1. Field of the Invention The present disclosure generally relates to a sock with multiple zones made up of varying numbers of layers of material. More particularly, the present disclosure relates to a sock including at least a first zone made of two layers of material adjacent to a second zone made of a single layer of material. 2. Description of Related Art Athletes, as well as casual shoe wearers, may wear more than one pair of socks simultaneously for a variety of reasons. Namely, a wearer may layer one pair of socks on top of another pair of socks. Some benefits of wearing two pairs of socks simultaneously may include: additional cushioning, reduced incidence of blistering, increased warmth, and additional capacity for absorbing perspiration. In particular, wearing two socks at the same time allows for movement between the inner sock and the outer sock, thereby decreasing movement between an inner sock and a wearer's foot that might causing blistering or other discomfort. However, wearing more than one pair of socks may also be inconvenient for other reasons. For example, poor ventilation may cause athlete's foot or a disagreeable odor if the multiple socks are worn for long periods of time. Further, two or more seams may overlap in the same position on a wearer's foot, thereby causing abrasion. Specifically, overlapping seams at the toe closures of each sock can cause pressure on the toes, which may result in peeling of the wearer's skin. For these reasons, a variety of double layer socks are known in the art. These double layer socks seek to provide the advantages of wearing two distinct socks in one convenient article. Some of these dual layer socks are formed by knitting two socks separately, putting one sock into the other, and sewing the socks together at the ankle area. Other double layer socks such as the socks disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,862,902 to Kim, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated in its entirely, are formed by continuous knitting of an outer layer and an inner layer, and then sewing the layers together at the toe closure. Unfortunately, these currently known arrangements have their own shortcomings. If the toe parts of the inner and outer socks are not attached to each other, the inner and outer layers of the socks may move independently of each other. In some cases, the inner socks may become bunched at the toes or stuck between the toes of the wearer. Further, the procedure of inserting the inner socks into the outer socks and aligning the two socks with each other is complex and time-consuming, increasing manufacturing costs. There is a need in the art for a sock, the wearing of which provides the same advantages as wearing two pairs of socks, but that does not include the shortcomings of wearing two pairs of socks or of currently available dual layer socks as discussed above.
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DESCRIPTION: Joanna Angel is a feisty cock hungry vixen that loves to get her pussy and ass filled with dick! She gets her pussy primed up by one dick and her pussy squirts everywhere! ... Show more Show less
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Introduction {#s1} ============ Speech rhythm and phonological awareness in dyslexia ---------------------------------------------------- Dyslexia is characterized across languages by difficulties in phonological processing (e.g., Snowling, [@B81]; Ziegler and Goswami, [@B104]). Phonological processing encompasses the encoding and representation of speech at a range of grain sizes, both segmental (i.e., phoneme) and supra-segmental (e.g., rime, syllable and stress). As simple decoding (word reading) requires the acquisition of phonology-orthography correspondences at different grain sizes (segmental for alphabetic languages, syllabic for some character-based scripts), this cognitive "phonological deficit" affects reading acquisition in dyslexia across languages. While an impairment in segmental processing in dyslexia has long been noted (e.g., Tallal and Piercy, [@B87]; Snowling, [@B80]), supra-segmental sensitivity has only recently been a focus of study, and then mainly in English (e.g., Wood and Terrell, [@B102]; Goswami et al., [@B24], [@B22]). This is surprising, as children\'s phonological sensitivity to supra-segmental features of speech develops early in all languages, well before the onset of formal literacy instruction. Indeed, EEG studies reveal sensitivity to the dominant stress patterns in the native language within the first months of life (Friederici et al., [@B13]; Ragó et al., [@B71]). For English-learning infants, this early sensitivity toward dominant syllable stress patterns such as the "Strong-weak" (S-w) trochaic motif has been shown to be important for word learning (Jusczyk et al., [@B41]; Echols et al., [@B11]). By the age of 7.5 months, English-learning infants are capable of using the trochaic stress pattern as a template for segmenting words from continuous speech (Jusczyk et al., [@B42]). During early childhood, pre-literate children across languages already exhibit an awareness for rime and syllable units in speech. Pre-readers are able to identify pairs of words that rhyme (e.g., "mat" rhymes with "hat" but not with "cut"), and to clap out the number of constituent syllables in a word (Bradley and Bryant, [@B3]; Treiman and Zukowski, [@B93]; Ziegler and Goswami, [@B104]). In fact, children\'s phonological awareness of rhyme, syllables and stress predicts their later success in learning to read (Bradley and Bryant, [@B3]; de Bree et al., [@B7]; Whalley and Hansen, [@B99]). Sensitivity to supra-segmental features of speech, particularly speech rhythm and syllable stress, also appear to be impaired in children and adults with developmental dyslexia (e.g., Wood and Terrell, [@B102]; Kitzen, [@B43]; Goswami et al., [@B22]; Holliman et al., [@B34], [@B35]; Leong et al., [@B50]; Mundy and Carroll, [@B59]). Acoustically, prosodic rhythm and stress in the speech signal are cued by a combination of amplitude, duration and frequency changes (Hirst, [@B33]). The amplitude-based cues to rhythm are contained within the slow-varying "amplitude envelope" of speech (Plomp, [@B64]; Howell, [@B37], [@B38],[@B39]; Greenberg et al., [@B27]; Tilsen and Johnson, [@B92]; Leong, [@B48]; Tilsen and Arvaniti, [@B91]). These slowly-varying amplitude patterns also cue the location of the rhythmic "perceptual (P)-center" or *moment of occurrence* of a sound (Allen, [@B1]; Morton et al., [@B58]; Scott, [@B77], [@B78]; Villing, [@B96]). The P-center forms the basis for the deliberate rhythmic timing of speech and for synchronization of speech between speakers (Cummins and Port, [@B5]; Cummins, [@B4]). The P-center is related perceptually to a particular rhythmic marker within the speech amplitude envelope: the envelope onset rise time. Perceptual sensitivity to rise time is impaired in children and adults with dyslexia in a range of languages (Goswami et al., [@B24]; Hämäläinen et al., [@B31], [@B29]; Surányi et al., [@B86]; Poelmans et al., [@B65]; Goswami et al., [@B25]; see Goswami, [@B20], for a recent summary). The rise time or "attack" time of a sound refers to the rate at which its amplitude increases during its initial onset, and is closely related to its P-center and rhythmic "beat strength." For example, a trumpet note with a fast rise time and early P-center will typically be perceived as having a stronger beat than a bowed violin note with a slower rise time and later P-center (Gordon, [@B17]). In speech, envelope onset rise times distinguish between stressed and unstressed syllables (Leong et al., [@B50]; Goswami and Leong, [@B23]), and provide phonetic cues to voice onset time and manner of articulation, for example aiding in phonetic distinctions such as between /b/ and /w/ (Goswami et al., [@B21]). Dyslexics\' difficulties in perceiving amplitude envelope rise times across languages has led to the theoretical suggestion that a deficit in neural rhythmic entrainment to amplitude modulation (AM) patterns in speech could underlie the phonological deficit in developmental dyslexia (Goswami, [@B20]; "temporal sampling theory"). Neuronal oscillatory entrainment in dyslexia -------------------------------------------- The speech amplitude envelope contains a spectrum of AM at different temporal rates, with certain key rates of AM associated with characteristic timescales of speech information. For example, the envelope is dominated by modulations that occur at around 3--5 Hz, corresponding to the average duration of the syllable (Greenberg et al., [@B27]; Greenberg, [@B26]). AMs at a slower rate of \~2 Hz are associated with inter-stress intervals in speech, which have an average duration of 493 ms (Dauer, [@B6]). Toward the other end of the modulation spectrum, faster modulations immediately above the 'classic' syllable rate of 3--5 Hz correspond to more quickly-uttered unstressed syllables (\~10 Hz, Greenberg et al., [@B27]). Faster modulations up to 50 Hz are thought to provide phonemic cues to manner of articulation, voicing, and vowel identity (Rosen, [@B75]). Although the amplitude envelope has been the focus of many speech intelligibility studies (e.g., Drullman et al., [@B9],[@B10]; Shannon et al., [@B79]), the spectral fine structure also makes an important contribution to speech intelligibility, particularly under adverse listening conditions (Qin and Oxenham, [@B70]; Xu et al., [@B103]; Obleser et al., [@B61]). Recently, Poeppel and colleagues have proposed a neural account of speech processing based on multi-time resolution of the modulation patterns in the speech envelope (multi-time resolution models, e.g., Poeppel, [@B67]; Giraud and Poeppel, [@B16]). In multi-time resolution models, the brain is thought to track speech information at different timescales using neuronal oscillations at different frequencies. These neuronal oscillations *entrain* ("phase-lock") to speech modulation patterns on equivalent timescales, so that peaks and troughs in oscillatory activity align with peaks and troughs in modulations in the signal. According to Giraud and Poeppel ([@B16]), neuronal oscillatory activity in the Theta band (3--7 Hz) tracks syllable patterns in speech, while slower oscillatory activity in the Delta band (1--3) Hz tracks phrasal and intonational patterns, such as stress intervals. Fast oscillatory activity in the Gamma band (25--80 Hz) is thought to track quickly-varying phonetic information, such as formant transitions and voice-onset times, which have timescales in the order of tens of milliseconds. This convergence between characteristic timescales in speech and the dominant neuronal oscillatory bands in auditory cortex has been used to argue that oscillatory entrainment ("phase locking") may be an important neural mechanism for parsing the speech signal into appropriately-sized linguistic units for further lexical processing (Ghitza and Greenberg, [@B15]; Schroeder and Lakatos, [@B76]; Giraud and Poeppel, [@B16]; Zion Golumbic et al., [@B105]). In line with dyslexics\' difficulties in rise time perception, which are particularly evident for slower rise times (Richardson et al., [@B73]; Stefanics et al., [@B83]). Goswami ([@B20]) proposed a "temporal sampling" framework to explain why the development of accurate phonological representation of speech is impaired across languages in developmental dyslexia. The temporal sampling framework proposed that impaired phonological representation in dyslexia could arise in part from impaired oscillatory entrainment to *slow* AMs (\<10 Hz) that carry stress and syllable patterning in speech (i.e., involving delta and theta oscillations, see Goswami, [@B20]; Power et al., [@B68], [@B69]; Soltész et al., [@B82]). As neuronal oscillations in the cortex exhibit hierarchical nesting across slow and fast timescales (e.g., theta-gamma phase-amplitude coupling; Lakatos et al., [@B45]), an impairment in slow oscillatory activity (e.g., delta, stressed syllable rate; theta, syllable rate) could also have consequences for speech encoding at faster timescales, such as the Gamma or other phonetic rate timescales. Indeed, recent studies using non-speech stimuli have indicated that the hemispheric lateralization of Gamma-rate oscillations (\~30 Hz) may be altered in dyslexia (Lehongre et al., [@B47], [@B46]). AM perception in dyslexia ------------------------- Consistent with Goswami\'s ([@B20]) proposal, several AM perception studies based on non-speech stimuli and psychoacoustic modulation thresholds indicate that dyslexics show poor AM sensitivity below 10 Hz (e.g., Lorenzi et al., [@B53]; Amitay et al., [@B2]; Rocheron et al., [@B74]; although note that Poelmans et al., [@B66] observed no deficit at 4 Hz). Studies reporting on modulation thresholds for faster AM rates vary in whether they report dyslexic deficits. For example, while McAnally and Stein ([@B55]), Witton et al. ([@B101]), and Menell et al. ([@B57]) all observed deficits in dyslexics\' AM detection at \~20 Hz, Hämäläinen et al. ([@B29]) failed to find a deficit at the same rate. Meanwhile, while no dyslexic deficit at 80 Hz was reported by (Hari et al., [@B32]), a study by Poelmans et al. ([@B66]) found atypical laterality effects in EEG for 20 Hz AM speech-weighted noise, and a study by Lehongre et al. ([@B47]) found atypical laterality effects in MEG for 35 Hz AM white noise. Similarly mixed results have been observed for dyslexics\' perception of very slow "stress rate" AMs. While an early study by Witton et al. ([@B101]) found that the perception of 2 Hz AMs was unimpaired in dyslexia, subsequent studies by Stuart et al. ([@B85]) and Hämäläinen et al. ([@B30]) have reported significant group differences in AM sensitivity at the 1 Hz and 2 Hz rates respectively. From the non-speech studies, it is currently unclear whether dyslexics have a *general* deficit in AM perception that affects all modulation rates, or whether their deficit is *specific* to the AM rates \<10 Hz that are identified in temporal sampling theory (Goswami, [@B20]). It is also possible that a single auditory anomaly, impaired phonemic sampling in left auditory cortex, accounts for the impaired phonological processing found in dyslexia (Lehongre et al., [@B47]). While AM studies are important for studying phase-locking, their implications for real-life speech perception are limited because the AM patterns used in these studies are artificial sinusoids and not real speech AMs. Real-speech AMs differ from artificial sinusoids in several important ways. First, unlike sinusoids, speech AMs are not perfectly periodically regular, but contain phase-advancements or delays that reduce their temporal predictability. Secondly, real-speech AMs differ in patterning at different acoustic frequencies. These temporal differences in modulation patterning across different "spectral channels" are crucial for speech intelligibility (e.g., Shannon et al., [@B79]). Finally, in real speech, AM patterns at all timescales (e.g., stress, syllable and phoneme) are *concurrently transmitted* to the listener, unlike artificial AM studies in which only one AM rate is presented at a time. During real-life speech processing, listeners probably extract speech information using *combinations* of AMs at different rates. For example, we have recently reported that listeners detect prosodic RPs by computing the *phase relationship* between two concurrent rates of speech AM: the "Stress" rate (\~2 Hz) and the "Syllable" rate (\~4 Hz, see Leong, [@B48]). This proposal is summarized in Figure [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}. Dyslexics\' ability to use such AM *combinations* in real speech has, to our knowledge, not been tested. ![**Computation of strong-weak (s-w) syllable stress patterns using the phase-relationship between "Stress"- and "Syllable"-rate amplitude modulations (AMs) in the speech envelope, illustrated with the trochaic (s-w) nursery rhyme sentence "Mary Mary quite contrary."** Left, **(A)** the original waveform of the speech signal is shown at the top, with the whole-band amplitude envelope superimposed as a bold line. The envelope is band-pass filtered at three different rates to produce a Stress AM (\~2 Hz), a Syllable AM (\~4 Hz) and a Sub-beat AM (\~14 Hz) respectively. Right, **(B)** to compute the syllable stress pattern of the sentence, the oscillatory phase series of the Stress AM and the Syllable AM are extracted. Here, AM phase values are projected onto a cosine function for ease of visualization. Note that the 8 Syllable AM cycles correspond to the 8 spoken syllables in the sentence. The concurrent Stress AM phase at Syllable AM peaks (indicated with vertical dotted lines) is transformed into a prominence index (PI), shown in the bar graph at the top. Syllable AM peaks that occur near the oscillatory peak of the Stress AM achieve PI values of \~1, while Syllable AM peaks that occur near the oscillatory trough of the Stress AM achieve PI values of \~0. Here, syllables with a high PI (near 1) are considered "strong" while syllables with a low PI (near 0) are considered "weak." Note that this Stress-Syllable AM phase relationship accurately reflects the trochaic syllable stress pattern of the sentence.](fnhum-08-00096-g0001){#F1} One obvious difficulty is that the complexity of the speech signal makes the extraction of specific features like cross-frequency AM phase alignment at pre-determined rates very difficult. Accordingly, studies using "vocoded" (envelope-only) real speech are useful. In vocoder studies, the speech signal is split into different frequency channels (e.g., typically 2, 4, 8 or 16 channels), the envelopes from each channel are used to modulate noise or tone carriers, and are then recombined. The resulting speech sounds like a harsh whisper, and is initially difficult to recognize. Speech vocoder studies with dyslexic children consistently suggest that their ability to use envelope cues for speech perception is impaired (e.g., Lorenzi et al., [@B53]; Johnson et al., [@B40]; Nittrouer and Lowenstein, [@B60]). For example, Lorenzi et al. ([@B53]) used 4-channel noise-vocoded VCV syllables (e.g., /aCa/) as stimuli, and found that both typically-developing and dyslexic 11-year-old children performed more poorly than adults when using envelope cues (\<500 Hz) for speech intelligibility. However, while the speech recognition performance of control children improved significantly over the course of five training sessions during the experiment, the performance of dyslexic children did *not* improve with training. Johnson et al. ([@B40]) and Nittrouer and Lowenstein ([@B60]) found more direct evidence for impaired speech envelope perception in dyslexia. In their study using 4- and 8-channel semantically-unpredictable noise-vocoded monosyllabic sentences (e.g., "dumb shoes will sing"), Johnson et al. ([@B40]) found that 10--11 year-old children with reading difficulties showed significantly poorer word recognition of vocoded speech than control children, for both 4- and 8-channel stimuli. Similarly, Nittrouer and Lowenstein ([@B60]) used 4-channel noise-vocoded sentences and found that there were consistent differences in speech perception performance between typically-developing and dyslexic children, for both age groups tested (8--9 years and 10--11 years). In each of these studies, the vocoded stimulus typically contained a very wide range of envelope AM rates rather than a single AM rate (e.g., the envelope was low-pass filtered under 500 Hz). Thus, a complication of these experiments is that a deficit in perceiving speech modulations at a *specific* rate (e.g., 4 Hz) would be masked if the dyslexic children were able to extract redundant speech information at other modulation rates (e.g., 20 Hz) to compensate for a slow AM deficit (see Drullman, [@B8]). Conversely, if a difference in performance is observed (as was the case in these studies), it is not clear whether this is caused by a general deficit in AM processing that affects all modulation rates, a specific deficit at certain AM rates (e.g., pertaining to stress, syllable or phoneme-rate information), or a deficit in combining AM information across different temporal rates. Therefore, to assess speech AM perception in dyslexia more closely, a combination of the two approaches (from AM studies and vocoding studies) is needed. Ideally, the stimuli should be created from the envelopes of real speech, but AMs at specific modulation rates (or combinations of modulation rates) should be systematically isolated from these real envelopes. Here, we present one such study. Experimental rationale and hypotheses ------------------------------------- Given the prior literature on the relationship between rhythmic awareness and reading (e.g., Thomson et al., [@B88]; Thomson and Goswami, [@B89]; Goswami and Leong, [@B23]; Tierney and Kraus, [@B90]), we were specifically interested in assessing dyslexics\' ability to use different AM rates in speech for *rhythm perception* (rather than speech intelligibility *per se*). Accordingly, we devised a rhythm perception task using rhythmic sentences (nursery rhymes) that had been tone-vocoded using different AM rates. For normal adult listeners, speech rhythm perception relies on sensitivity to the phase-relationship between 2 key AM rates (stress \~2 Hz and syllable \~4 Hz; Leong, [@B48]). Furthermore, in prior work on rhythmic entrainment, we have shown that children and adults with dyslexia show "tapping to the beat" impairments at 2 Hz (Thomson et al., [@B88]; Thomson and Goswami, [@B89]), while when tapping to speech rhythms adults with dyslexia show impairment at the syllable rate (\~4 Hz; Leong and Goswami, [@B49]). Accordingly, here we presented dyslexic and control adult listeners with tone-vocoded (envelope-only) sentences that contained only a narrow range of AM rates under 20 Hz. In order that the modulation patterns in our stimuli would be realistically speech-like, these modulation bands did not contain only a single AM rate (i.e., a "4 Hz" sinusoid). Rather each AM band contained a narrow range of AM rates centered around a target rate (e.g., 2.3--7 Hz, centered around 4 Hz), each of which we refer to in shorthand by the center rate (e.g., here as "\~4 Hz" or "Syllable-rate AMs"). Our dependent variable was the accuracy of speech rhythm perception. We created stimuli that contained modulations from either a single narrow AM band (i.e., Stress only \~2 Hz, Syllable only \~4 Hz, Sub-beat only \~14 Hz), or from *paired combinations* of AM bands (Stress + Syllable and Syllable + Sub-beat). On the basis of the temporal sampling framework (Goswami, [@B20]), we predicted no dyslexic impairment at the sub-beat band rate of \~14 Hz (included as a control frequency band), but significant impairment at both rates \<10 Hz (Syllable and Stress rates). On the basis of our prior data on rhythmic entrainment to speech rhythms (Leong and Goswami, [@B49]), we also predicted that dyslexics would have difficulty in *combining* speech information across different temporal modulation rates. As Leong\'s modeling work (Leong, [@B48]) has shown that rhythm perception depends critically on the Stress + Syllable AM combination, it may be that particular dyslexic difficulty is found for this combination. Note that in this experiment we used the 'Sub-beat' rate (\~14 Hz) as a control AM band, not the "phoneme rate" (\~30 Hz) that is the theoretical focus of AM work by Lehongre et al. ([@B47], [@B46]). Our decision was motivated by the classic psychophysical studies of Drullman et al. ([@B9],[@B10]). These studies indicated that AM rates up to 16 Hz are the most important for speech intelligibility, and that the inclusion of faster AM rates *above 16 Hz* result in little improvement to intelligibility. Furthermore, in a rhythmic context, we noticed that unstressed syllables are often compressed to a "sub-beat" length in order to fit within the standard "beat" length of one ordinary syllable. For example, in the nursery rhyme sentence "Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall," the syllables "sat" and "on" are compressed together, or reduced, to fit the space of one regular syllable like "Hum." Consequently, the overall trochaic rhythm of the sentence is not disrupted. Thus, the "Sub-beat" rate (\~14 Hz) is likely to correspond to speech modulations that are important for intelligibility, but which contribute little toward the overall rhythmic patterning of "Strong" and "weak" beats in a sentence, making this an ideal control modulation band. As the cited "phoneme" rate (\~30 Hz) commonly refers to the timescale of formant transition patterns in speech (e.g., Giraud and Poeppel, [@B16]), we plan to examine this rate in the context of frequency modulation (FM) perception in future studies. Methods {#s2} ======= Participants ------------ Twenty-one adults (9 M, 12 F) with developmental dyslexia and 26 control adults (7 M, 19 F) participated in the study. All dyslexic participants had received a formal diagnosis of developmental dyslexia and also showed significant reading and phonological deficits according to our own test battery. All participants had no other diagnosed auditory or learning difficulties, spoke English as a first language, and were aged under 40 years. As shown in Table [1](#T1){ref-type="table"}, dyslexic and control participants were matched on IQ \[2 subscales of the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI), Wechsler, [@B98]: A non-verbal subscale (Block Design) and a verbal subscale (Vocabulary)\]. However, there was a significant age difference between dyslexic and control groups, where controls were slightly older on average \[dyslexic mean age = 22.9 years; control mean age = 25.5 years; *F*~(1,\ 45)~ = 5.66, *p* \< 0.05\]. To account for this age difference, all our subsequent statistical analyses include age as a covariate. As this statistical solution is impartial, we felt that it would be preferable to manually excluding certain participants on the basis of their age, which would entail subjectivity as to how many and which participants to exclude. ###### **Group performance on standardized ability, literacy and phonological tests**. **Task** **Dyslexic** **Controls** ***F*~(1,\ 45)~** -------------------------------- -------------- -------------- -------------------------------------------- Age 22.9 25.5 5.66[^\*^](#TN1){ref-type="table-fn"} (*SE*) (0.6) (0.8) IQ 129.6 129.8 0.01 (*SE*) (1.0) (1.5) \- Non-Verbal IQ T score 70.6 70.7 0.01 (0.7) (0.8) \- Verbal IQ T score 62.0 62.0 0.00 (1.0) (1.5) Auditory STM score (out of 16) 10.3 13.0 22.91[^\*\*\*^](#TN3){ref-type="table-fn"} (*SE*) (0.4) (0.4) Reading standard score 110.8 115.8 8.81[^\*\*^](#TN2){ref-type="table-fn"} (*SE*) (1.4) (1.0) Spelling standard score 104.7 117.0 43.68[^\*\*\*^](#TN3){ref-type="table-fn"} (*SE*) (1.5) (1.2) Phonology score (out of 30) 26.1 28.5 22.13[^\*\*\*^](#TN3){ref-type="table-fn"} (*SE*) (0.4) (0.3) p \< 0.05; p \< 0.01; p \< 0.001. Consistent with their diagnosis, dyslexics performed significantly more poorly than controls in standardized tests for literacy \[Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT-III), Reading and Spelling scales, Wilkinson, [@B100]\] and phonological awareness (Phonological Assessment Battery (PhAB), Spoonerisms task, Fredrickson et al., [@B12]; Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) forward digit span subtest, Wechsler, [@B97]). Thus, despite the relatively high IQ of both groups (reflecting the fact that these were high-performing students at a world-class university), dyslexic participants still lagged behind their peers in their reading, spelling and phonological awareness skills. Both control and dyslexic participants also took part in other studies on rhythm perception and production (see also Leong and Goswami, [@B49]). Ethical approval for the study was obtained from the Cambridge Psychology Research Ethics Committee, and all participants were given a modest payment for taking part in the experiments. Materials --------- In line with our focus on rhythm, children\'s nursery rhymes were used as stimuli because these are a form of naturally-occurring, rhythmically-rich speech material, whose rhythm patterns (RPs) should be familiar to and easily identified by listeners. Four duple-meter nursery rhymes were used for the experiment, taking the first line of each nursery rhyme (8 syllables). The sentences fell into either of two RPs, as shown in Table [2](#T2){ref-type="table"}. Two sentences had a "S-w" or trochaic pattern. These were "MA-ry MA-ry QUITE con-TRA-ry" and "SIM-ple SI-mon MET a PIE-man" (stressed syllables in CAPS). The other two sentences had a "w-S" or iambic pattern. These were "as I was GO-ing TO st IVES" and "the QUEEN of HEARTS she MADE some TARTS." We chose to use trochaic and iambic patterns because these are the dominant prosodic motifs found in children\'s nursery rhymes (Gueron, [@B28]), and were easily understood by our participants. A total of 4 sentences (2 per RP) were used to encourage participants to attend to the global "S-w" or "w-S" rhythm patterning that was common between the 2 exemplars of each pattern. Using two exemplars also prevented reliance on minor non-rhythmic variations (e.g., total stimulus length) to perform the task. We did not use more than 4 sentences as this would have unnecessarily increased the difficulty of the task (which was already high in difficulty). Each sentence was \~2 s in length (Mary: 2.01 s; Simon: 2.12 s; St Ives: 2.37 s; Queen: 2.31 s). The nursery rhymes were spoken by a female native speaker of British English who was articulating in time to a 4 Hz (syllable rate) metronome beat. The speaker was instructed to produce the RP of each nursery rhyme as clearly as possible. Utterances were digitally recorded using a TASCAM digital recorder (44.1 kHz, 24-bit), and the metronome was not audible in the final recording. ###### **List of nursery rhyme sentences and their rhythm pattern**. **Rhythm pattern *(S, Strong; w, weak)*** **Nursery rhyme sentence *(CAPS, Strong syllable)*** ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ **S** w **S** w **S** w **S** w "MA-ry MA-ry QUITE con-TRA-ry" *(trochaic)* "SIM-ple SI-mon MET a PIE-man" w **S** w **S** w **S** w **S** "as I was GO-ing TO st IVES" *(iambic)* "the QUEEN of HEARTS she MADE some TARTS" Rhythm perception task ---------------------- In each trial, participants heard one of four tone-vocoded nursery rhyme sentences. They were asked to indicate the target sentence (one of four) by selecting an appropriate response button. Participants were told to base their judgment on the *RP* of the stimulus. Given that the vocoded sentences had a clear rhythm but were unintelligible (see Section Signal Processing Steps for Tone Vocoding), we did not expect participants\' sentence identification to exceed 50% in accuracy (i.e., we expected accurate discrimination *between* trochaic vs iambic sentences, but not *within* 2 trochaic or iambic sentences). All participants were first given 20 practice trials, during which they heard the four sentences as originally spoken, without any vocoding. This enabled participants to learn the RP of each sentence, and to become familiar with the response button mapping. Subsequently, participants performed the task with tone-vocoded stimuli only. The tone-vocoded stimuli retained the temporal pattern of each nursery rhyme sentence, but were completely unintelligible. Cartoon icons representing the four response options were displayed on the computer screen throughout the experiment to help to reduce the memory load of the task. Auditory stimuli were presented diotically using Sennheiser HD580 headphones at 70 dB SPL. The experimental task was programmed in Presentation and delivered using a Lenovo ThinkPad Edge laptop. ### Signal processing steps for tone vocoding AM bands were extracted from the amplitude envelope of the speech signal of each nursery rhyme sentence using two different methods. In the first method, the amplitude envelope was extracted using the Hilbert transform. This Hilbert envelope was then passed through a modulation filterbank (MFB) of band-pass filters, which effectively isolated speech AMs corresponding to the (1) "Stress" rate (0.8--2.3 Hz), (2) "Syllable" rate (2.3--7 Hz), and (3) "Sub-beat" (7--20 Hz) rate. Please see Stone and Moore ([@B84]) for details of the spectral filterbank design, which was adapted to be used as a MFB here. It is possible that artificial modulations may be introduced into the stimuli by the MFB method, since band-pass filters can introduce modulations near the center-frequency of the filter, through "ringing." Therefore, a second AM-hierarchy extraction method was also used. This was Probabilistic Amplitude Demodulation (PAD; Turner and Sahani, [@B95]), and did not involve the Hilbert transform or filtering. Rather, the PAD method estimates the signal envelope using a model-based approach in which the signal is assumed to comprise the product of a positive slow envelope and a fast carrier. Bayesian statistical inference is used to invert the model, thereby identifying the envelope which best matches the data and the *a priori* assumptions (i.e., a positive-valued envelope whose mean is constant over time). This envelope extraction protocol can be run recursively at different timescales, yielding AMs at the same modulation rates as those derived from MFB filtering (Turner and Sahani, [@B95a]; Turner, [@B94]). All participants heard both MFB-derived and PAD-derived vocoded stimuli in the same experiment. It was reasoned that if participants produced the same pattern of results with two methods of AM extraction that operate using very different sets of principles, the observed effects were likely to have arisen from real features in speech rather than filtering artifacts. The MFB- and PAD-derived AMs were used to modulate a 500 Hz sine-tone carrier in a single-channel vocoder. A multi-channel vocoder was not used to ensure that the sentences would be completely unintelligible. As the dependent variable in the experiment was how well participants could identify each sentence on the basis of its AM RP, all other cues to sentence identity need to be removed. Therefore, the phonetic fine structure of the signal was intentionally discarded. In addition, the AMs derived from the amplitude envelope were used to modulate the sine-tone carrier, rather than being combined back with the fine structure of the signal. To create single-AM band stimuli (e.g., Stress only), the appropriate AM band was extracted and combined with the 500 Hz sine-tone carrier. A 30 ms-ramped pedestal at channel RMS power was added prior to combining with the carrier. To create double-AM band stimuli (e.g., Stress + Syllable), the two AM bands were first combined via addition (for MFB) or multiplication (for PAD) before combining with the carrier. All stimuli were equalized to 70 dB. These signal processing steps are illustrated in Figure [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}. ![**Illustration of the signal processing steps involved in tone-vocoding for the nursery rhyme sentence "Mary Mary quite contrary." (A)** The original speech signal with its wholeband amplitude envelope overlaid in bold. **(B)** The Stress AM, Syllable AM and Sub-beat AMs are extracted from the envelope using either the MFB or PAD method. Single and double AM band vocoded stimuli are then generated by combining the AMs with a 500 Hz sine tone. To generate single AM band stimuli (bottom left), each single AM band is multiplied individually with the sine tone. To generate double band AM stimuli (bottom right), the two AMs are first combined via addition (MFB) or multiplication (PAD) before multiplication with the sine tone. The resulting double band vocoded stimulus contains temporal patterning at two main rates (i.e., second-order modulation).](fnhum-08-00096-g0002){#F2} The resulting tone-vocoded sentences had clear temporal patterns ranging from "Morse-code" to flutter, but were otherwise completely unintelligible (See Audios [1](#SM1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}--[5](#SM5){ref-type="supplementary-material"} in Supplementary Material). Figure [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"} illustrates the different types of AM-vocoded stimuli used in the experiment, contrasting trochaic ("Mary Mary") and iambic ("the Queen of Hearts") sentences. ![**Comparison of the 5 types of AM tone-vocoded stimuli produced for trochaic (S-w) and iambic (w-S) nursery rhyme sentences.** Stimuli corresponding to the trochaic sentence "Mary Mary" are shown in the left column. Stimuli corresponding to the iambic sentence "the Queen of Hearts" are shown in the right column. Top row: Original acoustic waveform of each sentence in black, with whole-band amplitude envelope overlaid in red. Rows **(A--E)** Stress AM, Syllable AM, Sub-beat AM, Stress + Syllable AM and Syllable + Sub-beat AM stimuli respectively.](fnhum-08-00096-g0003){#F3} ### Design As explained in Section Experimental Rationale and Hypotheses, five different AM bands or band combinations were used for vocoding. This generated 3 types of single AM band stimuli (Stress only; Syllable only; Sub-beat only) and 2 types of paired AM band stimuli (Stress + Syllable; Syllable + Sub-beat). For each AM combination, each of the 4 nursery rhyme sentences was presented 10 times (5 MFB and 5 PAD stimuli) in a fully randomized order, giving 40 trials per AM type and 200 trials in total for the entire experiment. Participants were scored in terms of their sentence identification accuracy for each AM type (Accuracy scores), and their ability to discriminate more generally between trochaic and iambic RPs (RP scores). We had previously found that control participants showed no difference in listening accuracy for MFB and PAD stimuli (Leong, [@B48]). In our preliminary analysis of the current data, we likewise found that there was no difference in performance for PAD as compared to MFB stimuli \[*F*~(1,\ 44)~ = 2.74, *p* = 0.11\]. Therefore, to simplify further analysis, the scores for the two types of stimuli in each condition were averaged into a single mean score for each participant. Results {#s3} ======= Sentence identification accuracy -------------------------------- Figure [4](#F4){ref-type="fig"} shows the mean Accuracy scores achieved by the control and dyslexic groups for each AM type. To check for floor effects in performance (which could obscure group differences), we assessed whether participants\' scores for each AM type were significantly above the level of chance (25%). Accordingly, separate one-sample *t*-tests were conducted for control and dyslexic groups against the test value of 0.25. As this necessitated 10 *t-tests* in total, Holm\'s sequential Bonferroni correction was applied to the *p*-value threshold for significance (Holm, [@B36]). Holm\'s sequential Bonferroni correction entails a smaller reduction in statistical power than the standard Bonferroni correction, and is a widely-used alternative for controlling for Type 1 family-wise error (Rice, [@B72]; Perneger, [@B63]). In the Holm-Bonferroni method, the threshold for significance is computed as 0.05/(10- \[rank of uncorrected *p*-value\] +1). Therefore, for the smallest (rank 1) *p*-value, the Holm Bonferroni-corrected threshold for significance was 0.05/(10 − 1 + 1) = 0.005, whereas for the largest (rank 10) *p*-value, the threshold for significance was 0.05/(10 − 10 + 1) = 0.05. The results of the *t*-tests indicated that both controls and dyslexics performed significantly above chance for all 5 AM types. Accordingly, we investigated whether there were group differences across the 5 AM types. ![**Group mean Accuracy scores for each AM band and band combination.** Error bars indicate standard error.](fnhum-08-00096-g0004){#F4} Two repeated measures ANCOVA analyses were conducted. In the first analysis, we compared group performance for the 3 *single* AM bands (Stress only, Syllable only, Sub-beat only). Single AM band (3 levels) was entered into the ANCOVA as the within-subjects factor, and Group (2 levels) was entered as the between subjects factor. Age was entered as a covariate factor. The results of the first ANCOVA showed *no* significant main effect of Group \[*F*~(1,\ 44)~ = 0.14, *p* = 0.71\], and no interaction between single AM band and Group \[*F*~(2,\ 88)~ = 0.37, *p* = 0.69\]. This suggests that controls and dyslexics were performing equally well in their use of single AM-band information for rhythm perception. In the second RM ANCOVA analysis, we investigated group differences in the ability to combine information across more than one AM band. The second ANCOVA entered double-AM band (2 levels, Stress + Syllable, Syllable + Sub-beat) as the within-subjects factor, and Group (2 levels) as the between subjects factor. Age was again entered as a covariate factor. This second ANCOVA showed a significant main effect of Group \[*F*~(1,\ 44)~ = 4.51, *p* \< 0.05\], but the interaction between AM band and Group did not approach significance \[*F*~(1,\ 44)~ = 0.19, *p* = 0.66\]. Therefore, our dyslexic participants were worse at combining AM information across different rates, as they were significantly less accurate than control participants. For combined AM bands, the dyslexic participants were significantly poorer at combining the Syllable-rate AM with other AMs at the Stress rate or the Sub-beat rate. Rhythm pattern discrimination ----------------------------- Next, we wanted to ascertain whether participants were able to use these speech AMs to discriminate between the two major RPs that characterized the 4 nursery rhyme sentences \[i.e., trochaic ("S-w") vs. iambic ("w-S")\]. Accordingly, we re-scored participants responses according to whether they had correctly identified the *RP* of each sentence as trochaic or iambic, disregarding whether they had identified the actual sentence correctly (i.e., for the stimulus sentence "Mary Mary," responses of "Mary Mary" and "Simple Simon" were both scored as the correct RP, as both were trochaic responses). The resulting mean RP scores for iambic sentences (Ives, Queen) and trochaic sentences (Mary, Simon) are shown in Figure [5](#F5){ref-type="fig"}. To check for floor effects in performance (which could obscure group differences), we assessed whether participants\' scores for each AM type were significantly above the level of chance (50%). Accordingly, separate one-sample *t*-tests were conducted for control and dyslexic groups against the test value of 0.5. As this necessitated 20 *t*-tests in total, Holm\'s sequential Bonferroni correction was applied to the *p*-value threshold for significance (Holm, [@B36]). For the smallest (rank 1) *p*-value, the Holm Bonferroni-corrected threshold for significance was 0.05/(20 − 1 + 1) = 0.0025, whereas for the largest (rank 10) *p*-value, the threshold for significance was 0.05/(20 − 20 + 1) = 0.05. ![**Group mean Rhythm Pattern scores for each AM band and band combination, shown separately for iambic ("I": Ives & Queen) and trochaic ("T": Mary & Simon) sentences.** Error bars indicate standard error. (^\*^) AM bands where performance was above chance (50%) for each group.](fnhum-08-00096-g0005){#F5} As shown in Figure [5](#F5){ref-type="fig"} (\*), controls and dyslexics always performed significantly above chance when making a binary discrimination of the rhythm of trochaic (T) sentences (with the exception of controls in the Sub-beat AM condition). By contrast, for iambic (I) sentences, dyslexics *never* performed above chance in binary rhythm discrimination, whereas controls performed significantly above chance when listening to Stress-only, and Stress + Syllable AM types. Given the presence of clear floor effects for binary rhythm discrimination of iambic sentences, we were unfortunately unable to draw further conclusions regarding group differences for these sentence types (as both controls and dyslexics were performing at chance in many conditions). However, both groups had performed significantly above chance for trochaic sentences when listening to Stress only AMs, Syllable only AMs, Stress + Syllable AMs and Syllable + Sub-beat AMs. According, we performed repeated measures ANCOVAs on these RP scores for trochaic sentences only. In the first ANCOVA analysis, we compared group performance for the 2 single AM bands only, taking single AM band (2 levels) as the within-subjects factor, Group (2 levels) as the between subjects factor, and Age as the covariate. Consistent with the previous Accuracy analysis, there was *no* significant main effect of Group \[*F*~(1,\ 44)~ = 0.16, *p* = 0.69\], and no interaction between single AM band and Group \[*F*~(1,\ 44)~ = 0.11, *p* = 0.75\]. This suggests that controls and dyslexics did not differ in their ability to use Stress only and Syllable only AM band information to make trochaic-iambic distinctions. We then analyzed double-AM band performance in a similar fashion. This time double-AM band (2 levels, Stress + Syllable, Syllable + Sub-beat) was the within-subjects factor, Group (2 levels) was the between subjects factor, and Age was the covariate. Unlike the Accuracy analysis, the ANCOVA showed no significant main effect of Group \[*F*~(1,\ 44)~ = 1.90, *p* = 0.17\]. There was also no interaction between double-AM band and Group \[*F*~(1,\ 44)~ = 0.17, *p* = 0.68\]. Hence dyslexic participants appeared to recognize trochaic RPs based on pairs of AM as well as controls. These results should be interpreted with caution, however. Firstly, only performance for trochaic sentences could be analyzed meaningfully (meaning that half the total dataset could not be analyzed). Secondly, the RP scores computed here reflect participants\' rhythm discrimination *indirectly* rather than directly. The RP scores measure the *perceptual confusability* of sentences (i.e., how participants make guesses when they are unsure of the correct sentence identity). Perceptual confusability will depend in large part on the global RPs of the stimuli, but will also include other factors like total duration and perceptual grouping effects, as well as participants\' own cognitive strategies. Nevertheless, the data show that perceptual confusability was maximal for trochaic sentences, for both groups. Correlations between AM perception, phonology, and literacy ----------------------------------------------------------- By hypothesis, a perceptual deficit in using AM patterns to discriminate rhythmic sentences should be related to both phonological awareness and reading skills in our participants. Accordingly, we investigated the relationship between participants\' sentence identification Accuracy for each AM band or combination, and their performance on memory, reading and phonological tasks. Table [3](#T3){ref-type="table"} shows the partial correlation matrix between accuracy of performance in the rhythm perception task (by AM type) and participants\' memory, reading, and phonological ability, with age and IQ controlled. Correlations were performed with both groups combined, as well as separately. As shown in Table [3](#T3){ref-type="table"}, there were several significant relationships between AM performance, literacy and phonology. Taking the group as a whole, the conceptually important Stress + Syllable speech AMs were significantly related to phonological awareness (*r* = 0.40, *p* \< 0.01), as well as to auditory short-term memory (digit span, *r* = 0.35, *p* \< 0.05). Performance with the Syllable + Sub-beat level was also significantly associated with spelling performance, which was not predicted (*r* = 0.32, *p* \< 0.05). When considering the dyslexic group alone, the table shows that dyslexics\' phonological awareness was significantly related to their sensitivity to Stress + Syllable speech AMs (*r* = 0.52, *p* \< 0.01), while the relationship between Syllable AM performance and phonological awareness approached significance (*r* = 0.42, *p* = 0.074). Further, spelling skills were significantly related to Sub-beat AM sensitivity (*r* = 0.48, *p* \< 0.05). Dyslexics also showed a significant relationship between their auditory short-term memory skills and their performance in the two combined AM conditions (*r* = 0.52, *p* \< 0.05 for Stress + Syllable; *r* = 0.55, *p* \< 0.05 for Syllable + Sub-beat). This may indicate that dyslexics\' ability to use multiple patterns of temporal information to recognize speech rhythm in our experimental paradigm was constrained by their lower short-term memory capacity in comparison to controls. When considered as a group, controls showed no significant relationships between performance in the AM RP recognition task, phonology and reading, although there was a trend toward a correlation between Sub-beat AM sensitivity and spelling (*r* = 0.38, *p* = 0.07). Overall, therefore, the partial correlations show that the perceptual deficit in using AM patterns to detect speech rhythm was related to phonological awareness for the dyslexic participants only. ###### **Pearson\'s r partial correlation values between accuracy of performance in rhythm perception (by AM type), and general ability, literacy and phonology measures**. **Partial correlations controlling for Age and IQ** **AM Combination** ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------- --------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- **AUDITORY STM** All 0.05 0.11 0.13 0.35[^\*^](#TN4){ref-type="table-fn"} 0.17 Con −0.07 0.06 0.09 −0.09 −0.34 Dys 0.07 0.31 0.26 0.52[^\*^](#TN4){ref-type="table-fn"} 0.55[^\*^](#TN4){ref-type="table-fn"} **READING** All −0.14 0.02 0.21 0.13 0.21 Con −0.07 0.13 0.38[^\$^](#TN6){ref-type="table-fn"} −0.21 0.09 Dys −0.32 0.03 0.14 0.17 0.18 **SPELLING** All −0.17 0.12 0.25[^\^^](#TN8){ref-type="table-fn"} 0.17 0.32[^\*^](#TN4){ref-type="table-fn"} Con −0.15 0.12 0.28 −0.09 0.11 Dys −0.38 −0.06 0.48[^\*^](#TN4){ref-type="table-fn"} 0.05 0.27 **PHONOLOGY** All 0.13 0.30[^\*^](#TN4){ref-type="table-fn"} 0.18 0.40[^\*\*^](#TN5){ref-type="table-fn"} 0.11 Con 0.04 0.27 0.22 −0.12 −0.16 Dys 0.17 0.42[^&^](#TN7){ref-type="table-fn"} 0.21 0.52[^\*^](#TN4){ref-type="table-fn"} 0.07 For each cell, correlations over both groups are shown on the top left, correlations for controls only are shown on the middle right, and correlations for dyslexics only are shown on the bottom right. Age and IQ are controlled in all the correlations. p \< 0.05; p \< 0.01; p = 0.07; p = 0.074; p = 0.096. Discussion and conclusion ========================= Here, we tested the hypothesis that perceptual difficulties in processing the AM patterns in speech that yield speech rhythm are associated with the development of impaired phonological representations for words by dyslexic individuals. The development of impaired phonological representations of speech is the cognitive hallmark of dyslexia across languages (Snowling, [@B81]; Ziegler and Goswami, [@B104]; Goswami, [@B20]). We tested the sensitivity of adults with dyslexia to AM patterning yielding speech rhythm for several different AM bands and band combinations below 20 Hz that are present within the amplitude envelope of speech. We found that dyslexic participants performed significantly more poorly than control adults when they were required to combine Syllable-rate AMs with AMs at other rates (Stress + Syllable or Syllable + Sub-beat).However, the dyslexic participants performed on par with controls when asked to utilize the temporal information at a single AM rate only (Stress only, Syllable only, or Sub-beat only). Accordingly, we conclude that dyslexics\' difficulties with AM perception appear to occur across *more than one* speech timescale (particularly involving the Syllable rate). Moreover, as predicted by the temporal sampling framework, a perceptual deficit in utilizing AM patterns in speech is related to phonological development in dyslexia. A deficit in Syllable-rate *combination* or *synchronization* with other rates would support the findings of Leong and Goswami ([@B49]), in which the same group of adult dyslexics tested here showed differences in their *phase* of rhythmic entrainment at the Syllable rate in a rhythmic tapping task to nursery rhyme targets. A difference in Syllable *phase* of entrainment suggests that dyslexics have temporal differences in their processing of Syllable-rate information (e.g., they may perceive P-centers as occurring earlier in a speech sound as compared to controls). Here, participants with dyslexia were significantly poorer at recognizing the target nursery rhymes when they had to combine Syllable AM cues with prosodic stress AM cues (Stress + Syllable). In fact, a circular-linear correlation analysis of the two datasets (Leong and Goswami, [@B49] and the current study) revealed that there was a strong correlation between participants\' Syllable AM phase of tapping in the entrainment task based on rhythmic tapping, and their sensitivity to Stress + Syllable AMs in the current task (*r* = 0.55, *p* \< 0.01). An earlier Syllable AM phase of rhythmic tapping in Leong and Goswami ([@B49]) was associated with poorer perception of Stress+Syllable AMs in the current study. No other AM band in the current study yielded significant correlations with tapping phase in the prior study. Others have argued that the perception and production of rhythm both rely on similar cognitive and neural mechanisms, such as the entrainment of neuronal oscillatory activity (Martin, [@B54]; Liberman and Mattingly, [@B52]; Kotz and Schwartze, [@B44]). In the current context, it is note-worthy that the common locus of dyslexic deficit across perception and production tasks involved the Syllable-rate of temporal processing. Utilizing younger participants, Power et al. ([@B69]) have shown in a rhythmic speech processing task that children with dyslexia also have a different preferred phase of entrainment in the *delta* band (2 Hz), both in response to auditory speech alone, and when speech information is audio-visual. The 'temporal misalignment' of both stress- and syllable-rate information in dyslexia found by Power et al. ([@B69]) and the current study could explain why individuals with dyslexia develop phonological representations for words that are impaired (or specified differently) in comparison to those of unaffected individuals. If temporal processing of slower-rate information in speech is impaired, for example because oscillatory phase alignment is inaccurate, then this would affect the development of the entire mental lexicon of word forms, not simply of syllable-level and prosodic information. If syllable stress representation and syllabic parsing is different in dyslexia because of a perceptual deficit in utilizing AM patterns in speech, this would also affect phonetic-level information. Phonemes are perceived more accurately when they are in stressed syllables (Mehta and Cutler, [@B56]). Over the course of development, if dyslexic children consistently fail to capture rich, high-dimensional representations of the temporal patterns that occur on multiple timescales in speech (e.g., concurrently encoding Stress patterns, Syllable patterns and Phoneme patterns into an integrated representation of a word), this would yield the impoverished or atypical phonological representations that are developed by children with dyslexia across languages. At first glance, our data appear to be inconsistent with the results of previous AM perception studies as summarized in the Introduction. These non-speech studies generally indicated that individuals with dyslexia had poorer AM perception at the 4 Hz rate (Syllable AM). Here, we find no differences in performance between controls and dyslexics when making rhythm judgments on the basis of the Syllable AM (4 Hz) only. However, it should be noted that the dependent variable being assessed in the current study is different from that of psychophysical AM studies. Whereas AM studies assess modulation detection *thresholds* based on just noticeable differences in modulation depth or rate (e.g., Lorenzi et al., [@B53]; Rocheron et al., [@B74]), here we assess nursery rhyme recognition using real-life speech AMs that contain strong (and likely supra-threshold) modulation patterns. As such, it is not surprising that no group differences were observed for our single AM rate stimuli. It is possible that significant group differences could have been observed at single AM rates if we had used sentences with weaker modulation patterns, such as whispered or mumbled speech. However, we *did* observe a significant difference in dyslexics\' ability to *combine or integrate* speech modulation patterns across the Stress and Syllable rates, which is consistent with dyslexics\' poorer speech perception performance in vocoder studies (e.g., Lorenzi et al., [@B53]; Johnson et al., [@B40]; Nittrouer and Lowenstein, [@B60]). This difference cannot be attributed to a general lack of attention or engagement by dyslexic participants, since they performed as well as controls with the single AM band stimuli. Rather, dyslexics appear to have a particular difficulty in making use of modulation information that is patterned at more than one timescale, here when Syllable-rate information has to be temporally synchronized with Stress-rate speech information or Sub-beat information. However, as we did not include paired AM combinations that did *not* involve the Syllable AM rate (e.g., Stress + Phoneme), we are not able to determine whether this difficulty is specific to Syllable AM combinations only, or whether it would also occur for other combinations of speech AMs. It should also be observed that our participants found the rhythm judgment task very difficult. This high level of difficulty stemmed from the fact that the sentences were (deliberately) unintelligible, forcing our participants to rely solely on the acoustic modulations in the stimuli to perform rhythm judgments, without recourse to lexical factors. Consequently, accuracy scores for both controls and dyslexics (although significantly above chance) were relatively low (below 50%). In future studies, the issue of task difficulty may be ameliorated by using a tone-vocoder with more than 1 spectral channel (i.e., 3 or 4 channels), which would have the effect of increasing speech intelligibility. However, increasing the intelligibility of the stimuli would also introduce a new confound: participants would now be able to use their lexical knowledge to augment their perceptual judgments of speech rhythm. Nonetheless, this trade-off might produce stronger effects. Lexical "boot-strapping" effects could be reduced by using semantically unpredictable sentences (following Johnson et al., [@B40]). According to the temporal sampling framework (Goswami, [@B20]), the combination impairment for Stress + Syllable rate AMs found here should affect speech perception even when listening to *clear (i.e., fully intelligible) speech*, which has strong modulation patterns that are above the threshold for detection. Interestingly, this was exactly what Lorenzi et al. ([@B53]) found in their study. They reported that dyslexic children performed significantly more poorly than adults and control children even when listening to clear, unprocessed (not-vocoded) VCV syllables (these syllables will contain significant Syllable-rate modulation, but not Stress-rate modulation). This controversial result might possibly be explained by other factors like memory or attention, nonetheless data like these suggest that speech AM perception in dyslexia clearly requires more investigation. Current data suggest that individuals with dyslexia are less sensitive to small changes in modulation depth and rate, particularly around the syllable and stress rates in speech. Future studies should explore how dyslexics\' difficulties with processing slow modulations affects their ability to integrate and synchronize slow-varying stress and syllable information with more quickly-varying phoneme-rate information in speech. These perceptual difficulties could be one source of the impaired or atypical phonological representations stored in the mental lexicon of word forms by dyslexic individuals. Finally, we note that, given recent proposals by Poeppel and colleagues regarding neural oscillatory phase-locking to speech modulation patterns (e.g., Ghitza, [@B14]; Giraud and Poeppel, [@B16]), the perceptual difficulties that we observe here could be underpinned by impaired phase alignment and cross-frequency phase synchronization between different neuronal oscillatory rates. For example, dyslexics could have poorer neuronal oscillatory synchronization between theta oscillations (syllable rate) and delta (stress rate) or gamma (phoneme rate) oscillations in the cortex. Similarly, the neural interplay between theta (syllable rate) and alpha (8--13 Hz, similar to the sub-beat rate here) oscillations during speech comprehension might be atypical in dyslexia as well (Obleser and Weisz, [@B62]). To date, such *cross-frequency neural synchronization* has not been studied in dyslexia (although see Leong and Goswami, [@B49], for an assessment of cross-frequency *AM* synchronization in dyslexics\' speech). Such studies could be very informative in the quest to identify cross-linguistic perceptual and neural deficits underpinning cognitive markers such as impaired phonology in developmental dyslexia. Conflict of interest statement ------------------------------ The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. This research was funded by a Harold Hyam Wingate Research Scholarship to Victoria Leong and by a Medical Research Council grant G0902375 to Usha Goswami. Supplementary material ====================== The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: <http://www.frontiersin.org/journal/10.3389/fnhum.2014.00096/abstract> ###### **Stress-only AM (MFB, Trochaic)**. ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### **Syllable-only AM (MFB, Trochaic)**. ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### **Sub-beat only AM (MFB, Trochaic)**. ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### **Stress + Syllable AM (MFB, Trochaic)**. ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### **Syllable + Sub-beat AM (MFB, Trochaic)**. ###### Click here for additional data file. [^1]: Edited by: Pierluigi Zoccolotti, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy [^2]: Reviewed by: Fumiko Hoeft, University of California, San Francisco, USA; Roeland Hankock, University of California, San Francisco, USA (in collaboration with Fumiko Hoeft); Jenny Thomson, University of Sheffield, UK; Jarmo Hämäläinen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland [^3]: This article was submitted to the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
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Unless otherwise indicated herein, the approaches described in this section are not prior art to the claims in this application and are not admitted to be prior art by inclusion in this section. Recent developments in ubiquitous computing (“ubicomp”) technologies have changed our daily life. With ubicomp technologies, various devices including mobile phones and home appliances may interact with each other to operate as a computing device. For example, we may use mobile phones as a movie player and TVs as an internet browser. Meanwhile, the present wireless communication technologies allow data transmission of relatively big data among ubicomp devices. Thus, it may be possible for a user of a ubicomp device to remotely display data stored in his/her device on another device. In such a case, the user may transmit the data to another device via a communication network, and in doing so, it may be required to verify the communication network and to securely transmit the data.
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Description: When you want to do some serious ass fucking the last thing you look for is a rookie. Grab a veteran butt slut like Gia Jordan and have a friend help you wreck that rectum before having her ATM a load out of your hose.
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Intracellular pathways of electron-opaque gonadotropin-releasing hormone derivatives bound by cultured gonadotropes. A metabolically stable GnRH agonist (D-Lys6-GnRH) has been coupled to electron-opaque markers (colloidal gold and ferritin) to characterize the intracellular pathway of the releasing hormone bound by pituitary gonadotropes. This approach has the advantage of increasing the resolution of localization to a "circle of uncertainty" about 10- to 20-fold smaller than that which can be obtained by autoradiography. After an initial uniform distribution on the cell surface, the derivatives were taken up individually as well as in small clusters in coated and uncoated membrane invaginations and moved to the lysosomal compartment either directly or after passage through the Golgi apparatus. The results suggest that labeled GnRH or GnRH-receptor complex may be routed to two distinct intracellular compartments: the lysosome and the Golgi cisternae. It is unclear whether each releasing hormone-marker conjugate must be transported through both compartments before degradation.
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1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a display device and a method for fabricating the display device, and more particularly relates to a method for repairing a pixel defect. 2. Description of the Prior Art Liquid crystal display devices are characterized by having a thin body and low power consumption. Utilizing such characteristics, liquid crystal display devices are widely used for personal computer, cellular phones and the like. Specifically, an active matrix type liquid crystal display device including a switching element such as a thin film transistor (which will be hereafter referred to as a “TFT”) provided for each pixel (i.e., the smallest image unit) can reliably turn ON each pixel, and thus allows for fine moving picture display. The liquid crystal display device includes an active matrix substrate in which a plurality of pixel electrodes are arranged in a matrix, a counter substrate provided so as to be opposed to the active matrix substrate and including a common electrode, and a liquid crystal layer interposed between the substrates. FIG. 14 is a plan view schematically illustrating an active matrix substrate 60 constituting a general liquid crystal display device. In the active matrix substrate 60, a plurality of gate lines 1 and a plurality of source lines 2 are provided so that the gate lines 1 intersect with the source lines 2 at right angles. TFTs 5 are provided so that each of the TFTs 5 is located at each of intersections of the gate lines 1 and the source lines 2. Capacitor lines 3 are provided so that each of the capacitor lines 3 is located between adjacent ones of the gate lines 1 so as to be parallel to the gate lines 1. Furthermore, pixel electrodes 8 are provided so that each of the pixel electrodes 8 corresponds to one of the TFTs 5 and is located in a display region surrounded with a pair of gate lines 1 and a pair of source lines 2. A TFT 5 includes a gate electrode G, i.e., a protruding portion of a gate line 1 and a source electrode S, i.e., a protruding portion of a source line 2, and a drain electrode D provided so as to face the source electrode S. The drain electrode D is extended so as to form a connection line 16 and an auxiliary capacitor electrode 15 and connected to a pixel electrode 8 through a contact hole 15a. Moreover, the auxiliary capacitor electrode 15 and a capacitor line 3 overlap with each other with an insulation film interposed therebetween to form an auxiliary capacitor. In the liquid crystal display device, when an image is displayed, a gate signal is sent from a predetermined gate line 1 to turn ON a TFT 5 connected to the gate line 1 and at the same time, a source signal is sent from a source line 2 to write predetermined electric charges in a pixel electrode 8 through the source electrode S and the drain electrode D, so that a potential difference is generated between the pixel electrode 8 and a common electrode of the counter substrate and a predetermined voltage is applied to a pixel capacitor formed of a liquid crystal capacitor of a liquid crystal layer and the auxiliary capacitor. A transmittance of incident light from the outside is adjusted by changing an alignment state of liquid crystal molecules forming the liquid crystal layer with the applied voltage to display an image. In the liquid display device having the above-described structure, a voltage applied during a period in which a TFT is in an ON state has to be stored in a pixel capacitor for a certain amount of time. In many cases, if the pixel capacitor is formed of only a liquid crystal capacitor, the applied voltage is reduced due to a liquid crystal and a leakage current of the TFT to cause an insufficient storage operation or the pixel capacitor is influenced by a parasitic capacitance. Therefore, to suppress reduction in an applied voltage in the pixel capacitor, in addition to the liquid capacitor, an auxiliary capacitor is generally provided so as to be electrically parallel to the liquid crystal capacitor. A capacity of the auxiliary capacitor can be increased by increasing an area occupied by the capacitor line 3 and the auxiliary capacitor electrode 15 in each display region, reducing the thickness of the insulation film between the capacitor line 3 and the auxiliary capacitor electrode 15 or the like. With the increase in the capacity of the auxiliary capacitor, the storage property of the pixel capacitor can be improved, so that display quality of the liquid crystal display device is increased. However, if in order to increase the capacity of the auxiliary capacitor, the areas of the capacitor line 3 and the auxiliary capacitor electrode 15 are increased and the thickness of the insulation film therebetween is reduced, the pixel capacitor becomes easily influenced by particles (particulate contaminants), dusts and the like, which can be possibly attached to a substrate surface in process steps for fabricating a liquid crystal display device, so that a short circuit might occur between the capacitor line 3 and the auxiliary capacitor electrode 15. In such a case, a potential of the capacitor line 3 is directly applied to the pixel electrode 8, so that a failure of pixel display, i.e., a defective pixel might be caused at increased possibility. In a liquid crystal display device having the above-described problems, for example, dotted or linear defects are detected in display inspection. Normally, in a liquid crystal display device, a predetermined number of dotted defects or less are acceptable. However, if the number of defects is increased, the liquid display device is judged to be a defect. Therefore, conventionally, techniques for repairing such dotted defective pixels have been proposed and put into use in fabrication of a liquid crystal display device. For example, Japanese Laid-Open Publication No. 2-108028 describes an example in which an auxiliary capacitor is formed between a capacitor line and a pixel electrode. In Japanese Laid-Open Publication No. 2-108028, disclosed is an active matrix substrate in which a plurality of protruding potions are provided in a capacitor line in advance so that the protruding potions intersect with the capacitor line with right angles and which is so configured that when a short circuit occurs between any one of the plurality of protruding portions and a pixel electrode, laser is irradiated to a base portion (connection portion) of the protruding portion corresponding to part in which the short circuit has occurred to cut off the connection portion for defect repair. Moreover, Japanese Laid-Open Publication No. 2001-330850 describes an example in which an auxiliary capacitor is formed between a capacitor line and an auxiliary capacitor electrode. In Japanese Laid-Open Publication No. 2001-330850, disclosed is a liquid crystal display device in which an auxiliary capacitor electrode is divided into a plurality of regions in advance and the regions are connected with one another by connection portions each having a shape to allow defect repair in a simple manner and which is so configured that when a short circuit occurs between any one of the plurality of regions of the auxiliary capacitor electrode and a capacitor line, laser is irradiated to a connection portion corresponding to part in which the short circuit has occurred to cut off the connection portion for defect repair. In each of Japanese Laid-Open Publication No. 2-108028 and In Japanese Laid-Open Publication No. 2001-330850, when a short circuit occurs in the auxiliary capacitor electrode, laser is irradiated to a metal thin film forming the capacitor line and a metal thin film made of the same material as that for a drain electrode and forming the auxiliary capacitor electrode to cut off the connection portion. However, to form interconnects and electrodes with excellent conductivity, the thickness of the metal thin film forming the connection portion has to be large. With a large thickness, the metal film can not be cut off in a simple manner and thus the pixel electrode, a common electrode of a counter substrate and the like might be damaged by the cut off. Furthermore, in a liquid crystal display device with interconnects and TFTs whose sizes have been reduced more and more, an interconnect pattern and the like in the periphery of the metal thin film might be damaged by cutting off the metal thin film of the connection portion.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
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Tag Archives: emergency lesson plans Post navigation A very short list (so far) of mixed year group, emergency, resource-free, lesson plans… More to come, but if this isn't enough, please do browse the rest of SupplyBag.co.uk where you will find hundreds of year group specific one-liner lesson plans! Before using these plans, please make every effort to follow any that have been left, talk to the children and other staff. These are meant for emergencies only, when you have been called in at short notice and have no other choice. They are however, based on the curriculum, and so you can use them with confidence. Other subjects are available in the supply teacher PDF download above. Before using these plans, please make every effort to follow any that have been left, talk to the children and other staff. These are meant for emergencies only, when you have been called in at short notice and have no other choice. They are however, based on the curriculum, and so you can use them with confidence. Before using these plans, please make every effort to follow any that have been left, talk to the children and other staff. These are meant for emergencies only, when you have been called in at short notice and have no other choice. They are however, based on the curriculum, and so you can use them with confidence. Before using these plans, please make every effort to follow any that have been left, talk to the children and other staff. These are meant for emergencies only, when you have been called in at short notice and have no other choice. They are however, based on the curriculum, and so you can use them with confidence. Before using these plans, please make every effort to follow any that have been left, talk to the children and other staff. These are meant for emergencies only, when you have been called in at short notice and have no other choice. They are however, based on the curriculum, and so you can use them with confidence. As a supply teacher, you may worry that no work will be left for you when you arrive in school. Even on a pre-booked day! I have found these fears to be largely unjustified, yet all the same, it's good to have something up your sleeve – it can happen! These one-liner Numeracy lessons plans are intended to be used as a prompt when no planning has been left for you as a supply teacher. They are relevant to the Primary Framework for Numeracy announced in October 2006. They are not intended to be replacements for full lesson plans, and no liability can be accepted by us if you decide to use them. They are mainly from the top of NuttySupplier's head. Work is split into year groups, and then further split into blocks as defined below: Block A – Counting, partitioning and calculating Block B – Securing number facts, understanding shape Block C – Handling data and measures Block D – Calculating, measuring and understanding shape Block E – Securing number facts, relationships and calculating In the Primary Framework, Blocks are intended to last 6-9 weeks work. Each Block includes objectives from Using and Applying Mathematics, plus two or three objectives from the other core strands. The strands of learning objectives are: Using and applying mathematics Counting and understanding number Knowing and using number facts Calculating Understanding shape Measuring Handling data Emergency, Resource-Free Lesson Plans for Numeracy As you will see from the supply teacher ideas below, I have followed a further breakdown of the Blocks in order to make the teaching of individual year groups more relevant. New to supply teaching? You may have a constant worry that no planning will be left for you, in an unfamiliar school, with eager children. It doesn't happen that often, and I believe it doesn't ever have to happen, but I won't get on my soap box now about it! These one-line emergency Science lessons plans are intended to be used as a prompt when no planning has been left for you as a supply teacher. They are not intended to be replacements for full lesson plans, and no liability can be accepted by us if you decide to use them. They are mainly from the top of NuttySupplier's head. Work is split into year groups, and then further split into the Science Scheme of Work units. Science doesn't have to be practical. If no resources are left for you, you could pop outside at lunchtime and see what you could find to help you along, such as fallen leaves. However, faced with no science lesson plans, no Head would expect you to produce an all-singing, all-dancing interactive lesson, so don't beat yourself up over it! Do try and make it memorable for the children in some way though… Think kinaesthetic. Get the children out of their seats, to the front of the class, pretending to be kettles, hair-dryers etc., not just listening to you talking about them! Not often do you walk into a school as a supply teacher, and find that no planning has been left for you. But it does happen sometimes. And, especially if you are new to supply teaching, it can throw you / terrify you / send you running to the door! Never fear: These one-liner Literacy lessons plans are intended to be used as a prompt when no planning has been left for you as a supply teacher. They are relevant to the Primary Framework for Literacy announced in October 2006. They are not intended to be replacements for full lesson plans, and no liability can be accepted by us if you decide to use them. They are mainly from the top of NuttySupplier's head. Emergency, Resource-Free Lesson Plans for Literacy In the Primary Framework for Literacy, literacy is organised into three main blocks: Narrative/Plays/Scripts Non-Fiction Poetry I have labelled the supply teacher's ideas below accordingly, and also included word and sentence level work in relation to the old Literacy Strategy, placed within terms in year groups. The learning objectives within the Primary Framework for Literacy are as follows: Speaking Listening and responding Group discussion, interaction Drama Word structure and spelling Understand and interpret texts Engage with, respond to texts Creating and shaping texts Text structure and organization Sentence structure, punctuation Presentation As you will see from the supply teacher ideas below, I have followed a further breakdown of the Blocks for each year group in order to make the lesson plans more relevant. These emergency lesson plans for Year 6 DT are only to be used by supply teachers who are faced with no planning or easily accessible resources. Also to be used following the guidance notes here. Topic Lesson Plan Shelters Design on paper, a tent to be used in an unusual place. Maybe the ground is concrete and therefore you cannot use conventional pegs? Maybe the ground is continually moving (water?) and pegs cannot be used? Perhaps it is to be used in a very hot/cold place, so insulating materials need to be used? Perhaps it is for use near a vampire's lair, and so the material needs a regular infusion of garlic! Slippers Design a set of slippers for an animal. Why might they need slippers – injured feet/prevent infection/temperature change underfoot? With the purpose in mind, design the slippers thinking of size, warmth, safety and appearance. (Good plenary point: Do the animals care about the appearance?) Fairground/Controllable Vehicles Make a list of buildings which use devices such as electrical motors/levers/pulleys (hospitals, schools, bakeries, police stations, supermarkets). Choose one of these buildings and brainstorm all the ways in which the devices are used. Decide what sort of sensor the devices are activated by: light sensor, pressure pads, push button switches, time sensor, temperature sensor etc. Why are these sensors the best ones for the job? What would happen if the devices had their sensors swapped? Think of their own design for a fairground ride/controllable vehicle, and decide what sort of sensor would be best suited for their model. These emergency lesson plans for Year 5 DT are only to be used by supply teachers who are faced with no planning or easily accessible resources. Also to be used following the guidance notes here. Topic Lesson Plan Musical Instruments Design a musical garden for the school. If you were allowed to use any natural material, how would you plan it? Different lengths of branches for a wooden xylophone hanging below the bridge over the pond so the ducks could play it? Shells stung between the trees as on a washing line to catch the wind and whistle? Bread/Biscuits Focus on health and safety. Children to design a poster. Draw someone in the kitchen breaking all the rules, e.g. hair hanging down, unwashed hands, uncovered wounds and a cat sat at the far end of the chopping board watching. Moving Toys Think of an everyday toy with moving parts, imagine it made of different materials. Chart the advantages and disadvantages of it being created using different materials e.g. paper, cling film, aluminium foil, wool, fur, wood, tissue and cardboard.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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Q: AIR 3.5 Mobile project device ID I am wondering if someone knows the best method for storing data in a global DB against a mobile device (iOS and Android)? I am building an app that writes/retrieves information based on a query however I need to know if any of the records returned were sent from that device. Basically the idea is that if a user submits some information (which is stored in the DB) they gain access to additional features of the app. When the app is launched, I will check the DB to see if they submitted information in the past and allow access to other areas. I use local storage for the information they submitted but also store remotely so if the local storage becomes corrupted for any reason there is still a record of the information the user submitted. The ID needs to be unique to the device as there could be 100 of users (hoping for millions) so the ID needs to be unique enough that it will never conflict with another device. Any information submitted will be available for retrieval by all other users. Thanks :) A: There are three options as I see it: 1. User You can create a typical username + password user scheme and use this to verify the user. A possible advantage of this method would be that the user can log in from any of their devices (for instance, under your method a user using the app from their iPhone and iPad would have two different views - which you may not want). Of course, this means forcing every user of the app to register within your system, which is not ideal. 2. App Install You can uniquely identify an app install by having your app generate a UUID the first time that the app is run (you can use an AS3 helper library to generate the UUID). You can store this UUID locally and send it along with every request the app makes. The downside to this approach is that it doesn't uniquely identify the device - only a specific app install. For instance, if the user deletes the app and then reinstalls it at a later point, it will now count as a new unique device, even though the user is on the same device. 3. Device AIR does not have a built-in way of reading device identifying info. However, you can retrieve device info through AIR Native Extensions, for example this one can get the MAC address and some other things. There are privacy concerns and other issues involved in reading and storing device info such as these, so you are probably best served trying to implement the OpenUDID project as an AIR Native Extension, since they have already dealt with all such issues. Unfortunately, I have never looked too far into developing ANE's so I am not sure how complicated or feasible it will be to turn OpenUDID into an ANE. Summary: I would recommend the app install method due to the ease of implementation. If you really need the unique device and are worried about the multiple app installs case, you will have to work out how to use native extensions to get the info you need. If you decide that you would rather identify by user rather than device, use the user method.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
The present invention relates to populating a new community, and more specifically, to populating a new community for a social network. A social network is a network based application to enable a user to create a community. The community is created by adding users such as friends, family, experts, and colleagues to the community in an online environment. Further, once these users are added to the community, the users may share information, in the form of messages, with each of the other users in the community of the social network. The information is shared by uploading pictures, updating information, answering questions, commenting on user information, utilizing collaboration tools such as blogs, discussion forums, wikis, shared files, among other activities.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
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{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Q: why local variable changed automatically I write a function to delete a node in binary search tree. Here is my code. #include <iostream> struct BSTNode { int data; BSTNode *left; BSTNode *right; }; BSTNode * GetNode(int data); BSTNode * FindMin(BSTNode *root); BSTNode * Insert(BSTNode *root, int data); void PreOrder(BSTNode *root); BSTNode * DeleteNode(BSTNode *root,int data); BSTNode * GetNode(int data) { BSTNode *newNode = new BSTNode; newNode->data = data; newNode->left = NULL; newNode->right = NULL; return newNode; } BSTNode * FindMin(BSTNode *root) { if(root == NULL) return root; while(root->left != NULL) root = root->left; return root; } BSTNode * Insert(BSTNode *root, int data) { if(root == NULL) { root = GetNode(data); return root; } else if (data <= root->data) root->left = Insert(root->left, data); else if (data > root->data) root->right = Insert(root->right, data); return root; } void PreOrder(BSTNode *root) { if(root == NULL) return; std::cout << root->data << std::endl; PreOrder(root->left); PreOrder(root->right); } BSTNode * DeleteNode(BSTNode *root,int data) { if(root == NULL) return root; else if(data < root->data) root->left = DeleteNode(root->left, data); else if(data > root->data) root->right = DeleteNode(root->right, data); else // Found the Node { // case 1: No child if(root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL) { delete root; root = NULL; return root; } // case 2: One child else if(root->left == NULL) { BSTNode * temp = root; root = root->right; delete temp; return root; } else if(root->right = NULL) { BSTNode * temp = root; root = root->left; delete temp; return root; } else // case 3: two child { BSTNode * temp = FindMin(root->right); root->data = temp->data; root->right = DeleteNode(root->right, temp->data); } } } int main() { BSTNode *root = NULL; root = Insert(root, 15); root = Insert(root, 10); root = Insert(root, 20); root = Insert(root, 25); root = Insert(root, 8); root = Insert(root, 12); root = DeleteNode(root, 15); PreOrder(root); return 0; } but i across a problem with else // case 3: two child { BSTNode * temp = FindMin(root->right); root->data = temp->data; root->right = DeleteNode(root->right, temp->data); } when program came to else statement, root->right become NULL automatically why this happen ? how can i fix it ? any ideas appreciated! A: In your code you have done some typo mistake in checking the following code else if(root->right = NULL) { BSTNode * temp = root; root = root->left; delete temp; return root; } The above line else if(root->right = NULL) should be root->right == NULL but you wrote as root->Right = NULL.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Burn Zombie Burn Shambles Onto Tegra Devices Back when the Tegra 3 chipset was announced, Nvidia released a list of impressive launch titles to get fans excited. One of these games was a port of the 2009 Playstation Network shooter Burn Zombie Burn. It dropped off the radar for a while, but then popped up in a Shield hands on video recently causing most to assume the game had been reworked into a Tegra 4 title. Thankfully that’s not the case as Burn Zombie Burn is now available to download for Tegra 3 devices as originally promised. Burn Zombie Burn differs from other zombie based twin stick shooters in that players aren’t exactly shooting at the undead. Rather, players will torch the flesh eating hordes with a flamethrower that creates interesting gameplay dynamics. Zombies that have been lit on fire are faster and much more dangerous, so it’s important to think strategically in Burn Zombie Burn.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
更新 韓国が外交問題を背景に外国人観光客の囲い込みに苦慮している。昨年の日本人客こそ、2015年12月の慰安婦問題をめぐる日韓合意が弾みとなり4年ぶりに前年を上回ったが、朴槿恵(パク・クネ)大統領の失脚で今後が見通せなくなった。一方で、米軍による高高度防衛ミサイル(THAAD)の韓国配備決定によって、中国が「報復」として国民の訪韓を制限したとされる。韓国政府は中国人客の抜けた穴を埋めるため、韓国ドラマなど韓流の拡散を背景に、タイやベトナムといった東南アジア諸国に触手を伸ばしたばかりだが、新たに中東の「イスラム教徒」もターゲットに据えたという。ムスリムだけで110万人の訪韓を見込むが、大丈夫か。 朴政権後、日本人客は喜んで訪韓する? 聯合ニュース(日本語電子版)は韓国観光公社のまとめとして、昨年1年間の訪韓日本人客数が前年比23・4%増の229万7893人で、4年ぶりに増加に転じたと報じた。 訪韓日本人客は2012年の341万8792人をピークに減少に転じ、13年は前年比21・9%減、14年は17・0%減、15年は19・4%減と毎年大幅に減り続けていた。昨年は大きく回復したものの12年に比べると3分の2の水準にとどまった。 慰安婦“合意”後に日本人客増? 中国人も昨7月256%増が翌8月70%、そして
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
She likes her butt licked Samantha Ryan is a sexy Milf with a banging body and a huge sexy ass. My friend Mike couldn't believe how sexy she was. The body on this milf is amazing. She gave us a strip tease that left us desperately wanting her. Once the clothes came off, Mike went in for the kill. Getting a good taste of that pussy and banging it out. Enjoy watching this sexy Milf get fuck hardcore cause it's something you'll will not want to miss.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Petah Tikva Mayor Rami Greenberg has asked residents to report to a hotline any asylum seekers they see in their vicinity in order to expel them from the city. “After creating an intelligence infrastructure, the municipality and the Immigration Authority will work together to remove them from the city,” Greenberg said last week after a meeting with the head of the Enforcement and Foriegners unit of the Population and Immigration Authority, Yossi Edelstein. Haaretz Weekly Ep. 14 Credit: Haaretz The Population and Immigration Authority has denied the existence of any such policy. >> Read more: Eritreans in Israel may finally be recognized as refugees ■ Israel's bureaucratic trick against asylum seekers Asylum seekers from African countries are in Israel legally – including in Petah Tikva – and hold visas that the Population and Immigration Authority renews periodically. They may live and work in any city they want, with one exception: The visas of 480 of the asylum seekers who were released from the Holot detention facility prohibit them from working and living in seven cities, one of which is Petah Tikva. Haaretz has learned that the Population and Immigration Authority does not enforce this ban. Thus, local authorities and the Population and Immigration Authority have no power to remove asylum seekers from cities unless they belong to the group of 480 released from Holot. The only laws the Population and Immigration Authority enforce in cities are laws pertaining to employers' conduct and a law requiring asylum seekers to deposit 20 percent of their salary to be received when they leave the country. There are approximately 2,500 asylum seekers from African countries living in Petah Tikva, about one percent of the population. The Population and Immigration Authority responded: “The meeting between the mayor and the head of Enforcement and Foreigners Unit was for the municipality to bring up professional issues. Unfortunately, the statement was not coordinated with us and is imprecise. We know of no operation planned in the near future. Nevertheless, ongoing enforcement work will take place also in Petah Tikva.” In the meeting with the mayor, Edelstein said that Authority’s powers are limited since Holot was closed down. Since that time “enforcement powers have been annulled as have sanctions against foreign workers and so there is no possibility today to restrict their movements,” he added. Greenberg claims in his statement that: “People are really afraid to walk around the city center. The heart of the city is deserted in the evening and night because of the fear of drunken foreigners, some of whom become violent.” Greenberg said foreigners “hold events in their compounds like weddings, on Shabbat as well.” He also claimed that some center city residents of Petah Tikva have moved away and that “This situation cannot continue.” Greenberg’s statement said that he and Edelstein “had agreed that in the coming days work would be done to prepare for an enforcement operation in the city against foreign workers without a permit.” Alva Kolan, policy advocacy director at the Refugee Rights Forum wrote a letter to Greenberg asking him “not to criminalize an entire population.” Kolan wrote that the municipality was asking residents to inform on asylum seekers living in their neighborhoods, “based on skin color. This tactic belongs to ignorant regimes and cannot exist in Israel, and should be stopped before it starts.” Kolan added that if some of the 480 asylum seekers from Holot had moved to Petah Tikva in breach of their conditions of release, “let the Population and Immigration Authority enforce the ban. The ban is noted clearly on their visaa and there is no need to operate a civilian network for this purpose.” The Petah Tikva municipality responded that they are trying to make the city safer. “It’s not only about Eritreans or Sudanese but all the foreign workers in Petah Tikva, including from Ukraine. The intent is foreign workers without visas and those same 480 Eritreans and Sudanese who are prohibited from living in Petah Tikva.”
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Natchez Crape Myrtle Tree Lagerstroemia ‘Natchez’ 1. Choose Size & Quantity 1-2 Foot Out of Stock 2-3 Foot Out of Stock 3-4 Foot Out of Stock 4-5 Foot Out of Stock 5-6 Foot Out of Stock 2. Choose Recommended Add-Ons Starter Fertilizer Price: $5.95 Gorgeous, White Blooms – If you have the room, one of the most spectacular ways of bringing summer color to your garden is to plant a full-sized Crape Myrtle tree. These wonderful small trees love full sun, are drought-resistant and will thrive in most soils. For ease of care and terrific results they take a lot of beating. With its crystal-white flowers, the Natchez Crape Myrtle certainly fills the bill and is an ideal choice for a small tree or large shrub. • Perfect long-season blooming on a small tree • Ideal choice for hot, sunny and dry locations • A spectacular screen for privacy • Pest and disease resistant – clean foliage all summer • No special care needed – great for low-maintenance gardening With foot-long clusters of snow-white flowers produced all summer long, if left un-pruned it will reach perhaps 20 feet as a small tree, but it can also be pruned each spring to keep it to smaller size. It is big enough to make a beautiful screen too. It is vigorous enough to plant even in colder areas, where it will re-sprout from the ground each spring and grow a good six feet tall, covered in blossoms every summer and fall. Plant hardiness Zones 7-10 Mature Height 20-30 ft. Mature Width 20 ft. Sunlight Full - Partial Soil Conditions Adaptable Drought Tolerance Good Botanical Name Lagerstroemia ‘Natchez’ Does Not Ship To AZ If you live in the warmer parts of America there are many colorful trees and shrubs that you can grow. But Natchez Crape Myrtle is one of the best. Not only does it have beautiful pure-white blooms all summer long, but it grows rapidly into a large shrub or small tree. Crape Myrtles come in many sizes, so the wrong choice may leave you with a baby plant where you wanted a full-sized tree. Natchez is a full, tree-sized crape myrtle, quickly reaching 15 feet in height and ultimately reaching 20 feet. It will grow 3 to 5 feet a year, so it quickly develops into a dense, beautiful flowering screen in just 2 or 3 years. Crape Myrtles are root-hardy into zone 6 and often 5, but the top-growth will die back in most winters. Natchez Crape Myrtle is such a strong grower it will easily re-grow from the base and reach as much as 7 feet in a single season. So now northern gardeners can enjoy spectacular Crape Myrtles they previously could only envy in the South. It is drought tolerant and any pests are minor and will give no problems. It is also deer resistant so it can be planted anywhere. In humid states Crape Myrtle may develop unsightly mildew on the leaves, but Natchez has been specially bred to resist this ugly disease, so it will remain clean and healthy all season. The common crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) was first brought to Charleston, South Carolina around 1790 from its natural home in China and Korea. It thrived in the warm climate there and has long been a symbol of summer in the South, with its huge clusters of blooms. From those original plants many forms have been bred. The National Arboretum in Washington DC launched a special program to develop mildew-resistant forms of Crape Myrtle and ‘Natchez’ is a hybrid between Lagerstroemia indica and Lagerstroemia fauriei which has the resistance they were looking for. Natchez Crape Myrtle quickly grows into a large shrub or small tree 15 to 20 feet tall and as much across, with glossy leaves and enormous clusters of beautiful white flowers which are produced all summer. The bark is a beautiful patch-work of grey, brown and maroon colors. The leaves turn beautiful orange and red colors in the fall and the twigs and bark are attractive all winter. This tree is attractive in all four seasons. Natchez Crape Myrtle grows in zones 7, 8 and 9, from Virginia throughout the South, and from Texas across to California and right up the west coast. It can also be grown in zone 6 and even into zone 5, but it will die back to the ground in most winters in those zones. However it will quickly re-sprout in the spring and reach 5 to7 feet tall, full of blooms, in a single season. It needs full sun and does well in all kinds of soil except those that are often wet, where it will not grow well. So don’t overwater or plant in a low-lying, wet spot. We have lots of other choices of plants for those locations. Natchez is such a special plant that only the exact plant will have the rightflower color and growth rate. So it must be produced directly from trees absolutely known to be right. Our trees are grown the correct way, from branch cuttings of these special trees. That way every tree is identical to the original so they will produce a very uniform effect when planted in a row. However these take longer to produce and Crape Myrtles labelled ‘White’ will definitely not be ‘Natchez’, so avoid cheaper seedling trees that will only be a disappointment Natchez is larger than many crape myrtles, so when planting a screen they can be planted 8 feet apart. It is important when planting crepe myrtles not to plant any deeper than the containers they are in and not to cover the roots with a lot of soil. So dig a hole or a trench two or three times wider than the pot, but no deeper. Place your plants in the hole, replace most of the soil and firm it well down. Then water thoroughly and replace the rest of the soil, being careful not to cover the roots with any extra soil. Natchez Crape Myrtle needs full sun, both for the health of the plant and so the flowers will develop well. It will take just a little shade, but the more shade the fewer flowers. Once established it is very drought-hardy and rarely needs water, so this is an easy tree to care for – in fact it cares for itself. If you want the maximum growth this tree is capable of, then water regularly and give fertilizer regularly, but this is not needed for mature plants. They need no special pruning, but they can be shaped during the winter. Prune while young, since it is best not to cut branches thicker than 3 inches across, and if plants are cut hard they will produce lots of growth but fewer flowers. Bu removing lower side branches it is easy to train this plant into a tree with a single trunk and a large crown. We sell only trees that are true to the original form and we have a wide range of sizes to give you the best plant for your purpose. However we are constantly renewing our stock so our customers get fresh, healthy plants, so supplies of this tree may be limited. To avoid disappointment order now.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
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{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Q: $\sum_{n \in \mathbb{N}} x_n$ converges if $\sum_{n \in \mathbb{N}} \|x_n\|$ is bounded? Let $(x_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ be a sequence in a Banach space $X$. The series $\sum_{n \in \mathbb{N}} x_n$ converges in $X$ if $\sum_{n \in \mathbb{N}} \|x_n\| < \infty$. Is this statement true? Since $X$ is a Banach space, if we prove the series $\sum_{n \in \mathbb{N}} x_n$ a Cauchy sequence then it converges. That is, for any $m \ge n > N$, there is $\|\sum_{m \in \mathbb{N}} x_m - \sum_{n \in \mathbb{N}} x_n\| = \|\sum_{k = n}^m x_k\| < \epsilon$ for any $\epsilon > 0$. But how can this be derived from the boundedness of $\sum_{n \in \mathbb{N}} \|x_n\|$? A: Triangle inequality: that follows from the fact that$$\left\lVert\sum_{k=n}^mx_k\right\rVert\leqslant\sum_{k=n}^m\lVert x_k\rVert.$$
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Description Tanaka is a drop dead gorgeous Japanese slut gifted with a pair of massive tits and she enjoys using them to massage big hard cocks and make them explode all over them in hardcore action.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Lesions of the kidney in tourniquet shock: ultrastructural study. Light microscope and ultrastructural changes in the rat kidney in tourniquet shock are described. The animals (24) were divided into two series; in the first one, the hind limb was kept at room temperature; in the second series, prerefrigeration was used. The effects of different ischemia were studied (2,4,8, and 12 hours for warm ischemia; 4,8,12, and 16 hours for cold ischemia). The animals were sacrificed at 3, 10, and 30 days. Pathological changes were evident, consisting in an increase of cytosomes in the proximal tubules and apical vacuolation in collecting ducts; numerous cytosomes including myelin-like structures were also seen. Large differences between warm and cold ischemia alterations were found. The changes in the tubules were clearly less important in cold ischemia. The authors conclude that there is a protective effect in regard to prevention of renal pathology affordable by prerefrigeration of a limb for reimplantation.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Batman: Arkham City is a Wii U launch day title Warner Interactive’s Batman: Arkham City Armoured Edition is to be a Wii U launch day game. The title had previously been penciled in for the console’s “launch window”. It will now release alongside the console itself on November 30th. It’s developed not by Rocksteady but instead by Warner Bros Games Montreal. It offers fundamentally the same experience as the Xbox, PS3 and PC version, although several alterations have been made to make use of the Wii U GamePad. Also included in the SKU is all of the DLC available on other platforms as well as new suits and tech offering additional in-game powers “Batman: Arkham City Armoured Edition harnesses the power of the Wii U system and the Wii U GamePad with features that allow fans to further immerse themselves in the role of Batman like never before,” Warner Interactive president Martin Tremblay stated. “WB Games Montréal evolved the incredible hit game by Rocksteady into a truly unique experience on Wii U.” MCV is the leading trade news and community site for all professionals working within the UK and international video games market. It reaches everyone from store manager to CEO, covering the entire industry. MCV is published by NewBay Media, which specialises in entertainment, leisure and technology markets.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
The stunning Japanese AV idol Maomi Nagasawa is posing sexy in a chair wearing a green top and sexy green panties. She starts to suck her fingers and squeeze her tits before she rubs her sensitive clit until she squirts. She takes out her panties and uses a small toy until she squirts hard leaving everything soaking wet.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Sexy Nurse Helps To Get Better! Sexy Nurse Helps To Get Better! Sexy blonde nurse Chintia Flowers helps Nick Lang get better as she is offering her shaved wet pussy & huge boobs for a hardcore fucking! The guy grabs the opportunity & the young hot girl and bangs her cunt in various positions along with her firm big tits, flooding them with his cumshot...
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Students who survived the Florida school shooting are preparing to flood the Capitol pushing to ban the assault-style rifle used to kill 17 people, vowing to make changes in the November election if they can't... Students who survived the Florida school shooting are preparing to flood the Capitol pushing to ban the assault-style rifle used to kill 17 people, vowing to make changes in the November election if they can't persuade lawmakers to change law now.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Greta Binford Greta J. Binford is a United States arachnologist, specialising in studies of spider venom. She is a Professor of Biology at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon. As a child, Binford was raised on a small corn-and-soybean farm in west-central Indiana. From 1983 to 1985 she studied psychology at Purdue University, after an abortive attempt at a degree in veterinary medicine. While qualifying to be a science teacher at Miami University, she was offered the chance to study spiders in Peru's Amazon basin for the summer, and obtained a B.A. in Zoology at Miami in 1990. Afterwards, she undertook post-graduate studies at the University of Utah from 1991–1993, obtaining an M.S. in Biology in 1993. She obtained a PhD from the University of Arizona in 2000. She joined Lewis & Clark as an Assistant Professor in 2003, becoming Associate Professor in June 2009. She was named Oregon Professor of the Year for 2011, and is the subject of the 2011 children's book Silk and Venom: Searching for a Dangerous Spider, by Kathryn Lasky and the photographer Christopher G. Knight. She sits on the editorial board of the open-access scientific journal Toxins. The species of spider Austrarchaea binfordae, found in New South Wales, Australia, is named in her honour, "for her pioneering research on spider venoms and for contributing to a highly successful basal clades tour". References External links Media appearances Greta Binford: Spider Woman (2007) Crypto-What? 5 Things You Should Know About Oregon's Newly Anointed Arachnid (2016) Media at Science Friday (various) Category:Year of birth missing (living people) Category:Place of birth missing (living people) Category:Living people Category:American arachnologists Category:Lewis & Clark College faculty Category:Purdue University alumni Category:Miami University alumni Category:University of Utah alumni Category:University of Arizona alumni
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Twink Boys Bareback Home Movie | Video Preview Elijah Young and Tyler Thayer | Photo Set Twink lovers Tyler and Elijah know what we want to see. The boys are given complete control over the action as they film their fun, sucking and jerking, pleasuring those big twink cocks, then bareback fucking until their cum loads are spewing out! Tyler loves that big naked cock up his hole, fucking his cum out, but Elijah loves taking a big facial to finish off the session!
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Discrete Boltzmann equation for microfluidics. We propose a discrete Boltzmann model for microfluidics based on the Boltzmann equation with external forces using a single relaxation time collision model. Considering the electrostatic interactions in microfluidics systems, we introduce an equilibrium distribution function that differs from the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution by an exponential factor to represent the action of an external force field. A statistical mechanical approach is applied to derive the equivalent external acceleration force exerting on the lattice particles based on a mean-field approximation, resulting from the electro-static potential energy and intermolecular potential energy between fluid-fluid and fluid-substrate interactions.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
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{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
James the red engine: And that's why Stay clear of bee hives. Well, that and my incident with a man-made hive...
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
‘What am I trying to do and why?’ This is the question that all professionals of any type ought to have inscribed on their bathroom mirror and on the walls of their offices. All professionals face temptations to ‘wander off the track’ for various reasons such as self-indulgence, concentrating on profit alone, loss of passion, personal prejudices and preferences and a host more. I am not immune to the dangers but strive to constantly remind myself of the true purpose of my work which is to create aesthetically pleasing environments that will facilitate and enhance the work, leisure or daily lives of those using the structures that I help to develop and, ultimately, to create. I feel enormously privileged to be able to provide these benefits in ways that will outlive me and am genuinely passionate about doing so. My passion for construction arises from my family background. My father was a mason who founded his own company in Bangladesh when a young man, this was a construction company specializing in masonry restoration. As a child, I was impatient to become involved in the business and, by the time that I was 15, I was being instructed in contract, estimating, and negotiations. Since then, I have been entrusted with all the business’s contractual matters. By age 17, I had become involved in the design process of my family's real estate development projects in Bangladesh. It was hardly work to me and I loved (almost!) every minute. I eventually decided to pursue studies in Architecture and later to focus on Real Estate Development. Along with practical and business training, my father taught me the importance of enjoying work and in creating and maintaining goodwill and positive relationships. I have constantly sought to put this advice into practice which has smoothed my business endeavours and enabled me to gain multiple industry contacts including former employers and college staff from whom I am able to obtain much useful guidance and advice. My decision to pursue Real Estate Development crystalized during my 2nd year of college when my professor posed the question, "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" Based on my answer, he suggested that I consider focusing on Real Estate Development. I believe that my architectural training and successful experience of development provides me with an ability to consider projects from both an aesthetic and business aspects. I certainly seek to ‘make a living’ but also to make a positive difference. I have undertaken some research on architects who have successfully acted as developers on their own projects and I would be very interested in extending this research within the program. Apart from considering the needs of the users of the buildings that I create or develop, I am also acutely aware of the beneficial impact that such works can have on the local communities that provide at least some of the labour and materials used. I consider it to be very important that a developer seeks the permanent benefit of those living around the development as well as the newcomers in their midst. I also believe that a successful developer should have both an emotional as well as financial investment in projects which have long term effects on the lives of others. Having carefully considered my options at this stage in my career, I am convinced that your program will provide me with the additional knowledge and skills to maximize my own future prospects which will in turn benefit those clients and communities with whom I shall work and serve. My experience to date will, I am sure, enable me to ‘add value’ to the program for the benefit of my fellow students and I look forward to receiving the benefit of their own experiences in turn. I can promise enthusiastic and diligent participation in the program if selected.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Q: Dynamic ordering of django-treebeard materialized path nodes I have a project based on django-oscar (and django-cms), which runs on multiple domains with different SITE_IDs using the django.contrib.sites module. The project is already productive and i can't change the category slugs anymore - Also switching the entire code to Nested Set Trees or Adjacent Trees is something i wish to avoid - for your better understanding: The initial requirements did not want a different category sorting for each domain, so i just used Oscars default category implementation. But since Oscars category model/manager is based on django-treebeards materialized path tree implementation, i have to consider a few differences to the usual Django-way of changing the default ordering. Given these two extra fields in the model (which inherits from django-oscars AbstractCategory) class Category(AbstractCategory): # ... order_site_1 = models.IntegerField( null=False, default=0 ) order_site_2 = models.IntegerField( null=False, default=0 ) I can't simply add the ordering to the meta class like: class Category(AbstractCategory): class Meta: ordering = ['depth', '-order_site_{}'.format(Site.objects.get_current().id), 'name'] First, it will ignore this directive since treebeards MP_NodeManager.get_queryset() does not respect custom sorting - for the MP_Tree logic it has to rely on a sorting generated at insertion time (which is stored in path), so this approach would defy the purpose of MP_Tree itself. I also had a look at node_order_by - but as stated in the docs: Incorrect ordering of nodes when node_order_by is enabled. Ordering is enforced on node insertion, so if an attribute in node_order_by is modified after the node is inserted, the tree ordering will be inconsistent. But again on multiple domains with different category ordering this is of no use. The only way left which i can think of is to override the MP_NodeManager class: class CustomOrderQuerySet(MP_NodeManager): def get_queryset(self): sort_key = '-order_site_{}'.format(Site.objects.get_current().id) return MP_NodeQuerySet(self.model).order_by('depth', sort_key, 'name') But this approach is clearly wrong, because MP_Tree relies on path sorting to generate a proper Tree - what i thought about is iterating over all entries, compare the path, ignore the last part and sort according to order_site_{id} and re-convert it to a QuerySet. I am not even sure if that is possible, and i want to avoid to go there, so my question is: Is there a way to reflect this logic within a chain of ORM statements, so that i can continue using a native QuerySet? A: So this issue got me quite some headache initially - i was trying different approaches and not a single one was satisfactory - trying to make a dynamically sorted MP_Tree is something i would discourage heavily at this point, it is too much of a mess. Better to stick with ordering created at insertion time and work with all the variables during that stage. Also my thanks go to @solarissmoke for the provided help in the comments.  Models class Product(AbstractProduct): # ... @property def site_categories(self): return self.categories.filter(django_site_id=settings.SITE_ID) @property def first_category(self): if not self.site_categories: return None return self.site_categories[0] class Category(AbstractCategory): # ... django_site = models.ForeignKey(Site, null=False) site_rank = models.IntegerField(_('Site Rank'), null=False, default=0) node_order_by = ['django_site_id', 'site_rank', 'name'] Templatetags Copy templatetags/category_tags#get_annotated_list to project and modify it slightly: # ... start_depth, prev_depth = (None, None) if parent: categories = parent.get_descendants() if max_depth is not None: max_depth += parent.get_depth() else: categories = Category.get_tree() # Just add this line categories = categories.filter(django_site_id=settings.SITE_ID) # ... Templates For templates/catalogue/detail.html: Replace {% with category=product.categories.all.0 %} with {% with category=product.first_category %} Admin You will need to make changes on the views, forms and formsets within apps.dashboard to take care of the newly added django_site and site_rank - i left this out because in my case all categories are defined through a regularly imported CSV. This should be not a big deal to get done - maybe later i will do this and would update this answer. Creating MP Nodes Whenever you are adding root, child, or sibling nodes, you now need to pass in the django_site_id parameter (along with all other required values contained in node_order_by), for instance: parent_category.add_child( django_site_id=settings.SITE_ID, site_rank=10, name='Child 1') Category.add_root( django_site_id=settings.SITE_ID, site_rank=1, name='Root 1')
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
SIGN UP AS A CUSTOMER Are you crazy about home-cooked food! Have a taste of real and authentic homemade food at Zvonr. Every one of us is hustling in our own lives to make a living. One of the most important thing that we crave while we hustle is scrumptious homemade food. Don’t you have those times when all you starve for is a bite of the freshly prepared homemade dish? Well if you do so! You can satisfy your cravings with us. Zvonr is your neighbourhood marketplace for delectable food items. With our mobile app, you can finally order healthy and authentic home-cooked food prepared by people who are passionate about cooking. We Are Homemade- HandCrafted & From the Heart! We have our services available in all the major countries.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
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{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: Toggling between 3 frequencies I currently have a program that runs at X frequency, with the clock input generated by a slow clock module that divides the default clock via the counter increment method. However, I wish to be able to switch between 3 frequencies, X, Y and Z using button presses. I have debounced the buttons with a single pulse signal generator module (using d flip flops). How can I go about doing it using rudimentary concepts only (multiplexer, etc)? Also, should the logic be implemented inside the slow clock module or in the main module? Thank you. simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab A: Since you tagged your question with verilog, I'll assume that you're really looking for an HDL solution targeted at an FPGA. In this case, using a single programmable divider makes a whole lot more sense than having multiple dividers followed by a multiplexer. Something like this: module clockdiv ( input master_clock, input reset, input [1:0] select, output reg clock_out ) reg [15:0] divider; always @* begin case (select) 2'b00: divider <= X; // defined elsewhere 2'b01: divider <= Y; // 2'b10: divider <= Z; // 2'b11: divider <= W; // ... etc. endcase end reg [15:0] counter; always @(posedge master_clock) begin if (reset) begin counter <= 0; clock_out <= 0; end else begin if (counter >= divider) begin counter <= 0; clock_out <= !clock_out; end else begin counter <= counter + 1; end end end endmodule Define X, Y, Z, etc. to give you the clock division ratios you're looking for, keeping in mind that the output clock is further divided by 2 to produce a square wave. This solution will never produce a bad clock pulse, even if the select input changes in the middle of an output cycle. Addressing your secondary problem of controlling the select lines, the key here is to bring the two debounced pushbutton signals into the same clock domain as the rest of the logic. Something like this: module up_down ( input master_clock, input reset, input button_up, input button_down, output reg [1:0] count ) // Synchronizers and edge detectors for asynchronous inputs reg button_up_a, button_up_b, button_up_c; reg button_down_a, button_down_b, button_down_c; always @(posedge master_clock) begin button_up_a <= button_up; button_up_b <= button_up_a; button_up_c <= button_up_b; button_down_a <= button_down; button_down_b <= button_down_a; button_down_c <= button_down_b; if (reset) begin count <= 0; end else begin if (button_up_b && !button_up_c) begin //rising edge on button_up detected count <= count + 1; end else if (button_down_b && !button_down_c) begin //rising edge on button_down detected count <= count - 1; end end end endmodule Connect the count output of this module to the select input of the previous module.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Rosemarie Horner - TestsForge (TForge & TF) Expert Profile Degrees from Northwestern University and Peking University helped to lay the foundation for Rosemarie Horner's understanding of computer software concepts, such as video compression, JavaScript, transform coding, HTML, image processing, and CSS. After graduating, Rosemarie Horner obtained positions at Google, NEC Laboratories America, Cisco Systems, and Department of Machine Intelligence. He has earned the prestige associated with titles such as Software Engineer, Senior Software Engineer, and Senior Data System Engineer. Currently, Rosemarie Horner enjoys the challenges of performing software development for TestsForge. Most recently, he works on a variety of certification exams, including: SY0-301 CompTIA Security+, 650-474 Introducing Cisco Identity Services Engine for System Engineer (PAISESE), HP0-S31 Managing Windows and Linux Server Systems, HP0-082 OpenVMS Advanced System Administration, Performance, & Support, 350-060 CCIE SP Operations written, 642-053 RSSE/FE, HP0-A17 NonStop Hardware Install, Maintain, Upgrade, 1Y0-A14 Implementing Citrix XenDesktop 3, 640-911 Introducing Cisco Data Center Networking, HP0-G11 CCI Fundamentals for Solution Architects, E20-326 Symmetrix Solutions Design and HP0-A21 NonStop Kernel Basics. Rosemarie Horner also creates the website of bradfordtimeline. Bradford has been a busy place over the years and Rosemarie Horner has created a web page to highlight some of that fantastic history of music and theater. Rosemarie Horner finds it enjoyable to look back the history and he has created the Bradford Time Line page just for that purpose. He has included every part of history covering music, theater, tv, books, architecture, and concerts. All of the information he has shared can be backed up by further research of the list of reference materials he has provided. Before visiting Bradford this is a great place to start building an itinerary. 1. About the webpage of 185099.htm: Putting together the page in the Bradford Timeline 1850 through 1899 Rosemarie Horner learned that there was a tone of history being made during that time. Rosemarie Horner has included hyperlinks to Flicker presentations for several of the historic events on the page for example you can see the actual architecture for the Children’s Hospital in 1890. Find out through the page when Cadbrury produced its first milk chocolate. 2. About the webpage of 190049.htm: 1900 through 1949 was a busy time in history and that is why Rosemarie Horner included this page. He wanted people to remember the Olympic Game in Paris in 1900 and the Kodak Brownie Box camera produced the same year. He wanted to include event that a number of people might not know about like the fact that in 1949 Hammonds Brewery won a prize medal. The page doesn’t give a lot o details but it gives people a place to start digging in history. 3. About the webpage of biblio.htm: Rosemarie Horner likes to be certain that all the information that he passes on is verifiable and that is why he has included the Reference Materials Used page. Rosemarie Horner has broken it down into various categories to make it easier for viewers to find references. The categories viewers will find are, local books and publications, internet locations, CD-roms, and general reference books. Rosemarie Horner has also included a key to better understand the layout of the timeline pages. 4. About the webpage of 195099.htm: When Rosemarie Horner came to the 1950 through 1999 page he had to expand his charts to include all the history in the making. This page includes important dates for the following areas in history; events, international and national headlines, firsts, sports, products along with pricing, and arts and media. There numerous links to Flicker slideshows to better bring home the effect of these events included in the page. 5. About the webpage of 160099.htm: Rosemarie Horner has gone back a long ways in history with the 1600 through 1690 page because; it actually starts with some history dating back to 1066 with the Battle of Hastings. Rosemarie Horner even lets visitors know when Christopher Columbus was born and when Joan of Arc was burned. Learn the dates of some of the most famous works of William Shakespeare. Rosemarie Horner takes you all the way through 1699 when the Clockhouse School was built. 6. About the webpage of 180049.htm: The 1800’s as a whole produced a lot of history that Rosemarie Horner felt needed to be shared with the world. This is the one page that a person can find facts already set in chronological order for them. Just as an example here are a few of the things that happened between 1800 and 1849; the US government moved to Washington, the UK made paper banknotes legal tender, Mark Twain was born, and safety pins were patent. The trademarks of TForge and TF certifications training are owned, registered and/or licensed by TestsForge, Inc.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Check out our new site Makeup Addiction fuck me right add your own caption fuck me right add your own caption fuck me right add your own caption fuck me right add your own caption fuck me right add your own caption fuck me right add your own caption fuck me right add your own caption fuck me right add your own caption fuck me right add your own caption fuck me right add your own caption add your own caption I'm a straight white man FUCK ME, RIGHT?
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Underwater electrical cables cause major problems when they begin to leak. One of the greatest sources of leakage is in the end terminations, or "plugs". The primary water sealing means in an underwater cable should be the insulation encapsulating the strands of the individual conductors. Oftentimes the art considers the outer jacket of the bundle of conductors to be the primary sealing means, but it is actually a secondary sealing means. The major problem is that it is difficult to effect a seal between the insulating material and the plug. One of the best insulating materials for the conductors is an ethylenepropylene copolymer which does not readily bond to other sealing materials. Even commonly used epoxy pottings do not readily bond to it. One good solution to this sealing problem is to use a rubber "boot" which seals along the outside of the multiple insulated conductors and the plug body containing solder pins. Silicone grease is applied to the boot cavity after soldering the conductors to the pins, effectively sealing the area from water intrusion. In this connection, reference may be had to the field installable and testable connectors of KINTEC, Inc. Such connectors work well, but are bulky, stiff, heavy and expensive. Additionally, such connectors work best for deep subsea application where the best seals are hydrostatically pressure energized. Other smaller and more flexible plugs which do not use such a boot for sealing, instead use an epoxy potting material to seal the joint. The problem with this plug is that epoxies tend to contract upon curing, leaving a channel for water to seep in, particularly if the connection is subject to cyclic flexing. In marine seismic exploration operations, underwater electrical plugs are needed to connect power and instrumentation conductors to air guns. These guns are used as a source to obtain acoustic reflections from the seafloor. Typically, these guns are fired every 10 to 15 seconds and the impulsive pressure waves produced are quite strong. Electrical "jumper" cables used for this application must withstand a great deal of structural abuse, and normally they do not last long before developing leaks. The first-mentioned booted plug is too stiff and massive to have reasonable structural integrity to withstand such cyclic impulsive loadings. Typically, structural elements exposed to such blast elements will not last long if they are not flexible. Further, the pressure waves produced by the guns have negative (vacuum) parts, making the boots "pump". There is consequently a greater possibility that water will intrude the boot during fluctuating pressure than during static hydrostatic pressure. Accordingly, it is the primary purpose of the invention disclosed hereinafter to provide an end terminal for an underwater electrical cable which solves these problems and which can be utilized in marine seismic operations as underwater electrical plugs which are needed to connect power and instrumentation conductors to air guns. Another purpose of the present invention is to improve the inner boot sealing capability of the end terminal, to make the connection more flexible, and to attenuate pressure loadings on the insulated conductors. Other purposes, advantages and features of the invention will be apparent to one skilled in the art upon reviewing the following disclosure. Applicant is not aware of any prior art references which, in his judgment as one skilled in the art of marine seismic underwater electrical plugs, would anticipate or render obvious the novel end terminal of the instant invention; however, for the purposes of fully developing the background of the invention and establishing the state of the requisite art, the following references are set forth: two diagrams of plugs available from KINTEC, Inc., 9540 Cozycroft Avenue, Chatsworth, Calif. 91311, showing respectively, FITA and MLD LP series CR plugs; U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,096,134; 3,113,999; 3,124,405; 3,158,420; 3,278,885; 3,324,449; 3,339,632; 3,410,950; 3,430,187; 3,432,612; 3,487,353; 3,489,987; 3,522,576; 3,537,062; 3,546,657; 3,665,368; 3,821,690; 3,725,846; 3,725,852; 3,729,699; 3,816,641; and 3,784,959.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
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{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
After drilled my ass with a huge toy I squirt all over my legs!!!Hard anal!
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Introduction ============ Ischaemic heart disease is characterized by reduced blood supply to the cardiac muscle and is the primary cause of death associated with myocardial infarction usually occurring as a result of damage induced by cardiac ischaemia-reperfusion (I/R). Ischaemic preconditioning (IPC) is a phenomenon by which cyclic episodes of brief I/R protect the myocardium against subsequent lethal ischaemic injury. It is known to significantly reduce the infarct size, arrhythmia, and post-ischaemic contractile dysfunction \[[@R1], [@R2]\]. Ischaemic pre­conditioning (IPC) is a potent cellular protective mechanism that is initiated by brief periods of sublethal ischaemic stress. First identified by Murry *et al.*, it has been concluded that the heart adapts within minutes to become resistant against ischaemia-induced injury. The cellular mechanisms underlying the protection initiated by myocardial IPC have been scrutinized intensively, given the potential to identify novel targets for treating ischaemic heart disease. Work has focused on identifying the triggers, mediators, and end effectors of IPC. Numerous signal transduction pathways have been demonstrated to be mediators affording protection by IPC. Previous studies have demonstrated that phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and its effector protein kinase B (Akt) are implicated in cell survival and that acute PI3K/Akt activation underlies the infarct size (IS)-limiting effect of ischaemic preconditioning (IP) in the rat heart \[[@R3]-[@R7]\]. A recent studies indicated that toll-like receptors (TLRs) are involved in the IP process \[[@R8], [@R9]\]. TLRs represent the first line of host defence against microbial infection and play a pivotal role in both innate and adaptive immunity. TLRs recognize invading pathogens through molecular pattern recognition, transduce signals via distinct intracellular pathways involving a unique set of adaptor proteins and kinases, and ultimately lead to the activation of transcription factors and inflammatory responses. Among 10 TLRs identified in humans, at least two exist in the heart, i.e., TLR2 and TLR4. In addition to the critical role of these in mediating cardiac dysfunction in septic conditions, emerging evidence suggests that the TLRs can also recognize endogenous ligands and may play an important role in modulating cardiomyocyte survival and in ischaemic myocardial injury \[[@R9]\]. The role of TLR4 in ischaemic preconditioning is still unclear; we do not know the change of the expression of TLR4 in the process. In this study we used ischaemic preconditioning models to observe the change of TLR4 expression and the level of proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of TLR4 and proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β that is involved in ischaemic preconditioning. Material and methods ==================== Myocardial I/R model and IP model protocol ------------------------------------------ Eighteen male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were randomly separated into sham (sham group), ischaemic reperfusion (IR group) and ischaemic preconditioning (IP group) groups (6/group). The I/R model and the surgical protocol were similar to methods described previously \[[@R10]-[@R12]\]. Rats were anaesthetized with urethane anaesthesia (5 ml/kg intraperitoneally). Atropine (0.05 mg *s.c.*) was administered to reduce airway secretions. Animals were orally intubated and connected to a mouse mini-ventilator. Core body temperature was maintained at 37°C with a heating pad and monitored with a rectal thermometer. A median sternotomy was performed, and the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) was visualized and completely ligated for 30 min in I/R mice by tightening an 8-0 silk suture after passing it over a length of PE-10 tubing beneath the LAD at points 1-2 mm inferior to the left auricle. The 8-0 suture was similarly placed in the sham group but without LAD occlusion. The PE-10 tubing was ligated with the LAD to achieve easier ligature release and better reperfusion. Ischaemia was confirmed visually by the appearance of pale and bulging myocardium in the area at risk (AAR). The ligature was removed, and reperfusion was visually confirmed after 30 min of LAD occlusion. IPC was introduced by three cycles of 5 min ischaemia, followed by 5 min reperfusion, and repeated four times. Measurement of serum TNF-α and IL-1β level ------------------------------------------ Serum TNF-α and IL-1β protein levels were measured by ELISA. Protein was extracted from the heart by pulverization of frozen tissue followed by extraction with lysis buffer containing protease inhibitors. Total protein was determined using a BCA Protein Assay kit (Pierce, Rockford, Illinois). Western blot analysis --------------------- Tissue samples from the different groups were dissected. Tissues were homogenized in 500 ml of 25 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4) containing 1% Triton X-100, 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 2 mM EDTA, and 1% protease inhibitor cocktail (Sigma) and centrifuged at 14,0000 g for 30 min at 4°C. The supernatants were used for Western blot analysis, with specific antibodies detecting TLR4 (Gen Script). Enhanced chemiluminescent (ECL) substrate was from Pierce (Rockford, IL, USA). The polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membrane was from Schleicher and Schuell Co. (Hahnestrasse, Dassel, Germany). According to standard protocols, the blots were probed with primary antibodies, and horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibodies were used to reveal the specific protein bands with ECL detection reagents. The intensities of the protein bands were quantified by densitometry. RT-PCR analysis --------------- RNA was extracted from fresh rat tissues from the ischaemic area using Trizol (Gibco), according to the manufacturer's instructions. RT-PCR analysis specific for TLR4 (Forward: 5'-GGACTCTGCCCTGCCACCATTTA-3', Reverse: 5'-CTTGTGC CCTGTGAGGTCGTTGA-3', anticipated size of PCR products 2800 bp) and β-actin (Forward: 5\'-GTCAGAAGGACTCCTACGTG-3\', Reverse: 5\'-TAGGAGCCA GGGCAGTAATC-3, anticipated size of PCR products 825 bp) was then performed using the RT-PCR kit (Takara Biotechnology) according to the manufacturer's instructions. Determination of myocardial infarct size ---------------------------------------- At the end of the perfusion protocols, the coronary artery was re-occluded and 4 ml of 0.1% Evans blue dye was injected into the aorta to delineate the area at risk. Stained hearts were frozen, sliced, and incubated at 37°C in 1% triphenyltetrazolium chloride to delineate infarcted tissue. Slices were then fixed and quantified. Infarct size was expressed as a percentage of the area at risk. The area at risk was calculated as a percentage of the total ventricular area. Statistical analysis -------------------- Statistical analysis was done using SPSS 10.0. Parametric data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD). Comparisons of parameters among the 3 groups were made with one-way ANOVA, followed by the Newman-Keuls test. Comparisons of parameters between 2 groups were made by unpaired Student\'s *t* test. A *P* value less than 0.05 was considered statistically sig­nificant. Results ======= Serum level of TNF-α and IL-1β ------------------------------ There were significant (*P* \< 0.01) differences observed in the levels of TNF-α and IL-1β between the I/R group and the sham group (Table I), and the levels decreased significantly (*P* \< 0.01) in the IP group compared with the I/R group. The results showed that ischaemic preconditioning (IPC) protects the myocardium against lethal ischaemic injury induced by inflammatory factors TNF-α and IL-1β. RT-PCR analysis --------------- The results (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}) showed that the expression of TLR4 mRNA in the I/R group increased significantly (*p*\< 0.01) compared with the sham group, but in the IP group the expression of TLR4 mRNA decreased significantly (*p* \< 0.01) compared with the I/R group. The results indicated that ischaemic preconditioning inhibits the expression of TLR4 mRNA. Western blot analysis --------------------- We found that the expression of TLR4 protein increased significantly (*P* \< 0.01) in the I/R group compared with the sham group (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). There was no significant (*P* \> 0.05) difference in the expression of β-actin in the 3 groups. When TLR4 protein levels were normalized with the expression of β-actin protein, the ratio was increased significantly (*P* \< 0.01) in the I/R group compared with the sham group, whereas in the IP group the expression of TLR4 protein decreased significantly (*P* \< 0.01) compared with the I/R group (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). These results suggest that TLR4 is activated in I/R, but ischaemic preconditioning inhibits the process. Determination of myocardial infarct size ---------------------------------------- I/R increased the myocardial infarct size. Infarct size in the I/R group was greatly increased compared to the sham group (*P* \< 0.01). As shown in Figure [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}, the infarct size in the I/R group is 0.481 ±0.089; in the IP group (0.31 ±0.029) there was a significant decrease of myocardial infarct size versus the I/R group (*P* \< 0.05). Discussion ========== In our study, we found that the TLR4 protein level and mRNA level increased in the I/R process; at the same time TNF-α and IL-1β level increased too. As we know, the expression of a constitutively active mutant of human Toll or Toll-like protein in the cell line activated the NF-κB pathway and the expression of NF-κB-mediated proinflammatory cytokines IL-1, TNF-α, and others \[[@R13]\]. We also found that TLR4 and proinflammatory cytokines IL-1 and TNF-α levels decreased in the IP process; these results indicated that the TLR4 signal and inflammation process are involved in the I/R and IP process. In addition, we found a significant decrease of myocardial infarct size in the IP group compared with the I/R group. So we can conclude that TLR4 and proinflammatory factors TNF-α and IL-1β are involved in the IP process. To our knowledge, this is the first study showing that TLR4 and proinflammatory factors TNF-α and IL-1β decreased in the IP process. Frantz and colleagues first documented that there was enhanced TLR4 expression in remodelling murine myocardium remote from sites of ischaemic injury and in heart tissue from patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy \[[@R14]\]. In animal models of ischaemia-reperfusion injury or in hypoxic cardiomyocytes in vitro, the administration of a sublethal dose of lipopolysaccharide, which signals through TLR4, reduces subsequent myocardial infarction, improves cardiac functions, and attenuates cardiomyocyte apoptosis \[[@R15], [@R16]\]. By contrast, a systemic deficiency of TLR4 leads to attenuated myocardial inflammation, a smaller infarction size, better preserved ventricular function, and reduced ventricular remodelling after ischaemic injury \[[@R17], [@R18]\]. These recent studies demonstrate an emerging role for TLRs as a critical modulator in both cell survival and tissue injury in the heart. The precise molecular mechanisms responsible for the phenomenon are still unclear. In summary, we found that the expression of TLR4 gene and protein decreased in the IP process. The preliminary data need to be well discussed and further studies carried out. It is possible that further studies of TLR4 will provide clues for better understanding of its function and may help uncover novel therapeutic strategies for regulating the I/R and IP process. ![TLR4 mRNA level determined by RT-PCR analysis. **A** − M: marker; line 1-6: sham group; line 7-12: I/R group; line 13-18: IP group. **B**− Quantitative results of TLR4 mRNA. RT-PCR analysis for TLR4 and β-actin in hearts of different groups. β-actin was used as an internal loading control\ ^a^ p \< 0.01 vs. sham group, ^b^ p \< 0.01 vs. I/R group](AMS-6-6-843_F1){#F1} ![TLR4 protein level determined by Western blot. **A** − β-actin was used as an internal control to monitor equal protein sample loading. The expression of TLR4 was markedly increased in the I/R group compared with the sham control group. In the IP group there was attenuated expression of TLR4. **B** − Quantitative results of TLR4. Mean density of TLR4 in sham-operated group was defined as 100%\ n = 6, mean ± SD, ^a^ p \< 0.01 vs. sham group, ^b^ p \< 0.01 vs. I/R group](AMS-6-6-843_F2){#F2} ![Determination of myocardial infarct size. Infarct size of I/R group is 0.481 ±0.089; in the IP group (0.31 ±0.029) there was a significant decrease of myocardial infarct size vs. the I/R group\ ^b^ P \< 0.05](AMS-6-6-843_F3){#F3}
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
Q: mysql search events between dates? i have a little problem in sql query, i want to display some events which are in between two given (start and end) dates, i did better to retrieve events between dates like, SELECT event_id, event_name FROM events WHERE start_date >= 2013-07-16 AND end_date <= 2013-07-30 but i am facing problem to retrieve events , 1=> those are starts before my start_date and ends before my end_date 2=> those are starts before my end_date and ends after my end_date 3=> those starts before my start_date and ends after my end_date All these three lies in between these dates, i am confused about the query, please help! A: It is simple really: SELECT event_id, event_name FROM events WHERE start_date <= 2013-07-30 AND end_date >= 2013-07-16 (Note that I flipped the dates)
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
About the Authors skepticalProgrammer and JustMeAngie are a married couple living in the Bible Belt. We both have heavily theistic backgrounds, but somehow made the journey to atheism over the years. JustMeAngie worked in the field of human services until deciding to become a stay-at-home mom while skepticalProgrammer, as his name suggests, is a computer programmer. We are currently expecting our first (and only!) little one in just a few weeks. Fuck the motherfucker Fuck the motherfucker Fuck the motherfucker He’s a fucking motherfucker Fuck the motherfucker Fuck the fucking fucker Fuck the motherfucker He’s a total fucking fucker Fuck the motherfucker Fuck the motherfucker Fuck the motherfucker Fucking fuck the motherfucker Fuck the motherfucker Fuck the motherfucking Pope Fuck the motherfucker And fuck you motherfucker If you think that motherfucker is sacred If you cover for another motherfucker who’s a kiddie fucker Fuck you, you’re no better than the motherfucking rapist And if you don’t like the swearing that this motherfucker forced from me And reckon that it shows moral or intellectual paucity Then fuck you motherfucker, this is language one employs When one is fucking cross about fuckers fucking boys I don’t give a fuck if calling the Pope a motherfucker Means you unthinkingly brand me an unthinking apostate This has naught to do with other fucking godly motherfuckers I’m not interested right now in fucking scriptural debate There are other fucking songs and there are other fucking ways I’ll be a religious apologist on other fucking days But the fact remains, if you protect a single kiddie fucker Then Pope or prince or plumber, you’re a fucking motherfucker You see I don’t give a fuck what any other motherfucker Believes about Jesus and his motherfucking mother And I’ve no problem with the spiritual beliefs of all these fuckers While those beliefs don’t impact on the happiness of others But if you build a church on claims of fucking moral authority And with threats of hell impose it on others in society Then you, you motherfuckers, could expect some fucking wrath When it turns out you’ve been fucking us in our motherfucking asses So fuck the motherfucker And fuck you, motherfucker if you’re still a motherfucking papist If he covered for a single motherfucker who’s a kiddie fucker Fuck the motherfucker, he’s as evil as the rapist And if you look into your motherfucking heart and tell me true If this motherfucking stupid fucking song offended you With its filthy fucking language and it’s fucking disrespect If it made you feel angry, go ahead and write a letter But if you find me more offensive than the fucking possibility That the Pope protected priests when they were getting fucking fiddly Then listen to me, motherfucker, this here is a fact: You are just as morally misguided as that motherfucking Power-hungry, self-aggrandized bigot in the stupid fucking hat
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
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{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Reactivation of latent HIV-1 infection by the periodontopathic bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis involves histone modification. Latently infected cells harbor the HIV-1 proviral DNA genome primarily integrated into heterochromatin, allowing the persistence of transcriptionally silent proviruses. Hypoacetylation of histone proteins by histone deacetylases (HDAC) is involved in the maintenance of HIV-1 latency by repressing viral transcription. In addition, periodontal diseases, caused by polymicrobial subgingival bacteria including Porphyromonas gingivalis, are among the most prevalent infections of mankind. Here we demonstrate the effects of P. gingivalis on HIV-1 replication. This activity could be ascribable to the bacterial culture supernatant but not to other bacterial components such as fimbriae or LPS. We found that this HIV-1-inducing activity was recovered in the lower molecular mass (<3 kDa) fraction of the culture supernatant. We also demonstrated that P. gingivalis produces high concentrations of butyric acid, acting as a potent inhibitor of HDACs and causing histone acetylation. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays revealed that the corepressor complex containing HDAC1 and AP-4 was dissociated from the HIV-1 long terminal repeat promoter upon stimulation with bacterial culture supernatant concomitantly with the association of acetylated histone and RNA polymerase II. We thus found that P. gingivalis could induce HIV-1 reactivation via chromatin modification and that butyric acid, one of the bacterial metabolites, is responsible for this effect. These results suggest that periodontal diseases could act as a risk factor for HIV-1 reactivation in infected individuals and might contribute to the systemic dissemination of the virus.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Q: ios 5 - EXC_BAD_ACCESS error See the code below. Why does accessing [self.objects count] throw this error, when the line directly before it proves that self.objects exists? - (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section { // Return the number of rows in the section. NSLog(@"HERE: %@", self.objects); //this logs the array - no error NSLog(@"num rows: %@", [self.objects count]); //this line throws the error return [self.objects count]; } in the .h file I have this: @interface YouTubeViewController_iPad : UITableViewController { NSArray *_objects; } @property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *objects; and in the .m file: @synthesize objects = _objects; A: You need to format the log string correctly: NSLog(@"num rows: %@", [self.objects count]); //this line throws the error [self.objects count] returns an NSInteger, which is an integer. It is important to understand that an integer is not an object. Try this instead: NSLog(@"num rows: %i", [self.objects count]); //Notice the string formatter
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Sean Colig Sean Colig (born May 21, 1976 in Toronto, Ontario) is a Canadian musician and record producer who has played guitar or bass in the bands Process, SNFU, Savannah, SideSixtySeven and Minority. Career Early years (1993–2006) Colig co-founded and played guitar with the Vancouver, British Columbia-based rap metal band Minority from 1993 to 1997. In 1996, the band took first place in Vancouver's 99.3 C-Fox Seeds radio contest amid 200 entries. This earned them local and nationwide popularity, and they went on to open for Pantera, White Zombie, Ice-T's Body Count, Sublime, Biohazard, Deftones, Korn, and numerous other group. During his stint with Minority, Colig also began working in record production. In 1998 Colig next co-founded the skate punk band SideSixtySeven, with whom he played bass for eight years. Following his 2006 departure, the band remained active. With Savannah and SNFU (2006–2013) Colig joined the Vancouver and Edmonton-based heavy metal band Savannah in 2006, four years after their formation, replacing guitarist Ricco Forester. The group soon released their debut album The Road To.. with producer Devin Townsend, and continued extensive touring across North America. Savannah toured with the influential punk rock band SNFU in 2010. During the tour, Colig often joined the group as a guest second guitarist and harmony vocalist. Soon thereafter, Colig became an official member of SNFU, completing their first five-piece lineup in 12 years. He and the group soon began their work on writing and recording sessions for their first studio release since 2004. Colig contributed to SNFU's album Never Trouble Trouble Until Trouble Troubles You, released September 2013 worldwide on Cruzar Media Records. Colig composed several songs on the record, and his background harmony vocals complemented Ken Chinn's tracks throughout. In December 2013 Colig and management decided for Colig's well being and due to health matters, that Colig would take a leave of absence from the band for a year to focus on his health. On February 4, 2018 it was announced that Colig would be joining Process. References External links Official SNFU web page SideSixtySeven at CBC Radio 3 Sean Colig at Myspace.com Category:1976 births Category:Living people Category:Canadian heavy metal guitarists Category:Canadian male guitarists Category:Canadian punk rock guitarists Category:Canadian record producers Category:Musicians from Toronto Category:21st-century Canadian guitarists Category:SNFU members Category:21st-century Canadian male musicians
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
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Conti Conti is an Italian surname. Geographical distribution As of 2014, 63.5% of all known bearers of the surname Conti were residents of Italy (frequency 1:756), 11.8% of the United States (1:24,071), 9.2% of Brazil (1:17,439), 6.3% of Argentina (1:5,300), 2.5% of France (1:21,201) and 1.3% of the Philippines (1:58,961). In Italy, the frequency of the surname was higher than national average (1:756) in the following regions: Tuscany (1:360) Umbria (1:363) Marche (1:370) Lazio (1:412) Emilia-Romagna (1:478) Lombardy (1:531) Sicily (1:624) Liguria (1:628) In Argentina, the frequency of the surname was higher than national average (1:5,300) in the following provinces: Santa Fe Province (1:3,222) Córdoba Province (1:3,292) Buenos Aires (1:4,110) Mendoza Province (1:4,201) Buenos Aires Province (1:4,408) La Pampa Province (1:4,731) People The historical Conti di Segni, family Andrea dei Conti (1240–1302), Italian Roman Catholic priest Giovanni dei Conti di Segni (died 1213), Italian cardinal Giovanni Conti (cardinal) (1414–1493), Italian cardinal Francesco Conti (cardinal) (died 1521), Italian cardinal Lotario dei Conti di Segni, Pope Innocent III (1160 or 1161 – 16 July 1216), Italian pope Michelangelo Conti, Pope Innocent XIII (1655–1724), Italian pope Ottaviano dei Conti di Segni (died 1234), Italian cardinal Torquato Conti (1591–1636), 17th-century Italian military officer Ugolino di Conti, Pope Gregory IX (c. 1145/70 – 22 August 1241), Italian pope a surname derived from the toponym Conty, France (cf. Princes of Conti) Louis Armand II de Bourbon, prince de Conti, Prince of Conti from 1709–1727 Al Conti (born 1968), Grammy-nominated New Age composer, arranger, producer, and multi-instrumentalist Albert Conti (1887–1967), Austrian-Hungarian-born Italian-American film actor Alberto Coletti Conti (1885–?), Italian sports shooter Alberto Conti (born 1966), astrophysicist Aldo Conti (1890–1988), Italian painter Alexander Conti (born 1993), Canadian actor Andrea Conti (footballer, born 1977), Italian football player Andrea Conti (footballer, born 1994), Italian football player Antonio Schinella Conti (1677–1749), Italian historian, mathematician, philosopher and physicist Archbishop Mario Conti, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Glasgow Arnaldo Conti (1885–1919), Italian conductor of opera (born 1905), Italian philosopher and educationist Bernardino de' Conti (died 1525), Italian painter Bill Conti (born 1942), film music director Bob Conti (born 1947), American percussionist, record producer, songwriter, singer Bruno Conti (born 1955), former football player and member of the Italian national football team in 1982 Carlo Conti (born 1961), Italian television presenter Carlos Conti (1916–1975), Spanish comic writer (born 1973), Italian actress Christian Conti (born 1987), Italian football player Daniele Conti (born 1979), Italian football player Diana Conti (born 1956), Argentine lawyer and politician Elena Conti (born 1967), Italian biochemist and molecular biologist Elmer W. Conti (1921–1988), American businessman and politician Enio Conti (1913–2005), former US NFL player Ettore Conti (1871–1972), Italian civil engineer, electricity industrialist, and businessman Evan Conti (born 1993), American professional basketball Fabio Conti, Italian water polo coach Febo Conti (1926–2012), Italian TV and radio presenter Flora Di Conti (1898–1952), an early direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda Francesca Conti (born 1972), female water polo goalkeeper Francesco Bartolomeo Conti (1681–1732), Florentine composer Francesco Conti (painter) (1681–1760), Italian artist Fulvio Conti (born 1947), Italian financier Gene Conti (born 1946), American government official Germán Conti (born 1994), Argentine footballer Gregorio Conti, birthname of antipope Victor IV Giacomo Conti (artist) (1813–1888), Italian painter Giacomo Conti (bobsledder) (1918–1992), Italian bobsledder Gianmarco Conti (born 1992), Italian professional footballer Gioacchino Conti (1714–1761), 18th-century castrato singer Gustavo de Conti (born 1980), Brazilian professional basketball coach Guy Conti (born 1942), baseball advisor and bullpen coach Haroldo Conti (1925–1976), Argentine writer, screenwriter, teacher, and Latin professor Italia Conti (1873–1946), English actress , drummer with the band Azymuth Jason Conti (born 1975), former outfielder in Major League Baseball Jesse Corti (born 1955), a Venezuelan-American actor and voice actor Jim Conti, a member of Streetlight Manifesto Joe Conti (born 1954), president of the Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters John Conti, the founder of the john conti Coffee Company Joy Flowers Conti (born 1948), a Chief United States District Judge Kathleen Conti, member of the Colorado House of Representatives Leonardo Conti (1900–1945), German hockey player Leonardo Conti (1900–1945), Swiss physician Leopoldo Conti (1901–1970), Italian professional football player and coach Luigi Conti (nuncio) (1929–2015), Roman Catholic archbishop and diplomat Marco Conti (born 1969), Captain Regent of San Marino Marzio Conti (born 1960), Italian conductor and flautist Matías Conti (born 1990), Argentine football striker Michele Conti (born 1983), Italian Grand Prix motorcycle racer Natale Conti, an Italian mythographer, poet, humanist and historian Neil Conti (born 1959), English drummer and music producer Niccolò Da Conti, 15th-century Venetian merchant and explorer Nina Conti (born 1973), ventriloquist and daughter of Tom Conti Pamela Conti (born 1982), Italian football attacking midfielder Paolo Conti (born 1950), former Italian football goalkeeper Petra Conti (born 1988), Italian ballerina Piero Gadda Conti (1902–1999), Italian novelist and film critic Piero Ginori Conti (1865–1939), businessman and Italian politician Rafael Conti (1746–1814), colonel in the Spanish Army Raúl Conti (1928–2008), Argentine professional football player Richard Conti (1937–2016), Judge of the Federal Court of Australia Robert Conti (born 1945), American guitarist Roberto Conti (cyclist), Italian cyclist Roberto Conti (mathematician) (1923–2006), Italian mathematician Samuel Conti (1922-2018), United States federal judge Samuele Conti (born 1991), Italian professional racing cyclist Servílio Conti (1916–2014), an Italian Prelate of the Roman Catholic Church Stefano Conti, Italian 18th century merchant from Lucca Taynara Conti (born 1995), Brazilian professional wrestler and former judoka Tito Conti (1842–1924), Italian painter Tom Conti (born 1941), Scottish actor, theatre director, and novelist Ugo Conti (born 1955), Italian actor Valerio Conti (born 1993), Italian cyclist Walt Conti (born 1959), special effects artist See also "Conti", an abbreviation for the German automobile part manufacturer Continental AG Estadio Raúl Conti, a multi-purpose stadium in Puerto Madryn, Argentina Motta de' Conti, a comune (municipality) in the Province of Vercelli in the Italian region Piedmont Prince of Conti, a title of nobility; cadet house of Bourbon-Condé Serra de' Conti, a comune (municipality) in the Province of Ancona in the Italian region Marche Silviniaco Conti, a French-bred, British-trained Selle Francais racehorse Princess of Conti Disambiguation pages Andrea Conti (disambiguation) Cardinal Conti (disambiguation) Francesco Conti (disambiguation) Giacomo Conti (disambiguation) Giovanni Conti (disambiguation) Luigi Conti (disambiguation) References Category:Italian-language surnames Category:Surnames of Italian origin
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
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{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
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{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
You can tell a lot about the state of a country by comparing the state of its public and private infrastructure. Take a look, if you can sneak past the gated community guard shack and peek through the privets without getting tackled by a rented goon, at the homes of the wealthy. Note the manicured lawns of the 1-percenters, fertilized the months recommended by experts depending on climactic zone, painstakingly controlled for weeds, irrigation calibrated by volume, on timers. Check out the garden: lines of shrubs that run a hundred bucks each, red-dyed mulch hiding the dirty brown dirt and tamping down unwanted dandelions before they get a chance to sprout. The driveway is flat, smooth, free of cracks. Stucco walls, if you live out West, are similarly crack-free; if you're east of the Mississippi, bricks are framed by perfect pointing. Every detail, from the brass numbers on the mailbox to the baseboards to the perfect absence of cobwebs in high ceiling corners, reflects thorough, routine, frequent maintenance and repairs by a retinue of professional service providers. Tasteful. New. Kept up. Bear in mind: All this perfectly-maintained stuff houses a single family. At most, we're talking two parents, four kids and a nanny or two. Certainly fewer than 10 people. Now look at our public infrastructure. Drive on a public highway in any major city: New York, Chicago, Los Angeles. It's a disaster. Potholes so big you worry about breaking an axle. (And you should. In New York State, for example, a recent study estimated that bad roads and bridges cost motorists $20.3 billion in repairs annually.) Cracked concrete and asphalt everywhere. Missing guardrails, stolen signs, and everywhere you turn, garbage. Graffiti and vandalism take a toll, but mostly it's all just old. Old, rusted, worn out, years of "deferred maintenance" — i.e., none at all. Yeah, people throw crap out their car windows — but municipal governments don't clean it up for days, weeks, months at a time. Connecting two of NYC's biggest boroughs, the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway is used daily by 160,000 vehicles. It is hideous. It is narrow. It is literally falling apart. Constantly. "With its multitude of trucks and dangerous on-ramps, the BQE is a den of congestion at virtually all hours of the day," The New York Times reported in 2012. "But one factor has condemned this antiquated 16.8-mile stretch of highway to a place of longstanding infamy in the New York metropolitan area, if not all of urban America: construction that never seems to end. As Gerry Michalowski, a truck driver who has traveled the BQE since 1978, put it, 'It was under construction then, and it's still under construction now.'" Think again about that house I described at the beginning of this column. It's used by half a dozen people a year. The BQE is used by 58 million vehicles a year. If you don't think there's something wrong with this, if you defend the "right" of the wealthy to aggregate more and more until the point when they own everything including our bodies and souls, consider this: Rich people have to drive on those roads, too. By definition, 580,000 of those BQE users are 1-percenters. America isn't broke, but most Americans are. The reason is simple: Too few people have too much of our national wealth. The pauperizing of our common property — the deliberate starving of public funding for roads, bridges, parks, schools, public hospitals, even hospitals charged with caring for veterans of America's oil wars — reflects the economic and political system's backward priorities. It's immoral. Because any society that spends more resources to maintain and upgrade private homes than public works is crazy stupid. And it hurts the economy. The American Society of Civil Engineers estimates that the United States needs to spend $3.6 trillion over the next six years to replace and repair the nation's decaying dams, upgrade its parks and outdated schools, rusting water mains, and our crumbling airports, train and bus terminals, roads and bridges — many of which have deteriorated to Third World standards. (Although, to be fair to the Third World, I've seen U.S.-funded roads in Afghanistan in better shape than some in L.A.) The ASCE gives the U.S. a D+ on infrastructure. The World Economic Forum ranks the U.S. 25th in the world in infrastructure, behind Oman, Saudi Arabia and Barbados. It doesn't have to be this way. Josef Stalin, of all people, showed how infrastructure could be prioritized over private property. The dictator approved every extravagance — and why not? Obama signs off on every luxury the military can dream up. Determined that his new Moscow Metro be a "palace of the people" for the Soviet capital's subway commuters, Stalin ordered that no expense be spared to create a system that was not only fast and efficient, but beautiful. "In stark contrast to the gray city above," The Times wrote as late as 1988, "the bustling, graffiti-less Metro is a subterranean sanctuary adorned with crystal chandeliers, marble floors and skillfully crafted mosaics and frescoes fit for a czar's palace." With good reason: First, Stalin had chandeliers ripped out of the czar's old palaces and moved underground; for future stations he had even more stunning ones designed from scratch using radically innovative techniques. The Moscow Metro remains a showcase of what socialism could do at its best: prioritize the people and thus improve their daily lives. Then there's us. Earlier this week, President "Obama appeared at the I-495 bridge over the Christina River in Wilmington, Delaware, a span that has been closed since June, when engineers discovered that four of its columns were leaning to one side. That has created a traffic nightmare for the 90,000 vehicles that travel the major East Coast highway every day." The president went to Delaware to "announce new initiatives to encourage private-sector investment in the nation's infrastructure, including the creation of a 'one-stop shop' at the Department of Transportation to forge partnerships between state and local governments, and public and private developers and investors." In other words: The usual too little, too late, and even that probably won't happen. You know you're in trouble when you look up to Stalin. Ted Rall, syndicated writer and cartoonist, is the author of "After We Kill You, We Will Welcome You Back As Honored Guests: Unembedded in Afghanistan," out Sept. 2. Subscribe to Ted Rall at Beacon. DISTRIBUTED BY CREATORS.COM
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Naughty bitch loves fuck with her pet dog This black dog has been trained to fuck a pussy. This naughty bitch loves fuck with her pet dog. Tonight, he is in a room with a couple. But it would only be the naughty bitch who will play with the black dog.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Inspector General Michael Horowitz revealed on Tuesday in a joint hearing with the House Oversight and House Judiciary Committees he is investigating whether Peter Strzok’s anti-Trump bias impacted the launch of the Russia Probe. Trump-hating FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok Fox News reported: Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz confirmed Tuesday that he is investigating whether FBI official Peter Strzok’s anti-Trump bias factored into the launch of the bureau’s Russia probe. TRENDING: OUTRAGEOUS! Ohio State University President Sends Ignorant Text Message to Students Following Breonna Taylor Decision -- And a Crazy-Ass Video! During a joint hearing before the House Oversight and Judiciary committees, Horowitz testified that his office was reviewing Strzok’s anti-Trump text messages as part of a separate probe related to the Russia investigation. “It clearly shows a biased state of mind,” Horowitz said, referring to text messages written as the FBI probe of Hillary Clinton’s private email use was wrapping up and the Russia probe was getting underway. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., questioned Horowitz on whether that apparent bias influenced the initiation of the investigation into Russia interference in the 2016 campaign and potential collusion with Trump’s team. “That’s a matter we’ve got under review and are looking at right now,” Horowitz said. Of course Peter Strzok’s hatred for Trump impacted the launch of the Russia probe. Trump-hating FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok sent his mistress Lisa Page a text message saying “we’ll stop” Trump from becoming President. This text message from Strzok was sent to Page 9 days after “Crossfire Hurricane” was opened and 6 days before the “insurance policy” text. In another damning text exchange between the FBI lovebirds 6 days after Strzok said he’ll “stop” Trump from becoming President, was a discussion about an “insurance policy” to keep Donald Trump out of office. “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office…that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected…but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” Strzok text messaged to Page in an Aug. 15, 2016 exchange, referring to Andrew McCabe. “It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40,” Strzok added. Other text exchanges reveal Strzok and Page had a ‘God complex’ as if they were put in their positions at the FBI to ‘protect the country from that menace’ (Trump). Lisa Page previously text Strzok: “And maybe you’re meant to stay where you are because you’re meant to protect the country from that menace. PS – … I can protect our country at many levels, not sure if that helps” Strzok wanted to stop Trump so desperately he made sure Hillary Clinton did not get criminally referred for her private server during the election because she would then have to be replaced with another Democrat candidate. Of course his bias impacted the launch of the Russia probe. It was the ‘insurance policy’ to prevent Trump from winning the White House. No one expected Trump to win so they extended the Russia probe by appointing a Special Counsel to remove a duly elected President.
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Proposal for C-Hordein as Reference Material in Gluten Quantification. The concentration of residual barley prolamin (hordein) in gluten-free products is overestimated by the R5 ELISA method when calibrated against the wheat gliadin standard. The reason for this may be that the composition of the gliadin standard is different from the composition of hordeins. This study showed that the recognition of whole hordein by R5 antibody mainly came from C-hordein, which is more reactive than the other hordeins. The proportion of C-hordein in total hordein ranged from 16 to 33% of common Finnish barley cultivars used in this study and was always higher than that of ω-gliadin, the homologous protein class in the gliadin standard, which may account for the overestimation. Thus, a hordein standard is needed for barley prolamin quantification instead of the gliadin standard. When gluten-free oat flour was spiked with barley flour, the prolamin concentration was overestimated 1.8-2.5 times with the gliadin standard, whereas estimates in the correct range were obtained when the standard was 40% C-hordein mixed with an inert protein. A preparative-scale method was developed to isolate and purify C-hordein, and C-hordein is proposed as a reference material to calibrate barley prolamin quantification in R5-based assays.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Industrial process industries primarily rely upon energy sources that include one or more combustion processes. Such combustion processes include operation of a furnace or boiler to generate energy from combustion, which is then used for the process. While combustion provides relatively low-cost energy, its use is typically regulated and combustion efficiency is sought to be maximized. Accordingly, one goal of the process management industry is to reduce the production of greenhouse gases by maximizing combustion efficiency of existing furnaces and boilers. In situ or in-process analyzers are commonly used for the monitoring, optimization, and control of combustion processes. Typically, these analyzers employ sensors that are heated to relatively high temperatures and are operated directly above, or near, the furnace or boiler combustion zone. Known analyzers, such as that sold under the trade designation X-Stream O2 Combustion Flue Gas Transmitter available from Rosemount Analytical Inc. of Solon, Ohio (an Emerson Process Management company), often employ zirconia oxide sensors heated to a temperature above approximately 700° Celsius (1300° Fahrenheit). If the combustion process should suffer a flame out condition, raw fuel and air are could be exposed to this sensor which, by virtue of its elevated temperature, could become an ignition source with the possibility of precipitating an explosion. Known analyzers generally employ a sintered metal or other diffuser positioned between a measurement cell and the process combustion gas to allow the process gas to diffuse to the measurement zone while minimizing flow effects and reducing measurement cell contamination. The diffuser readily allows the process gas to contact the heated measurement cell itself and, in the case of the process combustion gas is replaced by a flammable gas, enables an explosion. This situation can occur if the combustion flame is extinguished and fuel continues to flow. Some process analyzers are approved for hazardous area operation. Some approvals include those provided by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), Factory Mutual (FM), ATmosphares EXplosibles (ATEX), et cetera. Typically, hazardous area-approved analyzers include a flame arrestor that is added over the diffuser with the intent of quenching, or otherwise inhibiting, an explosion that might occur in front of the heated measurement cell, thereby preventing the ignition of the larger fuel volume in the boiler or combustion zone. These flame arrestors have been tested and approved in the past. However, it is believed that the safety provided by such arrestors can be improved. Moreover, the utilization of the flame arrestors may inhibit, to some degree, access to the measurement cell thereby increasing measurement lag. State of the art process safety systems generally provide a flame scanner to alert an operator and/or send an electrical signal indicating that the flame is extinguished and that raw fuel may be flowing. Fully automated systems immediately shut down fuel flow, while manual systems generally require operator intervention. A potentially hazardous situation can also arise during the initial lighting of the process burner or boiler, where fuel is introduced and an ignition source is used to initiate a flame. In some situations, raw fuel may reach the oxygen sensor (heated by its own heater to a temperature of 700° Celsius) which may provide a source of ignition prior to the intended ignition source. This can cause a potential flash or explosion. Typically, either a flame arrestor is used on the oxygen sensor or the analyzer is not powered during boiler or furnace startup. The non-powered analyzer is completely safe since the oxygen sensor is not heated and thus cannot form an unintended source of ignition. However, since the analyzer is non-functional for 30-45 minutes after startup, the analyzer is unavailable during the critical combustion startup phase. This can waste fuel and allow excessive emissions and inefficiencies. Thus, it is desired to have an analyzer system that provides both safe startup and fault condition operation while remaining readily available.
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{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
(SP) – NHL commissioner Gary Bettman told reporters today at a press conference before the NHL Awards in Las Vegas that the league will likely re-design the league’s hallowed Stanley Cup in order to give it a more “modern and youthful” look. “The Stanley Cup is one of the greatest things about our sport,” Bettman said. “And I think that when you have an asset that valuable, you want to see if there are ways you can improve it to have even more of a pay off.” The commissioner says he has created a Stanley Cup re-design task force to find ways the trophy can be changed and updated “to better resonate with the modern sports fan.” “I’m sure there are some who will say that this is sacrilege, but any true hockey historian knows that the Cup has been modified in the past, with the additions of the base and rings,” said the commissioner. “Attaching touch screens that display all the names of past winners and show highlights, for example, making it more interactive, is very likely the next logical step in the trophy’s history. We have also discussed having it sponsored by Dr. Pepper. Corporate tie-ins can really help with promotion and growing our game. Adding splashes of color to the trophy is another great option.” Bettman’s press conference then wrapped up with him getting booed by the assembled media.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
A Roman Catholic bishop who has been outspoken in his criticism of President Daniel Ortega over Nicaragua's political standoff left the country Tuesday after being called to the Vatican indefinitely by Pope Francis. Speaking at Managua's international airport, where no members of the country's Bishops' Conference were on hand to bid a farewell, Managua auxiliary Bishop Silvio Báez told journalists and supporters that he was leaving with "my heart broken into pieces." "It hurts me to leave, but my heart remains here and I will always be following (the situation in Nicaragua) closely," Báez said. "As many times as may be necessary and as often as Pope Francis asks me to speak with him, I will give him my vision of reality in the most objective manner possible." Báez, 60, who celebrated his last Mass in Nicaragua on Sunday, said he would visit relatives in Miami before traveling to Rome. Báez has received multiple death threats and suffered a cut on his arm when he and other church officials were attacked by a pro-government mob last year in Diriamba. Drones hover over his home, and men on motorcycles have entered its parking area. He changed his phone number four times because of the threats. When Francis told Báez he was needed in Rome, the pontiff did not say whether the decision was related to an alleged assassination plot that Báez said the U.S. government warned him of several months ago. His transfer for an undetermined period of time was announced two weeks ago and prompted surprise and concern among the Nicaraguan opposition, as well as celebration by Ortega allies. Báez acted as a mediator last year during brief, failed talks on resolving the crisis that erupted in April 2018 with large protests demanding Ortega leave office and allow early elections. Ortega accused his opponents of attempting a coup, and security forces and armed civilian militias launched a crackdown in which at least 325 people were killed, more than 2,000 wounded and over 52,000 fled to exile, according to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. Ortega had invited bishops to take part in the talks but later criticized them harshly. A new round of negotiations with the Church not acting as a mediator but rather as an observer is currently on pause. The government called on opponents to join talks Tuesday, but the Civic Alliance opposition group said Ortega has not abided by previous agreements on freeing all those considered political prisoners and restoring basic freedoms and rights. At the airport Báez said he wishes for Nicaragua "a society founded in social justice that springs from a true peace, where ideological plurality is not a crime but a treasure." He said he had received a letter of thanks on behalf of those who took part in the protests, and added that "the political prisoners have no reason to say thank you, it is us who should thank them for resisting." Báez urged the Civic Alliance to remain "firm" but not break off dialogue and called on Nicaraguans to support its efforts.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Based on the photon-enhanced thermionic emission (PETE) process, a new solar-energy device is about 100 times more efficient than its previous design. Scientists working at the Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences (SIMES) have improved an innovative solar-energy device to be about 100 times more efficient than its previous design in converting the sun’s light and heat into electricity. “This is a major step toward making practical devices based on our technique for harnessing both the light and heat energy provided by the sun,” said Nicholas Melosh, associate professor of materials science and engineering at Stanford and a researcher with SIMES, a joint SLAC/Stanford institute. The new device is based on the photon-enhanced thermionic emission (PETE) process first demonstrated in 2010 by a group led by Melosh and SIMES colleague Zhi-Xun Shen, who is SLAC’s advisor for science and technology. In a report last week in Nature Communications, the group described how they improved the device’s efficiency from a few hundredths of a percent to nearly 2 percent, and said they expect to achieve at least another 10-fold gain in the future. Conventional photovoltaic cells use a portion of the sun’s spectrum of wavelengths to generate electricity. But PETE uses a special semiconductor chip to make electricity by using the entire spectrum of sunlight, including wavelengths that generate heat. In fact, the efficiency of thermionic emission improves dramatically at high temperatures, so adding PETE to utility-scale concentrating solar power plants, such as multi-megawatt power tower and parabolic trough projects in California’s Mojave Desert, may increase their electrical output by 50 percent. Those systems use mirrors to focus sunlight into superbright, blazingly hot regions that boil water into steam, which then spins an electrical generator. “When placed where the sunlight is focused, our PETE chips produce electricity directly; and the hotter it is, the more electricity it will make,” Melosh said. The heart of the improved PETE chip is a sandwich of two semiconductor layers: One is optimized to absorb sunlight and create long-lived free electrons, while the other is designed to emit those electrons from the device so they can be collected as an electrical current. A cesium oxide coating on the second layer eases the electrons’ passage from the chip. Future research is aimed at making the device up to an additional 10 times more efficient by developing new coatings or surface treatments that will preserve the atomic arrangement of the second layer’s outer surface at the high temperatures it will encounter in the concentrating solar power plant. “We expect that other materials, such as those incorporating barium or strontium, will make the surface much more stable up to at least 500 degrees Celsius,” said Jared Schwede, a Stanford graduate student who performed many of the PETE experiments. (play video to see Schwede explain the PETE technology) An additional challenge will be to engineer the device to withstand the dramatic 500-degree daily temperature swings at solar power plants, as their systems heat up during the day and then cool down at night. PETE research has received support from Stanford’s Global Climate and Energy Project, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Department of Energy’s SunShot Initiative and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Publication: J.W. Schwede, et al., “Photon-enhanced thermionic emission from heterostructures with low interface recombination,” Nature Communications 4, Article number: 1576 (2013); doi:10.1038/ncomms2577 Image: Brad Plummer / SLAC; Nick Melosh
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
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Regulation of in vitro release of TH2 type cytokines (IL-4, IL-6) in the T cell response to the trinitrophenyl (TNP) hapten. We have investigated in vitro the ability of T cells from mice primed for contact hypersensitivity to release cytokines of the TH2 subtype, in particular IL-4 and IL-6. We demonstrate that both these cytokines are indeed produced by T cells from the lymph node and spleen of mice immunized by topical application of picryl chloride and restimulated in vitro by TNP-coupled spleen cells. However, the release of IL-4 is limited by the activity of IFN-gamma, a TH1 cytokine which we have previously shown is also produced after contact sensitization. Finally, induction of tolerance to TNP, by intravenous administration of antigen, or transfer of cells from tolerant mice into naive donors prior to sensitization (which suppresses the contact sensitivity reaction in the recipients) leads to a fall in IL-4 production. Thus neither tolerance nor suppression in this system is mediated by the antagonistic activities of TH1- and TH2-type T cells. In contrast, IL-6 production is upregulated during both suppression and tolerance, suggesting that this cytokine may play a part in the negative regulation of contact sensitivity.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Q: C#: reading serial port - BytesToRead I am modifying a C# based UI that interfaces to a small PIC microcontroller tester device. The UI consists of a couple buttons that initiates a test by sending a "command" to the microcontroller via a serial port connection. Every 250 milliseconds, the UI polls the serial interface looking for a brief message comprised of test results from the PIC. The message is displayed in a text box. The code I inherited is as follows: try { btr = serialPort1.BytesToRead; if (btr > 0) Thread.Sleep(300); btr = serialPort1.BytesToRead; if (btr > 0) { Thread.Sleep(300); btr = serialPort1.BytesToRead; numbytes = serialPort1.Read(stuffchar, 0, btr); for (x = 0; x < (numbytes); x++) { cc = (stuffchar[x]); stuff += Convert.ToString(Convert.ToChar((stuffchar[x]))); } What would be the rationale for the first several lines consisting of three calls to BytesToRead and two 300 millisecond sleep calls before finally reading the serial port? Unless I am interpreting the code incorrectly, any successful read from the serial port will take more than 600 milliseconds, which seems peculiar to me. A: It is a dreadful hack around the behavior of SerialPort.Read(). Which returns only the number of bytes actually received. Usually just 1 or 2, serial ports are slow and modern PCs are very fast. So by calling Thread.Sleep(), the code is delaying the UI thread long enough to get the Read() call to return more bytes. Hopefully all of them, whatever the protocol looks like. Usually works, not always. And in the posted code it didn't work and the programmer just arbitrarily delayed twice as long. Ugh. The great misery of course is that the UI thread is pretty catatonic when it is forced to sleep. Pretty noticeable, it gets very slow to paint and to respond to user input. This needs to be repaired by first paying attention to the protocol. The PIC needs to either send a fixed number of bytes in its response, so you can simply count them off, or give the PC a way to detect that the full response is received. Usually done by sending a unique byte as the last byte of a response (SerialPort.NewLine) or by including the length of the response as a byte value at the start of the message. Specific advice is hard to give, you didn't describe the protocol at all. You can keep the hacky code and move it into a worker thread so it won't affect the UI so badly. You get one for free from the SerialPort.DataReceived event. But that tend to produce two problems instead of solving the core issue.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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Silvio Berlusconi ha chiesto una marcatura a uomo su Leo Messi, affidata alternativamente a Flamini e Muntari. Peccato che il francese sarà assente domani sera nella sfida di San Siro del Milan contro il Barcellona e Allegri non avrà a disposizione nemmeno Nocerino. I rossoneri arrivano dunque con pochissime alternative in mezzo al campo, zona fondamentale a prescindere e ancora di più per fronteggiare una formazione del livello dei blaugrana. Alla luce di queste defezioni, Allegri dovrebbe affidarsi a capitan Ambrosini davanti alla difesa con Montolivo e Muntari ai lati. L'unica variabile è rappresentata dal ruolo di Boateng, che dovrebbe agire da attaccante destro al posto di Niang, ma che può essere impiegato anche come mezzala sinistra e con la conseguente presenza dell'ex attaccante del Caen sulla stessa linea di El Shaarawy e Pazzini. Ecco la lista dei 19 convocati rossoneri per Milan-Barcellona: Abbiati, Amelia, Gabriel, Abate, De Sciglio, Mexes, Yepes, Zapata, Ambrosini, Boateng, Constant, Cristante (N.36), Montolivo, Muntari, Traorè, Bojan, El Shaarawy, Niang, Pazzini.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
The stunning Akina Nakahara gets her ears licked by two guys while they rub her pussy through her panties. The undress her revealing her tiny tits and start to lick her ass before finger fucking her delicious young pussy. She gets licked from behind as she sucks one dick befor she sucks both dicks deep in her mouth. They take turns fucking her hairy young pussy hard doggy style before she takes control and rides them vigorously until her young pussy runs over with their hot jizz.
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/** * Copyright 2018, 2019 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ using System.Collections.Generic; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace IBM.Watson.SpeechToText.V1.Model { /// <summary> /// Information about a word from a custom language model. /// </summary> public class Word { /// <summary> /// A word from the custom model's words resource. The spelling of the word is used to train the model. /// </summary> [JsonProperty("word", NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)] public string _Word { get; set; } /// <summary> /// An array of pronunciations for the word. The array can include the sounds-like pronunciation automatically /// generated by the service if none is provided for the word; the service adds this pronunciation when it /// finishes processing the word. /// </summary> [JsonProperty("sounds_like", NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)] public List<string> SoundsLike { get; set; } /// <summary> /// The spelling of the word that the service uses to display the word in a transcript. The field contains an /// empty string if no display-as value is provided for the word, in which case the word is displayed as it is /// spelled. /// </summary> [JsonProperty("display_as", NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)] public string DisplayAs { get; set; } /// <summary> /// A sum of the number of times the word is found across all corpora. For example, if the word occurs five /// times in one corpus and seven times in another, its count is `12`. If you add a custom word to a model /// before it is added by any corpora, the count begins at `1`; if the word is added from a corpus first and /// later modified, the count reflects only the number of times it is found in corpora. /// </summary> [JsonProperty("count", NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)] public long? Count { get; set; } /// <summary> /// An array of sources that describes how the word was added to the custom model's words resource. For OOV /// words added from a corpus, includes the name of the corpus; if the word was added by multiple corpora, the /// names of all corpora are listed. If the word was modified or added by the user directly, the field includes /// the string `user`. /// </summary> [JsonProperty("source", NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)] public List<string> Source { get; set; } /// <summary> /// If the service discovered one or more problems that you need to correct for the word's definition, an array /// that describes each of the errors. /// </summary> [JsonProperty("error", NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)] public List<WordError> Error { get; set; } } }
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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William J. Bichsel William Jerome Bichsel, S.J. (May 26, 1928 – February 28, 2015), nicknamed "Bix", was a Jesuit priest in Tacoma, Washington, United States. He is notable for his actions as a non-violent protester, spending time in federal prison for actions to promote social justice and nuclear disarmament and was deeply engaged in the effort to close the School of the Americas. He died February 28, 2015, of heart disease in Tacoma, Washington. Biography Fr. Bill Bichsel (Bix) was born in Tacoma in 1928 and ordained as a Jesuit priest in 1959. Bix's parents were George and Sarah Bichsel, and he had 6 siblings, including Tom Bichsel of Alaska. He was assigned to St. Leo Parish in Tacoma, Washington. After completing his assignment there, Bichsel hitchhiked around the nation for 6 months and then worked as a community organizer in Seattle. In 1979, he returned to Tacoma where remained until his death. Bix lived a life of community building, civil resistance, and peacemaking. His "parish" was the streets of the Hilltop neighborhood in Tacoma. Civil Resistance and Peacemaking Bichsel was a non-violent activist who served prison time for his actions of nonviolent resistance. He was arrested more than 40 times and spent nearly two and a half years in prison. He was arrested for an action at the Naval Base Kitsap in Bangor, Washington while serving at Saint Leo's in the 1970s. He served various sentences in King County and Lompoc, California. In 1996, Bichsel served a year in federal prison for protesting at the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia. Bix, Susan Crane, Lynne Greenwald, Steve Kelly, S.J., and Anne Montgomery RSCJ, were arrested on Naval Base Kitsap- Bangor at the largest nuclear weapon storage area in the US. He was sentenced, along with four other protesters, to two months in federal prison for breaking through two levels of security at the Naval Base Kitsap to protest. The protesters attempted to break through to a bunker where nuclear weapons were stored, to spill blood, pray, plant sunflowers, and hang posters in opposition to the weapons, but were stopped. In 2011, he was arrested again for trespassing on the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. He was sentenced to three months in a federal jail near Seattle, Washington. He was held in solitary confinement for at least part of his sentence. Bichsel was released on February 9, 2012. Hilltop Community Building In 1979 Bix moved away from the rectory to work and live with marginalized neighbors in Tacoma. He initiated several housing projects and 1983 - co-founded the G Street Community with Bob Gallucci, Joe Drutis, and Theresa Powers. People experiencing homelessness and suffering with extreme mental illness were invited to live in community at Guadalupe House in the Hilltop of Tacoma. Bix and Kevin Glackin-Coley established The Tacoma Catholic Worker community at Guadalupe House in 1990. External links Interview discussing Nov. 2, 2009, Bangor action. References Category:1928 births Category:American Roman Catholic priests Category:American anti–nuclear weapons activists Category:Nonviolence advocates Category:2015 deaths
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
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32 So Jeremiah took another scroll and gave it to the scribe Baruch, Neriah's son, who wrote at Jeremiah's dictation all the words in the scroll burned in the fire by Judah's King Jehoiakim. Many similar words were added to them.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine. Thursday, August 06, 2015 urinals of the world hi there i am prepared to admit, look you see, that the title of this blog post is somewhat misleading, or indeed even a tad incorrect. the plural is entirely superfluous, for a start, and thus as a consequence the claim of them, or if you like it, being "of the world" is on the whole incorrect. downright false, actually. sorry, but at least you have got the disappointment out of the way early on. my good friend Spiros has elected to go on a tour of various areas of Europe noted for being home to what many may well consider to be a disproportionate number of peasants. i can't tell you why he has done this because, honestly, i am not really or particularly interested beyond him bringing back some lovely, cheap cigarettes. and even then, dear reader, i suspect that instead of Marlboro he shall be going out of his way to find me brands such as Κρίμα and Φιλικό Κυρίου. i can't wait. regardless, Spiros has elected to send me images from time to time and i have decided to share them here, mostly for the benefit of all you Spiros enthusiasts. the first one is, i am sure you can guess, of a gentleman's restroom facility. Spiros is quite enamoured, if not enthralled, by gentlemen's toilets. he reckons they are not so much "as good a place as any" to meet men, but rather an exceptionally good place to do this. he likes to share his enthusiasm for them by sending me pictures of particular noteworthy ones. famously, as it happens, he once sent me some 300MB images of the restroom facilities at Dubai airport, and regaled me with tales of the many Arabic and Turkish gentlemen who seem content to spend hours standing around the entrance of them. the above urinal is unmistakably Greek, which would make sense as Greece was on the list of areas Spiros reckoned he was going to go and see to survey peasants and a few scrapyards. beyond the classical architecture of their distinct and distinguished urinals, Greece has in recent times become rather famous for one or two minor economic indiscretions. in official terms, their economy "πήγε πατήσαμε" and has pretty much remained that way. so it feels somewhat sadistic of me to share an image of a banknote that Greece would probably rather appreciate being sent to them in real terms. this banknote, with a face value of £10 sterling, was recently issued to me by one of them ATM thingies, or if you like money vending machines. yes, it is quite pretty, but the reason i am sharing it is, you may have worked out, for the fact that it seems to be encoded. i have, weirdly, had several messages passed on to me in unorthodox ways in the past. am i prepared to discuss or share those ways with you? not really. one or two of them are ones which conjure somewhat fond memories; ones from a time when i might be persuaded to have considered myself, as an existence, worthwhile. for the most part, though, messages are usually conveyed to me via the usual means - letters in the post, more recently emails and texts, people randomly yelling "wanker" at me in public places, telephone calls and the occasional drop by and visit from time to time. someone going to the time and trouble to send me a message via a banknote dispensed by one of them cash machines is, however, a new one. which is kind of weird as i spent some 14 years working in a bank, now that i think. i mean, how could they have known that i would have used that machine at such a time to get the note with the message on it? that's James Bond stuff, man. except without the being picky about vintages of wine, troubling myself with concerns about if a drink was shaken or stirred and, perhaps regrettably, without the random and apparently very easy to get sex with ladies who shall invariably attempt to kill me not too long after the fact. we shall return to the encoded banknote later, but for now, more of the Spiros tour of peasants and indeed back to the land where the economy "πήγε πατήσαμε". and further indeed, back to the hope that he remembers to bring me back some class fags. the focal point of this image is the magnificent, bowl like ashtray you can see. it's a very very attractive one and Spiros has pledged, even if it means that the Greek economy goes even more "πήγε πατήσαμε", he will bring it home for me. he does not care if people have to get hurt in the process of him getting it. yes i did, as it happens, ask him about the suntan lotion. i asked him if he had gone all nancy boy, using lotions and oils to bronze himself in the vicinity of the agean sea sun. his answer was "that is not lotion, bru". fearing that it might be related to any one of several gents he met at the bathroom from earlier, i troubled myself with asking him no further questions. yes, i do actually appreciate that i should be posting further images from our time away in Scarborough rather than troubling you all with this, but i am doing this now, so there you go. here, dear reader who has got this far, here's a closer look at the apparently coded message on the bank note. what does it mean? i mean, what is it that someone is trying to tell me? as far as i can work out, someone seems to have wished for me to spend £146 on Carling, which is an awful lot to spend on glorified, fizzy water, and to that extent handed over either £150 or £180 to get it, with the matter of if that is a 5 or an 8 being rather unclear. i'm going to assume that the translation is not quite so literal as the above, but without a cypher or some sort of clue i'm afraid that's the only possible interpretation i can reach. perhaps, i suppose, the message was intended for someone else, and i rather inadvertently intercepted it.if this message wasn't intended for me - and for all i know it's all to do with some sports sponsorship deal being brokered - then i can only hope the intended recipient has somehow found the message here and has responded or acted accordingly. in the mean time, i shall probably just spend the note with the code on it on some item or other. right, i am off to write a fairly strongly worded letter to Royal Mail, and then i suspect i shall be retiring for the evening. so a post of actual interest might not be coming your way here tonight, sorry.be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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