1. And there are many other heroes who are determined to give up their lives for my sake They are all experts in using manifold missiles and dexterous in battle
2. There are many heroes who have dedicated their lives to me possessing various kinds of weapons and missiles all of whom are skilled in battle
3. And also many other heroes ready to give up their lives for my sake armed with various weapons and missiles all wellskilled in battle
4. And many other heroes giving up their lives for my sake fighting with various weapons all highly skilled in different forms of warfare
5. And many others all ready to die for My sake all armed all skilled in warfare
<s>[INST] Provide the meaning and context of Bhagavad Gita verse 1.10 spoken by सञ्जय. [/INST] Verse 1.10 of the Bhagavad Gita, spoken by सञ्जय, is as follows:
Sanskrit: अपरयपत तदसमक बल भषमभरकषतम परयपत तवदमतष बल भमभरकषतम 110
1. Our force is inadequate guarded by Bhisma while their force is adequate guarded by Bhima
2. Therefore our army under the complete protection of Bhisma and others is limitless But this army of the enemies under the protection of Bhima and others is limited
3. Our army marshalled by Bhishma is insufficient whereas theirs marshalled by Bhima is sufficient
4. Thus the army guarded by Bhima is unlimited for us whereas the army guarded by Bhisma is sufficient for them the Pandavas
5. Yet our army seems weaker though commanded by Bhishma their army seems stronger though commanded by Bhima
<s>[INST] Provide the meaning and context of Bhagavad Gita verse 1.11 spoken by सञ्जय. [/INST] Verse 1.11 of the Bhagavad Gita, spoken by सञ्जय, is as follows:
Sanskrit: अयनष च सरवष यथभगमवसथत भषममवभरकषनत भवनत सरव एव ह 111
1. Therefore all of you taking your places firmly in your respective divisions should guard Bhisma at all costs
2. However venerable sirs all of you without exception while occupying all the positions in the different directions as allotted to you respectively please protect Bhisma in particular
3. Therefore do all of you stationed in your respective positions in the several divisions of the army protect Bhishma alone
4. Stationed firmly in all their respective paths each one of them should guard Bhisma above all without exception
5. Therefore let the rank and file stand firm in their posts according to battalions and all you generals around Bheeshma
<s>[INST] Provide the meaning and context of Bhagavad Gita verse 1.12 spoken by सञ्जय. [/INST] Verse 1.12 of the Bhagavad Gita, spoken by सञ्जय, is as follows:
Sanskrit: तसय सजनयनहरष करवदध पतमह सहनद वनदयचच शङख दधम परतपवन 112
1. Then the valiant grandsire Bhisma the seniormost of the Kuru clan roared like a lion and blew his conch with the intention of cheering up Duryodhana
2. The valiant grandfather the eldest of the Kurus loudly sounding a lions roar blew the conch to raise his Duryodhanas spirits
3. His glorious grandsire the oldest of the Kauravas roared like a lion to cheer Duryodhana and blew his conch
4. Generating joy in him the powerful paternal grandfather Bhisma the seniormost among the Kurus roared like a lion and blew his conchshell loudly
5. Then to enliven his spirits the brave Grandfather Bheeshma the eldest of the Kuru clan blew his conch its sound resembling that of a lions roar
<s>[INST] Provide the meaning and context of Bhagavad Gita verse 1.13 spoken by सञ्जय. [/INST] Verse 1.13 of the Bhagavad Gita, spoken by सञ्जय, is as follows:
Sanskrit: तत शङखशच भरयशच पणवनकगमख सहसवभयहनयनत स शबदसतमलऽभवत 113
1. Then suddenly conchs kettle drums trumpets tabors and blow horns blared forth and the sound was terrific
2. Just immediately afterward conch shells kettledrums tabors trumpets and cowhorns blared forth creating a tumultuous sound
3. Then suddenly conches kettledrums tabors drums and cow horns blared forth from the Kaurava side and the sound was tremendous
4. Then all of a sudden the conchshells drums tambourines trumpets and cowhorns sounded in unison the sound was tumultuous
5. And immediately all the conches drums trumpets and horns blared forth in a tumultuous uproar
<s>[INST] Provide the meaning and context of Bhagavad Gita verse 1.14 spoken by सञ्जय. [/INST] Verse 1.14 of the Bhagavad Gita, spoken by सञ्जय, is as follows:
Sanskrit: तत शवतरहयरयकत महत सयनदन सथत मधव पणडवशचव दवय शङख परदधमत 114
1. Then Sri Krishna and Arjuna stationed in their great chariot yoked with white horses blew their divine conchs
2. Then Madhava Krishna and the son of Pandu Arjuna stationed in their magnificent chariot with white horses yoked to it blew their divine conchs loudly
3. Then Madhava Krishna and the son of Pandu Arjuna seated in the magnificent chariot yoked with white horses blew divine conches
4. Then mounted on a mighty chariot yoked with white horses Madhava Krishna and the son of Pandu Arjuna blew their heavenly conch shells
5. Then seated in their spacious war chariot yoked with white horses Lord Shri Krishna and Arjuna sounded their divine conch shells
<s>[INST] Provide the meaning and context of Bhagavad Gita verse 1.15 spoken by सञ्जय. [/INST] Verse 1.15 of the Bhagavad Gita, spoken by सञ्जय, is as follows:
Sanskrit: पञचजनय हषकश दवदतत धनजय पणडर दधम महशङख भमकरम वकदर 115
1. Sri Krishna blew his conch Pancajanya Arjuna his Devadatta and Bhima of terrible deeds blew his great conch Paundra
2. Hrsikesa Krsna blew the conch Pancajanya Dhananjaya Arjuna blew the conch Devadatta and Vrkodara Bhima of terrible deeds blew the great conch Paundra
3. Hrishikesha blew the Panchajanya Arjuna blew the Devadatta and Bhima the wolfbellied doer of terrible deeds blew the great conch Paundra
4. Hrsikesa Krsna blew the Pancajanya Dhananjaya Arjuna blew the Devadatta and Bhima of the terrible deeds blew the mighty conchshell Paundra
5. Lord Shri Krishna blew his Panchajanya and Arjuna blew his Devadatta brave Bheema blew his renowned shell Poundra
<s>[INST] Provide the meaning and context of Bhagavad Gita verse 1.16 spoken by सञ्जय. [/INST] Verse 1.16 of the Bhagavad Gita, spoken by सञ्जय, is as follows:
Sanskrit: अननतवजय रज कनतपतर यधषठर नकल सहदवशच सघषमणपषपक 116
1. King Yudhisthira the son of Kunti blew his conch Anantavijaya and Nakula and Sahadeva blew their conchs Sughosa and Manipuspaka
2. King Yudhisthira son of Kunti blew the Anantavijaya Nakula and Sahadeva blew the Sughosa and the Manipuspaka respectively
3. King Yudhishthira the son of Kunti blew the Anantavijaya Nakula and Sahadeva blew the Sughosha and the Manipushpaka
4. Kuntis son the king Yudhisthira blew the Anantavijaya Nakula and Sahadeva blew the Sughosa and Manipuspaka respectively
5. The King Dharmaraja the son of Kunti blew the Anantavijaya Nakula and Sahadeva the Sughosa and Manipushpaka respectively
<s>[INST] Provide the meaning and context of Bhagavad Gita verse 1.17 spoken by सञ्जय. [/INST] Verse 1.17 of the Bhagavad Gita, spoken by सञ्जय, is as follows:
Sanskrit: कशयशच परमषवस शखणड च महरथ धषटदयमन वरटशच सतयकशचपरजत 117
1. And the King of Kasi the supreme bowman Sikandi the mighty warrior Dhrstadyumna and Virata and Satyaki the invincible
2. And the King of Kashi wielding a great bow and the great chariotrider Sikhandin Dhrstadyumna Virata and Satyaki the unconquered
3. The king of Kasi an excellent archer Sikhandi the mighty carwarrior Dhrishtadyumna Virata and Satyaki the unconquered