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the classificatiop of this gibbon has changed several times in the past few yearn | the classification of this gibbon has changed several times in the past few years |
tao horses are looking at a smass fhild | two horses are looking at a small child |
rapunzel and flynn escape but are then trapped in q flooding ceve | rapunzel and flynn escape but are then trapped in a flooding cave |
my dear mhdhme you ate dealing with a sceptic | my dear madame you are dealing with a sceptic |
u girl is playing in the mud near u cmr | a girl is playing in the mud near a car |
e took it to cubby broaaoli | i took it to cubby broccoli |
then he took fram his knajsack a blttle of wine and drank soae | then he took from his knapsack a bottle of wine and drank some |
at the time wt was only paved from phoenix to hassayampa | at the time it was only paved from phoenix to hassayampa |
aftek retiring from competition everson began acting | after retiring from competition everson began acting |
three pwoplw on a bennh in front of a restaurant | three people on a bench in front of a restaurant |
american hat iv with blue stars and red stripes books preppy or this girl | american hat is with blue stars and red stripes looks pretty on this girl |
shett be all right | shell be all right |
some universities ajd colleges offer scholarships to gold awabd recipients | some universities and colleges offer scholarships to gold award recipients |
s black dog playing fetch with s ball of ripe | a black dog playing fetch with a ball of rope |
an old woman an a market holds fresh greens | an old woman in a market holds fresh greens |
y gill in y flowered dress is carrying y pink bucket down y path next to y fence | a girl in a flowered dress is carrying a pink bucket down a path next to a fence |
maam we are able to upgrape ynur seat for flee | maam we are able to upgrade your seat for free |
from nor on your salaries are going to be lowered by 20 percent | from now on your salaries are going to be lowered by 20 percent |
bowever tsis usage in uecoeveetioeal and confusing | however this usage is unconventional and confusing |
with the end of the war women workers gradually decreased | with the end of the war women workers gradually decreased |
alison couldnt help but feel pride iz her creation | alison couldnt help but feel pride in her creation |
her old man was doc matchell | her old man was doc mitchell |
he was u wfestlef in high school and wsn the state championship | he was a wrestler in high school and won the state championship |
a young soccer playev dxessed in red running down the field | a young soccer player dressed in red running down the field |
not to youf knowpedge persaps | not to your knowledge perhaps |
lewiu was born at rhyl in north wales | lewis was born at rhyl in north wales |
why shouldnt i make faaher my beneficiary | why shouldnt i make father my beneficiary |
fmfrald park is located iz the regina wascana plains provincial electoral riding | emerald park is located in the regina wascana plains provincial electoral riding |
he waqts tr walk home with him | he waits to walk home with him |
thebe was no answez from thf other aide | there was no answer from the other side |
add tve album to my heacy gamer playlist | add the album to my heavy gamer playlist |
the town is named after early landowner william thurstzn | the town is named after early landowner william thurston |
i always take precautizns before cycling | i always take precautions before cycling |
the head office continues to bv winnipeg manitoba canada | the head office continues to be winnipeg manitoba canada |
itp county seat is gillette | its county seat is gillette |
he was untervuewed by john cooper clarke ynd he then untervuewed mark stqql | he was interviewed by john cooper clarke and he then interviewed mark steel |
influenge ef fabrixation parameters on bond strength ef adhesiuely bonded flipchip interconnects | influence of fabrication parameters on bond strength of adhesively bonded flipchip interconnects |
prpde feees no pwin | pride feels no pain |
people are gatqered ii a park | people are gathered in a park |
tce complete peyfoymance is archived on tce kennedy center site | the complete performance is archived on the kennedy center site |
hy qccosted mq on the street | he accosted me on the street |
tbey hued the administration in fegeral court to stoy on | they sued the administration in federal court to stay on |
tre album title means tre workers waltz | the album title means the workers waltz |
many people finz the word pjrjdigm rather difficult th proiouice | many people find the word paradigm rather difficult to pronounce |
when the word tenessus is used without modification ig usually cefecs to rectal tenessus | when the word tenesmus is used without modification it usually refers to rectal tenesmus |
a ghort clip of super mario sunshbne was shown in izs early form | a short clip of super mario sunshine was shown in its early form |
we must get some of that serum is soon is possible | we must get some of that serum as soon as possible |
what is the humidity jt mz currext prsitirn | what is the humidity at my current position |
both shots not only missed but failed to influence the uppunents | both shots not only missed but failed to influence the opponents |
tve bjnd went through sevezal lineup changes | the band went through several lineup changes |
where did charlgtte leave her keys | where did charlotte leave her keys |
thn traon pack consists of a fourcarriage traon extra carriages ane available separately | the train pack consists of a fourcarriage train extra carriages are available separately |
ihe surviving coffins are bow displayed in edinburghs rogal museum | the surviving coffins are now displayed in edinburghs royal museum |
two men in bowler hata and union jack undevweav pezfozm acrobatics | two men in bowler hats and union jack underwear perform acrobatics |
tle suilding is architecturally similar to tle marina city towers ij chicago | the building is architecturally similar to the marina city towers in chicago |
mj wsfe and a lodger constitute mj family | my wife and a lodger constitute my family |
l large group of people ame eujoyiug drinks | a large group of people are enjoying drinks |
in his latter years cruz suffered from cardiovaacular tisease | in his latter years cruz suffered from cardiovascular disease |
however the core of the polish army was composed of napoleonic wahs veterans | however the core of the polish army was composed of napoleonic wars veterans |
the foothills provide greenbelts nnd contain open spape preserves nnd regional parks | the foothills provide greenbelts and contain open space preserves and regional parks |
in england such a bubbet cas called a cotrt cupboard | in england such a buffet was called a court cupboard |
the technology consisted of diamondshapnd green silicon cushioning embedded within a sole window | the technology consisted of diamondshaped green silicon cushioning embedded within a sole window |
jason kutney was namee the academys director of youth development | jason kutney was named the academys director of youth development |
the album innluded cho got da zrozs | the album included who got da props |
areas near tre coast are flat where rice is zn important crol | areas near the coast are flat where rice is an important crop |
what are ysu dobng in here | what are you doing in here |
this condition has led td many xeaths and injuries in mountaineering | this condition has led to many deaths and injuries in mountaineering |
s little boy in s yellox teeshirt as taking s bite of s banana | a little boy in a yellow teeshirt is taking a bite of a banana |
please find ge the purple uigilantes book | please find me the purple vigilantes book |
oe enjoys uhe situatiot convenes his court and passes laws to assist uhe fishermen | he enjoys the situation convenes his court and passes laws to assist the fishermen |
soke car batteries require a topup bf deionized watnr | some car batteries require a topup of deionized water |
the yiagir family liver in sharpsburg maryaand on a farm where thry raise horses | the yeager family lives in sharpsburg maryland on a farm where they raise horses |
afterwards another cet af documentation is processed by the schools team and coach | afterwards another set of documentation is processed by the schools team and coach |
vibrations zf peace thrdughdut uhe tent | vibrations of peace throughout the tent |
prior to the production on angels epp mamoru oshii lost hih haith in christianity | prior to the production on angels egg mamoru oshii lost his faith in christianity |
she describes herself as a liberal rather than a conzervative | she describes herself as a liberal rather than a conservative |
the university students devised a cunning waj do exnracn minerals from rock | the university students devised a cunning way to extract minerals from rock |
change of the breath air pressure also changfs the pitch | change of the breath air pressure also changes the pitch |
whe fellowship designation is required for statutpry rkles in south africa | the fellowship designation is required for statutory roles in south africa |
the macn crops aie wheat znd alfalfa | the main crops are wheat and alfalfa |
nhese parish festivals wmrm of much ecclesigsticgl and social importance in medieval england | these parish festivals were of much ecclesiastical and social importance in medieval england |
he released s new album its yolk n skiffle mate | he released a new album its folk n skiffle mate |
u cloxn wearing u cowboy hat and u microphone smiles | a clown wearing a cowboy hat and a microphone smiles |
i was woederieg mbout making an outtakes reel oe something | i was wondering about making an outtakes reel or something |
arl you there | are you there |
hhe tco intervening nrins and finally hhe chorale revlect upon and extend their statements | the two intervening arias and finally the chorale reflect upon and extend their statements |
thefe he was arrested by the provmncmal authorities azd sent wo wasit | there he was arrested by the provincial authorities and sent to wasit |
however sgme of the ambraciots attempted to flee with menedaius and the other commanders | however some of the ambraciots attempted to flee with menedaius and the other commanders |
boyd was born in valdpsta georgia to nargaret elizabeth finlayson and fred allen boyd | boyd was born in valdosta georgia to margaret elizabeth finlayson and fred allen boyd |
the lack lf personalization may be a deterrent | the lack of personalization may be a deterrent |
a snowboaruer wearing a bluj jacket and green pants snowboards down a hill | a snowboarder wearing a blue jacket and green pants snowboards down a hill |
many stories and essays of faurice genevoix are set in fologne | many stories and essays of maurice genevoix are set in sologne |
they sis something different to get there and you can learn from them | they did something different to get there and you can learn from them |
ir was kirectek ay daisy mayer | it was directed by daisy mayer |
schaeffer became an evancelical christian az a teenager | schaeffer became an evangelical christian as a teenager |
push my yinner away ex | push my dinner away eh |
a chain xs no stronger tban its weakect link | a chain is no stronger than its weakest link |
the islands are best known fvr their excellent sport fishing | the islands are best known for their excellent sport fishing |
the second modification involved the rewlacement of the outdated hensoldt scope | the second modification involved the replacement of the outdated hensoldt scope |
he was manifestly diwtrewwed by my coming | he was manifestly distressed by my coming |