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ROCOv2_2023_train_039771 | Preoperative F-18fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography-computed tomography scan showing metastatic lymph nodes in the left gastric, splenic hilum, left para-aortic, aortocaval, and retrocaval areas. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_049523 | HRCT scan of the chest showing nodular interlobular septal thickening at the lung bases, particularly at the right lung base (arrows). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_045222 | CT showing free air in perirectal space and in the right lateral abdominal wall. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_011418 | Chest computed tomography scans of patient 1. A thick arrow indicates the cavitary nodule in the right middle lobe. A thin arrow shows a linear opacity in the right lower lobe. On the left side, a moderate amount of pneumothorax with pleural effusion was noted. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_040372 | Stent deployment (5.0/18 mm Herculink) at right coronary artery ostium using JR4 guide catheter from right radial access. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_038367 | Technical failure case; A 46-year-old patient with radio-cephalic fistula. A fluoroscopic image shows collapsed closed-cell stent in the right subclavian vein and follow-up fistulogram shows more than 30% residual stenosis in the subclavian vein (not shown). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_005742 | Coronary angiography demonstrating aneurysmal large left main with a concern for underlying dissection flap versus large layered thrombus. There is known occlusion of proximal left anterior descending artery. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_046000 | Transthoracic echocardiogram (parasternal long axis view at end-diastole), prior to pocapavir treatment, demonstrated a hyperechoic basal and mid-ventricular septum, papillary muscle, and posterior left ventricular (LV) wall; LV systolic function was severely depressed. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_045696 | Needle inserted beneath the ITB (yellow band) | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_038757 | CT of left upper limb showing coarctation of the aorta at the isthmus. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_014123 | Thoracic CT scan image at the time of diagnosing SqCLC. Contrast-enhanced CT image with soft-tissue window showing a centrally located mass in the right lung with mediastinal invasion (arrow), and mediastinal lymphadenopathy. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_026027 | Axial T1 post-gadolinium MRI image at the T1 vertebral level.Note the homogenously enhancing intradural lesion (red arrow) in the right posterolateral aspect of the spinal cord. The lesion exhibits both intramedullary and extramedullary components, which are rarely reported in schwannomas. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_015953 | A plain computed tomography image of the lung on admission. Increased density around the lobar bronchi in the right upper lobe of the lung, which suggested bronchopneumonia (white arrow), and emphysematous changes in both lungs were observed. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_056612 | The arrow shows an enlarged lymph node on CT scan of the abdomen. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_040011 | Abdominal enhanced computed tomography revealed hypervascular tumour, 3.5 cm in diameter at the pancreas head. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_055123 | CT of the head showing lytic and sclerotic lesions involving the base of the skull. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_028078 | High-resolution computed tomography of the lower lung lobes on admission, showing well-defined multiple centrilobular and perilobular nodules, and thickening of the intralobular septa in the middle and lower zones of both lungs. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_053583 | Figure 1: Attempted retrieval of threaded guidewire with pituitary rongeur. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_055748 | Reimaging of the abdomen with computed tomography three days subsequent to the original study in the coronal plane exhibits an increase in the amount of paracolic gutter fluid (arrowheads), and the craniocaudal dimension of the hemangioma is now 73.8 mm. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_032326 | Ingested nail seen on X Ray erect abdomen. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_047732 | Chest X-ray: bilateral pleural effusions and extensive interstitial reticulo-nodular shadowing. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_004980 | Control computerized tomography shows successful stabilization of the sternum. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_034291 | 2-D Parasternal long axis view showing large pericardial effusion (PE) surrounding the right (RV) and left ventricle (LV). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_026109 | CT scan of 17 week old anterior shoulder dislocation. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_054127 | Fielder FC guide wire over finecross microcatheter beyond the lesion. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_022905 | A computed tomography scan showing his parathyroid adenoma (arrow). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_051541 | Panoramic radiograph of a KCOT occupying mandibular symphsis, between the right and left second premolars. Note the root resorptions of the anterior mandibular incisors. Slight appearance of the radiolucent areas in the right and left ramus, and in the posterior part of the right mandible associating with the second molar. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_059216 | Abdominal CT scan shows an heterogeneous mass of the left iliaca fossa | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_015394 | RCA thrombosis. Angiogram image shows thrombosis of the mid-RCA (notice abrupt discontinuation of the contrast material; white arrow).RCA, right coronary artery | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_007629 | Color Doppler showing flow from the left atrium into the dilated coronary sinus | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_020052 | Initial CXR in the ED showing consolidation and cardiomegaly.A: cardiomegaly; B: lung consolidation. CXR, chest X-ray | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_017237 | Computed tomography shows an 18.0×15.0 cm irregular enhancing soft tissue mass (arrows) with exophytic growth on the anterior wall of the stomach. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_060030 | Pre-operative chest radiograph showed apparent dextrocardia and visceral situs inversus (evidenced by lower tip of feeding tube in the right-sided stomach with left-sided homogenous liver opacity). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_024093 | Computed tomographic scan of chest showing thickened pericardium (yellow arrow), pericardial effusion (red arrow) and pleural effusion (green arrow). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_037308 | Axial thoracic CT (lung window): multiple bilateral pulmonary nodules are identified in different stages of cavitation, a typical finding of pulmonary LCH. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_042026 | Immediate post-operative axial MRI | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_009554 | Radiographic image of Case 2. Pelvic ultrasound shows hypoechoic predominantly endoluminal hetergenous mass measuring 5×4.5×4.8 cm distending the upper vagina. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_050372 | Coronal CT scan shows signs of intestinal malrotation, with alteration of the normal topography of the duodenal arch (arrow). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_043023 | Two-month postoperatively, oblique extended latero-lateral neck radiograph is showing bilateral thyrohyoid bone in presumptive normal anatomic position and intraosseous wire fixation (black arrows). Notice the ossification of laryngeal cartilage area (white arrow). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_005053 | The postoperative radiograph of the right shoulder. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_050971 | Chest X-ray demonstrated a large left-sided pleural effusion. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_024492 | Color doppler ultrasound exam of a patient with acetabular fracture. Bilateral acute thrombosis of common femoral and deep femoral veins. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_000053 | Cervical Spine MRI showing rapid enlargement. Sagittal MRI of the cervical spine demonstrated substantial and rapid enlargement of the contrast enhancing lesion at the cervicomedullary junction. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_009549 | Pancreatic cancer with metastasis to the ovaries. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_033600 | X-ray of the same patient treated with extended curettage and reconstruction with iliac crest strut bone graft along with morsellised grafts. Stabilization was achieved by an external fixator | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_043637 | Transesophageal echocardiography. Agitated saline study with bubbles crossing from right atrium to left atrium through PFO. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_025423 | Brain MRI showing hypointensity of the right fronto-polar region on T2* image | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_028777 | Patient 2: Computed tomography (CT) imaging demonstrates resolution of lung nodules post treatment | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_006462 | Occlusal radiograph showing salivary gland calculi | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_041927 | The contrast-enhanced chest CT image shows thickening of the right pleura and residual pleural effusion (arrowheads) on day 6 postadmission. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_045921 | Panoramic radiograph showing a radiopaque lesion in the right oral mucosa (arrow) | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_057708 | Pre-aortic oval formation. Axial contrast-enhanced tomography in the portal phase demonstrating an oval formation anteriorly to the aortoiliac bifurcation (arrow) | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_019044 | Orthopantomograph showing an ectopic third molar in the right maxillary sinus. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_058798 | Regular pleural line. Arrows indicate physiologic A-lines at regular intervals (Scored 0) | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_007101 | Coronal CT shows herniation of the right kidney immediately superior to the site of iliac crest bone harvest. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_035466 | Frontal projection of the MRI at 1-year follow-up. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_015937 | Color Doppler sonography depicts hypervascularity in the area of the tumor. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_032748 | Final AP pelvis radiograph showing anatomic tunnel placement and medial fixation of the ligamentum teres reconstruction and a concentric, stable reduction of the left hip. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_049508 | Ultrasonic imaging at the implant in region 43 revealed a buccal bone loss up to the 5th thread with an infracrestal bone loss (asterisk marks the implant-abutment interface; circle marks the bone) | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_019017 | Transverse image of a chest CT scan showing a small 7 mm inferobasal segment lesion (arrow) in the left lower lobe. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_042773 | Second image of CT abdomen showing maximal extent of bladder lesion indicated by white arrow. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_028687 | Double chambered left ventricle on two-chamber view. Two-chamber view shows a double chambered LV. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_011825 | High-resolution computed tomography image. Image compatible with nonspecific interstitial pneumonia showing ground-glass opacities in both lung bases. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_014044 | Unilocular cysts in the pelvis. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_052472 | Right coronary angiogram showing the dissection in the right coronary artery (arrows). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_022589 | Computed tomography of chest showed aortic intramural hematoma (arrow). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_053219 | Follow-up gastrografin swallow showing reduced leakage. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_028532 | Short-axis TEE view of atheromatous aortic plaque. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_001742 | Follow up radiograph at 14 weeks shows good callus and bony union. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_041412 | Right iliac bone metastasis. In April 2018, metastasis in the iliac bone was observed by CT scan (arrowhead). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_055814 | Castleman disease. Abdominal CT scan at level of lower pole of left kidney (white open arrow) shows heterogeneously enhanced retroperitoneal mass (black open arrow) with multiple hypodense areas and peripherally located calcifications (solid arrows). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_008054 | Neonatal MRI: HeterotopiaCoronal T2-weighted MRI image demonstrates severe dilatation of the lateral ventricles. Multiple gray matter heterotopias (arrows) that are isointense to gray matter are seen along the lining of lateral ventricles. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_005609 | DSA – 9 months post–embolisation | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_042388 | Postoperative radiograph with figure of eight wiring | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_042326 | Selective coronary angiography at the straight lateral view, showing that the LAD terminated suddenly without reaching the apex LAD, Left anterior descending artery; LCX, Left circumflex artery; D, Diagonal artery | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_018838 | 55-year-old man with flap success.Patient underwent reconstruction by radial forearm flap after resection of laryngeal cancer. Contrast-enhanced CT scan 7 days after operation shows fat-containing flap (arrows) and small peri-flap fluid collection (long arrow) with small air bubble in right submandibular space. Note enhanced vascular pedicles (black and white arrowheads) of flap. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_000387 | Left ICA DSA after aneurysm has been clipped showing that the helical coil (arrow) is in the pericallosal artery with good distal blood flow. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_020668 | This shows the transverse probe placement. LD, latissimus dorsi; TM, teres major; Tm, teres minor; SSC, subscapularis; SA, serratous anterior; SC, lateral border of scapula; TV, thoracodorsal vessels. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_047348 | Control computed tomography after chemotherapy—massive pleural effusion in left pleural space. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_057207 | Anteroposterior radiograph of the head and neck. This shows a bullet in the right side of the neck. Comminuted fracture of the mandible (angle and ramus) and maxillary antrum are revealed. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_030531 | Computed tomography (CT) scan showing right portal vein thrombosis. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_024536 | MRI image of the right hand without gadolinium contrast enhancement. The mass demonstrated complete fat saturation on coronal T2-weighted imaging (arrow)MRI: magnetic resonance imaging | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_032249 | Gallbladder Ultrasound shows no common bile duct dilation | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_018808 | Fig. 1 Pre-operative computed tomography angiogram. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_056952 | Longitudinal USG shows a parathyroid adenoma (arrow) inferior to the right lobe of the thyroid gland | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_037375 | Axial CT, showing distended loop on the left side | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_042897 | Caucasian woman (78 years old) suffering from bilateral unexplained panuveitis. Whole body 18F-FDG PET (maximum intensity projection anterior view) demonstrated significant bilateral hilar, mediastinal and right supraclavicular lymph nodes uptakes (black arrows) while there was no node enlargement on chest CT. A subsequent supraclavicular node dissection revealed noncaseating epithelioid granulomas consistent with sarcoidosis. Special staining and culture for mycobacteria were negative. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_009693 | Hydrodissection technique: this technique consists of a pressurized injection of 5% glucose between the danger triangle and the thyroid to reduce possible nerve injury caused by RFA hyperthermia. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_012448 | X-ray of chest showing resolution of the previously seen mediastinal mass, except for a small left parahilar opacity. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_037641 | Pre-operative MRI of a representative patient with Marfan syndrome. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_040343 | A postoperative chest X-ray revealed that the pulmonary artery catheter was maintained as the mirror image of its normal position | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_012940 | CT scan of abdomen showing i) multiple intussusceptions demonstrating doughnut signs (white arrows), intussusceptiens [A], intussusceptum [B], distended loop of small bowel [C] and ii) haemangioma of right quadratus lumborum muscle (dark arrow). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_026641 | CT scan of the abdomen showing diffuse asymmetric wall thickening of the pylorus and antrum (arrow). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_048054 | Computed tomography demonstrating pneumatosis intestinalis within the walls of the small and large bowel (arrows). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_002671 | Preoperative X-ray. X-ray of the chest revealed air-fluid levels on right and left hemithorax. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_017090 | Doppler artifacts for examining the whole process of color blood flow passing through the Pylorus. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_000105 | CT of the abdomen showing a fatty mass (arrow) at the center of the transplant kidney. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_038741 | CT. A contrast chest CT scan displays a pseudoaneurysm with a thrombosis inside the right atrium. Thromb: thrombosis; PA: pseudoaneurysm; RA: right atrium; RV: right ventricle; LA: left atrium; LV: left ventricle | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_036777 | The ultrasonographic findings of urethrovesical junction after successful catheter insertion. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_035599 | Prototype endoscope inserted into the distal bile duct. | [
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