[ "Beeld anp\n\nKleine zorgaanbieders omzeilen het verbod op het maken van winst en het salarisplafond dat geldt in het grootste deel van de zorg door het optuigen van creatieve juridische constructies. ", "De meeste eigenaren van bijvoorbeeld privéklinieken splitsen hun ondernemingen op in ideële stichtingen en commerciële bv's. ", "Dat schrijft Het Financieele Dagblad.", "\n\n\n\nDe eigenaren en bestuurders van instellingen profiteren daar financieel van: bestuurders kunnen zo meer verdienen dan een ministerssalaris en eigenaren kunnen toch winst op hun rekening uitgekeerd krijgen.", "\n\n\n\nDe kleine zorgaanbieders profiteren van een maas in de zorgwetgeving. ", "Die is gericht op de instantie die een vergunning heeft om zorg te leveren. ", "Bv's die worden ingehuurd om de daadwerkelijke zorg te leveren blijven buiten het toezicht en de vergunningsvoorwaarden. ", "Het werken met bv's heeft nog een voordeel voor aanbieders: ze hoeven maar een beperkte jaarrekening openbaar te maken.", "\n\n\n\nBestuurders in de zorg mogen sinds 2013 niet meer verdienen dan een minister, nu 179duizend euro per jaar. ", "Voor een groot deel van de zorg - onder meer ziekenhuizen, privéklinieken en instellingen voor geestelijke gezondheidszorg - geldt een verbod op het maken van winst. ", "Dat moet ondernemers met verkeerde winstprikkels weren.", "\n\n'Zo omzeilen zorgaanbieders het expliciete verbod op winstuitkering', zegt Jeroen Suijs, hoogleraar financial accounting aan de Erasmus Universiteit. '", "Dit lijkt mij niet de bedoeling van de wet.'", "\n\n\n\n'Juridisch is dit toegestaan, maar moreel kan het niet, zegt ook Harrie Verbon, hoogleraar openbare financiën aan de Tilburg Universiteit. ", "Volgens hem deugt de wetgeving op de financiën in de zorg niet. '", "De wet laat te veel ruimte voor dit soort constructies.'", "\n\n\n\nHet probleem is niet te repareren door alleen bepaalde constructies te verbieden, vindt Verbon. ", "Hij vindt het geen slecht idee om het maken van winst in de gehele zorg te verbieden, inclusief bv's en de terreinen in de zorg die nu nog zijn vrijgesteld van beperkende financiële maatregelen, zoals niet-noodzakelijke plastische chirurgie. '", "Zonder die prikkel werken mensen in de zorg omdat ze goede zorg willen leveren, niet omdat ze winst willen maken.'", "\n\nOogarts Rob Wouters van kliniek Oogcentrum Noord-Holland wordt in het FD als voorbeeld opgevoerd van een ondernemer die de regelgeving ontwijkt. ", "Onzin, zegt hij. '", "Die structuur heeft het mij in 2008 mogelijk gemaakt een zorginstelling te beginnen en is mij aangereikt op basis van bestaande regelgeving. ", "De vergunning krijg je alleen op een stichting, de financiering alleen op een bv. ", "Dat heeft niet primair iets te maken met een verbod op winstuitkering of de Wet normering topinkomens.'", "\n\n\n\nIn de regels voor toelating van zorginstellingen van het ministerie van Volksgezondheid staat echter niet de verplichting voor zorgaanbieders tot het oprichten van een stichting als voorwaarde om een vergunning aan te vragen. ", "Het mag ook een besloten vennootschap zijn, zolang die maar geen winst uitkeert.", "\n\n\n\nAls oogarts val je sowieso buiten de normen voor topinkomens, zegt aandeelhouder Wouters. '", "Ik wil excellente zorg verlenen. ", "Daarvoor is het nodig om geld te verdienen, voor de financiering van de zorg, voor de kwaliteit en ook voor een gezonde marge. ", "Als die structuur ter discussie komt te staan, dan is het aan de wetgever de regels te veranderen.'", "\n\nKapitaal\n\nZelfstandig zorgadviseur Ger Jager noemt de constructie met bv's 'gebruikelijk en onontbeerlijk' voor iedere kleine zorgaanbieder. '", "Dat is bekend bij het ministerie van Volksgezondheid. ", "Het is de enige manier om risicodragend kapitaal in de onderneming te krijgen.'", "\n\n\n\nOppositiepartijen in de Tweede Kamer drongen aan op een debat met de minister over aanpassing van de wetgeving, maar kregen geen meerderheid achter dat voorstel. '", "Het oprichten van commerciële bv's door zorginstellingen is niet illegaal, terwijl we wel een verbod op winstuitkering hebben', zegt Corinne Ellemeet van GroenLinks. '", "Een pijnlijk gebrek aan moraliteit in de sector', zegt Sharon Dijksma van de PvdA. 'Deze constructies zijn niet verboden, maar dit soort mazen zouden niet in de wet moeten zetten.'", "\n\n\n\nHet ministerie van Volksgezondheid wil nog niet reageren. ", "Een jaar geleden weigerde oud-minister Schippers te laten onderzoeken hoeveel klinieken het verbod omzeilen. ", "Volgens haar is het aan de toezichthouders om overtreders van de wetgeving te bestraffen.", "\n\nColumn\n\nDe kwestie kreeg vorig jaar aandacht door een column van Marcel Levi, destijds voorzitter van de raad van bestuur van het Academisch Medisch Centrum in Amsterdam. ", "Hij beschrijft hoe collega-bestuurder en 'financiële whizzlady' Frida van den Maagdenberg in jaarverslagen een 'ingenieuze U-bochtconstructie' had ontdekt waarmee zelfstandige behandelcentra het verbod op winstuitkeringen ontdoken.", "\n\n\n\nVan den Maagdenberg zegt dat er nu 'heel veel' kleine zorgaanbieders van zo'n constructie gebruikmaken. '", "Als je vijf klinieken in Amsterdam bekijkt, dan hebben er vier zo'n constructie.' ", "Op zich is met de klinieken niets mis, vindt ze. '", "Dat zijn vaak hele nette bedrijven, die hele goede zorg verlenen. ", "Maar in Nederland vinden we dat je geen winst mag maken op zorg.'", "\n\n\n\nZij ziet veel in het wetsvoorstel dat nu op de plank ligt om het toezicht op de financiële bedrijfsvoering te concentreren bij de Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit. '", "Toezicht gaat om meer dan alleen medische kennis.'", "\n\n\n\nDe geschetste werkwijze komt volgens het FD ook regelmatig voor in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg, de gehandicaptenzorg en de thuiszorg." ]
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[ "907th Airlift Group\n\nThe 907th Airlift Group is an inactive United States Air Force Reserve unit. ", " It was last active with the 445th Airlift Wing, based at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. ", " It was inactivated on 1 October 1994.", "\n\nHistory\n\nNeed for reserve troop carrier groups\nDuring the first half of 1955, the Air Force began detaching Air Force Reserve squadrons from their parent wing locations to separate sites. ", "The concept offered several advantages. ", " Communities were more likely to accept the smaller squadrons than the large wings and the location of separate squadrons in smaller population centers would facilitate recruiting and manning. ", " Continental Air Command (ConAC)'s plan called for placing Air Force Reserve units at fifty-nine installations located throughout the United States. ", " When these relocations were completed in 1959, reserve wing headquarters and wing support elements would typically be on one base, along with one (or in some cases two) of the wing's flying squadrons, while the remaining flying squadrons were spread over thirty-five Air Force, Navy and civilian airfields under what was called the Detached Squadron Concept.", "\n\nAlthough this dispersal was not a problem when the entire wing was called to active service, mobilizing a single flying squadron and elements to support it proved difficult. ", " This weakness was demonstrated in the partial mobilization of reserve units during the Berlin Crisis of 1961 To resolve this, at the start of 1962, ConAC determined to reorganize its reserve wings by establishing groups with support elements for each of its troop carrier squadrons. ", " This reorganization would facilitate mobilization of elements of wings in various combinations when needed. ", "However, as this plan was entering its implementation phase, another partial mobilization occurred for the Cuban Missile Crisis, with the units being released on 22 November 1962. ", " The formation of troop carrier groups occurred in January 1963 for units that had not been mobilized, but was delayed until February for those that had been.", "\n\nActivation of 907th Troop Carrier Group\nAs a result, the 907th Troop Carrier Group was established at Clinton County Air Force Base, Ohio on 11 February 1963, as the headquarters for the 356th Troop Carrier Squadron, which had been stationed there since June 1952. ", " Along with group headquarters, a Combat Support Squadron, Materiel Squadron and a Tactical Infirmary were organized to support the 356th.", "\n\nThe group's mission was to organize, recruit and train Air Force Reserve personnel in the tactical airlift of airborne forces, their equipment and supplies and delivery of these forces and materials by airdrop, landing or cargo extraction systems. ", " The group was equipped with Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcars for Tactical Air Command airlift operations.", "\n\nThe 907th TCG was one of two C-119 groups assigned to the 302d TCW in 1963, the other being the 906th Troop Carrier Group also at Clinton County AFB. ", " Replaced C-119s with Fairchild C-123 Provider assault transport in 1967, began training with special operations forces when parent 302d Tactical Airlift Wing was redesignated as a Special Operations Wing in 1970. ", " Inactivated in 1975 as part of post-Vietnam War drawdown.", "\n\nAerial Spray\nReactivated in 1981 as an UC-123K Provider aerial spraying unit, deployed frequently to Panama and Central America. ", "Retired the C-123s in 1982, however retained four aircraft to spay for insects until June 1986. ", "Tail Code was \"NT\".", "\n\nC-130 Hercules\nWas re-equipped with early-model Lockheed C-130A Hercules transports, flying tactical airlift missions to support Tactical Air Command. ", " Re-equipped with newer C-130E models from 337th TAS at Westover Air Force Base in 1987.", "\n\nHeavy airlift\nMoved to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in 1993 and upgraded to a Lockheed C-141 Starlifter heavy intercontinental airlift unit, C-130s being transferred to 731st TAS at Peterson Air Force Base. ", " Flew intercontinental airlift missions from WPAFB in support of Military Airlift Command.", "\n\nPersonnel and equipment reassigned to 445th AW after inactivation in October 1994.", "\n\nLineage\n Established as the 907th Troop Carrier Group, Medium and activated on 15 January 1963 (not organized)\n Organized in the Reserve on 11 February 1963\n Redesignated 907th Tactical Airlift Group on 1 July 1967\n Redesignated 907th Special Operations Group on 25 June 1970\n Redesignated 907th Tactical Airlift Group on 26 July 1971\n Inactivated on 1 September 1975\n Activated in the Reserve on 1 April 1981\n Redesignated 907th Airlift Group on 1 February 1992\n Inactivated on 1 October 1994\n\nAssignments\n Continental Air Command, 15 January 1963 (not organized)\n 302d Troop Carrier Wing (later 302d Tactical Airlift Wing, 302d Special Operations Wing, 302d Tactical Airlift Wing), 11 February 1963 - 1 Sep 1975\n 94th Tactical Airlift Wing: 1 April 1981\n 459th Military Airlift Wing (later 459th Airlift Wing), 1 October 1989 – 1 October 1994\n\nComponents\n 356th Troop Carrier Squadron (later 356th Tactical Airlift Squadron, 356th Airlift Squadron), 11 February 1963-1 Sep 1975; 1 April 1981 – 1 October 1994\n\nStations\n Clinton County Air Force Base, Ohio, 11 February 1963\n Lockbourne Air Force Base (later Rickenbacker Air Force Base), Ohio, 2 August 1971 – 1 September 1975\n Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base, Ohio, 1 April 1981\n Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, 1 April 1993 – 1 October 1994\n\nAircraft\n Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcar, 1963-1967\n Fairchild C-123 Provider, 1967-1975\n Fairchild UC-123K Provider, 1981-1982\n Lockheed C-130A Hercules, 1982-1987\n Lockheed C-130E Hercules, 1987-1993\n Lockheed C-141B Starlifter, 1993-1994\n\nReferences\n\nNotes\n\nBibliography\n\nExternal links \n AFHRA Search 907th Airlift Group\n\nCategory:Airlift groups of the United States Air Force\nCategory:Military units and formations of the United States Air Force Reserves" ]
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[ "// Copyright (c) 2010 Google Inc.\n// All rights reserved.", "\n//\n// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are\n// met:\n//\n// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.", "\n// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above\n// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer\n// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the\n// distribution.", "\n// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its\n// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n// this software without specific prior written permission.", "\n//\n// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS\n// \"AS IS\" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR\n// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT\n// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,\n// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,\n// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY\n// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.", "\n\n// Original author: Jim Blandy <jimb@mozilla.com> <jimb@red-bean.com>\n\n// dwarf_line_to_module.cc: Unit tests for google_breakpad::DwarfLineToModule.", "\n\n#include <vector>\n\n#include \"breakpad_googletest_includes.h\"\n#include \"common/dwarf_line_to_module.h\"\n\nusing std::vector;\n\nusing google_breakpad::DwarfLineToModule;\nusing google_breakpad::Module;\nusing google_breakpad::Module;\n\nTEST(SimpleModule, One) {\n Module m(\"name\", \"os\", \"architecture\", \"id\");\n vector<Module::Line> lines;\n DwarfLineToModule h(&m, \"/\", &lines);\n\n h.DefineFile(\"file1\", 0x30bf0f27, 0, 0, 0);\n h.AddLine(0x6fd126fbf74f2680LL, 0x63c9a14cf556712bLL, 0x30bf0f27,\n 0x4c090cbf, 0x1cf9fe0d);\n\n vector<Module::File *> files;\n m.GetFiles(&files);\n EXPECT_EQ(1U, files.size());\n EXPECT_STREQ(\"/file1\", files[0]->name.c_str());\n\n EXPECT_EQ(1U, lines.size());\n EXPECT_EQ(0x6fd126fbf74f2680ULL, lines[0].address);\n EXPECT_EQ(0x63c9a14cf556712bULL, lines[0].size);\n EXPECT_TRUE(lines[0].file == files[0]);\n EXPECT_EQ(0x4c090cbf, lines[0].number);\n}\n\nTEST(SimpleModule, Many) {\n Module m(\"name\", \"os\", \"architecture\", \"id\");\n vector<Module::Line> lines;\n DwarfLineToModule h(&m, \"/\", &lines);\n\n h.DefineDir(\"directory1\", 0x838299ab);\n h.DefineDir(\"directory2\", 0xf85de023);\n h.DefineFile(\"file1\", 0x2b80377a, 0x838299ab, 0, 0);\n h.DefineFile(\"file1\", 0x63beb4a4, 0xf85de023, 0, 0);\n h.DefineFile(\"file2\", 0x1d161d56, 0x838299ab, 0, 0);\n h.DefineFile(\"file2\", 0x1e7a667c, 0xf85de023, 0, 0);\n h.AddLine(0x69900c5d553b7274ULL, 0x90fded183f0d0d3cULL, 0x2b80377a,\n 0x15b0f0a9U, 0x3ff5abd6U);\n h.AddLine(0x45811219a39b7101ULL, 0x25a5e6a924afc41fULL, 0x63beb4a4,\n 0x4d259ce9U, 0x41c5ee32U);\n h.AddLine(0xfa90514c1dc9704bULL, 0x0063efeabc02f313ULL, 0x1d161d56,\n 0x1ee9fa4fU, 0xbf70e46aU);\n h.AddLine(0x556b55fb6a647b10ULL, 0x3f3089ca2bfd80f5ULL, 0x1e7a667c,\n 0x77fc280eU, 0x2c4a728cU);\n h.DefineFile(\"file3\", -1, 0, 0, 0);\n h.AddLine(0xe2d72a37f8d9403aULL, 0x034dfab5b0d4d236ULL, 0x63beb4a5,\n 0x75047044U, 0xb6a0016cU);\n\n vector<Module::File *> files;\n m.GetFiles(&files);\n ASSERT_EQ(5U, files.size());\n EXPECT_STREQ(\"/directory1/file1\", files[0]->name.c_str());\n EXPECT_STREQ(\"/directory1/file2\", files[1]->name.c_str());\n EXPECT_STREQ(\"/directory2/file1\", files[2]->name.c_str());\n EXPECT_STREQ(\"/directory2/file2\", files[3]->name.c_str());\n EXPECT_STREQ(\"/file3\", files[4]->name.c_str());\n\n ASSERT_EQ(5U, lines.size());\n\n EXPECT_EQ(0x69900c5d553b7274ULL, lines[0].address);\n EXPECT_EQ(0x90fded183f0d0d3cULL, lines[0].size);\n EXPECT_TRUE(lines[0].file == files[0]);\n EXPECT_EQ(0x15b0f0a9, lines[0].number);\n\n EXPECT_EQ(0x45811219a39b7101ULL, lines[1].address);\n EXPECT_EQ(0x25a5e6a924afc41fULL, lines[1].size);\n EXPECT_TRUE(lines[1].file == files[2]);\n EXPECT_EQ(0x4d259ce9, lines[1].number);\n\n EXPECT_EQ(0xfa90514c1dc9704bULL, lines[2].address);\n EXPECT_EQ(0x0063efeabc02f313ULL, lines[2].size);\n EXPECT_TRUE(lines[2].file == files[1]);\n EXPECT_EQ(0x1ee9fa4f, lines[2].number);\n\n EXPECT_EQ(0x556b55fb6a647b10ULL, lines[3].address);\n EXPECT_EQ(0x3f3089ca2bfd80f5ULL, lines[3].size);\n EXPECT_TRUE(lines[3].file == files[3]);\n EXPECT_EQ(0x77fc280e, lines[3].number);\n\n EXPECT_EQ(0xe2d72a37f8d9403aULL, lines[4].address);\n EXPECT_EQ(0x034dfab5b0d4d236ULL, lines[4].size);\n EXPECT_TRUE(lines[4].file == files[4]);\n EXPECT_EQ(0x75047044, lines[4].number);\n}\n\nTEST(Filenames, Absolute) {\n Module m(\"name\", \"os\", \"architecture\", \"id\");\n vector<Module::Line> lines;\n DwarfLineToModule h(&m, \"/\", &lines);\n\n h.DefineDir(\"directory1\", 1);\n h.DefineFile(\"/absolute\", 1, 1, 0, 0);\n\n h.AddLine(1, 1, 1, 0, 0);\n\n vector<Module::File *> files;\n m.GetFiles(&files);\n ASSERT_EQ(1U, files.size());\n EXPECT_STREQ(\"/absolute\", files[0]->name.c_str());\n ASSERT_EQ(1U, lines.size());\n EXPECT_TRUE(lines[0].file == files[0]);\n}\n\nTEST(Filenames, Relative) {\n Module m(\"name\", \"os\", \"architecture\", \"id\");\n vector<Module::Line> lines;\n DwarfLineToModule h(&m, \"/\", &lines);\n\n h.DefineDir(\"directory1\", 1);\n h.DefineFile(\"relative\", 1, 1, 0, 0);\n\n h.AddLine(1, 1, 1, 0, 0);\n\n vector<Module::File *> files;\n m.GetFiles(&files);\n ASSERT_EQ(1U, files.size());\n EXPECT_STREQ(\"/directory1/relative\", files[0]->name.c_str());\n ASSERT_EQ(1U, lines.size());\n EXPECT_TRUE(lines[0].file == files[0]);\n}\n\nTEST(Filenames, StrangeFile) {\n Module m(\"name\", \"os\", \"architecture\", \"id\");\n vector<Module::Line> lines;\n DwarfLineToModule h(&m, \"/\", &lines);\n\n h.DefineDir(\"directory1\", 1);\n h.DefineFile(\"\", 1, 1, 0, 0);\n h.AddLine(1, 1, 1, 0, 0);\n\n ASSERT_EQ(1U, lines.size());\n EXPECT_STREQ(\"/directory1/\", lines[0].file->name.c_str());\n}\n\nTEST(Filenames, StrangeDirectory) {\n Module m(\"name\", \"os\", \"architecture\", \"id\");\n vector<Module::Line> lines;\n DwarfLineToModule h(&m, \"/\", &lines);\n\n h.DefineDir(\"\", 1);\n h.DefineFile(\"file1\", 1, 1, 0, 0);\n h.AddLine(1, 1, 1, 0, 0);\n\n ASSERT_EQ(1U, lines.size());\n EXPECT_STREQ(\"/file1\", lines[0].file->name.c_str());\n}\n\nTEST(Filenames, StrangeDirectoryAndFile) {\n Module m(\"name\", \"os\", \"architecture\", \"id\");\n vector<Module::Line> lines;\n DwarfLineToModule h(&m, \"/\", &lines);\n\n h.DefineDir(\"\", 1);\n h.DefineFile(\"\", 1, 1, 0, 0);\n h.AddLine(1, 1, 1, 0, 0);\n\n ASSERT_EQ(1U, lines.size());\n EXPECT_STREQ(\"/\", lines[0].file->name.c_str());\n}\n\n// We should use the compilation directory when encountering a file for\n// directory number zero.", "\nTEST(Filenames, DirectoryZeroFileIsRelativeToCompilationDir) {\n Module m(\"name\", \"os\", \"architecture\", \"id\");\n vector<Module::Line> lines;\n DwarfLineToModule h(&m, \"src/build\", &lines);\n\n h.DefineDir(\"Dir\", 1);\n h.DefineFile(\"File\", 1, 0, 0, 0);\n\n h.AddLine(1, 1, 1, 0, 0);\n\n ASSERT_EQ(1U, lines.size());\n EXPECT_STREQ(\"src/build/File\", lines[0].file->name.c_str());\n}\n\n// We should treat non-absolute directories as relative to the compilation\n// directory.", "\nTEST(Filenames, IncludeDirectoryRelativeToDirectoryZero) {\n Module m(\"name\", \"os\", \"architecture\", \"id\");\n vector<Module::Line> lines;\n DwarfLineToModule h(&m, \"src/build\", &lines);\n\n h.DefineDir(\"Dir\", 1);\n h.DefineFile(\"File\", 1, 1, 0, 0);\n\n h.AddLine(1, 1, 1, 0, 0);\n\n ASSERT_EQ(1U, lines.size());\n EXPECT_STREQ(\"src/build/Dir/File\", lines[0].file->name.c_str());\n}\n\n// We should treat absolute directories as absolute, and not relative to\n// the compilation dir.", "\nTEST(Filenames, IncludeDirectoryAbsolute) {\n Module m(\"name\", \"os\", \"architecture\", \"id\");\n vector<Module::Line> lines;\n DwarfLineToModule h(&m, \"src/build\", &lines);\n\n h.DefineDir(\"/Dir\", 1);\n h.DefineFile(\"File\", 1, 1, 0, 0);\n\n h.AddLine(1, 1, 1, 0, 0);\n\n ASSERT_EQ(1U, lines.size());\n EXPECT_STREQ(\"/Dir/File\", lines[0].file->name.c_str());\n}\n\n// We should silently ignore attempts to define directory number zero,\n// since that is always the compilation directory.", "\nTEST(ModuleErrors, DirectoryZero) {\n Module m(\"name\", \"os\", \"architecture\", \"id\");\n vector<Module::Line> lines;\n DwarfLineToModule h(&m, \"/\", &lines);\n\n h.DefineDir(\"directory0\", 0); // should be ignored\n h.DefineFile(\"relative\", 1, 0, 0, 0);\n\n h.AddLine(1, 1, 1, 0, 0);\n\n ASSERT_EQ(1U, lines.size());\n EXPECT_STREQ(\"/relative\", lines[0].file->name.c_str());\n}\n\n// We should refuse to add lines with bogus file numbers. ", "We should\n// produce only one warning, however.", "\nTEST(ModuleErrors, BadFileNumber) {\n Module m(\"name\", \"os\", \"architecture\", \"id\");\n vector<Module::Line> lines;\n DwarfLineToModule h(&m, \"/\", &lines);\n\n h.DefineFile(\"relative\", 1, 0, 0, 0);\n h.AddLine(1, 1, 2, 0, 0); // bad file number\n h.AddLine(2, 1, 2, 0, 0); // bad file number (no duplicate warning)\n\n EXPECT_EQ(0U, lines.size());\n}\n\n// We should treat files with bogus directory numbers as relative to\n// the compilation unit.", "\nTEST(ModuleErrors, BadDirectoryNumber) {\n Module m(\"name\", \"os\", \"architecture\", \"id\");\n vector<Module::Line> lines;\n DwarfLineToModule h(&m, \"/\", &lines);\n\n h.DefineDir(\"directory1\", 1);\n h.DefineFile(\"baddirnumber1\", 1, 2, 0, 0); // bad directory number\n h.DefineFile(\"baddirnumber2\", 2, 2, 0, 0); // bad dir number (no warning)\n h.AddLine(1, 1, 1, 0, 0);\n\n ASSERT_EQ(1U, lines.size());\n EXPECT_STREQ(\"baddirnumber1\", lines[0].file->name.c_str());\n}\n\n// We promise not to report empty lines.", "\nTEST(ModuleErrors, EmptyLine) {\n Module m(\"name\", \"os\", \"architecture\", \"id\");\n vector<Module::Line> lines;\n DwarfLineToModule h(&m, \"/\", &lines);\n\n h.DefineFile(\"filename1\", 1, 0, 0, 0);\n h.AddLine(1, 0, 1, 0, 0);\n\n ASSERT_EQ(0U, lines.size());\n} \n\n// We are supposed to clip lines that extend beyond the end of the\n// address space.", "\nTEST(ModuleErrors, BigLine) {\n Module m(\"name\", \"os\", \"architecture\", \"id\");\n vector<Module::Line> lines;\n DwarfLineToModule h(&m, \"/\", &lines);\n\n h.DefineFile(\"filename1\", 1, 0, 0, 0);\n h.AddLine(0xffffffffffffffffULL, 2, 1, 0, 0);\n\n ASSERT_EQ(1U, lines.size());\n EXPECT_EQ(1U, lines[0].size);\n} \n\n// The 'Omitted' tests verify that we correctly omit line information\n// for code in sections that the linker has dropped. ", "See \"GNU\n// toolchain omitted sections support\" at the top of the\n// DwarfLineToModule class.", "\n\nTEST(Omitted, DroppedThenGood) {\n Module m(\"name\", \"os\", \"architecture\", \"id\");\n vector<Module::Line> lines;\n DwarfLineToModule h(&m, \"/\", &lines);\n\n h.DefineFile(\"filename1\", 1, 0, 0, 0);\n h.AddLine(0, 10, 1, 83816211, 0); // should be omitted\n h.AddLine(20, 10, 1, 13059195, 0); // should be recorded\n\n ASSERT_EQ(1U, lines.size());\n EXPECT_EQ(13059195, lines[0].number);\n}\n\nTEST(Omitted, GoodThenDropped) {\n Module m(\"name\", \"os\", \"architecture\", \"id\");\n vector<Module::Line> lines;\n DwarfLineToModule h(&m, \"/\", &lines);\n\n h.DefineFile(\"filename1\", 1, 0, 0, 0);\n h.AddLine(0x9dd6a372, 10, 1, 41454594, 0); // should be recorded\n h.AddLine(0, 10, 1, 44793413, 0); // should be omitted\n\n ASSERT_EQ(1U, lines.size());\n EXPECT_EQ(41454594, lines[0].number);\n}\n\nTEST(Omitted, Mix1) {\n Module m(\"name\", \"os\", \"architecture\", \"id\");\n vector<Module::Line> lines;\n DwarfLineToModule h(&m, \"/\", &lines);\n\n h.DefineFile(\"filename1\", 1, 0, 0, 0);\n h.AddLine(0x679ed72f, 10, 1, 58932642, 0); // should be recorded\n h.AddLine(0xdfb5a72d, 10, 1, 39847385, 0); // should be recorded\n h.AddLine(0, 0x78, 1, 23053829, 0); // should be omitted\n h.AddLine(0x78, 0x6a, 1, 65317783, 0); // should be omitted\n h.AddLine(0x78 + 0x6a, 0x2a, 1, 77601423, 0); // should be omitted\n h.AddLine(0x9fe0cea5, 10, 1, 91806582, 0); // should be recorded\n h.AddLine(0x7e41a109, 10, 1, 56169221, 0); // should be recorded\n\n ASSERT_EQ(4U, lines.size());\n EXPECT_EQ(58932642, lines[0].number);\n EXPECT_EQ(39847385, lines[1].number);\n EXPECT_EQ(91806582, lines[2].number);\n EXPECT_EQ(56169221, lines[3].number);\n}\n\nTEST(Omitted, Mix2) {\n Module m(\"name\", \"os\", \"architecture\", \"id\");\n vector<Module::Line> lines;\n DwarfLineToModule h(&m, \"/\", &lines);\n\n h.DefineFile(\"filename1\", 1, 0, 0, 0);\n h.AddLine(0, 0xf2, 1, 58802211, 0); // should be omitted\n h.AddLine(0xf2, 0xb9, 1, 78958222, 0); // should be omitted\n h.AddLine(0xf2 + 0xb9, 0xf7, 1, 64861892, 0); // should be omitted\n h.AddLine(0x4e4d271e, 9, 1, 67355743, 0); // should be recorded\n h.AddLine(0xdfb5a72d, 30, 1, 23365776, 0); // should be recorded\n h.AddLine(0, 0x64, 1, 76196762, 0); // should be omitted\n h.AddLine(0x64, 0x33, 1, 71066611, 0); // should be omitted\n h.AddLine(0x64 + 0x33, 0xe3, 1, 61749337, 0); // should be omitted\n\n ASSERT_EQ(2U, lines.size());\n EXPECT_EQ(67355743, lines[0].number);\n EXPECT_EQ(23365776, lines[1].number);\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0, 0.005154639175257732, 0, 0.0056179775280898875, 0.019867549668874173, 0.003379012577435705, 0.0021413276231263384, 0.00631578947368421, 0.0020964360587002098, 0.006993006993006993, 0, 0.0045351473922902496, 0.003976143141153081, 0.008771929824561403, 0.002320185614849188, 0, 0.006299212598425197 ]
[ "Q:\n\nNot able to save JSON file in Python\n\nCan someone help me in pointing out whats wrong with the below function? ", " \ndef RetrieveQuotes(token, appid):\n quoteRequestMsg = json.load(open('GetEventHeadlines_Request_1.json'))\n\n quoteURL = 'http://api.trkd.thomsonreuters.com/api/StreetEvents/StreetEvents.svc/REST/StreetEvents_2/GetEventHeadlines_1'\n headers = {'content-type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8',\n 'X-Trkd-Auth-ApplicationID': appid, 'X-Trkd-Auth-Token': token}\n\n print('############### Sending Quote request message to TRKD ###############')\n quoteResult = doSendRequest(quoteURL, quoteRequestMsg, headers)\n if quoteResult and quoteResult.status_code == 200:\n print('Quote response message: ')\n #print(quoteResult.json())\n #print(json.dumps(quoteResult.json(), sort_keys=True,indent=2, separators=(',', ':')))\n with open('quoteResult.json', 'w') as f:\n json.dump(quoteResult, f)\n\nWhen i am printing the JSON file its working fine but i am not able to save the contents of the JSON to my local. ", "\nI am getting the below error.", "\nObject of type 'Response' is not JSON serializable\nCan someone help me on this?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou'll have to use quoteResult.text to get the raw text from the response that you can pass to json.dump()\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0.00544069640914037, 0, 0.0125, 0 ]
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class=\"hljs-attr\">class</span>=<span class=\"hljs-string\">&quot;button&quot;</span> <span class=\"hljs-attr\">v-el:button</span>&gt;</span>\n <span class=\"hljs-tag\">&lt;<span class=\"hljs-name\">ripple</span> <span class=\"hljs-attr\">:trigger</span>=<span class=\"hljs-string\">&quot;$els.button&quot;</span>&gt;</span><span class=\"hljs-tag\">&lt;/<span class=\"hljs-name\">ripple</span>&gt;</span>\n<span class=\"hljs-tag\">&lt;/<span class=\"hljs-name\">a</span>&gt;</span>\n</code></pre>\n<h2 id=\"api\">API</h2>\n<table>\n<thead>\n<tr>\n<th style=\"text-align:left\">&#x53C2;&#x6570;</th>\n<th style=\"text-align:left\">&#x8BF4;&#x660E;</th>\n<th style=\"text-align:left\">&#x7C7B;&#x578B;</th>\n<th style=\"text-align:left\">&#x53EF;&#x9009;&#x503C;</th>\n<th style=\"text-align:left\">&#x9ED8;&#x8BA4;&#x503C;</th>\n</tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<td style=\"text-align:left\">trigger</td>\n<td 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[ "package com.lsqidsd.hodgepodge.adapter;\nimport android.content.", "Context;\nimport android.databinding.", "DataBindingUtil;\nimport android.support.annotation.", "NonNull;\nimport android.support.v7.widget.", "RecyclerView;\nimport android.view.", "LayoutInflater;\nimport android.view.", "ViewGroup;\nimport com.lsqidsd.hodgepodge.", "R;\nimport com.lsqidsd.hodgepodge.", "ViewHolder.", "LoadMoreHolder;\nimport com.lsqidsd.hodgepodge.base.", "BaseConstant;\nimport com.lsqidsd.hodgepodge.bean.", "Milite;\nimport com.lsqidsd.hodgepodge.databinding.", "Loadbinding;\nimport com.lsqidsd.hodgepodge.databinding.", "NewsItemHotBinding;\nimport com.lsqidsd.hodgepodge.viewmodel.", "HotViewModule;\nimport com.lsqidsd.hodgepodge.viewmodel.", "HttpModel;\nimport com.scwang.smartrefresh.layout.api.", "RefreshLayout;\nimport java.util.", "HashMap;\nimport java.util.", "List;\n\npublic class CategoriesAdapter extends RecyclerView.", "Adapter<RecyclerView.", "ViewHolder> {\n private List<Milite.", "DataBean> milites;\n private Context context;\n private int page;\n private GridViewImgAdapter gridViewImgAdapter;\n private LayoutInflater inflate;\n private final int LOAD_MORE = -1;//上拉加载\n private final int NEWS_ITEM_TYPE = 1;//列表\n private String categorie;\n private HashMap<String, String> params;\n private RefreshLayout refreshLayout;\n\n public CategoriesAdapter(Context context, RefreshLayout refreshLayout) {\n this.context = context;\n this.refreshLayout = refreshLayout;\n this.inflate = LayoutInflater.from(context);\n\n }\n\n public void addMilite(List<Milite.", "DataBean> milite, String s) {\n this.milites = milite;\n this.categorie = s;\n this.page = 2;\n }\n\n @NonNull\n @Override\n public RecyclerView.", "ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {\n RecyclerView.", "ViewHolder viewHolder = null;\n NewsItemHotBinding newsItemHotBinding;\n Loadbinding loadbinding;\n switch (viewType) {\n case NEWS_ITEM_TYPE:\n newsItemHotBinding = DataBindingUtil.inflate(inflate, R.layout.news_item_hot, parent, false);\n viewHolder = new CategoriesViewHolder(newsItemHotBinding);\n break;\n case LOAD_MORE:\n loadbinding = DataBindingUtil.inflate(inflate, R.layout.loadmore, parent, false);\n viewHolder = new LoadMoreHolder(loadbinding);\n break;\n\n }\n return viewHolder;\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull RecyclerView.", "ViewHolder holder, int position) {\n if (holder instanceof CategoriesViewHolder) {\n CategoriesViewHolder categoriesViewHolder = (CategoriesViewHolder) holder;\n categoriesViewHolder.loadData(milites.get(position));\n }\n if (holder instanceof LoadMoreHolder) {\n if (categorie.equals(\"ent\")) {\n params = BaseConstant.getEntParams();\n }\n if (categorie.equals(\"milite\")) {\n params = BaseConstant.getMiliteParams();\n }\n if (categorie.equals(\"world\")) {\n params = BaseConstant.getWorldParams();\n }\n if (categorie.equals(\"finance\")) {\n params = BaseConstant.getFinanceParams();\n }\n if (categorie.equals(\"rec\")) {\n params = BaseConstant.getRecommend();\n }\n if (categorie.equals(\"history\")) {\n params = BaseConstant.getHistory();\n }\n if (categorie.equals(\"cul\")) {\n params = BaseConstant.getCul();\n }\n refreshLayout.setOnLoadMoreListener(a -> HttpModel.getCategoriesNews(page,context, params, (b, c) -> page++, milites, refreshLayout, \"\"));\n }\n }\n\n @Override\n public int getItemViewType(int position) {\n if (position + 1 == getItemCount()) {\n return LOAD_MORE;\n } else {\n return NEWS_ITEM_TYPE;\n }\n }\n\n @Override\n public int getItemCount() {\n return milites.size() + 1;\n }\n\n public class CategoriesViewHolder extends RecyclerView.", "ViewHolder {\n NewsItemHotBinding itemHotBinding;\n\n public CategoriesViewHolder(NewsItemHotBinding itemView) {\n super(itemView.getRoot());\n itemHotBinding = itemView;\n }\n\n private void loadData(Milite.", "DataBean bean) {\n if (bean.getIrs_imgs().get_$227X148() !", "= null && bean.getIrs_imgs().get_$227X148().size() == 3) {\n gridViewImgAdapter = new GridViewImgAdapter(context);\n gridViewImgAdapter.addImgs(bean.getIrs_imgs().get_$227X148(), bean.getUrl(), itemHotBinding);\n itemHotBinding.gv.setAdapter(gridViewImgAdapter);\n }\n\n itemHotBinding.setNewsitem(new HotViewModule(context, bean.getIrs_imgs().get_$227X148(), bean, itemHotBinding));\n }\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "I try not to gloat, but it’s impossible not to take a certain amount of satisfaction in the Wall Street Journal‘s confirmation on Nov. 16 that Google intends to bid in the 700 MHz auction in January, regardless of whether it has partners in a bidding consortium. ", "This confirms my prediction back on August 2 in Econoklastic that Chairman Martin’s refusal to impose a wholesale open access condition on the C block would not prevent Google from bidding, despite naysayers in the press and on Wall Street.", "\n\nThe underlying reality is that Google needs a third broadband pipe to escape imposition of monopoly rents by the wireline and cable carriers, since net neutrality provisions with real enforcement teeth are nowhere to be seen on the horizon: that means do it themselves or get someone to do it for them. ", "That reality hasn’t changed, and the guys at Google clearly recognise this fact. ", "I am equally heartened by assurances from Google counsel Rick Whitt at a conference in NYC week before last that Google still intends to implement its full wholesale open access business plan over any spectrum it obtains in the 700 MHz auction.", "\n\nI’m old enough to know that all of this should be taken with a grain of salt. ", "But it certainly ain’t bad news, and it gives a lot of credibility to the Croquet platform. ", "I hope that Croquet folks around the world are able to make good use of this news in setting up their own projects.", "\n\nAnd suddenly all those wise speculations about how Sprint won’t bid because it doesn’t have the cash and it has enough spectrum, Clearwire won’t bid because it’s too small to challenge the telcos, and Google won’t bid because they don’t have the expertise and don’t want to spend the money, need some serious recalculation. ", "A Google/Sprint/Clearwire consortium (with possible help from Intel, which both owns a chunk of Clearwire and participated in the auction rulemaking as part of the “4G Coalition” with Google, Skype, and Yahoo!) ", "looks like much more of a spectrum player than any of them alone. ", "Sprint and Clearwire have the infrastructure and expertise, Google has the bucks and the need to expand into wireless. ", "Further, depending on the nature of the partnership, Google could start testing and and marketing its wireless services now so that it does not have to wait until it has built and activated a network (which probably won’t be until 2010 at the earliest).", "\n\nMeanwhile, what happens to SpectrumCo.? ", "Granted the cablecos still have no plan for the licenses they got in the AWS auction (since, lets face it, the real reason to show up was to block DBS from getting a terrestrial broadband pipe), but to the extent they pretended to have a plan, they usually cited their ability to work with Sprint as a means of implementing it. ", "So what happens now? ", "Granted the cablecos still have tons of money to throw at this, but how will Wall St. treat their stocks if they look set to pour another couple of billion into a business without the benefit of an experienced partner with existing infrastructure? ", "And besides, with the FCC adopting anonymous bidding, the cablecos will find it much harder (if not impossible) to target and block rivals without going all the way and actually winning the licenses. (", "Remember, blocking is usually cheap because you don’t usually have to spend the blocking premium, you just have to prove to the other guy that you are willing to spend the blocking premium. ", "It’s like when tough guy walks in on shopkeeper and asks if shopkeeper would like to buy “insurance.” ", "Tough guy doesn’t have to actually trash the store to get paid. ", "As long as shopkeeper believes tough guy will break his legs, shopkeeper will pay to avoid testing the theory.)", "\n\nSo, a mere three days after the FCC announces rules, we find ourselves reexamining the conventional wisdom in light of changed events. ", "McDowell rather relished the warning he gave Martin and the rest of the majority that it was “risky” to tailor the band plan to attract a single “white knight” who would become a new national broadband provider. ", "Suddenly, Martin’s confidence that if you set the table folks will come to dinner seems a bit more justified.", "\n\nBut it’s still a few months until FCC forms to participate will be due, and anything can happen in between.", "\n\nStay tuned . . . . .", "\n\nMy heart broke the day Julian left the University of Wisconsin: 11/1/05. ", "We were struggling to get anything out the door. ", "An amazing technology entrepreneur (and Lisp guy!) ", "named Greg Nuyens was trying to hold startup Qwaq together with both hands. ", "I knew it was going to be a tough time for Croquet.", "\n\nFast forward.", "\n\nI have left the University of Wisconsin Division of Information Technology to work at Qwaq, Inc. Sweet!", "\n\nI don’t get to spend as much time as I’d like on the Collaborative for Croquet, but I’m still pleased with progress on our software. ", "A lot of people are trying it out from all around the world (ain’t the Internet grand?), ", "and it’s standing up pretty well. ", "Time to clarify expectations. (", "The punchline at the end is that you have use the latest version.)", "\n\nMy dear friend John, whose generosity and interests drive this site, has said something in comment to this entry, which I just have to call him on:\n\n“The more everything ties together the more we are open for invasion. ", "But the Paris Hiltons of the world seem to embrace the great borgification, the assimilation into the overmind, in which notions such as autonomy and privacy are not so much quaint as incomprehensible.”", "\n\nWhoa, there buddy! ", "You’re going to have to explain why tying stuff together makes it more open to invasion. ", "Ever try to invade a strawberry thicket? ", "There’s good design and bad design (with respect to various desirable or undesirable effects), but I see no reason that a good interconnected design is any more pervious then a bunch of isolated stuff. ", "In fact, in my admittedly limited understanding of military and tech. ", "security history, the concepts of “defense in depth” and “divide and conquer” suggest to me that interconnected stuff (if done right) may be inherently safer.", "\n\nI had a conversation with someone at the University here about architecting Croquet – or a class of Croquet applications – so that the infrastructure can be centrally controlled. ", "By the University, by a consortium of universities or what have you. “", "This is wrong,” I thought. ", "If you design it so that the whole thing – the very infrastructure — can be controlled by you, then it will be controlled, but not by you. ", "Either Croquet will be a success or it won’t, and if it is a success, then the Elephant in the Hallway, Microsoft, will come along and control their version. ", "Or some government, or terrorists, or whatever bad guys haunt your anxiety closet.", "\n\nI’ve recently learned from some folks in the tech security community that security is weakened when you rely on prohibiting that which you cannot prevent. ", "Systems fail, so design your system to fail gracefully. ", "Connectivity is abused, so design your systems to respond to it. ", "Openness and interconnectivity are powerful tools for dealing with the attacks we cannot prevent." ]
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[ "Quantitative mechanical assessment of the extraocular muscles.", "\nThe active and passive behaviour of the extraocular muscles can be investigated by measuring the force that must be applied to rotate the eyeball when the muscles are relaxed (the forced duction test) or the force required to maintain the eyeball stationary while the contralateral eye follows a moving target (the force generation test). ", "Apparatus and test procedures for carrying out both tests are described. ", "Normal values and confidence intervals for the tests have been obtained and the results of muscle entrapment and palsy illustrated." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "William Howard (judge)\n\nSir William Howard (by 1225 – 1308), known as William of Wiggenhall, was an English lawyer who became a justice of the Court of Common Pleas. ", "He is known also as the earliest ancestor of the male line of the House of Howard established by solid historical research.", "\n\nLife\nHis family was from the neighbourhood of Lynn, Norfolk. ", "The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography identifies Wiggenhall as Howard's probable birthplace. ", "He was acting as an attorney for Norfolk clients by the later 1270s.", "\n\nHoward was a serjeant in the mid-1280s and acted in the eyre courts. ", "He acted as an assize justice from 1293, and a common pleas justice from 1297.", "\n\nRecords show that Howard attended parliament in 1302, and was on a trailbaston circuit in 1307. ", "He died by 24 August 1308, when his replacement as assize justice was recorded. ", "He was buried at East Winch, where he owned the manor.", "\n\nFamily\nHoward was twice married, with both wives being named Alice. ", "His son and heir John is regarded as from his first marriage.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1308 deaths\nCategory:English lawyers\nCategory:English judges\nCategory:People from Norfolk\nCategory:Year of birth uncertain" ]
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[ "From WaPo …\n\nMcCain had said that racially explosive attacks related to Obama’s former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, are off limits. ", "But Palin told New York Times columnist Bill Kristol in an interview published Monday: “I don’t know why that association isn’t discussed more.”", "\n\nWorse, Palin’s routine attacks on the media have begun to spill into ugliness. ", "In Clearwater, arriving reporters were greeted with shouts and taunts by the crowd of about 3,000. ", "Palin then went on to blame Katie Couric’s questions for her “less-than-successful interview with kinda mainstream media.” ", "At that, Palin supporters turned on reporters in the press area, waving thunder sticks and shouting abuse. ", "Others hurled obscenities at a camera crew. ", "One Palin supporter shouted a racial epithet at an African American sound man for a network and told him, “Sit down, boy.”" ]
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[ "Bredesen joins race to succeed Sen. Corker in Tennessee\n\nFriday, December 08, 2017, Vol. ", "41, No. ", "49\n\nNASHVILLE (AP) — Former Gov. Phil Bredesen, the last Democrat to win a statewide election in Tennessee, touted his problem-fixing credentials on Thursday in announcing his bid to succeed Republican Bob Corker in the U.S. Senate.", "\n\nBredesen was a successful health care entrepreneur before winning election to two terms each as Nashville mayor and Tennessee governor. ", "He won every county in the state during his second run for governor in 2006, even after cutting thousands of adults from the state's Medicaid program to help stem exploding costs.", "\n\n\"I have the right kind of experience and the actual track record that it will take to start working across party lines to fix the mess in Washington and bring common sense back to our government,\" Bredesen said in a video posted on his campaign website.", "\n\nDemocrats are hopeful that Bredesen can buck the Republican trend in Tennessee, a state that famously denied favorite son Al Gore the presidency in 2000 by voting for Republican George W. Bush.", "\n\n\"Phil Bredesen is the kind of Democrat that can win in a state like this — he's done it before,\" said Will Cheek, a longtime Democratic activist. \"", "I'm not sure he's not the front-runner at this point.\"", "\n\nCorker publicly clashed with President Donald Trump both before and after he announced in September that he wouldn't seek a third term representing Tennessee in the Senate. ", "The major Republicans in the race to succeed him are Rep. Marsha Blackburn and former Rep. Stephen Fincher.", "\n\nBlackburn, 65, so far has emphasized her close alliance with Trump and has taken aim at fellow Republicans in the Senate for failing to repeal President Barack Obama's health care law. ", "Her campaign was quick to criticize Bredesen's candidacy.", "\n\n\"Tennessee families want change and that is not what 74-year-old Democrat politician Phil Bredesen will bring to the United States Senate,\" Blackburn spokeswoman Andrea Bozek said. \"", "Bredesen's views are out of touch with Tennessee values.\"", "\n\nIf elected, Bredesen would become the oldest freshman senator to first join the chamber since the end of World War II, according to the U.S. Senate Historical Office.", "\n\nBredesen grew up in rural Shortsville, New York. ", "After his father left home when Bredesen was 7, he and his brother lived with their mother, a bank teller, and grandmother. ", "He attended Harvard on an academic scholarship and earned a degree in physics in 1967.", "\n\nAfter working as a computer programmer in England, Bredesen in 1975 followed his wife, Andrea Conte, to Nashville, where she had gotten a job directing nursing management information services.", "\n\nBredesen went $10,000 into debt in 1980 to start HealthAmerica, which bought and turned around troubled HMOs at a time when managed care was in its infancy.", "\n\n\"I was the CEO of a successful public company listed on the New York Stock Exchange, one that I started on my kitchen table and grew to 6,000 employees,\" Bredesen said in his video.", "\n\nAfter selling the company, Bredesen made unsuccessful bids for mayor and Congress. ", "He won the mayor's job in 1991, after Nashville residents grew weary of the harmonica-playing, philandering incumbent Bill Boner. ", "Bredesen's terms were highlighted by attracting the NFL's Tennessee Titans and the NHL's Nashville Predators, and revitalizing the downtown district.", "\n\nBredesen narrowly won the 2002 governor's race to succeed unpopular Republican Gov. Don Sundquist, who spent much of his second term unsuccessfully trying to pass a state income tax to help bridge a widening budget gap due to exploding costs of TennCare, the state's expanded Medicaid program.", "\n\nOnce in office, Bredesen stemmed the escalating costs of TennCare by cutting 170,000 adults from the program and reducing benefits to thousands more.", "\n\n\"I have never been through anything like that in my life,\" Bredesen said in a 2006 interview with The Associated Press. \"", "I didn't run for office to tell people that they no longer have health care.\"", "\n\nWhile those cuts didn't hurt Bredesen's re-election bid — he ended up carrying all 95 counties— they did become an issue when he was under consideration to become Obama's secretary of health and human services in 2011. ", "That job ended up going to then-Gov. Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas.", "\n\nBredesen said in the video that his time as governor was marked by having to cope with \"out of control\" costs at TennCare and then with the meltdown of the Great Recession.", "\n\n\"With a lot of hard choices, we managed our way through all of that,\" he said. \"", "We didn't just get through it, we prospered.\"", "\n\nBredesen noted that Tennessee achieved top bond ratings while bringing in major economic development deals to the state. ", "They included Volkswagen's decision to build its first U.S. plant in decades in Chattanooga and Nissan moving its North American headquarters to the Nashville area." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nBitcoinJ how to understand receive Address?", "\n\nI need to receive bitcoins from the customers, and then add to theirs virtual account some credits. ", "I use BitcoinJ wallet and I want to give each customer the unique Address created by \nwalletAppKit.wallet().freshReceiveAddress()\n\nBut when I receive coins I can't define customer who send me them.", "\nwalletAppKit.wallet().addCoinsReceivedEventListener((w, tx, prevBalance, newBalance) contains all information but I don't see any Address info to define customer.", "\n\nA:\n\nThere can be many recipients (in the\nsame transaction), so you need to iterate for the correct ones. ", "E.g. for\nincoming transactions, you can do\nfor (TransactionOutput output : tx.getOutputs())\n{\n try\n {\n if (output.isMine(wallet))\n {\n Script script = output.getScriptPubKey();\n Address address = script.getToAddress(Constants.", "NETWORK_PARAMETERS,true);\n // do something with the address\n }\n }\n catch (final ScriptException x){}\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "Two coordination polymers constructed by 5-[(4-carboxyphenoxy)methyl]benzene-1,3-dicarboxylic acid and 2,2'-bipyridine: syntheses, structures and luminescence properties.", "\nCoordination polymers (CPs) have attracted increasing interest in recent years. ", "In this work, two new CPs, namely poly[[aquabis(2,2'-bipyridine-κ2N,N'){μ3-5-[(4-carboxylatophenoxy)methyl]benzene-1,3-dicarboxylato-κ4O1,O1':O3:O5}(μ-formato-κ3O:O,O')dicadmium(II)] monohydrate], {[Cd2(C16H9O7)(HCO2)(C10H8N2)2(H2O)]·H2O}n (1), and poly[[(2,2'-bipyridine-κ2N,N'){μ3-5-[(4-carboxylphenoxy)methyl]benzene-1,3-dicarboxylato-κ4O1,O1':O3:O5}manganese(II)] sesquihydrate], {[Mn(C16H10O7)(C10H8N2)]·1.5H2O}n (2), have been prepared using the tricarboxylic acid 5-[(4-carboxyphenoxy)methyl]benzene-1,3-dicarboxylic acid and 2,2'-bipyridine under hydrothermal conditions. ", "CP 1 displays a two-dimensional layer structure which is further extended into a three-dimensional (3D) supramolecular structure via intermolecular π-π interactions, while CP 2 shows a different 3D supramolecular structure extended from one-dimensional ladder chains by intermolecular π-π interactions. ", "In addition, the solid-state luminescence spectra of 1 and 2 were studied at room temperature." ]
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[ "Hot Topics:\n\nCounterterrorism force in North Africa too late to save U.S. embassy in Libya\n\nCongressional leaders say security requests denied\n\nBy Kimberly Dozier Associated Press\n\nPosted:\n10/02/2012 11:01:34 PM MDT\n\nUpdated:\n10/02/2012 11:03:47 PM MDT\n\nClick photo to enlarge\n\nIn this Sept. 14, 2012, file photo, Libyan followers of Ansar al-Shariah Brigades burn the U.S. flag during a protest in front of the Tibesti Hotel, in Benghazi, Libya. ", "Small teams of U.S. special operations forces arrived at American embassies throughout North Africa to set up a new counterterrorist network months before militants killed the U.S. ambassador in Libya. ", "But officials say the network was too new to stop the Benghazi attack.", "\n\nWASHINGTON -- Small teams of special operations forces arrived at American embassies throughout North Africa in the months before militants launched the fiery attack that killed the U.S. ambassador in Libya. ", "The soldiers' mission: Set up a network that could quickly strike a terrorist target or rescue a hostage.", "\n\nBut the teams had yet to do much counterterrorism work in Libya, though the White House signed off a year ago on the plan to build the new military task force in the region and the advance teams had been there for six months, according to three U.S. counterterror officials and a former intelligence official. ", "All spoke only on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the strategy publicly.", "\n\nThe counterterror effort indicates that the administration has been worried for some time about a growing threat posed by al-Qaida and its offshoots in North Africa. ", "But officials say the military organization was too new to respond to the attack in Benghazi, where the administration now believes armed al-Qaida-linked militants surrounded the lightly guarded U.S. compound, set it on fire and killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.", "\n\nRepublicans have questioned whether the Obama administration has been hiding key information or hasn't known what happened in the immediate aftermath of the attack. ", "They are using those questions in the final weeks before the U.S.\n\nAdvertisement\n\nelections as an opportunity to assail President Barack Obama on foreign policy, an area where he has held clear leads in opinion polls since the killing of Osama bin Laden in 2011.", "\n\nOn Tuesday, leaders of a congressional committee said requests for added security at the consulate in Benghazi were repeatedly denied, despite a string of less-deadly terror attacks on the consulate in recent months. ", "Those included an explosion that blew a hole in the security perimeter and another incident in which an explosive device was tossed over the consulate fence. ", "Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told Congress in a letter responding to the accusations that she has set up a group to investigate the Benghazi attack, and it is to begin work this week.", "\n\nAs of early September, the special operations teams still consisted only of liaison officers who were assigned to establish relationships with local governments and U.S. officials in the region. ", "Only limited counterterrorism operations have been conducted in Africa so far.", "\n\nThe White House, the CIA and U.S. Africa Command all declined to comment.", "\n\n\"There are no plans at this stage for unilateral U.S. military operations\" in the region, Pentagon spokesman George Little said Tuesday, adding that the focus was on helping African countries build their own forces.", "\n\nFor the Special Operations Command, spokesman Col. ", "Tim Nye would not discuss \"the missions and or locations of its counterterrorist forces\" except to say that special operations troops are in 75 countries daily conducting missions.", "\n\nThe go-slow approach being taken by the Army's top clandestine counterterrorist unit -- known as Delta Force -- is an effort by the White House to counter criticism from some U.S. lawmakers, human rights activists and others that the anti-terror fight is shifting largely to a secret war using special operations raids and drone strikes, with little public accountability. ", "The administration has been taking its time when setting up the new unit to get buy-in from all players who might be affected, such as the U.S. ambassadors, CIA station chiefs, regional U.S. military commanders and local leaders.", "\n\nEventually, the Delta Force group will form the backbone of a military task force responsible for combating al-Qaida and other terrorist groups across the region with an arsenal that includes drones. ", "But first, it will work to win acceptance by helping North African nations build their own special operations and counterterror units.", "\n\nAnd nothing precludes the administration from using other military or intelligence units to retaliate against the perpetrators of the Sept. 11 consulate attack in Benghazi.", "\n\nBut some congressional leaders say the administration is not reacting quickly enough.", "\n\n\"Clearly, they haven't moved fast enough to battle the threat,\" said House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Mich.\n\nWhile Rogers would not comment on the special operations counterterrorism network, he said, \"You actually have to hunt them (terrorists) down. ", "No swift action, and we will be the recipient of something equally bad happening to another diplomat.\"", "\n\nThe Obama administration has been concerned about the growing power and influence of al-Qaida offshoots in Yemen, Somalia, Iraq and North Africa. ", "Only the Yemeni branch has tried to attack American territory directly so far, with a series of thwarted bomb plots aimed at U.S.-bound aircraft. ", "A Navy SEAL task force set up in 2009 has used a combination of raids and drone strikes to fight militants in Yemen and Somalia, working together with the CIA and local forces.", "\n\nThe new task force would work in much the same way to combat al-Qaida's North African affiliates, which are growing in numbers and are awash in weapons from post-revolutionary Libya's looted stockpiles. ", "They are well-funded by a criminal network trafficking in drugs and hostages.", "\n\nAl-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb or AQIM, and Nigerian-based extremist sect Boko Haram are arguably the two largest and most dangerous affiliates. ", "Both have morphed in recent years from extremist rebel groups that challenge their home governments into terrorist groups that use violence to try to impose extreme Islamic rule on any territory they can seize across Africa.", "\n\nU.S. officials believe AQIM may have helped the local Libyan militant group Ansar al-Shariah carry out the Benghazi attack, and Boko Haram has killed more than 240 people in an anti-Christian, anti-government campaign of assassinations and bombings this year alone.", "\n\nThe governments of Libya and Niger have already asked for U.S. assistance to build their own special operations capability to help combat such al-Qaida-related groups, and Nigeria has requested help to control its porous border to stop militant trafficking, according to two U.S. officials.", "\n\nLocal duo joining overseas exhibition excursionFilippo Swartz went to Italy, where his mother was born and he spent the first year or so of his life, every summer until he had to stick around to be a part of summer football activities for the Longmont High School team. ", "Full Story\n\nMacIntyre says the completed project will be best in Pac-12There were bulldozers, hard hats, mud, concrete trucks, blueprints, mud, cranes, lots of noise and, uh, mud, during the last recruiting cycle when Colorado football coach Mike MacIntyre brought recruits to campus. ", "Full Story\n\nMost people don't play guitar like Grayson Erhard does. ", "That's because most people can't play guitar like he does. ", "The guitarist for Fort Collins' Aspen Hourglass often uses a difficult two-hands-on-the-fretboard technique that Eddie Van Halen first popularized but which players such as Erhard have developed beyond pop-rock vulgarity.", "\nFull Story" ]
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[ "point taken, thanx for correcting me. ", ":-P I never really did read into that situation too much.", "\n\n__________________\nSo pardon me while I burst into flames.", "\nI\\'ve had enough of the world and it\\'s people\\'s mindless games.", "\nSo pardon me while I burn, and rise above the flame. ", "Pardon me, pardon me, I\\'ll never be the same. ", "-Brandon Boyd\n:roll: To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. ", "You currently have 0 posts.int: :evil: :-..." ]
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[ "Approach to asymptomatic paraesophageal hernia: watchful waiting or elective laparoscopic hernia repair?", "\nThere is no consensus on whether asymptomatic paraesophageal hernia (PEH) should be operated. ", "Some argue that surgery is necessary prophylaxis against potentially catastrophic consequences of acute complications in untreated PEH. ", "Others reason that the acute complications are rare and emergent operations have relatively low mortality. ", "In the laparoscopic era, elective operations have become safer and less morbid. ", "However, recent studies report high incidence of recurrent hernia, some of which affect quality of life and require further interventions. ", "In light of these new findings, we investigated whether asymptomatic PEH should receive elective laparoscopic hernia repair (ELHR) or watchful waiting (WW). ", "A Markov Monte Carlo microsimulation decision analysis model followed a hypothetical cohort of asymptomatic PEH patients who have predominantly female gender and normally distributed mean age of 62.5 years for the lifetime. ", "Accrued health benefits expressed in quality-adjusted life months (QALM) were compared between two strategies: WW and ELHR. ", "Two-dimensional simulations were performed to account for uncertainties in the model. ", "Deterministic sensitivity analyses were performed to test key assumptions. ", "After considering both individual- and parameter-level uncertainties in the two-dimensional simulations, WW was the superior strategy in 82% of the simulations, accumulating mean 5 QALM more than ELHR (168 vs. 163). ", "Our model was robust to deterministic sensitivity analyses and was internally validated, which supported the validity of our results. ", "Patients with asymptomatic PEH are more likely to achieve greater health outcomes if they undergo WW as initial treatment than ELHR." ]
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[ "New York State lawmakers will move forward and approve some portions of Governor Cuomo’s Women’s Equality Act. ", "The movement is because supporters have removed the demand that all of the items, including an abortion rights provision, be tied together.", "\n\nGovernor Cuomo and his running mate, now Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul, campaigned last fall on passing all ten provisions in his Women’s Equality Act, including a measure to codify into state law the rights included in the federal Roe v Wade decision. ", "Hochul, who presided over an anti-campus sexual assault forum at the Capitol, said she is simply facing political realities, like the takeover of the State Senate by Republicans in the November elections. “", "Elections have consequences,” said Hochul, who said the Senate “does not see fit” to include the abortion provision at this time. “", "It’s time to move on,” she said.", "\n\nIn an interview later, Hochul said she still cares very deeply about the issue of abortion rights. “", "I’m absolutely not giving up on this issue,” said Hochul. ", "She said the measure would simply update New York’s laws on abortion to make them consistent with current standards. “", "I don’t understand why it’s so controversial,” she said. ", "Lieutenant Governor Hochul said she is willing to personally lobby Senators to try to win some votes for the measure.", "\n\nA spokeswoman for Governor Cuomo said the governor has introduced his Women’s Equality Act as a single package and also as individual measures. ", "Spokeswoman Melissa DeRosa said, “The only thing that’s changed is the dynamics of the Assembly.”", "\n\nAssembly Speaker Carl Heastie confirmed the views of Assembly Democrats have changed and that the women in the conference drove the decision to decouple the abortion rights measure from other women’s rights issues. “", "I try to be member-driven and this is the direction we want to go in,” Heastie said.", "\n\nHowever, Heastie said Assembly Democrats “overwhelmingly” back all ten points of the Women’s Equality Act and even plan to add more provisions of their own. ", "Abortion rights groups are also willing to move on, for now. ", "Andrea Miller, with NARAL Pro Choice said she is taking a long term view. “", "We’re looking ahead,” said Miller. “", "I continue to believe that being pro-choice in New York State is a non-partisan issue and my hope would be that there are some members of the Senate who want to get on board with that.”", "\n\nThe Assembly approved new measures that crack down on human trafficking. ", "One of the bills was passed earlier this year in the Senate and could become law with the governor’s signature. ", "Other provisions that require further negotiation include separate measures in the Assembly and Senate to provide paid Family leave to New York’s workers.", "\n\nSenate Republicans, who called the abortion rights measure “extreme” and unnecessary, point out they have already approved the other nine points in the Women’s Equality Act, including pay equality and protection again pregnancy discrimination.", "\n\nSenate Leader Dean Skelos, in a statement, praised Speaker Heastie for decoupling the measures and said the Speaker “signaled the importance of putting progress ahead of politics.\"" ]
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[ "How curbing climate change can prevent Russia from becoming a superpower\n\nAlexei Nikolsky / Associated Press\n\nAlexei Nikolsky / Associated Press\n\nMatthew Fleischer, guest blogger\n\nOn Monday night, Democratic senators held an all night “talk-athon” on the Senate floor to bring increased attention to the issue of climate change. ", "Predictably, their efforts were mocked by the Republican leadership.", "\n\nSenate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky called the Democratic efforts \"30 hours of excuses\" for why \"families are losing work because of government attacks on the coal industry.\"", "\n\nInterestingly, McConnell didn’t deny that global warming existed. ", "His argument was that fighting climate change isn’t worth the economic costs. ", "That puts him in line with the majority of non-tea party Republicans on the issue -- 61 percent of whom, according to a recent Pew poll, agree that global warming is occurring.", "\n\nThe science on climate change is clear enough that most conservatives don’t deny it; they just don’t care. ", "The Earth has warmed and cooled throughout its history, they argue. ", "Big deal. ", "It’s not worth the cost of prevention. ", "To all those out there who hold this view, I would caution this: you have a powerful ally in Russian leader Vladimir Putin.", "\n\n''10,000 years ago, the mammoths started to die out,” Putin mused in 2010. “", "This was linked to a warming of the climate, a rise in sea levels, a reduction of pastures. ", "All this happened without human influence.\"", "\n\nWhether or not Putin actually believes this or was just being coy remains to be seen. ", "What is clear is this: according to a 2011 report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, two-thirds of Russia’s land mass is currently buried under permafrost. ", "Underneath that frost lie vast stores of nickel, cobalt, copper and diamonds --not to mention oil and natural gas.", "\n\nMelting of permafrost will further open up previously marginal or even unworkable lands to agriculture. ", "Melting Arctic ice will create new shipping routes along Russia’s northern coast and will open up previously inaccessible oil and gas reserves. ", "Russia’s warming has already helped the country hit record harvests of rice, corn and sunflower seeds in recent years. ", "Continued warming could conceivably allow the country to become the world’s bread basket -- and control the planet’s food supply.", "\n\nRussia is, of course, fully aware of these possible rosy global warming scenarios. ", "Putin has said that \"two or three degrees\" of climate change could be good for Russia, in that it would reduce heating costs and increase crop yields.", "\n\nOf course Russia will face harsh consequences from global warming as well. ", "Wildfires and drought have hit the country hard in recent years -- trends that will likely only worsen as the planet continues to heat up. ", "But there isn’t a country in the world that isn’t poised to face similar problems -- the United States among them. ", "The only difference is, we don’t have half-a-continent’s worth of untouched natural resources buried under permafrost to compensate for the deleterious consequences of climate change.", "\n\nSo for all you out there blasé about climate change, you may want to take a long hard look at your position -- because it doesn’t take that much effort to see a post-global warming Russia emerging as an unchecked superpower.", "\n\nAmerica has done pretty well for itself under the current global climate. ", "Doesn’t it make sense to do everything we can to preserve that trove of good fortune?" ]
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[ "'use strict';\n\nvar Bluebird = require('bluebird');\n\nmodule.exports = {\n up: function (db) {\n return Bluebird.delay(1)\n .then(function () {\n return db.bulkInsert('Person', [{ name: 'John Doe' }], { name: {} });\n })\n .then(function () {\n return db.insert('Task', [{ title: 'Find own identity' }], {\n name: {},\n });\n });\n },\n};\n" ]
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[ "Happy Hollows\n\nArt-rock duo Happy Hollows was founded by two polar opposites. ", "Free-spirited guitarist Sarah Negahdari initially met bassist Charlie Mahoney at an LA strip mall where she was reading Tarot to pay bills; he’d just arrived from Washington, DC to pursue a PhD. Yet the two clicked as friends, and years later they’ve toured across the country and become a beloved staple of Los Angeles’ underground. ", "Negahdari has earned a reputation as a commanding frontwoman, wowing audiences with her blistering guitar playing and charming them with her earnest, expressive, and emotive energy. ", "On Concordia, the band’s third LP, Negahdari and Mahoney successfully transfer that energy onto studio recordings – a goal that has vexed many talented bands before them – while incorporating layers of synth into the post-punk, guitar-driven sound for which they’re known. ", "The album was partly crafted in London with the help of legendary mixing engineer Gareth Jones (Grizzly Bear, Depeche Mode, Interpol), as well as in LA with producer Lewis Pesacov (Best Coast, Fool’s Gold, FIDLAR).", "\n\nA true blend of expressive, post-punk instrumentation and neo-new wave flair, Concordia employs analog synth melodies, angular guitars, and polyrhythmic drumming to anchor Negahdari’s soaring vocals and lyrics that explore topics of redemption, triumph, loss, and freedom. ", "Opening track “Way Home” — a Spotify New Music Friday selection — showcases the band’s energy and catchy song-writing ability, while “Decide” is a powerful, driving song about turning the page on the past. “", "Meteors” highlights the band’s more celebratory side while also showing off their musical chops and “Feel the Moon,” one of the album’s highlights, goes from groovy to explosive in a heartbeat as Negahdari sings about the moon’s symbolic connection with natural energy and feminine wildness. ", "Concordia represents the culmination of Happy Hollows’ artistic progression, combining live dynamism and raw energy with a creative sonic palette and layered arrangements. ", "The band has flown into new territory and found their voice with their most realized record yet.", "\n\n“Fierce guitar work and an otherworldly blend of glimmering synths. ", "This is some cosmic stuff — but it also has a lot of heart.” –", "WNYC\n\n” …Distinct echoes of The Cure and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs… [and] a mix of Siouxsie Sioux anxiety/sexuality and Bat for Lashes enchantment.” –", "Blackbook\n\n“Sarah Negahdari [is] a powerful but economical guitarist… And her voice… commands attention… There’s a feeling that this music could literally go anywhere– and that Negahdari could figure out something to sing over it no matter where it might roam.” ", "-Pitchfork" ]
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[ "March Madness - Customer Experience Style\n\nIf you are a SoftLayer customer you probably noticed a maintenance window early Sunday morning. ", "If you aren't a SoftLayer customer, (you should be, and) you may have even noticed on quite a few social media outlets that we were trying to provide real-time updates about the maintenance progress, and our customers were doing so as well.", "\n\nSoftLayer customers were given two internal tickets notifying them if they were to be affected, and when those tickets were created, the ticket system would have then sent an email to the admin user on that account. ", "Additionally, our portal notification system was updated to show details about the window, and we created new threads in our customer forums to provide regular, centralized updates. ", "We went as far as taking a few calls and meetings with customers to talk about their concerns with the maintenance timing and length because we know that any downtime is bad downtime in the world of hosting.", "\n\nSaturday night, we had extra support on staff online, and our social media ninja was awake and letting the world know step by step what we were doing with real time status alerts. ", "We wanted to be extremely transparent during the entire process. ", "This was not a maintenance we could avoid, and we tried to roll as many different things that needed work into this maintenance without making a roll back impossible.", "\n\nThe maintenance itself went well, and as planned, most items that were taken down were back online well before the window ended. ", "We ran into a few snags in bringing all of the CloudLayer CCIs back online, but even with those delays for a few customers, the work was completed by the time we committed to.", "\n\nNow for the customer experience aspect. ", "From reading various tweets from our customers, it seems like we should/could have done a few things even better: Been more proactive, sent standard email, attempted phone calls, etc.", "\n\nWhile some of these options may be considered, not all are feasible. ", "If you are one of the customers that tweeted, has blogged, is planning on tweeting, is planning on blogging or believes we're being anything less than genuine and transparent on our social media platforms, I want to hear from you." ]
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[ "Cultivation of epithelial cells from the prostate.", "\nWe have (a) examined culture conditions for prostatic cells, (b) devised a procedure for the selective enrichment of epithelial cells, and (c) developed a way to identify prostatic epithelial cells by immunologic methods." ]
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[ "This is a partial list of Professional Audio studiosall over the world using Weiss Pro Audio equipment.", "If you are a Weiss customer and like to be includedon the list please contact us at weiss@weiss.ch." ]
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[ "As I understand it, in the olden days people went on one date a week, and that date happened on Friday night. ", "Then Tinder made it possible to go on many, many dates in a week—too many dates for one day, surely—and suddenly every night was fair game. ", "Whenever Americans are given too many choices, we get confused and do the wrong thing. ", "We order the Sriracha burger at McDonald’s. ", "We elect Donald Trump. ", "We schedule a first date on a Monday.", "\n\nFriday night was never ideal. ", "Friday’s fatal flaw is this: If you’re monopolizing someone’s Friday night, the pressure is on to make it a really, really good first date—you’re up against all the wonders that Friday night holds. ", "You're also up against all the other people who are on dates on Friday night: Nothing says \"romance\" like a two-hour wait for space at the bar, where she'll end up perched on a tiny stool and you'll end up hovering nearby, jostled by people reaching through your conversation to order margaritas which will inevitably spill on your pants in just the crotch bit, so that it looks like you peed yourself. ", "Additionally, it stands to reason that you should plan dates on nights when you know you’re going to be your best self. ", "Me? ", "At best, on Friday nights I am good for a few chill beers at the bar closest to my house. ", "At worst, I summon a vat of Seamless to my quarters and finish eating it before I can decide on a movie on Netflix, then fall into a deep, solo slumber by 9 P.M. On Friday nights I am a lobster without her shell, helpless and unformed. ", "I am my worst self.", "\n\nIf I learned anything from church growing up, it’s that Sunday is the best day to find love. ", "Every Sunday, churchgoers throw on their most pastel pastels and hurry to the church to worship and flirt. ", "This is why all the pious people I know married each other within three months of meeting. ", "Sunday is a very auspicious day for lovers.", "\n\nOn Sundays you're not competing with a million Friday night revelers for bar stools, and you're not competing with all the cool Friday night parties your date could be at that night. ", "Still, the best thing about Sunday is its distance from the horrors of the workweek. ", "I enjoy my job, but I do not enjoy talking about it on dates. ", "My ideal would be to make it to the altar without knowing what my chosen mate does for a living. ", "On weekday dates, it’s impossible to avoid work-talk. ", "You ask me “How was your day?” ", "and I immediately launch into a tirade about my enemy, Kevin. ", "Then you launch into a tirade about your office enemy—probably also Kevin—and then we’re stuck in a work-talk spiral till death do us part.", "\n\nOn a Sunday, though, “How was your day?” ", "will start us off talking about our actual interests. ", "You can tell me how many miles you jogged, and I can tell you about my harrowing experience re-potting my agave plant (buy a gentle plant). ", "I believe that our social skills peak on Sunday nights, only to return to a monosyllabic nadir on Monday morning. ", "For me, social skills are sort of a “use it or lose it” deal. ", "Which is to say, if I go a few hours without talking to a person, I forget how to do it. ", "After a weekend of safe chats with people I know well, by Sunday evening I’ve refined all my new funny jokes, and I’m properly lubed up for chit-chat with a stranger." ]
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[ "We’ve pondered the possibility that Daryl Worley could be suspended this season following his guilty pleas for DUI, resisting arrest, and an illegal weapons charge. ", "And it sounds like the Raiders preseason broadcast team of Matt Millen and Beth Mowins have spilled the beans that Worley will be suspended the first four games.", "\n\n#Raiders preseason broadcast team says Daryl Worley will be suspended the first four games of the season pic.twitter.com/cZ5Ki6BDVS — Levi Damien (@LeviDamien) August 31, 2018\n\nWorley has been very impressive since the Raiders signed him following his release by the Eagles. ", "He has been solid depth and even worked with the starters in place of Gareon Conley at times. ", "He did not play in tonight’s preseason game, in part because he will not be among those the team will have to make a tough decision in two days. ", "His fate is sealed for the first four games and will likely be brought back into the fold after that.", "\n\nLook at the broadcasters breaking some news tonight. ", "Way to go Matt Millen and Beth Mowins.", "\n\nUpdate: ESPN’s Josina Anderson is reporting that Daryl Worley will indeed be suspended for the first four games of this season." ]
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[ "Story highlights New Jersey puts Kaci Hickox into a 21-day quarantine despite her testing negative for Ebola\n\nCNN's Elizabeth Cohen and Candy Crowley interview her\n\n\"To put me in prison is just inhumane,\" she says\n\nNew Jersey and New York governors have said tough measures are necessary\n\nKaci Hickox, a nurse placed under mandatory quarantine in New Jersey, went on CNN on Sunday and criticized the \"knee-jerk reaction by politicians\" to Ebola, saying \"to quarantine someone without a better plan in place, without more forethought, is just preposterous.\"", "\n\nHickox, an epidemiologist who was working to help treat Ebola patients in Sierra Leone, has tested negative twice for Ebola and does not have symptoms, she said. ", "She is quarantined for 21 days at University Hospital in Newark.", "\n\n\"This is an extreme that is really unacceptable, and I feel like my basic human rights have been violated,\" Hickox told CNN's Candy Crowley on \"State of the Union.\"", "\n\nShe described herself as \"physically strong\" but \"emotionally exhausted.\"", "\n\n\"To put me through this emotional and physical stress is completely unacceptable,\" she said.", "\n\nJUST WATCHED States adjust new quarantine guidelines Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH States adjust new quarantine guidelines 02:12\n\nJUST WATCHED De Blasio: Respect our first responders Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH De Blasio: Respect our first responders 02:48\n\nJUST WATCHED Watch full interview with nurse Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Watch full interview with nurse 15:27\n\nJUST WATCHED Health worker tests negative for Ebola Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Health worker tests negative for Ebola 01:45\n\nJUST WATCHED NY & NJ begin mandatory Ebola quarantine Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH NY & NJ begin mandatory Ebola quarantine 03:32\n\nPhotos: The Ebola epidemic Photos: The Ebola epidemic An Ebola survivor participates in a study in Monrovia, Liberia, on June 17, 2015. ", "The country launched a five-year study to unravel the mystery of the long-term health effects that plague survivors of the viral disease. ", "Since the epidemic started more than a year ago in a remote village in Guinea, more than 11,000 people have died, the vast majority in three West African nations, according to the latest numbers from the World Health Organization . ", "And that number is believed to be low, since there was widespread under-reporting of cases, according to WHO. ", "Hide Caption 1 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Women in Monrovia celebrate after the World Health Organization declared Liberia Ebola-free on May 9, 2015. ", "Other cases have recurred since, however. ", "Two people in Liberia have died of the disease since the end of June, just weeks after the WHO declared the nation free of the disease. ", "Hide Caption 2 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic A man walks past an Ebola awareness painting in Monrovia on March 22, 2015. ", "Hide Caption 3 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Soldiers from the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division walk across the tarmac at Campbell Army Airfield before reuniting with their families at a homecoming ceremony March 21, 2015 in Fort Campbell, Kentucky. ", "The 162 soldiers were deployed in Liberia, where they helped fight the spread of Ebola. ", "Hide Caption 4 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Relatives weep for a loved one who it was believed died from Ebola, at a graveyard on the outskirts of Monrovia on March 11, 2015. ", "Hide Caption 5 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Doctors Without Borders staffer Alex Eilert Paulsen watches as mattresses and bed frames burn at the Ebola Treatment Unit in Paynesville, Liberia, on January 31, 2015. ", "The organization reduced its number of beds from 250 to 30 as gains were made in battling the virus. ", "Hide Caption 6 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Pauline Cafferkey, a Scottish woman diagnosed with Ebola, is put on a plane in Glasgow, Scotland, on December 30, 2014. ", "Cafferkey, a 39-year-old nurse who volunteered in Sierra Leone, was being transported to London for treatment. ", "Hide Caption 7 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic A child who survived the Ebola virus is fed by another survivor at a treatment center on the outskirts of Freetown, Sierra Leone, on November 11, 2014. ", "Hide Caption 8 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Health workers in Monrovia cover the body of a man suspected of dying from the Ebola virus on October 31, 2014. ", "Hide Caption 9 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Kaci Hickox leaves her home in Fort Kent, Maine, to take a bike ride with her boyfriend on October 30, 2014. ", "Hickox, a nurse, recently returned to the United States from West Africa, where she treated Ebola victims. ", "State authorities wanted her to avoid public places for 21 days -- the virus' incubation period. ", "But Hickox, who twice tested negative for Ebola, said she would defy efforts to keep her quarantined at home. ", "Hide Caption 10 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Health officials in Nairobi, Kenya, prepare to screen passengers arriving at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on October 28, 2014. ", "Hide Caption 11 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic U.S. President Barack Obama hugs Ebola survivor Nina Pham in the Oval Office of the White House on October 24, 2014. ", "Pham, one of two Dallas nurses diagnosed with the virus, was declared Ebola-free after being treated at a hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. ", "The other nurse, Amber Vinson (not pictured), was treated in Atlanta and also declared Ebola-free. ", "Hide Caption 12 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Health workers in Port Loko, Sierra Leone, transport the body of a person who is suspected to have died of Ebola on October 21, 2014. ", "Hide Caption 13 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Health workers bury a body on the outskirts of Monrovia on October 20, 2014. ", "Hide Caption 14 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Garteh Korkoryah, center, is comforted during a memorial service for her son, Thomas Eric Duncan, on October 18, 2014, in Salisbury, North Carolina. ", "Duncan, a 42-year-old Liberian citizen, died October 8 in a Dallas hospital. ", "He was in the country to visit his son and his son's mother, and he was the first person in the United States to be diagnosed with Ebola. ", "Hide Caption 15 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Boys run from blowing dust as a U.S. military aircraft leaves the construction site of an Ebola treatment center in Tubmanburg, Liberia, on October 15, 2014. ", "Hide Caption 16 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Aid workers from the Liberian Medical Renaissance League stage an Ebola awareness event October 15, 2014, in Monrovia. ", "The group performs street dramas throughout Monrovia to educate the public on Ebola symptoms and how to handle people who are infected with the virus. ", "Hide Caption 17 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Ebola survivors prepare to leave a Doctors Without Borders treatment center after recovering from the virus in Paynesville, Liberia, on October 12, 2014. ", "Hide Caption 18 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic A man dressed in protective clothing treats the front porch of a Dallas apartment on October 12, 2014. ", "The apartment is home to one of the two nurses who were diagnosed with Ebola after treating Thomas Eric Duncan, a Liberian national who traveled to Dallas and later died from the virus. ", "Hide Caption 19 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic A woman crawls toward the body of her sister as a burial team takes her away for cremation October 10, 2014, in Monrovia. ", "The sister had died from Ebola earlier in the morning while trying to walk to a treatment center, according to her relatives. ", "Hide Caption 20 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic A man digs a grave on October 7, 2014, outside an Ebola treatment center near Gbarnga, Liberia. ", "Hide Caption 21 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic A person peeks out from the Dallas apartment where Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person diagnosed with the Ebola virus in the United States, was staying on October 3, 2014. ", "Hide Caption 22 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic A girl cries as community activists approach her outside her Monrovia home on October 2, 2014, a day after her mother was taken to an Ebola ward. ", "Hide Caption 23 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic A health official uses a thermometer September 29, 2014, to screen a Ukrainian crew member on the deck of a cargo ship at the Apapa port in Lagos, Nigeria. ", "Hide Caption 24 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Workers move a building into place as part of a new Ebola treatment center in Monrovia on September 28, 2014. ", "Hide Caption 25 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Medics load an Ebola patient onto a plane at Sierra Leone's Freetown-Lungi International Airport on September 22, 2014. ", "Hide Caption 26 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic A few people are seen in Freetown during a three-day nationwide lockdown on September 21, 2014. ", "In an attempt to curb the spread of the Ebola virus, people in Sierra Leone were told to stay in their homes. ", "Hide Caption 27 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Supplies wait to be loaded onto an aircraft at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport on September 20, 2014. ", "It was the largest single shipment of aid to the Ebola zone to date, and it was coordinated by the Clinton Global Initiative and other U.S. aid organizations. ", "Hide Caption 28 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic A child stops on a Monrovia street September 12, 2014, to look at a man who is suspected of suffering from Ebola. ", "Hide Caption 29 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic After an Ebola case was confirmed in Senegal, people load cars with household items as they prepare to cross into Guinea from the border town of Diaobe, Senegal, on September 3, 2014. ", "Hide Caption 30 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic A health worker wearing a protective suit conducts an Ebola prevention drill at the port in Monrovia on August 29, 2014. ", "Hide Caption 31 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic A burial team from the Liberian Ministry of Health unloads bodies of Ebola victims onto a funeral pyre at a crematorium in Marshall, Liberia, on August 22, 2014. ", "Hide Caption 32 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Dr. Kent Brantly leaves Emory University Hospital on August 21, 2014, after being declared no longer infectious from the Ebola virus. ", "Brantly was one of two American missionaries brought to Emory for treatment of the deadly virus. ", "Hide Caption 33 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic An Ebola Task Force soldier beats a local resident while enforcing a quarantine on the West Point slum on August 20, 2014. ", "Hide Caption 34 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Local residents gather around a very sick Saah Exco, 10, in a back alley of the West Point slum on August 19, 2014. ", "The boy was one of the patients that was pulled out of a holding center for suspected Ebola patients after the facility was overrun and closed by a mob on August 16. ", "A local clinic then refused to treat Saah, according to residents, because of the danger of infection. ", "Although he was never tested for Ebola, Saah's mother and brother died in the holding center. ", "Hide Caption 35 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Workers prepare the new Ebola treatment center on August 17, 2014. ", "Hide Caption 36 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Liberian police depart after firing shots in the air while trying to protect an Ebola burial team in the West Point slum of Monrovia on August 16, 2014. ", "A crowd of several hundred local residents reportedly drove away the burial team and their police escort. ", "The mob then forced open an Ebola isolation ward and took patients out, saying the Ebola epidemic is a hoax. ", "Hide Caption 37 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic A health worker disinfects a corpse after a man died in a classroom being used as an Ebola isolation ward August 15, 2014, in Monrovia. ", "Hide Caption 38 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Aid worker Nancy Writebol, wearing a protective suit, gets wheeled on a gurney into Emory University Hospital in Atlanta on August 5, 2014. ", "A medical plane flew Writebol from Liberia to the United States after she and her colleague Dr. Kent Brantly were infected with the Ebola virus in the West African country. ", "Hide Caption 39 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Members of Doctors Without Borders adjust tents in the isolation area in Kailahun on July 20, 2014. ", "Hide Caption 40 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Boots dry in the Ebola treatment center in Kailahun on July 20, 2014. ", "Hide Caption 41 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Dr. Jose Rovira of the World Health Organization takes a swab from a suspected Ebola victim in Pendembu, Sierra Leone, on July 18, 2014. ", "Hide Caption 42 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Red Cross volunteers disinfect each other with chlorine after removing the body of an Ebola victim from a house in Pendembu on July 18, 2014. ", "Hide Caption 43 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic A scientist separates blood cells from plasma cells to isolate any Ebola RNA and test for the virus April 3, 2014, at the European Mobile Laboratory in Gueckedou, Guinea. ", "Hide Caption 44 of 45 Photos: The Ebola epidemic Health specialists work March 31, 2014, at an isolation ward for patients at the facility in southern Guinea. ", "Hide Caption 45 of 45\n\nShe slammed New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for describing her as \"obviously ill.\"", "\n\n\"First of all, I don't think he's a doctor; secondly, he's never laid eyes on me; and thirdly, I've been asymptomatic since I've been here,\" Hickox told Crowley Sunday.", "\n\nIn a separate interview with CNN Senior Medical Correspondent Elizabeth Cohen, Hickox elaborated on what she thought of Christie's assessment of her medical condition.", "\n\n\"I'm sorry, but that's just a completely unacceptable statement in my opinion. ", "For (Christie) -- a politician who's trusted and respected -- to make a statement that's categorically not true is just unacceptable and appalling.\"", "\n\n\"She's fine. ", "She's not sick.\"", "\n\nHickox told Crowley that mandatory quarantine is \"not a sound public health decision\" and that public health officials -- not politicians -- should be making the policies related to Ebola and public safety.", "\n\n\"For the first 12 hours, I was in shock. ", "Now I'm angry,\" she added.", "\n\nOn Sunday, Hickox's lawyers met with Hickox at the hospital, saying they had a 75-minute conversation through a piece of clear plastic while she sat inside the tent.", "\n\n\"She's fine. ", "She's not sick,\" lawyer Steven Hyman said in a sidewalk news conference aired on CNN affiliate WABC . \"", "She went and did a magnanimous thing and deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, not put in isolation because some political leaders decided it looks good to do that.\"", "\n\nLawyer Norman Siegal, former director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, said he'll be filing papers in court for Hickox to have a hearing no later than five days from the start of her confinement.", "\n\nHe said the doctors at the hospital say there's no medical reason to hold her. ", "The policy Christie enacted is unconstitutional and too broad, he said.", "\n\n\"We need to know what the medical facts are and not rely on politicians who have their own vested interests,\" he said.", "\n\nIn a Sunday evening news conference, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio commented briefly on Hickox's case, saying that \"what happened to her was inappropriate.\"", "\n\n\"This hero was treated with disrespect and was not given a clear direction.\"", "\n\n\"We owe her better than that, and all the people who do this work, better than that,\" he added.", "\n\n'To put me in prison is just inhumane'\n\nHickox arrived in Newark Liberty Airport on Friday afternoon and after a seven-hour wait at the hospital. ", "She was put in an isolation tent inside University Hospital in Newark. ", "She's twice tested negative for Ebola, including a test at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta.", "\n\nHickox says she has asked repeatedly but hasn't been told how long she'll be held at the hospital.", "\n\n\"To put me in prison,\" she said, \"is just inhumane.\"", "\n\nOn Sunday night, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced he was changing the state's mandatory 21-day quarantine policy for health workers who return from the Ebola zone. ", "People who worked with Ebola patients but don't show symptoms of having the virus can serve their 21-day quarantine at home, the governor's office said.", "\n\nChristie spokesman Kevin Roberts said late Sunday night: \"The protocol is clear that a New Jersey resident with no symptoms, but who has come into contact with someone with Ebola, such as a health care provider, would be subject to a mandatory quarantine order and quarantined at home. ", "Nonresidents would be transported to their homes if feasible and, if not, quarantined in New Jersey.\"", "\n\nOn Fox News Sunday morning, Christie said he had \"no second thoughts\" about New Jersey's mandatory quarantine for health care workers.", "\n\n\"I believe that folks who want to take that step and are willing to volunteer also understand that it's in their interest and the public health interest to have a 21-day period thereafter if they've been directly exposed to people with the virus,\" he said.", "\n\nChristie also told \"Fox News Sunday\" that a voluntary system of quarantine isn't reliable.", "\n\n\"I don't believe that when you're dealing with a serious situation like this that we can count on a voluntary system; this is the government's job.\"", "\n\nAt a news conference Saturday, the governor said, \"I'm sorry if in any way she was inconvenienced, but inconvenience that could occur from having folks that are symptomatic and ill out amongst the public is a much, much greater concern of mine. ", "I hope she recovers quickly.\"", "\n\nHickox said she has nothing to recover from. ", "Her temperature is normal, and she feels fine.", "\n\n\"Everyone keeps asking how I'm feeling physically and of course I'm fine physically, but I don't think most people understand what it's like to be alone in a tent and decisions are being made that don't make sense and show no compassion,\" Hickox said, starting to cry.", "\n\n\"I just feel like fear is winning right now, and when fear wins, everyone loses.\"", "\n\nHer life in quarantine\n\nShe's not allowed to have her luggage and was given paper scrubs to wear. ", "Hickox said she has no shower, no flushable toilet and the hospital gave her no television or any reading material. ", "Mostly, she says, she stares at the walls.", "\n\nOn Sunday afternoon, the hospital issued an update saying \"the patient has computer access, use of her cell phone, reading material (magazines, newspaper) and requested and has received take-out food and drink.\"", "\n\nHickox said she's not allowed to see her lawyer or anyone else.", "\n\n\"The tent has a window, and doctors talk to me in normal clothes from outside the window,\" she says. \"", "So if there's no risk to them talking to me from outside the window, it doesn't make any sense that my lawyer wouldn't be able to do the same.\"", "\n\nA spokeswoman for the hospital said staff is trying to make Hickox comfortable.", "\n\n\"While we understand that the required quarantine is an inconvenience, it is our primary goal to make sure the patient is as comfortable as possible. ", "We have given our prompt attention to provide the patient with basic needs and to accommodate additional requests made by the patient,\" said Stacie Newton, spokesperson for University Hospital in Newark.", "\n\nWould policy discourage health workers?", "\n\nHickox said she worries that her experience will discourage other aid workers from going to West Africa to help quell the Ebola outbreak.", "\n\nHe said he's afraid some returning healthcare workers will skirt the system and end up not being monitored\n\n\"You might have some renegade workers flying into Toronto and then driving home and so they're not on anyone's radar,\" he said. \"", "If quarantines push people away from transparent, friendly, respectful, dialogue with public health workers, that may increase the risk back home.\"", "\n\nHickox said she would welcome Christie to visit her in the hospital.", "\n\n\"Maybe he could tell me what 'obviously ill' means. ", "That would be great,\" she said.", "\n\nShe added that she doesn't regret her trip to help Ebola patients in Africa.", "\n\n\"Someone asked me earlier would I do this again if I knew what would happen, and my answer is categorically yes,\" she said. \"", "I feel incredibly privileged to be able to do this work.\"", "\n\nAfter hearing Hickox's phone interview with Candy Crowley on Sunday, New Jersey Health officials emailed CNN's \"State of the Union\" to refute some of the claims made by Hickox.", "\n\nIn the email, Donna Leusner, communications director for the New Jersey Department of Health, wrote that Hickox did receive reading materials and got computer access.", "\n\nLeusner also wrote that \"the patient was given a copy of the quarantine order on Friday and is receiving regular updated information.\"" ]
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[ "After Gary Johnson failed to get his first-ballot majority by five votes at the Libertarian Party National Convention today, his campaign whips sprang into action. ", "While I thought they might want to aim at the nine voters for Kevin McCormick, who would be cut from the ballot on second round, I learned later that no one seemed to put too much effort into ferreting out these mystery people. ", "I asked around the California delegation, three of whose members voted for the Arizona family man who works in the tech field.", "\n\nNo one reported any other candidate's whips asking around about hidden McCormick voters. ", "I figured since turning them all would win it for Johnson, it would be a goal for the Johnson team. ", "But as a whip for Johnson told me later, they had bigger fish to fry: Marc Feldman's 58 votes.", "\n\nFeldman was one of the first people I ran into moving across the crowded convention hall after the inconclusive first ballot. ", "He stopped mid-dash to tell a McAfee supporter that \"I was officially asked to drop out and support Gary Johnson. ", "I said 'no fucking way!'\" ", "Feldman did not want to tell me who he might recommend his delegates support if and when he was knocked out.", "\n\nFeldman had been relatively anonymous in the whole presidential process, until being given enough token ballots to get into the last presidential debate at the convention itself. ", "Gary Johnson himself, I was told by one of his crew, cast the ballot that got Feldman in.", "\n\nThis may have been a strategic attempt to prevent any of the other not-Johnsons from hitting critical mass by siphoning votes to the hilarious and pugnacious Feldman. ", "Indeed, it might have helped with that. ", "Feldman, an anesthesiologist by profession, charmed the hell of the crowd at the debate with a consistent string of funny quips for every occasion that also delivered hardcore libertarian punch, ending with a remarkably impassioned and strangely quite good rap about the other candidates and libertarian activists in general.", "\n\nEnough people loved him that they tipped their hat respectfully with a first ballot vote, even though almost all of them certainly didn't expect him to win. ", "Feldman himself told me later his plan for victory was to be everyone's second choice, in case no one else was ever a majority's first choice, and that he is ultimately happy enough that Johnson was the victor.", "\n\nSince Feldman support was perceived by the Johnson team as momentary and more of a tribute than a sincere attempt to make him the nominee, they were who the Johnson whips targeted mostly, and with good effect.", "\n\nI ran into John McAfee moving about the perimeter of the convention, cheerful and confident and energetic as he is at his best. ", "He thrust his arms over my shoulder and looked me straight in the eyes, smiling and nodding as if to remind me of the times I expressed doubts about his eventual victory. (", "He was third on the first ballot, with 14 percent, 131 delegates.)", "\n\n\"Now I win,\" he says. \"", "All the things happening in the backrooms all this time is going to play out.\" ", "He reeled off a dizzying and quick set of delegate block flips and support shifts that would upend everything and leave him the last man standing. \"", "I will win this thing.\" (", "McAfee was correct that Feldman's folks would end up going Gary, but wrong that it wouldn't happen until Feldman was officially taken out of contention for coming in last.)", "\n\nMcAfee's version of whipping his delegates? \"", "I tell people to vote from their hearts,\" he says as he headed to the hotel bar with journalist Matt Labash while the other campaigns were scrambling around the delegate benches seeking to improve their fortunes in round two. \"", "Gov. Johnson's supporters are soft,\" he says. ", "But he thinks pulling a single Austin Petersen or Darryl Perry delegate? \"", "Try it. ", "It can't be done.\"", "\n\nMcAfee thinks even McCormick people would \"shoot themselves\" before voting for Johnson. ", "Another campaign operative told me that he heard lots of Johnson votes were from people doing a favor for their state party leaders and now that he didn't win first ballot they'd feel free to vote their conscience. ", "No, the governor was not invincible and indeed it was conventional wisdom among many of his opponents' campaigns that if he couldn't pull it off in round one, he never would. ", "It didn't turn out that way.", "\n\nAre you and Petersen going to ally in some way to bring down Johnson, I ask McAfee?", "\n\n\"Why do you think we hug onstage? ", "Why do I call him son and he calls me father?\" ", "But he will not specify who would hand over support to who in such a possible alliance.", "\n\nAustin Petersen, who came in second on the first ballot with 21 percent, 197 delegates, was visibly tense and angry when I found him at his Missouri delegation table before he hustled off to whip delegates, saying he would try to forge some sort of anti-Johnson coalition.", "\n\nMore importantly, he thought not-Johnsons needed to unite to make sure that William Weld, who Petersen later called a \"horrifying statist,\" did not get the vice presidential nod. ", "He wanted a unity ticket with Johnson, if he won, to include Alicia Dearn, a St. Louis lawyer, as vice president. (", "Dearn had done ballot access suit work for Gary Johnson's 2012 campaign, and eventually wrote off the hanging debt owed her for her services.)", "\n\nI find Johnson being interviewed by a TV crew. ", "In his best bemused shrugging style, he says that, well, maybe his particular politics never fit just right in any particular current party scene, maybe not even this one, though he also says he does believe and always thought of himself and Weld as libertarians. \"", "Hey, it's a contest, lighten up everyone!\" ", "he says in a general attempt to lighten the tense, shouty mood on the convention floor between ballots.", "\n\nPetersen grabbed Johnson from a press scrum outside shortly thereafter. ", "He hadn't heard and didn't seem prepared to heed Johnson's call for lightening up.", "\n\nPetersen, voice and posture tense, asked Johnson if he really wanted to unify the party? ", "If he did, how could he try to push William Weld on them? ", "Johnson seemed from my perspective to just march away from Petersen, though other reporters heard him tell Petersen that this just wasn't the place for this discussion. (", "It was in front of dozens of cameras.)", "\n\nAsked if he could consider going for vice president himself, Petersen, with a background in musical theater, adopted his best noble Roman pose and demeanor and said no, he just could not do that. ", "He lamented that the Johnson campaign had all along ignored calls to put his army of freedom ninjas at Johnson's disposal, and felt \"always pushed away\" by Johnson. \"", "I'm in this for principle,\" he says, and thus cannot be swayed by any argument Weld will bring in money or media attention. \"", "Johnson is a good guy,\" Petersen says, but he cannot tolerate Weld for vice president.", "\n\nDarryl Perry, the hardcore anarchist who came in fourth with 6.8 percent (63 delegates), told me that if and when he was squeezed out, he would (as McAfee had just told me) recommend his delegates go for the antivirus software developer, and if it got down to Johnson vs. Petersen he would hope true Perry supporters would just vote \"none of the above.\"", "\n\nThe Johnson whip machine, however, did its job too well. ", "They were able to mass texts to their known delegates and had crowds working the floor for face-to-face conversion of people not already their delegates, and brought it home, on the second ballot, with over 55 percent.", "\n\n\"I feel relieved, you have no idea,\" McAfee said. \"", "I was hoping Austin would win, all I ever wanted was a non-Johnson, but we eat what we have to eat and do what we have to do.\" ", "McAfee and his vice presidential candidate Judd Weiss both say they intend to continue their \"Vote Different\" campaign to rebrand and apply the best modern communications tech to the libertarian movement, focusing in the party on potentially winnable local races." ]
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[ "Aidy Boothroyd was once, somewhat tongue in cheek, described as a football genius. ", "Putting this as a search in Google brings up a YouTube clip of the same name.", "The video itself is of an infamous scuffle between Boothroyd and Crystal Palace defender Fitz Hall during the Play Off Semi Final in 2006 which was more comedy than genius. ", "Nevertheless, it came at a time when Boothroyd was seen as a footballing miracle worker, lifting an unfancied Watford team into the Premier League despite lacking the funds of many of the other teams in the league, and himself being one of the youngest managers in the league. ", "Since the heights of 2006, the trend in Boothroyd’s career seems to be generally downward, until his return from the depths in 2014 to become England under 20’s coach, in a move seen by many as nepotistic by critics, with Boothroyd previously working closely with the FA’s Technical Director, Dan Ashworth.", "\n\nHad the England appointment been made around the time of his wonder years at Watford, it may well have been welcomed as forward thinking. ", "The Yorkshireman was appointed at Watford late in the 2004-5 season, replacing the current England coach Ray Lewington, and was virtually unheard of outside of any clubs at which he’d played or coached. ", "With the club in danger of relegation into the third tier, fans and pundits alike were baffled by the decision to remove an experienced coach and replace him with someone of so little experience. ", "Nevertheless, the new manager, who gained an early reputation for positivity, kept the Hertfordshire club up, and then targeted promotion for the following season. ", "Even the players were surprised at their manager’s optimism, however they did indeed gain promotion via the Play-Offs, conceding no goals in two games with Palace and the final against Boothroyd’s former club Leeds. ", "An exciting young side had been built, including future England talents in Ben Foster and Ashley Young, emerging American Jay DeMerit, and revitalising the career of Marlon King.", "\n\nThe Premier League was, as Boothroyd was later to acknowledge, a much bigger challenge, and it is here that things started to unravel. ", "Critics of the style of play became louder, and questioning began on the quality of some of Boothroyd’s signings. ", "There were also apparent fall outs with players, coaches and directors, and there was talk that the Watford manager’s positivity was turning into arrogance. ", "Following the inevitable relegation, Watford started the Championship season as pace setters and at one stage were 12 points clear at the top of the table, but they lost form badly and finished the season limping into sixth place and the Play-Offs, before being hammered over two legs by eventual winners Hull City. ", "Boothroyd had shelled out a club record fee to bring striker Nathan Ellington to the club, however the player became a financial burden with little contribution on the pitch. ", "Boothroyd in a more recent interview claimed that many at the club lost their desire, becoming “fat and happy”, and Ellington was the epitome of the problem. ", "With the club in financial trouble following excessive spending by the manager on players and staff, the cut backs began, and Boothroyd survived only until the following November.", "\n\nHaving been interviewed for several managerial positions, Aidy Boothroyd finally returned to football nearly a year later at League One Colchester United, who had recently seen their manager Paul Lambert jump ship to rivals Norwich City. ", "Despite early promise and a top six position, poor form saw Boothroyd’s side finish eighth. ", "With the manager promising to make changes to the squad, it was him who was one of the first out the door with the offer to move back to familiar Championship territory with Coventry City. ", "After another promising start, including a fight back to earn a 2-2 draw at Watford, where he was given a huge ovation from the home support, a poor run of form saw him sacked the following March. ", "Boothroyd’s latest club managerial role started the following November, as he took the reins at Northampton Town, who were at the foot of the Football League. ", "Boothroyd guided the club to safety, then led them to the Play-Offs the following season where they lost in the final to Bradford City. ", "The following season was back to a struggle, and the manager was sacked just before Christmas with the club again at the bottom of the Football League. ", "The man touted as a future England manager had seen his reputation crumble in seven years.", "\n\nFree Content: Coach Your Team to Press Effectively Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and receive essential Out of Possession practises. ", "View our Privacy Policy Thanks! ", "Please check your email to confirm your request and get instant access.", "\n\nThere seems to be a fair split of opinion on the coaching abilities of Aidy Boothroyd. ", "I remember my FA Level II coaching course, our tutor asked us to name our coaching influences. ", "A lad on the course who had played in Peterborough United’s youth set up named Boothroyd, with the tutor acknowledging that the former Leeds United coach’s sessions were “a different class”. ", "Several players coached or managed by Boothroyd have backed this up, with his infectious enthusiasm contributing to an enjoyable environment. ", "Others have labelled him as one dimensional, with his use of a direct playing style at the clubs at which he’s managed. ", "Boothroyd has since stated that he simply uses the tactics which bring the best out of the players. ", "While once irritated by the nickname of “Hoofroyd”, he has embraced the opportunity with England as one where he can grow as a person and as a coach. ", "Having formerly put together the technical programmes for youth set-ups at the likes of Peterborough, Norwich and West Brom, he is excited to be involved with the rebuilding of the England DNA at St George’s Park.", "\n\nI was therefore very keen to see the man in action myself and he was involved in several sessions and seminars at the FA Coaches Club Conference in December 2014. ", "The session I observed was part of the England DNA demonstration of the philosophy when out of possession, where the aim is to regain the ball “intelligently and as early and as efficiently as possible”. ", "England teams should be looking to press, if unable to then to delay, deny and dictate, and finally emergency defending. ", "The England under 20’s head coach put on a session which explored all the elements, and it was his positivity and enthusiasm which came out through the session. ", "He was loud in his praise of everything, and would have quiet chats to bring out any coaching points, usually asking an individual how they could have done things differently, or whether there was anything they felt their team could improve on. ", "He mentioned after the session that he prefers to have a quiet word if everything is generally running smoothly, and will only do the standard “Stop, Stand Still” if everything is all over the place. ", "Boothroyd also encouraged the players to think for themselves, from asking teams to elect a captain in each exercise, making each play accountable for their responsibilities, and getting them to decide tactically how they were going to approach the challenge. ", "Every instruction was clear and delivered with his well known deprecating sense of humour. ", "If there is arrogance about Boothroyd, he certainly doesn’t show it on the pitch.", "\n\nThe session itself started with an warm up exercise involving the use of hands rather than feet. ", "This is a regular method I have observed coaches use to ensure that the players are thinking about things away from the ball – positioning, communication etc… Having moved the warm up on to using the feet, but again questioning them on the decisions they are making, the session moves on to a larger practice where one team looked to play out from the back, while the other team looked to press and win the ball back, focusing on being well organised defensively while also being able to make quick transitions and counter attack quickly. ", "The session then moves on to a couple of 11 v 11 practices, one where a team is defending against a counter attacking team and requiring use of the delay, deny and dictate principles, and then where Boothroyd randomly drops a new football in different areas to test the team’s ability to organise quickly in emergency situations. ", "He encouraged teams to think about defending while attacking, and similarly have attacking thoughts while defending.", "\n\nBoothroyd has moved on from coaching the under 20 age group to now look after the England u19s. ", "He appreciates the reason for the criticism and the perception that his coaching does not produce attractive football and understands that it will time to lose the stigma of being tactically one dimensional. ", "He has also shown slightly more humility in admitting to errors he made in the past, and has shown as head coach of two of England’s younger age groups that not only can he get the results, but also do so with a far more attractive style of play. ", "Although obviously enjoying his role with the national team, he admits he would be keen to return to club management at some point in the future. ", "Will he ever be seen as a football genius again? ", "Only time will tell." ]
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[ "Light-induced nonreciprocity, field invariants, and nonlinear eigenpolarizations.", "\nIt is shown that the magnitude of nonlinear nonreciprocity, self-induced by counterpropagating laser beams, is related to the anisotropic properties of the nonlinear third-order susceptibility (resulting in the light-induced birefringence and gyrotropy) and therefore is sensitive to the mutual arrangement of polarization of both of the beams. ", "The invariants of nonlinear wave equations suggest an existence of mutual eigenarrangements of polarization with different relevant eigennonreciprocities. ", "By using this effect, a nonreciprocal spectroscopy of the anisotropic nonlinear susceptibility may be developed." ]
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[ " + 0 + 0)*(0*c**2 + 0*c**2 + c**4).", "\n3*c**5 - 2*c**4 + c**2 + 7\nExpand (32 - 61 + 27)*(-3*n - 2 - 3*n - n).", "\n14*n + 4\nExpand (-3*t + 9*t - 17*t)*(-6*t**3 + 3*t**3 + 0*t**3)*(-1 + 1 - t) + 9*t**5 + 0*t**2 + 0*t**2.", "\n-24*t**5\nExpand -7*f + 0*f - 3*f + (-2*f + 0*f + f)*(6 - 6 - 3).", "\n-7*f\nExpand (-24 - w + 6*w - 4*w)*(-w**2 + 0 + 0).", "\n-w**3 + 24*w**2\nExpand ((z + 2*z + 0*z)*(1 - z - 1) - 3*z**2 - 2*z**2 + 3*z**2)*(-6*z + 3*z - 2*z)*(-1 + 4 - 1) + 3*z**3 - z**3 - 3*z**3.", "\n49*z**3\nExpand (-2*u + 3*u - 2*u)*((-3 - 10 - 8)*(0 + 0 - 2) + 1 + 2 - 1) - u + 4*u + 3*u.", "\n-38*u\nExpand ((-a + a + 2*a)*(0*a + 2*a - 3*a) - 950*a**2 - 4430 + 4430)*(-a + 2*a**3 + a).", "\n-1904*a**5\nExpand (-z - 2*z + 2*z)*(0 + 0 + 2*z**2) + (-7*z**2 - 3 + 3)*(4 - 3 + 0)*(-5 + 4 + 4*z + 0*z).", "\n-30*z**3 + 7*z**2\nExpand (2*t**2 + 2*t**5 - 2*t**2)*(25 - 6 + 60).", "\n158*t**5\nExpand -2*f**2 + f**2 - f**2 + ((24 + 10 + 11)*(0 + 2 + 0) + 3 - 3 + 1)*(5 - 2 - 5 - 2*f**2).", "\n-184*f**2 - 182\nExpand (4*o - 3*o + 0*o)*(6113*o**2 - 27 - 6113*o**2 - 4*o**3).", "\n-4*o**4 - 27*o\nExpand (-1 - 7 - 5)*(47*x - 20 + 20).", "\n-611*x\nExpand (-y**3 + 4*y - 4*y + (y - y - 2*y**2)*(2 - 2 - y) - 38*y**3 - 80*y**3 + y**3)*(-1 + 2 + 7).", "\n-928*y**3\nExpand ((l - l**2 - l)*(-10 + 23 + 22) - 3*l**2 + 0*l**2 + 5*l**2)*(-1 + l**2 + 1).", "\n-33*l**4\nExpand (2 + 1 - 4)*(10*k + k - 2*k + (2 + 1 - 1)*(3*k + 2*k - 2*k)).", "\n-15*k\nExpand (-2 + 3 - 3 + 2*g**2)*(4 - 2 - 3 + (-3 - 2 + 2)*(0 - 3 + 2) + 1 - 3 + 1).", "\n2*g**2 - 2\nExpand (28 - 28 - 4*p)*(-1 + 1 - p) + (-p + 2*p + 2*p)*(5*p - 4*p - 3*p).", "\n-2*p**2\nExpand (-13 + 4 - 7)*(-4 - 3 - 3)*(3*m + 2*m**2 - 3*m).", "\n320*m**2\nExpand (2 - 5*q**4 - 2)*(0 - 2 + 1)*((0 - 5 + 4)*(1 - 2 + 3) - 2 + 0 - 4).", "\n-40*q**4\nExpand (h + 3*h - 6*h)*(2*h + 4*h - 5*h)*(-395*h**2 + 395*h**2 - 57*h**3).", "\n114*h**5\nExpand (-2*i**2 + 2*i**4 + 2*i**2)*(-178*i - 452*i + 2451*i + 5203*i + 796*i).", "\n15640*i**5\nExpand 0*q**2 + 0*q**2 - q**2 + (15 - q - 15 - 4 + 4 + 2*q + (4*q - q - 2*q)*(2 + 3 - 3) + 0*q - 5*q + 0*q)*(q + 3*q - 2*q).", "\n-5*q**2\nExpand (-c + 4*c - 5*c)*(0*c + 0*c - 5*c**4) - c + c + 3*c**5 - c**5 + c - c + (0 + 0 + c)*(0*c**4 + 4*c**4 + 0*c**4) + c**5 - 4*c**5 + 2*c**5.", "\n15*c**5\nExpand (15 - 25 + 4 + 4*l)*(-2*l**3 + 15*l - 15*l).", "\n-8*l**4 + 12*l**3\nExpand (1 + 1 + 0)*(2*t - 2*t + t) + 3*t - 113*t - 27*t.", "\n-135*t\nExpand ((2 + 0 - 3)*(-w + 18 - 18) - 2 + 2 + 2*w + (3 + w - 3)*(1 + 1 + 0) + w - 3*w + 4*w)*(0*w + 0*w - w).", "\n-7*w**2\nExpand 2*w**2 + w**3 - 2*w**2 + (w**2 - w**2 - 3*w**2)*((4 - 3 - 3)*(0*w + w - 3*w) + (w + 2*w - 5*w)*(2 - 3 - 1) - 2*w - 1 + 7*w - 1).", "\n-38*w**3 + 6*w**2\nExpand -2*q**5 - 3*q + 3*q + (q + q + 0*q)*(-2 + 2*q**4 + 2) + 3*q**5 + 4*q**2 - 4*q**2 + q**5 - q**5 - 4*q**5 + q**4 + 2*q**5 - q**4 + 26 - 19 - q**5 + 3*q**5.", "\n5*q**5 + 7\nExpand -2*o**2 - 1 + 1 + (3*o + o - o)*(2*o + 2*o + 2*o) + 3*o**2 + o**2 - 6*o**2.", "\n14*o**2\nExpand (0 - 4 + 5)*(5 - 5 - 8*g**2) - g - 3*g**2 + g + g - g**2 - g + (-4 - g + 4)*(0*g + 2*g - 4*g) + 2*g + g**2 - 2*g.", "\n-9*g**2\nExpand (3*i + 2*i - 4*i)*((2 - 1 - 2 + (2 - 6 + 3)*(-1 + 1 + 3))*(-5*i**2 - 15*i**2 - 5*i**2) - 3*i**2 + 4*i**2 + 2*i**2).", "\n103*i**3\nExpand 3 - 3 - 3*w + (-2*w + w - w)*(1 + 4 - 4)*(1 - 2 + 3).", "\n-7*w\nExpand (-c**2 + c**2 + c**4)*(-3 - 2 + 3) - 6*c**4 - 8*c**4 + 4*c**4 + c - 2*c**4 - c - 2.", "\n-14*c**4 - 2\nExpand ((2*a - a - 2*a)*(2 - 6 + 2) + 2*a + 3 - 3 + 2*a + 1 - 1 - 3*a + a + a + 196 + 24*a - 196)*(0*a**3 + 2*a**3 + a**3).", "\n87*a**4\nExpand (1 + 0 + 1)*(i + 0*i + i) + 468*i - 76*i - 14 + 14 + 4*i + 0*i - 2*i.", "\n398*i\nExpand -3 + f**4 + 3 + (0*f**3 - 4*f**3 + 2*f**3)*(2*f + 2*f - 5*f) + f**4 - 3*f + 3*f + 3*f**4 - 2*f**4 + f**4 - 1525*f**4 + 3051*f**4 + f**3 - 1524*f**4.", "\n8*f**4 + f**3\nExpand (b - b + 2*b**3)*(0 - 1 - 2 + (1 - 4 + 1)*(3 + 0 + 1) + (0 - 3 - 1)*(4 - 3 - 2) - 1 + 1 + 2).", "\n-10*b**3\nExpand (39 - 13 - 79)*(-34*a**2 - 8*a**3 + 34*a**2).", "\n424*a**3\nExpand ((4*s + 3*s - 5*s)*(3 - 3 + 2*s) + 17*s**2 - 23*s**2 + 15*s**2)*(-4 + 1 - 1).", "\n-52*s**2\nExpand (-2*d + 0*d + 2*d**2 + d)*(0*d**2 + 3*d**2 - d**2 - 3*d**2 + 0*d**2 + 2*d**2 + 3 - 3 - d**2 + (-d + 0*d - d)*(-d + 0*d - 12*d)).", "\n52*d**4 - 26*d**3\nExpand (-73 + 93 - 53)*(43 + 2*z**2 - 43).", "\n-66*z**2\nExpand (-o**4 + 5*o**4 + 0*o**4)*(5*o - 20*o - 7*o) - 114 + 114 - 10*o**5.", "\n-98*o**5\nExpand 7831 - 494*y**2 - 7831 + y**2 + y**2 - y**2 + 0*y**2 - 3*y**2 + 4*y**2 + (-y - y + y)*(-y + 0 + 0).", "\n-491*y**2\nExpand (-a + 0*a + 0*a - 3*a + 5*a - 3*a + 0 - a + 0 + 2*a + 2*a - 5*a + (4*a + 0*a - 5*a)*(2 - 2 - 2) + a + 0*a + a + 3*a + a - 2*a)*(-4*a + 0*a + 5*a).", "\n2*a**2\nExpand 146 - 86*g**4 + 146 - 294 + (-g + g + 2*g)*(-2 + 2 + g**3).", "\n-84*g**4 - 2\nExpand (-3 - 4 + 7 - 26)*(60*q**3 - 60*q**3 - 43*q**5).", "\n1118*q**5\nExpand (1 - 2 - 1)*(49*y - 2 + 94*y + 148*y).", "\n-582*y + 4\nExpand -7 - 13*a**3 + 7 + (-1 + 3 + 1)*(5*a**2 - 5*a**2 + a**3) + a**3 + 0*a + 0*a.", "\n-9*a**3\nExpand (-28 + 0 - 31)*(-q - q + 3*q)*(-2*q + 3*q - 3*q + (5*q - 5*q + 2*q)*(1 - 5 + 2) - 4*q + 3*q + 3*q - q + 7*q - 3*q).", "\n59*q**2\nExpand 16*z - 2 - 6*z - 2279*z**2 + 2278*z**2 + 2*z**2 - 2*z**2 + z**2 + (3*z - 4*z + 3*z)*(-2 + 2*z + 2).", "\n4*z**2 + 10*z - 2\nExpand (-3 + 3 + 2*o)*(-4*o + 2*o + 3*o)*(-1 - 1 + 1 + (-3 + 1 + 3)*(3 + 1 - 2) + 1 - 3 + 0 + (-1 + 2 + 0)*(-9 + 0 + 1)).", "\n-18*o**2\nExpand (-2*c**2 + 2*c**2 + 5*c**3)*(26 + 34*c**2 - 26).", "\n170*c**5\nExpand (4 + 2*g - 8 - g)*(-4*g**3 + 9*g**3 + 3*g**3).", "\n8*g**4 - 32*g**3\nExpand (-9*t + 2*t + t)*(30*t**2 + 30*t**2 + 12*t**2)*(1 + 1 - 1).", "\n-432*t**3\nExpand -33*x - 15 - 26*x + 62*x - x - 11*x - 2 + 14*x + 4*x - 3*x + 0*x + (-2 + 0 + 4)*(x + 3 - 3).", "\n8*x - 17\nExpand (-2 - 2 + 5)*(-4*q**2 + 3*q**2 + 2*q**2)*(-3 - 3 + 5) - 2*q + q**2 + 10*q**2 - 7*q**2.", "\n3*q**2 - 2*q\nExpand (70 - 148 - 469)*(-3*z - 3 + 3).", "\n1641*z\nExpand (-3 + 3*n**2 + 3)*(4*n**2 + 1 + 0 + 0 - 2*n).", "\n12*n**4 - 6*n**3 + 3*n**2\nExpand -p**5 - p**5 + 0*p**5 + 5*p**4 - 5*p**4 - p**5 + (3*p**4 + p**4 - 2*p**4)*(0*p - p + 3*p) - 267740*p + 267740*p + 39*p**5 - 9.", "\n40*p**5 - 9\nExpand (-r**2 - 6*r + 6*r)*(2*r + r - r)*(-5 + 1 - 4)*(1 + 2 - 1).", "\n32*r**3\nExpand (9*m**3 - 9*m**3 + 22*m**3)*((3*m + 2*m - 2*m)*(2 - 4 - 1) + 3*m + 4*m - 5*m).", "\n-154*m**4\nExpand (4 - 4 + 2*h)*(-20 + 42 - 16).", "\n12*h\nExpand (4*v - 4*v + v**4)*(-3 + 5 - 1) - 5*v**4 - 4*v**4 - 14*v**4 + (4*v - 2*v + 0*v)*(v**3 + 3*v**3 - 3*v**3).", "\n-20*v**4\nExpand (3 - 2*h**3 - 4 + 10*h**2 - 12*h**2)*(0*h + 2*h - h + (131 + 2 - 16)*(0*h + 4*h - 3*h)).", "\n-236*h**4 - 236*h**3 - 118*h\nExpand (166 - 166 + 84*q)*(-4 + 4 + 2) - 1 + 1 + q - 2 + 2 - 5*q.", "\n164*q\nExpand 12*o - 12*o + 11*o**5 + 2*o**5 + 0*o**5 - 3*o**5 + (-2*o**3 - 2*o**3 + 2*o**3)*(-o**2 + 0*o**2 + 2*o**2) - o**5 + 2*o**5 - 2*o**5.", "\n7*o**5\nExpand (-4*s - 17 + 504*s**2 - 245*s**2 - 252*s**2)*(s**3 - 5*s + 5*s).", "\n7*s**5 - 4*s**4 - 17*s**3\nExpand 1 - 2*g**2 - 1 + (-1 - 2*g + 1)*(g - 2*g - 2*g) + 0 - g**2 + 0 - 47 + 20 - 58*g**2 + 27.", "\n-55*g**2\nExpand (-1 + 1 - 2)*(27 - 3*m - 27) + 2*m - m + 0*m - 3*m + m + 3*m + (-2 - 2*m + 2)*(0 - 5 + 3) - 1 - m + 1.", "\n11*m\nExpand -168*b**2 - 193*b**2 - 650*b**2 + b - 2*b**2 - b + (-2*b + 4*b + 0*b)*(-1 + 1 - b).", "\n-1015*b**2\nExpand -f - 3*f + 5*f + (0 + 0 + 4*f)*(3 + 1 + 3).", "\n29*f\nExpand 0 + a**2 + 2 + 14*a**5 + 216*a**5 + (4*a**4 - a**4 - 4*a**4)*(3*a - a - a).", "\n229*a**5 + a**2 + 2\nExpand (-5*x + x + 3*x)*(-5*x**2 + 4 - 4) - 2*x**3 + x**3 + 0*x**3 + (0*x + 2*x**3 + 0*x)*(-2 - 2 + 6) + x**3 + 0*x**3 - 3*x**3.", "\n6*x**3\nExpand ((0 + 0 - 3)*(5 + 3*q - 5) - 2*q + q - 3*q + 0*q + 3*q + q)*(-3 - 2 + 3)*(-4 + 2 + 1)*(-1 - 2 + 2).", "\n18*q\nExpand 0 + 0 + 5*b**2 + (-27*b - 50 + 50)*(-1 - 2*b + 1).", "\n59*b**2\nExpand (-2*b - b + 2*b)*(428*b - 424*b + 2*b**2 - 23 + 4*b**2).", "\n-6*b**3 - 4*b**2 + 23*b\nExpand ((-1 + 0 + 2)*(-1 + 1 - 2*a) + (9 - 3 - 2)*(28*a + 970 - 970))*(-3 + 0 + 2) + 4*a + 0*a - 2*a + (3*a - 5*a + 3*a)*(2 + 0 - 3) + 0 + 0 + a.\n-108*a\nExpand (40*a - 52*a + 25*a)*(-5 + 5 - 4*a**2).", "\n-52*a**3\nExpand -4*p**2 + p**2 + p**2 + (-p + 4*p + 0*p)*(-p - 2 + 2) - 5*p**2 + 4*p**2 + 0*p**2 + (158 + 4*p - 158)*(2*p - 2*p - 3*p).", "\n-18*p**2\nExpand (-313*z**2 + 12*z - 1 - 6*z - 4*z)*(0 + 4 - 3).", "\n-313*z**2 + 2*z - 1\nExpand -3*s - 2*s + 2*s + (2 + 3 - 4)*(7 - 1 - 2)*(3*s - 6*s + 17*s).", "\n53*s\nExpand 30*x**3 - 118*x**3 - 41*x**3 + (2*x**3 - 2*x**3 + 2*x**3)*(-5 + 2 - 3).", "\n-141*x**3\nExpand (-24 - 1 - 50)*(-3*w + 3*w - w**2).", "\n75*w**2\nExpand (5 + 16 - 680)*(2*a**2 - 2*a**2 + a**3).", "\n-659*a**3\nExpand (0*n + n +" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004464285714285714, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nPHP link to profile page. ?", "id=\n\nQuick question. ", "I'm doing this project for college. ", "I'm learning php so please take it easy on me. ", "\nI need to create a dynamic link to a profile page. ", "i.e website.php?id=70 Then I need to use $_Get['id'] and display relative information about that page. ", "\nI can't figure out what is wrong. ", "There is no output if I use following code. ", "\nwebsite.php page where the outcome is. ", "Code in foreach loop is for testing purposes. ", "This page is another file that other pages link to. ", "Basically on this page is where I display information about that website. ", "\n <?", "php\n require_once ('functions/sanitize.php');\n require_once('core/init.php');\n include('includes/header.php');\n require_once('classes/Websites.php');\n\n if(!$id = Input::get('id')){\n Redirect::to('index.php');\n } else {\n $websites = DB::getInstance()->get('website', array('id', '=', '{$id}'));\n }\n\n?", ">\n\n <?", "php\n\n foreach ($websites as $website){\n echo '<div class=\"web-gallery margin-30 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12\">';\n echo '<img class=\"sepImg\" src=\"web-images/screenshots/' . ", "escape($website->img) . '\" ", "alt=\"' . ", "escape($website->web_name) . '\"", ">';\n echo '<div class=\"web-buttons\">';\n echo '<a href=\"#\"><div class=\"web-love\"><img src=\"css/img/web-link.png\" alt=\"web link\"></div></a>';\n echo '</div>';\n echo '<div class=\"text-wrapper\">';\n echo '<h4 class=\"text-center\"><strong><a href=\"website.php?id=' . ", "escape($website->id) . '\"", ">' . ", "escape($website->web_name) . '", "</a></strong></h4>';\n echo '<h5 class=\"text-center\"> Website Designed By: <strong>' . ", "escape($website->designer) . '", "</strong></h5>';\n echo '<p class=\"text-center padding-text\">' . ", "escape($website->description) . '", "</p>';\n echo '</div>';\n echo '</div>';\n }\n\n ?", ">\n\nA:\n\n'{$id}' this will never get parsed (it will simply output the string: '{$id}' instead of '70' for example) because of the single quotes thus you won't be getting any results selected. ", "Double quotes are hused to parse variable inside them, However, since you're using integers, you can drop the quotes and (just to be safe), use (int) $id: \n$websites = DB::getInstance()->get('website', array('id', '=', (int) $id));\n\n" ]
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[ "Health care utilization, costs, and readmission rates associated with hyponatremia.", "\nHyponatremia is associated with higher morbidity and mortality rates among hospitalized patients. ", "Our study evaluated health care utilization and associated costs of patients hospitalized with a primary diagnosis of hyponatremia. ", "Hospitalized patients with a primary discharge diagnosis of hyponatremia (aged ≥ 18 years) were identified from the Premier Perspective™ database (January 1, 2007-March 31, 2010) and matched to non-hyponatremic (non-HN) patients using a combination of exact patient characteristic matching and propensity score matching. ", "Univariate and multivariate statistics were used to compare hospital resource usage, costs, and 30-day readmission rates between cohorts. ", "Hospital length of stay (LOS) (± standard deviation) (3.78 ± 3.19 vs 3.54 ± 3.26 days; P < 0.001) and cost ($5396 ± $6500 vs $4979 ± $6152; P < 0.001 for the hyponatremic [HN] and non-HN patient cohorts, respectively) were greater for the HN cohort, but intensive care unit (ICU) costs ($3554 ± $6463 vs $3484 ± $8510; P = 0.828) and ICU LOS (2.37 ± 3.47 vs 2.52 ± 3.87; P = 0.345) did not differ between cohorts. ", "The ICU admission rate (7.9% vs 4.4%; P < 0.001), as well as the 30-day readmission rate (12.1% vs 2.9%; P < 0.001) were greater for the HN cohort. ", "After adjustment for key patient characteristics, hyponatremia was associated with a 7.6% increase in hospital LOS, an 8.9% increase in hospital costs, and a 9% increase in ICU costs. ", "Hyponatremia was associated with an increased risk of ICU admission (odds ratio, 1.89, confidence limits, 1.72, 2.07; P < 0.001) and 30-day hospital readmission for hyponatremia (odds ratio, 4.76; confidence limits, 4.31, 5.26; P < 0.001). ", "Compared with non-HN patients, patients with a primary diagnosis of hyponatremia use a greater amount of hospital resources and represent a challenge to hospital profitability due to the increased likelihood of 30-day readmission." ]
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[ "Gridded inventories of historical usage for selected organochlorine pesticides in Gansu Province, China.", "\nHCHs and DDTs were banned in 1983 in China; however, they are still remaining in various environmental media. ", "Since endosulfan was introduced in China in 1994, it is widely used in agriculture. ", "In this study, temporal and spatial uses of endosulfan, HCHs, and DDTs in Gansu province of China have been presented. ", "It is estimated that the total usage is 701 tons for endosulfan between 1994 and 2007, 1,712 tons for HCHs between 1952 and 1983, and 462 tons for DDTs between 1951 and 1983, respectively. ", "Endosulfan usage increased dramatically in 1998 due to its application on other crops except on cotton. ", "The HCH and DDT usage displayed a rapid increase after 1972, reaching the peak in 1976 and in 1975, respectively; since then, they declined until being banned in 1983. ", "The gridded usage inventories of these three kinds of organochlorine pesticides in Gansu province, with a 1/4° longitude by 1/6° latitude resolution, have been created by using different crops for endosulfan and the area of dry farmland for HCHs and DDTs as surrogate data. ", "The most intensive use was in northwestern regions for endosulfan and southeastern regions for HCHs and DDTs in Gansu province." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.018018018018018018, 0, 0.01680672268907563, 0.005291005291005291, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0.0036496350364963502, 0.007874015748031496 ]
[ "David Bennett\n\nDavid Bennett may refer to:\n\nPolitics and law\n David Bennett (barrister) (born 1941), Australian barrister and former Solicitor-General of Australia\n David Bennett (New Zealand politician) (born 1970), Member of the New Zealand House of Representatives since 2005\n David S. Bennett (1811–1894), U.S. Representative from New York\n David Bennett (Rhode Island politician) (born 1955), member of the Rhode Island House of Representatives\n\nSports\n David Bennett (American football) (born 1961), American football coach\n Dave Bennett (footballer, born 1938), Scottish footballer\n Dave Bennett (footballer, born 1939) (1939–2009), English footballer\n Dave Bennett (footballer, born 1959), English footballer\n Dave Bennett (footballer, born 1960), English footballer\n Dave Bennett (baseball) (born 1945), Major League pitcher\n Dave Bennett (hurler) (born 1976), Irish hurler\n\nOther\n David Bennett (consultant) (born 1955), British civil servant\n David Bennett (musician) (1823–1902), Canadian musician\n David Bennett (opera director) (born c. 1963), American opera director\n Dave Bennett (software) (born 1965), chief technology officer, Axway\n Avie Bennett (David Bennett, 1928–2017), Canadian businessman and philanthropist\n David Bennet, 4th Baronet (died 1741), of the Bennet baronets\n David \"Pinkfish\" Bennett, lead developer of Discworld MUD\n David Michael Bennett (born 1986), guitarist for Steam Powered Giraffe\n\nSee also\n Bennett (disambiguation)" ]
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[ "Massimo Ceccaroni\n\nMassimo Ceccaroni (born 15 August 1968 in Basel) is a retired Swiss-Italian footballer who played as a defender or midfielder. ", "He played for FC Basel for very nearly his entire career. ", "He is now a trainer at amateur club BSC Old Boys. ", "His brother, Stefano, also played for Basel.", "\n\nCeccaroni grew up in Saint Johann. ", "In 1977, he joined FC Basel's youth squad and eventually broke into the first team in 1987. ", "The finest moments of his career were winning the Nationalliga B in 1994 and the Nationalliga A in 2002, Basel's first title in 22 years.", "\n\nHe is considered a cult figure in Basel, mainly because he stayed loyal to the club for 25 years but also because he never scored a goal.", "\n\nFC Basel did not renew his contract in 2002 so he joined amateur side SC Dornach. ", "After his retirement in 2003 he joined BSC Old Boys as manager where he remained until 2012. ", "In 2012, he took over as technical director of Basel's youth department.", "\n\nReferences\nhttp://www.footballworldsgame.com/football-database/player/massimo-ceccaroni-81543/\n\nCategory:FC Basel players\nCategory:1968 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Association football defenders\nCategory:Swiss footballers\nCategory:Association football utility players\nCategory:Swiss-Italian people\nCategory:Swiss people of Italian descent\nCategory:SC Dornach players" ]
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[ 0.0136986301369863, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0.014598540145985401, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0.010752688172043012, 0.013888888888888888, 0.002638522427440633 ]
[ "UNC OB-GYN climbs two spots in NIH funding to 5th in obstetrics and gynecologyhttp://www.med.unc.edu/obgyn/news/unc-ob-gyn-in-no-5-in-the-nation-among-academic-department-of-obstetrics-and-gynecology\nLast year, UNC OB-GYN was ranked at No. ", "7 in NIH funding among academic departments of obstetrics and gynecology.", "The UNC School of Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology ranks 5th in the nation for National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding to academic departments of obstetrics and gynecology, according to the Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research.", "\n\nUNC OB-GYN received $8,040,649 from the NIH in 2017, climbing two spots from No. ", "7 in 2016.", "\n\n\"This is a tremendous recognition of the fantastic research that is being done here in Chapel Hill,\" said Dr. Daniel Clarke-Pearson, Robert A. Ross Professor and Chair of the department. \"", "Congratulations to all our faculty who are making significant research contributions to women's health.\"", "\n\nThree members of the UNC OB-GYN faculty ranked in the top 25 for individual funding: Dr. Kim Boggess, professor in the Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine; Dr. Ben Chi, professor in the Division of Global Women's Health; and Dr. Jeffrey Stringer, professor and division chief in the Division of Global Women's Health.", "\n\nUNC OB-GYN is also the top-ranked clinical department in the School of Medicine. ", "In total, the School of Medicine was awarded $272,644,942 from the NIH. ", "This sum is more than $4 million more than the school’s NIH total in 2016, when it also ranked 16th overall and sixth among public institutions. ", "Click here to find the breakdown from other departments.", "\n\n]]>No publisherHomeGlobalWomensMFM2018/02/20 09:55:00 GMT-5News Item14244_UUW Logo Vector_crop.pnghttp://www.med.unc.edu/obgyn/global-womens-health/images/14244_UUW%20Logo%20Vector_crop.png/view\nNo publisher2018/02/14 11:11:06 GMT-5Image14244_UUW Logo Vector.pnghttp://www.med.unc.edu/obgyn/global-womens-health/images/14244_UUW%20Logo%20Vector.png/view\nNo publisher2018/02/14 11:00:29 GMT-5ImageOur Training Programshttp://www.med.unc.edu/obgyn/global-womens-health/our-training-programs\nNo publisher2018/02/14 10:21:51 GMT-5FolderSMFM features the work of many UNC OB-GYN faculty and researchers http://www.med.unc.edu/obgyn/news/smfm-features-the-work-of-many-unc-ob-gyn-faculty-and-researchers\nGame-changing news about induction, 28 posters and two oral presentations came from UNC OB-GYN faculty and fellows in attendance at the annual meeting of the Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine.", "The Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine at UNC OB-GYN had a strong showing at the recent Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) Annual Meeting held Jan. 29 – Feb. 3, 2018 in Dallas, TX.", "\n\nThe list of posters, abstracts and presentations, along with their authors are listed here.", "\n\n\"Our division had a strong presence at the SMFM meeting, with two oral scientific presentations and 28 poster presentations,\" said Dr. M. Kathryn Menard, division chief for UNC Maternal-Fetal Medicine. \"", "We are particular proud of the work put forward by our very talented and hardworking fellows.\"", "\n\nThe ARRIVE trial is the work of the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units (MFMU) Network, which is funded by the National Institutes of Health National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. ", "UNC-Chapel Hill is one of 12 network centers that contributed data to the findings.", "\n\nDr. Thorp thanked the research nurses, who he said re the crucial players in all their projects and acknowledged the multicenter nature of the UNC part of the study – UNC was able to partner with Wake Medical Center, Wake Health Department and Greenville Health System in South Carolina.", "\n\n\"This clinical trial demonstrates the that, rather than increasing cesarean risk, induction in the week before a women's due date actually lowered that likelihood,\" he said. \"", "These results will prompt every pregnant women and her clinician to consider induction of her labor in the 39th week of pregnancy.\"", "\n\n]]>No publisherHomeMFM2018/02/13 13:55:00 GMT-5News ItemSMFM 2018http://www.med.unc.edu/obgyn/files/smfm-2018/view\nNo publisher2018/02/13 13:46:59 GMT-5FileTake a (virtual) tour of N.C. Women's Hospitalhttp://www.med.unc.edu/obgyn/news/take-a-virtual-tour-of-n-c-womens-hospital\nThe virtual tour includes 360-degree views of the places prenatal patients and their families are likely to visit.", "UNC Hospitals has released a new virtual tour of N.C. Women's Hospital for women and families who would like to see and familiarize themselves with the hospital before visiting in person, or before delivery. ", "The virtual tour includes 360-degree views with zoom, stop and start functions and high-quality photography.", "\n\nThis state-of-the-art 360-degree virtual tour offers a complete view of six different spaces frequently visited in N.C. Women's Hospital: the lobby, the Women's Health Information Center, the Antepartum Unit, Labor and Delivery, Newborn Critical Care Center and the Postpartum Unit.", "\n\nA brochure about prenatal care and our Maternity Care Center, as well as maps, are also included in the tour.", "\n\n]]>No publisherHomeCNMWPHMFM2018/02/13 11:45:00 GMT-5News ItemNew SAMHSA guidelines draw from UNC Horizons' expertisehttp://www.med.unc.edu/obgyn/news/new-samhsa-guidelines-draw-from-unc-horizons-expertise\nHorizons Executive Director Dr. Hendrée Jones helped lead the three-year process of developing the guide. ", "UNC Horizons Program extended the national reach of their evidence-based model last week when the Substance and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) announced the release of its official guide for treating pregnant and parenting women with opioid use disorder.", "\n\nDr. Hendrée Jones, executive director of Horizons and a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the UNC School of Medicine, helped lead the three-year process of developing the guide. ", "The research and expertise offered by the Horizons treatment model, which includes treatment for both mother and child, are central to the guide, as are the voices of Horizons patients proudly sharing their successes in the program.", "\n\n\"This document is the first SAMHSA document to include women and children guidance in a single guide,\" said Dr. Jones. \"", "Such work represents the leadership Horizons provides to the field.\"", "\n\nBy offering the guide at no cost, SAMHSA can ensure it is widely available for the provider community. ", "Later this year, a live full-day training for Continuing Medical Education will be offered in seven locations, including Chapel Hill.", "\n\nThe UNC Horizons Program is a substance use disorder treatment program for pregnant and/or parenting women and their children, including those whose lives have been touched by abuse and violence. ", "A program of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at UNC-Chapel Hill, Horizons offers a trauma-informed model of care focuses on both the mother and the child to heal the whole family and create systems of hope and renewal.", "\n\nLast year, Horizons provided services to 266 women, including 80 children, and has reached more than 5,000 women since it opened two decades ago.", "\n\n]]>No publisherHorizonsHome2018/02/13 11:30:00 GMT-5News ItemUNC Gynecologic Oncologyhttp://www.med.unc.edu/obgyn/Patient_Care/specialty-services/gynecologic-oncology/images/unc-gynecologic-oncology/view\nNo publisherRawpixel Ltd.partnershipcommunitysocietydiversefemalesmilingcasualwomencome togethergroupcompanionshipladysupportintegrationfellowshipunityindianteamworkinternationalbetter togetherfriendlyfriendbelongingwomandiversityrelationshipenjoymentsocial groupsocializefemininityfriendstogethernesscelebrationholidaywifefriendlinesstogetherafrican descentconnectionfeminismteamglobal communityfriendshipwomen's day2018/02/13 10:55:00 GMT-5ImageHorizons director discusses neonatal abstinence syndrome in NIH videoshttp://www.med.unc.edu/obgyn/news/horizons-director-discusses-neonatal-abstinence-syndrom-in-nih-videos\nNeonatal abstinence syndrome is a group of problems that occur in a newborn who was exposed to addictive substance while in the mother's womb.", "The National Institutes of Health's National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has featured Dr. Hendrée Jones, executive director of UNC Horizons Program and a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the UNC School of Medicine, in a series videos discussing neonatal abstinence syndrome and how to best treat it.", "\n\nIn 2010, Dr. Jones' groundbreaking research that showed that babies born to women with opioid use disorder fare better when their mothers are treated with medication used to treat patients with that disorder – buprenorphine or methadone – than babies whose mothers are not treated at all.", "\n\nIn 2015, Dr. Jones was selected as a NIDA International Program Awards of Excellence winner for her international efforts to advance drug abuse research and training." ]
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[ "Wabasha County Poor House\n\nThe Wabasha County Poor House is a historic poorhouse complex in Wabasha, Minnesota, United States, which was operated by Wabasha County from 1873 to the 1930s. ", " The complex consists of an 1879 hospital, an 1883 residence hall, a barn, and a shed. ", " The property was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1982 for having local significance in the theme of social history. ", " It was nominated as a well-preserved example of the county-run poorhouses established in rural Minnesota in the latter 19th century, a reminder of early governmental efforts to aid the poor and aged before the advent of modern welfare programs.", "\n\nDescription\nThe residence hall is a two-story, L-shaped, brick structure on a limestone foundation. ", " The principal façade is long and the rear wing extends back . ", " Simple decoration along the cornice consists of a slightly corbelled parapet with recessed panels. ", " A portico originally surmounted the main entrance, centrally placed on the main façade, but this was later replaced with an enclosed vestibule and a ramp.", "\n\nImmediately north of the residence hall is the one-story brick hospital. ", " It sits on a footprint. ", " It has brick modillions decorating the eaveline and is topped by a truncated hip roof. ", " A wooden lean-to addition extends to the north.", "\n\nHistory\nIn 1864 the Minnesota Legislature passed a law requiring each of the state's counties to provide a facility to care for their poor and aged residents. ", " Wabasha County initially established its poor farm in 1867 on in Hyde Park Township. ", " However this quickly proved to be too isolated and large to manage efficiently, so the county secured on the outskirts of Wabasha in 1873.", "\n\nThe main building on the property at that time was originally a barn that had been converted to a dance hall. ", " Even though the owner had refitted the building at his own expense before selling it to the county for use as a poorhouse, it and the rest of the existing buildings were not adequate for their new use. ", " These were gradually replaced with new, purpose-built structures, namely the hospital in 1879 and the residence hall in 1883. ", " The latter building contained not only the residents' rooms but a kitchen, a dining room, and quarters for the superintendent.", "\n\nWelfare largely remained the responsibility of county governments and social organizations until the Great Depression of the 1930s, when federal Social Security was introduced. ", " Citizens in local government facilities were not fully eligible for the new benefits, however, so many residents moved out of the poorhouse network. ", " Wabasha County responded by privatizing the poorhouse, leasing it out as a for-profit rest home so residents could remain and collect federal benefits.", "\n\nThe facility closed as a rest home in 1952. ", " It stood vacant for four years, but from 1956 into the 1980s the main building housed a restaurant and residence. ", " The property remains one of the few intact examples of the 64 poorhouse facilities established in Minnesota from 1854 to 1926.", "\n\nSee also\n National Register of Historic Places listings in Wabasha County, Minnesota\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1873 establishments in Minnesota\nCategory:Buildings and structures in Wabasha County, Minnesota\nCategory:Government buildings on the National Register of Historic Places in Minnesota\nCategory:Government buildings completed in 1883\nCategory:Hospital buildings completed in 1879\nCategory:Poor farms\nCategory:Residential buildings on the National Register of Historic Places in Minnesota\nCategory:Wabasha, Minnesota\nCategory:National Register of Historic Places in Wabasha County, Minnesota" ]
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[ "Landomycins\n\nLandomycins are angucycline antibiotics isolated from Streptomyces.", "\n\nReferences \n \n\nCategory:Antibiotics\nCategory:Angucyclines" ]
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[ "MIRCOM GROUP SHINES SPOTLIGHT ON JOEL BARTLETT OF ST. ", "KITTS & NEVIS\n\nThe Mircom Group of Companies https://www.mircom.com is North America’s largest independent designer, manufacturer and distributor of fire life safety, security, building communications and intelligent control solutions. ", "It was founded over 25 years ago and has industry roots dating back to the early 1960’s. ", "Today Mircom has offices in over 25 locations across North & South America, the Middle East and Asia, and serves clients in over 100 countries worldwide\n\nMircom is very proud to highlight the story and achievements of one of its employees, Mr. Joel Bartlett.", "\n\nJOEL BARTLETT\n\nJoel is a native of St. Kitts and has been associated with Mircom since 2008. ", "Joel studied electrical engineering while\n\nin school and has worked for various Canadian and U.S. multinational corporations throughout his career. ", "While with Mircom, Joel has served in a multitude of roles and continues today as one of our primary technical resources with a very broad and deep understanding of our full suite of solutions.", "\n\nIn 2014, when Mircom reached out to Joel and invited him to Canada to train and receive his certification on our brand new Intelligent Building Solutions Portfolio, he quickly answered the call. ", "Joel traveled to Canada for several weeks of in depth sales, service and programming education at our corporate head office in Vaughan, ON. ", "In 2016, after a successful application to the Government of Canada, Joel has been granted an extended stay under a Federally sponsored Work Program as a result of his advanced technical skills and expertise. ", "Since being granted his work permission, Joel has proven to be an instrumental part of the success of our new “smart building solutions platform”https://www.mircom.com/smart-living. ", "Joel has been involved in several very high profile projects such as Expo Cityhttp://expocity.ca in the Vaughan Metropolitan Center https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3uO9eU8SwI and at One Bloor http://www.onebloor.com , one of the tallest condominium towers in all of Canada. ", "Joel is one of our first fully trained and certified experts in our new IBS solutions and will be part of the effort to expand this product offering from Canada to the U.S.A and beyond.", "\n\nJoel has a very bright future with Mircom and will continue to play a vital role for us as we grow our products, services and market share worldwide. ", "We are proud to have Joel on our team and St. Kitts & Nevis should also be proud of the success and achievements of one of its own citizens." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to update sqlite listview item from adapter?", "\n\nI have ListView with ImageButton,\nwhen I click the ImageButton, I want to update the field of the item.", "\nhere is my adapter bindView\n@Override\n public void bindView(View view, Context context, Cursor cursor) {\n // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n TextView txtTitle = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.title);\n TextView txtArtist = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.artist);\n TextView txtVolume = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.volume);\n TextView txtNumber = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.number);\n\n ImageButton buttonHeart = (ImageButton) view.findViewById(R.id.heart);\n\n final int _id = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(\"_id\"));\n String title = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(\"title\"));\n String artist = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(\"artist\"));\n String volume = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(\"volume\"));\n final String favorite = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(\"favorite\"));\n String number = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(\"number\"));\n\n // Populate fields with extracted properties\n txtTitle.setText(title);\n txtArtist.setText(artist);\n txtVolume.setText(volume);\n txtNumber.setText(number);\n\n if(favorite==null) {\n buttonHeart.setImageResource(R.drawable.heart);\n }else if(favorite.matches(\"1\")){\n buttonHeart.setImageResource(R.drawable.heartred);\n }\n\n buttonHeart.setOnClickListener(new View.", "OnClickListener() {\n @Override\n public void onClick(View arg0) {\n if (arg0 !", "= null) {\n //UPDATE QUERY HERE\n }\n }\n });\n\n }\n\nand here is my DbAdapter\npackage com.magicstarme.virtualsongbook;\n\nimport android.content.", "ContentValues;\nimport android.content.", "Context;\nimport android.database.", "Cursor;\nimport android.database.", "SQLException;\nimport android.database.sqlite.", "SQLiteDatabase;\nimport android.database.sqlite.", "SQLiteOpenHelper;\nimport android.util.", "Log;\n\n/**\n * Created by Joe on 7/7/2016.", "\n */\npublic class FragmentOne_DbAdapter {\n\n public static final String KEY_ROWID = \"_id\";\n public static final String KEY_TITLE = \"title\";\n public static final String KEY_ARTIST = \"artist\";\n public static final String KEY_VOLUME = \"volume\";\n public static final String KEY_TYPE = \"type\";\n public static final String KEY_FAVORITE = \"favorite\";\n public static final String KEY_NUMBER = \"number\";\n\n private static final String TAG = \"FragmentOne_DbAdapter\";\n private DatabaseHelper mDbHelper;\n private SQLiteDatabase mDb;\n\n private static final String DATABASE_NAME = \"Virtualsongbook\";\n private static final String SQLITE_TABLE = \"Player1\";\n private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;\n\n private final Context mCtx;\n\n private static final String DATABASE_CREATE =\n \"CREATE TABLE if not exists \" + SQLITE_TABLE + \" (\" +\n KEY_ROWID + \" integer PRIMARY KEY autoincrement,\" +\n KEY_TITLE + \",\" +\n KEY_ARTIST + \",\" +\n KEY_VOLUME + \",\" +\n KEY_TYPE + \",\" +\n KEY_FAVORITE + \",\" +\n KEY_NUMBER + \")\";\n\n private static class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {\n\n DatabaseHelper(Context context) {\n super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {\n Log.w(TAG, DATABASE_CREATE);\n db.execSQL(DATABASE_CREATE);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {\n Log.w(TAG, \"Upgrading database from version \" + oldVersion + \" to \"\n + newVersion + \", which will destroy all old data\");\n db.execSQL(\"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \" + SQLITE_TABLE);\n onCreate(db);\n }\n }\n\n public FragmentOne_DbAdapter(Context ctx) {\n this.mCtx = ctx;\n }\n\n public FragmentOne_DbAdapter open() throws SQLException {\n mDbHelper = new DatabaseHelper(mCtx);\n mDb = mDbHelper.getWritableDatabase();\n return this;\n }\n\n public void close() {\n if (mDbHelper !", "= null) {\n mDbHelper.close();\n }\n }\n\n public long createPlayer1(String title,\n String artist, String volume,\n String type, String number) {\n\n ContentValues initialValues = new ContentValues();\n initialValues.put(KEY_TITLE, title);\n initialValues.put(KEY_ARTIST, artist);\n initialValues.put(KEY_VOLUME, volume);\n initialValues.put(KEY_TYPE, type);\n initialValues.put(KEY_NUMBER, number);\n\n return mDb.insert(SQLITE_TABLE, null, initialValues);\n }\n\n public boolean deleteAllPlayer1() {\n\n int doneDelete = 0;\n doneDelete = mDb.delete(SQLITE_TABLE, null , null);\n Log.w(TAG, Integer.toString(doneDelete));\n return doneDelete > 0;\n\n }\n\n public Cursor fetchPlayer1ByTitle(String titleText) throws SQLException {\n Log.w(TAG, titleText);\n Cursor mCursor = null;\n if (titleText == null || titleText.length () == 0) {\n mCursor = mDb.query(SQLITE_TABLE, new String[] {KEY_ROWID,\n KEY_TITLE, KEY_ARTIST, KEY_VOLUME, KEY_TYPE, KEY_FAVORITE, KEY_NUMBER},\n null, null, null, null, null);\n\n }\n else {\n mCursor = mDb.query(true, SQLITE_TABLE, new String[] {KEY_ROWID,\n KEY_TITLE, KEY_ARTIST, KEY_VOLUME, KEY_TYPE, KEY_FAVORITE, KEY_NUMBER},\n KEY_TITLE + \" like '%\" + titleText + \"%'\", null,\n null, null, null, null);\n }\n if (mCursor !", "= null) {\n mCursor.moveToFirst();\n }\n return mCursor;\n\n }\n\n public Cursor fetchAllPlayer1() {\n\n Cursor mCursor = mDb.query(SQLITE_TABLE, new String[] {KEY_ROWID,\n KEY_TITLE, KEY_ARTIST, KEY_VOLUME, KEY_TYPE, KEY_FAVORITE, KEY_NUMBER},\n null, null, null, null, null);\n\n if (mCursor !", "= null) {\n mCursor.moveToFirst();\n }\n return mCursor;\n }\n\n public void insertPlayer1Songlist() {\n\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 1\", \"Artist 1\", \"Vol 1\",\"\",\"12341\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 2\", \"Artist 2\", \"Vol 2\",\"\",\"12342\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 3\", \"Artist 3\", \"Vol 2\",\"\",\"12343\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 4\", \"Artist 4\", \"Vol 3\",\"\",\"12344\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 5\", \"Artist 5\", \"Vol 3\",\"\",\"12345\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 6\", \"Artist 6\", \"Vol 4\",\"\",\"12346\");\n createPlayer1(\"Joe Song Title 7\", \"Artist 7\", \"Vol 4\",\"\",\"12347\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 8\", \"Artist 8\", \"Vol 1\",\"\",\"12348\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 9\", \"Artist 9\", \"Vol 1\",\"\",\"12349\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 1\", \"Artist 1\", \"Vol 1\",\"\",\"12341\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 2\", \"Artist 2\", \"Vol 2\",\"\",\"12342\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 3\", \"Artist 3\", \"Vol 2\",\"\",\"12343\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 4\", \"Artist 4\", \"Vol 3\",\"\",\"12344\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 5\", \"Artist 5\", \"Vol 3\",\"\",\"12345\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 6\", \"Artist 6\", \"Vol 4\",\"\",\"12346\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 7\", \"Artist 7\", \"Vol 4\",\"\",\"12347\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 8\", \"Artist 8\", \"Vol 1\",\"\",\"12348\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 9\", \"Artist 9\", \"Vol 1\",\"\",\"12349\");\n createPlayer1(\"Joehamir Balabadan\", \"Artist 1\", \"Vol 1\",\"\",\"12341\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 2\", \"Artist 2\", \"Vol 2\",\"\",\"12342\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 3\", \"Artist 3\", \"Vol 2\",\"\",\"12343\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 4\", \"Artist 4\", \"Vol 3\",\"\",\"12344\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 5\", \"Artist 5\", \"Vol 3\",\"\",\"12345\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 6\", \"Artist 6\", \"Vol 4\",\"\",\"12346\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 7\", \"Artist 7\", \"Vol 4\",\"\",\"12347\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title 8\", \"Artist 8\", \"Vol 1\",\"\",\"12348\");\n createPlayer1(\"Song Title Joe 9\", \"Artist 9\", \"Vol 1\",\"\",\"12349\");\n\n }\n}\n\nwhen I click ImageButton, I want to update favorite field from null to 1\nthen when favorite field is 1, I want to update is to null.", "\nalso I want to change imageResource when I click ImageButton..\nfrom heart to hearthred and vise versa.", "\n\nA:\n\n1> add this method in FragmentOne_DbAdapter \npublic int updateItemFavorite(int rowId, String favorite) {\n ContentValues values = new ContentValues();\n values.put(KEY_FAVORITE, favorite);\n return mDb.update(SQLITE_TABLE, values, KEY_ROWID + \" = ?\", ", "new String[] { String.valueOf(rowId) });\n}\n\n2> replace this code\nif(favorite==null) {\n buttonHeart.setImageResource(R.drawable.heart);\n }else if(favorite.matches(\"1\")){\n buttonHeart.setImageResource(R.drawable.heartred);\n }\n\nwith\n if(favorite.matches(\"0\")) {\n buttonHeart.setImageResource(R.drawable.heart);\n }else if(favorite.matches(\"1\")){\n buttonHeart.setImageResource(R.drawable.heartred);\n }\n\n3> call updateItemFavorite image button click \nbuttonHeart.setOnClickListener(new View.", "OnClickListener() {\n @Override\n public void onClick(View arg0) {\n if (arg0 !", "= null) {\n FragmentOne_DbAdapter database=new FragmentOne_DbAdapter(context);\n\n if(favorite.matches(\"0\")) {\n database.updateItemFavorite(_id,\"1\");\n }else if(favorite.matches(\"1\")){\n database.updateItemFavorite(_id,\"0\");\n }\n\nadapter.notifyDataSetChanged();//here adapter is my adapter class object\n }\n }\n });\n\ni hope it useful to you\n\n" ]
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[ "Factors associated with rapid progression to knee arthroplasty: complete analysis of three-year data from the osteoarthritis initiative.", "\nOnly a few studies have identified prognostic factors indicating risk of future knee arthroplasty in patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. ", "The Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) is a National Institutes of Health and privately funded cohort study of 4796 persons with or at high risk of knee OA. ", "The OAI is ideally suited to a more extensive study of knee arthroplasty prognostic factors than has been undertaken. ", "The purpose of our study was to identify patient factors which predict rapid progression to knee arthroplasty, defined as arthroplasty within three years of baseline data collection. ", "We used alternating logistic regression models to analyze complete three year follow-up data from the OAI on 4670 persons with, or at risk for knee OA, aged 45 to 79 years during the years 2004 to 2008. ", "A total of 128 knees (116 persons) underwent knee arthroplasty during the study period. ", "After adjusting for known prognostic factors, several previously unidentified predictors of future knee arthroplasty were found including past history of knee surgery (RR=2.04, 95% CI=1.33, 3.13), knee flexion contracture in degrees (RR=1.06, 95% CI=1.02, 1.11) and pain, on a 0 to 10 scale, with active knee flexion (RR=1.58, 95% CI=1.04, 2.39). ", "This study identifies new and easily measured clinical variables that are associated with more rapid progression to arthroplasty. ", "The data may help to inform both physicians and patients of medical history and clinical examination findings most highly associated with short-term arthroplasty." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.006493506493506494, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0, 0, 0.005763688760806916, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nserver certificate expired handshake failed?", "\n\nis it possible that the TLS handshake will fail if the server presents a certificate that is expired ? ", "I can see CLient Hello, and next Server Hello + Certificate from Server and next the receiver is sending a FIN packet to close abrupt the connection. ", "May it be because the certificate expired few months back ? ", "\nthanks\n\nA:\n\nAbsolutely. ", " An expired certificate is not a valid one. ", " A certificate should only be accepted if :\n\nit is signed by a valid authority - ie, there is a valid certificate chain back to a trusted root certificate authority\nit is for the subject that is being connected to - ie, hostname of the machine being connected to matches the subject name in the certificate (or subject alternative name)\nit is within date\nit has not been revoked (either by being included on the client's revocation list or through an online certificate status check from the certificate authority)\n\nGet a valid cert.", "\n\nA:\n\nIf the validation of the certificate fails the client sends either a TLS alert (well behaved) or just closes the connection (bad behaved but common). ", "Since the validation failed because the certificate is expired this is probably what you see.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0.013245033112582781, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00641025641025641, 0, 0 ]
[ "It’ll be a while before we see our first look at director Andy Muschietti’s IT: Chapter 2, as filming on the highly anticipated sequel (releasing September 6, 2019) hasn’t yet begun. ", "In fact, casting is barely underway, with Bill Skarsgård set to reprise the role of Pennywise and Jessica Chastain in talks to play adult Beverly Marsh.", "\n\nUnable to wait, a few fans have been cutting together their own faux trailers for Chapter 2, fan casting the adult roles by using clips from unrelated films. ", "We recently showed you one of those fan trailers, and we’ve got another one worth watching for ya today.", "\n\nThis one comes courtesy of StryderHD, and it uses clips from films like Clown, The Conjuring and Silent Hill. ", "Jake Gyllenhaal, Chris Pratt, Terrence Howard, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Patrick Wilson, Jon Heder and Jessica Chastain make up the adult Losers’ Club.", "\n\nEnjoy, while we wait for something real." ]
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[ "Mount Paran Christian School\n\nMount Paran Christian School is a private Christian school located in Kennesaw, Georgia, United States. ", "It includes pre-K through 12th grade.", "\n\nOrganization\n\nMission and goals \nMount Paran Christian School opened in 1976 as a private independent school with the goal of academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment. ", "The program seeks to incorporate a college preparatory curriculum motivated by combining school, church activities and the students' homes. ", " The school recognizes that extended families play an integral part in the students' daily life and applaud their support at school events, such as chapel, field trips, musical events, games, and musical and drama productions.", "\n\nThe school's mission statement is \"Providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment, Mount Paran Christian School unites with home and church to prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others, & walk in truth.\"", "\n\nAcademics \nMPCS is accredited through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). ", " Mount Paran Christian School offers a full college preparatory program with Honors and Advanced Placement classes, as well as joint enrollment with several area colleges. ", " Mount Paran incorporates art, music, computer, foreign language, and physical education as regular components of the instructional program, beginning in preschool and extending through high school.", "\n\nMount Paran Christian School offers a program for gifted students in second through fourth grade (called ENCORE). ", "Entrance into this program is based on testing and teacher recommendations. ", "Advanced classes are offered in math and language arts for 5th-8th grade and accelerated classes starting in 7th grade. ", "\n\nThe high school newspaper, The Eagle Eye, is in magazine format and focuses on the school's current events as well as outside news.", "\n\nAdmission \nIn an effort to ensure a high probability of student success, Mount Paran Christian School makes admission decisions for prospective students with the following general criteria in mind: faith commitment of the family and applicant, readiness to learn, appropriate academic skill levels, behavioral history, self-motivation, and leadership potential. ", "Mount Paran Christian School evaluates all applicants, giving highest consideration to students whose needs it can meet best and applicants who can contribute most to the school environment.", "\n\nSports \nMount Paran competes in Georgia High School Association's Region 6-A.\n Baseball\n Basketball\n Cheerleading\n Cross country\n Equestrian\n Football\n Golf\n Lacrosse\n Soccer\n Softball\n Swimming\n Tennis\n Track and field\n Volleyball\n Wrestling\n\nMurray Arts Center \nThis arts center, bought by the school, opened in August 2008. ", "Costing $35 million, the complex includes an 800-seat music hall, theater, dance studios and video production facilities.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n Mt. Paran Christian School\n\nCategory:Christian schools in Georgia (U.S. state)\nCategory:Private high schools in Georgia (U.S. state)\nCategory:Educational institutions established in 1976\nCategory:Schools in Cobb County, Georgia\nCategory:Kennesaw, Georgia\nCategory:Private middle schools in Georgia (U.S. state)\nCategory:Private elementary schools in Georgia (U.S. state)\nCategory:Preparatory schools in Georgia (U.S. state)\nCategory:1976 establishments in Georgia (U.S. state)" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
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[ "<resources>\n <string name=\"app_name\">Form Master</string>\n</resources>\n" ]
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[ " In the\n United States Court of Appeals\n For the Seventh Circuit\n ____________\n\nNo. ", "03-4204\nRODNEY HARRELL,\n Plaintiff-Appellant,\n v.\n\n\nUNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE,\n Defendant-Appellee.", "\n ____________\n Appeal from the United States District Court\n for the Central District of Illinois.", "\n No. ", "02 C 2056—Michael P. McCuskey, Chief Judge.", "\n ____________\n ARGUED SEPTEMBER 24, 2004—DECIDED JULY 19, 2005\n ____________\n\n\n\n\n Before FLAUM, Chief Judge, and RIPPLE and WILLIAMS,\nCircuit Judges.", "\n RIPPLE, Circuit Judge. ", "Rodney Harrell filed this action\nagainst his former employer, the United States Postal\nService (“USPS” or “Postal Service”), alleging violations of\nthe Family Medical Leave Act (“FMLA” or “Act”), 29 U.S.C.\n§ 2601 et seq. ", "The parties filed cross-motions for summary\njudgment, and the district court granted summary judgment\nin favor of the Postal Service. ", "Mr. Harrell has appealed. ", "For\nthe reasons set forth in the following opinion, we affirm in\n\f2 No. ", "03-4204\n\npart and reverse in part the judgment of the district court\nand remand for further proceedings.", "\n\n\n I\n BACKGROUND\nA. Facts\n Mr. Harrell began working for the Postal Service in 1984\nas a clerk at the Decatur, Illinois post office. ", "He was a mem-\nber of a collective bargaining unit represented by the\nAmerican Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO (“APWU” or\n“Union”), and he was covered by a national collective bar-\ngaining agreement between the APWU and the Postal\nService known as the National Agreement.", "\n On February 2, 2000, Mr. Harrell felt ill and left work\nearly. ", "On February 10, 2000, he submitted to the Postal\nService a medical form completed by his physician,\nDr. Robert Smith, which certified that his absence was due\nto fatigue, stress, sleep disturbance and difficulty concen-\ntrating. ", "Dr. Smith indicated that the health problems had\nbegun on February 2 and probably would last four weeks.", "\nOn February 23, 2000, Mr. Harrell submitted a second health\ncertification, in which Dr. Smith estimated that he would be\nable to resume work on March 6, 2000.", "\n The Postal Service responded by a letter dated February\n23, 2000, and advised Mr. Harrell that, according to postal\nregulations, in order to return to work,\n (1) You must submit medical documentation outlining\n the nature and treatment of the illness or injury, the\n inclusive dates you were unable to work, and any medi-\n cines you are taking. ", "This medical information is to be\n reviewed by the Postal Medical Officer.", "\n\fNo. ", "03-4204 3\n\n (2) You may be required to be examined by the Postal\n Medical Officer after your documentation is reviewed.", "\n The bill for this release for work exam will be paid by\n the Postal Service.", "\nR.27, Ex.", "A, Ex.3. ", "Mr. Harrell maintains that he did not\nreceive this letter until March 7, 2000.", "\n Mr. Harrell attempted to return to his job on March 6.", "\nHowever, Jane Cussins, the Decatur post office supervisor,\ninformed him that he had not been cleared to return to\nwork; at that time she explained the applicable postal\nregulations to Mr. Harrell. ", "In order to facilitate the clearance\nprocess, Cussins made him an appointment for an examina-\ntion by the USPS-contract physician for later that morning.", "\nMr. Harrell went to the physician’s office, but he refused to\nconsent to an examination because he believed that he\nalready had provided the Postal Service with sufficient\nmedical information to entitle him, under the FMLA, to\nreturn to work. ", "Mr. Harrell returned to Cussins’ office, and\nshe told him that she would fax the documentation submit-\nted by Mr. Harrell to the postal nurse for review.", "\n The postal nurse reviewed the February 10 and\nFebruary 23 certifications submitted by Mr. Harrell, and she\nconcluded that the information was insufficient to clear him\nfor duty. ", "Specifically, the forms had no information about\ncontinuing medications, restrictions on Mr. Harrell’s ability\nto work or when he had been declared fit to return to work.", "\nOn March 10, 2000, the postal nurse called Mr. Harrell to\nobtain his physician’s contact information; he refused to\nprovide the information and expressly stated that he did not\nwant her to contact his physician. ", "Two weeks later, nonethe-\nless, the postal nurse faxed a return-to-work form to Dr.\nSmith’s office. ", "The office refused to release any medical\ninformation without Mr. Harrell’s consent.", "\n\f4 No. ", "03-4204\n\n In the meantime, the Postal Service mailed Mr. Harrell a\nletter dated March 9, 2000, reminding him that\n employees returning to duty after 21 days or more of\n absence due to illness or serious injury require medical\n certification. ", "This certification must include evidence of\n your ability to return to work, with or without limita-\n tions. ", "A medical officer or contract physician evaluates\n the medical report and makes a medical assessment as\n to your ability to return to work before you are allowed\n to return.", "\nR.27, Ex.", "A, Ex.5. ", "The letter also explained that the forms\nprepared by Dr. Smith, which had explained Mr. Harrell’s\nneed for leave, were insufficient to clear him for duty\nbecause they did not describe the nature of treatment he\nreceived or list any medications he was taking. ", "Finally, the\nletter advised that, if he did not present appropriate docu-\nmentation within five days, he would be considered absent\nwithout leave and subject to discipline, including removal.", "\nThis letter was sent by both regular and certified mail.", "\n On March 15, 2000, having not received a reply from\nMr. Harrell, the Postal Service mailed him another letter\n(also via regular and certified mail) which declared him ab-\nsent without leave and scheduled a predisciplinary hearing\nfor March 17. ", "The letter advised that failure to appear could\nresult in disciplinary action, including removal. ", "On March\n22, the Postal Service sent Mr. Harrell a notice of removal.", "\n On March 21, 2000, Mr. Harrell sent a letter to the Postal\nService. ", "He maintained that he had not received the March\n9 and March 15 warning letters until March 20. ", "He also as-\nserted that the medical documentation he had provided in\norder to qualify his absence as FMLA leave was sufficient\nby law to entitle him to return to work. ", "Despite this belief,\nMr. Harrell returned to Dr. Smith and obtained a return-to-\n\fNo. ", "03-4204 5\n\nwork certification. ", "The certification, dated March 23, 2000,\nstated that Mr. Harrell was “fit to return to work without\nrestrictions.” ", "R.27, Ex.", "A, Ex.7.", "\n The Postal Service responded to Mr. Harrell by letter on\nMarch 31, 2000, which advised:\n You were notified in writing on February 23, 2000, that\n this medical documentation had to include the nature of\n treatment of your illness and any medicines you were\n taking. ", "You have again failed to provide medical\n documentation adequate for the Postal Medical Officer\n to make a determination as to your ability to return to\n work.", "\n In conclusion, we want the opportunity to review\n medical documentation from your attending physician\n that includes all the required information. ", "We have\n scheduled the following appointment for you to be ex-\n amined by the Postal contract physician.", "\nR.22, Ex.6, Ex.10. ", "Mr. Harrell again refused to provide\nfurther information or to submit to an examination. ", "By letter\ndated April 27, 2000, the Postal Service terminated his\nemployment.", "\n\n\nB. District Court Proceedings\n Mr. Harrell alleged that the Postal Service violated the\nFMLA in five ways: (1) failing to restore him to work after\nhe presented a medical clearance; (2) requiring him to sub-\nmit to a medical examination by a USPS-contract physician\nprior to allowing him to return to work; (3) terminating his\nemployment because he took FMLA leave; (4) contacting his\nphysician without his consent; and (5) failing to provide\nhim with notice of the Postal Service’s return-to-work\nrequirements and the consequences of not complying with\n\f6 No. ", "03-4204\n\nthose requirements. ", "The parties filed cross-motions for\nsummary judgment, and the district court granted summary\njudgment in favor of the Postal Service.", "\n\n\n 1.", "\n With respect to Mr. Harrell’s first three claims, the Postal\nService asserted that the conditions it had placed on his re-\nturn to work were permitted by the National Agreement\nthat incorporated by reference the postal handbooks and\nmanuals governing employees’ leave. ", "Specifically, the Postal\nService contended that any return-to-work certification\nrequirements included in a collective bargaining agreement\ntake precedence over the FMLA’s return-to-work provisions\nunder 29 U.S.C. § 2614(a)(4), which provides that employers\nmay impose\n a uniformly applied practice or policy that requires each\n employee to receive certification from the health care\n provider of the employee that the employee is able to\n resume work, except that nothing in this paragraph shall\n supersede a valid State or local law or a collective bargaining\n agreement that governs the return to work of such employees.", "\nId. (emphasis added).", "\n Mr. Harrell contended that the Postal Service was pre-\ncluded from arguing that the National Agreement incorpo-\nrated the postal regulations governing return to work after\nFMLA leave because the Postal Service previously made,\nand lost, the same argument in a different case. ", "The district\ncourt, however, determined that United States v. Mendoza,\n464 U.S. 154, 162 (1984), did not allow Mr. Harrell to invoke\nthe doctrine of collateral estoppel offensively against the\nUnited States based on a litigation to which he was not a\nparty.", "\n\fNo. ", "03-4204 7\n\n The district court then concluded that the postal hand-\nbooks and manuals are part of the National Agreement. ", "It\nfurther determined that, because the postal regulations had\nthe force of a valid collective bargaining agreement, those\nregulations, and not the FMLA’s provisions, controlled\nMr. Harrell’s right to reinstatement. ", "In addition, the district\ncourt found that the postal regulations justified the Postal\nService’s requirement that Mr. Harrell provide more de-\ntailed medical documentation from his health care provider\nor submit to a medical examination by a USPS-contract\nphysician. ", "Moreover, the district court believed that such re-\nquirements did not diminish any substantive right provided\nby the FMLA. ", "The court took the view that\n USPS employees always have the right guaranteed by\n the FMLA to be restored to their employment following\n FMLA leave. ", "The agreement and the USPS regulations\n merely alter the procedure by which employees go\n about being restored.", "\n It is possible to imagine a situation in which altering\n the procedure attached to a certain substantive right\n would in essence impinge on or prohibit the exercise of\n that right. ", "This case does not present such a situation,\n however, given the modest and seemingly simple certi-\n fication process the USPS imposes for employees who\n exceed 21 days of FMLA leave. ", "Cussins was able to\n make Harrell an appointment with the contract doctor\n on the very morning he sought to return to work. ", "Alter-\n natively, the [postal nurse] needed only two single-sided\n forms filled out by a doctor, noting Harrell’s condition,\n treatment, medication, and work restrictions. ", "Neither\n process is so onerous that it effectively abrogates\n Harrell’s right of restoration under the FMLA.", "\nR.41 at 9.", "\n\f8 No. ", "03-4204\n\n 2.", "\n Next, the district court granted the Postal Service sum-\nmary judgment on the claim that it had failed to provide\nMr. Harrell with adequate notice of the requirements for\nreturning to work and of the consequences for not meeting\nthose requirements. ", "See 29 C.F.R. § 825.310(c). ", "The district\ncourt pointed to Mr. Harrell’s “deposition testimony in\nwhich he admits that he was aware of the USPS regulations\nconcerning returning to work following an absence of more\nthan 21 days.” ", "R.41 at 11. ", "The court noted, moreover, that\nMr. Harrell was informed of the return-to-work require-\nments by the letters from the Postal Service and by Cussins,\nto whom he had spoken when he attempted to return to\nwork.", "\n\n\n 3.", "\n Finally, the district court granted the Postal Service\nsummary judgment on Mr. Harrell’s claim that the Postal\nService had violated the FMLA by contacting his personal\nphysician without his consent. ", "See 29 C.F.R. § 825.310(c).", "\nAlthough the district court found that a violation had\noccurred, it dismissed the claim because Mr. Harrell had\nsuffered no injury in that Dr. Smith’s office did not release\nany information that contributed to his termination.", "\n\n\n\n\n II\n DISCUSSION\nA. Standard of Review\n We review a district court’s grant or denial of summary\njudgment de novo. ", "Tutman v. WBBM-TV, Inc./CBS, Inc., 209\n\fNo. ", "03-4204 9\n\nF.3d 1044, 1048 (7th Cir. ", "2000). ", "In doing so, we construe all\nfacts and reasonable inferences in the light most favorable\nto the nonmoving party. ", "Id. Summary judgment is proper if\n“the pleadings, depositions, answers to interrogatories, and\nadmissions on file, together with the affidavits, if any, show\nthat there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and\nthat the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter\nof law.” ", "Fed. ", "R. Civ. ", "P. 56(c); Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 477 U.S.\n317, 322-23 (1986).", "\n\n\nB. Failure to Return to Work\n Congress enacted the FMLA in order to assist workers in\nmeeting the needs of their families and the demands of their\njobs. ", "See Price v. City of Fort Wayne, 117 F.3d 1022, 1023 (7th\nCir. ", "1997). ", "The statute responded to the perception that\n [p]rivate sector practices and government policies have\n failed to adequately respond to recent economic and so-\n cial changes that have intensified the tensions between\n work and family. ", "This failure continues to impose a\n heavy burden on families, employees, employers and\n the broader society. [", "This legislation] provides a sensi-\n ble response to the growing conflict between work and\n family by establishing a right to unpaid family and\n medical leave for all workers covered under the act.", "\nS. Rep. No. ", "103-3, at 4 (1993), reprinted in 1993 U.S.C.C.A.N.\n2, 6 (“S. Rep. 103-3”). ", "The FMLA makes available to eligible\nemployees up to twelve weeks of leave during any twelve-\nmonth period for one or more of the following reasons: (1)\nthe birth of the employee’s child; (2) the placement of a\nchild with the employee for adoption or foster care; (3) the\ncare of the employee’s child, spouse or parent who has a\nserious health condition; and (4) the inability of the em-\nployee himself to perform the functions of his position be-\n\f10 No. ", "03-4204\n\ncause of a serious health condition. ", "29 U.S.C. § 2612(a)(1). ", "At\nthe conclusion of a qualified-leave period, the employee is\nentitled to return to his former position of employment, or\nto an equivalent one, with the same terms and benefits. ", "Id.\n 1\n§ 2614(a)(1); see also 29 C.F.R. § 825.214(a). ", "To protect these\nrights, the FMLA declares it “unlawful for any employer to\ninterfere with, restrain, or deny the exercise of or the attempt\nto exercise, any right provided.” ", "29 U.S.C. § 2615(a)(1). ", "In\nthis case, Mr. Harrell contends that the Postal Service\nviolated his rights under the FMLA by refusing to return\nhim to his position after his physician provided an unquali-\nfied certification of his fitness to return to duty.", "\n An employee’s right to return to work after taking FMLA\nleave is not unlimited. ", "The Act seeks to accomplish its\npurposes “in a manner that accommodates the legitimate\ninterests of employers.” ", "29 U.S.C. § 2601(b)(3); see also 29\nC.F.R. § 825.101(b) (“The enactment of the FMLA was\npredicated on two fundamental concerns—the needs of the\nAmerican workforce, and the development of high-per-\n\n\n1\n Section 2614(a)(1) provides:\n (1) In general\n Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, any\n eligible employee who takes leave under section 2612 of this\n title for the intended purpose of the leave shall be entitled,\n on return from such leave—\n (A) to be restored by the employer to the position of\n employment held by the employee when the leave\n commenced; or\n (B) to be restored to an equivalent position with equiva-\n lent employment benefits, pay, and other terms and\n conditions of employment.", "\n29 U.S.C. § 2614(a)(1).", "\n\fNo. ", "03-4204 11\n\nformance organizations.”). ", "An employee is not entitled to\n“any right, benefit, or position of employment other than\nany right, benefit, or position to which the employee would\nhave been entitled had the employee not taken the leave.”", "\n29 U.S.C. § 2614(a)(3)(B); see also 29 C.F.R. § 825.216(a) (“An\nemployee has no greater right to reinstatement or to other\nbenefits and conditions of employment than if the employee\nhad been continuously employed during the FMLA leave\nperiod.”). ", "An employee returning from FMLA leave also is\nnot entitled to restoration if he cannot perform the essential\nfunctions of the position or an equivalent posi-\n 2\ntion. ", "29 C.F.R. § 825.214(b).", "\n In addition, the Act permits an employer, as a condition\nof restoring employees who take FMLA leave, to have a\npolicy that requires all such employees to obtain medical\n\n\n2\n The Department of Labor regulations discuss an employee’s\nright to restoration:\n (a) On return from FMLA leave, an employee is entitled to be\n returned to the same position the employee held when leave\n commenced, or to an equivalent position with equivalent\n benefits, pay, and other terms and conditions of employ-\n ment. ", "An employee is entitled to such reinstatement even if\n the employee has been replaced or his or her position has\n been restructured to accommodate the employee’s absence.", "\n See also § 825.106(e) for the obligations of joint employers.", "\n (b) If the employee is unable to perform an essential function\n of the position because of a physical or mental condition,\n including the continuation of a serious health condition, the\n employee has no right to restoration to another position\n under the FMLA. ", "However, the employer’s obligations may\n be governed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).", "\n See § 825.702.", "\n29 C.F.R. § 825.214.", "\n\f12 No. ", "03-4204\n\ncertification from their personal health care provider indi-\ncating that the employee is able to resume work. ", "29 U.S.C.\n§ 2614(a)(4). ", "The Act provides that nothing in § 2614(a)(4)\n“shall supersede a valid State or local law or a collective\nbargaining agreement that governs the return to work of\nemployees.” ", "Id. The interplay between the FMLA’s return-\nto-work provisions and a collective bargaining agreement\nthat governs the return of employees who take leave due to\na serious health condition is discussed in the statute’s\naccompanying regulations:\n (a) As a condition of restoring an employee whose\n FMLA leave was occasioned by the employee’s own\n serious health condition that made the employee unable\n to perform the employee’s job, an employer may have\n a uniformly-applied policy or practice that requires all\n similarly-situated employees (i.e., same occupation,\n same serious health condition) who take leave for such\n conditions to obtain and present certification from the\n employee’s health care provider that the employee is\n able to resume work.", "\n (b) If State or local law or the terms of a collective\n bargaining agreement govern an employee’s return to\n work, those provisions shall be applied. ", "Similarly, re-\n quirements under the Americans with Disabilities Act\n (ADA) that any return-to-work physical be job-related\n and consistent with business necessity apply. . . .", "\n (c) An employer may seek fitness-for-duty certifica-\n tion only with regard to the particular health condition\n that caused the employee’s need for FMLA leave. ", "The\n certification itself need only be a simple statement of an\n employee’s ability to return to work. ", "A health care\n provider employed by the employer may contact the\n employee’s health care provider with the employee’s\n permission, for purposes of clarification of the em-\n\fNo. ", "03-4204 13\n\n ployee’s fitness to return to work. ", "No additional infor-\n mation may be acquired, and clarification may be re-\n quested only for the serious health condition for which\n FMLA leave was taken. ", "The employer may not delay\n the employee’s return to work while contact with the\n health care provider is being made.", "\n29 C.F.R. § 825.310(a)-(c).", "\n In the present case, the Postal Service maintains that it had\nthe right, under the FMLA, to require Mr. Harrell to provide\nsufficient medical documentation from his health care\nprovider or to be cleared for duty by a USPS-contract\nphysician, as a condition of returning to work. ", "In the Postal\nService’s view it appropriately employed, under 29 U.S.C.\n§ 2614(a)(4), a uniform practice requiring employees to\nprovide a fitness-for-duty certification from their personal\nhealth care provider; and, although the accompanying regu-\nlations provide that this certification need only be a simple\nstatement of the employee’s ability to work, see 29 C.F.R.\n§ 825.310(c), the FMLA’s certification provisions do not\nsupersede a valid collective bargaining agreement that\ngoverns return to work for such employees, see 29 U.S.C.\n§ 2614(a)(4); 29 C.F.R. § 825.310(b).", "\n Mr. Harrell challenges this theory on four grounds: (1)\ncollateral estoppel forecloses the Postal Service from ar-\nguing that the terms of the National Agreement allow it to\nlimit postal employees’ right to return to work after FMLA\nleave; (2) the postal handbooks and manuals are not part\nof the National Agreement; (3) the postal return-to-work\nprovisions are invalid because they diminish a substantive\nright afforded by the FMLA; and (4) the requirements\nimposed by the Postal Service in this case contravened the\npostal return-to-work provisions. ", "We shall address these\nissues in turn.", "\n\f14 No. ", "03-4204\n\n 1. ", "Collateral Estoppel\n Mr. Harrell first contends that the Postal Service is pre-\ncluded from arguing that its handbooks and manuals are\nnegotiated parts of the National Agreement because it raised\nand lost this argument in Routes v. Henderson, 58 F. Supp. ", "2d\n959, 994 (S.D. Ind. 1999). ", "The doctrine of collateral estoppel\nprovides that “once a court has decided an issue of fact or\nlaw necessary to its judgment, that decision is conclusive in\na subsequent suit based on a different cause of action\ninvolving a party to the prior litigation.” ", "Mendoza, 464 U.S.\nat 158. ", "The “offensive use of collateral estoppel occurs when\na plaintiff seeks to foreclose a defendant from relitigating an\nissue the defendant has previously litigated unsuccessfully\nin another action against the same or a different party.” ", "Id.\nat 159 n.4. ", "Mr. Harrell seeks to invoke nonmutual collateral\nestoppel, which occurs when the plaintiff was a nonparty to\nthe prior lawsuit. ", "Id. The district court determined that\napplying this doctrine against the Postal Service was not\nappropriate. ", "We review a district court’s decision whether\nto apply offensive collateral estoppel for an abuse of\ndiscretion. ", "Parklane Hosiery Co. v. Shore, 439 U.S. 322, 331\n(1979).", "\n As the district court recognized, the Supreme Court has\nestablished that nonmutual offensive collateral estoppel\ndoes not extend to litigation against the United States.", "\nMendoza, 464 U.S. at 162. ", "The United States differs from\nprivate litigants in that its litigation is geographically broad\nand often involves issues of national significance. ", "Id. at 159-\n60. ", "Among other concerns expressed by the Court, preclud-\ning the United States from relitigating issues against differ-\nent parties would “thwart the development of important\nquestions of law by freezing the first final decision rendered\non a particular legal issue” and would “deprive th[e] Court\n\fNo. ", "03-4204 15\n\nof the benefit it receives from permitting several courts of\nappeals to explore a difficult question before” it grants\ncertiorari. ", "Id. at 160.", "\n Mr. Harrell submits that Mendoza does not apply in this\ncase because Congress has placed the Postal Service on the\nsame footing as a private litigant by authorizing it to “sue\nand be sued.” ", "39 U.S.C. § 401. ", "Mr. Harrell reads too much\ninto this waiver of immunity: That the Postal Service is\namenable to the judicial process does not “change the fact\nthat the party being sued is still the federal government.” ", "In\nre Young, 869 F.2d 158, 159 (2d Cir. ", "1989) (per curiam).", "\nIndeed, Congress has provided that the Postal Service “is\npart of the executive branch of government, that its employ-\nees are part of the federal civil service, and that it possesses\ncertain powers unique to governmental entities, such as the\nauthority to exercise the power of eminent domain in the\nname of the United States.” ", "Baker v. Runyon, 114 F.3d 668,\n670-71 (7th Cir. ", "1997) (citing 39 U.S.C. §§ 201, 1001(b) &\n401(9)). ", "The “sue and be sued” provision, if anything,\nindicates that “waiver of sovereign immunity is necessary\nsolely because the Postal Service is a government agency.”", "\nId. (citing Western Sec. ", "Co. v. Derwinski, 937 F.2d 1276, 1280\n(7th Cir. ", "1991) (stating that the “sue or be sued” clause “per-\nmit[s] the suit to go forward notwithstanding that it is a suit\nagainst a federal agency”)); see also United States Postal Serv.", "\nv. Flamingo Indus. (", "USA) Ltd., 540 U.S. 736, 744 (2004)\n(“While Congress waived the immunity of the Postal\nService, Congress did not strip it of its governmental\nstatus.”). ", "Accordingly, we conclude that the district court\ndid not abuse its discretion in concluding that the use of\ncollateral estoppel was not appropriate in this case, and,\nthus, the Postal Service may argue that the National Agree-\nment incorporates the postal handbooks and manuals that\nrelate to employees’ return to work.", "\n\f16 No. ", "03-4204\n\n 2. ", "Incorporation\n The premise underlying the Postal Service’s position in\nthis case is that the National Agreement incorporates by\nreference the regulations in the postal handbooks and man-\nuals that govern an employee’s return to work after taking\nleave for a serious health condition. ", "The Postal Service relies\nupon Article 19 of the agreement, which reads:\n Those parts of all handbooks, manuals and published\n regulations of the Postal Service, that directly relate to\n wages, hours or working conditions, as they apply to\n employees covered by this Agreement, shall contain\n nothing that conflicts with this Agreement, and shall be\n continued in effect except that the Employer shall have\n the right to make changes that are not inconsistent with\n this Agreement and that are fair, reasonable, and equi-\n table. ", "This includes, but is not limited to, the Postal\n Service Manual and the F-21, Timekeeper’s instructions.", "\nR.27, Ex.", "I, Ex.1 at 123.", "\n Mr. Harrell argues that this paragraph is too vague and\ngeneral to incorporate the contents of the postal handbooks\nand manuals into the collective bargaining agreement. ", "He\nalso relies on the declaration of Greg Bell, the director of\nindustrial relations for the APWU, who attests that the\npostal handbooks and manuals are not part of the National\nAgreement because they were promulgated unilaterally by\nthe Postal Service, rather than through any collective bar-\ngaining between the Postal Service and the APWU. ", "See R.27,\nEx.", "I at ¶ 10.", "\n Other courts of appeals, by contrast, have concluded\nin analogous contexts that the provisions contained in the\npostal handbooks and manuals that affect working condi-\ntions are incorporated by reference into the National\nAgreement. ", "See Woodman v. Runyon, 132 F.3d 1330, 1334\n\fNo. ", "03-4204 17\n\n(10th Cir. ", "1997) (noting that the postal manual governing\ninjury compensation was part of the National Agreement\nbecause “Article 19 . . . ", "incorporates those parts of all USPS\nhandbooks, manuals and published regulations which\ndirectly relate to wages, hours, or working conditions”);\nKroll v. United States, 58 F.3d 1087, 1091 (6th Cir. ", "1995) (con-\ncluding that Postal Service employee suggestion program\nwas incorporated into the National Agreement through the\npostal manual because Article 19 “incorporates by reference\nall parts of postal handbooks, manuals, and regulations that\n‘directly relate to wages, hours, or working conditions’ ”).", "\n Indeed, the APWU itself has argued in other litigation that\nArticle 19 incorporates the postal handbooks and manuals\ninto the National Agreement. ", "For instance, in United States\nPostal Serv. ", "v. American Postal Workers Union, 922 F.2d 256\n(5th Cir. ", "1991), the Fifth Circuit noted that,\n [a]lthough article 19 states that nothing in the hand-\n books, manuals and regulations shall conflict with the\n Agreement, it does not specifically state that the Agree-\n ment incorporates these texts. ", "Thomas A. Neill, Director\n of Industrial Relations for the APWU, whose duties\n include negotiation of the National Agreement and\n administration of the grievance procedure, states in his\n “declaration” that “[t]he handbooks and manuals are\n applied in labor relations between the APWU and USPS\n as part of the National Agreement.” ", "These texts, Neill\n adds, are incorporated by reference into the Agreement\n and arbitrators routinely interpret them in deciding\n grievance arbitration cases. ", "The Postal Service does not\n dispute Neill’s sworn declaration.", "\nId. at 259 n.2.", "\n In light of the fact that both parties to the National\nAgreement have maintained previously that the postal\n\f18 No. ", "03-4204\n\nhandbooks and manuals affecting working conditions are\nincorporated by reference into that agreement, Mr. Harrell\nstands in a weak position to assert otherwise. ", "We agree with\nour sister circuits that Article 19 is sufficient to incorporate\nthe postal handbooks and manuals relating to wages, hours\nor working conditions into the National Agreement.", "\nCertainly, the postal handbooks and manuals that govern an\nemployee’s return to work after an extended absence relate\nto wages, hours or working conditions.", "\n\n\n 3. ", "Diminishment of FMLA Rights\n Mr. Harrell next contends that, even if the postal return-\nto-work regulations are part of a valid collective bargaining\nagreement, the Postal Service was not allowed to impose\nany condition on his return that is more stringent than the\nprovisions of the FMLA, and, by doing so, the Postal Service\nviolated rights protected by the FMLA. ", "Put another way,\nMr. Harrell asserts that, although the Postal Service was\nallowed to have a uniform fitness certification policy under\n29 U.S.C. § 2614(a)(4), this certification can be only a simple\nstatement from the employee’s health care provider that he\nis able to work. ", "See 29 C.F.R. § 825.310(c). ", "Mr. Harrell sub-\nmits that because Dr. Smith cleared him for work without\nrestrictions, the Postal Service was not authorized to impose\na more stringent certification requirement, even if such a\nrequirement was part of the governing collective bargaining\nagreement. ", "He contends that the Postal Service essentially\nwants to control the determination of whether a postal\nemployee is fit to return to work.", "\n This argument presents the pivotal issue in this case:\nwhether the Postal Service can rely upon its own return-to-\nwork regulations, as incorporated into a valid collective bar-\ngaining agreement, to impose requirements on employees\n\fNo. ", "03-4204 19\n\nthat are more burdensome than what is required by the\nreturn-to-work provisions of the FMLA. ", "To resolve this\nissue, we must consider the interplay between 29 U.S.C.\n§ 2614 and § 2652. ", "Section 2614(a)(4) permits employers to\nimpose, as a condition of returning to work,\n a uniformly applied practice or policy that requires each\n employee to receive certification from the health care\n provider of the employee that the employee is able to\n resume work, except that nothing in this paragraph\n shall supersede a valid State or local law or a collective\n bargaining agreement that governs the return to work\n of such employees.", "\n29 U.S.C. § 2614(a)(4). ", "The legislative history for this section\nnotes that the last phrase “clarifies that [§ 2614(a)(4)] was\nnot meant to supersede other valid State or local laws or\ncollective bargaining agreement that, for reasons such as\npublic health, might affect the medical certification required\nfor the return to work of an employee who had been on\nmedical leave.” ", "S. Rep. 103-3 at 32. ", "Although the regulations\naccompanying § 2614(a)(4) provide that the certification\nrequired by employers “need only be a simple statement of\nan employee’s ability to return to work,” 29 C.F.R.\n§ 825.310(c), the regulations also provide that, “if . . . ", "the\nterms of a collective bargaining agreement govern an\nemployee’s return to work, those provisions shall be\napplied,” id. § 825.310(b).", "\n Section 2652, in turn, reads:\n (a) More protective\n Nothing in this Act or any amendment made by this Act\n shall be construed to diminish the obligation of\n an employer to comply with any collective bargaining\n agreement or any employment benefit program or plan\n that provides greater family or medical leave rights to\n\f20 No. ", "03-4204\n\n employees than the rights established under this Act or\n any amendment made by this Act.", "\n (b) Less protective\n The rights established for employees under this Act or any\n amendment made by this Act shall not be diminished by any\n collective bargaining agreement or any employment benefit\n program or plan.", "\n29 U.S.C. § 2652 (emphasis added). ", "The legislative history to\nthis section adds that “[subsection (a)] specifies that em-\nployees must continue to comply with collective bargaining\nagreements or employment benefit plans providing greater\nbenefits than the act. ", "Conversely, [subsection (b)] makes\nclear that rights under the act cannot be taken away to\ncollective bargaining or employer plans.” ", "S. Rep. 103-3 at 38;\nsee also id. at 47 (explaining that under § 2652 nothing in the\nFMLA “shall diminish an employer’s obligation under a\ncollective bargaining agreement or employment benefit plan\nto provide greater leave rights nor may the rights provided\nunder this title be diminished by such agreement or plan”).", "\nThe legislative history also indicates that Congress intended\nfor the Act to\n accommodate[ ] the important societal interest in assist-\n ing families, by establishing a minimum labor standard\n for leave. ", "The bill is based on the same principle as the\n child labor laws, the minimum wage, Social Security,\n the safety and health laws, the pension and welfare\n benefit laws, and other labor laws that establish mini-\n mum standards for employment.", "\nId. at 4.", "\n To give effect to the right to take leave under the FMLA,\nCongress designed the statute to require employers to\n\fNo. ", "03-4204 21\n\nrestore employees to work after taking such leave upon a\nbasic showing of being able to perform their duties, which\nis done by a simple statement to that effect from one’s own\nphysician. ", "The statute does indicate that the conditions by\nwhich an employee returns to work can be other than those\ncontemplated by the statute and its implementing regula-\ntions, if those conditions are set forth in a governing col-\nlective bargaining agreement. ", "However, any provision of a\ncollective bargaining agreement that replaces provisions of\nthe Act or its regulations must grant more or equal, not less,\nprotection to the employee. ", "This reading of the statute\nseems to us to be the only reasonable way to harmonize the\nplain wording of the two sections. ", "We therefore cannot\naccept the suggestion in the Postal Service’s brief that the\nFMLA permits an employer to follow the collective bargain-\ning agreement, even when that agreement imposes greater\nburdens on employees’ return to work than provided under\nthe statute and regulations. ", "Such a reading would give more\nforce to the general terms of § 2614 over the more particular\n 3\nterms of § 2652.", "\n\n\n3\n See Marrero v. Camden County Bd. ", "of Soc. ", "Servs., ", "164 F. Supp. ", "2d\n455, 463 (D.N.J. 2001) (reading 29 U.S.C. § 2652(b) to invalidate\nemployer’s sick leave policy, and a governing collective bargain-\ning agreement, to the extent they diminished the rights created by\nthe FMLA, and stating that, “where an employer’s internal\npolicies conflict with the provisions of the FMLA, the FMLA con-\ntrols and the employee need only comply with the requirements\nof the Act to invoke its protections”); Routes v. Henderson, 58\nF. Supp. ", "2d 959, 994 (S.D. Ind. 1999) (“By expressly stating that a\nCBA cannot diminish the employee’s FMLA rights, but can only\nprovide greater rights, Congress clarified the expected inter-\nrelationship between a valid CBA provision and § 2614(a)(4). ", "If\n (continued...)\n\f22 No. ", "03-4204\n\n We now turn to the application of this basic statutory\nstructure to the situation before us. ", "The district court was of\nthe view that the statute permits the Postal Service to\nimpose stricter return-to-work conditions than those in the\nFMLA so long as the conditions involve how an employee\n 4\nreturns to work. ", "This distinction between substance and\n\n\n3\n (...continued)\nthe designated leave provision of the CBA were read the way the\nUSPS asks, it would diminish the right of restoration established\nin the FMLA by allowing the USPS to implement its more\nrestrictive return to work policies. ", "Such a result would violate the\nFMLA.”).", "\n4\n To support its reading of 29 U.S.C. § 2614 and § 2652, the Postal\nService points to an opinion letter issued by the Department of\nLabor on September 11, 2000, which states in part:\n As a condition of restoration, the FMLA permits an employer\n that has a uniformly-applied policy or practice to require all\n employees, or only certain employees, who take leave for\n their own serious health condition to provide a return-to-\n work certification from their health care provider. ", "The\n certification need only be a simple statement of an em-\n ployee’s ability to work and must relate only to the particular\n health condition that caused the employee’s need for FMLA\n leave. ", "Under this provision, an employer may not impose\n additional requirements. ", "These fitness-for-duty certification\n provisions, however, do not supersede any valid State or\n local law or CBA that governs return to work for such\n employees. (", "See 29 U.S.C. § 2614(a)(4) and 29 C.F.R.\n § 825.310.) ", "How FMLA’s certification provisions interact with\n the terms of a CBA that govern an employee’s reinstatement\n is specifically discussed in § 825.310(b) of the regulations. ", "If\n the terms of the CBA, for instance, require a fitness-for-duty\n examination in addition to a return-to-work certification,\n then those terms apply with certain conditions. . . .", "\n (continued...)\n\fNo. ", "03-4204 23\n\nprocedure is not a useful instrument in determining\nwhether the conditions of reinstatement imposed by the\nemployer are more onerous than the requirements under the\nFMLA. ", "As evidenced by the statute and its accompanying\n 5\nregulations, it is clear that such a distinction is not compati-\nble with the statutory scheme. ", "The true inquiry is whether\nthe employer’s requirements—whether procedural or\nsubstantive—impose a greater burden on an employee than\nthe statute and accompanying regulations.", "\n The district court believed that a collective bargaining\nagreement could impose more burdensome conditions on\n\n\n\n4\n (...continued)\n If the . . . ", "return-to-work medical certification and fitness-\n for-duty examination provisions in the [postal] handbook\n and manual are a part of the CBA as you have asked that we\n assume, then these provisions would apply instead of\n FMLA’s return-to-work certification requirements. ", "If these\n provisions are not part of the CBA, then FMLA’s return-to-\n work certification requirements would apply.", "\nR.27, Ex.", "K at 1-2; Appellee’s Br. ", "at 26-27. ", "Notably, the Department\nof Labor’s opinion does not consider the potential conflict\nbetween the language in 29 U.S.C. § 2614(a)(4) and 29 C.F.R.\n§ 825.310(b) and the language in 29 U.S.C. § 2652, which is the\nheart of the issue before us.", "\n5\n The Department of Labor commentary to its Final Rule, 29\nC.F.R. part 825, states in part:\n FMLA provides that it shall not supersede “any provision”\n of any State or local law that provides greater family or\n medical leave “rights” than under FMLA. ", "There is no basis\n under this language or the legislative history to distinguish\n between procedural provisions that extend greater rights to\n employees and substantive provisions that provide more\n generous family or medical leave benefits to employees.", "\n60 Fed. ", "Reg. ", "2231 (1995).", "\n\f24 No. ", "03-4204\n\nemployees. ", "Indeed, as far as we can tell from its submis-\nsions, the Postal Service is of the view that it can impose the\nsame fit-for-duty examination that it would require in a\nsituation not governed by the FMLA (when, for instance,\nit questions whether an employee has the physical quali-\nfication to continue working). ", "However, the provisions\nof the FMLA simply require an employer to rely on the\nevaluation of the employee’s own health care provider;\nthe return-to-work certification need not contain specific\ninformation regarding diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and\nmedication. ", "The Postal Service regulations, as presented\nto us in this litigation, impose a greater burden on the\nemployee and therefore cannot be employed, consistent\nwith § 2652, in implementing the return-to-work provisions\nof the FMLA. ", "It is important to note, however, that nothing\nin the FMLA, or its implementing regulations, forbids a\nmore stringent fit-for-duty examination once the employee\nhas returned from FMLA leave, so long as any such exami-\nnation is job-related and consistent with business necessity\n 6\nin accordance with Americans with Disabilities Act guide-\nlines. ", "The FMLA and its regulations simply prevent an\nemployer, including the Postal Service, from denying a\nreturn to work by an employee who has been absent on\nFMLA leave and who presents, upon his return, the requisite\ncertification from his physician. ", "If the employer has further\ndoubts about the employee’s ability to do his job, it is free to\naddress that issue after the employee is reinstated from\n 7\nFMLA leave.", "\n\n\n6\n 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.", "\n7\n Because we have determined that the Postal Service regulations\nimpose an impermissible burden on Mr. Harrell’s FMLA rights,\nwe need not reach his argument that the Postal Service in this\n (continued...)\n\fNo. ", "03-4204 25\n\n\nC. Contacting Employee’s Health Care Provider\n Despite Mr. Harrell’s express refusal to give his consent,\nthe postal nurse contacted his personal physician and re-\nquested additional medical information. ", "The district court\ndetermined that this contact violated the FMLA, as pro-\nvided in the statute’s accompanying regulations:\n If an employee submits a complete certification signed\n by the health care provider, the employer may not re-\n quest additional information from the employer’s health\n care provider. ", "However, a health care provider repre-\n senting the employer may contact the employee’s health\n care provider, with the employee’s permission, for pur-\n poses of clarification and authenticity of the medical\n certification.", "\n29 C.F.R. § 825.307(a).", "\n The rights established by the FMLA can be enforced\nthrough civil actions. ", "Section 2615 makes it “unlawful for\nany employer to interfere with, restrain, or deny the exercise\nof or the attempt to exercise, any right provided.” ", "29 U.S.C.\n§ 2615(a)(1). ", "An employer who violates this section shall be\n“liable to any eligible employee affected” for compensatory\ndamages and “for such equitable relief as may be appropri-\nate, including employment, reinstatement, and promotion.”", "\n 8\nId. § 2617(a)(1). ", " The district court ruled\n\n\n\n(...continued)\ncase violated its own regulations.", "\n8\n The full text of § 2617(a)(1) reads:\n (a) Civil action by employees\n (continued...)\n\f26 No. ", "03-4204\n\n\n\n\n(...continued)\n (1) Liability\n Any employer who violates section 2615 of this title\n shall be liable to any eligible employee affected—\n (A) for damages equal to—\n (i) the amount of—\n (I) any wages, salary, employment benefits,\n or other compensation denied or lost to\n such employee by reason of the violation;\n or\n (II) in a case in which wages, salary,\n employment benefits, or other compensa-\n tion have not been denied or lost to the\n employee, any actual monetary losses sus-\n tained by the employee as a direct result of\n the violation, such as the cost of providing\n care, up to a sum equal to 12 weeks of\n wages or salary for the employee;\n (ii) the interest on the amount described in\n clause (i) calculated at the prevailing rate; and\n (iii) an additional amount as liquidated dam-\n ages equal to the sum of the amount described\n in clause (i) and the interest described in clause\n (ii), except that if an employer who has violated\n section 2615 of this title proves to the satisfac-\n tion of the court that the act or omission which\n violated section 2615 of this title was in good\n faith and that the employer had reasonable\n grounds for believing that the act or omission\n was not a violation of section 2615 of this title,\n such court may, in the discretion of the court,\n reduce the amount of the liability to the amount\n (continued...)\n\fNo. ", "03-4204 27\n\nthat Mr.Harrell was not entitled to any damages on this\nclaim because the violation caused him no injury:\nDr. Smith’s office refused to release any medical informa-\ntion to the postal nurse absent Mr. Harrell’s consent. ", "This\nconclusion is correct. ", "Our review of the record also found no\nindication that any information obtained from the postal\nnurse’s contact with Dr. Smith’s office in any way compro-\nmised Mr. Harrell’s return-to-work status or was a factor in\nthe Postal Service’s decision to terminate his employment.", "\nSection 2617 affords\n no relief unless the employee has been prejudiced by the\n violation: The employer is liable only for compensation\n and benefits lost “by reason of the violation,”\n § 2617(a)(1)(A)(i)(I), for other monetary losses sustained\n “as a direct result of the violation,” § 2617(a)(1)\n (A)(i)(II), and for “appropriate” equitable relief, includ-\n ing employment, reinstatement, and promotion,\n § 2617(a)(1)(B). ", "The remedy is tailored to the harm\n suffered.", "\nRagsdale v. Wolverine World Wide, Inc., 535 U.S. 81, 88-90\n 9\n(2002). ", "Because Mr. Harrell was not harmed by the unau\n\n\n\n(...continued)\n and interest determined under clauses (i) and\n (ii), respectively; and\n (B) for such equitable relief as may be appropriate,\n including employment, reinstatement, and promo-\n tion.", "\n29 U.S.C. § 2617(a)(1).", "\n9\n See also Cianci v. Pettibone Corp., 152 F.3d 723, 728-29 (7th Cir.", "\n1998) (holding that plaintiff had no claim under FMLA because\nshe had suffered no diminution in income and incurred no costs\n (continued...)\n\f28 No. ", "03-4204\n\nthorized contact with his physician, § 2617 provides him no\nremedy, including equitable relief, and the district court\ncorrectly granted the Postal Service summary judgment on\nthis claim.", "\n\n\nD. Notice Requirements\n Finally, Mr. Harrell alleges that the Postal Service in-\nterfered with his FMLA rights by failing to provide him\nwith timely and sufficient notice of the requirements for\nreturning to work and of the consequences for failing to\ncomply with those requirements. ", "The Act’s implementing\nregulations require that an employer must provide notice\n“detailing the specific expectations and obligations of the\nemployee and explaining any consequences of a failure to\nmeet these obligations,” 29 C.F.R. § 825.301(b), “within a\nreasonable time after notice of the need for leave is given by\nthe employee—within one or two business days if feasible,”\nid. § 825.301(c). ", "If the employer fails to provide adequate\nand timely notice, it “may not take action against an\nemployee for failure to comply with any provision required\nto be set forth in the notice.” ", "Id. § 825.301(f).", "\n\n\n9\n (...continued)\nas a result of alleged violation); see also Cavin v. Honda of America\nMfg., ", "Inc., 346 F.3d 713, 726 (6th Cir. ", "2003) (“Even when an em-\nployee proves that his employer violated § 2615, ‘§ 2617 provides\nno relief unless the employee has been prejudiced by the viola-\ntion’ ” (quoting Ragsdale v. Wolverine World Wide, Inc., 535 U.S. 81,\n88-90 (2002)); Sarno v. Douglas Elliman-Gibbons & Ives, Inc., 183\nF.3d 155, 162 (2d Cir. ", "1999) (concluding that the FMLA does not\ngive “an employee a right to sue the employer for failing to give\nnotice of the terms of the Act where the lack of notice had no\neffect on the employee’s exercise of or attempt to exercise any\nsubstantive right conferred by the Act”).", "\n\fNo. ", "03-4204 29\n\n The district court concluded that Mr. Harrell’s claim was\n“belied by his deposition testimony in which he admits that\nhe was aware of the USPS regulations concerning returning\nto work following an absence of more than 21 days.” ", "R.41 at\n11. ", "The court found, moreover, that, upon realizing that Mr.\nHarrell’s leave would exceed twenty-one days, Cussins\nmailed to him a letter outlining in detail the return-to-work\ncertification requirements. ", "In addition, Mr. Harrell discussed\nhis alternatives with Cussins when he first had attempted to\nreturn to work.", "\n Mr. Harrell contends that the Postal Service was required\nto inform him of his return-to-work obligations at the time\nhe requested FMLA leave, not at the time he attempted to\nreturn to work. ", "On February 2, and again on February 22,\n2000, Mr. Harrell notified his supervisors that he might be\nabsent for up to four weeks. ", "The Postal Service initially ad-\nvised him of its return-to-work requirements by letter dated\nFebruary 23, 2000. ", "Although, according to Mr. Harrell, he\ndid not receive this letter until March 7 (the day after he\nattempted to return to work), nothing in the record suggests\nthat the Postal Service delayed in attempting to notify Mr.\nHarrell of his obligations within a reasonable time after he\nadvised the Postal Service that he needed to take an ex-\ntended absence.", "\n Furthermore, even assuming that the Postal Service failed\nto provide adequate notice, Mr. Harrell was not harmed by\nthis violation. ", "On March 6, 2000, when Mr. Harrell at-\ntempted to return to work, he was told by Cussins what he\nneeded to do in order to be cleared for work. ", "By letters\ndated March 9 and March 15, 2000, the Postal Service reit-\nerated to Mr. Harrell his return-to-work obligations and told\nhim that he would be subject to removal if he failed\nto comply with those conditions. ", "Then, when Mr. Harrell\nresponded by letter on March 21, the Postal Service sent him\nanother letter requesting an opportunity to review medical\n\f30 No. ", "03-4204\n\ndocumentation from his health care provider and schedul-\ning an appointment for him to be examined by a USPS-\ncontract physician. ", "Mr. Harrell again refused this request.", "\nThe Postal Service did not terminate his employment until\nApril 27, 2000.", "\n This chronology demonstrates that Mr. Harrell had ample\nnotice of the Postal Service’s expectations and of his obli-\ngations related to returning to work. ", "We conclude that, on\nthis record, the district court’s grant of summary judgment\nin favor of the Postal Service was appropriate on this claim.", "\n\n\n Conclusion\n Accordingly, for the foregoing reasons, we affirm the\njudgment of the district court insofar as it holds that the\ndoctrine of collateral estoppel is inapplicable to this claim.", "\nWe also affirm the court’s judgment insofar as it determined\nthat the provisions of the postal handbooks and manuals\naffecting employees’ return to work after leave are incorpo-\nrated into the National Agreement. ", "We also affirm the\ncourt’s judgment insofar as it holds that Mr. Harrell cannot\nrecover damages on the ground that the USPS contacted his\nhealth care provider because he has not been able to show\nthat he was harmed by the unauthorized contact. ", "We further\naffirm the judgment of the district court insofar as it con-\ncluded that Mr. Harrell was notified adequately of the\nUSPS’ requirements for returning to work. ", "We reverse the\ndistrict court’s judgment insofar as it held that the USPS’\nreturn-to-work regulations may impose a greater burden on\nthe employee than those imposed by the FMLA and its\nregulations. ", "The parties shall bear their own costs in this\ncourt.", "\n AFFIRMED in part; REVERSED and REMANDED in part\n\fNo. ", "03-4204 31\n\nA true Copy:\n Teste:\n\n _____________________________\n Clerk of the United States Court of\n Appeals for the Seventh Circuit\n\n\n\n\n USCA-02-C-0072—7-19-05\n\f" ]
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[ "Month: March 2017\n\nOur Cheshunt dentists discuss how lifestyle choices can affect our oral health. ", "We are not here to judge people, or to moralise and we’re sure that any regular patient of The Lodge Dental Suite would happily tell you that. ", "As…\n\nFast acting modern orthodontics at our Cheshunt dental practice. ", "Selecting the right method to straighten a patient’s teeth can only be done by a qualified dentist, such as those in the experienced team at The Lodge Dental Suite. ", "There are…\n\nRegular dental checks in Cheshunt help to keep teeth strong and healthy. ", "There may be occasions where a patient is unable to keep a dental appointment. ", "For example, if you have a viral infection such as a cold or flu,…\n\nHow we carry out a tooth extraction at The Lodge Dental Suite in Cheshunt. ", "Although there are many treatments available to save a damaged or decaying tooth; fillings, crowns and root canal treatment being some of the more obvious, there…" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "using System;\nusing System.", "Collections.", "Generic;\nusing System.", "Linq;\nusing System.", "Text;\nusing System.", "Threading.", "Tasks;\n\nnamespace CoinAPI.REST.V1 {\n public class ExchangeCurrentrate {\n public string asset_id_base { get; set; }\n public Rate[] rates { get; set; }\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "0 for r.\n2\nSolve 5*h + 3*z = -37, -2840*z + 2839*z + 16 = -4*h for h.\n-5\nSolve 4*c - 636*x + 5 = -643*x, 4*c - 2*x + 50 = 0 for c.\n-10\nSolve 2*i + 10 = 2*g, -4*g - 195 = 5*i - 152 for i.\n-7\nSolve 31*g - 26*g + 4*d + 39 = 0, 5*g + 40 = -5*d for g.\n-7\nSolve 0 = 19*b - 2*w - 8, -58*b = -56*b - 4*w - 16 for b.\n0\nSolve -4*o - 4 = 1948*b - 1944*b, -3*o - 4*b = 0 for o.\n-4\nSolve -3*t + 951*s - 6 = 956*s, 3*s = 4*t + 8 for t.\n-2\nSolve 5*f - 13770*o + 13 = -13769*o, 3*f = 3*o - 39 for f.\n0\nSolve 0 = 2*z + 4*j + 24, 0 = z + 366*j - 371*j - 23 for z.\n-2\nSolve -5*b + 49*c - 12 = 51*c, -4 = 4*b + 3*c for b.\n-4\nSolve 0 = 5*g + 2*f + 1, -4*g + 328 = 5*f + 339 for g.\n1\nSolve 438*q + 8 = -j + 441*q, 4*j = q - 54 for j.\n-14\nSolve 0 = -10*l - 3*d - 21490 + 21482, -4*d + 66 = -2*l for l.\n-5\nSolve 0 = -4*a + 16*f - 96, -3*a - 3*f - 503 = -521 for a.\n0\nSolve 45*y - v = -29*y + 2*v - 118, 3*y - 4*v - 34 = 0 for y.\n-2\nSolve 0*z + 57 = -5*c - 4*z + 27, -3*c - 1 = -z for c.\n-2\nSolve 3*w = 8*j - 17, -j - 25*w + 10 = -28*w for j.\n1\nSolve -26*y + 22 = -30*y + 5*m, 0 = 12*m - 24 for y.\n-3\nSolve -5*b - 4*h - 5 = 0, 4*b = 35*h - 21 + 208 for b.\n3\nSolve -5*w + 19 = -s, -22*s + 2*w = -19*s + 5 for s.\n1\nSolve -10 = -2*g - 5*s, -16 = 240*s - 244*s for g.\n-5\nSolve -4*i + 131*q - 126*q = 21, -2*q = 4*i + 14 for i.\n-4\nSolve 70*v + 4*n = 73*v, -2*n = -6*v for v.\n0\nSolve -u - 5*r - 3 = 0, 2*r + 164 - 149 = -5*u for u.\n-3\nSolve -35 = 5*h - 2*w, -597*h = -600*h - 3*w for h.\n-5\nSolve 3*q - 148 = -i - 125, 0 = -5*i - 4*q + 71 for i.\n11\nSolve -5*x = -5*m - 105, 3923*m - 3926*m = 2*x - 17 for m.\n-5\nSolve -5*c + 2*w + 5 = 0, -5*c + 391 = 5*w + 351 for c.\n3\nSolve -3*s + 6 = 0, -12 + 5 = -z - 5*s + s for z.\n-1\nSolve 9*o - l + 35 = -36, 5 - 2 = -3*l for o.\n-8\nSolve -61*o + 119*o - 53*o - 20 = 0, w - 2*o - 2 = 0 for w.\n10\nSolve -31 = 3*z - 5*s, -4*z + 1226*s = 1228*s - 5 + 29 for z.\n-7\nSolve -5*p + 275 - 284 = -2*b, 3*b - 5*p = 1 for b.\n-8\nSolve -3*t + 51 - 61 = -2*l, -4*t - 25 = -5*l for l.\n5\nSolve -2*z - 3*g = -5, 5*z + 8130*g - 8132*g = 41 for z.\n7\nSolve 2*n - 24 = -3*l + 1, 3*l - 5*l = -2*n for n.\n5\nSolve -4 = -g - 3*g - b - 0*b, -4*b - 2*b = 24 for g.\n2\nSolve 4*c = -j, -c = 3*j - 166 + 177 for c.\n1\nSolve 3*s = -4*a - 27, -1869*s + 42 = -1864*s - 3*a for s.\n3\nSolve 3*b + 4 = -3338*o + 3333*o, -b - 8 = 3*o for b.\n7\nSolve 0 = -4*w - 4*o + 16, -17*w + 13*w + 4*o + 24 = 0 for w.\n5\nSolve -850*i - 852*i + 1700*i = -2*n - 4, 1 = 2*n + 3*i for n.\n-1\nSolve -3*l - 2*u + 23 = 0, l = 3*u + 2917 - 2902 for l.\n9\nSolve 0 = -5*a + 3*d + 32, 35*a - 7*d - 40 = 32*a for a.\n4\nSolve 91*r - t + 76 = 106*r, -3*r + t = -14 for r.\n5\nSolve -5*k - 2934 = 2*f - 2999, -5*k + 65 = 5*f for f.\n0\nSolve 3*m - 6 = 0, 3*j + 2595*m = -j + 2588*m + 22 for j.\n2\nSolve 0 = -4*g - 3*v - 52, -4*g + 186*v + 92 = 183*v for g.\n5\nSolve 0 = 6*a + 60, -4*l - 4*a + 1265 = 2573 - 1280 for l.\n3\nSolve -2*v + 18 = -2*n, -52*n + 4*v = -40*n + 76 for n.\n-5\nSolve -240*d + 244*d + 2*z = 40, 0 = 4*d - 2*z - 32 for d.\n9\nSolve -2*g + 14*d = 12*d + 6, -2*d + 30 = -5*g for g.\n-8\nSolve -4*d = -2*i - 12, d + 11 = 5*i - 8*i for i.\n-4\nSolve 2*y + 2 = -2*f, 3*y - 4*f - 5 = 20 for y.\n3\nSolve -215 + 206 = 3*y, -3*y + 30 = 2*c - y for c.\n18\nSolve -4*p + 4*o = -24, -5*p = -2*o + 160 - 166 for p.\n-2\nSolve 4*h = -2*c + 26, 0 = -5*h - 133 + 128 for c.\n15\nSolve -6*b + 4*b + 4*t - 6 = 0, 0 = -3*t for b.\n-3\nSolve 3*q = g + 3 - 15, 5*q - 3*g + 16 = 0 for q.\n-5\nSolve -5*l - 7 = -2*r, 0 = 77*l - 80*l + 4*r - 7 for l.\n-1\nSolve 368*o + 61 = 371*o + 2*x, 4*o - 4*x + 132 = 0 for o.\n-1\nSolve -2 = -3*g + 5465*b - 5463*b, 3*g + b + 1 = 0 for g.\n0\nSolve -4*k - 4*x - 4 = 0, 330*k - 328*k - 3*x = -17 for k.\n-4\nSolve -4*n - 537*i - 68 = -538*i, 3*i = -3*n - 36 for n.\n-16\nSolve -2*z = -4*a - 6, 3*a + 3*z + 11 + 25 = 0 for a.\n-5\nSolve -867 = -3*d - u - 828, -3*u = -9 for d.\n12\nSolve -166*i + 164*i + 12 = 5*m, m = -3*i - 8 for i.\n-4\nSolve -22 - 4 = -6*k + 2*g, -3*g + 27 = 2*k for k.\n6\nSolve 17*u - 13*u + 6*t = -46, 1 = 2*u - 5*t for u.\n-7\nSolve 3*o = 26*q - 25*q + 3, -5*o + 25 = -5*q for q.\n-6\nSolve -13*f = -4*q - 67, -2*f + 39*q - 43*q = 82 for f.\n-1\nSolve -4*o + 6*j = -90, 171*o + 45 = 175*o + 3*j for o.\n15\nSolve -2*f = a + 11, -4*f + 1500*a - 25 = 1501*a for f.\n-7\nSolve n + 358 = -33*r, 140*r + 38 = n + 137*r for n.\n5\nSolve 0 = 14*d - 19*d + 5*a + 40, -5*a - 36 = -d for d.\n1\nSolve 28*k - 3 = 2*r + 31*k, -36 = 11*r - 3*k for r.\n-3\nSolve 3149*t - 3151*t + 4 = -4*l, -4*t + 3*l = 2 for t.\n-2\nSolve 2*k + 3*k + 210 - 252 = 4*t, -3*t = 39 for k.\n-2\nSolve 233 = -l - 5*z + 213, 4*l - 10 = -2*z for l.\n5\nSolve 3*t - 108*k + 21 = -111*k, 4*t - 5*k - 17 = 0 for t.\n-2\nSolve -c + 130*t - 63*t - 66*t = 4, t - 4 = 0 for c.\n0\nSolve -5*a + 58 - 63 = 0, -4*z + a + 9 = 0 for z.\n2\nSolve -8*w + 27 = -b - 4*w, 11*w = 2*b + 78 for b.\n5\nSolve -3*o + 2*g = 1, -197*g + 202*g - 37 = -4*o for o.\n3\nSolve 539*s - 347 = 117*k + 535*s, -2*k - 1 = -5*s for k.\n-3\nSolve 4*k + 33 = 5*c, -6*c - 131*k + 129*k + 26 = 0 for c.\n5\nSolve -2*t + 20 = -2*s, 3*s + 2532 = -2*t + 2542 for t.\n8\nSolve -5*t - 1172 + 1167 = -p, 4*t + p + 4 = 0 for t.\n-1\nSolve 0 = -k - 552*s + 547*s - 122, 120 = -5*s for k.\n-2\nSolve 0*d = -5*i + i - 3*d + 82, 0 = 2*d - 44 for i.\n4\nSolve -4*s - 1357*m = -1360*m + 1, -3*s = -3*m - 3 for s.\n-4\nSolve 4*c = 57*j - 48*j - 5, 2*j - 7 = -5*c for j.\n1\nSolve -3*t = 4*l - 24, 36*l - 42*l - t + 22 = 0 for l.\n3\nSolve z + 9 + 7 = -3*k, 2*z + 12 = -k for z.\n-4\nSolve -3*r - 124 = -4*i, 2*r + 1317 - 1169 = 5*i for r.\n-4\nSolve 4*s = 0, -35*s + 15 = -5*m - 30*s for m.\n-3\nSolve -687*d - 50 = -689*d + 4*z, -2*d - 3*z - 55 = 0 for d.\n-5\nSolve y + v = 3, y - 2424*v = -2422*v + 9 for y.\n5\nSolve 3 = -3*w + 3*t, -4195*w + 4190*w = 2*t - 16 for w.\n2\nSolve -5*q = -h - 5, 4*q + 18 - 22 = 5*h for q.\n1\nSolve -h + 98 = 33*b, -4*h + 11 = 11474*b - 11469*b for h.\n-1\nSolve 25*a + 325 = -8*l, -3*l - 32 = -a - 45 for l.\n0\nSolve 4*h - 2*i + 4*i = 0, -7 = h - 3*i for h.\n-1\nSolve -2*o = -5*h - 5, -2 = 2*h + 13*o - 8*o for h.\n-1\nSolve 6 = 2*l + 2*k, -322*k = -317*k - 20 for l.\n-1\nSolve 2*s + 48 = 3*k + 71, 5*s = k + 25 for s.\n4\nSolve -5*m - 149706*g = -149701*g + 40, 2*m = 2*g + 28 for m.\n3\nSolve 0 = 4*t + 4, -368*k - 13 = -372*k - 9*t + 10*t for k.\n3\nSolve v = g + 12, -2*g = -3*v - 54 + 82 for v.\n4\nSolve 6*h - q - 17 = 0, -77 + 105 = 4*h - 4*q for h.\n2\nSolve -75 = -6*k - 5*t - 70, 0 = -2*k + 4*t - 38 for k.\n-5\nSolve -27*x = -5*a - 28*x - 16, -3*a = 2*x + 11 for a.\n-3\nSolve 0 = -d + 7*l + 33, -24 + 35 = 3*d + l for d.\n5\nSolve 2*g - 5*d = -16, -316*d + 4 = 4*g - 317*d for g.\n2\nSolve -5*d - 62*s - 16 = -66*s, -28 = 2*d - 4*s for d.\n4\nSolve 3*j - 39 = 4*m, 30*m + 57 = 25*m + j for m.\n-12\nSolve 0 = 2*y + x, -27*y + 4*x - 8 = -31*y for y.\n-2\nSolve 8*a + 2*n - 117 = -19, 0 = -a + 3*n - 4 for a.\n11\nSolve -3*r + 2*d = 58, -34*r - 3*d + 61 = -32*r for r.\n-4\nSolve -4*r + 18420*m - 18424*m - 5 = 35, -10 = -r + 3*m for r.\n-5\nSolve -5*j = -4*p + 20, -33*j = -30*j - 2*p + 10 for j.\n0\nSolve -4*k = -5*v - 46, 5*k - 611*v = -609*v + 32 for k.\n4\nSolve t = -3*q + 1, 0*q - 5*t = q + 9 for q.\n1\nSolve -2*h - 6*z = 10, -5 = -1780*h + 1781*h - 5*z for h.\n-5\nSolve 13*g - x - 14 = 24*g, 3*g + 5*x = -18 for g.\n-1\nSolve 162 - 203 = 8*f + b, -b - 6 = f for f.\n-5\nSolve 5*z + 60 = -v + 7, -3*z - 6*v - 48 = 0 for z.\n-10\nSolve 3*s = 2*b - 53 + 55, 4*s + 5*b + 5 = 0 for s.\n0\nSolve -5 = -5*y - 5*h, y + 3*y + 2*h = 14 for y.\n6\nSolve -2*p - 16 = -3*t, -2*t - 55*p + 59*p = 0 for t.\n8\nSolve -2*o - 1280 = -g - 1289, -7*o - 2*g + 59 = 0 for o.\n7\nSolve 5*l = 2*t + 40 + 7, -t - l = -8 for t.\n-1\nSolve 0 = 3*p + 3*c - 36, -6*p - 3*c - 24 = -9*p for p.\n10\nSolve -20 = 5*q, 23 = 27*i - 28*i - 3*q for i.\n-11\nSolve 4*p - 3*x = 32, 5*p - x = 34384 - 34355 for p.\n5\nSolve 20 = -78*b + 76*b - 5*r, -20 = b + 5*r for b.\n0\nSolve 0 = -2*d - 2*y + 6, -1002*y - 1 = d - 999*y for d.\n5\nSolve -4*c - 9*s + 6*s = 19, -2*c + 9*s - 6*s = 23 for c.\n-7\nSolve 0 = -f + 5, 204 = 2*w + 5*f + 171 for w.\n4\nSolve -5*j + 2*d = -22, 8*j + 7119*d - 27 = 7114*d for j.\n4\nSolve 3*j + 5*p = -22, 3*j + p - 566 + 580 = 0 for j.\n-4\nSolve -134*c + 1 = -133*c - 3*x, 3*c + 12 = -6*x for c.\n-2\nSolve 0 = -4*i + z - 16, -29*z + 30 = -2*i - 34*z for i.\n-5\nSolve -4*h = -0*h - 3*n + 32, n = 39 - 43 for h.\n-11\nSolve 5*d = 15, 2*b " ]
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
[ 0.0061020258725897 ]
[ "Therapeutic Hypothermia to Treat a Newborn With Perinatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy.", "\nHypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy is caused by neonatal asphyxia and can lead to mortality or long-term neurodevelopmental morbidity in neonates. ", "Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) is one of the few effective ways to manage mitigating neurologic sequelae. ", "The authors describe the case of a neonate who had a perinatal hypoxic insult and sustained no long-term sequelae after being treated with TH. ", "It is important that osteopathic physicians who provide obstetric and gynecologic, perinatal, and emergency medical care are able to recognize a perinatal hypoxic event, understand the stratification of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy risk factors, and implement early TH protocols." ]
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[ "Pledging to “end family break-up through the immigration system”, the Labour Party is announcing it will scrap a number of laws holding back mass migration.", "\n\nIn a speech revealing Labour’s vision for migration policy post-Brexit, Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott unveiled asylum and immigration policies that the Conservatives warned would act as a “dangerous incentive” to third world migrants tempted to make hazardous journeys to Europe.", "\n\nOutlining the “fair and reasonable values” on which Labour says it intends to set immigration rules, Abbott said Labour would end “family break-up through the immigration system”.", "\n\nThe left-wing party would achieve this by allowing ‘child’ migrants to bring over family members — particularly parents — effectively turning them into beachheads for a large-scale chain migration.", "\n\nLabour would also end the practice of at least attempting to deport ‘child’ migrants with no valid asylum claim once they turn 18.", "\n\nLabour Campaign Says UK Needs Open Borders Because Brits are ‘Old and Creaky’ https://t.co/gUYRzNNVCt — Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) September 14, 2017\n\nAbbott asserted that it is “neither fair nor reasonable to break up families” in the speech, and also renewed the pledge made by Labour at the last general election to axe the government’s “false and unworkable net migration target” of less than 100,000 a year.", "\n\nThe London MP pointed to a large number of current migration policies which Labour would either scrap or change if they came to power, the Guardian reports.", "\n\nA leaked draft of the proposals indicated Labour would ditch rules brought in by the Conservatives in 2011, which only allow allows a foreign spouse to be brought to Britain if their partner earns more than £18,600 a year — which is below the national average income, but high enough to offer some insurance against the couple becoming a net drain on taxpayers immediately.", "\n\nForeign spouses make up a large number of immigrants to Britain. ", "In 2009, when Labour had been in power for 12 years, Ann Cryer estimated that as many as 80 per cent of Muslim marriages in the area involved bringing a spouse over from Pakistan or another country in the Indian subcontinent.", "\n\nThe former Labour MP, who also suffered abuse for trying to highlight the health risks of cousin marriage, warned that transcontinental marriages were importing “third world poverty” to the streets of Britain.", "\n\nReport: Migrants Make up 90 Per Cent New Households over Past Decade\n\nhttps://t.co/BYpnwNk90y — Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 15, 2017\n\nAlso contained in the leaked plans were proposals to introduce a visa scheme for “low-skilled, unskilled and seasonal” workers — categories of migrants which, as Migration Watch UK has pointed out, place pressure on housing, healthcare, education and the criminal justice system while paying virtually no tax.", "\n\nA Conservative Party spokesman told the Press Association: “Labour’s policy would risk breaking up families by creating a dangerous incentive for children to make the perilous journey across the Mediterranean and onto the UK on their own.”", "\n\nHowever, they then added: “Our immigration policy will always support those in genuine need and those who need our help the most.", "\n\n“That’s why we are resettling 23,000 vulnerable refugees, including children with their families, from the camps around the Middle East and North Africa.”", "\n\nCatch the live stream of my speech on Labour values and immigration now ↓https://t.co/uvFX1K34kK — Diane Abbott (@HackneyAbbott) February 21, 2018" ]
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[ "Dedicated to the advancement of the State of Indiana by re-affirming our state's constitutional principles that: all people are created equal; no religious test shall be imposed on our public officials and offices of trust; and no special privileges or immunities shall be granted to any class of citizens which are not granted on the same terms to all citizens.", "\nAdvance Indiana, LLC. ", "Copyright 2005-16. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n\nWednesday, August 19, 2009\n\nDaniels' Administration Whitewashes CIB Audit, Big Surprise\n\nThe State Board of Accounts spent about two minutes writing up this whitewash of the CIB's past audit reports mere days after Gov. Mitch Daniels signed into law the new state budget that included the controversial $21 million a year tax, spend and borrow plan for the CIB. ", "Here's what the rubber-stamp auditors at the State Board of Accounts wrote in a letter dated July 7, 2009:\n\nWe have reviewed the audit reports prepared by BKD, LLP, Independent Public Accountants, for the period January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2008. ", "In our opinion, the audit reports were prepared in accordance with the guidelines established by the State Board of Accounts. ", "Per the Independent Public Accountants’ opinions, the financial statements included in the reports present fairly the financial condition of the Capital Improvement Board of Managers, as of December 31, 2007 and 2008 and the results of its operations for the periods then ended, on the basis of accounting described in the reports.", "\n\nThe Independent Public Accountants' reports are filed with this letter in our office as a matter of public record.", "\n\nThanks for your contributiion to the CIB Ponzi scheme, Gov. Daniels. ", "Hope your buddy Jim Morris makes all the money you set out to help him and others make at our expense.", "\n\nHere's the language included in the budget bill:\n\nThe state board of accounts shall audit annually the accounts, books, and records of the board and prepare a financial report and a compliance audit report. ", "The board shall submit to the city-county legislative body financial and compliance reports of the state board of accounts. ", "The board shall post the reports of the state board of accounts on the board's Internet web site. ", "The city-county legislative body shall discuss the financial and compliance reports of the state board of accounts in a public hearing.", "\n\n5 comments:\n\nState board of accounts audits are primarily for malfeasance, theft and whether or not you are using the proper state accounts. ", "They do not audit the reasons and rationale of where the money was spent nor the amount of money spent. ", "The fact that the CIB follows generally accepted rules of accounting and the state requirements is not the issue.", "\n\nIf you read those audit reports, you would have no idea how precarious the financial woes of the CIB actually are. ", "There was certainly a disconnect between what's in those audit reports and what we've been told by the CIB's management the past six months.", "\n\nSo what purpose is there in an unaudited section of an audit? ", "I did briefly peruse the document and was amazed at the amount of obfuscation the document offered. ", "All we really need is an executive summary, aka statement of changes of financial positions; what do we own, what do we owe, what is our cash flow? ", "I don't think I need 208 pages for that.", "\n\nDid you notice this in the audit?", "\n\n\" While the CIB also budgets for certain capital improvement costs and debt service costs, such expenditures do not require City-County Council approval and may be amended by CIB Board approval.\" (", "p44 annual budget)\n\nSo in short, even though the CIB is required to publish a budget and that budget be approved by the City Council if they feel like adding some more costs there isn't any oversight or control by the City Council.", "\n\nThe CIB dropped the INDEPENDENT Financial Audit prepared by a Professional Accounting firm at its last meeting, leaving only a brief financial review by the State Board of Accounts.", "\n\nSeems pretty stupid when they have so many people questioning the accuracy of the CIB books , that they drop a professional accounting firm and give all the responsibility to the State Board of Accounts which has failed to read the Independent Financial Audit and Red Flag huge problems for over 17 years.", "\n\nBring Back The Professional Independent Financial Audit With State Board of Accounts Review!!!!!", "\n\nJon, That audit statement is dated May, 2009. ", "It was never released to the public during the public debate over at the legislature. ", "The auditors had no choice but to mention the $15 million since it had already been raised publicly by Pat Early months earlier.", "\n\nSUPPORT ADVANCE INDIANA\n\nIt takes many hours of time to publish content for Advance Indiana. ", "If you enjoy reading the content of this blog, please help out by contributing. ", "You can click on the \"Make A Donation\" button below to support Advance Indiana by using PayPal. ", "Thanks to all of those readers who have made contributions in the past and continue to support this blog with your contributions. ", "If you would rather support the blog using an alternative source of payment or would like to advertise on this blog, e-mail me at gwelsh@indy.rr.com for more information.", "\n\nBlogflux\n\nSubscribe To\n\nComment Policy\n\nAdvance Indiana allows you to post comments via this blog subject to the guidelines set forth herein. ", "You understand that any comments you post are your own and are not those of Advance Indiana. ", "You further understand that Advance Indiana is not responsible for the content of any external sites referenced in your comments. ", "Unlawful, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, racially offensive, or otherwise objectionable comments are not acceptable. ", "If you think any content posted or otherwise included in Advance Indiana violates the guidelines set forth herein, then please alert Advance Indiana.", "\nAdvance Indiana reserves the right to pre-screen, edit, and remove any post as it deems appropriate. ", "You specifically acknowledge that Advance Indiana has no obligation to display any post submitted or otherwise provided via Advance Indiana." ]
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[ "\n855 So.2d 597 (2003)\nAlfred Lewis FENNIE, Appellant,\nv.\nSTATE of Florida, Appellee.", "\nAlfred Lewis Fennie, Petitioner,\nv.\nJames V. Crosby, Jr., etc., ", "Respondent.", "\nNos. ", "SC01-2480, SC02-1180.", "\nSupreme Court of Florida.", "\nJuly 11, 2003.", "\nRehearing Denied September 18, 2003.", "\n*599 Michael P. Reiter, Capital Collateral Regional Counsel-North, John M. Jackson, Assistant CCRC-N, Judy K. Walker, Staff Attorney, Office of the Capital Collateral Regional Counsel-North, Tallahassee, FL; and D. Todd Doss, Registry Counsel, Lake City, FL, for Appellant/Petitioner.", "\nCharles J. Crist, Jr., Attorney General, and Stephen D. Ake, Assistant Attorney General, Tampa, FL, for Appellee/Respondent.", "\nPER CURIAM.", "\nAlfred Lewis Fennie appeals an order of the circuit court denying his motion for *600 postconviction relief under Florida Rule of Criminal Procedure 3.850. ", "Fennie also petitions this Court for writ of habeas corpus. ", "We have jurisdiction. ", "See art. ", "V, § 3(b)(1), (9) Fla. Const. ", "For the reasons stated herein, we affirm the circuit court's denial of Fennie's rule 3.850 motion and deny his habeas petition.", "\n\nBACKGROUND AND FACTS\nOn September 27, 1991, Alfred Lewis Fennie was indicted by a grand jury and charged with one count each of first-degree murder, robbery with a firearm, and armed kidnapping. ", "Fennie pled not guilty and proceeded to trial in November 1992. ", "In our decision affirming Fennie's conviction and sentence, this Court summarized the facts of the case. ", "See Fennie v. State, 648 So.2d 95, 96 (Fla.1994). ", "Our earlier opinion outlined the facts pertinent to this proceeding.", "\nThe victim in the instant case, Mary Elaine Shearin, was found dead beside a Hernando County road with her hands bound behind her back and a single gunshot wound to the back of her head. ", "During the investigation, it was discovered that she had been placed in the trunk of her vehicle for a period of time prior to her death. ", "A man, subsequently identified as Fennie, was found in possession of the victim's car, the murder weapon, and a piece of rope matching that used to bind the victim's hands. ", "Upon questioning by law enforcement, Fennie gave several conflicting accounts regarding why he was in possession of the victim's car, and with respect to the identity of a second suspect in the murder. ", "Fennie eventually identified the second suspect as Michael Frazier and admitted that he had driven the victim's car, at Frazier's behest, to the remote location where, according to Fennie, Frazier shot Shearin.", "\nFrazier, in turn, relayed to police and eventually testified at trial that Fennie was responsible for Shearin's kidnapping and murder. ", "According to Frazier, it was Fennie who waved the victim down on the street and then forced her into the trunk of her car at gunpoint. ", "Frazier testified that he rode with Fennie as Fennie attempted to use Shearin's credit cards and to obtain money from several ATM machines. ", "Frazier also testified that Fennie stopped to procure concrete blocks and rope prior to picking up Pamela Colbert, who was both Frazier's cousin and Fennie's girlfriend. ", "Fennie told Frazier and Colbert that he planned to use the rope and concrete blocks to drown Shearin, but ultimately decided to shoot her. ", "According to Frazier, Colbert drove the victim's car to a wooded area where Frazier and Fennie removed Shearin from the trunk. ", "Fennie then walked Shearin down a dirt road until the two were out of sight and he then shot her. ", "Frazier was charged with robbery with a firearm, armed kidnapping, and first-degree murder. ", "He was convicted on all three counts and agreed to cooperate in Fennie's prosecution in exchange for the State's promise not to seek the death penalty.", "\nFennie was charged with and convicted on three identical counts. ", "A day later, the penalty phase of Fennie's trial commenced, with the jury returning a unanimous recommendation for the death penalty. ", "See Fennie, 648 So.2d at 96. ", "The trial judge accepted and followed the sentencing recommendation. ", "See id. In support of the imposition of the death penalty, the trial judge found the following five aggravating factors: (1) the crime was committed while Fennie was engaged in the commission of a kidnapping; (2) the crime was committed to avoid arrest; (3) the crime was committed for financial gain; (4) the crime was heinous, atrocious or cruel (HAC); and (5) the crime was cold, calculated, and premeditated *601 (CCP). ", "See id. at 96-97. ", "The court also found ten nonstatutory mitigators, but determined that the aggravating factors far outweighed the mitigating factors. ", "See id. at 97. ", "In mitigation, the court found that Fennie (i) came from a broken home; (ii) grew up in the Tampa housing projects; (iii) is the father of three children; (iv) paid child support when he could; (v) has some talent as an artist; (vi) spent time caring for his sister's children; (vii) had counseled children about the perils of a life of crime; (viii) was a model prisoner; (ix) is a human being; and (x) was not known to be violent. ", "See id. at 97 n. 6.", "\nFennie timely filed a motion for postconviction relief. ", "Hearings were held pursuant to Huff v. State, 622 So.2d 982 (Fla. 1993), after which the lower court ordered an evidentiary hearing on five claims. ", "The evidentiary hearing was conducted on several days in June 2001, and on October 10, 2001, the trial court entered an order denying relief on all claims. ", "In his appeal of the trial court's decision, Fennie alleges six claims, most with several subclaims.[1] Fennie's appeal is accompanied by a petition for writ of habeas corpus in which Fennie advances three claims for relief.[2] We address certain of Fennie's claims herein, and deny the remainder as meritless.", "\n\n3.850 APPEAL\n\nIneffective Assistance of Counsel during Voir Dire\nIn the first issue meriting discussion,[3] Fennie alleges that guilt phase trial counsel was functionally and constructively absent during voir dire in Fennie's case because he failed to effectively question jurors on the issues of race and racial tensions in the community in which the trial was held, request individual voir dire to ensure effective questioning on these issues, and seek a change of venue. ", "According *602 to Fennie, a thorough voir dire examination was necessary, given the interracial nature of the crime, the State's allegation that Fennie raped the victim prior to her death, and the history of racial tension in the trial community of Brooksville, Florida. ", "Fennie asserts that these tensions were exacerbated by the beating death of a white teenager by a group of black youths less than two years prior to Fennie's trial (hereinafter, the \"Smith case\"). ", "Based on counsel's alleged inaction, Fennie urges this Court to apply the presumption of prejudice standard articulated by the United States Supreme Court in United States v. Cronic, 466 U.S. 648, 104 S.Ct. ", "2039, 80 L.Ed.2d 657 (1984).", "\nIn Cronic, the \"Supreme Court created an exception to the Strickland [v. Washington, 466 U.S. 668, 104 S.Ct. ", "2052, 80 L.Ed.2d 674 (1984)], standard for ineffective assistance of counsel, and acknowledged that certain circumstances are so egregiously prejudicial that ineffective assistance of counsel will be presumed.\" ", "Stano v. Dugger, 921 F.2d 1125, 1152 (11th Cir.1991). ", "These circumstances include those where the accused is denied the presence of counsel at a critical stage in the proceeding, where counsel entirely fails to subject the State's case to a meaningful adversarial testing, and where the circumstances are such that even competent counsel could not render assistance. ", "See Bell v. Cone, 535 U.S. 685, 695-96, 122 S.Ct. ", "1843, 152 L.Ed.2d 914 (2002). ", "Fennie attempts to invoke the first prong of the Cronic framework, arguing that prejudice to his defense should be presumed because trial counsel's failures during jury selection rendered him constructively and functionally absent.", "\nWhile it is well settled that an egregiously deficient performance by counsel during trial can amount to constructive denial of counsel under Cronic,[4] the facts of the instant case do not support application of the Cronic presumption of prejudice standard. ", "Fennie's trial counsel conducted a vigorous voir dire, the transcript for which covered 900 pages. ", "During the questioning of two of the four panels of prospective jurors, counsel posed a series of race-related questions to several individuals. ", "The jury ultimately empaneled to decide Fennie's case included two African Americans; both alternate jurors were also African American. ", "Clearly, Fennie's counsel did not stand mute during the jury selection process or otherwise completely fail to test the impartiality of jurors on important matters. ", "See White v. Luebbers, 307 F.3d 722, 729 (8th Cir.2002) (refusing to apply the Cronic standard where trial counsel deliberately failed to ask potential jurors questions relating to the death penalty). ", "Thus, this is not a case in which counsel's conduct fits within the \"narrow spectrum of cases [under Cronic] where the defendant was completely denied effective assistance of counsel.\" ", "Nixon, 758 So.2d at 622.", "\nThe lower court properly analyzed Fennie's claim of ineffective assistance of *603 counsel under the two-part Strickland test, and determined that Fennie could demonstrate neither deficient performance during voir dire nor prejudicial impact. ", "In reviewing claims of ineffective assistance of counsel, this Court will defer to the lower court's findings of fact and review as questions of mixed law and fact whether counsel's performance was ineffective, and whether the defendant was prejudiced by that ineffective performance. ", "See Ragsdale v. State, 798 So.2d 713, 715 (Fla.2001). ", "We conclude that the trial court's denial of Fennie's ineffective assistance of counsel claim is fully supported by the record, consistent with the evidence and consistent with controlling caselaw.", "\nThe record reveals that trial counsel made a strategic decision not to ask each prospective juror specific race-based questions. ", "Trial counsel testified during the postconviction proceeding that he does not automatically ask race-related questions in interracial crimes, and that his decision to do so turns on the composition of the prospective panels and the facts of the case involved. ", "Counsel further asserted that he did not regard Fennie's case as racially motivated, and that he wanted to avoid offending or alienating potential jurors by asking each of them questions related to race. ", "In trial counsel's experience, the risk of jury alienation would not have been cured through the use of individual voir dire. ", "Counsel confirmed that he went over each juror strike with Fennie and consulted him before the jury was empaneled. ", "Counsel further testified that having successfully selected a jury, there was no basis on which to request a change of venue under controlling caselaw. ", "See Henyard v. State, 689 So.2d 239, 245 (Fla. 1996). ", "The record supports the reasonableness of counsel's decision to avoid the creation of racial conflict during the voir dire process, and belies any basis for an ineffective assistance of counsel claim. ", "See Maharaj v. State, 778 So.2d 944, 959 (Fla. 2000).", "\nThe reasonableness of counsel's course of action is further underscored by his experience. ", "Alan Fanter had practiced in Brooksville for eleven years at the time of Fennie's trial, and had previously successfully litigated interracial crimes. ", "Indeed, Fanter represented John Smith, the only black youth to be brought to trial for the 1990 beating death of a white teenager, and succeeded in obtaining a third-degree murder conviction from a Brooksville jury in the face of intense publicity and an all white jury pool. ", "In response to questions from the court during the postconviction proceeding, Fanter confirmed that he had represented the defendant in the Smith case in accordance with the knowledge and experience he had gained in prior cases and applied that experience in representing Fennie in the present case. ", "Far from constituting ineffective assistance, counsel's actions in the instant case demonstrate a level of competency beyond that which exists in many cases that involve sensitive matters. ", "We therefore deny Fennie's ineffective assistance of counsel claim as to this aspect of the proceedings.", "\n\nIneffective Assistance of Counsel in the Penalty Phase\nFennie advances a second ineffective assistance of counsel claim comprised of three allegations pertaining to counsel's performance during the penalty phase of the trial. ", "First, Fennie contends that his defense was prejudiced by penalty phase counsel's deficient preparation of mitigation witnesses, especially his mother and sister. ", "Fennie next asserts that trial counsel was deficient in failing to call witnesses who would have cast doubt on Fennie's identity as the triggerman. ", "Finally, Fennie alleges that he was prejudiced by counsel's failure to secure expert testimony *604 regarding his dependent and compliant personality traits.", "\nTo establish ineffective assistance of counsel, a defendant first must show that counsel's performance was deficient and, second, that the deficiency prejudiced the defense. ", "See Strickland, 466 U.S. at 687, 104 S.Ct. ", "2052. ", "As set forth in greater detail below, Fennie cannot demonstrate that his defense was prejudiced by any of the identified conduct. ", "Our confidence in the outcome is not undermined when all of the material is considered. ", "Having resolved that Fennie is unable to demonstrate one of the necessary elements of the Strickland test, we need not delve into whether counsel's performance was deficient. ", "See Strickland, 466 U.S. at 697, 104 S.Ct. ", "2052 (\"[T]here is no reason for a court deciding an ineffective assistance claim ... to address both components of the inquiry if the defendant makes an insufficient showing on one.\").", "\nAs evidence of counsel's deficient preparation of mitigation witnesses, Fennie highlights the fact that his sister, Kathy Reed, offered more compelling mitigation evidence during the postconviction proceeding than she presented during the original trial.[5] Fennie also relies on his mother's trial testimony, which he claims mistakenly informed the jury that the family moved to the housing projects when Fennie was in his late teens, mischaracterized life in the projects as acceptable if one kept to oneself, and unexpectedly disclosed damaging information including that Fennie was previously incarcerated, had a gambling habit, worked infrequently, and accepted money from women. ", "Fennie also claims that he was prejudiced by counsel's failure to perpetuate the testimony of his other sister, Deborah Fennie, who was recovering from surgery at the time of trial.", "\nBased on the record in this case, Fennie cannot demonstrate that he was prejudiced by counsel's purportedly deficient preparation of mitigation witnesses. ", "As the lower court found, Fennie's penalty phase presentation included most of the testimony introduced in postconviction. ", "Indeed, after conclusion of the original proceedings, the court specifically found that Fennie was from a broken home, grew up in Tampa's housing projects,[6] and was not known to be violent all as mitigating factors. ", "Thus, much of the testimony Fennie introduced in the postconviction proceeding would have been redundant or cumulative of testimony presented at trial. ", "See Provenzano v. Dugger, 561 So.2d 541, 546 (Fla.1990).", "\nMoreover, Fennie fails to establish that certain mitigating evidence introduced for the first time during the postconviction proceeding, most notably that Fennie was physically abused and went without parental supervision for long periods of time, would have overwhelmed the substantial aggravation present in this case, nor is our confidence in the outcome undermined. ", "We reiterate that the presentation of additional *605 nonstatutory mitigating evidence in the postconviction proceeding does not conclusively substantiate ineffective assistance, and that this Court must also consider the nature of the aggravating and mitigating evidence presented at trial. ", "See Asay v. State, 769 So.2d 974, 988 (Fla. 2000). ", "In this case, the trial judge found a significant amount of aggravation, including commission of a crime to avoid lawful arrest, CCP, and HAC, and little mitigation. ", "See Fennie, 648 So.2d at 96-97. ", "Given those findings, it is highly unlikely that the alleged absence of the evidence pertaining to an unpredictable and abusive upbringing would have swayed six jurors to change their recommendation from death to life imprisonment. ", "See Asay, 769 So.2d at 988; Breedlove v. State, 692 So.2d 874, 878 (Fla.1997). ", "The burden to demonstrate prejudice has not been carried and the material presented is not sufficient to undermine our confidence in the outcome of this case.", "\nFennie next asserts that his defense was prejudiced by counsel's failure to call codefendant Pamela Colbert as a witness during the penalty phase.[7] At her own trial, which preceded Fennie's, Colbert testified that both Fennie and codefendant Michael Frazier accompanied the victim down the dirt road where Shearin was subsequently murdered. ", "Colbert's trial testimony corroborated the first statement she gave to police regarding the incident, but contradicted a second statement in which she asserted that Frazier accompanied Fennie and the victim part of the way down the road, but returned to the car prior to the shooting. ", "According to Fennie, Colbert's testimony would have planted a seed of doubt about his guilt in the minds of the penalty phase jurors that would have been reasonably likely to lead to a recommendation of life imprisonment.", "\nIn rejecting Fennie's claim of ineffective assistance of counsel on this point, the lower court determined that counsel had made a reasonable strategic decision not to present Colbert as a witness, whom the trial judge characterized as an \"unpredictable witness.\" ", "The court below found that Fennie's counsel was in constant contact with Colbert's defense counsel and had been warned by her counsel that Colbert's testimony would inculpate his client. ", "The record conclusively supports the trial court's determination.[8]\nWe agree with the trial court that counsel cannot be faulted for deciding against calling a witness who might have condemned Fennie with her testimony as related by the witness's counsel. ", "See Sweet v. State, 810 So.2d 854, 861 (Fla. 2002) (determining that the decision not to call a witness who had made an out-of-court identification of the defendant did not constitute ineffective assistance of counsel). ", "Fennie most certainly would have alleged ineffective assistance of counsel had trial counsel gambled and *606 presented Colbert as a witness only to have her inculpate Fennie. ", "Thus, the instant case provides a crystalline example of why tactical decisions regarding whether or not a particular witness is presented are \"subject to collateral attack only in rare circumstances when the decision is so irresponsible as to constitute ineffective assistance of counsel.\" ", "Jackson v. State, 711 So.2d 1371, 1372 (Fla. 4th DCA 1998), discussed with approval in Ford v. State, 825 So.2d 358, 360-61 (Fla.2002).", "\nFinally, Fennie claims that his defense was prejudiced by penalty phase counsel's failure to bring forth evidence regarding Fennie's compliant, easily dominated personality and related susceptibility to duress. ", "Fennie bolsters his allegation with the postconviction testimony of psychologist Dr. Jethro Toomer. ", "Dr. Toomer opined that Fennie demonstrated multiple personality deficits such as insecurity, the need for acceptance, and high dependency, which rendered him susceptible to manipulation and duress.", "\nFennie cannot demonstrate that his defense was prejudiced by the failure of trial counsel to introduce evidence pertaining to his generally compliant personality. ", "In making this determination, we are guided by the principle that every effort must be made to eliminate the \"distorting effects of hindsight\" and to evaluate the conduct from counsel's perspective at the time of trial. ", "Strickland, 466 U.S. at 689, 104 S.Ct. ", "2052. ", "Prior to trial, counsel had received a report from Dr. Ronald Peal, a psychologist engaged to assess Fennie's competency and potential mitigation. ", "Dr. Peal concluded that Fennie was not a violent, impulsive individual, but reported no findings of mental mitigating evidence. ", "Ultimately, trial counsel decided not to call Dr. Peal as a witness out of concern that the jury would be apprised of inconsistencies between the statements Fennie made during the course of the evaluation and those he provided to law enforcement.[9]\nThe fact that postconviction counsel is able to secure more expansive mental health mitigation than trial counsel does not, in and of itself, render trial counsel's performance ineffective. ", "See Provenzano, 561 So.2d at 546 (\"The mere fact that Provenzano has now secured an expert who might have offered more favorable testimony is an insufficient basis for relief.\"). ", "We agree with the trial court's conclusion that it is \"highly speculative and conjectural\" that the introduction of Dr. Toomer's testimony would have impacted the outcome of the case. ", "Counsel successfully conveyed Fennie's nonviolent personality through lay witnesses, and introduced some evidence regarding Fennie's lack of future dangerousness through the testimony of correctional officers. ", "Fennie has shown no prejudice where there is no mental mitigating evidence of the nature that would have either seriously impacted the mitigation found or placed the grievous aggravating factors in a different posture. ", "See Asay, 769 So.2d at 988; Breedlove, 692 So.2d at 878.", "\n\nHABEAS CORPUS\n\nInsufficiency of the Trial Court's Sentencing Order\nIn the first of two claims we address from Fennie's habeas corpus petition,[10]*607 it is contended that the trial court violated his constitutional rights by failing to independently weigh aggravating and mitigating circumstances. ", "Fennie further alleges that appellate counsel was ineffective for failing to assert this issue on direct appeal. ", "In support of his contention, Fennie directs attention to several purported violations of the requirement that aggravating and mitigating circumstances be independently evaluated and weighed. ", "We address only the issue pertaining to the trial judge's failure to assign individual weights to each of the ten nonstatutory mitigators which were determined to be established, and deny the remainder of the claim as meritless.[11]\nAs a threshold matter, Fennie's substantive claim, that the trial court erred in failing to independently weigh the aggravating and mitigating circumstances, is procedurally barred, as Fennie could have and should have raised the issue on direct appeal. ", "See Harvey v. Dugger, 656 So.2d 1253, 1256 (Fla.1995); Roberts v. State, 568 So.2d 1255, 1258 (Fla.1990). ", "To succeed on the ineffective assistance of appellate counsel portion of the claim, Fennie must establish that counsel's failure to raise the claim on appeal is of \"such magnitude as to constitute a serious error or substantial deficiency falling measurably outside the range of professionally acceptable performance and, second, whether the deficiency in performance compromised the appellate process to such a degree as to undermine confidence in the correctness of the result.\" ", "Floyd v. State, 808 So.2d 175, 183 (Fla.2002) (quoting Pope v. Wainwright, 496 So.2d 798, 800 (Fla.1986)). ", "The failure to raise a meritless issue does not constitute ineffective assistance of counsel. ", "See Valle v. Moore, 837 So.2d 905, 908 (Fla.2002); Chandler v. Dugger, 634 So.2d 1066, 1068 (Fla.1994). ", "In fact, appellate counsel is not required to raise every conceivable nonfrivolous issue. ", "See Valle, 837 So.2d at 908. ", "We conclude that Fennie cannot make the required showing of prejudice on this claim.", "\nIn Campbell v. State, 571 So.2d 415 (Fla. 1990),[12] this Court set forth guidelines for circuit courts to follow in weighing aggravating and mitigating factors. ", "In the words of the Campbell Court:\nWhen addressing mitigating circumstances, the sentencing court must expressly evaluate in its written order each mitigating circumstance proposed by the defendant to determine whether it is supported by the evidence and whether, in the case of nonstatutory factors, *608 it is truly of a mitigating nature.... The court next must weigh the aggravating circumstances against the mitigating and, in order to facilitate appellate review, must expressly consider in its written order each established mitigating circumstance.", "\nCampbell, 571 So.2d at 419-20 (footnote omitted). ", "Arguably, the assignment of individualized weights to aggravating and mitigating factors is not expressly and absolutely required by Campbell. ", "Subsequent decisions from this Court have, however, interpreted Campbell as requiring individualized weighing of aggravating and mitigating factors. ", "See Hurst v. State, 819 So.2d 689, 697 (Fla.2002) (citing Campbell for the proposition that written sentencing orders must \"carefully evaluate each mitigating circumstance offered by the defendant, decide if it has been established, and assign it a proper weight\"); Woodel v. State, 804 So.2d 316, 327 (Fla.2001) (deeming a sentencing order insufficient due, in part, to the trial court's failure to assign individualized weights to aggravators and mitigators).", "\nAlthough we believe the state of Florida law on this point to be clear, we again reiterate that Campbell, as subsequently interpreted by this Court, requires a trial judge to assign a weight to each aggravating factor and also to each mitigating factor that he or she deems has been established. ", "This requirement is in addition to the other procedural dictates articulated in Campbell. ", "Thus, pursuant to Campbell, a trial judge presiding over a capital case must: (1) expressly evaluate in his or her written order each mitigating circumstance proposed by the defendant to determine whether it is supported by the evidence and whether, in the case of nonstatutory factors, it is truly of a mitigating nature; (2) assign a weight to each aggravating factor and mitigating factor properly established; (3) weigh the established aggravating circumstances against the established mitigating circumstances; and (4) provide a detailed explanation of the result of the weighing process.", "\nThe requirement to assign a weight to each aggravator and mitigator found both stems from, and advances, the constitutional requirement for individualized sentencing that compelled this Court to provide the Campbell guidelines in the first instance. ", "See Campbell, 571 So.2d at 420 (\"Hopefully, use of these guidelines will promote the uniform application of mitigating circumstances in reaching the individualized decision required by law.\"). ", "The process, as clarified herein, will engender an analytical discipline at the trial court level that will, in turn, enhance the trial court's consideration of the unique circumstances surrounding each capital case and each individual defendant. ", "This process will also facilitate a meaningful review of capital cases by ensuring that sentencing orders accurately and fully reflect the trial court's sentencing determination. ", "See Jackson v. State, 704 So.2d 500, 507 (Fla.1997). ", "The importance of a complete understanding of the trial court's reasoning and determination cannot be understated, as it is the responsibility of this Court to conduct a proportionality review of each capital case for the purpose of fostering uniformity in our death penalty jurisprudence. ", "See Tillman v. State, 591 So.2d 167, 169 (Fla.1991).", "\nThe sentencing order in the instant case failed to assign weights to the aggravating and mitigating circumstances on an individualized basis, and thus did not strictly conform with the requirements of Campbell as subsequently interpreted by this Court. ", "However, we determine that the nonconformity in the instant case does not constitute fundamental error because the sentencing order was otherwise thorough and detailed, addressed all of the *609 matters claimed in mitigation and aggravation, and contained a proper weighing analysis even though individual weights were not assigned.[13]See Griffin v. State, 820 So.2d 906, 914 n. 10 (Fla.2002). ", "This Court was able to conduct a meaningful review of Fennie's case on direct appeal, reaching the ultimate conclusion that \"[t]he totality of the aggravating factors and lack of significant mitigating circumstances conclusively demonstrate that death is the appropriate penalty in this case.\" ", "Fennie, 648 So.2d at 99. ", "On this basis, we conclude that Fennie was not prejudiced by appellate counsel's failure to raise the insufficiency of the sentencing order on appeal.", "\n\nProsecutorial Misconduct\nThe second habeas claim that we address involves Fennie's contention that inflammatory statements by the prosecutor rendered his death sentence unconstitutional, and that appellate counsel was ineffective for failing to present the issue on appeal. ", "We address only those aspects of this composite claim pertaining to the State's purportedly improper advancement of an uncharged rape as nonstatutory aggravation and alleged Golden Rule arguments, and deny the balance of the claim as meritless.[14]\nFennie concedes that trial counsel failed to object to all but one of the comments challenged here, but attempts to circumvent the lack of proper preservation by arguing that the inflammatory comments, taken together, rise to the level of fundamental error and were thus cognizable on appeal. ", "See Roberts v. State, 568 So.2d 1255, 1261 (Fla.1990) (determining that appellate counsel cannot be deemed ineffective for failing to raise claims that are not preserved for appeal by a contemporaneous objection at trial except where the claims rise to the level of fundamental error). ", "To constitute fundamental error, \"improper comments made in the closing arguments of a penalty phase must be so prejudicial as to taint the jury's recommended sentence.\" ", "Thomas v. State, 748 So.2d 970, 985 n. 10 (Fla.1999). ", "Fennie contends that this standard is satisfied in the instant case where the State argued an uncharged rape allegation as nonstatutory aggravation. ", "Fennie further alleges that the State inappropriately characterized the victim as pleading for her life and the opportunity to see her children, and incited the jury to \"send a message\" to, or \"do their duty\" for, the community by sentencing Fennie to death. ", "We conclude that Fennie cannot demonstrate that the unanimous death recommendation was improperly tainted by the allegedly improper comments.", "\nWith regard to the allegations leveled by the State that Fennie raped the victim prior to her death, Fennie has not and cannot show that the State argued an uncharged rape as a nonstatutory aggravator, or that the jury considered it as such. *", "610 The State formed a basis for reference to a sexual encounter through the testimony of two witnesses and narrowly focused its inquiries regarding the allegation to test the veracity of Fennie's contention that he had consensual sexual relations with the victim prior to her death. ", "During the penalty phase, the State referenced the sexual conduct in closing arguments as part of the larger factual context of the criminal episode, and as factual predicate for the aggravating factors of commission of a crime to avoid arrest, HAC, and CCP. ", "Given the factual predicate established for the statements and the relevance of the conduct to the statutory aggravators, Fennie cannot sustain the argument that a rape allegation was advanced as nonstatutory aggravation.[15] Moreover, Fennie cannot demonstrate prejudice stemming from the jury's consideration of the sexual contact in the context of the statutory aggravators as the State introduced ample evidence in support of the aggravators found by the trial judge.", "\nIn a similar manner, we resolve that Fennie has failed to demonstrate that the prosecutor's purportedly improper Golden Rule arguments tainted the jury's sentencing recommendation. ", "The remarks that Fennie claims inappropriately characterized the victim as pleading for her life are not of the same nature or egregiousness as those previously deemed improper by this Court. ", "Pertinent to our analysis is the fact that the prosecutor's comments regarding the victim's statements at the time of her death were based on Michael Frazier's testimony regarding what he had actually witnessed and heard, as opposed to the prosecutor's speculation or conjecture. ", "Cf. ", "Urbin v. State, 714 So.2d 411, 421 (Fla.1998) (determining that the prosecutor had engaged in a \"subtle `golden rule' argument\" by creating an imaginary script demonstrating that the victim was shot while pleading for his life). ", "We also recognize that in delivering his closing argument, the prosecution did not invite the jury to imagine themselves in the place of the victim, as this Court has previously deemed improper. ", "See Garron v. State, 528 So.2d 353, 358-59 (Fla.1988); Bertolotti v. State, 476 So.2d 130, 133 n. 3 (Fla. 1985). ", "The comments concerning the evidence were not hypothetical nor were they improper.", "\nSimilarly, we determine that Fennie has failed to establish that the prosecutor's comments run afoul of caselaw precluding the State from encouraging jurors to \"do their duty\" for the community or \"send a message\" through their sentencing decision. ", "We have rejected arguments pertaining to comments similar to those which Fennie characterizes as objectionable. ", "See Cox v. State, 819 So.2d 705, 718 (Fla.2002) (determining that prosecutor's grandiose statement that he represented the lawabiding people of the community and state was not improper). ", "Importantly, there is no evidence that the prosecutor expressly exhorted the jury to return a verdict of death, or equated the juror's duty with a particular sentence. ", "Cf. ", "Urbin, 714 So.2d at 421 (deeming improper argument that \"you may be tempted to take the easy way out, to not weigh the aggravating circumstances and the mitigating circumstances and not want to fully carry out your responsibility and just vote for life\"); Garron, 528 So.2d at 359 (determining that it was improper for the prosecutor to admonish the jury that it was their \"sworn duty as you came in and became jurors to come *611 back with a determination that the defendant should die for his actions\"). ", "The prosecutor's comments in the instant case are distinguishable from those that this Court has deemed improper, and in context do not rise to the level of fundamental error.", "\n\nConclusion\nFor the foregoing reasons, we affirm the trial court's denial of Fennie's rule 3.850 motion and deny Fennie's petition for writ of habeas corpus.", "\nIt is so ordered.", "\nWELLS, PARIENTE, LEWIS, QUINCE, CANTERO, and BELL, JJ., ", "concur.", "\nANSTEAD, C.J., concurs in part and dissents in part with an opinion.", "\nANSTEAD, C.J., concurring in part and dissenting in part.", "\nI concur in the majority opinion in all respects except for its discussion of the Ring issue. ", "For the reasons I expressed in my opinion in Duest v. State, 855 So.2d 33 (Fla.2003), I cannot agree with the majority's reasoning for rejecting the Ring claim.[16] The majority cites the plurality opinions in Bottoson v. Moore, 833 So.2d 693 (Fla.2002), and King v. Moore, 831 So.2d 143 (2002), as providing a basis for rejecting this claim despite the lack of a majority opinion in either case.", "\nInitially, I find it telling that the majority feels compelled, in this postconviction case, to specifically recognize that the jury's advisory sentence in this case was unanimous and that one of the aggravating circumstances was inherent in the jury's guilt phase conviction. ", "This recognition suggests, of course, that in cases where there is no unanimous recommendation or \"exempt\" aggravating circumstance, a postconviction argument based on Ring might be meritorious.", "\nHowever, even if the majority is correct in considering one of the aggravating circumstances to be inherent in the jury's guilt phase verdict, we cannot ignore the fact that the judge alone found four other serious aggravating circumstances, including the presence of the \"heinous, atrocious, or cruel\" and the \"cold, calculated, and premeditated\" aggravating circumstances, which are two of the most serious set out in Florida's death sentencing scheme. ", "Larkins v. State, 739 So.2d 90, 95 (Fla. 1999). ", "Ring, of course, prohibits death sentences predicated upon factual findings made by the judge alone.", "\nNOTES\n[1] Fennie contends that (1) trial counsel rendered ineffective assistance by failing to protect Fennie's right to be tried by a fair and impartial jury; (2) penalty phase counsel rendered ineffective assistance of counsel by failing to present evidence in mitigation; (3) the lower court erred in denying Fennie's request to interview jurors; (4) guilt phase counsel rendered ineffective assistance by failing to impeach key witnesses and to call certain defense witnesses; (5) the lower court erred in denying Fennie an evidentiary hearing on two of his postconviction claims; and (6) the lower court erred in denying Fennie relief on the claim that he was denied the right to testify in his own defense.", "\n[2] Fennie argues that (i) the trial court violated Fennie's constitutional rights by failing to independently weigh aggravating and mitigating circumstances and appellate counsel was ineffective for failing to raise the issue on direct appeal; (ii) inflammatory statements by the prosecutor rendered Fennie's death sentence unconstitutional and appellate counsel was ineffective for failing to raise the issue on appeal; and (iii) Florida's death penalty statute is unconstitutional.", "\n[3] We address the balance of the claims raised in Fennie's 3.850 appeal as follows. ", "Fennie's claim (3), that the trial court erred in denying postconviction counsel's request to interview jurors, is meritless. ", "The record demonstrates that counsel failed to show prima facie evidence of juror misconduct; and therefore, the trial court appropriately denied the request. ", "See Cave v. State, 476 So.2d 180, 187 (Fla. 1985). ", "We deny claim (4) as Fennie has failed to establish that guilt phase counsel's performance was deficient, or, assuming deficiency, that his defense was prejudiced as required by Strickland v. Washington, 466 U.S. 668, 104 S.Ct. ", "2052, 80 L.Ed.2d 674 (1984). ", "With regard to claim (5), we conclude that the trial court appropriately summarily denied two of Fennie's postconviction claims as both were either legally insufficient or clearly refuted by the record. ", "See Gaskin v. State, 737 So.2d 509, 516 (Fla. 1999). ", "Finally, we determine that the record conclusively contravenes claim (6), that Fennie was denied the right to testify in his own defense.", "\n[4] See Nixon v. Singletary, 758 So.2d 618, 623 (Fla.2000) (determining that absent a client's consent, an attorney's admission of his client's guilt would amount to per se ineffectiveness); see also Rickman v. Bell, 131 F.3d 1150, 1157 (6th Cir.1997) (applying Cronic where defense counsel totally failed to advocate his client's cause and expressed contempt for his client in front of the jury); Blake v. Kemp, 758 F.2d 523, 533 (11th Cir.1985) (noting that \"a presumption of prejudice would be proper where counsel's representation was so deficient as to amount in every respect to no representation at all\"); Reyes-Vasquez v. United States, 865 F.Supp. ", "1539, 1546 (S.D.Fla.1994) (recognizing that counsel's tactical decision to stand silent during defendant's trial may constitute ineffective assistance of counsel under the Cronic standard).", "\n[5] This information included the fact that, as children, she and her siblings were left alone for long periods when their mother was working and outside the home gambling, forbidden from venturing or even looking outside during these times, and physically abused. ", "Ms. Reed also testified that the children occasionally accompanied their mother on gambling trips where they witnessed violent altercations, and that Fennie was terrorized by bullies in the housing projects in which the family lived.", "\n[6] This finding renders irrelevant the discrepancy between the testimony of Fennie's mother and sisters regarding when the family moved into the Tampa housing projects. ", "Contrary to their mother's testimony, Kathy Reed and Deborah Fennie asserted that the family moved to the housing projects when Fennie was approximately ten years old.", "\n[7] Fennie also claims that counsel was ineffective for failing to call as witnesses during the penalty phase Dwayne Jones, a man who committed a previous armed robbery with Frazier, and Dr. Kenneth Martin, a dentist who had been engaged by the State to opine as to the origin of the bite marks discovered on Michael Frazier's hand. ", "In a separate claim, Fennie contends that guilt phase counsel was ineffective for failing to call these witnesses during the guilt phase. ", "We find no merit in Fennie's contentions pertaining to counsel's decision not to call these witnesses during either phase of trial, and will not address Fennie's assertions in further detail herein.", "\n[8] The record included the transcript of a recorded conversation between trial counsel and Fennie in which they discussed the witnesses that would be called during the defense case. ", "The text of the recorded conversation shows that Colbert had been asked to testify and indicated that she would give damaging testimony if called to the stand.", "\n[9] Dr. Peal reported that the rendition of events relayed to him by Fennie contradicted Fennie's police statements, and that such inconsistencies placed Fennie's general truthfulness in doubt. ", "Given the potential damage to the credibility of the version of events propounded by the defense, counsel's decision not to call Dr. Peal amounted to a reasoned, strategic decision which is not susceptible to attack as ineffective assistance of counsel. ", "See Occhicone v. State, 768 So.2d 1037, 1048 (Fla.2000) (no ineffective assistance of counsel in deciding against introducing a potentially damaging mental health evaluation).", "\n[10] We deny Fennie's third and final habeas claim in which he asserts that Florida's death penalty statute is unconstitutional because it fails to require aggravators to be charged in the indictment, submitted to a jury, and proven beyond a reasonable doubt. ", "This Court addressed a similar contention in Bottoson v. Moore, 833 So.2d 693 (Fla.), cert. ", "denied, 537 U.S. 1070, 123 S.Ct. ", "662, 154 L.Ed.2d 564 (2002) and King v. Moore, 831 So.2d 143 (Fla.), cert. ", "denied, 537 U.S. 1067, 123 S.Ct. ", "657, 154 L.Ed.2d 556 (2002), and denied relief. ", "We find that Fennie is likewise not entitled to relief on this issue. ", "Additionally, we note that the jury in the instant case returned a unanimous recommendation in favor of the death penalty. ", "Moreover, one of the aggravators in the instant case was that the murder was committed while Fennie was engaged in the commission of a kidnapping, which was charged by indictment and found unanimously by the jury.", "\n[11] We determine that the record refutes Fennie's allegation that the trial court (1) inappropriately copied verbatim the State's sentencing order, (2) failed to weigh the aggravators against the mitigators, (3) relied on nonrecord evidence in issuing the sentencing order, and (4) considered an uncharged rape as nonstatutory aggravation.", "\n[12] This Court receded from Campbell on different grounds in Trease v. State, 768 So.2d 1050, 1055 (Fla.2000).", "\n[13] Given that the sentencing order in the instant case was issued two years after our decision in Campbell, it could be argued that the trial judge substantially complied with then-current procedural constructs. ", "However, a determination in this regard is unnecessary as we conclude that the deficiency in the sentencing order does not constitute fundamental error.", "\n[14] Fennie's allegation pertaining to the introduction of nonrecord evidence in the penalty phase closing argument is contravened by the record. ", "Fennie is correct in his contention that the prosecutor misstated the law of sentencing by stating that a death recommendation was required if the aggravators outweighed the mitigators. ", "However, we conclude that the prosecutor's misstatement was harmless as the jury received proper instruction from the trial judge. ", "See Cox v. State, 819 So.2d 705, 718-19 (Fla.2002), cert. ", "denied, 537 U.S. 1120, 123 S.Ct. ", "889, 154 L.Ed.2d 799 (2003).", "\n[15] Compare Porter v. Crosby, 840 So.2d 981, 986 (Fla.2003) (no improper consideration of nonstatutory aggravators where alleged aggravators constituted the facts of the case and were considered within the context of HAC) with Perry v. State, 801 So.2d 78, 90 (Fla. 2001) (improper to introduce testimony of appellant's violence against wife during the penalty stage where such acts were not related to any aggravating circumstances).", "\n[16] Fennie's claim was based on the Supreme Court's decision in Apprendi v. New Jersey, 530 U.S. 466, 120 S.Ct. ", "2348, 147 L.Ed.2d 435 (2000). ", "Subsequent to the filing of Fennie's initial petition, the Supreme Court released its decision in Ring v. Arizona, 536 U.S. 584, 122 S.Ct. ", "2428, 153 L.Ed.2d 556 (2002), which was then discussed in the State's response and Fennie's reply.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow can I be forgiven for terrible thoughts towards Allah, the Prophet and the Qur'an?", "\n\nI've been experiencing such terrible thoughts about Allah (SWT), the Prophet (PBUH) and even the Qur'an. ", "They are so disrespectful and wrong and I don't know how to get rid of them.", "\nEvery day I cry for Allah's (SWT) forgiveness but I'm scared that the sin is too disrespectful to be forgiven. ", "I feel terrible and I feel like I will go to the hell fire! ", "The worst part is, I dont know if it's I who is thinking such things, or Satan who is making me think them. ", "\nHow will Allah (SWT) forgive me for such thoughts about Him and His prophet? ", "Am I destined for hell fire?", "\n\nA:\n\nPraise be to Allah.", "\nAl-Bukhaari (6491) and Muslim (131) narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said, relating from his Lord, may He be glorified and exalted: “Allah decreed good deeds and bad deeds, then He explained that. ", "Whoever thinks of doing a good deed then does not do it, Allah will write it down as one complete good deed. ", "If he thinks of doing a good deed and then does it, Allah [may He be glorified and exalted] will write it down between ten and seven hundred fold, or many more. ", "If he thinks of doing a bad deed then he does not do it, Allah will write it down as one complete good deed, and if he thinks of it then does it, Allah will write it down as one bad deed.” ", "\nAl-Bukhaari (5269) and Muslim (127) also narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, will forgive my ummah for whatever crosses their minds so long as they do not act upon it or speak of it.” ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Green Savoree Mid-Ohio\n\nFounded in 2009 by veteran motorsports executives Kim Green and Kevin Savoree, Green Savoree Racing Promotions is a privately held motorsports event ownership and management company. ", "In working together since 1993, Green and Savoree have won four IndyCar championships, three Indy 500s and the 12 Hours of Sebring as team principals, and established INDYCAR's first street race in 2004. ", "Headquartered in Indianapolis, the firm owns and promotes multiple professional racing events in North America, including the Honda Indy Toronto and Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg.", "\n\nTrack History\n\nOften called the most competitive road course in the United States, Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course is a permanent road circuit set in the rolling hills of Lexington, Ohio. ", "Located nearly equidistant from Cleveland and Columbus, near Mansfield, the grounds have been said to look more country club than racetrack in deference to its lush green grass, beautiful trees and exceptional amenities. ", "With two challenging track configurations – 2.25-mile, 13 turns and 2.4-mile, 15 turns – the circuit has earned its reputation over fifty years of great racing among many of motorsport’s legendary competitors.", "\n\nBuilt in 1962 by Les Griebling as a location for weekend sports car racing, the track was purchased in 1981 by the late Jim Trueman, founder of Red Roof Inns. ", "Under his direction, the track underwent major renovations, including the addition of grandstand seats and amphitheater-style seating, garages, several buildings such as the iconic Goodyear Tower and a redesigned paddock area.", "\n\nTrueman’s wife Barbara and daughter Michelle undertook management of the facility in 1986, continuing track improvements throughout the decade with the resurfacing and widening of the entire course, as well as the addition of safety enhancements such as tire, guardrail, sand and cement barriers, spectator and debris fencing, and gravel runoff areas. ", "Further improvements implemented included the expansion of the Honda Communications Building and construction of the Goodyear Bridge.", "\n\nIn 1989, Michelle Trueman Gajoch was named president of the facility and oversaw all day-to-day operations of the circuit until 2011. ", "It was then, when Kim Green and Kevin Savoree, principals of Green Savoree Racing Promotions, purchased Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course and The Mid-Ohio School through wholly owned subsidiary Green Savoree Mid-Ohio, LLC. ", "The pair has worked together since 1993 as team owners in CART and the Verizon IndyCar Series, winning four championships and three Indianapolis 500s. ", "They also own and promote two street races on the Verizon IndyCar Series schedule, Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg and Honda Indy Toronto.", "\n\nIn keeping with its reputation as ‘the most competitive road course in the United States’, the track underwent extensive capital improvements during the 2006 off-season. ", "The track and pit lane were completely resurfaced and connectors were added in the track’s famed Keyhole section to allow for three separate road course configurations.", "\n\nThe racetrack operates from March through November each year. ", "During those months, it plays host to four race weekends open to the public and hundreds of days each year are filled with smaller events. ", "Some of these include car club races, test days and driving and riding programs through The Mid-Ohio School.", "\n\nMid-Ohio Sports Car Course and The Mid-Ohio School operate year round in Lexington, Ohio. ", "Marketing, sales, promotions, PR, accounting, operations, safety, tickets and hospitality are all coordinated at the track.", "\n\nTimeline & Major Events\n\n1962 Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course is opened by Les Griebling; the first event to take place is a driving school. ", "The track’s first race weekend is sanctioned by the SCCA.", "\n\n1972 The entire track is resurfaced.", "\n\n1980 Johnny Rutherford wins the first Championship Car race held at Mid-Ohio, piloting his Chaparral-Cosworth to the win at an average race speed of 86.60 mph on the track’s 2.4-mile, 15-turn configuration.", "\n\n1983 After a brief hiatus, Championship Car racing returns to Mid-Ohio; AMA Pro Road Racing debuts at Mid-Ohio as Steve Wise rides a Honda to the win in the first SuperBike race in Lexington; the Sportscar Vintage Racing Association makes its first trip to the track; amphitheaters are built around several turns; and a scoreboard, the Goodyear Tower and three garage buildings totaling 28 stalls are built.", "\n\n1984 A concession stand and picnic area is built in the Lower Paddock.", "\n\n1985 An infield concession stand and the Mid-Ohio deck is built along with more amphitheaters and a tunnel connecting the infield to the grandstands.", "\n\n1986 The track adds a pair of buildings to house maintenance and food service needs.", "\n\n1988 The Middle Paddock’s Continental Motorsports building goes up; pit lane is widened by 13 feet and lengthened by 250 feet; concrete barriers and tire walls are added around much of track; and runoff areas are redesigned for safety.", "\n\n1989 Michelle Trueman Gajoch is named president of Mid-Ohio.", "\n\n1990 The track is again 100 percent resurfaced after being widened to 40 feet; a chicane/straight option is added prior to the Keyhole, giving the track it’s 2.258-mile, 13-turn configuration.", "\n\n1992 A starter’s stand is constructed on The Back Straight.", "\n\n1993 The Mid-Ohio School is established and the School building goes up in the Lower Paddock.", "\n\n1994 The paddock is repaved; 1,500 feet of fencing is added in The Esses.", "\n\n1995 AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days moves to Mid-Ohio.", "\n\n1996 The Goodyear Bridge is upgraded to include two lanes and pedestrian paths; and the Guest Services building is erected at Gate 3.", "\n\n1997 The Timing & Scoring building is expanded; thousands of feet of fencing is added around several parts of the track and facility; permanent roofs were added to the garage balconies; and lampposts were added at the main gates.", "\n\n1998 6,000 feet of fencing is added around the track; the infield patio is built; Championship Row is leveled and resealed; and a storage building goes up behind the Commissary.", "\n\n2000 GRAND-AM Road Racing completes its first race at Mid-Ohio. ", "Jack Baldwin and George Robinson’s Judd Riley & Scott earns the win at an average speed of 83.05 mph; most of the Upper and Middle Paddocks is repaved; and a TV compound is built behind the Timing & Scoring building.", "\n\n2001 American Le Mans Series makes its debut at Mid-Ohio as David Brabham and Jan Magnussen combine for the overall win, reaching an average speed of 94.84 mph in their Elan Panoz.", "\n\n2003 A road to Gate 2 is paved; and 4,500 feet of fencing is added around the track.", "\n\n2004 Upgraded phone systems and high-speed internet is installed throughout the facility.", "\n\n2006 The entire track and pit lane are repaved; Turn One is redesigned; Mid-Ohio opens a Motocross Park; the NASA Championships are founded at Mid-Ohio; and The Mid-Ohio School adds motorcycle riding programs.", "\n\n2007 The IndyCar Series makes its first appearance in Lexington on a co-headlined American Le Mans Series weekend; Scott Dixon earns his first of three wins on the 2.258-mile, 13-turn circuit in a Honda Dallara with an average speed of 107.22 mph; and a new Daktronics display replaces the original scoreboard.", "\n\n2008 Pit lane wall is entirely rebuilt; camping areas are numbered and updated to include more dumping stations; and the motocross park is closed at the end of the year and converted into parking.", "\n\n2009 Scott Dixon wins his second Honda Indy 200 and captures the all time IndyCar Series wins record with his 20th victory; and Gil de Ferran announces his intent to retire at a press conference at Mid-Ohio after winning the American Le Mans Series pole (and later the race).", "\n\n2011 Mid-Ohio celebrates its historic 50th season; the track and school were purchased by Kim Green and Kevin Savoree, just the third owners in the track’s history; Craig Rust is named president; NASA Championships return to the schedule; and pit lane wall was lowered by four inches.", "\n\n2013 The NASCAR Nationwide Series comes to Ohio as Mid-Ohio hosts the inaugural Nationwide Children’s Hospital 200 as part of a partnership with Nationwide Insurance and Nationwide Children’s Hospital; Diamond Cellar titles the GRAND-AM Road Racing event, now called the Diamond Cellar Classic." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow do I submit all fields within a php while tag\n\nIm trying to post the generated form to a second file for further processing, however only the last entry is sent to the second file. ", "How do I send all information in the loop to the second page? ", "Additionally the $_POST['STAMP'] entry is not being posted. ", "Do I need a different approach to retrieve the DB data? ", "\n<!", "DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<body>\n\n<form action=\"payc.php\" method=\"post\">\nPay Range \n <input type=\"date\" name=\"start\">\n<input type=\"date\" name=\"stop\">\n <input type=\"submit\">\n</form>\n\n</body>\n</html>\n\n<?", "php\n$servername = \"localhost\";\n$username = \"user\";\n$password = \"Pass\";\n$dbname = \"DB\";\n\n// Create connection\n$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);\n// Check connection\nif ($conn->connect_error) {\n die(\"Connection failed: \" . ", "$conn->connect_error);\n} \n\n$sql = \"SELECT * FROM TIME WHERE STAMP BETWEEN '\". ", "$_POST['start'].\"' ", "AND '\".$_POST['stop'].\"'\";", "\n$result = $conn->query($sql);\n\nif ($result->num_rows > 0) {\n\necho \"<form action=\\\"test.php\\\" method=\\\"post\\\">\";\n while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){\n$duration=(($row['T_OUT']-$row['T_IN'])/60)/60;\n\n echo \"<fieldset><input type=\\\"hidden\\\" name=\\\"date\\\" value=\\\"\".$_POST['STAMP'].\"\\\"><input name=\\\"EMP\\\" type=\\\"text\\\" value=\\\"\". ", "$row['EMP']. \"", "\\\"><input name=\\\"time\\\" type=\\\"text\\\" value=\\\"\" . ", "$duration. \"", "\\\"><input name=\\\"ITEM\\\" type=\\\"text\\\" value=\\\"\" . ", "$row['ITEM']. \"", "\\\"><input name=\\\"NOTE\\\" type=\\\"text\\\" value=\\\"\" . ", "$row['NOTE']. \"", "\\\"></fieldset>\";\n\n }\necho \"<input type=\\\"submit\\\">\";\necho \"</form>\";\n} else {\n echo \"0 results\";\n}\nforeach($_POST as $results){\nvar_dump($results);\n}\n\n$conn->close();\n?", ">\n\nA:\n\nThe problem is that all the fields have the same name at every loop\nThe solution consists of two parts:\n<input name=\"date[]\">\n<input name=\"EMP[]\">\n<input name=\"time[]\">\n<input name=\"ITEM[]\">\n<input name=\"NOTE[]\">\n\nWhich will identify it as array not one input\nSecond part at the test.php file\nInstead of getting one input with $_POST['date']\nIt will return an array so you have to loop over them\n$info = array();\nfor ( $index = 0 ; $index < count($_POST['date']) ; $index++ )\n{\n $record = array();\n $record['date'] = $_POST['date'][$index];\n $record['EMP'] = $_POST['EMP'][$index];\n $record['time'] = $_POST['time'][$index];\n $record['ITEM'] = $_POST['ITEM'][$index];\n $record['NOTE'] = $_POST['NOTE'][$index];\n $info[] = $record\n}\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005050505050505051, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.002628120893561104 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWooCommerce: How to show attribute variation description\n\nIn WooCommerce under Products > Attributes > [Name of Attribute] > Add New [Attribute Variation] there is a section titled \"Description\" with the text \"The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.\"", "\nI'd like to show it in my theme directly below the attribute variation in the Additional Information tab. ", "this is the code I currently have there. ", "I'd appreciate any advice on how to get the attribute variation description to show just below the attribute variation.", "\n<td><?php\n\n if ( $attribute['is_taxonomy'] ) {\n\n $values = wc_get_product_terms( $product->id, $attribute['name'], array( 'fields' => 'names' ) );\n echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_attribute', wpautop( wptexturize( implode( ', ', $values ) ) ), $attribute, $values );\n\n } else {\n\n // Convert pipes to commas and display values\n $values = array_map( 'trim', explode( WC_DELIMITER, $attribute['value'] ) );\n echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_attribute', wpautop( wptexturize( implode( ', ', $values ) ) ), $attribute, $values );\n }\n?", "></td>\n\nA:\n\nSee term_description()\nSomething like the following should create a list of terms with their descriptions:\n$values = wc_get_product_terms( $product->id, $attribute['name'], array( 'fields' => 'all' ) );\nif( $values ){\n echo '<dl>';\n foreach ( $values as $term ){\n echo '<dh>' . ", "$term->name.' ", "</dh>';\n echo '<dd>' . ", "term_description( $term->term_id ) . '", "</dd>';\n }\n echo '</dl>';\n}\n\nOr if you don't want the description running through WordPress' default filters you should be able to just use $term->description.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "894 F.2d 1338\nU.S.v.", "Smith (Hershal Alvin)\nNO. ", "89-1362\nUnited States Court of Appeals,Seventh Circuit.", "\nJAN 25, 1990\n\n1\nAppeal From: S.D.Ill.", "\n\n\n2\nREVERSED.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Tsutaya, one of the largest retailers in Japan, has drastically reduced the price of the Pokemon Let’s GO Pikachu/Eevee Poke Ball Plus set.", "\n\nThe sets, which come with a copy of Pokemon Let’s GO Pikachu/Eevee and Poke Ball Plus, usually retail for 10,778 yen. ", "At Tsutaya, the bundles have received a price drop, making them 5,980 yen. ", "This means the bundles now cost exactly the same as a standalone copy of the game, so customers are essentially receiving a free Poke Ball Plus.", "\n\nSo if you happen to be in Japan, perhaps it’s time to purchase several bundles!", "\n\nShare this: Facebook\n\nTwitter\n\nReddit\n\nWhatsApp\n\nTelegram\n\nMore\n\nTumblr\n\nPinterest\n\n\n\nSkype\n\nPocket\n\n\n\nEmail\n\nPrint\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ "John Griesheimer\n\nJohn E. Griesheimer (born July 19, 1952, Saint Clair, Missouri) is a Republican politician from Missouri. ", " He is a former Missouri State Representative, a former Missouri State Senator, a former Franklin County Commissioner and a former Franklin County Presiding Commissioner.", "\n\nFamily\nHe currently resides with his wife, Rita Maune, in Washington, Missouri. ", "They have three children Sean (wife Rachel), Aaron (wife Amanda), and Michelle.", "\n\nCareer\nHe graduated from East Central College in Union, Missouri. ", "He started his political career as a member of the Washington city council (1982–1988). ", "He went on to serve in the Franklin County, Missouri, commission (1989–1992), the Missouri House of Representatives (1992–2002), the Missouri State Senate (2002–2010) and as Franklin County Presiding Commissioner (2010-2018).", "\n\nReferences\nOfficial Manual, State of Missouri, 2005-2006. ", " Jefferson City, MO: Secretary of State.", "\n\nCategory:1952 births\nCategory:Missouri Republicans\nCategory:Members of the Missouri House of Representatives\nCategory:Missouri state senators\nCategory:People from Washington, Missouri\nCategory:Living people" ]
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[ "River Dun\n\nThe River Dun may refer to:\n\nRiver Dun (River Kennet), in the English counties of Wiltshire and Berkshire\nRiver Dun (River Test), in the English counties of Wiltshire and Hampshire\nRiver Dun, an alternative name of the River Don, Yorkshire in England\nRiver Dun, Northern Ireland, in County Antrim, Northern Ireland\n Dun Stone Beck, Horton in Ribblesdale" ]
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[ "Admit Cards for GATE 2016 | Download GATE 2016 Admit Cards\n\nAdmit Cards for GATE 2016 | Download GATE 2016 Admit Cards\n\nHyderabad, 8 December 2015: Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering – GATE 2016 Online an offline exams admit cards will be available soon. ", "As per GATE 2016 conducting organization, IISC- Bangalore, candidates who have applied for this examination can download GATE 2016 Admit Cards from 17th December 2015. ", "GATE 2016 online exams would be conducting from 30th January 2016 to 7th February 2016 in two sessions on only Saturday’s and Sunday’s. ", "GATE 2016 online exam’s forenoon session will be held from 9.00 AM to 12.00 PM and afternoon session will be conducted from 2.00 to 5.00 PM.", "\n\nAdmit Cards for GATE 2016: Candidates can download on the online interface for printing will be beginning from 17th December 2015.", "\n\nMythri Krishna is a Senior Journalist and Editor of www.educationandhra.com. ", "She has done Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce and Education and holds a Post Graduation Diploma in Journalism. ", "Mythri Krishna likes writing latest developments in education and career. ", "With robust experience in Content Management and Web Publishing, she is responsible for the content flow of this portal." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCombine o/p of query and Stored Procedure into 1 output\n\nI have a query which returns 2 columns (Name, Age) and I have a stored procedure which returns 2 columns (col C & D). ", "\nIs it possible to combine them together so that I get a output of 4 columns i.e Name, Age, col C, Col D?", "\nQuery\nSELECT Name, Age \nFROM \"Star\".", "\"Table1\" \nWHERE Id = $P{Id}\n\nStored procedure:\nDECLARE @return_value int\nEXEC @return_value = [dbo].[SP1]\n @Id = $P{Id}\n\nOutput format: Name, Age, Col C, Col D\n\nA:\n\nYou would first need to put the output of the stored proc into a temp table. ", " i.e.\nCreate table #output (Col_C varchar(100), col_D varchar(100));\n\nInsert into #output\nExec dbo.sp1 @Id = $P{Id}\n\n SELECT Name, Age \n FROM \"Star\".", "\"Table1\" \n WHERE Id = $P{Id}\n\nCROSS JOIN \n\n SELECT * FROM #output\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow do Hypervisor, libvirt and host come together to virtualize the system?", "\n\nI am not able to understand this hierarchy. ", "Host OS runs on bare metal. ", "Where does libvirt reside ? ", "where does the Hypervisor reside ? ", "Is libvirt a necessary lib in the creation of a VM or is it just a better abstraction to the core kernel APIs that provide the the service of creation of VMs? ", "what is the libvirt equivalent in windows that is used by Virtualbox ? ", "Does Hypervisor have any role to play in the scheduling of host OS applications or is it just another process handled by the Host OS. ", "These are a few questions that confuse me. ", "Can anyone explain this in a straight manner ? ", "Thanks!", "\n\nA:\n\nHost OS runs on bare metal - Yes \nwhere does the Hypervisor reside? - ", "It is a software layer on Host OS\nWhere does libvirt reside? - ", "It is another API layer on the Host to indirectly interface with the hypervisor. ", "\nIs libvirt a necessary lib in the creation of a VM or is it just a better abstraction to the core kernel APIs that provide the the service of creation of \nVMs? - ", "Standard abstraction\nWhat is the libvirt equivalent in windows that is used by Virtualbox ? - ", "Libvirt can be used to interact with VirtualBox. ", " Libvirt is known to work as a client (not server) on Windows XP (32-bit), and Windows 7 (64-bit). ", "\nDoes Hypervisor have any role to play in the scheduling of host OS applications or is it just another process handled by the Host OS. - ", "Just another process\n\nReferences: http://virtualbox.guru\n\n" ]
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[ "Internal fixation of intracapsular fractures of the hip using a dynamic locking plate: Two-year follow-up of 320 patients.", "\nA consecutive series of 320 patients with an intracapsular fracture of the hip treated with a dynamic locking plate (Targon Femoral Neck (TFN)) were reviewed. ", "All surviving patients were followed for a minimum of two years. ", "During the follow-up period 109 patients died. ", "There were 112 undisplaced fractures, of which three (2.7%) developed nonunion or re-displacement and five (4.5%) developed avascular necrosis of the femoral head. ", "Revision to an arthroplasty was required for five patients (4.5%). ", "A further six patients (5.4%) had elective removal of the plate and screws. ", "There were 208 displaced fractures, of which 32 (15.4%) developed nonunion or re-displacement and 23 (11.1%) developed avascular necrosis. ", "A further four patients (1.9%) developed a secondary fracture around the TFN. ", "Revision to a hip replacement was required for 43 patients (20.7%) patients and a further seven (3.3%) had elective removal of the plate and screws. ", "It is suggested that the stronger distal fixation combined with rotational stability may lead to a reduced incidence of complications related to the healing of the fracture when compared with other contemporary fixation devices but this needs to be confirmed in further studies." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'A deep learning approach to numerically approximate the solution to the Eikonal equation is introduced. ", "The proposed method is built on the fast marching scheme which comprises of two components: a local numerical solver and an update scheme. ", "We replace the formulaic local numerical solver with a trained neural network to provide highly accurate estimates of local distances for a variety of different geometries and sampling conditions. ", "Our learning approach generalizes not only to flat Euclidean domains but also to curved surfaces enabled by the incorporation of certain invariant features in the neural network architecture. ", "We show a considerable gain in performance, validated by smaller errors and higher orders of accuracy for the numerical solutions of the Eikonal equation computed on different surfaces The proposed approach leverages the approximation power of neural networks to enhance the performance of numerical algorithms, thereby, connecting the somewhat disparate themes of numerical geometry and learning.'", "\nauthor:\n- Moshe Lichtenstein\n- Gautam Pai\n- Ron Kimmel\ntitle: Deep Eikonal Solvers\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nFast and accurate computation of distances is fundamental to innumerable problems in computer science. ", "Specifically, in the sub-fields of computer vision, geometry processing and robotics, distance computation is imperative for applications like navigating robots [@lee2016structured; @kimmel1998multivalued; @kimmel2001optimal], video object segmentation [@wang2015saliency], image segmentation [@chen2017fast] and shape matching [@younes2012spaces]. ", "A distance function has a gradient with unit magnitude at every point in the domain, therefore, they are computed by estimating the viscosity solutions to a Hamilton-Jacobi type non-linear PDE called the Eikonal equation. ", "Fast marching methods are the prominent numerical schemes to estimate distance functions on discretized Euclidean domains as well as triangulated curved surfaces. ", "Fast marching methods are known to have a $\\mathcal{O}(N \\log N)$ computational complexity (for a discrete domain consist in $N$ sample points). ", "Different versions of the fast marching algorithm have been developed yielding different accuracies $\\mathcal{O}(h)$ [@sethian1996fast], $\\mathcal{O}(h^2)$ [@sethian1999level] and $\\mathcal{O}(h^3)$ [@ahmed2011third] for 2D Cartesian grids and $\\mathcal{O}(h)$ for triangulated surfaces [@kimmel1998computing], where $h$ is the resolution of the discretization. ", "A fast marching method comprises of a local numerical solver and an update step. ", "The local numerical solver approximates the gradient locally to estimate the distance of a point in the advancing unit speed wavefront. ", "Similar to the strategy employed in the celebrated Dijkstra’s algorithm [@dijkstra1959note], the update step involves selecting the least distant point in order to propagate the wavefront. ", "The accuracy of fast marching scheme relies heavily on the local solver which is responsible for approximations to the gradient at the point of the advancing front [@tsitsiklis1995efficient; @sethian1996fast].", "\n\nThe success of deep learning has shown that neural networks can be utilized as powerful function approximators of complex attributes governing various visual and auditory phenomena. ", "The availability of large amounts of data and computational power, coupled with parallel streaming architectures and improved optimization techniques, have led to computational frameworks that efficiently exploit their representational power. ", "However, the utility of neural networks to provide accurate solutions to complex PDE’s is still a very nascent topic in computational research. ", "Notable efforts include methods like [@sirignano2018dgm] which attempt to solve high-dimensional parabolic partial differential equations, whereas [@long2017pde] demonstrates the learning of differential operators from data as convolution kernels.", "\n\nThe main contribution of this paper is to develop a deep-learning infrastructure that enables accurate distance computation. ", "Using the identical computational schematic of the fast marching method, the basic premise of this paper is that one can *learn* the local numerical solver by training a neural network and use it in conjunction with the upwind update scheme. ", "Experiments in sections \\[sect:cartesian\\] and \\[sect:results\\] demonstrate lower errors and higher order of accuracy in the solutions. ", "Importantly, we show that our method generalizes to different geometries and sampling conditions.", "\n\nBackground\n==========\n\nThe Eikonal Equation\n--------------------\n\nGiven a domain $\\Omega \\in \\mathbb{R}^n$ and a curve or surface $\\Gamma \\subset \\Omega$, we wish to find the distance, denoted by $u(x)$, for each $x \\in \\Omega$ from the given $\\Gamma$. The distance function satisfies $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:eq1}\n |\\nabla u(x)| &=& 1 , \\,\\,\\, \\,\\,\\,\\, x \\in \\Omega \\setminus \\Gamma \\cr\n u(x) &=& 0 , \\,\\,\\, \\,\\,\\,\\, x \\in \\Gamma,\n \\end{aligned}$$ where $\\nabla$ refers to the gradient operator. ", "Equation (\\[eq:eq1\\]) can be generalized to arbitrary boundary conditions $u(x)=g(x), \\,\\, x \\in \\Gamma$, and also to weighted domains where the local metric at a point $x$ is defined by a positive scalar function $F:\\Omega \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}^+$. As shown in [@crandall1983viscosity; @ishii1984uniqueness; @ishii1987simple], the viscosity solution for Equation (\\[eq:eq1\\]) is unique.", "\n\nNext, we consider curved manifolds, specifically, surfaces embedded in $\\mathbb{R}^3$. Let ${\\cal M}$ be a Riemannian manifold with metric tensor $G$. The geodesic distance function $u: \\mathcal{M} \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}^+$ satisfies $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:eikonal_mesh}\n|\\nabla_G u(x)| &=& 1 , \\,\\,\\,\\, x \\in \\mathcal{M} \\setminus \\Gamma \\cr\n u(x) &=& 0 , \\,\\,\\,\\, x \\in \\Gamma,\n \\end{aligned}$$ where $\\nabla_G$ represents the gradient operator defined on the Riemannian manifold.", "\n\nNumerical Approximation\n-----------------------\n\nConsider the task of numerically approximating the function $u(x)$ in Equation (\\[eq:eq1\\]). ", "Let $u_{i,j} \\equiv u(ih, jh)$, where $h$ defines the distance between neighboring grid points along the $x$ and $y$ axis. ", "The following numerical approximation is shown [@osher1988fronts; @rouy1992viscosity] to pick the unique viscosity solution of Equation (\\[eq:eq1\\]), $$\\label{eq:approx}\n|\\nabla u_{i,j}|^2 \\approx \n \\max(D^{-x}_{i,j}u, -D^{+x}_{i,j}u, 0)^2 +\n \\max(D^{-y}_{i,j}u, -D^{+y}_{i,j}u, 0)^2.$$ Where $\\{D^{+x}_{i,j},D^{-x}_{i,j}\\}, \\{D^{+y}_{i,j},D^{-y}_{i,j}\\}$ are the forward and backward difference operators for point $(i,j)$ along the $x$ and $y$ directions, respectively. ", "Based on approximation (\\[eq:approx\\]), the solution of $u_{i,j}$, given the $u$ values at its four neighbors $\\{u_{i+1,j}, u_{i-1,j}, u_{i,j+1}, u_{i,j-1}\\}$ requires a solution of the quadratic equation $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:eqXX}\n \\max(D^{-x}_{i,j}u, -D^{+x}_{i,j}u, 0)^2 +\n \\max(D^{-y}_{i,j}u, -D^{+y}_{i,j}u, 0)^2 &=& 1.\\end{aligned}$$\n\n\\[fig:fmm\\_schematic\\]\n\n\\[algo:dgc\\]\n\n**Initialize:** $u(p)=0$, Tag $p$ as $visited$; $\\forall p \\in \\mathfrak{s}$ $u(p)=\\infty$, Tag $p$ as $unvisited$; $\\forall p \\in \\mathcal{S} \\setminus \\mathfrak{s}$ Denote the points adjacent to the newly $visited$ points as $\\mathcal{A}$ Estimate $u(p)$ based on $visited$ points.\\[step6\\] Tag $p$ as $wavefront$ Tag the least distant $wavefront$ point as $visited$.\\[step7\\] $u$\n\nTypically, the approximation in Equation (\\[eq:approx\\]) is based on first order Taylor series expansion of $u_{i,j}$. However, more sophisticated approximations such as those using two points [@sethian1999level] or three points [@ahmed2011third] away from $(i,j)$ in each direction, or using diagonal neighbors [@hassouna2007multistencils] yield more accurate solutions. ", "Unlike Euclidean domains which enjoy the benefit of regular sampling, developing local approximations similar to Equation (\\[eq:approx\\]) for curved manifolds are evidently more challenging due to the lack of a universal regular sampling strategy.", "\n\nFast Eikonal Solvers\n--------------------\n\nFast Eikonal solvers estimate distance functions in linear or quasilinear time. ", "They typically comprise of two computational parts: a local numerical solver and an ordering/update method. ", "The local solver provides an approximation for the distance function at a desired point and the ordering method chooses the next point to approximate. ", "Fast marching methods [@tsitsiklis1995efficient; @sethian1996fast] is the most prominent subclass of fast Eikonal solvers that use approximations similar to Equation (\\[eq:approx\\]) for computing the distance function at a point using the known distances of its neighbors. ", "By employing Dijkstra’s ordering strategy, fast marching schemes display an *upwind* nature, where the solution can be seen to grow outward from the source, equivalent to the propagation of a unit speed wavefront (See Figure \\[fig:fmm\\_schematic\\]). ", "The other prominent subclass of fast Eikonal solvers are the fast sweeping methods [@zhao2000implicit; @zhao2005fast; @kimmel2006method; @weber2008parallel], iterative schemes that use alternating sweeping ordering. ", "Some variants [@li2008second] of fast sweeping establish their local solver on finite element techniques, however most of them use the same upwind difference local solver as fast marching.", "\n\nKimmel and Sethian [@kimmel1998computing] extended the fast marching scheme to approximate geodesic distances on triangulated surfaces by treating the sampled manifold as piecewise planar. ", "In order to estimate $u(p)$ for some mesh point $p$, each triangle involving $p$ is processed independently. ", "Given a triangle comprising of the points $p_1,p_2,p_3$, the distance $u(p_1)$ is estimated based on $u(p_2), u(p_3)$ by approximating Equation (\\[eq:eq1\\]) on the triangle’s plane. ", "The minimum of the solutions computed on all the triangles involving $p$ is chosen as the final distance assigned to $p$. This algorithm is analogous to the first-order fast marching method that operates on regular grids and therefore has an accuracy $\\mathcal{O}(h)$.\n\nDeep Eikonal Solver\n===================\n\nWe present a fast Eikonal solver estimating the geodesic distance for a discrete set of points $\\mathcal{S}$ from a subset of source points $\\mathfrak{s} \\subset \\mathcal{S}$. The local solver (step \\[step6\\] in Algorithm \\[algo:dgc\\]) in our scheme is represented by a neural network. ", "The process of choosing subsequent points for evaluation is similar to Dijkstra’s algorithm [@dijkstra1959note], according to which each point $p \\in \\mathcal{S}$ is tagged into one of three disjoint sets,\n\n1. ", " [**Visited:**]{} where $u(p)$ is already computed (Black points in Figure \\[fig:fmm\\_schematic\\]).", "\n\n2. ", " [**WaveFront:**]{} where $u(p)$ calculation is in process. (", "Red points in Figure \\[fig:fmm\\_schematic\\]).", "\n\n3. ", " [**Unvisited:**]{} where $u(p)$ is yet to be determined (Green points in Figure \\[fig:fmm\\_schematic\\]).", "\n\nSince we use the same update method used in the fast marching scheme, the computational complexity of our method is $\\mathcal{O}(N \\log N)$. In Section \\[sect:train\\] we describe the general philosophy behind training the network. ", "In Sections \\[sect:cartesian\\] and \\[sect:results\\] we elaborate on the exact procedure and architecture of the network specific to the corresponding domain.", "\n\nTraining the Local Solver {#sect:train}\n-------------------------\n\nOur basic premise is that the local solver can be *learned* using a neural network. ", "The input to the local solver which is in action at a certain point $p \\in {\\mbox{WaveFront}}$ is the set of points in its neighborhood denoted by $\\mathcal{N}(p) = \\{p_1, p_2, \\ldots, p_M\\}$ and their corresponding distances $\\{u(p_1), u(p_2), \\ldots , u(p_M)\\}$. Based on the local geometry of the $\\mbox{Visited}$ points in $p$’s neighborhood, an estimate of the local distance is outputted by the local solver. ", "See Figures \\[fig:fmm\\_schematic\\], \\[fig:cartesian\\] and \\[fig:mesh\\] for a visual schematic.", "\n\nFollowing a supervised training procedure, we train the local solver with examples containing the *ground truth* distances. ", "By *ground truth* we refer to the most accurate available solution for distance (elaborated further in sections \\[sect:cartesian\\] and \\[sect:mesh\\]). ", "For a given point $p$, denote this distance as $u_{gt}(p)$. The network inputs neighborhood information: $\\{p_1, u_{gt}(p_1), \\ldots, p_M, u_{gt}(p_M)\\}$ and is trained to minimize the difference between its output and the corresponding ground truth distance at the point $p : u_{gt} (p)$.\n\nTo simulate the propagating unit speed wavefront in various representative scenarios, we employ the following strategy. ", "We develop a variety of different sources and construct a dataset of local neighborhood patches at different locations relative to the sources. ", "We allow a patch point to participate in the prediction of $u(p)$ according to the following rule. ", "$$q \\in {\\mbox{Visited}} \\;\\; \\text{if} \\;\\; u_{gt}(q) < u_{gt}(p).", "\n\\label{eq:gt_rule}$$ Therefore, given a point $p$ and a patch of points constituting its neighborhood: $\\{p_1, p_2, \\ldots ,p_M\\}$, the network inputs $\\{p_1,u_{gt}(p_1), \\ldots,p_M, u_{gt}(p_M)\\}$, where all points that are declared ${\\mbox{Visited}}$ according to rule \\[eq:gt\\_rule\\] input their respective ground truth distance. ", "For points $q \\in \\mathcal{N}(p)$ that do not satisfy condition \\[eq:gt\\_rule\\], we simulate that the wavefront starting from the source arrives at their location later than it arrives to $p$. Hence, such points are not considered ${\\mbox{Visited}}$ and they input a constant value to the network. ", "$$\\text{If } q \\notin {\\mbox{Visited}} ; \\;\\; u_{gt}(q) = C\n\\label{eq:gt_rule_2}$$ By employing the rules \\[eq:gt\\_rule\\] and \\[eq:gt\\_rule\\_2\\] stated above, we create a rich database of such local patches coupled with the desired outputs. ", "The parameters of the network $\\Theta$ are optimized to minimize the MSE loss $$L(\\Theta) = \\underset{i}{\\sum} \\Big( f_{\\Theta} \\big( p_{i1}, u_{gt}(p_{i1}), \\ldots,p_{iM}, u_{gt}(p_{iM}) \\big) - u_{gt}(p_i) \\Big)^2,$$ over a dataset comprising of a variety of points $p_i$ and their corresponding neighborhoods.", "\n\nThe intuition behind our approach is twofold. ", "First, we expect that using a larger local support leads to a more accurate estimate of the solution to the differential equation. ", "Secondly, by training the network to follow a *ground truth* distance, we avoid the need to develop a sophisticated formula for locally approximating the gradient with high accuracy. ", "Rather, we expect the network to *learn* the necessary relationship between the local patch and the ground truth distance. ", "As demonstrated in our results section, our learning-based approach generalizes to different scenarios including different shapes and different datasets.", "\n\n\\[fig:cartesian\\] \\[fig:result\\_cart\\]\n\nDeep Eikonal Solver for Cartesian Grids {#sect:cartesian}\n---------------------------------------\n\nWe begin by evaluating our scheme on a Euclidean domain sampled regularly from $\\Omega=[0,1]^2$. As the network’s input patch for point $p: \\mathcal{N}(p)$, we choose all the points located within a radius of $2h$ from $p$ (yellow points in Figure \\[fig:cartesian\\]). ", "We use a multilayer perceptron architecture (henceforth abbreviated as $mlp$) with four fully connected layers having number of nodes: $mlp(13,128,256,128,1)$ respectively. ", "After each linear stage we applied ReLU function as the non-linearity. ", "Since the grid spacing is uniform in the Cartesian case, $h$ encodes all necessary spatial information regarding neighborhood $\\mathcal{N}(p)$. Accordingly, we input *only* the grid spacing $h$ to the network instead of the explicit coordinates $\\{p_1, p_2, \\ldots,p_{12}\\}$.\n\n[R]{}[0.4]{} ![", "image](figures/grid_ooa.png){width=\"40.00000%\"} \\[fig:grid\\_ooa\\]\n\nWe trained our network by generating 10,000 synthetic examples constructed as per the strategy enumerated in Section \\[sect:train\\]. ", "We design a variety of different source configurations like points, circles, arbitrary curves etc, and construct different local patches using the ground truth distance from these sources: $\\mathfrak{s}$. For the Cartesian case, we evaluate the ground truth distance as $$u_{gt}(p)= \\min \\{ \\|p-s \\| , s \\in \\mathfrak{s} \\}.$$ We pipeline each example by subtracting $\\min \\{ u_{gt}(q), q \\in \\mathcal{N}(p) \\}$ from each distance and by scaling the example to mean magnitude 0.5, thereby simplifying the diversity of inputs prior to its feeding into the network. ", "Note, that the subtraction is equivalent to solving Equation (\\[eq:eq1\\]) with corresponding initial condition $g'(x)=g(x) - \\min \\{ u_{gt}(q), q \\in \\mathcal{N}(p) \\} $ and the scaling is equivalent to solving Equation (\\[eq:eq1\\]) on correspondingly scaled coordinates. ", "Before proceeding with the update step, the network’s output is re-scaled and the bias is added to achieve the distance estimate.", "\n\nWe test our method using the benchmark shown in [@sethian1999level] comprising of two point sources. ", "The learned scheme shows a superior and more accurate approximation of the distance function compared to fast marching local solvers (See Figure \\[fig:result\\_cart\\]). ", "We measure the order of accuracy $r$ of the proposed scheme by evaluating the error $\\epsilon$ as a function of the grid spacing $h$ [@leveque1998finite]. ", "Let $u_{gt}$ be the ground truth and $u_h$ represent the solution of a numerical scheme on a grid spacing $h$. $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\epsilon(h) & = & |u_h - u_{gt}| \\approx Ch^r + \\mathcal{O}(h^{r+1})\\\\\n\\log(\\epsilon) & \\approx & \\log(C) + r\\log(h) + \\mathcal{O}(h),\\end{aligned}$$ where $C$ is a constant. ", "We evaluated our scheme for a range of grid sizes $h$ and plotted $\\log\\epsilon$ as a function of $\\log h$. The slope of this line gives the order of accuracy $r$. From Figure \\[fig:grid\\_ooa\\] we can see that our local solver has a higher order of accuracy as compared to the classical fast marching local solvers in addition to lower errors.", "\n\nDeep Eikonal Solver for Triangulated Meshes {#sect:mesh}\n===========================================\n\nFor triangulated meshes, we chose the second-ring neighbors of a point $p$ to constitute the local patch $\\mathcal{N}(p)$ (See Figure \\[fig:mesh\\]). ", "In Euclidean domains, the regular sampling allows us to encode the spatial information of a patch using only the grid spacing $h$. However, the unordered nature of the sampled points within a mesh patch demands an explicit description of the spatial position associated with each point in a given patch. ", "For each point $p_i$, we construct a vector comprising of four values: The 3D coordinates along with the distance $u(p_i)$, namely, $$\\label{eq:mesh_input}\nV_i = \\big ( x(p_i)-x(p), y(p_i)-y(p), z(p_i)-z(p), u(p_i) \\big ).$$\n\nThe architecture we employ (see Figure \\[fig:mesh\\]) has the following structure. ", "It comprises of $M$ input vectors, each encoding the information about a single point in the neighborhood point of some patch as shown in Figure \\[fig:mesh\\]. ", "Each vector $V_{i}$ is processed independently in linear layers $mlp(4,64,128,512,1024)$ which produces a 1024-dimensional feature vector for each point. ", "These 1024-dimensional feature vectors are max-pooled to generate a single vector of the same dimension and finally passed through a $mlp(512,256,1)$ which generates the desired output distance $u(p)$. Our architecture is motivated from previous deep learning frameworks for point clouds like [@qi2017pointnet]. ", "This scheme of learning functions over non-Euclidean domains was analytically validated in [@zaheer2017deep].", "\n\nExperimental results {#sect:results}\n--------------------\n\nWe create $100,000$ training examples from 8 TOSCA shapes [@bronstein2008numerical] using the methodology described in Section \\[sect:train\\]. ", "In order to train for rotation invariance, we augment the data by multiplying each example by a random rotation matrix. ", "As a pre-processing stage, we practice the same pipeline described in \\[sect:cartesian\\].", "\n\nWe compare our Deep Eikonal solver to two different axiomatic approaches: our direct competitor, the fast marching method and recent geodesic approximation, the heat method [@crane2013geodesics]. ", "The heat method uses the heat equation solutions to estimate geodesics on surfaces, motivated by Varadhan’s formula [@varadhan1967behavior], that connects the two. ", "As shown in Figures \\[fig:vic\\] and \\[fig:shrec\\], the Deep Eikonal solver approximates the geodesic distance more accurately than the axiomatic approaches. ", "Fast marching and heat method yield smooth but inaccurate approximations in comparison to the polyhedral scheme [@surazhsky2005fast] which is known to be the most accurate scheme for computing distances on surfaces. ", "Tables \\[table:tosca\\] and \\[table:shrec\\] show quantitative results on TOSCA [@bronstein2008numerical] and SHREC [@li2015comparison] databases respectively. ", "The error at point $p$ was computed as $ | \\frac{u(p) - u_{gt}(p)}{u_{gt}(p)} | $ where the ground truth is taken as the polyhedral scheme solution. ", "To evaluate our method’s order of accuracy as described in Section \\[sect:cartesian\\], we use different resolutions of unit sphere, since the geodesic distance on a sphere can be computed analytically. ", "Figure \\[fig:ooa\\] demonstrates that the order of accuracy of the Deep Eikonal solver is comparable with the polyhedral scheme accuracy. ", "Finally, we test the robustness of our method to noise in the sampled manifold. ", "Figure \\[fig:noise\\] demonstrates that the isolines for our method remain robust to noise in comparison to the fast marching.", "\n\n![", "image](figures/vic_fig_small.png){width=\"10cm\" height=\"4cm\"} \\[fig:vic\\]\n\n[ |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y| ]{} & &\\\n**Model** & **Heat** & **FMM** & **Ours** & **Heat** & **FMM** & **Ours**\\\n**Cat** & 0.2237 & 0.0060 & **0.0011** & 0.7775 & 0.0493 & **0.0352**\\\n**Centaur** & 0.1185 & 0.0131 & **0.0042** & 0.3504 & 0.1622 & **0.1153**\\\n**Dog** & 0.0562 & 0.0121 & **0.0022** & 0.3393 & 0.2291 & **0.1034**\\\n**Michael** & 0.0625 & 0.0082 & **0.0015** & 0.4196 & 0.2855 & **0.1042**\\\n**Victoria**& 0.1129 & 0.0087 & **0.0015** & 0.6174 & 0.1885 & **0.0764**\\\n**Wolf** & 0.0254 & 0.0164 & **0.0054** & 0.2721 & 0.1465 & **0.0763**\\\n\n\\[table:tosca\\] ![", "image](figures/shrec_small.png){width=\"12cm\" height=\"4cm\"} \\[fig:shrec\\]\n\n[ |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y| ]{} & &\\\n**Model** & **Heat** & **FMM** & **Ours** & **Heat** & **FMM** & **Ours**\\\n**Male 1** & 0.0288 & 0.0105 & **0.0027** & 0.2570 & 0.0981 & **0.0681**\\\n**Male 2** & 0.0152 & 0.0122 & **0.0026** & 0.1553 & 0.1694 & **0.0296**\\\n**Male 3** & 0.0274 & 0.0105 & **0.0048** & 0.1926 & 0.1479 & **0.0762**\\\n**Female 1** & 0.0236 & 0.0089 & **0.0034** & 0.3184 & 0.1535 & **0.0504**\\\n**Female 2** & 0.0229 & 0.0083 & **0.0019** & 0.1350 & 0.0970 & **0.0383**\\\n**Female 3** & 0.0410 & 0.0087 & **0.0026** & 0.4205 & 0.2070 & **0.0671**\\\n\n\\[table:shrec\\]\n\n![[**", "Robustness to noise:**]{} Equidistant isolines drawn on cat and its noisy version. ", "The black isolines were computed on the noisy cat while the colorful isolines were computed on the original cat.[]{data-label=\"fig:noise\"}](figures/noise.pdf){width=\"95.00000%\"}\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nIn this paper, we introduce a new methodology by which we train a neural network to numerically solve the Eikonal equation on regularly and non-regularly sampled domains. ", "We develop a numerical scheme which uses a data-centric learning-based computation in conjunction with a well-established axiomatic update method. ", "In comparison to the axiomatic counterparts, we demonstrate that our hybrid scheme results in a considerable gain in performance measured by lower errors and larger orders of accuracy tested on a variety of different settings. 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[ "Karen Pugh\n\nKaren Lavinia Pugh (born 1965), is a female former athlete who competed for England.", "\n\nAthletics career\nPugh represented England and won a bronze medal in the discus event, at the 1986 Commonwealth Games in Edinburgh, Scotland.", "\n\nShe was twice a silver medal winner and four times a bronze medal winner at the National AAA Championships.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1965 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:English female athletes\nCategory:Athletes (track and field) at the 1978 Commonwealth Games\nCategory:British female discus throwers\nCategory:English female discus throwers" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nQuestions on the use of 動物 in reference to mankind/humans\n\nI got this quote from a journal an online associate writes. ", "I provided the translation. ", "Some of the wording in Japanese struck me as strange, so I am wondering about whether in fact this quote is a little strange in tone or is this just a normal way of expressing these kind of sentiments?", "\n\n牛乳は牛の乳であるが、人間は牛の肉も食ってしまう動物なので、牛にはたいそう世話になっていると言える。", "\nNot only do we drink cow's milk, but humans also eat the meat of cows; we could say that we are reliant on cows for our living.", "\n\nI thought the use of 動物 to describe humans as animals was somewhat strange, and wonder if this emphasis needed to be included in the translation to be faithful to the original sentiment.", "\nCompare:\n\n人間は牛の肉も食ってしまう動物なので\nHumans are an animal that consumes the meat of cows\n\nor maybe\n\nMankind is just another animal eating the meat of cows\n\nIs the aspect of man being \"just another animal\" something emphasized in the japanese, or am I reading too much into it?", "\n\nA:\n\nLike you inferred, describing humans as animals is not a neutral statement here. ", "Humans are described as animals, which, whilst drinking breast milk of cows, devour/consume cow meat.", "\nThis animalistic view of the humans is supported by the use of 食う instead of 食べる, which carries a more primal nuance.", "\nThe fact that they 食ってしまう implies that the humans are not quite conscious of their action, again emphasizing the animalistic view of humans.", "\n世話になってる is \"reliant on\" but also carries a sense of \"being indebted to\" and would probably be the way to describe karma in a native Japanese way...\nThe translation you give is fine, but trying to cram in all the points above, one by one, one might get something more along the lines of\n\nWe get cow's milk from the cow's breast, but we also consume cow's meat like animals, which makes us owe a great deal to (the race of) cows.", "\n\n(Now I feel like a high school student, just having finished a text interpretation exam.)", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Therapeutic potential of turmeric in Alzheimer's disease: curcumin or curcuminoids?", "\nAlzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia. ", "There is limited choice in modern therapeutics, and drugs available have limited success with multiple side effects in addition to high cost. ", "Hence, newer and alternate treatment options are being explored for effective and safer therapeutic targets to address AD. ", "Turmeric possesses multiple medicinal uses including treatment for AD. ", "Curcuminoids, a mixture of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin, are vital constituents of turmeric. ", "It is generally believed that curcumin is the most important constituent of the curcuminoid mixture that contributes to the pharmacological profile of parent curcuminoid mixture or turmeric. ", "A careful literature study reveals that the other two constituents of the curcuminoid mixture also contribute significantly to the effectiveness of curcuminoids in AD. ", "Therefore, it is emphasized in this review that each component of the curcuminoid mixture plays a distinct role in making curcuminoid mixture useful in AD, and hence, the curcuminoid mixture represents turmeric in its medicinal value better than curcumin alone. ", "The progress in understanding the disease etiology demands a multiple-site-targeted therapy, and the curcuminoid mixture of all components, each with different merits, makes this mixture more promising in combating the challenging disease." ]
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[ "Tag: Final Fantasy\n\nFinal Fantasy was released in 1990 by Square for the NES. ", "It was the first of many epic games that Square would produce in the Final Fantasy series.", "\n\nThis game was responsible for teaching many gamers what a role playing game or RPG was. ", "The story was huge and had you exploring dungeons, sailing ships, flying airships and more.", "\n\nIt’s about a team of four light warriors who set out on a quest to destroy evil and bring peace to the land.", "\nYou must defeat the bosses of the different elements earth, fire, water, and wind. ", "There are a vast amount of items to collect. ", "You can customize your characters weapons, armor and purchase different spells for certain characters.", "\n\nThe cool thing is you can choose your own characters to make your team. ", "You can choose from a Fighter, Thief, Black Belt, Red Mage, Black Mage, and a White Mage. ", "Later on in the game your characters will grow up and you will realize the full potential of their skills.", "\n\nThe graphics and music are classic 8 bit at it’s best. ", "The music has been remixed multiple times and is regarded as instantly recognizable and timeless.", "\n\nFinal Fantasy 2 was released in 1991 by Square for the Super Nintendo. ", "It was one of the best RPG’s on a system (the Super Nintendo) that would later be known and remembered for quality RPG’s.", "\n\nDeveloper Square turned a lot of gamers into RPG fans after playing this game. ", "FF2 introduced numerous playable characters and an enormous story filled with twists and turns.", "\n\nThe story has twelve playable characters in all. ", "The main hero of the story is Cecil, the Dark Knight of Baron. ", "The story revolves around Cecil, his good friend Kain and his girlfriend Rosa. ", "In all there is thirty to forty hours of story. ", "The main antagonist is Golbez and it’s your quest to destroy him.", "\n\nThis game is actually the fourth in the series but it was only the second game that gamers got in the United States. ", "The general consensus with game publishers at the time was that role playing games weren’t very popular with western audiences. ", "Couple that with the fact that translating Japanese RPGs to English was a long and expensive process which was enough to scare many publishers away for such a task. ", "It was just too much risk with what was perceived as little reward.", "\n\nEven if you’re not an RPG fan this game is worth a try. ", "The graphics aren’t anything to write home about but that’s not to say that they aren’t bad. ", "Graphics aren’t usually that important with most RPG’s as the emphasis is normally a deep rich story and an character progression. ", "The music is top notch. ", "The theme song to this game is truly epic. ", "Each character has their own theme music that helps immerse the player in the game and connect with each personality.", "\n\nThis game will always be one of my top 3 RPG’s of all time. ", "It’s collectable but not priced out of the budget of the average retro gamer." ]
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[ "Sales happen after 5 touches. ", "Most give up in 2. ", "She's changing that.", "\n\n​\n\nTalk to Cheryl Scoffield, the Follow-Up Specialist and you’ll start to wonder just how many sales you’ve left on the table. ", "How many warm prospects you let cool and then go cold because you didn’t have a process for effective follow-up that goes beyond the first few touches.", "\n\nOur focus at Influence Magazine is to boldly celebrate brilliance and in this, a Spotlight feature, on Cheryl Scoffield, we shine our light brightly so you can get to know the story behind her success.", "\n\n​​​​​\n\nSharon RicciEditor-in-Chief\n\n‍\n\n‍\n\nINFLUENCE INSIGHT\n\n‍\n\nWhere does this one or two touch sales mentality come from?", "\n\nAccording to Cheryl, business professionals responsible for sales often have one question in their mind, “Who can I close today and who can I close this month to meet my targets?”. ", "After a few touches, either by phone or email, Cheryl finds that the majority of people push a once “hot” lead into a database for “follow-up later.” ", "The pattern Cheryl sees is that once a lead is in a “database” it never gets touched or nurtured again.", "\n\nAs Cheryl was speaking about those hot leads heading into a database I couldn’t help think of the phrase “Databases, where good leads go to die”.", "\n\nThat phrase wouldn’t be far off considering Cheryl says it is her experience that these lead databases often have thousands of leads with maybe the top 10% being active. ", "That means only one in ten continue along what Cheryl calls the “path to purchase”.", "\n\nAnother aspect that Cheryl is passionate about is maximizing in-person, real-world conversations. ", "Cheryl says that very often when business owners and professionals feel a strong initial connection with someone they'll set up a \"get to know you\" coffee meeeting. ", "At the end inevitably this sentence, or something very close to it, is said, “It’s been wonderful to meet you. ", "If I ever need your services, or know someone that does, I’ll let you know.”", "\n\n‍\n\nAnd from there what happens?", "\n\nAccording to Cheryl, almost always the answer is “Nothing”.", "\n\n​\n\nAnd that is why Cheryl, through her business Kickstart your Company, works with business owners and professionals to maximize the sales potential buried in their list. ", "Cheryl co-creates sales lead management systems for clients that focus on following up through CRMs and digital platforms including email marketing, LinkedIn and more.", "\n\n​\n\nAn important part of this follow up system is helping professionals take what they say in person and convey it with equal authenticity and passion in the new digital world of LinkedIn and email. ", "According to Cheryl, “Every business owner has all this information which they give verbally in one on one situations like tradeshows and networking events. ", "They say it with passion and authenticity but they aren’t transmitting that same messaging online.” ", "Cheryl works with them to bridge that gap.", "\n\n‍\n\n‍\n\nWhy does Cheryl do what she does?", "\n\nCheryl is a self-described voracious collector of information. ", "From her start selling fabrics on Spadina Avenue in the fashion district of Toronto Ontario she was taught the standard sales wisdom of how to get to know people to create prospects and clients. ", "What she found was that as a business moved into the digital age this information wasn't working for her or many others she spoke with. ", "After years of investigation she found out what actually does work and she loves sharing her insights with her clients either through skills training or strategy implementation.", "\n\n‍\n\n​\n\nAbout Kickstart Your Company​\n\nKickstart Your Company, a business development leader that provides consulting, skills training and mentoring of advanced in person and online lead generation, sales lead management and follow up marketing skills to individuals, companies and organizations to multiply results and make prospecting profitable." ]
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[ "This is the $0 pledge. ", "I believe in voting with my wallet. ", "I do not believe in paying for TV channels that I have no intention of watching, and I don't appreciate the harm that the bundling system does to marginalized content producers. ", "I may not have the power of choosing channels today, but I have the power to cut the cord. ", "As such, I do not currently pay for any TV subscription, and I will not do so again until the day that I can choose each and every channel that I would like to watch. ", "On that day, my money will be supporting programming that interests me, not programming that content providers force on me by bundling. ", "Until then, pay TV companies will receive $0 from me.", "\n\nLinks\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ "[Immunomodulatory Effect of Trichinella spiralis and its Derivative Products in Allergy and Autoimmune Diseases].", "\nTrichinella spiralis and its derivative antigens stimulate T cell activation by inducing dendritic cell semimaturation, thereby regulating the Th1/Th2 type immune response and alleviating or inhibiting allergy and autoimmune diseases. ", "The regulatory T cell and anti-inflammatory factors play important roles in this immunomodulatory process. ", "This article reviews the modulatory effects and their mechanisms of Trichinella spiralis and its derivatives in autoimmune disorders." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.017699115044247787, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "I always edit my games and share my information so others can use it as well, but before I share that information, I always ask first if its ok for me to post that Information. ", "So right now, before I post on how I do things, and post the Ids for the items, is it ok that I do this here? (", "Will in proper section if ok) One thing I will not do, is post the item Ids for anything that is sold through the store. ", "Meaning, I will not list item Ids for things like the Fishing rod, full book, even the freebies for voting. ", "I will only post the item Ids for items you get normally in game. ", "I have written mods, cheats, tutorials on how to mod/cheat in many games, been doing this since the Commodore 64 and Amiga days. ", "I always ask first before posting information like this.", "\n\nI'm unsure if any of the other moderators stances have changed since this sort of thing last came up, but we would prefer if this information was not publically available. ", "Pixbits had an intention when creating this game, and even added a creative mode so the excuse \"I just want to build\" wasn't so valid when discussing these kinds of things.", "\n\nAt the same time, there is no function in-game to allow people to go about turning creative projects into survival at the push of a button, so I can see a use in this, but for now, lets not.", "\n\nFunny you should say that. ", "It was looking for a map editor that turned up Junk Jack in the first place. ", "Only problem, it's for retro. ", "Ended up buying it for myself and family, both pc and android versions and manually edited the android version. ", "Didn't have the patience to start all over again. ", "Anyway, I wont post the info. ", "Just so you know, there are advertisements out there for editors for both pc and android, but looking into the code their nothing but loggers meant to get someone's Steam or Playstore account info. ", "I'm lazy, not dumb, then again, sometimes I can be both heh." ]
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[ "The pair pictured on the outskirts of Beijing at the end of their journey. ", "Photo: Weibo" ]
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[ "James Chua\n\nJames Chua (; born 30 March 1979) is a Malaysian former badminton player. ", "Borned in Sarawak, Chua moved to Kuala Lumpur to join the BAM squad in 1995. ", "He was part of the Malaysia junior team that won the boys' team bronze at the 1997 Asian Junior Championships in Manila. ", "He was the champion at the 1998 Malaysia Satellite, and in 2001 clinched the National Championships title. ", "Chua won the World Grand Prix title at the 2002 Malaysia Open defeated his compatriot the defending champion, Ong Ewe Hock in straight games. ", "Together with the national men's team squad, they won the bronze medals at the 1998 and 2002 Asian Games.", "\n\nAchievements\n\nIBF World Grand Prix\nThe World Badminton Grand Prix sanctioned by International Badminton Federation (IBF) since 1983.", "\n\nMen's singles\n\nBWF International Challenge/Series \nMen's singles\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n \n\nCategory:1979 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:People from Kuching\nCategory:Malaysian male badminton players\nCategory:Badminton players at the 2002 Asian Games\nCategory:Badminton players at the 1998 Asian Games\nCategory:Asian Games bronze medalists for Malaysia\nCategory:Asian Games medalists in badminton\nCategory:Medalists at the 1998 Asian Games\nCategory:Medalists at the 2002 Asian Games" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nI have this error 'java.lang.", "ClassNotFoundException' - Spring\n\nI have this error:\njava.lang.", "ClassNotFoundException: net.kzn.shoppingbackend.dao.", "CategoryDAO\n org.apache.catalina.loader.", "WebappClassLoaderBase.loadClass(WebappClassLoaderBase.java:1269)\n org.apache.catalina.loader.", "WebappClassLoaderBase.loadClass(WebappClassLoaderBase.java:1104)\n ...\n\nI have two project, onlineshopping and shoppingbackend are connected, pom.xml of onlineshopping is:\n<project xmlns=\"http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\"\n xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd\">\n\n <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>\n <groupId>net.kzn</groupId>\n <artifactId>onlineshopping</artifactId>\n <packaging>war</packaging>\n <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>\n <name>onlineshopping Maven Webapp</name>\n <url>http://maven.apache.org</url>\n\n <!-- ", "Version information will be stored here -->\n <properties>\n <javaee.version>7.0</javaee.version>\n <spring.version>4.3.6.RELEASE</spring.version>\n </properties> \n\n <dependencies> \n <!-- ", "Link backend project -->\n <dependency>\n <groupId>net.kzn</groupId>\n <artifactId>shoppingbackend</artifactId>\n <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>\n </dependency> \n <!-- ", "JAVA EE -->\n <dependency>\n <groupId>javax</groupId>\n <artifactId>javaee-api</artifactId>\n <version>${javaee.version}</version>\n <scope>provided</scope>\n </dependency> \n <!-- ", "JUNIT -->\n <dependency>\n <groupId>junit</groupId>\n <artifactId>junit</artifactId>\n <version>3.8.1</version>\n <scope>test</scope>\n </dependency> \n <!-- ", "SPRING -->\n <dependency>\n <groupId>org.springframework</groupId>\n <artifactId>spring-core</artifactId>\n <version>${spring.version}</version>\n <exclusions>\n <exclusion>\n <groupId>commons-logging</groupId>\n <artifactId>commons-logging</artifactId>\n </exclusion>\n </exclusions>\n </dependency> \n <dependency>\n <groupId>org.springframework</groupId>\n <artifactId>spring-webmvc</artifactId>\n <version>${spring.version}</version>\n </dependency> \n <!-- ", "JSTL --> \n <dependency>\n <groupId>jstl</groupId>\n <artifactId>jstl</artifactId>\n <version>1.2</version>\n </dependency> \n <!-- ", "Spring webflow -->\n <dependency>\n <groupId>org.springframework.webflow</groupId>\n <artifactId>spring-webflow</artifactId>\n <version>2.4.4.RELEASE</version>\n </dependency>\n </dependencies>\n <build>\n <!-- ", "Updated for the latest version of JAVA -->\n <plugins>\n <plugin>\n <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>\n <version>3.1</version>\n <configuration>\n <source>1.8</source>\n <target>1.8</target>\n </configuration>\n </plugin>\n </plugins> \n <finalName>onlineshopping</finalName>\n </build>\n</project>\n\npom.xml of shoppingbackend is:\n<project xmlns=\"http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\"\n xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd\">\n\n <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>\n <groupId>net.kzn</groupId>\n <artifactId>shoppingbackend</artifactId>\n <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>\n <packaging>jar</packaging> \n <name>shoppingbackend</name>\n <url>http://maven.apache.org</url>\n\n <properties>\n <project.build.sourceEncoding>UTF-8</project.build.sourceEncoding>\n <spring.version>4.3.6.RELEASE</spring.version>\n <hibernate.version>5.2.7.Final</hibernate.version>\n <jackson.version>2.8.7</jackson.version>\n </properties>\n\n <dependencies>\n <!-- ", "JUNIT VERSION 4.12 -->\n <dependency>\n <groupId>junit</groupId>\n <artifactId>junit</artifactId>\n <version>4.12</version>\n <scope>test</scope>\n </dependency> \n <!-- ", "SPRING -->\n <dependency>\n <groupId>org.springframework</groupId>\n <artifactId>spring-core</artifactId>\n <version>${spring.version}</version>\n <exclusions>\n <exclusion>\n <groupId>commons-logging</groupId>\n <artifactId>commons-logging</artifactId>\n </exclusion>\n </exclusions>\n </dependency> \n <dependency>\n <groupId>org.springframework</groupId>\n <artifactId>spring-context</artifactId>\n <version>${spring.version}</version>\n </dependency> \n <dependency>\n <groupId>org.springframework</groupId>\n <artifactId>spring-orm</artifactId>\n <version>${spring.version}</version>\n </dependency> \n <dependency>\n <groupId>org.springframework</groupId>\n <artifactId>spring-web</artifactId>\n <version>${spring.version}</version>\n </dependency> \n <!-- ", "H2 Database -->\n <dependency>\n <groupId>com.h2database</groupId>\n <artifactId>h2</artifactId>\n <version>1.4.193</version>\n </dependency> \n <!-- ", "Hibernate Dependency -->\n <dependency>\n <groupId>org.hibernate</groupId>\n <artifactId>hibernate-core</artifactId>\n <version>${hibernate.version}</version>\n </dependency>\n <!-- ", "Database Connection Pooling -->\n <dependency>\n <groupId>org.apache.commons</groupId>\n <artifactId>commons-dbcp2</artifactId>\n <version>2.1.1</version>\n <exclusions>\n <exclusion>\n <groupId>commons-logging</groupId>\n <artifactId>commons-logging</artifactId>\n </exclusion>\n </exclusions>\n </dependency> \n <!-- ", "Jackson -->\n <dependency>\n <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>\n <artifactId>jackson-databind</artifactId>\n <version>${jackson.version}</version>\n </dependency> \n <dependency>\n <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>\n <artifactId>jackson-annotations</artifactId>\n <version>${jackson.version}</version>\n </dependency>\n <!-- ", "SLF4J Logging -->\n <dependency>\n <groupId>ch.qos.logback</groupId>\n <artifactId>logback-classic</artifactId>\n <version>1.2.1</version>\n </dependency> \n <dependency>\n <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId>\n <artifactId>jcl-over-slf4j</artifactId>\n <version>1.7.24</version>\n </dependency> \n <!-- ", "Validation -->\n <dependency>\n <groupId>javax.validation</groupId>\n <artifactId>validation-api</artifactId>\n <version>1.1.0.Final</version>\n </dependency> \n <dependency>\n <groupId>org.hibernate</groupId>\n <artifactId>hibernate-validator</artifactId>\n <version>5.4.1.Final</version>\n </dependency> \n </dependencies>\n <build>\n <!-- ", "Updated for the latest version of JAVA -->\n <plugins>\n <plugin>\n <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>\n <version>3.1</version>\n <configuration>\n <source>1.8</source>\n <target>1.8</target>\n </configuration>\n </plugin>\n </plugins>\n </build>\n</project>\n\nI have dispatcher-servlet.xml:\n<beans xmlns=\"http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans\"\n xmlns:context=\"http://www.springframework.org/schema/context\"\n xmlns:mvc=\"http://www.springframework.org/schema/mvc\" xmlns:wf=\"http://www.springframework.org/schema/webflow-config\"\n xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\"\n xsi:schemaLocation=\"\n http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans\n http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd\n http://www.springframework.org/schema/context\n http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context.xsd \n http://www.springframework.org/schema/mvc\n http://www.springframework.org/schema/mvc/spring-mvc.xsd \n http://www.springframework.org/schema/webflow-config\n http://www.springframework.org/schema/webflow-config/spring-webflow-config.xsd \n \">\n\n <context:component-scan base-package=\"net.kzn.onlineshopping\" />\n <context:component-scan base-package=\"net.kzn.shoppingbackend\" />\n\n <bean id=\"viewResolver\"\n class=\"org.springframework.web.servlet.view.", "InternalResourceViewResolver\">\n <property name=\"prefix\" value=\"/WEB-INF/views/\" />\n <property name=\"suffix\" value=\".jsp\" />\n\n </bean>\n\n <!-- ", "id must be multipartResolver -->\n <bean id=\"multipartResolver\"\n class=\"org.springframework.web.multipart.support.", "StandardServletMultipartResolver\" />\n\n <!-- ", "Loading static resources -->\n <mvc:annotation-driven />\n\n <mvc:resources location=\"/assets/\" mapping=\"/resources/**\" />\n\n <!-- ", "WEBFLOW CONFIGURATION -->\n <!-- ", "Entry point for the flow -->\n\n <wf:flow-executor id=\"flowExecutor\" flow-registry=\"flowRegistry\" />\n\n <wf:flow-registry id=\"flowRegistry\" base-path=\"/WEB-INF/views/flows\"\n flow-builder-services=\"flowBuilderServices\">\n <wf:flow-location-pattern value=\"/**/*-flow.xml\" />\n </wf:flow-registry>\n\n <wf:flow-builder-services id=\"flowBuilderServices\"\n view-factory-creator=\"viewFactoryCreator\" validator=\"validator\" />\n\n <bean class=\"org.springframework.webflow.mvc.servlet.", "FlowHandlerAdapter\">\n <property name=\"flowExecutor\" ref=\"flowExecutor\" />\n </bean>\n\n <bean class=\"org.springframework.webflow.mvc.servlet.", "FlowHandlerMapping\">\n <property name=\"flowRegistry\" ref=\"flowRegistry\" />\n <property name=\"order\" value=\"-1\" />\n </bean>\n\n <bean id=\"viewFactoryCreator\"\n class=\"org.springframework.webflow.mvc.builder.", "MvcViewFactoryCreator\">\n <property name=\"viewResolvers\" ref=\"viewResolver\" />\n </bean>\n\n <!-- ", "validator bean -->\n <bean id=\"validator\"\n class=\"org.springframework.validation.beanvalidation.", "LocalValidatorFactoryBean\" />\n\n</beans>\n\nThe Class PageController.class:\npackage net.kzn.onlineshopping.controller;\n\nimport org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.", "Autowired;\nimport org.springframework.stereotype.", "Controller;\nimport org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.", "RequestMapping;\nimport org.springframework.web.servlet.", "ModelAndView;\n\nimport net.kzn.shoppingbackend.dao.", "CategoryDAO;\n\n@Controller\npublic class PageController {\n\n @Autowired\n private CategoryDAO categoryDAO;\n\n @RequestMapping(value = {\"/\", \"/home\", \"/index\"})\n public ModelAndView index() { \n ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView(\"page\");\n mv.addObject(\"title\",\"Home\");\n mv.addObject(\"userClickHome\",true);\n //passing the list of categories \n mv.addObject(\"categories\", categoryDAO.list());\n return mv; \n }\n @RequestMapping(value = \"/about\")\n public ModelAndView about() { \n ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView(\"page\"); \n mv.addObject(\"title\",\"About Us\");\n mv.addObject(\"userClickAbout\",true);\n return mv; \n } \n\n @RequestMapping(value = \"/contact\")\n public ModelAndView contact() { \n ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView(\"page\"); \n mv.addObject(\"title\",\"Contact Us\");\n mv.addObject(\"userClickContact\",true);\n return mv; \n }\n}\n\nMy CategoryDAO.java:\npackage net.kzn.shoppingbackend.dao; \nimport java.util.", "List;\nimport net.kzn.shoppingbackend.dto.", "Category;\n\npublic interface CategoryDAO {\n\n //Category get(int id);\n List<Category> list();\n}\n\nAnd CategoryDAOImpl.java:\npackage net.kzn.shoppingbackend.daoimpl;\n\nimport java.util.", "ArrayList;\nimport java.util.", "List;\n\nimport org.springframework.stereotype.", "Repository;\nimport org.springframework.transaction.annotation.", "Transactional;\n\nimport net.kzn.shoppingbackend.dao.", "CategoryDAO;\nimport net.kzn.shoppingbackend.dto.", "Category;\n\n@Repository(\"categoryDAO\")\npublic class CategoryDAOImpl implements CategoryDAO {\n\n private static List<Category> categories = new ArrayList<>();\n\n static {\n Category category = new Category();\n\n //Adding firt category\n\n category.setId(1);\n category.setName(\"Television\");\n category.setDescription(\"This is some description for Television!\");", "\n category.setImageURL(\"CAT_1.png\");\n categories.add(category);\n\n //second category\n category = new Category();\n category.setId(2);\n category.setName(\"Mobile\");\n category.setDescription(\"This is some description for Mobile!\");", "\n category.setImageURL(\"CAT_2.png\");\n categories.add(category);\n\n //third category\n category = new Category();\n category.setId(3);\n category.setName(\"Laptop\");\n category.setDescription(\"This is some description for Laptop!\");", "\n category.setImageURL(\"CAT_3.png\");\n categories.add(category);\n }\n\n @Override\n public List<Category> list() {\n // TODO Auto-generated method stub\n return categories;\n }\n}\n\nPlease guys I have days trying to solve this problem. ", "I can not find where the error is. ", "Thanks.", "\n\nA:\n\nI solved my problem, I do not know if it is correct ... but it worked:\nProperties >> Java Build Path >> Source >> Link Source Linked Folder\nLocation >> Folder name: \"shoppingbackend\" >> Finish\n\n" ]
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[ "What did you think of Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive?", "\n\nWähle eine Antwort:\n\nLoved it! ", "It was good. ", "It was OK. ", "A little disappointing. ", "Very Disappointing." ]
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[ " 151*c + 20 + 2099*c to the form l*c + p and give l.\n2250\nExpress -2661*a**2 + 4*a**4 + 0*a**3 + 3*a**3 - 2*a**3 - 1 + 2646*a**2 - 12*a as x*a**4 + v + m*a**2 + g*a**3 + h*a and give m.\n-15\nRearrange 7823 + 4*o**2 - 7823 + (2*o + 2*o - 3*o)*(99 - 99 - 73*o) to k*o**2 + j*o + t and give k.\n-69\nRearrange 0*h**3 - h**3 + 124*h**2 - 47*h**2 - 38*h**2 - 33*h**2 + 13*h**4 - h + 2 to n*h**4 + p*h + f*h**3 + j*h**2 + v and give f.\n-1\nRearrange -11282728 + 11282728 + 12304*c to f*c + r and give f.\n12304\nRearrange 10398*y - 2 + 1 + 1 - 2776*y to the form c*y + t and give c.\n7622\nRearrange (q**2 + 3 - 3)*(497*q - 485*q**2 - 504*q**2 + 990*q**2) to the form p*q**3 + m + k*q**2 + y*q + i*q**4 and give i.\n1\nRearrange (-84*a**3 + 19*a**3 - 55*a**3)*(-21 - 46 - 4)*((4 + 1 - 3)*(2 + 2 - 6) + 0 - 2 + 1) to h*a**2 + q + l*a + r*a**3 and give r.\n-42600\nExpress (-33*q**4 - 16*q**4 - 14*q**4)*(102 + 120 + 86) as c*q + o*q**2 + s + t*q**4 + n*q**3 and give t.\n-19404\nExpress 29*c + 1763 - 1106 - 25*c + 2*c**2 in the form m*c**2 + g*c + t and give g.\n4\nRearrange -u**4 + 2*u**3 - 1 - 666*u**2 - 687*u**2 + 1296*u**2 - 3*u to x*u + r*u**2 + s + d*u**3 + t*u**4 and give s.\n-1\nRearrange -5057*k + 18374 - 18377 + 1120*k + (2 - 2 + 1)*(0 - k + 0) - k - 2 + 2 to z + c*k and give c.\n-3939\nRearrange -11 + 4*f - 2 - 3*f - 74 + 5*f to o*f + k and give k.\n-87\nRearrange 13 - 10 - 82*v - 130*v - 9*v**4 - 158*v to the form h*v + c + x*v**3 + u*v**2 + n*v**4 and give n.\n-9\nExpress -44*n**3 + 5 - 1859*n**4 - n**2 + 49*n**3 + 1860*n**4 in the form w + j*n**3 + p*n**4 + i*n**2 + s*n and give i.\n-1\nRearrange 6 - 6 - 3*f + (-5*f + 3*f + 3*f)*(-1 + 0 + 5) + 884*f - 503*f - 462*f to the form b*f + v and give b.\n-80\nRearrange 78939*f + 2 + 29*f**2 - 78939*f to the form z*f**2 + d*f + b and give z.\n29\nRearrange (-4*b + 3*b + 3*b)*(7447 - 1248 - 3557 + 4 - 5 + 2 + (1 + 1 + 0)*(-5 + 3 + 0) + 3 + 1 - 3) to x + m*b and give m.\n5280\nExpress (2*g - 3 + 3)*(40347*g - 165343 - 165341 + 330684) in the form q*g**2 + a + d*g and give a.\n0\nExpress -u**2 - 5*u**2 + 100225*u - 100224*u - 2 + 8*u**2 - 27*u**3 in the form h*u + i*u**2 + j + c*u**3 and give c.\n-27\nExpress (-1487 + 7076 + 17306 - 4021 + 18809)*(0*b**3 + 0*b**3 - b**4) in the form z*b**3 + h*b**4 + v*b**2 + s + d*b and give s.\n0\nRearrange 38199*q - 38187*q + 5 - q**2 + 1 to the form o + s*q + b*q**2 and give b.\n-1\nExpress -22*u + 19*u**2 - 60*u - 15*u + 33*u in the form x*u + o + m*u**2 and give x.\n-64\nExpress 21 + 263 - 47*w + 71*w + 17*w**2 - 24*w in the form m*w + s*w**2 + k and give k.\n284\nRearrange 2*u**2 - 2809*u**3 - 42 - 2795*u**3 + 5589*u**3 + 2*u - 3*u**2 to the form w*u**2 + c*u + g + p*u**3 and give g.\n-42\nExpress (0*y - y + 2 + 2*y)*(26 + 22 - 6)*(-140 + 282 - 140 + 3*y) as o*y**2 + w + b*y and give b.\n336\nRearrange (y + y - y)*(243 + 137 - 1130) - 2*y + 7 - 7 to j*y + p and give j.\n-752\nExpress (-6*v + 4*v + 3*v)*(26922 + 5711 + 2380 + 13429 + 30112) as m + y*v and give y.\n78554\nExpress 2*t + 12384*t**2 + 11*t**3 - 2*t**4 - 5 - 12376*t**2 - 18*t**3 + 13*t**3 as x*t**2 + c*t**4 + b + s*t**3 + v*t and give s.\n6\nExpress (-3*a**2 + 5*a**2 - 3*a**2)*(11 + 6 + 118751*a - 17 - 24139*a) in the form t + u*a**2 + l*a + d*a**3 and give d.\n-94612\nExpress (-2752 - 3667 + 331)*(r + 1 - 1) + 3*r + 3*r - 4*r as o + s*r and give s.\n-6086\nRearrange (-2 + 0 + 1)*(-2*p**2 + p**2 - p**2) + (6*p - 2*p - 2*p)*(21*p - 12*p - 4*p) + (-6*p + 45 - 45)*(-3*p + 3*p - 5*p) to b + s*p**2 + n*p and give s.\n42\nRearrange l**2 - 1 + 1 + (20 + 106 - 27)*(-5*l + 2*l + l)*((3 - 3 - 1)*(-3*l + 7*l - 2*l) - 75*l + 16*l - 19*l) to h + n*l**2 + r*l and give n.\n15841\nExpress -203*g**4 + 72*g**4 + 63*g**4 + 2*g**3 + 1 - 34*g**2 - 3 + 64*g**4 in the form a*g**4 + k*g**3 + m + h*g + q*g**2 and give a.\n-4\nRearrange -20*b - 17*b - 13*b + 7020*b**2 - 13*b + 62*b + (-1 - 3 + 3)*(8*b - 2*b**2 - 8*b) to the form m*b + y + z*b**2 and give z.\n7022\nExpress y**3 + 13107*y**2 + 441*y**4 - 13120*y**2 + 0*y**3 in the form t*y**4 + a*y**2 + o + j*y + r*y**3 and give a.\n-13\nExpress -74*q**3 + 178*q**3 - 72*q**3 - 12121*q - 30*q**3 in the form n*q**2 + w*q**3 + t*q + p and give w.\n2\nRearrange -3*a**2 + 1 - 2 + 3 + 15*a - 215*a + 0 to the form m*a**2 + o + x*a and give x.\n-200\nExpress 5*c**3 - 9 + 5 + 4670*c - 4650*c - 2*c**2 + 1 as t*c**2 + q*c**3 + x + r*c and give x.\n-3\nRearrange (3*z - 2*z + 0*z)*(3 + 4 - 3) + 2289 - 2289 - 988*z to f*z + s and give f.\n-984\nRearrange f + 20*f**2 - 60*f**2 + 40*f**2 + 15*f**2 + 61 to b + l*f + v*f**2 and give v.\n15\nExpress i**3 - 88*i - 92*i**2 - 513 + 93*i**2 + 86*i as o*i**3 + r*i + h*i**2 + f and give o.\n1\nRearrange (-12*i**2 + 17*i**2 - 11*i**2)*(3*i - i - 4*i) + (i + 8*i + 0*i)*(0*i**2 - 2*i**2 + 11*i**2) to z*i**2 + j*i + v + k*i**3 and give k.\n93\nExpress -815 - 173 - 175 + 2*j as b*j + o and give b.\n2\nExpress (-5*r + 5*r - 5*r)*(4747*r + 3175*r - 5059*r) in the form f + m*r + o*r**2 and give o.\n-14315\nRearrange -217*x - 21 + 271*x + 775*x + 17 - x - 2*x + 5*x + (1 + 2 - 5)*(-2*x + 1 - 1) + 2 - 2 + x to z + n*x and give n.\n836\nRearrange -1323*t - 3779*t - 6366*t + 120*t - 3*t + 2*t + 3*t + (2 - 3 + 2)*(0*t - 2*t + t) to b + q*t and give q.\n-11347\nExpress (-9 + 1 - 2)*((-2*a - 2*a + 0*a)*(16 + 1 + 12) + a - a - 2*a) in the form p + m*a and give m.\n1180\nExpress -11 - 14 + 679*c + 7*c**3 + 45 - 2*c**2 - 19 as j*c**2 + v + d*c + k*c**3 and give v.\n1\nRearrange -943*a + 1254*a - 29821*a - 990 + 990 + (1 - 2 + 3)*(-a - 5*a + 5*a) to the form m*a + u and give m.\n-29512\nRearrange -6*w**2 + 680*w**3 - 2*w + 76*w - 682*w**3 + w to the form d + f*w**2 + v*w**3 + u*w and give f.\n-6\nExpress -2 - 3*l**3 - 842*l**2 - 1509*l**2 + 5*l**3 - l**3 - 789*l**2 as i*l**2 + q*l**3 + d + z*l and give q.\n1\nRearrange (2 + z**3 - 2)*(-168292*z + 6 + 1 - 7 - 82753*z) to o*z**2 + k*z**3 + u*z**4 + r*z + f and give u.\n-251045\nExpress -19*z**2 + 4*z**2 + 314 - 323 as f*z + a + m*z**2 and give a.\n-9\nRearrange 2 + 2254*g + 306*g**2 - 2251*g + 554*g**2 to l*g + j + v*g**2 and give j.\n2\nExpress 8385484*m - 8385484*m + 3799*m**2 in the form o*m + v*m**2 + a and give v.\n3799\nExpress (2*z - 436 + 928 - 324)*(3*z**2 - 2*z + z**3 - 3*z**2) + (-z**4 + z**4 - z**4)*(-3 + 5 - 1) in the form w + j*z**2 + y*z**4 + b*z + p*z**3 and give p.\n168\nRearrange -1658*d**2 + 3414*d**2 - 1169*d**2 + 8*d to the form s + n*d + k*d**2 and give k.\n587\nExpress 91*a**2 - 177*a**2 + 104*a**2 + 84*a**4 - 15*a**4 + 1 as f*a**4 + m*a**2 + n*a + u + l*a**3 and give m.\n18\nRearrange -6510 + 1628 + 1626 + 1632 + 1626 + 383*w to the form c + r*w and give c.\n2\nRearrange (2502*t - 581 - 378 + 954)*(6 - 2 - 1)*(4 + 1 - 3) to the form l*t + n and give l.\n15012\nRearrange 3*r - 42*r + r - 2869*r**2 + 38*r to p*r**2 + i + b*r and give p.\n-2869\nExpress (-3*h + 5*h + 1 - 4*h)*(143 + 124 + 1 + 2 - 2 - 2 + (4 - 3 + 0)*(3 - 4 + 3) + 0 + 1 + 0 + 2 - 1 + 1) in the form q*h + a and give q.\n-542\nExpress -11282*c**2 + 662 - 662 as g + d*c**2 + j*c and give d.\n-11282\nExpress 0*t**3 + 3*t**3 + 2*t + 2*t**4 - 3*t**4 + 220 + 3*t**4 + t**2 - 5*t**3 in the form p*t + k + z*t**4 + b*t**2 + f*t**3 and give b.\n1\nRearrange -2*n**4 + 3*n**4 + 0*n**4 + (55*n**2 + 56*n**2 + 5 - 119*n**2)*(n**2 + 1 - 1) to the form v*n**4 + o*n**3 + m + p*n**2 + f*n and give v.\n-7\nExpress -3*w + 1460*w**3 + 17*w + 1681*w**3 - 15*w - 2*w as p*w**2 + k + i*w**3 + d*w and give i.\n3141\nRearrange 22*r + 449*r**2 + 149 + r - 149 - 20*r to the form b + j*r**2 + l*r and give l.\n3\nExpress 3*d - 60*d**2 + 0*d**3 - 82*d**3 - 148*d**3 + 60*d**2 in the form z*d + s*d**3 + r*d**2 + a and give s.\n-230\nExpress ((2 + 4 - 4)*(4 - 2 - 1) - 5 + 3 + 1 + (-2 + 4 - 3)*(-3 + 0 - 2))*(z + 3*z - 2*z)*(189 + 222 + 277) in the form b*z + m and give b.\n8256\nRearrange (626 - 41 + 165)*(-2*o + 3*o - 2*o)*(6 - 2 - 6) + 1 + 6 - 2 - 3*o to the form x*o + d and give x.\n1497\nRearrange -4 + 6 - 2*k**4 - 8 + 6*k**3 - 7 to y*k**3 + f*k + r*k**4 + b*k**2 + a and give a.\n-13\nExpress -6*b**2 - 9*b + 42*b**2 - 95*b**2 - 81*b**2 - 3*b as r + k*b**2 + v*b and give k.\n-140\nExpress -113*t + 14*t - t**2 + 3 - 24*t in the form l*t + g*t**2 + c and give c.\n3\nExpress -1549*h - 2 - 1475*h - 2 + 4 in the form f*h + m and give f.\n-3024\nRearrange (24 - 11 - 10)*(4*p + 0 + 0)*(31*p**3 + 13*p**3 + 17*p**3) to the form n*" ]
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[ 0.002318769831584086 ]
[ "Q:\n\nBeautifulSoup page number\n\nI'm trying to extract text from the online version of The Wealth of Nations and create a data frame where each observation is a page of the book. ", " I do it in a roundabout way, trying to imitate something similar I did in R, but I was wondering if there was a way to do this directly in BeautifulSoup.", "\nWhat I do is first get the entire text from the page:\nimport pandas as pd\nimport requests\nfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoup\nimport re\nr = requests.get('https://www.gutenberg.org/files/38194/38194-h/38194-h.htm')\nsoup = BeautifulSoup(r.text,'html.parser')\n\nBut from here on, I'm just working with regular expressions and the text. ", "I find the beginning and end of the book text:\nbeginning = [a.start() for a in re.finditer(r\"BOOK I\\.\",soup.text)]\nbeginning\nend = [a.start() for a in re.finditer(r\"FOOTNOTES\",soup.text)]\nbook = soup.text[beginning[1]:end[0]]\n\nThen I remove the carriage returns and new lines and split on strings of the form \"[Pg digits]\" and put everything into a pandas data frame.", "\nbook = book.replace('\\r',' ').replace('\\n',' ')\nl = re.compile('\\[[P|p]g\\s?\\d{1,3}\\]').split(book)\ndf = pd.", "DataFrame(l,columns=['col1'])\ndf['page'] = range(2,df.shape[0]+2)\n\nThere are indicators in the HTML code for page numbers of the form <span class='pagenum'><a name=\"Page_vii\" id=\"Page_vii\">[Pg vii]</a></span>. ", "Is there a way I can do the text extraction in BeautifulSoup by searching for text between these \"spans\"? ", "I know how to search for the page markers using findall, but I was wondering how I can extract text between those markers.", "\n\nA:\n\nTo get the page markers and the text associated with it, you can use bs4 with re. ", "In order to match text between two markers, itertools.groupby can be used:\nfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup\nimport requests\nimport re\nimport itertools\npage_data = requests.get('https://www.gutenberg.org/files/38194/38194-h/38194-h.htm').text\nfinal_data = [(i.find('a', {'name':re.compile('Page_\\w+')}), i.text) for i in soup(page_data, 'html.parser').find_all('p')]\nnew_data = [list(b) for a, b in itertools.groupby(final_data, key=lambda x:bool(x[0]))][1:]\nfinal_data = {new_data[i][0][0].text:'\\n'.join(c for _, c in new_data[i+1]) for i in range(0, len(new_data), 2)}\n\nOutput (Sample, the actual result is too long for SO format):\n{'[Pg vi]': \"'In recompense for so many mortifying things, which nothing but truth\\r\\ncould have extorted from me, and which I could easily have multiplied to a\\r\\ngreater number, I doubt not but you are so good a christian as to return good\\r\\nfor evil, and to flatter my vanity, by telling me, that all the godly in Scotland\\r\\nabuse me for my account of John Knox and the reformation.", "'\\nMr. ", "Smith having completed, and given to the world his system of\\r\\nethics, that subject afterwards occupied but a small part of his lectures.\\r\\nHis attention was now chiefly directed to the illustration of\\r\\nthose other branches of science which he taught; and, accordingly, he\\r\\nseems to have taken up the resolution, even at that early period, of\\r\\npublishing an investigation into the principles of what he considered\\r\\nto be the only other branch of Moral Philosophy,—Jurisprudence, the\\r\\nsubject of which formed the third division of his lectures. ", "At the\\r\\nconclusion of the Theory of Moral Sentiments, after treating of the\\r\\nimportance of a system of Natural Jurisprudence, and remarking that\\r\\nGrotius was the first, and perhaps the only writer, who had given any\\r\\nthing like a system of those principles which ought to run through,\\r\\nand be the foundation of the law of nations, Mr. Smith promised, in\\r\\nanother discourse, to give an account of the general principles of law\\r\\nand government, and of the different revolutions they have undergone\\r\\nin the different ages and periods of society, not only in what concerns\\r\\njustice, but in what concerns police, revenue, and arms, and whatever\\r\\nelse is the object of law.\\nFour years after the publication of this work, and after a residence\\r\\nof thirteen years in Glasgow, Mr. Smith, in 1763, was induced to relinquish\\r\\nhis professorship, by an invitation from the Hon. ", "Mr. Townsend,\\r\\nwho had married the Duchess of Buccleugh, to accompany the\\r\\nyoung Duke, her son, in his travels. ", "Being indebted for this invitation\\r\\nto his own talents alone, it must have appeared peculiarly flattering\\r\\nto him. ", "Such an appointment was, besides, the more acceptable,\\r\\nas it afforded him a better opportunity of becoming acquainted with\\r\\nthe internal policy of other states, and of completing that system of\\r\\npolitical economy, the principles of which he had previously delivered\\r\\nin his lectures, and which it was then the leading object of his studies\\r\\nto perfect.\\nMr. ", "Smith did not, however, resign his professorship till the day\\r\\nafter his arrival in Paris, in February 1764. ", "He then addressed the\\r\\nfollowing letter to the Right Honourable Thomas Millar, lord advocate\\r\\nof Scotland, and then rector of the college of Glasgow:—\", '[Pg vii]': \"His lordship having transmitted the above to the professors, a meeting\\r\\nwas held; on which occasion the following honourable testimony\\r\\nof the sense they entertained of the worth of their former colleague\\r\\nwas entered in their minutes:—\\n'The meeting accept of Dr. Smith's resignation in terms of the above letter;\\r\\nand the office of professor of moral philosophy in this university is therefore\\r\\nhereby declared to be vacant. ", "The university at the same time, cannot\\r\\nhelp expressing their sincere regret at the removal of Dr. Smith, whose distinguished\\r\\nprobity and amiable qualities procured him the esteem and affection\\r\\nof his colleagues; whose uncommon genius, great abilities, and extensive\\r\\nlearning, did so much honour to this society. ", "His elegant and ingenious\\r\\nTheory of Moral Sentiments having recommended him to the esteem of men\\r\\nof taste and literature throughout Europe, his happy talents in illustrating\\r\\nabstracted subjects, and faithful assiduity in communicating useful knowledge,\\r\\ndistinguished him as a professor, and at once afforded the greatest pleasure,\\r\\nand the most important instruction, to the youth under his care.", "'\\nIn the first visit that Mr. Smith and his noble pupil made to Paris,\\r\\nthey only remained ten or twelve days; after which, they proceeded\\r\\nto Thoulouse, where, during a residence of eighteen months, Mr. Smith\\r\\nhad an opportunity of extending his information concerning the internal\\r\\npolicy of France, by the intimacy in which he lived with some of\\r\\nthe members of the parliament. ", "After visiting several other places in\\r\\nthe south of France, and residing two months at Geneva, they returned\\r\\nabout Christmas to Paris. ", "Here Mr. Smith ranked among his\\r\\nfriends many of the highest literary characters, among whom were\\r\\nseveral of the most distinguished of those political philosophers who\\r\\nwere denominated Economists.\"}", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Alludu Seenu\n\nAlludu Seenu () is a 2014 Indian Telugu-language action comedy film directed by V. V. Vinayak and Cinematography by Chota K. Naidu. ", "Produced by Bellamkonda Suresh on his banner Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Productions, the film marks the debut of his son Bellamkonda Sreenivas as the male lead with Samantha Ruth Prabhu as the female lead, Brahmanandam and Prakash Raj playing important roles while Tamannaah made a special appearance by dancing in an item number. ", "Devi Sri Prasad composed the music for this film while Chota K. Naidu and Gautham Raju handled the cinematography and editing of the film respectively.", "\n\nThe film was officially launched on 15 February 2013 at Hyderabad. ", "After altering the bound script twice, the film's principal photography commenced at Annapoorna Studios in Hyderabad in October 2013. ", "Majority of the film was shot in and around Hyderabad while significant portions were shot at Alleppey in Kerala. ", "The songs were shot in the locales of Japan, Dubai and Italy apart from the sets built in Hyderabad. ", "After completion of few action sequences at Gachibowli Aluminium Factory in Hyderabad, the film's principal photography came to an end on 23 June 2014.", "\n\nThe film was awarded an 'A' certificate from the Central Board of Film Certification. ", "The film released worldwide on 25 July 2014. ", "Upon release, the film received decent feedback from critics with most of them calling it a Routine Commercial Entertainer. ", "While critics praised Sreenivas' dancing and fighting skills, Samantha's glamour, Prakash Raj and Brahmanandam's performances, they criticized the film for its predictable content and wrong placement of songs. ", "Later the film was dubbed in Hindi in 2019 as Mard Ka Badla or Mahaabali. ", "Sai Srinivas won Filmfare Award for Best Male Debut – South (2014).", "\n\nThe satellite rights of the film were sold for to Geminitv.", "\n\nPlot \nSeenu, better known as Alludu Seenu (Bellamkonda Sreenivas), lives with his uncle Narasimha (Prakash Raj) in a village where both are in great debt. ", "One day, they run away to Chennai, hoping to fly to Dubai and earning a lot of money and clearing their debts. ", "They mistake their train and they end up in Hyderabad. ", "Seenu lands in a lodge where he discovers that he is in Hyderbad, but to his horror, his uncle is a doppelganger of Bhai (Prakash Raj), a don in the city. ", "He uses his uncle's face to earn a lot of money, and by fooling Dimple (Bramhanandam), Bhai's right hand. ", "He also manages to make Bhai's daughter Anjali (Samantha Akkineni) fall in love with him, when she mistakes him to be her fiancé, Rohit. ", "When Bhai gets to know that there is a doppelganger of him in the city, he plans to get him killed and ends up discovering that the doppelganger is his twin brother. ", "Later Seenu manages to bring Bhai and his gang to the police and get them arrested. ", "The rest of the story is about Seenu getting married to Anjali, while Dimple and Peda Prasad (Ravi Babu) look for another person to influence to help earn more money.", "\n\nCast \n\nBellamkonda Sreenivas as Alludu Seenu\nSamantha Ruth Prabhu as Anjali\nBramhanandam as Dimple\nPrakash Raj as Narasimha / Bhai (Dual role)\nPradeep Rawat as Bhanu Bhai\nTanikella Bharani as Narasimha's friend\nRaghu Babu as Nayudu / Lungi Baba\nRavi Babu as Peda Prasad\nVennela Kishore as Lungi Baba's friend\nPraveen as Lungi Baba's friend\nNalla Venu as Lungi Baba's friend\nAnanth Babu as Auto Driver\nMaster Bharath\nGundu Sudarshan\nPrudhviraj\nTamannaah Bhatia as item number \"Labbar Bomma\"\n\nProduction\n\nDevelopment \nOn 5 December 2008 when Bellamkonda Suresh was celebrating his birthday at the Devnar School for the Blind in Begumpet at Hyderabad, V. V. Vinayak who came as a guest to the function revealed the first news of Sai Sreenivas' film debut. ", "He said \"I share an emotional bonding with Bellamkonda Suresh for a long time as he gave me the first break as a director. ", "It was Bellamkonda Suresh who introduced me as a director. ", "Now I want to direct Bellamkonda Suresh’s son Sai’s debut film. ", "I wish to make Sai a nice hero.\" ", "Bellamkonda Suresh spoke \"I would like to thank VV Vinayak for offering to introducing my son as a hero. ", "My son Sai will be introduced as hero in 2011. ", "I will send him to USA to learn more about acting. ", "I am indebted to VV Vinayak for the favor he is doing to me.\" ", "On 15 February 2013 the film was officially launched at Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad and along with the film's crew, celebrities like Venkatesh and Dasari Narayana Rao attended the event. ", "On that day, Devi Sri Prasad was announced as the music director while Chota K. Naidu and Gautham Raju were selected as the cinematographer and editor of the film respectively. ", "In mid-May 2014, reports emerged that the makers were considering to title the film as Alludu Sreenu. ", "The same was officially confirmed by Samantha in her Twitter on 26 May 2014.", "\n\nCasting \nIn early February 2013, Samantha Ruth Prabhu was selected to play the heroine in this film as a part of the three-film deal she entered with Bellamkonda Suresh. ", "She stated that she accepted to be a part of the film only due to her good relationship with Bellamkonda Suresh when he helped her during the time when she was suffering with serious skin ailments. ", "She said \"Bellamkonda Suresh has stood by me during the toughest phase in my life and I am doing this film for him.\" ", "A photo shoot was conducted later on Samantha and Sai Sreenivas in the same month. ", "In mid-March 2013, it was reported that Tamannaah was selected as the other heroine of the film and it was said that Bellamkonda Suresh offered her a huge remuneration for the film. ", "She too confirmed the news that she is sharing the screen along with a debutante hero. ", "But since the previous two scripts were not accepted by Vinayak himself and after penning a fresh script, Tamannaah was no more a part of the film as the new one required a single heroine only. ", "In the end of January 2014, Prakash Raj reacted in his Twitter about the speculations that he would play a double role in Mahesh Babu's Aagadu that he is not playing a dual role in that film but he is playing a dual role in this film which he called an \"interesting\" one. ", "In the end of March 2014, it was reported that Tamannaah would do a special song in the film.", "\n\nIt was said that she would participate in the shoot for this song in the end of April 2014 or early May 2014. ", "It was also said that the song would be the introduction song of the hero in the film. ", "But by the time the reports emerged into the media, Tamannaah wrapped up the shoot of the song in the film on 31 March and V. V. Vinayak thanked her for accepting the offer in his Facebook page. ", "The song, a romantic one, was shot in Hyderabad in a vineyard set for 5 days. ", "In an interaction to Chennai Times, Tamannaah's father said \"The primary reason why she agreed to do this song was because it is the most important song in the film. ", "It is not an item song but a romantic number and the director narrated how he intends to shoot it. ", "It is true that a year ago, when the script was first written, Tamannaah had chosen to be a part of this film. ", "However, when the script was changed, we mutually agreed to part ways. ", "But despite that, both Tamannaah and Vinayak have mutual respect for each other and that is why, when Vinayak requested Tamannaah to do this one song for him, she agreed.\" ", "About his character, Brahmanandam spoke \"I played Dimple in this film and it is a very different character from my previous films. ", "Prakash Raj played a dual role in this film and I played an assistant to one of his characters. ", "But I get confused with both of them and talk about one with the other. ", "It generates a lot of entertainment.\"", "\n\nFilming \nThe film's first schedule of shooting started at Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad in the end of October 2013 due to delay in script work and a song on Samantha and Bellamkonda Sreenivas was shot there. ", "After completing the first schedule silently, the film unit proceeded to Japan to shoot a song on Sai Sreenivas and Samantha in the exotic locales of that country. ", "The regular shooting continued for some time after the unit's return from Japan and after a brief gap, the shooting continued from 19 February 2014 at Ramanaidu Studios in Hyderabad where some street scenes were shot on Sai Sreenivas and Samantha. ", "Later again after a brief gap due to Samantha's busy schedules, the filming continued at Fort Grand in Hyderabad which was known for its picturesque setting. ", "Later it was reported that the film's shoot would continue in Dubai after a song was filmed on the leads in Hyderabad. ", "After completion of the Hyderabad schedule of Kaththi, Samantha joined the sets of the film on 1 April 2014. ", "She left the sets after completing her part in the schedule and joined the sets of Kaththi again and took a break from there in the first week of May. Later she joined the sets of this film at Alleppey in Kerala. ", "After returning from there, Samantha tweeted in the second week of May that the team would go to Italy for filming a song on Sai Sreenivas and herself. ", "After filming few sequences of a song there, the team returned to Hyderabad on 11 May. Later the shoot continued at Aluminium factory at Gachibowli in Hyderabad. ", "The film's shoot came to an end on 23 June 2014 which was confirmed by Samantha in her micro-blogging page.", "\n\nSoundtrack \n\nDevi Sri Prasad composed the music and background score for the film re uniting with V. V. Vinayak after Adhurs which released in 2009. ", "On 21 June 2014 it was declared that the film's audio would release on 29 June 2014. ", "On 25 June 2014 the venue of the audio launch was confirmed as Shilpakala Vedika in Hyderabad. ", "It was reported that N. T. Rama Rao Jr. was invited as the chief guest for the audio launch. ", "The official track list featuring 6 songs was released before the soundtrack album's launch. ", "The event was aired live on MAA Movies starting from 7:30 PM. ", "While N. T. Rama Rao Jr. did not attend the function turning the reports as rumors, Venkatesh, S. S. Rajamouli and Pranitha Subhash attended as the chief guests and the audio was released on Aditya Music label.", "\n\nThe audio received viral response and all the songs in the soundtrack were praised by the audience. ", "Reviewing the album, The Times of India wrote \"Devi Sri Prasad seems to have dished out a standard edition album with a little bit of everything. ", "All in all, it's the kind of album that's good to listen to but will not exactly make you go for a repeat listening\" and rated the album 3/5. ", "The soundtrack album had a record number of sales for which Aditya Music thanked Devi Sri Prasad and the film's makers.", "\n\nRelease \nIn a press meet held on 21 June 2014 the makers officially declared the film's release date as 24 July 2014. ", "On 28 June 2014 reports emerged that Gemini TV secured the satellite rights of the movie for an undisclosed price. ", "On 5 July 2014 a press note was issued which stated that the film would release a day later i.e. on 25 July 2014 in theaters. ", "The film was awarded an 'A' certificate with few cuts by the Central Board of Film Certification on 23 July 2014.", "\n\nMarketing \nThe first look posters were also released on the same day itself but none of them featured the title of the film. ", "New posters were released after the shoot at Japan but they too didn't bear the title of the film. ", "But Sai Sreenivas and Samantha were appreciated for their looks in those posters. ", "The title logo of the film was revealed on 6 June 2014. ", "The first look poster bearing the title and few stills were released on 21 June 2014. ", "Those stills received positive response and Samantha's glamour in those stills received a strong positive response. ", "The theatrical trailer and video promos of the songs were released on 29 June 2014 and they received positive response in which Sreenivas was appreciated for his dances, looks, acting and fighting skills; Samantha and Tamannaah were appreciated for their glamour show. ", "Particularly, Tamannaah's item number received great positive response which generated good buzz for the film.", "\n\nReception \nThe film received positive reviews from critics. ", "Deccan Chronicle gave a review stating \"Vinayak has chosen a safe subject for the debutant. ", "The story is not new but director Vinayak handles it very well. ", "This film is a great launch for a debutant. ", "Vinayak, known for his mass films, has once again provided entertainment for masses. ", "Brahmanandam’s comedy and Samantha’s glamour quotient may also help the film\" and rated the film 3/5. ", "123telugu.com gave a review stating \"Alludu Seenu is a tailor made launch pad for Bellamkonda Sreenivas. ", "He makes an impressive debut and enthralls everyone with his dances and fights. ", "Samantha’s glamour, V V Vinayak’s routine but entertaining commercial aspects, and Brahmi’s hilarious comedy makes this film a wholesome entertainer\" and rated the film 3.25/5. ", "IndiaGlitz gave a review stating \"'Alludu Seenu' is Gopi Mohan-meets-VV Vinayak in a blistering way. ", "A full-on commercial film where comedy scenes, songs, fights and sentimental scenes come in the expected measure\" and rated the film 3.25/5.", "\n\nOn the flip side, The Times of India gave a review stating \"There's a term which is often used to describe films like Alludu Seenu in one word – 'package'. ", "It has a little bit of everything, although the sum of these bits isn't necessarily fulfilling in the end.\" ", "The Hindu gave a review stating \"Director V.V. Vinayak, adept at handling commercial entertainers involving established stars, has attempted to do something similar with a newcomer. ", "The silliness that tries to pass off as comedy is numbing, and by the time these scenes play on screen, viewers have already been conditioned not to expect anything intelligent.\" ", "Oneindia Entertainment gave a review stating \"Alludu Seenu is a hit that deals with fresh concept.it promises to be a good commercial entertainer. ", "It is a good launch pad for debutant Srinivas. ", "It can be watched twice\" and rated the film 3/5.", "\n\nIndia \nThe film opened to 80%–90% occupancy in both single screens and multiplexes. ", "The film collected 2.85 crores at both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh box offices on its first day which was called a Good start by the Trade Analysts for a debutante's film. ", "By the end of its first weekend, the film collected an aggregate of 7.6 crores in both the states thus concluding on a good note. ", "During its 3-week run, Alludu Seenu is managed to collect more than Share. ", "It occupies 6th position in the highest-grossing Telugu films from 2014 till date.", "\n\nOverseas \nThe film had a great start at the Overseas Box office, collecting $48,497 on its first day. ", "The film collected an aggregate of 3.80 crores at the Overseas Box office in three days.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n \n\nCategory:2014 films\nCategory:Indian films\nCategory:Films directed by V. V. Vinayak\nCategory:Films shot in Hyderabad, India\nCategory:Foreign films shot in Japan\nCategory:Films shot in Alappuzha\nCategory:Films shot in Italy\nCategory:Films shot in Dubai\nCategory:Films featuring an item number\nCategory:Masala films\nCategory:Indian action comedy films\nCategory:2010s Telugu-language films\nCategory:2010s action comedy films" ]
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[ "Absolute humidity and the human nose: A reanalysis of climate zones and their influence on nasal form and function.", "\nInvestigations into the selective role of climate on human nasal variation commonly divide climates into four broad adaptive zones (hot-dry, hot-wet, cold-dry, and cold-wet) based on temperature and relative humidity. ", "Yet, absolute humidity-not relative humidity-is physiologically more important during respiration. ", "Here, we investigate the global distribution of absolute humidity to better clarify ecogeographic demands on nasal physiology. ", "We use monthly observations from the Climatic Research Unit Timeseries 3 (CRU TS3) database to construct global maps of average annual temperature, relative humidity and absolute humidity. ", "Further, using data collected by Thomson and Buxton (1923) for over 15,000 globally-distributed individuals, we calculate the actual amount of heat and water that must be transferred to inspired air in different climatic regimes to maintain homeostasis, and investigate the influence of these factors on the nasal index. ", "Our results show that absolute humidity, like temperature, generally decreases with latitude. ", "Furthermore, our results demonstrate that environments typically characterized as \"cold-wet\" actually exhibit low absolute humidities, with values virtually identical to cold-dry environments and significantly lower than hot-wet and even hot-dry environments. ", "Our results also indicate that strong associations between the nasal index and absolute humidity are, potentially erroneously, predicated on individuals from hot-dry environments possessing intermediate (mesorrhine) nasal indices. ", "We suggest that differentially allocating populations to cold-dry or cold-wet climates is unlikely to reflect different selective pressures on respiratory physiology and nasal morphology-it is cold-dry, and to a lesser degree hot-dry environments, that stress respiratory function. ", "Our study also supports assertions that demands for inspiratory modification are reduced in hot-wet environments, and that expiratory heat elimination for thermoregulation is a greater selective pressure in such environments." ]
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href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kGTFrequencyErrorHasMoreThanThreeChannels\">kGTFrequencyErrorHasMoreThanThreeChannels</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kGTFrequencyErrorIsIncorrectRange\">kGTFrequencyErrorIsIncorrectRange</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kGTFrequencyErrorIsIncorrectSpacing\">kGTFrequencyErrorIsIncorrectSpacing</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kGroupCreateGIDEventParamTitle\">kGroupCreateGIDEventParamTitle</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kMaxFrequencyControlChannels\">kMaxFrequencyControlChannels</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kMaxFrequencyDataChannels\">kMaxFrequencyDataChannels</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kMaximumFrequencyUHF\">kMaximumFrequencyUHF</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kMaximumFrequencyVHF\">kMaximumFrequencyVHF</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kMessageContentTypeEventParamTitle\">kMessageContentTypeEventParamTitle</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kMessageHashIDEventParamTitle\">kMessageHashIDEventParamTitle</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kMessageTypeEventParamTitle\">kMessageTypeEventParamTitle</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kMinimumFrequencyUHF\">kMinimumFrequencyUHF</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kMinimumFrequencyVHF\">kMinimumFrequencyVHF</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kNewKeyRequestFromSameGid\">kNewKeyRequestFromSameGid</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kOutgoingMessageEventTag\">kOutgoingMessageEventTag</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kOutgoingPinLatitude\">kOutgoingPinLatitude</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kOutgoingPinLongitude\">kOutgoingPinLongitude</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kOutgoingPinName\">kOutgoingPinName</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kReceivedMessageEventTag\">kReceivedMessageEventTag</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kReceiverLatitudeEventParamTitle\">kReceiverLatitudeEventParamTitle</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kReceiverLongitudeEventParamTitle\">kReceiverLongitudeEventParamTitle</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kReceivingGIDEventParamTitle\">kReceivingGIDEventParamTitle</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kSenderGIDEventParamTitle\">kSenderGIDEventParamTitle</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kSenderLatitudeEventParamTitle\">kSenderLatitudeEventParamTitle</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kSenderLongitudeEventParamTitle\">kSenderLongitudeEventParamTitle</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Constants.html#/c:@kTokenRefreshUnauthorized\">kTokenRefreshUnauthorized</a>\n </li>\n </ul>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-name\">\n <a href=\"../Enums.html\">Enumerations</a>\n <ul class=\"nav-group-tasks\">\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Enums/GTAntennaQualityLevel.html\">GTAntennaQualityLevel</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Enums/GTBatteryStatusLevel.html\">GTBatteryStatusLevel</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Enums/GTDeviceType.html\">GTDeviceType</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Enums/GTNackErrorTypes.html\">GTNackErrorTypes</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Enums/HTTPMethod_Type.html\">HTTPMethod_Type</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Enums/PowerLevel_Type.html\">PowerLevel_Type</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Enums/RegionID.html\">RegionID</a>\n </li>\n </ul>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-name\">\n <a href=\"../Protocols.html\">Protocols</a>\n <ul class=\"nav-group-tasks\">\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Protocols/BluetoothPairingProtocol.html\">BluetoothPairingProtocol</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Protocols/GTDigestHMACGeneratorProtocol.html\">GTDigestHMACGeneratorProtocol</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Protocols/GTFirmwareInstallationProgressProtocol.html\">GTFirmwareInstallationProgressProtocol</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Protocols/GTFirmwareRetrieveProtocol.html\">GTFirmwareRetrieveProtocol</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Protocols/GTLogExportProtocol.html\">GTLogExportProtocol</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Protocols/GTMessageDataProtocol.html\">GTMessageDataProtocol</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Protocols/GTPairingHandlerProtocol.html\">GTPairingHandlerProtocol</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Protocols/NRFProtocol.html\">NRFProtocol</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Protocols/NRFScanResponseProtocol.html\">NRFScanResponseProtocol</a>\n </li>\n </ul>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-name\">\n <a href=\"../Type Definitions.html\">Type Definitions</a>\n <ul class=\"nav-group-tasks\">\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Type Definitions/Bandwidth.html\">Bandwidth</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Type Definitions/ChannelSweepType.html\">ChannelSweepType</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Type Definitions/EventNotifierLogType.html\">EventNotifierLogType</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Type Definitions.html#/c:GTFirmwareRetrieveProtocol.h@T@FileCheckCompletion\">FileCheckCompletion</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Type Definitions/GTBatteryStatus.html\">GTBatteryStatus</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Type Definitions/GTCommandPriority.html\">GTCommandPriority</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Type Definitions/GTCommandResponseType.html\">GTCommandResponseType</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Type Definitions/GTConnectionState.html\">GTConnectionState</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Type Definitions/GTFirmwareWriterFailureState.html\">GTFirmwareWriterFailureState</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Type Definitions/GTGIDType.html\">GTGIDType</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Type Definitions/GTMessageType.html\">GTMessageType</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Type Definitions/GTOutgoingMessageStatus.html\">GTOutgoingMessageStatus</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Type Definitions.html#/c:PostRequestTask.h@T@NetworkCallbackHandler\">NetworkCallbackHandler</a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"nav-group-task\">\n <a href=\"../Type Definitions.html#/c:GTFirmwareRetrieveProtocol.h@T@RetrievalCompletion\">RetrievalCompletion</a>\n </li>\n </ul>\n </li>\n </ul>\n </nav>\n <article class=\"main-content\">\n <section>\n <section class=\"section\">\n <h1>GTPerimeterMessageData</h1>\n <div class=\"declaration\">\n <div class=\"language\">\n <pre class=\"highlight objective_c\"><code><span class=\"k\">@interface</span> <span class=\"nc\">GTPerimeterMessageData</span> <span class=\"p\">:</span> <span class=\"nc\">NSObject</span> <span class=\"o\">&lt;</span><span class=\"n\"><a href=\"../Protocols/GTMessageDataProtocol.html\">GTMessageDataProtocol</a></span><span class=\"o\">&gt;</span>\n\n<span class=\"k\">@property</span> <span class=\"p\">(</span><span class=\"n\">nonatomic</span><span class=\"p\">,</span> <span class=\"n\">copy</span><span class=\"p\">)</span> <span class=\"n\">NSString</span> <span class=\"o\">*</span><span class=\"n\">title</span><span class=\"p\">;</span>\n<span class=\"k\">@property</span> <span class=\"p\">(</span><span class=\"n\">nonatomic</span><span class=\"p\">,</span> <span class=\"n\">strong</span><span class=\"p\">)</span> <span class=\"n\">NSArray</span><span class=\"o\">&lt;</span><span class=\"n\">CLLocation</span> <span class=\"o\">*&gt;</span> <span class=\"o\">*</span><span class=\"n\">dataPoints</span><span class=\"p\">;</span>\n<span class=\"k\">@property</span> <span class=\"p\">(</span><span class=\"n\">nonatomic</span><span class=\"p\">,</span> <span class=\"n\">strong</span><span class=\"p\">)</span> <span class=\"n\">NSNumber</span> <span class=\"o\">*</span><span class=\"n\">uuid</span><span class=\"p\">;</span>\n<span class=\"k\">@property</span> <span class=\"p\">(</span><span class=\"n\">nonatomic</span><span class=\"p\">,</span> <span class=\"n\">strong</span><span class=\"p\">)</span> <span class=\"n\">UIColor</span> <span class=\"o\">*</span><span class=\"n\">color</span><span class=\"p\">;</span>\n\n<span class=\"k\">-</span> <span class=\"p\">(</span><span class=\"n\">instancetype</span><span class=\"p\">)</span><span class=\"nf\">initWithUUID</span><span class=\"p\">:(</span><span class=\"n\">NSNumber</span> <span class=\"o\">*</span><span class=\"p\">)</span><span class=\"nv\">uuid</span> <span class=\"nf\">dataPoints</span><span class=\"p\">:(</span><span class=\"n\">NSArray</span><span class=\"o\">&lt;</span><span class=\"n\">CLLocation</span> <span class=\"o\">*&gt;</span> <span class=\"o\">*</span><span class=\"p\">)</span><span class=\"nv\">points</span> <span class=\"nf\">title</span><span class=\"p\">:(</span><span class=\"n\">NSString</span> <span class=\"o\">*</span><span class=\"p\">)</span><span class=\"nv\">title</span> <span class=\"nf\">andColor</span><span class=\"p\">:(</span><span class=\"n\">UIColor</span> <span class=\"o\">*</span><span class=\"p\">)</span><span class=\"nv\">color</span><span class=\"p\">;</span>\n\n<span class=\"k\">@end</span></code></pre>\n\n </div>\n </div>\n <p>Undocumented</p>\n\n </section>\n <section class=\"section task-group-section\">\n <div class=\"task-group\">\n <ul>\n <li class=\"item\">\n <div>\n <code>\n <a name=\"/c:objc(cs)GTPerimeterMessageData(py)title\"></a>\n <a name=\"//apple_ref/objc/Property/title\" class=\"dashAnchor\"></a>\n <a class=\"token\" href=\"#/c:objc(cs)GTPerimeterMessageData(py)title\">title</a>\n </code>\n </div>\n <div class=\"height-container\">\n <div class=\"pointer-container\"></div>\n <section class=\"section\">\n <div class=\"pointer\"></div>\n <div class=\"abstract\">\n <p>Undocumented</p>\n\n </div>\n <div class=\"declaration\">\n <h4>Declaration</h4>\n <div class=\"language\">\n <p class=\"aside-title\">Objective-C</p>\n <pre class=\"highlight objective_c\"><code><span class=\"k\">@property</span> <span class=\"p\">(</span><span class=\"n\">nonatomic</span><span class=\"p\">,</span> <span class=\"n\">copy</span><span class=\"p\">)</span> <span class=\"n\">NSString</span> <span class=\"o\">*</span><span class=\"n\">title</span></code></pre>\n\n </div>\n <div class=\"language\">\n <p class=\"aside-title\">Swift</p>\n <pre class=\"highlight swift\"><code><span class=\"k\">var</span> <span class=\"nv\">title</span><span class=\"p\">:</span> <span class=\"kt\">String</span><span class=\"o\">!</span> <span class=\"p\">{</span> <span class=\"k\">get</span> <span class=\"k\">set</span> <span class=\"p\">}</span></code></pre>\n\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"slightly-smaller\">\n <a href=\"https://github.com/gotenna/PublicSDK/tree/master/GoTennaSDK/GTPerimeterMessageData.h#L\">Show on GitHub</a>\n </div>\n </section>\n </div>\n </li>\n <li class=\"item\">\n <div>\n <code>\n <a name=\"/c:objc(cs)GTPerimeterMessageData(py)dataPoints\"></a>\n <a name=\"//apple_ref/objc/Property/dataPoints\" class=\"dashAnchor\"></a>\n <a class=\"token\" href=\"#/c:objc(cs)GTPerimeterMessageData(py)dataPoints\">dataPoints</a>\n </code>\n </div>\n <div class=\"height-container\">\n <div class=\"pointer-container\"></div>\n <section class=\"section\">\n <div class=\"pointer\"></div>\n <div class=\"abstract\">\n <p>Undocumented</p>\n\n </div>\n <div class=\"declaration\">\n <h4>Declaration</h4>\n <div class=\"language\">\n <p class=\"aside-title\">Objective-C</p>\n <pre class=\"highlight objective_c\"><code><span class=\"k\">@property</span> <span class=\"p\">(</span><span class=\"n\">nonatomic</span><span class=\"p\">,</span> <span class=\"n\">strong</span><span class=\"p\">)</span> <span class=\"n\">NSArray</span><span class=\"o\">&lt;</span><span class=\"n\">CLLocation</span> <span class=\"o\">*&gt;</span> <span class=\"o\">*</span><span class=\"n\">dataPoints</span></code></pre>\n\n </div>\n <div class=\"language\">\n <p class=\"aside-title\">Swift</p>\n <pre class=\"highlight swift\"><code><span class=\"k\">var</span> <span class=\"nv\">dataPoints</span><span class=\"p\">:</span> <span class=\"p\">[</span><span class=\"kt\">CLLocation</span><span class=\"p\">]</span><span class=\"o\">!</span> <span class=\"p\">{</span> <span class=\"k\">get</span> <span class=\"k\">set</span> <span class=\"p\">}</span></code></pre>\n\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"slightly-smaller\">\n <a href=\"https://github.com/gotenna/PublicSDK/tree/master/GoTennaSDK/GTPerimeterMessageData.h#L\">Show on GitHub</a>\n </div>\n </section>\n </div>\n </li>\n <li class=\"item\">\n <div>\n <code>\n <a name=\"/c:objc(cs)GTPerimeterMessageData(py)uuid\"></a>\n <a name=\"//apple_ref/objc/Property/uuid\" class=\"dashAnchor\"></a>\n <a class=\"token\" href=\"#/c:objc(cs)GTPerimeterMessageData(py)uuid\">uuid</a>\n </code>\n </div>\n <div class=\"height-container\">\n <div class=\"pointer-container\"></div>\n <section class=\"section\">\n <div class=\"pointer\"></div>\n <div class=\"abstract\">\n <p>Undocumented</p>\n\n </div>\n <div class=\"declaration\">\n <h4>Declaration</h4>\n <div class=\"language\">\n <p class=\"aside-title\">Objective-C</p>\n <pre class=\"highlight objective_c\"><code><span class=\"k\">@property</span> <span class=\"p\">(</span><span class=\"n\">nonatomic</span><span class=\"p\">,</span> <span class=\"n\">strong</span><span class=\"p\">)</span> <span class=\"n\">NSNumber</span> <span class=\"o\">*</span><span class=\"n\">uuid</span></code></pre>\n\n </div>\n <div class=\"language\">\n <p class=\"aside-title\">Swift</p>\n <pre class=\"highlight swift\"><code><span class=\"k\">var</span> <span class=\"nv\">uuid</span><span class=\"p\">:</span> <span class=\"kt\">NSNumber</span><span class=\"o\">!</span> <span class=\"p\">{</span> <span class=\"k\">get</span> <span class=\"k\">set</span> <span class=\"p\">}</span></code></pre>\n\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"slightly-smaller\">\n <a href=\"https://github.com/gotenna/PublicSDK/tree/master/GoTennaSDK/GTPerimeterMessageData.h#L\">Show on GitHub</a>\n </div>\n </section>\n </div>\n </li>\n <li class=\"item\">\n <div>\n <code>\n <a name=\"/c:objc(cs)GTPerimeterMessageData(py)color\"></a>\n <a name=\"//apple_ref/objc/Property/color\" class=\"dashAnchor\"></a>\n <a class=\"token\" href=\"#/c:objc(cs)GTPerimeterMessageData(py)color\">color</a>\n </code>\n </div>\n <div class=\"height-container\">\n <div class=\"pointer-container\"></div>\n <section class=\"section\">\n <div class=\"pointer\"></div>\n <div class=\"abstract\">\n <p>Undocumented</p>\n\n </div>\n <div class=\"declaration\">\n <h4>Declaration</h4>\n <div class=\"language\">\n <p class=\"aside-title\">Objective-C</p>\n <pre class=\"highlight objective_c\"><code><span class=\"k\">@property</span> <span class=\"p\">(</span><span class=\"n\">nonatomic</span><span class=\"p\">,</span> <span class=\"n\">strong</span><span class=\"p\">)</span> <span class=\"n\">UIColor</span> <span class=\"o\">*</span><span class=\"n\">color</span></code></pre>\n\n </div>\n <div class=\"language\">\n <p class=\"aside-title\">Swift</p>\n <pre class=\"highlight swift\"><code><span class=\"k\">var</span> <span class=\"nv\">color</span><span class=\"p\">:</span> <span class=\"kt\">UIColor</span><span class=\"o\">!</span> <span class=\"p\">{</span> <span class=\"k\">get</span> <span class=\"k\">set</span> <span class=\"p\">}</span></code></pre>\n\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"slightly-smaller\">\n <a href=\"https://github.com/gotenna/PublicSDK/tree/master/GoTennaSDK/GTPerimeterMessageData.h#L\">Show on GitHub</a>\n </div>\n </section>\n </div>\n </li>\n <li class=\"item\">\n <div>\n <code>\n <a name=\"/c:objc(cs)GTPerimeterMessageData(im)initWithUUID:dataPoints:title:andColor:\"></a>\n <a name=\"//apple_ref/objc/Method/-initWithUUID:dataPoints:title:andColor:\" class=\"dashAnchor\"></a>\n <a class=\"token\" href=\"#/c:objc(cs)GTPerimeterMessageData(im)initWithUUID:dataPoints:title:andColor:\">-initWithUUID:dataPoints:title:andColor:</a>\n </code>\n </div>\n <div class=\"height-container\">\n <div class=\"pointer-container\"></div>\n <section class=\"section\">\n <div class=\"pointer\"></div>\n <div class=\"abstract\">\n <p>Undocumented</p>\n\n </div>\n <div class=\"declaration\">\n <h4>Declaration</h4>\n <div class=\"language\">\n <p class=\"aside-title\">Objective-C</p>\n <pre class=\"highlight objective_c\"><code><span class=\"k\">-</span> <span class=\"p\">(</span><span class=\"n\">instancetype</span><span class=\"p\">)</span><span class=\"nf\">initWithUUID</span><span class=\"p\">:(</span><span class=\"n\">NSNumber</span> <span class=\"o\">*</span><span class=\"p\">)</span><span class=\"nv\">uuid</span> <span class=\"nf\">dataPoints</span><span class=\"p\">:(</span><span class=\"n\">NSArray</span><span class=\"o\">&lt;</span><span class=\"n\">CLLocation</span> <span class=\"o\">*&gt;</span> <span class=\"o\">*</span><span class=\"p\">)</span><span class=\"nv\">points</span> <span class=\"nf\">title</span><span class=\"p\">:(</span><span class=\"n\">NSString</span> <span class=\"o\">*</span><span class=\"p\">)</span><span class=\"nv\">title</span> <span class=\"nf\">andColor</span><span class=\"p\">:(</span><span class=\"n\">UIColor</span> <span class=\"o\">*</span><span class=\"p\">)</span><span class=\"nv\">color</span><span class=\"p\">;</span></code></pre>\n\n </div>\n <div class=\"language\">\n <p class=\"aside-title\">Swift</p>\n <pre class=\"highlight swift\"><code><span class=\"nf\">init</span><span class=\"o\">!</span><span class=\"p\">(</span><span class=\"nv\">uuid</span><span class=\"p\">:</span> <span class=\"kt\">NSNumber</span><span class=\"o\">!</span><span class=\"p\">,</span> <span class=\"n\"><a href=\"../Classes/GTPerimeterMessageData.html#/c:objc(cs)GTPerimeterMessageData(py)dataPoints\">dataPoints</a></span> <span class=\"nv\">points</span><span class=\"p\">:</span> <span class=\"p\">[</span><span class=\"kt\">CLLocation</span><span class=\"p\">]</span><span class=\"o\">!</span><span class=\"p\">,</span> <span class=\"nv\">title</span><span class=\"p\">:</span> <span class=\"kt\">String</span><span class=\"o\">!</span><span class=\"p\">,</span> <span class=\"n\">andColor</span> <span class=\"nv\">color</span><span class=\"p\">:</span> <span class=\"kt\">UIColor</span><span class=\"o\">!</span><span class=\"p\">)</span></code></pre>\n\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"slightly-smaller\">\n <a href=\"https://github.com/gotenna/PublicSDK/tree/master/GoTennaSDK/GTPerimeterMessageData.h#L\">Show on GitHub</a>\n </div>\n </section>\n </div>\n </li>\n </ul>\n </div>\n </section>\n </section>\n <section id=\"footer\">\n <p>&copy; 2019 <a class=\"link\" href=\"http://goTenna.com\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"external\">goTenna</a>. ", "All rights reserved. (", "Last updated: 2019-01-14)</p>\n <p>Generated by <a class=\"link\" href=\"https://github.com/realm/jazzy\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"external\">jazzy ♪♫ v0.9.3</a>, a <a class=\"link\" href=\"https://realm.io\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"external\">Realm</a> project.</p>\n </section>\n </article>\n </div>\n </body>\n</div>\n</html>\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0, 0.0013306334972519526, 0, 0.012121212121212121 ]
[ "Give Me Your Hand (Best Song Ever)\n\n\"Give Me Your Hand (Best Song Ever)\" is the lead single by The Ready Set off of his album, The Bad & The Better. ", "It was released digitally and to mainstream radio on May 18, 2012. ", "The song was used in the soundtrack for the film Escape from Planet Earth. ", "and the trailer for The Smurfs 2.", "\n\nComposition \n\"Give Me Your Hand (Best Song Ever) is a dance-pop song about a man and his girlfriend, and how she said a song he played for her was the \"Best song ever\", resulting in it being their song. ", "The song musically has dance and pop influences with breakdowns after the choruses. ", "The song was produced by Andrew Goldstein.", "\n\nMusic video \nA music video for the song was released to digital outlets on October 4, 2012. ", "The video was directed by Matt Alonzo.", "\n\nStoryline \nThe music video starts out with Witzigrueter and his friends getting ready for a party. ", "It also shows girls getting ready at a different house. ", "It then shows Jordan and his friends walking to the party, as well as their female counterparts doing the same. ", "The rest of the video features heavy partying and Jordan singing in the crowded house.", "\n\nReception \n\"Give Me Your Hand (Best Song Ever)\" has been well received by music critics. ", "MTV's Jenna Rubenstein described the song as \"...the brightest, sunniest, catchiest, most radio-friendly pop song you've ever heard...\" and compared it to Owl City and Carly Rae Jepsen's song Good Time.", "\n\nCharts\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:2011 songs\nCategory:2012 singles\nCategory:Sire Records singles\nCategory:Songs written by Simon Wilcox\nCategory:Songs written by Andrew Goldstein (musician)" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nunable to filter the column if add two attributes in a template in kendo data grid\n\nin this below example (Please open jsfiddle link) i was unable to filter the first column with both first name and last name. ", "I can only filter with first name can anyone help on this please.", "\n\nhttp://jsfiddle.net/Sbb5Z/1927/\n\nA:\n\nIn order to make the filter working you have to either: \nMake it a column in your datasource (for ex. ", "FullName):http://jsfiddle.net/n6sso6s3/ \nWrite a custom filter like:\nfilter: {\n logic: \"or\",\n filters: [{\n field: \"FirstName\",\n operator: \"eq\",\n value: e.data.", "FirstName\n },\n {\n field: \"LastName\",\n operator: \"eq\",\n value: e.data.", "LastName\n }]\n } \n\nOr add a fullName() function to your model like :http://jsbin.com/haxawupiye/edit?html,js,output\n\n" ]
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[ 0.004672897196261682, 0, 0.0070921985815602835, 0.004310344827586207, 0, 0.007936507936507936 ]
[ "You are here\n\nLaura Shaw Frank\n\nRegion: MarylandHonorarium: not listed\n\nBiography:\nLaura Shaw Frank is a doctoral student in modern Jewish history at the University of Maryland, College Park and a teacher of Tanach and Jewish History at the Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community High School. ", "She is a founding board member of JOFA and the organizer of the Baltimore Women's Tefillah Group. ", "Formerly, Ms. Shaw Frank worked as a commercial litigator. ", "She graduated from Columbia University School of Law and Columbia College." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.014184397163120567, 0.01020408163265306, 0.01694915254237288, 0.02702702702702703 ]
[ "I drew her but then I realised I dont know her color palette so I just cut her out. ", "I'll upload another version with her as soon as we got a coloured cat page in manga" ]
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[ 0, 0 ]
[ "Former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman Omarosa Onee Manigault NewmanTrump hurls insults at Harris, Ocasio-Cortez and other women Pelosi makes fans as Democrat who gets under Trump's skin The Memo: Impeachment's scars cut deep with Trump, say those who know him MORE writes in her new book that Ivanka Trump Ivana (Ivanka) Marie TrumpThe Hill's 12:30 Report: Trump stokes fears over November election outcome Special counsel investigating DeVos for potential Hatch Act violation: report Trump, Biden vie for Minnesota MORE hated a “Saturday Night Live” sketch that mocked her and labeled her “complicit.”", "\n\nManigault Newman claims in her book, “Unhinged: An Insider's Account of the Trump White House,” that Trump could not stop talking about the “offensive” sketch, according to an excerpt reported on by People.", "\n\nManigault Newman writes that Trump, “like her father,” could not “seem to take a joke.”", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\n“At the senior staff meeting, Ivanka couldn’t stop bemoaning it, how offensive it was, how ridiculous it was,” Manigault Newman, writes. “", "We’d all been subject to SNL attacks. ... ", "We’d all been hit, many of us in that same week’s show.”", "\n\n“But Ivanka would not stop talking about being ribbed,” Manigault Newman continues. “", "Like her father, Ivanka was thin-skinned and could not seem to take a joke.”", "\n\nManigault Newman was referencing to a March 2017 sketch on the late-night comedy show, in which actress Scarlett Johansson portrayed Trump in a perfume ad.", "\n\n“She’s beautiful. ", "She’s powerful. ", "She’s — complicit,” the ad’s narrator said. “", "She’s a woman who knows what she wants. ", "And knows what she’s doing. ", "Complicit.”", "\n\nThe spoof also took a hit at Trump’s husband and fellow White House adviser, Jared Kushner Jared Corey KushnerAbraham Accords: New hope for peace in Middle East Tenants in Kushner building file lawsuit alleging dangerous living conditions Trump hosts Israel, UAE, Bahrain for historic signing MORE.", "\n\n“Complicit, the fragrance for the woman who could stop all this — but won’t. ", "Also available in a cologne for Jared.”", "\n\nTrump fired back at \"SNL\" shortly after the sketch aired, saying she was being complicit by participating in a \"force for good.\"", "\n\nPresident Trump Donald John TrumpSteele Dossier sub-source was subject of FBI counterintelligence probe Pelosi slams Trump executive order on pre-existing conditions: It 'isn't worth the paper it's signed on' Trump 'no longer angry' at Romney because of Supreme Court stance MORE was reportedly also upset about \"SNL\" taking a swing at his daughter, Manigault Newman writes in her new book.", "\n\n“Donald said to Ivanka, ‘Honey, you’re getting hit so hard! ", "Why are you taking this? ", "Just go back, run the company. ", "I can’t protect you here. ", "I don’t like how hard they’re hitting you,’ ” Manigault Newman writes. “", "He wanted Jared and Ivanka out of the White House. ", "It hurt him when people attacked her. ", "They were doing it to get to him, and it was working.”", "\n\nManigault Newman’s book has caused a furor in Washington. ", "It includes a series of incendiary accusations from her time serving in the Trump administration.", "\n\nManigault Newman, who served as the director of communications for the White House's Office of Public Liaison, claims that Trump repeatedly used a racial slur during tapings of his reality show “The Apprentice,” which Manigault Newman appeared on.", "\n\nShe also accuses chief of staff John Kelly John Francis KellyMORE of firing her when she came close to getting audio of Trump using the N-word.", "\n\nThe explosive book also contains Manigault Newman’s commentary regarding the president’s relationship with his elder daughter and adviser.", "\n\n“As long as I’d known Trump, I’d observed the way he hugs, touches, and kisses Ivanka; the way she calls him Daddy,” Manigault Newman writes.", "\n\n“In my opinion, based on my observations, their relationship goes right up to the line of appropriate father/daughter behavior and jumps right over it,” Manigault Newman continues. “", "I believe he covets his daughter. ", "It’s uncomfortable to watch them.”", "\n\nThe White House has denied all of Manigault Newman’s accusations, and the president called her a “dog” in a tweet on Tuesday." ]
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[ "\n29 So.3d 291 (2010)\nMITCHELL\nv.\nSTATE.", "\nNo. ", "SC09-2189.", "\nSupreme Court of Florida.", "\nFebruary 2, 2010.", "\nDecision Without Published Opinion Mandamus denied.", "\n" ]
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[ "#include \"global.h\"\n#include \"RageSoundResampler.h\"\n\n/*\n * This class handles sound resampling.", "\n *\n * This isn't very efficient; we write to a static buffer instead of a circular\n * one. ", " I'll optimize it if it becomes an issue.", "\n */\n\nRageSoundResampler::RageSoundResampler()\n{\n\treset();\n}\n\nvoid RageSoundResampler::reset()\n{\n\tat_eof = false;\n\tmemset(prev, 0, sizeof(prev));\n\tmemset(t, 0, sizeof(t));\n\toutbuf.clear();\n\tipos = 0;\n\tChannels = 2;\n}\n\n\n/* Write data to be converted. */", "\nvoid RageSoundResampler::write(const void *data_, int bytes)\n{\n\tASSERT(!at_eof);\n\n\tconst int16_t *data = (const int16_t *) data_;\n\n\tconst unsigned samples = bytes / sizeof(int16_t);\n\tconst unsigned frames = samples / Channels;\n\n\tif(InputRate == OutputRate)\n\t{\n\t\t/* Optimization. */", "\n\t\toutbuf.insert(outbuf.end(), data, data+samples);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n#if 0\n\t/* Much higher quality for 44100->48000 resampling, but way too slow. */", "\n\tconst int upsamp = 8;\n\tconst float div = float(InputRate*upsamp) / OutputRate;\n\tfor(unsigned f = 0; f < frames; ++f)\n\t{\n\t\tfor(int u = 0; u < upsamp; ++u)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tint ipos_begin = (int) roundf(ipos / div);\n\t\t\tint ipos_end = (int) roundf((ipos+1) / div);\n\n\t\t\tfor(int c = 0; c < Channels; ++c)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tconst float f = 0.5f;\n\t\t\t\tprev[c] = int16_t(prev[c] * (f) + data[c] * (1-f));\n\t\t\t\tfor(int i = ipos_begin; i < ipos_end; ++i)\n\t\t\t\t\toutbuf.push_back(prev[c]);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tipos++;\n\t\t}\n\t\tdata += Channels;\n\t}\n#else\n\t/* Lerp. */", "\n\tconst float div = float(InputRate) / OutputRate;\n\tfor(unsigned f = 0; f < frames; ++f)\n\t{\n\t\tfor(int c = 0; c < Channels; ++c)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\twhile(t[c] < 1.0f)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tint16_t s = int16_t(prev[c]*(1-t[c]) + data[c]*t[c]);\n\t\t\t\toutbuf.push_back(s);\n\t\t\t\tt[c] += div;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tt[c] -= 1;\n\t\t\tprev[c] = data[c];\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tipos++;\n\t\tdata += Channels;\n\t}\n#endif\n}\n\n\nvoid RageSoundResampler::eof()\n{\n\tASSERT(!at_eof);\n\n\t/* Write some silence to flush out the real data. ", " If we don't have any sound,\n\t * don't do this, so seeking past end of file doesn't write silence. */", "\n\tbool bNeedsFlush = false;\n\tfor( int c = 0; c < Channels; ++c )\n\t\tif( prev[c] !", "= 0 ) \n\t\t\tbNeedsFlush = true;\n\n\tif( bNeedsFlush )\n\t{\n\t\tconst int size = Channels*16;\n\t\tint16_t *data = new int16_t[size];\n\t\tmemset(data, 0, size * sizeof(int16_t));\n\t\twrite(data, size * sizeof(int16_t));\n\t\tdelete [] data;\n\t}\n\n\tat_eof = true;\n}\n\n\nint RageSoundResampler::read(void *data, size_t bytes)\n{\n\t// Don't be silly.", "\n\tASSERT( (bytes % sizeof(int16_t)) == 0);\n\n\t// If no data is available, and we're at_eof, return -1.", "\n\tif(outbuf.size() == 0 && at_eof)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\t// Fill as much as we have. ", "\n\tint Avail = min(outbuf.size()*sizeof(int16_t), bytes);\n\tmemcpy(data, &outbuf[0], Avail);\n\toutbuf.erase(outbuf.begin(), outbuf.begin() + Avail/sizeof(int16_t));\n\treturn Avail;\n}\n\n/*\n * Copyright (c) 2003 Glenn Maynard\n * All rights reserved.", "\n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a\n * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n * \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\n * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\n * distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to\n * whom the Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above\n * copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of\n * the Software and that both the above copyright notice(s) and this\n * permission notice appear in supporting documentation.", "\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS\n * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\n * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF\n * THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR HOLDERS\n * INCLUDED IN THIS NOTICE BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL INDIRECT\n * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS\n * OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR\n * OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR\n * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.", "\n */\n" ]
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[ "Purification and properties of an NADPH-dependent carbonyl reductase from human brain. ", "Relationship to prostaglandin 9-ketoreductase and xenobiotic ketone reductase.", "\nA nonspecific NADPH-dependent carbonyl reductase from human brain (formerly designated as aldehyde reductase 1; Ris, M. M., and von Wartburg, J. P. (1973) Eur. ", "J. Biochem. ", "37, 69-77) has been purified to homogeneity. ", "The enzyme reduces a number of biologically and pharmacologically active carbonyl compounds. ", "Quinones, e.g. menadione, ubiquinone, and tocopherolquinone are the best substrates, followed by aldehydes containing an activated carbonyl moiety, e.g. 4-nitrobenzaldehyde or methylglyoxal. ", "The enzyme also reduces ketones, e.g. prostaglandins of the E and A class, the anthracycline antibiotic daunorubicin and 3-ketosteroids. ", "During catalysis the pro 4S hydrogen atom of the nicotinamide ring of NADPH is transferred to the substrate. ", "Flavonoids, e.g. quercetin and rutin, indomethacin, ethacrynic acid, and dicoumarol inhibit the enzyme activity. ", "4-Hydroxymercuribenzoate and iodoacetate inactivate the enzyme. ", "NADPH and substrate do not protect against the loss of activity. ", "Carbonyl reductase consists of a single polypeptide chain with a molecular weight of 30,000. ", "The native enzyme occurs in three molecular forms with similar substrate specificity and inhibitor sensitivity. ", "The isoelectric points of the three enzyme species are 6.95, 7.85, and 8.5. ", "In the presence of coenzyme the isoelectric points are shifted to 5.2 to 5.9. ", "The comparison of structural and enzymic features of carbonyl reductase with other monomeric oxidoreductases suggests a close relationship of carbonyl reductase with prostaglandin 9-keto-reductase and xenobiotic ketone reductase." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.012422360248447204, 0.08333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nCan't update from El Capitan public beta\n\nI took part in the public beta of El Capitan but now that the official version has been released I can't get it to update. ", "If I go to Updates in the App Store I get \"No Updates Available\" and if I try installing from the OS's page, I get the option to download the installer instead.", "\nI'm guessing that A) there are differences between the last public beta and the release so there should be an update, and B) since I can't find any other mention of this issue, something is messed up on my machine preventing it from seeing the update.", "\nShould I bite the bullet and download and run the installer or is there something I can change to get my machine to update?", "\n\nA:\n\nGo to the Purchased page and click UPDATE there.", "\n\nA:\n\nWhat ended up working was searching for \"El Capitan\" in the Mac App Store, clicking \"Download\", clicking \"Continue\", and running the downloaded installer. ", " Now that 10.11.2 is out, I'm getting the expected items in the Update tab so things appear be back to normal.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006211180124223602, 0.00909090909090909, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nGit: delete files in a branch, what happens when a merge takes place\n\nI'm relatively new to source control (at least complex source control).", "\nIf I'm developing a set of features in a branch, and I happen to delete some cruft out of the source tree in this branch, what happens when I merge? ", "Are the files properly deleted in the trunk/master?", "\nIs there anything I should avoid doing that is typically problematic when developing in a branch?", "\nThis is a 2-3 developer system, so we're not talking about massive changes to source. ", "I'm told you should pull from the trunk often to avoid tangled manual merge situations, and this makes sense.", "\nThanks,\nJosh\n\nA:\n\ngit is a content-based system, not a file-based system. ", "Deleting a file is roughly the same as deleting a couple of lines in a file. ", "The merge should proceed quite normally, and will require some conflict resolution if someone else edited the content that you deleted.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.006896551724137931, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Thickened liquids are frequently used in dysphagia management ([@bib7]; [@bib19]). ", "The goal of thickening liquids is to slow their flow, making them easier to control and providing a longer time window in which to achieve airway closure before the bolus arrives near the entrance to the larynx, thus reducing the risk of penetration--aspiration ([@bib14]; [@bib36]). ", "However, recent studies suggest that there may be a trade-off between safety and efficiency and that very thick liquids may be more likely to leave postswallow residue in the pharynx ([@bib23]; [@bib63]). ", "Although diet texture modification has become a cornerstone of dysphagia management, evidence to guide clinicians in choosing appropriate consistencies for clinical management is lacking ([@bib51]; [@bib60]; [@bib63]). ", "In 2012, the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI; <http://www.iddsi.org>) was launched with the goal of establishing standardized terminology and definitions for texture-modified foods and thickened liquids for use in dysphagia management ([@bib9], [@bib10]). ", "A systematic review published by IDDSI shows significant gaps in our knowledge regarding the impact of viscosity on swallowing and concluded that there is a critical need for new studies that will explore the physiological and functional consequences of thickening liquids in both healthy and disordered populations ([@bib63]).", "\n\nGiven the almost ubiquitous use of texture modification as an intervention for dysphagia ([@bib19]), there are surprisingly few studies in the literature comparing videofluoroscopic measures of bolus flow and swallowing physiology across liquids of different consistency ([@bib5]; [@bib12]; [@bib30]; [@bib35]; [@bib52]; [@bib88]). ", "The majority of these studies compare only two levels of consistency at widely separated points on the flow continuum, for example, \"thin liquid\" versus \"paste\" barium. ", "The results of these studies suggest that bolus flow measures (oral and pharyngeal transit times) are of longer duration with paste consistency stimuli ([@bib35]). ", "On the other hand, kinematic measures, such as measures of hyoid movement distance or duration, appear to display minimal variation ([@bib35]; [@bib57]), although one recent study has identified consistency-dependent variations in hyoid velocity using nectar-thick versus thin barium ([@bib50]). ", "To date, the most authoritative trial of starch-thickened liquids as an intervention for dysphagia reported immediate benefits of nectar- and spoon-thick liquid barium for patients who aspirated thin liquid but did not describe the differences in bolus flow or physiology associated with reduced aspiration ([@bib36]). ", "A handful of nonradiographic studies have explored smaller increments of viscosity using nonbarium stimuli. ", "These tend to report significant differences for comparisons between thin and extremely thick liquids but not for narrower contrasts ([@bib8]; [@bib64]; [@bib65]; [@bib68]). ", "Despite a long-standing interest in rheology within the swallowing literature ([@bib13]) and widespread use of thickened liquids in clinical practice, it is currently unknown whether incremental thickening of liquids is associated with incremental changes in bolus flow measures or other swallowing parameters.", "\n\nHistorically, the National Dysphagia Diet guidelines that were in use across North America regarding thickening proposed rheological boundaries between categories at 50, 350, and 1,750 mPa s, measured at a shear rate of 50 reciprocal seconds ([@bib1]). ", "The authors of the National Dysphagia Diet acknowledged, however, that there was no empirical evidence to show behavioral or clinical changes at these boundaries ([@bib1]) and the use of 50 reciprocal seconds to represent shear rates in the mouth has been questioned by several authors ([@bib15]; [@bib21]; [@bib53]; [@bib62]). ", "Furthermore, the introduction of gum-based thickeners (e.g., xanthan gum, guar gum, locust bean gum) and other thickening agents (e.g., methylcellulose, agar, carrageenan) instead of, or in addition to, modified corn starch has added complexity to this issue ([@bib71]). ", "Clinicians may assume, incorrectly, that manufacturer instructions for the amount of thickener needed to achieve \"nectar\"- or \"honey\"-thick consistency are calibrated based on viscosity, when this is not the case. ", "The viscosity of a gum-thickened liquid will be much lower than a starch-thickened liquid with flow that appears similar based on flow off a spoon or when pouring from a cup ([@bib21]; [@bib53]).", "\n\nThe IDDSI framework classifies liquids into five levels of thickness, along a continuum of gravity flow; the IDDSI flow test measures thickness based on the height of the residual fluid column in a standard 10-ml slip-tip syringe after 10 s of flow ([@bib9]; [@bib21]). ", "In this article, we report the results of a study measuring swallowing behavior in healthy adults under the age of 60 years, swallowing thin-liquid barium (IDDSI Level 0: thin) and the same barium product thickened with a xanthan gum thickener to IDDSI Levels 1--4: Level 1, slightly thick; Level 2, mildly thick; Level 3, moderately thick; and Level 4, extremely thick.", "\n\nThe primary objective of this study was to establish new reference values for videofluoroscopic measures of bolus flow and swallowing physiology across the range from thin to extremely thick liquids in healthy swallowing and to determine which parameters vary as a function of liquid consistency while controlling for the influence of participant sex and variations in sip volume. ", "This was an exploratory, observational study rather than a hypothesis-driven experiment. ", "It is hoped that the reference measures arising from this study will have utility for helping clinicians to identify the presence, severity, and mechanisms of swallowing impairment in patient populations. ", "The larger study protocol included the videofluoroscopy data for thin and xanthan gum--thickened liquids that are described in this article as well as other experiments to measure tongue pressure and swallowing behaviors using liquids thickened with both starch and xanthan gum--based thickening agents, which have been reported elsewhere ([@bib96]). ", "Future comparisons to liquids with similar gravity flow but prepared using different thickening agents or different barium products are also planned.", "\n\nMethod\n======\n\nParticipants\n------------\n\nA sample of 40 participants consented to participate (20 men, 20 women). ", "The mean age of the participants was 34 years (range: 21--58 years). ", "Participants reported no prior or current history of swallowing complaints; difficulties with motor speech, gastroesophageal, or neurological function; sinusitis; or taste disturbance. ", "Individuals with a prior history of radiation or surgery to the speech or swallowing apparatus (other than routine dental surgery, tonsillectomy, or adenoidectomy) were excluded, along with pregnant women, individuals with Type 1 diabetes (due to possible sensory differences in this group), and individuals with known allergies to latex, food coloring, or dental glue (due to the possibility of exposure to these products during data collection). ", "Scheduling difficulties resulted in one male participant withdrawing prior to the videofluoroscopy. ", "Technical difficulties with the videofluoroscopy recording resulted in a loss of thin liquid data for one female participant and one male participant. ", "The final data set comprised full data for 582 boluses: three boluses of thin and slightly, mildly, moderately, and extremely thick liquids for 38 participants (19 women, 19 men) and partial data (i.e., 12 boluses covering the slightly to extremely thick range) for the 39th participant (female).", "\n\nStimuli\n-------\n\nLow-concentration barium stimuli (20% w/v; [@bib18]; [@bib66]; [@bib70]) were prepared using Bracco Diagnostics E-Z-PAQUE powdered barium sulfate (96% w/w), bottled water (Nestlé Pure Life), and a xanthan gum--based thickener (Nestlé Resource ThickenUp Clear). ", "The stimuli were prepared in thin, slightly thick, mildly thick, moderately thick, and extremely thick consistencies according to standard recipes ([@bib3]). ", "Details regarding the rheological, gravity flow, and perceptual characteristics of these stimuli have been reported elsewhere ([@bib3]; [@bib54]).", "\n\nVideofluoroscopy\n----------------\n\nVideofluoroscopy was performed in lateral projection according to a standard protocol using pulsed fluoroscopy (30 pulses per second) and recorded on a KayPENTAX Digital Swallow Workstation at 30 frames per second. ", "In order to maximize the ecological validity of the experiment in simulating swallowing behaviors that might occur outside an assessment context, we decided not to fix bolus volume but, rather, to provide participants with cups containing 40 ml of liquid and ask them to take a natural sip and then to derive measures of sip volume based on cup weights. ", "Each participant was presented with a tray containing cups of stimuli, arranged in blocks of three cups containing the same stimulus (see [Figure 1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "For the thin, slightly thick, and mildly thick liquids, the participant was instructed to take a cup, take one comfortable sip, swallow when they were ready (i.e., without a command; [@bib17]; [@bib48]), and return the cup to a tray on a table immediately in front of the participant. ", "The moderately and extremely thick stimuli were taken by teaspoon, again without a command. ", "After swallowing a single bolus from each cup in a block of three cups, a sip of water was taken to rinse. ", "The blocks were presented in order of ascending thickness (i.e., thin followed by slightly thick and then mildly, moderately, and extremely thick).", "\n\n![", "Stimulus array used in the current experiment. ", "A 20% w/v barium sulfate suspension (thin) was mixed with a xanthan gum thickener to reach Levels 1--4 of the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative framework.](JSLHR-62-1338-g001){#F1}\n\nSip Volume\n----------\n\nPresip and postsip cup weights were taken on an Ohaus digital balance (Model PA1502 analytical scale: capacity = 1.5 kg, readability = 0.01 g). ", "Sip mass (grams) was derived from the cup weights (i.e., presip minus postsip) and multiplied by the specific gravity of each stimulus (grams per milliliter) to determine the sip volume (milliliters).", "\n\nRating Procedure\n----------------\n\nAll videofluoroscopy ratings were performed in duplicate according to a standard operating procedure that was given the name *ASPEKT method* (Analysis of Swallowing Physiology: Events, Kinematics and Timing) and that has been partly described in previous publications ([@bib72]). ", "Ratings were performed in the same physical location by all raters in order to control potentially influencing factors such as lighting and computer screen quality ([@bib42]). ", "A full description of the ASPEKT method can be found in the [Appendix](#A1){ref-type=\"app\"} (including operational definitions for all parameters and a description of the standard operating procedures followed when performing ratings for this study), but the steps are summarized below:\n\n1. ", " Each videofluoroscopy recording was spliced into bolus level clips and randomly assigned to two raters from a team of eight trained raters.", "\n\n2. ", " The number of swallows for each bolus was counted. ", "Raters were trained that the following components must be present in order to consider a \"swallow\" to have occurred: (a) at least one of laryngeal elevation, hyoid excursion, and/or pharyngeal constriction and (b) upper esophageal sphincter opening (UESO). ", "The term *subswallows* is used to refer to individual swallows when there is more than one swallow per bolus. ", "Subswallows are further qualitatively classified as initial (the first subswallow in the series), piecemeal (a higher order subswallow, i.e., subswallows 2, 3, 4, ... terminal, in which additional material is transported from the oral cavity), or clearing (a higher order subswallow of pharyngeal residue with no additional material added from the oral cavity) swallows.", "\n\n3. ", " Swallowing safety was rated on each and every subswallow using the 8-point Penetration--Aspiration Scale (PAS; [@bib61]). ", "Raters were instructed that they should only score new material entering the airway on each subswallow. ", "In the case of scores of 3, 5, 6, 7, or 8 (indicating airway invasion without ejection out of the laryngeal vestibule), the frame of bolus entry into the laryngeal vestibule is documented to enable subsequent evaluation of the timing of airway invasion relative to laryngeal vestibule closure (LVC). ", "Additionally, the amount of material entering the airway was coded subjectively as 0 (*none*), 1 (*trace*), or 2 (*more than trace*). ", "Bolus-level results were derived based on the highest PAS score seen across the series of subswallows for that bolus. ", "Additionally, if a previous PAS event was noted to evolve across subsequent higher order swallows for the same bolus (i.e., worsen or recover to a higher position in the airway), this was documented in the rating comments.", "\n\n4. ", " The temporal locations (i.e., frame numbers) of key bolus and gestural events in the swallow sequence were identified, with each event defined according to standard operational definitions. ", "For the current article, nine events were tracked: bolus passing mandible (BPM), onset of the hyoid burst (HYB), LVC, UESO, maximum upper esophageal sphincter (UES) distension (UESMax), maximum pharyngeal constriction (MPC), UES closure (UESC), LVC offset (LVCOff), and \"swallow rest\" (i.e., the terminal frame of each swallow). ", "Definitions for each of these events can be found in the [Appendix](#A1){ref-type=\"app\"}. ", "As part of this step, the completeness of LVC was also rated (complete or incomplete).", "\n\n5. ", " The location of the leading edge of the bolus was documented on the frames of HYB and LVC ([@bib2]; [@bib39]). ", "Definitions for these ordinal ratings can be found in the [Appendix](#A1){ref-type=\"app\"}.", "\n\n6. ", " Pixel-based methods were used to trace the position of the hyoid (i.e., distance from the anterior inferior corner of C4), measured in the anterior (*X*) and superior (*Y*) planes relative to the length of a C2--C4 anatomical scalar (see example in the [Appendix](#A1){ref-type=\"app\"}). ", "The *XY* hypotenuse position (i.e., distance from the C4 origin) was derived using the Pythagorean theorem. ", "This was completed on every frame starting from five frames prior to the frame chosen by raters as the frame of HYB until approximately five frames after the beginning of hyoid descent from its peak position. ", "A MATLAB algorithm was then used to search through the series of hyoid position measures to confirm the frames of peak position in each plane (*X*, *Y*, and *XY*). ", "In the case of a plateau in hyoid movement at its peak position, the first frame at peak position was used.", "\n\n7. ", " The diameter of UESO was traced (in pixels) on the frame of UESMax, relative to the length of an anatomical scalar (length of the cervical spine between the anterior inferior corners of the C2 and C4 vertebrae; [@bib47]). ", "An example can be found in the [Appendix](#A1){ref-type=\"app\"}. ", "Similarly, pharyngeal area was traced (in pixels) on the frames of MPC and swallow rest, relative to the squared length of a C2--C4 anatomical scalar. ", "Examples can be found in the [Appendix](#A1){ref-type=\"app\"}.", "\n\n8. ", " The area of any residue in the valleculae, in the pyriform sinuses, and/or elsewhere in the pharynx was traced (in pixels) on the frame of swallow rest, relative to the squared length of a C2--C4 anatomical scalar. ", "An example can be found in the [Appendix](#A1){ref-type=\"app\"}.", "\n\nAfter the initial ratings were made independently, an Excel macro program was run to inspect them for agreement and identify cases that required discrepancy resolution. ", "Interrater agreement for the initial ratings was strong for all types of measures; additional details can be found in the [Appendix](#A1){ref-type=\"app\"}. ", "Regardless of the high level of agreement demonstrated for all measures, strict criteria were used to handle discrepancies between raters. ", "For example, any difference (of any magnitude) in ratings of the number of swallows per bolus, PAS scores, LVC (complete/incomplete), or bolus location at swallow onset was taken to a consensus meeting for resolution. ", "Similarly, any difference \\> five frames between raters regarding the frame at which key events occurred was sent for resolution. ", "Additional details regarding the thresholds used to identify measurements that required review and resolution can be found in the [Appendix](#A1){ref-type=\"app\"}. ", "Consensus meetings were attended by a minimum of three trained raters and involved review, repeat measurement, and debate regarding the discrepant ratings until consensus was achieved. ", "Once discrepancies were resolved, the sequence of events was derived and timing intervals between events were calculated.", "\n\nStatistical Analyses\n====================\n\nDescriptive statistics for all variables were compiled in order to build a profile of healthy adult swallowing of liquids. ", "Analyses were performed at the bolus level, using the highest (i.e., worst) PAS score and the highest number of swallows seen across all available subswallows for each bolus; the initial subswallow of each bolus was used for measures of sequence adherence, timing, and pixel-based measures. ", "The descriptive statistics for timing measures will be reported in frames, given that the minimum temporal resolution of the rating process was in frames. ", "For reference purposes, a table of timing measures will also be provided in milliseconds, using a conversion of 33 ms per frame.", "\n\nUnless otherwise noted, an alpha criterion of .05 was used for all statistical comparisons. ", "The effects of sex and bolus consistency on categorical or count data (i.e., PAS scores, event sequence adherence, and bolus location measures) were explored using frequencies (percentages), chi-square tests, and logistic regression. ", "Linear mixed-model analyses of variance (ANOVAs) with compound symmetry structure were used to study variations in continuous parameter data (i.e., timing measures and pixel-based measures of structural movement, area, or residue). ", "An iterative process was used, as detailed below:\n\n1. ", " Repeated-measures ANOVAs were run with a factor of sex to determine whether sex should be carried forward as a factor into the linear mixed models.", "\n\n2. ", " Pearson product--moment correlations were explored between sip volume and the dependent variables. ", "Where correlations of *r* ≥ .3 were found, a decision was made to carry sip volume forward as a covariate into the linear mixed models.", "\n\n3. ", " The linear mixed models were run with a factor of consistency, a random effect of participant, and post hoc Sidak tests of pairwise comparisons. ", "Sex and sip volume were included in the model where indicated based on the previous univariate explorations.", "\n\n4. ", " Significant main effects or interactions involving sip volume were further explored using scatter plots, Pearson correlations, and linear regression.", "\n\n5. ", " Effect sizes for significant pairwise comparisons involving sex or consistency were calculated using Cohen\\'s *d* ([@bib29]).", "\n\nInitial inspection of quantile--quantile plots for the continuous parameters revealed nonnormal distributions of residuals for sip volume, swallow reaction time, and MPC area. ", "In these cases, a log transformation was applied prior to running the linear mixed models. ", "For ease of interpretation and use as reference values in clinical settings, descriptive statistics and figures involving these parameters will be reported using nontransformed units. ", "Pixel-based measures of residue were also found to have skewed distributions and were transformed to binary categorical measures; this will be described further below.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nSip Volume\n----------\n\nAverage sip volume for the thin liquid stimulus was 12.12 ml (95% CI \\[10.71, 13.54\\]; 25th percentile, 8.12 ml; 75th percentile, 14.81 ml). ", "One individual was a high outlier, with thin liquid sips consistently falling above 25 ml; these data points were removed and replaced with missing values prior to further analysis. [", "Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"} provides descriptive statistics for sip volume across the full range of stimuli that were studied. ", "There were no significant differences in sip volume between male and female participants. ", "A pattern of significantly smaller sip volumes was seen for thicker consistencies, as highlighted in [Figure 2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, *F*(4, 541.01) = 107.73, *p* \\< .001. ", "The slightly and mildly thick liquids clustered together with significantly smaller sip volumes than the thin liquid (*d* ≥ 0.38, i.e., small). ", "A further significant reduction in sip volume was seen for the comparison between the slightly/mildly thick liquids and the moderately/extremely thick liquids (*d* ≥ 0.98, i.e., large); this difference was expected, given that the moderately/extremely thick liquids were administered by a 5 ml--capacity teaspoon. ", "Interestingly, sip volume for the extremely thick liquids was a little bit larger than that seen for the moderately thick liquids; this is thought to reflect the fact that the thicker consistency was able to retain its shape and mound on the spoon without overflowing, whereas the moderately thick liquid flowed over the boundaries of the spoon.", "\n\n###### \n\nDescriptive statistics for sip volume (milliliters) by consistency, for thin and xanthan gum--thickened barium stimuli (20% w/v).", "\n\n Consistency *M* *SD* 95% confidence interval \n ------------------ ------- ------ ------------------------- -------\n Thin 12.13 6.68 10.90 13.36\n Slightly thick 9.75 5.87 8.68 10.83\n Mildly thick 9.58 6.23 8.44 10.72\n Moderately thick 4.86 2.76 4.36 5.37\n Extremely thick 5.15 2.59 4.68 5.63\n\n![", "Sip volume by consistency, in descending order of volume. ", "Sip volumes for slightly and mildly thick liquids were significantly smaller (*p* \\< .001) than those for thin liquids. ", "A further significant reduction in sip volume was seen with moderately and extremely thick liquids, which were served by a teaspoon. ", "IDDSI = International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative.](JSLHR-62-1338-g002){#F2}\n\nNumber of Swallows per Bolus\n----------------------------\n\nBoth the mode and median scores for the number of swallows per bolus had a value of 1, regardless of consistency. ", "More than one swallow per bolus was seen 20% of the time. ", "A chi-square test showed no differences in the frequency of multiple swallows per bolus by consistency.", "\n\nPenetration--Aspiration\n-----------------------\n\nA maximum PAS score of 1 was seen across all boluses in the protocol, regardless of consistency, in 26 participants (i.e., 67%). ", "Ten participants displayed transient penetration with ejection (i.e., a PAS score of 2) on a single consistency as follows: thin (*n* = 6, with two of these participants displaying a PAS score of 2 on the first thin bolus, two on the second thin bolus, one on the third thin bolus, and one on both the first and third thin boluses), slightly thick (*n* = 3, one on the first bolus, one on the second bolus, and one on the third bolus), and mildly thick (*n* = 1 on both the second and third mildly thick boluses). ", "One further participant displayed a PAS score of 2 on a single bolus of two different consistencies (i.e., the third thin bolus and the first slightly thick bolus). ", "The two remaining participants displayed more frequent occurrences of penetration. ", "The first appeared to have a typical pattern of PAS scores of 2, seen on all thin and slightly thick boluses, on the second moderately thick bolus, and on the third extremely thick bolus. ", "The final participant displayed penetration to the level of the true vocal folds without ejection (i.e., a PAS score of 5) on the first thin and first mildly thick bolus. ", "All other boluses for these two participants had PAS scores of 1.", "\n\nIn terms of the amount of material observed to enter the airway, four of the 21 (19%) transient penetration events with ejection (i.e., PAS scores of 2) were coded as \"more than trace\" and the remainder was coded as \"trace.\" ", "Of the two events of penetration without ejection (i.e., PAS scores of 5), one was coded as \"trace\" and the other was coded as \"more than trace.\" ", "When each participant\\'s maximum PAS score per consistency was entered into an ordinal logistic regression model, the risk of a PAS score of \\> 2 was significantly higher for thin liquids compared to all thicker consistencies (Wald χ^2^ = 25.01, *df* = 1, *p* \\< .001) and for thin and slightly thick liquids compared to mildly thick and thicker consistencies (Wald χ^2^ = 22.15, *df* = 1, *p* = .001). ", "Relative risk statistics could not be computed for the two thickest consistencies due to the absence of any PAS scores of \\> 2 for the moderately and extremely thick liquids in this data set.", "\n\nLVC\n---\n\nLVC was coded as complete on all boluses except three. ", "Two of these events came from the same participant, who displayed partial LVC on the initial boluses of the thin and mildly thick liquids. ", "The PAS score for both of these boluses was 5, indicating penetration to the level of the vocal folds without ejection. ", "A single event of incomplete LVC was seen in a second participant on the third presentation of the slightly thick liquid; in this case, a PAS score of 1 was recorded. ", "Due to the extremely low frequency of incomplete LVC in the data set, further analyses were not performed.", "\n\nTiming Measures\n---------------\n\nTiming measures of possible interest were calculated based on the interval (i.e., difference in timing) between paired events. ", "Inspection of these measures revealed a high degree of association between several parameters suggesting either tight temporal co-occurrence (i.e., differences with ≤ 2 frames duration, on average) or nonindependence (i.e., high Pearson product--moment correlations), as discussed below:\n\n- The interval from the frame of LVC until the frame of UESO had an average value of −1.4 frames or −46 ms (95% CI \\[−2.2, −0.6\\], i.e., −73 to −20 ms), indicating that the two events occurred in very close proximity. ", "Inspection of the sequencing pattern between these two events showed that UESO occurred prior to or on the same frame as LVC in 78% of cases and lagged behind LVC in the remaining 21% of cases.", "\n\n- UESC and LVCOff also occurred in very tight proximity (average difference of 0.92 frames or 30 ms, 95% CI \\[0.56, 1.3\\], i.e., 18--43 ms). ", "In the majority (i.e., 84.5%) of cases, LVCOff occurred simultaneously with or after UESC. ", "In the 15.5% of cases where LVCOff preceded UESC, the latency until UESC had an average duration of 1.4 frames or 46 ms (95% CI \\[1.26, 1.53\\], i.e., 42--51 ms).", "\n\n- The interval between BPM and HYB was highly correlated with measures of BPM to UESO (*r* = .986) and BPM to UESC (*r* = .975).", "\n\n- UESO duration was significantly correlated with its subcomponent measures of UESO to MPC (*r* = .53) and MPC to UESC (*r* = .43).", "\n\nBased on these observations, a parsimonious set of consecutive, nonredundant timing measures was chosen to represent key intervals related to the pharyngeal stage of swallowing, which are listed below:\n\n1\\. Swallow Reaction Time (i.e., interval between BPM and HYB; [@bib24]): This parameter has also gone under a variety of different names in previous literature including \"pharyngeal delay time\" ([@bib37]; [@bib38]), \"duration of stage transition\" ([@bib59]), and \"swallow response time\" ([@bib58]);\n\n2\\. interval between HYB and UESO;\n\n3\\. UESO duration (i.e., interval between UESO and UESC).", "\n\nFor added interest, the temporal location of MPC was also explored as a percentage of the UESO duration interval.", "\n\nIn addition to these measures of pharyngeal event timing, two measures related to LVC were included, given the clinical importance of understanding the timing and duration of airway protection:\n\n4\\. LVC Reaction Time (i.e., interval between HYB and LVC; [@bib20]; [@bib24]);\n\n5\\. LVC duration (i.e., interval between LVC and LVCOff).", "\n\n[Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"} contains descriptive statistics for these timing measures of interest, calculated in frames and derived in milliseconds. ", "No significant effects of sex were identified for any of the timing measures. ", "With respect to sip volume, a significant negative correlation (*r* = −.47) was found with the HYB to UESO interval, and a significant positive correlation (*r* = .34) was found with UESO duration. ", "Sip volume was therefore included as a covariate in the linear mixed models for these parameters.", "\n\n###### \n\nDescriptive statistics for swallow timing measures in frames and derived in milliseconds.", "\n\n Timing measure Consistency Event latency in frames Event latency in milliseconds (at 29.975 frames/s) \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- -----\n Swallow Reaction Time (i.e., bolus passing the mandible to hyoid burst onset) Thin 3.25 5.32 2.06 4.44 109 177 69 148\n Slightly thick 5.32 8.07 3.71 6.93 178 269 124 231 \n Mildly thick 5.95 8.33 4.29 7.61 198 278 143 254 \n Moderately thick 9.22 12.05 6.79 11.65 307 402 226 389 \n Extremely thick 10.41 14.11 7.55 13.26 347 471 252 443 \n Hyoid burst onset to UES opening Thin 3.48 1.45 3.16 3.81 116 48 105 127\n Slightly thick 3.70 1.82 3.33 4.06 123 61 111 135 \n Mildly thick 3.83 1.74 3.48 4.18 128 58 116 139 \n Moderately thick 4.55 1.65 4.21 4.88 152 55 141 163 \n Extremely thick 4.65 1.52 4.34 4.95 155 51 145 165 \n UES opening duration Thin 13.72 1.88 13.30 14.14 458 63 444 472\n Slightly thick 13.18 1.89 12.81 13.56 440 63 427 452 \n Mildly thick 13.26 2.26 12.81 13.71 442 75 427 457 \n Moderately thick 12.31 2.09 11.89 12.73 411 70 397 425 \n Extremely thick 12.05 2.02 11.64 12.46 402 67 388 416 \n LVC Reaction Time (i.e., hyoid burst onset to LVC) Thin 5.38 3.00 4.71 6.05 179 100 157 202\n Slightly thick 5.33 2.70 4.79 5.87 178 90 160 196 \n Mildly thick 4.82 2.36 4.35 5.29 161 79 145 176 \n Moderately thick 4.55 1.88 4.17 4.93 152 63 139 164 \n Extremely thick 4.30 1.63 3.97 4.63 144 54 133 155 \n LVC duration Thin 13.06 3.24 12.34 13.79 436 108 412 460\n Slightly thick 12.36 2.69 11.83 12.90 412 90 395 430 \n Mildly thick 12.96 2.99 12.36 13.56 432 100 412 452 \n Moderately thick 13.01 2.71 12.46 13.56 434 90 416 452 \n Extremely thick 13.08 2.50 12.58 13.59 436 84 420 453 \n\n*Note.*", " UES = upper esophageal sphincter; LVC = laryngeal vestibule closure.", "\n\n### Swallow Reaction Time\n\nA significant main effect of consistency was found, *F*(4, 354.64) = 9.284, *p* \\< .001. ", "As shown in [Figure 3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}, significantly longer Swallow Reaction Times were seen for the moderately and extremely thick liquids compared to the thin, slightly thick, and mildly thick liquids (*d* ≥ 0.25, i.e., small).", "\n\n![", "The effect of liquid consistency on swallow reaction time (i.e., the interval between the bolus passing the ramus of mandible and onset of the hyoid burst). ", "Significantly longer swallow reaction times were seen with the moderately and extremely thick liquids (*p* \\< .001). ", "IDDSI = International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative.](JSLHR-62-1338-g003){#F3}\n\n### HYB to UESO\n\nFor the interval between onset of the HYB and UESO, there were no significant main effects or interactions involving consistency. ", "Rather, a significant main effect of sip volume was seen, *F*(1, 470.58) = 52.04, *p* \\< .001, with shorter HYB to UESO intervals seen with larger sip volumes (*r* = −.47, *R* ^2^ = .21).", "\n\n### UESO Duration\n\nA significant Consistency × Sip Volume interaction was found, *F*(4, 500.25) = 2.91, *p* = .021, along with a main effect of sip volume, *F*(1, 528.57) = 90.68, *p* \\< .001. ", "Overall, a positive correlation between sip volume and UESO duration was seen (*r* = .34, *R* ^2^ = .12). ", "The regression coefficient for the sip volume effect was highest for the extremely thick liquid (*R* ^2^ = .11), with *R* ^2^ values of .04, .09, .06, and .09 for the thin and slightly, mildly, and moderately thick liquids, respectively.", "\n\n### Timing of MPC Relative to UESO\n\nThe timing of MPC, expressed as a percentage of the UESO duration interval, varied significantly by consistency, *F*(4, 507.28) = 18.46, *p* \\< .001. ", "MPC occurred significantly earlier for the moderately and extremely thick liquids compared to the thin, slightly thick, and mildly thick liquids (*d* = 0.55, i.e., medium). ", "Descriptive statistics are found in [Table 3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\n###### \n\nDescriptive statistics for the timing of maximum pharyngeal constriction, expressed as a percentage of upper esophageal sphincter opening duration.", "\n\n Consistency *M* *SD* 95% confidence interval \n ------------------ ------ ------ ------------------------- ------\n Thin 49.5 12.1 46.6 52.4\n Slightly thick 48.8 11.0 46.1 51.5\n Mildly thick 48.9 11.5 46.2 51.5\n Moderately thick 44.3 10.1 41.5 47.1\n Extremely thick 44.1 10.2 41.3 46.8\n\n### LVC Reaction Time and Duration\n\nA significant main effect of consistency was found for LVC Reaction Time, *F*(4, 499.96) = 5.96, *p* \\< .001. ", "As shown in [Figure 4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}, closure of the laryngeal vestibule was achieved significantly faster with the moderately and extremely thick stimuli compared to the thin and slightly thick liquids (*d* = 0.33, i.e., small). ", "Finally, no effect of consistency was seen for LVC duration.", "\n\n![", "The effect of liquid consistency on laryngeal vestibule closure reaction time (i.e., the interval between onset of the hyoid burst and the frame of laryngeal vestibule closure). ", "Significantly longer Laryngeal Vestibule Closure Reaction Times (*p* \\< .001) were seen with the moderately and extremely thick liquids compared to the thin and slightly thick stimuli. ", "IDDSI = International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative; LVCRT = Laryngeal Vestibule Closure Reaction Time.](JSLHR-62-1338-g004){#F4}\n\n### Event Sequence\n\nThe expected sequence to which paired event patterns were compared was BPM \\< HYB \\< UESO \\< UESMax \\< MPC \\< UESC. ", "In contrast with previous literature ([@bib22]; [@bib27]; [@bib28]; [@bib43]), this sequence was selected because it emphasizes gestural rather than bolus events and focuses exclusively on pharyngeal and UES events rather than laryngeal events. ", "As noted above, the timings of LVC onset and LVCOff were found to be tightly associated with UESO and UES closing, respectively. [", "Table 4](#T4){ref-type=\"table\"} illustrates the frequency (percentage) of adherence to these expected pairwise event sequences by consistency. ", "Adherence to the expected paired event sequences exceeded 80% for all pairs, regardless of bolus consistency. ", "For two event pairs (UESO \\< UESMax and UESMax \\< MPC), 100% adherence was observed. ", "Chi-square statistics failed to find any significant differences in pairwise sequence adherence across the different consistencies.", "\n\n###### \n\nFrequency (percentage) adherence to the expected sequence of pharyngeal phase events by consistency.", "\n\n Consistency BPM \\< HYB HYB \\< UESO UESO \\< UESMax UESMax \\< MPC MPC \\< UESC Overall sequence\n ------------------ ------------ ------------- ---------------- --------------- ------------- ------------------\n Thin 87.9 94.5 100.0 100.0 93.6 77.1\n Slightly thick 87.6 95.6 100.0 100.0 97.4 80.5\n Mildly thick 89.4 97.4 100.0 100.0 98.2 84.8\n Moderately thick 82.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.1 81.7\n Extremely thick 84.1 99.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 83.2\n Total 86.3 97.3 100.0 100.0 97.7 81.5\n\n*Note.*", " BPM = bolus passing mandible; HYB = hyoid burst onset; UESO = upper esophageal sphincter opening; UESMax = maximum diameter of upper esophageal sphincter distension; MPC = maximum pharyngeal constriction; UESC = upper esophageal sphincter closing.", "\n\nBolus Location Measures\n-----------------------\n\n[Table 5](#T5){ref-type=\"table\"} shows the frequency distribution of bolus location at swallow onset by consistency. ", "As seen in the table, scores are distributed across the continuum, regardless of consistency. ", "Significantly fewer moderately and extremely thick boluses were scored as having reached the pyriform sinuses compared to the thinner consistencies (χ^2^ = 44.21, *df* = 4, *p* \\< .001).", "\n\n###### \n\nFrequencies (percentage) of ordinal ratings for the location of the leading edge of the bolus on the frames of hyoid burst and laryngeal vestibule closure by consistency.", "\n\n Parameter Consistency Ramus of mandible Vallecular pit Posterior laryngeal surface of epiglottis Pyriform sinus In UES No appreciable swallow initiation\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------------- ---------------- ------------------------------------------- ---------------- -------- -----------------------------------\n Bolus location at swallow onset (i.e., on the frame of hyoid burst onset) Thin 25.2 18.0 19.8 36.9 0.0 0.0\n Slightly thick 26.1 20.0 26.1 27.8 0.0 0.0 \n Mildly thick 27.4 14.5 28.2 29.9 0.0 0.0 \n Moderately thick 34.2 24.6 28.9 12.3 0.0 0.0 \n Extremely thick 27.9 34.2 32.4 5.4 0.0 0.0 \n Total 28.2 22.2 27.1 22.5 0.0 0.0 \n Bolus location on the frame of laryngeal vestibule closure Thin 2.7 0.0 4.5 12.5 80.4 0.0\n Slightly thick 4.3 0.0 0.9 15.4 79.5 0.0 \n Mildly thick 1.7 0.0 1.7 23.9 72.6 0.0 \n Moderately thick 0.9 0.9 3.4 35.9 59.0 0.0 \n Extremely thick 0.0 0.0 6.1 33.0 60.9 0.0 \n Total 1.4 0.4 3.2 27.1 67.9 0.0 \n\n*Note.*", " UES = upper esophageal sphincter.", "\n\nGiven the fact that the data showed no clear pattern with respect to a typical bolus location at swallow onset, the data were inspected to determine whether individual participants trended toward particular scores as a pattern. ", "Consistent scoring across all three boluses of any given stimulus was not seen for any participant in the sample. ", "A trend of similar scoring on two out of three boluses of the same stimulus was more common, as seen in 42% of cases overall. ", "However, a chi-square test failed to find any significant difference in the frequency of a pattern of two out of three boluses at swallow onset by bolus consistency.", "\n\n[Table 5](#T5){ref-type=\"table\"} shows the frequency distribution of bolus location at the time of LVC by stimulus. ", "Here, fewer than 5% of boluses were scored as being at or above the ramus of mandible, in the valleculae, or at the posterior laryngeal surface of epiglottis, regardless of consistency. ", "The majority (i.e., ≥ 72%) of the thin, slightly thick, and mildly thick boluses were scored as having already entered the UES on the frame of LVC. ", "With the moderately and extremely thick liquids, a similar pattern was seen, but a larger proportion of these boluses (i.e., 33%--36%) were scored as being in the pyriform sinuses or higher at the frame of LVC (χ^2^ = 22.6, *df* = 4, *p* \\< .001).", "\n\nPixel-Based Measures\n--------------------\n\n### Hyoid Peak Position\n\nInspection of the distribution of hyoid peak position data revealed a small number of extreme high outliers (i.e., *X* position values \\> 2.00, *Y* position values \\> 1.7, *XY* position values \\> 2.5). ", "These were removed and replaced with missing values prior to further analysis. ", "The analysis of differences in hyoid peak position was performed separately for the three vectors of movement (*X*, *Y*, and *XY*); a Bonferroni corrected alpha criterion of *p* \\< .02 was used to adjust for expected autocorrelations between vectors. ", "Sex was not included in the mixed-model ANOVAs due to the fact that anatomically normalized measures were used ([@bib47]). ", "Bivariate correlations showed no relationships above *r* = .1 between hyoid peak position measures and sip volume.", "\n\nDescriptive statistics for hyoid peak position can be found in [Table 6](#T6){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "No significant effects of consistency were found for peak *XY* position or peak *X* position. ", "A significant effect of consistency was found for peak *Y* position, *F*(4, 489.17) = 3.662, *p* = .006. ", "Inspection of the data did not reveal any systematic pattern of increased superior displacement for thicker liquids; rather, the consistency effect took the form of a single significant pairwise difference, with a higher peak position seen on the mildly thick compared to the slightly thick liquid (*d* = 0.21, i.e., small).", "\n\n###### \n\nDescriptive statistics for hyoid peak position by consistency and plane of movement, measured as percentage of the C2--C4 reference scalar.", "\n\n Plane of movement Consistency *M* *SD* 95% confidence interval \n ------------------- ------------- ----- ------ ------------------------- -----\n Horizontal (*X*) Thin 144 14 140 149\n Slightly thick 142 15 138 147 \n Mildly thick 143 15 139 148 \n Moderately thick 142 15 137 146 \n Extremely thick 142 15 138 147 \n Vertical (*Y*) Thin 91 23 84 98\n Slightly thick 89 24 82 96 \n Mildly thick 94 22 87 101 \n Moderately thick 93 23 86 100 \n Extremely thick 92 20 85 99 \n Hypotenuse (*XY*) Thin 170 16 165 175\n Slightly thick 168 17 163 173 \n Mildly thick 170 16 165 175 \n Moderately thick 168 18 163 173 \n Extremely thick 168 16 163 173 \n\n### UESMax\n\n[Table 7](#T7){ref-type=\"table\"} contains descriptive statistics for anatomically normalized measures of UESMax, expressed as a percentage of the C2--C4 linear reference scalar. ", "There were no significant sex effects on this parameter. ", "A significant Sip Volume × Consistency interaction was found, *F*(4, 522.61) = 5.13, *p* \\< .001, as well as significant main effects of sip volume, *F*(1, 528.42) = 52.023, *p* \\< .001, and consistency, *F*(4, 517.31) = 8.95, *p* \\< .001. ", "These effects took the form of wider UESO, in general, for larger sip volumes (*R* = .43, *R* ^2^ = .10) and on the thin liquid compared to the slightly and mildly thick liquids (*d* = 0.3, i.e., small). ", "When explored by consistency, the highest correlations between UESO and sip volume were seen for the moderately and extremely thick liquids (*R* = .45, *R* ^2^ = .2 and *R* = .62, *R* ^2^ = .39, respectively).", "\n\n###### \n\nDescriptive statistics for maximum diameter of upper esophageal sphincter opening, expressed as percentage of the C2--C4 reference scalar.", "\n\n Consistency *M* *SD* 95% confidence interval \n ------------------ ------ ------ ------------------------- ------\n Thin 20.6 6.6 19.3 21.8\n Slightly thick 18.7 5.8 17.7 19.8\n Mildly thick 18.3 5.1 17.4 19.3\n Moderately thick 15.6 5.3 14.7 16.6\n Extremely thick 16.9 4.7 16.0 17.7\n\n### Pharyngeal Area at Rest\n\nAs shown in [Table 8](#T8){ref-type=\"table\"}, the area of the pharynx at rest corresponded, on average, to 58% of the squared C2--C4 reference scalar in this sample of healthy adults (95% CI \\[53%, 64%\\]). ", "Pharyngeal area was highly correlated with anatomical reference area (*R* = .764, *R* ^2^ = .583). ", "Pharyngeal area at rest was significantly larger in male participants who had a mean value of 68% of the squared C2--C4 reference scalar compared to 49% in female participants, *F*(1, 35.80) = 24.75, *p* \\< .001 (*d* = 1.03, i.e., large). ", "This finding is consistent with recently reported sex differences in acoustic pharyngometry measures of pharyngeal volume ([@bib44]).", "\n\n###### \n\nDescriptive statistics for measures of pharyngeal area at maximum constriction and at rest, expressed as percentage of the squared C2--C4 reference scalar.", "\n\n Parameter Consistency *M* *SD* 95% confidence interval \n ----------------------------------------- ------------- ----- ------ ------------------------- -----\n Pharyngeal area at maximum constriction Thin 0.9 1.3 0.7 1.2\n Slightly thick 1.0 1.5 0.7 1.3 \n Mildly thick 1.5 1.7 1.2 1.8 \n Moderately thick 0.8 1.0 0.6 1.0 \n Extremely thick 0.6 1.1 0.4 0.8 \n Pharyngeal area at rest 58 16 53 64 \n\n### Pharyngeal Constriction\n\n[Table 8](#T8){ref-type=\"table\"} also includes descriptive statistics for the unobliterated area of the pharynx on the frame of MPC, expressed as a percentage of the squared C2--C4 reference scalar. ", "The highest upper confidence interval boundary seen across the five consistencies was 1.8% of the squared C2--C4 reference scalar, suggesting that almost complete obliteration of the pharynx was the norm at the point of maximum constriction. ", "There was no evidence of sex effects or of significant correlations between sip volume and pharyngeal constriction. ", "A significant main effect of consistency was found, *F*(4, 204.28) = 8.21, *p* \\< .001. ", "This took the effect of significantly less constriction (i.e., a larger traceable unobliterated area) for the slightly and mildly thick liquids compared to the moderately and extremely thick liquids (*d* ≥ 0.19, i.e., small).", "\n\n### Residue\n\nAs mentioned previously, the mode number of swallows seen per bolus was 1, regardless of consistency. ", "Consequently, residue was measured on the swallow rest frame of the initial subswallow for each bolus by convention. [", "Table 9](#T9){ref-type=\"table\"} presents descriptive statistics for residue found in the valleculae, in the pyriform sinuses, and elsewhere in the pharynx and total residue by consistency. ", "Three different conventions for measuring residue are included to facilitate the use of these data as reference values by clinicians. ", "First, for the valleculae and pyriform sinuses, residue area is expressed as a percentage of the housing area ([@bib55]). ", "Second, to provide a common reference area across all residue locations, residue area is expressed as a percentage of the squared C2--C4 length reference scalar ([@bib55]). ", "Finally, these two different ratios are combined in the Normalized Residue Ratio Scale measure for the valleculae and pyriform sites, as proposed by [@bib55]. ", "Inspection of these data shows that the upper confidence interval boundaries for total pharyngeal residue area, expressed as a percentage of the squared C2--C4 reference scalar, was only 1.46%, seen on the mildly thick liquid. ", "In other words, pharyngeal residue (in any location) was minimal in this sample of healthy adults, regardless of bolus consistency.", "\n\n###### \n\nDescriptive statistics for postswallow residue.", "\n\n Location Measurement approach Metric Thin Slightly thick Mildly thick Moderately thick Extremely thick\n --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- -------- ------ ---------------- -------------- ------------------ -----------------\n Valleculae \\% full *M* 16 19 25 12 11\n *SD* 31 33 39 26 26 \n 95% CI lower bound 10 13 18 7 6 \n 95% CI upper bound 22 26 33 17 16 \n \\% of squared C2--C4 reference scalar *M* 0.38 0.59 0.63 0.31 0.33 \n *SD* 0.83 1.22 1.02 0.67 0.78 \n 95% CI lower bound 0.21 0.35 0.43 0.17 0.17 \n 95% CI upper bound 0.54 0.82 0.83 0.44 0.48 \n Normalized Residue Ratio Scale *M* 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.02 \n *SD* 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.04 0.05 \n 95% CI lower bound 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.01 \n 95% CI upper bound 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.02 0.03 \n Pyriform sinuses \\% full *M* 1 3 4 2 2\n *SD* 5 7 7 5 4 \n 95% CI lower bound 1 2 2 1 1 \n 95% CI upper bound 2 4 5 3 3 \n \\% of squared C2--C4 reference scalar *M* 0.18 0.27 0.31 0.16 0.12 \n *SD* 0.79 0.87 0.64 0.43 0.41 \n 95% CI lower bound 0.03 0.10 0.19 0.08 0.03 \n 95% CI upper bound 0.34 0.44 0.44 0.25 0.20 \n Normalized Residue Ratio Scale *M* 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 \n *SD* 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 \n 95% CI lower bound 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 \n 95% CI upper bound 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 \n Elsewhere in the pharynx \\% of squared C2--C4 reference scalar *M* 0.08 0.18 0.17 0.11 0.08\n *SD* 0.31 0.49 0.41 0.35 0.35 \n 95% CI lower bound 0.02 0.08 0.10 0.04 0.01 \n 95% CI upper bound 0.14 0.27 0.25 0.18 0.15 \n Total (all pharyngeal areas combined) \\% of squared C2--C4 reference scalar *M* 0.68 1.04 1.15 0.57 0.55\n *SD* 1.52 1.83 1.59 0.93 1.14 \n 95% CI lower bound 0.38 0.69 0.83 0.38 0.32 \n 95% CI upper bound 0.99 1.39 1.46 0.76 0.78 \n\n*Note.*", " CI = confidence interval.", "\n\nThe distributions of residue scores were heavily skewed, regardless of consistency or measurement method, with scores of 0 (no residue) being the most common. ", "For this reason, parametric investigations of residue severity were not appropriate. ", "The data were recoded into binary scores of residue less than or equal to or greater than the 95% confidence interval upper boundary (for thin), using the percentage of the squared C2--C4 reference scalar measures. ", "Chi-square tests were used to explore the proportion of cases with residue above the upper confidence interval boundary by stimulus, beginning with the total residue area measurement. ", "This revealed significantly higher frequencies (χ^2^ = 13.35, *df* = 4, *p* = .01) of above-threshold residue area (i.e., ≥ 20% of cases) for the slightly and mildly thick liquids (24% and 31% of cases, respectively). ", "Further explorations of residue in the different locations revealed significantly higher frequencies (i.e., \\> 20% of cases) of above-threshold residue areas in the pyriform sinuses with the mildly thick consistency (24% of cases, χ^2^ = 11.28, *df* = 4, *p* = .024). ", "No significant differences in the frequency of above-threshold residue were seen across consistency for the valleculae or for pharyngeal locations other than the valleculae and pyriform sinuses.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nThis study allows us to characterize healthy swallowing of thin liquids in adults under the age of 60 years. ", "In doing so, methodological constraints must be acknowledged. ", "Several of the protocol design choices that were made in this study may differ from other studies of healthy swallowing in the literature. ", "These include\n\n- the context of taking single, comfortably sized sips (or teaspoons-full) from a cup containing 40 ml of liquid (as opposed to delivering boluses of fixed volume);\n\n- the absence of verbal cues ([@bib17]; [@bib48]); and\n\n- use of a 20% w/v barium concentration ([@bib18]; [@bib24]; [@bib66]; [@bib70]).", "\n\nAdditionally, image acquisition settings must be noted ([@bib6]; [@bib56]); studies in which timing measures are derived by counting frames in a videofluoroscopy recording are particularly vulnerable to differences in frame rate. ", "Any one of these methodological choices has the potential to influence the resulting measures and to contribute to differences in study results versus previous literature involving controlled bolus volumes (e.g., [@bib5]; [@bib11], [@bib12]; [@bib24]; [@bib25]; [@bib26]; [@bib27], [@bib28]; [@bib32]; [@bib40]; [@bib41]; [@bib45]), a cued swallow paradigm ([@bib17]; [@bib48]), higher barium concentrations (e.g., [@bib20]; [@bib23]; [@bib24]; [@bib25]; [@bib26]; [@bib27], [@bib28]; [@bib31]; [@bib32]; [@bib39], [@bib40]), or different contrast media ([@bib2]; [@bib11], [@bib12]).", "\n\nWhen designing a study involving videofluoroscopy, it is important to balance the need to limit radiation exposure against the goal of collecting a sufficient number of repetitions of each swallowing task in order to account for within-participant variability across boluses. ", "The decision to allow participants to take comfortable sips allowed us to collect three repetitions of each task while limiting the duration of the complete study. ", "Sip volumes for the thin liquid stimulus averaged 12 ml with an interquartile range of 6.69 ml. ", "These volumes fall in a similar range to those reported in other studies in which a natural sip size paradigm has been employed with thin liquid barium stimuli, both in healthy individuals ([@bib96]) and in samples of patients referred for videofluoroscopy ([@bib67]). ", "Given that the literature suggests that some physiological parameters of swallowing vary in relation to bolus volume (see [@bib46], for a review), caution is warranted when comparing the results of this study to those in which different volumes have been tested (e.g., [@bib5]; [@bib11], [@bib12]; [@bib24]; [@bib25]; [@bib26]; [@bib27], [@bib28]; [@bib32]; [@bib40]; [@bib41]; [@bib45]).", "\n\nNotwithstanding these caveats, this study suggests that healthy swallowing of low-concentration thin liquid barium can be characterized as the following:\n\n- Comfortable sip volumes typically fall in the range of 10--14 ml, consistent with previous studies ([@bib4]; [@bib67], [@bib96]).", "\n\n- A typical sip is swallowed completely in a single swallow.", "\n\n- The location of the leading edge of the bolus at the point of HYB is highly variable both within and across individuals; the bolus has reached the vallecular space or lower in the majority of cases, consistent with evidence in previous studies ([@bib24]; [@bib34]; [@bib40]; [@bib69]).", "\n\n- LVC is complete, and PAS scores of \\> 1 are unusual, consistent with previous reports ([@bib16]; [@bib24]). ", "Particular individuals may tend toward PAS scores of 2 as a pattern.", "\n\n- The sequence of pharyngeal events is stable and proceeds in the majority of cases as follows: BPM \\< HYB \\< UESO \\< UESMax \\< MPC \\< UESC. ", "The subsequences of UESO \\< UESMax and UESMax \\< UESC have previously been described as obligatory sequences in the literature ([@bib22]; [@bib27]; [@bib43]).", "\n\n- Closure of the laryngeal vestibule is closely timed with UESO, consistent with previous reports ([@bib22]; [@bib25]; [@bib27]; [@bib43]; [@bib45]).", "\n\n- Peak hyoid position, measured in the *X*, *Y*, and *XY* planes as distance from the anterior inferior corner of the C4 vertebrae, is at least 140% (*X*), 80% (*Y*), and 165% (*XY*) of the length of the C2--C4 reference scalar. ", "These values are slightly larger than those previously reported for thin liquid boluses with a mean volume of 8 ml ([@bib47]; [@bib49]).", "\n\n- MPC occurs after the point of maximum UESO and is typically complete, leaving no traceable, unobliterated space on a lateral-view videofluoroscopic image. ", "This finding is consistent with recent descriptions of swallowing in a healthy young cohort by [@bib25].", "\n\n- Finally, postswallow pharyngeal residue is minimal (i.e., \\< 1% of the squared C2--C4 reference scalar); this finding is also consistent with the recent study by Jardine et al.", "\n\nWith these characteristics established, it is possible to explore systematic variations in swallowing according to task or in specific populations, such as healthy seniors or individuals referred for swallowing evaluation. ", "The primary aim of the current study was to measure bolus flow and swallowing physiology across the range from thin to extremely thick liquids to illustrate the influence of thicker bolus consistencies on swallowing in healthy adults. ", "Again, methodological constraints must be acknowledged; foremost among these are the decision to use natural sip sizes rather than fixed bolus volumes, the fact that the blocks of stimulus consistency were delivered in a fixed order of increasing thickness (such that order effects cannot be ruled out), and the decision to use an array of xanthan gum--thickened liquids. ", "The results of this study should not be generalized to liquids thickened with different thickeners until evidence to support such extrapolation has been established, controlling for differences in viscosity or gravity flow across liquids thickened with different products. ", "Acknowledging this limitation, this study suggests that the following patterns may be expected with thickened liquids in healthy adults under the age of 60 years:\n\n- Smaller sip volumes are seen for slightly and mildly thick liquids compared to thin liquids.", "\n\n- Even smaller sip volumes are seen with teaspoon administration of moderately and extremely thick liquids.", "\n\n- Multiple swallows per bolus are not typical for thicker liquids.", "\n\n- Slower bolus flow is seen with moderately and extremely thick liquids, leading to longer Swallow Reaction Time measures and a trend toward a higher bolus location at swallow onset.", "\n\n- LVC is complete.", "\n\n- LVC Reaction Time is shorter with moderately and extremely thick liquids; in combination with the longer Swallow Reaction Times mentioned above, this suggests a later HYB movement and faster achievement of LVC once the HYB begins.", "\n\n- The risk of PAS scores of \\> 2 is lower than with thin liquids.", "\n\n- There is no difference in sequencing of pharyngeal or laryngeal vestibule events compared to the sequences seen with thin liquids.", "\n\n- No differences in timing measures of HYB to UESO or of UESO duration should be expected with thicker liquids (rather, differences in these timing measures are better explained by bolus volume).", "\n\n- There are no differences in peak hyoid position with thicker liquids.", "\n\n- A reduction in UESMax opening is seen for slightly and mildly thick liquids compared to thin liquids.", "\n\n- MPC remains complete and is unaffected by liquid consistency.", "\n\n- Postswallow residue remains extremely rare, but a small increase in the frequency of residue (with an upper boundary of 1% of the squared C2--C4 reference scalar) is seen with slightly and mildly thick liquids.", "\n\nThe current data do not provide clear evidence of boundaries along the consistency continuum where specific changes in swallowing behavior can be expected. ", "As a rule, the effects of slightly and mildly thick liquids clustered together compared to thin liquids, and the effects of moderately and extremely thick liquids clustered together compared to the thinner consistencies. ", "Of course, it remains to be determined whether incremental thickening has a similar or different pattern of effect in people with dysphagia. ", "Evidence from the current study regarding the particular parameters or mechanisms that display responsiveness to thickening may serve to inform treatment decisions and future research hypotheses.", "\n\nWe have decided to use frames as the primary unit of measure for reporting timing measures in this study (see [Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Although several previous studies in the literature have reported timing measures in milliseconds, it must be recognized that these measures are typically derived from frame counts or from time code generators that display time in milliseconds on the capture monitor. ", "As such, the minimum resolution of time for videofluoroscopic studies of swallowing behavior is defined by the image acquisition rate of the videofluoroscopy machine and recording system. ", "In [Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}, we have provided the frame-based timing measures into milliseconds, noting that these measures were derived using a calculation of 29.975 frames/s. A further issue related to the units used for reporting timing measures arises in the calculation of descriptive statistics across a group of participants or across task repetitions. ", "In [Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}, we have included two decimal places when reporting timing measures in frames; however, it must be recognized that there is no interpretable meaning to fractions of a frame. ", "A poignant illustration of this issue arises when considering the typical latencies between events that occur very close together in time. ", "As noted in the Results section, some events were found to typically occur within one frame of each other, and in these cases, redundancy was reduced by choosing one of the two events as the event of record for sequencing or latency measures. ", "The interval from the frame of LVC until the frame of UESO is an example, for which the average time difference across the thin liquid boluses in our data set was calculated as −1.4 frames (i.e., −46 ms), with 95% CI \\[−2.2, −0.6\\] (i.e., −73 to −20 ms). ", "Closer inspection of these data shows that UESO and LVC occurred simultaneously on 9% of the thin boluses in this data set. ", "In the majority of cases (i.e., 69%), UESO preceded LVC with the mean time difference being 3.8 frames (i.e., 125 ms). ", "This detail helps to explain the corresponding finding that the head of the bolus was noted to already be in the UES on the frame of LVC in 80.4% of cases, as shown in [Table 5](#T5){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "The reverse sequence, with LVC occurring prior to UESO, was seen in 21% of cases, with an average time difference of 3.2 frames (i.e., 106 ms). ", "Measures of central tendency for latency measures that are very small must be recognized to reflect a distribution that falls on either side of the simultaneous midline, and here, the inclusion of decimal places in frame-based timing measure reporting points to trends in the frequency distribution of event sequencing.", "\n\nA limitation of the current data set is the fact that differences in sip volume were seen across the different consistencies, making it difficult to differentiate the effects of sip size from consistency. ", "Although some of the statistical results favor one explanation over another, caution should be exercised regarding these findings, and it should be noted that both characteristics of the stimuli in this study represent regions or point estimates along continua rather than a representative sample of points along a broad distribution. ", "The consistency--sip volume confound occurred as a result of the protocol decision to allow participants to take comfortable sips and the necessity of using a spoon to deliver the thicker consistencies. ", "Future studies in which sip size is controlled and experimentally manipulated will be needed to tease these two factors apart.", "\n\nConclusions\n===========\n\nIn this study, we provide a comprehensive description of the characteristics of swallowing in healthy adults, under the age of 60 years, across the consistency range from thin to extremely thick liquids. ", "These data represent new reference values, to which data using different stimuli or collected in different populations can be compared. ", "By adhering strictly to a standard operating procedure and obtaining all measures in duplicate from independent raters, we have been able to achieve high levels of agreement for all parameters. ", "In cases where ratings disagreed, these were resolved using a consensus review. ", "The resulting statistics include confidence intervals, which should help clinicians to discern specific pathophysiological mechanisms that contribute to impaired swallowing safety or efficiency during clinical videofluoroscopy examinations.", "\n\nFunding for this study was provided through an RO1 grant from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (Grant DC011020) to the first author. ", "The authors gratefully acknowledge input from Ben Hanson, Lisa Duizer, David James, Julie Cichero, and Peter Lam regarding study design and stimulus development.", "\n\n**Author Contributions:** Catriona Steele was the principal investigator for the project and was responsible for project design, statistical analysis, and article writing. ", "Melanie Peladeau-Pigeon, Carly Barbon, Brittany Guida, Ashwini Namasivayam-MacDonald, Weslania Nascimento, Sana Smaoui, Melanie Tapson, Teresa Valenzano, Ashley Waito, and Talia Wolkin were responsible for participant recruitment, swallowing data collection, signal processing, videofluoroscopy rating, and article editing.", "\n\nAdditional Details Regarding the ASPEKT Videofluoroscopy Rating Method (Analysis of Swallowing Physiology: Events, Kinematics and Timing) Used for the Study \"Reference Values for Healthy Swallowing Across the Range From Thin to Extremely Thick Liquids\"\n============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================\n\nThe ASPEKT method has been developed in the Swallowing Rehabilitation Research Laboratory at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network, as a standard operating procedure for objective rating of videofluoroscopies (videofluoroscopic swallowing study \\[VFSS\\]) for research and involves the following steps:\n\n**1. ", "VFSS Recording Review and Clipping**\n\nPrior to rating each VFSS recording, each full-length recording is reviewed to identify the time codes associated with onset/offset of the x-ray for each sip or bolus contained in the recording. ", "The boundaries identified are then used to splice the original full-length recording into smaller video clips, each containing the swallows associated with a single bolus. ", "These boundaries are entered into a spreadsheet, which is then passed to MATLAB for video clipping. ", "The spliced bolus-level video clips, with no audio track, are labeled with a random file number, with the master key retained in a file on the lab research server. ", "Bolus level video clips are generated in sets of 150, which are referred to as *batches* of videos.", "\n\n**2. ", "Video Rating Assignment**\n\nEach bolus level video clip is randomly assigned to two raters. ", "Raters have previously completed a training program and demonstrated competency in all required rating procedures.", "\n\n**3. ", "Computer Setup and Software**\n\nRaters are provided a computer with Windows 7 (or later) operating system and two monitors (one for video viewing and another for data entry). ", "The 64-bit ImageJ software (National Institutes of Health, <https://imagej.nih.gov>) is used to review each bolus-level video clip. ", "ImageJ allows the users to view the videos in real time as well as frame by frame (forward frame advancement as well as backward, if this is helpful). ", "Raters are given the freedom to review the video clips as many times as they wish. ", "Raters are instructed to avoid ImageJ contrast adjustment and enhancement tools.", "\n\n**4. ", "Overview of the Parameters Rated**\n\n[Figure A1](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}, below, provides an overview of the different parameters that can be collected using the ASPEKT method.", "\n\n![", "Overview of the ASPEKT rating method.](JSLHR-62-1338-i001){#F5}\n\n**5. ", "Counting the Number of Swallows for Each Bolus (ASPEKT Method Step 2)**\n\na\\. The rater is asked to review the entire bolus-level video clip and to identify the number of swallow(s). ", "The following components must be present in order to consider a \"swallow\" to have occurred: (a) at least one of laryngeal elevation, hyoid excursion, and/or pharyngeal constriction and (b) upper esophageal sphincter opening (UESO). ", "The term *subswallows* is used to refer to individual swallows when there is more than one swallow per bolus.", "\n\nb\\. Subswallows are further qualitatively classified as initial (the first subswallow in the series), piecemeal (a higher order subswallow in which additional material is transported from the oral cavity), or clearing (a higher order swallow of pharyngeal residue with no additional material added from the oral cavity) swallows.", "\n\n**6. ", "Rating Penetration--Aspiration (ASPEKT Method Step 3)**\n\n*a. Swallow Level Results*\n\nAirway invasion is rated for each and every subswallow using the 8-point Penetration--Aspiration Scale (PAS; [@bib61]):\n\n  1 = *Material does not enter the airway*.", "\n\n  2 = *Material enters the airway, remains above the vocal folds, and is ejected from the airway*.", "\n\n  3 = *Material enters the airway, remains above the vocal folds, and is not ejected from the airway*.", "\n\n  4 = *Material enters the airway, contacts the vocal folds, and is ejected from the airway*.", "\n\n  5 = *Material enters the airway, contacts the vocal folds, and is not ejected from the airway*.", "\n\n  6 = *Material enters the airway, passes below the vocal folds, and is ejected into the larynx or out of the airway*.", "\n\n  7 = *Material enters the airway, passes below the vocal folds, and is not ejected from the trachea despite effort*.", "\n\n  8 = *Material enters the airway and passes below the vocal folds, and no effort is made to eject*.", "\n\nRaters are instructed that they should only score new material entering the airway on each subswallow. ", "In the case of scores of 3, 5, 6, 7, or 8 (indicating airway invasion without ejection out of the laryngeal vestibule), the frame of bolus entry into the laryngeal vestibule is documented to enable subsequent evaluation of the timing of airway invasion relative to laryngeal vestibule closure (LVC).", "\n\n*b. Amount of Material Entering the Airway*\n\nThe amount of material entering the airway is coded subjectively as 0 (*none*), 1 (*trace*), or 2 (*more than trace*).", "\n\n*c. Bolus-Level Summary Results for Penetration and Aspiration*\n\nBolus-level results are derived based on the highest PAS score seen across the series of subswallows for that bolus. ", "In addition, if a previous PAS event is noted to evolve across subsequent, higher order subswallows for the same bolus (i.e., worsen or recover to a higher position in the airway), this is noted in the rating comments.", "\n\n**7. ", "Event Timing (ASPEKT Method Step 4)**\n\nIn order to facilitate the calculation of timing measures, raters are asked to record the frame numbers at which a series of key events occurs. ", "The list of events is chosen on a study-by-study basis, and there is room for additional events to be added to the master list in the future. ", "For the current study, the following operational definitions were used to define the events of interest:\n\na\\. *Bolus passing mandible (BPM)*: the first frame where the leading edge of the bolus touches or crosses the shadow of the ramus of mandible. ", "In cases where the bolus was considered to have escaped prematurely from the mouth into the pharynx, the first frame showing bolus material at or below the ramus of mandible was counted as the BPM frame. ", "When a double mandible shadow was seen on the lateral view image, the lower edge of the more superior ramus was used as the landmark.", "\n\nb\\. *Onset of the hyoid burst (HYB)*: the first anterior--superior \"jump\" of the hyoid that is associated with a swallow. ", "This event has previously been referred to using the terminology *onset of maximal hyoid excursion* or *onset of the pharyngeal response* ([@bib59]).", "\n\nc\\. *LVC*: the first frame showing contact between the arytenoid process and the inferior surface of the epiglottis. ", "In cases where there is no contact, the frame of maximum approximation of the arytenoid process to the inferior surface of the epiglottis is used, and the term *laryngeal vestibule approximation* is used instead of LVC.", "\n\nd\\. *UESO*: the first frame where the leading edge of the bolus (or, in rare cases, air) passes through the upper esophageal sphincter (UES). ", "The UES is a narrow segment or region that typically lies between C4 and C6; the narrowest opening seen between C4 and C6 during a swallow is marked as the location of the sphincter ([@bib78]). ", "In addition, recognizing that the UES moves superiorly during the swallow ([@bib77]), the narrowest portion may be located above C4. ", "The superior boundary of the tracheal air column can be used as a guide to decide where the location of the UES is during pharyngeal shortening. ", "The specific location chosen for measurement is judged subjectively by the rater, and subsequent interrater agreement comparisons serve to flag cases where the chosen location may differ across raters and require review.", "\n\ne\\. *Maximum UES distension (UESMax)*: the frame where the UESO has the widest width (i.e., diameter), judged perpendicular to the cervical spine on a lateral-view fluoroscopy image.", "\n\nf\\. *Maximum pharyngeal constriction (MPC)*: the earliest frame showing maximum obliteration of the space in the pharynx. ", "This event must occur before the upper pharynx begins to relax and before the tracheal air column begins to descend.", "\n\ng\\. *UES closure (UESC)*: the first frame where the UES achieves closure behind the bolus tail. ", "This does not require closure of the entire UES segment, simply closure at a single point along the segment.", "\n\nh\\. *LVCOff*: the first frame where there is visible opening (white space) of the laryngeal vestibule. ", "This requires some separation of the tissues or of the arytenoids from the inferior surface of the epiglottis, but complete opening is not required. ", "The leaf of the epiglottis may still be in a downward position. ", "This event cannot be identified in cases of incomplete LVC.", "\n\ni\\. *Swallow rest*: the terminal event of each swallow, identified as the first frame showing the pyriform sinuses at their lowest position, relative to the spine, prior to any hyoid burst or laryngeal elevation for a subsequent subswallow. ", "For the terminal subswallow, this event is further defined as occurring within 30 frames (approximately 1 s) of UESC, prior to any nonswallow events such as coughing, talking, or UES reopening.", "\n\n**8. ", "Judging the Completeness of LVC (ASPEKT Method Step 4c)**\n\nThe frame of LVC (or laryngeal vestibule approximation) is reviewed, and the rater judges whether closure is complete (or incomplete). ", "A rating of \"complete\" requires a seal between the epiglottis and the arytenoids, leaving no visible airspace.", "\n\n**9. ", "Ordinal Ratings of Bolus Location on Key Event Frames (ASPEKT Method Step 5)**\n\nThe location of the leading edge of the bolus is recorded on key frames during the pharyngeal swallow. ", "For this study, bolus location was tracked on the frames of HYB and LVC.", "\n\na\\. Bolus location at swallow onset (i.e., on the frame of HYB)\n\n On the frame of HYB, the scoring convention recommended in the MBSImp was used ([@bib83]): A score of 0 was assigned when the leading edge of the bolus head was in the region of the posterior angle of the ramus and back of the tongue, a score of 1 was assigned when the bolus head had reached the pit of the valleculae, a score of 2 was given when the bolus head was at the posterior laryngeal surface of the epiglottis, a score of 3 was given when the bolus head was in the pyriform sinus (i.e., inferior to the arytenoids), and a score of 4 was given when there was no appreciable swallow initiation at any bolus location.", "\n\nb\\. Bolus location at LVC\n\n For scores of bolus location at the time of LVC, the scale was extended as follows: 0 = *bolus head in the oral cavity or at the posterior angle of ramus*, 1 = *bolus head at the vallecular pit*, 2 = *bolus head at the posterior laryngeal surface of epiglottis*, 3 = *bolus head at the level of the pyriform sinuses*, 4 = *bolus head in the UES*, and 5 = *no appreciable swallow initiation*.", "\n\n**10. ", "Pixel-Based Tracing of Structural Movement of Area (ASPEKT Method Steps 6--8)**\n\nImageJ allows for the measurement of structural position, movement, or area on radiographic images. ", "In the ASPEKT method, pixel-based tracing is performed to capture spatial information regarding hyoid position and movement, pharyngeal area, and UESO. ", "All of these measures are made in a coordinate system for which the C2--C4 cervical spine serves as the *y*-axis, with the origin located at the anterior inferior corner of C4, and for which the *x*-axis is derived perpendicular to the *y*-axis (see [Figure A2](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Image showing the coordinate system used for pixel-based measurements, with the origin located at the anterior--inferior corner of the C4 vertebra, the *y*-axis defined by the C2--C4 cervical spine, and the *x*-axis derived at 90° to the *y*-axis. ", "The red dashed line between the anterior--inferior corners of the C2 and C4 vertebrae is used as an anatomical reference scalar.](JSLHR-62-1338-i002){#F6}\n\nIn addition, all pixel-based measures in the ASPEKT are derived in anatomically scaled units ([@bib47]; [@bib88]). ", "Derivation in millimeters would be possible, if a radio-opaque scalar reference of known size was placed on the patient in the field of view. ", "A coin has been used by previous researchers for this purpose ([@bib81]). ", "However, studies have shown that height differences between men and women explain a significant amount of sex-based variation in hyoid movement measured in millimeters, suggesting that structural movements in swallowing may differ based on the length and size of the pharynx ([@bib47]). ", "For this reason, anatomical scalars are used in the ASPEKT method. ", "The preferred scalar is a straight line running from the anterior--inferior corner of the C2 vertebra down to the anterior--inferior corner of the C4 vertebra. ", "In cases where the cervical spine is altered through degeneration, abnormal curvature, or the presence of hardware, measurement of the anterior--posterior length of the vocal folds is recommended as an alternative. ", "This alternative measure, sometimes called *tracheal width*, has been used in imaging studies of primate vocal tract evolution and speech production as a reference scalar ([@bib73]; [@bib74]; [@bib75]; [@bib93]) and has been shown to have a similar relationship to participant height as cervical spine scalars ([@bib47]). ", "Explorations across a large number of videofluoroscopies in our lab suggest that the vocal fold length measure corresponds closely to half of the C2--C4 cervical spine scalar.", "\n\na.Measures of Hyoid Position (ASPEKT Method Step 6)\n\n Hyoid position is measured as distance from the anterior--inferior corner of C4. ", "Measurements are taken in the anterior (*X*) and superior (*Y*) planes. ", "The *XY* hypotenuse position is then derived using the Pythagorean theorem. ", "This procedure can be performed on any frame of interest. ", "For the current study, hyoid position was tracked frame by frame, beginning five frames prior to the HYB frame until approximately five frames after the beginning of hyoid descent from peak position. ", "A MATLAB algorithm was then used to search through the series of hyoid position measures to confirm the frames of peak position in each plane (*X*, *Y*, and *XY*). ", "In the case of a plateau in hyoid movement at its peak position, the first frame at peak position was used. ", "In the example shown in [Figure A3](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}, the yellow triangle shows the three planes in which hyoid peak position is measured (as distance from the anterior--inferior corner of C4), relative to the green dashed line, which represents the C2--C4 reference scalar (i.e., one cervical unit). ", "The position of the hyoid in this image is 1.23 cervical units (i.e., 123% of the scalar) anterior to the C4 origin along the *x*-axis, 0.88 cervical units superior to the C4 origin along the *y*-axis, and 1.55 cervical units away from the C4 origin along the *XY* hypotenuse. ", "Additional instructions regarding the measurement of hyoid movement using ImageJ, together with a spreadsheet for calculating anatomically scaled measures, can be found at <http://steeleswallowinglab.ca/srrl/best-practice/hyoid-movement/>.", "\n\n![", "Image showing measurement of peak hyoid position in *X*, *Y*, and *XY* planes of movement relative to the anterior--inferior corner of the C4 vertebra. ", "The red dashed line between the anterior--inferior corners of the C2 and C4 vertebra is used as an anatomical reference scalar.](JSLHR-62-1338-i003){#F7}\n\nb.Measures of Hyoid Displacement and Kinematics (ASPEKT Method Step 6c)\n\nFor the current study, the hyoid parameter of interest was peak hyoid position, as described above. ", "Measurement of hyoid displacement (i.e., change in position between two frames of interest) is also possible. ", "In addition, the hyoid position histories that are captured through frame-by-frame tracing can be used to identify durations of hyoid movement between key frames and to calculate velocities and peak velocities ([@bib48]; [@bib86]).", "\n\nc.Measures of UESO (ASPEKT Method Step 7a)\n\nThe ImageJ line tool is used to trace the diameter of UESO on the UESMax frame. ", "In the example shown in [Figure A4](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"}, the yellow line represents the UES diameter measure, and the green dashed line represents the C2--C4 reference scalar (i.e., one cervical unit). ", "The UES diameter line measures 0.32 cervical units in length or 32% of the reference scalar.", "\n\n![", "Image showing measurement of the maximum upper esophageal sphincter distension. ", "The red dashed line between the anterior--inferior corners of the C2 and C4 vertebrae is used as an anatomical reference scalar.](JSLHR-62-1338-i004){#F8}\n\nd.Measures of Pharyngeal Area (ASPEKT Method Steps 7b and 7c)\n\nFor the current study, it was of interest to measure the area of the pharynx at rest and on the frame of MPC. ", "Area measures made using the ImageJ tool are expressed relative to the squared C2--C4 reference area ([@bib95]). ", "The boundaries of the pharynx are defined to include all space above the UES, below the top of C2, posterior to the arytenoids, base of the tongue, and pharyngeal surface of the epiglottis and anterior to the posterior pharyngeal wall. ", "This is illustrated in [Figure A5](#F9){ref-type=\"fig\"}, in which the red dashed square shows the squared C2--C4 reference scalar and the yellow outline shows the boundaries of the area of the pharynx. ", "In this example, the pharyngeal area measure is 103% of the size of the squared reference area. ", "It should be noted that the boundaries of the pharynx in the ASPEKT measurement approach differ from the boundaries used by [@bib79] by excluding the nasopharynx and the laryngeal vestibule.", "\n\n![", "Image showing measurement of the pharyngeal area at rest. ", "The red dashed lines illustrate the squared C2 and C4 reference area that is used as an anatomical reference scalar.](JSLHR-62-1338-i005){#F9}\n\nOur convention is to use the anatomically normalized pharyngeal area measure on the MPC frame to represent the degree of pharyngeal constriction seen during a swallow. ", "Calculation of a pharyngeal constriction ratio, by dividing the pharyngeal area at constriction by the pharyngeal area at rest, is also possible ([@bib79]). ", "It should be noted that the frame selected for measurement of the pharyngeal area at rest in the ASPEKT method is the swallow rest frame at the end of the swallow, whereas the frame used by Leonard et al. ", "is a static frame at the beginning of the videofluoroscopy procedure, in which a 1-ml thin liquid bolus is held in the mouth. ", "As shown in [Figure A6](#F10){ref-type=\"fig\"}, the traceable unobliterated area of the pharynx, shown by the yellow outline, has an area that measures 4% of the red dashed square reference area and would yield a pharyngeal constriction ratio measure of 3.8% compared to the pharyngeal area measured in [Figure A5](#F9){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\n![", "Image showing measurement of the unobligated pharyngeal area on the frame of maximum pharyngeal constriction. ", "The red dashed lines illustrate the squared C2 and C4 reference area that is used as an anatomical reference scalar.](JSLHR-62-1338-i006){#F10}\n\n**11. ", "Measures of Residue Severity (ASPEKT Method Step 8)**\n\nPostswallow residue can be measured in a variety of ways. ", "Ordinal ratings, using 3- or 4-point scales, are commonly used in the literature ([@bib76]; [@bib91]) but show limited sensitivity to change in treatment outcome studies ([@bib82]; [@bib91]; [@bib66]). ", "Other authors have proposed measurements of residue for which the percentage of the bolus remaining in the pharynx is judged perceptually ([@bib89]) or measured relative to a frame showing the complete bolus in the pharynx ([@bib80]). ", "For the current study, and as part of the ASPEKT method, residue severity was measured on the \"swallow rest\" frame in a manner similar to the pixel-based measures of area described above. ", "Residue can be measured in various locations. ", "For the current study, residue was measured separately in the valleculae, in the pyriform sinuses, and elsewhere within the pharynx. ", "Pixel-based tracing allows for the calculation of lateral-view residue area relative to the lateral-view area of the spatial housing, expressed as percent full. ", "By convention, the upper boundaries for tracing the spatial housing of the valleculae and the pyriform sinuses are defined as the apex of the epiglottic leaf and the apex of the arytenoid process, respectively, with these lines drawn perpendicular to the spine. ", "Alternatively, residue area can be expressed relative to the squared C2--C4 reference scalar. ", "Finally, these different approaches can be combined to calculate the Normalized Residue Ratio Scale (NRRS) measure ([@bib55]). ", "Additional instructions regarding the NRRS and residue measurement using ImageJ, together with a spreadsheet for calculating anatomically scaled measures, can be found at <http://steeleswallowinglab.ca/srrl/best-practice/nrrs-residue/>.", "\n\nThe NRRS measure does not provide a conceptually interpretable unit and does not easily allow for the summation of total pharyngeal residue, given that the area of the spatial housing for residue that falls outside the valleculae and pyriform sinuses is not easily defined. ", "Therefore, in order to appreciate the severity of total pharyngeal residue, we recommend expressing the sum of all residue areas relative to the squared C2--C4 reference scalar.", "\n\nResidue measurement is illustrated in [Figures A7](#F11){ref-type=\"fig\"}, [A8](#F12){ref-type=\"fig\"}, and [A9](#F13){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "In Figure A7, the frame of swallow rest is shown, with residue seen in both the valleculae and pyriform sinuses. ", "In Figure A8, the ImageJ tracings for residue measurement in the valleculae and pyriform sinuses are shown. ", "The residue in each space is outlined in yellow, and the spatial housing areas are shown in white. ", "The squared C2--C4 reference scalar is shown by the red dashed lines. ", "In this example, the ratio of the vallecular residue to the vallecular housing area provides a measure of 64% full, which translates to 19% of the squared C2--C4 reference scalar and an NRRSv score of 0.68. ", "The ratio of the pyriform sinus residue to its housing area yields a measure of 74% full, translating to 25% of the squared C2--C4 reference scalar and an NRRSp score of 1.04. ", "In addition to residue in these spaces, Figure A7 shows some residue in the pharynx, between the valleculae and pyriform sinuses. ", "This \"extra\" residue is traced in [Figure A9](#F13){ref-type=\"fig\"} and occupies 5% of the C2--C4^2^ reference scalar. ", "The total pharyngeal residue area can be expressed as the sum of the three measured areas (vallecular, pyriform, and extra residue), translating to 49% of the C2--C4^2^ reference scalar.", "\n\n![", "Image of a swallow rest frame with residue located in both the valleculae and pyriform sinuses.](JSLHR-62-1338-i007){#F11}\n\n![", "Tracings of residue area relative to spatial housing in the valleculae and pyriform sinuses. ", "Residue area can also be expressed relative to the squared C2--C4 reference scalar illustrated by the red dashed lines.](JSLHR-62-1338-i008){#F12}\n\n![", "Tracing of additional residue in the area between the valleculae and pyriform sinuses. ", "Tracings of additional residue can be added to tracings of vallecular and pyriform sinus residue for a total pharyngeal area measure, with all subcomponents expressed relative to the squared C2--C4 reference scalar illustrated by the red dashed lines.](JSLHR-62-1338-i009){#F13}\n\n**12. ", "Interrater Agreement**\n\nMany studies in the dysphagia literature have reported poor interrater agreement for videofluoroscopy rating. ", "In order for ASPEKT method ratings to be useful for research or in the clinical identification of swallowing pathophysiology, it is critical that good interrater and intrarater agreement can be established. ", "Checking agreement is a key part of the ASPEKT method and occurs at two key time points in the process. ", "First, agreement for ratings of the number of swallows, penetration--aspiration, and event timing is inspected at the end of the event identification phase (Step 4). ", "This ensures that the frames that are carried forward for ordinal or pixel-based ratings are confirmed and that these subsequent measurements are made on identical frames by different raters. ", "After a set of initial ratings has been made independently by two raters, an Excel macro program is run to inspect them for agreement and identify cases that require discrepancy resolution. ", "Strict criteria are used to handle discrepancies between raters. ", "Any difference (of any magnitude) in ratings of the number of swallows per bolus, PAS scores, LVC (complete/incomplete), or bolus location at swallow onset is sent to a consensus meeting for resolution. ", "For timing measures, any difference of more than five frames between raters regarding the frame at which key events occurred is sent for resolution. ", "Consensus meetings are attended by a minimum of three trained raters and involve review, repeat measurement, and debate regarding the discrepant ratings until consensus is achieved. ", "In cases where ratings are in close enough agreement to not require resolution, a priori rules guide selection of the frame of record. ", "For event timing, where discrepancies are five frames or less, the earlier frame is used as the frame of record for the timing of penetration--aspiration events, BPM, HYB, LVC, and UESO, whereas the later frame is used as the frame of record for MPC, UESMax, UESC, LVCoff, and swallow rest. ", "Once discrepancies are resolved, the sequence of events can be derived and timing intervals between events are calculated.", "\n\nIn the current study, thresholds for differences in pixel-based measurement that required resolution were set on a parameter-by-parameter basis, using the 95% confidence interval upper boundary of rater differences from a previous data set. ", "The thresholds were as follows: normalized UES diameter differences \\> 0.08, normalized measures of pharyngeal area at rest \\> 0.2, normalized measures of MPC \\> 0.16, and NRRS measures \\> 0.1 for the valleculae and \\> 0.22 for the pyriform sinuses. ", "Each of these measures is further explained below. ", "Where rater differences did not require resolution, the smaller of the two rating values was taken as the rating of record. ", "In the absence of a historical data set for a rating team, upon which to base the decision about the need for discrepancy resolution of pixel-based measures, we recommend reviewing cases for which the ratio of the larger value to the smaller value exceeds a value of 1.6.", "\n\nFor the current study, interrater agreement for the initial ratings (i.e., before discrepancy resolution) was strong for all types of measures:\n\na\\. For the number of swallows per bolus, absolute agreement was achieved in 97.9% of cases, with a Fleiss κ of .938 (95% CI \\[.893, .983\\]).", "\n\nb\\. For PAS scores, absolute agreement was found in 94% of cases, with 4.5% of cases differing by 1 point on the 8-point Penetration--Aspiration Scale and 1% of cases differing by more than 1 point. ", "The Fleiss κ score was .338, suggesting fair agreement prior to the resolution of discrepancies by consensus (95% CI \\[.296, .379\\]).", "\n\nc\\. For the identification of frame numbers corresponding to key events in the swallowing sequence, a mean absolute difference of 1.6 frames was found (95% CI \\[1.5, 1.7\\]), with an intraclass coefficient of 1 (95% CI \\[1, 1\\]).", "\n\nd\\. For the binary categorical rating of LVC being complete or incomplete, absolute agreement was seen for 96.6% of the boluses in the data set, with a Fleiss κ of .926 (95% CI \\[.882, .97\\]).", "\n\ne\\. For the ordinal rating measures of bolus location, absolute agreement was seen in 72% of cases, with 20% of cases differing by one level and 8% of cases differing by more than one level and with a moderate Fleiss κ of .563 (95% CI \\[.544, .582\\]).", "\n\nf\\. For pixel-based measures of distance or length, a mean difference of 4.3 pixels (95% CI \\[4.08, 4.57\\]) and an intraclass coefficient of .972 (95% CI \\[.97, .973\\]).", "\n\ng\\. For pixel-based measures of area, a mean difference of 181.5 pixels^2^ (95% CI \\[174, 189\\]) and an intraclass coefficient of .965 (95% CI \\[.964, .967\\]).", "\n\n[^1]: ***Disclosure:** The first author (C. M. S.) serves on the board of directors for the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI), which established the gravity flow levels for liquid classification that were used in this study. ", "The co-chairs of the IDDSI board of directors provided input regarding the initial study questions, but IDDSI was not involved in data collection, analysis, or preparation of the article. ", "The first author has also served as an expert panelist and principal investigator for a different study conducted by Nestlé Health Science, the manufacturer of the thickeners used in this study. ", "Nestlé Health Science was not involved in the research described in this article.*", "\n\n[^2]: Editor-in-Chief: Julie Liss\n\n[^3]: Editor: Michelle Ciucci\n" ]
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0.02027027027027027, 0.004048582995951417, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0.00398406374501992, 0.008130081300813009, 0.008771929824561403, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0, 0.006666666666666667, 0.0020026702269692926, 0, 0.004166666666666667, 0.004901960784313725, 0.004784688995215311, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007518796992481203, 0, 0.0009775171065493646, 0, 0, 0, 0.0044444444444444444, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0.005780346820809248, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0, 0, 0.0007762468464971861, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0, 0.005434782608695652, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0.008620689655172414, 0.04794520547945205, 0, 0, 0, 0.007434944237918215, 0.03350515463917526, 0.010344827586206896, 0, 0.013745704467353952, 0.03508771929824561, 0, 0.006896551724137931, 0.02531645569620253, 0.0392156862745098, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0.006211180124223602, 0.009615384615384616, 0.005494505494505495, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0, 0.010050251256281407, 0, 0, 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0.0055248618784530384, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0, 0, 0.007380073800738007, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0.003484320557491289, 0.014925373134328358, 0, 0, 0.015527950310559006, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.006097560975609756, 0, 0.003278688524590164, 0, 0.0041841004184100415, 0, 0, 0.006097560975609756, 0, 0.008658008658008658, 0.023809523809523808, 0.0049261083743842365, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0, 0.00303951367781155, 0.008849557522123894, 0.00423728813559322, 0, 0, 0.005263157894736842, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0.003205128205128205, 0.006369426751592357, 0.00975609756097561, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.024752475247524754, 0.00851063829787234, 0.005319148936170213, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0.00423728813559322, 0.0036231884057971015, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007462686567164179, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009852216748768473, 0, 0, 0, 0.01718213058419244, 0, 0, 0.004, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015037593984962405, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0.007905138339920948, 0.005847953216374269, 0.006211180124223602, 0.007782101167315175, 0, 0.005128205128205128, 0.012195121951219513, 0.029850746268656716 ]
[ "[Increasing suicides of psychiatric inpatients: reality or artefact? (", "author's transl)].", "\nIn several countries the suicide rate for psychiatric inpatients has increased more than that for admissions and suicides in the general population. ", "This was also the case in our clinic. ", "This hypothesis was tested: today, because of more liberal management, suicides are committed during hospitalization that in an earlier and more restrictive age would have taken place after discharge. ", "All suicides taking place 1960-1979 in the clinic's main catchment area were examined for previous hospitalization. ", "The hypothesis was not supported. ", "Over twenty years neither the suicide cases nor all discharged patients changed significantly in distribution of age, sex, number of previous admissions, duration of hospitalization, or diagnosis. ", "Therefore, none of these variables explain the increase. ", "In both decades, on the other hand, patients that committed suicide during their stay at the clinic had been hospitalized longer; those that committed suicide within three months after discharge had been hospitalized for a shorter time than the sum of discharged patients. ", "Among the suicides that occurred after discharge, the percentage of depressives and addicts was higher and the percentage of schizophrenic patients was smaller than among all discharged patients. ", "A change in patient management (more time off, more working outside, more open wards) has preceded the increase in suicides; medical staff, however, has doubled over the decades considered here. ", "Rising pressure for resocialization to avoid hospitalism may heighten suicidal behavior. ", "Preventive measures are discussed." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Makroekonominio disbalanso prevencija ir naikinimas - Perviršinio deficito procedūros įgyvendinimas - Valstybių narių biudžeto sistemų reikalavimai - Biudžeto priežiūra euro zonoje - Biudžeto būklės priežiūra ir ekonominės politikos priežiūra bei koordinavimas - Vykdymo užtikrinimo priemonės, skirtos perviršiniam makroekonominiam disbalansui naikinti euro zonoje (diskusijos) \nPirmininkas\nKitas klausimas - bendros diskusijos dėl tokių pranešimų:\n, pranešėja E. Ferreira, Ekonomikos ir pinigų politikos komiteto vardu, dėl pasiūlymo dėl Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos reglamento dėl makroekonominio disbalanso prevencijos ir naikinimo_-_C7-0301/2010 -\n, pranešėjas D. Feio, Ekonomikos ir pinigų politikos komiteto vardu, dėl pasiūlymo dėl Tarybos reglamento, kuriuo iš dalies keičiamas Reglamentas (EB) Nr. ", "1467/97 dėl perviršinio deficito procedūros įgyvendinimo paspartinimo ir paaiškinimo -\n, pranešėja V. Ford, Ekonomikos ir pinigų politikos komiteto vardu, dėl pasiūlymo dėl Tarybos direktyvos dėl valstybių narių biudžeto sistemų reikalavimų - 2010/0277(NLE)]\n, pranešėja S. Goulard, Ekonomikos ir pinigų politikos komiteto vardu, dėl pasiūlymo dėl Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos reglamento dėl veiksmingo biudžeto priežiūros vykdymo užtikrinimo euro zonoje - C7-0298/2010 -\n, pranešėja C. Wortmann-Kool, Ekonomikos ir pinigų politikos komiteto vardu, dėl pasiūlymo dėl Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos reglamento, kuriuo iš dalies keičiamas Reglamentas (EB) Nr. ", "1466/97 dėl biudžeto būklės priežiūros stiprinimo ir ekonominės politikos priežiūros bei koordinavimo - C7-0300/2010 -, ir\n, pranešėjas C. Haglund, Ekonomikos ir pinigų politikos komiteto vardu, dėl pasiūlymo dėl Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos reglamento dėl vykdymo užtikrinimo priemonių, skirtų perviršiniam makroekonominiam disbalansui naikinti euro zonoje - C7-0299/2010 -.", "\nElisa Ferreira\nPone pirmininke, Europos Parlamento socialistų ir demokratų pažangiojo aljanso frakcijos nuomone, sudedamoji ekonomikos valdysenos paketo dalis dėl Stabilumo ir augimo pakto nėra tas atsakas, kurio reikia Europai šiuo struktūrinės krizės metu. ", "Šiame pakete Stabilumo ir augimo paktas iš tiesų iš naujo peržiūrimas, tačiau jo esmnepakeičiama. ", "Jis peržiūrimas, kad jo reikalavimai būtų platesnio masto, o jo baudos griežtesnės.", "\nAtrodytų naudingiau manyti, kad neįmanoma laikytis pakto, jei šalies ekonomika neauga, o ypač jei ji išgyvena krizę. ", "Šios problemos turėtų būti politinės darbotvarkės esmė. ", "Turėtume aptarti galimybę turėti krizės valdymo politiką ir su ja susijusias priemones euro zonos šalyse, taip pat, kalbant apie kitą klausimą, kaip apsisaugoti, kad nuolat nukrypstanti euro zonos šalių raida nesunaikintų bendros valiutos. ", "Jei šios problemos nebus išspręstos, paktas, kaip kažkas sakė, taps kvailas. ", "Tačiau šiame pakete yra ir vilties prošvaist- naujoji iniciatyva, skirta susidarančiam makroekonominiam disbalansui, ypač euro zonoje, nustatyti ir ištaisyti prieš jam tampant neišsprendžiama problema.", "\nParlamentas norėjo atsakomybės kaip vienas iš įstatymų leidėjų ir ją visiškai įgyvendino. ", "Tekste, dėl kurio ketiname balsuoti, atsispindi bendras sutarimas, kuris buvo įmanomas tik dėl visų didžiulio pajėgumo dirbti ir kompromiso dvasios. ", "Kaip pranešėja, norui padėkoti visiems savo kolegoms EP nariams iš visų frakcijų, ypač savo šešėliniams pranešėjams, o ypač noriu išskirti C. Haglundą, kurio atveju aš taip pat dirbau kaip šešėlinpranešėja.", "\nTrišalio dialogo etapas buvo ilgas ir sunkus, o susitarimo (gaila, ne visiško) pasiekėme dėl Tarybai pirmininkaujančios Vengrijos, kuriai atstovavo ministras A. Kármán, Komisijos, kuriai atstovavo Komisijos narys O. Rehn, ir visų savo partnerių. ", "Kalbėkime aiškiai: makroekonominio disbalanso nustatymas yra sudėtingas ir visiškai naujas procesas. ", "Vietoj to, kad vien tik taikytume sankcijas, svarbu kompetentingai nustatyti pavojus, sužinoti, ar už juos atsakinga šalis, ar jie susidardėl išorės poveikių, ir pateikti tinkamas, savalaikes ir įgyvendinamas rekomendacijas.", "\nPo derybų proceso rezultatų suvestin(tai yra suderėtų rodiklių rinkinys) apima ne tik finansinius ir nominaliuosius rodiklius, tačiau taip pat faktinės ekonomikos rodiklius. ", "Taip pat pasitikime, kad Komisija skrupulingai laikysis 6A konstatuojamosios dalies kompromiso, kuriuo Parlamentas kartu su Taryba įtraukiamas į būsimus peržiūros procesus. ", "Interpretavimas taip pat nebus atliekamas automatiškai, tai bus daroma protingai, atliekant nuodugnias peržiūras, kurios pareikalaus daug Komisijos pastangų, tačiau kurios yra būtinos.", "\nKomisijos rekomendacijos turės užtikrinti suderinamumą su visais kitais strateginiais dokumentais, tačiau siūlant įgyvendinti sprendimus didžiausia atsakomybteks valstybei. ", "Didesni Parlamento įgaliojimai, didesnis socialinių partnerių įsitraukimas ir kolektyvinių derybų praktikos laikymasis - visa tai užtikrinta. ", "Tais atvejais, kai trūksta bendradarbiavimo, baudos yra pagrįstos, tačiau ne tais atvejais, kai valstybės nepajėgia pasiekti tikslų. ", "Taip pat jos yra klasifikuojamos, o tai svarbus aspektas. ", "Mes verčiau būtume norėję, kad bausmės būtų švelnesnės, tačiau turėjome su jomis sutikti, nes jos buvo kompromisų dalis.", "\nIki bus galima pasiekti susitarimą, yra vienas esminis kliuvinys - pripažinimas, kad vidaus rinkoje, pinigų zonoje, būtų prasminga stebėti rezultatų suvestinės rodiklių svyravimus, nesvarbu, ar jie teigiami, ar neigiami, ir tiek deficitas, tiek perteklius turėtų būti stebimi, nepaisant to, kad jie akivaizdžiai tokio pobūdžio rekomendacijoms pagrindo neduoda. ", "Visi mes - pavieniai EP nariai, frakcijos ir institucijos, nuėjome ilgą kelią. ", "Akiratyje jau matyti susitarimas dėl subalansuoto, aukštos kokybės teksto. ", "Aš tik tikiuosi, kad taip toli mus nuvedusi kompromiso dvasia ves mus ir toliau iki galutinio susitarimo.", "\nDiogo Feio\nPone pirmininke, tai tolesnis išskirtinio darbo, kurį mes atliekame Europos Parlamente, etapas. ", "Šiuo etapu privalau išreikšti šiltą pripažinimą C. Wortmann-Kool, S. Goulard, C. Haglundui, E. Ferreirai ir V. Ford, kurie buvo pranešėjai kartu su manimi rengiant visą šį ekonomikos valdysenos paketą. ", "Taip pat noriu itin nuoširdžiai padėkoti įvairiems mūsų darbe padėjusiems šešėliniams pranešėjams. ", "Galiausiai privalau pabrėžti išskirtinį darbą, kurį šiuo klausimu atliko Taryba, ypač András Kármán, kuris glaudžiai dirbo su mumis, ir Komisijos narys O. Rehn, kurio vaidmuo visame procese taip pat neįkainojamas.", "\nPirmiausia norėčiau išreikšti pasitikėjimą, teigiamą aspektą. ", "Šiuo ekonomikos valdysenos paketu reikia parodyti, kad Europa gali - ji gali įveikti sunkumus ir ji gali apsisaugoti nuo būsimų problemų. ", "Todėl esu tvirtai įsitikinęs dėl to, kas nutiks su šiais ekonomikos valdysenos teisės aktais ateinančiomis dienomis. ", "Stabilumo ir augimo pakte, kurio korekcinės dalies pranešėjas buvau, yra įmanoma augimo idėją pridėti prie stabilumo ir biudžetinės drausmės idėjos. ", "Naudojantis makroekonomikos disbalanso procedūra yra įmanoma diegti naujoves. ", "Įmanoma nueiti toliau nei vien tik baudų mechanizmo turėjimas ir todėl šio ekonomikos valdysenos paketo priėmimas sustiprins Europos europiškumą ir pagerins ją.", "\nKalbant, pvz., ", "apie korekcinę Stabilumo ir augimo pakto dalį, dėl šio ekonomikos valdysenos paketo mes galime išmintingiau taikyti šį paktą dėl to, kad joje skiriama daug dėmesio skolos kriterijui; įvedamas vidutinis skolos mažinimo, kurį reikia atlikti per trejus metus, procentas, dėl kurio laikantis taisyklių galimas lankstumas; nustatomi išsamesni ir tinkamesni susiję rodikliai, į kuriuos turėtų atsižvelgti Komisija, atlikdama finansinės susijusių valstybių padėties vertinimą; ir įvedamas trejų metų pereinamasis laikotarpis skolos kriterijui įgyvendinti.", "\nTaip pat yra kitų aspektų, kuriuos noriu čia pabrėžti, kurie yra susiję su kitais pranešimais. ", "Kadangi visą laiką dirbome bendrai, turiu paminėti svarbų Europos semestro režimo įvedimą prevencinėje dalyje ir pabrėžti, kad prevencindalis yra labai svarbi ir kad baudos turėtų būti taikomos tik kaip galutinis visos šios procedūros etapas. ", "Procedūra apima simetrijos įvedimą į makroekonominių rodiklių analizę, galimybę, kad Komisija parengs euroobligacijų tyrimą iki šių metų pabaigos, integruotą baudų, kaip galutinio etapo, susijusio tiek su makroekonomikos disbalansu, tiek su Stabilumo ir augimo paktu, viziją ir atvirkštinės kvalifikuotos daugumos balsavimo dėl Tarybos sprendimų įvedimo klausimą. ", "Visų šių veiksmų buvo imtasi kaip esminių Parlamento vaidmens dalių.", "\nTodėl dabar savo piliečiams galime perduoti labai aiškią žinią. ", "Žinia yra tokia, kad mes rengiame institucinį mechanizmą, skirtą išvengti krizių ateityje. ", "Turėdama šį ekonomikos valdysenos paketą, Europa bus daug geriau pasirengusi. ", "Su šiuo ekonomikos valdysenos paketu Europa žengia lemiamą žingsnį tam, kad mūsų ekonomika galėtų sveikai augti.", "\nVicky Ford\npranešėja. - ", "Pone pirmininke, norėčiau pradėti nuo padėkos Europos Vadovų Tarybai. ", "Visi mes galime matyti neįtikėtinai delikačią Europos padėtį, ypač euro zonos padėtį, dėl kurios įvairios valstybės turėjo dirbti kartu taip, kaip iki šio nebuvo regėta. ", "Galime matyti, kaip būtina tvariu būdu pagerinti konkurencingumą ir atkurti viešuosius finansus.", "\nPastarosiomis dienomis, savaitėmis ir mėnesiais mes nuolat matėme valstybių narių ministrus, susirenkančius tam, kad padėtų surasti būdų, kaip išspręsti vieniems kitų problemas. ", "Be to, dar niekada iki šiol nemačiau tokio visuomenės narių troškimo suprasti, kur leidžiami visuomenės pinigai. ", "Tad pirmiausia norėčiau pakalbėti apie direktyvą, prie kurios dirbau aš.", "\nŠioje direktyvoje nustatoma nemažai apskaitos, statistikos, prognozavimo ir biudžeto procesų reikalavimų. ", "Nepamirškime, kad ši kriziš dalies kilo dėl netinkamo biudžeto planavimo ir netikslios informacijos.", "\nTai Tarybos direktyva, o ne bendro įstatymų leidimo pranešimas, ir Taryba išsamiai dėl jos diskutavo. ", "Pačios valstybės narės pritarė, kad jos patvirtins ne trumpesnę kaip trejų metų finansų planavimo trukmę ir tai apims visus jų biudžeto procesų valdžios lygmenis ir vyriausybės lėšas, taip pat bus užtikrinta, kad bus skelbiama informacija apie, pvz., ", "neapibrėžtuosius įsipareigojimus. ", "Bus nepriklausomai vertinama apskaitos ir prognozavimo veikla.", "\nLeiskite pasakyti, kad daug valstybių narių jau laikosi didelės šios direktyvos dalies nuostatų, tačiau būtinojo reikalavimų rinkinio įgyvendinimu bus įvesta drausmir atkurtas pasitikėjimas, o tai yra pirmasis žingsnelis atgal į valstybės finansų stabilumo kelią.", "\nBe to, pačios valstybės narės sutiko, kad kiekviena jų įsives savo teisės aktus dėl finansinių taisyklių - nebūtinai Vokietijos konstitucinius \"skolos stabdžius\", tačiau kiekvienoje šalyje pagal jos poreikius sukurtas taisykles, dėl kurių jos galėtų laikytis savo įsipareigojimų pagal Sutartį. ", "Tai taip pat yra delikatu, nes skirtingos šalys pagal Sutartį turi skirtingus įsipareigojimus ir dėl šios priežasties ši dalis JK netaikoma.", "\nPer derybas dėl platesnio masto šešių teisės aktų paketo buvo pateikta daug pasiūlymų, kaip patobulinti šią Tarybos direktyvą, daug jų pateikEuropos Centrinis Bankas ir šio Parlamento nariai. ", "Taryba sąžiningai dirbo stengdamasi pagerinti direktyvą, kur tai tinkama, ir padidinti skaidrumą, tačiau neliesdama opių klausimų, susijusių su atskirų valstybių nacionalinėmis konstitucijomis.", "\nTrumpai apie kitas direktyvas. ", "Per šias derybas stengiausi būti konstruktyvi ir leisti daugiausia valstybėms narėms nustatyti, kokių taisyklių ir sankcijų, jų nuomone, būtinai reikia jų stabilumui sustiprinti. ", "Nerėmiau kolegų, kurie mano, kad vien tik didesnis Europos Parlamento vaidmuo būtų sprendimas.", "\nPer savaitgalį ir pirmadienio vakarą Taryba bandpasiūlyti galutinį kompromisą dėl neišspręsto balsų Europos Vadovų Taryboje klausimo. ", "Nors tai mano pačios valstybėje narėje, mano nuomone, nėra itin reikšminga problema (nes neketiname įsivesti euro, tad susidarančios baudos mums netaikomos), daugeliui valstybių, įskaitant ketinančias prisijungti valstybes, tai yra be galo sudėtingas ir ginčytinas klausimas.", "\nLaikas pabandyti suprasti vieniems kitų problemas, tačiau taip pat gerbti vienas kito skirtumus. ", "Anksčiau šią savaitę įspėjau kolegas, kad leistis į tiesioginę Parlamento ir Tarybos konfrontaciją dėl klausimo, kurio, mano nuomone, negalėčiau paaiškinti bet kuriam asmeniui gatvėje, nebūtų atsakinga šio Parlamento pozicija. ", "Tiesą sakant, pasakiau, kad manau, jog tai būtų neatsakinga.", "\nIr šio Parlamento požiūrio į šį klausimą nepalaiko daugelis mano frakcijos narių. ", "Negaliu palaikyti Parlamento pasiūlytų Tarybos teksto dėl makroekonomikos disbalanso pakeitimų ir ateinančiomis savaitėmis norėčiau matyti daugiau aiškumo dėl skirtingų euro zonos ir euro zonai nepriklausančių valstybių narių pozicijų.", "\nSylvie Goulard\nPone pirmininke, turėjome be galo daug trišalio dialogo susitikimų, kai kurie iš jų vyko vėlų vakarą, juose dalyvavo kiti EP nariai, Komisija ir Tarybai pirmininkaujanti Vengrija. ", "Pradėti norėčiau nuo padėkos savo kolegoms EP nariams ir mūsų kolegoms už kartu atliktą darbą.", "\nEkonomikos ir finansų reikalų tarybos žinia tokia - kiekvienas turi prisiimti atsakomybę. ", "Išsyk kylanti mano reakcija - pasakyti: \"Gerai, tada visi nuoširdžiai pripažinkime savo atsakomybę.\" ", "Ne su didžiulėmis fanfaromis, ne taip, kad galėtume pasakyti, kad greitai susitarėme, tačiau atsižvelgdami į euro zonos ir Europos Sąjungos finansines problemas ir bandydami rasti tinkamų sprendimų. ", "Neabejotinai toks buvo mano frakcijos devizas šiose derybose. ", "Abejoju, ar rinkos ir mūsų piliečiai patikėtų sparčiais, tačiau paviršutiniškais sprendimais.", "\nMūsų vertinimu, reikia esminių patobulinimų. ", "Mano nuomone, mes jau pasiekėme kai kuriuos nusistatytus tikslus. ", "Leiskite jums priminti, kad mes ne vieninteliai to siekiantys - keletą kartų Europos Centrinis Bankas ragino Parlamentą sustiprinti jau ir taip drąsius Komisijos pasiūlymus. ", "Todėl mes patikslinome taisykles. ", "Toks buvo vienas iš mūsų principų, kuriais mes vadovavomės - ne dėl taisyklių kūrimo malonumo, o dėl to, kad bendrų bendruomenės taisyklių laužymas, remiantis įstatymais, kelia pavojų bendrai valiutai. ", "Įvedėme baudas už sukčiavimą. ", "Deja, tai viena iš pamokų, kurias mums teko išmokti ankstyvaisiais euro gyvavimo metais. ", "Kaip sakV. Ford, taip pat bandėme iki tam tikro laipsnio sutvarkyti nacionalines biudžeto procedūras, bent jau tiek, kad galėtume lyginti skirtingų valstybių praktiką. ", "Man itin svarbus buvo vienas aspektas - jei ateisime pas savo piliečius neturėdami pasakyti nieko daugiau, išskyrus \"padidinome automatiškumą\", kaip tai vadinama laikraščiuose, jiems susidarys įspūdis, kad Briuselyje įjungta kažkokia paslaptina mašina, kuri trenks jiems per pirštis, kai tik kas nors eisis ne taip.", "\nJei norime griežtesnių taisyklių, jos turi būti išmintingesnės, tačiau, visų svarbiausia, mums reikia demokratiškesnių diskusijų ir daugiau tarpvalstybinių diskusijų. ", "Todėl mes pasiūlėme (ir norėčiau padėkoti visiems EP nariams, kurie palaikmane šiuo klausimu) sukurti tai, ką pavadinome terminu \"proporcingas ekonominis dialogas\". ", "Nacionalinėms konstitucijoms jokios grėsmės nėra; tai paprasčiausiai mūsų troškimo daugiau diskutuoti, ypač euro zonoje, tačiau taip pat ir 27 Europos Sąjungos valstybėse narėse, išraiška. ", "Norime, kad šis Parlamentas būtų to skaidraus Europos institucijų ir valstybių narių dialogo forumas, o ypač vieta, kurioje valstybės narės galėtų išsakyti savo problemas ir paaiškinti savo pozicijas. ", "Kai kurios valstybės atsilieka, kitos yra toliau pažengusios į priekį, kai kurios yra pakraštyje, kai kuriose gyvena daugiau žmonių - į visa tai turime atsižvelgti. ", "Man malonu matyti, kad Vokietijos žiniasklaidoje J. Habermas šią savaitę dar kartą pabrėžė, kad yra gyvybiškai būtina didinti demokratinį teisėtumą. ", "V. Ford aš pasakyčiau, kad mes nesiginčijame tam, kad sustiprintume savo galias, mes raginame suteikti svarbesnį vaidmenį tiems, kuriuos žmonės įgaliojo ginti jų interesus Briuselyje.", "\nYra ir kitų svarbių aspektų, ypač makroekonominiu požiūriu. ", "Manau, kad visoms valstybėms narėms turi būti taikoma bendra priežiūra. ", "Simetrija yra svarbus klausimas. ", "Taryba turėtų suprasti, ką tai reiškia - išmintinga simetrija, kurioje atskiriamas deficitas ir perviršis, tačiau vis ta pati simetrija.", "\nBaigti norėčiau paminėdama euro vertybinius popierius, kurie buvo vienas iš mano remiamų dalykų. ", "Norėčiau kreiptis į visų frakcijų vadovus - negalite teigti, kad palaikote euro vertybinius popierius, o balsuoti prieš juos. ", "Galite teikti argumentus, kad norite daugiau, aš pati būčiau norėjusi žengti toliau, tačiau esu visiškai dėkinga Komisijos nariui O. Rehnui už pastangas, kurias jis nori įdėti. ", "Leiskite jums priminti, kad 2010 m. gegužės mėn. ", "Komisijos narys pats pateikpasiūlymus, laikydamasis Komisijos teisės aktų leidybos iniciatyvos. ", "Norime šiuos pasiūlymus vėl grąžinti į vėžes.", "\nNorime, kad eurui pagaliau tektų pasaulio valiutos atsakomybė, norime didelės ir likvidžios rinkos, kuri sumažintų skolinimosi išlaidas. ", "Norime, kad dalis to, kas pasiskolinama (žinoma, ribotas kiekis) būtų padalijama ilguoju laikotarpiu, naudojant plačiai išplėtotą rinkos reguliavimo priemonę. ", "Taigi aš tikiuosi, kad rytojaus balsavimas bus palankus ir kad visi tie, kurie teigia palaikantys euro vertybinius popierius, diskutuos dėl šio klausimo be išankstinio nusistatymo, o ne remdamiesi išankstinėmis ideologinėmis nuostatomis.", "\nCorien Wortmann-Kool\npranešėja. - (", "NL) Pone pirmininke, jei kas nors ir aišku, tai kad, norint ateityje išvengti naujos euro krizės ir užtikrinti tvarų ekonomikos augimą, Europai reikia tvirto pagrindo. ", "Mūsų frakcija, Europos liaudies partijos (krikščionių demokratų) frakcija, yra patenkinta mūsų iki šiol pasiektais rezultatais rengiant teisės aktų paketą dėl ekonomikos valdysenos. ", "Norėčiau šiltai padėkoti visiems EP nariams, pranešėjams, šešėliniams pranešėjams, darbuotojams, personalui ir visiems kitiems už daugybę kartu praleistų valandų siekiant to, nes, naudodamasis savo galiomis, Europos Parlamentas priėmtvirtą ir plataus užmojo poziciją. ", "Norėčiau padėkoti Tarybai pirmininkaujančiai Vengrijai, ypač Andrásui Kámánui, už pastangas rasti jungtį tarp Tarybos ir Parlamento skirtumų. ", "Iš tiesų dėl jūsų asmeniškai mes galėjome pasiekti 98 proc. ", "sutarimą, dėl kurio iš dalies galime būti dėkingi Komisijos nariui O. Rehnui ir jo personalui, nes jų parama buvo naudinga.", "\nRytoj mes balsuosime dėl pranešimų. ", "Mano frakcija yra tvirtai įsipareigojusi veikti, remdamasi mūsų pasiektu aukšto lygio sutarimu. ", "Tikiuosi, kad pajėgsime užpildyti spragą tarp paskutinių skirtumų per ateinančias kelias savaites, kad susitarimą iki šios vasaros pabaigos galėtume užbaigti. ", "Tai labai svarbu, nes mano frakcija siekia galutinio balsavimo per plenarinį posėdį liepos mėn.", "\nFinansų rinkų suiruttęsiasi, ir mums reikia skubiai rasti sprendimą dėl keleto valstybių skolų krizės. ", "Tačiau tai yra lygiai tiek pat skubu (ir čia glūdi mūsų, kaip vieno iš įstatymų leidėjų, atsakomybė) parodyti Europai tvirtą sprendimų priėmimą plataus užmojo stabilumo pakto ir ekonomikos valdysenos požiūriu. ", "Priimti sprendimą iki vasaros yra labai svarbu, norint atkurti pasitikėjimą euru, atsižvelgiant į tai, kad Stabilumo ir augimo paktas buvo pažeistas dar 2003 m. Vietoj to, kad taisyklės būtų įgyvendinamos, jos buvo paprasčiausiai liberalizuojamos, ir dabar turime padėti tam tašką. ", "Kalbame apie patikimus teisės aktus, o ne apie užkulisines valstybių narių derybas, kuriomis siekiama išvengti baudų. ", "Jei valstybės narės nesiims veiksmingų veiksmų savo įsipareigojimams įvykdyti ir savo deficitams sumažinti (o šiuos įsipareigojimus, prisiminkite, jos prisiėmlaisva valia), tai turi būti veiksmingai priimami sprendimai. ", "Būtent todėl šis Parlamentas pasiūlatvirkštinio balsavimo procedūrą.", "\nPripažinkime, magiška mūsų kolegų EP narių, sėdinčių kairėje, formulė, auksintaisyklsprendimo niekuomet neatneš. ", "Deja, pinigai ant medžių neauga ir tie laikai, kai buvo lengva rasti sprendimus ir rinktis neskausmingus veiksmus, jau praėjo. ", "Todėl PPE frakcija ragina siekti tvarių valstybės finansų ir kad nebūtų leidžiamas 5 ar 6 proc. ", "biudžeto deficitas. ", "Skolos našta (skausmingas įrodymas, kurio liudininkai esame) kliudo augti ekonomikai ne tik mūsų Europos valstybėse, bet taip pat ir Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose.", "\nMums reikia tvirto pagrindo, todėl man malonu, kad Taryba imsis prevencinio šių pasiūlymų aspekto, būtent užtikrinimo, kad valstybės narės stiprintų savo pačių nacionalinę atsakomybę ir į procesą įtrauktų savo nacionalinius parlamentus, kad būtų aiškūs galutiniai terminai, procedūros ir tikrinimo vizitai, daugiau viešųjų ataskaitų, partnerių spaudimo ir viešų diskusijų šiame Parlamente, o ne kad viskas vyktų Tarybos mastu. ", "Akivaizdu, kad svarbus laimėjimas yra Europos semestras, nes mes norime daugiau darbo vietų ir augimo.", "\nSusiduriame su labai svarbia ir istorine diena. ", "Rytoj šiame Parlamente stovėsime pasirengę prisiimti atsakomybę. ", "Matau, kad Europos Parlamento socialistų ir demokratų pažangiojo aljanso frakcija ir Žaliųjų frakcija / Europos laisvasis aljansas nori viską sugadinti. ", "Atrodo, kad remdamiesi kompromiso dvasia jie nori dirbti tik tada, kai kalba sukasi apie jų pačių pranešimus. ", "Pone pirmininke, tai nėra kompromiso dvasia. ", "norėčiau paraginti visus Parlamento narius, kurie mano, kad svarbu, kad viešieji finansai būtų tvarūs, rytoj palaikyti šiuos šešis pranešimus. ", "Jie nėra galutinis rezultatas, nes rytoj žengsime dar žingsnį konsultacijų su Taryba dėl to, kaip galėtume pašalinti tas paskutines kliūtis mūsų kelyje į tai, kas, tikimės, liepos mėn. ", "taps susitarimu, link.", "\nCarl Haglund\nPone pirmininke, manau, kad įvykiai, kuriuos galėjome stebėti šią savaitę tiek Taryboje, tiek šalyse, kurios grumiasi su labai rimtomis ekonomikos problemomis, mums dar kartą rodo, kodėl toks svarbus paketas, dėl kurio dabar diskutuojame. ", "Jei nesugebėsime pasistūmėti į priekį dėl šių klausimų, labiau tikėtina, kad problemos tęsis, o ne bus išspręstos. ", "Taip pat manau, kad svarbu atsiminti, kas nutiko 2005 m., kai turėjome imtis veiksmų ir parodyti, kad bendrų paskirstymo nuostatų pažeisti negalima. ", "Mes to nepadarėme; vietoj to mes pakeitėme taisykles. ", "Dabar laikas tai ištaisyti.", "\nŠis paketas yra svarbus. ", "Norėčiau išreikšti didelę padėką savo kolegoms EP nariams. ", "Mes sunkiai dirbome kartu. ", "Kaip jau daug kartų sakyta, mums labai nedaug trūksta, kad pasiektume tikslą, tačiau tuo pačiu metu yra svarbu, kad sėkmingai balsuotume šiandien ir liepos mėn. ", "Taip pat norėčiau padėkoti A. Kármánui iš Tarybai pirmininkaujančios Vengrijos, kuris atliko nuostabų darbą. ", "Mes esame tikrai dėkingi už tai, ką jis nuveikė. ", "Kaip sakiau, taip pat norėčiau padėkoti savo kolegoms EP nariams, ypač E. Ferreirai. ", "Mes nuveikėme puikų darbą kurdami makroekonomikos priežiūros procedūrą, kuri yra kai kas naujo ir kuri papildo darbą, kuris jau atliktas siekiant išlaikyti bendrą valiutą be skolų. ", "Europai jos reikia.", "\nGrįžtant prie 2005 m., Europos Parlamentas vis dar reikalauja, kad rastume sprendimą dėl to, ką vadiname atvirkštinės kvalifikuotos daugumos balsavimu. ", "Kodėl taip yra? ", "Taip yra todėl, kad mes sužinojome, kad, jei Taryboje neturėsime tinkamos automatinio sprendimų priėmimo sistemos, būtini sprendimai priimami nebus. ", "Negalime sau leisti, kad tai truktų bent kiek ilgiau. ", "Šiuo atžvilgiu mes vis dar turime neišspręstą problemą, tačiau aš tikiuosi, kad Taryba sugebės surengti rimtas diskusijas dėl to, ką iš tiesų tai reiškia. ", "Europos Vadovų Taryba susitinka ketvirtadienį ir penktadienį. ", "Tai neturi būti tas atvejis, kai dėl su prestižu susijusių priežasčių nepriimamas sprendimas dėl kai ko, ką visi žino esant būtina. ", "Taip pat tai neturi būti tas atvejis, kai tam tikros didesnės valstybės narės mano, kad jos gali iš anksto susitarti dėl tam tikrų reikalų ir taip paversti tai \"įvykusiu sandėriu\". ", "Taryba turi priimti tikrus sprendimus, o dėl teisės aktų turi būti sprendžiama konsultuojantis su Europos Parlamentu. ", "Dabar Taryba turi galimybę priimti išmintingus sprendimus, ir esu tikras, kad Europos Parlamentas gali padėti jai priimti teisingus sprendimus.", "\nKalbėdamas apie makroekonominį elementą, pirmiausia norėčiau pabrėžti, kad dėl darbo, kurį atlikome Parlamente, turime pasiūlymą, dėl kurio susitarėme su Taryba, ir tokį, kuris yra pakankamai skaidrus, taip pat juo siūlomas sprendimas, kuris yra pakankamai automatinis. ", "Manau, kad šis sprendimas reiškia, kad mes taip pat ateityje galėsime jaustis saugūs dėl euro zonos ir dėl galimybės spręsti įvairias ekonomikos problemas, kylančias pavienėse valstybėse, dėl kurių kitu atveju kiltų pavojus visai euro zonai. ", "Manau, kad gerai yra tai, kad savo pranešime nustatome sistemą, pagal kurią tvarkomasi su valstybėmis, kurios nevykdo savo įsipareigojimų, kitaip tariant, atsiranda reikalavimas problemas spręsti nedelsiant. ", "Pirmą kartą sulaužiusi pažadą, valstybbus priversta įnešti indėlį su palūkanomis, kaip mes jį pavadinome. ", "Tai būtina. ", "Negalime siųsti signalo, iš kurio atrodytų, kad jei valstybpažadės ką nors konkretaus padaryti, tačiau vėliau to nepadarys, jokių padarinių nebus. ", "Deja, toks buvo pradinis pasiūlymas. ", "Man malonu, kad galėjome tai ištaisyti. ", "Tai svarbus principo reikalas. ", "Tuo pačiu metu turime rimtai griebtis sukčiavimo problemos, kai apgaudinėjamos kitos valstybės. ", "Tai taip pat be galo svarbu. ", "Manau, kad Europos Parlamentas šiuo atžvilgiu gerai padirbėjo.", "\nKaip minėjo keletas kalbėtojų, rytojaus balsavimas yra labai svarbus, ir manau, kad jis praeis gerai. ", "Tikiuosi, kad šios savaitės pabaigoje ir per kitą savaitę Europos Vadovų Taryba galės rimtai padiskutuoti apie tai, ką galime padaryti, kad pasiektume susitarimą. ", "Tai mes darysime ir Parlamente. ", "Tada galėsime turėti teisės aktus, kurių Europai taip labai reikia. ", "Tai yra labai svarbu, jei norime turėti galimybę ir toliau turėti bendrą valiutą.", "\nAndrás Kármán\neinantis Tarybos pirmininko pareigas. - ", "Pone pirmininke, prieš pereidamas prie esmės norėčiau išreikšti nuoširdų dėkingumą Ekonomikos ir pinigų politikos komiteto pirmininkei, pranešėjams, šešėliniams pranešėjams ir visiems frakcijų atstovams, kurie aktyviai dalyvavo procese, už jų vertingus indėlius. ", "Ne mažiau dėkingas esu Komisijai ir pačiam Komisijos nariui už jų pastangas palengvinti diskusijas ne tik vedant trišalius dialogus čia Parlamente, tačiau ir Taryboje.", "\nŠeši tesės aktų dėl ekonomikos valdysenos tekstai buvo aukščiausias Tarybai pirmininkaujančios Vengrijos prioritetas. ", "Turiu pabrėžti, kad skirti aukščiausią prioritetą šiems dokumentams nebuvo vien tik Tarybai pirmininkaujančios valstybės sprendimas. ", "Komisijos iniciatyvą taip pat palaik27 valstybių narių valstybių ir vyriausybių vadovai. ", "Jei norime stipresnio euro, šis paketas to siekiant yra esminis statybinis elementas.", "\nPasaulio ekonomika, įskaitant Europą, patyrsunkiausią krizę nuo didžiosios depresijos laikų, ir mes turėjome padaryti būtinas išvadas. ", "Turime suvokti, kad sukrėtimo padariniai truktų ilgai, nebent mes pašalintume esmines krizės priežastis. ", "Į šešis pasiūlymus dėl teisės aktų, kuriuos praeitų metų rugsėjo mėn. ", "pateikKomisija, įtraukta daugelis pamokų, kurias reikia išmokti. ", "Siekiant išvengti žalingų cikliškumą skatinančių politikos krypčių poreikio prastu ekonominiu laikmečiu, daugiau dėmesio bus skiriama prevencijai.", "\nIki šiol Stabilumo ir augimo pakte (SAP) buvo telkiamasi į deficitą, tačiau tai neapsaugojo nuo didesnės skolos susidarymo, todėl nuo šiol skolos kriterijams bus skiriama daugiau dėmesio. ", "Buvo išmokta pamoka, kad procedūros nebuvo pakankamai griežtos ir pakankamai automatinės. ", "Todėl čia taip pat sprendžiame šiuos klausimus, siekdami sustiprinti šio pakto patikimumą. ", "Taip pat suvokėme, kad Sąjungoje, kurioje dalijamasi bendra valiuta, gali nepakakti finansų politikos derinimo naudojantis SAP, todėl susitarėme įvesti naują mechanizmą makroekonomikos disbalansui spręsti, su kuriuo bus tvarkomasi tuo pačiu pagrindu, kaip ir su biudžeto disbalansu.", "\nSiekdami geriau ir išsamiau atspindėti Sutarties reikalavimus nacionalinėse valstybių narių procedūrose, ketiname priimti taisykles, kuriomis būtų pagerinta nacionalinių biudžeto sistemų kokybė.", "\nEsu įsitikinęs, kad tiek Parlamento, tiek Tarybos tikslai yra vienodi, būtent siekiame sustiprinti ES ir euro zonos ekonomikos valdyseną, išvengti krizių ateityje ir sukurti tvirtesnę euro zonos ir visos ES ekonomikos valdysenos sistemą.", "\nPo intensyvaus trišalių dialogų su pranešėjais raundo ir diskusijų Taryboje pirmadienį Taryba pakeitsavo bendrą požiūrį. ", "Europos Parlamentui kitą dieną, birželio 21 d., išsiųstu laišku buvo pranešta apie šio proceso rezultatą. ", "Pritariu požiūriui, kad per trišalius dialogus buvo gerokai pagerinta teksto kokybė, o paketas tapo tvirtesnis ir nuoseklesnis. ", "Tai ypač galioja kalbant apie didesnį skaidrumą ir atskaitomybę ir apie griežtesnį ir labiau automatinį procedūrų taikymą.", "\nPirmiausia leiskite paminėti pagrindinius su didesniu skaidrumu ir atskaitomybe susijusius dalykus. ", "Ketiname teisiniame tekste aprašyti Europos semestrą, įskaitant pakankamą Parlamento įsitraukimą į procesą. ", "Pridėjome nuostatų, kuriomis nustatomas ekonominio Europos institucijų, įskaitant Europos Parlamentą, Tarybą ir atskiras valstybes nares, dialogo procesas. ", "Europos Parlamentas į įspėjamojo mechanizmo, skirto makroekonominio disbalanso prevencijai ir naikinimui, rodiklių rezultatų suvestinės nustatymą ir veikimą būtų įtrauktas tokiomis pačiomis sąlygomis kaip ir Taryba. ", "Kalbėdami apie valdysenos ciklą ir priežiūros procedūrą, visiškai paisome labai svarbaus susijusių nacionalinių suinteresuotųjų subjektų, įskaitant socialinius partnerius, vaidmens.", "\nAntra, pereinant prie klausimo, susijusio su griežtesniu ir labiau automatiniu procedūrų taikymu, leiskite paminėti tokį dalyką: perteklinio disbalanso procedūroje būtų įvesta papildoma sankcija - valstybių narių indėlis su palūkanomis. ", "Tai buvo trūkstama procedūrų grandis ir ji labai logiškai užbaigia procedūrą, panašiai kaip ir tai, kas numatyta biudžeto priežiūroje. ", "Taip pat Parlamento iniciatyva yra nustatyta papildoma bauda valstybėms narėms, kurios klastoja savo biudžeto statistiką. ", "Atvirkštinės kvalifikuotos daugumos balsavimo taikymas išplečiamas iki rekomendacijos dėl makroekonominio disbalanso prevencijos ir naikinimo. ", "Be to, į prevencinį Stabilumo ir augimo pakto tikslą įtraukiame nuostatą dėl atvirkštinės kvalifikuotos daugumos balsavimo išplėtimo peržiūros. ", "Tuo pačiu metu būtų sustiprinta jau esama \"laikykis arba paaiškink\" procedūra. ", "Spręsdama dėl SAP personalo, Taryba dažniausiai turi laikytis Komisijos rekomendacijų ir pasiūlymų arba viešai paaiškinti savo poziciją.", "\nTarybai pirmininkaujanti valstybmano, kad vedant trišalius dialogus pasiektas kompromisas atspindi gerą, subalansuotą ir visapusį požiūrį. ", "Manome, kad visos šalys yra labai suinteresuotos pasiekti greitą susitarimą. ", "Apgailestauju, kad plenariniame posėdyje pateiktas pasiūlymas skiriasi nuo kompromiso, kurį mes pasiekėme po keleto derybų raundų, ir kad jame neatsižvelgiama į galutinį kompromisinį Tarybos pasiūlymą. ", "Tuo pačiu metu esu dėkingas už išmintingą jūsų požiūrį, kad Parlamentas vis dar palieka atvirą galimybę greitu metu susitarti per pirmąjį svarstymą. ", "Europai jau seniai laikas suvienyti jėgas, ir Sąjunga yra pasirengusi išpildyti lūkesčius. ", "Visos rinkos ir investuotojai akylai mus stebi, ir norėtu sužinoti, ar galime vykdyti įsipareigojimus, ar ne. ", "Greitai ir laiku priimti teisės aktų paketus yra privaloma mums visiems.", "\nOlli Rehn\nKomisijos pirmininko pavaduotojas. - ", "Pirmininke, gerbiami EP nariai, pirmiausia leiskite padėkoti Ekonomikos ir pinigų politikos komiteto pirmininkei Sharon Bowles, pranešėjams Corien Wortmann-Kool, Elisai Ferreirai, Vicky Ford, Sylvie Goulard, Diogo Feio ir Carlui Haglundui, taip pat šešėliniams pranešėjams, kurie visi derybose atliko labai svarbų vaidmenį. ", "Visi - pirmininkė, pranešėjai ir šešėliniai pranešėjai, labai pasižymėjo atstovaudami šiam Parlamentui.", "\nTaip pat labai vertinu išsiskiriantį vaidmenį, kurį atliko Tarybai pirmininkaujančiai Vengrijai atstovavęs valstybės sekretorius András Kármán, kuris parodtokius įgūdžius ir ryžtą. ", "Ir drįstu pasakyti, kad labai didžiuojuosi savo grupe Komisijoje ir padėkosiu jiems, kai, žinoma, jums padedant, pasieksime galutinį tikslą.", "\nAš šiltai palaikau tekstus, kurių galutinį variantą jūs pateikėte. ", "Vykstant trišaliams dialogams, Parlamento derybininkai daugeliu svarbų aspektų patobulino Komisijos pasiūlymus. ", "O jūs gavote tikrai daug svarbių patobulinimų iš Tarybos.", "\nKomisija palaiko tekstus, dėl kurių ketinate balsuoti, ir mes galime palankiai įvertinti visus jūsų pakeitimus ir jiems pritarti. ", "Kiek mums žinoma, Taryba pritaria beveik visiems jiems. ", "Tačiau ji pritarsu tam tikromis išimtinis, dėl kurių kyla gana rimtas iššūkis - prie to leiskite grįžti po akimirkos.", "\nNėra laiko dėstyti visų Parlamento pasiektų rezultatų šiose derybose - mano darbuotojai sudarsuvestinį ne mažiau nei 50 esminių jūsų pasiektų patobulinimų sąrašą.", "\nPavyzdžiui, jūs kodifikavote Europos semestrą, nustatėte struktūrinį ekonominį dialogą, kuriame nurodytas svarbus Parlamento vaidmuo per Europos semestrą. ", "Pasiekėte progą išsamiai aptarti valstybei būdingas situacijas kiekvienu svarbiu politikos ciklo sprendimų priėmimo etapu, įskaitant Parlamento teisės inicijuoti dialogą su atskiromis valstybėmis narėmis patvirtinimą. ", "Visose teisės aktų dalyse jūs išsikovojote geresnį informacijos Parlamentui srautą ir daugiau skaidrumo. ", "Gavote Komisijos įsipareigojimą atlikti euro vertybinių popierių tyrimą per šešis mėnesius nuo šių teisės aktų įsigaliojimo dienos. ", "Tai lydės Komisijos deklaracija, jūsų matytas tekstas, kuriame nustatoma to pranešimo apimtis. ", "Prie to dar taip pat grįšiu. ", "Komisija taip pat šioje deklaracijoje įsipareigos peržiūrėti tarpvyriausybinį Europos stabilizavimo mechanizmo pobūdį iki 2014 m. vidurio.", "\nPasiekėte atvirkštinės kvalifikuotos daugumos balsavimą daugeliu svarbių atvejų - taip, siekiant padidinti sprendimų priėmimo automatiškumą, jis tapo taisyklkorekcinėje šio pakto dalyje, kurioje šiuo metu, deja, atsidūrusios 24 valstybės narės iš 27. ", "Taip pat jūs išsikovojote lygų Parlamento vaidmenį nustatant rezultatų suvestinę galimam makroekonominiam disbalansui nustatyti, taip pat įtraukėte tvirtas garantijas dėl socialinio dialogo, pagarbos nacionalinėms tradicijoms dėl kolektyvinių sutarčių, atlyginimų nustatymo ir socialinių partnerių vaidmens, kam mes visiškai pritariame.", "\nBus skiriamos griežtos baudos už statistinį sukčiavimą ir bus užtikrintas nacionalinių statistikos institucijų nepriklausomumas. ", "Perteklinio disbalanso procedūroje paankstinote sankcijas. ", "Galėčiau tęsti ir tęsti.", "\nSavo pirmajame įstatymų leidžiamajame susidūrime su Ekonomikos ir finansų taryba, kaip su vienu iš ekonomikos reikalų politikos įstatymų leidėju, pasiekėte beveik visus svarbiausius savo tikslus. ", "Tai labai geras rezultatas ir Parlamentui, ir Europai.", "\nDėl euro vertybinių popierių, atsižvelgdamas į šį paketą, aš tik patvirtinsiu, ką pasakiau per trišalį dialogą liepos 15 d. Komisija ketina pateikti ataskaitą Parlamentui ir Tarybai dėl bendro Europos valstybių obligacijų arba euro vertybinių popierių išleidimo remiantis solidaria atsakomybe sistemos nustatymo, laikydamasi reglamento dėl biudžeto priežiūros vykdymo užtikrinimo euro zonoje 8a straipsnio 5 dalies ir per šešis mėnesius nuo šio reglamento įsigaliojimo dienos. ", "Šiais euro vertybiniais popieriais būtų siekiama stiprinti finansinę drausmę ir didinti rinkų stabilumą, taip pat, pasinaudojant padidėjusio likvidumo pranašumu, užtikrinti, kad valstybės narės, kurių kredito standartai yra didžiausi, nenukentėtų nuo aukštesnių palūkanų normų. ", "Jei bus tinkama, šį pranešimą lydės pasiūlymai dėl teisės aktų.", "\nKitaip tariant, mūsų nuomone, toks pranešimas dėl euro vertybinių popierių yra labai glaudžiai susijęs su numatomu ekonomikos valdysenos sustiprinimu pagal šį paketą, kuris šiuo metu yra svarstomas, ir tik esant tokiam sustiprinimui turi prasmę.", "\nLeiskite pasakyti keletą žodžių apie kitus etapus. ", "Aš sunerimęs. ", "Jei nebūtų susitarta dėl paketo, nei Taryba, nei Parlamentas nemanytų, kad jie gali sėkmingai užmesti atsakomybę vienas kitam. ", "Tai neveiks. ", "Smulkiausios detalės iš išorės sprendimų priėmimą stebinančių žmonių nedomina. ", "Jei mums nepavyks - ir kai sakau \"aš\", tai iš tiesų turiu omenyje mus visus, jie paprasčiausiai pasakys, kad nepavyko \"Europai\". ", "Nepavyktų Europai, ir žmonių pasitikėjimas Europos gebėjimu spręsti tikrąsias jų problemas itin stipriai nukentėtų.", "\nBe to, jokia institucija nakimirkai turėtų neįsivaizduoti, kad dėl taktinių ar dalykinių priežasčių per antrąjį svarstymą galėtų gauti geresnį sandorį. ", "Tarybai pirmininkaujanti valstyblabai įgudusiai traukkompromisus iš Tarybos, kurie greičiausiai nebebūtų dar kartą pasiūlyti, jei nebūtų pasiektas susitarimas per pirmąjį svarstymą.", "\nTiesą sakant, atviras lieka tik vienas klausimas - atvirkštinės kvalifikuotos daugumos taikymo sritis. ", "Manau, jums visiems žinoma apie mūsų įdėtas pastangas. ", "Komisija atvirkštinės kvalifikuotos daugumos balsavimą palaiko. ", "Taip pat jį palaiko ECB ir daugelis valstybių narių, tačiau ne visos ir ne visose vietose. ", "Taryba jau pritaratvirkštinės kvalifikuotos daugumos balsavimui penkiuose iš šešių sprendimų, kuriuose tai teisiškai įmanoma. ", "Dėl likusiojo vieno Parlamentas ir Taryba nesutaria. ", "Tikiu, kad sprendimą galima rasti ir privaloma jį rasti. ", "Todėl kreipiuosi į jus su prašymu siekti konstruktyvaus sprendimo dėl likusiojo aspekto per ateinančias keletą dienų ir taip pat kreipiuosi į Tarybą su prašymu konstruktyviai į tai reaguoti.", "\nGaliu dar kartą jus patikinti, kad Komisija, siekdama rasti tenkinantį sprendimą, dirbs iki paskutinės minutės, paskutinės sekundės. ", "Sustiprinta ekonomikos valdysena Europai yra tiesiog pernelyg svarbi, kad būtų galima neišspręsti šio paskutinio likusio klausimo.", "\nPrisiminkime, kad Taryba ketina pasirašyti sutartį dėl Europos stabilumo mechanizmo (ESM), kurioje daugiausia dėmesio skiriama disbalanso naikinimui. ", "Tačiau ESM tik papildys naująją sustiprintos ekonomikos priežiūros sistemą, kurioje daugiausia dėmesio skiriama prevencijai ir kuri yra visų svarbiausia, nes ja bus gerokai sumažinta tokių krizių, kokią patyrėme, susidarymo ateityje tikimybė.", "\nBaigti norėčiau paprasta žinia. ", "Jei šią savaitę nebus pasiektas susitarimas, o ne vėliau kaip iki liepos mėn. ", "neįvyks balsavimas, tai bus labai prastas dalykas Europai ir Europos piliečiams. ", "Dėl to kils tik nusivylimas, kartėlis, o blogiausias rezultatas visiems bus, jei turėsime grįžti prie šių dokumentų rugsėjo mėn.", "\nJūs susitarėte dėl 99,9 proc. ", "esmės. ", "Dabar abiejų šalių prašau žengti paskutinius kelis centimetrus ir vienai su kita susitarti. ", "Tai pirmaeilis reikalas, nes šis paketas iš tiesų yra kertinis visapusiško mūsų atsako į krizę, kuri vis dar tęsiasi, akmuo. ", "Europos Sąjungos patikimumui yra absoliučiai būtina užbaigti paketą iki prasidedant vasaros atostogoms, o tada tęsti ir veiksmingai jį panaudoti.", "\nPervenche Berès\nPone pirmininke, pone Tarybos pirmininke, Komisijos nary, ponios ir ponai, Užimtumo ir socialinių reikalų komiteto vardu norėčiau išsakyti trijų grupių argumentus.", "\nPirmoji yra ta, kad, priimdami ekonomikos valdysenos paketą, turime užtikrinti, kad būtų atsižvelgta į visą Lisabonos sutartį. ", "Pagal šią Sutartį svarbiausias tikslas, taikomas ir šiam ekonomikos valdysenos paketui, yra atsižvelgti į tikslus, susijusius su aukšto užimtumo lygio skatinimu, tinkamos socialinės gerovės užtikrinimu ir kova su socialine atskirtimi. ", "Jei galima taip pasakyti, kartais man susidaro įspūdis, kad šis tikslas perkeltas prie antraeilių prioritetų.", "\nTodėl Užimtumo ir socialinių reikalų komitetas labai siekė, kad visas paketas nebūtų pagrįstas vien tik Sutarties 121 straipsniu, kuriame nustatytas ekonominės politikos krypčių derinimas, tačiau ir 148 straipsniu, kuriame apie užimtumo politiką kalbama valstybių narių ir Europos lygmens atsakomybės derinimo požiūriu. ", "Taip pat todėl mes manome, kad Sąjungoje būtina tvirtai užtikrinti Užimtumo, socialinės politikos, sveikatos ir vartotojų reikalų tarybos (EPSCO) vaidmenį pariteto pagrindais su Ekonomikos ir finansų reikalų taryba (ECOFIN).", "\nNes jei (o tai mane veda prie antrosios mano argumentų grupės) peržiūrint Stabilumo ir augimo paktą vienintelis mūsų tikslas bus valdysenos būdas, kuris patenkins reitingų agentūras, tada praleisime svarbią progą mūsų ekonominės ir pinigų sąjungos istorijoje. ", "Šiandien istorija mus ragina žvelgti daug bendriau ir atidžiai išnagrinėti tikslus, dėl kurių ši ekonomikos valdysena įvedama.", "\nŽinoma, mes turime sumažinti skolą, tačiau taip pat turime užtikrinti, kad ši ekonomikos valdysena padėtų užtikrinti strategijos \"Europa 2020\" sėkmę. ", "Šiuo požiūriu mes manome, kad yra kitų būdų, kuriuos buvo galima panaudoti. ", "Komisijos nary, kodėl yra taip, kad jums vertinant valstybių narių vidutinio laikotarpio biudžeto tikslus ypatingai elgtis galima tik su išlaidomis pensijoms mokėti? ", "Kodėl taip pat negali būti ypatingai elgiamasi su investicijomis į ateitį, t. y. išlaidomis švietimui, ar su išlaidomis, kurių reikia, siekiant kovoti su socialine atskirtimi, siekiant tikslo, kurį jūs nustatėte, o mes įtraukėme į strategiją \"Europa 2020\". ", "Kodėl yra taip, kad šie tikslai ir tokio pobūdžio požiūris taip pat netaikomas ir mokslinių tyrimų išlaidoms ar infrastruktūros objektų vystymo išlaidoms?", "\nTrečioji mano argumentų grupyra susijusi su tuo, kaip atliekama makroekonomikos priežiūra. ", "Mes manome, kad ši priežiūra - esminis šio paketo rezultatas, tačiau tai reiškia, kad ji turi būti taikoma simetriškai. ", "Galų gale mes čia, Europos Parlamente, rizikuojame pagrindiniu klausimu. ", "V. Ford kalbėjo apie tai kaip apie kovą dėl galios. ", "Tai ne kova dėl galios, tai demokratijos klausimas. ", "Jei norime, kad būtų Europos ekonomikos valdysena, jei norime, kad ši Europos ekonomikos politika veiktų, turi būti erdvės viešosioms diskusijoms ir Europos demokratijai. ", "Šiuo požiūriu turiu pasakyti, kad jūsų ir Tarybos atsisakymas leisti Europos Parlamentui dalyvauti nustatant makroekonomikos rodiklius deleguotaisiais teisės aktais man neatrodo teisingas būdas.", "\nSari Essayah\nvietoj Davido Casa, Užimtumo ir socialinių reikalų komiteto nuomonės referento. - ", "Pone pirmininke, D. Casa paprašė, kad kalbėčiau jo vardu, nes jis šiuo metu čia būti negali.", "\nŠešių teisės aktų paketo pranešėjai atsižvelgį daugelį Užimtumo ir socialinių reikalų komiteto pakeitimų. ", "Mūsų siunčiama žinia - kad visuomensveiką ekonomiką gali turėti tik tuo atveju, jei jos nariai gali visiškai prisidėti prie jos vystymo. ", "Sveika ekonomika yra gero užimtumo lygio ir socialinės politikos krypčių pagrindas ir atvirkščiai - geras užimtumo lygis ir geros socialinės politikos kryptys yra sveikos ekonomikos prielaidos. ", "Šiuo metu geriausi veiklos rezultatai tų valstybių narių, kurių fiskalinės politikos kryptys ir augimo strategijos buvo pačios apdairiausios. ", "Tai įrodo, kad finansinis stabilumas užtikrina augimą ir užimtumą.", "\nTurime laikytis Stabilumo ir augimo pakto taisyklių. ", "Labai svarbu pasiekti augimą ir kurti darbo vietas bei išvengti skolos naštos užkrovimo mūsų vaikams ir ateities kartoms. ", "Turime suprasti, kad kiekvienas euras, panaudotas palūkanoms už valstybės skolą sumokėti, yra toks euras, kuris neinvestuojamas į švietimą, socialinę apsaugą ir kitas sritis, kuriomis sukuriama geram ekonomikos vystymuisi ir žmonių gerovei būtina aplinka. ", "Todėl yra labai svarbu kuo greičiau sumažinti mūsų įsiskolinimą valstybėse narėse.", "\nHerbert Dorfmann\nPPE frakcijos vardu. - (", "DE) Pone pirmininke, ponios ir ponai, neabejotinai yra daug priežasčių, kodėl euro zonos ir visos Europos Sąjungos ekonominpadėtis yra tokia, kokią mes patiriame, tačiau dvi iš jų ypač išsiskiria. ", "Pirmiausia mes iš esmės gerokai per vėlai suvokėme kryptį, kuria plaukia Europa. ", "Antra, kai tai suvokėme, ypač Taryba, ilgą laiką atsisakinėjome inicijuoti reikiamas priemones (kurios iš tiesų nustatytos Stabilumo ir augimo pakte) arba taikyti reikiamas sankcijas. ", "Šiurkščiai kalbant, ji paprasčiausiai nepatraukparašiuto virvės.", "\nNaujajame reglamente dėl makroekonominės priežiūros šias dvi problemas reikėtų spręsti. ", "Pirmiausia dėl visiškai naujos juo nustatomos sistemos turėtume turėti galimybę ankstyvuoju etapu atpažinti makroekonominį disbalansą, o, antra, tada turėtume turėti galimybę greitai veikti. ", "Nors ir ilgai diskutavę, sukūrėme gerą rezultatų suvestinę. ", "Norėčiau labai padėkoti pranešėjai E. Ferreirai už jos teigiamą bendradarbiavimą šiuo aspektu.", "\nTurime užtikrinti, kad prieš disbalansą priemonių būtų imamasi nedelsiant. ", "Būtent todėl čia būtina sukurti mechanizmą, kurio nebūtų galima politiškai torpeduoti. ", "Todėl taip svarbu ir fundamentalu Parlamentui naudoti atvirkštinės kvalifikuotos balsų daugumos balsavimą.", "\nJei norime veiksmingai įgyvendinti šią priemonę, tai savaime reiškia, kad galias iš nacionalinių sostinių reikės perkelti čia, į Briuselį. ", "Tačiau tai ekonominėje ir pinigų sąjungoje yra labiau nei tikėtina bet kuriuo atveju. ", "Tik tada, kai Europos piliečiai pamatys, kad dabar veikiame veiksmingai, kad pasimokėme iš savo klaidų, galėsime atgauti šiuo metu prarastą pasitikėjimą.", "\nGaliu jus patikinti, kad mano frakcija E. Ferreiros pranešimą rytoj palaikys.", "\nStephen Hughes\nS&D frakcijos vardu. - ", "Pone pirmininke, šioje patalpoje rasite nedaug žmonių, kurie nepritartų tam, kad ateinančiais metais reikia sumažinti skolą ir deficitus iki protingo lygio. ", "Mano frakcija tikrai laikosi požiūrio, kad tą reikia padaryti.", "\nKalbame ne apie politinę konfrontaciją tarp finansiškai dorų ar finansiškai neatsakingų šio Parlamento narių. ", "Pasidalijimas tarp jūsų ir mūsų ir tarp pažangiųjų ir konservatorių čia, Parlamente, yra susijęs su klausimu, kaip mums grįžti prie patikimų viešųjų finansų, kokia ekonomine ir socialine to kaina, kokia Europos gebėjimo vėliau konkuruoti pasaulinėje rinkoje kaina. ", "Jūs, Komisijos nary, atkakliai laikotės minties, kad jūsų darbotvarkei, kurioje numatytas tik griežtas taupymas, alternatyvos nėra. ", "Mes manome, kad toks požiūris labai klaidingas. ", "Mūsų nuomone, jūsų požiūris ir dešiniosios Tarybos daugumos požiūris kelia didžiausią grėsmę pačios Europos idėjos ateičiai, nes tokiu požiūriu naikinama priklausymo bendruomenei samprata, solidarumo ir sanglaudos samprata.", "\nDidžioji dauguma iš milijonų darbus per krizę praradusių žmonių šiandien vis dar yra bedarbiai. ", "Kokią žinią jiems turi Taryba ir Komisija? ", "Ar tiems milijonams žmonių, kurių darbo vietoms gresia pavojus ar kurie gyvena skurde? ", "Kokią žinią šimtams milijonų žmonių, kurie kenčia dėl to, kad buvo sumažintas valstybės išmokų ir paslaugų, sveikatos priežiūros, švietimo finansavimas? ", "Kokia žinia jiems? ", "Kokia žinia iš Tarybos šią savaitę? ", "Na, kalbant atvirai, aš nesitikiu nieko, visiškai nieko.", "\nŠios savaitės Taryba nesuteiks nvieno vilties spindulėlio sunkiai dirbantiems žmonėms, bedarbiams ar jaunimui, kuriems taip skauda. ", "Krizė, kurios jie nesukėlė, jiems smognesąžiningai ir stipriai, o dabar jiems bus smogta dar kartą, siekiant ištaisyti pažeidimus, kurių jie nepadarė.", "\nJūsų politinir ekonomindarbotvarkmums, esantiems šioje Parlamento pusėje, yra visiškai nepriimtina. ", "Per visą teisėkūros procesą siūlėme protingus ir subalansuotus dalinius Komisijos pasiūlymų pakeitimus, siūlėme tvirtai susieti nacionalines reformas su stabilumo ir augimo programomis, naudojantis pirmosiomis kaip tvirta būtino investavimo į viešąjį sektorių varomąja priemone. ", "Mes siūlėme išlaikyti protingą produktyvaus viešojo investavimo apimtį ir siūlėme, kad naujosios taisyklės būtų aiškiai nukreiptos prieš cikliškumą. ", "Galėčiau tęsti, tačiau tikrovtokia, kad šiandienos ekonominę ir socialinę darbotvarkę užgrobdešinieji. ", "Nėra erdvės net nuosaikiems politiniams būdams, ką jau kalbėti apie pažangesnius.", "\nIr prašau, Komisijos nary O. Rehnai, nesakykite man, kad šias politikos kryptis, kurias aš smerkiu, įgyvendina socialistinės vyriausybės. ", "Žinote, kad jokia valstybnarviena šios darbotvarkės pakeisti negali, kai laikas toks, kad net stipriausios Europos ekonomikos turi lenktis neatsakingo ir vis pavojingesnio finansų sektoriaus poreikiams.", "\nGaliausiai man įdomu, kam bus naudingi sprendimai, kurie bus priimti šią savaitę. ", "Man atrodo, kad vieninteliai žmonės, kuriems tai bus naudinga, yra tie, kurie visų pirma sukėlvisą šią finansų sektoriaus netvarką, ir manau, kad tai negarbinga.", "\nSharon Bowles\nALDE frakcijos vardu. - ", "Pone pirmininke, iki šiol mums pavyko susitarti dėl beveik viso paketo ir parodėme, kad bendro sprendimo procedūra veikia, už tai dėkojame sunkiai dirbusiems Tarybai pirmininkaujančiai Vengrijai ir, žinoma, ypač Andrásui Kármánui, taip pat Parlamento derybininkų grupei ir Komisijai.", "\nTarybai pirmininkaujanti valstybir Komisija jau atkreipdėmesį į daug (manau, kad šis skaičius yra 50) Parlamento papildymų. ", "Į juos įeina teisinsemestro sistema ir nacionalinių reformų programų stebėjimas, nacionalinių statistikos departamentų nepriklausomumas ir baudos už sukčiavimą, Komisijos stebėjimo misijos, ekonominis visų suinteresuotųjų šalių dialogas ir gerokai didesnis visų procesų skaidrumas.", "\nTačiau negalime slėpti, kad per derybas dėl paketo buvo reikšmingų nuomonių skirtumų. ", "Savo ruožtu nelaikau to politiniu pozavimu, greičiau nuosavybės paieška, kad žmonės galėtų įgyti nuosavybės teisę. ", "Tai, kas skiria mus Parlamente, skiriasi nuo tų problemų, kurios mums kyla su Taryba, tačiau, kad ir kaip sunku tai būtų, turime laikytis savo demokratinės pareigos. ", "Nuosavybės teisę suteiks būtent šis Parlamentas.", "\nKai kuriems labiau patinka tarpvyriausybinis bendradarbiavimas. ", "Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad tekstas, dėl kurio susitarta, pripažintas geresniu nei bendras Tarybos požiūris, tai neturi prasmės. ", "Taip pat tai neturi prasmės ieškant nuosavybės teisės - kurios taip aiškiai trūksta didelėje atsako į krizę dalyje ir kas daugiausia yra tarpvyriausybinių sprendimų padarinys. ", "Šis Parlamentas nebijojo imtis vedlio vaidmens - nuo suvokimo, kad stabilumo fondo priemonės turi būti didesnės, iki pripažinimo, kad baudžiamosios palūkanų normos nesuteikia tvarumo ir galimybės grįžti į rinką, o Taryba juo sekė.", "\nDirbdami kartu esame stipresni, ir tikiu, kad sprendimą dėl galutinių skirtumų galima rasti.", "\nIvo Strejček\nPone pirmininke, šešių pasiūlymų paketas, kuriuo ketinama pagerinti euro zonos drausmę, pagrįstas tikėjimu, kad valstybės narės griežčiau laikysis naujai sukurtos ir griežtesnės viršvalstybinės priežiūros struktūros. ", "Mano nuomone, taip mąstyti yra problemiška, ypač todėl, kad kai kurios valstybės narės nesugebėjo laikytis iki šiol galiojusių ne tokių griežtų taisyklių ir veiksmingai užtikrinti, kad jos būtų įgyvendinamos. ", "Norėčiau paminėti keturis aspektus, kurie, mano nuomone, yra prieštaringi.", "\nPirmasis - atvirkštinės kvalifikuotos daugumos balsavimas, apie kurį šiame Parlamente kalbėta jau daug kartų. ", "Mes manome, kad atvirkštinės kvalifikuotos daugumos balsavimas yra priemonė, kurią reikėtų naudoti išimtiniais atvejais, o jos panaudojimą visuomet reikia tinkamai ir išsamiai paaiškinti ir atlikti atitinkamus patikrinimus, siekiant užtikrinti, kad jos panaudojimas atitiktų pirminę teisę.", "\nMes nepritariame sričių, kurioms taikomos priežiūros procedūros, kuriose siūloma naudoti atvirkštinės kvalifikuotos daugumos balsavimą, skaičiaus padidinimui. ", "Pasiūlytas būdas padidins politinę Komisijos ir Europos Parlamento galią, padarant žalą Tarybai ir nacionalinėms valdžios institucijoms, o mes norime ne to.", "\nKalbant apie priežiūros misijas, aš turiu rimtų abejonių dėl tokių misijų pasiūlymo, nes jas sudarytų daugiausia Europos Komisijos pareigūnai ir jiems būtų patikėti dideli įgaliojimai, nors tokių misijų nariai neturėtų jokio politinio įgaliojimo. ", "Tai esminabejonė. ", "Žmonės, kurių viešai nekontroliuoja rinkėjai, kad ir kokie geri būtų jų ketinimai, negali vykdyti priežiūros aukštesniu nei nacionalinių politinių institucijų ar aukščiausio lygmens nacionalinių institucijų vadovų lygmeniu.", "\nRezultatų suvestinė, kurioje bandoma sudaryti viršvalstybinio lygmens makroekonominių rodiklių sąrašą ir, remiantis šiuo sąrašu, įvertinti nacionalinių institucijų ir jų ekonomikos gebėjimą įveikti ekonomikos disbalansą, yra ginčytina idėja. ", "DabartinGraikijos padėtis yra geras pavyzdys to, kad iš išorės padiktuoti padėties sprendimai išprovokuoja šalies gyventojų pasipriešinimą ir yra viena iš socialinės įtampos didėjimo priežasčių.", "\nPhilippe Lamberts\nPone pirmininke, žalieji nori ekonomikos valdysenos. ", "Ne tik siekiant patenkinti žmones, ne tik todėl, kad taip galima gauti gražią nuotrauką, tačiau paprasčiausiai tam, kad, remiantis euru, Europos žmonėms būtų suteiktos priemonės, kuriomis naudodamiesi jie galėtų įveikti 21 amžiaus iššūkius, kitaip tariant, užtikrinti padorų pragyvenimo lygį visiems, o ne tik keliems laimingiesiems, ir padaryti tai neviršijant fizinių planetos ribų - ir būtent tai, žinoma, yra nauja.", "\nŠiuo atžvilgiu mes palaikome šiuos pranešimus dėl biudžeto sistemų ir makroekonominį \"ekonomikos valdysenos\" paketo komponentą. ", "Mus tenkina visi parinkti rodikliai, nors ir būtume norėję, kad vienas iš jų būtų pajamų nelygybė, nes tokia nelygybyra labai aiškus ir prastai veikiančios ekonomikos, ir prastai veikiančios visuomenės ženklas, todėl turėtų atlikti įspėjamojo ženklo funkciją.", "\nTačiau mūsų pritarimas dėl makroekonominio komponento yra sąlyginis ir priklauso nuo simetrinio požiūrio išlaikymo, ir tai yra argumentas, kurį teikiu Tarybai. ", "Kitaip tariant, mes manome, kad visos valstybės narės turėtų būti viename laive, nepaisant to, ar jose, pavyzdžiui, šiuo metu yra deficitas, ar perviršis. ", "Neturi būti jokių favoričių, nes vienos valstybės perviršis yra kitos valstybės deficitas.", "\nKalbant apie Stabilumo ir augimo paktą, negalime priimti priemonės, kurios vienintelis rezultatas yra ir bus griežtas taupymas, griežtas taupymas ir dar daugiau griežto taupymo, kitaip tariant, dėl kurio tik patys pažeidžiamiausi mūsų visuomenės nariai mokės už ekonomikos krizę.", "\nMes norėjome pusiausvyros - ne sumažinant biudžetinę drausmę, tačiau derinant ją su drausmingu investavimu. ", "Mes siūlėme nustatyti, kad tikslai, kuriuos Europa sau nusistatpatvirtindama strategiją \"Europa 2020\", būtų ne tik privalomi, tačiau tiek pat privalomi tiek vienas kito atžvilgiu, tiek santykyje su taisyklėmis dėl biudžeto ar dėl deficito. ", "Esu nusivylęs, kad šiame Parlamente nesusidardauguma, kuri galiausiai paremtų šią strategiją ir rimčiau į ją pažvelgtų.", "\nMes galbūt ir būtume sutikę balsuoti už šį stabilumo ir augimo paketą jo nepakeitus, jei jis būtų lydimas plataus užmojo finansinio paketo, kuriame būtų suderintas finansinių sandorių mokestis, energijos mokestis, sąžiningas tarpvalstybinių korporacijų mokestis ir, žinoma, priemonės, skirtos kovoti su sukčiavimu mokesčių srityje, kad mes galėtume padėti Sąjungos valstybėms narėms finansuoti tikslus, kuriuos jos tikisi pasiekti. ", "Tačiau nebuvo nmenkiausio to požymio. ", "Nepaisant šiandien vėl J. M. Barroso pateiktų pareiškimų, nėra rengiama absoliučiai nieko.", "\nSakau tai dešiniesiems: siekdami sukurti ekonomikos valdysenos formą, pasirinkote sudaryti siaurą daugumą su euroskeptikais, tą daryti turite teisę, tačiau aš jau dabar galiu jums pasakyti, kad ji nesąžininga ir bus neveiksminga.", "\nTodėl pažiūrėsime, kas nutiks - ar šiame Parlamente, kai sugrius jūsų paktas su euroskeptikais, ar per rinkimus Prancūzijoje 2010 m. ir Vokietijoje 2013 m., kuriuose, manau, rinkėjai mums pritars.", "\nJürgen Klute\nPone pirmininke, ponios ir ponai, savo 2009 m. rinkimų į Europos Parlamentą programoje mes taip pat pasisakėme už ekonomikos valdyseną. ", "Tačiau mūsų, kairiųjų, suvokimas apie ekonomikos valdyseną skiriasi nuo to, kas įtraukta į šiandien svarstyti pateiktą ekonomikos valdysenos paketą.", "\nMums ekonomikos valdysena reiškia aiškių ekonomikos taisyklių išdėstymą ir ribų nustatymą. ", "Pavyzdžiui, mes manome, kad tai reikštų atlyginimų dempingo ir mokesčių dempingo uždraudimą ar būtiniausių standartų, skirtų darbo rinkos konkurencijos iškreipimui sustabdyti, nustatymą. ", "Žinoma, mums ekonomikos valdysena taip pat reiškia veiksmingą finansų rinkų reguliavimą.", "\nNvieno iš šių dalykų siūlomame ekonomikos valdysenos pakete nėra. ", "Vietoj to, dabartinpaketo versija kelia įspūdį, kad buvo sudaryta daugiausia dėl spaudimo, kurį daro kreditų reitingų agentūros Pietų Europos valstybėms narėms. ", "Kaip jau galima matyti iš Graikijos, Portugalijos ir Ispanijos pavyzdžių, šiame pakete nustatoma radikali griežto taupymo politika, kuri turės sunkiai prognozuojamų pasekmių viso Europos projekto ateičiai. ", "Ši radikali griežto taupymo politika šiuo metu veda Graikijos, Portugalijos ir Ispanijos piliečius, tačiau taip pat ir Šiaurės Europos valstybių piliečius atgal prie neapgalvoto nacionalizmo, kurį manėme jau ilgą laiką Europoje esant įveiktą.", "\nPradinių Komisijos pasiūlymų patobulinimai, kurių taip reikėjo ir kurie buvo išplėtoti Ekonomikos ir pinigų politikos komitete, kuriame dėl jų buvo ir nubalsuota, spaudžiant Tarybai buvo vėl didele dalimi pašalinti ar susilpninti, ypač E. Ferreiros pranešime. ", "Mūsų nuomone, deleguotųjų teisės aktų pašalinimas iš E. Ferreiros pranešimo yra visiškai nepriimtinas. ", "Juos pašalinus Europos Parlamentas nebegali daryti jokios įtakos tam, kaip tvarkomasi su makroekonominiu disbalansu. ", "Tai daro tik Komisija. ", "Tai menkai primena demokratiją, o dar mažiau socialinę Europą, kuri yra pasirengusi sutikti ateitį.", "\nMūsų nuomone, ekonomikos valdysenos paketas (bent toks, koks yra dabar) yra netinkamas atsakas į krizę, su kuria susiduriame. ", "Todėl mes šio paketo, tokio, koks jis yra dabar, nepalaikysime.", "\nClaudio Morganti\nPone pirmininke, Komisijos nary O. Rehnai, ponios ir ponai, įsivedant eurą galėjo būti neaišku, kokį pinigų politikos praradimą tai gali reikšti valstybei narei. ", "Šiandien stebime dramatiškas to pasekmes Graikijoje.", "\nEuro zona nebuvo ir netapo optimalia valiutos zona. ", "Finansinės krizės užgriūtai valstybei yra sunkiau atsigauti ir ji tikrai galėtų nutempti į bedugnę ir kitas valstybes nares. ", "Dar Mastrichto sutartyje buvo nustatyti kriterijai, siekiant išvengti pavojingų situacijų, ir mes matėme, kaip jie pasirodesą nieko verti. ", "1999 m. Graikija neatitiko jokių kriterijų, tačiau praėjus vos dvejiems metams ji jau įsivedeurą. ", "Dar daugiau, Portugalija buvo pirmoji valstybė, kuriai 2002 m. buvo pateikti įspėjimai dėl jos pozicijos dėl deficito.", "\nTaigi, ženklų būta, ir seniai, o dabar už pasekmes mokės visi Europos piliečiai. ", "Todėl mes nekantraujame pamatyti, ar šios naujos priemonės pasirodys esančios bent kiek naudingesnės. ", "Jos turbūt yra paskutingalimybprieš paskelbiant apie galutinį Europos ekonomikos politikos žlugimą.", "\nHans-Peter Martin\n(DE) Pone pirmininke, Europos Sąjungos drama tampa tragedija. ", "Rytoj turbūt bus svarbus kiekvienas balsas. ", "Esu tiesiogiai išrinktas 500 000 Austrijos rinkėjų, tad kaip galiu palaikyti šį paketą?", "\nDabar net ir itin euroskeptiškai nusiteikusiems žmonėms galime paaiškinti ekonomikos valdysenos koncepciją, tačiau ji privalo būti demokratiškai teisėta ir turi būti atliekami tikrinimai ir balansai. ", "Kaip tai turėtų veikti, jei, viena vertus, įkurtas de facto protektoratas - Graikija, o, kita vertus, geriau besitvarkančių valstybių narių mokesčių mokėtojų obligacijos buvo pagrobtos per Europos Centrinį Banką ir bloguosius bankus? ", "Kaip žmonėms, kurie buvo tvirtai įsitikinę, kad jie neturėtų atsisakyti šilingo ar markės, galite paaiškinti, kad dabar mums staiga reikia euroobligacijų paprasčiausiai dėl to, kad bankų negalima nuolat tikrinti - beje, pone S. Hughesai, labai malonu, kad socialdemokratai dabar tai suprato. ", "Yra tik viena išeitis, mano manymu - mes turime galiausiai pasiduoti ir pripažinti, kad reikiamu metu nepadarėme reikiamų žingsnių; mes turime pripažinti savo klaidas ir Europai, kuri atsidūrkritiškoje padėtyje, galiausiai pateikti viziją, kaip galėtume išlikti globalizuotame pasaulyje.", "\nTačiau dabartiniame pakete aš to nematau ir todėl, visiškai neatsižvelgiant į atskirus argumentus, bet kuriam atsakingai nusiteikusiam asmeniui yra taip sunku balsuoti už jį.", "\nKrišjānis Kariņš\n(LV) Pone pirmininke, namus paprastai projektuoja aukštąjį išsilavinimą turintys žmonės, o stato juos tie, kurie vargu ar turi vidurinį išsilavinimą. ", "Beje, jei statantis namą statybininkas yra kvailokas ar nesąžiningas ir nepila reikiamo betono kiekio į pamatus, kaip to reikalaujama pagal projektą, namas krypsta. ", "Euro zonos atveju pamatai, stabilumo pamatai buvo klojami Stabilumo ir augimo paktu. ", "Deja, įvyko taip, kad įvairios valstybės narės - galbūt kaip tingintys ar aplaidūs statybininkai Stabilumo pakto nesilaikir sukūrpernelyg dideles valstybių skolas, biudžeto deficitą. ", "Kilus pasaulinei ekonomikos krizei, šis euro zonos namas pradėjo svyruoti. ", "Jei euro zona būtų namas, logiškai mąstant, mes turėtume grįžti prie darbo ir pakloti naujus pamatus. ", "Šiuo atveju mes turime užbaigtą ekonomikos valdysenos paketą, kurį turėtume patvirtinti kaip sutvirtintus pamatus, kad ateityje, kilus dar vienai audrai, euro zona nesvyruotų. ", "Be to, jei norime geriau suvokti, kaip šis svyravimas atrodo, tereikia pažvelgti į įvykius Graikijoje. ", "Ponios ir ponai, turime išvengti padėties, kuriai esant ateityje mūsų namas galėtų susvyruoti dar kartą, ir sprendimas yra ekonomikos valdysenos paketo patvirtinimas. ", "Dėkoju jums už dėmesį.", "\nUdo Bullmann\n(DE) Pone pirmininke, savo komentarus norėčiau pradėti nuo klausimo Komisijos nariui O. Rehnui ir Tarybos atstovui A. Kármánui. ", "Abu jie kalbėjo apie neišspręstą reikalą, dėl kurio ginčijasi Parlamento dauguma ir Taryba. ", "Šią savaitę pastebėjau, kad Taryba nepritarE. Ferreiros, Europos Parlamento socialistų ir demokratų pažangiojo aljanso frakcijos pranešėjos, pranešimo tekstui, susijusiam su simetriniu požiūriu. ", "Ar galite man pasakyti, kad ši problema išspręsta, nes Taryba balsavo už pranešėją? ", "Iš tikrųjų tada vis tiek turėtumėte problemą tarp daugumos čia ir Tarybos - ar jūs pamiršote tai paminėti? ", "Jei taip, norėčiau sužinoti ir tai, nes tada, manyčiau, kad, jūsų nuomone, tai nėra svarbu. ", "Norėčiau, kad jūs abu man tai paaiškintumėte šių diskusijų pabaigoje.", "\nKlausantis dviejų konservatyvių šio Parlamento frakcijų, taip pat liberalų, man susidarįspūdis, kad, jei priimsime tai, ką jie čia pateiksvarstyti, pasaulis bus sutvarkytas. ", "Deja, taip nebus. ", "Pasaulis dėl to taps blogesnis, o ne geresnis - nes jie atsisakprogos sukurti bendresnę Europos ekonomikos politiką, o vietoj to ėmėsi griežto taupymo paketo. ", "Tai yra blogai, nes tai reiškia praeito amžiaus politiką, nes tai reiškia pasenusį požiūrį, kai politikai tesiimama sankcijų, o ne paskatų ar išmanaus apmokestinimo, ar subalansuoto požiūrio, tokio, kokį remiame mes. ", "Įvairios Parlamento pusės pateikpakankamai pragmatinių pasiūlymų, kuriais remiantis buvo galima pateikti svarstyti subalansuotą paketą.", "\nJei C. Wortmann-Kool nori teigti, kad paketą vetuos žalieji ir socialdemokratai, žinoma, tai paprasčiausiai nesąmonė. ", "Tiesa yra absoliučiai priešinga. ", "Šio Parlamento nariams iš Europos liaudies partijos (krikščionių demokratų), kurie antrina Komisijai ir Tarybai, norėčiau pasakyti, kad mes esame čia ne tam, kad be diskusijų viskam pritartume, o tam, kad galvotume patys. ", "Būtent to iš mūsų tikisi rinkėjai. ", "Todėl noriu pažymėti, kad šiuo metu jūs negalite pasakyti, ar valstybnarperka gynybos įrangą, karinius orlaivius, ar investuoja į savo rytojaus švietimo sistemą. ", "Jūs neturite galimybių kokybiškai įvertinti valstybės biudžeto politiką. ", "Iš tikrųjų mes norime suteikti jums priemones tai padaryti. ", "Mes norėjome sumanesnio pakto, kuriame Komisijai būtų suteikta daugiau galimybių daryti įtaką. ", "Negaliu suprasti, kodėl Komisijos narys O. Rehn su tuo nesutinka - su daugiau galimybių daryti įtaką ir su šiuolaikine ekonomikos politika, kuria vykdant dėl mūsų piliečių interesų remiamasi strategijos \"Europa 2020\" tikslais. ", "Jūs tai sužlugdėte ir gaila dėl to. ", "Dėl tos priežasties šis paketas jokiu būdu nėra subalansuotas.", "\nMes ir toliau kovosime dėl geresnio ekonomikos paketo. ", "Esame skolingi tai savo rinkėjams. ", "Tiesą sakant, atsakymas turi būti \"daugiau Europos\", o ne \"mažiau Europos\". ", "Tačiau tai turi būti teisinga Europa o ne neteisingas paketas.", "\nOlle Schmidt\n(SV) Pone pirmininke, Komisijos nary, Europa yra sunkioje padėtyje, tačiau būtent krizės laikais ES paprastai sugeba priimti drąsius sprendimus. ", "Tai, kad rytoj galėsime priimti sprendimą dėl griežtesnių ir aiškesnių ekonomikos valdysenos taisyklių, yra be galo svarbu, ir ne tik euro zonai priklausančioms valstybėms. ", "Tai turės pasekmių visiems. ", "Europos vadovai abejojo ir įsigalėjo netikrumą. ", "Išplito nervingumas. ", "Jų siunčiama žinia keitėsi kiekvieną dieną. ", "Rytoj priimtas sprendimas galės parodyti, kad Parlamentas geba priimti sunkius sprendimus sunkiais laikais. ", "Kad patektų į euro zoną, Graikija pasinaudojo apgaule. ", "Tai tiesa. ", "Būtent todėl Vokietijos ir Prancūzijos vadovai dabar imasi aiškaus lyderių vaidmens ir prisiima atsakomybę už Europos ateitį, užuot toliau kalbėję neaiškiais, prislopintais balsais.", "\nReikia persvarstyti Stabilumo ir augimo paktą ir sugriežtinti taisykles. ", "Pacta sunt servanda - susitarimų reikia laikytis, tai nėra nauja, Graikija! ", "Švedijoje mes žinome, kad stabilumo ir augimo pasiekiama per sveikus valstybės finansus. ", "U. Bullmann gali pasiklausti savo frakcijos narių švedų. ", "Aš tikiuosi, kad Švedijos socialdemokratai galės palaikyti šį pasiūlymą, ypač kai mums pavyko įvesti taisykles, kuriomis apsaugomos kolektyvinės Švedijos sutartys. ", "Šiuo metu šalinama paskutinkliūtis, kuria siekiama suteikti Švedijos socialdemokratams galimybę prisidėti prie to, kad Švedija taptų pakto \"Euro plius\" nare. ", "Jei Švedija ketina priklausyti ES bendruomenei, negalime paprasčiausiai vilktis iš paskos ES kritikams iš Vengrijos, Čekijos ir Jungtinės Karalystės. ", "Tokios kompanijos laikytis nėra gerai.", "\nKay Swinburne\nPone pirmininke, šiose diskusijose aš atsidūriau sudėtingoje padėtyje, nes manau, kad, norint turėti tvirtą valiutą ir stiprią ekonomiką, reikia tvirtų finansinių taisyklių. ", "Mano nuomone, tai buvo pagrindinpriežastis, dėl kurios mano valstybprie euro zonos neprisijungė. ", "Pinigų sąjunga visuomet sudėtinga, jei nėra reikšmingų žingsnių, siekiant ekonominės sąjungos, ir būtent dėl pastarojo reikalavimo aš manau, kad JK euro neįsives niekada.", "\nMano frakcijos čia, Parlamente, pagrindinis principas yra nacionalinio suvereniteto viršenybprieš sprendimus dėl ekonominės politikos. ", "Jei visi šeši pranešimai ir jų taisyklės taikomi tik euro zonai, mes galėtume aktyviau palaikyti Euro grupę dėl jų sprendimo stiprinti pagrindinius pinigų sąjungos principus. ", "Jei visos valstybės narės, kurios naudoja eurą, nori sustiprinti ir pagilinti savo ekonominės politikos derinimą, jų teisdėl to nuspręsti.", "\nJK ir kitos euro zonai nepriklausančios valstybės nori būti geros kaimynės. ", "Tačiau bandymai pririšti mus, nepriklausančius euro zonai, tikslais ir procesais, kurie skirti ekonominei politikai suderinti, yra nepriimtini. ", "Nenoriu stebėti, kaip euro zonoje tęsiasi sunkumai, tačiau ECR negali palaikyti ES teisės aktų, kuriais atimamos bet kokios tolesnės galios iš šiuo metu tai euro zonai nepriklausančių valstybių nacionalinių vyriausybių.", "\nTikėkimės, kad visos valstybės narės išmoko krizės suteiktas pamokas, būtent, kad už subalansuotą biudžetą ir finansinę drausmę atlyginama mažesnėmis finansavimo kainomis finansų rinkose ir kad sąžiningumas teikiant statistines ataskaitas yra būtinas, norint, kad ir toliau rinkoje būtų pasitikėjimas. ", "Iš esmės mes visi esame suinteresuoti stipria euro zona ir euro kaip pasauline valiuta. ", "Naujomis taisyklėmis reikia užtikrinti, kad ji būtų stiprinama ir didinamas jos tvarumas.", "\nSven Giegold\n(DE) Pone pirmininke, mes, Žaliųjų / Europos laisvojo aljanso frakcija, norime, kad Europos ekonomikos valdysena būtų tvirta. ", "Tai reiškia, kad, viena vertus, mums reikia griežtų taisyklių disbalanso atžvilgiu (kaip išdėstyta E. Ferreiros pranešime) ir, žinoma, taip pat reikia su tuo susijusių sankcijų. ", "Todėl mes balsuosime už šiuos du pranešimus, taip pat ir už V. Ford pranešimą, kuriuo pasiūlytas statistinis mūsų ekonominio bendradarbiavimo pagrindas.", "\nKalbant apie tris pranešimus dėl Stabilumo ir augimo pakto - būtinas bendras euro ir, be to, mums Europoje reikia nustatyti deficito ir skolos ribas. ", "Šios krizės metu tokios ribos buvo viršytos. ", "Tačiau yra svarbu apsvarstyti, kaip mažinti deficitą ir skolą. ", "Šiuo metu Graikijoje, Portugalijoje ir Airijoje, spaudžiant Europos Komisijai, derybose su nacionalinėmis vyriausybėmis pasiekti rezultatai ir sudaryti paketai yra tokie, kad dėl jų kenčia būtent silpniausieji, o turtingieji, kurie labai gerai pasipelnper pastaruosius 20 metų, paliekami ramybėje. ", "Tai susilpnino žmonių tikėjimą procesu. ", "Todėl mes, Žaliųjų frakcija, norime, kad strategijos \"Europa 2020\" tikslai Stabilumo ir augimo pakte ir pranešimuose būtų visiškai įpareigojantys, taip pat kaip ir deficito ir skolos tikslai.", "\nTo nepriimdami, ponios ir ponai iš liberalių ir konservatyvių frakcijų, atsisakėte vieno iš Europos socialinės sanglaudos principų. ", "To remti negalime. ", "Mūsų nuomone, dėl to labai gaila, nes mes būtume norėję matyti didelę europinę daugumą čia, šiame Parlamente.", "\nJei rytoj balsuojant už šiuos pranešimus nesusidarys dauguma, mes esame visada pasirengę konstruktyviai dirbti kartu, siekiant bendro sprendimo dėl ekonomikos valdysenos, kuria vienodai rimtai būtų žiūrima ir į socialinę, ir į ekonominę atsakomybę.", "\nNikolaos Chountis\n(EL) Pone pirmininke, Europos vieningųjų kairiųjų jungtinės frakcijos / Šiaurės šalių žaliųjų kairiųjų nuomone, šis ekonomikos valdysenos paketas ne tik yra neteisingas atsakas į krizę, tačiau jis taip pat žymi tokios Europos, kokia mums žinoma, pabaigą. ", "Skirtingai, nei jame teigiama, jo tikslas nėra ekonomikos srities derinimas ir fiskalindisciplina; jo tikslas yra visai Europai, visiems darbininkams primesti nuolatinį griežto taupymo memorandumą. \"", "Europos semestro\" ir nacionalinių stabilumo ir reformų programų tikslas nėra susijungimas; jų tikslas yra panaikinti kolektyvines sutartis, liberalizuoti atleidimą iš darbo, privatizuoti pramonę ir atsikratyti valstybinių pensijų sistemų.", "\nŠios politikos kryptys neatitinka Europos žmonių interesų ar jų vilties dėl realaus augimo. ", "Priešingai, jos atitinka bankų, kurie, kaip žinoma, vykdstambaus masto tarptautines spekuliacijas toksinėmis obligacijomis, interesus ir didelių korporacijų, kurios bendrojoje rinkoje atrado spekuliacijų ir mokesčių vengimo rojų, interesus. ", "Kaip pavyzdį paminėčiau Vokietijos bendrovę \"Hochtief\", kuri valdo Atėnų oro uostą; nuo 2001 m. ji nesumokėjo neuro ir yra skolinga 500 mln. ", "EUR PVM.", "\nYra daug diskutuojama apie Graikiją. ", "Dabar jau metai, kai ekonomikos valdysenos paketo esmtaikoma mano šaliai, o to pasekmės pragaištingos - recesija gilėja, infliacija smarkiai išaugo, investicijos visiškai išseko, darbo teisės ir kolektyvinės sutartys iš esmės yra naikinamos, darbo kaina sumažėjo labiausiai Europoje, nedarbas pasiek20 proc. ", "ir padidėjo skola, kas pakurstydingą recesijos, skolų ir didesnio skolinimosi ratą. ", "Būtent todėl pikti Graikijos darbininkai išėjo į gatves ir aikštes, kovodami, kad griežto taupymo politikos kryptys būtų panaikintos, siekdami apginti savo pajamas ir savo darbo ir socialines teises, realų augimą ir geresnę Graikijos ir Europos ateitį.", "\nFrancisco Sosa Wagner\n(ES) Pone pirmininke, siekiame sukurti ekonomikos valdysenos zoną, kurioje būtų taikomi federalizmo principai, nors ir pritaikyti Europos integracijos procesui.", "\nNegalime ilgiau likti užmerkę akis šios padėties atžvilgiu. ", "Turėti bendrą valiutą, bet kartu neturėti reikiamų fiskalinių ir finansinių priemonių yra nesuderinama.", "\nKonkrečiai mes privalome: išleisti bendras Europos obligacijas, visiškai atsisakyti konkurencijos tarp skirtingų valstybių narių išleistų obligacijų, įsteigti tikrą Europos iždą ir suderinti finansų politiką, siekiant užtikrinti lygybę, kovoti su sukčiavimu mokesčių srityje ir padėti nustatyti pažangią Europos socialinę politiką, kurios pagrindas būtų veiksmingos viešosios paslaugos.", "\nKai kas gali pasakyti, kad šios idėjos elementarios. ", "Tačiau, nepaisant to, jas reikia vėl ir vėl kartoti, nes niekas jų nesiklauso. ", "Būtent dėl šios priežasties, tai yra nesiklausymo, mes gyvename tamsiais laikais, kaip numatpoetas Bertolt Brecht.", "\nÍñigo Méndez de Vigo\n(ES) Pone pirmininke, prieš 20 metų man pirmą kartą atėjus į šį Parlamentą šios diskusijos nebūtų vykusios, nes tuo metu šis Parlamentas buvo konsultacinis ir daugelis iš mūsų pastaruosius 20 metų kovojome dėl to, kad jis taptų tuo, kas yra šiandien - parlamentu, kuris yra vienas iš įstatymų leidėjų.", "\nTačiau, kai kas nors yra vienas iš įstatymų leidėjų, jam reikia būti atsakingam. ", "Ir šiuo metu mums reikia išreikšti būtent atsakomybę. ", "Dalis šio Parlamento priėmseną 1968 m. gegužės mėn. ", "devizą, pagal kurį reikalauti neįmanomo yra realistiška. ", "Akivaizdu, kad, jei kas nors reikalauja neįmanomo, galiausiai tampa neįmanoma išvis dėl ko nors susitarti.", "\nEuropos liaudies partijos (krikščionių demokratų) frakcija nesiderėjo su jokiomis atskiromis frakcijomis. ", "Mes derėjomės su visomis frakcijomis. ", "Tačiau susitarti mums pavyko tik su tomis frakcijomis, kurios buvo pasirengusios tai padaryti.", "\nPone pirmininke, mano įsitikinimu, su Komisijos pasiūlymu, Tarybos pozicija ir tuo, kas šiuo metu pateikta svarstyti (kas rytoj bus pateikta balsuoti) buvo padaryta daug pažangos, jei būsime vertinami objektyviai. ", "Tai tikras nesutarimas ar dilema, kurią mes rytoj turėsime išspręsti.", "\nSavo produktyvaus gyvenimo pabaigoje Miguel de Cervantes pasakė, kad gyvenime būna akimirkų, kai tenka pasirinkti, ar būti keliu, ar užeigos namais. ", "Sakydamas \"būti užeigos namais\", M. de Cervantes turėjo omeny ramų gulėjimą skundžiantis, kad tave ignoruoja, ir nejudant. \"", "Būti keliu\" reiškia judėti į priekį įveikiant kliūtis, žinant, kad ne viskas pasiekta, kad kelias tikriausiai nėra tas, kuriuo mes norėtume eiti, bet vis tiek einame toliau.", "\nManau, kad taip turėtų elgtis ir šis Parlamentas rytoj - eiti toliau, išspręsti nesutarimus, kurių vis dar turime su Taryba, tačiau turėti omenyje, kad ilgainiui krizužgrius visus europiečius. ", "Esant tokioms aplinkybėms neatsakinga sakyti \"man tai nepatinka, viso gero, geros jums dienos\". ", "Atsakomybreiškia ėjimą.", "\nTodėl, pone pirmininke, manau, kad per rytojaus balsavimą mes sušauksime dar vieną susitikimą su Taryba, kuris vyks liepos mėn. ", "Kaip sakkitas poetas - F. Sosa Wagner pacitavo vokiečių poetą, aš pacituosiu prancūzų poetą Paulą Valéry: eilėraščiai nebaigiami niekada, jie tiesiog nustojami rašyti.", "\nIki liepos mėn. ", "mes nustosime kurti galutinį rezultatą ir aš tikiuosi, kad Tarybai pirmininkaujanti Vengrija, kuri taip sėkmingai dirbo, taip pat galės pasiekti visus tenkinantį susitarimą.", "\nDėkoju, pone pirmininke, ir gal galėčiau pastebėti, kad tai pirmasis kartas per 20 metų, kai laikrodis suklydo mano naudai, taip suteikdamas man daugiau laiko.", "\nEdward Scicluna\n(MT) Šie šeši pranešimai dėl ekonomikos valdysenos Europos Sąjungai, o ypač euro zonai, sudaro sudėtingą paketą. ", "Tiems, kurie sudarinėjo paketą, jau pakankamai sunku jį paaiškinti, o žmonėms iš išorės dar sunkiau jį suprasti. ", "Suprantama, kad žmonės yra suglumę - tiek dėl krizės, kuri juos slegia, tiek dėl mūsų neaiškios ir baikščios reakcijos į ją. ", "Todėl mūsų atsakomybyra paaiškinti savo rinkimų apygardose, kodėl mes pasirinkome balsuoti būtent taip; pasakyti, ar mes palaikome kiekvieną iš šių pranešimų, ar esame prieš juos. ", "Trumpai tariant, paketu, kurį mums pateikKomisija, buvo ketinama aprėpti tris fazes, kaip reikėtų reaguoti į krizę. ", "Pirmiausia šiame pakete susitelkiama į krizės prevenciją, švelninimą ir sprendimą. ", "C. Wortmann-Kool, D. Feio ir S. Goulard pranešime aptariamas sankcijų kaip pagrindinių priemonių, kurių reikia, siekiant apsaugoti valstybę nuo to, kad ji nepasiektų pavojingo deficito ir skolos lygio, panaudojimas ir scenarijai, kurie galimi, kai šios valstybės ignoruoja įvairius įspėjimus, kurie joms pateikiami dėl jų labai prastos padėties. ", "Iš pradžių šiuose pranešimuose buvo ginčijamasi dėl baudų, kurios turėtų būti taikomos, griežtumo, tačiau vėliau buvo priimti nuosaikesni pasiūlymai. ", "Sunkiausias ir kūrybiškesnis būdas sušvelninti krizę išvengiant makroekonominio disbalanso, panaudojant rezultatų suvestines, kuriose nustatomi tikslai, kuriuos reikia pasiekti, buvo paliktas E. Ferreiros pranešimui. ", "Nepaisant techninių apribojimų ir kitokio spaudimo, šiame pranešime bent pavyko nustatyti būtinąjį norimų tikslų rinkinį. ", "Bet kas, kas tikisi šiame pakete rasti dabartinės krizės sprendimą, bus nuviltas. ", "Šiame pakete trūksta gerai apgalvotų, protingų Europos ir užsienio ekonomistų idėjų apie tai, kaip krizę patiriančioms šalims šią krizę įveikti. ", "Vieną pranešimą, kuriame buvo bandoma sutarti dėl euro vertybinių popierių, paskutinę minutę į nuošalę nustūmTaryba ir dabar jis paprasčiausiai padėtas į lentyną Komisijai pažadėjus atlikti tolesnius šio dalyko tyrimus. ", "Savo rankose neturime nieko, kas būtų konkretu; mes telikome su pažadu dėl pažado. ", "Turime turėti omenyje, kad visa šios veiklos esmbuvo padėti Europai vėl atsistoti ant kojų, ištraukti ją iš liūno ir užtikrinti, kad ji galėtų judėti į priekį ir tapti konkurencinga pasauliniu mastu. ", "Dėl šios priežasties mes neturėtume prieštarauti minčiai, kad euro zonos valstybės turi sumažinti savo finansinių naštų perteklių. ", "Mes pritariame, kad niekas neturėtų konkuruoti, kol tenka nešti tokią sunkią naštą. ", "Tačiau negalima priimti bado dietos primetimo, kuris pasitarnautų tik tolesniam pasiligojimui ir didesniam nusilpimui. ", "Siekiant sustiprinti ekonomikos augimą ir kurti darbo vietas, Europai reikia užsiauginti ekonominių raumenų; jai reikia kūrybiškų programų. ", "Didelį nusivylimą kelia tai, kad po visų šių mėnesių į šį paketą nepateko nvienas iš sumanių pasiūlymų, kurie buvo numatyti.", "\nWolf Klinz\n(DE) Pone pirmininke, ponios ir ponai, ilgą laiką mes manėme, kad vidaus rinkos ir bendros valiutos įvedimo rezultatas automatiškai bus ekonominis ir valstybių narių susijungimas ir kad Mastrichto kriterijų pakanka drausmei užtikrinti. ", "Dabar mums atsivėrakys. ", "Paaiškėjo, kad valdymo priemonės yra netinkamos ir kad praeityje jos buvo smarkiai pažeistos.", "\nNeįmanoma ilgą laiką įgyvendinti bendros valiutos ir bendros pinigų politikos, nebent būtų griežtos taisyklės finansų, biudžeto, ekonominės ir socialinės politikos srityje. ", "Dabar ES bando taikyti naują požiūrį. ", "Kalbant metaforomis, ji turi vieną paskutinį šūvį. ", "Jei šiuo šūviu nepavyks pataikyti į taikinį, žala gali būti skaudi. ", "ES gali atsidurti regresyviame etape, mums gali tekti stebėti grįžimą prie pakartotinės nacionalizacijos ir protekcionizmo ir pirmuosius euro zonos iširimo ženklus.", "\nNaujajame pakete bandoma to išvengti ir pakloti naujus pamatus. ", "Aš palankiai vertinu šį paketą, nors ir manau, kad jis yra neryžtingas mano ką tik išdėstytų problemų atžvilgiu. ", "Yra pavojus, kad pasirodys, jog Europos semestras vykdomas centristiškai ir biurokratiškai. ", "Yra tikimybė, kad paktas dėl euro gali būti neveiksnus. ", "Mums reikia įpareigojančių Komisijos rekomendacijų. ", "Mums reikia automatinių iniciatyvų ir sankcijų, kurias Taryba galėtų sustabdyti tik taikant atvirkštinės kvalifikuotos daugumos balsavimo būdą. ", "Tai yra neabejotinai būtina, jei pagaliau norime užbaigti negarbingus, nesuprantamus Tarybos narių kivirčus už uždarų durų. ", "Mums skubiai reikia aiškaus sprendimų mechanizmo finansų sektoriuje, kad šis ir vėl galėtų dirbti.", "\nDerk Jan Eppink\n(NL) Pone pirmininke, tapo aišku, kad, norint turėti pinigų sąjungą, reikia ir biudžetinės sąjungos, taip pat laikytis taisyklių. ", "Tokia yra pamoka, kurią išmokome iš euro krizės. ", "Mano nuomone, paketas, dėl kurio susitarėme praeitą trečiadienį, yra labai gerai subalansuotas, todėl man garbinformuoti jus, Komisijos nary, kad Europos konservatorių ir reformistų Belgijos delegacija šiam paketui pritars.", "\nTačiau turiu keletą kritiškų minčių. ", "Apskritai manau, kad euroobligacijos nėra stebuklingas sprendimas. ", "Vakar laikraštyje \"Financial Times\" Gideon Rachman rašė, kad apsinuodijus alkoholiu negalima gydytis buteliu degtinės. ", "Mes su S. Goulard turėjome teologinę diskusiją šiuo klausimu. ", "Mes negalėjome sutarti, tačiau žaviuosi ja kaip oponente. ", "Taip pat manau, kad ekonominio disbalanso teorija yra gana neapibrėžta ir neaiški. ", "Netiesa, kad Vokietijoje prekybos perviršis yra dėl to, kad Portugalijoje yra prekybos deficitas. ", "Tai tikrai skamba tarsi \"ES ekonomika žaliems\".", "\nTodėl, pone pirmininke, prieš mus yra geriausias tekstas, kokio buvo galima tikėtis. ", "Aš balsuosiu už jį ir manau, kad šią akimirką ir šiuo euro zonos krizės laikotarpiu iš mūsų ir iš šio Parlamento norima įsipareigojimų vykdymo ir būtent tai norėčiau padaryti.", "\nGeorgios Toussas\n(EL) Pone pirmininke, ekonomikos valdysenos priemonių paketu sukuriama stipri priemonkapitalistiniams pertvarkymams primesti vienodu būdu ir pagal vienodą strategiją visose valstybėse narėse, taip siekiant sustiprinti kapitalo konkurencingumą, pelningumą ir galią. ", "Tai nuolatinis memorandumas visoms visų Europos Sąjungos valstybių narių darbininkų klasėms. ", "Vulgari propaganda apie Graikijos, Airijos, Portugalijos ir kitų valstybių skolas ir deficitus yra sukurta, kad būtų galima apkaltinti darbininkų klasių įgytas teises ir paslėpti tikruosius kaltininkus, kurie yra kapitalizmas ir jo monopolijos. ", "Propaguojamas ideologinis buržuazinės klasės terorizmas yra toks - vienintelis sprendimas yra nužudyti darbininkus, siekiant išlaikyti nepažeistą kapitalo pelningumą.", "\nVien nuo 1985 iki 2011 m., neskaitant neišmatuojamo turto, kurį pasisavino kapitalas iš Graikijos darbininkų klasės išnaudojimo, monopolijų kapitalas šalyje ir užsienyje pagrob628 mln. ", "EUR palūkanų ir padengimų pavidalu, tiek kaip skolintojas, tiek kaip paskolos gavėjas.", "\nDarbininkų klasnieko neskolinga tiems, kurie juos apiplėšė, atėmiš jų tai, ką jie uždirbo savo pačių prakaitu. ", "Priešingai, jiems skoloje visas kapitalo pagrobtas turtas. ", "Graikijos komunistų partijos nuo akropolio uolos siųsta žinia šiandien ataidi aktualiau nei bet kada: \"Sukilkite Europos tautos. ", "Nuverskite žiaurųjį kapitalizmą ir aukščiausiąją monopolijų valdžią.\"", "\nAndreas Mölzer\n(DE) Pone pirmininke, kuo daugiau būsimu Europos stabilizavimo mechanizmu mes garantuojame, tuo labiau priklausomos tampa nepažeistos valstybės nuo pernelyg daug įsiskolinusios ES periferijos. ", "Centralizacija ir bendra valiuta, kuri niekuomet ir negalėjo būti tvirta valiuta ilguoju laikotarpiu, prisidėjo prie dabartinių problemų, tačiau tai, kas dabar mums siūloma kaip sprendimas mums išgelbėti, yra tiksliai tas pats, kas tolesnis ėjimas šiuo neteisingu keliu.", "\nPirmiausia ekonomiškai stiprios ir ekonomiškai silpnos šalys abejotinai sumetamos į tą patį katilą. ", "Tada mes naudojamės įvairiomis gelbėjimo priemonėmis - ir visomis bergždžiai, o dabar viso šio reikalo kulminacija - ketinama priimti Europos ekonomikos valdysenos nuostatas. ", "Mano nuomone, jei pernelyg įsiskolinusios šalys nori likti euro zonoje, joms reikia taikyti griežtą biudžeto kontrolę. ", "Tačiau tokio pobūdžio centralizacija, kai Briuselis bando primesti biudžetinę valdžią visoms valstybėms narėms, reiškia neprideramą intervenciją į valstybių narių suverenitetą ir žemina gerai besilaikančias Europos valstybes, paverčiant jas paprasčiausiais ES biurokratijos žaisliukais.", "\nMano nuomone, turėtume pasipriešinti Briuselio troškimui vis labiau viską centralizuoti.", "\nDanuta Maria Hübner\nPone pirmininke, mūsų užduotis ir atsakomybčia yra užtikrinti, kad tiek valstybės narės, tiek visa Europos Sąjunga iš krizės išeitų stipresnė, ir ekonomikos valdysenos paketas veda mus šia kryptimi. ", "Šis paketas (politiškai neįsivaizduojamas iki krizės ir, be abejo, dar netobulas) yra išties didelis žingsnis į priekį.", "\nTačiau yra akivaizdu, kad pasiekti susitarimo yra viena (ir tai čia padaryti yra mūsų pareiga), tačiau pasiekti, kad jis būtų praktiškai įgyvendintas, o tada gauti naudos iš naujųjų taisyklių, bus dar vienas iššūkis. ", "Ši reforma, kuria į politines derybas įvedama daugiau automatiškumo ir veiksmų laisvės, turės išlaikyti realaus gyvenimo egzaminą ir tam reikės tvirtos politinės valios ir atskaitingumo.", "\nNėra aišku, kiek užtruks, kol bus atlikti visi instituciniai suderinimai ir naujosios taisyklės pradės duoti vaisių. ", "Šis netikrumas kelia riziką ir mes turime nekurti papildomos erdvės tokiai rizikai. ", "Taip pat tebėra neaišku, kokia bus Europos semestro ir naujos ekonomikos valdysenos infrastruktūros sąveika, ir taip pat man kelia susirūpinimą tai, kad nuolatinis Europos stabilumo mechanizmas tampa tarpvyriausybine priemone.", "\nTikiuosi, kad mūsų susitarimas dėl šešių teisės aktų paketo padės pasiekti, kad priemonės galų gale taptų Bendrijos lygmens priemonėmis.", "\nBaigdama norėčiau pasakyti, kad ekonomikos valdysenos paketas suteikia mus galimybę iš Europos realybės pašalinti laimėtojo ir pralaimėtojo požiūrį ir galimybę užtikrinti, kad Europa netaptų žaidimu, kuriame vieno laimėjimas yra kito pralaimėjimas.", "\nLiem Hoang Ngoc\n(FR) Pone pirmininke, ponios ir ponai, mūsų kolegos piliečiai abejoja griežto taupymo politikos krypčių, kurios mažina jų viešąsias paslaugas ir socialinę apsaugą, vertingumu. ", "Kur tik šios politikos kryptys yra plačiai taikomos, jomis nepavyksta sumažinti valstybės skolos ir suvaldyti nedarbo. ", "Šio \"valdysenos\" paketo turinys (specialiai vadinu jį \"turiniu\"), dėl kurio mes šiandien diskutuojame, yra toks absurdiškas, kad apstulbę yra net ekonomistai, nes dėl šio turinio biudžeto politikos nebus galima derinti su ekonomikos ciklais.", "\nPer trišalį dialogą Komisijos atstovai patys mums pripažino, kad jie nesinaudojo jokiu teoriniu ar ekonometriniu modeliu kaip pagrindu pagrįstoms prognozėms ir rekomendacijoms nustatyti. ", "Jie pripažįsta, kad dirba vadovaudamiesi tik intuicija. ", "Atsižvelgiant į tai, yra sunku suprasti, kodėl konservatyvūs, liberalūs ir euroskeptiškai nusiteikę šio Parlamento nariai aklai bandsugriežtinti Komisijos pasiūlytą tekstą. ", "Jie negali mums pamokslauti, turint omenyje, kad šiuos deficitus sukūrjų draugų vyriausybės mažindamos mokesčius, kas yra tiek pat neteisinga, kiek ir neveiksminga - argi tai ne tiesa, J. P. Gauzès? ", "Jie skelbia didingus pareiškimus dėl strategijos \"Europa 2020\", tačiau atsisako leisti išlaidų, skirtų pasirengti ateičiai, tokių kaip išlaidos investicijoms, neįtraukti skaičiuojant deficitą.", "\nTaip, ponia C. Wortmann-Kool, mūsų manymu, tai svarbiausias dalykas šiose diskusijose! ", "Taip, sumažinkime deficitą, pavyzdžiui, grįždami prie mokesčių dovanojimo, kuris visų pirma davnaudos valstybės kreditoriams, tačiau darykime tai neaukodami investicijų, mokymo ir darbo vietų, nes šiandienos investicijos yra rytojaus darbo vietos ir pajamos iš mokesčių, tik taip mes galėsime sumažinti deficitą. ", "Tai teorema, kuri turėtų būti kiekvieno \"valdysenos\" paketo iliustracija prieš antraštinį lapą.", "\nKolegos, konservatyvūs ir liberalūs Parlamento nariai, kai kurie iš jūsų norite automatiškai bausti valstybes, kurios pagal jūsų dogmą, suderintą pagal milijardus eurų, yra eretikės. ", "Jūs taip pat norite bausti šalis, kurios nesumažins atlyginimų, siekdamos atkurti savo išorinę pusiausvyrą. ", "Jūs manote, kad deficitas visų pirma yra blogų tokių valstybių ketinimų produktas, tarsi neoliberalus modelis, kuriuo niekada neabejojate, visai neseniai nebūtų patyręs blogiausios krizės nuo 1929 m. ir tarsi jis nelemtų spaudimo eilinių žmonių perkamajai galiai ir didžiulio pajamų iš mokesčių sumažėjimo - tai dvi problemos, kurios visų pirma buvo esminės privačiojo ir valstybių įsiskolinimo susidarymo priežastys.", "\nKai reikės balsuoti, socialistai ir demokratai aiškiai balsuos prieš šį griežto taupymo paketą, kuris gali tik padidinti visoje Europoje kylantį pasipiktinimą. ", "Šis aiškus signalas yra skirtas visiems Europos darbininkams, o ypač mūsų kolegoms Prancūzijos ir Vokietijos piliečiams, nes šiose šalyse artėja rinkimai, kurie turės lemiamą poveikį Europos ateičiai.", "\nRamon Tremosa i Balcells\nPone pirmininke, visų pirma norėčiau padėkoti visiems pranešėjams už didžiulį jų atliktą darbą, ypač savo kolegoms ir draugams Sylvie Goulard ir Carlui Haglundui.", "\nMūsų balsavimas dėl ekonomikos valdysenos paketo galėtų būti vienas iš istorinių šio Parlamento veiksmų. ", "Ne vien tik dėl tiesioginių pasekmių, tačiau ir dėl moralinės laikysenos, kurią mes rodome savo piliečiams. ", "Metas politikams ir vyriausybėms priimti tvirtesnę poziciją dėl to, kas yra blogai ir kas yra gerai, dėl vertybių, kurias mes norime apginti, įskaitant ir ekonomikos srityje.", "\nAr norime vyriausybių, kurios meluoja apie savo biudžetą arba deficitą? ", "Mes nenorime, nes, nors ir įmanoma kurį laiką neigti realybę, galiausiai ji visada smogia atgal. ", "Dar daugiau, ar norime vyriausybių, kurios laikytųsi Stabilumo ir augimo pakto? ", "Manau, kad mes norime. ", "Todėl būtinos sankcijos.", "\nMes žinome, kad, jei valstybės narės turės taikyti sankcijas viena kitai, nieko nebus. ", "Todėl aš visiškai pritariu dėl atvirkštinės kvalifikuotos daugumos, taip pat ir savo partijos, Katalonijos liberalų koalicijos, kuri dabar vadovauja Katalonijos vyriausybei, taip pat Barselonos miesto valdžiai, vardu. ", "Automatiškumo labai reikia, jei norime būti tikri, kad nebus laisvai žengiama už raudonos linijos.", "\nBe to, Komisija yra raginama pateikti pasiūlymą dėl euro vertybinių popierių. ", "Norėčiau viešai išreikšti paramą šiam pasiūlymui, kuriame atsižvelgiama į finansinę drausmę.", "\nPeter van Dalen\n(NL) Pone pirmininke, Graikijos krizyra viena iš pagrindinių šios diskusijos temų. ", "Neišmintinga paskolinti graikams daugiau pinigų ir reikalauti, kad jie įgyvendintų dar daugiau apkarpymų. ", "Graikai niekuomet nesugebės grąžinti paskolų, o ekonomikoje, kuri jau praktiškai mirusi, išlaidų mažinti neįmanoma. ", "Negalima prašyti skeleto, kad jis susiveržtų diržą.", "\nTad ko mums reikia? ", "Pirmiausia, tie šio Parlamento nariai, dėl kurių Graikija pateko į euro zoną, turėtų pripažinti savo kaltę, taip pat tą turėtų padaryti Belgijos finansų ministras D. Reynders. ", "Akivaizdu, kad tam reikėjo niekada neleisti įvykti.", "\nAntra, reikia nurašyti dalį graikų skolos, o siekiant užtikrinti, kad likusi skolos dalis bus išties sugrąžinta, reikia sudaryti daugiametį Graikijos ekonomikos atsigavimo planą.", "\nTrečia, į Stabilumo ir augimo paktą reikėtų įtraukti automatines sankcijas tiems, kurie pažeidžia narystės euro zonoje sąlygas, nes turėtume niekuomet daugiau nebesileisti nutempiami į tokią bėdą. ", "Šiuo požiūriu manau, kad C. Wortmann-Kool pranešimas galėtų būti griežtesnis.", "\nPone pirmininke, aš palaikau šešių teisės aktų paketą, tačiau dėl šios priežasties aš susilaikysiu nuo balsavimo dėl C. Wortmann-Kool paketo.", "\nIlda Figueiredo\n(PT) Pone pirmininke, šis teisės aktų paketas nėra atsakymas į sunkias ekonomines ir socialines problemas, kurios patiriamos daugelyje valstybių, kurios turi įtakos darbininkams ir žmonėms apskritai. ", "Jos iš esmės kyla dėl vis neoliberalesnių ES politikos krypčių, kuriomis finansinir politingalia sutelkiama keleto asmenų rankose.", "\nPlečiant Stabilumo ir augimo pakto reikalavimus ir griežtinant baudas, derybų rezultatas atskleidžia politinį susitarimą, egzistuojantį tarp trijų institucijų, dėl Europos Sąjungos judėjimo krypties ir pagrindinių principų. ", "Juo iš dalies grindžiamas beprecedentis nacionalinių parlamentų teisių puolimas, nacionaliniai parlamentai suvaržomi neoliberaliomis ES gairėmis dėl savo valstybių biudžetų, kuriomis darbininkams ir liaudžiai siekiama primesti griežtas taupymo priemones, privatizaciją ir sumažinti valstybines investicijas į labai svarbius sektorius ir paslaugas.", "\nKadangi, kaip mums žinoma, darbininkų kovos Graikijoje, Airijoje ir Portugalijoje nuėjo perniek, metas apsigalvoti ir nustoti reikalauti naudos vien tik ekonomikos ir finansų verslo grupėms, visų pirma turint omenyje pagrindines Europos galias. ", "Šiuose dokumentuose siūloma amžinai išsaugoti šias intervencijos priemones, kuriomis pavergiamos tautos ir valstybės ir kuriomis jos paverčiamos tikrais protektoratais ar kolonijomis. ", "Juose siūloma ir toliau eiti keliu, kuris gali nuvesti tik prie ekonominės ir socialinės katastrofos ir tikro Europos Sąjungos subyrėjimo. ", "Todėl mes jiems prieštaraujame.", "\nJean-Paul Gauzès\n(FR) Pone pirmininke, Komisijos nary, ponios ir ponai, jau pateikta daug komentarų dėl skirtingų pranešimų, kurie sudaro šį valdysenos paketą. ", "Kokie yra svarbiausi aspektai šiame etape, kurie padėtų mums įvertinti atliktą darbą? ", "Tai, kad šiandien turime šį paketą, kuris yra Tarybos ir Parlamento derybų rezultatas, jau reiškia didelę pažangą. ", "Juo užpildoma akivaizdi spraga, padaryta kuriant eurą, ir, deja, mums prireikskolų krizės, kad tai padarytume.", "\nŠiuo atžvilgiu norėtume pabrėžti pagirtiną Tarybai pirmininkaujančios Vengrijos atliekamą darbą ir šio Parlamento derybininkų profesionalumą. ", "Taip pat norėčiau pabrėžti rezultatus, kurių pasiekParlamentas diskusijose su Taryba, nes pastaroji pademonstravo tikrą atvirumą. ", "Turime nepamiršti, kokia padėtis būdavo seniau, ir objektyviai matuoti pagerėjimą.", "\nTai pasakius, kyla klausimas, ar nuostatos patenkinamos ir ar jų pakanka? ", "Žinoma, tobulėjimui visada yra erdvės, tačiau šiame pakete jau pateikiami realūs sprendimai, kaip stiprinti euro zoną ir kaip sukurti suderintą ekonominį požiūrį, kurio reikia. ", "Ar galime rimtai teigti, kaip tai daro šio paketo priešininkai, kad galime kurti augimą, turėdami milžiniškų skolų, kurių grąžinimas nuolat bus perkeliamas į ateitį?", "\nTiems, kurie kaltina mus remiant valdysenos paketą, kuris nepagrįstas jokiu teoriniu ar ekonometriniu modeliu, paprasčiausiai pasakysiu taip - ar modeliuose, apie kuriuos jūs kalbate, buvo numatyta tokia krizė, kokią mes patiriame ir kuri dar nesibaigė, arba jie nuo jos apsaugojo; ar vietoj to jie lėmlabai rizikingą elgesį, prisidengiant matematine tiesa?", "\nPone pirmininke, ponios ir ponai, rytoj Parlamentas turės priimti sprendimą ir aš tikiuosi, kad ir mūsų piliečiams, siekiant atkurti jų pasitikėjimą Europa, ir rinkoms, siekiant stabilizuoti mūsų valiutą, bus duotas stiprus ir aiškus signalas.", "\n" ]
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0.027777777777777776, 0, 0.01, 0.019417475728155338, 0.02390438247011952, 0, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0.01694915254237288, 0.02142857142857143, 0.025906735751295335, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0.031914893617021274, 0.014814814814814815, 0.007272727272727273, 0, 0.022026431718061675, 0.016666666666666666, 0.024096385542168676, 0.00851063829787234, 0.015306122448979591, 0.010638297872340425, 0.01098901098901099, 0.019801980198019802, 0.005025125628140704, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0.01485148514851485, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0.009523809523809525, 0.023809523809523808, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0.01990049751243781, 0.01818181818181818, 0.013422818791946308, 0.00546448087431694, 0, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0.007352941176470588, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0.011299435028248588, 0.02040816326530612, 0.020833333333333332, 0.022222222222222223, 0.021739130434782608, 0.018867924528301886, 0.008438818565400843, 0.027777777777777776, 0.017857142857142856, 0.01098901098901099, 0.007462686567164179, 0.02112676056338028, 0, 0.032520325203252036, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0.021052631578947368, 0.009615384615384616, 0.023809523809523808, 0.014184397163120567, 0.025423728813559324, 0.004545454545454545, 0.029411764705882353, 0.008771929824561403, 0.015748031496062992, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0.018292682926829267, 0.004672897196261682, 0, 0, 0, 0.013071895424836602, 0.01818181818181818, 0.022222222222222223, 0.027972027972027972, 0.032432432432432434, 0, 0.019762845849802372, 0.008695652173913044, 0.013422818791946308, 0, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0.018633540372670808, 0.01834862385321101, 0.02040816326530612, 0.03529411764705882, 0.022099447513812154, 0.05263157894736842, 0.013071895424836602, 0.0625, 0.006711409395973154, 0.018518518518518517, 0.0064516129032258064, 0.016129032258064516, 0.030303030303030304, 0.022099447513812154, 0.01694915254237288, 0.013986013986013986, 0.02214022140221402, 0.004132231404958678, 0.019230769230769232, 0.02830188679245283, 0.08333333333333333, 0.02040816326530612, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0.020833333333333332, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0.019417475728155338, 0.012269938650306749, 0.03125, 0.029411764705882353, 0.024691358024691357, 0.01818181818181818, 0.0076045627376425855, 0.017964071856287425, 0.008403361344537815, 0.022556390977443608, 0.011235955056179775, 0.011764705882352941, 0.007352941176470588, 0.01904761904761905, 0.014285714285714285, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0.021164021164021163, 0.011111111111111112, 0.02197802197802198, 0.024822695035460994, 0.02564102564102564, 0.008403361344537815, 0.01639344262295082, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0.009900990099009901, 0.018518518518518517, 0.03205128205128205, 0.013888888888888888, 0.0055248618784530384, 0.02100840336134454, 0.014814814814814815, 0, 0.013986013986013986, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0.007142857142857143, 0.012987012987012988, 0.009900990099009901, 0.006711409395973154, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0.024691358024691357, 0.009708737864077669, 0.01098901098901099, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0.018404907975460124, 0, 0.013761467889908258, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0.031578947368421054, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0.007936507936507936, 0.005952380952380952, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0.015228426395939087, 0.037037037037037035, 0.012552301255230125, 0.014388489208633094, 0.047619047619047616, 0.02032520325203252, 0, 0, 0.023622047244094488, 0.07692307692307693, 0.012658227848101266, 0.007751937984496124, 0.008695652173913044, 0.006535947712418301, 0.011049723756906077, 0.019230769230769232, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0.021052631578947368, 0.014925373134328358, 0.007692307692307693, 0.019867549668874173, 0.012396694214876033, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0.024691358024691357, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0.024, 0.020689655172413793, 0.005555555555555556, 0.0078125, 0.01276595744680851, 0.01834862385321101, 0.01557632398753894, 0.017857142857142856, 0.022988505747126436, 0.007936507936507936, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0.012048192771084338, 0.023346303501945526, 0.01948051948051948, 0.03260869565217391, 0.016666666666666666, 0.0136986301369863, 0.057692307692307696, 0.019230769230769232, 0.005847953216374269, 0.015463917525773196, 0.03125, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0.029197080291970802, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0.06060606060606061, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0.02734375, 0, 0.047619047619047616, 0.01015228426395939, 0, 0.016304347826086956, 0.03125, 0.011235955056179775, 0.015706806282722512, 0, 0.031914893617021274, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0.018867924528301886, 0.014285714285714285, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0.02564102564102564, 0.012738853503184714, 0.016129032258064516, 0.02702702702702703, 0.018867924528301886, 0.015151515151515152, 0.020833333333333332, 0.013452914798206279, 0.010309278350515464, 0.023255813953488372, 0.011494252873563218, 0.0392156862745098, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0.02, 0.019801980198019802, 0.014336917562724014, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0.012345679012345678, 0.014388489208633094, 0.01485148514851485, 0.024096385542168676, 0.012422360248447204, 0.02564102564102564, 0.01060070671378092, 0.008, 0.010676156583629894, 0.011494252873563218, 0.008695652173913044, 0.030120481927710843, 0.020833333333333332, 0.03076923076923077, 0.007936507936507936, 0.005681818181818182, 0.004347826086956522, 0.010752688172043012, 0.017316017316017316, 0.009569377990430622, 0.04054054054054054, 0.009009009009009009, 0.010380622837370242, 0.00625, 0.019230769230769232, 0.028225806451612902, 0.05555555555555555, 0.013452914798206279, 0.00823045267489712, 0.010309278350515464, 0.013888888888888888, 0.007159904534606206, 0.015503875968992248, 0, 0.018633540372670808, 0.01935483870967742, 0.011111111111111112, 0.02142857142857143, 0.009174311926605505, 0.0125, 0.008403361344537815, 0.009237875288683603, 0.02631578947368421, 0.03333333333333333, 0.013043478260869565, 0.015228426395939087, 0.006666666666666667, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0.0053475935828877, 0.011363636363636364, 0.029850746268656716, 0.031055900621118012, 0.024271844660194174, 0.028925619834710745, 0.01532567049808429, 0.02912621359223301, 0.03418803418803419, 0.08695652173913043, 0.010101010101010102, 0.031496062992125984, 0.031746031746031744, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0.03773584905660377, 0.024, 0.014388489208633094, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0, 0, 0.024691358024691357, 0.06818181818181818, 0.011494252873563218, 0.004975124378109453, 0.021367521367521368, 0.010273972602739725, 0.013937282229965157, 0.011428571428571429, 0.011904761904761904, 0.024242424242424242, 0, 0.00546448087431694, 0.013333333333333334, 0.0392156862745098, 0.028409090909090908, 0.02912621359223301, 0.017964071856287425, 0.045454545454545456, 0.028169014084507043, 0.05434782608695652, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0.028985507246376812, 0.017142857142857144, 0, 0.006289308176100629, 0.013824884792626729, 0.014814814814814815, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0.02857142857142857, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0, 0.021052631578947368, 0.01762114537444934, 0.027777777777777776, 0.016129032258064516, 0.017857142857142856, 0.02857142857142857, 0.013157894736842105, 0.03225806451612903, 0.018867924528301886, 0.011560693641618497, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0.047619047619047616, 0.022727272727272728, 0.027777777777777776, 0.05454545454545454, 0.09090909090909091, 0.022099447513812154, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0.011235955056179775, 0.03508771929824561, 0.024390243902439025, 0.02531645569620253, 0.02666666666666667, 0.02631578947368421, 0.010582010582010581, 0.010309278350515464, 0.011764705882352941, 0.007352941176470588, 0.017142857142857144, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0.0228310502283105, 0, 0.03409090909090909, 0.0449438202247191, 0.02142857142857143, 0.02247191011235955, 0.02631578947368421, 0.013245033112582781, 0, 0.031746031746031744, 0.020134228187919462, 0, 0.010471204188481676, 0, 0, 0.01834862385321101, 0.01606425702811245, 0.0036496350364963502, 0.010050251256281407, 0.01680672268907563, 0.010752688172043012, 0.008298755186721992, 0.028368794326241134, 0.125, 0.02631578947368421, 0.022727272727272728, 0.011904761904761904, 0.01984126984126984, 0.02185792349726776, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0.0103359173126615, 0.037037037037037035, 0.05063291139240506, 0.017543859649122806, 0.01238390092879257, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0.057692307692307696, 0, 0.02830188679245283, 0.009345794392523364, 0.05263157894736842, 0.010638297872340425, 0.03255813953488372, 0.014492753623188406, 0.013333333333333334, 0.016129032258064516, 0.005780346820809248, 0.005154639175257732, 0.020833333333333332, 0.043478260869565216, 0.015503875968992248, 0.023952095808383235, 0.058823529411764705, 0.005780346820809248, 0.0125, 0.023076923076923078, 0.02654867256637168, 0.016, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0.02023121387283237, 0.013333333333333334, 0.013824884792626729, 0.00819672131147541, 0.024390243902439025, 0.006896551724137931, 0.00909090909090909, 0.012048192771084338, 0.035, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0.01680672268907563, 0.014285714285714285, 0.016129032258064516, 0.008064516129032258, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0, 0.0392156862745098, 0.029411764705882353, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0.006944444444444444, 0.016129032258064516, 0.02040816326530612, 0.013605442176870748, 0.02040816326530612, 0.026905829596412557, 0.02631578947368421, 0.014925373134328358, 0.01680672268907563, 0.03225806451612903, 0.017241379310344827, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0.011627906976744186, 0.022857142857142857, 0.0176678445229682, 0.021505376344086023, 0.02040816326530612, 0.012048192771084338, 0.021505376344086023, 0.03488372093023256, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0.015503875968992248, 0.028985507246376812, 0.023923444976076555, 0.018518518518518517, 0.009900990099009901, 0.005714285714285714, 0.01680672268907563, 0.013986013986013986, 0.02247191011235955, 0.013636363636363636, 0.025210084033613446, 0.022935779816513763, 0.005376344086021506, 0.03389830508474576, 0.011904761904761904, 0.017699115044247787, 0.021897810218978103, 0.004016064257028112, 0.0051813471502590676, 0, 0.012448132780082987, 0.02127659574468085, 0.017857142857142856, 0.011560693641618497, 0.010050251256281407, 0.015625, 0.011363636363636364, 0.006389776357827476, 0.021052631578947368, 0.016304347826086956, 0, 0.002398081534772182, 0.031055900621118012, 0.01, 0.02127659574468085, 0.018867924528301886, 0.018518518518518517, 0.005747126436781609, 0.0136986301369863, 0.020618556701030927, 0.0125, 0, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0.013761467889908258, 0.030612244897959183, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0.03, 0.009433962264150943, 0.017241379310344827, 0.0196078431372549, 0.047619047619047616, 0.03409090909090909, 0, 0.0223463687150838, 0.010101010101010102, 0.03896103896103896, 0.007042253521126761, 0.009216589861751152, 0.015384615384615385, 0.008888888888888889, 0.005763688760806916, 0.012195121951219513, 0.005434782608695652, 0.02158273381294964, 0, 0.024844720496894408, 0.023255813953488372, 0.008695652173913044, 0.01818181818181818, 0.02097902097902098, 0.015384615384615385, 0.012195121951219513, 0.02666666666666667, 0.02824858757062147, 0.006060606060606061, 0.013966480446927373, 0.00819672131147541, 0 ]
[ "Quantification methods in contrast echocardiography.", "\nNew technologies and the availability of new echo-contrast agents have resulted in advances of diagnostic and prognostic indications of left ventricular opacification (LVO) and myocardial perfusion. ", "The clinical diagnostic value of ultrasound contrast media for LVO and its impact on the clinical decision-making process has been demonstrated in several studies. ", "Recent research aims at developing new quantitative software to improve the delineation of the endocardial border, to assess 3D myocardial perfusion for more accurate regional/global LV function measurements, and to evaluate 4D intra-cardiac flow dynamics. ", "Furthermore, a general consensus has been reached on the incremental value of myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE) for obtaining additional information in both chronic and acute coronary artery disease (CAD) patients and on the possibility to make quantitative measurements of microvascular damage. ", "Q-contrast is a new software system which provides quantitative measurements to generate parametric images of microcirculatory flow. ", "In a research project including 120 patients, Q-contrast software has been tested to assess the role of contrast in AMI (Acute Myocardial Infarction Contrast Imaging (A.M.I.C.I. Study); good agreement between parametric MCE and SPECT has been found. ", "Preliminary results further confirm that quantitative MCE may provide additional clinical value over qualitative information for the assessment of LV function and of the effects of coronary artery disease on the myocardial microcirculation (viability, ischemia or infarct)." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.005, 0.006097560975609756, 0, 0, 0, 0.016, 0.003663003663003663 ]
[ "Lock Up Your Daughters (song)\n\n\"Lock Up Your Daughters\" is a song by the British rock band Slade, released in 1981 as the second single from the band's tenth studio album Till Deaf Do Us Part. ", "It was written by lead vocalist Noddy Holder and bassist Jim Lea, and produced by Slade. ", "It reached No. ", "29 in the UK, remaining in the charts for eight weeks.", "\n\nBackground\nFollowing their revival after their performance at the 1980 Reading Festival, Slade regained success in the UK with their 1981 album We'll Bring the House Down and the Top 10 hit single of the same name. ", "The band then began recording their next album Till Deaf Do Us Part. ", "The first single, \"Knuckle Sandwich Nancy\", was released in May 1981 but failed to chart. ", "In September, the band followed it up with \"Lock Up Your Daughters\" which was the band's first single to be released directly under their new label RCA. ", "The single reached No. ", "29 in the UK, although the band felt sales suffered as their two appearances on Top of the Pops clashed with the showing of the blockbuster films Earthquake and Jaws on ITV.", "\n\n\"Lock Up Your Daughters\" saw the band continuing to produce a more heavy metal-influenced sound as their performance at the Reading Festival attracted followers of the New wave of British heavy metal. ", "In addition to the song's chart success, it also became a popular addition to the band's live concerts.", "\n\nRelease\n\"Lock Up Your Daughters\" was released on 7\" vinyl by RCA Records in the UK, Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands and Australia. ", "It was the first Slade single to be released by RCA, although the label had handled distribution of the band's last few singles which had been released on the Cheapskate label. ", "The B-Side, \"Sign of the Times\", originally appeared on the band's 1979 album Return to Base and was also released as a failed single from it.", "\n\nPromotion\nA music video was filmed to promote the single, although it received little airing at the time. ", "It was filmed on 7 September 1981 at Portland Studios in London. ", "In the UK, the band performed the song on the music show Top of the Pops, for broadcast on 24 September 1981. ", "The band's performance was repeated on the 8 October edition of the show too. ", "The band also performed the song on the Dutch AVRO TV show TopPop.", "\nThe music video was part screened on an episode of Tiswas, the video was overlaid with various messages from children in a gaudy greeny yellow colour. ", "It did not see the light of day until 2005 when following the purchase of a video tape by Steve Knight from Mark Richards, David Graham from Slade In England created the documentary bootleg DVD 'One More Time' and included a cleaned up and re edited version that is still doing the rounds today.", "\n\nCritical reception\nUpon release, the single was reviewed on BBC Radio 1's Round Table show. ", "It received a thumbs up from BBC presenter and radio DJ Mike Read, BBC radio presenter Dave Lee Travis and musician Eddy Grant. ", "Mike Gardner of Record Mirror described the song as \"raucous\". ", "In a review of Till Deaf Do Us Part, Kerrang! ", "described the song as \"traditional Slade\". ", "Melody Maker said the song was a \"stomper in the well-loved traditions of Slade\".", "\n\nIn a retrospective review of the album, Geoff Ginsberg of AllMusic commented on the song's catchiness, adding: \"\"Daughters\" is a perfect example of how far the band had come. ", "It retains the almost bubblegum sound of the earlier singles, while the heavy production style gives it a bit more of a hard-rocking edge.\" ", "Joe Geesin of Get Ready to Rock! ", "described the song as a \"solid thumping rock song\".", "\n\nTrack listing\n7\" Single\n\"Lock Up Your Daughters\" - 3:31\n\"Sign of the Times\" - 3:58\n\nChart performance\n\nCover versions\n In 1989, English-American rock band Lion recorded a version of the song for their second and final studio album Trouble in Angel City.", "\n\nPersonnel\nNoddy Holder - lead vocals, guitar, producer\nDave Hill - lead guitar, backing vocals, producer\nJim Lea - bass, organ, backing vocals, producer\nDon Powell - drums, producer\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1981 singles\nCategory:Slade songs\nCategory:RCA Records singles\nCategory:Songs written by Noddy Holder\nCategory:Songs written by Jim Lea\nCategory:1981 songs\nCategory:Song recordings produced by Jim Lea\nCategory:Song recordings produced by Noddy Holder\nCategory:Song recordings produced by Dave Hill\nCategory:Song recordings produced by Don Powell" ]
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[ "VEGF, bFGF and EGF in the angiogenesis of human melanoma xenografts.", "\nVascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a major inducer of angiogenesis in tumors. ", "Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) have both been shown to interact with VEGF. ", "The involvement of VEGF, bFGF, and EGF in melanoma angiogenesis was investigated here. ", "Four human melanoma cell lines (A-07, D-12, R-18, U-25) were included in the study. ", "Angiogenesis was quantified by scoring of tumor-oriented capillaries following intradermal cell inoculation in BALB/c nu/nu mice. ", "VEGF, bFGF and EGF expression and secretion were investigated by Western blotting and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, respectively. ", "Immunohistochemistry of xenografts grown intradermally was used to reveal VEGF and bFGF localization in vivo. ", "The rate of angiogenesis differed substantially among the melanoma lines; the sequence from a high to low rate of angiogenesis was: A-07, D-12, R-18, U-25. ", "A-07, which induced the highest rate of angiogenesis, showed a higher rate of VEGF secretion, stronger VEGF staining by immunohistochemistry and higher bFGF expression than the other lines. ", "U-25, which induced the lowest rate of angiogenesis, showed a higher rate of VEGF secretion than D-12 and R-18. ", "A-07 was the only line that showed detectable bFGF secretion, and R-18 was the only line that showed detectable EGF secretion. ", "VEGF is probably important in the angiogenesis of melanomas. ", "However, heterogeneity in rate of angiogenesis among melanomas cannot be attributed to heterogeneity in rate of secretion of VEGF, bFGF and/or EGF only." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.04411764705882353, 0.011235955056179775, 0.017241379310344827, 0.034482758620689655, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0.00909090909090909, 0.01282051282051282, 0.015789473684210527, 0.008928571428571428, 0.007874015748031496, 0.01639344262295082, 0.019736842105263157 ]