i met you i used to want to lock myself into a vault just to feel precious;joy
i really hate that feeling when youre unsure about something;fear
i feel like those rich people all fall into the category of don t belong when i see them on the bus;joy
i write which is what i consider my real profession even though by teaching poetry to troubled and poor kids i feel i m doing something useful;joy
i feel honored to be witness to another s process;joy
i had a horrible tragedy something that i was terribly ashamed of or something that was causing me great pain or that was making me feel vulnerable i have more than just one or two very trusted people who i know i could call for help;fear
i feel stupid and incapable and i dont know what i want to do and work is stupid and only for the next two weeks and i m questioning everything;sadness
i am writing this at a time when i have also had an upset with the only real parent i have had almost constantly in my life and when theres no brothers and sisters around either i am an only child it feels kinda lonely;sadness
i feel like this concert was much more successful than the previous one;joy
i was just feeling needy;sadness
i also feel so awful feeling this way;sadness
i always intended on achieving just so i could be with everyone else and feel like i was an intelligent productive and successful person;joy
i feel like i have been beaten hard with a baseball bat under my arm which the doctor said was a very apt description;sadness
i feel overwhelmingly remorseful and guilty when i watch too much news or too many sad movies or television dramas;sadness
i feel completely drained physically and mentally worn out;sadness
i feel wonderful im tipping over backwards im so ambitious im looking back im running a race and youre the books i read so feel my fingers as they touch you arms im spinning around and i feel alright the book i read was in your eyes;joy
im feeling so broke right now but i loved every minute of it;sadness
i want to say that i feel vulnerable writing and sharing this info;fear
i was using it to vent out ugly feelings and be vicious and nasty rather then deal with them like an adult;anger
i always thought that if i contracted something from one of those people and passed it on to him that i d feel awful but after i got the sti test i thought i was basically in the clear;sadness
i didnt feel that there were enough strong smart and funny female main characters in fiction and since thats what i imagine myself to be i started writing;joy
i would just go to the straight point rather than doing a defination of such as what is romance feeling or anger feeling or suspicious feelings;fear
i wasnt feeling casual much;joy
i feel slightly emotional watching it;sadness
i feel like i ve regained another vital part of my life which is living;joy
i went up to the teacher and said im gonna step outside for a second im really not feeling too well;joy
i pray that each of you who is hurting or feeling afraid tonight finds peace and soon;fear
i could feel myself getting that shaky feeling;fear
i feel more crucified heartbroken tortured and forsaken than i have ever before felt but not at the hands of my enemy at the hands of those i love;sadness
i feel like he was more important to me than i thought he was;joy
i believe its possible to be joyful and full of thanks while feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by life;surprise
i want people to feel brave and i want society to accept us as disabled people amongst us who deserve dignity and respect not to be shunned and laughed at;joy
im feeling awfully spiteful right now;anger
i feel more of a sense of longing than of loss;love
i guess you cant see how wed feel a bit unwelcome;sadness
i stay up and feel foolish;sadness
i think people born in the s and s hold the key to opening many doors for us we just need to make them feel treasured enough to share it;love
i would like to reduce the amount of jealousy i feel god commands us not to be jealous and i feel that every jew religious or not should obey that prohibition;anger
i feel so highly intimidated that i get flustered and cant form my words not even in english with her;fear
i feel reluctant talking about myself and my current situation to you as i don t know how you ll feel but i guess its important you know all about me and the situation i am in so that we ll know if we can go further;fear
i learned in the foundry of my own childhood that humor made a perfect shield for keeping people at bay for helping me conceal my true feelings for lending the appearance of truth to all the lies i would tell about how happy i was and for providing me with the wherewithal to get through each day;joy
id never do but i woke feeling stressed;sadness
i feel i need to put my beloved uggs to one side and get back on the ballet pump bandwagon;love
i feel terrible about the lady driver though;sadness
i had a pretty trying adolescence and any time im put into a situation where im made to feel inadequate it makes me revert right back into the shy awkward teenager with low self esteem that i was in high school;sadness
i am being told i should feel satisfied because i am in good standing with the powers that be;joy
i actually just feel really eager;joy
im sitting here in the belmont library listening to hold on tight by electric light orchestra feeling a bit of discontent;sadness
i feel really bless to have a very supportive family who appreciate everything that i do;love
i feel so welcomed;joy
i shut the door but i didn t feel triumphant;joy
i was feeling pretty wiped out mentally amp physically i was determined to get some oxygen to my brain;joy
i said in some recent interviews we will have two guests on the next alcest album and today i feel glad to reveal the first one;joy
my roommate was rude to me;anger
i feel so weird not saying goodnight to mike;surprise
i feel lighter and more compassionate after i have these little talks with myself;love
i was impressed with how dunham portrayed hannahs whole experience from trying to deny that its happening to feeling offended when you feel like someone is trying to minimise the distress its causing you;anger
i watched his face contort in sadness i began to feel regretful of my actions;sadness
i have been stumbling into quote after quote urging me because i really do feel they are meant for me to do away with my hated day job and dedicate my efforts to what matters most;sadness
i prayed to trust god with my desire to feel a divine sense of home;joy
i found is that feeling worthless is a waste of time;sadness
i feel totally carefree with them around;joy
i will not go into details from that long night but i woke up for our am bus feeling like i could barely stand and not trusting the pit in my stomach;joy
i feel so incredibly graceful and sexy in this pose i have to say;joy
i feel unimportant but even if i am in some way its still not my place to be making any decisions or voicing my opinions and its certainly not my place to be sharing my feelings;sadness
i am learning to step back and call it out to not be too proud to admit that yes i am feeling annoyed and yes i should tell you why;anger
i want to avoid feeling disliked;sadness
i feel pretty lame typing that but my upper body is so weak;sadness
i feel very needy;sadness
i feel and i think that should be respected;joy
i was feeling a little like a cold was coming on;anger
i just wanna say that the last three months i feel so happy about my blog;joy
i left feeling defeated like nothing had been accomplished the day a complete waste of time amp energy;sadness
i had ritz crackers in my desk drawer because theyre something ill eat even when i feel crappy and or dont feel like eating;sadness
i feel that tenure protects a lot of teachers that r innocent;joy
i always feel i always understand that the people who are being the most hateful and harmful towards me are hurting themselves and taught wrongly and i hurt for them because i want to go back and undo the pain and childhood bigotry that binds their lives into this path;anger
i did wake up this morning feeling more like myself so after days of sloth i was keen to get geared up and head to higher altitudes;joy
i feel like the character precious;joy
i feel in love with the weight watchers program and was faithful to count my points;love
i feel like one of those girls in school that i hated because their outfits were perfect everyday because they went shopping once a week;sadness
i fought i could feel myself trusting this man who was so patient and had a cool confidence more and more;joy
i feel like my very essence is no more and work has drained my soul hopefully soon i will find my escape from work into a better path as i seem to be stuck only the cliquey get to move on and i do not want to roll like that;sadness
i feel surprised because i didnt expect it;surprise
i feel tortured by something;anger
i feel suffocated yet charmed my brain pauses logic;joy
i was feeling groggy and super tired during most of the fall we ended up staying home for thanksgiving instead of making the hour trip to see jimmys family;sadness
i had coped for barely twenty four hours before i was feeling wrung out and distraught;fear
i feel that the father wants to tell you that he is pleased with you;joy
i uploaded and put the link to in my previous post is only good for six more days or until i feel gracious enough to upload it again;joy
im pretty sure it had to do with the fact that im dealing with hyperemesis not enough sleep and feeling irritable;anger
i wanted to feel assured;joy
i feel like copying the handsome boy say yay so fun;joy
i am sorry that you feel i deserve to be blamed for the friends i pick all of which are better then some of the friends i could be hanging out with getting high and drunk while underage;sadness
i feel that it is dangerous to portray angels as walking the earth and intermarrying with humans;anger
i am feeling a bit nostalgic so decided to take a tour through my memory lane;love
i feel excited about something that is soley for me here is the video about it;joy
i feel like i m a doomed gladiator in a stadium constructed of cardboard and copies of romeo and juliet and the outsiders are screaming for my blood;sadness
i think she just rolled out i guess she s over it already i m kinda feeling that but no one has performed yet and word on the street is there is supposed to be a surprised performance by lil wayne nikki minaj and drake that would be dope;surprise
i feel a tender compassion glancing at her huge and heavy rucksack;love
i feel romantic and passionate toward my partner;love