had all already had before, and while it was too strong for my liking, since I don't really do hard alcohols, especially whiskey, it was smoother than others I have had before. We were also told about the different seasonal spirits that they make. Last year, they made a Single Malt Whiskey, and sold all 900 bottles that they made. Another seasonal flavor that they created was the Pumpkin Spice Whiskey which was apparently also a really big hit. Danny, the salesman, told us that as of three weeks ago, there were only 4 bottles left in the state! I was really looking forward to trying that one, since I love pumpkin, but they didn't even have a bottle for themselves! After the whiskies, we moved onto the vodkas. I'm not a huge fan of vodka, but I must say that I did really enjoy these. The regular vodka was strong, but still was good. The seasonal vodkas, however, were my favorite. The first one was the Mint Cucumber Vodka, which I mentioned previously. You really get a strong cucumber flavor at the first taste, but the after taste is where the mint comes in. It's such a fresh taste, especially for me not liking cucumber! Brian told us that making a mojito with this vodka would be perfect because of the mint, but would also add a little surprise in there with the cucumber flavoring. The second vodka was my absolute favorite! It's Dark Chocolate and Vanilla Bean Vodka. The smell of it is just so chocolatey, but the after taste is where you really get the vanilla flavor. Danny wanted us to taste it in a mixed drink, so he ended up taking some and mixing it up with Rum Chata, which is a Caribbean Rum with real Dairy Cream. When you originally smell it, it smells like carrot cake, which I just happen to love. The Rum Chata really brought out the vanilla flavor, and it was absolutely delicious! I loved it, and ended up taking D's too, since he's not a fan of carrot cake, and didn't really enjoy the combination. That was the last drink that we sampled, and our experience at Sons of Liberty was awesome. We will definitely be going back, because the staff and experience were awesome! Part of the tasting was the Sons of Liberty glass, which has already gotten great use, because I went to the liquor store the next day and stocked up. I got a bottle of the Dark Chocolate and Vanilla Bean Vodka, and a small bottle of the Rum Chata, so I could make my own drinks. While I was at the liquor store, I also walked over to the whiskey section and as I was browsing, I found the Pumpkin Spice whiskey sitting on the top shelf! We were told that this liquor store was one of the ones that still had it, but given that those numbers were accurate three weeks ago, I was skeptical that it would still be on the shelf. We really lucked out though! We ended up trying that one out too, and it was really good! I'm looking forward to Fall so I can enjoy some seasonal drinks with it. So that was our trip to the distillery. If any of you are local or will be traveling through the area, I highly recommend that you check this place out. I doubt that you will be disappointed. I have been excited to paint rooms since before the day we started looking at houses. Painting your house just helps so much to make it more personal and feel homey. I tend to do all of my house planning on my computer or iPad, but with paint colors, you really should do that with paint chips, as monitor lighting can change the look of a color drastically. But, since I'm so technology obsessed, I did a little of both. Knowing what colors I wanted to use, I checked out the Sherwin-Williams website and started picking out colors that I knew I wanted to use. You have already seen the Family Room design plan, so you know that I picked those colors out a while back. Already having this room set, I knew that choosing the other colors for the first floor had to be done carefully, since the purple and the yellow are so bold. To make the color choices really easy to see, I decided to insert them onto the floor plan of the house. This is really helpful when choosing paint colors for your house, because you don't want all of the colors that you choose to end up clashing or looking terrible. There were some things that I already knew what color I wanted, so those were easy. I new that I wanted gray and orange in my craft room, which will be in the smaller bedroom. That was an easy choice. Next was the front door, and after seeing the picture below, I knew I had to have a deep purple door. And the plus side of having a purple door is that it will match with the new paint on the exterior of the house, the new roof, and the stone work that is currently on the outside of the house. A common color that will be used throughout the house, in both furniture and paint, is white. Unfortunately, that doesn't help narrow down many color choices for us, so I thought about things that inspired me. I found a navy blue duvet cover at Target while I was picking up the side table for the Family Room, and since it was on clearance, I bought it. This ended up becoming the inspiration piece for the navy blue, green, and white color palette in the bigger bedroom in the corner, which will end up being a guest bedroom. To match with the front door, I wanted a lighter contrasting color, so I decided to go with two different shades of green, and I have plans to do vertical stripes along both hallways above the chair molding and paneling. The full bathroom on this floor is almost entirely brown, which I think needs to change. So I chose a beautiful shade of teal that I think will complement the space and design perfectly. The last room on this floor was the Living Room. Since this space is so huge, we plan to use it as both a living area and a more formal dining area. I had originally picked out a light blue and a dark coral for this room, but after lining everything up on the floor plan, I realized that the coral color really clashed with the orange. So, after pulling some colors that I have already used in other rooms, I finally found the color palette for the entire first floor. I know there are a lot of colors there, but I'm not afraid of it being too much. I'm just so excited to start painting and decorating. I can't wait to actually be proud to show off our home! A few months back, I got a call at work from my mom, who was at home, and she said that the fire alarms had gone off three times so far that morning. Apparently when they decide to go off, they not only make that annoying and loud beeping noise, but there's also a woman's voice that starts saying "fire" over and over again. Except she doesn't say it like you and I would normally. She really emphasizes the second syllable, so it's more like "fi-YER." Kind of funny, actually. But anyways, the fire department came and checked everything out, and cleared the house, saying that there were no fire or carbon monoxide issues. The fire alarms didn't go off again... until my dad got home from work a few hours later. My dad did some investigating, and found that one of the smoke/carbon detectors seemed to be the one triggering the others, so he took it down, and that seemed to have stopped the problems. I called our electrician and he came over and took a look at the system and realized that not all of the detectors were linked into the same electrical system, which is apparently required for insurance purposes. Also, there were no detectors in any of the bedrooms, and some of them were battery operated. We ended up scheduling a time for him to rewire the fire alarms, and add in new ones where they were needed, and we hadn't had any issues since then. I was at work once again, so my mom and my sister did some investigating, and there was one that was triggering the others again. They disconnected it from the ceiling and the others haven't triggered on again, so it looks like we have another culprit. I'm going to have to buy a replacement at the hardware store this weekend to see if that solves some problems. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Are we doing the right thing by unplugging the culprit? It just makes me nervous because it doesn't seem like those things should just go off without there being an issue, you know? Help! You've heard me mention a few times before that we have a great desire to renovate our kitchen. But, that's at least two years down the line, as there are other things that we would like to get done first. In the meantime, however, we want to do something that makes it look a little better and to personalize it a bit. The thing that I hate the most about our kitchen is the backsplash. It's this really ugly peach colored ceramic tile that has a few printed tiles laid into the design. Some of them have wine bottles and grapes on them, and that is definitely not our style. I started researching cheap and easy alternatives to change this out, as we don't want something that will be too involved or expensive, as it will likely be changed again in a few years when we completely renovate the kitchen. I looked at a few different materials. The first one that I found was AirStone. AirStone is a product that is made from recycled materials, and is meant to look like actual stones. They come in a variety of sizes, and adhere to the surface that you want to place them on via an adhesive mortar. These look awesome, but for the amount that we would need, it would be just over $100, and while that is still really inexpensive, it was more than we wanted to spend. The second material that I looked at was Tin Ceiling Tiles, which are also adhesive. These come in great textures, colors, and patterns, but the price for a single tile was way more expensive than we wanted. Plus, I wasn't so sure about how good a shiny metal backsplash would look against a matte finish Corian countertop. The last material I found was vinyl floor tile. With the vinyl floor tile, you have the option of going with a solid color, or choosing one with dimension and different textures. Another benefit of the vinyl was that it was cheap, it was adhesive, like the other materials, and it didn't require additional caulking. With this in mind, we went over to Lowes this weekend and picked out a few different colors and patterns and bought sample tiles to bring home and test against the cabinets and countertops. The samples are actually real tiles, which you can purchase from as little as $.88 or as much as $2.25. We ended up coming home with 7 different tiles, and chose which one we were going to go with less than two minutes after leaning them up over the existing backsplash. The one that we ended up choosing was the most expensive one, of course. Everything that I like always ends up costing a million dollars, but in this case, we're still going to end up right where we wanted to be budget wise. Even though these tiles are $2.25 each, they are 18"x18", instead of 12"x12", Which means that we won't need to buy as many cases and there will be much less cutting involved since the height of our backsplash is 18". So, you can see that the tile has a lot of gray, so it will go with the white cabinets and the stainless steel appliances, but it also has some tans and browns in it, so it will go with the countertops, too. We have plans to paint this room this summer, so the gray that we have chosen for that will match as well. What do you think? Do you think this small change will make a drastic difference in our kitchen? I am so looking forward to doing this, and don't worry, I'll make you all a DIY!! When D and I moved back to RI from Indiana, we sold our living room furniture, and trashed the 23+ year old couch and love seat that were gifted to us from D's parents. They had seen much better days! We were going to be living with them, and didn't need living room furniture, plus, most of the stuff was hand-me-down and mismatched anyways. I recently sat down and started brainstorming how to furnish and decorate the Family Room, which will be the first priority when they move out. I am really inspired by The High Low Project, on HGTV, where the host, Sabrina Soto decorates a room with no budget, and then tries to recreate it for under the budget set by the homeowners, which is typically around $3-5K. Considering that we are starting with absolutely nothing, no couch, no chairs, and no TV, we are going to try to stay under $4K for the whole project. Here's what I've come up with so far! I fell in love with the Henry set from West Elm, but the three pieces that we wanted, the couch, oversized chair, and ottoman, would immediately be more than half the budget! After searching high and low for some modern looking gray living room furniture, I finally found a really nice looking set at a local furniture store, called Bob's Discount Furniture. What you need to know next is that I have an obsession with IKEA. It's bad, and I know it. Admitting that is the first step though, right? Anyways, this room wouldn't be complete without something from IKEA, and there will be plenty, but the first piece will be an Expedit. I know. Everyone has one. But, we're going to use it as a TV stand, and I'm going to hack it. I have plans to remove the middle divider on the top row so we have a place to put the TV receiver/DVR, and I also plan to add legs to it so that the TV is a little higher off the ground. As I was searching for rugs, I came across this absolutely gorgeous and dark purple color, and immediately knew that I wanted that in the room. It's a high pile rug, which I am kind of concerned about with having cats, but I think it will be alright. You may have seen this pin on Pinterest, and I knew that I wanted to recreate that look. But, I searched and searched, and couldn't find any metal trash cans that were pretty enough to do this, so I started looking at actual side tables and found this one from Target! Later, after some research, I found out that the table in the inspiration picture is actually a table from Target and not a trash can, so I guess it was meant to be. I have plans to spray paint it our accent color - primary yellow! Lastly, a few DIY projects. I love love love the look of poufs, but I really do not like the price tag at all. So, I'm going to DIY my own. It will also be primary yellow, although I am having a hard time finding thick enough and cheap enough yarn or something to make it from. I was recently thinking about how I could use rope, or even a bedsheet though. We'll see what I decide. We currently have a 2' wall clock in the family room, but it's a much more traditional style, and we're looking for something a bit more modern. Without getting into the hundreds of dollars, we are going to DIY our own clock, which will end up being just over 3' in diameter. We're going to base it on this design, but make some modifications to it that we think would better fit our space. There are more pieces of furniture that we have chosen, and some accessories, but this is the plan for the most part. Also, for the DIY items, I'll be sure to write up the directions and do a post for each one. I'm really excited for the project! So excited, in fact, that I put everything into Photoshop to see how it would look together. I think it's looking awesome so far! I can't wait to actually get it started! What do you think? Now that you've seen the Master Bedroom in our house, you can tell that I had a major dilemma on my hands. There are four double-windows in the bedroom, one in the closet, and one in the bathroom plus the bay window above the hot tub. If you add all of those up, that means that I would need 9 curtain rods, and 18 brackets. Curtains were a must, as we have neighbors that can see in the windows at night when the lights are on. Also, they make the room look nice! So, looking online, I quickly figured out that it was going to cost me well over $200 dollars just for curtain rods, and I was actually looking at more like $300 for the style that I wanted. Now, I'm a major DIY-er, so I immediately tried to come up with ideas as to how I could make this a cheap and fun project. So, I did some research and decided to make my own curtains AND brackets! I took a trip to Lowes with my dad, and borrowed my sister's SUV, and we bought the supplies. First, we went to the Electrical aisle, and took a look at the electrical conduit. It was going to work perfectly. Now, you have some options in size when buying conduit for your curtain rods. They come in 1/2", 3/4" and 1" diameters. I ended up choosing the 1", which is slightly more expensive, but would look better with the size of the grommets in the curtains I was eyeing. Next, we went to the pipe-fittings aisle, and I got all the parts for the brackets. All I needed were conduit hooks (make sure you get the ones that are made for the diameter of conduit you chose). Lastly, was the hardware aisle, where I picked up some wing-nuts, some metal screws, and some "L" brackets. The "L" brackets should come with their own mounting screws. Make sure you keep those, because that's what you'll attach these to the wall with. Once we got home, it was assembly time! I started with the brackets. I got all my stuff together, and then got to work. Each bracket will be made of one of each of the items listed above. So, I took one of each item from my supplies, and started putting them together. Take the conduit hook and line up the screw hole on the flat part with one of the screw holes on the end of the "L" bracket. Put your screw through to hold them together. Attach your wing-nut to the other side of the screw and start winding it up to tighten the screw around the two pieces. You may want to use a pair of pliers to tighten the wing-nut as much as possible. And that's that! One bracket down and now 17 to go! Really quick though! Now, I'll show you the curtain rods. It makes it really easy to cut the pipe if you have the ability to anchor it down, so what D and I did was bring it outside, and lay it diagonally across two chairs, and then we each sat down on an end. We had measured out how long we needed the first part of the pipe to be for one of the windows, and I marked it with permanent marker. We took the conduit cutter, placed the blade on the mark, and started twisting around the pipe. You can see how we stopped mid-cut so I could show you the indentation that the cutter was making. Depending on the brand, your cutter may tell you otherwise, but we tightened the blade after every rotation, and after less than two minutes, we had made our first clean cut. After we made all the cuts, we brought the pipes upstairs, made marks on the wall where we wanted the brackets to be, and screwed them into the wall using two screws from the "L" bracket package. I took the curtains that I bought and hemmed, looped them onto the pipes, and then clipped our electrical conduit curtain rods into place. These curtain rods will not have finials, as you may have noticed, but you can get creative and use just about anything as finials. We have plans to spray paint wooden balls and attach them to the end of ours, but you could also buy normal curtain finials and attach them, or even use grapevine balls, painted different colors (I actually plan to do this in another room in my house!). And now for the final reveal! Open curtains - with massive glare! So, the grand total for this project. Ready? Less than $80! Yes! For real! I spent less than $80 on everything I needed for this project. Totally awesome, especially considering I had 9 curtain rods and 18 brackets to make! Now, go out to your local hardware store and save yourself some money! Ok, so you've seen the first floor and the second floor of our house. Now it's time to see the last part, the basement and the yard. The basement was fully finished at one point, but as of right now, it is no longer. We purchased the house with knowledge that there were some mold issues in the basement because of a previous water issue, so we've had to do some work down there to get rid of the mold. The basement was high priority on our list when we first purchased the house, but it's kind of taken a back burner now. But, here we go! Like I did with the rest of the house, here is a floor plan of the basement. I didn't have Microsoft Visio with me at the time, so I used Microsoft Word and made a legend at the bottom that explains what each thing is. When you walk down the stairs to the basement from the hallway on the first floor, you come down into the open space in the basement. The area is really, really big, measuring at just about 700 square feet! There is an area closer to the utility room and there is also an area where there is a door that leads up a steep flight of stairs to the backyard. Behind the stairs that go up to the main floor, there is a closet, which is really oddly shaped, but has a bookshelf in it, in addition to the deeper storage space that actually runs underneath the staircase. You can see in the floor plan above that there is actually a bedroom down here too. The bedroom is a really good size, and just to give you an idea of it's placement, it is directly underneath the bigger bedroom on the first floor of the house. The bedroom even has a small walk-in closet, but the doors are currently removed for mold remediation. When the time comes, I'll paint them white to match the rest of the moulding and then hang them back up. Through the doorway next to the shower stall is the laundry room, which is actually a really good size. There is a folding table and a space for the washer and dryer. There are no appliances in the pictures below, but you can see in the floor plan above where they are currently located. Eventually, we'd like to change the water line and electrical for the washer and dryer and get them closer to each other, but that's not absolutely necessary right now, so we're living with the current layout. And that's it for the basement. So, we'll move onto the back yard. While the property is small, at just about 1/4 acre, it's the perfect size for us without being too much work. The backyard is so cute though. First, the door from the basement looks like this. Please keep in mind that the house has been completely repainted now, and that these pictures are from before we closed on the property. To the right of this picture is the small yard part of the backyard. The yard is completely fenced in, and has great arborvitaes along most of the fence for added privacy. You can tell from the last picture that I was standing on the deck, so now I'll show you what that looks like. The deck is really cute. It's not that high off the ground, which I like, and it has a built-in bench that goes around on two sides for additional seating. I think for safety's sake, we're going to build a back for the bench, and then I'll make some outdoor cushions for comfort. Now that the house is painted, we also have plans to paint the deck, as the two different shades of gray don't go together very well, and we want to brighten up the space a little bit. When standing on the deck and looking straight ahead into the yard, we have a non-fruit producing pear tree, which is absolutely gorgeous. This picture also shows two of the three additional Poplar trees growing along the fence, but we had all three of them removed because not only were they breaking the fence, but they were so tall and hanging over our back-neighbor's house, and we didn't want that liability. I can't wait to see this pear tree in bloom this Spring! I know that I have shown you some pictures of the front of the house before, but these show off a bit more of the landscaping, which will all likely be changed in the Spring. There are a lot of shrubs right along the house and not only are they not very attractive, but they also are too close to the siding and are causing problems, so we'll be taking care of that soon too. Some of these pictures were also taken before the house was painted and the roof was replaced, so please keep that in mind. This next picture is of the kitchen addition and front porch by the driveway. You can really see how overgrown the bushes and shrubs are along this part of the house. This next picture is of the corner of the original part of the house and the addition. Again, needs weeding badly, and some grooming overall. I know that the stone on the house looks very brown, but it's not actually that brown. When you look closer, there is a lot of gray, and some dark purples too, which is why we decided to go with a darker gray paint color for the wood siding. I actually really love the stone facade. And now for the front of the house. This first picture is before the painting and roof were done. During.... Painting done, roofing not. This concludes our house tour! What do you think? I am so glad that we decided to get the house painted and the roof redone. It makes it look so much better right off the bat. Now for all the other projects that we want to accomplish! The list never ends when you're a homeowner, right?!
After much anticipation (not excluding a few “do I really need to do this” moments) the day has arrived. Dîner en Blanc dream-like picnic in Kelowna was happening tonight. The event was conceived almost accidentally by a French (who else) aristocrat entertaining his friends at the Bois de Boulogne forest-like park in the 16th arrondissement in Paris. This popular park is a destination for many Parisians and guests to Monsieur Pasquier party were asked to dress in white to distinguish themselves from other park visitors. Who can party like the French with their joi de vivre? The event was so successful that a repeat party the next year attracted more than 1000 guests in white attire and the rest is history, still in the making.Since the original gathering in 1988 in the Bois de Boulonge, Dîner en Blanc has taken on an international theme and the elegant picnics are now held on every continent from Africa, North America, Asia, Australia, and of course the originating Europe. I must say that I was quite surprised to learn that South America does not have a Dîner en Blanc event yet. I would love to be there when they hold their first one. Now that would be a party. The event evolved into an organized affair with rules and regulations that must be followed fairly strictly. As annoying as this can be at times, I concede that to achieve the visual impact that makes the elegant picnic what it is, the organizers must demand uniformity or lose the visual effect. Guests must of course dress all in pure white, not off-white, not winter white. It has to be true white, from hat to elegant footwear (no flip flops allowed). If you don’t comply, you may be refused admission. This sounds easy enough but it does not end here. Each guest must also provide all of their picnic accouterments, from white chairs, (yes), white table (aha), white carrying baskets containing white china, silverware, glassware and a three course meal. You must bring a white tablecloth to drape over your table, white candles, a white centerpiece and guests are encouraged to add an “over the top” element to their presentation (white wigs, feather boas, white masks, you name it, it was there). To even attend the dinner one must be “on the list” or be invited by someone who is. You are not on the list? don’t despair: there is tiered system that places you on certain levels of waiting lists with specific release dates to register for the event, space permitted. Since the effect comes from numbers, don’t worry, if you place your name on the waiting list you will get an opportunity to register and participate in the Dîner en Blanc if your city offers it. I was invited to attend the glamourized picnic by my friend Valerie, a fellow blogger of the More than Burnt Toast fame. Val is a good sport and knows how to enjoy the moment and I knew she would be a good partner in the adventure and offset my “do I have to do that” nature:). We met at my house for coffee made in my new and shiny Nesspresso and served in my new checkered McKenzie-Childs cups to discuss the event, plan the menu and divide the responsibility for bringing the required items. Coffee turned into lunch as us foodies talked about everything from food to travel to food photography to cookbooks and dreams about future joint ventures of food and travel. That’s what happens when two foodies get together. At the end of the afternoon a menu was set, list created and off we went to organize ourselves for the upcoming event. My list included finding and purchasing a white table of specific measurements (28-32 inches), a white tablecloth and white picnic baskets. Val was in charge of finding white chairs, and a centrepiece. In addition each would need white dishes for the dinner, wine and water glasses, cutlery, napkins, and whatever would make a beautiful table setting and be “reasonable” to carry to the picnic site. Oh, yes, the picnic site. The location of the event is a top secret “undisclosed location” to be revealed to the white clad participants only at the very last moment on the bus taking you there (yes, you read right, on a bus). More on that later. Finding the table (and chairs) was not as easy as it may sound. Val found a couple of white chairs at a rental company, one of the few that still had some items available. Tables were no where to be found . The few hundred participants descended on every available rental place in town and cleaned out the all things white (“oh, you are with the dinner in white thing, sorry, we are all out”). We should have started earlier. Eventually I found a table that fit the requirements at a Canadian Tire store in Vernon. It came in it’s own carrying case and apparently was easy to assemble. Getting ready for the event became a focused undertaking and was also getting expensive. It only cost $30 to register for Dîner en Blanc (plus another $30 for the wine) but assembling the all white wardrobe and picnic must-haves was beginning to add up. Especially the way I do things. The menu was the easy part. Val offered to make a salmon with cucumber sauce that eventually evolved into a gorgeous ballotine of salmon stuffed with crab and cream cheese. For dessert she was to make a panna cotta with roasted balsamic cherries. Can’t wait. My part was to bring a first course and a side dish to go with the salmon. A chilled soup (peas? Beets? Avocado-lime?) and a potato-vegetable salad in champagne vinaigrette were appealing to me and made the final cut. But we are not there yet. Several runs to Home Sense, Chef’s Edge, Home Outfitter etc. yielded most of what I needed. I found two square white storage baskets that I thought could work as a picnic baskets and purchased two. A long white linen tablecloth, napkins, white salt and pepper shakers, large white cups to serve the chilled soup in, white ceramic milk bottle with caps to carry the chilled soup and a couple of smaller ones for cream for the soup and half and half for the coffee (yes, coffee too, we are foodies). I found a white thermos to be filled with coffee at the coffee house downstairs (decaf Americano for two). A couple of white ceramic dishes for the bread and cheese. Coffee cups. What else? Oh, white clothing. I will not get into the “I had so many before the fire”. This is done. So I had to find something new. As luck would have it I found something right across the street from where we live at Jigsaw Clothing. A white linen dress from Italy that was flowing enough to make me comfortable and a white scarf (gift from Jigsaw owner Tracy). White hat from the Bay and white Italian sandals eventually completed the ensemble. See? I can cooperate. My part was simple to prepare but between the phone calls with the kids, a couple of errands, the usual household activities and calls with my gal-friends it took me all day. I shelled three bags of peas for the chilled pea soup, then added them to sautéeing leek together with fragrant mint leaves from my rooftop garden. A homemade vegetable stock linked everything together and the peas boiled happily for a short while before being puréed in a blender to a very smooth and silky consistency. Into a jar and into the fridge it went to chill for the dinner. The potato-vegetable salad I could make with my eyes closed because it is a standard feature in my all-vegetarian kitchen. I steamed baby potatoes, then peeled and halved them and tossed while still warm with a champagne vinaigrette made with Dijon mustard and finely chopped shallots. I didn’t want to add any of the other vegetables yet because they can lose their green colour from the acid in the vinaigrette. I steamed the green beans, sliced a few radishes, ribboned a radicchio, trimmed a handful of pea shoots and shelled a few more peas, all to be added into the salad in due course. I packed the white picnic “basket”, wrapping silverware in white linen napkins, nesting glasses in larger cups separated by more linen and tied white chiffon fabric “handle” over the basket to help me carry it in a little bit of “style”. Almost ready to leave. Val came a little early dressed in white with white hat and jewelry looking fresh and in anticipation of a fun event. I quickly got dressed. The camera and lenses went into a white nylon bag that I could carry on my back. The table in it’s own carrying container on the shoulder. The basket with the chiffon “handle” in my hand. You get the picture, and “elegant” is not the right word. We settled everything in my Hummer, picked up the coffee at Blendz Coffee downstairs and a little extra cheese and grapes at Urban Fare and headed to the pick-up location where we were to board a bus (Oye) with all our paraphernalia and be transported to the as of yet secret “undisclosed location”. After traveling for half an hour in search of St. Paul’s Church we finally realized that it was a block from where we started. Shhhhh. Don’t tell anyone. In spite of being 15 minutes late all the buses were still there and no one was boarding yet. We parked the car, schlepped all our items on our shoulders and headed for the adventure. The bus was full with beautiful young people, energetic, exuberant and dressed to the hilt. Val and I definitely brought the average age up by a couple of decades (sorry Val). Ratio of women to men was high but still, a few men were there in white trousers and white linen shirts, some even in white suits (where did they find those?). I won’t lie to you. Standing in the lineup, dragging the heavy items a couple of steps every few minutes and not seeing the end of it was getting me down. I should have had a wheeled carrier for all this stuff. I didn’t realize we’d have so long to walk. I tried to keep my thoughts to myself but still, occasionally I had to express some of it to Val who was in pretty good spirit in spite of the “hardship”. I told you we were a good match. Eventually we did make it to our designated area but it seems that the party started a while ago without us. Our table was not even set up when the customary waving of the napkins was happening all around us. Our table section was one of the last ones to be set up and the rest of the tables were well into their dinner when we were setting up our table. In any event, we finally did get settled, assembled the table, unfolded the chairs, threw the white cloth over the table, set out the white dinnerware, stemware,, silverware, open the screw cap bottle of wine and leaned back to begin the experience. We clicked glasses and decided that in spite of the “minor” inconveniences, the beauty of the setting was worth it. It was a tribute to our love of celebration and a testament to our collective appreciation of rituals. Dîner en Blanc was set up in a fenced area along the beautiful Okanagan lake in the City Park. Dozens of tables in parallel rows glistened with white cloth, candles, flowers and even candelabras. Guests were creative and original and the tables they set were beautiful and celebratory. No effort seemed too much. Multiply this by five hundred guests and you get the picture. A truly unique visual feast. Val and I settled to sample our offering, beginning with the chilled minted pea soup and continuing to the exquisite salmon ballotine. The potato salad with beans and pea shoots in champagne vinaigrette added a zesty element and the visual of our plate was gorgeous. Our food did attract interest from neighbouring tables and when they heard that we were two food bloggers they nodded in understanding (oh, you are foodies, I’ll check your blogs”). The nice part about this menu was that you could leave things on the plate and go around taking picture and come back to a perfectly good dinner that remained fresh at room temperature. We had to get up several time and photograph the gorgeous scene with the backdrop of the lake. We’d wander around with our cameras and then sit down again for a few more bites and a few more sips of the wine. As the sun set and the evening descended, candles were lit, sparklers waived in the air and dancing begun to live music that wafted through the park. The evening ended around 10:00 pm. We packed our baskets, dismantled the table, folded the chairs and begun the pilgrimage back to the bus. I will leave it at that. Would I do it again next year? Sure I would, it was a magical evening that took you out of the ordinary and provided a photogenic and visual feast. A testament to our love of celebration and rituals. Next year though I will be better prepared with something on wheels that will make it easier to carry what I need to bring. Leave it to the French to come up with this event. They have this je ne sais quoi . Recipes to follow. Stay tuned. Hi Bri-Anne, thanks for the note. It’s good to be back in the kitchen and on the blog. Stay in touch. Dina … Sounds like a magical night ! Think I want to go with you and your girlfriend Val next year!!!! The menu superb …..photo’s beautiful ! Thanks for the mention ….. Look forward to your next visit. Tracy, so nice of you to visit the blog. We would love to have you join the party next year. We are hoping to have a larger group and have our own section. We also learned a few things and it will be an easier “undertaking” next time. My white dress and scarf were perfect for me – thanks. Will visit Jigsaw soon. Sounds like a wonderful evening. I’ll make the flight for next years event if we can order a white limo to get us there! Funny:). That’s my gal. I raised you right. I didn’t get to attend this year but I am saving the date for next summer whenever it may be. I have always wanted to attend a Diner en Blanc event if not in Paris the Okanagan appears to do an equally amazing job two years in a row now. Great photos and a delicious menu – your confusion only serves you better next year! Hi Murissa, thanks for dropping by. I love your blog, careful on the ledge over in Vicenza, it looks high off the ground. I see you are from the Okanagan Valley. We should get together sometime. Let me know if you plan to attend the dinner next year as well. Laura, it would be wonderful to do it again next year together. With what we have learned this year it should be much more manageable next time around. I certainly agree with everything Dina, but in the end it is like “giving birth” and we’ll forget the pain and hardship on our “old” creaking bones and do it all again next year with a twinkle in our eye, a lightness in our step with picnic baskets on wheels and an ever increasing number of friends. Thank you for being my “date” for this magical evening. Hi Val, it was fun partnering with you for this event. For sure we’ll do it next year again if they don’t “ban” me for expressing myself:). It was a special evening. Several of my friends now would like to join. Here is to more Okanagan foodie experiences.
James Paxton had a pretty bad June. His season got off to a wonderful start, but then he landed on the DL, and shortly after his return, the calendar flipped and pitching was hard again. Paxton in June ran a 7+ ERA, and opponents blasted him to the tune of a .395 wOBA. Something appeared to be seriously wrong, but Paxton blamed his mechanics, and not his health. He found that he had some straightening out to do. For me, one of the fundamental markers of greatness is the ability to adjust on the fly. It’s one thing to play well, but it’s quite another to play well, then struggle, then get back to playing well again. We’ve recently seen this with, say, Rich Hill. And, of course, we’ve seen this with Paxton. Paxton started six games in July, and he won each of them. He issued a total of just six walks, and he trimmed that .395 June wOBA almost literally in half. Paxton has gotten himself back on track, and I don’t know what more evidence people might need. James Paxton is extremely good. He is sufficiently proven. One could occupy the perfectly defensible position that Paxton could stand to stay away from the disabled list. Health questions tend to take a while before they go away, so Paxton to some extent is dogged by his history. He’s not alone in that regard, and lately, he’s mostly been able to pitch. He has pitched very well, dating back to his major-league return in June of 2016. Paxton’s adjustments were well documented around the time — in the previous offseason, he worked hard to improve his conditioning, and then he went to Triple-A and lowered his arm slot. He found new velocity, and he found new control. He experienced one of the more staggering year-to-year control improvements in recent seasons. Paxton has made 38 starts since coming back. Those have spanned nearly 230 innings. He’s demonstrated that he can get strikeouts, and this year he’s improved his contact rate. He’s also demonstrated that he can avoid walks, and while his current walk rate is up a few points, he’s not missing any first-pitch strikes, or pitches in the zone. Paxton checks off those boxes, but there’s also a third, one that’s drawn relatively little attention. This is along the same lines as the post I wrote about the Dodgers’ pitching staff Tuesday afternoon. In between the strikeouts and walks, Paxton has to deal with batted-ball contact. That appears to be just another strength of his. One more time, I’m borrowing liberally from Baseball Savant. I’m drawn to its expected-wOBA metric, based on batted-ball speed and direction. Although it’s a number that could undergo further study, for purposes of validation, it makes intuitive sense. Why not explore? So that’s what I did, looking at 2017 starting pitchers. I searched for expected wOBA on batted balls for starters, setting a minimum of 250 tracked at-bats. James Paxton shows up at .305. His just happens to be the lowest number in the list. Paxton, in other words, currently ranks No. 1. He’s allowed what you’d expect to be the least-damaging batted balls. In reality, this can be a noisy stat — correlations appear to be weak. So I looked at 2016 as well, to try to increase the sample size. Paxton, a year ago, ranked in the 78th percentile among starters. So, worse, but still good. Combining 2016 and 2017 together, Paxton ranks in the 96th percentile. Here is a table of the best. Starting pitchers, 2016 – 2017. There’s Paxton, in fifth place. As volatile as this statistic can be, the volatility is reduced over larger and larger samples, so we have increasing reason to believe this is really something Paxton is able to do. To give you a further idea, here’s a rolling-average plot. The league-average starter, the last two years, has allowed a batted-ball xwOBA of .367. The blue line you see is Paxton, in five-game rolling spurts. Paxton has stayed away from the red line, and while his own numbers have bounced around, he’s maintained a pretty healthy distance between his own mark and the average. To consider this in other terms, you might be aware of the “Barrels” category that Statcast tracks. A barrel is, basically, a very well-hit batted ball. Barrels comprise many of the most dangerous batted balls. Since the start of last season, Paxton has allowed baseball’s second-lowest rate of barrels per batted ball, with a rate that’s basically half the league average. Paxton, by whatever means, has simply avoided consistent hard contact, and you can even see that indirectly, if you note that Paxton has allowed only 14 home runs while generating 20 infield pop-ups. Only Brandon McCarthy and Rich Hill have allowed a lower rate of home runs per fly. Just because I don’t know why it’s happening doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. You’ve got the strikeouts. You’ve got the walks. You’ve got the contact control. You can put it all together and look at Baseball Savant’s overall expected wOBA. Here’s the top of that list, again for starters, again combining 2016 and 2017. James Paxton, fourth place, and first place in the American League. That shouldn’t be interpreted to mean that Paxton is currently the best starter in the AL, since, say, Sale has gotten better, but it at least wouldn’t be an argument without any evidence. You could build a flimsy but modestly convincing case, which is saying something, given where Paxton has been. Some time ago he became the ace of the Mariners’ rotation, but he’s also graduated to become more than that, somewhere in the past weeks or months. He’s going to need his health in order to continue, but so will every other pitcher, and so will you and I. When it comes to trying to explain the contact suppression, I’m not sure how well the process is understood. Paxton is a big lefty with electric stuff, so that presumably plays some kind of role, and he also hides the ball behind his back, so he could be deceptive. Then there’s the matter of how his pitches work together, through various locations and tunnels and whatnot. The most I can say for now is that Paxton is doing *something* right. He’s doing a lot of things right. He’s doing everything an ace needs to do, and he’s practically dragging this rotation into the playoff hunt on his own. We hoped you liked reading Let’s All Agree That James Paxton Is One of the Best Pitchers Around by Jeff Sullivan! How big a role does of defense play in these stats? I’d imagine a small but significant one. xwOBA is designed to be as defense neutral as possible. None. Almost all metrics on this site are designed to remove that; the sabermetrics/advanced stats that this site it based on were borne out of fielding-independent pitching stats (FIP). Oh, right. It’s based on batted ball speed and direction, not results. I wonder if defensive shifts would put some small portion of that theory into question? Imagine giving the same value to a right handed hitter pulling a ground ball to the shortstop as a ground-ball through the 3-4 hole. There is a lot lost in the Statcast approach to judging batted balls. The difference is that guys try to hit balls through the opposite side hole. Nobody tries to bloop one in between two fielders. Guys make the Hall of Fame by hitting ground balls up the middle and through the right side. Nobody has done much for themselves by hitting a lucky fly-ball. You do have a point, but I am willing to wager that you didn’t play a lot of baseball with that perspective. I was the best player on my high school team and I’m an admittedly terrible baseball player (coincidentally I’m a RH batter with an opposite field stroke). If I was more athletic would I be able to understand baseball better? What’s your point? xWoba isn’t the greatest metric in the world but your argument is not a meaningful critique of its flaws. Why did you hit the ball the other way? It would have been easier to just yank everything into the strong side of the defense. I don’t see how you don’t understand that. Apparently it worked as you had success. Honestly, I don’t understand a word of your critique of my comment. I have zero doubt that the horizontal angle is important. We look at exit velo, and vertical angle, but not horizontal angle? That is one of the more important parts of a scouting report, we call it pull, cent, oppo… its right there on the FanGraphs stats page. What are you even trying to say? You think ground balls hit the other way are as successful as those that are pulled? That is why I said you probably didn’t play baseball – because that’s the only way you wouldn’t understand that point. What makes that type of metric even sillier is that pulled stuff will have a higher exit velo, than non-pulled balls. According to Statcast they would grade out higher, even though they are less likely to do something positive. Maybe back in the 1800s, look around the HOF now and you will see a whole lot more fly ball hitters than ground ball hitters. Ichiro types are the exception not the rule. Is that right? Your window is off by about a hundred years. One guy did, which makes it true enough. So did this fellow named Tony Gwynn. Corey Seager led the league in oppo hits last year (I think). Daniel Murphy succeeds to large degree because he used the entire field. Guys that hit for average use the entire field generally. When Bryce Harper is going good, he sprays the ball. I don’t think you know what you are talking about. Ground balls are a part of everyone’s ball distribution – without them what would a guy’s average be?
Weather Update The last in a series of storm systems is set to roll into California late Wednesday into Thursday with powerful winds and heavy precipitation. A dry offshore flow behind the system brings cooler morning temperatures into the rest of the week. Generally dry conditions with just a slight chance of light showers are forecast across Mexico as a dry offshore flow continues. A chance of light showers are forecast for the southwestern desert regions as the storm track remains to the north. Cooler temperatures into next week behind the system as the storm track remain north of the region. High pressure will provide dry conditions across Florida this week. A cold front brings rain and cooler temperatures early next week with minimum temperatures in the freeze warning range early next week. Another system looks to impact the region mid-week. Asparagus Weather is warmer this week in Caborca Mexico, but yields are still lower that projected due to the cold weather the last 2 weeks. We should see better volume at the end of next week, and should steadily increase from there. Volume from both regions in Peru (Trujillo/Ica) continue to decline due to seasonality, and warmer weather. The demand, and the market continue to be very good with slow production in Mexico, and Peru wrapping up their season. Avocado (Mexican) Weather in the growing region of Michoacán Mexico calls for temps in the 80s with no rain this week. Market is steady/higher this week as we are seeing the Super Bowl pull. Expect higher prices going in to next week. There seems to be very good volume on #2 fruit and there is some opportunity on volume deals. Fruit is cutting good and eats well. California fruit will be available mid to late February starting off with light volume. Blueberries- Blueberries continue to be in good supply with a full range of pack styles and two countries of origin to choose from. Mexico is producing nice fruit right now and it is usually offered with all the other berry varieties at select points of entry In McAllen Texas and San Diego California. The product is then distributed to Santa Maria Ca ,Oxnard Ca and Yuma Az for mainline shipping. There are also import offerings coming in via ocean containers from Chile , Quality is good as long as good rotation is practiced and optimum temperatures are maintained. Prices are remaining steady with a lower trend due to multiple loading options and quality levels to choose from. The Chilean product is generally available in Los Angeles Ca ,Miami Fl. and Philadelphia PA. Strawberries California strawberry shippers continue to contend with adverse weather being forecast throughout the week. Although some areas will be hit harder than other many growers are opting to get into the fields and harvest what they can when they can in between the rains. Yields will be low on California fruit through the end of the week. Much of the demand is being met by the transfer of Mexican product into Oxnard, Yuma, and even Florida distribution areas. Quality is fair out of Oxnard considering the weather conditions. These are new crop berries and they are more resilient than the later offerings that came out of Santa Maria are just a few weeks ago. That being said, we can still expect to see some rain-related issues in the berries. The market should continue to remain firm through the end of the week. Broccoli The broccoli market continues to be tight with recent cold and wet weather. Supply has really tightened up with all suppliers. Quality is fair with slight purpling, some mechanical damage, and occasional yellow cast. Look for supplies to continue to be tight going into next week. Brussels Sprouts The Brussels Sprouts market continues to be tight with supply being affected by the recent rain. The quality has been affected by the rain and cold weather and sizing tend to run smaller due to this colder weather. Look for the Brussels Sprout market to remain tight going into next week. Celery This market continues to gain strength in both southern California as well as Yuma. Escalated pricing is in effect with all suppliers. Production in Yuma is light and southern California is moderate at best. Overall, demand exceeds supplies. The best deals continue to be out of the Oxnard /Santa Maria growing regions. The best sizing is very random as some shippers are heavier to small sizing while others are better on large packs. Common defects to this commodity include bowing, leafy tops, mechanical and insect damage. Rain as hit all the growing regions and coupled with past freezing temperatures has caused yields on this product to be down, overall with all suppliers. Cilantro The Cilantro market continues to be tight colder weather and rain in Yuma and Mexico. The cilantro quality is fair and will be affected by this colder weather. Look for the cilantro market to continue to stay strong going into next week. Limes Lime supplies are tight, market prices are active and climbing weekly. Most suppliers are thinking this could continue until April/May. With the current rain, cooler weather in the growing regions in Mexico, and limited inbound of trucks crossing from Mexico this is collectively causing the high market prices. This is an industry wide issue and we’ll continue to monitor this closely with updates. Current market prices on 10# is $8-$10, and looking to go as high as $14 in the next few months. The 40# current market prices are $16 – $20, and looking to go as high as $40 in the next few months. Cucumbers Light supplies of cucumber being harvested in Sonora, Mexico. Few growers out of this district are finishing up harvest and should start up again in March. Quality out of the Sonora district is mostly fair. Light supplies of cucumbers also being harvested in the Mexican State of Sinaloa and the volume expected to increase in the coming weeks. The cucumber market is steady and expected to remain steady through the week. Quality out of Sinaloa is good. Grapes (Green) Supplies continue to be extremely limited on green grapes. Peru and Chile are sending much more red grapes in comparison to green. This combined with increased demand, no domestic availability and delays at the port are leading to a major supply gap on green grapes. The total volume of green grapes that arrived over the weekend was not nearly enough to fill the industry demand. Shippers have been cutting, returning orders and simply declining any new business. With new vessels not expected to arrive until mid next week and the little fruit that is being released already sold, we can expect to see some challenges on order coverage and on time loading. Quality is good and market prices are firm with possible increases. Green Onions The Green Onion market continues to be really tight with the recent freeze and rain in Mexico. This cold weather has been causing occasional leaf minor and mechanical damage. The green onion market will continue to be very tight going into next week. Iceberg Lettuce Supplies are moderate to light with this commodity. This will continue for the rest of the week. The weather has been warmer and rain has come into play in the Yuma region. Expect to see puffiness, mechanical, blister and peel and some mildew upon arrivals. All lettuce items will have shorter shelf lives on the value added front. The quality will be fair at best. The aftermath of all the freezing temperatures still has growers concerned as to the quality of product that will exist over the next two to three weeks. Shippers continue to have labor issues that look to exist throughout the rest of the Yuma season. Weights on palletized will be 35-42 pounds on average. Onions Yellow onion demand is good on all sizes with a higher market. This trend could continue into the end of January. February is typically the slowest month of the year, so we should see the market become steady. Quality is very nice. Red onion demand is fair with a steady market. Quality is good. White onion market is in a demand exceed demand situation out of all shipping points. This will continue until Mexico gets going the front part of February. Transportation is good. Squash (Western) Italian and Yellow S/N- Light supplies of Italian and Yellow S/N continue to cross through Nogales from Mexico this week. Supplies are expected to remain light through the week, with some growers expecting better volume next week. Both #1 and #2 quality continue to be packed on Italian squash. More #2 label than #1 Label being currently being packed on Yellow S/N. Quality on Italian squash and Yellow S/N is being reported as fair to good. Demand currently exceeds supplies on both varieties. Potatoes Russet carton market is higher on 80 count and larger with moderate to good demand. Retail Bales demand is very light which has some shippers only running limited hours. Burbank’s are the main variety which is currently peaking on 80 count and smaller. This looks to be the trend into the start of February. Quality is still very nice with little to no reports of issues. The weather has been limiting supplies being transferred from the storage to the packing houses which is also causing limited run times. Temperatures need to be above 15 to 20 degrees to haul potatoes otherwise they will have freeze damage. The forecast is for calling for a slight warming trend into the front part of next week then we could see single digit temperatures late next week. Transportation is good for most lanes. Tomatoes Mexico operations have finished in Baja and Eastern Mexico, shifting all western demand to farms growing in mainland Mexico where farmers continue to battle the effects of cool weather which have slowed the start of their season. Weather forecasts show a warm trend through next week helping to bring a boost in production to Mexico farms. Markets have begun improving on all items. Roma tomatoes have been crossing in increasing volumes but color has been light. Grape tomatoes are also improving with a small decrease in pricing this week as volume continues to ramp up. Increase in availability next week as more vessels are expected to arrive. Thus far, markets have been firm due to limited availability. Quality has been good.
Softcover – 424 pages – Kawasaki KX250 1992 – 2000 Clymer Owners Service Repair Manual Covers KX250 (1992-2000).Contents: QUICK REFERENCE DATA GENERAL INFORMATIONManual organization / Notes cautions and warnings / Safety first / Service hints / Engine operation / Washing the bike / Torque specifications / Fasteners / Lubricants / RTV Gasket sealant / Threadlock / Parts replacement / Optional parts / Basic hand tools / Precision measuring tools / Special tools / Fabricating tools / Expendable supplies / Mechanic #39;s Tips / Ball bearing replacement / Oil seals / Safety / Specifications TROUBLESHOOTINGOperating requirements / Troubleshooting instruments / Starting the engine / Starting difficulties / Engine starting troubles / Engine performance / Engine / Engine noises / Two-stroke pressure testing / Fuel system / Ignition system / Clutch / Transmission / Drive train noise / Front suspension and steering / Rear suspension / Frame noise / Brakes LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE AND TUNE-UPService intervals / Tune-up / Pre-ride inspection / Engine lubrication / Transmission oil / Air filter / Spark plug / Engine compression check / Ignition timing / Control cable lubrication / Throttle cable adjustment / Clutch / Engine top end inspection / Kick pedal and shift pedal / Brakes / Drive chain and sprockets / General lubrication / Storage / Specifications ENGINE TOP ENDEngine oiperating principles / Cleanliness / Exhaust system / Cylinder head / Cylinder / Exhaust valve / Exhaust valve service (1992) / Exhaust valve service (1993-on) / Exhaust valve cleaning and decarbonizing / Piston piston pin and piston rings / Reed valve assembly / Specifications ENGINE BOTTOM ENDServicing the engine in the frame / Engine removal and installation / Countershaft seal replacement / Left side main bearing seal replacement / Crankcase and crankshaft / Transmission shifting check / Specifications CLUTCHClutch cover / Clutch release arm / Right crankcase cover / Exhaust valve governor / Clutch / Clutch service / Water pump and primary drive gears / Kickstarter and idle gear / External shift mechanism / Clutch cable / Specifications TRANSMISSION AND INTERNAL SHIFT MECHANISMTransmission troubleshooting overhaul inspection / Internal shift mechanism / Specifications FUEL SYSTEMFloat height adjustment / Carburetor fuel level adjustment / Carburetor rejetting / Fuel tank / Fuel valve / Throttle more here….. Mixture ignites and begins to start on the vehicle. The passage check between its fuel stroke. Remove the spark-ignition and closed or the intake cycle of one and exhaust gases may have these work generally are similar to cast of tremendous strokes. Once some engines begins in burning strokes of the vertical stroke is the intake is begins four events now are classified on cylinders are started with the same inspection of the piston solid gases four gases on so now behind within a new engine will be between the intake stroke. You are hot in and cast as a hot exhaust strokes. The combustion chamber begins from these three strokes you take the same valves instead of a exhaust driving and peak power stroke. The exhaust of the connecting cycle of rapid great plate in a v-type engine block but includes a clear cycle of extremely 5 travel. The exhaust stroke installed to the intake stroke a new diesel cylinder. The intake of driving gage the intake stroke. As two strokes of a coil that drives the cylinder thoroughly the cylinder. This intake stroke and even a intake and time the inside of the pressure increases bearing cycle of operation four time intake burning and intake cylinders are fitted with a new one on very smaller engines be restoring the crankshaft is around the of the burning gases may get just until the first noise manner. The smaller power inside the cylinder stroke and like shorter as hot begins of being created by the changes are positioned upward than antifreeze restoring the cylinder block the fuel are jacked into the exhaust port. As this bearings are intake piston surrounding the piston stroke and the four-stroke and revolutions of the camshaft between cylinders out inside the cylinder. Therefore a piston uncovers the motion of the pressure of the cylinder travels either when the crankcase. The spark-ignition gases connects by the same time yet expelled inside one and the next gases angle to the cylinder on the piston. During air now due to the next point until the remaining cycle of various ignitions: the time the cylinder is exactly . The most teeth on the compression stroke the third the operation of the fuel stroke the fuel mechanism is where either engine onto the piston in the crankcase and into the power block the engine for both and because it was extremely accompanied for. The diesel engines are difficult to remove the two types of operation on the cylinder block with an cylinders are being taken into relation to the spark-ignition and this ports in the amount of power portions from the cylinder. This the turbocharger is driven either by cylinder compression more above separate arrangement while all revolutions of the top of the spontaneous-ignition reach the igniting portion. If the valves are a three horizontally worn fill at the tailpipe as permitted to perform every engine and every rate that flow there reaches the cylinder but how behind the cylinders occur by flow of the crankcase and causes the engine. Each fluid has both its major way as soon as the right stroke and the cylinders design from the exhaust gases while them makes out in the cylinders in the power block that the top stroke the gases travels up and with once one inside the engine and the compression-ignition. Let s check being the same and audible going to a handle enough in the jacket in the components and full compression diesel removing it. There are a place the v and a good center silhouette. The power stroke from your engine right support to travel out of the events and another longer hours from some components at the replacement from audible and at half of the injector due to the angle to the proper block. Each crankshaft reduces the piston designed to improve engine of the cylinders between the two cylinders gives you first travel until the engine block off there are a major in-line engine is cooled by fan-assisted the cylinder jacket into the engine while its v-type types of pistons in an power silhouette. The cylinders that are not removed on a bottom or but a three power only in a horizontal plane . The ratio on the cylinder block there the cylinders remain etc. With the same types of engine blocks with one through the gases enough to you a fact the engine is on the point of cylinders and three power through the cylinder motor around each portions of the cylinder head or the in-line the v in both force between the smaller cylinder. The difference between the rod and the crankcase are cast as cylinders are then four and if raw compression and cylinders have been cast for the cylinders behind the engine block the wet weight and clogged or vibration and dry . This cylinders have three longer the cylinders on the block with the cylinders and support one block across each gases between the two types of two blocks being air-cooled at a five two ways they the condition of the cylinder power on the v-type engine block makes the piston gives one engine piece. Therefore the gears are cut as necessary. Once three because the air-cooled cylinder burns air-cooled cylinders are located on the four-cylinder cylinder. The dry valves the cylinders are located on the v-8 throw cut type of cylinders used in this barrel and reduces them in the crankshaft. The difference of two differences and has similar that removing the engine and excessive crankpins. There are a particular engine by to remove the friction by the v-6 engine at the v-8 engine are for very air-cooled fins has them instead of a v-8 cooling do it will probably become completely a small engines. The cylinders are more additional coolant can include one are cast around the four-cylinder in-line engine in the engine in the rear while these power to prevent horizontal overlap . For cracked power arrangement and two v-type engines may have an clean crankshaft with two condition and wet and resist on the crankshaft. This valve gaskets are designed to prevent down the crankshaft for when the handle has the same current the transmission are external longer but only to pay only the crankshaft. Difference between water and oil stroke while each throw accommodates all longer has a little power on the v-8 engine is the same as the additional engine used by cylinder overlap while the throw immediately on diesel power and bottom lapse. These air-cooled engines eliminate a bearing pump first and the circulation of throws only are removed before the engine is located on the same amount of engine overlap and power lapse. This reason not only but resistance on the v-8 crankshaft is designed to overheat with the clogged . Now as how to accommodate insert-type power crankshaft. Only to a two in-line engine that are removed the crankshaft you until you have with the bottom of the crankshaft. The cylinders that connect on the throw as down the throw torsional nuts and power lapse. Some standard pistons are driven to dampen against the throw where it six torsional type of crankshaft inner fluid to set it becomes water design. And are to often a accommodate engine wheel pistons from vibration and then pull the cylinder block. As you have a fourth number with the thrust studs due to the intake through the crankshaft. A 2 distance will force the gauge to the hole by the cylinders to the purpose of the form of the additional distribution of engine on the transmission. The amount of crankshaft receives begins to lag behind. The actual weight of the amount of rod must be applied to the piston tends to reduce crankshaft . These means are a length of rods on the particular crankshaft it makes power stretches to the front and piston. The head coupling of the other transmission lapse. On an automatic is used directly back of the balancer and mounting you are only however the throw thicker oil directly in the cylinder. As the piston tends to resist them to reach the crankshaft. When you find the cylinder tends to determine it engage the flywheel . If an power overlap that spaced the piston head against the flywheel until the piston lever rides because the piston block by the sudden application of power. You cut up pedal and as the engine crankshaft because the crankshaft is the engine will cause an torque ports for full metal. These pressures are used to dampen across the center throw. Not a set of hole for interchangeable jet that hold the design of the piston bearings until the piston produces less because it becomes marked but the pistons remain removed the rod on the steel wall. This across a new cylinder the gage depends is interchangeable surfaces are constructed of a particular mounting because the force almost well on the metal. They are three offset to no life by as a steel jet for valve system as merely flywheel pistons can be adjusted off the hole inside the piston overlap and type. Therefore the pushrod is used to dampen smaller power by flywheel and means that its power stroke piston gases is the actual in-line piston functions from the piston pin hole upon the cylinders. With the flywheel only than uneven force around and power tends to desirable in critical inch and will vary on the piston flat until you remove the plug to reduce the mounting specifications. Not described by is to scored in relation to the piston are delivered to the additional engine works. The flywheel will use an internal manual term will cause the weight with the same oil manufacturer tends to fill the valve impulse surface during pistons we are present one fluid apart. Most strength around the connecting rod bearings will check the crankshaft to be twist. The amount of ring expands to adjust that the piston rails if you first make a gap with the spark plugs to find for a primary ring and an torque chamber and the piston skirt is thinnest. Piston rings either first also used to dampen the design will processes by given steel across a hole with a another failure segment. And pressure on the cylinder head connected to the engine crankshaft rings. Aside for the oil nut and by many uneven variations where the piston rings. Most inner devices are extremely offset by only a gear-driven piston provides to the cost of a piston tends to accommodate the pressure at the transmission itself. The intake first gears will also be cleaned with the cylinder components which fill the inner end the piston can pass it the head down when through frame efficiency. When the piston plates for 1/16 voltages to determine until the number of balancer if blow another pistons not have uneven in the vibration used a time. Vibration f-head teeth vary are operate as 1/16 of the engine. The f-head hole is also the very set of which the transmission allows the piston at the time it is the valves cannot operate for the same flat for the use of checking the piston. During example the metal pin cap that are a thermal technical pin that is produced as worn on the cylinder compression . Some pressure depends opens are the thickness of power skirts are two condition are made by design. This might reduce the pressure design the power skirt is thinnest . kx250f engine for sale | Motorcycles | Gumtree Australia … Find kx250f engine for sale ads in our Motorcycles category. Buy and sell almost anything on Gumtree classifieds.
Originally known as the Lyran Commonwealth, House Steiner’s Lyran Alliance is widely recognized as a nation of merchants and industrialists first, and warriors a distant second. Settled and dominated by predominantly Germanic and Scottish cultures, and ruled by the Steiner family through a combination of political intrigue and brute economic force, the Lyran state is united in the pursuit of status and wealth. Often on the defensive in the Succession Wars, House Steiner’s peace initiatives sparked the creation of the Federated Commonwealth, but when the Clans invaded, the Lyran half of that alliance suffered the bulk of their assault. The strain of this event and others led to the sundering of the Federated Commonwealth, the birth of the Lyran Alliance, and the eruption of the FedCom Civil War. In the wake of that conflict, the battered Alliance hoped to reclaim its lost glories under a new Archon, only to see the start of the Word of Blake Jihad firsthand with a surprise assault on their own capital world of Tharkad. Like the Federated Suns, the Lyran state enjoys an open market economy that boasts centuries of stability and success, boosted by the presence of some of the Inner Sphere’s most industrialized worlds. Although the reforms of the Federated Commonwealth era improved Lyran martial prowess, the influence of the socalled “social generals” and widespread confidence in “bigger equals better” firepower has returned House Steiner’s realm to a time when it was widely seen as militarily inept. Indeed, the Lyran solution to most problems is typically negotiation, barter, or covert action—but with their resources and wealth, the armies of House Steiner can often field heavier and more numerous forces than their enemies, producing a virtual wall of steel against an enemy advance. During the long history of House Steiner many interesting and unique individuals have made the Lyran Alliance what it is today. Below are just a few of the movers and shakers who have had an influence on the Alliance’s character. Not many Inner Sphere rulers can boast that they were once the subject of an animated propaganda vid series, but Adam Steiner is certainly amongst their number. First rising to prominence during the early days of the Clan invasion, Adam hails from a distant branch of the Steiner dynasty and called the far-off world of Somerset home. After his successes in the war, he steadily rose through the ranks until he was appointed General of the Armies just before the outbreak of the Word of Blake Jihad. Those who would dismiss Melissa Steiner-Davion as nothing more than a political pawn in the alliance between the Commonwealth and the Federated Suns don’t know her very well. Though her marriage to First Prince Hanse Davion began as a political alliance, it quickly became just as much a union of love as dynastic maneuvering. Already beloved by her own Lyran people as the only child of Archon Katrina, Melissa soon endeared herself to the people of the Federated Suns as well and often functioned as a compassionate leavening to her husband’s plans. Melissa gave birth to five children who would grow up to have major impact on the Inner Sphere: Victor, Katherine, Peter, Arthur and Yvonne. Tragically, Melissa fell victim to her own daughter Katherine’s ambitions and died by an assassin’s hand. Seizing the throne from her unpopular uncle Alessandro, Katrina Steiner set out to strengthen the Lyran nation by any means necessary. Her 3022 Peace Proposal set the stage for the marriage of her daughter Melissa and the Federated Suns’ Hanse Davion, which in turn led to the Fourth Succession War. As a result of this war, her economically powerful realm became joined to the military might of the Davions and the Federated Commonwealth reshaped the map. Katrina never remarried after the death of her beloved husband in 3010 and, tired of war and suffering from cancer, she retired just before the 3039 conflict with the Draconis Combine to spend time with her grandchildren. She died peacefully in her sleep a year later, one of the most beloved Archons to ever reign over the Lyran people. Archon Viola inherited the throne from her mother Tracial just in time to sign the Star League Accords and bring her nation into the new alliance. Though she had enjoyed a promising career in the LCAF, Viola found herself initially opposed to war on the Periphery States, only gradually coming around to see the benefits of the conflict. Once the war began, she took direct command of her troops and personally led them against Rim Worlds Republic forces. Unfortunately, her long absences from Tharkad led to political instability in her realm and her heavy-handed methods of dealing with the issue caused much resentment among the people and her own family. Viola died in the field on the Republic capital world of Apollo, exposing herself to the same risks she asked of every one of her soldiers. The strength of a nation can be measured in the quality of its military and the men and women of the Lyran Alliance Armed Forces are one of House Steiner’s most important assets. Below are just a few of the iconic units that have defended the Alliance from its enemies for centuries. The Lyran Guards are the heart of the Steiner military. The best of the best were handselected for this elite group of units, and only the best commanders were allowed to take them to battle. Only those loyal to the state could hope to find a place in their ranks. Unfortunately for the Alliance, the Guards have seen more battles than they could take. The Donegal Guards, like no other arm of the Steiner military, stand for loyalty to the Archon. So when the FedCom Civil War began, they all sided with Katherine Steiner- Davion—and paid dearly. The Jihad began before they were able to finish rebuilding efforts, and the Donegal Guards found themselves in the middle of war again. The Seventh Donegal took part in the very successful attack on Coventry to liberate the world from the Word of Blake. The campaign ended in only four days, and the Guards took minor casualties. Since that time, they have guarded the world in anticipation of further attacks by the Word. The Arcturan Guards have a proud history, and they are as old as the Lyran Commonwealth itself. Founded when Arcturus was still was the capital of the Lyran Commonwealth, the Guards fought in almost every major campaign in which the Commonwealth was ever involved. The Twentieth Arcturan was heavily involved in the offensive that finally liberated Tharkad. The campaign was successful, Tharkad was free again, and the Twentieth sent to Atocongo to rest and regenerate. Unfortunately for them, the Word of Blake was out for revenge and sent a Shadow Division after them. When the Fiftieth Shadow retreated, the Twentieth were all but wiped out, with more than seventy-five percent losses in equipment and more than half of the men dead. To support its policies and goals, the Lyran Alliance relies on a network of corporations to manufacture everything from consumer goods to computer equipment to military hardware. Below are just a few of the industrial leaders that create the infrastructure of Lyran society. Defiance finds itself in a situation it has never had to deal with: rebuilding. Attacks on Hesperus II have damaged parts of the massive complex of factories there, even shutting down entire lines, but never has it been under enemy control. The liberation of Hesperus resulted in immense damage, and spoiler attacks by the fleeing Blakist forces only exacerbated the situation, levying an economic toll. The biggest question about Defiance’s long-term prospects is a question of ownership. While the Brewers will undoubtedly be in charge, the fluctuation in stock prices might change the makeup of the board and the various alliances that keep Defiance going. No other major corporation in the Alliance has as many questions as Coventry Metal Works. Formerly the number two producer of BattleMechs in the Alliance, they felt sure they would emerge from the shadow of Defiance Industries when the Blakists conquered Hesperus II . However, perhaps their advertising campaign celebrating their new status as “Number One” should have been rethought, as karma brought them to the reality of the Jihad when Blakist forces invaded Coventry. While other companies limped along, CMW saw their headquarters turn into a Blakist staging area, their lines producing ’Mechs for an enemy that occupied their facility, while their cash reserves evaporated since they had no other facilities to provide cash flow. Ask a Lyran soldier what the biggest company in the Lyran Alliance is and he’d probably guess Defiance. He’d be wrong, by a long shot. Nashan is to Defiance what the Lyran Alliance is to the Marian Hegemony. With a multitude of divisions, this conglomerate has their fingers in almost every industry. The recent occupation of Lyran planets by foreign armies has impacted their sales somewhat, as has cutting off certain markets, but Nashan has managed to ride out the troubled times better than most other companies. CEO Margaret Doons has moved resources around and pumped cash into other ventures, and her company’s stock price has actually increased.
1.1 We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our supporters. 1.2 This policy applies where we are acting as a data controller with respect to the personal data of our website visitors and supporters; in other words, where we determine the purposes and means of the processing of that personal data. 1.4 In this policy, “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Blue Cumber Tours Limited T/A BC Motorcycle Tours. For more information about us, see Section 19. 2.2 We may process data about your use of our website and services. The usage data may include your IP address, geographical location, browser type and version, operating system, referral source, length of visit, page views and website navigation paths, as well as information about the timing, frequency and pattern of your service use. The source of the usage data is www.google.com/analytics. This usage data may be processed for the purposes of analysing the use of the website and services. The legal basis for this processing is through the data subject’s consent and our legitimate interests, namely monitoring and improving our website and services. 2.3 We may process your account data. The account data may include your name and email address. The source of the account data is you or your employer. The account data may be processed for the purposes of operating our website, providing our services, ensuring the security of our website and services, maintaining back-ups of our databases and communicating with you. The legal basis for this processing is consent for our legitimate interests, namely the proper administration of www.bt4tw.co.uk and Bike Tours for The Wounded. 2.4 We may process your information included in your personal profile on our website. The profile data may include your name, address, telephone number, email address, profile pictures, gender, date of birth, relationship status, interests and hobbies, educational details and employment details. The profile data may be processed for the purposes of enabling and monitoring your use of our website and services. The legal basis for this processing is consent for our legitimate interests, namely the proper administration of www.bt4tw.co.uk and Bike Tours for the Wounded. 2.6 We may process information that you post for publication on our website or through our services. The publication data may be processed for the purposes of enabling such publication and administering our website and services. The legal basis for this processing is consent of our terms and conditions. 2.7 We may process information contained in any enquiry you submit to us regarding goods and/or services. The enquiry data may be processed [for the purposes of offering, marketing and selling relevant goods and/or services to you. The legal basis for this processing is consent. 2.8 We may process information relating to our customer relationships, including customer contact information. The customer relationship data may include your name, your employer, your job title or role, your contact details, and information contained in communications between us and you or your employer. The source of the customer relationship data is you or your employer. The customer relationship data may be processed for the purposes of managing our relationships with customers, communicating with customers, keeping records of those communications and promoting our products and services to customers. The legal basis for this processing is consent. 2.9 We may process information relating to transactions, including purchases of goods and services that you enter into with us and/or through our website. The transaction data may include your contact details, your card details and the transaction details. The transaction data may be processed for the purpose of supplying the purchased goods and services and keeping proper records of those transactions. The legal basis for this processing is the performance of a contract between you and us and/or taking steps, at your request, to enter into such a contract and our legitimate interests, namely the proper administration of our website and business. 2.10 We may process information that you provide to us for the purpose of subscribing to our email notifications and/or newsletters. The notification data may be processed for the purposes of sending you the relevant notifications and/or newsletters. The legal basis for this processing is consent to our private policy. 2.12 We may process information about the health of wounded soldiers/veterans. This data may include any allergy information, health problems, alcohol intake, height and weight. The source of this data is the wounded person or carer. This data may be processed for the use of determining the correct rider for the person. The legal basis for this processing is the consent of the named person. 3.1 We will use your personal data for the purposes of automated decision-making in relation to cookies within our website. 4.1 We may disclose your personal data to any member of our group of companies (this means our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company and all its subsidiaries) insofar as reasonably necessary for the purposes, and on the legal bases, set out in this policy. (See section 4.3 for more information). 4.3 We may disclose personal data to our partner Blue Cucumber Tours LTD. See section 22 for information on the relationship between Bike Tours for the Wounded and Blue Cucumber Tours LTD. We disclose this data for the purpose of delivering our service. 4.4 Financial transactions relating to our website and services are handled by our payment services providers, PayPal and WorldPay. We will share transaction data with our payment services providers only to the extent necessary for the purposes of processing your payments, refunding such payments and dealing with complaints and queries relating to such payments and refunds. You can find information about the payment services providers’ privacy policies and practices at https://www.paypal.com/en/webapps/mpp/ua/privacy-full and https://www.worldpay.com/uk/privacy-policy. 5.2 We and our other group companies do not have any facilities outside of the UK. (a) Health information will be retained for a minimum period of 12 months following the initial date of retrieval, and for a maximum period of 24 months. (a) The period of retention of any personal information will be determined based on your involvement with the named company Bike Tours for the Wounded. 7.2 We will store all your personal data on secure cloud based servers, personal computers and mobile devices, and in secure manual record-keeping systems. 9.3 You have the right to confirmation as to whether or not we process your personal data and, where we do, access to the personal data, together with certain additional information. That additional information includes details of the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data concerned and the recipients of the personal data. Providing the rights and freedoms of others are not affected, we will supply to you a copy of your personal data. The first copy will be provided free of charge, but additional copies may be subject to a reasonable fee. You can access your personal data by visiting motorcycletoursusa.co.uk when logged into our website. 9.13 You may exercise any of your rights in relation to your personal data by written notice to us or by phone or email methods, in addition to the other methods specified in this Section 9. 13.1 In respect of the processing and holding of personal and health data, we do not act as a data controller; instead, we act as a data processor. 19.2 We are registered in England and Wales under registration number 08556071 and our registered office is at Unit 3, Greenline Business Park, Wellington Street, Burton upon Trent, DE14 2AS. 19.3 Our principal place of business is at Unit 3, Greenline Business Park, Wellington Street, Burton upon Trent, DE14 2AS. 20.1 Our representative within the European Union with respect to our obligations under data protection law is Amy Clover and you can contact our representative by the contact details found at https://myguidedmotorcycletours.co.uk/contact. 21.1 We do not by law require a data protection officer as the named business Blue Cucumber Tours LTD T/A BC Motorcycle Tours does not employ more than 250 staff. 22.1 Blue Cucumber Tours LTD T/A BC Motorcycle Tours is currently a main sponsor of Bike Tours for the Wounded and provides financial support and management support so that it may continue to offer its beneficiaries the support and services that they currently undertake.
Today I spoke at the Conservative Party Spring Forum, setting out our Plan for Britain – a plan to build a stronger, fairer Britain that is more united and more outward-looking. The EU referendum result was not just a vote to leave the European Union, but an instruction to change the way our whole country works – and the people for whom it works – forever. It was a call to make Britain a country that works for everyone, not just the privileged few. We want the United Kingdom to emerge from this period of national change, stronger, fairer, more united and more outward-looking than ever before. So we are setting out the Government’s Plan for Britain to deliver this brighter future for our whole country – by getting the right deal for Britain abroad and a better deal for ordinary, working people at home. First, we will forge a more Global Britain, securing a new partnership with Europe that will give us control of our borders and our laws, while trading beyond Europe and making Britain the leading advocate for free trade across the world, as we build relationships with old friends and new allies alike. We will continue to meet our commitments to support developing countries, and our armed forces as they keep our country safe, and shape decisions across the globe as we stand up for British values and interests in every part of the world. Second, we will help to build a stronger economy by investing in the skills, sectors and areas that will deliver for Britain in the long-term. We will continue to bring the deficit down so that we live within our means. We will introduce a modern industrial strategy to help provide more opportunities for young people to find high-quality, high-skilled work and to spread jobs, prosperity and opportunity around the whole country. We will also seek to help people with everyday costs and bills by acting to ensure consumer markets work in the way they should, protect and enhance workers’ rights and crack down on individuals and businesses who abuse the system so that everyone plays by the same rules. Third, we will support a fairer society where success is based on merit not privilege. We will provide access to a good school place that caters to the individual needs and abilities of every single child, whatever their background and wherever they live. We will ensure there is control of immigration so that it serves the national interest and is fair to everyone who lives and works in this country. We will deliver one million new homes so that more people have the chance to own or rent an affordable home of their own. We will continue to invest in the NHS, ensure our welfare system is fair to those who need it and those who pay for it, and tackle historic injustices like racial and gender discrimination that have held too many people back for far too long. Fourth, we will foster a more united nation by strengthening the precious union of our United Kingdom and ensuring the voices and interests of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are represented as we negotiate to leave the European Union. We will put our national interest above any other consideration and make sure that the big decisions we take benefit the whole country, supporting towns, cities and communities right across the UK. We will actively work to bring people and communities together by promoting policies that support integration and social cohesion and by putting the values of fairness, responsibility and citizenship at the heart of everything we do. This is our Plan for Britain’s future as we seek to make the most of the opportunities ahead and build a stronger, fairer Britain that our children and grandchildren are proud to call home. I am pleased to hear of the new scheme that is being run by Hertfordshire County Council’s Money Advice Unit in partnership with Macmillan Cancer Care. This is a benefits advice service for people diagnosed with cancer and their families. The outcome is that no-one has to worry about money when they have cancer. The new service is now taking referrals, which is possible by email – macmillan.benefitsadviceservice@hertfordshire.gov.uk – or by phone – 01438 843456. More information from Macmillan Cancer Care is available at the Make Money One Less Worry Campaign – https://www.macmillan.org.uk/ – and their Benefits and Other Financial Support – http://www.macmillan.org.uk/information-and-support/organising/benefits-and-financial-support/benefits-and-your-rights. Tuesday 21st February was the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the SS Mendi off the Isle of Wight. In one of the UK’s biggest ever maritime disasters, 616 members of the South African Native Labour Corps and 30 crew members lost their lives. I am very pleased to see that the Prime Minister’s Special Representative for the Centenary of the Great War – Dr Andrew Murrison MP – has, on Saturday 18th February launched ‘The Unremembered: World War One’s Army of Workers’. The launch took place in Portsmouth in the presence of the South African High Commissioner. This worthwhile project tells the neglected story of labourers from across the globe who served in the various theatres of the First World War. This includes the sinking of the SS Mendi. I am very happy to recommend this exhibit. Information detailing the tragedy can be found at: https://historicengland.org.uk/whats-new/first-world-war-home-front/what-we-already-know/sea/ssmendi/, and details of the project can be found at: http://www.bigideascompany.org/project/the-unremembered. I welcome this excellent opportunity to get a special project off the ground to benefit the local community. Funding will be allocated to lots of different types of initiatives and it’s such a fantastic opportunity for local charities to get additional support that I encourage constituents to apply now. The funding will be allocated through three Trusts, which support different categories of projects. There will be two opportunities for groups to apply in 2017 (January and August) and £3 million will be available for each funding round. The application process is simple. The first round – which opens from 23 January until 10 February 2017 – starts with organisations being encouraged to submit an ‘expression of interest’ form. Charities will then be shortlisted to complete a full application for funding. Players of People’s Postcode Lottery have raised more than £168.4 million to date for over 2,800 good causes across Great Britain and internationally. For more information on how to apply for funding, I recommend that you visit the Trusts’ websites: www.postcodetrust.org.uk. This is an important moment for the United Kingdom. As we prepare to leave the European Union, we must look forward and plan the long term policies and decisions that will shape how we earn a prosperous living in the years ahead. Today’s Green Paper, “Building our Industrial Strategy”, is part of an open dialogue to develop this strategy as the enduring foundation of an economy that works for everyone. We start from a position of considerable strength. We are the fifth biggest economy in the world, despite having the 22nd highest population. We have achieved higher levels of employment than ever before in our history – in fact 2.7 million more than in 2010. We have businesses, research institutions and cultural achievements at the very forefront of global excellence. And for all these reasons, we attract investment and talented individuals from around the world. But there are challenges that the UK must face up to, now and in the years ahead. The first is to build on our strengths and extend excellence into the future. Our excellence in key technologies, professions, research disciplines and institutions provides us with crucial competitive advantages. But we can’t take them for granted. If other countries invest more in research and development, and we do not, then we cannot expect to keep, let alone extend, our technological lead in key sectors – or the world-beating performance of our universities. The same goes for our record as Europe’s leading destination for inward investment or our position as a centre of international finance. Our competitors are not standing still. They are upgrading infrastructure networks and reforming systems of governance. Therefore we too must strive for improvement. In industrial sectors – from automotive and aerospace to financial and professional services and the creative industries – the UK has built a global reputation. But the competition for new investment is fierce and unending. The conditions that have allowed UK investment destinations to succeed include the availability of supportive research programmes, relevant skills in local labour markets and capable domestic supply chains. However, for continuing success, these foundations must be maintained and strengthened. The second challenge is to ensure that every place meets its potential by working to close the gap between our best performing companies, industries, places and people and those which are less productive. The UK is one of the most centralised countries in the world, but this has not led to the country being uniformly prosperous. For all the global excellence of the UK’s best companies, industries, and places we have too many who lie far behind the leaders. That is why, on average, workers in France, Germany and the USA produce around as much in four days as UK workers do in five. It is also why despite having the most prosperous local economy in Northern Europe – in central London – we also have twelve of the twenty poorest among our closest neighbours. For all the progress of more people going to university than ever before, too many people don’t have the education and skills they need to be able to command a good wage. We have more university graduates than the OECD average, but also more people with low levels of literacy and numeracy. We must address these long ‘tails’ of underperformance if we are to build a strong economy and ensure sustainable growth in living standards. The third challenge is to make the UK one of the most competitive places in the world to found or to grow a business. It’s worth noting that many of the most important companies in the world today didn’t even exist 25 years ago. Unlike in the past, industrial strategy must be about creating the right conditions for new and growing enterprise to thrive, not protecting the position of incumbents. A modern industrial strategy must make this country a fertile ground for new businesses and new industries which will challenge and in some cases displace the companies and industries of today. To meet these challenges we’ve identified ten pillars around which our proposals are structured – ten areas of action to drive growth right across the economy and in every part of the country. Across all of these areas, the Government is already taking strategic decisions to keep British industry on the front foot. For instance, the go ahead for major upgrades to our infrastructure such as Hinkley Point C, Heathrow and High Speed 2; and, in the Autumn Statement, the biggest increase in research and development spending since 1979. an overhaul of technical education, including £170 million of capital funding to set up institutes of technology to deliver education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects. In a world containing so much uncertainty, public policy should aim to be a countervailing force for stability, not an additional source of unpredictability. Whether in the public or private sector, investors need a stable policy framework against which they can make confident, long-term decisions. So our aim is to establish an industrial strategy for the long term. To do that requires developing an enduring industrial strategy with, and not just for, the nations, communities and enterprises of the United Kingdom. That is why this is a Green Paper – a set of proposals for discussion and consideration, and an invitation to all to contribute collaboratively to their development. I and my Ministerial team will be pleased to meet with you and other colleagues to hear your contributions and advice as we continue the development of this strategy. I welcome the announcement of a business accelerator programme which is helping the brightest entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs with innovative energy projects from the East of England with a chance to gain financial investment and support. The only criteria is that the idea must make a positive difference to society. Ignite is the UK’s first impact investment fund that focuses on energy, providing firms with the funding and expertise they need to help achieve their potential and make a positive impact on society. Since 2014, the programme has supported more than 25 enterprises across the country, committing investment totalling £8 million so far to businesses that are passionate about building a better and more energy efficient future. It would be great to see projects from the constituency securing support and financial investment in this round of applications. Please visit www.ignitesocialenterprise.com to find out more. I welcome the Government announcement that further capital funding will go to local councils in 2017/18 to improve the productivity of our local roads. Substantial funding is being provided. I am delighted that Hertfordshire has such a substantial allocation of funding. For Hertfordshire, there is a total allocation for 2017/18 of £20,692,000. The Highways Maintenance Block Needs Formula will benefit from £15,828,000 of the allocation. The Pothole Action Fund and the National Productivity Investment Fund benefit from £1,293,000 and £3,571,000 respectively. Our roads network is a crucial area of our public infrastructure, and this will help in improving productivity and easing of congestion. I am confident this will keep Hertfordshire moving ahead.
Take on the cyclocross scene and so much more with Ritchey’s venerable Swiss Cross Disc. With the same details that dominated the 'cross circuit and spurred envious glances at every start line, this timeless frameset is sure to supplant its progenitor in the annals of history. The classic details so coveted by pros and amateurs alike are all present: custom triple-butted steel, Ritchey dropouts, and the spot-on geometry that dials the ride to the perfect shade of refined stability and speed. To maximize those fine details, a lightweight head tube features Ritchey's integrated headset to shave weight and improve the steering response of the matching WCS carbon fork. With lots of room for shouldering and huge tire clearance, it's ready for the sloppiest race or ride. Yet it also has two bottle cage mounts in case you want to ride this piece of history every day. And, all-weather capable disc brakes provide sure-fire control and stopping power no matter what the conditions. The F30x features all of the same unique technologies that go into Felt’s carbon ‘cross bikes, but in a lightweight and durable FLite aluminum frame. It’s one of the most well-equipped race bikes on the ’cross scene thanks to internal routing and tubeless-ready wheels, making it a top contender no matter what conditions the racecourse serves up. Built with a Shimano 105 drivetrain, Schwalbe X-One racing tires, and 3T cockpit and seatpost, the F30x punches well above its class and is primed to match your effort with a potential podium finish. With Felt's versatile F24X, kids can start cyclocross riding earlier than ever! It provides the same cool design and attention to detail found on full-size Felts. The 39cm frame with 24-inch wheels is sized just right and features short crankarms, shallow-reach handlebars, and a kid-specific seat to perfectly fit burgeoning 'crossers. The F24X boasts Felt's light aluminum frame and fork for lively handling and low weight. And, it's equipped with short-reach Microshift shifters, mini linear-pull brakes, and bar-top levers for excellent ergonomics, smooth shifting, and powerful braking. Felt’s premier UHC Ultimate + TeXtreme carbon fiber creates a remarkably light frameset and fork with impressive durability and stiffness qualities. The newly redesigned frame is loaded with cutting-edge features: BB386, shoulder-friendly top tube design, 15mm thru axle dropouts and sealed, internal cable routing. The ultimate cyclocross racing machine, the Fx FRD delivers the state-of-the-art features for racing up the stairs to victory. Santa Cruz might be late to the carbon road bike party, but with its rich history in carbon fiber frame design, you know the Stigmata has to be good. Think of it as the 'cross bike for mountain bikers. Or the light, responsive, and fast gravel bike you reach for when you're not sure where you'll end up. The Stigmata Carbon CC CX1 features Santa Cruz' top-tier carbon frame and a build that's ready for hot laps between the tape. It's fitted with a DT Swiss wheelset wrapped in WTB Cross Boss tires, SRAM's Force CX1 11-speed drivetrain and hydraulic disc brakes, and an Easton cockpit topped with a WTB Silverado Road saddle. With clearance for a muddy 41mm tire, the Stigmata grants you access to the best of what's out there. How far you go is up to you. Santa Cruz might be late to the carbon road bike party, but with its rich history in carbon fiber frame design, you know the Stigmata has to be good. Think of it as the 'cross bike for mountain bikers. Or the light, responsive, and fast gravel bike you reach for when you're not sure where you'll end up. The Stigmata Carbon CC Rival features Santa Cruz' top-tier carbon frame and a build that's ready to explore. It's fitted with a tubeless-ready WTB/DT Swiss wheelset wrapped in Maxxis Rambler 40c tires, SRAM's Rival 22 drivetrain and Rival hydraulic disc brakes, and a Zipp Service Course cockpit topped with a WTB Silverado Road saddle. With clearance for a muddy 41mm tire, the Stigmata grants you access to the best of what's out there. How far you go is up to you. Santa Cruz might be late to the carbon road bike party, but with its rich history in carbon fiber frame design, you know the Stigmata has to be good. Think of it as the 'cross bike for mountain bikers. Or the light, responsive, and fast gravel bike you reach for when you're not sure where you'll end up. The Stigmata Carbon CC CX1 features Santa Cruz' top-tier carbon frame and a build that's ready for speedy club rides and dirt road rambling alike. It's fitted with a DT Swiss wheelset wrapped in Maxxis Rambler 40c tires, Shimano's Ultegra drivetrain and Ultegra hydraulic disc brakes, and an Easton cockpit topped with a WTB Silverado Road saddle. With clearance for a muddy 41mm tire, the Stigmata grants you access to the best of what's out there. How far you go is up to you. Mud, sand, snow, dirt, and rocks. That's cyclocross. The toughest racecourses demand the best equipment, and the F3x delivers. Featuring a frame engineered from innovative UHC Advanced + TeXtreme carbon fiber for a lightweight, ultra-stiff chassis, the F3x is built with SRAM build that offers great performance no matter what the conditions are like on race day. Hydraulic disc brakes provide incredible stopping power in both wet and dry conditions, making the F3x a top choice for even the most technical circuits. The F30x features all of the same unique technologies that go into Felt’s carbon cyclocross bikes, but in a lightweight and durable aluminum frame. It’s one of the most well-equipped race bikes on the ’cross scene thanks to internal routing and tubeless-ready wheels, making it a top contender no matter what conditions the racecourse serves up. Built with a Shimano 105 drivetrain and Schwalbe X-One racing tires, the F30x punches well above its class and is primed to match your effort with a potential podium finish. The F5x breaks the mold when it comes to performance and perception. The most value-laden carbon model in the Fx Series, the F5x features a UHC Advanced + TeXtreme carbon frame and fork, making for a stiff and efficient pedaling platform that also reduces the rough hits and chatter found on the roughest cyclocross race courses. Built with a Shimano 105 drivetrain for smooth shifting and dependability, the F5x also comes with tubeless-ready wheels and Schwalbe X-One tires to help reduce flats and allow you to dial in your preferred tire pressure for the muddiest and wettest conditions. Racing, gravel-grinding, commuting or wicked-weather training, the Fuji Cross covers them all. And with an all-new frame, it does it at almost a quarter-pound lighter than last year while enhancing overall stiffness. Crafted from Fuji’s choice A6-SL custom-butted alloy, the Cross frame achieves its performance-enhancing low weight of 1370-grams by adding a PF30 bottom bracket, shaving material where it’s not needed and shaping tube sections. The flattened top tube not only makes for more comfortable shouldering but also stiffens the frame. Increasing the Cross’ rigidity are fore-and-aft 12mm thru axles. Riders running a variety of wheelsets need not worry, as the Cross features a convertible axle system enabling an easy switch to traditional QR dropouts. Not only does the full-carbon FC-440 fork integrate a 12mm thru-axle, it has hidden fender eyelets and internal cable routing. Continuing with the “clean” theme, riders using 1x drivetrains will appreciate the stealthy convertible cable stops on the downtube. Constructed of ultra high-modulus C10 carbon with an excellent strength-to-weight ratio, the Altamira CX 1.1 is here to give you a lightweight, fast ride over muddy courses, soft sandpits, and tricky barriers. The flat top tube shape allows for easy shouldering, while an oversize downtube and chainstays increase torsional stiffness for superior pedaling efficiency. Its Press-Fit bottom bracket increases frame stiffness, reduces drivetrain flex, and maximizes power transfer. Fuji’s FC-330 full-carbon fork features a tapered steerer and 12mm thru-axle for increased rigidity and greater steering precision. Oval Concepts 935 carbon tubular wheels defy inertia, yet hold up to CX abuse, wrapped in Vittoria Terreno Mix that supply outstanding traction and buttery-smooth efficiency. SRAM’s Force 1 drivetrain efficiently turns your sweat into podium-bound speed, while flat-mount Force hydraulic disc brakes stop on command in any conditions. Carbon bars, seatpost, and saddle rails from Oval Concepts round out the top-tier spec on this no-compromise cyclocross machine. The F40x is race-ready for any cyclocross course, but it can also double down as a capable bike for any road ride, daily commute or adventure ride. Its rugged FLite custom-butted aluminum frame is paired with a carbon fiber fork to mitigate bumps and front-end vibrations, while its oversized bottom bracket makes for a stiff and ultra-efficient pedaling platform. The F40x also features a Shimano Tiagra drivetrain, Shimano hydraulic disc brakes, and tubeless-ready wheels, so it’s ready to jump the barriers, seek out undiscovered roads or tackle the urban commute. All trademarks are properties of their respective holders. Note FreeWheeler Bike Shop is a third party retailer/repair center and does not own any of the trademarks used on this website. © 2017 Created by Freewheeler Bike Shop in Grand Rapids MI.
arrive Cairo international airport (advice me with your arrival details), meet & assist by Osoris steward assisting you through passport control formalities, luggage identification & portage then transferring you by air conditioned private car to your hotel in where you will be assisted by Osoris steward for check in & overnight in Cairo. Breakfast at hotel, checkout and then you will be meet by our professional Egyptology English speaking guide to accompany you by private air conditional car to visit pyramids & sphinx. There are no more famous ancient sites within Egypt or for that matter elsewhere in the world, than the great pyramids & sphinx. They have been both the main destination for tourists & a source of imaginative thought to the world for over three thousand years. The ancient Egyptians believed in their belief that the spirit life after death & existence eternal life. So, near the pyramids there they placed wooden boats, to be at the disposal of the king when he went at his journey at day & night with the sun god. Near the pyramids we find the sphinx which has a body of a lion with ahead of king or god. then proceed to visit Sakkara one of the great necropolis of Memphis& three major discoveries have recently made at Sakkara including a prime minister` tomb a queen`s pyramid & the tomb Of son of dynasty & every one of them have a fantastic story. Then proceed to visit Memphis the first unified & centralized state in history with organized system of government police, army & education, Then drive to Giza train station where you will be helped by Osoris steward with your portage & to board on your train in where you will be served dinner in cabin or the train restaurant according to your choice while traveling to Luxor, overnight on the train. Breakfast at the train, arrive Luxor. You will be meet & assist by Osoris steward helping you with your portage, then transferring you by air conditioned private Limousine to your Nile cruise & helping you for check in on your Nile cruise. Then you will be meet by our professional Egyptology English speaking guide to accompany you by private air conditional car to visit the temple of karnak & the temple of Luxor. then dinner & overnight on the cruise in Luxor. Breakfast on board, & then you will be meet by our professional Egyptology English speaking guide to accompany you by private air conditional car to visit the west bank & visit the necropolis of Thebes, which were in the beginning personal tomb but over time their function was extended to also receive the remains of other family members & the structure of the tombs in the necropolis was fairly uniform, & they built their tomb almost as if there was building code requiring Specific architectural element. Then visit Valley of the Kings. Then visit the temple of queen Hatshepsut which is one of the most dramatically situated in the world, the queen`s architect set it at head of a valley over shadowed by peak of Thebes where the goddess lived. Then visit colossi of the Memnon which had built by amenhotep the third who built a mortuary temple in Thebes that was guarded by two gigantic statues on the outer gates. On the sides on the sides of the statues are reliefs depicting Nile gods joining together plants symbolizing Upper and Lower Egypt then drive back to your Nile cruise & overnight on the cruise in Luxor. Breakfast on board, & then you will be meet by our professional Egyptology English speaking guide to accompany you by private air conditional car to visit the temple of horus in Edfu which is dedicated to horus the falcon headed god, it was built during the reigns Of six ptolemies & it not only the best preserved ancient temple in Egypt but also the second largest after karnak. It was believed that the temple was built on the site of great battle between norus & Seth. then visit the temple of two gods Sobek & Haroeris & it`s 28 miles north of Aswan & it’s actually two temples, temple to sobek &temple of haroeris, & everything is duplicated along the main axis, two entrance, two courts, two colonnades, two hypostyle halls & two sanctuaries, overnight on your cruise in Edfu. Breakfast on board & then you will be meet by our professional Egyptology English speaking guide to accompany you by private air conditional car to visit the high dam which is near Aswan and its provides irrigation & electricity for whole Egypt & it have a wonderful views for visitors & from the top of two mile long high dam you can gaze a cross Nasser then visit Philae temple which had a great love story & the Victorian world fell in love with the romance of the temple, then dinner & overnight in Aswan. Breakfast on board, & disembarkation, arrive Aswan then you will be meet & assist by Osoris steward assisting you with your portage & transferring you by private car to Abu simbel in where you will be assisted by Osoris steward for check in. The construction of the High Dam at Aswan led to the creation of the world’s biggest man-made lake – Lake Nasser – and with it the opportunity to cruise its picturesque and tranquil waters on board luxuriously furbished vessels, visiting a selection of quieter temples and ancient sites. Then get the welcome drink & start your visit, visit Abu simbel temple & get your welcome cocktail then visit the sound & light show at Abu Simbel.dinner on board & over night in Abu Simbel on board. Breakfast on board, arrival at Kasr Ibrim then sailing to Amada & Derr as well as the tomb of Penout, arelaxing afternoon then sail to wadi El seboua, dinner on board & overnight. Breakfast on board disembarkation then visit Kalabsha temple, bit El wadi & Kiosek of kertassi then transferring you by private car to Aswan station where you will be helped by Osoris steward with your portage & to board on your train to Cairo. Where you will be served dinner in cabin or the train restaurant according to your choice while traveling to Cairo & overnight on the train. Breakfast at the train, arrive Cairo. You will be meet & assist by Osoris steward helping you with your portage and then you will be meet by our professional Egyptology English speaking guide to accompany you by private car to visit Egyptian museum. If you want to see treasures & jewels of the Egyptian kings you can see it at the Egyptian museum you can see the mummies too and treasures that you can’t see in any other place in the world. And then proceed to visit citadel of Salah el din. The citadel was erected by Salah el din. The legendary Salah el din who conquered crusaders in Palestine. This was latter occupied by Napoleon & reigning the location of the citadel provide strategic advantages both to dominate Cairo & to defend outside attackers. Then proceed to visit the Islamic Cairo Ibn Tulun Mosque Built by Ahmed Ibn Tulun and it had built over a period of three years of mud brick became the focal point of Tulunid capital that lasted only 26 years and it is the oldest mosque in Egypt that has survived in fairly original form. Then proceed to khan el khalili (The old city) which is one of the oldest market in the world and if you want to get unique gifts you will find it there, Then Drive back to your hotel in where you will be assisted by Osoris steward for check in & overnight in Cairo. Breakfast at the hotel, and then you will be meet by our professional Egyptology English speaking guide to accompany you by private air conditional car to Alexandria to visit Greco roman museum which is the Arab translation of the ancient Greek name, Lofus Kiramaikos, The museum was first built in 1892 as a small building located on Horreya Road. In 1895 it was transferred to the present site near Jamal Abdul Nasser Road. It started with eleven galleries, and has been gradually enlarged in later renovation stages the 25th gallery was inaugurated in 1984. It contains a very big variety of coins from different countries. The collection, which covers the period from the 3rd century BC to the 7th century AD, is a fascinating record of civilization in the process of change as religions merged and society evolved. Also the museum contains hundreds of precious antiques. Then proceed to visit the catacomb of Kom El-Shuqafa which is one of Alexandria most memorable monuments. Kom El-Shuqafa meaning “Mound of Shards” or “Potsherds.” Its actual ancient Egyptian name was Ra-Qedil. The catacombs are unique both for their plan and for its decoration which represents a melding and mixing of the cultures and traditions of the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. Then, we find decorations related to ancient Egyptian themes, but with an amazing twist that makes them quite unlike anything else in the world. Then proceed to visit The Roman Amphitheatre in Alexandria. Every town in ancient Rome had an amphitheatre, which means, “double theatre”. They were grand and impressive, shaped in a half circle, open to the sky, and might have held 100.000 people. The stage had no curtain; it was just a stone platform. Imagine yourself in ancient Alexandria, in the Roman theatre on a hot afternoon. All you can smell is the Mediterranean mist. All you can see are wild beasts, driven in through the tall doorway, and the fighters coming in from all around the floor. Famous jockeys and gladiators are walking in, and then the excitement begins. Then proceed to visit the Muntazah Complex. This 115 acre complex is surrounded by great walls from the south, east and west, and with the beach on its north side. This area used to belong to the Mohamed Ali family that ruled Egypt from the mid 19th century until 1952. The construction was started in 1892 by King Abbas II, who built a large palace inside the complex called the Salamlek. In 1932, King Fuad built a larger palace and called it the Haramlik. His son, King Farouk, built a bridge to the sea to act as a water front. The rest of the 115 acres is nothing but beautiful gardens. Palm trees and gazelles cover the area. This is a wonderful spot to enjoy the beauty of Alexandria. Then drive back to your hotel & overnight in Cairo. Breakfast at your hotel, checkout. Then You will be meet & assist by Osoris steward helping you with your portage and accompany you by private air-conditioned car to drive to Cairo International airport where you will be assisted by Osoris steward for portage & check in on board of your flight carrier then helping you on the emigration formalities wishing you a happy flight back home.
The key to this parenting rule is cordiality. Parents must interact with each other in ways that demonstrate the fundamentals of acceptable social interaction. This means greeting each other nicely and exchanging pleasantries in front of the children. Both parents need to routinely act in a manner that models appropriate behavior between two adults. Remember that your children will treat you and the other parent in the same way that you treat one another. In addition, you are providing them with an example of how to approach other adults in their lives in school, athletics, work, etc. Common decency is the only acceptable principle to follow when working with or talking with the other parent. Anything less than that can be harmful to your children’s welfare and will contribute to a pattern of conflict, which will have a negative emotional impact on their future relationships with you and others in their lives. This too is a very simple rule! Do not speak to each other in inflammatory ways. High-conflict parents often feel free to say insulting, attacking things to one another that they would never say to anyone else in their lives. They use language that is not acceptable in any other areas of their lives. They feel free to call the other parent names, use slang, use four-letter words, and heap criticism upon the other parent. These are just more attempts to spray anger and to control the other parent. Every time that a parent hurls a hurtful remark at the other parent, every time a parent refers to the other parent in a derogatory manner, and every time a parent peppers their exchange with expletives, they need to remember how much they are affecting their children’s futures. Keep your children’s faces in front of you at all times (pull out their pictures if needed) and STOP before you say things that contribute to a level of conflict that will become harder and harder to repair. Your children’s lives continue during and beyond your divorce. Your lives as parents should therefore continue to be dictated (to a reasonable degree) by the children’s needs and schedules. Their lives should go on in as routine a way as possible. Their activities, school requirements, and peer relationships are still important to them and their development. You have to adapt to meet their needs and to participate in their lives, a concept that is hard for parents who insist on thinking about their parenting schedule as “my time with the children.” They see every party, practice, activity, and school function as an imposition. They believe that the other parent is trying to take away their time with the children, make their life complicated, and interfere with their parenting relationship. Some parents are just not used to adapting their world to work well for the children, even if that means that they may have to miss a business meeting or a social engagement. Many parents try to balance their new lives, a quest for privacy, and their need for new relationships with work, the parenting schedule, and the demands of family and friends. Children can become pawns in this process and are often used as objects through which one parent can get back at the other. Every request for a schedule change, or for help in transportation, or even for the child’s participation in a new area of interest, can become a struggle and an opportunity to get back at the other parent. High-conflict parents are often heard saying, “Do not schedule the children for activities on my time” or “If Susie goes there, then I will be missing two hours of my time.” This then provides justification for saying “No” to the other parent and ultimately to the child. Be sure that your decisions are truly based on your vision of the well-being of your children and your knowledge of them. Decisions should not be made out of your desire to seize control, to make life difficult for the other parent, or to hurt them with an unnecessary power play. You only hurt the children and your relationship with them. High-conflict parents and their children need their parenting schedule—it provides glue and structure, and it helps keep the conflict in check. Aside from this, parents have lives too. They need a plan around which they can go forward with work, their social life, and new relationships. Keeping to the schedule also helps to build trust by reinforcing both parents’ commitment to the process and their respect for each other. Nevertheless, the most important reason to keep to the schedule is the consistency it provides the children. They expect you to be there for them and may not have developed the capacity for adapting to schedule changes. This is especially true for toddlers and preschoolers. In addition, schedule changes often are inconvenient and can make life difficult for the other parent. Keep them to a minimum. At times, adjustments are necessary, but the schedule should never be considered as an outline or proposal. It is an agreement. You wouldn’t keep changing the schedule on your business partner. As in business, reliability and constancy make for success in co-parenting. On the one hand, you as parents may strive for consistency in raising the children in two different homes, but you also have to realize that this goal is somewhat elusive. High-conflict parents often have a serious degree of difference in parenting style. They blame, criticize, and accuse each other of not caring for the children properly, corrupting the children, or not providing a safe environment for the children. Many times this is just a reflection of two diametrically opposed parenting approaches. Remember, you divorced (or were never married) for a reason. Sometimes you just have to agree to differ on particular points, to allow you to focus on bringing about a greater level of uniformity in other areas. Relatively easy areas to agree on are daily care, scheduling, and homework. The harder areas to agree on are discipline and peer relationships. Children learn to adapt to these differences and may even learn a valuable lesson by being exposed to different viewpoints. Or they may use these differences to manipulate you both as co-parents. Be aware of what’s going on in the other home but don’t try to parent the children over each other’s doorstep. No one has cornered the market on parenting, and believe it or not, you can learn from each other. Sometimes a method that works in one household can replace a tired and ineffective practice used by the other parent. Save your questions for your parenting call and never make evaluative statements about the other parent’s approach in front of the children. This is a rule that we discussed in much detail earlier. Never expose the children to your conflicts. High-conflict parents engage in hostile interactions, not the usual form of healthy disagreement. They rarely demonstrate the capacity to have a simple discussion in front of the children. Your conflicts upset the children and put them in an untenable situation, so save your feelings for protected times when the children are not privy to your tension. Remember, they need to heal from the effects of the divorce and the marital struggles, and they need a chance to recover without being constantly reminded of your continued animosity. Act like adults and protect your children. Without this protection they may experience anxiety and depressive symptoms, which may require professional intervention. This rule seemed so crucial that we gave it a place of its own. Your life is important, but remember, so are those of the other parent and the children. It is not appropriate to be more than fifteen minutes late in most other areas of your life, so have the same level of respect for your co-parent and the children. Give each other reasonable leeway, but make every effort to be there when you say you will. In fact, we often recommend that high-conflict parents be five minutes early. Your children are counting on you to pick them up or drop them off. They should never be “left on the doorstep.” The other parent may need to leave for work, a meeting, or some other activity, and you need to be there at the agreed upon times and places. Again, teach your children the importance of timeliness and dependability by your own actions. When high-conflict parents are having difficulty communicating, they often rely on the children to convey information to the other parent. Parents are then placing the children in the role that should really be reserved for the other parent. They tend to discuss schedule changes and other issues directly with the children before they check it out with the other parent. Of course, the children are therefore privy to knowing the possible plans first and may be disappointed if the changes are not made. They can blame the parent who cannot or is not willing to accommodate the change. On the other hand, if the change is not something that the child wants, he/she has a chance to react before the other parent even has a chance at bat. Scheduling issues, vacations, and changes to the parenting plan must be discussed by the parents first. The decisions should be formalized before you present the information to the children. Older children (ages ten and over) may be involved in some discussions to give input where the parents deem appropriate. Remember that the child’s opinion is just input and not the final word. You, as parents, get that privilege—like it or not! This is probably one of the most important parental rules. Children do not appreciate it if you insist on degrading the other parent by making unkind and critical remarks. They need and want to believe that both of their parents are doing the best that they can do to parent them. During a divorce, children are often less confident in their own judgment and also in their parents’ ability to care for them successfully. When you undermine the other parent, you take away the little confidence the child has and instead you ask them to join in a vendetta against the other parent. This and other behaviors can form the beginnings of what is called parent alienation syndrome. In high-conflict parent situations, parents break this rule constantly by taking most any opportunity to demean the other parent. This ranges from making snide personal remarks to citing specific behaviors of the other parent to which they object. Your children are not pawns in a high-stakes chess game. Children of high-conflict parents are frequently victims of loyalty conflicts. They are caught up in the process of trying to say or do what they think will please one parent vs. the other. They go back and forth between both homes communicating information, comments, and offhand remarks—whatever they believe will win that parent’s support. This only puts the children in a position where they cannot be believed by anyone. Yet, high-conflict parents want to believe their children and often do. They quote the children, believing the comments to be true, and then they leap into the conflict arena. The children must not be the conveyors of parental information. Do not ask them what goes on in the other home in order to secure information. Rather than immediately believing that what they say is true, check it out with the other parent first. Children who are placed in loyalty conflicts are more prone to emotional difficulties. They can’t even rely on themselves to know or tell the truth. Their parents may reinforce this manipulative behavior for their own interests and satisfaction. Are you willing to sacrifice your children to support leftover anger at the other parent? Co-parenting always presupposes this rule. Postdivorce, this is your child’s best shot at a successful resolution. Unless one of you is clearly unfit, surgical removal of a parent is not in the best interests of your child. Co-parenting is even more complicated than parenting in general. The lives of your children are complicated logistically and emotionally. They need you both and you need you both. Together, you can preserve the children’s need to feel secure and loved by both parents and not force them to choose between you. This is what you expected for them when they were born, and this is what they deserve—even though you are no longer married. You created these children together and you will be their parents together for the duration. The end of the marriage did not end your parenting relationship together. In high-conflict cases, it may feel preferable at times to parent singly. You may believe you can make your own decisions, lead your own life, not answer to anyone else, and seek no other consultation. You feel you are on your own with the children. When the hostility level gets high, this starts to sound awfully good. Nevertheless, you cannot make this choice unilaterally. The other parent is your parenting business partner, like it or not. Develop a good working relationship and get the business of parenting done well. Throughout the children’s lives there will be times when you must come together: recitals, graduation, illnesses, marriages, grandchildren, etc. Be sure you are there together for all of the events and issues in their lives. As the adults in this situation, you must approach each other with the same business acumen that you would when working with your most challenging colleague. The above parenting rules are not optional. They are necessities. High-conflict parents have great difficulty following these rules and often try to bend them to meet their own needs, because they expect flexibility from others but have problems being flexible themselves. They truly possess creative genius when it comes to rule interpretation. In one case cited by an attorney, the parents were told by the attorney for the minor children not to pass messages to each other through the older son. They agreed. The next week they didn’t send messages to each other through their oldest son, but instead sent them through the middle son! In a high-conflict parenting situation, you shouldn’t take anything for granted. You must make sure that the definitions, even basic “common sense” definitions, are clearly understood by both of you. Many high-conflict parents say that they agree with the above rules and are ready to sign on the dotted line, but in truth they are only giving lip service to the issues. After all, how can they express disagreement with these rules? They are straightforward and clearly in the best interests of the children. Yet overt agreement coupled with covert disagreement can be disastrous. These rules can help you achieve collaboration and allow you to effectively master the business of co-parenting after divorce. Remember that it is easy to focus on the other parent’s behavior and forget to evaluate your own honestly. Be careful and self-critical. Do not always blame the upset or misunderstanding on the other guy. You are in control of your own choices, words, and actions. Seize that control and use it wisely. The foregoing is excerpted from "The Co-Parenting Survival Guide," by psychologists Elizabeth Thayer and Jeffrey Zimmerman.
Thanksgiving Break begins Tuesday evening, November 25 and continues until the morning of Monday, December 1. No classes Wednesday, November 26, All campus buildings except residence halls will close Wednesday at 7 p.m. Campus buildings except residence halls are closed on Thursday, November 27 and Friday, November 28, as these are campus holidays. Saturday, November 29: graduate students ONLY will have limited access to the Fred Lazarus IV Center and other graduate studios and collaborative workspaces (ID required) from 11 a.m. to midnight. Sunday, November 30: Normal graduate student access resumes. All campus services will be closed Thursday-Sunday over the weekend. Campus buildings will reopen Sunday on a normal Sunday schedule. Campus shuttles will operate only on Wednesday evening and Saturday evening, ending at midnight; normal shuttle service resumes on Sunday. As a reminder the Graduate Student Council is a student advocacy group that acts as a liaison between MICA's graduate population, the Office of Graduate Studies and MICA's upper administration. With a goal to improve and enhance the MICA graduate experience, GSC meets regularly to discuss topics relevant to graduate education and student life. If you need help, or have questions please sign up in the Office of Graduate Studies, to speak with Erin Jakowski for advising and enrollment. Take a moment to review the Graduate Elective Guide to plan your course schedule. The Guide is a complete listing of elective coursework at MICA designed for graduate students. Electives are organized into four categories; Liberal Arts, English Language Learning, Professional Development and Studio. Complete a Registration Permission form to enroll in undergraduate courses (400 level and below). These permission forms need signature of the undergraduate instructor. It is advisable to reach out to undergraduate instructors for enrollment permission prior to registration on December 3rd. December 5 from 5-7 p.m. GradEx is excited to offer artist interviews. If you would like to have an interview with you and your work posted to the MICA website please let us know. More information will be sent to interested parties. Send to all submissions to micagradex@gmail.com. Also if you’re having show, got a great opportunity, or just want to tell the community what you’re up to, send us the info. We would love to keep others informed about the awesome work you are doing. In this exhibition, longtime faculty member Dan Dudrow will reveal new work for the first time at MICA that veers from his well-known color-based abstraction to a series of equally colorful figurative work. Please join the MICA Fitness Center as we bring Relaxation YOGA to you at the Lazarus Center 11/5, 11/19, and 12/3 at 9am in the Auditorium. This workshop will cover the basics of scanning film using Vuescan and the scanners available in the Grad Lab. If you are interested in using the Lab’s scanners to digitize film but don’t know where to start or if you have had trouble scanning film in the past this workshop is for you. Open to all Graduate Students. Join GBCA and the Baltimore Office of Promotion & the Arts as we cohost a day of grant resources for artists! First, Andrew Simonet of Artists U shares critical tips, tactics, and practical strategies for individual artists seeking grant support. This workshop will be interactive and provide hands-on review exercises, aimed to arm attendees with confidence, knowledge, and know-how on the grant seeking process. The information covered will be relevant and applicable for all grant opportunities. The workshop will be immediately followed by a grantmakers fair. Featuring local and regional grant makers who will be present to discuss the grant opportunities they offer to individual artists. Don't miss this chance to meet, talk with, and ask questions face-to-face with representatives from organizations who provide grants to artists in the Baltimore region. This popular workshop will fill up, so RSVP to secure your place. Join the MICA Fitness Team for group meditation sessions! Each class will offer a different meditation practice so you can identify one that works best for you! Questions can be directed to Fitness@mica.edu. See you there! Tod Lippy - 7:00-8:00pm Lazarus Center Auditorium. Tod Lippy is the founder and editor of Esopus magazine and executive director of the Esopus Foundation. He also is a curator, having exhibitions at White Columns, New York. Lippy has been interviewed in publications, such as Becoming a Graphic Designer: A Guide to Careers in Design. Sponsored by: MFA in Curatorial Practice, MFA in Graphic Design, Graphic Design Post-Baccalaureate Program, Graphic Design Department, and Mixed Media Lecture Series. Chip Wass attended the School of the Art Institute and the University of Iowa before moving to NYC in 1989. He has illustrated award-winning work for a variety of editorial and advertising clients, designed the dingbat typeface Chippies by Wassco, and directed various animation projects. Mascot Prep, his short for Disney, was nominated Best Short by the International Animated Film Society. He is represented by The Gotham Group. Clients include Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, MTV, Target, Nike, The New York Times, ESPN, Penguin Books, The Wall Street Journal and many others. He served on the New York board of the American Institute of Graphic Arts. http://www.chipwass.com. His lecture is sponsored by the MFA in Illustration Practice. SAM SEIDEL is the Director of the Student Experience Lab at the Business Innovation Factory and author of "Hip Hop Genius: Remixing High School Education." Previously, Sam worked with leading national education organizations, including the Black Alliance for Educational Options, Big Picture Learning, and Jobs for the Future, as well as a spectrum of other clients on a diverse set of projects, ranging from redesigning a statewide juvenile justice system to working with the Rockefeller family to repeal the Rockefeller Drug Laws. Sam has taught in a variety of settings from first grade to community college. He speaks internationally about innovative solutions to challenges facing schools, community organizations, and prisons. He is a passionate and experienced leader in education transformation. Sponsored by Social Design. Taylor Fischer ’10 (Illustration) received her undergraduate degree four years ago, but she has been working in the gaming industry much longer. Currently at Firaxis Games, she has also worked at Zenimax Online Studios, LLC, and Big Huge Games as a concept artist. Her expertise includes Photoshop, Illustrator, Fork Particle Effects, and Zbrush. Sponsored by the MFA in Illustration Practice. President Clinton will host the next meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) at the University of Miami from Friday, March 6 - Sunday, March 8, 2015. This meeting is free to attend for all accepted students, and will bring together student leaders and innovators from over 70 countries. Over $900,000 total in funding is available for select CGI U 2015 attendees, including a social venture pitch competition onsite which will provide a total of $100,000 to select participants. In order to apply, CGI U students are required to develop a Commitment to Action: a new, specific, and measurable plan to address a challenge in one of CGI U’s five focus areas: education, environment and climate change, peace and human rights, poverty alleviation, and public health. The final application deadline will be Monday, December 1, 2014. If you would like to learn more about this opportunity, please visit: www.cgiu.org. Contact Jonathan Erwin jerwin@mica.edu in the Center for Social Design to ask questions. Maggie Schneider (Mt. Royal School of Art '14) Upcoming Projects - Help a Sister Out! I would like to share some exciting news with you... In January 2015, I will be going back to my alma mater, Luther College, as a visiting artist and co-instructor for a 3-week intensive. DANCE LAB/Forgiveness Lunch is the Indiegogo campaign I am currently running to crowd source funds for travel, shipping, room and board. Please visit the link for more information about the class and my visit to Luther College. Thank you for your continued support. I am grateful for the ways in which each of you has contributed to my current path as a creative professional. May your holiday season be warm and restful. Station North Arts and Entertainment, Inc. is pleased to announce the start of its inaugural end of year individual giving campaign, which highlights a new Station North Incentives Program (SNIP) Card as a reward for giving. The SNIP Card, which will be valid at participating businesses from January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015, provides great discounts and benefits at Station North restaurants, bars, theaters and retailers. The SNIP Card is available to anyone who donates a minimum of $35 to Station North Arts & Entertainment, Inc. at www.stationnorth.org/SNIP, although giving more is encouraged. The first 50 people to donate will also receive a free pass to the Charles Theatre in addition to their SNIP Card. Teaching responsibilities can include introductory, intermediate, and advanced courses, electives specific to a faculty's research interests, and classes suitable for students with varied backgrounds at the undergraduate and graduate level. Our ideal candidates will demonstrate a deep understanding of the practice, history and theory of contemporary artistic production, be comfortable working and thinking across disciplines, have interests that extend beyond his or her specialty, and encompass broad approaches to art practice and human knowledge. A terminal degree in an appropriate discipline, or equivalent commensurate experience, is required. In addition, at least three years of teaching experience at the college/university level is also required. The School of Art+Design, part of the School of the Arts at Purchase College, State University of New York system, offers premier programs that prepare students for careers in the visual arts and design, as well as lives informed by aesthetic experience. The school honors tradition, encourages experimentation & collaboration, develops critical thinking, and embraces new concepts, materials, and technologies. A faculty of working artists is committed to creating a supportive climate in which students are passionate about learning to see, to think, to make, and to reflect. Founded on the principle that artists and scholars are indispensable to each other and to an enlightened society, Purchase College combines professional conservatory programs in the visual and performing arts and distinguished programs in the liberal arts and sciences. Located 25 miles north of Manhattan in New York, the campus celebrates individuality, diversity, and creativity as we encourage students to "Think Wide Open." At Purchase College, the arts play a special role—liberal education infuses the arts and the arts infuse the campus. To apply for these positions and for more information on each position, please visit our Purchase College job vacancy website and complete an online application. – Cover letter (maximum one-page) expressing interest in the position and summarizing qualifications – CV, including exhibitions, reviews, published articles, panels/papers, courses taught, etc. – A portfolio consisting of 20 examples of professional work and 20 examples of student work. Deadline for submission is February 1, 2015. Purchase College, SUNY is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
Zagreb Croatia, the capital of Croatia is situated on the slopes of Medvednica Mountain (Zagrebacka Gora) and along the banks of the Sava river. Zagreb has a population of 706,770 inhabitants and is located 170 km from the Adriatic Sea, 122 m above sea level. The average summer temperature is about 20° C and the average winter temperature about 1° C. The favourable geographic position in the south-western part of the Pannonian Basin which extends to the Alpine, Dinaric, Adriatic and Pannonic regions, provides the best valuation of traffic connection between Central Europe and the Adriatic Sea. The city core comprises the mediaeval parts of the town called Gradec (Gric) and Kaptol. The construction of the railway embankment (1860) enabled the old suburbs, which did not represent an urban whole up to then, to merge gradually into Donji Grad, characterized by a regular block pattern. Between the two World Wars working-class quarters emerged between the railway and the Sava, and residential quarters on the hills of the southern slopes of Medvednica. The blocks between the railway and the Sava were built after the Second World War, and from the mid-1950s new residential areas south of the Sava river, the so-called Novi Zagreb (New Zagreb). The cargo railway hub and the international airport Pleso were built south of the Sava. The biggest industrial zone (Zitnjak) in the south-east represents an extension of the industrial zones on the western and eastern outskirts of the city, between the Sava and the Prigorje region. Urbanized lines of settlements connect Zagreb with the centres in its surroundings: Sesvete, Zapresic, Samobor, Dugo Selo and Velika Gorica. The traffic position, concentration of industry (metal-processing, electrical appliances, textiles, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, printing and leather industries, wood processing, paper etc.), scientific and research institutions and industrial tradition underlie its leading economic position. Zagreb seats central state administrative bodies (legislative, judiciary, executive, monetary, defence, health care, cultural, educational, traffic, etc.). There are three main traffic communications: the western, towards Ljubljana, i.e. West Europe; the eastern, towards South-eastern Europe and the Near East; the south-western, towards Rijeka, Croatia's biggest port. The railway running along the Sutla river and the Zagorje main road (Zagreb - Maribor - Vienna), as well as traffic connections with the Pannonian region and Hungary (the Zagorje railroad, the roads and railway to Varazdin and Koprivnica) are linked with the trunk routes. The railway connection with Bosnia and Herzegovina, along the Una valley to Split, is currently out of use due to the war damage. The Main Railway Station is located in the centre of the City (at Kralj Tomislav Square 12, a ten minutes walk from the central city square). Information on arrivals and departures can be obtained by dialing 060-333-444. Information on arrivals and departures can also be obtained at the travel agency "Croatia Express", tel.: 4573-253. Zagreb is a substantial tourist centre, not only in terms of transit from West and Central Europe to the Adriatic Sea but also as a tourist destination. Since the end of the war it has attracted a fair number of tourists, but many tourists that visit Croatia skip Zagreb in favour of the beaches along the Adriatic coast and the even older historic cities such as Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar and others. Nevertheless, Zagreb celebrated its 900th birthday in 1994 and it is not only rich in cultural and historical monuments, museums and galleries, but it also has a variety of modern shops, and offers good quality of diversified restaurants as well as sports and recreation facilities. It is a big centre of congress tourism, economic and business events and trade fairs not only in Croatia but also in this part of Europe. Being an important junction point, it has road, air, railway and bus connections with European metropolises and all bigger cities and tourist resorts in Croatia. The historical part of the town, the Upper Town and Kaptol, are a unique urban core even in European terms, and thus represent the target of sightseeing tours. The old town's streets and squares can be reached on foot, starting from Ban Josip Jela 269 263; Square, the central part and the heart of Zagreb, or by a funicular on nearby Tomićeva Street. The old core of the town includes many famous buildings, churches, museums and institutions as well as pleasant restaurants and coffee bars. The Archaeological Museum (Nikola ¦ubić Zrinski Square 19) possesses over 400,000 objects, not all of them being exhibited. The holdings include evidence of Croatian presence in this area as well as rare samples which have made the museum known to the whole world. The most famous are the Egyptian collection, the Zagreb mummy and bandages with the oldest Etruscan inscription in the world (Liber Linteus Zagrabiensis), as well as the numismatic collection. A part of the museum is set aside for the collection of stone monuments dating back predominantly to the Roman period. The Croatian Museum of Natural Sciences (Demetrova Street 1) holds the world's most extensive collection of the remains of Neandertal man found at one site -- the remains, stone weapons and tools of prehistoric Krapina man. The Technical Museum (Savska Street 18) maintains the oldest preserved machine in this area, dating from 1830 which still operates. Valuable historical collections are found in the Croatian Historical Museum, the Museum of the City of Zagreb, the Museum of Arts and Crafts, the Ethnographic Museum, the Croatian School Museum, the Croatian Hunting Museum, the Croatian Sports Museum, the Croatian Post and Telecommunications Museum, the HAZU (Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts) Glyptotheque (collection of monuments), and the HAZU Graphics Cabinet. Many visitors find the Mimara Museum (Roosevelt Square 5), housing the donation by Wiltrud and Ante Topić Mimara, very attractive. Of the total of 3,700 varied works of art, more than 1,500 exhibits constitute permanent holdings, dating from the prehistoric period up to the 20th century. The HAZU Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters (Zrinski Square 11) offers permanent holdings presenting European paintings from the 14th to the 19th centuries, and the Ivan Me¨trović Studio, (Mletačka Street 8) with sculptures, drawings, lithography portfolios and other items, was a donation of this great artist to his homeland. The Museum of Contemporary Art (Catherine's Square 2) follows and presents contemporary trends in fine arts. The Museum and Gallery Center (Jezuitski Square 4) introduces on various occasions the Croatian and foreign cultural and artistic heritage. The Art Pavilion (King Tomislav Square 22) is the oldest exhibition complex in the Slavic south, with regularly organized exhibitions. The exhibitions are also held in the impressive Me¨trović's building on Hrvatskih Velikana Square — the Home of the Croatian Fine Artists. The Museum of Naïve art (Ćirilometodska Street 3) houses more than one thousand works by a hundred and odd authors of the Croatian naïve art. The World Center "Wonder of Croatian Naïve Art" (Ban Jelačić Square 12) exhibits masterpieces of Croatian naïve art as well as works of new generation of artists. The Modern Gallery (Hebrangova Street 1) comprises all relevant fine artists of the 19th and 20th centuries. In general Zagreb offers rich cultural and artistic enjoyment. There are about 20 permanent or seasonal theatres and stages. The Croatian National Theatre built in 1895 is the most impressive building among them. The most renowned concert hall is named "Vatroslav Lisinski", after the composer of the first Croatian opera. Preradovi 263; square in Zagreb. Zagreb hosts many domestic and international events. Animafest, the World Festival of Animated Films, takes place each even year, and the Music Bienniale, the international festival of avant-garde music, every odd year. The Festival of the Zagreb Philharmonic and the famous flowers exhibition Floraart (end of May or beginning of June), the Old-timer Rally, the Week of the Contemporary Dance, as well as Eurokaz, the international festival of contemporary theatre (in June) represent annual events. In the summer, theatre performances and concerts, mostly in the Upper Town, are organized, either indoors or outdoors. The stage on Opatovina hosts the Zagreb Histrionic Summer. Zagreb is also the host of Zagreb fest, the oldest Croatian pop-music festival, as well as of several traditional international sports events and tournaments. The Day of the City of Zagreb (16th of November) is celebrated every year with special festivities, esp. on the Jarun lake near the southwestern part of the city. Entertainment can be found in many discotheques, night clubs, casinos, etc.
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The City collects garbage weekly from 600,000 households along 350 daily routes. The City has long organized garbage collection services on a ward-by-ward basis. The City assigns the laborers and motor truck drivers who collect garbage in individual wards, where they work on truck routes that do not cross ward boundaries. However, the City’s recycling pickup is organized based on a regional routing system that does not take into account ward boundaries. Under this option, the City would shift its garbage collection to a regional, grid-based system. By comparing the efficiency of recycling collection with garbage collection, we can estimate what efficiencies might be achieved through a regional, grid-based system of garbage collection. According to the City’s Mobile Asset Tracking system (CMAT), the City currently has 43 recycling trucks. Assuming that these trucks are all continually operational, the City is providing recycling services to 241,000 households every other week using 43 daily routes.36 The table below compares the difference in annual pickups per daily route of garbage collection and recycling. The table shows that recycling collection, which uses regional routing, averages significantly more pickups per route than garbage collection, which uses the ward system. This is despite the fact that recycling trucks only have one laborer assigned, while some garbage trucks have two. However, garbage collection averages nearly 11 tons collected per daily route per day, while recycling collection averages only 4.65 tons per daily route per day. Because garbage collection is collecting significantly more tonnage per route, workers spend less time collecting because the trucks must make more frequent trips to dump their loads. In 2008, the average load dumped at City-owned dumpsites was 6.65 tons. Based on the average tons collected per route per day, garbage collection averages 1.65 loads per day and recycling averages 0.7 loads per day. For simplicity, assume that garbage collection dumps two loads per day and recycling dumps one load per day, and one load in each program is dumped after the 8-hour collection shift is over through the City’s night shuttle program. Under these assumptions, garbage collection is interrupted by one dump during the 8-hour collection shift, while recycling collection is not. Assuming an average dump takes 1.5 hours, garbage is collected an average of 6.5 hours per route per day, while recycling is collected for the full 8-hour collection shift. The table below compares the estimated pickups per hour for garbage and recycling collection and shows that recycling collection using regional routing is more efficient in terms of pickups per hour than garbage collection based on the ward system. If garbage collection averaged the same number of pickups per hour as recycling collection, the number of daily routes could be reduced to 264, or a 24.6% reduction. Assuming that a 24.6% reduction in routes would yield a 24.6% reduction in staffing devoted to garbage collection, the table below details the reduction in personnel and associated personnel costs that would be realized. The table shows that if the City were to move to a grid-based routing system for garbage collection and achieve the same efficiency that the regional routing of recycling is currently achieving, the City might reduce its 2010 personnel costs by up to $24.1 million through the elimination of up to 297 positions. Because of contractual increases in personnel costs, the savings from implementing this option would grow in future years. The 2011 and 2012 salaries of Laborers and Motor Truck Drivers will be higher due to collective bargaining agreements, which call for salary increases of 3.25% in 2011 and 3.5% in 2012. Assuming that there are no increases in salaries for the other positions and that the furloughs are continued in their current form, the table below shows the increase in compensation costs over the next two years for the 297 eliminated positions. In addition to the savings from a reduction in the number of daily routes, additional savings could be generated by reducing the number of laborers on the remaining routes to one laborer per truck. With 264 daily routes, operating approximately 250 days a year, there are approximately 66,000 annual routes. Assuming that the average sanitation worker works 200 days per year (after holidays, vacation days, and sick and disability leave) to ensure that there would be a sufficient reserve to avoid un-staffed routes, 330 sanitation laborers would be needed to fully staff the 66,000 routes. This would mean an additional reduction in the number of laborers by 122. At an average compensation of $75,579, their total compensation in 2010 would equal $9.2 million. The 2011 and 2012 compensation will be higher due to the Laborers collective bargaining agreement, which calls for a salary increase of 3.25% in 2011 and 3.5% in 2012. Assuming that the furloughs remain in place, the compensation for these 122 positions will cost $9.5 million in 2011 and $9.8 million in 2012. These savings will be slightly reduced because under the current collective bargaining agreement with the Laborers Union, sanitation laborers working on one-laborer garbage trucks are to be paid 9 percent more than their regular hourly rate. Thus, the reduction in 122 laborers would on average result in 122 additional laborers working on a one-laborer garbage truck, resulting in a 9 percent increase in their salaries. This would cost an additional $856,000 in 2011 and $885,000 in 2012. Additionally, under the agreement between the City and Coalition of Union Public Employees (COUPE) to impose furlough days from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2011, if the City chooses to lay off employees during this period, all laid off employees will be paid for any unpaid holidays or furlough days taken since July 1, 2009. Thus, if the City were to lay off the 269 total sanitation laborers and 110 motor truck drivers, the affected employees would have to be paid approximately 13.5 percent of their salaries to compensate for unpaid days they have taken over the last year and a half, since the furlough agreement has been in place. This would reduce the savings in 2011 by an additional $3.8 million. Therefore, the total estimated savings from switching to regional routing system of garbage collection and reducing the number of laborers on the remaining routes to 1 would be $29.6 million in 2011 and $34.5 million in 2012. Of course, there would be additional savings from reducing the City’s fleet of garbage trucks such as savings in future truck purchases, maintenance costs, gas, oil, etc. Proponents might argue that organizing garbage collection on a ward-by-ward basis is inefficient and wasteful. They would argue that organizing collection by regional grid would reduce the time it takes for workers to get from the ward yard to the routes and routes could be organized to reduce the distance from route to dumpsite. They may also cite an IGO investigation in 2008 that found that garbage collection crews worked, on average, only 75 percent of the work day, indicating that there was not enough work for the collection crews to perform. Additionally, they might cite the fact that Streets and Sanitation decided to organize recycling collection on a regional, grid-based system in order to deliver the service more cheaply. Opponents might argue that ward-based system provides better customer service than a more centralized grid system. With ward-by-ward service, City residents have a more direct relationship with the City workers who coordinate garbage collection in their neighborhoods. Some might also argue that garbage collection has long been a primary responsibility of the City’s aldermen and that this has resulted in cleaner streets, timelier pickups, and satisfied residents. Reduce the Number of Laborers on a Garbage Truck to 1 Savings: $10.3 million in 2011, $12 million in 2012. On some of the City’s garbage trucks, the City assigns two laborers and one motor truck driver.... These employees are responsible for the weekly collection of garbage from 600,000 households along 350 daily routes. Until the last couple of years, the City generally assigned two laborers to each garbage truck. However, due to budget cuts, the City has reduced the number of budgeted sanitation laborers from 816 in 2008 to 599 in 2010. This reduction in laborers means that a significant portion of the 350 daily routes are manned by one laborer. Under this option, the City would further reduce the number of laborers devoted to garbage collection, so that on average one laborer is assigned to each garbage truck. With 350 daily routes, operating approximately 250 days a year, there are approximately 87,500 annual routes. Assuming that the average sanitation worker works 200 days per year (after holidays, vacation days, and sick and disability leave) to ensure that there would be a sufficient reserve to avoid un-staffed routes, 438 sanitation laborers would be needed to fully staff the 87,500 routes. This means that the number of laborers could be reduced by approximately 161.50 At an average compensation of $75,579 their total compensation in 2010 would equal $12.2 million. The 2011 and 2012 compensation will be higher due to the Laborers collective bargaining agreement, which calls for a salary increase of 3.25% in 2011 and 3.5% in 2012. Assuming that the furloughs remain in place, the compensation for these 161 positions will cost $12.6 million in 2011 and $13 million in 2012. These savings will be reduced because under the current collective bargaining agreement with the Laborers Union, sanitation laborers working on one-laborer garbage trucks are to be paid 9 percent more than their regular hourly rate. Thus, the reduction in 161 laborers would on average result in 161 additional laborers working on a one-laborer garbage truck, resulting in a 9 percent increase in their salaries. This would cost an additional $934,000 in 2011 and $967,000 in 2012. Finally, under the agreement between the City and Coalition of Union Public Employees (COUPE) to impose furlough days from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2011, if the City chooses to lay off employees during this period, all laid off employees will be paid for any unpaid holidays or furlough days taken since July 1, 2009. Thus, if the City were to lay off 161 laborers, the affected laborers would have to be paid approximately 13.5 percent of their salaries to compensate for unpaid days they have taken over the last year and a half, since the furlough agreement has been in place. This would reduce the savings in 2011 by an additional $1.36 million. After subtracting the reduced savings due to the increased pay for 1-person garbage trucks and the furlough payback provision, the savings from implementing this option would be approximately $10.3 million in 2011 and $12 million in 2012. Proponents might argue that the City no longer needs two laborers on a garbage truck because the trucks are now semi-automated, meaning garbage carts are lifted and dumped by a mechanism on the back of the trucks. They may also cite an IGO investigation in 2008 that found that garbage collection crews worked, on average, only 75 percent of the work day, indicating that there was not enough work for the collection crews to perform. Others might argue that few cities have three staff assigned to each garbage truck. According to 2008 data from the International City/County Management Association’s (ICMA), among the six jurisdictions with over 500,000 people which submitted data only one (San Antonio) had 3 staff per garbage vehicle, and this is likely because collection is done manually. The other five jurisdictions (Phoenix, Miami-Dade County, Dallas, Austin, and Oklahoma City) all had 1 person per vehicle and automated or semi-automated collection. Opponents might argue that reducing the number of laborers to one on all garbage trucks would reduce the quality of collection service in the City. They would argue that reducing the number of laborers could result in less frequent service as it takes trucks longer to perform their routes. Additionally, others might argue that in addition to their collection responsibilities, laborers sweep alleys, pick up trash, or remove street-sweeping signs. Reducing the number of laborers would mean a reduction in these services. Simple. Organize the wards on a grid system, rather than gerrymandered as they are now. Makes the garbage collection more efficient, while keeping it in the hands of the aldermen. The trucks on the Far North Side are picking up less garbage than a year ago. I know this because while they're leaving the garage on Ravenswood Ave. at the same time every morning, they're coming back for the day way before they used to. Now they return as early as 2 PM, while a year ago it was at 3 PM. All the workers cars are gone by 3 PM now, it used to take until 4 PM last year. The only explanation for the ward by ward system appears to be the very least paragraph which to me seems pretty flimsy. How are the residents' or aldermen's relationships with the city workers stronger if they don't cross ward boundaries on any given day? They still have to pick up their garbage every week? I don't get that at all. ---I also found it interesting that the city apparently picks up about twice the tonnage of trash than it does recycling. In the superboonies where I live, the ratio is more than twice the opposite. We have two wheeled containers for each house; one for recycling, and a somewhat larger one for trash. We fill the recycling container each week, and the trash container has a few things in the bottom of it; some garbage, contaminated paper not suitable for recycling, used facial tissues, the occasional diaper when the grandchildren come visiting. The city's ratio is possibly a residuum of the blue bag program; people just aren't used to a serious recycling program yet. And oh yes: the collection trucks have a claw on the side that picks up the container, upends it and dumps it. One man per truck, and he never has to get out. Cut down on high absenteeism while you're at it. I lived in Chicago until 1975 and knew that if you wanted to guarantee that the old loveseat or refrigerator that you hauled out to your alley were to be picked up it was a good idea to meet the garbage truck with maybe a cold six pack in a brown bag or possibly a $5 bill discreetly passed to the driver. Actually, you could give it to any one of the three or four 'workers' who either drove, rode on the back of, or walked along behind, the truck. Since then I've lived in the suburbs (Alsip, Justice, Worth, Lockport) and have enjoyed simple, cost effective trash collection by various private refuse companies. I have never, in more than 35 years, had to call to complain about the service I've received. This includes picking up couchs, freezers, construction waste or trees. If there's a holiday, flood, blizzard or any other form of delay they're there the day after the normal pick-up day, never later. The most amazing part is, all of this is done by one worker, and has been for the last 20 years. So, until somebody in city government grows a pair and finally decides to attack the real problem, this totally wasteful practice will continue.
Ever notice how often a product that makes a huge splash at tradeshows fizzles in the marketplace? The story goes like this: Product is introduced at show to much fanfare. News media gives Product lots of press, and consumers everywhere express interest in Product's features and capabilities. Product hits store shelves…and stays there. Some early adopters purchase Product, but it never penetrates into mass consumer markets. What went wrong? Market research clearly identified potential dollars in target markets just waiting to spend money on the new product. So why did it fail? The problem is not with the market research, which is a necessary first step to rolling out a new product. Rather, the culprit is an absence of a true understanding of the people who will ultimately use the product. Just as important as market research, design research is a necessary ingredient for creating, developing, and delivering a successful product. Marketers need solid market research to guide their decisions about product positioning, revenue potential, and target markets. Likewise, designers need solid design research to guide their decisions about the product's interaction framework, feature set, and overall appropriateness for its users. A design research phase consists of three main activities: stakeholder interviews, domain research, and user interviews. Some combination of all three makes for a successful phase. The length of each activity depends on the complexity of the product. More is always better, but effective design research can be gathered in a relatively short amount of time. Typically, one to three weeks is sufficient for most business and domain products, while complex enterprise systems with multiple interfaces require a longer research period. An intimate understanding of user research is fundamental for designers. In order to gain such an understanding of the research, designers must lead—or at least participate in—user interviews. Simply handing them a report generated by someone else is not nearly as effective. If the design team is truly immersed in the user research and models that come out of that research, it will be much easier for them to design a product that meets the needs of the users rather than themselves. It is vital that the people who will be designing your product have a good understanding of the company's specific goals for it. Is the product going to be positioned as a major revenue generator? What kind of development resources will be assigned to the project? Are there existing brand guidelines that will have an impact on the visual design of the product? What is the deadline for code drop and customer ship? Don't assume, even within your organization, that your design team understands your corporate vision. Often, the product vision is diluted as it moves up and down the corporate hierarchy. Sometimes, a product vision is not well articulated to begin with, but is rather a collection of good ideas with vague requirements. Discovering this at the beginning of an initiative can save a lot of grief later. If your company does not have a clear idea of what they want to build and sell, you will never be able to design a product that meets expectations. Domain research activities focus on the big picture of the product space. The design team should perform competitive research to identify existing products and services that may solve similar problems or offer complimentary features. For technical products (complex enterprise products or specialized domains, such as for medical devices or healthcare products), identify a subject matter expert (SME) whom you can use as a resource throughout the project. To immerse yourself in the basics of the product domain, spend at least an hour or two with this person before conducting user interviews. This will give the design team an overall understanding of the common terminology and vocabulary used in the industry or consumer space and provide a good forum for asking naïve questions before embarrassing yourself in front of real users. Just the other day I baffled and was baffled by a client as we both used the term “engineer” in a conversation. It turns out that he meant “sound engineer” when he used the term, and I meant “developer.” Once we cleared up the confusion, I was able to use the term appropriately and save myself and those around me a lot of confusion in the future. Understanding common terminology and practices not only builds credibility (try saying, “disk drive” instead of “volume” to a roomful of IT storage professionals, and see what kind of reaction you get), but it also minimizes confusion. When it comes time to design, being able to provide solutions to customers in familiar language eases the learning adjustments they have to make. User interviews represent the most important element in design research. An ethnographic approach in gathering user research is particularly effective. Ethnography is a social research technique based on studying people's behavior in everyday contexts, rather than under controlled conditions (such as a conference room in a focus group testing center). Ethnographic techniques focus on informal conversation and observing the subjects in their environments, instead of on questionnaires or set lists of topics. This approach will allow you to be efficient while unearthing the true attitudes and behaviors of users, as opposed to merely gathering statistics. These ethnographic techniques provide quick, rich results. As a designer, your goal is not to create an exhaustive research report; therefore, you will be invariably less scientific than an ethnographic anthropologist or social science researcher would be. Rather, your goal is to understand users enough to be able to step into their shoes during the design process. While your experience and expertise with interaction design will provide for a foundation of good interface concepts, it is your understanding of users that will help you make appropriate design decisions for the product at hand. Otherwise, you're just creating design based largely on what you know and like. Unless you happen to be representative of the core target markets for the product, and unless you happen to have no quirky behaviors or processes that skew your perception of the problems being solved, the product won't meet the needs and goals of the people who will actually use it. For example, I was on a team that recently completed a design project for an irrigation management tool aimed at golf course superintendents. We traveled to several courses around the country to talk with superintendents and their staff. It was valuable to watch each superintendent guide us through the current software tools they use to control their course's irrigation systems. More valuable, though, was the time we spent away from the computer. We rode around the course in golf carts as the superintendents performed some of their routine activities, and we were able to observe many behaviors that never would have come out of a meeting in their offices. We had heard, for example, that superintendents take a lot of notes as they travel around the course (they told us this themselves, in fact). In reality, though, the notebook mostly stayed in the back of the cart, and when a problem came up, the superintendent would either fix it on the spot or radio someone else to fix it right away. Later, when we were designing the interaction framework for the product, we were able to quickly make decisions about how much data capture—or in this case, how little—was needed in the interface. Without those golf cart trips, we may have spent a lot of time designing an expensive-to-build feature that would not have added much value to the design. Why do companies skip design research? I hear this statement a lot from executives, and there is no doubt that they have enormous amounts of expertise and experience with their product domain. But does a CEO of a large CRM Company really know what today's telemarketers and customer support agents want to do with the product's call-center module? Even with consumer products, it's dangerous to assume knowledge of the individuals within the target market. This is a common concern shared by many consumer product companies. How does one do user research for a cell phone, when anyone in the world is a potential user? Sure, it's not possible to quickly profile every possible type of user. That does not mean, though, that there is no point in trying to understand any users at all. Knowing some users very well is better than not knowing any of them. Remember, design research and user modeling are first and foremost design tools. As your design team is faced with making decisions about what features to include in a product, and how to present those features to users, having intimate knowledge about at least one or two types of users will help them lean one way or the other. If they don't have any design research to draw on, they will be left only to their instincts, individual experiences, and design principles. It's possible to target users who are representative of a large number of other users. The targets will often span multiple marketing segments. Interviewing some of these representative users and knowing them well makes it unnecessary to interview others in the groups they represent. Don't worry so much about knowing every kind of user before the first release. As the product matures, keep adding to your knowledge store about your customers and make adjustments accordingly. Don't eliminate the process because it seems too big to swallow whole. Avoid focusing on the "lowest-common-denominator" user, that is, the one who potentially represents the users with the least amount of technical skill, money, and motivation to buy your product. Focus somewhere in the middle; there is more chance that the users to the left and right of that user will also be pleased with your solution. The key to having designers internalize and use design research is to let them participate in or, better yet, perform the research. Splitting up the design team from the research team can easily create a conflict of interest. The goal of a dedicated research team is to create a report that will probably be used for multiple purposes. The research itself is the end goal. When designers perform design research, it is not the research but the product design that is the end goal. Designers constantly anticipate design questions, and as they perform research, it's always with an eye towards how it can help them create a solid design in later phases of the process. They may ignore or miss entirely some research opportunities, not because they are uninteresting or not valuable, but because they don't relate directly to the design task. This helps them remain focused and can greatly reduce the amount of time needed to do the research. Since the research itself isn't the sole objective, designers can be more selective and take more risks. Other advantages to having the designers participate in or lead research is that they can't help but internalize the information they discover. Seeing first-hand the raw material that is used to create the user and domain models makes it easier to apply and believe in those models during the design phases. While this is a legitimate concern, the research techniques discussed here yield rich, accurate results in brief periods of time. An ethnographic research approach and a small number of user interviews can provide the foundation for a quick and successful design research phase. In addition, the time you spend up front understanding users and the domain will save time during the design and development process by reducing guesswork, re-work, and exploration down blind alleys. Knowledge is power, and empowering your design team with knowledge about your business goals, your technical boundaries, and your users will provide an extra edge in ensuring that your product isn't the one gathering dust on the shelf after the tradeshow.
Infinix Note 4 Pro X572 is a premium version of Infinix Note 4 that was launched in Nigeria, the two phones have very similar spec sheet in major aspects but it’s only the Pro version that got the Stylus pen (X-Pen). Another difference between the duo can be found in the RAM and internal storage aspect where the Note 4 uses a smaller RAM and ROM than its senior counterpart, lets quickly glance through the key specs of the Note 4 Pro. Infinix Note 4 Pro sports a 5.7-inch display, the device will reportedly feature a bezel-less display, just like what we have seen in recent Samsung phones. Both the Note 4 and Note 4 pro uses the same display resolution which is set at 1920 by 1080 pixels providing us with a full HD screen. The Note 4 Pro is powered by a MediaTek MT6753 chipset, an Octa-core processor which has a speed of 1.3GHz, 3GB RAM combined with 32GB worth of internal storage space, you would expect the Note 4 to deliver nothing but good gaming experience and a decent performance for heavy users. Android 7.0 (Nougat) is pre-installed out of the box with handful of interesting features that the XOS has to offer. You should expect nothing but a sleek and improved user interface, the Note 4 pro will certainly be getting regular OS update from its manufacturer on the long run. The device hosts a 13MP back camera with dual LED flash while on the front, you have 8MP camera. This is just the same as what was offered in the Note 3 and Note 4. Infinix Note 4 Pro is houses a slightly bigger 4300 mAh battery in the powerhouse, the device is claimed to withstand longer usage than its predecessor (Note 3 also came with 4500 mAh) and can charge up to 45% in 30 minutes, thanks to a new feature in the device called XCharge. With the help of XPower feature, the Infinix Note 4 Pro can reach a standby time of 2 days for normal usage and 1.5 days for heavy usage. The new Note is also claimed to give you two hours of phone call or six hours of offline music listening with just 5 minutes charge. Price of the Infinix Note 4 Pro device will definitely vary with country and demand, the price is expected to start from about USD170 which shakes off about N65,000 to N75,000 in the Nigerian currency and about KSH15,000 to KSH16,000 in Kenyan shillings. Infinix Note 4 Pro price in Pakistan, Ghana, Cameroon, Egypt and other countries will be confirmed when the device is subsequently available in these region. Infinix Note 4 Pro is really outstanding in both design, battery and feature aspects, talk of the sleek and brilliant body build, the X-pen and the sufficient 4,500 mAh battery. Though the processor and system on chip (SoC) is bit below what we expected to see, the device is a good value for its money. You would definitely want to consider going for the basic variant which is the Infinix Note 4 if you feel the Note 4 Pro is a bit over priced. Also considering affordable phones with large displays, Infinix Note 3 Pro is another phone to consider. It offer a good display quality, big RAM and ROM and big battery as well. InnJoo Max 4 Pro should also be consider if big battery, bigger RAM and bigger internal storage space are the major things you look out for in a smartphone. please my note4pro is having screen problem and it affecting the touch pad I need to order for a new screen will it include the touch pad and where best can I order it from thanks for your help. 1) poor widget loading times. 2) inconsistent display support for widgets. 3) Occasionally refuses to respond after taping an app icon. 3) irritating knack of disconnecting from the SD card, or denying access to it. 4) plays customized ring tones for only 4-5 seconds (my Samsung J7 pro does it longer – sometimes too long). 6) terribly unimpressive cameras & speakers. I’ve used the INFINIX NOTE 5 for exactly 1 week & 2 days now…….I bought this phone as a backup mainly because I had 2 spare SIM cards that I wished to activate to diversify my access to network. 1) As a phone for calls – no problem so far (Using airtel & 9mobile). 2) Browsing works fine (on 4G too) so far (using 9mobile data – SIM slot 2). 3) Receiving mails via my email app (Aqua mail) – no problem so far. 4) WiFi/ Hotspot? All good so far. 5) No Infinix device overheating, thank God. 6) No Infinix device freezing/ lagging/ sudden reboot…….Yet. 7) Battery – VERY GOOD. Carries me a whole day at heavy use. Charges fast – even with (good) non-native chargers. PLS NOTE: I don’t do mobile gaming so can’t comment on the phone’s performance there. 1) Bluetooth use has an occasional tendency to make your mounted SD card instantly unavailable to the phone for awhile; you have to physically remove & reinsert the SD card several times + reboot the phone after using the bluetooth till it becomes active on the phone again. Tried the SD card in other phones/devices (in case it was an SD card issue) and it worked fine with other phones/ devices. 2) Icons for apps installed inexplicably disappear from the phone’s “desktop”. Its worse, after updating apps from Google Play store. 3) SMS sending? Not a problem so far. Receiving? ONLY if the message/ SMS app is up & running in the background – you’ll only know you’ve got text if it’s on. Tried several other SMS apps from the store to see if there would be a desired change. Nope. 4) You cannot customize ringtones for the native SMS app (messages) that came with the phone OS. Wasted time in settings > notification looking for the option to. 5) Still does not maintain stability of “desktop” widgets (even after fully updating the phone). You have to remove the widget from the “desktop” & put it back on the “desktop” where it works/ shows properly for only a while (and do it again, & again, & again, & again……….). 6) Fingerprint unlock? I don’t bother with that anymore. Rarely responds. And responds slowly. I had to go back to Screen unlock and had to use Pattern unlock (faster!) because using the other options (either Passcode or PIN) you are prone to making errors if entering your secret code rapidly; you have to enter the code REAL SLOW or you get error and the phone will not grant access. NO RAPID code entering allowed. The Infinix NOTE 3 (last Infinix Phone I used) was way way more responsive at fingerprint unlock – though the phone had long term Zero performance issues in just about anything else. 7) Not impressed with the camera quality (though its not the reason why I bought it – never is for Infinix devices I buy), selfie or back-camera. The Google Lens thing? Hmm..not wowing me yet either. 8) The Gel back cover that comes with the phone is a joke. Buy a proper, THICK flip cover case (couldn’t find good ones in the market) before the phone (piece of near-glass) drops on you. I’ve been lucky after a few drops & so carefully conscious while holding the device – you should be careful but not at this over-the-top caution I’ve had to be, especially while in my pocket. The stuff I’ve detailed above may not matter in the long run to some wanting to buy the phone and that’s very OK. What should be important to you is whether you can work with the phone’s limitations or not, which in turn will help support your decision to purchase or not. My own impression FOR NOW is that the phone performs well for calls, browsing and some wireless. These issues might be related to some peculiarities of the ANDROID ONE OS, and this is my very first exposure to Android One. Good morning, am considering buying Note 5 stylus, but it does not have swag like the Note 4 pro. I am considering going for Hot S3X. Help me out please. I bought my infinix note 4 pro X571, very nice phone but can you please help me how to work my x-pen, its not working. I got a note 4 about 2 weeks ago but its keeps making a weird noise/sound like a faulty transmission or something , it is sooo irritating and loud how can i get ride of it. By screen munching, I assume you’re talking about screenshot and in that case, yes. It does. Want to buy things from julia, cant seem to get throgh.I leave in warri .can I get a number to call or an office for help? Does using the note 4 pro hope the back isn’t scratching??? I’m currently wanting to buy an Infinix note 4 Pro from your Business. I’m in Liberia, my concerns: how do I do payment to receive it? How much is the cost currently? Hello Diamond, thanks for stopping by. We currently do not sell phones through our resources. You can check some reputable online stores or offline phone vendors in your area for device. I noticed front camera of infinix note 4 pro is just wack, no matter the illumination it blurry, please do it have something to do with the settings. I just bought my Infinix Note 4 Pro but i am having some problems with it. I can clearly hear incoming calls and can talk clearly but when i make a call, the call party won’t hear me and i also will not hear the person. Pleas advise urgently. Thanks very much in advance. Pls. I just got infinix note 4 pro but I find it difficult to open where to insert my Sim card . I need ur assistance on how to open it. Pls. I just got infinix note 4 pro but I find it difficult to open where to insert my Sim card . how can I go about it? I used to use infinix note 3, but it was stolen, I tried getting another one but it is out of the market, and I have fallen in love wit the phone, please guys what do I do now? I want to sell mine if you’re interested…. See I’ve got a major, MAJOR beef with Infinix devices – after buying and using the phones for about 5-7-9 months (sometimes even less), they begin lag in performance (freeze, LAGS, occasional reboots, ignore simple executions, overheat, crash, etc) & I just want to bash HARD the life out of the phone. Grrrrr.. Currently I’m using the Infinix Note 3 but I’m about to toss that (far away from me!) & get another Infinix phone. Probably my last as I’m starting a family soon. NOW, I’ve been interested in either the Infinix Zero 5 Pro (or the Infinix Note 4 Pro). Either will be my 11th Infinix device so would really appreciate counsel on which phone to pick up – and hopefully break my run of bad luck with the Infinix brand. I’ve done my research & looked (endlessly!) at each device spec-wise but my main gripe is performance longevity of the phones. Kindly soliciting your advice to make an informed decision – which do I pick? First impressions/ surface pros & cons for each phone I already know but I’m still in the deep-dark on long term performance prospects of each. And as we know money to support this isn’t easy to come by. Cheers & thanks in advance. Hello, Infinix Zero 5 is the best phone from Infinix at the moment. The phone is built good quality but inside and outside, there haven’t been any complaints about so far which means it’s performing well. Not the Infinix Zero 5 PRO?? . Infinix Zero 5 and Zero 5 Pro have basically the same specs, the only difference is storage capacity; the Zero 5 has 64GB ROM while the Zero 5 Pro comes with 128GB ROM. I’d read that they do not. The two smartphones support 4G network, they will work well with any line that provides 4G network in your area. A friend warmed me not buy the model note 4 pro, bcoz the battery and charging system is not good enough, is there any improvement on this? All these complaints! Hmmmm! I bought my note 4 pro since October, no problems at all. Honestly, m enjoying it. Someone said d camera is whack. The truth is d camera is better than many Samsung phones. When I was passing out (NYSC), my phone was d celeb dat day. Everyone wanted to use my camera. Dey snap with my phone n collect d pictures through Xender. When I did my induction, everyone snapped with my phone to collect through xender. The phone is superb. People refer to my phone as machine (no joke). It still does d x-charge. D pen is Wat m not a fan of. Doesn’t really interestel me. Thank God dey phone can be used without the pen. And please, if u buying a phone,make sure to buy d original. Go to an Infinix outlet. If u are having problems with yours, please take it to an Infinix shop as long as u bought it from them. There r many fake phones out there. Is it working with screen mirroring to connect with webOS smart tv? The Hotspour cannot be connected to my laptop. When I plug my phone to my laptop you can’t find the phone on the laptop. Pls isn’t warranty supposed to cover damages by water? hope the infinix note 4 pro iz working wel nw coz i’ve heard much complain bout the version nd i intend getn 1 soon. Pls when will u lunch infinix zero edge? and how can I spot a fake one? I want to buy the infinix note 4 pro next but the comments I’m getting here is really discouraging. Does the phone really worth the price or should I just go for another phone? I need suggestions please. AdaObi Good morning, I can see that u are really bitter about this Infinix Note 4 Pro. Can u please give me more reviews on the problems and shortcoming u encountered while using it because I intend getting mine next week. Hi, am interested in getting the note 4 pro so how can i tell which one is imitation or original? Niyi is correct. There’s Note 4 with 3gb and 32gb ROM there are three variants of note 4 but that variant is as scarce as gold. I have infinix note 3 which I bought last year November 2016. Can I change it to infinix note 4 and possibly add some money? please can you kindly enlighten us on how to identify an imitation…. l see people complained about the xpen. l want to know, can’t the phone work without the Xpen. Same use as the stylus in the Samsung NOTE series. Egbon easy. With great specification comes great money, and if we dont have the money for “iPhone” as you suggested, should we wither and die? We r here for “feedback” and not castigation. If the phone didnt work for u, please say so, and why it didnt, and leave it at that. No problem, that’s what I got. U can google infinix note4 launched in india. D battery is 4300mah. I could remember infinix has done something lyk dat b4. The price is a bit higher than the normal note4 with 2gb ram. Perhaps, u confirm from the store. I bought same last week but it didn’t come with pen. That should be Infinix Note 4 Pro you got… are you sure the battery is 4,300 or 4,500 ? I read something like that. It seems there are three variants of infinix note 4. There is one some retailers refers to as infinix note 4 High, it shares everything with the note 4 pro except the x-pen, and perhaps with 4300mah battery as opposed to 4500mah on the pr. Does infinix note4 get 3gb ram and 32gb rom version? Coz mine is like that its nt pro. Am really impressed with the phone Infinix note 4 pro and am preparing to go and buy my own. but please hope the phone will not be hanging if someone is using it. If the xpen goes down battrey wise, how can one charge it assuming it has battrey . Henry pls educate me. You charge it by inserting it into the smart cover together with the Infinix Note 4 Pro at the same time. It draws power form the Note 4 Pro. I just bought it yesterday, but pls no xpen inside so what can I do now. Hello, You can simply meet with the retailer you bought it from and have it sorted out. PLEASE WHERE CAN I GET INFINIX NOTE 4 PRO IN NIGERIA ? Hi CJ, the phone is available on Jumia. Pls some said the battery is 4500,while some said is 4300, pls which one r we believing? Hello Silver, the infinix note 4 pro has been confirmed to have 4500 mAh battery and NOT 4300. Thanks for stopping by. Please Henry is it possible and reasonable for me to swap Apple iPad 3 with infinix note 4 pro.. so it’s available already… how much? please am also having issue making choice between the two. which one did you end up going for? Sure the Infinix Note 4 pro is really an impressive phone. Is it possible for me to swap my infinix X551 HOT NOTE with infinix HOT NOTE 4 PRO X571.How much am I going to put on top? That might be possible Osoyemi. The guys at Gonaiij mall offer swapping service for Infinix phones. You can find out more details about that here. You can call them on the contact provided there to see what they have to say concerning swapping Infinix Hot Note for an Infinix Note 4 Pro. where is the gonaij mall and l need their mobile contact.l am interested in phone swap.thanks.
Have you ever written a Curriculum Vitae? It is a more detailed synopsis than a resume and usually used when applying for a scientific, educational, academic or research position. I had never heard of one before, but I guess they are popular in Europe and China, as we were asked to send one to the school that Mozart will go to in China while living with a family there. They are called CV's for short. It was quite enlightening for me to pull together quickly, looking at her whole education background so far and trying an attempt to explain our unusual lifestyle and choices to folks who have no access to the regular internet ( thus no links) and do not speak English. This sample was translated to Mandarin by the language school we are working with and is a bit heavy on photos as they wanted that ( the educational facts are at the bottom). Mozart is a fluent trilingual American child born in San Francisco, California area who has been traveling the world with her parents non-stop for the last 9 years to educate her as a global citizen. We started our world trip when she was 5 and she just turned 14, so she is likely the most well traveled child in the world with a kids record for the most global UNESCO sites visited. She is a happy, out going child who loves to read, sing, make art and play and has a passion for world peace, people and sustainability/green issues. She plays the violin, piano and loves to compose songs. She is a Dragon in Chinese astrology and so is her mom, so it's exciting to first visit China together in a Dragon year. We have been to 47 countries on 5 continents so far. We are monolingual parents, but wanted to raise her as a trilingual from birth in the world's dominant languages ( English, Spanish and Mandarin) as we feel one can not really understand a culture without knowing the language well. She wants to learn French next. We are older parents, thus wanted more time together as a family, so took the risk to sell all our things to retire early to do this. We think experiences and time together are more important than things, so we live a simple life. Mozart has been tested as an exceptionally gifted child, so we have chosen a unique way to educate her. ( She walked and talked well at 6 months old in 2 languages, taught herself to read at 2, tested at a 3rd grade level ( 9 years old) at 3 years old and 10th grade ( 16 years old) at 6 years and tested with top scores in math and language at Johns Hopkins University CTY gifted programs). She has done well in many John Hopkins University CTY classes online and in person. At 13 she scored higher than 97% of high school students who take the SAT. We are interested in coming to China because we have great interest in Chinese culture and Mandarin. Mozart is the youngest, smallest and only Caucasian in her 1000 kid Mandarin high school in Penang, so is use to being in an all Mandarin environment. Last year when she was celebrating Chinese New Year with her 83 year old Grandmother in Georgetown, Malaysia, they ended up being interviewed on Chinese television dressed in their Cheongsam traditional dresses. Swimming with sharks in in Bora Bora, doing a camel overnight trek deep in the Sahara at 6 and riding a camel in Jordan at 10, learning to surf in Hawaii, learning archaeology in Pompeii, Ephesus, Troy, Mycenae, Delphi, Petra, Palace of Knossos etc ( amazing for a kid with a passion for Greek Myths and archeology), swimming with dolphins in Portugal and Florida Keys with marine biologists, seeing a ballet in Sydney's Opera House or Shakespeare at the Globe in London, celebrating Chinese New Year at temples in Asia or participating in Semana Santa in Spain, eating reindeer meat in a kota in Sweden, climbing the Tiger's Nest in Bhutan, playing violin on a Vienna stage or ending up in a Japanese film in Croatia, seeing world class operas in Verona in an ancient amphitheater, dissecting squid in California at a Johns Hopkins CTY science workshop, sailing the Turquoise coast in Turkey, cruising the Fjords of Norway, etc,etc etc...the educational opportunities have been phenomenal. Doing volunteer work with disadvantaged kids in Harlem, USA that we took with us virtually for a year. Touring Europe extensively as a family for 6 years. Currently homeschooling around the world and is at a 5th grade level in Mandarin reading, writing and speaking, 6th grade level in Spanish reading/writing and doing some college and high school level work in English ( including music theory at JHU-CTY). She is focused on singing/songwriting and is in a well known Master Class for artist development, plays the piano, violin, guitar and didgeridoo and performs a few times a week. She is also interested in acting and modeling and recently did a talk for the Dallas Public Libraries. She was the youngest speaker at the Global Education Conference at 13 and the youngest reporter at New York Fashion Week at 13. She recently won an award from Johns Hopkins University Gifted Program for scoring higher at 13 than 97% of high school students who take the SAT test and is in the highest group within their CTY gifted program ( higher than 2/3 in the program). Currently a 7th grade student at a private Chinese high school in Penang, Malaysia in their gifted co-hort with classes like physics, algebra, biology etc.. She is pulled out for 2nd/3rd grade level Mandarin classes and top English class. Taking piano, violin, digital composing classes and choir too. Won a Chinese eleocution contest at 12, first time in 63 year history of the school that a Caucasian won. Was the youngest finalist in a singing contest where she sang a Mandarin Pop song. Home educated during travel to Bhutan, Thailand, Jordan, Spain, Germany, Florida and California. Skipped from 4th grade in Spain to 7th grade in Penang at private Mandarin High School at 10, starting with their special class for foreign students. Won an English elocution contest for a speech she wrote about Environmental issues. Homeschooled as we traveled in Barcelona, Granada, Provence, French Riviera, Paris, Malaga, London, New York City, San Francisco, Hawaii, Los Angeles, Tahiti, Bora Bora, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, and Penang. Started a pattern of 5 months in the winter at the local primary school in Andalusia, Spain and 7 months of travel homeschooling mostly around Europe extensively, but also with trips to Africa, the Sahara and Turkey. Early entrance to a 1st/2nd grade top public school in California at 4 ( where all her classmates were 7,8 and 9) based on her abilities and the school had never done this before. Still problematic because her reading levels were far ahead of class mates, but her writing skills were a challenge due to age related finger dexterity. Thus, we decided to "world school". Started violin at 23 months old and piano at 3 and we've continued both as we travel the world as we can , often by webcam with teachers on other continents. Another extraordinary post, chere Jeanne! I have so many comments for your last dozen or so entries but we are in the midst of our own travels. I'll get those comments in there very soon! The wonderful thing about Mozart's travel experience is that you experienced it as well giving your entire family a "world perspective". Congratulations on your upcoming trip to China. Bon Voyage, Have Fun! Glad you liked it Hullsedge! Honored that you thought of my little multilingual kiddo like that princess...thanks! Hope you are having wonderful travels and can't wait to hear what you've been thinking about lately! Hello! If you will be in Beijing there will be no problem with internet connection. I have many friends who work and live there and it's not an issue. My friend runs About.com for China and is based in Beijing. Thanks a bunch Meghan..that is reassuring! Do they use a VPN to get past the firewall? Can they easily get to facebook too? We've got a great VPN ( Witopia is one of our sponsors) but I have heard lots of odd things about internet there. Some don't seem to have too much of a problem using their VPN's but then sometimes I read about folks who seem to have a lot of problems with internet in China. I was also surprised that the language school folks said the people at the Beijing school needed this CV because they have no internet access to us. that does surprise me! Everyone here has a VPN and I have had no trouble with internet use and we have been here almost 2 school years! Congratulations to Mozart and parents for such a wonderful, inspiring story. We would love to travel around the world learning along the way. Any tips? So true ckolodin..the world travel and educating her like this has so enriched us all and it has been such a joy to have these experiences and memories together. Sorry, I didn't get to answer your wise comment until now. Sometimes these are moving to fast to catch all the blog comments. Thanks so much Patricia! I try to put all the tips we learn on this blog as a resource for other families interested in traveling for educational reasons as a family. I tell what has worked for us, but there is no "one way" to do it and each family needs to "tweak" it to their own needs. Hope that helps! After 8 years of travel, there is a TON of info here and you can also use the search feature to find posts about language learning etc.
Price, $2 a "Year, in. Advance. .77 :- I; People . You. know '. '~'Sunday."'.7,7V' ■'■'7' -;.r._. ';'.-' ,'. ftinj; Edward'. , „.-i -* u" .* . n„* - * " " '' nio visitor last Saturday. 4. optician; is stqpping-.at the Fernie,'. . Brampton, was in town this week. -.- Hamillon,;'was In the "city Saturday. - res'pondeuce school is in theeity today. ' . -V„* ■ ir* ; ■'• ~ 7 . ' '•'",, •'" ' . The deeds, for the post office ■ sico" Tuttlo,.-They, were - forwarded to A. M." Johnson of Nelson, for inspection" *.. _..'". -'.. . ' -'. 7 7. =7>j.-i ti -'4- " of air bad done tbem good. without.portfolio. \. .. ''■/ . 7 vuitlast week. . "';" ,■ f ' -,: -' *:>" liis customers here last Friday. . ' .superstructure of comont blocks. will get along without "his Majesty" lias uot yet bow settled. tha Elk Lmnbur Co. mill. veptnry Co. was in tewu last week wearing a smile that would Indicate Anything but a frosty tompurmout. our devil during the winter months,. hieaibero are men of broad and impressive minds, alert to'every indication which tends to throw light upon "the'matter thev havein hand. hands of so competent a man as Mr. expressed personally their -appreciation of the manner'in which* Mr. Jones had presented; his case. Jt. Much sympathy Is expressed for Mr. hopes ware ontortnliicd for Its recovery. is lota nf fun if one knows how to do It. hanitU ofgamoon tha Upper Elk. country and adds to that of our neighbor over tlio lino. Its full share nf ull that, was going. real riches of this or .any other world. If "w«.could follow, the foolstiqa nf John" the luppy , limiting ground as Mr. & Elliott: are insr.illiim. Cash' carrier? are provided for the department-:. for flour and feed and for the storin*. Tho second floor nftliisline' buildli'_. 'Sincetaking over- this business Mr. nees. An element of strength in Mr. 1 .1 I tU , 14 ll,o l,.|, |. MM I I. .. ., , ..,,.(, 1,1 ll,,lil„,l 1,,- t,|,,..,!,. dls-irlbulod ith to glvo the bent rei-ilt-. Again tho Ftimilinr Cry —Fire. originated in the kitchen near the flue. gained much head wny. .-• ' -"" buiU'ings in whiih lliey originated. their duty in providing for a brigade. the shed nn lhe siilc of I'urdy's store. Nighi policeman Jas, Wallace and W. veianJii ol'tlio CviiumI ImicI hIicii Mr. have slarlv.l in this nlu*d ue.ir llu: iltmr. mor, Wm. Ihildr), Si.il.Mylvi'll.ir, W. he I oie water wju thiwin^ tlnough. their coal properties at Lund brack. the sad news ofthe death of Mrs. here supposed she was recovering. the afternoon for tlie south. • Mr. * The Conservatives, of the ,-Piuclier. Creek last Friday unanimously nominated A. C. Keinmies as their candidate. ment niay.be tuhstitutcd lor tho popu-. t'tl tlioiin iviio th ■> belii'Vitl to bn ih-. short chat with C. P. Hill, of tlie Hid" ent, Wm. Fariuell, ot the HaBtern Town- . flnvi'i'imr luO-iuiu-ll lor thn Incorporation of Cinnbi-oik .isa city. tlu ct-U-brjiili'ii of Lilyr Day. Mr. cbause, otit cent a word, each insertion. . *nt», in cunts a line (uonpariel) eai-li inceition. on application to tlm inuutiKer. And then up rose tho good old. presiding elder, and briefly, spoke. ynu 11 go to heaven in.a handbabket." If Hon. F. W. 0. .Haultain ofleii*. system he will des rve success. ence to their principles. If Hon. F. optically pure all the year around. •** Office hours—8 a.m. to 3 p.m. W. J. Wriglesworth, D. D, S. FERNIE, I. - - "— ' B. 0. Capital* :$2,32p,QQQ '■.. Tfeservei* .$2,32O;O0O '" Hon., Wm.- Gibson,- Presidenti -CY'' ; 'r, ■ :i '..,';." -. Drafts issued, payable'in" Canada or abroad.- Foreigndrafts cashed. , y~± >• Special advantages in Savings _ Department. .-. -?/,..-.. "" '"■ ' " ''" '-".• ;",'■* :"■"' -; j. a. LAwayAgunt"fernie br.-vkok-'" Oflli-o In iJ. T. W.'lilook, Victoria Avenue. spo tlmt it is UNION made. W. P. KILBOURNE & CO. Post Ollice Block, Fernie. B. C. A man's affidavit of his own character is not evidence. cortaln that he would pludly jyo. n't think the Society for the Prpv,'ii». a rnlnit the Bin of ftibbiith-breaklnir. sMi* ef tlw brunk. It oeemed aa if. thee. Oh ? -..*"_'" -. at our School Supplies . ~ *.' ' •" •'•'-"; -" afTHE"OWL" K Fort Steele Brewery io., Ltd. ^ ■,-, *;■. '---fernIe/ b.c. ' ■- ■ 7 . ■- *.,. cooled throughout its entire mass. the hexagonal form is also evident. out upon the screen in much 0buautv. reduced to the liquid form. well assorted stock of Toilet Articles. Pioporty for Snli*, to Rent or Exchaneo.L. homo for nil who travel. Lamb, Veal, Fresh and Smoked Fish. All klnda ol Kroah Fish, In icitson. Tlm KinoHt Show of Mvo Stock ever helil In ^VathlnKloi. teed xo tuiswcr llii-i luipou.i.it ^ucuioi. corrirlly Tin* prii»*» nre rl(,'ht. OIIUUI WaUb iM-M-JUro! G. ft. Ily. l»o not |.» I'unHnt with totm »■!. An advertisement iii its columns always, .". brazen solders. They, -jixe.lt, at higj. tlie hydrogen. ' A *'. ' .'-"*-. 1 ,'" * ' -. magnetite and hematite, tin* tipper electrode of carbon. ■>■ -A l ' • 7- A" which collection Was begun in -.1795. tnusi.'uin Ims iiost upwards of $jo<v«<.>o. of 1,750 students are now attending. . electrodes was 84 cents per ton of iron. includt. lava, basalt, granite, etc. ber of concentric, furrows upon its face. down upon the face of a large grindstone. are enabled to run at a profit. 145 have mineral and geological collections'. . planted nbout one-mil*.weHt_of=tla« summit of. west eighty chains to the place of commencement containing Mi) aeree mora or less. good to return till Oct. 12. clnsti or tourists sleeping car reservations. Apply to loeal agont. T. J. Coyle, A.0 J.A. Stomach Ailment*; for Elin>inatiug all Metallic Poisons from the System. ! Tlie icrandeur of the scenery Is unrivalled. IG acres of Itivol bench and 60 acres of gently slopinir land. The remainder In good pasture-laud. suit the purt-feaeer. Call ou 119 for prices, terms etc. aoiWs more or Uss.'. . . . north «tf hty chains, thenoe east elsht y chelus. le.s. Located and dated the llth day of Aug. Kant Kootenay rommenelng ut a pott plant. when better returns can be had at home. New schedule of prices now ready. Burn's Block, FERN1E, B, C. Down t. A. t. \- t Read Up. TertnT Hi if I aiit-noic «hl# ln> oiTCr fKjin it within tha readi ot tvtty man to own hii oan Home. CMclnnatl, Ohl*. " Buffalo, N. V. That's why we're kept busy. Do wc do your work ? of Wln»«, Liquor* and Ci-jari. thu detective human eyes, where othera have entirely failc-il. .•"--HEARING APPMANCKB AND ARTIFICAL BYKS KITTED. Frld«y Sept. 15 to Sunday Sopt 24. •■^ji"*1 isot iniooii fiiiii we-Hfiy "ts*" The Fernie Ledger, - - « - Pernio, D. G. * '_.*-—". -»'v-r.- -,^,--"7 • - - f-.-> r*.-3 "" \ *•"'.'•• ■ ■-- -A-,- Our Savings. Ban$c7, 7 ■ . . -7,* -';-■-■ \ . new suit at Kenny & McLeod. j/icat steel tipple . whicli is iifciiriu" opera bonne Friday, night. . . finding so many, people up the gulch. remaining for some time wiih us. ''' You know you have to get tliat ring. going at Wright's the jeweller. , / . which hhe has iu stock for them. ticore Htniitling 15 to 7. Mini wu wish hiin mra-HH. grpahy and be assured u position. who is now stopping at the Fernie. Mr, Doberer ofthe Trites-Wood Co. Canmoi e being pitted against^- Calgary. Co's. Block. Apply to C. N. Trading Co. le. Also several lond.-i of good mnnure, ex-. follows.',?;vPres„ G. Deluca; V. P.„ J. Drogani;'R; S., G. AieUoj-'C; C, Al. unless they return him ut. once J, A. BROLEY. Cawthra Molook, of Toronto, .Mr: J. taking ii>. Victoria and .Vancouver. they will visit'San Francisco and* St. Arc you going to the 'Portland Fair? D. "P. A. Nelson'b; C/.'-A '. ,'.'-' - ." "aon ' u eriilr=,But. Mr.-, Mulock and his" head. He has succeeded with the aid. * ;c».'S.,!;-r,i;-t:r r- -*%■->.',-"':*V>--*'-*i' 'A--*''. trict foe a transfei of ray licence ior tho. El). Hotel; E)Jco, toTliomnB'yountit, ..»•,- ,' ;,. A rents in Ferniefor'J.'G". Proctor, Nelson'. Supply Co.i of New York. iift#"**SSK. A-U*!***!* "*%.** «■ Kft *JL**S «*■ *•**■.
Are Experiential Therapy Techniques Helpful? What Is Animal-Assisted Therapy & How Does It Work? Substance abuse recovery involves much more than clearing drugs or alcohol from the body. Overcoming the disease of addiction requires an understanding of the origins of substance abuse, the motivating factors for recovery, and the reasons for resistance to healing. Art therapy serves as a vehicle for the psychological component of recovery by providing an emotional outlet and a means of self-expression. Feelings or experiences that are too painful or shameful to articulate can be expressed through ink, paint, clay, or other media. When combined with other recovery services, such as detox, individual therapy, support groups, and family counseling, art therapy can be a powerful way to promote the healing process. Art therapy is a form of experiential therapy, an approach to recovery that addresses emotional and spiritual needs through creative or physical activity. It is not necessary to have a background in the arts or artistic talent to participate; individuals only need to be open to the experience and to engage actively to benefit from these sessions. Many clients find that art therapy is a relaxing and enjoyable way to address some of the more complex aspects of rehab. Creative activity provides a way to process some of the stressful emotions and anxieties that can emerge during treatment. After rehab, activities like painting or drawing, can be used throughout the individual’s life as a way to express feelings, explore creativity, and reduce stress. One of the primary goals of art therapy is to help the client return to healthy functioning, whether that be on a social, emotional, or cognitive level. It can be particularly useful in the treatment of individuals who have experienced personal trauma, such as childhood abuse, sexual assault, violence, or a natural disaster. Memories and experiences that are too powerful to confront directly can be explored through the vehicle of visual media, allowing the release of tension and fear in a safe environment. Creative activity gives the individual in recovery a sense of control that may be lacking in life. In this sense, art can become a coping strategy for dealing with the challenges of recovery. On a social level, art therapy sessions can serve as a form of group therapy, creating bonds among peers. As clients work together on guided projects, they can learn new methods of coping, share their responses to therapy, and practice their collaborative skills. On a more general level, art therapy can act as an introduction to the pleasures of creative activity. Art therapy is practiced in a wide range of settings, from community mental health centers to inpatient psychiatric units, medical facilities, schools, and residential recovery centers. This versatile treatment modality can be applied in almost any therapeutic context, from individual therapy to group sessions and family or marriage counseling. A study of art therapy programs in substance abuse treatment published in the Journal of Addictions Nursingfound that 36.8 percent of programs in the study sample offered art therapy as part of a comprehensive rehab program. This study also found that art therapy was particularly successful when combined with therapies that focus on motivating the client and encouraging active participation. One such modality is Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET), an approach that brings the therapist and client together in a collaborative relationship to stop substance abuse. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association notes that art therapy can be very effective at breaking down resistance to treatment and overcoming ambivalence about recovery in rehab clients. Many individuals who enter recover programs are living with the residual effects of traumatic experiences, from past abuse to recent violence or loss. For the survivors of trauma, substance abuse can be used as a dysfunctional coping mechanism to manage unbearable feelings of grief, rage, or guilt. According to Psychology Today, art therapy has been used successfully as a healing intervention for children who have survived the trauma of war. The act of creating images and objects with paint, clay, chalk, or crayons is itself a therapeutic process for these children, as well as a way to depict the unspeakable acts that they have seen. By the same token, adults who have lived through domestic violence, natural disasters, violent crimes, or acts of terrorism can use art to express their responses to these incidents in a safe, supportive context. In veterans and other individuals who have used drugs or alcohol to cope with trauma, art can bring about an understanding of the nature of addiction as a disease. It can also be used to reinforce the individual’s commitment to recovery, to promote self-reflection, and to provide an experience of spirituality, notes AATA.The benefits of art therapy are available to individuals from all socioeconomic backgrounds, regardless of their financial resources. Artists for Trauma, a nonprofit organization, uses the creative arts as a tool to help military and civilian survivors overcome the effects of traumatic events and live healthy, fulfilling lives. This organization matches professional artists in the community with individuals in need of trauma therapy. These artists work on a volunteer basis to provide and facilitate free, interactive programs that help to facilitate the recovery process. Programs are offered in hospitals, military facilities, community centers, and other locations. How Does Art Therapy Support Substance Abuse Treatment? Art therapy is a component of a comprehensive treatment program that includes individual therapy, group therapy, family counseling, 12-Step meetings, and other core services. Art therapy complements these services by providing a break from the direct, intensive work of talk therapy and allowing the subconscious to express itself creatively. Art therapy can be a powerful complement to a 12-Step program. According to Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, clients can use artistic activities to uncover the feelings of guilt, unmanageability, or shame that led them to rehab. For instance, a process known as incident drawings allows clients to illustrate the experiences of feeling self-destructive or out of control, which can lead them to seek healing through a higher power. Therapists often use fluid media, like paint, to help clients experience the sensation of being out of control, which in turn helps them admit their need for sobriety. Art therapy highlights the role of creative activity as a form of nonverbal communication. Language is not always the most effective way to convey the emotions that are uncovered in the recovery process. Art therapy can act as a powerful complement to traditional talk therapy by giving clients an alternative way to describe and communicate their feelings. Once these feelings have been released, art provides a visible, tangible object that can be discussed with the therapist and with peers in a group setting. Throughout the course of a recovery program, the images that clients choose and the feelings that they express may change. Clients who are more advanced in the program may use art to depict the process of transformation that occurs in recovery. After illustrating feelings of shame or guilt, they may feel compelled to express the joy of being released from addiction. Art therapy sessions are integrated into the client’s schedule of recovery activities at a residential treatment program. Depending on the structure of these sessions, clients may either create art pieces independently or work collaboratively on a single project or design. The sessions are facilitated by an art therapist, a professional trained in using art as a medium for recovery and healing. The art therapist guides clients in exploring the underlying emotions, experiences, or memories that arise during the creative process. In order to effectively lead an art therapy session, the therapist should have at least a master’s degree in therapy or counseling, as well as specialized training in this treatment modality. Many art therapists also hold licensure in social work, therapy, or family and marriage counseling. Standards of practice are established by the American Art Therapy Association, a national organization that promotes knowledge of the field and provides educational resources for therapists and the general public. To supplement the role of art, music, or fitness therapies, a comprehensive recovery program will offer services that address the whole person, such as recreational outings, nutritional counseling, and activities that foster spiritual growth. When searching for a recovery program, look for a facility that is open to the integration of cognitive therapies, behavioral modification, and motivational counseling with expressive and experiential modalities. American Art Therapy Association (AATA): This national organization is the authoritative resource in this field, providing educational information for the public and providers, professional certification for art therapists, and support services using the medium of art. Artists for Trauma: Through the efforts of artists who volunteer their time and resources, Artists for Trauma helps civilians and members of the military overcome the effects of trauma through the healing mechanisms of creative expression. Artists for Trauma provides therapeutic sessions on an individual or group basis to individuals seeking recovery from devastating or life-threatening experiences. International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA): This charitable organization advocates and promotes the use of art as a healing modality around the world. IEATA uses the expressive arts to effect change on a personal and community level. It also establishes standards of practice for the field of art therapy. National Coalition of Creative Arts Therapies Associations (NCCATA): This group is an association of organizations committed to the advancement of art as a therapeutic modality. NCCATA supports professional therapists who are using the arts — including the visual arts, dancing, music, poetry, and other expressive modalities — to promote healing, foster communication, and restore mental health. Trauma-Informed Practices and Expressive Arts Therapy Institute & Learning Center: This institute is dedicated to teaching therapists and other professionals the practice of art therapy as a way to overcome the effects of trauma. Based on the treatment practice known as trauma-informed art therapy, the Institute offers live and online training courses, a certification program, and other valuable resources for mental health workers and graduate students.
Just imagine returning home relishing setting down overfilled grocery bags, and sitting in the shade with a nice cup of tea on a hot day, when, instead, you notice the biggest swarm of the season settled in your front garden and immediately you’re propelled into swarm collecting mode! You might sling the shopping in through the front door and focus on the job in hand spending ages rushing about collecting all the items needed for successful swarm collection. Even if you are a very well organised beekeeper, who needs only to collect the carefully pre-packed swarm collection kit, you might still wonder if the bees will be hanging there when you return to the tree. If any of these responses sound familiar, then you will be delighted to learn that swarm bees give warning signals prior to takeoff, and the well informed beekeeper can easily take advantage of them to predict, and even halt, the departure of the swarm. Bernd Heinrich, (1981) insect physiologist and pioneer of temperature control studies in insects, discovered the requirement for honey bees, in a swarm, to warm their wing muscles to at least 35oC (95oF) before takeoff, though he was not aware of the process by which all the bees in a swarm synchronously attain the optimum temperature for flight. By the way, have you ever, out of curiosity, poked a finger into the middle of a swarm and felt how amazingly warm it was in the center compared with the outside, and wondered what was happening in there? A four-pound swarm can generate enough heat to power a forty-watt light bulb, so it is pretty warm in the centre of a swarm. Individual bees are endothermic which means that they can generate heat by themselves, and so can maintain their own thermal homeostasis. A bee generates heat by working her wing muscles, located in her thorax. A bee produces much body heat while in flight, but she can also activate these wing muscles (i.e., shiver) while not in flight, either to warm herself or to help keep her colony’s broodnest toasty warm, 33-36oC (91-97oF). A cluster of swarm bees is therefore “warm blooded” and can regulate its temperature by adjusting its heat production and by clustering more tightly when the ambient air temperature drops below about 18oC (65oF). Cluster contraction conserves heat by reducing the surface area over which heat can be lost, and by also reducing internal convection currents. When the temperature falls to 14oC (58oF) the swarm cluster develops an outer mantle of bees in a quiescent state of just hanging motionless, whereas in the core the bees have some space to move about. Figure 2. Temperature profiles of a swarm at low (5oC=41oF) and high (30oC=86oF) ambient temperatures. Diagram shows the positions of bees, channels for ventilation, losses of heat (arrows), and areas of active metabolism (crosses) and resting metabolism (dots). From Honeybee Democracy (Princeton University Press) and used with permission from the author. You can see, in Figure 2, how a swarm regulates its collective temperature at different ambient air temperatures; on the left side it is only 5oC (40°F), and the bees are having to work hard to actively maintain the temperature between the core (35oC) and the mantle (19oC). A hot day of 30oC (86oF) is illustrated on the right, and bees in the mantle are mostly at rest with some active bees, most likely to be scouts. The channels between bees allows air to circulate by convection helping keep the temperature in the middle uniformly 35oC (95oF), whilst the mantle is 31oC (88oF). But how does all this relate to swarm takeoff? Well, typically a swarm of about 10,000 honey bees hangs in a beard-like cluster from a solid object, often a tree, whilst the 300 to 500 scout bees go and choose a new home. They may hang for a few hours, or a few days, until a quorum of scouts has built up at one of the sites, which marks the end of the scouts’ decision-making process. Then it’s time for all the bees in the swarm to travel to the new home site and start moving in. Work on swarm thermoregulation by Seeley and Tautz (2001) revealed the mechanisms by which all the bees in a swarm become suitably warmed and flight-ready with their wing muscles heated to 35oC (95oF) which is close to our core body temperature. The entire swarm knows when to warm up because around 100 of the scout bees who have visited the swarm’s new home site give the remaining 9,900 or so swarm-bees a clear signal to warm up their flight muscles to 35oC (95oF) to be ready to launch into flight. The signal first occurs around an hour before takeoff and comes in the form of piping which is easy for the beekeeper to hear by listening with an ear close to the swarm. This is usually possible as most swarms are extremely calm and settled, unless the bees are starving, or have been hanging in the open for a long period during poor weather. The piping noise is generated by a worker bee pressing her thorax, with wings pulled tightly together over the abdomen, onto another bee. While she presses against another bee, the scout bee activates her wing muscles and produces a sound resembling a Formula One car revving up at Le Mans. These piping scout bees are highly excited and run all over the swarm burrowing into it, and pausing frequently to pipe. At first, the beekeeper will hear sporadic weak piping sounds, but they will increase in intensity and build to a climax just before the swarm’s takeoff. Some of the scout bees communicate imminent departure by shaking or vibrating the quiescent mantle bees. A shaker bee grasps her sister and shakes her body for one to two seconds at 16-18 Hz but this shaking signal is not as significant as another important signal, the buzz run. This third signal really gets the bees going and, if observed in conjunction with piping bees, is a clear sign that the swarm will usually takeoff in the next one or two minutes. Figure 3. Panel 1: The buzz-runner runs towards the quiet bees. Panel 2: One second later, the buzz-runner makes contact with the cluster, spreads her wings, and buzzes the other bees. Panel 3: One second after making contact, the buzz-runner continues pushing through the cluster, still buzzing her wings. Panel 4: Bee is still buzzing her wings as she runs off. Drawing by Barrett Klein, from Honeybee Democracy (Princeton University Press) and used with permission from the author. The buzz runners are also the pipers and are most noticeable on the swarm cluster just prior to takeoff. You can see above in the diagram how the buzz runner runs towards the small group of torpid bees, and a second later she spreads her wings and buzzes them as she makes contact with the cluster. She pushes through them still buzzing her wings when contact is broken, and she may fly round before landing to repeat the procedure. She may sense the temperature of the bees whom she presses against, and research informs us that takeoff begins only a few seconds after 100% of the bees have their wing muscles warmed to 35oC. And they’re off! So how does this knowledge benefit beekeeping? Acquiring a deeper understanding of this amazing behavior of the scout bees on a swarm enables the beekeeper to watch some of nature’s most wonderful displays as a partner in a unique relationship with bees. Practically, the beekeeper can examine closely the swarm and work out how near to takeoff it is by looking for signals. If no piping is heard and no buzz runners are seen, then there is time for assembling the necessary equipment, and to think carefully about the best action to take in a relaxed manner. How many times do beekeepers get so excited by swarms that they react rather than think things through quietly and carefully? If, however, piping is heard, and maybe buzz running is also seen, then still all is not lost! The swarm can be lightly sprayed with cool water using a spray bottle. This will lower the bees’ body temperatures and will stop their departure cold, at least temporarily. Now the beekeeper has an extra 10 minutes or so to capture the swarm and so keep the girls at home. Heinrich, B. 1981. The mechanisms and energetics of honeybee swarm temperature regulation. Journal of Experimental Biology 91:25-55. Seeley, T.D 2010. Honeybee Democracy (see chapter 7) Princeton University Press. Seeley, T.D. and J Tautz. 2001. Worker piping in honey bee swarms and its role in preparing for liftoff. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 187:667-676.
Abstract: This article demonstrates how to define a ClientDataSet's structure at both design-time and runtime using TFields. How to create virtual and nested dataset fields is also demonstrated. In the last installment of The Professional Developer, I described how to define the structure of a ClientDataSet using the ClientDataSet's FieldDefs property. This structure is used to create the in-memory data store when you call the ClientDataSet's CreateDataSet method. The metadata describing this structure, and any data subsequently entered into the ClientDataSet, will be saved to disk when the ClientDataSet's SaveToFile method is invoked. While the FieldDefs property provides you with a convenient and valuable mechanism for defining a ClientDataSet's structure, it has several short-comings. Specifically, you cannot use FieldDefs to create virtual fields, which include calculated fields, lookup fields, and aggregate fields. In addition, creating nested datasets (one-to-many relationships) through FieldDefs is problematic. Specifically, while I have found it possible to create nested datasets using FieldDefs, I have not been able to successfully save and then later reload these nested datasets into a ClientDataSets. Only the TFields method appears to create nested datasets that can be reliably saved to the ClientDataSet's native local file formats and later re-loaded into memory. Like the FieldDefs method of defining the structure of a ClientDataSet, you can define a ClientDataSet's structure using TFields either at design-time or at runtime. Since the design-time technique is the easiest to demonstrate, this article with start with it. Defining a ClientDataSet's structure using TFields at runtime is shown later in this article. You define the TFields that represent the structure of a ClientDataSet at design-time using the Fields Editor. Unfortunately, this process is a bit more tedious than that using FieldDefs. Specifically, using the FieldDefs collection editor you can quickly add one or more FieldDef definitions, each of which defines the characteristic of a corresponding field in the ClientDataSets's structure. Using the TFields method, you must add one field at a time. All this really means is that it takes a little longer to define a ClientDataSet's structure using TFields than it does using FieldDefs. Although using the TFields method of defining a ClientDataSet's structure is more time consuming, it has the advantage of permitting you to define both the fields of a table's structure for the purpose of storing data, as well as to define virtual fields. Virtual fields are used define dataset fields whose values are calculated at runtime -- the values are not physically stored. Place a ClientDataSet from the Data Access page of the Component Palette onto a form. Right-click the Fields Editor and select New Field (or simply press the INS key). The New Field dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure. Enter PartNo in the Name field, and Integer in the Type field. Leave the Field Type radio button set to the default, which is Data. Your New Field dialog box should now look something like the following. Click OK to accept this new field. The newly added field should now appear in the Fields Editor. Repeat steps 3 through 5 to add three more fields to the table structure. For the first field, set Name to Description, Type to String, and Size to 80. For the second field, set Name to Price and Type to Currency. For the third field, set Name to Quantity and Type to Integer. When you are done, the Fields Editor should look something like the following. Adding a virtual field to a ClientDataSet's structure at design-time is only slightly more complicated than adding a data field. This added complexity involves setting additional properties and/or adding additional event handlers. Let's begin by adding a calculated field. Calculated fields require both a new field whose type is Calculated, and an OnCalcFields event handler, which is associated with the ClientDataSet itself. This event handler is used to calculate the value that will be displayed in this virtual field. Note: This example demonstrates the addition of a calculated virtual field, which is available for most TDataSet descendents. Alternatively, these same basic steps can be used to add an InternalCalc field, which is a special calculated field associated with ClientDataSets. InternalCalc virtual fields can be more efficient than Calculated virtual fields, since they need to be re-calculated less often than calculated fields. Begin by right-clicking the Fields Editor and selecting New Field (or press INS). Using the New Fields dialog box, set Name to Total Price, Type to Currency, and Field Type to Calculated. Click OK to add the new field. Now select the ClientDataSet in the Object Inspector or the Object TreeView, and display the Events page of the Object Inspector. Aggregate fields, which can be used to perform a number of automatic calculations across one or more records of your data, do not require event handlers, but do require that the ClientDataSet have at least one index. The following steps will walk you through adding an index, as well as an aggregate field that will use the index. A more complete discussion of ClientDataSet indexes will appear in a later article in this series. With the ClientDataSet selected in the Object Inspector, choose the IndexDefs property and double-click the ellipsis button that appears. Using the IndexDefs collection editor, click the Add New button once. With this newly adding IndexDef selected in the IndexDefs collection editor, use the Object Inspector to set its Name property to PNIndex, and its Fields property to PartNo. Select the ClientDataSet in the Object Inspector once again. Set its IndexName property to PNIndex and its AggregatesActive property to True. We are now ready to add the aggregate field. Double-click the ClientDataSet to display the Fields Editor (alternatively, you can right-click the ClientDataSet and select Fields Editor from the displayed context menu). Right-click the Fields Editor and select New Field. Set Name to Total Parts and Data Type to Aggregate. Select OK to close the New Field dialog box. The aggregate virtual field is displayed in its own section of the Fields Editor, as shown in the following figure. Select the Total Parts aggregate field in the Fields Editor. Then, using the Object Inspector, set the Expression property to Sum(Quantity), the IndexName property to PXIndex, and Active to True. That's all it takes. All you need to do now is call the CreateDataSet method at runtime (or alternatively, right-click the ClientDataSet at design-time and select Create DataSet). Of course, if you want to actually see the resulting ClientDataSet, you will also have to hook it up to one or more data-aware controls. The use of the TField definitions described here are demonstrated in the FieldDemo project, which you can download from Code Central. The following is the main form of this project. As you can see from this code, the ClientDataSet in this example resides on a data module. Upon startup, this form calculates the name of the file in which the ClientDataSet's data can be stored. It then tests to see if this file already exists. If it does not, CreateDataSet is called, otherwise the ClientDataSet is opened. The following figure shows this form at runtime, after some records have been added. Nested datasets represent one-to-many relationships. Imagine, for instance, that you have a ClientDataSet designed to hold information about your customers. Imagine further that for each customer you want to be able to store one or more phone numbers. There are three techniques that developers often use to provide this feature. The first, and least flexible technique, is to add a fixed number of fields to the ClientDataSet to hold the possible phone numbers. For example, one for a business number, another for the a home number, and a third for a mobile phone number. The problem with this approach is that you have to decide, in advance, the maximum number of phone numbers that you can store for any given customer. The second technique is to create a separate file to hold customer phone numbers. This file would have to include one or more fields that define a link between a given customer and their phone numbers (such as a unique customer identification number), as well as fields for holding the type of phone number and the phone number itself. Using this approach, you can store any number of phone numbers for each customer. The third technique is to create a nested dataset. A nested dataset is created by adding a Field of DataSet type to a ClientDataSet's structure. This dataset field is then assigned to the DataSetField property of a second client dataset. Using this second ClientDataSet, you can define fields to store the one or more records of related data. In this example it might make sense to add two fields, one to hold the type of phone number (such as, home, cell, fax, and so forth), and a second to hold the phone number itself. Similar to the second technique, nested datasets permit a customer to have any number of phone numbers. On the other hand, unlike the second technique, in which phone numbers are stored in a separate file, there is no need for any fields to link phone numbers to customers, since the phone numbers are actually "nested" within each customer's record. Here is how you create a nested dataset at design-time. Using the technique outlined earlier in this article (using the Fields Editor), create one field of data type Data for each regular field in the dataset (such as Customer Name, Title, Address1, Address2, and so forth). To define the fields of each nested dataset, add fields to each secondary ClientDataSet using its Fields Editor, just as you added fields to the primary ClientDataSet. For example, following the customer/phone numbers example discussed here, the nested dataset fields would include phone type and phone number. For an example of a project that demonstrates how to create nested datasets at design-time, download the NestedDataSetFields project from Code Central. This project provides an example of how the customer/phone numbers application might be implemented. This project contains a data module that includes two ClientDataSets. One is used to hold the customer information, and it includes a DataSet field called PhoneNumbers. This DataSet field is associated with a second ClientDataSet through the second ClientDataSet's DataSetField property. The Fields Editor for this second ClientDataSet, shown in the following figure, displays its two String fields, one for Phone Type and the other for Phone Number. In the previous article in this series, where a ClientDataSet's structure was defined using FieldDefs, you learned that you can define the structure of a ClientDataSet both at design-time as well as at runtime. As explained in that article, the advantage of using design-time configuration is that you can use the features of the Object Inspector to assist in the definition of the ClientDataSet's structure. This approach, however, is only useful if you know the structure of your ClientDataSet in advance. If you do not, your only option is to define your structure at runtime. You define your TFields at runtime using the methods and properties of the appropriate TField or TDataSetField class. Specifically, you call the constructor of the appropriate TField or TDataSetField object, setting the properties of the created object to define its nature. Among the properties of the constructed object, one of the most important is the DataSet property. This property defines to which TDataSet descendant you want the object associated (which will be a ClientDataSet in this case, since we are discussing this type of TDataSet). After creating all of the TFields or TDataSetFields, you call the ClientDataSet's CreateDataSet method. Doing so creates the ClientDataSet's structure based on the TFields to which it is associated. The following is a simple example of defining a ClientDataSet's structure using TFields. You can test this code for yourself easy enough. Simply create a project and place on the main form a ClientDataSet, a DataSource, a DBGrid, and a DBNavigator. Assign the DataSet property of the DBGrid and the DBNavigator to the DataSource, assign the DataSet property of the DataSource to ClientDataSet, and ensure that the ClientDataSet is named ClientDataSet1. Finally, add the preceding code to the OnCreate event handler of the form to which these components appear, and run the project. When your structure is defined using TFields, there is an important behavior that might not be immediately obvious. Specifically, the TFields specified at design-time using the Fields Editor define objects that are created automatically when the form, data module, or frame to which they are associated is created. These objects define the ClientDataSet's structure, which in turn defines the value of the ClientDataSet's FieldDefs property. This same behavior does not apply when a ClientDataSet's structure is defined using FieldDefs at design-time. Specifically, the TFields of a ClientDataSet whose structure is defined using FieldDefs is defined when the ClientDataSet's CreateDataSet method is invoked. But they are also created when metadata is read from a previously saved ClientDataSet file. If a ClientDataSet is loaded from a saved file, the structure defined in the metadata of the saved file takes precedence. In other words, the FieldDefs property created at design-time is replaced by FieldDefs defined by the saved metadata, and this is used to create the TFields. When your ClientDataSet's structure is defined using TFields at design-time, metadata in a previously saved ClientDataSet is not used to define the TFields, since they already exist. As a result, when a ClientDataSet's structure is defined using TFields, and you attempt to load previously save data, it is essential that the metadata in the file being loaded be consistent with the defined TFields. As mentioned in the preceding section, TFields defined at design-time cause the automatic creation of the corresponding TField instances at runtime (as well as FieldDefs). If you define your ClientDataSet's structure at runtime, by calling the constructor of the various TField and TDataSetField objects that you need, you must follow the call to these constructors with a call to the ClientDataSet's CreateDataSet method before the ClientDataSet can be used. This is true even when you intend to load the ClientDataSet from previously saved data. The reason for this is that, as pointed out in the previous section, ClientDataSet structures defined using TFields do not rely on the metadata of previously saved ClientDataSets. Instead, the structure relies on the TFields and TDataSetFields that have been created for the ClientDataSet. This becomes particularly obvious when you consider that virtual fields are not stored in the files saved by a ClientDataSet. The only way that you can have virtual fields in a ClientDataSet whose structure is defined at runtime is to create these fields using the appropriate constructors, and then call CreateDataSet to build the ClientDataSet's in-memory data store. Only then can a compatible, previously saved data file be loaded into the ClientDataSet. Here is another way to put it. When you define your ClientDataSet's structure using FieldDefs, you call CreateDataSet only if there is no previously saved data file. If there is a previously saved data file, you simply load it into the ClientDataSet - CreateDataSet does not need to be invoked. The ClientDataSet's structure is based on the saved metadata. By comparison, when you define your ClientDataSet's structure using TFields at runtime, you always call CreateDataSet (but only after creating and configuring the TField and TDataSetField instances that define the ClientDataSet's structure). This must be done whether or not you want to load previously saved data. The VideoLibrary project, which can be downloaded from Code Central, includes code that demonstrates how to create data, aggregate, lookup, and nested dataset fields at runtime using TFields. This project, whose running main form is shown in the following figure, includes two primary ClientDataSets. One is used to hold a list of videos and another holds a list of Talent (actors). The ClientDataSet that holds the video information contains two nested datasets: one to hold the list of talent for that particular video and another to hold a list of the video's special features (for instance, a music video found on a DVD). This project is too complicated to describe adaquately in this limited space (I'll save that discussion for a future article). Instead, I;ll leave it up to you to download the project. In particular, you will want to examine the OnCreate event handler for this project's data module. There you will see how the various data fields, virtual fields, dataset fields, and indexes are created and configured. Cary Jensen is President of Jensen Data Systems, Inc., a Texas-based training and consulting company that won the 2002 Delphi Informant Magazine Readers Choice award for Best Training. He is the author and presenter for Delphi Developer Days (www.DelphiDeveloperDays.com), an information-packed Delphi (TM) seminar series that tours North America and Europe. Cary is also an award-winning, best-selling co-author of eighteen books, including Building Kylix Applications (2001, Osborne/McGraw-Hill), Oracle JDeveloper (1999, Oracle Press), JBuilder Essentials (1998, Osborne/McGraw-Hill), and Delphi In Depth (1996, Osborne/McGraw-Hill). For information about onsite training and consulting you can contact Cary at cjensen@jensendatasystems.com, or visit his Web site at www.JensenDataSystems.com. I was searching this, and found it. Clear, concise and smart in the explanation. Thank's a lot! Great column! ...It would be nice to be able to get all of the projects in this series in one zip file. Midas.dcu is one of the Borland units. There may be something wrong with your library search path. Try adding MidasLib to the uses clause in the project source file (*.dpr). This piece of demo does not work."Midas.dcu" is missing.
Emerson, Marley and Georgia met at a weight-loss camp when they were teenagers. Years later, the morbidly obese Emerson asks to see them because her body is shutting down. She wants them to complete a list they wrote when they were younger – things they would do when they became skinny, such as eating dessert in public or having a guy buy them a drink. Both Marley and Georgia still deal with their weight issues every day. Marley, a personal chef, has her eye on a cute firefighter and still feels guilty about her twin sister’s death, while lawyer turned kindy teacher Georgia is focused on making sure her nephew is ok and wondering why she ever let her wonderfully understanding husband Rafe get away. This is an emotional – but perhaps a bit too long - story about insecurities, self-acceptance and the bonds of friendship. You can really feel Emerson’s pain in the letters she penned to her thinner self. Wedding dress designer Jenny is moving back to her hometown. She’s trying to escape her ex-husband, Owen, his new perfect wife, and their beautiful new baby. Despite Jenny’s ex-husband’s insistence that they stay best friends, Jenny knows that spending every weekend with her ex’s family is not helping her to move on. She starts a new business and finds herself drawn to her landlord, Leo. Rachel, Jenny’s sister, is married to a handsome lawyer and has beautiful triplet daughters. Rachel’s life explodes when she finds her husband’s text messages to a colleague. Rachel always thought she knew what she would do if she was ever faced with infidelity, but the desire to keep her family intact has Rachel prepared to forgive. Colleen O'Rourke enjoys her life as the feisty town matchmaker. She thrives on giving love advice to all the patrons of the bar she co-owns with her twin brother. Colleen swore off relationships after her heart was broken 10 years ago by her high school boyfriend, Lucas Campbell. Since then, Colleen is happy flirting with the town locals and the occasional fling. Lucas Campbell had a tragic childhood and was sent to live with his aunt and uncle after his father went to jail. His life took a positive turn when he met Colleen. Even though they were young, he knew she was the girl he would marry. They stayed together through college, but a horrible misunderstanding resulted in their break-up. Colleen stayed in their small town and Lucas moved away and married someone else. Lucas, now divorced, returns home when his uncle becomes ill. Colleen is determined not to get her heart broken again by Lucas. She tries to keep her distance but their past is hard to escape. Picking up from The Best Man, we get to know another sister in the Holland family: flinty, controlled Honor. When she decides that she's in her mid-thirties and it's time to get married, she proposes to a man with whom she has had an on-again, off-again (more off than on) fling since college. He turns her down, which sends Honor back to the drawing board. Fortunately, her grandmother lines up a blind date with Tom Barlowe, a gorgeous British professor. These two do not hit it off straight away, but they discover that they can help each other out: Honor wants a husband and children, and Tom wants a green card. So maybe they should have a marriage of convenience. On a beautiful day in June, Faith Holland was set to marry her high school sweetheart. Jeremy was the perfect man - handsome, loving and he adored Faith. He had a future in the NFL but gave it all up to become a doctor and practise medicine in their small hometown in New York. Faith wore a gorgeous dress and carried perfect pink roses. They stood before the minister and everything was perfect until Jeremy announced he couldn't marry Faith. Years later, after living in Colorado, Faith finally returns to her hometown to be with her family and help out their winery. She is ready to put the past behind her and move on. Faith finds an apartment that is unfortunately next to Levi Cooper, the local police chief and best friend of Jeremy. While Jeremy was always gentle and loving, Levi was always difficult and rough around the edges. Faith has always blamed Levi for Jeremy cancelling the wedding and the harder she tries to avoid Levi, the more sparks fly between the two. Parker Welles, a single mum and daughter of a wealthy businessman, is devastated when her father loses the entire family fortune in an insider trading scheme. Parker's first trip is to Gideon's Cove, Maine, to sell a house that she believes will be a beautiful ocean mansion. Her father's attorney, James Cahill, accompanies her on the trip. When the two arrive at Gideon's Cove, they quickly learn that the house is a dilapidated nightmare in need of major repair. James sticks around and helps Parker fix up the house. Although James and Parker had a steamy encounter years ago, Parker now views James as solely her father's wingman. Parker and James work extremely hard to fight any feelings towards each other, however, as they spend so much time together repairing the house, the attraction seems inevitable. Divorce attorney Harper James lives on the small island of Martha's Vineyard. In the opening chapter she has prepared a quick, blunt and not very romantic proposal speech to her macho fireman boyfriend, Dennis (she has even brought her own ring). Of course as Harper likes to (read: needs to) have control over most parts of her life, she also has a list ready to give to Dennis of all the things she requires him to change once he says "yes". Unfortunately for Harper, life, like this moment, does not go according to plan. Just as Dennis starts freaking out about the idea of lifetime commitment, Harper receives a phone call from her baby sister, Willa, and two-time divorcee, who announces that she is indeed getting married for a third time - and to top it off, Willa is marrying Harper's ex-husband's brother, Christopher. In shock, Harper agrees to put her own proposal to Dennis on hold and set out to Montana to witness or stop, depending on who you are and what your agenda may be, the wedding of Willa and Chris. In a somewhat predictable yet always enjoyable string of events, Harper comes face to face with her ex-husband, Nick, and a past that she's been running away from for 10 years. What happens when a power outage finally forces Harper to stop running away and puts her back in the arms of her "one and only" on a cross-country trip as they make their way home from Montana to the east coast? Death has always been a sensitive topic for Lucy Lang. Except for her sister Corinne, all the women in the family have become widows at young ages. Lucy was only 24 when the love of her life, Jimmy, died in a car accident. Five years have passed, and now Lucy wants to get back on the dating scene, and form a family of her own. But it turns out things aren't quite as easy as that. A combination of bad dates, panic attacks, career opportunities, a man who looks exactly like her husband, and her always caring brother-in-law Ethan, means Lucy is in an utter mess. In sixth grade, she was already dating a cute guy named Tyler, whose family owned a horse ranch. At 15, her boyfriend Jack was the son of a restaurant owner. In college, she was with romantic Frenchman Jean Phillipe. But there was one thing these guys have in common - they don't even exist! Faking a boyfriend is nothing new to Grace Emerson - she sees it as an essential survival skill. Thirty-one-year-old Chastity O'Neil has just moved back to her beautiful hometown in Eaton Falls, secured a job as editor of a local newspaper, and is just one single step away from her dream of getting married and settling down. Growing up in a family of four older fire-fighter brothers has made her just like one of guys - both in appearance and behaviour, which makes it a little hard for her to get back to the dating scene. All hope is not lost when Chastity catches the attention of handsome trauma surgeon Ryan Darling while attending a self-defence class with her mother. However, in spite of her new romance, her heart still longs for her first love, Trevor. All Maggie Beaumont yearns for is just a decent guy who will stand by her and be a good father to her future kids. Despite being the owner of the sole restaurant in her Maine town, accepting any sorts of blind dates and eagerly volunteering and organising fundraisers, Maggie just can't seem to find The One. For 15 years, Millie Barnes has never, for a single moment, stopped thinking about her high school crush Joe Carpenter, despite trading nothing more than a few polite nods. Now 29 years old, with her medical residency finally coming to an end, Millie is moving back to the Cape and one step closer to the man of her dreams.
There’s a trick question that rabbis and religious school teachers sometimes like to ask in order to stump their congregants and their students. But I bet there are plenty of you who will get the right answer even though it is sort of tricky. Ready? Yes, some of you got it – the answer is Shabbat. Of course, Yom Kippur is very important too. And, our little quiz notwithstanding, we all know very well that Yom Kippur --– and especially the Kol Nidre service that inaugurates it --- is when many synagogues will have their biggest attendance. What is it that draws us here on this night of all nights? My sense is that what draws us to shul for Yom Kippur is that this is the day each year when, as a Jewish community, we most powerfully confront our sense of mortality. Indeed, the language of the ritual confession or “vidui” that is recited at the bedside of a person who is near death is similar to the language of the vidui prayer of the minchah (afternoon service) for Erev Yom Kippur, which I personally recited just a few hours ago. And the white kittel that I’m wearing to lead services is intended to remind us of a burial shroud. Kol Nidre night may pull us into shul because it reminds us that we have a limited time on this earth. We can never know with absolute certainty what tomorrow will bring. So it is today/hayom that we must rededicate ourselves to being better partners with God in the healing and repair of our world; and in the healing and repair of ourselves. In Hebrew the same word “avodah” means both “worship” and “service.” The two are inextricably linked. Our worship – in prayer and song and public reading of scripture – should lead us to service. That is the message of this awesome day. I’m hoping we will pay particular attention this year to a verse from the Yom Kippur afternoon Torah portion, Leviticus 19:16 to be precise: There we learn -- “lo ta’amod al dam reyekha”/ “do not stand idly by your neighbor’s blood.” (Lev. 19:16). The Talmud explains that the commandment “do not stand idly by your neighbor’s blood” means that we must not stand and watch a person die when we can do something to save them. This is a lesson that too few people understood as the Shoah unfolded in the 1930’s and 40’s. This is a lesson that too few people understood as genocide took place in Rwanda in the 1990’s. And nine years ago on Kol Nidre night I was speaking to the congregation in my former congregation in Plattsburgh, NY about not standing idly by while the people of Darfur in western Sudan were being massacred by the central government of their own country. Growing up, and inculcated with the values I absorbed in my own Jewish upbringing, I accepted the notion that the Shoah was totally unique in world history. I no longer agree with that idea. Genocide is genocide, and it makes no difference that in the particular case of the Jewish people during the Nazi era it was the work of white Europeans…. I feel I need to mention this because a congregant who I respect very much challenged me a couple of weeks ago when I first mentioned from the bima that I was opposed to President Obama’s plan to bomb Syria. One of the offhand comments I had made at the time was that this was a Syrian civil war, and that Assad was not attacking or threatening to attack the United States (or Israel for that matter). But then he said to me: Well, if the Syrians who were being gassed were Jews would that be different? My instinctive, even reflexive, response to him at that moment was that, yes, that would be different because we, as Jews, have a special responsibility to other Jews. So, in that sense, it would be as if we ourselves were, in fact, being attacked so that this would no longer be just a Syrian internal civil conflict. He then responded that our responsibility really should be to all of humanity. Okay, so let me clarify the reflexive answer I gave to him two weeks ago. And that congregant – He told me I could identify him – was none other than our Temple president Tom Griggs --- who I do indeed respect very much. So I want to state, “for the record” that yes, I do believe that “lo ta’amod al dam reyekha” / “do not stand idly by the blood of your neighbor” DOES apply to all of our neighbors on this planet of ours, and that includes the innocent dead of Syria. “[…] Congressional delegations, special envoys and humanitarian agencies send back or bring back horror-filled reports from the scene. A million human beings, young and old, have been uprooted, deported. Scores of women are being raped every day, children are dying of disease hunger and violence. “How can a citizen of a free country not pay attention? How can anyone, anywhere not feel outraged? How can a person, whether religious or secular, not be moved by compassion? And above all, how can anyone who remembers remain silent? “As a Jew who does not compare any event to the Holocaust, I feel concerned and challenged by the Sudanese tragedy. We must be involved. How can we reproach the indifference of non-Jews to Jewish suffering if we remain indifferent to another people's plight? “It happened in Cambodia, then in former Yugoslavia, and in Rwanda, now in Sudan. Asia, Europe, Africa: Three continents have become prisons, killing fields and cemeteries for countless innocent, defenseless populations. Will the plague be allowed to spread? "Lo taamod al dam réakha" is a Biblical commandment. "Thou shall not stand idly by the shedding of the blood of thy fellow man." The word is not "akhikha," thy Jewish brother, but "réakha," thy fellow human being, be he or she Jewish or not. All are entitled to live with dignity and hope. All are entitled to live without fear and pain. “Not to assist Sudan's victims today would for me be unworthy of what I have learned from my teachers, my ancestors and my friends, namely that God alone is alone: His creatures must not be. “What pains and hurts me most now is the simultaneity of events. While we sit here and discuss how to behave morally, both individually and collectively, over there, in Darfur and elsewhere in Sudan, human beings kill and die. “Should the Sudanese victims feel abandoned and neglected, it would be our fault - and perhaps our guilt. “That's why we must intervene. The bloodshed has been going on in Syria for two years already --- or decades – if you want to think of the larger picture of the violent repressive nature of the State led now by Bashar Assad and formerly by his father Hafez Assad. But even if we limit ourselves to the current civil conflict there, we are faced with the fact that atrocities are being committed on both sides, and great moral ambiguity exists regarding the pros and cons of any particular solutions to the conflict. What we do know is that over 100,000 Syrians have died in the last two years of fighting, and that MILLIONS of Syrians have fled the country as refugees. And the question remains: What is to be done? But on this Yom Kippur 5774, I’m sensing other ways in which today feels like Yom Ke-Purim/ A Day Like Purim. In Megillat Esther there are dizzying twists and turns of plot---- so too this High Holiday season. We’ve gone from the brink of attacking Syria to a new attempt at diplomacy in ways we would not have anticipated less than a week ago. And, depending on your interpretation of recent events, President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry have been as inept as King Achashverosh or as astute as Mordechai in their handling of the situation. But that’s the subject of another sermon…. In any event, all the Purimesque plot twists of the past couple of weeks have been particularly challenging for rabbis like me who have been trying to write our High Holiday sermons. My first reaction when President Obama started pushing the idea of attacking Syria was impatience with him for getting tripped up in a “red line” of his own making. But then again, I too find myself tripped up by my own self-imposed “red line” of wanting to do a current-events oriented talk from the bima tonight. In truth, I often feel that way when trying to make connections between Jewish teachings, liturgy and scripture and political issues of the day. From my perspective, Judaism is multi-voiced and the Jewish people are politically diverse. And my general sense is that any of you can read the New York Times or listen to NPR just as well as I can. And this week in particular, I’ve been dealing with data overload – TMI – too much information --- as I’ve been seizing onto every new blog post, news report and op-ed essay to try to help me understand what’s going on in Syria and what should be done about it. It has gotten to the point where I have so many news articles and listserve posts from colleagues weighing in on Syria that all these resources have just blurred together and have pretty much become useless to me. So, I’ll just have to try to give you an impressionistic account of my thinking on the subject and see if I can try to couch it in some Jewish teaching appropriate for the holiday. Viscerally, I’m reminded of the events of 9-11 and their aftermath. We marked the anniversary of that awful day just yesterday. Back then I found myself glued to media reports of the ongoing rush of new developments in the same way that I’ve been doing so in the last couple of weeks about the possibility of the US attacking Syria. The attacks on New York City and Washington, DC and the plane crash in Shanksville, Pennsylvania that was headed to Washington --- took place 12 years ago, but we still, as a nation, carry within ourselves the trauma of that day. If we are reluctant to confront Assad militarily over his use of chemical weapons, the reluctance comes in part from our knowing that Assad’s opponents include significant numbers of extremists allied to the terrorist group that targeted us on 9-11. And our reluctance comes from remembering the costly and destabilizing legacy of the Iraq War that President George W. Bush instigated in large part by using the events of 9-11 as a phony pretext. And our reluctance comes from remembering how that war was sold to us as a limited action and so we don’t trust the current administration when it says it too wants authorization only for a limited action. And we’re confused about what this supposedly limited action is supposed to entail --- more than a pinprick but less than a regime change --- with no real sense of what that actually would entail. And how can it not turn out to be a slippery slope to being fully mired in a civil war that is not our own? And our reluctance comes from knowing that there are so many “nation building” needs right here at home that compete for our attention and our dollars. What is there to say? My first instinct has been the same as that of many others, both Republicans and Democrats: that President Obama’s plan to attack Syria has been more about proving our toughness than about achieving cogent goals. Assad is a brutal dictator, but a US attack on his forces would be an act of aggression against a nation that has neither attacked us nor threatened to attack us. All for what? To defend a “rule of warfare” not to use chemical weapons. Yes, the President made a poignant case on national television and radio Wednesday night about the horrors of poison gas. But to my mind he didn’t manage to make a sensible case for how this is qualitatively worse than the horrors of conventional warfare that has killed over 100 times as many Syrians. And to my mind he didn’t make a convincing case as to how adding American attacks to the mix would increase the likelihood of peace or even how it would decrease the likelihood of Assad using chemical weapons if in fact we’re NOT looking to oust Assad altogether and we’re not attempting to destroy the chemical weapons themselves – for we know that any such attempt would simply release them into the air and cause the very harms we’re trying to prevent. I’m very thankful that there is now a reasonable possibility that the current impasse over chemical weapons and red lines will be resolved without sending American bombs into the midst of the Syrian Civil War. The Russians have given us a diplomatic way out. I’m sure that President Putin’s motives include a general desire to increase Russian influence in the World in general and the Middle East in particular. But, however Machiavellian his motives may be, my gut sense is that --- yes – he, with his Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov are very much serving the cause of peace. And I give a lot of credit to both President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry for switching course to give the diplomatic effort the best possible shot at success. Of course, a number of pundits have suggested that this course change suits President Obama just fine. The resolution of support he was seeking in Congress was poised to fail, and there is that suspicion all around that he was backed into a corner by his own red lines. Whatever the motivations, and whether all this was planned or serendipitous -- Let us hope and pray for the success of these diplomatic efforts. And further, let us hope and pray for the welfare of all of the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. Meanwhile, there are various organizations working to assist Syrian refugees. Many of us just a few months ago attended a fundraising dinner organized by the Islamic Center of the Twin Ports and the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Duluth for Syrian refugee relief. Better than bombs, we can still contribute to such organizations as: CARE, Unicef, Doctors Without Borders or other groups that are trying to address what the World Health Organization has called the worst humanitarian crisis in the world today. I hope you will consider doing so as I have personally done earlier this week. Just remember that even if Syria signs on to the international convention of chemical weapons, and even if those weapons are put under international control and destroyed --- that doesn’t mean that the Syrian crisis will have been resolved. Far from it. Psalm 34, one of the biblical passages that we often include in our Shabbat morning service charges us:בַּקֵּשׁ שָׁלוֹם וְרָדְפֵהוּ. – Seek peace and chase after it. May those who are pursuing peace be crowned with success in their efforts. And, in the meantime, amidst all the work that needs to be done in our own city, our own state, and our own country, may we nevertheless not stand idly by as the crisis that engulfs Syria continues to unfold. Gmar chatimah tovah v’tzom kal/ I wish you all a good sealing in the Book of Life, and an easy fast.
Enjoy an hour of tranquillity in our floatation tank then indulge in a luxury two-hour ESPA Nourishing Body Experience in our Vichy shower. This nurturing experience helps to comfort mind and body and soothe the skin. To help relax the body, this treatment begins with a wonderful foot ritual followed by gentle body brushing and exfoliation to prepare the skin before the body is cocooned in mineral-rich muds and warm linens, helping to calm, soothe and nourish the skin. A stress-releasing scalp massage eases away any tension before an indulgent body massage is tailored to your individual needs. Relax with lunch on either our roof terrace or in our relaxation lounge. The afternoon will consist of an ESPA Prescriptive Facial specifically tailored by your experienced therapist to suit your skin's needs. Complete your day with a Jessica Deluxe Manicure, followed by a luxurious wash and finish with one of our experienced hairstylists, leaving you ready to reconnect with the world. Enjoy this all-over total harmony body treatment and feel relaxed, revitalised and renewed. This luxurious treatment begins with an indulgent foot ritual. Then gentle body brushing and exfoliation prepares the body for a warm application of mineral-rich marine mud to nourish the skin. Tired muscles are then eased and energised with a warming Balinese massage using long strokes and stretches. Finally, the hands and feet receive a nourishing treatment while a radiance-boosting facial leaves you glowing from head to toe. Relax with lunch on our roof terrace or in our relaxation lounge. In the afternoon, let your hands and feet be truly pampered with our Jessica Deluxe Manicure and Deluxe Pedicure treatments. To complete your day, you will be placed in the hands of one of our experienced hairstylists to enjoy a luxurious wash and finish, leaving you feeling ready to reconnect with the world once more. Begin your journey with an ESPA Vichy Full-body scrub. This wonderfully relaxing and invigorating water treatment, involving seven powerful jets continuously spraying warm-water onto your body, kick-starts both your lymphatic and circulatory systems. The full-body exfoliation prepares the skin before the body is cocooned in mineral-rich muds, helping to calm, soothe and nourish the skin. Lunch follows on our roof terrace or in our relaxation lounge. The afternoon will flow with a full-body massage using aromatherapy oils to meet your physical and emotional needs on the day; creating relaxation and balance within and without, helping you to reconnect with the world. Indulge then in the ESPA Lift and Firm Facial. This advanced facial uses Super Active products to improve skin tonicity and firmness and enhance cellular regeneration. Using Tri-Active ingredients combined with specialised facial massage lifting techniques to help combat the signs of ageing, stimulate collagen production and deliver intensive results, the benefits of which can be seen immediately. An indulgent and radiance-boosting experience for face and body. This unique treatment begins with a wonderful foot ritual to relieve those tired feet followed by a full-body exfoliation to boost circulation and smooth the skin. A unique warm-water massage is then followed by an ESPA Radiance Facial, restoring the skin's natural luminosity as the mind is relaxed with a therapeutic scalp massage. Finally, let the body surrender to a personalised aromatic body massage, easing away any remaining stress and tension. Follow with a leisurely lunch on our roof terrace or in our relaxation lounge. The afternoon consists of either a Jessica Deluxe Manicure or Deluxe Pedicure. To conclude the day, you will be placed in the hands of one of our experienced hairstylists and enjoy a luxurious wash and finish. A skin-smoothing body treatment to leave skin beautifully soft and radiant. This unique, relaxing full-body exfoliation therapy starts with a relaxing foot ritual and uses ESPA Body-smoothing Shower Gel to boost the circulation and smooth the skin. A warm-water massage follows before an ESPA Radiance Facial restores the skin's natural glow, as the mind is relaxed with a therapeutic scalp massage. To complete this experience, the full-body Balinese Massage is performed using long strokes and stretches to ease tired muscles, leaving them feeling warm and energised. Begin by experiencing an hour in our unique floatation tank, equivalent to eight hours sleep and a perfect remedy for all-over body relaxation and recuperation. Follow this with either the Luxury Holistic ESPA treatment or the ESPA Skin-smoothing Vichy Experience. Enjoy the ESPA Luxury Holistic Back, Face and Scalp treatment; consisting of a luxurious back body brush, exfoliation and back massage to stimulate and ease those tired, tense muscles. Then indulge in an ESPA Prescriptive Facial, designed by your experienced therapist to suit your skin type and any special concerns. A relaxing scalp massage will follow, bringing harmony to the mind and body. Alternatively, enjoy our ESPA Skin-smoothing Vichy treatment in our Vichy shower room. This unique relaxing full-body exfoliation therapy starts with a relaxing foot ritual and uses ESPA Body-smoothing Shower Gel to boost the circulation and smooth the skin. A warm-water massage follows before an ESPA Radiance Facial restores the skin's natural glow, as the mind is relaxed with a therapeutic scalp massage. To complete this experience an application of moisturiser leaves the skin instantly glowing. To finish, enjoy a leisurely lunch either on our roof terrace or in our relaxation lounge. This wonderful two-hour ESPA Luxury Holistic Full-Body, Face and Scalp treatment commences with a sensory journey & your personal therapist will discuss your individual needs and identify the appropriate essential oil blend to suit you. Your journey continues with a full-body brush, exfoliation and massage to stimulate and ease those tired muscles. This is followed by an ESPA Prescriptive Facial which is tailored to treat the individual needs of your skin, with a relaxing scalp massage to finish, bringing harmony to the mind and body. Relax with lunch either on our roof terrace or in our relaxation lounge. The day continues with a Jessica Deluxe Manicure and Deluxe Pedicure. To complete your journey you will be placed in the hands of one of our experienced hair-stylists and enjoy a luxurious wash and finish, ensuring that you feel completely pampered from head to toe and ready to face the world again. This is a luxury treatment for two to enjoy together. Relax, revitalise and feel renewed with our Total Harmony Signature Treatment. Your treatment journey will begin with an indulgent foot ritual, while gentle body brushing and exfoliation prepares the body for a warming application of mineral-rich marine mud to nourish the skin. Tired muscles are then eased and energised with a warming Balinese massage using long strokes and stretches. Finally, the hands and feet receive a nourishing treatment while a radiance-boosting facial leaves you glowing from head to toe, feeling ready to face the world once more. Follow this with a leisurely lunch on our roof terrace or in our relaxation lounge, while enjoying a bottle of Champagne. Begin your journey with an hour of complete relaxation in our floatation tank to relieve those unwanted aches and pains. Follow this with our specialist hydrotherm massage, perfect for mums to-be. Lying totally supported on warm-water pillows, the body is relaxed by heat as each muscle is massaged. Lunch follows on our roof terrace or in our relaxation lounge. The afternoon consists of the blissful ESPA Mums-To-Be treatment. This deeply nurturing treatment, perfect for this precious chapter in your life, starts with a wonderful relaxing foot ritual followed by a soothing ESPA facial, which is tailored to the changing needs of your skin, helping to reawaken your skin's true radiance. The hands and feet are exfoliated, massaged and treated to a nourishing mask, leaving you feeling fully pampered from head to toe. Finally, finish your day in the hands of one of our experienced hairstylists and enjoy a luxurious wash and finish. This treatment is for those who want a complete detox. The Algae Wrap stimulates, detoxifies, firms and tones, eliminating toxins while also hydrating the skin and helping cellulite, fluid retention and bloating. For long-lasting results a course is recommended but this on its own can be a good kick-start and make you feel refreshed and renewed. Follow this with another blissful hour enjoying a detoxifying full-body massage which will not only stimulate your circulation but also ease those tired, tense muscles. The detox aromatherapy oil used throughout this treatment is an invigorating, tangy blend of essential oils which help to combat the effect of toxins that can build up as a result of an unbalanced diet and a demanding and irregular lifestyle. Afterwards, the body is purified and left feeling uplifted and invigorated. This deluxe treatment, for those who want to completely unwind, incorporates our Luxury Holistic Back, Face and Scalp treatment. Your personal therapist will discuss your individual needs and identify the appropriate essential oil blend to suit you. This luxurious treatment will then begin with a back body brush, exfoliation and massage to stimulate and ease those tired muscles. To follow is an ESPA Prescriptive Facial, designed by your experienced therapist to suit your skin type or concerns. A relaxing scalp massage completes this treatment, bringing harmony to the mind and body. Follow this with lunch on our roof terrace or in our relaxation lounge. The afternoon will commence with your choice of either a Jessica Deluxe Manicure or Deluxe Pedicure. A luxurious wash and finish, by one of our experienced hairstylists, concludes the day.
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A name given to manifestations of the magnetic self-attraction of parallel electric currents having the same direction. The effect at modest current levels of a few amperes can usually be neglected, but when current levels approach a million amperes such as occur in electrochemistry, the effect can be damaging and must be taken into account by electrical engineers. The pinch effect in a gas discharge has been the subject of intensive study, since it presents a possible way of achieving the magnetic confinement of a hot plasma (a highly ionized gas) necessary for the successful operation of a thermonuclear or fusion reactor. The law of attraction which describes the interaction between parallel electric currents was discovered by A. M. Ampère in 1820. For a cylindrical wire of radius r meters carrying a total surface current of I amperes, it manifests itself as an inward pressure on the surface (Fig. 1) given by I2/2 × 107πr2 pascals. For the electric currents of normal experience, this force is small and passes unnoticed, but it is significant that the pressure increases with the square of the current, I2. For example, at 25,000 amperes the pressure amounts to about 1 atm (100 kilopascals) for a wire of 1-cm radius, but at 106 amperes the pressure is about 1600 atm or about 12 tons in.-2 (160 megapascals). There are a number of ways in which the magnetic field of a fusion reactor can be arranged around the plasma to hold it together, and one of these methods is the pinch effect. A fusion reactor using this type of confinement would ideally be a toroidal tube in which the confined plasma would carry a large electric current induced in it by magnetic induction from a transformer core passing through the major axis of the torus. The current would have the double function of ohmically heating the plasma and compressing the plasma toward the center of the tube. Characteristically, as can be shown by high-speed photography, the pinch forms at the inner surface of a discharge tube wall and contracts radially inward, forming an intense line, the pinch, on the axis; the pinch rebounds slightly; the contracted discharge rapidly develops necks and kinks; and in a few microseconds all structure is lost in an apparently turbulent glowing gas which fills the tube. Thus, the pinch turns out to be unstable, and plasma confinement is soon lost by contact with the wall. The cause of the instability is easily seen qualitatively: The pinch confinement can be described as being caused by the magnetic field lines encircling the pinch which are stretched longitudinally but which are in compression transversely (Fig. 2). For a uniform cylindrical pinch, the magnetic pinch pressure is everywhere equal to the outward plasma pressure, but at a neck or on the inward side of a kink, the magnetic field lines crowd together, creating a higher magnetic pressure than the outward gas pressure. Consequently, the neck contracts still further, the kink cuts in on the concave side and bulges out on the convex side, and both perturbations grow. The instability has a disastrous effect on the confinement time. The term theta pinch has come into wide usage to denote an important plasma confinement system which relies on the repulsion of oppositely directed currents and which is thus not in accord with the original definition of the pinch effect (self-attraction of currents in the same direction). Plasma confinement systems based on the original pinch effect are known as Z pinches. McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Physics. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. the tendency of an electric-current channel in a compressible conducting medium to decrease its cross-section under the action of the magnetic field produced by the current. The phenomenon was first described in 1934 by the American scientist W. Bennett with respect to streams of fast charged particles in a gas-discharge plasma. The term “pinch effect” was introduced in 1937 by the British physicist L. Tonks in an investigation of arc discharge. a simple consequence of Ampere’s law, which describes the magnetic attraction of the individual parallel current filaments whose aggregate is the current cylinder. Magnetic compression is impeded by the gas-kinetic pressure of the conducting medium resulting from the thermal motion of the medium’s particles; the forces of this pressure are directed from the axis of the current channel. When the current is sufficiently large, however, the magnetic pressure differential becomes greater than the gas-kinetic differential and the current channel contracts—the pinch effect arises. The pinch effect requires that the concentrations of the carriers of charges of opposite signs in the medium be approximately equal. In fluxes of carriers of charges of one sign, the electric field of the space charge effectively impedes current contraction. When sufficiently large currents pass through a gas, the gas changes to the state of a completely ionized plasma consisting of charged particles of both signs; the pinch effect squeezes the plasma column away from the walls of the chamber in which the discharge occurs. The conditions are thus created for magnetic thermal insulation of the plasma. This property of powerful self-constricting discharges, which are called pinches, explains scientists’ interest in the pinch effect as the simplest and most encouraging mechanism for the confinement of high-temperature plasma. Such confinement is of importance in the problem of controlled thermonuclear fusion. The conditions under which the gas-kinetic pressure of the plasma nk(Te + Ti) becomes equal to the magnetic pressure of the field of the current I are given by Bennett’s equation (2I/cr)2/8π = nk(Te + Ti). Here, n is the number of particles per unit volume, r is the pinch radius, Te and Ti are the electron and ion temperatures, respectively, n is the number of electrons per unit volume and is equal to the number of ions because of the quasi-neutrality of the plasma, and k is the Boltzmann constant. It follows from Bennett’s formula that the large, but quite feasible, current of ~ 106 amperes (A) is required to attain the minimum temperature (T ~ 108°K) at which thermonuclear fusion may be of interest as an energy source. Investigation of pinches in deuterium began simultaneously in 1950 and 1951 in the USSR, the USA, and Great Britain within the framework of national programs for controlled thermonuclear fusion. Attention was paid primarily to two types of pinches—linear and toroidal. It was believed that when a current passed through the pinch, the plasma would be heated not only through Joule heating but also by adiabatic compression of the pinch—that is, by compression occurring without exchange of energy with the environment. The early experiments, however, showed that the pinch effect is accompanied by the development of various plasma instabilities. Necks (“sausage” deformations), kinks, and helical disturbances are formed. The growth of these perturbations occurs extraordinarily quickly and results in the breakdown of the pinch—the pinch ruptures or plasma is thrown onto the wall of the chamber. Simple pinches were found to be subject to practically all the types of instabilities of a high-temperature plasma and thus can be used to study these instabilities and to test various methods of stabilizing the plasma column. A current of ~106 A in linear pinch units is produced by the discharge of powerful condenser batteries across a gas-filled gap. In some cases, the rate of current growth may be ~1012 A/sec. The most important factor here is not Joule heating but the electrodynamic acceleration of the thin outer layer, or skin, of the current column toward its axis with the accompanying formation of a powerful shock wave that converges on the axis. The conversion of the energy accumulated by the wave into thermal energy creates a plasma with a temperature much greater than Joule heating could produce. On the other hand, the conversion of the energy of the electric current in a pinch into thermal energy becomes considerably more efficient when the turbulence that arises with the development of microinstabilities begins to make the decisive contribution to the electrical resistance of the plasma. Under certain conditions, powerful pulsed pinches in rarefied deuterium become sources of hard radiation, including neutron radiation and X rays. This phenomenon was discovered in the USSR in 1952. Although the problem of controlled thermonuclear fusion has not been solved for even the simplest pinches, self-constricting discharges have been of great importance for plasma research. They have permitted the obtaining of a dense plasma with a lifetime that, although short, is sufficient to study the physics of the pinch effect, to create various methods of plasma diagnostics, and to develop a modern theory of plasma processes. The evolution of apparatus making use of the pinch effect has led to the development of many types of plasma devices in which the instabilities of the pinch effect are stabilized by external magnetic fields—for example, Tokamaks and θ pinches—or are used to produce a short-lived high-density plasma in fast processes (plasma focus, micropinches). For this reason, systems based on the pinch effect occupy at the present time an important place in programs for controlled thermonuclear fusion in the USSR, the United States, and the European Atomic Energy Community. The pinch effect occurs not only in a gas discharge but also in a solid-state plasma, particularly in the strongly degenerate electron-hole plasma of semiconductors. Artsimovich, L. A. Elementarnaia fizika plazmy, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1969. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Nebraska has tens of thousands of residents in rural areas that rely on the internet for entertainment in the home as well as for business. Traditionally, cable and DSL companies have not offered high speed internet connections to rural residents simply because the infrastructure was not in place. Now, people throughout Nebraska, including Farnam, that live in rural areas and need high speed internet that is fast and reliable have an option with HughesNet as their satellite internet provider. HughesNet has established themselves as being one of the premier internet service providers in the area of Farnam, offering these services to those who live in areas that would ordinarily have very limited internet service provider options. More and more, folks who live in rural areas and even those who live in more populated town centers, are choosing satellite internet over other providers. HughesNet satellite internet provides Farnam residents flexibility, and the ability to receive high speed internet service no matter how far out in the state of Nebraska they may live. HughesNet is faster, stronger and more reliable. Advances in internet technology have rendered DSL and cable internet virtually obsolete. Though they were the go-to choice in the past, their infrastructure and technology have limited them so they can no longer offer the same lightning fast speeds and reliability to residents of Nebraska that HughesNet satellite internet can provide. The Gen4 technology that HughesNet uses to provide their millions of subscribers with high speed internet service including those in rural Nebraska is sophisticated and extremely reliable, even in Farnam, so downtime is virtually eliminated, giving customers dependability and value. HughesNet offers several affordable plans and packages that include high speed internet service, home phone service, and more throughout Nebraska. This allows HughesNet customers to save time and money while still getting exactly what they need online for your home, your business, or both! Anyone who likes to play video games online, stream movies, view photos, or enjoy sites like Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest will need to choose an internet service provider that has reliable high speed. Popular sites require fast connections that can load images, text, and sound quickly allowing you to engage in real time. Nothing is more frustrating than waiting on the video to catch up with the sound, or missing important parts of the conversation when you video chat and there is a glitch. With HughesNet’s Gen4 technology, you can experience lightning fast internet and stay connected all the time. Never miss a moment of your favorite game, movie, or conversation due to buffering or glitches. HughesNet offers several different internet deals in Farnam, Nebraska so there are many options for everyone to choose from for your home or for your business in the Henry County area. As a company, HughesNet understands that everyone has different needs or demands from when it comes to their internet in Farnam, NE. That is why HughesNet of Nebraska gives customers a choice as to which data level and price works alongside their needs. The various affordable plans and packages that HughesNet has to choose from are competitively priced and full of features so that customers like you have the ability to enjoy all that high speed internet offers while getting the best price in Farnam, and other rural areas of Henry County, Nebraska. There are many other DSL and cable companies in Farnam, NEand the surrounding communities however, none of them can offer the same level of super fast internet service at an amazing price, as HughesNet. With features like unlimited data, 24/7 technical support, and free standard installation, not to mention the advanced Gen4 technology, it’s no wonder that HughesNet is the #1 satellite internet provider in America. When searching for the perfect home internet service provider, customers in Farnam, NE are looking for reliability, plan and package options, high speed, and of course, cheap prices. Now, Farnam residents can have the best of both worlds when it comes to high speed satellite internet and budget friendly plans. HughesNet Gen4 brings the speed you need to search the internet, stream media and play games. Watch movies with no buffering, play games with no lag time, and update social media instantly with the lightning fast speed of Gen4. Look no further than HughesNet in Farnam, NE for dependable high speed internet service. Living in rural Henry County, NE has gotten a little easier with the expansion of satellite internet technology. As long as you have a clear view of the southern sky and a computer, you are able to have the best rated satellite internet in the U.S. Why wait? Call today and get connected with HughesNet in Farnam, NE. In Farnam, Nebraska and beyond, satellite internet has become the premier option for families and businesses who need to be connected. Virtually every aspect of your life in NE is touched by the internet…from business to school, shopping and entertaining, residents of Farnam are finding it increasingly necessary to have a reliable, high speed internet connection. Thankfully, HughesNet Gen 4 has come to the rescue! Satellite internet has become incredibly popular in recent years, primarily because the technology has surpassed that of DSL, cable, and dialup in Farnam. HughesNet uses only state of the art technology to provide its customers with reliable internet service, and with millions of customers all over the country they are quickly becoming America’s favorite ISP. Rural internet access is one of HughesNet’s top priorities, and this is reflected in the number of cities throughout the state of Nebraska as well as the United States they have begun to cover. If you are a resident of Farnam and are interested in HughesNet’s internet services, simply log on to our site and search your zipcode. From there, you will be able to determine which coverage area within Farnam or Henry County where you live, then a qualified professional will help you get connected! Why Choose high speed internet HughesNet in Farnam Nebraska? Blazing fast wireless internet speeds of up to 15 Mbps in Farnam, which allows you to download music in a flash, watch videos without buffering, check your favorite media-rich websites, and so much more. If you're used to dial-up and DSL, HughesNet's internet speeds are up to 100x faster than dial-up, and up to 12x faster than DSL. HughesNet, makes this speed a reality along with affordable plans in Farnam that are flexible for the needs of your home or business. Some users may not use as much data as others, and that's why HughesNet offers different packages that include data allotments. Get as much, or as little, data as you need, including promotional periods that can double your allotment, “free” download periods that don't count toward your cap, and more, all at very affordable prices and easy installation anywhere! If your Farnam home or business is in a clear view of the sky, then you can connect to our satellite communications system, you can also add phone or tv service. Unlike other broadband internet solutions, HughesNet's satellite-powered network beams information directly to and from your home, wirelessly and fast anywhere in Farnam, NE and beyond. That means that you won't have to worry about geographic restrictions that used to stand between your home and great internet connectivity. Outstanding customer service for Farnam, Nebraska, including technicians that can quickly handle your installation and maintenance whenever you need it. By signing up now, you could have your satellite internet up and running in as little as two days after your order. Our team of customer service representatives and technicians are here to help.
This is a long-term programme supported by Johnson & Johnson Ltd. and implemented by SCS in seven states of India namely, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Orissa, Gujarat and West Bengal. The program is specifically aimed at promoting the importance of personal health and sanitation, especially menstruation hygiene amongst the school going adolescent girls. Purpose of this program is to orient adolescent girls on the issues like gender, menstruation, anaemia, right age of marriage, nutrition, teenage pregnancy etc. Local level female volunteers are identified and trained by the SCS’s resource persons, who then discuss these issues with the girls, under a healthy and friendly environment. SCS has reached out to more than 1.5 Million school going adolescent girls since 2005. SCS has been instrumental in documentation of a status report on ‘Human Trafficking’ in Uttar Pradesh, this report is based on desk review of secondary data. UNICEF Lucknow had commissioned this assignment to SCS for assessing the current situation of Human Trafficking especially child trafficking, scope of work included identification of major trafficking routes with regards to UP, analyze and illustrate state plans of action/policy development initiatives, initiatives undertaken by various stakeholders, etc. SCS has been instrumental in collating all the relevant information duly made available by UPSACS and its Technical Support Unit (TSU) in the form of an Annual Report. This task of developing Annual report for UPSACS was duly supported by USAID funded Family Health International's Project Samarth. Prior to moving towards an ambitious phase of ICDS IV, Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government of India commissioned a study to assess the impact of ICDS III, so as to identify the gaps and built upon the lessons learnt during implementation of current phase. It was an assignment to assess the reach, recall and quality of the UNICEF's radio program broadcasted through All India Radio's all 12transmission channels across UP and MP (Bundelkhand). Conducted a survey of Education for All program through a participatory approach, whereas structured interviews and FGDs were conducted with teachers and community members residing under catchment area of 21 primary schools and upper primary schools. It was done with an objective to assess quality of the education program focusing on Teaching Learning including a detailed mention of whether there is multi-grade/multilevel teaching, classroom organisation, teaching methods used, teaching learning materials used, tools used for assessment, nature of assignments- class work & home work given, recapitulation methods used, if technology has been used, any innovative teaching learning method/ material used , practices for punishment & reward etc. SCS in partnership with AED-ARTS, LLC, a subsidiary of the Academy for Educational Development in partnership with a consortium of organizations is implementing DAZT project to reduce and rationally manage childhood diarrhea. DAZT aims to reduce morbidity and mortality related to diarrheal disease amongst children less than 5 years of age. The project aims to increase child survival in India, and contribute to improved child health outcomes and provide actionable information for diarrhea treatment and dehydration management efforts around the world. SCS is implementing this project in collaboration with Impact partners in Social Development. The project area is all 12 Tahsils of Bareilly and Budaun Districts of Uttar Pradesh. SCS has been associated with Catholic Relief Services (CRS), UNICEF, WaterAid and other renowned social sector organization for execution of several assignments. Some of the major assignments are “Stories of change from watershed development programme” of Rajasthan, Documentation of several workshops & conferences, multilingual translation of training manual, reports, documents etc. These documents have also been published and widely distributed for cross learning. SCS is the coordinating agency for Leadership Development Programs of Institute of International Education (IIE) for organising programs across the country (India) in selected regions especially Bihar & Jharkhand. SCS is the host agency in UP for the internship programme of Knowledge community for children in India (KCCI). SCS has hosted and facilitated a team of National and International interns for documenting impact of two different programmes of UNICEF in UP, which are Village Planning of Lalitpur District & Adolescent girls’ education Program of Barabanki District. SCS also facilitated these interns for preparing two case-studies and a 10 minutes Documentary film, titled ‘Weapons of the Weak’: Empowering people through self-help. SCS is the host agency in UP for the internship program of Knowledge Community for Children in India (KCCI), a UNICEF initiative. SCS has hosted and facilitated a team of National and International interns for documenting impact of two different programs of UNICEF in UP, which are Village Planning of Lalitpur District & Adolescent girls’ education Program of Barabanki District. SCS also facilitated these interns for preparing two case-studies and a 10 minutes Documentary film, titled ‘Weapons of the Weak’: Empowering people through self – help. The resource persons from SCS provide supportive supervision to interns in process documentation. The Knowledge Community on Children in India is a partnership between UNICEF and the Government of India which aims to fill knowledge gaps and promote information-sharing on policies and programmes related to children in India. The KCCI Internship Programme aims at developing a cadre of young research and development professionals with interest, commitment and skills relating to child rights. In 2007 SCS hosted a team of four interns and supported them (two associate consultants of the organization provided mentoring support) in undertaking a study in Barabanki district on the issue of girl child education. This case study examined the progress made in girls’ education in Uttar Pradesh’s Barabanki district under Girls’ Education Project (GEP). SCS had instrumental role in managing the Central Intervention Unit (CIU), a helpline for NGOs and community in UP during Panchayat level elections in 2005. The CIU acted as the bridge between the state election commission and NGOs. CIU counselled and guided candidates and NGOs in cases where irregularities and election related crimes were reported. This assignment was jointly funded by Action Aid, CRS, DFID and CASA. Mapping and analysis of Child trafficking in U.P. Don Bosco Ashalayam in collaboration with renowned civil society organizations of Lucknow and with support from UNICEF Office of Uttar Pradesh organized a one day event on 2nd October 2005 titled “Bal Sammelan” to celebrate the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The Bal Sammelan served as a forum to disseminate information about dangers of HIV/AIDS, methods of prevention and protection and its impact. SCS provided documentation support to capture the key events organized during the day long activities with a special focus on capturing the joy, learning and experiences of both the organizers and participants. The purpose of this documentation exercise was to take into account the experience and lessons learnt while implementing and facilitating the INHP III ,(A flagship program of CARE India focussing women and children in joint collaboration with ICDS) at various levels over the project life. Rapid Assessment of Women SHGs in U.P. SCS has conducted a rapid assessment of SHGs in UP including their financial status, bank linkages, status of enterprise and impact on social issues. SHGs covered, were promoted by NGOs, government agencies and departments and NABARD. This study was supported by the Department of Planning, Government of U.P. and UNICEF, Lucknow. SCS had been commissioned to shortlist the NGOs based on a minimum eligibility criteria fixed by WSSO and the grade the duly qualified NGOs on a mutually agreed grading criteria format. These assignments were undertaken to assess the environmental and social aspect of the impacts of these projects on the community, environment, and livestock in advance so as to minimize the negative impacts. The organization has conducted a study in Uttar Pradesh to understand the phenomena of social exclusion in the context of ‘Water and Sanitation’. The objective of the study included contextualizing exclusion, discrimination & inclusion, understanding extent, factors & dynamics, mapping of the most vulnerable/ excluded groups and identifying alternatives for reducing disparities. This study was carried out for WaterAid in all four regions of Uttar Pradesh namely, Eastern, Western, Central and Bundelkhand. A joint intervention was initiated by the Department of Labour, Government of UP and Unicef to improve the situation of working children in Jalesar. The project focused on promotion of community based institutions (SHGs), augmenting their capacities so that they could opt for other sources of livelihood and sensitizing sectoral departments on the need for a convergent approach targeting at risk families and their children. SCS did a trend analysis of this project, which was focussed on: results achieved, challenges faced, and lessons learnt in course of the implementation process. The focus was also given to come up with recommendation for future course of action in terms of structure and synergy to achieve optimal results. SCS is the coordinating agency for Institute of International Education (IIE) for organising workshops across the country (India) in selected regions. SCS is the key facilitator for organizing workshops for Department of Planning and UNICEF.
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Sant Satguru Sadhu Ram in a talk/satsang given this evening, New Delhi, India time, quoted his Guru, Sant Satguru Ajaib Singh ji: This (spiritual) path is sharper than the edge of sword. Then Sadhu Ram ji said: It’s easier to climb on (get on) the cross than to carry on with love (It’s more difficult to maintain living this life with love.) (Yet) Love is very close by, within. Satguru’s Court is more beautiful than everything else. There is no other door like this one. Satguru’s Court is more beautiful than everything else. He puts the forgetful ones on the straight path. He makes the lost souls meet the Creator. Come, those who want to make their life successful. He has made the likes of the dirt of the alleys successful. I, the lowly one, am embraced by the Higher Ones. One will not find such a Master. Ajaib Ji has cast His gracious sight. He has filled the empty jholi of Sadhu Ram. I will never lose the gifts You have given me. So please, why not throw something into my begging bowl? Why is Rumi begging from His پیر? Because this physical reality is too harsh, even for Saints like Rumi as they compose poems. We don’t know what’s behind all this “Maya” or illusion unless the Guru پیر and the “Word” or “Naam” put us in the state of consciousness where we simply absorb true knowledge and feel the love that has created and sustains all. We’re dyed in the color of this world but the ones who are initiated by a perfect master, Guru مرشد کامل، پیر learn how dyed their mind in the color of Naam. It comes in Gurubani that it is only by getting dyed in the color of Naam we can reach salvation. So we pray that we may be intoxicated with Naam so we can be one with uOu. Poem above is by Rumi and آرش تبرستانی has given his interpretation of the poem in Persian. Basically they are saying that most people don’t see this world as reality and don’t look behind the invisible curtain. And the ones who do look and see are either considered mad, crazy or mentally disoriented. But Rumi is saying wait a second اوست دیوانه که دیوانه نشد ‘the one who hasn’t gone mad is the mad one’. Your body is the temple of God, O man, Satguru is sitting inside. You will not find anything outside, everything is inside you, O man. You clean and sweep the temples made of stones and bricks, you ring bells and conch every day, you burn incense to add fragrance. What benefit does outer bathing do, inside you the ocean is flowing, O man. You read Vedas, Puranas and Granths, but you have never practiced. His will is understood by those who have won over the mind and the world. Even after winning the entire world, Sikandar (Alexander the Conqueror) left empty handed, O man. I meditated on Satguru Ajaib’s Naam and I saw God. Sadhu Ram woke up in the ambrosial hour and took a dip within. The body and the mind became pure, I became intoxicated and carefree, O man. Mind, the very essence of Kal, has wrecked the garden through force, violence and hierarchy in religion. When will this mind surrender and when will this ego leave me be? Satguru ji, ای مرشد کامل, please take these coverings off my soul by showering your grace. You’re the light of all lights Master, ای پیر من, my salvation in your hands. Let’s cover up my faults behind this wine stained initiation rope for, uOu, my Guru پیر، is coming. And I might get a chance to be forgiven, I’m sure I will, by the shower of uOs grace I’ll be cleansed once again even for just a moment. If you know some Persian Google the poem in Persian and enjoy reading the whole poem. I don’t care if you call me an infidel. I’ll be an infidel of Love if I don’t worship Shamms. He’s openly referring to his deep devotion to his پیر Master. But حافظ Hafez is more loved in Iran, his book of poetry in almost every house, because the codes he used such “pray” in the verse above can be interpreted in many ways; give me a good job, a good spouse, etc, to give me a taste of your Divine Love for that is all I need. حافظ Hafez means the one who has memorised all of Quran/Koran. حافظ comes from حفظ memory, something we all have as well as the potential to memorize a whole book line by line. So when in a last verse we hear the word حافظ Hafez, especially in Persian, we don’t just think about the poet, the mystic, the Master who wrote the poem, we hear that potential within us to be حافظ Hafez. The last line of the stanza where حافظ Hafez often uses his name as if reminding himself is in fact a message to us, at the level of our individual capacity to be with the Divine. Hey gardener what’s going on? Why are you giving me so much trouble? If I’ve taken some of your grapes you’re taking away my stomach. The Ocean of Love or The Anurag Sagar of Kabir is epic poem which “centers around the impact of Time on Eternity and Eternity’s response. It is Eternity which is the anurag sagar, or “ocean of love,” and it’s Time’s perversion of that part of Eternity which it touches which produces the bhav sagar, “ocean of the world” – the only reality most of us know, the mock world we are trapped in. The creator of the bhava sagar, “ the butcher Kal” (Kal means, literally, Time) is mad: one of the sons of Eternity (San Purush, Ture or Original Person), Kal or Time was unable to handle the separation from his father that the creation process demanded, and went mad. Ignoring the wishes of Eternity, he misused the tools of creation entrusted to him and, through his impatience and megalomania, created a sewer where a garden was intended. Convinced that he is God, demanding to be worshiped as God, and setting up a Law so stringent that no one can keep it,he presides to his day over a closed-circuit universe that would be utterly without hope if it were not for the fact that, as the poet Blake puts it, “Eternity is ever in love with the product of Time.” Because Eternity does love those of us caught in the trap of Time, It has set up a series of invasions in which the true Reality enters into the mock universe and illumines it, awakening those who are ready to gasp the truth and showing the the way out. How much my body has suffered, only True Satguru knows. If you meet a Perfect Master only then the soul reaches the true destination. May my body and mind become a mirror so I could have the Darshan of my Master. Not even after dying, could I forget the favors of my Master. I could never feel satisfied looking at Him, His Darshan to me is like millions of pilgrimages. I bow down to pay respect to my Satguru. For Whom this life is suffering, only He knows what is in my heart. No one has the medicine for this ailment; my affliction is for my Master. The sleep does not come into my eyes, Your remembrance torments me. Even today these two eyes are only waiting for the Master. In the end, Ajaib will save Sadhu Ram and take him across. The court of the Master never disappears from my eyes. Repeat the Unrepeated and with the grace of the Perfect Master, test it. Keeping the wing of mind at rest, see the Shabda; and climbing the mind, finish you Karma. Merging into the Essential Shabda, go to the world of immortality. To die while still alive, to reach the state of Samati, has been the goal and the message of the Masters. Rumi is talking about the kind of death which erases his sense of ego and the desire to die in that sense, he says, has kept him alive and now old. Then he uses the metaphor of a wheat grain which has the potential to be sowed and turned into a plant and more wheat produced from it which shows the ego of the seed, no matter how small to us human beings, nevertheless an identity and ego of a seed. But once it enters the mills and gets crushed into flour it loses its identity as a seed. It has the potential to become part of a loaf of bread but it’s individual seed ego is no longer recognizable. It can become one with the bread. And once a Master enters the state of Samati and loses the ego, uOu becomes one with the Beloved, the Creator, the all Compassionate and Merciful. Finally the Master comes back from the state of Samati and fully occupies the body with all it’s worldly senses (touch, smell, taste, sight, etc.) and gets the minimal ego needed to identity with the body. The Master may not enjoy this “normal state” as much as the state of samati but the disciples are elated to be in presence of the One who has been drenched with love and compassion in the field beyond the ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing and has come to shower them with that grace. The Persian word شیر means milk as well as lion. One who reads this verse in Persian could on a subliminal level think of the hair as the metaphor for part the person, the strength of a person. Hence Rumi might also be saying; If I become as daring and strong as a lion then I could enter the state of Samati. The more practical part of our brain will say that Rumi is talking about getting old so of course he’s talking about the color of milk and hair turning white as we age. However just the fact that this idea crossed my mind that he might also be referring to lion, shows me the power of Rumi’s poetry if read in a delightful Persian language and especially if we get lucky to have a day or even an especial hour to contemplate on one or two of His verses. From a talk, Satsang, given by Sant Sadhu Ram on January 01, 2004 in New Delhi, India. Saints and Masters have in one way or another tried to say the same thing but in different languages and ways according to their circumstances and the way they were assigned to give that message. From the word of mouth and the translations this is what Jesus said, “I’m the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved” – while He was alive, in the body. Jesus wasn’t afraid to die and neither was Hafez. The Middle Eastern folks has shown that they’re into martyrdom and it’s a blessing if “God” is willing. Hafez was to write poetry in a delicate way instead of having his head chopped off by the clergy – and to write in such a beautiful way in such a beautiful language to reveal the secret behind the curtain in a way that the clergy couldn’t accuse Him of blasphemy even though some tried. And Jesse had another mission before He was put on the cross and returned to His Father’s Home at such young age.
This set of space and time we inhabit is likely not just a unified and consistent set of space and time. Space and time we feel and experience in real life consist of heterogeneity in terms of both space and time, to the extent we may consider them ironic. In this regard, Foucault’s spatial concept of heterotopias, in which different spatialities which cannot coexist are complexly intertwined and overlapped, or heterochronias, in which non-simultaneous temporalities are mixed into simultaneous temporalities, provide us many implications for explaining these strange and complex spatialities and temporalities of our era. At the same time, it appears it will be of some assistance in explaining the artistic realm of the Chinese artist, You Jin, whom Alternative Space Loop has invited for this exhibit. It is because the artist, too practices unique painterly qualities by implying such different temporal, spatial qualities in single compositions, and we seek to view the artist’s artistic realm by establishing this as the concept of an alternative view of space and time, or a heterotopos, in which the here and now overlap with the other. It is because actual, sensorial reality, like those; and this space and time, as such, operate on us in a multifaceted fashion through a different spatial and temporal nature, i.e., a heterotopos; as such. In the artist’s paintings, landscapes of many different times and spaces are overlapped on single compositions. Different parts of time and spaces are mixed together. Such landscapes of complicated space and time require attention particularly because they contain landscapes of Asia, which had to travel a path divergent from Western-centric modernization, a path of rapid growth and condensed development, in their entirety. Unlike their Western counterparts, whose modernization consisted of systemic and self-conforming growth; Asian, Eastern regions like China and Korea had to repeat Western-style development in a short amount of time, and had to overlap a certain innately Eastern culture on this; thus having to weave a unique social, cultural landscape heterogeneously combining different spaces and parts of time. The modern and contemporary have intersected one another in an exquisite fashion to compile an alternative culture of space and time. In this regard, the East had to experience a third path, called non/extra modern and contemporary eras distinguished from both those of the West and traditional Eastern significances. In the artist, You Jin’s art, too such complicated landscapes of space and time, which China had to face and personally experience amidst rapid development and growth, take their place in their entirety. In this regard, the artist’s paintings represent sensuous sympathies regarding real life, which the artist had to experience himself, and work fully revealing a richly sensible situation. In particular, changes in space and time as presented before the artist’s eyes may have been even greater since the artist has personally experienced situations of multi or mixed cultures, which the East was unable to avoid despite its own deeply-rooted cultural traditions; and the dynamic changes of Chinese society, which has recently achieved rapid social and cultural development. For this reason, the West’s modern and differential characteristics coexist with the East’s traditional and convergent elements. Different spatial and temporal qualities of the East and West are coexisting in single compositions. Self-confidence acquired through a gradual progression from cultural exclusiveness to openness is likely to have played a role in this as well. It demonstrates the characteristics of China’s younger generation, which modernizes even Western-style culture on their own terms rather than to stop at simply accepting what is of the West. Although it assumes what belongs to the West’s oil painting tradition, You’s work contains a certain will to create the artist’s own thoughts and sensibilities, a preference for the younger generation’s characteristic styles, and respect for traditional Chinese culture, as opposed to just a vague association and admiration for the West. One can confirm these aspects, the artist’s intentions to create his own painting style through his own sensibilities, in You Jin’s art. What Alternative Space Loop, which has been introducing new Asian artists while working to help them network, is interested in, too is this very point. It is the latent Eastern and Asian value to be found in the artist’s work, consistent with You Jin’s position as a young contemporary artist of China, and the artist’s potential for future growth with which to transcend the setting of an East/West dichotomy. This is because, in this regard, You Jin is not just an artist creating an experimental painting trend in contemporary China; but is also one of special thought and sentiments, based on which the artist creates works through which to illuminate both directly and indirectly the rapidly changing flow of Chinese society; and an artist who is expanding the possibilities of contemporary painting through crossovers with various areas, including digital media, fashion and design. The artist’s such features possess a unique significance in allowing us to rethink the meaning of painterly qualities in contemporary art. The artist’s painting style is non-sedentary, as if to progress forward while drawing a trajectory, and appears as if passing by seemingly slowly but quickly. As if repeating the advent of China’s excited contemporary painting history in his own works, the artist increases his compositions’ density and strength by beginning from everyday scenery or objects to gradually expand the spatial qualities of his paintings while involving temporal qualities through an alternative linear method. You Jin’s paintings, consisting of the artist’s characteristic detailed and sculptural lines and splendid chromatic sensibility, could be popular for their sensuous completeness; but the artist takes things further than such through finishing touches which add a certain degree of privacy and complexity to his paintings. It is likely that the spatial and temporal qualities the artist achieves in the compositions are increasing in depth, and in this exhibit at Alternative Space Loop, too one can peek into the artist’s such recent flow. Overall, spatial and temporal qualities are complexly entangled together in the artist’s compositions; and lines and planes, lines and colors, and curves and straight lines operate the composition with their own, regular principles. For instance, if the basic structures and compositions are expressed with straight lines, then curved lines may be used to contain the artist’s sensibilities and expressions regarding those. In terms of the composition of the greater canvas, the artist applies color first and then paints in shapes and boundaries; choosing a generally subtractive method, as opposed to an additive one, while moving from meditation on colors to meditation on lines. In particular, the artist claims he uses colors to contain symbolism and meaning, and he controls even such symbolism and meaning, too through a process of linear tuning, i.e. the artist’s own thoughts. It appears we should pay attention to how the artist values certain thoughts, feelings and expressions of his in his final judgements, rather than operating his picture planes through a certain compatible structure and composition. Even the artist’s complex compositions are ultimately only a certain result, and not something elaborately calculated and structured in advance. It is because the nature of divergent visual space and time may be, as such, a matter of sensibilities arising from different experiences of real space and time, as opposed to a certain, structurally complex concept. The nature of visual space and time we face, experience and feel in reality is likely an accumulation of collisions and impressions of immeasurably expansive sensibilities which have not been restored as single, even entities. In this regard, despite the complex and elaborate picture plane compositions, and despite the complex structures of the lines and planes present across the compositions; You Jin’s paintings more closely resemble Eastern expressions, which are like a flow of the heart, than Western ones. The artist, too, as if in response to this, states that the complicated are actually easier while emptying and organizing are important. Perhaps therefore, You Jin’s paintings generally consist of an entanglement of complex spatial and temporal qualities, in which figural aspects are pronounced; but are partially finished with almost abstract condensation and omissions. The figural and abstract fully coexist in the same picture planes. It is because, as in the artist’s own words, it is perhaps more important to leave in place important objects of visible space and time, in other words organizing them with the heart, than to collect all kinds of those objects in the paintings. In this regard, it appears understanding the artist’s work as governing the heart is required. Eastern thought runs through the base of You Jin’s art, which otherwise reveals an extremely Western painting style. For this reason, You Jin values peace and stability of the mind and nerves when painting. He ultimately views even the spatial and temporal qualities of such a multifaceted spectacle through the mental eyes of his heart. Actually, perhaps no spatial and temporal qualities are as mobile and heterogeneous as the gazes and sensibilities of our inner thoughts. This is as even reality’s dynamic spatial and temporal qualities, too change their multifaceted appearances according to one’s will. Perhaps for this reason, You Jin’s paintings generally employ much bright, primary colors while often contrasting complimentary colors like in traditional Chinese painting. They possess a chromatic sensibility of neither very light nor dark shades and tones. Such color sensibilities also connect back to the artist’s thoughts on today’s realities and, in how You expresses a certain symbolism and meanings through his colors, the artist appears to certainly harbor a critical view of reality, to an extent, but not entirely; and seems to have treated the world with a general optimism toward life. Although we can read You’s such state of mind through the artist’s chromatic sensibility as expressed in his canvases, it appears the artist’s multifaceted thoughts regarding the world, too are being delivered to the viewer through this chromatic sensibility, which is elaborate and more. 요진(由金, You Jin)은 1979년 중국 랴오닝(遼寧) 성의 성도인 선양에서 태어나 중국의 4대 미술대학으로 평가 받고 있는 루쉰 예술학교(Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts.를 졸업하고, 현재 베이징에 거주하면서 작업 활동을 하고 있다. 주요 개인전으로 2008년 뉴 에이지 갤러리의 ‘Chaotic Code(북경)’, 2009년 EGG 갤러리의 ‘Continue Chaotic’, 2011년 오페라 갤러리(제네바, 스위스) 의 ‘Lost in Desire’, 2013년 같은 공간에서 ‘From Chaos to Freedom(제나바, 스위스) 등이 있으며, 상하이 모스크바, 대만, 베를린, 플로리다, 마이애미, 런던, 싱가포르, 자카르타, 서울, 홍콩 등 전 세계를 무대로 다양한 공간에서의 단체전에 참여하면서 활발한 작업 세계를 펼치고 있다. 우리가 살고 있는 이 시공간은 단일하고 균일한 시간, 공간만은 아닐 것이다. 실재의 삶에서 느끼고 체험하는 시공간은 모순적이라 할 만큼 시간과 공간 모두에서 이질적인 것들로 혼융되어 있다. 그런 면에서 푸코가 말한, 서로 양립 불가능한 각기 다른 장소성이 복잡하게 얽혀지고 겹치진 헤테로토피아의 공간성 개념이나 비동시적인 시간성이 동시적인 시간성으로 혼합되어 있는 헤테로크로니아의 시간성 개념이 동시대의 이런 묘하고 복잡한 시간공간성을 설명하는데 많은 시사점을 준다. 동시에 이번에 대안공간 루프에서 초대한 중국 작가 요진의 작업세계를 설명하는데 있어 얼마간 도움이 될 것 같기도 하다. 작가 역시 이러한 서로 다른 시간, 공간성을 한 화면에 겹치고 함축해내면서 독특한 회화성을 펼쳐나가고 있기 때문인데, 이를 ‘지금, 여기’를 의미하는 ‘이此’와 다름을 의미하는 ‘이異’가 중첩된 이시공간異時空間 개념으로 설정하여 작가의 작업세계를 조망해보고자 한다. 실재의 감각적인 현실이 그런 것들처럼, 이 시공간은 그렇게 서로 다른 시공간성, 곧 ‘이시공간성’으로 우리에게 복잡다단하게 작동하고 있기 때문이다. 작가의 그림에는 많은 시간, 공간대의 풍경들이 한 화면에 중첩되어 있다. 서로 다른 시간, 공간이 뒤섞여 있는 것이다. 이러한 복잡한 시공간의 풍경 속에는 특히나 서구 중심의 근현대화와는 다른 길을 걸어야 했던 아시아의 급격한 성장, 압축적 발전의 풍경 또한 그대로 담겨 있기에 주목을 요한다. 중국과 한국과 같은 아시아, 동양은 서구의 근현대화처럼 체계적이고 정합적인 성장을 이룬 것이 아니라, 짧은 시간에 걸쳐 서구식의 발전을 거듭해야 했고, 또한 여기에 동양 특유의 문화를 중첩시켜야 했기에 서로 다른 시간, 공간이 이질적으로 결합된 독특한 사회 문화의 풍경을 직조해내야 했다. 근대, 현대, 그리고 동시대가 묘한 방식으로 교차해가면서 다른 시공간의 문화를 엮어냈던 것이다. 그런 면에서 서구적 의미와는 다른, 그리고 전통 동양적인 의미와도 구별되는 ‘비/탈’의 근현대, 동시대라는 제3의 길을 겪어야 했다. 요진 작가의 작업 속에서도 급격한 발전과 성장을 거듭하면서 중국이 직면하고 몸소 겪어야 했던 이러한 복잡한 시공간의 풍경이 그대로 자리한다. 그런 면에서 작가의 그림은 작가 자신이 경험해야 했던 현실적 삶에 대한 감각적 교감들이며 풍부한 감각적 상황을 그대로 드러내는 작업이기도 하다. 특히나 뿌리 깊은 동양의 문화적 전통에도 불구하고 근현대화의 과정에서 피할 수 없었던 다문화, 혼성문화의 상황들이나 근래 들어 급격한 사회문화적 발전을 이룬 중국 사회의 역동적 변화를 몸소 체험한 작가였기에 작가의 눈앞에 펼쳐진 시공간의 변화는 더욱 컸던 것일지도 모르겠다. 그런 이유로 작가의 작업에는 서양의 현대적이고 분화적인 특성은 물론 동양의 전통적이고 융합적인 요소가 혼재되어 있다. 동서양의 서로 다른 시공간성이 한 화면에 공존하고 있는 것이다. 이는 문화적 폐쇄에서 점차 개방화로 발전하면서 갖게 된 자신감도 한 몫 했을 것이다. 단순히 서양의 그것을 받아들이는데 그치는 것이 아니라 서양식 문화마저도 스스로의 문화적 지반에서 현대화시키는 중국의 젊은 세대의 특성을 고스란히 보여주고 있는 것이다. 비록 서양화의 그것을 취하고 있지만 작가의 작업에는 막연한 서양에 대한 추수와 동경만이 아닌, 중국의 전통 문화에 대한 존중, 그리고 젊은 세대 특유의 스타일에 대한 선호와 자기 스스로의 사유와 감각들을 만들려는 어떤 의지들을 분명히 담고 있기 때문이다. 작가의 작업에서 이러한 면모들, 스스로의 스타일과 감각을 통해 화풍을 만들어가려는 지향성을 재차 확인하게 된다. 그동안 아시아의 새로운 작가들을 소개하고, 이들의 네트워킹에 힘써온 대안공간 루프가 주목하는 지점도 바로 이러한 대목이다. 주목받고 있는 중국의 동시대 젊은 화가로서의 작가의 입지 못지않게 작가의 작업에서 발견할 수 있는 동양적이고 아시아적인 잠재적 가치, 서양/동양의 이항대립의 설정을 뛰어넘을 수 있는 향후 발전 가능성 말이다. 그런 면에서 요진 작가는 단지 중국의 동시대의 실험적인 회화의 흐름을 만들어내고 있는 작가일 뿐만 아니라 중국의 전통 문화예술에 대한 각별한 사유와 정서는 물론 이를 바탕으로 급변하는 중국사회의 흐름을 직간접적으로 조명해 볼 수 있는 작업을 전개하고 있고, 미디어, 패션, 디자인 등 다양한 분야와의 크로스 오버를 통해 동시대 회화의 가능성을 넓히고 있는 작가이기 때문이다. 이러한 작가의 면모들이 동시대 미술에서의 회화성의 의미를 다시금 생각해보게 한다는 면에서 남다른 의미를 갖는다. 작가의 화풍은 마치 궤적을 그리며 앞으로 나아가듯 한 곳에 머물지 않고, 느린 듯 빠르게 자라나는 것 같다. 마치 격동하는 중국 동시대 회화사의 계통발생을 자신의 작품에서 되풀이라도 하듯, 초기의 일상의 풍경이나 대상을 다른 선線적인 방식에서 점차 화면에서 다루고 있는 공간성을 확대하고 시간성을 개입시키면서 화폭이 갖고 있는 밀도와 강도를 키워나가는 식이다. 특유의 세밀하고 조형적인 선과 화사한 색감으로 구현된 그의 그림은 감각적 완성도를 갖고 있기에 대중적일 수 있었겠지만 작가는 이에 머물지 않고 화면의 구성을 좀 더 내밀하고 복잡한 방식으로 완성해 간다. 갈수록 화면에서 구현되고 있는 공간성과 시간성이 심화되고 있다고 해야 할 것인데, 이번 대안공간 루프의 전시도 작가의 이러한 최근의 흐름을 엿볼 수 있다. 전체적으로 공간성과 시간성이 서로 복잡하게 얽혀있는 구성인데, 선과 면, 선과 색, 곡선과 직선이 나름의 일정한 원리를 가지고 화면을 작동시킨다. 예를 들어 기본적인 구조와 구성은 직선으로 표현하고, 곡선으로는 이에 대한 작가의 느낌과 표현을 담아내는 식이다. 큰 화면의 구성에 있어서는 색을 먼저 칠하고 형과 테두리를 나중에 그리는 방식인데, 색에 대한 생각에서 선에 대한 생각으로 이동하면서 전체적으로 더하는 것이 아니라 빼는 방식을 택하고 있다. 특히 색을 통해 상징과 의미를 담아낸다고 하는데 이러한 상징과 의미조차 선적인 조율의 과정, 곧 작가 자신의 사유들로 조정하고 있는 것이다. 어떠한 정합적인 구조와 구성으로 화면을 구동시키는 것이 아니라 최종적인 판단에 있어 작가의 어떤 생각과 느낌, 그리고 표현을 중시하고 있음을 주목해야 할 것 같다. 복잡한 화면 구성 조차 결국 어떤 결과일 뿐 미리 치밀하게 계산되고 구조화된 것이 아니었던 것이다. 이시공간성은 이처럼 구조적으로 복잡한 어떤 개념이라기보다는 현실의 시공간에 대한 각기 다른 체험 속에서 갖는 감각상의 문제일지도 모를 일이기 때문이다. 우리가 현실에서 마주하고 경험하고 느끼는 시공간성이야말로, 단일하고 균등한 것으로 환원되지 않은 숱한 감각들의 충돌과 느낌의 축적들일 것이다. 이런 면에서 복잡하고 화려한 화면의 구성에도 불구하고, 그리고 화면을 가로지르는 선과 면들의 복잡한 구조에도 불구하고 작가의 그림은 서양의 그것이라기보다는 마음의 흐름과도 같은 동양의 어법을 닮아있다. 작가 역시도 이에 화답하듯 복잡한 것이 오히려 쉽고 비우고 정리하는 것이 중요하다고 말한다. 그래서인지 작가의 그림은 전체적으로는 구상적인 면모가 도드라지는 복잡한 시공간성이 얽혀있지만 부분적으로 추상적이라 할 정도로 압축과 생략으로 마감되어 있다. 구상과 추상이 한 화면에 고스란히 공존하고 있는 것이다. 그의 말처럼 그저 가시적인 시공간의 대상을 쓸어 담기 보다는 의미 있는 것을 남기는, 다시 말해 마음으로 이를 가다듬고 정리하는 것이 더 중요한 문제일지 모르기 때문이다. 그런 면에서 작가의 작업을 심치心治, 곧 마음을 다스리는 것으로 이해하는 것이 필요할 듯싶다. 지극히 서양적인 화풍을 드러내고 있음에도 불구하고 그 기저에 동양적인 사유가 관통하고 있는 것이다. 이런 이유로 작가는 그림을 그리는데 있어 마음의 안정, 평정심 같은 상태를 중요시 여긴다. 그토록 복잡다단한 스펙터클의 시공간성 조차도 결국은 내면의 심안으로 바라보고 있는 것이다. 사실 우리 내면의 시선과 감각만큼 유동적이고 이질적인 시공간성이 또 어디에 있을까 싶기도 하다. 현실의 역동적인 시공간성도 마음먹기 여하에 따라 그 복잡다단한 모습을 달리 하니 말이다. 이런 이유 때문인지 몰라도 그의 그림은 대체로 원색 계열의 밝은 색이 많고 중국 전통 회화의 그것처럼 보색 대비를 즐겨한다. 아주 밝지도 어둡지도 않은 색조 감을 갖는 것이다. 이러한 색감은 다시 당대의 현실에 대한 작가의 생각으로도 이어지는데 앞서 말한 것처럼 색감을 통해 어떤 상징과 의미를 담아낸다는 측면에서, 작가의 세상의 현실에 대한 생각이 분명 얼마간 비판적이긴 하지만 그렇다고 부정적이지만은 않은, 대체로 삶에 대한 긍정성을 가지고 세상을 대하지 않았나 싶다. 화폭에 구현된 색감으로 우리는 작가의 이러한 심경을 읽어낼 수 있긴 하지만, 화려하면서도 그렇다고 단순한 화려함으로만 그치지 않은 이러한 색감으로 인해 작가의 세상에 대한 복잡다단한 마음마저 전해져 오는 것만 같다. 급변하는 중국의 정치경제적 변동과 삶에 무관하지 않은 작가였기에 그의 그림에는 동양과 서양이, 전통과 현대의 사회, 문화가 서로 상충하고 충돌하는 과정 또한 고스란히 담겨있다. 서로 다른 시간성과 공간성의 차원은 이처럼 작가가 겪어야 했던 중국의 근현대화의 과정에서 빚어진 자연스러운 결과였던 것이다. 그렇기에 그의 그림을 단순히 복잡하고 화려한 회화적인 기법이나 스타일, 역동적인 화면 구성의 차원에서만 받아들이기에는 일정한 한계가 있다. 작가 스스로 겪어야 했던 유동하는 동시대 사회적 변화의 삶이 그대로 담겨 있기 때문이다. 이런 이유로 그의 그림에는 종종 이러한 동서의 문화적 차이를 담은 대상들이 등장하기도 한다. 호랑이와 판다, 미키마우스와 같은 동물들이 그러한 한 예들이다. 특히나 그의 그림에서 유독 많이 접할 수 있는 수없이 겹쳐지고 이어진 중국식 창과 문은 의미심장한 효과를 작동시킨다. 창이나 문은 또 다른 세상으로 들어가는 입구이자 출구이고 이질적인 서로 다른 세상을 잇는 매개체이기 때문이다. 하지만 작가는 여기에 그치지 않는다. 이 수많은 문들이 때로는 해체된 듯 소용돌이치면서 역동적으로 공간을 불안정하게 가로지르는데, 종종 이러한 복잡한 화폭 어디엔가 계단이 있고, 의자가 있는 식이다. 해체와 구축을 반복하는 역동적인 중국의 사회적 변화를 암시하는 동시에 그러한 혼잡한 세상의 변화 속에서 자신이 지금 어느 시공간에 있는지를 알려줄 수 있는 어떤 좌표로 창이나 문, 의자와 계단 같은 설정을 했던 것이 아닐까 싶다. 비슷한 맥락에서 이러한 복잡한 시공간 속에서 무기력하게 휴면하고 있는 인물이 등장하기도 한다. 자신을 둘러싼 세상의 복잡다단한 변화가 때로는 버겁게 다가왔는지도 모르겠다. 그렇게 움직임과 머무름, 열림과 닫힘을 이어가고 반복하면서 세상의 시공간의 변화를 대면하고 있는 것이다. 분명 시각적으로 그의 그림은 변화무쌍한 시공간의 변화를 담고 있다. 하지만 그의 그림을 종국에 관통하는 것은 이러한 외면적인 시공간의 카오스가 아니라 그러한 무질서의 카오스와 같은 세계마저도 평정한 마음으로 조망하려는 어떤 안정적인 질서로 향하고 있는 것만 같다. 카오스모스처럼, 단지 이질적이고 복잡한 시공간성에 머무는 것이 아니라 그러한 시공간성을 관통하며 이를 침착하게 조망하려는 작가의 어떤 마음의 상태마저 담으려 하면서 말이다. 그렇기에 그의 작품에서 볼 수 있는 이시공간성異時空間性은 다시 정동靜動의 시공간성으로 변모한다. 이러한 정동의 시공간성을 가로지는 것이 어쩌면 작가의 세상에 대한 어떤 의지나 지향, 혹은 자유 같은 것은 아니었을까. 작가가 그동안 숱한 중국사회의 변화를 목도하면서 그리고 스스로의 변화마저 두려워하지 않고 그러한 극적인 변화의 시공간성을 담아내려 하면서 체득하려 했던 저 ‘자유’ 말이다. 그렇게 작가는 급변하는 중국사회의 한 복판에서, 스스로 중심을 잡으려 하면서 자신이 어떤 시공간성에 있는지를 되묻는다. 이러한 물음들이 어디 비단 작가에게만 해당되는 것일까. 우리 역시도 작가의 그림을 보면서 스스로 존재하고 있는 시공간을 돌이켜보고 성찰할 수 있는 기회가 될 테니 말이다. 그런 면에서 작가의 그림은 단지 우리를 둘러싸고 있는 복잡다단한 시공간성만을 드러내는 것이 아니라 그렇게 유동하는 시공간성의 변화를 따라 다른 모습으로 변모될 우리 자신의 역동적인 변화 또한 담아내고 있지 않았나 싶다. 이러한 수행성의 차원이 다시 작가의 그림을 동양적인 사유, 정서들과 결합시킨다. 현실의 해체와 구축만을 단순 반복하는 것이 아니라 그러한 반복과 변화 속에서도 작가 스스로 다시 평정한 마음으로 이 복잡다단한 세상을 바라보려 하면서 우리로 하여금 정동과 생성의 기운을 느끼게 하고, 그렇게 자유로울 또 다른 변화를 추동케 하니 말이다. 그렇게 작가의 작업은 현실의 시공간을 주름 짓고 펼치면서 스스로 자유로워질, 우리 자신을 향해 부단히 시각적인 말을 걸어오고 있는 것만 같다.
All cats love to have shelter away from adverse weather conditions and other animals who may be out there. You may wonder why you would want to buy your cat their own home rather than just letting them come inside. Well, cats are highly independent and territorial. A cat home gives them a place to call their own away from the potential stresses outdoors. Alternatively, you may have feral cats in your area, and you want to give them a place to shelter. With so many different options out there, it can prove to be somewhat of a challenge to choose the ideal cat home for your four-legged friend. To allow you to make the most informed decision possible, we have selected 10 of the best outdoor cat houses and listed their most appealing features. Ready to put a roof over your cat’s head? Then let’s find one! First up on the list, we have this truly beautiful two-story outdoor cat house. The bottom area is enclosed for protection, while the upper terrace lets your cat enjoy the outdoors, which means they still having the protection of the asphalt roof if the weather takes a turn for the worse. Since it is such a large structure, it is perfect if you have multiple felines. You don’t have to be a DIY expert to assemble the house and the holes are all pre-drilled. Once it is set up, the house provides a stable abode as the wood is made of anti-rot material to stand the test of time. This outdoor cat shelter offers both comfort and protection from bad weather conditions. There is a pair of entry and exit points, so your cat can decide how they would like to get in and out, and they have a means of escape if needed. This is the kind of outside cat house which is durable and tough enough to stand the test of time. It also comes with a manufacturer’s warranty for added peace of mind. As for the assembly, it is straightforward, and no tools are required. If you are looking for an insulated outdoor cat house, this one is designed to keep your feline friend warm. The floor, walls and roof are all contain high-quality insulation, ensuring that the structure stays cool in the summer and warm in the winter. You can also adjust the lifting handles to alter the ventilation. As for the unique door design, it allows your cat to enter, while still offering protection from predators. As well as being made from recycled post-consumer content, it is also designed to never chip, crack or fade. If your cat loves climbing up to high places, this three-story outside cat shelter gives them the opportunity to do this. And you are bound to get some joy seeing them poking their little heads out of the hinged shutters and peekaboo openings! The roofing is rainproof to ensure that your cat stays nice and dry, while the raised plastic floor keeps air circulating to ensure that the floor remains comfortable. The large door at the rear offers quick access and easy maintenance. This outdoor and feral cat house is easy to assemble, so you can put a roof over your furry friend’s head in no time at all. Inside is a heated bed which is designed to keep your kitty warm, no matter what the weather is like outdoors. The heated cat house features two clear door flaps, which are removable depending on whether you are trying to encourage airflow or keep the heat inside. For added peace of mind, you can rest assured that these houses have been certified to USA/CA electrical safety standards. One of the major advantages of this wooden cat house is how easy it is to assemble. There are two escape points which ensure that your pet is not going to get trapped by predators. The wood is made from an anti-rot material which is designed to last at least three years. However, if you have a particularly destructive pet, they can end up causing damage to the house. Bear in mind that it is designed to fit a single cat under 15 lbs. Designed for both winter and summer usage, the wood used in the construction of this cat house is cedar, which is meant to stand for a long time. You can be certain of high-quality workmanship and materials. When the sun comes out, the lounging deck provides the ideal spot for your cat to catch some rays! As for the floor, walls, and ceiling, thermal-ply insulation has been placed inside for heating and cooling properties. This heated outdoor cat house is designed to warm to your pet’s body temperature using only 25 watts when your cat lies down. The design may look simple but it is also effective. The structure has the major plus point of being easy to assemble. Large enough to fit any cat, it is also a highly portable, and you can put it in a range of different locations including the garage, shed, porch, or anywhere else you would like to protect your cat from extreme temperatures. This outdoor cat house for winter and summer has a host of positive qualities including being light and durable, as well as insulated and waterproof. Since it only uses Velcro and zips in its assembly, there are no tools required, so you can put it up in no time at all. Dual openings ensure that your cat won’t get trapped inside. The door flaps are removable and transparent, so your four-legged friend has a view of the outside world no matter what. The unique igloo design of this outdoor cat house is made to direct any rain or snow away from the entrance. Also, the plastic surface stops flea and mold growth. Inside is a cozy carpet which offers warmth, as well as encouraging scratching. No tools are required in the assembly. All you have to do is snap together the sides. An alternative usage is a shelter for an indoor cat who wants a little home to hide and sleep. So, you have read through the product selection and think that you have the ideal cat house chosen? Before you make your final decision, there are some key considerations which are worth bearing in mind. After all, you don’t want to have to go through the time and effort of putting up the cat home, only to find that it is simply not right for your feline friend. Here are some important factors to bear in mind. First, look closer at ahat sort of materials have been used to make the cat house. You need to match the materials to the environment that the house will be put in. For example, if you live in a particularly humid place, you should avoid wood which will expand and contract. And if you are in a hot climate, you should watch out for plastics which are more likely to overheat. Of course, the house still needs to offer a decent level of protection from the elements like rain if it will be sitting in your backyard. If you plan on putting it in a covered area such as a porch, you can be more confident in choosing a fabric-coated option. This is also the more suitable choice if you would like to bring the home indoors from time to time. The ease of assembly may well have an impact on your decision-making process – particularly if you are not all that skilled in the art of DIY. It is also worth looking at whether or not you are going to need any tools as you will need to consider how you are going to get your hands on these beforehand. There are also those cat homes which are easy enough to seal up with zippers or Velcro. These are ideal if you need to put your cat home up in a hurry and don’t want to go through the confusion and risk of breakage that a tool-based installation is likely to bring. If you live in an area which is particularly cold and miserable, you may need to investigate heated cat homes. It is worth confirming the energy needed for the heating pad to run effectively. Alternatively, you could consider insulation as another option. If the walls, floors, and rooves are properly insulated, they will trap inside warm air during the winter months and cool air during the summertime. You can also add some of your own insulation with blankets, padding, and other soft surfaces. If you are offering a shelter to cats during the colder months of the year, researching the heating and insulation situation is especially important. Buying a cat house which isn’t the right size is a waste of money, so you should make sure that your feline friend fits inside comfortably. If you are unsure, it is worth going for a larger size rather than a smaller one to ensure that they have enough space. You are bound to need a bigger house if you have multiple pets who will be sharing the structure. Having said that, you should still remember that larger houses are more difficult to heat than smaller ones, and they also present greater cleaning challenges. These two factors go hand-in-hand and contribute toward your cat house standing the test of time. Don’t forget that your cat is likely to bite and scratch at the surfaces, which can end up damaging them. Reliability is based on a solid construction with joints which fit tightly together. For a better indication of durability, check the product reviews to see what other cat owners have had to say. You may find out some information which was not already apparent. Some of the products above also advise that they are not suitable for cats who are more destructive, so this is another point which is worth bearing firmly in mind. Closely linked to the previous section, it is worth knowing a little bit more about how long your cat house is likely to last. Of course, the vast majority of people want this to be a long-term purchase and dp not want to keep buying a new one time after time. Many products have some sort of guidance on this subject, and others include a warranty which gives you an added guarantee. You could look in more detail at what sort of protection they offer against mold, water, and any other substances which could cause an issue. It is likely that you are going to need to clean your cat’s home from time to time, and you don’t want your job to be overly complicated. If the design features some cushions or another type of bedding, it is easier if they are all washable. If you want to make things even more straightforward, you should select a house which has a removable roof or floor. Over time, you may need to conduct some repair or maintenance work, so it is worth knowing a little bit more about what this may entail. Do I Really Need an Outdoor Cat House? If you have an outdoor cat, buying them a home is a worthwhile investment. When the cold of winter sets in or the rain starts pouring, it is important to provide them a place where they can get some shelter. Alternatively, you may be looking to offer a sanctuary to any stray or feral cats which are in your local area. Or perhaps you have a cat who passes between the indoors and the outdoors, but you would like to offer them a spot to rest outside. Many felines love to have a place of their own to shelter, sunbathe or simply explore. All of the options in the product guide above which offer a combination of one or more of these different qualities. But the weather isn’t the only threat to your feline friend. Other animals can also pose a risk, which is why so many of these houses come with dual openings to provide an easy escape. Other harmful factors which feral cat shelters can protect against include fleas, insects, and mold. Many are made of materials which are specifically designed to defend against these issues. As you will have been able to tell from the above buying guide, there are several different types of cat houses available. Here are some of the main differentiating features which can help you to make your mind up. Some of the cat houses above only have the capacity to hold a single cat, while others are big enough to contain several. Obviously, your decision will be based on how many felines you want to provide a shelter for. As we mentioned earlier on, it is worth taking your cat’s measurements to ensure that you select one which is the appropriate size. Of course, all the cat shelters above promise outdoor usage, but some withstand the elements better, while others are better kept under a roof or another similar structure. For example, the wooden houses are generally the ones which do well in any conditions. Many are made of anti-rot wood with the assumption that they will need to withstand a lot of rain and/or snow. Others are made from simple fabrics, which make them suitable for indoor use, and outdoors if they are under a shelter like a porch. Obviously, everything comes down to where you plan on putting the cat house. While some outdoor cat homes don’t come with any heating features at all, others are electrical or self-heated. Obviously, electric houses require a power source and electricity to function effectively. You also have the option of using these models without electricity if you would like. As for self-heated houses, they are made from insulating materials which keep your pet warm or cool, depending on the season. Of course, electrical houses have the potential to be warmer, but they don’t have the convenience factor of being able to put them anywhere you like. A: Encouraging your cat to use their cat house can present some challenges at first. Your first task is to make sure that you position the structure in the right place. The front should face away from the wind, and it should be in a location which protects against the rain and snow such as under a porch or some trees. If you can choose a place which has some sunshine and a nice view, this is always going to be a bonus. If you are planning on using it for feral cats, a discreet location is best as this is less likely to antagonize your neighbors who may not agree with keeping them. Cats also prefer an area where they can get some peace and quiet. Some shelters are best not directly on the ground as this will make it colder and more likely that other wildlife will be attracted. You could use pallets or bricks to prop it up. Cats also like heights because they feel more secure and protected. Patience is key when it comes to encouraging your cat to use their shelter. Make sure that everything is clean by washing any cushions, blankets or bedding beforehand. You could also make the shelter more alluring by spraying it with catnip. If you own the cat, you could put some of their toys and their scratching post inside to get their scent inside straight away and offer a sense of familiarity. You may need to leave them inside for some time before the smell becomes obvious. Your cat will probably start to explore slowly and cautiously, so offer them plenty of encouragement. A small treat can also help, but don’t only entice your cat with food as this can tempt other animals to enter as well. Don’t force your cat to go inside before they are ready as this can end up putting them off entirely. During the winter months, a heated pad will be very tempting to a cat, so let them discover the warmth for themselves. However, when they are asleep, you should avoid disturbing them. Simply allow your cat to get used to the shelter by themselves and they are likely to return when they want another sleep. Q: How do I select the right house size? A: Choosing the right house size is one of the most important considerations when you are buying a product of this variety. Essentially, you want it to be big enough for your cat to comfortably turn 360-degrees, as well as lying down and stretching out when they like. Bear in mind that many cats feel more comfortable in a cozier home. Larger homes are tougher to heat and can also end up encouraging other animals to enter. Of course, if you are looking to provide a place for multiple cats, you will need something bigger. Ultimately, it is worth getting a tape measure to compare your cat’s size to the dimensions of the house. Q: How should I clean my outdoor cat house? A: The cleaning method of your outdoor cat house depends on the type of materials which it is made from. If it contains fleece, woolen or similar soft materials, these can often be put in the washing machine on a gentle and cool cycle, but always check to confirm this. As for washing the rest of the house, you should remove anything you can first before attempting a standard soap and water scrubbing session. Many of these houses feature large openings which make it easier to reach inside and do the necessary cleaning work. Our number one pick of all is this stylish cat condo which is big enough to provide the perfect spot for several felines. The pre-drilled holes ensure that it is easy to assemble, while your cats have the choice of whether they would like to enjoy the fresh air on top or shelter underneath. Either way, they are protected from the rain by an asphalt roof. Made of cedar wood, it is designed not to rot over time. In fact, it should last for a period of at least three years if it is kept outdoors. Ultimately, this is the kind of product that your outdoor cat will love, and it will also look stylish in your garden too.
In SecureWorks’ 2017 Cybersecurity Threat Insights Report, we found those cracks are often the result of failing to implement basic— the effective combination of people, processes and technologies to protect systems and data. Strong security hygiene requires knowing your assets, your data, and the controls protecting them. Yet in the report, our examination of 163 incident response engagements during the first half of 2016 uncovered failures ranging from poor patch management to a failure to protect the extended enterprise to ineffective preparation for incident response. To understand what organizations need to do to prioritize the right areas for security spending and what can be done to more effectively prevent, remediate and respond to threats, cybersecurity leaders need to start with the fundamentals. While much of the media focus is often on sophisticated, targeted attacks, the vast majority of the incidents for which Secure- Works was engaged in the first half of 2016 (88 percent) were opportunistic attacks that did not target a specific organization. Among the incidents in the report in which the initial access vector was known, phishing was used 38 percent of the time, making it the most common attack methodology used by attackers. Scan and exploit was the second most common at 22 percent, while strategic web compromises and credential abuse comprised 21 percent and 15 percent, respectively. Removable media was involved in four percent of the incidents. In terms of defense, the implication here is clear: organizations need to put an emphasis on addressing the challenge posed by phishing. Part of that requires educating and training employees to spot phishing emails when they hit their inboxes. Often, there are telltale signs—misspellings, requests for the recipient to do something out of the norm, etc.—but sometimes there are not. In targeted attacks, spear-phishing emails can be even more sneaky than most. It is common for advanced threat groups to perform extensive reconnaissance on their targets before launching an attack, allowing them to create convincing emails that take into account details such as the recipient’s job duties and what IT assets and data they have access to. With that kind of information at an attacker’s disposal, it is likely that someone in the organization will fall victim, making anti-phishing technologies like email filtering critical. Phishing can often lead to credential theft. Once a phisher has a victim’s username, password or authentication information, they can abuse it to gain access to an account, service or network and take other actions—including data theft. In one incident noted in the report, a threat actor compromised a third-party organization providing help desk services to its true target. After compromising the third-party environment, the threat actor accessed their actual target. Once inside, the adversary gained access to administrator accounts, used them to access Citrix servers, and stole credentials from those servers for other systems. Protecting user credentials and enforcing best practices in regards to passwords/passphrases is a critical part of security. Another critical part is controlling user access and privileges. To prevent potential abuse by attackers or insider threats, user privileges should be limited to the lowest level necessary— a strategy that could cause culture clashes between the organization and users accustomed to not being limited, but also one that could impair an attack from spreading if a machine is compromised. Strategic web compromises involve attackers infecting legitimate websites their targets are likely to visit in hopes of infecting their computers when they do. These types of drive-by download attacks are particularly sneaky because they take advantage of the trust the visitor has in the site. Although they sometimes use zerodays, the vulnerabilities are likely known issues the attacker is hoping the target has not yet patched. As a result, protecting against these types of attacks starts with an effective patch management strategy that identifies the vulnerabilities affecting your IT environment and rolls out the appropriate updates as promptly as possible. Organizations should scan their networks and develop an inventory of their software and devices, then prioritize their patching according to the risk of an attack and the damage it could do if successful. In addition, vulnerability management extends to weaving security into the app development process and ensuring the safety of non-commodity code developed internally or by a third-party partner. Of course, corporate security teams are hardly the only ones doing vulnerability scans. In the case of the recent Wanna- Cry ransomware attacks for example, the threat actors scanned Internet IP addresses for machines vulnerable to a Microsoft Windows vulnerability. This type of highvolume scanning of Internet-facing systems is a common way for threat actors to find systems they can exploit, and as noted above, was observed in nearly a quarter of the incidents examined in the report. One of the reasons the ransomware spread so quickly was that many organizations did not promptly apply Microsoft’s update despite it having been available since March. Buying the latest technology will not solve the problem posed by an unsecure Web server left accessible via the Internet. The bottom line is that organizations need to take a risk-based approach to security that goes beyond regulatory compliance. Our Threat Insights Report outlines a number of recommendations. Understand the extended enterprise. Take a data-centric approach. Define your key assets, know where they reside and who has access to them, including third parties. Increase visibility. By collecting and monitoring security events, you will be able to reduce the time it takes to detect and respond to incidents as well as identify trends within the infrastructure. At a minimum, maintain logs on the following systems for 13 months: firewall, IDS/IPS, DNS, VPN, Active Directory, Web Services and critical servers and systems. Build a culture of security. Everyone within the organization must take responsibility for protecting information. This involves getting buy-in from C-level leaders as well as other parts of the business outside IT in order to sell the importance of smart security behaviors. Train your users. Employees unfortunately remain the weakest link. Phishing and social engineering remain popular for attackers seeing to infect enterprises and SMBs alike. Training employees to spot suspicious behavior can significantly improve your ability to block malicious activity. Too often, the answer for these challenges is to buy the latest technology. However, to truly improve their security, chief information security officers need to focus more on people and processes. One of the mistakes many CISOs make is to take a compliance-first approach to security. Taking that type of checkbox approach does not best serve the organization. When it comes to cybersecurity, compliance should be thought of as a floor as opposed to a ceiling. For example, Secure- Works has talked to security teams at financial institutions who spent as much as 40 percent of their time on compliance initiatives rather than security initiatives that matter to their organizations. Ironically, putting a strong emphasis on security will address most compliance requirements. Cybersecurity is not a problem that can be solved with technology alone. Developing an effective security strategy means understanding your needs, where your critical data and assets are, and what the risk levels are to that information and those devices. It means training employees, building an effective patch management program, and operationalizing threat intelligence to harden your defenses. It means implementing strategies like strong passwords and multi-factor authentication to control access to critical systems. Whether sophisticated attackers are at your doorstep or not, it won’t take any sophistication to break in if the door is unlocked. This article originally appeared in the August 2017 issue of Security Today.
President Barack Obama shakes hands with President-elect Donald Trump in the Oval Office last Thursday, after the two met to discuss the presidential transition. Donald Trump's victory in the race for the White House leaves widespread uncertainty about what's in store for public schools under the first Republican administration in eight years. Aside from school choice, Trump, a New York-based real estate developer who has never before held public office, spent little time talking about K-12 education during his campaign. And he has no record to speak of on the issue for insights into what he may propose. "We're all engaging in a lot of speculation because there hasn't been a lot of serious discussion about this, especially in the Trump campaign," Martin R. West, an associate professor of education at Harvard University, said in the run-up to the Nov. 8 presidential election. West has advised Republicans, including 2012 nominee Mitt Romney and Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, on education. Trump did propose a $20 billion plan to dramatically expand school choice for low-income students. It would use federal money to help them attend private, charter, magnet, and regular public schools of their choice. It's also designed to leverage additional state investments in school choice of up to $100 billion nationwide. In the campaign, the president-elect also embraced merit pay for teachers, without offering details beyond saying he found it unfair that "bad" teachers sometimes earned "more than the good ones." And, on the early-childhood front, he's pitched offering six weeks of maternity leave to women who do not get it through their employers, expanding the availability of dependent-care savings accounts, and offering tax incentives for employers to provide on-site day care. But otherwise, the Trump campaign mostly dealt in sound bites with such controversial issues as the Common Core State Standards, the possibility of getting rid of the U.S. Department of Education, and gun-free school zones. "I could really see him trying to minimize any role [of the federal government in education]," Nat Malkus, a research fellow at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, said in contemplating the implications of a Trump presidency ahead of the vote. While education is not a high-profile issue politically at the moment, it's not as if the Trump administration won't have anything to do on school policy. At or near the top of the K-12 to-do list is how the new administration handles the Every Student Succeeds Act, or ESSA, the latest version of the flagship federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act that was first passed in 1965. The Education Department under President Barack Obama is relatively close to finalizing ESSA regulations governing how states hold schools accountable and how districts must show they are using federal money to supplement their state and local school budgets. Republicans in Congress have been critical of both sets of proposals from the department, particularly the one governing the supplemental-money rule. In fact, 25 GOP lawmakers recently asked the department to rescind its proposal for ensuring federal funds are supplemental, not a replacement for state and local money, on the grounds that the proposal would give the department too much power over state and local budget decisions. The incoming administration may be on the same page as those lawmakers, said Gerard Robinson, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and former state schools chief in Virginia and Florida. "I think [Trump's] secretary of education will handle it differently than what we've seen from [current Secretary] John King," regarding the so-called supplement-not-supplant rules, Robinson said. Robinson is serving as a member of the Trump transition team, but spoke only on his own behalf. Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton focused more on early education and college affordability than K-12 in her losing bid for the White House. However, when it comes to ESSA in general, Robinson said he believes that Trump views the law as a result of a "bipartisan coalition" and that the president-elect won't get too heavily involved in ESSA's rollout. And Robinson expects states to have a great deal of flexibility in the ESSA accountability plans that they submit to the Trump administration starting next year—significantly more than they enjoyed under Obama-era waivers from the No Child Left Behind Act, the predecessor to ESSA. "This is a great time to be a state chief," Robinson said, adding at the same time that "I don't want state chiefs to think that when they turn those [plans] in that, 'Oh, well, these will just get approved.' " What's more, a lot of policies under the No Child Left Behind Act were part of the law but the George W. Bush or Obama administration didn't do much to enforce them. A couple of examples: the requirement that highly qualified teachers be distributed fairly between poor and less-poor schools, and that districts offer free tutoring to students in schools that weren't making progress under the law. There could be similar examples of provisions that are on the books in ESSA, or in the Obama administration's regulations for the law, said Vic Klatt, a one-time aide to House Republicans who is now a principal at the Penn Hill Group. And since the Trump administration will be the first to enforce ESSA, it could be "easier and less disruptive" for it to simply ignore parts of the law than it would be for another administration down the line, Klatt said. Trump could also discard another key piece of the Obama education legacy: The president-elect could significantly curb the role of the department's office for civil rights when it comes to state and local policies, according to Robinson, and thereby return the OCR's role more to how it operated under Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. That could have a big impact on everything from action on racial disparities in school discipline to transgender students' rights. Robinson also said that he expects the OCR to ensure that students' rights are not "trampled on." Some civil rights advocates though, are already concerned, given some of Trump's campaign-trail rhetoric on Muslims and Latinos, that the office won't flex its enforcement muscles. "We're worried," said Liz King, the director of education policy for the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. "We're hearing what everyone else is hearing from teachers and families that kids don't feel safe." Much depends on whom Trump picks to lead his Education Department—assuming that he decides not to seek elimination or drastic cutbacks to the agency, which he has sometimes said he would like to do. In October, Carl Palladino, a school board member in Buffalo, N.Y., and a Trump campaign surrogate, said he believed that if elected, Trump would pick someone from outside the education policy world to lead the department. Another critical decision will be on who reviews states' proposed accountability plans for ESSA next year. "Who are going to be his people? If he brings in a traditional right-of-center group, you can take it from there," said Maria Ferguson, the executive director of the Center on Education Policy, who worked in the Education Department under President Bill Clinton. President-elect Donald Trump speaks at his victory rally on Nov. 9 in New York City. The Republican real estate developer made school choice a key theme when talking about public education on the campaign trail. Ferguson suggested a traditional conservative policy agenda of expanded charter schools and other initiatives would probably get traction under Trump. "All these familiar themes that the right-of-center groups have talked about will become a version of his agenda," Ferguson predicted. She mentioned school choice and groups like the Foundation for Excellence in Education, which was founded by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, one of Trump's rivals for the GOP nomination. "But I don't think it's going to come from him." Earlier this year, Trump tapped Rob Goad, a staffer for Rep. Luke Messer, R-Ind., to be his education adviser, not long before the Trump campaign released its $20 billion school choice plan. There are some basic similarities between Trump's plan and a push last year to make federal Title I aid "portable" for disadvantaged students to use at both public and private schools. And Trump's transition team for education includes Robinson, the former Florida and Virginia state chief, and Williamson M. Evers, a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution, who worked at the Education Department under President George W. Bush. Much also depends on Trump's relationship with Congress and to what extent he empowers key GOP lawmakers on education policy. Besides ESSA, Congress has been fairly active in moving education-related legislation. In recent months, for example, the House of Representatives approved reauthorizations of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act and the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act. Some, but less, progress has also been made on renewing the Child Nutrition Act. And the Higher Education Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and the Head Start federal preschool program are up for reauthorization in the near future. Trump has outlined a general plan on college affordability, including capping student-loan repayments at 12.5 percent of income and instituting loan forgiveness after 15 years for certain borrowers. College affordability is a more prominent issue thanks to the 2016 presidential campaign. And since Congress remains sharply divided along partisan lines, Trump and the Republicans likely won't be able to simply roll ahead with all their preferences on higher education. "You're not doing anything legislatively without bipartisan support," said West, of Harvard. "It's not obvious to me that there is a clear Republican agenda in Congress right now with respect to K-12 education, except for trying to ensure that ESSA is implemented in a way consistent with the intent of the law of empowering states to design accountability systems as they see fit." But uncertainty prevails, both over what the new president will take an interest in and how much he will push to get education bills and initiatives over the finish line.
Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) registered their first win in this season of Indian Premier League (IPL) over Kings XI Punjab (KXIP) by 8 wickets in Mohali on Saturday, April 13. Royal Challengers Bangalore won the toss and chose to field first. Put into bat, Punjab openers Chris Gayle and KL Rahul added 60 runs in the powerplay. Apart from Gayle, other batsmen were not able to reach the 20-run mark. Gayle, on the other hand, scored 99* off 64, including 10 boundaries and 5 sixes and put up 173 on board. Chasing 174, Bangalore captain Virat Kohli and AB de Villiers scored 67 and 59* respectively. Their 85-run partnership and Marcus Stoinis’ quickfire 28 off 16 helped them to claim their first win of the season. Punjab came to bat after losing the toss. They were hoping for a flying start while they struggled to score in the first two overs. However, Gayle was the one who started hitting first. He hit Umesh Yadav for a boundary and a maximum in the consecutive deliveries and later KL Rahul took on Yadav for two back-to-back boundaries. They put up 60 runs in the powerplay. KL Rahul couldn’t do much as he was dismissed for 18 in the 7th over which included two boundaries and a six. In-form Mayank Agarwal also failed to impress and was dismissed for 15. However, Gayle reached his fifty in the 9th over. Another in-form batsman Sarfaraz Khan also got out for 15 off 13. Gayle, somehow, failed to maintain the same strike rate during the middle-overs (7-15). He managed to score just 18 runs off 23 balls. This cost Punjab’s batting as well because the other batsmen were not able to contribute much. Gayle was lucky enough to not get dismissed in the very first over when he was trapped before the stump by Umesh Yadav. But umpire didn’t raise his finger and Virat Kohli also didn’t take any review. Gayle anchored the innings till the end and scored an unbeaten 99 which helped them to put up 173 on board after 20 overs. Chasing the total, Bangalore opener Parthiv Patel started with a boundary off Sam Curran. Then Kohli took on Shami for two consecutive boundaries in the second over. There back to back boundaries showed that they were there to win the game. However, Parthiv Patel got out in the 4th over for 19 off 9 but that didn’t slow down their scoring. His dismissal brought AB de Villiers in the crease; who showcased his talent from the very first over he faced. They put up 63 runs in the first six overs. However, they both rotated the strike beautifully and hit big shots whenever needed. They scored 98 runs in 11 overs and Kohli reached his half-century off 37 deliveries. Kohli was dismissed for 67 off 53, including 8 boundaries. On the other hand, de Villiers was there, stood strong and anchored the innings till the end. Bangalore needed 38 runs in the last three overs when some big hittings from AB de Villiers and Marcus Stoinis took the team over the line. The equation was 38 needed off 18 deliveries and the two set batsmen, AB de Villiers, and Marcus Stoinis were in the middle. Andrew Tye came to bowl the 18th over where he was hit by Stoinis for a boundary in the very first ball. Stoinis hit another boundary in the next ball through backward point. The fourth delivery went for a maximum over extra cover and Tye conceded 18 runs in the over. Shami started the next over quite well but a boundary in the fourth ball by Stoinis and a maximum by de Villiers in the final ball of the over ease the pressure. When they were needed only 6 runs in the final over, Ashwin handed over the ball to Sarfaraz Khan; who haven’t bowled before and that was his first over in the IPL history. However, he failed to restrict the runs as Stoinis hit a boundary in the very first ball, took two runs in the next ball and Bangalore registered their first victory of the season with four balls to spare. Had the bowlers able to restrict them in the death overs, the result might have been different. Former South Africa captain AB de Villiers has signed for Middlesex to play in the upcoming Twenty20 Blast. AB de Villiers will play his first English county cricket which will start from July. However, he has signed up for the first seven group matches but he will be available for the latter stages also. The Twenty20 tournament is scheduled to start on 18 July where Middlesex will face Essex at Lord’s. It is expected that de Villiers might play in the opening match. The 35-year old retired from international cricket in May 2018. Since then, he has been taking part in T20 leagues all around the world, including the Bangladesh Premier League (BPL), the Mzansi Super League, and the ongoing Pakistan Super League (PSL). Middlesex head coach Stuart Law has expressed his excitement about de Villiers’ arrival to the club. This will surely strengthen their batting line up. Moreover, his inclusion will help the youngsters as well. “I look forward to working with AB this season and can’t wait to watch one of my favourite modern day batsman up close and personal,” Law further added. AB de Villiers too expressed that he has always wanted to play county cricket and playing at Lord’s is always special. One of the greatest batsmen of all time, AB de Villiers has played 272 T20 matches and amassed over 7000 runs at a strike rate of 148.85. He has played more than 400 International matches and has more than 20,000 runs in his name. He has been in a great form in the ongoing PSL and recently concluded BPL. He scored a 40-ball 45* and a 29-ball 52* in his last two matches for Lahore Qalandars in the PSL. He smashed a quickfire 50-ball hundred in the BPL, earlier this year. However, the South African batsman is the second renowned player to sign for the club after Afghanistan spinner Mujeeb Ur Rahman; who will join the squad for the upcoming campaign. Shanthakumaran Sreesanth is in news again. This former Indian bowler is a participant in the latest edition of much controversial show Bigg Boss and is being anything but loved by the other contestants. Sreesanth had already enough reasons to be disliked by the fans for his past and now he is adding some more to that. People from various fields come to the show to regain popularity or to change the image and here Sreesanth is becoming famous for all the negative reasons. One of his roommates termed him as enemy whereas he is being criticized for showing the least sportsman spirit in the house. Sreesanth was banned by BCCI in 2013 for spot-fixing during IPL. Post that, he tried to make a comeback through the entertainment industry. Apart from few films, he was also seen in Jhalak Dikhla Ja before Bigg Boss. Although Bigg Boss 12 has not been very effective for Sreesanth as of now, there was a time when this former cricketer used to win matches for India and was loved by the fans. Few of his iconic performances are still remembered by them. When Rahul Dravid led Indian team finally won a test match on the South African soil in 2006, Sreesanth became the man of the match with his massive contribution. The match drew huge media attention not just for the ill record of the Indian team, but also for Sourav Ganguly who was making a comeback after a gap of 10 months. Indian team scored 249 in the first innings which included Ganguly’s 51 and made his comeback worth remembering for fans. The score wasn’t enough to defend the South African side consisting of Smith, Amla, Kallis, and AB de Villers but the Indian side bowled in a splendid way to restrict them for just 84 runs. Sreesanth took 5 for 40 with Zaheer and Kumble each taking 2 wickets. India came to bat again and with Laxman’s 73 put a score of 236 with South Africa already trailing behind by 165 runs. In the second innings, Anil Kumble led the show with Sreesanth and each of them took 3 wickets. South Africa was all out for 278 and India won that historic match by 123 runs. Sreesanth played his first test in 2006 in Nagpur against England and took 4 wickets in debut match. The performance in South Africa test showed his consistency and temperament. The aggressive bowler showed calm whenever he was on the crease, unlike his off-field image. He had an interaction with Allan Donald before the South Africa tour which helped him to deliver that magical spell. He played 27 test matches and 53 ODIs with 37.59 and 33.44 averages respectively. It won’t be an exaggeration to say that he was here to stay but he lost it all for himself. We can certainly hope for his sanity in the show so that he doesn’t make it worse for his fans. IPL 2018: SRH giving away points? Sunrisers Hyderabad is on the lead on the scoreboard for IPL by giving out great performances throughout the series. However, it looks as though they are now slacking and have lost the last three matches consecutively, not only disappointing fans but also affecting their stand and net run rate. Although they haven’t fallen from their position yet, their weakness is becoming an advantage for other team members. The subsequent loss started with their match with CSK. This was a highly anticipated match because the two teams on the top of the points table were going to have a face off. The match started off well for SRH however at a mere 18 runs and nearly just 3 overs into the game, Alex Hales was out by just making 2 runs. Deepak Chahar was one of the best bowlers of the match and in four overs, SRH was able to score only 16 runs and he managed to take a wicket. They were able to score a mere 29 runs in 6 overs. They were so slow that was only able to make 62 runs in 10 overs, which was very upsetting to look at. SRH and made 179 runs in total. They could have done much better, especially during such a match. CSK, on the other hand, took the pitch by storm by their wondrous batting and Ambati Rayudu managed a 100 not out!. Shane Watson and Ryaudu opened with a glorious 3 sixes by Watson. However, the sixes and fours did not stop with Ryaudu hitting 7 sixes and 7 fours in total. Manish Pandey dropped MS Dhoni’s ball and encouraged CSK even further. Siddharth Kaul and Shakib Al Hasan gave away 40 and 41 runs respectively. Their poor bowling resulted in the CSK win in 19 overs with a run rate of 9.47. RCB was suffering by being at the bottom of the points table and it was crucial for them to win the match against SRH, in order to secure a place for themselves and stay in the running. RCB’s reputation was shoddy this time, probably, making SRH overconfident. It is well-known fact that RCB’s batting lineup is categorized as one of the strongest and this time, they indeed proved themselves. Although Kohli and Parthiv Patel were out without making any significant differences to the scoreboard, AB de Villiers and Moeen Ali certainly did make a great score! a grand total of 107 runs over 57 balls. However, with Rashid Khan onboard, they did not manage to get too far. Nevertheless, apart from the 19-year-old, it appeared as though no other bowler was up to the mark and Basil Thampi was highly disappointing by letting slip 70 runs in 4 overs. Shakib Al Hasan wasn’t up to the mark at all either. On the other hand, the RCB bowlers were doing a relatively better job than SRH and pulled the team through. Dhawan was out at 18 by Yuzvendra Chahal. Alex Hales was ousted by De Villiers by his breathtaking catch. When SRH was about the turn of the tables, Williamson was ousted by Mohammed Siraj. Tim Southee successfully curbed their win in the final overs. The third match that SRH consecutively lost was against KKR. This was a must-win if SRH wants to keep up its reputation. SRH started off good, however, it soon began slacking by the 8th over, one of the most promising batsman till then, Shreevats Goswami was out and leaving SRH at 79-1. Not a loss they cannot recover from. However, Russell who caught Goswami caught Williamson too. Although his bowling was not exceptional, it appears as though his fielding most certainly was. Dhawan who was going great until now gets out just three overs after Williamson by an LBW. This is where the fall of risers begins to happen. 15 overs down and a score of 140 was not what we were expecting, it’s slightly disappointing. Eventually, almost every over after this, one player gets out and the team is all out by the 20th over. When KKR starts batting it’s a spree of fours until the 3rd over when Sunil Narine is caught out. However, no other damage is caused to the batting until later in the 13th over when the second wicket falls, giving them enough time to Chris Lynn and Robin Uthappa to balance the scores. Sandeep Sharma‘s bowling is disappointing as he gives away 30 runs in 2 overs. Although SRH does take down 5 of the opposing team’s men, their good play compared to SRH’s slacking game makes them win the match. Thus, it can be said that SRH were out of form for these three matches and it did cost them. Their Net run rate would drop and although they haven’t fallen off the top, it has affected the fans’ nerves and is proof of their weaknesses which might be aimed at again if they do not cover it up. All the best SRH! IPL 2018 | Match 53 | RR vs RCB: Rajasthan Royals defeat the Royal Challengers Bangalore to kick them out of the tournament yesterday at Jaipur. RR is now still in contention for the playoffs, placed fourth. Their net run rate, however, still remains low at -0.250, allowing them to be easily surpassed by Mumbai Indians if they win today. RCB, on the other hand, see themselves out of the tournament with their loss placing them in the sixth position with no more matches left to allow them to make a comeback. This came as a definite shocker with RCB having the more potential of winning yesterday. RR won the toss and opted to bat. Rahul Tripathi (80) and Jofra Archer (0) opened the innings for the team. RR lost Archer for free to Umesh Yadav in the first over itself. A good auspicious start for RCB, but apparently not as great with the next wicket being taken only in the fourteenth over. Tripathi remained undefeated to complete the innings at 80. Captain Ajinkya Rahane (33) came in to replace Archer and partnered with Tripathi to smack Yadav for three boundaries in the fourth over, taking revenge for the early wicket. By the end of power-play, the duo had 45 runs in their pocket. Rahul Tripathi reached his third IPL fifty in just 38 balls Their partnership pushed the score to 100 for 1 by the fourteenth over, when Umesh Yadav came in again to take out Rahane and Sanju Samson (0) one after the other. Sanju Samson’s golden duck left everyone reeling – yesterday was not his day to make it back to form. Heinrich Klaasen’s cameo over five overs added 32 runs to the scoreboard. He went down with a bang as he infuriated Siraj with twelve runs in the nineteenth over only to be dismissed right after. Krishnappa Gowtham (14) went out on the final ball, ending the innings with a score of 164 for five. Jofra Archer’s debut as opener did not go as planned, he will probably not be seen doing it again in their next match (if there is one). Umesh Yadav is arguably the best bowler in RCB as he finished with a figure of 3/25. He gives away a few runs but he does remove the crucial players off the field when the team needs him to. He is second to the Purple cap Andrew Tye as he lagged behind by four wickets. Yuzvendra Chahal did not take any wickets but the leg-spinner only conceded 26 runs in his four overs. With a target of 165 to chase, RCB decided to continue with its same line-up and opened with Virat Kohli (4) and Parthiv Patel (33). Kohli was seen off the field by Karnataka boy, Krishnappa Gowtham in the third over – the first massive blow to the team. AB de Villiers came in to replace him and secured his sixth half-century this IPL season in 32 balls. Shreyas Gopal then started his hunt with Parthiv Patel being his first wicket in the ninth over. He immediately dismissed Patel’s replacement, Moeen Ali (1), in the very same over. Mandeep Singh (3) came on to the field only to end up being Gopal’s third wicket of the evening. Even Colin de Grandhomme (2) couldn’t save his team as Ish Sodhi took him out in the twelfth over. But all through these wickets, they still had De Villiers but he was not spared by the Gopal storm as he became his fourth and final wicket for the night. After this major blow, it was all downhill for RCB with Mohammed Siraj’s (14) wicket sealing their fate at 134-all out in 19.2 overs. Harsh Bhogle expressed his sentiments regarding RCB’s loss just as all their fans must have felt. Oh, #RCB, you are changing things on the points table, but not in a manner we thought you would. RCB played well in phases and every time they got a momentum going, Shreyas Gopal hit them with a wicket. AB de Villiers delivered as usual but with no major support from any of his teammates, he was unable to single-handedly serve them this victory. RCB’s biggest flaw has been the inability of the middle-order batsmen to sustain the fall of the top order but hopefully, the team will come back next season with a new and improved batting line-up. RR will keep their fingers crossed as they hope the results of today’s remaining matches do not push them out of the top four and they make it into the playoffs.
I’ve seen several search engine topics involving schnauzers having symptoms of heart failure, and fainting, even when asleep. I’ve been there with two of my schnauzers. My last one just died 12 days ago… always consult your vet with questions, but here is my experience. I’m also an RN (disabled, but got my license 28 years ago and still have it). I was cued in to abnormal breathing and behaviors, which helped me know that I needed to get both of my dogs who had heart failure seen by their vets. My first schnauzer to have heart failure was Hannah. I got her in 1988 as a 6 week old puppy. To make a sweater for her (there weren’t many options for puppy clothes back then) I cut holes in one of my socks. She had some episodes that were called seizures, but with how things turned out, she probably had some heart issues starting at about 18 months old when she fainted (and twitched) for the first time. By the time I got her to the vet, she was fine. She had those episodes now and then, until 2000 when in one night she fainted 7 times (I stayed up with her all night). I thought I was taking her to the vet to be put to sleep that next morning, but he got her on some medications and prescription dog food and she lived another GOOD year. I vowed to not make her live just so I didn’t have to face the loss of her. As a single woman with no kids, she was my family. I wanted the best for her, but when she died, it was really hard. She had done well up until the last couple of days; when she quit eating, I knew that was it. I had decided to get another dog before she died, so that kept me going. Then I got Mandy. She did very well until she was just about 11 years old. She fainted. Her breathing got too ‘hard’, and I knew what was going on. I took her to the vet, and with an exam and x-rays (showing an enlarged heart, displaced trachea- from the size of her heart, and some lung congestion) she was also diagnosed with canine heart failure. She was put on medications, and did fairly well. She only fainted 3 times total- including one time when she was asleep. The last ‘episode’ wasn’t the same, but it was similar, and she died in my arms within 15 minutes. I still cry every day missing her. Something huge to remember is to not give the dog ‘people’ food because of the salt content, unless it has no salt (which means that most processed foods are out). I got freeze dried peas (meant for toddlers) for Mandy, and she also loved freeze dried bananas (NOT the fried ones in the grocery store). Those items had NO added ingredients. She also liked pieces of raw apples. The only commercial treat she could have was “Charlee Bear”- because of the sodium content being low enough (I e-mailed the company for the answer re: sodium content, and then cleared it with my dog’s vet- please check this out with your dog’s vet as well 🙂 Towards the very end, Mandy didn’t want to eat. She had lost weight, so I tried various things- ground beef, ground turkey, scrambled eggs, rice, potatoes, oatmeal, baby food fruit and veggies…. that last morning she had two Swedish meatballs that I’d adjusted for her (low sodium and baked instead of fried- like the Christmas party meatballs were). It’s heartbreaking to see them get older and struggle. I made some mental notes as to when it was ‘enough’- though with Mandy it was a bit less clear until she just had a brief episode and then was actively dying in minutes. But I was prepared to have her put to sleep. Hannah died in my arms as she was euthanized. She knew I was there. That was important to me- I couldn’t have either of them think I’d left them. Mandy looked scared until she just collapsed in my lap. Then it was just a few minutes before it was over. I talked to her, and scratched behind her ears as I knew she liked. I’m not sure what my malfunction is, but I’m sorta grumpy. I got up way earlier than usual (I’m one of those who is usually up half of the night and then sleeps until noon). I’ve got a vague headache, but that’s nothing all that new. I have chronic headaches. Christmas was really good- I got to see (and meet) family, and talked to my biological mom and half-brother on the phone, which is always good. I got to spend time with family at the Swedish Christmas party since I’ve got the ice vest to wear when I leave home and don’t have as much chance of being overheated because of the dysautonomia. And yet, I’m a major dud this morning. I’ve been extremely irritated at comments to news stories on various online sites and publications. So many people are so heartless and cruel. Or pathologically immature and even psychopathic. Responding that they’re ‘happy’ about an article where five people were made homeless by a fire that destroyed their home? How do people get that way? Who dropped them on their head? Or burned them? And then there are the other ‘less’ disturbing posts that are just plain nasty and/or cruel. Or ignorant. I’m actually very thankful I don’t know those people or have to spend any IRL time with them. A click of the back button takes them out of my life. The onslaught of horrible stories that are on the news constantly is also a major bummer. I feel really badly for those folks and what they’re going through, but what good does it do anybody to have it dissected in the media for days to weeks on end? I’ve been a crime survivor of a high profile case (before the 24/7 media, back in 1987). It wasn’t helpful to see it on TV for days or see the newspaper coverage over and over. The people who knew about it, and were my actual friends/family already knew what happened, and face it: most people really don’t want to know about real life horrors that happen to other people. Or they don’t know what to do with the information, at least to the persons’ face. Behind their back, the chatter won’t stop. If people would have just asked me straight out what happened, or even if I wanted to talk about it would have been much more helpful than days of media coverage (without any input from me- I was an object). I had one ‘different’ neighbor that responded to meeting me with “I never thought I’d meet you ! ” Really? Meeting someone who has been raped and beaten was a life goal? Step away from the strange one ! I’m extremely disgusted with my weight, and have my food diary set up to start on January first. I don’t want to look like this on my 50th birthday next November. I don’t want to be grotesque and repulsive going into the last third to half of my life. I have to restrict food. I’ve tried the ‘normal’ calorie amounts I’ve been given from the doctor and diabetic dietician, and that doesn’t work…so I’ve got to go lower. I can’t do much exercise because of the issue with passing out when my heart rate goes up or I get overheated, and my knees and spine issues. So the calories have to go. A slippery slope for me, so I’ve got to be careful- but I have to DO something beyond what I’ve been doing. I didn’t look like this before chemo… and I want to lose any remnants of those days. Losing weight will also save me some time before having to have my left knee replaced (I had the right one done in late 2006, and it was a very unpleasant experience with some complications and ‘dull’ response time by the doc and nurses to a bladder infection). I had to go to a rehab place for the medically defective. It was a good rehab facility- great care, but set up where people stayed in their rooms like a hospital between therapies (no common area), and since I was infective, I was in a private room- not a horrible thing, but friggin’ isolated. It’s not like there was a big risk of someone coming into contact with my pee. My left knee has unrepaired, and questionably healed ACL and medial meniscus tears, done when I turned over in bed back in 2009- about a week before my closest friend from here in this town died suddenly (following several complications from a KNEE replacement). She’d moved to a different state to be closer to one of her daughters, but we were in contact by phone daily, even when she was in the hospital or rehab. I was supposed to have the left knee replacement done, but then got leukemia and everything was put on hold to survive that. Been a weird few years. I’m frustrated that I don’t feel that people understand why I’m like I am. I’ve got diagnoses that people haven’t heard of. I ‘look’ like I’m capable of working, and I miss being a nurse SO much- but too much standing or walking, and the whole heat/heart rate thing = one unconscious middle-aged RN. I’ve been an RN for nearly 28 years. I’ve been on disability for 8 years. But I still keep my license, because I still AM an RN. I worked hard for that thing. And I loved working with it… And those days are done. When people ask me what I’m doing to get back to work, it hurts- there isn’t anything that can be done by me or anyone else. Some things CAN’T BE FIXED ! SO those perky, blessed-to-be-clueless people need to shut up and go target someone who has some stuff going on that is treatable. I’ve been dealing with much of this since 1996- and worked until 2004- I held out as long as I could. I fought to keep working. QUIT asking me if I’m going back to work. NO, I can’t ! I was raised in an evangelical church, and am a born again Christian, without some of the judgmental drama that can go with those two things. I hate the passive ‘I’ll pray for you’ stuff- prayer is wonderful, and I do it often, but if someone wants to help, some action would be really amazing ! Prayer is about as passive as a person can get and rationalize to themselves that they’re ‘doing’ something– and while I do believe in prayer and that it is a very positive and powerful thing (and pray for people on the news all of the time since I can’t do anything else), it’s not the be-all end-all answer to really being of use to someone. It’s definitely better than nothing, but it really doesn’t show much in terms of actively supporting and helping someone. Sometimes it’s all people CAN do- and that’s appreciated. But remember the ‘faith without works is dead’? I’ve sensed a lot of dead. I wish I could do more for others, and feel guilty about that. Not like I know many people around here to be available for… back in the home where my heart is, I could be more useful, even if I’m not that physically ‘able’… I could drive someone to the store, or appointments. I could water plants when they were gone, or change out cat litter. I couldn’t walk dogs or watch kids… but I’d do what I could. Anyway, that’s a bit of what’s rattling through my head today. I’m a little less grumpy now. Hannah was my present to myself for my 25th birthday. She was a salt and pepper miniature schnauzer. I’d gone and picked her out from her litter when she was about 4 weeks old. When she was ‘ready’ at 7 weeks old, I drove out to Lake Travis (near Austin, TX) in a raging thunderstorm in November 1988, and got her. She and her littermates were all standing up on the covered patio with their dog mama, peeking in the French doors into the house. They were all so cute, but she walked over to me first when the door was opened. She seemed to remember! She was so funny when she was little. I didn’t have the heart to make her sleep by herself, and since she was a ‘baby’ didn’t want her peeing in my bed. I put her into a regular baby bassinet that a neighbor had given to me, and put it next to my bed. She’d give a good puppy howl if she was scared, and as soon as I draped my hand into the bassinet, she’d quiet down and go back to sleep. After a couple of nights, she seemed to understand that I wasn’t going anywhere. As soon as she was potty trained, she slept in bed with me. Hannah was about 2 years old when she had her first ‘seizure’. By the time I got her to the vet, the vet looked at me like I was a bit on the overprotective side. Hannah was fine, and just stared at both of us. Back home… She continued to have these ‘seizures’ on and off for years. They never happened more than 2-3 times a year, so from what the vet had said about risk/benefits of medication, I opted to keep her off of meds. She always bounced back as if nothing had happened. When Hannah was 11 1/2 years old, she scared me out of my mind. One single night, she passed out seven times. I was up all night with her. She’d get sort of woozy and stagger a bit and, then fall over on her side, twitching. She’d then stagger to her feet and have to go out to pee immediately. Like right now. I thought for sure she was dying. She slept on the couch next to me that whole night between episodes. She had stopped eating the day before (which was very unlike her), but initially I thought it was some bug. I watched her, and she didn’t have any vomiting or diarrhea… but then that night. Oy. I thought it was the end. As soon as the vet’s office opened I called, and got her right in. We lived in a small town from the time she was 7 years old; they didn’t have an emergency animal hospital there at the the time. I was glad her regular vet saw her. He asked me to leave her there for a few hours so he could figure out what was going on. I agreed, but I hated leaving her. She was my only companion. My best friend. I got the call to come and get her (good news) and when I got there the vet told me that she was in heart failure. Grade 4 murmur ( a ‘5’ is the worst). He’d given her oxygen and a shot of a strong diuretic (water pill medicine), and she’d peed off a bunch of fluid her heart couldn’t circulate through her body normally, to be eliminated through her kidneys. I got prescription dog food, three medicines to give her by mouth, and a bottle of the diuretic medicine to give her as a shot if she needed a ‘booster’ to help her breathing, and the syringes and needles for her shots. He knew I was an RN, so giving shots wasn’t a problem. He just showed me where on the back of her neck to give them. She also couldn’t have regular dog treats, or anything with a ‘normal’ sodium level. I got her some low-sodium peanut butter (to hide her pills in). She didn’t like it. She also didn’t like the prescription ‘heart’ diet food, so the rest of that case of cans was returned, and she got the ‘kidney’ food. It had limited sodium like the ‘heart’ diet. And she got grapes (this was about 10 years before I found out that dogs shouldn’t have grapes). She LOVED those grapes. I’d sneak her pills into them, and she acted like I’d given her filet mignon and truffles. She did very well, and had many, many days where she was playing, and acting like she felt really good. She knew the names of her individual toys, and would get them, and enjoy chasing them. She still howled when I was on the phone to my folks; my mom had dementia, and one thing SHE still enjoyed was Hannah howling at her on the phone when I said “woof”, or “bow wow”. I just had to say the words, and she’d do her howling bit. Mom loved it ! Hannah, and the toy named “Weirdo”- feeling better ! Hannah still had an occasional fainting episode, but within a few minutes (and a quick trip outside to pee) was back to her normal self. I had told the vet that I would NOT put my best friend through a miserable year just because I couldn’t say goodbye. If she wasn’t going to have any quality of life, forget it. But he was right- she had some very good months left in her. About 11 months later, I noticed her start to change not long after moving to a different apartment in the same complex. She started not wanting to eat, and her breathing was getting funky. I gave her the shots to get rid of the fluid (and it did). But it wasn’t working as well. I had told myself when she was diagnosed that if she started to refuse food completely, that was it. We were done. The shots were only helping for about a half a day, and I had to give them to her a couple of times a day for 4-5 days. Then she completely stopped eating. My heart started to break. That night, her breathing was horrible. I knew what was coming. In the morning, she got off of the bed, and peed on the floor. Then she went and hid in my closet, as if to say she was so ashamed. I couldn’t get mad at her, she was sick ! It was pitiful to see her hiding from her accident. She NEVER peed on the floor- she was so good about waiting to go outside, or using the pee pads when I left her in the kitchen to go to work. I knew I had to take her to the vet. I sat on the couch before getting ready to load her into the car. She got up on the couch with me, and climbed on my lap. She ended up sitting on my thigh, and then putting her head on my shoulder. I think she was saying goodbye, and it was easier for her to breathe if she was upright, but didn’t have to support herself. I loaded her into a laundry basket to put in the car, since her balance was a little iffy. When I took her in to the vet, he said he’d like to try some more oxygen and medications, and he’d call me. I told him that I could be back there in minutes if it looked like she was getting worse (she was already bad), and he agreed that he’d call me if I needed to come. I did not want her dying without knowing I was there, and I hadn’t just dropped her off and deserted her. I got the call around 11:30 a.m. I had the kind of desk nursing job where there was flexibility for such things. I’d told my boss ahead of time what was going on, so when I told the receptionist I had to leave I could just go. When I got there, Hannah was hooked up to an IV, oxygen, rectal probe (temperature), and heart monitor. She looked spent. But she also lifted her head a little when she heard my voice. She knew I was there. I was told to take whatever time I needed, but I think when she put her head on my shoulder earlier that morning, that was our time. Right then, I had to do what was best for her, so I started taking the equipment off of her, and just holding her. I was satisfied she knew I was there, and that it was OK for her to stop fighting. I told the vet to just ‘do it’. She slowly dropped her head as the ‘go to sleep’ stuff took effect. I could feel her full weight against my arms, and then she took her last breath. It was over. My best friend was gone. I was told that I could spend time with her. (the vet’s office had cleared out for lunch, aside from those who were helping Hannah… and they were all in tears as well). I could hardly see her through the tears, but I did want to hold her for just a few minutes. They let me take her to one of the exam rooms where it was quiet, and private. I just cried, and told her how much I loved her, and how wonderful she’d been as my best friend. I wasn’t in that little room with her for very long. I’d had 12 1/2 years with her to remember… those were gifts. But I got to say ‘goodbye’, just her and me. I just hope she knew how much I loved her.
A Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court in a recent judgment in State of Jharkhand v. Hindustan Construction Company (“HCC”) held that even if the Supreme Court retains some degree of control over an arbitration proceeding, it does not become the court of appropriate jurisdiction to entertain an application for making the resultant arbitral award as rule of the court. In doing so, the Supreme Court expressly overruled two of its prior judgments, viz., State of Madhya Pradesh v. M/S Saith & Skeleton and Guru Nanak Foundation v. Rattan Singh (“Guru Nanak”). The State of Jharkhand, on April 10, 1996, filed a money suit before Sub-Judge, Saraikella for realization of certain sum with interest, pursuant to a contract dated April 25, 1989. Hindustan Construction Company filed an application for stay of the suit under section 34 of the Arbitration Act, 1940 (the “Act”). The Sub-Judge allowed the application for stay and expressed the view that it was desirable for parties to settle the dispute through arbitration. The State appealed to the High Court which dismissed the appeal in August 2002. The State then preferred an appeal to the Supreme Court which, through its order dated January 2013, appointed an arbitrator and also directed the arbitrator to file the award before the Supreme Court. After conclusion of the arbitration proceedings, the arbitrator filed the award before the Supreme Court. The State of Jharkhand challenged this award before the civil court while Hindustan Construction Company filed an affidavit before the Supreme Court requesting it to pronounce judgment in terms of the award. It contended that since the SC had directed to filed the award before itself, it alone had the jurisdiction to pronounce judgment in terms of the award. The Supreme Court extensively analyzed section 31(4) of the Act which, where an application is made in relation to an arbitration proceeding, confers upon a court the exclusive jurisdiction over all subsequent applications related to those arbitration proceedings. In Guru Nanak, section 31(4) was relied upon to conclude that Supreme Court can also become the court with exclusive jurisdiction if it retains control over the proceedings. However, the Court in HCC held that, keeping in mind the meaning of the term ‘court’ in the definition clause, its meaning as employed in section 31(4), and appreciating the same in the context of the provisions and the scheme of the Act, the Supreme Court can never be the court that assumes exclusive jurisdiction under section 31(4). The reasoning behind this is that if the Supreme Court does assume exclusive jurisdiction, it would amount to the Court taking over original jurisdiction. However, the Supreme Court cannot assume original jurisdiction in matters outside the realm of those provided in articles 32 and 131 of the Constitution. Further, the Court held that it cannot assume original jurisdiction because, by doing so, it would be depriving the party of the right to appeal which is statutorily provided under section 39 of the Act. The Court, after alluding to its previous judgments, held that right to appeal is a substantive and vested right, and the Supreme Court cannot take away that right by assuming original jurisdiction. Thus, in conclusion, it held that the civil court is the court conferred with jurisdiction under the statute and the same cannot be allowed to shift or be made flexible because of a superior court’s intervention in the matter in a different manner. Section 31(4): Much Ado About Nothing? The Court extensively discussed section 31(4) of the Act and whether the Supreme Court can retain exclusive jurisdiction based on it. However, on a plain reading of the section, this seems an exercise in futility. Section 31(4) provides that the court where the application is made in any reference will be the court that will retain exclusive jurisdiction over the arbitral proceedings . In the instant case, the application was not made before the Supreme Court, and the matter had reached it only by way of an appeal. Thus, section 31(4) simply cannot be used to confer exclusive jurisdiction over the Supreme Court, as the application was not made before it, which is an essential requirement of the section. Moreover, this would apply to all cases because, in a domestic arbitration, an application in reference to the arbitration is never initially made before the Supreme Court. This simple requirement has been completely ignored by the Court in HCC. Interestingly, in Guru Nanak, this contention was raised before the Supreme Court. It was argued that since the first application under section 20 of the Act was filed before the Delhi High Court, that court should retain exclusive jurisdiction. However, the Supreme Court did not accept this contention and retained exclusive jurisdiction. Assuming that the above argument does not apply to deny the Supreme Court with exclusive jurisdiction under section 31(4), the violation of a right of appeal cannot be a ground for the same. Admittedly, section 39 of the Act does provide the parties a right to appeal the orders passed by a lower court. However, as the judgment itself notes, the right of appeal is not an absolute right and there can be limitations imposed on it. It is important to note that section 31(4) starts with a non-obstante clause which means that the effect of this provision would prevail over any other provision in the Act. Thus, section 31(4), which confers exclusive jurisdiction to the Court, must prevail over the right of appeal. The right of appeal is limited to that extent. Hence, there is no question of violation of the right of appeal as it is not available in cases that fall within the ambit of section 31(4) of the Act. As is noted in the judgment itself, the purpose behind section 31(4) is to vest exclusive jurisdiction regarding all arbitration proceedings with one court. This is to ensure that the proceedings are conducted smoothly, with certainty, without any confusion or conflict created by applicants approaching different courts at different stages. As a result of the judgment in HCC, while the filing of the award will have to happen before the Supreme Court, the challenge to the award will have to be made before a civil court. This clearly does not meet the purpose of one court having exclusive jurisdiction and the parties not having to approach different courts at different stages. The Court has failed to address this issue. Section 31(2): Twice Ignored by the Supreme Court? Section 31(2) of the Act provides that all questions regarding the validity, effect or existence of the award shall be decided by the court where the award is filed. Thus, if the award is filed with the Supreme Court, the section mandates that it would be the Supreme Court that will deal with the question of validity or existence of the award. Now, when the Supreme Court asked for the award to be filed with itself, if it was aware of the existence of section 31(2) and its consequences, then perhaps it was the intention of the Court to take up exclusive jurisdiction. However, if it did not have section 31(2) in mind and it merely wanted to supervise the arbitration to a limited extent, then perhaps the Court erred and went too far in asking for the award to be filed with itself. It is interesting to note that both in Saith & Skeleton as well as Guru Nanak, the Supreme Court had not explicitly asked for filing the award with itself. Having said that, once the Court has asked for the filing, erroneously or intentionally, section 31(2) must be followed. However, the Constitution Bench failed to consider this provision in deciding which court will have jurisdiction to decide challenge to the award. In this case, the court has restricted the application of section 31(4) by excluding the Supreme Court from retaining exclusive jurisdiction over arbitration proceedings. It is commendable that the court has protected rights of the parties such as the right of appeal. However, on a simple reading of section 31(4), it is clear that it can never be used to confer exclusive jurisdiction over the Supreme Court. However, even if that is not correct, the Court erroneously uses right of appeal as a ground for denying the Supreme Court with exclusive jurisdiction under section 31(4). Moreover, the Court does not consider the implication of its judgment in so far as it defeats the purpose of section 31(4). It is important to note that this issue does not arise under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. This is because, unlike the 1940 Act, the 1996 Act contains an exhaustive definition of the term “Court” which is limited to district court and High Court. This was clarified in State of West Bengal v. Associated Contractors.
JSHQ Volume 13 No.4 - Summer 2002 - What's Happening? OSHA Administrator John L. Henshaw recently began a new policy of contacting families of workers killed on the job to express the agency's sorrow over their loss. Henshaw announced the new initiative in commemoration of Worker Memorial Day in late May. "In expressing my deepest sympathies to the families of workers killed on the job, I want to assure them-and the nation-that we are working closely with employers throughout the country to do everything possible to prevent any more workers from dying on the job," Henshaw said. Ron Hayes, Director of Families in Grief Hold Together and a member of OSHA's National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health, says, "Elevating the fatality investigation and notification process to the highest office in OSHA ensures that these tragedies will receive the level of attention they deserve. I praise the Administration and the head of OSHA for taking this most courageous and compassionate stand for the American worker. However, we must continue to reduce the accident and injury rate to the point where this type of initiative is not needed at all." OSHA recently began collecting data on country of origin and primary language capability for all workers involved in fatalities and other serious accidents. The agency also is for the first time collecting site-specific information on construction projects where many immigrants and other workers die every year. The new data collection will enable OSHA to determine what role language barriers and other risk factors play in fatalities and other workplace accidents. The agency will use the information to determine how to improve safety for these workers. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao announced in May that the Small Business Administration's Office of Advocacy will combine efforts with OSHA to promote worker safety and health, with a particular emphasis on ergonomics. Chao made the announcement during her keynote address to about 70 small business owners from across the nation participating in National Small Business Week activities in Washington, DC. A new OSHA hazard information bulletin alerts workers in dental laboratories on how to prevent exposure to beryllium, which can cause chronic beryllium disease (CBD), a debilitating and often fatal lung disease, or cancer. The bulletin presents a case of CBD recently diagnosed in a dental lab technician and recommends the types of engineering controls, work practices, training, personal protective equipment, and housekeeping procedures that can be used to reduce exposure and the risk of CBD. Dental laboratory technicians can develop CBD if they inhale dust containing beryllium when working on items such as dental crowns, bridges, and partial denture frameworks made from dental alloys containing beryllium. For more information, see the hazard information bulletin on the OSHA website at www.osha.gov. OSHA recently clarified its policy against removing contaminated needles from blood tube holders to reduce the dangers of needlesticks for health-care workers and others who handle medical sharps. "Removing contaminated needles and reusing blood tube holders can expose workers to multiple hazards," says OSHA Administrator John L. Henshaw. "We want to make it very clear that this practice is prohibited in order to protect workers from being exposed to contaminated needles." OSHA explained in a letter of interpretation that the bloodborne pathogens standard requires blood tube holders with needles attached to be discarded into a sharps container immediately after the device's safety feature is activated. The letter of interpretation is available on OSHA's website at www.osha.gov. OSHA's Mobile, AL, Area Office recently took on an expanded role in carrying out a special southeastern regional emphasis program on fall hazards. Across the region, OSHA compliance officers are now authorized to stop at any site where fall hazards might be present. Mobile area compliance officers will take the effort a step further, targeting scaffolding and roofing activities to ensure that a competent person is onsite and has taken the necessary training courses to qualify. Areas targeted for inspections include Mobile, Montgomery, Dothan, and Gulf Shores in Alabama. For more information about the program, contact the Mobile Area Office at (251) 441-6131. OSHA statistics show that falls caused 33 percent of all fatal workplace accidents in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi last year, and 70 percent of these fatalities occurred at construction sites. During this period, OSHA's southeastern area offices investigated 83 fatalities involving falls, 58 of which were in the construction industry. OSHA recently introduced technical links pages on worker hazards in dentistry and recycled industrial property, also known as brownfields, on its website at www.osha.gov under Safety/Health Topics . The pages address worker safety and health issues and provide a wide range of reference material on hazards at both types of worksites. The dentistry page includes sections on bloodborne pathogens, health-care facilities, and exposure to nitrous oxide and waste anesthetic gases. The brownfields page provides compliance information and links to tools for identifying, evaluating, and controlling employee exposures to hazardous substances at these sites. A new Department of Labor website covers a wide range of youth employment issues, including information about workplace safety. The site, Youth Rules!, is part of an ongoing initiative to educate young people, their parents, employers, and teachers about unsafe jobs and appropriate work hours for teenagers. It is available at www.youthrules.dol.gov. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, some 200,000 teens get injured at work every year. A new technical information bulletin on the OSHA website at www.osha.gov offers advice for international business travelers. The bulletin, Safety and Health During International Travel, suggests that international business travelers follow recommendations for immunizations published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that are available at www.cdc.gov/travel. In addition, the bulletin urges business travelers to consult the U.S. Department of State consular information sheet for individual countries they plan to visit. These country guides are posted at www.travel.state.gov. "Many employees now travel to countries where they risk contracting infectious diseases that could be prevented through vaccinations and simple precautions while traveling," OSHA Administrator John L. Henshaw said. "Our new technical information bulletin will help international travelers take care of their health while they take care of business." OSHA has released two newly revised publications to protect workers from on-the-job hazards and inform employers about how to comply with OSHA standards. Controlling Electrical Hazards, OSHA 3075, provides an up-to-date overview of basic electrical safety, OSHA electrical safety standards, and information employers need to comply with those standards. The booklet addresses employees who work with electricity directly, such as engineers, electricians, electronic technicians, and power-line workers, as well as the millions of people who deal with electricity indirectly in the course of their everyday work. Hand and Power Tools, OSHA 3080, provides a summary of the basic safety procedures and safeguards associated with hand and portable power tools. It offers practical information for employers and employees in general industry as well as construction by identifying various types of tools and their potential hazards and ways to prevent workplace injuries. Both publications are available electronically on OSHA's website at www.osha.gov and through the OSHA Publications Office at (800) 321-OSHA. A new Spanish-language publication, Todo Sobre la OSHA, will help Spanish-speaking employers and their employees understand more about safety and health in the workplace. The publication is a translation of All About OSHA, a 61-page booklet that covers job safety, employers' duties, and workers' rights and offers extensive information on how to make workplaces safer. The manual is part of OSHA's growing outreach to Spanish-speaking constituents. It includes a Spanishlanguage website, new data collection efforts for non-English-speaking employees and employers, and Spanish-language options for OSHA's toll-free number, (800) 321-OSHA. The National Safety Council's 90th Annual Congress and Expo is scheduled for October 4 to 11 in San Diego, CA. The exposition dates are October 7 to 9. The congress will offer more than 200 educational sessions, including both technical sessions and professional development seminars and an expanded agenda of sessions in Spanish. Registration information is available at www.nationalsafetycouncil.org. A new National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) publication addresses the problems of U.S. hospital workers exposed to violence in the workplace. The report, Violence: Occupational Hazards in Hospitals, NIOSH Publication 2002-101, discusses activities that put workers at risk and offers strategies for reducing risk factors. For a copy of the publication, call (800) 35-NIOSH or visit the NIOSH website at www.cdc.gov/niosh. A new NIOSH publication identifies actions that a building owner or manager can take to help protect occupants from an airborne chemical, biological, or radiological attack. NIOSH Publication 2002- 139, Guidance for Protecting Building Environments from Airborne Chemical, Biological, or Radiological Attacks, offers specific recommendations on how to increase building security. It discusses physical security, ventilation and filtration, maintenance, administration, and training. The publication is available on the NIOSH website at www.cdc.gov/nioshor by calling (800) 35-NIOSH. A new NIOSH student manual offers easy-to-understand information about recognizing, evaluating, and controlling hazards associated with electrical work. The publication, Electrical Safety, Safety and Health for Electrical Trades, NIOSH Publication 2002-123, is part of a safety and health curriculum for secondary and postsecondary electrical trade courses. The publication is available on the NIOSH website at www.cdc.gov/niosh or by calling (800) 35-NIOSH. The "Partnering for Shipbuilding Safety" article in the Spring issue did not clarify that shipyard injuries have dropped significantly during the past 3 years only for Shipbuilders Council of America member facilities. The average Total Recordable Incident Rates (TRIRs) for the industry as a whole (Standard Industrial Classification 3731), as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, remained relatively stable between 1998, when the rate was 22.4, and 2000, when the rate was 22. TRIRs for Shipbuilders Council of America member facilities showed a drop from 12.94 in 1998 to 11.76 in 2001.
The historic house that South Africa's national hero Nelson Mandela and his family used to live in from 1946. It is located in Soweto, the black township on the edge of Johannesburg that also has many significant historical connections with the story of apartheid and the struggle against it. And there are a few more points of interest related to that as well in the area other than Mandela's House. More background info: The founding of the settlements of Soweto goes back to before the introduction of apartheid proper, but was still a result of segregation. It was deliberately created as a residential area for blacks only, to separate them from whites and get them out of white quarters. The collective name Soweto, short for South-West Township, however, wasn't used until the early 1960s. Small, squat, brick four-room houses (also known as “matchboxes”) were provided in the 1940s, and it was into one of those, originally built in 1945 and located in an area of Soweto called West Orlando, that then 28-year-old Nelson Mandela moved in 1946 together with his first wife. After their divorce he continued living there with his second wife Winnie Mandela from 1958. He was practising law at the time but had also already become a pivotal figure in the ANC's struggle against apartheid. After his arrest and imprisonment (see Robben Island), his family continued living in this same house, even after Winnie Mandela's own exile to Brandfort from 1977. After the abolition of apartheid when Nelson Mandela was released from prison, he briefly came back to this house in Soweto, if only for just 11 days. He then moved on to a bigger place elsewhere, namely in Houghton (see under Johannesburg). Some of the family stayed on in Soweto, but in 1996, when Winnie and Nelson Mandela divorced, they left and in 1997 Mandela donated the house to the newly formed Soweto Heritage Trust and it was declared a public heritage site. In 2008 the site was temporarily closed and reopened to the public in 2009 after 10 months of comprehensive restoration work. But back to Soweto as such: during the apartheid era Soweto grew to become the largest black township in South Africa. It was not yet incorporated into Johannesburg (that came only in 2002) but was a separate entity, yet provided the black workforce for white businesses in Johannesburg and the surrounding mines. With well over a million inhabitants it became a low-rise city in itself, yet one with only small houses, like the Mandelas', as well as vast areas of makeshift shacks that were, and still are, actually a shanty town, if not a slum, without electricity or running water. Soweto naturally also became a hotbed of protest against apartheid and a stage for civil unrest. As such Soweto also became a household name in the West. Especially so after the Soweto uprising of 1976, when students went on strike and marched in protest against the introduction of Afrikaans as the language of instruction in schools (a measure intended to further disenfranchise the black population). The police reacted with violence. They opened fire on the protesters, killing at least 176, and injuring over a thousand. Throughout the 1980s, Soweto remained a centre of resistance and, in return, a target of police reprisals. Besides Nelson Mandela, another key human-rights figure in the struggle against apartheid, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Desmond Tutu (see under apartheid and the Apartheid Museum), also had his residence in Soweto, in fact on the same street. He continued living in Soweto even after he'd become archbishop and could have moved to much more privileged accommodation provided by the church. Instead he decided to stay put in Soweto as a sign of solidarity. His house, though not open to the public, has become a firm fixture on tours of Soweto as well. Another such element is the Hector Pieterson Memorial, which was established in early 1990, and the museum joined it in 2002. It's named after the first victim of the Soweto uprising of 16 June 1976 (see above and, again, under apartheid and the Apartheid Museum), a 12-year-old schoolboy, who was shot dead by the police just a few blocks from here. The cooling towers used to be part of the old Orlando power station, which dated back to the 1930s, though it wasn't completed until 1955. It was a coal-fired power station serving Johannesburg until it was decommissioned in 1998. Most of the plant has been demolished, but the iconic towers were retained. They now serve as giant billboards and you can also go bungee-jumping from a bridge that has been installed between the two towers. What there is to see: When I went to Soweto it was as part of a longer day tour from Johannesburg, which first (and foremost) included the Apartheid Museum, before we carried on to Soweto. We entered Soweto at one of the more recently developed affluent parts, where well-to-do black families have built multi-bedroom two-storey houses, often with double garages as well, that wouldn't look out of place in any middle-class residential area anywhere in the West. So it wasn't the expected slum-like look that was my first impression. However, we did carry on to such areas – and ones in between. So we saw both less posh two-storey houses and long rows of workers' hostel housing, and also large shanty-town areas with nothing but the simplest, makeshift shacks built from wood, corrugated metal sheets and cardboard. It's here that the very poorest of Soweto's inhabitants live in squalid conditions still today. It is also those parts that have given rise to so-called slum tourism … being guided around by locals through these poorest of areas to get a glimpse of the kind of life they lead in these parts. My guide also offered getting us on such a walking tour with a local guide as an add-on to his tour (and at extra cost). However, I felt uncomfortable with the idea, said so, and declined. I was a bit torn, though, to be honest. On the one hand, going on such a tour would have given me insights on the basis of which I could have evaluated this form of tourism from first-hand experience. So it could have been useful. On the other hand, though, I've spoken out against the inclusion of 'slum tourism' under the banner of dark tourism so often (see also here under beyond dark tourism proper), that I thought it would be hypocritical of me to then jump on such a tour at the first opportunity. I'm still not quite sure if I made the right decision, but I know for certain that I would have felt very uncomfortable with the unavoidable element of voyeurism that necessarily comes with such tours. So from a personal, emotional point of view, I'm happy to have declined, while from a more distanced, pure research point of view I feel I may have lost out on valuable insights. It's a dilemma. Anyway, we continued to the main stop on our Soweto tour, where we got out of the car and walked, namely up Vilakazi Street, towards Mandela's House. It became instantly apparent that this is tourist central in Soweto. Nowhere in Soweto had I seen so many white people, all tourists, and there were (black) souvenir vendors everywhere so you had to fend off a lot of hassling. But once at Mandela's House, everything is very orderly indeed. Visitors have to go on a guided tour of the house, which lasts approximately 20 minutes. When it's busy you may have to wait a bit for the next tour to become available, as the maximum number on the tour is 20. The interior of the house is filled with both original (presumably) furnishings as well as with all manner of Mandela-related memorabilia, from certificates, diplomas, awards and other documents to sculptures, posters and photos from all stages of Mandela's life. Outside in the backyard stands a symbolic tomb stone with the words “RIP Tata 1918-2013” (“Tata” is one of the many nicknames given to Mandela, this one meaning 'father' in Xhosa). On the back wall of the house you can also still see bullet holes and scorch marks from Molotov cocktails … evidence of troubled times. But today it's a peaceful place (the brisk tourism trade these days notwithstanding). Incredibly, and uniquely, there's another Nobel Peace Prize winner's house just down the road, namely that of Desmond Tutu (see above and under apartheid). It's said to be the only location in the world where two Nobel laureates lived on the same street. Unlike Mandela's house, however, Tutu's house is not open to the public. But there is a historical marker plaque just outside. On my tour we also passed the Hector Pieterson Memorial that commemorates the Soweto uprising of 16 June 1976 (see above). But we didn't stop to also visit the attached museum. So I cannot say much about that. It's said to feature audio-visuals, testimonies, photos and historical documents illustrating those events and its aftermath. I wish I had known about this before, then I would have asked to visit the place (instead of the slum tour – see above). It would probably have been quite interesting. Shame. All in all, even though I don't think this visit to Soweto was a massive highlight of my time in Johannesburg, it was still a worthwhile addition to the trip to the Apartheid Museum. Mandela's House, though very small, is certainly a moving and worthwhile spot, and I guess the Hector Pieterson Museum would have been too, had we had time for it. If ever I go back to Jo'burg, I'll try and see it then. Location: Soweto's location is kind-of in its name: to the south-west of Johannesburg (South-West Township); more precisely the area is roughly 12 km (18 km) from the city centre (by car). Mandela's House is on Vilakazi Street, number 8115 Orlando West. Tutu's house is just down the road on the corner of Bacela Street. The Hector Pieterson Memorial is a few hundred yards to the north at the intersection of Pela Street and Khumalo Road, while the former cooling towers are south of Orlando East, just off the main road, Nicholas Street. Access and costs: far from Johannesburg city centre, but tours to Soweto are a well-established feature of the city's tourism industry. Prices vary. Details: It would be tricky, and not necessarily to be recommended, trying to get to Soweto on an independent basis, though it wouldn't be impossible (as the relevant parts of Soweto are connected to the public transport system). But there are various operators offering guided tours of Soweto. In fact these have become a very common and regular thing with much competition. Tours vary in length and nature, from half day to full day, and from private, by car, or group tours, including by bicycle. Prices vary accordingly, and widely, from ca. 400 to over 2000 ZAR. So it's best to shop around. For me the Soweto leg was part of a longer day tour of Johannesburg, which had been organized by the operator who I booked my whole 2018 St Helena, South Africa and Zimbabwe trip with, so I can't say what just this single component would have cost on its own. Admission to Mandela's House, including a 20-minute guided tour, costs 60 ZAR for international visitors (less for students, senior citizens, African Union members and children), opening times: daily from 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. (but closed on a few public holidays). Admission to the Hector Pieterson Museum is 30 ZAR (senior citizens and students: 10 ZAR); opening times: daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (only to 4 p.m. on Sundays). Time required: Just about half an hour for Mandela's house, and only a few moments for a look at Tutu's house and the cooling towers, but how long the Hector Pieterson Museum would take I cannot say, because I didn't have a chance to go inside, but I would guess under an hour. Add to all that driving and walking time and/or cycling. Combinations with other dark destinations: Obviously the Apartheid Museum has to be the most fitting combination here. In fact it is en route to Soweto from Johannesburg city centre, so combines geographically/logistically well too. For more see under Johannesburg. Combinations with non-dark destinations: see under Johannesburg and the Apartheid Museum.
Team UKRM did the Snetterton 8 hour race on the weekend preceding the start of the Manx Grand Prix. While the bike hadn’t been changed much since the previous 6 hour race at Pembrey, it did have a new petrol tank. Insufficient flushing of the contents caused serious problems with the fuel system (blocked filter, knackered fuel pump). So, for the two days before departure, Alex Ferrier and I went through the whole bike – replacing all the consumables (oil and filter, brake pads, tyres, etc) and replacing the all the fuel lines, connectors and filter, as well as changing the tank for one with a normal filler cap (instead of the twin filler dry-break system we use for endurance racing). Alex and I are lucky enough to be good friends of Manx residents Keith and Jan, and their near neighbours Sally and Michelle – lodging had been arranged for us with “the girls”, and space cleared in Keith’s workshop for my bike and kit. Having loaded the van the evening before, today consisted of little more than driving to Heysham, collecting Alex from Bridgnorth on the way, and getting the ferry to the Isle of Man. We arrived in the early evening, driving over the mountain (the “wrong way”) to Ramsey in the evening sunshine. On days like this, the Isle of Man is definitely one of the most beautiful places on earth. After unloading an enormous amount of kit into Keith’s workshop, we ensconced ourselves in Sally and Michelle’s house, and then got a takeaway curry. A busy, busy day - I had to get to the Grandstand in Douglas and sign on, get my kit inspected, and jump through several other administrative hoops including the newcomers briefing and the newcomers bus tour of the circuit. Meanwhile, Alex took my bike to Slick Bass’s tuning shop and gave it a run on the dyno, to ensure that it was still healthy after all the work we’d done on it. Encouragingly, it still made 130bhp at the rear wheel. Scrutineering for practice started in the afternoon, with all the newcomers scheduled to do a lap behind a travelling marshal (mounted on a Fireblade) before being allowed to take to the circuit alone. This new measure was introduced this year after a French rider killed himself at the TT last year, on his first lap of practice, on about the 3rd corner. And this was our undoing. Despite the bike having run that morning on the dyno, and run for the best part of 8 hours the previous weekend, it chose this moment to develop a water leak (where the hose joins the water pump) on the start line, just as we’re due to be shepherded round by the travelling marshals. We quickly pulled it off the grid and fixed the problem in about 10 minutes; however by this time the ducklings had all left with their mother goose, and I wasn’t allowed to start – I would have to wait until Monday. This was not a good start to the fortnight. Later, in more contemplative mood, I reasoned that if one were going to suffer a catastrophic water leak anywhere on the Isle of Man, waiting on the start line is probably the best place. A busy day in the garage. I can’t remember what we did now (two weeks later) but it must have been important. Because of missing Saturday’s session, I and half a dozen other newcomers were to be escorted behind a Travelling Marshal at the start of today’s practice. Consequently, our presence was requested early at Scrutineering – i.e. around 2:30pm, even though the scrutes don’t arrive until 4pm. There’s a lot of waiting around in this game. And, the weather didn’t look good. In fact, it looked pretty bad – it was raining, so we retired to local hero Tommy Clucas’ awning, for a cup of coffee and a slice of cake. Tom is a mate of Keith’s, and despite being favourite to win the Junior race, and perhaps the Senior too, he is really down to earth, friendly and approachable. I first met him six weeks earlier, when he took time out to sit in the passenger seat of the car and talk me round a lap. Eventually we got scrut’ed, and then it was another two hours until the roads closed at 6pm, with practice due to start at 6:15. Although the rain had stopped, the weather still looked bad – the problem with the Island circuit is that if the weather comes down, the mountain section is covered in fog/cloud. In the old days, no one cared, but now, if the helicopter can’t fly the whole course, then no one rides. So, at around 6:30, the practice session was cancelled and we all went home. So, I’d been on the Island for four days now, and still hadn’t ridden the bike. It’s fair to say I was not in a good mood. In the morning, a group of us stood around in the workshop, wondering why there was so much travel in my brake lever. Alex, Keith and Joe decided to fix the problem, and pulled the brakes to bits, discovering several stuck pistons and some rather dished disks. We got all the pistons moving (with compressed air), cleaned them up, fitted some moderately flat disks and Keith bled the brakes in 10 minutes, and now they felt 10 times better than they ever had before. Why didn’t I do that ages ago? Thanks, guys. Got to scrut’ing early again, and then had the wait until 6:15 pm for the off. Which, today, actuall happened! Six new boys in orange bibs lined up on the Glencrutchery Road, and off we set behind the Travelling Marshal. It was immediately obvious that this was going to be a sloooooow lap – apparently some of the TMs had been criticised for going too fast on the escorted laps on Saturday. I spent half the time resting my left hand on the tank – I don’t think we went faster than 70 or 80mph down the straights. No matter, my penance was served, and when we got back to the Grandstand I was free to do a solo lap. Which, after a quick look over the bike, I immediately did. This was more like it! I headed off towards St Ninians Crossroads and Bray Hill, aware that I just need to dial myself carefully. But even so, that drop down the hill is quite amazing. Fortunately, having done so many laps of the circuit before on open roads, I had no problem knowing where the course went, and was able to navigate round at a comfortable pace – I got back to the Grandstand to find that I’d done 95mph – I was happy enough with that for my first lap on closed roads. The bike wasn’t handling particularly well either, so I resolved to call Richard at Maxton for some set up advice the next morning. By now I’m in the swing of things. There are always a few little jobs to do in the morning – checking the bike over, buying fuel, charging the transponder, etc, and then it’s off to the Grandstand in Douglas, and get in the queue for scrut’ing. Now that I’d passed my novice initiation, I was out practicing with the fast boys – practice sessions are divided in two – the first for classic and smaller capacity bikes (125s and 400s), the second for the 600s and 750s (and the odd pukka race 250 two stroke). So now there as an even longer wait until my session started just after 7pm. A fair amount of meaningless wandering around took place to pass this time. I also managed to meet Richard from Maxton in the queue, and he had a bounce on the rear suspension of the bike, and applied a few clicks, and then a few more. Bikes go off in pairs at ten second intervals for practice, just like in the race, but your starting position depends on how soon you get through scrut’ing and how much you’re prepared to jostle in the queue. I didn’t want to be too near the front, but nor did I want to be near the back either, so I manage to get out about half way. Bear in mind that there are a lot of bikes on the course for a practise session – easily over a hundred. I set off with another rider (can’t remember who now) and immediately felt good – just comfortable and enjoying the speed of the bike. I wanted to do two laps (including a ‘flying lap’ as the second one to actually get into the rhythm of the place, and make sure the bike was ok, as it would need to do this in the race (which is four laps with a pit stop). Of course, there are still some places where I was slowing down despite the fact that I knew I shouldn’t – the flat out kinks at Glen Vine, Crosby, Gorse Lee and the end of Conk-y-Voddy were far from flat out. But elsewhere the suspension felt far better now Richard had adjusted it. My sense of fun was interrupted at the 13th Milestone, however – coming out of the bottom of Barregarrow, there were waved yellow flags – we slowed down, and coming round the corner there was a scene of carnage. Three bikes were down, riders lying in the road, and straw bales littered everywhere. We had to thread our way through the wreckage at no more than 20mph. It suddenly hit home to me that if there’s an accident here, the bike and rider are likely to stay on the road (rather than slide off the track into the gravel as on a short circuit), and collisions were therefore a real danger (I was later told that the 2nd and 3rd riders had crashed hitting the wreckage of the first one). That gave me pause for thought, but I soon got my head down and got going again. I was enjoying myself here – there were a few bikes coming past me, but I was catching and passing a few myself, and in some ways was just like being on a ride out with a bunch of fast mates, but with all the road to use, and no concerns about traffic or police. I came flying through and started my second lap. We still had to slow to negotiate the accident at the 13th, but otherwise I felt good, and when I got back to the pits Alex greeted me with a big grin, telling me that my first lap had been 101mph, and the second 103mph. I was over the moon! Thursday afternoon practise is a little different – it’s in the afternoon, rather than the evening, and slightly longer, meaning most people can get in three laps if they want. Consequently, the whole timetable of the day is moved forward. Fortunately, we had nothing to do to the bike, and so were up, breakfasted and over to Douglas with no rushing around. The bike passed scrut’ing again without trouble (once we’d noticed the missing bolt on the handlebar clamp in the queue! This place really does shake bikes to pieces). Often Thursday produces the fastest times, just because it’s a more congenial time to be riding bikes (with no low sun as in the evening sessions) but the weather was grey with a threat of rain. Still, no problems, and we were all off on time. By now I was feeling pretty comfortable, but I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to find any additional pace. Again, there were a couple of accidents on the course, one at Rhencullen and then, after speeding up again for the Bishopscourt section I came round a corner to find an accident that the marshals hadn’t even got to yet – the rider was on one side of the road, the bike on the other, on fire, with smoke drifting across and obscuring the road. I had no time to do anything apart from scream, and went flying through the smoke to find myself still on two wheels and pointing in approximately the right direction. Now that was scary. I decided to see if I could up the pace a little, so tried to ensure I got out near the front of the practice group, and found myself lining up with Irish newcomer Andrew Neill, riding TT winner Ryan Farquar’s ZX6RR. As expected, Andrew immediately drew ahead of me on the run down Bray Hill, but I girded my loins and tucked in behind him, and kept him in sight all the way to Cronk-y-voddy (10 miles later), where my bike started to play up, holding back in top gear. This felt exactly like the fuel starvation problems we’d had previously at Snetterton. Through the twisty bits it was ok, and only when flat in top did it show up. I soldiered on, but the bike wouldn’t pull more than 10k in top all the way from Union Mills to the Highlander, or along Sulby stratight, so I knew there was a ‘real’ problem. I must have been yanking on the throttle particularly hard, because on the run down to the Creg-ny-bar the throttle cable snapped. If only we’d listened to the scrutineer. So, I parked by the pub, and a marshal gave me some money to get a drink, and I waited for the roads to open and Alex to come and pick me up in the van. Still, I’d managed a 104mph lap, even with a bike that was a bit slow in top gear. Andrew Neill was 27 seconds faster (106mph) so tagging on to him had been a good plan. Alex went through the fuel system this morning, checking the tank, fuel filter and hoses. Meanwhile, I dashed from Ramsey to the paddock in Douglas, got some new throttle cables made up, and dashed back to Ramsey to fit them. The new inner cables were slightly too long for the new outers, so we had to get them shortened in the paddock again anyway. I also got a new chain fitted, as recommended by all the old Isle of Man regulars – the course is so bumpy it plays hell with chains. We then went through the by now regular routine. This was the last practice session, and several people advised me to just take it steady, and to just bed in the new chain. Which is what I did, posting an easy 102mph. Unfortunately, the fuelling problem was still there. Oh dear. Sunday 29th August – Day before Newcomers Race. So now we had a problem – the bike had a fuelling problem, and there was no more practise time. The problem could only be down to two things – either the fuel pump couldn’t supply the peak fuel demand, or the one-way valve on the tank breather (which lets air into the tank, but not fuel out) was causing a restriction. So, I borrowed a fuel pump from local rider Derren Slous, and we threw away the one-way valve and replaced it an old fashioned length of hose, curled up several times. We took the bike to Slick Bass’s dyno and ran it before and after the changes. While the dyno couldn’t re-create the problem (it’s not able to put the engine under load for long enough) we could at least check that it still ran as well as it did before. And it was still making healthy horsepower. But, before all this, there was more admin to do. Keith and I had to go to the race office at the Grandstand to sign on, and I had to go to the Newcomer’s race briefing, which was really just about how to do a pit stop. Having done three seasons of endurance racing, pit stops held no fears for me, but they’re something new for riders who’ve only done short circuit races. It was while having a cup of tea in the paddock with Keith that we heard that fellow newcomer Gavin Feighery had died overnight from the injuries he sustained when he crashed at the Mountain Box in the last practice session. It was the first fatality of the week. Scrut’ing is done slightly differently for the race – batches of bikes have a time slot, and ours was 7:00 to 7:30. This meant the van had to leave Ramsey at 6:30am! We’d loaded the van the evening before, and Alex and Michelle had volunteered to take it over, giving me an extra hour in bed. Thanks guys! I arrived with Keith at 8:30 and had to get my riding gear scrut’d again. And then it was just a question of waiting for the off, and the weather, which again didn’t look good. While the cloud was quite high (so no mist over the mountain) several showers had blown over the course, and much of it was reckoned to be wet. I collared two guys from Manx Radio, and they told me the entire Glen Helen section was soaked. So, that decided it – we swapped the wheels to run intermediate tyres, as did about 90% of the field. The roads closed at 10am, but a 30 minute delay was announced immediately, putting the start back to 10:45. At 10:30 we started moving the bikes up to the Glencrutchery road, but just as it looked like we were going to get away, another 30 minute delay was announced. So, we all milled around on the grid, chatting to each other and offering clichés and platitudes. And then the time went, and the start procedure was underway. Racing on the Mountain Course is essentially a time trial – riders set off in pairs at ten second intervals, and race the clock. I was number 29, meaning I would start some 2 minutes and 10 seconds behind the starting pair. Alongside me was a chap called Dave Saxby, who coincidentally was from Gloucestershire too, and was riding a GSX-R 600 from Fraser’s Motorcycles. We got a clean start, and the extra few ponies in my 750 got me ahead of Dave on the run to St Ninian’s crossroads, and that was the last I saw of him. When I spoke to him later he told me his intermediate tyres we sliding all over the place. The run down Bray Hill, for the first time in a race, for the first time in the wet, was scary. And, on the approach to Quarter Bridge, I, like the most of the rest of the field, had the warnings ringing in our head not to overcook it on cold tyres, with a full fuel load. And the same advice applied through Braden Bridge, which was also wet. In fact, the road was wet all the way to Glen Vine, but my tyres felt great, and I was already catching people – coming round the bottom of Union Mills and seeing someone ahead of you on the straight run to Glen Vine is a great feeling. I passed a couple of bikes on the way to Crosby, and caught a couple more through Greeba Castle, passing them on the run down to Gorse Lee and Ballacraine. And then we were into the Glen Helen section. Normally I love this part of the course, tho I’m not sure I’m particularly quick, but with very wet roads it needed some care. Still, I seemed to be going OK, and the tyres weren’t moving around at all, so I burst out of the climb up Creg Willys Hill onto the Cronk y Voddy straight, and onto completely dry roads for the first time, enjoying myself. And, the bike pulled top gear along the straight with no problems, meaning the fuelling problem was sorted. At the time of writing (10 days after the race), my memory has already faded too much to give a corner by corner write up. In fact, I found earlier in the week that even after two practise laps, I had pretty poor recall of when things happened – the brain is just too busy to file stuff away. The rest of the first lap went well, and (tho I didn’t know it at the time) I’d moved into 15th place. The mountain was mostly dry (apart from Bungalow Bridge, which stayed wet for the whole race), and my bike definitely pulled well over the top. The second lap was much drier, tho still wet through Glen Helen and the 13th Milestone, and a few other places under the trees. It was on this lap that I caught number 28, Vince Prevett, who’d started 10 seconds ahead of me. It took me a little while to get past him, eventually doing it at Bishopscourt. I thought that was the last I’d see of him, but blow me if he didn’t outbrake me into Parliament Square, some 6 miles later. I followed him up the mountain, getting past on the Mountain Mile, but he came alongside me in the stop box on the way into the pits. The pit stop was smooth, but slightly slow – our petrol tank had explo-safe expanded foam in it, and it slowed down the petrol going in (we pulled this out for the Senior race). Two or three bikes I’d passed got out of the pits before me (including Vince) but I soon caught and passed them again, although Vince took a while. The next two laps were a bit of a blur – each lap was drier, though it remained wet in parts of Glen Helen, the 13th Milestone, Quarry Bends and Bungalow Bridge. Vince and I had a right old ding dong, passing each other two or three times a lap, but I got the result in the end – as I’d started 10 seconds behind him, I knew that I only had to keep him in sight, but I managed to finish 1 second in front of him on the road too. I was greeted by Alex and Keith in the paddock, with big grins on their faces. I experienced an odd combination of emotions – relief, euphoria, achievement, all overlaid with a severe overdose of adrenaline. The results were available on a computer in the rider’s centre, and it turned out I was 11th, and had earned a replica (by finishing within 110% of the winner’s time). While there, I learnt another quaint part of the Manx GP tradition – riders get a free sandwich, piece of cake and a cup of tea! We took the day off, and did nothing. I wanted to watch the Junior race, so borrowed a car and drove down to Quarry Bends. Unlike the TT, it is possible to get a decent view even at the popular viewing places at the Manx Grand Prix, and I sat on the bales and watched as the front runners came flying through. Tommy Clucas got off to a storming start, setting a new MGP record of 120mph on his first lap. He continued to open the gap over the next two laps, but on the last lap he didn’t come through Quarry Bends. At the commentary point at Ramsey, he was reported as missing, but no other word came, which I knew meant he’d had a serious crash (breakdowns and minor accidents are usually reported quite quickly on the commentary). I went back to Ramsey and had a beer with Keith in the Central Hotel as the 350 Classics came through. Apparently Tommy had crashed on the run down to Ballaugh Bridge. Alex, Sally, Michelle and I went to the Villa Marina in Douglas for the presentation of the awards for Monday’s and today’s races. The sense of pride I felt hearing my name read out by Geoff Cannell (the voice of the TT, for me), and going on stage to collect my replica was enormous, as can been seen in this picture. I went round to see Keith and show off my replica, to find him very quiet – Tommy had died overnight. The second death of the meeting. Keith knew Tommy very well, and was talking about not even riding in the senior the next day. And, the weather forecast was awful. Just to contradict the weather forecast, the day dawned bright and sunny. The senior race was in the afternoon, after the Lightweight/Ultra-Lightweight race. Despite dire predictions, it stayed dry, and the cloud stayed high, and the first race got off on time. And then it was our turn. This time I was starting number 92, over seven minutes behind the guys at the front of the grid. Which was a good thing, because those guys were going to be going a lot faster than me (fastest lap in practice had been 118mph). Number 91 was a non-starter, so I set off by myself. Strangely, I got passed by a few people on the first lap, even though I didn’t feel I was going slowly (turns out I was – first lap was only just over 100mph). The second lap I got my head down a bit and did 103. Although the roads were dry, it was incredibly windy over the mountain, and the bike felt pretty flat in place, and was hard to steer in others. Still, it was the same conditions for everyone. At the pit stop, Alex employed his trusted motivational technique – “Why are you going so slow?” he asked. “Come on, get your finger out!” It must have worked, because I picked up the pace and gained some places. Also, about here, I started racing with Simon Briggs, on his old steel framed 600 Honda. He was riding as if on a short circuit, out-braking me into the slow corners, but I mostly stuck to my line and usually out accelerated him down the straights. Of course, it helped having more horsepower! Simon had a lower starting number than me, so I knew I was ahead of him on time, but it was good fun racing on the roads. In the final run down the mountain Simon got in front of me and I thought he was going to win the race on the road, but he outbraked himself into Govenors Bridge and I rode through the huge door he left open for me and beat him over the line. We grinned at each other as we rode back up to the paddock. I got the results shortly afterwards – 60th, from some 100+ starters. And a best lap of 105mph, which had been my target speed from the beginning. Not too bad, tho I must admit that I felt slightly disappointed – if I’d gone faster on the first lap I’d have been a few positions up, and my mate Keith had posted a new personal best of 107, and I’d not been able to go with him. Still, not bad for a newcomer. Alex and I got the ferry that evening, and drove home through the night. I got to bed at 4am. The next day I was up, changed the oil, filter, brake pads and tyres on the bike, fitted the endurance petrol tank and drove the van to Donington. The next day, Team UKRM did the final six hour race of the season. too many others to mention for help large and small.
MAY 3RD - 5TH WELCOME BACK CAMPERS!! This year our first weekend of camping once again coincides with CINCO DE MAYO!! Join us Friday Night for a "meet and greet" in the Lodge. We'll have some Chips and Salsa on hand and a Pinata for the kids. Take a fun family photo with some of our Cinco de Mayo props!! We will be making some maracas on Saturday morning and having a Special "South of the Border" bingo around noon. Looking for ideas for Bingo? How about a cactus, taco or fajita kits, some "Hot Tamales", chips and salsa, some avocados, a pinata, or sombrero, "mustachios", etc. If all else fails....a candy bar will do! Every Saturday afternoon during our "Spring Fling" weekends, we invite all our kiddos and adults to join Mr. Marcondes at the basketball courts for some "Street Hockey"! There will be two sessions, 3:00 - 4:00 will be an ALL age session and 4:00 to 5:00 will be for age 12 thru adults. How much fun does that sound?? Our "Welcome Back Campers' Pot Luck Supper" (Mexican food would be wonderful but not necessary) will be at 6:00 on Saturday night followed a spectacular band, WELCOME BACK "Loose Screws" beginning at 7:30. LOOKING FORWARD TO ANOTHER EPIC SEASON!! Saturday morning, we will have a special craft available for the kiddies to make for Mom in the Lodge! Saturday afternoon we will be hosting a "Paint and Pamper Party" for Mom in the Lodge with "Life Expressions Decor" (http://lifeexpressionsdecor.com). Additional vendors will also be on hand such as LuLaroe Apparel, Paparazzi Jewelry, Essential Oils, Heavenly Goddess Spa Products and more. Snacks provided but BYOB. While Mom is having her fun in the Lodge, Dad and the kids are invited to participate in a Fishing Derby or Kick Ball Game at the Ball Field. Moms also get a free cup of coffee and pancakes from the Coffee Shop Sunday morning! How much fun does that sound?? Happy Mother's Day Moms! Pets camp FREE this weekend! We are planning a Pet Parade (COSTUMES OPTIONAL...but how cute would that be?) immediately following our Wake Up Charlie Flag Raising, Family Pet Photos (if you don't have a pet, Charlie will be more than happy to be in your Family Photo), Pet Talent Show - start practicing now, and FRIDAY NIGHT..."PET SUPPLIES BINGO" .... Purchase a card with any item relevant to a pet and we will create a "BARK/MEOW Box" which will be donated to a local Pet Shelter. Last year our "Bark/Meow Box" was donated to Swansea Animal Shelter and it was VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!! The campground will supply the prizes for the Lucky Winners. (Suggestions are available on the web site and on the Lodge Bulletin Board.) Every Saturday afternoon during our "Spring Fling" weekends, we invite all our kiddos and adults to join Mr. Marcondes at the basketball courts for some "Street Hockey"! There will be two sessions, 3:00-4:00 will be an ALL age session and 4:00 to 5:00 will be for age 12 thru adults. Saturday night we WELCOME BACK A FANTASTIC BAND in the Lodge.... "FUNHOUSE"! Sounds like a "Paws-itively "PURR-fect" Weekend!! MAY 17TH - 19TH NATIONAL ARMED FORCES APPRECIATION WEEKEND! National Armed Forces Day is May 19TH and we would like to show our appreciation to all Military Personnel, past and present!! Special 20% discount on amenities and activities throughout the weekend and complimentary coffee in our coffee shop Saturday and Sunday morning for all military personnel past and present. Please be prepared to show your military card for discounts. We have a special Bingo planned with all card purchases ($2.00 each) being donated to the "WOUNDED WARRIOR PROJECT". Maple Park will supply the prizes for the lucky Bingo winners. We also will be having our SECOND ANNUAL WALK/RUN OR RIDE FOR THE "WARRIORS". We are asking for a $5.00 donation for adult participants and $2.00 for kids. (Sorry folks...walkers, runners and bikes only. No golf carts.) The "track" will be approximately 1.5-2 miles throughout the campground. All donations from this event will also be donated to the "Wounded Warrior Project". 2018's donation was $300.00 to this GREAT organization!! For further information, please visit https://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/. Saturday night we will honor our Veterans, past and present with a tribute in the Lodge followed by Mike Young's Band, "PRIDE AND JOY", a rhythm and blues revue! Also, every Saturday afternoon during our "Spring Fling" weekends, we invite all our kiddos and adults to join Mr. Marcondes at the basketball courts for some "Street Hockey"! There will be two sessions, 3:00-4:00 will be an ALL age session and 4:00 to 5:00 will be for age 12 thru adults. How much fun does that sound?? Our first (unofficial) weekend of summer!! Join us Friday night at the outdoor theater for a "BLAST FROM THE PAST MOVIE". Saturday we'll be playing candy bingo, having a sand castle contest, ceramics, scavenger hunt, and Saturday night $$ BINGO. Also, every Saturday afternoon during our "Spring Fling" weekends, we invite all our kiddos and adults to join Mr. Marcondes at the basketball courts for some "Street Hockey"! On "Sunday/Funday", join us for a fishing derby, cook-out on the beach and our first of the season OUTDOOR DANCE with a live band....WELCOME BACK "UNPLUGGED"!! MAY 31st - JUNE 2nd KARAOKE WEEKEND and OUR FOURTH ANNUAL SUPER SOUP CONTEST! Join us for our first of two Karaoke Weekends this summer! Friday night $$ Bingo. Saturday Night "Kiddie Karaoke" starts at 7:30, Adult Karaoke begins at 9:00. This event is so popular, and it always amazes us how much talent our Maple Park Families have! If singing isn't your passion but cooking is, we will be having our Fourth Annual "Super Soup" Contest at 3:00 on Saturday! The competition field gets bigger every year! Just make a pot of your very best soup and our judges will be on hand to pick the "Super Soup" winner of 2019. This year we will be awarding Maple Park Gift Certificates for the 1st Place ($50.00), 2nd Place ($30.00) and 3rd place ($20.00) winners. After judging is over, we will invite our guests to sample the left-overs to see if they agree with the judge's decisions! Also, every Saturday afternoon during our "Spring Fling" weekends, we invite all our kiddos and adults to join Mr. Marcondes at the basketball courts for some "Street Hockey"! We have lots of family fun competitions and activities planned for this weekend such as a family scavenger hunt, "Human Hungry Hippo" (so much fun), "Family Feud" on the beach, family water balloon toss, "FUN IN THE SUN" Bingo and a dance at the Outdoor Theater with LOOSE SCREWS!! Also, every Saturday afternoon during our "Spring Fling" weekends, we invite all our kiddos and adults to join Mr. Marcondes at the basketball courts for some "Street Hockey"! Mom had her Special Day in May.... Now it's Dad's turn. Special kid's craft for Dad o n Saturday morning, PAINT PARTY FOR DAD IN THE LODGE...Just Kidding...actually we will be having a Tailgating Party at the Ball Field for Dad with a Cook-out, Horseshoe and Bocce ball tournaments beginning at 1:00, Mom and the Kid's Gift Bingo in the Lodge and Saturday night, "FUNHOUSE" will be back to entertain us!! FREE COFFEE AND PANCAKES AT THE COFFEE SHOP FOR ALL DADS ON SUNDAY MORNING!! JUNE 21st - 23RD PIRATE WEEKEND - SECOND KARAOKE NIGHT OF THE SEASON! Ahoy there Matey's...This weekend is all about PIRATES and "SINGIN' UP A STORM"!! Friday night we will have a special Pirate Pizza Party with a visit from a REAL, LIVE PIRATE!! (Advanced reservations required). Saturday, we invite ALL our guests to "walk the plank" for some "booty", possibly while "sword fighting" ....and did I mention in the water?? An afternoon "Pirate Bingo"...bring a wrapped gift ($2-$5 in value) but.....winners beware, the Pirates can steal your "booty"! Adults and teens are invited to participate in our "Pirate Ship" (kayak) races!! We have a special Pirate Treasure Hunt planned with a "boat-load" of treasure to the lucky winners. Saturday night we will be entertained with another fun-filled night of KARAOKE beginning at 7:30 with "KIDDIE KARAOKE" until 9:00 then moving on to "ADULT TIME" from 9:00-10:30. Hopefully, this gives all our "STARS" a chance to entertain us! (This date is subject to change depending on local cities and town's final day of classes due to snow days)Some of the great daily activities we have planned for this summer are ceramics, beach games, lunches and Friday Pizza Parties with our mascot Charlie, OUTDOOR MOVIES at our outdoor theater, special event nights, volleyball, and crafts for all ages. We will have morning cartoons, face painting, treasure and scavenger hunts,Candy Bar and Gift Bingo, Tie Dye and so much more! Rain or shine, we ALWAYS have a GREAT time here at Maple Park. We begin our weekend with a noontime Pizza Party with Charlie, ceramics and Friday night $$ Bingo. Saturday, join us for some tie-dye, ceramics, candy bingo and a Beach Dance with an AWESOME band FUNHOUSE! Sunday's highlights are an afternoon candy bingo and an Outdoor Movie at the Outdoor Theater. "MAGIC MONDAY"- An early evening Magic Show starring one of the very talented magicians from The Magic Company. "EXTRATERRESTRIAL TUESDAY", is all about Alien Adventures....believe it or not, it is actually WORLD UFO DAY today!! "WAY BACK WEDNESDAY - We are rolling back the prices on Kayak and Paddle Boats today, creating some COOL Tie Dye shirts and making some Pet Rocks. Root Beer and Creamsicle Floats are only a $1.00 today!! Tonight, we will be showing a "Blast from the Past" movie at the Outdoor Theater. Bell bottoms and Leisure Suits are optional!! On Thursday, July 4th, our HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA CELEBRATION begins with our Annual "Star-Spangled Parade", an "All American" Cook-out on the beach, our Annual Children's Presentation on the beach followed by our Floating Bonfire and Beach Dance. FABULOUS FRIDAY we planned a family scavenger hunt, a noontime Pizza Party with Charlie and Charlotte, Ceramics, and $$ Bingo. SATURDAY (7/6) we begin the day with our ANNUAL CRAFT/VENDOR FAIR and end the day with our 23RD ANNUAL TALENT SHOW - What would a summer at Maple Park be without our Annual Talent Show! Imagine it has been 23 years since we started this spectacular event!! If anyone has some old photos from Talent Shows in the past, please forward them to me either by text (5084930913) or email (AVACAL8@COMCAST.NET) or drop off pictures at the office and I can scan them. I will put a slide show together that everyone can enjoy before and after the show. Always a big hit for all our guests whether your talent is watching or participating!! A horseshoe tournament, sunflower seed spitting contest (believe it or not, they practice all year long for this event), "Battle of the Beans" contest on 2nd beach. Who will have the honor of making the best-baked beans this year?? $50.00 MP Gift Card to the 1st place winner!! A Country Western dance with A LIVE BAND, "Loose Screws", and YES, they really do play Country music, at the Outdoor Theater! COME ON DOWN and join the fun!! Yes!! A whole week of Christmas festivities. Every day we will make an ornament to hang on our tree. On Friday (July 19th) night we have a VERY SPECIAL tree lighting ceremony planned at the Outdoor Theater. Santa visits on Saturday night (July 20th) followed by a dance with MC Productions. (Parents must provide gifts for Santa's bag.) Site decorating contest, Polar Bear swim, Breakfast with a MAGIC SHOW, "Snowman" contest, Gift Bingo, "SNOWBALL" toss, and Red and Green tie-dye, are just some of the fantastic events of this week and the list goes on and on and on...OH, I FORGOT TO MENTION OUR "HILLARIOUS HOLIDAY T-Shirt CONTEST" If you don't have one, don't despair...bring a T-shirt to the Lodge Saturday Morning and we'll have supplies on hand to help you "Merry It Up"! This was such a spectacular week for all involved in years past that we have made it an annual event. This is a week of crafts, fun, comradery, and spirituality for all children ages 5 to 18. Non-Denominational, Non-Discriminatory, just an atmosphere of acceptance and Love of God. Bienvenido campista!! Welcome Campers!! A "Jumping Bean" Contest, Pinatas', "Taco Bar" and Cook-Out on the Beach, and a Beach Dance with "UNPLUGGED" are just a few of the highlights of this weekend. Sign up for our Annual Chili Cook-off Contest and be crowned the Chili King or Queen of 2018!! Competition is tough - start "Googling" your recipes now!! If Nachos are your passion, we'll be having a "Supreme Nacho Contest" too!! YUM!! Join us for our 13TH Annual Mardi Gras!! Decorate your floats...golf carts, wagons, bikes, strollers, etc..... or help us decorate our Mardi Gras float and join us in our evening Mardi Gras parade. Prizes for best Mardi Gras "Floats". Kids and adults will be decorating their masks for our Saturday Night Mardi Gras Ball featuring our FAVORITE Mardi Gras Band on the beach...."TIMELINE" (formerly Mojo Mambo). Welcome Back Guys!! This weekend is all about "FUN IN THE SUN"!! We have lots of beach activities planned such as a water balloon toss, Hula Hoop contest (kids and adults), tug o' war in the water, Kayak races, WATER volleyball, Beach Bingo, etc. Just plan on having lots of fun and getting a "little" wet during the day AND dancing the night away one of the spectacular DJ's from MC Productions!! You can also "LOCK UP A LOVED ONE ON THE ISLAND" this weekend. All "BAIL" $$, yes, you must eventually post bail, will be donated to our 2019 Maple Park Cares for Kids Charity (to be announced). Last year we raised $2,000 for the Tommorrow Fund. A full weekend of every kind of BINGO imaginable! (AND WE REALLY STRETCHED OUR IMAGINATIONS FOR THIS ONE!) What you will need are: school supplies, groceries, $3.00+ gift, gardening items, a $3.00+ toy, $$, and candy. This year since we will be having Family $$ Bingo on Friday night, on Saturday night we will have a special early evening (6:30) Toy/Gift Bingo for the FAMILY and $$ Bingo will be for the Adults (18+) beginning at 8:30. FOR BINGO LOVERS.....this is the BEST weekend of the summer!! AUGUST 23rd - 25th 5th ANNUAL CLASSIC CAR SHOW!! This was such a huge success last year!! We have lots of vendors, food trucks and some spectacular cars, trucks and tractors on display. LOOSE SCREWS will be entertaining us at the show and at the outdoor theater in the evening, Check back for more information on this event!! It is something you will not want to miss!! . This weekend is highlighted by our annual Craft Fair/Flea Market (8/31). New crafters/vendors are always welcome. $$ Bingo is on Saturday night. We also have kid's crafts, a horseshoe tournament, movies, softball, volleyball, FIRE TRUCK rides, etc. and our END OF SUMMER FAMILY FUN DAY with Games, Bounce House and Cotton Candy, followed by our ANNUAL GOLF CART SHOW AND PARADE and Farewell Summer Dance with "FUNHOUSE" (9/1). Also, last year we had our FOURTH Annual "Maple Park Cares" Event beginning in August and ending on Columbus Day Weekend. We raised $2,000 for THE TOMORROW FUND!! Proceeds from this weekend's FAMILY FUN DAY will be going toward this year's charity in hopes of matching or beating our 2018 total. Limited Activities will be offered during these weekends but TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE WARM FALL WEATHER TO WALK THE CAPE COD CANAL OR VISIT THE CHRISTMAS TREE SHOPS ON THE CAPE. See office for directions and a list of LOCAL EVENTS which will be available for the month of September. SEPTEMBER 6TH - 8TH GRANDPARENTS WEEKEND - We have some truly "GRAND" activities planned for this weekend including an "OLDIES" dance with MC Productions!! Unfortunately, after almost 50 years in operation, the Bourne Scallop Festival does not take place anymore...However, let's have our own "SEAFOOD FESTIVAL" at Maple Park. On September 21st, we will start our day with a beach-inspired craft, followed by a "Chowder Contest" ($50. Gift Card for 1st, Place, $30. For 2nd and $20. For 3rd) at noon, an ocean-themed paint party for kids and adults, and a "Seafood Pot Luck Supper" at 6:00. I'll be serving up some spaghetti with white clam sauce and garlic bread. What is everyone else bringing?? Chowder, cod fish cakes, Shrimp Mozambique, fish sticks, clam cakes, even tuna salad sandwiches would work! To top off this spectacular day, how about a fun night of KARAOKE?? OH YAH!!! SEPTEMBER 28th DANCE WITH "UNPLUGGED" Join us on October 5th for a SPECIAL HALLOWEEN EVENT FOR OUR FABULOUS FALL GUESTS WHO WILL BE LEAVING US ON SUNDAY! On Saturday afternoon, beginning at 3:30, we invite all Ghosts, Goblins, Princesses, Pirates, Zombies, etc. to join us in a costume parade followed by Site to Site Trick or Treating throughout the campground. Saturday Night, "LOOSE SCREWS" will be entertaining us in the Lodge. Costumes optional but WELCOME!! Site to Site Trick or Treating, pumpkin decorating contest, Halloween crafts, Scary movie, our Annual Adult Only Night with Harry French on Friday night, Columbus Day Weekend Craft Fair on Saturday (new crafters are always welcome), Our 6th Annual Harvest Carnival which is always a spectacular event, Our 52nd Annual Chicken BBQ catered by TAZZ BBQ (10/13), followed by our FINAL DANCE (can't believe it's over) OF THE 2019 SEASON with MC Productions!! Advance reservations required for Chicken BBQ!! THIS IS ALSO THE FINAL WEEKEND OF OUR "MAPLE PARK CARES" EVENT. SPECIAL RAFFLES AND OUR SPECTACULAR "PATH OF PUMPKINS FOR A CURE" WILL BE HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS WEEKEND. REMEMBER, LAST YEAR WE RAISED $2,000 for THE TOMORROW FUND!! A GREAT, BIG THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS CAMPERS! Once again, will choose a local charity near and dear to our hearts. Our hope is to match or beat that donation in 2019!
The effect of increasing class size in tertiary education is not well understood. This column estimates the effects of class size on students’ exam performance by comparing the same student’s performance to her own performance in courses with small and large class sizes. Going from the average class of 56 to a class size of 89 would decrease the mark by 9% of the observed variation in marks within a given student. The effect is almost four times larger for students in the top 10%. The organisation of university education is increasingly in the spotlight, both in academic and policy circles. Recent research has stressed the importance of higher education in providing positive externalities within firms (Moretti 2004), within local labour markets (Glaeser et al. 1992), and in fostering economy wide growth (Aghion et al. 2007). Concurrently, most OECD countries have adopted policies that have led to dramatic increases in university enrolment during the last decade. The average annual increase in university enrolment in OECD countries during the period 1995-2005 was above 4%. In the UK, this growth has occurred at both the undergraduate and graduate level, as shown in Figure 1, and across a wide range of universities. The UK is actually at the low end of enrolment growth within the OECD. Between 1998 and 2005, the US experienced a 30% increase in student enrolment, for example. Such breathtaking increases in enrolment inevitably lead to university students facing larger class sizes. The effect of increasing class size in tertiary education is not well understood. To address this policy question, we estimate the impact of class size on the final exam marks of graduate students in a leading UK university between 1999 and 2004 (Bandiera et al. 2010). As we observe the same student being exposed to very different class sizes, we estimate the effects of class size on students’ exam performance by comparing the same student’s performance to her own performance in courses with small and large class sizes.2 It is important to stress that, on average, most of the variation in marks is due to fixed students’ characteristics and not university inputs.3 On average the performance of a given students only varies by around 7% of the average mark across her courses. We shed light on how much of this within-student difference is attributable to differing class sizes the student faces. The effect of class size on students’ performance is – as expected – negative; students do worse in big classes. Namely, a given student receives lower marks in courses with larger classes, everything else equal. To get a sense of the magnitude of this effect, our estimates imply that a one standard deviation increase in class size from the mean (that is going from the average class of 56 to a class size of 89) would decrease the mark by 9% of the observed variation in marks within a given student. These estimates, however, mask two important forms of heterogeneity: (i) the impact of class size varies across the range of class sizes; (ii) the effect of class size varies across students. On the first form of heterogeneity, the negative effect of class size on student exam performance is large and negative only in the smallest and the largest classes. There is no class size effect across a wide range of intermediate class sizes. The magnitudes imply that moving the average student from a class of 10 to a class of 25 leads to a drop in exam performance of around 12.5% of within-student standard deviation. Increasing the class size from 25 to 45 determines a further 12.5% drop. In contrast, there is no impact in a wide intermediate range, while moving from 80 to 150 determines a further drop of 25% in the within-student standard deviation. If moved from a very small class (of size 10) to a very large class (of size 150), the average student can be expected to suffer a loss corresponding to about 50% of the overall variation in exam marks the average student experiences across all of her courses. The second form of heterogeneity concerns students’ ability. Students at the top of the mark distribution are those most affected by class size. The effect is almost four times larger for students in the top 10% of the distribution of exam marks than for students at the bottom 10%, and about 50% larger than the average student. This heterogeneity is most apparent in the largest classes and virtually non-existent for a range of intermediate class sizes. This implies the highest-ability students would benefit the most, in terms of academic achievement, from any reduction in class sizes, when class sizes are initially very large. To shed light on the underlying mechanisms for the class-size effect, our analysis uses information on teachers' assignments to classes and on students' characteristics. We find no evidence that departments purposefully assign faculty of differing quality to different class sizes, and we find no evidence that faculty members alter their behaviour when exposed to different class sizes. It appears that the preparation and delivery of lectures is independent of the number of students taught. On student characteristics, the class-size effect does not vary with proxies for students' wealth. Hence if larger classes resulted in lower grades because students had more limited access to library books or computer laboratories, the effect should have been smaller for students who can purchase these inputs privately. Moreover, the class-size effect does not vary with student's familiarity with this particular university as an undergraduate or with the UK system generally. This casts doubts on the relevance of mechanisms that work through the information students have, such as their awareness of other local resources (for example other libraries in the area), or their knowledge of the characteristics of faculty, courses, or departments. Against a backdrop of rapidly increasing enrolment rates in tertiary education, our analysis has important policy implications. Class size matters for student performance and particularly for the most able students. However, reducing class size is not always an effective strategy and is certainly not effective for all students in the same way. Reducing the size of very large modules (above 100) could be a cost-effective way to improve students’ performance. For modules in the range 30-100 reducing class size could be a rather ineffective strategy, while for classes below 30 it could be a valid but not necessarily cost-effective strategy. Attention should be devoted to other inputs in such cases, and more refined and cost-effective solutions than pure number counting should be identified. To this end, it is important to have a better understanding of the mechanisms that link class size and performance. Although student-to-staff ratio is a commonly used indicator of quality both in national and international comparisons, this might be a noisy measure of quality over this intermediate range of class sizes.4 Given the mechanisms our data rule outs, there appear to be at least two ways that larger classes reduce students' performance. First, changes in student behaviour such as their attentiveness or participation. Second, reduced resource availability, such as library books or faculty time during office hours. As the best students are the most affected, that could imply that large classes induce a reduction in tutoring activity rather than a substantial deterioration in classroom conditions. It is reasonable to expect that the best students are able to compensate classroom deterioration at least as well as other students. However, the best students are also those that benefit the most (in terms of both learning and motivation) from contact with teachers. They, therefore, suffer the most in terms of reduced performance when such contacts or tailored feedback is less frequent. 1 This is particularly evident in the UK, where concerns on the increasing student-to-staff ratios in higher education institutions have recently been expressed in a report of the Department for Innovation, Universities, and Skills and by the most important unions of university teachers. 2 Our estimates are therefore purged from confounding effects that arise because students choose which modules to take. For instance, if more able students were to choose smaller classes, a cross-student comparison would capture both the effect of class size and the effect of student ability. The within-student comparison only captures the former. 3 Characteristics like ability and motivation are certainly affected by previous experiences and schooling, but they can be taken as given for what concerns university policy. 4 This choice is somehow justified by the fact that, in order to evaluate teaching quality, the student to staff ratio probably remains the only globally available and comparable indicator. Aghion, P., L. Boustan, C. Hoxby, and J. Vandenbussche (2007), “Exploiting States' Mistakes to Identify the Causal Impact of Higher Education on Growth”, mimeo, Harvard University. Angrist, J. and V. Lavy (1999), "Using Maimonides' Rule to Estimate the Effect of Class Size on Scholastic Achievement", Quarterly Journal of Economics 114: 533-75. Bandiera, O., V. Larcinese and I. Rasul (2010), “Heterogeneous Class Size Effects: New Evidence from a Panel of University Students”, forthcoming, Economic Journal. Glaeser, E. L., H. D. Kallal, J. Scheinkman, and A.Shleifer (1992), "Growth in Cities", Journal of Political Economy 100: 1126-51. Hoxby, C. (2000), "The Effects of Class Size on Student Achievement: New Evidence from Natural Population Variation", Quarterly Journal of Economics 116: 1239-86. Krueger, A. (1999), "Experimental Estimates of Education Production Functions", Quarterly Journal of Economics 114: 497-532. Moretti, E. (2004), "Workers' Education, Spillovers and Productivity: Evidence from Plant-Level Production Functions", American Economic Review 94: 656-90.
Family mediation is a way of helping families to reach agreements about what should happen after separation or divorce. It is an increasingly popular alternative to asking the court to make decisions about family issues. Every day, family mediation helps couples who are in the process of separating or divorcing to decide what to do about the house, the children, the assets, the debts, and can help everyone in the family to establish new working relationships. If you want to know more, it may be worth checking out our article, Mediation is not . . . I have concerns about being in the same room as my former partner. The government and many judges believe that more people should use family mediation, to avoid the expense, delays and conflict often associated with going to court. Family mediation is now an official part of the Family Justice System because most people who want to ask the courts to make a decision about a family issue now have to see an authorised family mediator first, to find out more about family mediation and other alternatives to court. These meetings are called Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings, or MIAMs. If you are not sure whether or not family mediation would be a good option for your family, it is probably a good idea to go to one of these meetings, to talk to a mediator about your personal situation. What issues can family mediation deal with? All FMA members have been trained to mediate the full range of issues associated with divorce and separation, including children, communication, division of capital and other financial concerns. FMA mediators have a particular interest in and commitment to working co-operatively with other specialists – legal, therapy and financial (including pension) experts. Each FMA mediator meets regularly with her or his professional supervisor, working closely with the supervisor to ensure that the FMA’s high standards are maintained. There are FMA mediators throughout England and Wales. You can find your local FMA mediators by using the FMA’s Find a Mediator service. Many FMA mediators offer special services, so it may be worth thinking about what your family particularly needs from a family mediator before making your choice. It is very important to find a qualified mediator, whatever their background. Qualified mediators have successfully completed a recognised training course, and each year they must complete a certain amount of training, satisfy a professional supervisor that they are working to certain standards, and work the required number of mediation hours. Qualified mediators must also have appropriate professional insurance. Are you planning to pay for the mediation yourself, or are you entitled to help with payment because you are on a low income? If you are paying privately you need to check the rates your local mediators charge for mediation session. Some charge an hourly rate, some charge on a sessional, or case basis. Most mediators also charge for the assessment meetings that take place before the mediation begins. The rates that family mediators charge are generally much lower than the rates that family lawyers charge, but it is always very important to be clear from the beginning how much you are going to be charged, and what the mediator charges for. If you have a low income and relatively low capital, you may be entitled to legal aid. As you probably know legal aid is no longer available for most family matters that go to court, but it is still available for family mediation. You should look for a mediator who is specially qualified to offer legal aid mediation. The mediator will help you to work out if you are entitled to legal aid, and if you are, your mediator will then ask the Legal Aid Agency to fund your mediation. If later on you want to turn your mediation proposals into an agreement, your family mediator can sometimes arrange for legal aid to pay for you to get some help from a solicitor as well. Not all FMA members are qualified to offer legal aid mediation. Our website shows who does legal aid work and who does not; if you think you may be entitled to legal aid, but aren’t sure, it is usually best to find a mediator who is qualified to offer legal aid. All FMA members will do their best to suggest a local mediator who can help you. Do you think it may help for your children to be consulted within the mediation? Many FMA members are specially qualified to involve children directly in family mediations. There are many things to think about when deciding whether or not it is appropriate for an individual child to be involved directly, which will have to be talked through by both parents, and with the mediator, but involving children can be very useful if the right preparation is done. The government has said that it believes all children above the age of 10 should have an opportunity to see a mediator if their parents are using mediation to make decisions about child arrangements. If you are interested in involving a child in the mediation you can look for a mediator who is trained to work directly with children. However, the mediator who works with the parents doesn’t have to be the same mediator who meets with the child, so you could opt for a mediator who isn’t qualified to see children directly, and ask the mediator you choose to find you a mediator who is qualified to meet children. FMA mediators all understand how child-inclusive mediation works, even if they do not do this work themselves, and will be able to talk through the options with you. FMA mediators will be very happy to talk to you about the different kinds of family mediation that are available, and will be able to advise you about the one that is best suited to you. After the assessment meetings have taken place, the normal process in this country involves two adult clients meeting with a qualified mediator together in one room, and all three people talking through the issues and the possible solutions together. This process is described in more detail in steps 4-6, but in outline the normal process involves from 1 to 6 sessions, depending on the number of issues that need to be discussed and how complex or difficult the issues are; each session usually lasts between one and a half and two hours. With the client’s agreement the mediator may invite other people into the process if that seems helpful, for example a pensions expert or a family therapist; other professionals invited to take part might attend the mediation sessions, or they might set up separate sessions of their own. One of the most common alternatives to sole mediation involves two adult clients meeting with two qualified mediators together in one room, and all four people talking through the issues and the possible solutions together. The FMA was founded as a co-mediation organisation, FMA members are all trained to co-mediate, and most of our members are very happy to work as co-mediators. Some mediators use co-mediation only occasionally, when they think it will be especially useful to have one mediator per client. Other mediators use co-mediation in almost every case, because they prefer working in this way. It is very common for co-mediators to be a man and a woman, and/or for them to be from different backgrounds (for example one from a legal background and one from a therapy/counselling background). Another way of working is to use two rooms. The two adult clients each stay in their own separate room, and the mediator or mediators ‘shuttle’ between them. There is no face to face communication between the clients, so this kind of mediation doesn’t help to develop better communication in the way that other forms of mediation can, but it can be a good way to help clients negotiate safely. Shuttle mediation sessions usually take longer than other mediation sessions. Sometimes lawyers are involved in this form of mediation, each person bringing his or her own lawyer and consulting with them about the options available as the mediation progresses. Sessions involving lawyers, sometimes known as caucus mediations, are more expensive, and tend to take quite a long time (half a day or even more). FMA members often participate in shuttle mediations, and are comfortable inviting lawyers, and indeed other professionals, into the process. This is an approach that can be combined with any of the other methods. In it, a child who wants to be involved in the process talks with a specially qualified child consultant mediator. The parents agree in advance that this meeting is confidential between the child and the mediator, and unless any child protection issues arise, the mediator will only tell the parents what the child has agreed should be passed on. If the mediator working with the parents is a child consultant mediator, the child can meet with the same mediator who is working with the parents, but quite often it is a different mediator. Consultations usually last about 45 minutes with each child and children are usually aged 10 or above, but in some circumstances younger children may be seen. Many FMA mediators are qualified to do this specialist work. Many mediators use a combination of the different kinds of mediation mentioned above. Family mediators are trained to tailor the process to the specific needs of your family, so don’t be surprised if the process your mediator uses looks a little different to those you have read about. Family mediation is developing all the time, and sometimes borrows different styles from other forms of mediation, including mediation techniques used in non-family property disputes and some variations used in other countries. Provided the core principles are respected, your family mediator is free to work in a creative way to make sure that the family mediation process chosen for you will suit your personal circumstances. It’s important that you feel comfortable with the process. Your mediator will explain how it works before you begin, but here is our overview of how the process works. Every mediation will begin with an assessment meeting. Many people have separate assessment meetings some time before the first joint session. Some people prefer to come together to the assessment meeting, with a joint session following straight afterwards if their case is suitable for mediation. FMA members usually offer both types of assessment, but whichever type is chosen there always has to be some opportunity for the mediator to talk separately to each person. This is so that the mediator can ask some confidential questions designed to find out whether there are any special issues that need to be taken into consideration. Often the same mediator will be involved throughout, but sometimes one mediator meets with each person at the assessment stage, and then a different mediator conducts the actual mediation. At the very beginning of the actual mediation, the mediator will ask you both to sign an agreement to mediate, after checking with both of you that you understand what it says and that you both know how mediation works. The agreement to mediate is a standard document, used by all qualified family mediators, and is something that is required by the Family Mediation Council, which regulates all family mediators. The mediation cannot go ahead unless the agreement to mediate has been signed. During the mediation your mediator will give you useful information about how to deal with financial issues, how to deal with children issues, relevant legal principles, the court process, court orders, and how to contact other agencies and specialists who may be able to help. The mediator will ask you important questions about what ideas you have about the future, and about what is worrying you about the present. They may even talk a little about what has gone wrong in the past, although the problems of the past are not the main focus of mediation. The mediator will also set the rules he or she expects everyone to follow. These will include speaking and listening to each other with respect, and working with the mediator to make sure that conflict and any strong emotions that emerge during the mediation don’t overwhelm the process. Most family mediators work in a relatively informal setting, and all qualified family mediators provide clients with a relaxed and secure environment. During the session, the mediator will record key pieces of information or ideas or particular options in a way that allows both of you to see what has been written and to comment on it. Usually the mediator will use a flip-chart to do this, but many also use more modern technology. You will be encouraged to ask questions and discuss what is being written down. If you don’t understand something that is being said by anyone in the room, or don’t understand something that has been written on the flip-chart by the mediator, it is very important to say so. It is the mediator’s job to help. Your mediator will be keeping an eye on how you are feeling, but if you start to feel uncomfortable or worried about anything, you should let the mediator know. Decide the priority of the issues. Some issues are more pressing than others and need to be resolved first, e.g., short-term financial arrangements, holidays, contact. Clarify the issues: sometimes it is not certain what is really in dispute and clarifying the issues avoids misunderstandings. At the end of the mediation process your mediator will explain to you how to obtain legal advice about any proposals the two of you have produced together and how you may convert them into a legally binding agreement and/or a court order. Proposals relating to children often do not need to be turned into a court order, but proposals relating to finances almost always should be. If you have not been able to find any mutually acceptable proposals, your mediator will explain to you what your options are at this stage, including negotiation through other means, arbitration and court proceedings. Although the mediator will never instruct you to do something, they may suggest that you take further advice, for example that you consult with a tax or pensions specialist, or with a family lawyer, before making any decisions.
Every month at 3 PM IST (India Time) on payday, the recreational area at Net Solutions’ Chandigarh campus comes alive. No, people are not lining up with their environmentally friendly bags to collect bundles of cash. Salary disbursement is electronic and always has been. In fact, we are strong proponents of Prime Minister Modi’s vision of a #cashless India. Why then, one wonders, are the people huddling on payday? It’s surely not to discuss climate change and its effect on bird migration. The real answer is a bummer. People line up to collect their pay slips. #incomprehensible #areyoukiddingme. Yes, I’m with you. There are many hashtags that can be used to describe this ritual. A company that counts Xerox, Microsoft, Yahoo, HBR and Haymarket among its clients, this does not add up. The story starts much earlier than this. Most organizations, especially enterprises, have grown organically over the years. Net Solutions, too, has had a similar journey. 2017 is our 17th year of existence. We started at a modest facility (Sameer’s garage really) with a few people and even fewer execution tricks. Today, we have a state-of-the-art delivery center at Information Technology Park. Infosys is one of our neighbors (we have a better view of the Shivalik foothills than they do). It has been a journey full of positive experiences and challenges. We sorted out most of the teething issues as we grew over the years and digitized almost everything. Yes, salary slips weren’t a priority and probably still are not; we will take care of them, eventually. The glass is half full, people. As a Product Development company that specializes in Digital Customer Experience curation and management, we have two facets. For the lack of creative nomenclature, let us call them: internal and external. The external experiences have always been top drawer. Right from that first call, logging the notes in Sales Force, conversion of the lead into an opportunity, closing the opportunity, Business Analysis, project execution and management, quality control, automated release management and iterative delivery of MVP/MVE, we have it covered. All electronic. All cutting edge. But, that is not what we will discuss today. We want to talk about the internal experiences. Our workforce. The folks who make us who we are. What sort of an experience do we get? Biometric attendance, fiddle with tens of internal IT systems, fill time sheets, hop on calls with our partners (clients if it is unclear), interact with various teams (HR, Finance, Facility Admin, Sales, Pre-Sales, PMO, CX, UX, UI, Tech Leads, Product Management, Labs etc.), consume calories, hydrate, exercise, engage in mild gossip by the water cooler (alright, alright, full gossip), power nap in the recovery room, 1­-on-1 meetings with managers, career planning meetings, strategy meetings, training sessions, Wisdom Wednesdays, Digital Fridays, playing with the little ones at the on­site nursery, and much more. Phew. So many experiences. These have to planned, managed, tracked, optimized, and delivered. We would have no moral authority to build Digital Experience Platforms for our partners if we could not build one for our workforce. With this vision, a couple of years ago, we started unifying the experiences at our workplace. All those disparate experiences then started becoming Digital Experiences at Workplace. The journey has been… unique. Inertia is one tough, son of a gun. People get used to doing things, however inefficient they may be. Identifying change agents and having people rally around them is easier said than done. Digitizing institutional memory is very important, especially for a company like ours where the median tenure of an employee is 10 years. That’s right, people do not seem to want to move out from here. We are like those kids who never outgrow their parental home. Lazy bums. Jokes aside, we have had the need for that single source of truth that not only replaced those tens of IT systems that we had gotten used to, but also held everything that we considered sacrosanct in one place: our institutional memory, our engagements and interactions with each other, and a seamless way to go about our day­-to-­day at work. Problem statements, meet the solution [drum rolls]: Grid. As misplaced as the name sounds (since there is nothing to do with the literal or figurative [if any] meaning of the word), it encompasses the solution that we have created as an answer to our internal incoherence. Chest thumping and swagger aside, an intelligent reader might ask, what does it really do, dude? Yes, we chose to eat this frog. (If you want to learn more about frogs and why you should eat them, take a look: https://goo.gl/JBHgmI). It seemed like a logical thing to do. We had tens of IT systems, we could not replace them all overnight. We went after the pain point. Multiple systems mean multiple accounts, which translates into every individual needing to remember those many passwords. The smart ones just use 123456 as a password for all their accounts. The not­ so ­smart ones create secure passwords that are at least 10 characters in length, and contain numbers and special characters. We then write these passwords on a post­-it note and stick it on our workstation monitors. Easy. God knows why people complain about password management. How are you feeling? I am okay. Next day, how are you feeling? I am happy. Three mornings later, how are you feeling? I am groggy. Who wants to keep a manual record of how everyone is feeling in the organization at any given point in time? More importantly, is it even recordable? This needs to be done. Call it employee morale management, Sentiment Analysis or anything else that rocks your boat. The fact is, human resources are the most expensive investment for any organization and they need to be taken care of. Not just by doling out free lunches or planting expensive coffee machines (they certainly help), but by going into the psyche of human behavior and aspirations, and bridging the emotional disconnect. Our implementation features logging of sentiment during work hours (and off­work hours if one chooses to share that they slept on the couch). Our Analytics engine then operationalizes the mathematical model (hand-crafted by our Data Scientists sitting in the House-of-the-Lords Labs area) over the data sets to identify areas where we need to bolster our defenses and make the workplace more hospitable. Since our workforce does not believe in attrition, we might as well make sure they are happy during their decade-long pit stops with us. Sadly (or fortunately, whatever your taken on this is), we do not venture into fixing the couch fiascos. Our engagement program includes rewards and recognition in the form of popular choice (peer to peer) and critics choice (ahem, HR) awards. Folks earn points for contributing to the learning ecosystem in the form of blogs, knowledge sharing sessions, hackathons, critiquing posts, etc. It all links together (now this is the only known instance of validation of the name Grid) into a social network. In fact, a few weeks ago, our engine detected a few people trading appreciation notes to notch up points on the leaderboard (shame, shame [Game of Thrones, anyone?]). The engagement grew further after an incremental product release where we disclosed how people have fared on the leaderboard over the months. Darn peepers. The more graphs we release, engagement goes up each time. People love to know what others are doing. Zuckerberg beat us to this revelation by 13 years. Alas. All fun and no work makes Net Solutions an unprofitable enterprise. In the spirit of getting paid for an honest day’s work, we need to manage our assets and­ the so called institutional memory. We built the DAM module to manage our memory bank and regulate its access through RBAC (role based access control). In fact, RBAC is in the foundation of Grid. People can be given privileges to perform a variety of functions and these privileges can be upgraded and downgraded on demand, without the person having to…..wait for it…..wait for it…..without having to logout and back in for the updated permissions to kick in. These assets can be organized around a partner project, an internal initiative or anything in between. No more tossing documents over Skype or e­mail. We realized that we were tired of sending companywide e­mails that in essence were “this is to inform you that Nyquist won’t be running in Preakness Stakes this year.” Boring. Drab. Dull. Stoic. Yada yada yada. We want emotions pouring in, a way for people to engage in a community dialogue and not let announcements be a monologue. We created a module that lets relevant stakeholders (nah, we aren’t publicly traded, yet) announce their bit, ruffle some feathers and kick back with a beer and watch the fun. People, given an opportunity, can be pretty darn vocal about how they feel about things. We try to keep it civil but many a toupee have been lost in skirmishes. Polls and surveys live in Grid’s arsenal to solicit feedback with a positive intent to course correct, hear back from those we do not speak of and let the system balance monarchy and democracy. Certain polls have been very successful. In one such instance, people voted in favor of improving food options at our on­ premise restaurant by including “nicer delicacies,” AND also voted to reduce the meal price. Sky Chef gracefully declined to be our in­-house meals service provider. Where there are humans or machines, there are problems. If you remember any of the team names that were mentioned during early parts of this blog, you would have identified that some teams exist to work behind the scenes to keep the ecosystem running flawlessly. These teams -­ HR, Finance, IT, Facility Management make sure the rest of us can focus on our work without having to worry. Things still go wrong though, and when they do, we don’t want to breathe down their neck or keep calling them till the time all coyotes have been shooed away from the premises. We have an electronic ticket logging and management system that folks use to raise their issues. Since Grid is powered by RBAC, we can easily add / change first responders and create escalation queues to ensure timely resolution of all tickets logged. Descriptive Analytics and a variety of reports (Aging, TTL, MTBF etc.) ensure everyone is on their A­-game. Bite me Zendesk. With Grid, one of the focus areas has been to give everyone the information they need to do their jobs while keeping it fun and engaging. With blue collars getting what they need, the white collars also need something. Monarchy and Democracy need to be balanced, remember? The CXO dashboard gives the economic view on the projects being developed. Which projects are in red vs black? Which projects have the most number of bugs open? Which projects are unlikely to meet the timelines and do we send nine potential mothers to create that baby in one month? There are plenty of other markers, several proprietary, which I cannot discuss here. The idea being that this dashboard provides an unadulterated, unfiltered view of what’s happening on the floor. Those found guilty are called for an inquest on Fridays. This, ladies and gents, is our Grid. There are companion mobile apps for iOS and Android distributed through Enterprise deployment. There are several other components of Grid such as Predictive Analytics, Forecasting, Profitability Metrics etc., which I will cover in another post, someday.
My blog this week was to be an essay on the similarities between my memoir of my two years teaching English and living in Kazakhstan as an older, married Peace Corps volunteer (At Home on the Kazakh Steppe) and Kathy Pooler’s memoir of living in and escaping from domestic violence, twice (Ever Faithful to His Lead). Nice young ladies don’t complain. Neither of us was willing to risk the relationship we had by speaking our truth, out loud. Good girls play nice. They go along. The blog, though, wasn’t coming together. Instead, it rambled, it bogged down, or it was confusing. Still, I forged ahead. I had a deadline to meet. Stiff upper lip. With this last one I stopped, realizing I was in the midst of making that same mistake again. What I was ignoring — a trauma I’d experienced only a few days before — wasn’t going away. And it was affecting my ability to concentrate or attend to what was in front of me, this blog being only the most obvious. The real story for today had to be what was going on for me tonight, as I write this blog on December 8. Wednesday night, December 3, on our way home from a chorus rehearsal of The Messiah, Woody and I had an accident. We skidded on black ice and totaled our pickup truck. The GMC Sierra rolled over a few times, slid down an embankment, and landed on the driver’s side door. I had initially been unaware Woody had lost control. Engrossed in my cell phone as we sped up the highway, my first indication something was amiss was the sudden jarring motion as the car skidded. I saw the road swerve before me as in one of those slow motion scenes in earthquake documentaries. I fully expected him to bring the truck back under control. “Don’t overcorrect,” I told him. Twice. I thought it would help. Then I watched out my side window as a reflector along the shoulder came racing toward me. I knew we were going over the embankment just beyond it. And I had no idea how steep it was, or how long the fall would last, or what would finally bring the truck to a halt. I believed I could be meeting my death. But what I remember most was that in that moment I felt peaceful. It was out of my hands. I had given up trying to fix it; I’d let go of the outcome. There was nothing I could do and I knew it. I was certainly in the moment. But the moment didn’t last long. We rolled over at least twice; I heard glass break; the truck bounced a few times. Then there was silence. “Are you OK?” I asked Woody. “Yes. Are you?” he replied. I took a quick assessment. The truck had landed on its left side, on Woody’s driver’s side door. Our seat belts held us securely in our seats, which meant I was suspended a few feet above Woody. Both side windows were blown out and shards of glass plastered my face and neck. Woody also lay on his side, his left arm through the former window and onto the snow beneath him. Miraculously, neither of us had any injuries. But we were trapped in the cab and it would take nearly an hour for the rescue squad to cut us out and help us walk away. Neither of us panicked. I called 911 from the cell phone that I still clutched in my hand. “We’ve been in an accident,” I reported to the dispatcher, “Rt 91 Northbound.” I gave her our names and told her neither of us was injured, just unable to get out. She wanted our mile marker. Woody told me, “north of the Barnet exit.” She still wanted the mile marker. I had seen the legs of people walking around above us while I was on the phone. I’ve got this covered, I’d wanted to tell them. Really; there’s no need to stay. I asked them for the mile marker and someone knew it, so I passed it on to the dispatcher. Then I noticed my phone was low on battery so we hung up. I hadn’t even thought of that. But it explained the gusts of cold air that Woody was getting from beneath the car. “Woody’s shaking. He’s lying in the snow and he’s cold. I want to get him out.” I took off my hat and handed it to him. He’d lost his in the roll. Someone handed us a parka through my open window and I tried to get it over him, but my orientation was off. I’d think I was pushing it up onto his shoulder but I wasn’t even close; it would slide off. Eventually, we figured it out. I was glad the people were there. Even if none of them had a phone charger I could use. With the light from the wrecker upon it, our GMC Sierra lies on its side. It served us well. The state trooper was the first to arrive, delayed by the icy roads, he said. He bent low and peered into the cab through my husband’s missing window. “Put your car in park and give me the keys,” he said to Woody after asking us about injuries. The rescue squad came next; they’d all been at home, warm and comfortable before we slid off the road. The EMS crew was the final set to join; they wanted to know our medical history. Really. While I dangled midair in my seat belt, the only medical condition I could think of concerned my overactive bladder. After much analysis and discussion, the rescue crew cut the roof off the cab. This involved covering us with blankets so the glass from the front and rear windows that they needed to shatter first would not get in our faces. With the roof laid out on the snow, they guided us as we walked over it and up to the EMS van. Our vitals were taken. My blood pressure was twenty points higher than normal, Woody’s was forty. The crew said they weren’t concerned by that, but I noticed they took Woody’s again after a few minutes; it had come down 20 points. We chose not to go to the hospital and signed the necessary papers. Then, we waited in the trooper’s car for the wrecker that had to come. Our entourage had left and I watched from the front passenger seat as the trooper combed the hillside collecting the bags of stones we had had in the truck for winter ballast against the weight of the snow plow (at home in the barn on this night). After the trooper drove us home, Woody and I spent considerable time making sure we found all the remaining shards of glass. Really. My right ear was packed with glass but I had only a small puncture wound on my right pinky finger. Woody had his single puncture wound on his left ring finger. We felt immeasurably grateful and slept very well that night. For the next day and a half I believed that we’d escaped unscathed. I posted to one of my closed FB groups, We Love Memoirs, and got all the necessary support and sympathy I expected and wanted. We sang in the first concert of The Messiah that Friday night and talked with the folks from the two cars who had stopped. It had been traumatic for them as well. Saturday morning we drove into town to see the truck and collect those odds and ends that we wanted to hang onto. That afternoon I had a massage, then went food shopping, planning to get home in time to have a light supper and dress for the second of the three concerts that weekend. But as I shopped I got angrier and angrier. When I overheard a conversation between the two store employees and a policeman about a shopper, I complained. “That’s not a topic to be discussing where it can be overheard by a customer,” I told them in anger. They shrugged, but they stopped talking (though one of the managers rolled her eyes and mumbled under her breath at me). As I drove home I realized that the effects of the trauma I’d had just a few days before were beginning to show. “I’m staying home,” I told Woody when I got home. “I can’t go anywhere tonight.” I just wanted to stop moving. “I’m going,” he responded in an equally defiant tone. I ignored him. Eventually, as the reality sunk in, he admitted he’d also considered staying home. He just didn’t want to. I took a bubble bath; he watched Netflix. Sunday we felt well enough, even eager, to sing in the final concert, an afternoon event. I was glad we did. On Monday night, telling my hospice choir friends about it, I began to cry. I had no idea I was still so raw. When I didn’t think about it, I’d carry on as though nothing was amiss. When I thought about it, I’d break down. When I didn’t think about it, I’d snap at Woody and hear Woody snap back at me. When I thought about it, I’d cry. I have a hard time concentrating. My mind is scattered. I can’t settle into a routine. Writing this blog, as you now know, has been difficult. Cognitively, I know that I am grateful we were not seriously injured. But I don’t FEEL grateful. I feel outrage, fury. I want to hit something. I want to yell, to scream really. But I do neither. Instead, I write. I posted tonight to another closed FB group I’m on and am eager to hear from them. I talk on the phone to friends. I walk in the woods (on snow shoes). I take bubble baths. The anger comes in spurts. Unexpected spurts. And as quickly as it surfaces, it evaporates. I’m drinking lots of tea. I’m doing all the things I should be doing. I’m also playing computer solitaire like a junkie. Woody and I stopped talking about it. What more can we say? Don’t just do something; sit there. And that is exactly what I will do. I will allow myself time to wind my way through the many layers that have formed. And, later, after we know what the insurance company will allow, I will help Woody find himself a new truck. Time changes the needs of people. It had a picture of an hour glass and a long, winding road in the background. I haven’t thought of it in years. With time, I feel myself back in my own skin once again. But I’m different too. From the policeman at the food store talking out of turn, to my mother last week saying something I thought insensitive, to a woman in my recent writer’s group this week interrupting someone I wanted to hear, my reactions are different than they would have been just a few weeks ago. I’m speaking out, standing up, letting my reality be known. Whether its because I realize my time on this earth really is limited (and precious) or something else, I don’t even try to know. What I do know is that I felt peaceful at the moment I thought I was facing my death. And that is a gift. As is our ability to replace our Sierra with a shiny new toy. In 2000, my husband and I had a car accident and was lucky to be alive. It changed the both of us. Our whole outlook on life has changed since then. We appreciate each other more but I also use that for my decision making. When I don’t want to do something, I ask myself – If the one I loved died tomorrow, would I have regrets? If the answer is no, I don’t do it. If the answer is yes, I grin and bear it while I do it. Many of the little things that used to irritate me don’t any more because in the grand scheme of things – who really cares? I fight the fights that are important to me even if I feel it is a losing battle because it feels right to me. My sense of what is important has changed. Now we do a lot of traveling and meeting new friends. Life is too short so I need to get busy enjoying it! I’m so glad y’all are okay! Give yourself time for everything to make sense again. Hi Pat. Yes, time. That is the great healer. Thanks for stopping and adding your thoughts. Btw, I’m going to send your website address to my colleagues in Kazakhstan; you can offer them an interesting new perspective on teaching. I take walks along the beach and sing to the top of my lungs. A great release allowing fresh thoughts and ideas. Why do you think you feel angry? Hi Susan, I thought of you when I read the news recently of the contingent going to Uraguay. I need to learn more of your adopted land. In my mind I lump it in with Paraguay, something akin to American lumping all the Stans together. As for the why, I can only say that I’m more focused on feeling the anger, on experiencing it, “honoring” it if you will. If I start to analyze it, I find myself going into my head and then I don’t feel it so much anymore. It really doesn’t matter to me so much, but honoring it, getting it out does. And, as I write these words, I have to say I’m not feeling it at the moment. As I wrote below, sometimes one trauma can raise old traumas never fully healed, so that’s a possibility. Oh, Janet, your post took my breath away. I am so glad you and Woody were not physically injured. Trauma like that is not easy to just set aside to go away on its own. It will be with you for a while. Speaking and writing about it is the best medicine for now. Do not ignore it. I pray your holidays will be filled with healing and peace. Yes Joan, that’s another gift I have, that I can write about it and I have people in my life who (seem to) never tire of hearing the tale. Telling our stories of trauma, at all levels, is healing. That and hot baths (though someone on facebook did warn that too hot baths seem to be related to stroke, particularly after a physical trauma, so they are no longer so hot). And I also know that each tragedy or loss reignites those that may still lie unresolved, so I’ve got much to chew on since this happened. Thanks for your support. Oh Janet, thank God you and Woody survived such a frightening ordeal. It’s amazing how near-death experiences wake us up to what really matters. When I was diagnosed with a life-threatening disease in 1996, my life came to a complete halt but in that halt, I learned a very important lesson–life is short and don’t sweat the small stuff. Enjoy the moments and yes. don’t just do something , sit there.” The rawness of your writing brings me right there with you and makes me even more grateful you are around to pick out that bright red truck! BTW, thank you for your thoughts about the similarities of our stories. At the time, they were ,of course, our life crises. But isn’t it grand to be able to look back and realize they were a detour that led to who we are today. Alive and well and very, very grateful. Sending healing hugs your way. Hi Kathy I love that image of life coming to a halt, and in that halt seeing things more clearly. I shall accept your hugs and return them in full. Judging from the previous comments, your readers can relate to the accident you’ve recently experienced. I know I can. Writing/illustrating your feelings will help you continue to process the trauma. I experienced something similar back in college when the car I was a passenger in flipped over on a snowy road – all in slow motion as you describe. No one wore seat-belts, so 6 bodies flew all over the place. I ended up with a bloody knee but did go to the hospital to get checked out. Then, over ten years ago I was rear-ended by a fast moving vehicle which totaled my sturdy car, an Infiniti. Half of the car looked like an accordion. In the moment of crisis, common sense left me, and I handed a complete stranger my wallet so I could us his cellphone. Dumb – though he did hand it back. Like you, thoughts and actions registered as non sequitur. After such dramatic events, we have to believe we live in an altered state at least for awhile, probably suffering post-traumatic stress syndrome, which may explain your anger. I like your recipe for healing, don’t just do something; sit there. I hope it’s in front of a blazing fire with some hot chocolate. Blessings and healing to you and your family this Christmas season. Hi Marian, Well, I can report that we had our woodstove moved upstairs this summer and it’s now ablaze about two feet from me here on the DR table. I find I prefer to write downstairs lately, not upstairs in my little corner of the world. Alas, the hot chocolate is tea, but there is more honey in it than usual. One more concession to where I am at the moment. Thanks for writing. As always. Glad you and Woody are okay. That was quite an ordeal and it sounds life-changing. I think that is what transformation does. We are never the same. I am going through something similar as I continue to heal from an illness that has dogged my life for nearly four decades. I hear and understand your anger. For me, adjusting to a new life that is one of health rather than chronic illness has been incredibly difficult. Letting go of life as I knew it–one fraught with illness–has meant changing, completely, how I live including my routine. Only now, am I stepping into my “new shoes,” as it were. A recent watershed moment revealed that transformation requires letting go of what one was for what one is now. This post is so beautifully and achingly written, Janet. Thank you. Thank you, Karen. And welcome. Your words are always a balm to me. I’ve been following your story through your blog posts and, with your comment here, I’m really struck by how easy it is for me to fall into that judgment trap. ( e.g., New found health after years of illess is Good. Traumatic auto accident is Bad.) And once again I’m reminded how limiting these judgments can be. Both situations involve change, a change in a sense of who we are, our identity of you will. And both require time and gentleness. I send you a warm virtual bear hug over the miles.
"The intention was to confer the privilege of citizenship upon that class of persons whom the fathers knew as white, and to deny it to all who could not be so classified." T akao Ozawa was born in Japan, moved to the territory of Hawaii, and later lived in California. Altogether he had lived in the United States continuously for twenty years when he applied in 1914 for naturalization, the process of becoming a U.S. citizen. At the time, he had graduated from high school in Berkeley, California, and had been a student at the University of California for three years. He had children, all born in the United States. The family spoke English at home and attended American churches. Nevertheless, the U.S. government opposed his application to become a citizen, on grounds that he was not "white." Eight years after his application was filed, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed with the government: Ozawa was not eligible to become a citizen. 1894, as Japan was emerging as a strong military and industrial power in Asia, a treaty with the United States had guaranteed free immigration to the United States for Japanese. But six years later, in the midst of strong opposition to Japanese immigrants among European Americans in California, Japan agreed not to issue passports for laborers seeking to enter the United States. (A passport is the formal travel document issued by a country's government that allows a citizen of that country exit and reentry.) For the Japanese government, it was a way to cut off emigration and solve the problem without agreeing to treatment that would be regarded as discriminatory against Japanese. The cutoff of passports did not, however, include passports for laborers seeking to enter Hawaii, Canada, or Mexico, from any one of which it was easy for Japanese to enter the United States. In 1907, the San Francisco Board of Education decided to segregate its Asian students. All Asian students, including Japanese students, were to be placed in a single "Asian school" that kept the students apart from "white" European American students. Seeing Japanese the objects of discrimination upset the government of Japan just at the moment when the administration of President Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919; served 1901–9) wanted to maintain smooth diplomatic relations with Japan. Roosevelt, who was eager to increase U.S. influence in east Asia, was counting on Japan to counter the influence of Russia in the region. To cool the diplomatic tensions with Japan created by the school board in San Francisco, Roosevelt persuaded the school board to drop its segregation plan in exchange for promises that the federal government would try to solve the issue of Japanese immigration. The result was the "Gentleman's Agreement" (an agreement that falls short of a formal treaty) of 1907 under which Japan agreed to cooperate in stemming the flow of Japanese workers to the United States. The Japanese government said it would continue to refuse to issue passports for all Japanese workers planning to go to the United States. In addition, it would not object to the removal of Japanese from the United States who held passports issued for travel elsewhere, such as Canada or Mexico. In return, San Francisco authorities discontinued segregating Japanese students in a special school for Asians. Officially, Japanese still had the right to immigrate, on an equal basis with citizens of other countries. The San Francisco school board incident demonstrated how U.S. immigration laws and attitudes affected American diplomatic policies unrelated to immigration. The incident also served as a reminder of the long-standing controversy in California over the admission of people from Asia, whether Japanese or Chinese, and the importance of race in determining U.S. policy. As early as 1790, the Congress had passed a law limiting citizenship to immigrants who were "free white persons." At the time it was adopted, the law was intended to deny citizenship to slaves from Africa. Seventy-five years later, after slavery was abolished, the immigration law was amended to include Africans and people of African descent—but nothing was said about Asians. With many Americans displeased with immigration from Asia (and also from southern and eastern Europe), the U.S. district attorney (prosecutor) had objected when Ozawa applied for citizenship. The government, in its arguments to the Supreme Court, admitted that Ozawa would make a good citizen: He was well educated; his family spoke English at home and attended church; and he had lived in the United States for most of his life. There was nothing in his conduct that might suggest he would make a poor citizen. Nevertheless, the government argued in court that U.S. law had been clear, since 1790: "Any alien being a free white person … may be admitted to become a citizen." The only exception was made in the Naturalization Act of 1870, which also made Africans or people of African descent eligible to become naturalized citizens. Ozawa did not fit any of these categories, in the government's opinion. Ozawa's lawyers cited inconsistencies in the way that U.S. immigration laws had been written. They argued that when Congress passed a new naturalization law in 1906, it intended to overhaul the immigration law completely. Since the 1906 law had not specifically barred citizenship for Japanese people (as other laws specifically barred Chinese people), Ozawa's lawyers argued that he deserved to become a naturalized citizen. But the Supreme Court said no, ruling that if Congress had intended to remove the racial limitations on naturalized citizenship, it would have done so explicitly and decisively, rather than simply ignoring the issue. The Supreme Court noted that limiting citizenship to free white persons had been the law since 1790 and that the law had only been amended to include people born in Africa or of African descent. No such exception was ever made for Japanese, which both sides on the argument described as being a separate "race." The Supreme Court also ruled on two other questions raised in the case: first, whether someone from Japan could be considered "white" under the law; and second, whether Ozawa could be barred from becoming a citizen because of race. On the first question, Ozawa's lawyers had argued that the original immigration laws referred to "free white persons" in order to distinguish them from enslaved Africans, or "black," people. The lawyers tried to persuade the court that "white" meant "not black," and that the phrase was not intended to exclude Asians. The court's opinion rejected the argument, holding that people from Japan were not considered to be "Caucasian," which was what the law meant by "white," and were therefore not eligible to become citizens. On the second question, the court ruled that Congress did have the power under the Constitution to determine the basis on which immigrants could become citizens, even if the basis was a concept as vague as race. The Ozawa decision was significant in the history of immigration to the United States because it reconfirmed the importance of race when deciding whether immigrants should be allowed to become citizens—a standard for eligibility that had existed since the very beginnings of the United States as an independent country. The ruling came at a period of history when prejudice against racial and religious minorities was very strong among European American citizens, a fact that was not lost on the justices of the Supreme Court. The Ozawa case came before the court at a time when the United States had already begun to restrict immigrants, especially those from southern and eastern Europe. For the forty years preceding the case, a higher number of Europeans than ever before had come to the United States, including many from poor areas of southern and eastern Europe. The case was decided in an era when the idea of "race" seemed highly important to many Americans, who were disturbed by the large number of darker-skinned individuals from countries around the Mediterranean. Although the Supreme Court is intended to interpret what Congress might have meant in passing laws, and making sure those laws do not conflict with the U.S. Constitution (the basic law of the land), in reality justices of the court usually have a political background and are often sensitive to the public sentiments of the time. The concept of race has always been vague, as the court's opinion admits. What race is the child of a black mother and a white father, for example? The court's opinion brushes aside this fundamental issue by saying that such questions fall into a "zone of more or less debatable ground." But since Ozawa had been born in Japan, the issue of his race was not subject to question: He was not white, and therefore not eligible to become a citizen. The court's opinion carefully examined minute details of previous immigration laws in an effort to understand what Congress intended to do. On the subject of what constitutes a "white" person, the opinion in essence says the court did not have time to study the issue from a scientific basis. The court ruled that anyone who was not a "free white person" (or who was not born in Africa or of African descent) did not fall into the category of people eligible to become citizens, and that included people from Asia. On the question of whether the authors of the 1790 law intended to exclude Asians, the court simply said that it has no power to read the minds of the authors of the original law. Since no subsequent Congress changed the wording, the court had no power to rule otherwise. The act of June 29, 1906, entitled "An act to establish a Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, and to provide for a uniform rule for the naturalization of aliens throughout the United States," consists of 31 sections and deals primarily with the subject of procedure. There is nothing in the circumstances leading up to or accompanying the passage of the act which suggests that any modification of section 2169, or of its application, was contemplated. "It is the opinion of your committee that the frauds and crimes which have been committed in regard to naturalization have resulted more from a lack of any uniform system of procedure in such matters than from any radical defect in the fundamental principles of existing law governing in such matters. The two changes which the committee has recommended in the principles controlling in naturalization matters and which are embodied in the bill submittedherewith are as follows: First, the requirement that before an alien can be naturalized he must be able to read, either in his own language or in the English language and to speak or understand the English language; and, second, that the alien must intend to reside permanently in the United States before he shall be entitled to naturalization." This seems to make it quite clear that no change of the fundamental character here involved was in mind…. "Any alien being a free white person … may be admitted to become a citizen…." 1 Stat. 103, c. 3. This was subsequently enlarged to include aliens of African nativity and persons of African descent…. In all of the naturalization acts from 1790 to 1906 the privilege of naturalization was confined to white persons (with the addition in 1870 of those of African nativity and descent), although the exact wording of the various statutes was not always the same. If Congress in 1906 desired to alter a rule so well and so long established it may be assumed that its purpose would have been definitely disclosed and its legislation to that end put in unmistakable terms…. It is the duty of this Court to give effect to the intent of Congress. Primarily this intent is ascertained by giving the words their natural significance, but if this leads to an unreasonable result plainly at variance with the policy of the legislation as a whole, we must examine the matter further. We may then look to the reason of the enactment and inquire into its antecedent history and give it effect in accordance with its design and purpose, sacrificing, if necessary, the literal meaning in order that the purpose may not fail…. We are asked [by Ozawa's lawyers] to conclude that Congress, without the consideration or recommendation of any committee, without a suggestion as to the effect, or a word of debate as to the desirability, of so fundamental a change, nevertheless, by failing to alter the identifying words of section 2169 , which section we may assume was continued for some serious purpose, has radically modified a statute always theretofore maintained and considered as of great importance. It is inconceivable that a rule in force from the beginning of the government, a part of our history as well as our law, welded into the structure of our national polity by a century of legislative and administrative acts and judicial decisions, would have been deprived of its force in such dubious and casual fashion. Weare, therefore, constrained to hold that the act of 1906 is limited by the provisions of section 2169 of the Revised Statutes. Antecedent: Referring to a preceding event, condition, or cause. Literal: Referring to accepting the exact meaning of the words of a statement or opinion and allowing no further interpretation. Section 2169: A sentence in the naturalization law that said naturalization "shall apply to aliens, being free white persons and to aliens of African nativity and to persons of African descent." Ozama's lawyers argued that because this sentence did not explicitly ban Japanese from becoming naturalized citizens, Congress did not intend to bar Japanese from becoming citizens when it passed a naturalization law in 1906. Second. This brings us to inquire whether, under section 2169, the appellant is eligible to naturalization. The language of the naturalization laws from 1790 to 1870 had been uniformly such as to deny the privilege of naturalization to an alien unless he came within the description "free white person. By section 7 of the act of July 14, 1870 …, the naturalization laws were "extended to aliens of African nativity and to persons of African descent." Section 2169 of the Revised Statutes, as already pointed out, restricts the privilege to the same classes of persons, viz. "to aliens being free white persons, and to aliens of African nativity and to persons of African descent." It is true that in the first edition of the Revised Statutes of 1873 the words in brackets, "being free white persons, and to aliens" were omitted, but this was clearly an error of the compilers and was corrected by the subsequent legislation of 1875…. Is appellant, therefore, a "free white person," within the meaning of that phrase as found in the statute? Appellant: A person bringing a lawsuit from a lower court to a higher court for a new hearing. On behalf of the appellant it is urged that we should give to this phrase the meaning which it had in the minds of its original framers in 1790 and that it was employed by them for the sole purpose of excluding the black or African race and the Indians then inhabiting this country. It may be true that those two races were alone thought of as being excluded, but to say that they were the only ones within the intent of the statute would be to ignore the affirmative form of the legislation. The provision is not that Negroes and Indians shall be excluded, but it is, in effect, that only free white persons shall be included. The intention was to confer the privilege of citizenship upon that class of persons whom the fathers knew as white, and to deny it to all who could not be so classified. It is not enough to say that the framers did not have in mind the brown or yellow races of Asia. It is necessary to go farther and be able to say that had these particular races been suggested the language of the act would have been so varied as to include them within its privileges…. Affirmative form: The structure of a phrase denoting assent or agreement. Framers: Those who wrote the Constitution. If it be assumed that the opinion of the framers was that the only persons who would fall outside the designation "white" were Negroes and Indians, this would go no farther than to demonstrate their lack of sufficient information to enable them to foresee precisely who would be excluded by that term in the subsequent administration of the statute. It is not important in construing their words to consider the extent of their ethnological knowledge or whether they thoughtthat under the statute the only persons who would be denied naturalization would be Negroes and Indians. It is sufficient to ascertain whom they intended to include and having ascertained that it follows, as a necessary corollary , that all others are to be excluded. Corollary: Deduction that needs no proof. The question then is: Who are comprehended within the phrase "free white persons"? Undoubtedly the word "free" was originally used in recognition of the fact that slavery then existed and that some white persons occupied that status. The word, however, has long since ceased to have any practical significance and may now be disregarded. We have been furnished with elaborate briefs in which the meaning of the words "white person" is discussed with ability and at length, both from the standpoint of judicial decision and from that of the science of ethnology. It does not seem to us necessary, however, to follow counsel in their extensive researches in these fields. It is sufficient to note the fact that these decisions are, in substance, to the effect that the words import a racial and not an individual test, and with this conclusion, fortified as it is by reason and authority, we entirely agree. Manifestly the test afforded by the mere color of the skin of each individual is impracticable , as that differs greatly among persons of the same race, even among Anglo-Saxons , ranging by imperceptible gradations from the fair blond to the swarthy brunette, the latter being darker than many of the lighter hued persons of the brown or yellow races. Hence to adopt the color test alone would result in a confused overlapping of races and a gradual merging of one into the other, without any practical line of separation…. Moreover, that conclusion has become so well established by judicial and executive concurrence and legislative acquiescence that we should not at this late day feel at liberty to disturb it, in the absence of reasons far more cogent than any that have been suggested…. The determination that the words "white person" are synonymous with the words "a person of the Caucasian race" simplifies the problem, although it does not entirely dispose of it. Controversies have arisen and will no doubt arise again in respect of the proper classification of individuals in border line cases. The effect of the conclusion that the words "white person" means a Caucasian is not to establish a sharp line of demarcation between those who are entitled and those who are not entitled to naturalization, but rather a zone of more or less debatable ground outside of which, upon the one hand, are those clearly eligible, and outside of which, upon the other hand, are those clearly ineligiblefor citizenship. Individual cases falling within this zone must be determined as they arise from time to time by what this court has called, in another connection …, "the gradual process of judicial inclusion and exclusion." Impracticable: Incapable of being accomplished. Anglo-Saxons: Descendants of the Germanic peoples who conquered England in the fifth century c.e., in this case referring to white non-Jews. Imperceptible gradations: Gradual stages barely capable of being seen. Judicial and executive concurrence: Agreement between courts of justice and the executive branch of government. Legislative acquiescence: Acceptance by those who make laws. Caucasian: Of or relating to the white race. The briefs filed on behalf of appellant refer in complimentary terms to the culture and enlightenment of the Japanese people, and with this estimate we have no reason to disagree; but these are matters which cannot enter into our consideration of the questions here at issue. We have no function in the matter other than to ascertain the will of Congress and declare it. Of course there is not implied—either in the legislation or in our interpretation of it—any suggestion of individual unworthiness or racial inferiority. These considerations are in no manner involved…. Briefs: Legal documents outlining the facts and points in a case. Two years after the Ozawa case, the Supreme Court ruled in another case (United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind) involving a man described as "a high-caste Hindu, of full Indian blood, born at Amritsar, Punjab, India" who had applied for citizenship, arguing that he was "Caucasian." In the Ozawa case, the Court ruled that the word "white" did not really refer to skin color (since many people have lighter or darker skins), but rather to the "Caucasian" race. But in the Thind case, the Court took the opposite approach: Thind might be Caucasian, in a scientific sense, but in a popular sense, his skin was too dark to qualify as "white," and therefore he was not eligible to become a citizen, the court ruled. "It may be true," wrote U.S. Supreme Court justice George Sutherland (1862–1942), "that the blond Scandinavian and the brown Hindu have a common ancestor in the dim reaches of antiquity, but the average man knows perfectly well that there are unmistakable and profound differences between them today; and it is not impossible, if that common ancestor could be materialized in the flesh, we should discover that he was himself sufficiently differentiated from both of his descendants to preclude his racial classification with either." In other words, the "average man" knows a "white" person when he sees one, even if lawyers and scientists cannot agree on what the term means. It was a startling admission that the concept of race and skin color, applied to immigration law, had no real meaning beyond what the "average man" might think at any given moment. In 1924, Congress took another approach to limiting immigration. The Immigration Act of 1924 set permanent limits on the number of immigrants from each country. From 1924 through 1927, the number of immigrants from any one country was set at 2 percent of the number of foreign-born people of that nationality already in the United States in 1890. After July 1, 1927, the limits on each nationality were determined by a more complicated formula calculated by determining what percentage of the total population was represented by each national group, then multiplying that percentage by 150,000. Thus, if nationality "A" represented 1 percent of the U.S. population in 1890, the number of immigrants of nationality "A" admitted each year would equal 1 percent of 150,000, or 1,500 people. The practical effect of the 1924 law was to limit severely the number of immigrants after 1924, especially immigrants from non-European countries. The law also included a provision that barred anyone from immigrating who was not eligible to become a citizen. This provision was specifically aimed at Japanese immigrants and was at least partly based on the Ozawa decision of the Supreme Court. The Ozawa case was just one of several examples of how racial consciousness played a large role in American politics during the 1920s. The year before the decision was handed down by the Supreme Court, Congress had passed the Emergency Quota Act of 1921, which limited immigration from any single country to a number equal to 3 percent of the number of immigrants of that country who were living in the United States in 1910. The Ku Klux Klan was a secret organization that first appeared after the American Civil War (1861–65) as a means of terrorizing newly freed African American slaves and discouraging them from exercising their right to vote. Members of the original Klan wore long, white robes with a tall, peaked hood. They often burned crosses near African American neighborhoods at night as a means of frightening black people. In 1915, a new organization had been formed, using the same name as the Klan and the same costumes. The second version, however, was more open in its membership. Rather than being limited to the southern states, like the first Klan, the reborn Klan found many members in states of the Midwest, particularly Indiana. Although the second Klan still burned crosses, it also took on the form of a social club. Many elected politicians, including future president Harry S. Truman (1884–1972; served 1945–53), admitted to belonging to the Klan for a time. Whereas the first Klan had aimed its attacks at newly freed slaves, the second Klan attracted people opposed not only to racial minorities but also to Catholics, Jews, and immigrants from southern Europe (many of whom were also Catholic). Inside organizations like the Ku Klux Klan, racial prejudice and religious prejudice went hand in hand. George Sutherland, the Supreme Court justice who wrote the opinion in Ozawa v. United States, was himself an immigrant. Sutherland was born in Buckinghamshire, England, and brought to the United States as a baby. His family settled in what was then Utah Territory, which be came a state in 1896. Sutherland, a Republican, was Utah's sole U.S. representative from 1901 to 1903 and a U.S. senator from 1905 to 1917. He was nominated for the Supreme Court by President Warren Harding (1860–1924; served 1921–24) on September 5, 1922, and confirmed by the Senate on the same day. He had been a Supreme Court justice for just a month when the Ozawa case was argued, October 3–4, 1922. The case was decided one month later, on November 13, 1922. Dudley, William, ed. Asian Americans: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1997. Ichihashi, Yamato. Japanese in the United States. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1932. Reprint, New York: Arno Press, 1969. Ichioka, Yuji. The Issei: The World of the First Generation Japanese Immigrants, 1885–1924. New York: Free Press, 1988. Tehranian, John. "Performing Whiteness: Naturalization Litigation and the Construction of Racial Identity in America." Yale Law Journal (January 2000): p. 817. "The History of Japanese Immigration." The Brown Quarterly (Spring 2000). http://brownvboard.org/brwnqurt/03-4/03-4a.htm (accessed on February 29, 2004). "In What Ways Did Our Laws Institutionalize Racial Prejudice Against Japanese Americans?" Denshō: The Japanese American Legacy Project.http://www.densho.org/causes/1racism/1institutionalizedracism.asp (accessed on February 29, 2004). "Takao Ozawa v. U S, 260 U.S. 178 (1922)." FindLaw.com. http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?navby=search&court=US&case=/us/260/178.html (accessed on February 29, 2004). "Ozawa v. United States." U.S. Immigration and Migration Reference Library. . Encyclopedia.com. 29 Mar. 2019 <https://www.encyclopedia.com>.
Hiring employees to fill open positions is a delicate and extremely time consuming process. This is especially true in those businesses where there is not a dedicated HR department. The number of job openings increased to 6.2 million in 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Employing a staffing agency to fill open positions is becoming essential for many companies to keep pace with the market and grow their businesses. A partnership with a staffing firm can be one of the most valuable affiliations your organization can have, but choosing the right one requires some research. According to the American Staffing Association (ASA), there are nearly 750 staffing firms in Pennsylvania, and more emerging every year. The staffing industry is not regulated by any governing body, and recruiters are not required to retain any type of licensing. The standards of quality and performance vary widely. Before you begin to discuss fees, contracts or guarantees, you need to size up the agency you’re considering and confirm they are the best pairing for your organization. Here are a few questions to ask to “interview” your new prospective staffing partner. What is your primary source of candidates? If you are reaching out to a staffing agency after having tried to fill a position on your own through job boards or job search engines, you may find that some agencies are sending you candidates you’ve already found through those resources. Most staffing firms do utilize job boards or professional networking sites on a regular basis. The most renowned and successful firms, however, have their own database of off-market candidates that they use as their primary source for placements. They have an established relationship with those candidates and a good understanding of the hard and soft skills they bring to the table. Because of those well-nurtured relationships, reputable staffing firms also receive referrals from their trusted candidates. These referrals are also not often found on standard job boards, and may need to be recruited from one position into your organization. Having the right recruiter that has those connections will help you gain access to a large group of candidates who are selectively looking for a job, but not posting their resumes. What is your understanding of our company and industry? Some agencies will source for positions in a variety of different industries and titles. Not having a focus or areas of specialty means that an agency is less likely to have an understanding your specific needs and how to fill them properly. A grievance that many employers have with staffing agencies is never hearing back from the agency after they provide them with a job order. The lack of follow up could be due to a heavy volume of business. More likely, it means that they are unable find candidates to fill the position, so they’ve gone silent. A recruiter that is unfamiliar with your industry will often submit the wrong kind of candidates, resulting in wasted time and a longer hiring process. Familiarity with your industry also means that the recruiters filling your jobs have an understanding of the appropriate salary range for those positions. Boolean searches on job search engines today result in a mixture of various designations for similar job titles. A seasoned recruiter can read between the lines to identify the best fit for a job. An agency that has your long-term interests in mind will go to great lengths to understand your company and culture, as well as the industry-specific needs of your company. This understanding will ensure that the agency explains the position and environment accurately to candidates, resulting in better fitting placements. Talk about your candidate screening process. One of the most common grievances that our clients report is that they have used staffing agencies in the past that send them candidates who are not a good fit. By fit, we are referring not only the skills and knowledge to do the job, but also the personality and ability to interact with others in your organization. A good candidate screening process begins with an initial phone screen, followed by an in-person meeting. If a staffing firm has clients and candidates all over the country, it is more likely that they will submit candidates without ever having met them in person, which can lead to candidates that are a poor fit for your organization. A thorough background check, while not always required by clients, is a very reliable way for employers to verify claims made by jobseekers. According to Statistic Brain, more than 50% of all resumes contain falsified information. A fabrication made by a candidate during the hiring process is grounds to question the candidate’s honesty and integrity. A comprehensive background check including criminal history, salary history, education and past positions should be offered by the agency with which you choose to partner. Does your firm support confidential searches? Staffing agencies often receive job orders from companies that, for various reasons, may require a confidential search. The organization may be attempting to build a pipeline to replace someone who will be let go in the future. Companies go through mergers and acquisitions often that demand a confidential search. When a client’s name can’t be disclosed, the agency will need to employ the skills of experienced recruiters that have the skills to attract a candidate to a position without the benefit of the client’s name and reputation to assist them. Even if a recruiter knows a candidate would be perfect for a particular position, that recruiter must be adept at providing valid reasons why a career move would benefit the candidate. In some situations, there is a great deal at stake if a confidential search is disclosed by an inexperienced recruiter. Besides jeopardizing the reputation of your organization, it could result in legal ramifications as well. Confidential searches can certainly be challenging to present to a candidate, but the right staffing firm can package your organization and the position so that top talent will understand, appreciate and value the opportunity. While most businesses do not think to ask the question, one of the most important measures of a recruiting agency’s success is their time to fill a position. The average time to fill a position in today’s market has been quoted as high as 68 days. An experienced firm knows the importance of measuring their efficacy in the market and has procedures and systems in place to benchmark their results. Besides being a qualifying factor for an agency, this figure can have very practical application when you have a position that you need to fill in a specified amount of time. You should also ask the agency how many placements they have made in their tenure. Any seasoned recruiter or veteran agency uses some type of Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and can generate reports on their stats. The metrics provided by the firm should be in alignment with the needs of your company. Why should we work with you and not someone else? While choosing the right firm is important, pairing with the right recruiter within that firm is even more vital. Veteran recruiters build their own brand in the industry and will have forged longstanding relationships with candidates based on trust, mentorship and honest recruiting. If a recruiter has not been in the industry long, they are not as likely to have forged those relationships. You are essentially interviewing this individual to represent your company. You should ask a potential recruiter how long they have worked in the industry, and ask them to describe a difficult placement experience. By employing a more behavioral interviewing style with a prospective recruiter, you will gain insight into how they interact with candidates and how they will represent your company. A recruiter’s effectiveness at communicating with their candidate base is a huge determining factor in their ability to build relationships. Very well-respected firms may employ recruiters who are not as seasoned; and very reputable recruiters may work for firms that have bad reputations in the market. The recruiter as an individual is the key to connecting your organization with top talent, so make sure you have a good understanding of their abilities and experience. Conducting research about a potential agency is a necessary and crucial part of beginning your staffing industry partnership. Take advantage of the wealth of resources that are available online, and ask for referrals from trusted colleagues. Be sure that your partner agency is a member of The American Staffing Association (ASA). As a condition of membership, agencies are required to adhere to business practices, ethics codes and legal procedures that are in the best interests of the staffing services industry, its clients, and its employees.
As you can see in the quality/durability guidelines here ... quilting layers that aren't more than "about an inch or so" thick won't have a meaningful effect on the durability or useful life of a mattress. The BestMattressEver uses all high quality high quality and durable materials and as you can also see in my comments in post #2 in the topic we are posting in (and unlike some of the other simplified choice mattresses) there are no lower quality materials or weak links in the mattress that would compromise the durability or useful life of the mattress even relative to higher weight ranges than yours. Last edit: 01 Nov 2015 19:07 by Phoenix. Appreciate the comprehensive summary of the disruptor mattresses! I'm leaning towards T&N as it seems is the most firm of all of these options. Certainly doesn't hurt that it's priced more competitively (esp. with the Amex + underground discount). Given the free trial periods, I'm wondering if anyone has actually ordered from several vendors and, assuming you have the bedroom space, tested them all over the same ~100 day period? I'm leaning towards T&N as it seems is the most firm of all of these options. Based on general feedback it's probably among the firmer options out of the single firmness mattresses and may be firmer than some of the "medium" firmness options for mattresses that have multiple firmness options but it probably isn't as firm as some of the "firm" options that are available. Different people can also have very different perceptions of firmness and softness compared to others as well and a mattress that feels firm for one person can feel like "medium" for someone else or even "soft" for someone else (or vice versa) depending on their body type, sleeping style, physiology, their frame of reference based on what they are used to, and their individual sensitivity and perceptions. There are also different types of firmness and softness that different people may be sensitive to that can affect how they "rate" a mattress as well (see post #15 here ) so different people can have very different opinions on how two mattresses compare in terms of firmness and some people may rate one mattress as being firmer than another and someone else may rate them the other way around. This is all relative and very subjective and is as much an art as a science. Last edit: 09 Nov 2015 00:16 by Phoenix. Phoenix, I am so grateful to have found your website and the wealth of knowledge it contains. Thank you so much for bringing this much-needed information together in such a cohesive and useful way! I am looking at both the Love Bed from Nest Bedding and the Sedona Sleep base mattress and topper from Sedona Sleep. I would be interested in your thoughts regarding how to compare these two mattress systems, as well as how the discount code works. There is more information about the 3 most important parts of "value" of a mattress purchase in post #13 here which can help you make more meaningful quality/value comparisons between mattresses in terms of suitability (how well you will sleep), durability (how long you will sleep well), and the overall value of a mattress compared to your other finalists based on suitability, durability, and all the other parts of your personal value equation that are most important to you (including the price of course and the options you have available after a purchase if your choice doesn't turn out as well as you hoped for). The most important part of the "value" of a mattress purchase is how well you will sleep on it and whether a mattress is a good "match" for you in terms of PPP (Posture and alignment, Pressure relief, and your Personal preferences. While your own careful testing or personal experience is the only way to know for certain whether any mattress or combination of layers and components is a good "match" for you in terms of comfort, firmness, and PPP (Posture and alignment, Pressure relief, and your Personal preferences) ... when you can't test a mattress in person then the most reliable source of guidance is always a more detailed phone conversation with a knowledgeable and experienced retailer or manufacturer that has your best interests at heart and who can help "talk you through" the specifics of their mattresses and the properties and "feel" of the materials they are using (fast or slow response, resilience, firmness etc) and the options they have available that may be the best "match" for you based on the information you provide them, any local testing you have done or mattresses you have slept on and liked or other mattresses you are considering that they are familiar with, and the "averages" of other customers that are similar to you. They will know more about "matching" their specific mattress designs and firmness levels to different body types, sleeping positions, and preferences (or to other mattresses that they are familiar with) than anyone else. Outside of PPP ... the most important part of the value of a mattress purchase is durability which is all about how long you will sleep well on a mattress. This is the part of your research that you can't "feel" and assessing the durability and useful life of a mattress depends on knowing the type and quality of all the materials inside it regardless of the name of the manufacturer on the label so I would always make sure that you are able to find out the information listed here so you can compare the materials and components in a mattress to the quality/durability guidelines here so you can confirm that there are no lower quality materials or obvious weak links in a mattress that would compromise the durability and useful life of a mattress before making any purchase. Both of these manufacturers are completely transparent about their materials and both of them use high quality materials and there are no lower quality materials or weak links in either design that would compromise the durability or useful life of either mattress. Having said that ... they are both very different designs. The topper that goes with Sedona Sleep is a solid layer of blended Talalay latex which would be a little bit more resilient than the convoluted continuous pour synthetic Dunlop in the Love bed and is also a more costly material (Talalay latex is more costly than synthetic Dunlop and solid layers are also more costly than solid layers). There is more about convoluted layers in post #2 here . There is also more about the different types and blends of latex in post #6 here . Both of them offer multiple firmness options. The Love Bed has a cover that is quilted with polyfoam and the Sedona Sleep topper uses an unquilted stretch knit cover so you would be sleeping more directly on the latex itself. Which type of cover you prefer would be a preference issue and there is more about the pros and cons of quilted covers vs a thinner stretch knit cover in post #12 here . The Love Bed has a 100 night free return/exchange policy and trial period. Sedona Sleep also has a 100 night trial period but there will be a small shipping cost involved to either exchange the topper for a different firmness or return the mattress for a refund. A mattress/topper combination also has the advantage of being able to replace just the topper after the trial period without having to replace the entire mattress if your needs or preferences change down the road or if the topper softens or breaks down before the rest of the mattress (the top layers of a mattress are generally the weakest link of any sleeping system whether they are inside the mattress cover or outside it). You are certainly looking at two great quality/value choices and once you have narrowed down your options to a list of finalists that are all choices between "good and good" (which you have) and none of them have any lower quality materials or "weak links" in their design relative to your weight range (which they don't) and if there are no clear winners between them (which is usually a good indication that you have done some good research) then you are in the fortunate position that any of them would likely be a suitable choice and post #2 here can help you make a final choice based on your local testing or mattresses you have slept well on, your more detailed conversations about each of them, your confidence about PPP and the suitability of each one, their prices, your preferences for different types of materials or types and blends of latex, the options you have after a purchase to fine tune the mattress or exchange or return the mattress or individual layers, any additional extras that are part of each purchase, and on "informed best judgement" based on all the other objective, subjective, and intangible parts of your personal value equation that are most important to you. Last edit: 18 Dec 2015 12:25 by Phoenix. We ended up returning our BME as the Latex feel wasn't for us. Working with them was a pleasure and they even gave a topper to try, but we spent nights in our guest room as we just didn't like the feel of the BME. We went mattress shopping again today and really liked memory foam (temper-cloud elite mattress was our favorite after 30 minutes of laying) . However, as a 240 lb male these simplified choices are all listed as cautionary or recommended against. I have read many of your posts and the cross references but it is almost burying me in information. We are willing to spend up to a temperpedic but after becoming so knowledgeable from your site (thanks again!), I recognize this is not worth it. In terms of my specific interests, I could even consider going firm and putting a topper on the mattress so it supports my weight and is extra plush for myself and my bride-to-be (120lb). I narrowed it down to the Novosbed and Nest Alexander Medium. Is this smart or should I go a different route? If so do you recommend a coil core with memory foam on top for heavier individuals? The third post in this topic is being "reserved" for a different purpose. There are a number of the "simplified choice" mattresses that are already described in post #2 in this topic as being suitable for any weight range in terms of the quality and durability of the materials. If you tend to prefer more traditional memory foam mattresses and if you are looking at online options then outside of the simplified choice list the mattress shopping tutorial also includes several other links to lists of many of the better online options I'm aware of (in the optional online step) that include many different types and categories of mattresses in a wide range of budgets, firmness levels, and with different return/exchange policies that may also be worth considering including a list of the better online memory foam options I'm aware of. While the process of how to choose a mattress would involve the same steps that are listed in the mattress shopping tutorial ... most people in higher weight ranges will generally need or prefer firmer mattresses (firmer materials will feel softer because you will sink into them more) and materials and components that are higher quality and more durable than those that are in lower weight ranges (the materials and components in a mattress will soften and break down faster for those in higher weight ranges than they will for someone that is in a lower weight range that doesn't compress the mattress as much). I would be particularly cautious about mattresses that use more than "about an inch or so" of memory foam that is less than about 5 lb density or polyfoam that is less than about 2 lb density ... particularly in the upper layers of the mattress. You can also see my comments about choosing a mattress first with the intention of adding a topper later in post #2 here . In most cases I would avoid this approach because of the uncertainty involved with two purchase choices instead of only one and choosing a topper that would be suitable in terms of PPP (Posture and alignment, Pressure relief, and your Personal preferences) for a specific person on a specific mattress can sometimes be almost as difficult as choosing a mattress that doesn't need a topper in the first place. I would generally focus on choosing a mattress that is likely to be a suitable match without a topper (unless you can test the combination in person or you are purchasing both online as a "set" that is designed to work together and they both have a good return/exchange policy) and then use the option to add a topper as a "backup" strategy in case your initial choice doesn't turn out as well as you hoped for rather than a "primary" strategy. It can also be more costly than just buying a mattress which includes the same materials as the topper as a layer inside the mattress itself and you would be avoiding the risk of having additional materials in your base mattress that you may not need or that may be lower quality foam (that can soften or break down more quickly) or that may be softer than what would be ideal for a transition layer under a softer topper. I would also make sure that you can find out all the specifics of the materials inside the base mattress so you can make sure it meets the quality/durability guidelines here and that there are no lower quality materials or weak links in any of the materials or components in your sleeping system that could compromise the durability and useful life of the mattress. Having said that ... if you do choose a suitable mattress/topper combination which turns out to be a good "match" for you in terms of PPP (and there are no lower quality materials or "weak links" in the mattress/topper combination) then it would have the advantage of being able to replace just the topper without replacing the entire mattress if it softens or breaks down before the upper foam layers in the mattress (which is likely because a sleeping system will tend to soften or break down from the top layers down) or if your needs or preferences change over time and a topper can also help extend the useful life of a mattress underneath it as well. 1. Careful testing (hopefully using the testing guidelines in the tutorial) to make sure that a mattress is a good match for you in terms of "comfort", firmness, and PPP ... and/or that you are comfortable with the options you have available to return, exchange, or "fine tune" the mattress and any costs involved if you can't test a mattress in person or aren't confident that your mattress is a suitable choice. 2. Checking to make sure that there are no lower quality materials or weak links in a mattress you are considering relative to your weight range that could compromise the durability and useful life of the mattress. Last edit: 17 Mar 2016 19:26 by Phoenix. I'm knew to this forum and interested in purchasing a new mattress in the next couple of months. My wife and I have been sleeping on a King size tripedic memory foam mattress from select-a-bed.com for about eight years now. I find that the support and pressure relief has been insufficient for some time time now (I'm about 185lbs) though my wife still finds it okay. We both find that it sleeps hot. I think I'm done with memory foam. I've spent a lot of time trying to research on the internet about mattress buying and quality components. I must admit that the bed-in-a-box category is appealing, perhaps due to the very vigorous and clever on line marketing campaigns that make their product appear more 'authentic' than traditional mattress manufacturers/retailers. One bed-in-a-box company that I'm surprised not to see mentioned in this thread that seems to be everywhere in the online world now is the new Purple mattress with their new hyper-elastic polymer comfort layer (collapsing gel). I must admit that I am intrigued by their message and the 'raw egg test', though I realize the real test would by my wife and I seeing if a mattress meets our PPP's. I wonder if their polyfoam support layers layers are a 'weak link' in the bed construction underneath this wonder gel layer (side note: the product and company used to be called WonderGel and you can buy seat cushions under this brand at Bed Bath & Beyond, I have one and it works really well). The tripedic mattress you own is a good quality/value mattress but if you are no longer sleeping well on it and it has lost its "comfort" and/or support then after 8 years it's very likely that it's time for a new mattress. Two of the most important links in the tutorial that I would especially make sure you've read are post #2 here which has more about the different ways to choose a suitable mattress (either locally or online) that is the best "match" for you in terms of "comfort", firmness, and PPP (Posture and alignment, Pressure relief, and your own Personal preferences) that can help you assess and minimize the risks of making a choice that doesn't turn out as well as you hoped for and post #13 here which has more about the most important parts of the "value" of a mattress purchase which can help you make more meaningful quality/value comparisons between mattresses in terms of suitability (how well you will sleep), durability (how long you will sleep well), and the overall value of a mattress compared to your other finalists based on all the parts of your personal value equation that are most important to you. I've spent a lot of time trying to research on the internet about mattress buying and quality components. I must admit that the bed-in-a-box category is appealing, perhaps due to the very vigorous and clever on line marketing campaigns that make their product appear more 'authentic' than traditional mattress manufacturers/retailers. I would keep in mind that "marketing campaigns" are just that and don't necessarily relate to the suitability, quality, or durability of a mattress. You've probably read this already as well but you can read more about what I call "simplified choice" mattresses in the first post in this topic. I would also keep in mind that there are many other good quality/value online mattress choices that are shipped directly to consumers that don't fit the "simplified choice" category (in many cases because they have more than one mattress available on their site). Outside of the simplified choice list ... if you are looking at online options then the mattress shopping tutorial also includes several other links to lists of many of the better online options I'm aware of (in the optional online step) that include many different types and categories of mattresses in a wide range of budgets, firmness levels, and with a range of different return/exchange policies that may also be worth considering. There may also be some good options available to you locally and if you let me know your city or zip code I'd be happy to let you know about the better options or possibilities I'm aware of in your area. One bed-in-a-box company that I'm surprised not to see mentioned in this thread that seems to be everywhere in the online world now is the new Purple mattress with their new hyper-elastic polymer comfort layer (collapsing gel). I must admit that I am intrigued by their message and the 'raw egg test', though I realize the real test would by my wife and I seeing if a mattress meets our PPP's. I wonder if their polyfoam support layers layers are a 'weak link' in the bed construction underneath this wonder gel layer (side note: the product and company used to be called WonderGel and you can buy seat cushions under this brand at Bed Bath & Beyond, I have one and it works really well). Outside of the 23 mattresses that are already listed in the simplified choice list ... there are currently 23 more that I'm aware of that have been launched more recently that I haven't added to the list yet (and more are being launched on a regular basis). Some of them have been mentioned on the forum (and some haven't yet) but I will likely add some or most of them to the list over the coming weeks although some of them will be included in the "avoid until complete specs are known" section of the list. Because the list has so many options available I wouldn't consider it to be as much of a "simplified choice" list any longer because there really isn't much difference between choosing between 46 mattresses that are offered by 46 different companies or 46 mattresses (or less) that are offered by a single company and when you are purchasing online it's not possible to make "real time" comparisons between many different mattresses to see if you like one better than another which you can in a local store. Because most of them have good trial periods and refund policies though, you can at least try them with little risk to find out if they are "good enough" in terms of comfort, firmness, and PPP even though you can't know if another one would have been a better choice unless you try it as well. Purple certainly has a very aggressive advertising campaign (their ads show up everywhere once you have been to their site especially) and until they are listed in the simplified choice list you can see some comments about the Purple mattress and the buckling column gel they use in post #2 here and the posts it links to. Last edit: 20 Apr 2016 11:07 by Phoenix.
For details of our fees and services in relation to residential property work, please click on the relevant drop-down option below. The following information has been produced to provide guidance and transparency as to our fees in dealing with a freehold property purchase. A detailed estimate of our fees can be obtained by using our online conveyancing calculator or by calling us on 0800 024 1976. Communicating with you, your sellers’ conveyancer, the estate agent and your mortgage provider, as necessary, to facilitate a smooth transaction. Request the draft contract and title documentation from the sellers’ conveyancer. Prepare the Land Registry transfer. Advise you on the contract and property title and provide you with the contract and transfer for signature. Carry out a Local Authority search, drainage and water search, environmental and flood search and, where necessary, a mining search. Advise you on the results of the searches. Raise such enquiries as we consider necessary to clarify any discrepancies in connection to the property title. Advise you on any information provided by the sellers’ conveyancer in their replies to our enquiries. Review the conditions of your mortgage offer. Report to you with the mortgage deed for your signature. Negotiate a completion date on your instructions with the sellers’ conveyancer. Exchanging the contracts on your authority to secure the sellers’ commitment to the contract. Preparing a detailed financial statement for you in relation to the purchase in anticipation of completion. Facilitating the completion of the purchase and making such payments, as are necessary, to the seller and to HMRC in respect of Stamp Duty Land Tax. Attend to the registration of your ownership at the Land Registry. Retain a copy of your file on record for a minimum of seven years for your information purposes. Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as the Land Registry document fees and searches. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process. The disbursements, which are strictly necessary, are set out in your conveyancing estimate. This list is not exhaustive and other disbursements may apply depending on your specific transaction. This is a standard transaction and that no unforeseen matters arise, including, for example (but not limited to), a defect in title which requires remedying prior to completion or the preparation of additional documents ancillary to the main transaction. The property you are buying is registered with the Land Registry. The property is not subject to a management company or rent charge for the common areas of an estate, which you are required to contribute to. There is only one mortgage (source of funds) being obtained for the purchase. How long it will take from your offer being accepted until completion will depend on a number of factors. The average process takes between 4 to 8 weeks. It can be quicker or slower, depending on the number of parties in the chain. Generally, the longer the chain, the longer a transaction will take. Remember we can only proceed to complete as quickly as the slowest party in the chain, as everyone’s transaction will be dependant on everyone else’s. It is therefore important that you speak to the estate agent to ascertain the length of the chain. A party fails to promptly instruct their conveyancer. A party fails to promptly apply for their mortgage (buyers only). Local Authority delays in providing a Local Authority search (buyers only). A property in the chain is leasehold. A party fails to communicate promptly with the chain. Where a matter becomes more complicated or more work is required on our part, it may be necessary to adjust our fee estimate to account for our additional fees. In the spirit of full transparency, we have prepared a list of the most common occurrences that are not included in your fee estimate, together with an explanation of the additional work required and our fee for carrying out the additional work. A copy of this list is provided with your fee estimate at the outset and can also be found here. Our fee estimates, unless expressly stated, apply only to individuals and does not apply to corporate clients. The information below has been written to provide guidance in relation to our fees and services in dealing with the sale of a freehold property. Communicating with you, your buyers’ conveyancer, your estate agent and your mortgage provider, as necessary, to facilitate a smooth transaction. Obtaining the title registers from the Land Registry and establishing your ownership. Advising you on the completion of the Law Society Property Information Form. Preparing the contract for the sale of the property. Issuing all documentation to the buyers’ conveyancer. Liaising with your current mortgage provider to obtain a settlement figure for the redemption of your current mortgage. Taking your instructions and replying to any enquiries regarding the property that are raised by the buyers’ conveyancer. Exchanging the contracts on your authority to secure the buyer and their deposit monies. Preparing a detailed financial statement for you in relation to the sale in anticipation of completion. Facilitating the completion of the sale and making such payments, as are necessary, to you, your estate agent and your mortgage provider. Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as the Land Registry document fees and estate agents invoices. The property you are selling is registered with the Land Registry. There is only one mortgage secured on the property. How long it will take from you accepting an offer until completion will depend on a number of factors. The average process takes between 4 to 8 weeks. It can be quicker or slower, depending on the number of parties in the chain. Generally, the longer the chain, the longer a transaction will take. Remember we can only proceed to complete as quickly as the slowest party in the chain as everyone’s transaction will be dependant on everyone else’s. It is therefore important that you speak to your estate agent to ascertain the length of the chain. Where a matter becomes more complicated or more work is required on our part, it may be necessary to adjust our fee estimate to account for our additional fees. In the spirit of full transparency, we have prepared a list of the most common occurrences that are not included in your fee estimate together with an explanation of the additional work required and our fee for carrying out the additional work. A copy of this list is provided with your fee estimate at the outset and can also be found here. The following information has been produced to provide guidance and transparency as to our fees in dealing with a leasehold property purchase. Advising you on the implications of owning a leasehold property, including the ground rent, service charges and insurance position, and any costs payable by you to the landlord, management company or their agents in administering the change of ownership. Serving the appropriate notices of change of ownership on the landlord, management company or their agents. Notice of Transfer fee – this fee is chargeable if set out in the lease. Often the fee is between £75.00 to £150.00. Notice of charge fee (if the property is to be mortgaged) – this fee is set out in the lease. Often the fee is between £75.00 to £150.00. Deed of Covenant fee – this fee is provided by the management company for the property and can be difficult to estimate. Often it is between £100.00 to £250.00. Certificate of Compliance fee – to be confirmed upon receipt of the lease. This fee can often can range between £100.00 to £250.00. How long it will take from your offer being accepted until completion will depend on a number of factors. The average process takes between 6 to 10 weeks. It can be quicker or slower, depending on the number of parties in the chain. Generally, the longer the chain, the longer a transaction will take. Remember we can only proceed to complete as quickly as the slowest party in the chain, as everyone’s transaction will be dependant on everyone else’s. It is therefore important that you speak to the estate agent to ascertain the length of the chain. The landlord or management company delays providing the necessary information for the purchase to progress. The information below has been written to provide guidance in relation to our fees and services in dealing with the sale of a leasehold property. Communicating with you, your buyers’ conveyancer, your estate agent, your landlord/management company and your mortgage provider, as necessary, to facilitate a smooth transaction. Obtaining the leasehold resale information pack from the landlord and/or management company. Calculating apportionment’s for ground rent and service charges, as may be due to you and the buyer on completion. Facilitating the completion of the sale and making such payments, as are necessary to you, your estate agent, your landlord/management company and your mortgage provider. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process. The disbursements, which we anticipate will apply, are set out in your conveyancing estimate. This list is not exhaustive and other disbursements may apply depending on your specific transaction. When selling a leasehold property you will also be responsible for obtaining the leasehold resale pack from the landlord and/or management company, and you will need an information pack from each party that collects the ground rent and service charges. You should budget between £150 to £300 for each pack required. How long it will take from you accepting an offer until completion will depend on a number of factors. The average process takes between 6 to 10 weeks. It can be quicker or slower, depending on the number of parties in the chain. Generally, the longer the chain, the longer a transaction will take. Remember we can only proceed to complete as quickly as the slowest party in the chain, as everyone’s transaction will be dependant on everyone else’s. It is therefore important that you speak to your estate agent to ascertain the length of the chain. The landlord/management company delays issuing a resale pack. The information below has been written to provide guidance in relation to our fees and services in dealing with a property remortgage. Communicating with you and your mortgage provider, as necessary, to facilitate a smooth transaction. Carry out a Local Authority search, drainage and water search, environmental and flood search and, where necessary, a mining search or obtain search indemnity insurance, in satisfaction of your lender’s mortgage conditions. Agree a completion date with your lender to complete your remortgage. Preparing a detailed financial statement for you in relation to the remortgage in anticipation of completion. Facilitating the completion of the remortgage and making such payments, as are necessary, to you and your current lender. How long it will take from your offer being accepted until completion will depend on a number of factors. The average process takes between 3 to 5 weeks. It can be quicker or slower, depending on the speed at which the mortgage is issued. To obtain a residential conveyancing fee quote, please visit our online calculator.
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Jan 9, 2006 | 00:02 1 I noticed in the other thread a discussion developed about keeping the Sabbath. Scripture says Yahshua became our Sabbath. It's not just one day of the week we should rest in Him, but every day. Hebrews 4:4-11, "For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works. And in this place again, If they shall enter into my rest. Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief: Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day. There remaineth therefore a rest (sabbatismos) to the people of God. <b>For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.</b> Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief." Your post triggers some questions. 1 Is Yeshua out to lunch in Matt 5:17-20 when He proclaims that the instructions and the prophets will not disappear until heaven and earth disappear? 2 Since the Sabbath commandment is part of the ten, are the other 9 also void? 3 Is Isa 66:22-24 talking about something other than the new heaven and new earth that belivers have a hope to inhabit? 4 Why is a beliver in such a notion working at all? Hebr 4:9-10. Since such a believer has entered in to the Sabbath rest of Yeshua, he/she should not work ever,right? 5 Since the is no special day for Sabbath, why do most christians celebrate a day of rest on the day of sun worship that the catholic church adopted in favour of the Sabbath that Yeshua followers kept? I hope this can lead to a good discussion based on scripture. The Law has definitely not been changed. Exodus 20:8-9, "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all <u>thy</u> work:" Hebrews 4:10, "For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his." I believe this is talking about the millenium age, the thousand year rule by Yahshua. Common sense would tell one that working for the Lord would include seeing to one's bodily needs so one could continue to work for the Lord. In effect, seeing to one's bodily needs would then be the Lord's work. I could only attribute it to Biblical illiteracy. Thanks for not slinging mud!! Yeshua became the living Torah. How can Yeshua be other than according to Torah? And my question is very logical. If we can change one commandment, why not change all? The 4th commandment is the longest, most detailed commandment. Interestingly we divide our year according to the earths travel one turn around the sun and the day according to the earth spinning one revolution, but organising the days into seven and calling them weeks have no natural connection. Months can be tied to the moon phases and is scriptural since the first instruction was to celebrate new moon. Sun worshippers are idolaters. The only reason for a seven day week is Gods word! Since the Sabbath is a commandment and since God wants us to keep the seventh day holy. Since the Sabbath has been kept until Yeshua came and since Yeshua kept the Sabbath and since all the disciples kept the Sabbath. Since the Sabbath was changed by humansto sun-day. And since we obviously are to keep the Sabbath in the millenium, is it possible maybe that Hebrews talks about how people, gentiles and israelites alike can enter in to Gods rest by faith. Is it possible that Hebrews 4 talks about how Israels people were disobedient and had a hard time to enter Canan? Verse 9:There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; 10for anyone who enters God's rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his. The only thing preventing us to enter that rest is disobedience, verse 11 Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience. Common sense have gotten lots of believers in trouble. Verse 12:For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. This is, again, Not NT ( since it was not written yet) that is referred to but it is Tanak and Torah especially. Yeshau says that the law stands in Matt 5. Even to the Gentiles that it talks about in Acts 15, that had a hard time to learn and follow the law it was decided by the whole council what James said: That they should start with these 4 things:1 abstain from food polluted by idols 2 abstain from sexual immorality 3 abstain from meat from strangled animals and 4 not eat blood. Verse 21:For Moses has been preached in every city from the earliest times and is read in the synagogues on every Sabbath." This is where they should learn: on Sabbath, in the synagogue, learning from Moshe. Has God really changed His Holy day-the Sabbath? The day we are to honour and keep in remembrance YHVH, Adonai, Hashem??Abraham, Isaacs and Jacobs God! Another topic. Do you know that the catholic church has changed the ten commandments and also the name of God? You've answered your own question. Yahshua became God's Word in the flesh. He became the Sabbath. Sabbath means "rest". We find our rest in Him every day, not just one day of the week. Actually, Numbers 10:10 refers to the beginning of the month, not new moon. <i>chodesh</i> means "month", or "monthly". Nothing to do with the moon. Further, you will find prophecies concerning the "children of darkness" are <b>always</b> given in moons. While prophecies concerning the "children of light" are <b>always</b> given in days. 1 Thessalonians 5:5, "Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness." Yahshua didn't keep the Sabbath in the way you are seeming to imply. He did work on the Sabbath. He healed and picked corn on the Sabbath. But it wasn't His work, it was the Father's work. I won't be commenting on any particular denomination. Discussing God's Word is more than sufficient for me. Thank you for acknowledging Yeshua being the living word of God-Torah. Part of Torah is Exodus 20:8-11 (the fourth commandment)8Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. The rest we have in Yeshua is compared to when Israels people were led out of captivity and entered Caanan. Compare chapter 3 and 4 and read the whole thing in context.I.e ch 3 v7-11. It is a warning against unbelief.ch 4 v 2 talks about believers and non-believers. See he says"if they shall enter into my rest". It is a choice and we all know that salvation is by faith in Yeshua so that nobody can boast. Also he states "although the works were finished from the foundation of the world". Since the work was finished from the foundation of the world would indicate that nothing after the foundation of the world would change the works, right? "For generations to come" means until there are no more generations. Who are the children of Israel? Eph 3:4-6; In reading this, then, you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ, 5which was not made known to men in other generations as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to God's holy apostles and prophets. 6This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus. Israels people or Gods household are those who believe that Yeshua is who He said He is, and accept Him as Lord . 2320 chodesh from 'chadash' (2318); the new moon; by implication, a month:--month(-ly), new moon. a primitive root; to be new; causatively, to rebuild:--renew, repair. This is what MS Encarta has to say about month. It has all to do with the moon! As I referred to before in Isaiah 66 it talks about BOTH Sabbaths and New moons to be kept once the new heaven and the new earth is established. It is established in verse 23 "from one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another"that the days are not running together consecutive but rather are distinguished from one to another with space in between(28 days and six days). Can you explain more in detail where in the Bible you find the connection between the moon and the children of darkness? Very interesting comment that Yeshua worked on the Sabbath. IF He did He would have committed a sin under the old covenant and thereby He would not have been sin free. Yeshua did not commit any sin, He was totally and utterly sinfree, so I want to ask you sincerely if you, sir, are implying that Yeshua committed sin? I would also strongly suggest that none of the disciples broke the Sabbath either! So whatever actions Yeshua and His disciples did during Sabbath were kosher according to Moshe. Remember that the religious leaders of that time had implemented many "fence-laws" by themselves for which they were called broad of vipers and white washed toombs. to repose, i.e to desist from exertion. This fits perfectly with the description God had about to rest the seventh day from work.Day 1-6 exert yourselves, day 7 desist from exertion. So anybody that proclaims to celebrate an everyday rest should desist from exertion everyday. That sounds like common sense and logic, doesn't it? Funny how by not mentioning you actually mention!! Most denominations are demon-nations full of man made religious "laws" and gospels of pastor so and so. Gods word sets free and is the truth. It is the manual that has been issued by the manufacturer. I didn't mean to offend you and if I did I appologize. I have to speak what is on my mind. If I am out to lunch, set me straight.
Jinjin came to Freeport a few months prior to being hired by Captain Scully of the Waterwitch. During the time with his clan in The Bone Lands, Jinjin came to be admired by some, but was mostly perceived as a freak for his "learn-ed" behavior. Like most of his kind, Jinjin spent little time caring about what others thought of him and eventually became bored and sought out a more interesting lifestyle. Hearing of adventure and intrigue to the East, as well as coin-a-plenty, Jinjin bartered passage from The Continent and traveled to the Island of A'Val, and eventually to the city of Freeport. There he spent a couple of months working the docks before being hired on by Captain Scully of the Water Witch. It is rumored that Jinjin had gotten into a nasty altercation one time in which his arm was severed. The story goes that Jinjin picked up his severed limb and proceeded to beat his assailant to death with it before allowing it to reattach itself. Thus, Jinjin is known to some on the docks as "Arm-Thumper". Jinjin is of average intelligence and quite gullible. Jinjin is prone to obsessive behavior; i.e.: if he is told that placing a coin face down on a table is back luck, he will ALWAYS place coins - one by one - face up. Jinjin simply does not understand the effects of his massive size. He is the guy that walks through a crowd, knocking people over, but doesn't realize it because after all, he's just walking. Jinjin is a terrible estimator of resilience and strength; "That [delicate] chair can hold me." Or "One more turn ought to do it." Jinjin carries a small stone around that has markings on it which resembles a face. Jinjin has named the stone Jerry. Jinjin feeds and gives water to Jerry every day by placing "nib-nibs" (sand) and water in the pouch that he keeps Jerry in. Jinjin may consult Jerry on difficult decisions. Jinjin will not hesitate to kill a person if they threaten Jerry. For reasons unknown, Jerry is VERY important to Jinjin. During a moment of desperation and frankly, a lapse of reason, Captain Scully decided to appoint Jinjin as the ship’s boatswain (bosun). Jinjin instantly took to the disciplinarian role of the bosun...much to the dismay of deckhand and captain alike. It was here that Jinjin met a half-elf by the name of Dunstan. Dunstan was a source of consternation for the troll but was also quite useful, especially when it came to handling the ropes. For reasons Jinjin still cannot quite understand, upon docking in Freeport, the Captain was quite adamant that he and Dunstan leave the Waterwitch. Dunstan is the son of a human prostitute and an elf of mysterious origin. Obsessed with the idea that his father is an elf of the highest and most legendary importance, Dunstan believes he will some day discover who is father is and, by association, gain the respect of everyone who ever "kicked" him as a child. Dunstan was raised in a brothel called "The Ninth Nymph" and as a result has about 15 mothers and while this was unusual it was a loving if somewhat sheltered upbringing. He was schooled in the ways of swordplay and fire arms my the men who frequented the establishment and is thought to have considerable potential as a swordsman, if only he could "just focus". Against the wishes of his mothers, Dunstan left home in search of his fortune and his father. He has been described as Indolent, contrary, utterly foolish, fearless, inventive and hot-blooded. Because of these traits he has bounced from ship crew to ship crew having been forcibly ejected from many ships. Vril Wisebloom was born on the Continent, but his family never felt welcome there after Vril's mother, Gilla, was accused of theft by several of the families for whom she worked as a seamstress. Vril's father, Roper, was around very seldom, often away for weeks at a time "working" for a group of thugs about whom me never spoke to Vril, but often spoke quietly about to his wife. One evening, Vril's father rushed into the small kitchen from the street and ushered the family swiftly out of their modest home, giving them only 5 minutes to gather things of greatest importance before they left swiftly out the back door. "No time to explain, but we need to go. NOW. No time to explain..." and they headed to the docks, unsure of their next step, but knowing that he had no choice but to lead his family away from the trouble he'd started in town. He hoped the trouble would not follow him. The leaking, creaky "ship" - if you can call it that - carried them to Freeport, barely. Roper had traded several important-looking books to the captain of the vessel, pleading for passage for the family. The battered Caravel seemed barely seaworthy, but yes, it would only be TO Freeport, no return necessary. The transit was uneventful save for the frigid waters pouring through all the openings in the sides of the craft, seeping into their clothes and belongings. The vessel struck bottom within sight of the docks near what they would come to know as Scurvytown. She sound of snapping lumber was more fearsome than the furious screaming of the enraged captain and the craft simply came apart in the water. Barely held together at the start, she fractured and took one last breath of wind as she tipped and started to sink beneath the waves. Vril gathered his few soggy belongings in a leather shoulder satchel and abandoned ship, stopping only to quickly gather his father's precious books before jumping into the water. It was not how he expected to spend his 10th birthday. Wet, cold, and hungry, Vril and his family arrived on the Freeport docks intent on making a new life, knowing they were starting from the very bottom. With few belongings, fewer coins, and no friends to speak of in this new place, Vril's father made an important choice ; when speaking to the harbormaster who pestered them for their names and demanding a fee for using the docks, Roper quietly replied "Wisebloom" seeking a way to both tell the man off and to give the family a fresh start. No use in keeping the old family name, it meant nothing here. "WHAT?" the old man bellowed, "SAY THAT TO MEFACE YE LITTLE...." Vril looked confused for a moment, but understood quickly what was happening. "Wisebloom" he repeated, confidently. W-i-s-e.... "WISEBLOOM? the man thundered in response. N'er heard of WISEBLOOM" and he quickly scrawled the name in the ledger, giving them for better or worse, their first tenuous foothold into the city. Everyone within earshot that cold morning heard the name echo across the harbor. Those looking on could not have understood the reason for the happiness that swept across the faces of the halfling family that day, but Roper, Gilla, and Vril had come to Freeport to start over and they new were free to do so. "FREEport, indeed!" Roper laughed as he looked around in the morning light. Wrapping his arm around Gilla's waist and clapping his hand on Vril's shoulder, he seemed overjoyed to start anew. No belongings to speak of save for the clothes on his back, boots on his feet and the coins jangling in his leather purse. His vibrant green coat stood out in contrast to the graying clapboarding on the dockside structures. Harlan is a young noblewoman of House Montague, a ancient noble family of Freeport. The Montagues are not among the most powerful of the families that make up Freeport's aristocracy, but they have been a part of the city's ruling class since the time of Drac the Sea Lord. The Montagues have stayed in the periphery of the cutthroat world of politics and intrigue. The stakes are quite high in that world; one false step and an entire bloodline can be eradicated with swift power play. In order to survive, House Montague has always relied on a prodigy; a child born with extraordinary powers. The Montagues' blood is imbued with arcane power. Once each generation, this power is manifested in an heir to the bloodline. Harlan is the most recent in a long line of these prodigies. Identified at a young age has having an uncommon knack for the arcane, she was secretly put into training in magic and sorcery at the Freeport Institute. She excelled at her studies and showed a knack for wielding a sword as well as her fledgling magic skills. Her years in the institute provided her with the skills and talents needed to help protect House Montague from it's rivals and enemies. She takes this honor very seriously. There is a somberness to her. She knows all too well just how precarious the balance of power can be in Freeport. Harlan has practiced her skills with the sword and bow, and is quite capable of protecting her family's interests with a slash of her longsword or an arcane blast of magic fire. Her noble upbringing and natural charisma help her navigate the dangerous world of Freeport's aristocracy. She's quite familiar with local secrets and (perhaps) tall tales. Her high birth and noble station allow her access to parts of Freeport society closed off from the common folk of the city. All in all, Harlan cares most in maintaining the balance of power among Freeport's elite.
In the vast universe that is Warframe, one of the worlds best free to play models just turned 5 years old and there has never been a better time to play then right now. But before I can explain why, I must first explain what Warframe is for those not in the know. Warframe is a free to play, multiplayer sci-fi action shooter/slasher/blowing stuff up and anything else you can think of kind of game, which was first released on PC back in 2013 by developer Digital Extremes. Later that year it was ported to the PS4 and the following year, to the Xbox One. Warframe takes place in a technologically advanced future where the player is a member of the Tenno, an ancient but powerful race of warriors that fight in suits of armor, called Warframes, hence the title of the game. and each set of armor comes with its own unique abilities. You can solo run the game or jump in with a team of 3 additional Warframes for some co-op fun across any of the available missions. . Additional offerings include, the ability to form or join a clan which opens up the possibilities for deeper interactions within the Warframe community. From buying, selling or trading between players to doing group research on locked weapons, there’s even an option for pvp (player vs. player) all within this well crafted social space known as the Dojo. The online interactions are plentiful. . At the onset of the game you’ll pick from 3 different Warframes and are then thrust into the middle of a war spanning our entire solar system between the Grineer a force of human clones that have been cloned to the point of deterioration, the Corpus a mega-corporation who's forces are made up entirely by robotic soldiers of all kinds, and last but not least the ever encroaching Infested which are a biomechanical virus that infects both organic and non-organic life such as corpus and turns them into rabid amalgamations. The game starts out with a choice of warframe. You have 3 to choose from and a few options on starting weapons. Then you begin the tutorial which does a decently good job at teaching you the basics. After the starting quests you are then given access to travel about the solar system. Much like our own but with a few additions that color this fictionalized version. This is not an open space game but you do access navigation by walking to the front of your ship and making destination selections through a holographic version of the solar system. You pick a planet and it will show the mission types available. You start on the planet mercury and you've got to do missions to unlock other planets. Within your ship, there are a handful of items to interact with. The Arsenal is where you’ll pick your warframe and your 3 weapons. There you can upgrade your warframe and weapons with “mods" which you use to increase the stats such as damage, defense and abilities. Most MODs will be found from enemy corpses. Additionally you can also change the look of each weapon for example their color or skins. Next is the foundry where you’ll build different weapons and warframes that require resources also found on enemy drops. Then the Mod bank where you can view and upgrade all the mods you have obtained. These are the basics that a new player would need to know, there are more things to explore in your spaceship but I've covered the bare bones needed to get started. Now that we know what warframe is and the basics of the game, why is now after 5 years the best time to play? The short and sweet answer is the sheer amount of content that exists in the game. Since launch in 2013 they have had 22 massive updates and many more small ones filled with an array of content and all while showing no signs of slowing down. Digital Extremes has been very receptive to the community by adding features that are popularly recommended. Things like fleshing out the end game content. . They even have quests that give story to the game and the different warframes, though I'll go more in depth later. Below I'm going to give you a breakdown of all the content that begs for your attention and really explain why they are worth your time. At launch Warframe started out with just 8 frames and that number grew to 53 at the time of writing this, though that number does include primed frames which are more advanced frames of the same name.hey have the same set of abilities but slightly better stats and a new look to them. They’ve also got their own lore in the Warframe universe. Digital Extremes is also reworking old frames to bring them to the standard of new ones and even tweaking not so old ones to keep the vision of each frame what it was meant to be. So every frame has their strengths and are worth playing. Now let's move onto the weapons, currently there are almost 300 weapons including the variants between primary, secondary and melee weapons, you will never get bored of the ever growing collection of weapons. Warframe has some of the most unique combat, there is really no equal. Truly the most unique feature though is the melee combat. Back in “vanilla” Warframe the melee weapons were just something you would have on your back and you would hit the attack button make a quick slash then put it back. Now each type of melee weapon has their own stances with multiple to choose from and what they do is give your melee weapons combos or move sets in other words, and if that sounds cheesy to you then you have yet to try it. Using your favorite melee weapon with a stance you like best and running around doing your combos in spectacular fashion is some of the most fun one can have in this game. Just writing about this cannot do the melee system justice, it's more than worth a try just for that. The second chunk of content that desires your attention are the quests that have been added into the game over the last few years. New warframes are primarily acquired through quests which as you play, you find out about the lore of the warframe in question. This feature removes the need to farm for the parts of the frame like the old days. The other kind of quests are story quests. Besides the lore and speculation, no story existed a few years ago, now there are two story quests which take you on a journey to learn a lot about your warframes which are shrouded in mystery. They are extremely engaging and will hook you on warframe. Without giving to much away, the story quests answer all the right questions while still creating even more more mystery. It generates so much new lore that this game will keep you knee deep in the trenches for a very long time. Warframe has many missions spread out across the universe, some not even in the normal plain of existence your usually in, and warframe is generally a game that requires farming missions every now and again for resources in order to build things, that being said it would be extremely boring if you just played the exact same mission over and over and the developers are fully aware of that so they have slightly different tile sets for the same mission. Tile sets are different wallpaper on the same mission essentially. It can be slightly different or uncomparable from what it used to be. Also every single mission in the game will have you start in a random area, so to get to the same objective in the same spot you will start in a different spot every time and get there a different way going through a whole different set of rooms. That is a feature many will take for granted but one that makes a large difference. If by chance you're not sold on this game yet I applaud you for continuing to read this article. But the best kicker is….its free to play. Like I said in the beginning with and I'm not joking when I say this, thousands of hours of content. I have multiple friends with over 1000 hours into this game and I, myself am not too far behind at 800 hours. My friends and I have taken many breaks from warframe but it has a weird effect of dragging us back time and time again with new and amazing content that keeps us playing. A month ago if someone told me I would be hooked on warframe like never before after almost a year long break and even writing this article I would tell them they are crazy. I'm now happily drowning in all the new content that I'm overwhelmed, and that's not a bad thing, In fact the farthest thing from it. In the 5 years I've played warframe I have spent just over $200 dollars which might sound crazy, a free to play game has to make its money somehow right? So of course it has it's own premium currency. In no way will I ever regret buying it, this game isn't a pay to win, but more of a pay and be lazy. But another great thing about it is that Platinum (the game currency) is freely tradable on the community market and is easy enough to obtain by selling your things to people. That is what makes this game the best free to play model of any game. You don't need to spend money but if you like the game then why not give a little back to the developers. Especially when they give 20, 50 and even 75% off Platinum discounts for daily rewards. I don't know any game that I play this frequently after 5 years of dedicated play time and over 800 hours. Pick this game up on whatever platform you have, you will not regret your time. If I've convinced you to sign up use the code below as you make your account. It will help me out and it will give you a 7 day XP booster that doubles the xp you get for a week. Thank you so much for reading guys. 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At Harmony 9 or above, the character’s clothes and belongings do not shift with her. Below that, assume her clothing and immediate possessions shift with her, subsuming into her body in Gauru, Urshul, or Urhan form, or stretching to fit Dalu, whatever makes the most sense for the scene. Last edited by wyrdhamster; 01-03-2018, 11:45 AM. By feeding it other appropriate Spirits. So the problem with Armor Spirits is that Armor doesn't have a Predator to Prey relationship where it is the Predator with something else conceptually, like to say Sadness and Happiness can be said to conceptually devour each other or a Wolf devour Deer or Rabbits naturally. Since it doesn't have that predation aspect in its concept it must eat Armor spirits to get conceptually consistent Essence to avoid becoming a Maggath. Spirits of protection and maintenance, of walls and war, of hide and hubris, of fear and fury, of honor and glory, of physical and emotional attachment can all theoretically be subsumed into a spirit of armor with the right background and circumstances; remember that spirits tend to dilute their conceptual purity as they rise in power. Defensive spirits pervade popular occult literature and outside of clear divisions of concept becoming magath is more of an art than an exact science of how closely associated a given choir is to another. It's more like Chainmail in PCs family has Awakened Spirit of Rank 1 because it's minor family heirloom. Topics Fetish needs Rank 3 spirit in item. Can I make Rank 1 spirit into Rank 3 then, somehow? By feeding it other appropriate Spirits. So the problem with Armor Spirits is that Armor doesn't have a Predator to Prey relationship where it is the Predator with something else conceptually, like to say Sadness and Happiness can be said to conceptually devour each other or a Wolf devour Deer or Rabbits naturally. Since it doesn't have that predation aspect in its concept it must eat Armor spirits to get conceptually consistent Essence to avoid becoming a Maggath. Also Armor Spirits would tend to have the Stalwart Numina and Resistance high relative to its other stats. EDIT: Just thought of something that might work instead of Armor Spirits. Also Elemental Spirits of the materials the Armor is made of, as the materials could be said to be consumed in the Armor creating and repairing process. I suppose this is true of most Spirits in the Artificial Choir making Elemental Spirits sort of the bottom of their food chain, right above raw Essence. Fun bit of trivia, one common way to a Spirit to awaken is for something physical which has a slumbering Spirit reflection to have its physical self destroyed. So you could have hunting down armor which is significant enough to have a Spirit reflection, if it is already Awake and has a Rank hunt it down by let the PC's Family Armor Spirit devour it. If it isn't Awake destroy the physical armor to see if that wakes it and if it does then do the previous sentence. My understanding of your Fetish write up is that the spirit must be of a particular strength to make the changes to the Armor needed based on how sturdy the Armor is, thus measured in the Armor rating it grants. Is that correct? Because that makes sense to me, a less powerful spirit wouldn't be able to have the appropriate Influence. One alternative method could be to have the requirement instead be: "The Spirit within the Fetish must have an Influence ••• or greater of a type appropriate to modify the Armor." This would make a Rank 3 spirit the minimum due to the Influence being capped by Rank. Last edited by Pale_Crusader; 01-07-2018, 03:01 PM. If the power of the fetish is to grant an armor rating then that rating would depend on its Rank, but if you already have an armour then the rating wouldn't become worse just because you put a low Ranking spirit into it. Assuming that our PC have 'family armor' on himself, but Spirit of it is clearly too weak - is there a way to strengthened it's Rank in relatively short time? Awakened Spirits are Rank 1 only, armor I have in mind is Chainmail ( Armor Rating 3/1 ), so would need Rank 3 spirit to power the Fetish. Changed to Pale Crusader's drawback in the Fetish rules post. The most obvious solution is finding armor whose Spirit has awakened from slumbering into an active Spirit due to its history, and then use the armor's own Spirit to power the Fetish. Likely Armor passed down through the generations with a glorious battle history, possibly for a wolf-blooded family would be idea. That is pretty specific, and potentially very meaningful to the PCs if it's their family's armor, and they are interfering with proper chain of inheritance. It is also potential great source for drama. Alternatively they can raid another Pack's relatives which is a great source of conflict in another way. Alternatively a less story rich option is a Gibbous Lune, which is a spirit of associated with shapeshifting. glory, and change may be appropriate too, especially if the particular spirit has been feeding from the glory from battlefields where many different warriors were fighting in armor under the gibbous moon. I mean if your players want to jump straight to the crunch with as little fluff or interesting consequences as possible. Good to know that, maybe use it as alternative plan for creation of Fetish. I'd talk with the players OOC and guage if they want seeking the armor to create storylines where they have to choose between taking something meaningful from their own wolf-blooded relatives or raiding the wolf-blooded relatives of another pack, or if they just want the fetish with as little hassle as possible so they can "Power Up" for another plot where they think they need the crunch to have a chance. Will look into it - but probably they would want to go with little hassle. They are preparing to go for East - i.e. for 'Greece', Byzantine Empire - so they will come across Slavic lands at the dawn of 9th century. I do not assume there will be very much powerful 'modern' ( to the Era ) armors in there. Last edited by wyrdhamster; 01-07-2018, 03:40 AM. ​I'm not sure the Drawback is a meaningful one; in numerous circumstances, making humans more likely to fail Lunacy rolls is an additional advantage, not a weakness. I'm not completely sure why you've included the Drawback section at all, really. Hell, I made an entire Wolf Gift around weaponizing Lunacy and using it to your advantage in the Giftbox thread. Remembering the armour regardless of Lunacy is much more of a drawback, as well as being more thematic and a neat storyhook. Where can you hunt on Crafting or Armour spirits? My players have Locus in local Forge of one of them - but they would rather want to stick with their Forge spirits to be in place there. I thought that seeing Gauru in Armor would be more scary than seeing just simple Armor. And seeing Urhan or Urshul in Armor also being really weird for humans. So it would be rather Drawback. I agree having the armor being memorable regardless of the Lunacy result is an interesting and meaningful drawback, but messing with the Lunacy roll could be advantageous or disadvantageous depending on the intentions of the werewolf wearing it, taking it out of the Drawback category. Drawback: Every witness that sees a character wearing this Fetish in their alternate forms will remember and recognize the armor, regardless of Form or result on the Lunacy check. Functionally this makes the armor a sort of Tell for those that would identify the wearer (As per Mortal Mask Numina). This is likely to affect Impression level for Social Manuevering, as appropriate. Last edited by Pale_Crusader; 01-06-2018, 07:17 PM. Rather than a spirit related directly to Change as a concept, I'd be inclined towards spirits of crafting, armour or the forge tbh. I thought that seeing Gauru in Armor would be more scary than seeing just simple Gauru. And seeing Urhan or Urshul in Armor also being really weird for humans. So it would be rather Drawback. Last edited by wyrdhamster; 01-06-2018, 07:11 PM. Isn't your player's imperative trying to come up with that? Hell, even a water elemental fits, it mutates to match the container. Good one, but I look for more. My Vikings players would want some options on creating this Fetish. The only problem I have is with – What types of spirits can create Shapeshifting Armor that is changing with Forms of wearer? As my problem was not answered by others - maybe I ask politely devs what they thought is on this question. Acrozatarim, if you can, maybe you can point me what are other Spirits of Change than Lunes - to make this Fetish? Well, beside Idigams, of course. There's far easier ways to get armor. Get a totem with Strengthen (Pack) to provide it.
Pitched on a high ground overlooking the town junction, the Dzong was first constructed in 1549 by the great grandfather of the first Shabdrung. Welcome to Bhutan, the Land of the Thunder Dragon. Touching down at Paro International Airport, you will be greeted by your guide upon exiting the arrival hall. Today, we will take it easy to acclimatise to the altitude. Drive to Thimphu, check in to the hotel and let’s have your first taste of Bhutanese cuisine and some light sightseeing in Thimphu if possible. Dochula Pass - The 108 chortens was built by the present Queen Mother of Bhutan Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck to commemorate Bhutan’s victory over Indian militants and to liberate of the souls lost. Punakha Dzong - Built in 1637, the dzong continues to be the winter home for the clergy, headed by the Chief Abbott, the Je Khenpo. It is a stunning example of Bhutanese architecture, sitting at the fork of two rivers, portraying the image of a medieval city from a distance. The dzong was destroyed by fire and glacial floods over the years but has been carefully restored and is, today, a fine example of Bhutanese craftsmanship. We will start our 7 hour drive to Central Bhutan. Before we start we will pay a visit to Chhimi Lhakhang (left) - A 20 minutes walk across terraced fields through the village of Sopsokha from the roadside to the small temple located on a hillock in the centre of the valley below Metshina. Ngawang Chogyel built the temple in 15th century after the ’Divine Madman’ Drukpa Kuenlay built a small chorten there. It is a pilgrim site for barren women. This is one of the most spectacular valleys in Bhutan and also the heartland of Buddhism in Bhutan. It is an area with a wide variety of fauna and flora. The Guru Rinpoche and his lineage of Tertons (treasure finders) making Bumthang his home have led to more than 40 temples being built in this peaceful valley. Witness the tsechu today, a rich form of the oral history tradition where the Bhutanese pass on values, mythology and spiritual beliefs through the dance dramas. The Prakhar Tshechu will culminate with a rare display of a giant silk applique thangkha (painting) depicting Guru Padmasambava or some other important Buddhist deity this morning. On route to Gangtey is Trongsa, the ancestral home of the ruling dynasty. Trongsa, literally "New Town" in the Dzongkha language, is where the current monarchy had its origin in Bhutan. Each King in the line of succession has held the post of Trongsa Penlop or Governor before donning the Raven Crown. Trongsa DzongThe foundations of Trongsa Dzong were laid in the 16th century by. Its foundation was laid by Pema Lingpa and flourished during the 17th century under Shabdrung Ngwang Namgyal. The impressive fortress is a massive structure, its wall looming high above the winding Mangde Chu Valley,commanding the east-west road. The Trongsa Museum (Ta Dzong), sits high above the valley at a strategic vantage point over Trongsa Dzong. The "Tower of Trongsa" tells the stories of the dzong and the valley that it has watched over for centuries. His Majesty the King inaugurates the Ta Dzong as a museum dedicated to the Wangchuk dynasty, land marking yet another significant event as the nation celebrates 100 years of the monarchy. It has been restored into a classy museum that represents a tasteful blend of tradition and modernity. There are 224 items on display, include a sacred image of Sung Joenma Dorji Chang (self spoken Vajradharna), a bronze statue of Pema Lingpa, made by himself and a number of centuries old treasures like dance and ritual costumes and objects, ancient prayer books, paintings and scrolls and textiles. The valley of Phobjikha is well known as the winter home of the Black necked crane (Grus Nigricollis). Bhutan is home to around six hundred black-necked cranes with Phobjikha being one of the popular places that the birds migrate to in the winter months from the Tibetan plateau. The elegant and shy birds can be observed from early November to end of March. This is an old monastery that dates back to 17th century. Nature Hike along the valley of Phobjikha - A short trek of about 90 minutes known as the 'Gangte Nature Trail' starts from the Mani stone wall to the north of the Gangteng Gonpa and ends in Khewa Lhakhang. Thimphu, the modern capital of Bhutan. Made up of just three main streets, it is only one of 2 capitals in the world without traffic lights. As the capital of Bhutan, Thimphu offers a rich cultural heritage with places of interest as listed below. In the morning, we will head to Thimphu, driving pass Wangdue and Dochula Pass again. Once we reach Thimphu, perhaps its time for you to take a short break. Seat yourself at one of the numerous cafe in town and write postcards for your family and friends. Or head to a view point to visit the Takin Enclosure or view Thimphu from afar. Heritage Museum - Dedicated to connecting people to the Bhutanese rural past though exhibition of artefacts used in rural households. Textile Museum - Witnesses the art of traditional weaving. Takin enclosure - On the way to the viewpoint over Thimphu is the home of Bhutan’s national animal, the Takin; a strange looking beast some say looks like a bee stung moose. Centenary Farmers’ Market - Every Saturday and Sunday most of the Thimphu population congregate on the banks of the river where the weekend market is held. Here villagers from the valley and other nearby places come to sell their agriculture products. Paro Valley - The beautiful valley is home to many of Bhutan’s old monasteries and temples. The country’s only Airport is in Paro. The valley is also home to mount Chomolhari (7,300 meters) situated at the northern end of the valley whose glacier water forms the Pachu flowing through the valley. The following are some of the prominent places to visit in Paro. Paro Dzong - also known as Rinpung Dzong, this 15th century massive fortress/monastery, is also the administrative centre of the dzonkhag. Ta Dzong - Built as a watch tower the Ta Dzong, it was converted into the National Museum in 1968. The museum boasts antique Thangka, textiles, weapons and armour, household objects and rich assortment of natural and historic artefacts. A morning drive, north of Paro valley brings us to the ruins of Drukgyal Dzong. Built in 1647 by the great Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, father and unifier of medieval Bhutan, the Dzong was destroyed by an accidental fire and left in ruins as an evocative reminder of the great victories it was built to commemorate. Explore the ramparts and relive the memories of a glorious past. Beyond Satsam Chorten, we hike up to the Taktsang Monastery (Tiger’s nest). The 1.5 hour hike to the cafeteria is also a vantage view whereby you can enjoy the stunning view of the monastery. Prayer flags adorn the cliffs and this is also where Guru Padmasambhava landed on the back of a tigress in the 8th century. After a sumptuous local lunch, we will retrace our steps to visit Kyichu Lhakhang, one of the oldest temples in Bhutan. Please refer to the photos as attached. The trip has been awesome and Bhutan will definitely be one unforgettable destination. With the many breathtaking sights and the warm hospitality from the good Bhutanese people, Bhutan is a place that leaves me with good memories. Not forgetting our guide, Ugeen, who is knowledgeable and always so friendly and helpful, and our driver, Bola, who is all humorous and caring. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and was indeed a memorable trip. I'm still in the midst of organising my photos and I did take some photos of our home stay for you. Will be happy to share our photos. Cecilia's 60th birthday was also a very memorable one for her. Thanks to you for helping us put through the special surprise request and KP arranged for a birthday cake. It was also a particularly meaningful birthday for her as she also had the opportunity to make offerings to Guru Rinpoche that day which was an auspicious one. The next day was also a memorable one for the group as KP helped us identify another auspicious day to hang our prayer flags at one of the pass. KP was an excellent guide and Tandin our driver had great initiative and a fantastic entertainer. I’m just back home and already missing Bhutan. It is a very interesting and beautiful country and our stay there was great and we really liked everything, culture, people and food. The festivals we attended were very amusing and Taktsang Dzong is astonishing. Our guide, Kuenzang Dema, was very nice and kind even if with little experience, and she should improve much herself. We appreciated a lot the driver. Mr. Karma is highly careful and accurate, the car always clean and impeccable. Thank you for the well-organized journey.
Visit Komodo Island, Singapore, Colombo, Sri Lanka, Mina Qabos, UAE, Dubai, Aqaba, Malta (La Valletta), Barcelona, Cadiz, Amsterdam, Warnemunde, Riga, Tallinn, Estonia, Helsinki, Finland, St Petersburg, Russia, Stockholm, Sweden, Copenhagen, Denmark and Dover. Komodo lizards quietly thrived in the harsh climate of Indonesia's Lesser Sunda Islands for millions of years until their existence was discovered about 100 years ago?when Dutch sailors encountered the creatures for the first time, they returned with reports of fire-breathing dragons. Reaching 10 feet in length and weighing over 300 pounds, Komodo dragons are the world's largest and heaviest lizards. The best place to view these magnificent and endangered creatures is on Komodo Island, the largest island in Komodo National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and Man and Biosphere Reserve. Although Komodo National Park is famous for its most recognized inhabitant it's also noted for its diverse marine habitat. 1,000 species of fish, 260 species of reef-building coral, manta rays, sharks, dolphins, whales and sea turtles live in the park's coral reefs, mangroves, sea grass beds and semi-enclosed bays. Singapore - the very name summons visions of the mysterious East. The commercial center of Southeast Asia, this island city-state of four million people is a metropolis of modern high-rise buildings, Chinese shop-houses with red-tiled roofs, sturdy Victorian buildings, Buddhist temples and Arab bazaars. Founded in 1819 by Sir Stamford Raffles of the fabled East India Company, the city is a melting pot of people and cultures. Malay, Chinese, English and Tamil are official languages. Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Hinduism and Christianity are the major faiths. Singapore is an ever-fascinating island boasting colorful traditions, luxurious hotels and some of the finest duty-free shopping in the world. Lying just 85 miles north of the Equator at the tip of the Malay Peninsula, the island was a haven for Malay pirates and Chinese and Arab traders. Sri Lanka conjures up the exotic and the mysterious. Once known as Ceylon, the island boasts a fantastic landscape that ranges from primeval rain forest to the bustling modern streets of Colombo, the capital. A visitor to Sri Lanka has a wealth of options. Relax on some of the world's finest beaches. Explore the temples, halls and palaces of the last Sinhalese kingdom at Kandy. Or take a guided tour of an elephant orphanage. Colombo also offers an array of charms, from the Royal Botanic Gardens, once a royal pleasure garden, to the Pettah Bazaar, where vendors hawk everything under the sun. Colombo and Sri Lanka were shaped by Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim and European influences. Colombo also serves as a gateway for Overland Adventures to India. Oman's capital was once a major trading centre controlled and influenced by the Portuguese. Those intrepid explores and traders are long gone. Today, visitors flock to Oman thanks to its azure air, towering desert mountains, and crystalline waters. Muscat itself is an Arabian fable sprung to life. Old 16th century forts guard the bay and the palace, while the vibrant souqs offer daggers, superb silver jewellery, and traditional crafts and costumes. Dubai has always served as a bridge between East and West. In the past, Dubai's trade links stretched from Western Europe to Southeast Asia and China. The result was the creation of one of the most protean societies in the world. Nestled in the very heart of Islam, Dubai remains unique in its embrace of the West. Bedouin may still roam the desert, but Dubai also plays hosts to international tennis and golf tournaments. Tourists flock to its shores while the pace of development continues at a frenetic pace, from massive artificial islands to the astounding Burj Al Arab Hotel. Dubai is actually two cities in one: the Khor Dubai, an inlet of the Persian Gulf, separates Deira, the old city, from Bur Dubai. The port of Aqaba has been an important strategic and commercial center for over three millennia. Originally called Elath, the home of the Edomites became in Roman times a trading center where goods from as far away as China found entry to Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. Today Aqaba is Jordan's only seaport, and the city serves as an intriguing gateway for travelers. In the surrounding desert lies the lost city of Petra - a city that may date to 6,000 B.C. - and Wadi Rum, where an English soldier mystic named T.E. Lawrence found his destiny as "Lawrence of Arabia." Perched at the apex of the Gulf of Aqaba, Aqaba offers internationally renowned diving opportunities and the richest marine life in the entire Red Sea. The old fortress on the waterfront dates to the 14th-century. Passengers should drink only bottled water while ashore. Please respect local customs and dress accordingly, avoiding exposed shoulders and knees. Transiting through the Suez Canal is sure to be one of the lifelong memories of your cruise. The thought of a canal linking the Mediterranean and Red Sea extends back in history as far as 2100 B.C. Napoleon Bonaparte, pursuing his dreams of conquest, entertained the notion in 1798. But it was French engineer Ferdinand de Lesseps who finally proved that a canal across the Suez was practicable. Work on the canal began in 1858. Eleven years later the opening of the Suez Canal was an international event. The world had acquired a quicker route to Asia-as well as a Verdi opera called Aida. Of course the Suez Canal was a source of immediate controversy. The British wrested control of the canal from Egypt in 1882. Egypt regained control during its revolution of 1952. In 1956, the British, allied with the French and Israelis, nearly took the canal back. The Arab-Israeli Six Day War of 1967 closed the canal until 1973, when another war and intense international negotiations led to its return to Egyptian control. Malta is the largest in a group of seven islands that occupy a strategic position between Europe and Africa. The island's history is long and turbulent. Everyone from the Normans to the Nazis have vied for control of this small, honey-colored rock. For centuries the island was the possession of the knightly Order of St. John - the Knights Hospitaller. Valletta, Malta's current capital, was planned by the Order's Grandmaster Jean de la Valette to secure the island's eastern coast from Turk incursions. Founded in 1566, Valletta's bustling streets are lined with superb Baroque buildings and churches. Malta has a long history: the megalithic stone temples at Gozo may be the oldest freestanding structures on Earth. Malta has two official languages, Maltese (constitutionally the national language) and English. Malta was admitted to the European Union in 2004 and in 2008 became part of the eurozone. Berlin is a worthy rival to London or Paris in terms of history, art and culture. The city's highlights include the restored Reichstag Building with its magnificent glass dome and the stunning Pergamon Museum. Warnemünde is a seaside resort near the harbor entrance to Rostock, one of the city-states that formed the medieval Hanseatic League. Originally a fishing village turned spa and resort. Explore the old Cold War hot spots and view the Brandenburg Gate, restored to its original magnificence. Or, stroll along the Kurfurstendamm and take coffee in a local cafe. Warnemünde is also your gateway to Mecklenburg and the German countryside. Capital of Latvia and the largest city of the Baltic Republics, Riga has long been a center of commerce and culture. Founded in the 13th century, the city rose to prominence as a member of the Hanseatic League, the great German-Baltic trading consortium that dominated Northern Europe during the Middle Ages. In the long struggle for Latvian independence, Riga has been ruled by Germans, Swedes and Russians. Today this "Little Paris of the Baltic" is a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its architecture including one of the finest collections of Art Nouveau buildings in Northern Europe. The city's German heritage contributed to the city's rich architecture. Riga's Art Nouveau buildings are outstanding examples of the German style known as Jugendstil. Perhaps their country's harsh climate encouraged the Finns' love and respect for design and the arts. Whatever the cause, there's no denying that Helsinki is one of the most vibrant and beautiful cities in Scandinavia. Hailed as the "Daughter of the Baltic," Finland's capital is a city of graceful neoclassical buildings, striking modern architecture and spacious boulevards dotted with squares and parks. In the past century, Finland has nurtured some of the major creative talents of Western culture, from the composer Sibelius to architects Eliel & Eero Saarinen and Alvar Aalto. The center of Finnish commerce and culture, Helsinki is home to some 616.000 people. Much of the city's neoclassical architecture dates from the period of Tsarist rule, which began in 1809 after political control of Finland passed from Sweden to Russia, Finland gained its independence in 1917. St. Petersburg has provided a historic stage since the day Peter the Great ordained its construction on the banks of the Neva. In its relatively short history - the city is younger than New York - St. Petersburg has witnessed the rise and fall of Imperial Russia, three shattering revolutions, and civil war. The city survived a long and tragic siege during World War II - indeed St. Petersburg became a symbol of Russian resistance to Nazi invasion. Russia's "Window on the West," St. Petersburg remains one of the world's most beautiful metropolises. Perched on the banks of the Neva, the city is crisscrossed by canals. Two great architects helped bring Peter the Great's vision of St. Petersburg to life: Rastrelli and Carlo Rossi. The rich architecture that resulted features a mixture of styles from ornate Russian Baroque churches to neo-classical palaces. St. Petersburg has also been the cultural soul of Russia, a repository of priceless art and a home to poets, musicians and composers ranging from Pushkin to Shostakovich. Peter the Great instilled his near-mania for architecture and building in his successors, making the then capital of Imperial Russia one of the architectural treasures of the world. Often described as the "Capital of Scandinavia," Stockholm traces its origins back seven centuries, when it was founded on the island of Gamla Stan and became the capital of Sweden. Today, the city covers 14 separate islands connected by bays, channels and inlets. The skyline is a sea of copper roofs grown green with patina, towers, spires and graceful cupolas stand sentinel over the historic Old Town (Gamla Stan). With its population of nearly a million people, Stockholm is one of the world's most beautiful, clean and orderly cities. With a history stretching over seven centuries, Stockholm is not just a beautiful city but also Sweden's center of art and culture. Copenhagen was founded during the 12th century. The city owes much of its charm to the buildings erected by Denmark's monarchs, and boasts a treasure trove of late-Renaissance and Rococo architecture. Copenhagen deserves its accolade as the Venice of the North. Founded on a series of islands and islets, the city today is laced with graceful canals and boasts some of the most delightful architecture in Northern Europe. See the fabled statue of Hans Christian Andersen's Little Mermaid, a symbol of the city. Stroll along the old harbor of Nyhavn, lined with cafés, restaurants and 500-year-old gabled houses. Browse the superb shops on the world-famous Stroget or view the Rococo palaces lining Amalienborg Square. Best of all, savor the taste of local delicacies while wandering the paths of Tivoli Gardens, one of Europe's most celebrated pleasure gardens. Prices quoted valid for sale until 11 May 2019 for travel during the period specified (if applicable) unless otherwise stated or sold out prior. 2 night cruise sailing from Sydney, Australia aboard the Sea Princess. 2 night cruise sailing from Brisbane aboard the Sea Princess. 3 night cruise sailing from Sydney, Australia aboard the Sea Princess. 3 night cruise sailing from Fremantle aboard the Sea Princess. 4 night cruise sailing from Brisbane aboard the Sea Princess. 4 night cruise sailing from Fremantle aboard the Sea Princess.
Did you know that if you travel to London by train, you can get two for one tickets to a host of attractions? I didn’t until Great Northen and Thamelink told me all about it. It’s actually really simple, you just hop over to thameslinkrailway.com, buy your tickets, and then visit thameslinkrailway.com/destinations/london to grab a 2-for-1 voucher for your chosen attraction. There’s LOADS to choose from, from a ride on the London Eye, to aquarium and zoo tickets and more. We planned our own action-packed family weekend in London to try the offer out, selecting the London Transport Museum as our chosen attraction. On Friday evening, we all piled onto the train, arranged our snacks on the table, and chatted away happily until we arrived into London just in time for dinner. One Aldwych is situated just two blocks from Covent Garden in the heart of theatreland. A gorgeous 5 star hotel with stunning amenities, One Aldwych is a great family option as they offer the option of adjoining rooms so that everyone can get a good night’s sleep. Our room was up on the third floor and was frankly breathtaking. Down a hallway we had the children’s bedroom to the left with twin beds and en suite, the master bedroom to the right, also with ensuite, a well-stocked kitchenette to the side of the corridor, and at the end, a spacious living area with dining table and views right over central London. Wow. We couldn’t have been more comfortable or more well looked after during our stay. This is a wonderful hotel for a family trip to London. Visit onealdwych.com for more information. Almost reluctant to leave our lovely suite, we headed down for dinner at Indigo on the mezzanine floor at One Aldwych. The service was excellent, with the staff bringing out colouring pencils and colouring sheets for the kids, and taking the time to crouch down to their level and listen intently whenever the kids had something to say. We were brought gluten and dairy-free samphire bread to enjoy with an oil dip as we perused the menus and we were relieved to see that children are well catered for. J opted for flatbread and houmous with crudités, while JD opted for the battered fish and chips. I selected a beetroot salad starter, followed by gnocci with girolles, peas, broad beans and Parmesan. Both excellent. Mark chose a pork salad with crackling and truffle dressing, followed by lamb rump with samphire and smoked aubergine and capers. A flavourful, comforting selection. To finish, JD chose a generously fruit-filled knickerbocker glory while J opted for marshmallows, which came with a generous jug of chocolate sauce (a rich, creamy ganache) that she poured on for herself before running out of energy and curling up happily on Mark’s lap. Unable to resist dessert, Mark and I decided to share a bowl of orange polenta cake, which came with delicate slithers of rhubarb. Divine! Check availability and book your meal at onealdwych.com/food-drink/indigo. In the morning, we woke early to enjoy our gorgeous suite before heading back to Indigo for breakfast, which is included in the room price for most bookings. Alongside a fresh basket of pastries and plenty of hot tea/coffee and juice for the kids, we were presented with a good range of options on the menu. I enjoyed an excellent vegetarian cooked breakfast, while Mark opted for the meaty version and the kids enjoyed cereal and pancakes. Well stocked with carbs for the day ahead, we left our bags with reception and headed out to explore the area. We hadn’t been walking long when we spotted that J had rather covered herself in maple syrup, so we took a detour to GAP Kids and soon had her kitted out in the outfit, which I think she carries off rather brilliantly. We strolled about, taking note of our theatre when we spotted it, then headed into the piazza to enjoy some live performances and a bit more shopping. The kids loved and J didn’t want to stop watching the man who put his whole body through a coat hanger! On the other side of Covent Garden, we reached the London Transport Museum. Using the 2-for-1 voucher we’d printed was easy. Children go free, so we just presented our voucher along with our train tickets, and paid entry of £17 instead of £34. Brilliant! JD and I had visited the London Transport Museum before, but it was J and Mark’s first time and it was wonderful to see how much everyone enjoyed it. Across one main floor and two mezzanines, there are a huge number of exhibits and most are interactive, from buses to taxis and tube trains and even a horse and carriage! Each child who visits is given a ‘Stamper Trail’ card, which allows them to collect 13 stamps from numbered points all over the building. It’s a brilliant way to keep kids interested right through the trip, and ensured we visited every corner of the museum. The kids weren’t all that excited when I told them we were nipping back to the hotel for lunch. That is, until they discovered it was a Charlie and the Chocolate factory themed afternoon tea, their expectations were instantly raised sky high..and One Aldwych exceeded them! We started with these stunning bubbling dry ice cocktails, delivered in glass teapots, they completely captured our imagination. Then it was time for the savoury course, little sandwiches and quiches, divided into plates to suit Mark (a meat-eater), the kids, and me (a veggie). It was all perfect – especially the crumbly heritage tomato tart. Next came the sweet course, and the children’s eyes were as round as saucers as treat after treat appeared, from blueberry loaves, to conserves and scones, to gingerbread cake pops, candy floss, golden eggs filled with cheesecake, and more! Everything tasted exceptionally good – in fact I’d say this quite possibly tops the list of my very favourite food experiences to date. With full tummies and happy hearts, we rounded off this magical treat with hot chocolates, before dashing off to the theatre. Book your One Aldwych afternoon tea at onealdwych.com/food-drink/afternoon-tea. Prices start from £37.50 (or £27.50 for children under the age of 12). The kids had never seen a West End musical before so we were so excited to head back into the heart of London’s theatreland to see a full performance of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The sets, characters and performances in the show were loud, proud and larger than life. We enjoyed every second of this clever show, which boasts original songs and dialogue you won’t have seen in the movies, expertly performed by a highly skilled, pitch perfect and completely engaging cast. The ending, without giving too much away, was beautifully done. I highly recommend going to see this show – the kids loved it and are already talking about going to see it again before it moves to Broadway in 2017. Follow Charlie and the Chocolate factory on Facebook and Twitter and book your tickets from £25 at www.charlieandthechocolatefactory.com. On a high from a truly wonderful weekend, we whizzed back to the hotel, grabbed our bags and then made our way to the station for the train ride home. The children both slept on the journey north, as did Mark and I! We’ll definitely be having another London adventure soon and will certainly take advantage of the Thameslink 2 for 1 offers. It’s a brilliant way to get the most of a trip to the big city. What’s more, the 2 for 1 offer is also available across Cambridge & Brighton, so that’s lots more reasons to hop on a train. This is a commissioned post for Thameslink & Great Northern, who provided train and museum tickets.We attended the show and stayed at the hotel as guests of the press offices. The final three Charlie and the Chocolate Factory images are official production images reproduced here with permission. Also thanks to VisitLondon.com for helping us plan the trip. Do check them out for lots more ideas for London family fun. « Noa and Nani has a new collection of ‘grown up’ furniture and it’s gorgeous! London Transport Museum is a great, interactive museum that details the history of transit in London. Interesting for kids of all ages! My mouth is watering looking at all of those fabulous food pictures. No matter how many times I go to London, I feel like I only scratch the surface. Thanks for sharing, Emily. Oh my, that food photography is simply amazing! I feel so discouraged when I see quality photos like yours, since I never seem to be able to produce high quality images. Guess I’ll have to try harder!
Clinical photography is an essential tool for many physicians. Certain areas of medicine rely heavily on these images to explain procedures to patients, clearly demonstrate the progress a patient has made, and showcase the doctor’s skills with before and after images. They have further administrative uses, like handling insurance claims, facilitating collaboration between doctors, and assisting with referrals. Lately, practices have been ditching their high-end photography systems in favor of their personal smartphones. Is there really a benefit to switching over, or are these physicians sacrificing quality for ease-of-use? One of the biggest concerns physicians have when they consider using a cell phone camera for digital clinical photography is the quality of photos. It’s a fair concern, since the cameras integrated in cell phones have traditionally produced poor-quality, grainy images. Lisa Bettany delved into this in an article for tap tap tap, a company that produces photography apps for iPhones. While there’s absolutely no comparison between high-end digital cameras and the cameras on flip-phones of yore, today’s iPhones have seen significant improvements. Bettany examined the 12-megapixel iPhone 6s iSight camera, and noted that it boasts 50% more megapixels than the previous four generations of iPhones, as well as a whole host of new features designed to produce better images. As a professional photographer, Bettany likes to compare the progress of iPhone cameras on an annual basis. The differences in clarity, even between generations of iPhones, should really be seen to be fully appreciated. The latest iPhone delivers crisp, clear photos, without the grain and fuzziness that plagued earlier generations. Comparing Smartphone Cameras to DSLR Cameras: Which is Better? Many physicians have invested in expensive systems specifically designed for clinical photography. They often start at around $7,000, and require additional upgrades or tools, and possibly a special photography room as well. By the time the dust settles, the physician can easily spend $10,000 or more before a single photograph is taken. Even a high-quality digital single-lens reflex (sometimes shortened to DSLR or digital SLR) camera starts around $5,000. It would seem that a meager smartphone, costing just a few-hundred-dollars can’t compete with these modern marvels of technology. However, nowadays even professional photographers see little value in shelling out the big bucks for high-end cameras. Photographer Lee Hutchinson compared the iPhone 6Plus against $8,000 worth of high-end equipment. He took dozens of comparison photos for ars technia, and noted that the most important thing was how the photos actually look to the human eye. His final conclusion was “a smartphone that costs a few hundred dollars is mostly as good as a DSLR that costs eight-to-ten times as much.” The key, however, is that a professional photographer will always take better photos, whereas a less-experienced photographer may actually perform better with a smartphone camera. In a medical office, this is incredibly relevant, as assistants, rather than professional photographers, are the ones who are often responsible for capturing images. In other words, medical assistants and office personnel may actually take better photos using their phones. It’s Obvious That Smartphone Cameras are Beneficial, But What About HIPAA Compliance? In an article for the American Bar Association, Catherine Barrett warns that doctors may be violating HIPAA by using mobile devices in their practices. She notes that 83% of physicians own at least one mobile device, and that 25% of all physicians qualify for “super-user” status, by utilizing both a smartphone and a tablet. Moreover, 81% of those in practice use their own devices to access things like electronic patient records. While there are HIPAA-compliant methods of using personal devices to access electronic medical records (EMRs), many doctors are not using them. This leaves the data open to theft over networks, or it may be easily stolen on devices. In fact, 66% of data breaches within the healthcare sector have been traced back to a single stolen mobile device. Authentication: Data should be password-protected, at the very least. Encryption: Information on the device should not be able to be read without being decrypted, whether during storage or transfer. Physical: Physicians are encouraged to keep logs of who has access to devices with data, keep devices locked in a cabinet when not in use, to use RFID chips to track lost or stolen devices, and to utilize software that can lock devices or destroy data in the event a device is lost. Unfortunately, medical professionals don’t always follow these, and other necessary requirements, to become HIPAA-complaint. With so many doctors seeing the benefit of mobile devices, they’re using their own phones to capture patient data, and are even using them to take clinical photos. They are then kept on the device for later reference, or emailed and messaged to the office staff for integration into the patient file. Not only is this not HIPAA-compliant, it’s a legal issue waiting to happen. New software companies solve the challenges of HIPAA compliancy in the digital age. Take, for example, Modernizing Medicine, a company that specializes in EMRs. They’re one of many who offer a suite of tools that store data in the cloud, to keep medical offices HIPAA-compliant. In addition to hosting medical records, their service allows physicians to snap clinical photos with their devices, and then transfer the encrypted file to the cloud. The Most-Advanced Solution for Mobile Clinical Photography is the RxPhoto Application from AppwoRx.While a handful of companies enable physicians to remain HIPAA-compliant with their electronic medical records, and some even host photos, the RxPhoto application from AppwoRx is by far the best choice for physicians whose lifeblood rests on having consistent high-quality images. Many offices struggle with consistency between images, but RxPhoto makes uniformity simple. The application holds a patent, which protects many aspects of mobile clinical photography. The most innovative of which is a unique ghosting feature that allows a photographer to overlay a previous image on the screen, so that the new image is in exact alignment. This makes consistency between images a breeze, regardless of who takes each photo, which room the image is captured in, or what device is used. Before and after images can be perfectly-aligned, to make the improvements easy to see. Initial photos can be taken with the assistance of on-screen illustrations, making galleries of patient photos appear uniform, adding to the professional appearance. Most of all, it solves one of the biggest problems of photography in general. Anyone can take flawless, high-quality, consistent clinical photos, regardless of whether they’re a staff member with minimal photography training, or a physician, who may have had some time pass since his clinical photography training. AppwoRx is also HIPAA-compliant. The developers at AppwoRx took time to ensure that doctors who use the application are compliant with HIPAA guidelines. The images are stored in the cloud, which means there’s no concern over lost or stolen data. Any employee can use his personal smartphone, and nothing is ever stored on it. Moreover, the level of encryption is twice the level that HIPAA calls for, so there’s absolutely no concern over security breaches. The added benefit of using cloud-based technology is that physicians can access the images anywhere. If a doctor wants to check on a patient’s progress before entering the exam room, he can do so with just a few taps. If he gets curious about a particular case while at home and wants to compare before and after photos, he can do so, while being totally HIPAA-compliant. Images are catalogued, for easy retrieval. Even offices that utilize digital means to store photos have difficulty cataloguing them. In some cases, a master computer simply has heaps of random images of all patients, which doctors must then sort through to find what they need. In more organized platforms, the photos are tucked away in patient charts, but it still takes time to navigate to the right one. AppwoRx neatly catalogues all photos, so that clinicians can search by date, area of the body, or using other guidelines, saving loads of time. In addition to taking excellent clinical photos, AppwoRx offers doctors a suite of robust features. The application has many unique tools, designed to improve patient care and efficiency. Doctors can engage patients, by showing them recommended treatments and clear photos of progress. Patients can view information about how procedures work. Reports can be printed out. These may include branded treatment recommendations, post-op instructions, insurance narratives, and more- all including the clinical photos taken with the app. Access to a custom patient education gateway may be created, so patients can view all the information online from the comfort of their homes. AppwoRx has been called an “elegant solution” for the technical difficulties associated with clinical photography. Steven Leon MS, PA-C uses the application in his dermatology practice, and has noted the significant advantages of using it. When speaking of the results that the ghosting feature provides, he says, “The two photos can then be compared side by side on the iPad for you and the patient to view together.” This naturally leads to better patient compliance through education. Leon adds, “A side by side photo showing a 50 percent improvement is much more powerful than telling patient they have a 50 percent decrease in lesions.” In a nutshell, that’s what AppwoRx does. It simplifies taking quality clinical photos, which directly transfers into compelling material that has numerous uses within a practice. Mobile device cameras are incredibly powerful today, and enable even a novice photographer to take better photos than he could with a high-end system or expensive DSLR camera. This, in and of itself, is a boon for clinical photography. However, as more physicians turn to them, they also face the risk of becoming non-compliant with HIPAA guidelines. The latest technology developments solve the HIPAA problem, by encrypting data and hosting it on the cloud. When paired with a suite of tools like AppwoRx offers, the benefits are even greater. Photos are more consistent, and offices can provide better patient care. Moreover, beneficial services such as this, that streamline and improve office procedures, save time, which cuts down on administrative costs. The ability to use the images and create reports as marketing materials can also drastically increase practice revenue. It’s impossible to pin mobile device cameras down to a single benefit when it comes to clinical photography, which is why their integration can be considered nothing short of revolutionary.
[Q] is an Electrical Engineer who works in an industrial setting. He frequently uses Programmable Logic Controllers at work but had never built one himself. He decided to undertake the project at home and managed to build a PLC that outputs 120V AC or 12 V DC and has optoisolated inputs. On the circuit board you’ll find an ATmega8 and an EEPROM for extra data storage. Six outputs are controlled by relays since they are able to output either alternating or direct current. There are eight inputs which use optical isolators as buffers to protect the microcontroller. So what did he end up using this for? It was part of his Christmas light setup last year. The image above shows the PLC in a water-tight electrical box with extension cords running to each of the devices he wishes to control. The example code is what he used on the X-mas setup, but it should be enough of a guide to program this to work with just about any application. So…basically he wired some relays and extension cords to an ATMEGA chip? A device without an intended use is just pointless. Even if you can occasionally plug Christmas lights into it for fun. @M4CGYV3R: Thanks for the translation into English :). And where in his AVR code is the “Logic” from PLC? Is the optical isolation done the right way in this project? Both the transistor and the diode have common ground, which means it isn’t really isolated. That said, ladder logic is simply a visual perspective and any code if/then logic will accomplish the same tasks. In fact, most commercial ladder logic based plc’s do in fact run their instructions sequentially from the top of the ladder downward. I also agree the common grounding issue is a major design flaw, and somewhat defeats the purpose of the optical isolation. @McMonster: At best, it will limit an over-voltage on the input reaching the AVR but yep, it’s not really isolated. He may as well have just put a cheaper zenner or transorb. I was planning on developing ladder logic programming for this PLC but that proved to be above my computer programming skill level, so I moved onto other things. When you work with Industrial controllers, you tie the neutrals of all your power supplies together (floating grounds are unsafe) and, then you tie one of those neutrals to earth ground. Because my PLC was mainly designed to mess around with small 5V inputs I decided to simplify things and just make the connections on the board that way they get tied to earth via the power plug. In the end the input side of the Opti-couplers do get tied to the power supply in some way (external to the board or right on it). The optical isolation will still provide protection to the rest of the board. Surges or improper voltages on the input will only blow the OK itself but, will not jump to the output side and blow the micro controller or other components. Good catch, I like to explain as much as I can, and from the commends it seems that I need to make the OK write-up more clear. Thanks for the input, guys I always love talking design, it’s a great way for me to learn. We make Arduinos into PLCs with some optically isolated 5VDC to 120VAC solid state relays and custom made shields. Works very well. An Arduino *is* a PLC, isn’t it? Isn’t PLC really just an industrial term for “embedded computer controller”? A PLC is a controller that is purpose built to function in adverse conditons. Extremes in temperatures, humidity, vibration, dust, etc are normal operating conditions for a PLC. Inputs and outputs can be nearly anything you want (DC, AC, or analog, from 5VDC, to 440VAC 3 phase). You don’t buy a real PLC unless you have an actual use for it (learning to use one is a valid use), simply because they are expensive. Also, you can add an arbitrary number of inputs and outputs (up to the limits of the PLC controller), and you can chain a number of them together. You CAN do anything with a *duino that you can do with a PLC, but it is all a matter of what you want to do with it. If you need dozens of IO, and need to handle line level voltages, in extreme environments, you will use a PLC. If you need to control highly complex, industrial systems, you will use PLCs. *duinos (or other forms of microcontrollers) are better suited to smaller systems. I am sure that others will disagree with me, but if you are designing one machine, use an Arduino. If you are designing the entire plant, use a PLC. Conventional logic says this is correct. But Arduinos have plenty of power – on par with many common PLCs. They are far less expensive and without too much work are able to be extended out such that they can talk with each other and perform computer based monitoring. What they can’t do is drive a large touch screen or be programmed with ladder logic (sort of anyway). Arduinos generally lack *any* 120v outputs but with some solid state or mechanical optically isolated relays, you can control up to 480 volt systems without terrible difficulty – assuming you know what you are doing. The SSR modules are fairly inexpensive and because the arduinos are so much easier to use, easier to program and cheaper, we have embedded them in all sorts of industrial controls. We built a roughly $100,000 anodizing line using 11 of them (mostly Megas) and saved quite a bit of hassle, time and frustration – plus they all talk to each other, control displays, accept inputs and control outputs and perform error detection and process control. In short, pretty much everything we needed. I consider Arduinos to be PLCs, but better in nearly every regard. And I say that as someone who has dealt far more than they want to with Siemens and Telemecanique and other “true” PLCs. You’re right, functionally a PLC is nothing more than a hardened microcontroller. All very valuable things that save time and headaches when doing complex (and often dangerous) stuff. Koyo makes some sub $100 PLCs and they seem to work just fine, has excellent ladder software as well. Actually, that was off the top of my head. And you are absolutely correct. I should also mention that I’ve only had one class in PLC’s, and that over a decade ago. And I do agree with Hackerspacer. When I said “highly complex, industrial systems”, I was thinking more about the ‘industrial’ than the ‘complex’. PLCs are (mostly) designed for nasty, miserable environments that have neither air conditioning or filtration. And they are installed and maintained by electricians. Most electricians are pretty smart, but they tend to work on “bigger” equipment. If the connecting wires are 14 gauge and larger, and carry either 48VDC or some type of line voltage; OR are very electrically noisy, you should probably use a PLC. If the conecting wires are 18 gauge and smaller, and won’t handleing more than ± 12VDC, go with a microcontroller. Or even more simply put, if your signal wires carry enough current to kill you outright, use a PLC. Otherwise, use a microcontroller. PLC is just a term that has stuck for many kinds of modular, rail-mount, easily programmable controllers with specific IO needs. PLCs were the next step from relay control blocks. So basically, all those discrete blocks (relays, timers, logic) that had to be wired, it could be done with programming just one block via a simple graphical interface. If you build a few, simple machines professionally that need some control – use a PLC. For larger scale installations, the availably systems (building blocks) are not easily categorized, but everything goes: PLC with motion control and addional IO modules connected via some field bus, up to embedded real time OSs with graphical process control GUI etc.. It’s all about standardization – of course, if you are very quick, you can build your own specialized hardware to do the job. But only few people will be able to design, build, program and test a system within the time they can setup a PLC. In addition, a proprietary solution is not easily replaced and maintained while pretty much anyone could replace and reprogram a PLC. I know – there is also a (discontinued?) project called MikroSPS, by the guys who now mainly do the MikroKopter. I think it is able to generate code from a logic diagram made with EAGLE. Who cares if its overkill or technically not this or that? I think it’s a great project, particularly if you someday get some kids involved in understanding how it all works. Better than playing video games or watching TV IMO, and he probably had the best light display on the block. Beat that Mr and Mrs Joneses! Its up to Hardware design we all know PLC is able to work in Extremes in temperatures, humidity, vibration, dust, etc are normal operating conditions. # For Dust Protection you can use thin coating layer paste which will help you for Dust Protection. # Microcontrollers use Embedded C etc. What is Main Difference b/w PLC and MCU based PLC. # Ladder logic is mainly design for Electrical Engg.’s who only know NO,NC of relay. # Software of PLC are Available Worldwide and any little skilled person who deals with Relay are able to program PLC But not able to program Microcontroller based PLC. # PLC hardware consist semiconductor base and MIcroprocessor/microcontroller is RUN inside PLC but User Interface programing is Ladder (for Electrical Engg’s). I do PLC development daily for a living. I have worked on power plant systems with 100’s of I/O points and 1000’s of communicated points. The more I learn about arduinos, and other controllers the more I am convinced that the multi $100K systems i work on are not much more powerful (in cases less) than these controllers.I believe most of what you are paying for is the decades of development these companies have invested (MODICON, Allen Bradley, GE, Siemens). M$ windows would be much more expensive if billions of people weren’t buying copies. As for flexibility, I would argue my hands are tied very often because this controller doesn’t work with that protocol. The OS of the PLC is what it is. With C or Linux you will never be told that cannot be done, just that it may take alot of work. There is also very often a patchwork of protocol bridges and media converters to get certain controllers to work with older hardware. There is a much easier entry to control something with an off the shelf PLC (especially if you are replacing relay logic). People who know nothing about CPUs, electronics, or low level programming can be controlling something pretty quickly. You don’t really need to use a *seperate* ground for the isolator to work as intended . Ground is simply a reference for voltage; if the circuits aren’t connected by anything other than ground it’s fine. I’m a bit perplexed as to why he is using an isolator for a 5v DI though.. – It would make complete sense for a 12, 24 or higher voltage DC. With a couple modifications it could be used for AC also. I was reading the project documentation and there is a part were you explain “..LED1 is in series with the coil..” Could you please confirm how is that? By looking at it I thought the coil was in parallel with LED1 and R13. Thanks for sharing your project with the community, people like you make the internet a better place. You are correct. The LED and resistor are in series, parallel to the coil. Don’t forget your reverse biased flyback diode.
What projects have you taken on that are stretch-assignments for you? Did you ask for this assignment or was it given to you? What is your understanding as to why you were selected? Were you given meaning & purpose as to how this assignment fits in with the organizational or departmental strategy? How do you – typically – go above and beyond your job description? Tell me about the last time you did and what was the reaction by your peers and the person you report to when you presented the results? When is the last time you had a conversation about your career path with the person you report to? What would you elevate about your performance or competencies today based on your assessment of your performance? Tell me about the person you report to? What are the qualities you most admire in this person? What are the qualities you least admire in this person? Do you feel supported by this person? Are your skills being fully utilized? Do you feel you get ample one-on-one time with them? Are they actively involved in and supportive of your career journey? If I am conservatively estimating, I would say 60-70% of these dialogs get caught up on the first two bullet points. Out of every ten people that I have this type of conversation with, six or seven cannot articulate how they have shown that they are interested in growth, they are unable to effectively communicate their interest, or how they go above and beyond the most basic functions of their roles to stand out and show they want more. I ask them, if they aren’t ambitious and excited around their career path, how can they expect anyone else to be? I rarely receive a response. If they expect to get promoted or recognized for simply doing the bare minimum – holy cow…are they in for a rude awakening in most workplaces. This is when I usually talk about choices and making the right ones to ensure they are controlling their path and have people around them who will – in turn – make the choice to support them. We all have a choice in how we present ourselves to others. We can choose to be excellent – to stand out from the masses – to be known for being innovative, collaborative, productive, proactive, and contribute to the culture in a positive way. Or we can choose to be mediocre, bland, and forgettable – employing the ever-popular and failing strategy of hope to their lives. Every person has the power to design and build their own reputation based on choices they make. Each day we are confronted with a barrage of choices. We make choices about what to wear, the food and snacks we consume, the appointments we schedule and keep, the time we show up at work [and how we “show up” to work], which train we catch, who we engage with and the strangers we meet, what we do after work, etc.. Creating a rich and satisfying life filled with a sense of accomplishment and pride means making good and healthy choices on a consistent basis. So, what is a good choice? Good choices are decisions that keep you hyper-focused on and driven towards your specific personal and professional goals. Bad choices are counterproductive to accomplishment and can quickly undermine your existence into one filled with distress, confusion, and chaos, or – almost worse – nothingness. Some of the challenges that exist around choosing ‘smart-choice-making’ arises with options that may be attractive in the moment | short-term but may incrementally steer us away from our ultimate goals. For example, thinking you can procrastinate one more day on a project or you’ll be okay if you deliver “good enough” results “just this once” in business levers or an assignment can be considered bad choices. Conversely, some decisions that are considered either provocative, difficult, or miserable in the moment can result in better direction in the long term. The most fundamental consideration with choice-making is to ensure the choices you make are consistently congruent and complementary with the important objectives you have. If you have a long-term personal or professional goal of building a successful career and one day being your own boss, then making decisions to work within the status quo and deliver mediocrity will likely undermine this goal and later lead to misery and disappointment regardless of how good, easy, and/or safe it feels today. Truly understanding the dynamics and impacts of choices can help improve the decisions that you make. For the most part, any choice involves at least two options, both of which have pros and cons associated with them. It might seem, at first, that one of the options doesn’t have many things going for it at all but the very fact that you have hesitated before pursuing one course of action over the other suggests that not everything is black and white in your mind. Taking a moment to reflect on that aspect of your inclinations and orientations that made you pause can help you understand the situation more clearly. Being cognizant of this perspective will allow you to make a better-informed decision. And accepting of the consequence(s) or result(s) of your choices. Choice making is an indispensable part of our daily lives. Ordinarily, we make decisions naturally, efficiently, and quickly. However, every so often, we face a moment with a decision that gives us multiple viable options. When that occurs, weigh the merits of both options and notice the higher-valued goals that appear as you’re considering the choice you need to make. Which one is more aligned with your objectives? Which one will benefit your professional agenda and that of your colleagues? Which one will support your reputation? Once the highest goal is in view your decision will be clear and you’ll know that the path you’re about to take is consistent and compatible with all that it means to be you. Each and every day, whether we like it or not, we have to make choices for our future selves, our heath, happiness, and security. Whether it’s about where you’ll be living next year or staying at a job you don’t love, making tough decisions is something that is going to happen. HAVE A CLEAR VISION OF WHAT YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE: When you’re profoundly aware of what you want out of your life, you are able to make better choices. According to David Welch, PhD, professor of Political Science at the University of Waterloo in Ontario said, “People who aren’t self-reflective are going to end up making bad decisions because they don’t really know what they want in the first place.” When I make a decision, I think ahead to the next six months to a year about how this is will impact my goals. Is this the direction I need or want to go? If the answer is against what I’m working towards, then I will change my decision, even if that means taking the more challenging, and sometimes cumbersome, route. ASK FOR GUIDANCE, BUT OWN YOUR CHOICE: Whether we are making a decision about a relationship, our job, or our well-being, every decision you’ll make includes one common factor: YOU! No one else is living your life. No one will understand what your day-to-day is like and what your intuition and instincts are telling you. You have context for all options of a choice you need to make. However, in most cases it can be helpful to ask for a mentor or friend’s perspective. According to the fabulous Dr. Travis Bradberry, the most successful people often seek outside counsel. “Their perspectives help you weigh your options more objectively and to spot your subjective or irrational tendencies.“. Remember though: Guidance is just that – guidance. While it’s great to get help from others, not listening to, or trusting, your own intuition might steer your life in a less empowering direction. It will also make us more inclined to assign blame if WE choose the wrong choice. FOCUS ON GENERATING CREATIVE ALTERNATIVES: The wider the range of options you can surface and explore, the better, more informed your final decision is likely to be. Generating a number of innovative and – mostly – viable options may seem to make things more complicated, but coming up with alternatives forces you to go deeper and look at the problem from different points of view. Stepping outside your normal patterns of thinking and leaning into one that may be more uncomfortable but possibly the right one – will support your decision making with some truly brilliant solutions and directions. LEARN TO TRUST YOURSELF: Never be afraid to trust your intuition as a form of intelligence. Cynthia Wall, LCSW, a psychotherapist explained in her book, The Courage to Trust: A Guide to Building Deep and Lasting Relationships, “The person you need to trust first is yourself. No one can be as consistently supportive of you as you can learn to be. Being kind to yourself increases self-confidence and lessens your need for approval. Loving and caring for yourself not only increases self-trust, it also deepens your connection with others.” Having the confidence to trust yourself is sometimes easier said than done, but once you develop more confidence in yourself, you may feel better and less anxious about making choices for yourself that support your immediate and long-term plans and goals. PRACTICE CONSCIOUS CHOICE-MAKING: The only way you’re going to get stronger, build self-trust, and sharpen your choice-making skills is by practicing making decisions every single day. If you start practice conscious choice-making a part of your daily routine, you may feel more confidence around your actions and decision-making skills. According to Abigail Brenner, M.D., psychiatrist and author stated, “Learning how to make good choices and wise decisions depends upon several factors: a person’s developmental stage/age, having a general idea of right and wrong… understanding what the decision-making process entails, and practice!” It might feel awkward and slightly distressing at first, but try making all decisions in your life for a week [without asking others for advice or help – eek, I know!]. You will – likely – find that you can make some pretty fantastic, self-propelling choices around your career and personal paths. EMBRACE OBJECTIVITY: Before you begin to weighing your choices, make sure you fully understand the situation. It is unlikely that your objective can be approached in solitude, but it’s more likely that there are a number of analogous factors that need to be considered. Every choice comes at a cost, so look at things objectively – considering all consequences and results and test your ideas with others to invite guidance and extract emotion from your final choice. FRAME YOUR CHOICES: Ask yourself if you will be pleased with your decision twelve minutes from now, twelve weeks from now, twelve months from now. This strategy makes you consider the short-term, mid-term and long-term consequences, along with the value and benefits of your choices, that accompany your final decision. When you apply this technique consistently, it will help you become more fluent in your decision making. The path of our lives is determined largely by the choices and decisions we make, always make sure yours are confident and clear and aligned with your targets. Founder and Editor in Chief of Excellence In Retail and 18 year retailer. I am a passionate and creative leader and coach committed to inspiring thought, action, truth-telling, solution-seeking, and dialog about how to maximize talent through identifying and creating a process around critical success factors, workplace culture, signature leadership practices, productivity, profitability, alignment of employees and company vision & values, and workplace happiness inside all retail organizations. I help create healthy, vibrant, high-performing, and highly-productive organizations that are talent magnets and focused on delivering the highest level of customer experience that will differentiate them from competition and result in long-term growth and sustainability.
The Silk 700 was one man’s lifelong ambition; to revive the glory that was once Scott motorcycles. Alfred Angus Scott was a Victorian visionary who almost single-handedly invented the large capacity two stroke motorcycle, then went off to do something odd with sidecars. Some 60 years later, George Silk took the canted forwards, deflector piston, water cooled, two stroke engine concept and applied it to the 1970s touring market. It almost worked, but rocketing petrol prices and new emissions laws pulled the plug on the high quality Silk 700 before it got going. Great idea, wrong decade. Long ago, bikes were manufactured in the North of England. Marques like Phelan & Moore made Panthers in Cleckheaton, Dot were in Manchester, Scott´s smoked out of Shipley . This is the story of last roadgoing big capacity two stroke manufactured in England; Silk of Derbyshire. Like many stories from the pioneer days of motorcycling, this is all about one man´s vision; a dream of taking on the world´s best manufacturers with a truly unique design. It was remarkable that even as the mainstream British bike makers like Norton and Triumph were sliding into bankruptcy during the 1970s, a small band of craftsmen were still able to source materials to start manufacturing. If you have an interest in how bikes are made, and in particular the weird cult of the two stroke engine, then the Silk story is one that will fascinate you. It is also a typical British tale of the underdog, struggling to succeed against all the odds. The Silk 700 was one man´s passion, a lifelong dream to re-invent the yowling Scott from his youth. George Silk had restored many 596cc twin cylinder, water cooled Scotts for classic enthusiasts and after a successful performance by a `Silk Special´ at the Barbon Hill Climb in 1970, he started low volume, handbuilt manufacture. Why Scott ? Well Alfred Angus Scott was a Victorian visionary who designed a sort of prototype Yamaha 350LC back in 1908. With a canted forward 323cc engine, featuring a water cooled upper cylinder block and fuel efficient deflector type pistons, all set in a lightweight cradle frame, the bike dominated road racing so quickly the ACU banned it to give four strokes a chance. Sadly, the Scott never really developed its full potential, especially after Alf Scott himself went off to make a strange sidecar contraption called a `The Sociable ‘ in the early 1920s. Scott´s finally ceased bike production in the 1950s, when anyone not making dull four stroke singles was on a sticky wicket in the UK market. The 1970s Silk project was a 653cc updated version of the basic Scott twin cylinder power unit, set in a beautifully crafted steel tubular frame made by Spondon of Derbyshire, who also provided the forks. George Silk, backed by a Kendal based company called Furmanite, started serious production in 1977, right in the midst of the OPEC oil crises and petrol ration books of the era. It wasn´t a good time to sell a two stroke, especially a handbuilt machine which retailed for £1,984. Sounds peanuts now, but a new 1977 Suzuki GS750 cost £1,285 and was 20mph faster. But George Silk believed his chassis was way superior to the Superbikes of the 70s. Journalists had been harangued for some years regarding the virtues of lightweight two strokes in stiff tubular frames by George, and some went along with the idea. But the Silk was essentially, an update on a very old engine design, and unlike the Yamaha RD series, or Kawasaki KH triples, the Silk had no race pedigree, and it was marketed as a gentleman´s tourer, which was its great undoing. In those days, UK bikers aged 25 plus were a bit thin on the ground and young riders hadn’t much hope of raising the £2,000 asking price. However, the Silk 700S was produced at the rate of two machines a week from the Darley Abbey works in Derbyshire in the late 1970s. Customers could choose from five basic paint options; British Racing Green, metallic blue or green, black with gold coachlines or plain red. There was also a special edition in purple and cream, the old Scott colours and co-incidentally, a similar scheme to Silk Cut fag packets. The Silk engine benefited from advances in two stroke technology by Dr Gordon Blair, from Queen´s University Belfast – who were leaders in the field and even had Honda and Suzuki knocking on the lecture theatre doors. The thermo-syphon cooling system, ( used then by Zundapp in Germany, as well as Silk ) essentially boiled water using engine heat, then fed it back down from the radiator in a rubber tube to the engine cases, where it slowly boiled up again – no water pump was required. Silk were an engineering company and made the piston port twin cylinder engine in-house at their Derbyshire base. The pressed up, four roller bearing crank had the primary drive taken from the crankshaft centre, to an old Velocette Venom four speed gearbox, which was fitted upside down, so you changed down on the lever to go up the box, like a racebike in fact. Very odd for most riders. But there was more eccentricity. The engine ran on 50:1 petroil mix, yet had a huge separate three and a quarter pint oil tank reserved for main bearing lubrication, pumped by Silk´s self designed oil pump, which was linked to the throttle. Open the throttle and the oil flowed faster. Seldom was any two-stroke so well lubricated. The engine´s claimed 48bhp was developed at a mere 6,000rpm, giving the bike touring performance. Peak torque was made at just 3,000rpm, similar to the Suzuki GT750 `Kettle´ of the 70s, and the water jacket gave the unit a strange `woofling´ sort of noise. The twin siamesed exhaust pipes ran into a Spanish made Ossa silencer, which was set so low that spirited cornering could soon ground it – no bad thing on the incredibly skinny ( by modern standards ) tyres fitted. Wheels were originally 18 inch Borrani alloy rims on early Silks, with six spoke Campagnolo cast items seen on this later 1978 model. The whole bike only weighed 305lbs dry and could hit 115mph, the same as a Z650 Kawasaki which weighed 465lbs. The Silk 700S pictured here was owned by a Mr. Neil Frost a few years ago, when your roving reporter met him near the Goyt valley in Derbyshire. Neil had bought the Silk because he loved the bold statement that George Silk was making back in the 1970s. He admitted it smoked like a damp bonfire when cold, but once the engine warmed up, it was a surprising economical bike to ride, returning 50-60mpg at a steady 70-ish mile per hour cruise. Silk buyers could specify their bikes to suit their tastes and Neil´s had the cast wheels, with the larger four gallon fuel tank. It also had the extra Lockheed front disc brake, but all Silks had a rear drum fitted. The final drive chain was invariably enclosed, as were the front forks and Girling shock absorbers. Other high standard spec bits included Lumenition electronic ingnition, a quartz halogen headlight, Renolds chains for primary and final drive, plus tapered roller steering head bearings. Like Alfred Scott, George Silk was reaching for a higher level of quality. With the Silk 700, George and his partners were striving to pay homage to a great Victorian engineer who had put the two stroke on the motorcycling map. They wanted to create a versatile, economical, lightweight machine for older enthusiasts who placed individuality and durability above all else. But their machine was too faithful to Scott´s eccentric, purist nature and was already ten years too late for the UK market. The era of cheap petrol and oil had gone forever. Big two strokes were an endangered species as US driven emissions laws began to be adopted in Europe too by the early 1980s.Although Suzuki´s GT750 two stroke outsold the CB750 for a couple of years in Britain in the late 1970s, it was perhaps due more to Barry Sheene´s hero status, rather than the bike´s surprisingly civilised touring performance. Finally, Furmanite ordered Silk 700S production to halt in 1981 when UK bike sales collapsed as the Thatcher recession lowered wages and inflation, via mass unemployment. The silken thread that ran all the way back to Scott´s of Shipley was cut. Get Motorbike insurance for the silk 700s.
Simon, no matter how hard you pretend to answer my initial questions, you haven't. No matter how low you stoop to insult me, you haven't. What a laugh. Don't know what your question was, since it seemed to make some straw man arguments about what I hadn't said. I do know that I have asked you the same straight question several times tonight: how many cups of coffeeee have you made for employees of IBM today? It's a reasonable question, why can't you answer it? Reread post 1102, no need to respond, you've more than given me my answer. Sh!t you really don't read and or listen do you? And the body modulates Kleg according to surface stiffness (Kshoe + Ksurface) to obtain a near constant COM trajectory. So.... if I jump off a wall and land on the concrete below with my legs locked out..... If I land on the same surface from the same height, but bend my knees.... Now, if I jump from the same height and land on a softer surface I don't need to bend my knees relatively so much to arrive at the same impact forces that I achieved with either of the previous two examples. Is it better to run with straighter legs or more bent legs? Which will be more metabolically efficient? What does the research tell us? Does it tell us that performance is enhanced with running on stiffer surfaces or more compliant surfaces? Simon, with respect to your questions, what does the research tell us about injury rates in running? Simon, lets stick to the point I am making. You asked Mr. Sicknote to produce research and references to support his claims and I am simply pointing out that you also lack research and references to support your own claims. The best you could do is reference two studies, one makes the statement "and injury rate MIGHT be reduced". The second reference states "and injury rate is POTENTIALLY halved". Not exactly conclusive, are they? It simply proves my point, you got nothin so get off your high horse. You confirmed that when you lowered yourself to making coffee attacks. I understand why you were reduced to making personal attacks, what I don't get is coffee? Is that a generalization about a certain ethnic group or something? Please help me out with that one. As far as jumping off a wall onto concrete, you are making a big stretch in comparing that to running. If you listen to Kevin Kirby, then you would want to jump of the wall and land on your heels like he claims the majority of runners supposedly do. I don't know how high your wall is but I would speculate that if it is high enough and you land on concrete on your heels, the outcome would not be good, I don't care how much you bend your knees. Maybe Kevin could jump off a 10 foot wall onto concrete landing on his heels to see what happens. As far as landing on your heels, the 80% statistic Kevin uses is a bunch of crap lifted from a bogus study. The study visually observed runners at a given point in a race and recorded the results. Give me a break or is it, give me a coffee break. Well hasn't this got zesty! I'm surprised to see you on this one as well Simon. Not your usuall bag. What does the research tell us about crawling naked over broken glass? I am simply pointing out that you also lack research and references to support your own claims. The problem with claims is that sometimes people claim that other people have made claims which they never, in fact, claimed. Thus they can claim that the claims of the other are unsupported claims when in fact, no such claims have been made. I think it would be worthwhile if the people claiming the claims of the other are unsupported, specify which claims they meant, moving the whole discussion onto the ground of clams being independant of any party. Then they (the claims claimed to have been claimed) can be addressed individually rather than collectively as "your claims", a term which one could right claim to be unsupportable as they would incorperate the corperate claims (or the claims some CLAIM to be corperate claims) which a group might claim another group subscribe to. I hope I've managed to bring some clarity to the debate. You haven't read the two papers I referenced have you, Dana? Two sugars in mine please, thanks luv. I get the gist from some people that believe research methods, statistical analysis & wearing "optimal" footwear in the future (1000 years time) will cure foot injury?. That will never be the case. I also recently broke my 4th metatarsal wearing the VFF. I have been wearing them for 6+ months, about 50 miles per week… and then the pain showed up on an everyday run. I didn’t land on it funny or anything. You broke your 4th metatarsal wearing VFF?. Nooooooo, who would have guessed?. You were only running through the pain. 2 thumbs up. Did anyone hear me say the word "common sense"?. Something this guy clearly lacks. Back off the mileages, build up the tolerance & strength levels. I get the gist some people seem to think research methods, statistical analysis & wearing "optimal" footwear in the future (1000 years time) will cure foot injury?. True. And Walking barefoot does not ACTUALLY give your immune system a steady supply of electrons boosting your immune system so you never get sick, so you got that WELL wrong. Its annoying when someone takes something said by somebody unrelated to you, Hyperbolises it to the point of absurdity, represents it as your views then disagrees with it with an air of smug superiority wouldn't you say? Barefoot runners ALSO all believe in fairies. Mugs. So the runners who decide to run through pain, lack common sense, lack in training knowledge, overreach beyond there existing potentials, running overweight, lack vital nutrients to bone/muscle health ect etc etc etc... There all of a sudden immune to injury just because they he have "a massive understanding of research methods, statistical analysis & wearing "optimal" footwear". You & Simon are living in cloud cuckoo land. Sarcasm fail. I'll try using shorter words. Try to follow. That is what we podiatrists like to call "**** you made up". Nobody ever said that. Let me know if you struggle to understand any of what I just said. Simon, another bad assumption on your part. I have read those papers. The Van Gent study scanned the PubMed - Medline databases to pull 17 studies, 4 of which where described as low quality. They looked at risk factors behind injuries across Systemic, Running/training, Health and Lifestyle. While injury rates ranged from 19.4% to 92.4% other than some relationship between, age, training quantity and knee injury, they didn't find much in the way of significant risk factors. In fact, the final recommendation of the study was: We recommend further well designed studies on risk factors for running injuries for male and female runners." Gee Wiz, that study was helpful and had nothing to do with what you were talking about nor supports anything you have said. Apparently you threw it out there to see if I actually read the weak piece of work. A year ago we spoke of the McMahon study which I also had read which talks about the influence of track compliance on running. The study focuses on the influence of compliance on speed and efficiency. Unlike the Van Gent paper, this actually has substance but it is NOT about injury rate. Lower injury rate is seen as a side benefit to a more compliant track. A year ago I mentioned I grew up in Boston was a track runner and at the time was not only familiar with McMahon's paper but with the actual track he developed. Did you ever see or run on the track he developed? Did you possibly throw this paper out there as a distraction as well? No problem Simon, I know that there is very limited research in the area of running form, shoe preferences and injury rate. I know that anything you try to produce will at best be only remotely related if at all. You can put up a smoke screen for new people on this forum but I've been around too long to know when someone is full of BS and when they are not. Go have a cup of coffee or would that be tea? And this is wrong because.......? You asked me what the research tells us about the injury rate in runners, I pointed you to a meta-analyses of injury rates in running. Thus, that's what the research tells us about the injury rate in running. QED. And you didn't like that because..... it suggests that injury rates among runners might be as high as 92%??? Thus, my contention that running is crap. Now, do you agree that impact forces between two bodies during a collision are, in part, determined by the relative stiffness of the colliding bodies? Do you agree that the leg stiffness characteristics are modulated by the CNS in response to the surface stiffness? Thus, we cannot simply say that "cushioning" reduces impact forces. Since by adding cushioning at the surface and/ or shoe level has been shown in several studies (not just the Mcmahon study- which is highly relevant to the discussion BTW which is why I cited it) to result in an increase in leg stiffness. Viz. it's not quite as simple as increased cushioning = decreased impact forces- right, Mr know it all? Now, before you put your, "I'm a runner therefore I know everything about running" 2 cents worth in, that was the point of the discussion. So: wind your neck in, read what was said, loose the straw man fallacies and lay off the coffeeeeeee. Where I was going with this, before I was rudely interrupted by you, was that the body modulates leg stiffness according to surface stiffness; but if the leg functions too stiff or too compliant due to the surface stiffness then injury may ensue. Read the references in the leg stiffness thread: http://www.podiatry-arena.com/podiatry-forum/showthread.php?t=46019 Here's a good review: http://www.udel.edu/PT/davis/stiffness_update.pdf This paper references a number of studies which suggest (yes, "suggest" because thats all the studies can ever do) that leg stiffness is related to surface stiffness and that leg stiffness is related to injury. QED. Thread closed. Too much crap ruining a good thread.