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2017-03-29 15:18:48
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Audio Books For Our Classroom Library (Part 3)
The structure of my elementary classroom reflects my understanding of the creative process. I teach through a workshop/project approach that allows for student ownership, cooperative learning, integrated curriculum, and differentiated instruction.\r\n\r\nA main emphasis of my room is helping students become strategic learners, people who know how to learn. The language of the classroom is geared toward this end. Words like “strategy” and “system” are heard often over the year. My goal as teacher is not only to help students understand and master the prescribed curriculum, but to help them to be independent, curious, reflective learners as well.
My fourth grade students are eager readers who love the independent reading time that follows lunch each day. Students sit at tables with lamps or cozy up on the carpet with a book of their own choosing. Our classroom library has grown this past year to include more current and diverse titles. However, one area of our classroom library that needs continued growth is our audio books collection. My goal for this project is to update our classroom library with more audio books.\r\nAudio books have been shown to positively impact reading fluency and interest toward reading. A new collection of high interest audio books for our classroom library would provide materials to students of different reading abilities and interests and help create positive reading experiences for all students. Your donation to this project will support my students’ reading development and love of reading.
My students need new high interest audio books for our classroom library including Saving Mr. Terupt, The Seventh Most Important Thing, The Island of Dr. Libris, and Arf.
2016-07-16 02:47:44
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science, Applied Learning
Mathematics, Parent Involvement
An Apple Today Keeps Class Boredom Away!
My students walk into our classroom every day full of energy, ready to learn, and excited for what is in store for them that day. I want them to know I believe in them and they can do anything.\r\n\r\nI teach at a diverse school in urban Southern California where our students strive to exceed expectations on a daily basis. Despite hardships, my students are eager to learn and their families push for the best for their children every day. My students want to be in school because they want to learn all they can so they can be successful one day.
The use of technology is something I make a daily part of our school experience, whether we are coding, creating movies, writing stories, reading books, or sharing our math group work by projecting our efforts with the help of our iPad. \r\nUnfortunately, the iPad our class has used for the past several years will be obsolete as of this Fall. With the next OS upgrade, it will no longer be supported by Apple. Our class wants to continue connecting with parents and other classes with our iPad. The students love going on virtual field trips, competing in math contests, and keeping their parents in touch with our daily activities from our classroom.\r\nPlease help us keep up-to-date technology in the hands of our students by supporting our iPad Pro project. An Apple a Day Keeps Class Boredom Away!
My students need this iPad because our current classroom iPad will soon be obsolete with the OS update in the Fall. We use an iPad connected to our projector for daily reading and math \r\ninstruction!
2017-01-30 22:34:45
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports, Special Needs
Health & Wellness, Special Needs
We're on a ROLL!
Our academy is a small school/program in middle Georgia. We serve approximately 200 students with many students receiving services for special education including autism. All of our students receive free breakfast and lunch. \r\n \r\nMy class is made up of 12 students with autism. They range in functionality from low to high and receive services for other needs such as speech, occupational and/or physical therapy. My students are highly energetic and require constant supervision for safety and proper social skills and use of materials.
I have been assigned between 2 and 4 new students since you AWESOME donor's helped our class get the play materials they needed. But now we need more! I have more students who enjoy and need sensory relief and could use some large toys like the peanut ball and water wheel to help stimulate their very active bodies and brains. These items will also help stimulate their gross motor development with balance, momentum, and sense of direction!\r\nAnd because so many of my students have writing goals, we also need a fun, bright and colorful tool that is NON MESSY to help us practice our pre-writing skills.
My students need a couple more play/sensory relief items to help them with social and physical development. They also need a fun, inviting, non-messy and safe way to practice their pre-writing skills.
2016-09-07 17:25:15
Grades 3-5
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Mathematics
To STEM-finity and Beyond!
The goal of our To Stem-finity and Beyond grant is to support the district-wide push to provide STEM activities to all students K-5. We plan on 20 grades K-2 students, and 20 grades 3-5 students in the program from January to May. The after school STEM activities our K-5 students will participate in will provide a strong foundation in the Engineering Design Process used in STEM activities. The robotics programming, coding, and STEM energy kit builds will provide students with a strong math-science-engineering connection, and a hands-on approach to problem solving. We’ll meet one of our school improvement goals by providing engaging, differentiated activities to increase student engagement.
The 40 K-5 students in our STEM program will participate weekly in hands-on STEM robotics programming, coding, and STEM engineering design builds. They will meet in a K-2 group, and a 3-5 group, and those groups will be flexible-meeting together for some projects, and meeting separately for more tailored engineering builds. Our students will experience cooperative learning in all STEM builds.\r\nEvaluation of students will be project-based, measured by growing independence in the design/redesign process, proficiency in basic programming skills, and working as a team to achieve a goal. Students will come away from this program as confident, able mathematicians, scientists, and team players and problem-solvers.
My students need supplies for our STEM club. These items will help students with the engineering design process.
2016-07-30 15:10:03
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Building Words and Reading Skills Through Hands on fun!
Kindergarten is an exciting time for exponential growth both socially and educationally. Many of my students have not had prior educational experiences so we are setting the tone for their schooling right in my classroom! \r\n75% of my students are receiving free or reduced price lunch and many rely solely on the resources in the classroom for learning. My students come to school everyday excited and ready to learn and grow! I want them to feel successful and proud of their accomplishments everyday!
With rising state standards comes rising expectations from early learners. Many of my students come to kindergarten with no prior education and are expected to leave as budding readers. The young minds in my room are very hands on and ready to play all the time! The best way to help them succeed as readers is to allow them to experience early reading skills the best way they know how, through hands on games and activities. By bringing these resources into my classroom I will be able to reach my students at their level regardless of their learning type. This will help all my little learners feel successful and develop an early love for literacy!
My students need literacy games and reading skills manipulatives to jumpstart their learning!
2016-08-13 12:26:52
Grades PreK-2
Applied Learning
Early Development
Cooking up Social Skills & Creativity in our Needed Kitchen!
Each student is welcomed into my classroom by name to begin each day on a positive note and to get them excited to learn. Kindergarten is a big year for working on foundational academic and social skills.\r\n\r\nIncoming kindergarteners arrive with a wide range of academic and social abilities. We have students who are learning English as a second language as well as students who benefit from special education services. Some students came in well above the kindergarten academic level already reading and writing sentences; while others came in well below, not knowing letter names or sounds. One thing my kindergarteners look forward to every day is their choice time, where they can play cooperatively with others. Our kindergartners are enthusiastic about learning and school involvement.
The state of Washington has adopted the new program, WaKids, which focusses on the development of the child as a whole learner. This means that along with rigorous academic expectations, the child's social and emotional skills will also be emphasized. I will be catering to this by carving out more time in our day for students to work on developing their social and emotional skills through play. \r\nThis toy kitchen will help aid my students in the development of social and emotional skills that are important for kindergartners to develop. It will help them learn how to play cooperatively, learn how to share, and push them to think creatively and to use their imaginations. I currently have nothing like this in my classroom, and think that it will be the perfect addition to my choice time activities.
My students need a play kitchen to support the development of their social skills. Through the kitchen, they will learn how to share, play cooperatively, and use their imagination to spur creativity.
2016-09-22 18:48:08
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
Learn To Love Reading!
Amazing...Excited...Eager are words that come to mind when I think of my students. Each one of my 27 students are ready to learn. They are ready to READ. In my classroom I have a range of readers from early first grade to middle of third grade, but even with such a wide range each child is ready to make their reading better. My students come from working families who do everything they can do make their child's future the best it can be.\r\nDeveloping a child's mind through reading will open them up to explore the world around them. My school plays an important role in the development of each child. My school and township knows we are preparing children for the future. WE want them to be the best they can be.
Learning the love of reading is one of the hardest skills to teach students. But once that have the love to read nothing in this world can hold them back. Being able to read, knowing how to pull out information in text, recognizing how characters feel, and why authors write develops students in so many ways. Having class sets of books will allow all my students to read and learn with me at the same time. We will be able to build on what we know and learn with each reading skill we grasp.\r\nBOOKS are the key to empowering our future. Where there is a child who loves there is a child ready to learn.
My students need to READ as much as they can! WE need class sets of books that show my students the love or reading.
2017-04-19 17:31:45
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Calculating our math!
Many of my students come from Spanish speaking homes. They struggle living in two worlds, home and the outside world. They are the connection for their parents to society. Many of them are the interpreter for their families in every day life. Our school is a Title I school. All my students are on free or reduced lunch. I have students at all levels of mathematical ability. I have highly proficient students who truly love helping their classmates who struggle with math and confidence. Those who struggle in math often struggle in other subjects as well. They have dreams like everyone else. Each day, I work hard to open their view of their futures. I want my students to believe they can succeed and go to college.
The forty calculators will be used every day in our math classes. The upper-level classes have been using the calculators for the past four years, but with your donation, the lower-level classes will also have access to the technology. With the transition to Common Core mathematics, students have been given larger, real-world problems that require technology at an earlier age. Introducing calculators in the sixth grade means that by eighth grade, class time does not need to be spent on how to use the technology. During this crucial year, the focus can be on learning mathematics.\r\nGiving low-income students access to new technology is an investment in their future.\r\nThese calculators allow students to tackle larger and more complex math problems, which will prepare them for college-level work.\r\n
My students need calculators to to tackle larger and more complex math problems, which will prepare them for college-level work.
2016-11-15 22:17:28
Grades 3-5
Math & Science, Literacy & Language
Health & Life Science, Literacy
Let's Explore Our World
I am a third grade teacher working in a high needs district filled with students who love to learn new things, ask questions and spread the knowledge they have acquired. They come to school each day excited about the learning that will follow. They feel empowered when they have choice and can take control of their own learning. School is a place where they can go to get closer to the dreams they hold dear. It is their pathway to a better life.
Imagine this… children who are free to explore and discover the world around them. Holding beautiful books and materials in hand, the classroom conveys a sense of adventure and curiosity. A place where they can collaborate together to discover how amazing the world around them really is.\r\n\r\nSchool is a place that brings students much anticipation and excitement and offers them a broader look at the world they live in. My students arrive at school with high expectations and goals. However, my students come to me with many different levels of experiences. It is my job to make their school experience inviting: a place with learning that fits their individual needs and takes them to places they have never seen. Children who have the proper materials and books will be able to do their best learning and sharing. Please help me create an environment in my classroom that caters to the needs of each child and fosters a family of explorers ready to take risks and learn about their world. \r\n
My students need materials and books to explore their world through the eyes of scientists.
2017-04-22 12:03:09
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Slide Into Summer Reading!
My students are enthusiastic and engaged learners who are growing every day as readers, writers, mathematicians, scientists, and engineers. Come into our classroom and they will eagerly tell you how readers read nonfiction books to learn about the world around them, how light travels through different materials, and the different strategies they can use to solve a math problem.\r\n\r\nMy students attend our district's first STEAM elementary school. Every day they are encouraged to observe and ask questions about the world around them, think of and create solutions to problems, and persevere in everything they set out to accomplish. They are the future!\r\n
My students need books that they can read over the summer so they are ready for second grade! During the school year, my students have access to hundreds of books in our classroom library but not every student in my classroom has access to a selection of books to read at home. Without access to books, students are more likely to lose their reading skills and strategies. \r\n\r\nIt is important for young readers to keep reading over the summer to maintain their reading skills. This project would provide each student with two or three books that they can bring home at the end of the school year. During the summer, they can read and reread these books to practice their reading skills and strategies. These books will make all the difference in their reading lives!
My students need books to read over the summer so they are ready for second grade!
2016-11-24 22:32:01
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
Busy Second Graders Are Buzzing for Literacy Books and Materials
When I first walk in my beautiful classroom, I greet my students with a little bit of my Spanish heritage. I say, \"Buenos Dias students\" and they reply \"Buenos Dias, Ms. A Como estas?\" I love being able to teach my students a bit of my Spanish cultural. I teach at a Arts Integrated culture school in Hammond, LA. This will be our 2nd school year. \r\n I am so proud of my students and our school. Our first year was full of excitement, happiness, frustration, joy and overwhelming. Our school was in a legal battle for 8 months. We were not sure whether our school will open next year. Throughout the year, our fingers were crossed and our prayers were being said. \r\n Finally, in June we received the all clear news to re-open our fantastic school. Wow! what a relief and overjoyed to hear the best news during the summer. We will open next year, but our school is facing financial hardships. Now, I'm facing new challenges which is much needed classroom supplies to make my classroom shine and be a successful 2nd grade class.
I am requesting for my second graders fun literacy books, railroad cool carpet so they can enjoy themselves reading while relaxing on the carpet. My students enjoy reading independent, small groups or in pairs so by having an area rug it gives them the opportunity to not just and read at their seat but bring that book and enjoy it on the relaxing carpet. \r\n My Classroom Mangement Center Oganizer will allow me to organize my groups and the students will be to see what group they are suppose to be in. It is color coded and it brings already different center cards with pictures on it. I don't have to create anything this will help me organize my centers.\r\n I also ordered a treasure box with toys. The students enjoy going to the treasure box for a reward but I don't have one. Hopefully with my new treasure box with toys I can reward my students throug out the day,
My students need A reward treasure chest with toys for prizes and other all around classroom materials to make my year successful.
2016-09-14 23:24:33
Grades 3-5
Math & Science, Applied Learning
Applied Sciences, College & Career Prep
Supplies for Super Scientists
I teach at a Title I school in Florida where 100 percent of our students receive free breakfast and lunch. Many of my students receive backpack food on the weekend to ensure they have daily meals. Our school works hard to help meet the basic needs students have like support staff, adequate clothing, and basic class materials like pencils and paper. However, we have very little access to technology and other learning resources. My students are eager to learn and will greatly appreciate any new materials or resources.
My students will use these basic materials throughout the year to fill out their interactive science notebook. Once study guides and notes are glued into their notebooks, students will have an easy way to manage their materials without losing them in between school and home. Students will record information, draw and color pictures, create diagrams, construct charts, and document their learning as we complete investigations and experiments this year. These supplies will help students engage with the curriculum in more creative and effective manner. Science lessons will include hands-on learning experiences that allow students to construct the own knowledge. Hopefully every student will love to document their scientific findings all year long!
My students need glue, markers, and colored pencils for our interactive science notebooks this year.
2016-10-13 14:47:01
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
4th Grade Leaders Need Laptops To Learn!
As a teacher of diverse learners, it is essential to have technology in order for these children to be successful in this day and age. We are facing the challenges of being in a school district that does not have the funding to keep each classroom up to date with the current advancements in technology. My students have so much potential! I see their faces light up with concepts when the limited amount of technology we do have is utilized. \r\n\r\nMy students have become leaders of their own learning who are ready to run with the advancements of technology that are awaiting them! They just need the resources to get them there..
My students need electronic tablets to do all of the things that will make them successful in this 21st century learning environment. They will use these tablets to explain their thinking across all content areas. We will primarily use these in conjunction with Google Classroom, Google Drive, Google Docs, and Google Slides so that their work can be accessible not only at school, but at home as well. They will be used for kids to create animated Science experiments, to record equations on, and to create videos explaining and teaching their fellow classmates new concepts. \r\n\r\nYour generous donation will allow our classroom to go from the traditional teacher-centered model, to a more student-centered flipped approach. This will enable us to spend our class time doing exercises, projects, having discussions, or participating in interactive activities that illustrate academic concepts.\r\n\r\nYour donation will provide an opportunity for my students to be more active and engaged in their learning while allowing for more teacher time for small group or individual instruction.
My students need electronic tablets to do all the things that will make them successful in this 21st century learning environment.
2017-01-05 17:02:59
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
***Charging Station Needed!!**
My students are eager to learn and make their mark on the world.\r\n\r\nThey come from a Title I school and need extra love.\r\n\r\nMy fourth grade students are in a high poverty area and still come to school every day to get their education. I am trying to make it fun and educational for them so they can get the most out of their schooling. I created a caring environment for the students to bloom! They deserve the best.\r\n
My students need a charging station for the Chromebooks in our classroom. We are asking for one that charges 24 computers because the ultimate goal is to get one for each child to be able to use everyday.\r\n\r\nWe only have 1 outlet in the classroom!\r\n\r\nWe have a couple Chromebooks that we would love to be able to use everyday, but the only way for me to charge them is to take them home to charge since there is only one outlet in our classroom! These Chromebooks are a great resource for my students but without a way to charge them at school, it is becoming a hassle. This would be an amazing tool that would be used everyday in our classroom.
My students need a charging station to charge our classroom laptops!
2016-08-05 15:24:56
Grades 6-8
Math & Science, Special Needs
Mathematics, Special Needs
Alternative Seating for Special Education Math Class!
The students in my class are vibrant, energetic, and have creative young minds. They have many obstacles in and out of the classroom. Many receive free lunch, some live in temporary housing, and all are learning to manage their unique learning challenge in the classroom. It is difficult to get the entire class on task and engaged in the lesson, but it is a challenge I will not give up on. I want my students to be excited about math class every single period.
This donation will provide funding for alternative seating options for our math class. When students are able to choose where/how they will sit for the class, they are empowered and motivated. Students thrive on having a say in their classroom experience. These materials will enable students to work on the floor or on a comfortable chair while they work hard on math. Students will be excited to come to class to choose their seat, making math class that much more meaningful. Alternative seating is fun for students, but also a wonder for classroom management and motivation. A more enriching classroom = a better class = a better learning experience.
My students need alternative seating options! Help my students feel comfortable in math class with choice focused seating options!
2016-05-04 15:46:05
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science, Special Needs
Mathematics, Special Needs
Make Math Fun & Hands-On for a Braille Reader!
I'm a Teacher for the Blind & Visually Impaired. I work with students who are blind or visually impaired in order to adapt lessons and materials so that they can learn the same information their sighted classmates are learning. My students are eager to learn and need hands-on materials to do so!
My student is a kindergartner. He is blind and enjoys learning through hands-on activities that allow him to imagine and participate in lessons and activities with his sighted peers. Many mathematical concepts are visual and need to be adapted in order for him to manipulate the objects. His favorite things are cars and animals. To have tangible math materials that he can touch and explore would make math even more fun for him and more concrete. My student is excited to show his classmates that he can do the same tasks that they do, but in a different way. These math materials are objects that both he and his sighted classmates can use separately or together so that he can participate with them instead of listening to a description of a picture that they are able to visualize. Thank you for your consideration to donate supplies to this Make Math Fun Project!
Kindergarten is the foundation for a child's education. My student is blind and has learned to read and write braille and is beginning to demonstrate basic mathematical skills, such as how to count, sort and measure, just like his sighted peers. The way that math problems are presented for him is different than the printed version or pictures presented in a book for his classmates. Everything he learns is understood with a tangible example. My student loves using math manipulatives and having a way to demonstrate to his teachers and classmates what he has learned. They also provide a common ground for him and his sighted classmates to work together, without relying solely on a verbal description of a math problem or concept.
Please consider making a difference in the education of a blind student. Many math manipulatives are over budget for schools, but could provide a fun, tangible way for a child who is blind to learn and develop math skills that he will continue to build on if given the chance to work with them! Providing a child with various ways to learn a new concept is not only more interesting and motivating, but reinforces what they have just learned. Making learning fun is critical for a bright future!
My students need these hands-on, fun math manipulatives in order to learn & participate in class activities like sorting, counting and measuring since they are blind.
2016-10-13 19:38:45
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
Interactive writing tools to engage students needed
My students attend my class in a Title 1 school, set in a rural farmland community. My students have a tenacity for learning and a zealousness for new experiences. My goal is to instill a passion for learning and achieve their goals for success.\r\n\r\nDespite many diversities and socio-economic hardships, these students show up daily with smiling faces; eager to absorb their education and ready to work diligently to better themselves. \r\n\r\nThese students are already very adept at adapting which is what makes them truly deserving.
Being able to maintain mobility will allow me to engage my students on a more personal level, check work more rapidly, and stay better connected during lessons. Often times, I am confined to the dry-erase board, writing examples and trying to answer questions as students write. Having this technology would enable me to be mobile, and that mobility would allow my students to receive the much needed and wanted one to one personalized attention these students both need and deserve. Allowing me to instantly advise, critique, coach, and help these students will increases their learning potential exponentially. This request is truly for the students.
My students need for me to be mobile in the classroom to give them immediate one to one personalized attention
2016-09-01 00:00:12
Grades 9-12
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Digitizing Literacy for Struggling Readers
I've worked with various groups throughout my career and I've never been more inspired than working with students at my school. Being a 12th grade teacher has provided me with the opportunity to meet some of the most dynamic people I have had the privilege to know. \r\n\r\nMy students persevere in spite of the many challenges that our school and neighborhood face. Considering their determination to enhance their education experience with the little we have, makes me determined to provide them with opportunities they may not have access to otherwise.
These materials will make a difference in my students' learning because they allow for multiple ways to experience texts. For instance, with the a portable white board easel, I can write things all students need to see and remember in our small setting.\r\n\r\nWithout having working technology in our classroom, having access to some technology will make a huge difference for my students. State assessments are completely computerized and in today's technologically-advanced world, my students need to have these experiences to be able to compete once they leave high school in a few short months. My students deserve to have access to opportunity and I am sure they will do wonders with it.
My students need tablets with protective cases, a laptop, portable white board, flip chart markers, a white board easel, toner, a drum replacement for our printer, test prep materials and headphones for our listening station.
2016-08-25 06:08:01
Grades 9-12
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
GrowPro: Capturing Learning to Grown
My students are energetic learners who are in the last two years of their high school experience and need to continually become more autonomous in their learning. As the end of high school draws nearer for my students, they are focused on becoming prepared for their next phase, whether that be entering a career pathway or beginning a two-year or four-year post-secondary college experience.\r\n\r\nMore than anything, these students are driven by the times they can see learning as a flexible experience that starts with where they're at.
There's so much in the learning experience that teachers and students don't see. However, these cameras will make a difference in the experiences of my students because they will help them capture, in real time, what learning actually looks like for them. As they capture their school experience, we'll all be able to learn from it.\r\n My goal is to get students more active in \"flipping\" their own classroom by capturing group discussion, independent think-alouds and their unique 30-day personal pushing the limits projects. In each of these scenarios, students will be able to use video heighten our ability to capture, reflect and share.
My students need to be able to capture their learning in order to become more reflective about how to become more autonomous.
2016-12-28 20:39:41
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Essential Oils SOS!
My students live in one of the largest cities in the world and attend an IB school. The student population includes ELL, diverse, low income and physically challenged students. IB is more than its educational programs and certificates. My students analyze and write about literature and their own lives with an emphasis on humanity and global citizenry within the context of the written word, student centered learning and collaboration. \r\n\r\nAt my heart I am motivated by a mission to open up new worlds for my students through literacy education. My classroom is a place of illumination and discovery. Students spend the year immersed in classic literature drawn from a variety of genres and cultures. As they read and write, they reflect on their own experiences and character. Through analysis of literature, students move on to high school with a deep knowledge of literature as an art. \r\n\r\nThey take pride in their efforts and are willing to challenge their minds for the sake of learning.
My classroom includes flexible seating of many different forms (a couch, low seating, rugs etc), and sometimes it smells like dust in my room. My students come in my room for IB Language & Literature, and the goal is to immerse them in the beauty and wonder of the written word--classic literature in particular. \r\nI would like to experiment with the effects of essential oils on student engagement and focus. \r\nStudents will come into the room and instantly feel more at ease and relaxed as a direct result of aromatherapy. For example, Lavender oil will relax students and tea tree will help them with attention.\r\n
My students need a calm, soothing atmosphere in which to absorb classic literature. Essential oils would heighten their senses and calm them.
2017-03-05 17:29:08
Grades 3-5
Health & Sports, Applied Learning
Health & Wellness, Other
Flexible Seating Needs Flexible Organization
I am a Third Grade Teacher in Minnesota. We are an Aerospace, Engineering, and Sciences magnet school. These kids love the extra science opportunities they receive! \r\n\r\nMy students are creative, collaborative, and adaptable. Students do a wonderful job of discussing ideas and assisting each other with questions and issues that come up. This is what sparked my donors choose page! My kids are very flexible thinkers and are able to adapt to changes in schedule, lessons, and work. They also enjoy collaborating with each other on group projects and partner work. \r\n\r\nOur school is located in a moderate poverty area, which means some students struggle with consistent meals, appropriate sleep, and challenging living situations. These kids come to school everyday ready to learn and work hard. They make me a better teacher. I want to organize materials that students use and restructure our classroom to be more focused on the pertinent information.
Our classroom just had our flexible seating project fully funded and are in the process of getting our materials! Part Two of our classroom re-design is equipping students with these drawstring backpacks to keep daily supplies in them. This allows students to be mobile each day with picking their seat for the day. With the seating choices, our classroom needs a way to bring our materials to our new spots each day. We do not have the storage in the classroom. The backpacks allow students to carry supplies around in the classroom and also store them in their lockers at the end of the day. The green, yellow, and red paper trays will help with organization of paper turn-in and return.
My students need the backpacks and storage bins to help with our new flexible classroom seating organization.
2016-09-18 20:50:30
Grades 3-5
Math & Science, History & Civics
Environmental Science, Social Sciences
Content Creativity to Fuel Our Learning
Our students are sweet, inquisitive, energetic, enthusiastic, and creative learners. Through their eyes, it is evident that they long for the opportunity to share their work, their daily learning and hidden talents. We have kids eager to dance, sing, write, solve math problems, demonstrate science experiments and much more, often all during our classroom instructional time. \r\n We serve students in grades K-9, where our school population is primarily on free or reduced lunch. Teachers work hard to provide and maintain a nurturing, safe and positive, daily learning environment and our students show great appreciation, respect, and value for education. \r\n
Our school goal is to increase core instruction and strengthen student learning. We want to infuse art, science and research across the curriculum and we will call this project: \"Content Creativity to Fuel Our Learning\" because it will do just that. Our project will build from ongoing classroom reading and exploration to mini projects led to meet and excel at varying learning goals throughout the school year. The scholastic magazines will provide students with resources to build on knowledge and facilitate research skills that open the door to creative and informative writing and scientific thinking. The opportunities are endless where interest meets the right resources.
My students need resources that will keep them engaged and help them learn more. A fascinated mind is open to learning and we want to increase our core instruction to raise student achievement.
2016-08-03 17:19:27
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Making Sense of Math: Using Manipulatives to Develop Number Sense
Kindergarten is a world of adventure - with learning occurring at every turn! My students come to school excited to learn and try new things. They are full of energy, and love school! It is my job to protect that energy and love of school by making learning fun and meaningful! \r\n\r\nMy students are questioners, explorers, risk takers, creators and problem solvers. I strive to make my classroom a place where learning is messy, where mistakes are okay (expected even!), and we work together to apply everything we learn to the real world around us. \r\n
Math is EVERYWHERE! So, why do so many people have a fear of math? Because, in their experiences math has never really made sense, it's been a series of procedures that someone has instructed them to follow, with little understanding on the student's part. My goal is to change all of that! \r\nStudents in my class love math - they love math because we focus on real life problem solving situations, we use manipulatives (hands on materials) to bring math to life, we often play games, we ask questions, we try lots of different strategies, we work together, and we focus on the process rather than the product. This project provides Magnetic Tens Frame Answer Boards, Tens Frame Dice, Tens Frame Cards and Dominoes. These materials will help students develop a skill called \"subitizing\". As an adult you can look at a group of 5 objects, or the face of a die and instantly know how many you see, without counting one by one. This is a skill young children develop when given opportunities to practice. These materials give students the opportunity to see arrangements of dots (like on a domino) in multiple ways, often while playing games. They are required to quickly determine how many dots they see as part of the game. This gives them lots of practice subitizing. This one skill has such a huge impact on student's understanding of math. When kids know how to quickly tell how many they see, they begin to see groups of numbers inside of other numbers, when they see 6 dots, they start to understand that it's like 3+3. This builds a great foundation for addition, subtraction and even multiplication and division. \r\n
My students need Magnetic Tens Frame Answer Boards, Tens Frame Cards, Dominoes, number puzzles, and Tens Frame dice.
2016-09-20 18:05:07
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
ESL, Literacy
Future Readers
My Pre-K students are an eager bunch ready to learn new and exciting information through hands-on experiences! As an ESL teacher on a Title One campus (meaning most students are of a low socioeconomic status) in a rural community, my students have limited access to experiential learning opportunities. Despite the various cultural, financial, and emotional backgrounds, my students are ready to engage in a year of critical thinking, creativity, and intellectual success. They are ready to learn in a literacy rich classroom!
Our students need exposure to literacy. Reading books in our classroom will expose the students to essential pre-reading skills. My students will learn about letters, sounds, words, etc all through exposure of books! They will also be able to build a stronger relationship with their teacher and new classmates. My students will have new experiences through books! Without even leaving our classroom, they will learn about different cultures. Furthermore my students will have a rich vocabulary! My students are learning new words everyday, imagine how many words they can learn through books. Lastly, my students will leave my classroom with the knowledge that reading is fun!
My students need exposure to literacy. Reading books in our classroom will expose the students to essential pre-reading skills. My students will learn about letters, sounds, words, etc all through exposure of books!
2017-03-20 16:10:16
Grades PreK-2
Applied Learning, Special Needs
Other, Special Needs
Put Kids in Control of Their Own Learning!
I teach a wonderful group of second graders at a Title I school in North Carolina. Most of our students qualify for free and reduced lunch and cannot afford to buy basic school supplies. Our population is diverse and laden with active, prior service, and retired military families. My students are an enthusiastic group of learners with various learning needs and challenges. They are always eager to learn and range from special needs to gifted. My students know that their best work is always expected and they know they are capable of amazing things!
Classroom chairs and desks can be hard and uncomfortable! Students thrive in a classroom where they are able to move and find a special spot where they can learn and focus. Flexible seating options will provide students with a choice and the opportunity to find a comfortable place to sit during whole group instruction as well as a cozy place to collaborate, complete their work, or simply enjoy reading a book. Most students simply cannot learn while confined to a small desk. This will change the entire dynamic of the classroom by allowing them the space and comfort they need as students. Your generosity in funding this project will boost enthusiasm and motivation as students will have an additional place to sit in the classroom.
My students need flexible seating options for the classroom to encourage students to take charge of their learning environment and promote task completion.
2017-02-24 16:20:13
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Manipulation Mania!
As a teacher at a low-income school, my students come to me with many challenges. They do not have access to all of the materials needed to be successful members of society. My goal is to give them meaningful experiences that will not only help them in school, but in life.\r\nMy students are creative and innovative thinkers. They work together to solve problems and become better 21st Century Learners. All they need are the supplies to continue on their academic path.
The students that I service are students who need extra support in math. The area where many of these students struggle is understanding numbers abstractly. These students need a hands on support to create a concrete foundation of number sense. When they can physically put together and break a part the number, they will be able to master the concept.\r\nThese supplies will enhance the students understanding of the structure of numbers. When students understand the structure of numbers and place value, they will be more successful in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division for the rest of their math careers.
My students need interlocking base ten blocks to have a hands on experience with Place Value. My students need to be able to physically put together and take a part numbers to help them understand numbers.
2017-02-08 22:20:40
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Environmental Science
Science! It's Just Magic Without the Lies.
I have some great 6th graders....they are definitely an eclectic group....all 150 of them. They come from so many different cultures and have such a rich diversity. They love, laugh, learn and have fun. I worry for many of them that don't have the opportunities many of us have. For many, school is their safe place. I have kids going home hungry and living out of a motels. Several have parents in jail and a handful, that money is so tight, that they can't afford a $3 field-trip. Every time we do a hands on lab in class, my students get so excited....and they learn so much. Many of them have had very little exposure to science in elementary, especially since our district has such a big push for math and literacy. Science is important to our children's future and I want them to have rich meaningful hands-on experiences to foster their growth as scientists.
The supplies that I am requesting for my students would benefit not just my student this year but students for years to come. As a middle school teacher, we must get creative with the use of supplies and making sure we have enough to last through 5 classes of 30 kids each. In middle school we have to learn to share the supplies with other teachers. These triple beam balances won't just benefit my students but all of the students in my school. Currrntly, students are crowded around the triple beam balances we have in large groups (sometimes up to 8 kids trying to share one balance). This is no way to learn. I am trying to give my kids a hands on experience...learning through doing, but this has become impossible. The few kids who get a chance to use the tools learn while the other kids sit back and watch. When I was in middle school, this is exactly what made me dislike science class. I do not want to repeat this mistake. My kids deserve the best education and same opportunities that students in more affluent school districts have.
My students need triple beam balances so they can work in small groups instead of groups of 8 kids all trying to share the same balance.
2016-05-31 17:35:46
Grades 3-5
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Environmental Science
My students are some of the most inspirational students around. They struggle everyday economically, socially, and academically but still try their very best. Most of my students are on free or reduced lunch with difficult or challenging home lives, but despite that my students are eager to learn and experience new things. \r\nMy students are hands-on learners. They thrive when they are allowed to explore on their own, when they are allowed to build, and see with their own eyes the results of their hard work. They come in everyday, anxious to get their day started!
My school has decided to start a Steam Lab this year to help our students with technology and to enrich them in science, engineering, art, and mathematics. I have the pleasure of heading up this lab and I have very few student friendly books on the topics of STEAM. While my lab will be very hands-on, my students have very little reference for how engineering works, how ideas are developed, or what professionals do when they make mistakes. \r\nI would like to stock my lab library with picture books for reference and inspiration. I would like my students, who are afforded very few opportunities to experience things outside their neighborhood, to be able to research and explore STEAM topics with kid friendly materials. \r\nStudents will use these books to look at pictures of buildings, robots, and other technology. They will use these books to read about other scientists' and engineers' triumphs and mistakes. My students will use these books to help them with the design process and to understand the benefit of sharing ideas.
My students need need from STEM to STEAM and resource book for me, their teacher. They also need The Art of Tinkering. They also need the book The New Way Things Work.
2016-09-02 16:25:48
Grades 3-5
Special Needs
Special Needs
Seating to Fit the Needs of Wiggly 5th Graders
My 5th graders into our classroom every day full of life, ready to learn, work hard, and excited for what is in store for them that day. We work hard in our class to not only become academically ready for middle school, but also to become examples of integrity and good citizenship for the younger students in our school. I want to provide an environment at school that enables them to do just that.\r\n\r\nMy school serves a high poverty community and many of my students consider school to be their safe place. I strive to provide a classroom environment that serves their individual learning needs and offers a warm and comfortable place to spend their days. For that reason, I am creating a kinesthetic classroom with flexible seating, I use indirect rather than overhead lighting, and I use music and an essential oil diffuser to create calm in the classroom.
My students need more movement. Movement gives more oxygen to the brain. The more oxygen the better their growing brains learn. \r\n\r\nMy students already utilize stability balls, floor cushions, and milk crate benches to facilitate flexible seating in our classroom. The addition of the resistance bands, bosu ball, and wobble seats in my classroom will help students move while working without distracting others.\r\n\r\nEach individual learner has individual needs to optimize their experience. I feel these additions to my classroom environment will enhance the learning for each of my students. I appreciate any assistance you can provide for these additions.
My students need flexible seating options that suit their learning styles.
2016-08-28 01:54:55
Grades 3-5
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Mathematics
Thinking Not Just Outside the Box, but Above the Box.
I currently have 29 students in my fifth-grade class. They are intelligent and highly creative. I cannot lead them into the future by stifling that creativity in textbooks. What better way to educate our future engineers and mathematicians than by training them to look at problems from more than one angle. I am at a K-6 public school in California and we are rated academically as one the top schools in our area.\r\n\r\nMy students are self-motivated and extremely successful academically. The majority of them scored near the top on the latest Common Core tests of California standards. They are the wonderful students who deserve the best. They want to excel and I am committed to offering them the finest education I can by using tools that will help them see their accomplishments in action.\r\n
We're often told to think outside the box, to free our ideas from artificial constraints, but too often we overlook the fact that it got to be \"the box\" for a reason. Maybe if we just looked at the box from a different perspective: like from above.\r\n\r\nSitting at a desk reading a book tells us how something works; wouldn't it be better if we made it work ourselves? We must continually force ourselves into the future, kicking and screaming if necessary. Many of our students are visual and kinesthetic learners. They need to touch things and get instant feedback. These quad-copters will do just that. They will help lead us into the next-gen science standards. We can experiment with lessons in geography, atmospheric science, mathematics, and computer science. We can integrate with the tools we already have including our ground-based robot kits and iPads. We will debate the ethics of how and when it is appropriate to use \"drones\", and to educate the students on FAA flight regulations and how to live within them; all the while preparing the them to be part of one of the most rapidly growing industries in the world, personal flight robotics.
My students need one DJI Phantom 3 Standard Quadcopter Drone with 2.7K HD Video Camera for advanced flight and five Hubsan X4 4-Channel 2.4GHz RC Quad Copters for training along with spare parts for each.
2016-10-27 11:52:32
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Techno Reading
This special group of first graders may be small in size, but are big in heart! Their smiles are contagious, and their love for learning motivates me daily. Their 22 personalities fill our room with joy and laughter and tons of love! \r\nBeing in a classroom with such a diverse group is exciting! We are a melting pot that work together each day to build community.\r\nWe are fortunate to be a part of a charter school that values community just as much as we value learning. We are truly a class FAMILY!
Our first graders are learning pivotal reading skills that will help make them life long learners. We want them acquire a love for reading through exposure in a variety of ways.\r\nAs teachers, we know that differentiation is the key to individual student success. To differentiate in our classroom, we are requesting an iPad Mini so that students can listen to books, practice phonics and reading comprehension skills through apps, and read aloud passages and texts to a partner. \r\nThis tool is a great way to integrate technology into the classroom in a meaningful and useful way. The skills practiced will guide our readers to mastery as they journey through first grade!
My students need iPad minis to explore reading in a new, innovative, and relevant way!
2016-05-06 17:59:17
Grades 9-12
Math & Science
Health & Life Science
Scientific Modeling of Complex Phenomenon
Science should NOT be boring - and I strive, every day, to make it a fun, inquiry based environment. While this sometimes involves experiments, other times it means exploring complex concepts in other creative ways - by creating models, giving presentations or illustrating scientific phenomenon.
My students are incredibly curious, absolutely enthusiastic and completely full of energy. These young men and women come to school ready to learn and I am pushed daily to meet them halfway by developing lessons that challenge them in a variety of ways. \r\n\r\nI am constantly in search of new ways to engage them in material that can sometimes be seen as dry, too difficult or uninteresting. We create models of photosynthesis and cellular respiration in organisms, we give presentations on the ways humans maintain homeostasis and create illustrations that demonstrate a deep understanding of evolution by natural selection. \r\n\r\nThis all requires supplies! Markers, chart paper, pencils, tape... these supplies are scarce in my building and many of my students and their families are not in a position to provide these materials themselves.
My students will use the supplies that you provide on a daily basis to engage with complex scientific phenomenon in really authentic ways. They will be able to create, collaborate and construct in a way that simply would not be possible without these supplies. \r\n
This project is not glamorous, but that makes it no less important! Help me show students that science is fascinating and fun. Help me get students engaged in rigorous and complex tasks in order to ensure that they leave my classroom as educated and informed citizens.
My students need an assortment of basic classroom supplies to participate in various creative projects!
2016-08-24 09:42:01
Grades PreK-2
Special Needs
Special Needs
Signing Our Way to Success
Pre-k special needs students in rural low socioeconomic migrant town. \r\n My students have various developmental and language impairments that impede their age appropriate development in typical settings. The students are placed into my inclusive classroom with a language based curriculum to help promote language acquisition as well as developmentally appropriate learning. My students are eager and excited to learn in a fun and loving environment. They show a strong willingness to persevere even with economical and developmental hurdles and they deserve every opportunity to succeed.
The students in my class are here for various developmental and language delays. Our community is well below the poverty level and mostly migrant children. Due to their low socioeconomic status and various disabilities, these students need various interventions and strategies to help them with daily communication. The Signing Time DVDs are interactive and fun for students to watch and they help teach ASL in an age appropriate format. Sparking excitement in the area of language acquisition is important to help these kids find a way to communicate with the world around them.\r\nWe will watch these videos on a weekly basis and practice the signs throughout our school day. We will also be able to share them with others in our school so that we can help spread ASL knowledge which will open up the doors for communication with our surrounding world.
My students need another way to communicate. Most of my students have a language impairment and have various learning styles. Learning ASL with Signing Time would assist them with communicating their wants and needs.
2016-05-28 01:03:22
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Chromebooks To Help My Students Shine
At my school, our vision is to provide educational opportunities that will inspire all students to evolve into successful 21st century learners. One challenge that I face as an educator is engaging students and getting them excited about English Language Arts. One way I have found success in engaging my students is by implementing technology into the classroom as much as possible.\r\n\r\nMy students are a very diverse group of 8th graders in northern Virginia. Many of the students at our school receive free or reduced lunch and/or do not have access to the internet or a computer at home. My students have different learning styles and ability levels, but they would all benefit from having access to Chromebooks in the classroom everyday. This is not feasible at my school at the moment because we share ten computer carts amongst the sixth, seventh and eighth grade.
English Language Arts focuses on reading, writing, speaking and listening. When my students try to give me a hard time and ask why I am making them read at the beginning of class, or why they have to write a five-paragraph essay, I ask them to name a job in which you don't have to read, write and/or communicate in any way. They try, but always in vain. \r\n\r\nHaving access to Chromebooks on a daily basis will allow my students more opportunities to improve their reading and writing skills. These are important and life-long skills. They will need a strong foundation to be successful members of society. I want to be able to help them to build that foundation.
My students need Chromebooks in order to help them improve their reading and writing skills.
2016-07-25 19:13:50
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
Obsessed with Osmos!
Welcome to Ms. King's Kinders! We are a Kindergarten learning community tackling new adventures every day, enhanced with technology! We are a traditional elementary school in Jefferson County, Kentucky that teaches a challenging academic program in a structured environment promoting traditional values, high expectations, and data driven instruction.\r\n\r\nMy class has 24 eager five and six year olds who are full of imagination and creativity! They are always ready to learn something new. My students come from a variety of cultures and socio-economic backgrounds, some receiving free and reduced lunch.
In our classroom we use technology daily to boost reading, math, writing, and science skills. I am requesting one Osmo Wonder gaming systems for iPad. I envision using the Osmo with a classroom iPad to make learning come alive and differentiate instruction so that all of my students achieve. The Osmo will be used both independently and in small groups across all content areas. IPads are so intuitive my kindergartners can use them without teacher support. My students are at a variety of levels and an Osmo would allow each child to work on needed skills. \r\n\r\nWith your help, an Osmo will enhance the way my students learn and allow technology integration to reinforce skills. \r\n\r\nOsmos are powerful, engaging, and yes- fun. They are also a great way to help each student succeed, no matter their level! \r\n
My students need the Osmo iPad gaming system to use with the iPad to enhance Literacy and Math skills!
2016-07-19 19:53:58
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science, Applied Learning
Mathematics, Parent Involvement
Capturing & Expanding Movements in Kinder
Most of you have seen or heard of all the unique experiences that Dallas has to offer. Most families will come to Dallas to attend an event at one of the many enormous stadiums, amusement parks, exquisite museums, or Klyde Warren Park :) However, many of the scholars that attend my school will not have the opportunity to create memories at those attractions, even being a short drive away from them all. Luckily that does not bring their spirit down or their willingness to come to school and learn.\r\n
The exercise ball will be used as a BREAK from the traditional-uncomfortable classroom chair, because some days we just need to bounce the jitters out! As for the other materials, they are necessities that we need to preserve classroom floors. The math activity book will allow my students to take choose an activity they want to explore and work side by side with their parents from the luxury of their home.\r\nDid you ever think to yourself and wished you had more photos of your children engaging in activities? With the camera I plan to capture those Kodak moments and share with parents and post in our classroom.
My students need to create memories & expand their minds far beyond classroom walls as we learn about our communities and do hands on activities and I want to capture many moments for them.
2017-03-28 21:26:46
Grades 3-5
History & Civics, Literacy & Language
History & Geography, Literature & Writing
Printing Our Progress
My third grade class is a place of reading, writing, exploring and learning. Students spend this year learning the foundation of reading to learn new information and applying it to all subjects. Students are constantly learning through different technology resources. \r\n\r\nMy students need a colored printer to make their learning come to life! My students are the most amazing group of kids you will ever meet! They are always on the go and always eager to learn a new technology tool.
Third graders LOVE to see their work come to life! They love learning using the Chromebooks and feel even more excited when they can share what has been created by printing and displaying their work for others to see. This digital printer will help the students instantly print their findings or completed classroom assignments, which will make them proud and ready to move on to the next one. This will be another way to make learning fun and allow students to be more creative on the computer so they can see the end result printed and shared. We are a 21st century classroom and these students LOVE researching, creating, and interacting through technology.
My students need a colored printer to make their learning come to life!
2016-09-15 16:54:54
Grades 3-5
Math & Science, Applied Learning
Applied Sciences, Other
Great Grade 4 needs Chromebook cart
As a teacher in a low-income/high poverty school district, my students are faced with several challenges both in and out of the classroom. Despite the many challenges they face, I am looking to keep things simple and provide my students with creative and meaningful learning experiences.\r\n\r\nMy students and I have worked together for the past 3 years. We have met many challenges together. We have been together since 2nd grade. All of my students are hard workers and have special and unique qualities.
The opportunities for research are endless. Student engagement, learning and extension can happen in real time.\r\n\r\nStudents will be able to access school programs and use programs specifically designed for grade 4 and learning. Our school has programs especially designed or purchased for our students to help develop reading and math and writing. All of which are tested on STAAR, here in Texas. Using these programs will provide unlimited practice opportunities.\r\n\r\n We can even take virtual field trips or team up with with other fourth grade classes worldwide.\r\n\r\nStudents will have them available at all times. The chrome books will also be secure in our classroom and we will be able to care for them easily.\r\n\r\nStudents will learn to use technology, to use it to research, learn, read and be enriched.\r\n\r\n\r\n
My students need a chromebook charging station to do all the things that will make them successful in this 21st century learning environment.
2016-09-25 13:00:37
Grades 6-8
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
Fitness for All!
In 6th grade students need stay and be active. My students in this kid inspired project have requested that I look for funding for indoor and outdoor games for them to use. These games will help students learn how to work with one another through team work teaching important social skills students need to develop.\r\nMy students come from a low economic area. Their lives are constantly changing being in a rural area. They are wonderful inquisitive learners and they do strive to do their best. Our school may be small but we have community support in everything we do. I cannot say enough good things about the students and teachers in our school district. We are a 5-8 middle school and finding funding for basic materials and classroom organization can be problematic.
My students have requested that I ask for sports equipment for them to play with during celebrations and recess. We are a middle schools so we have no equipment for them to play on but we do have a field we bring students out to to play different tag games. They would love to have kick balls, footballs, and soccer balls for play outside. \r\nStudents need to stay active. I thought it was a great idea that they wanted equipment to play with outside. We can implement different sports and we can teach social skills as students play which are very important for middle school students to learn.
My students need the recess pack for outside activity in our field and the fidgets for students that need something to help them stay focused in class.
2016-11-15 11:39:13
Grades 3-5
Health & Sports, Math & Science
Health & Wellness, Mathematics
Moving to Learn!
My math intervention students are hard workers who learn best when they are moving. I want to provide them with options to get out their energy as they persevere through math problems. The majority of our students receive free and reduced-priced lunch and require various forms of extra support beyond the regular classroom setting. We have a high ESOL population, so many of my students often use visual cues to help them learn as they learn the English language. My Title I math intervention classroom is a group of low-performing math students who are considered 'At Risk' and have a very difficult time with math. \r\nMy students want to feel fully charged so they can fully learn! Several groups of students from 3rd-5th grade with below grade level skills come to my action-based learning lab for help. With movement they can perform significantly better on grade level skills.\r\n
My students will benefit from Hokki stools because they will help students stay focused as they are in math and reading groups. Students improve when they make a brain-body connection to their learning. \r\nBlood flow and circulation are crucial to learning development. If I can give students flexible seating options, they will be more motivated to stay on task. There are many benefits to wobble stools include core strength as well as large motor development. \r\nYour contribution will help students enjoy learning as well as have another way to get out their energy. Every student deserves choice in their learning.\r\n
My students need Hokki Stools to wiggle as they learn in math and reading groups.
2016-11-01 17:05:28
Grades 9-12
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Mathematics
Fore! The math and physics of mini golf!
My students come from all parts of San Diego hoping for a change from their local high school. We are a small public charter school that focuses on personalization and adult world connection. \r\n\r\nWe believe in project based learning, so in my class that means we're going to build stuff. \r\n\r\nWe have a diverse population at our school. Our students are known, well-respected and educated in the habits of heart and mind. They all have dreams of college that we are working towards. In my class, there are no individual desks, only tables and groups of students working together to support learning.
We're building mini-golf courses for after-school programs throughout San Diego. To do that, we need the right tools and a lot of green felt. I am asking for a lot of felt and golf cups to help support this project. 104 of my students will break up into teams of four to build holes using plywood, pvc pipe, artificial turf and even mechanical obstacles.\r\n\r\nThey're learning about engineering, electricity and geometry by collaborating in a real-life scenario.\r\nOur budget is too small to provide the necessary supplies for such an endeavor. By donating to this project, you're not just helping my kids learn, you're helping hundreds of more kids experience the joy of mini-golf in their after-school programs.
My students need a lot of green felt and golf cups
2016-08-14 21:03:05
Grades 3-5
Health & Sports
Gym & Fitness
We Got to Move It, Move It!
The students in my classroom are a creative group of students who love to be physically active. Finding the PE materials that special needs students want to engage with is the tricky part. This is where I need your help to get materials into the hands of my amazing 4-6th grade special education students.\r\n\r\nTheir passion for learning is not limited by their disabilities. However, because of their disabilities, my students often have high levels of energy, are extra fidgety, and have a hard time sitting still. They crave music and motion, recess and they love exploring with technology. Unfortunately, we don't have a lot of resources. Our school is a Title 1 school and very few of the students have a computer at home. Other students who need academic support can also come to our room for help. Our community is in an inner-city neighborhood with a high rate of poverty; all of our students receive free lunch.
When I asked the students what they would be interested in, they students wanted games that everyone could play. They wanted games that they could answer questions and aim for a target. They asked if we could get soccer goals. They were hoping we could get hacky sacks to work on juggling, foot coordination and catch. Then they asked what about an iPad? I thought why? Then they suggested that they could be Star's in Motion and record themselves doing zumba dance moves and project it in the cafeteria for everyone to do! \r\n\r\nI wish you could have seen the twinkle in their eyes, thinking about themselves being projected showing off their moves for the whole school! It was a glorious thought! They could be the stars in their own Zumba kids video. Everyone was so excited! Who was I to tell them that structured movement will to burn calories, increase their heart rate, and move their muscles in a useful manner, and hopefully lead toward more focus.\r\n\r\nFinally , they asked about a big 4-To-Score game that would will give students a chance to play an indoor team game in which each team has to do an exercise of choice before they can make a move.
My students need PE equipment to do partner games at PE, recess, and lunch. They want to play soccer, but need goals. They want to play hockey, but need pucks.
2016-08-30 21:42:13
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
ESL, Literacy
We CAN and WILL learn to Read!!
My students are the best! I may be a bit biased in saying that, but I truly care for each and every one of them so much. I am in my 4th year of teaching at a Title I school. I have an extremely diverse student population this year with half of my class primarily speaking a language other than English, including Vietnamese, Creole, Haitian, Arabic, and Spanish! So far this year we have been working on building culture in our kindergarten classroom and my students are loving it! \r\n\r\nMy goal is to build a love of literacy and a solid foundation to lift students out of poverty through reading and writing. Diversity is a beautiful thing and I want to embrace it more than ever! Students in poverty, and those whose primary language is not English, lack the skills related to reading and writing and their struggle is seen throughout their academic career, beginning in kindergarten.\r\n\r\n
The tools I have requested will play a vital role in my reading instruction and will provide all of my students will an equal chance at developing the much needed reading skills they will utilize from today forward.\r\n\r\nThese materials will make a difference in my students' learning and improve their school lives as they will provide me with the hands-on, developmentally appropriate tools which will keep students engaged in their reading instruction.\r\n\r\nBy utilizing tools such as vowel teaching tubs, I can explicitly teach the vowel sounds while also including a real world object for students to make a connection to. This will especially help my ELLs. I have selected items which are linked to skills kindergarten students often have difficulty with such as vowel sounds, rhyming, word building, and retelling and comprehension.
My students need hands-on tools to help build their reading foundation including vowel and rhyming teaching tubs and other activities to build on multiple reading skills that will best prepare them for success.
2016-07-27 14:04:15
Grades 3-5
Music & The Arts
Visual Arts
Efficient time saving drying rack for great art-making!
As a teacher in a low income area, my elementary school students experience art for the first time in my classroom. My students love working with art materials and getting their hands messy. Due to a small art budget and the number of students, not all of them will get a chance to work with clay or tempera paint due to availability. These materials are very important to artistic development and students who have difficulty academically will often soar when it comes to the chance to work with art materials. Supplementing our art budget would allow my students this very important experience to work with art materials!\r\n
This drying rack will make painting clean up and storage extremely efficient! Small hands often have trouble with drying racks that are immobile. As a result, painting clean up can take longer than needed. An efficient drying rack will also help keep track of student artwork and storage. \r\n\r\nThese saved minutes means more time spent in reflection looking at the artwork produced by the students. Meaningful time spent looking at student artwork can improve the conversations students have about their work, which helps create a respectful classroom environment. Reflecting on our artwork and the lesson can improve art literacy as well as connections made across the curriculum! \r\n\r\n
My students need a new drying rack. Small hands often have difficulty putting paintings on drying rack shelves that don't move up and down. A drying rack with moving shelves will solve this problem!
2017-02-27 11:55:01
Grades 6-8
Music & The Arts
Visual Arts
Art and Technology with iPad
I would describe our students at our school as \"renaissance learners\" who have academic and creative abilities that are comparable to the \"renaissance man\" Leonardo da Vinci. I have often commented about how our students are not just good at one subject, but many. It is not uncommon in our school to have students who excel in both academics and the arts. Several of our students have been publicly recognized for their talents in both state and national art competitions such as the Oklahoma Student Art Exhibition at the Oklahoma State Fair and the Scholastic Art & Writing Contest.
I am requesting an iPad for my art classroom. I want to provide a way for my student to produce movies, photographs and digital art as part of our visual arts experience. My students will have the opportunity to learn shooting and editing techniques to create their own movies using iMovie. \r\n\r\nThe iPad will enable my students to create art projects which integrate the latest technology.\r\nMy students need to have many opportunities to engage with art and technology because many of them are Visual Learners. By creating art with an iPad, students will be exposed to lots of new visual vocabulary and technical approaches that they haven't yet encountered. By knowing how to make art, photography and movies on an iPad they can begin to learn skills which apply to industry standards.
My students need an iPad station for creating art, photography and video projects.
2016-07-21 10:21:31
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Flip the Script
Students are encouraged to connect with others, and to collaborate and create with them on a global scale. It's not 'Do your own work,' so much as 'Do work with others, and make it work that matters.' - Will Richardson\r\n\r\nI am a media specialist at a small, rural, Title One School in South Carolina, where eighty-three percent of students are on free or reduce lunch.\r\n\r\nOur school population is made up of 430 students (286 African-American, 9 Hispanic, 18 students two or more races, and 117 students white). They enjoy learning, reading and being open to creativity. \r\n
Technology plays a big role in today's society! We are now teaching a different generation of kids, who begin using technology devices before they can walk. Chromebooks will be a great asset to our school library. The students will be able to use the Chromebooks in various ways, but my main goal is to flip the library. I have decided to teach my library classes using small group instruction. While I am teaching a group, the other students are engaged through independent learning through various activities. Having Chromebooks would allow students independently complete research and other activities that are assigned through Google Classroom.
My students need two Chromebooks for the library for research and class activities.
2016-08-02 10:54:49
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Health & Life Science
My Students Need Technology!
As a science teacher I am dedicated to enhancing and maximizing the student experience learning about scientific concepts. I believe that science should be learned through innovative, hands-on, real world experience.\r\n\r\nMy students come from diverse cultural and social backgrounds.\r\nDana is a Title 1 funded school with 73% of our students receiving free or reduced lunch. Many of my students also struggle in learning a second language as they come from homes and countries where English is not the native tongue. Dana has also recently become a STEAM magnet school that desperately needs funding to bring this school full \"STEAM\" ahead!
It is also vitally important that students learn to use computers to improve their own work and prepare for careers in a world where computers have become as common as the pencil and paper.\r\n\r\nMy students will benefit from the inclusion of technology and computers by making it easier for my students to research various topics, post assignments on Google Classroom, check their grades using Jupitergrades, learn how to make an effective PowerPoint presentation, how to use excel, word, and utilize email for communication. \r\n \r\nStudents can also send work from home or anywhere else, letting them finish work outside the constraints of school hours and teaching them about procrastination and personal responsibility.
My students need computers to enhance their learning. Computers are essential to my class!
2017-02-01 16:49:17
Grades 9-12
Math & Science, Literacy & Language
Applied Sciences, Literature & Writing
Connecting Civilizations Exhibition
My students ride busses from all over the city of Houston to attend school in the heart of downtown. They have chosen to attend Energy Institute High School, the first Energy focused school in the Nation, to be exposed to engineering, robotics and hands-on experience with our city's top industry. They are a multi-cultural, multi-racial, multi-talented group of young people that are passionate about growing their knowledge of the world around them. Our project-based campus allows these students to learn not only content, but also interpersonal skills and how to advocate for themselves. \r\n\r\n
Our students are creating an exhibition display to show off the products they've created for our PBL titled Connecting Civilizations. Students worked in groups of 3-4 to answer the driving question, \"How can we, as local Houstonians, use podcasts and walking bridges to educate others about Houston's diversity and create a more connected city?\"\r\n\r\nThe exhibition will be a museum style display and will stylishly display the model bridges students built in Engineering class, showcase the podcasts created in multiple courses, and will invite our community to join our dialogue about Houston's diversity and how each neighborhood contributes to our city. \r\n\r\nThe washi tape will be used to create a \"string map\" of our city and create a visual to connect each podcast episode to the physical location of each group's assigned neighborhood. The headphones and splitters will allow for all of our visitors to interact with the student produced podcasts. We are excited to create a manicured experience for students, families and visitors, alike!
My students need supplies to put together a professional project exhibition- they will be displaying their podcasts, bridges and think pieces for our project Connecting Civilizations.
2016-08-23 22:18:26
Grades 9-12
Special Needs
Special Needs
Autism & Intellectual Disability Classroom Needs
My students are in a self-contained special education classroom. The disabilities range from intellectual disabilities to Autism. I have some nonverbal students who uses minimal sign language and some with speech needs. My special education students ages range from 14-19, and they attend school until they are 21. Their cognitive ability doesn't go above a 1st grade level. These students always eager to work on activities and love to be praised for their completion. They really deserve the best academic and functional activities, along with classroom supplies to support their disabilities.\r\n
These materials will help my classes tremendously. These students are with me all day and would benefit from centers to create routines and structure needed for children with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disabilities. The students are very sensitive to noise, their social and communication skills are very low, and most of the students work at or below a 1st grade level. \r\n\r\nThe items requested are for academic and functional progressions. The file folder games will help with repetitive learning. The sorting items help with differentiating items and functional skills. The headphones will help with noise reduction due to noise sensitivities and the tablets will allow the students to work on applications on letters, colors, and motor skills. The bean bags are for when they need to calm down from being over stimulated by noises or activities.
My students need routine and repetition with sorting and organizing activities. Noise reducing headphones will help with their sensitive ears and tablets will afford us activity opportunities.
2016-08-03 17:04:11
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Special Needs
Literacy, Special Needs
Kinder iPads for Innovation
My students are Kindergartners who need hands-on, easy to manipulate tools in the classroom. My class is comprised of both typical learners as well as several who have been identified with a disability (autism, speech needs, behavioral needs, etc). Most of our students receive free or reduced lunch due to low income.\r\n\r\nThese students deserve a fair chance and the best education possible. 50% of our students this school year have not had preschool experiences leading to a large gap between them and their peers who have had those experiences. This means that many of them cannot hold a pencil correctly, form letters or numbers, or even use the kind of fine motor control needed to do much of what is expected for school.
This project is to provide 3 iPad minis for use in my classroom. These iPads will be used in a variety of ways. They will allow students to practice letter and number formation. They will reinforce skills needed to be successful in the classroom though fun, education apps and games. They will give a voice to student who have a difficult time communicating wants and needs. iPads will also allow students to access features of our new Wonders reading curriculum that wouldn't be used otherwise. \r\nThese iPads will be a game-changer in my students' education and school experience! \r\nNot only will they be a great learning tool, but students who have a negative view about learning will suddenly want to engage and be a part of what we are doing! I cannot express how much this small gift would impact the students in my classroom!
My students need 3 iPads for practicing number and letter formation, communication, computer skills, and to access our new curriculum for the 2016-2017 school year.
2017-01-08 15:47:59
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Visual Library Display for Hungry Learners!
My students walk into our classroom each morning with smiles on their faces and eager to learn. They are inquisitive young children with the world just within their reach. They each come from unique backgrounds, entering our classroom daily with their own strengths, interests, hopes, dreams, and worries about life. But, together we strive to make each day meaningful, fun, and learning filled! \r\n\r\nMy goal for each and everyone of my students is to instill a love of learning within them. With that love, I believe that my students can achieve anything that they put their mind to whether it be in 2nd grade, 5th grade, or throughout the remainder of their lives...they can, and they WILL achieve great things!
My students come into my classroom unsure of themselves as reader, and my goal for them each and every year is to instill a LOVE of reading within each of them. During 2nd grade many students are making the transition from picture books into chapter books and are often unsure as to which books are available to them at their appropriate reading level and desired interest. \r\nMy hope for my students, with the help of this visual library, is that they are able to more easily be introduced to a wider variety of books across multiple genres, authors, topics, and levels. \r\nExposure to a greater number of books is a proven method of helping to increase students' interest and ability in reading, and it is my belief that a library where students have easy access to a rotating assortment of books will help to do just that!\r\n
My students need a place where they can easily see the books they have available to them in the classroom, enticing them to read!
2016-06-24 16:19:33
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Special Needs
Literacy, Special Needs
Can't Stop Us Now!\r\n(Reading in Kindergarten)
My class is made up of diverse learners. They range in age from five to seven. We are a title one school serving students speaking a variety of languages. Many students in my classroom come to kindergarten with no previous school experiences. I would love to provide them with as many opportunities as possible so that they can have meaningful learning experiences and participate equally in the educational curriculum. When students feel confidence and connections with learning they increase their success in school.
My new kindergarten students coming in the fall need beginning leveled reading books. I am choosing this set for my students because they come in sets, and I will use them for guided reading, direct instruction groups.\r\n\r\nSeeing the funny titles and beautiful art work will start them on a reading journey full of excitement, and anticipation for the next book! All students deserve this type of exposure to reading.\r\n\r\nI have spent a lot of time as a teacher trying to find sets of books for beginning readers each week. This work uses of a great deal of planning time that could be spent on other projects.The thought of having this great reading set at my fingertips would be a dream come true for my students!!!
My students need leveled reading book sets for use in small group guided reading instruction. Let's Find Out: My Rebus Readers (Box of 144 Books / 24 Titles). This set would meet their needs!
2016-12-27 15:15:21
Grades 6-8
History & Civics, Math & Science
Financial Literacy, Mathematics
The Best Way to Solve Problems Is With Technology.
Approximately 700 unique 7th and 8th graders attend my middle school. We are a diverse population with a variety of backgrounds, cultures, experiences, and academic strengths. Seventy-four percent of our students qualify for free and reduced priced lunch, 1 in 7 of our students receives special education services, and 16 different languages are spoken on our campus. While every student is one-of-a-kind, all students share the desire and enthusiasm to experience their education through current technology tools. Many of our students come from technology-poor environments, and it has become clear that it is the school's responsibility to support students in becoming ready for the technology requirements of higher education and the workplace.
Students will be using a Chromebook to increase the rigor in their academic setting by researching and applying solutions to real-world problems and challenges. This experience will be student-directed, cross-curricular, experiential, and hands-on through Project Based Learning frameworks. A Chromebook will be used with the PBL framework to give students the opportunity to explore, interpret, and construct solutions to the real-world challenges that are relevant and support global mindedness. Access to this type of experience is nearly impossible without current technology tools. With a Chromebook and the Chrome Management Console, students will use web 2.0 education tools to research, evaluate information, construct viable solutions, and communicate new learning through multi-media applications.\r\n\r\nUsing current technology to support multi-faceted projects that connect to difficult but real challenges will be a highly effective and meaningful way to open our students' minds to the world they will inherit.\r\nOur middle school students will thrive in a technology-supported environment where in-depth exploration of authentic and important topics are at the forefront. Without current technology tools, we are limiting the experiences our students need to be successful over the next 10 years of their academic careers. The donation of Chromebooks to the school would be invaluable and met with considerable gratitude.
My students need 2 Chromebooks and 2 Management Consoles to help improve their math skills.
2017-01-12 22:25:32
Grades 9-12
Music & The Arts
Performing Arts
Stand Up For Music!!!
I am the head band director and fine arts teacher at a public school in Slidell, Louisiana, a suburb of New Orleans. Our school in St Tammany Parish works directly with other schools in our district to help better our community in many ways.\r\n\r\nRecently in our parish, we raised a record amount of money and school supplies for people effected by the flooding in and around Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I was so inspired by the selfless generosity my students demonstrated towards their peers in these flood-ravaged areas. On a daily basis, these students impress me with their passion, creativity, and exemplary leadership skills.Because of all of these reasons, I want to supply my students with the best equipment I can. Having these new supplies would be a huge boost in confidence and morale
The band at my high school rehearses extremely hard for many hours and performs for many community events. One thing that hinders us are our band room music stands. Our music stands are either broken, missing parts, or drooping as my students try and play. By having new music stands we will be able to have more productive rehearsals and more effective performances for our other students and our community!\r\n\r\nThis project will help my students reach out to the community in a more effective way. With new music stands we will be able to practice and rehearse more efficiently. This will give us more time to go out and play in support of our community!
My students need new music stands to hold their music while they perform and practice.
2016-07-25 16:29:52
Grades 3-5
Applied Learning
Character Education
Brag With Swag Tags
I am a teacher in an inner city school in Indianapolis, Indiana.\r\nMy students work hard, encourage one another, and push themsleves and each other to be the best that they can be. \r\nAll of my students receive free lunch and most of my students receive free textbooks. My students come from homes where parents work more than one job, and students are being raised by one parent, grandparents, or an older sibling. I am so blessed to be able to start my second year at the same school and in the same grade. Third grade is such a difficult transition year for students. It is my mission, as a their teacher, to help them start third grade off strong. My students are compassionate and caring. They are hardworking and intelligent. They make my job the only place I want to be. They deserve the best
My students work so hard everyday. As they work and push themselves to grow and become life long learners, they need to be rewarded for not only their academic achievements, but their growth, behavior, and citizenship. The supplies this project would provide allows our classroom to use brag tags as a way to reward students for all types of success. \r\n\r\nDinkmeyer and Dreikurs said \"Each child needs encouragement like a plant needs water; without it, his growth is stunted and his potential is sapped.\" The brag tags to give students swag is a way to encourage, excite, motivate, and push students to be the very best versions of who they are. With your help, students will be able to collect brag tags to show of and celebrate their achievements. \r\n
My students need black and color high yield ink cartridges, colored paper, a storage drawer, and laminating pouches.
2017-03-07 10:27:49
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Books, Books, and More Books! Now Where to Put Them?
My classroom has 31 incredible students. While we live in one of the largest cities in the country, our school is 89% low income and many of my students have not left their neighborhood or the northwest side of the city. As a result, it is our school's responsibility to open their eyes to a variety of new experiences. \r\n\r\nBeing a gifted and talented fourth grade room, we move at a very rigorous pace to explore a variety of subjects and topics during the year. This helps to expose our students to as much as possible while also keeping them engaged in learning. Because our school is low-income, we rely on the generous support of donors like you, in addition to community grants, to receive the supplies we need. My students are incredibly thankful to receive new materials, as they often receive hand-me-downs at home.
The 31 voracious readers in my class come to school thirsty for knowledge. My gifted and talented students are reading anywhere from a fourth to ninth grade level, so our classroom library must support their incredible reading ability. Thanks to a variety of grants and donations, our classroom library is overflowing with books - literally! We need more bookshelves to help us organize all of our great titles so they are easy for students to access.\r\n\r\nCurrently, our book bins are so full that they are incredibly heavy to lift off of our shelves. While we love having all of these books, the heavy and crowded bins mean that students sometimes don't even find the amazing titles in the back of the bins because they are hard to get to. It's the third quarter of school and while I know how many amazing texts we have, students are often complaining that there's \"nothing to read\". This usually involves me fishing through bins with these students and they are shocked at how many great books are hidden.\r\n\r\nWith your help, we are hoping to get more bookshelves to help books be more visible and bins be less crowded, so my students can enjoy all of the amazing books that we have.
My students need bookshelves to help organize our incredible classroom library and make our titles easy to find.
2016-09-27 23:10:23
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Literacy Center Technology
My students are beautiful and brilliant. Our class consists of multi-level learners. Our school is a high-poverty, Title I school, meaning that 100% of our students receive free or reduced-priced lunch. Our school is located in a high poverty neighborhood. My students work very hard everyday. Our class has a 98% attendance rate, which means the students rarely miss school. We value our learning time.\r\n\r\nMy students come from multi-ethic backgrounds, each with distinctive cultural traditions.In our classroom, we blend our traditions to form strong community
I am requesting 4 tablets for math, language arts, music and art. The students will use the tablets during language arts, math center time, music and art support. The students will be able to practice the skills learned using the app Vocabulary City which I can differentiate for the students so that they can learn on their level. Also my students' goal is to learn 1000 sight words by the end of the school year. We will use the tablets to practice and learn sight words. Sight words are words that the students should know by sight. During math, the student will use a math app to practice math facts in addition and subtraction.\r\n\r\nDonations to this project will improve all the students' learning and understanding of Common Core objectives including music and art.\r\nThe size and durability of tablets make them ideal for first graders to use while rotating through their groups. The tablets will allow me to tailor instruction for my students with special needs and language barriers. This will change my students' educational lives for the better owing to the fact that this will help me reach all the students in the classroom.
My students need tablets to use in our literacy and reading center.
2017-02-22 10:07:31
Grades 9-12
Music & The Arts
Visual Arts
Silkscreen workshop
My AP art and regular art classes combine sophomores, juniors, and seniors. I am very proud of their accomplishments. They are creating as fast as the speed of light and surprising me with their ideas. Their ideas are raw and still in need of polish for their final, original pieces of art. It is important that they search their personal way to communicate, and arts promotes the self-expression and confidence. But with restricted materials, they cannot reach their maximum potential. \r\nThey are in need to learn from updated technology to be competitive in the college and future job markets.\r\nMy students come from different backgrounds and homes. Most of them are going through phases of their lives in which they do not know how to react to them. They keep their feelings bottled up but that all changes when they enter the art room. Our classroom has become a safe haven for them. Here, no one judges one another when we present our art pieces; instead, we help each other grow with advice to help the art pieces reach their final potential. \r\nThe artwork created helps them see how their artwork will look in print and later framed.
My students are learning not just the theory of the art production, using current technologies, they will improve their skills and subsequently their chances to a better future. Learning in a hands-on environment will improve their social consciousness to help their own community and improve their financial situation. They will learn how to reproduce and create art pieces, how to imprint in fabrics, t-shirts, flags, caps, etc. This technology will create in them the sense of ownership and visualize a better future as small business owners.\r\nLearning how to use a silk screen machine and all the preparation process, improve their self-awareness and hope. Their self-esteem is boosted when they see the results and the possible impact in their life and the community.\r\nLearning this old trade creates will keep them out of the streets and will fill their life with a purpose.
My students need to improve their skills and capabilities to adapt to traditional technologies as well as the new ones.
2016-09-25 09:28:37
Grades 9-12
Applied Learning, Music & The Arts
College & Career Prep, Visual Arts
Photography Club: Uniting Students' Tech-Savvy Skills With Creative Expression
At our New York City high school for technology, students see tech not only as a passion, but as a gateway to opportunity beyond their post-secondary education. Our students study software engineering, graphic design, and information technology, in addition to meeting the other requirements of a NYS diploma.\r\n\r\nOur nearly 500 students, who come from the most under-served areas of NYC, look to our school as a place where they will learn the skills they need to be competitive in tomorrow's technology market. Many come from middle schools that lacked either the technology or the staff to enable them to delve into tech; yet, when they come to our school, though intense passion and hard work, they are successful because the teachers empower them to be active participants in their education. In their learning, they excel most when they own their classroom and participate not just as learners, but as experts of fields--as those who can teach others. Our challenge and goal as educators is to continuously connect our students' passions with skills as the prepare for college and careers.
Our photography club meets weekly where students explore the fundamentals of photography, as well as practice the real-life skills they need to take and publish professional and inspirational images.\r\n\r\nWith over 30 students joining in it's inaugural year, our photography club offers students a chance to unite their love of technology with the freedom of creative expression. To do this, we need more cameras! \r\n\r\nThis additional equipment would provide students with the hands-on experience they need to engage in assigned and self-created projects. We are a school of technology; with mastery in areas of coding, software engineering, and graphic design, the ability to capture and edit professional-level photos provides students with a further competitive edge for college and career readiness. \r\n\r\nThese cameras would allow more students to participate in our club and capture images of student engagement, after-school sports and clubs, community adventures, and scenes from their daily life in New York City. \r\n\r\n
My students need professional-level cameras in order to connect their passion for technology with creative expression. These four cameras will allow more students to engage in hands-on learning.
2017-01-10 17:44:27
Grades 3-5
Math & Science
Environmental Science, Mathematics
STEM: Building Greater Minds Through Technology (SIMS)
My third grade students are young scientist with a thirst for knowledge. They enjoy learning new things and they enjoy using technology in their studies.\r\nMy students attend a rural Title 1 School here in the Delta. They are faced with many challenges in their everyday life. Many of them ride up to one and a half hours to and from school each day. Some of them live in such isolated areas that school is their only form of outside communication. They do not let these challenges keep them from wanting to learn. They want to learn and many of them are being introduced to a Science Lab for the first time this year.\r\n\r\n
My students will use the Chromebooks as a form of technology in our Science Lab. They will see Science, Mathematics, and Engineering integrated with technology. They will participate in a STEM Lab with presentations, experiments, and research. By the end of the school year, my students will be able to do simple STEM research projects.\r\nDonations to this project will help my students have a great STEM Lab where they can enhance their learning with updated technology. It will help them to do research, create power power points, presentations, and become more familiar with hands on instruction in the lab.
My students need two laptops to bring much needed technology into our Science Lab.
2016-10-05 18:34:18
Grades 3-5
Health & Sports
Gym & Fitness, Health & Wellness
Stepping It Up!
The students in my school range from first to eighth grade and come from numerous backgrounds. My physical education classroom is a place of movement, skill development, and fun. Students will spend this year developing a variety of different skills and learning new games and sports. My students will develop a lasting enjoyment for being active and physically fit for life.\r\n\r\nThe students in my school range from first to eighth grade and come from numerous backgrounds. They are excited to participate in many new PE activities. They take pride in their efforts, and are willing to challenge their bodies for the sake of being a healthier person.
This year we will be aiming to be in motion as much as possible. We have traditionally done a series of fitness tests to analyze our fitness. The activity trackers I am requesting will allow students to see how active they have been during class, and make sure they are getting in the necessary movement to show increases in fitness.\r\n\r\nDonations to this project will strengthen the student engagement in physical education class.\r\nThe students at my school are very interested in in statistics and data. My students will find great interest in analyzing their physical activity while setting personal goals to maximize movement. The ability to track distance covered using the activity trackers will be beneficial for both the students as well as myself as the teacher to modify activities to increase movement.
My students need a class set of pedometer fitness trackers for Physical Education Class
2016-09-14 22:27:18
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
I Can Read!
My school resides in a rural area in which many of the students have not traveled outside of the county line to experience places, such as a beach or a city's downtown. Even though many of them have not physically experienced these places, they are dreamers. They come to class each day ready to learn and look forward to reach their goals. I see the smiles on their faces when they have finally mastered a skill, such as moving up a reading level because they are able to recognize words that were unfamiliar to them before. I want to continue to see their faces light up as they excel towards achieving their goals.
80% of my students are not on grade level. In order for my students to achieve not only my dreams that I have set for them but their own dreams of meeting their goals with being able to read and comprehend grade level literature, informational text, and high frequency words, these reading materials will give them the support to enhance their learning with collaborative learning and small teacher led groups. These materials will allow me to support my students with meaningful literacy stations while in a small group teacher led setting to receive a more one-on-one interaction to help them grow into great readers.
My students need support in mastering Literacy skills to become great readers!
2016-07-19 12:53:45
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
Organize One Day at a Time
I work in a school that is a high poverty. Many of the students receive free or reduced price meals. My goal, as their teacher, is to provide them with a positive learning environment. One big way of doing this is by having a classroom where they feel welcomed as they would at home. They spend most of their day with me and I try to make it the best part of their day.\r\n This will allow the students to be organized when getting their materials each day during center/station time. They will know what is needed each day with the organization drawers, while working independently and collaboratively. This will allow my student to concentrate on the work at hand without having to search the classroom for materials. \r\n
Students will be able to use the storage carts to organize their in class materials. Each group of 4-5 students will have a cart. Their materials for their station will be located in the cart. This allows for easy transitions and fewer lost materials. I want my students to concentrate on learning, not if they can find their materials. \r\n These carts are the first step to learning how to keep up with materials and organize them in a way that makes learning and creating more efficient.\r\n Learning organization skills will allow the children to concerntrate more on their learning of reading (literacy), math, writing, and science concepts and skills.
My students need plastic storage carts to organize and sort their daily station/center material.
2016-10-04 14:37:15
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literature & Writing, Mathematics
Second Grade Scholars Seeking 21st Century Knowledge
My class is a diverse community. We thrive learning and encouraging one another. Literacy supports and basic technology supports are essential to our growth. Many of my students spend their day away from home from the time they wake up until after dinner. I believe they deserve an environment that will develop their skills in the classroom and produce good habits outside by having the right tools for mastery. Like many educators, many elements are provided by myself and husband.
With the overhead projector past its prime, the easel provides only a fraction of our learning experience. We are limited in physical space. By having our reading shown on the screen, we can interact with our writing and provide feedback to our peers. As we approach third grade, we want to impress our teachers with the knowledge we have acquired in all academic areas and how we effectively use technology. \r\nWe love reading, writing, sharing math strategies and problem solving. Please help us move forward into the next phase of our education. We are planning for our future within every one of our core subjects.
My students need to have a full experience with technology. We need a cart, projector and camera to fully experience math strategies, writing and reading skills. The tools provide a collaborative and interactive experience.
2017-04-05 20:49:00
Grades 6-8
Math & Science, Literacy & Language
Applied Sciences, Literacy
Increasing Literacy in Science!
I truly believe that we have some of the most kind, funny, and caring students on the planet. The students at our school are amazing! They come to school every day with great attitudes and a drive to learn, regardless of their home situations.\r\n\r\nUnfortunately, my students have many obstacles in their young lives like their socioeconomic status (all our students qualify for free lunch), their living area, the fact that over 90% of our students are ESL, and the list goes on and on. \r\n\r\nOur students overcome these challenges on a daily basis. They come to school, a safe warm place, ready, excited, and willing to learn. They look up to us and expect great things just as we do of them. I am hoping to be afforded the opportunity to meet my students' most basic needs so they can fully focus on their education.\r\n\r\nMy students have had very few experiences in their lives and have very few resources available to them outside of school, and that is why I am hoping that you will provide them this opportunity to utilize these resources that they may never otherwise be able to use and learn about.
Because my students speak English as their second language, many of them struggle with literacy. In our science class, we do a lot of hands-on activities but we definitely have room for more activities that focus on literacy. Increasing the student's word and language literacy shouldn't be left only to the language arts teachers. As we know, it takes a village and that is why I am hoping you will fund this project and help me increase the opportunities for literacy in their science class.\r\n\r\nUnfortunately, most of my students do not have books at home, especially ones that focus on science topics.\r\n\r\nWith the NGSS standards being implemented, the students need as much practice as possible in and out of the classroom. If this project is funded, I will be starting a science classroom library that will allow the students to check out science books that not only will help further their own science knowledge but also increase their literacy skills. Not only will the students be benefiting from the science library, entire families will. Parents and students will be able to sit and read together and hopefully better grasp the English language as a family. After the student is finished with the book at home, they will return it and be able to check out another!\r\n\r\nThank you so much!\r\n
My students need a variety of Earth, life, and physical science books that will help to increase their literacy.
2017-04-06 14:29:05
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Applied Sciences
Chemical Reactions--Snow in September
The students that I get the pleasure of educating are explorers, innovators, hands-on learners, leaders, inquisitive, who can't wait for the next group project. They come to school with a smile as they enter my classroom and constantly ask what are we going to learn today. What a joy it is to facilitate a learning environment that embodies these experiences. \r\n\r\nThe classes that I get to facilitate are wonderful ways to watch learning happen through hands-on experiences that make science an enjoyable learning experience that foster critical thinking.
The materials are for introductory/demonstration purposes to allow the students to inquire how chemical reactions happen. These demonstrations will also allow the students to explore and wonder what else can be done with chemical reactions using household materials.\r\n\r\nOne example is utilizing the snow polymer to make \"fake\" snow by adding water. After that is completed the students will use \"water-loc\" and the snow polymer to make an artificial snowball. This activity allows the students to hypothesize what other chemical reactions take place with household materials. Lastly, this demonstration will offer an avenue for discussion on lab safety and household chemical safety.
My students need materials for classroom demonstrations that will inspire students to explore chemical reactions.
2017-02-27 17:12:15
Grades 6-8
History & Civics, Literacy & Language
History & Geography, Literature & Writing
Teaching about WWII through graphic novels.
I work in a self-contained Special education 8th grade English class as well as in two Special Education resource classes where all of the students are working 2-3 grade levels below grade level and need a specialized setting in order to have full access to academic material at their independent reading level. In the English class, I create my own curriculum, based on the 8th grade ELA standards as well as the Common Core Stands. Much of what I create is written 2-3 grade levels below 8th grade in order to meet the independent reading levels of all the students in my class. I use a variety of methods ranging from videos to power point presents and dramatization to ensure that I have presented material in ways all of my students are able to understand and continue working on. There is very little lecture time, but instead collaboration discussion so students are able to teach each other. Some of the best teaching moments have been those moments when the students are fully engaged and raising the bar of understanding so all students are working at their full potential.
Students are only given a textbook account to learn about one of the most tragic events in human history, the Holocaust. With the limited knowledge found in their textbooks, so many students don't grasp just how tragic the Holocaust was and how is has left a lifelong imprint on all generations since it ends. \r\n My goal is to give students a one on one account of one man's story, told through his eyes, told through a graphic novel. My hope is to help students gain a better understanding, through the use of a new style a book, with the hopes to never repeat the past.
My students need to gain a better understand of the Holocaust.
2016-09-28 20:18:17
Grades 3-5
Health & Sports, Special Needs
Health & Wellness, Special Needs
Stand for Success!
My students are part of a looping 4th and 5th grade classroom. These two years allow me to learn so much about each student's learning style and strategies for best reaching their needs. In our time together, we become a family.\r\n\r\nThe students that are part of my classroom family are energetic, creative and full of everything I believe makes our future bright as a community, country and world.\r\n\r\nI want to give these kids everything they need to be successful in my classroom.
I am requesting alternative seating in my classroom to increase learning opportunities for all students. Students, more now than ever, need strategies and tools to keep them engaged in their learning. Many students choose to stand but don't have a surface at the correct height to complete their work.\r\n\r\nStanding desks are research driven options for students who have difficulties remaining focused while sitting in a standard desk all day. \r\n\r\nBy increasing student's activity level, there are many benefits that follow. This \"comfortable fidget\" allows the brain to quiet down and focus on the task at hand. With an increased number of students with ADHD and other disorders that interfere with focus, this is a healthy alternative to medication.
My students need standing desks to boost student engagement and performance.
2016-08-14 23:31:25
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports, Special Needs
Health & Wellness, Special Needs
Flexible Seating for Success!
I work at a STEAM school in which our students are able to learn in a variety of ways and can engage in more project based learning and technology based activities. As a special education teacher I not only teach my students English/Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, and PE, but I also teach them social skills and life skills that are very much needed to help them succeed in life. \r\n\r\nThe students in my classroom have emotional disabilities and learn in a variety of ways. Our classroom has a range of disabilities and not all students learn sitting in a typical desk. I have made some changes to help my students have more flexible seating arrangements, including raising a table for standing and bringing in stability balls for a table to sit more comfortably. Although these are good first steps, there is more work to be done.
The 3 Kids Kore Wobble Chairs will allow the students to sit at a desk and complete work during independent time, or pay more attention during group work/centers. They will be able to strengthen core muscles while helping their brains stay focused on the task at hand. The reusable dry erase pockets will allow the students to work around the room in different areas, including on the floor if they desire. \r\n\r\nThese tools will allow my students to make a choice in how they learn best. \r\n\r\nHaving an alternative seating arrangement other than just desks and chairs allows all students to succeed.
My students need Kids Kore wobble chairs and reusable dry erase pockets to give them a choice and help them learn.
2016-08-06 00:20:04
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
Flexible Seating for Flexible Learning
Our classroom is made up of 25 kiddos who are very excited about learning every day! The majority of this class is currently on the free or reduced price lunch program based on the poverty rate in our surrounding environment, but they do not let their circumstances stop them from growing! \r\n\r\nThis is a driven group of students who push themselves to be the best they can be. We are currently in a Title I eligible school that isn't receiving any additional financial support. Over 60% of the 550 students in our building receive free or reduced price lunch. This staggering reality makes it difficult to allocate any funds towards additional tools and resources that can provide a more engaging learning environment for our students. Your support can help make a difference in the lives of our incredible group of young people!
Our class is striving to create a flexible seating environment where students have the option to continuously get their wiggles out while staying engaged in their learning. We currently have standard desk chairs, and some crate seats. Neither of these options offers the students the opportunity to move while learning. We attempted to use stability balls in our classroom and while the students loved the idea of them, they were constantly distracted because they spent more time chasing it than actually sitting on it. \r\nFlexible seating should not be a distraction! I asked my students what they thought we should do about the situation. They did not want to give up the stability balls but also realized the problems they were causing. \r\nThe Cando Ball Chair was found! What a perfect solution! This chair assists students in improving posture and sense of balance. It will help avoid the distractions of rolling away while still giving the students the opportunity to move throughout their day. My students would love to eventually get an entire classroom set but they would be thrilled to have donor support to help them obtain their dream seats in baby steps! Thank you!
My students need 10 Cando Ball chairs to add to our flexible seating environment.
2017-01-26 16:27:03
Grades 6-8
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
Counseling Tools To Build Resilient Youth!
This is a high poverty neighborhood; my students are faced with hardships in the community that they carry with them into the classroom. The counseling office is a refuge for many students who need support in overcoming various challenges, such as incarcerated parents, neighborhood violence, gang presence and more.\r\n\r\n\"I like to come in here, and just sit in the quiet\" a student shared as she discussed her home life.\r\n\r\nI am asking for your help in continuing to make my office a calming place where students can learn new coping skills to help build resiliency and self-regulation. The items I am looking to buy will help invest in new skills for students. Journaling, art, and relaxation items are tools that will teach them mindfulness and allow them to process their feelings.
These students come to school with a great amount of baggage. 100% of our students receive free breakfast and lunch due to the high poverty in our area. \r\n\r\nThese students deal with great stress in the community and come to school to learn. Unfortunately, with the amount of stress they have it is often hard to focus at school. These counseling tools will help me to reach the students who are struggling, and give them an outlet where they can journal, draw, or talk through their issues...Freeing their mind to focus on their education and building a positive future for themselves!
My students need various supports to help in the counseling process. They often need help to express themselves, and writing, drawing, or talking while using a relaxation tool is VERY HELPFUL!
2016-09-03 14:27:19
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
These Books Make Me Sneeze!
All children should have access to the best that we can give them and right now, our school district doesn't have much to give. \r\n\r\nThe library where I am a new librarian has old, dirty, dusty picture books for our sweet little Pre-K through 1st graders. Many books are from 1950-1980. The library has been neglected and I want to change that this year. We have a large mix of different types of students at our school. We have all of the children in foster care, children from a large mobile home park, lots of children that live in apartments, and also children that come from middle to upper-middle class homes. All of these children are excited to learn and excited to come to school and to the library to get books. This is the first year that our school will receive Title 1 money and many families whose children attend our school have been hit hard by the oil recession that affected our city.
The books we currently have in our library are musty, dusty, dirty, and old. The majority of the titles are from the 1950's to the 1980's. While there are many fantastic authors from those decades, the books are just too old, worn, and smelly to be interesting to the students. \r\nOne Kindergarten class the other day spent the entire class period pointing out all the tears in the pages, the crayon drawings in the books, and the frayed edges that they couldn't even look at the pictures or read the book. The students need new and current books at this most important time in their lives while they are learning to read.
My students need pictures books that make them want to join in the reading, grow their imagination, or dance and sing with the characters.
2017-03-29 09:45:32
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Foreign Languages
Adelante! Spanish with iPads
I have a classroom full of amazing students learning Spanish! Our program is a 50/50 dual language program. Many of my students are below grade level in reading and do not have access at home to Spanish language development. The staff at my school is committed to helping them leave first grade at/or above grade level.\r\n\r\nMy students work really hard every day to acquire the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in their 2nd language. \r\n\r\nI am hoping, with your support, that I can achieve that goal by the time they leave 1st grade.
These 5 iPad mini's will service all of my students during their Spanish language development. I have multiple students without online access at home, so these will be utilized by those students for learning outside of the classroom as well. iPads are wonderful tools to promote vocabulary skills & oral language building. \r\n \r\nStudents will be able to bring 'learning to life' with iPads through the use of virtual field trips and educational websites. Visual aids and online access greatly help students to acquire a 2nd language. \r\n\r\n I want to make sure that our students are exposed to the latest technology while becoming fluent readers, writers, and speakers.
My students need ipads to access online resources for language development.
2016-08-25 12:18:55
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Environmental Science
Marceaux's Magnificent Mayhem \r\nLearning Made Fun
My students are eager to learn and are amazed when they encounter something new. Some are willing and want to learn everything they can about science. While others are hard to motivate. \r\nA majority of our students are considered in the low socio-economic population. Their status does not define who they are and I work hard to encourage and motivate them to strive to be the best they can be. They are our future, I want them to be successful.
I am asking for equipment that will help my students develop a deep understanding of how the world around them is influenced by nature and man. The Google Cardboard apparatus will allow my students to take virtual field trips to every part of the world. Not only will they be able to experience in 3-D different results of plate tectonics they will be able to experience Newton's Law's of Motion by riding a virtual roller coasters among other things. The possibilities are limitless with the equipment I am asking for. \r\n I want my students to become deep thinkers that use their observation skills to develop an understanding of the process of how the world works. The weather table will help to demonstrate how convection currents in the air influence weather, convection currents affect ocean currents and the movement of magma, as well as how density is the key to all functions on Earth. All of the activities that the equipment will be used in will provide a visual demonstration that my students desperately need. \r\n The equipment I am asking for will cover a multitude of information that my students need to know to become successful thinkers. Also, it is so important for girls to understand they are needed in science fields, I want to introduce as much as I can with hopes of sparking an interest not only in them but the boys as well. The hands-on equipment combined with activities will bring my students to the deep understanding and thinking that I am trying to foster in them.
My students need to be able to experience, understand, and process new knowledge about the world and how it works without leaving the classroom.
2016-05-11 08:12:44
Grades 9-12
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Health & Life Science
Fun with Fibrous Forensics
A typical day in any one of my classes is spent preparing to take on the scientific world by expanding our knowledge of living things, but we are lacking supplies to help aid our understanding.
My students are a small, but determined group. They ask pointed questions, are excited about hands-on labs, and are eager to learn. Many of them have plans to pursue an education in science at the college level. They struggle against a low-socioeconomic status, but manage to succeed in all they put their mind to. They are fighters that persevere in everything to meet their goals and dreams.
My students will be using hands on activities and lab scenarios to gain insight into the world of forensics. With these materials, a crime scene will be set up and the students will need to focus on finding hair and fiber evidence. The students will then be required to analyze the hairs and fibers found, comparing them to known samples to aid identification of the hair/fiber evidence found at the scene.
These materials will make a difference in the learning of hair and fiber forensic analysis. I believe these materials will aid my students in being able to make connections between those forensic science concepts and real life scenarios. I hope this helps them see the purpose of forensic science, how we can use these techniques to solve problems, and its overall impact on our world.
My students need materials for a new Forensics course.
2017-01-08 12:36:43
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language, Special Needs
Foreign Languages, Special Needs
Paint My World Bright!
My students are amazing, marvelous and challenging on many levels. They come to school excited, eager for an exciting lesson. I often refer to them jokingly as “challenging customers” that refuse to accept second best. And so as they are walking in the classroom, they ask: “Madame Nakou, what you got today?” and I reply: “Come in and find out how amazing today is.”\r\n\r\nOur school is a Title I school in Atlanta where 100% of our students receive free breakfast and lunch. Many of our students are facing many socio-economic challenges that hinder their academic success. As I observe them interact with one another, enthused in a lesson, I regain my conviction that a future is possible and achievable for all my students.
We are requesting paint brushes, paints of various colors and a roll of paper. Many of my students have very limited exposure to the world as a global community. It is a concept that is difficult for them to grasp. I want to break the gap and bring the world to them. My students with disabilities will have the opportunity to experience learning in a less traditional way.\r\n\r\nWe might not yet have the means today to travel to the world, but we can bring the world to us.\r\nWe will use the painting supplies to recreate a mini- world in our World Language hallway. The students will each adopt a country and paint the flag and a mural to depict a cultural aspect of that country.\r\n\r\nEntering the World Language hallway will sparkle our imagination, entice our dreams, bring our dreams closer to us.
My students need paint, paintbrushes and paper to incorporate art into our lessons.
2017-04-29 17:36:09
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science
Playful Opportunities for Math Success
As a Kindergarten teacher I am challenged with the task of creating a developmentally appropriate environment for five and six year olds while also helping them achieve the high academic standards for Kindergarten students in our school district.\r\n\r\nMy students are learning how to practice kindness, eager readers, joy seekers, and they do it all the the boundless energy of a 5 year old. They love to dance, thrive on praise, and are learning how to be students. We have a wide variety of needs, abilities, and challenges in our classroom.
My students crave play time and always ask for more opportunities to go outside. This kid-inspired project combines their desire for play and their love of the outdoors. We are a fairly worksheet free zone and this project grants them opportunities to explore math in a hands-on way while outside. \r\n\r\nThese life-size math materials will make my students' wish come true by providing opportunities to take our math mini-lessons and math stations outside. My students have selected materials and they are looking forward to using the magnetic ten frames, number bean bag, Math Marks the Spot, Math Mat Challenge, and the other games. \r\n\r\nMy students are five years old and learn best through exploration, movement, and play...exactly what these materials provide. These math games will give us the chance to be actively engaged in building number sense, learning how to count, building our addition fluency, and so much more, all while outdoors. \r\n\r\nThe beauty of learning through games is that these games do not only teach the math skills they are designed to teach. Students are also practicing important social and interpersonal skills like taking turns, being a good sport, following the rules, problem solving, and reflecting and learning from experience. My kiddos know that play IS learning. They get excited when I pull out a new game, do a happy dance when I take down the sidewalk chalk, and they beg for outdoor number relay races. Funding this project will provide my students with resources to take their math lessons to the grassy area near our playground and the school sidewalk.
My students need math games to engage with math in a fun and meaningful way.
2016-10-26 21:16:12
Grades PreK-2
Warmth, Care & Hunger
Warmth, Care & Hunger
Curtains for a Montessori Environment!
Our students learn in a public Montessori school environment. It is a lower elementary multi-age classroom of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders. Our students come from Hartford and the surrounding area towns. We have a mix of urban and suburban children from diverse backgrounds.\r\n\r\nOur school was created to reduce the racial, ethnic, and socio-economic isolation of the Greater Hartford area.The school's mission is to ensure that all students meet high standards and develop to their full potential in traditional and expanded academic areas as defined by Dr. Maria Montessori's philosophy of education.
Our Montessori classroom is supposed to be inviting and homelike. Students should be surrounded by home fixtures like art work, lamps, beautiful wooden shelves, furniture, and learning materials. We do not keep busy posters and distractions on our walls.\r\n\r\nWe want to add a touch of comfort and home to our windows! We are ordering valances and extension rods to finish off our classroom decor. The students' school environment should be comforting and welcoming. Our windows are currently bare and plain. Some simple valances would help balance our classroom environment to promote learning. We appreciate your help supporting our community!
My students need curtains in their classroom. Montessori classrooms should be homelike and simple. Our windows are currently bare. We need to add some warmth!
2016-08-11 21:32:00
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Gym & Fitness, Health & Wellness
Moving and Grooving Exercise Stations.
I currently teach at a Title 1 school. This means my school has a very high percentage of students who receive a free or reduced priced lunch, but it doesn’t define our school or our kiddos! I work with the most amazing first graders that come from many different backgrounds. Some of my students are faced with some unthinkable challenges both in and out of the classroom. Despite these challenges, I strive to meet the many needs of every individual student in my classroom. I don't focus on the challenges, but I focus on teaching and caring for the whole-child. I also strive each and every day to meet the needs of my students through all faucets of their life including nutrition, health, and wellness. My students are always full of energy and they love to move, especially during our daily brain breaks. Our brain breaks are vital, as is the ability to move in and around the classroom. With this idea in mind, my students and I came up with this project.
My students aren't too shy to show me a few dance moves or two. They also love to participate in our daily brain breaks, but they are always complaining about how they are too short, and that we don't have enough of them. \"Mrs. Z, when is our next brain break? We want to dance, Mrs. Z! We need to wake our brains up!\" That is what I keep hearing from my kiddos, and I don't blame them. So, we talked about how we could incorporate either more brain breaks, or some other sort of move and groove time. We ended up with the idea of adding a fitness station into our daily rotations for ELA, Math and Science. The kids really want to have the chance to move and groove during one of their rotations. Now, I obviously cannot let my kiddos just stand around and dance, so I agreed that we could add a move and groove station where they used the ipads, cases and earbuds to watch and listen (without distraction) to Go Noodle, Just Dance or Cosmic Kids Yoga during one of their math rotations. I also added the pedometers so that the students could keep track of their movement. Additionally, students would have to use their math journals to add up and keep track of their movement. For some of my more advanced students, they could then use the ipads to create healthy and fit videos, as well as, graph their movement. This would be their accountability piece. Then as a bonus, I told the kids that they could use the ipads as part of their ELA/science rotations to look up information about healthy eating and living, or even watch videos from our Nat. Geo program. My kiddos are very excited to get started!
My students need 2 mini ipads, ipad cases, wireless earbuds and pedometers to development healthy fitness stations in our classroom.
2016-07-04 20:14:11
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language, Special Needs
Literacy, Special Needs
Can You Hear Me Now?
The students in my class have special needs that fall in the moderate range and struggle academically when material is presented in a traditional manner. My goal is for each of my students to be able to participate in all of our classroom activities. My students are in need of headphones that will allow them access to a multimodality based curriculum. \r\nAll students deserve the right to have a curriculum that is accessible to them. I currently have 6th-8th graders in my class and they function on a variety of levels ranging from Pre-k and up. These students come to school eager to learn the same as their peers not requiring the extra help. I generally have anywhere from 1 large, whole group lesson to 3 or 4 small group lessons to 14 individual lessons going on at once. Our school is located in an impoverished, rural area with an extremely high unemployment rate. Many of the parents can barely afford to purchase the daily supplies needed for school so we can't ask for anything beyond that. All students deserve the best education possible unhindered by financial circumstances. \r\n
As children with special needs, my students require specific accommodations that allow them access to the curriculum. My curriculum is based on the same grade level standards as their peers just presented in a modified manner. Due to the various reading levels of my students, most of our curriculum is presented orally. \r\nMy students need headphones in order to be able to access computer programs that read to them. Some programs require them to record themselves reading aloud in order to assess fluency. In order to meet this need, I have included 2 pair of headphones that include a microphone. \r\n
My students need headphones to use with computer programs that will read the curriculum to them.
2017-03-19 12:32:27
Grades 9-12
Music & The Arts
Music, Performing Arts
Stand Lights for IN THE HEIGHTS!
This project would directly benefit about 30 9th-12th grade musicians, many of whom have been playing their instruments since the 6th grade. They come from all over New York City to attend our wonderful high school in the South Bronx. Despite the many obstacles that they face as urban teens, they inspire me daily with their grit, sensitivity, and especially their commitment to music. The Orchestra is a beacon of joy in the school’s culture, and my students are proud to use their instruments to learn how to work together and create harmony. We’ve already begun preparations for our spring musical, IN THE HEIGHTS, and the show is resonating with students as a distinctly New York story written for characters just like them: people of color trying to make it in a tough but beautiful city.
We put on our school musicals in a multi-use Cafetorium. When the pit orchestra is set up, we've traditionally needed to keep the house lights on so the musicians can still read their music, which makes it feel more like a cafeteria than an auditorium.\r\n\r\nOur productions would feel much more intimate and theatrical if we could keep the house lights lower; having our wonderful student musicians use stand lights would allow us to put on more professional and compelling productions.\r\n\r\nAn experienced theatre musician myself, having played in numerous shows on and off-Broadway, I'm excited to give my students a true pit orchestra experience. Musical theatre is among the most collaborative art forms, and my hope is that they'll see the value that every player brings to the production, from the lead actor in the spotlight to the viola player under the pit light.
My students need stand lights for our school musical productions. This year's show is IN THE HEIGHTS and we want to be sure the student musicians in the pit orchestra can see and read their music!
2016-11-06 01:50:00
Grades 6-8
Literacy & Language, Music & The Arts
Literacy, Performing Arts
Bookifying Through Visuals and Music
My school is located in Baltimore City. I teach in a middle school classroom. It's a pretty small school in comparison to many schools around Baltimore.\r\n\r\nHow can I describe my students? Well, Bold. Outspoken. Inquisitive. Smart. Silly. Funny. Those are just some of the words that come to mind when I think of my students.\r\n\r\nThey push themselves to succeed and learn new things on a daily basis. \r\n\r\nThey persevere through adversities.\r\n\r\nI absolutely love my students, and I can't wait to see what positive things they contribute to the world.
Students will use the camcorder to create visual aids for books they've read in class this year. In particular, students will create and perform in their own visual representations of novels they've enjoyed. The computer will be used to edit and compose the videos, which will be shared with the school student body. Students will have to perform in the videos and use original ideas within the videos.\r\n\r\nCreating these videos will encourage students to be more creative using performing arts, as well as encourage students to read novels that have been \"bookified\" by other students.\r\n\r\nAdditionally, these videos will teach students how to edit and produce videos that they have created, and it will encourage them to share their creative ideas with others without being discouraged.
My students need a computer and a camcorder so that they can create and perform in visual representations of books they've read.
2016-06-30 08:42:15
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
ESL, Literacy
4th Grade Nothing? More like 4th Grade Everything!
\r\nMy students are diverse in every sense of the word. They come from different walks of life and some have more difficult home lives than others. Despite the challenges they face, they come to school each day eager to learn and up for any challenge presented to them. They do not let the obstacles in their lives stop them from reaching their goals. Their persistence inspires me to be the very best teacher I can be and to give them the best learning experience possible. \r\n\r\n
A donation to this project will make a difference with my students' learning in so many ways. In less than ideal circumstances, what better way to escape for a bit than with a good book? This is an opportunity to show students that there is an amazing world out there and by exposing them to it, we can prove to them that anything is possible. This will improve their lives for the better by fostering a love of reading. This book in particular is a fun book and they will be able to relate to the tales the main character tells. This will also teach them that reading is fun!
My students need a class set of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume.
2017-03-31 18:51:39
Grades 3-5
Special Needs
Special Needs
We like to Move it Move it!
I teach in a Native Alaskan Subsistence village in rural Alaska. My students are sweet and hardworking. They love to fish, hunt, and pick berries. My students enjoy year round outdoor activities such as swimming, fishing, snowmobiling and driving on the ice road.\r\n\r\nI am a K-12 SPED teacher in my village and work with students with a large variety of different needs. My students are generous and kind. They love their family and their friends and their village, but sometimes they need a boost with some things (as we all do from time to time).
My students sometimes have special needs. They needs spaces that are safe and secure when they need quiet. They need to be able to move their bodies efficiently and get their energy out. \r\n\r\nMy students need to have a comfortable and safe place to be still. Their minds need the chance to be quiet and to relax when the day is too much. Rockers and \"pea pods\" give them a chance for peace in a chaotic world.\r\n\r\nMy students also need a chance to MOVE. Resistance bands, yoga cards, and weighted balls help students with sensory or motor issues understand how their bodies work and all the amazing things it can do.
My students need tools to help them move their bodies and calm their minds.
2017-03-01 13:38:32
Grades 6-8
Warmth, Care & Hunger
Warmth, Care & Hunger
Providing the Essentials for Hope and Comfort!
We all are driven by many things, but have you ever met students who are driven by becoming world change agents? My students are determined to make a difference in this world; they are passionate about world change and change within their communities. \r\n\r\nMy students face many barriers, such as poverty, homelessness, hunger, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, and a wide variety of emotional disorders. While they do face these challenges, my students still come to school eager to learn, and change the world. With them I stand, taking on the challenges, and supporting them in their desires to change the world!
Imagine the feeling that you feel when you notice you've sweated too much, and you're feeling self-conscious about your body odor; or imagine that feeling that you have when you need a piece of gum or splash of mouth wash but simply can't afford it... That feeling of insecurity, self-consciousness, despair, and not wanting to interact with your peers are frequently the feelings overwhelming my students daily as they embark on the quest of acquiring an education. That feeling of being a teenager/pre-teen simply trying to fit into a society filled with social critiques and false concepts of beauty.\r\nDespite the feeling of insecurity my students still come to school daily, bracing the struggles of growing up, maintaining a high self esteem while attaining an education to be counted as great men and women in today's global society. Many of my students live in shelters, or in homes where they cannot afford the necessities for up keeping personal hygiene. My students often come to my classroom asking for these items in hopes they could return to the classroom to learn without being teased, distracted, or worrying if others notice. When my students are focused on, \"if others will notice\" or \"will my friends sit beside me today\"... they're distracted from the lesson... for things that are out of their control. By providing these products for my students, you will assist with providing the essentials for my students to give them hope and comfort to sit in the classroom embracing the desire to be great life-long learners. My students already face many challenges inflicted on them by society, thus providing these essentials together we can eliminate one of these challenges- up keeping personal hygiene.
My students need deodorant, wash clothes, soap, underwear, and tooth paste.
2016-09-02 08:43:02
Grades 9-12
Math & Science
Health & Life Science
Connect Us to the Future
My students enjoy group projects, technology, and a challenge. I want to give them the tech savvy tools to help them become successful in college and their future careers in healthcare.\r\n\r\n My goal is to create a seamless connection between their rich tech- sophisticated social media lives on their iPhones and our classroom. \r\n\r\nThey are focused and driven which isn't necessarily the case with all high school students. We have over 1,800 students at our suburban, public school located on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi. Many of our students are eligible for free and reduced lunches and fee waivers. I have 45 students in health science classes who love to conduct research on the Internet and use new apps on their phones.
My students will be able to use laptops in the classroom to connect to students from around the world, create public service announcements, conduct research, prepare multimedia presentations, and prepare themselves for a future in healthcare. I must increase technology use to prepare my students for today's world.\r\n\r\nI would like my students' classroom technology skills to rival their social media skills. The best way to achieve this goal is to use technology in the classroom daily. \r\n\r\nWriting, recording, testing, podcasting, and reading are all one click away when each student has a computer. Our world is driven by technology. I would like our classroom to be driven by technology also.
My students need computers in the classroom to connect them to classes around the world, conduct research, complete assignments, and prepare them for college and career.
2016-10-11 11:59:06
Grades 3-5
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness, Nutrition Education
Sand & Water
I work in the wellness center in an Elementary School. We're a tear two school, with kids with social and emotional problem. The students deal with many challenges. Despite the many challenges they face, We're looking to keep the therapist engaged with the kids in activity, to help better understand their social and emotional problems. \r\n\r\nI see the kids come and go to and from school everyday, there happy that they have teachers who care so much for them, and we want to keep them happy.\r\n
It will help with therapy, we're a tear 2 school. A lot of our youth have emotional and social problems. This product will help keep focus for what is at hand. And help us connect with the student.\r\n\r\nThe sand & water tray will also help improve the levels of anger the student reaches. And keep it at a decent level so talk out issues that they are facing, This product can also help student keep their minds at piece, by remind them a day at the beach, playing in the sand and water, and making sand castles. We want the student to feel good and safe.
My students need The sand and water tray to help with therapy, something hands on will be most helpful for my student.
2016-07-06 10:29:48
Grades 9-12
Math & Science
Health & Life Science
Look for the Bare Necessities
The students at our school come from many diverse backgrounds. Many students are the first generation to graduate high school, let alone dream of going on to college. These students have choose to put themselves in the best position possible by participating in a college-prep education. However, this education does not come easy. Most of the students come from low socio-eco backgrounds and would otherwise have been glanced over. \r\nHowever, these students have bigger goals for themselves. These students endure a grueling curriculum of Pre-AP and AP courses from the moment they step into the school. Because of this by the time they graduate 100% of our seniors have been accepted into a college or university.
Students will be using these materials everyday in the classroom. Colored paper will be used to construct DNA molecules, create models of cells; Chart paper will help us collect data as a team and graph paper helps us to discuss graphing and analysis of data together; and construction paper will help students to create safety posters to post around the room. Also staplers and glue will help students keep all their materials organized and in one location. Also the pencil sharpener, pencils and pens will allow students to be prepared to participate in the class environment and succeed in the classroom.
My students need supplies for AP and Pre-AP to complete activities and projects in class. Students will be using the carts to store supplies and lab materials at their desk for labs.
2017-04-04 22:04:01
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Leveled Readers for Eager Learners!
I am currently teaching kindergarten, at a Title I school, in Eastern North Carolina. I have students with a variety of different cultural backgrounds. My classroom is a mixture of students that include refugee children, military families, and students from this community. Together we learn from each other and explore the wonder and excitement that books can bring us. My kindergartners have just began the journey of learning how to read and I want to provide them with everything that I can to teach them the joy of reading.
As a beginning teacher, I am constantly building my classroom library to best fit my student's needs. Currently, my classroom library has a limited amount of leveled readers. This means that my students are reading books that are either too easy or too difficult. I would like to add books that will meet my students at their level to help them become confident in their reading and to continue to grow as readers.\r\nMy students are very eager to become better readers. They love to read new books that are placed in the library and in their book boxes. Please help me give my students books that will help them become successful readers! \r\n\r\n
My students need leveled books to build upon our classroom reading library! As my students grow as readers they need books that are at their level to help them be successful.
2016-12-28 12:10:06
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Growing Readers Need New Book Sets
Despite some of the hardships my students have faced, my class shows up ready to learn every day. 75% of my students qualify for free or reduced price lunch, and nearly 70% are English Language Learners. \r\n\r\nOur students work all year long on expanding their problem solving skills through creative thinking and trial and error. We focus on STEAM education, combining Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math on a regular basis. My students are so much more engaged in their learning when we can connect the topics to hands-on projects.
My students say their favorite time of the day is when we meet in leveled guided reading groups. My students have made so much progress this year, but I'm lacking sufficient titles for students in the lower groups. We meet almost daily, and spend 1-2 days on each book. But that means we are reading about 10-15 books a month. These new reading sets will help my students develop both word attack skills and comprehension strategies. In addition, they will help my students foster a love of reading that will last a lifetime. These books will truly make a difference!
My students need sets of new books, like Pirate Mom, Amazing Sharks!, and The Stinky Giant, to further challenge them during small group guided reading.
2016-10-05 23:02:31
Grades PreK-2
Health & Sports
Health & Wellness
Brains Learn Best When They Bounce, Wiggle, and Rock!
My second grade students are the best teachers you'll ever meet! They live in a small, rural community and it's perfectly normal to see horse and buggies sharing the roads with cars. Our school is a Title 1 school with high poverty. My students come from diverse economic and social backgrounds. Our classroom is a full inclusion classroom with a spectrum of learning needs. However, despite their differences, these students begin each day with a smile and a desire to learn. My students are an inspiration. They teach me about life, they help me grow in compassion and understanding, and they show me an exciting future of possibilities. \r\n\r\nLike most seven and eight year old children, my students are active and full of spirit. They enjoy games and being able to move their bodies. They are very excited at the prospect of our classroom becoming a place of movement and fitness!\r\n\r\n\r\n
My students love to bounce and move! They understand the connection between active bodies and active brains. Currently, my students are fortunate to share a few resources in the classroom that allow them to bounce and wiggle. Today, while wiggling, the students said to me, \"Mrs. E., I wish we had more of these (wobble stools and wiggle seats). These things are GREAT!\" I would love to be able to grant that wish and provide the necessary resources so all of my students can enjoy movement during the day.\r\n\r\nMy students intuitively know that keeping their bodies active is the key to their very best learning success!\r\n\r\nMy students crave movement and with the addition of Hokki Stools, Wobble Chairs, and Wiggle Seats, every student in our class will have the opportunity to keep their bodies as active as their brains. \r\n\r\nMy students have a great idea and huge hearts with their idea that ALL of their classmates get a chance to remain active throughout our school day by using Hokki Stools, Wobble Chairs, and Wiggle Seats.\r\n\r\nThank you for considering this project to help my students nurture healthy, active, growing bodies as well as healthy, active growing brains as they do the important work of Second Grade!
My students need Hokki Stools and Wobble Chairs to keep their bodies as active as their brains!
2017-01-29 02:51:33
Grades 9-12
Literacy & Language
Literature & Writing
A Warm Goodbye, Latino Scholars
This group of students form part of my AP Spanish Literature course. They have taken three consecutive years of Spanish with me at our school site and stand among the small group of scholars who chose to take not only the challenge of jumping from Spanish 1 to AP Spanish Language, but also demonstrated confidence by enrolling in the most advanced Spanish course that our school offers. My students are Latino and live in an impoverished community where gang-related violence is common. However, they have always refused to allow their surroundings to dictate their future.
There is something special that comes with reading a good piece of literature that simply cannot be replaced, and that \"something\" is magnified when one has the privilege of discussing that text with peers. The students who will benefit from this project are high school seniors, the majority of whom will be first in their families to attend college in only a few short months. Our conversations regarding this impending reality have brought feelings of anxiety, fear, and cautionary excitement: \"What if I don't fit in?\" \"What if I get lost on campus?\" \"What if I am not smart enough?\" My students are some of the most resilient, bright, and ambitious, but they lack sufficient role models in their communities to highlight their potential to them. While I, among other educators, have worked hard to ensure that they are reminded of their intelligence and ability to surpass any obstacle, this project will give them access to an author's very own story of surviving the unimaginable. This book will provide students with the confidence that they need to end their high school career without feeling scared, but rather inspired and self-assured and ready to conquer the realm of higher education as students of color.
My students need a copy of Reyna Grande's \"The Distance Between Us\" to serve as yet another example of the potential that exists within our Latino and immigrant communities.
2016-10-12 15:57:52
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Health & Sports
ESL, Health & Wellness
Help Keep Our Carpets Clean in the ESOL Classroom!
My students love the new carpets that we received from the generosity of Donors Choose. Now that we have a new carpet, we need to keep it clean. My students need a carpet cleaner and cleaning solution to keep our classroom carpets clean!\r\n\r\nMy students need a clean carpet in our classroom! As an ESOL teacher, I have a diverse group of students from many linguistic backgrounds.There are 15 different language groups in my school. My classroom of fourth grade ESOL students come from countries such as Mexico, Algeria, Nepal and Cambodia. For many of my students, this is their first experience with English. In my school of over 500 students, almost 40% of the students are English language learners.
Our classroom is in one of the oldest operating school buildings in our city. Keeping our classroom dust-free is a constant challenge. Currently, the school is undergoing brick work to restore the outside of the school building. There is additional dust in our classroom. This has posed a challenge to our classroom carpets. The Hoover FH50150 Carpet Basics Power Scrub Deluxe Carpet Cleaner will be used to cleanse our classroom carpets of dust and allergens.\r\n\r\nYour donation to our classroom will help keep our classroom carpets clean! Clean carpets will ensure that my students stay clean and healthy while they enjoy our classroom rug. Your donation will provide a carpet cleaner and cleaning solution that we desperately need. Your support is greatly appreciated!\r\n \r\n\r\n
My students need a Hoover Carpet Cleaner and cleaning solution to keep our classroom carpets fresh and clean!
2017-04-28 19:46:57
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Writing Around
We are an urban school with a large shelter (homeless and/or domestic violence) population. We have a very high mobility rate and rarely have a student that has gone to our building for grades kindergarten through sixth. This means we have students with a massive range of skills and experiences. \r\n\r\nAs a staff, we know that our students can succeed if given the opportunity. We provide a wide range of services including food, clothing, and school supplies, pantry, health care services, and tutoring, both during and after school.
\"Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers.\" Isaac Asimov\r\n\r\nI want my students to be great.\r\nI have taught in the same area inside Indiana for the last 8 years. I am in a school where all of my students receive free or reduced lunch. They are some of the hardest working students I know. They come to school wanting the knowledge of how to make themselves better.\r\n\r\nI teach writing in the workshop model which allows my students to journal different things during the year and then pull writings they choose from their journals they would like to publish. Because they will be writing their entries in journals and they can help choose what will be published, it will be kept more private and they are more willing to write. I have taught writing workshop in the past, and I know it works. The students become more confident in what they can do. My students need various school supplies such as pencils, notebooks and pencil sharpeners to help us get our writing workshop started.\r\n\r\nMy supplies for teaching writing workshop have diminished.\r\nThis will help us all get back on track for awesome writing celebrations to come. With generous donors like you, our dreams can come true!
My students need pens, composition notebooks, and ink to help us get the new year started.
2016-09-01 06:23:48
Grades 6-8
Math & Science
Applied Sciences, Health & Life Science
STEM and Agriculture - A Video Adventure!
Did you ever take an Agriculture class in middle or high school? If so, you know how much fun hands-on learning is with plants and animals. If not, that's okay, we can show you how much fun we have while learning! \r\n My students live in sunny south Florida, and over 98% receive free or reduced priced lunch! We are a public school with a magnet program. My students are sweet as can be, but often times have limited resources at home. I want to provide for them as much as possible in the classroom.
Can you imagine a world in which you weren't able to pick up your phone and take pictures or video in the blink of an eye? That's the world my students live in - most of them do not have smartphones and cameras. When I asked my students what would be the coolest way to document STEM projects in agriculture, they said by recording it! \r\n What would be a better way to enhance learning than by having students record and play back videos they make? By taking ownership of the video they are more likely to pay attention and learn the key STEM concepts. Imagine the excitement of not only building a portable garden - but being able to teach others how to build it through videoing the process!\r\n My students would be completing a video project in small groups. Each group will create their own how-to video of projects we do in class. One group will video making portable gardens and another group will video the process of turning grass clippings and old vegetables into compost. They will then post these videos on our school website and link to our school's social media pages.
My students need an amazing camera capable of recording outstanding videos to document STEM in Agriculture!
2016-10-10 17:22:04
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Let's Read! Daily 5 in Our Classroom!
My students are very exciting to come to school every day. They are always ready and willing to learn. This is my first year teaching 4th grade and these students are the best that I have had.\r\nThese students are 4th graders at a school in Merritt Island, Florida. Many of my students come from different socio-economic backgrounds. Our school has become a transient school. We started the year with 740 students and now we have 785 students and still growing.
I am starting Daily 5 in my classroom with my students. With Daily 5 students are given the opportunity to read to themselves to become better readers. However, I don't have furniture for them to read on except the hard floor. These materials will allow the students to have flexible seating and be able to choose where they would like to read. Research shows flexible classrooms give students a choice in what kind of learning space works best for them, and help them to work collaboratively, communicate, and engage in critical thinking. The chimes are used to transition quietly to their next center.
My students need furniture for flexible seating with Daily 5 in our class.
2016-10-05 00:03:37
Grades PreK-2
Math & Science, Literacy & Language
Applied Sciences, Literacy
Learning Through Doing: A Hands-On Approach
My wonderful second grade students come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. They speak languages from all over the world, including Spanish, Russian, Korean, and Marshallese. Many of them are also working to overcome academic and personal challenges that could be barriers to their learning. \r\nIn our class, students strive to investigate the world around them, and they thrive as they delve into hands-on learning experiences. Every time we learn a new concept or discover a previously unknown idea, my students want to dig deeper and explore their world some more. They are full of curiosity and energy.
The students in my class do best when they can actively experience the concepts they are learning. Using building blocks to create bridges, creating words out of malleable materials, playing games to learn math facts all lead to a greater understanding of important concepts in math, science, reading and writing. Students learn while having fun.\r\nWhen they have access to materials that lead to excitement about learning, my students feel empowered and ready to be leaders. You can feel the energy in my class turn into something special. Access to the materials in this project will help my awesome second graders reach their goals. They deserve to see themselves as the scholars they are.\r\n
My students need a variety of hands on tools and learning materials to help them grow academically in math, science and reading.
2016-12-22 09:18:12
Grades PreK-2
Literacy & Language
Literacy, Literature & Writing
Student self reflection video creates student accountability
What makes my students special is their drive to learn. SE school is a true neighborhood school. All of our students either walk to school or are dropped off by family. We are a diverse school family. 31% Ell (Spanish speakers) 69% Black, 100% economically disadvantaged. We are a data driven school, sharing our data with students (the owners of the data), parents, teachers, and community partners. \r\nWe are working on increasing literacy as an entire school community. Which is why we are seeking to design a state of the art Literacy Lab.
With the age of selfies, videos, such as youtube and the like, this project will be a \"selfie\" in the world of literacy. Students will have the ability to see what I see, and hear what I hear as related to reading proficiency. Self observation is the best accountability tool, that's the lesson I'd like them to gain. When students receive this sort of feedback, it's not an adult scoring or measuring them, it's self regulated, motivational feedback. I've purchased a webcam with my personal money, and they love being able to self correct by watching the videos. It should be the new age in education!
My students need the ability to review the work that is done in the Literacy center. when they can see themselves on camera, it reinforces what they are learning, and it's in their own words.
2016-05-23 22:01:46
Grades 3-5
History & Civics, Literacy & Language
History & Geography, Literacy
Grade Level Guided Reading Literacy Books!
My students are kids that want to learn and build a better future. They have hopes, dreams, and desires that they can reach if we give them the skills. Students in our classes work hard, are responsible, and will flourish with the appropriate education. We are a school that has 100 percent of students on free and reduce lunch. Students often go with out because their parent's cannot afford to provide them with books. They are kind, caring, and compassionate children.
In the fourth grade our students read at many different levels. We work hard to engaged readers and improve their reading comprehension. With a variety of books we can grab students attention and engage them with material that is on their reading level. \r\nWe have a high population of ELL students as well as Special Education students. These books will help us start the year of right with great material! Some of these books will integrate the social studies curriculum and allow students to build a better understanding of what they are studying. Please consider donating to Washington Elementary classrooms! \r\n
My students need better books to engage them in reading!
2016-08-25 22:09:08
Grades 3-5
Literacy & Language, Math & Science
Literacy, Mathematics
Technology at Our Fingertips!
My students are the future of our country. What makes them special is that they do not come from well to do families with lavish homes and wealthy families. My 18 students come from lower income, hard working families where most live below poverty. \r\n\r\nWe strive to ensure our school is a place where these kids get every single one of their needs met! Our clothes closet and food pantry is used daily. Resources, especially technology based ones are limited in most of our student's homes. My students are working hard to bridge any learning gaps and push forward on the path of success!
This iPad mini is essential to the learning growth of my students. With most of my students having limited access to internet at home and only 3 computer stations, this iPad will give more students online and actively learning at a time. \r\n\r\nWe will use this iPad mini to actively engage in STEM learning programs, literacy applications and more, all at the swipe of a finger. Our students need to be able to connect to technology as often as possible, this iPad will give us more opportunities to learn deeper and create more. This iPad will also give us flex space to learn at centers, at student desks and other areas in our classroom without being tied down!
My students need f access to internet on a daily basis for technology based learning programs. This iPad mini is a great way to get students online and actively learning!