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[ [ 82, 54, 495, 82 ], [ 164, 79, 483, 92 ], [ 164, 98, 411, 111 ], [ 164, 114, 619, 130 ], [ 105, 150, 289, 164 ], [ 104, 176, 259, 189 ], [ 128, 199, 484, 213 ], [ 104, 216, 485, 229 ], [ 103, 233, 483, 246 ], [ 104, 250, 484, 263 ], [ 103, 267, 484, 278 ], [ 103, 284, 484, 299 ], [ 104, 301, 483, 314 ], [ 103, 318, 483, 332 ], [ 103, 335, 484, 349 ], [ 104, 352, 131, 365 ], [ 147, 352, 184, 365 ], [ 200, 352, 483, 365 ], [ 104, 369, 180, 383 ], [ 201, 369, 229, 383 ], [ 249, 369, 309, 383 ], [ 329, 369, 391, 383 ], [ 412, 369, 484, 383 ], [ 103, 386, 483, 400 ], [ 103, 403, 421, 417 ], [ 104, 428, 286, 441 ], [ 127, 452, 483, 466 ], [ 103, 469, 483, 482 ], [ 103, 485, 483, 500 ], [ 103, 502, 483, 517 ], [ 103, 519, 482, 534 ], [ 103, 536, 483, 551 ], [ 103, 553, 483, 567 ], [ 104, 570, 130, 584 ], [ 146, 570, 161, 584 ], [ 176, 570, 243, 584 ], [ 260, 570, 344, 584 ], [ 360, 570, 443, 584 ], [ 458, 570, 483, 584 ], [ 103, 587, 482, 601 ], [ 103, 604, 483, 618 ], [ 103, 621, 483, 634 ], [ 103, 638, 404, 649 ], [ 128, 662, 483, 676 ], [ 103, 679, 483, 693 ], [ 103, 696, 483, 710 ], [ 103, 713, 483, 727 ], [ 103, 730, 483, 743 ], [ 104, 747, 483, 762 ], [ 104, 764, 129, 778 ], [ 145, 764, 223, 778 ], [ 238, 764, 308, 778 ], [ 323, 764, 353, 778 ], [ 369, 764, 390, 778 ], [ 406, 764, 482, 778 ], [ 104, 781, 483, 796 ], [ 104, 798, 169, 811 ], [ 185, 798, 209, 811 ], [ 226, 798, 242, 811 ], [ 259, 798, 318, 811 ], [ 334, 798, 347, 811 ], [ 365, 798, 421, 811 ], [ 439, 798, 483, 811 ], [ 104, 816, 483, 830 ], [ 104, 834, 183, 847 ], [ 503, 940, 522, 949 ] ]
[ 8, 8, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "fl. Westshore Terminals Lid.", "Notes to Financial Statements", "December 31, 2002 and 2001", "(Figures in tables are expressed in thousands of dollars)", "11. Subsequent events", "(a) Coal Partnership", "On February 28, 2003, the Fund paid $150 million in", "cash for a 9.1% investment in the newly formed Fording", "Trust. The Fund financed this investment through loans", "of $120 million from a Canadian chartered bank and $30", "million from an affiliate of Westar. These loans were", "guaranteed by the Company. Fording ‘Trust will hold", "65% of the Canadian Coal Partnership (the Partnership)", "and 100% interest in Fording’s industrial minerals", "business. The Partnership acquired all the metallurgical", "coal", "assets", "of Fording, Teck and Luscar. The", "Company’s", "coal", "handling", "contracts", "previously", "negotiated with Fording, Teck and Luscar, including the", "exclusivity agreements, will continue in effect.", "(b) Ship loader accident", "On January 2, 2003, high winds caused the two ship", "loaders at Berth 2 at the Company’s terminal site to", "collapse. Both ship loaders were severely damaged. The", "ship loader at Berth 1 was undamaged by the storm. ‘The", "Company’s insurers have confirmed the Company’s", "coverage under the All Risk Property Policy, including", "business interruption compensation for the accident", "(net", "of", "applicable", "deductions).", "The repair", "and", "replacement cost is estimated to be $15 million. ‘This", "estimate may change as repairs and replacements are", "undertaken. The Company anticipates the operations at", "Berth 2 will resume in the summer of 2003.", "For accounting purposes, the Company will record", "an extraordinary gain in 2003, which will be the", "insurance proceeds to replace the damaged equipment", "net of the carrying value of the damaged equipment", "which will be written off. The cost of replacement", "equipment will be capitalized to plant and equipment", "and", "depreciated", "consistent", "with", "the", "Company’s", "depreciation policy. Proceeds from business interruption", "insurance", "will", "be", "included", "in", "earnings", "before", "depreciation, interest and income taxes on the statement", "of earnings.", "25" ]
[ [ 409, 106, 661, 133 ], [ 181, 215, 187, 233 ], [ 211, 215, 854, 233 ], [ 211, 232, 855, 250 ], [ 211, 249, 300, 267 ], [ 211, 313, 227, 331 ], [ 232, 313, 345, 331 ], [ 150, 348, 854, 366 ], [ 150, 365, 619, 383 ], [ 150, 874, 208, 927 ], [ 758, 893, 853, 906 ] ]
[ 6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 5, 5 ]
[ "Terms of Reference", "-", "technical support (e.g. diagnosis and solving e-learning related issues (e.g. ", "bookmarking, scoring, delivery, security) in collaboration with all involved ", "providers. ", "b)", "Qualifications", "The minimum qualifications of the e-learning technician are set out in the selection ", "criteria (as per section 1.7.1 of the Terms of Reference). ", "CFT-1626", "Page 48 of 52 " ]
[ [ 469, 13, 914, 28 ], [ 532, 25, 914, 40 ], [ 89, 75, 128, 94 ], [ 185, 75, 276, 94 ], [ 89, 96, 128, 115 ], [ 185, 96, 195, 115 ], [ 201, 96, 404, 115 ], [ 89, 117, 128, 136 ], [ 185, 117, 363, 136 ], [ 89, 138, 113, 157 ], [ 185, 138, 326, 157 ], [ 89, 159, 123, 178 ], [ 185, 159, 334, 178 ], [ 89, 180, 105, 198 ], [ 185, 185, 586, 196 ], [ 89, 201, 113, 220 ], [ 185, 201, 573, 220 ], [ 89, 222, 113, 241 ], [ 185, 222, 542, 241 ], [ 89, 243, 128, 262 ], [ 185, 243, 651, 262 ], [ 89, 264, 128, 283 ], [ 185, 264, 281, 283 ], [ 89, 285, 128, 304 ], [ 185, 285, 430, 304 ], [ 89, 306, 128, 325 ], [ 185, 306, 340, 325 ], [ 89, 327, 128, 346 ], [ 185, 327, 295, 346 ], [ 89, 348, 128, 367 ], [ 185, 348, 285, 367 ], [ 89, 369, 128, 388 ], [ 185, 369, 605, 388 ], [ 89, 390, 128, 409 ], [ 185, 390, 284, 409 ], [ 89, 411, 128, 430 ], [ 185, 411, 777, 430 ], [ 89, 432, 113, 451 ], [ 185, 432, 414, 451 ], [ 89, 453, 113, 472 ], [ 185, 453, 279, 472 ], [ 89, 474, 113, 492 ], [ 185, 474, 357, 492 ], [ 89, 495, 128, 513 ], [ 185, 495, 375, 513 ], [ 89, 516, 128, 534 ], [ 185, 516, 373, 534 ], [ 89, 537, 128, 555 ], [ 185, 537, 333, 555 ], [ 89, 558, 128, 576 ], [ 185, 558, 363, 576 ], [ 89, 579, 128, 597 ], [ 185, 579, 290, 597 ], [ 89, 600, 113, 618 ], [ 185, 600, 366, 618 ], [ 89, 621, 128, 639 ], [ 185, 621, 323, 639 ], [ 89, 642, 128, 660 ], [ 185, 642, 427, 660 ], [ 89, 663, 128, 681 ], [ 185, 663, 374, 681 ], [ 89, 684, 128, 702 ], [ 185, 684, 492, 702 ], [ 89, 705, 113, 723 ], [ 185, 705, 383, 723 ], [ 89, 725, 105, 744 ], [ 185, 731, 748, 742 ], [ 185, 745, 501, 756 ], [ 89, 761, 113, 780 ], [ 185, 761, 291, 780 ], [ 89, 782, 128, 801 ], [ 185, 782, 289, 801 ], [ 89, 803, 128, 822 ], [ 185, 803, 332, 822 ], [ 89, 824, 128, 843 ], [ 185, 824, 423, 843 ], [ 89, 845, 128, 864 ], [ 185, 845, 365, 864 ], [ 89, 866, 128, 885 ], [ 185, 866, 396, 885 ], [ 89, 887, 113, 905 ], [ 185, 887, 414, 905 ], [ 89, 908, 113, 926 ], [ 185, 908, 279, 926 ], [ 460, 968, 572, 983 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5 ]
[ "Ein Service des Bundesministeriums der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz", "sowie des Bundesamts für Justiz ‒", "3.8.1", "Zielgruppen", "3.8.2", "5.", "Vermögensbildungsgesetz", "3.8.3", "Altersvermögensgesetz", "3.9", "Anlageprogramme", "3.10", "Rating und Ranking", "4.", "Geschlossene Investmentvermögen", "4.1", "Vertragsbeziehungen, Funktionsweise und Struktur", "4.2", "Arten von geschlossenen Investmentvermögen", "4.2.1", "Geschlossene Immobilienfonds und Projektentwicklungsfonds", "4.2.2", "Medienfonds", "4.2.3", "Schiffsfonds und Containerfonds", "4.2.4", "Private Equity Fonds", "4.2.5", "Flugzeugfonds", "4.2.6", "Leasingfonds", "4.2.7", "Lebensversicherungszweitmarktfonds und Policenfonds", "4.2.8", "Umweltfonds", "4.2.9", "Sonstige Fonds (insbes. Infrastrukturfonds, sog. Blind Pools, Zweitmarktfonds)", "4.3", "Chancen, Risiken und Haftung", "4.4", "Fachbegriffe", "4.5", "Rechtliche Grundlagen", "4.5.1", "Kapitalanlagegesetzbuch", "4.5.2", "Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch", "4.5.3", "Handelsgesetzbuch", "4.5.4", "Kommanditgesellschaft", "4.5.5", "GmbH-Gesetz", "4.6", "Steuerliche Behandlung", "4.6.1", "Einkommensteuer", "4.6.2", "Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen", "4.6.3", "Gewinnerzielungsabsicht", "4.6.4", "Übertragung, Vererbung und Schenkung", "4.7", "Auflösung stiller Reserven", "5.", "Vermögensanlagen im Sinne des § 1 Absatz 2 des", "Vermögensanlagengesetzes", "5.1", "Anlageformen", "5.1.1", "Genussrechte", "5.1.2", "Stille Beteiligungen", "5.1.3", "Namensschuldverschreibungen", "5.1.4", "Genossenschaftsanteile", "5.1.5", "Weitere Vermögensanlagen", "5.2", "Chancen, Risiken und Haftung", "5.3", "Fachbegriffe", "- Seite 19 von 23 -" ]
[ [ 147, 557, 414, 572 ], [ 118, 586, 132, 600 ], [ 147, 586, 549, 600 ], [ 617, 586, 878, 600 ], [ 549, 587, 617, 601 ], [ 147, 601, 317, 615 ], [ 346, 601, 772, 615 ], [ 802, 601, 854, 615 ], [ 317, 602, 346, 617 ], [ 772, 602, 802, 617 ], [ 147, 617, 209, 631 ], [ 327, 617, 335, 631 ], [ 209, 618, 327, 632 ], [ 147, 647, 441, 662 ], [ 147, 661, 284, 675 ], [ 147, 675, 323, 689 ], [ 323, 675, 431, 689 ], [ 431, 675, 539, 689 ], [ 147, 689, 313, 704 ], [ 313, 689, 421, 704 ], [ 421, 689, 519, 704 ], [ 147, 704, 343, 718 ], [ 343, 704, 450, 718 ], [ 450, 704, 568, 718 ], [ 147, 718, 401, 732 ], [ 147, 731, 411, 746 ], [ 147, 745, 578, 759 ], [ 147, 758, 401, 773 ], [ 147, 772, 392, 786 ], [ 147, 786, 333, 800 ], [ 147, 799, 323, 813 ], [ 147, 827, 409, 841 ], [ 478, 827, 507, 841 ], [ 409, 828, 478, 842 ], [ 117, 941, 553, 954 ], [ 874, 941, 882, 954 ] ]
[ 1, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5 ]
[ "Figure 10. Contents of the dsm script", "2.", "On the dsm-master node, create a definition file named ", ". The directory highlighted in bold is ", "dsm.def", "the directory where the ", " script is created. Save the file in the same directory as the ", " script, ", "dsm", "dsm", "which is ", ". ", "/etc/init.d/", "PersistentResourceAttributes::", "....Name=\"dsm\"", "....StartCommand=\"", "/etc/init.d", "/dsm start\"", "....StopCommand=\"", "/etc/init.d", "/dsm stop\"", "....MonitorCommand=\"", "/etc/init.d", "/dsm status\"", "....MonitorCommandPeriod=5", "....MonitorCommandTimeout=5", "....NodeNameList={\"dsm-master\",\"dsm-backup\"}", "....StartCommandTimeout=90", "....StopCommandTimeout=90", "....UserName=\"root\"", "....ResourceType=1", "Figure 11 shows the contents of the ", " file.", "dsm.def", "Setting Up IBM Data Server Manager as a Highly Available Service", "7" ]
[ [ 469, 13, 914, 28 ], [ 532, 25, 914, 40 ], [ 113, 75, 142, 94 ], [ 195, 75, 321, 94 ], [ 487, 82, 690, 101 ], [ 862, 82, 925, 101 ], [ 116, 90, 139, 108 ], [ 237, 90, 279, 108 ], [ 177, 111, 290, 130 ], [ 113, 111, 142, 130 ], [ 351, 111, 509, 130 ], [ 881, 111, 907, 130 ], [ 177, 125, 182, 144 ], [ 187, 125, 234, 144 ], [ 351, 125, 495, 144 ], [ 177, 147, 290, 165 ], [ 113, 147, 142, 166 ], [ 351, 147, 509, 166 ], [ 881, 147, 907, 166 ], [ 177, 161, 182, 180 ], [ 187, 161, 234, 180 ], [ 351, 161, 706, 180 ], [ 351, 175, 495, 194 ], [ 177, 197, 280, 215 ], [ 113, 197, 142, 216 ], [ 351, 197, 509, 216 ], [ 881, 197, 907, 216 ], [ 177, 211, 182, 230 ], [ 187, 211, 234, 230 ], [ 351, 211, 628, 230 ], [ 351, 226, 495, 244 ], [ 351, 240, 799, 259 ], [ 351, 254, 560, 273 ], [ 177, 276, 269, 294 ], [ 113, 276, 142, 294 ], [ 351, 276, 509, 294 ], [ 881, 276, 907, 294 ], [ 177, 290, 182, 309 ], [ 187, 290, 234, 309 ], [ 351, 290, 628, 309 ], [ 351, 304, 495, 323 ], [ 351, 318, 805, 337 ], [ 351, 333, 482, 351 ], [ 351, 347, 799, 366 ], [ 351, 361, 560, 380 ], [ 177, 383, 253, 401 ], [ 113, 383, 142, 402 ], [ 351, 383, 509, 402 ], [ 862, 383, 925, 402 ], [ 177, 397, 182, 416 ], [ 187, 397, 234, 416 ], [ 351, 397, 628, 416 ], [ 351, 411, 495, 430 ], [ 351, 425, 805, 444 ], [ 351, 440, 482, 459 ], [ 351, 454, 799, 473 ], [ 351, 468, 560, 487 ], [ 177, 490, 191, 508 ], [ 199, 490, 253, 508 ], [ 113, 490, 142, 509 ], [ 351, 490, 509, 509 ], [ 862, 490, 925, 509 ], [ 177, 504, 182, 523 ], [ 188, 504, 210, 523 ], [ 351, 504, 495, 523 ], [ 351, 518, 628, 537 ], [ 177, 540, 269, 558 ], [ 113, 540, 142, 559 ], [ 351, 540, 509, 559 ], [ 881, 540, 907, 559 ], [ 177, 554, 318, 573 ], [ 351, 554, 650, 573 ], [ 177, 568, 182, 587 ], [ 188, 568, 210, 587 ], [ 351, 568, 560, 587 ], [ 177, 590, 269, 608 ], [ 113, 590, 142, 609 ], [ 351, 590, 509, 609 ], [ 881, 590, 907, 609 ], [ 177, 604, 273, 623 ], [ 351, 604, 650, 623 ], [ 177, 619, 182, 637 ], [ 188, 619, 210, 637 ], [ 351, 619, 560, 637 ], [ 177, 640, 269, 659 ], [ 113, 640, 142, 659 ], [ 351, 640, 509, 659 ], [ 881, 640, 907, 659 ], [ 177, 654, 273, 673 ], [ 351, 654, 650, 673 ], [ 177, 669, 182, 687 ], [ 188, 669, 210, 687 ], [ 351, 669, 671, 687 ], [ 177, 690, 253, 709 ], [ 113, 690, 142, 709 ], [ 351, 690, 650, 709 ], [ 881, 690, 907, 709 ], [ 177, 704, 318, 723 ], [ 351, 704, 560, 723 ], [ 177, 719, 182, 737 ], [ 188, 719, 210, 737 ], [ 177, 740, 194, 759 ], [ 201, 740, 237, 759 ], [ 113, 740, 142, 759 ], [ 351, 740, 650, 759 ], [ 880, 740, 908, 759 ], [ 177, 755, 227, 773 ], [ 351, 755, 560, 773 ], [ 177, 769, 182, 788 ], [ 188, 769, 210, 788 ], [ 351, 769, 636, 788 ], [ 351, 783, 560, 802 ], [ 177, 805, 193, 823 ], [ 200, 805, 253, 823 ], [ 113, 805, 142, 823 ], [ 351, 805, 509, 823 ], [ 881, 805, 907, 823 ], [ 177, 819, 273, 838 ], [ 351, 819, 510, 838 ], [ 177, 833, 182, 852 ], [ 188, 833, 210, 852 ], [ 177, 855, 269, 873 ], [ 113, 855, 142, 873 ], [ 351, 855, 792, 873 ], [ 881, 855, 907, 873 ], [ 177, 869, 217, 888 ], [ 351, 869, 598, 888 ], [ 177, 883, 196, 902 ], [ 351, 883, 705, 902 ], [ 177, 905, 269, 923 ], [ 113, 905, 142, 924 ], [ 351, 905, 792, 924 ], [ 881, 905, 907, 924 ], [ 177, 919, 217, 938 ], [ 351, 919, 598, 938 ], [ 460, 968, 572, 983 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 5 ]
[ "Ein Service des Bundesministeriums der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz", "sowie des Bundesamts für Justiz ‒", "Lfd.", "Frequenzbereich", "Zuweisung an Funkdienste", "Nutzung", "Nr.", "(GHz)", "24,25 – 24,65", "404", "FESTER FUNKDIENST", "ziv.", "5", "31 34", "MOBILFUNKDIENST", "24,65 – 25,25", "405", "FESTER FUNKDIENST", "ziv.", "5", "31 34", "FESTER FUNKDIENST ÜBER SATELLITEN D532B", "MOBILFUNKDIENST", "25,25 – 25,5", "406", "FESTER FUNKDIENST", "ziv.", "5", "31 34", "INTERSATELLITENFUNKDIENST D536", "MOBILFUNKDIENST", "Normalfrequenz- und Zeitzeichenfunkdienst über Satelliten", "(Richtung Erde – Weltraum)", "25,5 – 26,5", "407", "FESTER FUNKDIENST", "ziv.", "5", "31 34", "INTERSATELLITENFUNKDIENST D536", "MOBILFUNKDIENST", "ERDERKUNDUNGSFUNKDIENST ÜBER SATELLITEN (Richtung", "Weltraum – Erde)", "Normalfrequenz- und Zeitzeichenfunkdienst über Satelliten", "(Richtung Erde – Weltraum)", "26,5 – 27", "408", "FESTER FUNKDIENST", "ziv., mil.", "5", "31 34", "INTERSATELLITENFUNKDIENST D536", "MOBILFUNKDIENST", "ERDERKUNDUNGSFUNKDIENST ÜBER SATELLITEN (Richtung", "Weltraum – Erde)", "Normalfrequenz- und Zeitzeichenfunkdienst über Satelliten", "(Richtung Erde – Weltraum)", "27", "– 27,5", "409", "FESTER FUNKDIENST", "ziv., mil.", "5", "31", "MOBILFUNKDIENST", "INTERSATELLITENFUNKDIENST D536", "27,5 – 28,5", "410", "FESTER FUNKDIENST", "ziv.", "D516B D538 D540", "FESTER FUNKDIENST ÜBER SATELLITEN", "5", "31", "(Richtung Erde – Weltraum)", "28,5 – 29,1", "411", "FESTER FUNKDIENST", "ziv.", "D516B D540", "FESTER FUNKDIENST ÜBER SATELLITEN", "5", "31", "(Richtung Erde – Weltraum)", "29,1 – 29,5", "412", "FESTER FUNKDIENST", "ziv.", "D516B D540", "FESTER FUNKDIENST ÜBER SATELLITEN", "5", "31", "(Richtung Erde – Weltraum) D535A D541A", "29,5 – 30", "413", "FESTER FUNKDIENST ÜBER SATELLITEN", "ziv.", "D516B D538 D540", "(Richtung Erde – Weltraum)", "5", "31", "30", "– 31", "414", "FESTER FUNKDIENST ÜBER SATELLITEN", "mil.", "D338A", "(Richtung Erde – Weltraum)", "5", "31", "MOBILFUNKDIENST ÜBER SATELLITEN", "(Richtung Erde – Weltraum)", "31", "– 31,3", "415", "FESTER FUNKDIENST", "ziv.", "D149 D338A", "MOBILFUNKDIENST 3", "5", "31", "31,3 – 31,5", "416", "ERDERKUNDUNGSFUNKDIENST ÜBER SATELLITEN (passiv)", "ziv.", "D340", "RADIOASTRONOMIEFUNKDIENST", "31", "WELTRAUMFORSCHUNGSFUNKDIENST (passiv)", "31,5 – 31,8", "417", "ERDERKUNDUNGSFUNKDIENST ÜBER SATELLITEN (passiv)", "ziv.", "D149", "RADIOASTRONOMIEFUNKDIENST", "- Seite 31 von 56 -" ]
[ [ 82, 47, 470, 60 ], [ 504, 47, 544, 60 ], [ 580, 47, 892, 60 ], [ 82, 63, 470, 75 ], [ 504, 63, 892, 75 ], [ 504, 78, 892, 91 ], [ 504, 94, 892, 106 ], [ 242, 101, 272, 110 ], [ 287, 106, 334, 116 ], [ 504, 109, 552, 122 ], [ 545, 109, 601, 122 ], [ 184, 134, 213, 143 ], [ 404, 143, 437, 152 ], [ 436, 143, 470, 152 ], [ 687, 152, 799, 162 ], [ 404, 155, 431, 165 ], [ 604, 158, 661, 167 ], [ 305, 160, 317, 170 ], [ 367, 160, 382, 170 ], [ 832, 162, 889, 171 ], [ 186, 163, 295, 175 ], [ 614, 168, 636, 177 ], [ 842, 172, 879, 181 ], [ 305, 172, 358, 182 ], [ 696, 173, 781, 183 ], [ 843, 182, 863, 191 ], [ 167, 183, 197, 192 ], [ 224, 188, 271, 197 ], [ 94, 209, 123, 219 ], [ 349, 222, 415, 231 ], [ 784, 229, 801, 238 ], [ 164, 230, 228, 240 ], [ 349, 234, 376, 244 ], [ 782, 244, 800, 254 ], [ 248, 244, 260, 254 ], [ 310, 244, 325, 254 ], [ 129, 246, 236, 257 ], [ 519, 256, 587, 265 ], [ 248, 257, 301, 266 ], [ 835, 258, 870, 267 ], [ 711, 259, 817, 268 ], [ 737, 269, 776, 278 ], [ 543, 270, 552, 275 ], [ 631, 274, 641, 278 ], [ 834, 274, 882, 283 ], [ 657, 274, 693, 284 ], [ 544, 278, 547, 283 ], [ 577, 279, 581, 284 ], [ 524, 282, 529, 287 ], [ 657, 284, 707, 294 ], [ 834, 286, 895, 295 ], [ 631, 289, 643, 294 ], [ 544, 290, 549, 294 ], [ 542, 295, 556, 300 ], [ 834, 298, 879, 307 ], [ 82, 300, 158, 310 ], [ 453, 300, 471, 310 ], [ 763, 308, 816, 317 ], [ 82, 313, 98, 323 ], [ 447, 313, 470, 323 ], [ 656, 316, 701, 325 ], [ 590, 317, 620, 321 ], [ 565, 319, 570, 324 ], [ 590, 322, 613, 327 ], [ 656, 326, 707, 335 ], [ 82, 326, 342, 336 ], [ 628, 331, 639, 335 ], [ 547, 333, 604, 342 ], [ 614, 341, 669, 351 ], [ 838, 342, 878, 351 ], [ 547, 343, 580, 352 ], [ 706, 347, 761, 356 ], [ 614, 351, 647, 361 ], [ 838, 356, 879, 365 ], [ 706, 357, 745, 366 ], [ 824, 361, 833, 388 ], [ 82, 363, 206, 374 ], [ 838, 369, 848, 379 ], [ 885, 369, 897, 379 ], [ 525, 371, 545, 378 ], [ 82, 378, 93, 390 ], [ 453, 378, 470, 390 ], [ 526, 381, 543, 388 ], [ 838, 384, 888, 394 ], [ 514, 393, 556, 402 ], [ 82, 394, 406, 406 ], [ 444, 394, 471, 406 ], [ 686, 394, 734, 403 ], [ 627, 396, 681, 406 ], [ 838, 398, 881, 407 ], [ 627, 406, 665, 416 ], [ 82, 409, 136, 421 ], [ 409, 409, 420, 421 ], [ 459, 409, 471, 421 ], [ 838, 412, 876, 421 ], [ 706, 421, 733, 430 ], [ 82, 425, 114, 437 ], [ 431, 425, 470, 437 ], [ 523, 425, 579, 434 ], [ 633, 431, 725, 440 ], [ 523, 435, 561, 444 ], [ 82, 440, 175, 452 ], [ 431, 440, 470, 452 ], [ 633, 441, 708, 450 ], [ 82, 456, 122, 468 ], [ 423, 456, 470, 468 ], [ 687, 466, 732, 475 ], [ 82, 471, 437, 483 ], [ 430, 471, 470, 483 ], [ 731, 477, 783, 486 ], [ 82, 487, 107, 499 ], [ 438, 487, 470, 499 ], [ 731, 487, 769, 496 ], [ 697, 502, 754, 511 ], [ 82, 502, 114, 514 ], [ 426, 502, 465, 514 ], [ 528, 506, 632, 515 ], [ 709, 510, 719, 517 ], [ 528, 516, 678, 525 ], [ 745, 516, 751, 523 ], [ 528, 526, 621, 535 ], [ 82, 529, 237, 541 ], [ 709, 530, 721, 537 ], [ 745, 531, 756, 538 ], [ 528, 536, 644, 545 ], [ 793, 539, 865, 549 ], [ 82, 545, 100, 557 ], [ 445, 545, 470, 557 ], [ 802, 549, 841, 559 ], [ 82, 560, 427, 572 ], [ 427, 560, 471, 572 ], [ 748, 571, 820, 580 ], [ 82, 576, 306, 588 ], [ 428, 576, 470, 588 ], [ 742, 581, 811, 590 ], [ 82, 591, 175, 603 ], [ 370, 591, 376, 603 ], [ 461, 591, 470, 603 ], [ 82, 607, 118, 619 ], [ 427, 607, 470, 619 ], [ 504, 609, 892, 618 ], [ 504, 622, 892, 631 ], [ 82, 622, 251, 634 ], [ 460, 622, 470, 634 ], [ 504, 635, 892, 644 ], [ 82, 638, 437, 650 ], [ 437, 638, 471, 650 ], [ 504, 648, 892, 657 ], [ 82, 653, 470, 665 ], [ 504, 661, 892, 670 ], [ 82, 669, 470, 681 ], [ 504, 673, 892, 683 ], [ 82, 684, 484, 696 ], [ 504, 686, 892, 696 ], [ 504, 699, 559, 709 ], [ 82, 700, 471, 712 ], [ 82, 715, 471, 727 ], [ 82, 731, 470, 743 ], [ 504, 740, 892, 752 ], [ 504, 755, 892, 768 ], [ 82, 758, 316, 777 ], [ 504, 771, 891, 783 ], [ 82, 779, 470, 791 ], [ 504, 786, 892, 799 ], [ 82, 794, 470, 806 ], [ 504, 802, 892, 814 ], [ 82, 810, 484, 822 ], [ 504, 817, 892, 830 ], [ 82, 825, 484, 837 ], [ 504, 833, 775, 845 ], [ 82, 841, 470, 853 ], [ 82, 856, 470, 868 ], [ 504, 866, 892, 879 ], [ 82, 872, 341, 884 ], [ 504, 882, 892, 894 ], [ 82, 897, 470, 910 ], [ 504, 897, 892, 910 ], [ 504, 913, 892, 925 ], [ 82, 913, 479, 925 ], [ 504, 928, 892, 941 ], [ 82, 928, 470, 941 ], [ 82, 963, 111, 973 ] ]
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[ "routing air across a heat source, such as an exhaust", "driven", "alternator. These alternators have advantages", "manifold, before it enters the carburetor. [Figure 5-11].", "over older style generators as they are lighter in", "weight, require lower maintenance, and maintain a", "uniform electrical output even at low engine r.p.m.", "Filter", "To Carb", "[Figure", "5-12]", "Door", "Manif", "oldGLYPH<.notdef>", "(Optional Avionics)", "Pipe", "AvionicGLYPH<.notdef>", "Carb", "HeatGLYPH<.notdef>", "AvionicGLYPH<.notdef>", "Carb Heat Off", "Bus", "BusGLYPH<.notdef>", "Collector", "Avionics Relay", "Bar", "Filter", "To Carb", "Door", "ManifoldGLYPH<.notdef>", "On", "Heated Air", "Pipe", "Off", "Carb", "HeatGLYPH<.notdef>", "Carb Heat On", "Mag Switch", "Collector", "Lights", "Avionics MasterGLYPH<.notdef>", "Switch", "Off", "Ret", "PanelGLYPH<.notdef>", "LeftGLYPH<.notdef>", "L", "L", "G", "Magneto", "PositionGLYPH<.notdef>", "Adv", "R", "Both", "Beacon", "Figure 5-11.", "When you turn the carburetor heat ON, normal", "Ammeter", "air", "flow is blocked, and heated air from an alternate source", "RightGLYPH<.notdef>", "StartingGLYPH<.notdef>", "R", "Vibrator", "Magneto", "flows through the filter to the carburetor.", "Adv", "BatteryGLYPH<.notdef>", "StarterGLYPH<.notdef>", "TrimGLYPH<.notdef>", "Relay", "EngineGLYPH<.notdef>", "Relay", "InstrGLYPH<.notdef>", "Starter", "Bus Bar", "FUEL INJECTION", "Lndg", "LtGLYPH<.notdef>", "– +", "In", "a fuel injection system, fuel and air are metered at", "24V", "RadioGLYPH<.notdef>", "Battery", "the fuel control unit but are not mixed. The", "fuel is", "Release", "StarterGLYPH<.notdef>", "XpdrGLYPH<.notdef>", "Switch", "injected", "directly", "into the intake port of the cylinder", "Clutch", "Hold", "where", "it is mixed with the air just before entering the", "BatteryGLYPH<.notdef>", "M/R GearboxGLYPH<.notdef>", "Switch", "cylinder. This", "system ensures a more even fuel distri-", "Press Switch", "bution", "in the cylinders and better vaporization, which", "Engage", "in turn, promotes more efficient use of fuel. Also,", "the", "ClutchGLYPH<.notdef>", "fuel", "injection system eliminates the problem of carbu-", "Switch", "Alternator", "retor", "icing and the need for a carburetor heat system.", "Clutch ActuatorGLYPH<.notdef>", "–", "(Internal Limit SwitchesGLYPH<.notdef>", "+", "Shown in FullGLYPH<.notdef>", "TURBINE ENGINES", "F2", "F1", "Disengage Position)", "AlternatorGLYPH<.notdef>", "The", "fuel control system on the turbine engine is fairly", "Switch", "complex, as it monitors and adjusts many dif", "ferent", "AlternatorGLYPH<.notdef>", "parameters on the engine. These", "adjustments are done", "Control Unit", "automatically", "and", "no action is required of the pilot", "other", "than starting and shutting down. No mixture", "Figure 5-12. An electrical system scematic like this sample is", "included in most POHs. Notice that the various bus bar", "adjustment is necessary", "and operation is fairly simple", "accessories are protected by circuit breakers. However, you", "as far as the pilot is concerned. New generation", " fuel", "should still make sure all electrical equipment is turned off", "controls incorporate the use of a full authority digital", "before you start the engine. This protects sensitive compo-", "engine control (FADEC) computer to control the", "nents, particularly the radios, from damage which may be", "engine’s fuel requirements. The FADEC systems", "caused by random voltages generated during the starting", "process.", "increase efficiency, reduce engine wear, and also", "reduce pilot workload. The FADEC usually incorpo-", "rates back-up systems in the event of computer failure.", "Turbine powered helicopters use a starter/generator", "system. The starter/generator is permanently coupled", "ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS", "to the engine gearbox. When starting the engine, elec-", "The electrical systems, in most helicopters, reflect the", "trical power from the battery is supplied to the", "increased use of sophisticated avionics and other elec-", "starter/generator, which turns the engine over. Once the", "trical accessories. More and more operations in today’s", "engine is running, the starter/generator is driven by the", "flight environment are dependent on the aircraft’s elec-", "engine and is then used as a generator.", "trical system; however, all helicopters can be safely", "flown without any electrical power in the event of an", "Current from the alternator or generator is delivered", "electrical malfunction or emergency.", "through a voltage regulator to a bus bar. The voltage", "Helicopters have either a 14- or 28-volt, direct-cur-", "regulator maintains the constant voltage required by", "the electrical system by regulating the output of the", "rent electrical system. On small, piston powered ", "alternator or generator. An over-voltage control may be", "helicopters, electrical energy is supplied by an engine-", "5-8" ]
[ [ 165, 64, 899, 81 ], [ 135, 64, 143, 80 ], [ 165, 80, 346, 97 ], [ 165, 80, 346, 97 ], [ 164, 97, 903, 114 ], [ 164, 97, 903, 114 ], [ 134, 97, 143, 113 ], [ 134, 97, 143, 113 ], [ 164, 112, 899, 130 ], [ 164, 128, 899, 146 ], [ 164, 144, 258, 162 ], [ 164, 144, 258, 162 ], [ 164, 161, 677, 179 ], [ 164, 161, 677, 179 ], [ 134, 161, 143, 177 ], [ 134, 161, 143, 177 ], [ 130, 193, 199, 212 ], [ 199, 194, 898, 211 ], [ 130, 210, 899, 227 ], [ 130, 225, 902, 243 ], [ 130, 241, 204, 259 ], [ 104, 274, 124, 292 ], [ 104, 274, 124, 292 ], [ 128, 274, 670, 292 ], [ 128, 274, 670, 292 ], [ 104, 290, 475, 307 ], [ 104, 290, 475, 307 ], [ 104, 290, 475, 307 ], [ 165, 307, 901, 324 ], [ 165, 307, 901, 324 ], [ 135, 307, 143, 323 ], [ 135, 307, 143, 323 ], [ 165, 323, 621, 340 ], [ 165, 323, 621, 340 ], [ 165, 339, 901, 357 ], [ 165, 339, 901, 357 ], [ 135, 340, 143, 356 ], [ 135, 340, 143, 356 ], [ 165, 355, 236, 373 ], [ 165, 355, 236, 373 ], [ 165, 372, 610, 389 ], [ 165, 372, 610, 389 ], [ 165, 372, 610, 389 ], [ 135, 372, 143, 388 ], [ 135, 372, 143, 388 ], [ 135, 372, 143, 388 ], [ 165, 388, 902, 406 ], [ 165, 388, 902, 406 ], [ 135, 389, 143, 405 ], [ 135, 389, 143, 405 ], [ 165, 404, 540, 422 ], [ 130, 437, 208, 455 ], [ 209, 437, 874, 455 ], [ 130, 453, 874, 471 ], [ 130, 469, 872, 486 ], [ 130, 485, 378, 502 ], [ 104, 517, 124, 535 ], [ 104, 517, 124, 535 ], [ 128, 517, 735, 535 ], [ 128, 517, 735, 535 ], [ 104, 533, 475, 551 ], [ 104, 533, 475, 551 ], [ 104, 533, 475, 551 ], [ 191, 550, 899, 568 ], [ 191, 550, 899, 568 ], [ 160, 550, 169, 566 ], [ 160, 550, 169, 566 ], [ 191, 566, 646, 583 ], [ 191, 566, 646, 583 ], [ 191, 583, 872, 600 ], [ 191, 583, 872, 600 ], [ 160, 583, 169, 599 ], [ 160, 583, 169, 599 ], [ 191, 599, 264, 616 ], [ 191, 599, 264, 616 ], [ 191, 615, 631, 633 ], [ 191, 615, 631, 633 ], [ 160, 615, 169, 632 ], [ 160, 615, 169, 632 ], [ 130, 648, 208, 666 ], [ 208, 648, 868, 665 ], [ 130, 664, 874, 681 ], [ 130, 680, 620, 697 ], [ 104, 712, 124, 730 ], [ 104, 712, 124, 730 ], [ 128, 712, 529, 730 ], [ 128, 712, 529, 730 ], [ 104, 728, 471, 746 ], [ 104, 728, 471, 746 ], [ 165, 761, 872, 778 ], [ 135, 761, 143, 777 ], [ 165, 777, 680, 794 ], [ 165, 777, 680, 794 ], [ 165, 793, 775, 811 ], [ 165, 793, 775, 811 ], [ 165, 793, 775, 811 ], [ 135, 794, 143, 810 ], [ 135, 794, 143, 810 ], [ 135, 794, 143, 810 ], [ 165, 810, 899, 828 ], [ 165, 810, 899, 828 ], [ 135, 810, 143, 826 ], [ 135, 810, 143, 826 ], [ 165, 826, 270, 844 ], [ 165, 826, 270, 844 ], [ 282, 826, 361, 844 ], [ 282, 826, 361, 844 ], [ 270, 826, 282, 837 ], [ 165, 843, 617, 860 ], [ 165, 843, 617, 860 ], [ 135, 843, 143, 859 ], [ 135, 843, 143, 859 ], [ 115, 900, 465, 916 ], [ 104, 900, 115, 911 ], [ 492, 937, 511, 950 ] ]
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[ "With a university degree in the related field of biology, public health, epidemiology, biochemistry, ", "•", "medicine or equivalent. ", "medicine or equivalent. ", "With at least five years of experience in project management, including overseeing project ", "With at least five years of experience in project management, including overseeing project ", "•", "•", "delivery, quality control of delivered service, client orientation and conflict resolution experience ", "in project of a size of at least € 200,000, with experience in the management of a team of at least ", "two people. ", "two people. ", "The Project Manager must not have any scientific conflict of interest", "The Project Manager must not have any scientific conflict of interest", "•", "•", "Evidence", ": CV, a language certificate or past experience in English such as working in an English speaking ", "environment, appropriate level of studies or English as mother tongue or other official proof, reference ", "to the project indicating the required coverage and annual declaration of interest (see section 4. ", "Annexes) ", "B2", "B2", "LOT 3 - Expert in epidemiology of infections in long-term care facilities ", "LOT 3 - Expert in epidemiology of infections in long-term care facilities ", "The tenderer must include minimum one profile: ", "The tenderer must include minimum one profile: ", "The tenderer must include minimum one profile: ", "With a university degree (master’s degree or equivalent) in the related field of biology, public ", "With a university degree (master’s degree or equivalent) in the related field of biology, public ", "•", "•", "health, epidemiology, biochemistry, medicine or equivalent; ", "health, epidemiology, biochemistry, medicine or equivalent; ", "With at least 5 years of professional experience in epidemiology of infections in long-term care ", "With at least 5 years of professional experience in epidemiology of infections in long-term care ", "•", "•", "facilities. ", "facilities. ", "The expert must not have any scientific conflict of interest. ", "The expert must not have any scientific conflict of interest. ", "The expert must not have any scientific conflict of interest. ", "•", "•", "•", "At least two publications published in the last five years containing data from more than two ", "At least two publications published in the last five years containing data from more than two ", "•", "•", "countries on infections in long-term care facilities ", "Evidence: ", "CV, a language certificate or past experience in English such as working in an English ", "speaking environment, appropriate level of studies or English as mother tongue or other official ", "proof and references for two publications published in the last five years and annual declaration of ", "interest (see section 4. Annexes) ", "B3", "B3", "LOT 3 - Expert in public health methodologies for vaccine preventable diseases.", "LOT 3 - Expert in public health methodologies for vaccine preventable diseases.", "The tenderer must include minimum one profile: ", "The tenderer must include minimum one profile: ", "The tenderer must include minimum one profile: ", "With a university degree (master’s degree or equivalent) in the related field of biology, public ", "With a university degree (master’s degree or equivalent) in the related field of biology, public ", "•", "•", "health, epidemiology, biochemistry, medicine or equivalent. ", "health, epidemiology, biochemistry, medicine or equivalent. ", "At least 5 years of professional experience in vaccine preventable diseases for public health ", "At least 5 years of professional experience in vaccine preventable diseases for public health ", "•", "•", "purposes.", "purposes.", "The expert must not have any scientific conflict of interest ", "The expert must not have any scientific conflict of interest ", "•", "•", "Evidence: ", "CV, a language certificate or past experience in English such as working in an English-", "speaking environment, appropriate level of studies or English as mother tongue or other official ", "proof and annual declaration of interest (see section 4. Annexes) ", "B4", "B4", "LOT 3 - Expert for data collection and quality checks ", "LOT 3 - Expert for data collection and quality checks ", "The tenderer must include minimum one profile:", "The tenderer must include minimum one profile:", "With a university degree (bachelor or equivalent) in the related field of biology, epidemiology, ", "•", "statistics, data management, bioinformatics, medicine or equivalent ", "statistics, data management, bioinformatics, medicine or equivalent ", "With proven experience of 3 years in data collection, analysis and quality checks. ", "With proven experience of 3 years in data collection, analysis and quality checks. ", "With proven experience of 3 years in data collection, analysis and quality checks. ", "•", "•", "•", "With minimum C1 level language proficiency in the Common European Framework for Reference ", "With minimum C1 level language proficiency in the Common European Framework for Reference ", "•", "•", "for Languages", "for Languages", " in English ", " in English ", "27", "The experts must not have any scientific conflict of interest. ", "The experts must not have any scientific conflict of interest. ", "•", "•", " See ", "27", "32 " ]
[ [ 117, 95, 882, 108 ], [ 117, 125, 882, 139 ], [ 117, 155, 882, 169 ], [ 117, 186, 882, 199 ], [ 117, 216, 882, 229 ], [ 117, 246, 882, 259 ], [ 117, 276, 882, 290 ], [ 117, 306, 528, 320 ], [ 528, 306, 534, 320 ], [ 534, 306, 562, 320 ], [ 562, 306, 572, 320 ], [ 572, 306, 882, 320 ], [ 117, 337, 882, 350 ], [ 117, 367, 882, 380 ], [ 117, 397, 882, 410 ], [ 117, 427, 882, 440 ], [ 117, 457, 397, 471 ], [ 117, 521, 133, 541 ], [ 165, 521, 524, 541 ], [ 117, 571, 882, 584 ], [ 117, 601, 882, 615 ], [ 117, 631, 837, 645 ], [ 845, 631, 860, 645 ], [ 867, 631, 882, 645 ], [ 117, 662, 125, 675 ], [ 125, 662, 188, 675 ], [ 189, 662, 253, 675 ], [ 261, 662, 271, 675 ], [ 279, 662, 882, 675 ], [ 117, 692, 148, 705 ], [ 154, 692, 166, 705 ], [ 172, 692, 715, 705 ], [ 721, 692, 727, 705 ], [ 727, 692, 882, 705 ], [ 117, 722, 712, 735 ], [ 720, 722, 730, 735 ], [ 739, 722, 826, 735 ], [ 840, 722, 882, 735 ], [ 138, 751, 153, 765 ], [ 117, 752, 132, 765 ], [ 159, 752, 216, 765 ], [ 216, 752, 250, 765 ], [ 253, 752, 264, 765 ], [ 265, 752, 328, 765 ], [ 334, 752, 348, 765 ], [ 355, 752, 624, 765 ], [ 631, 752, 637, 765 ], [ 644, 752, 847, 765 ], [ 853, 752, 881, 765 ], [ 703, 781, 724, 790 ], [ 117, 782, 641, 796 ], [ 648, 782, 676, 796 ], [ 682, 782, 697, 796 ], [ 734, 782, 747, 796 ], [ 748, 782, 882, 796 ], [ 724, 790, 730, 799 ], [ 117, 812, 882, 826 ], [ 117, 843, 764, 856 ], [ 779, 843, 882, 856 ], [ 495, 898, 504, 912 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "another type of restriction enzyme), but is invariant within an experiment. Initially SAGE", "tags were 14 bp long. However, four of these bp reflect the cutting motif of the AE and, as", "a result, were shared by all tags. Experimental advances have been able to extend the tag", "length to over 20 bp. For example, ‘SuperSAGE’ techniques can lead to tags up to 26 bp", "long (Matsumura et al., 2003, 2006). Unfortunately, extending the length of a tag comes at", "a cost (Stollberg et al., 2000). This is because neither the reverse transcription, the PCR", "amplification, or sequencing process is error free. For example, Velculescu et al. (1997) esti-", "mate that the sequencing error rate of a tag is 0", ".", "007", "/", "bp, thus the probability of obtaining", "an error free tag decreases geometrically with sequence length, ranging from approximately", "10% to 15% in 14 and 22 bp tags, respectively. Transcription errors, either by the cell or", "during the conversion to cDNA or amplification by the experimentalist, can create either", "novel ‘orphan’ tags which cannot be mapped to a particular gene or misleading tags which", "are attributed to the wrong gene.", "3", "Basic Statistical Inference", "Before the SAGE tag counts are considered, we assume that the data is processed to retain", "only informative tags, i.e. all ambiguous or orphan tags are removed, as is standard practice.", "The result can be viewed as a vector of observed tag counts for individual genes, i.e.", "T", "=", "(", "t$_{1}$, . . . t$_{k}$", ") where", "k", "is the number of genes that contain at least one unambiguous AE site", "and", "t$_{i}$", "is the sum of all counts which can be uniquely attributed to gene", "i", ". It is natural here", "to view this vector as a sample from a multinomial distribution with", "k", "categories.", "Thus", "∼", "T", "Multi (", "T$_{tot}$,", "θ", ") where", "θ$_{i}$", "represents the frequency of gene", "i", "tags in the tag pool and", "T$_{tot}$", "∑", "represents the total number of informative tags sequenced, i.e.", "T$_{tot}$", "=", "t$_{j}$", ". Until recently,", "j", "inferences about a gene’s frequency in the mRNA population, the population of interest, were", "assumed to be equivalent to any inferences made about its tag frequency, i.e.", "the tag pool", "8" ]
[ [ 119, 42, 641, 58 ], [ 119, 59, 456, 72 ], [ 833, 59, 843, 72 ], [ 847, 59, 885, 72 ], [ 106, 83, 143, 99 ], [ 147, 83, 245, 99 ], [ 216, 114, 253, 129 ], [ 253, 114, 515, 129 ], [ 216, 138, 243, 154 ], [ 253, 138, 363, 154 ], [ 370, 138, 899, 154 ], [ 363, 140, 370, 154 ], [ 216, 155, 266, 170 ], [ 284, 155, 297, 170 ], [ 316, 155, 391, 170 ], [ 409, 155, 545, 170 ], [ 564, 155, 584, 170 ], [ 603, 155, 646, 170 ], [ 665, 155, 723, 170 ], [ 742, 155, 755, 170 ], [ 774, 155, 794, 170 ], [ 813, 155, 899, 170 ], [ 216, 171, 333, 187 ], [ 106, 195, 357, 211 ], [ 106, 227, 159, 242 ], [ 164, 227, 284, 242 ], [ 219, 257, 276, 273 ], [ 276, 257, 613, 273 ], [ 106, 292, 409, 308 ], [ 106, 326, 163, 342 ], [ 167, 326, 466, 342 ], [ 219, 357, 273, 373 ], [ 291, 357, 310, 373 ], [ 327, 357, 352, 373 ], [ 370, 357, 432, 373 ], [ 449, 357, 472, 373 ], [ 490, 357, 585, 373 ], [ 603, 357, 628, 373 ], [ 646, 357, 668, 373 ], [ 686, 357, 711, 373 ], [ 729, 357, 850, 373 ], [ 868, 357, 899, 373 ], [ 219, 374, 304, 389 ], [ 304, 374, 355, 389 ], [ 219, 397, 316, 413 ], [ 335, 397, 416, 413 ], [ 435, 397, 528, 413 ], [ 547, 397, 561, 413 ], [ 580, 397, 675, 413 ], [ 694, 397, 719, 413 ], [ 739, 397, 827, 413 ], [ 847, 397, 899, 413 ], [ 219, 413, 581, 429 ], [ 219, 437, 235, 453 ], [ 250, 437, 270, 453 ], [ 289, 437, 359, 453 ], [ 377, 437, 429, 453 ], [ 448, 437, 462, 453 ], [ 481, 437, 613, 453 ], [ 632, 437, 657, 453 ], [ 676, 437, 743, 453 ], [ 761, 437, 793, 453 ], [ 812, 437, 898, 453 ], [ 250, 453, 328, 469 ], [ 349, 453, 432, 469 ], [ 452, 453, 486, 469 ], [ 507, 453, 598, 469 ], [ 618, 453, 671, 469 ], [ 691, 453, 764, 469 ], [ 785, 453, 811, 469 ], [ 831, 453, 899, 469 ], [ 250, 470, 309, 486 ], [ 328, 470, 352, 486 ], [ 371, 470, 451, 486 ], [ 470, 470, 506, 486 ], [ 524, 470, 538, 486 ], [ 557, 470, 674, 486 ], [ 693, 470, 758, 486 ], [ 777, 470, 797, 486 ], [ 816, 470, 899, 486 ], [ 250, 486, 477, 502 ], [ 219, 510, 236, 525 ], [ 250, 510, 899, 525 ], [ 250, 526, 284, 542 ], [ 304, 526, 335, 542 ], [ 355, 526, 436, 542 ], [ 456, 526, 469, 542 ], [ 489, 526, 566, 542 ], [ 586, 526, 616, 542 ], [ 636, 526, 657, 542 ], [ 676, 526, 734, 542 ], [ 753, 526, 812, 542 ], [ 831, 526, 848, 542 ], [ 868, 526, 899, 542 ], [ 250, 542, 321, 558 ], [ 340, 542, 378, 558 ], [ 397, 542, 509, 558 ], [ 528, 542, 536, 558 ], [ 536, 542, 850, 558 ], [ 850, 542, 899, 558 ], [ 250, 559, 899, 575 ], [ 250, 575, 271, 591 ], [ 290, 575, 417, 591 ], [ 436, 575, 530, 591 ], [ 549, 575, 621, 591 ], [ 641, 575, 704, 591 ], [ 724, 575, 899, 591 ], [ 250, 592, 317, 607 ], [ 219, 615, 274, 631 ], [ 274, 615, 443, 631 ], [ 443, 615, 484, 631 ], [ 484, 615, 612, 631 ], [ 219, 632, 231, 647 ], [ 231, 632, 446, 647 ], [ 446, 632, 463, 647 ], [ 106, 656, 143, 671 ], [ 143, 656, 455, 671 ], [ 455, 656, 539, 671 ], [ 539, 656, 554, 671 ], [ 106, 679, 166, 695 ], [ 181, 679, 599, 695 ], [ 216, 703, 898, 719 ], [ 216, 720, 426, 735 ], [ 447, 720, 470, 735 ], [ 491, 720, 695, 735 ], [ 715, 720, 822, 735 ], [ 843, 720, 898, 735 ], [ 216, 736, 283, 752 ], [ 303, 736, 373, 752 ], [ 393, 736, 413, 752 ], [ 432, 736, 454, 752 ], [ 473, 736, 591, 752 ], [ 610, 736, 648, 752 ], [ 667, 736, 688, 752 ], [ 707, 736, 728, 752 ], [ 748, 736, 813, 752 ], [ 833, 736, 847, 752 ], [ 867, 736, 898, 752 ], [ 216, 752, 298, 768 ], [ 318, 752, 387, 768 ], [ 408, 752, 444, 768 ], [ 465, 752, 479, 768 ], [ 500, 752, 722, 768 ], [ 742, 752, 790, 768 ], [ 810, 752, 898, 768 ], [ 216, 769, 338, 785 ], [ 106, 807, 164, 823 ], [ 179, 807, 898, 823 ], [ 106, 824, 157, 840 ], [ 216, 848, 306, 863 ], [ 326, 848, 567, 863 ], [ 587, 848, 673, 863 ], [ 693, 848, 898, 863 ], [ 216, 864, 249, 880 ], [ 269, 864, 429, 880 ], [ 449, 864, 483, 880 ], [ 503, 864, 524, 880 ], [ 544, 864, 643, 880 ], [ 663, 864, 855, 880 ], [ 874, 864, 898, 880 ], [ 216, 880, 306, 896 ], [ 216, 911, 343, 927 ], [ 363, 911, 427, 927 ], [ 448, 911, 482, 927 ], [ 503, 911, 560, 927 ], [ 580, 911, 637, 927 ], [ 658, 911, 672, 927 ], [ 693, 911, 715, 927 ], [ 736, 911, 806, 927 ], [ 826, 911, 845, 927 ], [ 865, 911, 898, 927 ], [ 216, 928, 292, 943 ], [ 312, 928, 323, 943 ], [ 343, 928, 365, 943 ], [ 385, 928, 427, 943 ], [ 447, 928, 514, 943 ], [ 534, 928, 563, 943 ], [ 583, 928, 598, 943 ], [ 618, 928, 710, 943 ], [ 730, 928, 776, 943 ], [ 797, 928, 818, 943 ], [ 838, 928, 898, 943 ], [ 119, 945, 382, 957 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 6, 6, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "Lot 1- Construction of Giresun Wastewater Treatment Plant", "VOLUME 2 - Section 3: Particular Conditions ", "9", "of 18 ", "8.3", "Programme ", "Add", " the following Subparagraph (e) ", "(e)", "a detailed cash", "flow estimate for all projected payments to which the Contractor ", "‐", "expects", "to", "be entitled", "in accordance with", "the", "details", "provided", "in", "the", "Employer’s ", "Requirements ", "Clause 11 – Defects Liability ", "11.7", "Right of Access ", "Insert ", "\"or End Recipient’s\" after “Employer’s”. ", "Clause 12 - Tests after Completion ", "12.1", "Procedure for Test after Completion ", "Delete", "the", "first", "paragraph", "and", "sub-paragraphs", "(a)", "and", "(b)", "of the Sub-Clause", "and ", "substitute", " with: ", "If Tests after", "Completion", "are specified", "in", "the Contract,", "this", "Clause shall", "apply. ", "Unless otherwise stated in these Conditions; ", "a)", "the", "Employer,", "assisted", "as", "appropriate by the", "End", "Recipient,", "shall", "provide all ", "electricity,", "equipment,", "fuel,", "instruments,", "labour,", "materials,", "and", "suitably ", "qualified", "and", "experienced", "staff,", "as", "are necessary to", "carry out", "the", "Tests after ", "Completion efficiently, and ", "b)", "the Employer, assisted as appropriate by the End Recipient, shall carry out the ", "Tests", "after", "Completion", "in", "accordance", "with", "the", "manuals", "supplied", "by", "the ", "Contractor", "under", "Sub-Clause 5.7", "[", "Operation and Maintenance Manuals", "] and ", "such guidance as the Contractor may be required to give during the tests; and in ", "the", "presence of such", "Contractor's", "Personnel", "as either", "Party may reasonably ", "require. ", "insert ", "in the last paragraph ", "after", " “Employer’s”: ", "“", "and/or the End Recipient’s", "” ", "Add", " new Sub-Clauses 12.5 & 12.6 & 12.7 ", "as follows", " : ", "12.5", "Commitments on Unit Rates for Operational Costs ", "Tests after Completion shall also include, besides compliance check for the process ", "performance commitments,", "the", "monitoring and testing to", "determine the", "actual ", "quantities", "consumed", "for", "the", "key consumable", "items", "for", "the", "operation", "of", "the ", "wastewater", "treatment", "plant", "in", "compliance with Article 3.4", "of the", "Employers ", "Requirements. ", "12.6", "Penalties for Exceeding the Annual Operating Costs during normal Operation of the ", "Plant ", "Pursuant to", "Clause 12.4 of the Conditions", "of Contract", "non-performance damages ", "shall", "be due for failure to", "meet", "the", "Commitments", "for Operating Costs stated", "in ", "Volume 4. ", "Non-performance", "damages", "shall", "become", "payable", "to", "the", "Employer", "by", "the ", "Contractor", "if", "the", "actual", "operating", "cost", "of", "consumables", "during", "the", "Defects ", "3_Vol2_d4_particularconditions_en_.docx " ]
[ [ 165, 102, 856, 118 ], [ 165, 122, 823, 137 ], [ 165, 141, 803, 157 ], [ 165, 161, 835, 176 ], [ 165, 180, 851, 196 ], [ 165, 200, 837, 215 ], [ 165, 219, 851, 235 ], [ 165, 239, 870, 254 ], [ 165, 258, 861, 274 ], [ 165, 278, 505, 293 ], [ 147, 299, 165, 312 ], [ 185, 299, 870, 312 ], [ 165, 318, 869, 331 ], [ 165, 338, 869, 351 ], [ 165, 357, 869, 370 ], [ 165, 377, 602, 390 ], [ 147, 395, 853, 410 ], [ 165, 414, 847, 430 ], [ 165, 434, 852, 449 ], [ 165, 453, 797, 469 ], [ 165, 473, 875, 488 ], [ 165, 492, 807, 508 ], [ 165, 512, 834, 527 ], [ 165, 531, 862, 546 ], [ 165, 551, 625, 566 ], [ 147, 571, 165, 585 ], [ 185, 571, 869, 585 ], [ 165, 591, 679, 604 ], [ 147, 609, 170, 624 ], [ 176, 609, 867, 624 ], [ 165, 628, 863, 644 ], [ 165, 648, 545, 663 ], [ 128, 669, 147, 682 ], [ 166, 669, 870, 682 ], [ 146, 688, 869, 701 ], [ 146, 708, 869, 721 ], [ 146, 727, 774, 740 ], [ 128, 745, 152, 761 ], [ 158, 745, 796, 761 ], [ 146, 765, 848, 780 ], [ 146, 784, 854, 800 ], [ 146, 804, 880, 819 ], [ 146, 823, 847, 839 ], [ 146, 843, 806, 858 ], [ 146, 862, 508, 878 ], [ 147, 883, 165, 896 ], [ 185, 883, 869, 896 ], [ 489, 925, 515, 940 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5 ]
[ "bearer checks pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) or (3) of the same ", "Article; hereinafter the same applies in this item), bank cashiers checks ", "(meaning checks drawn to self pursuant to the provisions of Article 6, ", "paragraph (3) of the same Act; hereinafter the same applies in this item), ", "traveler's checks, or certificates or interest coupons of public and corporate ", "bonds not bearing the owner's name (meaning public and corporate bonds ", "listed in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (ix) of the Income Tax Act), of which ", "the amount exceeds that equivalent to two million yen (for bearer checks and ", "bank cashiers checks, limited to those without crossing prescribed in Article ", "37, paragraph (1) of the Checks Act); ", "九", "前各号に掲げる行為のうち、本人確認(法第十八条第一項及び第二十二条の二第", "一項の規定による本人確認をいう。次項において同じ。)を行つた際に顧客等又は", "代表者等(法第十八条第二項に規定する代表者等をいう。次号において同じ。)が", "本人特定事項(同条第一項に規定する本人特定事項をいう。)を偽つていた疑いが", "ある場合における当該顧客等又は代表者等との行為", "(ix) among acts listed in the preceding items, acts committed with customers, ", "etc. or representatives, etc. (meaning representatives, etc. as prescribed in ", "Article 18, paragraph (2) of the Act; the same applies in the following item) ", "in the cases where the customers, etc. or the representatives, etc. are ", "suspected of having falsified the identifying matters (meaning the identifying ", "matters prescribed in paragraph (1) of the same Article) at the time of ", "identity confirmation (meaning the identity confirmation pursuant to the ", "provisions of Article 18, paragraph (1) and Article 22-2, paragraph (1) of the ", "Act; the same applies in the following paragraph); ", "十", "第一号から第八号までに掲げる行為のうち、行為の相手方が行為の名義人又は代", "表者等になりすましている疑いがある場合における当該行為", "(x)", "among acts listed in items (i) through (viii), the acts committed in the cases ", "where another party to the acts is suspected of pretending to be a registered ", "person of the acts or representatives, etc. ", "2", "前項に規定する「本人確認済みの顧客等との間の行為」とは、次に掲げる場合にお", "ける顧客等との間の行為であつて、金融機関等(第三号から第六号までに掲げる場合", "には、これらの号に規定する他の金融機関等を含む。)が財務省令で定める方法によ", "り顧客等について既に本人確認を行つていることを確認した行為をいう。", "(2)", "\"Acts committed with customers, etc. whose identity has already been ", "confirmed\" prescribed in the preceding paragraph mean acts committed with ", "customers, etc. in the following cases, for which financial institutions, etc. (in ", "the cases listed in items (iii) through (vi), including other financial institutions, ", "etc. prescribed in these items) have confirmed that the identity confirmation ", "has already been conducted in regard to the customers, etc. by a method ", "specified by Ministry of Finance Order: ", "一", "当該金融機関等が顧客等について既に本人確認を行つており、かつ、当該本人確", "34 " ]
[ [ 860, 48, 879, 63 ], [ 327, 93, 333, 103 ], [ 344, 93, 350, 103 ], [ 313, 94, 345, 102 ], [ 316, 112, 327, 120 ], [ 316, 151, 327, 159 ], [ 316, 190, 327, 198 ], [ 322, 229, 327, 237 ], [ 678, 268, 683, 276 ], [ 375, 275, 381, 283 ], [ 423, 275, 428, 283 ], [ 470, 275, 475, 283 ], [ 517, 275, 523, 283 ], [ 561, 275, 573, 283 ], [ 609, 275, 620, 283 ], [ 656, 275, 667, 283 ], [ 117, 314, 249, 328 ], [ 254, 314, 291, 328 ], [ 292, 314, 299, 328 ], [ 299, 314, 315, 328 ], [ 316, 314, 376, 328 ], [ 381, 314, 390, 328 ], [ 396, 314, 503, 328 ], [ 508, 314, 523, 328 ], [ 530, 314, 589, 328 ], [ 594, 314, 608, 328 ], [ 613, 314, 879, 328 ], [ 117, 342, 275, 356 ], [ 281, 342, 290, 356 ], [ 297, 342, 594, 356 ], [ 117, 383, 879, 398 ], [ 117, 409, 879, 424 ], [ 117, 435, 334, 450 ], [ 340, 435, 350, 450 ], [ 358, 435, 879, 450 ], [ 117, 462, 676, 477 ], [ 276, 495, 292, 504 ], [ 313, 515, 318, 525 ], [ 276, 517, 292, 526 ], [ 333, 526, 338, 536 ], [ 313, 536, 318, 545 ], [ 353, 536, 358, 545 ], [ 276, 540, 292, 549 ], [ 373, 545, 378, 554 ], [ 393, 552, 398, 561 ], [ 333, 553, 338, 562 ], [ 414, 557, 419, 566 ], [ 434, 561, 439, 570 ], [ 276, 562, 292, 571 ], [ 454, 564, 459, 573 ], [ 353, 566, 358, 575 ], [ 474, 566, 479, 576 ], [ 494, 568, 499, 577 ], [ 514, 570, 519, 579 ], [ 434, 571, 439, 580 ], [ 534, 571, 539, 580 ], [ 554, 572, 559, 581 ], [ 574, 573, 579, 582 ], [ 373, 573, 378, 583 ], [ 393, 578, 398, 587 ], [ 414, 580, 419, 590 ], [ 434, 582, 439, 591 ], [ 454, 582, 459, 592 ], [ 474, 583, 479, 592 ], [ 494, 583, 499, 593 ], [ 514, 584, 519, 593 ], [ 534, 584, 539, 593 ], [ 554, 584, 559, 593 ], [ 276, 584, 292, 593 ], [ 620, 585, 625, 594 ], [ 645, 585, 688, 594 ], [ 574, 590, 579, 599 ], [ 276, 607, 292, 616 ], [ 620, 616, 625, 626 ], [ 645, 616, 670, 625 ], [ 276, 629, 292, 638 ], [ 293, 638, 300, 647 ], [ 333, 638, 340, 647 ], [ 373, 638, 380, 647 ], [ 414, 638, 420, 647 ], [ 454, 638, 460, 647 ], [ 491, 638, 503, 647 ], [ 531, 638, 544, 647 ], [ 571, 638, 584, 647 ], [ 620, 648, 625, 657 ], [ 645, 648, 676, 657 ], [ 310, 706, 315, 716 ], [ 315, 706, 321, 716 ], [ 347, 706, 352, 716 ], [ 352, 706, 358, 716 ], [ 359, 706, 364, 716 ], [ 117, 708, 264, 722 ], [ 270, 708, 290, 722 ], [ 291, 708, 296, 722 ], [ 301, 708, 309, 722 ], [ 322, 708, 333, 722 ], [ 338, 708, 346, 722 ], [ 370, 708, 743, 722 ], [ 748, 708, 762, 722 ], [ 767, 708, 879, 722 ], [ 861, 733, 866, 743 ], [ 866, 733, 872, 743 ], [ 873, 733, 878, 743 ], [ 117, 735, 278, 749 ], [ 285, 735, 294, 749 ], [ 301, 735, 698, 749 ], [ 705, 735, 725, 749 ], [ 733, 735, 846, 749 ], [ 852, 735, 860, 749 ], [ 406, 760, 412, 771 ], [ 412, 760, 418, 771 ], [ 117, 763, 392, 776 ], [ 398, 763, 406, 776 ], [ 418, 763, 879, 776 ], [ 117, 790, 445, 804 ], [ 451, 790, 460, 804 ], [ 460, 790, 465, 804 ], [ 531, 830, 537, 840 ], [ 537, 830, 543, 840 ], [ 543, 830, 549, 840 ], [ 142, 834, 460, 849 ], [ 467, 834, 531, 849 ], [ 539, 834, 879, 849 ], [ 531, 842, 538, 852 ], [ 117, 860, 426, 876 ], [ 590, 888, 597, 898 ], [ 597, 888, 604, 898 ], [ 579, 889, 590, 898 ], [ 455, 890, 462, 900 ], [ 461, 890, 469, 900 ], [ 444, 890, 455, 899 ], [ 565, 892, 579, 937 ], [ 512, 892, 526, 937 ], [ 364, 892, 381, 907 ], [ 435, 892, 443, 907 ], [ 537, 892, 553, 907 ], [ 618, 900, 624, 910 ], [ 443, 900, 450, 910 ], [ 398, 902, 413, 918 ], [ 608, 902, 617, 918 ], [ 845, 902, 879, 918 ], [ 491, 902, 506, 918 ], [ 617, 910, 624, 920 ], [ 625, 910, 642, 920 ], [ 440, 912, 453, 922 ], [ 452, 912, 460, 922 ], [ 460, 912, 483, 922 ], [ 430, 913, 440, 922 ], [ 355, 913, 390, 928 ], [ 528, 913, 562, 928 ], [ 420, 916, 429, 931 ], [ 429, 924, 436, 934 ], [ 437, 924, 454, 934 ] ]
[ 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ "21", "(", "(", "log f_k", "20", "15", "10", "5", "k", "2", "4", "6", "8", "10", "12", "14", "FIG. 4: A plot of", "log$_{10}$", "(", "f$_{k}$", ") versus", "k", "for the case of", "N", "= 1000,", "Q", "= 5 for 50 different configurations.", "Notice how for large", "k", "the magnitudes cover various decades.", "crosses the one defined by the fractions, even though configuration by configuration the naive", "definition gives a higher value. This is because the averaging procedure is different. Notice", "also how for low values of", "k", "the naive definition and the root definition agree for the most", "part. This is exactly what is expected when fluctuations are small.", "0.6", "*", "0.5", "*", "*", "*", "0.4", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "0.3", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "0.2", "*", "Fraction", "*", "0.1", "*", "Root", "0.0", "0", "2", "4", "6", "8", "10", "12", "14", "*", "Naive", "(", "r", "(", "s", ")", "FIG. 5: The radius", "R$_{0}$", ",", "r", "$^{)}$,", "r", "of the hole relative to the radius of the sphere at", "Q", "= 0, evaluated", "(", "r", ")", "at different values of", "k", "before taking the limit . We see that the values of", "R$_{0}$", "are lower than", "r", "(", "s", "and show faster convergence, while", "r", "$^{)}$, the naive definition of the radius converges towards zero", "and is dominated by fluctuations for large", "k", ".", "(", "r", ")", "Now, let us prove that the inequalities", "R$_{0}$$_{k}$ < r", "$_{+1}$. Notice that configuration by configu-", "k", "ration we have the following equality", "2", "k", "−", "2", "k", "−", ")", "(", "f$_{k}$", "r", "r$_{k}$", "2", "k", "=", "r", "(21)", "=", "k", "+1", "2(", "k", "+1)", "−", "f$_{k}$$_{+1}$", "r$_{k}$$_{+1}$", "r", "k", "+1" ]
[ [ 347, 47, 684, 58 ], [ 186, 95, 284, 106 ], [ 565, 96, 614, 106 ], [ 183, 128, 249, 139 ], [ 288, 128, 936, 139 ], [ 249, 129, 288, 139 ], [ 183, 143, 324, 155 ], [ 363, 143, 930, 155 ], [ 324, 144, 363, 154 ], [ 183, 158, 458, 170 ], [ 183, 188, 207, 200 ], [ 295, 188, 433, 200 ], [ 433, 188, 463, 200 ], [ 463, 188, 597, 200 ], [ 636, 188, 835, 200 ], [ 207, 190, 295, 199 ], [ 597, 190, 636, 199 ], [ 183, 204, 888, 215 ], [ 183, 219, 780, 230 ], [ 183, 247, 794, 258 ], [ 183, 274, 544, 286 ], [ 583, 274, 588, 286 ], [ 544, 275, 583, 285 ], [ 183, 302, 924, 314 ], [ 199, 317, 916, 329 ], [ 199, 332, 296, 344 ], [ 320, 363, 385, 374 ], [ 320, 393, 850, 405 ], [ 850, 393, 872, 405 ], [ 320, 408, 378, 420 ], [ 466, 408, 618, 420 ], [ 765, 408, 859, 420 ], [ 378, 409, 466, 419 ], [ 618, 409, 765, 419 ], [ 428, 423, 482, 435 ], [ 580, 423, 898, 435 ], [ 320, 424, 428, 434 ], [ 482, 424, 580, 434 ], [ 320, 438, 700, 450 ], [ 786, 438, 873, 450 ], [ 698, 440, 786, 449 ], [ 320, 454, 476, 465 ], [ 584, 454, 898, 465 ], [ 476, 455, 584, 465 ], [ 320, 469, 494, 480 ], [ 183, 499, 408, 511 ], [ 594, 499, 630, 511 ], [ 408, 500, 594, 510 ], [ 630, 500, 856, 510 ], [ 183, 514, 533, 526 ], [ 320, 544, 395, 556 ], [ 320, 575, 445, 586 ], [ 445, 575, 467, 586 ], [ 467, 575, 881, 586 ], [ 320, 590, 424, 602 ], [ 320, 620, 498, 632 ], [ 586, 620, 874, 632 ], [ 498, 621, 586, 631 ], [ 320, 635, 857, 647 ], [ 320, 651, 857, 662 ], [ 320, 666, 890, 677 ], [ 320, 681, 872, 693 ], [ 320, 696, 388, 708 ], [ 375, 696, 385, 708 ], [ 320, 726, 868, 738 ], [ 320, 741, 903, 753 ], [ 320, 757, 448, 768 ], [ 536, 757, 896, 768 ], [ 448, 758, 536, 768 ], [ 320, 772, 899, 783 ], [ 320, 787, 445, 799 ], [ 183, 817, 934, 829 ], [ 183, 832, 507, 844 ], [ 507, 832, 529, 844 ], [ 529, 832, 676, 844 ], [ 166, 860, 185, 872 ], [ 183, 861, 330, 871 ], [ 186, 903, 354, 915 ], [ 565, 905, 712, 914 ], [ 186, 924, 223, 936 ], [ 565, 924, 625, 936 ], [ 904, 941, 941, 952 ] ]
[ 6, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 5 ]
[ "ndbd — The NDB Cluster Data Node Daemon", "Default Value", "FALSE", "Instructs ", " to perform an initial start. An initial start erases any files created for recovery purposes by", "ndbd", "earlier instances of ", ". It also re-creates recovery log files. On some operating systems, this process", "ndbd", "can take a substantial amount of time.", "An ", " start is to be used ", "only", " when starting the ", " process under very special", "--initial", "ndbd", "circumstances; this is because this option causes all files to be removed from the NDB Cluster file", "system and all redo log files to be re-created. These circumstances are listed here:", "•When performing a software upgrade which has changed the contents of any files.", "•When restarting the node with a new version of ", ".", "ndbd", "•As a measure of last resort when for some reason the node restart or system restart repeatedly fails.", "In this case, be aware that this node can no longer be used to restore data due to the destruction of", "the data files.", "Warning", "To avoid the possibility of eventual data loss, it is recommended that you ", "not", "use the ", " option together with ", ". Instead, set", "--initial", "StopOnError = 0", " to 0 in ", " only after the cluster has been started, then", "StopOnError", "config.ini", "restart the data nodes normally—that is, without the ", " option. See", "--initial", "the description of the ", " parameter for a detailed explanation of this", "StopOnError", "issue. (Bug #24945638)", "Use of this option prevents the ", " and ", "StartPartialTimeout", "StartPartitionedTimeout", "configuration parameters from having any effect.", "Important", "This option does ", "not", " affect backup files that have already been created by the", "affected node.", "Prior to NDB 8.0.21, the ", " option also did not affect any Disk Data", "--initial", "files. In NDB 8.0.21 and later, when used to perform an initial restart of the", "cluster, the option causes the removal of all data files associated with Disk", "Data tablespaces and undo log files associated with log file groups that existed", "previously on this data node (see Section 23.5.10, “NDB Cluster Disk Data", "Tables”", ").", "This option also has no effect on recovery of data by a data node that is just", "starting (or restarting) from data nodes that are already running (unless they also", "were started with ", ", as part of an initial restart). This recovery of data", "--initial", "occurs automatically, and requires no user intervention in an NDB Cluster that is", "running normally.", "It is permissible to use this option when starting the cluster for the very first time (that is, before any data", "node files have been created); however, it is ", "not", " necessary to do so.", "•", "--initial-start", "Command-Line Format", "--initial-start", "Type", "Boolean", "4243" ]
[ [ 955, 19, 974, 28 ], [ 799, 19, 948, 28 ], [ 952, 19, 955, 28 ], [ 24, 38, 217, 49 ], [ 217, 39, 974, 49 ], [ 24, 50, 974, 60 ], [ 24, 61, 661, 71 ], [ 24, 80, 556, 91 ], [ 24, 92, 87, 103 ], [ 92, 93, 974, 103 ], [ 24, 104, 974, 114 ], [ 24, 115, 42, 125 ], [ 51, 115, 68, 125 ], [ 77, 115, 120, 125 ], [ 129, 115, 184, 125 ], [ 193, 115, 230, 125 ], [ 240, 115, 252, 125 ], [ 261, 115, 288, 125 ], [ 297, 115, 328, 125 ], [ 337, 115, 356, 125 ], [ 365, 115, 430, 125 ], [ 440, 115, 470, 125 ], [ 479, 115, 514, 125 ], [ 523, 115, 546, 125 ], [ 555, 115, 568, 125 ], [ 577, 115, 615, 125 ], [ 624, 115, 681, 125 ], [ 690, 115, 709, 125 ], [ 718, 115, 760, 125 ], [ 769, 115, 817, 125 ], [ 826, 115, 881, 125 ], [ 891, 115, 921, 125 ], [ 931, 115, 974, 125 ], [ 24, 126, 974, 136 ], [ 24, 137, 974, 146 ], [ 24, 148, 339, 157 ], [ 24, 168, 87, 178 ], [ 87, 168, 974, 178 ], [ 24, 179, 350, 189 ], [ 24, 199, 115, 210 ], [ 115, 200, 974, 209 ], [ 24, 211, 974, 220 ], [ 24, 222, 974, 231 ], [ 24, 233, 54, 242 ], [ 63, 233, 82, 242 ], [ 91, 233, 122, 242 ], [ 131, 233, 143, 242 ], [ 152, 233, 171, 242 ], [ 180, 233, 198, 242 ], [ 207, 233, 238, 242 ], [ 247, 233, 265, 242 ], [ 275, 233, 311, 242 ], [ 320, 233, 373, 242 ], [ 383, 233, 403, 242 ], [ 412, 233, 442, 242 ], [ 452, 233, 476, 242 ], [ 485, 233, 524, 242 ], [ 533, 233, 588, 242 ], [ 597, 233, 609, 242 ], [ 618, 233, 647, 242 ], [ 656, 233, 711, 242 ], [ 720, 233, 769, 242 ], [ 778, 233, 815, 242 ], [ 824, 233, 836, 242 ], [ 845, 233, 864, 242 ], [ 873, 233, 946, 242 ], [ 955, 233, 974, 242 ], [ 24, 244, 974, 253 ], [ 24, 255, 974, 264 ], [ 24, 266, 928, 275 ], [ 24, 285, 111, 296 ], [ 111, 286, 974, 296 ], [ 24, 297, 974, 307 ], [ 24, 308, 974, 318 ], [ 24, 319, 974, 329 ], [ 24, 330, 740, 339 ], [ 24, 350, 219, 360 ], [ 224, 350, 974, 360 ], [ 24, 361, 974, 371 ], [ 24, 372, 974, 382 ], [ 24, 383, 974, 393 ], [ 24, 394, 974, 404 ], [ 24, 405, 75, 415 ], [ 24, 424, 549, 434 ], [ 24, 436, 87, 446 ], [ 87, 437, 974, 446 ], [ 24, 448, 974, 457 ], [ 24, 459, 42, 468 ], [ 51, 459, 107, 468 ], [ 116, 459, 135, 468 ], [ 144, 459, 163, 468 ], [ 172, 459, 226, 468 ], [ 235, 459, 278, 468 ], [ 288, 459, 335, 468 ], [ 345, 459, 363, 468 ], [ 372, 459, 385, 468 ], [ 394, 459, 413, 468 ], [ 422, 459, 438, 468 ], [ 447, 459, 466, 468 ], [ 475, 459, 494, 468 ], [ 503, 459, 545, 468 ], [ 554, 459, 606, 468 ], [ 615, 459, 636, 468 ], [ 645, 459, 657, 468 ], [ 667, 459, 673, 468 ], [ 682, 459, 701, 468 ], [ 710, 459, 753, 468 ], [ 762, 459, 775, 468 ], [ 784, 459, 802, 468 ], [ 812, 459, 866, 468 ], [ 875, 459, 974, 468 ], [ 24, 470, 974, 479 ], [ 24, 481, 55, 490 ], [ 64, 481, 115, 490 ], [ 124, 481, 137, 490 ], [ 146, 481, 165, 490 ], [ 174, 481, 191, 490 ], [ 200, 481, 244, 490 ], [ 253, 481, 284, 490 ], [ 294, 481, 313, 490 ], [ 322, 481, 368, 490 ], [ 377, 481, 409, 490 ], [ 418, 481, 462, 490 ], [ 471, 481, 519, 490 ], [ 528, 481, 547, 490 ], [ 557, 481, 601, 490 ], [ 611, 481, 655, 490 ], [ 664, 481, 689, 490 ], [ 699, 481, 705, 490 ], [ 714, 481, 765, 490 ], [ 774, 481, 812, 490 ], [ 821, 481, 890, 490 ], [ 900, 481, 912, 490 ], [ 921, 481, 927, 490 ], [ 936, 481, 974, 490 ], [ 24, 491, 974, 501 ], [ 24, 502, 72, 512 ], [ 24, 522, 91, 533 ], [ 91, 523, 974, 532 ], [ 24, 534, 561, 543 ], [ 24, 554, 115, 564 ], [ 115, 554, 974, 564 ], [ 24, 565, 679, 575 ], [ 24, 585, 111, 596 ], [ 111, 586, 974, 595 ], [ 24, 597, 974, 606 ], [ 24, 608, 974, 617 ], [ 24, 619, 974, 628 ], [ 24, 630, 974, 639 ], [ 24, 641, 951, 650 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 ]
[ " 22", "CP 2019 ANNUAL REPORT", "/", "Yards and Repair Facilities", " – CP supports rail operations on the Western Corridor with main rail yards at Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Moose Jaw in", "Saskatchewan, Winnipeg and Thunder Bay. The Company has locomotive and railcar repair facilities at Golden in B.C., Vancouver, Calgary, Moose Jaw and", "Winnipeg. CP also has major intermodal terminals at Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Regina and Winnipeg.", "The Central Corridor: Moose Jaw and Winnipeg to Chicago and Kansas City", "Overview", "– The Central Corridor connects with the Western Corridor at Moose Jaw and Winnipeg. By running south to Chicago and Kansas City, through the", "Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota, and through Milwaukee, Wisconsin, CP provides a direct, single-carrier route between western Canada and", "the", "U.S.", "Midwest,", "providing", "access", "to", "Great", "Lakes", "and", "Mississippi", "River", "ports.", "From", "La", "Crosse,", "Wisconsin,", "the", "Central", "Corridor", "continues", "south", "towards", "Kansas City via the Quad Cities (Davenport and Bettendorf in Iowa, and Rock Island and Moline in Illinois), providing an efficient route for traffic destined for", "southern U.S. and Mexican markets. CP’s Kansas City line also has a direct connection into Chicago and by extension to points east on CP’s network such as", "Toronto, Ontario and the Port of Montréal in Québec.", "Products", " – Traffic transported on the Central Corridor includes intermodal containers from the Port of Vancouver, fertilizers, chemicals, crude, frac sand,", "Automotive, and Grain and other agricultural products.", "Feeder Lines", " – The Company has operating rights over BNSF tracks between Minneapolis and St. Paul along with connectivity to the twin ports of Duluth,", "Minnesota and Superior, Wisconsin. CP maintains its own yard facilities that provide an outlet for grain from the U.S. Midwest to the grain terminals at these", "ports. This is a strategic entry point for large dimensional shipments that can be routed via CP's network to locations such as Alberta's Industrial Heartland to", "serve", "the", "needs", "of", "the", "oil", "sands", "and", "energy", "industry.", "CP's", "route", "from", "Winona,", "Minnesota,", "to", "Tracy,", "Minnesota,", "provides", "access", "to", "key", "agricultural", "and", "industrial commodities. CP’s feeder line between Drake and New Town in North Dakota is geographically situated in a highly strategic region for Bakken oil", "production. CP also owns two significant feeder lines in North Dakota and western Minnesota operated by the Dakota Missouri Valley and Western Railroad and", "the Northern Plains Railroad, respectively. Both of these short lines are also active in providing service to agricultural and Bakken-oil-related customers.", "Connections", " – The Company’s Central Corridor connects with all major railways at Chicago. Outside of Chicago, CP has major connections with BNSF at", "Minneapolis, Minot, North Dakota, and the Duluth-Superior Terminal and with UP at St. Paul and Mankato, Minnesota. CP connects with CN at Milwaukee and", "Chicago. At Kansas City, CP connects with Kansas City Southern (“KCS”), BNSF, Norfolk Southern Railway (\"NS\") and UP. CP’s Central Corridor also links to", "several short-line railways that primarily serve grain and coal producing areas in the U.S., and extend CP’s market reach in the rich agricultural areas of the", "U.S. Midwest. A haulage arrangement with Genesee & Wyoming Inc., provides Intermodal service to Jeffersonville, Ohio.", "Yards and Repair Facilities", "– The Company supports rail operations on the Central Corridor with main rail yards in Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and", "Glenwood in Minnesota, and Mason City and Davenport in Iowa. In addition, CP has a major locomotive repair facility at St. Paul and car repair facilities at St.", "Paul and Chicago. CP shares a yard with KCS in Kansas City. CP owns 49% of the Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad, a switching railway serving Greater Chicago", "and northwest Indiana. CP is also part owner of the Belt Railway Company of Chicago, which is the largest intermediate switching terminal railroad in the U.S.", "CP has major intermodal terminals in Minneapolis and Chicago as well as a dried distillers' grains transload facility that complements the service offering in", "Chicago.", "The Eastern Corridor: Thunder Bay to Eastern Québec, Detroit and Albany", "Overview", " – The Eastern Corridor extends from Thunder Bay through to the Port of Montréal and eastern Québec, and from Toronto to Chicago via Windsor,", "Ontario and Detroit or Buffalo. The Company’s Eastern Corridor provides shippers direct rail service from Toronto, Montréal, and eastern Québec to Calgary", "and", "Vancouver", "via", "the", "Company’s", "Western", "Corridor", "and", "to", "the", "U.S.", "via", "the", "Central", "Corridor.", "This", "is", "a", "key", "element", "of", "the", "Company’s", "transcontinental", "intermodal service. The corridor also supports the Company’s market position at the Port of Montréal by providing one of the shortest rail routes for European", "cargo", "destined", "to", "the", "U.S.", "Midwest,", "using", "the", "CP-owned", "route", "between", "Montréal", "and", "Detroit,", "coupled", "with", "a", "trackage", "rights", "arrangement", "on", "NS", "tracks", "between Detroit and Chicago. CP’s acquisition of CMQ Canada provides access through southern and eastern Québec into the U.S. Northeast and Atlantic", "Canada.", "Products ", "– Major traffic categories transported in the Eastern Corridor include Forest products, chemicals and plastics, crude, ethanol, Metals, minerals and", "consumer products, intermodal containers, automotive products and general merchandise.", "Feeder Lines", " – A major feeder line serves the steel industry at Hamilton, Ontario and provides connections with both CSX Corporation (“CSX”) and NS at", "Buffalo. The Delaware & Hudson Railway Company, Inc. (\"D&H\") feeder line extends from Montréal to Albany.", "Connections", " – The Eastern Corridor connects with a number of short-line railways including routes from Montréal to Québec City, Québec and Montréal to", "Saint John, New Brunswick, and Searsport, Maine. Connections are also made with PanAm Southern at Mechanicville, New York, for service to the Boston and", "New England areas, and the Vermont Railway at Whitehall, New York. Through haulage arrangements, CP has service to Fresh Pond, New York, to connect", "with New York & Atlantic Railway as well as direct access to the Bronx and Queens. CP can also access Philadelphia as well as a number of short-lines in", "Pennsylvania. Connections are also made with CN at a number of locations, including Sudbury, North Bay, Windsor, London, Hamilton and Toronto in Ontario,", "and Montréal in Québec. CP also connects in New York with the two eastern Class I railways; NS and CSX at Buffalo, NS at Schenectady and CSX at Albany." ]
[ [ 331, 47, 700, 58 ], [ 166, 92, 185, 104 ], [ 183, 93, 300, 103 ], [ 186, 117, 354, 128 ], [ 565, 118, 732, 128 ], [ 186, 138, 223, 149 ], [ 565, 138, 608, 149 ], [ 186, 158, 284, 170 ], [ 565, 159, 624, 169 ], [ 183, 187, 408, 198 ], [ 166, 212, 185, 224 ], [ 183, 213, 369, 223 ], [ 186, 236, 354, 248 ], [ 565, 238, 928, 247 ], [ 186, 257, 223, 269 ], [ 565, 257, 608, 269 ], [ 186, 278, 284, 290 ], [ 565, 279, 624, 289 ], [ 183, 306, 933, 318 ], [ 183, 321, 528, 333 ], [ 166, 347, 185, 358 ], [ 183, 348, 330, 358 ], [ 186, 371, 354, 383 ], [ 565, 372, 889, 382 ], [ 186, 392, 223, 404 ], [ 565, 392, 608, 404 ], [ 186, 413, 284, 425 ], [ 565, 414, 624, 424 ], [ 183, 441, 252, 453 ], [ 438, 441, 442, 453 ], [ 252, 442, 438, 452 ], [ 166, 466, 185, 478 ], [ 183, 468, 300, 478 ], [ 186, 491, 354, 503 ], [ 565, 492, 703, 502 ], [ 186, 512, 223, 524 ], [ 565, 512, 616, 524 ], [ 186, 533, 284, 544 ], [ 565, 534, 624, 544 ], [ 183, 561, 549, 573 ], [ 735, 561, 739, 573 ], [ 549, 562, 735, 572 ], [ 166, 586, 185, 598 ], [ 183, 587, 477, 597 ], [ 186, 611, 354, 622 ], [ 565, 612, 859, 622 ], [ 183, 639, 794, 651 ], [ 794, 640, 902, 650 ], [ 418, 654, 497, 666 ], [ 183, 655, 418, 665 ], [ 166, 679, 185, 691 ], [ 183, 681, 310, 690 ], [ 186, 704, 354, 716 ], [ 565, 705, 693, 715 ], [ 183, 732, 668, 744 ], [ 166, 757, 185, 769 ], [ 183, 759, 339, 769 ], [ 186, 782, 354, 794 ], [ 565, 783, 722, 793 ], [ 183, 810, 446, 822 ], [ 166, 836, 185, 847 ], [ 183, 837, 251, 847 ], [ 904, 941, 941, 952 ] ]
[ 6, 4, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 4, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 4, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 9, 9, 10, 4, 4, 9, 9, 10, 4, 4, 5 ]
[ "ndb_drop_index — Drop Index from an NDB Table", "•", "--login-path", "Command-Line Format", "--login-path=path", "Type", "String", "Default Value", "[none]", "Read given path from login file.", "•", "--ndb-connectstring", "Command-Line Format", "--ndb-connectstring=connection-string", "Type", "String", "Default Value", "[none]", "Set connect string for connecting to ndb_mgmd. Syntax: \"[nodeid=id;][host=]hostname[:port]\". Overrides", "entries in NDB_CONNECTSTRING and my.cnf.", "•", "--ndb-mgmd-host", "Command-Line Format", "--ndb-mgmd-host=connection-string", "Type", "String", "Default Value", "[none]", "Same as ", ".", "--ndb-connectstring", "•", "--ndb-nodeid", "Command-Line Format", "--ndb-nodeid=#", "Type", "Integer", "Default Value", "[none]", "Set node ID for this node, overriding any ID set by ", ".", "--ndb-connectstring", "•", "--ndb-optimized-node-selection", "Command-Line Format", "--ndb-optimized-node-selection", "Enable optimizations for selection of nodes for transactions. Enabled by default; use ", "--skip-ndb-", " to disable.", "optimized-node-selection", "•", "--no-defaults", "Command-Line Format", "--no-defaults", "Do not read default options from any option file other than login file.", "•", "--print-defaults", "Command-Line Format", "--print-defaults", "Print program argument list and exit.", "•", "--usage", "4311" ]
[ [ 467, 47, 561, 58 ], [ 304, 92, 340, 104 ], [ 304, 121, 559, 133 ], [ 532, 121, 869, 133 ], [ 304, 136, 887, 148 ], [ 304, 151, 908, 163 ], [ 304, 167, 514, 178 ], [ 372, 196, 407, 207 ], [ 495, 196, 834, 207 ], [ 166, 197, 372, 207 ], [ 407, 197, 495, 207 ], [ 166, 211, 363, 223 ], [ 402, 211, 873, 223 ], [ 363, 212, 402, 222 ], [ 166, 226, 172, 238 ], [ 377, 226, 387, 238 ], [ 534, 226, 562, 238 ], [ 768, 226, 875, 238 ], [ 914, 226, 938, 238 ], [ 172, 227, 377, 237 ], [ 387, 227, 534, 237 ], [ 562, 227, 768, 237 ], [ 875, 227, 914, 237 ], [ 166, 241, 782, 253 ], [ 372, 270, 506, 282 ], [ 613, 270, 623, 282 ], [ 721, 270, 761, 282 ], [ 166, 271, 372, 281 ], [ 506, 271, 613, 281 ], [ 623, 271, 721, 281 ], [ 761, 271, 879, 281 ], [ 166, 285, 309, 297 ], [ 358, 285, 849, 297 ], [ 309, 286, 358, 296 ], [ 333, 314, 931, 326 ], [ 166, 315, 333, 325 ], [ 166, 330, 316, 341 ], [ 522, 330, 901, 341 ], [ 316, 331, 522, 341 ], [ 166, 345, 537, 356 ], [ 547, 345, 903, 356 ], [ 537, 346, 547, 356 ], [ 166, 360, 301, 372 ], [ 310, 360, 844, 372 ], [ 884, 360, 916, 372 ], [ 301, 361, 310, 371 ], [ 844, 361, 884, 371 ], [ 166, 375, 617, 387 ], [ 862, 375, 918, 387 ], [ 617, 376, 862, 386 ], [ 166, 390, 228, 402 ], [ 303, 419, 904, 431 ], [ 877, 419, 887, 431 ], [ 166, 420, 303, 430 ], [ 382, 448, 519, 460 ], [ 676, 448, 866, 460 ], [ 905, 448, 929, 460 ], [ 166, 449, 382, 459 ], [ 519, 449, 676, 459 ], [ 866, 449, 905, 459 ], [ 166, 463, 300, 475 ], [ 352, 492, 490, 504 ], [ 715, 492, 900, 504 ], [ 166, 494, 352, 503 ], [ 490, 494, 715, 503 ], [ 205, 508, 372, 519 ], [ 166, 509, 205, 519 ], [ 401, 537, 822, 548 ], [ 166, 538, 401, 548 ], [ 822, 538, 900, 548 ], [ 235, 552, 636, 563 ], [ 166, 553, 235, 563 ], [ 166, 586, 585, 598 ], [ 170, 613, 425, 624 ], [ 557, 613, 911, 624 ], [ 170, 635, 199, 645 ], [ 557, 635, 792, 645 ], [ 170, 655, 199, 665 ], [ 557, 655, 881, 665 ], [ 170, 676, 209, 686 ], [ 557, 676, 871, 686 ], [ 313, 707, 929, 719 ], [ 166, 708, 313, 718 ], [ 166, 722, 341, 734 ], [ 166, 750, 185, 762 ], [ 369, 750, 827, 762 ], [ 183, 751, 369, 761 ], [ 166, 778, 185, 789 ], [ 300, 778, 883, 789 ], [ 183, 779, 300, 789 ], [ 183, 793, 571, 805 ], [ 650, 793, 686, 805 ], [ 804, 793, 915, 805 ], [ 571, 794, 650, 804 ], [ 686, 794, 804, 804 ], [ 183, 808, 918, 820 ], [ 183, 823, 444, 835 ], [ 430, 823, 440, 835 ], [ 166, 851, 185, 863 ], [ 339, 851, 935, 863 ], [ 183, 852, 339, 862 ], [ 183, 866, 627, 878 ], [ 783, 866, 927, 878 ], [ 627, 867, 783, 877 ], [ 183, 881, 303, 893 ], [ 509, 881, 546, 893 ], [ 722, 881, 829, 893 ], [ 303, 882, 509, 892 ], [ 546, 882, 722, 892 ], [ 829, 882, 888, 892 ], [ 222, 896, 258, 908 ], [ 356, 896, 693, 908 ], [ 183, 898, 222, 907 ], [ 258, 898, 356, 907 ], [ 693, 898, 899, 907 ], [ 904, 941, 941, 952 ] ]
[ 6, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 1, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5 ]
[ "Grant Tables", "Note", "Although it is possible to “reset”", " an expired password by setting it to its current", "value, it is preferable, as a matter of good policy, to choose a different password.", "DBAs can enforce non-reuse by establishing an appropriate password-reuse policy.", "See Password Reuse Policy.", " is a ", " column indicating when the password was last", "password_last_changed", "TIMESTAMP", "changed. The value is non-", " only for accounts that use a MySQL built-in authentication plugin", "NULL", "(", ", ", ", or ", "). The value is ", " for", "mysql_native_password", "sha256_password", "caching_sha2_password", "NULL", "other accounts, such as those authenticated using an external authentication system.", " is updated by the ", ", ", ", and ", "password_last_changed", "CREATE USER", "ALTER USER", "SET PASSWORD", "statements, and by ", " statements that create an account or change an account password.", "GRANT", " indicates the account password lifetime, in days. If the password is past its lifetime", "password_lifetime", "(assessed using the ", " column), the server considers the password expired", "password_last_changed", "when clients connect using the account. A value of ", " greater than zero means that the password must", "N", "be changed every ", " days. A value of 0 disables automatic password expiration. If the value is ", " (the", "N", "NULL", "default), the global expiration policy applies, as defined by the ", " system", "default_password_lifetime", "variable.", " indicates whether the account is locked (see Section 6.2.19, “Account Locking”", ").", "account_locked", " is the value of the ", " option for the account, or ", " for", "Password_reuse_history", "PASSWORD HISTORY", "NULL", "the default history.", " is the value of the ", " option for the account, or", "Password_reuse_time", "PASSWORD REUSE INTERVAL", " for the default interval.", "NULL", " (added in MySQL 8.0.13) corresponds to the value of the ", "Password_require_current", "PASSWORD", " option for the account, as shown by the following table.", "REQUIRE", "Table 6.5 Permitted Password_require_current Values", "Password_require_current Value", "Corresponding PASSWORD REQUIRE Option", "’Y’", "PASSWORD REQUIRE CURRENT", "’N’", "PASSWORD REQUIRE CURRENT OPTIONAL", "NULL", "PASSWORD REQUIRE CURRENT DEFAULT", " (added in MySQL 8.0.14) is a JSON-format column that stores account attributes not", "User_attributes", "stored in other columns:", "•", ": The secondary password, if any. See Dual Password Support.", "additional_password", "•", ": Restriction lists, if any. Restrictions are added by partial-revoke operations. The", "Restrictions", "attribute value is an array of elements that each have ", " and ", " keys indicating", "Database", "Restrictions", "the name of a restricted database and the applicable restrictions on it (see Section 6.2.12, “Privilege", "Restriction Using Partial Revokes”", ").", "•", ": The conditions for failed-login tracking and temporary account locking, if any (see", "Password_locking", "Failed-Login Tracking and Temporary Account Locking). The ", " attribute is updated", "Password_locking", "according to the ", " and ", " options of the ", "FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS", "PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME", "CREATE", " and ", " statements. The attribute value is a hash with ", "USER", "ALTER USER", "failed_login_attempts", "1209" ]
[ [ 0, 0, 328, 12 ], [ 86, 115, 386, 126 ], [ 406, 132, 449, 141 ], [ 406, 132, 449, 141 ], [ 445, 132, 600, 141 ], [ 445, 132, 600, 141 ], [ 678, 137, 683, 149 ], [ 683, 137, 712, 149 ], [ 770, 137, 776, 149 ], [ 776, 137, 824, 149 ], [ 822, 137, 873, 149 ], [ 86, 139, 103, 150 ], [ 101, 140, 172, 149 ], [ 164, 140, 419, 149 ], [ 164, 140, 419, 149 ], [ 590, 140, 688, 149 ], [ 590, 140, 688, 149 ], [ 732, 140, 775, 149 ], [ 406, 147, 520, 156 ], [ 406, 147, 520, 156 ], [ 86, 168, 686, 180 ], [ 86, 168, 686, 180 ], [ 392, 181, 479, 193 ], [ 392, 181, 479, 193 ], [ 479, 181, 561, 193 ], [ 479, 181, 561, 193 ], [ 86, 188, 175, 200 ], [ 175, 188, 370, 200 ], [ 392, 196, 500, 207 ], [ 717, 196, 831, 207 ], [ 831, 196, 888, 207 ], [ 86, 203, 386, 215 ], [ 575, 203, 676, 215 ], [ 676, 203, 705, 215 ], [ 392, 210, 551, 222 ], [ 717, 210, 775, 222 ], [ 86, 218, 118, 230 ], [ 392, 225, 564, 237 ], [ 236, 278, 618, 291 ], [ 236, 295, 750, 313 ], [ 236, 317, 514, 335 ], [ 192, 354, 842, 364 ], [ 192, 371, 801, 385 ], [ 192, 388, 772, 402 ], [ 192, 412, 874, 423 ], [ 192, 429, 875, 440 ], [ 192, 447, 875, 457 ], [ 192, 464, 275, 474 ], [ 192, 481, 768, 495 ], [ 192, 498, 747, 512 ], [ 192, 515, 770, 529 ], [ 192, 533, 803, 547 ], [ 192, 550, 792, 564 ], [ 192, 567, 795, 581 ], [ 192, 585, 426, 599 ], [ 192, 609, 258, 619 ], [ 192, 626, 265, 640 ], [ 192, 650, 873, 660 ], [ 192, 667, 225, 677 ], [ 192, 684, 738, 698 ], [ 192, 701, 572, 715 ], [ 192, 725, 425, 736 ], [ 192, 742, 620, 756 ], [ 192, 766, 875, 777 ], [ 192, 784, 858, 794 ], [ 192, 801, 875, 811 ], [ 192, 818, 875, 829 ], [ 192, 835, 874, 846 ], [ 192, 853, 873, 863 ], [ 192, 870, 242, 880 ], [ 192, 887, 795, 901 ], [ 192, 904, 757, 918 ], [ 192, 921, 804, 935 ], [ 0, 987, 8, 1000 ], [ 12, 987, 46, 1000 ], [ 897, 987, 953, 1000 ], [ 920, 987, 983, 1000 ], [ 983, 987, 1000, 1000 ] ]
[ 6, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 ]
[ "⽇本法令外国語訳データベースシステム", "有機加⼯⾷品の⽇本農林規格(暫定版)", "改正:", "改正:", "令和⼆年農林⽔産省告⽰", "令和⼆年農林⽔産省告⽰", ":", "14.0", ":", "$_{令和}$3$_{年}$", "2$_{⽉}$24$_{⽇}$", " ", "法令番号:", "平成⼗七年農林⽔産省告⽰第千六百六号", "平成⼗七年農林⽔産省告⽰第千六百六号", "辞書バージョン", "辞書バージョン", "翻訳⽇", "第千三百⼋⼗五号", "第千三百⼋⼗五号", "Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Processed Foods (Tentative translation)", "Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Processed Foods (Tentative translation)", "Amendment: ", "Amendment: ", "Public Notice", "Public Notice", "Law number: ", "Public Notice of the Ministry of", "of the Ministry of", "Translation date: ", "February", "Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries No. 1606 of", "Dictionary Ver: ", "14.0", "Agriculture, Forestry and", "24, 2021", "2005", "Fisheries No. 1385 of 2020", "有機加⼯⾷品の⽇本農林規格(暫定版)", "Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Processed", "Foods (Tentative translation)", "有機加⼯⾷品の⽇本農林規格(平成⼗七年⼗⽉⼆⼗七⽇農林⽔産省告⽰第千六百六号)", "Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Processed Foods (Public Notice of the", "Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries No. 1606 of October 27, 2005)", "⽇本農林規格等に関する法律(昭和⼆⼗五年法律第百七⼗五号)第九条において準⽤する同", "法第七条第⼀項の規定に基づき、有機農産物加⼯⾷品の⽇本農林規格(平成⼗⼆年⼀⽉⼆⼗", "⽇農林⽔産省告⽰第六⼗号)の全部を次のように改正し、同法第⼗条第⼀項の規定に基づき", "公⽰する。", "Pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Act on Japanese", "Agricultural Standards (Act No. 175 of 1950) as applied mutatis mutandis", "pursuant to Article 9 of the same Act, the Japanese Agricultural Standard for", "Organic Agricultural Processed Foods (Public Notice of the Ministry of Agriculture,", "Forestry and Fisheries No. 60 of January 20, 2000) shall beentirely amended as", "follows, and public notice shall be given pursuant to the provisions of Article 10,", "paragraph (1) of the same Act.", "(⽬的)", "(Purpose)", "第1条 この規格は、有機加⼯⾷品の⽣産の⽅法についての基準等を定めることを⽬的とす", "る。", "Article 1 The purpose of this Standard is to establish criteria, etc. for the", "methods of production of organic processed foods.", "(有機加⼯⾷品の⽣産の原則)", "(Principle for the Production of Organic Processed Foods)", "第2条 有機加⼯⾷品は、原材料である有機農産物の⽇本農林規格(平成17年10⽉27", "⽇農林⽔産省告⽰第1605号)第3条に規定する有機農産物(以下「有機農産物」とい", "う。)及び有機畜産物の⽇本農林規格(平成17年10⽉27⽇農林⽔産省告⽰第1608", "号)第3条に規定する有機畜産物(以下「有機畜産物」という。)の有する特性を製造⼜は", "加⼯の過程において保持することを旨とし、物理的⼜は⽣物の機能を利⽤した加⼯⽅法を⽤", "い、化学的に合成された添加物及び薬剤の使⽤を避けることを基本として、⽣産することと", "する。", "Article 2 In accordance with the principle of preserving the characteristics of the", "raw materials, Organic processed foods shall be produced from the organic", "agricultural products prescribed in Article 3 of the Japanese Agricultural Standard", "1", "of 20", "31.05.21,", "19:", "17" ]
[ [ 412, 47, 616, 58 ], [ 166, 92, 355, 104 ], [ 434, 92, 671, 104 ], [ 671, 92, 688, 104 ], [ 688, 92, 902, 104 ], [ 355, 93, 434, 103 ], [ 166, 107, 917, 119 ], [ 166, 134, 773, 146 ], [ 851, 134, 914, 146 ], [ 773, 135, 851, 145 ], [ 166, 149, 643, 161 ], [ 751, 149, 907, 161 ], [ 643, 150, 751, 160 ], [ 254, 164, 920, 176 ], [ 166, 166, 254, 176 ], [ 166, 180, 209, 191 ], [ 287, 180, 296, 191 ], [ 404, 180, 471, 191 ], [ 559, 180, 762, 191 ], [ 841, 180, 902, 191 ], [ 209, 181, 287, 191 ], [ 296, 181, 404, 191 ], [ 471, 181, 559, 191 ], [ 762, 181, 841, 191 ], [ 166, 207, 410, 218 ], [ 166, 233, 229, 241 ], [ 166, 245, 237, 253 ], [ 166, 257, 339, 265 ], [ 166, 281, 229, 289 ], [ 166, 293, 237, 301 ], [ 166, 305, 339, 313 ], [ 166, 318, 315, 325 ], [ 166, 330, 347, 338 ], [ 166, 354, 252, 362 ], [ 166, 366, 205, 374 ], [ 166, 391, 398, 402 ], [ 166, 417, 229, 425 ], [ 166, 429, 174, 437 ], [ 182, 429, 652, 437 ], [ 166, 441, 339, 449 ], [ 166, 465, 221, 473 ], [ 166, 477, 276, 485 ], [ 166, 490, 300, 498 ], [ 166, 514, 478, 526 ], [ 537, 514, 892, 526 ], [ 478, 515, 537, 525 ], [ 166, 530, 326, 541 ], [ 444, 530, 453, 541 ], [ 570, 530, 918, 541 ], [ 326, 531, 444, 541 ], [ 453, 531, 570, 541 ], [ 166, 545, 193, 556 ], [ 272, 545, 817, 556 ], [ 193, 546, 272, 556 ], [ 166, 571, 260, 579 ], [ 166, 583, 323, 591 ], [ 88, 608, 276, 621 ], [ 166, 636, 310, 648 ], [ 388, 636, 797, 648 ], [ 905, 636, 923, 648 ], [ 310, 637, 388, 647 ], [ 797, 637, 905, 647 ], [ 166, 651, 671, 663 ], [ 877, 651, 938, 663 ], [ 671, 652, 877, 662 ], [ 166, 666, 327, 678 ], [ 166, 693, 401, 700 ], [ 166, 717, 271, 729 ], [ 378, 717, 820, 729 ], [ 271, 718, 378, 728 ], [ 166, 743, 347, 751 ], [ 166, 768, 817, 780 ], [ 304, 795, 340, 807 ], [ 304, 822, 624, 834 ], [ 732, 822, 858, 834 ], [ 624, 823, 732, 833 ], [ 304, 837, 441, 849 ], [ 441, 837, 476, 849 ], [ 476, 837, 671, 849 ], [ 710, 837, 846, 849 ], [ 671, 838, 710, 848 ], [ 304, 852, 543, 864 ], [ 582, 852, 605, 864 ], [ 645, 852, 724, 864 ], [ 543, 853, 582, 863 ], [ 605, 853, 645, 863 ], [ 166, 879, 913, 891 ], [ 166, 894, 376, 906 ], [ 445, 894, 865, 906 ], [ 376, 895, 386, 905 ], [ 386, 895, 435, 905 ], [ 435, 895, 445, 905 ], [ 913, 941, 941, 952 ] ]
[ 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "Specifying Program Options", "not to put an option in the ", " group unless it is recognized by ", "all", " client programs that you use.", "[client]", "Programs that do not understand the option quit after displaying an error message if you try to run them.", "List more general option groups first and more specific groups later. For example, a ", " group is", "[client]", "more general because it is read by all client programs, whereas a ", " group is read only by", "[mysqldump]", ". Options specified later override options specified earlier, so putting the option groups in the", "mysqldump", "order ", ", ", " enables ", "-specific options to override ", " options.", "[client]", "[mysqldump]", "mysqldump", "[client]", "Here is a typical global option file:", "[client]", "port=3306", "socket=/tmp/mysql.sock", "[mysqld]", "port=3306", "socket=/tmp/mysql.sock", "key_buffer_size=16M", "max_allowed_packet=128M", "[mysqldump]", "quick", "Here is a typical user option file:", "[client]", "#", "The following password is sent to all standard MySQL clients", "password=\"my password\"", "[mysql]", "no-auto-rehash", "connect_timeout=2", "To create option groups to be read only by ", " servers from specific MySQL release series, use", "mysqld", "groups with names of ", ", ", ", and so forth. The following group indicates that", "[mysqld-5.7]", "[mysqld-8.0]", "the ", " setting should be used only by MySQL servers with 8.0.x version numbers:", "sql_mode", "[mysqld-8.0]", "sql_mode=TRADITIONAL", "Option File Inclusions", "It is possible to use ", " directives in option files to include other option files and ", " to", "!include", "!includedir", "search specific directories for option files. For example, to include the ", " file, use", "/home/mydir/myopt.cnf", "the following directive:", "!include /home/mydir/myopt.cnf", "To search the ", " directory and read option files found there, use this directive:", "/home/mydir", "!includedir /home/mydir", "MySQL makes no guarantee about the order in which option files in the directory are read.", "Note", "Any files to be found and included using the ", " directive on Unix", "!includedir", "operating systems ", "must", " have file names ending in ", ". On Windows, this", ".cnf", "directive checks for files with the ", " or ", " extension.", ".ini", ".cnf", "Write the contents of an included option file like any other option file. That is, it should contain groups of", "options, each preceded by a ", " line that indicates the program to which the options apply.", "[", "group", "]", "349" ]
[ [ 540, 54, 601, 71 ], [ 869, 54, 882, 71 ], [ 923, 54, 938, 71 ], [ 121, 55, 524, 70 ], [ 121, 71, 524, 86 ], [ 540, 74, 891, 89 ], [ 891, 74, 943, 89 ], [ 121, 87, 524, 102 ], [ 540, 91, 891, 105 ], [ 891, 91, 943, 105 ], [ 121, 103, 524, 118 ], [ 540, 107, 888, 122 ], [ 888, 107, 943, 122 ], [ 121, 120, 303, 134 ], [ 540, 123, 892, 138 ], [ 900, 123, 943, 138 ], [ 540, 139, 890, 154 ], [ 889, 139, 943, 154 ], [ 121, 152, 524, 167 ], [ 540, 155, 757, 170 ], [ 849, 155, 871, 170 ], [ 870, 155, 883, 170 ], [ 882, 155, 943, 170 ], [ 757, 155, 849, 170 ], [ 121, 168, 524, 183 ], [ 540, 171, 894, 186 ], [ 896, 171, 943, 186 ], [ 121, 184, 524, 199 ], [ 540, 187, 895, 202 ], [ 894, 187, 943, 202 ], [ 121, 200, 524, 215 ], [ 540, 204, 895, 218 ], [ 895, 204, 943, 218 ], [ 121, 217, 524, 231 ], [ 121, 233, 524, 247 ], [ 540, 235, 707, 252 ], [ 121, 249, 524, 264 ], [ 540, 255, 895, 270 ], [ 895, 255, 943, 270 ], [ 121, 265, 524, 280 ], [ 540, 271, 883, 286 ], [ 894, 271, 943, 286 ], [ 121, 281, 506, 296 ], [ 540, 288, 892, 302 ], [ 892, 288, 943, 302 ], [ 596, 377, 629, 392 ], [ 593, 436, 631, 451 ], [ 681, 439, 808, 455 ], [ 681, 453, 814, 469 ], [ 392, 485, 530, 497 ], [ 541, 485, 589, 497 ], [ 663, 487, 712, 500 ], [ 726, 487, 811, 500 ], [ 733, 488, 817, 502 ], [ 600, 489, 616, 498 ], [ 627, 489, 648, 498 ], [ 237, 490, 313, 499 ], [ 327, 490, 368, 499 ], [ 189, 493, 253, 507 ], [ 286, 493, 356, 507 ], [ 663, 497, 712, 510 ], [ 726, 497, 811, 510 ], [ 237, 500, 313, 509 ], [ 327, 500, 368, 509 ], [ 642, 529, 670, 540 ], [ 641, 534, 667, 544 ], [ 347, 535, 375, 549 ], [ 691, 551, 699, 558 ], [ 259, 555, 300, 573 ], [ 641, 559, 667, 569 ], [ 347, 560, 368, 573 ], [ 152, 562, 226, 576 ], [ 152, 574, 191, 588 ], [ 691, 582, 699, 589 ], [ 641, 584, 667, 594 ], [ 347, 585, 368, 598 ], [ 356, 593, 366, 610 ], [ 665, 597, 677, 608 ], [ 695, 599, 709, 608 ], [ 339, 605, 366, 623 ], [ 642, 607, 678, 624 ], [ 641, 609, 669, 620 ], [ 255, 614, 302, 632 ], [ 356, 618, 366, 635 ], [ 665, 623, 677, 634 ], [ 641, 634, 667, 645 ], [ 347, 634, 368, 648 ], [ 691, 644, 699, 651 ], [ 186, 657, 232, 671 ], [ 224, 657, 277, 671 ], [ 641, 659, 667, 670 ], [ 347, 659, 368, 673 ], [ 485, 665, 512, 682 ], [ 512, 665, 527, 680 ], [ 295, 666, 320, 680 ], [ 691, 675, 699, 682 ], [ 641, 684, 669, 695 ], [ 347, 684, 368, 697 ], [ 332, 693, 375, 701 ], [ 304, 694, 320, 708 ], [ 332, 702, 344, 710 ], [ 360, 702, 376, 710 ], [ 641, 709, 669, 720 ], [ 298, 719, 320, 733 ], [ 450, 731, 478, 741 ], [ 641, 734, 669, 745 ], [ 643, 747, 727, 761 ], [ 289, 750, 320, 764 ], [ 641, 759, 669, 770 ], [ 299, 776, 321, 790 ], [ 641, 784, 669, 795 ], [ 299, 788, 303, 794 ], [ 648, 805, 670, 816 ], [ 682, 805, 704, 816 ], [ 716, 805, 738, 816 ], [ 749, 805, 817, 816 ], [ 641, 809, 669, 820 ], [ 292, 819, 326, 829 ], [ 395, 819, 418, 829 ], [ 492, 819, 515, 829 ], [ 586, 819, 614, 829 ], [ 632, 819, 665, 829 ], [ 674, 819, 719, 829 ], [ 731, 819, 759, 829 ], [ 774, 819, 813, 829 ], [ 641, 834, 669, 845 ], [ 196, 884, 512, 897 ], [ 121, 884, 196, 898 ], [ 905, 940, 939, 956 ] ]
[ 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 5 ]
[ "Constant", "Airspeed", "Climb from Established Airspeed", "rate of climb equivalent to the pitch and power setting being ", "utilized. Depending on current weight and atmospheric ", "In order to enter a constant airspeed climb, first comp", "lete the ", "conditions, this rate will be different. This requires the pilot to ", "airspeed reduction from cruise airspeed to climb ai", "rspeed. ", "be knowledgeable of how weight and atmospheric conditions ", "Maintain straight-and-level flight as the airspeed is r", "educed. ", "affect aircraft performance.", "The entry to the climb is similar to the entry from", "cruise ", "airspeed with the exception that the power must be in", "creased ", "Once the aircraft is stabilized at a constant airspeed and pitch ", "when the pitch attitude is raised. ", " Po", "w", "er added ", "[Figure 7-64]", "attitude, the primary flight instrument for pitch will be the ASI ", "after the pitch change shows a decrease in airspeed ", "due to ", "and the primary bank instrument will be the heading indicator. ", "the increased drag encountered. Power added prior to ", "a pitch ", "The primary power instrument will be the tachometer or the ", "change causes the airspeed to increase due to the excess", " thrust. ", "manifold pressure gauge depending on the aircraft type. If the ", "pitch attitude is correct, the airspeed should slowly decrease to ", "Constant Rate Climbs", "the desired speed. If there is any variation in airspeed, make ", "Constant rate climbs are very similar to the constant ai", "rspeed ", "small pitch changes until the aircraft is stabilized at the desired ", "climbs in the way the entry is made. As power is", "added, ", "speed. Any change in airspeed requires a trim adjustment.", "smoothly apply elevator pressure to raise the yellow c", "hevron ", "23.0 ", "2300 ", "Before procedure ", "Current procedure ", "$_{WPT }$_ _ _ _ _ _$_{ DIS }$_ _ ._ $_{NM}$", "$_{DTK }$_ _ _$_{°}$", "134.000", "118.000 COM1", "Primary pitch", "TRK", "360°", "NAV1 108.00", "113.00", "Supporting", "pitch and bank", "123.800", "118.000 COM2", "NAV2 108.00", "110.60", "4000 ", "4300 ", "130 ", "2 ", "18.0 ", "4200 ", "120", "Supporting ", "power", "1 ", "4100 ", "110", "1", "20", "400", "100", "4000", "3900 ", "1800 ", "9", "80", "3900 ", "90 ", "1 ", "Primary", "power", "3800 ", "80 ", "270", "° ", "13.7 ", "2 ", "4300 ", "70 ", "TAS 106KT ", "46 ", "OAT", "6°C ", "3600 ", "200 ", "VOR 1", "3500 ", "Primary bank", "$_{1}$1652 ", "3400 ", "338 ", "3300 ", "5", "XPDR", "5537", "IDNT", "LCL10:12:34 ", "3200 ", "INSET ", "PFD ", "CDI ", "XPDR ", "IDENT ", "TMR/REF ", "NRST ", "ALERTS ", "3100 ", " Constant airspeed climb from established airspeed.", "Figure 7-64.", "7-47" ]
[ [ 146, 102, 830, 118 ], [ 146, 122, 858, 137 ], [ 146, 141, 808, 157 ], [ 146, 161, 747, 176 ], [ 128, 182, 147, 195 ], [ 166, 182, 889, 195 ], [ 128, 200, 152, 215 ], [ 158, 200, 846, 215 ], [ 146, 219, 828, 235 ], [ 146, 239, 250, 254 ], [ 184, 279, 202, 292 ], [ 222, 279, 240, 292 ], [ 260, 279, 661, 292 ], [ 184, 297, 817, 313 ], [ 128, 338, 147, 351 ], [ 166, 338, 870, 351 ], [ 146, 357, 470, 370 ], [ 128, 375, 152, 391 ], [ 158, 375, 856, 391 ], [ 146, 395, 855, 410 ], [ 146, 414, 382, 430 ], [ 128, 435, 147, 448 ], [ 166, 435, 889, 448 ], [ 128, 453, 152, 469 ], [ 158, 453, 846, 469 ], [ 146, 473, 827, 488 ], [ 146, 492, 250, 508 ], [ 184, 532, 202, 545 ], [ 222, 532, 240, 545 ], [ 260, 532, 699, 545 ], [ 184, 551, 809, 566 ], [ 147, 591, 584, 604 ], [ 147, 609, 681, 624 ], [ 184, 649, 202, 662 ], [ 222, 649, 240, 662 ], [ 260, 649, 604, 662 ], [ 184, 667, 824, 683 ], [ 128, 708, 147, 721 ], [ 166, 708, 870, 721 ], [ 146, 727, 869, 740 ], [ 146, 747, 869, 760 ], [ 146, 766, 393, 779 ], [ 128, 784, 152, 800 ], [ 158, 784, 812, 800 ], [ 146, 804, 861, 819 ], [ 146, 823, 828, 839 ], [ 146, 843, 782, 858 ], [ 146, 862, 781, 878 ], [ 146, 882, 819, 897 ], [ 489, 925, 515, 940 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5 ]
[ "the Notes of the same table (excluding the provisions adding \", Cuba\" after ", "\"Canada\" and the provisions adding \", Ethiopia\" after \"Egypt\"), the provisions ", "deleting row 1 of Appended Table 3, and the provisions revising row 1 of ", "Appended Table 5 come into effect as of the date of promulgation. ", "2", "この政令の施行前にした行為に対する罰則の適用については、なお従前の例による。", "(2)", "With regard to the application of penal provision to acts committed prior to ", "the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, the provisions then in force remain ", "applicable. ", "附", "則", "〔昭和五十九年三月二十一日政令第三十九号〕", "Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 39 of March 21, 1984] ", "1", "この政令は、昭和五十九年四月十日から施行する。ただし、別表第一の三二の項の", "改正規定は、公布の日から施行する。", "(1)", "This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of April 10, 1984; provided, however ", "that the provisions revising row 32 of Appended Table 1 come into effect as of ", "the date of promulgation. ", "2", "この政令の施行前にした行為に対する罰則の適用については、なお従前の例による。", "(2)", "With regard to the application of penal provision to acts committed prior to ", "the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, the provisions then in force remain ", "applicable. ", "附", "則", "〔昭和五十九年七月二十七日政令第二百四十八号〕", "Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 248 of July 27, 1984] ", "この政令は、昭和五十九年八月三日から施行する。", "This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of August 3, 1984. ", "附", "則", "〔昭和六十年一月二十五日政令第七号〕", "Supplementary Provisions [Cabinet Order No. 7 of January 25, 1985] ", "1", "この政令は、昭和六十年二月十五日から施行する。ただし、第四条に一項を加える", "改正規定、別表第一の一六五の項の中欄の改正規定、同表の一六六の項の改正規定、", "別表第二第二号の改正規定及び別表第五の改正規定並びに次項及び附則第三項の規定", "は、公布の日から施行する。", "(1)", "This Cabinet Order comes into effect as of February 15, 1985; provided, ", "however, that the provisions adding one paragraph to Article 4, the provisions ", "revising the middle column of row 165 of Appended Table 1, the provisions ", "revising row 166 of the same table, the provisions revising item (ii) of ", "Appended Table 2, the provisions revising Appended Table 5, and the ", "provisions of the next paragraph and paragraph (3) of the Supplementary ", "31 " ]
[ [ 120, 65, 938, 79 ], [ 80, 80, 901, 94 ], [ 876, 80, 917, 94 ], [ 80, 95, 563, 109 ], [ 551, 95, 874, 109 ], [ 80, 111, 927, 125 ], [ 80, 126, 848, 140 ], [ 838, 126, 899, 140 ], [ 80, 141, 566, 155 ], [ 555, 141, 591, 155 ], [ 120, 162, 277, 176 ], [ 277, 162, 875, 176 ], [ 80, 178, 921, 191 ], [ 80, 193, 936, 207 ], [ 80, 208, 906, 222 ], [ 80, 223, 940, 237 ], [ 80, 238, 608, 252 ], [ 600, 238, 899, 252 ], [ 80, 253, 922, 267 ], [ 80, 268, 298, 282 ], [ 289, 268, 326, 282 ], [ 120, 290, 222, 304 ], [ 222, 290, 924, 304 ], [ 80, 305, 503, 319 ], [ 493, 305, 914, 319 ], [ 80, 320, 673, 334 ], [ 661, 320, 871, 334 ], [ 80, 335, 879, 349 ], [ 80, 350, 618, 364 ], [ 607, 350, 923, 364 ], [ 80, 366, 521, 380 ], [ 510, 366, 906, 380 ], [ 80, 381, 229, 395 ], [ 80, 407, 97, 421 ], [ 110, 407, 212, 421 ], [ 128, 429, 845, 443 ], [ 827, 429, 881, 443 ], [ 80, 444, 595, 458 ], [ 579, 444, 887, 458 ], [ 80, 459, 633, 473 ], [ 619, 459, 923, 473 ], [ 80, 474, 512, 488 ], [ 502, 474, 918, 488 ], [ 80, 489, 901, 503 ], [ 80, 505, 933, 519 ], [ 80, 520, 912, 534 ], [ 80, 535, 895, 549 ], [ 80, 550, 796, 564 ], [ 785, 550, 865, 564 ], [ 80, 565, 284, 579 ], [ 120, 587, 423, 601 ], [ 415, 587, 871, 601 ], [ 80, 602, 615, 616 ], [ 604, 602, 917, 616 ], [ 80, 617, 912, 631 ], [ 80, 632, 938, 646 ], [ 80, 647, 814, 661 ], [ 798, 647, 925, 661 ], [ 80, 662, 912, 676 ], [ 80, 678, 423, 691 ], [ 412, 678, 922, 691 ], [ 80, 693, 384, 707 ], [ 376, 693, 933, 707 ], [ 80, 708, 378, 722 ], [ 491, 938, 508, 952 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "While all proposed dividends and distributions to shareholders must be filed with the Pennsylvania Insurance Department ", "prior to payment, if a Pennsylvania domiciled insurer had positive unassigned surplus as of the end of the prior fiscal year", ", then ", "without the prior approval of the Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner", ", such insurer could only pay dividends or other ", "distributions during any 12-month period in an aggregate amount less than or equal to the greater of: (i) 10% of the preceding ", "year-end statutory policyholders’ surplus; or (ii) the preceding year’s statutory net income. Neither Radian Guaranty", ", Radian ", "Insurance, RMAI nor Radian Mortgage Insurance paid any dividends in ", "2012.", "Radian Asset Assurance", ". Under New York insurance laws, Radian Asset Assurance may only pay dividends from ", "statutory earned surplus. While all proposed dividends and distributions to shareholders must be filed with the NYSDFS prior ", "to payment, Radian Asset Assurance may pay “ordinary dividends” without prior approval of the NYSDFS when the total of all ", "other dividends declared or distributed by it during the preceding 12 months, is the lesser of 10% of its statutory surplus to ", "policyholders, as shown on its last statement on file with the NYSDFS, or 100% of statutory adjusted net investment income. In ", "the third quarter of 2012, Radian Asset Assurance paid an ordinary dividend of ", "$54.0 million to Radian Guaranty. We expect ", "that Radian Asset Assurance will next have the capacity to pay an ordinary dividend, of approximately $35 million, to Radian ", "Guaranty in the third quarter of ", "2013.", "CMAC of Texas", ". Under Texas insurance laws, dividends and other distributions to shareholders may only be paid out of ", "an insurer’s surplus profits arising from its insurance business. ", "While all proposed dividends and distributions to shareholders ", "must be filed with the Texas Insurance Department prior to payment, the approval of the ", "Texas Insurance Department is ", "required for any proposed dividends or distributions within any 12-month period that exceed the greater of: (i) 10% of ", "policyholder surplus as of the immediately prior December 31; or (ii) the insurer", "’s net income as stated in its immediately prior ", "annual statutory statement. No dividends were paid by CMAC of ", "Texas in 2012 and we do not expect CMAC of Texas to pay ", "any dividends in 2013.", "3. ", "Risk-to-Capital", "Under state insurance regulations, Radian Guaranty is required to maintain minimum surplus levels and, in", " certain ", "states, a minimum amount of statutory capital relative to the level of net RIF", ", or “risk-to-capital.”Sixteen states (the “RBC ", "States”) currently impose a statutory or regulatory risk-based capital requirement (", "the “Statutory RBC Requirement”). The most ", "common Statutory RBC Requirement is that a mortgage insurer", "’s risk-to-capital ratio not exceed 25 to 1. In some of the RBC ", "States, the Statutory RBC Requirement is that Radian Guaranty must maintain a minimum policyholder position, which is ", "based on both risk and surplus levels (the “MPP Requirement”). Unless an RBC State grants a waiver or other form of relief, if ", "a mortgage insurer is not in compliance with the Statutory RBC Requirement of such RBC State, it may be prohibited from ", "writing new mortgage insurance business in that state.Radian Guaranty’s domiciliary state, Pennsylvania, is not one of the ", "RBC States. In 2012 and 2011, the RBC States accounted for approximately 54.3% and 50.5%, respectively", ", of Radian ", "Guaranty’s total primary NIW. ", " As of December 31, 2012, Radian Guaranty’", "s risk-to-capital ratio was to 20.8 to 1. We intend to maintain Radian ", "Guaranty’s risk-to-capital below 25 to 1 throughout 2013, including if necessary", ", by making contributions to Radian Guaranty ", "from Radian Group’s remaining available liquidity. Based on our current projections, in the absence of these contributions or ", "other risk-to-capital support, we anticipate that Radian Guaranty will exceed the 25 to 1 risk-to-capital ratio requirement during ", "2013. As of December 31, 2012, Radian Guaranty was operating under waivers in two RBC States with MPP", " Requirements for ", "which Radian Guaranty’s minimum policyholder position was below the applicable requirements. Each of these RBC States ", "has issued to Radian Guaranty a waiver of its MPP", " requirement that allows Radian Guaranty to continue writing new business ", "in these states regardless of whether the MPP", " Requirement has been met. One of these waivers has no specified expiration date ", "and the other expires on December 31, 2013. ", "45" ]
[ [ 176, 121, 365, 134 ], [ 804, 121, 823, 134 ], [ 486, 172, 501, 186 ], [ 176, 173, 431, 186 ], [ 438, 173, 481, 186 ], [ 505, 173, 517, 186 ], [ 518, 173, 531, 186 ], [ 205, 203, 823, 216 ], [ 176, 233, 823, 246 ], [ 176, 263, 823, 277 ], [ 176, 293, 275, 307 ], [ 290, 293, 823, 307 ], [ 176, 324, 823, 337 ], [ 647, 352, 654, 361 ], [ 176, 354, 592, 367 ], [ 599, 354, 610, 367 ], [ 616, 354, 631, 367 ], [ 637, 354, 647, 367 ], [ 647, 354, 698, 367 ], [ 700, 354, 823, 367 ], [ 176, 384, 823, 397 ], [ 176, 414, 533, 428 ], [ 205, 444, 823, 458 ], [ 778, 474, 793, 488 ], [ 176, 474, 724, 488 ], [ 730, 474, 773, 488 ], [ 797, 474, 809, 488 ], [ 810, 474, 823, 488 ], [ 666, 504, 714, 518 ], [ 176, 505, 639, 518 ], [ 648, 505, 657, 518 ], [ 723, 505, 823, 518 ], [ 176, 535, 185, 548 ], [ 190, 535, 217, 548 ], [ 217, 535, 233, 548 ], [ 239, 535, 656, 548 ], [ 662, 535, 672, 548 ], [ 678, 535, 693, 548 ], [ 698, 535, 731, 548 ], [ 731, 535, 823, 548 ], [ 176, 565, 301, 578 ], [ 568, 608, 575, 617 ], [ 411, 608, 418, 617 ], [ 553, 610, 568, 623 ], [ 397, 610, 411, 623 ], [ 461, 617, 468, 626 ], [ 598, 617, 605, 626 ], [ 675, 617, 682, 626 ], [ 335, 617, 342, 626 ], [ 429, 619, 444, 634 ], [ 421, 620, 429, 634 ], [ 444, 620, 461, 634 ], [ 473, 620, 488, 634 ], [ 492, 620, 513, 634 ], [ 513, 620, 547, 634 ], [ 578, 620, 597, 634 ], [ 610, 620, 625, 634 ], [ 629, 620, 644, 634 ], [ 644, 620, 661, 634 ], [ 661, 620, 675, 634 ], [ 774, 620, 823, 634 ], [ 316, 620, 335, 634 ], [ 361, 620, 376, 634 ], [ 675, 627, 682, 636 ], [ 409, 630, 416, 639 ], [ 566, 630, 573, 639 ], [ 399, 631, 408, 644 ], [ 556, 631, 565, 644 ], [ 427, 651, 434, 660 ], [ 479, 651, 486, 660 ], [ 530, 651, 537, 660 ], [ 603, 651, 610, 660 ], [ 359, 653, 378, 668 ], [ 395, 653, 410, 668 ], [ 410, 654, 427, 668 ], [ 439, 654, 454, 668 ], [ 458, 654, 479, 668 ], [ 491, 654, 506, 668 ], [ 510, 654, 529, 668 ], [ 542, 654, 557, 668 ], [ 561, 654, 571, 668 ], [ 571, 654, 589, 668 ], [ 589, 654, 603, 668 ], [ 603, 654, 616, 668 ], [ 774, 654, 823, 668 ], [ 176, 709, 823, 723 ], [ 301, 739, 346, 753 ], [ 498, 739, 518, 753 ], [ 176, 740, 185, 753 ], [ 186, 740, 278, 753 ], [ 285, 740, 294, 753 ], [ 353, 740, 475, 753 ], [ 482, 740, 491, 753 ], [ 524, 740, 823, 753 ], [ 176, 770, 605, 783 ], [ 605, 770, 621, 783 ], [ 627, 770, 823, 783 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 ]
[ "Chapter 2: Motivation", "65", "×", "Therefore Eq. (2.50) is exactly", "AdS$_{5}$", "S", "$^{5}$.", "While there is no proof yet of the AdS/CFT conjecture a number of tests", "have found quantities calculated from the field theory side and the string theory", "side agree. These are nontrivial in the sense that they must be independent", "of coupling.", "These tests include checking the equivalence of symmetries in", "both theories; some correlation functions, usually associated with anomalies,", "2", "that are independent of quantum corrections and", "λ", "=", "g", "$_{SY M}$N", "; the spectrum", "of chiral operators match for those that are currently calculable; see [322] and", "references therein for a more complete list.", "Having used the above picture to motivate the correspondence we now", "×", "throw away that geometry and simply take our whole space to be", "AdS$_{5}$", "S", "$^{5}$.", "→ ∞", "It is useful to know that the boundary at asymptotic", "r", "is the usual", "3", "+ 1", "D", "Minkowski. To see this first change coordinates to", "y", "=", "R/r", ". Then Eq.", "(2.50) becomes", "2", "2", "R", "R", "2", "2", "2", "2", "−", "(", "dt", "+", "d⃗x", "$^{2}$) +", "dy", "+", "R", "$^{2}$d", "Ω", "(2.59)", "ds", "=", "5", "2", "2", "y", "y", "2", "2", "2", "2", "→", "−", "dt", "+", "d⃗x", "+", "dy", "+", "y", "$^{2}$d", "Ω", "$_{5}$,", "(2.60)", "where for the second step we Weyl rescaled the metric by an overall factor of", "→ ∞", "→", "y", "$^{2}$/R$^{2}$. Now", "r", "corresponds to", "y", "0, and we see that at the boundary", "the radius of the sphere shrinks to 0 and usual 3 + 1", "D", "Minkowski is recovered." ]
[ [ 107, 55, 151, 84 ], [ 237, 138, 478, 151 ], [ 237, 180, 331, 193 ], [ 91, 202, 113, 213 ], [ 119, 202, 715, 213 ], [ 91, 222, 113, 234 ], [ 119, 222, 864, 234 ], [ 107, 242, 385, 255 ], [ 91, 264, 113, 275 ], [ 119, 264, 637, 275 ], [ 91, 285, 113, 296 ], [ 120, 285, 864, 296 ], [ 107, 305, 514, 318 ], [ 91, 327, 113, 338 ], [ 120, 327, 872, 338 ], [ 107, 346, 284, 359 ], [ 237, 388, 316, 401 ], [ 91, 410, 113, 421 ], [ 119, 410, 864, 421 ], [ 107, 430, 572, 443 ], [ 91, 452, 114, 463 ], [ 120, 452, 864, 463 ], [ 107, 471, 226, 484 ], [ 237, 513, 461, 526 ], [ 91, 535, 114, 546 ], [ 120, 535, 864, 546 ], [ 107, 555, 526, 568 ], [ 91, 577, 115, 588 ], [ 122, 577, 864, 588 ], [ 107, 596, 564, 609 ], [ 91, 618, 112, 630 ], [ 118, 618, 864, 630 ], [ 91, 639, 115, 650 ], [ 122, 639, 864, 650 ], [ 107, 659, 436, 672 ], [ 91, 681, 113, 692 ], [ 119, 681, 864, 692 ], [ 107, 700, 864, 713 ], [ 107, 721, 796, 734 ] ]
[ 6, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ "72", "HIGHLIGHTS FOR FISCAL 2000", "Operations", "•", "Revenue from operations increased by 41% to $229 million in 2000.", "•", "Income before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) increased by", "33.4% to 65.5 million in 2000.", "•", "Operating margins were 28.6% compared to 30.2% in 1999.", "•", "The cumulative weekly audience for Corus radio stations increased from 2.7 million", "listeners to 6.9 million, an increase of 155%.", "•", "The number of subscribers to Treehouse TV increased to approximately 4.7 million, ", "an increase of 10%.", "Financial", "•", "Liberty Media acquired 7,125,000 Class B shares on March 31 for $199 million as part", "of the purchase of assets by the Company from WIC.", "•", "The sale of shares in Liberty Digital Inc. and CTV Inc. generated a pre-tax gain of", "$187 million.", "Acquisitions/Divestitures", "•", "Seventeen radio and four television stations were acquired in Ontario and Quebec", "from Power Broadcasting Inc. for $114 million.", "•", "The 48% ownership position in Headline Sports was sold to Alliance Atlantis", "Communications for a pretax gain of $11.3 million.", "•", "On March 31 we completed the purchase of the radio and pay-television assets from WIC.", "•", "We entered into a joint marketing agreement with the Canadian Broadcasting", "Corporation to provide Digital Music.", "•", "We acquired a 29.9% interest in Belcand Mount Royal Holdings Inc., which indirectly", "owns five radio stations in Montreal and one in the Laurentians, and entered into an", "agreement to acquire the remaining 70.1% interest subject to CRTC approval." ]
[ [ 117, 90, 129, 106 ], [ 147, 90, 475, 106 ], [ 117, 121, 872, 135 ], [ 117, 134, 871, 149 ], [ 117, 148, 403, 163 ], [ 126, 177, 170, 191 ], [ 352, 177, 367, 191 ], [ 371, 177, 437, 191 ], [ 468, 177, 483, 191 ], [ 486, 177, 552, 191 ], [ 583, 177, 598, 191 ], [ 602, 177, 668, 191 ], [ 724, 177, 739, 191 ], [ 742, 177, 773, 191 ], [ 828, 177, 843, 191 ], [ 846, 177, 878, 191 ], [ 403, 190, 437, 205 ], [ 519, 190, 552, 205 ], [ 627, 190, 668, 205 ], [ 740, 190, 773, 205 ], [ 845, 190, 878, 205 ], [ 126, 210, 181, 225 ], [ 385, 210, 437, 225 ], [ 508, 210, 552, 225 ], [ 623, 210, 668, 225 ], [ 729, 210, 773, 225 ], [ 825, 210, 869, 225 ], [ 126, 228, 251, 242 ], [ 385, 228, 437, 242 ], [ 508, 228, 552, 242 ], [ 623, 228, 668, 242 ], [ 729, 228, 773, 242 ], [ 825, 228, 869, 242 ], [ 126, 246, 249, 260 ], [ 400, 246, 437, 260 ], [ 515, 246, 552, 260 ], [ 631, 246, 668, 260 ], [ 737, 246, 773, 260 ], [ 843, 246, 869, 260 ], [ 126, 264, 277, 279 ], [ 392, 264, 437, 279 ], [ 508, 264, 552, 279 ], [ 623, 264, 668, 279 ], [ 737, 264, 773, 279 ], [ 832, 264, 869, 279 ], [ 126, 282, 180, 297 ], [ 385, 282, 437, 297 ], [ 508, 282, 552, 297 ], [ 631, 282, 668, 297 ], [ 729, 282, 773, 297 ], [ 832, 282, 869, 297 ], [ 126, 301, 255, 315 ], [ 407, 301, 437, 315 ], [ 523, 301, 552, 315 ], [ 638, 301, 668, 315 ], [ 744, 301, 773, 315 ], [ 840, 301, 869, 315 ], [ 126, 319, 306, 333 ], [ 126, 333, 169, 347 ], [ 417, 333, 437, 347 ], [ 532, 333, 552, 347 ], [ 648, 333, 668, 347 ], [ 754, 333, 773, 347 ], [ 849, 333, 869, 347 ], [ 126, 351, 196, 366 ], [ 391, 351, 437, 366 ], [ 507, 351, 552, 366 ], [ 622, 351, 668, 366 ], [ 728, 351, 773, 366 ], [ 824, 351, 869, 366 ], [ 132, 370, 586, 384 ], [ 132, 370, 586, 384 ], [ 132, 370, 586, 384 ], [ 132, 384, 255, 398 ], [ 132, 384, 255, 398 ], [ 117, 413, 132, 429 ], [ 147, 413, 433, 429 ], [ 117, 444, 888, 458 ], [ 117, 457, 885, 472 ], [ 117, 471, 887, 486 ], [ 117, 485, 887, 500 ], [ 117, 499, 885, 514 ], [ 117, 513, 576, 527 ], [ 117, 539, 885, 554 ], [ 117, 553, 889, 568 ], [ 117, 567, 868, 582 ], [ 117, 594, 813, 608 ], [ 117, 608, 858, 622 ], [ 117, 621, 657, 636 ], [ 117, 649, 415, 663 ], [ 117, 663, 886, 678 ], [ 117, 677, 886, 691 ], [ 117, 691, 393, 705 ], [ 481, 905, 522, 922 ] ]
[ 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "F.", "Company Performance and Shareholder Wealth ", "The following table sets out the Company’s performance during the years ended 31 December 2014, 2013, the six month ", "period ended 31 December 2012 and the preceding two years ended 30 June in respect of several key financial indicators (in ", "US thousands, except where otherwise stated): ", "Metric ", "31", "December ", "31", "December ", "31", "December ", "30", "June ", "30", "June ", "2014 ", "2013 ", "2012* ", "2012 ", "2011 ", "Revenue ", "159,793 ", "85,345 ", "17,724 ", "29,787 ", "18,176 ", "3P Reserves (MBOE) ", "147,723 ", "92,780 ", "46,501 ", "50,138 ", "25,714 ", "Production (BOEPD) ", "6,147 ", "2,956 ", "1,298 ", "1,163 ", "719 ", "Net profit (loss) after tax ", "15,321 ", "15,942 ", "76,210 ", "6,012 ", "7,029 ", "EBITDAX ", "126,373 ", "52,594 ", "9,223 ", "17,093 ", "9,762 ", "Earnings per share** ", "0.03 ", "0.04 ", "0.27 ", "0.02 ", "0.03 ", "Dividends or other returns on ", "capital ", "Nil ", "Nil ", "Nil ", "Nil ", "Nil ", "Share price ", "A$0.52 ", "A$1.00 ", "A$0.77 ", "A$0.56 ", "A$0.83 ", "* Six month period ended (all other periods shown are for full year periods) ", "* Six month period ended (all other periods shown are for full year periods) ", "* Six month period ended (all other periods shown are for full year periods) ", "** Basic and diluted ", "** Basic and diluted ", "G.", "Remuneration of Non-Executive Directors ", "The Non-executive directors receive a basic annual fee for board membership and annual fees for committee service and ", "chairmanships. For the Australian non-executive directors this is inclusive of the superannuation guarantee contribution required ", "by the Australian government, which changed to 9.50% at 1 July 2014 (previously 9.25%). In accordance with ASX corporate ", "governance principles, they do not receive any other retirement benefits or any performance-related incentive payments by ", "means of cash or equity. Some individuals, however, have chosen to contribute part of their salary to superannuation in order to ", "access the available favourable tax advantage of doing so (“Salary sacrifice”).", "To align directors' interests with shareholder interests, the directors are required to hold our ordinary shares equal to three times ", "their base board fees. Each Non-Executive Director has five years from their appointment to achieve this shareholding ", "requirement. All remuneration paid to directors and executives is valued in accordance with applicable IFRS accounting rules.", "A review by Meridian was commissioned by the Remuneration and Nominations Committee in November 2014. The ", "Remuneration and Nominations Committee found that the NED fee structure was within competitive range of its Australian ", "peer companies, and that the remuneration per NED is near the median (46th percentile). ", "Summary of Non-Executive Director Pay Elements ", "Non-executive Directors’ fees are determined within an aggregate Directors’ fee pool limit, which is periodically recommended ", "for approval by shareholders. The maximum currently stands at $950,000 per annum which was approved by shareholders at ", "the Annual General Meeting on 28 May 2013. ", "- 39 - " ]
[ [ 422, 829, 584, 840 ], [ 422, 844, 584, 854 ], [ 422, 858, 584, 868 ], [ 422, 871, 584, 882 ], [ 422, 898, 448, 909 ], [ 481, 898, 586, 909 ], [ 422, 912, 452, 923 ], [ 481, 912, 586, 923 ], [ 422, 939, 584, 948 ] ]
[ 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 ]
[ "ASTEC INDUSTRIES, INC.", "4101 Jerome Avenue", "Post Office Box 72787", "Chattanooga, TN 37407", "tel. ", "423.867.4210", "fax. ", "423.867.4127", "" ]
[ [ 489, 103, 546, 116 ], [ 566, 103, 679, 116 ], [ 489, 118, 513, 133 ], [ 519, 118, 683, 133 ], [ 489, 136, 546, 149 ], [ 566, 136, 679, 149 ], [ 489, 151, 513, 167 ], [ 519, 151, 679, 167 ], [ 253, 170, 328, 183 ], [ 489, 170, 546, 183 ], [ 566, 170, 717, 183 ], [ 253, 184, 406, 200 ], [ 489, 184, 513, 200 ], [ 519, 184, 764, 200 ], [ 489, 203, 546, 216 ], [ 566, 203, 717, 216 ], [ 489, 218, 514, 233 ], [ 519, 218, 754, 233 ], [ 148, 236, 186, 249 ], [ 205, 236, 223, 249 ], [ 253, 236, 347, 249 ], [ 489, 236, 546, 249 ], [ 566, 236, 717, 249 ], [ 253, 251, 475, 266 ], [ 489, 251, 513, 266 ], [ 519, 251, 747, 266 ], [ 148, 253, 223, 266 ], [ 489, 269, 546, 282 ], [ 566, 269, 736, 282 ], [ 148, 270, 166, 283 ], [ 489, 284, 513, 300 ], [ 519, 284, 794, 300 ], [ 148, 285, 164, 300 ], [ 169, 285, 203, 300 ], [ 148, 301, 212, 316 ], [ 489, 303, 546, 316 ], [ 566, 303, 851, 316 ], [ 489, 320, 527, 333 ], [ 489, 334, 513, 350 ], [ 519, 334, 842, 350 ], [ 489, 350, 571, 366 ], [ 489, 369, 546, 382 ], [ 566, 369, 851, 382 ], [ 489, 385, 527, 399 ], [ 489, 400, 513, 416 ], [ 519, 400, 855, 416 ], [ 489, 416, 571, 432 ], [ 253, 434, 347, 448 ], [ 489, 434, 546, 448 ], [ 566, 434, 717, 448 ], [ 253, 449, 366, 465 ], [ 489, 449, 513, 465 ], [ 519, 449, 783, 465 ], [ 489, 468, 546, 481 ], [ 566, 468, 717, 481 ], [ 489, 482, 513, 498 ], [ 519, 482, 796, 498 ], [ 489, 501, 546, 514 ], [ 566, 501, 679, 514 ], [ 489, 516, 513, 531 ], [ 519, 516, 667, 531 ], [ 253, 534, 462, 547 ], [ 489, 534, 546, 547 ], [ 566, 534, 793, 547 ], [ 489, 549, 513, 565 ], [ 519, 549, 845, 565 ], [ 253, 551, 462, 564 ], [ 489, 565, 690, 580 ], [ 253, 568, 328, 581 ], [ 253, 583, 359, 598 ], [ 489, 583, 546, 596 ], [ 566, 583, 775, 596 ], [ 489, 598, 513, 613 ], [ 519, 598, 845, 613 ], [ 253, 599, 448, 614 ], [ 489, 614, 682, 629 ], [ 253, 614, 430, 630 ], [ 253, 630, 460, 646 ], [ 253, 646, 401, 661 ], [ 253, 664, 462, 677 ], [ 489, 664, 546, 677 ], [ 566, 664, 851, 677 ], [ 253, 681, 462, 694 ], [ 489, 681, 508, 694 ], [ 489, 696, 513, 711 ], [ 519, 696, 810, 711 ], [ 253, 698, 462, 711 ], [ 489, 714, 546, 727 ], [ 566, 714, 851, 727 ], [ 253, 715, 424, 728 ], [ 253, 730, 414, 745 ], [ 489, 731, 565, 744 ], [ 253, 745, 436, 761 ], [ 489, 746, 513, 762 ], [ 519, 746, 839, 762 ], [ 253, 761, 473, 777 ], [ 253, 777, 450, 793 ], [ 253, 793, 431, 808 ], [ 253, 808, 454, 824 ], [ 253, 824, 472, 840 ], [ 253, 840, 312, 855 ], [ 489, 925, 515, 940 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 5 ]
[ "(3)", "開放形のもの", "(3)", "Open-type heater ", "(4)", "その他のもの", "(4)", "Any other heater ", "循環方式", "(1)", "自然循環式のもの", "Circulation type ", "(1)", "Natural circulation heater ", "(2)", "強制循環式のもの", "(2)", "Forced circulation heater ", "9.", "石", "給排気方式", "(1)", "密閉燃焼式のもの", "Air supply/exhaust type ", "(1)", "Closed-combustion stove ", "油ストー", "(2)", "半密閉燃焼式のもの", "ブ", "(2)", "Semi-closed-combustion stove ", "9.", "Oil ", "Stoves ", "(3)", "開放燃焼式であつて強制通気形の", "もの", "(3)", "Open-combustion stove with forced ", "aeration ", "(4)", "開放燃焼式であつて自然通気形の", "もの", "(4)", "Open-combustion stove with natural ", "aeration ", "用途別方式", "(1)", "強制対流形のもの", "Type by use ", "(1)", "Stove with forced convection ", "(2)", "自然対流形のもの", "(2)", "Stove with natural convection ", "(3)", "その他のもの", "(3)", "Any other stove ", "灯油の消費量(開放燃焼", "(1)", "7キロワットを超えるもの", "(1)", "Stove with heating oil consumption ", "式で強制通気形のものに", "exceeding 7 kilowatts ", "限る。)", "Heating oil ", "(2)", "7キロワット以下のもの", "(2)", "Stove with heating oil consumption ", "consumption amount ", "of 7 kilowatts or less ", "(limited to an open-", "combustion stove with ", "forced aeration) ", "機器下面と置台又は床面", "(1)", "間隔を設けるように設計されたも", "の間隔の設計(密閉燃焼", "の", "(1)", "Stove designed with such space ", "式のもの又は半密閉燃焼", "(2)", "間隔を設けるように設計されてい", "式のものに限る。)", "Design of a space ", "ないもの", "between the bottom ", "(2)", "Stove designed without such space ", "surface of the stove and ", "the stand or the floor ", "(limited to a closed-", "combustion stove or a ", "semi-closed-combustion ", "stove) ", "83 " ]
[ [ 119, 32, 234, 46 ], [ 288, 32, 297, 46 ], [ 846, 32, 884, 46 ], [ 234, 32, 288, 46 ], [ 119, 82, 884, 101 ], [ 119, 99, 885, 118 ], [ 119, 115, 779, 134 ], [ 149, 148, 174, 167 ], [ 179, 148, 891, 167 ], [ 179, 164, 888, 183 ], [ 179, 181, 537, 200 ], [ 179, 181, 537, 200 ], [ 149, 197, 172, 216 ], [ 149, 197, 172, 216 ], [ 149, 197, 172, 216 ], [ 178, 197, 462, 216 ], [ 178, 197, 462, 216 ], [ 178, 197, 462, 216 ], [ 149, 213, 174, 232 ], [ 149, 213, 174, 232 ], [ 179, 213, 891, 232 ], [ 179, 213, 891, 232 ], [ 179, 230, 678, 249 ], [ 119, 263, 888, 282 ], [ 119, 279, 886, 298 ], [ 119, 296, 716, 315 ], [ 119, 329, 885, 348 ], [ 119, 345, 139, 364 ], [ 144, 345, 497, 364 ], [ 149, 378, 172, 397 ], [ 178, 378, 888, 397 ], [ 179, 394, 888, 414 ], [ 179, 411, 226, 430 ], [ 179, 411, 226, 430 ], [ 149, 427, 172, 446 ], [ 149, 427, 172, 446 ], [ 149, 427, 172, 446 ], [ 177, 427, 779, 446 ], [ 177, 427, 779, 446 ], [ 177, 427, 779, 446 ], [ 149, 443, 172, 463 ], [ 149, 443, 172, 463 ], [ 178, 443, 888, 463 ], [ 178, 443, 888, 463 ], [ 179, 460, 273, 479 ], [ 179, 460, 273, 479 ], [ 149, 476, 172, 495 ], [ 149, 476, 172, 495 ], [ 177, 476, 844, 495 ], [ 177, 476, 844, 495 ], [ 119, 509, 885, 529 ], [ 119, 526, 888, 545 ], [ 119, 542, 886, 561 ], [ 119, 559, 226, 578 ], [ 119, 592, 889, 611 ], [ 119, 608, 889, 627 ], [ 119, 624, 886, 643 ], [ 119, 641, 889, 660 ], [ 119, 657, 699, 676 ], [ 119, 690, 889, 709 ], [ 119, 706, 884, 726 ], [ 119, 723, 887, 742 ], [ 119, 739, 870, 758 ], [ 119, 772, 885, 791 ], [ 119, 789, 889, 808 ], [ 119, 805, 888, 824 ], [ 119, 821, 889, 841 ], [ 119, 838, 805, 857 ], [ 119, 871, 885, 890 ], [ 119, 887, 885, 906 ], [ 489, 948, 515, 967 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 6, 6, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "Contract number: [", "] ", " 2019 ", "complete", "The contractor shall notify relevant personal data breaches to the controller without undue delay ", "and at the latest within 48 hours after the contractor becomes aware of the breach. In such cases, ", "the contractor shall provide the controller with at least the following information: ", "(a)", "nature of the personal data breach including where possible, the categories and ", "approximate number of data subjects concerned and the categories and approximate ", "number of personal data records concerned; ", "number of personal data records concerned; ", "(b)", "(b)", "(b)", "likely consequences of the breach; ", "likely consequences of the breach; ", "likely consequences of the breach; ", "(c)", "(c)", "measures taken or proposed to be taken to address the breach, including, where ", "measures taken or proposed to be taken to address the breach, including, where ", "appropriate, measures to mitigate its possible adverse effects. ", "The contractor shall immediately inform the data controller if, in its opinion, an instruction ", "infringes Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, Regulation (EU) 2016/679, or other Union or Member ", "State data protection provisions as referred to in the tender specifications. ", "The contractor shall assist the controller for the fulfilment of its obligations pursuant to Article ", "33", "to 41 under Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 to: ", "(a)", "ensure compliance with its data protection obligations regarding the security of the ", "processing, and the confidentiality of electronic communications and directories of ", "users;", "users;", "(b)", "(b)", "(b)", "notify a personal data breach to the European Data Protection Supervisor; ", "notify a personal data breach to the European Data Protection Supervisor; ", "notify a personal data breach to the European Data Protection Supervisor; ", "(c)", "(c)", "communicate a personal data breach without undue delay to the data subject, where ", "communicate a personal data breach without undue delay to the data subject, where ", "applicable; ", "applicable; ", "(d)", "(d)", "carry out data protection impact assessments and prior consultations as necessary. ", "carry out data protection impact assessments and prior consultations as necessary. ", "The contractor shall maintain a record of all data processing operations carried on behalf of the ", "controller, transfers of personal data, security breaches, responses to requests for exercising ", "rights of people whose personal data is processed and requests for access to personal data by ", "third parties. ", "The contracting authority is subject to Protocol 7 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the ", "European Union on the privileges and immunities of the European Union, particularly as ", "regards the inviolability of archives (including the physical location of data and services as set ", "out in Article I.9.2) and data security, which includes personal data held on behalf of the ", "contracting authority in the premises of the contractor or subcontractor. ", "The contractor shall notify the contracting authority without delay of any legally binding ", "request for disclosure of the personal data processed on behalf of the contracting authority made ", "by any national public authority, including an authority from a third country. The contractor ", "may not give such access without the prior written authorisation of the contracting authority. ", "The duration of processing of personal data by the contractor will not exceed the period referred ", "to in Article II.24.2. Upon expiry of this period, the contractor shall, at the choice of the ", "controller, return, without any undue delay in a commonly agreed format, all personal data ", "processed on behalf of the controller and the copies thereof or shall effectively delete all ", "personal data unless Union or national law requires a longer storage of personal data.", "For the purpose of Article II.10, if part or all of the processing of personal data is subcontracted ", "to a third party, the contractor shall pass on the obligations referred to in Articles I.9.2 and II.9.2 ", "22 " ]
[ [ 165, 64, 901, 83 ], [ 165, 80, 528, 99 ], [ 165, 103, 901, 122 ], [ 135, 103, 143, 119 ], [ 165, 118, 629, 137 ], [ 135, 157, 704, 176 ], [ 165, 189, 889, 208 ], [ 135, 189, 143, 205 ], [ 165, 204, 899, 223 ], [ 165, 220, 883, 239 ], [ 165, 236, 900, 255 ], [ 165, 252, 820, 271 ], [ 165, 267, 863, 287 ], [ 165, 283, 707, 302 ], [ 164, 315, 901, 334 ], [ 134, 315, 143, 331 ], [ 164, 331, 900, 350 ], [ 164, 346, 813, 366 ], [ 164, 377, 900, 396 ], [ 134, 377, 143, 393 ], [ 164, 392, 906, 411 ], [ 164, 408, 589, 427 ], [ 135, 453, 360, 473 ], [ 165, 485, 901, 504 ], [ 135, 486, 143, 502 ], [ 165, 501, 901, 520 ], [ 165, 517, 904, 536 ], [ 165, 533, 900, 552 ], [ 165, 549, 490, 568 ], [ 165, 580, 869, 599 ], [ 135, 580, 143, 597 ], [ 165, 612, 901, 631 ], [ 135, 612, 143, 628 ], [ 165, 628, 901, 647 ], [ 165, 659, 902, 678 ], [ 135, 659, 143, 675 ], [ 165, 675, 901, 694 ], [ 165, 691, 901, 710 ], [ 165, 706, 901, 725 ], [ 165, 722, 278, 741 ], [ 165, 754, 674, 773 ], [ 674, 754, 752, 773 ], [ 135, 754, 143, 770 ], [ 165, 785, 683, 804 ], [ 135, 786, 143, 802 ], [ 135, 839, 470, 859 ], [ 468, 840, 487, 859 ], [ 478, 840, 494, 859 ], [ 484, 840, 528, 859 ], [ 518, 840, 539, 859 ], [ 530, 840, 551, 859 ], [ 542, 840, 561, 859 ], [ 551, 840, 571, 859 ], [ 562, 840, 579, 859 ], [ 570, 840, 613, 859 ], [ 604, 840, 624, 859 ], [ 616, 840, 636, 859 ], [ 627, 840, 645, 859 ], [ 135, 872, 336, 891 ], [ 492, 937, 511, 950 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 5 ]
[ "specimens, the protocols, safety and storage instructions, and detailed information about ", "routines for reporting the results (see DL3); ", "Send the packages in a secure manner with the safety instructions on how to handle the ", "•", "EQA samples to the participating laboratories (see DL3). ", "GT 3. Data analysis and feedback/support to the participants", "Collect, compile the data, analyse the results and provide individual evaluation feedback ", "•", "report of the results to each participating laboratory (see DL4). The report should include ", "the individual results from the participating laboratory in the country, conclusion on the ", "performance and when needed, recommendations for improvements and troubleshooting ", "advice. If needed, assist the laboratories not able to achieve acceptable level of ", "performance in the EQA exercise by providing troubleshooting services and advice. A ", "copy of the national feedback report should be provided to ECDC; ", "Prepare and distribute ECDC certificates to the participating laboratories, using the ECDC ", "•", "template (Annex IX) (see DL5). Upon approval of ECDC, a certificate of participation should ", "be issued if the laboratory has returned all results within the given time frame; ", "In collaboration with ECDC, conduct a participant feedback survey on corrective measures ", "•", "and practical use of EQA results among EQA the participants following the ECDC’s ", "guidelines and using the EU survey tool (see DL 6). ", "GT 4. Reporting to ECDC", "As part of the EQA results, also collect information on the methods and materials used by ", "•", "the participants, as well as on the availability of and the requirement and/or obligation to ", "participate in national EQA schemes for FWDs (type of EQA and pathogens included, ", "mandatory, voluntary, etc.), and participation in international EQA schemes for FWDs (type ", "of EQA, pathogens included) (see DL7);", "Provide an electronic database with the raw EQA results available to ECDC (see DL7); ", "•", "Draft a comprehensive EQA report per scheme, including the pseudonymised results of all ", "•", "participating laboratories to be sent to ECDC using ECDC’s template (Annex X) (see DL8); ", "In addition, the EQA results should be summarised in a Power Point presentation made ", "•", "available to ECDC (see DL9). ECDC can request the contractor to make the results available ", "and to present to the FWD Network at the general annual meeting (maxim one day once ", "a year). Possible travel costs, accommodation, per-diem will be covered by ECDC outside ", "this contract; ", "Provide expert advice to ECDC on ad‐hoc basis in the remit of ", "the EQA. ", "•", "Summarise the activities during the contract period (see DL10).", "•", "Specific tasks (ST) in Lot 3- EQA for ", "L", ".", " mo", "n", "o", "c", "y", "t", "oge", "n", "e", "s", "Scope and objectives ", "17 " ]
[ [ 427, 47, 602, 58 ], [ 186, 95, 233, 106 ], [ 565, 95, 612, 106 ], [ 186, 116, 250, 127 ], [ 565, 116, 593, 127 ], [ 255, 136, 347, 148 ], [ 565, 136, 586, 148 ], [ 186, 137, 255, 147 ], [ 186, 157, 223, 169 ], [ 565, 157, 625, 169 ], [ 186, 178, 284, 190 ], [ 565, 179, 585, 189 ], [ 183, 208, 902, 219 ], [ 183, 223, 661, 235 ], [ 634, 223, 880, 235 ], [ 183, 238, 302, 250 ], [ 498, 238, 646, 250 ], [ 861, 238, 908, 250 ], [ 302, 239, 498, 249 ], [ 646, 239, 861, 249 ], [ 183, 253, 269, 265 ], [ 318, 253, 388, 265 ], [ 269, 254, 318, 264 ], [ 88, 281, 139, 297 ], [ 145, 281, 408, 297 ], [ 304, 313, 340, 325 ], [ 304, 340, 872, 351 ], [ 304, 355, 860, 366 ], [ 304, 370, 498, 382 ], [ 166, 397, 911, 408 ], [ 254, 412, 918, 424 ], [ 166, 413, 254, 423 ], [ 166, 427, 913, 439 ], [ 166, 442, 902, 454 ], [ 166, 457, 910, 469 ], [ 166, 473, 321, 484 ], [ 166, 499, 906, 511 ], [ 166, 515, 908, 526 ], [ 166, 530, 711, 541 ], [ 166, 557, 942, 568 ], [ 915, 557, 938, 568 ], [ 166, 572, 538, 583 ], [ 626, 572, 937, 583 ], [ 538, 573, 626, 583 ], [ 166, 587, 341, 598 ], [ 478, 587, 723, 598 ], [ 341, 588, 478, 598 ], [ 166, 614, 924, 625 ], [ 166, 629, 399, 640 ], [ 556, 629, 930, 640 ], [ 399, 630, 556, 640 ], [ 166, 644, 671, 656 ], [ 644, 644, 648, 656 ], [ 166, 671, 893, 682 ], [ 166, 686, 727, 698 ], [ 700, 686, 923, 698 ], [ 166, 701, 542, 713 ], [ 515, 701, 930, 713 ], [ 166, 716, 555, 728 ], [ 166, 743, 721, 755 ], [ 721, 743, 874, 755 ], [ 166, 758, 226, 770 ], [ 226, 758, 794, 770 ], [ 166, 784, 582, 792 ], [ 166, 796, 378, 804 ], [ 88, 821, 148, 835 ], [ 153, 821, 495, 835 ], [ 166, 851, 733, 863 ], [ 166, 878, 386, 889 ], [ 474, 878, 909, 889 ], [ 386, 879, 474, 889 ], [ 183, 893, 335, 905 ], [ 904, 941, 941, 952 ] ]
[ 6, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5 ]
[ "MySQL Enterprise Audit", "Scope", "Global", "Dynamic", "Yes", " Hint Applies", "No", "SET_VAR", "Type", "Boolean", "Default Value", "ON", "Whether keyring operations are enabled. This variable is used during key migration operations. See", "Section, “Migrating Keys Between Keyring Keystores”", ". The privileges required to modify", "this variable are ", " in addition to either ", " or the", "ENCRYPTION_KEY_ADMIN", "SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN", "deprecated ", " privilege.", "SUPER", "6.4.5", "MySQL Enterprise Audit", "Note", "MySQL Enterprise Audit is an extension included in MySQL Enterprise Edition,", "a commercial product. To learn more about commercial products, see https://", "", "MySQL Enterprise Edition includes MySQL Enterprise Audit, implemented using a server plugin named", ". MySQL Enterprise Audit uses the open MySQL Audit API to enable standard, policy-based", "audit_log", "monitoring, logging, and blocking of connection and query activity executed on specific MySQL servers.", "Designed to meet the Oracle audit specification, MySQL Enterprise Audit provides an out of box, easy", "to use auditing and compliance solution for applications that are governed by both internal and external", "regulatory guidelines.", "When installed, the audit plugin enables MySQL Server to produce a log file containing an audit record", "of server activity. The log contents include when clients connect and disconnect, and what actions they", "perform while connected, such as which databases and tables they access.", "After you install the audit plugin (see Section, “Installing or Uninstalling MySQL Enterprise Audit”", "), it", "writes an audit log file. By default, the file is named ", " in the server data directory. To change the", "audit.log", "name of the file, set the ", " system variable at server startup.", "audit_log_file", "By default, audit log file contents are written in new-style XML format, without compression or encryption.", "To select the file format, set the ", " system variable at server startup. For details on file", "audit_log_format", "format and contents, see Section, “Audit Log File Formats”", ".", "For more information about controlling how logging occurs, including audit log file naming and format", "selection, see Section, “Configuring Audit Logging Characteristics”", ". To perform filtering of audited", "events, see Section, “Audit Log Filtering”", ". For descriptions of the parameters used to configure the", "audit log plugin, see Audit Log Options and Variables.", "If the audit log plugin is enabled, the Performance Schema (see Chapter 27, ", "MySQL Performance", "Schema", ") has instrumentation for it. To identify the relevant instruments, use this query:", "SELECT NAME FROM performance_schema.setup_instruments", "WHERE NAME LIKE ’%/alog/%’;", "", "Elements of MySQL Enterprise Audit", "MySQL Enterprise Audit is based on the audit log plugin and related elements:", "•A server-side plugin named ", " examines auditable events and determines whether to write", "audit_log", "them to the audit log.", "1465" ]
[ [ 742, 79, 916, 93 ], [ 710, 94, 924, 108 ], [ 443, 290, 489, 304 ], [ 419, 315, 487, 329 ], [ 394, 367, 511, 381 ], [ 426, 392, 510, 406 ], [ 387, 424, 503, 438 ], [ 466, 480, 495, 494 ], [ 414, 484, 457, 499 ], [ 453, 502, 472, 516 ], [ 477, 502, 507, 516 ], [ 206, 571, 233, 585 ], [ 213, 591, 231, 605 ], [ 213, 613, 231, 627 ], [ 212, 634, 230, 649 ], [ 212, 656, 230, 671 ], [ 173, 679, 196, 693 ], [ 213, 679, 231, 693 ], [ 214, 699, 231, 713 ], [ 213, 720, 231, 735 ], [ 212, 742, 230, 756 ], [ 213, 763, 226, 778 ], [ 216, 785, 229, 799 ], [ 675, 795, 701, 809 ], [ 230, 796, 243, 810 ], [ 273, 796, 287, 810 ], [ 316, 796, 334, 810 ], [ 362, 796, 380, 810 ], [ 407, 796, 425, 810 ], [ 451, 796, 469, 810 ], [ 497, 796, 515, 810 ], [ 543, 796, 561, 810 ], [ 586, 796, 604, 810 ], [ 631, 796, 649, 810 ], [ 430, 825, 463, 840 ], [ 352, 858, 636, 872 ], [ 486, 971, 517, 985 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 1, 5 ]
[ "NAVWEPS Oo-ROT-80 ", "AIRPLANE PERFORMANCE ", "F=mo ", "F=$(mV) ", "T, = Q (V,-V,) ", "Pa= T,, V, ", "Pw=Q/,(v2-v,)2 ", "2VI ", "7)p=- ", "v2", "+v, ", "1.0 ", ".9 ", ".6 ", ".7 ", ".6 ", "7p ", ".5 ", ".4 ", ".3 ", ".2 ", ".I ", "0 ", "1.0 ", "0 ", ".I ", ".2 ", ".3 ", ".4 ", ".5 ", ".6 ", ".? ", ".6 ", ".9 ", "%f2 ", "Figure 2.5. Principles of Propulsion ", "105 " ]
[ [ 423, 71, 447, 84 ], [ 456, 71, 530, 84 ], [ 540, 71, 566, 84 ], [ 298, 90, 313, 103 ], [ 679, 90, 693, 102 ], [ 126, 107, 482, 116 ], [ 522, 107, 863, 116 ], [ 508, 119, 864, 129 ], [ 126, 120, 481, 129 ], [ 507, 132, 864, 142 ], [ 126, 133, 481, 143 ], [ 180, 144, 191, 150 ], [ 507, 145, 563, 154 ], [ 126, 146, 180, 156 ], [ 192, 149, 482, 155 ], [ 522, 157, 863, 167 ], [ 126, 159, 482, 169 ], [ 507, 170, 859, 179 ], [ 126, 173, 481, 182 ], [ 507, 182, 864, 192 ], [ 126, 186, 482, 196 ], [ 507, 195, 864, 205 ], [ 126, 199, 263, 209 ], [ 507, 207, 864, 217 ], [ 141, 212, 481, 222 ], [ 506, 222, 864, 229 ], [ 126, 226, 482, 235 ], [ 507, 233, 860, 242 ], [ 126, 239, 482, 248 ], [ 507, 245, 864, 255 ], [ 126, 252, 482, 262 ], [ 507, 258, 863, 268 ], [ 126, 266, 478, 275 ], [ 508, 270, 864, 280 ], [ 126, 279, 482, 288 ], [ 507, 285, 860, 292 ], [ 126, 292, 483, 302 ], [ 507, 295, 863, 305 ], [ 126, 305, 483, 315 ], [ 508, 308, 860, 318 ], [ 126, 318, 477, 328 ], [ 507, 321, 863, 331 ], [ 126, 332, 478, 341 ], [ 508, 333, 713, 343 ], [ 126, 345, 478, 355 ], [ 522, 346, 867, 356 ], [ 126, 358, 483, 368 ], [ 507, 359, 760, 368 ], [ 770, 359, 864, 368 ], [ 508, 371, 865, 381 ], [ 126, 371, 479, 381 ], [ 508, 384, 864, 393 ], [ 141, 385, 478, 394 ], [ 507, 396, 860, 406 ], [ 126, 398, 481, 407 ], [ 505, 411, 860, 418 ], [ 126, 411, 481, 421 ], [ 507, 422, 677, 431 ], [ 126, 424, 482, 434 ], [ 522, 434, 863, 444 ], [ 126, 437, 482, 447 ], [ 508, 447, 859, 456 ], [ 126, 451, 482, 460 ], [ 507, 459, 566, 469 ], [ 126, 464, 298, 473 ], [ 522, 472, 863, 482 ], [ 141, 477, 482, 487 ], [ 507, 485, 863, 494 ], [ 126, 490, 482, 500 ], [ 507, 497, 864, 507 ], [ 126, 503, 478, 513 ], [ 508, 510, 831, 519 ], [ 126, 517, 483, 526 ], [ 522, 522, 863, 532 ], [ 126, 530, 483, 540 ], [ 508, 535, 864, 545 ], [ 126, 543, 204, 553 ], [ 507, 548, 864, 557 ], [ 141, 556, 483, 566 ], [ 508, 560, 740, 570 ], [ 126, 570, 483, 579 ], [ 522, 573, 863, 582 ], [ 126, 583, 482, 592 ], [ 508, 586, 625, 595 ], [ 635, 586, 863, 595 ], [ 126, 596, 482, 606 ], [ 508, 598, 798, 608 ], [ 126, 609, 478, 619 ], [ 522, 611, 863, 620 ], [ 126, 622, 482, 632 ], [ 508, 623, 863, 633 ], [ 126, 636, 481, 645 ], [ 507, 636, 863, 645 ], [ 507, 649, 863, 658 ], [ 141, 649, 478, 659 ], [ 507, 661, 863, 671 ], [ 126, 662, 478, 672 ], [ 507, 674, 863, 683 ], [ 126, 676, 483, 685 ], [ 508, 686, 793, 696 ], [ 126, 689, 483, 698 ], [ 522, 699, 864, 708 ], [ 126, 702, 483, 712 ], [ 508, 711, 863, 721 ], [ 126, 715, 482, 725 ], [ 507, 724, 859, 733 ], [ 126, 729, 482, 738 ], [ 508, 737, 658, 746 ], [ 126, 742, 482, 751 ], [ 522, 749, 863, 759 ], [ 126, 755, 482, 765 ], [ 508, 762, 867, 772 ], [ 126, 768, 478, 778 ], [ 507, 774, 867, 784 ], [ 126, 781, 173, 791 ], [ 506, 789, 807, 796 ], [ 141, 795, 483, 804 ], [ 522, 799, 864, 809 ], [ 126, 807, 478, 817 ], [ 507, 812, 864, 822 ], [ 126, 821, 482, 830 ], [ 508, 825, 862, 835 ], [ 126, 834, 481, 844 ], [ 507, 837, 559, 847 ], [ 126, 847, 481, 857 ], [ 522, 850, 864, 860 ], [ 126, 861, 480, 870 ], [ 507, 862, 860, 872 ], [ 126, 874, 433, 883 ], [ 508, 875, 541, 885 ], [ 141, 887, 478, 897 ], [ 522, 888, 862, 897 ], [ 126, 900, 478, 910 ], [ 507, 900, 867, 910 ], [ 126, 913, 483, 923 ], [ 507, 915, 859, 922 ], [ 507, 925, 860, 935 ], [ 126, 925, 482, 935 ], [ 508, 938, 610, 948 ], [ 126, 938, 481, 948 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 ]
[ "US", "9,932,443", "B2 ", "7 ", "8 ", "ferent chains 100 units long-smaller than the average ", "In some embodiments, the subject invention provides ", "fusion peptides consisting of structural parts based on the ", "peptide in any cell. The age of the universe, by contrast, is ", "present invention and functional parts based on biochemical ", "only 10$^{18 }$seconds old, and the total number of protons is ", "80", "research. ", "about 10", ". This is sufficient proof that only a very tiny ", "In some embodiments, the subject invention provides a ", "fraction of possible sequences has been studied. All peptide ", "method for synthesizing statistical, linear peptides in solu›", "and protein research to date, therefore, though informative, ", "tion based on ring-opening polymerization of a-amino acid ", "has but scratched the surface of what can be known about ", "N-carboxyanhydrides, wherein growth occurs only by the ", "peptides for materials. ", "probabilistic addition of monomers to active chain ends. In ", "Polypeptides are useful in strong, lightweight, functional ", "further embodiments, monomers are present throughout the ", "and elastic materials. Examples of natural polypeptides ", "process and polymer mass and yield are functions of mecha›", "include spider silk and muscle proteins. Embodiments of the ", "nism and reaction particulars. In some embodiments, the ", "subject invention can improve on such natural polypeptides ", "product has a Poisson distribution of chain lengths, ", "in certain respects. Textiles, medical materials and dispos›", "(Ne/Nrexp(-N), where N is DP and N is number-average ", "able materials are included in areas of application for ", "DP, and N can range from 2 to >2,000. In some embodi›", "peptide materials. These materials can provide superior ", "ments, short-range order is possible, long-range order is ", "performance with regard to elasticity, energy conversion ", "improbable and the synthesis from a heterogeneous mono›", "efficiency, strength per unit mass, biodegradability and for›", "mer population is expected to yield chains of virtually ", "eign body tissue reactions. In addition, compared to syn›", "identical amino acid composition. ", "thetic polymers, polypeptides-especially designed pep-", "The subject invention is especially advantageous if ", "tides----can be made sustainably. This is a feature that can be ", "monodisperse polymers and sequence ", "specificity are ", "optional and amino acid composition, predictability of water ", "particularly useful in the field of advanced manufacturing. ", "solubility, measurability of number-average mass and ", "In an embodiment, the subject invention provides manu›", "weight-average molecular mass, and therefore polydisper-", "facturing instructions regarding amino acid composition, ", "sity index, and reproducibility of polymer production mate›", "degree of polymerization (DP) and solution conditions, ", "rials processing are desired. ", "which determine polymer structure and interactions. In some ", "In some embodiments, the subject invention provides ", "embodiments, the polypeptide processing is performed at ", "control of polydispersity by reaction conditions and frac-", "ambient temperature under mild solution conditions, and the ", "tionation. ", "materials are biodegradable. ", "In some embodiments, the subject invention provides a ", "In some embodiments, peptide polymers are water soluble ", "blend of different recombinant random sequences useful for ", "and the amount of organic solvent needed in materials ", "material properties. In specific embodiments, the peptides ", "manufacturing is reduced or eliminated. In further embodi›", "are produced at high yield in photosynthetic bacteria. ", "ments, the random polypeptides are soluble in water and/or ", "In other embodiments, the subject invention provides a ", "ethanol before crosslinking but insoluble in water after ", "solution-phase approach for random peptide production. The ", "crosslinking. ", "peptide polymers of the subject invention are polydisperse ", "Additional aspects relate to the use of peptides with ", "and have a low predicted crystallinity. ", "random amino acid sequences for materials fabrication. The ", "In some embodiments, the subject invention provides ", "randonmess embodied in the subject invention provides the ", "electro spun fibers, ", "including Poly(L-omithine) (PLO), ", "ability to simultaneously make the synthetic peptides less ", "PLEY, PLL and Poly(L-glutamic acid) (PGLA). ", "like native globular proteins and more like the usual syn›", "In additional embodiments, the subject invention provides ", "thetic polymers in materials manufacturing and key regions ", "elastin-like peptides (ELPs) [(VPGVG)n] ([(SEQ ID NO:1) ", "of elastomeric proteins, such as for example, ti tin and resilin. ", "n]). In further embodiments, the ELPs are spinnable from ", "water. The subject invention further provides peptides of a ", "In one aspect, the present invention provides a peptide›", "mole fraction of glutamic acid of 0.8-1.0, which corresponds ", "based material comprising cross-linked peptides with ran-", "to a maximum absolute value of average charge density for ", "dom amino acid sequences that are soluble in water or ", "electro spinning from aqueous solution at pH 7. ", "ethanol before crosslinking but insoluble in water after ", "In some embodiments, the subject invention provides cast ", "crosslinking. In one embodiment, the random amino acid ", "films, molded materials and foams. In further embodiments, ", "sequences are fused with one or more elastin-like peptide ", "the cast films and molded materials are made water-in›", "(ELP). The peptide-based material may further comprise ", "soluble by cross-linking. ", "synthetic organic polymers. In some embodiments, the ", "In additional embodiments, the subject invention provides ", "cross-linked peptides utilized in the peptide-based materials ", "an algorithm that relates elasticity and other aspects of ", "of the invention are synthesized by ring-opening polymer›", "materials processing to amino acid composition, degree of ", "ization. ", "polymerization, pH, hydration and ionic strength. ", "In some embodiments, the peptide-based material can be ", "In some embodiments, the subject invention relates to the ", "either a one-dimensional, two-dimensional, or three-dimen›", "use of circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy to analyze ", "sional material. Such one-dimensional materials are fiber ", "structural properties of peptides during multilayer film ", "materials, such as, but not limited to, anti-microbial fiber ", "buildup. ", "materials. Two-dimensional materials are film materials, ", "In other embodiments, the subject invention relates to the ", "such as, but not limited to, medical device coating films. ", "visualization of electrospun fibers by fluorescent micros›", "Three-dimensional materials are molded materials. ", "copy. ", "In one embodiment, the polypeptides of the subject inven›", "In yet other embodiments, the subject invention relates to ", "tion form entropic networks. The skilled artisan can appre›", "the use of a visible-range dye to quantify the efficiency of ", "ciate that the materials of the subject invention, although ", "peptide crosslinking, wherein the decrease of dye absor›", "bance is a measure of the increased concentration of cross›", "random peptides, are nevertheless at least potentially ", "linked polymers. ", "hybrids of structure and function, not just one or the other. " ]
[ [ 68, 49, 388, 60 ], [ 93, 99, 441, 109 ], [ 124, 129, 445, 139 ], [ 740, 196, 854, 207 ], [ 716, 211, 886, 222 ], [ 715, 226, 758, 237 ], [ 871, 226, 914, 237 ], [ 117, 244, 292, 255 ], [ 670, 244, 679, 255 ], [ 698, 244, 757, 255 ], [ 827, 244, 835, 255 ], [ 861, 244, 914, 255 ], [ 117, 259, 198, 270 ], [ 707, 259, 757, 270 ], [ 869, 259, 914, 270 ], [ 117, 274, 289, 285 ], [ 707, 274, 757, 285 ], [ 869, 274, 914, 285 ], [ 117, 289, 334, 300 ], [ 707, 289, 757, 300 ], [ 869, 289, 914, 300 ], [ 117, 304, 352, 315 ], [ 698, 304, 757, 315 ], [ 861, 304, 914, 315 ], [ 117, 319, 344, 330 ], [ 698, 319, 757, 330 ], [ 861, 319, 914, 330 ], [ 117, 334, 305, 345 ], [ 707, 334, 757, 345 ], [ 869, 334, 914, 345 ], [ 117, 349, 157, 360 ], [ 716, 349, 757, 360 ], [ 877, 349, 914, 360 ], [ 698, 364, 757, 375 ], [ 861, 364, 914, 375 ], [ 117, 380, 287, 390 ], [ 707, 380, 757, 390 ], [ 869, 380, 914, 390 ], [ 670, 395, 679, 405 ], [ 698, 395, 757, 405 ], [ 827, 395, 835, 405 ], [ 861, 395, 914, 405 ], [ 124, 466, 580, 477 ], [ 587, 527, 917, 538 ], [ 671, 542, 841, 553 ], [ 620, 553, 662, 565 ], [ 746, 553, 789, 565 ], [ 872, 553, 914, 565 ], [ 117, 569, 423, 580 ], [ 592, 569, 601, 580 ], [ 657, 569, 662, 580 ], [ 717, 569, 725, 580 ], [ 783, 569, 789, 580 ], [ 842, 569, 850, 580 ], [ 909, 569, 914, 580 ], [ 117, 586, 401, 596 ], [ 621, 586, 662, 596 ], [ 751, 586, 789, 596 ], [ 877, 586, 914, 596 ], [ 117, 603, 254, 613 ], [ 592, 603, 601, 613 ], [ 621, 603, 662, 613 ], [ 717, 603, 725, 613 ], [ 751, 603, 789, 613 ], [ 842, 603, 850, 613 ], [ 877, 603, 914, 613 ], [ 117, 620, 425, 631 ], [ 592, 620, 601, 631 ], [ 621, 620, 662, 631 ], [ 717, 620, 725, 631 ], [ 751, 620, 789, 631 ], [ 842, 620, 850, 631 ], [ 877, 620, 914, 631 ], [ 117, 638, 372, 648 ], [ 592, 638, 601, 648 ], [ 621, 638, 662, 648 ], [ 717, 638, 725, 648 ], [ 751, 638, 789, 648 ], [ 842, 638, 850, 648 ], [ 877, 638, 914, 648 ], [ 117, 655, 421, 666 ], [ 592, 655, 601, 665 ], [ 653, 655, 662, 665 ], [ 717, 655, 725, 666 ], [ 772, 655, 789, 666 ], [ 842, 655, 850, 666 ], [ 898, 655, 914, 666 ], [ 117, 672, 404, 683 ], [ 592, 672, 601, 683 ], [ 635, 672, 662, 683 ], [ 717, 672, 725, 683 ], [ 764, 672, 789, 683 ], [ 842, 672, 850, 683 ], [ 889, 672, 914, 683 ], [ 39, 938, 55, 948 ], [ 39, 967, 368, 974 ] ]
[ 6, 8, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 5, 5 ]
[ "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements", "NOTE 4. LOANS AND ALLOWANCE FOR LOAN LOSSES ", "The composition of loans is summarized as follows:", "December 31,", "(Dollars in Thousands)", "2004", "2003", "Commercial and financial", "$", "136,229", "$", "157,594", "Agricultural", "28,198", "22,051", "Real estate - construction", "94,043", "60,978", "Real estate - mortgage, farmland", "64,245", "65,433", "Real estate - mortgage, commercial", "253,001", "250,247", "Real estate - mortgage, residential", "235,431", "209,172", "Consumer installment loans", "60,884", "68,230", "Other", "5,043", "6,834", "877,074", "840,539", "Allowance for loan losses", "15,493", "14,963", "$", "861,581", "$", "825,576", "The following is a summary of information pertaining to impaired loans:", "As of and For the Years Ended December 31,", "(Dollars in Thousands)", "2004", "2003", "2002", "Impaired loans without a valuation allowance", "$", "-", "$", "-", "$", "-", "Impaired loans with a valuation allowance", "5,640", "6,472", "7,561", "Total impaired loans", "$", "5,640", "$", "6,472", "$", "7,561", "Valuation allowance related to impaired loans", "$", "1,001", "$", "1,105", "$", "1,358", "Average investment in impaired loans", "$", "6,229", "$", "8,619", "$", "8,966", "Interest income recognized on impaired loans", "$", "2", "$", "27", "$", "26", "Forgone interest income on impaired loans", "$", "557", "$", "842", "$", "792", "46", "ABC Bancorp 2004 Annual Report" ]
[ [ 449, 33, 550, 53 ], [ 149, 52, 850, 68 ], [ 136, 78, 158, 96 ], [ 181, 78, 326, 96 ], [ 181, 114, 913, 132 ], [ 181, 133, 392, 150 ], [ 244, 176, 369, 192 ], [ 595, 176, 690, 192 ], [ 241, 200, 372, 215 ], [ 596, 200, 616, 215 ], [ 621, 200, 689, 215 ], [ 241, 224, 372, 239 ], [ 596, 224, 616, 239 ], [ 621, 224, 689, 239 ], [ 492, 239, 793, 254 ], [ 263, 263, 350, 278 ], [ 590, 263, 695, 278 ], [ 203, 286, 410, 301 ], [ 596, 286, 616, 301 ], [ 621, 286, 689, 301 ], [ 206, 302, 407, 317 ], [ 181, 337, 914, 355 ], [ 181, 355, 919, 373 ], [ 181, 373, 914, 391 ], [ 181, 392, 913, 409 ], [ 181, 428, 916, 446 ], [ 181, 446, 908, 464 ], [ 181, 465, 913, 482 ], [ 181, 483, 915, 501 ], [ 181, 501, 916, 519 ], [ 181, 519, 914, 537 ], [ 181, 538, 913, 555 ], [ 181, 556, 851, 574 ], [ 136, 592, 160, 610 ], [ 181, 592, 329, 610 ], [ 181, 629, 914, 647 ], [ 181, 647, 917, 665 ], [ 181, 665, 914, 683 ], [ 181, 684, 915, 701 ], [ 181, 702, 914, 720 ], [ 181, 720, 916, 738 ], [ 181, 738, 544, 756 ], [ 91, 774, 119, 793 ], [ 136, 774, 333, 793 ], [ 136, 812, 915, 830 ], [ 136, 830, 916, 848 ], [ 136, 848, 916, 866 ], [ 136, 867, 237, 884 ], [ 482, 944, 517, 961 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 4, 4, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "PLAYERS", "SECTION VII - PLAYER RESPONSIBILITIES/ON-COURT RULES AND PROCEDURES", "a. ", "Time Violation", "A player is subject to a Time Violation if she is not ready to play within the ", "following time limits:", "Breaks in Play", "Time Limit", "Between points", "25", "seconds", "Change of ends", "90", "seconds", "(120 seconds for TV change of ends)", "Set breaks", "120 seconds", "Heat rule break between", "10", "minutes", "2nd and 3rd singles sets", "A serving player will receive a Time Violation warning for the first offense ", "and a Time Violation fault for all subsequent infractions thereafter. A ", "receiving player will receive a Time Violation warning for the first offense ", "and a Time Violation loss of point for all subsequent infractions thereafter. ", "A player may not receive back-to-back Time Violations and consecutive ", "delays shall be penalized by a Delay of Game Code Violation (see sub-", "section b below); except, however, that if a player is late after the ten- (10) ", "minute heat rule break or leaves the court for a toilet break on her own ", "time, then she may receive back-to-back Time Violations and, after she ", "receives a Time Violation warning for the first offense of a match, she will ", "receive a Time Violation loss of point for all subsequent offenses resulting ", "from such break regardless of whether she is the server or receiver.", "b. ", "Code Violation", "A Delay of Game Code Violation shall be assessed in accordance with the ", "Point Penalty Schedule when a violation occurs immediately after (i.e., ", "before the next point is played) a medical treatment or Medical Time-Out ", "(see Section XVIII.B.5.d) or is a result of a refusal to play, not returning to ", "the court within the allowed time (see Sections VII.D.2.b and XVIII.D.4.c.iii), ", "or a consecutive delay other than those that receive back-to-back Time ", "Violations (see sub-section a above).", "H. ", "HINDRANCE RULE", "A hindrance may result from a corrected call by an official or an event on the ", "court that may be ruled involuntary or deliberate. Any continual distraction ", "of regular play, such as grunting, shall be dealt with in accordance with this ", "Section H.", "139" ]
[ [ 339, 51, 720, 74 ], [ 57, 141, 63, 160 ], [ 76, 141, 141, 160 ], [ 248, 141, 284, 160 ], [ 307, 141, 364, 160 ], [ 425, 141, 519, 160 ], [ 615, 141, 756, 160 ], [ 814, 141, 911, 160 ], [ 814, 160, 891, 179 ], [ 76, 160, 222, 175 ], [ 406, 160, 536, 175 ], [ 567, 160, 789, 175 ], [ 76, 175, 110, 190 ], [ 402, 175, 541, 190 ], [ 567, 175, 651, 190 ], [ 814, 179, 871, 194 ], [ 411, 191, 532, 206 ], [ 814, 195, 850, 210 ], [ 443, 206, 490, 221 ], [ 490, 206, 500, 221 ], [ 57, 239, 67, 258 ], [ 76, 239, 206, 258 ], [ 243, 239, 275, 254 ], [ 298, 239, 336, 254 ], [ 386, 239, 505, 254 ], [ 567, 239, 795, 254 ], [ 830, 239, 892, 254 ], [ 243, 254, 274, 269 ], [ 298, 254, 365, 269 ], [ 386, 254, 503, 269 ], [ 567, 254, 797, 269 ], [ 298, 270, 367, 285 ], [ 567, 270, 744, 285 ], [ 386, 286, 528, 300 ], [ 298, 301, 343, 316 ], [ 386, 301, 460, 316 ], [ 298, 316, 364, 331 ], [ 386, 316, 391, 331 ], [ 396, 316, 435, 331 ], [ 57, 352, 67, 371 ], [ 76, 352, 210, 371 ], [ 243, 352, 275, 367 ], [ 298, 352, 336, 367 ], [ 386, 352, 505, 367 ], [ 567, 352, 795, 367 ], [ 830, 352, 895, 367 ], [ 243, 367, 274, 382 ], [ 298, 367, 365, 382 ], [ 386, 367, 503, 382 ], [ 567, 367, 797, 382 ], [ 298, 383, 367, 398 ], [ 567, 383, 747, 398 ], [ 386, 398, 528, 413 ], [ 298, 414, 343, 429 ], [ 386, 414, 460, 429 ], [ 298, 429, 364, 444 ], [ 386, 429, 391, 444 ], [ 395, 429, 438, 444 ] ]
[ 6, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "CFT-1626 - Banking and Finance skills training services ", "#", "Key profile ", "Name ", "Education", "Language Skills ", "Professional Experience ", "Number of years ", "of experience", "(as per point 1.7.1 of the selection ", "(equivalent to at least C1 level ", "in the field of expertise as described in point 1.7.1 of ", "criteria) ", "according to Common European ", "the selection criteria", "in the field of ", "Framework of Reference for ", "expertise", "Languages", "$^{7}$) ", "5 ", "E-learning technician 1", "<insert", "Level of ", "Language skills acquired: ", "<insert per relevant experience: i) name of employer / ", "<Please fill in>", "name>", "qualifications: ", "<list languages and levels> ", "ii) position held / iii) from – to (mm/yyyy) / iv) field(s) of ", "<insert degree> ", "expertise>/ v) brief description of your role", "Fluency in speaking, reading and ", "Discipline", "writing of English ", "< insert name> ", "□", "Yes □ No", "6 ", "E-learning technician 2 ", "<insert", "Level of ", "Language skills acquired: ", "<insert per relevant experience: i) name of employer / ", "<Please fill in> ", "name>", "qualifications: ", "<list languages and levels> ", "ii) position held / iii) from – to (mm/yyyy) / iv) field(s) of ", "<insert degree> ", "expertise>/ v) brief description of your role ", "Fluency in speaking, reading and ", "Discipline", "writing of English ", "< insert name> ", "□", "Yes □ No " ]
[ [ 910, 36, 918, 48 ], [ 518, 68, 918, 81 ], [ 88, 77, 488, 89 ], [ 518, 84, 918, 96 ], [ 88, 90, 488, 102 ], [ 518, 99, 918, 111 ], [ 88, 104, 245, 115 ], [ 267, 104, 271, 115 ], [ 294, 104, 488, 115 ], [ 249, 104, 260, 114 ], [ 276, 104, 283, 114 ], [ 283, 108, 292, 113 ], [ 260, 108, 266, 114 ], [ 518, 114, 918, 126 ], [ 98, 117, 217, 128 ], [ 244, 117, 449, 128 ], [ 467, 117, 488, 128 ], [ 88, 117, 97, 128 ], [ 222, 117, 233, 128 ], [ 454, 117, 467, 128 ], [ 233, 121, 240, 127 ], [ 518, 129, 918, 141 ], [ 88, 130, 264, 141 ], [ 275, 130, 279, 141 ], [ 264, 135, 274, 140 ], [ 518, 144, 918, 156 ], [ 251, 149, 324, 160 ], [ 417, 149, 459, 160 ], [ 518, 159, 918, 172 ], [ 93, 165, 149, 177 ], [ 189, 166, 199, 176 ], [ 291, 166, 299, 176 ], [ 393, 166, 402, 176 ], [ 441, 166, 449, 176 ], [ 518, 174, 918, 187 ], [ 102, 182, 148, 193 ], [ 189, 182, 223, 193 ], [ 235, 182, 242, 193 ], [ 246, 182, 269, 193 ], [ 291, 182, 325, 193 ], [ 336, 182, 344, 193 ], [ 348, 182, 370, 193 ], [ 93, 183, 101, 193 ], [ 242, 183, 246, 193 ], [ 344, 183, 348, 193 ], [ 223, 183, 235, 191 ], [ 325, 183, 336, 191 ], [ 518, 189, 918, 202 ], [ 112, 199, 157, 210 ], [ 189, 199, 215, 210 ], [ 227, 199, 235, 210 ], [ 239, 199, 246, 210 ], [ 291, 199, 317, 210 ], [ 329, 199, 336, 210 ], [ 340, 199, 348, 210 ], [ 93, 199, 104, 210 ], [ 235, 199, 239, 210 ], [ 336, 199, 341, 210 ], [ 215, 200, 227, 207 ], [ 317, 200, 329, 207 ], [ 104, 203, 111, 209 ], [ 518, 204, 918, 217 ], [ 106, 215, 152, 227 ], [ 189, 215, 211, 227 ], [ 223, 215, 231, 227 ], [ 291, 215, 313, 227 ], [ 325, 215, 332, 227 ], [ 393, 215, 482, 227 ], [ 93, 216, 106, 226 ], [ 211, 216, 223, 224 ], [ 313, 216, 325, 224 ], [ 518, 219, 918, 232 ], [ 114, 232, 160, 243 ], [ 189, 232, 223, 243 ], [ 235, 232, 242, 243 ], [ 246, 232, 269, 243 ], [ 291, 232, 325, 243 ], [ 336, 232, 344, 243 ], [ 348, 232, 370, 243 ], [ 393, 232, 427, 243 ], [ 441, 232, 475, 243 ], [ 93, 232, 104, 243 ], [ 242, 232, 246, 243 ], [ 344, 232, 348, 243 ], [ 223, 233, 235, 240 ], [ 325, 233, 336, 240 ], [ 518, 234, 918, 247 ], [ 104, 236, 111, 242 ], [ 103, 249, 149, 260 ], [ 189, 249, 223, 260 ], [ 235, 249, 242, 260 ], [ 246, 249, 269, 260 ], [ 291, 249, 325, 260 ], [ 336, 249, 344, 260 ], [ 348, 249, 370, 260 ], [ 393, 249, 427, 260 ], [ 441, 249, 475, 260 ], [ 93, 249, 102, 259 ], [ 242, 249, 246, 259 ], [ 344, 249, 348, 259 ], [ 223, 249, 235, 257 ], [ 325, 249, 336, 257 ], [ 518, 249, 918, 262 ], [ 518, 265, 918, 277 ], [ 102, 265, 140, 277 ], [ 291, 265, 332, 277 ], [ 344, 265, 351, 277 ], [ 355, 265, 385, 277 ], [ 93, 266, 101, 276 ], [ 351, 266, 355, 276 ], [ 332, 266, 344, 274 ], [ 518, 280, 918, 292 ], [ 112, 282, 150, 293 ], [ 291, 282, 325, 293 ], [ 336, 282, 344, 293 ], [ 348, 282, 363, 293 ], [ 93, 282, 104, 293 ], [ 344, 282, 348, 293 ], [ 325, 283, 336, 290 ], [ 104, 287, 111, 292 ], [ 518, 295, 918, 307 ], [ 106, 299, 144, 310 ], [ 291, 299, 325, 310 ], [ 336, 299, 344, 310 ], [ 348, 299, 355, 310 ], [ 93, 299, 106, 309 ], [ 344, 299, 348, 309 ], [ 325, 299, 336, 307 ], [ 518, 310, 918, 322 ], [ 102, 315, 133, 327 ], [ 189, 315, 230, 327 ], [ 242, 315, 250, 327 ], [ 254, 315, 332, 327 ], [ 344, 315, 351, 327 ], [ 355, 315, 385, 327 ], [ 93, 316, 101, 326 ], [ 250, 316, 254, 326 ], [ 351, 316, 355, 326 ], [ 230, 316, 242, 324 ], [ 332, 316, 344, 324 ], [ 518, 325, 626, 338 ], [ 701, 325, 918, 338 ], [ 633, 326, 694, 335 ], [ 112, 332, 143, 343 ], [ 189, 332, 223, 343 ], [ 235, 332, 242, 343 ], [ 246, 332, 261, 343 ], [ 291, 332, 325, 343 ], [ 336, 332, 344, 343 ], [ 348, 332, 363, 343 ], [ 93, 332, 104, 343 ], [ 242, 332, 246, 343 ], [ 344, 332, 348, 343 ], [ 223, 333, 235, 340 ], [ 325, 333, 336, 340 ], [ 104, 337, 111, 342 ], [ 518, 340, 918, 353 ], [ 93, 349, 105, 360 ], [ 116, 349, 122, 360 ], [ 130, 349, 211, 360 ], [ 291, 349, 313, 360 ], [ 122, 349, 129, 359 ], [ 105, 353, 115, 358 ], [ 518, 355, 656, 368 ], [ 93, 365, 105, 377 ], [ 116, 365, 122, 377 ], [ 143, 365, 149, 377 ], [ 189, 365, 211, 377 ], [ 291, 365, 313, 377 ], [ 122, 366, 132, 376 ], [ 105, 370, 115, 375 ], [ 132, 370, 140, 375 ], [ 534, 371, 918, 384 ], [ 93, 382, 105, 393 ], [ 116, 382, 122, 393 ], [ 130, 382, 175, 393 ], [ 291, 382, 313, 393 ], [ 122, 382, 129, 393 ], [ 518, 386, 918, 399 ], [ 105, 386, 115, 392 ], [ 93, 399, 105, 410 ], [ 116, 399, 122, 410 ], [ 130, 399, 167, 410 ], [ 189, 399, 211, 410 ], [ 291, 399, 313, 410 ], [ 122, 399, 129, 409 ], [ 518, 401, 918, 414 ], [ 105, 403, 115, 408 ], [ 518, 416, 918, 429 ], [ 518, 431, 918, 444 ], [ 88, 440, 393, 452 ], [ 385, 440, 488, 452 ], [ 518, 446, 531, 459 ], [ 544, 446, 918, 459 ], [ 88, 455, 488, 467 ], [ 518, 461, 832, 474 ], [ 844, 461, 918, 474 ], [ 88, 470, 488, 482 ], [ 518, 477, 604, 489 ], [ 88, 485, 488, 498 ], [ 88, 500, 488, 513 ], [ 88, 515, 488, 528 ], [ 88, 530, 347, 543 ], [ 353, 530, 488, 543 ], [ 88, 545, 260, 558 ], [ 273, 545, 285, 558 ], [ 292, 545, 488, 558 ], [ 260, 546, 273, 557 ], [ 547, 547, 884, 559 ], [ 534, 548, 540, 553 ], [ 285, 551, 292, 557 ], [ 88, 561, 488, 573 ], [ 525, 561, 538, 572 ], [ 549, 561, 918, 572 ], [ 547, 574, 655, 585 ], [ 660, 574, 677, 585 ], [ 677, 574, 752, 585 ], [ 88, 576, 241, 588 ], [ 233, 576, 488, 588 ], [ 525, 587, 538, 598 ], [ 550, 587, 918, 598 ], [ 88, 591, 488, 603 ], [ 547, 600, 650, 611 ], [ 655, 600, 681, 611 ], [ 681, 600, 771, 611 ], [ 88, 606, 488, 618 ], [ 525, 613, 538, 625 ], [ 549, 613, 918, 625 ], [ 88, 621, 488, 634 ], [ 547, 627, 658, 638 ], [ 663, 627, 681, 638 ], [ 681, 627, 778, 638 ], [ 88, 636, 488, 649 ], [ 525, 640, 539, 651 ], [ 552, 640, 918, 651 ], [ 88, 651, 271, 664 ], [ 276, 651, 286, 664 ], [ 286, 651, 488, 664 ], [ 547, 653, 557, 664 ], [ 569, 653, 723, 664 ], [ 728, 653, 746, 664 ], [ 746, 653, 836, 664 ], [ 525, 666, 539, 677 ], [ 552, 666, 918, 677 ], [ 88, 666, 488, 679 ], [ 547, 679, 562, 691 ], [ 574, 679, 918, 691 ], [ 88, 681, 488, 694 ], [ 547, 693, 783, 704 ], [ 793, 693, 811, 704 ], [ 811, 693, 901, 704 ], [ 88, 696, 134, 709 ], [ 134, 696, 144, 709 ], [ 150, 696, 163, 709 ], [ 168, 696, 178, 709 ], [ 207, 696, 217, 709 ], [ 231, 696, 257, 709 ], [ 257, 696, 262, 709 ], [ 262, 696, 286, 709 ], [ 307, 696, 315, 709 ], [ 315, 696, 319, 709 ], [ 319, 696, 344, 709 ], [ 344, 696, 352, 709 ], [ 369, 696, 488, 709 ], [ 191, 697, 203, 708 ], [ 290, 697, 303, 708 ], [ 178, 702, 185, 708 ], [ 217, 702, 226, 708 ], [ 352, 702, 362, 708 ], [ 525, 706, 538, 717 ], [ 550, 706, 804, 717 ], [ 812, 706, 829, 717 ], [ 829, 706, 918, 717 ], [ 88, 711, 488, 724 ], [ 525, 719, 539, 730 ], [ 551, 719, 768, 730 ], [ 778, 719, 803, 730 ], [ 803, 719, 886, 730 ], [ 88, 727, 488, 739 ], [ 525, 732, 538, 744 ], [ 550, 732, 723, 744 ], [ 715, 732, 845, 744 ], [ 852, 732, 869, 744 ], [ 869, 732, 918, 744 ], [ 88, 742, 197, 754 ], [ 197, 742, 207, 754 ], [ 214, 742, 241, 754 ], [ 241, 742, 249, 754 ], [ 263, 742, 295, 754 ], [ 315, 742, 324, 754 ], [ 324, 742, 336, 754 ], [ 356, 742, 395, 754 ], [ 395, 742, 400, 754 ], [ 400, 742, 416, 754 ], [ 416, 742, 425, 754 ], [ 436, 742, 488, 754 ], [ 547, 745, 593, 757 ], [ 249, 747, 259, 753 ], [ 296, 747, 314, 753 ], [ 336, 747, 356, 753 ], [ 425, 747, 434, 753 ], [ 88, 757, 96, 769 ], [ 112, 757, 344, 769 ], [ 365, 757, 488, 769 ], [ 525, 759, 537, 770 ], [ 549, 759, 715, 770 ], [ 707, 759, 880, 770 ], [ 885, 759, 894, 770 ], [ 894, 759, 918, 770 ], [ 96, 762, 106, 768 ], [ 344, 762, 360, 768 ], [ 88, 772, 488, 784 ], [ 547, 772, 593, 783 ], [ 518, 785, 534, 796 ], [ 545, 785, 607, 796 ], [ 600, 785, 722, 796 ], [ 727, 785, 745, 796 ], [ 745, 785, 842, 796 ], [ 88, 787, 173, 800 ], [ 179, 787, 190, 800 ], [ 196, 787, 202, 800 ], [ 202, 787, 207, 800 ], [ 213, 787, 226, 800 ], [ 231, 787, 241, 800 ], [ 241, 787, 308, 800 ], [ 315, 787, 324, 800 ], [ 330, 787, 337, 800 ], [ 337, 787, 342, 800 ], [ 348, 787, 361, 800 ], [ 366, 787, 375, 800 ], [ 376, 787, 488, 800 ], [ 518, 798, 536, 810 ], [ 547, 798, 808, 810 ], [ 812, 798, 829, 810 ], [ 829, 798, 918, 810 ], [ 88, 802, 460, 815 ], [ 460, 802, 470, 815 ], [ 477, 802, 488, 815 ], [ 518, 811, 536, 823 ], [ 548, 811, 918, 823 ], [ 88, 817, 189, 830 ], [ 195, 817, 204, 830 ], [ 215, 817, 489, 830 ], [ 204, 822, 214, 829 ], [ 547, 825, 565, 836 ], [ 565, 825, 655, 836 ], [ 88, 832, 488, 845 ], [ 518, 838, 538, 849 ], [ 550, 838, 868, 849 ], [ 88, 847, 214, 860 ], [ 518, 851, 536, 862 ], [ 548, 851, 918, 862 ], [ 104, 862, 488, 875 ], [ 547, 864, 593, 876 ], [ 598, 864, 615, 876 ], [ 615, 864, 721, 876 ], [ 88, 877, 488, 890 ], [ 518, 878, 537, 889 ], [ 550, 878, 918, 889 ], [ 547, 891, 608, 902 ], [ 608, 891, 691, 902 ], [ 88, 893, 223, 905 ], [ 228, 893, 238, 905 ], [ 243, 893, 269, 905 ], [ 273, 893, 283, 905 ], [ 288, 893, 488, 905 ] ]
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[ "4", "Fe-Cr alloy. Although, the sigma phase is a very complex", "TABLE II: Physical quantities derived from the measured and", "object due to a high number of atoms per unit cell, five", "calculated Fe-partial DOS. The units are meV/atom for vi-", "different sublattices with high coordination numbers (12-", "brational kinetic energy,", ";", "/atom for vibrational entropy,", "E", "k", "B", "k", "15), each showing chemical disorder, which altogether", ", and specific heat", "; N/m for mean force constant,", "; K", "S", "C", "D", "V", "results in a huge number of possible atomic configura-", "for Debye temperatures, Θ", ".", "D", "tions, it was described reasonable well in terms of only", "experiment", "theory", "one adequately chosen configuration. From the calcula-", "quantity", "α", "σ", "α", "σ", "tions, it is also evident that the dynamics in particular", "@298K", "0.782", "0", "001", "0.768", "0", "002", "f", ".", ".", "±", "±", "sublattices is different. The method was also successfully", "@298K", "42.4", "0", "1", "41.4", "0", "2", "E", ".", ".", "±", "±", "k", "used to calculate the dynamics of the disordered alloy in", "@298K", "156", "1", "157", "2", "149.41 150.59", "D", "±", "±", "the alpha-phase. Although its crystallographic structure", "@298K", "2.747", "0", "006", "2.748", "0", "007", "2.746", "2.752", "C", ".", ".", "±", "±", "is much simpler, but, due to the chemical disorder, the", "V", "@298K", "3.252", "0", "006", "3.347", "0", "007", "3.354", "3.412", "S", ".", ".", "±", "±", "number of possible atomic configurations is high, making", "the calculations not trivial. We have also obtained rele-", "@20K", "0.9150", "0", "0002", "f", ".", "±", "vant thermodynamic quantities without necessity of us-", "@20K", "18.93", "0", "06", "E", ".", "±", "k", "ing empirical parameters. Such a complex alloy has been", "@20K", "155.1", "0", "7", "D", ".", "±", "studied for the first time within the combined NRIXS", "@0K", "0.9194", "0", "0001 0.9149", "0", "0003", "f", ".", ".", "±", "±", "and theoretical", "approach, and it may provide", "ab initio", "@0K", "19.32", "0", "07", "18.95", "0", "06", "E", ".", ".", "±", "±", "k", "understanding of lattice dynamics in a wide variety of", "Θ", "(", "@298K) 417", "398", "f", "D", "disordered systems.", "Θ", "(", ")", "399", "398", "C", "D", "V", "The results reported in this study were partly obtained", "Θ", "(", "@20K)", "387", "f", "within the project supported by the Ministry of Sci-", "D", "Θ", "(", "@0K)", "403", "385", "f", "ence and Higher Education, Warsaw (grant No. N N202", "D", "228837) and the Project no. 44/N-COST/2007/0. Use", "of the Advanced Photon Source was supported by the", "fact that the center shift measured by M¨", "ossbauer spec-", "U.", "S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of", "troscopy constitutes a sum of the chemical isomer shift,", "Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No.", "DE-AC02-", "which is independent on the atomic motion, and the", "06CH11357.", "second-order Doppler shift, which is a relativistic cor-", "rection to the atomic energy levels purely due to mo-", "tion. The second-order Doppler shift is proportional to", "the vibrational kinetic energy of the", "$^{57}$Fe atom [15], i.e.", "SOD[mm/s] = -0.00565", "E", "[meV]. Only under the as-", "×", "Corresponding author:", "∗", "k", "sumption that the chemical isomer shift is temperature", "[1]", "K. H. Lo, C. H. Shek and J. K. L. Lai, Materials Sci.", "Eng. R: Reports", "65", ", 39 (2009).", "independent, the M¨", "ossbauer measurement can provide", "[2]", "J. Cieslak, M. Reissner, W. Steiner and S. M. Dubiel,", "the correct Debye temperature. This does not seem to be", "Phys. Stat. 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[ [ 497, 50, 824, 64 ], [ 533, 67, 562, 81 ], [ 786, 67, 850, 81 ], [ 415, 83, 465, 97 ], [ 510, 83, 586, 97 ], [ 725, 83, 801, 97 ], [ 617, 95, 693, 109 ], [ 835, 95, 911, 109 ], [ 411, 96, 469, 110 ], [ 527, 96, 566, 110 ], [ 743, 96, 781, 110 ], [ 608, 107, 701, 121 ], [ 825, 107, 918, 121 ], [ 418, 109, 463, 123 ], [ 508, 109, 585, 123 ], [ 724, 109, 800, 123 ], [ 633, 120, 675, 134 ], [ 850, 120, 893, 134 ], [ 413, 121, 469, 136 ], [ 525, 121, 568, 136 ], [ 741, 121, 783, 136 ], [ 80, 138, 184, 152 ], [ 322, 138, 358, 152 ], [ 409, 138, 471, 152 ], [ 515, 138, 577, 152 ], [ 623, 138, 684, 152 ], [ 731, 138, 792, 152 ], [ 840, 138, 902, 152 ], [ 80, 155, 198, 169 ], [ 100, 171, 201, 185 ], [ 300, 171, 309, 185 ], [ 361, 171, 378, 185 ], [ 395, 171, 403, 185 ], [ 467, 171, 484, 185 ], [ 501, 171, 509, 185 ], [ 574, 171, 591, 185 ], [ 607, 171, 616, 185 ], [ 683, 171, 700, 185 ], [ 717, 171, 725, 185 ], [ 789, 171, 806, 185 ], [ 823, 171, 831, 185 ], [ 902, 171, 919, 185 ], [ 100, 188, 195, 202 ], [ 361, 188, 378, 202 ], [ 467, 188, 484, 202 ], [ 100, 205, 214, 219 ], [ 353, 205, 378, 219 ], [ 459, 205, 484, 219 ], [ 100, 221, 225, 235 ], [ 361, 221, 378, 235 ], [ 467, 221, 484, 235 ], [ 80, 238, 244, 252 ], [ 100, 254, 231, 268 ], [ 353, 254, 378, 268 ], [ 565, 254, 590, 268 ], [ 100, 271, 212, 285 ], [ 353, 271, 378, 285 ], [ 565, 271, 590, 285 ], [ 100, 288, 235, 302 ], [ 353, 288, 378, 302 ], [ 565, 288, 590, 302 ], [ 100, 305, 249, 319 ], [ 115, 318, 179, 332 ], [ 361, 318, 378, 332 ], [ 789, 318, 806, 332 ], [ 100, 336, 252, 350 ], [ 361, 336, 378, 350 ], [ 574, 336, 590, 350 ], [ 80, 353, 246, 367 ], [ 100, 369, 268, 383 ], [ 361, 369, 378, 383 ], [ 683, 369, 700, 383 ], [ 100, 386, 256, 400 ], [ 361, 386, 378, 400 ], [ 902, 386, 918, 400 ], [ 80, 402, 154, 417 ], [ 361, 402, 378, 417 ], [ 683, 402, 700, 417 ], [ 568, 419, 596, 433 ], [ 80, 419, 141, 433 ], [ 356, 419, 383, 433 ], [ 797, 419, 806, 433 ], [ 80, 436, 258, 450 ], [ 353, 436, 378, 450 ], [ 565, 436, 590, 450 ], [ 789, 436, 806, 450 ], [ 120, 452, 155, 466 ], [ 300, 452, 309, 466 ], [ 341, 452, 378, 466 ], [ 395, 452, 403, 466 ], [ 459, 452, 484, 466 ], [ 501, 452, 509, 466 ], [ 553, 452, 590, 466 ], [ 607, 452, 616, 466 ], [ 675, 452, 700, 466 ], [ 717, 452, 725, 466 ], [ 789, 452, 806, 466 ], [ 823, 452, 831, 466 ], [ 902, 452, 918, 466 ], [ 75, 471, 300, 482 ], [ 75, 471, 300, 482 ], [ 75, 483, 110, 494 ], [ 75, 483, 110, 494 ], [ 75, 495, 93, 507 ], [ 75, 495, 93, 507 ], [ 105, 495, 443, 507 ], [ 105, 495, 443, 507 ], [ 435, 495, 929, 507 ], [ 105, 508, 631, 519 ], [ 105, 508, 631, 519 ], [ 75, 520, 94, 531 ], [ 75, 520, 94, 531 ], [ 105, 520, 621, 531 ], [ 105, 520, 621, 531 ], [ 610, 520, 868, 531 ], [ 610, 520, 868, 531 ], [ 105, 532, 607, 543 ], [ 105, 532, 607, 543 ], [ 75, 544, 93, 556 ], [ 75, 544, 93, 556 ], [ 105, 544, 944, 556 ], [ 105, 544, 944, 556 ], [ 105, 557, 831, 568 ], [ 105, 557, 831, 568 ], [ 75, 569, 94, 580 ], [ 75, 569, 94, 580 ], [ 75, 569, 94, 580 ], [ 105, 569, 841, 580 ], [ 105, 569, 841, 580 ], [ 105, 569, 841, 580 ], [ 75, 581, 93, 592 ], [ 75, 581, 93, 592 ], [ 105, 581, 578, 592 ], [ 105, 581, 578, 592 ], [ 566, 581, 888, 592 ], [ 566, 581, 888, 592 ], [ 545, 617, 578, 631 ], [ 789, 617, 822, 631 ], [ 506, 633, 536, 647 ], [ 611, 633, 675, 647 ], [ 750, 633, 780, 647 ], [ 855, 633, 919, 647 ], [ 546, 650, 578, 664 ], [ 790, 650, 821, 664 ], [ 459, 661, 503, 675 ], [ 703, 661, 746, 675 ], [ 541, 662, 583, 677 ], [ 785, 662, 827, 677 ], [ 456, 674, 510, 688 ], [ 611, 674, 677, 688 ], [ 700, 674, 753, 688 ], [ 854, 674, 921, 688 ], [ 550, 675, 575, 689 ], [ 793, 675, 818, 689 ], [ 80, 687, 301, 701 ], [ 462, 687, 502, 701 ], [ 616, 687, 671, 701 ], [ 706, 687, 746, 701 ], [ 860, 687, 915, 701 ], [ 543, 688, 582, 702 ], [ 787, 688, 825, 702 ], [ 100, 705, 324, 719 ], [ 448, 705, 456, 719 ], [ 496, 705, 512, 719 ], [ 529, 705, 538, 719 ], [ 577, 705, 593, 719 ], [ 611, 705, 619, 719 ], [ 658, 705, 675, 719 ], [ 692, 705, 700, 719 ], [ 739, 705, 756, 719 ], [ 773, 705, 781, 719 ], [ 821, 705, 837, 719 ], [ 854, 705, 863, 719 ], [ 910, 705, 918, 719 ], [ 100, 721, 347, 735 ], [ 120, 738, 317, 752 ], [ 120, 754, 367, 769 ], [ 504, 754, 512, 769 ], [ 585, 754, 593, 769 ], [ 748, 754, 756, 769 ], [ 829, 754, 837, 769 ], [ 910, 754, 918, 769 ], [ 580, 771, 599, 785 ], [ 661, 771, 680, 785 ], [ 742, 771, 761, 785 ], [ 823, 771, 843, 785 ], [ 100, 771, 318, 785 ], [ 100, 788, 281, 802 ], [ 448, 788, 456, 802 ], [ 496, 788, 512, 802 ], [ 529, 788, 538, 802 ], [ 577, 788, 593, 802 ], [ 611, 788, 619, 802 ], [ 658, 788, 675, 802 ], [ 692, 788, 700, 802 ], [ 739, 788, 756, 802 ], [ 773, 788, 781, 802 ], [ 821, 788, 837, 802 ], [ 854, 788, 863, 802 ], [ 902, 788, 918, 802 ], [ 75, 822, 200, 836 ], [ 75, 853, 186, 867 ], [ 186, 853, 875, 867 ], [ 856, 853, 926, 867 ], [ 75, 868, 939, 882 ], [ 75, 884, 561, 898 ], [ 491, 954, 508, 968 ] ]
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[ "Fair Value Measurements at December 31, 2013", "U.S.", "Non-U.S.", "Quoted", "Significant", "Significant", "Significant", "Significant", "Prices in", "Other", "Other", "Unobservable", "Unobservable", "Active", "Observable", "Observable", "Inputs", "Inputs", "Markets", "Inputs", "Inputs", "Asset Category", "Total", "(Level 1)", "(Level 2)", "(Level 3)", "(Level 2)", "(Level 3)", "Equity securities:", "U.S. all cap (a)", "$", "90", "$", "90", "$", "—", "$", "—", "$", "—", "$", "—", "U.S. large cap", "72", "72", "EAFE composite", "155", "155", "Emerging markets", "76", "76", "Fixed income securities:", "U.S. core bonds (b)", "203", "203", "Corporate bonds", "494", "494", "U.S. Treasury strips", "207", "207", "Non-U.S. government", "securities", "11", "11", "Emerging market debt", "81", "81", "Alternative investments:", "Hedge fund of funds (c)", "83", "83", "Insurance contracts (d)", "11", "11", "Real estate", "48", "48", "(34)", "Other (e)", "(28)", "6", "Cash and cash equivalents", "188", "174", "14", "Total", "$", "1,691", "$", "393", "$", "1,125", "$", "131", "$", "31", "$", "11", "________________________________", "________________________________", "Notes:", "Notes:", "(a) ", "(a) ", "This category comprises a combination of small-, mid- and lar", "This category comprises a combination of small-, mid- and lar", "ge-cap equity stocks that are allocated at the investment manager's discretion. Investments ", "include common and preferred securities as well as equity funds that invest in these instruments.", "include common and preferred securities as well as equity funds that invest in these instruments.", "(b) ", "(b) ", "This category represents a combination of investment grade corporate bonds, sovereign bonds, ", "This category represents a combination of investment grade corporate bonds, sovereign bonds, ", "Yankee bonds, asset backed securities and U.S. ", "Yankee bonds, asset backed securities and U.S. ", "government bonds. Investments include fixed income funds that invest in these instruments.", "government bonds. Investments include fixed income funds that invest in these instruments.", "(c) ", "(c) ", "This category includes fund managers that invest in a well-diversified group of hedge funds where strategies include, but are not limited to, event driven, ", "This category includes fund managers that invest in a well-diversified group of hedge funds where strategies include, but are not limited to, event driven, ", "relative value, long/short market neutral, multistrategy and global macro. Investments may be made directly or through pooled funds.", "relative value, long/short market neutral, multistrategy and global macro. Investments may be made directly or through pooled funds.", "(d) ", "(d) ", "(d) ", "This category comprises contracts placed with insurance companies where the underlying assets are invested in fixed interest securities.", "This category comprises contracts placed with insurance companies where the underlying assets are invested in fixed interest securities.", "This category comprises contracts placed with insurance companies where the underlying assets are invested in fixed interest securities.", "(e) ", "(e) ", "Other assets in the U.S. represent interest rate derivatives which had a market value of ", "Other assets in the U.S. represent interest rate derivatives which had a market value of ", "$(3) at December 31, 2014 and $(34) at December 31, 2013.", "$(3) at December 31, 2014 and $(34) at December 31, 2013.", "2014", "2013", "U.S.", "Non-U.S.", "U.S.", "Non-U.S.", "Real", "Real", "Hedge", "Hedge", "Estate", "Estate", "fund of", "Insurance", "fund of", "Insurance", "and", "and", "Reconciliation of Level 3 Assets", "funds", "contract", "funds", "contract", "Other", "Other", "Fair value at beginning of period", "$", "83", "$", "48", "$", "11", "$", "78", "$", "46", "$", "9", "Unrealized gains (losses) relating to:", "Assets sold during the period", "Assets still held at the reporting date", "4", "5", "8", "4", "2", "(3)", "(1)", "(3)", "(2)", "Purchases, sales and settlements", "Fair value at end of period", "$", "87", "$", "50", "$", "10", "$", "83", "$", "48", "$", "11", "Valuation Methods", "Equity securities", " — The fair value of equity securities is determined by either direct or indirect quoted market prices. ", "When the ", "value of assets held in separate accounts is not published, the value is based on the value of the underlying holdings, which are ", "primarily direct quoted market prices on regulated financial exchanges.", "66" ]
[ [ 479, 55, 885, 70 ], [ 479, 71, 883, 86 ], [ 479, 87, 884, 102 ], [ 479, 103, 886, 118 ], [ 479, 120, 880, 134 ], [ 479, 152, 884, 167 ], [ 479, 168, 883, 183 ], [ 479, 184, 884, 199 ], [ 479, 200, 881, 215 ], [ 479, 217, 883, 231 ], [ 479, 233, 884, 247 ], [ 479, 249, 883, 264 ], [ 479, 265, 885, 280 ], [ 479, 281, 884, 296 ], [ 479, 297, 883, 312 ], [ 479, 313, 884, 328 ], [ 479, 330, 884, 344 ], [ 479, 346, 883, 361 ], [ 139, 346, 273, 360 ], [ 59, 347, 139, 360 ], [ 479, 362, 865, 377 ], [ 60, 372, 463, 387 ], [ 60, 388, 464, 403 ], [ 479, 394, 882, 409 ], [ 60, 404, 463, 419 ], [ 479, 410, 882, 425 ], [ 60, 420, 463, 435 ], [ 479, 426, 883, 441 ], [ 60, 437, 167, 451 ], [ 262, 437, 464, 451 ], [ 168, 437, 262, 451 ], [ 479, 443, 883, 457 ], [ 60, 453, 463, 468 ], [ 479, 459, 882, 474 ], [ 60, 469, 463, 484 ], [ 479, 475, 530, 490 ], [ 544, 475, 609, 490 ], [ 622, 475, 685, 490 ], [ 698, 475, 712, 490 ], [ 725, 475, 792, 490 ], [ 806, 475, 842, 490 ], [ 855, 475, 882, 490 ], [ 60, 485, 464, 500 ], [ 479, 491, 882, 506 ], [ 60, 501, 464, 516 ], [ 479, 507, 779, 522 ], [ 60, 517, 463, 532 ], [ 60, 534, 337, 548 ], [ 479, 538, 657, 555 ], [ 479, 556, 509, 571 ], [ 508, 556, 883, 571 ], [ 479, 572, 882, 587 ], [ 479, 589, 882, 603 ], [ 479, 605, 878, 620 ], [ 479, 621, 882, 636 ], [ 479, 637, 882, 652 ], [ 479, 653, 883, 668 ], [ 479, 669, 882, 684 ], [ 479, 685, 882, 700 ], [ 479, 702, 883, 716 ], [ 479, 718, 884, 733 ], [ 479, 734, 882, 749 ], [ 479, 750, 882, 765 ], [ 140, 759, 308, 772 ], [ 61, 759, 140, 773 ], [ 479, 766, 883, 781 ], [ 479, 782, 506, 797 ], [ 520, 782, 533, 797 ], [ 546, 782, 567, 797 ], [ 580, 782, 616, 797 ], [ 630, 782, 673, 797 ], [ 686, 782, 706, 797 ], [ 720, 782, 764, 797 ], [ 777, 782, 810, 797 ], [ 823, 782, 833, 797 ], [ 846, 782, 882, 797 ], [ 60, 792, 465, 807 ], [ 479, 799, 882, 813 ], [ 60, 808, 466, 823 ], [ 479, 815, 883, 830 ], [ 60, 824, 71, 839 ], [ 83, 824, 94, 839 ], [ 106, 824, 126, 839 ], [ 137, 824, 159, 839 ], [ 170, 824, 182, 839 ], [ 193, 824, 210, 839 ], [ 221, 824, 238, 839 ], [ 250, 824, 267, 839 ], [ 278, 824, 289, 839 ], [ 301, 824, 334, 839 ], [ 345, 824, 362, 839 ], [ 373, 824, 385, 839 ], [ 396, 824, 430, 839 ], [ 441, 824, 464, 839 ], [ 479, 831, 882, 846 ], [ 60, 840, 465, 855 ], [ 479, 847, 674, 862 ], [ 60, 857, 73, 871 ], [ 86, 857, 130, 871 ], [ 143, 857, 206, 871 ], [ 219, 857, 261, 871 ], [ 274, 857, 283, 871 ], [ 296, 857, 330, 871 ], [ 343, 857, 407, 871 ], [ 419, 857, 464, 871 ], [ 60, 873, 466, 887 ], [ 479, 879, 882, 894 ], [ 60, 889, 465, 904 ], [ 479, 895, 882, 910 ], [ 60, 905, 466, 920 ], [ 60, 940, 94, 956 ] ]
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[ "it may be better not to deviate. If the Cu left of course indicates ", "a possible area of lift compared to the clouds ahead and only ", "requires a 10° off course deviation, proceed towards the lift. ", "Knowing the present location of the glider and where the course ", "line is located is important for keeping situational awareness.", "Sometimes it is necessary to determine an approximate course ", "once already in the air. Assume a few miles before reaching ", "the town of Muleshoe, on the second leg, the weather ahead is ", "not as forecast and has deteriorated—there is now a shower at ", "the third turn point (Circle Back). Rather than continuing on ", "to a certain landing in the rain, the decision is made to cut the ", "triangle short and try to return directly to Portales. Measure ", "and find that Portales is about 37 miles away, and the estimated ", "heading is about 240°. Correct for variation (9°) for a compass ", "heading of about 231° (240° – 9° = 231°). The northwesterly ", "wind is almost 90° to the new course and requires a 10° or ", "20° crab to the right, so a heading between 250° and 270° ", "should work, allowing for some drift in thermal climbs. With ", "Benger Airport (X54).", "Figure 11-8. ", "practice, the entire thought process should take little time.", "MOA can be found on the sectional chart, and the automated ", "flight service station (AFSS) should be consulted concerning ", "The sky towards Portales indicates favorable lift conditions. ", "the active times of this airspace. Approaching the second ", "However, the area along the new course includes sand hills, ", "turn point, it is easy to confuse the towns of Circle Back ", "an area that may not have good choices for off-field landings. ", "and Needmore. ", " The clues are the position of ", "[Figure 11-9]", "It may be a good idea to fly more conservatively until beyond ", "Circle Back relative to an obstruction 466 feet above ground ", "this area and then back to where there are suitable fields for ", "level (AGL) and a road that heads north out of Needmore. ", "landing.", "Navigation,", "evaluation", "of", "conditions", "ahead,", "and ", "Landmarks on the third leg include power transmission lines, ", "decision-making are required until arrival back at Portales ", "Salt Lake (possibly dry), the small town of Arch, and a major ", "or until a safe off-field landing is completed.", "road coming south out of Portales. About eight miles from ", "Portales a VOR V-280 airway is crossed.", "Navigation Using GPS", "The ", "GPS navigation systems are available as small hand-held ", "units. (See Chapter 4, Flight Instruments, for information on ", "GPS and electronic flight computers.) Some pilots prefer to ", "use existing flight computers for final glide and speed-to-", "fly information and add a hand-held GPS for navigation. A ", "GPS system makes navigation easier. A GPS unit displays ", "distance and heading to a specified point, usually found by ", "scrolling through an internal database of waypoints. Many ", "GPS units also continuously calculate and display ground ", "speed. If TAS is also known, the headwind component can ", "be calculated from the GPS by subtracting ground speed from ", "TAS. Many GPS units also feature a moving map display ", "that shows past and present positions in relation to various ", "Circle Back and Needmore.", "Figure 11-9. ", "prominent landmarks like airports. These displays can often ", "zoom", "in", "and", "out to", "various", "map", "scales.", "Other", "GPS", "units ", "After a thorough preflight of the glider and all the appropriate ", "allow marking a spot for future reference. This feature can ", "equipment is stowed or in position for use in flight, it is time ", "be used to mark the location of a thermal before going into ", "to", "go", "fly.", "Once", "in", "the", "air", "and", "on", "course,", "try", "to", "verify", "the ", "a turn point, with the hopes that the area will still be active ", "winds aloft. Use pilotage to remain as close to the course line ", "after rounding the turn point.", "as", "soaring", "conditions", "permit.", "If", "course", "deviations", "become ", "necessary, stay aware of the location of the course line to the ", "One drawback to GPS units is their attractiveness—it is easy ", "next turn point. For instance, the Cu directly ahead indicates ", "to be distracted by the unit at the expense of flying the glider ", "lift, but the one 30° off course indicates possibly even more lift, ", "11-8" ]
[ [ 315, 94, 688, 105 ], [ 371, 108, 633, 120 ], [ 650, 141, 818, 152 ], [ 120, 143, 369, 152 ], [ 634, 156, 665, 167 ], [ 719, 156, 750, 167 ], [ 803, 156, 834, 167 ], [ 121, 171, 220, 182 ], [ 135, 186, 177, 197 ], [ 150, 200, 204, 212 ], [ 617, 200, 625, 212 ], [ 640, 200, 683, 212 ], [ 701, 200, 709, 212 ], [ 725, 200, 767, 212 ], [ 785, 200, 793, 212 ], [ 809, 200, 852, 212 ], [ 150, 215, 224, 226 ], [ 660, 215, 683, 226 ], [ 744, 215, 767, 226 ], [ 828, 215, 852, 226 ], [ 135, 230, 270, 241 ], [ 150, 245, 204, 256 ], [ 648, 245, 683, 256 ], [ 732, 245, 767, 256 ], [ 817, 245, 852, 256 ], [ 150, 260, 224, 271 ], [ 648, 260, 683, 271 ], [ 732, 260, 767, 271 ], [ 817, 260, 852, 271 ], [ 165, 274, 296, 286 ], [ 640, 274, 683, 286 ], [ 725, 274, 767, 286 ], [ 809, 274, 852, 286 ], [ 121, 289, 225, 300 ], [ 135, 304, 189, 315 ], [ 648, 304, 683, 315 ], [ 732, 304, 767, 315 ], [ 817, 304, 852, 315 ], [ 135, 319, 208, 330 ], [ 648, 319, 683, 330 ], [ 732, 319, 767, 330 ], [ 817, 319, 852, 330 ], [ 150, 334, 286, 345 ], [ 648, 334, 683, 345 ], [ 732, 334, 767, 345 ], [ 817, 334, 852, 345 ], [ 165, 348, 285, 360 ], [ 640, 348, 683, 360 ], [ 725, 348, 767, 360 ], [ 809, 348, 851, 360 ], [ 121, 363, 273, 375 ], [ 648, 363, 683, 375 ], [ 732, 363, 767, 375 ], [ 817, 363, 851, 375 ], [ 121, 378, 429, 389 ], [ 640, 378, 683, 389 ], [ 725, 378, 767, 389 ], [ 809, 378, 851, 389 ], [ 121, 393, 251, 404 ], [ 135, 408, 288, 419 ], [ 648, 408, 683, 419 ], [ 732, 408, 767, 419 ], [ 817, 408, 851, 419 ], [ 135, 422, 304, 434 ], [ 648, 422, 683, 434 ], [ 732, 422, 767, 434 ], [ 817, 422, 851, 434 ], [ 135, 437, 300, 449 ], [ 660, 437, 683, 449 ], [ 744, 437, 767, 449 ], [ 828, 437, 851, 449 ], [ 135, 452, 170, 463 ], [ 660, 452, 683, 463 ], [ 744, 452, 767, 463 ], [ 828, 452, 851, 463 ], [ 150, 467, 309, 478 ], [ 640, 467, 683, 478 ], [ 732, 467, 767, 478 ], [ 817, 467, 851, 478 ], [ 121, 496, 255, 508 ], [ 135, 511, 273, 523 ], [ 663, 511, 689, 523 ], [ 747, 511, 773, 523 ], [ 823, 511, 857, 523 ], [ 135, 526, 400, 537 ], [ 660, 526, 683, 537 ], [ 744, 526, 767, 537 ], [ 828, 526, 851, 537 ], [ 150, 541, 343, 552 ], [ 660, 541, 683, 552 ], [ 744, 541, 767, 552 ], [ 828, 541, 851, 552 ], [ 121, 571, 255, 582 ], [ 135, 585, 303, 597 ], [ 648, 585, 683, 597 ], [ 732, 585, 767, 597 ], [ 817, 585, 851, 597 ], [ 135, 600, 299, 611 ], [ 648, 600, 683, 611 ], [ 732, 600, 767, 611 ], [ 817, 600, 851, 611 ], [ 135, 615, 240, 626 ], [ 648, 615, 683, 626 ], [ 732, 615, 767, 626 ], [ 828, 615, 851, 626 ], [ 135, 630, 305, 641 ], [ 648, 630, 683, 641 ], [ 744, 630, 767, 641 ], [ 828, 630, 851, 641 ], [ 135, 645, 234, 656 ], [ 660, 645, 683, 656 ], [ 744, 645, 767, 656 ], [ 828, 645, 851, 656 ], [ 135, 659, 399, 671 ], [ 660, 659, 683, 671 ], [ 744, 659, 767, 671 ], [ 828, 659, 851, 671 ], [ 135, 674, 208, 685 ], [ 660, 674, 683, 685 ], [ 744, 674, 767, 685 ], [ 828, 674, 851, 685 ], [ 135, 689, 358, 700 ], [ 660, 689, 683, 700 ], [ 744, 689, 767, 700 ], [ 828, 689, 851, 700 ], [ 135, 704, 170, 715 ], [ 648, 704, 683, 715 ], [ 732, 704, 767, 715 ], [ 817, 704, 851, 715 ], [ 150, 719, 314, 730 ], [ 640, 719, 683, 730 ], [ 725, 719, 767, 730 ], [ 809, 719, 851, 730 ], [ 121, 733, 303, 745 ], [ 648, 733, 683, 745 ], [ 732, 733, 767, 745 ], [ 817, 733, 851, 745 ], [ 121, 748, 304, 760 ], [ 648, 748, 683, 760 ], [ 744, 748, 767, 760 ], [ 823, 748, 857, 760 ], [ 121, 763, 203, 774 ], [ 617, 763, 625, 774 ], [ 648, 763, 683, 774 ], [ 701, 763, 709, 774 ], [ 732, 763, 767, 774 ], [ 785, 763, 793, 774 ], [ 817, 763, 852, 774 ], [ 121, 780, 240, 791 ], [ 128, 794, 181, 805 ], [ 617, 794, 625, 805 ], [ 656, 794, 683, 805 ], [ 701, 794, 709, 805 ], [ 740, 794, 767, 805 ], [ 785, 794, 793, 805 ], [ 824, 794, 852, 805 ], [ 128, 811, 192, 822 ], [ 617, 811, 625, 822 ], [ 656, 811, 683, 822 ], [ 701, 811, 709, 822 ], [ 740, 811, 767, 822 ], [ 785, 811, 793, 822 ], [ 824, 811, 852, 822 ], [ 120, 844, 135, 853 ], [ 138, 844, 773, 853 ], [ 121, 872, 500, 883 ], [ 490, 945, 514, 960 ] ]
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[ "LANDMARK BANCORP, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY ", "Consolidated Statements of Earnings ", "Years ended December 31,", "(Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)", "2012", "2011", "2010", "Interest income:", "Loans:", "Taxable ", "$", "16,345", "$", "17,108", "$", "18,974", "Tax-exempt", "378", "333", "272", "Investment securities:", "Taxable ", "2,940", "2,748", "2,653", "Tax-exempt", "2,389", "2,397", "2,452", "Total interest income", "22,052", "22,586", "24,351", "Interest expense:", "Deposits", "2,149", "2,760", "3,786", "Borrowings", "1,761", "1,899", "2,519", "Total interest expense", "3,910", "4,659", "6,305", "Net interest income", "18,142", "17,927", "18,046", "Provision for loan losses", "1,900", "2,000", "5,900", "Net interest income after provision for loan losses", "16,242", "15,927", "12,146", "Non-interest income:", "Fees and service charges", "5,271", "4,886", "4,706", "Gains on sales of loans, net", "5,680", "2,775", "3,446", "Bank owned life insurance", "540", "594", "506", "Other", "529", "646", "482", "Total non-interest income", "12,020", "8,901", "9,140", "Investment securities:", "Net impairment losses", "(63)", "(72)", "(391)", "Gains on sales of investment securities, net", "486", "186", "563", "Investment securities gains, net", "423", "114", "172", "Non-interest expense:", "Compensation and benefits", "9,788", "9,432", "9,514", "Occupancy and equipment", "2,990", "2,874", "2,809", "Professional fees", "1,108", "1,434", "831", "Amortization of intangibles", "1,178", "778", "790", "Data processing", "842", "753", "879", "Foreclosure and real estate owned expense", "332", "652", "763", "Advertising", "443", "554", "617", "Federal deposit insurance premiums", "364", "465", "723", "Other", "3,459", "3,012", "3,104", "Total non-interest expense", "20,504", "19,954", "20,030", "Earnings before income taxes", "8,181", "4,988", "1,428", "Income tax expense (benefit) ", "1,814", "504", "(615)", "Net earnings ", "$", "6,367", "$", "4,484", "$", "2,043", "Earnings per share:", "Basic (1)", "$", "2.18", "$", "1.54", "$", "0.70", "Diluted (1)", "$", "2.16", "$", "1.54", "$", "0.70", "(1)", "All per share amounts have been adjusted to give effect to the 5% stock dividends paid during December 2012, 2011 and 2010.", "See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.", "64 " ]
[ [ 88, 47, 102, 60 ], [ 122, 47, 470, 60 ], [ 504, 47, 892, 60 ], [ 122, 63, 470, 75 ], [ 504, 63, 892, 75 ], [ 122, 78, 470, 91 ], [ 504, 78, 644, 91 ], [ 122, 94, 293, 106 ], [ 504, 109, 892, 122 ], [ 88, 125, 102, 137 ], [ 122, 125, 470, 137 ], [ 504, 125, 892, 137 ], [ 122, 140, 470, 153 ], [ 504, 140, 899, 153 ], [ 122, 156, 246, 168 ], [ 504, 156, 892, 168 ], [ 504, 171, 900, 184 ], [ 82, 184, 279, 196 ], [ 504, 187, 892, 199 ], [ 82, 200, 470, 212 ], [ 504, 202, 892, 215 ], [ 82, 215, 470, 227 ], [ 504, 218, 900, 230 ], [ 82, 231, 470, 243 ], [ 504, 233, 892, 246 ], [ 82, 246, 470, 258 ], [ 504, 249, 892, 261 ], [ 82, 262, 478, 274 ], [ 504, 264, 892, 277 ], [ 82, 277, 240, 290 ], [ 504, 280, 892, 292 ], [ 504, 295, 892, 308 ], [ 82, 308, 470, 321 ], [ 504, 311, 900, 323 ], [ 82, 324, 470, 336 ], [ 504, 326, 892, 339 ], [ 82, 339, 480, 352 ], [ 504, 342, 892, 354 ], [ 82, 355, 470, 367 ], [ 504, 357, 619, 370 ], [ 82, 370, 470, 383 ], [ 82, 386, 479, 398 ], [ 504, 388, 892, 401 ], [ 82, 401, 240, 414 ], [ 504, 404, 892, 416 ], [ 504, 419, 892, 432 ], [ 82, 432, 470, 445 ], [ 504, 435, 892, 447 ], [ 82, 448, 470, 460 ], [ 504, 450, 892, 463 ], [ 82, 463, 470, 476 ], [ 504, 466, 892, 478 ], [ 82, 479, 308, 491 ], [ 504, 481, 892, 494 ], [ 504, 497, 613, 509 ], [ 82, 508, 342, 521 ], [ 82, 524, 470, 536 ], [ 504, 526, 696, 539 ], [ 82, 540, 470, 552 ], [ 504, 542, 892, 554 ], [ 82, 555, 470, 567 ], [ 504, 558, 892, 570 ], [ 82, 571, 470, 583 ], [ 504, 573, 892, 585 ], [ 82, 586, 470, 598 ], [ 504, 589, 892, 601 ], [ 82, 602, 471, 614 ], [ 504, 604, 899, 616 ], [ 82, 617, 470, 629 ], [ 504, 620, 892, 632 ], [ 82, 633, 480, 645 ], [ 504, 635, 892, 647 ], [ 82, 648, 470, 660 ], [ 504, 651, 892, 663 ], [ 82, 664, 470, 676 ], [ 504, 666, 892, 678 ], [ 82, 679, 470, 691 ], [ 504, 682, 892, 694 ], [ 82, 695, 470, 707 ], [ 504, 697, 892, 709 ], [ 82, 710, 481, 722 ], [ 504, 713, 892, 725 ], [ 82, 726, 470, 738 ], [ 504, 728, 892, 740 ], [ 82, 741, 470, 753 ], [ 504, 744, 892, 756 ], [ 82, 757, 471, 769 ], [ 504, 759, 659, 771 ], [ 82, 772, 470, 784 ], [ 82, 788, 176, 800 ], [ 504, 788, 729, 801 ], [ 504, 804, 892, 817 ], [ 82, 816, 288, 830 ], [ 504, 820, 892, 832 ], [ 82, 833, 470, 845 ], [ 504, 835, 892, 848 ], [ 82, 848, 470, 861 ], [ 504, 851, 892, 863 ], [ 82, 864, 470, 876 ], [ 504, 866, 892, 879 ], [ 82, 879, 470, 892 ], [ 504, 882, 892, 894 ], [ 82, 895, 470, 907 ], [ 504, 897, 892, 910 ], [ 82, 910, 470, 923 ], [ 504, 913, 892, 925 ], [ 82, 926, 471, 938 ], [ 504, 928, 738, 941 ], [ 82, 963, 136, 973 ] ]
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[ "5.", "Be aware that if a considerable amount of left", "although it is left on under normal conditions. A", "pedal is being maintained, a sufficient amount of", "pressure indicator in the cockpit may be installed to", "left pedal may not be available to counteract an", "monitor the system.", "unanticipated right yaw.", "An impending hydraulic failure can be recognized by a", "6.", "Be alert to changing wind conditions, which may", "grinding or howling noise from the pump or actuators,", "be experienced when flying along ridge lines and", "increased control forces and feedback, and limited ", "around buildings.", "control movement. The corrective action required is", "stated in detail in the appropriate rotorcraft flight ", "RECOVERY TECHNIQUE", "manual. However, in most cases, airspeed needs to be", "If a sudden unanticipated right yaw occurs, the follow-", "reduced in order to reduce control forces. The hydraulic", "ing recovery technique should be performed. Apply full", "switch and circuit breaker should be checked and ", "left pedal while simultaneously moving cyclic control", "recycled. If hydraulic power is not restored, make a", "forward to increase speed. If altitude permits, reduce", "shallow approach to a running or roll-on landing. This", "power. As recovery is effected, adjust controls for ", "technique is used because it requires less control force", "normal forward flight.", "and pilot workload. Additionally, the hydraulic system", "should be disabled, by either pulling the circuit breaker", "Collective pitch reduction aids in arresting the yaw rate", "and/or placing the switch in the off position. The ", "but may cause an excessive rate of descent. Any large,", "reason for this is to prevent an inadvertent restoration", "rapid increase in collective to prevent ground or ", "of hydraulic power, which may lead to overcontrolling", "obstacle contact may further increase the yaw rate and", "near the ground.", "decrease rotor r.p.m. The decision to reduce collective", "must be based on your assessment of the altitude ", "In those helicopters where the control forces are so", "available for recovery.", "high that they cannot be moved without hydraulic", "assistance, two or more independent hydraulic systems", "If the rotation cannot be stopped and ground contact is", "may be installed. Some helicopters use hydraulic accu-", "imminent, an autorotation may be the best course of", "mulators to store pressure that can be used for a short", "action. Maintain full left pedal until the rotation stops,", "time while in an emergency if the hydraulic pump fails.", "then adjust to maintain heading.", "This gives you enough time to land the helicopter with", "normal control.", "MAIN DRIVE SHAFT FAILURE", "The main drive shaft, located between the engine and", "GOVERNOR FAILURE", "the main rotor gearbox, transmits engine power to the", "Governors automatically adjust engine power to main-", "main rotor gearbox. In some helicopters, particularly", "tain rotor r.p.m. when the collective pitch is changed. If", "those with piston engines, a drive belt is used instead of", "the governor fails, any change in collective pitch", "a drive shaft. A failure of the drive shaft or belt has the", "requires you to manually adjust the throttle to maintain", "same effect as an engine failure, because power is no", "correct r.p.m. In the event of a high side governor ", "longer provided to the main rotor, and an autorotation", "failure, the engine and rotor r.p.m. try to increase above", "has to be initiated. There are a few differences, ", "the normal range. If the r.p.m. cannot be reduced and", "however, that need to be taken into consideration. If the", "controlled with the throttle, close the throttle and enter", "drive shaft or belt breaks, the lack of any load on the", "an autorotation. If the governor fails on the low side,", "engine results in an overspeed. In this case, the throttle", "normal r.p.m. may not be attainable, even if the throttle", "must be closed in order to prevent any further damage.", "is manually controlled. In this case, the collective has", "In some helicopters, the tail rotor drive system ", "to be lowered to maintain r.p.m. A running or roll-on", "continues to be powered by the engine even if the main", "landing may be performed if the engine can maintain", "drive shaft breaks. In this case, when the engine", "sufficient rotor r.p.m. If there is insufficient power,", "unloads, a tail rotor overspeed can result. If this hap-", "enter an autorotation. ", "pens, close the throttle immediately and enter an", "autorotation. ", "ABNORMAL VIBRATIONS", "With the many rotating parts found in helicopters, some", "HYDRAULIC FAILURES", "vibration is inherent. You need to understand the cause", "Most helicopters, other than smaller piston powered", "and effect of helicopter vibrations because abnormal", "helicopters, incorporate the use of hydraulic actuators", "vibrations cause premature component wear and may", "to overcome high control forces. A hydraulic system", "even result in structural failure. With experience, you", "consists of actuators, also called servos, on each flight", "learn what vibrations are normal versus those that are", "control; a pump, which is usually driven by the main", "abnormal and can then decide whether continued flight", "rotor gearbox; and a reservoir to store the hydraulic", "is safe or not. Helicopter vibrations are categorized into", "fluid. A switch in the cockpit can turn the system off,", "low, medium, or high frequency. ", "11-14" ]
[ [ 163, 91, 287, 105 ], [ 403, 91, 442, 105 ], [ 643, 91, 701, 105 ], [ 163, 119, 302, 133 ], [ 403, 119, 577, 134 ], [ 643, 119, 857, 134 ], [ 163, 133, 252, 147 ], [ 403, 133, 584, 148 ], [ 643, 133, 816, 148 ], [ 403, 147, 576, 161 ], [ 643, 147, 818, 161 ], [ 403, 161, 459, 175 ], [ 643, 161, 814, 175 ], [ 643, 175, 866, 189 ], [ 643, 189, 849, 203 ], [ 643, 202, 842, 217 ], [ 643, 216, 703, 231 ], [ 117, 244, 185, 261 ], [ 117, 244, 185, 261 ], [ 163, 260, 297, 274 ], [ 405, 260, 445, 274 ], [ 163, 288, 282, 303 ], [ 405, 289, 625, 303 ], [ 405, 303, 535, 317 ], [ 163, 317, 322, 331 ], [ 405, 317, 597, 332 ], [ 405, 331, 614, 346 ], [ 405, 345, 615, 360 ], [ 405, 359, 627, 373 ], [ 405, 373, 615, 387 ], [ 405, 387, 539, 401 ], [ 163, 401, 325, 415 ], [ 405, 401, 618, 416 ], [ 405, 415, 614, 430 ], [ 405, 429, 613, 443 ], [ 405, 443, 582, 457 ], [ 405, 457, 629, 471 ], [ 405, 471, 623, 485 ], [ 163, 484, 302, 499 ], [ 405, 485, 555, 500 ], [ 163, 498, 248, 513 ], [ 117, 512, 319, 530 ], [ 117, 512, 319, 530 ], [ 117, 528, 131, 544 ], [ 147, 528, 284, 544 ], [ 285, 559, 380, 575 ], [ 631, 559, 768, 575 ], [ 166, 591, 295, 605 ], [ 539, 591, 845, 605 ], [ 156, 591, 166, 605 ], [ 295, 591, 499, 605 ], [ 523, 591, 534, 605 ], [ 850, 591, 876, 605 ], [ 156, 605, 358, 619 ], [ 523, 605, 872, 619 ], [ 523, 619, 876, 633 ], [ 523, 632, 764, 647 ], [ 166, 654, 485, 668 ], [ 534, 654, 868, 668 ], [ 156, 654, 166, 668 ], [ 523, 654, 534, 668 ], [ 156, 668, 210, 682 ], [ 523, 668, 599, 682 ], [ 210, 668, 441, 682 ], [ 600, 668, 846, 682 ], [ 156, 682, 497, 696 ], [ 523, 682, 876, 696 ], [ 156, 696, 494, 710 ], [ 523, 696, 840, 710 ], [ 156, 709, 494, 724 ], [ 523, 709, 852, 724 ], [ 156, 723, 507, 738 ], [ 523, 723, 836, 738 ], [ 156, 737, 483, 751 ], [ 523, 737, 697, 751 ], [ 156, 751, 464, 765 ], [ 156, 765, 213, 779 ], [ 166, 786, 455, 801 ], [ 534, 786, 674, 801 ], [ 156, 786, 166, 801 ], [ 455, 786, 465, 801 ], [ 523, 786, 534, 801 ], [ 674, 786, 872, 801 ], [ 156, 800, 508, 815 ], [ 523, 800, 803, 815 ], [ 156, 814, 472, 828 ], [ 156, 828, 408, 842 ], [ 481, 905, 522, 922 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 5 ]
[ "2014 Remuneration ", "Action", "Rationale", "Non-executive Director ", "Increased total director base ", "Based on market review of director ", "Compensation ", "compensation during 2014 by ", "compensation at peer group ", "approximately A$65,000 per ", "companies and to reflect the ", "Director. ", "increasing complexity of the ", "Company’s operations and therefore ", "the related time commitment and ", "performance expectations of the ", "directors. ", "AMED E ", "AMED E ", "Key Changes for 2015 ", "Action", "Fixed Remuneration", "No increases to Managing Director’s ", "or KMP’s base salary. ", "Cash Short-Term Incentive ", "Short-Term Incentive payments ", "earned for 2014 will be paid out in ", "Restricted Stock Units during 2015 ", "instead of cash to reflect the current ", "low commodity price environment ", "and preserve liquidity.", "Equity Long-Term Incentive", "Long-Term Incentive RSUs to KMPs ", "earned for 2014 will be paid out in ", "2015 with 50% time based vesting ", "and 50% vesting tied to Total ", "Shareholder Return compared to the ", "peer group over a three year period.", "Non-executive Director ", "No increases to NED fees", "Compensation", "COMPENSATION (cont’d) ", "COMPENSATION (cont’d) ", "B.", "Executive Summary ", "What We Do: ", "What We Don’t Do: ", "Pay for Performance ", "Enter into Egregious Employment Contracts – ", "• ", "– STI and LTI awarded is based on ", "• ", "The ", "historical Company performance. ", "Company does not enter into contracts containing multi-", "year guarantees for salary increases, non-performance ", "based bonuses or equity compensation. ", "Utilize a Quantitative Process for Performance Cash ", "Provide Excessive Severance and/or Change in Control ", "• ", "• ", "Bonuses ", "Provisions – ", "– The Remuneration and Nominations ", "Provisions do not require cash payments ", "Committee establishes Company performance measures ", "exceeding three times base salary plus target/average/last ", "and goals at the beginning of the performance year that ", "paid bonus; No liberal change in control definition in ", "are assigned individual weightings. In considering bonus ", "individual contracts or equity plans that could result in ", "awards for the year, the Committee scores the Company’s ", "payments to executives without an actual change in ", "performance on each measure in arriving at an overall ", "control or job loss occurring. ", "weighted score that determines the amount of any ", "bonuses. ", "Require Stock Ownership by Executive Officers ", "Provide Tax Gross-Ups ", "• ", "– ", "• ", "– The Company does not include ", "Board-adopted guidelines establish robust minimum stock ", "tax gross-up payments for any STI or LTI Plans. ", "ownership levels for our executive officers to ensure ", "appropriate alignment with shareholders. ", "- 29 - " ]
[ [ 365, 0, 379, 12 ], [ 320, 10, 331, 25 ], [ 336, 10, 358, 25 ], [ 338, 44, 365, 59 ], [ 594, 92, 612, 94 ], [ 599, 103, 653, 138 ], [ 327, 115, 365, 130 ], [ 548, 124, 566, 126 ], [ 579, 136, 607, 171 ], [ 553, 136, 579, 171 ], [ 311, 181, 328, 191 ], [ 338, 185, 365, 200 ], [ 315, 191, 315, 201 ], [ 525, 236, 544, 237 ], [ 417, 237, 435, 237 ], [ 564, 247, 596, 272 ], [ 533, 247, 564, 272 ], [ 424, 247, 480, 271 ], [ 327, 256, 365, 271 ], [ 338, 326, 365, 341 ], [ 419, 340, 467, 355 ], [ 498, 340, 536, 355 ], [ 567, 340, 615, 355 ], [ 660, 340, 670, 355 ], [ 514, 359, 534, 378 ], [ 117, 442, 174, 456 ], [ 181, 442, 199, 456 ], [ 205, 442, 404, 456 ], [ 410, 442, 429, 456 ], [ 437, 442, 601, 456 ], [ 607, 442, 631, 456 ], [ 631, 442, 690, 456 ], [ 690, 442, 700, 456 ], [ 706, 442, 781, 456 ], [ 786, 442, 806, 456 ], [ 813, 442, 879, 456 ], [ 117, 469, 416, 483 ], [ 416, 469, 426, 483 ], [ 433, 469, 565, 483 ], [ 571, 469, 588, 483 ], [ 595, 469, 879, 483 ], [ 117, 497, 163, 511 ], [ 163, 497, 173, 511 ], [ 180, 497, 311, 511 ], [ 317, 497, 334, 511 ], [ 340, 497, 679, 511 ], [ 685, 497, 695, 511 ], [ 700, 497, 766, 511 ], [ 117, 556, 879, 571 ], [ 117, 582, 879, 597 ], [ 117, 609, 879, 624 ], [ 117, 635, 512, 650 ], [ 142, 692, 156, 706 ], [ 174, 692, 461, 706 ], [ 142, 735, 879, 751 ], [ 117, 762, 828, 777 ], [ 842, 762, 879, 777 ], [ 117, 788, 879, 803 ], [ 117, 815, 306, 830 ], [ 320, 815, 613, 830 ], [ 627, 815, 879, 830 ], [ 714, 841, 729, 867 ], [ 760, 841, 775, 867 ], [ 117, 841, 326, 856 ], [ 326, 841, 337, 856 ], [ 344, 841, 674, 856 ], [ 674, 841, 680, 856 ], [ 680, 841, 708, 856 ], [ 735, 841, 753, 856 ], [ 781, 841, 790, 856 ], [ 790, 841, 796, 856 ], [ 796, 841, 879, 856 ], [ 199, 866, 206, 876 ], [ 117, 868, 181, 883 ], [ 187, 868, 199, 883 ], [ 212, 868, 879, 883 ], [ 474, 954, 503, 969 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "-4", "x", "10", "0.3", "m", "$^{φ}$=440 GeV", "0.25", "m", "GeV", "$^{φ}$=280", "H", "0.2", "δ", "m", "m", "GeV", "$^{φ}$=120", "$^{φ}$=60 GeV", "0.15", "0.1", "0.925", "0.95", "0.975", "1", "n$_{s}$", "FIG. 8:", "n$_{s}$", "is plotted as a function of", "δ$_{H}$", "for different values of", "m$_{φ}$", ". The 2", "σ", "region for", "δ$_{H}$", "is shown", "by the blue horizontal band and the 2", "σ", "allowed region of", "n$_{s}$", "is shown by the vertical green band.", "The 1", "σ", "allowed region of", "n$_{s}$", "is within the solid vertical lines. We choose", "λ", "= 1 [90].", "50, provided that the universe is immediately thermalized after the end of inflation [159, 160].", "We note that reheating after MSSM inflation is very fast, due to gauge couplings of the in-", "flaton to gauge/gaugino fields, and results in a radiation-dominated universe within few", "Hubble times after the end of inflation [87, 88].", "3.", "Parameter space for MSSM inflation", "A remarkable property of MSSM inflation, which is due to inflation occurring near a", "point of inflection, is that it can give rise to a wide range of scalar spectral index.", "This", "is in clear distinction with other models (for example, chaotic inflation, hybrid inflation,", "natural inflation, etc.)", "and makes the model very robust.", "Indeed it can yield a spectral", "≤", "≤", "index within the whole 2", "σ", "allowed range by 5-year WMAP data 0", ".", "934", "n$_{s}$", "0", ".", "988. Note", "2", "that for", "α", "= 0, Eqs. (326,327) are reduced to the case of a saddle point inflation, for which", "148" ]
[ [ 125, 43, 131, 60 ], [ 176, 43, 840, 60 ], [ 141, 46, 176, 58 ], [ 88, 69, 101, 86 ], [ 111, 69, 180, 86 ], [ 180, 69, 918, 86 ], [ 111, 88, 550, 105 ], [ 125, 114, 131, 131 ], [ 264, 114, 650, 131 ], [ 756, 114, 841, 131 ], [ 141, 116, 264, 129 ], [ 650, 116, 756, 129 ], [ 125, 140, 131, 156 ], [ 229, 140, 918, 156 ], [ 141, 142, 229, 155 ], [ 591, 158, 595, 175 ], [ 141, 161, 591, 173 ], [ 125, 184, 131, 201 ], [ 220, 184, 634, 201 ], [ 802, 184, 806, 201 ], [ 141, 187, 220, 199 ], [ 634, 187, 802, 199 ], [ 81, 217, 918, 234 ], [ 81, 236, 427, 253 ], [ 533, 236, 628, 253 ], [ 690, 236, 758, 253 ], [ 427, 238, 533, 251 ], [ 628, 238, 690, 251 ], [ 99, 284, 108, 297 ], [ 117, 284, 857, 297 ], [ 99, 301, 413, 314 ], [ 99, 319, 348, 332 ], [ 81, 362, 918, 379 ], [ 81, 381, 666, 397 ], [ 772, 381, 777, 397 ], [ 666, 383, 772, 396 ], [ 99, 428, 348, 442 ], [ 99, 446, 413, 459 ], [ 81, 494, 169, 511 ], [ 81, 524, 718, 541 ], [ 771, 524, 918, 541 ], [ 718, 527, 771, 539 ], [ 81, 543, 163, 560 ], [ 515, 543, 755, 560 ], [ 887, 543, 918, 560 ], [ 163, 546, 515, 558 ], [ 755, 546, 887, 558 ], [ 81, 562, 918, 579 ], [ 81, 581, 892, 598 ], [ 892, 583, 918, 596 ], [ 186, 599, 902, 616 ], [ 81, 602, 186, 614 ], [ 81, 632, 389, 649 ], [ 433, 632, 540, 649 ], [ 699, 632, 918, 649 ], [ 389, 635, 433, 647 ], [ 540, 635, 699, 647 ], [ 81, 651, 866, 668 ], [ 81, 684, 265, 701 ], [ 362, 684, 424, 701 ], [ 574, 684, 918, 701 ], [ 265, 687, 362, 699 ], [ 424, 687, 574, 699 ], [ 81, 703, 918, 720 ], [ 81, 722, 416, 739 ], [ 513, 722, 918, 739 ], [ 416, 724, 513, 737 ], [ 81, 740, 668, 757 ], [ 81, 778, 225, 807 ], [ 81, 821, 918, 838 ], [ 81, 840, 918, 857 ], [ 81, 858, 156, 875 ], [ 81, 891, 918, 908 ], [ 81, 910, 248, 927 ], [ 891, 971, 917, 986 ] ]
[ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "◦", ": read metadata of a file/directory, such as timestamp, length, file access modes.", "stat", "3.", "file path", ": regular expression that specifies file paths that matches this rule. In addition to the", "base regexp syntax, it supports the following tokens:", "◦", " can be used as a prefix to match the master’s ", " directory.", "<JENKINS_HOME>", "JENKINS_HOME", "◦", " can be used as a prefix to match the build record directory, such as", "<BUILDDIR>", ".", "/var/lib/jenkins/job/foo/builds/2014-10-17_12-34-56", "◦", " matches the timestamp-formatted build IDs, like ", ".", "<BUILDID>", "2014-10-17_12-34-56", "The rules are ordered, and applied in that order. The earliest match wins. For example, the", "following rules allow access to all files in ", " except the ", " folders:", "JENKINS_HOME", "secrets", "#", "To avoid hassle of escaping every '\\' on Windows, you can use / even on Windows.", "deny all <JENKINS_HOME>/secrets/.*", "allow all <JENKINS_HOME>/.*", "Ordering is very important! The following rules are incorrectly written because the 2nd rule will", "never match, and allow all agents to access all files and folders under ", ":", "JENKINS_HOME", "allow all <JENKINS_HOME>/.*", "deny all <JENKINS_HOME>/secrets/.*", "Advanced", "Administrators may also add File Access Rules by creating files with the ", " extension in the", ".conf.", "directory ", ". Jenkins itself generates the ", " file", "JENKINS_HOME/secrets/filepath-filters.d/", "30-default.conf", "on boot in this directory which contains defaults considered the best balance between compatibility", "and security by the Jenkins project. In order to disable these built-in defaults, replace ", "30-", " with an empty file which is not writable by the operating system user Jenkins run as.", "default.conf", "On each boot, Jenkins will read all ", " files in the ", " directory in alphabetical", ".conf", "filepath-filters.d", "order, therefore it is good practice to name files in a manner which indicates their load order.", "Jenkins also manages ", ", in the ", " directory, where File Access Rules added", "50-gui.conf", "filepath-filters/", "via the web UI are written. In order to disable the ability of administrators to change the File Access", "Rules from the web UI, place an empty ", " file in the directory and change its permissions", "50-gui.conf", "such that is not writeable by the operating system user Jenkins run as.", "Disabling", "While it is not recommended, if all agents in a Jenkins environment can be considered \"trusted\" to", "the same degree that the master is trusted, the Agent/Master Access Control feature may be", "disabled.", "Additionally, all the users in the Jenkins environment should have the same level of access to all", "configured projects.", "155" ]
[ [ 120, 42, 359, 54 ], [ 120, 940, 139, 952 ], [ 649, 940, 879, 952 ] ]
[ 6, 5, 5 ]
[ "Python Tutorial, Release 3.9.5", "56", "Chapter 7. Input and Output" ]
[ [ 24, 34, 413, 45 ], [ 24, 56, 974, 67 ], [ 24, 67, 62, 78 ], [ 24, 89, 381, 99 ], [ 47, 111, 54, 121 ], [ 70, 111, 974, 121 ], [ 70, 122, 259, 132 ], [ 47, 144, 54, 154 ], [ 70, 144, 463, 154 ], [ 47, 166, 54, 176 ], [ 70, 166, 827, 176 ], [ 24, 188, 974, 198 ], [ 24, 199, 380, 209 ], [ 380, 199, 428, 209 ], [ 428, 199, 497, 209 ], [ 24, 220, 974, 231 ], [ 24, 231, 626, 242 ], [ 24, 253, 414, 264 ], [ 24, 275, 974, 286 ], [ 24, 286, 974, 297 ], [ 24, 297, 707, 307 ], [ 24, 319, 974, 329 ], [ 24, 330, 825, 340 ], [ 24, 352, 80, 362 ], [ 146, 352, 206, 362 ], [ 210, 352, 974, 362 ], [ 146, 363, 444, 373 ], [ 445, 363, 501, 373 ], [ 501, 363, 974, 373 ], [ 146, 374, 681, 384 ], [ 683, 374, 739, 384 ], [ 748, 374, 974, 384 ], [ 146, 385, 639, 395 ], [ 24, 407, 68, 417 ], [ 146, 407, 194, 417 ], [ 195, 407, 974, 417 ], [ 146, 418, 352, 428 ], [ 24, 439, 69, 450 ], [ 146, 439, 195, 450 ], [ 197, 439, 974, 450 ], [ 146, 450, 191, 461 ], [ 191, 450, 974, 461 ], [ 146, 461, 371, 472 ], [ 371, 461, 416, 472 ], [ 416, 461, 427, 472 ], [ 427, 461, 475, 472 ], [ 475, 461, 974, 472 ], [ 146, 472, 672, 483 ], [ 674, 472, 719, 483 ], [ 719, 472, 974, 483 ], [ 146, 483, 452, 494 ], [ 452, 483, 495, 494 ], [ 495, 483, 700, 494 ], [ 24, 505, 74, 516 ], [ 146, 505, 200, 516 ], [ 201, 505, 974, 516 ], [ 146, 516, 974, 526 ], [ 146, 527, 255, 537 ], [ 24, 549, 264, 559 ], [ 268, 549, 974, 559 ], [ 146, 560, 517, 570 ], [ 518, 560, 632, 570 ], [ 632, 560, 974, 570 ], [ 146, 571, 974, 581 ], [ 146, 582, 572, 592 ], [ 24, 604, 72, 614 ], [ 146, 604, 198, 614 ], [ 202, 604, 974, 614 ], [ 146, 615, 974, 625 ], [ 146, 626, 722, 636 ], [ 725, 626, 786, 636 ], [ 789, 626, 974, 636 ], [ 146, 637, 930, 647 ], [ 495, 670, 503, 680 ] ]
[ 8, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 5 ]
[ "Acquisitions, Divestitures and Licensing Arrangements", "Acquisitions, divestitures and licensing arrangements allow us to focus our resources behind growth opportunities that drive the greatest long-term", "value.", "Our significant business development activities include:", "•", "In December 2019, we completed the divestiture of our oral solid, biologics and sterile product manufacturing and packaging facility in", "Anagni, Italy, to Catalent Inc.", "•", "In November 2019, we completed our acquisition of Celgene.", "•", "In July 2019, we completed the divestiture of our consumer health business, UPSA, to Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.", "Also, in November 2019 pursuant to the consent order that was accepted by the FTC in connection with the regulatory approval process for the", "acquisition of Celgene, we completed the divestiture of ", "Otezla*", " to Amgen.", "Additional information relating to our acquisitions, divestitures and licensing arrangements is contained in “Item 8. Financial Statements and", "Supplementary Data—Note 4. Acquisitions, Divestitures, Licensing and Other Arrangements.”", "Products, Intellectual Property and Product Exclusivity", "Our pharmaceutical products include chemically-synthesized or small molecule drugs and products produced from biological processes, called", "“biologics.” Small molecule drugs are typically administered orally, e.g., in the form of a pill or tablet, although other drug delivery mechanisms are", "used as well. Biologics are typically administered to patients through injections or by intravenous infusion.", "Below is a summary of our significant products, including approved indications. For information about our alliance arrangements for certain of the", "products below, refer to “—Alliances” below and “Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data—Note 3. Alliances.”", "Revlimid", "Revlimid ", "(lenalidomide) is an oral immunomodulatory drug that in combination with dexamethasone is indicated for the", "treatment of patients with multiple myeloma. ", "Revlimid", " as a single agent is also indicated as a maintenance therapy in patients", "with multiple myeloma following autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant. ", "Revlimid", "has received approvals for several", "indications in the hematological malignancies including lymphoma and MDS.", "Eliquis", "Eliquis ", "(apixaban) is an oral Factor Xa inhibitor, targeted at stroke prevention in adult patients with NVAF and the prevention", "and treatment of VTE disorders.", "Opdivo", "Opdivo ", "(nivolumab), a biological product, is a fully human monoclonal antibody that binds to the PD-1 on T and NKT cells.", "Opdivo", " has received approvals for several anti-cancer indications including bladder, blood, colon, head and neck, kidney, liver,", "lung, melanoma and stomach. The ", "Opdivo", "+", "Yervoy ", "regimen also is approved in multiple markets for the treatment of melanoma,", "RCC, and CRC. There are several ongoing potentially registrational studies for ", "Opdivo", " across other tumor types and disease", "areas, in monotherapy and in combination with ", "Yervoy", " and various anti-cancer agents.", "Orencia", "Orencia ", "(abatacept), a biological product, is a fusion protein indicated for adult patients with moderately to severely active RA", "and PsA and is also indicated for reducing signs and symptoms in certain pediatric patients with moderately to severely active", "polyarticular JIA.", "Pomalyst/Imnovid Pomalyst/Imnovid ", "(pomalidomide) is a proprietary, distinct, small molecule that is administered orally and modulates the", "immune system and other biologically important targets. ", "Pomalyst/Imnovid", " is indicated for patients with multiple myeloma who", "have received at least two prior therapies including lenalidomide and a proteasome inhibitor and have demonstrated disease", "progression on or within 60 days of completion of the last therapy.", "Sprycel", "Sprycel ", "(dasatinib) is an oral inhibitor of multiple tyrosine kinase indicated for the first-line treatment of patients with", "Philadelphia chromosome-positive CML in chronic phase, the treatment of adults with chronic, accelerated, or myeloid or", "lymphoid blast phase CML with resistance or intolerance to prior therapy, including ", "Gleevec* ", "(imatinib mesylate) and the", "treatment of children and adolescents aged 1 year to 18 years with chronic phase Philadelphia chromosome-positive CML.", "2" ]
[ [ 117, 94, 882, 108 ], [ 117, 120, 882, 133 ], [ 117, 145, 882, 159 ], [ 117, 171, 483, 185 ], [ 489, 171, 551, 185 ], [ 560, 171, 881, 185 ], [ 117, 197, 236, 210 ], [ 244, 197, 354, 210 ], [ 363, 197, 882, 210 ], [ 117, 222, 660, 236 ], [ 145, 248, 882, 262 ], [ 117, 274, 752, 287 ], [ 769, 274, 882, 287 ], [ 117, 299, 882, 313 ], [ 117, 325, 488, 339 ], [ 504, 325, 882, 339 ], [ 117, 351, 882, 364 ], [ 117, 376, 881, 390 ], [ 117, 402, 882, 416 ], [ 117, 428, 882, 441 ], [ 117, 453, 202, 467 ], [ 218, 453, 240, 467 ], [ 249, 453, 432, 467 ], [ 442, 453, 881, 467 ], [ 213, 477, 220, 487 ], [ 117, 479, 213, 493 ], [ 145, 504, 882, 518 ], [ 117, 530, 882, 544 ], [ 117, 556, 882, 570 ], [ 117, 581, 882, 595 ], [ 117, 607, 882, 621 ], [ 117, 633, 796, 647 ], [ 117, 678, 145, 693 ], [ 167, 678, 342, 693 ], [ 117, 713, 882, 727 ], [ 117, 739, 882, 752 ], [ 138, 766, 882, 778 ], [ 117, 780, 882, 791 ], [ 117, 794, 882, 805 ], [ 117, 808, 627, 819 ], [ 639, 808, 882, 819 ], [ 117, 822, 882, 833 ], [ 117, 835, 464, 847 ], [ 629, 835, 633, 847 ], [ 645, 835, 882, 847 ], [ 469, 836, 623, 846 ], [ 117, 849, 882, 861 ], [ 117, 863, 554, 874 ], [ 132, 877, 882, 888 ], [ 117, 891, 121, 902 ], [ 133, 891, 468, 902 ], [ 495, 936, 504, 950 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "and Economide, 2005; Chen and Pennock, 2007; Peters et al., 2007; Abernethy et al., 2013). The", "worst-case scenario can have a material impact on how the auctioneer clears the market even if", "such a scenario is very unlikely. In contrast, the market maker in the economists’ model is often", "exclusively concerned with maximizing his/her", "expected", "utility derived from the monetary payoff.", "When only the", "expected value", "of the future utility is concerned, extreme worst-case loss with a", "small probability of occurrence does not merit considerable attention.", "The contribution of our paper is two-fold. First, we present a theoretical framework through", "which pari-mutuel auctions can be reconciled with standard economic models.", "Regarding the", "economics model, we focus on a market maker with extreme ambiguity aversion for the future", "contingent event on which claims are written.", "The decision maker with ambiguity aversion is", "uncertain of which probability distribution accurately describes the contingent event. For a pari-", "mutuel market, we consider the Convex Pari-mutuel Call Auction Mechanism (Peters et al., 2005),", "which is an improved version of the PDCA. We show that the market-clearing strategy of the", "market maker with extreme ambiguity aversion is asymptotically equivalent to that of the CPCAM", "auctioneer.", "By", "asymptotic equivalence,", "we imply making the CPCAM increasingly completely", "1", "pari-mutuel.", "Second, based on this unified theoretical framework, we design a new market called the Knigh-", "tian Pari-mutuel Mechanism (KPM). The KPM has a solid microeconomic rationale behind its", "design. We derive the optimization problem of the KPM by modeling the market maker using the", "theory of decision making under ambiguity aversion. The market-clearing algorithm explicitly con-", "trols for the level of the market maker’s ambiguity aversion. In addition, we propose an algorithm", "that can compute an optimal solution to the optimization problem in polynomial time.", "1.1", "Literature Review", "In the prediction market literature, the KPM is most similar to Chen and Pennock’s utility-based", "market maker (Chen and Pennock, 2007). The utility-based market maker prices contingent claims", "$^{1}$In the CPCAM, before the beginning of the regular trading session, the initial liquidity provider seeds the market", "with small initial orders. This initial order, which is typically called the starting order, is a unique design feature of", "the CPCAM. The starting order is introduced into the CPCAM only to ensure the existence of unique state prices,", "which are used to compute the market-clearing prices of contingent claims.", "However, the starting order exposes", "the market organizer to a financial loss at the time the claims mature. The larger the starting order, the greater", "the potential financial loss of the market maker. By", "I", "mean reducing the magnitude of the", "asymptotic equivalence,", "starting order toward zero. When the starting orders are infinitely small, the market-clearing strategy of the CPCAM", "auctioneer approaches that of the ambiguity-averse market maker.", "In addition, I assume that the market organizer submits the same starting order for all possible states of the future.", "I", "describe what the starting order is in later sections.", "3" ]
[ [ 69, 133, 82, 145 ], [ 87, 133, 453, 145 ], [ 186, 149, 866, 160 ], [ 186, 165, 608, 175 ], [ 186, 195, 584, 205 ], [ 186, 210, 890, 221 ], [ 186, 225, 768, 236 ], [ 186, 256, 409, 266 ], [ 186, 271, 883, 281 ], [ 186, 286, 485, 297 ], [ 186, 317, 484, 327 ], [ 186, 332, 893, 342 ], [ 186, 347, 901, 357 ], [ 186, 362, 309, 373 ], [ 186, 393, 378, 403 ], [ 186, 408, 897, 418 ], [ 186, 423, 874, 433 ], [ 186, 438, 860, 449 ], [ 186, 453, 382, 464 ], [ 186, 484, 255, 494 ], [ 954, 485, 966, 494 ], [ 186, 499, 865, 509 ], [ 186, 514, 842, 525 ], [ 186, 544, 469, 555 ], [ 186, 560, 889, 570 ], [ 186, 575, 518, 585 ], [ 186, 605, 292, 616 ], [ 186, 620, 899, 631 ], [ 186, 636, 901, 646 ], [ 200, 651, 906, 661 ], [ 186, 666, 890, 676 ], [ 186, 681, 477, 692 ], [ 186, 712, 328, 722 ], [ 186, 727, 865, 737 ], [ 186, 742, 869, 752 ], [ 186, 757, 364, 768 ], [ 200, 772, 886, 783 ], [ 186, 788, 309, 798 ], [ 186, 818, 434, 828 ], [ 186, 833, 906, 844 ], [ 186, 848, 848, 859 ], [ 186, 864, 903, 874 ], [ 186, 879, 361, 889 ], [ 200, 894, 903, 904 ], [ 186, 909, 900, 920 ], [ 186, 924, 840, 935 ], [ 186, 939, 843, 950 ], [ 186, 955, 259, 965 ] ]
[ 8, 8, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 6, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 ]
[ "2.", "Differences with International Accounting Standards", "The differences between the accounting principles and practices adopted by the Group and those prescribed by ", "International Accounting Standards (“IAS”) are summarized as follows.", "Noncurrent monetary items denominated in foreign currencies", "Had noncurrent monetary items denominated in foreign currencies been translated at the exchange rates in effect at", "the balance sheet dates pursuant to IAS No. 21, the differences would not have been significant.", "Cumulative translation adjustments", "Although IAS No. 21 requires that cumulative translation adjustments be reported as a component of shareholders’", "equity, the Group has reported this under assets. ", "Decrease in cumulative translation adjustments", "Under IAS No. 21, upon the liquidation of a foreign subsidiary, the amount of the cumulative translation adjustments", "related to the foreign subsidiary should be recognized as income or expenses. The Group records this amount directly", "in retained earnings.", "Marketable Securities (Note 4)", "Although IAS No. 25 requires that marketable securities recorded in investments and long-term loans be stated at the", "lower of cost or market on a portfolio basis, the Company determines the value of the marketable securities on an", "item-by-item basis in order to state their value of the securities more conservatively. The difference between this", "method and IAS was immaterial.", "Inventories", "31", "IAS No. 2 requires that inventories be valued at the lower of their historical cost or net realizable value. Had IAS ", "No. 2 been applied, the difference in the aggregate value of the inventories would not have been significant.", "Detachable stock purchase warrants (Note 9)", "Under IAS No. 32, detachable stock purchase warrants should be recorded as a component of shareholders’ equity.", "The Group includes warrants in other current liabilities.", "Leases (Note 15)", "Before the year ended March 31, 1999, the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries in Japan treated finance leases", "in the same way as operating leases under accounting principles generally accepted in Japan, which differ from IAS No.17.", "For the year ended March 31, 2000, there is no difference from IAS No. 17, since the Group changed its method of", "accounting for finance leases from accounting such leases in the same manner as operating leases to recording lease", "receivables and capitalizing them as lease assets.", "Scope of consolidation", "Fujitsu Leasing Co., Ltd. was excluded from consolidation in the year ended March 31, 1999 in accordance with", "accounting principles generally accepted in Japan, and this represents a deviation from the scope of consolidation", "prescribed under IAS No. 27.", "For the year ended March 31, 2000, there was no difference from IAS No. 27, since Fujitsu Leasing Co., Ltd. was", "initially consolidated.", "Pension and Severance plans (Note 10)", "Accounting standards in Japan for retirement benefits adopted effective April 1, 2000, are analogous to the revised IAS", "No. 19, except for the period for amortizing the unrecognized net obligation upon the application of the new", "accounting standards. These standards require that severance benefits and pension liabilities and costs be stated by the", "projected unit credit method.", "The Company and its consolidated subsidiaries in Japan, as of April 1, 2000, initially estimated the unrecognized net", "obligation upon application of the new accounting standards, as set forth in Note 10. The unrecognized net obligation", "assuming that they had followed the new accounting standards for the year ended March 31, 2000 was not", "computed. The estimate of this amount was not readily determinable, because the pension plans were under", "reformation." ]
[ [ 495, 48, 629, 66 ], [ 632, 48, 881, 66 ], [ 495, 65, 881, 83 ], [ 495, 81, 881, 99 ], [ 495, 97, 871, 116 ], [ 871, 97, 877, 116 ], [ 495, 114, 881, 132 ], [ 495, 130, 881, 148 ], [ 495, 147, 881, 165 ], [ 495, 163, 881, 181 ], [ 495, 179, 881, 198 ], [ 494, 432, 786, 446 ], [ 495, 460, 881, 478 ], [ 495, 476, 881, 494 ], [ 495, 493, 881, 511 ], [ 495, 509, 881, 527 ], [ 83, 509, 309, 523 ], [ 495, 525, 871, 544 ], [ 871, 525, 877, 544 ], [ 495, 542, 832, 560 ], [ 495, 570, 881, 588 ], [ 495, 586, 881, 604 ], [ 495, 602, 881, 621 ], [ 495, 619, 881, 637 ], [ 495, 635, 545, 654 ], [ 495, 663, 544, 681 ], [ 552, 663, 881, 681 ], [ 543, 664, 552, 676 ], [ 495, 679, 881, 698 ], [ 495, 696, 877, 714 ], [ 495, 712, 871, 731 ], [ 871, 712, 877, 731 ], [ 495, 729, 881, 747 ], [ 495, 745, 881, 763 ], [ 495, 762, 881, 780 ], [ 495, 778, 779, 796 ], [ 788, 778, 881, 796 ], [ 779, 779, 788, 791 ], [ 495, 794, 881, 813 ], [ 85, 797, 309, 811 ], [ 495, 811, 568, 829 ], [ 576, 811, 654, 829 ], [ 662, 811, 752, 829 ], [ 760, 811, 881, 829 ], [ 568, 812, 577, 824 ], [ 654, 812, 663, 824 ], [ 752, 812, 761, 824 ], [ 83, 823, 470, 842 ], [ 495, 827, 881, 845 ], [ 83, 840, 470, 858 ], [ 495, 844, 881, 862 ], [ 83, 856, 470, 875 ], [ 495, 860, 881, 878 ], [ 83, 873, 470, 891 ], [ 495, 876, 881, 895 ], [ 83, 889, 146, 907 ], [ 495, 893, 881, 911 ], [ 495, 909, 881, 928 ], [ 83, 951, 106, 967 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 1, 10, 10, 10, 10, 1, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 1, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "At first sight, the ", "suspension lines on the powered ", "parachute wing might appear like an unorganized wad ", "of strings. On the contrary, each line has a distinct ", "purpose and each line has distinct properties. The sus", "-", "pension lines are sometimes designated A through D ", "and differ between manufacturers; check your POH to ", "know the line labels for your PPC. [Figure 3-12] The ", "front suspension lines are located at the leading edge ", "and the steering lines connect to the trailing edge. The ", "Figure 3-12. Front and rear suspension lines. ", "suspension lines come together at a point where they ", "connect with the riser. (The risers are the connection ", "between the suspension lines and the cart.) Many ", "manufacturers color-code the wing suspension lines ", "Figure 3-10. Canopy cross-section. ", "to assist the pilot in their preflight inspection and lay", "-", "out of the wing prior to inflation. [Figure 3-12]", "Suspension lines must be constructed of very strong ", "materials, yet remain very small in profile to reduce ", "parasite drag. The most commonly used materials are ", "polyaramid and polyethelene, which are both carbon ", "based. ", "Kevlar", " is a common polyaramid used for suspension ", "®", "lines. Its properties render it extremely strong, as well ", "as resistant to stretching or shrinking, and it is not sus-", "ceptible to temperature changes. However, one criti", "-", "cal drawback of polyaramids is that they tend to kink ", "or knot when looped around. When polyaramids are ", "used to construct suspension lines, they are encased in ", "a skin of a terylene product, like Dacron", " or a product ", "®", "with similar properties. Polyethelene materials, such ", "Figure 3-11. Airflow into the wing. ", "as Spectra", ", Dyneema", " or Technora", ", are very strong ", "®", "®", "®", "ered parachute wing should become too porous, more ", "as well as more flexible than polyaramids, which ", "groundspeed may be needed to pressurize the wing, ", "makes them more durable under hard use. However, ", "takeoff distance may increase, more RPM may be ", "polyethelene materials are more likely to stretch or ", "required to hold altitude, and fuel consumption may ", "shrink, and they are more susceptible to temperature ", "increase.", "changes. If your wing is equipped with polyethelene ", "suspension lines, it is imperative you do not store your ", "3-6" ]
[ [ 424, 71, 565, 84 ], [ 670, 90, 702, 103 ], [ 288, 90, 321, 103 ], [ 272, 109, 339, 119 ], [ 269, 126, 342, 181 ], [ 275, 407, 348, 462 ], [ 508, 565, 554, 575 ], [ 578, 565, 777, 575 ], [ 554, 565, 574, 575 ], [ 817, 579, 864, 589 ], [ 522, 579, 794, 589 ], [ 794, 579, 813, 588 ], [ 507, 592, 859, 602 ], [ 508, 605, 863, 615 ], [ 508, 619, 862, 629 ], [ 507, 632, 864, 642 ], [ 508, 645, 863, 655 ], [ 508, 658, 863, 668 ], [ 508, 671, 863, 681 ], [ 508, 685, 863, 695 ], [ 275, 688, 348, 743 ], [ 508, 698, 859, 708 ], [ 507, 711, 633, 721 ], [ 522, 724, 864, 734 ], [ 508, 737, 864, 746 ], [ 508, 749, 862, 759 ], [ 507, 762, 755, 772 ], [ 835, 800, 863, 808 ], [ 835, 825, 863, 832 ], [ 508, 900, 865, 910 ], [ 818, 913, 863, 922 ], [ 500, 915, 819, 922 ], [ 508, 925, 862, 935 ], [ 827, 936, 846, 942 ], [ 508, 938, 826, 948 ], [ 850, 938, 863, 948 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 6, 10, 7, 7, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 7, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 7, 7, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 ]
[ "US 9,250,518 B2 ", "116 ", "115 ", "-continued ", "X ", "X ", "Herein, ", "is a non-nucleophilic counter ion. ", "M-", "include ", "Examples of the non-nucleophilic counter ion ", "M-", "halide ions such as chloride and bromide ions; fluoroalkyl›", "sulfonate ions such as triflate, 1, 1, 1-trifluoroethanesulfonate, ", "and nonafluorobutanesulfonate; arylsulfonate ions such as ", "tosylate, benzenesulfonate, 4-fluorobenzenesulfonate, and ", "1,2,3,4,5-pentafluorobenzenesulfonate; alkylsulfonate ions ", "such as mesylate and butanesulfonate; imides such as bis ", "(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, bis(perfluoroethylsulfonyl) ", "imide and bis(perfluorobutylsulfonyl)imide; methides such ", "X ", "as tris(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)methide and tris(perfluoroet›", "hylsulfonyl)methide. ", "Also included are sulfonates having fluorine substituted at ", "a-position as represented by the general formula (K-1) and ", "sulfonates having fluorine substituted at a- and ~-positions as ", "represented by the general formula (K-2). ", "(K-1) ", "(K-2) ", "In formula (K-1 ), R $^{102 }$is hydrogen, or a straight, branched or ", "CcC$_{20 }$", "cyclic C$_{1 }$-C$_{20 }$alkyl group, C$_{2}$ -C$_{20 }$alkenyl group, or ", "aryl group, which may have an ether, ester, carbonyl moiety, ", "103 ", "lactone ring, or fluorine atom. In formula (K-2), R", "is " ]
[ [ 212, 88, 235, 99 ], [ 239, 88, 854, 99 ], [ 198, 102, 854, 113 ], [ 198, 116, 854, 128 ], [ 281, 131, 290, 142 ], [ 198, 131, 281, 142 ], [ 290, 131, 313, 142 ], [ 151, 164, 323, 176 ], [ 165, 188, 178, 199 ], [ 178, 188, 854, 199 ], [ 151, 202, 854, 214 ], [ 151, 217, 854, 228 ], [ 151, 231, 854, 242 ], [ 151, 245, 277, 257 ], [ 165, 264, 187, 276 ], [ 192, 264, 854, 276 ], [ 151, 279, 452, 290 ], [ 165, 298, 186, 309 ], [ 190, 298, 333, 309 ], [ 179, 317, 854, 328 ], [ 179, 331, 273, 343 ], [ 179, 350, 854, 362 ], [ 179, 365, 512, 376 ], [ 179, 384, 854, 395 ], [ 179, 398, 756, 409 ], [ 179, 417, 854, 429 ], [ 179, 432, 223, 443 ], [ 708, 474, 851, 486 ], [ 758, 489, 851, 500 ], [ 151, 503, 294, 514 ], [ 317, 503, 851, 514 ], [ 404, 546, 600, 558 ], [ 356, 568, 648, 579 ], [ 151, 591, 854, 603 ], [ 151, 606, 854, 617 ], [ 151, 620, 854, 631 ], [ 151, 634, 745, 646 ], [ 151, 658, 854, 670 ], [ 151, 673, 854, 684 ], [ 151, 687, 854, 698 ], [ 151, 701, 854, 713 ], [ 151, 716, 356, 727 ], [ 151, 739, 854, 751 ], [ 151, 754, 854, 765 ], [ 151, 768, 854, 780 ], [ 151, 782, 854, 794 ], [ 151, 797, 854, 808 ], [ 151, 811, 854, 823 ], [ 151, 825, 854, 837 ], [ 151, 840, 417, 851 ], [ 155, 889, 162, 897 ], [ 151, 889, 155, 898 ], [ 162, 889, 726, 898 ], [ 495, 945, 504, 957 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 2, 2, 2, 5 ]
[ "(6)", "For the purposes of this regulation and regulation 9, in applying the definition of ", "“deductible expense”, the reference to the Tax Acts is to be treated as not including Part 10 ", "of the Taxation (International and Other Provisions) Act 2010 (corporate interest ", "a", "restriction)(", ").” ", "Transitional provision ", "6.", "—(1) Where an election is made under regulation 9(4)(b) of the principal Regulations, inserted ", "by regulation 4(a) of these Regulations, financing costs attributable to any time before 6th April ", "2020 may be included as a deductible expense but must not be taken into account in determining ", "the extent, if any, to which financing costs exceed the financing costs allowance for any quarter in ", "an annual period. ", "(2)", "The amount of financing costs attributable to any time before 6th April 2020 must be ", "determined on a just and reasonable basis. ", "(3)", "In this regulation— ", "“annual period” and “quarter” have the meanings given in regulation 2 of the principal ", "Regulations; ", "“deductible expense” has the meaning given in regulation 2 of the principal Regulations as ", "amended by regulation 3 of these Regulations; ", "“financing costs” and “financing costs allowance” have the meanings given in regulation ", "9A(5) of the principal Regulations, inserted by regulation 5 of these Regulations; ", "“principal Regulations” means the Taxation of Income from Land (Non-residents) Regulations ", "1995. ", "Angela MacDonald ", "Ruth Stanier ", "13th February 2020 ", "Two of the Lords Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs ", "EXPLANATORY NOTE ", "(This note is not part of the Regulations) ", "Section 17 of, and Schedule 5 to, the Finance Act 2019 made provision for non-UK resident ", "companies to be chargeable to corporation tax in relation to profits of a UK property business with ", "effect from 6th April 2020. These Regulations make consequential amendments to the Taxation of ", "Income from Land (Non-residents) Regulations 1995 (“the principal Regulations”). ", "Regulation 3 amends regulation 2 of the principal Regulations to amend the definition of ", "“deductible expense” to permit expenses to be offset and make a consequential amendment in ", "relation to the exclusion of the corporate interest restriction rules in Part 10 of the Taxation ", "(International and Other Provisions) Act 2010 where an election is made under regulation 9(4)(b) ", "of the principal Regulations. ", "Regulation 4 amends regulation 9 of the principal Regulations and regulation 5 inserts a new ", "regulation 9A into the principal Regulations to make provision for an election to apply a rule in ", "relation to the amount of financing costs that may be taken into account as an expense in ", "calculating the amount to be withheld on account of tax from rental income before it is paid to a ", "non-UK resident subject to corporation tax. The rule restricts the deduction for financing costs to ", "an amount representative of the amount which would be deductible on the application of the ", "corporate interest restriction in Part 10 of the Taxation (International and Other Provisions) Act ", "2010 to a non-UK resident company. ", "a", "(", ") 2010 c. 8; Part 10 was inserted by paragraph 1 of Schedule 5 to the Finance (No. 2) Act 2017 (c. 32). ", "3" ]
[ [ 384, 47, 586, 58 ], [ 169, 92, 873, 104 ], [ 846, 92, 891, 104 ], [ 169, 107, 386, 119 ], [ 153, 133, 172, 145 ], [ 169, 134, 267, 144 ], [ 169, 159, 384, 171 ], [ 443, 159, 834, 171 ], [ 384, 160, 443, 170 ], [ 503, 174, 901, 186 ], [ 169, 175, 503, 185 ], [ 169, 200, 228, 212 ], [ 286, 200, 473, 212 ], [ 532, 200, 898, 212 ], [ 228, 201, 286, 211 ], [ 473, 201, 532, 211 ], [ 169, 215, 253, 227 ], [ 312, 215, 639, 227 ], [ 253, 216, 312, 226 ], [ 137, 241, 156, 253 ], [ 153, 242, 379, 252 ], [ 153, 267, 577, 279 ], [ 803, 267, 867, 279 ], [ 577, 268, 803, 278 ], [ 153, 282, 469, 294 ], [ 636, 282, 694, 294 ], [ 733, 282, 889, 294 ], [ 469, 283, 597, 293 ], [ 597, 283, 636, 293 ], [ 694, 283, 733, 293 ], [ 153, 297, 492, 309 ], [ 580, 297, 684, 309 ], [ 801, 297, 908, 309 ], [ 492, 298, 580, 308 ], [ 684, 298, 801, 308 ], [ 153, 312, 626, 324 ], [ 153, 338, 392, 350 ], [ 431, 338, 455, 350 ], [ 484, 338, 677, 350 ], [ 726, 338, 749, 350 ], [ 789, 338, 898, 350 ], [ 392, 339, 431, 349 ], [ 455, 339, 484, 349 ], [ 677, 339, 726, 349 ], [ 749, 339, 789, 349 ], [ 153, 353, 413, 365 ], [ 387, 353, 391, 365 ], [ 137, 379, 411, 391 ], [ 137, 405, 577, 417 ], [ 137, 430, 270, 438 ], [ 152, 443, 168, 451 ], [ 176, 443, 207, 451 ], [ 152, 455, 168, 463 ], [ 176, 455, 356, 463 ], [ 137, 467, 145, 475 ], [ 137, 479, 325, 487 ], [ 152, 491, 356, 499 ], [ 137, 503, 152, 511 ], [ 137, 527, 889, 539 ], [ 137, 542, 890, 554 ], [ 137, 557, 226, 569 ], [ 213, 557, 616, 569 ], [ 665, 557, 882, 569 ], [ 616, 558, 665, 568 ], [ 254, 572, 593, 584 ], [ 642, 572, 736, 584 ], [ 137, 574, 254, 583 ], [ 593, 574, 642, 583 ], [ 58, 599, 140, 613 ], [ 146, 599, 454, 613 ], [ 137, 627, 189, 639 ], [ 247, 627, 830, 639 ], [ 189, 628, 247, 638 ], [ 137, 642, 703, 654 ], [ 762, 642, 878, 654 ], [ 703, 643, 762, 653 ], [ 137, 657, 891, 669 ], [ 137, 673, 258, 684 ], [ 463, 673, 849, 684 ], [ 258, 674, 463, 684 ], [ 137, 688, 572, 699 ], [ 670, 688, 874, 699 ], [ 572, 689, 670, 699 ], [ 137, 703, 864, 715 ], [ 343, 718, 400, 730 ], [ 137, 719, 343, 729 ], [ 137, 744, 166, 756 ], [ 225, 744, 739, 756 ], [ 798, 744, 838, 756 ], [ 166, 745, 225, 755 ], [ 739, 745, 798, 755 ], [ 215, 759, 391, 771 ], [ 137, 760, 215, 770 ], [ 140, 785, 169, 797 ], [ 528, 785, 593, 797 ], [ 528, 806, 588, 817 ], [ 140, 807, 219, 817 ], [ 219, 807, 258, 817 ], [ 528, 827, 593, 838 ], [ 140, 828, 219, 838 ], [ 219, 828, 258, 838 ], [ 137, 855, 227, 867 ], [ 227, 855, 429, 867 ], [ 429, 855, 883, 867 ], [ 137, 870, 899, 882 ], [ 137, 886, 798, 897 ], [ 772, 886, 776, 897 ], [ 58, 941, 95, 952 ] ]
[ 6, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "CREATE TABLE Statement", "integers. As with the table-level options with the same names, these act only as “suggestions”", " to the", "server and are not hard limits.", "•", "TABLESPACE", "May be used to designate an ", " file-per-table tablespace for the partition by specifying", "InnoDB", ". All partitions must belong to the same storage engine.", "TABLESPACE ‘innodb_file_per_table‘", "Placing ", " table partitions in shared ", " tablespaces is not supported. Shared tablespaces", "InnoDB", "InnoDB", "include the ", " system tablespace and general tablespaces.", "InnoDB", "•", "subpartition_definition", "The partition definition may optionally contain one or more ", " clauses.", "subpartition_definition", "Each of these consists at a minimum of the ", ", where ", " is an identifier for the", "SUBPARTITION ", "name", "name", "subpartition. Except for the replacement of the ", " keyword with ", ", the syntax for", "PARTITION", "SUBPARTITION", "a subpartition definition is identical to that for a partition definition.", "Subpartitioning must be done by ", " or ", ", and can be done only on ", " or ", " partitions. See", "HASH", "KEY", "RANGE", "LIST", "Section 24.2.6, “Subpartitioning”", ".", "Partitioning by Generated Columns", "Partitioning by generated columns is permitted. For example:", "CREATE TABLE t1 (", "s1", "INT,", "s2", "INT AS (EXP(s1)) STORED", ")", "PARTITION BY LIST (s2) (", "PARTITION p1 VALUES IN (1)", ");", "Partitioning sees a generated column as a regular column, which enables workarounds for limitations on", "functions that are not permitted for partitioning (see Section 24.6.3, “Partitioning Limitations Relating to", "Functions”", "). The preceding example demonstrates this technique: ", " cannot be used directly in the", "EXP()", " clause, but a generated column defined using ", " is permitted.", "PARTITION BY", "EXP()", "", "Files Created by CREATE TABLE", "For an ", " table created in a file-per-table tablespace or general tablespace, table data and", "InnoDB", "associated indexes are stored in a .ibd file in the database directory. When an ", " table is created", "InnoDB", "in the system tablespace, table data and indexes are stored in the ibdata* files that represent the system", "tablespace. The ", " option controls whether tables are created in file-per-", "innodb_file_per_table", "table tablespaces or the system tablespace, by default. The ", " option can be used to place", "TABLESPACE", "a table in a file-per-table tablespace, general tablespace, or the system tablespace, regardless of the", " setting.", "innodb_file_per_table", "For ", " tables, the storage engine creates data and index files. Thus, for each ", " table", "MyISAM", "MyISAM", ", there are two disk files.", "tbl_name", "File", "Purpose", "Data file", "tbl_name", ".MYD", "Index file", "tbl_name", ".MYI", "Chapter 16, ", "Alternative Storage Engines", ", describes what files each storage engine creates to represent", "tables. If a table name contains special characters, the names for the table files contain encoded versions", "of those characters as described in Section 9.2.4, “Mapping of Identifiers to File Names”", ".", "2568" ]
[ [ 120, 42, 499, 54 ], [ 120, 940, 148, 952 ], [ 610, 940, 879, 952 ] ]
[ 6, 5, 5 ]
[ "The Python Language Reference, Release 3.9.5", "148", "Appendix C. History and License" ]
[ [ 146, 87, 392, 100 ], [ 428, 122, 445, 150 ], [ 328, 123, 338, 151 ], [ 388, 123, 397, 151 ], [ 451, 123, 459, 135 ], [ 476, 130, 483, 138 ], [ 513, 130, 520, 138 ], [ 551, 130, 558, 138 ], [ 457, 131, 476, 143 ], [ 487, 131, 500, 143 ], [ 504, 131, 513, 143 ], [ 365, 131, 372, 143 ], [ 372, 131, 381, 143 ], [ 381, 131, 388, 143 ], [ 402, 131, 428, 143 ], [ 524, 131, 537, 143 ], [ 541, 131, 551, 143 ], [ 563, 131, 576, 152 ], [ 581, 131, 588, 143 ], [ 591, 131, 597, 143 ], [ 597, 131, 606, 152 ], [ 606, 131, 615, 143 ], [ 615, 131, 624, 152 ], [ 624, 131, 630, 143 ], [ 633, 131, 637, 143 ], [ 476, 137, 483, 146 ], [ 551, 137, 558, 146 ], [ 342, 140, 361, 151 ], [ 446, 140, 456, 152 ], [ 328, 144, 359, 172 ], [ 328, 144, 359, 172 ], [ 404, 172, 416, 201 ], [ 404, 172, 416, 201 ], [ 361, 172, 374, 201 ], [ 361, 172, 374, 201 ], [ 553, 173, 562, 185 ], [ 553, 173, 562, 185 ], [ 562, 173, 577, 185 ], [ 562, 173, 577, 185 ], [ 393, 173, 401, 185 ], [ 393, 173, 401, 185 ], [ 429, 179, 500, 193 ], [ 121, 179, 163, 193 ], [ 257, 179, 284, 193 ], [ 590, 179, 728, 193 ], [ 841, 179, 879, 193 ], [ 419, 181, 424, 193 ], [ 505, 181, 528, 193 ], [ 534, 181, 547, 193 ], [ 169, 181, 176, 193 ], [ 176, 181, 182, 193 ], [ 182, 181, 190, 193 ], [ 190, 181, 228, 193 ], [ 228, 181, 251, 193 ], [ 289, 181, 304, 193 ], [ 310, 181, 359, 193 ], [ 374, 181, 382, 193 ], [ 382, 181, 387, 193 ], [ 580, 181, 585, 193 ], [ 733, 181, 740, 193 ], [ 740, 181, 747, 193 ], [ 747, 181, 754, 193 ], [ 755, 181, 761, 193 ], [ 766, 181, 779, 201 ], [ 784, 181, 815, 193 ], [ 815, 181, 821, 193 ], [ 821, 181, 829, 193 ], [ 829, 181, 836, 193 ], [ 392, 189, 401, 201 ], [ 558, 189, 573, 201 ], [ 121, 203, 163, 216 ], [ 217, 203, 344, 216 ], [ 403, 203, 879, 216 ], [ 169, 205, 176, 216 ], [ 181, 205, 194, 225 ], [ 199, 205, 207, 216 ], [ 207, 205, 212, 216 ], [ 349, 205, 362, 216 ], [ 367, 205, 393, 216 ], [ 393, 205, 398, 216 ], [ 346, 218, 368, 239 ], [ 121, 227, 229, 240 ], [ 403, 227, 430, 240 ], [ 234, 228, 262, 240 ], [ 267, 228, 275, 240 ], [ 275, 228, 280, 240 ], [ 285, 228, 293, 240 ], [ 298, 228, 341, 240 ], [ 372, 228, 385, 248 ], [ 389, 228, 397, 240 ], [ 436, 228, 460, 240 ], [ 465, 228, 473, 240 ], [ 473, 228, 478, 240 ], [ 146, 250, 879, 264 ], [ 121, 274, 626, 287 ], [ 121, 318, 161, 331 ], [ 183, 318, 429, 331 ], [ 121, 349, 492, 363 ], [ 554, 349, 879, 363 ], [ 497, 351, 521, 363 ], [ 521, 351, 525, 363 ], [ 525, 351, 549, 363 ], [ 121, 373, 609, 386 ], [ 670, 373, 697, 386 ], [ 763, 373, 879, 386 ], [ 614, 374, 638, 386 ], [ 638, 374, 642, 386 ], [ 642, 374, 665, 386 ], [ 702, 374, 725, 386 ], [ 726, 374, 730, 386 ], [ 730, 374, 753, 386 ], [ 753, 374, 758, 386 ], [ 121, 397, 350, 410 ], [ 146, 420, 613, 434 ], [ 639, 420, 666, 434 ], [ 691, 420, 879, 434 ], [ 619, 422, 632, 434 ], [ 671, 422, 685, 434 ], [ 121, 444, 237, 457 ], [ 261, 444, 468, 457 ], [ 506, 444, 573, 457 ], [ 638, 444, 846, 457 ], [ 850, 445, 860, 457 ], [ 860, 445, 866, 457 ], [ 866, 445, 872, 457 ], [ 872, 445, 879, 457 ], [ 241, 445, 255, 457 ], [ 472, 445, 482, 457 ], [ 482, 445, 488, 457 ], [ 488, 445, 494, 457 ], [ 494, 445, 501, 457 ], [ 578, 445, 601, 457 ], [ 602, 445, 606, 457 ], [ 606, 445, 629, 457 ], [ 629, 445, 634, 457 ], [ 121, 468, 369, 481 ], [ 459, 468, 644, 481 ], [ 671, 468, 738, 481 ], [ 373, 469, 383, 481 ], [ 389, 469, 402, 489 ], [ 406, 469, 420, 481 ], [ 420, 469, 424, 481 ], [ 427, 469, 444, 489 ], [ 444, 469, 450, 481 ], [ 450, 469, 455, 481 ], [ 648, 469, 662, 481 ], [ 662, 469, 667, 481 ], [ 742, 469, 751, 489 ], [ 751, 469, 761, 481 ], [ 760, 469, 782, 481 ], [ 786, 469, 799, 489 ], [ 802, 469, 812, 481 ], [ 812, 469, 833, 481 ], [ 833, 469, 842, 489 ], [ 846, 469, 878, 481 ], [ 121, 491, 148, 505 ], [ 290, 491, 333, 505 ], [ 153, 493, 161, 513 ], [ 161, 493, 171, 505 ], [ 171, 493, 177, 505 ], [ 177, 493, 183, 505 ], [ 183, 493, 190, 505 ], [ 194, 493, 207, 513 ], [ 210, 493, 220, 505 ], [ 220, 493, 227, 505 ], [ 227, 493, 233, 505 ], [ 233, 493, 239, 505 ], [ 239, 493, 247, 513 ], [ 252, 493, 283, 505 ], [ 339, 493, 345, 505 ], [ 349, 493, 361, 513 ], [ 365, 493, 379, 505 ], [ 146, 515, 706, 528 ], [ 740, 515, 817, 528 ], [ 823, 516, 846, 528 ], [ 847, 516, 851, 528 ], [ 851, 516, 874, 528 ], [ 874, 516, 879, 528 ], [ 713, 517, 728, 526 ], [ 121, 539, 740, 552 ], [ 745, 540, 762, 552 ], [ 762, 540, 767, 552 ], [ 767, 540, 775, 552 ], [ 775, 540, 780, 552 ], [ 757, 562, 879, 576 ], [ 146, 562, 674, 576 ], [ 702, 562, 729, 576 ], [ 736, 564, 750, 576 ], [ 681, 564, 694, 576 ], [ 121, 586, 310, 599 ], [ 342, 586, 375, 599 ], [ 446, 586, 609, 599 ], [ 650, 586, 810, 599 ], [ 317, 587, 336, 599 ], [ 381, 587, 396, 599 ], [ 402, 587, 413, 608 ], [ 615, 587, 625, 599 ], [ 625, 587, 631, 599 ], [ 631, 587, 637, 599 ], [ 637, 587, 644, 599 ], [ 815, 587, 830, 599 ], [ 837, 587, 848, 608 ], [ 874, 587, 879, 599 ], [ 419, 588, 434, 597 ], [ 854, 588, 869, 597 ], [ 498, 610, 505, 618 ], [ 121, 610, 251, 623 ], [ 292, 610, 481, 623 ], [ 585, 610, 779, 623 ], [ 810, 610, 879, 623 ], [ 257, 611, 266, 623 ], [ 267, 611, 273, 623 ], [ 273, 611, 279, 623 ], [ 279, 611, 286, 623 ], [ 487, 611, 496, 623 ], [ 511, 611, 524, 631 ], [ 530, 611, 543, 623 ], [ 543, 611, 548, 623 ], [ 551, 611, 567, 631 ], [ 567, 611, 574, 623 ], [ 574, 611, 579, 623 ], [ 785, 611, 799, 623 ], [ 799, 611, 804, 623 ], [ 478, 633, 488, 662 ], [ 265, 633, 274, 662 ], [ 265, 633, 274, 662 ], [ 530, 633, 573, 647 ], [ 232, 633, 259, 647 ], [ 420, 635, 427, 647 ], [ 427, 635, 437, 647 ], [ 440, 635, 449, 647 ], [ 449, 635, 471, 647 ], [ 472, 635, 478, 647 ], [ 492, 635, 523, 647 ], [ 579, 635, 585, 647 ], [ 589, 635, 601, 655 ], [ 605, 635, 614, 647 ], [ 616, 635, 628, 647 ], [ 121, 635, 129, 655 ], [ 129, 635, 144, 647 ], [ 148, 635, 161, 655 ], [ 165, 635, 180, 647 ], [ 181, 635, 189, 655 ], [ 194, 635, 226, 647 ], [ 274, 635, 307, 647 ], [ 308, 635, 314, 647 ], [ 314, 635, 325, 647 ], [ 328, 635, 336, 647 ], [ 336, 635, 359, 647 ], [ 359, 635, 366, 647 ], [ 370, 635, 383, 655 ], [ 386, 635, 419, 647 ], [ 146, 657, 429, 670 ], [ 146, 657, 429, 670 ], [ 162, 689, 388, 703 ], [ 427, 689, 495, 703 ], [ 115, 691, 154, 703 ], [ 394, 691, 419, 703 ], [ 506, 691, 532, 703 ], [ 540, 691, 548, 711 ], [ 548, 691, 559, 703 ], [ 561, 691, 568, 703 ], [ 568, 691, 577, 703 ], [ 577, 691, 584, 703 ], [ 584, 691, 610, 711 ], [ 615, 691, 639, 703 ], [ 642, 691, 646, 703 ], [ 501, 703, 508, 712 ], [ 509, 703, 518, 712 ], [ 518, 704, 526, 710 ], [ 526, 705, 536, 707 ], [ 162, 722, 388, 735 ], [ 419, 722, 488, 735 ], [ 728, 722, 771, 735 ], [ 115, 724, 154, 735 ], [ 394, 724, 412, 735 ], [ 494, 724, 502, 744 ], [ 502, 724, 510, 735 ], [ 512, 724, 518, 735 ], [ 518, 724, 533, 735 ], [ 534, 724, 541, 735 ], [ 544, 724, 557, 744 ], [ 561, 724, 569, 735 ], [ 571, 724, 578, 735 ], [ 578, 724, 593, 735 ], [ 593, 724, 600, 735 ], [ 600, 724, 626, 744 ], [ 631, 724, 649, 735 ], [ 653, 724, 662, 744 ], [ 662, 724, 677, 735 ], [ 681, 724, 694, 744 ], [ 698, 724, 713, 735 ], [ 714, 724, 722, 744 ], [ 777, 724, 815, 735 ], [ 820, 724, 831, 744 ], [ 848, 724, 862, 735 ], [ 836, 724, 848, 733 ], [ 162, 755, 388, 768 ], [ 419, 755, 487, 768 ], [ 729, 755, 772, 768 ], [ 115, 756, 154, 768 ], [ 394, 756, 412, 768 ], [ 493, 756, 501, 777 ], [ 501, 756, 509, 768 ], [ 510, 756, 516, 768 ], [ 516, 756, 532, 768 ], [ 533, 756, 540, 768 ], [ 543, 756, 556, 777 ], [ 560, 756, 568, 768 ], [ 569, 756, 575, 768 ], [ 575, 756, 591, 768 ], [ 592, 756, 599, 768 ], [ 599, 756, 625, 777 ], [ 630, 756, 648, 768 ], [ 652, 756, 660, 777 ], [ 660, 756, 676, 768 ], [ 681, 756, 694, 777 ], [ 698, 756, 714, 768 ], [ 714, 756, 723, 777 ], [ 777, 756, 818, 768 ], [ 824, 756, 835, 777 ], [ 852, 756, 869, 768 ], [ 840, 757, 852, 765 ], [ 146, 787, 589, 801 ], [ 651, 787, 721, 801 ], [ 782, 787, 879, 801 ], [ 594, 789, 618, 801 ], [ 618, 789, 622, 801 ], [ 622, 789, 646, 801 ], [ 725, 789, 749, 801 ], [ 749, 789, 753, 801 ], [ 753, 789, 777, 801 ], [ 121, 823, 237, 835 ], [ 245, 823, 416, 835 ], [ 515, 823, 624, 835 ], [ 687, 823, 879, 835 ], [ 422, 823, 429, 835 ], [ 429, 823, 441, 835 ], [ 441, 823, 456, 835 ], [ 459, 823, 472, 843 ], [ 476, 823, 482, 835 ], [ 482, 823, 495, 835 ], [ 495, 823, 510, 835 ], [ 630, 823, 653, 835 ], [ 653, 823, 658, 835 ], [ 658, 823, 681, 835 ], [ 121, 847, 249, 859 ], [ 255, 847, 279, 859 ], [ 279, 847, 283, 859 ], [ 283, 847, 307, 859 ], [ 306, 847, 311, 859 ], [ 180, 880, 418, 893 ], [ 508, 880, 667, 893 ], [ 705, 880, 879, 893 ], [ 121, 881, 173, 893 ], [ 423, 881, 462, 893 ], [ 467, 881, 479, 902 ], [ 672, 881, 681, 893 ], [ 681, 881, 688, 893 ], [ 688, 881, 694, 893 ], [ 694, 881, 700, 893 ], [ 483, 882, 498, 891 ], [ 121, 904, 353, 917 ], [ 409, 904, 436, 917 ], [ 490, 904, 655, 917 ], [ 710, 904, 879, 917 ], [ 358, 905, 390, 917 ], [ 395, 905, 403, 917 ], [ 441, 905, 455, 917 ], [ 459, 905, 472, 917 ], [ 477, 905, 485, 917 ], [ 660, 905, 692, 917 ], [ 697, 905, 705, 917 ], [ 491, 939, 508, 952 ] ]
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[ "Furthermore, one can obtain that", "√", "∥", "∥", "1", "2", "2", "2", "$_{2}$u", "+", "u", "(", "u", ")", "= 2", "+", "u", "≤", "c", "(", "‖", "u", "‖", ")", ",", "1", "3", "∂u", "σ", "∥$^{∂V}$", "∥$^{∂V}$", "}", "}", "{", "{", "2", "2", "γ$_{3}$", "γ$_{3}$", "1", "1", "If we take", "where", "and", "then the inequality", "holds", ".", "M$_{0}$", "=", "c", "(", "r", ") = 2", "γ$_{3}$r", "γ$_{3}$", "= max", "1", ",", ",", "c", "(", "r", ")", "≤", "M$_{0}$b", "(", "r", ")", "σ", "γ$_{2}$", "for all", "Consequently, for", "the conditions of Theorem 10.1 are satisfied for system (2.3) with", "r", "≥", "1", ".", "B", "= 1", ",", "√$_{2}$", "the coefficients", "and", "σ >", "0", ",", "0", "< r <", "−", "1", "b >", "0", ".", "In the next section, we will continue with the extension of sensitivity, which can be considered as the", "unique ingredient of chaos for a set of bounded solutions [43, 56, 69].", "10.2", "Unpredictability analysis", "Extension of the sensitivity feature through system", "will be handled in the present part. We shall", "(10", ".", "15)", "begin with the meaning of the aforementioned property for systems", "and", "The main result", "(10", ".", "13)", "(10", ".", "15)", ".", "will be stated in Theorem 10.2.", "System (10.13) is called sensitive if there exist positive numbers", "and", "such that for an arbitrary", "ϵ$_{0}$", "Δ", "positive number", "and for each chaotic solution", "of system", "there exist a chaotic solution", "x", "(", "t", ")", "δ$_{0}$", "x", "(", "t", ")", "(10", ".", "13)", ",", "of the same system and an interval", "with a length no less than", "such that", "J", "⊂", "[0", ",", "∞", ")", ",", "Δ", ",", "‖", "x", "(0)", "−", "x", "(0)", "‖", "< δ$_{0}$", "and", "for all", "‖", "x", "(", "t", ")", "−", "x", "(", "t", ")", "‖", "> ϵ$_{0}$", "t", "∈", "J.", "Our main assumption is the existence of a bounded positively invariant set", "for system", "(10", ".", "15)", ".", "K", "The existence of such an invariant set can be shown, for example, by using Theorem", "10", ".", "1", ".", "such that for an", "We say that system (10.15) is sensitive if there exist positive numbers", "and", "Δ", "ϵ$_{1}$", "arbitrary positive number", "each", "and a chaotic solution", "of (10.13), there exist", "δ$_{1}$,", "y$_{0}$", "∈", "x", "(", "t", ")", "y$_{1}$", "∈", ",", "K", "K", "1", "a chaotic solution", "of (10.13) and an interval", "with a length no less than", "such that", "x", "(", "t", ")", "J", "⊂", "[0", ",", "∞", ")", ",", "Δ", ",", "∥", "∥", "∥", "for all", "and", "(", "t,", "0", ", y$_{1}$", ")", "> ϵ$_{1}$", "t", "∈", "J", "$^{1}$.", "‖", "y$_{0}$", "−", "y$_{1}$", "‖", "< δ$_{1}$", "φ$_{x}$$_{(}$$_{t}$$_{)}$", "(", "t,", "0", ", y$_{0}$", ")", "−", "φ$_{x}$$_{(}$$_{t}$$_{)}$", "The following assumptions are needed:", "The following assumptions are needed:", "There exists a positive number", "such that", "(A2)", "M$_{F}$", "sup", "‖", "F", "(", "x", ")", "‖ ≤", "M$_{F}$", ";", "x", "∈", "R", "m", "There exists a positive number", "such that", "for all", "(A3)", "L$_{f}$", "‖", "f", "(", "y$_{1}$", ")", "−", "f", "(", "y$_{2}$", ")", "‖ ≤", "L$_{f}$", "‖", "y$_{1}$", "−", "y$_{2}$", "‖", "y$_{1}$, y$_{2}$", "∈", "$^{n}$;", "R", "There exists a positive number", "such that", "for all", "(A4)", "L$_{g}$", "‖", "g", "(", "x$_{1}$", ")", "−", "g", "(", "x$_{2}$", ")", "‖ ≥", "L$_{g}$", "‖", "x$_{1}$", "−", "x$_{2}$", "‖", "x$_{1}$, x$_{2}$", "∈", "$^{m}$.", "R", "In the next theorem, the extension of sensitivity from system", "to system", "is considered.", "(10", ".", "13)", "(10", ".", "15)", "Theorem 10.2", "Suppose that conditions", "hold. If system", "is sensitive, then the same", "(", "A", "1)", "−", "(", "A", "4)", "(10", ".", "13)", "is true for system", "(10", ".", "15)", ".", "Fix an arbitrary positive number", "and a chaotic solution", "of (10.13). Since system", "Proof.", "δ$_{1}$, y$_{0}$", "∈", "x", "(", "t", ")", "K", "(10.13) is sensitive, one can find", "and", "such that for arbitrary", "both of the inequalities", "ϵ$_{0}$ >", "0", "Δ", ">", "0", "δ$_{0}$ >", "0", "23" ]
[ [ 623, 85, 908, 98 ], [ 505, 85, 520, 98 ], [ 524, 85, 617, 98 ], [ 60, 85, 319, 98 ], [ 60, 102, 464, 115 ], [ 516, 102, 909, 115 ], [ 60, 119, 464, 132 ], [ 516, 119, 908, 132 ], [ 60, 135, 464, 148 ], [ 516, 135, 909, 148 ], [ 60, 152, 464, 165 ], [ 516, 152, 909, 165 ], [ 60, 169, 464, 182 ], [ 516, 169, 909, 182 ], [ 60, 185, 464, 198 ], [ 516, 185, 762, 198 ], [ 60, 202, 464, 215 ], [ 743, 211, 908, 224 ], [ 505, 211, 520, 224 ], [ 524, 211, 737, 224 ], [ 60, 219, 465, 232 ], [ 516, 227, 909, 240 ], [ 60, 236, 465, 249 ], [ 516, 244, 909, 257 ], [ 60, 252, 464, 265 ], [ 516, 261, 909, 274 ], [ 60, 269, 464, 282 ], [ 516, 277, 909, 290 ], [ 60, 286, 155, 299 ], [ 516, 294, 909, 307 ], [ 60, 311, 390, 324 ], [ 516, 311, 909, 324 ], [ 516, 328, 909, 341 ], [ 144, 336, 464, 349 ], [ 60, 336, 75, 349 ], [ 79, 336, 136, 349 ], [ 516, 344, 820, 357 ], [ 71, 353, 464, 366 ], [ 71, 369, 465, 382 ], [ 609, 369, 908, 382 ], [ 505, 369, 519, 382 ], [ 523, 369, 603, 382 ], [ 71, 386, 464, 399 ], [ 516, 386, 909, 399 ], [ 71, 403, 465, 416 ], [ 516, 403, 908, 416 ], [ 71, 420, 465, 433 ], [ 516, 420, 909, 433 ], [ 71, 436, 464, 449 ], [ 516, 436, 909, 449 ], [ 71, 453, 464, 466 ], [ 516, 453, 909, 466 ], [ 71, 470, 464, 483 ], [ 516, 470, 909, 483 ], [ 71, 487, 464, 500 ], [ 516, 487, 909, 500 ], [ 71, 503, 351, 516 ], [ 516, 503, 909, 516 ], [ 516, 520, 813, 533 ], [ 60, 554, 828, 567 ], [ 482, 577, 568, 588 ], [ 326, 593, 386, 604 ], [ 453, 593, 536, 604 ], [ 595, 593, 724, 604 ], [ 878, 593, 909, 604 ], [ 60, 609, 127, 619 ], [ 60, 622, 110, 634 ], [ 345, 622, 373, 634 ], [ 478, 622, 506, 634 ], [ 631, 622, 676, 634 ], [ 863, 622, 909, 634 ], [ 60, 636, 145, 648 ], [ 363, 636, 373, 648 ], [ 496, 636, 506, 648 ], [ 648, 636, 676, 648 ], [ 880, 636, 909, 648 ], [ 60, 651, 252, 662 ], [ 363, 651, 373, 662 ], [ 496, 651, 506, 662 ], [ 648, 651, 676, 662 ], [ 880, 651, 909, 662 ], [ 60, 665, 136, 677 ], [ 353, 665, 373, 677 ], [ 486, 665, 506, 677 ], [ 648, 665, 676, 677 ], [ 880, 665, 909, 677 ], [ 345, 684, 373, 695 ], [ 478, 684, 506, 695 ], [ 631, 684, 676, 695 ], [ 872, 684, 909, 695 ], [ 60, 684, 141, 695 ], [ 60, 703, 122, 715 ], [ 875, 703, 914, 715 ], [ 863, 722, 909, 733 ], [ 60, 722, 133, 733 ], [ 60, 759, 464, 772 ], [ 505, 759, 909, 772 ], [ 60, 775, 465, 788 ], [ 505, 775, 765, 788 ], [ 801, 775, 909, 788 ], [ 765, 775, 796, 788 ], [ 60, 792, 464, 805 ], [ 505, 792, 909, 805 ], [ 60, 809, 464, 822 ], [ 505, 809, 909, 822 ], [ 60, 825, 464, 838 ], [ 505, 825, 909, 838 ], [ 60, 842, 464, 855 ], [ 505, 842, 909, 855 ], [ 60, 859, 202, 872 ], [ 505, 859, 909, 872 ], [ 80, 876, 464, 889 ], [ 505, 876, 909, 889 ], [ 60, 892, 464, 905 ], [ 505, 892, 909, 905 ], [ 60, 909, 464, 922 ], [ 505, 909, 914, 922 ], [ 60, 926, 465, 939 ], [ 505, 926, 586, 939 ], [ 475, 967, 494, 980 ], [ 60, 969, 328, 979 ] ]
[ 4, 4, 4, 8, 10, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 4, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5 ]
[ "Building on previously announced supply", "•", "Supply Chain.", "Restructuring and Special Charges", "During the fourth quarter of fiscal 2002, we recorded", "chain initiatives, we restructured certain manufacturing,", "charges for a restructuring related to repositioning cer-", "distribution, research and development, information sys-", "tain businesses as part of our ongoing efforts to drive", "tems and quality assurance operations in the United", "long-term growth and increase profitability. The restruc-", "States, Canada and Europe, which included benefits and", "turing focused on cost reduction opportunities related to", "severance for 110 employees. A charge of $23.7 million", "the Internet, our supply chain, globalization of the organ-", "was recorded related to this effort.", "ization and distribution channel refinements. We commit-", "We continued to imple-", "•", "Globalization of Organization.", "ted to a defined plan of action, which resulted in an", "ment our transition, announced in fiscal 2001, to a", "aggregate pre-tax charge of $117.4 million, of which", "global brand structure designed to streamline the", "$59.4 million is cash related. On an after-tax basis, the", "decision-making process and increase innovation and", "aggregate charge was $76.9 million, equal to $.32 per", "speed-to-market. The next phase of this transition", "diluted share.", "entailed eliminating duplicate functions and responsi-", "Specifically, the charge included the following:", "bilities, which resulted in charges for benefits and sever-", "ance for 122 employees. We recorded a charge of", "In an effort to achieve strategic objectives,", "•", "Internet.", "$27.1 million associated with these efforts.", "reduce costs and improve profitability, we outsourced", " platform development and maintenance", "We evaluated areas of distribution relative to", "•", "Distribution.", "efforts to a third-party provider. Additionally,", "our financial targets and decided to focus our resources", "closed its San Francisco facility and consolidated its", "on the most productive sales channels and markets. As a", "operations in New York. As a result, included in the", "result, we closed our operations in Argentina and the", "charge was a $23.9 million provision for restructuring", "remaining customers are being serviced by our Chilean", "the operations, including benefits and sever-", "affiliate. We began to close all remaining in-store", "ance packages for 36 employees as well as asset write-", "“tommy’s shops” and we identified for closing other", "offs. We also took a $20.1 million charge to write off the", "select points of distribution. We recorded a $22.6 mil-", "related acquisition goodwill.", "lion provision related to these actions, which included", "benefits and severance for 85 employees.", "Following is a summary of the charges as recorded in the consolidated statement of earnings for fiscal 2002:", "Restructuring", "Net Sales", "Cost of Sales", "Operating Expenses", "Total", "(In millions)", "Internet", "$ —", "$ —", "$ 44.0", "$ 44.0", "Supply Chain", "—", "—", "23.7", "23.7", "Globalization of Organization", "—", "—", "27.1", "27.1", "Distribution", "6.2", "0.8", "15.6", "22.6", "$6.2", "$0.8", "$110.4", "117.4", "Total charge", "Tax effect", "(40.5)", "$ 76.9", "Net charge", "The restructuring charge was recorded in other accrued", "ability. The restructuring and special charges focused on", "liabilities or, where applicable, as a reduction of the", "four areas: product fixtures for the ", "brand; in-store", "jane", "related asset. During fiscal 2002, $9.3 million related to", "“tommy’s shops”; information systems and other assets;", "this restructuring was paid. We expected to, and did, settle", "and global brand reorganization. We committed to a", "a majority of the remaining obligations by the end of fiscal", "defined plan of action, which resulted in an aggregate", "2003 with certain additional payments to be made ratably", "pre-tax charge of $63.0 million, of which $35.9 million is", "through fiscal 2006.", "cash related. On an after-tax basis, the aggregate charge", "During the fourth quarter of fiscal 2001, we recorded", "was $40.3 million, equal to $.17 per diluted share. As of", "charges for restructuring and special charges related to", "June 30, 2003, the remaining obligation was $2.6 million", "repositioning certain businesses as part of our ongoing", "with payments expected to be made ratably through ", "efforts to drive long-term growth and increase profit-", "fiscal 2004.", "48", "THEEST{E LAUDER COMPANIES INC." ]
[ [ 193, 101, 808, 113 ], [ 193, 127, 355, 138 ], [ 361, 127, 808, 138 ], [ 628, 149, 637, 158 ], [ 637, 150, 643, 158 ], [ 605, 151, 610, 163 ], [ 193, 152, 246, 163 ], [ 265, 152, 278, 163 ], [ 289, 152, 294, 163 ], [ 307, 152, 363, 163 ], [ 380, 152, 392, 163 ], [ 404, 152, 408, 163 ], [ 422, 152, 578, 163 ], [ 591, 152, 595, 163 ], [ 649, 152, 723, 163 ], [ 742, 152, 755, 163 ], [ 766, 152, 771, 163 ], [ 784, 152, 808, 163 ], [ 281, 152, 289, 163 ], [ 294, 152, 302, 163 ], [ 396, 152, 404, 163 ], [ 408, 152, 417, 163 ], [ 583, 152, 591, 163 ], [ 595, 152, 603, 163 ], [ 612, 152, 628, 163 ], [ 758, 152, 766, 163 ], [ 771, 152, 779, 163 ], [ 251, 152, 262, 163 ], [ 368, 152, 376, 163 ], [ 728, 152, 739, 163 ], [ 193, 177, 219, 188 ], [ 237, 177, 250, 188 ], [ 262, 177, 266, 188 ], [ 280, 177, 808, 188 ], [ 254, 177, 262, 188 ], [ 266, 177, 274, 188 ], [ 225, 177, 233, 188 ], [ 193, 202, 808, 213 ], [ 193, 227, 429, 238 ], [ 446, 227, 458, 238 ], [ 475, 227, 488, 238 ], [ 499, 227, 504, 238 ], [ 517, 227, 808, 238 ], [ 491, 227, 499, 239 ], [ 504, 227, 512, 239 ], [ 433, 228, 441, 238 ], [ 461, 228, 472, 238 ], [ 193, 252, 280, 264 ], [ 288, 252, 808, 264 ], [ 193, 278, 808, 289 ], [ 193, 303, 808, 314 ], [ 193, 328, 808, 339 ], [ 193, 353, 538, 364 ], [ 193, 392, 207, 403 ], [ 226, 392, 316, 403 ], [ 193, 424, 808, 435 ], [ 193, 449, 361, 460 ], [ 369, 449, 808, 460 ], [ 193, 474, 808, 485 ], [ 193, 499, 808, 511 ], [ 193, 525, 808, 536 ], [ 193, 550, 808, 561 ], [ 193, 575, 772, 586 ], [ 779, 575, 808, 586 ], [ 193, 600, 808, 611 ], [ 193, 625, 228, 636 ], [ 234, 625, 664, 636 ], [ 209, 650, 808, 662 ], [ 193, 676, 808, 687 ], [ 193, 701, 808, 712 ], [ 193, 726, 666, 737 ], [ 193, 765, 340, 776 ], [ 193, 797, 808, 808 ], [ 193, 822, 808, 833 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10 ]
[ "are lower for larger waveguide cross sections. As shown in Fig. 4(b), e.g., the losses for", "a bending radius of 20", "$_{m}$m decrease from 2.9 dB/cm for the smallest waveguide cross", "−", "5", "·", "section,", "=", ".", "$_{m}$m and", "=", ".", "$_{m}$m (red), to as low as", ".", "dB/cm for", "=", ".", "$_{m}$m", "0", "5", "0", "8", "1", "2", "10", "0", "8", "w", "d", "w", "and", "=", ".", "$_{m}$m (green). The bending losses are negligible for the bigger cross sections", "1", "2", "d", "when compared to the propagation losses. The simulated bending loss for waveguides", "with high modal confinement and", "=", "=", ".", "$_{m}$m (blue) is only 0.7 dB/m for a bending", "0", "8", "d", "w", "radius of 20", "$_{m}$m. In comparison, to obtain a similar bending loss from a waveguide", "with low modal confinement [8], the bending radius must be as large as 2 mm or more.", "Consequently, the density of waveguides circuits on a wafer can be increased by or-", "ders of magnitude using waveguides with a high confinement, which leads to a superior", "efficiency in the fabrication of Si$_{3}$N$_{4}$ waveguides.", "4.", "Conclusion", "In conclusion, we have shown a novel way to fabricate TriPleX-based Si$_{3}$N$_{4}$ waveguides", "with a width of up 0.9", "$_{m}$m, while having a depth of up to 1.2 $_{m}$m. This method is", "promising to achieve a high yield compared to previously reported approaches to fab-", "ricate Si$_{3}$N$_{4}$ waveguides of similar cross-section dimensions. The complete area of six", "wafers with a diameter of 100 mm was used to produce waveguide structures, while", "not a single stress-induced crack appeared during or after fabrication. The propagation", "losses are measured to lie below 0.4 dB/cm for waveguides with a depth of 0.8", "$_{m}$m,", "while the bending losses were simulated to be below 0.01 dB/cm for a bending radius", "of 20", "$_{m}$m, both for a quasi-TM mode at a wavelength of 1550 nm.", "The measured coupling efficiency and observed variation in coupling efficiency can", "be improved by implementing spot-size converters at either end of the waveguide. The", "spot size converter expands the mode field diameter, which makes the coupling easier", "and less sensitive for imperfections in the flatness of the end facet.", "Acknowledgments", "This research is supported by the Dutch Technology Foundation STW, which is part", "of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), and which is partly" ]
[ [ 119, 33, 234, 45 ], [ 234, 33, 288, 45 ], [ 288, 33, 297, 45 ], [ 678, 33, 886, 45 ], [ 149, 74, 178, 90 ], [ 188, 74, 661, 90 ], [ 662, 74, 721, 90 ], [ 721, 74, 856, 90 ], [ 179, 90, 760, 106 ], [ 179, 90, 760, 106 ], [ 149, 107, 177, 122 ], [ 149, 107, 177, 122 ], [ 187, 107, 885, 122 ], [ 187, 107, 885, 122 ], [ 179, 123, 541, 139 ], [ 179, 123, 541, 139 ], [ 149, 139, 178, 155 ], [ 149, 139, 178, 155 ], [ 188, 139, 881, 155 ], [ 188, 139, 881, 155 ], [ 179, 156, 517, 172 ], [ 179, 156, 517, 172 ], [ 517, 156, 571, 172 ], [ 571, 156, 733, 172 ], [ 733, 156, 812, 172 ], [ 812, 156, 819, 172 ], [ 149, 172, 176, 188 ], [ 149, 172, 176, 188 ], [ 185, 172, 495, 188 ], [ 185, 172, 495, 188 ], [ 119, 205, 886, 221 ], [ 119, 222, 842, 237 ], [ 119, 255, 217, 270 ], [ 236, 255, 262, 270 ], [ 280, 255, 336, 270 ], [ 354, 255, 379, 270 ], [ 397, 255, 478, 270 ], [ 496, 255, 516, 270 ], [ 534, 255, 586, 270 ], [ 605, 255, 642, 270 ], [ 660, 255, 674, 270 ], [ 692, 255, 739, 270 ], [ 757, 255, 770, 270 ], [ 788, 255, 838, 270 ], [ 856, 255, 885, 270 ], [ 119, 271, 168, 287 ], [ 186, 271, 209, 287 ], [ 227, 271, 251, 287 ], [ 269, 271, 309, 287 ], [ 327, 271, 355, 287 ], [ 373, 271, 386, 287 ], [ 404, 271, 426, 287 ], [ 444, 271, 494, 287 ], [ 512, 271, 567, 287 ], [ 585, 271, 599, 287 ], [ 617, 271, 700, 287 ], [ 718, 271, 814, 287 ], [ 832, 271, 886, 287 ], [ 119, 287, 435, 303 ], [ 435, 287, 489, 303 ], [ 489, 287, 499, 303 ], [ 159, 321, 506, 336 ], [ 119, 353, 169, 369 ], [ 168, 353, 214, 369 ], [ 214, 353, 885, 369 ], [ 119, 370, 885, 386 ], [ 119, 386, 885, 402 ], [ 119, 403, 710, 418 ], [ 159, 436, 437, 452 ], [ 119, 469, 272, 484 ], [ 276, 469, 330, 484 ], [ 330, 469, 366, 484 ], [ 385, 469, 454, 484 ], [ 473, 469, 567, 484 ], [ 586, 469, 617, 484 ], [ 621, 469, 688, 484 ], [ 706, 469, 760, 484 ], [ 779, 469, 818, 484 ], [ 836, 469, 886, 484 ], [ 119, 485, 594, 501 ], [ 149, 518, 179, 534 ], [ 189, 518, 659, 534 ], [ 660, 518, 714, 534 ], [ 714, 518, 885, 534 ], [ 179, 534, 228, 550 ], [ 179, 534, 228, 550 ], [ 149, 551, 175, 567 ], [ 149, 551, 175, 567 ], [ 184, 551, 245, 567 ], [ 184, 551, 245, 567 ], [ 246, 551, 299, 567 ], [ 246, 551, 299, 567 ], [ 299, 551, 886, 567 ], [ 299, 551, 886, 567 ], [ 179, 567, 394, 583 ], [ 179, 567, 394, 583 ], [ 149, 584, 175, 599 ], [ 149, 584, 175, 599 ], [ 183, 584, 243, 599 ], [ 183, 584, 243, 599 ], [ 242, 584, 295, 599 ], [ 242, 584, 295, 599 ], [ 295, 584, 885, 599 ], [ 295, 584, 885, 599 ], [ 179, 600, 230, 616 ], [ 230, 600, 289, 616 ], [ 289, 600, 471, 616 ], [ 119, 633, 373, 649 ], [ 375, 633, 429, 649 ], [ 429, 633, 886, 649 ], [ 119, 649, 294, 665 ], [ 295, 649, 362, 665 ], [ 362, 649, 886, 665 ], [ 119, 666, 885, 682 ], [ 119, 682, 219, 698 ], [ 159, 716, 526, 731 ], [ 119, 748, 359, 764 ], [ 359, 748, 405, 764 ], [ 405, 748, 886, 764 ], [ 119, 765, 886, 780 ], [ 119, 781, 886, 797 ], [ 119, 797, 885, 813 ], [ 119, 814, 140, 830 ], [ 159, 814, 322, 830 ], [ 341, 814, 446, 830 ], [ 465, 814, 568, 830 ], [ 588, 814, 729, 830 ], [ 748, 814, 762, 830 ], [ 781, 814, 824, 830 ], [ 844, 814, 885, 830 ], [ 119, 830, 584, 846 ], [ 489, 943, 515, 959 ] ]
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[ "Contract number: [", "complete", "] ", "FWC conditions of October 2018 ", "(b)", "the full identification of the work and its author, developer, ", "creator", ", translator, data ", "entry person, graphic designer, publisher, editor, photographer, producer;", "entry person, graphic designer, publisher, editor, photographer, producer;", "(c)", "(c)", "a copy of the licence to use the product or of the agreement granting the relevant rights ", "a copy of the licence to use the product or of the agreement granting the relevant rights ", "to the contractor or a reference to this licence;", "to the contractor or a reference to this licence;", "(d)", "(d)", "a copy of the agreement or extract from the employment contract granting the relevant ", "a copy of the agreement or extract from the employment contract granting the relevant ", "rights to the contractor where parts of the ", "rights to the contractor where parts of the ", "results", " were created by its ", "personnel", ";", "(e)", "(e)", "the text of the disclaimer notice if any. ", "the text of the disclaimer notice if any. ", "Provision of evidence does not release the contractor from its responsibilities if it is found that ", "it does not hold the necessary rights, regardless of when and by whom this fact is revealed.", "The contractor", "also", "warrants", "that", "it possesses", "the", "relevant", "rights", "or", "powers", "to", "execute", "the ", "transfer", "and", "that", "it has", "paid", "or", "has", "verified", "payment", "of", "all due fees", "including fees", "due to ", "collecting societies, related to the final ", "results", ". ", "II.13.6. Quotation of works in the result ", "In the ", "result", ", the contractor must clearly point out all quotations of existing works. The complete ", "reference should include as appropriate, the following: name of the author, title of the work, ", "date and place of publication, date of creation, address of publication on the internet, number, ", "volume and other information that allows the origin to be easily identified.", "II.13.7. Moral rights of creators ", "By delivering the ", "results", ", the", "contractor", "warrants that", "the ", "creators", "will not", "object", "to the ", "following on the basis of their moral rights under copyright:", "(b)", "that their names be mentioned or not mentioned when the ", "results", " are presented to the ", "public;", "public;", "(c)", "(c)", "that the ", "that the ", "results", "results", " be divulged or not after they have been delivered in their final version ", " be divulged or not after they have been delivered in their final version ", "to the contracting authority;", "to the contracting authority;", "(d)", "(d)", "that the ", "that the ", "results", "results", " be adapted, provided that this is done in a manner which is not prejudicial ", " be adapted, provided that this is done in a manner which is not prejudicial ", "to the ", "creator", "’s honour or reputation.", "If moral rights on parts of the ", "results", " protected by copyright may exist, the contractor must ", "obtain the consent of ", "creators", " regarding the granting or waiver of the relevant moral rights in ", "accordance with the applicable legal provisions and be ready to provide documentary evidence ", "upon request.", "II.13.8. Image rights and sound recordings", "If natural persons appear in a ", "result", " or their voice or any other private element is recorded in a ", "recognisable manner, the contractor must obtain a statement by these persons (or, in the case of ", "minors, by the persons exercising parental authority) giving their permission for the described ", "use of their image, voice or private element and, on request, submit a copy of the permission to ", "the", "contracting authority.", "The contractor", "must take the", "necessary measures", "to", "obtain", "such ", "consent in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.", "25 " ]
[ [ 151, 115, 289, 124 ], [ 151, 133, 853, 141 ], [ 151, 146, 633, 155 ], [ 495, 945, 504, 957 ] ]
[ 2, 2, 2, 5 ]
[ "© Crown copyright 2020 ", "Printed and published in the UK by The Stationery Office Limited under the authority and superintendence of Jeff James, ", "Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office and Queen’s Printer of Acts of Parliament. ", "3" ]
[ [ 117, 92, 879, 107 ], [ 117, 118, 879, 133 ], [ 117, 145, 879, 160 ], [ 117, 171, 879, 186 ], [ 117, 197, 879, 212 ], [ 117, 224, 879, 239 ], [ 117, 250, 879, 265 ], [ 117, 277, 695, 292 ], [ 142, 303, 879, 318 ], [ 117, 329, 879, 345 ], [ 117, 356, 191, 371 ], [ 207, 356, 879, 371 ], [ 117, 382, 142, 397 ], [ 158, 382, 879, 397 ], [ 117, 409, 388, 424 ], [ 401, 409, 879, 424 ], [ 117, 435, 791, 450 ], [ 796, 435, 805, 450 ], [ 812, 435, 831, 461 ], [ 837, 435, 852, 450 ], [ 860, 435, 879, 461 ], [ 117, 462, 126, 477 ], [ 133, 462, 879, 477 ], [ 117, 488, 761, 503 ], [ 776, 488, 879, 503 ], [ 117, 514, 533, 530 ], [ 550, 514, 557, 530 ], [ 574, 514, 879, 530 ], [ 533, 515, 547, 529 ], [ 557, 515, 571, 529 ], [ 117, 541, 879, 556 ], [ 117, 567, 542, 582 ], [ 555, 567, 588, 582 ], [ 614, 567, 620, 582 ], [ 645, 567, 879, 582 ], [ 596, 568, 611, 582 ], [ 620, 568, 634, 582 ], [ 117, 594, 816, 609 ], [ 142, 620, 879, 635 ], [ 117, 646, 879, 661 ], [ 117, 673, 879, 688 ], [ 117, 699, 879, 714 ], [ 117, 726, 254, 741 ], [ 267, 726, 879, 741 ], [ 117, 752, 879, 767 ], [ 117, 778, 333, 794 ], [ 390, 778, 416, 794 ], [ 433, 778, 879, 794 ], [ 339, 779, 382, 793 ], [ 117, 805, 879, 820 ], [ 117, 831, 751, 846 ], [ 782, 831, 879, 846 ], [ 751, 832, 780, 846 ], [ 117, 858, 879, 873 ], [ 117, 884, 692, 899 ], [ 709, 884, 715, 899 ], [ 739, 884, 879, 899 ], [ 698, 885, 706, 898 ], [ 715, 885, 730, 898 ], [ 117, 911, 227, 926 ], [ 244, 911, 250, 926 ], [ 267, 911, 274, 926 ], [ 310, 911, 410, 926 ], [ 233, 911, 240, 925 ], [ 250, 911, 264, 925 ], [ 274, 911, 302, 925 ], [ 484, 954, 493, 969 ] ]
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[ "The authors also carried out a fifth order virial calculation for the equation of state. More", "accurate predictions of the higher virial contributions for disks were presented in Ref. [21],", "where simulation results are reported for hard cut spheres and more recently in Ref. [22].", "Later simulation work was carried out on polydisperse platelet systems [23] and systems", "of platelets with different polygonal shapes (e.g. hexagons, triangles) [24]. Further simula-", "tion results of model circular platelets were reported in Ref. [25] and simulations alongside", "an integral equation approach for mixtures of rods and disks were carried out in Ref. [26].", "Simulations of binary platelet systems have not yet been carried out.", "Binary mixtures of particles of different shape and/or size are interesting due to the", "richness of the phase diagrams they may exhibit. Binary rod mixtures form a prominent", "example.", "Studies include mixtures of thick and thin rods [27] and long and short rods", "[28]", "using Onsager theory as well as using Parsons-Lee scaling [29]. The phase behaviour", "in binary mixtures can include:", "the fractionation effect, whereby the larger particles go", "preferentially into the nematic phase; widening of the biphasic region; a re-entrant", "I", "→", "N", "→", "I", "phenomenon on increasing density; the possibility of demixing into two different isotropic", "states and/or two different nematic states and triphasic equilibria (see e.g.", "Ref. [27] for", "examples of these phenomena). Nematic-nematic (", "-", ") demixing, at high enough pressures,", "N", "N", "can be viewed as a result of competition between orientational entropy of the smaller platelets", "favouring mixing, and the entropy of mixing [27].", "The", "-", "phase separation for binary", "N", "N", "mixtures of rods, including the high density regime, is studied in detail in Ref. [30].", "Binary mixtures of thin and thick platelets have been investigated [31, 65] with the", "Parsons-Lee scaling of the Onsager functional [32–34]. Studies based on the Zwanzig model", "for binary hard platelets, where the particles are restricted to occupy only three mutually", "perpendicular directions, have been carried out for the bulk and interfacial properties of the", "demixed phases.", "Rich phase diagrams, involving isotropic and nematic phases have been", "reported in Refs. [35–37]. A recent review [38] of platelet fluids contains a summary of these", "results. Recently Verhoeff", "[39]", "have investigated experimentally and theoretically the", "et al.", "phase behaviour of colloidal platelets with bimodal shape distribution. Their theory is based", "on the Onsager-Parsons free energy and a cell approach for the columnar (", ") state [40].", "Col", "The authors find agreement between their experimental findings and theoretical predictions", "for sufficiently large thickness ratios. The phase diagram features an", "-", "density inversion", "I", "N", "and triphasic", "-", "-", "equilibrium.", "I", "N", "Col", "3" ]
[ [ 512, 35, 530, 45 ], [ 188, 71, 365, 86 ], [ 142, 108, 152, 123 ], [ 436, 108, 857, 123 ], [ 171, 128, 345, 146 ], [ 435, 128, 858, 146 ], [ 171, 149, 370, 165 ], [ 435, 149, 550, 165 ], [ 577, 149, 588, 165 ], [ 615, 149, 747, 165 ], [ 774, 149, 797, 165 ], [ 824, 149, 857, 165 ], [ 171, 168, 285, 185 ], [ 435, 168, 521, 185 ], [ 569, 168, 622, 185 ], [ 670, 168, 858, 185 ], [ 436, 193, 569, 203 ], [ 884, 193, 900, 203 ], [ 203, 238, 901, 255 ], [ 143, 269, 229, 284 ], [ 278, 269, 401, 284 ], [ 449, 269, 461, 284 ], [ 510, 269, 633, 284 ], [ 682, 269, 705, 284 ], [ 754, 269, 902, 284 ], [ 142, 295, 902, 312 ], [ 143, 324, 155, 342 ], [ 189, 324, 246, 342 ], [ 280, 324, 401, 342 ], [ 430, 324, 540, 342 ], [ 575, 324, 595, 342 ], [ 629, 324, 804, 342 ], [ 839, 324, 902, 342 ], [ 143, 353, 316, 371 ], [ 345, 353, 504, 371 ], [ 532, 353, 620, 371 ], [ 648, 353, 764, 371 ], [ 792, 353, 902, 371 ], [ 145, 382, 340, 399 ], [ 375, 382, 552, 399 ], [ 586, 382, 685, 399 ], [ 720, 382, 730, 399 ], [ 764, 382, 902, 399 ], [ 144, 410, 902, 427 ], [ 144, 439, 393, 456 ], [ 416, 439, 438, 456 ], [ 461, 439, 706, 456 ], [ 730, 439, 903, 456 ], [ 144, 467, 303, 485 ], [ 333, 467, 420, 485 ], [ 451, 467, 566, 485 ], [ 597, 467, 707, 485 ], [ 739, 467, 902, 485 ], [ 144, 497, 427, 514 ], [ 195, 527, 343, 542 ], [ 193, 556, 283, 571 ], [ 146, 611, 155, 625 ], [ 442, 611, 498, 625 ], [ 553, 611, 648, 625 ], [ 702, 611, 797, 625 ], [ 850, 611, 862, 625 ], [ 175, 631, 308, 647 ], [ 441, 631, 582, 647 ], [ 625, 631, 739, 647 ], [ 782, 631, 862, 647 ], [ 175, 652, 369, 665 ], [ 441, 652, 640, 665 ], [ 662, 652, 862, 665 ], [ 442, 668, 842, 684 ], [ 889, 668, 899, 684 ], [ 193, 701, 369, 716 ], [ 442, 730, 499, 743 ], [ 553, 730, 648, 743 ], [ 702, 730, 797, 743 ], [ 850, 730, 861, 743 ], [ 146, 737, 157, 744 ], [ 442, 749, 583, 765 ], [ 606, 749, 616, 765 ], [ 638, 749, 861, 765 ], [ 442, 768, 453, 784 ], [ 480, 768, 490, 784 ], [ 515, 768, 703, 784 ], [ 729, 768, 861, 784 ], [ 442, 788, 862, 803 ], [ 176, 800, 310, 811 ], [ 442, 806, 476, 822 ], [ 509, 806, 623, 822 ], [ 656, 806, 764, 822 ], [ 797, 806, 861, 822 ], [ 177, 821, 370, 832 ], [ 442, 826, 567, 841 ], [ 608, 826, 733, 841 ], [ 774, 826, 862, 841 ], [ 442, 845, 542, 859 ], [ 566, 845, 576, 859 ], [ 600, 845, 636, 859 ], [ 659, 845, 715, 859 ], [ 739, 845, 775, 859 ], [ 798, 845, 862, 859 ], [ 443, 863, 862, 878 ], [ 443, 883, 671, 899 ], [ 889, 886, 899, 892 ] ]
[ 6, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10 ]
[ "19", "заменить строкой", "«", "ОПК-5. Способен понимать принципы", "Информационно-", "работы современных информационных", "коммуникационные", "технологий", "и", "использовать", "их", "для", "технологии", "решения", "задач", "профессиональной", "деятельности", "»,", "14. В федеральном государственном образовательном стандарте", "высшего", "образования", "–", "специалитет", "по", "специальности", "53.05.06 Композиция, утвержденном приказом Министерства образования", "и", "науки", "Российской", "Федерации", "от", "23 августа 2017 г.", "№ 826", "(зарегистрирован", "Министерством", "юстиции", "Российской", "Федерации", "13 сентября 2017 г.,", "регистрационный", "№ 48151),", "с", "изменениями,", "внесенными приказом Министерства науки и высшего образования", "Российской Федерации", "от", "8 февраля 2021 г. № 84", "(зарегистрирован", "Министерством", "юстиции", "Российской", "Федерации", "12 марта 2021г.,", "регистрационный № 62736):", "1) в пункте 3.2:", "а) строку", "«", "УК-8.", "Способен", "создавать", "и", "Безопасность", "поддерживать", "безопасные", "условия", "жизнедеятельности", "жизнедеятельности,", "в том числе при", "возникновении чрезвычайных ситуаций", "»", "заменить строкой", "УК-8.", "Способен", "создавать", "И", "«", "поддерживать", "в", "повседневной жизни", "и", "в", "профессиональной", "деятельности", "безопасные условия жизнедеятельности", "Безопасность", "для", "сохранения", "природной", "среды,", "жизнедеятельности", "обеспечения", "устойчивого", "развития", "общества,", "в", "том", "числе", "при", "угрозе", "и возникновении чрезвычайных ситуаций", "и военных конфликтов", "»" ]
[ [ 303, 84, 702, 103 ], [ 118, 132, 220, 148 ], [ 239, 132, 406, 148 ], [ 152, 162, 189, 177 ], [ 214, 162, 885, 177 ], [ 214, 177, 884, 192 ], [ 214, 192, 885, 207 ], [ 214, 207, 885, 222 ], [ 214, 222, 394, 237 ], [ 152, 252, 189, 266 ], [ 214, 252, 885, 266 ], [ 214, 266, 885, 281 ], [ 214, 281, 885, 296 ], [ 214, 297, 885, 311 ], [ 214, 312, 885, 326 ], [ 214, 327, 885, 341 ], [ 214, 342, 783, 356 ], [ 152, 371, 189, 385 ], [ 214, 371, 884, 385 ], [ 214, 386, 885, 400 ], [ 214, 401, 885, 415 ], [ 214, 416, 885, 431 ], [ 214, 431, 885, 446 ], [ 214, 446, 884, 460 ], [ 214, 461, 703, 476 ], [ 118, 498, 220, 514 ], [ 239, 498, 434, 514 ], [ 152, 528, 189, 543 ], [ 214, 528, 884, 543 ], [ 214, 543, 885, 558 ], [ 214, 558, 885, 573 ], [ 214, 573, 885, 588 ], [ 214, 588, 305, 603 ], [ 152, 617, 189, 632 ], [ 214, 617, 885, 632 ], [ 214, 633, 885, 647 ], [ 214, 648, 885, 662 ], [ 214, 663, 885, 677 ], [ 214, 678, 885, 692 ], [ 214, 693, 884, 707 ], [ 214, 708, 552, 722 ], [ 152, 737, 189, 751 ], [ 214, 737, 713, 751 ], [ 219, 766, 234, 781 ], [ 249, 766, 885, 781 ], [ 249, 781, 885, 796 ], [ 249, 796, 751, 811 ], [ 219, 826, 235, 840 ], [ 249, 826, 724, 840 ], [ 219, 855, 234, 869 ], [ 249, 855, 885, 869 ], [ 249, 870, 444, 884 ], [ 118, 950, 199, 962 ], [ 761, 950, 849, 962 ], [ 118, 962, 227, 974 ] ]
[ 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5 ]
[ "MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP ", "Article 24 - ", "Quality of supplies ", "24.1.", "The supplies must in all respects satisfy the technical specifications laid down in the ", "contract and conform in all respects to the drawings, surveys, models, samples, patterns ", "and other requirements in the contract, which shall be held at the disposal of the ", "contracting authority or the project manager for the purposes of identification throughout ", "the period of execution. ", "24.2.", "Any preliminary technical acceptance stipulated in the special conditions shall be the ", "subject of a request sent by the contractor to the project manager. The request shall ", "indicate the reference to the contract, specify the materials, items and samples submitted ", "for such acceptance according to the contract and indicate the lot number and the place ", "where acceptance is to take place, as appropriate. The materials, items and samples ", "specified in the request must be certified by the project manager as meeting the ", "requirements for such acceptance prior to their incorporation in the supplies. ", "24.3.", "Even if materials or items to be incorporated in the supplies or in the manufacture of ", "components to be supplied have been technically accepted in this way, they may still be ", "rejected if a further examination reveals defects or faults, in which case they must ", "immediately be replaced by the contractor. The contractor may be given the opportunity ", "to repair and make good materials and items which have been rejected, but such materials ", "and items will be accepted for incorporation in the supplies only if they have been ", "repaired and made good to the satisfaction of the project manager.", "Article 25 - ", "Inspection and testing ", "25.1.", "The contractor shall ensure that the supplies are delivered to the place of acceptance in ", "time to allow the project manager to proceed with acceptance of the supplies. The ", "contractor is deemed to have fully appreciated the difficulties which it might encounter in ", "this respect, and it shall not be permitted to advance any grounds for delay in fulfilling its ", "obligations. ", "25.2.", "The project manager shall be entitled to inspect, examine measure and test the ", "components, materials and workmanship, and check the progress of preparation, ", "fabrication or manufacture of anything being prepared, fabricated or manufactured for ", "delivery under the contract, in order to establish whether the components, materials and ", "workmanship are of the requisite quality and quantity. This shall take place at the place of ", "manufacture, fabrication, preparation or at the place of acceptance or at such other places ", "as may be specified in the special conditions. ", "25.3.", "For the purposes of such tests and inspections, the contractor shall: ", "a)", "provide the project manager, temporarily and free of charge, with such assistance, ", "test samples or parts, machines, equipment, tools, labour, materials, drawings and ", "production data as are normally required for inspection and testing; ", "b)", "agree, with the project manager, on the time and place for tests; ", "c)", "provide access to the project manager at all reasonable times to the place where the ", "tests are to be carried out. ", "August 2020", "Page 20 of 36 ", "c4e_annexigc_en " ]
[ [ 117, 92, 478, 107 ], [ 485, 92, 495, 107 ], [ 504, 92, 515, 107 ], [ 525, 92, 879, 107 ], [ 495, 100, 503, 105 ], [ 117, 118, 879, 133 ], [ 117, 145, 879, 160 ], [ 144, 171, 879, 186 ], [ 117, 174, 144, 182 ], [ 117, 197, 144, 212 ], [ 150, 197, 161, 212 ], [ 168, 197, 879, 212 ], [ 117, 224, 879, 239 ], [ 117, 250, 879, 265 ], [ 117, 277, 879, 292 ], [ 117, 303, 216, 318 ], [ 142, 329, 174, 345 ], [ 261, 329, 879, 345 ], [ 182, 333, 254, 341 ], [ 117, 356, 879, 371 ], [ 117, 382, 879, 397 ], [ 117, 409, 879, 424 ], [ 117, 435, 879, 450 ], [ 117, 462, 562, 477 ], [ 142, 488, 879, 503 ], [ 117, 514, 879, 530 ], [ 117, 541, 879, 556 ], [ 117, 567, 879, 582 ], [ 117, 594, 879, 609 ], [ 834, 618, 848, 628 ], [ 117, 620, 668, 635 ], [ 659, 620, 834, 635 ], [ 857, 620, 879, 635 ], [ 117, 646, 498, 661 ], [ 505, 646, 516, 661 ], [ 544, 646, 578, 661 ], [ 585, 646, 596, 661 ], [ 624, 646, 659, 661 ], [ 666, 646, 677, 661 ], [ 705, 646, 780, 661 ], [ 787, 646, 798, 661 ], [ 826, 646, 879, 661 ], [ 517, 650, 544, 658 ], [ 597, 650, 624, 658 ], [ 678, 650, 705, 658 ], [ 799, 650, 826, 658 ], [ 117, 673, 879, 688 ], [ 117, 699, 879, 714 ], [ 117, 726, 879, 741 ], [ 117, 752, 148, 767 ], [ 142, 778, 879, 794 ], [ 117, 805, 879, 820 ], [ 117, 831, 879, 846 ], [ 117, 858, 879, 873 ], [ 117, 884, 879, 899 ], [ 117, 911, 767, 926 ], [ 774, 911, 785, 926 ], [ 813, 911, 879, 926 ], [ 786, 914, 813, 922 ], [ 479, 954, 498, 969 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "is lower than 5 kJ/mol (approximatively 2", "k", "T", "at room temperature). This means that a", "b", "sensible population of inverted chairs, of the order of 10% is expected at equilibrium, in", "contrast with no experimental evidence of the occurrence of this conformer. The behavior of", "Tal is even more pronounced, displaying an inverted chair free energy close to zero or, for", "-d-", "the", "β", "anomer, even negative. This should have been the case of idose, whose inverted chair", "conformers have been experimentally detected. On the contrary, the puckering free energy of", "idose inverted chairs simulated using the 45a4 set of parameters results to be greater than 10", "kJ/mol, therefore ruling out the possibility of observing idose inverted chairs in equilibrium", "simulations.", "The", "45a4 force field appears to be unable not only to compare quantitatively", "gromos", "with experimental and theoretical results, but — even more importantly — to reproduce", "the qualitative behavior of any of the two series. Given the ubiquitous presence of galactose", "and mannose in relevant oligo and polysaccharides of biological origin, the inability of the", "force field to prevent appearance of inverted chairs at room temperature seems to be a severe", "drawback, at least for out-of-equilibrium simulations.", "While the free energy of different ring conformers is certainly an important physical quan-", "tity, one should not overlook the importance of the kinetics of the conformational transitions.", "One might reason that alternate conformers might not be seen during equilibrium simula-", "tions, if the inverse transition rate is much longer than the typical time interval spanned by", "a simulation. This pragmatic approach could be hazardous, given the fast pace of increase", "28", "in simulations sizes and lengths, but nevertheless appealing. Kr¨", "autler and coworkers", "re-", "ported that in 200 ns long simulation runs of", "β", "Glc,", "β", "Gal,", "β", "Man and", "β", "talose,", "-d-", "-d-", "-d-", "-d-", "all sugars but glucose remained for more than 99.9% of the time in the chair conformation,", "while glucose was found in boat and twisted conformation for the 0.7% of the time (giving", "a rough estimate of the characteristic time of escape from the chair conformer basin of 10", "ns).", "Although 200 ns is a time much longer than that of most simulations, one should keep in", "mind that conformational transitions are stochastic events, and a characteristic time of 10", "ns might lead to a considerable amount of “unwanted” conformers in simulation runs much", "shorter than 200 ns, but with more than just one sugar molecule in solution. We tested a", "setting which we consider to be representative of a typical simulation of medium to large", "size, namely, of a 25 ns long run at constant temperature and pressure of 512", "β", "Glc and", "-d-", "17" ]
[ [ 106, 63, 246, 77 ], [ 106, 78, 394, 92 ], [ 106, 78, 394, 92 ], [ 106, 94, 298, 109 ], [ 106, 109, 459, 123 ], [ 106, 124, 175, 138 ], [ 735, 124, 772, 138 ], [ 841, 124, 878, 138 ], [ 106, 141, 221, 155 ], [ 115, 156, 323, 170 ], [ 666, 156, 680, 170 ], [ 712, 156, 776, 170 ], [ 818, 156, 883, 170 ], [ 115, 170, 603, 185 ], [ 152, 185, 438, 200 ], [ 712, 185, 776, 200 ], [ 818, 185, 882, 200 ], [ 115, 200, 314, 215 ], [ 722, 200, 776, 215 ], [ 828, 200, 883, 215 ], [ 121, 215, 270, 229 ], [ 731, 215, 772, 229 ], [ 837, 215, 878, 229 ], [ 152, 232, 296, 246 ], [ 712, 232, 772, 246 ], [ 819, 232, 878, 246 ], [ 106, 249, 617, 263 ], [ 721, 249, 776, 263 ], [ 827, 249, 882, 263 ], [ 106, 263, 303, 278 ], [ 115, 278, 351, 293 ], [ 699, 278, 776, 293 ], [ 805, 278, 882, 293 ], [ 115, 293, 357, 308 ], [ 721, 293, 776, 308 ], [ 828, 293, 882, 308 ], [ 699, 310, 772, 324 ], [ 805, 310, 878, 324 ], [ 115, 325, 478, 339 ], [ 699, 325, 776, 339 ], [ 805, 325, 882, 339 ], [ 151, 342, 372, 356 ], [ 699, 342, 776, 356 ], [ 805, 342, 882, 356 ], [ 106, 358, 169, 373 ], [ 712, 358, 772, 373 ], [ 819, 358, 878, 373 ], [ 106, 373, 203, 388 ], [ 722, 373, 777, 388 ], [ 828, 373, 883, 388 ], [ 196, 390, 285, 405 ], [ 666, 390, 675, 405 ], [ 699, 390, 772, 405 ], [ 805, 390, 878, 405 ], [ 106, 423, 451, 438 ], [ 106, 423, 451, 438 ], [ 106, 440, 235, 454 ], [ 115, 455, 389, 469 ], [ 721, 455, 776, 469 ], [ 861, 455, 882, 469 ], [ 121, 469, 251, 484 ], [ 722, 469, 772, 484 ], [ 828, 469, 878, 484 ], [ 121, 484, 256, 499 ], [ 712, 484, 772, 499 ], [ 819, 484, 878, 499 ], [ 115, 499, 387, 514 ], [ 730, 499, 776, 514 ], [ 837, 499, 882, 514 ], [ 121, 514, 284, 529 ], [ 722, 514, 772, 529 ], [ 828, 514, 878, 529 ], [ 152, 531, 310, 545 ], [ 712, 531, 772, 545 ], [ 819, 531, 878, 545 ], [ 106, 548, 222, 562 ], [ 712, 548, 777, 562 ], [ 819, 548, 883, 562 ], [ 106, 562, 276, 577 ], [ 712, 562, 777, 577 ], [ 819, 562, 883, 577 ], [ 106, 577, 372, 592 ], [ 721, 577, 776, 592 ], [ 837, 577, 882, 592 ], [ 106, 592, 368, 607 ], [ 712, 592, 776, 607 ], [ 818, 592, 882, 607 ], [ 106, 622, 426, 636 ], [ 106, 652, 262, 666 ], [ 115, 666, 526, 681 ], [ 152, 681, 568, 696 ], [ 152, 696, 462, 711 ], [ 730, 696, 776, 711 ], [ 837, 696, 882, 711 ], [ 121, 711, 299, 725 ], [ 722, 711, 772, 725 ], [ 828, 711, 878, 725 ], [ 121, 726, 254, 740 ], [ 699, 726, 772, 740 ], [ 805, 726, 878, 740 ], [ 115, 741, 425, 755 ], [ 716, 741, 782, 755 ], [ 822, 741, 888, 755 ], [ 115, 756, 413, 770 ], [ 716, 756, 782, 770 ], [ 822, 756, 888, 770 ], [ 152, 772, 341, 787 ], [ 699, 772, 776, 787 ], [ 805, 772, 882, 787 ], [ 196, 789, 484, 804 ], [ 666, 789, 679, 804 ], [ 698, 789, 776, 804 ], [ 805, 789, 882, 804 ], [ 106, 819, 483, 830 ], [ 489, 953, 510, 964 ] ]
[ 1, 9, 1, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 1, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 5 ]
[ "TIDEWATER INC. ", "CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS", "CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS", "March 31, 2010 and 2009 ", "(In thousands, except share and par value data) ", "ASSETS ", "2010", "2009", "Current assets: ", "Cash and cash equivalents ", "$ ", "223,070 ", "250,793 ", "Trade and other receivables, less allowance for doubtful accounts ", "of $38,632 in 2010 and $5,773 in 2009 ", "311,617 ", "328,566 ", "Marine operating supplies ", "44,237 ", "48,727 ", "Other current assets", "6,703", "6,365", "Total current assets", "585,627", "634,451", "Investments in, at equity, and advances to unconsolidated companies ", "40,614 ", "37,221 ", "Properties and equipment: ", "Vessels and related equipment ", "3,455,322 ", "3,238,674 ", "Other properties and equipment ", "82,007 ", "81,689 ", "3,537,329", "3,320,363", "Less accumulated depreciation and amortization ", "1,283,505 ", "1,307,038 ", "Net properties and equipment ", "2,253,824 ", "2,013,325 ", "Goodwill", "328,754", "328,754", "Other assets ", "84,538 ", "60,053 ", "Total assets", "$", "3,293,357", "3,073,804", "LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY ", "LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY ", "Current liabilities: ", "Current maturities on long-term debt ", "25,000 ", "--- ", "Accounts payable", "41,673", "51,530", "Accrued expenses", "119,485", "111,153", "Accrued property and liability losses ", "4,809 ", "5,521 ", "Other current liabilities", "13,745", "35,146", "Total current liabilities", "204,712", "203,350", "Long-term debt ", "275,000 ", "300,000 ", "Deferred income taxes ", "211,504 ", "201,200 ", "Accrued property and liability losses ", "12,809 ", "8,035 ", "Other liabilities and deferred credits ", "125,302 ", "116,541 ", "Commitments and Contingencies (Note 10) ", "Stockholders’ equity: ", "Common stock of $0.10 par value, 125,000,000 shares ", "authorized, issued 51,830,048 shares at March 31, 2010 ", "and 51,696,245 shares at March 31, 2009 ", "5,183 ", "5,169 ", "Additional paid-in capital", "88,173", "79,333", "Retained earnings", "2,402,575", "2,194,842", "Deferred compensation – restricted stock ", "(14,970) ", "(14,953) ", "Accumulated other comprehensive loss ", "(16,931) ", "(19,713) ", "Total stockholders’ equity ", "2,464,030 ", "2,244,678 ", "Total liabilities and stockholders' equity ", "$ ", "3,293,357 ", "3,073,804 ", "See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. ", "F-5" ]
[ [ 910, 36, 918, 48 ], [ 518, 68, 681, 81 ], [ 688, 68, 695, 81 ], [ 703, 68, 719, 81 ], [ 727, 68, 735, 81 ], [ 735, 68, 918, 81 ], [ 88, 68, 114, 81 ], [ 518, 83, 799, 95 ], [ 804, 83, 811, 95 ], [ 816, 83, 853, 95 ], [ 858, 83, 918, 95 ], [ 301, 88, 308, 97 ], [ 291, 92, 301, 122 ], [ 249, 92, 259, 122 ], [ 200, 94, 217, 103 ], [ 272, 94, 291, 103 ], [ 187, 97, 199, 109 ], [ 227, 97, 240, 109 ], [ 259, 97, 271, 109 ], [ 311, 97, 316, 109 ], [ 335, 97, 364, 109 ], [ 364, 97, 369, 109 ], [ 459, 97, 488, 109 ], [ 518, 97, 874, 110 ], [ 879, 97, 893, 110 ], [ 893, 97, 918, 110 ], [ 518, 112, 918, 124 ], [ 200, 125, 217, 134 ], [ 272, 125, 299, 134 ], [ 518, 126, 825, 139 ], [ 187, 127, 199, 140 ], [ 227, 127, 240, 140 ], [ 259, 127, 271, 140 ], [ 310, 127, 325, 140 ], [ 344, 127, 384, 140 ], [ 384, 127, 389, 140 ], [ 459, 127, 488, 140 ], [ 363, 156, 383, 165 ], [ 104, 158, 363, 170 ], [ 353, 158, 363, 170 ], [ 388, 158, 488, 170 ], [ 521, 170, 914, 180 ], [ 88, 172, 197, 185 ], [ 551, 183, 884, 193 ], [ 221, 193, 231, 223 ], [ 394, 193, 403, 223 ], [ 251, 195, 271, 203 ], [ 231, 198, 250, 211 ], [ 271, 198, 298, 211 ], [ 299, 198, 353, 211 ], [ 358, 198, 371, 211 ], [ 374, 198, 394, 211 ], [ 201, 198, 217, 211 ], [ 203, 198, 211, 211 ], [ 250, 204, 256, 213 ], [ 122, 209, 142, 218 ], [ 440, 211, 444, 224 ], [ 459, 211, 488, 224 ], [ 112, 211, 122, 224 ], [ 114, 211, 122, 224 ], [ 147, 211, 160, 224 ], [ 534, 214, 918, 226 ], [ 255, 219, 265, 249 ], [ 428, 219, 438, 249 ], [ 286, 221, 305, 229 ], [ 265, 224, 284, 237 ], [ 306, 224, 332, 237 ], [ 334, 224, 388, 237 ], [ 392, 224, 405, 237 ], [ 409, 224, 428, 237 ], [ 166, 224, 174, 237 ], [ 178, 224, 191, 237 ], [ 194, 224, 213, 237 ], [ 215, 224, 245, 237 ], [ 235, 224, 252, 237 ], [ 518, 228, 778, 241 ], [ 789, 228, 899, 241 ], [ 910, 228, 918, 241 ], [ 284, 231, 291, 239 ], [ 518, 242, 794, 255 ], [ 88, 253, 148, 265 ], [ 138, 253, 154, 265 ], [ 164, 253, 370, 265 ], [ 378, 253, 395, 265 ], [ 404, 253, 488, 265 ], [ 534, 257, 918, 270 ], [ 88, 267, 214, 280 ], [ 221, 267, 230, 280 ], [ 238, 267, 488, 280 ], [ 518, 271, 660, 284 ], [ 650, 271, 660, 284 ], [ 665, 271, 677, 284 ], [ 682, 271, 695, 284 ], [ 697, 271, 703, 284 ], [ 703, 271, 718, 284 ], [ 718, 271, 731, 284 ], [ 731, 271, 918, 284 ], [ 88, 282, 488, 294 ], [ 734, 285, 751, 316 ], [ 634, 285, 644, 316 ], [ 879, 287, 889, 296 ], [ 848, 288, 854, 297 ], [ 861, 290, 879, 320 ], [ 751, 290, 802, 303 ], [ 807, 290, 822, 303 ], [ 826, 290, 839, 303 ], [ 883, 290, 917, 303 ], [ 518, 290, 595, 303 ], [ 585, 290, 595, 303 ], [ 599, 290, 612, 303 ], [ 617, 290, 630, 303 ], [ 644, 290, 650, 303 ], [ 650, 290, 664, 303 ], [ 664, 290, 703, 303 ], [ 703, 290, 709, 303 ], [ 709, 290, 723, 303 ], [ 723, 290, 734, 303 ], [ 88, 296, 488, 309 ], [ 879, 297, 883, 306 ], [ 845, 298, 855, 306 ], [ 214, 309, 218, 318 ], [ 272, 309, 276, 318 ], [ 858, 309, 870, 318 ], [ 88, 311, 122, 323 ], [ 121, 311, 140, 323 ], [ 140, 311, 146, 323 ], [ 146, 311, 155, 323 ], [ 157, 311, 185, 323 ], [ 190, 311, 197, 323 ], [ 197, 311, 204, 323 ], [ 204, 311, 213, 323 ], [ 221, 311, 234, 323 ], [ 237, 311, 246, 323 ], [ 247, 311, 253, 323 ], [ 253, 311, 271, 323 ], [ 282, 311, 308, 323 ], [ 313, 311, 338, 323 ], [ 339, 311, 345, 323 ], [ 345, 311, 360, 323 ], [ 361, 311, 385, 323 ], [ 389, 311, 397, 323 ], [ 397, 311, 403, 323 ], [ 403, 311, 419, 323 ], [ 422, 311, 435, 323 ], [ 438, 311, 446, 323 ], [ 446, 311, 453, 323 ], [ 453, 311, 477, 323 ], [ 477, 311, 488, 323 ], [ 518, 311, 800, 323 ], [ 807, 311, 820, 323 ], [ 828, 311, 840, 323 ], [ 847, 311, 858, 323 ], [ 878, 311, 918, 323 ], [ 518, 325, 810, 337 ], [ 815, 325, 826, 337 ], [ 826, 325, 918, 337 ], [ 88, 325, 488, 338 ], [ 88, 339, 268, 352 ], [ 268, 339, 277, 352 ], [ 283, 339, 488, 352 ], [ 518, 339, 692, 352 ], [ 88, 354, 102, 367 ], [ 107, 354, 143, 367 ], [ 724, 368, 730, 381 ], [ 730, 368, 745, 381 ], [ 745, 368, 758, 381 ], [ 104, 368, 488, 381 ], [ 644, 377, 664, 389 ], [ 669, 377, 694, 389 ], [ 698, 377, 711, 389 ], [ 759, 377, 772, 389 ], [ 889, 377, 918, 389 ], [ 88, 383, 488, 396 ], [ 716, 390, 724, 402 ], [ 724, 390, 731, 402 ], [ 731, 390, 745, 402 ], [ 745, 390, 759, 402 ], [ 88, 397, 198, 410 ], [ 187, 397, 201, 410 ], [ 201, 397, 488, 410 ], [ 175, 410, 194, 419 ], [ 88, 412, 158, 424 ], [ 164, 412, 175, 424 ], [ 201, 412, 242, 424 ], [ 518, 415, 796, 428 ], [ 810, 415, 918, 428 ], [ 518, 430, 538, 442 ], [ 544, 430, 570, 442 ], [ 576, 430, 596, 442 ], [ 601, 430, 844, 442 ], [ 850, 430, 861, 442 ], [ 866, 430, 892, 442 ], [ 898, 430, 909, 442 ], [ 909, 430, 918, 442 ], [ 247, 432, 253, 441 ], [ 197, 434, 216, 442 ], [ 596, 435, 599, 440 ], [ 176, 435, 195, 448 ], [ 220, 435, 226, 448 ], [ 226, 435, 240, 448 ], [ 240, 435, 247, 448 ], [ 304, 439, 314, 469 ], [ 456, 439, 466, 469 ], [ 150, 439, 169, 448 ], [ 334, 440, 354, 449 ], [ 314, 444, 333, 456 ], [ 354, 444, 381, 456 ], [ 382, 444, 417, 456 ], [ 420, 444, 433, 456 ], [ 437, 444, 456, 456 ], [ 464, 444, 493, 456 ], [ 469, 444, 473, 456 ], [ 88, 444, 99, 456 ], [ 99, 444, 125, 456 ], [ 125, 444, 140, 456 ], [ 140, 444, 146, 456 ], [ 154, 444, 166, 456 ], [ 259, 444, 272, 456 ], [ 276, 444, 300, 456 ], [ 518, 444, 918, 457 ], [ 333, 450, 339, 459 ], [ 211, 452, 219, 465 ], [ 658, 457, 665, 466 ], [ 518, 459, 638, 471 ], [ 645, 459, 656, 471 ], [ 672, 459, 918, 471 ], [ 518, 473, 650, 486 ], [ 88, 473, 102, 486 ], [ 103, 473, 109, 486 ], [ 109, 473, 162, 486 ], [ 162, 473, 488, 486 ], [ 534, 487, 918, 500 ], [ 88, 488, 417, 500 ], [ 422, 488, 438, 500 ], [ 443, 488, 488, 500 ], [ 732, 501, 748, 509 ], [ 759, 501, 776, 509 ], [ 697, 501, 707, 510 ], [ 88, 502, 321, 515 ], [ 327, 502, 337, 515 ], [ 337, 502, 488, 515 ], [ 680, 504, 697, 534 ], [ 518, 504, 638, 517 ], [ 645, 504, 652, 517 ], [ 660, 504, 673, 517 ], [ 722, 504, 731, 517 ], [ 749, 504, 758, 517 ], [ 784, 504, 918, 517 ], [ 731, 511, 736, 519 ], [ 758, 511, 763, 519 ], [ 697, 511, 702, 520 ], [ 702, 511, 718, 520 ], [ 425, 515, 444, 524 ], [ 88, 517, 117, 529 ], [ 123, 517, 132, 529 ], [ 133, 517, 405, 529 ], [ 410, 517, 425, 529 ], [ 451, 517, 488, 529 ], [ 766, 519, 783, 528 ], [ 831, 519, 848, 528 ], [ 518, 522, 751, 535 ], [ 757, 522, 766, 535 ], [ 790, 522, 816, 535 ], [ 822, 522, 831, 535 ], [ 849, 522, 918, 535 ], [ 766, 529, 770, 538 ], [ 831, 529, 835, 538 ], [ 88, 531, 412, 544 ], [ 518, 537, 771, 549 ], [ 778, 537, 785, 549 ], [ 792, 537, 918, 549 ], [ 518, 551, 918, 564 ], [ 139, 554, 149, 585 ], [ 332, 554, 342, 585 ], [ 190, 556, 209, 565 ], [ 149, 559, 158, 572 ], [ 159, 559, 188, 572 ], [ 210, 559, 236, 572 ], [ 238, 559, 292, 572 ], [ 296, 559, 309, 572 ], [ 313, 559, 332, 572 ], [ 342, 559, 351, 572 ], [ 352, 559, 402, 572 ], [ 408, 559, 420, 572 ], [ 425, 559, 433, 572 ], [ 433, 559, 438, 572 ], [ 459, 559, 488, 572 ], [ 119, 559, 136, 572 ], [ 121, 559, 129, 572 ], [ 188, 566, 195, 574 ], [ 518, 566, 918, 578 ], [ 518, 580, 880, 593 ], [ 104, 588, 488, 600 ], [ 88, 602, 488, 615 ], [ 88, 617, 488, 629 ], [ 734, 621, 746, 630 ], [ 711, 625, 720, 638 ], [ 729, 631, 752, 661 ], [ 88, 631, 105, 644 ], [ 112, 631, 489, 644 ], [ 755, 634, 784, 646 ], [ 889, 634, 918, 646 ], [ 650, 634, 660, 646 ], [ 663, 634, 669, 646 ], [ 669, 634, 676, 646 ], [ 677, 634, 700, 646 ], [ 707, 642, 723, 655 ], [ 88, 646, 488, 658 ], [ 730, 652, 735, 660 ], [ 735, 652, 752, 660 ], [ 88, 660, 488, 673 ], [ 518, 674, 559, 687 ], [ 566, 674, 579, 687 ], [ 587, 674, 918, 687 ], [ 88, 675, 399, 687 ], [ 346, 688, 365, 697 ], [ 518, 688, 563, 701 ], [ 570, 688, 591, 701 ], [ 600, 688, 765, 701 ], [ 772, 688, 788, 701 ], [ 797, 688, 918, 701 ], [ 104, 692, 331, 705 ], [ 336, 692, 345, 705 ], [ 371, 692, 488, 705 ], [ 345, 696, 351, 705 ], [ 518, 703, 918, 715 ], [ 88, 707, 261, 719 ], [ 518, 717, 918, 730 ], [ 140, 730, 149, 760 ], [ 226, 730, 236, 760 ], [ 190, 731, 209, 740 ], [ 412, 731, 432, 740 ], [ 518, 732, 918, 744 ], [ 159, 733, 179, 741 ], [ 246, 733, 265, 741 ], [ 277, 733, 296, 741 ], [ 360, 733, 379, 741 ], [ 149, 735, 159, 747 ], [ 180, 735, 189, 747 ], [ 210, 735, 215, 747 ], [ 218, 735, 226, 747 ], [ 236, 735, 245, 747 ], [ 266, 735, 275, 747 ], [ 301, 735, 327, 747 ], [ 327, 735, 331, 747 ], [ 350, 735, 359, 747 ], [ 385, 735, 411, 747 ], [ 433, 735, 437, 747 ], [ 459, 735, 488, 747 ], [ 119, 735, 136, 747 ], [ 121, 735, 129, 747 ], [ 159, 741, 164, 750 ], [ 245, 741, 251, 750 ], [ 359, 741, 365, 750 ], [ 189, 741, 195, 750 ], [ 411, 741, 417, 750 ], [ 417, 741, 424, 750 ], [ 518, 746, 703, 759 ], [ 144, 764, 164, 773 ], [ 88, 768, 129, 780 ], [ 134, 768, 143, 780 ], [ 169, 768, 488, 780 ], [ 143, 774, 149, 783 ], [ 149, 774, 156, 783 ], [ 742, 774, 748, 787 ], [ 748, 774, 756, 787 ], [ 756, 774, 770, 787 ], [ 245, 782, 265, 790 ], [ 640, 783, 671, 795 ], [ 676, 783, 701, 795 ], [ 705, 783, 718, 795 ], [ 781, 783, 795, 795 ], [ 889, 783, 918, 795 ], [ 88, 785, 231, 798 ], [ 235, 785, 244, 798 ], [ 266, 785, 319, 798 ], [ 323, 785, 357, 798 ], [ 361, 785, 488, 798 ], [ 244, 792, 250, 800 ], [ 734, 793, 744, 824 ], [ 772, 793, 781, 824 ], [ 723, 798, 731, 811 ], [ 744, 798, 750, 811 ], [ 750, 798, 757, 811 ], [ 758, 798, 772, 811 ], [ 88, 800, 489, 812 ], [ 88, 814, 97, 827 ], [ 103, 814, 137, 827 ], [ 141, 814, 488, 827 ], [ 88, 829, 94, 841 ], [ 107, 829, 376, 841 ], [ 534, 829, 918, 841 ], [ 104, 843, 488, 856 ], [ 518, 843, 918, 856 ], [ 88, 858, 489, 870 ], [ 518, 858, 798, 870 ], [ 810, 858, 843, 870 ], [ 855, 858, 918, 870 ], [ 88, 872, 488, 885 ], [ 518, 872, 918, 885 ], [ 88, 887, 488, 899 ], [ 518, 887, 552, 899 ], [ 558, 887, 565, 899 ], [ 578, 887, 918, 899 ], [ 409, 899, 428, 908 ], [ 88, 901, 388, 914 ], [ 394, 901, 409, 914 ], [ 435, 901, 488, 914 ], [ 518, 901, 608, 914 ], [ 614, 901, 621, 914 ], [ 628, 901, 654, 914 ], [ 660, 901, 675, 914 ], [ 682, 901, 708, 914 ], [ 709, 901, 713, 914 ], [ 716, 901, 722, 914 ], [ 735, 901, 918, 914 ] ]
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[ "4", "exact also in the limit", "c", "→", "0", "$^{+}$, in the case of second-", "and", "order phase transitions, and in the limit", "c", "→ ∞", "(see Sec.", "2", ")", "(", "(2)", "(F)", "C", "=", "C", ",", "in F", ",", "(22)", "IIIC of [12]). Note also that the order parameters", "m", "$^{(Σ)}$,", "and then the correlation functions, are by construction", "(2)", "(SG)", "always exact in the zero temperature limit.", "C", "=", "C", "$^{2}$,", "in SG", ".", "(23)", "(Σ)", "In particular, for the susceptibility ˜", "χ", "of the random", "IV. SIMULATIONS AND COMPARISON WITH", "model we have:", "THE THEORY FOR GIVEN COUPLINGS", "(", ")", "(Σ)", "βJ", ", βJ", "$^{(Σ)}$m(Σ)", "+", "βh", "χ$_{0}$", "˜", "0", "(Σ)", ",", "(24)", "χ", "˜", "=", "The Monte-Carlo simulations presented in this work", "(", ")", "(Σ)", "βJ", ", βJ", "$^{(Σ)}$m(Σ)", "+", "βh", "1", "−", "βJ", "$^{(Σ)}$˜", "χ$_{0}$", "were made using a local spin-flip", "dynamics with", "a", "0", "Metropolis acceptance probability [24].", "where ˜", "χ$_{0}$", "stands for the susceptibility", "χ$_{0}$", "of the pure", "Throughout this work we estimate the susceptibility,", "model divided by", "β", "(we will adopt throughout this di-", "in the P phase by ˜", "χ", "=", "N", "〈", "m", "$^{2}$〉", ", and in the ferromagnetic", "mensionless definition of the susceptibility) and similarly", "$^{2}$)", "(", "N", "1", "∑", ", where", "m", "=", "$_{=1}$σ$_{i}$", "phase by ˜", "χ", "=", "N", "〈", "m", "$^{2}$〉 − 〈", "|", "m", "|〉", "for the random model. For the case Σ =F without disor-", "i", "N", "′", "′", "d$_{0}$", "der (", "dµ", "(", "J", "$^{′}$) =", "δ", "(", "J", "−", "J", ")", "dJ", "and", "dµ$_{0}$", "(", "J$_{0}$", ") =", "δ", "(", "J$_{0}$", "−", "a", ")", "dJ$_{0}$", "),", "is the magnetization of the system and", "N", "=", "L", "is the", "total number of spins in the lattice of side", "L", ". The Binder", "Eq. (24) was already derived in [20] by series expansion", "techniques at zero field (", "h", "= 0) in the P region (where", "cumulant[25], defined by", "m", "= 0).", "〈", "m", "$^{4}$〉", "Among all the possible stable solutions of Eqs. (13), in", "U$_{L}$", "= 1", "−", "$_{2}$,", "(28)", "the thermodynamic limit, for both Σ=F and Σ=SG, the", "3", "〈", "m", "$^{2}$〉", "true solution ¯", "m", "$^{(Σ)}$, or leading solution, is the one that", "(Σ)", "minimizes", "L", "where", "was used to locate the critical points.", "The cumulants", "U$_{L}$", "and", "U$_{L}$", ", for two systems of different sides", "L", "and", "L", "$^{′}$,", "2", "(Σ)", "′", "βJ", "(", "m", ")", "(", ")", "def", "(Σ)", "βJ", ", βJ", "$^{(Σ)}$m", "+", "βh", "(25)", ",", "L", "$^{(Σ)}$(", "m", ")", "=", "+", "βf$_{0}$", "plotted as a function of temperature, cross at the critical", "0", "2", "∗", "point at a value,", "U", "that characterizes the universality", "class of the model.", "f$_{0}$", "(", "βJ$_{0}$, βh", ") being the free energy density in the thermo-", "To study spin-glass phases we calculate the overlap", "dynamic limit of the pure model with coupling", "J$_{0}$", "and in", "(1)", "(2)", "N", "the presence of an external field", "h", ", at inverse tempera-", "∑", "order-parameter,", "q", "=", "σ", "σ", "obtained from two", "i", "i", "i", "=1", "(Σ)", "ture", "β", ". A necessary condition for a solution", "m", "to be", "(1)", "(2)", "replicas of the system with spins", "σ", "and", "σ", ". The ob-", "i", "i", "the leading solution is the stability condition:", "served distribution of the values of", "q", "is measured for a", "given realization of the disorder which corresponds to", "(", ")", "(Σ)", "β", "$^{(Σ)}$J", ", βJ", "$^{(Σ)}$m(Σ)", "+", "βh", "β", "$^{(Σ)}$J(Σ)", "<", "1", ".", "(26)", "χ$_{0}$", "˜", "0", "taking a thermal average. Subsequently, by considering", "different samples, an average over disorder is done:", "For the localization and the reciprocal stability be-", "tween the F and SG phases we remind the reader to Sec.", "IIID of [12]. We recall however that, at least for lattices", "M", "1", "∑", "L$_{0}$", "having only loops of even length, the stable P region", "δ$_{q}$$_{j}$$_{,q}$", "(29)", "P", "(", "q", ") =", "M", "is always that corresponding to a P-F phase diagram, so", "j", "=1", "that in the P region the correlation functions must be", "where", "q$_{j}$", "is the value of the overlap parameter at time", "calculated only through Eqs. (19) and (22).", "(Σ)", "step j,", "δ$_{i,j}$", "is the Kronecker delta,", "M", "is the number of", "The inverse critical temperature", "β", "is solution of the", "c", "simulation Monte Carlo steps (MCS) after thermal equi-", "following exact equation", "libration is reached, and the bar denotes averaging over", "(", ")", "(Σ)", "(Σ)", "disorder. The Binder cumulant for the overlap order pa-", "(Σ)", "(Σ)", "(Σ)", "(Σ)", "β", "J", ",", "0", "β", "J", "= 1", ",", "β", "< β", ",", "(27)", "χ$_{0}$", "˜", "c", "c", "c", "0", "c", "0", "rameter can be defined by", "(Σ)", "where", "β", "is the inverse critical temperature of the pure", "c", "0", "〈", "q", "$^{4}$〉", "(Σ)", "U$_{q,L}$", "= 1", "−", "$_{2}$,", "(30)", "model with coupling", "J", ". When", "J$_{0}$ >", "0, the constrain in", "0", "(", ")", "3", "〈", "q", "$^{2}$〉", "Eq. (27) ensures the uniqueness of the solution. However,", "if", "J$_{0}$ <", "0, Eq. (27) in general admits either 0 or at least", "2", "solutions (in principle also 4, 6, etc...).", "We study the small-world model with the distribution", "We end this section by stressing that this method is", "of random bonds defined in Eq. (9) and a fixed positive", "exact in all the P region and, at least for second-order", "long-range coupling constant as in Eq.", "(10).", "We start", "phase transitions, provides the exact critical surface, be-", "in subsection IV A to study the ferromagnetic case with", "havior and percolation threshold, and that, in the ab-", "J$_{0}$ >", "0", "and the location of the critical points for differ-", "(Σ)", "sence of frustration, the order parameters", "m", "become", "ent values of", "c", "and", "d$_{0}$", "= 1", ",", "2", "and 3. In subsection IV B" ]
[ [ 303, 45, 702, 62 ], [ 118, 93, 419, 111 ], [ 132, 117, 200, 134 ], [ 220, 117, 391, 134 ], [ 143, 140, 189, 157 ], [ 220, 140, 737, 157 ], [ 720, 140, 892, 157 ], [ 150, 155, 182, 172 ], [ 220, 155, 247, 172 ], [ 261, 155, 327, 172 ], [ 341, 155, 374, 172 ], [ 387, 155, 396, 172 ], [ 410, 155, 441, 172 ], [ 455, 155, 462, 172 ], [ 476, 155, 532, 172 ], [ 546, 155, 577, 172 ], [ 591, 155, 667, 172 ], [ 681, 155, 700, 172 ], [ 714, 155, 746, 172 ], [ 760, 155, 812, 172 ], [ 826, 155, 855, 172 ], [ 869, 155, 910, 172 ], [ 220, 169, 898, 186 ], [ 722, 184, 787, 200 ], [ 803, 184, 889, 200 ], [ 220, 184, 735, 200 ], [ 220, 199, 888, 215 ], [ 220, 213, 886, 230 ], [ 220, 228, 907, 244 ], [ 220, 242, 499, 259 ], [ 482, 261, 506, 277 ], [ 522, 261, 577, 277 ], [ 592, 261, 690, 277 ], [ 705, 261, 741, 277 ], [ 756, 261, 824, 277 ], [ 840, 261, 870, 277 ], [ 877, 261, 903, 277 ], [ 220, 261, 466, 277 ], [ 220, 275, 886, 292 ], [ 220, 290, 232, 307 ], [ 246, 290, 301, 307 ], [ 315, 290, 326, 307 ], [ 340, 290, 360, 307 ], [ 374, 290, 413, 307 ], [ 427, 290, 487, 307 ], [ 501, 290, 522, 307 ], [ 536, 290, 594, 307 ], [ 608, 290, 628, 307 ], [ 642, 290, 663, 307 ], [ 678, 290, 723, 307 ], [ 737, 290, 749, 307 ], [ 763, 290, 798, 307 ], [ 812, 290, 823, 307 ], [ 837, 290, 903, 307 ], [ 220, 305, 550, 321 ], [ 129, 328, 203, 344 ], [ 220, 328, 887, 344 ], [ 142, 342, 190, 359 ], [ 220, 342, 241, 359 ], [ 255, 342, 349, 359 ], [ 363, 342, 410, 359 ], [ 425, 342, 440, 359 ], [ 454, 342, 461, 359 ], [ 476, 342, 513, 359 ], [ 528, 342, 543, 359 ], [ 557, 342, 622, 359 ], [ 636, 342, 695, 359 ], [ 710, 342, 746, 359 ], [ 760, 342, 796, 359 ], [ 810, 342, 823, 359 ], [ 837, 342, 882, 359 ], [ 147, 357, 185, 373 ], [ 220, 357, 888, 373 ], [ 220, 371, 885, 388 ], [ 220, 386, 868, 402 ], [ 855, 386, 885, 402 ], [ 220, 400, 902, 417 ], [ 664, 415, 726, 431 ], [ 741, 415, 801, 431 ], [ 816, 415, 837, 431 ], [ 852, 415, 866, 431 ], [ 881, 415, 894, 431 ], [ 220, 415, 235, 431 ], [ 249, 415, 278, 431 ], [ 292, 415, 305, 431 ], [ 319, 415, 362, 431 ], [ 376, 415, 428, 431 ], [ 442, 415, 497, 431 ], [ 477, 415, 538, 431 ], [ 554, 415, 567, 431 ], [ 584, 415, 649, 431 ], [ 220, 429, 708, 446 ], [ 695, 429, 894, 446 ], [ 220, 444, 242, 460 ], [ 248, 444, 442, 460 ], [ 279, 467, 886, 483 ], [ 250, 467, 257, 482 ], [ 655, 481, 705, 498 ], [ 719, 481, 748, 498 ], [ 762, 481, 782, 498 ], [ 796, 481, 829, 498 ], [ 843, 481, 887, 498 ], [ 279, 481, 498, 498 ], [ 513, 481, 655, 498 ], [ 639, 488, 652, 498 ], [ 279, 496, 887, 512 ], [ 596, 510, 638, 527 ], [ 651, 510, 674, 527 ], [ 687, 510, 713, 527 ], [ 726, 510, 746, 527 ], [ 759, 510, 770, 527 ], [ 762, 510, 885, 527 ], [ 279, 510, 591, 527 ], [ 579, 517, 592, 527 ], [ 279, 525, 771, 541 ], [ 279, 548, 384, 564 ], [ 399, 548, 419, 564 ], [ 434, 548, 488, 564 ], [ 502, 548, 517, 564 ], [ 532, 548, 601, 564 ], [ 616, 548, 692, 564 ], [ 706, 548, 719, 564 ], [ 733, 548, 774, 564 ], [ 740, 548, 752, 564 ], [ 765, 548, 777, 564 ], [ 790, 548, 830, 564 ], [ 843, 548, 863, 564 ], [ 876, 548, 883, 564 ], [ 883, 548, 887, 564 ], [ 249, 548, 257, 563 ], [ 279, 562, 609, 579 ], [ 597, 562, 723, 579 ], [ 737, 562, 760, 579 ], [ 864, 562, 891, 579 ], [ 279, 577, 324, 593 ], [ 339, 577, 367, 593 ], [ 382, 577, 404, 593 ], [ 419, 577, 482, 593 ], [ 498, 577, 513, 593 ], [ 529, 577, 561, 593 ], [ 576, 577, 610, 593 ], [ 625, 577, 685, 593 ], [ 700, 577, 763, 593 ], [ 778, 577, 800, 593 ], [ 815, 577, 854, 593 ], [ 869, 577, 916, 593 ], [ 279, 591, 349, 608 ], [ 220, 614, 895, 630 ], [ 220, 628, 397, 645 ], [ 144, 651, 188, 668 ], [ 220, 651, 253, 668 ], [ 267, 651, 331, 668 ], [ 345, 651, 351, 668 ], [ 365, 651, 420, 668 ], [ 433, 651, 461, 668 ], [ 452, 651, 474, 668 ], [ 488, 651, 509, 668 ], [ 523, 651, 529, 668 ], [ 543, 651, 672, 668 ], [ 686, 651, 718, 668 ], [ 732, 651, 765, 668 ], [ 780, 651, 822, 668 ], [ 836, 651, 856, 668 ], [ 871, 651, 898, 668 ], [ 138, 666, 194, 682 ], [ 220, 666, 886, 682 ], [ 876, 666, 881, 682 ], [ 146, 680, 187, 697 ], [ 220, 680, 906, 697 ], [ 220, 695, 908, 711 ], [ 220, 709, 753, 726 ], [ 644, 728, 666, 745 ], [ 680, 728, 714, 745 ], [ 729, 728, 783, 745 ], [ 798, 728, 813, 745 ], [ 828, 728, 849, 745 ], [ 863, 728, 891, 745 ], [ 220, 728, 230, 745 ], [ 245, 728, 288, 745 ], [ 303, 728, 325, 745 ], [ 335, 728, 391, 745 ], [ 340, 728, 346, 745 ], [ 406, 728, 422, 745 ], [ 436, 728, 489, 745 ], [ 504, 728, 599, 745 ], [ 589, 728, 606, 745 ], [ 623, 728, 634, 745 ], [ 631, 734, 639, 745 ], [ 220, 743, 889, 759 ], [ 220, 757, 407, 774 ], [ 205, 780, 367, 795 ], [ 205, 780, 367, 795 ], [ 118, 780, 162, 795 ], [ 118, 780, 162, 795 ], [ 175, 780, 205, 795 ], [ 175, 780, 205, 795 ], [ 367, 780, 653, 795 ], [ 367, 780, 653, 795 ], [ 117, 812, 175, 835 ], [ 205, 812, 462, 835 ], [ 117, 840, 185, 860 ], [ 202, 840, 225, 860 ], [ 243, 840, 306, 860 ], [ 324, 840, 375, 860 ], [ 393, 840, 418, 860 ], [ 436, 840, 499, 860 ], [ 517, 840, 542, 860 ], [ 560, 840, 605, 860 ], [ 623, 840, 665, 860 ], [ 683, 840, 708, 860 ], [ 725, 840, 739, 860 ], [ 757, 840, 801, 860 ], [ 818, 840, 838, 860 ], [ 856, 840, 881, 860 ], [ 899, 840, 940, 860 ], [ 117, 857, 190, 877 ], [ 208, 857, 615, 877 ], [ 633, 857, 787, 877 ], [ 805, 857, 843, 877 ], [ 861, 857, 922, 877 ], [ 117, 875, 900, 894 ], [ 490, 921, 534, 936 ] ]
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[ "Aviation Emissions and Air Quality Handbook ", "Table 3-1. EPA Criteria Air Pollutants ", "Pollutant ", "General Characteristics ", "Ozone ", "Ozone occurs both in the earth's upper atmosphere and at ground level. O", "$_{3 }$occurs naturally in the ", "(O$_{3}$) ", "upper", "atmosphere,", "where", "it", "forms", "a", "protective", "layer", "that shields", "the", "earth", "from the", "sun's", "harmful", "ultraviolet rays. Tropospheric, or ground level O$_{3}$, is not emitted directly into the air, but is a result ", "Typically,", "O$_{3 }$ levels are ", "of VOCs and NO$_{x }$reacting in the presence of sunlight in the atmosphere. ", "highest in warm-weather months. VOCs and NO$_{x }$are termed \"ozone precursors\" and their emissions ", "are regulated in order to control the creation of O$_{3. }$VOCs, which are a subset of hydrocarbons (HC), ", "are released in industrial processes, mobile sources and from the evaporation of gasoline, solvents ", "and other hydrocarbon-based compounds. ", "that", "affects", "the respiratory", "mucous", "membranes,", "other", "lung", "In humans, O$_{3 }$ is a pulmonary irritant", "tissues, and respiratory functions. Exposure to O$_{3 }$at high concentrations can result in symptoms such ", "as", "tightness", "in", "the", "chest,", "coughing,", "and", "wheezing,", "and", "can", "trigger", "an", "attack", "or", "exacerbate", "symptoms of asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema. ", "Particulate ", "Particulate matter is made up of small solid particles and liquid droplets suspended or settling out of ", "Matter ", "the", "atmosphere. PM", "consists", "of", "a", "number", "of", "components,", "including", "acids", "(such", "as", "nitrates", "(PM) ", "sulfates), organic chemicals, metals, and soil or dust particles. PM can be formed from both natural ", "and man-made sources including forest fires and wind erosion over exposed soils (i.e., fugitive dust); ", "the incineration of solid wastes; and as an exhaust product from the internal combustion engine", ". Of ", "growing concerns are the effects of PM on visibility and the potential impairment to human health ", "regulatory", "standards", "for", "PM", "ar", "by", "small", "PM", "(i.e.,", "ultrafine", "particle ", "emissions", "or", "PM$_{0.1}$)$_{. }$ The", "segregated by sizes: less than or equal to 10 micrometers (denoted PM", "$_{10}$) and less than or equal to ", "2.5", "micrometers (denoted PM$_{2.5}$). ", "PM$_{10 }$represents the category of particulates categorized as “inhalable coarse” PM (i.e., with ", "•", "includes", "solid", "and", "liquid", "material", "an aerodynamic diameter of 10", "microns or less). PM", "10 ", "suspended in the atmosphere. Formed as a result of incomplete fuel combustion, industrial ", "include", "dust,", "fog,", "and", "fu", "mes. The level of", "processes, or wind erosion, examples of PM", "10 ", "PM$_{10 }$in the atmosphere is largely affected by wind and rainfall conditions. ", "PM$_{2.5 }$ represents", "the", "category", "of", "particulates", "categorized", "as", "“fine", "”", "PM", "(i.e.,", "with", "a", "n", "•", "aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 microns or less). ", "These particles are", "more", "characteristically", "formed", "from", "the", "combustion", "of", "fuel,", "other", "industrial", "processes", "and", "various", "industri", "processes. ", "PM$_{10 }$and PM$_{2.5 }$are considered a health risk in humans because of their ability to penetrate into the ", "human respiratory system. ", "Sulfur ", "Sulfur", "dioxide is", "a", "colorless", "gas ", "also", "with", "a", "strong characteristic", "odor.", "SO$_{2 }$ is", "emitted", "into", "the ", "Dioxide ", "atmosphere by both natural processes and by man-made sources such as the combustion of sulfur", "-", "(SO$_{2}$) ", "containing fuels and sulfuric acid manufacturing. When combined with other substances in the air, ", "SO$_{2 }$ can precipitate out as rain, fog, snow, or dry particles (commonly referred to as “acid rain”). ", "Sulfate particles are a major cause of reduced visibility in many areas of the U.S. ", "can", "cause", "irritation", "of", "the", "mucou", "In", "humans,", "the", "nhalation", "i", "of", "elevated", "concentrations ", "of", "SO", "2 ", "membranes, bronchial damage, and can exacerbate pre-existing respiratory diseases such as asthma, ", "bronchitis, and emphysema. ", "Six Common Air Pollutants", "Six Common Air Pollutants", "Source:", "Source:", "EPA, ", "EPA, ", ", 2013, ", ", 2013, ", "3.2.2. ", "Hazardous Air Pollutants ", "Hazardous", "air", "pollutants", "(HAPs)", "are", "pollutants", "for", "which", "there", "are", "no", "NAAQS,", "but", "are", "still ", "regulated", "under the federal CAA because of their potentially", "adverse effects on", "human", "health ", "and the environment. Also known as “air toxics”, these pollutants are comprised of a wide array ", "14$_{ }$" ]
[ [ 410, 47, 559, 58 ], [ 137, 92, 156, 104 ], [ 153, 93, 261, 103 ], [ 261, 93, 271, 103 ], [ 153, 119, 186, 131 ], [ 352, 119, 528, 131 ], [ 186, 120, 352, 130 ], [ 137, 146, 156, 158 ], [ 153, 147, 261, 157 ], [ 261, 147, 271, 157 ], [ 153, 173, 186, 185 ], [ 352, 173, 528, 185 ], [ 186, 174, 352, 184 ], [ 137, 200, 156, 212 ], [ 153, 201, 251, 211 ], [ 251, 201, 261, 211 ], [ 153, 227, 186, 239 ], [ 343, 227, 518, 239 ], [ 186, 229, 343, 238 ], [ 137, 254, 156, 266 ], [ 153, 256, 300, 266 ], [ 300, 256, 310, 266 ], [ 153, 282, 186, 293 ], [ 392, 282, 567, 293 ], [ 186, 283, 392, 293 ], [ 137, 309, 156, 320 ], [ 153, 310, 339, 320 ], [ 339, 310, 349, 320 ], [ 153, 336, 186, 347 ], [ 352, 336, 528, 347 ], [ 186, 337, 352, 347 ], [ 137, 363, 156, 374 ], [ 153, 364, 330, 374 ], [ 330, 364, 339, 374 ], [ 153, 390, 186, 401 ], [ 284, 390, 459, 401 ], [ 186, 391, 284, 401 ], [ 137, 417, 156, 429 ], [ 153, 418, 261, 428 ], [ 261, 418, 271, 428 ], [ 153, 444, 186, 456 ], [ 274, 444, 449, 456 ], [ 186, 445, 274, 455 ], [ 137, 471, 156, 483 ], [ 153, 472, 320, 482 ], [ 320, 472, 330, 482 ], [ 153, 498, 186, 510 ], [ 274, 498, 449, 510 ], [ 186, 499, 274, 509 ], [ 137, 525, 156, 537 ], [ 153, 526, 398, 536 ], [ 398, 526, 408, 536 ], [ 153, 552, 186, 564 ], [ 411, 552, 587, 564 ], [ 186, 553, 411, 563 ], [ 137, 579, 156, 591 ], [ 153, 580, 349, 590 ], [ 349, 580, 359, 590 ], [ 153, 606, 186, 618 ], [ 362, 606, 538, 618 ], [ 186, 607, 362, 617 ], [ 137, 633, 156, 645 ], [ 153, 634, 222, 644 ], [ 222, 634, 310, 644 ], [ 153, 660, 408, 672 ], [ 137, 687, 156, 699 ], [ 153, 689, 202, 698 ], [ 202, 689, 290, 698 ], [ 153, 714, 404, 726 ], [ 137, 742, 889, 753 ], [ 274, 757, 883, 768 ], [ 137, 758, 274, 768 ], [ 137, 772, 216, 783 ], [ 137, 799, 612, 811 ], [ 641, 799, 827, 811 ], [ 612, 800, 641, 810 ], [ 137, 814, 901, 826 ], [ 137, 829, 898, 841 ], [ 137, 844, 277, 856 ], [ 137, 871, 882, 883 ], [ 137, 887, 575, 898 ], [ 548, 887, 553, 898 ], [ 58, 941, 95, 952 ] ]
[ 6, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 10, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "The Slow Query Log", "•", "Read_next: ", "N", "The ", " value for the statement.", "Handler_read_next", "•", "Read_prev: ", "N", "The ", " value for the statement.", "Handler_read_prev", "•", "Read_rnd: ", "N", "The ", " value for the statement.", "Handler_read_rnd", "•", "Read_rnd_next: ", "N", "The ", " value for the statement.", "Handler_read_rnd_next", "•", "Sort_merge_passes: ", "N", "The ", " value for the statement.", "Sort_merge_passes", "•", "Sort_range_count: ", "N", "The ", " value for the statement.", "Sort_range", "•", "Sort_rows: ", "N", "The ", " value for the statement.", "Sort_rows", "•", "Sort_scan_count: ", "N", "The ", " value for the statement.", "Sort_scan", "•", "Created_tmp_disk_tables: ", "N", "The ", " value for the statement.", "Created_tmp_disk_tables", "•", "Created_tmp_tables: ", "N", "The ", " value for the statement.", "Created_tmp_tables", "•", "Start: ", "timestamp", "The statement execution start time.", "•", "End: ", "timestamp", "The statement execution end time.", "A given slow query log file may contain a mix of lines with and without the extra fields added by enabling", ". Log file analyzers can determine whether a line contains the additional fields by the", "log_slow_extra", "field count.", "Each statement written to the slow query log file is preceded by a ", " statement that includes a", "SET", "timestamp. As of MySQL 8.0.14, the timestamp indicates when the slow statement began executing. Prior", "to 8.0.14, the timestamp indicates when the slow statement was logged (which occurs after the statement", "finishes executing).", "Passwords in statements written to the slow query log are rewritten by the server not to occur literally in", "plain text. See Section, “Passwords and Logging”", ".", "1066" ]
[ [ 487, 93, 520, 104 ], [ 741, 93, 771, 104 ], [ 407, 109, 428, 121 ], [ 453, 109, 470, 121 ], [ 498, 109, 516, 121 ], [ 544, 109, 562, 121 ], [ 578, 109, 615, 121 ], [ 658, 109, 697, 121 ], [ 712, 109, 751, 121 ], [ 759, 109, 851, 121 ], [ 843, 109, 878, 121 ], [ 120, 111, 237, 121 ], [ 120, 126, 293, 138 ], [ 396, 126, 424, 138 ], [ 441, 126, 470, 138 ], [ 487, 126, 516, 138 ], [ 533, 126, 562, 138 ], [ 587, 126, 615, 138 ], [ 647, 126, 686, 138 ], [ 697, 126, 737, 138 ], [ 743, 126, 827, 138 ], [ 838, 126, 878, 138 ], [ 120, 143, 325, 156 ], [ 135, 155, 293, 167 ], [ 410, 155, 424, 167 ], [ 455, 155, 470, 167 ], [ 501, 155, 516, 167 ], [ 547, 155, 562, 167 ], [ 601, 155, 616, 167 ], [ 642, 155, 724, 167 ], [ 741, 155, 856, 167 ], [ 846, 155, 885, 167 ], [ 120, 172, 325, 185 ], [ 135, 184, 285, 196 ], [ 396, 184, 424, 196 ], [ 441, 184, 470, 196 ], [ 487, 184, 516, 196 ], [ 533, 184, 562, 196 ], [ 587, 184, 615, 196 ], [ 647, 184, 686, 196 ], [ 697, 184, 737, 196 ], [ 743, 184, 827, 196 ], [ 838, 184, 877, 196 ], [ 120, 201, 358, 214 ], [ 135, 213, 352, 226 ], [ 135, 224, 177, 237 ], [ 410, 224, 424, 237 ], [ 455, 224, 470, 237 ], [ 501, 224, 516, 237 ], [ 547, 224, 562, 237 ], [ 601, 224, 616, 237 ], [ 661, 224, 756, 237 ], [ 769, 224, 799, 237 ], [ 810, 224, 886, 237 ], [ 120, 242, 335, 255 ], [ 135, 253, 273, 266 ], [ 396, 253, 424, 266 ], [ 455, 253, 470, 266 ], [ 501, 253, 516, 266 ], [ 547, 253, 562, 266 ], [ 587, 253, 615, 266 ], [ 661, 253, 771, 266 ], [ 763, 253, 818, 266 ], [ 795, 253, 864, 266 ], [ 850, 253, 879, 266 ], [ 120, 271, 389, 284 ], [ 275, 280, 290, 289 ], [ 396, 282, 424, 295 ], [ 441, 282, 470, 295 ], [ 487, 282, 516, 295 ], [ 533, 282, 562, 295 ], [ 587, 282, 615, 295 ], [ 647, 282, 686, 295 ], [ 697, 282, 737, 295 ], [ 743, 282, 827, 295 ], [ 838, 282, 877, 295 ], [ 135, 282, 280, 295 ], [ 117, 330, 173, 346 ], [ 173, 330, 264, 346 ], [ 117, 354, 169, 367 ], [ 168, 354, 288, 367 ], [ 117, 375, 434, 388 ], [ 419, 375, 506, 388 ], [ 506, 375, 721, 388 ], [ 711, 375, 799, 388 ], [ 799, 375, 848, 388 ], [ 848, 375, 856, 388 ], [ 857, 375, 887, 388 ], [ 117, 389, 185, 401 ], [ 181, 389, 914, 401 ], [ 117, 402, 577, 415 ], [ 555, 402, 617, 415 ], [ 617, 402, 897, 415 ], [ 117, 416, 138, 429 ], [ 138, 416, 471, 429 ], [ 456, 416, 523, 429 ], [ 519, 416, 545, 429 ], [ 117, 443, 201, 456 ], [ 200, 443, 281, 456 ], [ 117, 464, 182, 477 ], [ 180, 464, 550, 477 ], [ 535, 464, 898, 477 ], [ 117, 478, 150, 491 ], [ 150, 478, 158, 491 ], [ 159, 478, 835, 491 ], [ 801, 478, 889, 491 ], [ 117, 492, 184, 504 ], [ 180, 492, 327, 504 ], [ 321, 492, 363, 504 ], [ 362, 492, 469, 504 ], [ 464, 492, 482, 504 ], [ 480, 492, 517, 504 ], [ 117, 521, 241, 533 ], [ 236, 521, 245, 533 ], [ 245, 521, 462, 533 ], [ 453, 521, 490, 533 ], [ 489, 521, 905, 533 ], [ 117, 534, 134, 547 ], [ 134, 534, 409, 547 ], [ 400, 534, 910, 547 ], [ 117, 548, 177, 560 ], [ 117, 575, 203, 588 ], [ 202, 575, 283, 588 ], [ 117, 596, 155, 609 ], [ 152, 596, 910, 609 ], [ 117, 610, 645, 623 ], [ 622, 610, 630, 623 ], [ 630, 610, 755, 623 ], [ 751, 610, 839, 623 ], [ 839, 610, 889, 623 ], [ 117, 624, 126, 636 ], [ 125, 624, 902, 636 ], [ 117, 637, 130, 650 ], [ 129, 637, 913, 650 ], [ 117, 651, 149, 664 ], [ 147, 651, 373, 664 ], [ 363, 651, 430, 664 ], [ 426, 651, 453, 664 ], [ 118, 890, 681, 900 ], [ 118, 890, 681, 900 ], [ 118, 901, 473, 910 ], [ 118, 901, 473, 910 ], [ 118, 901, 473, 910 ], [ 118, 911, 359, 921 ], [ 118, 911, 359, 921 ], [ 118, 911, 359, 921 ], [ 118, 922, 400, 932 ], [ 118, 922, 400, 932 ], [ 118, 922, 400, 932 ], [ 118, 932, 335, 942 ], [ 118, 932, 335, 942 ], [ 492, 954, 507, 965 ], [ 510, 954, 515, 965 ], [ 484, 954, 492, 965 ] ]
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[ "2014 ", "2013", "Q1 ", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4", "Fiscal", "Q1", "Q2", "Q3 Q4 ", "Fiscal", "(Dollars and per share)", "Fully diluted net earnings ", "1.06", "1.07", "1.63", "1.32", "5.07", "1.19", "3.73", "1.49 0.83", "7.28", "Fully diluted net earnings from", "discontinued operation ", "—", "—", "—", "—", "—", "(0.07)", "— — — ", "(0.06)", "Fully diluted net earnings from", "continuing operations ", "1.06", "1.07", "1.63", "1.32", "5.07", "1.12", "3.73", "1.49 0.83", "7.22", "Gain on disposal of a portion of the", "investment in an associate after", "taxes ", "—", "—", "—", "—", "—", "— (2.75)", "— ", "— (2.80)", "Closure costs and restructuring", "charges after taxes ", "0.05", "—", "—", "—", "0.06", "— — ", "— ", "0.32 ", "0.31", "Adjusted fully diluted net earnings from ", "(4) ", "1.11", "1.07", "1.63", "1.32", "5.13", "1.12", "0.98", "1.49 1.15", "4.73", "continuing operations", "CASH ", "POSITION ", "OPERA", "TING ACTIVITIES", "Operating activities generated cash flows of $", "432.3 million ", "over fiscal 2014 compared to $", "566.0 million ", "in 2013", ". ", "The ", "decrease ", "is attributable to changes in non-cash working capital items and also to the higher amount of taxes paid in the ", "first quarter of 2014 for current income taxes due as at September", "28, 2013 ", "that were higher due to the gain realized ", "on ", "the sale of part of our investment in Alimentation ", "Couche-T", "ard.", "INVESTING ", "ACTIVITIES", "Investing ", "activities required outflows of $299.8 million over fiscal", "2014 versus $264.3 million of generated cash flows in ", "2013", ". ", "The variation is largely attributable to the proceeds from the disposal of part of our investment in ", "Alimentation ", "Couche-T", "ard for $472.6 million ", "in the ", "second quarter ", "of ", "2013.", "During fiscal 2014", ", ", "we and our retailers opened six", " new ", "stores and carried out major expansions and renovations of ", "25", " stores for a gross expansion of 570,300", "square feet and a net increase of 133,900 square feet or 0.7% of our retail ", "network.", "FINANCING ", "ACTIVITIES", "Over ", "the fiscalyear ended September 27, 2014, we utilized funds of $177.3 million versus $822.8 million for fiscal 2013. ", "This change is attributable to the greater redemption of shares in fiscal 2014", ", ", "in the amount of $", "459.7 million ", "versus ", "$", "409.4 million in fiscal2013, as well as to a $396.3 million increase in our debt in 2014 versus $6.2 million in 2013 and ", "a ", "$11.4 million repayment of the debt in 2014 versus $337.3 million in 2013 mainly from the proceeds of the disposal of ", "part ", "of our investment in Alimentation ", "Couche-T", "ard.", "$^{(1)}$ See table on \"Operating income before depreciation and amortization and associate's earnings adjustments\" ", "$^{(1)}$ See table on \"Operating income before depreciation and amortization and associate's earnings adjustments\" ", "$^{(2)}$ See table on \"Net earnings from continuing operations adjustments\"", "$^{(2)}$ See table on \"Net earnings from continuing operations adjustments\"", "$^{(2)}$ See table on \"Net earnings from continuing operations adjustments\"", "$^{(3)}$ See section on \"Forward-looking information\"", "$^{(3)}$ See section on \"Forward-looking information\"", "$^{(3)}$ See section on \"Forward-looking information\"", "$^{(4)}$ See section on \"IFRS and non-IFRS measurements\" ", "$^{(4)}$ See section on \"IFRS and non-IFRS measurements\" ", "$^{(4)}$ See section on \"IFRS and non-IFRS measurements\" ", "$^{(5)}$ See table on \"Net earnings adjustments\"", "$^{(5)}$ See table on \"Net earnings adjustments\"", "22", "-", "- " ]
[ [ 535, 106, 550, 116 ], [ 116, 109, 131, 119 ], [ 597, 123, 683, 137 ], [ 178, 124, 291, 138 ], [ 535, 144, 550, 155 ], [ 116, 153, 131, 163 ], [ 683, 155, 689, 163 ], [ 264, 156, 270, 164 ], [ 597, 159, 646, 170 ], [ 651, 159, 683, 170 ], [ 178, 159, 227, 170 ], [ 232, 159, 264, 170 ], [ 646, 167, 660, 167 ], [ 689, 167, 700, 167 ], [ 227, 168, 241, 168 ], [ 270, 168, 281, 168 ], [ 343, 178, 349, 186 ], [ 762, 179, 768, 187 ], [ 158, 181, 171, 192 ], [ 174, 181, 226, 192 ], [ 234, 181, 264, 192 ], [ 272, 181, 303, 192 ], [ 312, 181, 343, 192 ], [ 535, 183, 550, 193 ], [ 577, 183, 590, 194 ], [ 593, 183, 645, 194 ], [ 653, 183, 683, 194 ], [ 691, 183, 722, 194 ], [ 731, 183, 762, 194 ], [ 226, 190, 236, 190 ], [ 264, 190, 275, 190 ], [ 645, 192, 655, 192 ], [ 683, 192, 694, 192 ], [ 123, 197, 131, 207 ], [ 542, 221, 550, 232 ], [ 123, 241, 131, 251 ], [ 617, 251, 646, 261 ], [ 198, 254, 227, 264 ], [ 542, 260, 550, 270 ], [ 617, 275, 656, 285 ], [ 198, 281, 237, 291 ], [ 123, 285, 131, 295 ], [ 542, 298, 550, 309 ], [ 617, 299, 654, 309 ], [ 198, 309, 235, 319 ], [ 123, 329, 131, 339 ], [ 542, 337, 550, 347 ], [ 123, 373, 131, 383 ], [ 542, 375, 550, 386 ], [ 547, 404, 566, 414 ], [ 587, 404, 606, 414 ], [ 627, 404, 646, 414 ], [ 667, 404, 686, 414 ], [ 707, 404, 726, 414 ], [ 747, 404, 765, 414 ], [ 786, 404, 805, 414 ], [ 826, 404, 845, 414 ], [ 872, 404, 879, 414 ], [ 128, 404, 147, 415 ], [ 168, 404, 187, 415 ], [ 208, 404, 227, 415 ], [ 248, 404, 267, 415 ], [ 288, 404, 307, 415 ], [ 328, 404, 346, 415 ], [ 367, 404, 386, 415 ], [ 407, 404, 426, 415 ], [ 453, 404, 460, 415 ], [ 437, 415, 448, 429 ], [ 856, 415, 867, 429 ], [ 117, 440, 726, 454 ], [ 732, 440, 765, 454 ], [ 768, 440, 879, 454 ], [ 117, 469, 204, 483 ], [ 204, 469, 214, 483 ], [ 214, 469, 879, 483 ], [ 117, 498, 771, 512 ], [ 777, 498, 817, 512 ], [ 817, 498, 879, 512 ], [ 351, 539, 358, 549 ], [ 117, 541, 336, 556 ], [ 336, 541, 351, 556 ], [ 365, 541, 879, 556 ], [ 117, 567, 879, 583 ], [ 117, 594, 502, 609 ], [ 142, 620, 879, 635 ], [ 117, 647, 618, 662 ], [ 618, 647, 623, 662 ], [ 627, 647, 636, 662 ], [ 636, 647, 642, 662 ], [ 645, 647, 841, 662 ], [ 841, 647, 866, 662 ], [ 866, 647, 879, 662 ], [ 117, 673, 127, 688 ], [ 127, 673, 152, 688 ], [ 151, 673, 316, 688 ], [ 329, 673, 879, 688 ], [ 117, 700, 234, 715 ], [ 283, 700, 341, 715 ], [ 241, 700, 283, 714 ], [ 515, 731, 537, 746 ], [ 538, 731, 546, 746 ], [ 546, 731, 580, 746 ], [ 580, 731, 595, 746 ], [ 412, 739, 429, 749 ], [ 294, 741, 313, 756 ], [ 314, 741, 321, 756 ], [ 321, 741, 356, 756 ], [ 356, 741, 391, 756 ], [ 397, 741, 409, 756 ], [ 432, 741, 439, 756 ], [ 439, 741, 474, 756 ], [ 474, 741, 508, 756 ], [ 602, 741, 617, 756 ], [ 621, 741, 636, 767 ], [ 637, 741, 654, 756 ], [ 654, 741, 679, 756 ], [ 679, 741, 694, 756 ], [ 694, 741, 699, 756 ], [ 825, 741, 879, 756 ], [ 409, 749, 416, 759 ], [ 559, 751, 566, 761 ], [ 544, 751, 559, 766 ], [ 187, 781, 204, 791 ], [ 117, 783, 166, 798 ], [ 171, 783, 184, 798 ], [ 212, 783, 879, 798 ], [ 184, 790, 191, 800 ], [ 117, 809, 879, 824 ], [ 117, 835, 879, 851 ], [ 117, 862, 509, 877 ], [ 516, 862, 531, 877 ], [ 531, 862, 684, 877 ], [ 142, 888, 879, 903 ], [ 117, 915, 160, 930 ], [ 160, 915, 171, 930 ], [ 178, 915, 328, 930 ], [ 335, 915, 350, 930 ], [ 350, 915, 879, 930 ], [ 479, 954, 498, 969 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "14", "12", "PROTON", "DEUTERON", "12", "10", "2", "2", "C$_{HT}$(x) ", "GeV", "C$_{HT}$(x) ", "GeV", "[", "]", "[", "]", "2", "2", "4.0", "GeV$^{2}$ ", " W$^{2}$ ", "12.5", "GeV", "10", "4.0", "GeV$^{2}$ ", " W$^{2}$ ", "12.5", "GeV", "<", "<", "<", "<", "8", "8", "6", "NLO", "NLO", "6", "NNLO", "NNLO", "4", "4", "N3LO", "N3LO", "2", "2", "0", "0", "0.2", "0.3", "0.4", "0.5", "0.6", "0.7", "0.8", "0.9", "1", "0.2", "0.3", "0.4", "0.5", "0.6", "0.7", "0.8", "0.9", "1", "x", "x", "FIG. II.6 (Color online) Empirical nonsinglet higher-twist coefficient, denoted", "C$_{HT}$", ", as a function", "of Bjorken-", "x", ", for the proton (left panel) and deuteron (right panel), as obtained when the twist-2", "contributions are treated at NLO, NNLO and N3LO. [Figure adapted from (Blumlein", "et al.", ", 2007).]", "2", "which dominate the large-", "Q", "behavior of the correlator. As Eq. (II.38) indicates, numerous", "operators with different dimensions have the same twist and all such operators are associated", "with the same degree of light-cone singularity.", "As evident in the example above, the leading-twist contributions in DIS are twist-2. In", "unpolarized DIS, the higher twist components; i.e., twist = 4", ",", "6", ",", ". . . , are suppressed by 1", "/Q", "$^{2}$,", "1", "/Q", "$^{4}$, . . . , respectively.", "Thus, in general a structure function should be expressed in the", "form (Alekhin", ", 2004)", "et al.", "H$_{2}$", "(", "x,Q", "$^{2}$)", "LT", "F$_{2}$", "(", "x,Q", "$^{2}$) =", "F", "(", "x,Q", "$^{2}$) +", "+", "O", "(1", "/Q", "$^{4}$)", ",", "(II.39)", "2", "2", "Q", "LT", "where", "F", "refers to the leading-twist part. As a practical matter, the magnitudes of higher-", "2", "twist terms are generally unknown and the estimates are therefore somewhat controversial.", "Before one can claim discovery of higher twist components, it is essential that these be", "distinguished from target mass corrections and", "Q", "$^{2}$-evolution effects.", "Several analyses have shown that higher-twist coefficients can become quite large at", "high-", "x", "and relatively low", "Q", "$^{2}$. An analysis (Virchaux and Milsztajn, 1992) of BCDMS and", "21" ]
[ [ 95, 179, 879, 191 ], [ 95, 192, 160, 204 ], [ 128, 212, 332, 224 ], [ 457, 212, 615, 224 ], [ 322, 234, 355, 246 ], [ 186, 234, 264, 246 ], [ 816, 236, 912, 248 ], [ 201, 246, 264, 258 ], [ 399, 246, 441, 258 ], [ 663, 248, 696, 260 ], [ 821, 248, 912, 260 ], [ 291, 249, 355, 261 ], [ 103, 258, 171, 270 ], [ 201, 258, 264, 270 ], [ 392, 258, 440, 270 ], [ 654, 260, 696, 272 ], [ 824, 260, 912, 272 ], [ 291, 265, 355, 277 ], [ 136, 270, 171, 282 ], [ 229, 270, 264, 282 ], [ 380, 270, 440, 282 ], [ 656, 272, 696, 284 ], [ 770, 272, 803, 284 ], [ 842, 272, 908, 284 ], [ 302, 280, 355, 292 ], [ 427, 282, 440, 292 ], [ 512, 282, 525, 292 ], [ 122, 284, 158, 296 ], [ 158, 284, 175, 296 ], [ 214, 284, 251, 296 ], [ 251, 284, 268, 296 ], [ 383, 284, 427, 296 ], [ 476, 284, 512, 296 ], [ 547, 284, 599, 296 ], [ 599, 284, 616, 296 ], [ 631, 284, 696, 296 ], [ 716, 284, 807, 296 ], [ 843, 284, 908, 296 ], [ 154, 296, 171, 307 ], [ 246, 296, 264, 307 ], [ 337, 296, 355, 307 ], [ 423, 296, 440, 307 ], [ 508, 296, 525, 307 ], [ 595, 296, 612, 307 ], [ 679, 296, 696, 307 ], [ 785, 296, 803, 307 ], [ 894, 296, 908, 307 ], [ 873, 329, 908, 341 ], [ 108, 330, 171, 342 ], [ 200, 330, 264, 342 ], [ 292, 330, 355, 342 ], [ 377, 330, 440, 342 ], [ 462, 330, 525, 342 ], [ 605, 330, 612, 342 ], [ 633, 330, 696, 342 ], [ 732, 330, 803, 342 ], [ 108, 346, 171, 358 ], [ 212, 346, 264, 358 ], [ 292, 346, 355, 358 ], [ 377, 346, 440, 358 ], [ 474, 346, 525, 358 ], [ 605, 346, 612, 358 ], [ 633, 346, 696, 358 ], [ 740, 346, 803, 358 ], [ 881, 346, 908, 358 ], [ 873, 380, 908, 392 ], [ 120, 382, 171, 394 ], [ 212, 382, 264, 394 ], [ 303, 382, 355, 394 ], [ 377, 382, 440, 394 ], [ 474, 382, 525, 394 ], [ 605, 382, 612, 394 ], [ 633, 382, 696, 394 ], [ 740, 382, 803, 394 ], [ 120, 397, 171, 409 ], [ 212, 397, 264, 409 ], [ 303, 397, 355, 409 ], [ 377, 397, 440, 409 ], [ 474, 397, 525, 409 ], [ 554, 397, 612, 409 ], [ 633, 397, 696, 409 ], [ 740, 397, 803, 409 ], [ 881, 397, 908, 409 ], [ 873, 415, 908, 427 ], [ 120, 416, 171, 428 ], [ 200, 416, 264, 428 ], [ 292, 416, 355, 428 ], [ 377, 416, 440, 428 ], [ 462, 416, 525, 428 ], [ 605, 416, 612, 428 ], [ 633, 416, 696, 428 ], [ 740, 416, 803, 428 ], [ 120, 432, 171, 444 ], [ 212, 432, 264, 444 ], [ 303, 432, 355, 444 ], [ 377, 432, 440, 444 ], [ 474, 432, 525, 444 ], [ 554, 432, 612, 444 ], [ 633, 432, 696, 444 ], [ 740, 432, 803, 444 ], [ 874, 432, 908, 444 ], [ 881, 449, 908, 461 ], [ 120, 450, 171, 462 ], [ 200, 450, 264, 462 ], [ 292, 450, 355, 462 ], [ 377, 450, 440, 462 ], [ 462, 450, 525, 462 ], [ 605, 450, 612, 462 ], [ 633, 450, 696, 462 ], [ 732, 450, 803, 462 ], [ 120, 466, 171, 478 ], [ 200, 466, 264, 478 ], [ 292, 466, 355, 478 ], [ 377, 466, 440, 478 ], [ 467, 466, 525, 478 ], [ 605, 466, 612, 478 ], [ 633, 466, 696, 478 ], [ 740, 466, 803, 478 ], [ 874, 466, 908, 478 ], [ 873, 483, 908, 495 ], [ 120, 485, 171, 496 ], [ 212, 485, 264, 496 ], [ 303, 485, 355, 496 ], [ 377, 485, 440, 496 ], [ 462, 485, 525, 496 ], [ 605, 485, 612, 496 ], [ 633, 485, 696, 496 ], [ 740, 485, 803, 496 ], [ 120, 501, 171, 513 ], [ 212, 501, 264, 513 ], [ 303, 501, 355, 513 ], [ 377, 501, 440, 513 ], [ 474, 501, 525, 513 ], [ 554, 501, 612, 513 ], [ 633, 501, 696, 513 ], [ 740, 501, 803, 513 ], [ 873, 501, 908, 513 ], [ 881, 518, 908, 530 ], [ 120, 519, 171, 531 ], [ 212, 519, 264, 531 ], [ 292, 519, 355, 531 ], [ 377, 519, 440, 531 ], [ 474, 519, 525, 531 ], [ 605, 519, 612, 531 ], [ 633, 519, 696, 531 ], [ 740, 519, 803, 531 ], [ 881, 533, 912, 545 ], [ 212, 534, 268, 546 ], [ 292, 534, 359, 546 ], [ 377, 534, 444, 546 ], [ 474, 534, 529, 546 ], [ 576, 534, 616, 546 ], [ 633, 534, 700, 546 ], [ 740, 534, 807, 546 ], [ 108, 535, 171, 547 ], [ 873, 552, 908, 564 ], [ 120, 553, 171, 565 ], [ 220, 553, 264, 565 ], [ 303, 553, 355, 565 ], [ 389, 553, 440, 565 ], [ 474, 553, 525, 565 ], [ 605, 553, 612, 565 ], [ 633, 553, 696, 565 ], [ 740, 553, 803, 565 ], [ 164, 569, 171, 581 ], [ 220, 569, 264, 581 ], [ 311, 569, 355, 581 ], [ 389, 569, 440, 581 ], [ 474, 569, 525, 581 ], [ 554, 569, 612, 581 ], [ 645, 569, 696, 581 ], [ 740, 569, 803, 581 ], [ 881, 569, 908, 581 ], [ 873, 586, 908, 598 ], [ 120, 588, 171, 600 ], [ 212, 588, 264, 600 ], [ 303, 588, 355, 600 ], [ 377, 588, 440, 600 ], [ 462, 588, 525, 600 ], [ 605, 588, 612, 600 ], [ 633, 588, 696, 600 ], [ 740, 588, 803, 600 ], [ 120, 603, 171, 615 ], [ 212, 603, 264, 615 ], [ 303, 603, 355, 615 ], [ 377, 603, 440, 615 ], [ 474, 603, 525, 615 ], [ 605, 603, 612, 615 ], [ 633, 603, 696, 615 ], [ 740, 603, 803, 615 ], [ 881, 603, 908, 615 ], [ 873, 621, 908, 633 ], [ 108, 622, 171, 634 ], [ 200, 622, 264, 634 ], [ 292, 622, 355, 634 ], [ 377, 622, 440, 634 ], [ 462, 622, 525, 634 ], [ 605, 622, 612, 634 ], [ 633, 622, 696, 634 ], [ 732, 622, 803, 634 ], [ 108, 638, 171, 650 ], [ 212, 638, 264, 650 ], [ 292, 638, 355, 650 ], [ 377, 638, 440, 650 ], [ 474, 638, 525, 650 ], [ 605, 638, 612, 650 ], [ 633, 638, 696, 650 ], [ 740, 638, 803, 650 ], [ 881, 638, 908, 650 ], [ 108, 656, 171, 668 ], [ 200, 656, 264, 668 ], [ 284, 656, 355, 668 ], [ 369, 656, 440, 668 ], [ 454, 656, 525, 668 ], [ 605, 656, 612, 668 ], [ 625, 656, 696, 668 ], [ 732, 656, 803, 668 ], [ 108, 672, 171, 684 ], [ 200, 672, 264, 684 ], [ 284, 672, 355, 684 ], [ 369, 672, 440, 684 ], [ 462, 672, 525, 684 ], [ 542, 672, 612, 684 ], [ 625, 672, 696, 684 ], [ 732, 672, 803, 684 ], [ 873, 707, 908, 718 ], [ 120, 708, 171, 720 ], [ 220, 708, 264, 720 ], [ 303, 708, 355, 720 ], [ 389, 708, 440, 720 ], [ 474, 708, 525, 720 ], [ 605, 708, 612, 720 ], [ 633, 708, 696, 720 ], [ 740, 708, 803, 720 ], [ 127, 724, 171, 736 ], [ 228, 724, 264, 736 ], [ 311, 724, 355, 736 ], [ 397, 724, 440, 736 ], [ 481, 724, 525, 736 ], [ 605, 724, 612, 736 ], [ 645, 724, 696, 736 ], [ 751, 724, 803, 736 ], [ 873, 724, 908, 736 ], [ 881, 758, 908, 770 ], [ 136, 759, 171, 771 ], [ 220, 759, 264, 771 ], [ 311, 759, 355, 771 ], [ 397, 759, 440, 771 ], [ 489, 759, 525, 771 ], [ 605, 759, 612, 771 ], [ 652, 759, 696, 771 ], [ 751, 759, 803, 771 ], [ 220, 772, 268, 784 ], [ 303, 772, 359, 784 ], [ 377, 772, 444, 784 ], [ 475, 772, 529, 784 ], [ 605, 772, 616, 784 ], [ 633, 772, 700, 784 ], [ 740, 772, 807, 784 ], [ 874, 772, 912, 784 ], [ 127, 775, 171, 787 ], [ 108, 794, 171, 806 ], [ 200, 794, 264, 806 ], [ 284, 794, 355, 806 ], [ 369, 794, 440, 806 ], [ 454, 794, 525, 806 ], [ 605, 794, 612, 806 ], [ 625, 794, 696, 806 ], [ 732, 794, 803, 806 ], [ 108, 812, 171, 824 ], [ 200, 812, 264, 824 ], [ 284, 812, 355, 824 ], [ 369, 812, 440, 824 ], [ 462, 812, 525, 824 ], [ 542, 812, 612, 824 ], [ 625, 812, 696, 824 ], [ 732, 812, 803, 824 ], [ 922, 953, 959, 975 ] ]
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[ "Executive Key Management Personnel Remuneration disclosure (in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards) ", "continued ", "Long-Term Employee Benefits ", "Share Based Payments ", "Total", "Earnings on", "Percentage of ", "prior year", "Equity", "Total", "remuneration ", "long-term", "Restricted", "restricted", "awards", "share-", "that consists ", "employee", "profit", "profit", "including", "based", "Total", "of options", "benefits", "(4)", "(5)", "share", "$^{(2)}$ ", "share", "$^{(3)}$ ", "shares", "PSUs", "Options", "$^{(6)}$ ", "payments", "remuneration ", "and PSUs", "$A", "$A", "$A", "$A", "$A", "$A", "$A", "$A", "%", "13.58", "1,398,087", "1,358,788", "2,756,875", "4,733,125", "1,775,801", "–", "6,508,926", "13,080,432", "1,061,108", "752,951", "1,814,059", "3,666,510", "248,621", "–", "3,915,131", "8,822,341", "2.82", "15.31", "338,197", "388,834", "727,031", "1,478,068", "843,770", "–", "2,321,838", "5,510,427", "312,648", "211,001", "523,649", "1,097,000", "361,743", "(184,638)", "1,274,105", "4,132,144", "4.29", "15.30", "202,568", "1,310,573", "1,513,141", "2,183,282", "1,042,387", "–", "3,225,669", "6,811,674", "232,117", "764,610", "996,727", "2,033,337", "476,377", "(551,506)", "1,958,208", "4,672,677", "(1.61)", "9.64", "404,767", "2,667,755", "3,072,522", "3,186,866", "1,187,740", "–", "4,374,606", "12,326,321", "293,360", "1,493,885", "1,787,245", "2,679,394", "(126,461)", "–", "2,552,933", "8,012,955", "(1.58)", "21.62", "256,949", "560,092", "817,041", "1,954,739", "1,672,512", "–", "3,627,251", "7,736,196", "236,855", "426,511", "663,366", "1,541,156", "934,450", "(236,358)", "2,239,248", "5,994,113", "11.65", "5.67", "956,943", "172,969", "1,129,912", "2,042,615", "344,311", "–", "2,386,926", "6,074,768", "2.67 ", "139,175 ", "1,454,216 ", "1,985,692 ", "178,874 ", "2,429 ", "2,166,995 ", "6,795,570 ", "1,315,041", "24.42", "102,544", "98,341", "200,885", "867,314", "799,441", "–", "1,666,755", "3,273,674", "–", "59,808", "59,808", "773,235", "304,494", "(220,604)", "857,125", "1,625,369", "5.16", "17.92", "360,325", "379,934", "740,259", "1,516,382", "1,054,302", "–", "2,570,684", "5,883,137", "360,019", "204,640", "564,659", "1,326,065", "167,264", "–", "1,493,329", "4,629,233", "3.61", "13.48", "2,388,797", "1,163,498", "3,552,295", "1,389,298", "1,627,001", "–", "3,016,299", "12,068,596", "1,657,982", "579,012", "2,236,994", "1,007,129", "788,884", "–", "1,796,013", "8,071,924", "9.77", "6,409,177", "8,100,784", "14,509,961", "19,351,689", "10,347,265", "–", "29,698,954", "72,765,225", "5,469,130", "4,631,593", "10,100,723", "16,109,518", "3,334,246", "(1,190,677)", "18,253,087", "52,756,326", "21.17", "225,941", "40,654", "266,595", "493,978", "695,132", "–", "1,189,110", "3,284,061", "34,815", "1,038", "35,853", "83,695", "67,704", "–", "151,399", "532,603", "12.71", "3.62", "5,860", "14,534", "20,394", "87,401", "8,732", "–", "96,133", "241,093", "89,403 ", "165,196 ", "1,087,043 ", "(68,965) ", "– ", "1,018,078 ", "2,664,162 ", "(2.59) ", "75,793", "6,640,978", "8,155,972", "14,796,950", "19,933,068", "11,051,129", "–", "30,984,197", "76,290,379", "5,579,738", "4,722,034", "10,301,772", "17,280,256", "3,332,985", "(1,190,677)", "19,422,564", "55,953,091", "75 " ]
[ [ 495, 124, 866, 137 ], [ 73, 124, 451, 137 ], [ 495, 143, 891, 156 ], [ 58, 143, 448, 156 ], [ 495, 162, 866, 175 ], [ 58, 162, 444, 175 ], [ 495, 181, 649, 193 ], [ 58, 181, 462, 193 ], [ 504, 199, 885, 212 ], [ 58, 199, 422, 212 ], [ 495, 218, 880, 231 ], [ 73, 218, 412, 231 ], [ 495, 237, 893, 250 ], [ 58, 237, 459, 250 ], [ 495, 256, 883, 268 ], [ 58, 256, 450, 268 ], [ 495, 274, 803, 287 ], [ 58, 274, 463, 287 ], [ 510, 293, 899, 306 ], [ 58, 293, 443, 306 ], [ 495, 312, 892, 325 ], [ 58, 312, 285, 325 ], [ 495, 331, 898, 343 ], [ 73, 331, 445, 343 ], [ 495, 349, 893, 362 ], [ 58, 349, 461, 362 ], [ 495, 368, 604, 381 ], [ 604, 368, 628, 381 ], [ 628, 368, 899, 381 ], [ 58, 369, 75, 381 ], [ 79, 369, 463, 381 ], [ 495, 387, 890, 400 ], [ 58, 387, 452, 400 ], [ 495, 406, 695, 418 ], [ 58, 406, 460, 418 ], [ 58, 424, 442, 437 ], [ 495, 442, 504, 456 ], [ 504, 443, 649, 456 ], [ 58, 443, 447, 456 ], [ 495, 462, 855, 475 ], [ 58, 462, 423, 475 ], [ 495, 481, 707, 493 ], [ 58, 481, 295, 493 ], [ 510, 499, 899, 512 ], [ 495, 518, 893, 531 ], [ 58, 527, 204, 540 ], [ 495, 537, 894, 550 ], [ 510, 556, 882, 568 ], [ 58, 556, 449, 568 ], [ 495, 574, 891, 587 ], [ 58, 574, 461, 587 ], [ 495, 593, 892, 606 ], [ 58, 593, 442, 606 ], [ 495, 612, 872, 625 ], [ 58, 612, 429, 625 ], [ 495, 631, 880, 643 ], [ 58, 631, 452, 643 ], [ 495, 649, 861, 662 ], [ 58, 649, 437, 662 ], [ 495, 668, 888, 681 ], [ 58, 668, 462, 681 ], [ 495, 687, 876, 700 ], [ 58, 687, 447, 700 ], [ 495, 706, 892, 718 ], [ 58, 706, 380, 718 ], [ 495, 724, 881, 737 ], [ 58, 742, 68, 756 ], [ 68, 743, 206, 756 ], [ 495, 743, 667, 756 ], [ 510, 762, 894, 775 ], [ 58, 762, 436, 775 ], [ 495, 781, 899, 793 ], [ 58, 781, 456, 793 ], [ 495, 799, 897, 812 ], [ 73, 799, 445, 812 ], [ 58, 818, 461, 831 ], [ 495, 819, 888, 831 ], [ 495, 837, 895, 850 ], [ 58, 837, 453, 850 ], [ 58, 959, 66, 971 ], [ 85, 961, 204, 970 ], [ 204, 961, 229, 970 ], [ 229, 961, 305, 970 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5 ]
[ "can be more productive and globally competitive. Our ", "The most significant restructuring charge taken in 2004 ", "customers want our products and services to be easy to use, ", "was $985 million associated with our Voluntary Employee ", "to work all the time. If there’s a problem they want us ", "Departure Program. We expect the voluntary departures— ", "there to support them. ", "which reduced our workforce by approximately 10 per cent—to ", "Our response is an approach we call smart contact. This ", "produce annual savings of approximately $390 million.", "means we will help our customers adapt and use the latest ", "We are successfully executing our plan to reshape ", "technology without adding to the complexity of their lives. ", "Bell Canada. In 2004, we defined the path for the future and ", "We will face them as one company. Provide them with the ", "laid the foundations. In 2005, we will execute our strategy ", "level of service that is at the core of our brand.", "and deliver improved operating results. By 2006, the company ", "Easy to say, harder to do. Like all organizations, sometimes ", "will be focused on service innovation, steady growth and ", "we fall short. And sometimes, as with our recent migration ", "increasing returns to shareholders.", "to a new billing system for Bell Mobility, we do not execute ", "Because of our progress, I recommended that the Board ", "as well as we should: we take a few steps back before moving ", "increase the common annual share dividend by 10 per cent, or ", "forward. But we ", "will", " move forward. Superior customer service ", "12", "cents a share. The Board did so in December. The dividend ", "will be the centrepiece of our competitive advantage in the ", "increase is important for two reasons. First, it increases our ", "marketplace. We will succeed.", "yield and provides our shareholders with a greater return on ", "their investment. Second and more importantly, it sends ", "2", ". Reliable Bandwidth ", "a strong signal to our shareholders, to our employees and ", "Providing our customers with ever-more-capable broadband ", "to our customers that we are confident in our forward ", "connectivity that they can count on.", "momentum; our plan has traction. ", "In last year’s letter, I wrote at length about the promise of ", "Internet Protocol (IP) connectivity and how it would usher in ", "A clear strategic plan ", "a new world of communications. A year later, I can say: it has.", "Last year, we successfully moved 60 per cent of our core ", "Our confidence is based on the very real progress we made ", "network traffic onto an IP platform. We also completed IP ", "in 2004. While Galileo paves the way for better performance, ", "migration plans for our entire Enterprise customer group— ", "we also developed a clear strategic framework for making ", "our 1,000 largest customers. For our small business and ", "the world’s first “new telecom.” Our plan rests on three ", "consumer customers, we began our pioneering rollout of ", "strategic pillars. These foundations are not new. They are a ", "Fibre-to-the-Node (FTTN). This will eventually allow ", "clear expression of the strategy we set out two years ago. ", "Bell to deliver all our services—voice, data, video—over a ", "And against which we have already made signifi cant progress. ", "single high-speed broadband network eight times faster ", "We will accelerate our progress over the next year as all of ", "than today’s current DSL connections. A network that will ", "us at Bell drive the implementation of this plan.", "reach almost 85 per cent of all households in the Québec ", "1", ". Customer Experience", "City to Windsor corridor.", "Put simply, we are committed to the IP revolution and its ", "Providing our customers superior product and service experiences ", "potential. Let me be absolutely clear: IP is not about delivering ", "that build loyalty and save time and expense. For them and for us.", "cut-rate voice connectivity over a DSL line or cable connection. ", "Our job is to take the power of the most advanced tech-", "nology and make it simple for our customers to use. So they ", "IP is about delivering the promise of true, high-speed band-", "width over a reliable network that our customers can trust. ", "can be better informed and entertained. So their businesses ", "6", "Bell Canada Enterprises ", "2004", " Annual Report" ]
[ [ 640, 42, 879, 54 ], [ 147, 87, 154, 99 ], [ 160, 87, 890, 99 ], [ 162, 102, 212, 113 ], [ 281, 102, 496, 113 ], [ 535, 102, 585, 113 ], [ 653, 102, 720, 113 ], [ 216, 103, 280, 114 ], [ 501, 103, 532, 114 ], [ 589, 103, 653, 114 ], [ 120, 123, 207, 135 ], [ 120, 149, 171, 158 ], [ 157, 149, 185, 158 ], [ 193, 149, 305, 158 ], [ 292, 149, 343, 158 ], [ 120, 162, 171, 171 ], [ 193, 162, 221, 171 ], [ 220, 162, 237, 171 ], [ 120, 175, 171, 184 ], [ 229, 175, 327, 184 ], [ 120, 188, 171, 198 ], [ 193, 188, 266, 198 ], [ 256, 188, 273, 198 ], [ 120, 201, 171, 211 ], [ 229, 201, 338, 211 ], [ 120, 214, 171, 224 ], [ 120, 227, 171, 237 ], [ 157, 227, 302, 237 ], [ 120, 240, 166, 250 ], [ 120, 267, 318, 279 ], [ 120, 293, 171, 303 ], [ 157, 293, 185, 303 ], [ 193, 293, 343, 303 ], [ 120, 306, 171, 316 ], [ 193, 306, 221, 316 ], [ 220, 306, 237, 316 ], [ 120, 319, 171, 329 ], [ 229, 319, 356, 329 ], [ 120, 332, 171, 342 ], [ 193, 332, 253, 342 ], [ 256, 332, 426, 342 ], [ 120, 345, 171, 355 ], [ 229, 345, 472, 355 ], [ 120, 358, 171, 368 ], [ 193, 358, 232, 368 ], [ 229, 358, 246, 368 ], [ 120, 371, 171, 381 ], [ 229, 371, 486, 381 ], [ 120, 384, 171, 394 ], [ 193, 384, 266, 394 ], [ 256, 384, 273, 394 ], [ 120, 397, 171, 407 ], [ 229, 397, 534, 407 ], [ 509, 397, 535, 407 ], [ 120, 410, 171, 420 ], [ 120, 423, 171, 433 ], [ 157, 423, 273, 433 ], [ 120, 436, 265, 446 ], [ 120, 449, 363, 459 ], [ 120, 462, 171, 472 ], [ 157, 462, 273, 472 ], [ 120, 475, 274, 485 ], [ 120, 488, 363, 498 ], [ 120, 501, 171, 511 ], [ 157, 501, 309, 511 ], [ 120, 514, 363, 524 ], [ 120, 527, 481, 537 ], [ 139, 540, 297, 550 ], [ 265, 540, 484, 550 ], [ 139, 553, 297, 563 ], [ 265, 553, 442, 563 ], [ 120, 566, 763, 576 ], [ 120, 593, 879, 605 ], [ 120, 608, 649, 619 ], [ 642, 608, 810, 619 ], [ 120, 629, 879, 641 ], [ 120, 643, 608, 655 ], [ 120, 686, 171, 703 ], [ 183, 686, 497, 703 ], [ 120, 725, 879, 737 ], [ 120, 739, 879, 751 ], [ 120, 754, 385, 765 ], [ 120, 780, 148, 789 ], [ 157, 780, 195, 789 ], [ 202, 780, 219, 789 ], [ 229, 780, 391, 789 ], [ 374, 780, 416, 789 ], [ 157, 793, 311, 802 ], [ 292, 793, 336, 802 ], [ 120, 820, 879, 831 ], [ 120, 834, 879, 846 ], [ 166, 848, 879, 860 ], [ 120, 849, 157, 860 ], [ 120, 862, 182, 874 ], [ 120, 940, 166, 952 ], [ 174, 940, 389, 952 ], [ 860, 940, 879, 952 ] ]
[ 6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5 ]
[ "Python Tutorial, Release 3.9.5", "•", "If a$_{finally}$clause includes a$_{return}$statement, the returned value will be the one from the$_{finally}$", "clause’s", "statement, not the value from the", "clause’s", "statement.", "return", "try", "return", "For example:", ">>>", "def", "bool_return", "():", "...", "try", ":", "...", "return True", "...", "finally", ":", "...", "return False", "...", ">>>", "bool_return()", "False", "A more complicated example:", ">>>", "def", "divide(x, y):", "...", "try", ":", "...", "result=x /y", "...", "except", "ZeroDivisionError :", "...", "print(\"division by zero!\")", "...", "else", ":", "...", "print(\"result is\", result)", "...", "finally", ":", "...", "print(\"executing finally clause", "\")", "...", ">>>", "divide(2,1)", "result is 2.0", "executing finally clause", ">>>", "divide(2,0)", "division by zero!", "executing finally clause", ">>>", "divide(\"2\",\"1\")", "executing finally clause", "Traceback (most recent call last):", "File \"<stdin>\"", ", line1, in <module>", "File \"<stdin>\"", ", line3, in divide", "TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'str'", "As you can see, the$_{finally}$clause is executed in any event. The$_{TypeError}$ raised by dividing two strings is", "not handled by the$_{except}$clause and therefore re-raised after the$_{finally}$", "clause has been executed.", "In real world applications, the$_{finally}$clause is useful for releasing external resources (such as files or network", "connections), regardless of whether the use of the resource was successful.", "8.8", "Predefined Clean-up Actions", "Some objects define standard clean-up actions to be undertaken when the object is no longer needed, regardless of", "whether or not the operation using the object succeeded or failed. Look at the following example, which tries to open", "a file and print its contents to the screen.", "for", "line", "in", "open(\"myfile.txt", "\"):", "print(line, end", "=\"\")", "The problem with this code is that it leaves the file open for an indeterminate amount of time after this part of the", "code has finished executing. This is not an issue in simple scripts, but can be a problem for larger applications. The", "statement allows objects like files to be used in a way that ensures they are always cleaned up promptly and", "with", "correctly.", "8.8.", "Predefined Clean-up Actions", "63" ]
[ [ 125, 390, 181, 404 ], [ 190, 390, 866, 404 ], [ 125, 417, 646, 431 ], [ 653, 417, 666, 431 ], [ 673, 417, 866, 431 ], [ 125, 444, 144, 458 ], [ 144, 444, 172, 458 ], [ 172, 444, 179, 458 ], [ 185, 444, 524, 458 ], [ 142, 483, 879, 498 ], [ 117, 509, 645, 524 ], [ 663, 509, 682, 524 ], [ 683, 509, 879, 524 ], [ 653, 510, 663, 521 ], [ 417, 532, 427, 547 ], [ 117, 536, 406, 551 ], [ 412, 536, 435, 551 ], [ 442, 536, 714, 551 ], [ 544, 560, 551, 570 ], [ 533, 562, 544, 573 ], [ 409, 568, 419, 583 ], [ 568, 568, 578, 583 ], [ 404, 572, 427, 587 ], [ 433, 572, 448, 587 ], [ 464, 572, 483, 587 ], [ 484, 572, 495, 587 ], [ 485, 572, 494, 587 ], [ 499, 572, 514, 587 ], [ 566, 572, 579, 587 ], [ 579, 572, 592, 587 ], [ 855, 572, 879, 587 ], [ 453, 572, 464, 583 ], [ 556, 581, 563, 591 ], [ 520, 582, 530, 597 ], [ 530, 582, 556, 597 ], [ 117, 608, 166, 623 ], [ 173, 608, 184, 623 ], [ 191, 608, 464, 623 ], [ 471, 608, 486, 623 ], [ 493, 608, 879, 623 ], [ 117, 634, 255, 649 ], [ 244, 634, 255, 649 ], [ 262, 634, 879, 649 ], [ 157, 657, 167, 672 ], [ 168, 659, 175, 669 ], [ 117, 660, 148, 675 ], [ 155, 660, 168, 675 ], [ 182, 660, 879, 675 ], [ 117, 687, 199, 702 ], [ 628, 711, 635, 721 ], [ 399, 712, 409, 758 ], [ 643, 712, 654, 758 ], [ 617, 713, 627, 728 ], [ 424, 713, 434, 728 ], [ 520, 713, 530, 728 ], [ 580, 713, 590, 728 ], [ 456, 713, 466, 728 ], [ 347, 720, 354, 730 ], [ 334, 723, 347, 738 ], [ 360, 723, 375, 738 ], [ 380, 723, 396, 749 ], [ 657, 723, 662, 738 ], [ 855, 723, 879, 738 ], [ 477, 723, 500, 738 ], [ 504, 723, 513, 738 ], [ 542, 723, 557, 738 ], [ 587, 731, 594, 741 ], [ 633, 733, 640, 743 ], [ 411, 733, 435, 748 ], [ 438, 733, 447, 748 ], [ 451, 733, 471, 748 ], [ 515, 733, 535, 748 ], [ 611, 733, 633, 748 ], [ 563, 734, 587, 749 ], [ 598, 734, 607, 749 ], [ 142, 759, 253, 774 ], [ 253, 759, 282, 774 ], [ 282, 759, 856, 774 ], [ 863, 760, 879, 773 ], [ 117, 785, 438, 800 ], [ 142, 812, 879, 827 ], [ 117, 838, 879, 853 ], [ 813, 860, 823, 876 ], [ 117, 864, 804, 880 ], [ 810, 864, 836, 879 ], [ 544, 894, 565, 940 ], [ 620, 894, 629, 940 ], [ 662, 894, 674, 940 ], [ 613, 897, 623, 912 ], [ 392, 897, 420, 942 ], [ 317, 897, 327, 912 ], [ 423, 898, 442, 915 ], [ 575, 898, 586, 908 ], [ 314, 900, 343, 916 ], [ 349, 900, 364, 916 ], [ 370, 900, 388, 916 ], [ 441, 900, 477, 916 ], [ 483, 900, 498, 916 ], [ 503, 900, 540, 916 ], [ 565, 900, 575, 916 ], [ 590, 900, 605, 916 ], [ 610, 900, 620, 916 ], [ 633, 900, 639, 926 ], [ 643, 900, 661, 916 ], [ 677, 900, 682, 916 ], [ 855, 900, 879, 916 ], [ 434, 908, 441, 918 ], [ 402, 921, 410, 932 ], [ 484, 954, 493, 969 ] ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5 ]
[ "FIG. 1.", "Schematic picture illustrates degrees of freedom used in the model to describe the dinu-", "clear system. The orientation of the vector of the relative distance", "R", "are defined by the angles", "Ω(", "θ, φ", ")", "with respect to the laboratory frame system.", "We assume that the heavy cluster is spherical and perform harmonic quadrupole oscil-", "lations around the spherically symmetric shape with frequency", "ω$_{0}$", ", while the light cluster", "ℏ", "ˆ", "stays in its ground state. Then for", "H$_{0}$", "we have the following expression", "2", "ℏ", "ˆ", "ˆ", "H$_{0}$", "=", "ω$_{0}$", "n", "ˆ", "+", "L", "$^{2}$,", "(2)", "ℏ", "2", "2", "µR", "where", "µ", "is the reduced mass of the DNS,", "R", "is the distance between the centers of mass of", "the fragments, ˆ", "n", "is the operator of the number of the quadrupole phonons of heavy cluster", "ˆ", "2", "and", "L", "is the operator of the square of angular momentum of relative rotations of the two", "fragments", "2", "[", "]", "∂", "1", "∂", "1", "∂", "2", "L", "=", "−", ".", "(3)", "sin", "θ", "+", "2", "2", "sin", "θ", "∂θ", "∂θ", "∂φ", "sin", "θ", "Angles Ω = (", "θ, φ", ") (see Fig.1) describes the orientation of the relative distance vector", "R", "with respect to the laboratory system.", "Taking into account that for the low angular momenta the deformation of heavy fragment", "is small, the interaction between the vibrational and rotational degrees of freedom can be", "ˆ", "taken in the lowest order with respect to the operators of quadrupole deformation", "β$_{2}$$_{µ}$", "([", "]", ")", "˜", "∑", "ˆ", "$_{β}$∗", "+", "V$_{int}$", "=", "V$_{0}$", "$_{µ}$Y$_{2}$$_{µ}$", "=", "V$_{0}$β$_{0}$", "d", "+", "d", "·", "Y$_{2}$", ",", "(4)", "2", "µ", "5" ]
[ [ 137, 93, 496, 110 ], [ 137, 114, 461, 126 ], [ 137, 143, 457, 160 ], [ 137, 164, 461, 176 ], [ 137, 194, 364, 210 ], [ 137, 215, 461, 226 ], [ 137, 244, 389, 261 ], [ 137, 265, 461, 277 ], [ 137, 294, 477, 311 ], [ 137, 315, 461, 327 ], [ 137, 345, 481, 362 ], [ 137, 366, 461, 377 ], [ 137, 395, 517, 412 ], [ 137, 416, 461, 428 ], [ 137, 445, 341, 462 ], [ 137, 466, 809, 478 ], [ 137, 482, 459, 493 ], [ 137, 511, 350, 528 ], [ 137, 532, 459, 544 ], [ 137, 561, 172, 578 ], [ 137, 582, 457, 594 ], [ 137, 597, 525, 609 ], [ 137, 613, 620, 624 ], [ 137, 628, 606, 639 ], [ 137, 643, 645, 655 ], [ 137, 672, 220, 689 ], [ 137, 693, 576, 705 ], [ 137, 708, 457, 720 ], [ 137, 724, 612, 735 ], [ 137, 739, 359, 750 ], [ 137, 754, 574, 766 ], [ 137, 769, 630, 781 ], [ 137, 784, 508, 796 ], [ 137, 799, 515, 811 ], [ 137, 815, 623, 826 ], [ 137, 830, 390, 841 ], [ 137, 845, 591, 856 ], [ 137, 874, 349, 891 ], [ 137, 895, 576, 907 ], [ 58, 941, 95, 952 ] ]
[ 8, 10, 8, 10, 8, 10, 8, 10, 8, 10, 8, 10, 8, 10, 8, 10, 10, 8, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 5 ]
[ "lock_order_extra_dependencies", "Section 5.9.3, “The LOCK_ORDER Tool”", "lock_order_output_directory", "Section 5.9.3, “The LOCK_ORDER Tool”", "lock_order_print_txt", "Section 5.9.3, “The LOCK_ORDER Tool”", "lock_order_trace_loop", "Section 5.9.3, “The LOCK_ORDER Tool”", "lock_order_trace_missing_arc", "Section 5.9.3, “The LOCK_ORDER Tool”", "lock_order_trace_missing_key", "Section 5.9.3, “The LOCK_ORDER Tool”", "lock_order_trace_missing_unlock", "Section 5.9.3, “The LOCK_ORDER Tool”", "lock_wait_timeout", "Section 13.3.5, “LOCK INSTANCE FOR BACKUP and UNLOCK INSTANCE Statements”", "Section 5.1.8, “Server System Variables”", "locked_in_memory", "Section 5.1.8, “Server System Variables”", "log", "Section 2.11.4, “Changes in MySQL 8.0”", "Section 18.3.1, “Group Replication Requirements”", "Section 15.14, “InnoDB Startup Options and System Variables”", "Section, “Startup Options and Replication Channels”", "Section 15.20.7, “The InnoDB memcached Plugin and Replication”", "log_bin", "Section, “Binary Logging Options and Variables”", "Section 2.11.4, “Changes in MySQL 8.0”", "Section 17.5.5, “How to Report Replication Bugs or Problems”", "NDB Cluster System Variables", "Section, “Replica Server Options and Variables”", "Section, “Replication and Transaction Inconsistencies”", "Section, “RESET MASTER Statement”", "Section, “Setting The Binary Log Format”", "Section, “Setting the Replication Source Configuration”", "Section 5.4.4, “The Binary Log”", "Section 23.2.7, “Upgrading and Downgrading NDB Cluster”", "log_bin_basename", "Section, “Binary Logging Options and Variables”", "6082" ]
[ [ 511, 90, 929, 102 ], [ 73, 97, 108, 113 ], [ 122, 97, 137, 113 ], [ 223, 98, 488, 113 ], [ 511, 106, 929, 117 ], [ 345, 113, 488, 128 ], [ 511, 121, 929, 132 ], [ 511, 136, 929, 147 ], [ 70, 145, 309, 158 ], [ 511, 151, 929, 162 ], [ 511, 166, 929, 177 ], [ 70, 179, 487, 190 ], [ 511, 181, 603, 193 ], [ 70, 194, 487, 205 ], [ 70, 209, 487, 220 ], [ 511, 212, 929, 223 ], [ 70, 224, 487, 235 ], [ 511, 227, 929, 238 ], [ 70, 239, 487, 250 ], [ 511, 242, 929, 253 ], [ 70, 254, 487, 266 ], [ 511, 257, 929, 268 ], [ 70, 270, 487, 281 ], [ 511, 272, 929, 283 ], [ 70, 285, 258, 296 ], [ 511, 287, 929, 299 ], [ 511, 303, 929, 314 ], [ 70, 314, 240, 327 ], [ 511, 318, 929, 329 ], [ 511, 333, 929, 344 ], [ 70, 348, 487, 359 ], [ 511, 348, 929, 359 ], [ 70, 363, 487, 374 ], [ 511, 363, 929, 374 ], [ 70, 378, 487, 389 ], [ 511, 378, 929, 390 ], [ 70, 393, 487, 405 ], [ 511, 393, 929, 405 ], [ 70, 408, 487, 420 ], [ 511, 409, 929, 420 ], [ 70, 424, 487, 435 ], [ 511, 424, 929, 435 ], [ 70, 439, 487, 450 ], [ 511, 439, 902, 450 ], [ 70, 454, 224, 465 ], [ 511, 469, 929, 480 ], [ 70, 484, 487, 495 ], [ 511, 484, 929, 496 ], [ 70, 499, 487, 511 ], [ 511, 499, 929, 511 ], [ 70, 514, 175, 526 ], [ 511, 515, 929, 526 ], [ 511, 530, 929, 541 ], [ 511, 545, 929, 556 ], [ 511, 560, 929, 571 ], [ 82, 565, 111, 574 ], [ 407, 565, 414, 574 ], [ 430, 565, 470, 574 ], [ 511, 575, 929, 586 ], [ 82, 581, 111, 590 ], [ 430, 581, 470, 590 ], [ 511, 590, 929, 602 ], [ 82, 597, 111, 607 ], [ 430, 597, 470, 607 ], [ 511, 606, 929, 617 ], [ 82, 614, 111, 623 ], [ 430, 614, 470, 623 ], [ 511, 621, 929, 632 ], [ 82, 630, 111, 639 ], [ 430, 630, 470, 639 ], [ 511, 636, 929, 647 ], [ 82, 647, 138, 656 ], [ 430, 647, 470, 656 ], [ 511, 651, 929, 662 ], [ 82, 663, 108, 672 ], [ 407, 663, 470, 672 ], [ 511, 666, 929, 677 ], [ 511, 681, 929, 693 ], [ 511, 696, 929, 708 ], [ 511, 712, 623, 723 ], [ 70, 719, 172, 732 ], [ 511, 742, 929, 753 ], [ 70, 752, 258, 765 ], [ 511, 757, 929, 768 ], [ 511, 772, 929, 783 ], [ 70, 785, 487, 796 ], [ 511, 787, 929, 799 ], [ 70, 800, 487, 811 ], [ 511, 803, 929, 814 ], [ 70, 815, 487, 827 ], [ 511, 818, 929, 829 ], [ 70, 831, 487, 842 ], [ 511, 833, 929, 844 ], [ 70, 846, 487, 857 ], [ 511, 848, 929, 859 ], [ 70, 861, 487, 872 ], [ 511, 863, 929, 874 ], [ 70, 876, 487, 887 ], [ 511, 878, 929, 890 ], [ 70, 891, 487, 902 ], [ 511, 893, 929, 905 ], [ 70, 906, 487, 918 ], [ 511, 909, 929, 920 ], [ 511, 924, 929, 935 ], [ 511, 939, 623, 950 ], [ 35, 960, 51, 972 ] ]
[ 10, 8, 8, 8, 10, 8, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "properties (the SPVs established in the lease structures), whereby the", "Not", "P", "Commitments, Contingencies", "Company guarantees certain residual amounts to the lessors in the event of a", "and Guarantees", "sale of the property or expiration of the lease. The amount of the deficiency is", "recognized as rent expense on a straight-line basis over the remaining term of", "LINE OF CREDIT COMMITMENTS", "the lease. The accrual for a deficiency is required regardless of whether the", "Company expects to exercise a purchase option or renewal option at the end", "As of December 31, 2002 the Company had outstanding lines of credit of", "of the lease term.", "approximately $165.5 billion committed to its customers. Of that total", "commitment, approximately $105.8 billion was unused. While this amount", "In December 2000, the Company entered into a 10-year agreement for the", "represented the total available lines of credit to customers, the Company has", "lease of a headquarters building being constructed in McLean, Virginia. The", "not experienced, and does not anticipate, that all of its customers will exercise", "agreement calls for monthly rent to commence upon completion, which is", "their entire available line at any given point in time. The Company generally", "expected to occur in the first quarter of 2003, and is based on LIBOR rates", "has the right to increase, reduce, cancel, alter or amend the terms of these", "applied to the cost of the buildings funded. If, at the end of the lease term,", "available lines of credit at any time.", "the Company does not purchase the property, the Company guarantees a", "maximum residual value of up to $114.8 million representing approximately", "LEASE COMMITMENTS", "72% of the estimated $159.5 million cost of the buildings in the lease", "agreement. This agreement, made with a multi-purpose entity that is a", "Certain premises and equipment have been leased under agreements that", "wholly-owned subsidiary of one of the Company’s lenders, provides that in", "expire at various dates through 2012, without taking into consideration", "the event of a sale of the property, the Company’s obligation would be equal", "available renewal options. Many of these leases provide for payment by the", "to the sum of all amounts owed by the Company under a note issuance made", "lessee of property taxes, insurance premiums, cost of maintenance and other", "in connection with the lease inception. As of December 31, 2002, the", "costs. In some cases, rentals are subject to increase in relation to a cost of", "estimated cost of the building provided a reasonable approximation of the", "living index. Total rent expenses amounted to approximately $63.2 million,", "fair value, and thus no deficiency existed and no liability related to the", "$64.7 million and $66.1 million for the years ended December 31, 2002,", "maximum residual value guarantee was recorded relative to this property.", "2001 and 2000, respectively.", "In 1999, the Company entered into two three-year agreements for the", "Future minimum rental commitments as of December 31, 2002, for all non-", "construction and subsequent lease of four facilities located in Tampa, Florida", "cancelable operating leases with initial or remaining terms of one year or", "and Federal Way, Washington. The construction of all four of these facilities", "more are as follows:", "was completed during 2001. The total cost of the buildings was", "approximately $98.8 million. Monthly rent commenced upon completion of", "each of the buildings and is based on LIBOR rates applied to the cost of the", "facilities funded. The Company had one-year renewal options under the", "2003", "$", "62,676", "terms of each of the leases, which were exercised during 2002 to extend the", "2004", "44,650", "life of the leases through September of 2003. If, at the end of the lease terms,", "2005", "40,223", "the Company does not purchase all of the properties, the Company", "2006", "35,502", "guarantees a maximum residual value to the lessor of up to $84.0 million", "2007", "34,918", "representing approximately 85% of the cost of the buildings in the lease", "Thereafter", "84,469", "agreement. During the fourth quarter, the estimated fair value of the facilities", "Total", "$ 302,438", "fell to a level below the maximum residual value guaranteed resulting in a", "deficiency of $22.0 million. Correspondingly, the Company has recognized", "$11.2 million as additional rent expense related to the deficiency as of", "December 31, 2002.", "GUARANTEES", "In 1998, the Company entered into a five-year lease of five facilities in", "Residual Value Guarantees", "Tampa, Florida and Richmond, Virginia. Monthly rent on the facilities is", "based on a fixed interest rate of 6.87% per annum applied to the cost of the", "The Company has entered into synthetic lease transactions to finance several", "buildings included in the lease of $86.8 million. The Company has two one-", "facilities. A synthetic lease structure typically involves establishing a special", "year renewal options under the terms of the lease, which have been exercised", "purpose vehicle (“SPV”) that owns the properties to be leased. The SPV is", "to extend the life of the lease through December of 2005. If, at the end of the", "funded and its equity is held by outside investors, and as a result, neither the", "lease term, the Company does not purchase all of the properties, the", "debt of nor the properties owned by the SPV have been included in the", "Company guarantees a maximum residual value to the lessor of up to $72.9", "accompanying consolidated financial statements. These transactions, as", "million representing approximately 84% of the costs of the buildings in the", "described below, are accounted for as operating leases in accordance with", "lease agreement. As of December 31, 2002, the estimated fair value of the", "SFAS No. 13, Accounting for Leases. The Company has entered into", "facilities fell to a level below the maximum residual value guaranteed resulting", "maximum residual value guarantee agreements with the lessors of the", "in a deficiency of $13.0 million. Correspondingly, the Company recognized", "$.4 million as additional rent expense related to the deficiency as of", "December 31, 2002.", "68" ]
[ [ 126, 71, 151, 84 ], [ 160, 71, 303, 84 ], [ 744, 71, 781, 84 ], [ 790, 71, 861, 84 ], [ 488, 90, 503, 103 ], [ 126, 137, 481, 147 ], [ 126, 149, 481, 159 ], [ 653, 150, 720, 160 ], [ 508, 173, 570, 180 ], [ 672, 173, 859, 180 ], [ 214, 175, 395, 184 ], [ 583, 190, 589, 195 ], [ 508, 191, 582, 199 ], [ 739, 191, 761, 199 ], [ 764, 191, 797, 199 ], [ 180, 195, 482, 205 ], [ 127, 195, 167, 204 ], [ 561, 200, 566, 205 ], [ 508, 201, 561, 209 ], [ 736, 201, 795, 209 ], [ 126, 207, 481, 217 ], [ 578, 210, 584, 215 ], [ 707, 211, 824, 219 ], [ 508, 211, 579, 219 ], [ 588, 220, 593, 225 ], [ 126, 220, 482, 230 ], [ 508, 221, 588, 229 ], [ 707, 221, 825, 229 ], [ 585, 230, 590, 235 ], [ 508, 231, 585, 239 ], [ 707, 231, 824, 239 ], [ 126, 233, 480, 242 ], [ 577, 240, 583, 245 ], [ 508, 241, 578, 249 ], [ 739, 242, 792, 249 ], [ 126, 245, 482, 255 ], [ 596, 250, 602, 255 ], [ 508, 252, 596, 259 ], [ 680, 252, 700, 259 ], [ 703, 252, 852, 259 ], [ 126, 258, 482, 268 ], [ 581, 260, 586, 265 ], [ 508, 262, 581, 269 ], [ 707, 262, 818, 269 ], [ 554, 270, 560, 275 ], [ 126, 270, 482, 280 ], [ 707, 272, 825, 279 ], [ 508, 272, 554, 279 ], [ 559, 280, 564, 285 ], [ 508, 282, 559, 289 ], [ 707, 282, 825, 289 ], [ 126, 283, 482, 293 ], [ 580, 290, 586, 295 ], [ 508, 292, 580, 299 ], [ 707, 292, 817, 299 ], [ 126, 295, 482, 305 ], [ 126, 308, 174, 318 ], [ 508, 309, 515, 315 ], [ 511, 312, 724, 318 ], [ 511, 312, 724, 318 ], [ 507, 319, 512, 325 ], [ 507, 319, 512, 325 ], [ 180, 321, 481, 331 ], [ 511, 322, 676, 328 ], [ 127, 322, 167, 331 ], [ 126, 334, 483, 344 ], [ 126, 347, 162, 356 ], [ 661, 352, 710, 362 ], [ 180, 360, 481, 369 ], [ 127, 360, 167, 369 ], [ 126, 372, 482, 382 ], [ 561, 372, 863, 382 ], [ 509, 373, 549, 382 ], [ 659, 385, 859, 395 ], [ 126, 385, 482, 395 ], [ 507, 385, 647, 395 ], [ 648, 388, 653, 394 ], [ 508, 398, 849, 407 ], [ 126, 398, 480, 407 ], [ 126, 410, 482, 420 ], [ 561, 411, 863, 421 ], [ 509, 411, 549, 420 ], [ 126, 423, 482, 432 ], [ 508, 423, 862, 433 ], [ 854, 434, 861, 440 ], [ 126, 435, 482, 445 ], [ 508, 436, 854, 446 ], [ 591, 447, 595, 453 ], [ 126, 448, 285, 458 ], [ 507, 449, 590, 459 ], [ 638, 449, 863, 459 ], [ 597, 452, 637, 458 ], [ 508, 461, 862, 471 ], [ 180, 461, 193, 471 ], [ 197, 461, 285, 471 ], [ 127, 462, 167, 471 ], [ 507, 474, 859, 484 ], [ 180, 475, 482, 484 ], [ 127, 475, 167, 484 ], [ 508, 486, 863, 496 ], [ 126, 487, 481, 497 ], [ 508, 499, 863, 509 ], [ 126, 500, 478, 509 ], [ 507, 511, 863, 521 ], [ 126, 512, 481, 522 ], [ 508, 524, 843, 534 ], [ 126, 525, 482, 535 ], [ 126, 538, 478, 547 ], [ 561, 538, 860, 547 ], [ 509, 538, 549, 547 ], [ 507, 550, 863, 559 ], [ 126, 550, 481, 560 ], [ 508, 562, 863, 572 ], [ 126, 563, 478, 572 ], [ 508, 575, 859, 585 ], [ 126, 575, 478, 585 ], [ 508, 588, 860, 598 ], [ 126, 588, 481, 598 ], [ 508, 601, 859, 610 ], [ 126, 601, 478, 610 ], [ 508, 613, 635, 623 ], [ 126, 613, 162, 623 ], [ 172, 613, 292, 623 ], [ 301, 613, 381, 623 ], [ 392, 613, 417, 623 ], [ 427, 613, 482, 623 ], [ 126, 626, 174, 635 ], [ 561, 626, 863, 636 ], [ 509, 627, 549, 636 ], [ 507, 639, 859, 649 ], [ 180, 639, 482, 649 ], [ 127, 639, 167, 648 ], [ 507, 651, 860, 661 ], [ 126, 651, 482, 661 ], [ 126, 664, 485, 673 ], [ 508, 664, 860, 674 ], [ 507, 677, 863, 686 ], [ 126, 677, 482, 686 ], [ 508, 689, 863, 699 ], [ 126, 689, 481, 699 ], [ 508, 702, 737, 712 ], [ 126, 702, 482, 712 ], [ 126, 714, 175, 724 ], [ 561, 715, 864, 725 ], [ 509, 716, 549, 725 ], [ 508, 728, 859, 737 ], [ 180, 728, 483, 737 ], [ 127, 728, 167, 737 ], [ 126, 740, 482, 750 ], [ 508, 740, 859, 750 ], [ 126, 753, 482, 763 ], [ 508, 753, 607, 763 ], [ 622, 753, 739, 763 ], [ 754, 753, 859, 763 ], [ 508, 765, 859, 775 ], [ 126, 765, 306, 775 ], [ 508, 778, 628, 788 ], [ 714, 778, 863, 788 ], [ 180, 779, 481, 789 ], [ 127, 780, 167, 789 ], [ 507, 791, 819, 800 ], [ 828, 791, 862, 800 ], [ 126, 792, 482, 802 ], [ 508, 803, 860, 813 ], [ 126, 804, 478, 814 ], [ 508, 816, 859, 825 ], [ 126, 817, 482, 827 ], [ 508, 828, 579, 838 ], [ 126, 830, 481, 839 ], [ 661, 854, 710, 864 ], [ 561, 875, 862, 885 ], [ 509, 876, 549, 885 ], [ 126, 878, 188, 886 ], [ 291, 878, 477, 886 ], [ 794, 886, 801, 892 ], [ 855, 886, 861, 892 ], [ 507, 887, 794, 897 ], [ 804, 887, 854, 897 ], [ 126, 896, 231, 904 ], [ 358, 897, 378, 904 ], [ 381, 897, 419, 904 ], [ 508, 900, 544, 910 ], [ 541, 900, 864, 910 ], [ 181, 905, 187, 910 ], [ 126, 907, 183, 914 ], [ 508, 913, 859, 923 ], [ 126, 917, 269, 924 ], [ 358, 917, 378, 924 ], [ 381, 917, 419, 924 ], [ 200, 925, 205, 930 ], [ 508, 925, 863, 935 ], [ 358, 927, 379, 934 ], [ 383, 927, 416, 934 ], [ 126, 927, 199, 934 ], [ 508, 938, 859, 948 ] ]
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[ "US", "2012/0220962 Al ", "Aug.", "30, 2012 ", "6 ", "about 2-20 wt%. These amounts may be adjusted to take into ", "consideration the presence of any base-neutralizable species. ", "-continued ", "Organic base ", "pH of Aqueous Solution (concentration) ", "Inorganic Salts ofWeakAcids ", "1 ", "Triethanolarnine", "10.5", "(0.lN) ", "Inorganic salts of weak acids include, ammonium ", "[0048] ", "2 ", "Butylamine", "pKa- 10.56 ", "phosphate ( dibasic ); alkali metal salts of weakacids such as ", "2 ", "Strong base, pKa - 10.73 ", "Dimethylamine", "2 ", "sodium acetate, sodium borate, sodium metaborate, sodium ", "Cyclohexylamine", "Strong base, pKa - 10.64 ", "2 ", "Ethylenediamine", "Strong base, pKa - 10.71 ", "carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium phosphate (tribasic ), ", "2 ", "Isopentylamine", "pKa - 10.6 ", "sodium phosphate ( di basic), potassium carbonate, potassium ", "2 ", "Monoethanolarnine", "12.1", "(25%), 12.05 (0.1 N), pKa - 9.4 ", "bicarbonate, potassium citrate, potassium acetate, potassium ", "2 ", "Phenethylamine", "Strong base, pKa - 9.83 ", "2 ", "phosphate ( dibasic ), potassium phosphate (tribasic ); alkaline ", "Strong base, pKa - 11.12 ", "Piperidine", "2 ", "Pyrrolidine", "Strong base, pKa - 11.27 ", "earth metal salts of weak acids such as magnesium phosphate ", "2 ", "Trimethylamine", "Strong base, pKa - 9.81 ", "and calcium phosphate; and the like, and combinations ", "thereof. ", "1 ", "Iisted in the \"Handbook of Pharmaceutical Additives\" ", "Iisted in the \"Handbook of Pharmaceutical Additives\" ", "2", "2", "Preferred inorganic salts of weak acids include, ", "1isted in the PDA’s food additive database ", "[0049] ", "ammonium phosphate ( dibasic) and alkali metal salts of weak ", "acids. ", "Amines ", "The amount of inorganic salts of weak acids ", "[0050] ", "included in the compositions and systems of the invention ", "Amines are compounds that include at least one ", "[0056] ", "group, mono-substituted (second›", "may be substantially higher than the numbers set forth above ", "primary amino (-NH$_{2}$", ") ", "ary) amino group or di-substituted (tertiary) amino group. ", "for the inorganic hydroxide, and may be as high as 20 wt %, ", "in some cases as high as 25 wt% or higher, but will generally ", "Primary amino groups, secondary amino groups, ", "[0057] ", "be in the range of approximately 2-20 wt%. These amounts ", "and tertiary amino groups may be generically grouped as ", "3 ", "may be adjusted to take into consideration the presence of any ", "encompassed by the molecular structure -NR$^{1}$R$^{2}$R", "2", "base-neutralizable species. ", "wherein R1, R", "$^{3 }$may be the same or different and are ", ", and R", "generally selected from the group consisting of H, alkyl, ", "B.", "Organic Bases ", "[0051] ", "hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, alkenyl, hydroxyalkenyl, alkoxy›", "Organic bases suitable for use in the invention are ", "[0052] ", "alkenyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkyl-substituted alkyl, monocyclic ", "compounds having an amino group, amido group, an oxime, ", "aryl, and monocyclic aryl-substituted alkyl, all of which may ", "a cyano group, an aromatic or non-aromatic nitrogen-contain›", "be substituted with one or more nonhydrocarbyl substituents, ", "ing heterocycle, a urea group, and combinations thereof. ", "e.g., 1 to 3 halo, hydroxyl, thiol, or lower alkoxy groups. ", "More specifically, examples of suitable organic bases are ", "nitrogenous bases, which include, but are not limited to, pri›", "Exemplary primary amines include 2-aminoetha›", "[0058] ", "nol, 2-aminoheptane, 2-amino-2-methyl-1,3 propanediol, ", "mary amines, secondary amines, tertiary amines, amides, ", "2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol, n-amylamine, benzylamine, ", "oximes, cyano (-CN) containing groups, aromatic and non›", "1,4-butanediamine, n-butylamine, cyclohexylamine, ethy›", "aromatic nitrogen-containing heterocycles, urea, and mix›", "lamine, ethylenediamine, methylamine, a-methylbenzy›", "tures thereof. Preferred organic bases are primary amines, ", "lamine, phenethylamine, propylamine, and tris(hydroxym›", "secondary amines, tertiary amines, aromatic and non-aro›", "ethy 1 )aminomethane. ", "matic ", "nitrogen-containing ", "heterocycles, ", "and ", "mixtures ", "thereof. ", "Exemplary secondary amines include compounds ", "[0059] ", "that contain groups such as methylamino, ethylamino, iso›", "For nitrogenous bases, the amount of enhancing ", "[0053] ", "propylamino, butylamino, cyclopropylamino, cyclohexy›", "agent will typically represent about 0.5-4.0 wt%, preferably ", "about 0.5-3.0 wt%, more preferably about 0.75-2.0 wt%, of ", "lamino, n-hexylamino, phenylamino, benzylamino, chloroet›", "hylamino, hydroxyethylamino, and so forth. Exemplary ", "a topically applied formulation or of a drug reservoir of a drug ", "secondary amines include diethanolamine, diethylamine, ", "delivery system or a patch. These amounts may be adjusted to ", "diisopropylamine, and dimethylamine. ", "take into consideration the presence of any base-neutralizable ", "species. ", "Exemplary tertiary amines include compounds that ", "[0060] ", "contain groups such as dibutylamino, diethylamino, dimethy›", "Still greater amounts of the nitrogenous base may be ", "[0054] ", "used depending on the strength of the base and the rate and/or ", "lamino, diisopropylamino, ethylchloroethylamino, ethylcy›", "quantity of release of the nitrogenous base preferably during ", "clopropylamino, ", "methylhexylamino, ", "methylcyclohexy›", "lamino, methylpropylamino, methylbenzylamino, methyl-p›", "the drug delivery period itself. ", "chlorophenylamino, ", "methylcyclohexylamino, ", "Preferred organic bases are those whose aqueous ", "[0055] ", "methylphenylamino, methyltoluoylamino, and so ", "forth. ", "solutions have a high pH or a high pKa (more preferably a ", "Exemplary tertiary amines include N,N-diethylaniline, N,N›", "pKa>9), and are acceptable as food or pharmaceutical addi›", "dimethylglycine, triethanolamine, triethylamine, and trim›", "tives. Examples of such preferred organic bases are those ", "ethylamine. ", "listed below, along with their respective pHs ( or pKa values). ", "Amides ", "Amides are compounds that include an amido group ", "[0061] ", "Organic base ", "pH of Aqueous Solution (concentration) ", "2 ", "1 ", "that has the molecular structure -(CO)-NR$^{1}$R", "where R", "2-amino-2-methyl-1,3-", "10.8", "(0.1 m) ", "and R ", "$^{2 }$can be the same or different, and are generally selected ", "1 ", "propanediol ", "from the groups consisting ofH, alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxy›", "2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol 1 ", "11.3", "(0.1 m) ", "1 ", "alkyl, alkenyl, hydroxyalkenyl, alkoxyalkenyl, cycloalkyl, ", "11.0", "(0.lN) ", "Diethanolarnine", "cycloalkyl-substituted alkyl, monocyclic aryl, and monocy-" ]
[ [ 470, 362, 867, 374 ], [ 101, 393, 284, 435 ], [ 470, 425, 556, 453 ], [ 691, 425, 757, 453 ], [ 101, 431, 307, 472 ], [ 556, 433, 641, 450 ], [ 757, 433, 855, 450 ], [ 470, 450, 595, 465 ], [ 691, 450, 816, 465 ], [ 470, 466, 575, 480 ], [ 691, 466, 803, 480 ], [ 101, 468, 375, 510 ], [ 470, 496, 507, 525 ], [ 691, 496, 801, 525 ], [ 507, 504, 601, 521 ], [ 470, 522, 592, 536 ], [ 691, 522, 815, 536 ], [ 691, 535, 786, 564 ], [ 470, 537, 595, 552 ], [ 470, 553, 564, 567 ], [ 691, 561, 826, 575 ], [ 470, 592, 557, 620 ], [ 691, 592, 747, 620 ], [ 556, 600, 642, 617 ], [ 747, 600, 832, 617 ], [ 470, 617, 553, 632 ], [ 691, 617, 814, 632 ], [ 691, 633, 804, 647 ], [ 691, 648, 866, 662 ], [ 470, 679, 545, 707 ], [ 470, 704, 597, 719 ], [ 597, 705, 612, 714 ], [ 470, 759, 717, 772 ], [ 470, 824, 686, 839 ], [ 470, 841, 803, 855 ], [ 470, 888, 753, 897 ], [ 933, 951, 942, 976 ], [ 611, 961, 883, 969 ] ]
[ 10, 8, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5 ]
[ "THROUGH GREAT-WEST LIFECO AND IGM FINANCIAL", "THIS IS ", "$709 ", "$1.2 ", "POWER ", "BILLION ", "TRILLION ", "of assets under ", "of assets under ", "management", "administration", "FINANCIAL", "25", "24,000", " MILLION ", "customers and ", "employees and ", "11,600", "retirement plan ", "participants", "financial advisors", "$41.8 ", "$2.1", "BILLION ", " BILLION", "of revenue", "of net earnings ", "attributable to", "common shareholders", "15.1%", "return on equity", " [1]", "THROUGH THE PARGESA GROUP", "Significant shareholdings in", "six leading European-based multinationals", "[1] Return on equity is calculated using operating earnings.", "1", "POWER FINANCIAL CORPORATION 2014 ANNUAL REPORT" ]
[ [ 88, 26, 339, 34 ], [ 88, 95, 701, 109 ], [ 509, 117, 633, 127 ], [ 93, 121, 196, 129 ], [ 378, 121, 419, 129 ], [ 432, 121, 480, 129 ], [ 509, 131, 911, 140 ], [ 93, 135, 310, 143 ], [ 509, 145, 911, 154 ], [ 93, 146, 229, 154 ], [ 390, 146, 397, 154 ], [ 406, 146, 419, 154 ], [ 467, 146, 480, 154 ], [ 93, 157, 224, 166 ], [ 403, 157, 422, 166 ], [ 467, 157, 480, 166 ], [ 509, 159, 911, 168 ], [ 93, 169, 121, 177 ], [ 400, 169, 419, 177 ], [ 467, 169, 480, 177 ], [ 509, 172, 587, 182 ], [ 93, 180, 181, 189 ], [ 406, 180, 419, 189 ], [ 467, 180, 480, 189 ], [ 93, 191, 123, 200 ], [ 406, 191, 419, 200 ], [ 467, 191, 480, 200 ], [ 509, 191, 911, 201 ], [ 93, 203, 325, 211 ], [ 413, 203, 419, 211 ], [ 509, 205, 911, 215 ], [ 509, 219, 545, 229 ], [ 555, 219, 598, 229 ], [ 608, 219, 640, 229 ], [ 650, 219, 663, 229 ], [ 672, 219, 679, 229 ], [ 689, 219, 728, 229 ], [ 738, 219, 748, 229 ], [ 758, 219, 809, 229 ], [ 819, 219, 863, 229 ], [ 873, 219, 911, 229 ], [ 93, 220, 332, 229 ], [ 400, 220, 419, 229 ], [ 509, 233, 781, 243 ], [ 93, 238, 343, 247 ], [ 93, 249, 133, 258 ], [ 406, 249, 419, 258 ], [ 467, 249, 480, 258 ], [ 509, 252, 911, 262 ], [ 93, 261, 121, 269 ], [ 400, 261, 419, 269 ], [ 467, 261, 480, 269 ], [ 509, 266, 911, 276 ], [ 93, 272, 181, 281 ], [ 406, 272, 419, 281 ], [ 467, 272, 480, 281 ], [ 509, 280, 911, 289 ], [ 93, 284, 123, 292 ], [ 403, 284, 422, 292 ], [ 467, 284, 480, 292 ], [ 509, 294, 911, 303 ], [ 93, 295, 325, 303 ], [ 403, 295, 422, 303 ], [ 509, 308, 692, 317 ], [ 93, 313, 266, 321 ], [ 275, 313, 342, 321 ], [ 267, 313, 272, 318 ], [ 104, 323, 129, 331 ], [ 400, 323, 419, 331 ], [ 509, 327, 911, 336 ], [ 509, 340, 911, 350 ], [ 93, 340, 301, 349 ], [ 409, 340, 422, 349 ], [ 467, 340, 480, 349 ], [ 93, 352, 345, 360 ], [ 413, 352, 419, 360 ], [ 467, 352, 480, 360 ], [ 509, 354, 788, 364 ], [ 93, 363, 275, 372 ], [ 403, 363, 422, 372 ], [ 467, 363, 480, 372 ], [ 93, 374, 246, 383 ], [ 406, 374, 419, 383 ], [ 467, 374, 480, 383 ], [ 509, 381, 674, 390 ], [ 236, 392, 333, 401 ], [ 400, 392, 419, 401 ], [ 93, 392, 227, 401 ], [ 229, 392, 233, 398 ], [ 509, 395, 911, 404 ], [ 93, 404, 191, 412 ], [ 403, 404, 422, 412 ], [ 467, 404, 480, 412 ], [ 509, 409, 545, 418 ], [ 556, 409, 603, 418 ], [ 614, 409, 662, 418 ], [ 673, 409, 692, 418 ], [ 704, 409, 760, 418 ], [ 771, 409, 793, 418 ], [ 805, 409, 879, 418 ], [ 890, 409, 911, 418 ], [ 93, 415, 270, 423 ], [ 406, 415, 419, 423 ], [ 467, 415, 480, 423 ], [ 509, 422, 911, 432 ], [ 93, 426, 326, 435 ], [ 397, 426, 422, 435 ], [ 467, 426, 480, 435 ], [ 509, 436, 588, 446 ], [ 93, 438, 121, 446 ], [ 406, 438, 419, 446 ], [ 467, 438, 480, 446 ], [ 93, 449, 189, 457 ], [ 406, 449, 419, 457 ], [ 467, 449, 480, 457 ], [ 509, 455, 911, 465 ], [ 93, 467, 307, 475 ], [ 509, 469, 911, 479 ], [ 104, 477, 262, 485 ], [ 403, 477, 422, 485 ], [ 509, 483, 826, 493 ], [ 93, 488, 301, 497 ], [ 406, 488, 419, 497 ], [ 467, 488, 480, 497 ], [ 509, 502, 911, 512 ], [ 93, 506, 317, 514 ], [ 403, 506, 422, 514 ], [ 509, 516, 911, 526 ], [ 102, 525, 480, 533 ], [ 92, 525, 96, 530 ], [ 509, 530, 911, 539 ], [ 102, 535, 480, 543 ], [ 509, 544, 911, 553 ], [ 102, 545, 480, 553 ], [ 102, 556, 480, 563 ], [ 509, 558, 911, 567 ], [ 102, 566, 304, 573 ], [ 509, 571, 911, 581 ], [ 102, 576, 313, 584 ], [ 92, 576, 96, 581 ], [ 509, 585, 866, 595 ], [ 509, 604, 911, 614 ], [ 509, 618, 911, 628 ], [ 509, 632, 911, 642 ], [ 509, 646, 760, 656 ], [ 509, 672, 727, 682 ], [ 509, 686, 911, 696 ], [ 509, 700, 911, 710 ], [ 509, 714, 911, 724 ], [ 509, 728, 911, 738 ], [ 509, 742, 911, 752 ], [ 509, 756, 790, 765 ], [ 88, 966, 100, 973 ], [ 110, 966, 429, 973 ] ]
[ 6, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 10, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 10, 4, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5 ]
[ "MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS", "KEY CHANGES IN FINANCIAL RESULTS THIS YEAR COMPARED TO 2012", "Operating Revenue", "(In millions of dollars)", "Change", "see page", "Wireless network revenue was higher than last year because of higher", "Operating revenue changes – higher (lower):", "adoption and usage of wireless data services, partially offset by the", "Network revenue – Wireless", "$", "29", "39", "Equipment sales – Wireless", "(39)", "39", "introduction of lower priced roaming plans and pricing changes made", "Cable", "117", "42", "over this year.", "Business Solutions", "23", "45", "Media", "84", "48", "Cable operating revenue was higher than last year mainly because of", "Corporate items and intercompany eliminations", "6", "growth in Internet and phone revenues and the acquisition of Mountain", "Cable,", "partially", "offset", "by", "a", "decline", "in", "television", "revenue", "related", "Higher operating revenue compared to 2012", "220", "principally from competitive TV subscriber losses.", "Adjusted operating profit changes – higher (lower):", "Wireless", "94", "39", "Business Solutions operating revenue was higher than last year mainly", "Cable", "113", "42", "because we completed the acquisitions of Blackiron Data and Pivot", "Business Solutions", "17", "45", "Data Centres earlier this year combined with the continued growth in", "Media", "(29)", "48", "on-net and next generation services, partially offset by planned decline", "Corporate items and intercompany eliminations", "(36)", "in legacy voice and data services.", "Higher adjusted operating profit", "compared to", "1", "2012", "159", "Media operating revenue was higher than last year mainly because of", "revenue growth at Sportsnet, higher attendance at Toronto Blue Jays", "Higher stock-based compensation expense", "(7)", "51", "Lower restructuring, acquisition and other expenses", "7", "51", "games and higher sales at The Shopping Channel.", "Higher depreciation and amortization", "(79)", "51", "Impairment recognized in 2012", "80", "51", "Adjusted Operating Profit", "compared to 2012", "160", "Higher operating income", "2", "Wireless adjusted operating profit was higher this year because of", "Higher finance costs", "(71)", "52", "higher", "network", "revenue,", "our", "continued", "cost", "management", "and", "Gain on sale of interest in TVtropolis", "47", "52", "productivity initiatives implemented across various areas and lower cost", "Gain on Inukshuk spectrum distribution in 2012", "(233)", "52", "of equipment.", "Other", "17", "53", "Lower income taxes", "24", "52", "Cable adjusted operating profit was higher than last year because of", "Decrease in net income from continuing", "the continued growth in revenue combined with a shift in our product", "operations compared to 2012", "(56)", "mix towards higher margin Internet and phone products.", "Loss from discontinued operations in 2012", "32", "52", "Media’s adjusted operating profit was lower compared to last year. The", "Decrease in net income compared to 2012", "(24)", "increase in operating revenue this year was more than offset by the", "Adjusted operating profit is a Non-GAAP measure and should not be considered as", "1", "combined impact of higher player salaries at the Toronto Blue Jays, the", "a substitute or alternative for GAAP measure. It is not a defined term under IFRS,", "NHL player lockout in 2012 and the costs associated with broadcasting", "and does not have a standard meaning, so may not be a reliable way to compare", "us to other companies. See “Non-GAAP Measures” for information about these", "more NHL hockey games in 2013 because of the condensed 2012-2013", "measures, including how we calculate them.", "season which started in January 2013 and the compressed 2013-2014", "As defined. See “Additional GAAP Measures”.", "2", "season schedule associated with the upcoming winter Olympics.", "Adjusted operating profit relating to Corporate items and intercompany", "eliminations was lower compared to last year because of continued", "investment in growth initiatives such as Rogers’ credit card, Outrank,", "Rogers Alerts and other digital opportunities.", "Operating Income and Net Income", "Operating income was higher than last year while net income was", "lower. The increase in operating income is mainly because of the", "increase in adjusted operating profit. Net income was lower mainly", "because in 2012 we realized a $233 million gain on spectrum licenses", "that Inukshuk sold to our non-related venture partner as well as the", "related income tax benefits we recorded that year.", "36", "ROGERS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT" ]
[ [ 447, 52, 576, 68 ], [ 299, 52, 311, 66 ], [ 716, 52, 728, 66 ], [ 535, 80, 887, 94 ], [ 118, 80, 493, 94 ], [ 535, 95, 892, 109 ], [ 118, 95, 503, 109 ], [ 535, 109, 902, 123 ], [ 118, 109, 472, 123 ], [ 535, 123, 898, 137 ], [ 118, 123, 485, 137 ], [ 535, 137, 901, 151 ], [ 118, 137, 489, 151 ], [ 508, 137, 514, 148 ], [ 535, 150, 909, 165 ], [ 118, 151, 243, 165 ], [ 258, 151, 384, 165 ], [ 399, 151, 473, 165 ], [ 488, 151, 508, 165 ], [ 535, 164, 916, 178 ], [ 118, 164, 492, 179 ], [ 535, 179, 892, 193 ], [ 118, 179, 489, 193 ], [ 535, 193, 892, 207 ], [ 118, 193, 139, 207 ], [ 145, 193, 479, 207 ], [ 535, 207, 628, 221 ], [ 535, 207, 628, 221 ], [ 118, 207, 472, 221 ], [ 505, 207, 518, 218 ], [ 535, 221, 579, 235 ], [ 535, 221, 579, 235 ], [ 595, 221, 908, 235 ], [ 595, 221, 908, 235 ], [ 118, 221, 137, 235 ], [ 143, 221, 476, 235 ], [ 535, 235, 898, 249 ], [ 118, 235, 481, 249 ], [ 535, 249, 911, 263 ], [ 118, 249, 145, 263 ], [ 158, 249, 165, 263 ], [ 178, 249, 204, 263 ], [ 217, 249, 303, 263 ], [ 316, 249, 342, 263 ], [ 355, 249, 411, 263 ], [ 438, 249, 477, 263 ], [ 456, 249, 500, 263 ], [ 500, 249, 508, 263 ], [ 535, 263, 740, 277 ], [ 535, 263, 740, 277 ], [ 118, 263, 482, 277 ], [ 535, 277, 579, 291 ], [ 535, 277, 579, 291 ], [ 595, 277, 898, 291 ], [ 595, 277, 898, 291 ], [ 118, 277, 332, 291 ], [ 118, 277, 332, 291 ], [ 505, 277, 518, 288 ], [ 118, 291, 162, 305 ], [ 118, 291, 162, 305 ], [ 535, 291, 899, 305 ], [ 179, 291, 486, 305 ], [ 179, 291, 486, 305 ], [ 535, 305, 596, 319 ], [ 118, 305, 479, 319 ], [ 118, 319, 474, 333 ], [ 535, 333, 833, 347 ], [ 118, 333, 485, 347 ], [ 118, 347, 483, 361 ], [ 505, 348, 518, 358 ], [ 505, 348, 518, 358 ], [ 535, 361, 579, 375 ], [ 118, 361, 481, 375 ], [ 118, 375, 494, 389 ], [ 564, 389, 887, 403 ], [ 118, 389, 469, 403 ], [ 564, 403, 674, 417 ], [ 118, 403, 471, 417 ], [ 118, 417, 482, 431 ], [ 505, 418, 518, 429 ], [ 505, 418, 518, 429 ], [ 564, 431, 892, 445 ], [ 118, 431, 485, 445 ], [ 564, 445, 822, 459 ], [ 118, 445, 477, 459 ], [ 118, 459, 493, 473 ], [ 564, 473, 908, 487 ], [ 118, 473, 492, 487 ], [ 564, 487, 863, 501 ], [ 118, 487, 482, 501 ], [ 505, 488, 518, 499 ], [ 505, 488, 518, 499 ], [ 118, 501, 489, 515 ], [ 564, 515, 913, 529 ], [ 118, 515, 498, 529 ], [ 564, 529, 708, 543 ], [ 118, 529, 481, 543 ], [ 118, 543, 212, 557 ], [ 225, 543, 405, 557 ], [ 419, 543, 465, 557 ], [ 479, 543, 506, 557 ], [ 479, 543, 506, 557 ], [ 564, 557, 908, 571 ], [ 118, 557, 484, 571 ], [ 505, 558, 518, 569 ], [ 505, 558, 518, 569 ], [ 564, 571, 894, 585 ], [ 118, 571, 485, 585 ], [ 118, 585, 474, 599 ], [ 564, 599, 912, 613 ], [ 118, 599, 469, 613 ], [ 564, 613, 733, 627 ], [ 748, 613, 919, 627 ], [ 118, 613, 479, 627 ], [ 564, 627, 838, 641 ], [ 118, 627, 493, 641 ], [ 505, 628, 518, 639 ], [ 505, 628, 518, 639 ], [ 118, 641, 485, 655 ], [ 564, 655, 898, 669 ], [ 118, 655, 485, 669 ], [ 564, 669, 900, 683 ], [ 118, 669, 314, 683 ], [ 118, 669, 314, 683 ], [ 118, 683, 162, 698 ], [ 118, 683, 162, 698 ], [ 179, 683, 485, 697 ], [ 179, 683, 485, 697 ], [ 564, 697, 914, 711 ], [ 118, 697, 497, 711 ], [ 505, 698, 518, 709 ], [ 564, 711, 903, 725 ], [ 118, 711, 489, 725 ], [ 564, 725, 853, 739 ], [ 118, 725, 489, 739 ], [ 118, 739, 485, 753 ], [ 564, 753, 915, 767 ], [ 118, 753, 183, 767 ], [ 197, 753, 370, 767 ], [ 384, 753, 435, 767 ], [ 449, 753, 483, 767 ], [ 486, 753, 511, 767 ], [ 486, 753, 511, 767 ], [ 564, 767, 913, 781 ], [ 118, 767, 492, 781 ], [ 505, 768, 518, 779 ], [ 564, 781, 725, 795 ], [ 118, 781, 481, 795 ], [ 118, 795, 489, 809 ], [ 564, 809, 619, 823 ], [ 633, 809, 655, 823 ], [ 670, 809, 699, 823 ], [ 714, 809, 751, 823 ], [ 765, 809, 853, 823 ], [ 868, 809, 920, 823 ], [ 118, 809, 489, 823 ], [ 564, 823, 895, 837 ], [ 118, 823, 481, 837 ], [ 564, 837, 704, 851 ], [ 118, 837, 489, 851 ], [ 505, 838, 518, 849 ], [ 118, 851, 471, 865 ], [ 564, 865, 894, 879 ], [ 118, 865, 488, 879 ], [ 564, 879, 895, 893 ], [ 118, 879, 489, 893 ], [ 507, 954, 515, 968 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "EP 3 800 019 A1", "3 ", "4 ", "rection fromthe cuttingedge (248)ofan adjacentsurface", "an axis of the cutting head (12) in a rotational direction", "(214)located in a trailing direction so asto form an open-", "relative to the cutting head (12). The impeller (10) in-", "ing therebetween. The opening determining a thickness", "cludesone ormore paddles (16)circumferentiallyspaced", "of the sliced food product engaging the knife (214) while", "along a perimeter thereof for delivering food product ra-", "the cutting wheel (212) is rotated about a central axis to", "dially outward toward the cutting head (12). The cutting", "5", "advance the cutting edge (248) in a cutting plane. The", "head (12) includes", "one or more knife", "assemblies", "ar-", "knife (214) has a corrugated shape to produce a food", "ranged in sets spaced around the circumference of the", "productslice with generallyparallelcutswherein the food", "cutting head (12). Each knife assembly includes a knife", "productslice has a periodic shape and alarge-amplitude", "(14)", "extending radially inward toward the impeller(10)in", "cross-section.", "cross-section.", "a direction opposite the rotationaldirectionofthe impeller", "10", "[0013]", "[0013]", "A technical effect of the invention is the ability", "A technical effect of the invention is the ability", "(10)", "and isadapted to secure the knife (14) to the cutting", "to produce a food product slice having a large amplitude", "edge (48). The knife (14) has a corrugated shape to pro-", "cross-section with minimal through-cracking and abra-", "duce", "a", "food", "product slice", "with", "generally", "parallel", "cut", "s", "sion on the peaks of the slices.", "sion on the peaks of the slices.", "wherein the food product slice has a periodic shape and", "[0014]", "[0014]", "Otheraspects andadvantages ofthis invention", "Otheraspects andadvantages ofthis invention", "a large-amplitude cross-section.", "a large-amplitude cross-section.", "15", "[0011]", "[0011]", "will be better appreciated from the following detailed de-", "According to a second aspect of the invention,", "According to a second aspect of the invention,", "scription.", "an apparatus for cutting food product includes a cylindri-", "cal-shaped cutting head (112)mounted forrotation about", "BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS", "a horizontally disposed central axis of rotation. The cut-", "ting head (112) includes a circular-shaped front opening", "20", "20", "[0015]", "and a circumferential wall defined in part by at least one", "knife assembly having an axially extending knife (114)", "FIG.1 isa plan view representing a cutting apparatus", "and means forsecuring the knife (114)to the cutting head", "known in the art.", "(112).The knife (114)has a corrugated shape to produce", "a food product slice with generally parallel cuts, wherein", "25", "25", "FIG.2 isa perspective view representing an impeller", "the food product slice has a periodic shape and a large-", "of a cutting apparatus known in the art.", "amplitudecross-section.The apparatus isadapted to ro-", "tate the cutting head (112) about the central axis of ro-", "FIG. 3 is a perspective view representing a cutting", "tation. A stationary hollow elongate feed chute (140) is", "head of a cutting apparatus known in the art.", "disposed through the front opening and includes an inlet", "30", "30", "opening and an outlet opening (138) for containing and", "FIG. 4 is a top view representing paddle angles of", "consecutively feeding a supply of food products to the", "the impeller of FIG. 2.", "knife (114). The longitudinal axis of the feed chute (140)", "intersects the", "circumferential wall of the", "cutting", "head", "head", "FIG. 5 is a perspective view representing a cutting", "(112) approximately midway between the opposite ends", "35", "35", "head in accordance with an aspect this invention.", "of the wall and spaced rearwardly of the axis of rotation", "with respectto the direction ofcuttinghead (112)rotation", "FIGS. 6 and 7 are side and cross-sectional views,", "to dispose theoutletopening(138)ofthe feed chute(140)", "respectively, of a quick", "clamping assembly in ac-", "adjacent the lowercircumferential wallportion of the cut-", "cordance with an aspect of the invention.", "ting head (112) so that each food product is caused to", "40", "40", "engage the lower circumferential wall portion of the cut-", "FIG. 8 is a perspective view representing a knife as-", "ting head (112) for slicing by the knife (114) during rota-", "sembly in accordance with an aspect this invention.", "tion of the cutting head (112).", "tion of the cutting head (112).", "[0012]", "[0012]", "According to a third aspect of the invention, an", "According to a third aspect of the invention, an", "FIG. 9 is a cross-sectional view of a chip having a", "apparatus for cutting food product includes a rotatable", "45", "periodic shape and a large-amplitude cross-section", "cutting wheel (212) wherein the food product advances", "in accordance with an aspect this invention.", "towards the cutting wheel (212) in a feed direction. The", "cutting wheel (212) has a hub (242), a rim (244), and at", "FIG. 10 is a perspective view representing a knife", "least one", "knife assembly including", "a knife", "(214) ", "and", "and", "assembly with a relieved shoe in accordance with", "means for securing the knife (214) to the cutting wheel", "50", "an aspect this invention.", "(212). The knife (214) has a leading edge facing a direc-", "tion of rotation of the cutting wheel (212) and extending", "FIGS. 11a-e", "are", "plan", "views", "representing", "various", "generally radially from the hub (242) to the rim (244). A", "knife assemblyconfigurationsin accordance with an", "cutting edge (248) on the leading edge of the knife (214)", "aspect this invention.", "and a second edge on the trailing edge of the knife as-", "55", "semblywithrespectto the direction ofcutting wheel(212)", "FIG.12 isa plan view representingprofiles ofknives", "rotation form a juncture. The juncture extends substan-", "with biased bevels in accordance with anaspectthis", "tially parallel to and spaced in the food product feed di-", "3" ]
[ [ 147, 90, 845, 105 ], [ 112, 93, 122, 104 ], [ 147, 105, 192, 119 ], [ 147, 126, 819, 140 ], [ 819, 127, 868, 142 ], [ 112, 129, 122, 140 ], [ 281, 141, 358, 156 ], [ 147, 142, 274, 157 ], [ 117, 185, 287, 202 ], [ 147, 217, 561, 231 ], [ 112, 219, 122, 230 ], [ 151, 231, 592, 245 ], [ 147, 260, 391, 274 ], [ 112, 262, 122, 273 ], [ 147, 274, 307, 288 ], [ 117, 941, 614, 954 ], [ 874, 941, 882, 954 ] ]
[ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5 ]
[ "A GPFS tiebreaker disk can be changed only when the DB2 pureScale cluster is in maintenance ", "", "mode.", "To monitor the progress of adding and removing disks and GPFS rebalancing, run the GPFS ", "mmdf ", "", "command.", "<file system>", "Related information", "Changing the physical disk storage of GPFS file systems:", "", "", "GPFS mmdf command reference:", "", "", "Changing Physical Disk Storage in IBM DB2 pureScale: A Practical Example", "8" ]
[ [ 119, 34, 511, 47 ], [ 119, 47, 228, 60 ], [ 119, 61, 384, 74 ], [ 119, 75, 588, 88 ], [ 777, 75, 795, 88 ], [ 799, 75, 833, 88 ], [ 119, 101, 172, 116 ], [ 191, 101, 400, 116 ], [ 119, 125, 885, 139 ], [ 119, 140, 881, 155 ], [ 119, 157, 472, 171 ], [ 119, 188, 207, 203 ], [ 212, 188, 427, 203 ], [ 119, 208, 885, 223 ], [ 119, 224, 885, 239 ], [ 119, 240, 885, 255 ], [ 119, 256, 885, 271 ], [ 119, 272, 885, 287 ], [ 119, 288, 487, 303 ], [ 119, 312, 885, 326 ], [ 119, 328, 885, 342 ], [ 119, 344, 811, 358 ], [ 119, 367, 884, 381 ], [ 119, 383, 324, 397 ], [ 149, 405, 157, 421 ], [ 179, 406, 885, 421 ], [ 179, 422, 462, 436 ], [ 149, 444, 157, 460 ], [ 179, 445, 884, 460 ], [ 179, 461, 471, 476 ], [ 149, 483, 157, 499 ], [ 179, 484, 248, 499 ], [ 266, 484, 335, 499 ], [ 354, 484, 417, 499 ], [ 436, 484, 845, 499 ], [ 863, 484, 885, 499 ], [ 179, 500, 609, 515 ], [ 149, 522, 157, 538 ], [ 179, 524, 881, 538 ], [ 179, 540, 885, 554 ], [ 179, 556, 738, 570 ], [ 149, 577, 157, 593 ], [ 179, 579, 885, 593 ], [ 179, 595, 279, 609 ], [ 149, 616, 157, 632 ], [ 179, 618, 885, 632 ], [ 179, 634, 719, 649 ], [ 119, 665, 144, 681 ], [ 167, 665, 268, 681 ], [ 119, 697, 159, 713 ], [ 179, 697, 254, 713 ], [ 119, 718, 142, 732 ], [ 160, 718, 242, 732 ], [ 260, 718, 364, 732 ], [ 382, 718, 482, 732 ], [ 499, 718, 519, 732 ], [ 537, 718, 602, 732 ], [ 620, 718, 704, 732 ], [ 722, 718, 762, 732 ], [ 780, 718, 885, 732 ], [ 119, 734, 228, 748 ], [ 246, 734, 428, 748 ], [ 447, 734, 578, 748 ], [ 596, 734, 820, 748 ], [ 838, 734, 885, 748 ], [ 119, 750, 885, 764 ], [ 119, 766, 150, 780 ], [ 149, 787, 157, 804 ], [ 179, 789, 276, 804 ], [ 149, 811, 157, 827 ], [ 179, 812, 443, 827 ], [ 149, 834, 157, 850 ], [ 179, 835, 277, 850 ], [ 149, 857, 157, 873 ], [ 179, 859, 307, 873 ], [ 149, 880, 157, 896 ], [ 179, 882, 409, 896 ], [ 131, 958, 534, 970 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5 ]
[ "Construction of Giresun Wastewater Treatment Plant ", "Tender Dossier", "Volume 3 Employer’s Requirements ", "Section 05: Earth Works, Pipe Works and Ground Improvement ", "14", "of 49", "", "Allowance for Settlement", "The Contractor shall make due allowance for consolidation and settlement of fill and compacted fill ", "such that the levels and dimensions of the finished surfaces at the end of the contract (defects notifica-", "tion period) are within the tolerances specified. ", "5.2.10", "Disposal of Surplus Material", "Deposits of surplus suitable material and unsuitable materials are in the following referred to as \"soil ", "dumps\". Generally, the Contractor shall transport and dispose of all excavated material not required ", "for the works. The locations proposed by the Contractor for disposing of excavated material whether ", "temporarily or permanently, shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. The Employer will assist ", "in locating a suitable soil dump. The municipality has pointed out a location for deposit of the surplus ", "soil in a disposal site as specified in the EIA study.", "The Contractor shall be responsible for negotiating and securing suitable areas for disposal of surplus ", "excavated materials and shall pay any fees or surplus excavated materials and shall pay any fees or ", "other payments associated with such disposal. These shall be included in his rates and prices. ", "In connection with the disposal of excess spoils, the Contractor shall be responsible for the following ", "during the Contract period: ", "", "Upgrading the strength and the quality of the existing access road(s) and maintaining the same ", "in good order and final reinstatement. ", "", "Dewatering of the tipping area(s) by means of porous concrete pipes laid at the bottom of the ", "valleys or as agreed with the Engineer. ", "", "Unloading,", "spreading,", "levelling,", "and placing the soil into embankments etc as necessary,", "in ", "order to keep the top in good, safe and manageable order. ", "", "Keeping third parties from using the tipping area(s). No claims will be accepted by the Engi-", "neer for any extra work associated with soil disposed of by others or requests for additional ", "tipping area should the existing one become saturated due to use by others. ", "", "Keeping vehicles clean when leaving the tipping area(s) and to ensure they do not contaminate ", "public roads. ", "", "The cost of the above shall be included in the Contractor’s rates for the excavation works, as ", "well as the cost of the transport from site to the allocated tipping area(s). ", "5.3", "Pipe works ", "5.3.1", "General ", "The", "requirements", "covered by the", "present section", "are", "applicable", "for external,", "buried", "pipes between ", "treatment units,", "to/from pumping stations", "to/from buildings,", "wastewater collectors/networks,", "storm ", "water collectors/networks and pressured storm water/wastewater pipelines and applies to pipe systems ", "for: ", "", "Wastewater; ", "", "Return, excess and floating sludge; ", "", "Potable water;", "", "Technical water; ", "", "Treated wastewater for re-use; ", "5_Vol3_d4.3_Section 5 Earth and pipe works_en_GIR_rev6.docx " ]
[ [ 424, 71, 565, 84 ], [ 674, 89, 696, 103 ], [ 292, 90, 316, 103 ], [ 272, 109, 339, 118 ], [ 653, 109, 720, 118 ], [ 601, 682, 751, 716 ], [ 703, 689, 710, 694 ], [ 753, 700, 763, 711 ], [ 621, 721, 631, 729 ], [ 666, 721, 677, 729 ], [ 667, 728, 677, 736 ], [ 730, 743, 739, 751 ], [ 590, 753, 673, 832 ], [ 678, 771, 698, 779 ], [ 707, 790, 721, 798 ], [ 764, 790, 776, 798 ], [ 632, 811, 642, 819 ], [ 677, 811, 688, 819 ], [ 677, 818, 688, 826 ], [ 742, 833, 750, 841 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 6, 10, 10, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 ]
[ "US 9,250,518 B2 ", "46 ", "45 ", "-continued ", "-continued ", "aCN-$yR", "2 ", "o-", "N ", "N ", "H ", "0 ", "Jx", "CN ", "R2 ", "0-", "N ", "N ", "H ", "0 " ]
[ [ 218, 161, 381, 172 ], [ 218, 197, 245, 209 ], [ 250, 197, 615, 209 ], [ 242, 226, 780, 238 ], [ 218, 252, 780, 263 ], [ 218, 277, 370, 288 ], [ 383, 277, 780, 288 ], [ 218, 302, 780, 313 ], [ 218, 327, 780, 338 ], [ 218, 352, 780, 363 ], [ 218, 377, 780, 388 ], [ 218, 402, 780, 414 ], [ 218, 428, 780, 439 ], [ 218, 453, 474, 464 ], [ 480, 453, 490, 464 ], [ 495, 453, 780, 464 ], [ 218, 478, 780, 489 ], [ 218, 503, 780, 514 ], [ 456, 528, 468, 539 ], [ 218, 528, 436, 539 ], [ 442, 528, 450, 539 ], [ 474, 528, 780, 539 ], [ 218, 553, 780, 565 ], [ 218, 579, 714, 590 ], [ 719, 579, 732, 590 ], [ 738, 579, 780, 590 ], [ 218, 604, 307, 615 ], [ 218, 644, 246, 655 ], [ 250, 644, 689, 655 ], [ 242, 673, 444, 684 ], [ 450, 673, 463, 684 ], [ 470, 673, 780, 684 ], [ 218, 698, 780, 709 ], [ 218, 723, 780, 734 ], [ 218, 748, 780, 760 ], [ 218, 774, 780, 785 ], [ 218, 799, 780, 810 ], [ 218, 824, 667, 835 ], [ 667, 824, 677, 835 ], [ 681, 824, 780, 835 ], [ 491, 878, 507, 889 ] ]
[ 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "Additional Datasets", "5.1.", "Human connectome project (HCP) - See Figure S1", "The HCP data were drawn from the 215 participants made available as part", "of the Q3 release of the human connectome project (Van Essen et al., 2012;", "Glasser et al., 2013).", "From each participant’s diffusion-weighted MR images", "(diffusion tensor imaging; DTI), white matter fibers were reconstructed from", "generalized q-sampling (Yeh et al., 2010) (GQI: allowing for the reconstruction", "of crossing fibers) and streamline tractography and the cortex was parcellated", "into 219 parcels based on a subdivision of FreeSurfers’s Desikan-Killiany atlas", "(Cammoun et al., 2012). More details on the processing of these data can be", "found elsewhere (de Reus and van den Heuvel, 2014). We focused on the right", "hemisphere only, which consisted of", "n", "= 108 regions. We imposed a threshold", "on streamline counts of 5 (i.e. a minimum of five streamlines must be present for", "us to consider two regions linked by a binary connection) in order to maintain an", "≈", "average connectome density of", "ρ", "10% across subjects. We excluded a single", "subject on the grounds that their total streamline count was greater than two", "standard deviations from the group mean, leading to a final dataset of", "N", "= 214", "participants.", "5.2.", "Nathan Kline Institute, Rockland, NY (NKI) - See Figure S2", "The NKI dataset consists of", "N", "= 126 participants whose ages ranged from", "7-85 years (Nooner et al., 2012). Tractography was performed using the Connec-", "tome Computation System (CCS: A more de-", "tailed description of the processing pipeline was included in other reports (Betzel", "et al., 2014; Cao et al., 2014; Yang et al., 2014). Unlike the HCP and CHUV", "datasets, the cortex was parcellated into 148 regions according to the Destrieux", "atlas (Destrieux et al., 2010). We analyzed a single hemisphere (", "n", "= 74 regions),", "22" ]
[ [ 24, 12, 137, 22 ], [ 292, 36, 705, 46 ], [ 24, 57, 473, 68 ], [ 24, 79, 401, 90 ], [ 24, 95, 948, 105 ], [ 24, 105, 946, 116 ], [ 24, 116, 942, 127 ], [ 24, 127, 512, 138 ], [ 24, 147, 905, 157 ], [ 24, 157, 973, 168 ], [ 24, 168, 973, 179 ], [ 24, 179, 965, 190 ], [ 24, 198, 147, 209 ], [ 24, 214, 908, 224 ], [ 24, 225, 946, 235 ], [ 24, 236, 931, 246 ], [ 24, 246, 947, 257 ], [ 24, 257, 821, 268 ], [ 24, 277, 939, 287 ], [ 24, 288, 837, 298 ], [ 24, 307, 931, 317 ], [ 24, 318, 967, 328 ], [ 24, 329, 792, 339 ], [ 24, 348, 528, 358 ], [ 24, 367, 948, 377 ], [ 24, 378, 916, 388 ], [ 24, 389, 950, 399 ], [ 24, 400, 971, 410 ], [ 24, 411, 963, 421 ], [ 24, 422, 938, 432 ], [ 24, 433, 939, 443 ], [ 24, 444, 528, 454 ], [ 24, 463, 930, 473 ], [ 24, 474, 960, 484 ], [ 24, 485, 499, 495 ], [ 26, 535, 168, 545 ], [ 26, 549, 161, 559 ], [ 26, 563, 109, 574 ], [ 491, 604, 507, 614 ] ]
[ 6, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "Table of Contents", "Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm", "To the Shareholders and the Board of Directors of Genesco Inc.", "Opinion on Internal Control over Financial Reporting", "We have audited Genesco Inc. and Subsidiaries' internal control over financial reporting as of February 2, 2019, based on criteria established in", "Internal Control—Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (2013 Framework)", "(the COSO criteria). In our opinion, Genesco Inc. and Subsidiaries (the Company) maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control", "over financial reporting as of February 2, 2019, based on the COSO criteria.", "We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB), the", "consolidated balance sheets of Genesco Inc. and Subsidiaries as of February 2, 2019 and February 3, 2018, and the related consolidated statements", "of operations, comprehensive income, cash flows, and equity for each of the three fiscal years in the period ended February 2, 2019, and the related", "notes and financial statement schedule listed in the Index at Item 15, and our report dated April 3, 2019 expressed an unqualified opinion thereon.", "Basis for Opinion", "The Company's management is responsible for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting and for its assessment of the", "effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting included in the accompanying Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial", "Reporting. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s internal control over financial reporting based on our audit. We are a", "public accounting firm registered with the PCAOB and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S.", "federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.", "We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain", "reasonable assurance about whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects.", "Our audit included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists,", "testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk, and performing such other procedures", "as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.", "Definition and Limitations of Internal Control over Financial Reporting", "A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial", "reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A", "company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in", "reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that", "transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles,", "and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the", "company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the", "company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.", "Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any", "evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that", "the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.", "/s/ Ernst & Young LLP", "Nashville, Tennessee", "April 3, 2019", "49" ]
[ [ 444, 91, 451, 99 ], [ 117, 93, 200, 106 ], [ 216, 93, 244, 106 ], [ 253, 93, 267, 106 ], [ 277, 93, 316, 106 ], [ 326, 93, 366, 106 ], [ 367, 93, 374, 106 ], [ 374, 93, 389, 106 ], [ 389, 93, 421, 106 ], [ 461, 93, 725, 106 ], [ 733, 93, 757, 106 ], [ 758, 93, 763, 106 ], [ 779, 93, 807, 106 ], [ 815, 93, 855, 106 ], [ 864, 93, 879, 106 ], [ 430, 96, 444, 106 ], [ 467, 117, 474, 126 ], [ 117, 119, 158, 132 ], [ 158, 119, 166, 132 ], [ 166, 119, 180, 132 ], [ 181, 119, 446, 132 ], [ 453, 119, 467, 132 ], [ 482, 119, 879, 132 ], [ 117, 145, 127, 159 ], [ 133, 145, 143, 159 ], [ 143, 145, 879, 159 ], [ 244, 171, 260, 185 ], [ 702, 171, 717, 185 ], [ 416, 172, 467, 185 ], [ 467, 172, 477, 185 ], [ 477, 172, 487, 185 ], [ 493, 172, 673, 185 ], [ 680, 172, 695, 185 ], [ 724, 172, 733, 185 ], [ 735, 172, 740, 185 ], [ 748, 172, 788, 185 ], [ 789, 172, 796, 185 ], [ 796, 172, 811, 185 ], [ 811, 172, 879, 185 ], [ 117, 172, 215, 185 ], [ 223, 172, 237, 185 ], [ 267, 172, 275, 185 ], [ 277, 172, 327, 185 ], [ 335, 172, 343, 185 ], [ 352, 172, 411, 185 ], [ 117, 198, 879, 212 ], [ 117, 225, 359, 238 ], [ 366, 225, 381, 238 ], [ 381, 225, 879, 238 ], [ 645, 248, 656, 258 ], [ 638, 249, 645, 258 ], [ 210, 250, 226, 264 ], [ 117, 251, 182, 264 ], [ 189, 251, 204, 264 ], [ 232, 251, 240, 264 ], [ 243, 251, 248, 264 ], [ 255, 251, 296, 264 ], [ 296, 251, 304, 264 ], [ 304, 251, 318, 264 ], [ 318, 251, 616, 264 ], [ 623, 251, 638, 264 ], [ 656, 251, 802, 264 ], [ 810, 251, 819, 264 ], [ 826, 251, 879, 264 ], [ 244, 277, 260, 291 ], [ 117, 277, 169, 291 ], [ 176, 277, 216, 291 ], [ 217, 277, 224, 291 ], [ 224, 277, 239, 291 ], [ 265, 277, 273, 291 ], [ 276, 277, 721, 291 ], [ 117, 334, 147, 347 ], [ 168, 334, 869, 347 ], [ 804, 376, 811, 385 ], [ 142, 378, 674, 391 ], [ 684, 378, 724, 391 ], [ 725, 378, 733, 391 ], [ 733, 378, 747, 391 ], [ 747, 378, 780, 391 ], [ 821, 378, 879, 391 ], [ 790, 381, 804, 391 ], [ 757, 402, 771, 411 ], [ 117, 404, 741, 418 ], [ 746, 404, 757, 418 ], [ 776, 404, 879, 418 ], [ 757, 411, 764, 420 ], [ 117, 431, 879, 444 ], [ 117, 457, 879, 470 ], [ 117, 483, 777, 497 ], [ 782, 483, 798, 497 ], [ 799, 483, 879, 497 ], [ 117, 510, 879, 523 ], [ 336, 534, 350, 543 ], [ 117, 536, 318, 550 ], [ 325, 536, 336, 550 ], [ 358, 536, 879, 550 ], [ 336, 543, 343, 552 ], [ 368, 560, 382, 570 ], [ 117, 563, 349, 576 ], [ 357, 563, 368, 576 ], [ 390, 563, 801, 576 ], [ 808, 563, 849, 576 ], [ 849, 563, 857, 576 ], [ 857, 563, 871, 576 ], [ 872, 563, 879, 576 ], [ 368, 569, 375, 579 ], [ 117, 589, 879, 602 ], [ 117, 615, 393, 629 ], [ 830, 638, 840, 651 ], [ 388, 639, 402, 649 ], [ 142, 642, 371, 655 ], [ 377, 642, 388, 655 ], [ 409, 642, 822, 655 ], [ 828, 642, 846, 655 ], [ 847, 642, 854, 655 ], [ 854, 642, 870, 655 ], [ 872, 642, 879, 655 ], [ 388, 649, 395, 658 ], [ 117, 668, 321, 682 ], [ 326, 668, 341, 682 ], [ 349, 668, 879, 682 ], [ 413, 691, 422, 704 ], [ 545, 691, 554, 704 ], [ 117, 695, 404, 708 ], [ 410, 695, 421, 708 ], [ 421, 695, 429, 708 ], [ 429, 695, 444, 708 ], [ 446, 695, 536, 708 ], [ 542, 695, 560, 708 ], [ 561, 695, 569, 708 ], [ 569, 695, 584, 708 ], [ 586, 695, 855, 708 ], [ 862, 695, 877, 708 ], [ 117, 721, 754, 735 ], [ 761, 721, 776, 735 ], [ 783, 721, 879, 735 ], [ 117, 748, 495, 761 ], [ 503, 748, 518, 761 ], [ 518, 748, 581, 761 ], [ 589, 748, 603, 761 ], [ 612, 748, 879, 761 ], [ 117, 774, 515, 787 ], [ 522, 774, 537, 787 ], [ 545, 774, 879, 787 ], [ 426, 796, 436, 810 ], [ 778, 796, 787, 810 ], [ 117, 800, 418, 814 ], [ 424, 800, 435, 814 ], [ 435, 800, 443, 814 ], [ 443, 800, 458, 814 ], [ 460, 800, 769, 814 ], [ 775, 800, 793, 814 ], [ 794, 800, 802, 814 ], [ 802, 800, 817, 814 ], [ 819, 800, 855, 814 ], [ 862, 800, 877, 814 ], [ 117, 827, 127, 840 ], [ 127, 827, 569, 840 ], [ 509, 866, 524, 879 ], [ 530, 866, 559, 879 ], [ 405, 872, 414, 885 ], [ 579, 876, 594, 889 ], [ 855, 876, 879, 889 ], [ 402, 876, 421, 889 ], [ 421, 876, 429, 889 ], [ 429, 876, 444, 889 ], [ 446, 876, 474, 889 ], [ 481, 886, 498, 900 ], [ 498, 886, 538, 900 ], [ 539, 886, 546, 900 ], [ 546, 886, 562, 900 ], [ 564, 886, 579, 900 ], [ 484, 955, 493, 968 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5 ]
[ "d", "condition.", "For", "R", "= 1,", "Z$_{max}$", "(", "R", ") in", "is equal to the kissing number", "K$_{d}$", ".", "For", "R >", "1,", "R", "d", "Z$_{max}$", "(", "R", ") should grow approximately as", "R", "in proportion with the growth of the volume of", "a", "d", "-dimensional sphere, though in a separate work [11] we have proved that this cannot be", "≤", "≤", "$^{√}$(5))", "/", "2", "the golden ratio. For", "R", "τ", ",", "Z$_{max}$", "(", "R", ") in any", "the case for", "R", "τ", ", with", "τ", "= (1 +", "dimension cannot exceed the maximal number of sphere centers that can be placed on the", "surface of a sphere of radius", "R", ". Alternatively stated, this counterintuitive result requires", "−", "d", "≤", "that for", "R", "τ", ",", "Z$_{max}$", "(", "R", ") can grow only as the surface area", "R", "$^{1}$. Specifically for", "d", "= 2, 3", "≤", "and 4,", "Z$_{max}$", "(", "R", "τ", ") is less than or equal to 10, 33 and 120, respectively.", "III.", "BOUNDS ON INFINITE SPHERE PACKINGS AND THE DLP PROBLEM", "d", "We discuss two distinct methods through which the function", "Z$_{max}$", "(", "R", ") in", "can be", "R", "∞", "employed to bound from above the maximal infinite-volume packing fraction", "φ", "of an infinite", "∗", "packing of identical nonoverlapping spheres. The first has been discussed in detail in two", "separate works [11, 18]; it is precisely the method of Cohn and Elkies in [22]. In Ref. [22],", "the authors employ an infinite-dimensional linear program that is the dual of the", "g$_{2}$", "-invariant", "program [17] discussed in Sec. I to find the best known bounds on the maximal infinite-", "∞", "volume packing fraction", "φ", "of sphere packings at least in dimensions four through 36. An", "∗", "∞", "improved method to bound", "φ", "from above adds the information encoded in the", "Z$_{max}$", "(", "R", ")", "∗", "realizability condition to augment the approach of Cohn and Elkies in [22] as proposed by", "Cohn, Kumar and Torquato [23].", "ˆ", "∞", "The second method bounds", "φ", "from above by the maximal local packing fraction", "φ$_{∗}$", "(", "N", ")", "∗", "of a packing of a number", "N", "of identical nonoverlapping spheres around an additional central", "ˆ", "ˆ", "sphere. The local packing fraction", "φ", "(", "N", "), of which", "φ$_{∗}$", "(", "N", ") is the maximum, is defined for", "N", "spheres around an additional fixed central sphere as the total volume of the", "N", "+ 1 spheres", "divided by the volume of a sphere of radius", "R", ", where", "R", "is, as in the DLP problem, the", "greatest of the distances from the centers of the", "N", "surrounding spheres to the center of the", "ˆ", "ˆ", "fixed sphere. From this definition of", "φ", "(", "N", "), the maximal local packing fraction", "φ$_{∗}$", "(", "N", ") for", "N", "d", "-dimensional spheres of unit diameter takes the form", "N", "+ 1", "ˆ", "$_{d}$,", "(6)", "φ$_{∗}$", "(", "N", ") =", "(2", "R$_{min}$", "(", "N", "))", "8" ]
[ [ 119, 34, 511, 47 ], [ 119, 47, 228, 60 ], [ 119, 61, 379, 74 ], [ 119, 75, 320, 88 ], [ 741, 75, 761, 88 ], [ 765, 75, 798, 88 ], [ 119, 102, 881, 116 ], [ 119, 118, 885, 132 ], [ 119, 134, 397, 148 ], [ 119, 163, 179, 178 ], [ 191, 163, 376, 178 ], [ 119, 183, 885, 197 ], [ 119, 199, 881, 213 ], [ 119, 215, 812, 229 ], [ 119, 244, 179, 259 ], [ 191, 244, 349, 259 ], [ 119, 264, 885, 278 ], [ 119, 280, 885, 294 ], [ 119, 296, 885, 310 ], [ 119, 312, 885, 326 ], [ 119, 328, 162, 342 ], [ 119, 358, 885, 372 ], [ 119, 374, 885, 389 ], [ 119, 390, 845, 405 ], [ 119, 420, 179, 434 ], [ 191, 420, 434, 434 ], [ 119, 439, 885, 453 ], [ 119, 455, 885, 469 ], [ 119, 471, 881, 486 ], [ 119, 487, 537, 501 ], [ 119, 517, 885, 532 ], [ 119, 533, 255, 548 ], [ 149, 564, 465, 578 ], [ 119, 565, 126, 578 ], [ 149, 596, 468, 610 ], [ 119, 597, 126, 610 ], [ 119, 628, 885, 642 ], [ 119, 644, 885, 658 ], [ 119, 660, 461, 674 ], [ 119, 692, 885, 706 ], [ 119, 708, 829, 722 ], [ 119, 739, 179, 754 ], [ 191, 739, 455, 754 ], [ 119, 759, 885, 773 ], [ 119, 775, 885, 789 ], [ 119, 791, 885, 805 ], [ 119, 807, 665, 821 ], [ 119, 838, 179, 853 ], [ 191, 838, 289, 853 ], [ 119, 857, 885, 872 ], [ 119, 873, 885, 888 ], [ 119, 889, 394, 904 ], [ 119, 965, 484, 977 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "Construction of Giresun Wastewater Treatment Plant ", "Tender Dossier", "Volume 3 Employer’s Requirements", "Section 09: Building Works ", "15", "of 24", "The membrane shall be continuous and take up abutments and pipes to above the insulation layer. Ex-", "posed membrane shall be solar protected. The waterproof membrane shall be dressed and bonded into ", "rainwater outlets and under flashings.", "", "Heat insulation boards ", "The insulation board for buildings shall be not less than 25 mm thick closed cell extruded polystyrene ", "loose laid in a single layer with tight staggered butt joints in accordance with the manufacturer’s in-", "structions. The board shall be trimmed to fit any fillets used under the waterproof membrane. ", "", "Lightweight Screed ", "Lightweight screeds shall be laid in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and to falls not ", "less than 2.5% with an minimum thickness of 50 mm. The screed shall be laid in two courses and in ", "bays not exceeding 15 m², laid alternatively and finished with a mortar topping of 1:4 cement/sand ", "mortar. Immediately after laying, the screed shall be protected from wind and sunlight and cured for 7 ", "days. ", "When required, joints shall be formed in the insulating screed. A vapour barrier and ventilation to the ", "bituminous roof sheeting shall also be provided. The Contractor shall submit samples and references ", "to the Engineer for his approval of the materials he intends to use before ordering these materials. ", "", "Metal Roof and Wall Sheeting ", "Trapezoidal type sheeting, including flashings, copings and the like, for roofing and wall cladding ", "shall be a hot dip galvanised steel substrate with zinc coating mass G 350 to EN 10143. It shall be ", "coated on both sides with approved colour similar bonded to the sheeting, as a protection against cor-", "rosion and a type and quality approved by the Engineer. ", "With a span of 1.0m the sheeting shall be able to bear without plastic deformation, assuming a safety ", "coefficient of 1.8: ", "a uniformly distributed load of 0.75kN/m² ", "", "a concentrated load of 1.5 kN at mid-span. ", "", "The deflection of the sheeting with a span of 1.0m and a concentrated load of 1.5kN at mid-span shall ", "be less than 10mm. The sheeting and the fixings thereof shall be able to safely withstand uplift forces ", "from wind of 0.75kN/m² with a span of 1.0m. ", "The sheeting shall not be scratched, stained, distorted or have any other defects. The sheeting shall ", "without any maintenance and under the local conditions not be adversely affected by corrosion. ", "", "Flashings and Rainwater Outlets ", "Flashings shall be sheet aluminium neatly cut to the width and length required. The aluminium shall ", "be carefully bent using a slightly rounded former so as to avoid surface cracking. Where surface fixing ", "is required, the sheet shall be pre-drilled and fixed with stainless steel screws to proprietary fixings or ", "hardwood grounds let into the surface of the base concrete or brick work. ", "", "Roof Lights ", "Roof lights shall be of clear plastic confirming to TS EN 1873. Roof lights shall be permanently fixed, ", "and shall not be able to be readily interfered with by unauthorised persons. The mounting shall be to ", "up stand kerbs cast into the roof slab.", "9_Vol3_d4.3_Section 9 building works_en_GIR_rev6.docx " ]
[ [ 117, 93, 148, 106 ], [ 168, 93, 460, 106 ], [ 142, 139, 163, 151 ], [ 183, 139, 373, 151 ], [ 738, 180, 752, 189 ], [ 142, 181, 738, 196 ], [ 762, 181, 879, 196 ], [ 117, 208, 360, 223 ], [ 360, 208, 370, 223 ], [ 401, 208, 422, 223 ], [ 439, 208, 879, 223 ], [ 378, 212, 394, 222 ], [ 450, 231, 459, 246 ], [ 117, 234, 418, 249 ], [ 418, 234, 450, 249 ], [ 450, 234, 459, 249 ], [ 459, 234, 476, 249 ], [ 476, 234, 879, 249 ], [ 167, 258, 181, 273 ], [ 274, 258, 288, 273 ], [ 117, 260, 161, 276 ], [ 167, 260, 268, 276 ], [ 274, 260, 879, 276 ], [ 117, 287, 879, 302 ], [ 117, 313, 879, 328 ], [ 117, 340, 879, 355 ], [ 117, 366, 597, 381 ], [ 613, 366, 879, 381 ], [ 117, 393, 295, 408 ], [ 302, 393, 324, 408 ], [ 332, 393, 373, 408 ], [ 380, 393, 402, 408 ], [ 403, 393, 879, 408 ], [ 117, 419, 151, 434 ], [ 158, 419, 180, 434 ], [ 188, 419, 229, 434 ], [ 235, 419, 257, 434 ], [ 259, 419, 879, 434 ], [ 117, 445, 879, 461 ], [ 117, 472, 879, 487 ], [ 117, 498, 681, 513 ], [ 681, 498, 698, 513 ], [ 699, 498, 851, 513 ], [ 851, 498, 865, 513 ], [ 866, 498, 879, 513 ], [ 117, 525, 495, 540 ], [ 495, 525, 509, 540 ], [ 515, 525, 879, 540 ], [ 510, 525, 514, 533 ], [ 117, 551, 879, 566 ], [ 117, 577, 641, 593 ], [ 641, 577, 879, 593 ], [ 117, 604, 879, 619 ], [ 117, 630, 879, 645 ], [ 117, 657, 879, 672 ], [ 117, 683, 879, 698 ], [ 117, 710, 516, 725 ], [ 516, 710, 536, 725 ], [ 142, 767, 162, 780 ], [ 182, 767, 340, 780 ], [ 142, 810, 878, 825 ], [ 117, 836, 682, 851 ], [ 682, 836, 879, 851 ], [ 117, 863, 879, 878 ], [ 117, 889, 879, 904 ], [ 117, 915, 879, 931 ], [ 484, 954, 493, 969 ] ]
[ 8, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "III.", "RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS", "A.", "Structural properties", "15", "In experiment with the powder X-ray diffraction patterns, Cao et al", "have reported", "that InN$_{y}$Co$_{3}$ and InN$_{y}$Ni$_{3}$ (", "y", "1.0", "and 0.8, respectively) have the cubic anti-perovskite", "∼", "¯", "structure with the space group 221(", "Pm", "3", "m", ") and the corresponding lattice parameters were", "˚", "˚", "3.854", "A and 3.844", "A, respectively. Starting from the experimental data, we have calculated", "the total energies of unit cell at a series of volumes for each compound in the paramagnetic", "(PM) and ferromagnetic (FM) states. The results are presented in Fig. 1. It is found that", "the energy difference between the FM and PM states is -0.0397 eV (-0.226 eV) in the LDA", "(GGA) calculations for InNCo$_{3}$ and 0.0 eV for InNNi$_{3}$.", "The total magnetic moment of", "InNCo$_{3}$ is about 2.14", "µ$_{B}$", "(2.91", "µ$_{B}$", ") and the local magnetic moment of each In ion is about", "0.69", "µ$_{B}$", "(0.94", "µ$_{B}$", ") in LDA (GGA) calculations. The total magnetic moment of InNNi$_{3}$ and", "the local magnetic moment of each Ni atom are zero. These indicate that the ferromagnetic", "state is energetically favorable to InNCo$_{3}$ and the ground state of InNNi$_{3}$ is paramagnetic", "state (non-magnetic). The obtained equilibrium lattice constant (", "a$_{0}$", "), bulk modulus (", "B", "),", "and first pressure derivative of bulk modulus (", "B", ") of InNCo$_{3}$ and InNNi$_{3}$ are listed in Table I.", "′", "In our calculations, the predicted lattice constant of InNCo$_{3}$ is slightly larger than that of", "InNNi$_{3}$, which is oppsite to the trend reported in experiment", "$^{15}$. This may be due to the", "deviation of the Ni/N atomic ratio from the ideal stoichiometry in experiment for InN$_{y}$Ni$_{3}$.", "In addition, it can be seen that the deviations of the LDA (GGA) lattice constants of both", "the InNCo$_{3}$ and InNNi$_{3}$ with respect to the experimental values are less than 2.6% (1.0%).", "That is to say, the calculated equilibrium lattice constants of InNCo$_{3}$ and InNNi$_{3}$ are in", "excellent agreement with the experimental data", "$^{15}$.", "B.", "Elastic properties", "The calculated independent elastic constants for single crystal of InNCo$_{3}$ and InNNi$_{3}$", "are listed in Table II. Based on the Voigt-Reuss-Hill approximation", "$^{33–35}$, the elastic moduli", "of InNCo$_{3}$ and InNNi$_{3}$ are estimated and the results are listed in Table II. For the bulk", "moduli of InNCo$_{3}$ and InNNi$_{3}$, the estimations based on the independent elastic constants", "agree well those obtained by the fit of the Birch-Murnaghan 3rd-order EoS. To the best of", "5" ]
[ [ 303, 126, 322, 136 ], [ 512, 133, 546, 184 ], [ 346, 139, 453, 145 ], [ 423, 164, 431, 164 ], [ 304, 174, 323, 184 ], [ 611, 177, 626, 190 ], [ 632, 177, 654, 190 ], [ 666, 177, 681, 190 ], [ 680, 184, 686, 193 ], [ 625, 184, 632, 193 ], [ 599, 187, 611, 187 ], [ 654, 187, 665, 187 ], [ 344, 201, 383, 214 ], [ 383, 211, 393, 211 ], [ 303, 223, 322, 233 ], [ 670, 228, 685, 241 ], [ 684, 236, 691, 245 ], [ 658, 238, 669, 238 ], [ 355, 250, 363, 259 ], [ 480, 252, 486, 252 ], [ 347, 252, 355, 252 ], [ 283, 267, 283, 278 ], [ 469, 270, 473, 270 ], [ 545, 270, 550, 270 ], [ 304, 271, 323, 281 ], [ 405, 286, 417, 299 ], [ 348, 290, 360, 290 ], [ 417, 294, 431, 303 ], [ 438, 299, 453, 308 ], [ 299, 319, 323, 329 ], [ 567, 322, 579, 322 ], [ 409, 326, 421, 339 ], [ 422, 334, 435, 343 ], [ 442, 345, 448, 345 ], [ 452, 345, 458, 345 ], [ 299, 368, 323, 378 ], [ 687, 370, 696, 379 ], [ 679, 372, 687, 372 ], [ 357, 378, 368, 389 ], [ 368, 378, 379, 390 ], [ 380, 378, 403, 390 ], [ 629, 387, 679, 394 ], [ 684, 387, 700, 394 ], [ 679, 392, 684, 392 ], [ 486, 394, 493, 394 ], [ 629, 397, 707, 403 ], [ 358, 398, 399, 404 ], [ 299, 416, 323, 426 ], [ 317, 425, 341, 436 ], [ 378, 425, 402, 436 ], [ 443, 425, 462, 436 ], [ 508, 425, 527, 436 ], [ 573, 425, 593, 436 ], [ 638, 425, 657, 436 ], [ 704, 425, 723, 436 ], [ 519, 456, 532, 456 ], [ 117, 498, 342, 511 ], [ 350, 498, 374, 511 ], [ 382, 498, 425, 511 ], [ 439, 498, 879, 511 ], [ 541, 519, 548, 528 ], [ 117, 521, 205, 533 ], [ 210, 521, 222, 533 ], [ 228, 521, 285, 533 ], [ 285, 521, 290, 542 ], [ 290, 521, 343, 533 ], [ 344, 521, 348, 542 ], [ 348, 521, 523, 533 ], [ 528, 521, 541, 533 ], [ 554, 521, 574, 533 ], [ 574, 521, 595, 533 ], [ 596, 521, 633, 533 ], [ 638, 521, 656, 533 ], [ 662, 521, 682, 533 ], [ 682, 521, 702, 533 ], [ 703, 521, 879, 533 ], [ 117, 543, 259, 556 ], [ 264, 543, 278, 556 ], [ 284, 543, 301, 565 ], [ 306, 543, 325, 556 ], [ 331, 543, 337, 556 ], [ 337, 543, 356, 556 ], [ 358, 543, 368, 556 ], [ 374, 543, 387, 556 ], [ 392, 543, 409, 565 ], [ 413, 543, 438, 556 ], [ 445, 543, 483, 556 ], [ 483, 543, 492, 556 ], [ 493, 543, 503, 556 ], [ 509, 543, 521, 556 ], [ 527, 543, 544, 565 ], [ 549, 543, 618, 556 ], [ 623, 543, 630, 556 ], [ 630, 543, 640, 556 ], [ 640, 543, 683, 556 ], [ 689, 543, 701, 556 ], [ 707, 543, 723, 565 ], [ 728, 543, 756, 556 ], [ 763, 543, 769, 556 ], [ 769, 543, 778, 556 ], [ 779, 543, 879, 556 ], [ 117, 566, 139, 579 ], [ 117, 608, 879, 622 ], [ 117, 633, 772, 647 ], [ 142, 659, 879, 673 ], [ 117, 685, 879, 699 ], [ 117, 710, 879, 724 ], [ 117, 736, 234, 750 ], [ 239, 736, 266, 750 ], [ 271, 736, 879, 750 ], [ 117, 762, 172, 776 ], [ 177, 762, 226, 776 ], [ 229, 762, 234, 776 ], [ 499, 788, 504, 798 ], [ 504, 788, 511, 798 ], [ 511, 788, 516, 798 ], [ 443, 789, 469, 832 ], [ 491, 793, 499, 806 ], [ 551, 798, 556, 808 ], [ 556, 798, 563, 808 ], [ 563, 798, 568, 808 ], [ 499, 799, 503, 809 ], [ 336, 802, 348, 826 ], [ 369, 802, 383, 816 ], [ 388, 802, 400, 826 ], [ 426, 802, 439, 816 ], [ 537, 802, 550, 816 ], [ 569, 802, 655, 816 ], [ 655, 802, 660, 816 ], [ 842, 802, 879, 816 ], [ 400, 807, 421, 817 ], [ 348, 807, 362, 817 ], [ 550, 809, 555, 819 ], [ 492, 811, 498, 821 ], [ 498, 811, 505, 821 ], [ 516, 811, 528, 821 ], [ 505, 811, 516, 820 ], [ 480, 812, 492, 826 ], [ 117, 840, 879, 854 ], [ 117, 866, 879, 880 ], [ 117, 892, 879, 905 ], [ 117, 917, 879, 931 ], [ 485, 955, 494, 969 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "1.5", "excluded at CL > 0.95", "excluded area has CL > 0.95", "γ", "1.0", "m", " & ", "m", "s", "d", "Δ", "Δ", "sin 2", "β", "0.5", "m", "d", "Δ", "K", "α", "ε", "η", "γ", "β", "0.0", "V", "α", "ub", "SL", "−0.5", "α", "V", "ub", "τ", "ν", "−1.0", "K", "ε", "C", "K", "M$_{i t t e r}$", "sol. w/ cos 2", " < 0", "β", "γ", "(excl. at CL > 0.95)", "Moriond 09", "−1.5", "−1.0", "−0.5", "0.0", "0.5", "1.0", "1.5", "2.0", "ρ", "FIG. 1: Allowed region in the", "ρ, η", "plane.", "Superimposed are the individual constraints from charmless", "0", "semileptonic", "B", "decays (", "|", "V$_{ub}$/V$_{cb}$", "|", "), mass differences in the", "B", "(Δ", "m$_{d}$", ") and", "B$_{s}$", "(Δ", "m$_{s}$", ") neutral meson systems,", "and CP violation in", "K", "→", "ππ", "(", "ε$_{K}$", "),", "B", "→", "ψK", "(sin 2", "β", "),", "B", "→", "ππ, ρπ, ρρ", "(", "α", "), and", "B", "→", "DK", "(", "γ", "). Taken from", "[6].", "follow this approach in Sect. V and VI in two well-motivated SM extensions. In this and the next", "section we follow the second strategy, which is less predictive but also more general.", "Assuming the new degrees to be heavier than SM fields, we can integrate them out and describe", "NP effects by means of a generalization of the Fermi Theory. The SM Lagrangian becomes the", "renormalizable part of a more general local Lagrangian which includes an infinite tower of operators", "with dimension", "d >", "4, constructed in terms of SM fields, suppressed by inverse powers of an effective", "scale Λ", "> M$_{W}$", ":", "(", "d", ")", "∑", "c", "(", "d", ")", "i", "L", "=", "L", "+", "O", "(SM fields)", ".", "(3.1)", "SM", "eff", "i", "(", "d", "4)", "−", "Λ", "This general bottom-up approach allows us to analyse all realistic extensions of the SM in terms of a", "limited number of parameters (the coefficients of the higher-dimensional operators). The drawback", "of this method is the impossibility to establish correlations of NP effects at low and high energies:", "the scale Λ defines the cut-off of the effective theory. However, correlations among different low-", "6" ]
[ [ 447, 55, 575, 66 ], [ 118, 84, 921, 93 ], [ 119, 98, 162, 108 ], [ 180, 98, 926, 108 ], [ 118, 98, 118, 108 ], [ 118, 112, 928, 121 ], [ 118, 126, 406, 135 ], [ 385, 126, 540, 135 ], [ 385, 126, 385, 136 ], [ 119, 140, 162, 150 ], [ 180, 140, 962, 150 ], [ 118, 140, 118, 150 ], [ 118, 154, 310, 164 ], [ 303, 154, 631, 164 ], [ 303, 154, 303, 164 ], [ 118, 168, 162, 178 ], [ 180, 168, 885, 178 ], [ 854, 168, 903, 178 ], [ 118, 168, 118, 178 ], [ 854, 168, 854, 178 ], [ 118, 182, 917, 192 ], [ 118, 196, 523, 206 ], [ 503, 196, 917, 206 ], [ 502, 196, 502, 206 ], [ 118, 210, 297, 220 ], [ 119, 224, 162, 234 ], [ 180, 224, 816, 234 ], [ 799, 224, 903, 234 ], [ 118, 224, 118, 234 ], [ 799, 224, 799, 234 ], [ 118, 238, 218, 248 ], [ 119, 252, 162, 262 ], [ 180, 252, 638, 262 ], [ 598, 252, 765, 262 ], [ 118, 252, 118, 262 ], [ 598, 252, 598, 262 ], [ 405, 293, 597, 310 ], [ 119, 336, 162, 346 ], [ 180, 336, 559, 346 ], [ 527, 336, 689, 346 ], [ 689, 336, 689, 346 ], [ 118, 336, 118, 346 ], [ 527, 336, 527, 346 ], [ 333, 378, 688, 394 ], [ 118, 420, 162, 430 ], [ 180, 420, 245, 430 ], [ 245, 420, 720, 430 ], [ 720, 420, 910, 430 ], [ 118, 420, 118, 430 ], [ 245, 420, 245, 430 ], [ 720, 420, 720, 430 ], [ 755, 434, 906, 444 ], [ 118, 434, 755, 444 ], [ 755, 434, 755, 444 ], [ 118, 448, 212, 458 ], [ 203, 448, 572, 458 ], [ 572, 448, 919, 458 ], [ 203, 448, 203, 458 ], [ 572, 448, 572, 458 ], [ 838, 462, 903, 472 ], [ 118, 462, 866, 472 ], [ 118, 476, 155, 486 ], [ 155, 476, 397, 486 ], [ 155, 476, 155, 486 ], [ 119, 506, 162, 516 ], [ 180, 506, 374, 516 ], [ 506, 506, 749, 516 ], [ 739, 506, 907, 516 ], [ 118, 506, 118, 516 ], [ 739, 506, 739, 516 ], [ 118, 520, 557, 530 ], [ 547, 520, 811, 530 ], [ 547, 520, 547, 530 ], [ 482, 534, 829, 544 ], [ 820, 534, 903, 544 ], [ 119, 534, 162, 544 ], [ 180, 534, 237, 544 ], [ 237, 534, 496, 544 ], [ 482, 534, 482, 544 ], [ 820, 534, 820, 544 ], [ 118, 534, 118, 544 ], [ 237, 534, 237, 544 ], [ 118, 548, 945, 558 ], [ 118, 562, 598, 572 ], [ 119, 576, 162, 586 ], [ 180, 576, 558, 586 ], [ 118, 576, 118, 586 ], [ 375, 617, 648, 633 ], [ 560, 627, 571, 632 ], [ 118, 660, 162, 670 ], [ 180, 660, 900, 670 ], [ 864, 660, 903, 670 ], [ 118, 660, 118, 670 ], [ 864, 660, 864, 670 ], [ 118, 674, 871, 684 ], [ 854, 674, 903, 684 ], [ 854, 674, 854, 684 ], [ 118, 688, 597, 698 ], [ 399, 702, 702, 712 ], [ 675, 702, 906, 712 ], [ 119, 702, 162, 712 ], [ 180, 702, 430, 712 ], [ 118, 702, 118, 712 ], [ 118, 716, 245, 726 ], [ 242, 716, 530, 726 ], [ 242, 716, 242, 726 ], [ 586, 730, 910, 740 ], [ 119, 730, 162, 740 ], [ 180, 730, 648, 740 ], [ 118, 730, 118, 740 ], [ 118, 744, 181, 754 ], [ 245, 758, 476, 768 ], [ 444, 758, 750, 768 ], [ 741, 758, 907, 768 ], [ 118, 758, 162, 768 ], [ 180, 758, 276, 768 ], [ 741, 758, 741, 768 ], [ 118, 758, 118, 768 ], [ 118, 772, 739, 782 ], [ 246, 786, 425, 796 ], [ 424, 786, 941, 796 ], [ 118, 786, 162, 796 ], [ 180, 786, 277, 796 ], [ 424, 787, 424, 796 ], [ 118, 787, 118, 796 ], [ 439, 800, 494, 810 ], [ 480, 800, 491, 810 ], [ 118, 800, 471, 810 ], [ 118, 814, 162, 824 ], [ 180, 814, 924, 824 ], [ 118, 814, 118, 824 ], [ 118, 828, 515, 838 ], [ 512, 828, 910, 838 ], [ 512, 829, 512, 838 ], [ 119, 842, 162, 852 ], [ 180, 842, 903, 852 ], [ 118, 843, 118, 852 ], [ 118, 856, 886, 866 ], [ 861, 856, 903, 866 ], [ 861, 856, 861, 866 ], [ 118, 870, 919, 880 ], [ 507, 956, 515, 966 ] ]
[ 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 3, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 3, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 3, 3, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "EP 2 000 002 B1", "valeur 1 indiquant une transmission sans modification de l’amplitude de chacun des canaux audio codés spatialement.", "[0069]", "Le domaine transformé peut, ainsi que mentionné précédemment dans la description, correspondre à un", "GLYPH<3>", "domaine transformé hybride ainsi qu’il sera décrit en liaison avec la figure 2b dans le cas où aucune décimation en", "fréquence n’est appliquée dans la sous-", "bande correspondante.", "GLYPH<3>", "[0070]", "En référence à la figure 2b précitée, le filtrage par égalisation retard représenté à l’étape A de la figure 2a est", "GLYPH<3>", "alors exécuté en trois sous-", "étapes A1, A2, A3 représentées à la figure 2b.", "GLYPH<3>", "[0071]", "Dans ces conditions, l’étape A comporte une étape supplémentaire de découpe en fréquence en sous-", "bandes", "GLYPH<3>", "GLYPH<3>", "supplémentaires sans décimation, pour augmenter le nombre de valeurs de gain appliquées et ainsi la précision en", "fréquence, suivie d’une étape de regroupement de sous-", "bandes supplémentaires, auxquelles ont été appliquées les", "GLYPH<3>", "valeurs de gain précitées.", "[0072]", "Les opérations de découpe en fréquence puis de regroupement sont représentées aux sous-", "étapes A$_{1}$ et A$_{2}$", "GLYPH<3>", "GLYPH<3>", "de la figure 2b.", "[0073]", "L’étape des découpes en fréquence est représentée à la sous-", "étape A$_{1}$ par la relation : ", "GLYPH<3>", "GLYPH<3>", "HRTF = {Qiz, dkz} 27", "[0074]", "L’étape de regroupement est représentée à la sous-", "étape A$_{2}$ par la relation :", "GLYPH<3>", "GLYPH<3>", "GLYPH<3>", "[GCEB,.] ‘x = {Fl, C, Fl, Sr, SI, Ife} (gic)", "[0075]", "A la sous-", "étape A$_{1.}$ on comprend que les valeurs de gain et de retard pour la sous-", "bande de rang k considérée", "GLYPH<3>", "GLYPH<3>", "GLYPH<3>", "bande supplémentaire", "sont subdivisées en Z valeurs de gain correspondantes, une valeur de gain g$_{kz}$ pour chaque sous-", "GLYPH<3>", "et à la sous-", "étape 1$_{2}$ on comprend que le regroupement des sous-", "bandes supplémentaires est effectué à partir des", "GLYPH<3>", "GLYPH<3>", "$_{kz}$ dans la", "canaux audio codés correspondants pour l’indice x correspondant auquel a été appliqué la valeur de gain g", "sous-", "bande supplémentaire considérée.", "GLYPH<3>", "[0076]", "Dans la relation précédente ", " désigne le regroupement des sous-", "bandes supplémentaires", "GLYPH<3>", "GLYPH<3>", "auxquelles ont été appliquées les valeurs de gain pour les sous-", "bandes supplémentaires considérées.", "GLYPH<3>", "étape A$_{3}$ consistant à appliquer le retard aux sous-", "bandes sup-", "[0077]", "La sous-", "étape A$_{2}$ est alors suivie d’une sous-", "GLYPH<3>", "GLYPH<3>", "GLYPH<3>", "GLYPH<3>", "plémentaires regroupées et en particulier aux canaux audio codés spatialement d’indice x correspondant par l’intermé-", "diaire du retard d$_{kx}$ de manière semblable à l’étape A de la figue 2a.", "[0078]", "L’opération correspondante est notée par la relation : ", "GLYPH<3>", "CED ex = [GCEDz] == x (dk,).", "=1", "[0079]", "En outre, le procédé objet de l’invention peut consister également à effectuer un filtrage par égalisation-", "retard", "GLYPH<3>", "GLYPH<3>", "dans un domaine transformé hybride comportant une étape supplémentaire de découpe de fréquence en sous-", "bandes", "GLYPH<3>", "supplémentaires avec décimation, ainsi que représentée en figure 2c.", "$_{1}$ de la figure 2c est identique à l’étape A", "$_{1}$ de la figure 2b, pour exécuter la", "[0080]", "Dans cette hypothèse, l’étape A’", "GLYPH<3>", "création des sous-", "bandes supplémentaires avec décimation.", "GLYPH<3>", "$_{1}$ de la figure 2c est exécutée dans le domaine", "[0081]", "Dans cette hypothèse, l’opération de décimation à l’étape A’", "GLYPH<3>", "temporel.", "$_{1}$ est alors suivie d’une étape A’", "$_{2}$ correspondant à un regroupement des sous-", "bandes supplémentaires", "[0082]", "L’étape A’", "GLYPH<3>", "GLYPH<3>", "auxquelles ont été appliquées les valeurs de gain précitées compte tenu de la décimation.", "$_{2}$ de regroupement est elle-", "même précédée ou suivie de l’application du retard dkx ainsi représentée", "[0083]", "L’étape A’", "GLYPH<3>", "GLYPH<3>", "$_{2}$ et A’", "$_{3}$.", "par la double flèche d’interversion des étapes A’", "[0084]", "On comprend, en particulier, que lorsque l’application du retard est effectuée antérieurement au regroupement,", "GLYPH<3>", "le retard est appliqué directement sur les signaux des sous-", "bandes supplémentaires antérieurement au regroupement.", "GLYPH<3>", "[0085]", "En ce qui concerne la conversion de chaque filtre HRTF en une valeur de gain et de retard dans le domaine", "GLYPH<3>", "transformé, cette opération peut consister, avantageusement, à associer, comme valeur de gain à chaque sous-", "bande", "GLYPH<3>", "de rang k, une valeur réelle définie comme la moyenne du module du filtre HRTF correspondant et à associer, comme", "7" ]
[ [ 119, 33, 261, 45 ], [ 261, 33, 329, 45 ], [ 329, 33, 339, 45 ], [ 693, 33, 885, 45 ], [ 119, 46, 362, 57 ], [ 202, 84, 298, 100 ], [ 318, 84, 339, 100 ], [ 359, 84, 429, 100 ], [ 449, 84, 538, 100 ], [ 558, 84, 647, 100 ], [ 667, 84, 885, 100 ], [ 202, 100, 302, 116 ], [ 323, 100, 336, 116 ], [ 356, 100, 381, 116 ], [ 401, 100, 437, 116 ], [ 457, 100, 516, 116 ], [ 536, 100, 633, 116 ], [ 653, 100, 885, 116 ], [ 202, 117, 545, 132 ], [ 202, 117, 545, 132 ], [ 155, 133, 179, 149 ], [ 202, 133, 267, 149 ], [ 202, 133, 267, 149 ], [ 287, 133, 302, 149 ], [ 287, 133, 302, 149 ], [ 322, 133, 546, 149 ], [ 322, 133, 546, 149 ], [ 552, 133, 616, 149 ], [ 552, 133, 616, 149 ], [ 635, 133, 744, 149 ], [ 635, 133, 744, 149 ], [ 764, 133, 843, 149 ], [ 764, 133, 843, 149 ], [ 862, 133, 885, 149 ], [ 862, 133, 885, 149 ], [ 202, 149, 280, 165 ], [ 300, 149, 392, 165 ], [ 413, 149, 485, 165 ], [ 505, 149, 579, 165 ], [ 599, 149, 751, 165 ], [ 771, 149, 885, 165 ], [ 202, 166, 885, 182 ], [ 202, 182, 314, 198 ], [ 119, 215, 138, 231 ], [ 155, 215, 203, 231 ], [ 207, 215, 270, 231 ], [ 289, 215, 325, 231 ], [ 345, 215, 353, 231 ], [ 372, 215, 451, 231 ], [ 470, 215, 483, 231 ], [ 502, 215, 638, 231 ], [ 657, 215, 793, 231 ], [ 812, 215, 885, 231 ], [ 155, 232, 885, 247 ], [ 155, 248, 475, 264 ], [ 155, 281, 174, 297 ], [ 202, 281, 241, 297 ], [ 261, 281, 274, 297 ], [ 294, 281, 389, 297 ], [ 408, 281, 430, 297 ], [ 449, 281, 529, 297 ], [ 548, 281, 721, 297 ], [ 741, 281, 762, 297 ], [ 782, 281, 885, 297 ], [ 202, 297, 654, 313 ], [ 202, 297, 654, 313 ], [ 155, 314, 179, 330 ], [ 155, 314, 179, 330 ], [ 202, 314, 716, 330 ], [ 202, 314, 716, 330 ], [ 119, 347, 151, 363 ], [ 161, 347, 221, 363 ], [ 240, 347, 253, 363 ], [ 272, 347, 323, 363 ], [ 342, 347, 448, 363 ], [ 467, 347, 521, 363 ], [ 540, 347, 581, 363 ], [ 600, 347, 659, 363 ], [ 678, 347, 686, 363 ], [ 705, 347, 743, 363 ], [ 762, 347, 775, 363 ], [ 794, 347, 885, 363 ], [ 155, 363, 209, 379 ], [ 228, 363, 249, 379 ], [ 269, 363, 367, 379 ], [ 386, 363, 440, 379 ], [ 459, 363, 480, 379 ], [ 500, 363, 514, 379 ], [ 521, 363, 699, 379 ], [ 719, 363, 768, 379 ], [ 787, 363, 885, 379 ], [ 155, 380, 885, 395 ], [ 155, 396, 321, 412 ], [ 155, 396, 321, 412 ], [ 119, 412, 142, 428 ], [ 119, 412, 142, 428 ], [ 155, 412, 199, 428 ], [ 155, 412, 199, 428 ], [ 213, 412, 273, 428 ], [ 213, 412, 273, 428 ], [ 287, 412, 308, 428 ], [ 287, 412, 308, 428 ], [ 322, 412, 352, 428 ], [ 322, 412, 352, 428 ], [ 366, 412, 382, 428 ], [ 366, 412, 382, 428 ], [ 397, 412, 485, 428 ], [ 397, 412, 485, 428 ], [ 500, 412, 535, 428 ], [ 500, 412, 535, 428 ], [ 549, 412, 577, 428 ], [ 549, 412, 577, 428 ], [ 591, 412, 645, 428 ], [ 591, 412, 645, 428 ], [ 659, 412, 709, 428 ], [ 659, 412, 709, 428 ], [ 723, 412, 786, 428 ], [ 723, 412, 786, 428 ], [ 800, 412, 817, 428 ], [ 800, 412, 817, 428 ], [ 831, 412, 885, 428 ], [ 831, 412, 885, 428 ], [ 155, 429, 429, 445 ], [ 449, 429, 487, 445 ], [ 507, 429, 672, 445 ], [ 693, 429, 714, 445 ], [ 735, 429, 794, 445 ], [ 814, 429, 841, 445 ], [ 861, 429, 885, 445 ], [ 155, 445, 258, 461 ], [ 262, 445, 326, 461 ], [ 343, 445, 365, 461 ], [ 382, 445, 390, 461 ], [ 407, 445, 506, 461 ], [ 523, 445, 542, 461 ], [ 559, 445, 593, 461 ], [ 610, 445, 665, 461 ], [ 668, 445, 737, 461 ], [ 737, 445, 847, 461 ], [ 864, 445, 885, 461 ], [ 155, 462, 339, 477 ], [ 339, 462, 403, 477 ], [ 403, 462, 714, 477 ], [ 119, 495, 885, 510 ], [ 119, 511, 218, 527 ], [ 236, 511, 262, 527 ], [ 281, 511, 293, 527 ], [ 311, 511, 341, 527 ], [ 359, 511, 389, 527 ], [ 392, 511, 456, 527 ], [ 456, 511, 491, 527 ], [ 511, 511, 598, 527 ], [ 618, 511, 710, 527 ], [ 730, 511, 835, 527 ], [ 854, 511, 885, 527 ], [ 119, 527, 163, 543 ], [ 183, 527, 212, 543 ], [ 232, 527, 263, 543 ], [ 282, 527, 386, 543 ], [ 406, 527, 448, 543 ], [ 467, 527, 489, 543 ], [ 508, 527, 587, 543 ], [ 607, 527, 626, 543 ], [ 646, 527, 688, 543 ], [ 708, 527, 722, 543 ], [ 741, 527, 792, 543 ], [ 811, 527, 826, 543 ], [ 835, 527, 886, 543 ], [ 119, 544, 212, 560 ], [ 212, 544, 410, 560 ], [ 410, 544, 582, 560 ], [ 582, 544, 592, 560 ], [ 119, 577, 174, 593 ], [ 195, 577, 297, 593 ], [ 317, 577, 379, 593 ], [ 384, 577, 560, 593 ], [ 560, 577, 566, 593 ], [ 586, 577, 725, 593 ], [ 745, 577, 885, 593 ], [ 119, 593, 364, 609 ], [ 385, 593, 485, 609 ], [ 506, 593, 589, 609 ], [ 610, 593, 624, 609 ], [ 645, 593, 663, 609 ], [ 684, 593, 800, 609 ], [ 821, 593, 885, 609 ], [ 119, 610, 885, 625 ], [ 119, 626, 195, 642 ], [ 215, 626, 247, 642 ], [ 255, 626, 319, 642 ], [ 319, 626, 325, 642 ], [ 344, 626, 352, 642 ], [ 372, 626, 420, 642 ], [ 440, 626, 453, 642 ], [ 473, 626, 504, 642 ], [ 524, 626, 537, 642 ], [ 557, 626, 626, 642 ], [ 645, 626, 701, 642 ], [ 721, 626, 782, 642 ], [ 802, 626, 885, 642 ], [ 119, 642, 219, 658 ], [ 239, 642, 434, 658 ], [ 454, 642, 592, 658 ], [ 612, 642, 714, 658 ], [ 734, 642, 749, 658 ], [ 769, 642, 787, 658 ], [ 807, 642, 845, 658 ], [ 865, 642, 885, 658 ], [ 119, 659, 885, 675 ], [ 119, 675, 696, 691 ], [ 159, 709, 543, 724 ], [ 119, 741, 179, 757 ], [ 198, 741, 345, 757 ], [ 348, 741, 412, 757 ], [ 430, 741, 439, 757 ], [ 457, 741, 665, 757 ], [ 683, 741, 695, 757 ], [ 713, 741, 735, 757 ], [ 753, 741, 765, 757 ], [ 783, 741, 812, 757 ], [ 830, 741, 885, 757 ], [ 119, 758, 885, 773 ], [ 119, 774, 291, 790 ], [ 294, 774, 474, 790 ], [ 474, 774, 611, 790 ], [ 613, 774, 677, 790 ], [ 677, 774, 885, 790 ], [ 119, 790, 202, 806 ], [ 203, 790, 268, 806 ], [ 268, 790, 531, 806 ], [ 532, 790, 677, 806 ], [ 677, 790, 885, 806 ], [ 119, 807, 193, 823 ], [ 119, 840, 550, 856 ], [ 551, 840, 696, 856 ], [ 696, 840, 785, 856 ], [ 786, 840, 850, 856 ], [ 850, 840, 886, 856 ], [ 119, 856, 885, 872 ], [ 119, 873, 190, 888 ], [ 190, 873, 335, 888 ], [ 335, 873, 423, 888 ], [ 424, 873, 488, 888 ], [ 488, 873, 885, 888 ], [ 489, 950, 515, 966 ] ]
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[ "Numero del contratto: [", "completare", "] ", "Condizioni CQ – Ottobre 2018 ", "Gara d'appalto JRC/IPR/2019/OP/0139 ", "rientrano nel", "suo", "campo di", "applicazione", "e non sono", "esclusi da nessuna delle sue ", "disposizioni;", "ai", "fini", "della", "presente", "disposizione,", "\"riutilizzo\" e \"documento\" si ", "intendono come definiti da tale decisione; ", "intendono come definiti da tale decisione; ", "(ii)", "il diritto", "il diritto", "di", "di", "memorizzare e archiviare i ", "memorizzare e archiviare i ", "risultati", "risultati", "conformemente", "conformemente", "alle norme", "alle norme", "in ", "in ", "materia di", "gestione dei", "documenti", "applicabili", "all'amministrazione", "aggiudicatrice, ", "compresa la digitalizzazione o conversione del formato a fini di conservazione o di ", "nuovo utilizzo;", "(l)", "ove i ", "risultati", "siano", "o", "incorporino", "un", "software, compresi", "il codice sorgente,", "il codice ", "oggetto e, se pertinente, la documentazione, i materiali e manuali preparatori, oltre agli ", "altri diritti di cui alla presente clausola: ", "(i)", "diritti", "di", "utente finale,", "per", "tutti gli usi", "da parte dell'Unione o", "dei", "subappaltatori ", "conseguenti dal presente CQ e dalla volontà delle parti; ", "conseguenti dal presente CQ e dalla volontà delle parti; ", "(ii)", "(ii)", "il diritto di ricevere sia il codice sorgente che il codice oggetto; ", "il diritto di ricevere sia il codice sorgente che il codice oggetto; ", "(m)", "il diritto", "di", "dare in", "licenza a terzi", "qualsiasi", "diritto", "esclusivo", "o", "modo", "di", "sfruttamento ", "previsto", "dal", "presente CQ;", "tuttavia,", "per", "i ", "materiali preesistenti", "dati in", "licenza solo ", "all'Unione non si applica il diritto di dare in sublicenza, tranne che nei due casi previsti ", "dalla clausola II.13.2;", "dalla clausola II.13.2;", "(n)", "(n)", "nella ", "nella ", "misura ", "misura ", "in ", "in ", "cui ", "cui ", "il ", "il ", "contraente ", "contraente ", "può ", "può ", "far ", "far ", "valere ", "valere ", "diritti ", "diritti ", "morali, ", "morali, ", "il ", "il ", "diritto ", "diritto ", "dell'amministrazione aggiudicatrice,", "salvo", "diversamente disposto", "nel", "presente", "CQ,", "di ", "pubblicare i ", "risultati", "con", "o", "senza citazione", "del", "nome", "del(-i) ", "creatore", "(-i) e il diritto", "di ", "decidere se e quando i ", "risultati", " possono essere divulgati e pubblicati. ", "Il contraente garantisce che i diritti esclusivi e i modi di sfruttamento possano essere esercitati ", "dall'Unione su", "tutte", "le", "parti", "dei ", "risultati", ", sia", "mediante un", "trasferimento", "della proprietà", "dei ", "diritti,", "sulle", "parti", "specificamente", "create", "dal", "contraente,", "sia", "dando", "in", "licenza", "i ", "diritti ", "preesistenti", ", sulle parti costituite da ", "materiali preesistenti", ". ", "Ove nei", "risultati siano", "inseriti ", "materiali preesistenti", ",", "l'amministrazione", "aggiudicatrice può ", "accettare restrizioni ragionevoli", "che incidono", "sull'elenco", "di", "cui", "sopra, purché i", "suddetti ", "materiali siano facilmente individuabili e separabili dal resto, non corrispondano a elementi ", "sostanziali", "dei ", "risultati", ",", "e", "purché,", "in", "caso", "di", "necessità,", "esistano", "soluzioni", "alternative ", "soddisfacenti,", "senza costi aggiuntivi per", "l'amministrazione", "aggiudicatrice.", "In", "tal", "caso,", "il ", "contraente dovrà informare chiaramente l'amministrazione aggiudicatrice prima di procedere ", "a tale scelta e l'amministrazione aggiudicatrice ha il diritto di rifiutarla. ", "II.13.4. Identificazione dei diritti preesistenti", "All'atto", "della consegna dei ", "risultati", "il", "contraente deve garantire che,", "ai", "fini", "di", "ogni", "utilizzo ", "previsto dall'amministrazione aggiudicatrice entro i limiti fissati dal presente CQ, le parti di ", "nuova creazione e il ", "materiale preesistente", " incorporato nei ", "risultati", " non formano oggetto di ", "pretese di ", "creatori", " o di terzi e che tutti i necessari ", "diritti preesistenti", " sono stati ottenuti o dati ", "in licenza.", "A tal fine il contraente deve stilare l'elenco di tutti i ", "diritti preesistenti", " relativi ai ", "risultati", " del ", "presente CQ o di loro parti, comprendente l'identificazione dei proprietari dei diritti. Se non ", "esistono ", "diritti preesistenti", " relativi ai ", "risultati", ", il contraente deve presentare una dichiarazione ", "31 " ]
[ [ 120, 92, 133, 107 ], [ 176, 94, 288, 109 ], [ 133, 94, 173, 109 ], [ 120, 111, 343, 125 ], [ 120, 127, 245, 142 ], [ 217, 309, 350, 324 ], [ 119, 310, 207, 348 ], [ 217, 329, 301, 343 ], [ 301, 329, 330, 343 ], [ 120, 348, 256, 362 ], [ 109, 488, 290, 500 ], [ 109, 503, 246, 515 ], [ 109, 524, 257, 535 ], [ 109, 539, 170, 550 ], [ 170, 539, 243, 550 ], [ 241, 554, 319, 565 ], [ 109, 555, 236, 565 ], [ 109, 570, 339, 581 ], [ 109, 585, 144, 596 ], [ 170, 585, 344, 596 ], [ 144, 585, 170, 596 ], [ 109, 600, 350, 611 ], [ 109, 616, 338, 627 ], [ 109, 631, 152, 642 ], [ 182, 631, 354, 642 ], [ 152, 631, 178, 642 ], [ 109, 646, 348, 657 ], [ 109, 662, 334, 673 ], [ 218, 677, 328, 688 ], [ 109, 677, 207, 688 ], [ 207, 678, 214, 682 ], [ 109, 692, 351, 703 ], [ 109, 708, 326, 719 ], [ 109, 723, 355, 734 ], [ 109, 738, 337, 749 ], [ 109, 754, 331, 765 ], [ 109, 769, 326, 780 ], [ 109, 784, 342, 795 ], [ 109, 800, 350, 811 ], [ 109, 815, 345, 826 ], [ 109, 830, 319, 841 ], [ 109, 846, 163, 857 ], [ 268, 846, 338, 857 ], [ 163, 846, 263, 857 ], [ 109, 861, 350, 872 ], [ 109, 876, 176, 887 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 ]
[ ">", "MIS 2-Incision", "1,500", "hip procedures have already", "been performed", "surgeons trained", "3,372", "in Zimmer ", "MIS", "Institutes in 2003", "LEADERSHIP IN MINIMALLY ", "INVASIVE SOLUTIONS", "Zimmer is the industry", "leader in ", "Minimally", "Procedures ", "Invasive Solutions", "and Technologies for orthopaedics.", "With ", ", patients are experiencing", "MIS", "less tissue trauma, less pain, shorter ", "hospital stays, and faster recovery", "times. ", "procedures are the subject", "MIS", "of several rigorous studies. In a 300-", "case study of the muscle-sparing ", "Hip Replacement", "MIS 2-Incision", "TM", "Procedure, released in October 2002,", "over 80 percent of patients were ", "discharged within 24 hours of surgery,", "compared with an average of four", "days with traditional procedures.", "Patients are returning to work, in", "many cases, in 2 to 3 weeks instead", "of 2 to 3 months. Major health insur-", "ers have begun to provide increased", "surgeon reimbursement for the", "Zimmer ", "procedure ", "MIS 2-Incision", "in response to significantly improved", "outcomes." ]
[ [ 85, 55, 745, 69 ], [ 85, 78, 90, 92 ], [ 100, 78, 631, 92 ], [ 85, 111, 585, 122 ], [ 85, 210, 935, 222 ], [ 85, 227, 935, 239 ], [ 85, 244, 935, 256 ], [ 85, 260, 935, 273 ], [ 85, 277, 935, 290 ], [ 85, 294, 935, 307 ], [ 85, 311, 935, 324 ], [ 85, 328, 935, 341 ], [ 85, 345, 935, 358 ], [ 85, 362, 935, 375 ], [ 85, 379, 935, 392 ], [ 85, 396, 935, 409 ], [ 85, 413, 935, 426 ], [ 85, 430, 935, 443 ], [ 85, 447, 935, 460 ], [ 85, 464, 935, 477 ], [ 85, 481, 935, 494 ], [ 85, 498, 935, 511 ], [ 85, 515, 935, 528 ], [ 85, 532, 291, 544 ], [ 905, 959, 935, 968 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "M A N A G E M E N T ’ S A N N U A L R E P O RT O N I N T E R N A L", "C", "O N T R O L O V E R F I N A N C I A L R E P O RT I N G", "Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. and Subsidiaries", "The management of Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. and subsidiaries (the “Company”) is respon-", "sible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting. Internal control", "over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of", "financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external reporting purposes in accor-", "dance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.The Company’s internal control over finan-", "cial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that,", "in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of assets; (2) provide", "reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial state-", "ments in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expendi-", "tures are being made only in accordance with the authorizations of the Company’s management and", "directors; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized", "acquisition, use, or disposition of assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.", "Management has assessed the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting as", "of December 31, 2004. In making its assessment, management has utilized the criteria set forth by the", "Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) of the Treadway Commission in “Internal Control –", "Integrated Framework”. Management concluded that based on its assessment, the Company’s internal", "control over financial reporting was effective as of December 31, 2004. Management’s assessment of the", "effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2004 has", "been audited by Ernst &Young LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, as stated in their", "report on the next page. ", "P 19" ]
[ [ 95, 109, 123, 120 ], [ 137, 109, 463, 120 ], [ 679, 109, 904, 120 ], [ 95, 143, 137, 158 ], [ 161, 143, 523, 158 ], [ 95, 178, 106, 189 ], [ 137, 197, 886, 207 ], [ 137, 211, 878, 222 ], [ 137, 225, 472, 236 ], [ 95, 249, 108, 260 ], [ 137, 268, 768, 278 ], [ 154, 299, 435, 309 ], [ 137, 329, 259, 340 ], [ 399, 329, 543, 340 ], [ 263, 329, 395, 339 ], [ 95, 353, 181, 364 ], [ 137, 372, 904, 383 ], [ 137, 386, 828, 397 ], [ 95, 410, 192, 420 ], [ 137, 429, 877, 439 ], [ 137, 443, 602, 454 ], [ 606, 443, 668, 454 ], [ 672, 443, 891, 454 ], [ 95, 467, 167, 477 ], [ 137, 486, 898, 496 ], [ 137, 500, 702, 510 ], [ 95, 523, 182, 534 ], [ 137, 542, 901, 553 ], [ 137, 557, 827, 567 ], [ 137, 571, 923, 581 ], [ 137, 585, 480, 596 ], [ 95, 609, 129, 619 ], [ 137, 628, 855, 638 ], [ 137, 642, 895, 652 ], [ 137, 656, 667, 667 ], [ 95, 680, 141, 690 ], [ 137, 699, 859, 709 ], [ 137, 713, 868, 723 ], [ 137, 727, 875, 738 ], [ 137, 741, 524, 752 ], [ 95, 765, 173, 775 ], [ 137, 784, 904, 794 ], [ 137, 798, 891, 809 ], [ 137, 812, 784, 823 ], [ 95, 836, 163, 846 ], [ 137, 855, 887, 865 ], [ 137, 869, 816, 880 ], [ 95, 893, 176, 903 ], [ 137, 912, 900, 922 ], [ 137, 926, 812, 936 ], [ 487, 965, 512, 975 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "63.3.", "MODULE LIST FOR THE COMPILER SUITE", "CHAPTER 63. PERLCOMPILE", "63.3", "Module List for the Compiler Suite", "B", "This module is the introspective (\"reflective\" in Java terms) module, which allows a Perl program to inspect its", "innards. The back end modules all use this module to gain access to the compiled parse tree. You, the user of a", "back end module, will not need to interact with B.", "O", "This module is the front-end to the compiler’s back ends. Normally called something like this:", "$ perl -MO=Deparse myperlprogram", "This is like saying", "in your Perl program.", "use O ’Deparse’", "B::Asmdata", "This module is used by the B::Assembler module, which is in turn used by the B::Bytecode module, which stores a", "parse-tree as bytecode for later loading. It’s not a back end itself, but rather a component of a back end.", "B::Assembler", "This module turns a parse-tree into data suitable for storing and later decoding back into a parse-tree. It’s not a", "back end itself, but rather a component of a back end. It’s used by the", "assemble", "program that produces bytecode.", "B::Bblock", "This module is used by the B::CC back end. It walks \"basic blocks\". A basic block is a series of operations which", "is known to execute from start to finish, with no possibility of branching or halting.", "B::Bytecode", "This module is a back end that generates bytecode from a program’s parse tree. This bytecode is written to a file,", "from where it can later be reconstructed back into a parse tree. The goal is to do the expensive program", "compilation once, save the interpreter’s state into a file, and then restore the state from the file when the program is", "to be executed. See §63.2.5 for details about usage.", "B::C", "This module writes out C code corresponding to the parse tree and other interpreter internal structures. You", "compile the corresponding C file, and get an executable file that will restore the internal structures and the Perl", "interpreter will begin running the program. See §63.2.4 for details about usage.", "B::CC", "This module writes out C code corresponding to your program’s operations. Unlike the B::C module, which", "merely stores the interpreter and its state in a C program, the B::CC module makes a C program that does not", "involve the interpreter. As a consequence, programs translated into C by B::CC can execute faster than normal", "interpreted programs. See §63.2.6 for details about usage.", "B::Concise", "This module prints a concise (but complete) version of the Perl parse tree. Its output is more customizable than the", "one of B::Terse or B::Debug (and it can emulate them). This module useful for people who are writing their own", "back end, or who are learning about the Perl internals. It’s not useful to the average programmer.", "B::Debug", "This module dumps the Perl parse tree in verbose detail to STDOUT. It’s useful for people who are writing their", "own back end, or who are learning about the Perl internals. It’s not useful to the average programmer.", "B::Deparse", "This module produces Perl source code from the compiled parse tree. It is useful in debugging and deconstructing", "other people’s code, also as a pretty-printer for your own source. See §63.2.2 for details about usage.", "966" ]
[ [ 120, 42, 499, 54 ], [ 162, 87, 290, 99 ], [ 162, 109, 514, 121 ], [ 478, 109, 792, 121 ], [ 767, 109, 858, 121 ], [ 120, 131, 223, 142 ], [ 162, 144, 676, 156 ], [ 766, 144, 879, 156 ], [ 681, 146, 783, 156 ], [ 162, 158, 501, 170 ], [ 588, 158, 780, 170 ], [ 868, 158, 879, 170 ], [ 504, 160, 607, 170 ], [ 784, 160, 886, 170 ], [ 162, 173, 731, 184 ], [ 820, 173, 879, 184 ], [ 735, 174, 838, 185 ], [ 162, 187, 200, 199 ], [ 200, 187, 204, 199 ], [ 162, 208, 426, 220 ], [ 515, 208, 574, 220 ], [ 430, 209, 533, 220 ], [ 120, 231, 225, 241 ], [ 120, 252, 243, 263 ], [ 248, 265, 879, 277 ], [ 162, 266, 267, 277 ], [ 247, 279, 743, 291 ], [ 162, 280, 267, 291 ], [ 162, 300, 174, 312 ], [ 264, 300, 548, 312 ], [ 658, 300, 879, 312 ], [ 179, 302, 283, 312 ], [ 553, 302, 675, 312 ], [ 162, 315, 879, 326 ], [ 592, 329, 662, 341 ], [ 662, 329, 672, 341 ], [ 162, 329, 588, 341 ], [ 162, 350, 455, 362 ], [ 436, 350, 579, 362 ], [ 558, 350, 879, 362 ], [ 162, 364, 556, 376 ], [ 536, 364, 705, 376 ], [ 683, 364, 879, 376 ], [ 162, 378, 811, 390 ], [ 120, 418, 177, 432 ], [ 187, 418, 339, 432 ], [ 120, 449, 432, 461 ], [ 414, 449, 575, 461 ], [ 120, 470, 306, 482 ], [ 289, 470, 879, 482 ], [ 120, 484, 366, 496 ], [ 356, 484, 879, 496 ], [ 205, 498, 561, 510 ], [ 551, 498, 555, 510 ], [ 120, 500, 223, 510 ], [ 206, 520, 879, 532 ], [ 120, 521, 223, 532 ], [ 120, 534, 320, 546 ], [ 298, 534, 879, 546 ], [ 201, 548, 205, 560 ], [ 120, 550, 223, 560 ], [ 120, 569, 343, 581 ], [ 317, 569, 640, 581 ], [ 621, 569, 879, 581 ], [ 120, 584, 435, 595 ], [ 439, 584, 501, 595 ], [ 501, 584, 649, 595 ], [ 653, 584, 715, 595 ], [ 715, 584, 879, 595 ], [ 120, 598, 407, 610 ], [ 382, 598, 622, 610 ], [ 604, 598, 879, 610 ], [ 120, 612, 343, 624 ], [ 325, 612, 568, 624 ], [ 120, 651, 179, 665 ], [ 189, 651, 302, 665 ], [ 120, 682, 879, 694 ], [ 120, 697, 505, 708 ], [ 120, 718, 394, 730 ], [ 369, 718, 879, 730 ], [ 120, 732, 879, 744 ], [ 120, 746, 406, 758 ], [ 363, 746, 563, 758 ], [ 523, 746, 773, 758 ], [ 736, 746, 879, 758 ], [ 120, 760, 445, 772 ], [ 120, 782, 314, 794 ], [ 147, 803, 155, 815 ], [ 162, 803, 395, 815 ], [ 373, 803, 879, 815 ], [ 162, 817, 569, 829 ], [ 147, 839, 155, 850 ], [ 162, 839, 398, 850 ], [ 378, 839, 703, 850 ], [ 147, 860, 155, 872 ], [ 162, 860, 410, 872 ], [ 390, 860, 623, 872 ], [ 603, 860, 879, 872 ], [ 162, 874, 381, 886 ], [ 147, 895, 154, 907 ], [ 162, 895, 486, 907 ], [ 464, 895, 537, 907 ], [ 120, 940, 139, 952 ], [ 635, 940, 879, 952 ] ]
[ 6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5 ]
[ "The Python Language Reference, Release 3.9.5", "New in version 3.4.", "Changed in version 3.6:$_{__spec__.parent}$", "is used as a fallback when$_{__package__}$", "is not defined.", "__path__", "If the module is a package (either regular or namespace), the module object’s", "attribute must be", "__path__", "set. The value must be iterable, but may be empty if", "has no further significance. If", "is", "__path__", "__path__", "not empty, it must produce strings when iterated over. More details on the semantics of", "are given", "__path__", "below", ".", "Non-package modules should not have a", "attribute.", "__path__", "__file__", "__cached__", "is optional. If set, this attribute’s value must be a string. The import system may opt to leave", "__file__", "unset if it has no semantic meaning (e.g. a module loaded from a database).", "__file__", "If", "is set, it may also be appropriate to set the", "attribute which is the path to any", "__file__", "__cached__", "compiled version of the code (e.g. byte-compiled file). The file does not need to exist to set this attribute; the", "PEP 3147", ").", "path can simply point to where the compiled file would exist (see", "It is also appropriate to set$_{__cached__}$", "when$_{__file__}$", "is not set. However, that scenario is quite atypical.", "Ultimately, the loader is what makes use of$_{__file__}$", "and/or$_{__cached__}$", ". So if a loader can load from", "a cached module but otherwise does not load from a file, that atypical scenario may be appropriate.", "5.4.5", "module.__path__", "By definition, if a module has a$_{__path__}$", "attribute, it is a package.", "A package’s$_{__path__}$", "attribute is used during imports of its subpackages. Within the import machinery, it func-", "tions much the same as$_{sys.path}$", ", i.e. providing a list of locations to search for modules during import. However,", "is typically much more constrained than$_{sys.path}$", ".", "__path__", "must be an iterable of strings, but it may be empty. The same rules used for$_{sys.path}$also apply", "__path__", "to a package’s$_{__path__}$", ", and$_{sys.path_hooks}$(described below) are consulted when traversing a package’s", ".", "__path__", "A package’s$_{}$", "file may set or alter the package’s$_{__path__}$", "attribute, and this was typically the way", "namespace packages were implemented prior to", "PEP 420", ". With the adoption of", "PEP 420", ", namespace packages no", "longer need to supply$_{}$", "files containing only$_{__path__}$", "manipulation code; the import machinery", "automatically sets$_{__path__}$", "correctly for the namespace package.", "5.4.6", "Module reprs", "By default, all modules have a usable repr, however depending on the attributes set above, and in the module’s spec,", "you can more explicitly control the repr of module objects.", "If the module has a spec ($_{__spec__}$", "), the import machinery will try to generate a repr from it. If that fails or there", "is no spec, the import system will craft a default repr using whatever information is available on the module. It will", "try to use the$_{module.__name__}$", ",$_{module.__file__}$", ", and$_{module.__loader__}$", "as input into the repr,", "with defaults for whatever information is missing.", "Here are the exact rules used:", "•", "If the module has a$_{__spec__}$", "attribute, the information in the spec is used to generate the repr. The “name”,", "“loader”, “origin”, and “has_location” attributes are consulted.", "•", "If the module has a$_{__file__}$", "attribute, this is used as part of the module’s repr.", "•", "If the module has no$_{__file__}$", "but does have a$_{__loader__}$", "that is not$_{None}$ , then the loader’s repr is", "used as part of the module’s repr.", "•", "Otherwise, just use the module’s$_{__name__}$", "in the repr.", "56", "Chapter 5. The import system" ]
[ [ 117, 76, 920, 92 ], [ 73, 92, 873, 107 ], [ 73, 107, 857, 122 ], [ 73, 122, 922, 137 ], [ 73, 137, 531, 152 ], [ 122, 173, 362, 185 ], [ 117, 198, 885, 213 ], [ 73, 213, 912, 228 ], [ 73, 228, 888, 243 ], [ 73, 243, 857, 258 ], [ 73, 269, 528, 281 ], [ 117, 289, 893, 304 ], [ 73, 304, 917, 319 ], [ 73, 319, 916, 334 ], [ 73, 334, 634, 349 ], [ 646, 334, 899, 349 ], [ 73, 349, 898, 364 ], [ 73, 364, 921, 380 ], [ 73, 380, 875, 395 ], [ 73, 395, 891, 410 ], [ 73, 410, 926, 425 ], [ 73, 425, 134, 440 ], [ 73, 455, 369, 468 ], [ 117, 475, 927, 491 ], [ 73, 491, 902, 506 ], [ 73, 506, 913, 521 ], [ 73, 521, 928, 536 ], [ 73, 536, 328, 551 ], [ 117, 559, 927, 574 ], [ 73, 574, 922, 589 ], [ 73, 589, 755, 604 ], [ 122, 625, 414, 637 ], [ 117, 651, 228, 666 ], [ 81, 943, 93, 956 ], [ 96, 943, 340, 956 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 5, 5 ]
[ "In addition, we have a printing and distribution facility with 570,000 gross square feet located in College Point, ", "N.Y., on a 31-acre site owned by the City of New York for which we have a ground lease. We have an option to ", "purchase the property at any time before the lease ends in 2019 for $6.9 million. We also currently own other ", "properties with an aggregate of approximately 2,200 gross square feet and lease other properties with an aggregate of ", "approximately 269,200 rentable square feet in various locations.", "ITEMGLYPH<160>3.GLYPH<160>LEGALGLYPH<160>PROCEEDINGS", "We are involved in various legal actions incidental to our business that are now pending against us. These ", "actions are generally for amounts greatly in excess of the payments, if any, that may be required to be made. It is the ", "opinion of management after reviewing these actions with our legal counsel that the ultimate liability that might ", "result from these actions would not have a material adverse effect on our Consolidated Financial Statements.", "Newspaper and Mail Deliverers GLYPH<150> PublishersGLYPH<146> Pension Fund", "In September 2013, the Newspaper and Mail Deliverers - Publishers’ Pension Fund (the “Fund”) assessed a ", "partial withdrawal liability to the Company in the amount of $26 million for the plan years ending May 31, 2012 and ", "2013, an amount that was increased to approximately $34 million in December 2014, when the Fund issued a revised ", "partial withdrawal liability assessment for the plan year ending May 31, 2013.", "The Fund claims that when City & ", "Suburban, a retail and newsstand distribution subsidiary of the Company and the largest contributor to the Fund, ", "ceased operations in 2009, it triggered a decline of more than 70% in contribution base units in each of these two plan ", "years. The Company disagrees with both the Fund’s determination that a partial withdrawal occurred and the ", "methodology by which it calculated the withdrawal liability and has initiated arbitration proceedings. We do not ", "believe that a loss is probable on this matter and have not recorded a loss contingency for the period ended December ", "28, 2014.", "Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation", "In February 2014, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (“PBGC”) notified us that it believed the Company ", "had a triggering event under Section 4062(e) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ", "(“ERISA”), with respect to The Boston Globe Retirement Plan for Employees Represented by the Boston Newspaper ", "Guild (the “Boston Globe Plan”) and The New York Times Companies Pension Plan on account of the Company’s sale ", "of the New England Media Group. ", "In June 2014, the PBGC voluntarily withdrew its claim with respect to The New York Times Companies Pension ", "Plan. In December 2014, Congress enacted major changes to Section 4062(e) of ERISA. In light of this amendment, the ", "Company believes that it has no Section 4062(e) liability with respect to the Boston Globe Plan.", "ITEM 4. MINE SAFETY DISCLOSURES", "Not applicable.", "P.", "14 – THE NEW YORK TIMES COMPANY" ]
[ [ 117, 92, 879, 107 ], [ 117, 118, 644, 133 ], [ 650, 118, 662, 133 ], [ 669, 118, 700, 133 ], [ 706, 118, 717, 133 ], [ 745, 118, 831, 133 ], [ 718, 121, 745, 130 ], [ 142, 145, 879, 160 ], [ 117, 171, 879, 186 ], [ 117, 197, 879, 212 ], [ 117, 224, 312, 239 ], [ 319, 224, 331, 239 ], [ 338, 224, 602, 239 ], [ 609, 224, 619, 239 ], [ 627, 224, 879, 239 ], [ 117, 250, 879, 265 ], [ 117, 277, 879, 292 ], [ 117, 303, 701, 318 ], [ 701, 303, 721, 318 ], [ 142, 329, 879, 345 ], [ 117, 356, 348, 371 ], [ 355, 356, 365, 371 ], [ 394, 356, 879, 371 ], [ 367, 359, 394, 367 ], [ 117, 382, 586, 397 ], [ 594, 382, 622, 397 ], [ 631, 382, 662, 397 ], [ 669, 382, 698, 397 ], [ 707, 382, 821, 397 ], [ 828, 382, 840, 397 ], [ 848, 382, 879, 397 ], [ 117, 409, 128, 424 ], [ 156, 409, 879, 424 ], [ 129, 412, 156, 420 ], [ 176, 433, 190, 443 ], [ 117, 435, 176, 450 ], [ 197, 435, 495, 450 ], [ 495, 435, 879, 450 ], [ 117, 462, 428, 477 ], [ 428, 462, 438, 477 ], [ 446, 462, 458, 477 ], [ 466, 462, 879, 477 ], [ 438, 470, 446, 475 ], [ 117, 488, 879, 503 ], [ 117, 514, 879, 530 ], [ 117, 541, 489, 556 ], [ 496, 541, 508, 556 ], [ 515, 541, 546, 556 ], [ 552, 541, 563, 556 ], [ 571, 541, 838, 556 ], [ 844, 541, 873, 556 ], [ 874, 541, 879, 556 ], [ 117, 567, 879, 582 ], [ 117, 594, 352, 609 ], [ 352, 594, 382, 609 ], [ 382, 594, 879, 609 ], [ 117, 620, 270, 635 ], [ 275, 620, 304, 635 ], [ 305, 620, 879, 635 ], [ 117, 646, 387, 661 ], [ 394, 646, 403, 661 ], [ 432, 646, 437, 661 ], [ 437, 646, 458, 661 ], [ 458, 646, 468, 661 ], [ 468, 646, 473, 661 ], [ 477, 646, 486, 661 ], [ 486, 646, 507, 661 ], [ 507, 646, 879, 661 ], [ 411, 647, 424, 661 ], [ 117, 673, 879, 688 ], [ 117, 699, 311, 714 ], [ 317, 699, 328, 714 ], [ 356, 699, 879, 714 ], [ 329, 703, 356, 711 ], [ 117, 726, 466, 741 ], [ 142, 752, 879, 767 ], [ 117, 778, 192, 794 ], [ 274, 778, 879, 794 ], [ 197, 782, 269, 790 ], [ 117, 805, 879, 820 ], [ 117, 831, 879, 846 ], [ 117, 858, 133, 873 ], [ 149, 858, 878, 873 ], [ 117, 884, 831, 899 ], [ 840, 884, 852, 899 ], [ 852, 887, 879, 896 ], [ 117, 911, 151, 926 ], [ 157, 911, 169, 926 ], [ 197, 911, 232, 926 ], [ 238, 911, 250, 926 ], [ 277, 911, 320, 926 ], [ 326, 911, 337, 926 ], [ 365, 911, 432, 926 ], [ 438, 911, 449, 926 ], [ 477, 911, 879, 926 ], [ 170, 914, 197, 922 ], [ 250, 914, 277, 922 ], [ 338, 914, 365, 922 ], [ 450, 914, 477, 922 ], [ 479, 954, 498, 969 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "checked separately for each of them. For these reasons we decided to compute in a systematic", "way the puckering free energy landscape for the whole series of", "α", "and", "β", "pyranoses.", "-d-", "From the point of view of the force field, the stereoisomers of glucose differ only slightly,", "namely (a) the order of the two central atoms involved in an improper dihedral interaction", "at a chiral centre has to be inverted, in order to move a residue form the equatorial to the", "axial conformation; (b)", "α", "anomers are distinguished from", "β", "anomers by different torsional", "interactions on the O5–C1–O1–H1 dihedral, and (c) those sugars having O4 and C6 located", "on the same side of the ring plane (galactose, talose, gulose, idose) are modeled with different", "parameters for the O5–C5–C6–O6 and C4–C5–C6–O6 dihedral angles", "$^{35}$.", "Simulations of the remaining 15 steroisomers of glucose have been performed using the", "same protocol employed for", "β", "Glc. We summarized the results in Fig. 5 and Tab. III. In", "-d-", "Fig. 5 we report the free energy difference between the", "$^{1}$C$_{4}$", "and", "$^{4}$C$_{1}$", "conformers of", "α", "and", "β", "pyranoses modeled using the 45a4 force field, along with the theoretical estimates of of", "-d-", "62", "Angyal", "and of Vijayalakshmi and coworkers", "$^{63}$. Two horizontal dashed lines are also drawn", "at 0 and 5 kJ/mol (approximatively 2", "k", "T", "at room temperature), highlighting the thresholds", "b", "below which the inverted chair population becomes greater than the chair one, and below", "which the inverted chair population becomes noticeable, respectively. In Tab. III, free energy", "differences and populations for the complete", "α", "and", "β", "series are listed. Beside those of", "$^{1}$C$_{4}$", ",", "the free energy difference and population of the next leading conformer are also reported, as", "well as the location on the (", "θ, φ", ") plane (and the closest recognizable conformer) of the first", "transitions next to", "$^{4}$C$_{1}$", ". Concerning the population of the leading next conformer, the values", "reported were calculated on the", "θ", "[", "π/", "3", ",", "2", "π/", "3] region. This choice takes into account all", "∈", "other local minima present along the equatorial line, but their free energy is always so large", "(as it has been seen for", "β", "Glc), that this approximation doesn’t change substantially the", "-d-", "population of the next leading conformer.", "The differences between the theoretical estimates and the simulation results obtained", "using the", "45a4 force field are striking. First of all, none of the 16 sugars investigated", "gromos", "presents a chair/inverted chair free energy difference in quantitative agreement with the", "theory, as differences are usually larger than 5 kJ/mol, and in many cases even larger than", "10", "kJ/mol. More importantly, many of these values are in marked qualitative disagreement", "not only with the theoretical results, but also with experimental evidence. In fact,", "α", "-d-", "Glc,", "α", "Gal,", "α", "Man,", "β", "Gal and", "β", "Man present an inverted chair free energy which", "-d-", "-d-", "-d-", "-d-", "16" ]
[ [ 393, 71, 443, 85 ], [ 393, 84, 404, 97 ], [ 408, 84, 561, 97 ], [ 393, 96, 404, 109 ], [ 408, 96, 503, 109 ], [ 348, 98, 355, 111 ], [ 393, 109, 404, 121 ], [ 408, 109, 497, 121 ], [ 479, 135, 606, 148 ], [ 479, 148, 546, 160 ], [ 426, 166, 433, 180 ], [ 525, 205, 568, 219 ], [ 525, 218, 827, 231 ], [ 484, 257, 492, 271 ], [ 577, 329, 601, 350 ], [ 200, 417, 357, 428 ], [ 121, 418, 200, 427 ], [ 121, 451, 523, 463 ], [ 540, 451, 943, 463 ], [ 121, 467, 524, 479 ], [ 540, 467, 945, 479 ], [ 121, 483, 524, 495 ], [ 540, 483, 945, 495 ], [ 121, 499, 525, 511 ], [ 540, 499, 943, 511 ], [ 121, 515, 524, 527 ], [ 540, 515, 853, 527 ], [ 121, 532, 524, 543 ], [ 121, 548, 523, 559 ], [ 540, 548, 945, 559 ], [ 121, 564, 525, 576 ], [ 540, 564, 942, 576 ], [ 121, 580, 526, 592 ], [ 540, 580, 944, 592 ], [ 121, 596, 523, 608 ], [ 540, 596, 942, 608 ], [ 121, 612, 523, 624 ], [ 540, 612, 942, 624 ], [ 121, 629, 523, 640 ], [ 540, 629, 942, 640 ], [ 121, 645, 137, 656 ], [ 141, 645, 520, 656 ], [ 540, 645, 944, 656 ], [ 540, 661, 945, 672 ], [ 121, 677, 526, 689 ], [ 540, 677, 919, 689 ], [ 121, 693, 527, 705 ], [ 121, 709, 526, 721 ], [ 540, 709, 945, 721 ], [ 121, 725, 524, 737 ], [ 540, 725, 942, 737 ], [ 121, 742, 525, 753 ], [ 540, 742, 942, 753 ], [ 121, 758, 526, 769 ], [ 540, 758, 946, 769 ], [ 121, 774, 526, 786 ], [ 540, 774, 942, 786 ], [ 121, 790, 524, 802 ], [ 540, 790, 942, 802 ], [ 540, 806, 798, 818 ], [ 121, 806, 523, 818 ], [ 121, 822, 526, 834 ], [ 540, 838, 942, 850 ], [ 121, 838, 382, 850 ], [ 382, 838, 476, 850 ], [ 540, 855, 944, 866 ], [ 540, 871, 946, 882 ], [ 121, 871, 523, 882 ], [ 540, 887, 945, 899 ], [ 121, 887, 525, 899 ], [ 540, 903, 751, 915 ], [ 121, 903, 522, 915 ], [ 896, 940, 939, 956 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "500 feet", "1.", "Accelerate to cruise climb", "2.", "Set climb power", "3", "3.", "Climb checklist", "Positive rate–gear up", "Climb at V$_{Y}$", "2", "Lift-off", "Published V$_{R}$ or V$_{LOF }$if not published, V$_{MC}$ + 5 knots", "1", "18", "Takeoff and climb profile.", "Figure 12-7. ", "In a descent, some airplanes require a minimum EGT or may ", "for landing, tracking the extended centerline of the runway, ", "have a minimum power setting or cylinder head temperature ", "and established in a constant angle of descent towards an ", "to observe. In any case, combinations of very low manifold ", "aim point in the touchdown zone. Absent unusual flight ", "pressure and high rpm settings are strongly discouraged by ", "conditions, only minor corrections are required to maintain ", "engine manufacturers. If higher descent rates are necessary, ", "this approach to the round out and touchdown.", "the pilot should consider extending partial flaps or lowering ", "the landing gear before retarding the power excessively. The ", "The final approach should be made with power and at a ", "Descent checklist should be initiated upon leaving cruising ", "speed recommended by the manufacturer; if a recommended ", "altitude and completed before arrival in the terminal area. ", "speed is not furnished, the speed should be no slower than ", "Upon arrival in the terminal area, pilots are encouraged to turn ", "the single-engine best rate-of-climb speed (V$_{YSE}$) until short ", "on their landing and recognition lights when operating below ", "final with the landing assured, but in no case less than critical ", "10,000 feet, day or night, and especially when operating within ", "engine-out minimum control speed (V$_{MC}$). Some multiengine ", "10", "miles of any airport or in conditions of reduced visibility.", "pilots prefer to delay full flap extension to short final with ", "the landing assured. This is an acceptable technique with ", "The traffic pattern and approach are typically flown at ", "appropriate experience and familiarity with the airplane.", "somewhat higher indicated airspeeds in a multiengine ", "airplane contrasted to most single-engine airplanes. The ", "In the round out for landing, residual power is gradually ", "pilot may allow for this through an early start on the Before ", "reduced to idle. With the higher wing loading of multiengine ", "Landing checklist. This provides time for proper planning, ", "airplanes and with the drag from two windmilling propellers, ", "spacing, and thinking well ahead of the airplane. Many ", "there is minimal float. Full stall landings are generally ", "multiengine airplanes have partial flap extension speeds ", "undesirable in twins. The airplane should be held off as with a ", "above V$_{FE}$, and partial flaps can be deployed prior to traffic ", "high performance single-engine model, allowing touchdown ", "of the main wheels prior to a full stall.", "pattern entry. Normally, the landing gear should be selected ", "and confirmed down when abeam the intended point of ", "Under favorable wind and runway conditions, the nosewheel ", "landing as the downwind leg is flown. ", "[Figure 12-8]", "can be held off for best aerodynamic braking. Even as the ", "nosewheel is gently lowered to the runway centerline, ", "The FAA recommends a stabilized approach concept. To the ", "continued elevator back pressure greatly assists the wheel ", "greatest extent practical, on final approach and within 500 ", "brakes in stopping the airplane.", "feet AGL, the airplane should be on speed, in trim, configured ", "12-15" ]
[ [ 348, 47, 624, 58 ], [ 225, 92, 378, 104 ], [ 137, 93, 225, 103 ], [ 137, 119, 150, 131 ], [ 163, 119, 906, 131 ], [ 163, 134, 336, 146 ], [ 137, 162, 150, 173 ], [ 163, 162, 616, 173 ], [ 137, 189, 150, 200 ], [ 163, 189, 800, 200 ], [ 137, 216, 213, 228 ], [ 137, 243, 868, 255 ], [ 137, 258, 406, 270 ], [ 137, 285, 333, 293 ], [ 152, 297, 615, 305 ], [ 152, 309, 615, 317 ], [ 137, 334, 164, 346 ], [ 252, 334, 617, 346 ], [ 647, 334, 790, 346 ], [ 164, 335, 252, 345 ], [ 617, 335, 647, 345 ], [ 790, 335, 859, 345 ], [ 137, 349, 908, 361 ], [ 137, 364, 381, 376 ], [ 137, 391, 458, 398 ], [ 152, 403, 466, 411 ], [ 152, 415, 301, 423 ], [ 137, 440, 887, 451 ], [ 235, 455, 635, 467 ], [ 665, 455, 886, 467 ], [ 137, 456, 235, 466 ], [ 635, 456, 665, 466 ], [ 137, 470, 228, 482 ], [ 258, 470, 300, 482 ], [ 368, 470, 719, 482 ], [ 748, 470, 871, 482 ], [ 228, 471, 258, 481 ], [ 300, 471, 368, 481 ], [ 719, 471, 748, 481 ], [ 137, 485, 751, 497 ], [ 137, 512, 333, 520 ], [ 152, 524, 560, 532 ], [ 152, 536, 270, 544 ], [ 225, 561, 838, 573 ], [ 137, 562, 225, 572 ], [ 245, 576, 281, 588 ], [ 359, 576, 897, 588 ], [ 137, 577, 245, 587 ], [ 281, 577, 359, 587 ], [ 137, 591, 535, 603 ], [ 508, 591, 513, 603 ], [ 137, 617, 367, 629 ], [ 140, 642, 242, 654 ], [ 334, 642, 424, 654 ], [ 528, 642, 612, 654 ], [ 721, 642, 810, 654 ], [ 140, 663, 279, 675 ], [ 334, 663, 439, 675 ], [ 334, 678, 514, 690 ], [ 334, 693, 464, 705 ], [ 334, 709, 508, 720 ], [ 334, 724, 463, 735 ], [ 140, 745, 318, 756 ], [ 334, 745, 519, 756 ], [ 140, 760, 244, 771 ], [ 334, 760, 505, 771 ], [ 334, 775, 456, 787 ], [ 140, 796, 285, 807 ], [ 334, 796, 467, 807 ], [ 140, 811, 258, 823 ], [ 334, 811, 475, 823 ], [ 334, 826, 429, 838 ], [ 140, 847, 321, 859 ], [ 334, 847, 472, 859 ], [ 140, 862, 195, 874 ], [ 334, 862, 437, 874 ], [ 334, 877, 508, 889 ], [ 334, 892, 378, 904 ], [ 58, 941, 86, 952 ] ]
[ 6, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 1, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 5 ]
[ "mysqlslap — A Load Emulation Client", " runs in three stages:", "mysqlslap", "1.", "Create schema, table, and optionally any stored programs or data to use for the test. This stage uses a", "single client connection.", "2.", "Run the load test. This stage can use many client connections.", "3.", "Clean up (disconnect, drop table if specified). This stage uses a single client connection.", "Examples:", "Supply your own create and query SQL statements, with 50 clients querying and 200 selects for each", "(enter the command on a single line):", "mysqlslap --delimiter=\";\"", "--create=\"CREATE TABLE a (b int);INSERT INTO a VALUES (23)\"", "--query=\"SELECT * FROM a\" --concurrency=50 --iterations=200", "Let ", " build the query SQL statement with a table of two ", " columns and three ", "mysqlslap", "INT", "VARCHAR", "columns. Use five clients querying 20 times each. Do not create the table or insert the data (that is, use the", "previous test’s schema and data):", "mysqlslap --concurrency=5 --iterations=20", "--number-int-cols=2 --number-char-cols=3", "--auto-generate-sql", "Tell the program to load the create, insert, and query SQL statements from the specified files, where the", " file has multiple table creation statements delimited by ", " and multiple insert statements", "create.sql", "’;’", "delimited by ", ". The ", " file should contain multiple queries delimited by ", ". Run all the load", "’;’", "--query", "’;’", "statements, then run all the queries in the query file with five clients (five times each):", "mysqlslap --concurrency=5", "--iterations=5 --query=query.sql --create=create.sql", "--delimiter=\";\"", " supports the following options, which can be specified on the command line or in the", "mysqlslap", " and ", " groups of an option file. For information about option files used by MySQL", "[mysqlslap]", "[client]", "programs, see Section, “Using Option Files”", ".", "Table 4.18 mysqlslap Options", "Option Name", "Description", "Introduced", "Deprecated", "--auto-generate-sql", "Generate SQL", "statements automatically", "when they are not", "supplied in files or using", "command options", "--auto-generate-sql-add-", "Add AUTO_INCREMENT", "autoincrement", "column to automatically", "generated tables", "--auto-generate-sql-", "Specify how many", "execute-number", "queries to generate", "automatically", "--auto-generate-sql-guid-", "Add a GUID-based", "primary", "primary key to", "automatically generated", "tables", "540" ]
[ [ 177, 68, 503, 81 ], [ 590, 78, 694, 91 ], [ 773, 78, 826, 91 ], [ 190, 80, 490, 92 ], [ 575, 90, 709, 102 ], [ 765, 90, 833, 102 ], [ 83, 93, 112, 105 ], [ 574, 102, 710, 114 ], [ 784, 102, 814, 114 ], [ 84, 104, 111, 117 ], [ 224, 110, 454, 123 ], [ 597, 113, 687, 126 ], [ 767, 113, 831, 126 ], [ 181, 130, 223, 143 ], [ 324, 130, 365, 143 ], [ 466, 130, 507, 143 ], [ 793, 147, 815, 160 ], [ 625, 147, 659, 160 ], [ 488, 147, 495, 160 ], [ 345, 147, 353, 160 ], [ 192, 147, 210, 160 ], [ 99, 147, 114, 160 ], [ 793, 163, 815, 176 ], [ 625, 163, 659, 176 ], [ 488, 163, 495, 176 ], [ 345, 163, 353, 176 ], [ 203, 163, 210, 176 ], [ 99, 163, 114, 176 ], [ 782, 178, 815, 191 ], [ 633, 178, 659, 191 ], [ 488, 179, 495, 191 ], [ 345, 179, 353, 191 ], [ 203, 179, 210, 191 ], [ 99, 179, 114, 191 ], [ 782, 194, 815, 207 ], [ 633, 194, 659, 207 ], [ 480, 194, 495, 207 ], [ 345, 194, 353, 207 ], [ 203, 194, 210, 207 ], [ 99, 194, 114, 207 ], [ 782, 210, 815, 222 ], [ 633, 210, 659, 222 ], [ 480, 210, 495, 222 ], [ 338, 210, 353, 223 ], [ 203, 210, 210, 223 ], [ 99, 210, 114, 223 ], [ 782, 225, 815, 238 ], [ 633, 225, 659, 238 ], [ 480, 225, 495, 238 ], [ 338, 225, 353, 238 ], [ 195, 225, 210, 238 ], [ 99, 226, 114, 238 ], [ 782, 241, 815, 254 ], [ 633, 241, 659, 254 ], [ 480, 241, 495, 254 ], [ 338, 241, 353, 254 ], [ 195, 241, 210, 254 ], [ 99, 241, 114, 254 ], [ 782, 257, 815, 269 ], [ 633, 257, 659, 269 ], [ 480, 257, 495, 269 ], [ 338, 257, 353, 269 ], [ 195, 257, 210, 269 ], [ 99, 257, 114, 269 ], [ 774, 272, 815, 285 ], [ 633, 272, 659, 285 ], [ 480, 272, 495, 285 ], [ 338, 272, 353, 285 ], [ 195, 272, 210, 285 ], [ 107, 272, 114, 285 ], [ 774, 288, 815, 301 ], [ 633, 288, 659, 301 ], [ 480, 288, 495, 301 ], [ 338, 288, 353, 301 ], [ 195, 288, 210, 301 ], [ 107, 288, 114, 301 ], [ 774, 304, 815, 316 ], [ 633, 304, 659, 316 ], [ 473, 304, 495, 316 ], [ 330, 304, 353, 316 ], [ 195, 304, 210, 316 ], [ 107, 304, 114, 316 ], [ 774, 319, 815, 332 ], [ 633, 319, 659, 332 ], [ 473, 319, 495, 332 ], [ 330, 319, 353, 332 ], [ 195, 319, 210, 332 ], [ 107, 319, 114, 332 ], [ 774, 335, 815, 347 ], [ 633, 335, 659, 348 ], [ 473, 335, 495, 348 ], [ 330, 335, 353, 348 ], [ 188, 335, 210, 348 ], [ 107, 335, 114, 348 ], [ 767, 350, 815, 363 ], [ 633, 350, 659, 363 ], [ 473, 350, 495, 363 ], [ 330, 350, 353, 363 ], [ 188, 351, 210, 363 ], [ 107, 351, 114, 363 ], [ 767, 366, 815, 379 ], [ 633, 366, 659, 379 ], [ 473, 366, 495, 379 ], [ 330, 366, 353, 379 ], [ 188, 366, 210, 379 ], [ 99, 366, 114, 379 ], [ 767, 382, 815, 394 ], [ 633, 382, 659, 394 ], [ 473, 382, 495, 394 ], [ 330, 382, 353, 394 ], [ 188, 382, 210, 395 ], [ 92, 382, 114, 395 ], [ 767, 397, 815, 410 ], [ 633, 397, 659, 410 ], [ 473, 397, 495, 410 ], [ 330, 397, 353, 410 ], [ 188, 397, 210, 410 ], [ 84, 397, 114, 410 ], [ 82, 420, 92, 433 ], [ 92, 420, 100, 433 ], [ 100, 420, 104, 433 ], [ 104, 420, 111, 433 ], [ 115, 420, 122, 433 ], [ 122, 420, 126, 433 ], [ 141, 420, 150, 433 ], [ 150, 420, 157, 433 ], [ 157, 420, 161, 433 ], [ 161, 420, 164, 433 ], [ 164, 420, 172, 433 ], [ 172, 420, 180, 433 ], [ 183, 420, 186, 433 ], [ 186, 420, 193, 433 ], [ 197, 420, 200, 433 ], [ 200, 420, 208, 433 ], [ 208, 420, 213, 433 ], [ 216, 420, 224, 433 ], [ 224, 420, 231, 433 ], [ 235, 420, 239, 433 ], [ 239, 420, 249, 433 ], [ 252, 420, 260, 433 ], [ 260, 420, 271, 433 ], [ 271, 420, 279, 433 ], [ 279, 420, 282, 433 ], [ 282, 420, 290, 433 ], [ 290, 420, 297, 433 ], [ 297, 420, 301, 433 ], [ 301, 420, 305, 433 ], [ 316, 420, 323, 433 ], [ 327, 420, 335, 433 ], [ 335, 420, 339, 433 ], [ 343, 420, 355, 433 ], [ 355, 420, 362, 433 ], [ 362, 420, 367, 433 ], [ 367, 420, 374, 433 ], [ 378, 420, 388, 433 ], [ 388, 420, 391, 433 ], [ 391, 420, 395, 433 ], [ 395, 420, 402, 433 ], [ 402, 420, 409, 433 ], [ 413, 420, 416, 433 ], [ 416, 420, 424, 433 ], [ 427, 420, 431, 433 ], [ 431, 420, 439, 433 ], [ 439, 420, 446, 433 ], [ 450, 420, 458, 433 ], [ 458, 420, 465, 433 ], [ 465, 420, 473, 433 ], [ 473, 420, 481, 433 ], [ 481, 420, 484, 433 ], [ 484, 420, 491, 433 ], [ 495, 420, 499, 433 ], [ 499, 420, 507, 433 ], [ 507, 420, 511, 433 ], [ 515, 420, 521, 433 ], [ 521, 420, 524, 433 ], [ 524, 420, 531, 433 ], [ 531, 420, 538, 433 ], [ 538, 420, 545, 433 ], [ 549, 420, 556, 433 ], [ 556, 420, 563, 433 ], [ 567, 420, 571, 433 ], [ 571, 420, 578, 433 ], [ 578, 420, 583, 433 ], [ 583, 420, 591, 433 ], [ 591, 420, 598, 433 ], [ 598, 420, 606, 433 ], [ 606, 420, 614, 433 ], [ 618, 420, 625, 433 ], [ 625, 420, 633, 433 ], [ 633, 420, 636, 433 ], [ 640, 420, 647, 433 ], [ 647, 420, 655, 433 ], [ 655, 420, 663, 433 ], [ 667, 420, 674, 433 ], [ 678, 420, 688, 433 ], [ 688, 420, 691, 433 ], [ 691, 420, 695, 433 ], [ 695, 420, 702, 433 ], [ 702, 420, 709, 433 ], [ 713, 420, 716, 433 ], [ 716, 420, 724, 433 ], [ 724, 420, 729, 433 ], [ 732, 420, 739, 433 ], [ 739, 420, 742, 433 ], [ 742, 420, 748, 433 ], [ 748, 420, 756, 433 ], [ 759, 420, 767, 433 ], [ 771, 420, 778, 433 ], [ 778, 420, 786, 433 ], [ 786, 420, 794, 433 ], [ 797, 420, 800, 433 ], [ 800, 420, 808, 433 ], [ 808, 420, 812, 433 ], [ 812, 420, 820, 433 ], [ 820, 420, 827, 433 ], [ 827, 420, 832, 433 ], [ 831, 420, 834, 433 ], [ 838, 420, 848, 433 ], [ 848, 420, 851, 433 ], [ 851, 420, 855, 433 ], [ 855, 420, 862, 433 ], [ 141, 432, 819, 444 ], [ 82, 455, 126, 468 ], [ 141, 455, 590, 468 ], [ 139, 482, 491, 495 ], [ 60, 482, 140, 496 ], [ 656, 522, 806, 536 ], [ 69, 527, 159, 541 ], [ 328, 527, 375, 541 ], [ 388, 527, 453, 541 ], [ 514, 531, 567, 544 ], [ 516, 543, 564, 557 ], [ 626, 543, 701, 557 ], [ 764, 543, 838, 557 ], [ 69, 550, 198, 563 ], [ 203, 550, 207, 563 ], [ 334, 550, 375, 563 ], [ 412, 550, 453, 563 ], [ 198, 550, 203, 558 ], [ 516, 556, 564, 569 ], [ 632, 556, 695, 569 ], [ 769, 556, 833, 569 ], [ 69, 567, 318, 580 ], [ 334, 567, 375, 580 ], [ 412, 567, 453, 580 ], [ 536, 578, 551, 591 ], [ 654, 578, 673, 591 ], [ 801, 578, 809, 591 ], [ 69, 585, 264, 597 ], [ 353, 585, 375, 597 ], [ 438, 585, 453, 598 ], [ 536, 595, 551, 608 ], [ 665, 595, 673, 608 ], [ 801, 595, 809, 608 ], [ 69, 602, 315, 615 ], [ 353, 602, 375, 615 ], [ 431, 602, 453, 615 ], [ 529, 613, 551, 625 ], [ 665, 613, 673, 625 ], [ 801, 613, 809, 625 ], [ 69, 620, 234, 632 ], [ 349, 620, 375, 632 ], [ 438, 620, 453, 632 ], [ 529, 630, 551, 643 ], [ 665, 630, 673, 643 ], [ 794, 630, 809, 643 ], [ 139, 646, 388, 660 ], [ 59, 647, 139, 660 ], [ 558, 658, 826, 671 ], [ 478, 658, 558, 672 ], [ 60, 681, 464, 696 ], [ 479, 694, 608, 709 ], [ 60, 697, 462, 712 ], [ 60, 713, 465, 728 ], [ 479, 726, 579, 741 ], [ 665, 726, 885, 741 ], [ 579, 726, 665, 741 ], [ 60, 729, 463, 744 ], [ 479, 742, 881, 757 ], [ 60, 745, 462, 760 ], [ 479, 758, 884, 773 ], [ 60, 762, 462, 776 ], [ 479, 775, 885, 789 ], [ 60, 778, 460, 793 ], [ 479, 791, 885, 805 ], [ 479, 807, 884, 822 ], [ 60, 810, 462, 825 ], [ 479, 823, 882, 838 ], [ 60, 826, 463, 841 ], [ 479, 839, 497, 854 ], [ 583, 839, 614, 854 ], [ 645, 839, 882, 854 ], [ 496, 839, 583, 854 ], [ 614, 839, 645, 854 ], [ 60, 842, 463, 857 ], [ 479, 855, 882, 870 ], [ 60, 859, 464, 873 ], [ 479, 871, 661, 886 ], [ 60, 875, 462, 890 ], [ 60, 891, 464, 906 ], [ 494, 893, 507, 908 ], [ 525, 893, 715, 908 ], [ 60, 940, 94, 956 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 1, 1, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 5 ]
[ "Continuous Duty Current (Amps)-Wires in Bundles,", "Max. Resistance", "Nominal", "Groups, Harnesses, or Conduits (See Note #1)", "ohms/1,000 ft@20 °C", "Conductor", "Wire", "Tin Plated Conductor", "Area", "Size", "Wire Conductor Temperature Rating", "(See Note #2)", "(circ.mils)", "105 °C", "150 °C", "200 °C", "475", "28.40", "5", "4", "2.5", "24", "755", "16.20", "6", "5", "3", "22", "1,216", "9.88", "9", "7", "4", "20", "1,900", "6.23", "12", "9", "6", "18", "2,426", "4.81", "14", "11", "7", "16", "3,831", "3.06", "18", "14", "10", "14", "5,874", "2.02", "25", "19", "13", "12", "9,354", "1.26", "32", "26", "17", "10", "16,983", "0.70", "71", "57", "38", "8", "26,818", "0.44", "97", "76", "50", "6", "42,615", "0.28", "133", "103", "68", "4", "66,500", "0.18", "179", "141", "95", "2", "81,700", "0.15", "210", "166", "113", "1", "104,500", "0.12", "243", "192", "128", "0", "133,000", "0.09", "285", "222", "147", "00", "166,500", "0.07", "335", "262", "172", "000", "210,900", "0.06", "395", "310", "204", "0000", "N", "o", "t", "e", "1", ":", "R", "a", "t", "i", "n", "g", "i", "s", "f", "o", "r", "7", "0", "°", "C", "a", "m", "b", "i", "e", "n", "t", ",", "3", "o", "r", "m", "o", "r", "e", "w", "i", "r", "e", "s", "i", "n", "t", "h", "e", "b", "u", "n", "d", "l", "e", "f", "o", "r", "s", "i", "z", "e", "s", "2", "4", "t", "h", "r", "o", "u", "g", "h", "1", "0", ",", "a", "n", "d", "9", "w", "i", "r", "e", "s", "f", "o", "r", "s", "i", "z", "e", "8", "a", "n", "d", "l", "a", "r", "g", "e", "r", ",", "w", "i", "t", "h", " no more than 20 percent of harness current carrying capacity being used, at an operating altitude of 60,000 feet. ", "Note 2:", "For resistance of silver or nickel-plated conductors, see wire specifications.", "Current-carrying capacity and resistance of copper wire. ", "Figure 4-76. ", "Allowable Voltage Drop", "Characteristic", "Copper", "Aluminum", "Nominal", "System", "Continuous", "Intermittent", "Tensile strength (lb/in", ")", "55,000", "25,000", "2", "Voltage", "Operation", "Operation", "Tensile strength for same conductivity (lb)", "55,000", "40,000", "14", "0.5", "1", "Weight for same conductivity (lb)", "100", "48", "28", "1", "2", "Cross section for same conductivity (CM)", "100", "160", "115", "4", "8", "Specific resistance (Ω/mil ft)", "10.6", "17", "200", "7", "14", "Characteristics of copper and aluminum.", "Figure 4-77. ", "Recommended voltage drop in load circuits.", "Figure 4-78. ", "structure is always considered negligible. However, this is ", "at a constant value.", "based on the assumption that adequate bonding of the structure ", "or a special electric current return path has been provided ", "The graph in ", " applies to copper conductors ", "Figure 4-79", "that is capable of carrying the required electric current with ", "carrying direct current. To select the correct size of conductor, ", "a negligible voltage drop. A resistance measurement of 0.005 ", "two major requirements must be met. First, the size must ", "ohms from ground point of the generator or battery to ground ", "be sufficient to prevent an excessive voltage drop while ", "terminal of any electrical device is considered satisfactory. ", "carrying the required current over the required distance. ", "Second, the size must be sufficient to prevent overheating ", "Another satisfactory method of determining circuit resistance ", "of the cable while carrying the required current. The graphs ", "is to check the voltage drop across the circuit. If the voltage ", "in ", " and ", " can simplify these determinations. ", "Figures 4-79", "4-80", "drop does not exceed the limit established by the aircraft or ", "To use this graph to select the proper size of conductor, the ", "product manufacturer, the resistance value for the circuit is ", "following must be known: ", "considered satisfactory. When using the voltage drop method ", "of checking a circuit, the input voltage must be maintained ", "1.", "The conductor length in feet", "4-48" ]
[ [ 169, 60, 876, 76 ], [ 169, 77, 876, 92 ], [ 169, 93, 362, 109 ], [ 169, 93, 362, 109 ], [ 169, 109, 769, 125 ], [ 169, 109, 769, 125 ], [ 133, 142, 154, 158 ], [ 169, 142, 874, 158 ], [ 169, 159, 874, 174 ], [ 169, 175, 570, 191 ], [ 133, 208, 149, 224 ], [ 154, 208, 874, 224 ], [ 169, 224, 341, 240 ], [ 133, 257, 149, 273 ], [ 154, 257, 873, 273 ], [ 169, 273, 873, 289 ], [ 169, 290, 474, 306 ], [ 169, 323, 874, 338 ], [ 169, 339, 472, 355 ], [ 169, 372, 874, 387 ], [ 169, 388, 306, 404 ], [ 133, 428, 874, 444 ], [ 133, 444, 874, 460 ], [ 133, 461, 874, 477 ], [ 133, 477, 874, 493 ], [ 133, 494, 194, 509 ], [ 673, 543, 846, 559 ], [ 609, 608, 849, 624 ], [ 677, 674, 825, 690 ], [ 605, 707, 857, 722 ], [ 668, 723, 790, 739 ], [ 609, 789, 849, 804 ], [ 133, 826, 210, 842 ], [ 133, 842, 185, 858 ], [ 133, 875, 409, 891 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 ]
[ "Tutte le richieste di lavorazione inerente a questa lettera d'ordine dovranno essere ", "ultimati entro il ………….. La durata delle singole prestazioni saranno indicate nelle ", "richieste di lavorazione.", "richieste di lavorazione.", "[Il periodo massimo concesso per la presente lettera d'ordine è di ………] ", "[Il periodo massimo concesso per la presente lettera d'ordine è di ………] ", "F. ", "RESPONSABILE OPERATIVO PER LA LETTERA D'ORDINE IN OGGETTO: Per ", "gli opportuni accordi Vi preghiamo di contattare il Sig. ……………... in qualità di ", "Responsabile Tecnico, e-mail: …………………..", "G.", "PAGAMENTO: Il pagamento sarà effettuato in virtù di quanto previsto all'articolo I.6 ", "del contratto quadro. ", "H.", "DISPOSIZIONI FISCALI: Il Centro Comune di Ricerca della Commissione Europea ", "è esente da diritti, imposte e tasse in applicazione delle disposizioni della legge del ", "paese di appartenenza del Contraente.", "Il Contraente emetterà le corrispondenti fatture senza I.V.A. come stabilito ", "nell’articolo I.6 del contratto quadro. ", "La fattura dovrà essere inviata alla Commissione come previsto nell'articolo I.6 del ", "contratto quadro.", "Vi preghiamo di volerci restituire questa lettera d'ordine, debitamente firmata per ", "accettazione entro 5 (cinque) giorni lavorativi dalla data di ricevimento della presente. In ", "caso di mancata ricezione da parte dell'amministrazione aggiudicatrice della lettera ", "d’ordine firmata per accettazione, si applicano le disposizioni all'articolo I.4.3 del contratto ", "quadro.", "Per la Commissione: ", "(nome, funzione, data, firma) ", "Per il Contraente: ", "Per accettazione della presente ", "lettera d'ordine", "(nome, funzione, data, firma) ", "[Allegati:", "……] ", "Fatto in due esemplari, in italiano." ]
[ [ 117, 93, 131, 106 ], [ 151, 93, 319, 106 ], [ 142, 136, 879, 151 ], [ 117, 162, 879, 178 ], [ 117, 189, 879, 204 ], [ 117, 215, 879, 230 ], [ 370, 240, 379, 250 ], [ 117, 242, 345, 257 ], [ 354, 242, 365, 257 ], [ 390, 242, 421, 257 ], [ 429, 242, 440, 257 ], [ 445, 242, 879, 257 ], [ 117, 268, 878, 283 ], [ 117, 295, 396, 310 ], [ 142, 321, 879, 336 ], [ 117, 347, 879, 362 ], [ 117, 374, 576, 389 ], [ 590, 374, 879, 389 ], [ 117, 400, 879, 415 ], [ 117, 427, 749, 442 ], [ 757, 427, 785, 442 ], [ 796, 427, 816, 442 ], [ 824, 427, 850, 442 ], [ 852, 427, 879, 442 ], [ 117, 453, 770, 468 ], [ 778, 453, 805, 468 ], [ 815, 453, 879, 468 ], [ 117, 479, 879, 495 ], [ 117, 506, 483, 521 ], [ 491, 506, 502, 521 ], [ 506, 506, 837, 521 ], [ 845, 506, 856, 521 ], [ 860, 506, 879, 521 ], [ 117, 532, 418, 547 ], [ 424, 532, 454, 547 ], [ 456, 532, 482, 547 ], [ 488, 532, 516, 547 ], [ 524, 532, 879, 547 ], [ 117, 559, 840, 574 ], [ 847, 559, 858, 574 ], [ 862, 559, 879, 574 ], [ 117, 585, 660, 600 ], [ 142, 612, 264, 627 ], [ 269, 612, 287, 627 ], [ 295, 612, 879, 627 ], [ 117, 638, 879, 653 ], [ 117, 664, 676, 679 ], [ 693, 664, 879, 679 ], [ 117, 691, 879, 706 ], [ 117, 717, 879, 732 ], [ 117, 743, 522, 759 ], [ 537, 743, 879, 759 ], [ 117, 770, 476, 785 ], [ 491, 770, 879, 785 ], [ 117, 796, 528, 811 ], [ 142, 823, 879, 838 ], [ 117, 849, 879, 864 ], [ 117, 876, 879, 891 ], [ 117, 902, 848, 917 ], [ 484, 954, 493, 969 ] ]
[ 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "I.", "INTRODUCTION", "Measurements of flavor changing processes in meson decays are all in agreement with the", "Standard Model (SM) predictions. Such a situation is not expected if there is new physics at", "the TeV scale, unless its flavor structure resembles that of the SM. The strongest suppression", "of the new physics flavor effects would arise if all new flavor couplings were proportional to", "U", "the SM Yukawa couplings,", "Y", "and", "Y", "$^{D}$, an idea that became known as “minimal flavor", "violation” (MFV) [1–5] and which applies, for example, in several known supersymmetric", "models, such as gauge mediation.", "As concerns the lepton sector, the fact that no flavor changing neutral current (FCNC)", "decays of charged leptons have been observed suggests that a similar principle – minimal", "lepton flavor violation (MLFV) – might apply [6–10].", "The existence of neutrino masses,", "however, implies that there are at least two possible scenarios of MLFV. It is quite likely", "that the seesaw mechanism, involving heavy singlet fermions with masses", "m$_{N}$", "≫", "m$_{Z}$", ", is", "responsible for the generation of the light neutrino masses. If the mass scale", "m$_{N}$", "is lower", "than the scale of flavor dynamics, then there could be three relevant flavor violating matrices:", "The Yukawa matrix of the charged leptons", "Y", "$^{E}$, the Yukawa matrix of the neutrinos", "Y", "$^{N}$,", "and the heavy neutrino mass matrix", "M$_{N}$", ". If", "m$_{N}$", "is higher than the scale of flavor dynamics,", "then MLFV requires that all low energy flavor violating couplings are proportional to", "Y", "$^{E}$.", "In this work, we use the term MLFV for the latter scenario only.", "While the high", "p$_{T}$", "experiments at the LHC, ATLAS and CMS, have not been constructed", "as flavor machines, the fact that they can identify electrons and muons with high precision", "makes them potentially powerful probes of lepton flavor physics.", "If new particles, with", "masses within the reach of the LHC, decay into the SM charged leptons, then ATLAS and", "CMS are uniquely capable of probing detailed features of the new particles, which may be", "crucial in understanding the underlying theory.", "This has been demonstrated for various", "classes of supersymmetric models [11–15].", "(Implications of quark-related MFV for LHC", "phenomenology have also been explored [16–22].)", "In this work, we focus on an extension of the SM where there are heavy – but still", "within the reach of the LHC – vector-like doublet-leptons. MLFV gives strong predictions", "concerning the spectrum and the couplings of such new leptons. We analyze how, and to", "what extent, ATLAS and CMS can test the MLFV hypothesis with such new particles.", "2" ]
[ [ 891, 21, 934, 74 ], [ 670, 46, 864, 58 ], [ 413, 68, 879, 78 ], [ 510, 77, 875, 87 ], [ 81, 134, 471, 146 ], [ 508, 134, 895, 146 ], [ 81, 149, 222, 161 ], [ 508, 149, 897, 161 ], [ 508, 164, 714, 175 ], [ 81, 170, 96, 183 ], [ 101, 170, 470, 183 ], [ 102, 186, 470, 198 ], [ 508, 186, 896, 198 ], [ 102, 201, 471, 213 ], [ 508, 201, 898, 213 ], [ 102, 216, 472, 228 ], [ 508, 216, 895, 228 ], [ 102, 231, 471, 243 ], [ 508, 231, 897, 243 ], [ 102, 246, 185, 258 ], [ 508, 246, 896, 258 ], [ 508, 261, 897, 273 ], [ 81, 264, 96, 277 ], [ 100, 264, 470, 277 ], [ 508, 276, 568, 288 ], [ 102, 280, 470, 291 ], [ 102, 295, 468, 306 ], [ 508, 299, 894, 310 ], [ 102, 310, 410, 321 ], [ 508, 313, 896, 325 ], [ 81, 328, 468, 340 ], [ 508, 328, 894, 340 ], [ 81, 343, 470, 355 ], [ 508, 343, 897, 355 ], [ 81, 358, 470, 370 ], [ 508, 358, 734, 370 ], [ 81, 373, 289, 385 ], [ 508, 381, 896, 393 ], [ 508, 396, 897, 408 ], [ 81, 404, 254, 418 ], [ 508, 411, 899, 422 ], [ 508, 426, 894, 437 ], [ 81, 427, 470, 438 ], [ 508, 441, 891, 452 ], [ 81, 442, 471, 453 ], [ 81, 457, 469, 468 ], [ 508, 463, 896, 475 ], [ 81, 471, 468, 483 ], [ 508, 478, 750, 490 ], [ 81, 486, 469, 498 ], [ 508, 501, 816, 512 ], [ 81, 501, 151, 513 ], [ 508, 522, 524, 535 ], [ 528, 522, 897, 535 ], [ 81, 528, 217, 539 ], [ 529, 538, 585, 550 ], [ 81, 546, 332, 558 ], [ 508, 556, 523, 569 ], [ 527, 556, 886, 569 ], [ 81, 568, 95, 581 ], [ 99, 568, 469, 581 ], [ 508, 575, 523, 588 ], [ 527, 575, 874, 588 ], [ 102, 584, 316, 595 ], [ 508, 593, 524, 607 ], [ 529, 593, 898, 607 ], [ 81, 601, 96, 615 ], [ 100, 601, 228, 615 ], [ 529, 610, 897, 621 ], [ 81, 620, 96, 633 ], [ 100, 620, 197, 633 ], [ 529, 624, 658, 636 ], [ 81, 640, 467, 652 ], [ 508, 642, 522, 655 ], [ 526, 642, 895, 655 ], [ 81, 655, 467, 667 ], [ 529, 658, 894, 670 ], [ 81, 670, 401, 682 ], [ 529, 673, 896, 685 ], [ 529, 688, 895, 700 ], [ 81, 692, 470, 704 ], [ 529, 703, 895, 715 ], [ 81, 707, 470, 718 ], [ 529, 718, 896, 730 ], [ 81, 721, 468, 733 ], [ 529, 733, 649, 744 ], [ 81, 736, 388, 748 ], [ 939, 745, 958, 769 ], [ 508, 750, 522, 764 ], [ 526, 750, 894, 764 ], [ 81, 759, 472, 770 ], [ 529, 766, 898, 778 ], [ 81, 773, 470, 785 ], [ 529, 781, 685, 793 ], [ 81, 788, 181, 800 ], [ 508, 800, 901, 812 ], [ 81, 811, 470, 823 ], [ 508, 815, 897, 827 ], [ 81, 826, 471, 838 ], [ 508, 830, 896, 842 ], [ 81, 841, 473, 853 ], [ 508, 845, 896, 857 ], [ 81, 856, 470, 867 ], [ 508, 860, 896, 872 ], [ 81, 871, 456, 882 ], [ 508, 875, 898, 886 ], [ 508, 890, 897, 901 ], [ 508, 905, 880, 916 ], [ 908, 964, 943, 980 ], [ 607, 969, 655, 979 ], [ 655, 969, 891, 979 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 6, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 10, 10, 4, 4, 10, 4, 4, 10, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 8, 4, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 10, 4, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 10, 6, 4, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5 ]
[ "7", "CORPORATE GOVERNANCE", "Chairman’s Report on the Operating Procedures of the Board of Directors ", "and on Internal Control and Risk Management Procedures", "Directors are also prohibited from trading in Sodexo ", "The Committee assesses proposals from external auditor ", "securities as follows:", "firms and submits candidate firms for approval by the ", "Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.", "•", "during the period commencing thirty calendar days ", "before the Board meeting that approves the interim ", "It also performs an annual review of the fees paid to the ", "and annual consolidated financial statements for ", "external auditors of Sodexo and its subsidiaries, and ", "publication and up to and including the date of ", "assesses auditor independence. In addition, it reviews the ", "publication of those interim and annual financial ", "annual payment due under the service contract signed ", "statements;", "between Sodexo and Bellon SA (detailed in section 7.2), ", "as well as any changes in its amount from one year to ", "•", "during the period commencing fi fteen calendar days ", "the next.", "prior to the date of publication of the consolidated ", "financial information for the first and third quarters up ", "To perform its role, the Audit Committee is assisted by the ", "to and including the date of their publication.", "Chief Executive Offi cer, the Group Chief Financial Officer, ", "Transactions by directors in the Company’s shares must ", "the Group Internal Audit Director and the external auditors. ", "be disclosed to the public. Consequently, directors are ", "It may also make inquiries of any Group employee and ", "required to inform the Group Legal Department of all ", "seek advice from outside experts.", "transactions in Sodexo shares.", "During Fiscal 2013, Michel Landel (Chief Executive Officer ", "of Sodexo), Siân Herbert-Jones (Group Chief Financial ", "Board Committees", "Officer) and Laurent Arnaudo (Group Internal Audit ", "Director) were regularly invited to attend Audit Committee ", "To support its decision-making process, the Board has ", "meetings to discuss their activities and answer questions.", "created four Committees, each with its own Charter ", "approved by the Board of Directors. Broadly, their role is ", "The Audit Committee met four times during the fi scal ", "to examine specific issues ahead of Board meetings, and ", "year, with a 100% attendance rate.", "to submit opinions, proposals and recommendations to ", "Issues addressed by the Committee included:", "the Board.", "•", "review of the main risks and the risk management ", "AUDIT COMMITTEE", "process;", "Composition as of August 31, 2013:", "•", "progress report on the evaluation of internal control;", "•", "Robert Baconnier – the Committee Chairman – in his ", "•", "approval of the Internal Audit Plan for Fiscal 2013;", "capacity as a “fi nancial expert”;", "•", "reports issued by the Internal Audit Department, ", "•", "Alain Marcheteau ;", "and progress reports on the implementation of its ", "•", "Sophie Bellon.", "recommendations;", "All Audit Committee members have recognized expertise in ", "•", "supervision of the independence, terms of engagement ", "finance and accounting, as confirmed by their professional ", "and fees of the auditors of Sodexo and its subsidiaries in ", "background (see section of this report).", "connection with the audit of the consolidated fi nancial ", "statements for Fiscal 2013. The Audit Committee also ", "Alain Marcheteau has informed the Board of Directors ", "approved in advance all other engagements performed ", "of his decision not to stand for re-election at the next ", "by the Group’s external auditors and by member fi rms ", "Shareholders’ Meeting. Consequently, the composition of ", "of their networks;", "the Audit Committee will be reassessed later.", "7", "•", "review of the compensation to be paid under the service ", " Pierre Bellon is invited to attend Audit Committee ", "contract signed between Sodexo and Bellon SA in ", "meetings depending on the matters discussed, but is ", "respect of Fiscal 2014.", "not a member.", "The Audit Committee also reviewed the annual ", "The Audit Committee is responsible for ensuring that ", "consolidated financial statements for Fiscal 2012, and ", "the Group’s accounting policies are appropriate and ", "the interim consolidated financial statements for the fi rst ", "consistently applied. It periodically reviews Senior ", "half of Fiscal 2013. In addition to four formal meetings, ", "Management reports on risk exposure and prevention, ", "the Chairman of the Audit Committee also had periodic ", "and ensures that effective internal controls are applied.", "meetings during the fiscal year with the Group Chief ", "Executive Offi cer, the Group Internal Audit Director, the ", "Group Chief Financial Offi cer and the external auditors.", "287", "Sodexo", " - Registration Document Fiscal 2013" ]
[ [ 121, 88, 482, 100 ], [ 505, 88, 563, 100 ], [ 568, 88, 584, 100 ], [ 586, 88, 593, 100 ], [ 593, 88, 599, 100 ], [ 599, 88, 605, 100 ], [ 605, 88, 610, 100 ], [ 487, 89, 499, 100 ], [ 121, 138, 134, 153 ], [ 160, 138, 586, 153 ], [ 121, 176, 879, 188 ], [ 121, 200, 879, 212 ], [ 146, 223, 242, 235 ], [ 267, 223, 498, 235 ], [ 634, 223, 879, 235 ], [ 248, 223, 261, 235 ], [ 503, 223, 511, 235 ], [ 517, 223, 530, 235 ], [ 536, 223, 544, 244 ], [ 544, 223, 558, 235 ], [ 560, 223, 568, 244 ], [ 598, 223, 611, 244 ], [ 617, 223, 628, 235 ], [ 568, 230, 575, 238 ], [ 575, 230, 584, 237 ], [ 584, 230, 592, 238 ], [ 121, 247, 217, 259 ], [ 271, 247, 360, 259 ], [ 223, 247, 230, 259 ], [ 236, 247, 247, 268 ], [ 252, 247, 265, 259 ], [ 563, 291, 578, 302 ], [ 315, 291, 331, 302 ], [ 333, 291, 347, 302 ], [ 347, 291, 354, 302 ], [ 355, 291, 379, 302 ], [ 384, 291, 392, 311 ], [ 392, 291, 401, 302 ], [ 406, 291, 417, 311 ], [ 422, 291, 435, 302 ], [ 440, 291, 445, 311 ], [ 453, 291, 462, 311 ], [ 462, 291, 477, 302 ], [ 482, 291, 495, 311 ], [ 499, 291, 513, 302 ], [ 514, 291, 544, 311 ], [ 549, 291, 557, 302 ], [ 583, 291, 592, 302 ], [ 597, 291, 644, 311 ], [ 646, 291, 651, 302 ], [ 121, 334, 289, 346 ], [ 308, 334, 320, 346 ], [ 294, 334, 301, 346 ], [ 557, 377, 572, 389 ], [ 307, 377, 323, 389 ], [ 326, 377, 341, 389 ], [ 341, 377, 348, 389 ], [ 349, 377, 374, 389 ], [ 378, 377, 387, 398 ], [ 387, 377, 395, 389 ], [ 400, 377, 411, 398 ], [ 416, 377, 429, 389 ], [ 435, 377, 439, 398 ], [ 448, 377, 456, 398 ], [ 456, 377, 471, 389 ], [ 476, 377, 489, 398 ], [ 493, 377, 507, 389 ], [ 509, 377, 538, 398 ], [ 543, 377, 551, 389 ], [ 578, 377, 586, 389 ], [ 591, 377, 651, 398 ], [ 654, 377, 658, 389 ], [ 121, 421, 176, 433 ], [ 202, 421, 426, 433 ], [ 484, 421, 711, 433 ], [ 733, 421, 879, 433 ], [ 183, 421, 196, 433 ], [ 432, 421, 440, 433 ], [ 447, 421, 458, 441 ], [ 464, 421, 477, 433 ], [ 717, 421, 725, 433 ], [ 121, 445, 280, 456 ], [ 301, 445, 381, 456 ], [ 432, 445, 673, 456 ], [ 723, 445, 733, 456 ], [ 284, 445, 297, 456 ], [ 386, 445, 394, 456 ], [ 399, 445, 410, 465 ], [ 415, 445, 428, 456 ], [ 677, 445, 684, 456 ], [ 690, 445, 701, 465 ], [ 706, 445, 719, 456 ], [ 737, 445, 745, 456 ], [ 750, 445, 762, 465 ], [ 766, 445, 782, 456 ], [ 784, 445, 798, 456 ], [ 798, 445, 805, 456 ], [ 806, 445, 813, 456 ], [ 814, 445, 825, 465 ], [ 826, 445, 841, 456 ], [ 844, 445, 859, 456 ], [ 859, 445, 867, 456 ], [ 868, 445, 874, 456 ], [ 874, 445, 879, 456 ], [ 482, 466, 488, 475 ], [ 541, 466, 547, 475 ], [ 121, 468, 194, 480 ], [ 245, 468, 469, 480 ], [ 705, 468, 714, 480 ], [ 198, 468, 206, 480 ], [ 212, 468, 223, 488 ], [ 227, 468, 240, 480 ], [ 473, 468, 480, 480 ], [ 494, 468, 505, 488 ], [ 510, 468, 523, 480 ], [ 523, 468, 539, 480 ], [ 553, 468, 564, 488 ], [ 569, 468, 582, 480 ], [ 582, 468, 599, 480 ], [ 605, 468, 605, 488 ], [ 605, 468, 618, 480 ], [ 622, 468, 630, 480 ], [ 631, 468, 656, 480 ], [ 661, 468, 661, 488 ], [ 661, 468, 674, 480 ], [ 679, 468, 686, 480 ], [ 688, 468, 700, 480 ], [ 719, 468, 727, 480 ], [ 733, 468, 744, 488 ], [ 749, 468, 764, 480 ], [ 767, 468, 780, 480 ], [ 780, 468, 788, 480 ], [ 789, 468, 803, 480 ], [ 805, 468, 816, 488 ], [ 818, 468, 834, 480 ], [ 836, 468, 852, 480 ], [ 852, 468, 859, 480 ], [ 860, 468, 874, 480 ], [ 874, 468, 879, 480 ], [ 146, 492, 321, 504 ], [ 354, 492, 654, 504 ], [ 682, 492, 746, 504 ], [ 866, 492, 879, 504 ], [ 754, 492, 770, 504 ], [ 772, 492, 778, 504 ], [ 778, 492, 784, 504 ], [ 784, 492, 791, 504 ], [ 790, 492, 811, 504 ], [ 820, 492, 831, 512 ], [ 840, 492, 853, 504 ], [ 853, 492, 858, 504 ], [ 329, 492, 342, 501 ], [ 662, 493, 674, 503 ], [ 121, 515, 220, 527 ], [ 234, 515, 383, 527 ], [ 481, 515, 668, 527 ], [ 758, 515, 772, 527 ], [ 869, 515, 879, 527 ], [ 390, 515, 407, 527 ], [ 409, 515, 415, 527 ], [ 415, 515, 421, 527 ], [ 421, 515, 428, 527 ], [ 436, 515, 447, 536 ], [ 676, 515, 691, 527 ], [ 694, 515, 707, 527 ], [ 707, 515, 723, 527 ], [ 725, 515, 731, 527 ], [ 731, 515, 737, 527 ], [ 737, 515, 750, 527 ], [ 780, 515, 796, 527 ], [ 797, 515, 804, 527 ], [ 804, 515, 810, 527 ], [ 810, 515, 816, 527 ], [ 825, 515, 836, 536 ], [ 456, 516, 469, 525 ], [ 844, 516, 858, 525 ], [ 280, 539, 295, 551 ], [ 370, 539, 428, 551 ], [ 481, 539, 730, 551 ], [ 821, 539, 835, 551 ], [ 121, 539, 129, 559 ], [ 129, 539, 146, 551 ], [ 147, 539, 153, 551 ], [ 153, 539, 159, 551 ], [ 159, 539, 166, 551 ], [ 170, 539, 183, 559 ], [ 186, 539, 202, 551 ], [ 204, 539, 211, 551 ], [ 211, 539, 217, 551 ], [ 217, 539, 223, 551 ], [ 223, 539, 232, 559 ], [ 240, 539, 256, 559 ], [ 264, 539, 272, 551 ], [ 302, 539, 308, 551 ], [ 316, 539, 333, 559 ], [ 341, 539, 357, 559 ], [ 357, 539, 362, 551 ], [ 436, 539, 453, 551 ], [ 454, 539, 461, 551 ], [ 461, 539, 467, 551 ], [ 467, 539, 473, 551 ], [ 737, 539, 753, 551 ], [ 755, 539, 771, 551 ], [ 771, 539, 786, 551 ], [ 788, 539, 795, 551 ], [ 795, 539, 801, 551 ], [ 801, 539, 814, 551 ], [ 842, 539, 858, 551 ], [ 860, 539, 866, 551 ], [ 866, 539, 872, 551 ], [ 872, 539, 879, 551 ], [ 121, 563, 220, 575 ], [ 377, 563, 392, 575 ], [ 226, 563, 234, 583 ], [ 234, 563, 251, 575 ], [ 252, 563, 259, 575 ], [ 259, 563, 265, 575 ], [ 265, 563, 271, 575 ], [ 275, 563, 288, 583 ], [ 292, 563, 308, 575 ], [ 309, 563, 316, 575 ], [ 316, 563, 322, 575 ], [ 322, 563, 328, 575 ], [ 328, 563, 358, 583 ], [ 363, 563, 371, 575 ], [ 397, 563, 403, 575 ], [ 408, 563, 459, 583 ], [ 459, 563, 464, 575 ], [ 146, 586, 237, 598 ], [ 268, 586, 446, 598 ], [ 539, 586, 597, 598 ], [ 686, 586, 713, 598 ], [ 804, 586, 879, 598 ], [ 453, 586, 469, 598 ], [ 471, 586, 477, 598 ], [ 477, 586, 483, 598 ], [ 483, 586, 490, 598 ], [ 497, 586, 508, 607 ], [ 604, 586, 620, 598 ], [ 622, 586, 636, 598 ], [ 636, 586, 652, 598 ], [ 653, 586, 660, 598 ], [ 660, 586, 666, 598 ], [ 666, 586, 679, 598 ], [ 720, 586, 736, 598 ], [ 738, 586, 753, 598 ], [ 753, 586, 769, 598 ], [ 771, 586, 777, 598 ], [ 777, 586, 783, 598 ], [ 783, 586, 796, 598 ], [ 244, 587, 257, 596 ], [ 515, 587, 528, 596 ], [ 121, 610, 350, 622 ], [ 401, 610, 476, 622 ], [ 561, 610, 800, 622 ], [ 355, 610, 371, 622 ], [ 372, 610, 379, 622 ], [ 379, 610, 385, 622 ], [ 385, 610, 391, 622 ], [ 391, 610, 396, 622 ], [ 481, 610, 498, 622 ], [ 499, 610, 506, 622 ], [ 506, 610, 512, 622 ], [ 512, 610, 518, 622 ], [ 523, 610, 534, 630 ], [ 804, 610, 820, 622 ], [ 822, 610, 829, 622 ], [ 829, 610, 835, 622 ], [ 835, 610, 841, 622 ], [ 846, 610, 857, 630 ], [ 539, 611, 552, 619 ], [ 862, 611, 875, 619 ], [ 121, 634, 130, 646 ], [ 392, 634, 419, 646 ], [ 520, 634, 823, 646 ], [ 139, 634, 155, 646 ], [ 157, 634, 163, 646 ], [ 163, 634, 169, 646 ], [ 169, 634, 176, 646 ], [ 185, 634, 196, 654 ], [ 205, 634, 221, 646 ], [ 224, 634, 237, 646 ], [ 237, 634, 253, 646 ], [ 255, 634, 262, 646 ], [ 261, 634, 268, 646 ], [ 268, 634, 280, 646 ], [ 286, 634, 297, 654 ], [ 303, 634, 319, 646 ], [ 321, 634, 336, 646 ], [ 336, 634, 352, 646 ], [ 354, 634, 360, 646 ], [ 360, 634, 366, 646 ], [ 366, 634, 379, 646 ], [ 379, 634, 384, 646 ], [ 428, 634, 445, 646 ], [ 446, 634, 452, 646 ], [ 452, 634, 458, 646 ], [ 458, 634, 465, 646 ], [ 474, 634, 485, 654 ], [ 831, 634, 847, 646 ], [ 855, 634, 862, 646 ], [ 862, 634, 868, 646 ], [ 868, 634, 874, 646 ], [ 874, 634, 879, 646 ], [ 495, 634, 508, 643 ], [ 848, 638, 853, 643 ], [ 438, 657, 448, 669 ], [ 121, 657, 136, 669 ], [ 145, 657, 151, 669 ], [ 151, 657, 157, 669 ], [ 157, 657, 164, 669 ], [ 169, 657, 180, 678 ], [ 202, 657, 228, 669 ], [ 230, 657, 236, 669 ], [ 236, 657, 242, 669 ], [ 242, 657, 249, 669 ], [ 254, 657, 254, 678 ], [ 254, 657, 267, 669 ], [ 271, 657, 287, 669 ], [ 296, 657, 302, 669 ], [ 302, 657, 308, 669 ], [ 308, 657, 315, 669 ], [ 315, 657, 342, 669 ], [ 343, 657, 349, 669 ], [ 349, 657, 355, 669 ], [ 355, 657, 362, 669 ], [ 367, 657, 367, 678 ], [ 367, 657, 380, 669 ], [ 384, 657, 400, 669 ], [ 409, 657, 415, 669 ], [ 415, 657, 421, 669 ], [ 421, 657, 428, 669 ], [ 427, 657, 432, 669 ], [ 453, 657, 470, 669 ], [ 471, 657, 478, 669 ], [ 478, 657, 484, 669 ], [ 484, 657, 490, 669 ], [ 495, 657, 506, 678 ], [ 511, 657, 527, 669 ], [ 529, 657, 543, 669 ], [ 543, 657, 559, 669 ], [ 567, 657, 573, 669 ], [ 573, 657, 579, 669 ], [ 579, 657, 592, 669 ], [ 596, 657, 607, 678 ], [ 611, 657, 627, 669 ], [ 629, 657, 644, 669 ], [ 644, 657, 660, 669 ], [ 669, 657, 675, 669 ], [ 675, 657, 681, 669 ], [ 681, 657, 694, 669 ], [ 694, 657, 699, 669 ], [ 184, 658, 198, 667 ], [ 137, 662, 143, 667 ], [ 288, 662, 294, 667 ], [ 401, 662, 407, 667 ], [ 559, 662, 565, 667 ], [ 661, 662, 667, 667 ], [ 146, 681, 879, 693 ], [ 121, 705, 533, 717 ], [ 121, 737, 213, 749 ], [ 222, 737, 424, 749 ], [ 530, 737, 657, 749 ], [ 680, 737, 707, 749 ], [ 730, 737, 835, 749 ], [ 867, 737, 879, 749 ], [ 431, 737, 438, 749 ], [ 438, 737, 450, 749 ], [ 451, 737, 466, 749 ], [ 470, 737, 483, 757 ], [ 488, 737, 494, 749 ], [ 494, 737, 506, 749 ], [ 507, 737, 522, 749 ], [ 664, 737, 672, 749 ], [ 714, 737, 722, 749 ], [ 843, 737, 856, 749 ], [ 856, 737, 860, 749 ], [ 207, 760, 239, 772 ], [ 121, 760, 129, 772 ], [ 134, 760, 145, 781 ], [ 150, 760, 166, 772 ], [ 168, 760, 182, 772 ], [ 182, 760, 189, 772 ], [ 190, 760, 197, 772 ], [ 197, 760, 201, 772 ], [ 245, 760, 261, 772 ], [ 263, 760, 269, 772 ], [ 269, 760, 275, 772 ], [ 275, 760, 282, 772 ], [ 286, 760, 298, 781 ], [ 302, 760, 318, 772 ], [ 320, 760, 334, 772 ], [ 334, 760, 350, 772 ], [ 352, 760, 358, 772 ], [ 358, 760, 364, 772 ], [ 364, 760, 377, 772 ], [ 377, 760, 382, 772 ], [ 121, 793, 173, 804 ], [ 180, 793, 422, 804 ], [ 444, 793, 496, 804 ], [ 518, 793, 716, 804 ], [ 427, 793, 439, 804 ], [ 501, 793, 512, 804 ], [ 524, 828, 533, 840 ], [ 394, 836, 404, 848 ], [ 409, 836, 422, 856 ], [ 427, 836, 432, 848 ], [ 443, 836, 452, 848 ], [ 601, 836, 606, 848 ], [ 458, 844, 466, 856 ], [ 471, 844, 484, 864 ], [ 488, 844, 494, 856 ], [ 494, 844, 517, 856 ], [ 523, 844, 536, 856 ], [ 540, 844, 581, 856 ], [ 582, 844, 588, 856 ], [ 591, 844, 598, 856 ], [ 817, 874, 824, 885 ], [ 835, 881, 879, 893 ], [ 121, 881, 159, 893 ], [ 265, 881, 383, 893 ], [ 448, 881, 613, 893 ], [ 642, 881, 712, 893 ], [ 165, 881, 174, 893 ], [ 180, 881, 193, 893 ], [ 200, 881, 208, 902 ], [ 208, 881, 224, 893 ], [ 225, 881, 233, 902 ], [ 390, 881, 406, 893 ], [ 408, 881, 421, 893 ], [ 421, 881, 429, 893 ], [ 430, 881, 436, 893 ], [ 436, 881, 441, 893 ], [ 619, 881, 635, 893 ], [ 718, 881, 727, 902 ], [ 727, 881, 742, 893 ], [ 747, 881, 760, 902 ], [ 764, 881, 778, 893 ], [ 779, 881, 788, 902 ], [ 794, 881, 807, 893 ], [ 233, 888, 240, 896 ], [ 240, 888, 249, 895 ], [ 249, 888, 257, 896 ], [ 815, 890, 826, 901 ], [ 121, 905, 129, 917 ], [ 134, 905, 147, 925 ], [ 152, 905, 173, 917 ], [ 496, 941, 504, 952 ] ]
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[ "converge exponentially to the unique bounded on", "solution", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", ")", ".", "R", "3", "Homoclinic and heteroclinic motions", "Let us describe the stable, unstable and hyperbolic sets as well as the homoclinic and heteroclinic motions", "for both SICNN (2.2) and the discrete map (2.3). These definitions are adapted from the papers [31, 34].", "Suppose that", "denotes the set of all sequences", "obtained by (2.3). The stable set", "Θ", "ζ", "=", "{", "ζ$_{k}$", "}", "⊂", "Λ", "k", "∈", "Z", "of a sequence", "is defined as", "ζ", "∈", "Θ", "as", "W", "$^{s}$(", "ζ", ") =", "{", "η", "∈", "Θ", "|", "‖", "η$_{k}$", "−", "ζ$_{k}$", "‖ →", "0", "k", "→ ∞}", ",", "and the unstable set of", "is", "ζ", "as", "W", "$^{u}$(", "ζ", ") =", "{", "η", "∈", "Θ", "|", "‖", "η$_{k}$", "−", "ζ$_{k}$", "‖ →", "0", "k", "→ −∞}", ".", "The set", "is called hyperbolic if for each", "the stable and unstable sets of", "contain at least one", "Θ", "ζ", "∈", "Θ", "ζ", "element different from", "A sequence", "is homoclinic to another sequence", "if", "ζ.", "η", "∈", "Θ", "ζ", "∈", "Θ", "η", "∈", "W", "$^{s}$(", "ζ", ")", "∩", "W", "$^{u}$(", "ζ", ")", ".", "1", "2", "Moreover,", "is heteroclinic to the sequences", "if", "η", "∈", "Θ", "ζ", "∈", "Θ", ", ζ", "∈", "Θ", ", η", "̸", "=", "ζ", "$^{1}$, η", "̸", "=", "ζ", "$^{2}$,", "η", "∈", "W", "$^{s}$(", "ζ", "$^{1}$)", "∩", "W", "$^{u}$(", "ζ", "$^{2}$)", ".", "On the other hand, let", "be the set consisting of all bounded on", "solutions", "of", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", ")", ", ζ", "∈", "Θ", ",", "A", "R", "SICNN (2.2).", "A bounded solution", "belongs to the stable set", "of", "if", "φ$_{η}$", "(", "t", ")", "∈", "W", "$^{s}$(", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", "))", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", ")", "∈", "A", "A", "as", "Besides,", "is an element of the unstable set", "of", "‖", "φ$_{η}$", "(", "t", ")", "−", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", ")", "‖", "→", "0", "t", "→", "∞", ".", "φ$_{η}$", "(", "t", ")", "W", "$^{u}$(", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", "))", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", ")", "provided that", "as", "‖", "φ$_{η}$", "(", "t", ")", "−", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", ")", "‖ →", "0", "t", "→ −∞", ".", "We say that", "is hyperbolic if for each", "the sets", "and", "contain at", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", ")", "∈", "W", "$^{s}$(", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", "))", "W", "$^{u}$(", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", "))", "A", "A", "least one element different from", "A solution", "is homoclinic to another solution", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", ")", ".", "φ$_{η}$", "(", "t", ")", "∈", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", ")", "∈", "A", "A", "if", "and", "is heteroclinic to the bounded solutions", "φ$_{η}$", "(", "t", ")", "∈", "W", "$^{s}$(", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", "))", "∩", "W", "$^{u}$(", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", "))", ",", "φ$_{η}$", "(", "t", ")", "∈", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", ")", ",", "A", "1", "if", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", ")", "∈", ", φ$_{η}$", "(", "t", ")", "̸", "=", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", ")", ", φ$_{η}$", "(", "t", ")", "̸", "=", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", ")", ",", "φ$_{η}$", "(", "t", ")", "∈", "W", "$^{s}$(", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", "))", "∩", "W", "$^{u}$(", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", "))", ".", "A", "2", "1", "2", "1", "2", "The relations between the stable and unstable sets of the network (2.2) and the discrete map (2.3)", "are respectively provided in Lemma 3.1 and Lemma 3.2.", "Lemma 3.1", "Assume that the conditions", "are valid, and let", "and", "be elements of", "If", "(", "C", "1)", "−", "(", "C", "3)", "ζ", "η", "Θ", ".", "then", "η", "∈", "W", "$^{s}$(", "ζ", ")", ",", "φ$_{η}$", "(", "t", ")", "∈", "W", "$^{s}$(", "φ$_{ζ}$", "(", "t", "))", ".", "Proof.", "Fix an arbitrary positive number", "and let", "be a real number such that", "ϵ,", "α", "1", "α", "≥", "1", "+", ".", "γ", "−", "(", "M$_{f}$", "+", "L$_{f}$ K$_{0}$", ")", "δ", "ϵ", "for all", "Since", "is an element of", "there exists an integer", "such that", "η", "=", "{", "η$_{k}$", "}", "W", "$^{s}$(", "ζ", ")", ",", "k$_{0}$", "‖", "η$_{k}$", "−", "ζ$_{k}$", "‖", "<", "k", "∈", "Z", "α", "k", "≥", "k$_{0}$.", "5" ]