[ "Q:\n\nhow to flat array js\n\nHow to flatten this array : \n\n[\r\n {ID: 0 , TITLE: 'A', children: [{ID: 1, TITLE: 'AA'}]},\r\n {ID: 2 , TITLE: 'B', children: []},\r\n {ID: 3 , TITLE: 'C', children: [{ID: 4, TITLE: 'CC', children:[{ID: 5, TITLE: 'CCC'}]}]}\r\n]\n\nTo get something like this : \n\nA \nA / AA\nB\nC / CC / CCC\n\nA:\n\nYou could use store the nested item of the actual object and take an iterative and recursive approach with a closure over the path.", "\nFor an incrementing ID, you could use either an additional variable for incrementing if a new row is found or iterate at the end the given array and add the index as id.\nThis proposal uses an additional id variable, because it requires no extra loop.", "\n\nvar array = [{ ID: 0, TITLE: 'A', children: [{ ID: 1, TITLE: 'AA' }] }, { ID: 2, TITLE: 'B', children: [] }, { ID: 3, TITLE: 'C', children: [{ ID: 4, TITLE: 'CC', children: [{ ID: 5, TITLE: 'CCC' }] }] }],\r\n id = 0,\r\n result = array.reduce(function f(p) {\r\n return function (r, o) {\r\n var temp = p.concat(o.", "TITLE);\r\n r.push({ ID: id++, TITLE: temp.join('/') });\r\n if (o.children) {\r\n o.children.reduce(f(temp), r);\r\n }\r\n return r;\r\n };\r\n }([]), []);\r\n\r\nconsole.log(result);\n.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !", "important; top: 0; }\n\nA:\n\nThere's no need to complicate things here, you just need a function that loop over the array items, get their TITLE and if the item has children, we call the function recursively:\nfunction getLevels(array, parent) {\n var results = [];\n array.forEach(function(el) {\n results.push(!parent ? ", "el[\"TITLE\"] : parent + \"/\" + el[\"TITLE\"]);\n let prefix = parent ? ", "parent + \"/\" + el[\"TITLE\"] : el[\"TITLE\"];\n if (el.children && el.children.length > 0) {\n getLevels(el.children, prefix).forEach(function(child) {\n results.push(child);\n });\n }\n });\n return results;\n}\n\nDemo:\n\nvar arr = [{\r\n ID: 0,\r\n TITLE: 'A',\r\n children: [{\r\n ID: 1,\r\n TITLE: 'AA'\r\n }]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n ID: 2,\r\n TITLE: 'B',\r\n children: []\r\n },\r\n {\r\n ID: 3,\r\n TITLE: 'C',\r\n children: [{\r\n ID: 4,\r\n TITLE: 'CC',\r\n children: [{\r\n ID: 5,\r\n TITLE: 'CCC'\r\n }]\r\n }]\r\n }\r\n];\r\n\r\nfunction getLevels(array, parent) {\r\n var results = [];\r\n array.forEach(function(el) {\r\n results.push(!parent ? ", "el[\"TITLE\"] : parent + \"/\" + el[\"TITLE\"]);\r\n let prefix = parent ? ", "parent + \"/\" + el[\"TITLE\"] : el[\"TITLE\"];\r\n if (el.children && el.children.length > 0) {\r\n getLevels(el.children, prefix).forEach(function(child) {\r\n results.push(child);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n return results;\r\n}\r\n\r\nconsole.log(getLevels(arr));\n\nEdit:\nThis is how to proceed to get the id in the array:\nresults.push({\n \"ID\": el[\"ID\"],\n \"TITLE\": (!", "parent ? ", "el[\"TITLE\"] : parent + \"/\" + el[\"TITLE\"])\n});\n\nDemo:\n\nvar arr = [{\r\n ID: 0,\r\n TITLE: 'A',\r\n children: [{\r\n ID: 1,\r\n TITLE: 'AA'\r\n }]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n ID: 2,\r\n TITLE: 'B',\r\n children: []\r\n },\r\n {\r\n ID: 3,\r\n TITLE: 'C',\r\n children: [{\r\n ID: 4,\r\n TITLE: 'CC',\r\n children: [{\r\n ID: 5,\r\n TITLE: 'CCC'\r\n }]\r\n }]\r\n }\r\n];\r\n\r\nfunction getLevels(array, parent) {\r\n var results = [];\r\n array.forEach(function(el) {\r\n results.push({\r\n \"ID\": el[\"ID\"],\r\n \"TITLE\": (!", "parent ? ", "el[\"TITLE\"] : parent + \"/\" + el[\"TITLE\"])\r\n });\r\n let prefix = parent ? ", "parent + \"/\" + el[\"TITLE\"] : el[\"TITLE\"];\r\n if (el.children && el.children.length > 0) {\r\n getLevels(el.children, prefix).forEach(function(child) {\r\n results.push(child);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n return results;\r\n}\r\n\r\nconsole.log(getLevels(arr));\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Q:\n\nhow to deal with c void in Julia v0.4\n\nThe exposed API from c is:\nbam_hdr_t *bam_hdr_init(void);\n\nhow do I write its wrapper in Julia?", "\nccall((:bam_hdr_init,\"lib.so\"), Ptr{bam_hdr_t}) works in Julia v0.5, but not in v0.4.", "\n\nA:\n\nccall((:bam_hdr_init,\"lib.so\"), Ptr{bam_hdr_t},()) works for both versions of Julia\n\n" ]
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[ 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0 ]
[ "In the 14 years since Star Fox 64 first landed on shelves, millions have answered the desperate call to save the Lylat system from the forces of the vile Andross. ", "Few who have heeded that call have forgotten the brave wingmen who flew alongside them, or the perilous places they passed through on their mission. ", "Now, the call rings out once again. ", "Star Fox 64 is and has always been a well-crafted adventure, and whether you're a seasoned space ace or a novice pilot, you're sure to enjoy rescuing Corneria from Andross' clutches. ", "Underneath the new 3D paint job, this is mostly the same game that has been released not only for the N64, but also on the Wii's Virtual Console, and it's hard not to wish that Nintendo had created a new mission to undertake rather than hauling out this classic again. ", "But although Fox's Arwing has been around the galaxy a few times, she's still got it where it counts.", "\n\nThe diabolical scientist Andross was exiled long ago to the distant world of Venom, and from there, he now mounts an invasion against the peaceful planet Corneria. ", "His forces overwhelmed, the canine General Pepper calls on the services of the Star Fox team, a mercenary band of fighter pilots, to fend off the invasion and take the fight to Andross' harsh homeworld. ", "But team leader Fox McCloud and his fellow fighters aren't in it just for the money. ", "Fox's father, James, led a mission to Venom some years ago from which he never returned, and which team member Peppy Hare narrowly survived. ", "The characters have plenty of personality--particularly Falco, whose arrogance is as sharp as his beak. ", "The frequent chatter between team members Fox, Peppy, Slippy, and Falco creates a sense of camaraderie, though some lines repeat too often. ", "Peppy loves to inform you that \"Your father helped me like that, too\" when you blast a bogey off his tail, which you might find yourself doing frequently.", "\n\nYour mission to defeat Andross begins on the lush planet of Corneria. ", "Propelled forward along a narrow path, you shoot enemies both airborne and on land, and do some fancy flying with your Arwing spacecraft to evade enemy fire and snag power-ups. ", "Control is easy and intuitive; holding the left or right shoulder button while turning lets you bank in that direction more quickly, and a double-tap of either shoulder button performs the famous barrel roll, which deflects enemy fire in addition to looking pretty cool. ", "As a result, you feel like a skilled pilot from the moment you start playing, but true mastery of Star Fox 64 takes time.", "\n\nDon't let the fact that you're underwater keep you from doing a barrel roll.", "\n\nEach stage plays out the same way each time, with enemies entering from the same directions at the same moments. ", "Familiarizing yourself with these patterns is vital if you want to earn the medal for each stage, which requires you to score a certain number of hits against enemies. ", "Earning these medals isn't easy, and they serve as a good incentive to revisit the stages repeatedly and hone your skills. ", "If you earn all of them, you earn the right to feel like a hotshot, and you unlock the game's expert difficulty level, which has a whole new set of medals to earn. ", "But you don't have to be concerned with acing the mission to have a good experience with Star Fox 64. ", "You can also have fun just fumbling your way through the adventure. ", "It's easy enough to be accessible to just about anyone, but those who want a significant challenge will find that, as well. ", "And this version includes two difficulty levels that are available from the start: one duplicates the difficulty of the N64 version, while the other makes your ship sturdier and your enemies easier.", "\n\nYour journey to Venom to overthrow Andross is not a long one; playing through the game from start to finish takes well under an hour. ", "But this is a game you'll want to play through many times. ", "There are 15 stages in all--16, if you count the two different versions of the final stage--but you pass through only seven of them on any given mission. ", "Each stage is distinctly different from all the others. ", "The massive asteroids of Meteo dwarf your tiny Arwing, while the rippling surface of Solar exudes a palpable sense of heat. ", "There's a good deal to discover in these diverse stages, like the routes that let you progress to more difficult worlds, and tricks for dealing with certain bosses. ", "And although the stages don't hold any surprises after you've played through them a few times, their varied dangers and exciting objectives help them stand up to multiple plays. ", "You may need to swerve to avoid a massive obstacle one moment, blast a squadron of enemy ships the next, and boost ahead to come to the aid of your wingtoad the next. ", "You may need to hop in a tank and take out a train on the surface of Macbeth, or take to a submarine and investigate the depths of Aquas. ", "Even when you know what's coming, the constantly shifting action keeps things fun.", "\n\nAlthough you're usually speeding ahead along a set path, in some spots you can move freely within an enclosed area. ", "For instance, in a few missions, you're attacked by the cold characters who compose the Star Wolf team, and the action shifts to let you fly around at will as you dogfight these villains. ", "This freedom is a pleasant change from the more limited action that makes up most of the game, but it has limits of its own, and these limits can be frustrating, since they don't impede your enemies. ", "The Star Wolf pilots have a tendency to fly up when you're hot on their tails, and a low ceiling prevents you from pursuing them. ", "The bad guys don't stay out of range for long, but this artificial hindrance still saps these dogfights of some excitement.", "\n\nStar Fox 64 3D doesn't alter the style of the game's visuals; there's still an inviting geometric simplicity to these environments that makes this universe a believable home for the cartoonish anthropomorphic animals who inhabit it. ", "But this version employs a richer color palette than the original, and the sharpness of the visuals puts the comparatively fuzzy N64 version to shame. ", "3D is a welcome addition here, as star fields in the distance create a convincing sense of being in deep space. ", "So even if you know the floating rubble of Sector X like the back of your hand, the updated look breathes some new life into this adventure.", "\n\nIf you'd rather blast your buddies than talking pigs, apes, and wolves, Star Fox 64 3D's local multiplayer mode lets you dogfight with up to three friends. ", "The four environments, which include the volcanic surface of Venom and the heart of Corneria City, provide plenty of obstacles for fancy flyers to weave through in an attempt to shake off pursuers, and the tight controls allow for some exciting aerial battles. ", "You also have the option of turning on the 3DS camera and trying to throw your competitors off their game by making funny faces. ", "It's unfortunate that there's no online support to let you blast faraway friends out of the sky, but on the plus side, the multiplayer is via download play, so you need only one copy of the game to enjoy it.", "\n\nThe bosses look tough, but your pal Peppy points out their weaknesses.", "\n\nIt's still a pleasure to discover (or rediscover) the varied regions of the Lylat system with this colorful cast of characters. ", "For some, this adventure may feel a little too familiar, and it won't hold any surprises for those who have overthrown Andross in the past. ", "And the addition of a \"gyro controls\" option that lets you steer the ship by tilting the 3DS adds little to the experience; it fails to offer the responsiveness of the traditional controls, and its presence is nothing more than a curiosity. ", "Even considering the visual overhaul, $40 is too high a price for this 14-year-old game that you can buy for ten bucks on the Wii's Virtual Console. ", "But Star Fox 64 stands the test of time, and whether you're new to this space-faring adventure or just eager to take that old Arwing for another spin, you won't be disappointed." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPerfmon counters for monitoring general IIS/MSSQL server activity\n\nI have a virtual server with a hosting company so CPU and RAM are limited. ", "I need to watch load/performance over time to know when to upgrade the server.", "\nThe site runs multiple ASP.NET apps as well as PHP apps, all with MSSQL backend.", "\nWhat are some vital perfmon counters to use to monitor a standard IIS/MSSQL web server: I.e. incoming IIS request volume, response times, MSSQL load, etc? ", "A short description on why the counter matters and what to watch for (if not obvious) would also be helpful.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou should start with the basics;\n\nProcessor Information\\% Processor Time\nMemory\\Pages/Sec\nMemory: Available Bytes\nLogical Disk*\\Average Disk Queue Length\nSQL Server:Buffer Manager\\Buffer cache hit ratio\n\nIf you went with the default install of non-express SQL then it will take all the memory it can and starve IIS/Windows. ", "On the other hand, if SQL doesn't have enough memory it will have a low Buffer cache hit ratio and you will probably see disk queueing. ", " Most other counters will be a side-effect of a constraint on disk/memory/processor for a single server installation. ", " Once you get to the point where you need to determine if it is: IIS/SQL, php vs asp.net, identify intensive WPs, etc. ", "then the monitoring becomes more complex and you will need to do a lot of research or hire a contractor.", "\nUser performance monitor or advisor tool linked at the bottom to setup a data collection schedule to log the key performance counters. ", "Generally a 5-15 minute sample is sufficient for overall system monitoring/analysis. ", " If you are trying to diagnose a specific issue you may go down to 15s or less for short periods of time. ", "\nPages/Sec: Average of extended periods > 150 can indicate a problem, but it also depends on disk. ", " On a cloud server you might want to avg < 150 as the disk is likely shared or remote. ", " Also look at Available Bytes, if pages/sec is high and Available Bytes is high, then the counter can be misleading as there are other causes than paging that are beyond the scope of this question\n% Processor Time: If it averages or you see extended periods > 75-80% you are CPU bound. ", "\nBuffer cache hit ratio: Generally should be 96-99%, lower indicates that SQL is not effectively caching and needs more memory\nAverage Disk Queue Length: Log for each individual disk, > 2 indicate that the disk is saturated. ", " You can also log PhysicalDisk\\% Idle Time and if it falls below 20% it indicates disk saturation.", "\nYou can also use Microsoft's performance advisor to jumpstart your monitoring and have more thorough monitoring based on Microsoft recommendations;\nMicrosoft Performance Advisor\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Q:\n\nViewPager menu icon delay when swiping\n\nWhen swiping between tabs on my application, the menu icons have a distinct delay before they appear. ", "If I click tabs, rather than swiping, they update immediately. ", "I have different menu.xml files for each fragment, and inflate them inside each fragment's onCreateOptionsMenu.", "\n@Override\npublic void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) {\n inflater.inflate(R.menu.fodmap_menu, menu);\n\n final MenuItem item = menu.findItem(R.id.action_search);\n final SearchView searchView = (SearchView) MenuItemCompat.getActionView(item);\n searchView.setOnQueryTextListener(this);\n}\n\nNotice the icon changes from the overflow to the magnifying glass instantly when the tabs are clicked, but distinctly delayed when swiping. ", "I would like the icon to be updated as soon as the new tab is centered. ", "On Pocket Cast's Discover menu the tabs with different menu icons seem to load them even before the swipe animation completes. ", "\n\nA:\n\nInstead of using a different menu inside each fragment of the view pager - inflate the menu, call invalidateOptionsMenu() inside the ViewPager's onPageChangeListener, and programmatically display desired menu icon's in onCreateOptionsMenu, all inside the main activity instead of the fragments. ", "The searchView listener is still handled in the fragment.", "\n mViewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.", "OnPageChangeListener() {\n @Override\n public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) {\n invalidateOptionsMenu();\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onPageSelected(int position) {}\n @Override\n public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) {}\n });\n\n @Override\n public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {\n getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.fodmap_menu, menu);\n if (mViewPager.getCurrentItem()==0){\n menu.findItem(R.id.action_search).setVisible(false);\n } else if(mViewPager.getCurrentItem()==1){\n menu.findItem(R.id.action_search).setVisible(true);\n } else if(mViewPager.getCurrentItem()==2) {\n menu.findItem(R.id.action_search).setVisible(false);\n }\n return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);\n }\n\nThere is no delay now and the menu icons update before the swipe animation finishes.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.008695652173913044, 0, 0, 0.006622516556291391, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0.007261410788381743, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nComparing fields of object store in arraylist using iterator\n\nI am passing an integer value address to this function. ", "This integer value is contained by one of the object stored in Arraylist \"instrHolder\". ", "Now I want to first find out which object contains this value and return the entire object of type \"Instruction\". ", "Here is what I am trying - \nprivate static Instruction getInstruction( int address) {\n Iterator<Instruction> iterator = instrHolder.iterator();\n while(iterator.hasNext()){\n if(/*condition need to know*/)\n return /*need to know*/;\n }\n}\n\nHow should I write the if condition and what should be my return statement? ", "Please help me out?", "\n\nA:\n\niterator.next() will give you the current instance of the List. ", "You should check your condition on that instance and return it if the condition is satisfied :\nprivate static Instruction getInstruction(int address) {\n Iterator<Instruction> iterator = instrHolder.iterator();\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n Instruction current = iterator.next();\n if (current.getSomeProperty().equals(someValue))\n return current;\n }\n return null;\n}\n\nAs hinted by Spotted, you should decide what to return if no element of your list matches the condition. ", "I chose to return null in this case.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "One thing you learn quickly in the dating advice business: some topics are more or less evergreen. ", "And with the recent explosion on social media, it’s a good time to talk about one of my favorite topics: Nice Guys. ", "After all, what better way could we ring in a new year than by looking at some old issues?", "\n\nBut first, some context:\n\nOver the last week or so, I had several people forward me links to this comment from MIT Professor Scott Aaronson’s blog about growing up as a nerd terrified of women and trying to be a Nice Guy and how this meant that nerds couldn’t be keeping women out of STEM fields. ", "As is the nature of the Internet, this immediately was an opportunity to comment on the topic. ", "Many people had some interesting and thought-provoking comments to share; Laurie Penny focused on the tricky topics of intersectionality and privilege while Amanda Marcotte discussed the problematic subtext of his complaints. ", "Of course, this too becomes its own invitation to comment as Scott Alexander rode to Professor Aaronson’s defense ((And believe me, Alexander’s got enough bullshit for me to handle in a future column. ", "Also, bro do you even link?)) , ", "criticizing Penny and Marcotte in turn.", "\n\nSo I thought, hey, why not join in the fun?", "\n\nFlippancy aside, my purpose isn’t to add to the criticism per se; instead, I want to talk about some of the underlying attitudes at play here regarding nerds, entitlement and dating. ", "Both Aaronson’s complaints are excellent examples of what I hear from nerds and self-described Nice Guys all the time. ", "Critically, they’re held forth as reasons why Nice Guys deserve a break instead of the opprobrium they receive and why it’s unfair for women to treat them with disdain, with a dash of nerd victim culture and privilege for flavor.", "\n\nSo let’s dive back into the Nice Guy debate, shall we?", "\n\nFear Leads To Anger. ", "Anger Leads To Hate. ", "Hate Leads To Suffering\n\nThe long and short of Aaronson’s comment is fairly simple: Nerds are Nice Guys (as opposed to guys who are nice) they’re unfairly maligned by society because the world is cruel and mean and unfair. ", "Aaronson, for example, explains that because he’s a nerd, he was at a disadvantage when it came to talking to women. ", "Why? ", "Because he was terrified.", "\n\nHere’s the thing: I spent my formative years—basically, from the age of 12 until my mid-20s—feeling not “entitled,” not “privileged,” but terrified. ", "I was terrified that one of my female classmates would somehow find out that I sexually desired her, and that the instant she did, I would be scorned, laughed at, called a creep and a weirdo, maybe even expelled from school or sent to prison. ", "And furthermore, that the people who did these things to me would somehow be morally right to do them—even if I couldn’t understand how.", "\n\nThis is an incredibly common complaint that I hear from men, especially Nice Guys: they’re scared. ", "I’ve lost track of how many men have told me that they’re terrified of making a mistake, of being called a creeper or – as in Aaronson’s example, somehow ending up being thrown in jail because that’s how law works.", "\n\nIn fact, they’re so terrified that many decide to quit talking to women entirely. ", "Aaronson, however, took his fear to the next level:\n\nMy recurring fantasy, through this period, was to have been born a woman, or a gay man, or best of all, completely asexual, so that I could simply devote my life to math, like my hero Paul Erdös did. ", "Anything, really, other than the curse of having been born a heterosexual male, which for me, meant being consumed by desires that one couldn’t act on or even admit without running the risk of becoming an objectifier or a stalker or a harasser or some other creature of the darkness. […] ", "At one point, I actually begged a psychiatrist to prescribe drugs that would chemically castrate me (I had researched which ones), because a life of mathematical asceticism was the only future that I could imagine for myself.", "\n\nWhile I can sympathize with the emotion – I’ve had all the same worst-case scenario nightmares when I’ve approached women I like – the cold truth is that this anxiety is self-inflicted. ", "The problem isn’t in the desire, it’s in the belief. ", "At their core, these imagined nightmares are about ego protection. ", "All these over-the-top consequences – the mockery, the social expulsion, even being jailed – are ways our brain protects us from the fear of rejection. ", "Don’t get me wrong: the discomfort and anxiety that Aaronson and so many others feel is very real – our bodies respond to imagined fears the same way they respond to real ones. ", "The heart palpitations, the way your hands start to shake and your vision starts to narrow… these are all the physical symptoms of fear. ", "However, the reason we have these anxieties is because they keep us from attempting what we really fear: getting rejected by someone we’re attracted to. ", "These unpleasant fantasies provide convenient and plausible excuses for why the person suffering from them can’t and and shouldn’t approach someone. ", "We dislike the sensation of being afraid and so we come to avoid the situations that might trigger them… literally becoming afraid of being afraid.", "\n\nPart of what makes it so stressful and torturous to Aaronson and the many others who suffer from this anxiety is that they live in a world of impossibilities. ", "They’ve bought into the dating binary: you’re either good with women or you’re not and there’s nothing you can do about this. ", "All of those little fears and anxieties get reinforced by confirmation bias – looking for proof that they’re correct for feeling this way. ", "Case in point:\n\nOf course, I was smart enough to realize that maybe this was silly, maybe I was overanalyzing things. ", "So I scoured the feminist literature for any statement to the effect that my fears were as silly as I hoped they were. ", "But I didn’t find any. ", "On the contrary: I found reams of text about how even the most ordinary male/female interactions are filled with “microaggressions,” and how even the most “enlightened” males—especially the most “enlightened” males, in fact—are filled with hidden entitlement and privilege and a propensity to sexual violence that could burst forth at any moment.", "\n\nThis is similar to what I call the Dr. Google effect – if you’re sick and enter your symptoms online, Dr. Google will inevitably tell you that you have cancer. ", "By looking for information without context to interpret that information or being aware of where to look, you get results that are unhelpful at best and terrifying at worst. ", "Aaronson found information without context – in this case, the writings of Andrea Dworkin and other radical feminists – and took it as further confirmation that he was a horrible person.", "\n\nThe problem is that he – like many other nerds and Nice Guys – took all the wrong lessons from what he read.", "\n\nWhy You Gotta Make This Personal?", "\n\nScott Aaronson is quick to remind us: he’s a feminist. ", "He loves him some feminist literature. ", "He reads lots of feminist books and radfem sites! ", "Andrea Dworkin is his favorite author! ", "But at the same time, he states that it’s those pesky feminists who made it impossible for him to not fear the womens. ", "Scott Alexander, in his defense of Aaronson agrees (in between taking swipes at Marcotte’s appearance):\n\nI live in a world where feminists throwing weaponized shame at nerds is an obvious and inescapable part of daily life. ", "Whether we’re “mouth-breathers”, “pimpled”, “scrawny”, “blubbery”, “sperglord”, “neckbeard”, “virgins”, “living in our parents’ basements”, “man-children” or whatever the insult du jour is, it’s always, always, ALWAYS a self-identified feminist saying it. ", "Sometimes they say it obliquely, referring to a subgroup like “bronies” or “atheists” or “fedoras” while making sure everyone else in nerddom knows it’s about them too.", "\n\nThose poor nerds, put upon by the vicious feminists! ", "Tricksy, tricksy feminists, making sex so damn scary and unattainable by nerds! ", "Why, you might think they were jocks or something! ", "Why can’t the feminists give nerds a break and recognize that nerds are innocent and harmless?", "\n\nThe problem is that Aaronson made the same mistake that many other nerds and Nice Guys have made: he misunderstood the point of what he was reading. ", "Specifically: he wasn’t willing or able to step outside of himself and realize that not everything was about him. ", "It’s #notallmen all over again – seeing everything as being about him instead of about what women go through.", "\n\nYou see this repeatedly whenever someone brings up, say, The Gift of Fear or the essay Schrödinger’s Rapist – there will inevitably be someone complaining that it’s unfair to them, that they’re not a rapist or murderer and how are they supposed to meet women? ", "Aaronson complains about how seminars about sexual harassment made things worse:\n\nYou can call that my personal psychological problem if you want, but it was strongly reinforced by everything I picked up from my environment: to take one example, the sexual-assault prevention workshops we had to attend regularly as undergrads, with their endless lists of all the forms of human interaction that “might be” sexual harassment or assault, and their refusal, ever, to specify anything that definitely wouldn’t be sexual harassment or assault. ", "I left each of those workshops with enough fresh paranoia and self-hatred to last me through another year.", "\n\nIn short: “why do you have to make me feel bad about myself, I’m not a bad guy!” ", "It’s #notallmen once more, the constant insistence that an exception should be made because reasons. ", "It becomes about making their hurt feelings the center of the debate instead of hey, maybe people shouldn’t act this way. ", "But the point of Schrodinger’s Rapist and other feminist writings isn’t that men are evil rapists and everything they do is unwelcome, it’s that women live in a world where sex is used against them. ", "It’s a basic benefit of being a man – men don’t experience sexual harassment or risk sexual assault the way women do. ", "Despite his protests that being a nerd makes him one of the least privileged people in society (apparently in all of his feminist reading he never encountered the concept of intersectionality), being bullied in high-school or reading mean quotes about social misfits on Tumblr and Jezebel doesn’t equate with hundreds of years of systematic oppression. ", "Being told that, hey, society teaches men to act in a certain way that’s incredibly shitty to women (and, frankly to men as well) isn’t a referendum about his worth as a man but a call to be better.", "\n\nSo what should he have done instead? ", "Well to start with, he should’ve read some bell hooks instead of Andrea Dworkin. ", "But more importantly: Nice Guys like Aaronson need to take a step outside themselves and examine their behavior. ", "Take that sexual harassment seminar: ok, now you’ve seen behavior that is considered harassing. ", "Are you behaving in that way? ", "No? ", "Cool, then it’s not about you, now is it? ", "But hey, let’s say you did do something uncomfortable or creepy… now what?", "\n\nWell, you could always apologize. ", "Recognize that you did something wrong, apologize for it and don’t do it again.", "\n\nBut that doesn’t work with the Nice Guy outlook.", "\n\nNice Guys Finish Last – And That’s Not Fair!!", "\n\nSee, the problem with Nice Guys – and something that’s embedded deep into Aaronson’s comment – is the deep-seated belief that they’re being “cheated” somehow. ", "In Aaronson’s experiences, he’d been doing everything “right”… so why was it that other people are getting rewarded and he wasn’t?", "\n\nAll this time, I faced constant reminders that the males who didn’t spend months reading and reflecting about feminism and their own shortcomings—even the ones who went to the opposite extreme, who engaged in what you called “good old-fashioned ass-grabbery”—actually had success that way. ", "The same girls who I was terrified would pepper-spray me and call the police if I looked in their direction, often responded to the crudest advances of the most Neanderthal of men by accepting those advances. ", "Yet it was I, the nerd, and not the Neanderthals, who needed to check his privilege and examine his hidden entitlement!", "\n\n\n\nThis is the fall-back of many a Nice Guy – the lament that women love assholes, instead of Nice Guys like him. ", "He’s been following the rules! ", "He’s not playing grab-ass! ", "He’s being nice! ", "Shouldn’t that count for something?", "\n\nWell… no. ", "As I’ve said many times before: you don’t get a cookie for meeting what are minimum requirements for decent behavior. ", "But he’s unwilling to examine that maybe the problem is what he is or isn’t doing. ", "Aaronson has defined himself as a nerd… and therefore the “good guy” by definition. ", "There can’t be anything wrong with his behavior. ", "Those other guys – the ones that women are going home with – are “Neanderthals”. ", "The bad boys. ", "And believe me, Aaronson chose that word deliberately; he’s saying they’re brutish and crude, even beastial. ", "They’re cavemen while Aaronson is an astronaut. ", "He’s enlightened while they’re ignorant. ", "They’re bad. ", "He’s Nice.", "\n\nEven when he protests that he doesn’t mean to blame women or the Neanderthals for getting the sex that he didn’t, he still can’t avoid the dichotomy of “us vs. them” with its implied morality. ", "OK sure, it’s society’s fault – we’ll get to that in a second – but he’s still equating the men who are getting laid with being beasts and unthinking brutes.", "\n\nAnd that’s where things fall apart. ", "He doesn’t consider that the so-called Neanderthals weren’t “breaking the rules” or “playing grab-ass” but flirting with the women they liked. ", "While Aaronson and others were paralyzed by fear, those supposed assholes were actually making approaches. ", "They were out there taking chances and risking getting rejected. ", "That doesn’t make them Neanderthals; they’re just guys who’re choosing to go for what they want instead of letting fear hold them back.", "\n\nBut that doesn’t compute to Aaronson or other Nice Guys. ", "They don’t dare. ", "Better to find other ways, more enlightened ways… and constantly complain about the unfairness of it all when it doesn’t work.", "\n\nPart of what makes this so frustrating is that Aaronson gets so close to a moment of understanding and misses it by this much:\n\nSo what happened to break me out of this death-spiral? ", "Did I have an epiphany, where I realized that despite all appearances, it was I, the terrified nerd, who was wallowing in unearned male privilege, while those Neaderthal ass-grabbers were actually, on some deeper level, the compassionate feminists—and therefore, that both of us deserved everything we got? ", "No, there was no such revelation. ", "All that happened was that I got older, and after years of hard work, I achieved some success in science, and that success boosted my self-confidence (at least now I had something worth living for), and the newfound confidence, besides making me more attractive, also made me able to (for example) ask a woman out, despite not being totally certain that my doing so would pass muster with a committee of radfems chaired by Andrea Dworkin—a prospect that was previously unthinkable to me.", "\n\nI want to drive this home: the thing that changed for him was that he asked a woman out. ", "He matured enough to stop looking at women as The Enemy who were looking for reasons to fuck him over and call him a rapist and just interact with them as though they were people. ", "And yet even looking back on things, knowing he was wrong this entire time – he still can’t stop blaming others for the unfairness of his situation. ", "He still blames “society” for teaching a subset of “unprivileged” men not to approach instead of taking responsibility for his own attitudes and beliefs – ones he still holds on to.", "\n\nIn the world of the Nice Guy, it’s the world that’s evil and selfish and needs to change.", "\n\nAnd thus we come to the core of the problem with Nice Guys.", "\n\nNice Guys and Nerd Entitlement\n\nNice Guys, for all that they insist that they aren’t, are dealing with an over-inflated sense of entitlement. ", "The Nice Guy outlook is about what they’re “owed” and how the world needs to change and conform to make their lives better without requiring that they change. ", "Even in his complaints about how feminists made him feel bad for wanting to have sex, he’s focused on himself – he wants someone to make him feel better and validate his feelings rather than acknowledging that some behaviors are problematic and people need to try to address them.", "\n\nLet’s go back to Aaronson’s complaint that the sexual harassment seminars didn’t provide him with clear-cut rules on when approaching someone isn’t sexual harassment. ", "Of course, they couldn’t; the difference between welcome, consensual flirting and harassment is contextual, not binary. ", "What works in some circumstances for some people isn’t going to work for everyone or in every circumstance. ", "It’s on the individual to learn to adapt and change as needed. ", "But by complaining that he wasn’t handed a consistent, universal rules-set is asking people to stop being people and start being social robots and the world doesn’t work that way.", "\n\nThen there was this moment:\n\nIn a different social context—for example, that of my great-grandparents in the shtetl—I would have gotten married at an early age and been completely fine.", "\n\nHe goes on to clarify that he wishes for a consensual arrangement not a return to when women were property, but for a series of rules and rituals. ", "But this, too, is about avoiding what he ultimately had to do: grow, adapt and change. ", "Instead, he’s asking for someone to provide him with a woman and that the current system isn’t what he’s “optimized” for. ", "But again: that’s not how the world works. ", "You either adapt or you don’t.", "\n\nThen there’s this bit:\n\nFrom my perspective, it serves only to shift blame from the Neanderthals and ass-grabbers onto some of society’s least privileged males, the ones who were themselves victims of bullying and derision, and who acquired enough toxic shame that way for appealing to their shame to be an effective way to manipulate their behavior.", "\n\nOK, I’m going to say this with all sincerity to Aaronson and other nerds and Nice Guys: I’m sorry you were bullied. ", "I’m sorry you may find relationships scary and confusing. ", "I’m sorry you may not have the instinctual social ease that others may have. ", "I’ve been there, I have done that and I’ve got the emotional scars to prove it. ", "I understand that trying to figure out how to get better at dating can be confounding, frustrating and intimidating – that’s the whole reason why I created this site.", "\n\nSo with that being said: build a bridge and get the fuck over it.", "\n\nBeing bullied doesn’t make you right, or better or morally superior. ", "Being a nerd doesn’t mean that you’re holy. ", "Just because you’re a geek doesn’t mean that you aren’t also an asshole. ", "Being socially awkward isn’t an excuse and trying to play the Oppression Olympics doesn’t make it any better. ", "No, life isn’t fair, it never has been fair and the sooner you stop expecting that fairness to apply to you, the sooner you’ll be able to improve.", "\n\nYes, we live in a society that tells men and women conflicting rules about sex and sexuality and that can be confusing. ", "Yes, the rules about boundaries and consent are changing and we’re all trying to shake off generations of toxic lessons about gender and sexuality and it can be weird, confusing and intimidating. ", "But blaming feminists for scaring you, bullies for bullying you or neanderthals for taking what you “deserve” isn’t progress, it’s whining. ", "Stop blaming others for what, at the end of the day, are your choices. ", "You and you alone are responsible for your life and to make it better.", "\n\nIt’s time to stop talking about fairness and niceness. ", "It’s time to be good. ", "It’s time to be strong.", "\n\n\n\nIt’s time to build your new life." ]
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[ "During this conversation, Neal discusses his own history with Psychedelics, how an experience with LSD in middle age awakened his own understanding of how we are shaped by childhood interactions and how they can be a powerful tool for uncovering the true self. ", "He also discusses his own experiences as a dad, and how he “came out” to his son as a cannabis user." ]
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[ "Variation in diagnoses: influence of specialists' training on selecting and ranking relevant information in geriatric case vignettes.", "\nVariation in aspects of medical practice such as diagnosis, has been studied at different levels of aggregation. ", "At the inter-practitioner aggregation level, attention is increasingly being paid to factors explaining medical variation which are attributed to 'professional uncertainty'. ", "The concept of 'professional uncertainty' refers to variability that is considered to be inherent to the nature and structure of medical knowledge which depend on the epistemological characteristics of medical science. ", "In this study the relationship between specialty training and variation in diagnostic practice was examined at the inter-practitioner aggregation level. ", "Determination of a direct relationship would support the thesis that specialization is a structuring factor in the inherent variability of medical practice. ", "Three groups of medical specialists participated in the study: geriatricians, geriatric-psychiatrists and internists. ", "Four case scenarios were submitted to the specialists. ", "The cases used involved elderly patients presenting with problems in domains common to all the participating specialists. ", "For each case the specialists were requested to select those facts they considered important for reaching diagnoses and to rank these facts in order of perceived salience. ", "Subsequently they were asked to provide (tentative) diagnoses, ranked in order of perceived significance. ", "The occurrence of variability in diagnostic practice due to 'professional uncertainty' and the influence of specialist specific factors and shared knowledge, respectively, are demonstrated. ", "The results clearly show that these three groups of specialists focused on different elements of information, and formulated different diagnoses in the same case, but expressed similar ranking patterns." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhy are some major trombone solos written for the 2nd player rather than the Principal?", "\n\nDoes anyone happen to know why it is that several major trombone solos (Rimsky-Korsakov's Russian Easter Festival Overture and Scheherazade for example) are indicated in the 2nd Trombone Part rather than the Principal? ", " By that point, alto trombones were no longer in general use, right?", "\n\nA:\n\nThis has long been a subject of discussion among trombone players.", "\nHere's an attractive theory:\n\"I just have read in magazine that why the solo was on 2nd...\nBecause Russian Empelor at the Rimsky age loved music and he played the trombone on the 2nd position in certain Russian(Sankt-Peterburg?) ", "orchestra.", "\nSo you can guess the ansewer easily, Rimsky dedicated for him play such a solo.\"", "\nhttp://tromboneforum.org/index.php?topic=2410.5;wap2\n\n" ]
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[ "Großkrotzenburg\n\nGroßkrotzenburg is a municipality in the Main-Kinzig district, in Hesse, Germany. ", "It has a population of around 7,500.", "\n\nThe town is mainly known for its swimming lake and its coal-fired power station.", "\n\nGeography\n\nLocation\nGroßkrotzenburg is located in the extreme southwest of the Main-Kinzig district, in the southeast of Hesse, bordering on Bavaria. ", "It lies on the right bank of the river Main.", "\n\nPart of the municipal territory is covered by the , a system of lakes created by mining and (gravel) quarrying that stretches across the Hessian-Bavarian border and is named after the town Kahl am Main.", "\n\nNeighbouring communities\nGroßkrotzenburg borders on (from the north, clockwise) Hanau, Kahl am Main (in (Aschaffenburg district), and Hainburg (in Offenbach district).", "\n\nInfrastructure\n\nUtilities\nKraftwerk Staudinger is a coal-fired thermal power station located west of the town, directly on the Main river. ", "Due to the size of its cooling towers, the power plant is a local landmark.", "\n\nTransport\nGroßkrotzenburg lies on the Bundesstrasse 8.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:Municipalities in Hesse\nCategory:Towns in Hesse\nCategory:Main-Kinzig-Kreis" ]
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[ "class Module\n # Encapsulates the common pattern of:\n #\n # alias_method :foo_without_feature, :foo\n # alias_method :foo, :foo_with_feature\n #\n # With this, you simply do:\n #\n # alias_method_chain :foo, :feature\n #\n # And both aliases are set up for you.", "\n #\n # Query and bang methods (foo?, ", "foo!) ", "keep the same punctuation:\n #\n # alias_method_chain :foo?, :", "feature\n #\n # is equivalent to\n #\n # alias_method :foo_without_feature?, :", "foo?", "\n # alias_method :foo?, :", "foo_with_feature?", "\n #\n # so you can safely chain foo, foo?, ", "foo! ", "and/or foo= with the same feature.", "\n def alias_method_chain(target, feature)\n # Strip out punctuation on predicates, bang or writer methods since\n # e.g. target?_without_feature is not a valid method name.", "\n aliased_target, punctuation = target.to_s.sub(/([?!=])$/, ''), $1\n yield(aliased_target, punctuation) if block_given?", "\n\n with_method = \"#{aliased_target}_with_#{feature}#{punctuation}\"\n without_method = \"#{aliased_target}_without_#{feature}#{punctuation}\"\n\n alias_method without_method, target\n alias_method target, with_method\n\n case\n when public_method_defined?(without_method)\n public target\n when protected_method_defined?(without_method)\n protected target\n when private_method_defined?(without_method)\n private target\n end\n end\n\n # Allows you to make aliases for attributes, which includes\n # getter, setter, and query methods.", "\n #\n # class Content < ActiveRecord::Base\n # # has a title attribute\n # end\n #\n # class Email < Content\n # alias_attribute :subject, :title\n # end\n #\n # e = Email.find(1)\n # e.title # => \"Superstars\"\n # e.subject # => \"Superstars\"\n # e.subject? # ", "=> true\n # e.subject = \"Megastars\"\n # e.title # => \"Megastars\"\n def alias_attribute(new_name, old_name)\n module_eval <<-STR, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1\n def #{new_name}; self.#{old_name}; end # def subject; self.title; end\n def #{new_name}?; ", "self.#{old_name}?; ", "end # def subject?; ", "self.title?; ", "end\n def #{new_name}=(v); self.#{old_name} = v; end # def subject=(v); self.title = v; end\n STR\n end\nend\n" ]
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[ "Sox7 is involved in antibody-dependent endothelial cell activation and renal allograft injury via the Jagged1-Notch1 pathway.", "\nAntibody-mediated rejection (AMR) can cause graft loss and reduces long-term graft survival after kidney transplantation. ", "Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) and/or non-HLA antibodies play a key role in the pathogenesis of AMR by targeting the allograft epithelium via complement activation and complement-independent mechanisms. ", "However, the precise mechanisms of AMR remain unclear and treatment is still limited. ", "In this study, we investigated the role of the endothelial-associated transcription factor Sox7 in AMR, using the anti-HLA antibody W6/32, shRNA-mediated Sox7 knockdown, and by manipulating the Notch pathway. ", "We used an in vitro human kidney glomerular endothelial cells (HKGECs) model and an in vivo MHC-mismatched kidney transplantation model. ", "Sox7 expression was upregulated and the Jagged1-Notch1 pathway was activated in HKGECs after W6/32 activation. ", "W6/32 antibodies increased the expression of adhesion molecules (VCAM-1, ICAM-1), inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, TNF-α), and chemokines (CXCL8, CXCL10), and Sox7 knockdown and inhibition of the Notch pathway by DAPT significantly reduced these effects. ", "Jagged1 overexpression rescued the inhibitory effects of Sox7 knockdown. ", "In addition, Sox7 knockdown attenuated acute allograft kidney injury in mice and reduced the expression of adhesion molecules and Jagged1-Notch1 signaling after transplantation. ", "Our findings suggest that Sox7 plays an important role in mediating HLA I antibody-dependent endothelial cell activation and acute kidney allograft rejection via the Jagged1-Notch1 pathway. ", "Manipulating Sox7 in donor organs may represent a useful treatment for AMR in solid organ transplantation." ]
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[ "Francisco Reservoir will be transformed into open space if current plans keep gaining momentum.", "\n\nPhoto: Brant Ward, The Chronicle\n\nFrancisco Reservoir will be transformed into open space if current...\n\nImage 2 of 18\n\nImage 3 of 18\n\nNeighbors like Jan Blum envision the ugly, old reservoir as green parkland with spectacular bay and bridge views.", "\n\nPhoto: Brant Ward, The Chronicle\n\nNeighbors like Jan Blum envision the ugly, old reservoir as green...\n\nImage 4 of 18\n\nSome of the bricks in abandoned Francisco Reservoir date from the 1850s. ", "Ideas for the site will be discussed soon - neighbors are talking about a playground and a community garden.", "\n\nPhoto: Brant Ward, The Chronicle\n\nSome of the bricks in abandoned Francisco Reservoir date from the...\n\nImage 5 of 18\n\nThe view from a 14th floor apartment on Chestnut Street offers spectacular views of the Bay along with the covered Reservoir foreground. ", "The SFPUC is relaunching an effort to tear down their Francisco Reservoir on Russian Hill. ", "They'd like to sell the high-value land (panoramic views of the Golden Gate) to developers and use the cash to fund the demolition. ", "Neighbors, though, say they deserve a park or other open space. ", "Tuesday Jan 18, 2011.", "\n\nPhoto: Lance Iversen, The Chronicle\n\nThe view from a 14th floor apartment on Chestnut Street offers...\n\nImage 6 of 18\n\nPedestrians walks down the steep staircase next to the reservoir Monday April 8, 2013. ", "The reservoir on Russian Hill in San Francisco, Calif. has not been used in many decades, and now neighbors and Supervisor Mark Farrell hope to revitalize the area and turn it into a park.", "\n\nPhoto: Brant Ward, The Chronicle\n\nPedestrians walks down the steep staircase next to the reservoir...\n\nImage 7 of 18\n\nA Russian Hill visitor climbs the stairway from Bay Street to Chestnut that's ajacent to the covered Reservoir. ", "The SFPUC is relaunching an effort to tear down their Francisco Reservoir on Russian Hill. ", "They'd like to sell the high-value land, with panoramic views of the Golden Gate, to developers and use the cash to fund the demolition. ", "Neighbors, though, say they deserve a park or other open space. ", "Tuesday Jan 18, 2011.", "\n\nPhoto: Lance Iversen, The Chronicle\n\nA Russian Hill visitor climbs the stairway from Bay Street to...\n\nImage 8 of 18\n\nNow that the redwood cover on the reservoir has been removed, about two acres of brick remain Monday April 8, 2013. ", "The reservoir on Russian Hill in San Francisco, Calif. has not been used in many decades, and now neighbors and Supervisor Mark Farrell hope to revitalize the area and turn it into a park.", "\n\nPhoto: Brant Ward, The Chronicle\n\nNow that the redwood cover on the reservoir has been removed, about...\n\nImage 9 of 18\n\nNo trespassing signs rust away on the covered Reservoir between Larkin and Hyde streets in San Francisco. ", "The SFPUC is relaunching an effort to tear down their Francisco Reservoir on Russian Hill. ", "They'd like to sell the high-value land (panoramic views of the Golden Gate) to developers and use the cash to fund the demolition. ", "Neighbors, though, say they deserve a park or other open space. ", "Tuesday Jan 18, 2011.", "\n\nPhoto: Lance Iversen, The Chronicle\n\nNo trespassing signs rust away on the covered Reservoir between...\n\nImage 10 of 18\n\nA small park is nestled below the Old Russian Hill Reservoir between Larkin and Hyde streets. ", "Residents of the area would like to see more open space should the SFPUC tear down their Francisco Reservoir on Russian Hill. ", "Tuesday Jan 18, 2011.", "\n\nPhoto: Lance Iversen, The Chronicle\n\nA small park is nestled below the Old Russian Hill Reservoir...\n\nImage 11 of 18\n\nBrian Hsieh checks out the view from a 14th floor apartment on Chestnut Street offers spectacular views of the Bay along with the covered Reservoir foreground. ", "The SFPUC is relaunching an effort to tear down their Francisco Reservoir on Russian Hill. ", "They'd like to sell the high-value land (panoramic views of the Golden Gate) to developers and use the cash to fund the demolition. ", "Neighbors, though, say they deserve a park or other open space. ", "Tuesday Jan 18, 2011.", "\n\nPhoto: Lance Iversen, The Chronicle\n\nBrian Hsieh checks out the view from a 14th floor apartment on...\n\nImage 12 of 18\n\nA women walks down Hyde Street ajacent to the Francisco Reservoir.", "The SFPUC is re-launching an effort to tear down their Russian Hill, Reservoir that's covered with plywood left. ", "They'd like to sell the high-value land (panoramic views of the Golden Gate) to developers and use the cash to fund the demolition. ", "Neighbors, though, say they deserve a park or other open space. ", "The PUC says sure, but only if you pay for it. ", "Tuesday Jan 18, 2011.", "\n\nPhoto: Lance Iversen, The Chronicle\n\nA women walks down Hyde Street ajacent to the Francisco...\n\nImage 13 of 18\n\nThe view from the adjacent streets to the Reservoir offers spectacular views including the Golden Gate Bridge. ", "The SFPUC is relaunching an effort to tear down their Francisco Reservoir on Russian Hill. ", "They'd like to sell the high-value land (panoramic views of the Golden Gate) to developers and use the cash to fund the demolition. ", "Neighbors, though, say they deserve a park or other open space. ", "Tuesday Jan 18, 2011.", "\n\nPhoto: Lance Iversen, The Chronicle\n\nThe view from the adjacent streets to the Reservoir offers...\n\nImage 14 of 18\n\nA view looking east from the reservoir shows you could see Berkeley from a park here Tuesday January 21, 2014 in San Francisco, Calif. Neighbors are raising money to convert an old reservoir, next to the Hyde Street cable car line, into a park with views of the Golden Gate Bridge and the east bay.", "\n\nPhoto: Brant Ward, The Chronicle\n\nA view looking east from the reservoir shows you could see Berkeley...\n\nImage 15 of 18\n\nJan Blum, who lives nearby, walks on the path past the reservoir Tuesday January 21, 2014 in San Francisco, Calif. Neighbors are raising money to convert an old reservoir, next to the Hyde Street cable car line, into a park with views of the Golden Gate Bridge and the east bay.", "\n\nPhoto: Brant Ward, The Chronicle\n\nJan Blum, who lives nearby, walks on the path past the reservoir...\n\nImage 16 of 18\n\nThe reservoir is enclosed with a fence and occasional barbed wire Tuesday January 21, 2014 in San Francisco, Calif. Neighbors are raising money to convert an old reservoir, next to the Hyde Street cable car line, into a park with views of the Golden Gate Bridge and the east bay.", "\n\nPhoto: Brant Ward, The Chronicle\n\nThe reservoir is enclosed with a fence and occasional barbed wire...\n\nImage 17 of 18\n\nAn architect's rendering of what the new park replacing the reservoir might look like Tuesday January 21, 2014 in San Francisco, Calif. Neighbors are raising money to convert an old reservoir, next to the Hyde Street cable car line, into a park with views of the Golden Gate Bridge and the east bay.", "\n\nPhoto: Brant Ward, The Chronicle\n\nAn architect's rendering of what the new park replacing the...\n\nImage 18 of 18\n\nA view looking west from the reservoir includes views of the Golden Gate bridge in the distance Tuesday January 21, 2014 in San Francisco, Calif. Neighbors are raising money to convert an old reservoir, next to the Hyde Street cable car line, into a park with views of the Golden Gate Bridge and the east bay.", "\n\nPhoto: Brant Ward, The Chronicle\n\nA view looking west from the reservoir includes views of the Golden...\n\nRussian Hill has some of the best views in the city - the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz and the bay itself. ", "And for decades its residents have also had to stare at the ugly, decommissioned Francisco Reservoir.", "\n\nNeighbors who have fought off multiple attempts over the years to develop the reservoir at Hyde and Francisco streets, just above Ghirardelli Square, are determined to turn the surplus city property into open space and have raised $8 million to help transform it.", "\n\nThey - along with District Two Supervisor Mark Farrell - believe they are closer than ever to making that park a reality. ", "The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, which owns the 4-acre property, is in talks with the Recreation and Park Department, which would have to buy the land at market rate for it to become part of its portfolio.", "\n\nIn all, neighbors hope to raise $11 million: $8 million to help fill in the vast hole and plant grass and trees, and $3 million for future park operations. ", "Farrell said he hopes the transfer will be completed by the end of the year and that a community planning process could start in 2015, though it's not clear that the parks department will have the money that soon to buy the property, which hasn't been appraised.", "\n\n\"We have been staring at this empty reservoir since approximately 1940,\" said neighbor Jan Blum, a member of one of four neighborhood associations working on the project. \"", "There's a long-term interest in seeing this project happen. ... ", "People are very excited.\"", "\n\nWhat the open space would look like is still to be determined - ideas include a children's playground, grassy fields, community gardening space and even a water feature to tie it to its historic use. ", "Farrell said the size of the property makes the potential almost endless. ", "Still, he said his office has been working on the issue for three years, and there is more work to do.", "\n\n\"The real focus the last six months has been for the neighbors to actively fundraise to fund the park,\" he said. \"", "They are getting close to the ($11 million) figure, and it is encouraging and the result of a lot of hard work - but there's still a lot of wood left to chop.\"", "\n\nThat includes getting the PUC and parks department on the same page. ", "Spokesman Tyrone Jue said PUC General Manager Harlan Kelly and Parks Director Phil Ginsberg have been meeting over the past few months.", "\n\n\"We are open to whatever the best use of the property is, but we have to collect a fair market value. ... ", "The PUC is not in the parks business, and we wouldn't develop a park using city water and sewer funds,\" Jue said. \"", "We are not allowed to, but we can transfer a property as long as we get fair market value.\"", "\n\nSarah Ballard, a spokeswoman for the parks department, said the Francisco Reservoir is third on the agency's acquisition list, after properties in the Bayview and South of Market. ", "The department has an acquisition fund, fed by property taxes, that generates about $2 million a year and has a balance of about $8 million. ", "As of now, the neighbors don't plan on spending the money they are raising to buy the property.", "\n\n\"Our priority at this point is 900 Innes Ave. (", "in the Bayview),\" Ballard said. \"", "But this property is identified as one of our top priorities for acquisition.\"", "\n\nFarrell said creating a park in that spot - just about a block from the tourist-filled Lombard Street - remains one of his top priorities as well.", "\n\n\"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity - where else in San Francisco do you have a multi-acre plot of concrete that's been decaying for decades, in the middle of a neighborhood and close to the tourism industry, where you can build a brand-new park?\" ", "Farrell said. \"", "These opportunities don't come around that often.\"" ]
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[ "Three Wise Men Joins Headstrong\n\nWe’re excited to announce that Three Wise Men Veterans Foundation will join Headstrong, a national organization that provides post-9/11 veterans with cost-free, stigma-free and bureaucracy-free mental health care.", "\n\nThe Three Wise Men Veterans Foundation was founded in 2014 by Marine Corps combat veteran Nathan Fletcher in honor of his three cousins: Jeremy Wise, Ben Wise and Beau Wise. ", "After the September 11, 2001 attacks on our country, Jeremy joined the Navy and became a Navy SEAL. ", "Ben, already in the Army, became a member of the legendary Green Berets. ", "Beau followed his brothers into the military and joined the Marine Corps Infantry. ", "Together they served over 1,600 days deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. ", "Tragically, Jeremy was killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan on December 30, 2009. ", "Two years and eleven days later, Ben was killed in a firefight in Afghanistan. ", "Beau remains on active duty in the United States Marine Corps.", "\n\nJeremy and Ben represent the generation of veterans who gave that last full measure of devotion to their country. ", "We often honor them as a nation. ", "But Beau Wise represents that generation of veterans who survived combat, and we have to ensure they not only survive but thrive in the peace that follows war.", "\n\nFor two years, the Three Wise Men Veterans Foundation stood with veterans who survived combat. ", "Their initial efforts focused on raising awareness of the challenges of our returning veterans by organizing over 10,000 Veterans Day events in all 50 states and a dozen countries around the world, which will still continue under Headstrong. ", "During this time, they worked closely with other veteran non-profit organizations and provided direct grants to support their efforts.", "\n\nOver time, they moved into work that sought to address the stigma that prevents so many veterans from getting the help they need. ", "They advocated for and signed legislation which tackled the stigma of mental health injuries and launched a national campaign directly reaching millions with a message of hope and strength in confronting their mental health injuries.", "\n\nNathan Fletcher, who founded the Three Wise Men Veterans Foundation, continued his volunteer effort to help veterans and joined the Headstrong Board of Directors in January 2017.", "\n\nThis exciting merger not only means additional resources and momentum for veterans mental health care across the country, but will also lead to a deeper impact in the San Diego area where Three Wise Men is based.", "\n\nLearn more about how you can support veterans heal the hidden wounds of war through Headstrong:" ]
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[ "How to Stop the Legal Spies!", "\n\nThe insurmountable rush in googling ways of feeling the charm of the invisibility blanket again did not go unnoticed and here are some of the best tricks everyone should have up their sleeves!", "\n\nFirst Step First: Using HTTPS\n\nThe elementary step to secure your digital horizons after the repealing of Broadband Privacy Rule is to use HTTPS protocol. ", "In simple words, https protocol lets you get away with the stuff that you watch or do on a website. ", "The downside is, it does not hide the websites you visit from you Internet Service Providers (ISPs) i.e. the real culprit behind the scene.", "\n\nAn alternative way of using this simple technique is getting an easy-to-install HTTPS Everywhere extension. ", "It works smoothly in Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Firefox for Android. ", "Get the small handy tool right now and get rid of half of the worries right away!", "\n\nGet to Know Your Messaging Apps!", "\n\nWhatsApp was created out of a simple desire of being able to talk to his dear ones privately. ", "Yes, the CEO respected privacy so much that he ended up earning millions of dollars by providing the privacy privilege and services worldwide.", "\n\nOther applications like Simple do not store any information about who you are talking to and what you are talking about thanks to end-to-end encryption! ", "No third party can intervene thanks to the tightly shut doors to the not-welcomed-at-all snoopers.", "\n\nProxy: The Online Battlefield Where You Get Protected!", "\n\nOnline proxy services are free of cost and are easily available. ", "Very similar to VPN though, they help in swiping away your trail off the dusty land of internet where the intruders wait for you to slip any second. ", "By encrypting all online activities as well as your IP address (Your Virtual ID), proxies have been popular since ages.", "\n\nWhy choose a VPN then? ", "Because proxy services come with a data and bandwidth limit and nothing infuriates the user more than being left desperate looking for more secure pathways. ", "A VPN subscription is always the wise call.", "\n\nWhy choose a VPN then? ", "Because proxy services come with a data and bandwidth limit and nothing infuriates the user more than being left desperate looking for more secure pathways. ", "A VPN subscription is always the wise call.", "\n\nTor Networks, the Ultimate Data Bouncer\n\nWhat really makes it easy for ISPs to track you is your IP Address along with the passage your data follows. ", "In order to dodge the mafia bent on getting scoops of personal information, Tor Networks toss your data around between several servers making it impossible to trace it back to you, the internet user.", "\n\nThe additional encryption tagged along with the above facility makes it perfect for staying safe. ", "As simple as downloading it from a browser, it needs no technical user guide.", "\n\nThe additional encryption tagged along with the above facility makes it perfect for staying safe. ", "As simple as downloading it from a browser, it needs no technical user guide.", "\n\nThe Final Blow: Knowledge!", "\n\nBeing aware of your rights and the rules that are in your favour can be put to great use! ", "Many Internet Service Providers set the default option of allowing them to take your data history. ", "To get them off your back, all you have to do is call them and make sure they switch it to “Do not track data!”", "\n\nIgnorance could lead to millions of people accessing internet carefree while being spied upon. ", "Hence, one call could set things right for you. ", "In case our ISP refuses to cooperate due to their stern policies, opt for more flexible ISPs to finally take the breath of relief.", "\n\nIgnorance could lead to millions of people accessing internet carefree while being spied upon. ", "Hence, one call could set things right for you. ", "In case our ISP refuses to cooperate due to their stern policies, opt for more flexible ISPs to finally take the breath of relief.", "\n\nA World without the Broadband Privacy Law\n\nObama’s and Edward Snowden’s lifetime achievements were all about spreading awareness amongst the local Americans of the threats to their extreme exposure of their private lives. ", "Seeing those efforts go down the drain makes every human’s heart bleed.", "\n\nUnable to do anything except adapting safer ways of browsing internet, it gets harder to believe that the government is actually concerned about the welfare of Americans. ", "Even in hard times, hope is not lost thanks to VPNs, Proxy and Tor Networks at our service as guards in the battlefield against the ISPs and unethical but sadly-lawful priers.", "\n\nStay Safe America!", "\n\nIf you are still not sure about the dangers the revoking of privacy of online users entails, watch the movie Snowden (2016) in order to have a good look at the infiltration level of the government. ", "The story revolves around NSA’s illegal surveillance leaks and that is only the tip of the iceberg.", "\n\nYou never know how deep they really and already are into our systems already. ", "Better gear up against them and better be safe than sorry!", "\n\nImage Credits: www.aclu.org" ]
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[ "\" I don't know.\" \" ", "Seriously, I don't think...\" \"This is stupid.\" \"", "God, Grace.\" \"", "Thank you, it's beautiful.\" \"", "Thanks.\" \"", "You look great.\" \"", "How did Dawn take the news?\" \"", "The break-up and all.\" \"", "She'll get over it.\" \"", "Don't you move.\" \"", "Be right back.\" \"", "Time for the girls to get a little shut-eye.\" \"", "This one's for the hippie chick.\" \"", "Oh, yeah.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "Here you go.\" \"", "Sorry.\" \"", "I was so thirsty.\" \"", "Everyone is staring at us.\" \"", "You are so much more beautiful than you think you are.\" \"", "You want to go someplace more comfortable?\" \"", "You want to go someplace?\" \"", "I didn't even know the door was there.\" \" ", "All right, here we go.\" \" ", "I don't feel well.\" \"", "Let me go.\" \"", "Stop.\" \"", "Mary, help.\" \"", "What's going on?\" \"", "Do you think he would ever touch you?\" \"", "No!\" \"", "Willy!\" \" ", "Get her!\" \"", "She's sober.\" \"", "She'll squeal.\" \" ", "Willy, get up, man.\" \"", "Come on, Mary!\" \"", "Help!\" \"", "Mary!\" \"", "Mary!\" \"", "Mary!\" \"", "Mary!\" \"", "Come on, Mary.\" \"", "We're just having some fun.\" \" ", "Let's just talk.\" \" ", "Get away from me.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "It's gonna be all right.\" \"", "Your friends are okay.\" \"", "It's all right, it's okay.\" \"", "It's just a little prank.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "Let's go check on your friends.\" \"", "You stupid bitch!\" \"", "Mary?\" \"", "Mary.\" \"", "Oh, shit.\" \"", "Oh, shit.\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "Oh, shit.\" \"", "Oh, shit.\" \"", "There you are.\" \"", "Where's the girl?\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "I thought she was in here, but she's not.\" \" ", "Shit.\" \" ", "She probably passed out somewhere.\" \"", "Come on, we gotta find her.\" \"", "That was over 30 years ago, but her rotting body is still there waiting to be discovered.\" \"", "Bullshit.\" \"", "Bullshit.\" \"", "No, it's true.\" \"", "I swear to God.\" \"", "My mom told me in complete confidence.\" \"", "Well, complete confidence doesn't mean much when you drink vodka like it's water.\" \"", "Shut up.\" \" ", "Stop it!\" \" ", "So you don't think it's unhealthy for them to stay home on their own homecoming?\" \"", "Not everybody wants to be homecoming queen.\" \"", "It didn't hurt me.\" \"", "You're right.\" \" ", "And I only wish I could've been there.\" \" ", "No, you were too old and serious.\" \"", "Thanks a lot.\" \"", "That story doesn't make any sense.\" \"", "I mean, why don't the girls stick up for themselves?\" \"", "I don't get it.\" \"", "Maybe if you weren't always speaking out, like in the school newspaper maybe we'd have dates to the homecoming dance.\" \"", "Okay, so you changed your mind.\" \"", "You think it's fair football players get academic credit for going to practice?\" \"", "You shouldn't have published the picture with the article.\" \"", "They took the picture as a joke.\" \"", "You published it out of context, without...\" \"Guys.\" \"", "I've got another ghost story.\" \"", "That wasn't a ghost story, Mindy.\" \"", "It's an urban legend.\" \"", "An urban legend is a made-up story people keep telling as if it was true.\" \"", "Like the guy who eats Pop Rocks drinks soda and his stomach explodes.\" \"", "Like that bullshit about Mindy's brother's camp counselor getting his arm stuck in a soda machine, and it falls on top of him.\" \"", "That wasn't bullshit.\" \"", "And it was a candy machine.\" \" ", "Oh, and like Bloody Mary.\" \" ", "Who's that?\" \"", "Supposedly, if you go into the bathroom and turn off the lights and chant \"Bloody Mary\" three times into the mirror, she appears.\" \"", "Her face is like a corpse.\" \"", "And if you look at her, well then you have to turn the lights back on before she drags you in.\" \"", "In where?\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "In the mirror?\" \"", "I heard she'll haunt you forever.\" \"", "That's not even a real urban legend.\" \"", "That's just like that movie Candyman.\" \" ", "Well, my story was real.\" \" ", "As real as your mother's new tits.\" \"", "What's the first thing you'll do when you're mayor?\" \" ", "I haven't won yet.\" \" ", "But you will.\" \"", "A lot can happen, so...\" \"But so far...\" \" What's going on in there?\" \" ", "I don't know.\" \"", "Well, the first thing I'm gonna do is propose a 9 p.m. curfew on all teenage girls.\" \"", "I'll keep them off the streets, keep them safe.\" \"", "Keep them virgins.\" \"", "I'm afraid that might be too late.\" \"", "Bloody Mary.\" \"", "Bloody Mary.\" \"", "Bloody Mary.\" \"", "Who is it?\" \"", "David.\" \"", "Asshole.\" \"", "So, David, you're back early.\" \"", "Shouldn't you be at the dance?\" \" ", "I'm sure it's still going on.\" \" ", "Oh, yeah.\" \"", "Well...\" \"I was there long enough not to see any of you.\" \"", "We didn't want to go that stupid popularity contest.\" \"", "And why is that?\" \"", "Oh, because you couldn't get dates?\" \"", "Yep, that's exactly what happened.\" \"", "Football team put us on the blacklist.\" \"", "We could've gone.\" \"", "We just preferred to stay here and have some female bonding.\" \"", "Hey, Mindy.\" \"", "Nice.\" \" ", "Shut up.\" \" ", "David!\" \"", "Oh, and just so you guys get it right Candyman ripped off Bloody Mary in the first place.\" \"", "Not the other way around.\" \"", "How long was your brother outside listening to us?\" \" ", "Long enough to masturbate.\" \" ", "Not long at all, then.\" \"", "David.\" \"", "So how was it?\" \"", "Just like yours, I'm sure.\" \"", "You didn't wake up naked in Tijuana.\" \"", "Just because there's a dead Mexican hooker in my room doesn't mean I went to Mexico.\" \"", "Oh, Bill drank all my lemonade.\" \"", "David, be nice.\" \"", "You know, and you could call him \"Dad\" once in a while.\" \"", "Never happen.\" \"", "But I still call you \"Mom.\"\" \"", "Mom, I need 100 bucks.\" \"", "Do me a favor.\" \"", "Go wake up the girls.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "Just because you own me, it doesn't mean I'm your slave.\" \" ", "Go.\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "They're already gone.\" \"", "She's never done this before.\" \"", "I mean, this is so unusual for her.\" \" ", "I have to call Sheriff McKenna.\" \" ", "Okay.\" \"", "Yeah, Sheriff McKenna.\" \"", "It's Bill Owens.\" \"", "Any word, anything?\" \"", "We're doing all we can.\" \"", "You have to understand they're not officially missing for 24 hours.\" \" ", "Yeah, but they are missing.\" \" ", "Hello.\" \"", "That's it, nothing?\" \"", "All right, well, you just stay on top of this.\" \"", "All right, look, when do we call in the FBI?\" \"", "Our hands are tied.\" \"", "We'll do all we can locally.\" \" ", "officially missing for 24 hours.\" \"", "But they are missing.\" \"", "Right this way, sheriff.\" \" ", "Sheriff.\" \"", "Thanks for coming.\" \" ", "Hi, Bill.\" \" ", "I appreciate it.\" \" ", "No problem.\" \"", "The mountain gorilla.\" \"", "An endangered species native to Central Africa.\" \"", "Mountain gorillas live in groups ruled by a dominant male which determines the group's daily activities and enforces a very strict social order.\" \"", "The silverback.\" \"", "Do you think Samantha and her friends are okay?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \" ", "and consume 20 times their weight in food annually.\" \"", "I just spoke to Sheriff McKenna, and he's got all his men out searching.\" \" ", "They're gonna find her.\" \" ", "Sure, that's easy for you to say.\" \"", "She's just your stepdaughter.\" \"", "What...?\" \"", "Sam.\" \"", "Oh, my God!\" \"", "Oh, my God.\" \"", "They all say the same thing.\" \"", "They woke up in the basement of the abandoned old mill on the other side of the state park.\" \"", "The door was locked.\" \"", "Well, that's what they said.\" \"", "What do you mean?\" \"", "Well, we're gonna check it out.\" \"", "They don't remember anything.\" \"", "Other than that, they're fine.\" \"", "Weren't harmed or mistreated, nothing.\" \"", "We ran blood tests and found traces of Rohypnol in their system.\" \"", "It's a date-rape drug.\" \"", "You don't have to worry about that.\" \"", "We ran medical tests.\" \"", "They were not abused in that way.\" \"", "So, what do you think?\" \"", "Well, it could be the girls' idea of a practical joke.\" \"", "You know, for attention.\" \"", "What happened?\" \"", "What happened?\" \"", "What's wrong?\" \"", "What's wrong?\" \"", "What happened to you?\" \"", "My mom says that it's all a stunt.\" \"", "That they did it to themselves.\" \"", "Samantha will write a story about it for the paper.\" \"", "Some people have no boundaries.\" \"", "Some people need to mind their own fucking business.\" \"", "The girls are back.\" \"", "They were in science class.\" \"", "Took them long enough.\" \"", "You'd think twins would have some kind of sixth sense like I'd know what happened to you.\" \"", "We're fraternal, not identical.\" \"", "How you holding up?\" \"", "It was Buck and his friends, wasn't it?\" \"", "He told us they just wanted to talk.\" \"", "You are butt-white.\" \" ", "Hey, Roger.\" \" ", "What?\" \"", "You need to spend some more time at that tanning salon.\" \"", "Hey, girls dig it, man.\" \"", "He doesn't go to that salon to go tanning.\" \"", "He goes to hook up with that chick.\" \" ", "The one with the big tits.\" \" ", "Oh, yeah.\" \"", "Buck.\" \" ", "What's up?\" \" ", "Come here.\" \"", "Come here, check it out.\" \"", "What?\" \"", "Oh, yeah.\" \"", "I know it was you.\" \"", "All of you.\" \"", "I know it was all of you.\" \"", "What did your sister...?\" \"", "We don't know what you're talking about.\" \"", "We were at the dance all night.\" \"", "Ask our dates.\" \" ", "Get out of here, loser.\" \" ", "You little punk.\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "Get out of here.\" \" ", "Get out of here, man.\" \" ", "Get lost.\" \" ", "You're not gonna get away with this.\" \" ", "Whatever.\" \" ", "Oh, I'm scared.\" \" ", "Come on, get out of here.\" \" ", "That's what I thought.\" \" ", "Bye-bye.\" \" ", "See you.\" \" ", "We got a problem.\" \" ", "This is not a problem at all.\" \"", "Those bitches, they won't say anything.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Take Buck's advice.\" \"", "What did you get on your SATs, Buck?\" \"", "Seven hundred?\" \"", "Total.\" \"", "What's that supposed to mean?\" \"", "You're such an asshole.\" \"", "She needs to relax.\" \"", "See you later, mama's boy.\" \"", "Shut up.\" \"", "Shut up.\" \"", "No way.\" \"", "Shut up.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Totally.\" \"", "Shut up.\" \"", "She did not.\" \"", "No way.\" \"", "Oh, my God.\" \"", "He's here.\" \"", "I gotta let you go.\" \"", "Hi, Roger.\" \"", "Hi, Betsy.\" \"", "I hope it's okay I just showed up.\" \"", "Don't worry about it.\" \"", "I'm, like, the only one here.\" \"", "I just wanna catch some sun.\" \"", "Lay on the bed a little bit, get my groove on.\" \"", "Then maybe I could get some of your sunshine.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "How long do you want it?\" \"", "Just leave it on low.\" \"", "I'm gonna relax for a bit.\" \"", "I'll get out when I'm done.\" \"", "I'll be ready.\" \"", "Totally.\" \"", "Like, yeah, I saw it.\" \"", "He is so hot.\" \"", "Yeah, totally.\" \"", "Most people go nude.\" \"", "Totally.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Totally.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Totally.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Totally.\" \"", "Shut up.\" \"", "Help!\" \"", "Betsy!\" \"", "Yes way.\" \"", "My past.\" \"", "I could be president.\" \"", "What time is it?\" \"", "Oh, shit.\" \"", "Roger!\" \"", "Oh, shit.\" \"", "Roger!\" \"", "Roger!\" \"", "Roger!\" \" ", "Amen.\" \" ", "Amen.\" \"", "Peace be with you.\" \"", "Thank you, Father.\" \"", "Samantha?\" \"", "Samantha?\" \" ", "Hey.\" \" ", "Hey.\" \"", "I brought you homework you might have missed when you were gone.\" \"", "I saw how Buck was looking at David at the funeral.\" \"", "Heather, you know that David had nothing to do with Roger's accident.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Listen I know that things have been difficult for us.\" \"", "It was so much easier when we were kids.\" \"", "God, Sam, we were so close.\" \"", "What happened to us?\" \"", "It's funny you should say that.\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "Because it sounds like it came from a TV movie, that's why.\" \"", "Look, what happened to you was just a little payback prank and I had nothing to do with it.\" \"", "The guys didn't mean to go so far but they were pissed off you published that photo.\" \"", "Just a prank?\" \"", "They drugged us, and who knows what they did to us after they locked us up.\" \"", "I sure as hell don't.\" \"", "How hard was it to crawl out the window?\" \"", "That's not the point, Heather.\" \"", "Look, Sam, there's more.\" \"", "It's...\" \" This has all happened before.\" \" ", "What do you mean?\" \"", "We'll talk about it tomorrow.\" \"", "Make sure and do your history homework.\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "She brought me my homework.\" \"", "She felt bad.\" \"", "She was cool about it.\" \"", "Damn it.\" \" ", "You sure you don't want a ride?\" \" ", "No, I'm good.\" \"", "Thanks.\" \"", "Heather!\" \"", "Heather!\" \"", "Heather!\" \"", "Heather!\" \"", "Heather!\" \"", "Heather!\" \"", "Heather!\" \"", "Heather!\" \"", "Oh, my God!\" \"", "Unit 14, we have a 174...\" \"What's going on?\" \"", "What happened?\" \"", "Sam, what...?\" \"", "Sam, talk to me.\" \"", "What's going on?\" \"", "Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.\" \"", "She was in bed.\" \"", "How could they be crawling out of her face?\" \"", "I think it's really sick, though.\" \"", "They were coming out of her face.\" \"", "Now, I'm sure you've all noticed the new security precautions on campus.\" \"", "Every effort is being made to keep our students safe.\" \"", "Now, Principal Rosetti has asked me to remind everyone...\" \"Samantha, dear.\" \"", "Is something the matter?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Well, as I was saying students who need to speak to a counselor should tell their advisor.\" \"", "So how was school today, honey?\" \"", "I saw a ghost in science class.\" \"", "Do you really think that he did it to himself?\" \"", "Roger Dalton was dumb but don't you think that he would wake up before he cooked his ass?\" \"", "What are you saying?\" \"", "I'm asking if you really think there's nothing more to our friends dying.\" \"", "Heather dropped some acid and just ripped her face off like a mask?\" \"", "Of course not.\" \"", "She didn't even drink, let alone do drugs.\" \"", "There's something wrong in our little town, and it has a name.\" \" ", "Owens.\" \" ", "David?\" \"", "Both of them.\" \"", "They were there both times.\" \"", "Jesus, Buck.\" \"", "Murder?\" \"", "So, what are we gonna do?\" \"", "Your dad still have those emergency gas cans?\" \"", "Get them.\" \"", "And meet me behind the park at midnight.\" \"", "I don't know about this, Buck.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "Scaring the girls is one thing, but...\" \"Right.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "I'll be there in 15.\" \"", "Holy shit, this guy's dick is smoking.\" \"", "Hey, McKenna better check your beer bottle tonight.\" \"", "Did you ever hear the story about a guy who was drinking a beer and found a finger in the bottle?\" \"", "Look at this.\" \"", "Someone cut his ring finger off.\" \" ", "Wild.\" \" ", "Will you stop with that crap?\" \"", "That finger is probably some coyote's lunch.\" \"", "Yeah, we got EMTs on the scene.\" \"", "Worthington High School classes have been cancelled today.\" \"", "Another student from that school was found dead.\" \"", "Although drunk and driving early reports suggest electrocution as the cause of death.\" \"", "Tom Higgins, a varsity football player...\" \"There's something else going on here.\" \"", "Heather left this in my American history book the other night.\" \"", "I think someone sent this to Heather as a warning.\" \"", "This is the same thing that happened to you.\" \"", "Only I'm still alive.\" \"", "Here.\" \"", "Read the other one.\" \"\"", "Professor at Alpine University kills students using urban legends as m.o.\"\" \"", "Wait, you think there's a copycat killer that's killing our friends.\" \"", "No, I just think that Heather was trying to tell me something.\" \"", "I need your help to figure it out.\" \"", "Well, it's about time you asked.\" \"", "Mary Banner lived here in Utah.\" \"", "She went to Worthington High.\" \"", "It says the other two girls returned home unharmed.\" \"", "They should still be alive.\" \"", "See if you can find it online.\" \"", "Are you smoking crack?\" \"", "This is dial-up.\" \"", "Let's use the school database.\" \" ", "School's closed today.\" \" ", "I have keys to the newspaper office.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "Let's just get down there and finish this.\" \"", "Wait, wait, go back.\" \" ", "There.\" \" ", "Wow, deja vu.\" \"\"", "The two girls, seniors at Worthington High refused to press charges against unknown assailants.\"\" \"", "Why no names?\" \"", "Got them.\" \"", "Gina Lotnick, 17, Mary Banner, 18, and Grace Taylor, 17.\" \"", "Where are they now?\" \"", "Oh, that's from '82.\" \"\"", "Local resident Gina Lotnick died this morning of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.\" \"", "Miss Lotnick was one of the victims in the homecoming kidnapping in 1969 of which there are no suspects.\" \"", "Mary Banner, another victim, was never found and presumed dead.\"\" \" ", "Who was the other girl?\" \" ", "Grace Taylor.\" \"\"", "The only remaining survivor of that fateful night is Grace Taylor.\"\" \"", "Hey, got it.\" \"", "It's not that far from our house.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Hey, Coach Jacoby.\" \"", "What are you kids up to?\" \"", "Oh, nothing.\" \"", "Just some extra credit, you know.\" \"", "The school's closed.\" \"", "And that goes for your newspaper.\" \"", "You're gonna have to leave.\" \" ", "Now.\" \" ", "All right, cool.\" \"", "Thanks, coach.\" \" ", "Hey.\" \" ", "I just feel like I'm cracking up.\" \"", "I know it's tough, but we shouldn't blame this on a bunch of ghost stories.\" \"", "I don't know what to believe.\" \"", "These just seem like awfully big coincidences.\" \"", "They're odd, I'll give you that.\" \"", "They're either accidents, or there's a killer out there.\" \"", "There's no ghost.\" \"", "But there is something.\" \"", "I mean, there's something connecting this to what happened to me to those girls in '69.\" \"", "We're gonna find out what it is.\" \"", "Grace Taylor is gonna tell us.\" \" ", "This is it?\" \" ", "Yeah, it's groovy.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "Power to the people.\" \"", "Free Angela Davis.\" \"", "What's up?\" \"", "Hi, I'm Sam, and this is my brother, David.\" \" ", "So?\" \" ", "So we wanted to talk to you.\" \"", "Miss Taylor, we wanted to talk to you about what happened at homecoming 35 years ago.\" \"", "Power to the people.\" \"", "Right on.\" \"", "You take your shoes off.\" \"", "Have a seat, kiddies.\" \"", "You want some tea?\" \" ", "No, thank you.\" \" ", "Penicillin?\" \"", "Oh, yeah, we would love some tea.\" \"", "So, what do you kiddies want to know about that night?\" \"", "Well, we were hoping you could tell us everything.\" \"\"", "Professor at Alpine University kills his own students using urban legends as his m.o.\"\" \"", "There were five of them, including that devil bitch, Dawn.\" \"", "Gina and I were tricked, drugged and left 20 miles from home in the woods all because we didn't worship them like the rest.\" \"", "Everyone said that we just got wasted and passed out.\" \"", "No one wanted to cop to the truth.\" \"", "That happened to me too.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "I read it in the papers.\" \"", "But you all came back in one piece.\" \"", "My best friend never came home.\" \"", "Get that.\" \" ", "It's Mary.\" \" ", "What is?\" \"", "The murders.\" \"", "It's Mary Banner.\" \"", "Looks like urban legend, but it's Mary.\" \" ", "But she's dead, isn't she?\" \" ", "Oh, she's dead, all right.\" \"", "But her energy, her life force, is very strong.\" \"", "Always was.\" \"", "You kids know that nothing ever dies, don't you?\" \"", "It just changes form, you know, like water into ice into water into steam into water into ice, you dig?\" \"", "Wait, so you're saying a ghost is killing these kids.\" \"", "But that doesn't make any sense.\" \"", "Why would she be killing us?\" \"", "Why not just go after the people who actually did this to her?\" \"", "The children will always suffer the sins of their fathers.\" \"", "Your friend Heather had a devil-bitch mother by the name of Dawn.\" \"", "Well, Mary wants revenge on the five people who took her youth so she's taking their children.\" \"", "That's where she's starting.\" \"", "Who knows where she'll stop.\" \"", "She has always had to have her way.\" \"", "Come on, you're not buying this, are you?\" \"", "Miss Taylor we need to know the names of the boys who did this to you and to Mary.\" \"", "Oh, baby.\" \"", "I can barely remember how to tie my shoes let alone the names of our dates.\" \"", "But they were all on the football team.\" \"", "This is ridiculous.\" \" ", "I cannot believe you believe her.\" \" ", "I can't believe you don't.\" \"", "This is as bad as when you thought there was a vampire living under the porch.\" \" ", "I'm starting to wonder if I was right.\" \"", "Kidding.\" \"", "Heather's mom went to Worthington, so we can assume she was involved along with Roger's and Tom's dads.\" \"", "So we have to figure out who's next, probably Buck.\" \"", "Sam, Mary Banner isn't killing people.\" \"", "She's dead.\" \"", "It's more likely that Grace Taylor is doing this.\" \"", "Look at these.\" \" ", "Did you steal these?\" \" ", "Yeah, just look at them.\" \"", "The handwriting is just like on the envelope that was sent to Heather.\" \"", "Grace sent the clippings to Heather.\" \"", "This is how Heather died.\" \"", "I saw the spiders, but no one believed me.\" \"", "This one's a girl, but the same thing happened to Roger.\" \"", "Oh, God.\" \"", "They're all coming true.\" \"", "Oh, God.\" \"", "We have to find Buck.\" \"", "He won't be hard to find.\" \"", "Let's get out of here.\" \" ", "Buck, we need to talk to you.\" \" ", "What?\" \"", "You gonna write about me in the newspaper?\" \" ", "No, I just think that...\" \" Come on.\" \"", "I'm sorry that we played a stupid fucking joke on you and your friends.\" \"", "But did Roger and Tom and Heather deserve to die for it?\" \"", "Do you honestly think I could kill someone over a stupid, asshole jock prank?\" \"", "Look, Buck do you know about the kidnappings at Worthington High in 1969?\" \"", "That was something that he did when he was young.\" \"", "It's like a rite of passage.\" \" ", "Wait, you're talking about your dad?\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "My dad was pissed about the picture you put in the paper.\" \"", "And the article.\" \"", "He told me about how he and his friends would have handled it.\" \"", "So Coach Jacoby was one of the boys involved in the kidnappings?\" \"", "The Mary Banner case?\" \"", "Yeah, but he didn't hurt her.\" \"", "He didn't even know what happened to her.\" \"", "She just disappeared.\" \"", "She didn't die like Heather did.\" \"", "Buck, I'm sorry.\" \"", "All right, come on, we gotta get out of here.\" \"", "Let's go.\" \"", "We gotta get the heck out of Dodge.\" \"", "I'm worried about Buck.\" \"", "Well, he's a source of worry, I agree.\" \"", "I think that Buck's dad killed Mary Banner.\" \"", "I think he's lying to Buck.\" \"", "Oh, and I'm sure you got this info directly from Mary Banner.\" \"", "Well, I saw Coach Jacoby at her grave after Roger's funeral.\" \"", "Wait a minute.\" \"", "You think Coach Jacoby had something to do with these murders?\" \"", "No, I mean, not directly.\" \"", "I just think that...\" \"What?\" \"", "You were gonna say something.\" \"", "This might sound strange, but I think...\" \"She thinks that the ghost of Mary Banner is killing people.\" \"", "Guys, if either of you have information, real information you better stop fooling around and tell me.\" \" ", "Just like that.\" \" ", "Oh, baby.\" \"", "You're so nasty.\" \" ", "Yeah, that's it.\" \" ", "Spank me.\" \"", "That's it.\" \"", "Oh, yeah.\" \" ", "So good.\" \" ", "You love it.\" \"", "Oh, yeah.\" \" ", "So big.\" \" ", "Come on.\" \" ", "Right there.\" \"", "Right there.\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "Shit.\" \"", "Damn it.\" \"", "Under.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "What the hell?\" \"", "Holy shit.\" \"", "Oh, Jesus, Chewy, did you eat another skunk?\" \" ", "That's right.\" \" ", "Oh, God.\" \"", "Don't stop.\" \"", "Don't stop.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "Right there.\" \"", "You like it, huh?\" \"", "Hey, don't look now, but Coach Jacoby's crying.\" \" ", "Maybe something happened to Buck.\" \" ", "Maybe someone cut his kidneys out.\" \" ", "Hey.\" \" ", "Long time no see, Sam.\" \"", "Have you guys seen Buck?\" \" ", "Have we seen Buck?\" \" ", "Yeah, his dad looks really upset.\" \"", "Yeah, well, Buck got himself good and killed last night.\" \"", "Yeah, I heard he got crushed under a vending machine.\" \"", "He tried to snag some free chips, and then smash.\" \"", "Did your mother drink while she was pregnant?\" \"", "In the news, they said he got his throat cut by a prostitute in some sleazy motel.\" \"", "Wait.\" \"", "Buck's dead?\" \"", "Maybe you shouldn't be so concerned with his well-being.\" \"", "He certainly wasn't concerned with ours.\" \"", "Four down.\" \"", "One to go.\" \"", "Are you still looking for clues?\" \"", "God, you were fat.\" \"", "Did you know that Grandpa was bald?\" \"", "Guess you can kiss your hairline goodbye.\" \"", "Yeah, and Grandma has a moustache.\" \"", "I think Heather was trying to tell me something.\" \"", "We know that her mom was one of the people involved in Mary Banner's disappearance.\" \"", "Why don't we ask Heather's mom who the other boys were.\" \"", "Yeah, and then what?\" \"", "And then we'll know who's left on Mary Banner's hit list.\" \"", "Sam, I appreciate your community spirit but most people in this town don't.\" \" ", "Most people think...\" \" I'm one bolt short of a nutcase.\" \"", "That I should have been drowned at birth.\" \"", "Yeah, in that general direction.\" \"", "Where are you going?\" \"", "We need to talk to the police, but we need evidence.\" \"", "I'm going back to see Grace.\" \"", "Oh, that's smart, walk straight into the jaws of death.\" \"", "I don't think she's the killer anymore.\" \"", "She's afraid to leave her house.\" \"", "But I think she knows who the killer is.\" \" ", "Okay, call me.\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "Hello?\" \"", "Grace are you here?\" \"", "Shit!\" \"", "You scared me to death.\" \"", "What are you doing in my house, X-Man?\" \"", "How did you get in?\" \" ", "The door was open.\" \" ", "Oh, yeah.\" \"", "For the cats.\" \"", "You're lucky.\" \"", "You almost got sprayed with bug spray.\" \"", "Hit.\" \"", "What do you want?\" \"", "Spit it out.\" \"", "I really need you to tell me the name of the football players who abducted you all those years ago.\" \"", "Please, Grace.\" \"", "I wouldn't tell then, I won't tell now.\" \"", "Did anyone ever tell you that you look exactly like Foxy Brown?\" \"", "That's smooth, brother.\" \"", "Very smooth.\" \"", "You know anyone who wanted to could have found out who those boys were just by looking at the pictures in the school archive.\" \"", "In the archives?\" \"", "Right on, Gracie.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "Damn it.\" \"", "Oh, my God!\" \"", "Willy.\" \"", "Willy!\" \"", "Willy!\" \"", "Don't leave me in here, Willy.\" \"", "Willy!\" \"", "Willy!\" \"", "There's Grace.\" \"", "Where's Mary?\" \"", "Hello, Mary.\" \"", "Who's your date?\" \"", "There he is.\" \"", "Holy shit.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "No, stop.\" \"", "Leave me alone.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Leave me alone!\" \"", "Grace.\" \"", "Grace, you need to get a phone that works.\" \"", "Grace, please.\" \"", "Please.\" \"", "What does Mary want with me?\" \"", "Mary's visited you too, huh?\" \"", "Find her.\" \"", "Find her and bury her.\" \"", "But I saw her grave.\" \"", "You saw a tombstone, baby girl.\" \"", "She's not buried there.\" \"", "Gina and I looked for her for years.\" \"", "Nobody ever found her body.\" \"", "She could be anywhere.\" \"", "I think I know where she is.\" \"", "I hope this is what you want.\" \"", "Sam!\" \"", "Samantha!\" \"", "Hey, it's the Owens.\" \"", "Leave a message.\" \"", "David, are you there?\" \"", "David, if you're there, pick up the phone.\" \"", "David.\" \"", "I think I know where the body is.\" \"", "I know...\" \"I know you think I'm crazy, but...\" \"This is the one piece of evidence that we need to bring it to the cops.\" \"", "When you get this message, meet me at the school, okay?\" \"", "You have my keys.\" \"", "Meet me at the side door.\" \"", "I forgot to tell you.\" \"", "Your brother went over to the school.\" \"", "Great.\" \"", "He has my keys.\" \"", "You're just gonna have to take me in your car.\" \"", "No way.\" \"", "I have not been back there since homecoming, 1969.\" \"", "Please.\" \"", "I would take my bike, but it'll take me too long.\" \"", "No, I can't!\" \"", "Look at me.\" \"", "Grace.\" \"", "Damn.\" \"", "You have to promise me that you will bury her when you find her.\" \"", "David!\" \"", "David, open the door!\" \" ", "David!\" \" ", "Shit.\" \"", "David, open the door!\" \"", "David?\" \"", "I saw someone in there.\" \" ", "Was it Mary?\" \" ", "I don't know.\" \"", "Maybe.\" \"", "I'm gonna climb through the window.\" \"", "I'll go around and open the door for you.\" \"", "No, hey, I'm cool.\" \"", "I'll wait in the van.\" \"", "Oh, damn.\" \"", "Shit.\" \"", "Grace, I got her.\" \"", "Grace, wake up.\" \"", "Shit.\" \"", "I found her, Grace.\" \"", "Grace, I really need your help.\" \"", "Grace.\" \"", "Shit.\" \"", "Damn, that's some chronic.\" \"", "Shit.\" \"", "Grace.\" \"", "Oh, no.\" \"", "Oh, Grace.\" \"", "Are you okay?\" \"", "Oh, shit.\" \"", "Grace.\" \"", "Oh, no.\" \"", "Oh, my God.\" \"", "Oh, fuck.\" \" ", "Hello?\" \" ", "Bill.\" \" ", "Bill, thank God.\" \" ", "Sam, where are you?\" \" ", "I'm at the cemetery.\" \" ", "Calm down...\" \"Sweetie.\" \" ", "Your mother...\" \"Sam, what's going on?\" \" ", "What?\" \"", "I can't hear you.\" \"", "You're in a what?\" \" ", "I can't hear you.\" \" ", "Where are you?\" \"", "I'm at the cemetery.\" \"", "Fuck.\" \"", "Fucking cell phones.\" \"", "Bill.\" \"", "Thank God you're here.\" \"", "I really need your help.\" \"", "All right, just calm down and tell me what's going on.\" \"", "I found the body.\" \"", "Now I have to bury it.\" \"", "Mary Banner's body.\" \"", "I finally found it, and now she wants me to bury the corpse.\" \"", "Here, sweetheart, I got it.\" \"", "This ground's frozen.\" \"", "Okay, I just don't want you to worry about this.\" \"", "I'll take care of it.\" \"", "Everything will be fine.\" \"", "Did you hear that?\" \"", "That might be Coach Jacoby.\" \"", "Don't worry about him.\" \"", "I can take care of him.\" \"", "Does anybody else know about this body?\" \"", "No, just me and David.\" \"", "Did you say anything to your mom?\" \"", "Samantha.\" \"", "Someone, help!\" \"", "Someone, help me!\" \" ", "Did you tell your mom?\" \" ", "No.\" \" ", "Help!\" \" ", "You leave her alone!\" \"", "Get out of here, baby!\" \"", "Go on!\" \"", "Willy Owens.\" \"", "You're gonna go down.\" \"", "You wait until the city council hears about this.\" \"", "Samantha!\" \"", "Come on, sweetheart, I don't want to hurt you.\" \"", "I just wanna talk.\" \"", "Samantha!\" \"", "I'm sorry I hit you.\" \"", "I...\" \"I have a problem with anger management, but I'm okay now.\" \"", "What's gonna happen to your mother if I go to jail?\" \"", "Because she won't have David anymore because David is dead.\" \"", "You're crazy!\" \"", "What the...?\" \"", "Grace.\" \"", "I...\" \"Far out.\" \"", "No one is ever gonna believe us.\" \"", "Samantha.\" \"", "Follow the tracks down the hill.\" \"", "Hey, now.\" \" ", "I fall asleep again?\" \" ", "Yep.\" \"", "Bill.\" \"", "You mean \"punk.\"\" \"", "They're saying he died of a heart attack.\" \"", "I guess something must have scared his butt real bad.\" \"", "You gonna be okay?\" \"", "I guess this will just be another ghost story.\" \"", "Something to talk about around campfires and slumber parties.\" \"", "Baby girl, you're the urban legend now.\" \"", "A decades-old mystery was finally solved last night when police discovered the body of mayoral candidate Bill Owens dead of a heart attack while apparently attempting to dispose of the remains of Mary Banner a local girl who disappeared over 30 years ago.\" \"", "While police refuse to confirm it, a source tells us that it was Owens who was actually responsible for Banner's death on that fateful homecoming night in 1969.\"" ]
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0.01282051282051282, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0.05084745762711865, 0, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0.009345794392523364, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0, 0, 0.047619047619047616, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.047619047619047616, 0, 0.0425531914893617, 0, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0, 0, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02830188679245283, 0.018518518518518517, 0.04878048780487805, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03389830508474576, 0.0125, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0.043478260869565216, 0.03333333333333333, 0.015625, 0.031746031746031744, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0.04, 0.03571428571428571, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1111111111111111, 0.022222222222222223, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.14285714285714285, 0, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0.1111111111111111, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0.029411764705882353, 0.1111111111111111, 0, 0, 0, 0.1111111111111111, 0, 0.07692307692307693, 0, 0, 0.1111111111111111, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0.04, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0, 0.1111111111111111, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007751937984496124, 0.012422360248447204 ]
[ "Transpacific IP's technology and market experts provide comprehensive expertise across a wide range of technologies and industries to help you capitalize on emerging trends. ", "We'll help you determine where to focus your R&D efforts, what is worth patenting, which assets you need to acquire to protect or grow your portfolio, what to license or sell, and where you can monetize assets for maximum ROI.", "\n\nPortfolio Development\n\nEnsures that you build a strong IP portfolio to gain or maintain a dominant market position, guide your R&D efforts, and take advantage of commercial opportunities.", "\n\nDetermines the real potential and business challenges of promising technologies based on market analysis, underlying demands for the technology, and critical factors to meet demands\n\nDetects issues that may hinder market access to certain jurisdictions, offers solutions to obstacles, and advises on whether to file a patent for an invention\n\nForecasts future advancements and uncovers connections between markets and technologies for long-term gain\n\nPortfolio Management\n\nConstantly monitors and adapts your IP portfolio to keep you on the leading edge of the technological landscape, enable you to seize opportunities, and safeguard your assets." ]
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[ 0.005747126436781609, 0, 0.005291005291005291, 0.0015408320493066256 ]
[ "Subramanian Swamy\n\nIn a letter addressed to Suresh Prabhu, Civil Aviation minister, Subramanian Swamy, member of parliament recommended merging Jet Airways with Air India.", "\n\nAdvertising Advertising\n\n“The Ministry of Civil Aviation should strongly recommend to the cabinet that Jet Airways should be merged with Air India not only to ensure air services are not restricted but also to enable Air India to recover its former premier position,” said Swamy.", "\n\n“Any other solution is likely to raise speculation about corruption at high places and will certainly invite litigation in court. ", "Recommend to stop this plunder of national assets investment, and the infrastructure of Air India,” the member of parliament added.", "\n\nJet Airway’s several slots have been temporarily for a period of three months given to other airlines including Indigo, Spicejet and Vistara. “", "There is a serious effort going on by private airlines such as Spicejet and Vistara to benefit from this dismemberment of Jet Airways. ", "This is being supported by some of your colleagues and officers whom I can name in a private meeting with you,” Swamy alleged.", "\n\nAccording to Swamy, the closure of Jet Airways is adverse effects for passengers and domestic along with international air traffic with foreign airlines getting a higher share of the growing traffic which is not getting absorbed by the Indian carriers.", "\n\n“I had opposed the Jet-Etihad FDI arrangement on the ground of the disproportionate share of airspace given to Etihad which is against the interest of domestic passenger traffic, and also against national interest.” ", "In 2012, the government had announced that foreign airlines could have a stake of 49 per cent. ", "After which Jet Airways and Etihad got into a strategic alliance in 2013.", "\n\nIn 2013, Swamy had filed a writ petition in the Supreme Court against the Jet-Etihad deal. “", "My writ petition (888 of 2013) is now in the final hearing stage in the supreme court. ", "In the mean time Jet Airways has folded up, making my case in court even stronger. ", "The effect of the foreign direct investment of Etihad in Jet Airways and the implied bilateral agreement of air services between India and the UAE has primarily damaged Air India which is a government owned airline with huge assets that are extremely valuable,” he added." ]
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[ "About Nardone Bros.\n\nSince 1942, Nardone Bros. has been committed to making the finest pizza and bringing the most nutritious, high-quality products to schools around the country. ", "Several generations have handed down the knowledge and insight that goes into our pizza, and our company remains family owned and operated to this day." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.011111111111111112, 0 ]
[ "Stats\n\nBinding of Isaac: Rebirth!!!! ", "It will be here! ", "Soon! ", "For me this is be the most anticipated game of a year!", "\n\nBut while waiting, you can still play the original and try to \"break\" it, if you know what i mean, hehe)\n\nAs for the picture. ", "Eve. ", "One of the playable character in the game. ", "Many players hate her for the luck of damage, but i think playing as her is always an interesting challenge. ", "Also. ", "Whore of Babylon state looks awesome!", "\n\nRebirth is a Remake. ", "The game was intended to have old pixel style, but macmillan couldn't draw it... also the game was made in flash and it had some problems with the performance. ", "So the Remake fixed many problems.", "Love Eve! ", "Especially in Rebirth." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00625, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Florida Miami Information about Florida Miami. ", "Florida Miami Miami Florida Fl. ", "Usa is partitioned into many different sections, roughly into North, South, West and Downtown. ", "The heart of the city is Downtown Miami Florida Fl. ", "Usa and is technically on the eastern side of the city. ", "This area includes Brickell, Virginia Key, Watson Island, and … Continue reading Florida Miami" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085 ]
[ "Detection of Lyme disease and anaplasmosis pathogens via PCR in Pennsylvania deer ked.", "\nBorrelia burgdorferi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum are obligate intracellular parasites that maintain their life cycles in enzoonotic vector-host cycles with Ixodes scapularis as a vector. ", "In addition to ticks, the hosts are commonly infested with insects from the Hippoboscidae family. ", "This study confirms the presence of B. burgdorferi and A. phagocytophilum in deer keds (Lipoptena cervi) removed from white-tailed deer using PCR. ", "Detection of these pathogens in deer ked represents a potential novel susceptibility of wildlife and also suggests the risk of transmission of these pathogens to humans and animals alike through the bite of an infected ectoparasite. ", "This study represents the first instance in the U.S. of detection of tick-borne pathogens in a member of the Hippoboscid family." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.023255813953488372, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0.013605442176870748, 0.004291845493562232, 0 ]
[ "Number of tax payers increased significantly from 4.72 cr in financial year 2012-13 to 6.26 crore during Financial Year 2016-17 Direct Tax Revenue Collections up to 18 Sept, 2017 in current FY 2017-18 rose to Rs. ", "3.7 lakh crore with growth of 15.7%: FM\n\nShocked and anguished at the unprecedented stampede today at the Parel-Elphinstone Railway Station in Mumbai. ", "Have asked the Regional and Pradesh Congress Committee and party workers to contribute in providing assistance to the families of the bereaved: Congress chief Sonia Gandhi" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.006622516556291391, 0.017543859649122806 ]
[ "![](", "hosplond69585-0013){#sp1 .157}\n\n![](", "hosplond69585-0014){#sp2 .158}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWhat's the difference between 海獣 and 怪獣?", "\n\nWhat's the difference between 海獣 and 怪獣? ", "Do they both mean the same thing, or is one proper and the other one not?", "\n\nA:\n\n怪獣【かいじゅう】 is a common word that refers to (big) monsters. ", "This was a popular genre in the Japanese film industry, and there is an Wikipedia article written in English. ", "Character-wise, 怪 means \"wicked; strange\", and 獣 means \"beast; monster\".", "\n海獣【かいじゅう】 is a rare biological term which refers to marine mammals such as seals, whales and manatees. ", "The kanji 海 means \"sea; ocean\". ", "This word is normally used in academic contexts, so usually there is no chance of confusion. ", "But in some fictional works, it may be also used to refer to \"marine monsters\" such as Kraken.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Organization of schistosomiasis control in Cameroon.", "\nDespite the wealth of information available on schistosomiasis - its epidemiology, treatment and control - the management of this disease still remains a challenge in endemic countries. ", "Over time, we have seen a shift in emphasis of control measures from vector control and passive collaboration from the community to emphasis on case treatment and active community participation (WHO, 1983; Gorden, P., Webbe, G. 1984; Mott, K. E. 1984). ", "With this shift in emphasis, the control of this disease has become more feasible and less expansive. ", "This approach to control is intrinsically related to primary health care which in many countries has not been easily achieved and the monetary costs have been over-shadowed by the increased organizational and management input needed." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.007905138339920948, 0, 0 ]
[ "#include <linux/kernel.h>\n#include <linux/serial.h>\n#include <linux/serial_8250.h>\n#include <linux/serial_core.h>\n#include <linux/console.h>\n#include <linux/pci.h>\n#include <linux/of_address.h>\n#include <linux/of_device.h>\n#include <linux/serial_reg.h>\n#include <asm/io.h>\n#include <asm/mmu.h>\n#include <asm/prom.h>\n#include <asm/serial.h>\n#include <asm/udbg.h>\n#include <asm/pci-bridge.h>\n#include <asm/ppc-pci.h>\n\n#undef DEBUG\n\n#ifdef DEBUG\n#define DBG(fmt...) do { printk(fmt); } while(0)\n#else\n#define DBG(fmt...) do { } while(0)\n#endif\n\n#define MAX_LEGACY_SERIAL_PORTS\t8\n\nstatic struct plat_serial8250_port\nlegacy_serial_ports[MAX_LEGACY_SERIAL_PORTS+1];\nstatic struct legacy_serial_info {\n\tstruct device_node\t\t*np;\n\tunsigned int\t\t\tspeed;\n\tunsigned int\t\t\tclock;\n\tint\t\t\t\tirq_check_parent;\n\tphys_addr_t\t\t\ttaddr;\n} legacy_serial_infos[MAX_LEGACY_SERIAL_PORTS];\n\nstatic struct __initdata of_device_id legacy_serial_parents[] = {\n\t{.type = \"soc\",},\n\t{.type = \"tsi-bridge\",},\n\t{.type = \"opb\", },\n\t{.compatible = \"ibm,opb\",},\n\t{.compatible = \"simple-bus\",},\n\t{.compatible = \"wrs,epld-localbus\",},\n\t{},\n};\n\nstatic unsigned int legacy_serial_count;\nstatic int legacy_serial_console = -1;\n\nstatic unsigned int tsi_serial_in(struct uart_port *p, int offset)\n{\n\tunsigned int tmp;\n\toffset = offset << p->regshift;\n\tif (offset == UART_IIR) {\n\t\ttmp = readl(p->membase + (UART_IIR & ~3));\n\t\treturn (tmp >> 16) & 0xff; /* UART_IIR % 4 == 2 */\n\t} else\n\t\treturn readb(p->membase + offset);\n}\n\nstatic void tsi_serial_out(struct uart_port *p, int offset, int value)\n{\n\toffset = offset << p->regshift;\n\tif (!((", "offset == UART_IER) && (value & UART_IER_UUE)))\n\t\twriteb(value, p->membase + offset);\n}\n\nstatic int __init add_legacy_port(struct device_node *np, int want_index,\n\t\t\t\t int iotype, phys_addr_t base,\n\t\t\t\t phys_addr_t taddr, unsigned long irq,\n\t\t\t\t upf_t flags, int irq_check_parent)\n{\n\tconst __be32 *clk, *spd;\n\tu32 clock = BASE_BAUD * 16;\n\tint index;\n\n\t/* get clock freq. ", "if present */\n\tclk = of_get_property(np, \"clock-frequency\", NULL);\n\tif (clk && *clk)\n\t\tclock = be32_to_cpup(clk);\n\n\t/* get default speed if present */\n\tspd = of_get_property(np, \"current-speed\", NULL);\n\n\t/* If we have a location index, then try to use it */\n\tif (want_index >= 0 && want_index < MAX_LEGACY_SERIAL_PORTS)\n\t\tindex = want_index;\n\telse\n\t\tindex = legacy_serial_count;\n\n\t/* if our index is still out of range, that mean that\n\t * array is full, we could scan for a free slot but that\n\t * make little sense to bother, just skip the port\n\t */\n\tif (index >= MAX_LEGACY_SERIAL_PORTS)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\tif (index >= legacy_serial_count)\n\t\tlegacy_serial_count = index + 1;\n\n\t/* Check if there is a port who already claimed our slot */\n\tif (legacy_serial_infos[index].np !", "= 0) {\n\t\t/* if we still have some room, move it, else override */\n\t\tif (legacy_serial_count < MAX_LEGACY_SERIAL_PORTS) {\n\t\t\tprintk(KERN_DEBUG \"Moved legacy port %d -> %d\\n\",\n\t\t\t index, legacy_serial_count);\n\t\t\tlegacy_serial_ports[legacy_serial_count] =\n\t\t\t\tlegacy_serial_ports[index];\n\t\t\tlegacy_serial_infos[legacy_serial_count] =\n\t\t\t\tlegacy_serial_infos[index];\n\t\t\tlegacy_serial_count++;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tprintk(KERN_DEBUG \"Replacing legacy port %d\\n\", index);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t/* Now fill the entry */\n\tmemset(&legacy_serial_ports[index], 0,\n\t sizeof(struct plat_serial8250_port));\n\tif (iotype == UPIO_PORT)\n\t\tlegacy_serial_ports[index].iobase = base;\n\telse\n\t\tlegacy_serial_ports[index].mapbase = base;\n\n\tlegacy_serial_ports[index].iotype = iotype;\n\tlegacy_serial_ports[index].uartclk = clock;\n\tlegacy_serial_ports[index].irq = irq;\n\tlegacy_serial_ports[index].flags = flags;\n\tlegacy_serial_infos[index].taddr = taddr;\n\tlegacy_serial_infos[index].np = of_node_get(np);\n\tlegacy_serial_infos[index].clock = clock;\n\tlegacy_serial_infos[index].speed = spd ? ", "be32_to_cpup(spd) : 0;\n\tlegacy_serial_infos[index].irq_check_parent = irq_check_parent;\n\n\tif (iotype == UPIO_TSI) {\n\t\tlegacy_serial_ports[index].serial_in = tsi_serial_in;\n\t\tlegacy_serial_ports[index].serial_out = tsi_serial_out;\n\t}\n\n\tprintk(KERN_DEBUG \"Found legacy serial port %d for %s\\n\",\n\t index, np->full_name);\n\tprintk(KERN_DEBUG \" %s=%llx, taddr=%llx, irq=%lx, clk=%d, speed=%d\\n\",\n\t (iotype == UPIO_PORT) ? \"", "port\" : \"mem\",\n\t (unsigned long long)base, (unsigned long long)taddr, irq,\n\t legacy_serial_ports[index].uartclk,\n\t legacy_serial_infos[index].speed);\n\n\treturn index;\n}\n\nstatic int __init add_legacy_soc_port(struct device_node *np,\n\t\t\t\t struct device_node *soc_dev)\n{\n\tu64 addr;\n\tconst u32 *addrp;\n\tupf_t flags = UPF_BOOT_AUTOCONF | UPF_SKIP_TEST | UPF_SHARE_IRQ\n\t\t| UPF_FIXED_PORT;\n\tstruct device_node *tsi = of_get_parent(np);\n\n\t/* We only support ports that have a clock frequency properly\n\t * encoded in the device-tree.", "\n\t */\n\tif (of_get_property(np, \"clock-frequency\", NULL) == NULL)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\t/* if reg-shift or offset, don't try to use it */\n\tif ((of_get_property(np, \"reg-shift\", NULL) !", "= NULL) ||\n\t\t(of_get_property(np, \"reg-offset\", NULL) !", "= NULL))\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\t/* if rtas uses this device, don't try to use it as well */\n\tif (of_get_property(np, \"used-by-rtas\", NULL) !", "= NULL)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\t/* Get the address */\n\taddrp = of_get_address(soc_dev, 0, NULL, NULL);\n\tif (addrp == NULL)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\taddr = of_translate_address(soc_dev, addrp);\n\tif (addr == OF_BAD_ADDR)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\t/* Add port, irq will be dealt with later. ", "We passed a translated\n\t * IO port value. ", "It will be fixed up later along with the irq\n\t */\n\tif (tsi && !", "strcmp(tsi->type, \"tsi-bridge\"))\n\t\treturn add_legacy_port(np, -1, UPIO_TSI, addr, addr, NO_IRQ, flags, 0);\n\telse\n\t\treturn add_legacy_port(np, -1, UPIO_MEM, addr, addr, NO_IRQ, flags, 0);\n}\n\nstatic int __init add_legacy_isa_port(struct device_node *np,\n\t\t\t\t struct device_node *isa_brg)\n{\n\tconst __be32 *reg;\n\tconst char *typep;\n\tint index = -1;\n\tu64 taddr;\n\n\tDBG(\" -> add_legacy_isa_port(%s)\\n\", np->full_name);\n\n\t/* Get the ISA port number */\n\treg = of_get_property(np, \"reg\", NULL);\n\tif (reg == NULL)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\t/* Verify it's an IO port, we don't support anything else */\n\tif (!(", "be32_to_cpu(reg[0]) & 0x00000001))\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\t/* Now look for an \"ibm,aix-loc\" property that gives us ordering\n\t * if any...\n\t */\n\ttypep = of_get_property(np, \"ibm,aix-loc\", NULL);\n\n\t/* If we have a location index, then use it */\n\tif (typep && *typep == 'S')\n\t\tindex = simple_strtol(typep+1, NULL, 0) - 1;\n\n\t/* Translate ISA address. ", "If it fails, we still register the port\n\t * with no translated address so that it can be picked up as an IO\n\t * port later by the serial driver\n\t */\n\ttaddr = of_translate_address(np, reg);\n\tif (taddr == OF_BAD_ADDR)\n\t\ttaddr = 0;\n\n\t/* Add port, irq will be dealt with later */\n\treturn add_legacy_port(np, index, UPIO_PORT, be32_to_cpu(reg[1]), taddr,\n\t\t\t NO_IRQ, UPF_BOOT_AUTOCONF, 0);\n\n}\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_PCI\nstatic int __init add_legacy_pci_port(struct device_node *np,\n\t\t\t\t struct device_node *pci_dev)\n{\n\tu64 addr, base;\n\tconst u32 *addrp;\n\tunsigned int flags;\n\tint iotype, index = -1, lindex = 0;\n\n\tDBG(\" -> add_legacy_pci_port(%s)\\n\", np->full_name);\n\n\t/* We only support ports that have a clock frequency properly\n\t * encoded in the device-tree (that is have an fcode). ", "Anything\n\t * else can't be used that early and will be normally probed by\n\t * the generic 8250_pci driver later on. ", "The reason is that 8250\n\t * compatible UARTs on PCI need all sort of quirks (port offsets\n\t * etc...) that this code doesn't know about\n\t */\n\tif (of_get_property(np, \"clock-frequency\", NULL) == NULL)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\t/* Get the PCI address. ", "Assume BAR 0 */\n\taddrp = of_get_pci_address(pci_dev, 0, NULL, &flags);\n\tif (addrp == NULL)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\t/* We only support BAR 0 for now */\n\tiotype = (flags & IORESOURCE_MEM) ? ", "UPIO_MEM : UPIO_PORT;\n\taddr = of_translate_address(pci_dev, addrp);\n\tif (addr == OF_BAD_ADDR)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\t/* Set the IO base to the same as the translated address for MMIO,\n\t * or to the domain local IO base for PIO (it will be fixed up later)\n\t */\n\tif (iotype == UPIO_MEM)\n\t\tbase = addr;\n\telse\n\t\tbase = addrp[2];\n\n\t/* Try to guess an index... If we have subdevices of the pci dev,\n\t * we get to their \"reg\" property\n\t */\n\tif (np !", "= pci_dev) {\n\t\tconst __be32 *reg = of_get_property(np, \"reg\", NULL);\n\t\tif (reg && (be32_to_cpup(reg) < 4))\n\t\t\tindex = lindex = be32_to_cpup(reg);\n\t}\n\n\t/* Local index means it's the Nth port in the PCI chip. ", "Unfortunately\n\t * the offset to add here is device specific. ", "We know about those\n\t * EXAR ports and we default to the most common case. ", "If your UART\n\t * doesn't work for these settings, you'll have to add your own special\n\t * cases here\n\t */\n\tif (of_device_is_compatible(pci_dev, \"pci13a8,152\") ||\n\t of_device_is_compatible(pci_dev, \"pci13a8,154\") ||\n\t of_device_is_compatible(pci_dev, \"pci13a8,158\")) {\n\t\taddr += 0x200 * lindex;\n\t\tbase += 0x200 * lindex;\n\t} else {\n\t\taddr += 8 * lindex;\n\t\tbase += 8 * lindex;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Add port, irq will be dealt with later. ", "We passed a translated\n\t * IO port value. ", "It will be fixed up later along with the irq\n\t */\n\treturn add_legacy_port(np, index, iotype, base, addr, NO_IRQ,\n\t\t\t UPF_BOOT_AUTOCONF, np !", "= pci_dev);\n}\n#endif\n\nstatic void __init setup_legacy_serial_console(int console)\n{\n\tstruct legacy_serial_info *info =\n\t\t&legacy_serial_infos[console];\n\tvoid __iomem *addr;\n\n\tif (info->taddr == 0)\n\t\treturn;\n\taddr = ioremap(info->taddr, 0x1000);\n\tif (addr == NULL)\n\t\treturn;\n\tif (info->speed == 0)\n\t\tinfo->speed = udbg_probe_uart_speed(addr, info->clock);\n\tDBG(\"default console speed = %d\\n\", info->speed);\n\tudbg_init_uart(addr, info->speed, info->clock);\n}\n\n/*\n * This is called very early, as part of setup_system() or eventually\n * setup_arch(), basically before anything else in this file. ", "This function\n * will try to build a list of all the available 8250-compatible serial ports\n * in the machine using the Open Firmware device-tree. ", "It currently only deals\n * with ISA and PCI busses but could be extended. ", "It allows a very early boot\n * console to be initialized, that list is also used later to provide 8250 with\n * the machine non-PCI ports and to properly pick the default console port\n */\nvoid __init find_legacy_serial_ports(void)\n{\n\tstruct device_node *np, *stdout = NULL;\n\tconst char *path;\n\tint index;\n\n\tDBG(\" -> find_legacy_serial_port()\\n\");\n\n\t/* Now find out if one of these is out firmware console */\n\tpath = of_get_property(of_chosen, \"linux,stdout-path\", NULL);\n\tif (path !", "= NULL) {\n\t\tstdout = of_find_node_by_path(path);\n\t\tif (stdout)\n\t\t\tDBG(\"stdout is %s\\n\", stdout->full_name);\n\t} else {\n\t\tDBG(\" no linux,stdout-path !", "\\n\");\n\t}\n\n\t/* Iterate over all the 16550 ports, looking for known parents */\n\tfor_each_compatible_node(np, \"serial\", \"ns16550\") {\n\t\tstruct device_node *parent = of_get_parent(np);\n\t\tif (!", "parent)\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\tif (of_match_node(legacy_serial_parents, parent) !", "= NULL) {\n\t\t\tif (of_device_is_available(np)) {\n\t\t\t\tindex = add_legacy_soc_port(np, np);\n\t\t\t\tif (index >= 0 && np == stdout)\n\t\t\t\t\tlegacy_serial_console = index;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tof_node_put(parent);\n\t}\n\n\t/* Next, fill our array with ISA ports */\n\tfor_each_node_by_type(np, \"serial\") {\n\t\tstruct device_node *isa = of_get_parent(np);\n\t\tif (isa && !", "strcmp(isa->name, \"isa\")) {\n\t\t\tindex = add_legacy_isa_port(np, isa);\n\t\t\tif (index >= 0 && np == stdout)\n\t\t\t\tlegacy_serial_console = index;\n\t\t}\n\t\tof_node_put(isa);\n\t}\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_PCI\n\t/* Next, try to locate PCI ports */\n\tfor (np = NULL; (np = of_find_all_nodes(np));) {\n\t\tstruct device_node *pci, *parent = of_get_parent(np);\n\t\tif (parent && !", "strcmp(parent->name, \"isa\")) {\n\t\t\tof_node_put(parent);\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (strcmp(np->name, \"serial\") && strcmp(np->type, \"serial\")) {\n\t\t\tof_node_put(parent);\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t}\n\t\t/* Check for known pciclass, and also check whether we have\n\t\t * a device with child nodes for ports or not\n\t\t */\n\t\tif (of_device_is_compatible(np, \"pciclass,0700\") ||\n\t\t of_device_is_compatible(np, \"pciclass,070002\"))\n\t\t\tpci = np;\n\t\telse if (of_device_is_compatible(parent, \"pciclass,0700\") ||\n\t\t\t of_device_is_compatible(parent, \"pciclass,070002\"))\n\t\t\tpci = parent;\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tof_node_put(parent);\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t}\n\t\tindex = add_legacy_pci_port(np, pci);\n\t\tif (index >= 0 && np == stdout)\n\t\t\tlegacy_serial_console = index;\n\t\tof_node_put(parent);\n\t}\n#endif\n\n\tDBG(\"legacy_serial_console = %d\\n\", legacy_serial_console);\n\tif (legacy_serial_console >= 0)\n\t\tsetup_legacy_serial_console(legacy_serial_console);\n\tDBG(\" <- find_legacy_serial_port()\\n\");\n}\n\nstatic struct platform_device serial_device = {\n\t.name\t= \"serial8250\",\n\t.id\t= PLAT8250_DEV_PLATFORM,\n\t.dev\t= {\n\t\t.platform_data = legacy_serial_ports,\n\t},\n};\n\nstatic void __init fixup_port_irq(int index,\n\t\t\t\t struct device_node *np,\n\t\t\t\t struct plat_serial8250_port *port)\n{\n\tunsigned int virq;\n\n\tDBG(\"fixup_port_irq(%d)\\n\", index);\n\n\tvirq = irq_of_parse_and_map(np, 0);\n\tif (virq == NO_IRQ && legacy_serial_infos[index].irq_check_parent) {\n\t\tnp = of_get_parent(np);\n\t\tif (np == NULL)\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\tvirq = irq_of_parse_and_map(np, 0);\n\t\tof_node_put(np);\n\t}\n\tif (virq == NO_IRQ)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\tport->irq = virq;\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_FSL\n\tif (of_device_is_compatible(np, \"fsl,ns16550\"))\n\t\tport->handle_irq = fsl8250_handle_irq;\n#endif\n}\n\nstatic void __init fixup_port_pio(int index,\n\t\t\t\t struct device_node *np,\n\t\t\t\t struct plat_serial8250_port *port)\n{\n#ifdef CONFIG_PCI\n\tstruct pci_controller *hose;\n\n\tDBG(\"fixup_port_pio(%d)\\n\", index);\n\n\those = pci_find_hose_for_OF_device(np);\n\tif (hose) {\n\t\tunsigned long offset = (unsigned long)hose->io_base_virt -\n#ifdef CONFIG_PPC64\n\t\t\tpci_io_base;\n#else\n\t\t\tisa_io_base;\n#endif\n\t\tDBG(\"port %d, IO %lx -> %lx\\n\",\n\t\t index, port->iobase, port->iobase + offset);\n\t\tport->iobase += offset;\n\t}\n#endif\n}\n\nstatic void __init fixup_port_mmio(int index,\n\t\t\t\t struct device_node *np,\n\t\t\t\t struct plat_serial8250_port *port)\n{\n\tDBG(\"fixup_port_mmio(%d)\\n\", index);\n\n\tport->membase = ioremap(port->mapbase, 0x100);\n}\n\n/*\n * This is called as an arch initcall, hopefully before the PCI bus is\n * probed and/or the 8250 driver loaded since we need to register our\n * platform devices before 8250 PCI ones are detected as some of them\n * must properly \"override\" the platform ones.", "\n *\n * This function fixes up the interrupt value for platform ports as it\n * couldn't be done earlier before interrupt maps have been parsed. ", "It\n * also \"corrects\" the IO address for PIO ports for the same reason,\n * since earlier, the PHBs virtual IO space wasn't assigned yet. ", "It then\n * registers all those platform ports for use by the 8250 driver when it\n * finally loads.", "\n */\nstatic int __init serial_dev_init(void)\n{\n\tint i;\n\n\tif (legacy_serial_count == 0)\n\t\treturn -ENODEV;\n\n\t/*\n\t * Before we register the platform serial devices, we need\n\t * to fixup their interrupts and their IO ports.", "\n\t */\n\tDBG(\"Fixing serial ports interrupts and IO ports ...\\n\");\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < legacy_serial_count; i++) {\n\t\tstruct plat_serial8250_port *port = &legacy_serial_ports[i];\n\t\tstruct device_node *np = legacy_serial_infos[i].np;\n\n\t\tif (port->irq == NO_IRQ)\n\t\t\tfixup_port_irq(i, np, port);\n\t\tif (port->iotype == UPIO_PORT)\n\t\t\tfixup_port_pio(i, np, port);\n\t\tif ((port->iotype == UPIO_MEM) || (port->iotype == UPIO_TSI))\n\t\t\tfixup_port_mmio(i, np, port);\n\t}\n\n\tDBG(\"Registering platform serial ports\\n\");\n\n\treturn platform_device_register(&serial_device);\n}\ndevice_initcall(serial_dev_init);\n\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_CONSOLE\n/*\n * This is called very early, as part of console_init() (typically just after\n * time_init()). ", "This function is respondible for trying to find a good\n * default console on serial ports. ", "It tries to match the open firmware\n * default output with one of the available serial console drivers that have\n * been probed earlier by find_legacy_serial_ports()\n */\nstatic int __init check_legacy_serial_console(void)\n{\n\tstruct device_node *prom_stdout = NULL;\n\tint i, speed = 0, offset = 0;\n\tconst char *name;\n\tconst __be32 *spd;\n\n\tDBG(\" -> check_legacy_serial_console()\\n\");\n\n\t/* The user has requested a console so this is already set up. */", "\n\tif (strstr(boot_command_line, \"console=\")) {\n\t\tDBG(\" console was specified !", "\\n\");\n\t\treturn -EBUSY;\n\t}\n\n\tif (!", "of_chosen) {\n\t\tDBG(\" of_chosen is NULL !", "\\n\");\n\t\treturn -ENODEV;\n\t}\n\n\tif (legacy_serial_console < 0) {\n\t\tDBG(\" legacy_serial_console not found !", "\\n\");\n\t\treturn -ENODEV;\n\t}\n\t/* We are getting a weird phandle from OF ... */\n\t/* ... So use the full path instead */\n\tname = of_get_property(of_chosen, \"linux,stdout-path\", NULL);\n\tif (name == NULL) {\n\t\tDBG(\" no linux,stdout-path !", "\\n\");\n\t\treturn -ENODEV;\n\t}\n\tprom_stdout = of_find_node_by_path(name);\n\tif (!", "prom_stdout) {\n\t\tDBG(\" can't find stdout package %s !", "\\n\", name);\n\t\treturn -ENODEV;\n\t}\n\tDBG(\"stdout is %s\\n\", prom_stdout->full_name);\n\n\tname = of_get_property(prom_stdout, \"name\", NULL);\n\tif (!", "name) {\n\t\tDBG(\" stdout package has no name !", "\\n\");\n\t\tgoto not_found;\n\t}\n\tspd = of_get_property(prom_stdout, \"current-speed\", NULL);\n\tif (spd)\n\t\tspeed = be32_to_cpup(spd);\n\n\tif (strcmp(name, \"serial\") !", "= 0)\n\t\tgoto not_found;\n\n\t/* Look for it in probed array */\n\tfor (i = 0; i < legacy_serial_count; i++) {\n\t\tif (prom_stdout !", "= legacy_serial_infos[i].np)\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\toffset = i;\n\t\tspeed = legacy_serial_infos[i].speed;\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\tif (i >= legacy_serial_count)\n\t\tgoto not_found;\n\n\tof_node_put(prom_stdout);\n\n\tDBG(\"Found serial console at ttyS%d\\n\", offset);\n\n\tif (speed) {\n\t\tstatic char __initdata opt[16];\n\t\tsprintf(opt, \"%d\", speed);\n\t\treturn add_preferred_console(\"ttyS\", offset, opt);\n\t} else\n\t\treturn add_preferred_console(\"ttyS\", offset, NULL);\n\n not_found:\n\tDBG(\"No preferred console found !", "\\n\");\n\tof_node_put(prom_stdout);\n\treturn -ENODEV;\n}\nconsole_initcall(check_legacy_serial_console);\n\n#endif /* CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_CONSOLE */\n" ]
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[ "Molecular mechanisms of cytokinin action.", "\nCytokinins have been implicated in many aspects of plant development, including a crucial role in regulating cell proliferation. ", "Recent studies indicate that cytokinins may elevate cell division rates by induction of expression of CycD3, which encodes a D-type cyclin thought to play a role in the G1-->M transition of the cell cycle. ", "Progress has also been made in our understanding of cytokinin perception as homologs of two-component phosphorelay systems have emerged as likely signaling elements." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.0048543689320388345, 0 ]
[ "Intercellular junctions and rhombic particle arrays in the developing and adult dorsal ocelli of the honeybee.", "\nIntercellular junctions and particle arrays in the developing and mature dorsal ocelli of the honeybee Apis mellifera have been studied with conventional and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. ", "Four types of junctions are found in the lentigenic and retinogenic part during development. ", "These are desmosomes, septate junctions, tight junctions, and gap junctions. ", "Gap junctions and septate junctions are found between differentiating photoreceptor cells only as long as the rhabdoms are beginning to form. ", "Their disappearance after differentiation indicates that they could play a part in cell determination. ", "Desmosomes connect photoreceptor cells into the early imaginai stage and then disappear. ", "Other junctions, once they have formed, remain for the life of the animal, but can change considerably in structure, distribution and frequency. ", "The cells of the perineurium surrounding the ocellus are connected by septate and gap junctions, which may be the basis of the blood-eye barrier. ", "Rhombic particle arrays on the E-face of the glial membrane attached to the photoreceptor cell membrane first appear in small groups one day before emergence. ", "In the further course of life these arrays become more extensive and apparent. ", "Their significance may be to play some role in receptor function." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "北朝鮮の憲法68条には、「公民は信仰の自由を持つ」と明記されている。しかし現実には、北朝鮮当局は信仰を持つ人々を残忍な方法で抑圧している。デイリーNKは、2001年の脱北後にキリスト教に入信し、中国を拠点に北朝鮮の地下教会に対する支援活動を行った経験のあるキム・チュンソンさんにインタビューを行った。今回は2回目。", "\n\n裸で冷凍室に\n\nー布教活動のため北朝鮮に戻ったことも?", "\n\nはい。中国にいた頃、韓国、米国、カナダから、北朝鮮の地下教会の支援のために来た宣教師に会いました。地下教会というものがあるなんて、その時まで知りませんでした。それでこの目で見てみたいと思い、北朝鮮に戻ることにしました。普天堡(ポチョンボ、恵山の北東17キロ)の対岸まで行ったのですが、何の準備もしていなかったため、国境警備隊に見つかり追いかけられました。そこで一度退却して、神様に「道を開いてください」とお祈りして、夜を待って北朝鮮に忍び込みました。", "\n\nー北朝鮮ではどのような活動を?" ]
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[ "Random rants about DIY projects, cooking, teaching, and vintage finds\n\nMenu\n\nTag Archives: table scape\n\nIf you are anal a planner like I am, chances are you’ve already started Christmas shopping thinking about the fall holidays. ", "A welcome chill in the air this week prompted a trip to the storage closet to inventory fall decor. ", "I came across these adorable wooden pumpkins I purchased a couple of years ago, and my ADD kicked me right past Halloween into Thanksgiving.", "\n\nI love Thanksgiving, but it is one of those holidays that I just can’t depend upon. ", "When my dad was alive and my parents lived on the farm, we knew where we would be at Thanksgiving. ", "It often coincided with deer and quail hunting season, and both my brothers and their families joined Saint, me, and our two kids for a big family gathering at the folks’. ", "But for the last sixteen years, as Dad passed away and Mom moved from the farm to a small apartment in the city, kids married and had kids of their own, and in-laws multiplied, our traditions have been hijacked and we sometimes find ourselves wondering how we will celebrate Thanksgiving. ", "Sometimes it’s a Norman Rockwell. ", "Occasionally, it’s a Walton Family celebration, but, occasionally, it is just a handful. ", "No matter, I am determined to give Thanksgiving its due, even if it means this lovely outdoor dinner for two, complete with a smoked wild turkey from Redbud Ridge.", "\n\nWorthy of a festive table setting, wouldn’t you think? ", "Uh-huh, I did make it back around to the DIY project!", "\n\nDoesn’t this little tableware pocket scream vintage Thanksgiving? ", "For this project you will need:\n\nNatural burlap\n\nBleached white burlap\n\nA button or brooch\n\nRubber bands\n\nScissors\n\nEither a sewing machine or fabric glue.", "\n\nDirections:\n\nFor each pocket, you will need a 15×5 1/2 rectangle of natural burlap. ", "Fold up approximately 5 inches from the bottom to make the pocket. ", "Then run a stitch down both sides. ", "If you want a no-sew project, you can use fabric glue and just glue the sides of the pocket. ", "I ran the seam all the way down each side rather than just along the pocket edge to keep the burlap from fraying too much. ", "Next, fold down about an inch at the top and fray the edges. ", "Press the seam to make the “flap” at the top. ", "This is purely decorative. ", "You could add vintage lace, ric-rac, or anything you like. ", "I chose to leave it plain.", "\n\nNow, cut a piece of the bleached burlap about 5″x9″. Fray all the edges a bit and gather it in the center like a fan. ", "Cut a rubber band and run one end through the hole (or holes) on the button. ", "Tie the rubber band back together and wrap it around the center of the fabric to secure it. ", "Fan out the ends and tack them together with a needle and thread or fabric glue. ", "Attach the fan to the pocket using your needle or more fabric glue. ", "Tuck in your silverware, and there you have it." ]
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[ "Q:\n\ndofilter not giving pdf as output on response\n\nI am trying to show a pdf as the output on browser. ", "Here is my code in dofilter class of servlet. ", "I am already getting a byte array that renders pdf correctly on this line --> byte[] pdfArray = pdfConverter.convertToDoc(bytes); I do see pdf file saved in --> File someFile = new File(\"C:\\\\log\\\\java2.pdf\"); but it's not outputting on servletresponse, only mixed characters show up. ", "Any help is appreciated. ", "Please look inside dofilter method. ", "\nI have pdfconverter take the whole site as byte array and convert into pdf. ", "\nimport java.io.", "ByteArrayOutputStream;\nimport java.io.", "IOException;\nimport java.io.", "PrintWriter;\nimport javax.servlet.", "Filter;\nimport javax.servlet.", "FilterChain;\nimport javax.servlet.", "FilterConfig;\nimport javax.servlet.", "ServletException;\nimport javax.servlet.", "ServletOutputStream;\nimport javax.servlet.", "ServletRequest;\nimport javax.servlet.", "ServletResponse;\nimport javax.servlet.", "WriteListener;\nimport javax.servlet.http.", "HttpServletResponse;\nimport javax.servlet.http.", "HttpServletResponseWrapper;\n\nimport org.slf4j.", "Logger;\nimport org.slf4j.", "LoggerFactory;\n\npublic class ItextFilter implements Filter{\n\n private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ItextFilter.class);\n\n private FilterConfig filterConfig = null;\n private String encoding;\n\n private static class ByteArrayServletStream extends ServletOutputStream{\n ByteArrayOutputStream baos;\n ByteArrayServletStream(ByteArrayOutputStream baos){\n this.baos = baos;\n }\n public void write(int param) throws IOException{\n baos.write(param);\n }\n @Override\n public boolean isReady() {\n // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n return true;\n }\n @Override\n public void setWriteListener(WriteListener paramWriteListener) {\n // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n\n }\n }\n\n private static class ByteArrayPrintWriter{\n private ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();\n private PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(baos);\n private ServletOutputStream sos = new ByteArrayServletStream(baos);\n public PrintWriter getWriter(){\n return pw;\n }\n public ServletOutputStream getStream(){\n return sos;\n }\n byte[] toByteArray(){\n return baos.toByteArray();\n }\n }\n\n public class CharResponseWrapper extends HttpServletResponseWrapper{\n private ByteArrayPrintWriter output;\n private boolean usingWriter;\n public CharResponseWrapper(HttpServletResponse response){\n super(response);\n usingWriter = false;\n output = new ByteArrayPrintWriter();\n }\n public byte[] getByteArray(){\n return output.toByteArray();\n }\n\n @Override\n public ServletOutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException{\n // will error out, if in use\n if (usingWriter) {\n super.getOutputStream();\n }\n usingWriter = true;\n return output.getStream();\n }\n\n @Override\n public PrintWriter getWriter() throws IOException{\n // will error out, if in use\n if (usingWriter) {\n super.getWriter();\n }\n usingWriter = true;\n return output.getWriter();\n }\n public String toString(){\n return output.toString();\n }\n }\n\n @Override\n public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {\n this.filterConfig = filterConfig;\n this.encoding = filterConfig.getInitParameter(\"encoding\");\n }\n\n public void destroy() {\n this.filterConfig = null;\n }\n\n protected String selectEncoding(ServletRequest request) {\n return (this.encoding);\n }\n\n public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {\n String encoding = selectEncoding(request);\n if (encoding !", "= null)\n request.setCharacterEncoding(encoding);\n\n HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse = (HttpServletResponse) response;\n\n CharResponseWrapper wrappedResponse = new CharResponseWrapper((HttpServletResponse)response);\n\n logger.info(\"ITextFilter invoked...passing on to the chain\");\n chain.doFilter(request, wrappedResponse);\n logger.info(\"Chain filter is complete...processing the respose now\");\n logger.info(\"Response Content type from the chain is: \" + wrappedResponse.getContentType());\n\n byte[] bytes = wrappedResponse.getByteArray();\n\n PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();\n byte[] pdfArray = pdfConverter.convertToDoc(bytes);\n\n httpServletResponse.setContentType(\"application/pdf; charset=UTF-8\");\n httpServletResponse.setHeader(\"Content-disposition\", \"attachment; filename=\\\"report.pdf\\\"\");\n httpServletResponse.addHeader(\"Cache-Control\", \"-1\");\n httpServletResponse.setContentType(\"application/pdf\");\n httpServletResponse.getOutputStream().write(pdfArray);\n httpServletResponse.getOutputStream().close();\n }\n}\n\nA:\n\nI found the solution. ", "it was coming gargled (mixed characters) because top of the jsp page, i changed page contentType from \"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" to \"application/pdf; charset=UTF-8\"\n\n" ]
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[ "Photo: Laura Massa / Michael Priest Photography\n\nLena Dunham might share a few traits with her Girls character Hannah Horvath, including anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder, but the kind of anxiety each of them face is very different.", "\n\n“At the end of the day, I would say I have more anxiety than Hannah, only because Hannah has very specific anxiety about what’s going to happen to her,” Dunham said. “‘", "Does this boy like me?’ ‘", "Did this job interview go okay?’ ", "I’m slightly more aware of what’s happening on the planet, and I care more about how other people feel, so those are added elements to be anxious about. ", "Sometimes when I have really bad anxiety, I do go, ‘Well, I’m just Hannah today. ", "She has so many fewer problems than I do!’ ", "And I’ll just put on ‘Stronger’ and be her. ", "No one’s mad at her on Twitter!”", "\n\nDuring a talk Tuesday night at the 92Y with Dr. Ann Marie Albano of New York-Presbyterian’s Youth Anxiety Center, Dunham shared her own history with anxiety, which included separation anxiety (her dad would have to hide from her when he was near her school, so as not to set off what she called “school refusal”), hypochondria, which resulted in her pestering her third-grade teacher every day with a new symptom (“My eye is yellow. ", "Do you think it’s jaundice?”), ", "and obsessive-compulsive behavior (which included feeling up statues at museums). ", "By the fifth grade, doctors and teachers were recommending medication, and by the eighth grade, she started on a series of drugs.", "\n\n“I’m no doctor, even if I like to think I am, and I know now that they were over-prescribing for every single symptom that presented itself,” Dunham said. ", "First she took an SSRI (Fluvoxamine), but when that didn’t work, they increased the dosage, until she was on 350 milligrams, “which is enough to take down a horse,” she said. ", "It made her gain 30 pounds during her freshman year of high school. ", "The drug also made it difficult for her to stay awake for school, so she was prescribed Adderall. “", "That made me feel crazy,” she said, “so then they were like, ‘We’re going to give you some Risperdal so you’re able to sleep.’”", "\n\nTaking this cocktail of drugs, which didn’t really solve her problems but kept causing more of them, “really broke me,” she said. ", "One day, she was standing outside her house in Brooklyn, staring at the headlights of a car. “", "I felt like, ‘I could just walk right in front of that car, and I wouldn’t have to worry about this again. ", "Maybe other people can move around on these drugs, but I can’t do it.’” ", "That feeling scared her enough that she went back inside and told her parents that they needed to come up with a new treatment plan to manage her anxiety. ", "Fewer pills helped, as did talk therapy, but Dunham also said that working on Girls really helped her cancel out the noise in her brain. “", "One place that I feel really happy and safe is on the set,” she said. “", "I love the business, I love the distraction, I love the camaraderie.” ", "Ironically, she said, she finds “very stressful situations” to be places where she functions very well, with less anxiety.", "\n\n“There’s still a lot happening in my brain all day that people around me don’t need to know about,” she added. ", "For instance, she tries to refrain from obsessively asking people, “Are you mad at me?” — ", "save her producing partner, Jenni Konner. “", "She’s the only person I’m allowed to ask,” Dunham laughed. “", "It’s a really bad habit.”" ]
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[ "969 F.2d 1042\nTorreyv.", "Cattaraugus County\nNO. ", "91-9378\nUnited States Court of Appeals,Second Circuit.", "\nMay 14, 1992\n\n1\nAppeal From: W.D.N.Y.\n\n\n2\nDISMISSED.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Stakes Winner Special Rate to Key Ranch in Texas\n\nSpecial Rate, a stakes-winning half-brother to millionaires Sightseek and Tates Creek, will enter stud at Joe and Sharon Kerby's Key Ranch near Salado, Texas.", "\n\nCampaigned as a homebred by Khalid Abdullah's Juddmonte Farms, Special Rate won or placed in 10 of 12 starts and earned $187,950 while racing exclusively in New York and in Southern California. ", "His big win came in the Bien Bien Stakes at Hollywood Park.", "\n\nA 5-year-old son of Pulpit, Special Rate is out of the stakes-winning Nureyev mare Viviana. ", "Champion and major sire Chief's Crown appears under Special Rate's third dam, champion Chris Evert." ]
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[ "Rational zeta series\n\nIn mathematics, a rational zeta series is the representation of an arbitrary real number in terms of a series consisting of rational numbers and the Riemann zeta function or the Hurwitz zeta function. ", " Specifically, given a real number x, the rational zeta series for x is given by\n\nwhere qn is a rational number, the value m is held fixed, and ζ(s, m) is the Hurwitz zeta function. ", " It is not hard to show that any real number x can be expanded in this way.", "\n\nElementary series\nFor integer m>1, one has\n\nFor m=2, a number of interesting numbers have a simple expression as rational zeta series:\n\nand\n\nwhere γ is the Euler–Mascheroni constant. ", " The series\n\nfollows by summing the Gauss–Kuzmin distribution. ", "There are also series for π:\n\nand\n\nbeing notable because of its fast convergence. ", "This last series follows from the general identity\n\nwhich in turn follows from the generating function for the Bernoulli numbers\n\nAdamchik and Srivastava give a similar series\n\nPolygamma-related series\nA number of additional relationships can be derived from the Taylor series for the polygamma function at z = 1, which is \n.", "\nThe above converges for |z| < 1. ", " A special case is\n\nwhich holds for |t| < 2. ", " Here, ψ is the digamma function and ψ(m) is the polygamma function. ", "Many series involving the binomial coefficient may be derived:\n\nwhere ν is a complex number. ", "The above follows from the series expansion for the Hurwitz zeta\n\ntaken at y = −1. ", "Similar series may be obtained by simple algebra:\n\nand\n\nand\n\n \nand\n\nFor integer n ≥ 0, the series\n\ncan be written as the finite sum\n\nThe above follows from the simple recursion relation Sn + Sn + 1 = ζ(n + 2). ", " Next, the series\n\nmay be written as\n\nfor integer n ≥ 1. ", "The above follows from the identity Tn + Tn + 1 = Sn. ", " This process may be applied recursively to obtain finite series for general expressions of the form\n\nfor positive integers m.\n\nHalf-integer power series\nSimilar series may be obtained by exploring the Hurwitz zeta function at half-integer values. ", "Thus, for example, one has\n\nExpressions in the form of p-series\nAdamchik and Srivastava give \n\nand\n\nwhere are the Bernoulli numbers and are the Stirling numbers of the second kind.", "\n\nOther series\nOther constants that have notable rational zeta series are:\n Khinchin's constant\n Apéry's constant\n\nReferences\n \n \n\nCategory:Zeta and L-functions\nCategory:Real numbers" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDjango JWT HTTP Authorization not passing\n\nI am trying to use JWT token authentication with Django rest framework. ", "I was able to successfully get the access and refresh token. ", "And I made sure that the token is valid. ", "But when I try to access some protected apiview with the access token. ", "It says \n{\"detail\":\"Authentication credentials were not provided.\"}.", "\ncurl -H \"Authorization: JWT eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoiYWNjZXNzIiwiZXhwIjoxNTE0MzQzNzcxLCJqdGkiOiIwYmE5YTcxZTJmMzQ0YmRmOTM1ZWQ3MTU3ZmI2NDkyZiIsInVzZXJfaWQiOjh9.dI3t8yvNe2Z7MKXojGvFpq_Etf1cLg8QSYsNobJ6jQ0\" http://localhost:8000/users/me/\n\nHowever, on server side I did get the request.", "META with a HTTP_AUTHORIZAITON field that contains the above token.", "\nI'm currently developing on localhost instead of Apache, with following files and configurations:\nIn views.py:\nclass GetMyInfo(views.", "APIView):\n\n def get(self,request):\n print(request.", "META)\n user = request.user\n profile = user.profile\n profile_serializer = ProfileSerializer(instance = profile)\n return Response(profile_serializer.data, status = HTTP_200_OK)\n\nIn url.py:\nurlpatterns = [\n re_path(r'^admin/', admin.site.urls),\n re_path(r'^api/$', get_schema_view()),\n re_path(r'^api/auth/', include('rest_framework.urls')),\n re_path(r'^api/auth/token/obtain/$', TokenObtainPairView.as_view(), name = 'token_obtain_pair'),\n re_path(r'^api/auth/token/refresh/$', TokenRefreshView.as_view(), name = 'token_refresh'),\n re_path(r'^api/auth/token/verify/$', TokenVerifyView.as_view(), name = 'token_verify'),\n #re_path(r'^api-token-auth/', authviews.obtain_auth_token, name = 'obtain_auth_token'),\n re_path(r'^users/$', views.", "CreateUser.as_view(), name = 'register'),\n re_path(r'users/(?P<uuid>[0-9a-f-]+)/$', views.", "GetUserInfo.as_view(), name = 'info'),\n re_path(r'users/me/$', views.", "GetMyInfo.as_view(), name = 'myinfo'),\n]\n\nsettings.py:\nINSTALLED_APPS = [\n 'django.contrib.admin',\n 'django.contrib.auth',\n 'django.contrib.contenttypes',\n 'django.contrib.sessions',\n 'django.contrib.messages',\n 'django.contrib.staticfiles',\n 'rest_framework',\n 'api'\n]\n\nREST_FRAMEWORK = {\n 'DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES':(\n 'rest_framework.permissions.", "IsAuthenticated',\n ),\n 'DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES':(\n 'rest_framework_simplejwt.authentication.", "JWTAuthentication',\n #'rest_framework.authentication.", "SessionAuthentication',\n #'rest_framework.authentication.", "TokenAuthentication',\n #'rest_framework.authentication.", "BasicAuthentication',\n ),\n 'TEST_REQUEST_DEFAULT_FORMAT': 'json',\n}\n\nAUTH_USER_MODEL = 'api.", "User'\n\nIn models.py:\n@receiver(post_save, sender = settings.", "AUTH_USER_MODEL)\ndef create_auth_token(sender, instance = None, created = False, **kwargs):\n if created:\n Token.objects.create(user = instance)\n\nclass User(AbstractUser):\n uuid = models.", "UUIDField(default = uuid.uuid4, unique = True)\n\nclass Profile(models.", "Model):\n owner = models.", "OneToOneField(settings.", "AUTH_USER_MODEL, \n on_delete = models.", "CASCADE, \n primary_key = True,\n related_name = 'profile')\n displayname = models.", "CharField(max_length = 30)\n location = models.", "CharField(max_length = 100, null = True)\n bio = models.", "CharField(max_length = 500, null = True)\n relationships = models.", "ManyToManyField('self', \n through = 'Followings', \n symmetrical = False,\n related_name = 'related_to')\n\nA:\n\nFrom what I see you are using rest_framework_simplejwt package to handle JWT authentication.", "\nA sample from the docs specify you should use:\nAuthorization: Bearer <token> to access protected views.", "\nSo instead of\ncurl -H \"Authorization: JWT eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoiYWNjZXNzIiwiZXhwIjoxNTE0MzQzNzcxLCJqdGkiOiIwYmE5YTcxZTJmMzQ0YmRmOTM1ZWQ3MTU3ZmI2NDkyZiIsInVzZXJfaWQiOjh9.dI3t8yvNe2Z7MKXojGvFpq_Etf1cLg8QSYsNobJ6jQ0\" http://localhost:8000/users/me/\n\nuse:\ncurl -H \"Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoiYWNjZXNzIiwiZXhwIjoxNTE0MzQzNzcxLCJqdGkiOiIwYmE5YTcxZTJmMzQ0YmRmOTM1ZWQ3MTU3ZmI2NDkyZiIsInVzZXJfaWQiOjh9.dI3t8yvNe2Z7MKXojGvFpq_Etf1cLg8QSYsNobJ6jQ0\" http://localhost:8000/users/me/\n\n" ]
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[ "Flexivirga\n\nFlexivirga is a genus of bacteria from the family of Dermacoccaceae.", "\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading \n \n \n \n\n \n\nCategory:Actinobacteria\nCategory:Bacteria genera" ]
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[ "jewelry\n\nTis the season to Be Jeweled! ", "Lamar Wedding Center has partnered with Collette Marie Jewelry, a NYC-based designer who makes unique, customized handcrafted jewelry… But you don’t have to be headed to the altar to enjoy our Special Occasion and Everyday Collections or browse our lovely selection of evening bags. […]", "\n\nFor the curious, we’ve collected answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about our jewelry. ", "Feel free to contact us with your questions if you don’t see it in the list. ", "What is Swarovski crystal and why is it so prized? ", "What is Preciosa crystal? ", "What does rhodium-plated mean? ", "What […]\n\nTestimonials\n\ni can’t say enough about Lamar. ", "It’s a high end place with lots of personal attention for a low price in comparison. ", "The owner is hands on and everyone is approachable. ", "We went to a competitor in Nutley and we got our money back cause the guy would never even return our calls. ", "I’m so happy we made this decision. ", "Will recommend to our friends. ", "Thank you.", "\n\nrandi\n\nI tell everyone I know to go to Lamar Wedding Center since I had my wedding in September, 2012. ", "I cannot be happier with our photos and feel so lucky to have found such a great place. ", "The prices were so affordable in comparison to everywhere else my husband and I looked, and the quality of our images were even better than some of the overpriced photographers! ", "Rita was our Officiant and Juan Carlos was our photographer and they were so pleasant and professional. ", "We also had Andrew conduct a slide…\n\nAva\n\nMy husband and I couldn’t have asked for better quality on our wedding day. ", "Rita, as the wedding officiant, helped to make our ceremony intimate and personal. ", "We received so many compliments from our guests all throughout the night. ", "Our photographer, Juan Carlos, was amazing! ", "He took so many great wedding portraits, creating a variety of poses for us. ", "All of our pictures came out beautiful and we absolutely love our wedding album. ", "Planning our wedding with the Lamar Wedding Center made this spec…\n\nAnonymous\n\nWe recently used Lamar for All their services accept for Honeymoon Travel(Haven’t gotten around to that yet, but when we do they are #1 on our list). ", "The price was great under 8k for all services.. My Cousin was soo disappointed we didn’t hear of them sooner for her wedding… She paid 8k just for photgraphy alone with a company in Bklyn.. Guy told her her album was being made in Italy!! ", "Two years and she’s still waiting.. I had all my work within 4 months of my wedding date and the VIDEO was AWES…\n\nbellabiach@aol.com\n\nLamar Wedding Center was extremely cooperative in helping us book a last minute photographer. ", "We weren’t sure if we wanted to pay for photography services, but their flexible and inexpensive packages were the deciding factor. ", "The photographer was so lively and energetic and made an effort to cover EVERYTHING! ", "He understood that with such a huge bridal party it was tought to organize photos so he took them quickly and made it fun. ", "I was really hoping for that journalistic look with the dramatic p…\n\nCaroline\n\nWe had a 20 passenger Excursion and the driver made everyone feel like royalty! ", "He was early and very professional! ", "Plus the prices are unbeatable!", "\n\nDiane\n\nI just got married and since day one we’ve been working with Lamar every step of the way! ", "I couldn’t be happier with our choice! ", "They have been the sweetest, professional people I could have asked for! ", "Irene was our photographer for the wedding and oh my, I can truly only say good things about her! ", "Amazing professional, great creative ideas, attention to detail… Every thing was just perfect. ", "And what a breeze of fresh air to work with her! ", "Always understanding and nice and it wasn’t an easy wedd…\n\nJessica\n\nThank you for making my daughters wedding so special and memorable. ", "You’ll see us soon for our second daughter’s wedding. ", "In the meantime you are very highly recommended by us. ", "Thank you!", "\n\ntiramisunogiu@aol.com\n\nAbsolutely wonderful! ", "Better pictures than I could’ve ever imagined! ", "The whole process was easy and we even got free engagement pictures! ", "I shopped around alot and Lamar gave us the biggest bang for our buck! ", "Not only great quality but great service!", "\n\nMarlin\n\nSo much of the stress of planning is relieved when you can make all the arrangements in one place. ", "Everyone is so helpful, and the quality is the best. ", "We chose Rita for all our 3 daughters. ", "Each wedding was custom fit to each of the girls. ", "We could not have been more pleased." ]
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[ "Essential managerial attributes of the nowadays nursing service manager in the South African context.", "\nNursing service managers need certain essential managerial attributes in taking the lead in effective management of the nowadays health care organisations in South Africa. ", "Major changes in restructuring and human resources planning are taking place through transformation of health services and specific managerial attributes are needed in this scenario. ", "Without nursing service managers with the necessary managerial attributes, change in the health care environment will be hampered and planning, organising, directing and control of the delivering of quality care will be negatively influenced. ", "The research problem was addressed in the following question that guided the study: Which essential attributes/characteristics should a nursing service manager possess to run a health care service effectively? ", "It was unclear what the opinions of all level of nurse managers were regarding the necessary managerial attributes the health services manager currently need to run the current health care services effectively. ", "This study aimed at highlighting the necessary attributes of the nowadays nursing service manager in running a health care institution in the current health care environment of South Africa. ", "Purposive sampling was done and forty-five functional, middle and top-level managers registered for a second year degree course in Health Services Management at a South African university participated in the study. ", "The findings indicated important managerial and leadership attributes, which the current nursing service manager should possess. ", "This article will only discuss the important managerial attributes needed. ", "A conceptual framework came to the fore according to which an example of a self-evaluation instrument was compiled for nursing service managers for future use. ", "The results of the data analysis indicated that the nursing service manager should promote good interpersonal relationships with colleagues, subordinates and patients through the attributes of openness, being inviting and empowering behavior. ", "The purpose of this article is to make nursing service managers more aware of the necessary attributes they should possess and should develop to manage nursing services more effectively." ]
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[ "\nShow HN: Macro – Customize your Zoom meeting interface - rjkeck2\nhttps://macro.io\n======\nrjkeck2\nHey folks! ", "My name is John and I’m one of the creators of Macro\n([https://macro.io](https://macro.io)). ", "We allow Zoom users to customize their\nmeeting interface with different UI modes, real-time airtime visualization,\nand dynamically synced note-taking.", "\n\nMy co-founder Ankith and I both realized how unproductive most meetings were\nwhile working everywhere from startups to Fortune 500 companies. ", "As engineers,\nwe thought we could use technology to fix that. ", "We started gathering data\naround meeting effectiveness last year using a Slack integration at over 250\ncompanies and found that people were having the most problems in virtual\nmeetings (and this was before COVID and before the entire world was WFH!).", "\nSpecifically, people felt like their voice wasn’t heard and they were missing\nnext steps (or the entire point of the meeting). ", "They felt that video meetings\nwere frankly getting in the way of work instead of augmenting it.", "\n\nWe decided in December 2019 that we should use these customer learnings to\nbuild a new video interface that would fix the biggest issues. ", "Instead of\nreinventing the wheel, we chose to build on top of the new Zoom SDK so we\ncould piggyback on the best audio / video infrastructure around. ", "Our initial\nlaunch focuses on showing airtime distribution in real time, giving users the\nability to take GDoc-synced notes directly from the Zoom UI, and allowing\nusers to pick different video modes for different meetings (like a mode with\nsmall bubbles at the top to pair program or design on Figma together).", "\n\nIt’s our first day live to the public and we’re excited to share the product\nwith HN without any recently popularized ‘exclusive waitlist’. ", "You can check\nus out and download (macOS only at the moment) at\n[https://macro.io](https://macro.io) or just see more on Product Hunt and\nTechCrunch. ", "We’re a small company of 5 and we’re rapidly iterating on the\nproduct every week so we’d love any and all feedback from the HN community!", "\n\n~~~\najrharris\nJust downloaded! ", "Can't wait to try it out.", "\n\n------\nspdustin\nLittle Snitch reported that Macro wanted to send a request to\nhooks.slack.com—I'd imagine that you're posting a notice in your team's Slack\nwhen the tool is used?", "\n\nYour on-boarding mentions your affinity for transparency, but this feels\npretty shady to me. ", "I've uninstalled the app.", "\n\n~~~\nrjkeck2\nWe don't use any traditional third-party user tracking software so we do\nindeed use Slack webhooks to allow the leadership team to be notified about\ncertain events (onboardings, uninstalls, etc.). ", "No meeting data (name,\nattendees, or otherwise) are included in these requests.", "\n\nIf you've got any suggestions on how to debug client-side issues with more\ntransparency in mind, I'd love to hear them!", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Amazon Affiliate Income And Progress Report – ASS Site April 2016\n\nIt’s time to review how we did last month for the ASS Amazon affiliate niche site.", "\n\nIf you don’t have time to read and only cares about how much this site made in April, just skip this one because there isn’t any exciting figure to report here. ", "In fact, you might want to come back in 6 months because doing White Hat SEO is really tough. ", "The improvements are so small month over month at this point.", "\n\nI know many of us have read other people’s blog about niche site projects and think it would be easy… wrong, wrong, WRONG!", "\n\nIt’s a lot of work and if you don’t have full time to devote on this (like me for now), you need to learn how to be VERY patient. ", "I am still learning for sure.", "\n\nActivities in April 2016\n\nWe published 20 articles in April and optimized them all for internal linking.", "\n\nWe experimented with YouTube marketing a little bit (about 3 videos for the ASS site) but decided to pause for now. ", "Based on the result we have seen, it’s way too much work for too little return. ", "We really need to focus more on activities that can benefit the site rather than experimental ones.", "\n\nWe also did some blog comment backlink building but not to the scale I initially planned. ", "The main reason is to conserve resource and really just focus on email outreach backlink building, which we will talk more about it in the May progress report.", "\n\nPerformance in April 2016\n\nI have decided to simplify the reporting moving forward. ", "I realized that I spend too much time on non-revenue generating activities.", "\n\nI still plan to do some indepth analysis here and there on separate posts (such as this one about keyword ranking performance before starting backlink building), but for monthly reporting, moving forward it will be kept as simple as possible.", "\n\nSo for performance, we are only going to discuss about traffic and skip the page group performance for some other time.", "\n\nIn April, it actually dipped a little bit but help steady. ", "Direct traffic increased a little bit most likely due to blog commenting activities that we did.", "\n\nWe can also see a slight increase in referral traffic as well because of that.", "\n\nAmazon Affiliate Revenue in April 2016\n\nIn April, the ASS site made $43.71. ", "Nothing to be excited about but it’s good to see it held pretty steady.", "\n\nSummary & What’s Next?", "\n\nFor the next few months, I plan to focus on email outreach and backlink building.", "\n\nWe will stop article production completely for now until we see substantial improvements in traffic and revenue.", "\n\nConsidering the number of articles we already have on the site, the site should appear as a legitimate site and not an affiliate site packed with affiliate links.", "\n\nOn the other hand, one concern I have is the lack of shareable content. ", "Since our keyword research process was mainly focused on phrases that are close to the bottom of the buying funnel, it will be difficult to ask someone to share such content.", "\n\nFor example, would you rather share an article about “Why drinking fish oil is waste of your money?” ", "or “where to buy the best fish oil?”. ", "I bet probably the former.", "\n\nSo I might have to create some shareable content in the end. ", "We shall find out how it goes.", "\n\nWatch This Video - Easy To Rank Keyword Database\n\nEasy To Rank Keywords for Niche Sites\n\nComments 3\n\nI totally agree with the “shareable content” idea, Tony.", "\nHaving highly shareable content is one of the best ways to drive organic traffic. ", "If you’re looking at building a solid, long-term relationship with your audience (for SEO purposes), great content is still king.", "\n\nThanks for the comment Seldean.", "\nI recently learned that when creating shareable content, overlapping niches, especially with the ones that people feel passionate about could have a good result.", "\nFor example, if a site focuses on “kitchen knives” niche, it could have content that overlap with “feeding dogs with raw food” niche.", "\nA lot of people are passionate about feeding good food to their dogs, so imagine when they see an article “5 essential knives for preparing raw food for dogs”, they will likely to check it out.", "\n\nLeave a Reply\n\nAbout The Author\n\nI am a SEO consultant who happens to be interested in affiliate marketing.", "\nUnlike general SEO, websites built for affiliate marketing require completely different mindset and strategy.", "\nJoin my journey to generate passive income using SEO." ]
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[ "10 SIMPLE BEDTIME BEAUTY TIPS FOR A GORGEOUS YOU\n\n3. ", "Use clean, silk or satin, pillow cases\n\nChange to silk or satin pillow cases and change them regularly. ", "Silk pillow cases may be a little bit more expensive than regular ones, but they are so much better for both your skin and your hair. ", "Because they are smoother, your skin won’t get crumpled while you sleep, and your hair won’t get so tangled and frizzy. ", "Change your pillow cases regularly too, or you will be sleeping on a bacteria infected pillow all night long!….READ MORE ON THE NEXT PAGE" ]
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[ "Extended Care (Additional fees apply)\n\nSummer 2017 Programs\n\nWeek 1 – July 4-7: IMAGINE & PLAY (4-Day Week)Imaginations will come to life in a fun-filled week at Black Creek Pioneer Village! ", "Campers will be welcomed into a lively 19th-century village to explore, play, build, bake, and learn!", "\n\nWeek 2 – July 10-14: SPECTACULAR SUPERHEROES\nIt’s easy to have fun when you’re a superhero! ", "Campers will design their own characters and help save the Village from peril. ", "Join our team of pioneer protectors and conquer a new challenge each day!", "\n\nWeek 4 – July 24-28: FAIRY TALE FUN\nOnce upon a time there was a village by a creek … Become immersed in a different fairy tale each day! ", "From pirate school to the royal ball, kids can live out their storybook dreams in a real Victorian village!", "\n\nWeek 5 – July 31-Aug 4: PLANTS AND ANIMALS\nGet up close with all of Black Creek’s gardens and farm animals. ", "Have fun digging in the soil, harvesting fresh fruit, and keeping our farmyard friends company!", "\n\nWeek 6 – Aug 8-11: IMAGINE & PLAY (4-Day Week)\nImaginations will come to life in a fun-filled week at Black Creek Pioneer Village! ", "Campers will be welcomed into a lively 19th-century village to explore, play, build, bake, and learn!", "\n\nWeek 7 – Aug 14-18: FAIRY TALE FUN\nOnce upon a time there was a village by a creek… Become immersed in a different fairy tale each day! ", "From pirate school to the royal ball, kids can live out their storybook dreams in a real Victorian village!", "\n\nWeek 8 – Aug 21-25: CONSTRUCTION KIDS\nFind out what it took for early settlers to build their homes from the ground up. ", "Explore the village, learn from the masters, and complete a new construction project each day!", "\n\nWeek 9 – Aug 28-Sept 1: PLANTS AND ANIMALS\nGet up close with all of Black Creek’s gardens and farm animals. ", "Have fun digging in the soil, harvesting fresh fruit, and keeping our farmyard friends company!", "\n\nExtended Care (Additional fees apply)\n\nSummer 2017 Programs\n\nWeek 1 – July 4-7: A Step into the Past (4-day Week)\nDive into the day-to-day life of an 1860s child in our classic pioneer camp! ", "Play old-time games, bake on a wood stove, have fun in a one room schoolhouse, and much more!", "\n\nWeek 2 – July 10-14: Fantastic Food SOLD OUT\nExperience food from a time before supermarkets or refrigerators existed. ", "Help out with some gardening, harvest ingredients from around the village, and, best of all, prepare and enjoy a different old-fashioned treat each day!", "\n\nWeek 3 – July 17-21: Crafty Campers\nPut down the tablet and get ready to use your hands! ", "Practice 19th-century craft skills including sewing, woodworking, and weaving. ", "Bring home an exciting new creation each day!", "\n\nWeek 4 – July 24-28: Expert Explorers\nTravel back to the vast Toronto forests of the early 1800’s and explore the lives of Indigenous peoples and new settlers! ", "Campers will find out what it took to live in Canada’s wilderness by building shelters, discovering nature, and making survival food.", "\n\nWeek 5 – July 31-August 4: Arts Alive!", "\nExplore the arts and show us your creative side! ", "Have fun with music, drawing, drama, and dance the way Canadians did in the 1860s. ", "Organize a recital to show it all off to your favourite adults!", "\n\nWeek 6 – August 8-11: A Step into the Past (4-Day Week)\nDive into the day-to-day life of an 1860’s child in our classic pioneer camp! ", "Play old-time games, bake on a wood stove, have fun in a one room schoolhouse, and much more!", "\n\nWeek 7 – August 14-18: Crafty Campers\nPut down the tablet and get ready to use your hands! ", "Practice 19th-century craft skills including sewing, woodworking, and weaving. ", "Bring home an exciting new creation each day!", "\n\nWeek 8 – August 21-25: Expert Explorers\nTravel back to the vast Toronto forests of the early 1800’s and explore the lives of Indigenous peoples and new settlers! ", "Campers will find out what it took to live in Canada’s wilderness by building shelters, discovering nature, and making survival food.", "\n\nWeek 9 – August 28-September 1: Fantastic Food II – Happy Harvest\nThe pears are plump and the apples are ripe for picking! ", "Discover and taste the change of seasons while gardening, foraging, and preparing a different fall-themed treat each day!", "\n\nEligibility\n\nBlack Creek Pioneer Village is looking for young adults ages 14-17 who are interested in working in an historical setting with children ages 5-12. ", "L.I.T.’s must be available to volunteer for a minimum two weeks. ", "All candidates must attend a group interview session on April 26, 2017. ", "Successful candidates will be required to attend a training session on June 25, 2017.", "\n\nContact\n\nPlease send a brief cover letter to the Day Camp Coordinator, Sean Dineley: sdineley@trca.on.ca. ", "Let us know why you want to volunteer as a L.I.T at the Black Creek and outline your relevant experience. ", "Please include your top three choices of weeks to volunteer." ]
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[ "“What’s Good” is Pitchfork’s new weekly playlist, curated by Pitchfork founder Ryan Schreiber, bringing you highlights from new releases across all genres. ", "It’s updated every week on Spotify and Apple Music with new songs released over the course of the previous weeks. ", "This week features Anderson .Paak with Kendrick Lamar, Soccer Mommy, Jessie Ware, Holy Ghost!, ", "Sheck Wes, Girlpool, Thom Yorke, Kurt Vile, and more. ", "Listen below.", "\n\n“What’s Good” Playlist 10/10/18:" ]
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[ "Breach Notification , Cybercrime , Fraud Management & Cybercrime\n\nHealth Data Breach Not Reported for Seven Months\n\nPhishing Incident Affected Nearly 200,000\n\nPIH Health, which includes two hospitals and several other facilities, says a phishing incident impacted 200,000 patients.", "\n\nA California healthcare provider took nearly seven months to report to regulators a phishing incident that exposed information on 200,000 patients. ", "Security experts are analyzing whether the delay could be justifiable.", "\n\nSee Also: Live Webinar | Cybersecurity in Healthcare Supply Chains: A CISO Perspective\n\nPIH Health, a regional healthcare network based in Whittier, California, says that it discovered in June 2019 a phishing incident that it eventually reported to the Department of Health and Human Services on Jan. 10, 2020.", "\n\nHHS Office for Civil Rights' HIPAA Breach Reporting Tool website shows the hacking/IT incident involving email impacted nearly 200,000 individuals. ", "As of Monday, the PIH Health incident is the largest breach added to the federal website so far in 2020.", "\n\nUnder HIPAA, covered entities are required to report breaches impacting protected health information within 60 days of discovering the breach.", "\n\nPIH Health Breach Timeline\n\nIn its breach notification statement, PIH Health says that on June 18, 2019, it learned that certain PIH Health employee email accounts had potentially been accessed without authorization as a result of a targeted phishing campaign.", "\n\n\"Upon learning of this information, PIH Health took steps to secure its email system and network, including resetting the passwords required to access potentially affected employee email accounts. ", "PIH Health also immediately launched an investigation and engaged leading, independent cybersecurity experts to provide assistance,\" the statement notes.", "\n\nPIH Health says that as a result of its investigation, on Oct. 2, 2019, it determined that certain employee email accounts were accessed without authorization between June 11 and June 18, 2019 as a result of the phishing campaign.", "\n\n\"Just establishing whether or not PHI was potentially affected, let alone the specific individuals who may have been affected, can be extremely difficult.\"", "\n\n—Iliana Peters, Polsinelli\n\nOn Nov. 12, 2019, PIH Health determined that information belonging to certain current and former patients was contained within the accessed email accounts. \"", "PIH Health then worked diligently to identify contact information for all potentially affected individuals in order to provide them with notice of the incident.\" ", "The incident was then reported to HHS nearly two months later.", "\n\n\"PIH Health is not aware, and the independent forensic investigation did not result in the identification of, any evidence that information involved in this incident has been misused,\" the statement notes\n\nThe organization did not describe the kind of PHI contained in the compromised email accounts. ", "PIH Health did not immediately respond to an Information Security Media Group request for additional information about the incident.", "\n\n\"We don't yet know why PIH Health took four months to understand the June attack was a breach of unsecured PHI, or took almost two more months to report the breach to OCR,\" notes independent HIPAA attorney Paul Hales. \"", "But we do know PIH Health is in trouble. ", "OCR automatically investigates breaches of this size.\"", "\n\nDelayed Response?", "\n\nThe HITECH Act mandates that covered entities notify individuals of a health data breach without unreasonable delay but in no case later than 60 days from the discovery of the breach, except where law enforcement has requested a delay.", "\n\n\"In adopting the regulations implementing the breach notification requirements, HHS considered arguments for extending the timeframe for notification,\" says privacy attorney David Holtzman of the security consulting firm CynergisTek, who formerly worked at HHS' OCR, which enforces HIPAA. \"", "But in the final analysis, it determined that the interests of consumers whose information had been disclosed could be adversely affected by a longer delay and lose the ability to mitigate adverse consequences caused by the compromise of their PHI.\"", "\n\nMeanwhile, California law requires breach notification within 15 business days from date of discovery, Holtzman notes.", "\n\n\"While it is possible that [PIH Health] had discussions with OCR and the California Department of Public Health to request exercise of enforcement discretion, in my experience these extensions are rarely given,\" he says. ", "Is there was no such extension, federal and state enforcement agencies \"will conduct an exhaustive compliance review into why the organization was unable to comply with the rules,\" he predicts.", "\n\nTime-Consuming Work?", "\n\nBut privacy attorney Iliana Peters of the law firm Polsinelli, who was also a former senior adviser at OCR, notes that forensic investigations \"can take a significant amount of time, and just establishing whether or not PHI was potentially affected, let alone the specific individuals who may have been affected, can be extremely difficult. ", "It's very important to understand that the definition of a 'security incident' under the HIPAA Security Rule is different from a 'breach' under the HIPAA Breach Notification Rule.\"", "\n\nWhile HIPAA covered entities and business associates are required to investigate all security incidents, a '\"breach\" is not determined until the entities confirm that \"acquisition, access, use or disclosure of PHI in a manner not permitted [under the regulations] which compromises the security or privacy of the PHI\" occurred, she notes.", "\n\n\"It is crucial that HIPAA covered entities - or their business associates, on their behalf - determine what PHI, if any, was accessed or acquired in any security incident, and ... determine whether a breach actually occurred.\"", "\n\nThe 60-day reporting timeline starts when the HIPAA covered entity confirms that PHI was accessed or acquired in a way that compromises the security or privacy of the PHI, she says.", "\n\nFor example, in email compromise incidents, it may not be immediately known which email accounts were affected and how - and there may be many thousands of emails potentially impacted, she notes. ", "On top of that, it takes time to determine whether the compromised email accounts contain PHI, \"given that not all employees of an entity have access to PHI or use email to transmit PHI,\" she says.", "\n\nHIPAA covered entities and business associate should engage with their cyber insurers, counsel and forensic investigators as quickly as possible after discovery of a security incident to ensure that they are working reasonably and diligently to understand the scope of any particular attack, including the individuals whose PHI may be affected, Peters says.", "\n\nCovered entities should \"consider working with forensic investigation firms that engage in programmatic data mining efforts to understand which individuals may be affected more efficiently than having to manually review all documents involved, which is incredibly resource-intensive, although manual review of some documents in these incidents is always necessary, given the limitations of programmatic datamining,\" she adds.", "\n\nNotifying Victims\n\nHoltzman notes that timely breach notification to individuals whose PHI has been compromised enables victims to make decisions on what action to take to mitigate adverse consequences from the disclosure of their information.", "\n\n\"The disclosed information may have contained financial or credit card information,\" he says. \"", "Or the PHI may have contained sensitive information about their health status or treatment, which might expose them to harm of their reputation or the status of their employment or a personal relationship. ", "The point is, the consumer has a right to know when their PHI has been disclosed, and it is their decision on what appropriate measures should be taken to protect themselves.\"", "\n\nIn those cases where an investigation takes a long time, \"the covered entity can make substitute notification through announcement of the breach with the information it does know ... through the media and on its own website to be followed later with individual notification once the investigation allows for identification of those patients whose PHI has been compromised,\" he points out.", "\n\nEnforcement Action\n\nHHS OCR has issued at least one HIPAA enforcement action citing a delayed breach response by an organization.", "\n\nLast May, OCR announced a $3 million HIPAA settlement with Franklin, Tennessee-based Touchstone Medical Imaging stemming from a 2014 breach that affected 307,000 individuals. ", "In that case, OCR alleged that the medical imaging services provider delayed investigating and mitigating the breach involving patient information leaking onto the internet via a web server - and also delayed notification of victims." ]
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[ "What Is Planned Obsolescence?", "\n\nPlanned obsolescence describes a strategy of deliberately ensuring that the current version of a given product will become out of date or useless within a known time period. ", "This proactive move guarantees that consumers will seek replacements in the future, thus bolstering demand.", "\n\nObsolescence can be achieved through introducing a superior replacement model, or by intentionally designing a product to cease proper function within a specific window. ", "In either case, consumers will theoretically favor next generational products over the old ones.", "\n\nKey Takeaways Planned obsolescence is the calculated act of making sure the existing version of a product will become dated or useless within a given time frame.", "\n\nIn technology circles, the replacement cycle for smartphones has historically been two to three years, as their underlying components wear down.", "\n\nIn the clothing space, nylon stockings are likely to snag, snare, or run, thereby demanding replacement on a regular basis.", "\n\nUnderstanding Planned Obsolescence\n\nSeveral sectors are more well known for planned obsolescence than others. ", "In fashion, it's widely accepted that nylon stockings are destined to run, thereby requiring routine replacement.", "\n\nMeanwhile, in technology, the replacement cycle for personal electronic devices such as smartphones has historically been two to three years because components begin to wear down and new generations of software and operating systems grow less compatible with the aging hardware. ", "Furthermore, software is also often designed to include new features and file types that are incompatible with old versions of the program.", "\n\nPlanned obsolescence differs from perceived obsolescence, which is when designers make frequent stylistic changes to their products, due to the decrease in the perceived desirability of unfashionable items.", "\n\nNot to be outdone, computer hardware is also a candidate for planned obsolescence because computing power in microprocessors typically follows Moore's Law, which observes that the number of transistors able to fit on an integrated circuit doubles about every two years—and the cost of processing power halves every two years.", "\n\nFinally, planned obsolescence also affects automobile manufacturers, who annually roll out new versions of their models.", "\n\nSpecial Considerations\n\nConsumer Reaction\n\nConsumers often react negatively to planned obsolescence, especially if new generations of products offer insufficient improvements over the prior versions. ", "Brands can be tarnished by artificially stoking demand through this method, ultimately driving customers away.", "\n\nHowever, planned obsolescence doesn't always receive negative attention. ", "Companies can engage in this activity solely as a means of controlling costs. ", "For example, a cellphone manufacturer may decide to use parts in its phones that have a maximum lifespan of five years, instead of parts that could last 20 years.", "\n\nApple’s Planned Obsolescence\n\nApple Inc. has often been at the center of skeptical consumer discourse. ", "The company announced a plan to accept direct payments from iPhone users for hardware that could be exchanged annually.", "\n\nObservers noted the company's clear intent to shorten the replacement cycle, which was viewed by many as an obvious attempt to stimulate demand at the consumer's expense. ", "Skeptics doubted Apple's ability to engineer meaningful improvements to functionality so quickly—a problem that many phone makers already faced with two- and three-year replacement cycles.", "\n\nWhile Apple has refused to acknowledge that it engages in planned obsolescence, a Harvard University study found that some iOS upgrades have slowed down the processor speed of older iPhone models, but not for the explicit purpose of driving new iPhone sales. ", "On Dec. 21, 2017, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Apple over this issue.", "\n\nOf course, while Apple is notorious for this practice, it has not been proved unequivocally. ", "And even if it were the case, some economists argue that planned obsolescence drives technological progress. ", "Besides, other manufacturers, such as the makers of Android phones and tablets also release new versions of their products annually." ]
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[ "\nFeatures of SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggest Sophisticated Laboratory Modification - arantius\nhttps://zenodo.org/record/4028830\n======\ndaly\nThis paper is discussed on \"This Week in Virology\"\n([https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/](https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/)) episode 664.", "\n\nThe paper is pure nonsense. ", "Listen to virologist discuss it in detail.", "\n\nNote that the doctor who is pushing this nonsense is connected to (and\napparently funded by) two organizations connected to Steve Bannon. ", "Why would\nBannon care about pushing this nonsense?", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Pinnaplasty: reshaping ears to improve hearing aid retention.", "\nThe hearing aid is extremely important to the deaf. ", "A small number have difficulty in retaining the device because the ear is prominent or cup-shaped. ", "This report describes 11 children whose ear shape was modified to improve hearing aid retention and one adult in whom an over set back ear was released to allow fitment of a postaural device. ", "In eight of the 11 children treated, conservative measures such as double-sided tape and retention bands (Huggies) had been tried previously without success. ", "The creation of an antihelical fold in a misshapen ear lacking such a fold provides a reinforcing strut which is useful to support a hearing aid. ", "In patients whose ear had been excessively tethered by previous surgery, projection was restored by inserting a cartilage block behind the ear. ", "In one child with ears tethered by previous surgery, costal cartilage was used not only to release both ears, but also to reconstruct a new helical rim on one side. ", "Surgery enabled a normal postaural hearing aid to be worn in 17 of the 19 ears treated. ", "The two failures deserve special mention. ", "In one patient with a unilateral deformity and severe mental retardation, the dressings were pulled off immediately after surgery. ", "In another patient with a bilateral problem, the appearance and hearing aid retention was improved, but there was not enough room in the postauricular sulcus on one side for the battery component to fit comfortably and an in-the-ear device is now used on that side. ", "Pinnaplasty is a helpful strategy to improve hearing aid retention. ", "Care must be taken not to overdo the set back so that enough room is left to retain the hearing device." ]
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[ "outreach: coping with divorce\n\nWhen Scott’s* parents divorced, everything in his life turned upside down. ", "Within a few months, both of his parents moved, his belongings were separated, he was shuffled in between houses on visits and he could no longer participate in soccer or go to Sunday dinners at his grandmother’s house. ", "In short, he felt like he had lost his family. ", "For a while, he appeared to be doing OK; he didn’t really talk about the divorce, he spent time in his room playing video games, and his fourth grade teacher said he seemed fine. ", "However, about six months after the divorce, Scott was having angry outbursts at home, refusing to listen and was not turning in homework. ", "His parents agreed to take him to Outreach.", "\n\nScott’s parents requested to meet with the counselor separately, as they would often erupt into fighting if they were in the same room together. ", "They acknowledged that the divorce got ugly at times ,but thought that something else must be bothering their son because he had done well for so long. ", "The counselor explained that children react in many different ways to divorce and process the changes at different times. ", "Initially, it appeared that Scott was sad, isolating himself, and unable to put words to his feelings and the changes he experienced. ", "As time went on, those feelings started to come out as tantrums, defiance and aggression. ", "Scott expressed to his counselor that after the divorce his parents did not treat him the same way and he felt like he didn’t belong anywhere. ", "He would refer to “my Mom’s house” or “my Dad’s apartment,” but never “home” or “my room.” ", "He noticed that he didn’t have chores anymore, Dad would let him have unlimited screen time, and Mom no longer enforced bed times. ", "While he liked some of those things, it just wasn’t the same. ", "Scott described the home environment as “stressful.” ", "He would listen to his parents argue or cry over the phone, and he felt they used “visitation” rules to make each other angry and he would end up missing out on things he wanted to do.", "\n\nIn this time of transition and change, the counselor reminded Scott’s parents that he needed to count on them to have consistent rules, discipline when needed, their cooperation to the best of their ability and for them to be supportive of him while not leaning on him for their own support. ", "The parents were able to utilize the guidelines and resources provided by the counselor to make a common set of house rules. ", "They worked on a schedule to ensure Scott could participate in the things he enjoyed, see friends and extended family and feel some stability rather than feeling that he was tossed back and forth. ", "The counselor also had family sessions with Scott and each of his parents where he was encouraged to talk about his thoughts and feelings and begin to define what his family will look like. ", "Each parent was asked to acknowledge the importance of the other and allow Scott to share his experiences with the other parent. ", "They began developing new traditions but reminded him that no matter what, they are still a family and he is still loved.", "\n\n*Scott represents a typical Outreach client. ", "Details do not correspond with any specific case in order to protect client anonymity.", "\n\nOutreach Teen & Family Services is a nonprofit, confidential counseling service. ", "We offer counseling and educational programs to youth and parents that are affordable, accessible and discreet; all within a welcoming, supportive environment." ]
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[ "8)*-2*(-2)/(-14).", "\n1/3\nCalculate 25*-8*10/(-400)*1.", "\n5\nWhat is the value of 978/(-815)*80/(-84)?", "\n8/7\nCalculate (-6)/3*48/(-72).", "\n4/3\nWhat is the value of (289/(-68))/(((-12)/30)/((-24)/15))?", "\n-17\nCalculate (4/205)/(-2*(-6)/30*-1).", "\n-2/41\nCalculate ((-2)/3)/(594/4455).", "\n-5\nCalculate (84/20)/((-738)/2460).", "\n-14\nWhat is the value of ((-9)/(-756)*12)/((-5)/((-420)/(-8)))?", "\n-3/2\n(-5)/(-2)*(-1)/(-6)*4\n5/3\nWhat is ((-12)/(-5))/((-44)/220)?", "\n-12\nEvaluate ((-8)/(-20))/(12/50)*(-26)/(-26).", "\n5/3\n(115/2070)/((-2)/(-42)*-1)\n-7/6\nWhat is the value of (-45)/(-30)*7*(-6)/9?", "\n-7\nWhat is the value of (((-132)/55)/4)/(5/((-40)/4))?", "\n6/5\nEvaluate ((1/16)/1)/(60*69/215280).", "\n13/4\nCalculate (15/(-2))/((-1764)/392).", "\n5/3\nWhat is the value of (-2*37/555)/3?", "\n-2/45\n(297/(-18))/11*1*6/207\n-1/23\nCalculate ((-56)/189)/((-320)/96)*10/1.", "\n8/9\nCalculate 11/(165/8)*936/416.", "\n6/5\nEvaluate ((-3042)/(-468))/(13/46).", "\n23\nCalculate -22*16/1408*15.", "\n-15/4\nWhat is the value of -2*8*(-13)/1456?", "\n1/7\nWhat is the value of (55/385*(-28)/(-5))/(46/(-5))?", "\n-2/23\nCalculate (((-110)/(-35))/11)/((-6)/(-63)*-12).", "\n-1/4\nWhat is (-3*20/420)/1?", "\n-1/7\nWhat is the value of -1*(1*(-3)/(-3))/(36/648)?", "\n-18\nWhat is ((-28)/10)/((-2688)/(-6720))?", "\n-7\n((-18)/(-4))/(22/11*-1)\n-9/4\nWhat is ((-4)/(-2))/(-2)*(-34)/(-2)?", "\n-17\nEvaluate (20/(-290))/((-12)/696).", "\n4\nEvaluate (4/10)/(((-22)/55)/((-48)/72)).", "\n2/3\nWhat is the value of (-385)/(-10)*(-14)/924*24?", "\n-14\nCalculate (-228)/24*(-240)/228.", "\n10\n((-221)/52156)/((25/125)/(8/(-10)))\n1/59\nCalculate 150/255*918/27.", "\n20\nEvaluate (-1)/(-1*(-377)/((-156)/12)).", "\n1/29\nWhat is (1512/(-9))/24*15*2/21?", "\n-10\nWhat is the value of (-2)/(((-72)/12)/(-48))?", "\n-16\nCalculate 18/15*(-12)/(-144)*30.", "\n3\nEvaluate (2/(-4))/(696/(-464)).", "\n1/3\nEvaluate (26622/1740)/(72/20).", "\n17/4\nWhat is the value of 112/6*(63/12)/(-7)?", "\n-14\nEvaluate (654/872)/((1/16)/((-3)/(-414))).", "\n2/23\n(((-253)/23)/55)/((-2)/5)\n1/2\nWhat is the value of ((616/(-20))/(-7))/(180/(-75))?", "\n-11/6\nWhat is the value of 1/14*-4*((-2772)/414)/22?", "\n2/23\nWhat is (-67)/(4690/525)*2?", "\n-15\n(798/(-98)*(-28)/12)/((-2)/(-4))\n38\nWhat is the value of 4*8/(-3)*1*(-45)/30?", "\n16\nWhat is (722/(-209))/(24/132)?", "\n-19\nEvaluate ((-10)/(-25))/2*(-370)/333.", "\n-2/9\nWhat is 1*28/(-21)*(24/(-6))/64?", "\n1/12\nEvaluate ((-680)/(-2220)*37)/(2/(-3)).", "\n-17\nWhat is the value of -1*((-54)/126)/(2*(-1)/14)?", "\n-3\nCalculate 13/(-364)*-8*(-7)/(-26).", "\n1/13\nCalculate (-16)/(-1)*825/(-7700).", "\n-12/7\nEvaluate (-8)/3*60*(-80)/(-416000).", "\n-2/65\n(-136)/16*68/(-289)\n2\n((-3)/((-3)/(-4)))/(59/(1534/260))\n-2/5\nCalculate ((-78)/5304)/((-2)/(-8)).", "\n-1/17\nCalculate (15/12)/((-175)/(-105)).", "\n3/4\nEvaluate (1*-3)/(((-204)/(-22))/(-34)).", "\n11\nWhat is the value of 180/(-240)*(-240)/396?", "\n5/11\nCalculate (44/(-3))/(3644/911).", "\n-11/3\nWhat is ((-4)/70*-15)/(4*(-18)/(-336))?", "\n4\nCalculate ((-1)/(-3))/(15/20).", "\n4/9\nWhat is the value of ((-256)/(-1152))/(8/(-6))*(-6)/1?", "\n1\nCalculate (-4032)/224*(-3)/270.", "\n1/5\nCalculate 14/(-21)*-1*((-36)/5)/12.", "\n-2/5\nEvaluate ((-3)/(-4)*(-96)/(-54))/(46/(-69)).", "\n-2\n6/7*(-1456)/(-2496)\n1/2\nWhat is ((-12)/(-8))/(-3*(-6)/24)?", "\n2\nCalculate (7/(-140))/(-3*7/756).", "\n9/5\nEvaluate (-36)/252*2415/45.", "\n-23/3\nWhat is (8/(-70))/((-34)/595*-5)?", "\n-2/5\nWhat is the value of 1/((27/(-18))/((-12)/4))?", "\n2\nEvaluate (32/1840)/((6/15)/(-2)).", "\n-2/23\nCalculate ((-3)/(-3))/((-4)/20*-5).", "\n1\nWhat is the value of (-21)/20*(-74)/259?", "\n3/10\nWhat is 100/8*4*3/(-120)?", "\n-5/4\nWhat is the value of ((-80)/56)/10*196/56?", "\n-1/2\nWhat is the value of (-1)/(44/10)*(-22584)/4705?", "\n12/11\n(1*(-364)/26)/(-2)\n7\nCalculate ((-2)/7)/(((-36)/14)/((-45)/(-6))).", "\n5/6\nCalculate ((-28)/1)/(-7)*(-5)/1.", "\n-20\nCalculate 174/87*(-22)/(-4).", "\n11\nWhat is the value of (-99)/121*(-38)/342?", "\n1/11\nCalculate 2/(-14)*((-12)/(-1))/12*-7.", "\n1\nCalculate ((-24)/(-28)*14/10)/((-16)/(-10)).", "\n3/4\n-1*((-57)/(-399))/((-2)/(-196))\n-14\nWhat is (483/(-207)*(-6)/7)/(14/217)?", "\n31\n(12/(-2))/((-511)/((-730)/10))\n-6/7\nWhat is (27/2)/(13110/1748)?", "\n9/5\n(7/(-7))/(15/30*-26)\n1/13\nCalculate 3*-10*(-13)/(-52)*(-24)/(-20).", "\n-9\n(((-5310)/612)/(-59))/((-15)/(-4))\n2/51\n((0/((-10)/1))/(-2))/(-1)\n0\nEvaluate (6*(-4)/((-60)/(-5)))/((-64)/4).", "\n1/8\nCalculate (6/16)/((-2301)/(-944)).", "\n2/13\nCalculate 4*(-11)/(-11)*-4.", "\n-16\nWhat is (-14)/273*30/50?", "\n-2/65\nWhat is ((-30)/20)/(((-45)/10)/((-2)/(-4)))?", "\n1/6\n(600/45)/(-10)*3\n-4\nWhat is (13/((-2574)/(-55)))/(70/56)?", "\n2/9\nWhat is the value of ((-13)/182*-14)/((-1)/(2/9))?", "\n-2/9\nCalculate 114/4*48/(-72).", "\n-19\nEvaluate (-54)/18*(-234)/(-27).", "\n-26\nWhat is the value of ((-6)/8)/((-14)/(-224)*(-91)/13)?", "\n12/7\nEvaluate (-15)/2*(-82)/(-738).", "\n-5/6\nEvaluate (-7*(-34)/4165)/((-2)/10).", "\n-2/7\nWhat is ((-15)/9)/(((-1)/6)/(8/16))?", "\n5\nWhat is 760/532*-1*7?", "\n-10\nCalculate -7*224/(-98)*2/8.", "\n4\nCalculate (-1)/(1/((-4)/(-4))).", "\n-1\nEvaluate (-325)/10*260/325.", "\n-26\nWhat is the value of -2*2975/340*8/14?", "\n-10\nEvaluate 2/(33*6/(-18)).", "\n-2/11\nWhat is the value of (-4*9/(-468))/1?", "\n1/13\nWhat is the value of (5*(-10)/(-2))/(22/(-22))?", "\n-25\nEvaluate 4*4*4/(-30)*(-105)/14.", "\n16\nCalculate (-64)/(-256)*(-4)/9.", "\n-1/9\nWhat is 63/3*(2/6)/(31/(-93))?", "\n-21\n((-126)/(-4)*(-1416)/(-1593))/(24/(-18))\n-21\nEvaluate -14*15/(1575/60).", "\n-8\nWhat is the value of ((-56)/(-8))/(12/(-3)*(-9)/(-36))?", "\n-7\nWhat is (-33)/((20/(-16))/(13/((-390)/5)))?", "\n-22/5\nWhat is the value of 33*(-10)/(-55)*20/(-6)?", "\n-20\nCalculate (-465)/(-15)*7/7.", "\n31\nEvaluate 4/12*216/((-6)/(-1)).", "\n12\nCalculate ((88/12)/(24/36))/((-1)/(-1)).", "\n11\nWhat is the value of ((-6)/18)/(60/108)?", "\n-3/5\nWhat is ((3/(-5))/(60/150))/((-9)/(-66))?", "\n-11\nEvaluate ((-282)/564)/((-49)/4).", "\n2/49\nEvaluate ((-204)/2805)/(4/(-20)).", "\n4/11\nEvaluate 1/(61/((-31720)/(-80))).", "\n13/2\nWhat is 6*(-9)/(-180)*-5*78/(-9)?", "\n13\nCalculate 0/(((-15)/390*-13)/((-1)/(-6))).", "\n0\nWhat is (-10)/(-4)*14*(-4)/(-14)?", "\n10\n10*(-14)/(-280)*38/1*1\n19\nCalculate ((-192)/432)/((-3910)/207).", "\n2/85\nEvaluate (1/(-1))/(-1)*(-28)/(3080/(-22)).", "\n1/5\nWhat is the value of (6/(-8))/(50/(-400)*(-8)/(-28))?", "\n21\nWhat is 30/24*2*78/39?", "\n5\nCalculate (-2)/(16/28)*(4/(-28))/1.", "\n1/2\n(4/(-15))/((-198)/55)\n2/27\nWhat is the value of (((-533)/(-52))/(-41))/(6/(-3))?", "\n1/8\nWhat is (-41)/(56580/(-40))*2*6/8?", "\n1/23\nWhat is (-24)/(1824/(-475))*-16*(-1)/10?", "\n10\nWhat is the value of 4*4*7/(-70)*130/(-52)?", "\n4\nEvaluate -5*1*156/52.", "\n-15\nWhat is 1/((-12)/(-16))*300/50?", "\n8\nWhat is (((-72)/30)/(-6))/((-1)/(5/(-2)))?", "\n1\nWhat is the value of (792/(-84))/11*42/(-12)?", "\n3\n((-5)/((-60)/28))/(7*(-7)/(-147))\n7\nWhat is (2875/3450)/(14/12)?", "\n5/7\nWhat is 320/1040*(2/6*-1)/2?", "\n-2/39\nEvaluate (-396)/220*(2/32)/((-30)/(-300)).", "\n-9/8\nCalculate ((-9)/(-4))/((-5)/((-520)/26)).", "\n9\nWhat is the value of ((-110)/(-110))/(2/38)?", "\n19\nWhat is the value of (1*8/12)/(21/1176*16)?", "\n7/3\nEvaluate ((-7)/(-35))/(33/(-165)).", "\n-1\nWhat is ((448/(-42))/8)/((-6)/15)?", "\n10/3\n(-2)/((-6)/9)*((-340)/260)/17\n-3/13\nEvaluate 2376/(-1452)*(-2)/(-6).", "\n-6/11\nCalculate (((-45)/2)/(-15))/(-9)*0.", "\n0\nWhat is 1*12/96*-4?", "\n-1/2\nWhat is the value of (1/1)/((-110)/22)*(-75)/(-60)?", "\n-1/4\nWhat is the value of (972/(-180))/(-1)*-10*3/(-9)?", "\n18\nWhat is the value of ((-16)/(-96))/(((-7)/(-35))/((-6)/10))?", "\n-1/2\nWhat is ((-16)/(-12))/2*2754/204?", "\n9\n-2*4*(-22)/1452*15/5\n4/11\nWhat is 5*2/10*33/(-121)?", "\n-3/11\nEvaluate ((-19)/(-95))/((99/(-605))/9).", "\n-11\nEvaluate (15/(-6))/(9/1*(-37)/(-666)).", "\n-5\nWhat is (-3)/(-30)*6*(-1710)/342?", "\n-3\nEvaluate (330/(-20))/(3/16*8).", "\n-11\n1497/(-7485)*(10/(-4))/(21/6)\n1/7\nEvaluate (12/21)/(((-272)/(-17))/448).", "\n16\n(3*8/8)/((-285)/5)\n-1/19\nWhat is the value of (-26)/((-2)/2)*(-21)/((-231)/(-11))?", "\n-26\nCalculate ((-17)/(272/(-16)))/((-1)/5*-1).", "\n5\nEvaluate (((-81)/12)/(-27))/((-3)/(3/(-2))).", "\n1/8\nCalculate ((-18)/3)/24*1/2.", "\n-1/8\nEvaluate 1/(252/189*(-6)/(-104)).", "\n13\nWhat is the value of 6100/1098*6/(-10)?", "\n-10/3\nWhat is (2/(-6))/(((-13)/(-195))/(36/60))?", "\n-3\nEvaluate -3*36/594*-22.", "\n4\nCalculate ((-12)/(-10))/(16*28/(-6720)).", "\n-18\nWhat is ((-47)/1222)/((-4)/96)?", "\n12/13\nWhat is (14/1*(-6)/(-63))/((-10)/45)?", "\n-6\n(-60)/(-200)*(-504)/(-54)\n14/5\nWhat is (3*6)/((56/266)/((-8)/(-76)))?", "\n9\nEvaluate ((-6)/(-1))/((-3)/4*256/(-24)).", "\n3/4\nEvaluate ((-3)/((-9)/(-2)))/(-231*(-54)/1701).", "\n-1/11\nWhat is 6/(28*-6)*104/(-39)?", "\n2/21\nWhat is the value of 18/(-4)*(-8)/(-2604)*31?", "\n-3/7\nCalculate (-1474)/(-804)*27/165.", "\n3/10\nWhat is (50/(-20))/(30/9*-1)?", "\n3/4\nWhat is the value of ((-820)/492)/((30/8)/(9/2))?", "\n-2\nEvaluate (5/((-80)/(-144)))/15.", "\n3/5\n(245/(-343))/((-5)/35)\n5\n(46/9)/(3/(189/(-14)))\n-23\nEvaluate" ]
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[ "The Battle of Petersburg unquestionably contributes to our knowledge of the massive and underappreciated story of the long and arduous fighting around the Cockade City. ", "Chick’s tactical chapters dealing with his primary subject, despite the reservations expressed above, should be mandatory reading for anyone wishing to gain a detailed understanding of how the combat unfolded between June 15 and June 18, 1864. ", "Regrettably, sketchy scholarship, sweeping, unsubstantiated judgments, and factual hiccups leave this book only the second best treatment of its topic." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.004098360655737705, 0 ]
[ "Short report: Isolation and identification of Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus from a human in Panama.", "\nVenezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) virus was isolated from a febrile human in Panama. ", "The patient became febrile approximately 10 days after returning from Gatun Lake in Panama. ", "The virus was isolated from the acute phase serum and identified as VEE, subtype ID virus by monoclonal antibodies, and was confirmed by cross plaque-reduction neutralization tests." ]
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[ "The present invention relates generally to disc drives. ", "More particularly, the present invention relates to a method and apparatus for balancing a disc stack assembly of a disc drive.", "\nIn a typical disc drive, data storage or retrieval involves positioning a read/write head over the relevant disc surface when the disc is spinning. ", "The discs are therefore mounted on a spindle motor, one disc on top of another, separated by spacers, to form a disc stack assembly.", "\nIt is important to provide a suitable disc clamp to secure the various components of the disc stack assembly so that the components remain in alignment to each other under high speed rotation, and even in the presence of a high external shock. ", "Ideally, a disc clamp should provide the required clamping forces on a disc evenly so as to minimize disc warpage. ", "Accordingly, disc clamps are generally designed to be rotationally symmetrical.", "\nAs the disc stack assembly is required to rotate at high speeds, it is also essential to minimize any imbalance so as to avoid excessive vibrations. ", "Imbalance in a disc stack assembly can result in track mis-registration and erratic speed variations, which in turn causes read/write errors.", "\nOne method of correcting imbalance involves fixing the discs so that they are alternately shifted in diametrically opposite directions, as disclosed in the U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,683,505 issued Jul. 28, 1987 to Schmidt et al. ", "This method is however not suitable for use with disc stack assemblies having only one disc or an odd number of discs.", "\nAnother method of correcting imbalance involves mounting an additional component to the disc stack assembly so as to provide a counter-balancing weight. ", "For example, in the U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,555,144 issued Sep. 10, 1996, Wood et al. ", "discloses the use of a C-shaped balancing clip which can be added to the disc stack assembly and positioned in an appropriate orientation to provide the desired counter-balance. ", "Alternatively, the counter-balance may be introduced by the use of a spacer ring which has part of its edge machined off so that its center of gravity is offset from the center of the spacer ring. ", "Generally, it is desirable to reduce the number of components so as to improve manufacturing efficiency. ", "Therefore, in cases where there is only one disc in the disc stack assembly and spacers are not required, it is preferred if the use of such a spacer ring can be avoided.", "\nThe present invention provides a solution to this and other problems, and offers other advantages over the prior art.", "\nThe present invention relates to a disc drive component which incorporates two seemingly incompatible functions of clamping a disc stack assembly and balancing the disc stack assembly.", "\nThe disc stack assembly is designed to rotate about an axis of rotation. ", "When the disc clamp is secured to the spindle motor at the one or more attachment points so that the center of the disc clamp substantially coincides with the axis of rotation, and clamping forces are exerted on the disc stack assembly. ", "The various components of the disc stack assembly can thus be clamped in fixed position relative to one another. ", "The disc clamp includes two or more openings, one or more of which has a flange extending into the opening. ", "The number of flanges, and the size and shape of each flange are varied such that the center of gravity of the disc clamp is offset from the center of the disc clamp. ", "The arrangement is such that, disregarding the flanges, the disc clamp has rotational symmetry about the center, but taking the flanges into consideration, the disc clamp is rotationally asymmetrical about the center.", "\nTraditionally, it is expected that a disc clamp that does not have rotational symmetry will exert uneven clamping forces and therefore cause disc warpage. ", "Therefore, conventional balancing methods have been limited to the use of other additional components to provide the counter-balancing weight to the disc stack assembly, and conventional disc clamps are designed to have rotational symmetry. ", "The disc clamp of the present invention is however able to provide a counter-balancing weight to a disc stack assembly while at the same time provides an evenly distributed clamping force.", "\nThese and various other features as well as advantages which characterize the present invention will be apparent upon reading of the following detailed description and review of the associated drawings." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'Sponsored search in E-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Taobao and Tmall provides sellers an effective way to reach potential buyers with most relevant purpose. ", "In this paper, we study the auction mechanism optimization problem in sponsored search on Alibaba’s mobile E-commerce platform. ", "Besides generating revenue, we are supposed to maintain an efficient marketplace with plenty of quality users, guarantee a reasonable return on investment (ROI) for advertisers, and meanwhile, facilitate a pleasant shopping experience for the users. ", "These requirements essentially pose a constrained optimization problem. ", "Directly optimizing over auction parameters yields a discontinuous, non-convex problem that denies effective solutions. ", "One of our major contribution is a practical convex optimization formulation of the original problem. ", "We devise a novel re-parametrization of auction mechanism with discretized sets of representative instances. ", "To construct the optimization problem, we build an auction simulation system which estimates the resulted business indicators of the selected parameters by replaying the auctions recorded from real online requests. ", "We summarized the experiments on real search traffics to analyze the effects of fidelity of auction simulation, the efficacy under various constraint targets and the influence of regularization. ", "The experiment results show that with proper entropy regularization, we are able to maximize revenue while constraining other business indicators within given ranges.'", "\nauthor:\n- Gang Bai\n- Zhihui Xie\n- Liang Wang\nbibliography:\n- 'gopt.bib'\ntitle: 'Practical Constrained Optimization of Auction Mechanisms in E-Commerce Sponsored Search Advertising'\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nIn this article, we present our work on auction mechanism optimization in the mobile sponsored search engine of Alibaba’s mobile E-commerce platform ([*Taobao.com*]{} and [*Tmall.com*]{}). ", "In 2017, the platform powered millions of active advertisers to proactively reach hundreds of millions of unique potential buyers and effectively accomplish sales of goods worthy of hundreds of billions of RMB.", "\n\nSponsored search has been proved to be one of the most successful business model in online digital advertising. ", "For each user query, the sponsored search engine renders relevant advertisements in addition to the main search results. ", "The advertisers bid on query keywords for their advertisements. ", "For each advertisement showing opportunity (an impression), the sponsored search engine selects a set of advertisement candidates relevant to the search query, predicts their quality scores such as the click-through-rate (CTR) and conversion-rate (CVR), allocates impression opportunities to advertisements using an auction mechanism and computes the clearing price for advertisers.", "\n\nGeneralized second price (GSP) mechanism is arguably the most widely used mechanism for the sponsored search engines [@EOS2007; @Aggarwal2006; @Varian2007], which ranks the advertisements by their bidding price and quality score. ", "The top ranked advertisements get the impressions and pay the minimum price to maintain their ranking locations.", "\n\nIn the literature, most of the auction mechanisms focus on maximizing the expected revenue in the Bayesian setting [@Myerson1981], with variants on balancing efficiency and revenue using reserve prices [@Roberts2013; @Ostrovsky2011], or trading-off relevance and efficiency with an exponential weight of quality score[@Lahaie2011]. ", "However, in the realistic case of E-commerce, the auction mechanism should be optimized under many constraints including the advertisers’ budget, advertisement efficiency limits, etc. ", "To make the platform revenue sustainable for long-term gain, we should also take care of the factors like advertisers’ return on investment (ROI, quantitatively measured as the sale amount from the advertising cost) and users’ satisfactory of the search experience.", "\n\nMoreover, most of the existing auction mechanisms only work under very ideal environments, where the participants are perfectly rational [@Tang17] and the click-through-rate of advertisements are fixed according to the ad positions. ", "However, these assumptions are not true in industry search engines and the traffic characteristics like user propensity, search queries changes dynamically over the days.", "\n\nIn Alibaba’s mobile sponsored search platform, we conduct GSP auction in a virtual space (the ranking score). ", "Hence, the key to improve the performance of our platform is to find the right ranking score function. ", "As mentioned above, our target is to maximize the revenue of the platform while meeting the requirements like user experience and advertisers’ ROI. ", "It is natural to formulate the auction optimization problem as a constrained optimization problem.", "\n\nHowever, since the ranking function space is too large, it is impractical to explore the performance of all the ranking functions online. ", "To approximately gauge the outcome performance indicators of different ranking functions, we build a simulation system to replay the online auctions to generate virtual impressions and estimate expected user responses under a given ranking function.", "\n\nTo make the optimization problem practical, we introduce a discrete set of selected ranking functions as a novel representation of the auction mechanism. ", "We re-parameterize the auction mechanism as the hitting probability of elements in the set. ", "For each impression, one of the ranking functions is selected according to their probability to rank and price the candidate advertisements. ", "The constrained optimization problem is to find the best hitting probability of the given set of ranking functions. ", "With this representation, we derive a convex optimization formulation of the problem.", "\n\nProblem and Formulation\n=======================\n\nThe auction process in E-commerce sponsored search platform can be formulated as follows: for each product search request with user query $q$, the search engine finds a set of advertisement candidates $Ad$ relevant to $q$ via broad match[@Yan2018] and estimate predicted CTR $\\rho_a$, CVR $\\rho'_a$ of each candidate using statistical models. ", "Then the predicted CTR, CVR and bidding price $b_{aq}$ of the ad on the query keyword are mapped into a virtual space by evaluating a ranking score, and a GSP auction is conducted on the virtual space.", "\n\nThe ranking score, as the core of auctions in our platform, accounts for both expected efficiency[@Lahaie2011] and hidden cost[@Abrams2007]. ", "It is principally defined as $$\\vartheta(\\rho_a, b_{aq}, {\\rho'}_a) = \\underbrace{F_{\\theta_e}(\\rho_a)*b_{aq}}_{\\text{expected efficiency}} + \\underbrace{\\hbar_{\\theta_c}(\\rho_a, {\\rho'}_a)}_{\\text{hidden cost term}} \\label{eq:rankscore}$$ where $\\theta_e$ and $\\theta_c$ are vectors of detailed parameters in the scoring functions. ", "For simplicity, we denote the combined parameters as $\\theta$. As a GSP auction in the space of the ranking score, the price for the $i$-th bidder in the ranking is determined as the infimum of bid that she can still keep her position $$\\mathrm{min}\\, b \\textit{, s.t. } ", " \\vartheta(\\rho_{a}^i, b, {\\rho'}_a^i) \\geq \\vartheta(\\rho_{a}^{i+1}, b_{aq}^{i+1}, {\\rho'}_a^{i+1})$$\n\nEach component in $\\theta$ weighs different input attributes of the function and influence the outcomes of ranking and pricing in the auctions differently, for example favoring higher bidding price or higher click probability. ", "Due to business issues, we omit the detailed formulation of the components in . ", "This exclusion will not hinder the illustration of our methods though, since the method can be applied to various formulation of the ranking score function.", "\n\nIn practice, a context-aware mechanism which assigns different mechanisms on different traffic is usually used to better capture the distinct properties of search requests and ad candidate sets. ", "In our case, search requests are designated into categories $\\mathcal{C}$ using query information. ", "Each category $c$ has a manually tuned parameter $\\tilde{\\theta}_c$ that effectively conducts the auctions.", "\n\nFor sustainable development of the platform, we should keep improving the satisfactory of users and advertisers while generating revenue for the platform. ", "In our work, we regard the satisfactory of users as their engagement with the platform, [*i.e.*]{} the advertisement clicks and product purchases they make. ", "For advertisers, we measure average cost for each user engagement through the advertisement as indicators of advertiser’s ROI. ", "We also take advertising PV coverage ratio (ratio of ad impressions to total ad slots) as an important factor of users’ search experience, as excessively displaying ads among search result is typically displeasing.", "\n\nDifferent ranking function parameter $\\theta$s have different outcomes of ranking and pricing, which lead to different user responses and eventually difference business metrics. ", "We define business performance indicators of $\\theta$ accordingly, including platform revenue, overall click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate (CVR) and ad PV coverage ratio (PVR), and advertisers’ fulfillment of goal as cost per-click (CPC) and cost per-conversion/acquisition (CPA).", "\n\nConstrained Mechanism Optimization\n----------------------------------\n\nOne may see this setup as a multi-objective optimization problem as proposed in [@Wang2012]. ", "However, the objectives are indirectly and nonlinearly correlated and appropriately setting the preferences among each objective to meet a particular set of requirements is difficult.", "\n\nInstead, complying with the general business objective, we formulate our business problem into a constrained optimization setup, which optimizes over auction parameters $\\theta_1 \\cdots \\theta_{|\\mathcal{C}|}$ for each category $c$. In detail, the goal is to find the best parameters of which the outcome of auctions maximizes the total revenue of the platform, while being feasible for the constraints on the metrics of CTR, PPC, CVR, CPA and PVR, etc. ", "We denote targets of lower bounds of CTR and CVR, lower and upper bounds of CPC, CPA and PVR as $\\underline{\\rho}$, $\\underline{\\rho}'$, $\\underline{\\pi}$, $\\overline{\\pi}$, $\\underline{\\pi}'$, $\\overline{\\pi}'$, $\\underline{\\kappa}$ and $\\overline{\\kappa}$, respectively.", "\n\nDirectly solving the optimization problem is intractable since we are working on the second price auction mechanism, the outcomes are typically non-convex and even discontinuous with respect to the parameters $\\theta$. It is fascinating and challenging to formulate the optimization problem into a sophisticated framework, such as convex optimization [@Boyd2004].", "\n\nIn this article, we present a novel re-parametrization of ranking score function using a set of representative parameter instances to make the optimization problem practical. ", "The instances in the set are selected by evenly discretizing each dimension of the parameter within a bounded-box centering at parameter $\\tilde{\\theta_c}$ of the original ranking function. ", "In our experiments, the number of selected fixed parameter vectors $K$, as is the number of grids in the bounded-box, is 2025.", "\n\nThis set of parameters $\\{\\theta_{c, j}$, $j \\in 1 \\cdots K\\}$ for each request categories $ c \\in \\mathcal{C}$ provides a comprehensive range of different outcomes of auctions around that of the original $\\tilde{\\theta_c}$’s. ", "By weighing the elements in the set, we are able to tune it to produce specific results.", "\n\nTo steer the outcome of the family of ranking score functions, we asign a probability of selecting the instance $\\theta_{c,j}$ for category $c$, denoted as $x_{c,j}$. In application, the process of applying this family of mechanisms in sponsored search auction is described in Algorithm\\[alg:online\\]. ", "The re-parametrization with $x_{c,*}$ makes the constrained optimization problem practical.", "\n\nWe articulate the method of obtaining the best distribution $x_{c,j}$ over $\\theta_{c,j}$ conforming to the business requirements. ", "For each request $q_i$ of category $c$, the ranking function with parameter $\\theta_{c,j}$ produces the corresponding ranking and pricing result, of which we denote the expected user response of click and purchase as $\\rho_{i,j}$ and $\\rho'_{i,j}$ and the price of click as $\\pi_{i,j}$. With all the auction outcomes of each request with all the ranking function instances, our problem is to find the particular probability values $x_{c,j}$ for each category and each ranking function of the category that maximizes expected revenue and meets the business requirements in expectation. ", "Formally, the constrained optimization problem is materialized as:\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n \\operatorname*{arg\\,min}_{\\mathbf{x}}\\,\\, & -\\Sigma_{c}\\,\\Sigma_i \\Sigma_j {\\small \\mathcal{I}\\{q_i \\in c \\}} x_{c,j} \\rho_{i,j}\\pi_{i,j} \\label{prob:practical_obj}\\\\\n \\text{s.t. ", " }\\, & \\Sigma_{c}\\,\\Sigma_i \\Sigma_j {\\small \\mathcal{I}\\{q_i \\in c \\}} x_{c,j} \\rho_{i,j} \\geq \\underline{\\rho} \\label{prob:ctr_distr_constraint} \\\\\n \\underline{\\pi} \\leq & \\frac{\\Sigma_{c} \\, \\Sigma_i \\Sigma_j {\\small \\mathcal{I}\\{q_i \\in c \\}} x_{c,j} \\rho_{i,j}\\pi_{i,j}}{ \\Sigma_{c}\\,\\Sigma_i \\Sigma_j {\\small \\mathcal{I}\\{q_i \\in c \\}} x_{c,j} \\rho_{i,j}} \\leq \\overline{\\pi} \\label{prob:ppc_distr_constraint} \\\\\n \\underline{\\kappa} \\leq & \\frac{\\Sigma_c\\,\\Sigma_i \\Sigma_j {\\small \\mathcal{I}\\{q_i \\in c \\}}x_{c,j}{\\small \\mathcal{I}\\{\\text{ad}_i \\text{ exists}\\}}}{\\Sigma_c\\,\\Sigma_i \\Sigma_j {\\small \\mathcal{I}\\{q_i \\in c \\}}x_{c,j} \\mathbf{1}} \\leq \\overline{\\kappa} \\label{prob:pvr_distr_constraint} \\\\\n & \\frac{\\Sigma_{c} \\, \\Sigma_i \\Sigma_j {\\small \\mathcal{I}\\{q_i \\in c \\}} x_{c,j} \\rho_{i,j}\\rho'_{i,j} }{\\Sigma_{c} \\, \\Sigma_i \\Sigma_j {\\small \\mathcal{I}\\{q_i \\in c \\}} x_{c,j} \\rho_{i,j} } \\geq \\underline{\\rho}' \\label{prob:cvr_distr_constraint} \\\\\n \\underline{\\pi}' \\leq & \\frac{\\Sigma_{c} \\, \\Sigma_i \\Sigma_j {\\small \\mathcal{I}\\{q_i \\in c \\}} x_{c,j} \\rho_{i,j}\\pi_{i,j} }{\\Sigma_{c} \\, \\Sigma_i \\Sigma_j {\\small \\mathcal{I}\\{q_i \\in c \\}} x_{c,j} \\rho_{i,j}\\rho'_{i,j} } \\leq \\overline{\\pi}' \\label{prob:cpa_distr_constraint} \\\\\n & \\sum_{j=1}^{K} x_{c, j} = 1, \\text{ } \\forall c \\in \\mathcal{C} \\label{prob:sum_1} \\\\\n & x_{c, j} \\geq 0, \\text{ } \\forall c \\in \\mathcal{C}, \\forall j \\in 1,\\cdots,K \\label{prob:prob}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nwhere $\\mathcal{I}\\{x\\} = 1$ if $x$ is true and 0 otherwise.", "\n\nIn this way, we simplify the complex continuous parameter optimization problem into a discrete K-armed bandits optimization problem. ", "To construct this setup, we estimate the resulted business indicators just at selected discrete$\\theta_{c, j}$ instead of every possible instance of $\\theta$. When focusing on the fixed set of rules, we are able to improve the accuracy of the estimations. ", "Also, compared with a solution of one single ranking function, a distribution of the fixed instances has a spectrum of much finer-grained outcome, since it is essentially a linear combination of the outcomes of the ranking functions in the set. ", "Also, when applied online in the stochastic environment, a distribution of multiple instances works more smoothly and robustly than a fixed one.", "\n\nImplementation\n==============\n\nThe key problem in constructing the problem setup in Eq.... is to evaluate the coefficients which are determined by the auction outcome and stochastic user responses. ", "Applying $\\theta_{c,j}$ directly online to real traffics in short periods will merely result in observations with high variance, yet applying in longer period is unaffordable since it would seriously damage the performance of the platform when applying $\\theta$ that fiercely violates the business constraints. ", "We carry out a biased but smooth estimation via offline replay simulation.", "\n\nAfter estimating all the business indicators and set up the coefficients in Eq...., it is fairly straightforward to solve the problem using augmented Lagrangian method [@Birgin2014]. ", "Also, an entropy regularization term is added to the optimization goal in Eq. ", "to make the results robust to the error in the performance indicator computation by offline auction simulation.", "\n\nOffline Replay Simulation\n-------------------------\n\nIn this work, we approximate the auction outcomes under different mechanism parameters by replaying the recorded online auctions using the parameters. ", "Compared with applying to real online traffic, the offline replay simulation is safe since it has no effect on online user experience and advertiser’s ROI. ", "More importantly, we are able to apply various ranking and pricing rules to the exactly same set of requests and ad candidates. ", "Whereas online evaluation of rules are based on splitting of real traffics and so on different set of requests, which brings variance.", "\n\nReplay logs consist of the request context, the query and the user profile, and the whole set of ads’ information in auction including predicted CTR, CVR and bidding price. ", "Under the hood, the ad serving module records each of the ad request and the algorithmic module records the CTR and CVR predictions for the request as well as bidding information of each ad candidate. ", "The recorded data are then collected by ETL infrastructures, aggregated and joined by the request id and eventually stored on Alibaba cloud, where we implement the offline simulation pipeline. ", "The raw log data is organized as a table partitioned by hours, which amounts to hundreds of TBs each day.", "\n\nBased on the replay log data, we are capable to apply any ranking and pricing function $\\theta$ to a snapshot of the online traffic and obtain a set of winning ads for each ad slot. ", "By implementing the ranking and filtering logics according to the counterparts in the online ad serving module, we make the offline simulation of the auctions produce the same ranking and pricing results as online’s.", "\n\nWith outcomes of simulated ranking and pricing, we estimate the expected user response to further estimate the business indicator metrics. ", "We utilize the CTR and CVR predictions $\\hat{\\rho}$ and $\\hat{\\rho}'$ to approximate the expectation of user click and conversion.", "\n\nHowever, due to systematic bias caused by simplifying assumptions and variations in data distributions between training and serving time, the empirical mean of the predicted and the actual CTRs diverge, especially when the position effect of the ad slot escalates. ", "This divergence brings bias to our estimations of metrics. ", "We remedy this bias by statistically calibrating the predicted CTRs [@McMahan2013] during replay simulation and evaluation of metrics, so that their empirical mean matches the actual CTR.", "\n\n![", "Calibration results of two ad slots.[]{data-label=\"fig:calib\"}](calib){width=\"0.94\\linewidth\"}\n\nWe learn calibration mappings $\\varrho_p(\\hat{\\rho})$ for each advertisement slot position $p$ using isotonic regression[@Zadrozny2001]. ", "$\\varrho_p(\\hat{\\rho})$ is modeled as a piece-wise constant function, monotonically increasing with $\\hat{\\rho}$, which is a flexible approximator. ", "The range of the input value $\\hat{\\rho}$ is split into $B$ intervals. ", "For each interval $\\tau$, within which the number of ad impressions is $\\sigma_\\tau$ and the actual CTR of these impressions is $\\check{\\rho}_\\tau$, we learn a constant factor $\\omega_\\tau$ as the calibrated ctr corresponding to the interval of predicted CTR. ", "The calibration learning task is formulated as: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\operatorname*{arg\\,min}_{\\omega} & \\sum_{\\tau=1}^B \\sigma_\\tau|\\omega_\\tau-\\check{\\rho}_\\tau|^2 \\\\\n\\text{subject to } & \\omega_i \\leq \\omega_j \\text{ if } i \\leq j ,\\, \\forall i, j \\in 1,\\cdots, B \\end{aligned}$$\n\nWe setup and solve the above learning task for each ad slot position. ", "We prepare samples for calibration by aggregating advertisement serving logs. ", "For each ad impression $i$ of slot position $p$, we extract the online predicted CTR $\\hat{\\rho}_i$, and label it is clicked or not. ", "Then we aggregate the impression data by grouping by the interval bin $\\tau$, and estimate the actual CTRs $\\check{\\rho}_\\tau$ of samples that fall in each interval bin.", "\n\nFigure \\[fig:calib\\] shows that calibration corrects the over-optimistically predicted CTRs and remediates the position bias in our platform.", "\n\nWith calibrated user response expectations, we calculate the business indicators on the whole dataset for each mechanism parameter $\\theta_{c,j}$ in Eq..... With these steps, the construction of the problem setup is finished.", "\n\nRegularization with Entropy Bonus\n---------------------------------\n\nSolving the linear programming problem is fairly straightforward using sophisticated solutions to obtain a globally convergent solution. ", "However, as it is a data-driven approach, the coefficients in the problem setup are approximated and the data distribution may also vary day after day. ", "The optimal combination of mechanism parameters found from the simulated data is likely to be suboptimal.", "\n\nTo remedy this problem, we introduce some additional prior information via regularization to prevent overfitting to the replay simulated data. ", "In our case, we borrow the idea of entropy regularization (entropy bonus) from reinforcement learning research [@Williams1991], where entropy bonus was introduced to prevent convergence to a single choice of action and enforce exploration.", "\n\nWe add this regularization term weighted by a hyper-parameter $\\nu$ to the objective:\n\n$$L(\\mathbf{x}) = \\sum_{c} \\sum_j x_{c,j}(-\\sum_i {\\small \\mathcal{I}\\{q_i \\in c \\}} \\rho_{i,j}\\pi_{i,j} + \\nu x_{c,j}\\mathrm{ln}x_{c,j}) \\label{eq:regularized_obj}$$\n\nWith the objective Eq. ", "and constraints Eq...., the problem setup is a linearly constrained convex optimization. ", "Among many available methods, we use augmented Lagrangian for its simplicity.", "\n\nExperiments\n===========\n\nIn this section, we present the experiments to measure the efficacy of the proposed method in auction mechanism optimization. ", "We designed and launched several rounds of experiments on a fraction of the search traffic on the mobile search engine of the E-commerce platform. ", "The baseline of the experiments is implemented the same as the main product version of the ranking score function, which consists of manually tuned parameters $\\tilde{\\theta}_c$ for each of the several thousands search categories. ", "From the experimental results, we studied the effects of various factors on the solution of the problem and summarized the motivations, the arrangements, the results and some analysis of our experiments.", "\n\nFor each experiment, we construct a particular setup of the constrained problem. ", "We evaluate the estimated business indicators for all the fixed parameters $\\theta_{c,j}$ via auction replay simulation on logged data from the past 14 days. ", "In the same pipeline, we also simulate the baseline mechanism to estimate the baseline metrics of exactly the same requests. ", "The constraint targets in the problem setup Eq.[...]{} ", "are set by scaling up and down the estimated baseline business indicators from simulation for the upper and lower bound targets of the constraints.", "\n\nWe solve the constrained optimization using augmented Lagrangian method, in which the dual variables generally indicates the difficulty of satisfying each constraint. ", "With some particular constraint targets, the residual of the constraint term may be large, making the solution infeasible. ", "This is expected since the targets may be beyond the domain in which spans the outcome of all combinations of the ranking functions from valid distributions.", "\n\nWe launched the implementation of Algorithm \\[alg:online\\] with each particular solution $x$ as well as the baseline onto online A/B test environment in our mobile search platform to handle 1% of the real search traffics. ", "Experiments are retained for at least 24 hours to sufficiently gauge the business performance indicators.", "\n\nResults and Analysis\n--------------------\n\nThe experiments and results confirms the effectiveness of our approach and analyzes the effects of miscellaneous factors to it in optimizing auction mechanisms with constraints. ", "Our approach generally meets the business requirements specified in constraint targets and maximizes the revenue.", "\n\n### Calibration in simulation.", "\n\nWe check the effects of calibration in offline simulation by comparing the results of problem setup with and without calibration. ", "The experimental result shows that calibration helps significantly improve accuracy of the simulated metrics estimation and produce online results that approximately comply with the constraint targets, as illustrated in table \\[table:with-calibration\\].", "\n\nWithout calibration, the simulated results tend to be over-optimistic on the overall user response, [*i.e*]{} CTR and CVR. ", "This is because ads with high predicted CTRs and CVRs, which may be over-estimated, are more likely to win the auctions. ", "Thus this experiment also express the influence of accuracy in estimations of the objective and the constraint targets in the problem setup.", "\n\n -------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------\n \n (lr)[1-6]{} (lr)[7-12]{} $\\Delta$CTR $\\Delta$PPC $\\Delta$PVR $\\Delta$CVR $\\Delta$CPA **calib** $\\Delta$REV $\\Delta$CTR $\\Delta$PPC $\\Delta$PVR $\\Delta$CVR $\\Delta$CPA\n with +0.06% +2.31% -2.07% -0.13% -0.75% -1.33%\n without 1.09% +0.89% +0.48% -0.28% -0.92% +1.12%\n -------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------\n\n### Efficacy with various constraint targets\n\nMost importantly, we want to examine the effectiveness of the proposed method in conforming with the specific requirements of the business performance while maximizing revenue.", "\n\nWe specify different business requirements on the performance by varying the upper and lower bounds in the constraints of the problem setup. ", "With the solutions of the various setups, we examine how the resulted metrics correlate to the targets.", "\n\nThe various arrangement of targets and the corresponding online experiment results are illustrated in table \\[tab:effective-targets\\]. ", "The metrics in the experiment results generally follow the designated constraint targets, though miscue does exist due to the limit of the ranking function and exceedingly selected target values.", "\n\nFor CVR and CPA, we use simpler constraint targets because the expected number of conversions is less accurate, since it is calculated based on expected number of clicks, which is also approximated.", "\n\n -------------------------------------- ------------- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------\n \n (lr)[1-5]{} (lr)[6-11]{} $\\Delta$CTR $\\Delta$PPC $\\Delta$PVR $\\Delta$CVR $\\Delta$CPA $\\Delta$REV $\\Delta$CTR $\\Delta$PPC $\\Delta$PVR $\\Delta$CVR $\\Delta$CPA\n $\\geq$1% -1%$\\sim$0 -0.5%$\\sim$0.5% $\\geq$0 $\\leq$0 +0.387% +1.37% -0.91% -0.06% +0.31% -1.22%\n $\\geq$1.5% -1%$\\sim$0 -0.5%$\\sim$0.5% $\\geq$0 $\\leq$0 +0.378% +1.35% -0.89% -0.07% +0.33% -1.21%\n $\\geq$1.5% -2%$\\sim$0 -0.5%$\\sim$0.5% $\\geq$0 $\\leq$0 +0.146% +1.69% -1.38% -0.14% +0.24% -1.62%\n $\\geq$2% -2%$\\sim$0 -0.5%$\\sim$0.5% $\\geq$0 $\\leq$0 -0.074% +1.96% -1.72% -0.28% +0.11% -1.83%\n $\\geq$2.5% -2%$\\sim$0 -0.5%$\\sim$0.5% $\\geq$0 $\\leq$0 -0.219% +2.28% -2.11% -0.34% -0.05% -2.06%\n $\\geq$3% -2%$\\sim$0 -0.5%$\\sim$0.5% $\\geq$0 $\\leq$0 \n -------------------------------------- ------------- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------\n\n### Regularization\n\nWe evaluate the effects of the entropy regularization term in the objective of the optimization problem Eq.. In the experiment, we choose one single set of constraint, of which the targets are $\\Delta$CTR$\\geq$1.5%, -1%$\\leq \\Delta$PPC$\\leq$0, -0.5%$\\leq \\Delta$PVR$\\leq$0.5%, $\\Delta$CVR$\\geq$0 and $\\Delta$CPA$\\leq$0.", "\n\nThe experimental results are listed in table \\[tab:regularization-term\\]. ", "To articulate the effects of regularization, we also list the estimated business indicators of applying the solution to the replay simulation dataset in addition to the online experimental results.", "\n\nRegularization term makes the offline simulated metrics suboptimal, but, when set appropriately, it improves the robust of the optimization result and performs better in the online traffic.", "\n\n ------------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------\n \n (lr)[2-5]{} (lr)[6-9]{} $\\Delta$CTR$_s$ $\\Delta$PPC$_s$ $\\Delta$PVR$_s$ $\\Delta$REV$_s$ $\\Delta$CTR$_o$ $\\Delta$PPC$_o$ $\\Delta$PVR$_o$ $\\Delta$REV$_o$\n **0** +2.62% -1.35% +0.74% +1.98% +0.78% -1.25% +0.16% -0.32%\n **1e-4** +1.78% -1.02% +0.34% +1.08% +1.31% -1.14% -0.11% +0.045%\n **1e-2** +1.53% -0.79% +0.11% +0.84% +1.35% -0.89% -0.07% +0.378%\n **1** +1.24% -0.65% -0.08% +0.501% +1.13% -0.73% -0.15% +0.241%\n ------------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nIn this article, we present a constrained optimization formulation of the auction mechanism optimization problem for E-commerce sponsored search platform. ", "We showed this formulation is practical and applicable with discretized parameterization of the auction mechanism. ", "We illustrate the construct of the problem setup with calibrated offline simulation and the objective with entropy regularization to improve the robustness of the results.", "\n\nFrom the experimental results, we can conclude that our proposed methods do conform approximately with the specified constraint targets while maximizing the revenue. ", "Another contribution of our work is the building of the auction simulation system configured to accommodate our experiments. ", "Moreover, it is also extensible for other experiments that may require a replay of a large number of online auctions. ", "We also would like to comment that it is obvious that our method would cause some bidding behavior changes once enforced and the characteristic of online data distribution will drift away from the snapshot of offline data. ", "Whereas this problem is resolved as models are updated in a daily basis while most of the active campaigns on our platform last for days or even weeks.", "\n\nThe effectiveness of the proposed method is crucially impacted by two factors. ", "One is the accuracy of the offline simulation in estimating the business indicators. ", "In the future work, we will work on incorporating online evaluated performance indicators into the problem setup to improve the accuracy. ", "The other factor is the fix set of selected representative parameters $\\theta_{c,j}$. The outcome of the auctions spans the space defined by the outcome of each individual point in the set. ", "A significant boost in the business performance requires judiciously selected candidates in the set and even a new design of the ranking score function, which is also an important future direction of this work.", "\n" ]
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[ "Nope not the prime minister ;)I've had a few guys email me regards problems with the pm message function. ", "First, new members cannot use this function until they have made a contribution to discussion (I think you must make 10 posts)\n\nFor members whom are able to send an receive pm messages, you must clear out your inbox (not sure of the total number I think 10...anyhow whatever the number, once it is reached you will not be able to receive any more messages, so remember clear the mail you have read guys.", "\n\nYou will certainly have to have that level raised for Valentine's Day, what will Sammy do with Maximum No. ", "10. ", "Sammy has already written out 432 cards to himself, the 893 others to Alan. ", "Please your your tech skills and manuals to divert the horror pending...\n\nWith all sorts of topics abounding here, it strikes me that we could set up some special interest groups, spark ideas off each other - all sorts of things!", "\n\nAnd whether rooftop campaigning in a Spiderman outfit is your thing, or hammering out a letter or two of protest on your PC, everyone can do something really helpful for what is essentially YOUR, or OUR campaign.", "\n\nWhat say we use this PM messaging facilty to the full, folks?", "\n\nMorpheus : Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. ", "You have to see it for yourself." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0 ]
[ "Some stuff is gone, unless people flake out on payments (PLEASE don't do that). ", "I'm going through e-mails in order as they arrive and responding, but I'm done for the night. ", "I'll send some stuff out tomorrow for those who have paid. ", "Thanks!_________________THINGS THAT WILL BE DELETED:\n1. ", "Ghost and Watain threads\n2. ", "Image signatures\n3. ", "Content related to Necroytardonic Records\n4. ", "Memes\n5. ", "Ebonics\n\nFucking fuck. ", "I missed out on the DEATH SS patch. ", "REALLY wanted that one. ", "Been wanting a DEATH SS patch in general, but that specific one caught my eye when I saw it in an eBay auction (ended at a price over $50!)." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0.014285714285714285 ]
[ "Flickr Badge\n\nSunday, May 30, 2010\n\nHere is a pet peeve of mine that is strong enough to actually wake up this blog from hibernation.", "\n\nI've been seeing this \"ideating\" word being tossed around as the new cool thing. ", "Every event now seems to have an ideation workshop or innovation workshop. ", "We've been doing innovation jams at Proto.in for ages now. ", "This weekend we had an IdeaCamp event here in Chennai.", "\n\nThese days even organizations like Nasscom and CII are jumping on the ideation bandwagon.", "\n\nThe premise is simple: get a bunch of people together, bounce ideas off the crowd and make it better.", "\n\nAs an entrepreneur, I find these sessions seriously turning off. ", "I used to be excited about them, but not anymore.", "\n\nInvariably no one brings up the hard questions: Whats the market for this idea? ", "How will you price it? ", "Are there any competitors? ", "How much will it cost to build? ", "How will you fund it?", "\n\nAnd finally, when the event is over everyone forgets the idea and gets back to normal work.", "\n\nCount up all the ideas from all the innovation jams, ideation sessions, BarCamps, IdeaCamps over the last four years... then count out how many have been executed on. ", "My guess is zero.", "\n\nThe ideas are basically dead on arrival.", "\n\nSo why do we have so many ideation sessions?", "\n\nIts fun. ", "Its collaborative. ", "And everyone likes to escape from the present and imagine the future. ", "Execution is hard, and execution is definitely not-fun. ", "Ideation is instantaneous, and best of all free! ", "I feel sorry for execution - its hard, long, time consuming, and expensive :(\n\nAbout Me\n\nI am the founder of Silver Stripe Software where we develop web based SaaS products. ", "We've developed three products - Tool For Agile suite of products for teams that follow a lean or agile process, Tour My App a product for SaaS developers to provide in-app guided tours for their users, and Sequence, a tool to take actions based on user behaviour.", "\nI do a bit of programming, some photography once in a while and like to do some cooking at times." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.007518796992481203, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0.018518518518518517, 0.02197802197802198, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011834319526627219, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005747126436781609, 0.007575757575757576, 0.01020408163265306 ]
[ "As Galaxie 500’s Dean Wareham wrote in “Scenes From a Dream” — an introduction for the “30 Best Dream Pop Albums” for Pitchfork: Answering the question “What kind of music do you play?” ", "with the words “dream pop” elicits blank looks. “", "It’s a construct created after the fact, not a movement associated with a particular time or place or hairstyle,” Wareham wrote. “", "Maybe it’s a category for bands, across recent decades, who are hard to categorize.” ", "Whatever it is, Beach House easily falls into that category. ", "Two albums from the duo, who originated in Baltimore and have been creating music as Beach House for over 10 years — “Bloom” and “Teen Dream” — made it into that same list’s top 10. ", "Beach House will play its first Arkansas show at the Clear Channel Metroplex Wednesday, May 2, bringing along an all-new stage setup and dreamy tunes that span across seven studio albums. ", "Their newest record, appropriately titled “7,” will be released on Sub Pop May 11. “", "It’s so weird to have a state you’ve never been to when you travel as much as we do,” said the band’s guitarist and song co-writer, Alex Scally, over the phone. “", "We’re excited to be there for the first time ever — which for us, really sustains us because we’ve toured so much,” he said. “", "It’s like our 12th or 14th or 25th time in cities like London or New York. ", "We’re just excited to go to new places and we’re grateful for anyone who comes out and gives us a chance.” ", "Scally spoke with us ahead of that show about playing a new city, their ongoing setlist creator and their ever-evolving live show.", "\n\nHow do you approach playing a city you’ve never been to?", "\n\nWe’ll definitely be playing a set that’s a little bit more geared towards reaching out to people. ", "Like, playing the most known songs and trying to make it more exciting. ", "Like, less indulgent from an artistic perspective. ", "If you play a show in a big city, you know a higher number of people there, and it sells out in two days, you know everybody there is a big fan. ", "I feel like you can play deeper cuts and take more liberties. … ", "We’ll definitely be trying to make it more accessible.", "\n\nI noticed you have the setlist creator back. ", "How exactly do the audience’s choices influence the band’s sets?", "\n\n\nI love that thing. ", "We have to be happy with our sets. ", "We have to be engaged with them. ", "Generally, of the 15-20 songs we play every night, there are probably 12 or 15 of them that are like, we’re going to play no matter what. ", "Because that’s what we want to play that given night. ", "For the other five or six, [they’re] variable songs that shift all the time on tour. ", "Sometimes one song will just be played once on a tour. ", "That kind of group of variable songs, we look through and find the highest chosen lesser known songs and put those into the set. ", "Like, “Oh, wow, for some reason everyone in this town wants to hear this one song from ‘Teen Dream.’ ", "Let’s play it tonight.” ", "We use it like that, which I really love because rather than randomly choosing those deeper cuts to add in, it’s based on what people actually want in that room.", "\n\nHow has your live show changed over the years, you make the sets yourself?", "\n\n\nWe’ve always kind of been the artistic director of them, and many times have fabricated them ourselves. ", "We’re actually trying to go for something a little bit more transient: less object space and more just about cameras and projectors and screens.", "\n\nAs Beach House gets bigger, do you dread playing larger venues?", "\n\nWe used to not like it so much, but now, larger venues generally have a better stage. ", "So things can look better. ", "Things can sound better. ", "There’s something about playing a small venue that is awesome, but sometimes it’s like, only half the people could see the stage, and that’s a bummer.", "\n\nHow will the new album translate live?", "\n\n\nThis album felt really kinetic. ", "We tend to make pretty still music, and this record felt like we were really excited by the kind of bubbling, chaotic, discordant energy field. … ", "The vibe and the show are getting more energetic and messy, but in what I think is a cool way. ", "Maybe a little bit more “rock and roll,” to use the old term." ]
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[ "Note to self: When working on thin paper or thin cardboard. ", "Remember to ad a little gap on each of the smaller details in your illustrator file before laser cutting. ", "It will save time when the cutting is done and you pick out your project out from the laser. ", "Unless you just vacuum clean the whole area. ", "This little error will ad at least 5 -10 more minutes to my project time unless…" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Physical activity programs for persons with dementia.", "\nThere is some evidence that physical activity delays the onset of dementia in healthy older adults and slows down cognitive decline to prevent the onset of cognitive disability. ", "Studies using animal models suggest that physical activity has the potential to attenuate the pathophysiology of dementia. '", "Physical activity' refers to 'usual care plus physical activity'. ", "Primary: do physical activity programs maintain or improve cognition, function, behaviour, depression, and mortality compared to usual care in older persons with dementia?Secondary: do physical activity programs have an indirect positive impact on family caregivers' health, quality of life, and mortality compared to family caregivers of older persons with dementia who received usual care alone? ", "Do physical activity programs reduce the use of health care services (e.g., visits to the emergency department) compared to usual care in older persons with dementia and their family caregiver? ", "The trials were identified from searches of the Specialized Register of the Cochrane Dementia and Cognitive Improvement Group, The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL and LILACS on 9 September 2007 using the search terms: exercise OR \"physical activity\" OR cycling OR swim* OR gym* OR walk* OR danc* OR yoga OR \"tai chi\". ", "All relevant, randomized controlled trials in which physical activity programs were compared with usual care for the effect on managing or improving cognition, function, behaviour, depression, and mortality in people with dementia of any type and degree of severity. ", "Secondary outcomes related to the family caregiver(s) included quality of life, mortality, and use of health care services were intended to be examined. ", "Two reviewers independently assessed the retrieved articles for relevance and methodological quality, and extracted data from the selected trials. ", "These were pooled were appropriate. ", "Four trials met the inclusion criteria. ", "However, only two trials were included in the analyses because the required data from the other two trials were not made available. ", "Only one meta-analysis was conducted. ", "The results from this review suggest that there is insufficient evidence of the effectiveness of physical activity programs in managing or improving cognition, function, behaviour, depression, and mortality in people with dementia. ", "Few trials have examined these important outcomes. ", "In addition, family caregiver outcomes and use of health care services were not reported in any of the included trials. ", "There is insufficient evidence to be able to say whether or not physical activity programs are beneficial for people with dementia." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014792899408284023, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "\nDisney TV Studios Eyes New Profit Participation Model - hhs\nhttps://deadline.com/2019/07/hollywood-profit-participation-tv-deals-changes-disney-streaming-services-1202641423/\n======\njedberg\nHaving seen what these negotiations look like from a technical perspective, I\ncan see why they want to do this. ", "A lot of the old contracts are causing\nissues when they want to go to streaming, because they aren't clear as to what\nplatforms the license is for in the first place. ", "This is why sometimes some\nmusic is replaced or a scene with a particular guest actor is cut from the\nstreaming version of an old show.", "\n\nThese changes are effectively future-proofing. ", "By making these contracts apply\nto all platforms now and in the future, including platforms that might be\nimpossible to maintain individual accounting for each show, it makes it a lot\neasier for them to exploit the content in new ways in the future without\nhaving to track down all the old actors, their estates, and their agents to\nnegotiate new deals.", "\n\nIt probably will also suck for the actors as it will limit their potential\nupside while providing them with more money up front, so you'll have fewer\ncrazy rich actors but more middle class actors.", "\n\n~~~\nanon4242\n> you'll have fewer crazy rich actors but more middle class actors\n\nFor me it has always seemed weird that for the last half century or so, the\npeople we pay the most are the entertainers: actors, musicians and sport-\nstars. ", "More middle class actors and fewer crazy rich actors sounds good to me.", "\nI would rather have more people being able to make a decent living off their\ncraft than a few with more money than they know how to spend.", "\n\n~~~\nanbop\nIt's because entertainer's product can be distributed to infinite numbers of\npeople, each of whom have finite amounts of time. ", "If I am going to spend 1\nhour watching basketball, I am going to want to watch Lebron James. ", "I'd rather\npay $5 to watch a basketball game where he is playing vs. being paid $5 to\nwatch a basketball game featuring absolutely excellent, but not world-class,\nplayers. ", "I similarly am very discriminating about movies, music, etc. ", "and will\npay $6.99 to rent an Amazon movie vs. watching a free one on Prime because I\nhave such limited movie-watching time. ", "The rewards go to the top because the\neyeballs go the top.", "\n\n~~~\nnailer\n> If I am going to spend 1 hour watching basketball, I am going to want to\n> watch Lebron James.", "\n\nThat's an excellent point.", "\n\n\\- Is acting ability as unevenly distributed as athletic ability?", "\n\n\\- Would Black Mirror be better if every episode had Jodie Foster or Jake\nGyllenhaal in it? ", "Or is it possible that using less well known actors would\nnot negatively impact viewership?", "\n\n~~~\nmettamage\nWhether it is or isn't as unevenly distributed, popularity is! ", "Popularity is a\nscale free network in fact. ", "Simply check your Facebook friends (or that of\nyour aunt if you don't have FB) and you're quite likely to see a couple of\noutliers.", "\n\nI thought about this quite deeply and researched it a bit during my graph\ntheory & complex network classes. ", "Whether it is routers redirecting traffic or\npopularity, it is all scale free (ok not everything is, but a lot of things\nare).", "\n\n~~~\nnailer\nGood point & totally agreed about popularity. ", "People may want to see a TV show\nbecause someone popular is acting in it (using the Black Mirror example, Miley\nCyrus was in an episode of the last season).", "\n\nI guess the question is: what value is popularity? ", "If Miley Cyruses increase\nin cost doesn't warrant the increase in revenue, then it's not worth it. ", "If it\ndoes then it is. ", "It sounds like the market is re-calibrating a little.", "\n\n------\nghostbrainalpha\nI wonder if this move to create a fair payment model for actor/creators, is\nsimply to preempt monopoly criticisms before they launch there own\nsubscription service?", "\n\nThe mouse has an impressive history of playing Chess while everyone else\nthinks they are playing Checkers.", "\n\n~~~\nijidak\nDisney's acquisition of Marvel, Pixar, Star Wars, and the better parts of 21st\nCentury Fox will go down as the stuff of legend.", "\n\nI don't even understand how other media giants allowed this to happen.", "\n\nDisney controls essentially all the most profitable global entertainment\nfranchises into the foreseeable future.", "\n\nThey are the Thanos of entertainment. ", "Gathering the entertainment world's\ninfinity stones.", "\n\nIt will be interesting to see if this translates into streaming platform\nsuccess...\n\n~~~\nnvrspyx\nLet's not forget that they have control of Hulu now too, although they're\nstill waiting for CNBCUniversal to relinquish their 33% to them before they\ncompletely own it.", "\n\nIf the previous are the Infinity Stones, Hulu and Disney+ (and ESPN+) are\ntheir Infinity Gauntlet.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Prostaglandin D2 and reproduction.", "\nThis review highlights recent studies investigating the role of prostaglandin (PG)D2 in reproduction. ", "PGD2 induces sleep, allergic responses, inhibition of platelet aggregation, and relaxation of vascular and non-vascular smooth muscle, and has some roles in reproduction. ", "Two types of PGD2 synthase are known. ", "Lipocalin-type PGD synthase is present in cerebrospinal fluid, seminal plasma and may play an important role in male reproduction. ", "Another PGD synthase, hematopoietic PGD synthase is present in the spleen, fallopian tube, endometrial gland cells, extravillous trophoblasts and villous trophoblasts, and perhaps plays an important role in female reproduction. ", "Recent studies demonstrate that PGD2 is probably involved in multiple aspects of inflammation through its dual receptor systems, DP and CRTH2. ", "CRTH2 but not DP is a chemo-attractant receptor for PGD2. ", "Interestingly, CRTH2 is a most reliable marker for the detection of human T helper type 2 (Th2) and T cytotoxic type 2 (Tc2) cells, and the percentages of CRTH expressing CD4+-T cells and CD8+-T cells were significantly higher in the decidua especially at the implantation site, suggesting that Th2 and Tc2 cells recruit into the materno-fetal interface, in a PGD2-mediated manner. ", "PGD2 has a very unique effect to inhibit antigen presentation by inhibition of dendritic cell (DC) migration through DP but not CRTH2. ", "PGD2 might appear to contribute to the maintenance of pregnancy by controlling the Th1/Th2 balance and antigen presentation by DCs through its dual receptor systems, CRTH2 and DP." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0, 0.007633587786259542, 0.008771929824561403, 0.006993006993006993, 0.017241379310344827, 0.010471204188481676, 0.007407407407407408, 0.00558659217877095 ]
[ "/* Copyright 2007-2010 Brad King\n Copyright 2007-2008 Chuck Stewart\n Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.", "\n (See accompanying file rtvl_license_1_0.txt or copy at\n http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */\n#include <rtvl/rtvl_weight_original.hxx>\nRTVL_WEIGHT_ORIGINAL_INSTANTIATE(2);\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.015267175572519083, 0.0055248618784530384 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWhat's the cause of the South/West Rule?", "\n\nThe South/West Rule has a wide variety of effects throughout the game. ", "What actually causes it?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe South/West Rule may be related to the fact that traveling south or west causes one's horizontal spatial coordinates to increase; traveling north or east causes X- or Z-coordinates to decrease, respectively. ", "\n\nI therefore assume it is because the coordinates are rounded up to whole integers when it's a ambiguous situation.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe South-West rule occurs because of the way Minecraft calculates block locations. ", "For some reason (possibly due to rounding), the collision detection of blocks is slightly off. ", "This causes strange effects. ", "You can see the phenomenon clearly by creating an arrangements of blocks like below, and brushing up against each corner. ", "The lava's collision box is slightly offset, so you get damaged.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The present invention relates to methods and apparatus for measuring a chemiluminescent signal from a solid surface. ", "In particular, the present invention relates to methods and apparatus for use in heterogeneous immunoassays wherein a chemiluminescent signal provided by the immobilized product of an immunochemical reaction from a solid, porous matrix is measured.", "\nSeveral automated chemiluminescence instruments use photographic means and a densitometer for recording signal. ", "Vogelhut, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,231,754; Whitehead, et al., ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,593,728; Thorpe, et al., ", "Clin. ", "Chem., ", "30, 806, (1984); and Bunce, et al., ", "Analyst, 110, 65 (1985).", "\nClear coated microtitration plates as a solid phase with trigger solution port and detector at opposite sides of the plate well may also be employed in such instruments. ", "Holley, European Patent Application 025,350; and Schroeder, et al., ", "Clin. ", "Chem., ", "27, 1378-1384 (1981). ", "This technique is severely limited due to the slow reaction rates resulting from the limited diffusion of analyte molecules to the capturing solid phase. ", "Use of this approach has been of limited sensitivity and is generally employed in reactions involving the use of ATP and luminol-type tracers.", "\nMagnetizable microparticles and magnetic separation in a test tube may be followed by reading the signal of the suspended particles in a tube luminometer as is found in the commercially available Magic.", "TM. ", "Lite system distributed by Ciba-Corning Diagnostics. ", "Because the brown colored microparticles optically interfere with the chemiluminescent signal, a very low mass of these particles is used. ", "This leads to very slow reactions. ", "For example, an assay for thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is reported to have a three-hour incubation time. ", "In addition, many manipulation steps are involved, making this assay configuration difficult to automate. ", "Other luminometers in which the signal is generated in a test tube are sold by Berthold, Hamilton, Turner Design and Analytical Luminescence.", "\nEnhanced chemiluminescent reactions in a white microtitration plate followed by reading the generated signal in a luminometer having a moving mask and photomultiplier tube are described in Lisenbee, et al., ", "European Patent Application 194,102 and are incorporated in the Amerlite.", "TM. ", "system sold by Amersham Inc. This latter technique suffers from the same limitations of an ELISA assay in a coated plate, namely the slow diffusion rate of the reactants to the capture phase." ]
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[ "Serum prostate-specific antigen after post-prostatectomy radiotherapy.", "\nExternal beam radiotherapy was administered to 39 patients after radical prostatectomy for adenocarcinoma. ", "Thirty-seven of 39 patients had detectable levels of serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) prior to irradiation as evidence of residual carcinoma (biochemical evidence of disease). ", "Two patients also had palpable recurrences. ", "Pathologic analysis of the surgical specimens suggested that positive surgical margins, seminal vesicle or lymph node involvement, or high Gleason pattern scores are associated with measurable PSA after surgery. ", "Follow-up ranged from two to seventy-four months (mean 26.8 months). ", "To date, local control has been achieved in all but 1 patient (including 2 patients with palpable tumor prior to radiotherapy). ", "Two distinct risk groups for the development of distant metastases based on the trend of the PSA in relation to the duration of follow-up after radiotherapy are defined. ", "In the high-risk group (those patients with a rising PSA), in 9 of the 18 bone metastases have developed, while none of the 17 low-risk patients have metastatic disease." ]
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[ "Chharka Tangsong\n\nChharka Tangsong () is a rural municipality located in Dolpa District of Karnali Province of Nepal.", "\n\nThe rural municipality is divided into total 6 wards and the headquarters of the rural municipality is situated at Chharka.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Official website\n\nCategory:Populated places in Dolpa District\nCategory:Rural municipalities in Karnali Pradesh\nCategory:Nepal municipalities established in 2017" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nBluetooth low energy encryption using chacha20-poly1305\n\nThe BLE data is encrypted using AES-CCM. ", "the TLS1.3 removed AES-CCM from the cipher-suits due to security issue.", "\nMy question : \nwhy don't they encrypt the BLE using chacha20-poly1205 ? ", "is it because there is no hardware support for chach20-poly1305?", "\n\nA:\n\nTLS 1.3 has not removed AES-CCM, and it is not insecure. ", "The issue with CCM modes is simply that they are very inefficient, requiring two invocations of the block cipher for every encryption of a single block. ", "The only reason anyone would want to use CCM is if the device in question supports hardware-accelerated AES encryption and does not support hardware acceleration for components of GCM, or because of extreme space constraints that make re-using AES code better than implementing GCM.", "\nThe reason Bluetooth is using AES is because it was very important for this version to be fully FIPS-compliant. ", "FIPS is a US government standard that specifies, among other things, the ciphers and modes of operation that are approved for government use. ", "AES and CCM are part of FIPS, but ChaCha20 and Poly1305 are not. ", "Remember that the previous versions of Bluetooth did not even use AES. ", "Instead, they used their own homebrew stream cipher called E0, which turned out not to be particularly secure. ", "It is vulnerable to a variety of attacks, in particular known-plaintext attacks.", "\nAn answer on our sister site explains this with more authority:\n\nI know from being in a meeting that FIPS-140 validation for Bluetooth was an important conversation with the Bluetooth LE spec, which is why AES was added. ", "I can only assume that AES was not used in the original ICs due to cost on the hardware side. ", "Looking at 130nm dies (so, back in the day), AES would cost me about 0.03 USD in area. ", "Just by guessing the area of E0, I would say it's 0.01 USD, so it must have mostly been an economic consideration during the time of early adoption.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "September 11, 2009\n\nCrystal Ball\n\nA weekly look at how prognosticators from around the country view the games.", "\n\nDouble D, Boston Herald: The consensus is that USC is loaded and Ohio State is rebuilding. ", "But there are several points to ponder before betting the house on the Trojans in Saturday night’s marquee matchup.", "\n\nTim Sullivan, New York Post: The UCLA Bruins are on the road to ruin. ", "Take Tennessee and give the points.", "\n\nMike Hlas, Cedar Rapids Gazette: Hlastradamus got off to a slow start, but so did Usain Bolt when he set a world record in the 100 meters at last month's world championships.", "\n\nMatt Youmans, Las Vegas Review-Journal: Don't listen to the hype. ", "There's no better value on the board than Ohio State and the points against a USC team with a freshman quarterback playing his first road game.", "\n\nNational Championship Issue: Stanford has a long trip to get to Wake Forest. ", "It will be an even longer trip home.", "\n\nJon Wilner, College Sports Hotline: Pete Carroll is going to regret starting freshman Matt Barkley at Ohio State. ", "Here's another vote for the Buckeyes. ", "He went 0-5 in his national picks last week, but promises to do better. ", "For starters, he likes Tulane and the points against Brigham Young." ]
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[ "The process of change in psychotherapy with a pregnant patient following perinatal losses: An analysis of a case study.", "\nDespite research suggesting increased anxiety and depressive symptoms after a perinatal loss and during future pregnancies, little knowledge exists to guide clinicians treating pregnant women after perinatal loss. ", "This case study explores processes that facilitated therapeutic change for a pregnant patient with major depressive disorder (MDD) and posttraumatic stress disorder after perinatal losses. ", "The study integrated quantitative and narrative analyses in a single case derived from the pilot phase of a randomized controlled trial on supportive-expressive therapy for MDD. ", "The quantitative and narrative analyses suggest that an improvement in maladaptive interpersonal patterns toward the therapist, in the form of attachment avoidance, made it possible to form a strong alliance, which in turn led to a successful outcome. ", "The findings highlight the importance of improving maladaptive interpersonal patterns as a prerequisite to enable patients after pregnancy losses to develop and maintain a corrective therapeutic experience." ]
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[ "Rerouting Working Nerves To Restore Hand Function\n\nA paralyzed man with a spinal cord injury to the C7 vertebrae is able to move his fingers again. ", "Surgeons at Washington University School of Medicine rerouted working nerves in the patient's upper arms to restore some hand function. ", "Dr. Ida Fox discusses the procedure described in the Journal of Neurosurgery." ]
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[ "All Ivy Germaine wants is to fit in with the other students at her new high school. ", "But not many high school students are piano prodigies who play concerts with professional symphonic orchestras. ", "With her new friends, Ben, an aspiring stand-up comedian, and Laurie, an artist, she hopes for a fresh start where she is accepted for herself and not for her piano playing abilities, which she keeps a closely guarded secret. ", "But when her proud father leaks word of her talent, Ivy is pursued to perform in the school talent show by both the school principal and by “The Machine” — the in-crowd clique which dresses, thinks, and even talks as one. ", "Can Ivy stop hiding who she really is and still be treated like a normal teenager?", "\n\nThis humorous yet profound exploration of identity and individuality is ideal for contests and one act festivals.", "\n\nUse this script sample — including the cast list, production notes and several pages of the actual script — to help you select your next show. ", "It is open in a new browser tab or window. ", "To open it again, please click here.", "Close\n\nDuo Practice & Competition\nYou’ll find 35 original comedic duets, all written for one male and one female, with unique characters, hilarious situations and fresh material sure to make even the toughest judges crack a smile.", "\n\nPerspectives\nThis book of scenes deals with challenging subject matter. ", "Because the characters are not stereotypical, student actors are required to stretch and reach beyond each characterization.", "\n\nElectronic Script Information\n\nFor preview: E-ViewsE-Views deliver a non-printable, complete preview script to your Pioneer library for reading anytime. ", "Click on ORDER THIS TITLE, then select ELECTRONIC PREVIEW SCRIPT.", "\n\nFor production: E-ScriptsE-Scripts allow organizations to receive an emailed, printable PDF of the script within one business day without needing to prepay for scripts or royalties. ", "This option requires the purchase of a sufficient number of distribution rights for your entire cast.", "\n\nTo choose this option, place your PRODUCTION ORDER normally, including the total number of scripts you need for your production. ", "As with all production orders, you must order a minimum of one script per cast member. ", "Then, select “Emailed E-script” as your DELIVERY OPTION during checkout.", "\n\nIMPORTANT:\n\nYou will receive your emailed script within one business day.", "\n\nOnly scripts can be emailed. ", "Director’s books and music parts must be shipped at regular cost.", "\n\nA $6 e-delivery fee will be added to each order.", "\n\nAll script prices are the same, whether paper, digital, or photocopied.", "\n\nThere are no returns, exchanges, or refunds on e-scripts or distribution rights.", "\n\nNOTE: If you wish to receive a downloadable script immediately, take advantage of our Get It Now! ", "option. ", "Prepayment required.", "\n\nGet It Now! ", "Immediate Downloads\n\nGet It Now! ", "allows you to immediately download PDFs of the script, director’s book, and music scores for our shows. ", "Production/rehearsal CDs sets are also available for immediate download. ", "You will not receive physical versions of anything you select for Get It Now! ", "delivery. ", "This option requires the purchase of a sufficient number of scripts (distribution rights) for your entire cast and pre-payment of your entire order, including royalties.", "\n\nTo choose this option, place your PRODUCTION ORDER normally, including the total number of scripts you need to make for your production. ", "As with all production orders, you must order a minimum of one script per cast member. ", "Then, select “Get It Now!” ", "as your DELIVERY OPTION during checkout, indicate which materials you would like sent electronically, and enter your credit card information in the appropriate space. ", "Make sure you’ve specified the exact number of performances and selected “Bill Now” for your royalties.", "\n\nIMPORTANT:\n\nYou will be able to download the available parts immediately after your credit card transaction is approved. ", "A valid email address is required.", "\n\nParts not available for download will be shipped at regular cost.", "\n\nA $6 e-delivery fee will be added to each order.", "\n\nAll material prices are the same, whether paper, digital, or photocopied.", "\n\nThere are NO RETURNS, EXCHANGES, OR REFUNDS on downloaded materials or distribution rights.", "\n\nNOTE: If you do not wish to prepay for your entire production, you can still take advantage of E-Scripts and receive your emailed PDF within one business day." ]
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[ "Methods of Educational and Social Science Research: The Logic of Methods\n\nby\nDavid R. Krathwohl\n\nPublisher:\nWaveland Press\n\nPrint ISBN:\n9781577665762, 1577665767\n\neText ISBN:\n9781478634096, 147863409X\n\nEdition:\n3rd\n\nCopyright year:\n2009\n\nMethods of Educational and Social Science Research: The Logic of Methods 3rd Edition by David R. Krathwohl and Publisher Waveland Press. ", "Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781478634096, 147863409X. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781577665762, 1577665767." ]
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[ "Translation/Interpretation\n\nNow the beginning of the second assault of the small buckler; the strong constraint at the mid-sword. ", "Other plays are not explored at present as that would be too much to describe here. ", "However, be sure to practice with someone who has also learned from me. ", "Note: First you will take Guardia Alta, well formed and gallant.", "\n\nTranslation\n\nAs before being in the high guard, your opponent being in the over-arm guard. ", "From here I want you to strike, stepping strongly forward with your right foot, and in this strike push a thrust to your enemy's face to the outside of his right side. ", "He in fear of the thrust will cover the high line, and you striking under this blow will make a reverse cut to his right thigh, protecting the head well with the buckler. ", "Use a rising false-cut to make an immediate parry from below to the sword arm of your opponent, then cut a descending cut into your buckler, in the usual way of the embellishment. ", "That is returning to the high guard, as above, well formed and precise.", "\n\nVideo\n\nSecond part\n\nFrom the Manuscript\n\nTranslation\n\nRemaining in the high guard as before, or making Sopra Braccio, or in a matching guard to your opponent, in that moment he throws a fendente at the head. ", "It does not pass into Guarda di Faccio, immediately throw a ridoppio roverso from below at the same time whereby strongly striking the sword of your opponent. ", "In this way, in fear of the ridoppio that is coming he uncovers a high opening on the outside of his right side. ", "At this moment throw two trammazzoni with an accompanying fendente dritto, lower your sword into Porta di Ferro Stretta. ", "Your opponent will then strike your head. ", "You will expel it with a thrust to the face accompanied with a feathering of the shield from the inside and maintain his strike on the true edge of your sword, that is in Guarda di Faccia, advance in this parry of your left foot opposite his right part and give a roverso to his temple and your right leg follows the left in behind and your sword lowers into Coda Lunga Alta. ", "If at this moment your opponent throws a cut at your head or leg. ", "Immediately you throw the left foot opposite your right part and in this throwing you place the falso of your sword under that of your opponent, stepping in that moment with your right foot strongly opposite the left side as said above. ", "In this step, cut the opponent’s leg with a mandritto, end in Sotto Braccio. ", "Follow with the left leg behind the right, cutting in that exact tempo a roverso, follow behind with a rising montante. ", "Pull the right leg near the left and bring your sword into Guardia Alta. ", "Embellish the play at this moment in the proper way, that is with cuts, plays, and rising montante, passes, and withdrawing your leg to the usual place, in this way your sword turns to Guardia Alta with your arms and legs well positioned.", "\n\nInterpretation\n\nStart in Guardia Alta, Sopra Braccio, or a matching guard to the opponent. (", "patiente cuts a fendente to your head ending in Porta di Ferro Stretta).", "\n\nImmediately cut a Roverso Ridoppio from below while stepping with the left foot, striking the opponent’s fendente strongly aside.", "\n\nCut two tramazzoni ending with a fendente to Porta di Ferro Stretta with the right leg leading. (", "patiente now cuts to your head).", "\n\nExpel the cut by thrusting into Guardia di Faccia, directing your point to the patiente’s face, transitioning into a step with the left foot towards the patient’s right, pushing your true edge against his sword.", "\n\nDeliver a roverso to the patiente’s temple ending in Coda Longa Alta, following with the right leg behind the left. (", "patiente now cuts to your head or leg).", "\n\nStep strongly to your left with your left foot and place your false edge beneath your opponent’s sword (Guardia d'Intrare).", "\n\nStep to the right while delivering a mandritto tondo ending in Sotto Braccio.", "\n\nFollowing with the left foot behind the right, cut a roverso to the arm of the patiente.", "\n\nVideo\n\nAlternate Interpretation\n\nAgente starts in Guardia Alta or Sopra Braccio or matching the guard of the patiente.", "\n\nAgente throws a fendente to the head followed by a rising cut from below to the sword of the patiente.", "\n\nPatiente avoids the rising cut by withdrawing the sword to the left side uncovering his right side.", "\n\nAgente throws two tramazzoni and a fendente into the opening concluding in Porta di Ferro Stretta.", "\n\nPatiente cuts to the head of agente.", "\n\nAgente blocks the cut in Guardia di Faccia, stepping with the left foot towards the patiente’s right.", "\n\nAgente cuts a roverso to the temple with his right leg stepping behind his left (triangle step conclusion) finishing in Coda Longa Alta.", "\n\nPatiente cuts to the head or leg of agente.", "\n\nAgente steps strongly right with the left foot, followed by the right, placing the false edge of the sword under the opponent’s blow (guardia d’intrare) and cuts a mandritto at the patiente’s leg, ending in Sotto Braccio.", "\n\nAgente continues by moving the left foot behind the right (triangle step conclusion) while throwing the Bocciolo, pulling the right leg near the left and lifting the sword into Guardia Alta.", "\n\nEmbellish and return again to Guardia Alta.", "\n\nThird part\n\nFrom the Manuscript\n\nTranslation\n\nRemaining in the said Guardia Alta, and your opponent being where he wants, I want you to step strongly with your right foot and cut a fendente at the rim of the buckler, ending in porta di ferro stretta. ", "Do not stop with the said fendente, you will cut a trammazone to the sword of your opponent, pushing a high thrust to the face accompanied with the buckler. ", "Pass with the left leg and dispense said reverse-thrust towards the right side of your opponent. ", "At this moment, fearing the right-thrust he will uncover the left side and you will give him a fendente to the head. ", "Pass with the right foot in that tempo towards the right of the opponent, following and tahendo a roverso with the right foot for left back. ", "In this way you will move the sword to Guardia di Coda Lunga Alta. ", "In this tempo your enemy will cut with a trammazone or a mandritto. ", "In this moment I want you to pass forward with your right foot and in the pass you will expel a thrust to the face of the opponent accompanied with your buckler, finding yourself in Guarda di Faccia. ", "And in your parry you will give him a roversa to the leg, and cut a fendente in behind the rim of the buckler with the right foot thrown the left foot behind. ", "At this moment embellish the play, that is with beats of the buckler, and rising in the usual way, returning to Guardia Alta, well formed with you arms, like the other turns I have told you.", "\n\nInterpretation\n\nBegin in Guardia Alta (patiente in any guard)\n\nStep strongly with the right foot and make a fendente past the rim of your buckler passing through Porta di Ferro Stretta into a tramazonne that strikes to the sword of the patiente.", "\n\nThrust to patiente's face in Guardia di Faccia...\n\n... and then pass with the left foot and angle the thrust to the patiente's right side. (", "patiente moves to parry his right side).", "\n\nCut to the patiente’s head while passing with the right towards the patiente’s right side.", "\n\nPass with the left foot and throw a roverso squalembrato ending in Coda Longa Alta. (", "patiente will cut a tramazone or mandritto)\n\nPass forward with the right foot, blocking the cut with a thrust in Guardia di Faccia...\n\n... followed by a roverso to the leg...\n\n... and a fendente in behind the rim of the patiente’s buckler, the last while stepping back.", "\n\nEmbellish and return to Guardia Alta.", "\n\nVideo\n\nFourth part\n\nFrom the Manuscript\n\nTranslation\n\nNow, that you are in Guardia Alta, as said above, I want you to pass forward with the right foot, and in this passing cut a fendente, and a falso from below, and a roverso to the rim of the buckler at the same time, and your sword will end in Coda Lunga Stretta. ", "And if at this moment your opponent cuts to your head, or leg, I want you to parry with a falso tando di sotto from below with two tramazzoni to the head, ultimately ending in Porta di Ferro Stretta. ", "And if as you come to rest your opponent responds in any way, I want you to strike it aside with a falso and pass with your left foot close to the right side of your opponent, and cut in the pass a roversa to the rim of your buckler, which goes strongly to the face as above said, the left food withdraws close to the right, strongly embellish the play, that is in the standard way with strikes to the buckler, and rising into guardia alta, like first I taught you, as always.", "\n\nInterpretation\n\nPaziente attacks to the head or leg. ", "Parry with a mandritto sottano di filo falso, then throw two trammazoni to the head, ending in porta di ferro e stretta. (", "step with left than the right.)", "\n\nPaziente responds to these attacks. ", "Cut a mandritto sottano di filo falso, and then throw a roverso sgualembrato to the buckler while passing forward with the left foot. ", "Bring the feet together.", "\n\nEmbellish.", "\n\nFifth part\n\nFrom the Manuscript\n\nTranslation\n\nNow remaining in Guardia Alta, being of need (di bisogno), that you faint (fallaci) a thrust in the act of a montante, that is pass with your left foot opposite the right side of your opponent, and the said thrust expels strongly to the left side of the face as above mentioned, and he being scared of the thrust uncovers his high right, and you immediately give him a mandritto falso to his head between his sword and buckler, pass in this cut with your right foot towards the opponent’s left side, and the left leg follows the right (di dietro – and after? ", "Behind?), ", "and your sword does not go into Guardia d’Intrare Stretto, coming with the sword and buckler precisely, at this point, being need, he cuts to your high parts, and you parry his strike with your true edge and cut a roverso to his temple, pushing to his right temple in this way, without passing your sword into Guardia di Coda Longa Alta, at this time you withdraw your right foot close to your left embellishing the play in the usual way, that is beats, rising montantes with passing steps, always returning to Guardia Alta, as above well formed with your arms, and your legs well extended in the usual and precise way.", "\n\nInterpretation\n\nBegin in Guardia Alta. ", "Pass forward with the left foot towards the patiente's left side, thrusting to his left cheek.", "\n\nPatiente will uncover his right side. ", "Cut a mandritto sgualembrato with the false edge to the head, going between patiente’s sword and buckler, passing forward with the right foot. ", "Do not enter into Guardia d'Intrare. (", "Patiente attacks from above)\n\nParry with true edge and cut to patiente's right temple ending in Coda Lunga Stretta, passing forward with the left foot.", "\n\nPull the right leg close to the left, embellish and return to Guardia Alta.", "\n\nSixth part\n\nFrom the Manuscript\n\nTranslation\n\nNow take note, and pay attention, that when you want to deceive the play, I want it to be in the rising, that he will be rising, that you will have risen first, and immediately having risen, you will make a cut to him in the face along the rim of your buckler with your right foot passed forward, and your sword will not pass into the guard of porta di ferro alta, and if your enemy now throws low or high, a thrust or mandritto or stramazzone, and then a roverso, at each of these attacks you will throw from below rising a falso with the sword, together with your buckler, accompanied by a true-edge cut to his temple crossing your feet, that is -- your left will make a passing step opposite his right side with a stramazone falling to porta di ferro stretta. ", "Now if your enemy throws to your head, in that throw, you will go to the parry with the false edge, and mandritto, and roverso tondo, also cutting another roverso pushed into the rim over the buckler, throwing in the same tempo your right foot behind to the left, withdrawing the left near the right, and from here you will embellish the play: that is, with clangs, and with rising [cuts], in the usual way, like I first told you, eventually finding yourself in guardia alta, well-affected, polite, with the legs and arms well-extended and gallant.", "\n\nInterpretation\n\nMake a feint as if to raise your sword to guardia alta.", "\n\nPatiente moves to follow your sword. ", "Your sword needs to reach a position from which it can cut first; immediately throw a squalembrato along the rim of your buckler, stepping forward with the right foot.", "\n\nPaziente attacks any line with a thrust or mandritto/roverso sgualembrato.", "\n\nYou parry any such attack with a rising false-edge cut, keeping the sword and buckler close, stepping forward and across with the left foot.", "\n\nPaziente cuts to the head with a fendente. ", "Repeat the above play, and end with a roverso tondo along the rim of the buckler, bringing the right foot behind the left.", "\n\nCut another roverso squalembrato into the rim of the buckler, withdrawing the left foot.", "\n\nSeventh part\n\nFrom the Manuscript\n\nTranslation\n\nRemaining in Guardia Alta, there is need to cut your opponent with a mandritto tondo below the arm. ", "That is to say he (the opponent) responds afterwards to the parts above, but if he responds to the above parts, with any blow that he wants, you will throw your left foot opposite his right side, and in this step, catch your sword in the hand of your buckler in the manner of an arming sword (spada in armi) and use it to parry the strike of your opponent, and in the parry make a thrust with the point to his face with a mandritto fendente to his head between his sword and buckler, and in this tempo with your right foot step to your right with your sword coming to rest in Porta di Ferro Alta. ", "Then in the response of your opponent you will thrust your point to his face accompanied with your buckler, and deliver a roverso to his right thigh, in the same tempo make another reverse-thrust along the rim of your buckler while withdrawing your right leg behind your left. ", "In this way the left foot will be arranged close to the right and will be strong, you embellish the play with beats and risings in the usual way, returning to Guardia Alta as said above.", "\n\nInterpretation\n\nBegin in guardia alta. ", "Throw a mandritto tondo that goes under the arm, stepping forward with the right foot. (", "Patiente will respond with any attack).", "\n\nPass forward with the left foot towards the opponent's right side, lift the sword into Guardia d'Alicorno, grabbing the blade at the half-sword using the buckler hand. ", "Make a simultaneous parry and thrust to the opponent's face.", "\n\nPass forward with the right foot to your right and cut a fendente that goes between patiente’s sword and buckler, ending in Porta di Ferro Alta. (", "Patiente responds with another attack)\n\nWithdraw the right foot close to the left while making a second thrust into Guardia di Faccia.", "\n\nEmbellish and return to Guardia Alta.", "\n\nEighth part\n\nFrom the Manuscript\n\nTranslation\n\nHere resting in Guardia Alta you cut two mandritto tando to the face, passing in that tempo with the right foot forward, and allowing the dritto to continue you thrust outside your opponents sword to his upper right and striking forcefully across/to his left temple, and at this point he is afraid of your thrust and he will withdraw backwards and you will strike his sword with your quillions and then make a half mandritto falso and your sword will pass under his and your right foot will pass across his left side and in the next tempo you will strike anew with your guard and give him a half reverse spinto to his right temple passing with your left foot across from his right side and immediately, to recover yourself, you throw your right foot behind your left with a thrust in guardia di faccia and embellish the play subsequently with rising cuts, beats to the shield, etc.", "\n\nInterpretation\n\nStep forward with the right foot and cut two mandritto tondi to the head. ", "Do not stop after the second cut, but finish with a thrust to the right temple with your sword outside the patiente's. (", "Patiente will now be open in front)\n\nStrike his sword with your hilt, and follow with a mezzo mandritto with the false edge (this will beat the patiente's sword to your right and allow you to strike the falso to his left side).", "\n\nStrike patiente’s sword with the hilt (knuckle-bow towards his sword) while making a half reverse-thrust to his right temple, passing forward with the left foot opposite the opponent's right side. (", "Patiente makes an attack)\n\nTo block patiente’s attack, throw back the right foot, and come to guardia di faccia, thrusting to patiente’s face." ]
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[ "(CNN) At least 26 people are dead after a gunman opened fire during Sunday service at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, a small community east of San Antonio. ", "Here's what we know so far about what happened, according to state and local officials.", "\n\nAround 11:20 a.m., the suspect was spotted at a Valero Gas Station across the street from the church\n\nHe was dressed in black \"tactical-type gear\" and wearing a ballistic vest, officials said.", "\n\nThe suspect crossed the street in his car, got out and began firing.", "\n\nHe fired in front of the church, then moved to the right side of the building and kept shooting.", "\n\nRead More" ]
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[ "/**\n * Copyright 2019 Google Inc. All rights reserved.", "\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.", "\n */\nimport { Page } from './Page.js';\nimport { WebWorker } from './WebWorker.js';\n/**\n * @public\n */\nexport class Target {\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n constructor(targetInfo, browserContext, sessionFactory, ignoreHTTPSErrors, defaultViewport) {\n this._targetInfo = targetInfo;\n this._browserContext = browserContext;\n this._targetId = targetInfo.targetId;\n this._sessionFactory = sessionFactory;\n this._ignoreHTTPSErrors = ignoreHTTPSErrors;\n this._defaultViewport = defaultViewport;\n /** @type {?", "Promise<!Puppeteer.", "Page>} */\n this._pagePromise = null;\n /** @type {?", "Promise<!WebWorker>} */\n this._workerPromise = null;\n this._initializedPromise = new Promise((fulfill) => (this._initializedCallback = fulfill)).then(async (success) => {\n if (!", "success)\n return false;\n const opener = this.opener();\n if (!", "opener || !", "opener._pagePromise || this.type() !", "== 'page')\n return true;\n const openerPage = await opener._pagePromise;\n if (!", "openerPage.listenerCount(\"popup\" /* Popup */))\n return true;\n const popupPage = await this.page();\n openerPage.emit(\"popup\" /* Popup */, popupPage);\n return true;\n });\n this._isClosedPromise = new Promise((fulfill) => (this._closedCallback = fulfill));\n this._isInitialized =\n this._targetInfo.type !", "== 'page' || this._targetInfo.url !", "== '';\n if (this._isInitialized)\n this._initializedCallback(true);\n }\n /**\n * Creates a Chrome Devtools Protocol session attached to the target.", "\n */\n createCDPSession() {\n return this._sessionFactory();\n }\n /**\n * If the target is not of type `\"page\"` or `\"background_page\"`, returns `null`.", "\n */\n async page() {\n if ((this._targetInfo.type === 'page' ||\n this._targetInfo.type === 'background_page' ||\n this._targetInfo.type === 'webview') &&\n !", "this._pagePromise) {\n this._pagePromise = this._sessionFactory().then((client) => Page.create(client, this, this._ignoreHTTPSErrors, this._defaultViewport));\n }\n return this._pagePromise;\n }\n /**\n * If the target is not of type `\"service_worker\"` or `\"shared_worker\"`, returns `null`.", "\n */\n async worker() {\n if (this._targetInfo.type !", "== 'service_worker' &&\n this._targetInfo.type !", "== 'shared_worker')\n return null;\n if (!", "this._workerPromise) {\n // TODO(einbinder): Make workers send their console logs.", "\n this._workerPromise = this._sessionFactory().then((client) => new WebWorker(client, this._targetInfo.url, () => { } /* consoleAPICalled */, () => { } /* exceptionThrown */));\n }\n return this._workerPromise;\n }\n url() {\n return this._targetInfo.url;\n }\n /**\n * Identifies what kind of target this is.", "\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * See {@link https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/background_pages | docs} for more info about background pages.", "\n */\n type() {\n const type = this._targetInfo.type;\n if (type === 'page' ||\n type === 'background_page' ||\n type === 'service_worker' ||\n type === 'shared_worker' ||\n type === 'browser' ||\n type === 'webview')\n return type;\n return 'other';\n }\n /**\n * Get the browser the target belongs to.", "\n */\n browser() {\n return this._browserContext.browser();\n }\n browserContext() {\n return this._browserContext;\n }\n /**\n * Get the target that opened this target. ", "Top-level targets return `null`.", "\n */\n opener() {\n const { openerId } = this._targetInfo;\n if (!", "openerId)\n return null;\n return this.browser()._targets.get(openerId);\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _targetInfoChanged(targetInfo) {\n this._targetInfo = targetInfo;\n if (!", "this._isInitialized &&\n (this._targetInfo.type !", "== 'page' || this._targetInfo.url !", "== '')) {\n this._isInitialized = true;\n this._initializedCallback(true);\n return;\n }\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "Immunofluorescence method for detecting anti-myocardial antibodies, and its use in diagnosing heart disease.", "\nDemonstration of autoimmune antibodies to myocardial tissue enables one to detect and assess cardiac disease long after abnormalities in serum enzyme activities are no longer measurable. ", "We describe and indirect immunofluorescence procedure in which cryostat sections of rat heart (ventricle) and Evan's Blue counterstaining are used to detect anti-myocardial antibodies. ", "Sena from patients with myocardial infarct or some other cardiac diseases reveal a distinct fluorescent staining of the sarcolemmal membrane. ", "In contrast, sera from patients with systemic lupus erythematosis demonstrate nuclear plus diffuse staining and sera from myasthenia gravis patients show a characteristic striated staining pattern. ", "The role of anti-myocardial antibodies in cardiac disease is discussed briefly." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.005405405405405406, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "« Be the change you want to see in the world »\n\nMahatma Ghandhi\n\nUsual Sunday night movie time turned into watching a documentary on Arte about chocolate Impact on African countries’ economy.", "\n\nI have to be completely honest here, I clicked just in the sake of my love of chocolate… But after all, this made me discover FairAfric.", "\n\nAll begins with Hendrik’s will to create a factory to produce chocolate directly in the cacao is cultivated in Ghana. ", "Producing there is allowing the creation of jobs and transmission of savoir faire and generate more revenue for this country.", "\n\nThe subject of this documentary is about the production of the chocolates directly in the cocoa producing countries as Ghana conducted by FairAfric, a german company\n\nI am not sure yet why but nonetheless, I was intrigued and I decided to learn more and test the chocolate. ", "Why not mix my love for chocolate and a good cause?", "\n\nI was ready to pay more to support the initiative. ", "However, the prices are not so high! ", "I ordered 8 tablets for less than 24 euros + shipping cost. ", "Not event that much more than those “fancy” bars from wellknown brands found in traditional retailers.", "\n\nI was really looking forward to receive the package. ", "Composed with a variety of dark chocolate bars from 60%, 70% and 80% cocoa concentration.", "\n\nMy best moment to enjoy a piece of chocolate? ", "Actually I don’t only have one moment from the after lunch as a desert or the evening guilty pleasure after an emotional day.", "\n\nHere I had to go with a very special moment. ", "My best choice was to pair it with a nice coffee. ", "I choose the smooth chocolate bar 60%. ", "In one second I was back in my childhood when for the afternoon snack you would have a piece of bread and chocolate. ", "What a power!", "\n\nIt tasted mildly strong but with a sweet note which is nice for dark chocolate. ", "The texture was crunchy at first but meltingly soft after that. ", "This is clearly part of the best chocolate I have tried and eaten. ", "And as a chocolate addict, I am very picky…\n\nLet me say that I had really a harsh time stopping myself from eating the whole bars in one go.", "\n\nIntrigued by my description? ", "Have a go and try it!", "\n\nYou think that I am clearly not an expert to describe a food experience? ", "Have a go and discover by yourself." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.010471204188481676, 0.007246376811594203, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0.0036231884057971015, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2001, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.", "\n *\n * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\n * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation. ", " Oracle designates this\n * particular file as subject to the \"Classpath\" exception as provided\n * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.", "\n *\n * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT\n * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the GNU General Public License\n * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that\n * accompanied this code).", "\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version\n * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,\n * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.", "\n *\n * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA\n * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any\n * questions.", "\n */\n\npackage sun.nio.cs;\n\nimport java.io.", "FileOutputStream;\nimport java.io.", "IOException;\nimport java.io.", "OutputStream;\nimport java.io.", "UnsupportedEncodingException;\nimport java.io.", "Writer;\nimport java.nio.", "ByteBuffer;\nimport java.nio.", "CharBuffer;\nimport java.nio.channels.", "WritableByteChannel;\nimport java.nio.charset.", "Charset;\nimport java.nio.charset.", "CharsetEncoder;\nimport java.nio.charset.", "CoderResult;\nimport java.nio.charset.", "CodingErrorAction;\nimport java.nio.charset.", "IllegalCharsetNameException;\nimport java.util.concurrent.locks.", "ReentrantLock;\n\npublic final class StreamEncoder extends Writer {\n\n private static final int DEFAULT_BYTE_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192;\n\n private final ReentrantLock encoderLock;\n\n private volatile boolean closed;\n\n private void ensureOpen() throws IOException {\n if (closed)\n throw new IOException(\"Stream closed\");\n }\n\n // Factories for java.io.", "OutputStreamWriter\n public static StreamEncoder forOutputStreamWriter(OutputStream out,\n Object lock,\n String charsetName)\n throws UnsupportedEncodingException\n {\n String csn = charsetName;\n if (csn == null)\n csn = Charset.defaultCharset().name();\n try {\n if (Charset.isSupported(csn))\n return new StreamEncoder(out, lock, Charset.forName(csn));\n } catch (IllegalCharsetNameException x) { }\n throw new UnsupportedEncodingException (csn);\n }\n\n public static StreamEncoder forOutputStreamWriter(OutputStream out,\n Object lock,\n Charset cs)\n {\n return new StreamEncoder(out, lock, cs);\n }\n\n public static StreamEncoder forOutputStreamWriter(OutputStream out,\n Object lock,\n CharsetEncoder enc)\n {\n return new StreamEncoder(out, lock, enc);\n }\n\n\n // Factory for java.nio.channels.", "Channels.newWriter\n\n public static StreamEncoder forEncoder(WritableByteChannel ch,\n CharsetEncoder enc,\n int minBufferCap)\n {\n return new StreamEncoder(ch, enc, minBufferCap);\n }\n\n\n // -- Public methods corresponding to those in OutputStreamWriter --\n\n // All synchronization and state/argument checking is done in these public\n // methods; the concrete stream-encoder subclasses defined below need not\n // do any such checking.", "\n\n public String getEncoding() {\n if (isOpen())\n return encodingName();\n return null;\n }\n\n public void flushBuffer() throws IOException {\n if (encoderLock !", "= null) {\n encoderLock.lock();\n try {\n lockedFlushBuffer();\n } finally {\n encoderLock.unlock();\n }\n } else {\n synchronized (super.lock) {\n lockedFlushBuffer();\n }\n }\n }\n\n private void lockedFlushBuffer() throws IOException {\n if (isOpen())\n implFlushBuffer();\n else\n throw new IOException(\"Stream closed\");\n }\n\n public void write(int c) throws IOException {\n char cbuf[] = new char[1];\n cbuf[0] = (char) c;\n write(cbuf, 0, 1);\n }\n\n public void write(char cbuf[], int off, int len) throws IOException {\n if (encoderLock !", "= null) {\n encoderLock.lock();\n try {\n lockedWrite(cbuf, off, len);\n } finally {\n encoderLock.unlock();\n }\n } else {\n synchronized (super.lock) {\n lockedWrite(cbuf, off, len);\n }\n }\n }\n\n private void lockedWrite(char cbuf[], int off, int len) throws IOException {\n ensureOpen();\n if ((off < 0) || (off > cbuf.length) || (len < 0) ||\n ((off + len) > cbuf.length) || ((off + len) < 0)) {\n throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();\n } else if (len == 0) {\n return;\n }\n implWrite(cbuf, off, len);\n }\n\n public void write(String str, int off, int len) throws IOException {\n /* Check the len before creating a char buffer */\n if (len < 0)\n throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();\n char cbuf[] = new char[len];\n str.getChars(off, off + len, cbuf, 0);\n write(cbuf, 0, len);\n }\n\n public void write(CharBuffer cb) throws IOException {\n int position = cb.position();\n try {\n if (encoderLock !", "= null) {\n encoderLock.lock();\n try {\n lockedWrite(cb);\n } finally {\n encoderLock.unlock();\n }\n } else {\n synchronized (super.lock) {\n lockedWrite(cb);\n }\n }\n } finally {\n cb.position(position);\n }\n }\n\n private void lockedWrite(CharBuffer cb) throws IOException {\n ensureOpen();\n implWrite(cb);\n }\n\n public void flush() throws IOException {\n if (encoderLock !", "= null) {\n encoderLock.lock();\n try {\n lockedFlush();\n } finally {\n encoderLock.unlock();\n }\n } else {\n synchronized (super.lock) {\n lockedFlush();\n }\n }\n }\n\n private void lockedFlush() throws IOException {\n ensureOpen();\n implFlush();\n }\n\n public void close() throws IOException {\n if (encoderLock !", "= null) {\n encoderLock.lock();\n try {\n lockedClose();\n } finally {\n encoderLock.unlock();\n }\n } else {\n synchronized (super.lock) {\n lockedClose();\n }\n }\n }\n\n private void lockedClose() throws IOException {\n if (closed)\n return;\n try {\n implClose();\n } finally {\n closed = true;\n }\n }\n\n private boolean isOpen() {\n return !", "closed;\n }\n\n\n // -- Charset-based stream encoder impl --\n\n private Charset cs;\n private CharsetEncoder encoder;\n private ByteBuffer bb;\n\n // Exactly one of these is non-null\n private final OutputStream out;\n private WritableByteChannel ch;\n\n // Leftover first char in a surrogate pair\n private boolean haveLeftoverChar = false;\n private char leftoverChar;\n private CharBuffer lcb = null;\n\n private StreamEncoder(OutputStream out, Object lock, Charset cs) {\n this(out, lock,\n cs.newEncoder()\n .onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.", "REPLACE)\n .onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.", "REPLACE));\n }\n\n private StreamEncoder(OutputStream out, Object lock, CharsetEncoder enc) {\n super(lock);\n this.out = out;\n this.ch = null;\n this.cs = enc.charset();\n this.encoder = enc;\n\n // This path disabled until direct buffers are faster\n if (false && out instanceof FileOutputStream) {\n ch = ((FileOutputStream)out).getChannel();\n if (ch !", "= null)\n bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(DEFAULT_BYTE_BUFFER_SIZE);\n }\n if (ch == null) {\n bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(DEFAULT_BYTE_BUFFER_SIZE);\n }\n\n if (lock instanceof ReentrantLock) {\n encoderLock = (ReentrantLock) lock;\n } else {\n encoderLock = null;\n }\n }\n\n private StreamEncoder(WritableByteChannel ch, CharsetEncoder enc, int mbc) {\n this.out = null;\n this.ch = ch;\n this.cs = enc.charset();\n this.encoder = enc;\n this.bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(mbc < 0\n ? ", "DEFAULT_BYTE_BUFFER_SIZE\n : mbc);\n this.encoderLock = new ReentrantLock();\n }\n\n private void writeBytes() throws IOException {\n bb.flip();\n int lim = bb.limit();\n int pos = bb.position();\n assert (pos <= lim);\n int rem = (pos <= lim ? ", "lim - pos : 0);\n\n if (rem > 0) {\n if (ch !", "= null) {\n if (ch.write(bb) !", "= rem)\n assert false : rem;\n } else {\n out.write(bb.array(), bb.arrayOffset() + pos, rem); \n }\n }\n bb.clear();\n }\n\n private void flushLeftoverChar(CharBuffer cb, boolean endOfInput)\n throws IOException\n {\n if (!", "haveLeftoverChar && !", "endOfInput)\n return;\n if (lcb == null)\n lcb = CharBuffer.allocate(2);\n else\n lcb.clear();\n if (haveLeftoverChar)\n lcb.put(leftoverChar);\n if ((cb !", "= null) && cb.hasRemaining())\n lcb.put(cb.get());\n lcb.flip();\n while (lcb.hasRemaining() || endOfInput) {\n CoderResult cr = encoder.encode(lcb, bb, endOfInput);\n if (cr.isUnderflow()) {\n if (lcb.hasRemaining()) {\n leftoverChar = lcb.get();\n if (cb !", "= null && cb.hasRemaining()) {\n lcb.clear();\n lcb.put(leftoverChar).put(cb.get()).flip();\n continue;\n }\n return;\n }\n break;\n }\n if (cr.isOverflow()) {\n assert bb.position() > 0;\n writeBytes();\n continue;\n }\n cr.throwException();\n }\n haveLeftoverChar = false;\n }\n\n void implWrite(char cbuf[], int off, int len)\n throws IOException\n {\n CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.wrap(cbuf, off, len);\n implWrite(cb);\n }\n\n void implWrite(CharBuffer cb)\n throws IOException\n {\n if (haveLeftoverChar) {\n flushLeftoverChar(cb, false);\n }\n\n while (cb.hasRemaining()) {\n CoderResult cr = encoder.encode(cb, bb, false);\n if (cr.isUnderflow()) {\n assert (cb.remaining() <= 1) : cb.remaining();\n if (cb.remaining() == 1) {\n haveLeftoverChar = true;\n leftoverChar = cb.get();\n }\n break;\n }\n if (cr.isOverflow()) {\n assert bb.position() > 0;\n writeBytes();\n continue;\n }\n cr.throwException();\n }\n }\n\n void implFlushBuffer() throws IOException {\n if (bb.position() > 0)\n writeBytes();\n }\n\n void implFlush() throws IOException {\n implFlushBuffer();\n if (out !", "= null)\n out.flush();\n }\n\n void implClose() throws IOException {\n flushLeftoverChar(null, true);\n try {\n for (;;) {\n CoderResult cr = encoder.flush(bb);\n if (cr.isUnderflow())\n break;\n if (cr.isOverflow()) {\n assert bb.position() > 0;\n writeBytes();\n continue;\n }\n cr.throwException();\n }\n\n if (bb.position() > 0)\n writeBytes();\n if (ch !", "= null)\n ch.close();\n else {\n try {\n out.flush();\n } finally {\n out.close();\n }\n }\n } catch (IOException x) {\n encoder.reset();\n throw x;\n }\n }\n\n String encodingName() {\n return ((cs instanceof HistoricallyNamedCharset)\n ? ((", "HistoricallyNamedCharset)cs).historicalName()\n : cs.name());\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1995 Aladdin Enterprises. ", " All rights reserved.", "\n \n This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or\n implied.", "\n \n This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,\n modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms\n of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.", "\n \n For more information about licensing, please refer to\n http://www.ghostscript.com/licensing/. For information on\n commercial licensing, go to http://www.artifex.com/licensing/ or\n contact Artifex Software, Inc., 101 Lucas Valley Road #110,\n San Rafael, CA 94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861.", "\n*/\n\n/* $Id: gdevokii.c,v 1.7 2004/08/10 13:02:36 stefan Exp $*/\n/*\n * Okidata IBM compatible dot-matrix printer driver for Ghostscript.", "\n *\n * This device is for the Okidata Microline IBM compatible 9 pin dot\n * matrix printers. ", " It is derived from the Epson 9 pin printer driver\n * using the standard 1/72\" vertical pin spacing and the 60/120/240\n * dpi horizontal resolutions. ", " The vertical feed resolution however\n * is 1/144\" and the Okidata implements the standard 1/216\" requests\n * through \"scaling\":\n *\n * (power on)\n * \"\\033J\\001\" (vertical feed 1/216\") => Nothing happens\n * \"\\033J\\001\" (vertical feed 1/216\") => Advance 1/144\"\n * \"\\033J\\001\" (vertical feed 1/216\") => Advance 1/144\"\n * \"\\033J\\001\" (vertical feed 1/216\") => Nothing happens\n * (and so on)\n *\n * The simple minded accounting used here keep track of when the\n * page actually advances assumes the printer starts in a \"power on\"\n * state.", "\n * \n * Supported resolutions are:\n *\n * 60x72 60x144\n * 120x72 120x144\n * 240x72 240x144\n *\n */\n#include \"gdevprn.h\"\n\n/*\n * Valid values for X_DPI:\n *\n * 60, 120, 240\n *\n * The value specified at compile time is the default value used if the\n * user does not specify a resolution at runtime.", "\n */\n\n#ifndef X_DPI\n# define X_DPI 120\n#endif\n\n/*\n * Valid values for Y_DPI:\n *\n * 72, 144\n *\n * The value specified at compile time is the default value used if the\n * user does not specify a resolution at runtime.", "\n */\n\n#ifndef Y_DPI\n# define Y_DPI 72\n#endif\n\n/* The device descriptor */\nprivate dev_proc_print_page(okiibm_print_page);\n\n/* Okidata IBM device */\nconst gx_device_printer far_data gs_okiibm_device =\n prn_device(prn_std_procs, \"okiibm\",\n\tDEFAULT_WIDTH_10THS, DEFAULT_HEIGHT_10THS,\n\tX_DPI, Y_DPI,\n\t0.25, 0.0, 0.25, 0.0,\t\t\t/* margins */\n\t1, okiibm_print_page);\n\n/* ------ Internal routines ------ */\n\n/* Forward references */\nprivate void okiibm_output_run(byte *, int, int, char, FILE *, int);\n\n/* Send the page to the printer. */", "\nprivate int\nokiibm_print_page1(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *prn_stream, int y_9pin_high,\n const char *init_string, int init_length,\n const char *end_string, int end_length)\n{\t\n\tstatic const char graphics_modes_9[5] =\n\t{\t\n\t-1, 0 /*60*/, 1 /*120*/, -1, 3 /*240*/\n\t};\n\n\tint in_y_mult = (y_9pin_high ? ", "2 : 1);\n\tint line_size = gdev_mem_bytes_per_scan_line((gx_device *)pdev);\n\t/* Note that in_size is a multiple of 8. */", "\n\tint in_size = line_size * (8 * in_y_mult);\n\tbyte *buf1 = (byte *)gs_malloc(pdev->memory, in_size, 1, \"okiibm_print_page(buf1)\");\n\tbyte *buf2 = (byte *)gs_malloc(pdev->memory, in_size, 1, \"okiibm_print_page(buf2)\");\n\tbyte *in = buf1;\n\tbyte *out = buf2;\n\tint out_y_mult = 1;\n\tint x_dpi = pdev->x_pixels_per_inch;\n\tchar start_graphics = graphics_modes_9[x_dpi / 60];\n\tint first_pass = (start_graphics == 3 ? ", "1 : 0);\n\tint last_pass = first_pass * 2;\n\tint y_passes = (y_9pin_high ? ", "2 : 1);\n\tint skip = 0, lnum = 0, pass, ypass;\n\tint y_step = 0;\n\n\t/* Check allocations */\n\tif ( buf1 == 0 || buf2 == 0 )\n\t{\tif ( buf1 ) \n\t\t gs_free(pdev->memory, (char *)buf1, in_size, 1, \"okiibm_print_page(buf1)\");\n\t\tif ( buf2 ) \n\t\t gs_free(pdev->memory, (char *)buf2, in_size, 1, \"okiibm_print_page(buf2)\");\n\t\treturn_error(gs_error_VMerror);\n\t}\n\n\t/* Initialize the printer. */", "\n\tfwrite(init_string, 1, init_length, prn_stream);\n\n\t/* Print lines of graphics */\n\twhile ( lnum < pdev->height )\n\t{\t\n\t\tbyte *in_data;\n\t\tbyte *inp;\n\t\tbyte *in_end;\n\t\tbyte *out_end;\n\t\tint lcnt;\n\n\t\t/* Copy 1 scan line and test for all zero. */", "\n\t\tgdev_prn_get_bits(pdev, lnum, in, &in_data);\n\t\tif ( in_data[0] == 0 &&\n\t\t !", "memcmp((char *)in_data, (char *)in_data + 1, line_size - 1)\n\t\t )\n\t \t{\t\n\t\t\tlnum++;\n\t\t\tskip += 2 / in_y_mult;\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/*\n\t\t * Vertical tab to the appropriate position.", "\n\t\t * The skip count is in 1/144\" steps. ", " If total\n\t\t * vertical request is not a multiple od 1/72\"\n\t\t * we need to make sure the page is actually\n\t\t * going to advance.", "\n\t\t */\n\t\tif ( skip & 1 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tint n = 1 + (y_step == 0 ? ", "1 : 0);\n\t\t\tfprintf(prn_stream, \"\\033J%c\", n);\n\t\t\ty_step = (y_step + n) % 3;\n\t\t\tskip -= 1;\n\t\t}\n\t\tskip = skip / 2 * 3;\n\t\twhile ( skip > 255 )\n\t\t{\t\n\t\t\tfputs(\"\\033J\\377\", prn_stream);\n\t\t\tskip -= 255;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif ( skip )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tfprintf(prn_stream, \"\\033J%c\", skip);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/* Copy the the scan lines. */", "\n\t \tlcnt = gdev_prn_copy_scan_lines(pdev, lnum, in, in_size);\n\t\tif ( lcnt < 8 * in_y_mult )\n\t\t{\t/* Pad with lines of zeros. */", "\n\t\t\tmemset(in + lcnt * line_size, 0,\n\t\t\t in_size - lcnt * line_size);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif ( y_9pin_high )\n\t\t{\t/* Shuffle the scan lines */\n\t\t\tbyte *p;\n\t\t\tint i;\n\t\t\tstatic const char index[] =\n\t\t\t{ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14,\n\t\t\t 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tfor ( i = 0; i < 16; i++ )\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tmemcpy( out + (i * line_size),\n\t\t\t\t in + (index[i] * line_size),\n\t\t\t\t line_size);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tp = in;\n\t\t\tin = out;\n\t\t\tout = p;\n\t\t}\n\n\tfor ( ypass = 0; ypass < y_passes; ypass++ )\n\t{\n\t for ( pass = first_pass; pass <= last_pass; pass++ )\n\t {\n\t\t/* We have to 'transpose' blocks of 8 pixels x 8 lines, */\n\t\t/* because that's how the printer wants the data. */", "\n\n\t if ( pass == first_pass )\n\t {\n\t\t out_end = out;\n\t\t inp = in;\n\t\t in_end = inp + line_size;\n \n \t for ( ; inp < in_end; inp++, out_end += 8 )\n \t { \n \t\t gdev_prn_transpose_8x8(inp + (ypass * 8 * line_size), \n\t\t\t\t\t line_size, out_end, 1);\n\t\t }\n\t\t /* Remove trailing 0s. */", "\n\t\t while ( out_end > out && out_end[-1] == 0 )\n\t {\n\t\t \tout_end--;\n\t\t }\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/* Transfer whatever is left and print. */", "\n\t\tif ( out_end > out )\n\t {\n\t\t okiibm_output_run(out, (int)(out_end - out),\n\t\t\t out_y_mult, start_graphics,\n\t\t\t\t prn_stream, pass);\n\t }\n\t \tfputc('\\r', prn_stream);\n\t }\n\t if ( ypass < y_passes - 1 )\n\t {\n\t\tint n = 1 + (y_step == 0 ? ", "1 : 0);\n\t\tfprintf(prn_stream, \"\\033J%c\", n);\n\t\ty_step = (y_step + n) % 3;\n\t }\n\t}\n\tskip = 16 - y_passes + 1;\t\t/* no skip on last Y pass */\n\tlnum += 8 * in_y_mult;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Reinitialize the printer. */", "\n\tfwrite(end_string, 1, end_length, prn_stream);\n\tfflush(prn_stream);\n\n\tgs_free(pdev->memory, (char *)buf2, in_size, 1, \"okiibm_print_page(buf2)\");\n\tgs_free(pdev->memory, (char *)buf1, in_size, 1, \"okiibm_print_page(buf1)\");\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n/* Output a single graphics command. */", "\n/* pass=0 for all columns, 1 for even columns, 2 for odd columns. */", "\nprivate void\nokiibm_output_run(byte *data, int count, int y_mult,\n char start_graphics, FILE *prn_stream, int pass)\n{\t\n\tint xcount = count / y_mult;\n\n\tfputc(033, prn_stream);\n\tfputc(\"KLYZ\"[start_graphics], prn_stream);\n\tfputc(xcount & 0xff, prn_stream);\n\tfputc(xcount >> 8, prn_stream);\n\tif ( !", "pass )\n\t{\n\t\tfwrite(data, 1, count, prn_stream);\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{\t\n\t\t/* Only write every other column of y_mult bytes. */", "\n\t\tint which = pass;\n\t\tregister byte *dp = data;\n\t\tregister int i, j;\n\n\t\tfor ( i = 0; i < xcount; i++, which++ )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tfor ( j = 0; j < y_mult; j++, dp++ )\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tputc(((which & 1) ? *", "dp : 0), prn_stream);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\n/* The print_page procedures are here, to avoid a forward reference. */", "\n\nprivate const char okiibm_init_string[]\t= { 0x18 };\nprivate const char okiibm_end_string[]\t= { 0x0c };\nprivate const char okiibm_one_direct[]\t= { 0x1b, 0x55, 0x01 };\nprivate const char okiibm_two_direct[]\t= { 0x1b, 0x55, 0x00 };\n\nprivate int\nokiibm_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *prn_stream)\n{\n\tchar init_string[16], end_string[16];\n\tint init_length, end_length;\n\n\tinit_length = sizeof(okiibm_init_string);\n\tmemcpy(init_string, okiibm_init_string, init_length);\n\n\tend_length = sizeof(okiibm_end_string);\n\tmemcpy(end_string, okiibm_end_string, end_length);\n\n\tif ( pdev->y_pixels_per_inch > 72 &&\n\t pdev->x_pixels_per_inch > 60 )\n\t{\n\t\t/* Unidirectional printing for the higher resolutions. */", "\n\t\tmemcpy( init_string + init_length, okiibm_one_direct,\n\t\t sizeof(okiibm_one_direct) );\n\t\tinit_length += sizeof(okiibm_one_direct);\n\n\t\tmemcpy( end_string + end_length, okiibm_two_direct,\n\t\t sizeof(okiibm_two_direct) );\n\t\tend_length += sizeof(okiibm_two_direct);\n\t}\n\t\n\treturn okiibm_print_page1( pdev, prn_stream, \n\t\t\t\t pdev->y_pixels_per_inch > 72 ? ", "1 : 0,\n\t\t\t\t init_string, init_length,\n\t\t\t\t end_string, end_length );\n}\n" ]
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[ "864 F.2d 794\nFullerv.", "Evans***\nNO. ", "88-8330\nUnited States Court of Appeals,Eleventh Circuit.", "\nDEC 06, 1988\n\n1\nAppeal From: S.D.Ga.", "\n\n\n2\nAFFIRMED.", "\n\n\n\n*\n Fed.", "R.App.", "P. 34(a); 11th Cir.", "R. 23\n\n\n**\n Local Rule: 36 case\n\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0, 0.16666666666666666, 0, 0 ]
[ "Is failure of fetal head engagement during previous delivery a contraindication for trial of labor: A French retrospective study.", "\nTo study whether history of cesarean delivery for arrest of descent (failure of fetal head engagement or unsuccessful instrumental delivery), is a factor of unsuccessful vaginal birth after cesarean delivery. ", "Multicenter prospective study of patients undergoing TOL after previous caesarean delivery between May 2012 and May 2013 in 6 maternities. ", "Univariate statistical analysis was performed depending of previous cesarean delivery indication. ", "Multivariate analysis was used to determine independent association between these factors and TOLAC success. ", "Four hundred and eighty women with previous cesarean delivery were included and separated into two groups: the study group was composed of patients with history of CD for arrest of descent (failure of fetal head engagement or unsuccessful instrumental delivery) (n=31); control group included all other indications for CD (n=449). ", "Overall, of the 480 women included in the study, 71.2 % underwent a TOL for a subsequent delivery (n=342): 68 % in the study group (n=21) vs 71.5 % in the control group (n=321). ", "Vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) was obtained in 66.6 % vs 61% in the study and control group respectively (p=0.656). ", "Univariate analysis of factors that may influence the success rate of (VBAC) did not show any difference between the two groups. ", "Multivariate analysis showed that VBAC was only significantly associated with history of vaginal delivery subsequent to prior CD for arrest of descent. ", "This study reassures us in our clinical practice allowing TOL in cases of history of CD for fetal head engagement failure or instrumental delivery failure in the second stage of labor." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0, 0.0030211480362537764, 0.016853932584269662, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0.006578947368421052, 0.005434782608695652 ]
[ "Latest Posts\n\nCategories\n\nA Kind of Murder\n\nIn the short Story “A Kind of Murder” we have two teachers, which are very different in several kinds of ways. ", "First, we have Mr. Silas Warren, whom is the new chemistry and physics teacher, he is a very round character, and then we have Major Durand, the military commandant boxing teacher, who is a very flat character. ", "While Mr. Warren is a kind, caring teacher, who has issues standing up for himself, Major Durand is just a plain old bully. ", "Both characters may be teaching at the same Academy, but no one could be more different, Mr. Durand is basically Mr. Warren’s foil characters. ", "For example Mr. Warren takes pleasure in doing the right thing and trying to let his students enjoy the class, however the tough boxing teacher rather punch someone for doing something wrong, when he’s in a bad mood he uses them as a punching puppet, as he did to Mr. Warren on page 189 of the short story. ", "Warren, on the other hand, let’s himself be made fun of, and doesn’t even try to receive respect. ", "However, even though Mr. Warren has his faults, he is a much more interesting character, being much more round then Mr. Durand’s flat character. ", "Although a coward, Mr. Warren can also stand up for what’s right such as saving a dog, and not let bullies threaten him by walking away. ", "Mr. Durand is a flat character because he only has one attitude- which is being strict and uncaring. ", "When all is said and done, one can really respect Mr. Warren for who he is, especially after comparing him with Major Durand." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0064516129032258064, 0.009478672985781991, 0.016129032258064516, 0.02097902097902098, 0.006514657980456026, 0, 0.013793103448275862, 0.0072992700729927005, 0.009900990099009901, 0.016 ]
[ "projects\n\nHerd stood on a low ridge overlooking the chaos in the Ocker’s camp and waited. ", "The slingers and archers were harrying the Ocker pickets, running in to loose stones or arrows then darting up and away. ", "The Older Man wondered if it had always been like this. ", "This love for war men have. ", "The friendships blood-soaked battle engendered. ", "He wondered if the Younger Man would make it through the day unscarred and unscathed. ", "Indeed he wondered if he himself would.", "\n\nHe’d seen war in his own youth, when the Ockers turned from trade to piracy and the coasts became unsafe for man or beast. ", "He remembered the cadence of the small battles and the terrifying, glorious thrill of it. ", "He remembered the exaltation of throwing the Ockers back into the sea and the sand soaked red and rust for weeks. ", "The endless tales of exploits and bravery of the Herd in the face of the Ocker terror, of dodging great war axes that split shields and arms like kindling, of luring Ockers into traps to be crushed with boulders, or to fall in pits. ", "The joy of surviving the onslaught.", "\n\nAnd he remembered the endless biting hunger, and the starvation when the crops couldn’t be brought in, or were burned. ", "And the death of kin and kind. ", "And what they had to do to survive.", "\n\nYes, men had always loved war. ", "And always would. ", "Because despite the misery, the heartache, the horror; moments like this enthralled generation after generation.", "\n\nHe pulled his helmet lower on his brow. ", "The men had started to chant. “", "Hah! ", "Hah! ", "Hah!” ", "their weapons knocking their shields, or knocking spears and spear-throwers. ", "The blood was rising. ", "The Ockers would be gone soon.", "\n\nParker stepped from the crowd, raised his arms for silence and the Herd obeyed, the gathering roar dropping to the occasional shout. ", "He points to a Tawa Man who steps forward, two poles raised in the air, a head spiked on each. ", "The Tawa Man drives the poles into the ground, the grisly tongues of the heads lolling towards the camp on the beach.", "\n\n“Men of the Herd!!” ", "He shouts, “They came again! ", "The murderers came again! ", "Came to take your children! ", "Came for raping and murder! ", "Came for our crops, or stock! ", "Come to kill us all!” ", "He pauses, “Will we let them take it?!”", "\n\nThe Herd roars its dissent, a hundred voices raises to shout abuse at the Ockers, who seeing the threat are gathering in the front of their ships, a short line forming, a wall of shields. ", "Parker raises his arms again.", "\n\n“We are Men of the Herd!” ", "shouts Parker, his voice rising to fever pitch, “We remember! ", "We remember that THEY are the children of the Lying God! ", "THEY are the children of Deniers! ", "THEY lit that fires that drowned the World! ", "THEY brought the death to us!”", "\n\nThe Herd roars again, men stepping forward to charge the Ockers, barely restrained by Parkers hold on them. ", "He raises his spear, points to the sky, his eyes wild with anger, bloodshot, his body quivering with rage, “IS THIS LIFE?!” ", "he bellows\n\n“IT IS DEATH!” ", "The Herd screams, the men are shaking, waving spears, holding shields above their heads.", "\n\nThe Older Man looked up to see the Younger Man smiling broadly as he walked out of the bush and towards where he sat with a friend from Jonsville. ", "They’d been discussing the grazing in the hills towards the south, and joking about the predilections of the Karori herders to relieve the tension.", "\n\n“What that?” ", "he asked as the Younger Man sat, indicating what looked to be a large round Ocker shield.", "\n\n“Lucky me” replied the Younger Man, “Parker says I landed a stone right on the crown of this Ocker headman. ", "Maybe kill him outright! ", "So he tells me to keep this shield we take from two Ockers the Tawa Men kill.”", "\n\n“A good morning!” ", "exclaimed the Older Man, now returning the broad smile, “You did good!", "\n\n“Two Ockers those Tawa Men kill?!” ", "He craned his neck up a little to try see past the Herders milling around the field, but couldn’t see parker near his bivvy, “What Parker thinking now?”", "\n\n“Dunno. ", "Those Tawa Men are flensing the Ockers, and probably put their heads on spears…” He looked around expectantly, “Any food left?”", "\n\nThe Older Man reached around behind him and brought out some potato bread, and stopped to look at the shield.", "\n\n“You know,” he asked, “that shield is very big for a wee man.”", "\n\nThe Younger Man smiled again, and reached over to take the bread. “", "Would probably make a good swap for a handy buckler tho, I reckon. ", "A buckler is more suited to a slinger than blademan?”", "\n\n“Probably… Hey, why those Tawa Men flensing those Ockers?”", "\n\n“Parker’s idea,” said the Younger Man past a mouthful, “The wind is South, so they’re gonna roast the meat, let the smell head down to the Ockers. ", "Later,” he gaffawed, “they chuck the bones over the dunes, scare them fuckers half to death!”", "\n\nThe Older Man returned a chuckle, “You better eat up, the women all headed back up to the Pa this morning. ", "Some saying enough of the Herd is here, so we muster on Tahi Bay this afternoon, get stuck in tomorrow.”", "\n\nIt was a dull ‘thud’ that made Kevvo turn. ", "The Big Man was slumping sideways in the kind of fall that said either blind drunk or stone dead. ", "The yelling started shortly after, with men pointing towards a low run of dunes, hauling up shields, and looking to him for permission to advance. ", "Confused, Kevvo took a step towards the dunes, and looked, stunned at one of his crew falling in front of him, a stick of some kind embedded in his neck. ", "A man was shouting “Shield wall!! ", "Shield wall!!” ", "and a huddle began to form around him, the occasional cracking noise audible above the din. ", "Ducking under the wall Kevvo heard another ‘pop!’, ", "and over the shield bounced a stone half the size of his fist.", "\n\nKevvo looked around. ", "It was barely first light, with many of the men still wiping sleep from their eyes as the slow rain of stones bounced off the clustered shields. ", "Occasionally another stick would fly through the air and lodge itself in a shield, or if lucky, an exposed foot or arm. ", "Cautiously, Kevvo glanced past the shields he was hiding behind. ", "He caught a glimpse of something on the dunes, and his second peek out he saw it, a boy twirling what looked to be a leather strap.", "\n\n“Them kids!!” ", "He shouted to the men around him, and pointed to the dunes. ", "The men in his huddle nodded, and cautiously they began to shuffle out of the camp under their protective wall. ", "As their confidence grew they began to walk quickly, eventually breaking into a jog when they saw that their surprise visitors were, as Kevvo had said, only boys. ", "Seeing the men starting to roar, and run, the boys bolted back over the dunes and out of sight. ", "The Ockers laboured through and up the loose sand of the dunes and over the crest. ", "The boys were running as fast as their legs could carry them down the back of the dune and towards a string of low trees that marked the edge of the bush, before disappearing into the foliage. ", "One Ocker threw his spear towards a final retreating figure, but it lodged harmlessly at the edge of the trees.", "\n\n“Stop!” ", "Kevvo shouted, “Them gone…” he looked back towards the camp. ", "A few more men were trailing slowly towards them while the remainder of the camp was in chaos, some tending wounded, others roaring at the surrounding bush. ", "He could make out the prostate form of the Big Man, Jacko crouching near, perhaps inspecting the wound that caused the collapse. ", "Kevvo looked back to see a couple of his men heading down to collect the stray spear.", "\n\nOne man, a Sinny-sider he knew to be brave but as stupid as a ox, was peering into the bush cautiously, his shield raised near to his eyes. ", "The other man bent to pick up the spear when out of the bush a Herder stepped. ", "A huge, brown man. ", "He held a long bamboo spear that darted forward and down, slamming between the bending man’s shoulder blades. ", "He collapsed in a heap while the Sinny-sider lunged forward, shield raised. ", "The brown man roared, stepped outside the spear thrust towards him and seized the edge of the shield, tearing down and sideways as another brown man stepped out of the bush and stabbed with another bamboo. ", "A short spray of blood soaked the two Herders before they grabbed an Ocker each and dragged them into the bush.", "\n\nThe Ockers stood gobsmacked at the crest of the dune, before a third huge Herder stepped from the bush and shouted. ", "Everyone ran.", "\n\nHe looked up from the fire to see the frame of the Tawa man leaving the copse and walking towards Parker’s bivvy. ", "Outside the bivvy he crouched next to two other Tawa men, one of who rose and went under the woollen canvas. ", "After a brief time Parker emerged and spoke to the three, scratching his beard and looking around the Herd. ", "His eyes settled on the Older Man, and accompanied by the Tawa man from the copse, he picked his way across the field past the sleeping or prostrate forms. ", "Parker sat next to the fire and asked, “What is ‘goal’?”", "\n\nThe Tawa Man leaned forward, “Nah, ‘gold’.”", "\n\n“Gold?” ", "replied the Older Man, “Dunno. ", "Why?”", "\n\n“This Ocker, he says, ‘keep you damn gold bastard’ many times before he pass out.”", "\n\n“Gold?” ", "He looks at Parker, “I never heard it.”", "\n\n“Yeah.” ", "Parker states as he stands. ", "Before he turned away he looks at the Younger Man, “Get you and the slingers. ", "Before dawn the Tawa men will take you near Tahi Bay.”", "\n\nThe Younger Man nods to Parker, who lopes back to his bivvy and crawls inside. ", "Turning back to the Older Man, he asks, “What happens at Tahi Bay?”", "\n\n“You wake them Ockers up boy. ", "A few stones kill their sentries, make some noise. ", "Harass them, make them jumpy. ", "Works well.”", "\n\nThe Younger Man nods, then looks across the field to where some more Jonsville Men are sitting around a fire or sleeping. ", "The turns back and asks, “Why these Ockers come here? ", "Why not stay in their country?”", "\n\n“You know the tales boy. ", "They haven’t changed.”", "\n\n“Tell them again so I remembers them well.” ", "He smiles, “Who knows what tomorrow brings?”", "\n\nThe Older Man breaks a wry smile, and rising onto his aging legs, lifts his arm and raising his voice he says, “This is the Tale of the Harrowing! ", "The Tale of the End, and the Beginning of all things!”", "\n\nA few rise from other fires and walk nearer, and some who were lying closer sit up to hear. ", "A voice replies, “The End, and the Beginning!”", "\n\nHe looks to the edge of the field and sees a sentry standing on a low rise, framed by the thousand souls of the departed rising to cross the bridge of the sky.", "\n\n“There was a day when all people lived the lives of Gods. ", "Their hearths were never crowded, their villages never dark. ", "A day when food was plenty, and none went hungry. ", "A day when sickness was no fear, when crops never failed. ", "A day when death was a stranger to the people.", "\n\n“On that day all grew old as a crone, all grew withered and grey, but all stayed strong of body and mind. ", "The people grew older, and older, and older but they stayed mortal, and boredom was the great enemy. ", "They called their young before them to always dance, to sing. ", "Their lives were easy.", "\n\n“But old is old, and people still feared the great killer, the cold. ", "And fearing the cold they lit fires to warm each other. ", "Great fires in their hearths and fires on their paths to light and warm their way. ", "Their great houses had stone walls and stone roofs, and hid they hid to ward off the cold, they huddled and feasted, watched their children and counted their days .", "\n\n“And there the Lying God found them hiding, and he fed their fear of his brother the Sky God. ", "Our God, the moody Sky who brings rains and winter hail. ", "The people heard the Lying God, and they build their fires higher, and the smoke clouded the sky, and still he lied, and the fear became madness.", "\n\n“But the Sky God, he saw smoke and worried for the people. ", "Not knowing the tricks he brought light rains to wet the fire. ", "But when he brought rain, the people heard the Lying God, and the fires were heaped higher and higher, and the the Sky God rained, then stormed.", "\n\n“Soon, the water filled streams, then rivers, then harbours, and still it rained. ", "Then waters began to rise. ", "Slowly, slowly they came up, rising to the doorsteps, then to the closed doors, then to the closed shutters.", "\n\n“The flood destroyed the houses of the people, destroyed the crops, drowned the animals. ", "Feeling hunger for the first time, the old people saw what they had done. ", "They thought they had been abandoned by the Sky God, and in their fear and anger they fell upon one another, first blaming, then hating, then murdering.", "\n\nThen the first Ockers took to boats. ", "The Harrowing was a wicked, dark day. ", "The Ockers brought their Lying God to this land, and he ate our people in his hunger, emptying the souls of people and flinging them in the wind in handfuls, and like leaves in the Spring gales they were raised to the sky. ", "It was the End of day of the old people…\n\n“And now their souls walk from edge to edge of the sky every night…\n\n“But without death, there is no life, and with the End came the Beginning. ", "The old people were too weak to fight. ", "When they were all dead and gone the young woke, turned on the Ockers together, drove them into the sea and ceased the killing.”", "\n\nThe Older Man, raised his arm again and pointed to the sky, “The End and the Beginning.”", "\n\nThe keeler came towards the shore slowly, depth sounders in the bow watching keenly for submerged ruins or other means to run afoul. ", "The oars dipped slowly into the water in the familiar rhythm, and the mate could be heard shouting orders to the crew. ", "With an audible heave from the slaves the boat leapt forward to beach itself, and some of the crew jumped overboard into the shallow and cold water to haul it ashore with heavy hemp ropes.", "\n\n“Hoy!” ", "Kevvo shouted to the skipper when he appeared in the bow, “Bin fishin’?!”", "\n\nJacko waved his arm dismissively, “Nuttin’! ", "Them Herders stupid, an them women ugly!”", "\n\nKevvo barked a laugh, “Them fight?!”", "\n\n“No more! ", "Took two for slave. ", "Some women, children in the lock-up!” ", "He laughed viciously, “All quiet now!”", "\n\n“Get meat?!”", "\n\n“Some!”", "\n\nKevvo jumped down from his keeler and walked over to Jacko as the captain walked amidships, climbed into the cold water, continued to shout orders at his crew, and waded ashore. ", "They shook hands gruffly. ", "Jacko made admiring noises about the speed of Kevvo’s crew in building the palisade, and shouted back to his men to join the work when they had tethered the keeler.", "\n\n“What them fires up there?” ", "He asked, pointing south.", "\n\n“Scout says a mob of Herders, all sit up there.” ", "Replied Kevvo.", "\n\n“Big Man think what?”", "\n\n“Them come down, get theyself killed tomorrow, maybe day after?”", "\n\n“Hah! ", "Bet them even fights like sheep…”\n\nKevvo paused, “That bet, no-one is taking’.” ", "Jacko looked at him sideways before gaffawing, then paused as the Big Man approached.", "\n\n“Jacko! ", "Liking this new huntin’ ground!”", "\n\n“Dunno? ", "Them grounds rich?”", "\n\n“Fair few Herders up with them fires,” said the Big Man, indicating towards the smoke from the cooking fires blowing gently over the trees to the south, “all them fuckers gotta hearth somewhere.”", "\n\nJacko nodded. “", "Wanna go up, kill before them come down?’", "\n\n“Nah, no hurry. ", "Today, tomorrow… wait, an more get scared, more run, less killing. ", "Then slaves them all become.”", "\n\nJacko nodded again, “Put all them working looking for metal an this gold?”", "\n\nThe walk down the valley was an easy one. ", "The Old Road was subsiding in places, and the occasional tree made an appearance, gently muscling its way from the wooded roadside and through the broken rock into sunlight. ", "On the way they were joined by others from their Herd, and the conversation was relaxed in the odd manner of men contemplating war. ", "The Older Man smelled smoke from cooking fires near, and far in the distance the more sinister plumes of something larger burning, perhaps homes.", "\n\nWhen the Old Road neared the bottom of the Tawa Valley, the trees parted enough to see the Herd camping in light woods near the stream that divided the valley. ", "He recognised the men and boys of Tawa, the hillmen from over in Hariyou, and a few from Eastern highlands. ", "The Older Man waved to a group of Easterners sitting round a nearby fire, “What you eating men? ", "Rabbits?”", "\n\n“Cat.” ", "Came the reply.", "\n\n“Lucky!” ", "He exclaimed with a smile.", "\n\n“Not so much for him!” ", "One man shouted to a round of laughter.", "\n\nSmiling companionably, the Older Man continued to walk into the Herd, waving to some, speaking loudly to others, introducing the Younger Man to the most important. ", "He stopped when he saw Parker talking to three other men in a small copse further ahead, and motioning to the Younger Man to stay put, he walked towards the trees. ", "One of the three saw him and indicated to Parker, who turned. ", "Grim, thought the Older Man, and he approached the four when beckoned.", "\n\nParker stood head shorter than most. ", "He was a wiry, dark man with the habit of scratching his ears and beard when stressed or worried. ", "His beard was a mess. “", "Welcome,” he stated blandly, “It’s good you came. ", "You bring more men of Jonsville?”", "\n\n“Some,” replied the Older Man, “your runner is over to Karori by now. ", "More will have your message soon enough.”", "\n\n“Good… good.” ", "Parker picked at his ears and glanced at his three companions, “you traded with Ockers before the troubles started, yeah?”", "\n\n“Yep.”", "\n\n“Come see this.” ", "Parker turned from the group and waved for the Older Man to follow, he walked into the trees a way, past a man standing with spear and shield, and there, bound hand and feet lay a prisoner. “", "Maybe you can talk to the Ocker, find out why he comes here?”", "\n\nThe Older Man stepped past Parker and squatted. ", "The prisoner wriggled under his gaze, and slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position. ", "His eye was badly blackened and he looked to have been bleeding from the scalp, but he was otherwise unharmed.", "\n\nThe prisoner’s head whipped up and he screamed as the bamboo shaft landed on his back. ", "He began shouting as the Older Man stepped towards him and crouched again. ", "He spoke softly, “Yell all you needs to Sinny-Sider. ", "There more Herdsmen out them trees. ", "More you can count. ", "Talk. ", "No talk an you dragged out there. ", "Maybe you lucky they just eats you.”", "\n\nWith eyes wide, the Prisoner stared towards the light through the trees. “", "No idea why we here…” he mutters, “but we be slavers all same…”\n\nThe Older Man stood and scratched his scalp before turning to Parker, “Slavers,” and to the guard, “Tawa man, strap him good and senseless, don’t kill him.”", "\n\nThe big man to his right looked over, leaned forward on the long handle of an axe, tilted his helmet back to show a fringe of blonde hair, and said, “Aeh?”", "\n\n“Arsehole up this coast explain it right?”", "\n\n“Yep. ", "Down coast, thru heads, an there be ruins. ", "An there,” he indicated with his eyebrows, “be ruins.”", "\n\n“Doesn’t look right.”", "\n\n“Mate. ", "You wanna head back Sinny, explain Mad Max why we got nothin’?”", "\n\n“…Nah.”", "\n\nThe two stood in the breeze on the deck of a keeler looking south and watching their men working just beyond the low dunes. ", "The palisade was progressing well, with a long, low earthen rampart forming. ", "Armed men were coming back from bush on the nearby hill carrying poles and what looked like raw flax. ", "The keeler was beached in a broad, shallow inlet. ", "Around the inlet low parallel ranges ran to the south, the western side littered with the tell-tale teeth of shattered stone buildings climbing out of the cool green water, white and grey against the olive drab of the bush.", "\n\n“Might get some fires by nightfall.” ", "Kevvo said thoughtfully. “", "Boys need to muster some locals, make sure this Wellton?”", "\n\n“Mate, you wanna worry less? ", "He said Wellton, an this be Wellton. ", "An somewhere here,” he indicated the ruins with the haft of this axe, “be that mile of gold.”", "\n\nKevvo looked back over his shoulder at the western horizon. ", "Plumes of smoke rose lazily into the sky from beyond the harbour heads. “", "Looks like Jacko might be finished with that island. ", "Could be mutton tonight.”", "\n\n“Yep. ", "Be good getting his crew finishing this work as well.”", "\n\n“Why you believe that bloke he said this place had a mile of gold you reckon?”", "\n\nThe big man exhaled slowly, took off his iron helmet and set it on the rail of the boat. ", "He paused and looked both ways up the beach before continuing, “You remember yarns about Canburra? ", "Them stupid goat-rapers come over Blue mountains forever tryin tell Sinny-siders how to an what to?”", "\n\nKevvo nodded thoughtfully, “Yep.”", "\n\n“Tell is them come over the Blues cause them was what be called Party Men. ", "Has steel when Sinny-siders has ticks and rocks. ", "Was a time when them Party Men tell every fucker from Sinny to Brissie how to an when to. ", "An all of us, every last one, jumped when them arseholes clap.” ", "He paused, yelled a direction at some men who looked to be stopping work, and leaned against the haft again, “Four counts of hands before them weak enough an get told to piss off.”", "\n\nKevvo nodded again, his brow knotted. “", "An?”", "\n\n“An Wellton was the place of the Party Men here on Pig Island.”", "\n\nKevvo’s eyes widened a little in recognition, “Ahhh…”\n\n“If nothing, we strip metal from this shithole, muster us some locals an have some fun.”" ]
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}\n // extracts all text found in the given page (and optionally also the\n // coordinates of the individual glyphs)\n // caller needs to free() the result\n virtual WCHAR * ExtractPageText(int pageNo, WCHAR *lineSep, RectI **coords_out=NULL,\n RenderTarget target=Target_View) = 0;\n // pages where clipping doesn't help are rendered in larger tiles\n virtual bool HasClipOptimizations(int pageNo) = 0;\n // the layout type this document's author suggests (if the user doesn't care)\n virtual PageLayoutType PreferredLayout() { return Layout_Single; }\n // whether the content should be displayed as images instead of as document pages\n // (e.g. with a black background and less padding in between and without search UI)\n virtual bool IsImageCollection() { return false; }\n\n // access to various document properties (such as Author, Title, etc.)", "\n virtual WCHAR *GetProperty(DocumentProperty prop) { return NULL; }\n\n // TODO: needs a more general interface\n // whether it is allowed to print the current document\n virtual bool IsPrintingAllowed() { return true; }\n // whether it is allowed to extract text from the current document\n // (except for searching an accessibility reasons)\n virtual bool IsCopyingTextAllowed() { return true; }\n\n // the DPI for a file is needed when converting internal measures to physical ones\n virtual float GetFileDPI() const { return 96.0f; }\n // the default file extension for a document like the currently loaded one (e.g. L\".pdf\")\n virtual const WCHAR *GetDefaultFileExt() const = 0;\n\n // returns a list of all available elements for this page\n // caller must delete the result (including all elements contained in the Vec)\n virtual Vec<PageElement *> *GetElements(int pageNo) { return NULL; }\n // returns the element at a given point or NULL if there's none\n // caller must delete the result\n virtual PageElement *GetElementAtPos(int pageNo, PointD pt) { return NULL; }\n\n // creates a PageDestination from a name (or NULL for invalid names)\n // caller must delete the result\n virtual PageDestination *GetNamedDest(const WCHAR *name) { return NULL; }\n // checks whether this document has an associated Table of Contents\n virtual bool HasTocTree() const { return false; }\n // returns the root element for the loaded document's Table of Contents\n // caller must delete the result (when no longer needed)\n virtual DocTocItem *GetTocTree() { return NULL; }\n\n // checks whether this document has explicit labels for pages (such as\n // roman numerals) instead of the default plain arabic numbering\n virtual bool HasPageLabels() { return false; }\n // returns a label to be displayed instead of the page number\n // caller must free() the result\n virtual WCHAR *GetPageLabel(int pageNo) { return str::Format(L\"%d\", pageNo); }\n // reverts GetPageLabel by returning the first page number having the given label\n virtual int GetPageByLabel(const WCHAR *label) { return _wtoi(label); }\n\n // whether this document required a password in order to be loaded\n virtual bool IsPasswordProtected() const { return false; }\n // returns a string to remember when the user wants to save a document's password\n // (don't implement for document types that don't support password protection)\n // caller must free() the result\n virtual char *GetDecryptionKey() const { return NULL; }\n\n // loads the given page so that the time required can be measured\n // without also measuring rendering times\n virtual bool BenchLoadPage(int pageNo) = 0;\n};\n\n#endif\n" ]
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[ "Soviet submarine Baltic Sea campaign in 1942\n\nThe Soviet Navy launched the Soviet submarine Baltic Sea campaign in 1942 to harass the strategic iron-ore traffic from neutral Sweden to Nazi Germany during World War II. ", "The Soviet Union and the German Reich fought each other on the Eastern Front (1941-1945) during the war. ", "The Allies also launched other operations - especially involving the Royal Navy - against the traffic.", "\n\nJune and July Offensive\nAn important element for the Soviet operation was the small island of Lavansaari, located in the Gulf of Finland and able to accommodate the incoming submarines from Leningrad (under siege) as final step before the attempt to penetrate the Axis minefields. ", "Despite neutrality during the WW2, Sweden agreed to the German request to laying extra fields of mines in Swedish waters.", "\nThe first Soviet attack group consisted in 10 submarines departing from June 1942.", "\n\n ShCh-304 scored no result without breaking through Axis defenses.", "\n M-97 lost during a reconnaissance mission probably due mine.", "\n ShCh-317 sunk Finnish merchant Argo, Swedish merchant Ada Gorthon and German merchant Otto Kords. ", "Damaged Danish merchant Orion. ", "Sunk by Finnish minelayer Ruotsinsalmi on 14 July 1942. ", "\n ShCh-405 probably lost due mine.", "\n ShCh-320 sunk German merchant Anna Karin Fritzen.", "\n ShCh-406 damaged German schooner Fides.", "\n ShCh-303 damaged German merchant Aldebaran.", "\n S-4 scored no success.", "\n S-7 sunk Swedish merchants Margareta and Lulea. ", "Sunk German merchant Kathe and Finnish merchant Pohjanlahti. ", "She scored the best success among Soviet submarines of the first group.", "\n\nAugust and September Offensive\nThe second Soviet attack group consisted in other 10 submarines, departing from August 1942.", "\n M-96 scored no success\n M-97 sunk by Finnish boat VMV-5 or mine. ", "Only loss of this group.", "\n M-102 scored no success.", "\n L-3 sunk Swedish merchant Liljevalch. ", "Laid a field of 20 mines off Sassnitz. ", "On these mines was sunk the German merchant Franz Bohmke.", "\n ShCh-407 damaged by air attack and forced to return without results. ", "\n ShCh-323 heavily damaged by mine and forced to return without results.", "\n Lembit heavily damaged German merchant Finland. ", "Heavily damaged by escort and forced to return.", "\n ShCh-309 sunk Finnish merchant Bonden.", "\n ShCh-310 sunk German merchant Franz Rudolf. ", "Damaged while returning by mine. ", "\n S-13 sunk Finnish merchants Hera and Jussi H. Sunk Dutch merchant Anna W.\n\nOctober Offensive\nThe successes scored by Soviet submarines during the early stage of the campaign prompted a reaction in terms of deployment by Finland of their own submarines Vesihiisi, Vetehinen and Iku-Turso in anti-sub operations.", "\nThe Soviet offensive in October involved the larger number of submarines (16) but suffered heavier losses with half of the units lost in action, scoring less success.", "\n S-9 damaged German tanker Mitteleer.", "\n S-12 damaged Geran tanker Sabine Howaldt and merchant Malgache.", "\n ShCh-308 probably lost on mines.", "\n D-2 sunk German merchant Jacobus Fritzen and damaged German merchant Deutschland.", "\n ShCh-307 sunk Finnish merchant Betty H. Despite being chased by Finnish submarines (especially Iku-Turso) managed to return home.", "\n ShCh-303 scored no result.", "\n S-7 sunk by Vesihiisi. ", "4 prisoners, including the commander.", "\n ShCh-406 sunk Swedish merchant Bengt Sture and Finnish merchant Agnes.", "\nL-3 laid fields of mines at Irben Sound, Libau and Utö. ", "On these mines was lost the German merchants Hindenburg and Edith Bosselmann . ", "In February 1943 the German merchants Tristan and Grundsee were also lost on this area, possibly sunk on old mines from the field. ", "\n M-96 attempted twice to attack Finnish minelayer Ruotsinsalmi but failed. ", "\n ShCh-302 sunk by mine and Finnish SB bomber.", "\n ShCh-304 probably lost on mines. ", "\n ShCh-305 rammed and sunk by Finnish submarine Vetehinen \n ShCh-306 probably lost on mines.", "\n ShCh-311 sunk with depth charges by Finnish patrol boats VMV-13 and VMV-15\n ShCh-320 claimed as sunk by Finnish submarine Iku-Turso but most likely sunk on mines earlier according to Russian sources.", "\n\nOutcome\nThe overall number of ships sunk by Soviet submarine during this campaign has been evaluated to 18 ships totaling 37 789 tons, in addition to 10 vessels damaged and 4 vessels sunk by mines laid by submarines (in addition to another possible two sunk in 1943 on mines laid the previous year), while the Soviet forces lost 12 submarines with another 6 being damaged. ", "Despite the heavy losses for few victories scored the Germans perceived the campaign as a threat due the dwindling number of transport and prepared stronger anti-submarine defenses for 1943. ", "Old Soviet sources overestimated the victories scored to 51 vessels sunk (400.000 tons)\nAll considered, the Soviet campaign was costly and managed to sink only a limited number of vessels but the operation accomplished in creating chaos in the Axis naval supply lines forcing alternate trade routes and investment in escort convoys (previously not assigned) and in greater anti-submarine defenses.", "\n\nAftermath\nA Soviet repetition of a similar campaign was made for 1943, but Axis forces has been strengthened: the exit from the Gulf of Finland was blocked by anti-submarine nets and Soviet submarines suffered heavy losses without achieving to penetrate this blockade.", "\n\nSee also\n Baltic Sea campaigns (1939–45)\n Soviet submarine Baltic Sea campaign in 1941\n Soviet submarine Baltic Sea campaign in 1943\n Soviet submarine Baltic Sea campaign in 1944\n Soviet naval Baltic Sea campaign in 1945\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Naval battles of World War II involving Germany\nCategory:Naval battles of World War II involving the Soviet Union\nCategory:Naval battles of World War II involving Finland" ]
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[ 0.0045662100456621, 0.01904761904761905, 0.009708737864077669, 0.0035335689045936395, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0.02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.025, 0.05128205128205128, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.025, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0.016025641025641024, 0, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0.015267175572519083, 0, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0.017543859649122806, 0.012658227848101266, 0.015267175572519083, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0.004975124378109453, 0, 0, 0.0025188916876574307, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nImageView to Firebase Storage in Swift\n\nI am trying to upload an image from ImageView to Firebase storage but it won't work.", "\nI have listed my code below: My image view is called ProfileImage\n let storageRef = Storage.storage().reference().child(\"myImage.png\")\n if let uploadData = self.", "ProfileImage.image!.pngData() {\n storageRef.putFile(from: uploadData, metadata: nil) { (metadata, error) in\n if error !", "= nil {\n print(\"error\")\n completion(nil)\n } else {\n // your uploaded photo url.", "\n }\n }\n }\n\nIt comes up with the error \"Cannot convert value of type 'Data' to expected argument type 'URL'\n\nA:\n\nYou are trying to upload Data, not a file. ", "Replace\nputFile\n\nWith\nputData\n\nAnd it should work fine\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.015625, 0.005681818181818182, 0.013793103448275862, 0, 0.005319148936170213, 0 ]
[ "1648, India. ", "At morning's first light, the Taj Mahal, an awe-inspiring edifice representing the pinnacle of beauty and the power of an empire, will be unveiled. ", "For the two Imperial guards who are protecting the palace, close friends since childhood, dawn's first light will set in motion a ghoulishly unthinkable task that will challenge their faith, friendship and duty. ", "Rajiv Joseph's dark comedy incisively examines two average men who get swept up in the beauty, carnage and zealotry surrounding one of the legendary wonders of the world. ", "Catch Guards at the Taj at Cambridge's Central Square Theater." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0.0047169811320754715, 0.005847953216374269, 0 ]
[ "\n471 So.2d 570 (1985)\nN.E. AT WEST PALM BEACH, INC., ", "a Florida Corporation, Appellant,\nv.\nArthur HOROWITZ, Individually and As Director and Trustee of West Restaurant Corporation, a Dissolved Florida Corporation, West Restaurant Corporation, a Dissolved Florida Corporation, and 1444 Restaurant Corporation, a Florida Corporation, Jointly and Severally, Appellees.", "\nNo. ", "84-1793.", "\nDistrict Court of Appeal of Florida, Third District.", "\nJune 4, 1985.", "\nRehearing Denied July 10, 1985.", "\nBender, Bender & Chandler and James Chandler, Coral Gables, for appellant.", "\nJoe N. Unger; Smith & Mandler, Miami, for appellees.", "\nBefore NESBITT, DANIEL S. PEARSON and FERGUSON, JJ.", "\nPER CURIAM.", "\nPlaintiff/appellant, occupier of business premises under a sublease, alleged in a complaint that the defendant-sublessor, with whom he has a fiduciary relationship, assigned the major lease pursuant to a provision in the agreement (paragraph 30(e)) which gave the assignee the right to terminate the sublease. ", "According to the sublease, if it were terminated pursuant to that provision, plaintiff, if in good standing, would be entitled to compensation based on a percentage of the gross sales price of the premises under the major lease. ", "It was further alleged that the new assignee terminated the sublease pursuant to paragraph 30(e) and forced plaintiff to move to less desirable space under a new sublease agreement without compensation. ", "The loss under count two of the complaint was allegedly attributable to the sublessor's breach of a fiduciary duty to inform plaintiff of the fact and terms of the major lease assignment, which information would have affected plaintiff's negotiations with the assignee as to the new sublease.", "\nThe purpose of a motion to dismiss is to ascertain whether a plaintiff has alleged a good cause of action and the court must confine itself strictly to the four *571 corners of the complaint. ", "It is inappropriate to consider defendants' affirmative defenses, or the sufficiency of the evidence which the plaintiff is likely to produce. ", "Parkway General Hospital, Inc. v. Allstate Insurance Co., 393 So.2d 1171 (Fla. 3d DCA 1981). ", "Looking strictly to the four corners of the complaint it cannot be said that a cause of action is not stated against the defendants. ", "Nottage v. American Express Co., 452 So.2d 1066 (Fla. 3d DCA 1984).", "\nReversed and remanded.", "\n\nON MOTION FOR REHEARING OR CLARIFICATION\nPER CURIAM.", "\nIn clarification of the opinion filed herein dated June 4, 1985, we hold that the complaint should not have been dismissed because a cause of action was stated in both count I based on breach of a sublease agreement, and count II which alleges breach of fiduciary duty. ", "The motion for rehearing is denied.", "\n" ]
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[ "Clinico-epidemiologic characteristics and patterns of care in Kaposi's sarcoma: Data from a single-institution series.", "\nIn the late 20th to early 21st century, most new Kaposi's sarcoma cases were associated with HIV coinfection and low CD4 T-cell counts. ", "After introduction of effective antiretroviral therapy, the clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of Kaposi's sarcoma may have changed. ", "We analyzed and now report on 27 consecutive Kaposi's sarcoma patients treated at our institution from 2007 to 2017. ", "Most patients were HIV-positive Caucasian men on antiretroviral therapy; the average CD4 T-cell count was above the AIDS-defining level of 200 cells/mm3. ", "Seven patients had Kaposi's sarcoma with mucosal involvement, and 20 had skin-only Kaposi's sarcoma. ", "Mucosal Kaposi's sarcoma patients had a mean CD4 T-cell count of 83 cells/mm3 as opposed to 381 cells/mm3 for patients with skin-only involvement (p = 0.005). ", "Survival was significantly compromised in both groups but even more so in Kaposi's sarcoma patients with mucosal involvement (306 vs. 609 days). ", "Along with other reports, our findings suggest that Kaposi's sarcoma may develop in HIV patients in the modern era despite well-controlled HIV disease. ", "This is significant since Kaposi's sarcoma remains an important contributor to morbidity and mortality in HIV-infected patients." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0.0070921985815602835, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0.019801980198019802, 0.006289308176100629, 0.006896551724137931, 0.006578947368421052, 0.0078125 ]
[ "Раз уж сегодня выходной, лето и вообще отпуска и семейный отдых, мы решили отвлечься от научных изысканий и технических решений ученых нашего университета и поговорить о клишировании и типизации человеческого мышления в несколько неожиданном ракурсе.", "Позволите вопросик? ", "Как вы думаете, кто изображен на этом рисунке — тот что справа?Нет, это не буржуин из «Мальчиша-Кибальчиша», не мистер Пиквик и даже не доктор Ливси. ", "Это, дорогие товарищи, наш родной, всемирно известный ветеринар доктор Айболит. ", "И не надо, пожалуйста, бухтеть про «не похож» и «набрали маляров по объявлению». ", "Это, к вашему сведению, не маляр рисовал, а великий художник Мстислав Валерьянович Добужинский. ", "Просто рисовал очень давно – Добужинский, если запамятовали, – это художник, книжки с рисунками которого читали в детстве те художники, книжки с рисунками которых читали в детстве ваши родители.", "Более того – перед вами первый, можно сказать, прижизненный портрет Айболита.", "Дело в том, что именно художник Добужинский в каком-то смысле пробудил к жизни и Айболита, и его вечного антагониста Бармалея. ", "Как рассказывает наш известный лингвист Лев Успенский в книге «Имя дома твоего», по словам самого Корнея Ивановича Чуковского, его главный поэтический цикл зародился довольно забавным образом. ", "Много лет назад поэт в компании с Добужинским гулял по Петроградской стороне, и в какой-то момент они вышли на Бармалееву улицу. ", "Название привлекло внимание, и художник поинтересовался – кто же такой был этот Бармалей. ", "Чуковский начал рассуждать о возможной этимологии, но нетерпеливый художник его перебил: «Неправда! — ", "сказал он. — ", "Я знаю, кто был Бармалей. ", "Он был страшный разбойник. ", "Вот как он выглядел...» И на листке Добужинский набросал свирепого злодея, бородатого и усатого… Через какое-то время у Чуковского вышла новая книжка с названием «Бармалей» и, естественно, с рисунками Мстислава Добужинского. ", "Именно оттуда, из первого издания, и взято это изображение.", "Но, тем не менее, могу лишь повторить вслед за вами – не похож. ", "Правильный Айболит — вот, например, у великого Сутеева.", "Пусть Добужинский персонажу и отец родной, но с обликом Айболита – не угадал. ", "Такое бывает. ", "А вот с Бармалеем, напротив – угадал. ", "В тексте сказки нигде не упоминается, что Бармалей – пират, у Чуковского он всего лишь людоед (да, да, каннибал, Чуковский вообще очень добрый детский писатель) и разбойник. ", "Но Добужинский почему-то изобразил его пиратом, и вот уже почти столетие «кровожадный и беспощадный» не снимает униформы морских разбойников. ", "Пришлось даже Чуковскому много позже, в прозаической версии «Доктора Айболита» как-то разъяснить пиратское происхождение знаменитого разбойника.", "На самом деле проблема эта довольно любопытна. ", "Детская литература – явление настолько своеобразное и особенное, что вполне тянет на особый вид искусства. ", "Вышеупомянутая особенность, к примеру, ставит ее ближе к иконописи, чем ко своей «взрослой» сестре. ", "И в самом деле – в детской литературе существует КАНОН. ", "Никто не знает, как выглядела Анна Каренина, эту проблему каждый решает самостоятельно. ", "А вот внешний вид какого-нибудь Буратино всем известен превосходно, и любой другой облик — это грех, харам и святотатство! ", "Любой культовый персонаж детской литературы довольно быстро обретает канонический облик, отступить от которого не может себе позволить не один сколь угодно вольный художник.", "Причем канон этот часто разработан до мельчайших деталей.", "Возьмем, к примеру, Буратино. ", "Алексей Толстой, как известно, не только вернул русской версии Пиноккио изначальное имя (книга Карло Коллоди сначала называлась «История буратино» (дословно – «деревянной куклы», то есть «марионетки») и лишь во второй, расширенной версии сказки марионетка обрела имя Пиноккио, то есть «сосновый орешек»), но и изрядно облегчил работу будущим иллюстраторам. ", "Во-первых, к тому времени уже много лет как существовали классические иллюстрации к Пиноккио итальянского художника Мацанти,а во-вторых, в тексте облик Буратино был описан весьма детально. ", "Долгое время классическими считались иллюстрации 1946 года знаменитого Аминадава Каневского, где облик главного героя был нарисован строго по книге (предыдущие версии Б. Малаховского и Н. Муратова особого успеха не имели).Тот же Каневский, кстати, является создателем канона еще одного культового персонажа – Мурзилки, который, как известно, появившись в книге русской писательницы Анны Хвольсон «Путешествия лесных человечков», был там человечком во фраке, с тросточкой и моноклем.", "С появлением в 20-х годах журнала «Мурзилка» обладателя столь звучного имени сделали… маленькой белой собачкой, постоянно попадающей в разные приключения вместе со своим хозяином — мальчиком Петей, и лишь потом Каневский придумал желтое пушистое существо в берете, с шарфом и фотоаппаратом.", "Но вернемся к Буратино.", "Каневский, безусловно, был великим детским иллюстратором, но Буратино ему не дался. ", "Такое случается – ни имя, ни талант художника, как мы убедимся, еще не гарантируют успеха. ", "Честь создания канонического образа Буратино принадлежит не менее известному художнику Леониду Владимирскому. ", "В 1953 году этот тогда никому не известный выпускник художественного факультета ВГИКА работал на студии «Диафильм» и, начиная диафильм «Золотой ключик», решил немного пошалить. ", "Как вспоминает сам художник: «Я тогда был молодой и нахальный и сделал, как хотел. ", "У Толстого Буратино носит белый колпачок из старого носка («За горизонтом мелькнул белый колпачок Буратино»), но мне это показалось скучным, и я сделал колпачок полосатым – такие носки были одно время очень модны в Италии. ", "У меня и курточка Буратино была не коричневой, а красной, штанишки – не зелеными, а черными и так далее».", "В 1956 году вышла книжка с иллюстрациями Владимирского, и пошло-поехало. «", "Владимирский» Буратино в шортиках и с волосами-стружками начал шествие по стране и вскоре был везде – от этикеток на лимонадных бутылках до двухсерийного фильма «Приключения Буратино» Леонида Нечаева. ", "Даже в новые времена художники, даже самые маститые вроде Михаила Скобелева не рисковали нарушать канон.", "Красно-белый колпак и шорты стали столь же непременным атрибутом Буратино, как большие уши – визитной карточкой Чебурашки.", "Вот, кстати, хороший пример того, что канонический образ не всякому таланту дается, и как иногда полезно художнику наплевать на авторский текст. ", "У Успенского образ Чебурашки описан довольно невнятно: «Чебурашку сделали на игрушечной фабрике, но сделали так плохо, что невозможно было сказать, кто он такой: заяц, собака, кошка или вообще австралийский кенгуру. ", "Глаза у него были большие и желтые, как у филина, голова круглая, заячья, а хвост короткий и пушистый, такой, какой бывает обычно у маленьких медвежат».", "Примерно такого Чебурашку и изобразил первый иллюстратор книги – великолепный детский иллюстратор Валерий Алфеевский, но его версию ныне помнят разве что историки иллюстрации.", "Не лучше получилось и у сделавшего вторую попытку гениального Геннадия Калиновского.", "И только в 1968 году в мультфильме Романа Качанова «Крокодил Гена» появился великолепный образ, придуманный и нарисованный Леонидом Шварцманом без всякой оглядки на описание Успенского. ", "И сразу попал в десятку – иного Чебурашку уже и представить невозможно.", "Мультфильмы, надо сказать, как более массовый вид искусства нередко «перебивали» образы иллюстраторов.", "Так произошло, например, с Карлсоном. ", "Не припомню ни единого случая, когда в детских журналах, на афишах и т.п. ", "использовался санкционированный и утвержденный самой Линдгрен образ, нарисованный ее постоянным иллюстратором Илон Викланд.", "И хотя в советское время книги про Карлсона выходили только с ее иллюстрациями, тамошнего Карлсона, нарисованного художницей, по слухам, с какого-то стокгольмского бомжа, начисто затмил наш советский Карлсончик, рыжий и в стильном комбинезоне. ", "Тот самый, из мультфильма Бориса Степанцова «Малыш и Карлсон», нарисованный Анатолием Савченко.", "То же самое случилось и с Винни-Пухом – обаятельный толстячок, созданный режиссером Федором Хитруком и художником-постановщиком Эдуардом Назаровым был настолько неотразим,что просто вынес из голов советских детей и классические на Западе иллюстрации Шеппарда,и иллюстрации Диодорова и Калиновского из советского издания книги.", "Но нередки были и обратные случаи – когда мультипликаторы, несмотря на всю свою многомиллионную аудиторию, вынуждены были склонять выю перед скромными книжными графиками, не в силах преодолеть утвердившийся образ.", "Так, создатели многосерийного мультфильма «Приключения капитана Врунгеля»вынуждены были фактически до деталей копировать утвердившиеся в массовом сознании иллюстрации великого Константина Ротова, сделанные еще к первому изданию книги Некрасова.", "Кстати, у Ротова на счету как минимум два канонических образа – он был и первым иллюстратором «Старика Хоттабыча», и все последующие воплощения дремучего, но обаятельного джинна – что в кино, что в иллюстрации – делались уже по ротовскому образцу.", "Тот же Роман Качанов, что сделал «Чебурашку», затевая «Тайну Третьей планеты», приглашал на роль художника-постановщика автора классических иллюстраций к булычевской «Алисе» Евгения Мигунова.", "И хотя состояние здоровья не позволило Евгению Тихоновичу принять это предложение, многие образы в мультфильме явно «мигуновские».", "Конечно же, балованные аудиторией аниматоры не могли не предпринимать попыток бунта.", "Так, например, случилось с Незнайкой. ", "Общеизвестно, что образ Незнайки был придуман первым иллюстратором сказки Алексеем Лаптевыми доведен до блеска в «Незнайке на Луне» принявшим эстафету у Лаптева великолепным художником Генрихом Вальком.", "Но вот создатели многосерийного мультфильма «Незнайка в Солнечном городе», по рассказам, откровенно решили им пренебречь, решив, что создадут свой, не хуже. ", "И что же? ", "От их куклоподобного пупса, по недоразумению именуемого Незнайкой, плевались все советские дети.", "И от этой психотравмы не избавились, даже сами став родителями, – до сих пор нет-нет, да заведут где-нибудь в соцсетях обсуждение: «Советские кукольные мультфильмы – это зло. ", "А вы тоже боялись мультфильма «Незнайка в солнечном городе»? ", "Я вот и сейчас вздрагиваю!».", "Больше с устоявшимся образом мультипликаторы шутить не рисковали и, затевая уже в новые времена мультфильм «Незнайка на Луне», не только не пытались заниматься самодеятельностью, но с гордостью писали в аннотации: «Отечественный полнометражный многосерийный мультфильм по мотивам романа-сказки Николая Носова на основе иллюстраций Г. Валька».", "А все почему?Потому что не надо шутить со святыми вещами. ", "Как говаривал Остап Бендер, «это хрустальная мечта моего детства, не касайтесь её своими лапами». ", "Еще Некрасов предупреждал, нам уж коли что втемяшится в башку – «колом ее оттудова не выбьешь: упираются, всяк на своем стоит!» ", "Нельзя сменить то, что впечаталось намертво. ", "Хотя… Хотя у сегодняшних детей диснеевский Винни-Пух все больше вытесняет нашего родного.", "Но с другой стороны – разве же у диснеевцев настоящий Винни-Пух, туды их в качель? ", "У них же даже в выпускаемых в России книжках вместо Тигры – Тигруля, ослика зовут не Иа-Иа, а, прости, Господи, Ушастик, а вместо Пятачка у них, только не убегайте, – Хрюник!Хрюник… Поубивал бы." ]
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[ "Photographer Fights Copyright Infringement With Photography\n\nPhotographer Ryan Doco Connors recently found one of his images being printed on a t-shirt without his consent. ", "Sugar Factory, the company selling the shirt, claimed that since the image was changed 40% (I have no clue where that number comes from) it was no longer considered his photo. ", "Instead of suing, Ryan fought back with a few new photos and lucky for us, he shares all of the lighting details.", "\n\nThis is exactly how The Stolen Scream story started... Hopefully this isn't the beginning of something much bigger for Ryan.", "\n\n35 Comments\n\nSolid video from an awesome photographer. ", "It seems that making this video and his images, allowed him to deal with what happened between himself and Sugar Factory, the best way a creative would know how: he kept working. ", "I admire that and him.", "\n\nAgreed. ", "Most people sit back and complain and that will get you no where. ", "I'm not sure where I fall when it comes to \"fair use\"; the image was changed a lot; if anything I feel like they needed a model release more than a photographers release because the girls face is more \"similar\" than the actual photography.", "\n\nThat bites!!! ", "If I hit the lotto I'm gonna pay for a lawyer!!!(haha) I hate seeing a talented photographer getting ripped off like that:( Great video and cool to see he is making the best of a shit situation. ", "Keep your head up Ryan!", "\n\nI am apalled by this guy's attitude. ", "He's just being ignorant and stupid - if you truly are a professional photographer and take pride in your hard work, then you wouldn't stand down. ", "His action is only saying, \"I'm okay with it\". ", "Clearly he didn't think about his fellow photographers. ", "We can't let anyone steal work without permission, and this whole \"40 % excuse\" is bullshit. ", "Simple. ", "You can't take ownership of someone else's work without their consent, no matter how much you change it. ", "It's the law, he should look into it. ", "This isn't only about you. ", "When it happens, think about others in the industry. ", "Don't hurt the industry with ignorance. ", "I'm ashamed of this guy. ", "Be a professional, for crying out loud.", "\n\nI think I would of done my research and had a legal battle with the company. ", "If the law states that any derivative of a image is still owned by the original artist/Photographer then no matter how many lawyers the company has, they can't change the law. ", "Maybe? ", "I'm a freak when it comes to this stuff though, I would do the research and fight them on my own if I felt I was right and with a little research could prove it. ", "Don't really like the way companies feel they can get away with stuff.", "\n\nHow is this classed as 'fair use'? ", "A company took an image, without consent, edited it and the sold it on a t-shrit for a profit without compensating either the photographer or the model. ", "I think this is a case of self preservation for the photographer, probably a sensible move!", "\n\nAll photographers should have this article tattooed on their right hands. ", "An artistic reply is all well and good, and all power to Ryan, but follow that up legally. ", "Rule one, copyright everything you make and show. ", "Register that copyright, if you don't you are effectively giving your work away. ", "If you follow those simple steps then suing will cost you nothing, your case will be strong enough that lawyers will take on your case without payment up front.", "\n\nFor a recent high profile \"derivative works\" case look at both sides of the argument at these two links.", "\n\nScott,I was going to post the same article. ", "I think it's easy to miss the point and feel powerless. ", "As Jeremy's article notes you do have options if you register your work and you can register every single photo you take in a year for about the cost of one PocketWizard Plus II -- $175. ", "Many of us could easily drop 10x that on a single lens and feel justified. ", "Registration adds teeth, and BIG teeth, to any issue of infringement (at least within the US).", "\n\n1) Your point would be more properly directed to someone wearing the Sugar Factory's shirt than the photographer here. ", "2) He isn't selling EZbox knockoffs. ", "3) Patent law and copyright law are different things. ", "4) Lastolite has a patent pending on their EZbox but they didn't invent pop up softboxes.", "\n\n1. ", "The point WAS the PHOTOGRAPHER is complaining about being ripped off/copied and the ironic part being having no problem using a product that was ripped off/copied. ", "The point was directed correctly...2). ", "See point 13.) ", "Ripping off either by patent law or copyright is ripping off...see point 1.4.) ", "And the ebay rip off version isn't copied from any old pop up softbox..it's copied from the Lasolite version. ", "Once again...see point 1.", "\n\nI'd be pissed too if I was Ryan. ", "I'm just saying I find it ironic. ", "Kind of like if someone who uses fileshare often makes a CD of original music, puts it up for sale, then complains it's being downloaded via fileshare.", "\n\nI immediately thought of the \"kind of bloop\" issue- if that's fair game I can't see how this wouldn't be. ", "Just because Miles Davis is more famous? ", "Go get Jay Maisel's lawyers Ryan, they wont even have to do any homework...\n\nwasn't this the same thing that obama did with his presidential campaign logo? ", "They stole a photo, changed it a bit and used it as their own.", "\n\nAlso, that whole 40% is a bunch of B.S.... Because I am pretty sure every time I add a fileter to an image or change the exposure I am changing close to 100% of the image's pixels. ", "But it is definitely the same image?", "\n\nWell at least we all know now that when licensing an image we need to write in the contract that all derivatives of the original image must be negotiated with the photographer. ", "I for one will never buy from the sugar factory and will inform my friends to do the same.", "\n\nRead my first link, he lists 11 first class copyright lawyers, what they need from you (what you need to have done) and how you will qualify for a lawyer to take your case on a no fee basis. ", "But you need to contact them, you have been wronged, you need to instigate any action. ", "Did you register your copyright? ", "If not then you have shot yourself in the foot, but you can still get paid, if you have, you can be looking to collect a five figure sum.", "\n\n+1 to this. ", "Don't let someone profit off your work without you getting compensated. ", "This can't be tolerated, and that 40% \"rule\" doesn't exist. ", "This should be an open/shut case for even the cheapest copyright lawyer." ]
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[ "We explore how \"knowledge and vision of things as they are,\" supported by concentration and earlier factors, brings us insight into impermanence, suffering and the roots of suffering, and not-self. ", "We examine some of the forces and structure that lead to delusion and a lack of clear seeing, as well as how to practice to cultivate these insights.", "\n\nThis talk explores a Tibetan teaching through reflection and guided meditations: Our true nature--our inherent wakefuness, openness and love--is closer than we can imagine; it is more profound than we can imagine; it is easier than we can imagine; and it is more wondrous than we can imagine.", "\n\nOne in a series of 3 Talks:\nThe Buddha viewed perceptions of self and not-self as a form of karma, or action. ", "Thus the question is not, “Do I have a self?” ", "or “What is my true self?” ", "Instead, it is “When is it skillful to perceive a self, and when is it more skillful to perceive not-self?” ", "This series of three talks will explore this last question.", "\nPart II explores ways in which a healthy, mature sense of self is essential to the practice.", "\n\nOne in a series of 3 talks:\nThe Buddha viewed perceptions of self and not-self as a form of karma, or action. ", "Thus the question is not, “Do I have a self?” ", "or “What is my true self?” ", "Instead, it is “When is it skillful to perceive a self, and when is it more skillful to series of three talks will explore this last question. ", "Part I explores the issue of why the Buddha refused to take a position on the question of whether or not there is a self." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nExtending the IntentService class\n\nI have just found following code on official Android site:\n @Override\n protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {\n // Normally we would do some work here, like download a file.", "\n // For our sample, we just sleep for 5 seconds.", "\n long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 5*1000;\n while (System.currentTimeMillis() < endTime) {\n synchronized (this) {\n try {\n wait(endTime - System.currentTimeMillis());\n } catch (Exception e) {\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\nAnd also I read the following thesis:\n\nCreates a default worker thread that executes all intents delivered to onStartCommand() separate from your application's main thread.", "\nCreates a work queue that passes one intent at a time to your onHandleIntent() implementation, so you never have to worry about multi-threading. ", "\n\nSo if IntentService uses worker thread and I never have to worry about multi-threading then why I need to use synchronize block in onHandleIntent(...) method? ", "Thank you.", "\n\nA:\n\nSo if IntentService uses worker thread and I never have to worry about multi-threading then why I need to use synchronize block in onHandleIntent(...) method?", "\n\nIntentService has a worker thread. ", "onHandleIntent() is called on that thread.", "\nHowever, lifecycle methods (onCreate(), onStartCommand(), onBind(), onDestroy(), etc.) ", "are called on the main application thread.", "\nIf there will be objects you are trying to use from both the worker thread and the main application thread, you will need to synchronize their access by one means or another.", "\nBTW, the code sample you cite is bizarre, and I have no idea why Google is using it. ", "If you need to sleep (unusual in a production app), use SystemClock.sleep().", "\n\n" ]
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