[ "I was pretty good with a disc (3 world records, all of which have been long eclipsed), but Scott Zimmerman was the Michael Jordan of disc. ", "I think he held every throwing record, probably multiple times.", "\n\nAfter Pele rolled over, she’s gone into a deeper slumber and the Big Island is experiencing the lowest level of volcanic activity since 1983. ", "Such pauses have happened twice before during the current 24-year-long eruption and previously lasted just a few weeks.", "\n\nThe effect on the Kona (leeward) side of the island is dramatic. ", "For the whole time I’ve known this island, the 14,000′ Mauna Loa creates a huge atmospheric eddy in which the volcanic aerosols are transformed into “vog” (volcanic smog). ", "This makes Kona “normally” hazy, with an indistinct horizon and, for some, noticeable effects when exercising. ", "A few times per year, when the winds shift, and the sky becomes blue, it’s literally like a scrim being lifted. ", "It’s been like that every day for the past couple weeks.", "\n\nNo one expects this pause to be long-lasting, but for the moment, it’s marvelous.", "\n\nWii has announced that they will be opening the door to small developers on the Wii. ", "The first take on this is that “WiiWare” is primarily about downloadable games a la XBox Arcade, but we all knew that was coming. ", "More surprising is that Nintendo says that they will not apply their notoriously thorough and expensive vetting process to such games. ", "No details on the SDK: whether it will be C-based or some form of managed language and no word on whether it will be free.", "\n\nApparently, that my XBox 360 lasted from the day it went on sale until today is unusual. ", "I was negotiating a turn in Forza 2 and the system froze. ", "Rebooted, it froze during race startup. ", "Rebooted, and now it’s “the Red Ring of Death.”", "\n\nAccording to this site, I can expect to be told that it will cost $140 to get a refurbished replacement, but if I bitch I’ll get 25% off. ", "Oh well, maybe the replacement will be quieter — there’s no way the fans I had on this thing were up to spec.", "\n\nWe have a database (SQL Server) that has a field in which we store fairly-hefty (1-4MB) XML documents. ", "We need to create reports. ", "Lots of reports.", "\n\nThe schemas upon which the documents are based are quite complicated and we have thousands of records.", "The reports need to be modifiable by inexperienced programmers, so a visual report designer is an absolutely necessity. ", "Any opinions on good tools? (", "Big Faceless has high Google rank. ", "Anyone use it?)", "\n\nI d/l’ed a demo of Crystal Reports, but:\n\nFound it hard to configure my data source and schema (and even though I thought I finally got it right, although I can now see the “tables” and “fields” from my schema, it still says Records: 0)\n\nAm not sure I can configure it to use an XML database field as a datasource\n\nAm I a fool to use Crystal Reports or just a fool to not have figured it out?", "\n\nRationale is an interesting program that allows you to visually represent arguments:\n\nIt is essentially a domain-specific Visio or MindManager. ", "Since it is domain-specific, it is faster to construct a complex tree and additionally export the structure as a text outline. ", "This also limits it a little, in that I couldn’t find a way to associate a single point with multiple higher-level positions (“Ruby is easy to learn” relates to both training developers and maintenance). ", "While it could be argued that one should continue to decompose one’s arguments until they fit into a neat hierarchy, that seems a little over-zealous for the general case. (", "Incidentally, I didn’t use the product to structure this paragraph, but it turned out quite close to the sort of text generated by Rationale.)", "\n\nIt’s fun to use and you can rapidly construct arguments either top down (“We should use Rails for our next application” because … ) or bottom-up (“Ruby’s interactive console allows active exploration” supports … ). ", "It does not attempt to parse your logic (it won’t balk at “because I say so”) but it can help structure an argument for conversation and review.", "\n\nAs long as everyone agrees that decomposition is a productive route and as long as people aren’t so cagey that they recognize that structuring a debate is 3/4 of the way to winning it. ", "That’s my biggest problem with the product; at $199 for a perpetual license or $100 per year, it’s a little pricey for something I don’t think you’ll be using in many meetings. ", "However, as an educational tool, I think it’s a good bargain. ", "The educational rate is $49 for a perpetual license or $24.50 annually, and I think this would be a very good tool for students learning rhetoric, debating, logic, or composition.", "\n\nI think he’s right. ", "I remember that the first few Shakespeare plays I read were from school-provided texts. ", "They had footnotes for virtually every sentence and they were incredibly distracting (“Fardel: A burden.”) ", "It was only when I learned to willfully ignore the footnotes that I began to understand why people love Shakespeare. (", "Exception: ignoring footnotes is not recommended when reading Nabokov.)", "\n\nIt’s an interesting result, because surveys have a strong tendency to correlate with marketshare, but surely StarTeam does not have dominant marketshare. ", "Meanwhile, SCM tends to be a “good enough” solution, where people generally stick with what they already have. ", "Is StarTeam so exceptionally good that it can overcome those tendencies?", "\n\nUpdate: Evans’ methodology is to survey users of the tool in question, which ought to overcome the “marketshare == survey results” problem that one gets in most “reader’s choice” surveys. ", "On the other hand, it may inflate the influence of cognitive dissonance; people invested in niche products (StarTeam has about 9% marketshare, according to BZ Research) have a psychological pressure to praise them more than do people invested in market leaders (who, after all, know the market has endorsed their decision, making criticism come a little easier to the tongue).", "\n\nI don’t have deep opinions about SCM tools (except about Visual SourceSafe, which I despise), but I asked one of the judges in that category for the Jolt Awards his opinion. ", "He recalls Evans “finding that among Java IDE users, the preferred IDE belonged to Rational. ", "This struck me (and others) as being implausible, but not impossible. ", "This survey result, however, does strike me as quite impossible.”", "\n\nHaving said that, I solicited Eric Sink (of SourceGear, a competitor of Borland’s) for his thoughts and he responded in the comments section. ", "Sink characterized StarTeam as a product that is in the category of SCM tools that are “mostly or somewhat liked” by their users.", "\n\nI’ve only used StarTeam momentarily, quite awhile ago, so my skepticism about the results may be sheer ignorance of a great product." ]
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[ "Two new Witchwood cards revealed, including Rogue class legendary\n\nSenior Hearthstone designer Peter Whalen has revealed two more cards from the game’s upcoming expansion.", "\n\nThe pair of cards are part of the next set, The Witchwood, and feature the newest keyword in the game—Echo.", "\n\nEcho, which is being added with The Witchwood, allows you to play a single card multiple times in a single turn. ", "If you play an Echo card, you can play copies of it again until you run out of mana.", "\n\nThe first card is Warpath, a Warrior spell. ", "The keyword might be new, but the effect is incredibly familiar. ", "It’s basically two mana Whirlwind, one of the core spells of Warrior. ", "Obviously being able to play this over and over again is pretty powerful—imagine if Grim Patron was still a thing…\n\nFace Collector is one of the set’s Rogue Legendary minions, and its effect is incredibly powerful. ", "Rogue has a lot of cards that generate new cards for your hand, but perhaps none as swinging as this. ", "With a couple of Counterfeit Coins, you can fill your hand with four Legendaries in one turn." ]
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[ "Karen Gunn\n\nKaren Gunn (born 12 May 1962) is a New Zealand former cricketer.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1962 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:New Zealand women cricketers\nCategory:New Zealand women Test cricketers\nCategory:New Zealand women One Day International cricketers\nCategory:Cricketers from Christchurch" ]
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[ "Yucatán mushroomtongue salamander\n\nThe Yucatán mushroomtongue salamander (Bolitoglossa yucatana), also known as the Yucatán salamander, is a species of salamander in the family Plethodontidae. ", "It is found in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico and extreme northern Belize, possibly reaching into Guatemala.", "\n\nIts natural habitats are lowland tropical forest and thorn forest below above sea level. ", "It also occurs in disturbed habitat around villages. ", "It is mainly terrestrial, living on the forest floor under surface debris, and in sink holes. ", "However, it can also live in arboreal bromeliads. ", "It is threatened by habitat loss. ", "It occurs in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in Mexico and in the Shipstern Conservation & Management Area and Fireburn Nature Reserve in Belize.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Bolitoglossa\nCategory:Amphibians of Belize\nCategory:Amphibians of Mexico\nCategory:Amphibians described in 1882\nCategory:Taxa named by Wilhelm Peters\nCategory:Taxonomy articles created by Polbot" ]
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[ "[Risk factors and sequels of perinatal nervous system lesions].", "\nThe review of the data available in the literature gives the present views of the causes of perinatal nervous system lesions and risk factors predisposing to the development of this pathology. ", "It also presents the data on different types of lesions of the cerebral cortex, nuclei basalis, and ventricular system, which have been obtained by neuroimaging (computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging) and morphological studies. ", "The time of intrauterine cerebral periventricular lesion is discussed." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Blackwater Founder May Train Arab Forces To Dominate Syria\n\nRecommended Posts\n\nBlackwater founder Erik Prince says he has been informally contacted by Arab officials looking to marshal a multi-national force in Syria which would be able to fill any \"security vacuum\" left by a United States withdrawal - similar to the one which allowed ISIS to flourish when President Obama pulled US troops out of Iraq.", "\n\nThe security force would have two goals: stop ISIS from reestablishing a presence in Syria, while also stopping Iran or Iranian-backed sources from doing the same (though Israel already has the latter pretty well under control).", "\n\nThe mission of the regional force would be to work with the local Kurdish and Arab fighters the U.S. has been supporting to ensure Islamic State cannot make a comeback and preclude Iranian-backed forces from moving into former Islamic State territory, U.S. officials say. ", "-WSJ\n\nFilling the void\n\nAs we reported yesterday, President Trump has already reached out to Egypt and the Gulf States, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE, to contribute funds and manpower for the restoration of areas in Syria formerly held by the Islamic State.", "\n\n“We have asked our partners to take greater responsibility for securing their home region, including contributing larger amounts of money,” he said. “", "America does not seek an indefinite presence in Syria,” Trump said last Friday. “", "It’s a troubled place. ", "We will try to make it better. ", "But it’s a troubled place.”", "\n\nWhile Trump and his advisors say they want to withdraw the 2,000 or so US troops in Syria as soon as possible, according to the Wall Street Journal, Trump's new neocon National Security Advisor John Bolton has discussed the possibility of contributing troops with Egypt's top intelligence official - allegedly one of the most influential figures in Egypt's military-led regime.", "\n\nPentagon officials say that while ISIS has lost around 90% of their foothold in Syria, it still remains strong in pockets along the border with Iraq and others - home to an estimated 5,000 - 12,000 ISIS fighters.", "\n\nThomas Joscelyn, senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told VICE News that while it made sense for the U.S. to ask Arab partners to do more, \"this nascent plan is likely to run into a number of problems.\"", "\n\nNone of the proposed partners had taken the lead in fighting ISIS in Syria so far, with that role occupied by the Kurds — a group who Joscelyn noted \"are not natural allies for any of the regional states mentioned.\" ", "-VICE\n\nJocelyn notes that the Gulf states have provided support for Sunni extremist groups - making them an \"unnatural fit\" for the fight against ISIS. ", "Meanwhile, while Egypt hasn't officially picked a side in the Syrian conflict, it has made occasional pro-Assad statements.", "\n\n\"Moreover, Egypt has its hands full battling an ISIS insurgency in the Sinai and hasn't played a leadership role in fighting ISIS outside of its own turf,\" said Joscelyn.", "\n\n\"In essence, the Trump administration wants to build a new anti-ISIS alliance in Syria that has not previously existed on the ground and which would bring with it all sorts of competing interests that don't necessarily align with America's.\"", "\n\nAn Arab coalition of Sunni-dominated governments exists to combat ISIS and other terrorist groups. ", "The 41 member Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition was formed in December 2015, though it wouldn't hold its first meeting until nearly two years later. ", "It's mandate is to fight terrorism in Shia-dominated Iraq, Libya, Egypt and Afghanistan - along with Syria. ", "In November 2017, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 31, announced that he would use the coalition to \"wipe terrorists from earth.\"", "\n\nSpeaking at a summit of defence ministers from across 41 majority-Muslim countries he spoke of a need for a “pan-Islamic united front” against terrorism.", "\n\nHe said: “In past years, terrorism has been functioning in all of our countries… with no coordination among national authorities.", "\n\nThe Muslim alliance and their first official meeting under bin Salman two days after Egypt's worst terrorism incident in which 25-30 attackers reportedly brandishing an Islamic State flag assaulted a mosque, killing 305 including 27 children.", "\n\nThat said, the new plan (which may include Erik Prince) would combine manpower, military equipment and funding to focus specifically on Syria.", "\n\nTrump's tap dance\n\nTrump first alluded to his push to recruit regional partners on Friday, as he was launching the missile strikes. ", "Indeed, the plan to recruit regional partners came about following Trump's insistence that the US pull out as quickly as possible.", "\n\nMr. Trump, who has expressed growing impatience with the cost and duration of the effort to stabilize Syria, alluded to the push on Friday night, when he announced the missile strikes.", "\n\n\"We have asked our partners to take greater responsibility for securing their home region, including contributing larger amounts of money,\" Mr. Trump said.", "\n\nIn early April, Mr. Trump spoke about the need to speed the withdrawal of the 2,000 troops the U.S. has in Syria, a position at odds with many top advisers who worry that leaving the country too soon would cede ground to Iran, Russia, their proxies or other extremist groups. ", "The new administration initiative is aimed at avoiding a security vacuum in Syria that would allow Islamic State to return or ceding hard-won gains to Iranian-backed forces in the country.", "\n\nNow let's see if Trump can actually get this deal going and actually pull off a withdrawal from Syria - maybe even leaving it in the capable hands of a multi-national force from the Gulf states, trained by Erik Prince." ]
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[ "Thomas Halaczinsky\n\nThomas Halaczinsky (born 3 October 1958, in Germany) is a filmmaker, producer, photographer, and writer. ", "He is the youngest child of composer and painter Rudolf Halaczinsky.", "\n\nAs a filmmaker, Halaczinsky earned his first critical acclaim as an associate producer for Calling the Ghosts (1996), for which in 1997 he won an ACE award for International Informational Special or Series. ", "The documentary details the experience of Nusreta Sivac and Jadranka Cigelj at the Bosnian Serb-run Omarska camp in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Bosnian War.", "\n\nIn 2004, his film \"Don't Call it Heimweh\" about Holocaust survivor Margot Friedlander premiered at the Woodstock Film Festival. ", "In 2005, it was chosen as the opening film at the Jewish Film Festival in Berlin. ", "The film also got attention by American psychoanalyst Roger Frie, who cites Halaczinsky's view in an essay in \"Psychoanalytic Psychology\" in 2012.", "\nHalaczinsky revisited the film's subject and protagonist a couple of years later, resulting in the follow-up documentary \"A long Way home\" (2010), which the international broadcaster Deutsche Welle first aired in 2010, simultaneously in German, English, Spanish and Arabic.", "\n\nSince the late 2000s, Halaczinsky's focus has turned to New York City's waterfront and New York's island world. ", "He produced and co-directed (with Sebastian Lemke) the documentary \"Coney Island - A Last Summer\" for European television as a co-production of ZDF and arte in 2008. ", "After hurricane Sandy had hit the New York/New Jersey area in October 2012, he produced and directed the short documentary \"Sandy's Hidden Damage\".", "\n\nShortly after that, Halaczinsky began exploring the waters around New York City by sailboat, photographing and documenting the stories of the islands of New York along his journey. ", "One of the results was the photo series \"Archipelago New York\", which won an honorable mention at Tokyo International Foto Awards in 2016. ", "A video installation about this exploration was featured at the international exhibition “Bitteres Wasser” at Galerie im Hafen Rummelsburg in Berlin.", "\n\nWhile sailing the New York island world following the route of historical Dutch explorer Adriaen Block, Halaczinsky also wrote about his search for a sense of place. ", "Combining his photos with his writing, he created the book \"Archipelago New York\", which was picked up by Schiffer Publishing and will be released in 2018.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \nhttp://www.imdb.com/name/nm0354671/?ref_=tt_ov_dr\nhttp://woodstockfilmfestival.com/archives/2004schedule/docs_2004.php\nhttp://www.jffb.de/en/festival-35/archives/jffb-2005-41.html\nhttp://www.dw.de/a-long-way-home/a-6206049\nhttp://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/09/28/20723246-try-to-make-a-life-92-year-old-holocaust-survivor-moves-back-to-berlin?lite\nhttp://www.morgenpost.de/printarchiv/kultur/article316444/Alles-auf-Suppe.html\nhttp://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/features/pap-a0027422.pdf\n :de:Rudolf Halaczinsky\n\nCategory:1958 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:German filmmakers\nCategory:German documentary filmmakers" ]
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[ "1 of 4 2 of 4\n\nn 1996, I wrote a story for the Georgia Straight about how, if Gordon Campbell lost that election to Glen Clark, it was because he couldn’t play nicely with other right-wingers.", "\n\nIf the NDP loses this election it’ll be because they can’t play nicely with environmentalists.", "\n\nAs nervous NDPers ask why any “progressive” would trust the Greens, I can’t help wondering why any environmentalist would trust the NDP?", "\n\nEvery time I ask dyed-in-orange friends what exactly the party has done on the eco-front they cite the Holy Agricultural Land Reserve (Blessed Be) the same way the federal party answers every possible question with “Medicare” (Praise Tommy). ", "Yes, the ALR was awesome, but since the bygone days of Saint Dave Barrett what exactly is the NDP’s claim to being environmentally friendly?", "\n\nThe “War in the Woods” was fought by Mike Harcourt.", "\n\nIt wasn’t the Socreds or Liberals who declared environmentalists “enemies of British Columbia”, it was the NDP’s Glen Clark.", "\n\nCarole James cynically campaigned on a campaign to axe B.C.’s globally admired carbon tax—torching her party’s environmental platform to kick off her bid to run the province.", "\n\nB.C.’s former future Premier, Adrian Dix, was so committed to the NDP’s environmental stance that he called an audible on Kinder Morgan mid-campaign.", "\n\nPeople used to joke about Wild Bill Vander Zalm writing policies on a napkin. ", "Apparently, he loaned his leftover napkins to the last few NDP leaders so they could have somewhere to scribble their environmental policies.", "\n\nJolly John Horgan was initially undecided on Kinder Morgan, then he read the tea leaves—and the polls showing the Green Party wasn’t going away—and found religion on pipelines. ", "As someone who is voting on the issue of #stopkm in the hopes of saving our Southern Resident orcas I’m thrilled by Horgan’s change of heart. ", "And smart people I trust like Tzeporah Berman believe Horgan’s Come to Suzuki moment on KM is genuine. ", "Like Fox Mulder I desperately want to believe. ", "But I’m not sold. ", "Neither, apparently, is David Suzuki.", "\n\nI’d hoped to ask Horgan about this on my new podcast. ", "The Liberals at least responded to my requests. ", "I think every Liberal I contacted responded and politely told me that their leader was too busy and that we could likely line something up after the election. ", "Team Orange… not so much with the responding… other than a long-time friend who works for the NDP, no one even acknowledged my repeated interview requests. ", "I was told by a couple of other members of the media with more mojo than myself that a lack of response to interview requests from the NDP wasn’t at all surprising—which I personally found both surprising and disturbing.", "\n\nNDP has troubled history with green movement\n\nDuring the War in the Woods I remember jokingly asking the most radical environmentalist I’d ever met who he was voting for and when he said, “Socred,” it was the most hilarious thing I’d ever heard. ", "Then I realized he was serious. ", "His only voting issue was saving our forests and he believed the Socreds would bow to market forces and the market could be pressured to boycott B.C. lumber, but the NDP would cut down the last tree in B.C. if the IWA asked them to.", "\n\nI stuck with my hero Mike Harcourt, but ever since “axe the tax” I’ve joked that the Liberals would frack Queen Elizabeth Park for enough corporate coin and the NDP would frack it for 50 union jobs. ", "Then I went to the polling booth, marked my X for the NDP and hoped I was wrong, but never quite believed in my heart that I was. ", "I’ve voted for the NDP in every B.C. election since I’ve been eligible to make an X, but I’ve never believed they were paragons of virtue—okay, maybe under Harcourt and Ujjal Dosanjh.", "\n\nI have no doubt at all that George Heyman, David Eby, Nathan Cullen, Spencer Chandra Herbert, Gary Holman, Nick Simons, and many other NDP candidates bleed green—and if any of them were leading the party I suspect the B.C. Greens would have had a tough time fielding a slate of candidates or very many volunteers. ", "When Dix was defenestrated I was planning to join the NDP so I could vote for a new eco-minded leader, but the New Democrats' not-so-democratic party brass were more interested in anointing an insider, so they shut down the possibility of new candidates signing up new members because, you know, democracy’s messy.", "\n\nFormer NDP premier Mike Harcourt presided over and eventually brought an end to the War in the Woods.", "\n\nInstead of a wide-open leadership race and policy debates over how to reconcile labour and environmental issues (you know, the debate the federal NDP is having courtesy of LEAP), Horgan—a veteran of team “axe the tax”—was anointed. ", "Horgan may have been the right angry white guy to fire up the faithful, but he wasn’t the obvious choice to woo ozone-huggers back into the fold.", "\n\nIn federal elections NDP partisans are adamant that you should vote with your conscience and damn the polls, even when that meant a likelihood of electing Steve Harper. ", "But in B.C. NDPers are arguing that they deserve every anti-Liberal vote by divine right and polls showing the Greens in third place should be taken as gospel.", "\n\nInstead of appealing to Green-leaning voters by doubling down on their green stance—or even clarifying their plan to stop Kinder Morgan—the strategy seems to be focusing on the alleged sins of Green leader Andrew Weaver and insulting his would-be voters as naïve or stupid.", "\n\nI’ve got no clue how Weaver used to vote, but declaring him a Liberal because he helped advise them on climate policy is pretty dodgy. ", "People from all party affiliations “consult” for any government that asks to have an impact on policy.", "\n\nYes, Weaver supported the first two Liberal budgets—which is cited as proof of his Liberal leanings except when I asked his office about this I was told when Weaver was campaigning he promised to support the first budget of whichever party was elected because they were the government the province had voted for. ", "He felt the second budget worked for his Oak Bay constituents. ", "Make of those answers what you will, but he has not supported a Liberal budget since taking over as leader of the Greens—which certainly isn’t how this accusation is presented—and since landing top job he has almost always either voted with the NDP or against both the Liberals and the NDP.", "\n\nThe Greens aren’t whipped? ", "Well, the NDP certainly is. ", "They’re so whipped that members don’t even get to elect their own leader and prefer coronations and coups.", "\n\nNDP needs a third party to win\n\nWeaver campaigned to defeat Carole James in her riding after she fought to dismantle the carbon tax he’d helped design and replace it with hot air? ", "Shocking!", "\n\nJames is the Dr. Frankenstein of B.C. politics. ", "First she brought the NDP back from the dead—reviving them from an all-time low of two seats—which would be exactly one more seat than the I Have a Dream Weavers currently hold. ", "Then she resuscitated the B.C. Greens by giving them a raison d’être—gift-wrapped proof that the NDP played politics with environmentalists the way Lucy played football with Charlie Brown.", "\n\nCarole James gave sustenance to two parties: Dave Barrett's NDP and the B.C. Greens.", "\n\nAs she swung her axe, James stopped just shy of repeating Glen Clark’s accusation that environmentalists were the enemies of British Columbia. ", "And I stopped just shy of voting for a Green party I’d earlier argued shouldn’t be in the game pulling votes from the fantastic NDP incumbent I’d performed at a fundraiser for in an election where I was writing campaign speeches for another NDP candidate. ", "People talk about holding your nose and voting Socred or Liberal. ", "That election I held my nose and voted NDP.", "\n\nAnd the saddest part was that NDP leaders knew “axe the tax” was morally and environmentally indefensible. ", "They apologized for it and disavowed their stance immediately after they lost the election. ", "But hey, it was a wickedly cool soundbite, I’m sure some smart pollster thought it’d help them swing a few rural ridings. ", "Actually, I know their strategists thought that because I was at a pub with a couple of them, argued that they were basically reviving the Greens from the dead and would have been fired from their campaign if I’d been getting paid.", "\n\nThe NDP has never won in B.C. without a third party drawing from the province’s right-wing champions du jour. ", "Harcourt landed in the premier’s seat with 41 percent of the vote. ", "Glen Clark ran the province with a whopping 39 percent. ", "So with the B.C. Tories gone, the Greens are the only place the \"anybody but NDP\" vote can go other than staying with Corporate Christy. ", "And regardless of who was running the right wing party du jour there has always been a sizeable “anybody but NDP” vote in B.C.\n\nIn a two-party race the NDP has historically been DOA, so even if the B.C. Liberals helped pump the Greens tires to split the Not So Liberal vote, with the Tories out of the game the B.C. NDP desperately needs Weaver in play to provide a home for voters who would rather be dead than orange. ", "Why does nothing rhyme with orange? ", "If you took the Greens off the ballot tomorrow, Clark could likely take million-dollar bribes on live TV, kick a dog or three, and still cruise to victory.", "\n\nAnd that’d be why the NDP brain trust has always done everything in their power to paint the Greens as Liberal-lite.", "\n\nAnd maybe they are—but not on the environmental file. ", "The file the Suzuki Foundation and other eco-groups gave the Greens top marks for.", "\n\nAnd that’s the issue everyone should be voting on in the 21st century.", "\n\nAnd that’s a file the NDP hasn’t done enough to own because union priorities and environmental priorities tend to mix about as well as oceans and bitumen. ", "Just look at the federal scene where the NDP currently runs the risk of imploding over LEAP.", "\n\nWeaver inserts environment into political mix\n\nMeanwhile, Weaver has already moved the dial on the province’s number one environmental issue. ", "Does anyone truly believe Horgan would have unequivocally switched to #stopkm if the third party in B.C. this election were provincial Tories?", "\n\nIf you buy that I’ve got a toll free bridge to sell you.", "\n\nMark Leiren-Young doesn't accept NDP arguments that a vote for Andrew Weaver's Greens is going to help Christy Clark retain power.", "\n\nI attended an all-candidates debate in Victoria recently where the NDP’s Gary Holman and the Green’s Andy MacKinnon were polite, respectful, and not only didn’t demonize each other’s parties, but when Weaver’s stance on run of rivers was brought up, it was Holman who said the Green leader was being misrepresented. ", "And I thought…if this was how the NDP played with Greens, both parties would have spent more time this election trashing a Liberal government that’s long past its best-before date, Green-leaning voters would be more likely to swing NDP in the polling booth and Green candidates might do what they did in the last B.C. election and throw their support behind their neighbourhood NDP flag bearer.", "\n\nInstead, Green voters in B.C. seem to be taking more heat from NDP leaders and supporters than proud Liberals and the more they’re accused of being closet Christy fans for voting for Weaver the deeper they’re likely to dig in.", "\n\nThe night Glen Clark won the ’96 election my editor at the Straight was warned that it would be a bad idea for me to show up at Liberal party headquarters, so I covered the NDP celebration instead.", "\n\nI’m guessing I’ve just lost my shot at an election night invite to Horgan HQ and I’m sure my social media feeds are going to be delightful after this is posted.", "\n\nIf I had to put money on this election I’d say the best Weaver can hope for if all the splits line up his way is just over a half dozen seats and the balance of power in a minority government. ", "If that happens—and Horgan really is keen on green—then Jolly John should be able to convince the Greens to put him in the premier’s office, regardless of whether Clark scores more seats. ", "But the NDP would have to extend an olive branch and so far it looks like all Horgan’s ever offered Weaver is poison ivy.", "\n\nThere’s always a price for third-party support. ", "With the NDP I’d guess it’d be backing down on love for liquefied natural gas—a stance most lower case greens in the party would be delighted to see Horgan change. ", "With the Liberals, I’d hope that to earn his backing Clark would at least have to #stopkm. ", "Although, hey, Weaver claims he’s in it to win it and as crazy as that sounds, most Canadians would have bet on the tar sands freezing over before the NDP was elected to run Alberta." ]
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[ "It would appear that at some point towards the end of their career as the World’s Biggest Boyband, One Direction were quietly ushered into a room and told they had to face the future. ", "A hat of some description was solemnly produced and the band members told to draw lots from it, in order to see which one would pursue which standard post-boyband solo career. ", "Zayn Malik got “attempt to reinvent yourself as a credible R&B artist”. ", "Cheeky Harry Styles pulled out “vaguely alternative rock” – a tough gig that led to him releasing an album that, depending on your perspective, either demonstrated his deep knowledge of classic rock, or sounded like a bizarre one-man episode of Stars in Their Eyes, with Styles variously impersonating the Rolling Stones, Elton John, U2 and David Bowie. ", "Still, better luck than Louis Tomlinson, who got “pop-dance collaborations with EDM producers” and Liam Payne, stuck with “be a bit like Justin Timberlake or something”.", "\n\nNiall Horan’s piece of paper, meanwhile, seems to have simply read “Radio 2”. ", "His debut solo album corrals an array of talent, including Adele co-writer Tobias Jesso Jr, Kings of Leon producer Jacquire King and Jamie Scott, who helped write a string of One Direction’s hits. ", "You get the feeling they may have been set to work with a copy of Britain’s most popular radio station’s playlist and instructions to cover as many of the bases found on it as possible.", "\n\nFlicker’s main currency is post-Ed Sheeran acoustic balladry, of varying degrees of quality. ", "Single This Town is both a fair forgery of Sheeran’s style and a good song in its own right, blessed with a nagging earworm of a hook. ", "So nagging, in fact, that Horan and his team apparently couldn’t get it out of their heads during the album’s writing sessions: both the title track and Paper Houses sound remarkably similar.", "\n\nElsewhere, we find stuff that sounds like yacht rock, over which the influence of Fleetwood Mac hangs heavy. ", "Not least On the Loose – very much the song of your dreams if you thought that Haim’s homages to Buckingham and Nicks were too terrifyingly avant-garde for their own good – and Since We’re Alone, a song which, were it any more imbued with the spirit of Rumours, would develop a crippling cocaine habit and start inadvisably sleeping with its bandmates. ", "And there’s country, of the contemporary mainstream Nashville variety, which essentially sounds like pop-AOR with a chewy accent and pedal steel guitar: Seeing Blind is a duet with Maren Morris, 2016’s Country Music Association new artist of the year, and the author of US million-seller My Church.", "\n\n\n\nNone of it is terribly exciting, but in fairness, setting the listener’s pulse racing with the head-spinning shock of the new clearly wasn’t the intention here. ", "And it would be churlish to argue that swaths of it are anything other than well-crafted – you can easily imagine virtually all of it ending up exactly where it wants to be, punctuating rounds of Ken Bruce’s PopMaster and cropping up between the dedications on Steve Wright’s Sunday Love Songs. ", "It comes with lyrics that cannily position Horan as the cuddly, down-home One Directioner, in marked contrast to the stoned, libidinous mood of Zayn Malik’s Mind of Mine or Harry Styles’ album, on which he seemed to be perpetually waking up hungover in a hotel room, struggling to recall the name of last night’s conquest. ", "Horan gives that kind of thing a go on On the Loose, but it’s not hugely convincing. ", "Instead, he spends most of Flicker singing lyrics you might describe as awwww-inspiring: pining for the simple charms of girls from back home, out of whose orbit he was cruelly lifted by fame.", "\n\nPerhaps that’s not the only thing that’s canny about Flicker. ", "The middle of the road might not be the most thrilling destination for the former boyband member, but it’s a far safer bet commercially than trying to convince sceptical rock or R&B fans that you’re cut from the same cloth as the artists they love. ", "It clearly isn’t going to inspire the hyperventilating profiles in Rolling Stone that Harry Styles’ eponymous debut did, nor the kind of hip fashion mag approval afforded to Zayn Malik’s stylistic transformation. ", "But last month Horan’s single Slow Hands topped the US Top 40 radio chart, and Flicker might hang around longer than either of his bandmates’ efforts did. ", "Its lack of artistic ambition or character of its own is easy to mock, but Horan may well have the last laugh." ]
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[ "[Leydig cell tumor of the testis].", "\nIt represents a rare and mostly unilateral pathology with benign istological patterns. ", "However, since the biological behaviour of the tumor is not foreseable from the istological characteristics, the follow-up must be prolonged. ", "The treatment of this cancer is orchidofuniculectomy, sometimes associated, in selected cases, with retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy. ", "In presence of tumor of small dimensions, above all if bilateral ones, it may be indicated a conservative treatment. ", "Authors report six cases of Leydig cell tumors of the testis observed in sixteen years. ", "All patients had orchidofuniculectomy by inguinal approach. ", "In only one case has been associated retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy for the suspect of lymphatic metastasis. ", "Follow-up of 3 months to 15 years is available for all patients: no one has died for the tumor and all are without signs of disease." ]
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[ "In conventional film-screen radiography, an object, such as a patient's body part, is exposed to x-rays projected through the object to the film-screen to produce a latent x-ray image of the object in the film. ", "The film is then processed with chemicals or heat to produce a visual x-ray image for analysis by a medical practitioner. ", "Computed radiography (CR) eliminates the necessity of developing film with chemicals or heat by producing a latent x-ray image in a storage phosphor which is subsequently scanned to produce a digital radiographic image that can be viewed on an electronic display. ", "The storage phosphor can then be erased and reused.", "\nTypically, the storage phosphor (often referred to as a storage phosphor screen or storage phosphor plate) is contained in a light tight cassette. ", "The cassette containing an exposed storage phosphor is presented to a storage phosphor reader (also referred to as a CR reader) where the exposed storage phosphor is removed from the cassette, scanned to produce a digital image, erased, and replaced in the cassette.", "\nMost CR systems sold in the industry will process four standard cassette sizes. (", "18×24 cm, 24×30 cm, 35×35 cm, and 35×43 cm). ", "While these sizes are adequate to satisfy most of the requirements of a typical radiography department, such conventional size CR cassettes are limited in size and so may be unsuitable for imaging elongated body regions, such as the full spine or a leg.", "\nVarious solutions have been proposed for imaging an elongated body region using a CR screen/plate. ", "One example is U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,852,987 (Steklenski), commonly assigned and incorporated herein by reference, which is directed to an elongated computed radiography cassette. ", "Another examples is U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,744,062 (Brahm), commonly assigned and incorporated herein by reference, which is directed to an apparatus for radiographically imaging elongated objects wherein the apparatus is adapted to support a CR plate in overlapping arrangement with a cassette housing a CR plate. ", "Other solutions have been proposed, for example see U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,843,598 (Minnigh).", "\nIt may be desirable to have such cassette/apparatus be portable. ", "However, such cassettes/apparatus can be heavy and/or cumbersome because of their elongated configuration. ", "As such, there exists a need for a portable solution for the imaging of an elongated body region using CR technology.", "\nThe present invention provides means for porting an elongated CR cassette/apparatus." ]
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[ "If you’re following the schedule, you should read these chapters today: Judges 9, Acts 13, Jeremiah 22, Mark 8. ", "Click on any of those references to see all the passages in one long page on BibleGateway. ", "If you can't do all the readings today, read Judges 9.", "\n\nOf all the horrible things described in the book of Judges, few are worse than the chapter we read today, Judges 9. ", "Gideon, in chapter 8, refused to become the ruler of Israel (Judges 8:22-23). ", "He was too busy impregnating his many wives, apparently (Judges 8:30) to be bothered with national leadership. ", "But he wasn’t too busy to find a girlfriend in addition to his wives; she lived in the city of Shechem and Gideon had a son with her named Abimelek (Judges 8:29-32). ", "Here in Judges 9, which we read today, Abimelek, Gideon’s illegitimate son, convinced the citizens of Shechem to pay him to become their king. ", "Remember that he, unlike the rest of Gideon’s kids, was from Shechem (8:31), which is why he said to the citizens of Shechem, “I am your flesh and blood” (9:2).", "\n\nThere is a bit of a gap in the story here that we have to fill in by implication. ", "Although Gideon (aka “Jerub-Baal”) said he and his children would not rule over Israel (8:22), some people in Israel must have looked to Gideon’s many, many sons for some kind of leadership. ", "If they didn’t, then Abimelek’s offer in 9:1-2 would have made no sense. ", "Probably, whatever leadership Gideon’s boys gave to Shechem also came with some kind of price tag. ", "It also seems probable to me that it was confusing and probably oppressive to have seventy guys as “leaders” for one town, where they didn’t even live. ", "Gideon’s sons, then, may have offered protection to Shechem in exchange for money and authority. ", "Abimelek offered them a simpler, cheaper solution. “", "Pay me to become your king and I’ll do a better job because this is my neighborhood, too.”", "\n\nThe people of Shechem thought this was a good deal, so they gave Abimelek some money. ", "He hired some street thugs to be his army (v. 4) and they slaughtered all the rest of Gideon’s son except his youngest, Jotham, who escaped (vv. ", "5-6). ", "Jotham called to the Shechemites and told them a weird little parable about trees (vv. ", "8-15). ", "The parable makes sense for a while—truly productive trees want to continue to be productive. ", "It is the unproductive plant, the thrornbush, that wants to be king. ", "Every citizen of America should reflect on this parable. ", "People who seek power want to portray themselves as wise public servants who could be very successful in private enterprise but instead seek to serve humanity by ruling over everyone else. ", "There may be some examples where that is true, but we should be skeptical. ", "Rulers have incredible power to enrich themselves at the expense of the productive. ", "In God’s providence, Jeremiah railed against this tendency in our reading from Jeremiah today: Jeremiah 22:11-17.", "\n\nThe point of Judges 9 is to show how God did not allow Abimelek’s murders to stand unaddressed (see verses 23-24, 57). ", "Although he was a reckless, unaccountable, self-anointed “leader,” his brutality did not escape the notice of a just God. ", "But I think the lesson of the trees and the message of Jeremiah 22:11-17 is one for us to consider this election season. ", "God gave Israel very specific, very limited laws. ", "Most of God’s laws were ceremonial and those were regulated by the priests. ", "So there was central government for Israel in terms of religion. ", "But Israel’s civil laws were few and specific and so were their moral laws. ", "These laws were not only written down in the books of Moses but so was the penalty for them. ", "God’s intention was not for Israel to have a central, civil government. ", "Rather, the elders of individual tribes and clans were to read God’s laws for themselves and interpret and apply them as a group of leaders when there was an infraction. ", "In other words, they were supposed to live productive lives farming, ranching, manufacturing, etc. ", "and only govern when necessary. ", "There were not supposed to be permanent government leaders, just family leaders (aka “fathers” or “patriarchs”) who worked together with other family leaders when necessary. ", "Moses’ law did contemplate Israel having a king but that king was to be the Messiah, not a human ruler. ", "What we see again and again in the Old Testament is that most human rulers are unproductive themselves and seek power to enrich themselves by taking, forcefully if necessary, from the productive. ", "If they men of Shechem had stepped up to their responsibilities—teaching their families God’s laws, living by God’s laws themselves, and working together with other fathers to punish offenders appropriately—none of Judges 9 would have happened.", "\n\nWhat would happen in our country if the productive people in our nation limited the power of its “leaders,” kept the laws simple and few, held leaders accountable to follow the law themselves, and worked out issues on a local level rather than letting the big federal government impose its will on everyone?", "\n\nNow for your thoughts: What stood out in your Bible reading for today? ", "What questions do you have about what you read? ", "What are your thoughts about what I wrote above? ", "Post them in the comments below or on our Facebook page. ", "And, feel free to answer and interact with the questions and comments of others. ", "Have a great day; we'll talk scripture again tomorrow." ]
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[ "Hyundai Repairs\n\nDJ's Auto Service Center Can Meet All Your Hyundai Repair and Maintenance Needs\n\nDJ's Auto Service Center in Schaumburg, IL 60193 provides reliable and affordable service for Hyundai vehicles. ", "Hyundai, the South Korean automaker, has been on a design renaissance as of late. ", "They continue to move upscale, wading into the entry-level luxury market with great success. ", "Buying a Hyundai means you buy a car that's reliable, stylish and luxurious without breaking the bank.", "\n\nCommon problems a Hyundai could face over its lifetime include problems with the brakes and steering systems and issues with the wheels and hubs. ", "Of course, the problems your Hyundai may face depends on the year, make and model of your vehicle.", "\n\nDedication is just one trait our well-trained automotive repair and maintenance technicians put into every repair or service they complete. ", "Knowledge and experience helps our Hyundai service technicians complete a multitude of service tasks. ", "Our team of technicians is ready to diagnose and repair any Hyundai vehicle problem you bring us. ", "You can schedule an appointment today by calling us, DJ's Auto Service Center, at 847-923-0780.", "\n\nAffordable Hyundai Repairs\n\nDJ's Auto Service Center has a staff of technicians and service representatives waiting to diagnose and fix your Hyundai whether it's a repair problem or a maintenance issue. ", "Being without a car can be a pain, and we understand that. ", "We'll get you back on the road as quickly as we can without compromising our repair quality. ", "You can visit us at Schaumburg, IL, 60193, for a diagnostic, or call us at 847-923-0780 to schedule an appointment.", "\n\nContact us\n\nDJ's Auto Service Center\n\nVehicle tips\n\nAccording to recent studies, 5 percent of all motor vehicle fatalities are clearly caused by automobile maintenance neglect.", "\n\nThe cooling system should be completely flushed and refilled about every 24 months. ", "The level, condition, and concentration of coolant should be checked. (", "A 50/50 mix of anti-freeze and water is usually recommended.)", "\n\nNever remove the radiator cap until the engine has thoroughly cooled. ", "The tightness and condition of drive belts, clamps and hoses should be checked by a pro.", "\n\nChange your oil and oil filter as specified in your manual, or more often (every 3,000 miles) if you make frequent short jaunts, extended trips with lots of luggage or tow a trailer.", "\n\nReplace other filters (air, fuel, PCV, etc.) ", "as recommended, or more often in dusty conditions. ", "Get engine drivability problems (hard stops, rough idling, stalling, diminished power, etc.) ", "corrected at a good shop.", "\n\nA dirty windshield causes eye fatigue and can pose a safety hazard. ", "Replace worn blades and get plenty of windshield washer solvent.", "\n\nHave your tires rotated about every 5,000 miles. ", "Check tire pressures once a month; let the tires cool down first. ", "Don't forget your spare and be sure your jack is in good condition.", "\n\nASSOCIATIONS\n\nTestimonials\n\nThank you DJs for being there \"once again\" for me when needed. ", "Yesterday my rear tire was rapidly going flat. ", "I pulled into DJs late in the day. ", "Though he was busy, Chris willingly took care of my car in minutes. ", "You have been servicing my Honda for 14years. ", "I feel so grateful to have a trusted, honest repair shop to bring my car for maintenance & repairs all these years. ", "Thank you for your wonderful customer service!-Kathy M.\n\nThese guys are great! ", "Dan (DJ), the owner, is the best. ", "I recently limped into the shop with a flat tire on my BMW. ", "They took me right away, put on my spare, ordered me a replacement tire, had my bent rim repaired and the new tire mounted and balanced within 24 hours! ", "I also had the brakes on my wife's truck done there for LESS THAN HALF what the dealership quoted me. ", "Quick, reliable, cost effective and great customer service!-James B.\n\nI ordered tires from Tirerack and had them delivered to DJ's for install on my Nissan GTR.", "\nThe service and work perfromed was great. ", "I had an 8:30am appointment and was in and out very quickly.", "\nI really appreciated the honest and proffesional work done. ", "I will absolutely recommend DJ's Auto for honest quotes and great work.-Michael J.\n\nDJ's was great. ", "I needed to get a uHaul for my business to pick up supplies and equipment down in Peoria. ", "Chris went out of his way to find the best deal for me since I would be driving 400 miles in one day and also made the drop off easy for me so I would not have to come back during business hours the next day. ", "Quick, Friendly, Reliable, and made my boss happy with the cost. ", "Thanks!-Andrea R.\n\nDJ's is a great place to have your vehicle repaired. ", "Dan, Chris and Matt are very friendly, professional and honest. ", "They really know how to take care of their customers. ", "One time I went to a dealership for a \"safety inspection check.\" ", "They said my vehicle had an oil leak. ", "And they were going to charge me thousands of dollars to make the repair on my 10 year old car. ", "But because of the reviews online, my wife recommended I stop by DJ's to get a second opinion. ", "Matt looked at the car and found absolutely nothing wrong. ", "The issue was only some dry oil from a problem three years ago. ", "Because of their honesty, I saved hundreds of dollars. ", "DJ's will tell you if your car needs a repair or if it isn't necessary. ", "They have always done a terrific job and I highly recommend them!-Alisa B.\n\nI recently had some work done to my BMW at DJ's and was very impressed with their friendly and professional service. ", "As a women it can be intimidating going to get your car serviced but I never felt that way here. ", "Chris was very good at explaining things without talking down to me, like since I am not a man I could not possibly understand what he was saying. ", "The guys are all nice looking, clean cut men, not greasy creepers like other places. ", "The work on my car was done fast and the charges were very reasonable. ", "I will definitely return and recommend them!-Lisse C.\n\nU-Haul:The rep here was extremely helpful and make the process of returning the vehicle quick and easy. ", "By the time I got home I had received a confirmation email on our return. ", "VERY pleased with our experience, from start to finish.-Lucy H.\n\nU-Haul:Service was really fast and very friendly and informative employee at the front desk. ", "Will use your services again. ", "Thank you!-Sigute H.\n\nU-Haul:100% better experience than I had with Budget-Tom T.\n\nU-Haul:\nThey were very professional, it took less than 5 minutes to my truck. ", "I'll highly recommend this location to all my friends.-Shaun Z.\n\nWent here to get a set of tires installed (shipped from Tire Rack directly), and these guys were nothing but great. ", "Gave me a call when the tires arrived and even squeezed made in at the very end of the day. ", "Would absolutely recommend them on customer service alone.-Dave T.\n\nI've been taking all of my cars to DJ's for well over 15 years, and I've had nothing but positive experience. ", "Dan & his staff are quite knowledgeable & helpful. ", "I've found prices to be fair & competitive, and they always go the extra mile to ensure that I'm satisfied.-Marty B.\n\nI have only been coming here for about a year but DJ'S has fixed problems for me that my dealer didn't find in 4 attempts. ", "My car has run great since then and now this is the only place that I will bring my car.-Anonymous\n\nI have been bringing my vehicle as well as my wifes vehicle to D.J.s for quite some time. ", "Everytime either the service manager Steve or Dan (the owner himself) has fully explained every situation thoroughly before I have authorized repairs. ", "They have answered all of my questions with clear explainations. ", "I just had 4 new tires installed at an unbelievable price and the truck is running great. ", "Thanks again D.J.s!!-Anonymous\n\nVery Professional Shop. ", "Highest recommendation. ", "I have been dealing with Dan ans Steve at DJ's for over 8 years and have always been impressed with their service. ", "I have also recommended DJ's to friends and clients in the Schaumburg area and they have become loyal customers. ", "Honest, organized, and friendly people!-Anonymous\n\nI have been bringing my vehicle to DJ's for many years now and every visit is a great experience. ", "They always take the time to explain why a certain repair needs to take place and they offer great prices. ", "You can fully trust everyone that works at the shop. ", "Dan and Steve are great. ", "I recently had my SUV repaired here and while it was being worked on, Chris was able to follow up with me regarding the status of my vehicle being repaired. ", "DJ's is definitely a place to bring your vehicle for an oil change or to get repaired. ", "THANKS DJ'S!!!!!!-Anonymous\n\nVery pleased and impressed with DJ's service over the last 5+ years. ", "Dan has gained our trust through honest appraisals, super effecient repair time, numerous labor discounts, quality products at reasonable prices, and even a super reasonable loaner vehicle. ", "Dan listens to our needs and takes the time to patiently and understandably explain and educate us on the repairs needed. ", "He and his team honestly assess the priorities of our repairs needed and empathizes well with the hard economic times we are in. ", "We enthusiastically recommend DJ's Auto Service Center!-Anonymous\n\nDJ's Auto was recommended to me by a neighbor. ", "All of my interactions validated that I'm glad he helped me discovered the team there. ", "I presented them with a unique challenge and they well exceeded any expectations I had about how they'd be able to help. ", "What I suspect most people want from an auto service entity is honest information and suggestions as though our car was their own and the money being spent was their own. ", "I had the good pleasure of speaking with Dan and his team at length and can tell that this is their very approach. ", "Make relationships for the haul not for a quick buck.-Anonymous\n\nJust wanted to know if Chris is the manager? ", "He was so helpful with all the question I had. ", "He really knows his stuff. ", "Great job.-Cheryl" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "TAG\tTEXT\tCOMMENT\tAUDIOFILE\nTUTORIAL_INNKEEPER_01\t在这里,你可以用你喜欢的卡牌组成一副套牌。", "\t\tVO_ANNOUNCER_CM_MAKE_DECK_51.wav\nTUTORIAL01_HOGGER_01\t*笑声*\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_HOGGER_01_01.wav\nTUTORIAL01_HOGGER_02\t*鼻息*\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_HOGGER_09_09_ALT.wav\nTUTORIAL01_HOGGER_04\t哈哈哈,嗷\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_HOGGER_02_02.wav\nTUTORIAL01_HOGGER_05\t呵呵呵呵呵哈哈\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_HOGGER_03_03.wav\nTUTORIAL01_HOGGER_06\t呵呵呵呵呵嚯嚯\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_HOGGER_04_04.wav\nTUTORIAL01_HOGGER_07\t哈哈哈哈\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_HOGGER_06_06_ALT.wav\nTUTORIAL01_HOGGER_08\t啊啊啊呃\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_HOGGER_08_08_ALT.wav\nTUTORIAL01_JAINA_01\t放马过来吧!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_JAINA_01_01.wav\nTUTORIAL01_JAINA_02\t我需要一些将士来为我作战。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_JAINA_02_02.wav\nTUTORIAL01_JAINA_03\t轮到你了,豺狼人。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_JAINA_03_03.wav\nTUTORIAL01_JAINA_04\t你会后悔的!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_JAINA_04_04.wav\nTUTORIAL01_JAINA_05\t太好了。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_JAINA_05_05.wav\nTUTORIAL01_JAINA_06\t嗯!又一张随从牌,正是我需要的。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_JAINA_06_06.wav\nTUTORIAL01_JAINA_07\t你的一举一动都在我掌握之中。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_JAINA_07_07.wav\nTUTORIAL01_JAINA_09\t哈哈!发起致命一击的时候到了!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_JAINA_09_08.wav\nTUTORIAL01_JAINA_10\t5点攻击力?真是个大家伙!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_JAINA_10_09.wav\nTUTORIAL01_JAINA_13\t回到监狱去吧,霍格。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_JAINA_13_10.wav\nTUTORIAL01_JAINA_15\t哼!这还不足以杀死我的随从!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_JAINA_15_11.wav\nTUTORIAL01_JAINA_16\t下面就轮到你了,霍格!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_JAINA_16_12.wav\nTUTORIAL01_JAINA_17\t嗯...我应该攻击豺狼人,还是直接攻击霍格呢?", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_JAINA_17_13.wav\nTUTORIAL01_JAINA_18\t我可以杀了这个豺狼人大块头,或者直取主将。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_JAINA_18_14.wav\nTUTORIAL01_JAINA_19\t一张法术牌!它只能使用一次,所以我应该好好利用它...\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_JAINA_19_15.wav\nTUTORIAL01_JAINA_20\t哼,至少他这个回合一张牌都没有用...\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_JAINA_20_16.wav\nTUTORIAL01_JAINA_21\t两张牌?他一定是蓄谋已久了。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_JAINA_21_17.wav\nTUTORIAL02_JAINA_03\t什么?", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_02_JAINA_03_18.wav\nTUTORIAL02_JAINA_04\t我必须等待一个回合,恢复我的法力值。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_02_JAINA_04_19.wav\nTUTORIAL02_JAINA_05\t我需要更多的法力值来使用它。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_02_JAINA_05_20.wav\nTUTORIAL02_JAINA_07\t更多手牌!很好!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_02_JAINA_07_21.wav\nTUTORIAL02_JAINA_08\t啊,我的法力值恢复了。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_02_JAINA_08_22.wav\nTUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_01\t啊?我想要先来的!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_01_04.wav\nTUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_02\t吉安娜...准备好面对强大的米尔豪斯·法力风暴吧!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_02_05.wav\nTUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_03\t那就是你的士兵?一个鱼人?哇哈哈哈哈!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_03_06.wav\nTUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_04\t哦!哦!这张牌真厉害!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_04_07.wav\nTUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_05\t等等,我需要更多的法力值!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_05_08.wav\nTUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_06\t吉安娜,我希望你喜欢这招!!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_06_09.wav\nTUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_07\t又来了一点法力值!这就够了!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_07_10.wav\nTUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_08\t你知道这样感觉如何吗?", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_08_11.wav\nTUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_09\t必胜!哈哈!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_09_12.wav\nTUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_10\t耶!看看小胡子的厉害!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_10_13.wav\nTUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_11\t你会喜欢这个的!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_11_14.wav\nTUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_13\t你等着,等到我有10点法力值的时候!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_13_16.wav\nTUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_15\t快点儿!我等不及想要使用这张牌了!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_15_17.wav\nTUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_16\t快点快点快点快点!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_16_18.wav\nTUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_17\t别打我!我还要赢得这场比赛呢!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_17_19.wav\nTUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_19\t我的律师会找你谈话的!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL02_MILLHOUSE_19_21.wav\nTUTORIAL03_JAINA_01\t是穆克拉!趁他孤立无援,消灭他!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_03_JAINA_01_24.wav\nTUTORIAL03_JAINA_05\t你就这点本事吗,穆卡拉?就靠这些酒桶?", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_03_JAINA_05_25.wav\nTUTORIAL03_JAINA_07\t杀了那只猩猩,我才能解决穆卡拉!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_03_JAINA_07_26.wav\nTUTORIAL03_JAINA_12\t你听见什么声音了吗?", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_03_JAINA_12_28.wav\nTUTORIAL03_JAINA_13\t怎么搞的?", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_03_JAINA_13_29.wav\nTUTORIAL03_JAINA_14\t为什么这些猴子在朝我扔香蕉?", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_03_JAINA_14_30.wav\nTUTORIAL03_JAINA_15\t你们这些疯狂的猴子!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_03_JAINA_15_31.wav\nTUTORIAL03_JAINA_16\t他太强了!去杀了穆卡拉!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_03_JAINA_16_32.wav\nTUTORIAL03_JAINA_17\t我需要士兵来嘲讽那只大猩猩!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_03_JAINA_17_33.wav\nTUTORIAL03_JAINA_18\t我没有守卫了!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_03_JAINA_18_34.wav\nTUTORIAL03_JAINA_19\t那是个大块头...还好它不会嘲讽。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_03_JAINA_19_35.wav\nTUTORIAL03_MUKLA_01\t呜哇啊啊啊啊!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_03_MUKLA_01_01.wav\nTUTORIAL03_MUKLA_03\t吼吼吼...\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_03_MUKLA_03_03.wav\nTUTORIAL03_MUKLA_04\t哦!哦!哦!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_03_MUKLA_04_04.wav\nTUTORIAL03_MUKLA_05\t哈!哦 哦!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_03_MUKLA_05_05.wav\nTUTORIAL03_MUKLA_06\t呜啊!哦!哦哦!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_03_MUKLA_06_06.wav\nTUTORIAL04_HEMET_01\t真是个漂亮的小姑娘,不是吗?", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL04_HEMET_01_01.wav\nTUTORIAL04_HEMET_02\t恩?没人敢这么和老赫米特说话!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL04_HEMET_02_02.wav\nTUTORIAL04_HEMET_03\t哈!我先来!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL04_HEMET_03_03.wav\nTUTORIAL04_HEMET_04\t哦,那很好,因为你会需要它的!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL04_HEMET_04_04_ALT.wav\nTUTORIAL04_HEMET_06\t也许你以前常和杂兵较量。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL04_HEMET_06_05.wav\nTUTORIAL04_HEMET_07\t赫米特亲自上阵啦!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL04_HEMET_07_06_ALT.wav\nTUTORIAL04_HEMET_08\t一只野兽!我要把它变成我的战利品!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL04_HEMET_08_07.wav\nTUTORIAL04_HEMET_09\t我要把这野兽的皮扒下来做条新围巾!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL04_HEMET_09_08.wav\nTUTORIAL04_HEMET_10\t哈哈,谢谢你为我送来了零食!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL04_HEMET_10_09.wav\nTUTORIAL04_HEMET_11\t哈哈,开始打猎了!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL04_HEMET_11_10.wav\nTUTORIAL04_HEMET_12a\t这不公平!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL04_HEMET_12_11.wav\nTUTORIAL04_HEMET_12b\t啊,真倒霉!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL04_HEMET_12_11_ALT.wav\nTUTORIAL04_HEMET_13\t也许我应该回去继续写东西。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL04_HEMET_13_12.wav\nTUTORIAL04_HEMET_15\t你知道吗?这让我想起了狩猎虎王邦加拉什的旧时光。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL04_HEMET_15_13.wav\nTUTORIAL04_HEMET_16\t你读过我写的书《荆棘谷的青山》吗?", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL04_HEMET_16_14.wav\nTUTORIAL04_HEMET_17\t要是在荆棘谷,这绝不可能发生!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL04_HEMET_17_15.wav\nTUTORIAL04_HEMET_18\t你不过是个小黄毛丫头!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL04_HEMET_18_16.wav\nTUTORIAL04_HEMET_19\t在我巨大的泥沼野兽面前颤抖吧!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL04_HEMET_19_17.wav\nTUTORIAL04_HEMET_20\t射击!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL04_HEMET_20_18.wav\nTUTORIAL04_JAINA_01\t注意你的言辞。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_04_JAINA_01_37.wav\nTUTORIAL04_JAINA_02\t那我就多一张手牌了。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_04_JAINA_02_38.wav\nTUTORIAL04_JAINA_03\t我没有只需要一点法力值就可以使用的卡牌。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_04_JAINA_03_39.wav\nTUTORIAL04_JAINA_04\t我有的是应对的手段,矮人大叔。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_04_JAINA_04_40.wav\nTUTORIAL04_JAINA_05\t我应该对他的杂兵造成1点伤害,还是直接攻击奈辛瓦里呢?", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_04_JAINA_05_41.wav\nTUTORIAL04_JAINA_08\t就1点生命值?完美的目标。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_04_JAINA_08_42.wav\nTUTORIAL04_JAINA_09\t我得找个办法消灭那个东西。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_04_JAINA_09_43.wav\nTUTORIAL05_ILLIDAN_01\t你们这是自寻死路!", "\tAll of Illidan's lines are iconic from WoW, please use the same translation if possible.", "\tVO_TUTORIAL_05_ILLIDAN_01_02.wav\nTUTORIAL05_ILLIDAN_02\t感受这被囚禁了一万年的愤怒!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_05_ILLIDAN_02_03.wav\nTUTORIAL05_ILLIDAN_03\t直视背叛者的双眼吧!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_05_ILLIDAN_03_04.wav\nTUTORIAL05_ILLIDAN_04\t谁想成为下一个?", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_05_ILLIDAN_04_05.wav\nTUTORIAL05_ILLIDAN_05\t让埃辛诺斯的烈焰吞噬你们!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_05_ILLIDAN_05_06.wav\nTUTORIAL05_ILLIDAN_06\t你们对力量一无所知!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_05_ILLIDAN_06_07.wav\nTUTORIAL05_ILLIDAN_08\t感受我体内的恶魔之力吧!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_05_ILLIDAN_08_08.wav\nTUTORIAL05_ILLIDAN_09\t你们这些乌合之众休想碰到我!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_05_ILLIDAN_09_09.wav\nTUTORIAL05_ILLIDAN_10\t不自量力!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_05_ILLIDAN_10_10.wav\nTUTORIAL05_ILLIDAN_11\t这一定很有趣!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_05_ILLIDAN_11_11.wav\nTUTORIAL05_JAINA_01\t自寻死路?我只是完成了五个任务而已。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_05_JAINA_01_45.wav\nTUTORIAL05_JAINA_02\t他的英雄技能...真是强大!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_05_JAINA_02_46.wav\nTUTORIAL05_JAINA_05\t集中攻击伊利丹!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_05_JAINA_05_47.wav\nTUTORIAL05_JAINA_06\t不能再拖下去了!消灭他!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_05_JAINA_06_48.wav\nTUTORIAL06_CHO_01\t哦!吉安娜!很高兴看见你。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_06_CHO_01_05.wav\nTUTORIAL06_CHO_02\t让我看看你是否学有所成。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_06_CHO_02_06.wav\nTUTORIAL06_CHO_03\t很好!很好!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_06_CHO_03_07.wav\nTUTORIAL06_CHO_04\t哦!打得很聪明。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_06_CHO_04_08.wav\nTUTORIAL06_CHO_05\t战争只是不得已而为之。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_06_CHO_05_09.wav\nTUTORIAL06_CHO_06\t也许吧。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_06_CHO_06_10.wav\nTUTORIAL06_CHO_07\t啊!你碰不到我!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_06_CHO_07_11.wav\nTUTORIAL06_CHO_08\t站在此处方能体会一览众山小的感觉!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_06_CHO_08_12.wav\nTUTORIAL06_CHO_09\t哪怕只是一点伤害也足以决定一场比赛的胜负。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_06_CHO_09_13.wav\nTUTORIAL06_CHO_12\t哦...你可真是强大。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_06_CHO_12_14.wav\nTUTORIAL06_CHO_15\t我自己虽然不擅长舞刀弄剑,但是我倒是有不少朋友。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_06_CHO_15_15.wav\nTUTORIAL06_CHO_17\t我认识了不少新朋友,他们擅长医术,拳脚功夫也相当了得!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_06_CHO_17_16.wav\nTUTORIAL06_CHO_20\t你很强大,吉安娜!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_06_CHO_20_17.wav\nTUTORIAL06_CHO_21\t恐惧会让人愤怒。愤怒会让人仇恨。而仇恨会让人肚子疼。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_06_CHO_21_18.wav\nTUTORIAL06_JAINA_01\t游学者周卓。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_06_JAINA_01_49.wav\nTUTORIAL06_JAINA_02\t我不会退让的。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_06_JAINA_02_50.wav\nTUTORIAL06_JAINA_03\t你真是天真,游学者。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_06_JAINA_03_51.wav\nTUTORIAL06_JAINA_04\t一时之快。等我消灭了你的部队,就轮到你了。", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_06_JAINA_04_52.wav\nVO_ANNOUNCER_CM_HELP_DECK_50\t我能给你些建议,希望能够帮到你。", "\t\tVO_ANNOUNCER_CM_HELP_DECK_50.wav\nVO_ANNOUNCER_DISCONNECT_45\t你的对手离开了游戏。", "\t\tVO_ANNOUNCER_DISCONNECT_45.wav\nVO_ANNOUNCER_MULLIGAN_44\t你可以换掉任何你不喜欢的卡牌。", "\t\tVO_ANNOUNCER_MULLIGAN_44.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_1ST_HUB_06\t在练习模式下,你可以解锁新的英雄。", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_1ST_HUB_06.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_ARENA_1ST_REWARD\t哦,干得不错!等你攒够了足够的金币,请随时再来竞技场打比赛!", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_ARENA_1ST_REWARD.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_ARENA_3RD_LOSS\t你输掉了三场比赛。快使用奖励钥匙,看看你获得了哪些奖励!", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_ARENA_3RD_LOSS.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_BASIC_DONE1_11\t你已经获得了这个职业的所有基本卡牌!", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_BASIC_DONE1_11.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_BASIC_DONE2_12\t现在,你需要一些卡牌扩展包来强化你的套牌!", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_BASIC_DONE2_12.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_CM_DECK_FINISH_30\t这副套牌看上去不错。带上它大干一场吧!", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_CM_DECK_FINISH_30.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_CM_LCLICK\t右键点击卡牌查看详细信息。", "\t\txxx.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_CM_PAGEFLIP_28\t点击牌册页面的边缘翻页浏览卡牌。", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_CM_PAGEFLIP_28.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_CM_UNOWNED_29\t这些是你尚未拥有的卡牌。和玩家对战,你就有机会赢取它们!", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_CM_UNOWNED_29.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_COIN_INTRO\t由于你后手出牌,所以你获得了幸运币卡牌。好好利用它!", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_COIN_INTRO.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_DISENCHANT_31\t你可以分解你不需要的卡牌,然后制造出你需要的。", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_DISENCHANT_31.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_EXPERT_AI_10\t你已经解锁了专家级的对手!但是,他们可不会对你手下留情…\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_EXPERT_AI_10.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_FIRST_100_GOLD\t你的金币已经足够购买卡牌扩展包了!快去牌店看看吧!", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_FIRST_100_GOLD.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_FORGE_1ST_18\t啊,没玩过竞技模式?那么,你的第一次竞技场之旅由我买单!", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_FORGE_1ST_18.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_FORGE_1WIN\t赢得漂亮!你每次赢得比赛,你的奖励钥匙都会升级!", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_ARENA_1WIN.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_FORGE_2LOSS_25\t再输一场你就出局了!", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_FORGE_2LOSS_25.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_FORGE_COMPLETE_22\t现在,挑战其他竞技场玩家,看看你的套牌有多厉害!", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_ARENA_COMPLETE.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_FORGE_INST1_19\t选择一个英雄!", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_FORGE_INST1_19.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_FORGE_INST2_20\t现在,挑选一张卡牌加入你的套牌。", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_FORGE_INST2_20.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_FORGE_INST3_21\t再接再厉!", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_FORGE_INST3_21.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_FORGE_INTRO_17\t啊…竞技模式!打造一副套牌,然后使用它为你征战!", "\t\txxx.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_LEVEL3_TIP\t再升一级,你又能解锁新的卡牌了!", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_LEVEL3_TIP.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_NUDGE_CM_X\t不错的奖励!浏览的你收藏,把它们加入你的套牌。", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER2_NUDGE_COLLECTION_10.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_OUT_OF_QUESTS\t你已经没有任务了!明天再来查看吧。", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_OUT_OF_QUESTS.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_PRACTICE_INST1_07\t想要解锁某个英雄,你就先要打败他。先挑战你最喜欢的英雄吧!", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_UNLOCK_HEROES.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_PRACTICE_INST2_08\t要我选的话,我肯定选圣骑士乌瑟尔!", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_PRACTICE_INST2_08.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_STEALTH_TAUNT3_22\t当一个随从具有潜行,他就不能嘲讽。", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_STEALTH_TAUNT3_22.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_TOURNY_END_15\t每周对抗赛结束了!", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_TOURNY_END_15.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_TOURNY_END1_27\t你的奖章已经重置,本周你又可以获得新的奖章和扩展包了!", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_TOURNY_END1_27.wav\nVO_INNKEEPER_UNRANKED_16\t不计成绩的比赛不会影响到你的排名,但是你也无法获得免费的奖品!", "\t\tVO_INNKEEPER_UNRANKED_16.wav\nVO_KT_ANUB1_42\t阿努布雷坎是我最得力的蛛魔领主之一。祝你好运,入侵者。", "\t\tVO_KT_ANUB1_42.wav\nVO_KT_BARON1_63\t天启四骑士是我最强大的死亡骑士们。他们一定不会让我失望的。", "\t\tVO_KT_BARON1_63.wav\nVO_KT_FAERLINA1_44\t法琳娜负责对崇拜我的寺僧进行训练。她的工作非常重要,你们不能打扰她!", "\t\tVO_KT_FAERLINA1_44.wav\nVO_KT_GLUTH1_72\t格拉斯专吃那些劣等的僵尸。说起这个,你应该会成为一份很好的饲料。", "\t\tVO_KT_GLUTH1_72.wav\nVO_KT_GOTHIK1_ALT_61\t听着,如果你现在投降,我会让戈提克把你的灵魂放在一具漂亮点儿的尸体里。", "\t\tVO_KT_GOTHIK1_ALT_61.wav\nVO_KT_GROBBULUS1_70\t格罗布鲁斯是我血肉巨人大军的原始模型。而你则是第一个测试目标。", "\t\tVO_KT_GROBBULUS1_70.wav\nVO_KT_HEIGAN1_54\t希尔盖让我告诉你,如果你在和他对战的时候不用牌的话,他可以饶你不死。", "\t\tVO_KT_HEIGAN1_54.wav\nVO_KT_INTRO_39\t你来得太晚了!你已经无法阻止我的准备工作了。", "\t\tVO_KT_INTRO_39.wav\nVO_KT_INTRO2_40\t什么??谁允许你进入纳克萨玛斯的?!", "\t\tVO_KT_INTRO2_40.wav\nVO_KT_KELTHUZAD1_ALT_90\t接下来的战斗可不轻松。我听说,这个首领的实力无人能及……而且英俊帅气。", "\t\tVO_KT_KELTHUZAD1_ALT_90.wav\nVO_KT_LOATHEB1_56\t只要稍微靠近洛欧塞布,你的血肉就会开始腐烂。所以我推荐你使用近战职业。", "\t\tVO_KT_LOATHEB1_56.wav\nVO_KT_MAEXXNA1_46\t迈克斯纳是一只巨型蜘蛛!哦哈哈哈哈!", "\t\tVO_KT_MAEXXNA1_46.wav\nVO_KT_MAEXXNA5_50\t你认为这张牌会对你有用?别妄想了。", "\t\tVO_KT_MAEXXNA5_50.wav\nVO_KT_NOTH1_52\t想要挑战诺斯?", "\t\tVO_KT_NOTH1_52.wav\nVO_KT_PATCHWERK1_68\t帕奇维克是由那些连游学者周卓都打不过的冒险者的尸体缝合起来的。", "\t\tVO_KT_PATCHWERK1_68.wav\nVO_KT_RAZUVIOUS1_58\t请无视拉苏维奥斯旁边的精神控制石。", "\t\tVO_KT_RAZUVIOUS1_58.wav\nVO_KT_SAPPHIRON1_83\t我的冰霜巨龙等着你们。多穿点衣服。", "\t\tVO_KT_SAPPHIRON1_83.wav\nVO_KT_THADDIUS1_80\t它活了!!那么,你就活不长了。", "\t\tVO_KT_THADDIUS1_80.wav\nVO_KT_WINGOPENS_82\t我会亲自找你们算账的,入侵者。", "\t\tVO_KT_WINGOPENS_82.wav\nVO_NAX15_01_GLOAT1_33\t克尔苏加德必胜!!你听见了么,宝贝比格沃斯?!", "\t\tVO_NAX15_01_GLOAT1_33.wav\nVO_NAX15_01_GLOAT2_34\t左边的骷髅们!右边的女妖们!会唱的跟我一起唱!", "\t\tVO_NAX15_01_GLOAT2_34.wav\nVO_NAX15_01_GLOAT3_35\t完成了今天的每日任务,干掉一个入侵者!40金币到手了。", "\t\tVO_NAX15_01_GLOAT3_35.wav\nVO_NAX15_01_GLOAT4_36\t胜利的滋味如此甜美……就像一杯奶昔。不,也许更像是一大块巧克力。", "\t\tVO_NAX15_01_GLOAT4_36.wav\nVO_NAX15_01_GLOAT5_37\t我的力量无人能及!而且,我不需要付出生命的代价。", "\t\tVO_NAX15_01_GLOAT5_37.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_ATRAMEDES_75\t虽然艾卓曼德斯的眼睛看不见,但他能听见你因为恐惧而颤抖。", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_ATRAMEDES_75.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_BARON_GEDDON_39\t迦顿男爵挡在我们前面。解决他。", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_BARON_GEDDON_39.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_CHROMAGGUS_INTRO_58\t克洛玛古斯是我最伟大的杰作之一!瞧瞧它那七彩的龙鳞!", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_CHROMAGGUS_INTRO_58.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_COREN_27\t黑铁矮人们被拉格纳罗斯奴役着,只有打败他们,才能挑战炎魔之王。", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_COREN_27.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_DESCENT_OPEN_67\t我在黑石山的烈焰中重生!我不可战胜!", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_DESCENT_OPEN_67.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_DRAKKISATH_47\t你是不是迷路了?你只要按屏幕下方的返回按钮就能回去了。", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_DRAKKISATH_47.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_GARR_INTRO_34\t加尔是拉格纳罗斯的副官之一。你已经离炎魔之王不远了。", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_GARR_INTRO_34.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_GRIMSTONE_29\t黑铁竞技场。在这里,也许你能知道自己到底有多少能力,凡人。", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_GRIMSTONE_29.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_INTRO1_24\t欢迎来到黑石山,我的私人领地。", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_INTRO1_24.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_INTRO3_25\t呃,随你的便。不过我倒觉得,你应该去拜访一下熔火之心。", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_INTRO3_25.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_INTRO4_26\t炎魔之王在这里不受欢迎。", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_INTRO4_26.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_MAJORDOMO_41\t这是拉格纳罗斯最信任的仆从。我们应该逼他把炎魔之王召唤出来,对不对?", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_MAJORDOMO_41.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_MAJORDOMO_DEAD_42\t啊哈哈哈哈!你成功了!现在,黑石山就是我的,我的了!", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_MAJORDOMO_DEAD_42.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_MALORIAK_70\t马洛拉克并非是我要塞中最擅长战斗的随从,但他会给你一些惊喜。", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_MALORIAK_70.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_NEF_INTRO1_64\t你本来有机会庆祝自己的胜利,但你不知道珍惜。没关系,你对我而言,一文不值。", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_NEF_INTRO1_64.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_OMNOTRON_68\t我的内部庭院由最强大的防御系统守护,强大得令你无法想象!", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_OMNOTRON_68.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_OMOKK_INTRO_43\t你好啊,炎魔杀手!唔……你在黑石塔里做什么呢?", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_OMOKK_INTRO_43.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_RAZORGORE_54\t你胆敢进入我的领地?很好。拉佐格尔,杀了这个不知好歹的混蛋。", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_RAZORGORE_54.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_REND_INTRO_51\t悬崖勒马吧,凡人。你在挑战你无法理解的力量。", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_REND_INTRO_51.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_THAURISSAN_31\t索瑞森大帝把炎魔之王召唤到了这个世界上。把他杀了。", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_THAURISSAN_31.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_VAEL_56\t看见没有?即使如此强大的红龙,也被我掌控于股掌之间。", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_VAEL_56.wav\nVO_NEFARIAN_ZOMBIE_NEF_99\t这次你就不会这么走运了。", "\t\tVO_NEFARIAN_ZOMBIE_NEF_99.wav\nVO_RAGNAROS_INTRO2_64\t你的领地?我要把你烤熟了,小龙!", "\t\tVO_RAGNAROS_INTRO2_64.wav\nVO_RAGNAROS_INTRO5_65\t哈哈哈,欢迎你来做客,小虫子!", "\t\tVO_RAGNAROS_INTRO5_65.wav\nVO_RAGNAROS_MC_WELCOME_67\t熔火之心是我的领地!我会碾碎你,可怜虫。", "\t\tVO_RAGNAROS_MC_WELCOME_67.wav\nVO_RAGNAROS_NEF_INTRO2_70\t嘶……凡人。我可没有死。我会帮助你打倒奈法利安!", "\t\tVO_RAGNAROS_NEF_INTRO2_70.wav\nVO_TUTORIAL_01_ANNOUNCER_01\t哦!又一位挑战者!是大法师吉安娜•普罗德摩尔!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_ANNOUNCER_01.wav\nVO_TUTORIAL_01_ANNOUNCER_02\t谁会接受这次挑战?", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_ANNOUNCER_02.wav\nVO_TUTORIAL_01_ANNOUNCER_03\t哦!艾尔文的灾星,豺狼人霍格!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_ANNOUNCER_03.wav\nVO_TUTORIAL_01_ANNOUNCER_04\t大家快来看!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_ANNOUNCER_04.wav\nVO_TUTORIAL_01_ANNOUNCER_05\t比赛开始!", "\t\tVO_TUTORIAL_01_ANNOUNCER_05.wav\n" ]
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[ "The leak of an online database reveals the personal records of most Ecuadorians\n\nThe misconfiguration of an online database has exposed the personal records of most Ecuadorians, including children, in what is the largest diversion in Ecuadorian history.", "\n\nThe database was discovered by security researchers at vpnMentor and contains nearly 20.8 million user records, a figure larger than the country’s total population, as it includes data of deceased persons.", "\n\nThe database appears to have been obtained from various sources, including government and private databases, where details such as names and information about family members, civil registry data, financial and work information, and vehicle ownership data are available.", "\n\nThe most comprehensive data was the data of the Ecuadorian Government’s civil registry, with the base containing full citizens’ names, birth dates, place of birth, home addresses, marital status, national identification numbers, employment information, telephone numbers and levels of education.", "\n\nThe database is up-to-date, with up-to-date information up to 2019, including records of the president of the country, and even Julian Assange, who had previously been granted political asylum from the small South American country, with a national identity card number.", "\n\nThe database also includes information on children born some of them this spring, with 6.77 million records for children under the age of 18, including children’s names, national identification numbers, place of birth, home addresses and gender.", "\n\nThe exposed database also contains records with short names of private entities, such as BIESS; AEADE, including 7 million financial records, and 2.5 million records with details of car owners and vehicles\n\nBIESS stands for the Bank of the Ecuadorian Social Security Corporation and contains financial information for some Ecuadorian citizens, such as the status of the account; the account balance; the type of credit; and information about the account holder; including job details. ", "AEADE stands for the Association of Automobile Companies of Ecuador and contains information about car owners and their vehicles, including models; and car license plates.", "\n\nSource : zdnet" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow does FreeBSD track files installed via ports?", "\n\nIt looks like pkg remove <pkg> is able to remove a package installed via ports. ", "But I didn't find any packages built by typing make in the ports dir. ", "So what's the magic here? ", "How does pkg remove know about the files belonging to a packge?", "\n\nA:\n\nUsing make install in the ports collection registers the package to the FreeBSD package system (by creating a temporary package manifest from the port and running pkg register). ", "From this the pkg command knows what is installed and how to remove it.", "\n\na simple make install will install the application and register it with the package system.", "\n\nAbout FreeBSD Ports\nIt is also stated in the FreeBSD handbook that you can use pkg to remove installed ports.", "\n\nInstalled ports can be uninstalled using pkg delete. ", "\n\nUsing the Ports Collection\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005434782608695652, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0 ]
[ "Obama: The '80s called, they want their foreign policy back Obama zings Romney for calling Russia America's biggest geopolitical threat\n\nIn an exchange about al-Qaida during the debate, Obama attacked Romney for calling Russia “without question, our No. ", "1 geopolitical foe” earlier this year.", "\n\n\"Gov. Romney, I'm glad you recognize al-Qaida is a threat, because a few months ago when you were asked what is the biggest geopolitical group facing America, you said Russia, not al-Qaida,\" Obama said. \"", "You said Russia. ", "And the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back. ", "Because the Cold War has been over for 20 years. ", "But Governor, when it comes to our foreign policy, you seem to want to import the foreign policies of the 1980s, just like the social policy of the 1950s, and the economic policies of the 1920s.\"" ]
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[ 0.01968503937007874, 0, 0.019417475728155338, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Erin Durkinhttps://benkallos.com/category/press-clip-author/erin-durkin\nenThe Guardian New York City to Amazon: drop dead by Erin Durkinhttps://benkallos.com/press-clip/guardian-new-york-city-amazon-drop-dead-erin-durkin\n<span>The Guardian New York City to Amazon: drop dead by Erin Durkin</span>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-headline field--type-string-long field--label-hidden field--item\">New York City to Amazon: drop dead</div>\n<span><span lang=\"\" about=\"https://benkallos.com/users/josh-jamieson\" typeof=\"schema:Person\" property=\"schema:name\" datatype=\"\" xml:lang=\"\">Josh Jamieson</span></span>\n<span>Thu, 11/15/2018 - 10:18am</span>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-source field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/press-source/guardian\" hreflang=\"en\">The Guardian</a></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-author field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--items\">\n<div class=\"field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/category/press-clip-author/erin-durkin\" hreflang=\"en\">Erin Durkin</a></div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-link field--type-link field--label-hidden field--item\"><a href=\"https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/nov/14/amazon-hq2-new-york-protest-queens-long-island-city\">https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/nov/14/amazon-hq2-new-york-protest-…</a></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-date field--type-datetime field--label-hidden field--item\"><time datetime=\"2018-11-15T15:18:12Z\">Thu, 11/15/2018 - 10:18</time>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-date-only field--type-datetime field--label-hidden field--item\"><time datetime=\"2018-11-15T12:00:00Z\">Thu, 11/15/2018 - 12:00pm</time>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-excerpt field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item\"><p>The city also agreed to facilitate construction of a new helipad on the site for Amazon executives. ", "The <a href=\"https://benkallos.com/\">Manhattan city councilman Ben Kallos</a> said the arrangement made Amazon’s chief executive, Jeff Bezos, look like a “Bond villain”.</p>\n<p>“The governor and the mayor have decided to throw Jeff Bezos almost $3bn in subsidies and tax breaks – and throw in a helipad so he doesn’t have to take the damn 7 train,” said <a href=\"https://council.nyc.gov/district-26/\">city councilman Jimmy Van Bramer</a>, who represents Long Island City. “", "He wants this helipad so he doesn’t actually really have to spend any time in Queens.", "”</p>\n<p>Advertisement</p>\n<p> </p>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-text field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item\"><p>New York City to Amazon: drop dead</p>\n<p>In Queens, opponents of second HQ say building plans bypass elected officials, will rip off taxpayers and harm neighborhood</p>\n<p> Protesters hold up anti-Amazon signs during a coalition rally and press conference of elected officials, community organizations and unions in Long Island City, New York. ", "Photograph: Bebeto Matthews/AP</p>\n<p>Politicians and advocates gathered in Queens on Wednesday to denounce a multibillion-dollar plan to bring <a href=\"https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/nov/13/amazon-hq2-second-headquarters-new-york-long-island-city-response\">a new Amazon headquarters</a> to New York. ", "One city councilman called the move “an assault on our democracy”.</p>\n<p><img src=\"https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/62ffbd703603582ed13f6534f8ad49544606c87b/0_160_6000_3600/master/6000.jpg?width=460&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=c919a7abddacdda9075adfa48e232170\" /></p>\n<p><a>'It's obscene and wrong': Amazon HQ2 gets typically warm New York welcome</a></p>\n<p>Rallying across the street from the Long Island City site where Amazon’s new campus is set to rise, opponents called the plan – which will give <a href=\"https://www.theguardian.com/technology/amazon\">Amazon</a>nearly $3bn in tax breaks and subsidies from state and city – a ripoff to taxpayers that will stress the neighborhood’s infrastructure while doing little to help local residents.</p>\n<p>“The more we learn about this deal, the worse it gets,” said <a href=\"https://www.nysenate.gov/senators/michael-gianaris\">state senator Michael Gianaris</a>, who represents the neighborhood. “", "This is a bad deal, and the state and the city should both be embarrassed to be stand behind this deal. ", "They got taken, plain and simple.", "”</p>\n<p>The plan, <a href=\"https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/nov/13/amazon-hq2-second-headquarters-new-york-city-virginia\">announced on Tuesday</a> by New York’s governor, Andrew Cuomo, and New York City’s mayor, Bill de Blasio, will bring 25,000 Amazon workers to 4m square feet of office space on a waterfront Long Island City site, across the East river from Manhattan.</p>\n<p> The New York state senator Michael Gianaris calls on supporters to remove the Amazon app from their phones and boycott the company. ", "Photograph: Bebeto Matthews/AP</p>\n<p>The Seattle-based tech company orchestrated a year-long competition between cities around the US, soliciting bids for a location to build a second headquarters. ", "Instead of one new project it ended up announcing two major new offices, one in New York and one in Arlington, Virginia.</p>\n<p>In return for the jobs, which Amazon says will pay an average of $150,000 a year, the company will get at least $1.5bn in cash subsidies and tax breaks from the state, and another $1.3bn in tax breaks from the city. ", "The mayor and governor say they will come out on top, getting $9 back in revenue for every dollar spent.</p>\n<p>Don’t be fooled by the magic numbers that they’re throwing around. ", "This is a bunch of bull</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p><cite>Michael Gianaris, state senator</cite></p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>Critics cast doubt on that claim, noting a different development project that would have produced revenue was planned for the site before Amazon came along. ", "The land in a once-industrial neighborhood is now dotted with warehouses, taxi depots, an outdoor bar and a shuttered restaurant that was at the <a href=\"https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/24/nyregion/de-blasio-mayor-nyc-bribe-singh.html\">center of a corruption scandal</a> for the city’s mayor.</p>\n<p>“Don’t be fooled by the magic numbers that they’re throwing around,” said Gianaris. “", "This is a bunch of bull.", "”</p>\n<p>Lawmakers will never get the chance to vote on the plan, since the state is routing it through an economic development agency controlled by the governor, avoiding city council approval on zoning changes that would normally be required.</p>\n<p>“This is not only an assault on Long Island City,” said the <a href=\"https://council.nyc.gov/district-39/\">city councilman Brad Lander</a>, a Brooklyn Democrat. “", "It’s not only an assault on housing affordability. ", "It’s not only an assault on transit capacity. ", "This is an assault on our democracy.", "”</p>\n<p>Amazon has promised in a non-binding agreement to help fund a modest job training program and set aside space for a tech startup incubator. ", "Opponents say much more would be needed to make the deal worthwhile for the city, like help for the area’s delay-plagued subways, sewer systems that often back up, overcrowded schools and scarce affordable housing.</p>\n<p>On Wednesday, residents at the nearby <a href=\"https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/12/nyregion/amazon-queens-queensbridge-houses.html\">Queensbridge Houses</a> – the largest public housing project in the US – complained of heat outages, officials said.</p>\n<p>“Today is a great day to be a real-estate broker in Long Island City,” said <a href=\"http://nyf.org/speakers/jonathan-westin/\">Jonathan Westin</a>, head of New York Communities for Change. “", "Today is a horrible day to be a tenant struggling to make rent.", "”</p>\n<p>The city also agreed to facilitate construction of a new helipad on the site for Amazon executives. ", "The <a href=\"https://benkallos.com/\">Manhattan city councilman Ben Kallos</a> said the arrangement made Amazon’s chief executive, Jeff Bezos, look like a “Bond villain”.</p>\n<p>“The governor and the mayor have decided to throw Jeff Bezos almost $3bn in subsidies and tax breaks – and throw in a helipad so he doesn’t have to take the damn 7 train,” said <a href=\"https://council.nyc.gov/district-26/\">city councilman Jimmy Van Bramer</a>, who represents Long Island City. “", "He wants this helipad so he doesn’t actually really have to spend any time in Queens.", "”</p>\n<p>De Blasio defended the deal in a TV interview.</p>\n<p>“It’s by far the biggest number of new jobs this city has ever seen,” he said on MSNBC. “", "We want to see the borough of Queens thrive. ", "We want to see people in every neighborhood have opportunities. ", "We want to see people in public housing have chances for jobs, students who go to our public universities have chances for jobs.", "”</p>\n<p>The mayor said Amazon asked for more than it got in subsidies. ", "If the company does not come through with the promised jobs, he said, the government could recover the money.</p>\n<p>“I get very upset when I see something that I think is a giveaway to a corporation,” he said. “", "We drove a hard bargain. ", "We’re getting a whole lot more tax revenue back than anything the city or state are putting in. ", "We’re getting a number of jobs that’s almost unimaginable …</p>\n<p>“We’ve made clear to Amazon those jobs need to go to everyday New Yorkers.</p>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-issues field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--items\">\n<div class=\"field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/category/issues/land-use\" hreflang=\"en\">Land Use</a></div>\n</div>\nThu, 15 Nov 2018 15:18:11 +0000Josh Jamieson6593 at https://benkallos.comNew York Daily News Construction sites must lower noise during city’s quiet time under new law by Erin Durkinhttps://benkallos.com/press-clip/new-york-daily-news-construction-sites-must-lower-noise-during-citys-quiet-time-under\n<span>New York Daily News Construction sites must lower noise during city’s quiet time under new law by Erin Durkin</span>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-headline field--type-string-long field--label-hidden field--item\">Construction sites must lower noise during city’s quiet time under new law</div>\n<span><span lang=\"\" about=\"https://benkallos.com/users/josh-jamieson\" typeof=\"schema:Person\" property=\"schema:name\" datatype=\"\" xml:lang=\"\">Josh Jamieson</span></span>\n<span>Wed, 12/20/2017 - 9:58am</span>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-source field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/press-source/new-york-daily-news\" hreflang=\"en\">New York Daily News</a></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-author field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--items\">\n<div class=\"field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/category/press-clip-author/erin-durkin\" hreflang=\"en\">Erin Durkin</a></div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-link field--type-link field--label-hidden field--item\"><a href=\"http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/new-city-law-reduces-construction-noise-quiet-time-article-1.3709865\">http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/new-city-law-reduces-construction-nois…</a></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-date field--type-datetime field--label-hidden field--item\"><time datetime=\"2017-12-20T00:00:00Z\">Tue, 12/19/2017 - 19:00</time>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-date-only field--type-datetime field--label-hidden field--item\"><time datetime=\"2017-12-20T12:00:00Z\">Wed, 12/20/2017 - 12:00pm</time>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-excerpt field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item\"><p>Construction done at odd hours will have to turn down the volume under a bill passed by the City Council on Tuesday.</p><p>The legislation sponsored by Councilman Ben Kallos places stricter limits on construction within 200 feet of a home before 7 a.m. and after 6 p.m. on weekdays, and any time on weekends.</p><p>“New York City may be the city that never sleeps, but that shouldn’t be because of after-hours construction that wakes you up,” said Kallos (D-Manhattan). “", "Noise is the top complaint in New York City.", "”</p><p>The construction cacophony will be capped at 80 decibels next year, and dropped to 75 in 2020. ", "The current limit is 85 decibels.</p></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-text field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item\"><div itemid=\"http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.3709863.1513729726!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/parks.jpg\" itemprop=\"image\" itemscope=\"\" itemtype=\"https://schema.org/ImageObject\"><figure><img alt=\"NYC PAPERS OUT. ", "Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpi\" src=\"http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.3709863.1513729726!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/parks.jpg\" srcset=\"http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.3709863.1513729726!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/parks.jpg 750w, http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.3709863.1513729726!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_1200/parks.jpg 1200w\" style=\"height: 186px; width: 250px;\" /><figcaption><h2 itemprop=\"description\">Construction workers will have to lower the noise starting in 2018 under a new law.</h2></figcaption></figure></div><aside id=\"ra-left\"><section><div itemprop=\"publisher\" itemscope=\"\" itemtype=\"https://schema.org/Organization\"><div itemprop=\"logo\" itemscope=\"\" itemtype=\"https://schema.org/ImageObject\"> </div></div><div content=\"2017-12-19T22:53:57\">Updated: Tuesday, December 19, 2017, 10:53 PM</div></section></aside><article id=\"ra-body\" itemprop=\"articleBody\"><p>Construction done at odd hours will have to turn down the volume under a bill passed by the City Council on Tuesday.</p><p>The legislation sponsored by Councilman Ben Kallos places stricter limits on construction within 200 feet of a home before 7 a.m. and after 6 p.m. on weekdays, and any time on weekends.</p><p>“New York City may be the city that never sleeps, but that shouldn’t be because of after-hours construction that wakes you up,” said Kallos (D-Manhattan). “", "Noise is the top complaint in New York City.", "”</p><p>The construction cacophony will be capped at 80 decibels next year, and dropped to 75 in 2020. ", "The current limit is 85 decibels.</p><p><a href=\"http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/manhattan/worker-dies-struck-metal-piece-chelsea-site-article-1.3707065\">Worker dies after being struck by metal piece at Chelsea site</a></p><p>The city would also be given the power to shut down pieces of construction equipment that are too loud.</p><p>It will also make it easier to do noise complaint inspections because they won’t have to be inside the home of the person who complained.</p><p>“The Administration worked closely with the City Council in negotiating this legislation. ", "We look forward to reviewing the final version that was passed by the Council.” ", "said City Hall spokesman Seth Stein.</p><div><div><h2> </h2></div></div></article><p> </p></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-issues field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--items\">\n<div class=\"field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/category/issues/affordable-housing\" hreflang=\"en\">Affordable Housing</a></div>\n</div>\nWed, 20 Dec 2017 14:58:13 +0000Josh Jamieson6098 at https://benkallos.comNew York Daily News City Council passes bill allowing New Yorkers to register to vote online by Erin Durkinhttps://benkallos.com/press-clip/new-york-daily-news-city-council-passes-bill-allowing-new-yorkers-register-vote-online\n<span>New York Daily News City Council passes bill allowing New Yorkers to register to vote online by Erin Durkin</span>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-headline field--type-string-long field--label-hidden field--item\">City Council passes bill allowing New Yorkers to register to vote online</div>\n<span><span lang=\"\" about=\"https://benkallos.com/users/josh-jamieson\" typeof=\"schema:Person\" property=\"schema:name\" datatype=\"\" xml:lang=\"\">Josh Jamieson</span></span>\n<span>Fri, 11/17/2017 - 3:44pm</span>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-source field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/press-source/new-york-daily-news\" hreflang=\"en\">New York Daily News</a></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-author field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--items\">\n<div class=\"field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/category/press-clip-author/erin-durkin\" hreflang=\"en\">Erin Durkin</a></div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-link field--type-link field--label-hidden field--item\"><a href=\"http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/city-council-passes-bill-allowing-nyc-voters-register-online-article-1.3638383\">http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/city-council-passes-bill-allowing-nyc-voter…</a></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-date field--type-datetime field--label-hidden field--item\"><time datetime=\"2017-11-17T00:00:00Z\">Thu, 11/16/2017 - 19:00</time>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-date-only field--type-datetime field--label-hidden field--item\"><time datetime=\"2017-11-17T12:00:00Z\">Fri, 11/17/2017 - 12:00pm</time>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-excerpt field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item\"><p>New Yorkers will soon be able to register to vote online after the City Council passed legislation to allow it Thursday.</p>\n<p>The city Campaign Finance Board will set up a website and create an app to allow would-be voters to register.</p>\n<p>“It seems like every election in New York City, it’s a new low for voter turnout,” said Councilman Ben Kallos (D-Manhattan), noting the dismal turnout in last week’s mayoral election.</p>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-text field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item\"><p>New Yorkers will soon be able to register to vote online after the City Council passed legislation to allow it Thursday.</p><p>The city Campaign Finance Board will set up a website and create an app to allow would-be voters to register.</p><p>“It seems like every election in New York City, it’s a new low for voter turnout,” said Councilman Ben Kallos (D-Manhattan), noting the dismal turnout in last week’s mayoral election.</p><p>The city will also make its program available to other apps, who could offer up voter registration themselves.</p><p>“Facebook could register people to vote,” Kallos said.</p><p>The legislation, which Mayor de Blasio is expected to sign, will create an indirect system to get around issues at the Board of Elections, where commissioners have not signed off on online registration. ", "Instead, CFB will let people register online, then print out paper forms for them and deliver them to the elections board.</p><p>Right now, only the state Department of Motor Vehicles can sign up voters electronically, a process that requires additional identification and is off limits to those without DMV accounts.</p></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-issues field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--items\">\n<div class=\"field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/category/issues/elections\" hreflang=\"en\">Elections</a></div>\n</div>\nFri, 17 Nov 2017 20:44:21 +0000Josh Jamieson6044 at https://benkallos.comNew York Daily News NYC students create City Council legislation to help gay kids in schools by Erin Durkinhttps://benkallos.com/press-clip/new-york-daily-news-nyc-students-create-city-council-legislation-help-gay-kids-schools\n<span>New York Daily News NYC students create City Council legislation to help gay kids in schools by Erin Durkin</span>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-headline field--type-string-long field--label-hidden field--item\">NYC students create City Council legislation to help gay kids in schools</div>\n<span><span lang=\"\" about=\"https://benkallos.com/users/josh-jamieson\" typeof=\"schema:Person\" property=\"schema:name\" datatype=\"\" xml:lang=\"\">Josh Jamieson</span></span>\n<span>Wed, 06/07/2017 - 8:54am</span>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-source field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/press-source/new-york-daily-news\" hreflang=\"en\">New York Daily News</a></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-author field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--items\">\n<div class=\"field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/category/press-clip-author/erin-durkin\" hreflang=\"en\">Erin Durkin</a></div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-link field--type-link field--label-hidden field--item\"><a href=\"http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/nyc-students-create-city-council-legislation-gay-kids-article-1.3227204\">http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/nyc-students-create-city-council-legis…</a></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-date field--type-datetime field--label-hidden field--item\"><time datetime=\"2017-06-07T00:00:00Z\">Tue, 06/06/2017 - 20:00</time>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-date-only field--type-datetime field--label-hidden field--item\"><time datetime=\"2017-06-07T12:00:00Z\">Wed, 06/07/2017 - 12:00pm</time>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-excerpt field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item\"><p>They originally conceived of a requirement that every school set up a group to help gays but learned the Council doesn’t have the authority to mandate that. ", "Councilman Ben Kallos (D-Manhattan) introduced the legislation on their behalf Tuesday. “", "The rise of hate crimes nationally and in the city means it is more important than ever that the city supports our LGBTQ youth through these student-run clubs,” he said.</p>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-text field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item\"><p>NYC PAPERS OUT. ", "Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpi City Councilman Ben Kallos introduced the bill on behalf of the students. (", "JEFFERSON SIEGEL/NEW YORK DAILY NEWS) BY ERIN DURKIN NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Wednesday, June 7, 2017, 12:17 AM A group of Manhattan middle schoolers are leaving their mark on city government — coming up with a bill to give a boost to school groups that aid gay students. ", "The eighth-graders are the masterminds behind legislation introduced Tuesday to require the city to release data on which schools have a club to support LGBT students — known as a gay straight alliance or gender sexuality alliance — and whether the clubs are getting city cash. “", "Some LGBT students don’t have a very welcoming environment at home, and it’s the responsibility for our schools to have a safe space for these students,” said Katerina Corr, 13, an eighth-grader at East Side Middle School, noting a recent surge in hate crimes. “", "We know that it’s hard to try to change everyone’s views, and no matter how hard you try there’s always going to be a bully,” she said. ", "Joe Biden officiates wedding for gay DNC staffer “It’s important to provide a safe space, regardless of the political environment.” ", "The kids have been working on the proposal for close to two years, and got a crash course in city government — including the limits of the power of the City Council. ", "They originally conceived of a requirement that every school set up a group to help gays but learned the Council doesn’t have the authority to mandate that. ", "Councilman Ben Kallos (D-Manhattan) introduced the legislation on their behalf Tuesday. “", "The rise of hate crimes nationally and in the city means it is more important than ever that the city supports our LGBTQ youth through these student-run clubs,” he said.</p>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-issues field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--items\">\n<div class=\"field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/category/issues/education\" hreflang=\"en\">Education</a></div>\n</div>\nWed, 07 Jun 2017 12:54:18 +0000Josh Jamieson5733 at https://benkallos.comNew York Daily News Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña to tell principals to give lunch to all students, even those who can't pay by Erin Durkinhttps://benkallos.com/press-clip/new-york-daily-news-schools-chancellor-carmen-farina-tell-principals-give-lunch-all\n<span>New York Daily News Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña to tell principals to give lunch to all students, even those who can't pay by Erin Durkin</span>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-headline field--type-string-long field--label-hidden field--item\">Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña to tell principals to give lunch to all students, even those who can't pay</div>\n<span><span lang=\"\" about=\"https://benkallos.com/users/josh-jamieson\" typeof=\"schema:Person\" property=\"schema:name\" datatype=\"\" xml:lang=\"\">Josh Jamieson</span></span>\n<span>Thu, 05/18/2017 - 10:11am</span>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-source field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/press-source/new-york-daily-news\" hreflang=\"en\">New York Daily News</a></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-author field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--items\">\n<div class=\"field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/category/press-clip-author/erin-durkin\" hreflang=\"en\">Erin Durkin</a></div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-link field--type-link field--label-hidden field--item\"><a href=\"http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/schools-chancellor-fari-students-lunch-article-1.3171070\">http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/schools-chancellor-fari-students-lunch-arti…</a></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-date field--type-datetime field--label-hidden field--item\"><time datetime=\"2017-05-16T00:00:00Z\">Mon, 05/15/2017 - 20:00</time>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-date-only field--type-datetime field--label-hidden field--item\"><time datetime=\"2017-05-16T12:00:00Z\">Tue, 05/16/2017 - 12:00pm</time>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-excerpt field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item\"><p>The city has instituted universal free lunch for middle schools, but declined to expand it citywide.</p>\n<p>Councilman Ben Kallos (D-Manhattan) asked Fariña to also issue rules that school staffers could not go after parents to collect unpaid lunch fees later, but she declined to do that without studying it first.</p>\n<p>“Students are not deprived of eating lunch because of money,” she said.</p>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-text field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item\"><div itemid=\"http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.3171068.1494966357!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/175178412.jpg\" itemprop=\"associatedMedia\" itemscope=\"\" itemtype=\"http://schema.org/ImageObject\"><figure><img alt=\"Model and Property Released (MR&PR)\" src=\"http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.3171068.1494966357!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/175178412.jpg\" srcset=\"http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.3171068.1494966357!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/175178412.jpg 750w, http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.3171068.1494966357!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_1200/175178412.jpg 1200w\" style=\"height: 167px; width: 250px;\" /><figcaption><h2 itemprop=\"description\">The city has instituted universal free lunch for middle schools, but declined to expand it citywide.</h2></figcaption></figure></div><article id=\"ra-body\" itemprop=\"articleBody\"><p>ill issue instructions to principals to give school lunch to any student who asks for it, even if they don’t have money to pay for it, she said Tuesday.</p><p>The de Blasio administration has long resisted a proposal pushed by the City Council to make school lunch free for all kids. ", "But Fariña told the Council her policy is never to deny a student food, and she would make it official with written guidance sent to all schools.</p><p>“Those who may on a given day or week or whatever not have the required funds with them will get food. ", "I will put out a memo immediately . . . ", "to make sure that all principals understand that cafeteria workers are and should be giving out lunch to any student who needs it,” Fariña said.</p><p>“I will certainly put in writing to all principals that no child any time should be deprived of lunch.", "”</p><p><a href=\"http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/education/carmen-farina-denies-stalling-probe-yeshivas-political-article-1.3004948\">Carmen Farina denies stalling of probe into yeshivas is political</a></p><p>The majority of public school students qualify for free lunch, but backers of universal free lunch say some kids are too embarrassed to claim the freebie when their peers are paying, while other families struggle to afford the mid-day meal even if they don’t qualify to get it for free.</p><div itemid=\"http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.3171069.1494966358!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/lunch17n-1-web.jpg\" itemprop=\"associatedMedia\" itemscope=\"\" itemtype=\"http://schema.org/ImageObject\"><figure><img alt=\"NYC PAPERS OUT. ", "Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpi\" src=\"http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.3171069.1494966358!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/lunch17n-1-web.jpg\" srcset=\"http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.3171069.1494966358!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/lunch17n-1-web.jpg 750w, http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.3171069.1494966358!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_1200/lunch17n-1-web.jpg 1200w\" style=\"height: 178px; width: 250px;\" /><figcaption><h2 itemprop=\"description\">Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña will issue instructions to principals to give school lunch to any student who asks for it, even if they don’t have money to pay for it, she said Tuesday.</h2> <a href=\"http://www.nydailynews.com/photos/dn-photographers/photographer?author=Marcus-Santos\" itemprop=\"copyrightHolder\">(MARCUS SANTOS)</a></figcaption></figure></div><p>The city has instituted universal free lunch for middle schools, but declined to expand it citywide.</p><p>Councilman Ben Kallos (D-Manhattan) asked Fariña to also issue rules that school staffers could not go after parents to collect unpaid lunch fees later, but she declined to do that without studying it first.</p><p>“Students are not deprived of eating lunch because of money,” she said.</p></article></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-issues field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--items\">\n<div class=\"field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/category/issues/education\" hreflang=\"en\">Education</a></div>\n</div>\nThu, 18 May 2017 14:11:11 +0000Josh Jamieson5664 at https://benkallos.comNew York Daily News City Council passes construction safety bill forcing contractors to track, list deaths, injuries at building sites by Erin Durkinhttps://benkallos.com/press-clip/new-york-daily-news-city-council-passes-construction-safety-bill-forcing-contractors\n<span>New York Daily News City Council passes construction safety bill forcing contractors to track, list deaths, injuries at building sites by Erin Durkin</span>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-headline field--type-string-long field--label-hidden field--item\">City Council passes construction safety bill forcing contractors to track, list deaths, injuries at building sites</div>\n<span><span lang=\"\" about=\"https://benkallos.com/users/josh-jamieson\" typeof=\"schema:Person\" property=\"schema:name\" datatype=\"\" xml:lang=\"\">Josh Jamieson</span></span>\n<span>Wed, 04/26/2017 - 10:12am</span>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-source field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/press-source/new-york-daily-news\" hreflang=\"en\">New York Daily News</a></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-author field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--items\">\n<div class=\"field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/category/press-clip-author/erin-durkin\" hreflang=\"en\">Erin Durkin</a></div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-link field--type-link field--label-hidden field--item\"><a href=\"http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/manhattan/nyc-council-oks-construction-safety-bill-list-deaths-injuries-article-1.3100214\">http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/manhattan/nyc-council-oks-construction-safe…</a></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-date field--type-datetime field--label-hidden field--item\"><time datetime=\"2017-04-25T00:00:00Z\">Mon, 04/24/2017 - 20:00</time>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-date-only field--type-datetime field--label-hidden field--item\"><time datetime=\"2017-04-25T12:00:00Z\">Tue, 04/25/2017 - 12:00pm</time>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-excerpt field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item\"><p>“We’ll be able to see who’s getting hurt, where and why so that we as a city can make construction safer. ", "We must count every life,” said Councilman Ben Kallos (D-Manhattan), the bill’s sponsor.</p></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-text field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item\"><p>The city will have to track and publish a full list of deaths and injuries at construction sites under a bill passed by the City Council Tuesday.</p><p>“We’ll be able to see who’s getting hurt, where and why so that we as a city can make construction safer. ", "We must count every life,” said Councilman Ben Kallos (D-Manhattan), the bill’s sponsor.</p><p>Contractors will have to report details including the type of injury, how long the worker has been on the job, and whether they were unionized. ", "Construction companies that fail to report deaths face fines up to $25,000.</p><p>Mayor de Blasio is expected to sign the legislation.</p><p>Under another bill passed Tuesday, construction sites for buildings under ten stories will have to hire construction superintendents who will be charged with keeping the site safe.</p><p>The six bills voted on Tuesday left out the most controversial parts of the sweeping construction safety package the Council has been considered. ", "Unions and construction firms have clashed over a proposed requirement for workers to go through apprenticeship programs.</p><p>Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito said that proposal is still under negotiation.</p><p>“We look to pass the rest of the package soon, and we’ve been having very good conversations on the other bills,” she said.</p><p>Bills also passed Tuesday to require cranes to have GPS trackers and event data recorders, and require additional licensing for operators of large cranes.</p></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-issues field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--items\">\n<div class=\"field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/category/issues/other\" hreflang=\"en\">Other</a></div>\n</div>\nWed, 26 Apr 2017 14:12:11 +0000Josh Jamieson5607 at https://benkallos.comNew York Daily News EXCLUSIVE: City Council bill to require recycling, compost bins in NYC businesses by Erin Durkinhttps://benkallos.com/press-clip/new-york-daily-news-exclusive-city-council-bill-require-recycling-compost-bins-nyc\n<span>New York Daily News EXCLUSIVE: City Council bill to require recycling, compost bins in NYC businesses by Erin Durkin</span>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-headline field--type-string-long field--label-hidden field--item\">EXCLUSIVE: City Council bill to require recycling, compost bins in NYC businesses</div>\n<span><span lang=\"\" about=\"https://benkallos.com/users/josh-jamieson\" typeof=\"schema:Person\" property=\"schema:name\" datatype=\"\" xml:lang=\"\">Josh Jamieson</span></span>\n<span>Mon, 04/24/2017 - 10:18am</span>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-source field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/press-source/new-york-daily-news\" hreflang=\"en\">New York Daily News</a></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-author field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--items\">\n<div class=\"field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/category/press-clip-author/erin-durkin\" hreflang=\"en\">Erin Durkin</a></div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-link field--type-link field--label-hidden field--item\"><a href=\"http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/city-council-bill-require-recycling-bins-nyc-businesses-article-1.3093084\">http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/city-council-bill-require-recycling-bins-ny…</a></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-date field--type-datetime field--label-hidden field--item\"><time datetime=\"2017-04-24T00:00:00Z\">Sun, 04/23/2017 - 20:00</time>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-date-only field--type-datetime field--label-hidden field--item\"><time datetime=\"2017-04-24T12:00:00Z\">Mon, 04/24/2017 - 12:00pm</time>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-excerpt field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item\"><p>The legislation introduced by Councilman Ben Kallos would cover stores, restaurants, office building lobbies and all other public buildings where New Yorkers now often only have the option to trash paper and plastic items that could be recycled.</p></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-text field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item\"><p>Businesses would have to offer up recycling and compost bins alongside their trash cans under a new bill set to be introduced in the City Council this week.</p><p>The legislation introduced by Councilman Ben Kallos would cover stores, restaurants, office building lobbies and all other public buildings where New Yorkers now often only have the option to trash paper and plastic items that could be recycled.</p><p>Currently, only a dismal 19% of commercial trash gets recycled. ", "Kallos (D-Manhattan) said it’s easy to see on visits to other cities that New York has fallen way behind.</p><p>Compost is currently only collected in limited parts of the city, which would complicate efforts to separate it.</p><p>Kallos will also introduce a bill Tuesday to require the city to set a goal of sending no waste to landfills by 2030.</p><p>The legislation would require the city to produce a report explaining the failure if it cannot achieve the goal.</p></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-issues field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--items\">\n<div class=\"field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/category/issues/environment\" hreflang=\"en\">Environment</a></div>\n</div>\nMon, 24 Apr 2017 14:18:55 +0000Josh Jamieson5603 at https://benkallos.comNew York Daily News Rivington House sale not reason the Department of Citywide Administrative Services fired top official: commissioner by Erin Durkinhttps://benkallos.com/press-clip/new-york-daily-news-rivington-house-sale-not-reason-department-citywide-administrative\n<span>New York Daily News Rivington House sale not reason the Department of Citywide Administrative Services fired top official: commissioner by Erin Durkin</span>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-headline field--type-string-long field--label-hidden field--item\">Rivington House sale not reason the Department of Citywide Administrative Services fired top official: commissioner</div>\n<span><span lang=\"\" about=\"https://benkallos.com/users/josh-jamieson\" typeof=\"schema:Person\" property=\"schema:name\" datatype=\"\" xml:lang=\"\">Josh Jamieson</span></span>\n<span>Fri, 01/13/2017 - 12:00am</span>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-source field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/press-source/new-york-daily-news\" hreflang=\"en\">New York Daily News</a></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-author field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--items\">\n<div class=\"field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/category/press-clip-author/erin-durkin\" hreflang=\"en\">Erin Durkin</a></div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-link field--type-link field--label-hidden field--item\"><a href=\"http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/rivington-house-sale-not-reason-dcas-fired-top-official-article-1.2996648\">http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/rivington-house-sale-not-reason-dcas-fired-…</a></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-date field--type-datetime field--label-hidden field--item\"><time datetime=\"2017-03-13T00:00:00Z\">Sun, 03/12/2017 - 20:00</time>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-date-only field--type-datetime field--label-hidden field--item\"><time datetime=\"2017-03-13T12:00:00Z\">Mon, 03/13/2017 - 12:00pm</time>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-excerpt field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item\"><p>\"It's not a topic that I can get into,\" Camilo said when asked by Council government operations chair Ben Kallos whether \"poor performance\" got Morales fired. ", "She also refused to say whether Morales was cooperating with federal authorities investigating the mayor.</p>\n<p>Camilo said she made the decision to get rid of Morales and informed first Deputy Mayor Tony Shorris. ", "Morales's lawyer has said the dismissal was improper and called the timing \"highly suspicious.", "\"</p>\n<p>Meanwhile, DCAS revealed that since overhauling their rules on deed restrictions in response to the scandal, they've received requests to change or remove the restrictions on seven properties.</p>\n<p>The properties are in Harlem, Longwood in the Bronx, and Bedford Stuyvesant, East Flatbush, Crown Heights, Bushwick, and East New York in Brooklyn. ", "No action has been taken on any of the proposals yet.</p>\n<p>Kallos (D-Manhattan) said the Longwood request raises red flags because like Rivington, it is a non-profit nursing home and rehab facility currently restricted to that use.</p>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-text field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item\"><div id=\"ra-body-wrap\"><div itemid=\"http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2996647.1489426920!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/rivington-house.jpg\" itemprop=\"associatedMedia\" itemscope=\"\" itemtype=\"http://schema.org/ImageObject\"><figure><img alt=\"NYC PAPERS OUT. ", "Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpi\" src=\"http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2996647.1489426920!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/rivington-house.jpg\" width=\"518\" height=\"345\" /><figcaption><h2 itemprop=\"description\">The Rivington House property was sold to a condo developer at a massive profit.</h2></figcaption></figure></div>The firing of a top official at the Department of Citywide Administrative Services \"had absolutely nothing to do\" with a botched land deal that let Lower East Side nursing home Rivington House be flipped for luxury condos, the agency's commissioner said — but she refused to say whether it was related to other issues being probed by federal investigators.<article id=\"ra-body\" itemprop=\"articleBody\"><p>\"That is a very sensitive personnel issue, as you can imagine,\" Commissioner Lisette Camilo said Monday as she was grilled by the City Council on the firing of deputy commissioner Ricardo Morales — who got the boot the same day Mayor de Blasio sat down with federal investigators probing his fundraising.</p><p>Morales approved the lifting of a deed restriction that had required Rivington House to be used for healthcare, a move that allowed the property to be sold to a condo developer at a massive profit.</p><p>But Camilo said that's not why she fired him. \"", "Such a personnel issue had absolutely nothing to do with Rivington,\" she said.</p>The feds are also probing whether de Blasio or his aides intervened in lease negotiations on behalf of a donor, Harendra Singh, and his Water's Edge restaurant in Queens — another matter handled by DCAS.<p>\"I'm not at liberty to discuss that,\" Camilo said when asked whether Morales was terminated over his dealings with Water's Edge.</p><p>DCAS's general counsel later refused to say whether it was Morales who rejected a proposed contract with the now-shuttered restaurant.</p><div itemid=\"http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2996646.1489426919!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/dcas14n-2-web.jpg\" itemprop=\"associatedMedia\" itemscope=\"\" itemtype=\"http://schema.org/ImageObject\"><figure><img alt=\"Ricardo Morales approved the lifting of a deed restriction that had required Rivington House to be used for healthcare.\" ", "src=\"http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2996646.1489426919!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/dcas14n-2-web.jpg\" width=\"531\" height=\"332\" /><figcaption><h2 itemprop=\"description\">Ricardo Morales approved the lifting of a deed restriction that had required Rivington House to be used for healthcare.</h2> (KATHY KMONICEK/FOR NEW YORK DAILY NEWS)</figcaption></figure></div><p>\"It's not a topic that I can get into,\" Camilo said when asked by Council government operations chair Ben Kallos whether \"poor performance\" got Morales fired. ", "She also refused to say whether Morales was cooperating with federal authorities investigating the mayor.</p>Camilo said she made the decision to get rid of Morales and informed first Deputy Mayor Tony Shorris. ", "Morales's lawyer has said the dismissal was improper and called the timing \"highly suspicious.", "\"<p>Meanwhile, DCAS revealed that since overhauling their rules on deed restrictions in response to the scandal, they've received requests to change or remove the restrictions on seven properties.</p><p>The properties are in Harlem, Longwood in the Bronx, and Bedford Stuyvesant, East Flatbush, Crown Heights, Bushwick, and East New York in Brooklyn. ", "No action has been taken on any of the proposals yet.</p><p>Kallos (D-Manhattan) said the Longwood request raises red flags because like Rivington, it is a non-profit nursing home and rehab facility currently restricted to that use.</p></article></div><p> </p></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-issues field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--items\">\n<div class=\"field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/category/issues/land-use\" hreflang=\"en\">Land Use</a></div>\n</div>\nFri, 13 Jan 2017 05:00:00 +0000Josh Jamieson5498 at https://benkallos.comNew York Daily News City Council looking to fine construction sites blocking tyraffic without actual work going on by Erin Durkinhttps://benkallos.com/press-clip/new-york-daily-news-city-council-looking-fine-construction-sites-blocking-tyraffic\n<span>New York Daily News City Council looking to fine construction sites blocking tyraffic without actual work going on by Erin Durkin</span>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-headline field--type-string-long field--label-hidden field--item\">City Council looking to fine construction sites blocking tyraffic without actual work going on</div>\n<span><span lang=\"\" about=\"https://benkallos.com/users/josh-jamieson\" typeof=\"schema:Person\" property=\"schema:name\" datatype=\"\" xml:lang=\"\">Josh Jamieson</span></span>\n<span>Tue, 12/06/2016 - 9:34am</span>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-source field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/press-source/new-york-daily-news\" hreflang=\"en\">New York Daily News</a></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-author field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--items\">\n<div class=\"field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/category/press-clip-author/erin-durkin\" hreflang=\"en\">Erin Durkin</a></div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-link field--type-link field--label-hidden field--item\"><a href=\"http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/city-fine-workless-construction-sites-blocking-traffic-article-1.2900146\">http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/city-fine-workless-construction-sites-block…</a></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-date field--type-datetime field--label-hidden field--item\"><time datetime=\"2016-12-06T00:00:00Z\">Mon, 12/05/2016 - 19:00</time>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-date-only field--type-datetime field--label-hidden field--item\"><time datetime=\"2016-12-06T12:00:00Z\">Tue, 12/06/2016 - 12:00pm</time>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-excerpt field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item\"><p>Construction sties that block roads and snarl traffic when no actual work is going on would face fines under a bill being introduced Tuesday in the City Council.</p>\n<p>The legislation, sponsored by Councilman Ben Kallos, would require that roadblocks like traffic cones, barrels and Jersey barriers only be set up in the street for one hour before and one hour after work is underway.</p>\n<p>Kallos (D-Manhattan, photo) said drivers often encounter traffic backups caused by construction barriers and road closures, only to find the site empty.</p>\n<p>“New Yorkers want to get where they are going fast. ", "Everyone hates traffic jams, especially when they are for road work, but no one is actually there doing the work,” he said. “", "It’s about making sure we are only impeding traffic and causing traffic when we absolutely need to.", "”</p>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-text field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item\"><article id=\"ra-body\" itemprop=\"articleBody\"><p><img alt=\"Council Member Ben Kallos' bill would require that roadblocks like traffic cones, barrels and Jersey barriers only be set up for one hour before and one hour after work is underway\" src=\"http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2900143.1481019725!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/freelance.jpg\" width=\"524\" height=\"348\" /></p><p>Construction sties that block roads and snarl traffic when no actual work is going on would face fines under a bill being introduced Tuesday in the City Council.</p><p>The legislation, sponsored by Councilman Ben Kallos, would require that roadblocks like traffic cones, barrels and Jersey barriers only be set up in the street for one hour before and one hour after work is underway.</p><p>Kallos (D-Manhattan, photo) said drivers often encounter traffic backups caused by construction barriers and road closures, only to find the site empty.</p><p>“New Yorkers want to get where they are going fast. ", "Everyone hates traffic jams, especially when they are for road work, but no one is actually there doing the work,” he said. “", "It’s about making sure we are only impeding traffic and causing traffic when we absolutely need to.", "”</p><p>Currently, construction crews need a permit to do road work, but there are no restrictions on what hours barriers can be up.</p><p>The Department of Transportation would set the amount to fine violators, and would respond to 311 complaints about unecessary barriers.</p><p> </p></article></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-issues field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--items\">\n<div class=\"field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/category/issues/transportation\" hreflang=\"en\">Transportation</a></div>\n</div>\nTue, 06 Dec 2016 14:34:16 +0000Josh Jamieson5293 at https://benkallos.comNew York Daily News Exclusive: NYC pol pushes anti-patronage bill requiring government jobs to be posted for two weeks before hiring by Erin Durkinhttps://benkallos.com/press-clip/new-york-daily-news-exclusive-nyc-pol-pushes-anti-patronage-bill-requiring-government\n<span>New York Daily News Exclusive: NYC pol pushes anti-patronage bill requiring government jobs to be posted for two weeks before hiring by Erin Durkin</span>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-headline field--type-string-long field--label-hidden field--item\">Exclusive: NYC pol pushes anti-patronage bill requiring government jobs to be posted for two weeks before hiring</div>\n<span><span lang=\"\" about=\"https://benkallos.com/users/josh-jamieson\" typeof=\"schema:Person\" property=\"schema:name\" datatype=\"\" xml:lang=\"\">Josh Jamieson</span></span>\n<span>Mon, 08/15/2016 - 1:29pm</span>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-source field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/press-source/new-york-daily-news\" hreflang=\"en\">New York Daily News</a></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-author field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--items\">\n<div class=\"field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/category/press-clip-author/erin-durkin\" hreflang=\"en\">Erin Durkin</a></div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-link field--type-link field--label-hidden field--item\"><a href=\"http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/pol-pushes-anti-patronage-bill-public-government-jobs-article-1.2751041\">http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/pol-pushes-anti-patronage-bill-public-…</a></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-date field--type-datetime field--label-hidden field--item\"><time datetime=\"2016-08-15T00:00:00Z\">Sun, 08/14/2016 - 20:00</time>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-date-only field--type-datetime field--label-hidden field--item\"><time datetime=\"2016-08-15T12:00:00Z\">Mon, 08/15/2016 - 12:00pm</time>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-excerpt field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item\"><p>\"When there aren't public postings, that's a good indication there may be patronage involved, or worse yet conflicts of interest,\" Kallos said. \"", "New Yorkers would know about the 350,000 jobs the city has, and the city could expand its pool of qualified applicants,\" Kallos said.</p>\n</div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-press-clip-text field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field--item\"><p>City jobs would have to be publicly posted for two weeks before someone is hired under a bill set to be introduced in the City Council this week, in a move meant to cut down on patronage.</p><p>Councilman Ben Kallos (D-Manhattan) is sponsoring the legislation to require 14 days of online job postings before interviews are done for government jobs.</p><p>Kallos said he wants to rein in patronage hiring at the city Board of Elections — where officials have long resisted calls to publicly post all their jobs.</p><p>BOE jobs are routinely filled by county political parties. ", "In one case a commissioner helped her sister get hired the same day the sister handed over her resume, and in another the board president put his wife on the BOE payroll so she could get city health insurance for the family.</p><p>The requirement would apply to all city agencies for jobs except those filled through the civil service system, which has its own detailed rules.</p><p>\"When there aren't public postings, that's a good indication there may be patronage involved, or worse yet conflicts of interest,\" Kallos said. \"", "New Yorkers would know about the 350,000 jobs the city has, and the city could expand its pool of qualified applicants,\" Kallos said.</p></div>\n<div class=\"field field--name-field-issues field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field--items\">\n<div class=\"field--item\"><a href=\"https://benkallos.com/category/issues/jobs\" hreflang=\"en\">Jobs</a></div>\n</div>\nMon, 15 Aug 2016 17:29:30 +0000Josh Jamieson5070 at https://benkallos.com" ]
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[ 0.007035175879396985, 0.014799154334038054, 0, 0.004016064257028112, 0.009554140127388535, 0.006309148264984227, 0, 0, 0.013358778625954198, 0.005025125628140704, 0.0029069767441860465, 0, 0.00749063670411985, 0.005194805194805195, 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0.004497751124437781, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0.014799154334038054, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0, 0, 0.0054533060668029995, 0, 0, 0.005037783375314861, 0.006, 0, 0, 0.005226480836236934, 0.0125, 0.006330783434450013, 0.006797853309481216, 0.011235955056179775, 0.003257328990228013, 0.006622516556291391, 0.003745318352059925, 0, 0.007633587786259542, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0.006024096385542169, 0.006369426751592357, 0.011235955056179775, 0.006238447319778189, 0.00784313725490196, 0, 0, 0.003911342894393742, 0.005613676958407757, 0.006423982869379015, 0.0041841004184100415, 0.004219409282700422, 0.0065323897659227, 0.00682261208576998, 0.009302325581395349, 0, 0.0056022408963585435, 0.00625, 0.007336757153338224, 0.010764262648008612, 0.008912655971479501, 0.009478672985781991, 0, 0.005698005698005698, 0.004323656578134651, 0, 0, 0.0035335689045936395, 0, 0, 0.006234845860755109, 0.003605769230769231, 0.001893939393939394, 0.00684931506849315 ]
[ "Search the Site\n\nMost Popular\n\nBuy from WCBR\n\nEclipse #1 (review)\n\nThe premise of a catastrophic solar event has roots in reality. ", "In 1859, a massive solar flare called the Carrington Event caused telegraph poles to burst into flames and covered the Earth in beautiful auroras. ", "Should such an enormous radiation pulse occur in the digital age, the consequences would be disastrous.", "\n\nWriter Zack Kaplan takes this concept further. ", "In this first issue of “Eclipse”, Mr Kaplan paints us a dire picture of the Sun as a scourge of life. ", "Billions died when the Sun inexplicably brightened, burning all living things. ", "Surviving humans are nocturnal. ", "As the sun rises, police officers in New York’s Time Square assist to round up citizens and get them undercover before the morning sun can strike them down. ", "This planet-changing event is called “the Flare” by the community of survivors, an inaccurate term for an ongoing and unrelenting solar radiation particle cloud.", "\n\nOnly a team of maintenance workers known as “icemen” venture out into the lethal sunshine. ", "Wearing thick white suits supported by prodigious nitrogen cooling systems, these men fix broken air conditioner systems and other necessary infrastructure lying above ground. ", "Here we meet David Baxter, also known as “Bax”, the story’s protagonist, an iceman who appears to be his shift’s supervisor.", "\n\nBax is called to investigate an apparent murder. ", "A man has been the victim of sunshine, his flesh melted from his bones. ", "Scripture is written in blood next to the corpse: “They were scorched and because they had no root: Matthew 13:6”.", "\n\nAnd as the icemen finish their shift, they realise that by reason of their highly specialised equipment that only one of them could have committed the deed, laughing at the absurdity.", "\n\nThe issue could have finished at that point of suspense, but instead Mr Kaplan steps up the pace. ", "Bax is summoned by flippant yet menacing muscle to appear before an industrialist, Brandt. ", "Brandt and Bax have a history, although what that is at this point is not disclosed. ", "Brandt has learned that the dead victim had received a threatening letter before his murder. ", "As it evolves, the industrialist’s daughter, Rose, has also received a letter. ", "The decision is made by Brandt to use the daughter as bait to catch the murderer. ", "Bax is plainly disturbed but cooperates.", "\n\nRose is at a “day club” – this future world’s equivalent of a night club. ", "Bax and a detail of policemen stake out the club. ", "The crowd is forced out of the building through a sabotage of rooftop water tanks. ", "The daughter and her friends are peeled away from the crowd and seek refuge in an alley. ", "The villain appears, driving a truck – an improbable thing as oil is no longer a commodity given the impracticalities of a petroleum industry on a scorched world. ", "The truck is replete with giant mirrors arrayed at forty-five degrees. ", "Mr Kaplan is very clever in this. ", "The mirrors flood the darkened alley with sunlight, with predictably lethal results. ", "Rose avoids the solar blast and is assisted by Bax, who shoots out the mirrors. ", "And then we see the story’s antagonist, standing in the sun wearing a trench coat and boots. “", "Why the hell is he not burning?” ", "asks Rose, disbelieving. ", "The man’s face is exposed but masked by sunlight, and the few features we can see in the final panel suggest the disdain of a zealot.", "\n\nThis story is well-executed and jet-propelled. ", "The dialogue is solid and believable. ", "The dystopian backdrop of a sun-bleached skeleton of a world is creative and compelling. ", "Little details – Bax watching a recording of a pre-Flare Super Bowl, because outdoor sports are no longer possible: a poster advertising “Shady Dome”, a retirement village – cement the reality. ", "The ease of translation to a movie is obvious: If any comic published this year is subject to an option to be released as a motion picture, it will be this one." ]
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[ "Bollywood, India’s gargantuan film industry, is known for its big-budget, colour-saturated musical numbers that are scattered through every movie. ", "Dotted within each tale of star-crossed lovers, historical rivalries or family dramas is a surreal sequence where dozens of dancing extras enter the frame, characters burst spontaneously into song and locations shuttle from the Egyptian pyramids to the Swiss Alps, London streets or even space.", "\n\nYet, in recent years, this escapist function of Bollywood has been failing to capture its audience. ", "The most expensive Bollywood film in 2018, the 19th-century action-drama Thugs of Hindostan, was made on a budget of 300 crore rupees (£32m) but took in only half that at the box office, with owners of some Indian cinemas demanding refunds.", "\n\nFilm-makers are increasingly turning away from spectacle and towards realist narratives, creating a burgeoning independent Indian cinema, with films such as Chaitanya Tamhane’s 2014 film Court focusing on India’s judicial system, Neeraj Ghaywan’s Masaan (2015), tackling the caste divide, and 2018’s Love Sonia telling the story of sex trafficking in India.", "\n\n“There’s already an appetite for more gritty, realist film-making in India,” says director Zoya Akhtar, “but there’s never enough critique of Indian society happening here.” ", "Akhtar’s latest film, Gully Boy, aims to further the realist narrative of Indian cinema by disrupting its fascination with musical numbers and subverting the system from within – the production stars two of Bollywood’s biggest actors: Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt.", "\n\nGully Boy is a fictionalised account of the burgeoning hip-hop scene in Mumbai. ", "Gully, or “gutter”, rap is a musical sub-genre made by the younger people who live in the sprawling slums of the city; its aesthetic is DIY and its lyrics tackle everything from police brutality to the caste system and even the brutal gang rape of a Delhi woman in 2012.", "\n\nA stark contrast from both the commercialised rap of the US and the party-starting optimism of most Bollywood chart hits, Akhtar’s film comprises rap songs and battles composed entirely of gully rap. ", "It is Bollywood’s first hip-hop film.", "\n\nAkhtar, one of Bollywood’s few female directors, first came across the gully community while editing her last film, Dil Dhadakne Do in 2015. “", "My editor was watching a video on his phone by this kid called Naezy; it was his track Aafat,” she says, “and I loved how raw and how authentic it felt.”", "\n\nThe video shows Naved Shaikh, AKA Naezy in Khatarnak, Mumbai, an area notorious for gang violence, as he raps about brushes with the police and his frustrations at an unequal society. ", "Akhtar became a fan.", "\n\nFacebook Twitter Pinterest Raw and authentic ... Naezy\n\n“I then spent a year talking to Naezy and his collaborator Divine,” Akhtar says. “", "I went through the streets with them, meeting their families and girlfriends, and I realised I had to do something with this story.”", "\n\nThe result is Akhtar’s fourth feature film, and in the three years it has taken her to make the movie, the gully rap scene has exploded across India. “", "The music’s on the cusp of really becoming big,” she says. “", "Indian film music is the biggest genre but this could be a real challenge to its dominance.”", "\n\nRapper Vivian Fernandes, AKA Divine, has also seen a shift in the perceptions of gully rap since he and Shaikh started making music. “", "People who live here had never heard their lives represented in a song and they are connecting with gully,” he says. “", "It’s coming from the people, for the people and it’s going to be the biggest genre of our country. ", "I’m already seeing kids in villages rapping in dialects of Gujarati, Marathi and Tamil. ", "It’s something I never thought I’d see – when I started, there was no one even rapping in Hindi.”", "\n\nGrowing up in Khatarnak, Fernandes was introduced to hip-hop through a pirated CD made by a friend, and was hooked. “", "I realised that Bombay didn’t have a sound when it came to independent music – it was all Bollywood – so I started using our local slang and rapping over free beats to make our Bombay music.”", "\n\nFacebook Twitter Pinterest ‘People who live here had never heard their lives represented in a song’ ... Divine\n\nFernandes lived around the corner from Shaikh and they developed the gully sound together, culminating in their crossover hit Mere Gully Mein (In My Hood) in 2015. ", "The track has since amassed almost 15 million views on YouTube.", "\n\nBoth Fernandes and Shaikh have acted as musical supervisors on the film, contributing to a soundtrack that also features British-Indian producer Rishi Rich and new gully rappers from around India.", "\n\n“The process of making this film was very different from anything else I’ve done,” Akhtar says of filming in the Mumbai slums. “", "It was an incredible experience. ", "The people there were amazing and so helpful, they were happy their story was being told.”", "\n\nAkhtar sees the film disrupting the norms of Bollywood and also having political weight. “", "India is very deeply entrenched in the class system,” she says, “and I want people to understand how it works and how it oppresses people. ", "I want them to understand that art transcends class, and I want them to listen to real hip-hop because these artists are speaking their truth.”", "\n\nFacebook Twitter Pinterest Disrupting the norms of Bollywood ... actor Alia Bhatt performs at the launch of Gully Boy. ", "Photograph: STR/AFP/Getty Images\n\nSimilarly, Fernandes looks at both his music and the film as a means of “telling my story and showing kids who might feel they need to settle for a nine to five that there is another, more creative life available to them”. ", "With one of the fastest-growing middle-class populations in the world, this is a controversial message in a culture that still prioritises vocational stability over creativity.", "\n\nBollywood's #MeToo reckoning: 'We thought it would take 20 more years' Read more\n\nYet, for Akhtar, star power will overshadow any controversy. “", "We’re using extremely popular actors to tell a narrative that wouldn’t normally be for a mainstream audience, and that’s what will sell it.” ", "With the film already scheduled for a European premiere at the Berlin international film festival, Gully Boy may well shift perceptions of Bollywood globally.", "\n\nWith or without Bollywood’s endorsement, though, Fernandes believes the gully rap movement is unstoppable. “", "There’s so much underground music in our country, and lots of it hasn’t even been discovered yet,” he says. “", "We don’t need Bollywood to make hip-hop big. ", "Bollywood needs us.”", "\n\n• Gully Boy is released on 14 February" ]
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[ "Data on nematode genus composition are available from the PANGAEA online data repository at <http://dx.doi.org/10.1594/> PANGAEA.846306. ", "All other relevant data underlying the findings in this study can be found within the manuscript.", "\n\nIntroduction {#sec001}\n============\n\nThe Antarctic Peninsula and surrounding Southern Ocean have been studied extensively during past decades due to their relevance in a historical, climatological, ecological and biogeographical context. ", "Ever since the opening of the Drake Passage in the Oligocene (32--23 Ma; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref001]--[@pone.0137527.ref002]\\]; but see also \\[[@pone.0137527.ref003]\\]) and the subsequent establishment of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref004]\\]), the Antarctic Peninsula has lost its direct connection to southernmost South America. ", "Faunal links and gene flow, however, are still recognisable for some taxonomic groups \\[[@pone.0137527.ref005]--[@pone.0137527.ref007]\\] and many authors argue that the Scotia Arc islands continue to serve as a \"stepping-stone\" route towards 'true' Antarctic waters \\[[@pone.0137527.ref008]--[@pone.0137527.ref010]\\]. ", "Throughout history, the ACC has effectively isolated Antarctica from sub-Antarctic influences (although it cannot be seen as an impermeable barrier; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref011]--[@pone.0137527.ref015]\\]). ", "The resulting gradual cooling of Southern Ocean waters (due to a decrease in atmospheric CO~2~ and changes in ocean circulation; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref003],[@pone.0137527.ref016]\\]) inhibited successful settlement and survival of some animal taxa (e.g., decapod crabs and teleost fish), whereas others flourished (e.g., peracarid crustaceans and echinoderms; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref008],[@pone.0137527.ref017]--[@pone.0137527.ref018]\\]). ", "Not surprisingly, it is mainly this difference in seabed temperatures between the cold Southern Ocean and warmer waters north of the polar front that defines the nature of Antarctic benthic assemblages (Clarke et al., ", "2009). ", "Over the course of history, they have adapted to the prevailing conditions and are usually vulnerable to environmental change \\[[@pone.0137527.ref019]--[@pone.0137527.ref020]\\].", "\n\nCurrently, the Antarctic Peninsula is classified as one of the regions worldwide that is experiencing rapid atmospheric and oceanic warming \\[[@pone.0137527.ref021]--[@pone.0137527.ref022]\\], and as such is amongst the fastest warming and changing regions on Earth \\[[@pone.0137527.ref023]\\]. ", "It should therefore come as no surprise that consequences (either direct or indirect) can already be observed in both physical and chemical properties of the marine environment (e.g., southward movement of ACC; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref024]\\]), ice-shelf and sea-ice dynamics (e.g., large-scale ice-shelf disintegration; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref025]\\]), and characteristics of the marine food web (e.g., shifts in phytoplankton communities; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref026]--[@pone.0137527.ref028]\\]). ", "Seafloor-inhabiting communities near the Antarctic Peninsula are strongly dependent on bentho-pelagic coupling for their every-day life. ", "Variable conditions in ice cover, temperatures, hydrographic dynamics and circulation patterns, and seasonality in primary productivity all interfere with each other and play a significant role in the functioning and structuring of the Antarctic ecosystem \\[[@pone.0137527.ref028]--[@pone.0137527.ref030]\\]. ", "Even though food supply in Antarctic waters is highly seasonal, related transfer and input of organic matter to the sediment is able to sustain an abundant benthic community \\[[@pone.0137527.ref031]--[@pone.0137527.ref036]\\]. ", "In this regard, the quantity and quality of phytodetritus deposition to the marine sediment largely define the success of benthic fauna \\[[@pone.0137527.ref037]--[@pone.0137527.ref041]\\]. ", "At the same time, current dynamics and water-mass origin influence a variety of benthic processes, such as larval dispersion, transport of nutrients, oxygenation of the sediment (enhancing bacterial activity; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref042]--[@pone.0137527.ref043]\\]), and growth, recruitment and feeding strategy of local fauna \\[[@pone.0137527.ref044]\\]. ", "All these parameters have shaped benthic communities over time and will continue to do so in the near future. ", "Climate change has added an extra dimension of complexity that cannot be ignored; imminent changes in physical parameters, productivity regimes and seasonality as a result of continued warming in the Antarctic Peninsula region will undoubtedly influence benthic communities, but the consequences are barely understood \\[[@pone.0137527.ref045]\\]. ", "Understanding the responses of the benthos to such climate-induced changes therefore requires as much information as possible on all levels of the food web.", "\n\nTo this end, the main goal of expedition ANT-XXIX/3 in 2013 \\[[@pone.0137527.ref046]\\] was to assess a variety of taxonomic groups in the Antarctic Peninsula region, sampling from the high-Antarctic Weddell area through the Bransfield Strait towards ACC-controlled waters north of the South Shetland Islands. ", "This region marks the transition from cold Weddell Sea waters to warmer waters of the ACC \\[[@pone.0137527.ref047]--[@pone.0137527.ref048]\\]. ", "The associated shift in seabed temperatures is largely mirrored by megabenthic communities, with a change from suspension-feeding hexactinellid sponge-dominated communities at Weddell Sea continental shelves to more motile echinoderm-dominated assemblages north of the South Shetland Islands in the Drake Passage \\[[@pone.0137527.ref047],[@pone.0137527.ref049]\\]. ", "Apparently, the physical properties of the ACC and Weddell Sea water masses dictate these differences in megafaunal composition and feeding mode, hence, a similar pattern can be expected for other benthic components \\[[@pone.0137527.ref050]\\]. ", "Within this broader framework, this study will look at the smaller meiobenthos (32--1000 μm) at both sides of the peninsula to relate patterns in distribution and diversity to pelagic and oceanographic processes and dynamics. ", "More specifically, focus will be on the free-living nematodes, a phylum with high ecological relevance. ", "Nematodes are ubiquitous and have always been widespread around the world, even in the most extreme habitats, and are normally present in high abundance \\[[@pone.0137527.ref051]--[@pone.0137527.ref057]\\]. ", "They show a strong correlation with biochemical conditions and characteristics of the sediment, which in turn are influenced by surface-water dynamics. ", "Additionally, the link between surface primary productivity and nematode community structure has been verified on different occasions \\[[@pone.0137527.ref058]--[@pone.0137527.ref060]\\], proving their dependence upon food input from photic layers.", "\n\nIn accordance with the findings for the megabenthos \\[[@pone.0137527.ref047]\\] in the area and with findings for other Southern Ocean nematode communities \\[[@pone.0137527.ref058]--[@pone.0137527.ref060]\\], it is hypothesized that:\n\n1. ", " regions with high surface primary production will support high nematode densities due to strong bentho-pelagic coupling,\n\n2. ", " nematode community structure will depend on the physical characteristics (mainly temperature, cfr. ", "\\[[@pone.0137527.ref050]\\]) of the different water masses,\n\n3. ", " nematode genus composition and feeding mode will differ between both sides (cfr. ", "pronounced shift in feeding mode, hence composition, of the surface-dwelling megafauna \\[[@pone.0137527.ref047]\\]).", "\n\nMaterials and Methods {#sec002}\n=====================\n\nSampling area and strategy {#sec003}\n--------------------------\n\nSampling was conducted near the Antarctic Peninsula during expedition ANT-XXIX/3 of the German icebreaking RV *Polarstern* in January--March 2013 \\[[@pone.0137527.ref046]\\], under permission of German (German Federal Environment Agency---Umweltbundesamt) and Belgian (Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment---DG Environment) authorities, in compliance with the Antarctic Treaty System for all locations. ", "No endangered or protected species have been collected for this study. ", "Samples were taken at deep shelf depths (approx. ", "500 m) at two main locations: (1) northeast of the AP under Weddell Sea influence and (2) west of the AP, on the shelf of the South Shetland Islands in Drake Passage waters ([Table 1](#pone.0137527.t001){ref-type=\"table\"}, [Fig 1A](#pone.0137527.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Each location is represented by two stations with one CTD and three repeated multicorer (MUC) deployments (core diameter 57 mm; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref061]\\]). ", "For clarity and consistency throughout this manuscript, the four stations will be abbreviated by using their location initials (W for Weddell; DP for Drake Passage) combined with the station number (e.g., 120).", "\n\n![(", "a) Location of the four sampling stations (W-120 and W-163 east of the Antarctic Peninsula; DP-243 and DP-250 west in Drake Passage); map adapted from Alfred Wegener Institute bathymetry group; (b) + (c) Surface chl *a* concentrations (in mg m^-3^) at the respective sampling times for both sites.\\\nGraphs are based on MODIS Aqua data (NASA) of the sea surface on 8-day averages during the period of sampling and produced with the Giovanni online data system, developed and maintained by the NASA GES DISC.](pone.0137527.g001){#pone.0137527.g001}\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0137527.t001\n\n###### Details of the four sampling areas: each station was sampled once with a CTD, followed by three replicate MUC deployments.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0137527.t001){#pone.0137527.t001g}\n\n Station Gear Replicate Date Latitude Longitude Depth (m)\n ------------ ------ ----------- ------------ ------------ ------------ -----------\n **W-120** CTD 1 28/01/2013 63°4.62´S 54°33.11´W 530.4\n MUC 1 28/01/2013 63°4.58´S 54°31.00´W 503.6\n MUC 2 28/01/2013 63°4.10´S 54°30.86´W 484.8\n MUC 3 28/01/2013 63°3.72´S 54°30.87´W 436.8\n **W-163** CTD 1 10/02/2013 63°53.07´S 56°26.19´W 468\n MUC 1 11/02/2013 63°50.95´S 56°24.43´W 517.6\n MUC 2 11/02/2013 63°51.01´S 56°23.97´W 516.6\n MUC 3 11/02/2013 63°51.03´S 56°23.68´W 517.1\n **DP-243** CTD 1 10/03/2013 62°12.27´S 60°44.42´W 497.4\n MUC 1 10/03/2013 62°12.32´S 60°44.47´W 497.8\n MUC 2 10/03/2013 62°12.31´S 60°44.48´W 497.7\n MUC 3 10/03/2013 62°12.31´S 60°44.54´W 495.2\n **DP-250** CTD 1 12/03/2013 62°2.28´S 60°12.11´W 487\n MUC 1 12/03/2013 62°2.22´S 60°12.01´W 489\n MUC 2 12/03/2013 62°2.24´S 60°12.06´W 488\n MUC 3 12/03/2013 62°2.24´S 60°12.03´W 488\n\nOne core from each replicate deployment was sliced per centimetre down to 5 cm depth and stored in a 4% formaldehyde-seawater solution for faunal analysis, while a second set of cores was collected for the analysis of environmental variables. ", "These latter cores were sub-sampled with cut-off 10 mL syringes pushed into the sediment (0--5 cm) and stored at -20°C (granulometry, total organic carbon TOC and nitrogen TN) or -80°C (pigment content). ", "In conjunction with sediment sampling, Niskin bottles mounted on a CTD rosette were deployed at chlorophyll-maximum (\\~20--50 m, defined by looking at in-situ chlorophyll profiles) and bottom depths (\\~450--510 m) of each station to assess water-mass properties (temperature and salinity) and chlorophyll content in the water column (see [Fig 1B and 1C](#pone.0137527.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"} for surface chl *a* concentrations based on satellite data from NASA MODIS). ", "Collected water was first poured over a 100 μm mesh to remove larger particles, after which 3 to 5 L was filtered at approximately 250 mbar over glass microfiber GF/C filters (1.2 μm pore size; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref062]\\]; no replication) until colouring of the filters became apparent. ", "Filters were then stored at -80°C.", "\n\nMeiofauna and Nematoda {#sec004}\n----------------------\n\nThe upper 5 cm of the cores for faunal analysis were divided into cm-layers. ", "Meiofauna was extracted from the sediment using two stacked sieves (upper limit 1 mm, lower limit 32 μm; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref063]\\]) and density gradient centrifugation (3 × 12 min at 3000 rpm) with Ludox HS-40 as a flotation medium (specific density of 1.18 g cm^-3^; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref052],[@pone.0137527.ref064]\\]). ", "All taxa were counted and identified under a stereomicroscope (magnification 50 ×) using the identification key of \\[[@pone.0137527.ref065]\\]. ", "From each layer, 150 nematodes (all if the layer contained less than 150 individuals) were randomly selected, stored in anhydrous glycerol and mounted on glycerine slides for identification \\[[@pone.0137527.ref066]\\]. ", "Genus-level identification (9000 specimens) was done with a Leica DMLS compound microscope (magnification 1000 ×), using the pictorial key to nematode genera of \\[[@pone.0137527.ref067]--[@pone.0137527.ref068]\\], the Nematoda chapter in the Handbook of Zoology \\[[@pone.0137527.ref069]\\] and the NeMys database \\[[@pone.0137527.ref070]\\]. ", "Supplementary data on nematode genus composition is available at <http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.846306>.", "\n\nEnvironmental characterisation {#sec005}\n------------------------------\n\nChl *a* concentration in the water column (at both chlorophyll maximum and bottom depth) was determined with a fluorimeter from the GF/C filters. ", "Concentrations are reported in μg L^-1^ (= equivalent to mg m^-3^). ", "Pigment content of the sediment was measured with a fluorescence detector after separation using HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography). ", "Prior to analysis, syringe cores were divided at the same vertical resolution as faunal samples. ", "Pigments were extracted from the lyophilised sediments by adding 10 mL of 90% acetone. ", "For each slice, both chl *a* and phaeopigments (i.e. degradation products of chl *a*) were determined and results expressed in μg g^-1^. Chloroplastic pigment equivalents (CPE) are then the sum of chl *a* and phaeopigments, whereas their ratio indicates the amount of fresh material. ", "Grain size was determined with laser diffraction (Malvern Mastersizer 2000, size range: 0.02--2000 μm) and size fractions were classified according to \\[[@pone.0137527.ref071]\\]. ", "For simplicity reasons, fractions have been summed to restrict their number to three: silt+clay % (\\<63 μm), sand % (63--500 μm) and coarse sand % (\\>500 μm). ", "Finally, percentages of total organic carbon (TOC) and nitrogen (TN) were determined by combustion on freeze-dried samples using a Flash 2000 organic elemental analyser (protocol available through Interscience B.V., Breda, The Netherlands; methodology similar to \\[[@pone.0137527.ref072]\\]). ", "The ratio of C:N was calculated, multiplying with a factor 14:12 to account for the difference in molar mass of both elements.", "\n\nData analysis {#sec006}\n-------------\n\nFaunal data were analysed using PRIMER v6 software \\[[@pone.0137527.ref073]\\] with the PERMANOVA+ add-on package \\[[@pone.0137527.ref074]\\]. ", "Nematode genus data were standardised to individuals per 10 cm^2^ and square-root transformed to down-weight the importance of dominant genera prior to statistical analyses. ", "Differences in community composition between stations and cm-layers were visualised using nMDS (non-metric multidimensional scaling) and CLUSTER based on a Bray-Curtis similarity matrix. ", "Two-way crossed ANOSIM (Analysis of Similarities; factors 'area' = Weddell Sea or Drake Passage; and 'layer' = sediment depth; 9999 permutations) and SIMPER (Similarities of Percentages) quantified within- and between-station differences in community composition and contribution of genera to observed differences, respectively. ", "PERMANOVA (permutational ANOVA) with four factors ('area' = fixed, 'station' = fixed, 'layer' = fixed, 'replicate' = random and nested within station; 9999 permutations) analysed differences in assemblages between stations and layers. ", "Pairwise tests were performed between all pairs of levels for the different factors. ", "True permutational p-values P(perm) were interpreted when the number of unique permutations exceeded 100, and Monte Carlo P-values P(MC) when this was not the case. ", "PERMDISP tested for homogeneity of dispersions in the multivariate space of the different groups of significant factors (distances to centroids; p-value by permutation of least-squares residuals).", "\n\nDraftsman plots were constructed for the environmental variables to check for skewness in data and for multi-collinearity. ", "This resulted in a log-transformation for 'median grain size', and omission of variables 'coarse sand %', 'chl *a*', 'phaeopigments' and 'TN' (correlation \\>0.88 with others). ", "A PCA plot was constructed based on the normalised values for all cm-layers and replicates of each station to look at variations in environmental setting between areas.", "\n\nPRIMER software was also used to evaluate taxonomic diversity (N~0~ = number of genera; H' = Shannon index (log*e*); EG(200) = expected number of genera in a sample of 200 individuals; Hill's N~1~) and evenness (Hill's N~inf~; J' = Pielou's evenness; see \\[[@pone.0137527.ref075]\\] and references therein). ", "Functional diversity and trophic structure was approached by classifying nematode genera into feeding guilds according to the marine feeding type classification of \\[[@pone.0137527.ref076]\\]. ", "Four different feeding types are recognised: selective (1A) and non-selective (1B) deposit feeders, epigrowth-feeders (2A) and omnivores/predators (2B). ", "Based on this classification, one can calculate the trophic diversity index for each station (ITD): ITD = Σθ^2^ where θ is the contribution of each trophic group to total nematode density \\[[@pone.0137527.ref075],[@pone.0137527.ref077]\\]. ", "ITD ranges from 0.25 (highest trophic diversity, i.e. the four trophic guilds account for 25% each) to 1.0 (lowest diversity, i.e. one trophic guild accounts for 100% of total density). ", "In this study, the inverse ITD^-1^ is used, ranging from 1 (low functional diversity) to 4 (high functional diversity). ", "All biodiversity indices and feeding types were analysed and compared using one-way ANOVA as well as post-hoc pairwise comparisons between stations with R \\[[@pone.0137527.ref078]\\].", "\n\nResults {#sec007}\n=======\n\nEnvironmental characterisation {#sec008}\n------------------------------\n\nSatellite data of the area, averaged for the period of sampling ([Fig 1B and 1C](#pone.0137527.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}), showed a higher surface concentration of chl *a* in Drake Passage (0.5--0.7 mg m^-3^) than in the Weddell Sea (0.1--0.2 mg m^-3^). ", "Unfortunately, severe seasonal sea-ice conditions and cloud cover prevented useful data acquisition in the months before and after sampling. ", "Nevertheless, satellite observations were confirmed by surface water measurements ([Table 2](#pone.0137527.t002){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "On the contrary, bottom water measurements showed an opposite trend: concentrations were below detection limit in the Drake Passage whereas in the Weddell Sea they were \\<0.03 μg L^-1^. Other CTD measurements showed negligible variations in salinity between stations, yet lower temperatures in the Weddell Sea than in Drake Passage ([Table 2](#pone.0137527.t002){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0137527.t002\n\n###### Water column properties at chl *a* max and bottom depth.", "\n\nTemperature and salinity are derived from CTD recordings, chl *a* from laboratory measurements.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0137527.t002){#pone.0137527.t002g}\n\n Temperature (°C) Salinity (psu) Chl *a* (mg m^-3^)\n ------------ ----------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------------\n **W-120** **Chl *a* max** -1.81 34.31 0.088\n **Bottom** -1.81 34.50 0.025\n **W-163** **Chl *a* max** -1.48 34.30 0.070\n **Bottom** -1.77 34.50 0.013\n **DP-243** **Chl *a* max** 1.19 34.20 0.589\n **Bottom** 0.99 34.60 0.000\n **DP-250** **Chl *a* max** 1.12 34.15 0.452\n **Bottom** 0.57 34.58 0.000\n\nWithin the sediment, mainly pigment values showed large differences between the two regions. ", "Chl *a* and phaeopigment content was up to more than 100 times higher in Weddell Sea stations ([Table 3](#pone.0137527.t003){ref-type=\"table\"}), resulting in higher CPE concentrations and a higher amount of fresh material compared to Drake Passage. ", "Vertical distribution of CPE values was different, too: while CPE concentrations remained high throughout the sediment depth layers in the Weddell Sea, their values decreased with each centimetre in the Drake Passage ([Fig 2](#pone.0137527.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Also TOC content peaked in the Weddell Sea (mainly W-163). ", "On the contrary, DP-243 and DP-250 were characterised by coarser sediment than W-120 and W-163. ", "Highest C:N~molar~ values were obtained in Drake Passage station DP-243. ", "A PCA plot of the different stations ([Fig 3](#pone.0137527.g003){ref-type=\"fig\"}) indicated that the environmental setting at the two Drake Passage stations was quite similar (stations DP-250 and DP-243 placed closer together), while there was a higher discrepancy in the case of Weddell Sea stations (but they are also more geographically separated than Drake Passage stations).", "\n\n![", "Vertical distribution of pigments and nematodes.\\\nAverage CPE values (μg g^-1^; dots) and nematode densities (ind 10 cm^-2^, bars) with their respective standard error in the sediment for all four stations (n = 3).](pone.0137527.g002){#pone.0137527.g002}\n\n![", "PCA plot of environmental data.\\\nEach symbol corresponds to a centimetre layer of a different replicate in Weddell Sea or Drake Passage and represents the environmental setting for that sample.](pone.0137527.g003){#pone.0137527.g003}\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0137527.t003\n\n###### Sedimentary environmental variables per station (± standard deviation), both for the upper centimetre separately and averaged over all replicates and layers.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0137527.t003){#pone.0137527.t003g}\n\n W-120 W-163 DP-243 DP-250 \n ---------------------------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------\n **Chl *a* (μg g** ^**-1**^ **)** 9.31 (7.57) 15.33 (10.23) 25.20 (4.81) 30.68 (11.11) 0.15 (0.13) 0.06 (0.06) 0.10 (0.03) 0.06 (0.03)\n **Phaeo (μg g** ^**-1**^ **)** 8.96 (6.36) 7.89 (2.09) 12.92 (0.43) 11.27 (1.83) 0.69(0.39) 0.52 (0.38) 1.05 (0.55) 0.49 (0.37)\n **CPE (μg g** ^**-1**^ **)** 18.27 (13.78) 23.22 (11.76) 38.12 (5.15) 41.96 (12.07) 0.83 (0.52) 0.58 (0.42) 1.15 (0.57) 0.54 (0.39)\n **Chl *a*:phaeo** 1.04 (0.44) 1.94 (0.84) 1.95 (0.33) 2.72 (0.84) 0.22 (0.08) 0.11 (0.06) 0.09 (0.06) 0.11 (0.06)\n **MGS (μm)** 37.58 (5.85) 35.56 (2.66) 27.10 (0.54) 24.79 (1.58) 49.81\\* (na) 48.75 (3.18) 78.43 (2.24) 69.24 (6.93)\n **Silt+clay %** 83.96 (3.83) 84.61 (1.11) 91.94 (0.63) 93.74 (1.17) 84.07\\* (na) 84.28 (1.56) 73.46 (2.50) 76.73 (3.32)\n **Sand %** 15.75 (3.75) 15.22 (1.08) 8.06 (0.63) 6.26 (1.17) 15.38\\* (na) 15.12 (1.55) 24.93 (3.02) 22.01 (3.38)\n **Coarse sand %** 0.29 (0.50) 0.17 (0.23) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.55\\* (na) 0.60 (0.04) 1.61 (0.53) 1.25 (0.30)\n **TN %** 0.22 (0.01) 0.21 (0.02) 0.25 (0.02) 0.24 (0.01) 0.08 (0.00) 0.07 (0.00) 0.09 (0.02) 0.08 (0.01)\n **TOC %** 1.13 (0.11) 1.09 (0.06) 1.64 (0.13) 1.56 (0.05) 0.56 (0.00) 0.52 (0.04) 0.61 (0.14) 0.53 (0.06)\n **C:N** ~**molar**~ 6.00 (0.50) 6.18 (0.32) 7.54 (0.54) 7.51 (0.20) 8.29 (0.25) 8.18 (0.14) 7.76 (0.25) 7.97 (0.15)\n\n(CPE = chloroplastic pigment equivalents; MGS = median grain size; silt+clay % = fraction \\<63 μm; sand % = between 63--500 μm; coarse sand % = fraction \\>500 μm; TN = % total nitrogen; TOC = % total organic carbon; C:N~molar~ = ratio of TOC:TN). ", "\\*Values based on only one replicate measurement, due to large bias in data (i.e. stone present in 0--1 cm of replicate 243--3).", "\n\nMeiofauna and nematode abundance {#sec009}\n--------------------------------\n\nTotal meiofauna densities (averaged for the three replicates of each station) were twice as high in W-120 and W-163 (6235 ± 704 and 7196 ± 1274 ind 10 cm^-2^, respectively) than in DP-243 (3075 ± 1083 ind 10cm^-2^) and DP-250 (3049 ± 41 ind 10 cm^-2^). ", "There was a significant difference in the number of individuals between Weddell Sea and Drake Passage (one-way ANOVA, p \\< 0.05) but not between stations of the same area (post-hoc pairwise comparisons). ", "A total of 20 different taxa could be distinguished in the samples, with a clear dominance of nematodes in all samples of all four stations (average contribution 75--96% of total abundance). ", "Nematodes were followed by harpacticoid copepods (1--13%), nauplius larvae (1--14%) and polychaetes (0.3--1.6%), after which a variety of other taxa was recognised in low numbers (e.g., Ostracoda, Kinorhyncha and Gastrotricha). ", "Averaged nematode densities ranged between 2751 ± 82 (station DP-250) and 5532 ± 878 ind 10 cm^-2^ (station W-163). ", "As for meiofauna, densities were higher in Weddell Sea stations than in Drake Passage. ", "However, nematode density was similar in the first sediment layers (0--1 cm) of stations at both sides (approx. ", "1200--1700 ind 10 cm^-2^), and only started to vary from the second centimetre onwards. ", "There was a steep decline in numbers with depth for Drake Passage stations, while Weddell Sea nematodes continued to be present in higher numbers even in the deeper layers ([Fig 2](#pone.0137527.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nNematode assemblages and diversity {#sec010}\n----------------------------------\n\nNematode assemblages were significantly different between areas (R = 0.84, p \\<0.05) and sediment layers (R = 0.62, p \\<0.05; two-way crossed ANOSIM), with differences increasing with sediment depth (ANOSIM pairwise comparisons). ", "This was also revealed by PERMANOVA analysis (significant interaction effect of factors 'station' and 'layer'; [Table 4](#pone.0137527.t004){ref-type=\"table\"}) and visualised in [Fig 4](#pone.0137527.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "Analogously to the situation for the environmental setting ([Fig 3](#pone.0137527.g003){ref-type=\"fig\"}), Drake Passage communities were more similar to each other for most sediment layers than those of the Weddell Sea. ", "Within the same area, similarity between DP-243 and DP-250 remained relatively high throughout the sediment layers, while it varied with depth for stations W-120 and W-163 ([Fig 4](#pone.0137527.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "When comparing similarities between stations across both sides, largest differences in communities were noted between station W-163 and both DP stations, while station W-120 was more similar to DP stations. ", "For both W-163 and W-120, similarity with DP stations decreased when moving further down into the sediment, indicating that nematode assemblages were more divergent in deeper sediment layers. ", "This was also revealed by ANOSIM pairwise tests. ", "Pairwise comparisons for different sediment depths within the different stations rendered significant differences between both the first and the second centimetre with the deeper layers (mainly for stations W-120 and DP-250; detailed results not shown). ", "PERMDISP of the interaction term 'station × layer' yielded a p-value of 0.654, meaning that dispersions are homogeneous in multivariate space. ", "However, since within-group sample size is \\<5 (each station × layer combination has three replicates), this should be interpreted with care \\[[@pone.0137527.ref074]\\]. ", "Horizontal (i.e. between stations) and vertical (between sediment depths) differences in community composition were confirmed by MDS and CLUSTER analyses (results not shown), which showed a segregation of upper cm-layers (0--1 cm and 1--2 cm) from the deeper layers for all stations.", "\n\n![", "Visualisation of pairwise comparisons of the PERMANOVA interaction 'station × layer'.\\\nGraph plots similarities of nematode assemblages between the different stations according to depth in the sediment.](pone.0137527.g004){#pone.0137527.g004}\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0137527.t004\n\n###### PERMANOVA of nematode assemblages in Weddell Sea and Drake Passage (main test results).", "\n\nAsterisks represent significant results.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0137527.t004){#pone.0137527.t004g}\n\n Source df Pseudo-F P(perm) Unique perms\n --------------------- ---- ---------- ---------- --------------\n Area 0 No test \n Station 2 2.9196 0.0273\\* 8917\n Layer 4 12.823 0.0001\\* 9917\n Replicate (Station) 8 No test \n Station × Layer 8 1.4319 0.0086\\* 9803\n\nNematode assemblages in the Weddell Sea consisted of 74 genera belonging to 28 different families (mainly Comesomatidae, Chromadoridae and Monhysteridae), while 88 genera belonging to 29 families (mainly Xyalidae and Comesomatidae) were found in Drake Passage. ", "Of these total numbers of genera, 54 were shared between the two locations (albeit in different abundance; e.g., *Microlaimus*, *Daptonema*, *Linhomoeus*), 20 occurred only in the Weddell Sea and 34 only in Drake Passage (e.g., *Dorylaimopsis*), yielding a total of 108 genera recognised in the samples. ", "Average dissimilarity within and between regions is given in [Table 5](#pone.0137527.t005){ref-type=\"table\"}, together with the genera that contributed most to these dissimilarities (SIMPER). ", "In terms of dominance, there were no highly dominant (relative abundance \\>25%) genera present in any of the four stations (maximum of 11--22%). ", "Several genera occurred in relative abundance \\>1% (ranging from 15 genera in W-163 to 26 in DP-243), but there were many rare genera as well in all stations. ", "A total of 43 genera were unique, meaning that they only occurred in one out of four stations, but none of them contributed a lot to total numbers.", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0137527.t005\n\n###### Dissimilarity (%) of nematode assemblages within and between areas (averaged over replicates and sediment depths) and first five genera contributing most to observed differences (SIMPER).", "\n\n![](", "pone.0137527.t005){#pone.0137527.t005g}\n\n Weddell Sea Drake Passage\n ------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------\n **Weddell Sea** 50.35% *Microlaimus Linhomoeus Daptonema Sabatieria Halalaimus* \n **Drake Passage** 67.75% *Microlaimus Linhomoeus Sabatieria Terschellingia Daptonema* 46.85% *Sabatieria Daptonema Dorylaimopsis Comesa Leptolaimus*\n\nVertical profiles of nematode generic composition per station ([Fig 5](#pone.0137527.g005){ref-type=\"fig\"}) showed that some genera were present throughout the samples (indicated in blue colours), while others occurred more specifically in one area (brown colours in W-120, green for W-163, and red for DP-243 and DP-250) or depth layer, or were shared between two locations. ", "Community composition clearly changed with depth: genera *Daptonema* and *Halalaimus* were abundant in the first layers of both areas, but were replaced in the deeper layers by *Linhomoeus* and/or *Sabatieria*. ", "As for the PCA and PERMANOVA results, W-120 and W-163 showed more variation in community composition among them than did DP-243 and DP-250.", "\n\n![", "Vertical profiles of relative genus abundances for each station.\\\nOnly genera with an abundance \\>4% in one of the layers were included, all others were grouped as \"rest\". ", "Where possible, we used the same colours for the same genera in all different plots.](pone.0137527.g005){#pone.0137527.g005}\n\nIn terms of diversity, both sides of the Antarctic Peninsula showed differences, too. ", "Average values of structural (diversity indices and evenness) and functional (ITD^-1^) diversity measures per station are listed in [Table 6](#pone.0137527.t006){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Drake Passage stations exhibited highest values in general, for all diversity measures. ", "One-way ANOVA for each index combined with post-hoc pairwise comparisons indicated that for most indices there were no significant differences between stations of the same area, but there were between stations of different areas (N~inf~ was never significantly different; [Table 7](#pone.0137527.t007){ref-type=\"table\"}, [Fig 6](#pone.0137527.g006){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Both the observed number of genera N~0~ and the expected number of genera in a sample of 200 individuals, EG(200), were highest at stations DP-243 and DP-250; and lowest at W-163. ", "For the other parameters (H', N~1~) and evenness (N~inf~, J'), station W-120 had lowest values, while DP-243 remained highest. ", "This means that communities at DP-243 were most diverse and had similar relative contributions of the various genera, whilst stations W-120, and to a lesser extent W-163, had lowest diversity with more variation in genus contributions to total abundance.", "\n\n![", "Box plots of the different diversity indices for the different stations.\\\nBoxes display median, first and third quartiles, minimum and maximum.](pone.0137527.g006){#pone.0137527.g006}\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0137527.t006\n\n###### Overview of structural diversity (*N* ~*0*~, *EG(200)*, *H'* and *N* ~*1*~) and evenness (*N* ~*inf*~ and *J'*), as well as a functional diversity measure (*ITD* ^*-1*^) with their respective standard deviation for the nematode assemblages of the different stations calculated in PRIMER and averaged over three replicates.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0137527.t006){#pone.0137527.t006g}\n\n *N* ~0~ *EG*(200) *H*\\' *N* ~1~ *N* ~inf~ *J*\\' *ITD* ^*-1*^\n ------------ -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- ------------- --------------\n **W-120** 37.33 (2.89) 26.12 (2.42) 2.46 (0.26) 11.94 (3.29) 2.94 (0.77) 0.68 (0.07) 2.35 (0.19)\n **W-163** 36.33 (3.06) 26.02 (2.60) 2.74 (0.08) 15.52 (1.32) 5.03 (1.83) 0.76 (0.03) 2.69 (0.49)\n **DP-243** 47.33 (4.51) 35.44 (2.01) 3.16 (0.14) 23.63 (3.32) 6.95 (2.27) 0.82 (0.02) 3.46 (0.08)\n **DP-250** 50.00 (2.00) 32.89 (0.58) 3.03 (0.07) 20.73 (1.48) 5.86 (0.85) 0.77 (0.01) 3.33 (0.07)\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0137527.t007\n\n###### One-way ANOVA results for each index with their P-values.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0137527.t007){#pone.0137527.t007g}\n\n Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F-value P-value (\\>F) \n ---------------------- -------- --------- --------- --------------- -------------------------------------------\n ***N*** ~***0***~ 3 432.250 144.080 13.722 [\\*\\*](#t007fn003){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n Station \n Residuals 8 84.000 10.500 \n ***N*** ~***1***~ 3 246.155 82.052 12.744 [\\*\\*](#t007fn003){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n Station \n Residuals 8 51.508 6.439 \n ***EG(200)*** 3 206.518 68.839 16.198 [\\*\\*\\*](#t007fn002){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n Station \n Residuals 8 33.999 4.250 \n ***H\\'(loge)*** 3 0.879 0.293 11.694 [\\*\\*](#t007fn003){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n Station \n Residuals 8 0.201 0.025 \n ***N*** ~***inf***~ 3 25.909 8.636 3.522 Ns\n Station \n Residuals 8 19.615 2.452 \n ***J\\'*** 3 0.031 0.010 6.968 [\\*](#t007fn004){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n Station \n Residuals 8 0.012 0.001 \n ***ITD*** ^***-1***^ 3 [\\*\\*](#t007fn003){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n Station 2.510 0.837 11.718 \n Residuals 8 0.571 0.071 \n\nSignificance codes\n\n\\*\\*\\*\\<0.001\n\n\\*\\*\\<0.01\n\n\\*\\<0.05, ns = not significant.", "\n\nAlso trophic diversity (ITD^-1^) was higher at DP-243 and DP-250, and differed significantly from Weddell Sea stations (except for DP-250 and W-163). ", "The Weddell Sea stations had high relative contributions of feeding type 2A (epistratum feeders), represented by 44% in W-120 and 50% in W-163. ", "Type 1B (non-selective deposit feeders) was second most abundant with percentages of 37 and 26%, respectively. ", "In stations DP-243 and DP-250, there was a more even distribution among feeding types (except for type 2B), with relative contributions around 20--35% (1B had highest percentages in both stations).", "\n\nDiscussion {#sec011}\n==========\n\nOur study area coincides with the collision of true Antarctic (i.e. Weddell Sea Gyre) and oceanic (i.e. ACC) water masses, resulting in clear differences in temperature and surface primary production at a relatively small geographical distance. ", "Bentho-pelagic coupling is responsible for the translation of these differences in surface-water processes to the seabed, leading to a distinct environmental setting for the benthos (cfr. ", "pigment and organic matter content). ", "Larger (mega-)benthic communities are known to track these differences as cold Weddell water turns around the peninsula tip and meets and mixes with ACC warm water \\[[@pone.0137527.ref047],[@pone.0137527.ref049]\\]. ", "Therefore, a similar change in nematode community structure was anticipated. ", "In terms of abundance, results of this study are comparable to previous Antarctic observations (e.g., \\[[@pone.0137527.ref031],[@pone.0137527.ref079]--[@pone.0137527.ref080]\\]), yet exceed those of other areas worldwide \\[[@pone.0137527.ref081]--[@pone.0137527.ref082]\\]. ", "Higher nematode densities in the northwestern Weddell Sea compared to Drake Passage are mainly the result of high subsurface, rather than surface abundances (see [Fig 2](#pone.0137527.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Conversely, nematode genus richness is highest in Drake Passage stations. ", "As hypothesised, nematode community composition varies depending on the region and is related to prevailing oceanographic and environmental conditions. ", "Seasonal sea-ice retreat and subsequent enhanced food availability in the Weddell Sea at the time of sampling result in a community dominated by opportunistic genera (e.g., *Daptonema*, *Microlaimus*) able to benefit from deeper oxygen and food penetration (judging from their high numbers in subsurface layers; [Fig 2](#pone.0137527.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Conversely, open oceanic conditions and presumed low organic matter flux in Drake Passage triggers dominance of long motile nematodes such as *Sabatieria*, *Dorylaimopsis* and *Comesa*. ", "These findings confirm the hypotheses that oceanic differences (i.e. temperature and water-column processes) between both east and west Antarctic Peninsula result in different nematode communities, mainly through indirect controls on food availability.", "\n\nOceanography and primary productivity {#sec012}\n-------------------------------------\n\nAssessment of parameters in the water column confirmed that the stations in this study are influenced by different water masses. ", "Deep cold Antarctic Bottom Water formation in the Weddell Sea is responsible for observed surface and bottom temperature differences between W and DP stations (almost -2°C vs. \\~1°C, respectively). ", "As this bottom water flows northward along the Weddell basin, it fuels thermohaline circulation and transports oxygen and nutrients on a global scale. ", "Cold water combined with cold atmospheric conditions in the Weddell Sea area results in sea-ice cover present throughout most of the year, rendering primary production highly seasonal. ", "However, upon annual sea-ice melt in austral summer, the meltwater enhances water-column stability and seeds regional phytoplankton (predominantly diatom-based) blooms in the Marginal Ice Zones (MIZ; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref083]--[@pone.0137527.ref086]\\]) and temporary polynyas near the continent \\[[@pone.0137527.ref029]\\]. ", "This local and temporal enhancement of biogenic material \\[[@pone.0137527.ref084],[@pone.0137527.ref087]\\] is further complemented by sea-ice algae released upon ice melt, which can account for up to 25% of total annual primary production in ice-covered waters \\[[@pone.0137527.ref088]\\]. ", "Produced phytodetritus is transported rapidly through the water column, e.g., in the form of faecal pellets of zooplanktonic grazers (e.g., copepods and krill; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref084],[@pone.0137527.ref089]\\]), resulting in seasonally high POC flux to the seafloor. ", "Once at the seafloor, cold bottom-water temperatures lead to slow organic degradation rates and contribute to an accumulation of fresh organic matter or \"foodbank\" in the sediment \\[[@pone.0137527.ref037],[@pone.0137527.ref090]\\] able to sustain a high meiobenthic standing stock throughout the year, even in deeper sediment layers \\[[@pone.0137527.ref091],[@pone.0137527.ref092]\\]. ", "Temperature thus plays a paramount role in food availability at both the surface and seafloor level.", "\n\nWhereas sea-ice dynamics dictate food input in the eastern Antarctic Peninsula, continental shelves near the South Shetland Islands (region of DP-243 and DP-250) at the western side lie within the (usually) ice-free zones of the ACC \\[[@pone.0137527.ref029]\\]. ", "The ACC abuts the continental shelves in this area, allowing Upper Circumpolar Deep Water (UCDW) to flood onto the shelf, principally through glacially carved canyons (as was observed from bathymetry onboard; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref050],[@pone.0137527.ref093]\\]). ", "This relatively warm UCDW (values of \\>1.5°C are not uncommon, but we encountered values around 1.2°C) is then mixed upward, introducing elevated concentrations of nutrients into the upper water column and allowing diatom-dominated phytoplankton assemblages to form subsurface chl *a* maxima above the pycnocline \\[[@pone.0137527.ref094]\\]. ", "However, deep vertical mixing of ACC surface waters facilitates substantial recycling and consumption of phytodetritus by zooplankton already in the water column, accompanied by in-situ microbial degradation \\[[@pone.0137527.ref029],[@pone.0137527.ref095]\\]. ", "This typically results in a rather low carbon flux to the bottom \\[[@pone.0137527.ref096]--[@pone.0137527.ref097]\\]. ", "The fraction that does reach the seafloor is then subject to lateral advection and resuspension by bottom currents, preventing sedimentation of finer fractions and fresh phytodetritus, and resulting in higher C:N values and lower pigment concentrations \\[[@pone.0137527.ref098]\\].", "\n\n### Weddell Sea dynamics and nematode abundance {#sec013}\n\nHigh productivity and POC flux in Weddell Sea stations are confirmed by observed sediment pigment values but not reflected in surface water measurements and ocean colour data. ", "Measured values for chl *a* in surface waters at the northwestern Weddell Sea tip ([Table 2](#pone.0137527.t002){ref-type=\"table\"}) are low compared to longer timescale averages \\[[@pone.0137527.ref039]\\] and reported values of \\>1.0 mg m^-3^ during phytoplankton blooms in areas similarly influenced by seasonal sea-ice retreat \\[[@pone.0137527.ref099]\\]. ", "This observation presumably relates to timing of sampling, since the contribution of ice algae to primary production in the Southern Ocean generally peaks in December, a few weeks before maximum production rates are noted in open shelf waters \\[[@pone.0137527.ref084],[@pone.0137527.ref100]\\]. ", "Therefore, our snap-shot measurements most likely missed the actual blooming event while the satellite-based averages in [Fig 1B](#pone.0137527.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"} failed to depict ephemeral sea-ice algal contribution. ", "Despite low chlorophyll values in the water column, pigment values, the amount of fresh material and TOC content in Weddell Sea sediments are highest and remain high throughout the upper five centimetres. ", "Encountered CPE values between 20 and 40 μg g^-1^ exceed those found in other areas worldwide (\\~1.4--6 μg g^-1^ at 200--800 m in the Central Mediterranean Sea; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref101]\\]) and in the Antarctic at similar times of the year (0.25--0.45 μg g^-1^ at a depth of \\~400--550 m in the Ross Sea; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref091]\\]; \\~0.5--1.6 μg g^-1^ at 750 m in the South Sandwich Trench; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref102]\\]). ", "Pigment values indicate that the influence of a foodbank (see earlier) is more pronounced at station W-163, located deeper into the Weddell Sea, than at W-120 positioned at the tip of the peninsula, at the edge of the cold-water influence.", "\n\nThe combination of high fluxes of phytodetritus and cold bottom temperatures has resulted in higher meiofauna and nematode densities in Weddell Sea stations compared to Drake Passage, mainly in the subsurface. ", "Congruence between sedimentary pigment values and nematode vertical profiles points to a drawdown of organic matter, either by biological activity and/or sedimentary processes in the form of increased mixing. ", "In this respect, bioturbation by other benthic groups (mainly macro- and megafaunal burrowers) might play a key role in the oxygenation of deeper sediment layers and can lead to a transfer of organic matter to deeper horizons \\[[@pone.0137527.ref103]--[@pone.0137527.ref105]\\]. ", "Although macrofauna organisms such as polychaetes and ophiuroids with the potential to rework upper sediment layers have been observed in the cores during sampling, no data on higher trophic level have been published so far for our stations. ", "Therefore, the degree to which they might affect nematode communities and vertical distribution cannot be quantified. ", "Alternatively, higher nematode abundance and deeper occurrence within seafloor sediments at W-120 and especially W-163 may (partly) arise from higher oxygen availability in this area compared to Drake Passage (due to oxygen-rich bottom water in the Weddell Sea; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref106]\\]).", "\n\nIn accordance with other findings (e.g., \\[[@pone.0137527.ref058]--[@pone.0137527.ref059]\\]), also here, high primary production and food availability lead to high numbers of benthic nematodes, which is indicative of strong bentho-pelagic coupling \\[[@pone.0137527.ref060]\\] and confirms the first hypothesis.", "\n\n### Drake Passage dynamics and nematode abundance {#sec014}\n\nAs opposed to Weddell Sea observations, high primary production in the water column, noticeable through intense coloration of filters, contrasts with lowest sediment pigment values and highest C:N ratios in Drake Passage stations. ", "Chl *a* concentrations at the surface are within the range of satellite estimates at the time of sampling (see [Fig 1C](#pone.0137527.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}, [Table 2](#pone.0137527.t002){ref-type=\"table\"}), and at a broader temporal and geographical scope including the sampled area (1997--2006 averages of approximately 0.34--0.62 mg m^-3^ for the Southern Ocean, West Antarctic Peninsula and Weddell/Scotia Sea; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref039]\\]). ", "In contrast, CPE content in Drake Passage sediments is much lower and mainly composed of phaeopigments, resulting in extremely low chl *a* concentrations (\\<0.1 μg g^-1^); even compared to other nearby shelf regions at the South Shetland Islands and Elephant Island (\\~0.6--0.8 μg g^-1^; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref107]\\]). ", "Lower quantity and quality of phytodetritus in Drake Passage sediments probably result from water-column consumption and/or stronger bottom dynamics compared to the Weddell Sea, as discussed earlier. ", "Contrary to Weddell sediments, where pigment values remain relatively high throughout the different depth horizons, their values rapidly decline in Drake Passage stations. ", "Consequently, meiofauna and nematode density profiles follow a similar pattern of decrease with depth. ", "This preference for surface sediment layers has been demonstrated in many studies (e.g., \\[[@pone.0137527.ref108]\\]), although occasionally also subsurface maxima have been observed \\[[@pone.0137527.ref058],[@pone.0137527.ref079],[@pone.0137527.ref109]\\].", "\n\nNematode genus composition {#sec015}\n--------------------------\n\nVariation in oceanography and primary productivity at both sides of the peninsula has clearly resulted in differences in nematode abundance and vertical occurrence. ", "Next to that, also nematode community composition and feeding mode differ depending on the area and depth in the sediment (see PERMANOVA results; [Fig 5](#pone.0137527.g005){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Although most genera are not restricted to either Weddell or Drake Passage stations, their relative contributions vary for both areas and can be linked again to differences in environmental conditions.", "\n\nIn Weddell Sea sediments, surface layers (0--3 cm) contain high numbers of the genera *Daptonema* and *Halalaimus*, while *Linhomoeus*, *Sabatieria* and *Terschellingia* reside in deeper layers (3--5 cm). *", "Microlaimus* is present in considerable numbers throughout all layers. ", "Similar depth ranges for these genera have been observed on different occasions (e.g., \\[[@pone.0137527.ref060],[@pone.0137527.ref110]\\]). *", "Daptonema* and *Microlaimus* are comparably widespread in different oceans worldwide (e.g., \\[[@pone.0137527.ref010],[@pone.0137527.ref098],[@pone.0137527.ref111]\\]) and also *Halalaimus* is described as a eurytopic, cosmopolitan genus occurring in various types of sediments \\[[@pone.0137527.ref110],[@pone.0137527.ref112]--[@pone.0137527.ref113]\\]. ", "Because of its long thin shape, this latter genus can move easily through finer sediments (mainly associated with deep-sea habitats; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref113]--[@pone.0137527.ref114]\\]), such as the ones we observe in both Weddell Sea stations ([Table 3](#pone.0137527.t003){ref-type=\"table\"}). *", "Microlaimus* is considered a typical deep-sea genus, which can respond opportunistically to organic enrichment \\[[@pone.0137527.ref110],[@pone.0137527.ref114]--[@pone.0137527.ref115]\\]. ", "Therefore, the seasonally high flux of organic matter and freshness of deposited material in Weddell stations has lead to considerable numbers of this genus throughout all sediment depths, and explains why it is much less abundant in Drake Passage. ", "Also *Terschellingia* is often present in organically enriched (mainly fine-grained) sediments \\[[@pone.0137527.ref110],[@pone.0137527.ref116]\\].", "\n\nIn the Drake Passage stations, surface layers (0--1 cm) contain some of the abundant genera encountered in the Weddell Sea (*Daptonema*, *Halalaimus* and *Microlaimus*), but these are complemented by a variety of other genera, such as *Desmodora* (epistratum-feeder occurring mainly in surficial sediments; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref010]\\]) and *Leptolaimus*. ", "Although *Desmodora* has previously been described as an opportunistic genus usually encountered in highly productive areas \\[[@pone.0137527.ref112]\\], here it is most likely associated with the coarser sediment in Drake Passage stations \\[[@pone.0137527.ref060]\\]. ", "More strikingly, compared to Weddell stations, the genus *Sabatieria* becomes increasingly dominant in Drake Passage sediments, where it also occurs closer to the seafloor surface (already dominant from second centimetre onwards). ", "Deeper down, it thrives in the company of *Leptolaimus*, *Dorylaimopsis* and *Comesa*. *", "Sabatieria* is known for its presence in sub- or anoxic conditions \\[[@pone.0137527.ref110],[@pone.0137527.ref117]\\]. ", "It tends to inhabit deeper sediment layers, mainly in association with the Redox Potential Discontinuity (RPD) layer \\[[@pone.0137527.ref118]--[@pone.0137527.ref119]\\], where its large body size and higher mobility allow it to move upward in the sediment to access oxygen and food in the upper layers \\[[@pone.0137527.ref118]\\]. ", "Also *Leptolaimus* has been found in reduced deep-sea conditions (e.g., \\[[@pone.0137527.ref120]\\]). ", "The presence of these genera might therefore indicate hypoxic conditions in Drake Passage stations although there were no clear visual signs (i.e. dark coloration of sediments, pronounced smell) of oxygen depletion observed deeper down in the sediment cores (unfortunately, precise oxygen profiles are lacking for all stations). ", "Similarly as for *Sabatieria*, also *Dorylaimopsis* and *Comesa* have a long, slender body, which facilitates movement in the sediment. ", "Well-oxygenated sediments at the Weddell side of the peninsula (see earlier) may explain why these genera are less abundant there.", "\n\nIn terms of dominant feeding mode, Drake Passage stations have more deposit-feeders (i.e. guilds 1A and 1B, together accounting for approximately 60% of total community) compared to dominance of epistratum-feeders (2A; approx. ", "50%) in the Weddell stations. ", "Both epistratum- and deposit-feeders may use the same food sources, which are essentially limited to small particles (e.g., fungi, bacteria and unicellular microalgae; \\[[@pone.0137527.ref076],[@pone.0137527.ref121]--[@pone.0137527.ref122]\\]). ", "In this case, higher relative contributions of deposit-feeding genera such as *Sabatieria* in Drake Passage may result from the lower quality of deposited material, since they ingest particles as a whole \\[[@pone.0137527.ref121]\\]. ", "Next to the obvious relationship between feeding mode and the nature and size of food particles, also temperature is known to affect feeding characteristics within benthic nematodes \\[[@pone.0137527.ref123]--[@pone.0137527.ref124]\\]. ", "Details at the genus level are, however, too scarce to draw specific conclusions for this study.", "\n\nComing back to the hypotheses at the beginning of this study, above-described results on nematode genus composition confirm that not only megabenthic, but also smaller-sized meiobenthic communities respond to different oceanographic regimes around the Antarctic Peninsula, although shifts are less pronounced and mainly directed vertically. ", "Predicted further warming of surface waters and atmospheric temperatures in the Antarctic Peninsula region will inevitably affect associated biota \\[[@pone.0137527.ref124]\\], judging from the tight link between oceanic features, primary production and nematode assemblages.", "\n\nWe would like to thank captain, crew and scientific community of Polarstern expedition ANT-XXIX/3 for their help with sample collection onboard; and Dr. Michael Schröder and his team for CTD data collection. ", "Dirk Van Gansbeke is thanked for the pigment analysis, Bart Beuselinck for granulometry and C:N, and Niels Viaene for TOM analysis. ", "We also wish to thank Annick Van Kenhove and Guy Desmet for picking of nematodes. ", "Earlier versions of this manuscript were improved considerably after the valuable comments and corrections of the scientific editor and an anonymous reviewer.", "\n\n[^1]: **Competing Interests:**The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.", "\n\n[^2]: Conceived and designed the experiments: FH JG GVK AV. ", "Analyzed the data: FH LDS AV. ", "Wrote the paper: FH LDS JG GVK AV. ", "Sample collection: FH JG GVK.", "\n\n[^3]: ‡a These authors are joint first authors on this work.", "\n\n[^4]: ‡b These authors also contributed equally to this work.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "The predictability of a target's motion influences gaze, head, and hand movements when trying to intercept it.", "\nDoes the predictability of a target's movement and of the interception location influence how the target is intercepted? ", "In a first experiment, we manipulated the predictability of the interception location. ", "A target moved along a haphazardly curved path, and subjects attempted to tap on it when it entered a hitting zone. ", "The hitting zone was either a large ring surrounding the target's starting position (ring condition) or a small disk that became visible before the target appeared (disk condition). ", "The interception location gradually became apparent in the ring condition, whereas it was immediately apparent in the disk condition. ", "In the ring condition, subjects pursued the target with their gaze. ", "Their heads and hands gradually moved in the direction of the future tap position. ", "In the disk condition, subjects immediately directed their gaze toward the hitting zone by moving both their eyes and heads. ", "They also moved their hands to the future tap position sooner than in the ring condition. ", "In a second and third experiment, we made the target's movement more predictable. ", "Although this made the targets easier to pursue, subjects now shifted their gaze to the hitting zone soon after the target appeared in the ring condition. ", "In the disk condition, they still usually shifted their gaze to the hitting zone at the beginning of the trial. ", "Together, the experiments show that predictability of the interception location is more important than predictability of target movement in determining how we move to intercept targets. ", "NEW & NOTEWORTHY We show that if people are required to intercept a target at a known location, they direct their gaze to the interception point as soon as they can rather than pursuing the target with their eyes for as long as possible. ", "The predictability of the interception location rather than the predictability of the path to that location largely determines how the eyes, head, and hand move." ]
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[ "Tim Legler analyzes how the return of Victor Oladipo makes the Pacers a dangerous team as the season wears on. (", "0:49)\n\nVICTOR OLADIPO RARELY gets frustrated.", "\n\nSo when he was standing on the court before tipoff between the Indiana Pacers and New York Knicks on Feb. 1 and kept messing up his intricate dueling circus dribbling routine -- between the legs, loop one over the other, switch hands, quick staccato bounces, switch hands again -- he just put one ball down and laughed.", "\n\nEventually, the guard moved on to his pregame shooting drill. ", "Nothing was falling. ", "He missed six or seven 3s in a row.", "\n\nIt had to be his tucked-in T-shirt, he thought, pulling it out from his waistband.", "\n\nHe missed his next two. ", "Another chuckle.", "\n\nIt was Oladipo's second game of the season, and this rust-filled warm-up would be a precursor to his struggles finding a rhythm. ", "He tried to play his trademark style -- downhill, aggressive, assertive -- but scored seven points in 22 minutes on 2-for-14 shooting in a loss.", "\n\nTen minutes after the final buzzer, Oladipo sat at his locker putting back on his T-shirt -- untucked from the start this time -- and pulling up a compression sleeve. ", "He was waiting to knock out his postgame obligations and get back to the court for a workout.", "\n\nIt had been a full calendar year since he sat underneath the basket at Bankers Life Fieldhouse, saw a hole in his right leg and wondered when he was going to play basketball again.", "\n\nOladipo might be back in uniform, but that just means he is on to the next step in the Pacers' three-phase approach to the season.", "\n\nWhen Oladipo is out.", "\n\nWhen he returns.", "\n\nWhen he is actually back.", "\n\nWhat happens next in Indiana is contingent on Oladipo enacting phase three of that plan: He can't just be back. ", "He has to be back. ", "And he's not there yet.", "\n\n\"I missed a whole year of NBA basketball, not just basketball. ", "It's the highest level of basketball. ", "It's different,\" Oladipo said. \"", "I'm not frustrated at all. ", "Because I've been on the court and made all those shots that I'm shooting. ", "I know I can make 'em.", "\n\n\"It's just a matter of syncing my body and my mind.\"", "\n\nVictor Oladipo acknowledges the home crowd before his season debut against the Bulls on Jan. 29. ", "Oladipo missed more than a calendar year with a torn quad tendon. ", "Ron Hoskins/NBAE via Getty Images\n\nOLADIPO THOUGHT HIS knee had fallen off.", "\n\nBefore the stretcher came out, before the doctors and trainers rushed to his side, before he had even glanced down to see what happened, he just wanted to know if his knee was still there.", "\n\nIt was Jan. 23, 2019, against the Toronto Raptors, and with about four minutes remaining in the first half, Oladipo was getting back on defense trying to break up an outlet pass to Pascal Siakam.", "\n\nOladipo was tracking the ball over his shoulder. ", "He planted with his left leg, then his right, which buckled underneath him. ", "His face turned and he reached out his arms to break his fall, instead inadvertently taking out the legs of Siakam. ", "For about two tense seconds, the Raptors were incensed about an uncharacteristically dirty play by Oladipo. ", "Everyone quickly realized it was something else.", "\n\n\"I just said, 'It's over,' to myself,\" Oladipo said.", "\n\nHead athletic trainer Josh Corbeil arrived first and put both hands on the knee. ", "It took only a second more for Corbeil to raise a fist in the air: Bring the stretcher.", "\n\nSeeing either Corbeil's fist or the knee itself, Myles Turner turned away and put both hands over his face. ", "Scott McCullough, the Raptors' head athletic trainer, ran off their bench to lay a towel over Oladipo's shoulders. ", "Corbeil grabbed it and immediately covered Oladipo's knee with it.", "\n\nOladipo looked into the baseline stands, trying to make eye contact with his mom, Joan, and his friends. ", "Grimacing, he saw them and shook his head. ", "But he remained calm. ", "He didn't slap the floor. ", "He didn't scream in agony.", "\n\nAfter the swelling went down the following morning, an MRI confirmed: He had ruptured the tendon that connected his quad muscle to his kneecap, one of the rarest severe injuries in sports. ", "He was only the third NBA player to ever rupture a quad tendon (Tony Parker in 2017, Charles Barkley in 1999).", "\n\n\"I'm not dumb. ", "Obviously, I know I was out a year and had a major injury and it may take some time. ", "But I have no doubt I'll be back better than I was because of the work I did.\"", "\n\nSurgery to repair the tendon was a success, and Oladipo started light rehab the next day. ", "Three days later, he was in the gym, shooting from a chair.", "\n\n\"I already pushed myself to exhaustion, and in rehab, you've got to push yourself to exhaustion and more to get results,\" he said. \"", "Fight through stuff; fight through pain. ", "Anybody who knows me knows I'm willing to get back and get better than ever.\"", "\n\nAfter three or four months, Oladipo was back on the court for another step forward: light drills, no contact, but back on the court. ", "Then one day in May, he put the ball on the floor, took a couple of hard steps, planted and rose for a dunk.", "\n\n\"That was big for me,\" he said. \"", "It wasn't something major, it wasn't something crazy, but just to be able to jump up there and do it, it was monumental.\"", "\n\nA few months later, he was ramping up the workouts. ", "Games of 3-on-3 became 4-on-4, and 4-on-4 became 5-on-5.", "\n\nIn August or September, he was at the Pacers' practice facility, going through a workout against a scattered collection of players, when he hit a new milestone in his rehab. ", "It was another dunk, this time with a little more flair.", "\n\n\"I 360'd down there,\" Oladipo said, proudly pointing at the basket on the far end. \"", "That's when I was kind of like, 'OK, I'm getting closer.'\"", "\n\nTHE PACERS ENVISIONED a .500 record when Oladipo returned, but they aced the first third of their test.", "\n\nThe seven offseason additions started fitting. ", "Domantas Sabonis developed into an All-Star. ", "They rediscovered their identity as a defense-first, fundamental, role-based team en route to a 30-17 record.", "\n\nGet the best of ESPN sent to your inbox The ESPN Daily delivers the biggest sports news and moments every weekday. ", "Sign me up! ", "Email:\n\nOn Jan. 29, Oladipo returned to a squad with multiple stars and collective depth.", "\n\nHe started off the game against the Chicago Bulls by logging 21 awkward minutes, hitting only one of his seven shots. ", "Then, down by three with 10 seconds left, he caught the ball on the left wing, some 30 feet from the bucket. ", "He had a little space, so he pulled -- a clean swish.", "\n\nIt's the kind of shot he had spent an entire season and a half making in Indiana, the kind of shot he had full autonomy to take, the kind of shot that had turned him into a franchise player. ", "A full season off or not, he was still Victor Oladipo.", "\n\nThe Pacers ended up blitzing the Bulls in the extra frame, and in Oladipo's postgame interview on the court, the emotions overwhelmed him.", "\n\nIt was only a few days after Kobe Bryant, his daughter Gianna and seven others died in a helicopter accident outside Los Angeles. ", "And everything came rushing at Oladipo.", "\n\n\"I just shot it, man. ", "I just shot it, man,\" he said. \"", "Mamba mentality, man. ", "Mamba mentality. ", "Mamba mentality, man. ", "That's for Kobe, Gigi, all them people on the helicopter; that's for them.\"", "\n\nOladipo seesawed back and forth from his left foot to his right, shaking his head, tears filling his eyes. ", "He talked about what a tough year it has been, and he used a favorite line of his: \"Tough times don't last; tough people do.\"", "\n\nHe pulled his shirt up to wipe his eyes, his voice shaking. ", "All he could say at that point was that he was thankful.", "\n\nINDIANA'S TWO-WEEK STRETCH since Oladipo's storybook debut has been a harsh overcorrection.", "\n\nLeading into Wednesday's matchup against the NBA-leading Milwaukee Bucks (7:30 p.m. ET, ESPN), the Pacers have lost six straight games in a variety of ways: blown leads, buzzer-beaters, offensive meltdowns, defensive collapses.", "\n\nEvery game has been close. ", "Every game has been winnable. ", "Every game has seemed to miss an important cutting edge in the closing moments.", "\n\n\"We're adjusting to one guy,\" Pacers guard Malcolm Brogdon said after a home loss to the Dallas Mavericks. \"", "He's a big piece, but it's one guy.\"", "\n\nOladipo's minutes restriction is playing a part; patchy intervals have added up to 24 per game, though the Pacers have been edging over that number lately.", "\n\nAll the key components appear to be there for Oladipo. ", "He said his handle is tighter than it's ever been. ", "He worked relentlessly on his jumper and extended his range some. ", "He feels like his explosiveness and first step is close to what it was prior to the injury. ", "In many ways, he considers himself a more complete player, thinking the game differently, using angles rather than just brute force.", "\n\nBut the ball just isn't going in the basket.", "\n\nIn six games, he is shooting 29% from the field and 27% from 3. ", "He has taken only 12 free throws.", "\n\nIn Victor Oladipo's absence, Pacers big man Domantas Sabonis blossomed into a first-time All-Star. ", "Brian Spurlock/USA TODAY Sports\n\nAt practice a day after the home loss to the Knicks, Oladipo worked then reworked a series of 35-footers with assistant coach Bill Bayno. ", "The guard couldn't get his last one to drop from the left wing.", "\n\nAfter each miss, he would rehearse his follow-through, he would shake out his arms, he'd twirl the ball, he'd stretch out his back, he'd slap his hip. ", "When he finally broke through, it was on to the next spot to make another batch.", "\n\n\"I'm not dumb. ", "Obviously, I know I was out a year and had a major injury and it may take some time,\" Oladipo said. \"", "But I have no doubt I'll be back better than I was because of the work I did.\"", "\n\nAgainst the Mavericks the next night, Oladipo struggled again, scoring nine points on 4-of-17 shooting, including 1-of-10 from 3. ", "There was a moment late in the third quarter when Oladipo relocated to the corner and was open for a brief second, but Brogdon either didn't see him or just didn't give up the ball.", "\n\nOladipo threw his arms above his head and clapped his hands. ", "It was a small flash of minor annoyance that serves as a reminder of what Indiana is working through.", "\n\nThe losing streak juxtaposed with Oladipo's return makes for an uncomfortable connection. ", "There's no striking statistical symptom that explains it. ", "Overall, the Pacers have been a little worse offensively, and a little worse defensively. ", "But in Oladipo's minutes, they're scoring 96.3 points per 100 possessions and being outscored by 14.4. ", "Without him, they're a plus-2.8 with an offensive rating of 113.8.", "\n\n\"This is his October,\" Pacers coach Nate McMillan said. \"", "He's trying to play himself into a rhythm, and he's not going to get into a rhythm unless he shoots it and gets confidence out there. ", "The only way to get that is to play.\"", "\n\nThis is phase two of the three-phase season. ", "The Pacers hope the All-Star break will bring refreshment and help Oladipo get better acclimated. ", "They're still exceeding their own expectations, and they've always had an eye on what this roster can become when its All-NBA guard returns to full speed.", "\n\n\"I believe when I'm at that level, we've got a chance to be very special,\" Oladipo said. \"", "And not because of me solely ... we have the right pieces to do something special.\"" ]
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[ "Sridevi Bungalow\n\nSridevi Bungalow is an upcoming Indian Hindi-language suspense thriller written and directed by Prasanth Mambully and produced by Chandrasekhar Sudhir Kumar,M N Pimple, Manish nair, Roman Gilbert and Jerome Joseph under the banner of Aaraat Entertainments. ", "The film features Aseem Ali Khan, Arbaaz Khan, Priya Prakash Varrier, Priyanshu Chatterjee, Mukesh Rishi, Dinesh Lamba and Sandeep Bharadwaj in lead roles. ", "The film follows story of an actress (played by Varrier), who goes to London for shooting and an event occurs there which changes her life.", "\n\nCast \n Aseem Ali Khan\n Arbaaz Khan\n Priya Prakash Varrier\n Priyanshu Chatterjee\n Mukesh Rishi\n Dinesh Lamba\n Sandeep Bharadwaj\n\nProduction\nPrincipal photography commenced in January 2019 in London. ", "The film was shot in Mumbai in July 2019.", "\n\nMarketing and release \nThe official teaser of the film was unveiled on 13 January 2019. ", "The official teaser 2 of the film was unveiled on 15 March 2019.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n\nCategory:Upcoming Hindi-language films\nCategory:Upcoming films\nCategory:Indian films\nCategory:Hindi-language films\nCategory:Indian thriller drama films\nCategory:Directorial debut films\nCategory:Films set in London\nCategory:Films shot in London\nCategory:Films shot in Mumbai" ]
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[ "Allen Coage\n\nAllen James Coage (October 22, 1943 – March 6, 2007) was an American-Canadian judoka and professional wrestler. ", "He won medals for the United States at several international judo competitions, including the heavyweight bronze medal at the 1976 Summer Olympics, and later appeared in professional wrestling promotions such as the World Wrestling Federation, New Japan Pro Wrestling and Stampede Wrestling under the ring names Bad News Brown, Buffalo Allen, and Bad News Allen.", "\n\nEarly life\nCoage was born in Harlem, New York City and raised in a disadvantaged neighborhood in Queens, attending Thomas A. Edison High School. ", "After graduating in 1962, Coage began working in a bakery, eventually becoming a foreman.", "\n\nJudo career\nCoage began training in judo under Jerome Mackey after seeing a poster for Mackey's dojo on the New York City Subway, at the age of 15. ", "He began his career in 1964 at the relatively late age of 22. ", "After seven months as a white belt, he placed first in the Chicago Invitational tournament. ", "Coage achieved a black belt in two and a half years and after five years was named a sandan. ", "Coage practised a \"classical\" style, with his favored throws being the Ōuchi gari and the Tai otoshi.", "\n\nCoage won the Amateur Athletic Union judo championship (heavyweight class) in 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, and 1975, as well as winning the open division in 1970. ", "He also competed in the Pan American Games, winning gold medals in the heavyweight class in 1967 and 1975.", "\n\nIn 1970, Coage relocated to Japan for two years, where he studied at Nihon University, majoring and minoring in judo. ", "In 1972, Coage suffered a severe knee injury during an Olympic Trials bout with Jimmy Wooley, rendering him unable to compete in the 1972 Summer Olympics.", "\n\nUpon recovering, Coage began training for the 1976 Summer Olympics. ", "Coage was initially excluded from the United States judo team until a class action lawsuit was filed against the United States Olympic Committee by the United States Judo Association. ", "Coage ultimately won a bronze medal. ", "His victory made him the first African American to win a solo Olympic Games medal in a sport other than boxing or track and field.", "\n\nCoage retired from competitive judo following the 1976 Summer Olympics due to frustrations around internal politics. ", "He went on to hold a number of other jobs, including briefly working as a bodyguard for singer Aretha Franklin, before deciding to train as a professional wrestler.", "\n\nProfessional wrestling career\n\nNew Japan Pro Wrestling (1977–1993)\nCoage began training as a professional wrestler under Antonio Inoki in the New Japan Pro Wrestling dojo in 1977. ", "He debuted in October 1977, briefly performing under his birth name before adopting the ring name \"Buffalo Allen\". ", "Coage wrestled intermittently for NJPW over the next 15 years.", "\n\nWorld Wide Wrestling Federation (1978, 1979)\nCoage made a one-off appearance in the World Wide Wrestling Federation in February 1978, defeating jobber Frank Williams at a live event under his birth name. ", "He returned to the promotion in January 1979 and wrestled for the WWWF for the remainder of the year, appearing on several episodes of WWF Championship Wrestling. ", "Late in 1979, at Madison Square Garden, teaming with JoJo Andrews, Coage challenged for the Japanese Tag Team Championship against Riki Choshu and Seiji Sakaguchi. ", "Coage's team was unsuccessful when Andrews submitted to a Boston crab in a match that lasted just under 10 minutes.", "\n\nStampede Wrestling (1982-1988)\nIn 1982, Bad News Allen found a long-term home in Stu Hart's Stampede Wrestling, centered in Allen's adopted home city of Calgary. ", "Allen remained with Stampede from 1982 until 1988, with some tours of Australia and Florida during that time, and had matches with wrestlers such as the Dynamite Kid and Bret Hart. ", "He often referred to himself in interviews as \"The Ultimate Warrior\".", "\n\nWorld Wrestling Federation (1988-1990)\n\nAllen returned to the World Wrestling Federation in early 1988 as Bad News Brown, and it was during this time that he achieved his greatest notoriety. ", "His trademark characteristic as Bad News Brown was never smiling—either he kept an angry face, or he \"laughed loud\" at the expense of opponents' misfortunes. ", "While the roster was mostly filled with ultra-virtuous babyfaces and cowardly and monster heels, Bad News was something entirely different: a tough loner. ", "While other heels were likely to form alliances with one another, Bad News was reclusive. ", "He did not respect anybody, and was just as likely to attack heels as faces (character traits that would later be employed to great fame by Stone Cold Steve Austin). ", "His dislike for all fellow wrestlers was clear when he abandoned his teams at the Survivor Series of 1988 and 1989. ", "Some memorable moments from his WWF tenure included winning the battle royal at WrestleMania IV by last eliminating Bret Hart, who was then a heel, after a sneak attack, followed by a brief feud with champion \"Macho Man\" Randy Savage and his manager Miss Elizabeth in early 1989 that led to more main-event matches. ", "On the March 11, 1989 edition of Saturday Night's Main Event XX Bad News memorably took a microphone towards the end of his match with Hulk Hogan and told him that it was time for the Ghetto Blaster (his finisher). ", "As he was getting ready to execute it, however, Hogan got out of the way, leading him to miss the move and suffer an eventual loss. ", "Subsequently, Bad News also had a brief run challenging Hogan for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship but never pinned or submitted him.", "\n\nBrown's next feud was with \"Rowdy\" Roddy Piper (starting at the 1990 Royal Rumble when he was eliminated by Piper, then illegally eliminated Piper. ", "This led to Brown being ridiculed which he would counter by calling Piper out for wearing a \"skirt\". ", "This culminated at WrestleMania VI in a match where both men were counted out. ", "Brown was initially planned to continue this feud with Piper but since neither man would agree to lose to each other, their program was scrapped and instead Brown was assigned to work with Jake \"The Snake\" Roberts (where Bad News used a sewer rat against Jake's snake). ", "Around this time, Brown was worked into a story where he attacked WWF president Jack Tunney on The Brother Love Show.", "\n\nBad News eventually left the WWF after SummerSlam 1990, claiming Vince McMahon failed to live up to his promise to make him the company's first black champion.", "\n\nAs written in the autobiography of the Dynamite Kid, Coage's legitimate toughness was displayed in a confrontation involving André the Giant, who allegedly made a racist comment on a tour bus for New Japan Pro Wrestling. ", "Coage overheard it and made the driver stop the bus, walked off and demanded the Giant get off and fight him one on one. ", "André did not move from his seat and later apologized for the remark.", "\n\nLater career (1990-1999)\nCoage continued to work in independent promotions for several more years, including Japan's shoot wrestling UWFi promotion. ", "Coage retired in 1999 due to knee damage. ", "He continued occasionally working independent shows for friends while living in Calgary with his wife, and had considered starting a promotion himself. ", "Additionally, he taught wrestling with Canadian wrestling coach Leo Jean, and worked as a mall security officer in Airdrie, Alberta.", "\n\nPersonal life\nCoage was married three times. ", "With his first wife, Audrey, he had his eldest child, Tonya. ", "Then Coage was in a long-term relationship with Lorriane, in which he had his eldest son, Bryan, and April, and two step children—Martin and Ronda. ", "He had another relationship with Lottie, in which he had two more children, Michael and Nancy. ", "Coage was then married for a second time to Katharine, in which he had Lynnette. ", "During his last marriage until his death, Coage was married to Helen in which he had one son, Allen Jr. (AJ) and raised two step children, Dawn and Frances. .", "\n\nBorn in the United States, Coage later permanently relocated to Canada, ultimately securing Canadian citizenship.", "\n\nDeath\nCoage died of a heart attack on the morning of March 6, 2007, at Rockyview General Hospital in Calgary, minutes after being rushed there due to chest pain.", "\n\nChampionships and accomplishments\n\nJudo\nAmateur Athletic Union\nGrand Champion (1970)\nHeavyweight Champion (1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1975)\nBlack Belt\nHall of Fame \nOlympic Games\n1976 Bronze medalist, Heavyweight \nPan American Games\n1967 Gold medalist, Heavyweight \n1975 Gold medalist, Heavyweight\n\nProfessional wrestling\nCanadian Wrestling Hall of Fame\nClass of 2007\nChampionship Wrestling from Florida\nNWA Florida Bahamian Championship (1 time)\nNWA Florida Heavyweight Championship (1 time)\nNWA Southern Heavyweight Championship (Florida version) (1 time)\nInternational Wrestling Alliance\nIWA Heavyweight Championship (1 time)\nNWA Hollywood Wrestling\nNWA Americas Tag Team Championship (3 times) - with Leroy Brown (1) and Victor Rivera (2)\nNWA Polynesian Wrestling\nNWA Polynesian Pacific Heavyweight Championship (1 time)\n Pro Wrestling Illustrated\nPWI ranked him #187 of the 500 best singles wrestlers during the \"PWI Years\" in 2003.", "\nStampede Wrestling\nStampede North American Heavyweight Championship (4 times)\nWest Coast Championship Wrestling\nWCCW Unified Heavyweight Championship (1 time)\nOther titles\nICW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n \n \n\nCategory:1943 births\nCategory:2007 deaths\nCategory:African-American male professional wrestlers\nCategory:American bakers\nCategory:American expatriate sportspeople in Canada\nCategory:American male judoka\nCategory:American male professional wrestlers\nCategory:Canadian male professional wrestlers\nCategory:Judoka at the 1976 Summer Olympics\nCategory:Nihon University alumni\nCategory:Professional wrestlers who competed in the Olympics\nCategory:Olympic bronze medalists for the United States in judo\nCategory:Olympic judoka of the United States\nCategory:Professional wrestlers from New York (state)\nCategory:Professional wrestling announcers\nCategory:Stampede Wrestling alumni\nCategory:Medalists at the 1976 Summer Olympics\nCategory:Pan American Games gold medalists for the United States\nCategory:Pan American Games medalists in judo\nCategory:Judoka at the 1967 Pan American Games\nCategory:Judoka at the 1975 Pan American Games\nCategory:People from Harlem\nCategory:People from Queens, New York" ]
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[ "1938 Northern Ireland general election\n\nThe 1938 Northern Ireland general election was held on 9 February 1938. ", " Like all previous elections to the Parliament of Northern Ireland, it produced a large majority for the Ulster Unionist Party. ", "The newly-formed Ulster Progressive Unionist Association came second in vote share, but won no seats.", "\n\nResults\n\n|}\n\nElectorate: 825,101 (464,860 in contested seats); Turnout: 71.1% (330,355).", "\n\nVotes summary\n\nSeats summary\n\nReferences\nNorthern Ireland Parliamentary Election Results\n\nCategory:1938 elections in the United Kingdom\n1938\nGeneral election\nCategory:February 1938 events\nCategory:1930s elections in Northern Ireland" ]
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[ "The poll showed that one in eight adults, or 13%, say they currently smoke pot, that's up from 7% in 2013.", "\n\nIt also showed that 43% of adults say they have tried the drug, an increase from 38% just three years ago.", "\n\nThe poll results were based on telephone interviews with about 1,000 randomly chosen adults.", "\n\nMarijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States, according to the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.", "\n\nA 2015 report by the National Institute on Drug Abuse found that the rate of current marijuana use rose from 4.1% in 2001-02 to 9.5% in 2012-13. ", "About one-third of the respondents reported symptoms of marijuana addiction.", "\n\nOne in five adults younger than 30 is a pot smoker: at least double the rates of each older age group.", "\n\nThe rate of marijuana use among those who seldom or never attend a religious service is 14%, compared with 7% of those who go to church monthly and 2% of weekly churchgoers.", "\n\nRecreational marijuana is legal in Colorado, Oregon, Alaska and Washington State. ", "Five states, including California, Massachusetts, Maine, Arizona and Nevada, are voting on marijuana legalization in November." ]
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[ "package cli\n\nimport (\n\t\"os\"\n\t\"reflect\"\n\t\"runtime\"\n\t\"strings\"\n\t\"testing\"\n)\n\nvar (\n\twd, _ = os.", "Getwd()\n)\n\nfunc expect(t *testing.", "T, a interface{}, b interface{}) {\n\t_, fn, line, _ := runtime.", "Caller(1)\n\tfn = strings.", "Replace(fn, wd+\"/\", \"\", -1)\n\n\tif !", "reflect.", "DeepEqual(a, b) {\n\t\tt.Errorf(\"(%s:%d) Expected %v (type %v) - Got %v (type %v)\", fn, line, b, reflect.", "TypeOf(b), a, reflect.", "TypeOf(a))\n\t}\n}\n\nfunc refute(t *testing.", "T, a interface{}, b interface{}) {\n\tif reflect.", "DeepEqual(a, b) {\n\t\tt.Errorf(\"Did not expect %v (type %v) - Got %v (type %v)\", b, reflect.", "TypeOf(b), a, reflect.", "TypeOf(a))\n\t}\n}\n" ]
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[ "Mucosal and systemic antiviral antibodies in mice inoculated intravaginally with herpes simplex virus type 2.", "\nHerpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) causes lethal illness after intravaginal (IVAG) inoculation into BALB/cJ mice. ", "In the present studies, we demonstrated in mice that primary IVAG vaccination with an attenuated strain of HSV-2 induced humoral immunity in sera and in vaginal secretions. ", "Secondary genital exposure to HSV-2 enhanced this response. ", "However, intraperitoneal exposure to attenuated HSV-2 elicited an antiviral antibody response in sera but not in vaginal secretions. ", "In both sera and vaginal secretions, antiviral IgG antibodies were the major isotype. ", "Systemic exposure to HSV-2 elicited antibodies only in sera that were specific for the major viral antigens whereas IVAG inoculation with HSV-2 stimulated both serum and vaginal antibody responses. ", "Intravenous transfer of antiviral monoclonal antibodies protected against systemic HSV-2 infection but were ineffective against vaginal infection due to a lack of transudation into vaginal secretions. ", "These results suggested that local humoral immunity in the genital tract is important in resistance to HSV-2." ]
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[ "*Photo Courtesy of the Hollywood Reporter and Associated Press*\n\nAs I reported this story to YOU on Saturday...here it is, in case you missed it!", "\n\nMICHAEL JOHNS from Season 7 has PASSED AWAY at the age of 35!", "\n\nThey say it was a blood clot in his ankle and my inside sources tell me that the swelling & bruising was traveling up his leg (which means the blood clot is traveling) & doctor gave him \"all clear\" to go home...BIG MISTAKE! :( ", "He should have been admitted immediately and this possibly could have been avoided!", "\n\nHe was such an amazing person and talent...and he will definitely be missed.", "\n\nCheck out the latest song/music video from Avril Lavigne \"HELLO KITTY\" :)She has been getting a lot of shade thrown at her for it, for seeming to venture away from her roots.", "\nSometimes though, especially in this day and age of music...it's time to freshen it up and take it in a new direction,\nwhile still staying true to your roots. ", "It's definitely catchy, I'll say that much! ;)", "\n\nThis is your LAST CHANCE to choose what my NEW Blog Feature/Features will involve.", "\n\nI've been so busy, running here and there and everywhere...and involved with a bunch of stuff, so the Manic Monday Menu Blog Feature I've been doing has been on a little vacation. ", "I've still been cooking and baking A BUNCH of stuff and may post them eventually.", "\nSo Check Back Again Soon or Check Me Out On Facebook, as I always post my culinary creations there.", "\n\nBUT, Right now I am giving you a chance to help choose my next NEW blog feature/features.", "\n\nCONTACT ME with YOUR SUGGESTIONS on what my NEW Blog Feature/Features should be, since you read my blog...what do you want it to be about or involve?", "\n(examples: food reviews, product reviews, restaurant reviews, etc or anything else you think would be worthy)\n\nI've been so busy, running here and there and everywhere...and involved with a bunch of stuff, so the Manic Monday Menu Blog Feature I've been doing has been on a little vacation. ", "I may post something soon. ", "So Check Back Later Today.", "\n\nBUT, Right now I am giving you a chance to help choose my next NEW blog feature/features.", "\n\nCONTACT ME with YOUR SUGGESTIONS on what my NEW Blog Feature/Features should be, since you read my blog...what do you want it to be about or involve?", "\n(examples: food reviews, product reviews, restaurant reviews, etc or anything else you think would be worthy)\n\nIt's just another Manic Monday and time for another \"Manic Monday Menu\"!", "\n\nThis week's \"Manic Monday Menu\" features more of a tip, than a recipe. ", "You think that you couldn't mess up boiling an egg?", "\nBelieve it or not I know people that can! ", "Here is a way to cook your eggs perfectly everytime.", "\n\nSo here is my exclusive tip for:\n\nHARD BOILED EGGS\n\n-Lay the eggs in a single layer in a large saucepan\n\n-Cover with cold water by at least 1 inch\n\n-Bring to a simmer over low heat and cook for 1 minute\n\n-Cover with a lid, turn off the heat and allow the eggs to sit for 15 minutes\n\n-Then place then in ice water for about 5 minutes\n\nThen you may use them for whatever recipe you'd like, after you peel them that is or since Easter is right around the corner, don't peel them and color the shells.", "\n\nIt's just another Manic Monday and time for another \"Manic Monday Menu\"!", "\n\nThis week’s \"Manic Monday Menu\" features an easier, tastier and healthier alternative to those canned broths and stocks in the store. ", "Make your own from scratch in no time at all and I guarantee if you do this once, you’ll never buy another can of broth or stock again.", "\n\nIn a Large Dutch oven, heat the butter over medium-high heat. ", "Add onions, celery, carrot, and garlic to the Dutch oven and cook for a couple minutes. ", "Then Add the Carcass/Bones and fill with water to cover everything. ", "Simmer this on medium-high heat for at least 5 hours or till all the bones are clean and the meat has fallen off. ", "The longer you cook this, the more flavorful it will become. ", "Then pour through a strainer and remove all bones adn vegetables left behind. ", "If making a soup, use all the meat that fell off of the bones in your soup. ", "Use this stock as a base for soups, sauces or anything you desire. ", "You may freeze this if you don’t plan on using it right away. ", "Just pour it in smaller containers, let it cool and place in the freezer.", "\n\nIt's just another Manic Monday and after a week or two of hiatus it's BACK and time for another \"Manic Monday Menu\"!", "\n\nThis weeks \"Manic Monday Menu\" was a request by listener Lori who saw a pic of this on my facebook. ", "It's a family recipe, but as with any family recipe...there may be a few special secrets that were left out.", "\n\nIn a Dutch oven, heat oil over medium-high heat. ", "Add bacon or prosciutto; cook for 2 to 3 minutes or until crisp. ", "Using a slotted spoon, transfer to paper towels; let drain. ", "Set aside.", "\nAdd onions, celery, carrot, and garlic to the Dutch oven; cook over medium heat for 3 to 4 minutes or until softened, stirring frequently. ", "Stir in oregano and stir for 1 minute. ", "Add broth, tomatoes, and pasta. ", "Bring to boiling; reduce heat. ", "Simmer, uncovered, about 15 minutes or until pasta is tender.", "\nMeanwhile, use a fork to mash one can of the beans. ", "Stir the whole and mashed beans into pasta mixture. ", "Simmer about 5 minutes or until heated through.", "\nStir in parsley and lemon juice. ", "Immediately ladle into serving bowls. ", "Sprinkle with Parmesan and the prosciutto/bacon.", "\n\nHope you enjoyed this recipe for MANIC’S PASTA FAGIOLI! ", "Now that’s Italian! ;)", "\n\nMy \"MANIC MONDAY MENU\" feature in this blog will RETURN on Monday, March 4th!", "\nI've been extremely busy with some things, as well as planning a surprise birthday party for my mom, which went off without a hitch last night! :)", "\nSo check back on Monday, March 4th for a brand new recipe/tip!", "\n\nIt's Just Another Manic Monday and that could only mean one thing, another \"Manic Monday Menu\"!", "\nThis weeks \"Manic Monday Menu\" is Valentine Themed and geared toward impressing your sweetie AND their sweet tooth.", "\n\nSo here is my exclusive recipe for:\n\nMANIC’S MINI DRUNKEN UPSIDEDOWN CHOCOLATE CHERRY CAKES\n\nIngredients you will need:\n\n-1/2 cup + 1 Tablespoon of Flour\n\n-1/4 cup + 2 Tablespoons of Sugar\n\n-3 Tablespoons of Cocoa Powder\n\n-1/4 Teaspoon of Baking Soda\n\n-1/8 Teaspoon of Salt\n\n-1/4 cup of Water\n\n-4 Tablespoons of Amaretto (Disaronno) Add More if Desired, I did! ;) ", "I don't measure...I just pour! ", "hehe\n\n-2 Tablespoons of Oil\n\n-1 Tablespoon of White Vinegar\n\n-1 can of Cherry Pie Filling\n\nCombine all the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix till incorporated. ", "Then combine all the wet ingredients in another bowl and mix till incorporated. ", "Then add the wet mixture to the dry mixture and mix till combined.", "\n\nThen take a Large 6 Count Muffin Tin and lightly grease or spray with non-stick cooking spray. ", "Fill each muffin well with the cherry filling and divide it all evenly. ", "Then spoon the batter into each muffin tin evenly.", "\n\nBake on 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes. ", "Let cool for at least 10 minutes and then invert the muffin tin on a plate and tap on the tin and turn out the little cakes. ", "When serving I pop them in the microwave to warm them slightly, but this is a preference.", "\n\nPlace the beef in a bowl with the blackberry wine, garlic, and bay leaves. ", "Place in the refrigerator and marinate overnight.", "\nWhen you are ready to start preparing the next day…preheat your oven to 300 degrees and then combine the flour, 1 tablespoon salt, and 1 tablespoon pepper.", "\nLift the beef out of the marinade with a slotted spoon and discard the bay leaves and garlic, saving the marinade. ", "In batches, dredge the cubes of beef in the flour mixture and then shake off the excess.", "\nHeat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large pot and brown half the beef over medium heat turning to brown evenly.", "\nPlace the beef in a large oven-proof Dutch oven and continue to brown the remaining beef, adding oil as necessary. ", "Place all the beef in the Dutch oven.", "\nHeat another 2 tablespoons of oil to the large pot and add the onions, carrots, celery and potatoes. ", "Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally till they start to get tender. ", "Then add the garlic and cook for 3 more minutes.", "\nPlace all the vegetables in the Dutch oven over the beef. ", "Add 2 1/2 cups of the reserved marinade to the empty pot and cook over high heat to deglaze the bottom of the pan, scraping up all the brown bits with a wooden spoon. ", "Add the chicken stock, beef stock, Worcestershire sauce, 1 tablespoon salt, 2 teaspoons pepper.", "\nPour the sauce over the meat and vegetables in the Dutch oven and bring to a simmer over medium heat on top of the stove. ", "Cover the pot and place it in the oven to bake it for at least 2 hours, I let it go for about 4 hours, the longer you cook it the more tender the meat and vegetables will be. ", "I suggest checking it half way through the cooking process and stirring it/check it.", "\nThen there is only one more thing left to do…EAT! ", "But there is more…\n\nPreheat oven to 375 degrees F.\nIn a large mixing bowl, mix all ingredients with a whisk until just combined. ", "Form into a large ball and roll out to thickness desired and use a biscuit cutter of your choice. ", "Cut them and place on a nonstick sheet tray or use parchment paper. ", "Bake for 8 to 10 minutes until golden brown.", "\n\nALL PURPOSE BAKING MIX\n\n6 cups all-purpose flour\n3 tablespoons baking powder\n2 teaspoons salt\n3/4 cup shortening\nIn a large bowl combine the flour, baking powder and salt. ", "Cut in the shortening with a pastry knife or fork until the mixture is well blended.", "\n\nHope you enjoyed this recipe for MANIC’S MOST AMAZING BEEF STEW THAT WILL EVER HIT YOUR MOUTH, Plus the BONUS RECIPE of BEER BISCUITS that go great with it.", "\n\nIt's Monday and the very 1st \"Manic Monday Menu\" where I will be sharing my recipes and cooking/baking tips with you, as well as from time to time sharing YOUR recipes and tips as well.", "\nIt's a baking kind of day with the weather we are having so...here we go! ", "I'm starting off very simple and will give you more difficult recipes/tips as time goes by.", "\nToday you'll get a recipe and a tip all in one...Do you have a lot of leftover christmas candy and don't know what to do with it?", "\nWell, Bake with it and utilize it that way other than just eating it.", "\nThe recipe I made today and I am sharing with you is for:\n\nCombine the first 5 ingredients and cream them together. ", "Then add the remaining ingredients and mix till combined.", "\nForm little balls (about a tablespoon of the dough) and place on a sheet tray. ", "Bake for 8-10 minutes in a preheated oven at 375 degrees.", "\nImmediately when removed from the oven, place a kiss in the center of each cookie and push down slightly.", "\n\nLet completely cool so the kiss can reharden before serving.", "\n\nHope you enjoyed this useful tip on how to utilize leftover candy and this easy recipe that took hardly anytime to make.", "\n\nIt's a NEW YEAR with some NEW things headed your way courtesy of me!", "\nIt's been a crazy past couple months and I'm finally getting back to this whole blogging thing.", "\nSo I will be blogging as much as possible on here and doing some new features here as well.", "\nOf course I'll be blogging about IDOL and everything else that consumes my life, but I'm also going to start something that I am calling \"Manic Monday Menu\" where I will share MY recipes with you and MY cooking/baking tips too. ", "And I'll also be looking for YOUR recipes/tips to share as well in my blog at times.", "\n\nYou can email your cooking/baking tips or recipes to my email: manicmarc@entercom.com\nor\nYou can contact me via Facebook: www.facebook.com/manicmarconair\n\nAnyone that works in the service industry knows what T.I.P.S. stands for and for anyone else that doesn’t, you’re going to learn.", "\nT- To\nI- Insure\nP- Proper\nS- Service\n\nSo that means when you are out dining, TIP your server or that’s the kind of service you are going to get. ", "These people are bending over backwards for you and the least you could do is show them that they are appreciated by tipping them. ", "I’ve worked as a waiter before and it amazed me how lousy SOME people were at tipping. ", "Granted there are some pretty bad servers out there and they deserve a bad tip if the service was bad. ", "But, for the good servers, don’t worry a server NEVER forgets the BAD tippers, so if you don’t tip or leave a bad tip…I wouldn’t return.", "\nMoral of the Story: If you can’t leave a decent tip because you can’t afford it or you’re just cheap…Then Don’t Eat Out!", "\n\nI’ve been searching for the infamous Blueberry Munchkins at Dunkin Donuts…and to my surprise have discovered that not ALL Dunkin Donuts make them. ", "Major disappointment…I assumed since it’s a chain that they all mostly have the same menu. ", "But, they don’t obviously and my search continues for the infamous Blueberry Munchkins! ", "Find them and Bring me some! ", "<3" ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1}\n===============\n\nHypertension is a dominant risk factor for chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disorders, stroke, renal diseases, and diabetes. ", "Hypertension is the second leading cause of disability around the world, and its prevalence has doubled in the last 5 years in all social strata of Pakistan. ", "Globally, the overall prevalence of hypertension is approximately 40% in adults. ", "Among them, almost 57% of human papulation is well aware about their blood pressure, from which about 40.6% have access to antihypertensive medicines. ", "Still, there is a huge gap between the number of hypertensive patients and the availability of treatment facilities. ", "The health facilities for the management of hypertension is more alarming in the middle and low income countries as more than 80% of deaths due to cardiovascular diseases occur in these countries \\[[@B1]\\]. ", "The prevalence of hypertension in Pakistan is very high and is considered as a top alarming physiological disorder in the community \\[[@B2]\\]. ", "Not to speak of Pakistan, hypertension has become a health menace all over the world. ", "Owing to the high prevalence and increased mortality and morbidity due to hypertension and associated complications, there is a dire need to explore the alternatives including food components for the management of this health menace.", "\n\nBioactive phytoconstituents, available as natural components in foods and medicinal plants, provide preventive and curative health benefits to improve cardiovascular health. ", "Functionalities of bioactives from green resources including inhibition of activity of enzymes or form complexes with metals, which catalyse the oxidation reaction and the capacity to modulate metabolic processes, may result in the eradication and management of cardiovascular diseases \\[[@B3]\\]. ", "Angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) plays a fundamental role in the management of hypertension as it coverts angiotensin I to the potent angiotensin II which is vasoconstrictor. ", "Moreover, it inactivates the vasodilator bradykinin. ", "By inhibiting these processes, synthetic ACE inhibitors have long been used as antihypertensive agents. ", "However, the unwanted side effects of these drugs are taking their toll in the form of side effects with high rate. ", "Bioactive food components like alkaloids, peptides flavonoids, flavanols, anthocyanins, phenolic acids, polyphenols, tannins, resveratrol, polysaccharides, and sterol have been identified as green ACE inhibitors \\[[@B4]\\]. ", "These nutritional components have received considerable attention for their effectiveness in both the prevention and the treatment of hypertension. ", "The recent research emphasis is on the characterization of the bioactive constituent of foods and identification of their molecular mechanism of action for the development of drugs from green natural resources. ", "Flavonoids are reported to exhibit the capacity to inhibit different zinc metalloproteinases, including ACE. ", "Indeed, the micromolar concentrations of various flavonoids, such as anthocyanins, flavones, flavonols, and flavanols, have been reported to exhibit more than 50% of ACE inhibition potential. ", "Therefore, different bioactive flavonoids, including catechin, epicatechin, rutin, myricetin, luteolin, apigenin, and naringenin, were identified from the leaves of *Mentha spicata* \\[[@B5]\\]. ", "2-(3,4-dihydroxy-5-methoxy-phenyl) and 3,5-dihydroxy-6,7-dimethoxychromen-4-one were extracted from the leaves of *Euphorbia neriifolia*. ", "Epicatechin, (-)-(2S)-6-Methoxy-\\[2^″^,3^″^: 7,8\\]-furanoflavanone, kaempferol-3-O-sulphate-7-O-c-arabinopyranoside, vidalenolone, (2S)-7, 8, bi\\'s-3′, 4′-(2,2-dimethyl-chromano)-5-hydroxy flavanone, 3,7-dihydroxy-4′,8-dimethoxy flavone, 14-Hydroxy artonin E, and kaempferol were extracted from the leaves and flowers of *Cassia angustifolia* \\[[@B6]\\]. ", "Rutin and kaempferol were also extracted from *Ficus carica* and evaluated for their therapeutic potential \\[[@B4], [@B7], [@B8]\\]. ", "Many flavonoids of *Coriander sativum* with known ACE inhibition mode of action were explored for the first time in this study.", "\n\n*Coriandrum sativum L*. ", "belonged to the family Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) and mainly cultivated throughout the year. ", "It is an important functional food that is traditionally used as nutrition and taste enhancer with additional medicinal benefits including antioxidant, antihypertensive, lipid lowering, and analgesic \\[[@B9]\\]. *", "Coriandrum sativum*, being a treasure of bioactive compounds, may contribute its exceptional pharmaceutical potential to combat cardiovascular diseases \\[[@B10]\\]. ", "Therefore, *Coriandrum sativum* was explored for the identification and characterization of more bioactive compounds with known ACE inhibition mechanism of action against hypertension.", "\n\n2. ", "Materials and Method {#sec2}\n=======================\n\nAll analytical grade chemicals and reagents were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, USA, and Merck, Germany. *", "Coriandrum sativum* (fresh leaves) was purchased from the local market and identified from a taxonomist of Department of Botany, University of Agriculture Faisalabad (voucher no. ", "227-4-2016).", "\n\n2.1. ", "Extraction of Bioactive Fractions of Phytochemicals {#sec2.1}\n--------------------------------------------------------\n\nFour bioactive fractions of phytoconstituents were extracted from *Coriandrum sativum.*", "\n\n### 2.1.1. ", "Extraction of Flavonoids {#sec2.1.1}\n\nThe extraction of partially purified flavonoid fraction was made through Soxhlet apparatus by using multiple solvents from least to most polar with the order of n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and methanol (500 mL of each). ", "Each fraction was examined for the presence of flavonoid with the appearance of orange-pink color through Shibata reaction \\[[@B11], [@B12]\\]. ", "Flavonoid positive ethyl acetate fraction was dried by evaporating solvent through rotary evaporator (BUCHI Rotavapor II) at 50°C to obtain brownish mass. ", "About 1 mg of brownish mass was dissolved in 10 mL of distilled water and used for the evaluation of ACE inhibition potential of flavonoids.", "\n\n### 2.1.2. ", "Extraction of Tannins {#sec2.1.2}\n\nDefatted plant material was shaked for four days at ambient temperature with mixture of acetone and water (70 : 30 *V*/*V*) in a capped flask. ", "Acetone was evaporated by using rotary evaporator, and remaining aqueous extract was further partitioned with dichloromethane (2 × 50 mL) and diethyl acetate (4 × 50 mL) separately. ", "The organic layers were dried by evaporating the solvent under reduced pressure at 50°C, and the presence of tannins were confirmed with the formation of greenish-black precipitate by adding 5% ferric chloride \\[[@B11]\\].", "\n\n### 2.1.3. ", "Extraction of Alkaloids {#sec2.1.3}\n\nDried powder of *Coriandrum sativum* (20 g) was extracted with benzene for 6 hours. ", "This benzene extract was shaked with three successive portions of 5% sulphuric acid (25 cm^3^) and decolorized with activated charcoal. ", "The hot solution was filtered. ", "The pH of the filtrate was maintained at 8.5 with ammonia solution. ", "Filtrate was transferred into a separatory funnel and extracted with three successive portions of chloroform (20 cm^3^). ", "All three portions were combined, and chloroform layer was distilled off to get alkaloids. ", "The presence of alkaloids was confirmed by the appearance of reddish precipitate with Dragendorff\\'s reagent \\[[@B11]\\].", "\n\n### 2.1.4. ", "Extraction of Steroids {#sec2.1.4}\n\nThe grinded plant material (40 g) was soaked in 200 mL of ethanol for 7 days, and the gummy material was obtained after ethanol evaporation under reduced pressure at 40°C by using rotary evaporator. ", "This gummy material was redissolved in 90% ethanol and partitioned successively with n-hexane, chloroform, and ethyl acetate through Soxhlet apparatus. ", "All three fractions were tested for presence of steroids by adding acetic anhydride and H~2~SO~4~ \\[[@B13]\\]. ", "The ethyl acetate fraction showed positive results for presence of steroid.", "\n\n2.2. ", "Evaluation of ACE Inhibition Potential {#sec2.2}\n-------------------------------------------\n\n### 2.2.1. ", "Preparation of Lung Acetone Powder {#sec2.2.1}\n\nThe lungs, separated from freshly slaughtered rabbits, were washed with 0.8% saline solution and centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 10 minutes with phosphate saline buffer. ", "The supernatant was removed, and the residue was washed with acetone with continuous stirring on a magnetic stirrer. ", "After overnight drying, this material was grinded to fine powder and stored at 4°C as lung acetone powder \\[[@B14]\\].", "\n\n### 2.2.2. ", "Extraction of ACE from Lung Acetone Powder {#sec2.2.2}\n\nThe extraction of enzyme was carried out by mixing lung acetone powder (0.5 g) and 10 mL of borate buffer (100 mM, pH 8.3) with continuous overnight stirring. ", "Then this mixture was centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 45 minutes. ", "Supernatant was dialyzed with borate buffer by using dialyzing membrane (pore size 20 A°). ", "The ACE enzyme, collected after lyophilization, was stored at −20°C \\[[@B15]\\].", "\n\n### 2.2.3. ", "ACE Activity Assay {#sec2.2.3}\n\nACE activity was determined by the following method of Belovic et al. ", "\\[[@B16]\\] with some modifications. ", "The solution of angiotensin-converting enzyme (50 *μ*L of 100 mU/mL) was incubated with 50 *μ*L borate buffer at 37°C for 10 minutes and was reincubated for 80 minutes at 37°C after adding substrate, Hip-His-Leu (150 *μ*L, 8.3 mM in borate buffer). ", "The reaction was stopped with 250 *μ*L of 1 M HCl. ", "The resulting hippuric acid was extracted with 1500 *μ*L of ethyl acetate after centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 15 minutes. ", "Supernatant (750 *μ*L) was dried under air flow at 7°C. ", "In this dried powder, 1 mL of distilled water was mixed, and the absorption of hippuric acid released after action of ACE was measured at 228 nm by using UV/Visible double beam spectrophotometer. ", "The reaction blank was prepared with the same procedure except the addition of HCl before adding substrate.", "\n\n### 2.2.4. ", "ACE Inhibition Potential of Partially Purified Bioactive Fractions {#sec2.2.4}\n\nThe inhibition percentages were determined by the same modified enzyme assays only by replacing 50 *μ*L of buffer with the same volume and concentration of partially purified bioactive fractions (100 *μ*g/mL) and standard captopril (100 *μ*g/mL). ", "The decrease in concentration of hippuric acid in test sample as compared to control was expressed in terms of percentage ACE inhibition.", "\n\nACE inhibition was calculated according to the following equation: %IACE = 100\\[(A − B) − (C − D)\\]/(A − B), where A represents absorbance in the presence of ACE, B absorbance of reaction blank, C absorbance in the presence of ACE and inhibitors, and D absorbance of sample blank.", "\n\n2.3. ", "LC-ESI-MS/MS Analysis of Secondary Metabolites {#sec2.3}\n---------------------------------------------------\n\nSecondary metabolites of *Coriandrum sativum* with the highest ACE inhibition activity were subjected to chemical characterization by LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis to find out the bioactive compounds actually involved in ACE inhibition potential. ", "This analysis was carried out on liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization (Linear Ion Trap, LTQ XL) mass spectrometer (ESI-LC/MS) (Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA, USA).", "\n\nIn order to get chromatographic separations, 5 *μ*L of each sample was injected via auto sampler (Surveyor Autosampler Plus) into the HPLC system (Surveyor) equipped with Luna reverse phase C-18 column (250× 4.6 mm, 5 *μ*m particle size) (Phenomenex, USA). ", "The elution of sample from column was carried out at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min using gradient elution.", "\n\nSolvent A and B were prepared by mixing water, acetonitrile, and trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) with a ratio of 90 : 10 : 0.1% (*v*/*v*) and 10 : 90 : 0.06% (*v*/*v*), respectively, for positive ionization mode. ", "Solvent A and B were prepared by mixing water, acetonitrile, and formic acid with a ratio of 90 : 10 : 0.1% (*v*/*v*) and 10 : 90 : 0.06% (*v*/*v*), respectively, for negative ionization mode. ", "Gradient elution was programmed as follows: from 10% to 25% A and 90 to 75% B from 0 to 05 min followed by 25 to 50% A and 75 to 50% B in the next 10 min. ", "This flow was maintained till the end of analysis. ", "A photodiode array was used as the detector, and prominent peaks were further analyzed by mass spectrometer. ", "The compounds corresponding to these peaks were ionized using atmospheric pressure electrospray ionization (ESI) probe at negative and positive ionization mode. ", "ESI MS/MS conditions were selected as sheath gas flow rate 45 (arb) or 9 liter/min, auxiliary gas flow rate 10 (arb) or 2 liter/min. ", "APCI vaporization temperature was maintained at 300°C, corona source voltage 4.5 KV, source current 4.10 *μ*A, ion transfer capillary temperature 275°C, capillary voltage 45 V, and tube lens voltage110 V.\n\nThe identification of flavonoids was performed under full scan mode at different ranges of *m/z*. ", "MS^2^ analysis for each parent ion peak at different collision-induced dissociation (CID) powers. ", "Xcalibur 1.4 software was applied for calibration of MS data \\[[@B17]--[@B21]\\].", "\n\nQualitative analysis was performed by comparing the retention time of identical peaks in LC-ESI-MS/MS chromatogram of present analysis with those of reference standards, literature reports, and library. ", "The chemical nature of the compounds was proposed on the basis of MS and MS^2^ analysis fragmentation data. ", "The fragmentation pattern gave tentative confirmation about the presence of a compound.", "\n\n2.4. ", "Statistical Analysis {#sec2.4}\n-------------------------\n\nThe results were presented as mean ± SE of three concordant readings. ", "The means were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey\\'s test. ", "IC~50~ values for % ACE inhibition of different extracts were calculated using linear regression analysis.", "\n\n3. ", "Results {#sec3}\n==========\n\n3.1. ", "Extraction of Bioactive Fractions and Evaluation of Their ACE Inhibition Potential {#sec3.1}\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nFour bioactive fractions including flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, and steroids were extracted from *Coriandrum sativum* and evaluated for ACE inhibition potential, and the results have been presented in [Table 1](#tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Flavonoid fraction of *Coriandrum sativum* showed 81.4 ± 0.48% inhibition of ACE, while the potential of tannin fraction (2.3 ± 0.64%) to inhibit the ACE was very small. ", "Alkaloid and steroid fractions of *Coriandrum sativum* have not revealed any ACE inhibitory activity. ", "This high ACE inhibition potential of flavonoid fraction of *Coriandrum sativum* certifies that no other phytoconstituents including tannins, alkaloids, and steroids but only the flavonoids of this plant may manage hypertension through ACE inhibition mode of action. ", "The studies reported the antihypertensive potential of tannins and alkaloids of some other plants may be due to the mode of action other than ACE inhibition, like calcium channel blocker or beta blockers \\[[@B22]\\].", "\n\nTherefore, only the flavonoid fraction was further evaluated at its various concentrations to find its dose-dependent response and IC*~50~* of ACE inhibition. ", "Standard synthetic drug captopril was also evaluated for ACE inhibition at different concentrations ([Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The results revealed that the ACE inhibition potential of flavonoid fractions was increased with the increase of its concentration. ", "The partially purified fraction of flavonoid and captopril exhibited almost equal ACE inhibition potential at 50 *μ*g/mL, but flavonoids depicted higher ACE inhibition potential at all other studied concentrations than the standard synthetic drug.", "\n\nAs for as IC~50~ values are concerned, the studied flavonoid-rich fraction of *Coriandrum sativum* showed higher IC~50~ value as compared to the captopril ([Table 2](#tab2){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n3.2. ", "LC-ESI-MS/MS Analysis of Flavonoid Fraction of *Coriandrum sativum* {#sec3.2}\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn order to identify the specific compounds, the flavonoid fraction of *Coriandrum sativum* was further characterized through LC-ESI-MS/MS in both negative and positive ionization mode. ", "Identification of the flavonoids was confirmed by comparing retention times and mass spectra with authentic standards available in the literature. ", "In case of unavailability of any standards, the compounds were identified on the basis of accurate mass data of \\[M−H\\]^−^ and \\[M + H\\]^+^ ions.", "\n\nSeventeen flavonoid compounds were identified in negative ionization mode of LC-ESI-MS/MS (Figures [2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [3](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "MS spectrum showed peak at 255.33 \\[M-H\\]^−^. This peak was identified as pinocembrin (C~15~H~12~O~4~) ([Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}), which showed MS/MS fragment ion peaks at *m/z* 237.17 with the elimination of \\[M-H-OH\\]^−^, at *m/z* 213.17 after elimination of \\[M-H-C~2~H~2~O^−^\\]^−^, and at *m/z* 211.17 with the removal of \\[M-H-CO~2~\\]^−^ from the molecular ion ([Table 3](#tab3){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Similar fragment ion peaks for pinocembrin have also been reported by Falcão et al. ", "\\[[@B23]\\] and Falcão et al. ", "\\[[@B24]\\] in the earlier literature.", "\n\nA molecular ion peak at *m/z* 269.25 was identified as apigenin (C~15~H~10~O~5~) in mass spectrum ([Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Apigenin produced fragment ion peaks in the MS^2^ spectrum at *m/z* 153.08 correspond to the removal of \\[M-H-116 amu\\]^−^ and at *m/z* 119.17 attributed to the loss of \\[M-H-150 amu\\]^−^ ([Table 3](#tab3){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The fragment ions identified for apigenin in this study are in good harmony with fragment ions observed by Aldini et al. ", "\\[[@B25]\\] in another study.", "\n\nPeak at *m/z* 281.25 \\[M-H\\]^−^ (C~16~H~10~O~5~) in mass spectrum was proposed as pseudobaptigenin. ", "MS/MS spectrum showed a fragment ion peak at *m/z* 263.25 that corresponds to the loss of a water molecule and at *m/z* 237.17 produced by the loss of CO~2~.\n\nThe precursor ion showed peak at *m/z* 283.33 \\[M-H\\]^−^ (C~16~H~12~O~5~) identified as galangin-5-methylether \\[M-H\\]^−^ (C~16~H~12~O~5~) in mass spectrum ([Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "MS/MS spectrum showed fragment ion peaks at *m/z* 268.08 by the loss of methyl radical \\[M-H-^·^CH~3~\\]^−^, at *m/z* 239.25 that corresponds to the loss of \\[M-H-CO~2~\\]^−^, and at *m/z* 211.17 by the elimination of \\[M-H-72\\]^−^ ([Table 3](#tab3){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "These fragment ion peaks are in good agreement with previously identified peaks by Pellati et al. ", "\\[[@B26]\\].", "\n\nPeak at *m/z* 301.33 in mass spectrum ([Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) was identified as quercetin \\[M-H\\]^−^ (C~15~H~10~O~7~). ", "Quercetin was further confirmed through its specific fragmentation pattern in the MS/MS spectrum. ", "The MS/MS spectrum of quercetin showed fragment ion peaks at *m/z* 273 by the loss of \\[M-H-CO\\]^−^, at *m/z* 257.25 with the elimination of \\[M-H-CO~2~\\]^−^, and at *m/z* 151.17 found after the elimination of \\[M-H-150 amu\\]^−^ ([Table 3](#tab3){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nPeak at *m/z* 311.25 \\[M-H\\]^−^ (C~18~H~16~O~5~) in mass spectrum ([Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) was identified as baicalein trimethyl ether, which showed fragment ion peaks in the MS/MS spectrum at *m/z* 257.17 that corresponds to the loss of \\[M-H-CO~2~\\]^−^, at *m/z* 249.25 due to the loss of \\[M-H-CH~3~OH\\]^−^, and at *m/z* 153.00 by the loss of \\[M-H-B&C ring\\]^−^ ([Table 3](#tab3){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nPeak at *m/z* 313.75 in mass spectrum ([Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) was identified as kaempferol dimethyl ether \\[M-H\\]^−^ (C~17~H~14~O~6~), which showed MS^2^ fragment ion peaks at *m/z* 298.08 with the elimination of \\[M-H-^·^CH~3~\\]^−^ ([Table 3](#tab3){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Similar fragment ion peaks for kaempferol dimethyl ether were also previously reported by Falcão et al. ", "\\[[@B23]\\] and Falcão et al. ", "\\[[@B24]\\].", "\n\nPeak related to *m/z* 327.33 \\[M-H\\]^−^ (C~18~H~16~O~6~) in mass spectrum ([Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) was identified as pinobanksin-5-methyl ether-3-O-acetate, which was further confirmed by MS^2^ fragment ion peaks at *m/z* 285.33 \\[M-H-CH~3~CHO^−^\\], at *m/z* 267.08 that corresponds to the loss of \\[M-H-CH~3~COOH\\]^−^, and at *m/z* 239.25 that corresponds to the loss of \\[M-H-CH~3~COOH-CO\\]^−^ ([Table 3](#tab3){ref-type=\"table\"}), as peaks identified for pinobanksin-5-methyl ether-3-O-acetate is in good agreement with the peaks described by Gardana et al. ", "\\[[@B27]\\] and Falcão et al. ", "\\[[@B24]\\] in previous data.", "\n\nIn the mass spectrum, peak that corresponds to *m/z* 353.25 \\[M-H\\]^−^ (C~20~H~18~O~6~) was identified as pinobanksin-3-O-pentenoate. ", "The molecular ion peak of pinobanksin-3-O-pentenoate was confirmed through MS/MS fragment ion peaks at *m/z* 271.33 by the loss of \\[M-H-pentenal\\] and at *m/z* 253.08 by the loss of \\[M-H-pentenioc acid\\]^−^ ([Table 3](#tab3){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "These peaks are in harmony with peaks previously mentioned by Falcão et al. ", "\\[[@B28]\\] and Falcão et al. ", "\\[[@B29]\\].", "\n\nPeak at *m/z* 355.17 \\[M-H\\]^−^ (C~20~H~20~O~6~) in the same mass spectrum was identified as pinobanksin-3-O-pentanoate, which was further confirmed by MS/MS fragment ion peak at *m/z* 271.33 by the loss of \\[M-H-pentanal\\]^−^ and at *m/z* 253.08 by the loss of \\[M-H-pentanioc acid\\]^−^ ([Table 3](#tab3){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "This fragmentation pattern showed harmony with earlier reported data by Falcão et al. ", "\\[[@B23]\\] and Falcão et al. ", "\\[[@B24]\\].", "\n\nPeak at *m/z* 403.25 \\[M-H\\]^−^ (C~24~H~20~O~6~) in mass spectrum ([Figure 3](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) was identified as pinobanksin-3-O-phenyl propionate. ", "The molecular ion peak exhibited MS/MS fragment ion peaks at *m/z* 271.25 by the loss of \\[M-H- phenyl propanol\\]^−^ and at *m/z* 253.17 by the loss of \\[M-H-phenyl propanoic acid\\]^−^ ([Table 3](#tab3){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The similar pattern of fragments ions also described in some other studies reported by Gardana et al. ", "\\[[@B27]\\] and Falcão et al. ", "\\[[@B23]\\].", "\n\nA precursor ion at *m/z* 445.17 \\[M-H\\]^−^ (C~21~H~18~O~11~) in mass spectrum ([Figure 3](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) was identified as apigenin-7-O-glucuronide. ", "The MS/MS spectrum of this ion showed a product ion peak at *m/z* 269.08 that was corresponding to the loss of \\[M-H-glucuronide\\]^−^ and product ion at *m/z* 175.17 that corresponds to the loss of \\[M-H-glucuronide-C ring\\]^−^ ([Table 3](#tab3){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Jeyadevi et al. ", "\\[[@B30]\\] was also reported the fragment ion peaks at *m/z* 269 and *m/z* 175 for apigenin-7-O-glucuronide.", "\n\nThe same mass spectrum ([Figure 3](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) showed that a precursor ion peak at *m/z* 463.25 \\[M-H\\]^−^ (C~21~H~20~O~12~) was led to the identification of quercetin-3-O-glucoside which was further collaborated by comparison of MS/MS fragmentation of the precursor ion at *m/z* 301.17 resulted due to the loss of \\[M-H-glucoside\\]^−^ and at *m/z* 300.17 produced by the elimination of \\[M-H-glucoside radical\\]^−^ ([Table 3](#tab3){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The fragmentation pattern for quercetin-3-O-glucoside identified in this study is in good agreement with some other studies presented by Falcão et al. ", "\\[[@B23]\\] and Falcão et al. ", "\\[[@B24]\\].", "\n\nPeak at *m/z* 577.33 \\[M-H\\]^−^ (C~27~H~30~O~14~) in mass spectrum ([Figure 3](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) was identified as apigenin-O-rutinoside, which was further confirmed by MS/MS fragment ion peaks at *m/z* 559.33 that corresponds to the elimination of \\[M-H-H~2~O\\]^−^ and at *m/z* 269.33 due to the elimination of \\[M-H-rutinoside\\]^−^ ([Table 3](#tab3){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nA precursor ion at *m/z* 609.33 \\[M-H\\]^−^ (C~27~H~30~O~15~) in the negative ionization mode of mass spectrum ([Figure 3](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) and its MS/MS spectrum showed fragment ion peak at *m/z* 301.17, characteristic peak of rutin, formed after the loss of hexose residue (162 amu) or the direct loss of rutinoside residue \\[M-H-rutinoside\\]^−^. Therefore, these data and comparison with the literature produced by Cuyckens and Claeys, \\[[@B31]\\] led to the identification of peak as quercetin-3-*O*-rutinoside (rutin). ", "The peak at *m/z* 301 for rutin was also reported by Ibrahim et al. ", "\\[[@B32]\\].", "\n\nA peak at *m/z* 623.50 \\[M-H\\]^−^ (C~28~H~32~O~16~) in mass spectrum ([Figure 3](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) was identified as isorhamnetin-3-O-rutinoside, which showed MS/MS fragmentation ion peaks at *m/z* 315 by the elimination of \\[M-H-rutinoside\\]^−^ and at *m/z* 300.33 by the loss of \\[M-H-rutinoside-^·^CH~3~\\]^−^ ([Table 3](#tab3){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The fragment ion peaks identified in this study resembled the previous data reported by Falcão et al. ", "\\[[@B23]\\] and Falcão *et al*. ", "\\[[@B24]\\].", "\n\nA peak at *m/z* 637.42 in mass spectrum ([Figure 3](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) was identified as quercetin dimethyl ether-3-O-rutinoside, which showed MS/MS fragment ion peak at *m/z* 301.17 \\[M-H-2 CH3-rutinoside\\]^−^ ([Table 3](#tab3){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The present finding is in good agreement with the previously described fragment ions of quercetin dimethyl ether-3-O-rutinoside by Falcão et al. ", "\\[[@B23]\\] and Falcão et al. ", "\\[[@B24]\\].", "\n\nSix flavonoids including daidzein, luteolin, pectolinarigenin, apigenin-C-glucoside, kaempferol-3-7-dimethyl ether-3-O-glucoside, and apigenin-7-O-(6-methyl-beta-D-glucoside) were identified in the bioactive fraction of *Coriander sativum* when analyzed through positive ionization mode of LC-ESI-MS/MS. ", "The fragmentation pattern of these flavonoids presented with their MS^2^ spectra was comparable with previously reported literature \\[[@B33], [@B34]\\]. ", "Precursor ion peak at *m/z* 255.17 \\[M + H\\]^+^ (C~15~H~10~O~4~) in the mass spectrum ([Figure 4](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}) was identified as daidzein which produced fragment ion peaks at *m/z* 237.17 that corresponds to the loss of \\[M + H-OH\\]^+^ and at *m/z* 227.17 by the loss of \\[M + H-CO\\]^+^ in MS/MS spectrum specific for daidzein molecule ([Table 4](#tab4){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nLuteolin (C~15~H~10~O~6~) produced precursor ion peak at *m/z* 287.17 \\[M + H\\]^+^ in mass spectrum ([Figure 4](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}) and further confirmed from MS/MS fragment ion peaks at *m/z* 269.08 after the elimination of \\[M + H-H~2~O\\]^+^ and at *m/z* 259.17 after the removal of \\[M + H-CO\\]^+^ ([Table 4](#tab4){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The fragment ion peaks were in agreement with the fragment ion peaks of luteolin described by Santos et al. ", "\\[[@B34]\\] and Ibrahim et al. ", "\\[[@B32]\\].", "\n\nThe precursor ion peak at *m/z* 315.08 \\[M + H\\]^+^ (C~17~H~14~O~6~) in mass spectrum ([Figure 4](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}) was detected as pectolinarigenin. ", "This peak was further confirmed through MS/MS fragment ion peaks produced at *m/z* 297.17 by the loss of \\[M + H-H~2~O\\]^+^ and at *m/z* 243.08 by the elimination of \\[M + H − C~3~H~4~O~2~\\]^+^ ([Table 4](#tab4){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nA precursor ion at *m/z* 433.25 \\[M + H\\]^+^ (C~21~H~20~O~10~) was identified as apigenin-8-C-glycoside (apigenin-C-glucoside) in mass spectrum ([Figure 4](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The main product ion peaks in the MS/MS spectrum during positive ionization mode produced at *m/z* 415.25 due to dehydrations \\[M + H − H~2~O\\]^+^ and at *m/z* 271.08 due to the cleavage of the sugar ring \\[M + H-glucoside\\]. ", "These product ion peaks were also resembled to the peaks of apigenin-C-glucoside described in another study by Abad-Garcia et al. ", "\\[[@B33]\\] ([Table 4](#tab4){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The peak at *m/z* 477.25 \\[M + H\\]^+^ (C~23~H~24~O~11~) corresponds to kaempferol 3,7-dimethyl ether-3-O-glucoside in mass spectrum ([Figure 4](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}), which was further confirmed through the fragment ion peaks produced at *m/z* 315.17 by the loss of glucoside unit \\[M + H − glucoside\\]^+^ in the MS/MS spectrum ([Table 4](#tab4){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "A molecular ion peak at *m/z* 519.33 \\[M + H\\]^+^ (C~24~H~22~O~13~) was identified as apigenin-7-O-(6-malonyl-beta-d-glucoside) in mass spectrum ([Figure 4](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}), which produced fragment ion peaks at *m/z* 271.08 after the removal of \\[M + H-malonyl-glucoside\\]^+^ in the MS/MS spectrum ([Table 4](#tab4){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n4. ", "Discussion {#sec4}\n=============\n\nIn the present study, four secondary metabolites including flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, and steroids were fractionated from *Coriandrum sativum* and evaluated for ACE inhibition potential to find out the actual bioactive compounds responsible for ACE inhibition. ", "Extraction and isolation of desired components from the plants is not only necessary for purification and characterization purpose but also important for the identification of particular bioactive compounds used as ACE inhibitors. ", "The ACE inhibition potential of the flavonoid-rich fraction of *Coriandrum sativum* was higher than all other studied fractions. ", "Higher ACE inhibition potential of only flavonoid might be due to the presence of ACE inhibitor bioactive compounds in this fraction. ", "The leaves of *Coriandrum sativum* possess a significant ACE inhibition potential, while the seeds of this plant did not show any ACE inhibition potential \\[[@B8]\\]. ", "The high ACE inhibition potential of fresh leaves than the seeds of *Coriandrum sativum* is because of variation in nature and concentration of bioactive compounds in different parts of the same plant. ", "Moreover, the frequency distribution of variety of phytoconstituents in various parts of the plants may be different due to species and geonetical variations \\[[@B35]--[@B37]\\].", "\n\nPeptides and flavonoids are the most investigated classes of phytochemicals for their ACE inhibition potential. ", "Plant peptides commonly have IC~50~ values in the range of 16--310 *μ*g/mL \\[[@B28], [@B38], [@B39]\\]. ", "The flavonoid fraction extracted from *Coriandrum sativum* showed IC~50~ value 28.91 *μ*g/mL which confirmed that ACE inhibition potential of flavonoid fraction of *Coriandrum sativum* is comparable to ACE inhibition potential of peptides of other plants.", "\n\nFlavonoids are considered as chief antioxidants in the medicinal plants and can play a pivotal role in the prevention of cardiovascular and other oxidative stress-related disorders. ", "Other than combating free radicals, flavonoids are also having antihypertensive, antihistamine, antimicrobial, memory enhancing, and even mood-boosting properties. ", "A large number of experimental studies have been available to prove the use of flavonoid-rich food, supplements, or herbal preparation for the protection and treatment of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases \\[[@B29], [@B40]--[@B44]\\]. ", "Natural flavonoids, including hesperidin, rutin, and diosmetin, are utilized as basic ingredient in more than hundred herbal medicines that are being sold throughout the world \\[[@B45]\\]. ", "Remedial properties of flavonoids have been attributed to their ability to act as antioxidants, free radical scavengers, and chelators of divalent cations. ", "The biological mechanisms of flavonoids to control vascular function and hypertension seem to be concomitant with the accomplishment of nitric oxide (NO). ", "Although the mechanism involved in increased in production of NO is not fully understood, but it is expected that NO production might be controlled by the regulation of the renin angiotensin aldosterone system in endothelial cells. ", "ACE, being a key regulator of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), is if inhibited with flavonoids, can easily manage the blood pressure and related cardiovascular disorders. ", "ACE has been reported for exhibiting three active sites: a zinc ion, carboxylate-binding functionality, and a pocket that chelates a hydrophobic side chain of C-terminal amino acid residues. ", "ACE binds to the substrate through coordination with zinc ion present in the structure of the substrate; as a result of this binding, the carbonyl group becomes polarized and facilitate the nucleophilic attack. ", "Therefore, some flavonoids were reported to show *in vitro* ACE inhibition activity through chelation with zinc ion present on the active site of ACE. ", "Free hydroxyl groups of flavonoids have also been reported for the formation of chelate with zinc ions present on ACE \\[[@B46]\\]. ", "Possibly, flavonoids have functional groups which are able to form hydrogen bridges with the amino acids near at the active site \\[[@B47]--[@B49]\\].", "\n\nQuercetin, rutin, apigenin, and luteolin have already been identified in *Coriandrum sativum* \\[[@B50]--[@B52]\\], and many others have been identified through this study. ", "Furthermore, the leaves of *Coriandrum sativum* as a source of important therapeutical flavonoids particularly with ACE inhibition mechanism to combat with various cardiovascular diseases were explored for the first time in this study.", "\n\nThe ACE inhibition potential of different flavonoids is based on three principle structural features which include the presence of the double bond between C2 and C3 at C-ring, the presence of OH group at position 3′, 4′ of B ring \\[[@B53], [@B54]\\], and the carbonyl (CO) group on the C4 carbon in the C-ring \\[[@B55]\\] ([Scheme 1](#sch1){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nThe presence of a double bond between C2 and C3 is essential to maintain the planner structure of flavonoids responsible for inhibition of ACE. ", "The presence of the different hydroxyl groups also has prominent importance for the establishment of ACE inhibition potential of flavonoids \\[[@B53]\\]. ", "The exact position and number of the hydroxyl and carbonyl functional groups are key factors for ACE inhibition potential \\[[@B56], [@B57]\\]. ", "All the identified flavonoids of *Coriandrum sativum* possess the essential structural features required for the activity to regulate the ACE to ultimate control and manage blood pressure and other related cardiovascular diseases.", "\n\nSome of the flavonoid including pinocembrin, apigenin, quercetin, and rutin have already been reported as ACE inhibitors \\[[@B5], [@B58]\\], while many other important flavonoids were explored in this study including pseudobaptigenin, galangin-5-methyl ether, baicalein trimethyl ether, kaempferol dimethyl ether, pinobanksin-5-methylether-3-O-acetate, pinobanksin-3-O-pentenoate, pinobanksin-3-O-phenylpropionate, pinobanksin-3-O-pentanoate, apigenin-7-O-glucuronoide, quercetin-3-O-glucoside, apigenin-3-O-rutinoside, isorhamnetin-3-O-rutinoside, quercetin dimethyl ether-3-O-rutinoside, daidzein, luteolin, pectolinarigenin, apigenin-C-glucoside, kaempferol-3-7-dimethyl ether-3-O-glucoside, and apigenin-7-O-(6-methyl-beta-D-glucoside) that have never been evidenced earlier as ACE inhibitors. ", "All the flavonoids identified in *Coriandrum sativum* except pinocembrin, pinobanksin-5-methylether-3-O-acetate, pinobanksin-3-O-pentenoate, pinobanksin-3-O-phenylpropionate, and pinobanksin-3-O-pentanoate exhibited key structural features required for structural activity relationship to act as ACE inhibitors \\[[@B58]\\].", "\n\n5. ", "Conclusion {#sec5}\n=============\n\nIn addition to some already reporting flavonoids, many other new flavonoids like pseudobaptigenin, galangin-5-methyl ether, baicalein trimethyl ether, kaempferol dimethyl ether, apigenin-7-O-glucuronoide, quercetin-3-O-glucoside, apigenin-3-O-rutinoside, isorhamnetin-3-O-rutinoside, quercetin dimethyl ether-3-O-rutinoside, daidzein, luteolin, pectolinarigenin, apigenin-C-glucoside, kaempferol-3-7-dimethyl ether-3-O-glucoside, and apigenin-7-O-(6-methyl-beta-D-glucoside) identified in the leaves of *Coriandrum sativum* exhibited such structural features which are essential to inhibit the activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme. ", "Therefore, the leaves of *Coriandrum sativum*, as a source of therapeutic flavonoids, can manage blood pressure very efficiently. *", "Coriandrum sativum*, a common functional food, if used in an appropriate way, can prevent and even combat a variety of cardiovascular disorders.", "\n\nWe are grateful to the Pakistan Academy of Sciences (No. ", "5-9/PAS/724) and Higher Education Commission of Pakistan for the financial support of this study.", "\n\nData Availability\n=================\n\nThe data in the form of figures/tables and MS spectrum used to support the findings of this study are included within the article.", "\n\nConflicts of Interest\n=====================\n\nThe authors do not have any conflict of interests with other people or organizations.", "\n\n![", "ACE inhibition (%) of flavonoids fraction of *Coriandrum sativum* and captopril at different concentrations.](OMCL2018-4643736.001){#fig1}\n\n![", "LC-MS/MS spectrum (*m/z* 120--400) of flavonoid fraction of *Coriandrum sativum* generated through negative ionization mode.](OMCL2018-4643736.002){#fig2}\n\n![", "LC-MS/MS spectrum (*m/z* 400--900) of flavonoid fraction of *Coriandrum sativum* generated through negative ionization mode.](OMCL2018-4643736.003){#fig3}\n\n![", "LC-MS/MS spectrum (*m/z* 100--500) of flavonoid fraction of *Coriandrum sativum* generated through positive ionization mode.](OMCL2018-4643736.004){#fig4}\n\n![](", "OMCL2018-4643736.sch.001){#sch1}\n\n###### \n\nACE inhibition potential of bioactive compounds extracted from *Coriandrum sativum*.", "\n\n Treatments (100 *μ*g/mL) ACE inhibition (%)\n -------------------------- --------------------\n Steroids fraction −0.9 ± 1.47C\n Alkaloids fraction −32.79 ± 1.97D\n Flavonoids fraction 81.4 ± 0.48A\n Tannins fraction 2.3 ± 0.64B\n\nMeans sharing different letter are statistically significant (*P* \\> 0.05).", "\n\n###### \n\nIC~50~ values of flavonoid fraction of *Coriandrum sativum* and captopril.", "\n\n Sr. ", "no. ", " Extracts IC~50~ (*μ*g/mL)\n --------- -------------------- ------------------\n 1 Flavonoid fraction 28.91 ± 13.42\n 2 Captopril 4.68 ± 15.42\n\n###### \n\nName and structure of flavonoids identified from the flavonoid fraction of *Coriandrum sativum* through LC-MS in negative ionization mode.", "\n\n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Sr. ", "no. ", " Name of compounds MW R~t(Min)~ *λ* ~max~ (nm) HPLC/ESI-MS\\ HPLC/ESI-MS/MS\\\n *m/z* \\[M-H\\]^−^ *m/z* \\[M-H\\]^−^\n --------- ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------- ---------------- ------------------ ------------------------\n 1 Pinocembrin 256.25 6.20 288 255.25 237.17, 213.17, 211.17\n\n 2 Apigenin 270.24 7.39 325 269.33 153.08\n\n 3 Pseudobaptigenin 282.24 7.56 **---** 281.25 263.25, 237.17\n\n 4 Glangin-5-methyl ether 284.27 7.60 259,350 283.33 268.08, 239.25, 211.17\n\n 5 Quercetin 302.24 7.69 256 301.33 273.25, 257.25, 151.17\n\n 6 Baicalein trimethyl ether 312.32 7.75 **---** 311.17 257.17, 249.25, 153\n\n 7 Kaempferol dimethyl ether 314.29 7.79 339 313.75 298.08\n\n 8 Pinobanksin-5-methyl ether-3-O-acetate 328 7.84 292 327.33 285.33, 267.08, 239.05\n\n 9 Pinobanksin-3-O-pentenoate 354.11 7.98 291 353.25 271.33, 253.08\n\n 10 Pinobanksin-3-O-pentanoate 356.11 8.02 292 355.42 271.33, 253.08\n\n 11 Pinobanksin-3-O-phenyl propionate 404.25 8.36 292 403.25 325.17, 253.17\n\n 12 Apigenin-7-O-glucuronide 446 8.42 325 445.17 269.08, 175.17\n\n 13 Quercetin-3-O-glucoside 464 8.49 256,354 463.17 301.17, 300.17\n\n 14 Apigenin-3-O-rutinoside 578 8.96 325 577.33 559.33, 269.33\n\n 15 Rutin 612 9.29 256,353 611.40 609.25, 301.17\n\n 16 Isorhamnetin-3-O-rutinoside 624 9.46 253,346 623.50 315.00, 300.33\n\n 17 Quercetin dimethyl ether-3-O-rutinoside 638 9.60 253,349 637.25 301.17\n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n###### \n\nName and structure of flavonoids identified from the flavonoid fraction of *Coriandrum sativum* through LC-MS in positive ionization mode.", "\n\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Sr. ", "no. ", " Name of compounds MW R~t(Min)~ *λ* ~max~ (nm) HPLC/ESI-MS\\ HPLC/ESI-MS/MS\\\n *m/z* \\[M-H\\]^−^ *m/z* \\[M-H\\]^−^\n --------- --------------------------------------------- ----- ----------- ---------------- ------------------ ------------------\n 1 Daidzein 254 0.75 **---** 255.17 237.17, 227.17\n\n 2 Luteolin 286 0.91 253,350 287.17 153.08\n\n 3 Pectolinarigenin 314 1.23 **---** 315.08 297.17, 243.08\n\n 4 Apigenin-C-glucoside 432 1.72 268, 325 433.25 415.25, 271.08\n\n 5 Kaempferol-3,7-dimethyl ether-3-O-glucoside 476 1.98 265,346 477.17 315.17\n\n 6 Apigenin 7-O-(6-malonyl-beta-d-glucoside) 518 2.39 325 519.33 271.08\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n[^1]: Guest Editor: Felipe L. de Oliveira\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAssociated type family fails, works when made standalone\n\nWhen I have code like the following:\nclass C where\n type T t1 t2\n ...\n\ninstance C (X t) where\n type T (X t) (t a b) = a\n ...\n\nI get the error (with GHC head):\n• Polymorphic type indexes of associated type ‘T’\n (i.e. ones independent of the class type variables)\n must be distinct type variables\n\nPresumably this is because (t a b) is not a simple variable like the error implies it should be.", "\nBut I can simply reorganise the code like the following:\ntype family T t1 t2\n\nclass C where\n ...\n\ntype instance T (X t) (t a b) = a\n\ninstance C (X t) where\n ....\n\nAnd then everything seems to work fine now.", "\nBecause a slightly messier syntax, do I lose anything by taking type family definitions out of classes, or are in-class definitions just syntactic sugar so taking them out is a relatively cost free workaround?", "\n\nA:\n\nThis\ntype family T t1 t2\ntype instance T (X t) (t a b) = a\n\nroughly works like this\nclass K t1 t1 where\n type T t1 t2\ninstance K (X t) (t a b) where\n type T (X t) (t a b) = a\n\nNote how all the variables t1,t2 are parameters of class K.\nIndeed, this is required when variables occur more than once (i.e. non-linearly), as the posted error states:\n• Polymorphic type indexes of associated type ‘T’\n (i.e. ones independent of the class type variables)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n must be distinct type variables\n\nSo, either you add all these type variables to your class, or - to the same effect - you move the type family outside the class.", "\n\nThis compiles in GHC 8.0.", "\n{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, PolyKinds #-}\n\ndata X (t :: k) = X\n\nclass C t1 where\n type T t1 t2\n\ninstance C (X (t :: * -> * -> *)) where\n type T (X t) (t a b) = a\n\n" ]
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[ "Oregon Secretary of State Dennis Richardson (R) has died of brain cancer, his office said Wednesday morning. ", "He was 69.", "\n\nRichardson was just over two years into his term as Oregon’s top elections and administration official. ", "He served six terms in the state legislature before leaving to run for governor in 2014, a race he lost narrowly to the incumbent Democrat.", "\n\nHe made a comeback in 2016, becoming one of the only Republicans to win statewide office in Oregon over the last several decades. ", "He was diagnosed in May with glioblastoma, the same form of brain cancer that claimed the life of the late Sen. John McCain John Sidney McCainCindy McCain endorses Biden: He's only candidate 'who stands up for our values' Biden says Cindy McCain will endorse him Biden's six best bets in 2016 Trump states MORE (R-Ariz.).", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\nIn a statement, deputy Secretary of State Leslie Cummings said Richardson died late Tuesday at his home, surrounded by family and friends. ", "Cummings said Richardson lived by the motto \"Pro Tanto Quid Retribuamus\" — \"having been given much, what will you give in return?\"", "\n\n“Dennis leaves a legacy of always aiming high, expecting excellence, moving fast, and doing what is right for the people. ", "It has been an honor and a privilege to work with such an incredible leader and wonderful friend. ", "He will be greatly missed,” Cummings said.", "\n\nRichardson, who served as a combat helicopter pilot in the Vietnam War, is survived by his wife, Cathy Richardson, their nine children and 31 grandchildren.", "\n\nGov. Kate Brown (D), who held the office before Dennis Richardson, will appoint his successor." ]
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[ "[Advantages and limitations of the cardiovascular risk charts].", "\nThe absolute risk of cardiovascular events depends on the individual's global risk profile, obtained from estimating the effects of multiple risk factors in the subject. ", "Several risk charts have been prepared by National Societies to calculate the probability of an individual to suffer coronary events during a 10-year follow-up period. ", "In 1998 the Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology published a risk chart which was diffused to promote primary prevention in the general population. ", "However, some limitations apply to this model in Italy because the Framingham Study equation, which was implemented jointly by AHA/ACC for the assessment of cardiovascular risk, works in high risk North American populations but may overestimate risk in Mediterranean countries. ", "On the other hand, the Carta Italiana del Rischio Cardiovascolare, derived successively from 3 different heterogeneous clinical studies to describe the risk profile, calculates the total cardiovascular burden in our population. ", "The main advantage of introducing risk charts is the spread of prevention in the general population to reduce excess risk (> 20%) through suitable treatment. ", "Thus, the assessment of high risk subjects warrants significant economic resources, and so it is important that it be appropriate. ", "The Osservatorio Epidemiologico Cardiovascolare has collected data on the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in Italy, which could be easily integrated for a risk calculation appropriate to our country." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow do I show my website on a Node.js server?", "\n\nI'm very new to the process of web servers, and one of the tricks I am having difficulty understanding is how I would have my html files displayed using node.", "\nThis is an example file from the AngularJS tutorial (http://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial/step_00)\nWith the source for the server:\n#!", "/usr/bin/env node\n\nvar util = require('util'),\n http = require('http'),\n fs = require('fs'),\n url = require('url'),\n events = require('events');\n\nvar DEFAULT_PORT = 8000;\n\nfunction main(argv) {\n new HttpServer({\n 'GET': createServlet(StaticServlet),\n 'HEAD': createServlet(StaticServlet)\n }).start(Number(argv[2]) || DEFAULT_PORT);\n}\n\nfunction escapeHtml(value) {\n return value.toString().", "\n replace('<', '&lt;').", "\n replace('>', '&gt;').", "\n replace('\"', '&quot;');\n}\n\nfunction createServlet(Class) {\n var servlet = new Class();\n return servlet.handleRequest.bind(servlet);\n}\n\n/**\n * An Http server implementation that uses a map of methods to decide\n * action routing.", "\n *\n * @param {Object} Map of method => Handler function\n */\nfunction HttpServer(handlers) {\n this.handlers = handlers;\n this.server = http.createServer(this.handleRequest_.bind(this));\n}\n\nHttpServer.prototype.start = function(port) {\n this.port = port;\n this.server.listen(port);\n util.puts('Http Server running at http://localhost:' + port + '/');\n};\n\nHttpServer.prototype.parseUrl_ = function(urlString) {\n var parsed = url.parse(urlString);\n parsed.pathname = url.resolve('/', parsed.pathname);\n return url.parse(url.format(parsed), true);\n};\n\nHttpServer.prototype.handleRequest_ = function(req, res) {\n var logEntry = req.method + ' ' + req.url;\n if (req.headers['user-agent']) {\n logEntry += ' ' + req.headers['user-agent'];\n }\n util.puts(logEntry);\n req.url = this.parseUrl_(req.url);\n var handler = this.handlers[req.method];\n if (!", "handler) {\n res.writeHead(501);\n res.end();\n } else {\n handler.call(this, req, res);\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Handles static content.", "\n */\nfunction StaticServlet() {}\n\nStaticServlet.", "MimeMap = {\n 'txt': 'text/plain',\n 'html': 'text/html',\n 'css': 'text/css',\n 'xml': 'application/xml',\n 'json': 'application/json',\n 'js': 'application/javascript',\n 'jpg': 'image/jpeg',\n 'jpeg': 'image/jpeg',\n 'gif': 'image/gif',\n 'png': 'image/png',\n  'svg': 'image/svg+xml'\n};\n\nStaticServlet.prototype.handleRequest = function(req, res) {\n var self = this;\n var path = ('./' + req.url.pathname).replace('//','/').replace(/%(..)/g, function(match, hex){\n return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex, 16));\n });\n var parts = path.split('/');\n if (parts[parts.length-1].charAt(0) === '.')", "\n return self.sendForbidden_(req, res, path);\n fs.stat(path, function(err, stat) {\n if (err)\n return self.sendMissing_(req, res, path);\n if (stat.isDirectory())\n return self.sendDirectory_(req, res, path);\n return self.sendFile_(req, res, path);\n });\n}\n\nStaticServlet.prototype.sendError_ = function(req, res, error) {\n res.writeHead(500, {\n 'Content-Type': 'text/html'\n });\n res.write('<!doctype html>\\n');\n res.write('<title>Internal Server Error</title>\\n');\n res.write('<h1>Internal Server Error</h1>');\n res.write('<pre>' + escapeHtml(util.inspect(error)) + '</pre>');\n util.puts('500 Internal Server Error');\n util.puts(util.inspect(error));\n};\n\nStaticServlet.prototype.sendMissing_ = function(req, res, path) {\n path = path.substring(1);\n res.writeHead(404, {\n 'Content-Type': 'text/html'\n });\n res.write('<!doctype html>\\n');\n res.write('<title>404 Not Found</title>\\n');\n res.write('<h1>Not Found</h1>');\n res.write(\n '<p>The requested URL ' +\n escapeHtml(path) +\n ' was not found on this server.</p>'\n );\n res.end();\n util.puts('404 Not Found: ' + path);\n};\n\nStaticServlet.prototype.sendForbidden_ = function(req, res, path) {\n path = path.substring(1);\n res.writeHead(403, {\n 'Content-Type': 'text/html'\n });\n res.write('<!doctype html>\\n');\n res.write('<title>403 Forbidden</title>\\n');\n res.write('<h1>Forbidden</h1>');\n res.write(\n '<p>You do not have permission to access ' +\n escapeHtml(path) + ' on this server.</p>'\n );\n res.end();\n util.puts('403 Forbidden: ' + path);\n};\n\nStaticServlet.prototype.sendRedirect_ = function(req, res, redirectUrl) {\n res.writeHead(301, {\n 'Content-Type': 'text/html',\n 'Location': redirectUrl\n });\n res.write('<!doctype html>\\n');\n res.write('<title>301 Moved Permanently</title>\\n');\n res.write('<h1>Moved Permanently</h1>');\n res.write(\n '<p>The document has moved <a href=\"' +\n redirectUrl +\n '\">here</a>.</p>'\n );\n res.end();\n util.puts('301 Moved Permanently: ' + redirectUrl);\n};\n\nStaticServlet.prototype.sendFile_ = function(req, res, path) {\n var self = this;\n var file = fs.createReadStream(path);\n res.writeHead(200, {\n 'Content-Type': StaticServlet.", "\n MimeMap[path.split('.", "').pop()] || 'text/plain'\n });\n if (req.method === 'HEAD') {\n res.end();\n } else {\n file.on('data', res.write.bind(res));\n file.on('close', function() {\n res.end();\n });\n file.on('error', function(error) {\n self.sendError_(req, res, error);\n });\n }\n};\n\nStaticServlet.prototype.sendDirectory_ = function(req, res, path) {\n var self = this;\n if (path.match(/[^\\/]$/)) {\n req.url.pathname += '/';\n var redirectUrl = url.format(url.parse(url.format(req.url)));\n return self.sendRedirect_(req, res, redirectUrl);\n }\n fs.readdir(path, function(err, files) {\n if (err)\n return self.sendError_(req, res, error);\n\n if (!", "files.length)\n return self.writeDirectoryIndex_(req, res, path, []);\n\n var remaining = files.length;\n files.forEach(function(fileName, index) {\n fs.stat(path + '/' + fileName, function(err, stat) {\n if (err)\n return self.sendError_(req, res, err);\n if (stat.isDirectory()) {\n files[index] = fileName + '/';\n }\n if (!(", "--remaining))\n return self.writeDirectoryIndex_(req, res, path, files);\n });\n });\n });\n};\n\nStaticServlet.prototype.writeDirectoryIndex_ = function(req, res, path, files) {\n path = path.substring(1);\n res.writeHead(200, {\n 'Content-Type': 'text/html'\n });\n if (req.method === 'HEAD') {\n res.end();\n return;\n }\n res.write('<!doctype html>\\n');\n res.write('<title>' + escapeHtml(path) + '</title>\\n');\n res.write('<style>\\n');\n res.write(' ol { list-style-type: none; font-size: 1.2em; }\\n');\n res.write('</style>\\n');\n res.write('<h1>Directory: ' + escapeHtml(path) + '</h1>');\n res.write('<ol>');\n files.forEach(function(fileName) {\n if (fileName.charAt(0) !", "== '.') {", "\n res.write('<li><a href=\"' +\n escapeHtml(fileName) + '\">' +\n escapeHtml(fileName) + '</a></li>');\n }\n });\n res.write('</ol>');\n res.end();\n};\n\n// Must be last,\nmain(process.argv);'\n\nWhy does this code display an html file? ", "I can't find any reference to index.html within the code\n\nA:\n\nThe server doesn't specifically reference index.html or any other file. ", "Instead, it includes logic for looking up a file based on a request (primarily in the handleRequest_ and handleRequest functions). ", "It also generates HTML itself for cases like directory listings.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Schlumberger Technology Corporation, the assignee of the present invention, has pioneered the use of Modular Formation Dynamics Testers (MDTs) and other down hole tools. ", "The Modular Formation Dynamics Tester is one of several very useful instruments for obtaining formation fluid samples. ", "The MDT tool is suspended by a wire line and then lowered into the borehole of the well. ", "The instrument is secured to the walls of the borehole and samples of the formation fluid are extracted. ", "Such a tool is illustrated in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,860,581, issued to Zimmerman et al on Aug. 29, 1989.", "\nFluid sampling tools comprise a pumpout module that can be used to draw fluids from the formation, circulate them through the instrument for analysis, and then expel these fluids to the borehole. ", "The MDT can also retain samples of formation fluids in sampling bottles, which are then transported to the surface. ", "The samples are transferred at the surface from the sampling bottles to transportation bottles. ", "The formation fluid samples are then sent to pressure-volume-temperature laboratories (PVT labs) for analysis of their composition and their physical properties. ", "Conventional PVT labs provide a broad range of measurements and services.", "\nIt is essential to know the bubble point of crude oil, because when the borehole pressure drops below the bubble point pressure during production, gas bubbles form in the porous rock reservoir. ", "This dramatically decreases the oil phase relative permeability. ", "Knowledge of the bubble point is also useful in determining the composition of the hydrocarbon mixture in the reservoir.", "\nThe best current practice of measuring bubble point is to bring a sample of fluid to the surface to be sent to a laboratory. ", "There, the sample is placed in a cylinder, the volume of which is increased by a piston. ", "Pressure is monitored by a gauge. ", "The bubble point is normally considered to be the pressure at which a break (knee) appears in the pressure versus volume (P-V) curve.", "\nHowever, this technique has several disadvantages. ", "It is time consuming to bring a fluid sample to the surface, transfer it to the (possibly distant) laboratory, and await the result. ", "Further limitations of this technique are: (1) only a few samples (typically six or fewer) can be transported to the surface on each tool run; (2) samples are altered by pressure and/or temperature changes when they are brought to the surface; (3) sample composition can change as a result of imperfect transfer from sampling bottle to transportation bottle, and to laboratory apparatus; (4) typically, a delay of several weeks occurs between the time of fluid sampling and the receipt of the laboratory report; (5) it is not known whether the sample and data are valid until long after the opportunity to take further samples passes; (6) high pressure, toxic, explosive samples must be transported, handled by wellsite and laboratory personnel, and disposed of, creating numerous potential health, safety and environmental problems.", "\nThe break in the aforementioned P-V curve is unreliable for determining the bubble point. ", "A more reliable method is to observe bubble formation in the cylinder by use of a sight glass. ", "In this manner, bubbles may be detected visually. ", "They may also be measured by the transmission of near infrared light, since the bubble point is associated with attenuation of the light beam.", "\nA number of down hole measurement techniques have been proposed for making a bubble point measurement within a down hole tool. ", "These methods are described in U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "5,329,811; 5,473,939; 5,587,525; 5,622,223; and 5,635,631.", "\nAs described in the above-mentioned patents, fluid is isolated in the flow line, and then a pump (the same one used to extract fluid from the formation) is used to expand the volume. ", "A pressure gauge is used to monitor the P-V curve.", "\nSeveral problems exist with these prior art methods of determining bubble point. ", "First, the measurement is very time consuming. ", "At each stage of the expansion, it is necessary to allow bubbles to nucleate.", "\nIn U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,635,631, a gas is formed slowly, \"relative to the amount of time taken to expand the sample.\" ", "A full bubble point determination can require over an hour. ", "Identifying a single pressure, following the maximum expansion, as the bubble point pressure, is clearly inaccurate, since it assumes that the compressibility of the hydrocarbon below the bubble point pressure is negligible. ", "This assumption is erroneous, and can lead to substantial errors in bubble point pressure determination.", "\nTo detect phase changes of complex hydrocarbon mixtures, it is necessary to nucleate bubbles or drops of the new phase and to detect these bubbles. ", "In standard laboratory apparatus, and in prior art down hole tools, the bubbles or drops are formed at arbitrary locations in the fluid volume, and then detected by pressure-volume measurements, or by detecting bubbles at another site (e.g., in the beam between a source and detector of light). ", "Both of these methods are characterized by a delay between the arrival at the thermodynamic phase line and the initiation of phase change, and then a delay between the phase change and its detection. ", "The methods and tools of this invention solve both problems.", "\nIn a related prior art publication [SPE 30610 (1995) Michaels (Western)] a technique is described in which the volume is increased as the pressure is monitored. ", "Special significance is attached to the pressure at which the P-V curve departs from linearity. ", "The authors cautiously declined to call this pressure the bubble point. ", "This criterion may aid in collecting a sample for surface analysis, but it is not helpful in planning reservoir operations. ", "This pressure may underestimate the bubble point, if the appearance of bubbles is delayed by retarded nucleation. ", "Thus, maintaining the production pressure at this level during oil production may lead to formation of gas in the formation, and thus reduced productivity.", "\nThe present invention addresses a method of providing a down hole method of making rapid, accurate measurements of bubble point using a down hole tool, such as an MDT tool.", "\nThe dew point is the most important thermodynamic parameter associated with gas condensate reservoirs. ", "Gas condensate reservoirs produce gas at high pressure. ", "As the pressure drops, liquid is formed. ", "When this happens in the pore space of the rock, the permeability to gas flow is greatly reduced, with accompanying loss of production. ", "Therefore, it is important to maintain the pressure of gas condensate reservoirs above the dew point for as long as possible.", "\nSensors have been developed to measure the dew point of ordinary humid air. ", "A cooled plate provides a definite location for the nucleation of liquid drops. ", "The plate is part of a mass-sensitive sensor, such as an acoustic surface wave resonator, which detects the first presence of the liquid. ", "H. Ziegler and K. Rolf, \"Quartz Sensor for Automatic Dew-Point Hygrometry\", Sensors and Actuators, Vol. ", "11, pp. ", "37-44 (1987).", "\nDevices of this kind will often fail when used to measure the dew point of gas condensates under down hole conditions. ", "This is so, because mixtures of hydrocarbons found in reservoirs can have unusual phase diagrams. ", "As the pressure is reduced, the first condensation of liquid can occur at either the hottest or the coldest point accessible to the mixture. ", "Amyx, Bass, Whiting, \"Petroleum Reservoir Engineering\", McGraw-Hill, 1960, pp. ", "220-229." ]
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[ "Ya se respira Postemporada en Cuba\n\nYa se sabe quiénes son los 4 grandes del béisbol cubano que animarán la postemporada en la edición número 59 de la Serie Nacional.", "\n\nEste martes 24 de diciembre con la clasificación de Industriales fueron llenados el total de cupos que lucharán en la postemporada por estar en la Gran Final de la pelota de la perla del Caribe.", "\n\nJunto a los azules de la capital están también los conjuntos de Camagüey, Las Tunas y Matanzas.", "\n\nEn ese mismo sentido, este 25 de diciembre quedaron definidos los partidos que podían influir en el resultado de final de contienda y con ello queda claro también cuáles serán los juegos que se disputarán. ", "El primer lugar de la tabla de posiciones, los Toros de Camagüey se medirán ante los Leones que son cuartos. ", "Los Cocodrilos matanceros, que son segundos, tendrán que vérselas con los Leñadores de Las Tunas quienes ocupan el puesto tres.", "\n\n¡Las semifinales ya están listas! ", "La acción arrancará el próximo 3 de enero de 2020. ", "Se medirán entonces en una serie de 5 juegos en la que clasificará a la final quien primero consiga 3 victorias.", "\n\nLos ganadores de estos choques pasarán a la ya mencionada Gran Final que será jugada a 7 juegos.", "\n\nSeguiremos de cerca el béisbol cubano.", "\n\nEstoy en Twitter como @javier_cuba92\n\nÚnete a mi comunidad en Facebook @BéisbolPlus\n\nTambién aparecemos en Telegram\n\nLos mejores implementos para jugar al «Rey de los Deportes» los tiene:\n\n\n\n\n\nTransmisiones en vivo de todos los juegos de la temporada del MLB sólo en ESPN+. ¡", "Empieza tu prueba gratuita de 7 días hoy!", "\n\n¿Quieres saber más sobre las ultimas noticias del mundo del Béisbol?", "\n\nPara entrevistas y todo lo relacionado con los Yankees, siga nuestro podcast:\n\nLa Semana de los Bombarderos\n\nSi aún no se ha suscrito a nuestro blog lo puede hacer aquí:\n\nSuscríbete al blog por correo electrónico\n\nTambién lo invitamos a seguirnos en las redes sociales:\n\nFacebook: @conlasbasesllenas\n\nTwitter: @conlasbasesfull\n\nInstagram: @conlasbasesllenas\n\nLo invitamos a divertirse y hablar de béisbol en nuestro\n\nPodcast «Con Las Bases Llenas», no se lo pueden perder!", "\n\nY por último seguir nuestro programa de Youtube:\n\nQue pasa MLB\n\nImágenes utilizadas son autorizadas a reutilizar\n\nCompártelo\n\nPinterest Linkedin Reddit Tumblr\n\nMe gusta esto: Me gusta Cargando..." ]
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[ "Crisis or Creation?", "\n\nA Systematic Examination of \"False Memory Syndrome\"\n\nby\n\nStephanie J. Dallam\n\nLeadership Council\n\nCitation: Dallam, S. J. (2002). ", "Crisis or Creation: A systematic examination of false memory claims. ", "Journal of Child Sexual Abuse,9 (3/4), 9-36.", "\n\nSimultaneously published as a chapter in Misinformation Concerning Child Sexual Abuse and Adult Survivors (Charles L. Whitfield, MD, FASAM; Joyanna Silberg, PhD; and Paul Jay Fink, MD, Eds.) ", "Haworth Press, 2002\n\nArticle copies available for a fee from The Haworth Document Delivery Service: 1-800-HAWORTH. ", "E-mail address getinfo@haworthpressinc.com Webiste: http://www.HaworthPress.com\n\n©2001 by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved\n\nSUMMARY\n\nIn 1992, the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF), an advocacy organization for people claiming to be falsely accused of sexual abuse, announced the discovery of a new syndrome in-\n\n*page 10*\n\nvolving iatrogenically created false memories of childhood sexual abuse. ", "This article critically examines the assumptions underlying \"False Memory Syndrome\" to determine whether there is sufficient empirical evidence to support it as a valid diagnostic construct. ", "Epidemiological evidence is also examined to determine whether there is data to support its advocates' claim of a public health crisis or epidemic. ", "A review of the relevant literature demonstrates that the existence of such a syndrome lacks general acceptance in the mental health field, and that the construct is based on a series of faulty assumptions, many of which have been scientifically disproven. ", "There is a similar lack of empirical validation for claims of a \"false memory\" epidemic. ", "It is concluded that in the absence of any substantive scientific support, \"False Memory Syndrome\" is best characterized as a pseudoscientific syndrome that was developed to defend against claims of child abuse.", "\n\nKEYWORDSs: Amnesia, child sexual abuse, epidemic, false memory, incest, legislation, pseudoscience, public policy, recovered memory, syndrome evidence, suggestibility.", "\n\nIntroduction\n\n\"False Memory Syndrome\" has been described as a widespread social phenomenon where misguided therapists cause patients to invent memories of sexual abuse (McCarty & Hough, 1992). ", "The syndrome was described and named by the families and professionals who comprise the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (see Freyd, March 1993, p. 4), an organization formed by parents claiming to be falsely accused of child sexual abuse. ", "Proponents of the syndrome claim that it is occurring at epidemic levels, and some have gone so far as to characterize it as the mental health crisis of the 1990s (e.g., Gardner, 1993, p. 370). ", "Critics, on the other hand, have suggested that the syndrome is based on vague, unsubstantiated generalizations, which do not hold up to scientific scrutiny (e.g., Page, 1999), and that the syndrome's primary purpose is to discredit victims' testimony (e.g., Murphy, 1997). ", "This article critically examines the assumptions underlying the concept to determine whether there is sufficient empirical evidence to support \"False Memory Syndrome\" as a valid diagnostic construct. ", "Epidemiological evidence is then examined to determine whether there is data to support claims of either a public health crisis or epi-\n\n*page 11*\n\ndemic.", "\n\nTHE MAKING OF A MOVEMENT:\n\nThe History of the FMSF\n\nTwo consistent findings have emerged from research on child sexual abuse: the problem is widespread (e.g., Finkelhor, 1994) and child abuse is extensively undisclosed and underreported (e.g., Lawson & Chaffin, 1992; National Clearinghouse on Family Violence, 1997). ", "Even when reported, child sexual abuse is extremely difficult to prosecute and few perpetrators are ever brought to justice (Dziech & Schudson, 1989). ", "Despite research showing that children rarely confabulate stories of abuse (e.g., Goodwin, Sahd, & Rada, 1979; Thoennes & Tjaden, 1990), offenders often convincingly argue that their accuser has falsely accused them. ", "In addition, the legal system has historically viewed children as the property of their parents and professionals have discounted women's reports of incestuous abuse as wishful fantasies (Haugaard & Reppucci, 1988). ", "As a result, legal and mental health professionals have tended to be overly suspicious of and unresponsive to reports of sexual abuse (Clevenger, 1992).", "\n\nIn the 1980s, some incest victims attempted to hold their abusers accountable by seeking compensation in courts for abuse-related injuries. ", "Although, many had corroboration for their abuse, most lawsuits were disallowed because the time period (i.e., statute of limitations) in which they had to raise such a claim had expired. ", "Most state laws consider sexual abuse to be a personal injury, which tend to have short statute of limitations. ", "Consequently, actions were generally time-barred by a victim's 19th or 20th birthday -- an age where most people are still dependent on their parents.", "\n\nArmed with a growing body of research and clinical literature (e.g., Herman & Schatzow, 1987; Terr, 1991) showing that many child abuse victims experience traumatic or dissociative amnesia, or for other reasons are unable to recognize the harm the abuse has caused them until they are well into adulthood, advocates lobbied state legislatures to extend the time period for filing suits. ", "Many states responded by extending statutes of limitations for civil actions related to child sexual abuse and, for the first time, many incest perpetrators were within reach of the law. ", "However, for the most part, only victims who claimed to have recently remembered their abuse qualified for this exception in the statute of limitations (Brown, Scheflin, & Hammond, 1998).", "\n\nAccused parents, many of whom were affluent and respected members of the community, sought out defense lawyers and psychological experts for help in defending against abuse-related claims. ", "A new concept, \"False Memory Syndrome,\" was advanced by parents and professionals as an alternative explanation for delayed memories of sexual abuse (see, P. Freyd, March 1993, p. 4) and in March 1992 the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) was founded.", "\n\n*page 12*\n\nThe foundation's leaders, Pamela and Peter Freyd, were motivated because their adult daughter privately accused Peter of sexually abusing her as a child. ", "They were put in touch with other parents claiming to be falsely accused by Dr. Harold Lief (Calof, 1993a), who was later revealed to be Pamela's personal psychiatrist (J. Freyd, 1993). ", "Families were also referred by Ralph Underwager and Hollida Wakefield, a husband and wife team who are prominent advocates for people accused of molesting children. ", "A frequent defense expert witness, Underwager's philosophy concerning the prosecution of child sexual abuse has been summed up by the statement that it is \"more desirable that a thousand children in abuse situations are not discovered than for one innocent person to be convicted wrongly\" (Kraft, 1985, p. 1).", "\n\nUnderwager and Wakefield were also instrumental in helping the Freyds organize the foundation (P. Freyd, May 21, 1992; Underwager & Wakefield, 1994). ", "The original toll-free number for the FMSF rang at Underwager's private Institute for Psychological Therapies, and Underwager and Wakefield developed the initial questionnaire used to survey families who contacted the FMSF (P. Freyd, May 21, 1992).1\n\nWith the help of Harold Lief and Marin Orne,2 the FMSF quickly gathered a respectable appearing advisory board, giving the new syndrome an aura of scientific acceptance (P. Freyd, June 1998, p. 1). ", "Although, the FMSF was billed as a scientific organization, its actions were mainly geared toward defending parents against abuse accusations and blaming them on psychotherapists. ", "According to Pamela Freyd (1992, May 1), \"This Foundation came into being because many of us believe that we have been judged guilty by therapists who have never met us . . . \" (", "p. 1). ", "According to Martin Gardner (1993), a prominent member of the FMSF Scientific and Professional Advisory Board, the FMSF was formed \"to combat a fast-growing epidemic of dubious therapy that is ripping thousands of families apart, scarring patients for life, and breaking the hearts of innocent parents and other relatives\" (p. 370).", "\n\nDespite the fact that \"False Memory Syndrome\" remained undefined and had never been the subject of any research, the FMSF focused its early activities on influencing the media and legal system. ", "In its first official newsletter, supporters were told that the main activities the foundation would be: (1) \"press releases with accurate information on topics such as child abuse statistics and memory\"; (2) developing a resource center and database for legal cases involving repressed memories; (3) a study of beliefs of mental health professionals; and (4) \"other things that you tell us need to be done to help you\" (\"Foundation Activities\", March 1992, p. 2).", "\n\nAfter surveying its members, the FMSF reported that most parents who joined the organization were concerned that they were going to be sued by their children (\"Legal Actions,\" June 12, 1992, p. 2). ", "Some had even been\n\n*page 13*\n\ncriminally convicted for molesting children (FMSF, 1993). ", "An early FMSF newsletter assured these parents that, \"the FMS Foundation Legal Advisory Board is working with all possible speed\" (\"Legal News,\" November 1992). ", "The FMSF immediately began to disseminate information to the media concerning this burgeoning \"epidemic\" of what the foundation alleged to be false memories.", "\n\nEVALUATION OF \"FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME\"\n\nAS A DIAGNOSTIC CONSTRUCT\n\nDefinition of \"False Memory Syndrome\"\n\nThe definition of \"False Memory Syndrome\" did not evolve from clinical studies; rather the purported syndrome's description is based on the accounts of parents claiming to be falsely accused of child sexual abuse, usually by their adult daughters. ", "As a result, more than a year after her organization was founded, Pamela Freyd, the FMSF's Executive Director, was still unable to articulate a list of the signs and symptoms that characterize the \"syndrome\" (Calof, 1993a). ", "The FMSF later adopted the following definition, offered by research psychologist and then FMSF advisor John Kihlstrom3 (1993):\n\nWhen a memory is distorted, or confabulated, the result can be what has been called the False Memory Syndrome --a condition in which a person's identity and interpersonal relationships are centered around a memory of traumatic experience which is objectively false but in which the person strongly believes. ", "Note that the syndrome is not characterized by false memories as such. ", "We all have memories that are inaccurate. ", "Rather, the syndrome may be diagnosed when the memory is so deeply engrained that it orients the individual's entire personality and lifestyle, in turn disrupting all sorts of other adaptive behaviors. ", "The analogy to personality disorder is intentional. ", "False Memory Syndrome is especially destructive because the person assiduously avoids confrontation with any evidence that might challenge the memory. ", "Thus it takes on a life of its own, encapsulated, and resistant to correction. ", "The person may become so focused on the memory that he or she may be effectively distracted from coping with the real problems in his or her life. (", "p.10)\n\nAccording to Campbell Perry (1995), a member of the FMSF Scientific and Professional Advisory Board, the main distinguishing feature of \"False Memory Syndrome\" is that \"an individual enters therapy with a `recovered memory' therapist; one who believes that all psychic distresses are the product of repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse, and who interprets all failures\n\n*page 14*\n\nto recall the incest as evidence of 'denial'\" (p. 192). ", "The therapist than uses \"disguised\" hypnosis (i.e., procedures such as guided imagery, relaxation, dream analysis, regression work and sodium amytal) to elicit abuse-related \"memories\" (p. 189). ", "The real tragedy of \"False Memory Syndrome,\" according to Pamela Freyd, is that afflicted patients lose their families and all their \"memory of childhood happiness\" ( Taylor , 1992).", "\n\nThe FMSF's Index Case\n\n\"False Memory Syndrome\" is unconventional in that it is usually \"diagnosed\" without any supporting clinical evaluation. ", "The earliest publicized case of what was purported to be \"False Memory Syndrome\" is that of Jennifer Freyd, the daughter of FMSF founders Peter and Pamela Freyd. ", "In December 1990, Jennifer, a respected psychologist and memory researcher, privately accused her father of sexually abusing her. ", "Ten months later, Pamela anonymously published an article in Issues in Child Abuse Accusations, an obscure journal devoted to defending against child abuse accusations published by Ralph Underwager. ", "In the article, Pamela claimed her daughter had falsely accused her father of incest and that \"the accusations arose during the course of therapy in which the therapist elicited `repressed memories'\" (Doe, 1991, p. 154 ).", "\n\nAlthough it appeared under the pseudonym \"Jane Doe,\" Pamela mailed the article, and revealed both her own and her daughter's real identity, to many people including senior members of Jennifer's department, who received it at the time they were deciding whether to promote her. ", "Hechler (1996) noted that the portrait that the article painted of Jennifer was far from flattering. \"", "She was described during various periods of her life as sexually promiscuous, professionally unproductive, anorexic and sexually frustrated.\"", "\n\nWhen Jennifer Freyd, PhD, (1993) finally told her side of the story, it became apparent that her case meets few of the characteristics of \"False Memory Syndrome\" described in FMSF literature. ", "First, she did not spend months in therapy for an unrelated problem before she remembered the abuse. ", "Jennifer consulted the therapist because of intense anxiety over her parents' upcoming visit. ", "She recalled the abuse after her second session. ", "Second, no memory recovery techniques were utilized; Jennifer's memories emerged at home after the therapist merely asked if she had ever been abused. ", "Third, after recovering the memories, she did not sue her parents, threaten them with public exposure, and according to Jennifer, it was never her intention to cut her parents out of her life. ", "Jennifer reported that she broke off communication only after \"repeated and intense efforts to communicate constructively\" (p. 20), and in response to her parent's ongoing \"obsession\" with her sexuality (p. 16). ", "Finally,\n\n*page 15*\n\nalthough \"False Memory Syndrome\" is said to disrupt all sorts of \"adaptive behaviors\" and to distract sufferers \"from coping with the real problems in her life\" (Kihlstrom, 1993, p. 10), in the wake of the charges, Jennifer did not abandon her career, neglect her children, or leave her husband. ", "Rather than organizing her life around the accusation, Jennifer Freyd, has remained a respected and productive academic psychologist at the University of Oregon .", "\n\nIn answering her parent's charges, Jennifer Freyd (1993) also revealed information which casts doubt on their motives and the credibility of Pamela Freyd's published account of her daughter's case. ", "For example, Jennifer revealed that Pamela introduced a number of fictional elements into what was billed as a true story of a mother's struggle with her daughter's \"false accusation\" of paternal sexual abuse. ", "Throughout the story Pamela wrote, falsely, that her daughter had been denied tenure at her last job. ", "Astonishingly, it is this fictional element that Pamela Freyd offers as a possible explanation for Jennifer's \"false memories.\" ", "She wrote: \"Is `violation' a feeling that comes when tenure doesn't?\" (", "Doe, 1991, p. 162).", "\n\nJennifer Freyd (1993) also revealed that her father was a chronic alcoholic throughout her childhood,4 and had himself been sexually abused as a boy by an older man, a fact he seemed to take pride in (according to Jennifer, he frequently described himself as having been a \"kept\" boy). ", "She also noted that her abuse memories were consistent with never forgotten memories of her family's pattern of sexualized and intrusive behavior (p. 13); memories which Peter and Pam have for the most part confirmed (Fried, 1994; Hechler, 1996). ", "Jennifer Freyd (1993) also noted that her only sibling, a sister, was already estranged from her parents at the time of the allegations. ", "In addition, Peter Freyd's own mother (who is also Pamela's step-mother) and his only sibling, a brother, were also estranged from Pamela and Peter. ", "It should be noted that these family members support Jennifer's side of the story. ", "In a statement, Peter's brother, William Freyd stated, \"There is no doubt in my mind that there was severe abuse in the home of Peter and Pam. . . . ", "The False Memory Syndrome Foundation is a fraud designed to deny a reality that Peter and Pam have spent most of their lives trying to escape\" (W. Freyd, 1995, as cited by Whitfield, 1995, p. 7).", "\n\nLack of Empirical Validation for \"False Memory Syndrome\"\n\nTo date, no empirical validation has been offered for \"False Memory Syndrome\" as a diagnostic construct; nor have the symptoms that characterize this putative syndrome ever been systematically described and studied. ", "As a result, \"False Memory Syndrome\" has never been accepted as a valid diagnosis by any professional organization and usage of the term has been the subject of\n\n*page 16*\n\nheated criticism in peer reviewed scientific journals. ", "For example, 17 behavioral scientists coauthored a statement objecting to the term \"False Memory Syndrome\" as \"a non-psychological term originated by a private foundation whose stated purpose is to support accused parents\" (Carstensen et al., ", "1993, p. 23). ", "Critics have suggested that the syndrome is based on vague, unsubstantiated generalizations, which do not hold up to scientific scrutiny. ", "For example, Page (1999) noted, \"FMSF members paradoxically claim to place great value on scientific inquiry, while permitting their syndrome to remain so vaguely defined that it is virtually impossible not only to study it, but to determine who suffers from it\" (http://www.feminista.com/v2n10/cutlerpage.html ).", "\n\nThe FMSF has responded to such criticism by admitting that it does not have any evidence for its syndrome besides the stories that it hears from those who call the foundation seeking help:\n\nWe wish to emphasize the existence of a condition that needs to be considered and then confirmed or rejected when further information emerges. ", "For that aim, the term \"false memory syndrome\" is satisfactory (\"Our Critics,\" April 1993, p. 3).", "\n\nExamination of the Assumptions Underlying the Construct\n\nDue to the lack of research on \"False Memory Syndrome\", assumptions underlying the concept were examined. ", "A review of the writings of, and media interviews granted by, false memory proponents reveals that their construction of the purported syndrome is, for the most part, based on 6 main assumptions. ", "These assumptions are as follows: (1) A recovered memory is likely to be a false memory; (2) False/recovered memories are usually caused by incompetent therapists doing \"recovered memory therapy;\" (3) It is easy to implant false memories of traumatic events that never happened; (4) People who recover memories are highly suggestible; (5) \"False Memory Syndrome\" is common among psychotherapy patients who recover traumatic memories; and (6) Alleged perpetrators are somehow immune to developing false memories.", "\n\nFor \"False Memory Syndrome\" to be considered a valid construct, each of these assumptions must be tested and supported by scholarly research. ", "Furthermore, to qualify as a syndrome, each assumed characteristic should be found in relation to the others. ", "For example, a person who recovers a memory of sexual abuse should be found to be suggestible, to have recovered the memories only after undergoing extensive psychotherapy focused on finding memories, and no corroboration should be found for memories that \"return\" in this fashion (Brown, Scheflin, & Whitfield, 1999). ", "A brief review of the scientific\n\n*page 17*\n\nliterature fails to support these assumptions, both alone, and in relation to one another.", "\n\nAssumption 1: A recovered memory is likely to be false memory. ", "The most common argument offered in support of \"False Memory Syndrome\" is the purported lack of evidence for repression. ", "An early FMSF publication stated: \"Psychiatrists advising the Foundation members seem to be unanimous in the belief that memories of such atrocities cannot be repressed. ", "Horrible incidents of childhood are remembered\" (FMSF, 1992, p. 2). ", "This statement implies that any traumatic memory that is forgotten and then recalled later must be false. ", "Some false memory proponents have admitted that traumatic amnesia can occur for a single, traumatic event such as rape. ", "However, they argue that there is no support for the claim that individuals can be completely amnesiac for repeated episodes of sexual abuse or that memories of abuse can be accurately remembered years later (e.g., Underwager & Wakefield, 1995).", "\n\nThe assumption that delayed memories should be considered false is countered by countless studies of traumatized populations. ", "At last count, over 68 studies have documented the reality of recovering forgotten memories of trauma (Brown et al., ", "1999). ", "At the same time, research has shown that the misremembering of childhood events is more often characterized by forgetting negative experiences that actually happened than it is by remembering ones that did not (Brewin, Andrews, & Gotlib, 1995). ", "In addition, the diagnostic manual used by mental health professionals (i.e., Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed.) ", "recognizes memory problems to be a common feature of five post-traumatic conditions: post-traumatic stress disorder, dissociative amnesia, dissociative fugue, dissociative disorder not-otherwise-specified, and dissociative identity disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 1994).", "\n\nAs to the reliability of recovered memories, research suggests that recovered memories are no more and no less accurate than continuous memories (Brown et al., ", "1999). ", "Longitudinal studies have demonstrated that individuals with legally documented abuse histories have recovered accurate abuse-related memories after claiming to have forgotten the traumatic experience (Corwin & Olafson, 1997; Duggal & Sroufe, 1998; Weene, 1995; Williams, 1995), and substantial proportions of those who recover memories of abuse have been able to find external corroborative evidence to support their memory (e.g., Andrews et al., ", "1999;Chu, Frey, Ganzel, & Matthews, 1999; Dalenberg, 1996).5 After reviewing the evidence, Scheflin and Brown (1996) suggested that if courts require an evidentiary hearing on the issue of whether repressed memories are reliable, then they \"must, consistent with the science, hold either that such memories are reliable or that all memory, repressed or otherwise, is unreliable\" (p. 183).", "\n\n*page 18*\n\nAnother problem with the assumption that a recovered memory should be considered false is that, while there is abundant research demonstrating the fallibility of retrospective recall (e.g., Loftus, Korf & Schooler, 1989), there has been no systematic research documenting \"False Memory Syndrome\" and no professional organization has officially recognized its existence. ", "Conversely, at least one professional body has questioned the syndrome's validity. ", "The British Psychological Society (BPS) surveyed 108 therapists on their patients who had recovered memories. ", "The results revealed that many patients recovered their memories prior to beginning therapy, few therapists reported using any techniques to aid recall, and some form of corroboration was reported in 41% of cases (Andrews et al., ", "1999). ", "Overall, the BPS could find no convincing evidence for a specific \"False Memory Syndrome\" leading the Society to issue a statement asserting: \"There is now consistent evidence that `False Memory Syndrome' cannot explain all, or even most, examples of recovered memories of trauma\" (Reaney, 2000).", "\n\nAssumption 2: Recovered memories are usually caused by therapists practicing \"recovered memory therapy.\" ", "Anytime a therapy patient recovers a memory either inside or outside of therapy, false memory proponents are likely to accuse the therapist of engaging in \"recovered memory therapy.\" ", "Although many clinicians report that what critics call \"memory recovery therapy\" (e.g., hypnosis, guided imagery, sodium amytal, etc., ", "that is focused solely on memory recovery) is not common among mainstream clinicians (e.g., Briere, 1995; Calof, 1993b), false memory proponents claim that such therapy is a nation-wide phenomenon that \"has devastated thousands of lives\" (Ofshe & Watters, 1993, p. 4). ", "In fact, Underwager has asserted that when a person has no recall of abuse and they go to therapist and recover a memory, \"it's common sense to realize that the therapy caused the memory\" (Morris, April 24, 1992).", "\n\nThe assumption that recovered memories are usually caused by therapists using suggestive techniques is countered by numerous studies reporting that a substantial proportion of those who recover memories of abuse, do so without ever having participated in therapy (e.g., Albach, Moorman, & Bermond, 1996; Andrews et al., ", "1999; Chu et al., ", "1999). ", "For example, Albach et al. (", "1996) found no significant differences in amnesia, memory recovery, or other memory phenomena between abuse survivors in the Netherlands who participated in psychotherapy and those who did not. ", "The authors concluded that therapy was not a significant contributor to the recall of abuse in a majority of Dutch patients. ", "Further research has shown that when memories are recovered while participating in some type of therapy, most memories are recalled outside of therapy and without the prior use of recall techniques (e.g., Andrews et al., ", "2000; Chu et al. , ", "1999; Dalenberg, 1996; Elliot, 1997).", "\n\n*page 19*\n\nScheflin and Brown (1999) tested this assumption by examining the types of therapy received by 30 former patients who sued their therapists for implanting false memories. ", "Scheflin and Brown reported that none of the cases fit the profile of the patient being misled in treatment and subsequently correcting their misperceptions. ", "Instead, they found that patients tended to re-evaluate their perceptions of their therapy after pressure from their families and significant exposure to the views of false memory proponents. ", "In addition, \" none [italics in original] of the 30 cases could be classified narrowly as `recovered memory therapy,' and none had a single-minded focus on recovering memories\" (p. 685).", "\n\nA ssumption 3: It is easy to implant false memories of traumatic events. ", "False memory proponents have asserted that it is extremely easy for therapists to inadvertently implant in their patients a set of false autobiographical memories of child abuse. ", "Kihlstrom (1996), for example, wrote that \"even a few probing questions and suggestive remarks by an authoritative figure such as a therapist may be sufficient to inculcate a belief on the part of a patient that he or she was abused.\" ", "There is currently mixed data on the ability of authority figures to \"implant\" wholly false traumatic memories; however, memory researchers agree that the creation of illusory memories require substantial suggestive influence (e.g., Lindsay, 1998). ", "After a comprehensive review of the literature, Lindsay and Read (1994) concluded \"There is little reason to fear that a few suggestive questions will lead psychotherapy clients to conjure up vivid and compelling illusory memories of childhood sexual abuse\" (p. 294).", "\n\nEmpirical research indicates that two main factors influence the likelihood of a subject producing a false memory report: (1) the strength of suggestive influences, and (2) the perceived \"plausibility\" of the suggested event (Lindsay, 1998). ", "For example, Porter, Yuille and Lehman (1999) reported that they have been successful in getting some research subjects to \"recover\" a memory for a false stressful event (e.g., dog attack) after using extensive suggestive techniques coupled with misleading participants to believe that the false scenario was witnessed and reported by a parent. ", "After using guided imagery and repeated retrieval attempts, Porter et al. ", "reported that 26% of participants \"recovered\" a complete memory for the false experience ostensibly endorsed as true by their parents, and another 30% recalled aspects of the false experience. ", "Using similar techniques, Pezdek, Finger and Hodge (1997) tried to mislead adults to believe that they had been lost in a shopping mall as children. ", "They also tried to convince them that they had experienced rectal enemas as children. ", "While 3 out of 20 subjects erroneously claimed to have been lost in the mall (a relatively common and familiar experience), no subjects would erroneously agree that they had had a rectal enema (an event more analogous to sexual abuse).", "\n\n*page 20*\n\nThe willingness of some research subjects to modify childhood memories in favor of their parents' recollections points to a neglected area of research on memory and suggestibility: the ability of authority figures to induce false reports of not having been abused (Fish, 1998). ", "Richard Kluft, a psychiatrist at Temple University , observed that such experiments show that \"a family determined to mess up a child's sense of reality has a good chance of succeeding\" (Bavley, 1995).", "\n\nAssumption 4: People who recover memories are highly suggestible. ", "The assumption of suggestibility is central to the contention that therapists are rewriting the memory banks of vulnerable patients. ", "An article in the FMSF's newsletter stated, \"When a distressed client enters therapy, that person is almost by definition `highly suggestible\" (\"How Could This,\" November, 1993, p. 3). ", "However, the assumption that adults who recover memories of abuse are highly suggestible has not been supported by research specifically designed to test its validity. ", "In fact, investigators have found that the memory of patients who reported having recovered memories of childhood sexual trauma were actually less subject to distortion following suggestive prompts than psychiatric patients who did not report having recovered such memories (Leavitt, 1997; 1999). ", "Clancy, McNally and Schachter (1999) compared women who had recovered memories of abuse to those who had not to see whether imagining unusual childhood events inflated their confidence that these events had happened to them. ", "They found that although guided imagery did not significantly inflate confidence that early childhood events had occurred in either group, the control group was more likely to be confident that an imagined event had occurred than the group with a history of recovered memory.", "\n\nAssumption 5: \"False Memory Syndrome\" is common. ", "Within a month of the founding of the FMSF, its leaders claimed that \"False Memory Syndrome\" was widespread. ", "For example, Pamela Freyd told a reporter for the Utah County Journal that \"hundreds, perhaps thousands, of families across the country are grappling with fallout from false memories of sexual abuse brought on by psychotherapy\" (Morris, April 21, 1992). ", "In 1998, FMSF advisor Terrence W. Campbell estimated that in any given year, as many as 750,000 clients are at a risk of developing false memories due to psychotherapy (Tyroler, 1999). ", "Clearly, claims about a new diagnostic category reaching epidemic proportions require careful analysis and substantiation (Pope, 1996). ", "However, the FMSF has never performed any epidemiological research to support its claims.", "\n\nIn fact, a major problem hampering the study of the construct is that it is not being found in the clinical populations where its proponents claim the syndrome is rampant. ", "For example, Hovdestad and Kristiansen (1996) surveyed 113 women with self-reported histories of incest, approximately half of whom reported at least one recovered memory and who could, therefore, potentially\n\n*page 21*\n\nbe suffering from false memories. ", "They found that women who had recovered memories of child sexual abuse did not differ significantly from those with continuous memories. ", "Not only did the criteria described by the FMSF fail to discriminate between the two groups, there was also no evidence to suggest that recovered memories were associated with certain types of therapy.", "\n\nAssumption 6: Alleged perpetrators are immune to FMS. ", "FMSF advisory board member Campbell Perry (1995) has acknowledged the lack of empirical underpinnings for \"False Memory Syndrome\" noting that, \"FMS is not a syndrome in the conventional sense.\" ", "Instead, he insisted on a \"looser\" meaning of this term, suggesting that \"False Memory Syndrome\" qualifies as a syndrome in terms of \"a set of behaviors believed to have a common cause or basis\" (pp. ", "191-2). ", "According to Perry, \"The False Memory Syndrome fits comfortably into this alternative formulation, which conceptualizes a syndrome in terms of a process that led to a particular outcome\" (p. 192).", "\n\nCritics, however, point out that in the case of \"False Memory Syndrome\" the \"outcome\" (i.e., a false memory) proceeds a priori from the assumption that the disputed memories are in fact false (e.g., Calof, 1993a). ", "The FMSF has never tested this assumption as it does not investigate the backgrounds of those claiming to be falsely accused (P. Freyd, March 1994 ) and professionals rarely evaluate those said to be afflicted with the disorder (Pope, 1996). ", "Consequently, in absentia \"diagnoses\" of the syndrome are often made by untrained lay people based solely on the denials of the alleged perpetrator.", "\n\nThe assumption that memories of parents are more accurate or truthful than those of their children has led many to criticize the FMSF's lack of objectivity in their syndrome's conceptualization and application (e.g., Courtois, 1995; Hoult, 1998; Whitfield; 1995).6 Not only is there no empirical support for such a biased assumption, the results of numerous studies have shown the direct opposite. ", "After reviewing the literature on retrospective recall of childhood experiences, Brewin et al. (", "1995) found that parents often recall a happier childhood for their offspring than collateral data would account for, while adults recall their own childhood with greater accuracy. ", "Moreover, Brewin et al. ", "found that memory distortion occurred more often to inhibit recall, and that parents may play a significant role in distorting reality and determining the family mythology concerning earlier events.", "\n\nThe FMSF's noncritical acceptance of the denials of those accused of child abuse is particularly problematic given that offenders who molest children have been found to have an extraordinary capacity for denial and minimization. ", "In a study of sex offenders, Nugent and Kroner (1996) found that child molesters tend to be particularly skilled at impression management, and that denial is so ingrained and pervasive of a response that it has little relation to whether or not offenders committed the offense. ", "They cautioned that in\n\n*page 22*\n\nevaluating allegations of sexual abuse, clinicians should rely on independent corroboration as opposed to denials of those accused of molestation. ", "After reviewing the research and clinical literature on sex offenders, forensic psychologist Richard Lanyon wrote the following:\n\nClinical evidence suggests that in denying an actual molestation, it is not uncommon for the man to vigorously denigrate and vilify the child and other accusers, to loudly proclaim his innocence, to present unsolicited evidence of a frame-up, and to actively seek to influence the examiner and others with statements about the unfairness of the accusation, the financial burden, and the amount of personal suffering that is being forced on him. (", "Lanyon, 1993, p. 38).", "\n\nDespite ample evidence of sex offenders strong defenses against admitting or recognizing their problem, the only time false memory proponents have \"diagnosed\" \"False Memory Syndrome\" in those accused of abuse, has been after they confessed to molesting children. ", "In these instances the diagnosis has been used to counter the confessions of men now claiming to be innocent. ", "For example, a defense psychiatrist argued that a Canadian minister's confession to sexually assaulting his daughter was based on a false memory that spontaneously developed during marital therapy with his wife. ", "The psychiatrist testified that the man was emotionally unstable because of his daughter's allegations of abuse and his marital difficulties. ", "In this emotionally charged atmosphere, the man experienced \"spontaneous\" hypnosis, which caused him to create false memories. ", "His daughter, who moved out of the house at age 16, was not called to testify and the man was acquitted ( Tyler , 1997).7\n\nINCIDENCE DATA ON A \"FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME\"\n\nTo date, the only statistical evidence offered to support claims of a false memory epidemic is the telephone contacts to and/or membership figures of the FMSF. ", "Because no other data exist, FMSF advisor Campell Perry (1995) has suggested that the FMSF's figures must be considered \"crude estimates\" of the phenomenon (p. 191). ", "To determine whether the FMSF has collected data suggestive of a mental health crisis, a systematic study of their data collection and reporting practices was undertaken.", "\n\nExamination of FMSF Membership and Contact Figures\n\nMethod. ", "A number of leading databases (e.g., Lexis-Nexis, NewsBank, Index to Legal Periodicals, PsychLit, Medline, etc.) ", "were searched to find both\n\n*page 23*\n\nprofessional and lay articles reporting statistical information on the FMSF's contacts and membership. ", "Transcripts from television programs and the complete archive of FMSF newsletters were also reviewed for similar information. ", "To be included in this study, the article or transcript had to include a precise numerical figure that was explicitly identified as either FMSF membership or contacts. ", "In addition, the article must have attributed the number to an FMSF member or publication, or indicated that a member of the FMSF was interviewed while researching the article. ", "A total of 92 media reports (primarily newspaper articles), 8 journal articles, and 36 FMSF newsletter references met inclusion criteria.", "\n\nFMSF tax forms filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) were obtained to provide a standard of comparison and were assumed to contain correct information. ", "As a nonprofit charity, the FMSF's is required to file it's a tax form every year (IRS 990), and the forms are available to the public. ", "Although membership figures are not required by these forms, the foundation's accountant reported current membership figures on two of the forms â€\" 1995 and 1996.8\n\nResults. ", "Careful examination of the FMSF's reporting practices revealed that contact and membership figures reported to the public were unaccountably variable (See Table 1). ", "In addition, membership figures quoted to the public often were highly inflated over the actual figures reported to the IRS during the same time period. ", "For example, in early 1994, the Sacramento Bee reported that Pamela Freyd \"said her Foundation has 11,000 members, including health professionals and lawyers\" (Dobbin, March 9, 1994). ", "In an article ironically titled, \"Ethical Issues in the Search for Repressed Memories,\" FMSF advisor Harold Merskey (1996) reported, \"The FMSF has grown rapidly with over 12,000 members by early 1995 and with more than 21,000 listed inquiries\" (pp. ", "328-9). ", "In April 1995, Ofra Bikel's Frontline documentary \"Divided Memories\" (which relied heavily on the FMSF for information) reported that the foundation had 15,000 members.9 Toward the end of 1995, the FMSF's newsletter suggested that the organization was \"over 17,000 strong\" (\"Make a Difference,\" 1995).10 These figures significantly larger than those reported to the IRS for 1995. ", "The FMSF reported that by the end of 1995; they had 2,385 members, a portion of who were professionals rather than families.", "\n\nAlthough the problem of inaccurate membership figures being reported to the public was brought to Pamela Freyd's attention in 1995 (see Lawrence , 1995), inflated figures continued to be a problem. ", "As Table 1 demonstrates, in 1996 the average membership figure reported to the public was approximately six times higher than the figure reported to the IRS.", "\n\nFigure 1 displays reported membership figures in relation to reported contacts. ", "This graph demonstrates that while both contacts and membership figures appear to rise rapidly, actual membership levels remained relatively flat. ", "Figure 1\n\n*page 24*\n\nalso reveals a pattern of what appears to be the intermixing of cumulative contact figures (usually phone calls to the organization) with membership figures. ", "The FMSF stopped reporting membership figures in 1997. ", "Although it is not possible to say for certain why the FMSF stopped this practice, it did so right after Mike Stanton, a Pulitzer Prize winning investigative reporter, reported that the FMSF's true membership was \"about 3,000\" in July of 1997 (p. 45). ", "Several months prior to the publication of Stanton 's article, a member of the FMSF reported in testimony before a Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee that the organization had 18,000 members (Renaud, March 6, 1997).11 The last membership figure found in the print media was in the Los Angeles Daily Journal. ", "Citing Pamela Freyd, the article reported that the FMSF has \"some 3,000 dues-paying members\" and has been contacted by 18,000 adults (Romo, September 22, 1997). ", "No further mention of FMSF membership figures was found.", "\n\nTable 1. ", "Comparison between numbers reported in FMSF literature or by media and actual membership figures reported to IRS.", "\n\nMembership Figures Reported to Public Figures Reported to IRS* Year N Range Average 1992 3 300-2,000 1,133 NA 1993 17 1,500-7,000 3,724 NA 1994 12 2,300-12,000 7,858 NA 1995 12 2,500-17,000 11,375 2,385 1996 4 11,000-18,000 15,250 2,500 1997 2 3,000-18,000 10,500 NA\n\n*Obtained from 990 tax forms filed with the IRS. ", "Membership figures were only documented on IRS tax forms for 2 years \" 1995 and 1996.", "\n\nBy January of 1999, Pamela Freyd announced that the epidemic of false memories was winding down. ", "Phone calls to the organization had declined steadily since 1995 and \"the vast majority\" of families which had called in 1998 were concerned about accusations by young children, not accusations based on recovered memories (P. Freyd, January 1999, p. 1). ", "According to Freyd, \"The number of families newly accused on the basis of recovered memories is now no more than a trickle\" (p. 1).", "\n\nAn Example of the FMSF's Mishandling of Its Statistical Data\n\nExamination of the FMSF's reporting practices in early 1994 provide an intriguing case-study in how FMSF statistics were at times mislabeled to support the perception of a growing epidemic. ", "In the January 1994 newsletter, Pamela Freyd states:\n\n*page 25*\n\nWe start the new year with almost 10,000 families. ", "Imagine, 10,000 families who have contacted the foundation to say that they are worried about someone in their family who entered therapy and who then claimed to have recovered repressed memories of abuse taking place 10, 20, 30, even 40 years ago [italics added]. (", "P. Freyd, January 1994, p. 1)\n\nIn the next newsletter, these same \"worried\" contacts were presented with a different spin: \"There are now over 10,000 families who have complained that someone they love has received radical therapy for a condition that did not exist\" (P. Freyd, February 1994, p. 3).", "\n\nFigure 1. ", "Comparison of Average FMSF Contact and Membership Figures Reported to the Media Versus Actual Membership Figures Reported to the IRS *\n\n*Obtained from 990 tax forms filed with the IRS. ", "Membership figures were only documented on IRS tax forms for 2 years 1995 and 1996.", "\n\nThe following newsletter (March 1994), implied that 11,000 \"worried\" contacts now represented both \"documented cases,\" and members of the organization. ", "The front page of the March 1994 newsletter featured a bar graph titled: \"Number of Cases Documented.\" ", "The graph shows 11,000 documented cases of false memory during the preceding two years. ", "However, a close examination of the accompanying text revealed that the FMSF had been contacted by 11,000 people. ", "Thus, \"documented cases\" were actually phone calls asking for information. ", "The text also reveals that in over a third of these 11,000 calls, the \"callers or writers have said they had a family problem, but we do not yet\n\n*page 26*\n\nhave the details\" (P. Freyd, March 1994, p. 1).12 It should also be noted that FMSF's phones are answered by lay volunteers rather than mental health professionals (\"Who's Who,\" 1992). ", "These volunteers do not investigate the story of the person on the other end of the line and Pamela Freyd has admitted that \"we do not know the truth or falsity of any of the reports that we receive\" (P. Freyd, March 1994, p. 1). ", "Thus, rather than 11,000 cases, in actuality the FMSF had no documented cases of \"False Memory Syndrome\". ", "Despite this lack of data, Pamela Freyd concluded that \"False Memory Syndrome\" is now at \"crisis\" levels (p. 1).", "\n\nThe same issue of the FMSF newsletter included a letter written by an anonymous FMSF volunteer. ", "The volunteer wrote: \"Can you conceive of an organization that grew from 250 families in March 1992, to 11,000 in February 1994?\" (", "p. 8). ", "This letter implied that contacts (phone calls and letters with questions and concerns, along with 4,000 cases of \"family problems\" of which the organization has no details) were now members of the foundation. ", "The next day, the transformation of phone queries into FMSF membership was completed when an article in the Sacramento Bee reported that Pamela Freyd \"said her Foundation has 11,000 members, including health professionals and lawyers\" (Dobbin, March 9, 1994).", "\n\nThese erroneous statistics later found their way into professional journals. ", "For example, citing the March 1994 issue of the FMSF newsletter, an article in the Journal of Family Law reported that the FMSF claims \"over 11,000 members\" (Ahrens, 1996, p. 389). ", "Figure 1 demonstrates that rather than having over 11,000 members in 1994, the FMSF's actual membership would have been less than 2,385.13\n\nDISCUSSION:\n\nTHE SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES OF FALSE MEMORY RHETORIC\n\nPamela Freyd has frequently broadcast her organization's commitment to accurate reporting of information to the public. ", "In the FMSF's newsletter she stated: \"We are alarmed about the misconceptions about memory that are being relayed in the media and in the incest-survivor movement and we are trying to get the most accurate and most scientific information about memory available to the public\" (P. Freyd, March 1993, p. 4). ", "Pamela Freyd has also criticized those who misuse science for political purposes:\n\nPerhaps the most disturbing aspect of the current phenomenon [repressed memories], is the misuse of science to promote a political end. ", "It *page 27* is the scientific issues that are the focus of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. (", "P. Freyd, January 1994, p. 1)\n\nNoting that statistics can have social consequences, the FMSF has also criticized incest activists who misuse their statistical data to promote their own agenda:\n\nActivists inevitably present themselves as knowledgeable enough about some social condition to bring it to our attention.. [T]his putative knowledge seems to give the crusaders' estimates the weight of authority. ", "The activists seek to emphasize the problem's magnitude and importance; they have nothing to lose by providing big numbers. (\"", "Thoughts on Sex Abuse\", April 1993, p. 6)\n\nThe current review reveals that the FMSF has acted like the special interest groups it frequently criticizes. ", "Specifically, the FMSF has emphasized the magnitude and importance of \"False Memory Syndrome\" and yet failed to publish any empirically based research supporting the existence of an identifiable syndrome or an epidemic. ", "It has also participated in the dissemination of inaccurate statistical data which misled the public about the extent of the alleged problem. ", "This lack of scholarly activities coupled with advocacy activities on behalf of those accused of sexually abusing children run counter to the FMSF's claim to be an objective scientific organization. ", "In sum, the FMSF has conducted itself as a partisan organization with a strong sociopolitical agenda. ", "As such, it has been extraordinarily successful in influencing social attitudes toward child abuse and fueling the current controversy about the validity of reports by those claiming to be victims of sexual assault.", "\n\nThe Response of the Media. ", "Because of the FMSF's emphasis on influencing the press (see e.g., \"I Want to Help,\" 1992, p. 4), the debate over false memories has largely been played out in the national media (Heaton & Wilson, 1998). ", "Sociologist Katherine Beckett (1996) analyzed the evolution of the treatment of child sexual abuse in leading magazines and found that between 1980 and 1984 only 7% of stories focused on false accusations of child sexual abuse. ", "With the founding of the FMSF in 1992, stories about false memories emerged; by 1994 Beckett found that 85% of the articles on child sexual abuse focused on false memories and false accusations. ", "Mike Stanton (1997) spent a year studying the recovered memory controversy. ", "Like Beckett, he found that false memory rhetoric had greatly influenced media reporting and that articles about false memory had been heavily slanted in favor of accepting the accused parents' stories without questioning whether they might in fact be guilty. ", "Stanton faulted the press for neglecting to examine the motivations of the\n\n*page 28*\n\nfoundation and for having uncritically relied on \"FMSF experts and propaganda\" for their information (p. 46). ", "Research by Kondora (1998) supported these findings. ", "She noted that with the advent of false memory stories, \"lost was any substantive concern for the women and children who had endured abuse.\" ", "Instead, the media's sympathies were focused on a newly constructed victim: the accused perpetrator.", "\n\nLegal and Legislative Actions. ", "Claims of a false memory epidemic, supported by newspaper articles quoting FMSF experts and statistics, have been used by false memory proponents to lobby federal and state legislatures to enact legislation helpful to accused child molesters (e.g., Renaud, 1997). ", "Legislation has been introduced in numerous states that would severely limit the types of treatment that therapists could do with their patients.14 The proposed legislation would also allow third-parties (e.g., alleged sex offenders) access to a patient's confidential therapy records, and make therapists liable to third-parties who object to any aspect of the therapy being done (for a review of legislative efforts see Dallam, 1998).", "\n\nThe FMSF has also attempted to sway the outcome of numerous legal cases involving charges of child molestation by filing amicus briefs on behalf of the accused (e.g., State of New Hampshire v. Hungerford , 1997; Wilson v. Phillips, 1999). ", "In addition, many false memory proponents are high priced defense experts who appear overly willing to attach the label of \"False Memory Syndrome\" on alleged victims in order to discredit their testimony. ", "For example, FMSF advisor Harold Merskey testified that a woman suing Toronto doctor, Leo Pilo, for damages caused by childhood sexual abuse probably suffered from \"False Memory Syndrome\". ", "He offered this opinion without any direct examination of the plaintiff, and in spite of the fact that the woman's story was corroborated by two other victims, and Pilo's medical license had been previously revoked in a separate proceeding in which he admitted the women's charges (Landsberg, 1995).", "\n\nTreatment of Abuse Victims. ", "False memory rhetoric has made it popular to question the credibility of those reporting childhood abuse. ", "A study of 113 adult victims of childhood sexual abuse in Ottawa found that although many of the women had corroborative evidence for their memories, over one-half had been accused by someone of having false memories. ", "The women reported that exposure to false memory rhetoric led to increased symptoms of anxiety and depression, increased self-doubt about their memories, and an overall slowing of the progress of therapy (Allard, Kristiansen, Hovdestad, & Felton, accepted for publication, cited in Brown et al., ", "1998).", "\n\nThe \"false memory\" label has also been used in an attempt to discredit victims who have won judgments against their perpetrator. ", "Consider the experience\n\n*page 29*\n\nof Jennifer Hoult as reported in the peer-reviewed professional journal Ethics and Behavior . ", "Hoult (1998) won a civil suit against her father (a FMSF member) for rape. ", "Despite the judgment against her father and his record of having admitted to molesting another child (he denied molesting his daughter), Jennifer was portrayed as suffering from \"False Memory Syndrome\" on promotional materials distributed at FMSF conferences. ", "Hoult reported that false memory proponents misrepresented the facts of her case to make it appear that her therapist implanted her memories and to make her appear unstable: \"They claimed I was suicidal, unemployed, estranged from my family, and a victim of therapy, and they insinuated that I was malicious and a liar\" (p. 137).", "\n\nFalse memory rhetoric has also had a chilling effect on the willingness of therapists to believe and appropriately treat abuse survivors (see the Courtois article in this issue). ", "Because of the risk of being charged with implanting false memories, some insurance providers are advising practitioners to refuse to take clients who allege delayed recall (Brown, 1997). ", "Those who do treat such patients have been subjected to threats, picketing, ethics complaints, and civil and criminal legal actions (Calof, 1998). ", "Despite the fact that a memory cannot be confirmed as either true or false without some form of external corroboration, some false memory advocates have improperly suggested to patients that the abuse they allege never happened. ", "A London newspaper recently reported that a young woman committed suicide after being told by a therapist that her memories of abuse by her father were false. ", "The mother confirmed the abuse and lodged a formal complaint against the practitioner who treated her daughter. ", "The bereaved mother issued the following statement:\n\nMy daughter has been abused by her father from the age of seven until 15. ", "She had developed psychiatric problems and was admitted voluntarily to a clinic, where she was seen by the therapist. ", "She rang me afterwards and was in a terrible state. ", "She had been told her abuse was part of false memory syndrome. ", "Two weeks later she took an overdose of prescription medication and died. ", "I believe that had my daughter been believed, she would have stayed at the unit and would be alive today. (", "Dobson, 1998)\n\nCONCLUSION\n\nThe \"False Memory Syndrome\" is a controversial theoretical construct based entirely on the reports of parents who claim to be falsely accused of incestuous abuse. ", "In 1993, the FMSF noted that \"False Memory Syndrome\" is \"a condition that needs to be considered and then confirmed or rejected when further information emerges\" (\"Our Critics,\" April 1993, p. 3). ", "The current\n\n*page 30*\n\nempirical evidence suggests that the existence of such a syndrome must be rejected. ", "False memory advocates have failed to adequately define or document the existence of a specific syndrome, and a review of the relevant literature demonstrates that the construct is based on a series of faulty assumptions, many of which have been disproven. ", "Likewise, there no credible data showing that the vague symptoms they ascribe to this purported syndrome are widespread or constitute a crisis or epidemic.", "\n\nThis does not imply, however, that memory is infallible or that all people who are accused of sexual abuse are guilty. ", "Both continuous and delayed memories are subject to distortion, and there are valid reasons to be suspicious of memories that are recalled only after the extensive use of suggestive techniques. ", "Nevertheless, common sense and professional practice dictates that claims about a new diagnostic category reaching epidemic proportions require scientific substantiation. ", "The public policy issues impacted by the false memory controversy are so important, that they deserve the most careful and intellectually honest scholarship that the academic and professional community has to offer. ", "In the absence of any substantive scientific documentation, \"False Memory Syndrome\" must be recognized as a pseudoscientific syndrome that was developed by an advocacy group formed by people seeking to defend against claims of child abuse.", "\n\nNOTES\n\n1 Shortly before the founding of the FMSF, Underwager and Wakefield gave an interview to the editor of Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia, a Dutch journal that promotes social acceptance for pedophilia. ", "In the article, Underwager expressed his belief that choosing pedophilia can be \"a responsible choice\" for an individual. ", "Underwager asserted that, \"Paedophiles can boldly and courageously affirm what they choose. ", "They can say what they want is to find the best way to love. ", "I am also a theologian and as a theologian I believe it is God's will that there be closeness and intimacy, unity of the flesh, between people. ", "A paedophile can say: `This closeness is possible for me within the choices that I've made'\" (Geraci, 1993, pp. ", "3-4). ", "When the interview came to light in 1993, Underwager was asked to resign from the foundation. ", "Wakefield remains on the board (see Dallam [1997] for more information).", "\n\n2. ", "According to Jennifer Freyd (1993), both Lief and Orne treated Peter Freyd for chronic alcoholism during the 1980s\n\n3. ", "Kihlstrom later resigned from the FMSF and is no longer affiliated with the foundation.", "\n\n4. ", "In an interview, Peter Freyd stated that one of the reasons he finally sought treatment for his chronic alcoholism was because \"I was worried about the fact that my memory wasn't as good as it used to be\" (Hechler, 1996).", "\n\n5. ", "See also the Recovered Memory Archive at Brown University. ", "The archive is available on the internet and has documented more than 80 corroborated cases of\n\n*page 31*\n\nrecovered traumatic memories\n\n(http://www.brown.edu/Departments/Taubman_Center/Recovmem/Archive.html).", "\n\n6. ", "In an article titled \"How Do We Know We Are Not Representing Pedophiles,\" Pamela Freyd (February 29, 1992) suggested that the new organization could not be harboring molesters because \"we are a good-looking bunch of people, graying hair, well dressed, healthy, smiling . . .\" (", "p. 1).", "\n\n7. ", "As one might expect, the FMSF has become popular with pedophiles. ", "In fact, many pedophile organizations now link directly to the FMSF's website (e.g., see SafeHaven Foundation, an organization for \"responsible boylovers,\" http://www.safet.net/info/index.html).", "\n\n8. ", "As a nonprofit charity, the FMSF's tax forms (IRS 990) are available to the public.", "\n\n9. ", "The FMSF also promoted and distributed a videotape of \"Divided Memories\" along with numerous other newspaper articles containing incorrect membership or contact figures for the foundation. ", "I was not able to find any corrections either in the newspapers, or in materials distributed by the FMSF.", "\n\n10. ", "The full statement was: \"Remember that three years ago, FMSF didn't exist. ", "A group of 50 or so people found each other and today we are over 17,000. ", "Together we have made a difference.\"", "\n\n11. ", "This figure was provided by a FMSF member during testimony before the Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee. ", "The testimony was supportive of H.B. 440 -- a bill that would allow relatives of patients to sue therapists for creating or suggesting false memories of abuse.", "\n\n12. ", "FMSF's records have never been examined by an independent scientific body, thus it is unclear if all reported telephone contacts actually represent concerned families. ", "For example, at one point the FMSF newsletter stated, \".approximately 40% of our calls are from professionals requesting information\" (\"Who Calls,\" 1992). ", "It is also unclear how repeat phone calls are handled, or how many of the situations described by callers fit the definition of False Memory Syndrome offered by Kihlstrom (1993). ", "These questions are particularly important given that the fact that when the British Psychological Society (1995) examined the files of the FMSF's counterpart in England , the British False Memory Society (BFMS), they found that many files were \"sketchy, unsystematically recorded notes.\" ", "About half were merely records of telephone inquires. ", "Of the rest, only about a third contained any reference to recovered memory but did not contain any information on how the memories had returned. ", "Despite this lack of documentation the BFMS has represented their contacts as evidence of a false memory crisis.", "\n\n13. ", "Although membership figures were not reported to the IRS in 1994, during this time period FMSF literature reported membership figures were steadily increasing. ", "If these reports are correct, then prior to 1995 the FMSF would have had fewer members than in 1995 when the FMSF reported to the IRS that it had 2,500 members.", "\n\n14. ", "The legislation has yet to pass in any state.", "\n\nREFERENCES\n\nAhrens, J. G. (1996). ", "Recovered memories: True or false? ", "A look at false memory syndrome. ", "Journal of Family Law, 34 , 376-401.", "\n\nAlbach, F., Moormann, P., & Bermond, B. (1996). ", "Memory recovery of childhood sexual abuse. ", "Dissociation, 9, 261-273.", "\n\nAmerican Psychiatric Association. (", "1994). ", "Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4 th ed.). ", "Washington DC: Author.", "\n\nAndrews, B., Brewin, C. R., Ochera, J., Morton, J., Bekerian, D. A., Davies, G. M., & Mollon, P. (1999). 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0.02564102564102564, 0.00684931506849315, 0.03333333333333333, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0.08333333333333333, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0.08333333333333333, 0, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0.046511627906976744, 0, 0.06060606060606061, 0.04, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0.03125, 0.047619047619047616, 0.038461538461538464, 0.022727272727272728, 0.0425531914893617, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0.05128205128205128, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0.04878048780487805, 0, 0.05128205128205128, 0, 0, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0, 0.025, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0.05, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0.04081632653061224, 0.013157894736842105, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0.006666666666666667, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0.04, 0.0625, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0.05, 0.011494252873563218, 0.0196078431372549, 0.04, 0, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0.04, 0, 0.05128205128205128, 0, 0, 0.04, 0.05, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0.05357142857142857, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0.021052631578947368, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0.03125, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0.08333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.04878048780487805, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0, 0.09090909090909091, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0.0425531914893617, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0, 0.02, 0.06896551724137931, 0, 0.047619047619047616, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0, 0.08333333333333333, 0, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0, 0.05, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0, 0, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0.02531645569620253, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0.07692307692307693, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Gadgets Review Site\n\nTag: Sony\n\nYesterday we told you about some issues with the latest update for the Xperia Z5, Xperia Z3+ and the Xperia Z4 Tablet. ", "Their devices were sluggish, and problems like high temperatures crashes and reboots appeared. ", "Sony acknowledged the problem and has already issued a fix. ", "The official statement from Sony reads: Sony Mobile is committed to providing the highest standard of product quality and customer service\n\nTrackID has been a staple of Sony phones well, Sony Ericsson at the time since 2005 but it will not carry on into 2018. ", "In a surprise move, the company has decided to shut down the music recognition service on September 15. ", "With the app, your TrackID history will be lost too. ", "And it sounds like the Backup option will not save it Sony offers no solution to transfer the list of recognized tracks youve accumulated to another app.", "\n\nIntroduction. ", "Unboxing, 360-degree spin, hardware overview3. ", "Display, connectivity, battery life4. ", "User interface5. ", "Performance6. ", "Telephony, loudspeaker, text input, other apps7. ", "Multimedia apps8. ", "Camera9. ", "SonyAndroid IntroductionSony’s love for big screens goes all the way back to 2013 and the 6.4″ Xperia Z Ultra, which was followed by a phablet in every generation since. ", "Some four years later we have the Xperia XA1 Ultra at our doorstep, all 6 inches of it. ", "And since we headed down memory lane, the Xperia T2 Ultra certainly deserves a mention too. ", "While the Z Ultra packed some flagship-grade internals, the T2 Ultra was less obsessed with specs…\n\nWe have more details on the UK launch of the the Xperia XZ Premium. ", "According to the device’s listing on Unlocked Mobiles, the phone will go on sale in the country on May 22. ", "Here’s what the listing exactly says: “Stock Update: Sony Xperia XZ Premium Launch confirmed by Sony for week commencing Monday 22nd May. All pre orders will ship as soon as stock arrives.” ", "As for pricing, the retailer will\n\nEarlier this week Sony had us over at an event promoting the pending launch of the Xperia XZ Premium – their flagship phone. ", "We had already had a few hands-on sessions with the XZ Premium around the MWC 2017 back in March but now that Sony is getting ready to release the phone, we finally got a unit that we could play with as much as we wanted. ", "The event’s venue on the sunny Troia peninsula in Portugal offered us a great\n\nOne of the most ingenious new TV technologies of 2016 was Sony’s Slim Backlight Drive. ", "It put two sets of edge-mounted LEDs and two separate LED light plates in sequence to double the number of individually controllable light zones possible with an edge LED lighting system. ", "The system is back in improved form on the 2017 XE93 series, increasing the number of individually controlled light zones and introducing a massive boost in\n\nThe Sony Xperia Z5, Z4 Tablet, and Z3+ have started getting a new update. ", "Arriving as build number 32.3.A.2.33, the update brings along Android security fixes for the month of March – the security patch level says March 1, 2017. ", "Although there isn’t yet an official confirmation on it, the update is also said to fix the audio issues that were introduced with the Nougat update. ", "The Nougat update\n\nSony has started rolling out a new update to the Xperia X units that are part of the Japanese company’s Concept for Android program. ", "The update arrives as version 38.3.1.A.0.91 and brings along several changes, including a new audio engine. “", "It’s a nice new mix of SONY’s Audio Effects Engine and Googles integrated MusicFX app,” the official change-log for the update says.", "\n\nSony announced today at MWC 2017 that it’s bringing two new premium phones to the US market: the Xperia XZ Premium and Xperia XZs. ", "Both models employ classic Sony styling—a rectangular shape with rounded sides and a flat top and bottom. ", "They also have an aluminum frame sandwiched between front and rear Gorilla glass panels. ", "There are a few significant\n\nThe GSMA is a pan-European organization that hosts the annual Mobile World Congress in Barcelona and as part of the MWC they also hold annual Global Mobile Awards or GloMo awarding the best tech companies in various categories. ", "In 2017 they awarded statuettes to over 40 winners. ", "We already told you that Samsung nabbed the Best Smartphone of 2016 prize, but now we learn that Sony has won the Best new smartphone award for their latest Xperia XZ\n\nCome on, you’re only here for one reason: to see whether a phone really needs a 4K screen, or whether it’s just one of the world’s top producers of Ultra HD TVs is using the technology to create a splash on its smartphones. ", "Of course it’s the latter. ", "There’s very little reason to stick a display on a phone that packs that many pixels in (3840 x 2160, if you must know) as there’s no content out there which can truly\n\nWere receiving reports that the Sony Xperia XZ is receiving its serving of Android 7.0 Nougat update. ", "A reader from India tipped us off (thanks, Vedant!) ", "but checking with XDA it seems that the first wave includes Australia, the Netherlands, Russia and Turkey. ", "The update is a hefty 1GB so connect to a nice Wi-Fi network and check for updates. ", "Dont worry if you dont see anything yet, staggered roll-outs take a while to reach everyone.", "\n\nSonys mobile division started off well – it was making more per phone than any other Android maker. ", "But the company will not reach its 20 million phones shipped forecast – it already cut it once by a million and now by two more. ", "In total, Sonys forecast is that it will ship 17 million Xperia phones. ", "The blame has been put on Europe. ", "On the positive side, the forecast for operating income for the year remains unchanged as\n\nThe Sony Xperia XZ is now available to purchase at major retailers in the Netherlands, priced predictably at 699. ", "Sony Mobile’s online store in the country, on the other hand, refers you to carrier websites, where you can opt for a contract deal. ", "At the time of writing, the company’s other stores across Europe still have the smartphone in pre-order state. ", "It may be worth investigating your local retailers, as there as at least one\n\nFor some time now, Sony has been mostly absent from the US market. ", "While we’ve seen devices here and there, there have been issues with keeping launches aligned, and for the most part by the time an Xperia phone launches in the US it’s already on the verge of being irrelevant as the 6 month launch cycle of Xperia phones in the past meant that slipping by even a few months resulted\n\nIntroduction and design Sony Xperia Z5 Compact released in the US in February, albeit with minor changes. ", "All of these are reflected in our new review. ", "The Xperia Z5 Compact stands alone: Sony is the only Android manufacturer making a small high-end phone right now. ", "That means that it could be the last stand for compacts. ", "If the Z5 doesn’t deliver, it’s likely to be the last time we see top specs in a scaled-down\n\nSony is delivering on its promise dating back to October last year to bring Android Marshmallow to the Xperia Z2, Xperia Z3 and Xperia Z3 Compact. ", "After a Beta build was released a month ago, users of the smartphones are starting to receive the official update. ", "The firmware, carrying a build number 23.5.A.0.570, brings the OS version to the latest 6.0.1, and includes the February Android security patch as well as the latest camera\n\nThis week at Mobile World Congress 2016, Sony has introduced their new high-end Xperia X series smartphones. ", "The new smartphones feature similar designs across the entire series and all sport 5” displays, but each is based on a different SoC and offers slightly different functionality. ", "The Xperia X smartphones represent the company’s new lineup, but it does not seem that Sony plans\n\nSony Mobile has detailed its plans for the launch of the Xperia Z5 and its small form factor sibling Z5 Compact in the US. ", "The smartphones are arriving stateside on February 7, and will be available through major online retailers. ", "Amazon, Best Buy and B&H will be offering Sony’s flagships, with prices announced at a cent short of $600 for the Xperia Z5, and $100 less for the Z5 Compact. ", "We’re talking unlocked devices, which can work" ]
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[ 0.019867549668874173, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0.0058823529411764705, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0.011904761904761904, 0.009345794392523364, 0.010526315789473684, 0.0125, 0.009009009009009009, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0.004310344827586207, 0.0064516129032258064, 0.006666666666666667, 0.019736842105263157, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0.015037593984962405, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0.01556420233463035, 0, 0.012755102040816327, 0, 0.007380073800738007, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0, 0, 0.00975609756097561, 0.007518796992481203, 0, 0.006896551724137931, 0.0023584905660377358, 0, 0.02608695652173913, 0, 0.016597510373443983, 0, 0.01060070671378092, 0, 0.009009009009009009, 0, 0.025157232704402517, 0 ]
[ "Prašymas Teisingumo Teismui pateikti nuomonę dėl ES ir Maroko žuvininkystės sektoriaus partnerystės susitarimo protokolo atitikties Sutartims (pateiktas pasiūlymas dėl rezoliucijos) (žr. ", "protokola)\n(La sesión, suspendida a las 11.40 horas, se reanuda a las 12.00 horas)\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "EuroParl" }
[ 0.0106951871657754, 0.012048192771084338 ]
[ "Chest wall and mediastinal invasion by lung cancer: evaluation with multisection expiratory dynamic CT.", "\nTo assess the utility of multisection expiratory dynamic (ED) computed tomography (CT) in evaluation of tumor invasion in the chest wall or mediastinum. ", "Fifteen patients with lung cancer underwent multisection ED CT. ", "At each section level, 10 images were obtained at an interval of 1 second during a single expiratory maneuver. ", "These images were evaluated in cine mode to assess tumoral movement along the chest wall or mediastinum. ", "ED CT showed that the tumors in five patients were fixed to the chest wall (n = 2) or mediastinum (n = 3); free movement of tumor along the peripheral (n = 7) or mediastinal (n = 3) pleura was proved in the 10 other patients. ", "At pathologic examination, the ED CT findings were proved correct in all patients. ", "In six patients, ED CT provided additional information about tumor invasion that could not be obtained with conventional criteria. ", "Multisection ED CT may improve the accuracy of CT in prediction of chest wall or mediastinal invasion of lung cancer." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.009708737864077669, 0.006493506493506494, 0.015625, 0, 0, 0.004424778761061947, 0.012048192771084338, 0.007633587786259542, 0.008547008547008548 ]
[ "Effect of drugs on oxidation and precipitation of the isolated chains of human hemoglobin.", "\nThe paper deals with the action of: primaquine, epinephrine, adrenochrome, acetylphenylhydrazine and sulphanilamide on the autoxidation of the isolated chains from human hemoglobin and on the precipitation which follows. ", "The effect of superoxide dismutase and catalase on the drug induced autoxidation allows the assessment of the possible role of O2 derivatives (notably superoxide or peroxide) in the overall reaction mechanism. ", "It is also shown that primaquine and acetylphenylhydrazine enhance precipitation of the isolated oxidized chains, while epinephrine and adrenochrome display a small inhibitory effect on precipitation. ", "These effects do not involve O2 radicals, but have presumably to be related to a destabilizing (or stabilizing) action of the drugs on the structure of the protein." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Dean of Derby\n\nThe Dean of Derby is the head (primus inter pares – first among equals) and chair of the chapter of canons, the ruling body of Derby Cathedral. ", "The dean and chapter are based at the Cathedral Church of All Saints in Derby. ", "Before 2000 the post was designated as a provost, which was then the equivalent of a dean at most English cathedrals. ", "The cathedral is the mother church of the Diocese of Derby of the Church of England and seat of the Bishop of Derby.", "\n\nList of deans\n\nProvosts\n1931–1937 Herbert Ham\n1937–1947 Philip Micklem\n1947–1953 Ronald O'Ferrall\n1953–1981 Ronald Beddoes\n1981–1997 Benjamin Lewers\n21 March 199817 March 2000 Michael Perham (became Dean)\n\nDeans\n17 March 20002004 Michael Perham (previously Provost)\n2005December 2007 Martin Kitchen\n13 September 200831 January 2010 Jeff Cuttell\n9 October 201020 November 2016 John Davies\n2 November 201630 September 2017: Sue Jones, Acting Dean, and Director of Mission and Ministry\n30 September 2017September 2019: Stephen Hance\n\nReferences\n\nDeans of Derby\nDeans of Derby\n \nDeans of Derby\nCategory:Diocese of Derby" ]
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[ "Harvey III, Viscount of Léon\n\nHarvey III of Léon (c. 1219 – c. 1265) was Viscount of Léon. ", "He succeeded his father Guihomar VI.", "\n\nLife \nTo repay his debts to Duke John I, Harvey III sold him the castle and port of Brest in March 1240 in Quimperlé, which allowed the Duke to have a bearing in the north-west of the Duchy. ", "The castellum (castle) of Quimperlé was burnt down in 1241 by one of Harvey III's distant relatives, also named Harvey of Léon, who had rebelled against the Duke.", "\n\nHarvey III died at an unknown date after May 1265.", "\n\nIssue \nHarvey had married a woman named Margilie. ", "They had four children:\n Harvey IV who succeeded his father\n Alan, who died without issue \n Anné, who married Roland II, Lord of Dinan a knight, Lord of Montafilant and Runefau\n Constance married Guillaume of Plœuc\n\nReferences\n\nSources \n Patrick Kernévez, André-Yves Bourgès Généalogie des vicomtes de Léon (XIe, XIIe et XIIIe siècles). ", "Bulletin de la Société archéologique du Finistère, volume CXXXVI, 2007, p. 157-188.", "\n\nCategory:Viscounts of Léon\nCategory:House of Léon" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nTypeScript - destructing array after conversion with `as` operator causes compilation error: expression expected\n\nI'm using TypeScript 2.9.2.", "\nA 3rd party library URI.js has a static method declared as:\njoinPaths(...paths: (string | URI)[]): URI;\n\nNow I have a variable named urlPaths declared as urlPaths: string | string[], the following code is giving me error [ts] Expression expected. ", "at the spread operator:\nURI.joinPaths(typeof urlPaths === 'string' ? ", "urlPaths as string : ...(urlPaths as string[]))\n\nBut if I extract the ternary operator expression out as a separate variable, it is fine:\nconst paths = typeof urlPaths === 'string' ? [", "urlPaths as string] : urlPaths as string[];\nURI.joinPaths(...paths);\n\nWhat's wrong with my syntax here?", "\n\nA:\n\nSpread syntax is supported on arguments to functions, so your ... should be at the outer most level:\nURI.joinPaths(... (typeof urlPaths === 'string' ? [", "urlPaths as string] : (urlPaths as string[])));\n\nBut also note that the asserions are redundant, typescript will figure out the type without them since typeof urlPaths === 'string' is a type guard and urlPaths: string | string[]\nURI.joinPaths(... (typeof urlPaths === 'string' ? [", "urlPaths] : urlPaths));\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.006896551724137931, 0.008064516129032258, 0, 0, 0, 0.006329113924050633, 0.0035714285714285713, 0 ]
[ "This invention relates generally to memory technology and in particular to a new high performance intelligent content search memories and a regular expression compiler for it.", "\nMany modern applications depend on fast information search and retrieval. ", "With the advent of the world-wide-web and the phenomenal growth in its usage, content search has become a critical capability. ", "A large number of servers get deployed in web search applications due to the performance limitations of the state of the art microprocessors for regular expression driven search.", "\nThere have been significant research and development resources devoted to the topic of searching of lexical information or patterns in strings. ", "Regular expressions have been used extensively since the mid 1950s to describe the patterns in strings for content search, lexical analysis, information retrieval systems and the like. ", "Regular expressions were first studied by S. C. Kleene in mid-1950s to describe the events of nervous activity. ", "It is well understood in the industry that regular expression (RE) can also be represented using finite state automata (FSA). ", "Non-deterministic FSA (NFA) and deterministic FSA (DFA) are two types of FSAs that have been used extensively over the history of computing. ", "Rabin and Scott were the first to show the equivalence of DFA and NFA as far as their ability to recognize languages in 1959. ", "In general a significant body of research exists on regular expressions. ", "Theory of regular expressions can be found in “Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation” by Hopcroft and Ullman and a significant discussion of the topics can also be found in book “Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools” by Aho, Sethi and Ullman.", "\nComputers are increasingly networked within enterprises and around the world. ", "These networked computers are changing the paradigm of information management and security. ", "Vast amount of information, including highly confidential, personal and sensitive information is now being generated, accessed and stored over the network. ", "This information needs to be protected from unauthorized access. ", "Further, there is a continuous onslaught of spam, viruses, and other inappropriate content on the users through email, web access, instant messaging, web download and other means, resulting in significant loss of productivity and resources.", "\nEnterprise and service provider networks are rapidly evolving from 10/100 Mbps line rates to 1 Gbps, 10 Gbps and higher line rates. ", "Traditional model of perimeter security to protect information systems pose many issues due to the blurring boundary of an organization's perimeter. ", "Today as employees, contractors, remote users, partners and customers require access to enterprise networks from outside, a perimeter security model is inadequate. ", "This usage model poses serious security vulnerabilities to critical information and computing resources for these organizations. ", "Thus the traditional model of perimeter security has to be bolstered with security at the core of the network. ", "Further, the convergence of new sources of threats and high line rate networks is making software based perimeter security to stop the external and internal attacks inadequate. ", "There is a clear need for enabling security processing in hardware inside core or end systems beside a perimeter security as one of the prominent means of security to thwart ever increasing security breaches and attacks.", "\nFBI and other leading research institutions have reported in recent years that over 70% of intrusions in organizations have been internal. ", "Hence a perimeter defense relying on protecting an organization from external attacks is not sufficient as discussed above. ", "Organizations are also required to screen outbound traffic to prevent accidental or malicious disclosure of proprietary and confidential information as well as to prevent its network resources from being used to proliferate spam, viruses, worms and other malware. ", "There is a clear need to inspect the data payloads of the network traffic to protect and secure an organization's network for inbound and outbound security.", "\nData transported using TCP/IP or other protocols is processed at the source, the destination or intermediate systems in the network or a combination thereof to provide data security or other services like secure sockets layer (SSL) for socket layer security, Transport layer security, encryption/decryption, RDMA, RDMA security, application layer security, virtualization or higher application layer processing, which may further involve application level protocol processing (for example, protocol processing for HTTP, HTTPS, XML, SGML, Secure XML, other XML derivatives, Telnet, FTP, IP Storage, NFS, CIFS, DAFS, and the like). ", "Many of these processing tasks put a significant burden on the host processor that can have a direct impact on the performance of applications and the hardware system. ", "Hence, some of these tasks need to be accelerated using dedicated hardware for example SSL, or TLS acceleration. ", "As the usage of XML increases for web applications, it is creating a significant performance burden on the host processor and can also benefit significantly from hardware acceleration. ", "Detection of spam, viruses and other inappropriate content require deep packet inspection and analysis. ", "Such tasks can put huge processing burden on the host processor and can substantially lower network line rate. ", "Hence, deep packet content search and analysis hardware is also required.", "\nInternet has become an essential tool for doing business at small to large organizations. ", "HTML based static web is being transformed into a dynamic environment over last several years with deployment of XML based services. ", "XML is becoming the lingua-franca of the web and its usage is expected to increase substantially. ", "XML is a descriptive language that offers many advantages by making the documents self-describing for automated processing but is also known to cause huge performance overhead for best of class server processors. ", "Decisions can be made by processing the intelligence embedded in XML documents to enable business to business transactions as well as other information exchange. ", "However, due to the performance overload on the best of class server processors from analyzing XML documents, they cannot be used in systems that require network line rate XML processing to provide intelligent networking. ", "There is a clear need for acceleration solutions for XML document parsing and content inspection at network line rates which are approaching 1 Gbps and 10 Gbps, to realize the benefits of a dynamic web based on XML services.", "\nRegular expressions can be used to represent the content search strings for a variety of applications like those discussed above. ", "A set of regular expressions can then form a rule set for searching for a specific application and can be applied to any document, file, message, packet or stream of data for examination of the same. ", "Regular expressions are used in describing anti-spam rules, anti-virus rules, anti-spyware rules, anti-phishing rules, intrusion detection rules, extrusion detection rules, digital rights management rules, legal compliance rules, worm detection rules, instant message inspection rules, VoIP security rules, XML document security and search constructs, genetics, proteomics, XML based protocols like XMPP, web search, database search, bioinformatics, signature recognition, speech recognition, web indexing and the like. ", "These expressions get converted into NFAs or DFAs for evaluation on a general purpose processor. ", "However, significant performance and storage limitations arise for each type of the representation. ", "For example an N character regular expression can take up to the order of 2N memory for the states of a DFA, while the same for an NFA is in the order of N. On the other hand the performance for the DFA evaluation for an M byte input data stream is in the order of M memory accesses and the order of (N*M) processor cycles for the NFA representation on modern microprocessors.", "\nWhen the number of regular expressions increases, the impact on the performance deteriorates as well. ", "For example, in an application like anti-spam, there may be hundreds of regular expression rules. ", "These regular expressions can be evaluated on the server processors using individual NFAs or DFAS. ", "It may also be possible to create a composite DFA to represent the rules. ", "Assuming that there are X REs for an application, then a DFA based representation of each individual RE would result up to the order of (X*2N) states however the evaluation time would grow up to the order of (X*N) memory cycles. ", "Generally, due to the potential expansion in the number of states for a DFA they would need to be stored in off chip memories. ", "Using a typical access time latency of main memory systems of 60 ns, it would require about (X*60 ns*N*M) time to process an X RE DFA with N states over an M byte data stream. ", "This can result in tens of Mbps performance for modest size of X, N & M. Such performance is obviously significantly below the needs of today's network line rates of 1 Gbps to 10 Gbps and beyond. ", "On the other hand, if a composite DFA is created, it can result in an upper bound of storage in the order of 2N*X which may not be within physical limits of memory size for typical commercial computing systems even for a few hundred REs. ", "Thus the upper bound in memory expansion for DFAs can be a significant issue. ", "Then on the other hand NFAs are non-deterministic in nature and can result in multiple state transitions that can happen simultaneously. ", "NFAs can only be processed on a state of the art microprocessor in a scalar fashion, resulting in multiple executions of the NFA for each of the enabled paths. ", "X REs with N characters on average can be represented in the upper bound of (X*N) states as NFAs. ", "However, each NFA would require M iterations for an M-byte stream, causing an upper bound of (X*N*M* processor cycles per loop). ", "Assuming the number of processing cycles are in the order of 10 cycles, then for a best of class processor at 4 GHz, the processing time can be around (X*N*M*2.5 ns), which for a nominal N of 8 and X in tens can result in below 100 Mbps performance. ", "There is a clear need to create high performance regular expression based content search acceleration which can provide the performance in line with the network rates which are going to 1 Gbps and 10 Gbps.", "\nThe methods for converting a regular expression to Thompson's NFA and DFA are well known. ", "The resulting automata are able to distinguish whether a string belongs to the language defined by the regular expression however it is not very efficient to figure out if a specific sub-expression of a regular expression is in a matching string or the extent of the string. ", "Tagged NFAs enable such queries to be conducted efficiently without having to scan the matching string again. ", "For a discussion on Tagged NFA refer to the paper “NFAs with Tagged Transitions, their Conversion to Deterministic Automata and Application to Regular Expressions”, by Ville Laurikari, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland." ]
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[ "Health Information\n\nShould You Fight a Bully?", "\n\nJust about every kid knows what a bully is. ", "But it's harder to know what to do about bullies, especially if one of them is bullying you.", "\n\nIn movies and on TV, sometimes people physically fight the bully. ", "Most of the time, you don't have to do that. ", "You can stand up to a bully without having an actual fight, where people get hurt.", "\n\nAlmost always, you can take different actions — and those steps will be better for you.", "\n\nSometimes, though, people feel they need to — or want to — fight a bully. ", "They may feel that they are being physically threatened right at that moment and need to protect themselves. ", "They may think fighting back will teach the bully a lesson or be the best way to escape. ", "And some kids may feel pressured by others to fight back when they don't really want to. ", "That's never a good reason to fight.", "\n\nSome bullies don't actually want to fight. ", "They just like to intimidate others. ", "Other bullies back down without a fight if the person they're targeting stands up to them. ", "But some bullies do like to get into fights. ", "They might like to cause pain to others — or feel pain themselves.", "\n\nFighting can be dangerous and can lead to people getting seriously hurt. ", "It also can quickly get out of control, with more people joining in. ", "Many schools have strict rules about fighting and it can result in punishments for anyone who was involved.", "\n\nYou can feel more in control by talking with responsible adults, such as parents, teachers, counselors, or coaches. ", "They can get involved to help.", "\n\nFor those who want to build some skills and improve confidence, taking self-defense classes can help. ", "Even for those who never need to use those skills, just learning them may be very helpful. ", "In a few rare situations, fighting back may be the only way to avoid being hurt. ", "But in almost all cases, there are better, safer choices./p>" ]
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[ "Smiling and relative status in news photographs.", "\nTo test the hypothesis that lower social status is associated with more smiling, the authors used newspaper photographs and their associated news stories as the basis for scoring the smiling and relative social status of the 2 individuals in each photograph. ", "Independent raters judged smiling and 5 dimensions of relative status for 496 individuals in 248 newspaper photographs. ", "There was no relation between status and smiling, although status and smiling were both related to other variables such as gender, age, and story valence. ", "These findings add to a growing body of evidence that there is no generalized relation between smiling and status." ]
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[ "Casual Driver\n\nLocation\n\nDetails\n\nAre you looking for an exciting career in a fast paced and dynamic work environment? ", "Join a company with a passion for innovation and customer service that rewards performance through competitive bonus programs and internal growth opportunities. ", "Discount Car and Truck Rentals is a Canadian owned and operated company. ", "We are a renowned industry leader with over 300 offices across Canada. ", "As a result of our continued growth and success, we are currently searching for new Casual Drivers to join our team in the Richmond, Vancouver and Burnaby areas!", "\n\nResponsibilities\n\nDriving vehicles including trucks both in town and out of town\n\nVehicle inspections\n\nRefueling vehicles\n\nShuttling other drivers\n\nAbility to work 2-3 days per week with the possibility of additional hours/days\n\nQualifications\n\nAttention to detail\n\nA professional demeanor\n\nValid driver’s license with a clean driving record\n\nBondable\n\nWhat’s in it for you?", "\n\nImmediate enrolment in the Discount Incentive program, giving you discounted rates on home and auto insurance, clothing, sporting events and more" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0.006211180124223602, 0, 0 ]
[ "\"use strict\";\n\nvar sjcl={cipher:{},hash:{},mode:{},misc:{},codec:{},exception:{corrupt:function(a){this.toString=function(){return\"CORRUPT: \"+this.message};this.message=a},invalid:function(a){this.toString=function(){return\"INVALID: \"+this.message};this.message=a},bug:function(a){this.toString=function(){return\"BUG: \"+this.message};this.message=a}}};\nsjcl.cipher.aes=function(a){this.h[0][0][0]||this.w();var b,c,d,e,f=this.h[0][4],g=this.h[1];b=a.length;var h=1;if(b!==4&&b!==6&&b!==8)throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"invalid aes key size\");this.a=[d=a.slice(0),e=[]];for(a=b;a<4*b+28;a++){c=d[a-1];if(a%b===0||b===8&&a%b===4){c=f[c>>>24]<<24^f[c>>16&255]<<16^f[c>>8&255]<<8^f[c&255];if(a%b===0){c=c<<8^c>>>24^h<<24;h=h<<1^(h>>7)*283}}d[a]=d[a-b]^c}for(b=0;a;b++,a--){c=d[b&3?a:a-4];e[b]=a<=4||b<4?c:g[0][f[c>>>24]]^g[1][f[c>>16&255]]^g[2][f[c>>8&255]]^\ng[3][f[c&255]]}};\nsjcl.cipher.aes.prototype={encrypt:function(a){return this.", "H(a,0)},decrypt:function(a){return this.", "H(a,1)},h:[[[],[],[],[],[]],[[],[],[],[],[]]],w:function(){var a=this.h[0],b=this.h[1],c=a[4],d=b[4],e,f,g,h=[],i=[],k,j,l,m;for(e=0;e<0x100;e++)i[(h[e]=e<<1^(e>>7)*283)^e]=e;for(f=g=0;!c[f];f^=k||1,g=i[g]||1){l=g^g<<1^g<<2^g<<3^g<<4;l=l>>8^l&255^99;c[f]=l;d[l]=f;j=h[e=h[k=h[f]]];m=j*0x1010101^e*0x10001^k*0x101^f*0x1010100;j=h[l]*0x101^l*0x1010100;for(e=0;e<4;e++){a[e][f]=j=j<<24^j>>>8;b[e][l]=m=m<<24^m>>>8}}for(e=\n0;e<5;e++){a[e]=a[e].slice(0);b[e]=b[e].slice(0)}},H:function(a,b){if(a.length!==4)throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"invalid aes block size\");var c=this.a[b],d=a[0]^c[0],e=a[b?3:1]^c[1],f=a[2]^c[2];a=a[b?1:3]^c[3];var g,h,i,k=c.length/4-2,j,l=4,m=[0,0,0,0];g=this.h[b];var n=g[0],o=g[1],p=g[2],q=g[3],r=g[4];for(j=0;j<k;j++){g=n[d>>>24]^o[e>>16&255]^p[f>>8&255]^q[a&255]^c[l];h=n[e>>>24]^o[f>>16&255]^p[a>>8&255]^q[d&255]^c[l+1];i=n[f>>>24]^o[a>>16&255]^p[d>>8&255]^q[e&255]^c[l+2];a=n[a>>>24]^o[d>>16&\n255]^p[e>>8&255]^q[f&255]^c[l+3];l+=4;d=g;e=h;f=i}for(j=0;j<4;j++){m[b?3&-j:j]=r[d>>>24]<<24^r[e>>16&255]<<16^r[f>>8&255]<<8^r[a&255]^c[l++];g=d;d=e;e=f;f=a;a=g}return m}};\nsjcl.bitArray={bitSlice:function(a,b,c){a=sjcl.bitArray.", "P(a.slice(b/32),32-(b&31)).slice(1);return c===undefined?a:sjcl.bitArray.clamp(a,c-b)},concat:function(a,b){if(a.length===0||b.length===0)return a.concat(b);var c=a[a.length-1],d=sjcl.bitArray.getPartial(c);return d===32?a.concat(b):sjcl.bitArray.", "P(b,d,c|0,a.slice(0,a.length-1))},bitLength:function(a){var b=a.length;if(b===0)return 0;return(b-1)*32+sjcl.bitArray.getPartial(a[b-1])},clamp:function(a,b){if(a.length*32<b)return a;a=a.slice(0,Math.ceil(b/\n32));var c=a.length;b&=31;if(c>0&&b)a[c-1]=sjcl.bitArray.partial(b,a[c-1]&2147483648>>b-1,1);return a},partial:function(a,b,c){if(a===32)return b;return(c?b|0:b<<32-a)+a*0x10000000000},getPartial:function(a){return Math.round(a/0x10000000000)||32},equal:function(a,b){if(sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(a)!==sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(b))return false;var c=0,d;for(d=0;d<a.length;d++)c|=a[d]^b[d];return c===0},P:function(a,b,c,d){var e;e=0;if(d===undefined)d=[];for(;b>=32;b-=32){d.push(c);c=0}if(b===0)return d.concat(a);\nfor(e=0;e<a.length;e++){d.push(c|a[e]>>>b);c=a[e]<<32-b}e=a.length?a[a.length-1]:0;a=sjcl.bitArray.getPartial(e);d.push(sjcl.bitArray.partial(b+a&31,b+a>32?c:d.pop(),1));return d},k:function(a,b){return[a[0]^b[0],a[1]^b[1],a[2]^b[2],a[3]^b[3]]}};\nsjcl.codec.utf8String={fromBits:function(a){var b=\"\",c=sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(a),d,e;for(d=0;d<c/8;d++){if((d&3)===0)e=a[d/4];b+=String.fromCharCode(e>>>24);e<<=8}return decodeURIComponent(escape(b))},toBits:function(a){a=unescape(encodeURIComponent(a));var b=[],c,d=0;for(c=0;c<a.length;c++){d=d<<8|a.charCodeAt(c);if((c&3)===3){b.push(d);d=0}}c&3&&b.push(sjcl.bitArray.partial(8*(c&3),d));return b}};\nsjcl.codec.hex={fromBits:function(a){var b=\"\",c;for(c=0;c<a.length;c++)b+=((a[c]|0)+0xf00000000000).toString(16).substr(4);return b.substr(0,sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(a)/4)},toBits:function(a){var b,c=[],d;a=a.replace(/\\s|0x/g,\"\");d=a.length;a+=\"00000000\";for(b=0;b<a.length;b+=8)c.push(parseInt(a.substr(b,8),16)^0);return sjcl.bitArray.clamp(c,d*4)}};\nsjcl.codec.base64={D:\"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\",fromBits:function(a,b){var c=\"\",d,e=0,f=sjcl.codec.base64.D,g=0,h=sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(a);for(d=0;c.length*6<h;){c+=f.charAt((g^a[d]>>>e)>>>26);if(e<6){g=a[d]<<6-e;e+=26;d++}else{g<<=6;e-=6}}for(;c.length&3&&!b;)c+=\"=\";return c},toBits:function(a){a=a.replace(/\\s|=/g,\"\");var b=[],c,d=0,e=sjcl.codec.base64.D,f=0,g;for(c=0;c<a.length;c++){g=e.indexOf(a.charAt(c));if(g<0)throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"this isn't base64!\");", "\nif(d>26){d-=26;b.push(f^g>>>d);f=g<<32-d}else{d+=6;f^=g<<32-d}}d&56&&b.push(sjcl.bitArray.partial(d&56,f,1));return b}};sjcl.hash.sha256=function(a){this.a[0]||this.w();if(a){this.n=a.n.slice(0);this.i=a.i.slice(0);this.e=a.e}else this.reset()};sjcl.hash.sha256.hash=function(a){return(new sjcl.hash.sha256).update(a).finalize()};\nsjcl.hash.sha256.prototype={blockSize:512,reset:function(){this.n=this.", "N.slice(0);this.i=[];this.e=0;return this},update:function(a){if(typeof a===\"string\")a=sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(a);var b,c=this.i=sjcl.bitArray.concat(this.i,a);b=this.e;a=this.e=b+sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(a);for(b=512+b&-512;b<=a;b+=512)this.", "C(c.splice(0,16));return this},finalize:function(){var a,b=this.i,c=this.n;b=sjcl.bitArray.concat(b,[sjcl.bitArray.partial(1,1)]);for(a=b.length+2;a&15;a++)b.push(0);b.push(Math.floor(this.e/\n4294967296));for(b.push(this.e|0);b.length;)this.", "C(b.splice(0,16));this.reset();return c},N:[],a:[],w:function(){function a(e){return(e-Math.floor(e))*0x100000000|0}var b=0,c=2,d;a:for(;b<64;c++){for(d=2;d*d<=c;d++)if(c%d===0)continue a;if(b<8)this.", "N[b]=a(Math.pow(c,0.5));this.a[b]=a(Math.pow(c,1/3));b++}},C:function(a){var b,c,d=a.slice(0),e=this.n,f=this.a,g=e[0],h=e[1],i=e[2],k=e[3],j=e[4],l=e[5],m=e[6],n=e[7];for(a=0;a<64;a++){if(a<16)b=d[a];else{b=d[a+1&15];c=d[a+14&15];b=d[a&15]=(b>>>7^b>>>18^\nb>>>3^b<<25^b<<14)+(c>>>17^c>>>19^c>>>10^c<<15^c<<13)+d[a&15]+d[a+9&15]|0}b=b+n+(j>>>6^j>>>11^j>>>25^j<<26^j<<21^j<<7)+(m^j&(l^m))+f[a];n=m;m=l;l=j;j=k+b|0;k=i;i=h;h=g;g=b+(h&i^k&(h^i))+(h>>>2^h>>>13^h>>>22^h<<30^h<<19^h<<10)|0}e[0]=e[0]+g|0;e[1]=e[1]+h|0;e[2]=e[2]+i|0;e[3]=e[3]+k|0;e[4]=e[4]+j|0;e[5]=e[5]+l|0;e[6]=e[6]+m|0;e[7]=e[7]+n|0}};\nsjcl.mode.ccm={name:\"ccm\",encrypt:function(a,b,c,d,e){var f,g=b.slice(0),h=sjcl.bitArray,i=h.bitLength(c)/8,k=h.bitLength(g)/8;e=e||64;d=d||[];if(i<7)throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"ccm: iv must be at least 7 bytes\");for(f=2;f<4&&k>>>8*f;f++);if(f<15-i)f=15-i;c=h.clamp(c,8*(15-f));b=sjcl.mode.ccm.", "G(a,b,c,d,e,f);g=sjcl.mode.ccm.", "I(a,g,c,b,e,f);return h.concat(g.data,g.tag)},decrypt:function(a,b,c,d,e){e=e||64;d=d||[];var f=sjcl.bitArray,g=f.bitLength(c)/8,h=f.bitLength(b),i=f.clamp(b,h-e),k=f.bitSlice(b,\nh-e);h=(h-e)/8;if(g<7)throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"ccm: iv must be at least 7 bytes\");for(b=2;b<4&&h>>>8*b;b++);if(b<15-g)b=15-g;c=f.clamp(c,8*(15-b));i=sjcl.mode.ccm.", "I(a,i,c,k,e,b);a=sjcl.mode.ccm.", "G(a,i.data,c,d,e,b);if(!f.equal(i.tag,a))throw new sjcl.exception.corrupt(\"ccm: tag doesn't match\");return i.data},G:function(a,b,c,d,e,f){var g=[],h=sjcl.bitArray,i=h.k;e/=8;if(e%2||e<4||e>16)throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"ccm: invalid tag length\");if(d.length>0xffffffff||b.length>0xffffffff)throw new sjcl.exception.bug(\"ccm: can't deal with 4GiB or more data\");\nf=[h.partial(8,(d.length?64:0)|e-2<<2|f-1)];f=h.concat(f,c);f[3]|=h.bitLength(b)/8;f=a.encrypt(f);if(d.length){c=h.bitLength(d)/8;if(c<=65279)g=[h.partial(16,c)];else if(c<=0xffffffff)g=h.concat([h.partial(16,65534)],[c]);g=h.concat(g,d);for(d=0;d<g.length;d+=4)f=a.encrypt(i(f,g.slice(d,d+4)))}for(d=0;d<b.length;d+=4)f=a.encrypt(i(f,b.slice(d,d+4)));return h.clamp(f,e*8)},I:function(a,b,c,d,e,f){var g,h=sjcl.bitArray;g=h.k;var i=b.length,k=h.bitLength(b);c=h.concat([h.partial(8,f-1)],c).concat([0,\n0,0]).slice(0,4);d=h.bitSlice(g(d,a.encrypt(c)),0,e);if(!i)return{tag:d,data:[]};for(g=0;g<i;g+=4){c[3]++;e=a.encrypt(c);b[g]^=e[0];b[g+1]^=e[1];b[g+2]^=e[2];b[g+3]^=e[3]}return{tag:d,data:h.clamp(b,k)}}};\nsjcl.mode.ocb2={name:\"ocb2\",encrypt:function(a,b,c,d,e,f){if(sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(c)!==128)throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"ocb iv must be 128 bits\");var g,h=sjcl.mode.ocb2.A,i=sjcl.bitArray,k=i.k,j=[0,0,0,0];c=h(a.encrypt(c));var l,m=[];d=d||[];e=e||64;for(g=0;g+4<b.length;g+=4){l=b.slice(g,g+4);j=k(j,l);m=m.concat(k(c,a.encrypt(k(c,l))));c=h(c)}l=b.slice(g);b=i.bitLength(l);g=a.encrypt(k(c,[0,0,0,b]));l=i.clamp(k(l,g),b);j=k(j,k(l,g));j=a.encrypt(k(j,k(c,h(c))));if(d.length)j=k(j,f?d:sjcl.mode.ocb2.pmac(a,\nd));return m.concat(i.concat(l,i.clamp(j,e)))},decrypt:function(a,b,c,d,e,f){if(sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(c)!==128)throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"ocb iv must be 128 bits\");e=e||64;var g=sjcl.mode.ocb2.A,h=sjcl.bitArray,i=h.k,k=[0,0,0,0],j=g(a.encrypt(c)),l,m,n=sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(b)-e,o=[];d=d||[];for(c=0;c+4<n/32;c+=4){l=i(j,a.decrypt(i(j,b.slice(c,c+4))));k=i(k,l);o=o.concat(l);j=g(j)}m=n-c*32;l=a.encrypt(i(j,[0,0,0,m]));l=i(l,h.clamp(b.slice(c),m));k=i(k,l);k=a.encrypt(i(k,i(j,g(j))));if(d.length)k=\ni(k,f?d:sjcl.mode.ocb2.pmac(a,d));if(!h.equal(h.clamp(k,e),h.bitSlice(b,n)))throw new sjcl.exception.corrupt(\"ocb: tag doesn't match\");return o.concat(h.clamp(l,m))},pmac:function(a,b){var c,d=sjcl.mode.ocb2.A,e=sjcl.bitArray,f=e.k,g=[0,0,0,0],h=a.encrypt([0,0,0,0]);h=f(h,d(d(h)));for(c=0;c+4<b.length;c+=4){h=d(h);g=f(g,a.encrypt(f(h,b.slice(c,c+4))))}b=b.slice(c);if(e.bitLength(b)<128){h=f(h,d(h));b=e.concat(b,[2147483648|0])}g=f(g,b);return a.encrypt(f(d(f(h,d(h))),g))},A:function(a){return[a[0]<<\n1^a[1]>>>31,a[1]<<1^a[2]>>>31,a[2]<<1^a[3]>>>31,a[3]<<1^(a[0]>>>31)*135]}};sjcl.misc.hmac=function(a,b){this.", "M=b=b||sjcl.hash.sha256;var c=[[],[]],d=b.prototype.blockSize/32;this.l=[new b,new b];if(a.length>d)a=b.hash(a);for(b=0;b<d;b++){c[0][b]=a[b]^909522486;c[1][b]=a[b]^1549556828}this.l[0].update(c[0]);this.l[1].update(c[1])};sjcl.misc.hmac.prototype.encrypt=sjcl.misc.hmac.prototype.mac=function(a,b){a=(new this.", "M(this.l[0])).update(a,b).finalize();return(new this.", "M(this.l[1])).update(a).finalize()};\nsjcl.misc.pbkdf2=function(a,b,c,d,e){c=c||1E3;if(d<0||c<0)throw sjcl.exception.invalid(\"invalid params to pbkdf2\");if(typeof a===\"string\")a=sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(a);e=e||sjcl.misc.hmac;a=new e(a);var f,g,h,i,k=[],j=sjcl.bitArray;for(i=1;32*k.length<(d||1);i++){e=f=a.encrypt(j.concat(b,[i]));for(g=1;g<c;g++){f=a.encrypt(f);for(h=0;h<f.length;h++)e[h]^=f[h]}k=k.concat(e)}if(d)k=j.clamp(k,d);return k};\nsjcl.random={randomWords:function(a,b){var c=[];b=this.isReady(b);var d;if(b===0)throw new sjcl.exception.notready(\"generator isn't seeded\");else b&2&&this.", "U(!(b&1));for(b=0;b<a;b+=4){(b+1)%0x10000===0&&this.", "L();d=this.u();c.push(d[0],d[1],d[2],d[3])}this.", "L();return c.slice(0,a)},setDefaultParanoia:function(a){this.t=a},addEntropy:function(a,b,c){c=c||\"user\";var d,e,f=(new Date).valueOf(),g=this.q[c],h=this.isReady();d=this.", "F[c];if(d===undefined)d=this.", "F[c]=this.", "R++;if(g===undefined)g=this.q[c]=0;this.q[c]=\n(this.q[c]+1)%this.b.length;switch(typeof a){case \"number\":break;case \"object\":if(b===undefined)for(c=b=0;c<a.length;c++)for(e=a[c];e>0;){b++;e>>>=1}this.b[g].update([d,this.", "J++,2,b,f,a.length].concat(a));break;case \"string\":if(b===undefined)b=a.length;this.b[g].update([d,this.", "J++,3,b,f,a.length]);this.b[g].update(a);break;default:throw new sjcl.exception.bug(\"random: addEntropy only supports number, array or string\");}this.j[g]+=b;this.f+=b;if(h===0){this.isReady()!==0&&this.", "K(\"seeded\",Math.max(this.g,\nthis.f));this.", "K(\"progress\",this.getProgress())}},isReady:function(a){a=this.", "B[a!==undefined?a:this.t];return this.g&&this.g>=a?this.j[0]>80&&(new Date).valueOf()>this.", "O?3:1:this.f>=a?2:0},getProgress:function(a){a=this.", "B[a?a:this.t];return this.g>=a?1[\"0\"]:this.f>a?1[\"0\"]:this.f/a},startCollectors:function(){if(!this.m){if(window.addEventListener){window.addEventListener(\"load\",this.o,false);window.addEventListener(\"mousemove\",this.p,false)}else if(document.attachEvent){document.attachEvent(\"onload\",\nthis.o);document.attachEvent(\"onmousemove\",this.p)}else throw new sjcl.exception.bug(\"can't attach event\");this.m=true}},stopCollectors:function(){if(this.m){if(window.removeEventListener){window.removeEventListener(\"load\",this.o);window.removeEventListener(\"mousemove\",this.p)}else if(window.detachEvent){window.detachEvent(\"onload\",this.o);window.detachEvent(\"onmousemove\",this.p)}this.m=false}},addEventListener:function(a,b){this.r[a][this.", "Q++]=b},removeEventListener:function(a,b){var c;a=this.r[a];\nvar d=[];for(c in a)a.hasOwnProperty[c]&&a[c]===b&&d.push(c);for(b=0;b<d.length;b++){c=d[b];delete a[c]}},b:[new sjcl.hash.sha256],j:[0],z:0,q:{},J:0,F:{},R:0,g:0,f:0,O:0,a:[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],d:[0,0,0,0],s:undefined,t:6,m:false,r:{progress:{},seeded:{}},Q:0,B:[0,48,64,96,128,192,0x100,384,512,768,1024],u:function(){for(var a=0;a<4;a++){this.d[a]=this.d[a]+1|0;if(this.d[a])break}return this.s.encrypt(this.d)},L:function(){this.a=this.u().concat(this.u());this.s=new sjcl.cipher.aes(this.a)},T:function(a){this.a=\nsjcl.hash.sha256.hash(this.a.concat(a));this.s=new sjcl.cipher.aes(this.a);for(a=0;a<4;a++){this.d[a]=this.d[a]+1|0;if(this.d[a])break}},U:function(a){var b=[],c=0,d;this.", "O=b[0]=(new Date).valueOf()+3E4;for(d=0;d<16;d++)b.push(Math.random()*0x100000000|0);for(d=0;d<this.b.length;d++){b=b.concat(this.b[d].finalize());c+=this.j[d];this.j[d]=0;if(!a&&this.z&1<<d)break}if(this.z>=1<<this.b.length){this.b.push(new sjcl.hash.sha256);this.j.push(0)}this.f-=c;if(c>this.g)this.g=c;this.z++;this.", "T(b)},p:function(a){sjcl.random.addEntropy([a.x||\na.clientX||a.offsetX,a.y||a.clientY||a.offsetY],2,\"mouse\")},o:function(){sjcl.random.addEntropy(new Date,2,\"loadtime\")},K:function(a,b){var c;a=sjcl.random.r[a];var d=[];for(c in a)a.hasOwnProperty(c)&&d.push(a[c]);for(c=0;c<d.length;c++)d[c](b)}};\nsjcl.json={defaults:{v:1,iter:1E3,ks:128,ts:64,mode:\"ccm\",adata:\"\",cipher:\"aes\"},encrypt:function(a,b,c,d){c=c||{};d=d||{};var e=sjcl.json,f=e.c({iv:sjcl.random.randomWords(4,0)},e.defaults);e.c(f,c);if(typeof f.salt===\"string\")f.salt=sjcl.codec.base64.toBits(f.salt);if(typeof f.iv===\"string\")f.iv=sjcl.codec.base64.toBits(f.iv);if(!sjcl.mode[f.mode]||!sjcl.cipher[f.cipher]||typeof a===\"string\"&&f.iter<=100||f.ts!==64&&f.ts!==96&&f.ts!==128||f.ks!==128&&f.ks!==192&&f.ks!==0x100||f.iv.length<2||f.iv.length>\n4)throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"json encrypt: invalid parameters\");if(typeof a===\"string\"){c=sjcl.misc.cachedPbkdf2(a,f);a=c.key.slice(0,f.ks/32);f.salt=c.salt}if(typeof b===\"string\")b=sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(b);c=new sjcl.cipher[f.cipher](a);e.c(d,f);d.key=a;f.ct=sjcl.mode[f.mode].encrypt(c,b,f.iv,f.adata,f.tag);return e.encode(e.", "V(f,e.defaults))},decrypt:function(a,b,c,d){c=c||{};d=d||{};var e=sjcl.json;b=e.c(e.c(e.c({},e.defaults),e.decode(b)),c,true);if(typeof b.salt===\"string\")b.salt=\nsjcl.codec.base64.toBits(b.salt);if(typeof b.iv===\"string\")b.iv=sjcl.codec.base64.toBits(b.iv);if(!sjcl.mode[b.mode]||!sjcl.cipher[b.cipher]||typeof a===\"string\"&&b.iter<=100||b.ts!==64&&b.ts!==96&&b.ts!==128||b.ks!==128&&b.ks!==192&&b.ks!==0x100||!b.iv||b.iv.length<2||b.iv.length>4)throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"json decrypt: invalid parameters\");if(typeof a===\"string\"){c=sjcl.misc.cachedPbkdf2(a,b);a=c.key.slice(0,b.ks/32);b.salt=c.salt}c=new sjcl.cipher[b.cipher](a);c=sjcl.mode[b.mode].decrypt(c,\nb.ct,b.iv,b.adata,b.tag);e.c(d,b);d.key=a;return sjcl.codec.utf8String.fromBits(c)},encode:function(a){var b,c=\"{\",d=\"\";for(b in a)if(a.hasOwnProperty(b)){if(!b.match(/^[a-z0-9]+$/i))throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"json encode: invalid property name\");c+=d+b+\":\";d=\",\";switch(typeof a[b]){case \"number\":case \"boolean\":c+=a[b];break;case \"string\":c+='\"'+escape(a[b])+'\"';break;case \"object\":c+='\"'+sjcl.codec.base64.fromBits(a[b],1)+'\"';break;default:throw new sjcl.exception.bug(\"json encode: unsupported type\");\n}}return c+\"}\"},decode:function(a){a=a.replace(/\\s/g,\"\");if(!a.match(/^\\{.*\\}$/))throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"json decode: this isn't json!\");a=a.replace(/^\\{|\\}$/g,\"\").split(/,/);var b={},c,d;for(c=0;c<a.length;c++){if(!(d=a[c].match(/^([a-z][a-z0-9]*):(?:(\\d+)|\"([a-z0-9+\\/%*_.@=\\-]*)\")$/i)))throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"json decode: this isn't json!\");b[d[1]]=d[2]?parseInt(d[2],10):d[1].match(/^(ct|salt|iv)$/)?sjcl.codec.base64.toBits(d[3]):unescape(d[3])}return b},c:function(a,b,c){if(a===\nundefined)a={};if(b===undefined)return a;var d;for(d in b)if(b.hasOwnProperty(d)){if(c&&a[d]!==undefined&&a[d]!==b[d])throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"required parameter overridden\");a[d]=b[d]}return a},V:function(a,b){var c={},d;for(d in a)if(a.hasOwnProperty(d)&&a[d]!==b[d])c[d]=a[d];return c},W:function(a,b){var c={},d;for(d=0;d<b.length;d++)if(a[b[d]]!==undefined)c[b[d]]=a[b[d]];return c}};sjcl.encrypt=sjcl.json.encrypt;sjcl.decrypt=sjcl.json.decrypt;sjcl.misc.", "S={};\nsjcl.misc.cachedPbkdf2=function(a,b){var c=sjcl.misc.", "S,d;b=b||{};d=b.iter||1E3;c=c[a]=c[a]||{};d=c[d]=c[d]||{firstSalt:b.salt&&b.salt.length?b.salt.slice(0):sjcl.random.randomWords(2,0)};c=b.salt===undefined?d.firstSalt:b.salt;d[c]=d[c]||sjcl.misc.pbkdf2(a,c,b.iter);return{key:d[c].slice(0),salt:c.slice(0)}};\n\n\nvar browserUtil = {\n isRhino: true,\n \n pauseAndThen: function (cb) { cb(); },\n \n cpsIterate: function (f, start, end, pause, callback) {\n function go() {\n var called = false;\n if (start >= end) {\n callback && callback();\n } else {\n f(start, function () {\n if (!", "called) { called = true; start++; go(); }\n });\n }\n }\n go (start);\n },\n \n cpsMap: function (map, list, pause, callback) {\n browserUtil.cpsIterate(function (i, cb) { map(list[i], i, list.length, cb); },\n 0, list.length, pause, callback);\n },\n\n loadScripts: function(scriptNames, callback) {\n for (i=0; i<scriptNames.length; i++) {\n load(scriptNames[i]);\n callback && callback();\n }\n },\n \n write: function(type, message) {\n print(message);\n return { update: function (type2, message2) {\n if (type2 === 'pass') { print(\" + \" + message2); }\n else if (type2 === 'unimplemented') { print(\" ? \" ", "+ message2); }\n else { print(\" - \" + message2); }\n }};\n },\n \n writeNewline: function () { print(\"\"); },\n \n status: function(message) {}\n};\n\nsjcl.test = { vector: {}, all: {} };\n\n/* A bit of a hack. ", " Because sjcl.test will be reloaded several times\n * for different variants of sjcl, but browserUtils will not, this\n * variable keeps a permanent record of whether anything has failed.", "\n */\nif (typeof browserUtil.allPassed === 'undefined') {\n browserUtil.allPassed = true;\n}\n\nsjcl.test.", "TestCase = function(name, doRun) {\n this.doRun = doRun;\n this.name = name;\n this.passes = 0;\n this.failures = 0;\n this.isUnimplemented = false;\n sjcl.test.all[name] = this;\n};\n\nsjcl.test.TestCase.prototype = {\n /** Pass some subtest of this test */\n pass: function () { this.passes ++; },\n \n /** Fail some subtest of this test */\n fail: function (message) {\n if (message !", "== undefined) {\n this.log(\"fail\", \"*** FAIL *** \" + this.name + \": \" + message);\n } else {\n this.log(\"fail\", \"*** FAIL *** \" + this.name);\n }\n this.failures ++;\n browserUtil.allPassed = false;\n },\n \n unimplemented: function() {\n this.isUnimplemented = true;\n },\n \n /** Log a message to the console */\n log: browserUtil.write,\n \n /** Require that the first argument is true; otherwise fail with the given message */\n require: function (bool, message) {\n if (bool) {\n this.pass();\n } else if (message !", "== undefined) {\n this.fail(message);\n } else {\n this.fail(\"requirement failed\");\n }\n },\n\n /** Pause and then take the specified action. */", "\n pauseAndThen: browserUtil.pauseAndThen,\n \n /** Continuation-passing-style iteration */\n cpsIterate: browserUtil.cpsIterate,\n \n /** Continuation-passing-style iteration */\n cpsMap: browserUtil.cpsMap,\n\n /** Report the results of this test. */", "\n report: function (repo) {\n var t = (new Date()).valueOf() - this.startTime;\n if (this.failures !", "== 0) {\n repo.update(\"fail\", \"failed \" + this.failures + \" / \" +\n (this.passes + this.failures) + \" tests. (\" ", "+ t + \" ms)\");\n } else if (this.passes === 1) {\n repo.update(\"pass\", \"passed. (\" ", "+ t + \" ms)\");\n } else if (this.isUnimplemented) {\n repo.update(\"unimplemented\", \"unimplemented\");\n } else {\n repo.update(\"pass\", \"passed all \" + this.passes + \" tests. (\" ", "+ t + \" ms)\");\n }\n browserUtil.writeNewline();\n },\n \n\n /** Run the test. */", "\n run: function (ntests, i, cb) {\n var thiz = this;\n this.startTime = (new Date()).valueOf();\n this.pauseAndThen(function () {\n thiz.doRun(function () {\n cb && cb();\n })\n });\n }\n};\n\n// pass a list of tests to run, or pass nothing and it will run them all\nsjcl.test.run = function (tests, callback) {\n var t;\n \n if (tests === undefined || tests.length == 0) {\n tests = [];\n for (t in sjcl.test.all) {\n if (sjcl.test.all.hasOwnProperty(t)) {\n tests.push(t);\n }\n }\n }\n \n browserUtil.cpsMap(function (t, i, n, cb) {\n sjcl.test.all[tests[i]].run(n, i+1, cb);\n }, tests, true, callback);\n};\n\n/* Several test scripts rely on sjcl.codec.hex to parse their test\n * vectors, but we are not guaranteed that sjcl.codec.hex is\n * implemented.", "\n */\nsjcl.codec = sjcl.codec || {};\nsjcl.codec.hex = sjcl.codec.hex ||\n{\n fromBits: function (arr) {\n var out = \"\", i, x;\n for (i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {\n out += ((arr[i]|0)+0xF00000000000).toString(16).substr(4);\n }\n return out.substr(0, sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(arr)/4);//.replace(/(.{8})/g, \"$1 \");\n },\n toBits: function (str) {\n var i, out=[], len;\n str = str.replace(/\\s|0x/g, \"\");\n len = str.length;\n str = str + \"00000000\";\n for (i=0; i<str.length; i+=8) {\n out.push(parseInt(str.substr(i,8),16)^0);\n }\n return sjcl.bitArray.clamp(out, len*4);\n }\n};\n\n" ]
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[ "Acinar cells represent the exocrine part of the pancreatic gland, where large amounts of digestive enzymes are produced, stored and secreted. ", "These processes are regulated by external and internal signaling events and disruption of these normal functions can lead to chronic diseases. ", "For example, due to the high rate of protein synthesis, acinar cells show increased levels of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, which can be compensated for under normal conditions. ", "A failure of such compensation leads to acinar cell destruction, pancreatic inflammation and disease (8). ", "In addition to this, acinar cells show high plasticity (15, 16), where stress and growth factor signaling can initiate their de- or transdifferentiation to a progenitor-like phenotype that is highly proliferative (12). ", "This process is termed acinar-to-ductal metaplasia (ADM). ", "ADM is observed in vivo during pancreatitis (7), where it is a reversible process and contributes to acinar cell regeneration after the insult (17). ", "Irreversible ADM is observed after acquisition of an oncogenic KRas mutation (1, 6, 18) and is an initiating event for the development of pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN), precursor lesions for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA).", "\n\nThe assessment of signaling pathways that regulate normal acinar cell functions, such as amylase secretion, or processes that drive acinar cell metaplasia and proliferation, often requires depletion of genes of interest using RNAi techniques or ectopic expression of wildtype or modified proteins. ", "While primary acinar cells are difficult to transfect with common lipofection methods, lenti- or adenoviral delivery systems are most efficient (3, 4, 14). ", "Lentiviral or adenoviral delivery methods have been used for multiple applications, such as ectopic expression of proteins (3, 6, 10, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21), knockdown of protein expression using shRNA (4, 11), expression of cre-recombinase to induce expression of transgene alleles (5), or for introduction of gene reporters (5). ", "Moreover, a combination of lentiviral and adenoviral systems allows the knockdown and overexpression of genes of interest in the same cells. ", "For example, using such a combination approach, it was shown that inhibitory effects on the ADM process due to lentiviral knockdown of endogenous PKD1 could be rescued by adenoviral overexpression of an allele of PKD1 from another species (4). ", "In addition, the use of polycistronic vectors allows the expression of the mRNA or shRNA of interest as well as a reporter (such as GFP) to monitor infection efficiency (Fig. ", "1A). ", "Here, we outline the procedure to modulate genes of interest in isolated primary acinar cells from mouse pancreas using adenoviral or lentiviral expression systems.", "\n\nFig.1.Adenoviral infection and analyses of mouse primary acinar cells. ", "Primary acini isolated from mouse pancreas were infected with adenovirus harboring GFP (control) or GFP and SOD2 cDNA driven by a separate CMV promoter according to the procedures delineated above. ", "A: 48 hours post infection, cells were analyzed for expression of GFP using an Olympus IX81 spinning disk confocal microscope (10x magnification; shown is an overlay of GFP and bright field). ", "The bar indicates 100 µm. ", "B: Cells were lysed and analyzed by Western blot for GFP, SOD2 and GAPDH expression using anti-GFP (Santa Cruz, SC-9996, 1:2000) and anti-MnSOD (Abcam, ab68155, 1:2000) antibodies. ", "Staining for GAPDH (anti-GAPDH, Cell Signaling, #5174, 1:1000) served as a loading control. ", "Methods for generation of lysates and Western blotting are described in detail in (4, 5).", "\n\nSafetya. ", "Safe handling of viral solutions and media containing virus requires wearing person protection equipment (PPE) such as a lab coat, nitrile gloves, and safety goggles.b. ", "For decontamination purposes, all tips used for the infection procedure should be soaked in 10% bleach for at least 15 minutes. ", "The cell culture hood, pipettes and other equipment should be sprayed with 10% bleach, left for at least 15 minutes, and finally cleaned with 70% ethanol.", "\n\nGeneration of adeno- or lentivirus particles and determination of titer.a. ", "To generate adeno- or lentivirus, the gene of interest or shRNA can be cloned into commercially-available adenoviral or lentiviral expression vectors (e.g. ViraPowerTM Adenovirus expression system, Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). ", "Alternatively (recommended), there are multiple companies offering prepared adenovirus or lentivirus particles or generation of plasmids either for overexpression of genes of interest (i.e. OriGene, Rockville, MD or Vector Biolabs, Malvern, PA) or for shRNA expression (i.e. MISSION® shRNA libraries from Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, or Vector Biolabs). ", "For generation of adenovirus particles from existing plasmids, amplify and purify adenovirus from HEK293 cells using Adeno-XTM maxi purification kit from Takara Bio (Mountain View, CA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. ", "For generation of lentivirus particles, co-transfect HEK293FT cells of low passage with a lentiviral plasmid and viral packaging mix (i.e. ViraPowerTM packaging mix from Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.b. ", "For lentiviral knockdown, we usually obtain a set of five different shRNA virus constructs from Sigma-Aldrich and then test which two sequences are most efficient in knocking-down the target gene. ", "This evaluation is usually performed by co-transfecting the shRNA construct together with an expression plasmid that allows ectopic expression of a tagged version of the protein of interest into an easy to transfect mammalian cell line (e.g. HeLa). ", "The two best shRNA sequences are then used for lentivirus generation and titer determination. ", "The comparison of effects obtained with two different shRNA sequences will allow exclusion of off-target effects.c. ", "Adenoviral titers can be determined by multiple methods including detection of adenoviral particles and formation of plaques. ", "We use the Adeno-XTM rapid titer kit from Takara Bio, which measures the production of adenovirus hexon protein in HEK293 cells. ", "Lentiviral titers can be determined using a colony formation assay, in which HeLa cells are infected with different amounts of lentiviral solution at 10-fold serial dilutions. ", "The infected cells are then selected for using the selection marker of the lentiviral construct (e.g. puromycin) for 10-14 days. ", "Numbers of colonies formed are counted to obtain the lentiviral titer (transduction unit/mL). ", "Viral titers may decrease with long-term storage at -80°C. ", "Therefore, it is necessary to re-determine the viral titers when stock solutions are older than one year.", "\n\nIsolate pancreatic acini from a mouse pancreas [method described in detail in (7) and also in (2, 9, 19, 20)] and re-suspend them in Waymouth complete media. ", "Per experimental condition, seed 2 mL cell suspension on a low adhesive plastic dish.", "\n\nFor lentiviral infections only: Add 2 μL polybrene stock solution to the pancreatic acini for each plate, and gently shake the plastic plate to ensure that polybrene is uniformly distributed. ", "The final concentration of polybrene is 6 μg/mL.\n\nPlace acini into a humidified cell culture incubator (37°C, 5% CO2).", "\n\nRetrieve solutions with adenovirus or lentivirus particles from -80°C freezer, and place on ice.", "\n\nDefrost virus solutions by placing them in a 37°C water bath. ", "Once the solutions are thawed, immediately take them out of the water bath. ", "Before placing virus solutions into the tissue culture hood, sterilize the outside of the tubes/containers by spraying with 70% ethanol.", "\n\nRemove the acinar cells/acini from the cell culture incubator and place them inside the cell culture hood.", "\n\nApply virus solutions to cells and then immediately put leftover viral solutions on ice, followed by storage at -80°C for future use. ", "To avoid the decrease of viral titers, do not freeze/thaw the viral solutions more than three times. ", "The final functional titer for adenovirus should be ~107 infectious units/mL (ifu/mL), or ~107 transduction units/mL (TU/mL) for lentivirus (Note 2).", "\n\nGently shake the low adhesive plastic dishes to ensure that the virus is uniformly distributed, and place them back into a humidified cell culture incubator.", "\n\nFor adenovirus, after 3 hours of infection, transfer the acini to a 15 mL tube and spin down cells at 1000 rpm for 2 min at RT, before plating for experiments (alternatively cells can be plated without washing off the virus). ", "For lentiviral infections, spin down cells after 24 hours of infection and continue as above (for ADM assays or 3D organoid culture of infected cells, see Note 3).", "\n\nSterilize the outside of the 15 mL tubes that contain the mixture of pancreatic acini (pellet) and virus (supernatant) by spraying them with 70% ethanol.", "\n\nCarefully move the acinar cells back to the cell culture hood without disturbing the cell pellets.", "\n\nSeed infected pancreatic acini on low adhesive plastic plates and put them back into a cell culture incubator.", "\n\nDependent on the viral delivery system used, approximately 24 to 72 hours post viral infection (Note 4), RNA or proteins can be extracted for analyses by quantitative real-time PCR or Western blotting.", "\n\n4. ", "Notes\n\nIt should be kept in mind that an adenoviral delivery system requires less time for expression or knockdown of the gene of interest than lentiviral delivery systems. ", "This may be of importance for analysis of isolated acinar cells. ", "However, for the work with acinar cell clusters and analysis of ADM we did not observe a disadvantage of using lentiviral systems. ", "In addition, the combination of adenoviral and lentiviral systems allows the expression or knockdown of genes of interest in the same cells.", "\n\nA titer of 107 ifu/mL was arrived at empirically. ", "Using GFP adenovirus at this titer, 80% of isolated acini were GFP positive 48 hours after infection.", "\n\nIf virally-infected acinar cells will be embedded in extracellular matrix (ECM), such as collagen or Matrigel®, for ADM assays or 3D organoid culture (detailed methods described in (7)) skip washing off the virus in 3.8 and skip steps 3.9 to 3.12. ", "Acinar cells should be embedded in ECM 3 to 5 hours after infection with adeno- or lentivirus. ", "Of note: If studying molecules that affect the ADM process, seed acini in 3D collagen because Matrigel® by itself induces ADM.", "\n\nWhen using acinar cell clusters to study the ADM process, we did not observe acinar cells death within 3-5 days. ", "However, when single acinar cells were used for studies of secretion, it was shown that after 24 hours secretion is minimal, possibly due to acinar cell degeneration. ", "The viability of cells at the endpoint of the experiments can be tested by live cell dyes such as Hoechst 33342.", "\n\nAcknowledgements: This manuscript was supported by NIH grant CA200572 to PS, and a postdoctoral fellowship grant from the Center for Regenerative Medicine at Mayo Clinic (to G-YL)." ]
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[ "What We Offer..\n\nWhat Our Clients Say About Us..\n\nA lady hadn’t paid me in a while, made a payment of 3k\n\nSunetra was on rent and the main door was not in the favorable position. ", "The furniture placement also had to be changed drastically. ", "After all the work we did together in creating a plan, Sunetra got to executing it immediately. ", "I got this message on whatsapp in two days.", "\n\n“As soon as I made changes yesterday, I had a girl walk in for consultation. ", "Also a lady hadn’t paid me in a while, made a payment of 3k. ”", "\n\nThis is the impact of Feng Shui.", "\n\nSunetra Dasgupta\n\nI knew calling and talking to her itself,would sort out half of my problems\n\nI have worked with Pallavi Mishra with all three modalites namely Feng Shi, Reiki and Law of Attraction. ", "We worked on figuring out her inner most blocks and patterns. ", "We worked on her house to enhance sectors of her life.", "\n\nHere is what she had to say\n\n“I knew calling and talking to her itself will sort half of my problems. ", "I just couldnt have made it sane without her.”", "\n\nPallavi Mishra\n\nPoornima is not only an amazing human being but a great life coach.", "\n\nI worked with Richa to Feng Shui her house and to implement Law of Attraction principles to get over a difficult time in her life. ", "Now she has a brand new job in the city she was looking at.", "\n\nHere is what she had to say.", "\n\n“Any of the modalities she uses one embarks upon a new journey with self discovery. ", "Highly highly recommended and one shall see very positive changes in life after consulting her .She has personally helped me a lot to tide over difficult times in my life.”" ]
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[ "/*=============================================================================\n Copyright (c) 2009 Chris Hoeppler\n Copyright (c) 2014 Lee Clagett\n\n Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (", "See accompanying\n file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)\n==============================================================================*/\n\n#if !", "defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_X3_CONFIX_MAY_30_2014_1819PM)\n#define BOOST_SPIRIT_X3_CONFIX_MAY_30_2014_1819PM\n\n#include <boost/spirit/home/x3/core/parser.hpp>\n\nnamespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace x3\n{\n template<typename Prefix, typename Subject, typename Postfix>\n struct confix_directive :\n unary_parser<Subject, confix_directive<Prefix, Subject, Postfix>>\n {\n typedef unary_parser<\n Subject, confix_directive<Prefix, Subject, Postfix>> base_type;\n static bool const is_pass_through_unary = true;\n static bool const handles_container = Subject::handles_container;\n\n confix_directive(Prefix const& prefix\n , Subject const& subject\n , Postfix const& postfix) :\n base_type(subject),\n prefix(prefix),\n postfix(postfix)\n {\n }\n\n template<typename Iterator, typename Context\n , typename RContext, typename Attribute>\n bool parse(\n Iterator& first, Iterator const& last\n , Context const& context, RContext& rcontext, Attribute& attr) const\n {\n Iterator save = first;\n\n if (!(", "prefix.parse(first, last, context, rcontext, unused) &&\n this->subject.parse(first, last, context, rcontext, attr) &&\n postfix.parse(first, last, context, rcontext, unused)))\n {\n first = save;\n return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n }\n\n Prefix prefix;\n Postfix postfix;\n };\n\n template<typename Prefix, typename Postfix>\n struct confix_gen\n {\n template<typename Subject>\n confix_directive<\n Prefix, typename extension::as_parser<Subject>::value_type, Postfix>\n operator[](Subject const& subject) const\n {\n return { prefix, as_parser(subject), postfix };\n }\n\n Prefix prefix;\n Postfix postfix;\n };\n\n\n template<typename Prefix, typename Postfix>\n confix_gen<typename extension::as_parser<Prefix>::value_type,\n typename extension::as_parser<Postfix>::value_type>\n confix(Prefix const& prefix, Postfix const& postfix)\n {\n return { as_parser(prefix), as_parser(postfix) };\n }\n\n}}}\n\n#endif\n" ]
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[ "Incumbent Rep. Mia Love Ludmya (Mia) LoveFormer NFL player Burgess Owens wins Utah GOP primary The Hill's Campaign Report: The political heavyweights in Tuesday's primary fights The biggest political upsets of the decade MORE (R-Utah) pulled ahead in her race against Democrat Ben McAdams for the first time Friday as an updated vote count in Utah County gave her a narrow lead.", "\n\nLove is currently ahead by 419 votes after Friday’s tally, reversing her previous deficit of more than 1,000 votes, according to the Utah secretary of state's website.", "\n\nMcAdams, the mayor of Salt Lake County, had spent the week in Washington as part of new member orientation, the Salt Lake Tribune noted.", "\n\nThousands of provisional ballots remain uncounted and Love’s current margin is well within the 0.25 percent necessary to trigger a recount in Utah.", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\nLove took the lead in the race hours after a judge dismissed a lawsuit she filed this week attempting to stop vote counting in Salt Lake County to allow her campaign the ability to challenge the verification process of ballot signatures.", "\n\nThe two-term lawmaker was among several Republicans President Trump bashed as losing candidates following the midterm elections this month, saying they came up short in their electoral bids because they failed to properly embrace him.", "\n\n“Mia Love gave me no love. ", "And she lost,” the president said last week at press briefing. “", "Too bad. ", "Sorry about that, Mia.”" ]
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[ "Introduction {#sec1-1}\n============\n\nIn Australia, 120,710 new cases of cancer were diagnosed in 2012 which have more than doubled between 1982 and 2012. ", "Among these new cases, 67,260 were males and 53,460 were females. ", "The five most common cancers were prostate, bowel, breast, melanoma of the skin and lung.\\[[@ref1]\\] The incidence of cancer is expected to increase with age and is estimated that 75% of new cancer cases will be diagnosed in males and 65% in females aged 60 years and over. ", "The risk of being diagnosed with cancer before the age of 85 years is 1 in 2 for males and 1 in 3 for females.\\[[@ref2]\\] When compared to cancer incidence internationally using data from GLOBACAN, the estimated age-standardized incident rate for Australia was 314 per 100,000 which is significantly higher than all regions in the world. ", "This may be due to the high incidence of melanoma of the skin in Australia.\\[[@ref3]\\]\n\nAustralia is a multicultural country with more than one in five Australians born overseas at the 2006 census. ", "The top five countries of birth other than Australia were: England, New Zealand, China, Italy and Vietnam.\\[[@ref4]\\] The Capital Region Cancer Service provides cancer services for a population of about 600,000 within the Australian Capital Territory and South Eastern Region of New South Wales.\\[[@ref5]\\] More than one in five residents of Canberra and Queanbeyan were born overseas at the 2006 Census. ", "Of people born overseas, the top five places of birth were: United Kingdom and Ireland, South-east Asia, North-east Asia, Europe and New Zealand. ", "Overall, 35.8% of the overseas-born population in Canberra/Queanbeyan was born in Asia.\\[[@ref6]\\]\n\nWhen patients learn that they have cancer, they are concerned about the symptoms they will experience especially those related to active treatment. ", "About 70% of patients undergoing treatment experience pain that disturbs their sleep and ability to get things done.\\[[@ref7]\\] It is well known that cancer treatments, particularly chemotherapy and radiotherapy (CT-RT), cause patients a range of distressing side effects.\\[[@ref8][@ref9][@ref10]\\] An analysis of 25 symptoms from 922 patients with advanced cancer identified fatigue, neurological, gastrointestinal, nausea and vomiting, aerodisgestive, debility and pain as common.\\[[@ref11]\\] Gastrointestinal symptoms including nausea and vomiting was found to be severe symptom in patients treated with CT\\[[@ref12]\\] while fatigue, weakness, lack of energy was also found to be a common treatment-related symptom.\\[[@ref7][@ref13]\\]\n\nSome of these symptoms, for example, pain, nausea and vomiting, can be well managed with pharmacological\\[[@ref7]\\] and nonpharmacological\\[[@ref14]\\] intervention. ", "However, other side effects such as fatigue, eating difficulties, and skin changes are left to the patient to cope with and manage. ", "Cancer symptom management is a priority for oncology nurses providing treatments, supportive care and education to patients, families and caregivers. ", "Untreated or poorly managed symptoms are associated with psychological distress, loss of physical functioning and a decreased quality of life.\\[[@ref8]\\] Health-related quality of life is gaining increasing importance in health care. ", "It is a multi-faceted concept, which includes effects and burden of disease, side effects of treatment, and physical and psychosocial functioning.\\[[@ref15][@ref16]\\] In order to achieve the best possible outcomes for patients, treatment-related symptom screening and management by health care professionals is required.\\[[@ref17][@ref18]\\]\n\nComprehensive symptom assessment is crucial for symptom control.\\[[@ref19]\\] Symptoms appear to vary with the assessment tool, disease stage, and in different populations.\\[[@ref20]\\] Tools exists to assist the health professional identify treatment-related symptoms and patient methods of self-care for these symptoms, however, lengthy symptom assessment tools have less utility due to time limitations and mental or physical inability to complete them especially in sicker cancer patients.\\[[@ref20]\\] The therapy-related symptom checklist (TRSC) is an example of a short symptom assessment tool that has been tested and validated in a number of countries\\[[@ref16][@ref18][@ref21]\\] and has proven reliability and validity. ", "Gathering information from patients on treatment-related symptoms leads to appropriate guidance in self-care that can help patients to successfully complete treatment regimens.\\[[@ref20][@ref21]\\] Effective control of symptoms enhances therapeutic outcomes, improves quality of life and increases adherence to treatment.\\[[@ref7]\\] Thus, oncology nurses have a vital role in early assessment and management of treatment-related symptoms as well as patient education to prioritize interventions.", "\n\nProject aims {#sec2-1}\n------------\n\nThe main aim of this study was to explore the symptoms severities and occurrences of treatment-related symptoms among adult oncology patients in Australia. ", "A secondary aim was to compare these results with those of published studies of Chinese\\[[@ref18]\\] and Filipino\\[[@ref21]\\] cancer patients to determine any cultural differences in symptoms experiences. ", "This study was compared to Chinese and Filipino patients with cancer as these studies used the same treatment-related symptom checklist (TRSC) used in our study.", "\n\nMaterials and Methods {#sec1-2}\n=====================\n\nThis cross-sectional descriptive study was undertaken within the Radiation Oncology and Medical Oncology Outpatients Departments at one public teaching hospital in Canberra, Australia. ", "Approval to conduct the study was granted by the Hospital\\'s Ethics Committee. ", "All adult patients undergoing CT and/or RT who met the inclusion criteria were invited to participate. ", "The inclusion criteria were:\n\nMust have completed at least 2 weeks of treatment,Be at least 18 years of age,Are able to complete the questionnaire in English, andSign the consent form.", "\n\nEighty-three (*n* = 83) patients consented to participate in the study. ", "The participants completed the self-report 25-item therapy-related symptoms checklist (TRSC)\\[[@ref22][@ref23]\\] and a demographics form while waiting for their treatment. ", "The TRSC also has blank spaces for patients to add any other symptoms of concern not listed in the checklist. ", "Patients were asked to rate the severity of the symptoms they were experiencing on a 5-point Likert scale from 0 = None to 4 = Very severe and the number of occurrences they experienced these symptoms. ", "Higher scores on the scale indicate higher severity of the symptom. ", "The data collection period was conducted between February and June 2013. ", "In our study, the Cronbach alpha for the entire scale was 0.88. ", "Data analysis was performed using SPSS (version 20). ", "Descriptive statistics were used to obtain the mean scores for the 14 symptom subscales of the TRSC.", "\n\nFor the purpose of comparison of the results with the Chinese and Filipino patients with cancer, a mean severity score \\>1 was considered symptom severity as reported in these two studies undertaken by the co-authors.\\[[@ref18][@ref21]\\] The study among 222 (66% female) Chinese patients with either breast, gastrointestinal, lung, cervical or head and neck cancers was conducted in Xi'an China and Hong Kong. ", "Their mean age was 55 years (standard deviation \\[SD\\] = 11 years).\\[[@ref18]\\] The study among 100 (65% female) Filipino patients with breast, cervical, ovarian, lung, colorectal or nasopharyngeal cancer was conducted in Manila, Philippines. ", "Their mean age was 47 years (SD = 13 years).\\[[@ref21]\\]\n\nResults {#sec1-3}\n=======\n\nPatient characteristics {#sec2-2}\n-----------------------\n\nA total of 110 of eligible participants were recruited. ", "However, only 83 Australian cancer patients consented to participate in this study with 42 female and 41 male patients, a response rate of 91%. [", "Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"} shows the demographic characteristics of the patients. ", "The mean age was 59.3 years (SD ± 11.8, range 25-87). ", "The participants were predominantly Caucasian but also included a small number of Asian participants. ", "Almost three-quarters of the participants were married and most were living with their spouse/partner and/or children. ", "More than half the participants identified their spouse/partner as their primary caregiver. ", "A third of the patients were already retired.", "\n\n###### \n\nDemographic characteristics of sample (*n* = 83)\n\n Characteristics *n* (%)\n ----------------------------------- --------------\n Mean age-years (range) 25-87 (59.3)\n Ethnic background \n  Caucasian 74 (88)\n  Asian 9 (12)\n Marital status \n  Single 6 (7)\n  Married 66 (79)\n  Divorced 8 (10)\n  Widowed 3 (4)\n Living status \n  With spouse/partner 54 (64)\n  With children 5 (6)\n  With spouse/partner and children 12 (14)\n  Sharing house 2 (4)\n  Living alone 10 (12)\n Working status \n  Not employed 11 (13)\n  Casual 2 (3)\n  Part time 11 (13)\n  Full time 26 (31)\n  Retired 32 (39)\n  Student 1 (1)\n Primary caregiver \n  Spouse/partner 60 (72)\n  Parent 12 (15)\n  Relative 8 (9)\n  Friend 3 (4)\n\nDisease-related characteristics {#sec2-3}\n-------------------------------\n\n[Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"} shows the disease-related characteristics. ", "The sample includes a variety of cancer diagnoses, with breast cancer being the most frequent diagnosis (35%). ", "Twenty-four patients had received CT only, 24 RT only while 35 patients had received both CT-RT. ", "Twelve patients had metastatic disease. ", "Eight patients also reported receiving adjuvant therapies such as elastin or trastuzumab.", "\n\n###### \n\nDisease-related characteristics (*n* = 83)\n\n Cancer diagnosis *n* (%)\n ---------------------------------- ---------\n Breast 29 (35)\n Prostate 11 (13)\n Head and neck 10 (12)\n Gastrointestinal 10 (12)\n Lung 9 (11)\n Lymphoma 8 (10)\n Genitourinary and gynaecological 6 (7)\n Metastatic disease 12 (14)\n Treatments \n  CT 24 (29)\n  RT 24 (29)\n  CT-RT 35 (42)\n  Adjuvant therapy\\* 8 (10)\n\n\\*These patients were also receiving either CT or RT. ", "CT = Chemotherapy, RT = Radiotherapy, CT-RT = Chemotherapy and radiotherapy\n\nSymptoms' severity and occurrences {#sec2-4}\n----------------------------------\n\n[Table 3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"} shows the mean severity of symptoms and the occurrence reported by patients by treatment type. ", "Among the TRSC symptom list, the CT group reported experiencing symptom severity (mean \\>1) on 15 symptoms. ", "Patients treated with RT reported a greater severity on 5 symptoms while patients receiving a combination of CT-RT reported severity on 17 symptoms. ", "The three groups reported experiencing these symptoms 50% or more. ", "Overall, patients receiving both CT-RT reported the greatest symptom severity in 11 of the 14 subscales. ", "Patients receiving CT alone reported a greater severity of fever, numbness in fingers and/or toes, and constipation.", "\n\n###### \n\nComparison between treatment type and symptom severity on TRSC\n\n TRSC subscale/symptoms Australian Kruskal-Wallis test \n ---------------------------------------- ------------ --------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -------\n Fatigue \n  Feeling sluggish 2.29 95.8 1.54 75.0 2.59 94.3 0.007\n  Depression 1.29 66.7 0.25 25.0 1.09 54.3 0.002\n  Difficulty concentrating 1.54 79.2 0.54 37.5 1.47 65.7 0.040\n  Difficulty sleeping 1.29 66.7 1.17 62.5 1.97 71.4 0.061\n Eating \n  Taste change 2.00 95.8 0.24 20.8 2.31 80.0 0.000\n  Loss of appetite 1.88 79.2 0.75 33.3 1.89 82.9 0.001\n  Weight loss 1.42 83.3 0.58 29.2 1.15 54.3 0.009\n  Difficulty swallowing 0.70 41.7 0.33 12.5 0.94 51.4 0.012\n Oropharynx \n  Sore mouth 1.04 58.3 0.22 12.5 1.15 57.1 0.005\n  Sore throat 0.30 25.0 0.58 20.8 0.94 37.1 0.255\n  Jaw pain 0.25 16.7 0.13 4.2 0.44 20.0 0.164\n Nausea \n  Nausea 1.71 87.5 0.42 37.5 1.91 71.4 0.000\n  Vomiting 0.63 37.5 0.13 8.3 0.57 34.3 0.046\n Fever \n  Fever 0.96 50.0 0.25 12.5 0.88 40.0 0.021\n  Bruising 0.63 33.3 0.04 4.2 0.59 34.3 0.012\n Respiratory \n  Cough 0.33 25.0 0.29 20.8 0.79 45.7 0.037\n  Shortness of breath 1.08 58.3 0.46 25.0 1.53 65.7 0.004\n  Pain 1.0 45.8 1.08 62.5 1.79 60.0 0.113\n  Numbness in fingers±toes 1.33 58.3 0.17 12.5 1.09 51.4 0.001\n  Bleeding 0.04 4.2 0.17 12.5 0.71 28.6 0.015\n  Hair loss 1.79 62.5 0.17 8.3 2.56 77.1 0.001\n  Skin changes 1.63 79.2 1.13 45.8 1.91 77.1 0.093\n  Constipation 2.04 79.2 0.83 41.7 1.32 54.3 0.006\n  Soreness in vein 0.67 29.2 0.0 0.0 1.21 45.7 0.003\n  Decreased interest in sexual activity 1.83 75.0 1.38 54.2 2.12 68.6 0.196\n\nMeans severities of symptoms are calculated across all patients including those who report lack of presence or \"0.\" ", "This will provide a lower level of severity than a calculation only across patients who reported having the symptom, since the scores reported would equal or exceed \"1\" for each patient. % ", "occurrence: Number of patients within that treatment group reporting the symptom, 14 subscales (principal component or clusters) on the TRSC are numbered; beneath 6 subscales are the TRSC items weighted on that subscale based on the study done in the United States (these symptom clusters are used in the current data because the sample size was too small to allow PCA in the Australian, Filipino and Chinese data). ", "CT = Chemotherapy, RT = Radiotherapy, CT-RT = Chemotherapy and radiotherapy, PCA = Prostate cancer\n\nIn terms of percentages of patients reporting the occurrence of each of the 25 symptoms on the checklist, patients receiving CT alone reported a higher rate of occurrence of 13 of the symptoms. ", "This was slightly higher than patients receiving both CT-RT, who reported a higher rate of occurrence in 11 of the 25 symptoms. ", "The RT alone treatment group had the highest occurrence rate for only one of the symptoms: Pain. ", "This is likely to be related to the cumulative burning effect of RT on the skin or mucous membranes of the oropharynx.", "\n\nWhen three treatment groups among the Australian cancer patients were compared using Kruskal--Wallis test \\[[Table 3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"}\\], there were no significant differences between severity of symptoms in constipation, jaw pain, sore throat, difficulty of sleeping and decreased interest in sexual activity. ", "However, across all three treatment groups, the fatigue subscale had the highest mean severity and percentage of occurrence. ", "The eating, oropharynx, hair loss and skin changes subscales ranked highly in severity and occurrence for patients in the CT-RT group.", "\n\nComparison between the Chinese and Filipino cancer patients {#sec2-5}\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n\nCompared with the Chinese and Filipino cancer patients receiving CT, the Filipino cancer patients exhibited severity in five TRSC subscales: Eating, fatigue, nausea, pain and hair loss while in the CT-RT group, severe symptoms were reported on eight subscales: Fatigue, eating, oropharynx, nausea, pain, decreased sex interest, and constipation. ", "The CT-RT group reported more severe symptoms, that is., ", "mean severity score \\>1 was reported on 12 symptoms and 9 symptoms were reported by more than 50% of patients. ", "Taste change was the most commonly reported symptoms among the Filipino cancer patients \\[[Table 4](#T4){ref-type=\"table\"}\\].", "\n\n###### \n\nTreatment type and symptom severity on TRSC among Australians, Filipinos and Chinese patients with cancer\n\n TRSC subscale/symptoms Australian Filipino Chinese \n ----------------------------------------- ------------ ---------- --------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------\n Fatigue \n  Feeling sluggish 2.29 95.8 1.54 75.0 2.59 94.3 1.57 82.5 2.08 91.9 1.43 73.0 1.51 74.0\n  Depression 1.29 66.7 0.25 25.0 1.09 54.3 1.29 63.5 1.19 59.5 0.52 34.9 0.52 32.9\n  Difficulty concentrating 1.54 79.2 0.54 37.5 1.47 65.7 0.97 50.8 0.59 35.1 0.49 30.2 0.71 43.8\n  Difficulty sleeping 1.29 66.7 1.17 62.5 1.97 71.4 1.48 69.8 1.54 59.5 0.87 47.0 1.21 61.6\n Eating \n  Taste change 2.00 95.8 0.24 20.8 2.31 80.0 1.81 85.7 2.54 100 1.11 58.7 1.01 47.9\n  Loss of appetite 1.88 79.2 0.75 33.3 1.89 82.9 1.76 79.4 2.59 94.6 1.32 69.8 1.52 74.0\n  Weight loss 1.42 83.3 0.58 29.2 1.15 54.3 1.10 55.6 1.68 81.1 1.11 58.7 1.30 65.8\n  Difficulty swallowing 0.70 41.7 0.33 12.5 0.94 51.4 0.65 30.2 0.95 37.8 0.37 23.8 0.64 31.5\n Oropharynx \n  Sore mouth 1.04 58.3 0.22 12.5 1.15 57.1 0.73 44.4 1.05 45.9 0.40 17.5 0.40 21.9\n  Sore throat 0.30 25.0 0.58 20.8 0.94 37.1 0.67 33.3 0.70 29.7 0.40 28.6 0.66 35.6\n  Jaw pain 0.25 16.7 0.13 4.2 0.44 20.0 0.22 11.1 0.38 18.9 0.05 4.8 0.08 4.5\n Nausea \n  Nausea 1.71 87.5 0.42 37.5 1.91 71.4 0.54 36.5 0.30 27.0 1.17 60.3 1.14 57.5\n  Vomiting 0.63 37.5 0.13 8.3 0.57 34.3 0.32 20.6 0.05 5.4 1.02 49.2 0.88 47.9\n Fever \n  Fever 0.96 50.0 0.25 12.5 0.88 40.0 1.57 73.0 1.84 86.5 0.24 15.9 0.45 31.5\n  Bruising 0.63 33.3 0.04 4.2 0.59 34.3 1.24 52.4 1.38 67.6 0.17 9.5 0.0 0.0\n Respiratory \n  Cough 0.33 25.0 0.29 20.8 0.79 45.7 0.67 47.6 0.59 35.1 0.41 28.6 0.60 37.0\n  Shortness of breath 1.08 58.3 0.46 25.0 1.53 65.7 0.57 30.2 0.43 29.7 0.40 27.0 0.44 27.4\n  Pain 1.0 45.8 1.08 62.5 1.79 60.0 1.03 54.0 1.24 59.5 0.70 41.3 0.90 42.5\n  Numbness in fingers±toes 1.33 58.3 0.17 12.5 1.09 51.4 0.97 57.1 0.70 37.8 0.81 44.4 0.47 27.4\n  Bleeding 0.04 4.2 0.17 12.5 0.71 28.6 0.22 14.3 0.35 16.2 0.16 9.5 0.19 27.4\n  Hair loss 1.79 62.5 0.17 8.3 2.56 77.1 0.92 76.2 0.78 43.2 1.48 57.1 1.45 63.0\n  Skin changes 1.63 79.2 1.13 45.8 1.91 77.1 1.86 52.4 0.95 43.2 0.84 38.1 0.93 53.4\n  Constipation 2.04 79.2 0.83 41.7 1.32 54.3 0.98 58.7 1.27 48.6 0.83 47.6 0.96 47.9\n  Soreness in vein 0.67 29.2 0.0 0.0 1.21 45.7 0.89 57.1 0.54 45.9 0.67 42.9 0.55 30.1\n  De creased interest in sexual activity 1.83 75.0 1.38 54.2 2.12 68.6 0.97 38.1 1.35 45.9 0.76 25.6 1.52 54.8\n\nMeans severities of symptoms are calculated across all patients including those who report lack of presence or \"0.\" ", "This will provide a lower level of severity than a calculation only across patients who reported having the symptom, since the scores reported would equal or exceed \"1\" for each patient. % ", "occurrence: Number of patients within that treatment group reporting the symptom. ", "14 subscales (principal component or clusters) on the TRSC are numbered; beneath 6 subscales are the TRSC items weighted on that subscale based on the study done in the United States (these symptom clusters are used in the current data because the sample size was too small to allow PCA in the Australian, Filipino and Chinese data). ", "CT = Chemotherapy, RT = Radiotherapy, CT-RT = Chemotherapy and radiotherapy, PCA = Prostate cancer\n\nAmong the Chinese cancer patients, 7 symptoms were reported as severe by 50% or more by the CT group, 5 symptoms by 50% or more by the RT group and 8 symptoms by 50% or more by the CT-RT group. ", "Other symptoms reported include diarrhea, hiccough, feeling dizzy, numb feeling of tongue and weight gain. ", "Overall, as shown in the mean severity scores \\>1, the CT-RT group reported more severe symptoms.", "\n\nDiscussion {#sec1-4}\n==========\n\nThis study explored treatment-related symptoms of cancer patients in one regional state in Australia. ", "The symptoms reported by this sample concurred with the symptoms identified by cancer patients in other studies.\\[[@ref15][@ref21][@ref22][@ref24]\\] Compared with the patients who received either CT or RT alone, patients with combined CT-RT generally reported more severe symptoms. ", "This quite likely reflects increased toxicity and symptom experience of combined RT and CT.", "\n\nThe RT scores reflect a greater tolerance of treatment or less severity of side effects among the Australian, Chinese and Filipino cancer patients. ", "Owing to the fact that side effects of RT are cumulative even in the first few weeks after treatment commences, patients may not be experiencing therapy-related symptoms or be experiencing a low severity in the early stages. ", "Short-term effects of RT occur within a few weeks into therapy whereas the late effects of treatment become apparent toward the end of and following completion of treatment.\\[[@ref25][@ref26]\\] The cumulative and later effects of RT, therefore, possibly explain the lower severity and occurrence of symptoms in the RT group of this study. ", "In addition, the patients participating in the study will have been at various stages of therapy, which will affect the mean severity scores and may also be culture-related.\\[[@ref16][@ref18][@ref21][@ref27]\\] It would be helpful to capture the trajectories of symptoms and symptom clusters of such patients longitudinally over the course of treatment.", "\n\nThe most severe symptoms on the TRSC were the fatigue subscale with the highest mean severity and the highest percentage of occurrence across all three treatment groups. ", "The subscales eating and oropharynx and the symptoms hair loss and skin changes in the combined CT/RT group were the next most severe and frequently encountered symptoms. ", "This is similar to results of studies conducted in the Midwestern hospital in the US,\\[[@ref22]\\] Thailand, China, and the Philippines.\\[[@ref16][@ref18][@ref21]\\]\n\nFatigue has been identified in this and other studies to have the highest severity and occurrence across the three treatment groups as well those reported by the Chinese and Filipino cancer patients. ", "Fatigue has emerged as the most common, distressing complaint reported by cancer patients, due to advances in the management of disabling side effects such as nausea and vomiting.\\[[@ref28][@ref29][@ref30]\\] Cancer-related fatigue is multidimensional with multiple etiological factors such as the disease burden, its treatment, and related co-morbidities like depression or anemia.\\[[@ref31]\\] When these factors are compounded, the severity of fatigue experienced by patients increases.", "\n\nIn addition to the symptoms on the TRSC, participants were asked to nominate any other symptoms they experienced and to rate the severity of the nominated symptoms. ", "Of high occurrence across all three treatment groups were diarrhea, reflux, esophagitis and dry mouth, or xerostomia. ", "The severity of these symptoms was mixed with some more severe in the CT only group and others more severe in patients receiving both CT-RT. ", "Comparison of these finding against previous studies\\[[@ref16][@ref17][@ref18]\\] cannot be made as, with the exception of the pilot study, no results have been presented for symptoms other than those listed on the TRSC. ", "In the pilot study, only two \"other\" symptoms were identified: Diarrhea and facial hair growth. ", "As diarrhea, reflux, esophagitis and xerostomia are common symptoms experienced in cancer treatment,\\[[@ref9][@ref10][@ref26][@ref32][@ref33][@ref34][@ref35]\\] their inclusion in the TRSC may be warranted. ", "The symptoms on the TRSC now account for more than 80% of symptoms identified by patients as present and of concern to them during treatment.", "\n\nThe limitations of this study are the cross-sectional, descriptive study with a small sample size and its over-representation of Caucasians in the sample. ", "In order to determine whether self-care methods used alleviate and control symptom occurrence and severity over time, a longitudinal study is needed that includes increased patient numbers that are a representative cross-section of the population. ", "A longitudinal study would also better capture the symptom experiences of patients undergoing RT, owing to the delayed onset and severity of RT side-effects, as outlined earlier.", "\n\nConclusion {#sec1-5}\n==========\n\nIn the context of person-centered care, nurses in all oncology settings, particularly outpatient CT or radiation oncology centers are uniquely placed to assess patients' therapy-related symptoms. ", "Assessment of the problems patients are experiencing enables nurses to target education to the patients' individual needs. ", "Information provided in studies such as this one will provide nurses with a range of options to present to their patients. ", "These studies also improve awareness of the multiplicity of symptoms of concern to patients that occur in combination or in clusters.\\[[@ref36]\\]\n\nThe TRSC was found to be an effective tool that can be used in combination to gather information about symptom severity that could be used to guide translational approaches to treatment-related symptoms and thereby increase cancer patients' adherence and tolerance to curative treatments, enhance therapeutic outcomes and greater quality of life.", "\n\nThis study was possible due to funding provided by the ACT Health Nursing and Midwifery Office Practice Development Scholarships. ", "Special thanks to Penny Haberfeld for facilitating the data collection process.", "\n\n**Source of Support:** Nil.", "\n\n**Conflicts of Interest:** None declared.", "\n" ]
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[ "Coherent transmutation of electrons into fractionalized anyons.", "\nElectrons have three quantized properties-charge, spin, and Fermi statistics-that are directly responsible for a vast array of phenomena. ", "Here we show how these properties can be coherently and dynamically stripped from the electron as it enters a certain exotic state of matter known as a quantum spin liquid (QSL). ", "In a QSL, electron spins collectively form a highly entangled quantum state that gives rise to the fractionalization of spin, charge, and statistics. ", "We show that certain QSLs host distinct, topologically robust boundary types, some of which allow the electron to coherently enter the QSL as a fractionalized quasi-particle, leaving its spin, charge, or statistics behind. ", "We use these ideas to propose a number of universal, conclusive experimental signatures that would establish fractionalization in QSLs." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "709 F.2d 1509\nUnion Carbide Corp.v.", "U. S. Fidelity & Guar. ", "Co.\n81-5493\nUNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS Sixth Circuit\n4/21/83\n\n1\nM.D.Tenn.", "\n\nAFFIRMED\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.025974025974025976, 0 ]
[ "OOZEFEST\n\nFOODBEAST.com will debut 20+ world premieres of savory and sweet cheese menu items ONLY available at Ooze Fest in Southern California. ", "Patrons with General Admission ($40 early bird, $50 on August 27th) access have the opportunity to eat all 20+ items in addition to the complimentary beer tastings available in our beer garden. ", "VIP access ($65 early bird, $75 on August 27th) will get you into the event 1 full hour ahead of general admission minimizing wait times and include a FOODBEAST Ooze Fest T-shirt." ]
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[ "\nEffective Go - flexterra\nhttp://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html\n======\noofabz\nI have been tinkering with Go for a couple months and I've been so impressed\nwith it I'm about to start a real production server using it. ", "It has all the\nlow-level functionality of C with some very useful features added, like\ngarbage collection, string manipulation, new data types like slices and\nchannels, and of course threading.", "\n\nThe main downside is that there are not a lot of libraries available. ", "If you\nwant to use the language you will find yourself using 3rd party wrappers off\ngithub of unknown quality, and you will probably have to wrap some C libraries\nyourself, because no one else has.", "\n\nAlso, both the garbage collection and the goroutine scheduler could use some\nwork. ", "Like most other garbage-collected languages, Go's GC has to stop all\nthreads in the program while it does its work, causing milliseconds of lag.", "\nThis makes the language unsuitable for realtime work like a fast-paced video\ngame.", "\n\nThe goroutine scheduler works using a fixed-size thread pool. ", "You have to tell\nit how many threads to use - by default programs are single-threaded. ", "It has\nno ability to lower the thread count when the system is under heavy load, or\nto raise the thread count when most threads are unproductively waiting on\nnetwork IO.", "\n\nDespite these minor problems it is amazingly full-featured for a compiled\nlanguage, and amazingly fast for a full-featured language. ", "They are actively\nworking on improving the garbage collection and they plan to improve the\nthread scheduler.", "\n\n~~~\nluriel\nI will just note that improvements to the GC and scheduler and other compiler\noptimizations are already implemented and will be part of Go 1.1\n\nAlso, the Go stdlib is very rich and covers lots of stuff, I have rarely found\nneed for bindings to C libs unless it is OpenGL.", "\n\nWhich brings me to the point of games, there are already a couple of games\nusing Go, the GC pauses are not as big of an issue because the GC is good\nenough (it is parallel) and in Go is easy to avoid generating garbage.", "\n\n~~~\nthebigshane\nQuestions for those more versed in Go's GC than I:\n\n1) Let's say you want to do everything you can to avoid generating garbage.", "\nWhat would some those techniques be?", "\n\n2) There is no delete function is there (for memory deallocation, not hashmap\nkey removal)?", "\n\n3) Is it possible to eliminate all garbage, and if so could you prevent the GC\nfrom starting up at all?", "\n\nPossible existing answers that are a bit above my understanding (C# and Python\nspoil me):\n\n<http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4231048>\n\n<http://blog.golang.org/2011/06/profiling-go-programs.html>\n\n[https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=fr&fromgroups#!topic...](https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=fr&fromgroups#!topic/golang-\nnuts/Ir7ZrKLddTU)\n\n------\nkrakensden\nIs there some reason documentation on the Golang website has 57 upvotes?", "\n\n~~~\nmelling\nIf I had to guess, it's because people are quite excited about the language\nand they're interested in giving it some visibility. ", "There's always lots of\nnew technologies, but very few gain wide adoption.", "\n\n------\nrogerbinns\nAny idea why Go uses tabs for formatting? (", "A google search didn't provide the\nanswer but did suggest I may want to find out why God does!)", "\n\nAbout the only good pro-tab stance I have seen is that it allows the viewer to\nchoose a level they prefer, but I would expect consistency would be far\nbetter.", "\n\n~~~\njames4k\nThat was actually one of the questions asked during the \"Meet the Go team\"\ntalk at Google I/O. They joke around for a bit, but they end up giving some\nsolid arguments.", "\n\n[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sln-\ngJaURzk&feature=playe...](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sln-\ngJaURzk&feature=player_detailpage#t=1735s)\n\nEdit: If you're curious/interested in Go, it's worth watching the whole talk.", "\n\n~~~\nrogerbinns\nThe answer given was that individuals can then choose how many spaces they\nwant their tabstops set to, and this was mostly an accident not formal thought\nout design. (", "I didn't see any other arguments given.) ", "gofmt itself is of\ncourse a very good idea.", "\n\nI have been following Go along the years, but think they made a big mistake\nwith exceptions. ", "In particular you have to manually write the code from where\nan issue happens all the way to where it is handled. ", "Exceptions as done in\nother languages isn't the exact pattern that has to be followed - it is the\nwriting of the boilerplate code that bugs me. ", "Heck they could do something as\nsimple as if the error value returned is not used in any way then an automatic\n'return ...vals..., error' is inserted after the call.", "\n\n~~~\nthebigshane\nI'm curious if you have used panic/recover to see if it fills the perceived\nvoid. (", "I'm not saying they do, I don't know)\n\n<https://code.google.com/p/go-wiki/wiki/PanicAndRecover>\n\n<http://blog.golang.org/2010/08/defer-panic-and-recover.html>\n\n<http://dave.cheney.net/why-go-gets-exceptions-right>\n\n~~~\nrogerbinns\nThanks for the links, and panic is the usual retort. ", "My problem is with the\nboilerplate between methods. ", "If A calls B calls C calls D calls E which can\nhave issues that A wants to handle (eg try a different IP address) then all\nthe intermediary functions will need code like:\n\n \n \n foo,bar,err=callX(...)\n if err!=nil:\n return _,_,err\n \n\nIt is the last two lines of boilerplate that need to be present for virtually\nevery call that makes me uncomfortable. ", "Developers will start forgetting or\nnot being diligent which causes problems. ", "Also I think (but don't know) that\nby the time A gets an Error it won't know what the stack trace is for the\noriginal Error. (", "The stack traces are extremely useful for logging and\nanalytics not for program behaviour.)", "\n\nNeeding to write the boilerplate means it is left out. ", "For example look at all\nthe hello world examples. ", "Note how they all ignore any errors from the\nprintln. ", "C has exactly the same problem, and I'm disappointed that Go is\nperpetuating this problem.", "\n\n------\nuvtc\nThe Go language seems to have some substantial documentation, which is great.", "\nThough, throughout, the code snippets would look better with some syntax\nhighlighting.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The Business Directory\n\nIndonesia\n\nTigers are mostly solitary, which is why they need a large territory to survive. ", "According to the World Wildlife Fund, the world has lost 97 percent of wild tigers in just over a century and less than 3,500 tigers remain in the wild today. (", "Shutterstock/*)\n\nMarch 12th, 2018 | 11:33 AM | 266 views\n\nINDONESIA\n\nA Indonesian man has been mauled to death by a Sumatran tiger in a remote village, authorities said Sunday, the second deadly attack this year.", "\n\nYusri Effendi, 34, was found with fatal wounds to his neck by workmates and local villagers in Riau province on Sumatra island on Saturday evening, the local conservation agency said.", "\n\nThe victim was working on a building to lure the edible-nest swiftlet in Tanjung Simpang village when the tiger began lurking around the construction site.", "\n\nSeveral hours after first seeing the big cat, Effendi and his three workmates -- thinking the coast was clear -- made a dash for safety, only to come face-to-face with the animal a short distance away.", "\n\nEffendi's colleagues, who all survived the incident, told authorities they scattered to evade the animal, but the victim was not so lucky.", "\n\nA search party found the victim unconscious at the edge of a river a short time later, authorities said.", "\n\n\"[When] they opened his clothes they saw a gaping wound on his neck,\" the Riau conservation agency said in a statement.", "\n\nHuman-animal conflicts are common across the vast Indonesian archipelago, especially in areas where the clearing of rainforest to make way for palm oil plantations is destroying animals' habitats and bringing them into closer contact with people.", "\n\nEarlier this month, locals from Hatupangan village in North Sumatra disemboweled a Sumatran tiger and then hung the big cat from a ceiling after it attacked a pair of villagers.", "\n\nSumatran tigers are considered critically endangered by protection group the International Union for Conservation of Nature, with 400 to 500 remaining in the wild.", "\n\nSource:\ncourtesy of THE JAKARTA POST\n\nby Agence France-Presse\n\nIf you have any stories or news that you would like to share with the global online community, please feel free to share it with us by contacting us directly at pr@brudirect.com" ]
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[ 0.008620689655172414, 0.00625, 0.009433962264150943, 0.005405405405405406, 0, 0.0049261083743842365, 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0, 0, 0.00558659217877095, 0.006060606060606061, 0.012396694214876033 ]
[ "Stereoselective Synthesis of Highly Substituted Tetrahydropyrans through an Evans Aldol-Prins Strategy.", "\nA direct and general method for the synthesis of naturally occurring 2,3,4,5,6-pentasubstituted tetrahydropyrans has been developed, employing β,γ-unsaturated N-acyl oxazolidin-2-ones as key starting materials. ", "The combination of the Evans aldol addition and the Prins cyclization allowed the diastereoselective and efficient generation of the desired oxacycles in two fashions: a one-pot Evans aldol-Prins protocol, in which five new σ bonds and five contiguous stereocenters were straightforwardly generated, and a two-step version, which additionally permitted the isolation of β,γ-unsaturated alcohol precursors bearing an N-acyl oxazolidin-2-one in the α position. ", "From these alcohols were also obtained halogenated pentasubstituted tetrahydropyrans as well as 2,3,4,5-tetrasubstituted tetrahydrofurans, shedding light on the mechanism of the process. ", "Computational studies were consistent with the experimental findings, and this innovative Evans aldol-Prins strategy was performed for the preparation of a battery of more than 30 densely substituted tetrahydropyrans, unprecedentedly fused to a 1,3-oxazinane-2,4-dione ring, both in a racemic fashion and in an enantiomeric fashion. ", "These novel molecules were successfully submitted to several transformations to permit simple access to a variety of differently functionalized tetrahydropyrans. ", "Most of these unique molecules were evaluated for their antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and the yeast Candida albicans, and some structure-activity relationships were established." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.009708737864077669, 0, 0.002178649237472767, 0, 0.003003003003003003, 0, 0 ]
[ "CXCR3/CXCL10 Axis Shapes Tissue Distribution of Memory Phenotype CD8+ T Cells in Nonimmunized Mice.", "\nThe preimmune repertoire consists of mature T lymphocytes that have not yet been stimulated in the periphery. ", "Memory phenotype (MP) cells have been reported as part of the preimmune repertoire (i.e., T cells bearing memory markers despite lack of engagement with cognate Ag); however, little is known about their trafficking and function. ", "In this study, we hypothesized that MP cells, naive to TCR stimulation, constitute a transient population that traffics to tissues during development. ", "Using mutant and transgenic animals with a monospecific TCR, we discovered increased numbers of MP CD8+ T cells circulating in nonimmunized Cxcr3-/- and Cxcl10-/- mice compared with wild-type animals. ", "Phenotypic differences included decreased numbers of preimmune MP Ag-specific T cells in the skin and thymus and a distinct pattern of activation upon TCR engagement. ", "Our results show for the first time, to our knowledge, an important role for CXCR3 and CXCL10 in the tissue distribution of preimmune MP cells." ]
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[ "e the highest common factor of 5635973 and 61.", "\n61\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 349297 and 35114?", "\n97\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 5365798 and 688.", "\n86\nWhat is the highest common factor of 19744467 and 266901?", "\n6207\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 560 and 141242220.", "\n140\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 327 and 19789495?", "\n109\nCalculate the highest common factor of 69 and 6122301.", "\n69\nWhat is the highest common factor of 152 and 8289944?", "\n8\nWhat is the highest common factor of 12277173 and 57?", "\n57\nWhat is the highest common factor of 80510 and 20920?", "\n10\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 601 and 477073800?", "\n601\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 17798905 and 11605?", "\n1055\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 999333 and 8103.", "\n111\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 22152078 and 37401?", "\n5343\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 7080 and 196335?", "\n15\nCalculate the highest common factor of 21807159 and 79431.", "\n957\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 19 and 52374431.", "\n19\nCalculate the highest common factor of 1734 and 14813256.", "\n102\nWhat is the highest common factor of 730 and 20890?", "\n10\nCalculate the highest common factor of 1387077 and 9625047.", "\n7041\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 935 and 595.", "\n85\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 9639 and 425187?", "\n1071\nCalculate the highest common factor of 89790 and 181770.", "\n2190\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 9782 and 6820171?", "\n73\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 6074864 and 160.", "\n16\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 3376 and 4905961?", "\n211\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 2501555 and 21?", "\n7\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 6767 and 127367?", "\n67\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 18831291 and 9486.", "\n1581\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 134649 and 50733.", "\n27\nWhat is the highest common factor of 71058252 and 5016?", "\n228\nCalculate the highest common factor of 4192 and 4371208.", "\n1048\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 561 and 10048533?", "\n33\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 133932484 and 882.", "\n98\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 88592 and 210519.", "\n113\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 3808 and 293454.", "\n238\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 85688679 and 18465?", "\n3693\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 3672 and 35853?", "\n51\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 1396323 and 940?", "\n47\nCalculate the highest common factor of 33332871 and 429.", "\n429\nWhat is the highest common factor of 15179 and 525331?", "\n43\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 48122542 and 754?", "\n754\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 238 and 43188558.", "\n14\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 825748 and 269500?", "\n2156\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 518 and 21211841?", "\n259\nWhat is the highest common factor of 118036683 and 38?", "\n19\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 1382 and 2754?", "\n2\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 8620 and 203901790?", "\n4310\nWhat is the highest common factor of 16236901 and 31?", "\n31\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 928 and 5776384?", "\n32\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 1383251 and 1426?", "\n31\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 166737886 and 42?", "\n14\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 1642345 and 9080.", "\n1135\nCalculate the highest common factor of 759 and 1485087.", "\n69\nCalculate the highest common factor of 171235 and 17004380.", "\n7445\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 6473530 and 40?", "\n10\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 196 and 16769711?", "\n49\nCalculate the highest common factor of 428284844 and 2626.", "\n2626\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 66970 and 2087836.", "\n74\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 65894 and 2538?", "\n94\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 11439 and 837.", "\n279\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 15251185 and 920.", "\n115\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 20164332 and 48.", "\n12\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 6154976 and 5296.", "\n16\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 3942 and 190782.", "\n54\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 120 and 9398700.", "\n60\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 2845539 and 35364.", "\n1263\nCalculate the highest common factor of 136084 and 488332.", "\n52\nCalculate the highest common factor of 6890 and 120710.", "\n10\nCalculate the highest common factor of 90852 and 156.", "\n12\nWhat is the highest common factor of 88 and 9978632?", "\n8\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 49944 and 4734?", "\n6\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 221 and 32179186.", "\n13\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 32 and 2404301152?", "\n32\nWhat is the highest common factor of 3075 and 50946395?", "\n205\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 91 and 103189814.", "\n91\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 124638 and 1266?", "\n6\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 5481472 and 1919?", "\n101\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 3193391 and 80075?", "\n3203\nCalculate the highest common factor of 138624 and 17369154.", "\n2166\nWhat is the highest common factor of 78 and 9614202?", "\n78\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 37558 and 384442?", "\n422\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 30403703 and 2965?", "\n593\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 350830 and 13610.", "\n10\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 4562380 and 62580?", "\n2980\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 353 and 1005438604?", "\n353\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 3 and 4042911.", "\n3\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 634 and 81653494.", "\n634\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 9653371 and 17759?", "\n301\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 6831 and 1415205.", "\n297\nCalculate the highest common factor of 170403 and 18881.", "\n79\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 2081616 and 11424.", "\n816\nWhat is the highest common factor of 92249988 and 156?", "\n12\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 90094752 and 54.", "\n18\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 249761724 and 24.", "\n12\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 18 and 1382248?", "\n2\nCalculate the highest common factor of 7412553 and 2349.", "\n81\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 8995743 and 585?", "\n9\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 155043840 and 7725?", "\n1545\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 1326321 and 3132?", "\n27\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 4327451 and 1?", "\n1\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 58284 and 1476.", "\n36\nWhat is the highest common factor of 3866146 and 8896?", "\n278\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 4237865 and 24295.", "\n215\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 245569291 and 88?", "\n11\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 341 and 32436767?", "\n11\nWhat is the highest common factor of 27521583 and 64635?", "\n12927\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 184653 and 190701.", "\n189\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 102303 and 51367473.", "\n11367\nCalculate the highest common factor of 627 and 10428682.", "\n209\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 22058242 and 52900?", "\n1058\nCalculate the highest common factor of 316903188 and 96.", "\n12\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 16848 and 107165916.", "\n4212\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 39634 and 431206.", "\n298\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 810 and 1986810?", "\n30\nCalculate the highest common factor of 101736126 and 918.", "\n306\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 16170 and 473745?", "\n15\nWhat is the highest common factor of 693665990 and 2?", "\n2\nCalculate the highest common factor of 3771 and 645372.", "\n9\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 8178 and 5179494?", "\n282\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 297 and 5621031.", "\n9\nCalculate the highest common factor of 60 and 4679115.", "\n15\nCalculate the highest common factor of 5264 and 12607.", "\n7\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 365104672 and 2644.", "\n2644\nWhat is the highest common factor of 116103 and 34138?", "\n169\nWhat is the highest common factor of 16099901 and 867?", "\n289\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 979050 and 854?", "\n122\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 299 and 1466959?", "\n13\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 6558 and 62591738.", "\n2186\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 761816 and 7700?", "\n44\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 347772 and 3362193.", "\n1191\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 8 and 170628446?", "\n2\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 5310480 and 42?", "\n42\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 7224912 and 15196?", "\n524\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 2201 and 3769972?", "\n31\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 40551 and 543.", "\n3\nW" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Tolombeh-ye Javad Amiri\n\nTolombeh-ye Javad Amiri (, also Romanized as Tolombeh-ye Javād Amīrī) is a village in Pariz Rural District, Pariz District, Sirjan County, Kerman Province, Iran. ", "At the 2006 census, its population was 180, in 43 families.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Populated places in Sirjan County" ]
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[ "Valence change and magnetic order in YbMn6Ge(6-x)Sn(x).", "\nThe YbMn(6)Ge(6-x)Sn(x) compounds (0 < x < 6) have been investigated using x-ray diffraction, magnetic measurements, neutron diffraction and (170)Yb Mössbauer spectroscopy. ", "The YbMn(6)Ge(6-x)Sn(x) system comprises three solid solutions: (i) 0 < x ≤ 1.1, (ii) 3.2 ≤ x ≤ 4.6 and (iii) 5.3 ≤ x < 6, all of which crystallize in the hexagonal (P6/mmm) HfFe(6)Ge(6)-type structure. ", "The substitution of Sn for Ge yields changes in the type of magnetic order (antiferromagnetic, helimagnetic, ferromagnetic, conical and ferrimagnetic), in the easy magnetization direction (from easy axis to easy plane) as well as in the valence state of Yb (from trivalent to divalent). ", "The Mn moments order at or above room temperature, while magnetic ordering of the Yb sublattice is observed at temperatures up to 110 K. While Yb is trivalent for x ≤ 1.1 and divalent for x ≥ 5.3, both magnetic and (170)Yb Mössbauer spectroscopy data suggest that there is a gradual reduction in the average ytterbium valence through the intermediate solid solution (3.2 ≤ x ≤ 4.6), and that intermediate valence Yb orders magnetically, a very unusual phenomenon. ", "Analysis of the (170)Yb Mössbauer spectroscopy data suggests that the departure from trivalency starts as early as x = 3.2 and the loss of ytterbium moment is estimated to occur at an average valence of ∼2.5+." ]
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[ "//===-- SWIG Interface for SBStringList -------------------------*- C++ -*-===//\n//\n// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.", "\n// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.", "\n// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception\n//\n//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//\n\nnamespace lldb {\n\nclass SBStringList\n{\npublic:\n\n SBStringList ();\n\n SBStringList (const lldb::SBStringList &rhs);\n\n ~SBStringList ();\n\n bool\n IsValid() const;\n\n explicit operator bool() const;\n\n void\n AppendString (const char *str);\n\n void\n AppendList (const char **strv, int strc);\n\n void\n AppendList (const lldb::SBStringList &strings);\n\n uint32_t\n GetSize () const;\n\n const char *\n GetStringAtIndex (size_t idx);\n\n void\n Clear ();\n\n %pythoncode%{\n def __iter__(self):\n '''Iterate over all strings in a lldb.", "SBStringList object.'''", "\n return lldb_iter(self, 'GetSize', 'GetStringAtIndex')\n\n def __len__(self):\n '''Return the number of strings in a lldb.", "SBStringList object.'''", "\n return self.", "GetSize()\n %}\n};\n\n} // namespace lldb\n" ]
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[ "Julkaistu: 1.3.2019\n\nPienituloisuus on yleisintä työttömillä ja opiskelijoilla\n\nPienituloisuus on yleisintä työttömien ja opiskelijoiden keskuudessa, ilmenee Tilastokeskuksen tulonjakotilastosta. ", "Vähintään kuusi kuukautta vuoden aikana työttöminä olleista lähes 39 prosenttia kuului pienituloisiin kotitalouksiin vuonna 2017. ", "Opiskelijoista noin 31 prosenttia oli pienituloisten kotitalouksien jäseniä. ", "Väestöryhmien väliset pienituloisuusasteet ovat erkaantuneet toisistaan 30 vuoden tarkastelujaksolla, erityisesti 1990-luvun laman jälkeisenä aikana. ", "Palkansaajat ovat pienituloisia hyvin harvoin.", "\n\nPienituloisuusasteet henkilön sosioekonomisen aseman mukaan vuosina 1987–2017\n\nSuhteellinen pienituloisuus vaihtelee myös väestöryhmien sisällä. ", "Työttömien kesken pienituloisuudessa on eroja ansiosidonnaista työttömyysturvaa ja Kelan työttömyysturvaetuuksia saaneiden välillä. ", "Vain ansiosidonnaista päivärahaa vuoden aikana saaneista työttömistä noin 15 prosenttia oli pienituloisia vuonna 2017. ", "Pelkästään Kelan perustyöttömyysturvaa saaneista pienituloisia oli puolet. ", "Vuoden aikana sekä ansiosidonnaista että Kelan perustyöttömyysturvaa saaneista 38 prosenttia kuului pienituloisiin kotitalouksiin. ", "Pienituloisista työttömistä yli puolet on saanut peruspäivärahaa tai työmarkkinatukea eikä lainkaan ansiosidonnaista turvaa.", "\n\nMyös 1,38 miljoonan eläkeläisen kesken pienituloisuus vaihtelee. ", "Pienituloisuus on harvinaisinta entisillä toimihenkilöillä, joita on vajaa puolet kaikista eläkeläisistä. ", "Entisten alempien toimihenkilöiden keskuudessa pienituloisia on reilut 8 prosenttia, mutta entisissä ylemmissä toimihenkilöissä määrä on häviävän pieni. ", "Suurin pienituloisuusaste, noin 38 prosenttia, on entisillä maatalousyrittäjillä. ", "Myös työntekijäammateista eläköityneiden ja eläkkeellä olevien yrittäjien pienituloisuus ylittää koko väestön pienituloisuusasteen (12,1 %). ", "Noin yhdeksän kymmenestä pienituloisesta eläkeläisestä saa osan eläketulostaan kansaneläkkeestä ja/tai takuueläkkeestä.", "\n\nRakennemuutokset voivat muuttaa väestöryhmien pienituloisuusasteita taloustilanteen muuttuessa odotuksiin nähden käänteisesti. ", "Kun esimerkiksi työttömien määrä kasvaa, joukkoon tulee ansiosidonnaista työttömyyskorvausta saavia henkilöitä, joiden tulotaso on parempi kuin Kelan työttömyysturvaetuuksia saavien. ", "Työttömien joukon kasvu pienentää pienituloisuusastetta. ", "Nousukaudella lyhyen aikaa työttömänä olleet henkilöt taas työllistyvät herkemmin ja siirtyvät esimerkiksi palkansaajaryhmiin. ", "Työttömien pienituloisuusaste lähtee sen seurauksena kasvuun.", "\n\nKäänteinen vaikutus näkyy myös koko väestön tasolla, missä koko väestön keskitulon pieneneminen vähentää pienituloisten osuutta väestössä. ", "Selvimmin tämä näkyy pienituloisuusasteen laskuna 1990-luvun lamassa. ", "Pienituloisuuden kehitys kuvaa näin ollen pieni- ja keskituloisten välisten tuloerojen kehitystä, mutta ei absoluuttista elintason muutosta.", "\n\nPienituloisiksi lasketaan henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä oleva rahatulo kulutusyksikköä 1) kohti on alle 60 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta. ", "Kotitalouden tulojen jakaminen kulutusyksiköillä tarkoittaa, että eri kokoisten kotitalouksien tulot muunnetaan vastaamaan yhden henkilön talouden tulotasoa. ", "Tämä avulla on mahdollista vertailla erikokoisten kotitalouksien toimeentulon tasoa.", "\n\nPienituloisuusraja oli yhden henkilön taloudella 14 750 euroa vuodessa eli 1 230 euroa kuukaudessa vuonna 2017. ", "Tuloilla tarkoitetaan verojen jälkeisiä rahatuloja, jotka koostuvat työ- ja omaisuustuloista ja tulonsiirroista. ", "Tämän julkaisun liitetaulukosta 2 löytyvät tiedot siitä, minkä kokoisilla vuosituloilla muuntyyppiset kotitaloudet määrittyvät pienituloisiksi.", "\n\nPienituloisista yli puolet sijoittuu aivan 60 prosentin rajan tuntumaan eli siihen joukkoon, jonka tulot ovat 50–59 prosenttia mediaanista. ", "Tilanne on ollut sama koko kolmenkymmenen vuoden tarkastelujaksolla eli vuodesta 1987 alkaen, riippumatta pienituloisten määrän vaihteluista. ", "Tähän ryhmään kuuluvat kotitaloudet, joiden tulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat vähintään 12 290 euroa, mutta alle 14 750 euroa vuodessa tai kuukausituloiksi muutettuna 1 020–1 230 euroa.", "\n\nKaikkein pienituloisimpaan ryhmään eli niihin, joiden tulot ovat alle 40 prosenttia mediaanista, on kuulunut koko 2000-luvun alle 20 prosenttia kaikista pienituloisiin kotitalouksiin kuuluvista henkilöistä. ", "Ryhmään kuuluvat ne, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot ovat alle 9 830 euroa vuodessa eli alle 820 euroa kuukaudessa kulutusyksikköä kohden.", "\n\nKeskimmäinen pienituloisten ryhmä, joiden tulot ovat 40–49 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta, asettuu näiden tuloryhmien väliin. ", "Ryhmään kuuluvien tulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat vähintään 9 830 euroa mutta alle 12 290 euroa vuodessa (820–1 020 euroa kuukaudessa). ", "Ryhmään kuuluu yli neljäsosa pienituloisista.", "\n\n1) Kulutusyksiköt perustuvat niin kutsuttuun OECD:n modifioituun skaalaan. ", "Kotitalouden yksi aikuinen on yksi kulutusyksikkö. ", "Muut kotitalouden 14 vuotta täyttäneet henkilöt ovat kukin 0,5 kulutusyksikköä ja 0–13-vuotiaat lapset ovat kukin 0,3 kulutusyksikköä. ", "Yhden aikuisen kotitalous on yksi kulutusyksikkö, kun taas kotitalous, johon kuuluu esimerkiksi puolisot ja yksi alle 14-vuotias lapsi, ovat yhteensä 1,8 kulutusyksikköä.", "\n\nLähde: Tulonjakotilasto 2017, Tilastokeskus\n\nLisätietoja: Kaisa-Mari Okkonen 029 551 3408\n\nVastaava tilastojohtaja: Jari Tarkoma\n\nJulkaisu pdf-muodossa (520,2 kt)\n\nPäivitetty 01.03.2019\n\nViittausohje: Suomen virallinen tilasto (SVT): Tulonjakotilasto [verkkojulkaisu].", "\n\nISSN=1795-8121. ", "tuloerot (kansainvälinen vertailu) 2017. ", "Helsinki: Tilastokeskus [viitattu: 23.9.2020].", "\n\nSaantitapa: http://www.stat.fi/til/tjt/2017/01/tjt_2017_01_2019-03-01_tie_001_fi.html" ]
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[ "Suppressive effects of destruxin B on hepatitis B virus surface antigen gene expression in human hepatoma cells.", "\nDestruxin B, a cyclodepsipeptide was originally identified as a plant pathogen from the fungus, Alternaria brassicae. ", "We examined the antiviral activity of destruxin B and found that it suppresses the expression of the hepatitis B viral surface antigen (HBsAg) gene in human hepatoma Hep3B cells which carry an integrated viral gene in its chromosome. ", "In contrast, destruxin B shows no cytotoxic effect on the viability of the cells. ", "Furthermore, it can be shown that destruxin B can reversibly suppress HBsAg production by Hep3B cells in a concentration-dependent manner with EC50 of 0.5 microM. Northern blot analysis indicates that the suppression of HBsAg gene expression by destruxin B is mainly at the mRNA level. ", "Destruxin B not only suppresses the endogenously expressed HBsAg in the Hep3B cells but also suppresses the HBsAg produced either from the stable transfected HBV DNA in another human hepatoma HuH-7 cell line which carry no endogenous HBV genome. ", "These results suggest that destruxin B may have future potential for development as a specific anti-HBV drug." ]
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[ "Beyerdynamic DT48, 1937 German audio equipment manufacturer Beyerdynamic, which started out creating loudspeakers for cinemas, developed the first pair of dynamic headphones the DT48. ", "They used a coil of wire attached to the back of a speaker cone through which the current of the audio signal was carried, causing it to move in a fixed magnetic field to move the air and create sound.", "Dynamic drivers are still the most popular type used in headphones and speakers today, and the DT48 were still in production in one form or another until 2012.", "\n\nPhotograph: BeyerDynanic" ]
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[ "Directions\n\nAbout Us\n\nOur Location\n\nThe International Motorsports Hall of Fame & Museum is located between Birmingham and Atlanta, just north of Talladega, Alabama. ", "The Hall of Fame & Museum is located on Speedway Boulevard just off I-20 and lies adjacent to the Talladega Superspeedway, \"the World's Fastest Superspeedway.\" ", "Take exit 168 eastbound on I-20, or exit 173 westbound and follow the signs. ", "Lodging and dining facilities are available at I-20 exits in Lincoln, Pell City, Oxford/Anniston and eight miles south on Highway 77 in Talladega." ]
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[ "The zinc finger domain of the archaeal minichromosome maintenance protein is required for helicase activity.", "\nThe minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins, a family of six conserved polypeptides found in all eukaryotes, are essential for DNA replication. ", "The archaeon Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum Delta H contains a single homologue of MCM with biochemical properties similar to those of the eukaryotic enzyme. ", "The amino acid sequence of the archaeal protein contains a putative zinc-binding domain of the CX(2)CX(n)CX(2)C (C(4)) type. ", "In this study, the roles of the zinc finger domain in MCM function were examined using recombinant wild-type and mutant proteins expressed and purified from Escherichia coli. ", "The protein with a mutation in the zinc motif forms a dodecameric complex similar to the wild-type enzyme. ", "The mutant enzyme, however, is impaired in DNA-dependent ATPase activity and single-stranded DNA binding, and it does not possess helicase activity. ", "These results illustrate the importance of the zinc-binding domain for archaeal MCM function and suggest a role for zinc binding in the eukaryotic MCM complex as well, since four out of the six eukaryotic MCM proteins contain a similar zinc-binding motif." ]
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[ "\n954 So.2d 1185 (2007)\nDonald O. CARTER, Appellant,\nv.\nSTATE of Florida, Appellee.", "\nNo. ", "4D06-1015.", "\nDistrict Court of Appeal of Florida, Fourth District.", "\nApril 11, 2007.", "\n*1186 Carey Haughwout, Public Defender, and David John McPherrin, Assistant Public Defender, West Palm Beach, for appellant.", "\nBill McCollum, Attorney General, Tallahassee, and Diane F. Medley, Assistant Attorney General, West Palm Beach, for appellee.", "\nPER CURIAM.", "\nFollowing a traffic stop, Donald O. Carter was charged with possession of cocaine and driving without a license. ", "A jury found Carter guilty as charged. ", "Thereafter, during his sentencing hearing, the judge held Carter in direct criminal contempt as a consequence of his failure to appear for an earlier docket call, sentencing him to time served. ", "In this appeal, Carter challenges the sufficiency of the evidence supporting his conviction for possession of cocaine and the contempt. ", "We affirm the possession of cocaine conviction without further comment. ", "We find merit, however, in Carter's claim concerning the contempt adjudication.", "\n\"Criminal contempt is a crime\" and guilt must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. ", "Forbes v. State, 933 So.2d 706, 712 (Fla. 4th DCA 2006). ", "To establish criminal contempt, the evidence must establish a \"willful act or omission calculated to embarrass or hinder the court or obstruct the administration of justice.\" ", "Id. \"There must be proof that the accused intended to hinder or obstruct the administration of justice.\" ", "Id. Such intent can be inferred from the accused's actions. ", "See id. We have reviewed the record in this case and find the evidence was insufficient to demonstrate Carter willfully failed to appear before the court. ", "Carter's sworn testimony that his court-appointed attorney told him he did not need to attend the docket call was unrebutted in the record.", "\nAffirmed in Part and Reversed in Part.", "\nSTEVENSON, C.J., KLEIN and SHAHOOD, JJ., ", "concur.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDifference between Psychology & Neuroscience in lay man terms?", "\n\nI am electronics engineer by profession\nBut i am confused in difference between Psychology & Neuroscience? ", "Please explain in lay man terms?", "\n\nA:\n\nThis will be a little contrived (you asked in layman's terms), but basically psychologists don't care about neurons. ", "They care more about a higher-level view of how the brain works.", "\nThere's even a joke about psychologists having a \"neuron envy\". ", "As for an example:\n\nThe problem is that you can have an explanation in biology at two different levels. ", "One is a \"black box,\" or non-reductionist approach. ", "An example of this is behaviorism, which gives you a model of what's going on at the same level as the phenomenon you are studying.", "\n\nAnd as an analogy\n\nIn biology, for example, Mendelian genetics--where you have pea plants and genes--could only get you so far. ", "Sooner or later, you need to open it up and see what's inside. ", "You have to discover the structure of the DNA molecule--an advance that gave birth to modern biology, because it told you about enzymes; it told you about ... the machinery underlying cell physiology.", "\nIn psychology, the nearest thing to that happening is neuroscience.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Wesley Swope\n\nWesley Swope oversees the company’s critical estimating and pre-construction services. ", "In his role, he ensures that his team gains a comprehensive and detailed understanding of each project, allowing them to produce budgets and cost studies that often go into far greater detail than what is indicated in the project documents.", "\n\nWesley and his team’s iterative process allows V.J. Scozzari & Sons, Inc. to optimize the advice, leadership and options it provides to clients, helping them make more informed decisions as their projects develop.", "\n\n“I’m proud of the reputation our organization has earned for the attention to detail and collaborative nature of our Pre-Construction Services, and for the benefits our estimating expertise consistently provides our clients. ", "In addition, we have a strong track record of producing value engineering studies, based on our experience and relationships with subcontractors and vendors, that have lowered construction and life cycle costs, enhanced building features, and expedited schedules.”" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a fluid pump, which has a pressure pulsation reducing function.", "\n2. ", "Related Art\nThere are two types of fluid pumps such as a fuel pump for a vehicle, one being a positive displacement type such as a trochoid gear pump and a roller pump and the other being a non-displacement type such as a turbine (Wetsco) pump.", "\nIn the displacement type pump, fluid is sucked and discharged by variations in the displacement of a pump chamber. ", "It has therefore a higher pumping efficiency, while causing a large pressure pulsation in the discharged fluid, large noise and large vibration. ", "In the non-displacement type pump, on the other hand, fluid is sucked and discharged by rotation of a turbine (impeller) within a pump casing. ", "As the displacement of a pump chamber is not varied, it causes less pressure pulsation in the discharged fuel, less noise and less vibration.", "\nIn the case that the displacement type pump is used, a damper device is provided at a fluid discharge side or a fluid pipe is formed by an elastic material to reduce the pressure pulsation, noise and vibration. ", "Particularly, in the case that the displacement type pump is used as a fuel pump for a vehicle, a sound-shielding material is attached to a vehicle chassis to shield noise. ", "Those will result in rise in the production cost." ]
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[ "Related Image\n\nExpand / Collapse\n\nPolice said the fire on a London subway train was caused by the detonation of an improvised explosive device.", "\n\n(AP)\n\nPolice quickly called the incident on the District Line train at Parsons Green station a “terrorist incident.” ", "It was the fifth terrorist attack in Britain this year. ", "Police said they have not arrested anyone in connection to the bombing but hundreds of detectives were trying to hunt down the perpetrator or perpetrators.", "\n\nThe Metropolitan Police force said police “are making fast-time inquiries to establish who was responsible and are working closely with the security services.”", "\n\nCounterterrorism policing chief Mark Rowley said hundreds of detectives were scanning surveillance camera footage, carrying out forensic work and speaking to witnesses.", "\n\nScotland Yard said an improvised explosive device was used in the attack, and London’s Metropolitan Police counter-terrorism unit was also investigating; however, police did not immediately provide any details on any suspects.", "\n\nRelated Image\n\nExpand / Collapse\n\nEmergency services help a person after a fire at Parsons Green underground station in London, Britain." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nViolation of Schengenvisum terms?", "\n\nI have a 1 year multi-entry Schengen visa (issued by Spain). ", "This visa expires in March 2017 and I want to ask for a new one from March 2017 onwards. ", "In the past year, I spent 20 days in Spain and 10 days in Germany. ", "Now I still have 90 days to spend in this period and I want to spend those 90 days in Netherlands.", "\nQuestions:\n\n1) Is it a problem if I come 90 days to Netherlands when I have a\nSpain issued Schengenvisa which presumes that I should spend the\nmost time in Spain over the course of the 1 year? ", "Meaning at the\nborder can they refuse me?", "\n2) When I have this record in March 2017 when my visa expires, Spain 20 days, Germany 10 days, Netherlands 90 days, and I apply for\na new Schengen visa with Spain, will they refuse me because I showed\nthat I spent more time on my visa OUTSIDE Spain, namely Netherlands,\nso is it a violation and enough reason not to trust me and not give\nme a Schengen visa anymore never ever?", "\nIs it not so that when you apply for a C visa, Schengen, and you travel for example from 1 April to 15 April to Italy for example, that the Schengen visa is always given for a minimum of 90 days consecutive time, so NOT for specifically my travel dates 1 April to 15 April???", "\n\nA:\n\nThe purpose of the Schengen treaty is to remove internal border controls for EU citizens. ", "They already had the right to cross those borders, Schengen just reduced the probability of being delayed by a check. ", "Obviously open borders must be open for citizens and non-citizens alike, or the citizens would have to stop at the border and show that they are citizens and thus entitled to cross. ", "\nOn the other hand, Schengen visa may put some restrictions on the holder. ", "Most importantly, visitors may have to provide a premise and an itinerary for the trip and they are expected to tell the truth. ", "When people apply for a Schengen visa, the officials try to judge if the applicant can be trusted to follow the terms of the visa.", "\nYes, you can easily cross from Spain to the Netherlands and spend more time there than in Spain. ", "If you happen to get caught, e.g. because you're involved in a traffic accident and somebody wants to see your papers, you have a problem. ", "Not so much because you crossed that border, but because you lied about the premise of your trip.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "553 F.2d 1013\n42 A.L.R.Fed. ", "213, 1 Fed. ", "R. Evid. ", "Serv. ", "1333\nUNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee,v.Phillip Brooks BARKER et al., ", "Defendants-Appellants.", "\nNos. ", "76-1767 to 76-1769.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals,Sixth Circuit.", "\nArgued Dec. 6, 1976.Decided March 22, 1977.As Amended June 1, 1977.", "\n\nCarol W. Johnson, Hopkinsville, Ky. (Court-appointed CJA), for defendants-appellants.", "\nGeorge J. Long, U.S. Atty., ", "James H. Barr, Louisville, Ky., for plaintiff-appellee.", "\nBefore PHILLIPS, Chief Judge, and EDWARDS and McCREE, Circuit Judges.", "\nMcCREE, Circuit Judge.", "\n\n\n1\nPhillip Brooks Barker, Robert Dale McKee and Perry Duane Caudle appeal from their convictions on both counts of an indictment for violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2113(a), taking money from a FDIC-insured bank by force, violence or intimidation, and for violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2113(d), assaulting or putting lives in jeopardy by the use of a dangerous weapon while committing a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2113(a). ", " They were convicted by a jury after a five day trial. ", " Because the two counts were merged, all defendants were sentenced, only on the second count, to twenty-five years imprisonment, the statutory maximum. ", " The trial court specifically found that neither McKee nor Caudle would benefit from the provisions of the Federal Youth Corrections Act.", "\n\n\n2\nOn July 15, 1975, three young black men, carrying firearms, and wearing sunglasses, handkerchief masks and wigs, robbed the Planters Bank of Elkton, Kentucky. ", " They escaped in a red Chevrolet automobile with approximately $40,000. ", " The bank manager's pursuit of that car was halted when an unidentified person in a white Pontiac brandished a shotgun at the manager.", "\n\n\n3\nMost of the contentions in this appeal concern the government's efforts at trial to identify these two vehicles and to connect them with appellants.", "\n\n\n4\nThe red Chevrolet in which the bandits drove away from the bank was found abandoned under a bridge. ", " An automobile salesman testified that shortly before the robbery he had sold the car to a man who called himself Joe Jones. ", " At trial, the salesman identified the buyer as Thomas McKee, brother of defendant McKee. ", " He testified that the buyer gave the address of defendant McKee's great uncle, Frank Waddell.", "\n\n\n5\nAn FBI fingerprint expert testified that fingerprints of all three defendants were found on the car's rear view mirror. ", " A defense fingerprint expert was permitted by the trial judge to testify that only defendant McKee's fingerprints were on the mirror. ", " However, the court refused to rule that the defense witness was qualified as an expert to present opinion testimony. ", " Instead, it instructed the jury that the witness did not qualify as an expert because his credentials were inadequate. ", " The judge further instructed the jury that it could consider only opinions expressed by an expert.", "\n\n\n6\nDefendants McKee and Barker testified that they had \"checked out\" some used cars about a week before the robbery and that they \"could have\" touched a rear view mirror at that time.", "\n\n\n7\nThe FBI obtained fingerprint and handwriting specimens from Thomas McKee for comparison with the fingerprints and signature on the sales receipt for the red Chevrolet. ", " The government introduced no proof that either Thomas McKee's fingerprints or his handwriting were on the sales receipt. ", " It was stipulated that the FBI laboratory report showed that none of the defendants' fingerprints were on the receipt. ", " However, although the FBI fingerprint expert testified that he had compared Thomas McKee's prints with the fingerprints on the receipt, the government apparently failed to produce the report of that examination, in spite of the fact that the defense had obtained an order for its production. ", " Nor did the government's handwriting expert, who failed to identify the writing on the receipt as Thomas McKee's, appear to testify at trial, despite the fact that defendants had subpoenaed him.", "\n\n\n8\nThe government also showed that the Chevrolet that \"Joe Jones\" purchased was blue, black and white when he acquired it, and that defendants had been seen with a blue and black 1963 or 1964 Chevrolet. ", " Shortly before the robbery, defendants introduced evidence that Caudle's brother, Kenneth Jagoe, had owned a blue 1964 Chevrolet and had lent it on occasion to Caudle, and had sold the car after the robbery. ", " Jagoe and the person to whom he sold the car identified a photograph of it that showed that the car was still blue.", "\n\n\n9\nIt was stipulated by the parties that an FBI laboratory report concluded that the \"getaway\" Chevrolet had been painted with a red enamel. ", " An auto parts salesman testified that defendant Caudle had asked him how much primer paint would be needed to paint a car. ", " The salesman did not himself sell primer paint to Caudle, and he did not know whether or not another salesman in the store had sold anything to Caudle. ", " A government rebuttal witness testified that some primer paints have enamel finishes. ", " The defense subpoenaed the FBI laboratory expert who had prepared the report which was stipulated in evidence. ", " Nevertheless, the witness did not appear to testify.", "\n\n\n10\nThe government also showed that Barker owned a white 1967 Pontiac. ", " Barker was seen driving his car toward Elkton on the morning before the robbery. ", " Another witness said that he saw a 1968 white Pontiac traveling from the direction of Elkton toward Hopkinsville, where defendants lived, on the afternoon following the robbery. ", " There was evidence that the white car ran, out of control, through a fence and into a cornfield along the escape route during that afternoon. ", " The government showed that there were dents in Barker's car after the robbery that had not been there shortly before the robbery. ", " The FBI conducted tests comparing soil and plant fragments found on Barker's car with samples from the cornfield, and comparing the paint on Barker's car with a white substance that had been found on the broken wires of the fence between the cornfield and the road. ", " The results of these tests were inconclusive and reports to that effect were received in evidence by stipulation. ", " Nevertheless, the defendants secured subpoenas to compel the attendance of the laboratory technicians who had prepared the reports, but these efforts were frustrated by the government's failure to honor the subpoenas and the court's failure to enforce them.", "\n\n\n11\nAn FBI technician who did come from Washington testified that a piece of chrome found along the theorized escape route matched another piece of chrome found in the trunk of Barker's car. ", " A towel found in Barker's car was smeared with red paint, the same color as the paint on the 1964 \"getaway\" Chevrolet.", "\n\n\n12\nFurthermore, on the afternoon of the robbery a local farmer saw a young black man at a location along the theorized escape route changing a tire on a white Pontiac automobile manufactured in the 1960's. ", " The farmer later found four lug nuts at that location. ", " When the police searched Barker's car four days after the robbery, it lacked three lug nuts. ", " Although the farmer was only 25 feet from the man changing the tire, he was unable to make a courtroom identification of any of the defendants.", "\n\n\n13\nThe government showed that within the two months immediately after the robbery the defendants and some of their relatives had in their possession currency bills, some of them consecutively numbered, which had been shipped to the Planters Bank two weeks before the robbery. ", " More than half of the bills in that shipment had been placed in circulation before the robbery occurred. ", " The bait money and other particular bills known to have been taken from the bank were not recovered.", "\n\n\n14\nAlthough prior to trial no eyewitness had been able to identify any of the robbers, at trial one of the bookkeepers and one of the tellers identified McKee and Caudle, respectively. ", " The bookkeeper had seen newspaper pictures of the defendants after they had been arrested. ", " The teller's identification rested primarily on the fact that Caudle's \"very funny, mean, wild look out of his eyes\" from the defense table was the same as that of one of the robbers.", "\n\n\n15\nDuring the robbery, one of the bandits was addressed as Butch, which was Caudle's nickname. ", " Caudle testified that he was no longer known by that name. ", " Each defendant testified that he was engaged in a specific activity other than robbing the Elkton bank at midday of July 15, and presented witnesses in support of his alibi.", "\n\n\n16\nWe have recited the highlights of the evidence in detail in order to emphasize that the government's case was essentially circumstantial, with the exception of the identifications by the teller and the bookkeeper. ", " Neither of these witnesses had seen any of the defendants before the robbery, and neither was able to make a pretrial identification. ", " Because eyewitness identifications by strangers based upon fleeting observations made in stressful circumstances are frequently inaccurate, cf. ", "Levine and Tapp, The Psychology of Criminal Identification, 121 U.Pa.", "L.Rev. ", "1079 (1973), the circumstantial evidence linking the defendants to the two \"getaway\" cars is particularly important.", "\n\n\n17\nAccordingly, we consider initially appellants' contentions1 that they were deprived of a fair trial when the United States Marshal failed to properly serve their subpoenas for the FBI laboratory technicians whose test results failed to support the government's attempt to establish that the defendants had bought or used the \"getaway\" cars, and when the trial judge failed to enforce their subpoenas. ", " They argue that a continuance should have been granted until the government complied with the subpoenas. ", " They also contend that the court should have stricken the testimony of the government rebuttal witness, who testified about a matter which would have been the subject of a subpoenaed witness' testimony, after the government represented that it would not elaborate on that subject matter.", "\n\n\n18\nBecause this is a direct appeal, we are concerned, not only with the specific commands of the Constitution and applicable statutes, but also with our supervisory responsibility to assure fair judicial and prosecutorial practices. ", " And our supervisory power requires us to scrutinize with particular care claimed encroachments on areas protected by specific Constitutional safeguards.", "\n\n\n19\nThe Sixth Amendment guarantees the right to defendants to have compulsory process. ", " Although the district court issued subpoenas as requested by the defendants, we hold that the defendants were deprived of a fair trial when they were denied their right to have these subpoenas for witnesses necessary for their defense served and enforced. ", " We therefore reverse.", "\n\nTHE DEFENSE SUBPOENAS\n\n20\nOn Tuesday, November 25, Barker filed a motion under the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 17(b), which provides for the issuance at government expense of subpoenas for witnesses for indigent defendants. ", " The motions were granted, and the Marshal received the subpoenas on the following day. ", " Although the trial was scheduled to begin on Monday, December 1, the Marshal's office took no action during the next four days, within which the Thanksgiving holiday fell.", "\n\n\n21\nThe subpoenas required the attendance of FBI technicians who had performed tests for the government. ", " They commanded the appearance of laboratory technicians who had determined that soil and vegetation found on Barker's white pontiac did not match samples taken where the white escape car had run off the road along the supposed getaway route, and that the outer layer of paint on the abandoned red \"getaway\" Chevrolet was enamel instead of primer.2\n\n\n22\nAlthough negative evidence frequently has little probative value, the paint report took on unusually great potential significance in this case because the government introduced evidence to show that Caudle had sought to purchase a sufficient quantity of red primer paint to cover an entire automobile. ", " The government further sought to reinforce its primer paint argument by introducing rebuttal testimony by a paint expert that many primers contain enamel, despite the fact that it had implied that it would be bound by the conclusions in the laboratory report.", "\n\n\n23\nAlthough the subpoenas did not state the names of the technicians, they specified the date, file numbers, and laboratory numbers of the reports which had been made available to defendants earlier in November pursuant to a discovery order of the district court. ", " The government does not contend that the subpoenas were insufficient.", "\n\n\n24\nOn Monday morning, the first day of the trial, the Marshal approached the Assistant United States Attorney in charge of the case, M. Stephen Pitt, and asked, \"What should I do with these? ", " I don't know who to serve.\" ", " Pitt replied that the Marshal should serve the subpoenas on Hillard Thorpe, the FBI agent in charge of the case, who was apparently present during the conversation. ", " \"If you've got to serve them, serve them on him.\" ", " Agent Thorpe, in turn, made no efforts to secure the attendance of the witnesses. ", " Instead, he \"referred the matter to Mr. Pitt, (who) said he would take care of it.\"", "\n\n\n25\nDefense counsel asked Agent Thorpe what he planned to do about the subpoenas which had been served upon him. ", " Agent Thorpe responded that he would talk to Pitt about the matter. ", " When counsel spoke to Pitt, also that morning, he assured them that the laboratory technicians would be present so that the defense could call them as witnesses. ", " When counsel learned on Wednesday that the technicians would not in fact appear to testify, they sought a mistrial or a continuance until the technicians could appear. ", " That motion was denied. ", " They also sought to examine Thorpe on avowal in order to determine what efforts had been made to secure the attendance of the technicians, and whether they could be produced to testify by Friday, when the defense case-in-chief was scheduled to be presented. ", " Agent Thorpe stated that he could make an inquiry, but the court reaffirmed its earlier ruling denying the continuance.", "\n\n\n26\nThe court based its ruling on three factors. ", " First, it determined that the technicians' testimony would not be \"important, essential and vital . . . ", " to the defense of this case,\" particularly because the prosecution would stipulate the truth of the findings of the reports. ", " Second, the court determined that the expense to the government was unwarranted in light of the lack of necessity for personal appearances. ", " Third, the court stated that counsel failed to exercise diligence, because they had waited until Tuesday to seek the subpoenas for appearances at the end of the following week.", "\n\n\n27\nThe defendants also asked that, at the very least, the Marshal be instructed to attempt to secure the attendance of the technicians by Friday. ", " Nevertheless, the court ruled that the Marshal had already done all he could do\n\n\n28\nby serving Agent Thorpe. ", "THE FAILURE TO ENFORCE THE\n\nSUBPOENAS OR GRANT A CONTINUANCE WAS ERRONEOUS\n\n29\nAlthough the decision whether or not to grant a defense subpoena for the production of witnesses at government expense is ordinarily committed to the discretion of the trial court, see United States v. Rigdon, 459 F.2d 379 (6th Cir.1972), cert. ", "denied, 409 U.S. 1116, 93 S.Ct. ", "917, 34 L.Ed.2d 700 (1973), nevertheless it is important to bear in mind that the right of an indigent criminal defendant to subpoena witnesses rests not only on Rule 17(b), but also on the Sixth Amendment right to compulsory process, id., 459 F.2d at 382 (Edwards, J., dissenting), and on the Fifth Amendment right not to be subjected to disabilities by the criminal justice system because of financial status. ", " See, e.g., Bandy v. United States, 296 F.2d 882, 887-8 (8th Cir.1961), cert. ", "denied, 369 U.S. 831, 82 S.Ct. ", "849, 7 L.Ed.2d 796 (1962); Taylor v. United States, 329 F.2d 384, 386 (5th Cir.1964). ", " The latitude afforded the district court in making this determination is therefore considerably narrower than it is with respect to other decisions committed to its discretion. ", " See Welsh v. United States, 404 F.2d 414 (5th Cir.1968).", "\n\n\n30\nRule 17(b) formerly required the defendant to state the name and address of each witness, describe the testimony expected from each, andshow that the evidence of the witness is material to the defense, (and) that the defendant cannot safely go to trial without the witness . . .. ", " (emphasis supplied).", "\n\n\n31\nIn 1966, however, the rule was amended to require only a \"satisfactory showing that . . . ", " the presence of the witness is necessary to an adequate defense.\" ", " The new language of the rule places a far less onerous burden on the defendant than did the old language. ", " United States v. Rigdon, 459 F.2d 379, 380 (6th Cir.1972), cert. ", "denied, 409 U.S. 1116, 93 S.Ct. ", "917, 34 L.Ed.2d 700 (1973).", "\n\n\n32\nThe preliminary showing required of a defendant under the amended rule is that the witness is \"necessary\" to an adequate defense. ", " This requirement must be read in light of the Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights which the rule implements. ", " Accordingly, the word \"necessary\" must be read to mean relevant, material and useful to an adequate defense, see United States v. Greene, 497 F.2d 1068, 1079 (7th Cir.) ", "cert. ", "denied, 420 U.S. 909, 95 S.Ct. ", "829, 42 L.Ed.2d 839 (1974), because necessity, in the strictest sense of the word, cannot in most instances be anticipated at the outset of a trial, at least without a complete disclosure of the theory of the defense. ", " The new rule was intended to avoid the requirement that a defendant make such a disclosure in order to obtain subpoenas. ", " See Notes of the Advisory Committee on Rules.", "\n\n\n33\nWe agree with the standard adopted by the Fifth and D.C. Circuits:\n\n\n34\n\". . . ", " if the accused avers facts which, if true, would be relevant to any issue in the case, the requests for subpoenas must be granted, unless the averments are inherently incredible on their face, or unless the Government shows, either by introducing evidence or from matters already of record, that the averments are untrue or that the request is otherwise frivolous.\"", "\n\n\n35\nGreenwell v. United States, 1963, (115 U.S.App.", "D.C. 44), 317 F.2d 108, 110. ", " That test places the burden of showing frivolity or abuse of process on the Government, where it properly belongs.", "\n\n\n36\nWelch v. United States, 404 F.2d 414, 417-8 (5th Cir.1968) (footnotes omitted). ", " See also United States v. Tate, 419 F.2d 131, 133 (6th Cir.1969). ", " Once the defendant has made a \"satisfactory showing,\" the government may seek to establish abuse of process. ", " For example, the government may be able to show that an alleged alibi witness was incarcerated at the time of the offense, United States v. Conder, 423 F.2d 904 (6th Cir.1970), or that the desired witnesses have been interviewed and have indicated that they would make no statement. ", " Indeed, a trial judge will often initiate an inquiry to determine whether witnesses are available and useful. ", " See, e.g., United States v. Morris, 451 F.2d 969, 972 (8th Cir.1971). ", " In this appeal, however, the district court decided not to order Agent Thorpe, who was in charge of the case, to contact his superiors in Washington to determine whether and how quickly the laboratory technicians could come.", "\n\n\n37\nIf we limited our inquiry about the necessity of the witnesses sought to be subpoenaed to the affidavit supporting the motion, we would hold that the district court did not abuse its discretion because the affidavit alleges necessity in only the most general terms:\n\n\n38\n. . . ", " that the testimony of the above-named persons will be necessary for an adequate defense of Perry Caudle at the trial; that the above-named persons will testify from personal knowledge concerning the facts and circumstances surrounding the alleged robbery of the Elkton Branch of the Planters Bank of Todd County; that the testimony of each of them is independently essential to an adequate defense and their testimony will not be cumulative; . . ..", "\n\n\n39\nDespite the fact that the 1966 amendments to Rule 17(b) were intended, in part, to eliminate any requirement that an indigent defendant disclose his defense, nevertheless, we have repeatedly held that generalities like those set forth in this affidavit are insufficient to make out a \"satisfactory showing\" that the witnesses are needed. ", " Rigdon, supra, and Conder, supra. ", " The district court, however, issued the subpoenas without requiring any further showing.", "\n\n\n40\nNevertheless, on the following Wednesday, when the defendants complained of the government's failure to obey the subpoenas and sought a continuance and a direction to the government to make further efforts to produce the witnesses, the district court held a hearing on the need for the witnesses.3 At that time defendants presented more detailed reasons to support their motion, and only then did the trial judge indicate that the showing which defendants had made was insufficient. ", " In these circumstances, we believe that it would be unfair to consider only the defendants' earlier, conclusional showing in deciding whether they carried their Rule 17(b) burden. ", " Instead, we shall consider, as did the trial judge, the reasons and arguments advanced at the Wednesday hearing to be defendants' showing of necessity.", "\n\n\n41\nAt the hearing, defendants made no specific arguments that the testimony either of the soil and vegetation technicians, or of the handwriting expert who compared Thomas McKee's handwriting exemplar with the signature on the sales receipt for the 1964 Chevrolet, would be \"relevant . . . ", " to (an) issue in the case . . ..\" ", " Because the general statements in the affidavit which was filed ex parte before the trial were insufficient, we conclude that a \"satisfactory showing\" of the need for those witnesses was not made.", "\n\n\n42\nHowever, the defendants argued that the paint technician's testimony would have shown that the red Chevrolet had been painted with enamel paint, although the government's evidence showed that Caudle had inquired about, and perhaps had purchased, primer paint to cover an automobile.", "\n\n\n43\nThe district court stated that the defendants had failed to show that the subpoenas were needed in order to procure \"important, essential and vital testimony to the defense of this case . . .\" ", " As we have stated, however, the appropriate standard is whether defendants have alleged that the witnesses will testify about facts that are relevant to any issue in the case.", "\n\n\n44\nThe court also relied in part upon its determination that bringing the experts in person from Washington in order to give live testimony would have no \"pragmatic or practical helpful results,\" and would be \"an unnecessary expense,\" because the government was willing to stipulate to \"the exculpatory matter that had been uncovered during the course of these examinations and laboratory tests . . . .\" ", " The report on the paint tests was read into the record by McKee's counsel as follows:\n\n\n45\nThe K-1 section of metal from the Chevrolet and that is this piece of material that was taken off of the Chevrolet was painted in the following manner: (Which I understand to be layers going from the top).", "\n\n\n46\n1. ", "Red-brown enamel.", "\n\n\n47\n2. ", "Dark blue enamel.", "\n\n\n48\n3. ", "Gray primer.", "\n\n\n49\n4. ", "White nitrocellulose lacquer.5. ", "Silver-colored metallic enamel.", "\n\n\n50\n6. ", "White acrylic lacquer.", "\n\n\n51\n7. ", "Gray primer.", "\n\n\n52\n8. ", "Black primer.", "\n\n\n53\nThe K-2 can of paint from the store (where Caudle had asked how much primer paint would be needed to paint an entire automobile) contained a brown nitrocellulose primer which was different in color and type from the red-brown enamel top layer on the K-1 specimen from the Chevrolet.", "\n\n\n54\nRule 17(b), considered in the light of the Constitution, was held to require the furnishing of compulsory process to an indigent defendant to assure the presence of an expert witness even when a transcript of that witness' sworn testimony at an earlier trial was available. ", " United States v. Julian, 469 F.2d 371, 375 (10th Cir. ", "1972). ", " To require these defendants, solely because of their indigency, to accept an unsworn laboratory report in lieu of the live testimony of the persons who prepared it is an even greater deprivation of fundamental fairness. ", " See United States v. Edwards, 469 F.2d 1362, 1369 (5th Cir. ", "1972).", "\n\n\n55\nLive testimony was particularly important for these defendants, because although the report described different layers of paint on the Chevrolet as \"enamel,\" \"lacquer\" and \"primer,\" and thereby implied that these were different kinds of paint, it never specifically distinguished them. ", " Although the report did specify that the outer layer on the car was \"different in color and type\" from the paint that had been purchased by an FBI agent from the store at which Caudle had made his inquiry, the defendants contended that the government might advance the argument that enamel and primer are similar. ", " The prosecutor responded, \"Your Honor, to do away with any problem here at all, the United States will not make that argument.\"", "\n\n\n56\nIn spite of this representation, the government called, over objection, a paint expert as a rebuttal witness. ", " This expert testified that there are three types of primer: enamel primer, acrylic enamel primer, and lacquer primer. ", " The only relevance that this testimony could have was to permit the jury to infer that the description in the report that the top layer of paint on the \"getaway\" Chevrolet was \"red-brown enamel\" was not inconsistent with the insinuation that Caudle had purchased primer with which to paint a car. ", " Thus the prosecution was enabled to place a live expert before the jury, although defendants were relegated to reliance upon an uninterpreted written report.", "\n\n\n57\nIn his summation, the prosecutor argued that the Chevrolet was in fact painted with red primer. ", " This argument dramatically demonstrates the defendants' need for the FBI technician's live testimony about the results of his tests. ", " We determine that the defendants made an adequate showing of the need for the subpoenas.", "\n\n\n58\nNevertheless, the government contends that the defendants did not exercise due diligence in seeking the subpoenas, because the motion for the issuance of subpoenas was not filed until about ten days before the witness' appearance was sought. ", " Because the defendants made an adequate showing of the need for the subpoenas, the burden is upon the government to demonstrate that because of their lack of diligence, the last-minute application for the subpoenas constituted an abuse of process.", "\n\n\n59\nOf course, neither the Compulsory Process Clause nor Rule 17(b) guarantees the actual attendance of witnesses sought by the defense. ", " United States v. Murphy, 413 F.2d 1129, 1139 (6th Cir. ", "1969). ", " Nevertheless, the government must itself exercise due diligence in a good faith effort to secure the attendance of subpoenaed witnesses. ", " Johnson v. Johnson, 375 F.Supp. ", "872, 875 (W.D.Mich.1974); Maguire v. United States, 396 F.2d 327 (9th Cir. ", "1968). ", " And see generally, Westen, Compulsory Process II, 74 Mich.L.Rev. ", "191, 277-81 (1975).", "\n\n\n60\nThus if the government had made a good faith effort, and the witnesses were unavailable because of the defendants' late application for subpoenas, the issue of defendants' due diligence would be properly before us. ", " In this appeal, however, because the Marshal made no effort to serve the subpoenas on the witnesses who worked for the FBI in the District of Columbia, and because the government made no effort to contact Washington when the FBI agent in charge of the case was presented with the subpoenas for the Washington witnesses, the burden must rest upon the government to show that the witnesses would not have attended the trial when needed even if the government had \"exercise(d) due diligence in a good faith attempt\" to secure their presence. ", " See Maguire, supra.", "\n\n\n61\nWe therefore hold that it was error for the trial court to have refused to grant a continuance during which the government could exercise sufficient diligence to secure the attendance of the witnesses. ", " Particularly in the light of the government's violation of its stipulation and of the largely circumstantial nature of the evidence, we cannot conclude that this error was harmless.", "\n\nOTHER OBJECTIONS\n\n62\nAlthough we hold that the government's failure to serve and the court's refusal to enforce defendants' subpoena for the FBI paint expert denied defendants their right to a fair trial, we also conclude that there were other serious errors at trial. ", " Because some of these errors might be repeated if the defendants are retried, we discuss them briefly.", "\n\nThe Defense Fingerprint Expert\n\n63\nWe address first the district court's refusal to qualify Mr. Albert Holbert to testify as a fingerprint expert for the defense.", "\n\n\n64\nAfter taking a training course, Holbert worked for about a year and a half as a fingerprint analyst for the State of California. ", " During that period he interpreted the patterns and searched the files for identification of thirty or forty fingerprints each day. ", " After he left that position in October 1963, he worked at a variety of jobs involving little or no fingerprint work. ", " For six months before trial, Holbert had been employed as an investigator by the Kentucky Public Defender's office. ", " Although that office employs no full-time fingerprint experts, one of Holbert's tasks is fingerprint work. ", " This was the third occasion in the past six months upon which Holbert had been requested to do fingerprint comparisons.", "\n\n\n65\nDuring the voir dire, the prosecutor showed that this was the first time Holbert had testified in court, that he had not belonged to a professional society since his service in California, that he no longer subscribes to any professional journals, and that he had no degree in fingerprint analysis.4 On the basis of that information, and the time which had passed between Holbert's work in California and the trial, the prosecutor moved the court to refuse to qualify Holbert as an expert. ", " The court agreed, over defense objections, and told the jury that because of the length of time since Holbert had\n\n\n66\nhad a firsthand working knowledge I don't feel that he possesses the qualifications that would entitle him to this high esteem in . . . ", " a very precise field, so he will not be permitted to testify as an expert.", "\n\n\n67\nInexplicably, the judge then permitted Holbert to testify and to offer his opinions about the differences between the exemplars of defendants Barker and Caudle and the latent prints that had been discovered on the rear-view mirror of the 1964 \"getaway\" Chevrolet. ", " He was allowed to state that there were sufficient differences to compel the conclusion that the latent prints could not be those of Barker and Caudle. ", " In his closing argument, counsel for Caudle argued that although Holbert had not been qualified as an expert, he would not have forgotten the skills which he had developed during the course of his work twelve years earlier. ", " Therefore, he argued, Holbert's testimony should be believed.", "\n\n\n68\nHowever, the court then expressly forbade counsel to argue that Holbert was an expert, and instructed the jury to \"disregard the comments made about the proffered witness . . .,\" ", "because the court had determined, based on all the circumstances, that Holbert was not an expert, \"and you will accept it unequivocally.\" ", " The court later instructed the jury that they could consider only those opinions that had been stated by an expert.", "\n\n\n69\nOf course, a trial judge has broad discretion to decide whether or not to permit a witness to testify as an expert. ", " His ruling may not be disturbed unless it is clearly erroneous. ", " Lee Shops, Inc. v. Schatten-Cypress Co., 350 F.2d 12 (6th Cir. ", "1965), cert. ", "denied, 382 U.S. 980, 86 S.Ct. ", "552, 15 L.Ed.2d 470 (1966). ", " Nevertheless, if the district court applies the incorrect legal standard when it makes that determination, its judgment must be reversed. ", " Miley v. Delta Marine Drilling Co., 473 F.2d 856, 858 (5th Cir.), ", "cert. ", "denied, 414 U.S. 871, 94 S.Ct. ", "93, 38 L.Ed.2d 89 (1973).", "\n\n\n70\nAt common law, expert testimony was admissible only when the factual issue was one which jurors with ordinary experience and training could not determine without technical assistance. ", " McKee v. Aetna Life Ins. ", "Co., 423 F.2d 623 (6th Cir. ", "1970); Duff v. Page, 249 F.2d 137 (9th Cir. ", "1957). ", " But the Federal Rules of Evidence have adopted the modern view that expert opinion should be admitted whenever it \"will assist the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue . . . .\" ", " Rule 702.", "\n\n\n71\nAccording to the Federal Rules of Evidence,5 a proposed expert witness \"should not be required to satisfy an overly narrow test of his own qualifications.\" ", " Gardner v. General Motors Corp., 507 F.2d 525, 528 (10th Cir. ", "1974); Notes of the Advisory Committee on Rules. ", " An expert need not have certificates of training, nor memberships in professional organizations. ", " Tank v. Commissioner, 270 F.2d 477, 478 (6th Cir. ", "1959). ", " Nor need he be, as the trial court apparently required, an outstanding practitioner in the field in which he professes expertise. ", " Comparisons between his professional statute and the statute of witnesses for an opposing party may be made by the jury, if it becomes necessary to decide which of two conflicting opinions to believe. ", " But the only question for the trial judge who must decide whether or not to allow the jury to consider a proffered expert's opinions is, \"whether his knowledge of the subject matter is such that his opinion will most likely assist the trier of fact in arriving at the truth.\" ", " Holmgren v. Massey-Ferguson, Inc., 516 F.2d 856 (8th Cir. ", "1975).", "\n\n\n72\nBecause the trial court applied the wrong standard when it refused to admit Holbert's expert opinion testimony, its decision was error. ", " And because the contrary testimony of the prosecution expert, that all three defendants' fingerprints were on the rear view mirror, was an important factor linking the defendants to the \"getaway\" Chevrolet, we conclude that the error was not harmless.", "\n\nPrejudicial Arguments of the Prosecutor\n\n73\nDefendants have objected to several remarks by the prosecutor and a prosecution witness. ", " Because only two of those comments appear to have been deliberately made, we limit our discussion to them.", "\n\n\n74\nWe observe first that a prosecutor must strive to achieve two objectives. ", " On the one hand, he is charged with enforcing the laws of the United States against persons who violate it; on the other hand, he is obliged to ensure that justice is done for an accused. ", " He is required to prosecute vigorously. ", " Nevertheless, although\n\n\n75\nhe may strike hard blows, he is not at liberty to strike foul ones. ", " It is as much his duty to refrain from improper methods calculated to produce a wrongful conviction as it is to use every legitimate means to bring about a just one.", "\n\n\n76\nBerger v. United States, 295 U.S. 78, 88, 55 S.Ct. ", "629, 633, 79 L.Ed. ", "1314 (1935).", "\n\n\n77\nWe believe that the prosecutor failed to comply with this obligation when he made the following remarks:\n\n\n78\nMr. Barker's attorney admits that these defendants are not desirable people, that they're undesirable people. ", " Now, I submit to you that desirable people don't rob banks; undesirable people do rob banks, and they admit that they're undesirable. ", " Because they're undesirable doesn't mean they robbed this bank, but you should consider that also along with all this other evidence.", "\n\n\n79\nBarker's attorney had argued in summation that the police charged the defendants because they were \"undesirables to law enforcement agencies,\" and not because they were guilty of the offenses charged.", "\n\n\n80\nAs a general rule, the prosecution may not rely upon the defendants' bad character to prove guilt unless the defense has sought to exculpate them by proof of good character. ", " Michelson v. United States, 335 U.S. 469, 69 S.Ct. ", "213, 93 L.Ed. ", "168 (1948). ", " The record does not indicate that defendants had sought to prove their good character. ", " Even if they had, \"that character or disposition offered, whether for or against the (defendant), must involve the specific trait related to the act charged.\" ", " 1 Wigmore, Evidence § 58, at 458 (3d ed. ", "1940) (emphasis added). ", " We do not believe that such a broad generality as \"undesirables\" is sufficiently probative of whether defendants committed the particular offense charged to permit reliance upon it.", "\n\n\n81\nDefendants have also objected to the following argument:\n\n\n82\nI submit to you that if you can't take this evidence and find these defendants guilty on this evidence that we might as well open all the banks and say, \"Come on and get the money, boys, because we'll never be able to convict them.\"", "\n\n\n83\nA prosecutor is permitted a certain degree of latitude in summation. ", " He may urge the jury to convict a defendant if they believe that the evidence shows his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. ", " United States v. Hoffa, 349 F.2d 20, 51 (6th Cir. ", "1965), aff'd, 385 U.S. 293, 87 S.Ct. ", "408, 17 L.Ed.2d 374 (1966). ", " We have also permitted some reference, when accompanied immediately by a limiting instruction by the trial judge, to the community need to convict people who are guilty of crimes such as the one charged. ", " United States v. Alloway, 397 F.2d 105, 113 (6th Cir. ", "1968). ", " See also United States v. Shirley, 435 F.2d 1076, 1079 (7th Cir. ", "1970) (reference to the increasing number of car thefts). ", " However, it is beyond the bounds of propriety for a prosecutor to suggest that unless this defendant is convicted it will be impossible to maintain \"law and order\" in the jurors' community. ", " Brown v. United States, 125 U.S.App.", "D.C. 220, 370 F.2d 242, 246 (1966). ", " See also United States v. Wiley, 534 F.2d 659, 665 (6th Cir. ", "1976) (\"if this man goes free you have chalked up one point for the criminal\").", "\n\nNewspaper Article Given to the Jury\n\n84\nDefendants assert that the jurors were permitted to read a newspaper article, describing the robbery, which had been introduced into evidence. ", " Defendants' motion for a mistrial, which was not made until a few hours after the article had been given to the jury, was denied. ", " Nevertheless, the trial judge instructed the jury that if they had read the article, they must not consider the facts reported therein.", "\n\n\n85\nThe newspaper was found in Caudle's room three weeks after the date of publication. ", " That fact was relevant only insofar as the jury could infer that Caudle kept it because it was a story about his own activities. ", " Nevertheless, the headline and contents of the article, except for the fact that they were about the robbery, were not legally competent. ", " We assume that, on retrial, the newspaper will not be given to the jury unless there is a controversy about whether or not the article is in fact about the robbery.", "\n\nCONCLUSION\n\n86\nFor the foregoing reasons, the judgment of conviction of the three defendants is REVERSED, and the case is remanded to the district court for proceedings not inconsistent with this opinion.", "\n\n\n87\nPHILLIPS, Chief Judge (concurring in the result).", "\n\n\n88\nI agree that the convictions should be reversed and the case remanded for a new trial. ", " Accordingly, I concur in the result.", "\n\n\n\n1\n Although many objections were not raised, either at trial or on appeal, individually by counsel for each of the defendants, both the trial and the appeal appear to have been conducted on the assumption that each defendant joined in the objections of other defendants. ", " We therefore treat each issue as having been raised by all three defendants, unless otherwise noted\n\n\n2\n The defendants also obtained a subpoena for the FBI expert who had compared Thomas McKee's signature with the signature on the sales receipt for the blue 1964 Chevrolet. ", " That expert did not appear, either. ", " However, defendants did not make specific arguments about the relevance of that expert's testimony when a continuance was sought. ", " Furthermore, the defendants do not refer in this appeal to the failure to serve and enforce that subpoena\nIn this regard, however, defendants assert that the report on the handwriting comparison, as well as a report that showed the failure of the government fingerprint expert to match Thomas McKee's fingerprints with the fingerprints found on the receipt, were not provided to the defense as required by the district court's discovery order. ", " The defendants assert that they were unaware at trial that reports on those comparisons had been prepared. ", " The government refers to the reports in its brief in this appeal, although it never specifically states that the reports were given to the defendants. ", " We assume that the reports would be made available to the defense pursuant to an appropriate discovery order before the new trial.", "\n\n\n3\n Rule 17(b) requires the court to make its decision ex parte on the application for subpoenas. ", " It is therefore understandable that the trial judge apparently did not consider fully the need for the witnesses, nor the burden on the government, until the issues were sharply focused at a later, adversary hearing. ", " In effect, then, it was not until the hearing on the motions for enforcement and a continuance that an actual determination, supported by statement of reasons, was made about the propriety of the issuance of the subpoenas\nOne court has treated a conditional grant of a Rule 17(b) subpoena as an implicit determination that the defendant had carried his minimal burden of making a \"satisfactory showing.\" ", " United States v. Hathcock, 441 F.2d 197, 200 (5th Cir.1971). ", " Nevertheless, for clarity we have divided our analysis into two parts. ", " First, we determine whether an adequate showing was made. ", " Second, we discuss whether the Wednesday motions were properly refused, in light of our determination that an adequate showing had been made, and in light of the failure of the government to make a good faith effort to serve and to comply with the subpoenas.", "\n\n\n4\n The government's witness from the FBI's Toolmark Identification Unit in Washington was qualified as an expert after he had worked in that unit for one and one-half years, although he had no academic training or degrees in toolmark identification. ", " His testimony did not indicate that he belonged to professional societies or subscribed to professional journals\n\n\n5\n Because we decide that the trial court misstated the applicable standard established by the Federal Rules of Evidence, it is unnecessary to decide whether the defendants' rights under the Compulsory Process Clause were also violated. ", " We note, however, that the Compulsory Process Clause may often provide further support to the right of a criminal defendant to present evidence to support his defense. ", " See Washington v. Texas, 388 U.S. 14, 87 S.Ct. ", "1920, 18 L.Ed.2d 1019 (1967); Chambers v. Mississippi, 410 U.S. 284, 93 S.Ct. ", "1038, 35 L.Ed.2d 297 (1973); Westen, The Compulsory Process Clause, 73 Mich.L.Rev. ", "71, 149-59 (1974)\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nrotate 180 degree for an UIImageView, and rotate back with same route\n\nI got a button and want to rotate the image inside it:\nself.DashButton.imageView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(M_PI);\nThe image is a up-arrow to down-arrow after user click it\nWhen clicking the button again, I want the down-arrow rotate to up-arrow again, but it is the same counterclockwise rotation, but I just want the arrow reverse back to up-arrow\nrotate back code:\nself.DashButton.imageView.transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;\nI tried \nself.DashButton.imageView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(-M_PI);\nWhat I want is not rotate the full circle, just 180 rotate and -180 rotate, not a 360 full rotate\n\nA:\n\ninstead of -M_PI, use -3.14159. ", "Kind of a trick, but below code saved my day.", "\nself.DashButton.imageView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(M_PI);\nself.DashButton.imageView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(M_PI - 3.14159);\n\nA:\n\nself.DashButton.imageView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(M_PI);\nself.DashButton.imageView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(0);\n\nA:\n\nwhat you need is a negative angle to rotate it in the opposite direction\nCGAffineTransformMakeRotation( 180 * CGFloat(M_PI/180))\nCGAffineTransformMakeRotation(-1 * CGFloat(M_PI/180))\ntake a look at this answer for an explanation About CGAffineTransformMakeRotation rotation direction?", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Ronica Miller remains jailed after judge sets bail at $500,000\n\nST. ", "THOMAS - After running from the law for two years, Ronica Miller, the wife of former Schneider Hospital CEO Rodney Miller, appeared in V.I. Superior Court on Friday to answer to local charges.", "\n\nRonica Deshawn Miller, 37, appeared for her advice-of-rights hearing in shackles and a red V.I. Corrections Bureau jumpsuit before Magistrate Henry Carr.", "\n\nShe is facing 10 counts of accessory after the fact, for which she could face a maximum fine of up to $250,000 per count, as well as up to seven-and-a-half years imprisonment per count, Carr said.", "\n\nCurrently, her bail is set at $500,000, which can be paid in cash or property, Carr said. ", "The bail was reduced from the $700,000 previously set by the court upon her arrest in Beaufort, S.C., where she turned herself in March 3.", "\n\n\"She turned herself in after marshals worked with third parties telling her to do so,\" said Assistant Attorney General Denise George-Counts, prosecutor for the case.", "\n\nMiller's husband currently is serving 21 months at the Metropolitan Detention Center Guaynabo in Puerto Rico, time which he started in January. ", "His sentence began several months after a jury found him guilty in September 2013 of causing, aiding and assisting in the preparation of a false and fraudulent 2006 income tax return.", "\n\nRodney Miller deliberately reported to the Internal Revenue Bureau his 2006 income as less than he knew it to be, Assistant U.S. Attorney Kim Chisholm said in court before District Court Judge Curtis Gomez issued sentence. ", "Rodney Miller stated that his income was $265,198 instead of $510,947, Chisholm said.", "\n\nBecause Rodney Miller misrepresented his income, the bureau collected $39,810, versus the $126,608 that it would have collected had he correctly represented his income that year.", "\n\nRodney Miller will have to repay the bureau $86,798 during and after his incarceration.", "\n\nAdditionally, he now is facing separate charges in Superior Court that he conspired with two other Schneider Hospital executives, Amos Carty Jr. and Peter Najawicz, to steal money from the hospital.", "\n\nThe three are coming up on a retrial that thus far has faced many delays and may be pushed back until 2015.", "\n\nThe three men have pleaded not guilty to the charges.", "\n\nThe charges that Ronica Miller is facing are tied to the charges that her husband currently is facing in Superior Court and are entirely separate from those he was found guilty of in federal court.", "\n\nAccording to prosecutors, Ronica Miller, between July 23, 2012, and July 26, 2012, withdrew $421,900 from one of the accounts that her husband is believed to have siphoned funds into from the hospital. ", "The account was restricted in November 2008 after allegations surfaced against her husband, Rodney Miller, according to an affidavit written by the case's lead investigator, Nick Peru of the Office of the V.I. Inspector General.", "\n\nRonica Miller was fully aware of the status of the account, Peru wrote, as she had been with her husband in court on multiple occasions, during which time authorities informed and updated the court about the freezing of certain assets.", "\n\n\"Ronica Miller has appeared with Rodney Miller Sr. ", "in court pursuant to this matter on several occasions and was on notice of the court's restrictions,\" Peru wrote.", "\n\nYet, Miller withdrew - on 10 occasions - funds from the accounts that were \"restrained,\" according to Peru, who noted that it may have been a \"possible bank error that temporarily lifted the restriction\" and allowed her to withdraw from the accounts.", "\n\nAccording to Peru's affidavit, the instances when she was able to withdraw money from the accounts, which held $700,000 altogether, included:\n\n- July 23, 2012 - withdrew $600 via an ATM.", "\n\n- July 23, 2012 - cashed a $9,300 personal check.", "\n\n- July 23, 2012 - transferred monies at five different times to a personal, unrestrained account in the amount of: $2,000 at 10:45 a.m.; $5,000 at 10:46 a.m.; $50,000 at 10:48 a.m.; $250,000 at 10:52 a.m.; and $67,000 at 4:57 p.m.\n\nWe welcome user discussion on our site, under the following guidelines:\n\nTo comment you must first create a profile and sign-in with a verified DISQUS account or social network ID. ", "Sign up here.", "\n\nComments in violation of the rules will be denied, and repeat violators will be banned. ", "Please help police the community by flagging offensive comments for our moderators to review. ", "By posting a comment, you agree to our full terms and conditions. ", "Click here to read terms and conditions." ]
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[ "Image copyright Getty Images\n\nA hack of Democratic party emails has been blamed by Hillary Clinton's campaign team on Russian agents trying to help Republican Donald Trump. ", "So are there really any links between the New York hotel developer and Moscow?", "\n\nSeveral pundits have raised questions about the businessman's ties to Russia, amid fears that Moscow could be interfering in the US election.", "\n\nRussian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has strongly rejected the accusation that Russia was responsible for the hack.", "\n\n\"I don't want to use four-letter words\" he said, when asked about the allegation.", "\n\nSo what links are there between Mr Trump and Russia?", "\n\n1. ", "The email hack\n\nThe Democratic convention was supposed to be a seamless show of unity. ", "But a data dump of Democratic National Committee emails has caused chaos in Philadelphia.", "\n\nThe New York Times later reported that \"researchers have concluded that the national committee was breached by two Russian intelligence agencies\".", "\n\nAccording to the Daily Beast: \"It's an operation that several US officials now suspect was a deliberate attempt to influence the presidential election in favor of Donald Trump.\"", "\n\nTrump and his aides have denied any connection, and there is no evidence linking Trump to the leak.", "\n\n\"The new joke in town is that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails, which should never have been written (stupid), because Putin likes me,\" Trump tweeted.", "\n\nOn Wednesday, however, he called on Russia to find emails deleted from Clinton's private server. \"", "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you'll be able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,\" he said at a press conference. \"", "I think you will probably be mightily rewarded by our press.\"", "\n\n2. ", "Pro-Putin staff\n\nImage copyright Getty Images Image caption Paul Manafort worked closely with Pro-Putin politicians in Ukraine\n\nPaul Manafort, Trump's campaign chairman, has spent decades as a political adviser in eastern Europe.", "\n\nMr Manafort worked closely with former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, who was ousted from power in 2014 and is a known ally of Vladimir Putin.", "\n\nAccording to Josh Marshall, one of the most vocal journalists questioning Mr Trump's Russian ties, his foreign policy advisor Carter Page has \"deep and continuing financial and employment ties\" to Gazprom, Russia's trillion dollar energy company.", "\n\n\"It is no exaggeration to say that you cannot be involved with Gazprom at the very high level which Page has been without being wholly in alignment with Putin's policies,\" Marshall writes.", "\n\nBut in a critical response to Marshall, author Jeffery Carr notes that Mr Page \"left Gazprom in 2007 and has made very little money from Russia ever since\".", "\n\nImage copyright Getty Images\n\n3. ", "Changes to Republican manifesto\n\nThe Republican National Committee shifted their stance on Russia under pressure from Trump staff in the days leading up to the convention in Cleveland last week.", "\n\nOne delegate proposed an amendment calling for the US to provide eastern Ukraine with \"lethal defensive weapons\" in their ongoing struggle with Russian-backed rebels in the region.", "\n\nAccording to the Washington Post, Trump's allies pushed to weaken the statement, committing instead to providing \"appropriate assistance\".", "\n\nIt was the only substantial change to the platform that Mr Trump's team requested, and it came as he told the New York Times that he might not honour Nato commitments should Russia invade Baltic states.", "\n\nStill, the Post also notes that such a position, while out of step with basic Republican tenets, is not unheard of in Washington:\n\n\"President Obama decided not to authorise [sending lethal weapons to Ukraine], despite recommendations to do so from his top Europe officials in the State Department and the military.\"", "\n\nImage copyright Getty Images Image caption Putin described Donald Trump as talented and outstanding\n\n4. ", "Financial ties\n\nMr Trump no longer does business with many US banks. ", "Instead, Marshall argues, Trump \"has steadied and rebuilt his financial empire with a heavy reliance on capital from Russia\".", "\n\nThat includes \"financing from questionable sources in Russia and Kazakhstan,\" according to a lawsuit uncovered by the New York Times.", "\n\nMr Trump himself has said he has \"zero investments\" in Russia.", "\n\nAnd as Julia Ioffe writes in Foreign Policy, many companies pursued business in Russia, and Trump failed to make significant inroads in the country.", "\n\n\"The fact that Trump, after so many attempts and with such warm intentions toward the country, was not able to build anything in Russia- when Ritz Carlton and Kempinski and Radisson and Hilton and any number of Western hotel chains were able to - speaks to his abysmal lack of connections to influential Russians,\" she writes.", "\n\nIt's not unusual for real estate companies to receive significant Russian business but there's no evidence that Trump's political views have been bought.", "\n\n\"Correlation does not prove causation. ", "Just because funders might want to influence powerful people doesn't mean that they actually do,\" writes the Washington Post's Daniel Drenzer.", "\n\nImage copyright Getty Images Image caption A mural in Lithuania shows Trump and Putin kissing\n\n5. '", "Bromance'\n\nPutin called Trump \"bright\" and \"very talented\". ", "Trump has spoken with admiration on multiple occasions about Putin's political strength.", "\n\n\"What we have is a kind of bromance going on between Vladimir Putin and Trump,\" Clinton advisor Jon Podesta said on TV when asked about the email hack, noting there was no known connection between the two.", "\n\nPresident Barack Obama told NBC he did not know if the hack came from Russia but added: \"What I do know is that Donald Trump has repeatedly expressed admiration for Vladmir Putin.", "\n\n\"And I think that Trump's gotten pretty favourable coverage back in Russia.\"", "\n\nIoffe has reported that the Kremlin dislikes Clinton and sees a Trump presidency as one more aligned with their interests.", "\n\nBut that doesn't meant Mr Trump is in cahoots with Mr Putin. ", "It is not illegal to speak glowingly of an American adversary, or to share similar political values.", "\n\nJudging by the latest polls, it's not a deal breaker for American voters, either." ]
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[ "MELCROFT, Pa. -- The man accused in the shooting deaths of four people over the weekend at a Pennsylvania car wash has died, CBS Pittsburgh reports. ", "Timothy Smith, 28, was pronounced dead by two different doctors at Forbes Hospital Sunday night, police said.", "\n\nSmith is accused of fatally shooting 27-year-old William Porterfield, 25-year-old Chelsie Cline, 23-year-old Courtney Snyder and 21-year-old Seth Cline early Sunday morning.", "\n\nPolice believe Smith then turned the gun on himself.", "\n\nGet Breaking News Delivered to Your Inbox\n\nCBS Pittsburgh has learned the events that led up to the murders may have begun at a place called the Tall Cedars bar in Donegal. ", "Sources and management told the station the victims were at the popular establishment just before they traveled to a car wash early Sunday morning in nearby Melcroft.", "\n\nThe station reports there are indications the heavily-armed Smith may have ambushed the victims. ", "Investigators and family members said Chelsie Cline was seeing William Porterfield, but had a prior relationship with Smith before she ended it. ", "Family members believe that rejection may have sparked Smith's attack." ]
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[ "Taskwarrior\n\nTaskwarrior is an open-source, cross platform time and task management tool, used to keep track of and handle tasks. ", "It has a command-line interface rather than a graphical user interface.", "\n\nTaskwarrior uses concepts and techniques described in Getting Things Done by David Allen, but is paradigm-agnostic in that it does not require users to adhere to any given life-management philosophy.", "\n\nAccording to its author, Taskwarrior was created \"to address layout and feature issues\" in the Todo.txt applications popularized by Gina Trapani.", "\n\nWith Timewarrior, the authors offer an accompanying tool to track time spent on projects. ", "Configuration allows e. g. to define recurring breaks such as lunch time. ", "The documention notes that \"Timewarrior focusses on accurately recording time already spent, whereas Taskwarrior looks forward to work that is not yet done.\"", "\n\nAvailability\nTaskwarrior's source code is freely available and can be compiled and run on a variety of architectures and operating systems, or installed using binaries obtained with common package management tools: (apt, Fink, yum, dnf, pkgng, pkg_add, etc.)", "\n\nTypical Workflow\nTaskwarrior comprises three main commands: add, list, and done. ", "All other functionality – recurrences, tags, priorities, etc. – ", "are optional.", "\n\nAdding a task\n$ task add Pick up keys to the new apartment\nCreated task 1.", "\n\nListing Tasks\n$ task list\nID Project Pri Due Active Age Description \n1 4 secs Pick up keys to the new apartment\n1 task\n\nMarking a task as completed\n$ task 1 done\nCompleted 1 'Pick up keys to the new apartment'.", "\nMarked 1 task as done.", "\n\nCreating a task with due dates, recurrences, and tags\n$ task add Mow the lawn project:Lawnwork due:tomorrow recur:biweekly +home\nCreated task 1.", "\n\nSyncing\nWhen used in conjunction with Taskserver, can sync tasks into the cloud, and indirectly with other clients/devices.", "\n\nAccolades\n Issue 124 of the UK Linux Format magazine (November 2009) featured Taskwarrior in its Hot Picks section.", "\n RadioTux Talk #137 (July 2011, German) chose Taskwarrior as Hot Pick\n FLOSS Weekly dedicated episode 175 (July 2011) to Taskwarrior\n Linux Voice featured a tutorial on Taskwarrior\n\nSee also\n\n Comparison of time-tracking software\n Getting Things Done\n Time management\n Task management\n Org-mode\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \nGitlab\n\nCategory:Administrative software\nCategory:Time-tracking software\nCategory:Task management software\nCategory:Free task management software\nCategory:Free personal information managers\nCategory:Cross-platform free software\nCategory:Free calendaring software\nCategory:Software using the MIT license\nCategory:Command-line software" ]
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[ "Synthesis of some 1-(2-arylvinyl)-3-arylpyrazino[1,2-a]benzimidazole derivatives and their antimicrobial activities.", "\nSome 1-(2-arylvinyl)-3-arylhyrazino[1,2-a]benzimidazole derivatives were synthesized, their structures were elucidated, and their antibacterial and antifungal activities were examined. ", "None of the compounds proved to be sufficiently active." ]
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[ "Pastor Dwain Miller from El Dorado, Arkansas claims that Pokémon are using demonic powers to possess children everywhere; and that at one point he even saw some kid lose the ability to walk or speak, with black soot runnin' out his eyes, nose, and mouth.", "Alriiighty, then." ]
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[ "Outcomes of pregnancies in women with pre-existing type 1 or type 2 diabetes, in an ethnically mixed population.", "\nTo compare the outcomes of pregnancies in women with pre-existing, type 1 and type 2, diabetes and to examine the influence of ethnicity on these outcomes. ", "Prospective cohort study. ", "Large district hospital in Yorkshire with an ethnically mixed population. ", "Case series of all 202 pregnancies in women with pre-existing diabetes, ending in miscarriage, termination of pregnancy or delivery between January 1994 and December 2002. ", "Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis comparing outcomes in type of diabetes and in ethnic group. ", "Fetal loss, perinatal and infant mortality and congenital anomaly. ", "All 14 stillbirths and infant deaths and 13 of the 15 congenital malformations were to Asian women. ", "Analysis within this ethnic group showed a very high rate of adverse birth outcome for type 1 diabetic women and for type 2 diabetic women on insulin before the pregnancy. ", "Total pregnancy loss among type 1 diabetic women was 156 per 1000 and among type 2 diabetic women on insulin was 167 per 1000. ", "Congenital abnormality rates were 156 per 1000 for type 1 diabetic women and 261 per 1000 for type 2 diabetic women on insulin. ", "Asian type 2 diabetic women not on insulin prior to pregnancy had significantly better outcomes: Total pregnancy loss was 123 per 1000 and congenital abnormality rate was 32 per 1000. ", "After adjustment for confounders, including type of diabetes, Asian women had significantly worse outcomes (combined perinatal loss and malformation) than Caucasian women [odds ratio (OR) 4.96, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.16-21.1]. ", "Ethnicity has a significant impact on the outcome of diabetic pregnancies, with worse outcomes for babies born to Asian mothers compared with Caucasian mothers. ", "The use of insulin pre-pregnancy rather than type of diabetes appears to predict adverse outcome." ]
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[ "INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — A new study declares Indiana's business-recruitment\nagency is effective even though the researcher noted he didn't review how\nmany jobs were actually created by companies receiving state assistance.", "\n\nThe study looked at various services the Indiana Economic Development\nCorp. offers to companies, including reviews of how much state money was\nspent on services, such as workforce preparation and tourism, and the\ngeographic distribution of economic projects, Michael Hicks, director of\nBall State's Center for Business and Economic Research, told The\nIndianapolis Star.", "\n\nHicks said the $85,000 study wasn't intended as a job-creation audit and\npointed out companies can only collect state tax credits based on hiring\nof employees.", "\n\n\"I don't know that 90 percent of those, or 105 percent of those, or 65\npercent of those actually show up,\" Hicks said. \"", "I'm not sure what that\nsays. ", "And the reason is, the incentive structure in Indiana doesn't really\nprovide the incentive to lie, to mislead about that.\"", "\n\nThe quasi-governmental development agency has been criticized for not\nrequiring companies that receive tax incentives to disclose how many jobs\nthey've created. ", "The Republican-controlled General Assembly this year\nturned aside a proposal that would have required each company receiving\nstate incentives to submit annual public reports on hiring and\ninvestments.", "\n\nDevelopment agency spokeswoman Katelyn Hancock called the Ball State study\n\"a managerial review of the organization overall\" and not an analysis on\nthe effectiveness of its tax incentives.", "\n\nSome critics questioned the value of the study.", "\n\n\"I don't think that a study that is based on press releases tells the\nstory,\" said Morton Marcus, retired director of Indiana University's\nIndiana Business Research Council. \"", "If you don't have a decent audit of\nthe IEDC, you can't tell what they're doing.\"", "\n\nThe development agency uses an independent auditing firm to produce a\n\"jobs realization\" report, which says Indiana saw 78,403 new jobs in 2012,\nor almost 92 percent of the total new jobs anticipated through IEDC\nprojects.", "\n\nBut the agency has declined to detail how many people have been hired at\neach company that receives tax incentives, compared to how many jobs were\npromised.", "\n\nThe Ball State report also praises the IEDC for being \"one of only two\nstates with clear mission statements\" and for fully implementing a\npublic-private partnership structure. ", "The Indiana agency has about 65\nemployees, compared to several hundred in the economic-development\nagencies in Ohio, Michigan and other states, Hicks said." ]
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[ "3-MA\n\n: 3-methyladenine\n\nBCV\n\n: Brucella-containing vacuole\n\nCFU\n\n: colony forming units\n\nDMEM\n\n: Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium\n\nER\n\n: endoplasmic reticulum\n\nFBS\n\n: fetal bovine serum\n\nGFP\n\n: green fluorescent protein\n\nMOI\n\n: multiplicity of infection\n\nMTT\n\n: 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide\n\nPBS\n\n: phosphate buffered saline\n\nTBST\n\n: Tris buffered saline with Tween\n\nBoth authors contributed equally to the work\n" ]
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[ "\n352 S.W.2d 318 (1961)\nLouie H. JONES, Appellant,\nv.\nTEXAS EMPLOYERS INS. ", "ASS'N, Appellee.", "\nNo. ", "15936.", "\nCourt of Civil Appeals of Texas, Dallas.", "\nDecember 1, 1961.", "\nRehearing Denied December 29, 1961.", "\n*319 Mullinax, Wells, Morris & Mauzy and Lonnie C. McGuire, Jr., Dallas, for appellant.", "\nLeachman, Gardere, Akin & Porter, and Edward E. Crowell, Jr., Dallas, for appellee.", "\nWILLIAMS, Justice.", "\nLouie H. Jones sued Texas Employers Insurance Association seeking workmen's compensation benefits. ", "He first alleged that he had sustained total and permanent disability as a result of an injury sustained by him on July 13, 1958 but, by trial amendment, he reduced his demands to 32 weeks temporary total disability following by permanent partial disability. ", "In a jury trial the principal controversy was the extent of plaintiff's disability. ", "In answer to special issues the jury found that plaintiff was temporarily and totally disabled for a period of 32 weeks following his injury and, in answer to special issue No. ", "6, found that at the end of the 32 week period plaintiff would not have any partial incapacity. ", "Judgment was rendered for plaintiff for 32 weeks compensation only. ", "Plaintiff appeals contending (a) that the trial court erred in admitting certain moving pictures in evidence; (b) that the jury's answer to special issue No. ", "6 was so against the great weight and preponderance of the evidence as to be clearly wrong; and (c) that there was no evidence to support the jury's answer to special issue No. ", "6.", "\nDuring the trial appellee placed on the witness stand a Mr. R. L. Bellflower, an investigator employed by appellee, who testified that he had investigated appellant Jones on three occasions prior to trial; that he was armed with a 16-millimeter movie camera with which he took pictures of Jones on January 8, 1960 and on March 18, 1960. ", "Bellflower testified that he had previously used the particular camera; that he had experience with motion picture photography for more than 8 years; and he further testified concerning the operation of the camera having to do with its speed and other features. ", "After preliminary qualifying testimony the following transpired:\n\"Q. I'll ask you to state whether or not the films that you have taken—do you have them with you—the films that you have taken and have with you, do *320 they accurately and truly and in a life-like way portray whatever they show as the activities of Mr. Louie Jones?", "\n\"Mr. Mullinax: We object to that as calling for an opinion and conclusion. ", "The films of course would be the best evidence of what they show?", "\n\"The Court: I sustain your objection.\"", "\nThereupon two reels of film were produced by the witness, marked for identification, and offered in evidence. ", "Counsel for appellant then objected as follows:\n\"Mr. Mullinax: And of course we will object to them at this time. ", "We don't know what those films contain at all. ", "We don't know the relevancy or anything else—I don't know how I can object to them until I see them?", "\n\"The Court: I overrule the objection.", "\n\"Mr. Mullinax: Well, then, may I say that I will reserve the right to renew an objection whenever I can see what these films are?", "\n\"The Court: You may\n\"Mr. Mullinax: Thank you, Your Honor.\"", "\nThe films were then projected upon a screen and during the showing thereof the witness Bellflower was questioned concerning various things shown by the pictures. ", "At the conclusion of his testimony and the showing of the films the witness was subjected to a lengthy cross-examination and then asked by appellant's counsel to show the films again while appellant's wife was on the witness stand. ", "During cross-examination Bellflower expressed some doubt as to the identity of appellant in one of the scenes shown by him. ", "At no time or following the demonstration of the motion pictures to the jury was any further objection made by appellant's counsel, nor was any motion made to strike the pictures or any part thereof.", "\nThe gravamen of appellant's contention is that if he had been allowed a preview of the motion pictures that he would have objected to the relevancy thereof. ", "He says that he would have objected because the films fail to distinguish the appellant from other employees and that they only show the appellant performing acts which he had previously testified he was able to perform. ", "While we agree with appellant that the trial court should have, upon proper request, permitted him to view the pictures in advance of their being shown to the jury, yet we are of the opinion that such error, if any, was not one that amounted to such a denial of the rights of the appellant as was reasonably calculated to cause, and probably did cause a rendition of an improper judgment in this case. ", "Rule 434, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. ", "Both appellant and appellee state that this is a case of first impression in Texas insofar as the question of motion pictures is concerned. ", "Our research has failed to develop cases exactly like this one, but we see no distinction in motion picture films than any other type of physical evidence that is offered by a party.", "\nIt has long been the rule that, before admission, offered documents or tangible items should be submitted to the adverse party for inspection. ", "41-B Tex.", "Jur. § ", "112, p. 142. \"", "The Procedure of Admitting and Excluding Evidence\" by Charles T. McCormick, Vol. ", "31, Tex. ", "Law Rev. p. 128. ", "The obvious reason for this rule is to permit the opposing attorney to inspect the tangible thing which is proffered and give him an opportunity to make such objection thereto as he sees fit. ", "However, as stated above we deem the error, if any, to be harmless. ", "As shown above, appellant's attorney reserved the right to make objections to the films as it was shown. ", "He filed no motion to withdraw the jury and present the films in the absence of the jury. ", "During the showing of the films he made no objection thereto, either to the relevancy or to any other point. ", "After the demonstration of the films no motion was made to have the court instruct the jury to disregard the films, or any part thereof. ", "No motion for *321 mistrial was made based upon the demonstration of the film. ", "Great latitude is allowed the trial court in determining the relevancy of testimony. ", "The use of motion pictures, especially in damage suits and workmen's compensation cases, has become rather commonplace in our practice. ", "Richardson v. Missouri K. & T. R. Co., Tex. ", "Civ.", "App., ", "205 S.W.2d 819; and cases cited in 62 A.L.R.2d 686. ", "Moreover, the motion pictures were obviously introduced for the purpose of demonstrating what the appellant could or could not do, all on the issue of disability. ", "The activity shown in the pictures, as well as the identity of the parties shown in the pictures, go to the weight to be given the testimony, rather than to the admissibility thereof. ", "There being no reversible error demonstrated, appellant's first point is overruled.", "\nIn considering appellant's points two and three being \"insufficient evidence\" and \"no evidence\" points, we are guided by the rules set forth by Chief Justice Robert W. Calvert of our Supreme Court in his Article entitled \"No Evidence\" and \"Insufficient Evidence\" points of error, Tex. ", "Law Rev. Vol. ", "38, pp. ", "361, 372, and also by the Supreme Court in In re King's Estate, 150 Tex. ", "622, 244 S.W.2d 660. ", "With these rules in mind we have carefully considered the statement of facts consisting of 277 pages which presents the characteristic picture of conflicting evidence concerning the extent of disability so often found in cases of this kind. ", "From an examination of this testimony, considered as a whole, we find ample evidence of probative force to justify the submission of special issue No. ", "6. ", "Furthermore, from this testimony we are not able to agree with appellant that the answer of the jury to special issue No. ", "6 is so contrary to the great weight and preponderance of the evidence as to be manifestly wrong. ", "Following appellant's injury in July 1958 he went to see his own family doctor who referred him to Dr. Boswell, an orthopedic specialist, who treated him for several weeks. ", "Appellant returned to work doing light work on the 1st of September 1958 where he continued such employment until February 1959, at which time he was given his old job back. ", "Dr. Boswell testified that he discharged appellant on August 25, 1958 at which time he thought that appellant could return to any type work \"he desired to do\". ", "Dr. Boswell next saw appellant on February 17, 1959, at which time appellant gave a history of a lifting, twisting injury. ", "Appellant was hospitalized and in March 1959 he was released by Dr. Boswell to return to duty. ", "It was Dr. Boswell's opinion that when he was released in March 1959 that there was no disability to prevent appellant from returning to full duty and that there was no permanent restriction on his ability to do ordinary tasks. ", "Dr. Boswell examined appellant again in August 1959 and as a result of such examination he found nothing to change his conclusions from that of March 1959. ", "Appellant testified that he purchased an interest in a filling station in May 1959 and operated this service station until December 1959. ", "Losing money on this venture he then went to work for an oil company, operating a service station, and worked until about March 1960. ", "For a few days he worked with another service station and then went to work for a construction company as a truck driver. ", "After a short period he then went to work for Hermetic Seal Transformer Company for which company he was working at the time of the trial. ", "Appellant's medical testimony consisted of that of Dr. Ruth Jackson who first examined appellant on January 14, 1960, some 18 months after appellant's injury. ", "She testified that in her opinion the appellant was disabled.", "\nObviously the testimony of Dr. Boswell, alone, was sufficient to justify the court in submitting special issue No. ", "6 and therefore appellant's point of \"no evidence\" is overruled. ", "Concerning the \"insufficient evidence\" point it is quite obvious from this record that the evidence is conflicting, as is usual in cases of this kind, we are not able to say that the jury's finding to the effect that there was no partial disability following *322 the undisputed 32 week period of temporary total disability, was so contrary to the great weight and preponderance of the evidence as to be manifestly wrong or unjust. ", "It is elementary that the extent and duration of disability in a workmen's compensation case is a matter for the jury's determination. ", "Texas Employers Ins. ", "Ass'n v. Scott, Tex. ", "Civ.", "App., ", "233 S.W.2d 171; Muro v. Houston Fire & Casualty Ins. ", "Co., Tex.", "Civ.", "App., ", "329 S.W.2d 326. ", "The mere fact that the jury chose to accept Dr. Boswell's testimony as opposed to that of Dr. Jackson, and the lay testimony, is not sufficient grounds for us to hold that the verdict must be overturned. ", "Opinions of medical witnesses in compensation cases, as in other cases, are not controlling, so that it should not be said on appeal that the jury's finding of facts contrary to those testified to by an expert does not and should not constitute a finding against the great weight and preponderance of the evidence. ", "Angelina Casualty Co. v. Spencer, Tex.", "Civ.", "App., ", "310 S.W.2d 682.", "\nA recent case involving a similar question is that of Guerra v. Texas Employers' Ins. ", "Ass'n., ", "Tex.", "Civ.", "App., ", "343 S.W.2d 306, in which there was conflicting medical testimony regarding the extent of appellant's injury. ", "The San Antonio Court of Civil Appeals pointed out that it was the jury's function to resolve conflicts in the testimony concerning the extent of disability and such resolution of the conflict by the jury was not clearly against the overwhelming weight and preponderance of the evidence.", "\nAppellant lays great stress on the fact that the evidence demonstrates that appellant was making less money on the job he had held for some five months before the time of this trial. ", "This, at the most, would only be evidentiary. ", "The question is not what appellant was actually being paid, but rather whether there was any decrease in his ability to earn. ", "The jury was certainly entitled to reject some of the testimony, or to draw reasonable inferences from the total body of the testimony, and to conclude that appellant's ability was not impaired even though he was actually making a lower remuneration. ", "Consolidated Casualty Co. v. Baker, Tex.", "Civ.", "App., ", "297 S.W.2d 706.", "\nAn overall consideration of this record reveals ample evidence of probative force not only to justify the submission of special issue No. ", "6 but to justify the answer of the jury thereto. ", "Having heard the evidence, observed the demeanor of the witnesses, and having carefully weighed the facts and circumstances before it, the jury made its decision, and such decision cannot be said to be contrary to the law.", "\nJudgment of the trial court is affirmed.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDevise Parameter Sanitizer \"For\" Method Not Found Rails 5\n\nI have just added devise to my shiny new Rails 5 app. ", "All's good and dandy until I try to add a username to the Devise user model. ", "Everything worked until I ran it and went to localhost:3000/users/sign_up, where I was greeted by this error:\nundefined method `for' for #<Devise::ParameterSanitizer:0x007fa0dc31c1b0> Did you mean? ", "fork\n\nI have searched the wonderful place of Google for any results, only being given outdated, Rails 4 errors and solutions, the same with searching Stack Overflow itself. ", "I cannot get my mind to find a working solution. ", "I would appreciate help very much. ", "Here is how I prepared for this:\n\nCreate the migration: rails generate migration add_username_to_users username:string:uniq\nMigrate the database rake db:migrate\nAdd strong parameters to the application controller devise_parameter_sanitizer.for(:sign_up) { |u| u.permit(..) }\nAdd username parameters to the Devise views\nRestart the server\n\nIs there anything I missed or did wrong?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe .for method is deprecated, from devise 4.1+ .permit method is available\nTry .permit. ", "It should work.", "\ndevise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:my_action) { |u| u.permit(..) }\n\nHope this will help you :)\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.005780346820809248, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWhy was Howard Stark transporting the blue substance in Civil war?", "\n\nIn the third Captain America film, we see that the winter soldier is sent to assassinate Howard Stark and retrieve something that Hydra eventually uses to create the next group of winter soldiers. ", "Since the winter soldier was given the mission, it means that Hydra couldn't create whatever it was that they were after. ", "\nSince Howard's death takes place during/after his SHIELD days (we know he was part of SHIELD because it was shown in Ant Man), does this mean that SHIELD was starting up another super-soldier program? ", "Or, was the substance just something new Howard came up with? ", " \n\nA:\n\nOne of the fundamental aspects to the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the running theme of developing metahuman capabilities.", "\n\nAfter the discovery of the Tesseract (later revealed as the Space Stone) which was presumed to be an alien technology far beyond the reach of our own; secret government and private organizations (SHIELD and Hydra) decided to create such abilities and technologies on Earth from their attempts to reverse engineer it.", "\n\nSuch technology implied two things:\n\nthere were creatures out beyond our solar system whose technology eclipsed anything we have ever conceived of. ", "Technology even with the Earth's best minds had barely scratched the surface of their potential.", "\n\nThese aliens used spaceships and have been to Earth at some point in the past. ", "The greatest fear was their ultimate return and whether we would be a match for them when they arrived.", "\n\nThese two thought processes are behind much of the work SHIELD does in their attempt to recreate the super-soldier serum which produced the most effective operative the US military had ever known, Captain America. ", "Since a great deal of the MCU seems based on the parts of the Ultimates timeline (Earth-1610), such an arms races behind the scenes is both reasonable and expected.", "\n\nWhile it is conceivable we would use such operatives for our defense, it is also more likely it would just be used as another means of making war on Earth.", "\n\nGiven its date of origin, (in 1942) it seems inevitable that the formula could be recreated if given enough time, and it appears that late in Howard Stark's life, many decades later, he or a group of people who worked with him were successful in creating a variant of the serum.", "\n\nBut it is also implied the people who used it may have been driven insane by it thus it have been stolen before it could be vigorously tested.", "\n\nGiven the nature of spy vs spy operations, perhaps Stark was carrying the material simply because it was thought, given its value, he would be the last way anyone would think to transport it. ", "But since we are now also aware, Hydra had operatives within SHIELD so they may have known what SHIELD knew and thus were able to get the substance despite SHIELD's probable bait and switch tactics.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Community Circle the Hospital in Prayer\n\n12/19/2013\n\n​On December 24, 2013, at 12:30 in the afternoon, the community is coming together around the PeaceHealth Ketchikan Medical Center to pray.", "\n\nOne year ago, on Christmas Eve, a touching scene unfolded outside a small Southeast Alaska hospital. ", "More than 600 community members in Ketchikan encircled the hospital to offer prayers of healing, strength and peace for the patients and caregivers inside.", "\n\nThe original vision for the hospital prayer circle spread when community member Rhonda Bolling issued a plea for prayer on behalf of her pregnant friend, Kelsey Newsom, who was at the hospital in very pre-term labor. ", "After quickly discussing the idea with hospital leadership who embraced the idea, word went out through churches and social media that people would be gathering the next afternoon to pray.", "\n\n“I truly was blown away by how many people gathered on such short notice,” said Rhonda. “", "When I arrived at the hospital, I had no idea what to expect. ", "I didn’t know if five people would show up or 25, but I was considering what we would do if we didn’t have the 500 people I estimated would be necessary to circle the hospital hand-in-hand. ", "I played over several scenarios in my head as to where to stand if not enough people showed up. ", "I had to completely let it go and know that it wasn't in my control. ", "It still moves me to think about how people just started pouring in as we neared the start time. ", "My original vision of people hand-in-hand around the hospital was easily realized!”", "\n\nIn a matter of minutes, people stretched around the front corner of the hospital, up the hill toward the Long Term Care wing, and continued the chain around the backside of the building past the Emergency Room. ", "The participants joined hands and sang a moving rendition of “Silent Night.” ", "The circle then stood praying both individually and with their neighbors for the next 10 minutes.", "As quickly as it began, it was over. ", "But thankfully the story doesn’t end there. ", "Kelsey Newsom, her unborn daughter, and her husband Jonathan still had a miraculous journey to take.", "\n\n“This time last year, I was in the hospital, in the maternity ward, uncertain of what my future and my family’s future was going to hold,” explained Kelsey. “", "I was 23-weeks pregnant and they weren’t sure if my daughter was going to make it, let alone if I was even going to make it out of the pregnancy. ", "And, if she was to be born, the doctors said that she was going to have spina bifida and wasn’t going to have a normal life.”", "\n\nOn Christmas day, Kelsey was medevac’d to Swedish Medical Center in Seattle where she could receive advanced care. ", "The long flight was hard on Kelsey and when she arrived doctors prepared to delivery her baby that night due to the advanced state of her labor. ", "Miraculously, the doctors were able to stop her labor process and after a few weeks in the hospital, she was released to spend the next few months on bed rest at a nearby apartment.", "\n\nFinally, on March 20, 2013, at 36-weeks, Kelsey delivered a beautiful baby girl, Makenzie Kay, who was fully developed and born without spina bifida. ", "Makenzie, now an active 9-month old, does receive ongoing care for a kidney condition that may or may not improve in the future. ", "Family, friends and community members continue to regularly pray for Makenzie.", "\n\n“The most important thing, is that she’s here,” shared a misty-eyed Kelsey. “", "I look at her and just think what a mighty God we serve.”", "\n\n“This year, we are so blessed to be able to be on the outside with those circling the hospital in prayer as a family of four,” said Kelsey’s husband Jonathan Newsom, a member of the US Coast Guard, whose family also includes their 2-year old son, Jonah. “", "We want to encourage everyone to come out and join us as we pray for all those who are inside and we can be the angels that get to bless them this year.”", "\n\nMany off-duty KMC caregivers plan to be actively involved in the prayer chain again this year including the hospital’s Chaplain, Sister Arnadene Bean who shared, “We’re going to be letting the people inside the hospital know what’s happening outside and extending an opportunity for them to ask for prayer from those in the circle if they’d like.”", "\n\n“We all feel so blessed to serve a community filled with people who care deeply for each other—with so many who believe in the power of prayer,” said interim CAO Ken Tonjes. “", "We’re touched that this special event is becoming an annual event. ", "It literally brings tears to my eyes. ", "It means that our patients and caregivers will be the focus of many prayers each Christmas Eve. ", "It’s nice to know that even with the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, they will always be remembered in this meaningful and touching way.”" ]
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[ "Reid (D-Nev.) said in a letter sent to Comey that his disclosure to Congress, made 11 days before the election, might have violated the Hatch Act, which prohibits partisan politicking by government employees.", "\n\n“Your actions in recent months have demonstrated a disturbing double standard for the treatment of sensitive information, with what appears to be a clear intent to aid one political party over another,” Reid wrote. “", "I am writing to inform you that my office has determined that these actions may violate the Hatch Act, which bars FBI officials from using their official authority to influence an election. ", "Through your partisan actions, you may have broken the law.”", "\n\nThe campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, including their respective running mates Tim Kaine and Mike Pence, reacted on Oct. 30 to the FBI's announcement that it will examine newly discovered Clinton emails. (", "Bastien Inzaurralde/The Washington Post)\n\nWhile many Democrats and some Republicans have cast doubt on Comey’s actions, citing Justice Department policies and precedent on handling investigations ahead of elections, Reid’s letter is the most forceful denunciation leveled by a high-ranking elected official.", "\n\nIn the letter, Reid drew a contrast between how Comey has treated the Clinton email probe and how he has handled what Reid described as “explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government.”", "\n\n“The public has a right to know this information,” Reid said. “", "I wrote to you months ago calling for this information to be released to the public. ", "There is no danger to American interests from releasing it. ", "And yet, you continue to resist calls to inform the public of this critical information. ", "By contrast, as soon as you came into possession of the slightest innuendo related to Secretary Clinton, you rushed to publicize it in the most negative light possible.”", "\n\nThe intelligence community has publicly accused Russia of attempting to interfere in the U.S. election by hacking political organizations and carrying out related acts. ", "But it has made no statement on links between Russia and Trump or his campaign.", "\n\nRichard W. Painter, a law professor at the University of Minnesota and the chief ethics lawyer in the George W. Bush White House from 2005 to 2007, wrote in a New York Times op-ed Sunday that he has filed a Hatch Act complaint against Comey with the federal Office of Special Counsel and Office of Government Ethics.", "\n\n“We cannot allow F.B.I. or Justice Department officials to unnecessarily publicize pending investigations concerning candidates of either party while an election is underway,” Painter wrote. “", "That is an abuse of power. ", "Allowing such a precedent to stand will invite more, and even worse, abuses of power in the future.”", "\n\nBut Georgetown University law professor David Vladeck, who is critical of Comey’s handling of the Clinton investigation, said that he did not believe that Comey had violated the Hatch Act.", "\n\n“I do not think he has committed a crime,” said Vladeck, who was referring to Comey’s handling of the email probe, not Reid’s claims about Trump’s links to Russia. ", "But, he added, “I do think he has abused his office.", "”​\n\n​“Prosecutors have no warrant to characterize the behavior of someone not charged with a crime,” Vladeck said. “", "And it is grossly inappropriate for a prosecutor to fan political flames when there is no basis to even suggest any unlawful conduct.”", "\n\nCurrent and former officials could not understand how Comey could send the letter without knowing if, for instance, any of the emails were marked “classified” or if they were duplicates of those already in the FBI’s possession.", "\n\nDemocrats fear that Comey’s disclosure could affect not only the presidential race but also tight congressional races down the ballot. ", "Republican House and Senate candidates have seized on the news to pressure their Democratic opponents to break with Clinton. ", "Reid is retiring from the Senate in January, and he has vowed to return Democrats to the Senate majority after two years in the minority.", "\n\nIn closing the letter, Reid told Comey that he has “been a supporter of yours in the past.”", "\n\n“When Republicans filibustered your nomination and delayed your confirmation longer than any previous nominee to your position, I led the fight to get you confirmed because I believed you to be a principled public servant,” he said. “", "With the deepest regret, I now see that I was wrong.”" ]
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[ "11*s - a. Let x = -37 + s. Calculate the remainder when 76 is divided by x.\n24\nSuppose 4*i - 163 = -4*o + 101, 5*o = -3*i + 328. ", "Let u = o + -47. ", "What is the remainder when 276/8 + 2/4 is divided by u?", "\n17\nLet u = -5571 - -13381. ", "What is the remainder when u is divided by 4?", "\n2\nSuppose -11*a - 13*a + 48 = 0. ", "Suppose 4*g - 3*x = 185 - 0, 5*g = a*x + 240. ", "Calculate the remainder when g is divided by 11.", "\n6\nWhat is the remainder when 685/(-5 - (7 - -3)/(16/(-12))) is divided by 3?", "\n1\nLet w be 157 + (-3 - -1)/2. ", "Suppose -11*n + 875 = -522. ", "Suppose 4*t + 3*r - n = 0, -7*t - r + w = -2*t. ", "Calculate the remainder when 119 is divided by t.\n26\nLet q = 2513 - 1679. ", "Suppose -6*b = -0*b - q. What is the remainder when b is divided by 20?", "\n19\nLet c = -9932 - -10568. ", "Calculate the remainder when c is divided by 208.", "\n12\nLet f(z) = -z**2 - 54*z - 13. ", "Calculate the remainder when 1882 is divided by f(-52).", "\n62\nLet b(v) = -33*v - 130. ", "Let y be b(-4). ", "Suppose 0 = 5*w - 9*a + 4*a - 1295, -y*a + 1048 = 4*w. ", "Calculate the remainder when w is divided by 14.", "\n9\nLet v = -5436 + 5554. ", "What is the remainder when v is divided by 1?", "\n0\nLet u = 12 - 5. ", "Suppose -u = -c - 2*m, 3*c - 21 = 2*m - m. Suppose y + c = 22. ", "Calculate the remainder when y is divided by 3.", "\n0\nLet s(m) = 6*m - 9. ", "Let n be s(5). ", "Suppose -12*i + n*i - 108 = 0. ", "What is the remainder when 22 is divided by i?", "\n10\nLet b(q) = -q**3 + 6*q**2 - 19*q + 91. ", "Let d(i) = i**3 - 4*i**2 + 17*i - 91. ", "Let u(v) = -2*b(v) - 3*d(v). ", "Calculate the remainder when u(0) is divided by 81.", "\n10\nLet i = 6131 - 5871. ", "Calculate the remainder when i is divided by 80.", "\n20\nLet i(r) = r**2 + 4*r**2 - 4*r + 3*r. ", "What is the remainder when 333/30 - -3 - (369/90)/41 is divided by i(1)?", "\n2\nSuppose 838*j - 425 = 837*j. ", "What is the remainder when 428 is divided by j?", "\n3\nCalculate the remainder when (-42)/216*9 - (10809/(-12) + 2) is divided by 4/(-10) + (-306)/(-15).", "\n17\nLet u(k) = 25*k + 80 - 191 - 217 - k**2 + 30*k - 2*k. ", "Calculate the remainder when 155 is divided by u(45).", "\n27\nLet u(a) = 96*a - 727. ", "Calculate the remainder when 986 is divided by u(8).", "\n2\nSuppose 0 = 27*c - 29*c + 4. ", "Suppose x = p + 3*p + 241, -p = -c*x + 55. ", "Let f = p + 93. ", "What is the remainder when f is divided by 11?", "\n10\nSuppose -504 - 190 = -43*o + 80. ", "Calculate the remainder when 58*2/4 - 2 is divided by o.\n9\nSuppose z - 5*o - 27 = 0, 0*o + 3*o = 4*z - 40. ", "Suppose -z*w + 3*w = -2*t + 50, 32 = 2*t + 5*w. ", "Let n = 40 - t. What is the remainder when 73 is divided by n?", "\n16\nLet d(g) = -2*g**2 + 12*g + 3. ", "Let n be d(6). ", "What is the remainder when 87 is divided by (2/n)/(111/18 - 6)?", "\n3\nWhat is the remainder when 106 - 2/(-1*2) is divided by (24 - 80/(-112)*7) + 7?", "\n35\nSuppose 0 = -574*b + 570*b + 5*k + 23, 0 = b + 4*k - 11. ", "What is the remainder when 25 is divided by b?", "\n4\nSuppose 5*p + 11 = -2*c, 4*c + 13 = -2*p + 15. ", "Suppose -2*b = c*v - 992, -5*b + 2*v + 1641 = -818. ", "What is the remainder when b is divided by 15?", "\n13\nSuppose -4*p = 4*a - 96, 0 = -a + p + 36 - 14. ", "Calculate the remainder when 2087 is divided by a.\n17\nLet r be (10 + -1)*(-8)/2. ", "Let j = r - -89. ", "Let i = 95 - j. What is the remainder when i is divided by 9?", "\n6\nLet t = -286 + 451. ", "Suppose 15 = 5*q - 125. ", "What is the remainder when t is divided by q?", "\n25\nLet n = -17925 - -21854. ", "Calculate the remainder when n is divided by 262.", "\n261\nLet x = 3508 - 3494. ", "Calculate the remainder when 834 is divided by x.\n8\nSuppose -2*a + 4*a = 210. ", "Suppose 0 = 2*c - 14 + 4. ", "What is the remainder when a is divided by 4/(-10) - (364/c)/(-2)?", "\n33\nLet q(m) = -27*m**3 + 3*m**2 + 19*m + 90. ", "Calculate the remainder when q(-5) is divided by 574.", "\n1\nWhat is the remainder when 527 is divided by (-28)/4 + 39 + (25 - 19)?", "\n33\nLet l = 308 + -268. ", "Suppose -245 + l = -5*d. ", "What is the remainder when d is divided by 15?", "\n11\nLet s(m) = 8*m + 59. ", "Let h be s(-7). ", "Calculate the remainder when (38/h*6)/(4/2) is divided by 5.", "\n3\nLet c be 0/(238/(-204) + (-2)/(-12)). ", "Calculate the remainder when 201 is divided by (c - -1) + (-650)/(-13).", "\n48\nSuppose 3*b - 5 = -4*s, 2 + 3 = 5*s + 5*b. ", "Suppose 2*w + v - 3 = s*v, -w = 5*v - 18. ", "What is the remainder when ((-11)/w - -3) + (-1480)/(-24) is divided by 21?", "\n19\nLet u(w) = 9*w + 118. ", "Let z(p) = p**3 - 4*p**2 - 2*p - 9. ", "What is the remainder when u(-10) is divided by z(5)?", "\n4\nSuppose 0 = -2*c + c + 38. ", "Suppose -10*m = 29 - 79. ", "Suppose -m*p + 5*f + 55 = 10*f, 4*p - 58 = 3*f. ", "What is the remainder when c is divided by p?", "\n12\nSuppose 4*x - 19*n + 22*n = -1197, -5*n - 609 = 2*x. ", "Let s = x + 361. ", "What is the remainder when 91 is divided by s?", "\n27\nLet y = 5952 - 5926. ", "What is the remainder when 4703 is divided by y?", "\n23\nSuppose 0 = s + 5*b - 1152, 511 = 2*s + 5*b - 1763. ", "Calculate the remainder when s is divided by 24.", "\n18\nLet q be 5/((-30)/(-576))*15/(-20). ", "Calculate the remainder when 86 is divided by (4 + q/27)/(1/18).", "\n14\nSuppose -3*w + 7 = -2*v, -v - 9 + 10 = 0. ", "Let j(n) = 10*n - 1 + 3 + n**2 + 0*n**2 + 0. ", "Calculate the remainder when w is divided by j(-10).", "\n1\nLet s = -837 + 1178. ", "What is the remainder when s is divided by 38?", "\n37\nLet q(f) = -9*f**2 - 11*f - 15. ", "Let g(d) = -d + 1. ", "Let u(t) = 4*g(t) - q(t). ", "What is the remainder when u(-4) is divided by 46?", "\n43\nLet s(k) = -k**3 + 12*k**2 - 9*k + 105. ", "Suppose -90*b + 143 = -77*b. ", "What is the remainder when s(b) is divided by 26?", "\n23\nLet r(x) = 4*x**2 - x + 24. ", "Let d(a) = -3*a**2 - 25. ", "Let f(v) = 5*d(v) + 4*r(v). ", "What is the remainder when 140 is divided by f(11)?", "\n44\nLet p = 3269 + -3155. ", "Calculate the remainder when p is divided by (-1 + -3)*46/(-8).", "\n22\nLet j be (-151)/(-5) + (-3)/15. ", "Suppose 0 = -3*l + 3*z + j, -12 = -3*l + z - 4*z. ", "Let m = -1263 - -1267. ", "Calculate the remainder when l is divided by m.\n3\nLet q = -2533 + 3817. ", "Suppose -4*g + q = -p, g - 100 = 2*p + 221. ", "Calculate the remainder when g is divided by 18.", "\n15\nWhat is the remainder when 516405/405 + 16/(-216) is divided by 116?", "\n115\nLet a(k) = -3*k**2 - 5*k - 6. ", "Let s be a(-1). ", "Let h(l) = 4*l**2 + 13*l + 48. ", "Calculate the remainder when h(s) is divided by 35.", "\n25\nLet j = 1 - -1. ", "Let o(u) = 23*u + 2. ", "Let t = -5074 - -5081. ", "What is the remainder when o(j) is divided by t?", "\n6\nLet u = -26 + 64. ", "Suppose 9*r + 1410 - 1590 = 0. ", "Calculate the remainder when u is divided by r.\n18\nSuppose 0 = -717*a + 721*a - 116. ", "Suppose -3*c + 1 + 80 = 0. ", "Let z = 59 + c. What is the remainder when z is divided by a?", "\n28\nSuppose 4*n = -3*o + 12, -2*n + 12 + 4 = 4*o. ", "Suppose l - 2 = -p + 39, 176 = 4*l + 2*p. ", "Calculate the remainder when l is divided by (n + 24/9)*6.", "\n15\nLet p be (-1 - -46)*15/(3/(-1)). ", "What is the remainder when 506 is divided by (-136)/10*p/30?", "\n98\nLet u = -112 + 139. ", "Suppose -2*b - 6 = 2*d - 0, -2*b - 4*d = 12. ", "Suppose -f + 55 = -b*f + 5*r, -4*r = 20. ", "Calculate the remainder when f is divided by u.\n26\nLet p be 5172/63 + (176/168)/(-11). ", "Suppose -304 + 46 = -3*s - 3*u, -s = -u - p. Calculate the remainder when s is divided by 62.", "\n22\nLet b(a) = -a**3 + 7*a**2 - a - 3. ", "Let p(x) = -4*x + 39. ", "Let h be p(10). ", "Calculate the remainder when b(6) is divided by 6/(h/((-25)/15)).", "\n7\nLet f(w) = 4*w + 93. ", "Let b(r) = -9*r + 142. ", "What is the remainder when b(11) is divided by f(-19)?", "\n9\nLet z(g) = -11*g - 18. ", "Let d(t) = -22*t - 36. ", "Let q(r) = 6*d(r) - 11*z(r). ", "Let k = -2327 - -2314. ", "What is the remainder when q(k) is divided by 16?", "\n13\nSuppose -4*k - 8 = 3*p - 28, 2*k = -5*p + 24. ", "Suppose -k*m + 1008 = 14*m. ", "What is the remainder when 500 is divided by m?", "\n59\nLet u = 269 + -266. ", "Suppose -w + 5*w - 252 = u*j, -2*j = 0. ", "What is the remainder when w is divided by 14?", "\n7\nLet c(d) = -2*d**3 + 10*d**2 - 8*d + 8. ", "What is the remainder when -6 + 50 - 1*7 is divided by c(4)?", "\n5\nSuppose -18*n = -32*n - 6888. ", "Let d = n - -526. ", "Calculate the remainder when d is divided by 24.", "\n10\nSuppose -3*c = -3*m + 213, 0 = 5*m + 4*c + 31 - 368. ", "What is the remainder when 8209 is divided by m?", "\n67\nLet h = -4 - -70. ", "Suppose 0 = 5*y + 5*m - 2*m - 1264, -6*y + 5*m + 1534 = 0. ", "Calculate the remainder when y is divided by h.\n56\nWhat is the remainder when 10545 is divided by (-14 + (-240)/90)*(-6)/4?", "\n20\nSuppose -1550 = -60*f + 1570. ", "Suppose -2*l - l = -15. ", "What is the remainder when f is divided by l?", "\n2\nLet w = 21767 - 21674. ", "Calculate the remainder when 234 is divided by w.\n48\nSuppose 0 = -4*m + 3*m + 1, 4" ]
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[ "Social media celebrities anchor digital-focused campaign for Two Hats\n\nIt’s a consumer who doesn’t have much disposable income. ", "A consumer who eschews beer for vodka sodas. ", "A consumer who doesn’t watch much television. ", "A consumer who didn’t grow up reading a newspaper that landed on their doorstep. ", "It’s a consumer who lives on their phone.", "\n\nThese younger legal-age drinkers have been a riddle for the beer industry, in part because they are much more difficult to connect with than their older counterparts. ", "And in order to sway this important demographic of drinkers — who will comprise some 40 percent of all legal-drinking-age consumers by 2020 — away from spirits and into beer, the Two Hats team took an unprecedented approach within MillerCoors to reach them.", "\n\nInstead of adhering to traditional mediums typical of a major launch, Two Hats is investing behind a campaign with two major prongs: digital and experiential. ", "The goal is to reach these drinkers where they live: mobile phones, tablets and streaming devices, as well as at large social gatherings like music festivals, street fairs and sporting events.", "\n\n“Our entire plan was created to reach these drinkers as seamlessly as possible, and to entertain them at the same time,” says Kristina Hannant, associate marketing manager for Two Hats.", "\n\nOn the digital side, its efforts include more than 200 short spots developed in partnership with Spotfiy, Snapchat, YouTube, BleacherReport and The Onion. ", "It will combine for more than 1 billion paid impressions in 2018, a figure that includes reaching 92 percent of 21- to 24-year-olds nearly eight times each.", "\n\nTwo Hats kicked off its digital campaign with novel partnerships with four famous YouTube personalities, or “vloggers,” including Scotty Sire and Zane Hijazi, who combined to rack up nearly 3 million views on videos posted to YouTube and Instagram that featured Two Hats.", "\n\nAnd it’s preparing to launch a series of humor-based videos next month with College Humor, a comedy website with a large following, particularly among younger legal-age drinkers. ", "That part of the campaign alone will draw an estimated 29 million viewers, Hannant says.", "\n\nThe strategy, she says, is working. ", "So far, engagement rates within its Snapchat campaign are 30 percent higher than the industry average, and consumers are watching the YouTube videos for periods as much as two times higher than average.", "\n\nAfter watching the videos, “they’re saying things like, ‘I just sat through a 14-minute video ad and I’m not mad about it,’” Hannant says. ", "Along with instilling a sense of authenticity, the influencer videos are driving awareness for the brand and trial, which is key for a new brand to get its footing in a crowded market.", "\n\nWith that in mind, the brand also is going big on sampling events in cities that over-index in 21- to 24-year-olds, and hosted parties and tastings during spring events at retail accounts in destinations such as South Padre Island, Texas.", "\n\nIn South Padre, the brand pushed out geo-targeted Instagram and Snapchat filters, hosted a pool party and 29 sampling events in liquor stores, convenience stores and grocers.", "\n\nThe boots-on-the-ground approach drove sampling and sales around the events, says Trevor Schwartz, the MillerCoors field marketing manager for Southwest Texas and New Mexico.", "\n\nThe light beers with a hint of natural fruit flavors resonated with the legal-drinking-age college student demographic, says Schwartz. “", "Once we got liquid to lips with that consumer, it works. ", "The most common comments we heard were things like ‘This is really refreshing,’ ‘It’s so light, it’s perfect for the beach,’ and ‘Wow, this isn’t sweet, it actually tastes like beer.’”", "\n\nThe brand, available in lime and pineapple flavors, will make an even bigger push starting next month, when it kicks off a sampling tour in 10 key markets that includes events such as art festivals, music fests, street fairs, sporting events and other high-volume gatherings that draw Two Hats’ target drinkers, 21- to 24-year-olds. ", "The tour will run through September and include stops at 26 large-scale events with sampling events at nearby bars and pubs." ]
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