r/personalfinance TITLE: Debt collection help POST: Not sure if this is the right place but if not maybe someone can direct me? Anyway, I'm trying to clean up my credit report and paying off my accounts in collections. I've come across a debt that's owed in the amount of $75, and this is the biggest pain in the ass trying to pay in full. The collection agency is listed as FST FEDERAL CREDIT & COLLECTIONS based in HOLLYWOOD, FL. The contact information in my credit report leads me to a phone number that has been disconnected. I googled the collector and found another contact phone number and email and contact us form on their website. The phone number brings me to an automatic recording with prompts that lead nowhere/to voicemail. I've left about a dozen messages over the last 3 months. I've filled out their contact us form on the website with no response. I've emailed them with no response. The debt is being actively reported, last report date 3/1/16. What do I do? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: She [24/F] doesn't want to get into a relationship with me yet [22/M], but wants to keep things as they are. Is it wrong if I continue to meet other girls? POST: I've been seeing this girl for about 4 months now. Dating and going out. She's a pretty good girl, been in 2 relationships, which both lasted a long time. The thing is, right before I met her she just got out of a 4 year relationship. So understandably she doesn't want to get into a relationship right now, because bad timing. Although she said she really likes me and she wants things between us to continue. Which is almost like a relationship, but not really. I'm okay with this, because yeah I like her, and I understand what is going on. But because of that talk, I decided that I want to meet other girls again because I don't want to wait around for a "what if". Now my question is: Morally I am conflicted with seeing other people now. I feel like I shouldn't be doing this. But, we're not exclusive or anything. Whats the consensus here? TL;DR:
r/loseit TITLE: Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but my measurements haven't really changed much at all in 6 months. POST: I started counting calories, working out, etc. back in July. Since then I've been on and off exercise kicks, but have stuck to counting calories and trying to make better food choices. I've lost 20ish pounds (depends on the day, and the holidays have sort of pushed that number back and forth a bit). So 20 pounds, awesome! Pants I wore this summer are now so lose that I can pull them on and off without unbuttoning them. Pants that were pretty snug a few months ago now fit perfectly. Discovered that I can wear one of my old belts from high school in the most worn hole on it. Cool! But what is up with this measurement thing? Actually a couple of them have gone UP a half or quarter of an inch in the past couple of months. Huh? I thought everyone was telling me "Get off the scale! Start measuring instead! That's where you'll really see the progress!" I mean, measuring instead of weighing made sense to me. And initially I had lost about 2 in the hips, 3 in the waist, and .5 in my neck (I know, weird place to measure, but I hate my neck fat). That was in September which means I had lost around 10 pounds at that point. Shouldn't I be seeing another inch or two gone in at least one place? I mean, I've lost an additional 10 pounds. I'm probably doing it wrong... right? Anyone else experience this issue, measurements flatlining while numbers on the scale continue to drop? Any tips on more accurate measuring? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: The love of my life (M24) has two personalities and drives me (F21) crazy, but I can't make myself walk away. POST: One second he's loving and passionate and telling me everything I want to hear, and the next he's calling me worthless and pushing me away. He makes me feel like shit and then consoles me which makes me want to be with him forever. He goes through these insane phases that sometimes last for half an hour and sometimes a week, where he comes home late and then picks me apart, telling me everything that's wrong with me and why I don't deserve him. I cry and swear I'll never love him again. Start to pack my things and decide that I hate him. Then he comes in and whispers that he's sorry and cries and holds me for an hour and I have no idea how I could ever think about leaving. It's like a cruel game and I don't know what to do anymore. Please don't tell me to leave him because I can't - when he's his normal self he makes me feel like I'm worth it, that I'm beautiful, that I'm alive. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I (23F) feel like I'm holding back my so ( 24M). POST: We've been together for about 7 months and we only see one another about 3 days out of a week. I feel as though spending time with me holds him back from having time to do what he is passionate about (not gonna specify but it's creative work). His only down time is the weekend which is when he spends time with me. This is my first real relationship and I don't want to fuck it up. I want to see him every chance I get but he needs his space and that's important to me. I want him to have time to accomplish the tasks that he has set out for himself. I don't want him to feel obligated to spend time with me. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, I come to you with a morale dilemma. Does this make me just as bad as the scumbag that ripped off me and my friends (Revenge) POST: My "friend" saw that he could make money by selling drugs to his other "friends" and by getting them all addicted due to the ease of access and the fact he was always with us. Over a period of about 2 years me and numerous others would have paid this bastard more than $30K (personally about $10k) and thats a low estimate. He took advantage of us and he fully knew it. It took us all a while to realise and now we are clean. I now have to opportunity to "Get refunded" about $200. The process this involves is in no way at all traceable back to me and relies on his own gullible and cheap ways. I have already put my plan in motion and so far its going good. Reddit, SHOULD I DO THIS? or does this make me just as bad as him? I would really like others inputs on the matter as I am in a tough position and know that I should not be doing this BUT I would never do it to anyone else. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [22 M] with my GF [22 F] broke up after 6 years, I'm torn apart POST: Followup to this: We broke up today and I just need a place to vent a bit. We got to know each other at 16, it was the first relationship for both of us. First everything. Long distance relationship for a whopping 4 years after meeting over the internet, and we even moved in together and gone for 2 more years. I think it's fairly impressive. I know it's going to suck hard. I know the first relationship is always special. Right now it hasn't really hit me yet. It feels like there is still hope even though I know deep inside there isn't. We still want to be friends and she's gonna move out once she finds a place, but this is gonna be super hard for me. One day she just stopped loving me. It just seems so unfair because i did everything for her and never saw it coming. I still love her to death and can't really talk to anyone about this. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Cat owners, what would you do if you can no longer afford them? POST: My friend has 2 of them and he can't afford them anymore. He's in college and works part-time and barely gets by. His current landlords are evicting him because he hasn't paid his rent in months. His current roommates are cool with the cats, but it's hard to find them in short notice like now. He has the option of moving back in with his parents, that is without the cats as they have a dog. But he decided that he can't part with the cats, and his parents can't afford to give him rent money. Instead he's going to get more student loans/bank loans so he can afford a single bedroom apartment, which are typically much more expensive than renting a room in a house with your friends. So basically he's getting himself in much more debt just because of his cats. I do what I can to help, but as a student I don't have much money myself but I offer him lunch/dinner at my place whenever I can and let him borrow my text books for free as we share a few classes. Cat owners, what would you do in this situation? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Ultimatum over brushing his teeth? POST: I (25f) love my husband (26m) very much but he has a huge problem with extremely smelly breath. The reason is that he only brushes his teeth 3ish times a week. I have talked to him about it but he just seems to take it as me nagging him. Now it has gotten to the point that I have to hold my breath or breathe through my mouth when we are kissing or having sex. I think that it wasn't as bad until we got married (3 months ago) became he now feels comfortable in the relationship and has let some things go. I do not know where to go from this point. Is it fair of me to say I don't want to have any type of sexytime unless he has brushed his teeth in the last 24 hours? Or do i just deal with it because its just a "guy thing"? TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Motorcycle title POST: I bought and restored an old motorcycle a few months ago from a guy in northren FL (I live in sourthen FL) during the process of restoring the bike I've misplaced both of bill of sale and the title I had with it. I no longer have the guys number who I bought it from and dont' really have a way to get in contact with him, unfortunately. How can I go about getting a replacement title? I've looked online and the only place I found would charge me around $800, and I can't afford that. After all the work I put into the bike, I'd really hate to be SOL on being able to get a tag for it. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I [19/F] love my BF, but at the same time I still want to mess around POST: I've been with my boyfriend for 2 1/2 months, and it's been quite an adjustment for me. It's my first relationship and before him I had many casual relationships, which I enjoyed. I have a very high sex drive; he doesn't - his work is pretty physically draining and he goes to the gym usually after so most of the time he is too tired. Also, a lot of the time I don't feel satisfied with the sex - to give him credit, he does try to please me sometimes and isn't selfish. But I have the urge to sleep around because I miss that 'lifestyle' and I'm not fully satisfied. I don't go out with friends anymore because he is worried that I'll get hit on and I will talk to other guys. This frustrates me because I miss having a girls' night out. I used to work as a massage therapist, and he made me quit because he did not like the idea of me touching naked men even though it was a straight business, and as a result I'm poor as dirt. Regardless of all this, I still love him - we have a good emotional connection and he treats me better than any guy I've met, which is why I haven't left him yet. I'm just unhappy with our less than stellar sex life and how paranoid he is about me going out and picking up - which, ironically, is what I really want to do but I know I can't while I'm with him. Sometimes I think I just want to sleep around while I'm young, and then I think if I left him to do that, I'd be making a mistake by letting him go. What to do? Thoughts? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I 99% sure my friend's boyfriend is a piece of shit. How do I proceed? POST: You and your significant other are chilling. You wanna give them a back rub, and you say, "Hey take your [over shirt] off so I can rub your back." They get pissed and condescendingly say, "Don't fucking tell me what to do, you need to ask me instead of commanding me." WHAT DO GUYS? My friend's new boyfriend did this at my house tonight and I told him to not talk to my friend like that when he's in my house. He literally got RED FACED and was squeezing his fists together when I called him out. When she and I were alone I asked if he was always like that: she said yes and got kind of quiet and didn't answer any other questions about anything else. Now I'm worried, as he was fucking weird the first time I met him (super quiet, didn't say thanks to the waiter, didn't talk to anyone but her, looked super pissed off the whole time) but she told me he was super stressed so I SORTA let it go, and now the second time I meet him he's an asshole. My friend is recently out of a 10 year marriage and super friendly but inexperienced with dating (her ex wasn't an asshole, they got married super young and their lives took totally different turns... very amicable, I'm definitely going to tell him what's up but he's out of the country.) How do I approach my friend about this guy? She told me she was going to break up with him before, but they got back together. She and I hang out at least once a week (about the same we used to) and she's been way more talkative lately but sort of in a sad way -- looking for approval, saying she feels ugly, a total 180 from my happy friend. We don't talk about her relationship so I figured it was going well (nothing to complain about), but now that I see how he reacted to her in front of a friend (in my fucking house) I am super duper worried. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, what are your 'near misses' in getting caught in something embarrassing? POST: On a job interview I attended, I was interviewed by a department head and the HR manager. After introductions, we got into the interview, the usual, him asking me about my skills, discussing what he was looking for. In the middle of this, I realize that I could not recall his name, so I'm there trying to remember it while this is going on. Worrying that it would come up and they would be annoyed I couldn't keep that in memory. After a minute, the HR manager addresses the department head by name, and I'm relieved, I put it back in memory properly. I did not get the job, but I learned my lesson. I didn't have the experience in a main duty the job would entail (Exchange server management), but at least I lost out because of that, not because I couldn't do something as simple as remember my interviewer's name. What are your 'near misses'? When you made a mistake or neglected something, but it got set right before anyone else realized, and it would have been pretty bad for you if that did happen? TL;DR:
r/personalfinance TITLE: (UK) Paypal just credited my account with money POST: Didn't know where to post this. redirect me if I'm off course To keep a long story short I tried to buy an item through Paypal for £300 and it just wasn't working. The payment kept saying it was processing and the seller was sending me requests that we're not coming though. Me and the buyer eventually came to a mutual agreement that it wasn't working and he should try to sell it to someone else. I thought that was the end of that, but about 3 days later, all of the attempted payments came through and 3 direct debits came out of my account for the item, triple what I originally intended to pay around £900. Obviously I noped out and called my bank who immediately reversed the transactions for me through the direct debit guarantee and stopped the DD because there was clearly an error on the system. I thought that was the end of that. Nope. Because a few days later, Paypal credited my account for one payment of the item £300. By this point I thought weird shit was going down, but I withdrew the money and its sitting in my bank account now. Not sure what to do, do I call Paypal and tell them? Or do I sit on it and wait for them to call me (which they may not)? TL;DR:
r/Advice TITLE: Is Prom going to be awkward? POST: So I asked this girl to prom in the beginning of the month and she said yes so I was pretty excited! We used to text everyday and then all of a sudden she just stopped. I would text her and then we would text back and forth for about 20-30 minutes and then she wouldn't reply. I didn't think much of it until a local "Haunted Attraction" had a halfway to Halloween thing happening. I was originally going to ask my prom date and I did but then after I asked she stopped texting so I decided to ask her bestfriend about doing a double date kind of thing with her prom date but she later replied saying that my prom date and her had plans to already do that. So fast forward to yesterday night. I really wanted to go to the event with or without my date so I got some of my bros to go to it. I asked my prom date 4 hours before going and saying, do you want to go to hangout tonight just to see what she would say, and she replied saying she was off work at 10 and then going to some haunted house with some of her "friends". So I said fuck it and got my friends and drove on down to the event. Me and my friends wait in line and see my prom date and her bestfriend and 2 other dudes by them. I didn't really put 2 and 2 together so I said hi and said whatever. I'm hanging out with my friends in line and I saw them whispering to each other and looking back and forth my way. I just didn't care at this time. So after going through the haunted house me and my friends start heading back home and I said, I'm gonna call up my prom date's best friend's date to see who the fuck those two guys were. He said, don't worry about it but I think the guy that is with (my) prom date is going with him to his prom. I got pretty rustled by it and dropped my friends off and said fuck it. What the fuck do I do? Is it going to be awkward? I mean I already spent fucking $270 on her and myself and that's not even all of it. TL;DR:
r/relationship_advice TITLE: 2 year relationship, (was) on the cusp of a do you know when it's over? POST: We started out dating for 9 months, 2 months in he said I love you. 4-5 months in he was saying how he wants to make babies with me/see a future with me (he had one gf before me and apparently wanted the same with her at the time-according to him). Then he takes off for a year abroad and we do long distance (not open). No history of cheating as far as I know. The guy moves to be closer to me (we were 8 hrs apart) and now he's 40 min away. He gets a decent job, "pre proposes" to me with a paper ring and then goes on his merry way. He later tells me how he does things to make me happy (including the ring?). He makes a decent income, but doesn't want to move in with me (of course I'd pay for half the rent and whatever else). Is it odd not to want to live with someone after 2 years and saying 'I'll marry you someday?" He's already asked how long I want to be engaged for, and such (not getting married till I'm done with professional school). But he also calls me childish, says that I make him wonder sometimes. He comes to visit me but hates staying the night and when I bring up the idea of finding a place together he says that he needs time to himself. Guys: I am not looking to spend 100% of my time with this guy. I just want to come home to someone. Because life is short, and when you love someone why not? But he's so hesitant and dragging his feet I wonder what's going on. Do I cut my losses and just move on? He's happy living with roommates (who aren't really his friends) and refuses to live with me. I'm thinking that a couple more years of this living apart and he tells me that we're not right for each other or some shit (which he said would be ok because the time together would still be an "experience"). TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Can my spiteful relationship be fixed? POST: Thanks in advance if you have any advice to share. So my girlfriend (27) and I (23) fight all the time now. It doesn't feel like she is in love with me anymore and it's been months since she did anything to try and impress me or be very affectionate. We have been through a lot this last month. I found out that she lied to me about her past, my mother became deathly ill, baby sister had a grand map seizure and crashed her car, and to top things off, we just found out that she is pregnant and we are going to get an abortion. These things this last month have drastically amplified the complaints I mentioned earlier, but they still existed before. We live together, and have since we started dating 9 months ago. We are very codependent and resentful. I have tried talking about it with her but we never get anywhere, and she isn't good at expressing her feelings. Every day feels like a battlefield! Can I fix this? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I [25M] told my [24F] gf of 8 years that unlike her, I don't want to start a family. POST: We've always talked about how we would raise our kids and went so far as to pick possible names out for kids, but over the last few years, I've felt further and further away from wanting to start a family. A few months ago, she mentioned to me that she sees her friends getting married, and having kids, and she wants that life. We're both college educated, and for the time being, we're both underemployed, so I don't feel ready and I'm not sure I ever will. I was under the impression my life would go high school, college, job, and then subsequently family. It hasn't worked out that way. I graduated a few years ago and I've been at my old job ever since. I feel like I still haven't figured out what I want out of life past career fulfillment and the ability to be a fully functioning adult (car, job, home/place of my own). We're still pretty young, so perhaps we're not at the crossroads of making this decision right second, but considering how much having a family means to her, I feel like I'm wasting her time if that's not what I want. Furthermore, we just ended a poly relationship that had been going on for 2 years and has damaged our sex life. There are feelings of jealousy, inadequacy, and overall frustration regarding that facet of the relationship. We've been communicating much better since, but there's a ton of work to do. On the other side, our home life is pretty solid. We have 2 cats and we usually spend quiet nights at home, cooking together when we both have nights off. We just moved in together a month ago, so my timing could not have been worse. I mentioned my thoughts about having kids to her last night, and she wasn't pleased, but didn't seem totally devastated. She really didn't know what to say. I don't really know what to do. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I [22/F] thinks guy [27/M] that I've been talking to is losing interest. POST: I have been talking to this guy for almost 2 months now. Not going to lie, I did meet him on Tinder. We talk on a daily basis and pretty often on the phone. He was all flirty with me. But last weekend, I fucked up and got drunk. And called him but we didn't talk on the phone. I just left 3 missed calls. I apologized for that. He still continued talking to me but he seems a bit more distant. He apologized for that because he has been really busy with work and school. But I am having this feeling it's not. The way he talks to me is more vague and dry now. He takes extremely long to answer me back. So Do I just ask him what's up and if he's still interested? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: How do I[20 M] improve my relationship with my dad [43 M]? POST: I don't have much of relationship with my father. My parents divorced when I was 6 and since he's in the navy he's always been away. I'm at a point in my life where I'm trying to get ahead and move out on my own after I finish college (that he's paying for) but whenever I talk to him whether in person or on the phone, he almost always manages to say something that just manages to get on my nerves and I just end up biting my tongue until we're apart. Though my mom says its just him being "direct". It's really hard to explain the type of person he is. Growing up, I could never have a conversation with him unless it was about school. He'd call, ask me how school is going, then we would struggle to find out what to talk about next. Whenever I'd visit, he'd always be at work for the majority of the day and when he gets back, he would cook dinner than go straight to sleep. I know he loves me, but part of me felt like I wasn't doing enough. That I was a disappointment. At times I felt like I would never have a good relationship with him and it's sad. Honestly, I just can't be calm around the guy because every time I see him, I have to watch what I say to him. Any advice? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My closest friend [19F] is really not doing so well, and I [23M] want to help her but don't know how. POST: Hey all, my closest friend [19F] has recently been through a pretty rough time. A close friend of hers sent her an (excessively) abusive tirade telling her what a terrible person she is, and her now ex-boyfriend was emotionally abusive towards her, and made her feel extremely uncomfortable with his sexual advances. She dumped him because of this. I sort of want to throw him through a window or two but due to the limitations of the law and common human decency I have instead opted to ignore the prick. Last time I [23M] saw her, she admitted that she's feeling "really weird" lately, she has constant headaches, and she just seems generally droopy and irritable. Unfortunately, instead of letting go of anger, she clutches on to it, and tries to fill her time with a huge number of distractions (working massive hours, clubs at college, hobbies, exercise). Normally doing these kinds of things is constructive but she has no time for friends and just stresses and tires herself out more. I'm worried that she's stuck in a downward spiral. I don't know what to do, because I know her very well (known each other for 6 years) and if I try to help her directly she's going to react against it. I have no grasp of social subtleties and I'm worried I'll make some blunder if I try without asking for advice first, but I *also* feel like I should at least do something. Is just being a good friend and listening to her and all that the best course of action? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [21 M] with my long distance girlfriend [21 F] of 1.5 broke up yesterday. She woke up and simply didn't love me any more. POST: I wish I could explain this any further, but it's a bit too painful to type out right now. I'm not looking for anyone to really understand the situation, but I'm looking for advice to a certain question. Everything was smooth sailing up until Tuesday. We had small fights here and there, but Tuesday morning had nothing in particular. My girlfriend woke up and had absolutely no emotional tie to me any more. For the next few days, everything seemed entirely normal. She told me she loved me at the same times we always do, (hanging up the phone/skype etc) so I didn't suspect anything. Yesterday, though, I went to play paintball with a bunch of my friends and have the day to myself. She did the same and spent time with her family. At the end of the day, as I'm telling her how much fun I had and how great my day was, she lays it on me. "Andrew, I don't love you any more." I don't know what caused it. Her only explanation was "Sometimes that's just the way things are." I don't have any friends to go to because I'm not really close enough to anyone to feel comfortable talking about my feelings with them. Just a week ago exactly, I had flown to be with her and spend my entire spring break with her. (Before then, I had seen her for a week before christmas). Those visits were the best times of my life. Especially the most recent one. We were so close and we seemed to be at the peak of our love. Reddit, how do I get through this? What can I tell myself to make this all okay? How am I POSSIBLY going to just accept that the girl I thought I would marry someday simply woke up and wasn't in love with me any more? TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: How long is an appropriate time to work somewhere before moving onto a different job? POST: I've been working at Denny's for about a month now, it is actually one month exactly. I'm looking for other jobs, higher paying, and am almost positive I'll get an offer at a brewery I'd love to work at. I know the pay would be better and I would absolutely love to work there, but how long should I stay at Denny's before switching? (If I DO get hired there). I'm already getting great reviews and being told I'm doing better than most there, even by my managers, so I feel like I have great work ethic and would get sturdy reviews if they contacted my current managers. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: How should I [22m] ask out cashier [21? F] when the only time I see her is when im checking out? POST: So about two weeks ago I was at the grocery store picking up a bottle of wine and a sandwich. As i'm going through the line and the cashier is ringing up my things, the bag girl is looking at what I bought and says,"a bottle of wine, a 2 liter of soda, and a sandwich huh?". To which I reply, "yep, bachelor's dinner." Letting both the ladies know I was single. Then the bag girl gestures towards the cashier and says "or bachelorette's dinner". Letting me know she was single. I was kind of in a shitty mood(hence the wine) so I exchanged smiles with the cashier and just told them both to have a good night and I left. Tonight I went back to the same place and ended up back in her line again. I was paying close attention to her and I actually found her very attractive. When I went through the line she got very quiet. I found that wierd since they're supposed to greet customers and so I remained silent as well. Maybe she was nervous? I don't know. She is cute and I would like to ask her out but I don't know how without feeling like I'm bothering her while she is working, but it seems like that's my only option. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Hey reddit, are you feeling up for an intellectual discusison? What is one of your favorite philosophical songs? POST: So, I just got off work and have been getting back into playing and listening to music again. As I came home from work, I had an interesting thought about music. There are certain songs that, when you listen to them, tell a certain story while also alluding to deeper thoughts and feelings than the situation being described. My question to you Reddit, what song(s) do you feel have certain philosophical meanings and why? My answer, Pink Floyd "Mother" (or most of Pink Floyd's work). Such a great song about a man's life. Yet, underlying this story, I think, is a story that all of us will tell. The story of how we all eventually have to choose whether to trust the government, whether we choose to trust our close friends and intimate partners, or whether we should just build a wall away from everything, which I think is a natural and primal instict that every single one of us will have at one point in our lives. This underlying theme, I feel is the true meaning of the song. For even if the song doesn't give you the answers to the questions posed, like life, everyone is entitled to the answers of their own questions and can only come to those conclusions through a self reflection as depicted in the song. Okay Reddit, I tried to be concise with an abstract topic, so feel free to ask me questions. TL;DR:
r/running TITLE: Headache about two hours after running. Anyone else familiar with this? And some advice? POST: So, here's my story. Since 2008 I've been injured, used to play fieldhockey, overtrained knee and back. Had physical therapy for a year, wasn't allowed to work out much (mostly cycling and swimming), gained some weight (shit happens) and then in january 2010 I started with a running group, 0-5km, which was great. For the first time in my life I really enjoyed running, learned a lot about technique etc. After 5 months I went travelling, didn't run so much, got back home and continued running until, yet again, my injury came back in september 2011. Seemed that my knee is still overtrained, after a lot of therapy, x-rays and everything I can imagine I have to live with it. I'm basically fine now, but when it's cold or when I sit down an entire day it can hurt a bit(apparently the strain on my knee is hardest when my leg is bent, don't know the name of the muscles, but doesn't matter for the story). I started running again in september 2012, just slowly doing interval training, never more than 3k. And since the beginning of April I started a training plan for running a 10k in 65 minutes. My physical shape is alright, I'm still a bit overweight, but I know it takes a while to lose it, so I'm not worried. I've been running 3,2k - 4,8k - and 6,4k. But since I started doing this I have headaches. The first time I did the 3,2 I got it right when I stopped running. Like my head exploded, it was warm and I didn't drink enough. So I knew that was the problem. But still, after 6 weeks, I drink at least half a liter of water before I run, eat fruit or crackers, and again half a liter directly after running. And the last four runs ended up with me having a headache about two hours after I finished. Normally I never have headaches. It weirds me out a little. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [22F] and my friend [34M] is confusing me. I don't know what to do next. POST: So there's this guy I'm really close to even though I've only known him for a little over a year. I really like him, but I don't know how to romantically approach guys or anything like that. I can always tell when my other friends are crushing / being hit on but I can never do so for myself. He tends to initiate the daily texts even when he's on holiday or with his friends, cheers me up when I'm feeling down, encourages me to be my best, etc. He buys me a lot of stuff when he sees something that reminds him of me, and I do the same as well. I am aware that we have a significant age gap and I know I'm far from mature but we're both on similar wavelengths when it comes to our lifestyles, ideals, etc. We hang out together and sometimes with his friends (and members of his family) too. Every time we're together he always makes me laugh and we tease each other a lot. And I realize from time to time that he likes to rest his knee against mine, even though he has a lot of chair space to himself. He sometimes would tell me about girls who hit on him and he's not interested. He's confided in me about his past relationships and warned me of guys I should watch out for. Occasionally he says that he and his bros should help me find a guy. And our interactions are strange. He'd hug all his friends (girls and guys) and I'd do the same, but we don't do that to each other. It's never been our thing, and we always have an awkward wave at the end of the night. And one day one of his friends said she couldn't see him without me by his side and I freaked. Because of the hot/cold vibes I can't tell if he likes me or not. And telling him feels like such a risk because I might destroy an amazing friendship. And I've never confessed to a guy before, so I'll probably shit myself doing that and be a blubbering mess :/ I'm not a flirty person, so it'll probably be like dropping a bomb on him too. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My husband (37M) has a history of bad credit. After almost a decade of marriage, he still spends too much money without consulting me (36F). POST: My husband had abysmal credit when we met, and I'm the polar opposite. I hold all the credit cards, home mortgage, etc. because of this. I do the household budget and pay all the bills. We have children and both work full time. I am very, VERY financially prudent. He, on the other hand, spends money like it's unlimited (eating out 3 times/day, hobbies, etc.) and honestly doesn't think he's doing anything wrong because he's still earning a paycheck. He'll buy something and lie about how much or hide it from me because 'I'll get mad anyways'. He cannot be trusted with a credit card (ADD), but he travels with work so he NEEDS a credit card. Despite lots of 'talks, it has now dawned on me that he has been exceeding his travel budget for the past 2 years by hundreds per month, all the while claiming that it will be reimbursed....well, it's now clear that it's not going to be, and he's simply been overspending. On my personal credit card that I trusted him with. The damage is in the thousands. At this point, I'm debating going to counseling myself to learn how not to resent him for this and take his negligence personally. If I cut off the credit card, it causes him issues professionally. But I'm getting frustrated that despite my well-paying job, I am forced to live frugally because he won't. I know this isn't the worst complaint to have, because he's great in so many other ways, but it still eats away at me. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, the smallest company in the web's top ten is determined to stay not-for-profit - help spread the word and sacrifice a cup of coffee for the world's biggest source of communal knowledge. POST: Hi guys -- I'll start by saying that I have no affiliation whatsoever with Wikipedia, and I've posted this in Ask Reddit so it's not for the karma. I just read the below plea, from Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder: > Google might have close to a million servers. Yahoo has something like 13,000 staff. We have 679 servers and 95 staff. Wikipedia is the #5 site on the web and serves 450 million different people every month – with billions of page views. Commerce is fine. Advertising is not evil. But it doesn't belong here. Not in Wikipedia. Wikipedia is something special. It is like a library or a public park. It is like a temple for the mind. It is a place we can all go to think, to learn, to share our knowledge with others. When I founded Wikipedia, I could have made it into a for-profit company with advertising banners, but I decided to do something different. We've worked hard over the years to keep it lean and tight. We fulfill our mission, and leave waste to others. If everyone reading this donated $5, we would only have to fundraise for one day a year. But not everyone can or will donate. And that's fine. Each year just enough people decide to give. This year, please consider making a donation of $5, $10, $20 or whatever you can to protect and sustain Wikipedia. You can see more [here] I think it's a really wonderful thing they're doing, and more people need to be supportive of a website which I think has become quite an important resource in a growing online world. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: What are your fears? POST: I recently wrote down my "nightmare", my worst fears, something I thought was very personal. My Mom ended up reading them and confronted me about it asking if I needed to see I psychologist haha. I wrote this stuff down as an exercise as a port of a book I'm reading (Tim Ferris's *Four Hour Work Week*) Below is what I vomited up. "My nightmare is either getting deep into debt or going to jail. Losing those years of my life is absolutely frightening. My big fear is a waste of my time. My time is currently being wasted [at my job]. In the end, we all die, so I need to make my time here worth it. I also am afraid I will be alone. What will people say about me at my funeral? My fear is that I'm expendable. That I'll be worthless and have no impact on the betterment of the human condition. I also fear that if I quit my job, I'll be lost among the masses of mediocrity." Ahh, It feels nice to get that off my chest. Reddit, what are your biggest fears? TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Men of Reddit: What is the most memorable moment when you let the waterworks fly? POST: Mine was when I was leaving my parents right before getting shipped off for the Army. It was late August of 2001. My parents drove me to the airport, where I would be flying out to Oklahoma to get to Fort Sill. I was rather calm in the car, as I had been preparing for this for almost 2 years. It was basically like any other ride to the airport for me. But when I got out to get into the airport, that's when things changed. First it was my mom. She was crying, which did make me tear up a bit. I hate to see her cry, as she is a very happy person. But it really hit me when I saw my dad, a manly man who I had never seen shed a tear, was crying when he came to give me a hug. The waterworks burst open at that point, and I had to walk into the airport crying like a blubbering buffoon. TL;DR:
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by getting a kid deported back to Mexico. POST: So in classic TIFU fashion this didn't actually happen today, but happened a long time ago back in the 5th Grade. So back in the first half of 5th Grade there was a kid named Erick, and he constantly would bully me with his friends. I gotta tell you Reddit I may not have been the strongest kid, but I definitely was the sliest. So he in his friends were at the playground and I edge him on into a fight. I took a fall and let him beat me up. Nothing happened, so what do I do? I go back the next day and do the same thing and I edge him on have him beat me up. Well, I am on the floor and he is pummeling me and a Campus Supervisor sees and starts yelling at us. So we got taken to the office and talk to the Principal. I immediately deny everything and say he just started beating me up. Even with all of his friends witnessing, there wasn't much of a case he could argue because he didn't even have a scratch on him, but I was all hurt. So I ended up getting off with like a day of suspension and he got like 3-4 days. Well, I thought that was it and it had a happy ending, unfortunately that isn't how this story ends. Apparently, unknown to me his mom was having issues or something here, so she ended up taking Erick back with her to Mexico. Well because of how close the events were a rumor spread around that Erick had gotten deported back to Mexico because of me. So now I was in a class where I was **Public Enemy #1** I mean everyone hated me to at least some degree. All of my friends were in a different class, so I had to spend over half a year in class with people who hated my guts. Let me tell you something Reddit. Being a guy bullied by guys is one thing, but being a guy and being bullied by girls is like psychological warfare. I mean girls can be scary as hell and they are vicious if they see you as an enemy. I am so glad I ended up taking my 6th grade at Middle School because I don't think I could have taken another year of that. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My boyfriend [19 M] asked me [18 F] to avoid giving him problems, what should I do? POST: Long story short, My boyfriend for 4 months has been dealing with harsh self-esteem problems lately, and to be honest, me too. My self-conciousness started with a comment of his and he knows it, therefore making his self-esteem problems worse because he feels he's guilty for my current state. I sometimes feel bad because I feel estranged from his problems, as he keeps a lot from me. Pretty much that happened recently and I got mad then he felt bad because of that and I tried hard to mend it but I had already fucked up, therefore feeling it was then my fault. He now feels worse because he had asked me to not fight him when he said it was all his fault and I did just that, because I feel it is MY fault. I know he feels bad and i wish to support him and help him but he doesn't want help, he wants comprehension. Sadly, it is either he comprehends me or I comprehend him. I wanted us both to comprehend each other but he stated it couldn't be done. Am I right for stepping out of my way to comprehend him and just deal with my things on my own? He's a great person but he needs a bit of help, and I wanna be there for him. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [25 M] broke with my GF [24 F] of 4 years, after been flirting with a college friend [24 F] for 6 months. POST: Sorry english is not my native language. I was bored about my relationship with my gf during the last year, she doesn't gave me what I needed. She always had parent restrictions and schedules that make the relationship too monotone and boring. 6 months ago I've started flirting with this girl in college that I liked, and I think I'm in love with her. Last day in college we dated and kissed, then we had sex in a motel. 2 days later I break up with my gf because I didn't want to keep lying about my feelings about the relationship. The girl I dated knew I had a gf and when she finds out that I've broke up, she didn't wanted to date with me anymore explaining that this was just casual fun, and didn't want any compromise, since she had a bad relationship experiences with his bf of 2 years. Vulnerable after the break up, I couldn't control myself and said stupid things to her, but she always told me that I was upset and I've needed some time (she too broke up with his bf a month ago). Thing is that this girl didn't block me in any way even trough I've gave her enough reasons to do it. Is she teasing me? Or is she just waiting to recover myself? There's a chance she's still interested? TL;DR:
r/self TITLE: Don't use Amazon's Subscribe & Save option. Unless you have a lot of free time. POST: So I was subscribed to get a few packs of [these pecans] once a month. They used to cost $11.12 per two-pack with the Subscribe & Save discount. As you can see, they now cost $17.20 per two-pack. I was never notified of this until I received my most recent shipment and my card got charged the increased price. I was under the assumption the original price was locked in, but I was wrong and that's my fault for not being aware of the terms. However, you'd think a company like Amazon could manage to alert people when there is over a 50% increase to the price of something before charging them. But, the real problem comes in that **Amazon can change the price at any time before the product ships**. So, for example, if you checked that the price was the amount you wanted to pay two days before your product was due to be shipped, Amazon could change it the next day and you would have to pay the increased price. If you checked 2 hours before your product shipped, Amazon could change the price in the 30 minutes before it shipped and you would be charged the increased price. I guess it's a really good way to get one more shipment out of people before everyone cancels due to the ridiculous increase, but seems like a pretty shitty thing to do. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I don't know if my problem is with me (F18), or my boyfriend (19). POST: I'm going to try and make this as short as possible. My boyfriend and I went to the same high school, but never really talked until the summer after graduation. He told me he'd had a crush on me for quite a while, but at first I only liked him as a friend. Eventually I started to really like him, and we went out a few times. We have now been dating for two months. At first I was really happy just like anybody else in a new relationship. He always tells me I'm beautiful, and how much he misses me when we haven't seen each other in a while (I go to school full time and work on the weekends, he works M-F), and all the other things a boyfriend is supposed to say. We like all of the same things, listen to that same music and all that (which is practically a miracle because 90% of the people around here are redneck hicks). Lately though its all driving me crazy. He tells me all the time how beautiful he thinks I am, how he's the luckiest guy in the world....But it seems like its nonstop; I'd kill to have a normal compliment free conversation. He tells me he misses me, but its every five freaking minutes. I used to miss him too, buts its like i just don't even care anymore, every time he says it I'm just thinking 'whatever". Sometimes after we haven't seen each other in a few days, it's like I don't even care, hes just another person that I know. Once, about two weeks after we started dating, he said he could see us growing old together. Freaked me out. I want to get married someday, but my God, I'm only 18. Sometimes I think if I just tell him "listen, could you pleases be just a little less clingy?" things will be just peachy, but then I wonder if he's completely normal, and I'm just...I don't know, heartless? TL;DR:
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by appreciating coffee art... POST: TIFU by appreciating coffee art... For a while I've been learning to appreciate good coffee, my recent move to a new city has meant a lot of time exploring new haunts for the perfect hit. I've conversed with many baristas whilst visiting various cafes and even tried making my own coffee and realized that there is so much more to the pseudo science and its close to art (both of which I totally suck at). I found a place locally that managed to create a consistently great coffee and struck a bit of a friendship with the barista. ffwd to today as I was shuffling with a colleague along in the queue to order/pay whilst in awe at the baristas go about brewing the magic elixir and warming milk to the right temperature. I knew that the day was starting on the right foot when I saw that my favorite barista friend was putting the finishing touches on our coffees. I couldn't help but grin in excitement, it's the small things in life that make me happy. She happened to notice me watching attentively as she handed over the daily hit, at the same time she asked what I was 'ogling' at … i tried to think of a really cool reply as I reached over and took my cup and blurted 'the day could not have started any better'. Reflecting on the event I think I came across a bit of a creep and should have said something a bit more complimentary instead. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My [34 M] best female friend [30 F] is making strange comments recently POST: My female best friend is in a long term relationship with another friend of mine. We met through him and developed a friendship of our own. It has been a normal friendship for a few years now. We share a few interests that her BF does not, so we spend a good deal of time with just the two of us going to places and doing things that bore him. Her BF is very comfortable with me, as he and I have been friends for a long time. He has never expressed any concerns over us spending time together to either of us, to my knowledge. Just recently she has started making comments that are out of character for her. A few examples would be; how so-and-so (unimportant third party who is not friends with either of us) might think we are having an affair since we are alone together. How she wishes I was not interested in girls so no one would think that we were up to something. Starting a conversation with a group of people asking about if it would be okay to vacation with a friend of the opposite sex (meaning very clearly me). She never has expressed any of these concerns before and we have never been romantically involved in anyway other than hugs and kisses on the cheek. I have been friends with both of them for years. I know he and I are as close as two guys can be, almost brothers, so I can't believe he or his family, whom I have also known for years, would ever think I would betray him. I have not changed my behavior in any way that I can think of. And my male friend has never mentioned any concerns to me and he has not changed his behavior towards me at all. So my question for you reddit is, what could have caused these strange comments to suddenly manifest? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My ex(F) suddenly reconnected with 2 people who all said they would never do such a thing. (m21) (F20) POST: About 4 months ago my ex broke up with me suddenly and left me for another guy, absolutely shitting on my life. I talked to two of her friends about what happened, who were both on my side, one of them started a relationship with me that abruptly ended about 2 months in. Both of them said she was crazy, and that the way she had treated me was completely unfair and fucked up. I told them the story and they were both on my side, swearing that they wanted nothing to do with her. Now just a few months later they are both talking to her again. I don't know what they have said about me, but I know that after their promises and strong words against her, they have both rekindled their pasts and are moving along without me, they don't talk to me anymore. The pain is complex and painful, I don't know what to do. Just weeks ago i was talking to both of them and now suddenly they want nothing to do with me, and have run back to the person they repeatedly said had done them and myself so wrong. After making so much progress, it feels like I am back at square one with coping. The only people who were on my side have suddenly switched their allegiance, leaving me cold and alone. The pain in my heart is intense, and it leaves me so hurt and confused. Please, if there is any advice you can give, i need it now. I was in a bad place, and it has only grown worse. I wish I had the advice of someone wiser than I to help me along the path of moving on. Please help me. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [21M] with my girlfriend [21F] of two years, having some serious holiday problems. POST: Last year me and my girlfriend celebrated christmas eve at her parents'. This year my parents wants me to celebrate with them, saying it shouldn't be an issue to split up. They also got into a big fight with my girlfriend this summer, and neither my parents nor my girlfriend wants to celebrate christmas eve with each other. I wouldn't mind celebrating with my girlfriend this year, however i have siblings i haven't seen in a long time, who i believe really would want me home for christmas. I am also pressured a lot by my mother to spend christmas eve there. But if i go to my parent's place, my girlfriend would be alone (she can't be at her parents' this year), and i know she would be really sad about it. TL;DR:
r/loseit TITLE: [Question] How should I aim to shed weight? POST: Hey, Some back-story, I'm a 20 (21 in late July) year old male, my height is 6"3, and I weigh about 96 kilograms (~212 pounds). Of late, my weight has been know to fluctuate anywhere between 85kg - 90-92 kg. The recent holiday season and overseas trips have meant that my food intake has been totally irresponsible and this is why I have put on extra! I have started my full-time job (on holiday break ATM) however I will be picking up a local gym membership. Anywho, I am just wondering if any redditors here have some tips for me to shed some extra weight! I believe that I will be reasonably successful, however I know I need to implement a solid routine to be able to hit my weight loss goals. I have been told by some relatively fit mates that running is the way to go, but im not sure if this is the best method. In relation to other factors, I believe that eating properly won't be an issue for me, however I am known to gorge on special occasions (damn you Christmas.......) Fortunately I also have a very supportive girlfriend who is not in the same position but is still a very keen healthy eater. Also worth a mention, I get a bare minimum of 1hr moderately fast walking in per weekday (walk to and from the train station as a part of my work commute) Damn, this turned into an essay real quick. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: How should I [22F] approach being upset about something when boyfriend [25m] acts as if nothing is wrong? Been together 1.5 years. POST: Before my boyfriend left to work yesterday I asked him to text me his evening plans for when he got off at nine. We live together. I knew he was thinking about seeing a show if he could get in for free but I said if the free thing doesn't work out I'd be down to get a drink or something. Nine rolls around and a friend of ours asks me if him and I want to hang out. I text boyfriend and he says "I'm in a weird mood, stressed about money, I took half a Xanax so it depends." I ask after that for an update but he doesn't text me again till 1 am. I had texted wtf and at 1 am he replied that he was at a friend's and by telling me "it depends, took half a xanax" that that was telling me he was chilling for a while. I didn't care if he wanted to stay out late but I just wanted a heads up, also because he left his key. The doorbell rings at midnight and I open it up assuming it's him but it's the neighbor. So then I'm extra annoyed that I could have been killed by a homeless murderer (I wouldn't open the door at midnight unless I thought it was my boyfriend). He shows up at 3:30 am and our roommate happens to be up and lets him in. When he comes back he doesn't say hi and keeps turning on the bedroom light apparently because he lost his beer. I told him to sleep on the couch and have the beer keep him warm. My question is this: now it's the next day, and he is just ignoring me being upset. How should I approach a conversation about it? What is the right way to deal with conflict? Growing up my dad did the same thing to my mom he does, just ignoring her and pretended nothing is wrong. So I'm not sure how a healthy relationship is supposed to deal with conflict. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My [22M] roommate [23M] hasn't been honest with me about his work schedule. Why is he lying to me? POST: Everyday when my roommate gets home, I conversationally ask him if he has work tomorrow, and what time he's going to be going into work. I like to know because I enjoy having time to myself, and I can relax when he's not there. Recently though, I notice that he's been fibbing to me about his work schedule. There are slight discrepancies in the times he tells one day he said that he goes to work 9:30am, and it turns out that he was actually going to work at 11:30am. When I ask him why he said a different time, he says "he forgot" or "it gets mixed up in his head". I don't believe that. This has happened more than once, and he's even lied to me about his days off. Yesterday, he said that he was working tomorrow when I asked him, and then all of a sudden he has the day off today?? What the fuck. I demanded to know why he lied to me, and he said that he "got the schedule wrong". People don't just forget their days off. He's lying to me. But why? What reason would he even have to lie? Is he hiding something from me? I think it's important for roommates to trust each other and now I'm just getting pissed off. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I'm (F,23) tired of accidentally dating sexist/racist/homophobic men... POST: I have been single for 6 months. Since then, I started dating again and it's been nothing short of awful. I have been dating men who seem great at first- charming, attractive, intelligent, you name it. Then, 2-3 dates in, they say something VERY sexist, racist, or homophobic. Today, I just got back from a date where the guy talked about how he "believes homosexuality is wrong". This upset me so much that we spent the last hour fighting and I left and don't ever plan on speaking to him again. The guy before him spent a two hours ranting about how women should not be allowed to enlist in the military. I live in California. I did not think it would be difficult to find men who are accepting here, but it is. This has been nothing but frustrating for me. I don't expect my men to wear pompoms for gay people, but I do just wish they would accept them. I cannot date someone who is homophobic. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Can exes really stay friends??? POST: Me 23f, boyfriend 24m Dating for about a year and a half - so yes, we are past the honeymoon phase... but overall things are great :) Recently I found out that my bf keeps in touch with his ex. He liked her all through high school even when she didn't return his feelings. But according to him, she enjoyed the attention and kept him around. They dated briefly but things didn't work out. Needless to say he was very hurt and I don't think he fully got over her until he got to know me... And then they got back in touch. She does have a boyfriend but I have never met her. When my bf visits his hometown, sometimes they hang out. She also occasionally gives him updates and stays in touch in a generally friendly way... sends greetings, tells him she misses him and tries to come see him. Overall my bf has been very respectful of my occasional discomfort with the situation... stemming from a previous bad relationship. I do not want to project my past onto happier times with my bf and I do trust him. But my question is does friendship really work with an ex, especially one that you pined after for a long time? I have always believed in putting the past behind - closing that chapter of your life before opening a new one. So maybe this is just hard for me to understand...Is it really a good idea to continue a friendship that was once based on one-sided love? I don't want to be immature about the situation - but would like to get some perspective, that's all. Thanks, in advance Reddit :) TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I [18M] asked friend [18M] to prom under the assumption that she wanted to go as more-than-friends. POST: This week I asked a girl whom I've known for a year to prom after speaking with a close-friend of mine, and being informed that the girl in question wanted to go to prom with me as more-than-friends. I was elated, but today was informed that she only wishes to go as friends due to "Not wanting to jeopardize the friendship.". I was told by her friend that she still was very much excited to go to prom with me, but "doesn't want it to change anything between us.". I'll admit that hearing this stung a bit, as I have grown rather fond of her over the past month or so. As of now the plan is to just go with her and ignore my feelings in order to make her night as special as possible. Reddit, how should I handle this, any advice would be greatly appreciated. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: My home was vandalized last night. I need some advice. POST: Last night, somewhere between 1:00 and 2:30 am, someone did [this] to my home, and to my dad's truck. I'm a student, so I'm just visiting for thanksgiving. I'll start off by saying that my parents already called the police, and that the police said that there were as many as 15 more taggings like this one around my town. They said they may have a lead as to who it is. My town usually has very little crime. Now, the police said that this was representative of the Taylor Gang. I am vaguely familiar with the group; I have friends who are Wiz Khalifa fans, and I've done a little research about them online. So my question is this, should my parents be afraid of these people, or of a repeat occurrence? I was always under the impression that it was mostly high school kids in a play-pretend gang, but I've been wrong before. More importantly though, my parents are not the type to be victimized, and it is entirely likely that if my mom or dad catches one of these people trying to re-tag our house or car, or sneaking around on our property, that they could be treated as a threat, and shot. I do not want this to happen to anyone. What can anyone tell me about this? I'll say again that I don't think it's very serious, but my parents are taking it quite seriously. I'll also make sure to mention that I understand the "Taylor Gang" is not the one responsible, but that some punk ass kids are to blame. My question is, does this group have a history of escalating? Or a history of anything at all? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Dad [44 M] and my gram [70 F] use me [19 F] as a wall to bitch at about each other POST: My gram and her son (my dad) have always had a rocky relationship. Now that we all live together in the same house they complain about each other to me whenever the other pisses them off, which is often. This causes me a great deal of stress on top of what I already have. This particular incident today is what made me think I need to post here. Some time ago my gram hit my dad's car turning around in the driveway. Nothing too bad but you could hear the wheels grinding on something when they made corners. Dad got the new part today but can't put it on himself so he says he wants gram to pay for either the part or the labor. She didn't even try to handle it maturely. She just stands there in the kitchen saying "You do that" and "I'm not talking to you" when dad kept on about it. At which point I got the fuck out of there in case they started arguing. It's only a matter of time before my grandmother drags me into a conversation about how awful my dad is for expecting her to pay for something she broke. Except she'll spin it so she did nothing wrong and her son is just being his usual asshole self. This is nothing new, both of them are petty and childish. How to I tell them to cut this shit out without it blowing up in my face? TL;DR:
r/BreakUps TITLE: [x-post from /r/relationships]I [20m] am in the process of breaking up with my fiancee [19f] and she is leaving the car when she moves. She is demanding that I pay her half the price of the car or she sells it. What do I do? POST: I don't even know if this is the right place for this question, so if it isn't, please let me know. I'm just so fucking lost I don't know what to do or who to ask. We bought it together for 2500$ a few months ago, and now she wants half of that or she will sell the car. I don't have that money on hand right now, I would have to take out a loan. Not sure if I can handle it with school next fall (trying to get back into it after a year off). The upside is that if she sells it, I get half of whatever she sells it for. The reason she can make this demand is because the car is in her name. If I "compensated" her for her half, she would put the title in my name and it would be mine. I'm just stuck at making a very difficult decision and need some advice. TL;DR:
r/askwomenadvice TITLE: When in a conversation can I start flirting? POST: Well, I met this girl in the club (whom is a friend's friend) and just started to talk to her via Facebook. It was the usual, "Hi, last night was fun, blah blah blah, thanks for accepting my friend invite" and she replied with "Yeah, last night was fun, hope you had fun and you're welcome". I then asked her which night clubs has she been to and I like to go to this club and what's her favorite club. The conversation has just started but I was wondering, when we actually talk, when should I drop hints that I am interested in her and make sure that I don't go full Boyle (Brooklyn Nine Nine reference) on her. She's in my class as well so. Do I flirt when I actually meet her face to face or should I flirt on Facebook? Or a little bit of both? I can keep a conversation going but my main problem is that when can I start flirting in the conversation. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Our [36F, 40M] friends' mentally challenged son [13M] defecated all over our comforter. POST: My husband and I have been friends with this couple for about one year now. They have always been pleasant and we frequently invite them over for dinner parties. This past weekend we had them over and they could not get a sitter for their son as the regular sitter had the flu. I told them that their son would be welcome to come as well. We all ate dinner and my husband was in our main floor bathroom right after eating up. My friend's son needed to use the bathroom and I told him he could use the one upstairs. The son used the bathroom and the rest of the evening was lovely. It was later on after they had left that I started getting ready for bed. I noticed a pungent smell in our bedroom. Upon closer inspection, I noticed feces on the comforter. We have no pets and the son was the only person to venture upstairs the entire time. I told my husband that we should let the couple know but he disagreed and said we have no proof it was the son, and it would hurt the couple's feelings if we "blamed their mentally challenged son without proof". I personally would like to tell them. I believe they should pay for the cost of damages. I know I invited the son, but his mother had stated that she usually assisted him in going to the bathroon but that night she made a comment about how she was tired and that "Matt will have to be a big boy and go on his own tonight" so I hold her responsible to some aspect. So should we tell the parents? Or should I forget about it? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: How can i (F19) deal with my boyfriends (M20) drinking? POST: Hello, obvious throwaway because my boyfriend is always on reddit. Ok, so im F19 and boyfriend is M20 and have been dating 1 year and half and have been friends for about 5/6 years. I would like some insight on how to deal with my boyfriends drinking. I grew up with an alcoholic mother who would verbally abuse and bully us every night. Because my parents are divorced the custody agreement meant we couldn't just live with our father until we finished high school. So i have always had a hard time being around alcohol and drunk people. I used to tolerate the alcohol and drinking when boyfriend and i started dating. But now i have started to have a problem with alcohol and my boyfriend since started to become extremely mean to me when he drinks. He would tell me no one cares about me, tell me to shut up, ignore me and more. So my question is how do i deal with this? We both moved away from our home towns to go to university, so i really don't have any other friends apart from my housemates who i live with. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [20 F] with my husband[23 M], he feels like a failure because we are moving in with his parents POST: Sorry for all the text, it's kind of a long situation. My husband and I live in a different state right now and are going to school. I'm also pregnant. My husband has an internship in our home state and I will be having my baby there. Originally, we were going to move into a property his dad owns and pay them rent while there. However, we were talking and realized that we would be asking them to boot out the people who are there just to live there for 6 months during the internship before we move back to finish school. They would be stuck finding someone else to take over the lease after that when we come back for good 4 months later anyway. We didn't feel comfortable doing that, because it's really hard to find people to rent for such short amounts of time. His parents suggested a few different apartments close by that they know of in our price range and also offered for us to live in their home to save money if we would like. The way the house is laid out, they would pretty much just give us half of the house (1 bedroom, a living space, bathroom) and access to the kitchen, etc. They're empty nesters, so this wouldn't be too big of a deal since the space they are usually in is on the other side of the house. We have the money to pay rent, but it would be really nice to save that 600 dollars every month for savings, college fund for baby, finishing school, etc. My husband and I both agreed that we would take them up on that offer. Now that we've told them, he keeps telling me what a failure he feels like because none of his other brothers and sisters ever moved back in with his parents after they were married (He's number 6 of 8). I should mention his internship is with his dad's company which he will eventually run one day. I feel like being close to his parents will be good since he's working so closely with the company. Is there anything I can say to him that would make him feel better? It's too late to find somewhere to live with that short of a lease because we are moving next month. TL;DR:
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by forgetting what t-shirt I was wearing. POST: I bought a shirt a few months ago when the U.S. women's soccer team was going to be in Salt Lake playing the Mexico women's soccer team. The shirt says "Como Estas Bitches." Completely apporopriate for the soccer match. Completely inappropriate for the insanely crowed Mexican Market in my city today, on Easter, with families out in full force. As I was driving home from a friend's house, I realized I wanted to make street tacos for dinner, and I needed to stop at the Mexican market in for the meat. I pulled over, had to park my scooter along the street because the parking lot was full, and walked right in, "Como Estas Bitches" scrawled in big, bold letters across my chest. I noticed a couple of looks, kind of dirty, and I thought, "is this racism? Can a white guy not be in here on a Sunday or something?" And then I remember. I was wearing the shirt. My heart sank. I pivoted on one foot, 180 degrees to try and escape after only being about 10 feet into the store. I got out, people still staring, people in cars staring, and rode away. No real negative consequences except for the guilt I feel for blaming the people in the store for being racist, when I'm actually home. Insult to I jury... I get home... My latin landlords are sitting outside on the front porch (I live in the basement.). Fortunately, I had a bag from another grocery store I held awkwardly to cover text on my shirt. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: What's the big deal, seriously? (piracy discussion) POST: Let's say NCIS goes to air in the US and some reliable pirate has it uploaded and distributed to tens of thousands of viewers worldwide within hours of its original air time. Let's say NCIS goes to air in Australia exactly one week later, on free-to-air television. If someone were to, hypothetically of course, download NCIS 6 days prior to its Australian air time, and immediately after its US airtime, who does this actually hurt? CBS still sell it to Australia's Network Ten, it still goes to air in Australia (on free tv, *not* pay tv), and hell, hypothetical someone will probably watch it again on TV anyway - so where's the issue? TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: I need help/advice... POST: My boyfriend and I work at a Hotel (not that it is relevant), where we are extremely unappreciated. The only other employees that work there are related to the Owner in some way being either the daughter-in-law (married to the owner's son) and an Aunt of some sort (she is not directly related to the owner but the son of the owner calls her that). Anyways there are three shifts in a day every day of the week and it is opened 365 days a year 24-hours, these other employees besides my boyfriend and myself always call in late/come in late. Like it gets to the point where we just expect to leave an hour late every shift we work. Sometimes they do not even call until up to 1 hour to 30 minutes before they are supposed to come in for their shift. Not only do they do this, but they also threaten our jobs constantly. Such as, they leave all these little notes all over the place that say "do not touch this, you will get fired" or "if you value your job, do not sit down." In addition to this they will not pay overtime, will go as far as cutting our hours to 9 shifts which works out to be 72 hours per two weeks just to give extra 8 hours time just in case they are late, which like I stated before they constantly are. They pay us the lowest wage possible, and even call us in on our days off... and then make us feel bad because we are not in town or whatever. We are constantly put down, I was just wondering if there was anyone out there that could give some good advice, other then to quit. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Any social norms that you do not give a fuck about, no matter how many looks you get? POST: When I am walking home from work, listening to my iPod, I will perform the whole god damn song. I will play air guitar, air drums, bob my head, and I'll even sing, on occasion. I will lip-sync every word, but sometimes I will straigh up sing/rap out loud in the middle of the train station. I just don't give a fuck, most of these people will never see me again. Now, if I saw someone I knew watching me, I would get pretty embarrassed. But still, there is nothing like winding down from a long day at the office by rocking out to my favorite tunes. Plus, in my opinion I have a good singing voice, so I am actually providing you commuters with entertainment, you're welcome. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [30s F] with my SIL [30s F] 4 years, invited to baby shower but hate parties POST: Dear Reddit, My sister-in-law is pregnant and she's invited me to her baby shower interstate. I don't know any of her friends, I don't make friends easily and I suck at small talk. I don't deal well with being in groups of more than about five people, and my way of coping with social gatherings is to turn into a social recluse and sit in the corner talking to someone I know. I don't have social anxiety - I just find parties/social gatherings extremely draining. I should note that I'm pretty good at hiding my discomfort from other people and have managed to get through longish events like weddings without people noticing. Obviously my preference is to stay home. My problem is that I don't know whether I'm obliged to go, especially given that it's for my SIL. Will not going be unspeakably rude? I'd still get her a gift, and my preference is to drop the gift off in person rather than post it. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Should I [37 M] tell my wife [32/F] about my client? POST: I'm a freelance graphic designer who sometimes dabbles in photography. Before I was married (before I even met my wife) I did a few nude / bordoir photo shoots with several of my female friends. Nothing unprofessional ever happened with them, but when I got married, I decided it wouldn't be appropriate to do them anymore and, after clearing it with my old friends, destroyed all my backups. Fast forward several years and I was just contacted by one of those women who is now pregnant and wants me to shoot some maternity photos for her. My wife has no objection to me doing the shoot, but I'm worried she might have reservations if she knew about the previous shoot. My fear in telling her is either 1) she'd tell me not to do it (and we could really use the money), or 2) she'd tell me to do it, but would worry/fuss/resent me for doing it. I've told her I've scheduled the shoot, but have so far omitted the part about the previous shoot. Do I owe it to my wife to tell her? TL;DR:
r/Dogtraining TITLE: Adopted dog afraid to eat POST: Hi everybody. We recently adopted an 8 month old Australian shepherd (named Chase). We already have another 4 year old Aussie as well (Endo Mondo). Our 4 yr old is the type that will eat and eat as long as there is food in the bowl. Bc of this, we decided to feed them in separate bowls. Chase is a nibbler so we originally left his bowl out even once Endo had to usher eating. After reprimanding Endo a couple of times for stealing Chase's food (just a stern "No, that's bad"), we realized that Chase would sudenly run away every time we put food out. So, because of seeing Endo reprimanded for stealing Chase's food, Chase is afraid to eat his own food and will only eat when he thinks nobody is looking. Chase must have been mistreated at his old home because he's extremely submissive and pees all over himself if you even reach to pet him from above too quickly. I've tried a different bowl and location. I've tried putting treats in the bowl after giving them as a reward for sitting. Each time he either runs or pees on himself as soon as I approach the bowl or bring it to him. TL;DR:
r/relationship_advice TITLE: I [m/22] sorts asked a girl [f/20] out but now I think I messed it up? POST: I'll say right off the bat this sounds super immature and lack of confidence Basically I've worked with this girl for a year and the whole time I thought she liked me but I never asked her out because I was talking to other girls. Well one day we are talking about relationships and she says she wants to be single forever. I say "so if I asked you out you would say no?" She goes "probably". Well sensing rejection I dropped it. Few weeks later I get wind from other females that she is telling people I asked her out. Now me not wanting to look like I got rejected I try to do damage control and say no I didn't do that. I end up going up to her one day and say "hey I just want to clear this up. I was joking around and I don't view you as anything more than a friend" she goes ah that makes sense. The problem is she hasn't talked to me since then and it's been a month. We would talk daily before. Do you think she did like me and now I messed it up? TL;DR:
r/offmychest TITLE: Get The Fuck Out of my house! POST: So I just had this huge fight with my Dad's pseudo-girlfriend, she told me that I need to "get a job and start paying rent" and that I'm just "a lazy fuck." He's out of town for a couple months so I'm the only one here for a while and am taking care of the place while he's gone. Long story short, I had to tell her that it's not her place to lecture me on how I live my life and that she needed to, and I'll admit I lost my temper, "get the fuck out of my house!" The whole thing was surreal, and wildly inappropriate. She doesn't know the circumstances. She doesn't know me or my background and doesn't understand the situation at all; and most of all, it's not her fucking place to say anything. My Dad isn't here right now. You're just some bitch that has a crush on my old man and is trying to make a move just because he's recently divorced. There is no reason for you to be staying here, you're not my Dad's girlfriend or significant other and he's made that clear and on no uncertain terms. You are just friends. YOU DON'T LIVE HERE! You're not a part of the family. Know your place bitch! I live here, you don't. So to say it's not my home, and I can't ask you to leave because I don't pay rent is fucking ridiculous. You have your own fucking house, GO THERE! I will not be talked down to by some ignorant cunt in my own home, and I certainly won't be the one to leave the house in an argument. What brought this all on? Me:"Oh cool, I just got an email from college, it says I got a 96% on my midterm exam." Vapid moron: "Well don't pat yourself on the back too much there, you don't have a job anymore." TL;DR:
r/self TITLE: Reddit, I need landlord/tenant advice POST: To begin, the fine I incurred is legitimate, I did break the terms of the lease (smoking and had an animal on the premises, both of which are not allowed). However, my manager only discovered these things after showing my apartment without giving me 24 hours notice. I live in Washington state and know there is a law or something saying that a manager must inform the tenant before entering, etc. Not sure of the specifics. On June 16, they asked to show the apartment from 6:30 to 8:30, my roommates and I all agreed and said yes that was fine and we enacted the necessary clean ups. On the 21st, without anyone knowing about it, our apartment was shown again and the smoking paraphernalia and rabbit were found. Obviously, I should not have broken the terms of the lease, that was a stupid choice on my part... That being said, is it possible to have them waive the fine ($150) because we were not given sufficient warning of entry? I know nothing about these kinds of things, I am a broke college student and this place is as cheap as you can get around here. Thanks for any advice! (and let me know if this is a fool's errand, I don't want to waste anyone's time) TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I [23M] have a bit of an issue with my coworker [20F] POST: So long story short, I have been going to a psychologist for a while and essentially we have come to the conclusion that I suffer from severe social anxiety and depression which didn't surprise me that much. So to remedy this he has been giving me these "missions" where I progressively more social stuff starting out with making a FB account etc. Now the latest "mission" has left me in a bit of a pickle which is I have to talk to a woman and try to somehow if not befriend then at least get a bit closer. So I chose someone at random from my work. Now I have very good social antennas and I cannot stand being a nuisance so I am always very careful about stepping on toes and stuff like that. So what I did was google her name figure out she is into books cause she has this profile with some bookreading journal webpage thing. So next time we work together I ask her if she is into reading books and if she could recommend some and she did and I promptly read them and well sort of it took off from there. One thing led to another and I am now somehow playing this really dorky RPG with her over skype for entire weekends and my question is thus; is she doing this to be nice? As far as I can tell she seems to have a good time but I cannot be sure, and quite frankly that uncertainty is driving me insane. Help me /r/relationships you are my only hope! TL;DR:
r/running TITLE: Lots of advice needed on half marathon training after knee troubles POST: Hi reddit, About a month ago I started a home-made minimalist half marathon training program. Two runs a week, one long at normal intensity, one short at high intensity (intervals or tempo). I figured I could increase the long run by 1km per month until I get to about 20km, then scale back for a week, then run the half. I don't have extensive running training, but am generally fit and find that, even after spending a month on the couch, I can run 5 or 10km with no troubles. This Sat I tried to run a 14km long run (aiming for 1h15min) on an indoor track, and got really bad knee pain after about 8km and had to stop. Was limping for the rest of the day. Google suggested I had IT band problem, but I chose to go to a doctor anyway. The doctor didn't mention ITBS, but basically told me I need to follow a proper program and run 4 times per week. She didn't give me any explicit advice on how to proceed about my bad knee (which is currently fine, but hurts if I run for 4 or 5 km). I instead got referred to physio, but that doesn't start until Apr 15. So I come to reddit for advice on how to proceed. Was I niave thinking that I could boost my running distance from 10km (which I can do even after sitting on the couch for the winter) to 21km by only running 2 times per week for 10 weeks? Is it plausible for me to finish the race coming in 6 weeks? If so, is it necessary for me to switch to a 4 day a week training program? All the programs that I find from google involve 12+ weeks of training, and expect me to be running long runs of 14+km by know, which I can't do because of my knee. Any personal anecdotes in quickly recovering from IT band-induced knee pain? All advice is welcome Current stats: 10km in 50 min, longest run so far = 13km (1h7min). Goal: Finish the half marathon (ideally under 2hours) TL;DR:
r/offmychest TITLE: Yet another concern from my siblings!! POST: Well if you've seen my post a couple of days ago, you'll understand what I mean by **ANOTHER** concern. I returned to my family home for a few days, trying to unwind, and I borrowed my sister's laptop to try and improve my cv. Something made a noise on the laptop and continued to beep... So out of annoyance, I checked to see what it was. A message from eBay to say that her purchase of pregnancy tests has gone through and they have been sent... **Background:** She's fifteen and in her first relationship. Although my family are quite open to sex and making jokes... It'd definitely not be something she could admit to doing, yet. Although we all know she probably is. I haven't told anyone, not even her, that I've seen this. We were all brought up the same way... And I am completely ashamed of both my siblings!! TL;DR:
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by fondling/groping my girlfriends sister. POST: Hello Reddit! Happened last Year summer Not the best of day for summer weather, at my girlfriends house decided to go watch some GoT (had to catch up on season 4). Now a problem we got here is that her sister always likes to watch with us, so were in my girlfriends bed, and so I lay on the left, and my girl is on the right, and now for some reason her sister decides it appropriate for her to jump in the middle, now mind you her sister always watches TV laying on her stomach. So I'm sitting here slightly squashed up watching GoT, and I tend to always squeeze my girls leg when were watching TV or anything, so I'm here casually squeezing her leg, and slowly going up, and then BAM "Can you stop touching me" ...yes, her sister said this, but she said it to my girl for some reason LOL, assuming she was touching her leg, I had just realised all this time...I had been groping her Sisters upper leg the whole time, I sneaky pulled out my hand from the upper side to make sure she wouldn't realise it was me. I pull my hand out and I'm just complete red and slightly sweating just thinking, oh jesus, that was ridiculously close. Then you got my girlfriend giving me this weird face, seeing the awkwardness that she knows I made a mistake and was groping the wrong leg and starts to do this silent hysterical laugh. I just sat there like a stick for the next 40 mins.... TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Is there anybody that used to be addicted to pain killers that quit without treatment/support from others? (throwaway) POST: I have been addicted to Vicodin for 6 years. My habit is now about $100 a day. No one knows anything about my habit, I support it entirely with my job. I've never stolen or anything to support it. But I want to have a home of my own, and am sick of the habit. So today was the 1st day of trying not to be an addict. My plan is to ween down. Today I would have normally taken about 25 pills, but I am about to go to bed and so far have only taken 11. I feel surprisingly well, and for the first time in at least 5 years, it WAS NOT in my head the WHOLE day to go buy more. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Boyfriend (M24) is growing distant all the sudden. I'm (F24) freaking out. Help a girl out. POST: He's 24, I'm 24, and we're in a six month serious relationship. A couple of weeks ago, my boyfriend and I went out to eat with some friends and I happened to run into my ex. He gave me a hug, talked with me for a few minutes and went on his way. My boyfriend saw the whole thing from across the room so it wasn't like I could introduce the two. I came back to the table and my boyfriend didn't say anything about it, so I figured it was no big deal and didn't say a word. Now my ex is texting and sometimes calling me on a regular basis. Nothing flirty or inappropriate, just friend talk. Over the last couple of weeks since the restaurant incident, I can feel my boyfriend pulling away ever so slightly. It seems the more my ex comes into the picture (contacting me), the more my boyfriend retreats from the relationship. Maybe this is all in my head but it's bothering me and I don't know how to approach my boyfriend about it. I really don't want to create problems, especially if the problem is just in my head. Can anyone shine some light on this? Maybe I'm just paranoid. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My [26F] stepdad [57M] passed away this morning. How do I get over the regret of not saying goodbye? POST: My stepdad passed away this morning. My brother called me to tell me and I have been crying all day. I am heartbroken. I live five hours from my family, with my husband, and we were going to visit this weekend to say goodbye. It has all been so sudden. His health made a huge decline in the last week. I had so many things I wanted to say. I keep crying, thinking maybe he didn't know. We didn't always have the best relationship. I was so angry that he wasn't my own father. My bio dad left in favor of drugs and a new life, and my stepdad stepped up for most of my life to be a dad and support us. He supported my mom and brother and loved me like his own kid. The past few years, I really began to appreciate him. I told him I loved him when we would talk and I began to call him dad after his cancer diagnosis earlier this year. The last time I saw him was a month ago when the cancer caused a fracture in his arm. I thought he would be okay. I thought we had time. My brother said yesterday that it seemed like he was waiting for someone. Probably me. And I really hoped he could be held out until the weekend. The family is saying they're glad he isn't suffering anymore. And I feel the same. But I also feel robbed of final moments and closure. I would like suggestions for what I could do to feel better about this. We are on the road now to visit my family and the cremation is tonight or tomorrow. My husband also feels sad because we just weren't able to take time off to go up any earlier than his days off his weekend. How do I assure him that it's ok? I don't want him blaming himself. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Does the TSA put everyone through the full-body scanners? POST: I'm flying tomorrow, and it's been a long while since I've been to the airport. Last time I flew they just randomly selected people to put through the scanner, but from the stuff I've been reading lately it sounds like EVERYONE is going through the full-body scanner or they elect out for the pat downs. I'm a little freaked out because I do not want the radiation/ picture of my naked body gawked at by thugs, nor do I want to be groped in front of an entire fucking airport. I was also planning on wearing a long skirt, but now I'm thinking I should just wear shorts so they don't have even more of an excuse to think I'm hiding something. I used to love flying, and now I'm just freaking out. :/ Fuck TSA. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Ask Reddit, what money saving advice can you give me? POST: To preface my issues, I'm currently 18 years old and about to enter a decent university in-state. I am a "hardcore" gamer and anime purveyor, generally purchasing between 2-10+ new titles a month. I've held a small job as a cashier at a local grocery store, but have not saved a dime of it, however I am leaving my job in a few weeks as classes are starting soon. I will receive a small amount of money back from my college, in addition to a monthly allowance of roughly 100-40 dollars. However, this would have to cover gas in whichever of 2 cars I am loaned by my parents for that day (living at home instead of on campus), meals outside of home, bills, recreation, etc. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My [24 F] girlfriend of two months told me [22 M] she's falling in love with me and I want to tell her I love her, but afraid it's too soon. POST: The other day my so told me she's falling in love with me and that she's really scared I'm going to leave her. She keeps bring up this feeling saying that she's terrified to be with me becuase she thinks I'm just going to change my mind about her suddenly. I keep reminding her that this won't be happening and that I'm here to stay with her. I think I order to reassure her, I need to tell her I love her, but it's too early for me. I really do love her, but for me that's a big step in a relationship and I feel like it might me too soon. Idk if I should just say it or wait. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My (F18) boyfriend (M21) and I talk like babies..all the time. POST: To start off, my guy and I have been together for about a year now and we are two peas in a pod. I love him more than anything. We have a really great relationship and I'm extremely happy with him..but we have some really strange habits. My boyfriend and I speak to each other in baby voices A very very frequently! We don't do it in front of people but just with each other. The majority of the time we are both playing the role of the "baby" but sometimes we switch out and I'll be mommy or he will be daddy. We don't plan it out it just kind of happens! We have never spoken about it before which I feel is a bit strange. As far as I know neither one of us has acted like this before in previous relationships so it's very new. When we have sex we never use the baby talk although he does like to be called daddy and says things like "are you daddy's little good girl?" Which I enjoy so it's not a problem. Here's my this some sort of fetish or just a weird thing we do? I'm just confused as to why we both find it normal and everyone else finds it weird and creepy. Thanks! TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: [18M] very insecure/unconfident about relationships POST: I'm currently 18, and its been almost two years since I was last in a relationship. That period has been a difficult time for me in that respect, as I had a difficult breakup (dumped by text with absolutely no warning or justification by a girl I really liked, who ended up with someone else within a week or two) and then spent several months (probably close to a year) in a really weird and probably quite unhealthy infatuation with one of my absolute best friends at the time, who rejected and 'friendzoned' (I hate that term, but I don't know what else to use) me in the nicest way possible, but then went on to start dating another of my best mates. All of this really destroyed my self image and confidence with the opposite sex completely. Its something I've been trying to work on a little, but when I finally built up the confidence to ask a girl out a few months ago, I realized I'd totally misread the signals, and ended up having a really awkward coffee with a girl because I didn't have the confidence to make it clear that I was asking her out on a date, not just as a friend. I have a great social life otherwise, and I have plenty of (male and female) friends, but I've reached a point where I find it hard to imagine anyone finding me attractive. Physically, I'm very tall/skinny and I have long hair, and although I'm personally pretty happy with my appearance, and think I've created a style which reflects my personality well, I've convinced myself that these traits are the reason I don't seem to have any success with women. TL;DR:
r/loseit TITLE: Really need some advice on motivation and finding programs to use in the gym. [F22 UK] Currently 230 lbs POST: Hey lovely people, Well, I'm absolutely sick of being overweight. I'm currently the biggest and most uncomfortable I've ever been. Most... actually all of my problems have stemmed from my unhealthiness and lack of confidence. Its getting to the point where I hate being outside and I'm not looking after myself. I've been missing out on a lot too. I've also been diagnosed with depression and I'm ready to begin my new life! I started the gym last year and got really into it. The trainers there set up a program for me to use in the gym and i also did classes. The change in my body and health was incredible, I felt amazing. Well I didn't keep it up and I've put on 40lbs since then. I've got a gym membership but I've been really nervous about going and I can't afford a personal trainer. Its different gym and doesn't give as much support or offer programs like my last one. I don't want that to stop me though. I'm just wondering if there are any programs I can find online to use with the machines. I'll be doing classes too. Any advice on starting the journey and keeping up the motivation would be amazing too. I'm fed up with giving up. Please help :) My life may just depend on it xx TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My (16F) boyfriend (17M) told his friend our relationship is platonic. What does this mean? POST: Me and my boyfriend had been best friends for 8 years until he had asked me out around 2 weeks ago. I had had crush on him ever since I met him, so clearly I was estatic, and still am. However, while scrolling through his chats ( It's just something we've done since we first met), I saw that he told his friend that our relationship is platonic. If I'm not mistaken, platonic means a relationship without romantic or sexual attraction. My boyfriend is asexual, however, so why would he need to clarify that our relationship is platonic as in non sexual? Does he think of me as a friend whose close enough to be a girlfriend? Is he simply dating me because we both just get each other? I'm really confused. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I [19M] have a problem with being open with my girlfriend [18F] of 7 months about a sexual preference POST: My girlfriend and I have been together for 7 months now with very few problems, I'd say we have a pretty great relationship, enjoy each other's company and have little to no problem being open about things to each other. Lately one thing has been hindering the last part. I've had a fetish for several years now (I won't be graphic about that, but I'll go into details if someone feels like it's relevant). It's not a terribly rare one, but not exactly vanilla either. I try to keep it to myself and don't really intend to act on it in any way. However, sometimes it's easy to forget that most people don't have it and I'm the weird one, resulting in me acting weird occasionally. One evening I got a bit depressed about things related to this and my girlfriend noticed it, and when she asked me about it I just said I didn't know how to explain it at the moment. (I hope this isn't too vague, as I said, I'll go into details if required.) She's probably expecting an explanation soon. Then, very recently, we were talking about things related to my fetish (I don't really know if I intentionally tried to make the conversation that way or if it just happened naturally), and she explicitly stated she doesn't understand it or people who like that kind of stuff. She made herself very clear. I don't know what to do. I feel like I have nothing to gain by telling her about my fetish, as it's evident that partaking in it would be unpleasant to her. She does seem like the type that would go out of her comfort zone and try things to make me happy but I really don't want that either. I still have to explain my behavior from the other night and I don't want to lie to her. The fetish is also probably the only significant thing she doesn't know about me yet. I'm sorry about the incoherent text, it's difficult when you don't want to be too specific. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Thinking [32 M] about going from FWB[47F] to just friends. POST: So, I'm a man in an open marriage. My wife is bisexual and we have a poly relationship with another married couple. I also have a FWB, a dynamic and interesting woman (we'll call her M) who is also in an open marriage that happens to be sexless. We met via an online dating service back in October and I took a liking to her. She's smart, energetic, fit, and pretty funny. I never had real sparks about it though, but I figured, hey why not see where this goes? I'm a pretty slow mover, so we just did coffee dates, lunches etc for the first month of seeing each other. I enjoyed her company, but still no real sparks. We've slept together a few times in the past months, and the first time or two were pretty exciting, perhaps due to the newness of it all, but the past few experiences have just been sort of meh. M is really into me, which feels great for my ego, but does nothing to build more chemistry between us. I'm just sort of blase about it all. I've talked to my wife and her girlfriend about it and I'm meeting with her tomorrow to explain this to her honestly. I've never broken up with someone before, and it's very crushing. I hate to disappoint people, but I feel I need to be honest here. I care about her, and am sympathetic to her situation, but I feel I can't continue. Any other redditors have a similar experience or advice? I'm meeting her for lunch tomorrow to try to let her down gently. So nervous. TL;DR:
r/dating_advice TITLE: What should i do now??? Please help. POST: so i have this friend which i met a couple of months ago. She goes to my school and she is a year older(she is 18 and im 16). We met on an exchange trip, i have never seen her before till then.During the trip we made friends. Once the trip ended we kept talking pretty much every day ( we have been talking for about 2 months and half), i asked her if she would like to go to a cafe with me and she said yes, 2 weeks later i invited her to the cinema and she also said yes. But in this second "date" there were a lot of silents moments since we are kind of shy and talking is definitely not my best strenght so i thought i fucked it pretty hard. However, we kept talking everyday. I tend to overthink things and when it comes to love even more, im not the sexyiest man on earth and i dont really understand why she even accepted to date with me. I dont think anyone would accept 2 dates with one person if he is not interested in the other one but on the other side, im the one that always starts the conversations and she never does. When i talk to her she answers me just fine and she keeps the conversation pretty well but she never searches me, not even once. What should i do?, i was thinking to do an "all-in" and ask her to be my gf but im not really confident, pleeeeaaase help. I also feel a lot of pressure since my friends tell me that i should have already kissed her.I would also like some topics to chat with her since im not that good with that. Sorry for the bad english its not my main language. TL;DR:
r/Dogtraining TITLE: My dog can't hang out with any humans except the two of us who adopted him? POST: I need help. I adopted a two year old dog in July to save him from death row at a kill shelter. I was going to find him a home, but two days after taking him, decided to keep him. I love him to death. When we first took him, he was the sweetest dog to any humans that he would meet: us, our friends, waiters in coffee shops, strangers in the street. He didn't bark at all. For about two weeks upon adopting him, he was completely silent. After those first two weeks, he suddenly started barking. At first it was only occasionally. Now he barks at literally everyone who approaches him. 1 out of 10 times he doesn't bark if a stranger talks to him. We can't have people over, we can't take him anywhere he would be around people. He even snaps at people. I can't put a muzzle on him because he bites me (a little, as a warning -- but I'm still afraid because he gets super anxious) when I try. I don't know what to do. Other than this complete intolerance of all but two humans, he is an amazing dog. He loves to play, cuddle, he is gentle with cats (we foster cats and he loves every single one we take in) and other dogs, he is very intelligent and easy to train. He knows the cue for both 'bark' and 'quiet,' but he ignores me when I tell him to stop barking at a person. We hired a dog trainer and followed her advice closely, but it doesn't help. We tried Adaptil diffuser, Calmex, treats (treats help distract him from barking, but I as soon as I stop feeding him, he's barking again.) We don't know anything about his past, but he clearly hasn't been socialized. I would love to take him to doggie school, but am afraid he would just bark at every other owner there. When we adopted him he didn't know how to walk on a leash, how to walk up and down the stairs, he wasn't familiar with glass doors, nothing. I fantasize about being able to take him places. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I [28m] am at risk of losing my family from a lack of confidence in myself POST: Lola[30f] and I [28m] have been together 3 years. She has a young daughter who I have become a second father to and we've all lived together for about two and a half years. Nearly ever since we have been together I have been incapable of making decisions. We had a rough beginning as I was a complete pothead and trying to figure my life out while getting out of some debt. She had a steady job and was supporting her child. But we balanced each other out at that time. Now I have a steady job, I take care of a lot of housework, nothing special, though. But my inability to follow through and make decisions is putting a serious road block in our way. I consistently offer to take care of things to help out since she has a lot going on but I keep botching things. Ridiculous things like not confining an appointment at the vet without consulting her, running to the store and calling home to make sure I didn't forget things. We recently got engaged and i wasn't really taking part in the planning of the wedding that we wanted to make happen quickly. She is getting tired of my inability to carry on a conversation when the shit hits the fan and I'm just left with my mouth shape and not a single word in my head but "I'm sorry" and "I'll try harder" Its no wonder she is frustrated and can't see me growing up and taking responsibility and I'm at a serious loss for how to fix this, to fix myself and show her that, after all this time I keep screwing up, that I can really step up. And I don't even know how to do that. How can I possibly salvage this? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My [25F] friend [23 F] sells her panties on reddit, but... POST: ...She recently contracted HSV-1 on her genitals from her ex. ...And a month or two after her primary infection, she has returned to selling on a panty-selling subreddit. I've been reading literature on HSV (1 and 2) and its modes and rates of infection. Many Herpes info sites claim that HSV "does not live very long outside the body" ^1 ^(see comment) , but do not provide sources. Alternatively, I've grazed through a few articles that indicate HSV can live for much longer than 4 hours outside the body (e.g. "at least 8 weeks" on inanimate surfaces ^2 ). I don't know if she started antiviral therapy, which she previously mentioned -- however, even if she were taking anti-virals, that doesn't mean she's incapable of transmitting the virus. The fact that she can trasmit the virus is the problem I have with what she is doing. She is putting her buyers at risk by selling her underwear to them. Buyers do as they wish with the underwear, including smelling, licking, wearing, etc. While I found no definitive evidence that HSV-1 can be transmitted through vaginal discharge left on a pair of undewear worn for 3 days, packaged and sent through the mail...I didn't find any evidence stating it was impossible either. When she told me she was considering selling underwear again after she contracted HSV-1, I told her it would be negligent to do so. Don't get me wrong, I am very sex-positive and see nothing wrong with selling underwear or what have you on the internet, but I highly disagree with what she is doing -- especially if she's not disclosing her HSV status to buyers. Obviously there's a chance she will see this post, but I don't care. I need to talk to her about this. I don't know how to bring it up, and I don't think I can be her friend any more if she continues selling (without disclosing her status). What would you do? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: [Non-romantic] Me [20F] with my parents [~40sMF]. They are very controlling and I don't know how to talk to them. POST: I'm using a throwaway because I've never posted on reddit and I don't want my parents to find this through my main account. Please forgive me for any formatting issues. So. Indian parents. They want me to be a doctor and to do things to make them happy more than to make me happy. And they have my best interests but I'm just not happy. I have depression and see a therapist and I tried to tell them and they just yelled at me and made it worse and forced me to take the MCAT. Every time I try to talk to them about how I feel they make me feel bad because they say that I hate them and that I don't love them or that I'm trying to hurt them. They think if I'm not a doctor then I'm a failure at life. I have no freedom at all. I have an apartment in the city close to my school but they've been making me stay at home for the MCAT and now even afterwards I can't leave. I have a job they don't know about so I could financially support myself even though it would be rough at first but I don't want to completely cut ties with my parents or anything. They yell at me and tell me I'm not a good child. But then they turn around and say they love me and want me to do well but always make me feel like I'm not enough. Also I have a black boyfriend whom they've met (but not as my boyfriend, as a friend) and they hate him and want me to stop hanging out with him. Even though they don't know he's my boyfriend. Sorry if this didn't flow well but these feelings have been building up for a while and I don't know exactly how to explain myself to strangers. I really want to talk to them about this soon but I'm not sure at all how to go about it. I still love them but it's very hard to deal with everything they put on me and I really can't stay in their house any longer. I'm planning on talking to them tonight or something and was basically looking for guidance on what to say. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [30 F] with my husband [35 M] together 10+ years, got a couples massage spiked with jealousy POST: So the hubs and I have been working out together a lot more and as a reward we have been getting massages at home every 5 intense workouts. We both prefer female therapists. He doesn't want to be touched by a dude and he said that he would feel uncomfortable if I had male masseuse. I understood and didn't have a problem. Last night, he had the same masseuse as the week before. She seems like a nice girl. The first time she came my husband complimented the oil massage she used and at the end she either forgot the bottle or left it when she left. We started the couples massage at the same time in the same room. about 20 minutes into it, I hear his masseuse ask him how was the pressure and he said she could do more. Then she said: "You want more pressure in your glutes." That visual came to my head and made me uncomfortable and jealous. I tried to let it go and then 10 minutes after the masseuse said:"take a big breath, I'm going to apply a lot of pressure to your glutes." From then on, I couldn't relax. I'm aware that he wasn't doing anything wrong but I can shake off the jealousy. My SO understood and said that I should get a male masseuse for me next time. He also tried to help me feel more secure about him. However, I told him that I felt uncomfortable with that specific masseuse returning to my home. He then started to justify that she didn't do anything wrong and that the problem was me being jealous. He asked me to compartalize my feelings and talk to him another time since he had to go to work. I am trying to clarify my feelings about this and determine if I'm overreacting and letting jealousy take over. Any advice on how to do this? TL;DR:
r/Advice TITLE: Need advice on what to do with my life POST: Hey, I'm currently 17 years old, live in the UK, unemployed and not in education. I messed up with my subject choices last year and ended up leaving halfway due to various reasons (I never got along well with my teachers and disliked almost everyone, on top of that I'm not really interested in a future of computing, chemistry and general science). So for the past 4-5 months I have been doing nothing, I tried searching for an apprenticeship in IT but recently ended that due to losing interest in IT as a career option. And now the time has come again to either join a new college or get a job, so I'm planning on starting again at a better college but I am choosing subjects that I have little skill in but actually enjoy. Now the problem starts here, since I have no previous experience in Art and Music I may never get into the courses, which will place me in the same position again of doing nothing and searching for a job that I will not enjoy or studying subjects I dislike. IT is where most my skill is, but I've grown sick and tired of programming and a bunch of other stuff. I really do enjoy art and music at the moment, though I am worried that I will join the college and end up hating both and leaving again, and my plan B is not a great plan at all. I'm incredibly confused. Though I don't feel I have an artistic mind as I cant picture anything in my head as its all a blur, nor can I deal with code as I have tried and failed. I keep confusing myself more and more, I have no idea if I hate IT or am just fed up of failing, and have no idea if I enjoy art just because I want an escape. I just need a way of clearing my head. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: What is your opinion of 'contract to hire'? POST: I lost my job a few months back and recently took a contract to hire job that looked somewhat promising. I'd not received any other offers, so I figured I had nothing to lose by accepting, but I'm not sure I like it all that much. Making an hourly wage is certainly more flexible with overtime pay than being a salaried employee, but I don't really like the uncertainty of not knowing whether or not I'll be hired on permanently in 6 months, and the temp agency outright lied to me about their benefits package in order to cajole me into accepting a wage at least several dollars an hour lower than I would've liked otherwise. I kinda feel like I've been taken advantage of. I don't think I'll ever do it again, at least not without making sure next time that the wage is at least good enough to make up for not having benefits. But I'd like to know about other people's experiences, good or bad? So-so? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [19M] trying to take care of my GF [20F] who's best friend [22F] got really drunk one night and is now blaming my GF for that night and a ton of unrelated stuff, it's breaking my GF POST: If this was any other situation I'd be much more comfortable just telling my girlfriend to drop her and not speak to this person again, but they've been really close friends for over a year now and (we'll say Sydney) obviously means a lot to my girlfriend (we'll say Claire) who is distraught that her friend won't speak to her except for occasional texts blaming Claire for things that happened weeks ago. Sydney's big complaints seem to be that she thinks Claire pushed her into hooking up with a boy she's not with currently, that Claire contributed to her anemia (I don't have any more context for that), and that she's always hated me and thought I was a terrible person. On the night she got drunk she also started yelling at Claire that she thinks people need to be more self-sufficient, and that Claire doesn't deserve to be in school because she receives government aide through the GI bill to do so. Claire has a pretty bad history with anxiety and self harm, and she's been really bad since Saturday (the night this all started). I've been trying my best to be there for her and be supportive, but it's really tough being the only one (her mother lives in Europe and her dad and her don't speak) especially when I have really important tests in classes I can't afford to fail this week. I'm taking her to see the school counselors, but if that doesn't calm her down I'm at my wits end. Other than checking her into the hospital or having her stay in my room for days I don't know what I can do to have a piece of mind that she won't hurt herself or have a huge panic attack. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Lots of drama with my[19 F] boyfriend's [21 M] friends: cheating, lying, drinking problems, etc. POST: My boyfriend and I have only been together for a year but his friends are already driving me up a wall. A few months ago my boyfriend caught his ENGAGED friend cheating on his fiance with my boyfriend's ex. He didn't tell the fiance. I finally broke and told her to which her fiance lied (of course) and said nothing was going on. My boyfriend didn't back me up at all. To make things worse his friend told him that he was just doing it to help my boyfriend's ex stir up jealousy. This shows blatant disrespect for our relationship and that he doesn't care about us. He also lied to my Boyfriend and told him that he told his fiance he cheated on her even though he told her nothing at all. Then he has another friend that's basically just a loser, he's a druggy and an alcoholic (I have a serious problem with alcoholism since my father was an alcoholic and was seriously abusive because of this), on top of that he's in an open relationship and encourages everyone else around him to partake in group sex and binge drinking. My boyfriend insists that these guys are good people and every time I talk about them he gets really defensive. He's really easily influenced and I worry about him, I cant choose who his friends are but Im worried about the influence they have on him. I'm worried if I ask him not to hang out at their places or party with them then I'm being too controlling. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [21 M] with my long-distance GF[22 F] of six years, developing feelings for someone at work POST: Been going out for 6 years, she has recently moved to finish her studies across the country. We're doing different things career-wise (I'm doing law, she's doing marketing) and lately I feel like we don't talk about anything except what we're going to do when we're back together for good, which feels like the same rehashed lines over and over again. Our relationship has always been really awesome, no issues at all, but I am just starting to develop this nagging feeling that we're together out of convenience, just running through the motions, nothing new to talk about, with the added difficulty that she's away. We've been together such a while that I really can relate with the posts in the subreddit about married couples being "companions" not lovers, except I feel I can hardly talk to her about my goals, day to day, etc. With this backdrop, a new coworker started last December and without me looking for anything of the sort, we've been talking a lot and such and now it's clear that there are feelings on both ends. I guess the main thing is not so much physical but the fact that we can both talk about our day to day at work, our similar career goals and such. I have not acted on these feelings, apart from drinks here and there (which I understand is not right, but started off innocently enough) but I don't know if I can stop myself from acting much longer. Honestly I know the right thing is to tell my coworker that I cannot do this and to keep things professional, but I'm having a very hard time due to me hating confrontation, liking the attention, feeling like an asshole because she'll feel like crap, losing someone I really liked speaking with and actually having feelings for her. Also, knowing that she has feelings for me, I really feel like shit for not cutting her off at the first sign. How the hell do I do this, what do I do? Please help, I really don't want to fuck up but I feel I'm going to. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I [18 F] don't know how to bring up wanting more oral with my SO[22 M] POST: I [18 F] have been with my SO [22 M] for approximately almost 1 year. I'm fairly new to relationships, and he is the very first person I have ever been with sexually. I gave him my first on everything (kissing, ect.). ( He's more experienced.) When it comes to sex, I am always willing to do oral,yet he does rarely reciprocates. Probably because I was very nervous the first couple of times at the very beginning of our sexual relationship and have turned it down because I was highly nervous. Also, he rarely does anything to stimulate me down there. Now, I feel like I'm ready to explore that aspect of our sexual relationship and have no clue how to bring it up to him without the possibility of hurting his ego, ect. I honestly want to just ask him what he thinks about it, and if he wants to do it more often. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [23F] with my SO [26M] of a little less than a year, I have anxiety fueled bouts of insecurity that I don't tell my SO about and I want help getting past it. POST: My SO and I have been together a little less than a year. Things are great, I couldn't ask for a more perfect partner. The majority of the time, I'm very secure with our relationship and with myself. However, I have anxiety that sometimes fuels bouts of insecurity and I begin picking up problems where there are none. I don't talk to my partner about it because I don't want to cause problems when I know there's a very small chance that there's even a real one existing. Example: I'll send him a text at say 5pm, he doesn't respond, but around 6pm Facebook says he was last seen on Facebook 5 minutes ago on mobile. So clearly he's seen my text, he's on Facebook mobile and just doesn't respond. I know what PROBABLY happens is that he sees my text when I send it but he's in the middle of something and intends to respond to it when he's not busy anymore, and he probably just forgets. Or he'll say he doesn't go on his phone at all while he's working, but while he's working his Facebook last seen is constantly changing like 5 minutes ago on mobile or 1 minute ago on mobile. So I wonder why he would say he doesn't go on his phone but Facebook says he's using Facebook mobile and constantly checking it like he's talking to someone. It's not that I'm constantly monitoring when he's on Facebook, he's at the top of my list on my contacts sidebar and it usually just catches the corner of my eye when it switches from offline to online. I've since kept the sidebar closed since I figured out you could do that because I don't want to let my anxiety work me up over nothing. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [22M] with my Ex [22F] of 2.5 yrs, Break-up, first long term relationship advice? POST: Hello everyone, I've lurked around the sub for a while but this is the first time i've posted, anyway heres the story and we will see where we go from there... Me and my girlfriend had been going out for about 2.5 years, things were really good for a long time. We had planned a massive holiday together through Europe which went for about 9 weeks. Shortly before the trip she broke up with me, looking back i could see why, i stopped paying attention to her and we drifted. We still went on the holiday together and we reconnected. We had an amazing time together and came back and the relationship continued. here we are about 3 months after the trip and things werent sitting well with me. I approached her for a "talk" and we sat and nutted a few things out... not much long after we decided to mutually end things. We decided that it's not the right time for either of us. We actually ended things really well, we had a good long hug and a kiss, we smiled and laughed and said we will talk to each other later. We have agreed to go no-contact for a month at least, so we can both objectively assess how we feel about each other. She said she has absolutely no interest in pursuing anybody else and i believe her (she has medical issues which can interfere with intimacy and its very embarrassing for her) and that she just wants to be by herself for a while. So as it stands, we are split up. No matter what we both really want to be at least friends because neither of us want to throw away that incredible portion of our lives. We are on no contact for atleast 1 month pending our feelings for each other. I can't go forward from this expecting anything more than friends to happen because i know i will be disappointed if nothing happened. I want to move on, but i also want to remain friends. is no contact the way to go? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [26 f] with guy I went on 2 dates with in 2 weeks POST: I really like this guy and I'm afraid I blew it. I'll make it short. I met this guy for drinks I met off tinder. First time either of us had met someone. We met at a bar, then went back to his house and fooled around. He went down on me I didn't reciprocate. Then when I woke up for work the next day I was still in shock at how well we connected and thought I'd found my soulmate. I texted him that I wanted to see him again and he said he did too. Then date #2 we made dinner at his house. I definitely wanted to hook up again and we did but I think I was a really crappy lover. He really wanted to have sex and I was okay with him going down on me. I was giving him the green light but telling him no. I felt horrible. Despite that, it ended well and I left. The next day I texted him I was sorry for being such a tease (not in those words) and he said don't worry about it, and we should hang out in my neck of the woods this next week. Then a day later, I was just too texty chatty. I texted him stupid things and he wasn't that responsive. So now I'm wondering if I was so annoying I caused him to change his mind all together. And if not, for date 3, how can I proceed physically? I want my clothes to stay on. Would it be weird to set that expectation for #3, with everything that led up to it? TL;DR:
r/dogs TITLE: [DISCUSSION] Whats the bst toy out there? Tldr included POST: My pit mix plays rough with his toys, breaking in a week, he longest lasting one was from petco, the simple weiner dog looking squeaker for like 3.99 cheapest hey had (dont even get me started on the "indestructables" horrible toys) anyway the weiner dog laster about a mo th and a half until the squeaker broke, (between then and now we have also gotten him like five other toys too all of which were killed in a week including a fox that has been his fav that was 12.99, it is still usable i just had to gut the stuffing and put the sqeak back in it lol. What toys would yall recommend? Obvi price does NOT garuntee a longer toy life. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I (18M) have a stupid problem with my GF (17F) that she will get extremely angry about. POST: So I have been dating my gf for just about 2 years now. We texted a lot for a good 3 or so months and hung out plenty before we started dating, and got to know eachother very well. About a month in to dating we started to be sexually active. The problem I have with her is that she feels as if texting is necessary. All day everyday.. or at least whenever possible. I can't stand it because we don't talk about ANYTHING. Basically, this consists of "Hey" "hello" "wussup" "chillin hbu" "same lol" "oh thats fun haha" "yeah lol" and basically drags on like this into even more of nothing. A couple of months ago i tried telling her I want a tad more space, one of those spaces being texting a lot less. She took that as I lost interest and don't like talking to her. I obviously worded what I said the wrong way. We got in a HUGE fight and almost broke up, she was bawling and calling me a fucking asshole and pushing me away when I tried to explain, seems like women really always have to be right xD... Anyways we were going on about how I want to hang with my guys more often since me and my gf were hanging out every weekend and just stupid crap being blown out of proportion. Why is she so set over texting so much??? Could someone give me suggestions on what to say and/or do please? Is she too clingy even if I do hang with my guys occasionally? Thanks! TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I[28 M] woke up to a message from my[28 F] ex. POST: We dated for six years and ended it a little over four years ago. If it matters, I think the relationship was great, for the most part. Towards the end we lived about five hours apart and didn't see each other very often. Ended up going to visit her one weekend and found a used pregnancy test after we had not slept together in close to five months. She didn't seem like the type of girl that would do something so shitty, but we had always had very infrequent sex. Still good sex, just not very often. At the time, this and the pregnancy test was too much. I don't know any other reason a girl would think she is pregnant. I have spent four years wondering if she actually did sleep with somebody else, which makes me feel like crap. Or if she just got scared for some reason and took a pregnancy test. If that's the case, I threw away a relationship with a girl I loved very, very much and would've been very happy to spend the rest of my life with. The slightest chance that that is true honestly terrifies me. Zero contact for over four years now, not even checking her FB page and yesterday I woke up to a message from her. All is says is, "Hello stranger." Two little words turned a grown man into this. It sucks. I don't even know what I'm asking, but I have no idea what to do. Well, I know, but it is very hard to just talk to her. Figure out a way to slap me through the internet and tell me to stop being a bitch or something. Anybody ever been in a situation like this before and just been genuinely curious about how the other person is doing? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I [30 M] dated a girl [29 F] for 3 months, until she broke up with me because she still had feelings for her ex. I miss her a lot. Should I try to make contact again? POST: So we dated for three months, I thought things were going really well. I had introduced her to my family and everything. One night we had a few drinks and she said she loved me, I was a bit nervous about it and said I was really enjoying our relationship and was falling for her but couldn't tell her yet. I'm not sure if this was a reason for her breaking up with me, but I honestly just wanted her to be sober when she told me and I'm cautious with my feelings, but I genuinely saw the relationship continuing and growing into something even better. Then, a week later, she sits me down and tells me she still has feelings for her ex, who lives in a different state, and wanted to break up. I don't even think there was any plans for her or him to move, so I'm confused as to what happened. I told her that it was OK to have residual feelings, but she still wanted to break up. I know that she wasn't single for a very long time, but she was for long enough that you would think she would be over her ex, especially one who lives in a different state. I haven't really spoken to her since, I'm kind of proud and don't want to beg or anything, but I think she was amazing. Should I just let it go or maybe see if she would give us another chance? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I (23M) am in love with my new friend (21F). She has a boyfriend. Need advice. POST: So I met this girl a couple of months ago. We've become very close, but only as friends. I mean we are spending every possible minute together, and texting when we aren't. Good mornings, good nights, and everything in between. Every day. Also, she has a boyfriend,but he lives in Okinawa, so they only see each other on Skype, and they only dated for like two months before he moved there. I'm definitely into her on a serious level, but Idk if I should risk the friendship that I have with her to try to move forward. I'm crazy about her, but should I just hold out until their relationship inevitably falls apart? What do you all think? TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Anybody at school use webCT? Well I do, and apparently it just failed with our grades. POST: I'm in the summer semester at Sanford Fleming College in Ontario. They say this has only happened once before with webCT, somewhere else in Ontario. The way we do a lot of the testing is we go into this special computer lab type room and do our tests on designated computers with a couple ladies watching over us and checking student IDs and stuff. Its all on webCT anyhow and they say they lost everything past like week 6 or something. The backup and the backups backup kind of situation by the sounds of it. There are 4 campuses for Fleming and they're all basically in the same situation. Everything that the teachers didn't mark by hand and write on paper essentially, or luckily download into their gradebook shit. There's only a couple weeks left in the semester and they're talking about coming up with extra bullshit assignments and pro rating and sometimes just considering the course without the assignments entirely. Realistically, I didn't lose many great marks but I'm sure a lot of people did who worked fairly hard for it. This could actually improve my mark significantly in a few cases, interestingly enough. I still don't think its fair to dump additional shit on us and try to redo half a semester at the same time as the final 20%. Anyhow, what the fuck is the solution? I don't even really think there's a good one. TL;DR: