[ "米Intelは6日(現地時間)、AMD製ディスクリートGPU機能を1チップに統合した第8世代のモバイル向けCoreプロセッサを発表した。x86 CPUを手がける両社の記念碑的な協業製品となるばかりでなく、さまざまな新技術が盛り込まれている。", "\n\n今回発表されたのは、第8世代のCore Hプロセッサと、AMD Radeon Technologies Groupが開発したRadeonベースのセミカスタムGPUを搭載するチップ。CPUおよびGPUの詳しい仕様は明らかにされていないが、エンスージアスト向けのディスクリートGPU並のグラフィックス能力を提供するチップとなるという。", "\n\nCPUとGPUの2つのダイは、1つのパッケージ上で、今回のチップで初めて採用される「Embedded Multi-Die Interconnect Bridge」(EMIB)という技術で接続される。また、新しい電力共有フレームワークも導入されており、温度、電力、性能状態をリアルタイムでチェックし、CPUとGPUの負荷に応じて、2つのダイに提供する電力を調節する。さらに、モバイル向けのチップとして初めて、ビデオメモリにHBM2を採用する。", "\n\nハイエンドモバイル向けとなるCore Hプロセッサを搭載するノートPCは、ディスクリートGPUも搭載することが多いが、2つの大きなチップを載せることで、チップの面積や消費電力、発熱が増し、本体筐体が大型化する傾向にあった。CPUとGPUを1パッケージ化することで、Ultrabookのような薄型ノートで、エンスージアスト向けのハイエンド製品を提供できるようになるとしている。", "\n\n新プロセッサ搭載機は2018年の第1四半期に登場する予定。" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nInput Lines of Data in Page Template Form\n\nI have a CMF Action to edit custom archetype type metadata, where author is one of the fields to be edited. ", "The following code in editing form template is for StringFiled:\n<input type=\"text\"\n name=\"new_author:list\"\n value=\"author\"\n size=\"40\"\n tal:condition=\"canModifyItem\"\n tal:attributes=\"value obj/getAuthor;\n id string:${item}_author;\" />\n\nIf I change the field from 'author' to 'authors', using LinesField instead of StringField, how can I update the template for input multiple lines of data (one name per line)?", "\n\nA:\n\nyou have to use a textarea, instead of input tag, and parse the input data through a split('/n') in order to get a list of inputed lines. ", "\nalso,\ninstead of tal:attributes=\"value... you have to use tal:content=\"obj/getAuthor\"\nhth\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow can I initialize the new pyqt window?", "\n\nClick on the main window (A) to open a new window (B).", "\nSave the value at B. The example code saved the name through fileopen.", "\nIf you close B and open B again through a click, the previously saved value remains.", "\n\nAll I want is to click and reset all the values.", "\nAlso, even if A is shut down while B is open, B remains.", "\nI also want to know how to solve this problem.", "\nimport sys\nfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import *\nfrom PyQt5.QtCore import *\nfrom PyQt5.QtGui import *\n\nclass CombineClass(QDialog):\n def __init__(self, parent=None):\n super(CombineClass, self).__init__(parent)\n self.initUI()\n\n def initUI(self):\n self.setWindowFlag(Qt.", "WindowContextHelpButtonHint, False)\n\n self.label = QPushButton(\"file name\", self)\n self.label.clicked.connect(self.fileselect)\n self.label.move(150,100)\n\n self.label2 = QLabel(\"print\", self)\n self.label2.move(50,100)\n\n self.setWindowTitle(\"combine\")\n self.resize(300, 200)\n self.center()\n def fileselect(self):\n\n filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self, \"Open Files\", \"C:\\\\Users\\\\\", \"(*.txt)\")\n self.label2.setText(filename[0][0])\n\n def center(self):\n qr = self.frameGeometry()\n cp = QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().center()\n qr.moveCenter(cp)\n self.move(qr.topLeft())\n\nclass MyApp(QWidget):\n def __init__(self):\n super().__init__()\n self.initUI()\n\n self.combine = CombineClass()\n def initUI(self):\n self.fileselect = QPushButton(\"파일\", self)\n self.fileselect.clicked.connect(self.combine)\n self.setWindowTitle(\"Text Master\")\n self.resize(600, 600)\n self.center()\n self.show()\n def combine(self):\n self.combine.show()\n\n def center(self):\n qr = self.frameGeometry()\n cp = QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().center()\n qr.moveCenter(cp)\n self.move(qr.topLeft())\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n app = QApplication(sys.argv)\n ex = MyApp()\n sys.exit(app.exec_())\n\nA:\n\nThe logic is really simple: create a method that sets the default values and then call that before displaying the window:\nclass CombineClass(QDialog):\n # ...\n def reset(self):\n self.label2.clear()\n # ...\n\nclass MyApp(QWidget):\n # ...\n def combine(self):\n self.combine.reset()\n self.combine.show()\n # ...\n\nAnother possible solution is to create the dialog whenever it is required:\nclass MyApp(QWidget):\n def __init__(self):\n super().__init__()\n self.initUI()\n # self.combine = CombineClass()\n\n def initUI(self):\n self.fileselect = QPushButton(\"파일\", self)\n self.fileselect.clicked.connect(self.combine)\n self.setWindowTitle(\"Text Master\")\n self.resize(600, 600)\n self.center()\n self.show()\n\n def combine(self):\n self.combine = CombineClass()\n self.combine.show()\n print(\"after close\")\n\n def center(self):\n qr = self.frameGeometry()\n cp = QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().center()\n qr.moveCenter(cp)\n self.move(qr.topLeft())\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00003616898148148148, 0.000001784182379771654 ]
[ "The present invention relates to an information storage medium represented by a large-capacity optical disc and a digital information recording/playback system using the medium.", "\nIn particular, the present invention relates to a DVD (digital versatile disc) recording/playback system that considers real-time recording of a moving picture.", "\nThe present invention also relates to a recording/playback system which can guarantee continuous playback (or continuous recording) upon continuously playing back (or continuously recording) information using playback devices (disc drives) having various access performances.", "\nFurthermore, the present invention relates to a recording/playback system which can prevent any playback timing errors of video information and audio information recorded on the medium." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Bat Par'oh found a three-month-old Hebrew baby in/around the Nile (Shemot 1:5-10) and had him fed and raised by Yokheved until approximately age 2 (Shemot Rabbah 1:26). ", "Bat Par'oh then raised this baby presumably with her father's knowledge.", "\n\nSo his daughter comes home with a random two-year-old boy who presumably looks highly un-Egyptian (after Par'oh's astrologers already told him they were uncertain if the Hebrews' redeemer was Egyptian or Hebrew according to RaSh\"I on Shemot 1:22). ", "Given the psychotic behavior the Torah attributes to Par'oh, did it not occur to him to ask where his daughter brought this boy from?", "\n\nIn short, did Par'oh know Moshe was a Hebrew while Bat Par'oh was raising Moshe? ", "If so, why didn't Par'oh put two and two together and have him killed? ", "If not, how do the commentators deal with why not?", "\n\n\"who presumably looks highly un-Egyptian\" why do you assume this,they all lived in the middle east\n– samJan 24 '17 at 14:51\n\nLee, You may want to add that fact to the question. ", "But, as I stated, it's possible that his decree may have applied only to newborns. ", "It does say, \"Kol haben hayilod\", which means literally, \"Any child that is born.\" ", "That may mean only at the time that he is born. ", "It's something to investigate, I think.", "\n– DanFJan 24 '17 at 14:58\n\n@DanF I'm having difficulty understanding what to add. ", "I've already cited that Moshe was \"fed and raised by Yokheved until approximately age 2\" in the question. ", "Your second point about the nature of the decree stands.", "\n– LeeJan 24 '17 at 14:59\n\n2 Answers\n2\n\nAccording to the medrash, after Moshe was put into the water, the astrologers (who had warned him before) came and told him that the baby he was worried about had been cast into the Nile. ", "Thus, he did not anticipate that Moshe would be that leader. ", "Note that he only made the decree on the newborns so that he could get away with this for the short period of time that he needed. ", "Once the astrologers told him that it was no longer needed, he immediately dropped it. ", "He would not have been able to suddenly reinstate it for an older child (especially his grand-son).", "\n\nAnother point is that having raised Moshe as an Egyptian prince, and having put him in charge of the slaves, Par'o felt that he had co-opted him and actually made him part of the governing structure. ", "As the head \"taskmaster\" it could also be thought that the Israelites would never accept him as a leader in any case. ", "It was only after Moshe killed the taskmaster that Par'o realized that he was rebelling and ordered him put to death.", "\n\nOf course, this myopia could have been a \"hidden miracle\" in order to ensure that he would grow up and be trained to become a leader. ", "There are commentaries that point out that it was because Moshe was not raised among the Jews that they would accept him as a leader. ", "Even so, look at how Dasan and Aviram reacted when Moshe rebuked them for fighting.", "\n\nIt could be that he felt for his daughter and did not want to take a child off her. ", "To bring the point home, she may have had no kids of her own and we do not know how old she was. ", "She probably had to beg her father to some extent before he gave in, but there is no point in the pesukim describing the family dynamics, so they don't.", "\n\nWe also don't know the reason for Par'oh wanting to get rid of all Jewish males. ", "The Midrash says that he was afraid of a new renaissance leader, but on the peshat level it seems quite irrational. ", "Why did he not destroy the entire nation, including the women? ", "Also the decree did not seem to last long because there were manslaves of Moshe's age and younger that left Egypt. ", "It may have been Par'oh's cruel humour, to make the Israelite parents anxious and show that they are not in control of their own children's destiny. ", "You can almost hear the women crying at the sight of a baby boy, knowing that he would get drowned. ", "If the purpose of killing the males was a sport to scare the Israelites, that was not applicable for a baby that had been abandoned by it's parents in a basket in the Nile.", "\n\nP.S. Sorry for the lack of sources, but Rambam says that PESHAT can be worked out without reference to Mefarshim or Chazal!" ]
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[ " TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN\n\n\n JUDGMENT RENDERED NOVEMBER 17, 2016\n\n\n\n NO. ", "03-16-00091-CV\n\n\n Veronica L. Davis and James A. Davis, Appellants\n\n v.\n\n State Farm Lloyds Texas and Gerald Krouse, Appellees\n\n\n\n\n APPEAL FROM THE 345TH DISTRICT COURT OF TRAVIS COUNTY\n BEFORE JUSTICES PURYEAR, PEMBERTON, AND FIELD\n AFFIRMED -- OPINION BY JUSTICE FIELD\n\n\n\n\nThis is an appeal from the judgment signed by the trial court on November 16, 2015. ", "Having\n\nreviewed the record and the parties’ arguments, the Court holds that there was no reversible error\n\nin the judgment. ", "Therefore, the Court affirms the trial court’s judgment. ", "Appellants shall pay all\n\ncosts relating to this appeal, both in this Court and the court below.", "\n\f" ]
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[ "His Majesty's Declaration of Abdication Act 1936\n\nHis Majesty's Declaration of Abdication Act 1936 (1 Edw. ", "8 & 1 Geo. ", "6 c. 3) was the Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that recognised and ratified the abdication of King Edward VIII and passed succession to his brother King George VI. ", "The act also excluded any possible future descendants of Edward from the line of succession. ", "Edward VIII abdicated in order to marry his lover, Wallis Simpson, after facing opposition from the governments of the United Kingdom and the Dominions.", "\n\nProcedure and timing\nAlthough Edward VIII had signed a declaration of abdication the previous day—10 December 1936—he remained king until giving Royal Assent to His Majesty's Declaration of Abdication Act, which he did on 11 December, at 1.52 p.m., and the Act became immediately effective from that time.", "\n\nThe act was passed through the British Houses of Parliament in one day, with no amendments. ", "As the Statute of Westminster 1931 stipulated that the line of succession must remain the same throughout the Crown's realms, the governments of some of the British Dominions—Canada, Australia, the Union of South Africa, and New Zealand—requested and gave their permission for the act to become part of the law of their respective realms.", "\n\nThe Canadian parliament later passed the Succession to the Throne Act 1937 to ratify changes to the rules of succession in Canada and ensure consistency with the changes in the rules then in place in the United Kingdom. ", "South Africa passed His Majesty King Edward the Eighth's Abdication Act, 1937, which declared the abdication to have taken effect on 10 December 1936. ", "Australia and New Zealand did not adopt the Statute of Westminster 1931 until the 1940s and did not pass their own legislation. ", "In the Irish Free State, which had been independent from the United Kingdom as a dominion since December 1922, and in which the monarch still had some diplomatic functions, the Oireachtas (parliament) passed the Executive Authority (External Relations) Act 1936, recognising George VI as king from 12 December 1936.", "\n\nLegal background\n\nThe act was necessary for two main reasons.", "\n\nFirst, there was no provision in British law for a sovereign to abdicate. ", "Parliament had to pass a bill to remove the king from the throne. ", "Finally the king had to give royal assent to the legislation, which only then became a law. (", "This process had to be repeated in the parliaments of the Dominions which had enacted the Statute of Westminster 1931: Canada and South Africa.)", "\n\nSecond, the act ensured that any descendants of Edward VIII would have no claim to the throne, and that the Royal Marriages Act 1772 would not apply to them.", "\n\nUpon the royal assent being communicated to Parliament on the king's behalf, the act came into effect and Edward VIII ceased to be king. ", "The throne immediately passed to his brother, who was proclaimed King George VI the next day at St. James's Palace, London.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:1936 in law\nCategory:United Kingdom Acts of Parliament 1936\nCategory:Constitutional laws of the United Kingdom\nCategory:1936 in international relations\nCategory:Edward VIII abdication crisis\nCategory:Succession acts" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCreate a new vector from single vector by manipulating Factors\n\nData Format\nDate Factor Value\n2014-01-01 x 10\n2014-01-01 y 2\n2014-01-02 x 20\n2014-01-02 y 5\n\nI would like to return a vector that is the result of the value for factor x divided by the value for factor y for each day. ", "\nThe result looking like:\nDate Value\n2014-01-01 5\n2014-01-02 4\n\nI am currently doing this with a nested for loop that looks up the values by matching the dates. ", "Just wondering if there is an easier way that I am missing? ", "\n\nA:\n\nIf your data is ordered by Date and Factor, this will do. ", "Select every second element of 'Value' using a logical vector, and calculate the ratio\nratio <- df$Value[c(TRUE, FALSE)] / df$Value[c(FALSE, TRUE)]\n\nPut ratio in a data frame together with the dates \ndata.frame(Date = unique(df$Date), ratio)\n# Date ratio\n# 1 2014-01-01 5\n# 2 2014-01-02 4\n\nIf necessary, start by ordering the data by Date and Factor:\ndf <- df[order(df$Date, df$Factor), ]\n\n" ]
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[ "Surgical treatment of an Echinococcus cyst of the interventricular septum complicated by septic endocarditis, complete atrioventricular block, and rupture into the Valsalva sinus.", "\nA 40-year-old man was emergently hospitalized because of high fever, a transient ischemic attack, and complete atrioventricular block. ", "The diagnosis was endocarditis, cyst of the interventricular septum (IVS), and complete atrioventricular block. ", "A temporary pacemaker was introduced, and the patient underwent surgery that included IVS cystectomy, ventricular septum plication, and aortic valve replacement. ", "A permanent pacemaker was implanted during the early postoperative period. ", "The patient was discharged from the medical center on day 9 after primary surgery. ", "At the 4-month postoperative follow-up, the patient was found to be in normal condition. ", "Patients with high temperature, heart rhythm and conduction disorders, and dyspnea of unknown etiology might be harboring Echinococcus despite the absence of primary liver or lung damage. ", "Urgent surgical treatment is necessary even on suspicion of complicated hydatid damage to the heart." ]
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[ "This was not a \"high threat zone\" when I moved here. ", "But once they started the \"Sanctuary City\" BS, illegal criminals commit crimes and get released so they won't be deported. ", "I understands that this annoys them to no end, they have to go to the trouble to get new false IDs before getting aprehended for the next crime against Americans.", "\n\nThe Democrats will tell you the controversy is over racism and bigotry, and the Republicans want to break up Hispanic families. ", "That's not it at all, it's all about illegals in criminal activity.", "\n\nReading through the above discussion on electrical safety vs. expense and codes, etc., ", "a few thoughts.", "\n\nMy electrician was an IBMer and actually had an electrical engineering degree, so he actually understands the physics behind what he does.", "\n\nSince I was interested, he explained some things to me, asked me about preferences (like safety vs. cost, functionality vs. cost, etc.) ", "He worked on my place on days he had free. ", "So it was slow progress with a project here and there, but since I was willing to tolerate that he worked cheap and we did a project at a time and didn't rush things.", "\n\nOne thing he insisted on right away is that he refused to do anything unsafe, no matter how much I wanted to save money doing that. ", "I responded that I suspected we'd get along very well, given that attitude.", "\n\nHe said he'd seen a LOT of really scary/dangerous things ignorant or careless people had done to various personal residences. ", "And yet, aside from some scorch marks or small fires in small electrical boxes, he'd never seen anything really close to a house burning down purely because of a bad electrical installation. ", "He indicated that the standards improve over time, but that for about a century the standards have actually been pretty effective re safety, or there would have been a HELL of a lot more house fires, generally.", "\n\nOne thing he just HATED though, was the wooden(!) ", "electrical boxes my father had made for some lamps he wired into the basement. ", "Hated them to the point he cut the main cords off near the lamps (without asking permission) when I indicated I wasn't interested in using those lamps anyway. ", "I kind of shudder to think of it now, knowing how metal electrical boxes are to contain small fires. ", "My dad basically hand made those out of BALSA wood, which is like tinder.", "\n\nHe liked that I always leaned toward using heavier wiring, switches, outlets, etc. ", "given the choice, as long as the difference wasn't \"crazy\" expensive.", "\n\nWe discovered various things while he was replacing the original fuse box with a modern breaker box. ", "1). ", "The house I'd grown up in and my parents lived all my life in was apparently never grounded for the past 45 years or so. ", "When they had a water softener installed, the metal pipes were replaced with PVC. ", "Well, it seems they originally grounded the house with (get this) a COAT HANGER connecting the fuse box to a metal pipe that had gone into the ground (but was removed at that time).", "\n\nI kind of flinched a bit. ", "He calmly pointed out nothing had happened for 45 years, lightning storms and all, but that we should \"prioritize fixing that\". ", "The modern grounding uses two (redundancy) thick copper rods 6 feet long that get driven all the way into the ground, and get attached to the box with some fairly heavy metal straps. ", "Just a WEE bit sounder looking than a coat hanger and some random pipe!", "\n\nThe 20 year old furnace wasn't grounded. ", "He suspected the original furnace wasn't grounded either, so they just did the new one the same way. ", "He grounded that using modern code standards.", "\n\nOriginally everything major in the basement was on one circuit. ", "Furnace, both sump pumps, washer and dryer. ", "He put each of those on a separate circuit so, for example, some sump pump problem didn't mean my furnace wouldn't run.", "\n\nSo, I suspect that overall, the safety discussion above is valid, but the answer to a \"reasonable\" level of safety is probably somewhere in the middle. ", "Knob and Tube wiring is obsolete (he had mentioned that at some point), but it's not like knob and tube houses were burning down left and right.", "\n\nSo, I suspect that overall, the safety discussion above is valid, but the answer to a \"reasonable\" level of safety is probably somewhere in the middle. ", "Knob and Tube wiring is obsolete (he had mentioned that at some point), but it's not like knob and tube houses were burning down left and right.", "\n\nNo they were not. ", "When wiring went from Knob and Tube to cloth insulated, safety improved. ", "When we went from cloth to vinyl insulation, safety improved. ", "When we went from fuses to circuit breakers, safety improved. ", "It's simply not visible to a single individual, unless that person is a statistician working for the UL compiling the results from tens of thousands of residences. ", "Not to mention, this is the accumulation of knowledge from over a century of data collection.", "\n\nYou either believe in the numbers, or you trust your instincts based on your personal experience. ", "The best practices in electrical, plumbing, the building of earthquake-resistent structures, weatherproofing, insulation, etc. ", "are derived from the experiences of millions of people, just as are the best practices in medicine. ", "You collect the data and analyze the results, and when you get a safer outcome, you change the NEC, the building code, etc.", "\n\nCertainly, the world is replete with people who would disregard what the numbers say, and do their own thing. ", "I'm not one of them. ", "If I am in the market for a new home and I see obvious amatuer construction, or plumbing, or electrical work, I'm going to ask for an inspection. ", "I will consider the cost of bringing the structure up to code in whatever bid I make. ", "If I am building a new home and decide to exceed the minimum worksmanship and safety standards required, I'll do so. ", "My money, my decision.", "\n\nThe matter of grounds and electrical systems are a whole topic in itself. ", "In fact, most destructive currents enter a structure through the ground conductors themselves. ", "Amazing things happen with lightning.", "\n\nI once specified the computer room power in a room approximately halfway up the tapered black Chicago skyscraper known as the \"John Hancock Center\":This is a buiding constructed of massive steel structural beams and steel plate/poured concrete floors, then clad in glass. ", "There are \"equipment spaces\" every 10 floors in the building, which means that when you cool a computer room, you will run copper plumbing as much as 5 floors up or down, to the nearest equipment space. ", "The massive A/C compressors were connected to the evaporator units in the computer room, where they blew cold air under the raised \"plenum\" floor. ", "You could alter the distribution of cold air by locating perforated floor tiles near your equipment, a typical sort of arrangement where equipment is reconfigured frequently.", "\n\nYou would not think that a computer that was located hundreds of feet from any building exterior, in the center of a steel structural skeleton of massive steel beams and girders, would ever experience lightning damage. ", "But ours was gutted by lightning and I was sent by my irritated boss to do a post mortem. ", "The lightning had struck the top of the tower and was conducting itself down towards the Earth, when it encountered those A/C compressors, which were interconnected to the computer room with 3\" diameter copper pipes, brazed together in one continuous piece. ", "Of course, copper has lower electrical resistence than steel, most of the current flowed down the piping and into the computer room, where it was bonded to my carefully specified 1\" by 1/8\" super-heavy duty copper straps that formed the equipment grounds. ", "Crispy critter computers was the result, and the HVAC guys got the blame, for not installing \"dielectric unions\" in the cooling loops to break the circuit.", "\n\nIn residences as well, the path taken by destructive lightning currents is most often the grounding system itself. ", "The two ground rods mentioned above is the former \"best practice\". ", "The new \"best practice\" is to drive a ground rod every 6' around the building, and interconnect them with a copperweld cable loop buried about 6\" below ground. ", "The idea being, make a low resistence path for lightning striking the ground anywhere nearby, so that it flows AROUND the residence and NOT THROUGH IT. ", "The single connection between the circuit breaker panel and the ground rod system remains at the main panel, and ALL other external connections, including water and communications, are nearby the electric service and connected at the same point to ground. ", "If you have solar panels or antennas on the roof, you ground everything to the \"main building ground\" at that same point where your electric service enters.", "\n\nAs you may have guessed, I also have that EE degree, and had practiced EE for 36 years when I retired in 2015. ", "But I am still an IEEE member and still bound by the code of ethics to give good advice. ", "The other EE mentioned above by Outcast_Searcher seemingly has similar ethics.", "\n\nMy old farmhouse has a full set of lightning rods on the roof. ", "One shaped like a rooster that spins in the wind. ", "They are all bonded to a huge aluminum grounding electrode conductor and connected to 2 dedicated ground rods located more than 30' from the electrical system ground rod. ", "Lots more effort put into that than the ground for the main panel.", "\n\nI am not a fan of lightning rods, they attract lightning as well as protecting you from it. ", "Since I have lived here we have been hit twice. ", "We get lots of afternoon thunderstorms. ", "Both times I was on-line on my computer and there was no effect on the electrical system. ", "I saw the flash and heard buzzing and snapping noises as the strike was directed to ground. ", "No previous house I have ever owned has been struck by lightning so I am sure the rods attracted it. ", "But no damage so I guess I'm ok with it. ", "Maybe in the future I will connect them to a Frankenstein monster machine\n\nI really need some of those super capacitors they keep promising.", "\n\nA Solar fuel spill is otherwise known as a sunny day!The energy density of a tank of FF's doesn't matter if it's empty.https://monitoringpublic.solaredge.com/solaredge-web/p/kiosk?guid=19844186-d749-40d6-b848-191e899b37db\n\nPretty good stuff, KJ. ", "When I built my house, I distributed ground rods around the house under the concrete footings. ", "I mostly used copper pipe we had removed from a large home during a remodeling job, and I also salvaged long pieces of #6 copper grounding wire. ", "My brother said I was crazy when I soldered it all together in a big loop. ", "I also added several regular ground rods to the mix, all of this before I poured the footings. ", "Even the rebar in the footers and the rebar in the concrete foundation walls is bonded to my grounding array. ", "A single grounding rod sticks out of the slab just below the power panel where all of my electrical and water systems ground to.", "We've taken some massive hits at or near the house with no damage to the electrical or solar systems. ", "The only damage I've had came in over the telephone land line which didn't get past the Cuttler-Hammer lightning arrestor I installed. ", "It blew that sucker off the wall, but didn't affect any of the house's phone system or network.", "Each of my solar arrays is grounded through lightning arrestors both at the array and inside at the charge controllers. ", "In my case, a pound of prevention has been worth a ton of cure. ", "No damage in over 18 years.", "Another thing that may be helping is the well-grounded metal barn on the hill above the house. ", "I've actually watched it get struck hard, before I dove for cover.", "Think Faraday Cage when building, especially if you live where there is frequent lightning. ", "I'm wondering if all of this will help if/when a big EMP hits.", "\n\nBlessed are the Meek, for they shall inherit nothing but their Souls. - ", "Anonymous Ghung Person" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Background {#Sec1}\n==========\n\nThere has been increasing evidence that obesity is not a simple consequence of unbalanced dietary habits or sedentary behaviors, but a systemic and complex disease resulting from body homeostasis and metabolism dysregulation \\[[@CR1], [@CR2]\\]. ", "In this sense, genetic approaches have demonstrated that obesity could be an inherited disease stemming from genetic background and heritable epigenetic factors \\[[@CR3]\\].", "\n\nIn the context of epigenetics research, DNA methylation has been the most extensively studied phenomenon related to obese and metabolic phenotypes \\[[@CR4]\\]. ", "DNA methylation consists in addition of methyl (−CH3) groups at CpG dinucleotides, which influences gene transcription \\[[@CR5]\\]. ", "Regarding predisposition to metabolic disorders, obesity has been associated with regulation of the methylation of numerous candidate genes \\[[@CR6]\\]. ", "Animal studies have shown that high-fat diet modifies the epigenetics and transcriptional activity of lipid homeostasis-related genes, which contributes to obesity development \\[[@CR7]\\]. ", "On the other hand, obesity-induced inflammation and oxidative stress due to fat accumulation exposes the genome of many tissues to several systemic factors, which can determine the DNA methylation profile \\[[@CR8]\\]. ", "Indeed, this abnormal global epigenetic state drives obesogenic expression patterns \\[[@CR9]\\]. ", "Therefore, alterations in the epigenome may cause molecular changes in pathways that are associated with obesity and may improve metabolic health after therapeutic intervention \\[[@CR10]\\].", "\n\nConcerning obesity treatments, bariatric surgery is the most effective intervention for severe obese. ", "Roux-en Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is one of the most often performed techniques and corresponds to 43% of all bariatric surgery procedures \\[[@CR11], [@CR12]\\]. ", "Although many mechanisms may contribute to weight loss and metabolic improvement after RYGB (e.g., decreased food ingestion, changes in gut hormones and peptide secretion, and nutrient disabsortion) \\[[@CR13], [@CR14]\\], recent studies have demonstrated that epigenetic signature plays a role in metabolic homeostasis after surgery \\[[@CR15], [@CR16]\\]. ", "Altered methylation of specific DNA sites has been verified after weight loss \\[[@CR16], [@CR17]\\] and bariatric surgery \\[[@CR18]\\].", "\n\nKnowing whether epigenetic alterations stem from weight and fat loss or the surgical procedure per se is important. ", "Some methylation changes may result from obesity phenotype marks \\[[@CR4]\\]; however, the DNA methylation profile can be a biological effect of calorie restriction \\[[@CR19]\\]. ", "Even after significant weight is lost and comorbidities are improved, patients submitted to RYGB remain with an obese profile at the early postoperative period \\[[@CR20]\\]. ", "Bariatric surgery can change the molecular pathways involved in inflammatory and immunological response, cell differentiation, and oxidative stress regulation \\[[@CR21]\\], so we suggest that the surgical procedure itself may epigenetically modify obesity-independent genes.", "\n\nIn this study, we conduct a genome-wide epigenetic analysis in peripheral blood to investigate the role that RYGB plays in DNA methylation pattern changes. ", "Also, we evaluate whether and to what magnitude DNA methylation profile changes are associated with the molecular pathogenic mechanism of weight loss and/or with the response pathways related to the surgical procedure.", "\n\nMethods {#Sec2}\n=======\n\nSubjects and phenotypic characteristics {#Sec3}\n---------------------------------------\n\nThis is a prospective study involving adult female subjects from a mixed ethnicity population assisted at a public health service in Brazil. ", "The subjects were divided into two groups: 1. ", "RYGB Group: 24 severely obese women (Body mass index (BMI) \\> 35 kg/m^2^, 36.9 ± 10.2 years) submitted to bariatric surgery (RYGB technique), and 2. ", "Control Group or controls: 24 normal-weight women (BMI ranging from 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2, 36.9 ± 11.8 years). ", "Men were excluded to avoid the possible biases due to the hormonal influences. ", "Subjects belonging to the RYGB Group were selected from the Bariatric Surgery Outpatient Clinic of a university hospital and had no history of diabetes mellitus. ", "Controls had not had any body weight changes in the previous three months. ", "Patients submitted to the modified standard surgical technique (RYGB), who missed the service follow up, who were pregnant or lactating, and who had a history of alcohol or drug abuse were excluded. ", "Participants were informed about the study protocol, and only those who agreed with its implementation were included.", "\n\nThe RYGB Group was evaluated before (baseline) and six months after bariatric surgery, the Control Group was evaluated only once. ", "Anthropometric measurements (weight, height, BMI, and waist circumference (WC)), body composition analysis (fat mass and fat-free mass), and biochemical evaluation (glucose, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides) were accomplished as described previously \\[[@CR22]\\].", "\n\nDNA methylation analysis {#Sec4}\n------------------------\n\nBlood for DNA methylation analysis was collected after fasting, according to standard procedures. ", "DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes with the GE Health Care kit (Illustra blood genomic Prep Mini Spin kit), according to the supplier's instructions. ", "DNA fragmentation or RNA contamination was analyzed by 1% agarose gel electrophoresis. ", "DNA (500 ng) bisulfite was converted by using the EZ DNA methylation kit Methylation-Gold (Zymo Research, CA, USA), according to the manufacturer's instructions, which converted cytosine to uracil.", "\n\nMethylation was analyzed with the Infinium Human Methylation 450 BeadChip array). ", "High-quality treated DNA was hybridized to the Infinium Human Methylation 450 BeadChips (Illumina) following the Illumina Infinium HD methylation protocol. ", "Beadchips were scanned with the Illumina HiScanSQ system, and image intensities were extracted with the Genome Studio (2011.1) Methylation Module (v1.8.5). ", "Blood samples from each subject were hybridized to the same physical chip to minimize biases.", "\n\nDNA quality checks, bisulfite modification, hybridization, data normalization, and statistical filter were performed as described elsewhere \\[[@CR23], [@CR24]\\]. ", "The methylation level was expressed as a beta (β) value that was calculated as the intensity of the methylated channel divided by the total intensity (β = Max (SignalB, 0) / (Max (SignalA, 0) + Max (SignalB, 0) + 100)). ", "β values range from 0 (unmethylated) to 1 (fully methylated) and can be broadly interpreted as the percentage of CpG methylation. ", "For genomic regions, methylation was calculated as the mean β for all the probes located within the region annotated by Illumina: TSS200 (TSS - transcription start site), TSS1500, 5′UTR (UTR - untranslated region), 1st Exon, gene body, 3′UTR, and intergenic. ", "In addition, the probes that were considered single nucleotide polymorphisms were filtered out. ", "The final amount of valid CpGs in this study was 476,895.", "\n\nDifferential methylation analyses aimed to evaluate methylation differences between the study groups. ", "To this end, the mean beta variation (Δβ) was calculated for a given CpG site by subtracting the mean beta value from the pool of pre-surgery samples (pre-surgery period) as compared to the pool of samples collected after RYGB (six months after surgery) or from the pool of pre-surgery samples as compared to the pool of samples from the Control Group.", "\n\nStatistical analysis {#Sec5}\n--------------------\n\nThe phenotypic characteristics of the subjects included in the study were expressed as mean values and standard deviation. ", "Data normality was verified by the Shapiro-Wilk test. ", "Paired t test was carried out to compare pre- and post-operative values, and independent t test was used to compare the RYGB Group and the Control Group. ", "Linear regression models were employed to test how the CpG methylation level affected the anthropometric and biochemical characteristics, adjusted for age. ", "Also, Bonferroni's correction for multiple comparisons was applied. ", "All the analyses were conducted with the Statistical Package software for Social Sciences (SPSS version 20.0, Inc. Chicago, IL), significance was set at *p* \\< 0.05.", "\n\nTo identify consistent patterns of differentially methylated CpGs, parametric t test was accomplished. ", "Sample size led us to apply t test instead of other methods that can adjust for confounding factors. ", "Values of *p* were adjusted for multiple comparisons by using the false discovery rate procedure described by Benjamini and Hochberg. ", "In this analysis, a false discovery rate below 5% (q value) was considered statistically significant. ", "However, given the sample size, raw *p* values of 0.01 were selected as a less stringent cutoff for differential methylation than q values. ", "Indeed, a threshold for the significant CpG sites based on Δβ with a minimum value of 5% (value greater than 0.05 or less than − 0.05) was applied. ", "Results were quite robust even though only individuals were evaluated in each group. ", "These statistical analyses were performed with R software (version 3.2.0).", "\n\nBy crossing and comparing the differentially methylated CpG sites (DMCpGs) identified in two different periods (before and after RYGB**)** and in two study groups (pre-surgery patients versus controls and post-surgery patients versus controls), a Venn diagram was created (<http://bioinfogp.cnb.csic.es/tools/venny/>). ", "Hierarchical cluster analysis of the significant CpGs was carried out with Heatmap function and Genome Studio (2011.1).", "\n\nTo gain even better understanding of the biological relevance of the significant associations between DNA methylation and the studied phenotypes, a hypergeometric test was conducted for the biological processes defined by gene ontology (GO) \\[[@CR25]\\]. ", "This evaluation identified the significant over-representation of GO terms in our lists of selected genes with respect to the other for the entire genome. ", "The IDs were loaded and analyzed against the human reference genome by means of a false discovery rate threshold of *p* \\< 0.05.", "\n\nResults {#Sec6}\n=======\n\nPhenotypic characteristics {#Sec7}\n--------------------------\n\nThe severely obese patients had higher weight, BMI, WC, percentage of fat mass (%FM), triglycerides, and total cholesterol as well as lower plasma HDL cholesterol than the controls. ", "RYGB significantly reduced weight, BMI, WC, percentage of fat- free mass, %FM, and serum glucose and lipid levels, but it did not change HDL cholesterol. ", "However, the post-surgery patients still presented anthropometric measurements that are characteristic of obesity, but their lipid profiles (except HDL cholesterol) resembled the lipid profiles of the controls (Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}).", "\n\nMethylation data {#Sec70}\n----------------\n\nAll results are summarized in Additional file [3](#MOESM3){ref-type=\"media\"}. ", "After normalization, we found 476,895 final valid CpG sites and pre, posoperative and normal weight results are present at below topics. ", "Raw data is in Additional file [4](#MOESM4){ref-type=\"media\"}.", "\n\nIdentification of different methylated CpGs between groups and surgery times {#Sec8}\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nComparison between the methylation profiles of the pre-surgery patients and the controls revealed 1074 DMCpG sites that were related to 769 unique genes. ", "Significant differences between the groups ranged from 0.05 to 0.27 (from 5 to 27%). ", "Even though there was no statistical difference between the average DNA methylation levels of the 1074 DMCpG sites (0.42 ± 0.26 versus 0.41 ± 0.28, *p* = 0.168), the majority of the CpG sites (66.2%) showed higher methylation in the pre-surgery patients, especially in the TSS200 region and gene island (Additional file [2](#MOESM2){ref-type=\"media\"}).", "\n\nAdditionally, RYGB elicited changes in 666 CpG sites located in 495 unique genes. ", "Significant differences between the pre- and post-surgery periods ranged from 0.05 to 0.10 (from 5 to 10%), and the average DNA methylation levels of all the DMCpG sites increased after surgery (from 0.44 ± 0.13 to 0.49 ± 0.12, *p* \\< 0.001). ", "These results showed higher methylation of these CpG sites after RYGB.", "\n\nComparison between the post-surgery patients and the controls detected 3223 DMCpG sites (2065 unique genes). ", "Significant differences between the groups ranged from 0.05 to 0.31 (from 5 to 31%). ", "Indeed, the average DNA methylation levels of the 3223 DMCpG sites were greater in post-surgery patients (0.49 ± 0.18 versus 0.45 ± 0.19, *p* \\< 0.001).", "\n\nIdentification of target genes specifically associated with body weight changes {#Sec9}\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nComparison between DMCpG sites in the pre-surgery patients versus the controls and in the pre-surgery period versus the post-surgery period by means of a Venn diagram showed that nine CpGs located in nine different genes were common in both analyses (Fig.", " [1a](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "These CpGs exhibited lower methylation levels in the pre-surgery e patients as compared to the controls, after RYGB, the methylation levels increased and neared the levels verified in the controls (Fig. [", "1b](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"} lists the nine CpGs associated with body weight changes as revealed by this study. ", "The largest difference was observed for cg04789056, located in the chromosome 14 open reading frame 93 (*C14orf93*) gene (− 13% in the pre-surgery patients as compared to the controls). ", "This was also the CpG that changed the most after RYGB (+ 13% in the post-surgery period as compared to the preoperative period). ", "Figure [1c](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"} indicates the gene functions, which include DNA and RNA binding, protein complex binding, and receptor ligand activity.", "Fig. ", "1Clustering analysis of the differentially methylated CpG sites. **", "a**: Venn diagram of the DMCpG sites detected in the pre-surgery patients versus the controls and in the pre-surgery period versus the post-surgery period. ", "Nine common sites indicated genes related to body weight changes. **", "b**: Supervised clustering of the nine CpGs that were differentially methylated in the pre-surgery patients as compered to the controls and which had their methylation profiles altered after the surgical procedure. **", "c**: Gene function of eight genes represented by the nine differentially methylated CpG sites Table 1CpG sites which were differently methylated between obese patients before the Roux-en Y gastric bypass and normal weight women and changed with surgical procedureTargetIDCHRGene nameGene regionGene contextMethylation level normal weightMethylation level pre-surgeryMethylation level post-surgeryΔ\\**p*\\*Δ\\*\\**p*\\*\\*cg0478905614*C14orf93*;*C14orf93*;*C14orf93*3'UTR;3'UTR;3'UTRS_Shelf0.90 ± 0.020.76 ± 0.030.89 ± 0.03−0.130.00130.130.0032cg012196707*ZP3*;*ZP3*Body;Body0.79 ± 0.020.69 ± 0.070.76 ± 0.05−0.100.00030.070.0009cg055901565*TRIO*Body0.81 ± 0.020.71 ± 0.070.77 ± 0.06−0.100.00030.060.0020cg027475637N_Shelf0.94 ± 0.020.87 ± 0.080.92 ± 0.08−0.070.00930.050.0011cg030306502*SPEG*BodyS_Shelf0.95 ± 0.010.90 ± 0.020.95 ± 0.01−0.050.00190.050.0046cg049347761*C1orf189*;*C1orf43*;*C1orf43;C1orf43*TSS1500;3'UTR;3'UTR;3'UTR0.88 ± 0.010.82 ± 0.020.88 ± 0.02−0.050.00360.050.0004cg0344154415*CYFIP1*;*CYFIP1*Body;Body0.93 ± 0.010.87 ± 0.020.93 ± 0.01−0.050.00290.050.0014cg0221269814*FOXN3*;*FOXN3*3'UTR;3'UTRN_Shore0.96 ± 0.010.91 ± 0.010.97 ± 0.01−0.050.00130.050.0002cg0548687218*MYOM1*;*MYOM1*3'UTR;3'UTRN_Shore0.33 ± 0.070.40 ± 0.080.47 ± showed in mean ± standard deviation; CHR: chromosome; Δ\\*: variation between pre-surgery patients and normal weight women; Δ\\*\\*: variation between pre-surgery and post-surgery patients; *p*\\*: comparing pre-surgery patients and normal weight women; *p*\\*\\*: comparing pre-surgery and post-surgery patients; UTR: untranslated region; TSS: transcription start site; *C14orf93*: chromosome 14 open reading frame 93; *ZP3*: zona pellucida glycoprotein 3; *TRIO*: trio Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor; *SPEG*: SPEG Complex Locus; *C1orf189*: chromosome 1 open reading frame 189; *C1orf43*: chromosome 1 open reading frame 43; *CYFIP1*: cytoplasmic FMR1 interacting protein 1; *FOXN3*: forkhead box N3; *MYOM1*: myomesin 1\n\nIdentification of genes specific for obesity status {#Sec10}\n---------------------------------------------------\n\nThe Venn diagram depicting the DMCpG sites found in the pre-surgery patients versus the controls and in the post-surgery period versus the pre-surgery period showed that the severely obese patients and the controls always had 544 different sites, located in 386 unique genes (Fig.", " [2a](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "These CpG sites were different in the controls and were not influenced by the surgical procedure (Fig. [", "2b](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"} summarizes the top 20 CpG sites, which were always differentially methylated in the severely obese patients as compared to the controls. ", "Among the encoded genes, NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit S6 (*NDUFS6*) and mitochondrial ribosomal protein L36 (*MRPL36*) were the genes that were the most represented with two DMCpG sites located in the island.", "Fig. ", "2Clustering analysis of the differentially methylated CpG sites. **", "a**: Venn diagram of the DMCpG sites in the pre-surgery patients as compared to the controls and in the post-surgery patients as compared to the controls. ", "A total of 544 common sites were associated with obesity status, and 2678 DMCpG sites were related to an effect of bariatric surgery per se. **", "b**: Supervised clustering of the 544 CpGs that were differentially methylated in the pre-surgery patients as compared to the controls. **", "c**: Summary of the gene ontology (GO) analysis of the biological process categories for the 386 genes represented by the 544 differentially methylated CpG sites. **", "d**: Supervised clustering of the 2678 CpGs that were differentially methylated in the post-surgery patients as compared to the controls. **", "e**: Summary of the gene ontology (GO) analysis of the biological process categories for the 1638 genes represented by the 2678 differentially methylated CpG sites Table 2Top 20 CpG sites which were differently methylated between obese patients and normal weight women and did not change after bariatric surgeryTargetIDGene nameCHRGene regionGene contextMethylation level normal weightMethylation level Pre-surgeryMethylation level Post-surgeryΔ\\**p*\\*Δ\\*\\**p*\\*\\**Hypomethylated CpG sites in obese women* cg01428687*C3orf10*3TSS1500N_Shore0.59 ± 0.040.31 ± 0.230.32 ± 0.24−0.27\\<0.0001−0.270.0003 cg05926253*NDUFS6*;*MRPL36*5TSS200;TSS1500Island0.58 ± 0.030.32 ± 0.270.31 ± 0.27−0.260.0013−0.270.0003 cg07402800*FBXL6*;*GPR172A*;*FBXL6*81stExon;TSS1500;1stExonIsland0.75 ± 0.020.54 ± 0.200.55 ± 0.22−0.200.0005−0.200.0045 cg04118610*LPHN3*4Body0.59 ± 0.200.39 ± 0.270.38 ± 0.26−0.200.0058−0.210.0031 cg06002203*TNXB*;*TNXA*6Body;Body0.82 ± 0.030.66 ± 0.270.67 ± 0.26−0.160.0005−0.150.0014 cg04427462*PRKD2*;*PRKD2*;*PRKD2*;*PRKD2*19TSS1500;Body;Body;Bod.", "N_Shore0.49 ± 0.020.34 ± 0.150.35 ± 0.16−0.150.0006−0.150.0026 cg02688348*SSRP1*11TS200Island0.41 ± 0.020.26 ± 0.150.26 ± 0.15−0.150.0006−0.150.0002 cg02037503*ACIN1*;*ACIN1*;*ACIN1*;*ACIN1*;*ACIN1*;*ACIN1*141stExon;1stExon;Body;Body;Body;5'UTR0.52 ± 0.010.37 ± 0.150.36 ± 0.15− 0.140.0009−0.150.0002 cg00973947*C3orf58*;*C3orf58*;*C3orf58*35'UTR;Body;1stExonIsland0.40 ± 0.030.25 ± 0.140.25 ± 0.14−0.140.0003−0.150.0004 cg04707013100.74 ± 0.050.60 ± 0.220.56 ± 0.26−0.140.0007−0.180.0012*Hypermethylated CpG sites in obese women* cg00087746120.49 ± 0.250.69 ± 0.140.69 ± cg03071500110.54 ± 0.150.69 ± 0.170.75 ± cg038711405N_Shore0.19 ± 0.180.31 ± 0.220.30 ± cg00159523*TCF7L2*;*TCF7L2*;*TCF7L2*;*TCF7L2*;*TCF7L2*;*TCF7L2*10Body;Body;Body;Body;Body;BodyS_Shore0.45 ± 0.110.57 ± 0.130.60 ± cg05226335*CTTN*;*CTTN*11Body;BodyN_Shelf0.52 ± 0.120.63 ± 0.090.66 ± cg0516493710S_Shore0.36 ± 0.080.47 ± 0.080.45 ± 0.090.11\\<0.00010.090.0006 cg01579765*HSF2BP*21BodyN_Shore0.19 ± 0.030.30 ± 0.090.30 ± cg08206623*CDKN1C*;*CDKN1C*;*CDKN1C*11TSS1500;TSS1500;TSS1500Island0.35 ± 0.030.45 ± 0.090.43 ± cg0435227217Island0.18 ± 0.070.28 ± 0.090.26 ± cg01357671*ITGAE*;*GSG2*17Body;TSS1500N_Shore0.15 ± 0.020.25 ± 0.100.23 ± showed in mean ± standard deviation; CHR: chromosome; Δ\\*: variation between pre-surgery patients and normal weight women; Δ\\*\\*: variation between post-surgery patients and normal weight women; *p*\\*: comparing pre-surgery patients and normal weight women; *p*\\*\\*: comparing post-surgery patients and normal weight women; UTR: untranslated region; TSS: transcription start site; *NDUFS6*: NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit S6; *MRPL36*: mitochondrial ribosomal protein L36; *FBXL6*: F-box and leucine rich repeat protein 6; *GPR172A*: solute carrier family 52 member 2; *LPHN3:* adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L3; *TNXB*: tenascin XB; *TNXA*: tenascin XA; *PRKD2:* protein kinase D2; *SSRP1*: structure specific recognition protein 1; *ACIN1:* apoptotic chromatin condensation inducer 1; *C3orf58:* chromosome 3 open reading frame 58; *TCF7L2:* transcription factor 7 like 2; *CTTN:* cortactin; *HSF2BP:* heat shock transcription factor 2 binding protein; *CDKN1C:* cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1C; *ITGAE:* integrin subunit alpha E\n\nGO analysis helped to investigate the potential biological relevance of the genes with different DNA methylation status in the severely obese patients and the controls (Fig. [", "2c](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Regarding biological processes, most of the differentially methylated genes were associated with transcription regulation, signal transduction, apoptosis, transport, and cell adhesion. ", "Interestingly, pathway analysis identified that most of the genes were related to the Wnt and p53 signaling pathways (Fig. [", "2c](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nIdentification of genes related to the effect of bariatric surgery per se {#Sec11}\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAccording to evidence gathered herein, 2678 CpG sites were not statistically different in the severely obese patients and the controls, however, these genes became differentially methylated after RYGB. ", "These DMCpG sites were located in 1638 genes, most of the sites (2219 CpGs) showed high methylation after RYGB (Fig. [", "2d](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Table [3](#Tab3){ref-type=\"table\"} depicts the top 20 CpG sites that were differently methylated in the post-surgery patients as compared to the controls. ", "The most significant difference was observed for cg07875360 in the *NDUFS6* and *MRPL36* genes (+ 35% in the controls as compared to the post-surgery patients).Table 3Top 20 CpG sites that became differently methylated from control group after Roux-en Y gastric bypassTargetIDGene nameCHRGene regionGene contextMethylation level normal weightMethylation level Post-surgeryΔ*pHypomethylated CpG sites in obese women after RYGB* cg07875360*NDUFS6*;*MRPL36*5TSS200;TSS1500Island0.72 ± 0.030.40 ± 0.32−0.310.0011 cg0175913660.68 ± 0.040.40 ± 0.30−0.280.0034 cg00554442*LMF1*16TSS200Island0.26 ± 0.010.01 ± 0.01−0.250.0046 cg05444312*HIST1H2BM*;*HIST1H2AJ*6TSS200;TSS200S_Shore0.40 ± 0.040.21 ± 0.19−0.190.0009 cg07962043*TMEM132A*;*TMEM132A*11TSS1500;TSS1500N_Shore0.38 ± 0.020.25 ± 0.11−0.13\\<0.0001 cg04450994*SLC22A23*;*SLC22A23*6Body;Body0.56 ± 0.060.45 ± 0.08−0.110.0003 cg01035945*ZNF323*;*ZNF323*;*ZKSCAN3*65'UTR;5'UTR;TSS15000.25 ± 0.030.14 ± 0.12−0.110.0054 cg07929642*ANKRD11*165'UTR0.75 ± 0.050.64 ± 0.08−0.110.0006 cg06115576*DIP2C*10Body0.86 ± 0.020.75 ± 0.18−0.11\\<0.0001 cg00510787*C6orf211*;*RMND1*6TSS1500;5'UTRN_Shore0.29 ± 0.030.18 ± 0.13−0.110.0097*Hypermethylated CpG sites in obese women after RYGB* cg07275179*ATXN7*;*ATXN7*3Body;Body0.41 ± 0.090.53 ± cg07212327*FAM49B*85'UTRN_Shelf0.50 ± 0.090.62 ± 0.100.12\\<0.0001 cg07401324*PTPRJ*;*PTPRJ*11Body;Body0.35 ± 0.070.48 ± cg02353916*LOC285550*43'UTR0.44 ± 0.100.57 ± 0.100.13\\<0.0001 cg00123214*RWDD3*;*RWDD3*1Body;BodyS_Shelf0.52 ± 0.230.65 ± cg02387226*UNG*;*UNG*12TSS1500;TSS1500N_Shore0.52 ± 0.020.65 ± cg03494429120.64 ± 0.070.79 ± cg04412904160.22 ± 0.190.37 ± cg070930603N_Shelf0.66 ± 0.290.84 ± cg07572984140.60 ± 0.300.80 ± showed in mean ± standard deviation; CHR: chromosome; Δ: variation between post-surgery patients and normal weight women; *p*: comparing post-surgery patients and normal weight women UTR: untranslated region; TSS: transcription start site; *NDUFS6:* NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit S6; *MRPL36*: mitochondrial ribosomal protein L36; *LMF1*: lipase maturation factor 1; *HIST1H2BM*: histone cluster 1 H2B family member m; *HIST1H2AJ*: histone cluster 1 H2A family member j; *TMEM132A*: transmembrane protein 132A; *SLC22A23*: solute carrier family 22 member 23; *ZNF323*: zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 31; *AN*3: tripartite motif containing 44; *ANKRD11*: ankyrin repeat domain 11; *DIP2C*: disco interacting protein 2 homolog C; *C6orf211*: acidic residue methyltransferase 1; *RMND1*: required for meiotic nuclear division 1 homolog; *ATXN7*: ataxin 7; *FAM49B*: family with sequence similarity 49 member B; *PTPRJ*: protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type J; *RWDD3*: RWD domain containing 3; *UNG*: uracil DNA glycosylase\n\nGO analysis helped to evaluate the biological processes and pathways of the genes with DMCpG sites in the post-surgery patients and the controls. ", "Among the biological processes, transcription regulation, signal transduction, cell adhesion, blood coagulation, apoptotic process, ion transport, and protein phosphorylation exhibited the majority of genes. ", "Indeed, pathway analysis identified that the genes were related to cadherin signaling, angiogenesis, apoptosis, inflammation, and interleukin pathways (Fig. [", "2e](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nEpigenetic signatures and phenotypic characteristics {#Sec12}\n----------------------------------------------------\n\nAmong the nine genes related to body weight changes and the top 20 CpG sites associated with obesity status, the methylation levels of the myomesin 1 (*MYOM1*), transmembrane protein 48 (*TMEM48*), and heat shock transcription factor 2 binding protein (*HSF2BP*) genes were associated with the anthropometric and biochemical features (Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Pre-surgery patients with higher cg05486872 methylation (located in the *MYON1* gene) had greater BMI. ", "Moreover, cg00959749 located in the *TMEM48* gene was always differentially methylated in the severely obese patients as compared to the controls, which indicated that this methylation was positively correlated (baseline level) with the percentage of weight loss and BMI change. ", "This CpG site presented low methylation levels in the severely obese patients. ", "The patients with greater methylation levels at this site lost more weight. ", "Another CpG was also associated with changes in lipid profile after the surgical procedure: cg01579765 in the *HSF2BP* gene was positively correlated with reduced cholesterol and LDL concentrations. ", "The effect of methylation levels on these phenotypic characteristics remained apparent after regression adjusted by age.", "Fig. ", "3Linear regression models adjusted by age showing the positive effect of baseline DNA methylation on the phenotypic characteristics. **", "a** Effect of the MYOM1 gene on BMI. **", "b** Effect of the TMEM48 gene on the percentage of weight loss. **", "c** Effect of the TMEM48 gene on the percentage of BMI change. **", "d** Effect of the HSF2BPgene on cholesterol decrease. **", "e** Effect of the HSF2BP gene on LDL-cholesterol decrease. ", "BMI: body mass index. ", "LDL: low-density lipoprotein\n\nDiscussion {#Sec13}\n==========\n\nGenome-wide DNA methylation analysis identified CpG sites that are specific for obesity per se after bariatric surgery, the identified sites remained different in the operated patients as compared to the controls. ", "This analysis also identified CpG sites that are modified by bariatric surgery-induced weight loss as well as CpG sites that have their methylation levels specifically modified by RYGB irrespective of their association with the obesity status.", "\n\nThe obesity pathophysiology is strongly associated with adipose tissue dysregulation and epigenetic changes are more tissue specific. ", "This fact represents a huge challenge to evaluate epigenetic mechanisms in longitudinal studies because adipose tissue is an inaccessible tissue without surgery. ", "Instead of adipose tissue biopsies, peripheral blood cells are frequently used for epigenetic analysis. ", "In this regard, very recently it was demonstrated that epigenetic biomarkers in blood can mirror epigenetic signatures in biologically relevant target tissues such as adipose tissue \\[[@CR26]--[@CR28]\\]. ", "These previous results suggest that the assessment of DNA methylation in whole blood can identify robust and biologically relevant epigenetic variation. ", "Strikingly, we were able to identify epigenetic markers associated with adipose tissue and inflammation (obesity pathogenesis) in blood leukocytes. ", "The identified epigenetic signature could be relevant to the personalized management of obesity, mainly after bariatric surgery, aiming for better result of weight loss.", "\n\nThe scientific literature contains extensive description of the advantages of bariatric surgery over acute significant weight loss in terms of the improvement in comorbidities \\[[@CR29], [@CR30]\\]. ", "Nevertheless, little is known about the epigenetic mechanisms associated with the metabolic and clinical benefits provided by bariatric surgery. ", "The present study showed that RYGB promoted changes in 666 CpG sites. ", "Previous evidence suggests that changes in whole blood DNA methylation may be related to body weight and fasting plasma glucose reduction \\[[@CR31]\\]. ", "Other studies have described epigenetic changes in the adipose tissue \\[[@CR32], [@CR33]\\] and skeletal muscle \\[[@CR34]\\] after RYGB.", "\n\nIn this context, we were able to identify 544 DMCpG sites related to obesity status in leukocytes. ", "Interestingly, these sites remained differentially methylated in obese and normal-weight women irrespective of the bariatric surgery effect on weight loss. ", "The main routes associated with these sites were the Wnt and p53 signaling pathways, which are associated with adipocyte differentiation \\[[@CR35], [@CR36]\\] and lipid/insulin resistance metabolism \\[[@CR37], [@CR38]\\], respectively. ", "We hypothesized that the weight loss reached by the operated patients six months after surgery was not able to modify this epigenetic profile because the patients remained obese at this time. ", "Based on our analysis, only nine CpG sites were specifically related to body weight changes, which highlighted genes involved in obesity, adipogenesis, and hepatic glucose utilization. ", "These data suggested that the genes associated with these CpG sites should be investigated as new and specific targets of obesity and weight loss in future studies.", "\n\nOn the other hand, bariatric surgery promoted epigenetic regulation of several genes, which seemed to be an effect of the surgery per se because their differential methylation was not associated with the obesity status. ", "These CpG sites encoded mainly genes related to angiogenesis, inflammation, and endothelin-signaling pathways. ", "This could be explained by the fact that the surgery itself was an invasive procedure that promoted cell damage and inflammation, with consequent tissue regeneration. ", "Moreover, our previous findings had shown distinct changes in the methylation profile of inflammatory genes after different obesity treatments, with reduction in the *IL-6* methylation level six months after RYGB \\[[@CR18]\\].", "\n\nLittle is discussed about the effects that the different surgical techniques may have on the DNA methylation profile. ", "Knowing that biochemical (bile acids, cholesterol, glycemia) and metabolic (ie improvement of insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, inflammation, oxidative stress) changes due to bariatric surgery may alter the DNA methylation profile of several genes \\[[@CR39]\\] and that the different surgical techniques (restrictive, disabsorptive or mixed) cause diverse nutritional and metabolic changes \\[[@CR40]\\] it is of great value the comparison of the bariatric techniques. ", "In this context, authors found no difference in the methylation of the interspersed nucleotide element 1 (*LINE-1*) in patients underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass or laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy \\[[@CR41]\\].", "\n\nNowadays researches are made in the identification of specific biomarkers predicting the response to RYGB procedure \\[[@CR42]\\]. ", "As an example, a previous study by our research group identified difference between the baseline *SERPINE-1* methylation of the individual who lost more or less weight after bariatric surgery \\[[@CR43]\\]. ", "On the other hand, other authors recently found no association between the methylation level of food intake-related genes and the response to surgery \\[[@CR42]\\]. ", "In line of this, linear regression analysis between the baseline methylation levels and the phenotypic markers were performed and showed association of the *MYOM1*, *TMEM48*, and *HSF2BP* methylation levels with the anthropometric and metabolic parameters. ", "Despite the scarce literature data on this topic, different *MYOM1* gene expression has been detected in human skeletal muscle cells of obese and lean subjects \\[[@CR44]\\]. ", "Furthermore, a study evaluating the adipose tissue of obese patients submitted to a six-month caloric restriction intervention showed different *TMEM48* expression between high and low responders to dieting \\[[@CR19]\\].", "\n\nStudies on epigenetic patterns have become highly important due to their plasticity in the face of external factors and to the individual's own response. ", "Better understanding of the pathways altered by bariatric surgery will aid the development of new biomarkers and therapies for obesity treatment \\[[@CR39], [@CR45]\\].", "\n\nThe strength of this study lies on its longitudinal design, which allowed us to evaluate whether changes in the methylation profiles were due to surgical intervention and/or body weight loss. ", "Although the observed differences were statistically significant, the magnitude of DNA methylation differences between the pre- and the post-surgery periods may be considered small. ", "A possible explanation for this small magnitude would be the reduced period of postoperative evaluation.", "\n\nConclusion {#Sec14}\n==========\n\nRYGB promoted epigenetic changes in specific pathways, mainly the pathways related to inflammation, angiogenesis, and endothelin-signaling. ", "Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis revealed that gene clusters remained unchanged even after bariatric surgery, suggesting that, despite the strong magnitude of the weight loss achieved by the patients 6 months after bariatric surgery, reaching a normal body weight may be necessary to revert the methylation profile associated with obesity.", "\n\nAdditional files\n================\n\n {#Sec15}\n\nAdditional file 1:Table. ", "Anthropometry, body composition and biochemical data of women who underwent Roux in Y gastric bypass and normal weight controls. (", "DOCX 19 kb) Additional file 2:Figure. ", "Gene regions of differential methylated CpG sites. (", "DOCX 199 kb) Additional file 3:Figure. ", "Diagram of differential methylated CpG sites founded in present study. (", "TIF 58 kb) Additional file 4:Raw data. ", "Datasets generated and/or analyzed during the current study. (", "XLSB 395235 kb)\n\nBMI\n\n: Body Mass Index\n\nDMCpGs\n\n: Differentially methylated CpG sites\n\nGO\n\n: Gene ontology\n\nRYGB\n\n: Roux-en Y gastric bypass\n\nTSS\n\n: Transcription start site\n\nUTR\n\n: Untranslated region\n\nWC\n\n: Waist circumference\n\nAuthors thank Andrea Gonzalez-Izquierdo, María Amil and Maribel Rendo from the department of Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology of IDIS for their support of research data management.", "\n\nFunding {#FPar1}\n=======\n\nThis study's data collection, DNA and statistical analysis was supported by São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (grants \\#2017/07220--7, \\#2016/05638--1 and \\#2015/18669--0). ", "Also, statistical and bioinformatics analysis was supported by \"Centro de Investigacion Biomedica En Red\" (CIBERobn) and grants (PI17/01287) from the \"Instituto de Salud Carlos III\" (ISCIII), Spain, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), MINECO grants MTM2014--52876-R and MTM2017--82724-R, and by the Xunta de Galicia (Grupos de Referencia Competitiva ED431C-2016-015 and Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia ED431G/01), all of them through the ERDF.", " A Diaz-Lagares is funded by a research contract \"Juan Rodés\" (JR17/00016) and Ana B Crujeiras is funded by a research contract \"Miguel Servet\" (CP17/00088) from the ISCIII, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER).", "\n\nAvailability of data and materials {#FPar2}\n==================================\n\nAll data generated or analysed during this study are included in this published article \\[and its supplementary information files\\].", "\n\nCFN, FFC, ABC and CBN received funding, conceived and jointly supervised the project. ", "MASP, BAPO and CNF coordinated the sample collection and clinical annotation. ", "CFN and MASP performed the DNA methylation analysis. ", "AJ conduced bioinformatic analysis. ", "CFN, CBN, FFC, ABC and APB wrote the manuscript. ", "CNF, ADL and ABC were involved in figure generation for the manuscript. ", "CFN, ADL and ABC performed the interpretation of the genome data. ", "All authors read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nThe study was conducted with the approval of the Hospital Ethics Committee and in agreement with the Declaration of Helsinki. ", "Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study.", "\n\nNot applicable.", "\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n\nSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.", "\n" ]
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[ "Online sessions, including web conferencing, video conferencing, and integrated web and video conferencing, are services that allow geographically distributed teams to share and annotate content real-time across remote locations. ", "The services allow real-time point-to-point communications as well as multicast communications from one sender to many receivers. ", "The services may also provide text-based messages, as well as voice and video chat to be shared simultaneously across geographically dispersed locations. ", "Applications for web conferencing include meetings, training events, lectures, or short presentations from any computer.", "\nOnline session may also include online collaborative sessions, often between parties seeking to protect their intellectual property rights in any content shared during a session. ", "In order to ensure protection of intellectual property, parties may enter into agreements, binding the participants to keep information exchanged during the collaborations confidential." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Hammertoe surgery and the Trim-it Drill pin.", "\nDigital deformities are some of the most frequent complaints of patients seeking a surgical solution after the failure of conservative care. ", "A thorough assessment of the actual level of deformity is important to ensure a lasting surgical correction. ", "This article details the options for correcting hammertoe, clawtoe and mallet toe deformities with Trim it Drill pin and the Spin pin. ", "Level 5." ]
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[ 0.0005165289256198347, 0, 0, 0.00005486968449931413, 0 ]
[ "Marciana of Mauretania\n\nMarciana (died 303) is venerated as a martyr and saint. ", " Her legend states that she was a virgin from Mauretania Caesariensis (now Algeria). ", "During the persecutions of Christians by Roman Emperor Diocletian, she was accused of having smashed a statue of Diana. ", "Marciana was thrown to the wild beasts in the amphitheatre of Caesarea. ", " She was gored to death by a bull and mauled by a leopard.", "\n\nVeneration\nThe Mozarabic office had a special hymn in her honor.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nSaints of January 9: Marciana\nCatholic Online\nSt. Marciana – January 7\n\nCategory:3rd-century births\nCategory:303 deaths\nCategory:3rd-century Romans\nCategory:4th-century Romans\nCategory:3rd-century Roman women\nCategory:4th-century Roman women\nCategory:4th-century Christian martyrs\nCategory:Artemis\nCategory:Deaths due to bull attacks\nCategory:Deaths due to leopard attacks\nCategory:Executed Roman women\nCategory:Female criminals\nCategory:Late Ancient Christian female saints\nCategory:Marcii\nCategory:People executed by the Roman Empire\nCategory:Saints from Mauretania Caesariensis\nCategory:Year of birth unknown" ]
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[ "Loss of native rocky reef biodiversity in Australian metropolitan embayments.", "\nUrbanisation of the coastal zone represents a key threat to marine biodiversity, including rocky reef communities which often possess disproportionate ecological, recreational and commercial importance. ", "The nature and magnitude of local urban impacts on reef biodiversity near three Australian capital cities were quantified using visual census methods. ", "The most impacted reefs in urbanised embayments were consistently characterised by smaller, faster growing species, reduced fish biomass and richness, and reduced mobile invertebrate abundance and richness. ", "Reef faunal distribution varied significantly with heavy metals, local population density, and proximity to city ports, while native fish and invertebrate communities were most depauperate in locations where invasive species were abundant. ", "Our study adds impetus for improved urban planning and pollution management practises, while also highlighting the potential for skilled volunteers to improve the tracking of changes in marine biodiversity values and the effectiveness of management intervention." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Update Required\nTo play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your\nFlash plugin.", "\n\nReunion Events for the Classes of\n\n1955, 1965, 1975, 1985, 1995, 2005, and 2006-2014\n\nCurrie Lecturer\n\nDr. Beverly Roberts Gaventa\n\nDistinguished Professor of New Testament, Baylor University\n\nBeverly Gaventais Distinguished Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Baylor University, as well as Helen H.P. Manson Professor of New Testament Literature and Exegesis Emerita at Princeton Theological Seminary. ", "In addition to numerous articles, reviews, and lectionary resources, Gaventa has written Our Mother Saint Paul (Westminster John Knox, 2007), The Acts of the Apostles (Abingdon, 2003), I and II Thessalonians (Westminster John Knox, 1998), and Mary: Glimpses of the Mother of Jesus (University of South Carolina, 1995; Fortress, 1999). ", "She has also edited many volumes, the most recent of which are Apocalyptic Paul (Baylor University Press, 2013), The New Interpreter’s Bible One Volume Commentary (with David Peterson; Abingdon, 2010) and, with Professor Cynthia Rigby, Blessed One: Protestant Perspectives on Mary (WJK, 2002). ", "Her current project is a commentary for the New Testament Library on Paul’s letter to the Romans.", "\n\nCurrie Lectures\n\nWhen in Romans . . .", "\n\nContemporary interpreters of Romans offer up a host of sound bites about justification, empire, covenant faithfulness, and justice. ", "But Paul's most powerful letter defeats our sound bites and invites us to hear the gospel's vastness and consider its implications for ministry in the 21st century.", "\n\nLecture 1: When In Romans ... Watch the Horizon\n\nLecture 2: When In Romans ... Consider Abraham\n\nLecture 3 When In Romans ... Sing Glory to God\n\nWestervelt Lecturer\n\nThe Reverend Dr. Jack Haberer\n\nPastorof Vanderbilt Presbyterian Church, Naples, Florida\n\nJack Haberer was recently called to serve as Pastor of Vanderbilt Presbyterian Church in Naples, Florida. ", "For the previous nine years he served as editor of The Presbyterian Outlook, after having served two other pastorates of 10 and 12 years. ", "He is author of GodViews: The Convictions That Drive Us and Divide Us, and of Living the Presence of the Spirit. ", "He earned a DMin at Columbia Theological Seminary and MDiv at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.", "\n\nWestervelt Lectures\n\nModi Apostolandi: How Jesus’ First Followers Discerned God’s Will\n\nChristians look to the Bible to help discern God’s will for their decision-making, but that search has often yielded more confusion than clarity. ", "In this study, which introduces a forthcoming Westminster John Knox book (due out in the spring of 2016), Jack Haberer suggests that the confusion comes from Jesus and apostles themselves, who interpreted biblical moral teachings not as absolutes but as aspirations and benchmarks that create space for approximations and adaptations. ", "In reality, he claims, all believers approximate and adapt intuitively; they just don’t acknowledge that they do. ", "This study will provide language by which we all can better preach what we practice.", "\n\nLecture 1: Modi Apostolandi: An Overview of New Testament Decision-Making\n\nLecture 2: Eros and Thanatos: Modi Apostolandi in Sex and Death\n\nJones Lecturer\n\nDr. Kimberly Bracken Long\n\nKimberly Long is interested in the formation of ministers for liturgical leadership in the church, with a particular emphasis on the sacramental and eschatological dimensions of worship. ", "In addition to working in the area of liturgical language, she is currently researching the theology and history of marriage.", "\n\nJones Lectures\n\nFrom This Day Forward: Christians, Marriage, and the 21st Century Church\n\nLecture 1: What's Love Got to Do With It? ", "The Surprising Story of Marriage\n\nFor centuries people married for land, labor, and in-laws‹but not for love. ", "A look at the evolution of marriage through the centuries sheds light on the state of marriage in our time and raises new questions about its future.", "\n\nIn many ways, the church continues to echo antiquated ideas about marriage that have little to do with the way Christians live in the world today. ", "How can the contemporary church construct a biblical understanding of marriage that speaks to the realities of 21st century life?", "\n\nPreacher\n\nThe Reverend Paul Roberts\n\nDean and President, Johnson C. Smith Seminary, Atlanta, Georgia\n\nPaul T. Roberts Sr. ", "is the President/Dean of Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary (JCSTS) in Atlanta, Georgia, a position he has held since the spring of 2010. ", "Roberts graduated from Princeton University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Architecture and African-American Studies. ", "After working for eight years in advertising in New York City, he went to Atlanta and earned his Master of Divinity degree with a concentration in New Testament Studies at Johnson C. Smith Seminary. ", "Paul Roberts is an Academic Fellow of the Ecumenical Institute of Bossey in Switzerland. ", "From 1997 until 2010 Roberts was the pastor of Church of the Master (PCUSA), a church founded in 1965 as an intentionally interracial congregation. ", "He is a contributing writer to Pastoral Care: A Case Study Approach by Orbis Books in 1998, and to Feasting on the Gospels by Westminster/John Knox Press released in December 2013.", "\n\nMonday, February 2 Sermon\n\n\"Twice Baked\"Malachi 3:1-4, Hebrews 2:14-18\n\nTuesday, Feb 3 Sermon\n\n“But, How?” ", "Jeremiah 31:7-14, Ephesians 1:3-14\n\nMinistry & Practice Luncheon Speaker\n\nDr. Karl A. Slaikeu\n\nPsychologist, mediator, and author\n\nKarl A. Slaikeu, Ph.D., an internationally recognized psychologist, mediator, and author, is a graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (BA), Princeton Theological Seminary (MDiv), and the State University of New York at Buffalo (MA, PhD). ", "He is the author of When Push Comes to Shove: A Practical Guide to Mediating Disputes (Jossey-Bass), five other books, and he has extensive experience in mediating family, organizational, and faith-based disputes." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a semiconductor testing jig and a semiconductor testing method performed by using the same.", "\n2. ", "Background Art\nAccording to technique generally employed for measurement of the electrical characteristics of a semiconductor wafer or a semiconductor chip, for example, a surface of a measurement target where the measurement target is to be placed on a chuck stage is fixed under suction to the chuck stage. ", "If the measurement target is a vertical semiconductor that flows a current in the vertical direction, namely, in the out-of-plane direction of the measurement target, how tightly the measurement target and the chuck stage contact each other affects a contact resistance, and eventually, affects the electrical characteristics of the measurement target.", "\nHowever, increasing the tightness of contact for reducing the contact resistance, namely, increasing a degree of vacuum of the vacuum suction in turns degrades electrical characteristics. ", "If a foreign matter such as dust exists on the chuck stage, the measurement target is placed on the foreign matter and the surface of the measurement target where the measurement target is placed on the chuck stage is pressed strongly against the foreign matter under vacuum suction. ", "If the foreign matter has a large size, a defect such as a crack is generated in a contact part with the measurement target and the vicinity of the contact part, so that the measurement target is damaged partially. ", "The damaged measurement target is counted as a defective. ", "Meanwhile, even if the foreign matter has a relatively small size such as tens of μm or less that is hard to recognize visually, distortion due to pressure is still generated in the measurement target in the contact part with the measurement target and the vicinity of the contact part. ", "This generates the piezoelectric effect to increase a leakage current, so that the measurement target is also counted as a defective (see Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. ", "2008-4739).", "\nFor purposes such as enhancement of electrical characteristics, reduction of the thickness of a semiconductor wafer has been in progress in recent years. ", "The semiconductor wafer is held on the chuck stage under vacuum suction through a vacuum suction groove formed in the chuck stage. ", "Increasing a degree of vacuum of the vacuum suction sucks the semiconductor wafer easily into the vacuum suction groove, especially if the semiconductor wafer is a thin wafer. ", "Hence, part of the thin wafer existing near the vacuum suction groove is deformed to generate distortion. ", "If a contact probe to make electrical contact for measuring electrical characteristics is brought into contact with the semiconductor wafer existing on the vacuum suction groove, the semiconductor wafer is also deformed due to contact pressure from the probe, thereby generating distortion.", "\nJapanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. ", "2008-4739 describes technique as a remedy for increase of a fraction defective due to a foreign matter on the chuck stage. ", "According to this technique, a stress buffering film is provided on the rear surface of a semiconductor substrate to relax stress applied by the foreign matter. ", "Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. ", "2011-49337 also describes technique of providing a conductive and elastic sheet on the rear surface of a semiconductor substrate, and removing the sheet after manufacturing steps and evaluating steps.", "\nAccording to the techniques described in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open Nos. ", "2008-4739 and 2011-49337, a film or a sheet is provided on a semiconductor substrate targeted for a test of electrical characteristics by a semiconductor testing device to relax stress on the semiconductor substrate due to a foreign matter, thereby reducing a fraction defective. ", "Providing the film or the sheet for stress relaxation also makes it possible to alleviate deformation of a semiconductor wafer due to the vacuum suction groove.", "\nHowever, providing a film or a sheet to all semiconductor substrates targeted for measurement leads to the problem of cost increase as it involves more manufacturing steps and an additional material.", "\nReducing the width of the vacuum suction groove may be a different way of suppressing distortion of a semiconductor substrate. ", "However, the minimum possible width is about some hundred micrometers in consideration of restraints on processing of the vacuum suction groove. ", "So, the width cannot be reduced sufficiently enough to suppress deformation especially of a thin semiconductor wafer. ", "Additionally, reducing the width of the vacuum suction groove is additional work on an existing check stage, so that it involves interruption of a testing step and eventually, interruption of manufacturing steps. ", "This acts disadvantageously in terms of cost." ]
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[ "# Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!", "\ncomponents=pg-replication-slot\ngroupId=org.apache.camel\nartifactId=camel-pg-replication-slot\nversion=3.6.0-SNAPSHOT\nprojectName=Camel :: PgReplicationSlot\nprojectDescription=Component for receiving from PostgreSQL Replication Slots\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs it possible to have a wordpress filter without a corresponding function definition\n\nIs it possible that this statement can exist without a corresponding function definition for woocommerce_rest_check_permissions:\napply_filters( 'woocommerce_rest_check_permissions', $permission, $context, $object_id, $post_type );\nI searched the WooCommerce codebase but couldn't find a corresponding function definition. ", "I rather found four usage references all inside an apply_filter statement.", "\n\nA:\n\nYes, this is very common in WP plugins. ", "The developers of the woocommerce plugin put these apply_filter statements in their code so that other developers(You) can modify the behavior of the plugin without having to alter the source code of the plugin itself.", "\nYou can checkout a list of all the hooks available in woocommerce here https://docs.woocommerce.com/wc-apidocs/hook-docs.html\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.000005862730038869901, 0, 0, 0, 0.00006103515625 ]
[ "Introduction {#Sec1}\n============\n\nThe regulation of gene expression in the period between gametogenesis and embryonic implantation is closely controlled; it is both biologically and medically important because it occurs in the first stages of individual development. ", "However, due to the small number of cells present, comprehensive gene expression analysis has only begun in recent years^[@CR1],[@CR2]^. Various parental and environmental factors influence the transcriptome and epigenome of the embryo; as a result, the successful development and the delivery rate of embryos may be influenced. ", "Among these factors, one of the most important challenges facing human *in vitro* fertilization (IVF) is the decline in pregnancy rate observed with advanced maternal age. ", "It is believed that the major cause of this reduced pregnancy rate is aneuploidy caused by chromosomal nondisjunction during oocyte meiosis. ", "The relationship between embryonic chromosomal aneuploidy and maternal age has been well-characterized, and significant evidence has been reported. ", "Since pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS) was first proposed in 1993^[@CR3]^, clinical PGS via trophectoderm (TE) biopsy has been widely utilized, and large-scale clinical studies have been performed to investigate TE biopsies. ", "For example, Franasiak *et al*. ", "reported human embryo aneuploidy based on TE biopsy^[@CR4]^. McCoy *et al*. ", "analysed day 3-blastomeres and TE biopsy samples using a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array to characterize the timing of aneuploidy in relation to maternal age^[@CR5]^. In another study, the aneuploidy rate was 79% in morphologically high-quality embryos from subjects with a maternal age above 41, compared to 56% in subjects with a maternal age below 35^[@CR6]^. Additionally, basic science research has uncovered mechanisms underlying the increased rate of aneuploidy in embryos with increased maternal age. ", "For example, the chromosomal cohesion of a germinal vesicle (GV) oocyte progressively weakens as maternal age increases, resulting in meiotic aneuploidy^[@CR7]--[@CR9]^. However, there is no significant correlation between maternal age and mitotic aneuploidy during post-fertilized cell division^[@CR5]^. In addition, there is no correlation between paternal age and chromosomal aneuploidy. ", "Thus, the mother's age and the chromosomal aberrations at the time of oocyte meiosis are strongly correlated and considered an important challenge. ", "However, detailed molecular mechanisms underlying why the proportion of eggs displaying chromosomal aberrations rapidly increases after age 35 are not yet clear. ", "Furthermore, the implantation rate remains between 50 and 80%, even when a euploid blastocyst is transferred^[@CR10],[@CR11]^. Thus, there must be important factors that influence embryonic implantation in addition to the presence of chromosomal aberrations, such as those associated with pre-implantation embryonic development, the endometrium and embryo-endometrium interactions.", "\n\nTherefore, it is important to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the regulation of the expression of genes involved in critical functions, such as meiosis, preimplantation development and implantation. ", "It will thus be necessary to generate a standard gene expression profile of human preimplantation embryos. ", "Several recent RNA-seq studies using samples ranging from unfertilized human eggs to preimplantation embryos have been reported^[@CR1],[@CR2]^. These are valuable as standard human gene expression profiles in the early stages of development and have provided several important findings.", "\n\nIn mice, data can be obtained under strictly controlled experimental conditions using genetically homogeneous inbred animals. ", "However, for humans, there is a heterogeneous genetic background, and there are subtle differences in the techniques utilized for oocyte collection, *in vitro* fertilization and embryo culture protocols at various assisted reproduction medical facilities.", "\n\nTo clarify the variations in the gene expression profiles of individual human embryos, we performed RNA-seq analysis of individual embryos, acquired the gene expression profiles, and analysed the correlation between parental age and gene expression.", "\n\nResults {#Sec2}\n=======\n\nThe overall gene expression profiles and parental age {#Sec3}\n-----------------------------------------------------\n\nWe first evaluated the impact of parental age on the gene expression profiles of human blastocysts. ", "Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed, and Spearman's correlation analysis between each principal component (PC) and maternal or paternal age was calculated. ", "The age of the donor couple and the number of embryos provided are summarized in Supplementary Table [1](#MOESM2){ref-type=\"media\"}.", "\n\nMaternal age was significantly correlated with the first PC (Fig.", " [1a](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}), but not with paternal age (Fig.", " [1b](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The second PC was weakly correlated with maternal age (Fig.", " [1c](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}) and strongly correlated with paternal age (Fig.", " [1d](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "However, it was difficult to conclude that paternal age directly affected the gene expression profile, because among the nine couples that were invited to participate in this study, paternal and maternal age demonstrated only a weak correlation (ρ = 0.554, *P* = 0.00749).Figure 1Parental age and gene expression profiles. ", "PCs of the human blastocyst gene expression data were plotted against the maternal or paternal age. (**", "a**) The first PC and maternal age, Spearman's ρ = 0.575, *P* = 0.00508. (**", "b**) The first PC and paternal age, Spearman's ρ = 0.172, *P* = 0.445. (**", "c**) The second PC and maternal age, Spearman's ρ = −0.495, *P* = 0.0192. (**", "d**) The second PC and paternal age, Spearman's ρ = −0.746, *P* = 0.0000681.", "\n\nAltered expression of genes in association with parental age {#Sec4}\n------------------------------------------------------------\n\nWe identified genes which had significantly altered expression between the young (\\<35 years) and elderly mother (\\>35 years) groups. ", "The young mother group included 3 couples and 11 embryos; the older mother group included 5 couples and 11 embryos. ", "818 and 576 genes were identified as decreased and increased, respectively (Supplementary Table [2](#MOESM3){ref-type=\"media\"}).", "\n\nThe gene set displaying maternal age-dependent down-regulation was then analysed via the Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID)^[@CR12]^ to identify any associations with GO terms for biological functional annotation. ", "Genes associated with the terms \"nucleosome assembly\", \"chromatin assembly\", \"protein-DNA complex assembly\", \"nucleosome organization\", \"chromosome organization\" and \"homologous chromosome segregation\" were significantly enriched in the gene set exhibiting maternal age-dependent down-regulation. ", "The Benjamini-corrected *P* value for \"chromosome organization\" was 0.00145 (Supplementary Table [3](#MOESM4){ref-type=\"media\"}).", "\n\nThe genes associated with these terms included histones, pituitary tumour-transforming genes (*PTTGs*), a meiosis-specific kinetochore protein (*MEIKIN)* and *Centromere Protein W* (*CENPW)*. ", "The proteins derived from these genes were important for chromosomal segregation during metaphase in the cell cycle. ", "In particular, *PTTG1/Securin* (Spearman's ρ = −0.811, *P* = 0.00000460) and *PTTG2* (ρ = −0.780, *P* = 0.0000188) gene expression showed the strongest negative correlations with maternal age (Fig.", " [2a and b](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In addition, these genes demonstrated weak negative correlations with paternal age. *", "Aurora kinase C* (*AUKRC*) (Fig.", " [2c](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) exhibited a weaker negative correlation with maternal age (ρ = −0.614, *P* = 0.00235) than *PTTG1*.Figure 2Genes that were down-regulated with advanced maternal age. ", "The expression levels (in rpkm) were plotted against the maternal age for *PTTG1* (**a**), *PTTG2* (**b**), *AUKRC* (**c**), *MEIKIN* (**d**), *SMC1B* (**e**) and *CENPW* (**f**). ", "The correlation coefficient ρ and *P* value between the expression and ages are also presented in each panel.", "\n\n*MEIKIN*, a meiosis-specific kinetochore protein, *SMC1B*, a subunit of the cohesin complex during meiosis, and *CENPW*, one of the inner kinetochore proteins that is required for normal chromosome organization and normal progression through mitosis, also showed negative correlations with advanced maternal age (Fig.", " [2d--f](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "As shown in Fig.", " [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, the gene expression patterns for *PTTG1*, *PTTG2* and *CENPW* exhibited similar distribution patterns in the blastocysts. ", "These results suggest the existence of a common gene expression regulatory mechanism in oocytes.", "\n\nSeveral genes that exhibited reduced expression and were associated with advanced maternal age did not demonstrate GO term enrichment. ", "Among these were genes that are important for preimplantation embryonic development and implantation. ", "For example, *LIF*, which is involved in implantation, was down-regulated and found to be associated with advanced maternal age (ρ = −0.492, *P* = 0.0201) (Fig.", " [3a](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) and weakly associated with paternal age (ρ = −0.0977, *P* = 0.665) (Fig.", " [3b](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "To validate the expression levels of several genes estimated by RNA-seq, we attempted to quantify these levels from trace samples by droplet digital PCR. *", "PTTG1*, *AURKC* and *CENPW*, which could be robustly amplified by PCR, showed high correlation coefficients, 0.918, 0.880, and 0.791, respectively, indicating that the quantitative accuracy in our analysis was sufficient (Supplementary Figure [1](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "The expression levels of these genes were all significantly correlated with maternal age. ", "Therefore, not only did they show high expression levels in the young mother group, but their expression levels also tended to decrease with maternal age.", "Figure 3*LIF* expression according to parental age. *", "LIF* expression levels were plotted against the maternal age (**a**) or paternal age (**b**).", "\n\nIn contrast, two genes that are important for autophagy, specifically *GABARAPL1* (ρ = −0.608, *P* = 0.00267) and *GABARAPL3* (ρ = −0.543, *P* = 0.00901), were negatively correlated with advanced paternal age (Fig.", " [4](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "However, the possibility of confounding due to maternal age could not be definitively excluded.", "Figure 4*GABARAPL1* and *GABARAPL2* expression according to parental age. *", "GABARAPL1* expression levels were plotted against the maternal age (**a**) or paternal age (**b**), and *GABARAPL3* expression levels were plotted against the maternal age (**c**) or paternal age (**d**).", "\n\nThe expression levels of many genes change significantly as development progresses. ", "If the development of the embryo is delayed or accelerated as the maternal age advances, changes in the expression of these genes could be explainable by a delay or acceleration of the developmental process. ", "Using previously reported RNA-seq data^[@CR2]^, we plotted the fold change in gene expression between morulae and blastocysts and the correlation coefficients of gene expression with maternal age in our study. ", "There was no correlation found between them (Supplementary Figure [2](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "Therefore, embryogenesis was not delayed or prematurely accelerated as maternal age increased.", "\n\nTranscripts from repetitive sequences in which expression was correlated with maternal age {#Sec5}\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nNext, to determine whether there were epigenetic changes in the embryonic genome due to advanced maternal age, we mapped the RNA-seq data to Repbase. ", "AluY, AluS and major satellite repeats (Fig.", " [5](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}) were found at the top of the table (Supplementary Table [4](#MOESM5){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "AluY and AluS are actively expressed and have only been recently incorporated into the human genome, evolutionarily speaking. ", "However, the Alu sequence is transcribed by RNA polymerase III and does not have a poly(A) tail. ", "In our RNA-seq analysis, reverse transcription was performed by oligo-dT. Therefore, transcripts lacking a poly(A) tail were not analysed. ", "In fact, there were several genes that were found to have AluY sequences in the 3′ non-coding sequence. ", "Therefore, it is possible that several of these genes did exhibit decreased expression with maternal age. ", "Conversely, a major satellite sequence did not exist in the gene, but was concentrated in the centromere. ", "It has been reported that the major satellite sequence is demethylated and transcribed in the germ-cell lineage^[@CR13]^. Changes in the expression level of the major satellite suggest that the epigenetic state changes with maternal age.", "Figure 5*Alu* and major satellite transcript expression according to parental age. *", "AluYa8* expression levels (**a**) and *HSATII* (**b**) were plotted against the maternal age.", "\n\nDiscussion {#Sec6}\n==========\n\nBased on the PCA results for blastocyst gene expression in this study, maternal age had a strong impact on changes in gene expression profile. ", "We identified more than 800 genes in which expression was reduced with maternal age. ", "Thus, maternal age appears to be the strongest factor affecting the regulation of gene expression in human blastocysts. ", "Among these genes, several interesting ones were particularly enriched. ", "Genes associated with GO terms such as \"cell cycle control\" and \"metaphase checkpoint regulation\" that also play an important role in chromosomal segregation were over-represented among parental age-dependent down-regulated genes. ", "PTTG1, also known as Securin, is an M-phase checkpoint protein that prevents premature sister chromatid separation and the occurrence of chromosomal abnormalities during mitosis and meiosis. ", "Both male and female *Pttg1*-null mice are known to be subfertile^[@CR14]^. Aurora kinase C (AURKC) is a kinase component of the chromosome passenger complex, which functions during meiosis to ensure correct binding between chromosomes and microtubules. ", "In murine studies investigating *Aurkc*, a high incidence of egg and chromosomal abnormalities was observed when this function was lost^[@CR15]^. MEIKIN, a kinetochore regulator that is specific to meiosis, is essential for chromosome segregation during meiosis I, and both male and female *MEIKIN*-knockout mice are infertile^[@CR16]^. SMC1B is a subunit of the cohesin complex that functions specifically in meiosis, and reduced levels of this protein may cause aneuploidy during meiosis I. Chromosomal abnormalities during meiosis are frequently observed in *Smc1b*-knockout mice of advanced age^[@CR17]^. However, according to one study, adequate expression of *Smc1b* during prophase I prior to the primordial follicle stage is essential and does not require subsequent expression of *Smc1b* at the prolonged resting phase in oogenesis for proper chromosome segregation in the mouse^[@CR18]^. CENPW is an important protein for kinetochore and microtubule binding. ", "Although reduced *Cenpw* expression causes chromosomal abnormalities during mitosis^[@CR19]^, the precise functions of the CENPW protein during meiosis are not yet well characterized.", "\n\n*PTTG1/2* demonstrated a significant negative correlation with both maternal and paternal age (Supplementary Figure [3](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "According to the RNA-seq data from Xue *et al*.^[@CR1]^, the *AURKC* and *PTTG1/2* mRNA levels declined during development from the oocyte to the blastocyst stage (Supplementary Figure [4](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "Therefore, the maternal age-dependent reductions in gene expression observed in the blastocysts had likely already occurred at the oocyte stage. ", "If gene expression levels must be maintained throughout the GV phase, reduced expression with advanced age may cause chromosomal abnormalities during the course of meiotic cell division.", "\n\nAccording to McCoy *et al*., ", "the absolute number of meiotic errors increases with increased maternal age, but the mitotic error rate does not change^[@CR5]^. The genes that were affected by maternal age in the present study potentially cause aneuploidy during meiosis in aged women. ", "To address this possibility in the future, we will perform blastocyst gene expression analysis via an analysis of chromosomal abnormalities or transcriptome analysis of unfertilized metaphase II (MII) oocytes. ", "Furthermore, it will be important to identify upstream gene expression regulators associated with changes in expression that occur with advanced maternal age.", "\n\nWe also identified certain genes that were not associated with chromosomal abnormalities, despite reductions in their expression associated with advanced parental age, that were potentially related to embryonic growth and/or implantation. *", "LIF* demonstrated a significant reverse correlation with maternal age. ", "This cytokine, which performs many biological functions, plays an important role in implantation in mammals, including humans. *", "LIF* is expressed in both the pre-implantation embryo itself and maternal endometrial cells^[@CR20]^. Additionally, implantation disorders have been observed in *Lif* knockout mice^[@CR21]^. However, although *LIF* expression in the endometrium appears to be essential for implantation in mice, its expression in the embryo itself is not necessary. ", "In humans, *LIF* expression is observed in the endometrium of fertile women during the proliferative and secretory phases of the menstrual cycle, whereas expression is low in infertile patients who have experienced repeated implantation failures^[@CR22]^. Furthermore, the levels of LIF and GP130 in the uterine luminal fluid are lower in infertile women than in fertile women^[@CR23]^. Taken together, these observations suggest that *LIF* expression in the endometrium is essential for embryonic implantation. ", "In the current study, we observed reduced *LIF* expression in human blastocysts of advanced maternal age, but this reduced expression was unlikely to be a direct cause of the low implantation rate associated with increased maternal age. ", "Indeed, among the more than 800 genes in which expression was reduced with increased maternal age, reduced expression levels of growth factors or cytokines in the pre-implantation embryo may result in the reduced embryonic implantation rate associated with advanced maternal age.", "\n\nThe autophagy-lysosomal system is thought to be essential in early-stage murine embryos^[@CR24]^. Autophagy in the murine embryo decreases with advanced maternal age, and embryos exhibiting reduced autophagy activity reach the blastocyst stage at a lower rate^[@CR25]^. Additionally, *GABARAPL1* expression is reduced in aged porcine oocytes, but this expression is rescued with treatment with rapamycin (an mTOR inhibitor), which improves embryonic development^[@CR26]^. We observed a parental age-dependent reduction in *GABARPL1* and *GABARPL3* expression. ", "In terms of *GABARPL1*/3 expression, paternal age demonstrated a more intense reverse correlation than maternal age in our study. ", "According to Xue *et al*.^[@CR1]^, *GABARPL1* and *GABARPL3* expression is detectable at the 8-cell stage. ", "Thus, the zygotic expression of *GABARPL1* and *GABARPL3* may contribute to pre-implantation growth through the autophagy system. ", "The reduction in *GABARPL1* and *GABARPL3* expression in association with parental age may contribute to the lower developmental potential of embryos.", "\n\nMapping of RNA-seq data to repetitive sequences revealed that the expression of major satellite repeats increased with maternal age. ", "We also mapped previously reported RNA-seq data of the human pre-implantation embryo^[@CR2]^ against repetitive sequences, and we found that the transcripts from major satellites were highly expressed in growing oocytes. ", "Subsequently, the expression dramatically decreased in MII oocytes; this was restored after fertilization (Supplementary Figure [5](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "Therefore, it appears probable that the major satellite transcripts we observed in the blastocyst stage were zygotic. ", "It has been reported that the major satellite is highly methylated and forms heterochromatin in somatic cells. ", "However, accumulation of hydroxymethyl cytosine in the pericentric region has been observed in germ cells, and transcripts from the major satellite are observed as demethylation progresses. ", "This is observed in primordial germ cells (PGCs) and remains until the MII oocyte stage in females, whereas in males, hydroxymethyl cytosine can't be recognized in the spermatocytes and spermatids^[@CR13]^. In addition, transcripts derived from the major satellite are also observed after fertilization. ", "We observed that the expression level of transcripts derived from the major satellite decreased with increasing maternal age in blastocysts. ", "This suggests that the levels of cytosine modification in the major satellite of oocytes may also change with maternal age and be transmitted to the next generation after fertilization. ", "It has not been determined whether cytosine modification of the centromeric major satellite repeats might affect kinetochore formation or function during meiosis. ", "This phenomenon is also interesting in relation to the observation that chromosomal nondisjunction at meiosis increases with maternal age.", "\n\nPreviously, Kirkegaard *et al*. ", "performed gene expression analysis of TE cells in implanted and non-implanted embryos, obtained via TE biopsy^[@CR27]^, and identified 36 genes exhibiting reduced expression levels in the non-implanted embryos. ", "Among these genes, six (*GUSBP2*, *LOC253573*, *TECTA*, *ATF6*, *EFNB1* and *RPS21*) were also reduced in a maternal age-dependent manner in our study. ", "The identification of these overlapping genes suggests that the parental age-dependent genes identified in our study include certain important genes that impact embryonic implantation efficiency.", "\n\nHamatani *et al*. ", "and Steuerwald *et al*. ", "analysed the relationship between maternal age and the gene expression profile of unfertilized eggs of mice and humans, respectively. ", "Certain genes involved in \"cell cycle control\" and \"checkpoint regulation\" were down-regulated with increased maternal age in murine^[@CR28]^ and human oocytes^[@CR29]^. In these papers, it has been reported that the expression of genes related to oxidative stress, such as thioredoxin family genes, in oocytes decreases with increasing maternal age. ", "There was no overlap between the age-dependent genes we identified in blastocysts and Steuerwald's data derived from older oocytes. ", "Superficially, this appears to be a discrepancy. ", "However, it is possible that older oocytes of low quality may not develop into blastocysts, and our blastocyst samples may have exhibited \"good oocyte\" bias, whereas Steuerwald's samples did not exhibit any such bias.", "\n\nTo the best of our knowledge, this is the first transcriptome analysis utilizing single-embryo RNA-seq analysis of human blastocysts derived from ICSI fertilization including samples from elderly women. ", "Based on the results of this study, parental age strongly affects the embryonic transcriptome. ", "We identified many genes in which the expression levels were reduced with increasing maternal age. ", "Among these, several were important for chromosomal segregation at meiosis, and others were critical for embryo growth and implantation. ", "In addition, many genes whose relationship with embryogenesis is unknown showed similar expression changes. ", "These included histones, transcription factors, and zinc finger proteins. ", "Identifying the master regulator of gene expression regulation induced by parental age among these genes will be an important focus of future studies. ", "Our gene expression studies improve our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the meiotic error process, embryonic implantation and epigenetic changes induced by the parental physiological condition, including age. ", "Greater understanding of parental age-dependent gene expression changes will allow us to develop new strategies to improve pregnancy rates in women.", "\n\nMethods {#Sec7}\n=======\n\nEthical approval {#Sec8}\n----------------\n\nThis study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Medical Research, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, in 2013 (IRB reference number: 2011-27-3-3); the Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, in 2012 (IRB reference number: 138); and Sanno Hospital in 2011 (IRB reference number: 12--77).", "\n\nThe embryos used in this research were surplus embryos from patients in assisted reproduction programmes at the Sugiyama Clinic, Tokyo, Japan; Denentoshi Ladies Clinic, Kanagawa, Japan; Kiba Park Clinic, Tokyo, Japan; Sanno Hospital, Tokyo, Japan; and Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan.", "\n\nNine couples were invited to participate in this study. ", "Written informed consent was provided by the participants, and 22 intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) blastocysts were analysed. ", "All methods, including sample preparation and RNA-seq analysis, were performed in accordance with the relevant guidelines and regulations of Tokyo Medical and Dental University.", "\n\nRNA isolation {#Sec9}\n-------------\n\nTotal RNA was purified with a PicoPure RNA Isolation Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific) according to the manufacturer's instructions. ", "Each single-freeze blastocyst sample was directly lysed with 10 μl of Extraction Buffer (XB) from the kit.", "\n\nSingle-embryo RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) {#Sec10}\n--------------------------------------\n\nRNA-seq analysis was performed on each individual blastocyst from a cryopreserved embryo. ", "We previously performed linear cRNA amplification using a T7 RNA polymerase to perform DNA microarray analysis of a single mouse blastocyst^[@CR30]^. We used the same experimental procedure to amplify RNA from individual blastocysts to construct individual RNA-seq libraries. ", "Half of the purified total RNA from each single blastocyst was used to construct the RNA-seq library. ", "The library was prepared for RNA-seq via complementary RNA (cRNA) amplification using a T7-RNA polymerase and an oligo-dT primer with a T7-RNA polymerase promotor sequence, followed by cDNA synthesis and library amplification. ", "cRNA was amplified with a TargetAmp 1-Round aRNA Amplification Kit 103 (Epicentre). ", "Amplified RNA was purified using an RNeasy MiniElute clean up kit (Qiagen) and used to construct a library with a TruSeq RNA Sample Preparation Kit v2 (Illumina), according to the manufacturer's instructions with slight modifications. ", "The poly(A) plus RNA fraction concentration was omitted using oligo-dT beads from the TruSeq RNA Sample Preparation Kit, and cRNA was fragmented and primed with the \"Elute, Prime, Fragment Mix\" from the kit. ", "cDNA synthesis and subsequent steps were performed according to the manufacturer's instructions.", "\n\nValidation of RNA-seq expression data by ddPCR {#Sec11}\n----------------------------------------------\n\nTotal RNA was amplified by T7 RNA polymerase and purified with a Qiagen column as in the RNA-seq library construction. ", "Then, the cRNA was reverse-transcribed by SuperScript III RTase (Invitrogen) with random hexamers as the primer. ", "The expression levels of *PTTG1*, *AURKC*, *CENPW* and *RPL4* (as a control) were measured by a droplet digital PCR system QX100 (BioRad) with the resulting cDNA. ", "The sequences of the PCR primers and Taqman probes were as follows:\n\nPTTG1-FWD;GATCCTTGACGAGGAGAGAGA\n\nPTTG1-REV;AGGAGACTGCAACAGATTGG\n\nPTTG1-PRB;\\[56-FAM\\]ATTCCCATG\\[ZEN\\]GTGGAGAGGGCATC\\[3IABkFQ\\]\n\nAURKC-FWD;GTGGATTTGTGGTGCATTGG\n\nAURKC-REV;CTTGAGGATGCGTCTGTAAGT\n\nAURKC-PRB;\\[56-FAM\\]TGCTATGAG\\[ZEN\\]CTGCTGGTGGGATAT\\[3IABkFQ\\]\n\nCENPW-FWD;CCGCAGCAAAGGTAATTCTAAAG\n\nCENPW-REV;TCTTTATGATCTGTTACCACCCAA\n\nCENPW--PRB;\\[56-FAM\\]AGAGCAGAG\\[ZEN\\]GTTAGAAGTCAAAGAACA\\[3IABkFQ\\]\n\nRPL4-FWD;AGGCTGCTGTTGGTGTTAAG\n\nRPL4-REV;CAGGCTTCTTCTCCTCTGTAGTA\n\nRPL4-PRB;\\[5HEX\\]TTTCCCACC\\[ZEN\\]AGAGGCTTCTTCTGC\\[3IABkFQ\\]\n\nSequence mapping and data analysis {#Sec12}\n----------------------------------\n\nThe RNA-seq library was sequenced to generate a 36-base single end using an Illumina GAIIx with a TruSeq SBS kit v5 for GA. ", "The resulting sequence data were mapped against the human genome (hg38) using bowtie2^[@CR31]^, followed by calculation of the \"reads per kilobase of exons per million mapped reads (rpkm)\" value for each gene using the Bioconductor package \"DEGseq\"^[@CR32]^. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed with \"Cluster 3.0\"^[@CR33]^. The identification of differentially expressed genes in the two groups was performed using the \"DESeq 2\" package^[@CR34]^ of the Bioconductor. ", "For the mapping of the sequence data against repeat sequences with bowtie2, fasta format Repbase version 21.03 sequence data was used for the genome index. ", "Sequence reads for each repetitive sequence was calculated as the parts per million (ppm) of total reads using SAMtools^[@CR35]^.\n\nStatistical analysis {#Sec13}\n--------------------\n\nAll statistical analyses were performed with R version 2.15.0 (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing). ", "A Spearman's rank order correlation test was used to determine the correlation coefficient ρ and *P* values between gene expression and parental ages. *", "P* values were adjusted for false discovery rates using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure.", "\n\nGene ontology (GO) analysis {#Sec14}\n---------------------------\n\nFunctional annotation was performed based on the Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) Bioinformatics Resource 38. ", "The GO terms shown in this study summarized all similar sub-terms into an overarching term, and Benjamani-Hochberg-adjusted *P* values are shown for each representative term.", "\n\nElectronic supplementary material\n=================================\n\n {#Sec15}\n\nSupplementary Figures Supplementary Table 1 Supplementary Table 2 Supplementary Table 3 Supplementary Table 4\n\n**Electronic supplementary material**\n\n**Supplementary information** accompanies this paper at 10.1038/s41598-018-20614-8.", "\n\n**Publisher\\'s note:** Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.", "\n\nThis work was supported by MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP24310141 and JP25112009, AMED Grant Number 17gk011 and the Joint Usage/Research Program of the Medical Research Institute, Tokyo Medical and Dental University.", "\n\nK.Y. and T.Ko. ", "performed most of the experiments and computational analyses. ", "T.H., T.I., R.S., T.Ka., ", "A.Y., O.T. and T.Ku. ", "provided embryo samples and analysed the data accompanying the samples. ", "T.Ko. ", "and F.I. designed the experiments and wrote the manuscript. ", "All authors provided comments regarding the manuscript.", "\n\nCompeting Interests {#FPar1}\n===================\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nClip an image using several patches in matplotlib\n\nI have a plot in pylab which I want to clip to the borders of a map of the UK. ", "\nI've also made a series of patches which contain the outlines of each country: one for England, one for Wales etc.", "\nClipping the plot one patch works brilliantly:\nfig = plt.figure()\nax = fig.add_subplot(111)\nim = ax.scatter(x,y,c = z)\nax.add_patch(patch)\nim.set_clip_path(patch)\n\nBut if I try and do it for more than one, it leaves me with nothing - understandably, since no part of the plot is within each country simultaneously. ", "\nDoes anyone know how I can clip using an 'OR' type statement? (", "ie. ", "don't clip if within this patch or this one etc). ", "\n\nA:\n\nI think you can do this by making multiple scatter plots, clipping each one with a unique patch (eg one has England, one has Ireland, etc). ", "Though this might not be what you asked for, ie \"Does anyone know how I can clip using an 'OR' type statement?\", ", "it should have the same effect:\nimport numpy as np\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\nimport matplotlib.patches as patches\n\nnp.random.seed(101)\nx = np.random.random(100)\ny = np.random.random(100)\n\nfig = plt.figure()\nax = fig.add_subplot(111)\nimForEngland = ax.scatter(x,y)\nfig.savefig('beforeclip.png')\nimForWales = ax.scatter(x,y)\nengland = patches.", "Circle((.75,.75),radius=.25,fc='none')\nwales = patches.", "Circle((.25,.25),radius=.25,fc='none')\nax.add_patch(england)\nax.add_patch(wales)\nimForEngland.set_clip_path(england)\nimForWales.set_clip_path(wales)\n\nfig.savefig('afterclip.png')\n\nBefore the patches:\n\nAfter the patches:\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.000008305027032862991, 0, 0 ]
[ "Chile and Her History of Western Interference\n\nby Peter Koenig for the Saker Blog\n\nChile is experiencing the largest and most serious political crisis and public unrest throughout Santiago and the country’s major cities, since the return to ‘democracy’ in 1990. ", "A weeklong of fire, teargas and police brutality, left at least 20 people dead, thousands arrested and injured. ", "More than 1.2 million people protested on Friday 25 October in the Streets of Chile’s capital, Santiago, not just against the 4% hike in metro-fares. ", "That was the drop that brought the glass to overflow. ", "Years, decades of neoliberal policies, brought hardship and poverty – and inequality to Chileans. ", "Chile is the country with the world’s third largest inequality in wealth, with a Gini coefficient of close to 0.50 (zero = everybody has the same, 1.0 = one person possesses everything).", "\n\nImportant for Chileans to understand is not to believe President Sebastian Piñera’s smooth talk and compromising words. ", "Whatever he says and apparently does in term of backtracking from his neoliberal policies is sheer deviation propaganda. ", "Many of these policies he already initiated during his first term (2010 – 2014). ", "They were kept alive by Madame Michelle Bachelet (2014 – 2018) under pressure from the Chilean financial system which remains closely linked (and funded) by Wall Street – and, of course, by her IMF advisers. ", "Continuing Piñera’s job, she helped further dollarizing Chile to the tune of 70%, meaning that Chilean’s banks finance themselves on the US dollar markets, mostly in New York and London, rather than on the local peso market.", "\n\nA healthy economy finances itself largely from nationally earned and accumulated capital. ", "But more often than not, national oligarchs who possess this capital earned locally invest it outside their countries, as they trust more in foreign markets than in their own country. ", "This is classic in many developing countries and particularly in Latin America, where the elite still – or again, after a brief democratic center-left respite in the 1990s and early 2000 – looks for success and capital gains to the northern masters in Washington.", "\n\nMadame Bachelet was effectively bought by the system – a former socialist, having seen her father suffer under the Pinochet regime – she has become a sad turncoat. ", "She demonstrated her ‘conversion’ by her recent report on Venezuela’s Human Rights – which was a travesty of the truth – a sham, full of lies and omissions. ", "Another one who sold out – and became chief of a UN Office – the High Commissioner of the UN Human Rights Commission. ", "How did that happen? – ", "Who pulls the strings behind the scenes for such appointments?", "\n\nSince 2018, it’s again President Piñera, who is hellbent to complete his neoliberal project. ", "Sebastian Piñera is one of the richest people in Latin America with a net worth of close to 3 billion dollars. ", "How could he even remotely imagine what it is, having to take the subway every day to go to work, depending on pensions which are gradually reduced under his austerity programs, having to pay school tuition for a public service which is free in most countries and being subject to privatized health services – let alone, steadily depressed salaries and rising unemployment. ", "Mr. Piñera has no clue.", "\n\nOnly 24 hours before the mass-protests started about a week ago throughout Chile, Piñera prided himself in public of leading the politically and economically most stable and secure country, the world’s largest copper producer, where foreign investors were keen to place their money, a “paradise island”, he called Chile, adding the country was a model for all of Latin America.", "\n\nDid he really not sense what was happening? ", "How his austerity measures – plus privatizing everything – was hurting and infuriating his compatriots to the point of no return? ", "Or did he simply ignore it, thinking it may go away, people will continue swallowing economic tightening as they have done before? – ", "Whatever – it is amazing!", "\n\nAs Piñera’s popularity has slumped to an all-time low of 14%, and protests erupted every day to a higher level, he started using people-friendly language and tone, promising increasing minimum wages, pensions and unemployment benefits. ", "In a move to court the working class, on Monday 28 October he reshuffled his cabinet, replacing 8 of his Ministers with more “people-friendly” officials – but from all appearance it’s too little too late.", "\n\nHe addressed the people in a televised speech from the Presidential Palace, La Moneda, saying, “Chile has changed, and the government must change with it to confront these new challenges”. ", "Nobody seemed to take these empty words seriously, as the masses assembled in front of La Moneda asking for Piñera’s resignation. ", "The UN is sending a team to investigate Human Rights abuses by police and military. ", "While Argentinians waited for regular general elections (27 October 2019) to oust their western-imposed neoliberal lynchpin president Macri, it is not likely that Chileans will have the patience to wait until 2022.", "\n\nEver increasing inequality and skyrocketing cost of living reached a point of anger that can hardly be appeased with Piñera’s apparent promises for change. ", "For at least 80% of the people these conciliatory words are not enough – they don’t believe in a system led by a neoliberal multi-billionaire who has no idea on how common people have to make a living. ", "They don’t believe in change from this government. ", "It is highly possible, they won’t let go until Piñera is gone. ", "They see what was happening in neighboring Argentina and don’t want to face the same fate.", "\n\n——\n\nLet’s just look at a bit of history. ", "Going way back to the War of the Pacific, also known as the Saltpeter War confronting Chile with the Bolivian-Peruvian alliance, Chile counted with strong support from the UK – supplying war ships, weaponry and military advice. ", "The war lasted from 1879 to 1884 and centered on Chilean claims of Bolivian’s coastal territories, part of the Atacama Desert, rich in saltpeter, coveted by the Brits. ", "Thanks to the British military and logistics support, Chile won the war and Bolivia lost her access to the Pacific, making her a landlocked country. ", "The Government of Evo Morales today is still fighting for Pacific Sea access in The Hague. ", "Peru lost also part of her resources-rich coast line, Arica and Tarapacá.", "\n\nFast forward to 11 September 1973 – The Chilean 9/11 – instigated by the West, again. ", "To be precise by Washington. ", "In the driver’s seat of this fatal coup that changed Chile as of this day – and counting – if Piñera is not stopped – was Henry Kissinger. ", "At the time leading up to the CIA instigated coup, and during the coup, Kissinger was US National Security Advisor (the role John Bolton occupied under Trump, until recently). ", "Kissinger was sworn in a Secretary of State 11 days after the coup – 22 September 1973; a decent reward for whom is today the biggest war criminal still alive.", "\n\nThe murderous coup, followed by almost 20 years of brutal military rule by Augusto Pinochet (1973 to 1990), with torture, killings, human rights abuses left and right – was accompanied by an atrocious economic regime imposed by Washington hired, so-called “Chicago Boys” – ruining the country, privatizing social services, national infrastructures and natural resources – except for Chile’s and the world’s largest copper mine, CODELCO which was not privatized during the Pinochet years. ", "The military would not allow it – for reasons of “national security”.", "\n\nThe large majority of the population was put under constant surveillance and threat of punishment / abuse if they would protest and not “behave” as Pinochet ordered. ", "Pinochet, along with the western directed financial sector turned Chile into a largely impoverished, complacent population.", "\n\nThe British empire, at the time from London, later from Washington acting as the American empire, was always influential in Chile, expanding its influence and exploitation mechanism to Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela. ", "But then, in the late 1990s and early 2000, Latin America stood up, democratically electing her own leaders, most of them left / center-left, a thorn in the eye of Washington.", "\n\nHow could American’s “Backyard” become independent? – ", "Impossible. ", "Hence the renewal of the Monroe Doctrine – which emanated from President James Monroe (1817 -1825), forbidding Europeans to interfere in any American territory. ", "The Monroe principle has now been expanded to not allowing any foreign nation to even do business with Latin America, let alone forming political alliances.", "\n\nWhile within a few years in the early 2000s, most of Latin America has been converted into puppets of the United States, Venezuela and Cuba stand tall. ", "They are the corner stones, not to fall. ", "They will be the pillars from where a new sovereign Latin America will rise. ", "The Monroe Doctrine will not hold for a falling US empire – while peace seeking Russia and China are closely associating, commercially as well as militarily, with South America – in rebuilding and defending of their sovereignty.", "\n\nIn addition, people living under neoliberal regimes, under western financial and IMF-imposed killer austerity programs, are waking up, demonstrating and protesting in Ecuador and Argentina – where they just in democratic elections disposed of the US-imposed neoliberal despot, President Mauricio Macri. ", "Now, Chile’s population is angry. ", "Their patience is collapsing, their fear is gone. ", "They want justice. ", "They want to choose freely their leader – and it is not Sebastian Piñera.", "\n\nChileans’ fury is not just directed at Piñera’s latest distasteful economic and financial austerity measures. ", "They – the Chileans, still suffer from measures dating back to the Pinochet area – the area of the western Chicago Boys, measures that have never been changed not even under the so-called socialist Madame Bachelet.", "\n\nThe Pinochet Constitution of 1980, under pressure from Chicago-educated advisors, the IMF and the dollar-based banking system, imposed a culture of economic neoliberalism and ideological conservatism. ", "These key parameters, remnants from that epoch, are still valid as of this day:\n\nEducation – Chile has the most privatized and segregated education system of the 65 countries that use the OECD student evaluation standard, PISA (Program for International Student Assessment). ", "In Chile higher education (university level) is not a right. ", "In 1981 Pinochet has privatized most of the higher education institutions – giving access mainly to students from privileged families.", "\n\nHealth – in 1979 Pinochet created the Preventive Health Institutions, administered by private financial institutions, providing services that most Chileans cannot afford, i.e. the Fondo Nacional de Salud (FONASE), replacing the former publicly financed health system.", "\n\nPublic Transportation – Chile has one of the most expensive public transport systems in all of Latin America. ", "It’s run by private for-profit concessionaries. ", "In Chile a metro ride costs the equivalent of US$ 1.13, in Brazil US$ 0.99, in Colombia US$ 0.67, in Argentina US$ 0.43. ", "Mr. Piñera’s recent 4% tariff increase was just the trigger for a much larger discontent.", "\n\nAbortion – since 1939 voluntary and secure abortion was possible in Chile. ", "In 1989 Pinochet made abortion under whatever circumstances a criminal delict.", "\n\nPensions – In 1980 Pinochet abandoned the old public system based on solidarity among pensioned adults and handed the accumulated funds to newly created and privately run AFPs (Administrations of Pension Funds), groups of private administrators of funds accumulated entirely by workers (no contributions by employers).", "\n\n“Carabineros” – Chilean Police Officers – under Pinochet, Carabineros have been given powers with military characteristics. ", "They have constantly and with impunity violated human rights. ", "For years civil society groups have requested successive governments – and ultimately again the Piñera Government to change their regime to police officers, respecting human dignity and human rights. ", "So far to no avail, as demonstrated by police interference in the most recent protests.", "\n\nThese Pinochet leftovers will no longer be accepted and tolerated by Chileans. ", "Chile’s population, and in particular, the more than 1.2 million protesting in Santiago last Friday, are requesting nothing less than Piñera’s resignation and a people’s elected Constitutional Assembly to build a new country with less, much less inequality, more social justice – and, especially – without any remaining “Pinochetismo” – which today is still very present under Sebastian Piñera, who sent the military to control the mass demonstrations in Santiago and other large cities. ", "Chileans are clearly saying, these days are over – we want our country back – we reclaim our national political and economic sovereignty – no more western interference.", "\n\nPeter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. ", "He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. ", "He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organization around the world in the fields of environment and water. ", "He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. ", "He writes regularly for Global Research; ICH; RT; Sputnik; PressTV; The 21st Century; Greanville Post; Defend Democracy Press, TeleSUR; The Saker Blog, the New Eastern Outlook (NEO); and other internet sites. ", "He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. ", "He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – ", "Essays from the Resistance.", "\n\nPeter Koenig is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization." ]
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[ "About Us\n\nInfinite Smile Sangha is a non-profit organization (501[c]3) that endeavors to integrate a relevant spirituality with 21st century living. ", "Our mission is to expose our selves, and others, to spiritual teachings that integrate stillness, wisdom, and compassion into our day-to-day lives. ", "As we walk this path, we intend to embody the transformation that we wish to see in the world through the Zen-inspired, meditative practices that are led and taught by Michael McAlister.", "\n\nIn 2002, we started as a group of people taking Michael’s class on meditation. ", "We initially met at the Community Center in Lafayette, California, but in a short time we noticed that we had evolved into something more than just a collection of meditators. ", "We had become a community of people that were sharing a Path toward an ever deepening stillness, balance, and awareness of ourselves and others. ", "And this community continues to grow at an amazing speed.", "\n\nCurrently Infinite Smile Sangha is enjoying sharing Michael’s teaching with fellow practitioners all over the globe, as the podcasts of his talks are now reaching over 100 different countries.", "\n\nWe deeply appreciate the contributions from everyone who has been touched by this teaching. ", "From Podcast listeners around the world, to the people who regularly attend sittings, to the people who simply like what it is that we are doing in relation to Awakening ourselves and each other to Spirit, we humbly offer our thanks.", "\n\nAll tax deductible donations can be made securely through our site. ", "You may use your credit or debit card in order to make a one time donation or contributions at an interval of your choosing. ", "Whatever your inclination, every bit helps us to spread the Dharma. ", "Thanks in advance for your generosity.", "\n\nMichael McAlister\n\nBeginning in 1987, Michael began his practice and study with the Zen community at Green Gulch Farm in Sausalito, California. ", "Over the years his journey led him to study abroad with teachers in both Thailand and Nepal, where, in addition to broadening his exposure to Buddhist teachings, he also experienced different ways of walking the Path to Spirit. ", "While his most significant training was with San Francisco Zen Center, his approach evolved into a decidedly secular orientation. ", "Spend a little time with Michael’s podcasts and videos and you see that he continually works to integrate several of the Nondual teachings from the contemplative traditions of Vedanta Hinduism, Christianity, Kabbalah, and Sufiism.", "\n\nHis journey onto the path began after college, when he become frustrated with what he regarded as the basic superficiality of his life and began looking for spiritual meaning that had depth and integrity. ", "He was anxious to contextualize the deep spiritual longing that was arising in him, and despite his reservations, he looked into several religious practices, hoping to find deeper balance and peace in a tradition. ", "Over time, however, he became increasingly discouraged with the hypocrisy and the exclusivity of traditional versions of faith.", "\n\nShortly hereafter a friend introduced him to Zen meditation and things began to shift. “", "I initially viewed Zen like every other tradition: trapped by its own sense of self-worth, he said. ", "But the more I sat still and simply watched my experience, just as the priests trained me to do, the more that things began to make sense in a way that went past any intellectual understanding or physical sensation. ", "Plus my ego liked the fact that wearing a priest’s robe didn’t mean that you were any closer to God than the next person,” Michael explains. “", "Women were also seen as equals,” he added, “and the teaching, rather than the teacher, fueled the journey for each of us on the Path to Awakening. ", "And enlightenment, or Christ consciousness, or God sense, or Atman, or whatever you want to call it, is right here in this very moment, waiting to be uncovered with each and every other person.”", "\n\nMcAlister’s active participation in the Zen community lasted for many years. ", "Also, his studies with other Buddhist traditions and teachers in different countries rounded out an approach to contemplative practice that incorporated Mahayana, Vajrayana, and Theravadan schools of Buddhism. ", "After his travels, he had a series of profound realizations that nearly made him decide to ordain as a Buddhist priest. ", "Yet “all things change,” as Michael consistently reminds us. ", "Instead of ordaining, Michael went back into the world teaching psychology to high school students. ", "Shortly thereafter he was asked to begin teaching a class on meditation at the Lafayette Community Center. ", "Within months, the class evolved into the Infinite Smile Sangha and a community had begun to take root. ", "Currently, technology allows Infinite Smile to extend its offering to a global audience. ", "Michael has also just completed his dissertation for his doctoral studies in international education. ", "In this study, he examines the integration of mindfulness practices in US high schools." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nusing context and a hook within\n\nI'm trying to learn how to use context and hooks properly. ", "I had it working when everything was within on class, the minute I split it up into other classes the context couldn't be found. ", "Here is what I attempted\"\nI've wrapped my app in the provider. ", "\nimport React, {useContext} from 'react';\nimport Header from 'components/Header';\n\nclass App extends React.", "Component { \n constructor () {\n super();\n this.state = {\n firstName: \"Bob\",\n lastName: \"Joe\",\n }\n }\n const {firstName,lastName} = this.state;\n return (\n <UserContext.", "Provider value = {{firstName,lastName}}>\n <Header/>\n </UserContext.", "Provider>\n )\n}\n\nThen within Header, I created a Navbar function to try and use it.", "\nconst UserContext = React.createContext();\n\nclass Header extends React.", "Component { \n render() {\n return ( \n <div className=\"header\">\n <NavBar/>\n </div>\n );\n }\n}\n\nfunction NavBar () {\n const {firstName,lastName} = useContext(UserContext);\n\n }\n return (\n <nav className=\"navbar\">\n <span> Hello, {firstName} {lastName} </span>\n </nav>\n )\n}\n\nI'm not sure what is wrong. ", "\nWhen I used it all under the same page it was good.", "\nI get the error that \"firstname\" is undefined. ", "Do I have to pass it through as a state first?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou need to either export the UserContext from your App.js file after creating it there or create a new file say, UserContext.js, which export the context.", "\nFrom there, you need to import UserContext from the file where NavBar is declared.", "\nAnd also it seems like you are missing render() within App component.", "\ne.g.)\nUserContext.js\nimport {createContext} from 'react';\n\nconst UserContext = createContext();\n\nexport default UserContext;\n\nApp.js\nimport React from 'react';\nimport Header from 'components/Header';\n\nimport UserContext from './UserContext';\n\nclass App extends React.", "Component { \n constructor () {\n super();\n this.state = {\n firstName: \"Bob\",\n lastName: \"Joe\",\n }\n }\n\n render() {\n const {firstName,lastName} = this.state;\n return (\n <UserContext.", "Provider value = {{firstName,lastName}}>\n <Header/>\n </UserContext.", "Provider>\n )\n }\n}\n\ncomponents/Header.js\n// other react imports omitted...\nimport UserContext from '../UserContext';\n\nclass Header extends React.", "Component { \n render() {\n return ( \n <div className=\"header\">\n <NavBar/>\n </div>\n );\n }\n}\n\nfunction NavBar () {\n const {firstName,lastName} = useContext(UserContext);\n\n }\n return (\n <nav className=\"navbar\">\n <span> Hello, {firstName} {lastName} </span>\n </nav>\n )\n}\n\nAnd as a side note, pass the whole this.state object as value of the context instead of destructuring like {firstName, lastName} because it'd cause your child components re-render everytime as you are passing a new object reference.", "\nSo the recommended way is something like,\nclass App extends React.", "Component { \n // ... other codes omitted for brevity\n\n render() {\n return (\n <UserContext.", "Provider value = {this.state}>\n <Header/>\n </UserContext.", "Provider>\n )\n }\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "Analysis of the wheat endosperm transcriptome.", "\nAmong the cereals, wheat is the most widely grown geographically and is part of the staple diet in much of the world. ", "Understanding how the cereal endosperm develops and functions will help generate better tools to manipulate grain qualities important to end-users. ", "We used a genomics approach to identify and characterize genes that are expressed in the wheat endosperm. ", "We analyzed the 17,949 publicly available wheat endosperm EST sequences to identify genes involved in the biological processes that occur within this tissue. ", "Clustering and assembly of the ESTs resulted in the identification of 6,187 tentative unique genes, 2,358 of which formed contigs and 3,829 remained as singletons. ", "A BLAST similarity search against the NCBI non-redundant sequence database revealed abundant messages for storage proteins, putative defense proteins, and proteins involved in starch and sucrose metabolism. ", "The level of abundance of the putatively identified genes reflects the physiology of the developing endosperm. ", "Half of the identified genes have unknown functions. ", "Approximately 61% of the endosperm ESTs has been tentatively mapped in the hexaploid wheat genome. ", "Using microarrays for global RNA profiling, we identified endosperm genes that are specifically up regulated in the developing grain." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0000400576830636116, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0001020304050607081, 0.00005653230821414438 ]
[ "The Unknown Singer\n\nThe Unknown Singer (French: Le chanteur inconnu) is a 1947 French drama film directed by André Cayatte and starring Tino Rossi, Lilia Vetti and Maria Mauban. ", "It is a remake of the 1931 film of the same title.", "\n\nThe film's sets were designed by the art directors Léon Barsacq and Robert-Jules Garnier.", "\n\nCast\n Tino Rossi as Julien Mortal / Paolo \n Lilia Vetti as Louise \n Maria Mauban as Renée \n Charles Dechamps as Max Daroult, le directeur de la radio \n Raymond Bussières as Fernand, Juliens Manager \n Lucien Nat as Carray Mas \n Madeleine Suffel as La bonne \n Jacqueline Dumonceau as La journaliste \n Erico Braga as L'aubergiste \n Lucien Callamand as Le régisseur \n Marcel Carpentier as La basse \n Espanita Cortez \n Albert Duvaleix as Le marchand de disques \n Gustave Gallet as Le directeur de l'opéra \n Marie Guilhène \n Suzanne Guémard as Une dame \n Pierre Labry as Le machiniste \n Ray Postiaux as La vendeuse \n Marcelle Rexiane as La tante \n Jean-Marc Tennberg\n\nReferences\n\nBibliography \n Hugh Dauncey. ", "Popular Music in France from Chanson to Techno. ", "Routledge, 2017.", "\n\nExternal links \n \n\nCategory:1947 films\nCategory:French films\nCategory:French drama films\nCategory:1940s drama films\nCategory:French-language films\nCategory:Films directed by André Cayatte" ]
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[ "Leopold Grundwald\n\nLeopold \"Grundl\" Grundwald (28 October 1891 – April 1969) was an Austrian footballer and coach.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n Rapid Archiv\n\nCategory:1891 births\nCategory:1969 deaths\nCategory:Austrian footballers\nCategory:Austria international footballers\nCategory:Olympic footballers of Austria\nCategory:Footballers at the 1912 Summer Olympics\nCategory:Association football forwards\nCategory:SK Rapid Wien players\nCategory:Austrian football managers\nCategory:FC St. Gallen managers\nCategory:FC Schaffhausen managers" ]
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[ "Short report: microsatellite sequences as markers for population genetic studies of the mosquito Aedes aegypti, the vector of dengue viruses.", "\nWe report the isolation of microsatellites from an enriched library of genomic repeated sequences, using a biotin-labeled oligonucleotide bound to streptavidin-coated magnetic particles. ", "Four microsatellites were obtained from a partial library of 120 recombinant clones. ", "This more efficient and rapid method to obtain these specific repeated sequences is preferred to the conventional isolation procedure based on the construction of a genomic library. ", "Microsatellite markers would be promising molecular tools for the study of genetic variability of mosquito populations. ", "Analyses of genetic structure and gene flow would provide information on the distance, direction and rate of dispersal of genes in Aedes aegypti populations. ", "Knowledge on gene dispersal patterns is required to develop vector control strategies." ]
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[ "Matrix vesicles induce calcification of recipient vascular smooth muscle cells through multiple signaling pathways.", "\nIn patients with chronic kidney and end-stage renal diseases, the major risk factor for progression of arterial calcification is the presence of existing (baseline) calcification. ", "Here, we tested whether calcification of arteries is extended from calcified vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) to adjacent normal cells by matrix vesicle-induced alteration of cell signaling. ", "Matrix vesicles isolated from VSMC of rats with chronic kidney disease were co-cultured with VSMCs from normal littermates. ", "Endocytosis of vesicles by recipient cells was confirmed by confocal microscopy. ", "The addition of cellular matrix vesicles with characteristics of exosomes and low fetuin-A content enhanced the calcification of recipient VSMC. ", "Further, only cellular-derived matrix vesicles induced an increase in intracellular calcium ion concentration, NOX1 (NADPH oxidase) and the anti-oxidant superoxide dismutase-2 in recipient normal VSMC. ", "The increase in intracellular calcium ion concentration was due to release from endoplasmic reticulum and partially attributed to the activation of both NOX1 and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MEK1 and Erk1/2) signaling, since inhibiting both pathways blocked the increase in intracellular calcium ion in recipient VSMC. ", "In contrast, matrix vesicles isolated from the media had no effect on the intracellular calcium ion concentration or MEK1 signaling, and did not induce calcification. ", "However, media matrix vesicles did increase Erk1/2, although not to the level of cellular matrix vesicles, and NOX1 expression. ", "Blockade of NOX activity further inhibited the cellular matrix vesicle-induced accelerated calcification of recipient VSMC, suggesting a potential therapeutic role of such inhibition. ", "Thus, addition of cellular-derived matrix vesicles from calcifying VSMC can accelerate calcification by inducing cell signaling changes and phenotypic alteration of recipient VSMC." ]
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[ "Teguar’s fanless, Linux-friendly “TB-5045” embedded PC features a 6th Gen Core CPU, up to 32GB DDR4, triple display support, 4x GbE, 6x USB, 4x serial, 2x external SATA bays, 3x mini-PCIe, and optional dual PCIe slots.", "\n\n\n\nCharlotte, North Carolina based Teguar Computers, which is new to the pages of LinuxGizmos, makes a variety of medical PCs, touch-panel computers, and other embedded gear, including a line of Waterproof PCs. ", "The new, fanless TB-5045 box PC prefers to be high and dry, but it should fit in well in many rugged industrial environments. ", "It offers 0 to 50°C support and a rugged steel housing with aluminum heatsink that is said to be resistant against shock and vibration. ", "It also features a wide-range 9-36V DC via a 3-wire input.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTB-5045 (left) and TB-5045-PCIE\n\n(click images to enlarge)\n\n\n\nTeguar has also launched a TB-5045-PCIE model, which is otherwise identical except for its PCIe slots and its larger size: 280 x 230 x 134.6mm and 5.5 kg instead of 277.8 x 230 x 86.7mm and 4.5 kg on the TB-5045. ", "The TB-5045-PCIE gives you a choice of 2x PCIe x1 slots or 1x PCIe x4 slot mounted under the main processing unit.", "\n\nThe TB-5045 is equipped with a choice of Intel 6th Gen “Skylake” Core i3/i5/i7 with an Intel H170 chipset. ", "No OS details were mentioned, but a Teguar rep informed us the system runs Linux. ", "CPU options include two quad-core TE models with relatively low 35W TDPs:\n\nCore i7-6700TE (4x cores @2.4GHz/3.4GHz Turbo); 8MB cache\n\nCore i5-6500TE (4x cores @2.5GHz/3.1GHz Turbo); 6MB cache\n\n\n\n\n\nTB-5045, front and back\n\n(click image to enlarge)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTB-5045-PCIE, front and back\n\n(click image to enlarge)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTB-5045 rear view with removable SATA drives\n\n(click image to enlarge)\n\n\n\n— ADVERTISEMENT —\n\n\n\nThe TB-5045 has a high-end feature set compared to most of the embedded PCs we’ve seen, which tend to be based on the 15W, Skylake U-series ULV chips. ", "The announcement claims its Skylake TE chips offer a 50 percent performance improvement compared to dual-core ULV processors.", "The TB-5045 is loaded with 4GB to 32GB DDR4, and offers dual, externally accessible 2.5-inch SATA III HDD bays with RAID 0/1 support. ", "The system is further equipped with 4x GbE, 4x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, and 4X serial DB9 ports, with 2x optionally available with RS232/422/485.Triple simultaneous displays are on the menu with 4K-ready HDMI, DVI-I, and DisplayPorts, and you get 3x audio jacks. ", "8-bit DIO is also available. ", "Both models offer 3x mini-PCIe slots in addition to the PCIe slots available with the PCIE version.", "\n\n\n\nFurther information\n\nThe TB-5045 appears to be available now at an undisclosed price. ", "More information may be found at Teguar’s TB-5045 announcement and the TB-5045 and TB-5045-PCI product pages.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Analysis of serological evidence of different hepatitis viruses in acute viral hepatitis in prisoners in relation to risk factors.", "\nThe present study describes an outbreak of acute viral hepatitis in an institutional population (inmates of a prison) with an aim to delineate the etiological agents of this outbreak and to analyse the clinical, biochemical and serological evidence of different hepatitis viruses in relation to risk factors. ", "Fifty patients of acute viral hepatitis identified during the outbreak were evaluated on the basis of history, clinical examination, risk factor distribution, biochemical profile and serological markers for hepatitis A-E infection. ", "Adequate epidemiological data were collected from prison administration including housing of prisoners, food and water supply. ", "Of the 50 patients, 35 (70%) had serological evidence of HEV infection. ", "Evidence of HBV infection was found in 17 patients (34%), HAV infection in 2 (4%) and HCV in 8 (16%) patients. ", "While 16 patients (32%) had evidence of multiple viral infections, none of the viral markers could be detected in 8 patients (16%). ", "One or more risk factor(s) could be identified in more than half of the subjects (26/50; 52%). ", "There were 11 patients who gave history of more than one risk factor while 24 (48%) patients had none of the risk factors. ", "HEV was found to be the major cause of the outbreak and contamination of drinking water supply could be the possible source of infection. ", "This outbreak was seroepidemiologically similar to other outbreaks of hepatitis occurring in the country with HEV being the most common cause. ", "However, there was evidence of multiple viral infections, particularly HBV and HCV in the high-risk predisposed prison population." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "Monitoring the Albanian Kosovostan Islamic Caliphate founded by ex-US President Bill Clinton in June 1999\n\nThe Balkan Caliphate: Saudi power in Kosovo\n\nGreater Albania has been debating deployment in Syria. ", "A Muslim state, a Balkan Caliphate in the heart of Europe, was supported by Internationalists when they created independent Kosovo and Bosnia. ", "Kosovo registered its first Islamist political party in 2013.", "\n\nUPDATE: An article on NYT on the inroads of Wahabism into Europe from the Saudi foothold in Kosovo is oozing criminal naiveté on the part of postmodern globalist thinkers. ", "Bill Clinton’s nexus with the lobby for Greater Albania created a Islamic state in the heart of Europe. ", "To those with basic knowledge of Islam and its 1400 year old history — not least in the region itself — this development is no surprise. ", "But the NYT is shocked, shocked by “a stunning turnabout for a land of 1.8 million people that not long ago was among the most pro-American Muslim societies in the world.”", "\n\nKosovo now finds itself, like the rest of Europe, fending off the threat of radical Islam. ", "Over the last two years, the police have identified 314 Kosovars — including two suicide bombers, 44 women and 28 children — who have gone abroad to join the Islamic State, the highest number per capita in Europe. ", "They were radicalized and recruited, Kosovo investigators say, by a corps of extremist clerics and secretive associations funded by Saudi Arabia and other conservative Arab gulf states using an obscure, labyrinthine network of donations from charities, private individuals and government ministries. “", "They promoted political Islam,” said Fatos Makolli, the director of Kosovo’s counterterrorism police. “", "They spent a lot of money to promote it through different programs mainly with young, vulnerable people, and they brought in a lot of Wahhabi and Salafi literature. ", "They brought these people closer to radical political Islam, which resulted in their radicalization.” ", "After two years of investigations, the police have charged 67 people, arrested 14 imams and shut down 19 Muslim organizations for acting against the Constitution, inciting hatred and recruiting for terrorism. ", "The most recent sentences, which included a 10-year prison term, were handed down on Friday. (", "More)\n\nArmy of Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1993\n\nObama’s Faulty Doctrine Fuels Bosnian Jihad\n\nKyle Orton writes that Obama’s “race to release the Guantanamo detainees is a political decision based on a calculation—that the danger from releasing hardened terrorists is offset by “narrative” gains against the jihadists’ recruitment propaganda—which is simply wrong. ", "Guantanamo is not a key driver of radicalization and never has been, but the danger of releasing men with specialist skills back into the ranks of the jihadists during an ongoing war is pressing and immediate.”", "\n\n[International Islamic Relief Organization] IIRO is an ostensible charity but was in fact tied into a web of groups—called “Allah’s NGOs” by some—that supported jihadism in Bosnia in the early 1990s. ", "With the siege of Sarajevo in place and this being early in the war, entry routes into Bosnia were not easy, writes John Schindler in Unholy Terror. “", "Zagreb quickly became the ‘main Muslim supply center’ where within a year twenty Islamic organizations, including MAK, established offices to support the jihad by getting men and munitions into Bosnia through Croatia.” ", "MAK is Makhtab al-Khidamat (The Services Bureau), the organization founded by Abdullah Azzam to supply foreign holy warriors against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan that evolved into the core of Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda after Azzam was killed in 1989. ", "IIRO and its parent organization, the Muslim World League (MWL), which also operated in Bosnia, were both created and funded by the Saudi government as dawa (missionary) organizations, spreading Wahhabism, and were both entangled in “The Golden Chain,” the network of al-Qaeda’s chief donors in the late 1980s. ", "Testifying in court in 1999, the head of IIRO in Canada noted: “The Muslim World League, which is the mother of IIRO, is a fully government funded organization. ", "In other words, I work for the government of Saudi Arabia.” ", "MWL was also the overseer of al-Haramayn Foundation, another Saudi-backed enterprise, and its specifically Bosnian branch, al-Haramayn al-Masjid al-Aqsa, both entities later added to the terrorism list.", "\n\nThe Muwafaq (Blessed Relief) Foundation was also active in Bosnia and was listed by Bin Laden as a group he supported. ", "Muwafaq did draw on Saudi State support, but its principal financier was the Jeddah-based businessman Yasin al-Qadi; both Muwafaq and al-Qadi were designated as terrorists by the U.S. in October 2001. ", "In September 2015, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) reported that of 653 detainees who had been transferred, 196 were either confirmed (117) or suspected (79) of rejoining the jihad. ", "That nearly a third of released Guantanamo detainees have rejoined Islamist terrorism undersells what has happened since many of the rest have remained committed ideologues who spread jihadist propaganda or otherwise facilitate the cause for which they were imprisoned in the first place.", "\n\nAccording Theodore Karasik, a Gulf-based analyst of regional geo-political affairs, Turkey is now in ISIS’ crosshairs. ", "This information about the Balkans is truly alarming!", "\n\nLast year [2014], ISIS members threatened to “liberate” Istanbul, while accusing Turkey of cutting off the flow of the Euphrates River, drying up northern Syria, including Raqqa, “the capital of the Islamic State.” ", "ISIS promised to seize the Atatürk Dam. ", "One should take such threats seriously, since Islamic State strategists target river systems and dams as a means of controlling water ways for political and economic gain for their fledgling state. ", "Perhaps Ankara is cognizant that ISIS can fill important ungovernable gaps in southeastern Turkey.", "\n\nUnrecognized by analysts, however, is the ISIS campaign to Turkey’s northwest, primarily in the Balkans. ", "From the Turkish point of view, and based on Ottoman history, the Balkans represent the Turkish backyard. ", "Without going into the long history of the tragedies in the Balkans, it is clear that ISIS supporters are gaining a foothold. ", "ISIS is now roosting in key areas of the Balkans— Kumanovo, Macedonia; Gornya Maocha in Bosnia; the Serbian region Sandjak bordering Eastern Bosnia; and the Serbian Northern Kosovo border area of Presevo, Bujanovac, Medvedja.", "\n\nThere are also reports of ISIS cells operating in Belgrade suburbs. ", "In order to drive the point home, ISIS released a video this month named “Put Hilafa,” which in Bosniak means “Way of caliphate,” that calls for the establishment of a caliphate in the Balkans, especially in Serbia. ", "But the ISIS campaign to surround Turkey is not limited to the Balkans themselves. ", "ISIS is also building a node from Milan, Italy where its illicit networks are egged on by Albanian criminal networks.", "\n\nThe Albanians connected with ISIS are former members of Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). ", "The “back office” if you will, for surrounding Turkey stretches all the way to Austrian cities such as Graz and Vienna. ", "To be sure, we need to be cognizant that some Balkan analysts see Turkey’s hand behind ISIS in the Balkans. ", "If that is true, it is the same purported model Ankara used in Syria. ", "Consequently, this purported Turkish policy approach will backfire in the future just as it did in the Levant this month.", "\n\nOverall, Turkey is to be surrounded by the terrorist army which is creating nodes and networks within the country and building transit zones that go up into the Balkans. ", "By surrounding Turkey, and its historical Ottoman core, ISIS plans are becoming clearer. ", "This fact explains why Turkey is acting now to its south. ", "The real question is whether Ankara will do anything about ISIS to the northwest. ", "Or if that view is blinded by policy failure too. (", "Source)\n\nThe Bosnian War and Advocacy Journalism\n\nJohn Schindler is using Rolling Stone’s latest ‘advocacy journalism’ debacle as background for a story on the way the Bosnian war was covered by the Western media. ", "By now, the trick is well known, but back then to many this was a first and the fabricated narrative went unopposed.", "\n\nI first encountered advocacy journalism back in the 1990’s in the Balkans. ", "The Bosnian War of 1992-95, in particular, was a proving ground of this dangerous nonsense, as I recounted in my book Unholy Terror. ", "While that conflict got a vast amount of Western media coverage — hundreds of times more than, say, Algeria’s civil war, which happened at the same time and killed many more innocent people — the truth is that almost all the Western journalists who signed up for what locals derisively termed the “Sarajevo safari” knew nothing about the country and did not speak the language. ", "Worse, most of these journalists quickly signed on for a simple, good-versus-evil narrative of Bosnia’s complex and messy war that portrayed Muslims as innocent victims and Serbs (and, later, Croats) as genocidal barbarians with whom there could be no parley. ", "This perspective was so overly simple as to be cartoonish. ", "Accepting it required a suspension of any journalistic norms such as confirming sources and stories, but many Western journalists in Bosnia were perfectly happy to do that. ", "They became advocates, some unapologetically so.", "\n\nActually looking at the Bosnian war with a critical eye would have revealed uncomfortable and inconvenient facts that did not fit The Narrative. ", "Such as the fact that the Muslim-led government in Sarajevo committed war crimes too. ", "That it even perpetrated war crimes against fellow Muslims when Western journalists were watching, to gain political points. ", "Most consequentially, the Sarajevo government was in bed with Iranian intelligence and Salafi jihadists like Osama Bin Laden (who, like thousands of his fellow foreign mujahidin who fought in the Balkans, received a Bosnian passport for his service to Sarajevo). ", "All these were things that Western journalists could have covered, since the facts were available, but they averted eyes from issues that might upset The Narrative they had created and sought to continue. ", "Some of this was careerism, since the Bosnian war made good copy, but many of the journalists who covered the conflict were true believers, some of them openly so. ", "Ed Vulliamy, who won numerous awards for his coverage of Bosnia, admitted his role in trying to get NATO intervention, even at the expense of accurate reporting, describing journalistic neutrality as “ridiculous,” asserting, “We have to take sides,” memorably adding, “If the professional ethics say I can’t take sides, screw the ethics.” ", "CNN’s ubiquitous Christian Amanpour admitted that she in no way covered Bosnia objectively, serving instead as a mouthpiece of the Sarajevo government, because doing anything else would have made her “an accomplice to genocide.” ", "What made the The Narrative plausible is that, like any good disinformation, it was partially true. ", "Tens of thousands of Muslim civilians died in the Bosnian war, and some were murdered barbarically.", "\n\nAlthough Western journalists vastly inflated those deaths, some did happen. ", "Yet keeping The Narrative intact meant presenting Bosnia’s Muslims as virtuous “designer victims” in whom there was no guile or fault, and that was something nobody who understood Bosnia the actual country accepted. ", "The result was Western media coverage that was deeply unbalanced and at times simply untrue, and this inspired Western policies towards that tragic country that unsurprisingly led to long-term poverty and failure. ", "To cite one example among many there, in the late fall of 1992 The New York Times reported a sensational story filled with horror. ", "A twenty-one year old Bosnian Serb soldier, Borislav Herak, recounted to John Burns, a seasoned correspondent, how he had been involved in the rape and murder of Muslim civilians on a grand scale. ", "The story he told was lurid and detailed and makes the Rolling Stone account of “Jackie” seem like a holiday. ", "Overnight, it became a global sensation, putting flesh and first-hand detail for the first time on horrific, if murky, accounts of “ethnic cleansing” in Bosnia that the Western media had been reporting for months. ", "It won Burns a Pulitzer Prize and the Herak saga became iconic among Western journalists, the kind of scoop that platoons of them sought to get for themselves in the bloody hills of Bosnia. ", "Unfortunately, there were clear signs from the outset that Herak was not telling the truth. ", "In the first place, the young man told his story from Muslim captivity, and there was evidence he had been tortured. ", "A few years later, once the war was over, Herak finally told the truth, that he had been coerced to tell Burns what Western journalists wanted to hear. “", "I was forced to speak against myself and my comrades,” he explained in 1996, but by then it was old news; Western minds had been made up long before.", "\n\nMore troubling is the fact that Herak’s initial account included things that it’s hard to believe any Western journalist could have accepted with a straight face. ", "In particular, Herak claimed to have witnessed Canadian General Lewis MacKenzie, the UN peacekeeping commander in Bosnia at the time, participate in rapes of Muslim women on multiple occasions. ", "This assertion, for which there was never any evidence, was muted by the Western media since it made Herak look like the unreliable witness he was, and possibly insane to boot. ", "Why, then, any other of Herak’s lurid claims ought to have been accepted at face value seems not to have occurred to reporters. ", "Western media misrepresentations in Bosnia — this went well beyond bias and amounted to a sort of nihilism — had a pernicious effect on Western responses to that awful conflict, and they have lasting impacts today, over two decades later. ", "Advocacy journalism infected foreign reporting in the 1990’s, and more recently this cancer has spread to all forms of American journalism, which is a development that ought to concern all of us. (", "Source)\n\nKosovo, the Rising Caliphate in the Heart of Europe\n\nThe latter made no secret of his goal to change Kosovo’s secular constitution in order to “defend the Islamic identity of Kosovo’s Albanians”, who make up 95% of the population. ", "It has long been debated if that young Albanians are fighting in the Free Syrian Army, among the ranks of Islamist groups (Jabhat al-Nusra and others).", "\n\nKoha Ditore newspaper reported in November 2012 that the first Albanian martyr, Naaman Damoli, had fallen in Syria. ", "In March 13, 2013 it reported that the 22-year-old Mohammed Koprona became the 10th Albanian martyr to die in Syria. ", "The story’s headline was: “Syria’s land is soaking in Albanian blood.”", "\n\nAccording to unidentified intelligence sources many martyrs in Syria are Albanians from Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia and Serbia (Preševo valley). ", "But Koprona’s case was unique. ", "He migrated with his family from Kosovo to Sweden, where he grew up in a liberal European atmosphere. ", "He suddenly fell under radical Islam’s influence and was recruited to fight with Islamist groups in Syria.", "\n\nIntelligence sources revealed that the number of Albanians in Syria stands at about 140. ", "Koha Ditore was sharply criticizing the Kosovar government led by Hashim Thaci for remaining silent on the effect that phenomenon has on Kosovo: These young people will return home with military experience inspired by the spirit of jihad.", "\n\nOn April 13, 2013 the newspaper Shekulli quoted Kosovar security sources as saying that they have put their finger on two Kosovo mosques (Makovitz mosque in the outskirts of Pristina and Mitrovica mosque) that are gathering Albanians to go fight with the Islamists in Syria.", "\n\nBecause many local observers are accusing the new Islamist party LISBA of being involved in Syria, the paper spoke with LISBA’s leader Arsim Krasniqi, who had donated a plot of land to build the Makovitz mosque. ", "Krasniqi denied that his party was recruiting fighters but admitted that “[fighters] are going [to Syria] on an individual basis, not as part of a group. … ", "I support those who are participating in fighting Assad’s regime.", "\n\nThis phenomenon has secular Islam worried. ", "In other words, political Islam worries ‘official’ Islam. ", "The latter is represented by al-Gamaa al-Islamiyya, headed by Sheikh Naim Tarnafa. ", "During Friday sermons he calls for the donation of money for the Syrian refugees in Turkey and elsewhere.", "\n\nThe Albanian nationhood as understood in the 19th century was part of a romanticist notion of nationality, i.e., the Albanians were the Balkan people whose mother tongue was Albanian regardless of any confessional division of Albanian people into three denominations (Moslem, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox). ", "Within the north Albanian tribes, especially among the Miriditi, the Roman Catholic Church was very influential. ", "The Roman Catholic Church became the main protector of the Albanian language and cultural heritage and the main protagonist of the national identity of the Albanians in the Northern Albania.[1] The expression of common notions of the Albanian ...\n\nThe U.S. military base in Kosovo was constructed in 1999 without consulting with the government of Serbia and is the largest U.S. military base built outside of the U.S. since the Vietnam War. ", "The site was apparently used for extraordinary renditions and has been referred to as a “little Guantanamo”.", "\nThis is a very little known fact as NATO, the U.S., the European Union and the West are in the process of forcing Serbia to effectively give up Kosovo, and indicates the real motive for the West’s support of the Kosovo Liberation Army which it had deemed a terrorist organization ...\n\nBosnia and Kosovo are two of the biggest exporters of jihadists joining the Islamic State (ISIS) and al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria) from the Balkans. ", "As The Cipher Brief reported last month, legacies of the Communist era and the wars of the 1990s – presence of foreign fighters, economic and physical destruction, a lack of funding to rebuild, and the near eradication of moderate Islamic institutions – paved the way for Islamic extremist groups to establish a foothold in both countries. ", "Now, ISIS recruiters are targeting Bosnia and Kosovo, and many Bosnians and Kosovars have left to fight in Syria and ...\n\nThe U.S. government and U.S. media explained the mass murders of Kosovo Serbs, Roma, and other Kosovo minorities as “revenge murders”. ", "They were \"revenge attacks\". The expulsion of over 250,000 Kosovo Serbs, Roma, Gorani, and Jews was simply censored and deleted using the infowar technique of Emphasis. ", "These infowar techniques have no basis in criminal law and violate fundamental values and tenets of morality and ethics.", "\nThe U.S. rationale was spurious: Because Yugoslav police were defending themselves and Kosovo civilians against what the U.S. State Department itself declared were \"terrorists\", the Albanian Muslim population of Kosovo had some sort of right ...\n\nKosovo after June 1999: Made by Kosovo ISIS\nThe horrible pictures of the atrocious ritual beheadings of ICS, the Islamic Caliphate State, on the Internet, have shown an ugly face of Western leaders, avoiding and denying what is crystal clear, as if these heinous acts are not Islamic, and continuing their march of folly as if Islam is a religion of peace and compassion; as if ICS and Qaeda are in fact not Islamic; and as if these and other Islamic terrorist organization hijacked Islam, in order to smear it and de-legitimized its presence in the West.", "\nHowever, these denials are not ...\n\nMore than forty years later: The 5000 page Saville Commission Report into the 1972 Bloody Sunday massacre in Derry, Northern Ireland, while calling for compensation to the victims’ families, fails to identify who were the perpetrators, both within H.M government and the British Army.", "\n“The North’s Public Prosecution Service (PPS) is continuing to scrutinise the Saville report to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to bring charges against British soldiers involved in Bloody Sunday on January 30th, 1972. ", "While progress has been made on the issue of compensation there have been no substantial developments in relation to the possibility of British ...\n\nIn one of the more bizarre foreign policy announcements of a bizarre Obama Administration, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has announced that Washington will “help” Kosovo to join NATO as well as the European Union. ", "She made the pledge after a recent Washington meeting with Kosovan Prime Minister Hashim Thaci in Washington where she praised the progress of the Thaci government in its progress in “European integration and economic development.", "”1\nHer announcement no doubt caused serious gas pains among government and military officials in the various capitals of European NATO. ", "Few people appreciate just how mad Clinton’s plan to push ...\n\nThe Serbs stepped again onto the historical scene in the years of the European wars that swept the continent from the forests of Ireland to the walls of Constantinople in the late 17th century. ", "The Turks finally withdrew from Hungary and Transylvania when their Ottoman hordes were routed outside Vienna in 1683. ", "The disintegration of Ottoman rule in the southwest limbered up the Serbs, arousing in them hope that the moment was ripe for joint effort to break Turkish dominion in the Balkans. ", "The neighboring Christian powers (Austria and Venice) were the only possible allies. ", "The arrival of the Austrian ...\n\nThe Balkans conflicts of the 1990s saw a massive revival and resurgence of US and Western media propaganda and infowar techniques. ", "The “new” advocacy journalists recalled the “yellow journalism” of William Randolph Hearst, who helped induce the US to engage in the imperialistic or colonial war in Cuba in 1898, the Spanish-American War. ", "This marked the emergence of the US as an expansionist global imperial and colonial power, like Britain, France, Spain, and Germany had been. ", "Hearst was credited with manufacturing or “furnishing” the war in Cuba.", "\nFrederic Remington, his correspondent in Cuba, reported that nothing was happening in Cuba, that ...\n\nDestroyed Serbian Orthodox church complex in Kosovo in March 2004\nThe conflicts that engulfed the former Yugoslavia still remain unresolved in the political arena and open to Western political shenanigans and covert meddling from Turkey and Saudi Arabia in Bosnia and Kosovo. ", "Orthodox Christianity faces many attacks and only a naïve individual would claim that America and the hands of Turkey and Saudi Arabia are clean.", "\nAmerica and other Western nations did little to stop Turkey invading Cyprus in 1974 and creating a de-facto nation and altering the demographics of northern Cyprus and using this area for military purposes.", "\nIrrespective of the rights ...\n\nWhen I saw the media in Serbia reporting about Donald Trump's alleged condemnation of the 1999 NATO attack on then-Yugoslavia, also known as the Kosovo War, I shrugged it off as disinformation. ", "Most of them, I'm sad to say, are almost entirely dedicated to gaslighting the general populace, and as likely to spread confusion and cognitive dissonance as actual news.", "\nIt turns out that Donald Trump did talk to Larry King about Kosovo - but everyone is leaving out that this took place in October 1999. ", "That is sort of important, though: by that point, the Serbian province had been \"liberated\" ...\n\nPRISTIA, Jan. 3 (Xinhua) -- Newly elected mayor of the Municipality of Skenderaj/Srbica, Sami Lushtaku, was briefly taken from the Mitrovica detention center on Friday to his hometown to take the oath for third term in office.", "\nThe procedure took some ten minutes, and the defendant was later sent back to the detention center.", "\nAccompanied by police officers, Lushtaku was taken to the Municipal Assembly of Skenderaj/Srbica, for the oath in a brief procedure behind closed doors.", "\nHowever, about 200 people showed their support to him by gathering in front of the assembly building.", "\nLushtaku, a former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) commander in central ...\n\nNEW YORK – Members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) welcomed the announced resumption of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina scheduled to take place on February 9 and 10 in Brussels, while expressing concern over the violence that broke out during the recent protests in Kosovo.", "\n“With respect to the protests, let’s be clear: All citizens have the democratic right to protest, but violence is illegal and unacceptable. ", "We condemn all acts of vandalism to public and private property and the intimidation of journalists and TV crews,” United States Ambassador to the United Nations David Pressman said during the debate ...\n\nOBILIC – A Serbian Orthodox cemetery near Obilic and a cemetery just outside Gnjilane, southern Kosovo, have been desecrated over the past few days by unknown perpetrators.", "\nTombstones in the cemetery in Krusevac, a village near Obilic, have been knocked over and burned, the Eparchy of Raska and Prizren of the Serbian Orthodox Church has said in a statement.", "\nThe eparchy vehemently condemned the incidents, deploring the continuing desecration of Serbian Orthodox cemeteries in Kosovo-Metohija.", "\nThe Orthodox cemetery in the Donji Livoc village, situated just outside Gnjilane, has also been desecrated as unknown perpetrators desecrated and dug up the grave of Gradimir Milosavljevic, ...\n\nThere have been at least two countries in Europe in recent history that undertook ‘anti-terrorist’ military operations against ‘separatists’, but got two very different reactions from the Western elite.", "\nThe government of European country A launches what it calls an‘anti-terrorist’ military operation against ‘separatists’ in one part of the country. ", "We see pictures on Western television of people’s homes being shelled and lots of people fleeing. ", "The US and UK and other NATO powers fiercely condemn the actions of the government of country A and accuse it of carrying out ‘genocide’ and ’ethnic cleansing’ and say that there is an urgent ...\n\nIn an email sent to his business partner and Democratic fundraiser Jeffrey Leeds, former Secretary of State Colin Powell wrote of Hillary Clinton, “Everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris.”", "\nClinton’s tenure as Secretary of State during Barack Obama’s first term was an unmitigated disaster for many nations around the world. ", "Neither the Donald Trump campaign nor the corporate media have adequately described how a number of countries around the world suffered horribly from Mrs. Clinton’s foreign policy decisions.", "\nMillions of people were adversely harmed by Clinton’s misguided policies and her “play-to-pay” operations involving favors in return for donations ...\n\nKosovo is Clinton Country: a 10-foot-high statue of Bill overlooks “Bill Clinton Boulevard” in the capital city of Pristina. ", "Hillary is also memorialized in what has become the crime capital of Europe: right off the street named for her husband is a store named “Hillary,” featuring women’s clothing modeled after the putative Democratic party nominee for President. ", "Pantsuits figure prominently. ", "As Vice puts it: “While former President Bill Clinton has had a boulevard named after him, it’s without a doubt that his wife’s the real star out here.” ", "Why is that?", "\nAs Gail Sheehy pointed out in her biography of Hillary, ...\n\nOne sharp and interesting analysis of situation in Serbian province of Kosovo Metohija came last week from Andrew Korybko, program host at Radio Sputnik.", "\nMr. Korybko speaks on how the whirlwind of geopolitics, military interests and global giants of business, as well as the change of US administration, could impact the fragile peace in Balkans and what’s behind the latest tensions:”Serbia’s NATO-occupied province of Kosovo has been up to its old tricks lately in trying to provoke Belgrade into another military confrontation conveniently timed to coincide with Trump’s inauguration.", "\nThe former so-called “Prime Minister” of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, was detained in France ...\n\nIslamization & Albanization of Kosovo & Metohija in 2010 (Photo album of 214 authentic photos)\nKosovo after mid-June 1999, when the NATO occupied this South Serbia’s province, became mostly exposed to the Wahabbi influence, but not Bosnia-Herzegovina. ", "According to some western sources, only in Kosovo there are today around 50.000 adult male radical Muslims in the age of fighting who are in fact led by the Saudi Wahabbies.", "\nSave\n\nA former Islamist fighter in Syria recalls why he went to Syria, how easy it was to get there – and why he would go again, if he could.", "\nAleksandra Bogdani, Flamur Vezaj BIRN Tirana\n90 Albanians went to Syria between 2012 and 2014 to take part in what they believed was a holy war. ", "Photo: BIRN\nOn his first trip abroad, he left with 400 euros in his pocket, a printed map from the internet and the belief that he was fulfilling his destiny in eyes of Allah. ", "The destination was the frontline of the war in Syria, but his jihad ended ..." ]
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[ "Microsoft Surface smartphone concept looks pretty good\n\nWhen Microsoft unveiled their very own Surface Windows 8 tablet, many had started speculating that Microsoft could eventually start making their own Surface phones as well. ", "This was unfortunately denied by Microsoft, which was kind of a pity given that the Surface is a pretty nicely designed tablet with what appears to be good quality materials. ", "However this has not stopped some from coming up with some concepts of what a Surface phone from Microsoft could look like. ", "Pictured above is such a concept, courtesy of Jonas Daehnert, and we have to admit it looks pretty sleek and is most definitely a phone we wouldn’t mind getting our hands on! ", "Daehnert did not state specifically what sort of specs we could be looking at, but did mention it should be along the lines of a quad-core device with 2GB of RAM, 32-64GB of storage, a 1280×768 display, a 16MPx Full HD camera and “so on”. ", "Higher-res photos can be found on his deviantART page, so pop on over if you’re curious. ", "So, who would buy this phone if it became a reality? ", "I know I would!" ]
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[ "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron Star James Spader Talks Playing Ultron: 'He is Really Crazy'\n\nVoice of the evil robot Ultron talks about playing the character in the movie\n\nThe first trailer for Joss Whedon's Avengers: Age Of Ultron, was unveiled earlier in the week, which gave us the first proper look at the character of the movie's villain Ultron.", "\n\nJames Spader who plays the voice of the Avengers 2 villain, dished about playing the character in the movie.", "\n\n\"There's a humorous aspect to him\", he told the Total Film magazine, adding that \"in many ways he's a child, because he's a brand- new being who's just come to be. ", "And yet, through artificial intelligence, he has an incredible capacity for knowledge. ", "So he's a very powerful, smart child.\"", "\n\nSpader also cautioned that his character might prove to be a challenge for the superhero team, \"Ultron takes abrupt turns in scenes. ", "Red isn't psychopathic, but Ultra is. ", "Yes, he is psychopathic. ", "He's really crazy\".", "\n\nConcept art for 'Ultron' released by the Marvel Studios.", "Marvel Studios\n\nSpader, who also describes Joss Whedon's directions as \"very precise\", is also currently starring in NBC's The Blacklist." ]
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[ "Monoamine oxidase in single nerve cell bodies from locus coeruleus of the rat. ", "A microgasometric study.", "\nThe magnetic diver microgasometer was used for determination of MAO activity in single nerve cell bodies isolated from the locus coeruleus of the rat. ", "Tyramine was used as a substrate. ", "Both molecular forms of MAO, MAO A and MAO B, are present in single nerve cell as shown by clorgyline, a selective inhibitor of MAO A molecular form. ", "The activity of MAO in nerve cell bodies from locus coeruleus was compared to the activities in seven other types of nerve cells." ]
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[ "Russia’s return to the status of a great power has been obvious for some time. ", "A Middle East leader who asked a senior American general earlier this summer about US plans for military intervention in Syria was told that prospects differed from the past because “Russia is back” as a major player.", "\n\nThe agreement reached by Russia and the US yesterday calling for Syria’s arsenal of chemical weapons to be removed or destroyed, represents the first time that Russia has been so centrally important on the international stage since the last days of the Soviet Union, when Moscow was marginalised in the months between the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990 and the US-led counter-attack in early 1991. ", "I remember sitting with the Soviet chargé in the Al Rashid Hotel in Baghdad as he agonised over the fate of the Soviet Union, which preoccupied him far more than developments in Iraq.", "\n\nRussia’s status in Syria as a crucial ally of President Bashar al-Assad is uniquely favourable to the Kremlin. ", "It does not mean that Russia can dream of emulating the influence and power of the old Soviet Union. ", "But it does demonstrate that Russia’s long retreat as a world power is coming to an end.", "\n\nDownload the new Independent Premium app Sharing the full story, not just the headlines\n\nOnly two-and-a-half years ago, the US and Nato felt free to double-cross Moscow by using its naive assent to Western military intervention for limited humanitarian ends in Libya as if it was permission to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi.", "\n\nFor Russia, its Libyan debacle was the latest in a series of humiliations stretching back to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991. ", "The US had assured the Kremlin that it would not expand its military alliances into Eastern Europe if Russian forces withdrew, but soon former members of the Warsaw Pact were joining Nato. ", "In December 2001, President Bush withdrew the US from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty which had been central to arms control for 30 years. ", "Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania joined Nato.", "\n\nWhat is different today is that the US is politically and militarily weaker than it was 10 years ago, because of its failure to win wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. ", "The US position has been further undermined by a series of missteps in Syria, including the miscalculation that it would be as easy to get rid of Assad as Gaddafi. ", "Washington and the West Europeans forgot that Gaddafi had only fallen because the Libyan rebels were backed by a full-scale Nato air campaign. ", "Failing this, the Libyan rebels were never going to win on their own and the same is true in Syria.", "\n\nUS intentions in Syria are contradictory because Washington dislikes the opposition almost as much as the government. ", "It fears that if Assad goes now he might be replaced by anarchic forces in which al-Qa’ida-linked militias would be a powerful if not predominant component. ", "Washington’s attitude to Assad is like that of St Augustine towards sin: it would like to get rid of him but not quite yet, and certainly not until there is a force more sympathetic to the US capable of taking power in Damascus.", "\n\nThis dilemma may soon be out of date: the Assad government shows no sign of imploding. ", "The al-Qa’ida-linked al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant are gaining in strength and are in the forefront of the fighting in close co-operation with the supposedly moderate Free Syrian Army. ", "US Secretary of State John Kerry played down the influence of al-Qa’ida in Syria, leading Vladimir Putin to respond tartly: “He’s lying. ", "And he knows he’s lying. ", "It’s sad.”", "\n\nIdeally, the US and its allies would like a coup within the Syrian government that would get rid of Assad and his family, but otherwise maintain the status quo. ", "But Ba’athist regimes in Iraq and Syria were designed to be coup-proof: the intelligence services are too powerful and omnipresent for an anti-Assad plot to succeed. ", "The rebels are probably relieved at this, as they do not want “Assadism without Assad”, just as, 10 years ago, the Iraqi opposition was nervous that the US occupation authorities post-invasion would opt for “Saddamism without Saddam”.", "\n\nThe Syrian civil war has so far produced many strange twists and turns and there may be more to come. ", "Conventional wisdom had held that it was highly unlikely that the Syrian army would use poison gas because this would make US military intervention inevitable. ", "The Russians and the Iranians still claim that the Syrian government would not have done something so self-destructive. ", "But, amazingly, the crisis provoked by the use of chemical weapons in Damascus on 21 August has hitherto been to Assad’s advantage, because it has exposed the overwhelming unpopularity in the US, Britain and France of further military adventures in the Middle East. ", "Previously, politicians had spoken of the legacy of failure in Afghanistan and Iraq, but they had grossly underestimated the strength of public hostility.", "\n\nIt is easy to overstate the extent to which the US is less of a power in the Middle East than 10 years ago. ", "The implosion of Syria since 2011 is in its interests since, whoever wins the civil war, Syria will be weak, divided and no longer an obstacle to American influence. ", "Moreover, no other power or combination of powers is in a position to take America’s place. ", "When the US does not take the initiative in the region, nobody else does.", "\n\nThe Syrian rebels may sense that the game is slipping away from them. ", "For all the US desire to keep the threat of air strikes against Assad in reserve, President Obama’s ability to order an attack is in practice limited by its unpopularity at home and the need for co-operation with Russia abroad. ", "Agreement on eliminating Assad’s chemical weapons requires Assad’s co-operation. ", "Chemical weapons have become the central focus of diplomacy rather than, as had previously been the case, Assad’s departure. ", "Having successfully confronted and then conciliated the US over Syria, a resurgent Russia cannot see its protégé go down to defeat." ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction\nMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is widely used in medicine and other applications for performing three-dimensional imaging, for example of a human body (or part of a human body). ", "In some cases, the MRI imaging may be performed in real-time to provide real-time (dynamic) visual feedback to a surgeon during a medical procedure, such as neuro-surgery.", "\nIt is well-known that certain forms of MRI, such as echo planar imaging (EPI) are subject to susceptibility artefacts, inaccuracies in intensity and geometry caused by inhomogeneities in the magnetic field (sometimes referred to as B0 inhomogeneities). ", "Such inhomogeneities may arise at the transition between two forms of matter having different magnetic properties (magnetic susceptibility), for example at the transition between the brain and surrounding air or bone. ", "These inaccuracies can result in anatomical features being incorrectly located in an image, in other words, the positions of such features may be distorted from their true locations. ", "This distortion can be very significant, for example, in real-time MRI imaging for image-guided surgery, where it is extremely important to know the precise location of a medical instrument in respect to the different anatomical features—otherwise (for example) a treatment may be applied to the wrong location, or the medical instrument may inadvertently damage some other component of the body.", "\nExisting techniques for addressing the problem of B0 inhomogeneities are generally divided into two categories. ", "A first category is based in effect on image analysis, without consideration of the underlying physics. ", "In this category, it is assumed that a prior image of the relevant region of the body is available which does not suffer from B0 inhomogeneities—such an image will therefore be undistorted. ", "Such an undistorted image can be obtained from various MRI imaging techniques, for example, T1 images. ", "A registration or mapping is then produced based on identifying features in the (potentially) distorted image with similar looking features in the undistorted image. ", "This then allows the distorted image to be warped or transformed to coincide in positional terms with the undistorted image. ", "In other words, a given feature (X) in the distorted image is identified with the same feature (X′) in the undistorted image. ", "The distorted image is then transformed (un-distorted) so that X now becomes coincident with (or at least close to) X′. This new positioning is assumed to represent the correct (true) location of the anatomical feature corresponding to X. One drawback with this image intensity mapping is that it relies upon the image containing sharp (distinct), well-identified features. ", "However, if no (or only a few) such features are present in the image, for example, the image appears rather homogenous, then it is difficult to perform the desired registration and subsequent transformation. ", "A further drawback is that this method relies upon the availability of an existing undistorted image.", "\nA second category of technique for addressing the problem of B0 inhomogeneities is more physics-based, in that it tries to calculate the actual distortions arising from the B0 inhomogeneities, and then to remove (cancel out) these distortions. ", "A MRI signal strength at any given can be represented as a complex quantity S=ke(iθ), where k is the absolute magnitude or intensity of the signal, and θ is the phase. ", "Although most MRI imaging is based on the intensity k, it is known to use the phase θ to generate a field map, which can then be used to remove from the image distortions arising from the B0 inhomogeneities. ", "One difficulty with this approach is that the generating the field map uses the absolute or total phase, θT, whereas the MRI imaging only produces a residual phase θR, where θR=θT modulo(2π). ", "In other words, θT=θR+N·2π, where N is an integer that varies from one location to another. ", "Accordingly, this approach tries to perform a phase “unwrapping” process, in effect, to determine the value of N across the image, which then allows the total phase θT to be determined from the residual phase θR. Once the total phase has been obtained, the field map and hence the B0 inhomogeneities can be determined, and the image undistorted as appropriate.", "\nSome known systems use a combination of both the first (image-based) and second (filed map-based) techniques. ", "For example, [14] describes an approach in which a field map-based technique is used first to undistort an acquired image, and the undistorted image produced in this manner is then registered, using an intensity based approach, to an earlier (prior) image which was obtained without distortion. ", "Although such an approach has been reasonably effective, the computational demands tend to be high, which means that it is difficult to support real-time image-assisted surgery (for example). ", "Moreover, it continues to be desirable to remove distortion due to B0 inhomogeneities from MRI images as accurately as possible.", "\n2. ", "Review of Some Existing Work\nEcho planar imaging (EPI) provides high temporal resolution and is routinely used in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) sequences. ", "In recent years, interventional MRI (iMRI) is fast emerging as the preferred imaging choice for image-guided neurosurgery. ", "The relatively high spatial resolution, excellent soft tissue contrast and the lack of ionizing radiation makes iMRI an attractive imaging option for image-guided interventions. ", "Furthermore, along with conventional structural imaging, current commercial iMRI scanners can also perform diffusion and functional imaging which allows for imaging of eloquent brain areas and critical white matter tracts along with the surgical target areas. ", "Modern interventional MRI scanners use EPI sequences to acquire DWI images during neurosurgery, which can be then used for localisation of critical white matter tracts that lie close to the area of intervention. ", "EPI performs fast imaging by sampling the entire frequency space of the selected slice with one excitation pulse and fast gradient blipping. ", "However, this results in very low bandwidth in the phase encoding direction, which makes EPI images highly susceptible to small perturbations of the magnetic field, giving rise to various artefacts arising due to magnetic field inhomogeneities. ", "The primary source of these so-called susceptibility artefacts is the difference in magnetic susceptibility between various tissues being imaged. ", "In the context of neuroimaging, this leads to severe geometric and intensity distortions in areas like the brain stem, frontal and temporal lobes. ", "The distortions are especially severe as the surgically resected cavity contains air and induces high susceptibility differences leading to large distortions around the area of resection. ", "Recent works have shown that diffusion weighted MRI images along with structural images could more accurately localise brain structures of interest during neurosurgical procedures [1], [2]. ", "There is also an interest in performing tractography on interventional DWI images to segment white matter structures of interest [3]-[5]. ", "Hence, it is important to accurately compensate for susceptibility artefacts to be able to use EPI images for effective neuronavigation.", "\nCorrection of susceptibility induced distortions in EPI images falls under two broad categories: field map estimation and non-linear image registration. ", "The field map estimation approach is the estimation of B0 magnetic field inhomogeneity at every voxel from phase images acquired at different echo times as shown in [6]-[8]. ", "It was shown in [9] that correction of susceptibility artefacts by field maps is not entirely accurate in regions of high field inhomogeneity. ", "This is especially critical when correcting EPI images that are acquired using interventional MRI during a neurosurgical procedure. ", "The area of resection often lies in close proximity to critical white matter tracts and as the neurosurgical procedure progresses, information on the exact location of the tract is beneficial for surgical outcome. ", "However it is exactly at the resection margin with the brain/air interface that the B0 magnetic field is most inhomogeneous and produces maximum geometric and intensity distortions.", "\nA popular alternative to field maps is to use intensity based non-rigid image registration techniques to register the distorted EPI image to a high resolution undistorted T1-weighted MRI [10]-[13]. ", "However, the EPI images acquired interventionally have low signal-to-noise ratio and suffer from various artefacts which makes intensity based image registration challenging. ", "A recent work [14], an extension of [15], proposed generation of field map estimates from structural images, which was then used to sample a non-uniform B-spline grid for an elastic registration based correction step. ", "However, this work is difficult to apply in the interventional setting due to the complex physical environment around the resection area and the need for tissue segmentation maps. ", "Registration based approaches which require acquisition of an additional EPI image have also been proposed [16], [17]. ", "However, these approaches add to the scan time during neurosurgery." ]
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[ "The Chicago Bears have been plagued by injuries the past few years. ", "In fact, some might say it has been the primary factor holding the team back.", "\n\nAccording to Football Outsiders, the Chicago Bears have been more affected by injuries than anyone could possibly realize. ", "Their Adjusted Games Lost (AGL) formula shows the Bears have been ravaged by injuries, and didn’t really have any other team with similar problems.", "\n\nA few of the 2016 AGL key points are damning.", "\n\nLeague leading AGL with 155.1\n\nOver 27 more AGL than the next most injured team\n\nHighest AGL for any team since the year 2000\n\nMore players with at least six AGL (12) than any other team\n\nFour more players with at least six AGL than the next closest team\n\nThe 2016 Chicago Bears didn’t stand a chance.", "\n\nWhat’s more, it’s not just a 2016 problem. ", "The Chicago Bears had the fifth most injuries in 2015! ", "Over the past two years, the Bears were the most injured team. ", "So, why in the world is the team injured so much?", "\n\nSoldier Field\n\nRyan Pace is not chalking it up to simple bad luck. ", "Granted, Kevin White’s predicament may be nothing but bad luck, but there has to be more to it. ", "Some have pointed to the playing surface at Soldier Field. ", "Injuries used to come via turf, but the changes to sod have not helped. ", "Various players have complained about it being a complete mess. ", "Robbie Gould criticized it on the radio the same year it was ranked the third worst playing surface in the NFL.", "\n\nStrength and Conditioning\n\nConversely, some point to the strength and conditioning program in Chicago. ", "Maybe it’s time to do what the Bears did the last time they had a ton of injuries? ", "Anyone at Halas Hall have the phone number for Rusty Jones? ", "Jones arrived in Chicago after the Bears had a bunch of hamstring injuries. ", "As a result, the Bears went from one of the most injured teams in the league to one of the healthiest. ", "Perhaps Jones can use his revolutionary, formulaic mix of diet, exercise, stretching, rest, and hydration to reverse the jinx that currently ails the team.", "\n\nNo matter what happens, the Chicago Bears will need health to even have a chance. ", "At some point, however, they will have some luck and turn it around. ", "With training camp approaching, and lingering issues risking the return of Kyle Long, Josh Sitton, Danny Trevathan, and Zach Miller, we can only hope lady luck visits Chicago soon." ]
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[ "Mystical psychosis\n\nMystical psychosis is a term coined by Arthur J. Deikman in the early 1970s to characterize first-person accounts of psychotic experiences[1] that are strikingly similar to reports of mystical experiences.[2][3][4][5] According to Deikman, and authors from a number of disciplines, psychotic experience need not be considered pathological, especially if consideration is given to the values and beliefs of the individual concerned.[6][7] Deikman thought the mystical experience was brought about through a \"deautomatization\" or undoing of habitual psychological structures that organize, limit, select, and interpret perceptual stimuli.[8] There may be several causes of deautomatization—exposure to severe stress, substance abuse[9][10] or withdrawal, and mood disorders.[11]\n\nA first episode of mystical psychosis is often very frightening, confusing and distressing, particularly because it is an unfamiliar experience. ", "For example, researchers have found that people experiencing paranormal and mystical phenomena report many of the symptoms of panic attacks.[12]\n\nOn the basis of comparison of mystical experience and psychotic experience Deikman came to a conclusion that mystical experience can be caused by \"deautomatization\" or transformation of habitual psychological structures which organize, limit, select and interpret perceptional incentives that is interfaced to heavy stresses and emotional shocks.[13] He described usual symptoms of mystical psychosis which consist in strengthening of a receptive mode and weakening of a mode of action.", "\n\nPeople susceptible to mystical psychosis become much more impressible. ", "They feel a unification with society, with the world, God, and also feel washing out the perceptive and conceptual borders. ", "Similarity of mystical psychosis to mystical experience is expressed in sudden, distinct and very strong transition to a receptive mode. ", "It is characterized with easing the subject—object distinction, sensitivity increase and nonverbal, lateral, intuitive thought processes.[14]\n\nDeikman's opinion that experience of mystical experience in itself can't be a sign to psychopathology, even in case of this experience at the persons susceptible to neurophysiological and psychiatric frustration, in many respects defined the relation to mystical experiences in modern psychology and psychiatry.", "\n\nDeikman considered that all-encompassing unity opened in mysticism can be all-encompassing unity of reality.[15]" ]
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[ "The title of the programme is “European Union and Russia: cross-border cooperation”.", "\n\nThe duration makes up 3 weeks, 21 days.", "\n\nThe overall objective is to improve students’ knowledge in the area of international relations, Russian studies and Russian language learning focusing on the Karelian regional features.", "\nThe school presupposes lectures, presentations, study visit, debate, meetings with experts, workshop and cultural programme.", "\nThe total amount of hours makes up 108 academic hours.", "\nHours amount to 73, students’ independent work – 35. ", "The number of ECTS is 3.", "\n\nWithin the framework of the school students get knowledge on several blocks:\n\n1) European Union,\n\n2) EU-Russia relations,\n\n3) cross-border cooperation between Russian regions and Europe with special focus on Karelian experience.", "\n\nThe block about the European Union will include several lectures: the concept “integration”, theoretical basis of European integration, history of European Union, institutional structure, relations between the EU and other main actors of the international scene as well as study visit to the Barents EU Centre. ", "The aim is to provide students with thorough knowledge about the EU. ", "It will be multi-aspect block which will enable to discuss the EU from different points of view.", "\n\nThe EU Centre in Barents Region was found on the basis of the EU Information Centre of Petrozavodsk State University in December 2011. ", "The Centre unites 5 leading universities of Barents Region, namely Petrozavodsk State University, Murmansk State Technical University, International Institute of Business Education, Syktyvkar State University, as well as North (Arctic) Federal University. ", "Its overall objective is to improve overall awareness and knowledge among lecturers, students, officials, CSIs and general public in the Barents area of Russia on EU related issues. ", "Main Activities include gathering, exchange and spreading of the information on the EU; implementation of conferences and seminars; support of the research and educational cooperation on the study of the EU; creation of educational programmes, study courses on the EU history, EU member-states; training of lecturers and staff members of organizations that cooperate with the EU; preparation of publications; assistance in the implementation of students’ and lecturers’ exchange; provision of consulting services on the opportunities of academic mobility and project activity.", "\nThis visit will give students the possibility not only to get theoretical knowledge, but to get information about practical issues on how the EU stimulates research and education in the Republic of Karelia and the Barents region of Russia.", "\n\nThe block about the EU-Russia relations will include several lectures: modern Russian history, Karelian history, Russian foreign policy, cooperation between Russian northern regions and Northern Europe, history and current situation concerning the EU-Russia relations. ", "The materials will be aimed to provide thorough understanding of these relations in general as well as country and region specifics. ", "Thus it will also focus on cooperation in the Northern Europe since Karelia is a part of this region. ", "Students will get information from the official representative of Russia and ask him questions that are interesting for them. ", "The final part will be debates “The EU-Russia relations” during which every participant will make a presentation on his/her point of view in relation to the topic. ", "After it other participants will ask questions and discuss the material. ", "These debated will enable students to develop their skills of analysis, argumentation, public speech and discussion.", "\n\nThe third block will be devoted to cross-border cooperation. ", "The theoretical part will include theories, institutions and programmes. ", "Students will study Karelia as an example of successful cross-border cooperation and get to know other examples of Russian regions that fruitfully develop relations with European border regions. ", "The practical part will include a course on project management. ", "As a result students will know the features of cross-border cooperation, study Karelian experience and will get new skills on project management.", "\n\nThe fourth block presupposes learning of the Russian language. ", "The number of academic hours of the language course will amount to 28. ", "Students will be divided into 2 groups taking into account their level of knowledge: 1) beginners and elementary level and 2) intermediate and advanced level. ", "The Standard Russian language courses will give beginners, as well as advanced students, the necessary skills in Russian for practical use. ", "Emphasis is put on the basis of grammar and conversation. ", "Intermediate and advanced students will have the opportunity of improving their command in both oral and written language. ", "The courses are developed in interesting and attractive manner and students get fast progrress. ", "Russian language courses at PetrSU have been held since 1992.", "\n\nThe content is aimed to provide knowledge and skills that will be useful for students in general and take into account Russian and Karelian specifics. ", "Students will be able to use them in their future educational and professional life.", "\n\nThe Kizhi Museum is one of the largest open air museums in Russia. ", "This unique historical, cultural and natural complex is a particularly valuable object of cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia. ", "The basis of the museum collection – the Kizhi Ensemble – is the UNESCO World cultural and natural heritage site. ", "Restoration of the Kizhi monuments is being carried out “in front of the world”.", "\n\n4. ", "Museum Day (options: National museum of the Republic of Karelia, City exhibition hall, Art museum, Museum of industrial history, Museum “Polar Odissey”, House of dolls)\n5. ", "excursion to the Botanical garden\n6. ", "visit to Kivach waterfall and Martial spa resort\nKivach waterfall is the second largest plain waterfall in Europe. ", "Martial spa resort was the first Russian resort founded by Peter I. It is famous for its healing mineral waters. ", "Both are located in very beautiful and picturesque places.", "\n7. ", "visit to zoocomplex “Three bears”\nThis is natural complex located on the coast of Syamozero lake where people can enjoy wonderful Karelian nature and get acquainted with its animals.", "\n8. ", "farewell dinner “Let’s make conclusions!”", "\n\nLecturers\nOur lecturers are highly qualified and experienced people with significant professional background." ]
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[ "For the casual bracket, this is set to €5 per team. ", "For each DSEA member on your main roster, you will get a €1 discount up to €5 in total.", "\n\nSeeding is determined based on the top 5 soloqueue ranks of the team on Thursday March 7th.", "The format can be found in the competition ruleset but is subject to change depending on amount of subscriptions." ]
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[ "\n387 Pa. Superior Ct. ", "79 (1989)\n563 A.2d 1193\nCOMMONWEALTH of Pennsylvania\nv.\nRaymond MARTORANO and Albert Daidone.", "\nAppeal of Barbara L. CHRISTIE, Assistant District Attorney, and Edward G. Rendell, District Attorney.", "\nSupreme Court of Pennsylvania.", "\nSubmitted April 10, 1989.", "\nFiled August 17, 1989.", "\n*81 Gaele M. Barthold, Deputy Dist. ", "Atty., ", "Philadelphia, for Christie, appellant (at 914 and 1471) and Rendell appellant (at 914).", "\nCharles W. Johns, Strafford, for Ribner, participating party.", "\nBefore CIRILLO, President Judge, and OLSZEWSKI and WATKINS, JJ.", "\nOLSZEWSKI, Judge:\nThis is an appeal from two orders of contempt of court entered by the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County during the joint trial of Raymond Martorano and Albert Daidone.", "\nIn 1984, appellant, Barbara Christie, an assistant district attorney, prosecuted a highly publicized case involving Raymond Martorano and Albert Daidone. ", "The defendants had been charged with ordering the death of roofers' union leader, John McCullough. ", "The case, which lasted six months, was tried before the Honorable Paul Ribner. ", "Ultimately, Martorano and Daidone were convicted of first-degree murder and conspiracy.", "\n*82 During the proceedings, Christie was twice held in contempt of court. ", "The first contempt citation occurred on April 3, 1984, during argument on pre-trial motions. ", "This citation was based upon Christie's overall courtroom conduct and largely on her actions from the previous day. ", "In imposing this citation, Judge Ribner stated the following:\nI recessed court yesterday because I wanted to make sure that I had access to a complete transcript of what transpired on Friday afternoon and yesterday, April 2, 1984, before I would act in this matter.", "\nI have reviewed those transcripts in detail, and they confirm what I believed I heard yesterday. ", "Unfortunately, we had to recess the proceedings yesterday to take care of these matters.", "\nThere have been a number of instances throughout these proceedings wherein the conduct [of] the Assistant District Attorney reflected contempt for this Court. ", "And it culminated in the outburst of yesterday.", "\nThose remarks, in the opinion of this Court, were totally outrageous, totally false and were obviously made in connection with pending rulings regarding the witness who had been on the stand Friday afternoon and the answer to the Court's order of March 27, 1984, directing the prosecutor to set forth the names of the alleged co-conspirators in this case.", "\nThe comments following the outburst of yesterday by the Assistant District Attorney were undignified and discourteous to the Court. ", "They were refusals to abide by the Court's proper admonition not to discuss the subject matter of the witness' testimony while the witness was under cross-examination on Friday afternoon and a refusal to abide by the order of March 27th. ", "And there were a number of other comments, which are contained in the record, concerning the bias of the Court.", "\nI will also observe for the record that the Assistant District Attorney on a number of occasions, and especially yesterday, exhibited a manifestation of total hostility and disdain for this Court.", "\n\n*83 This kind of conduct led to a disruption of the proceedings and obstructed the proper administration of justice. ", "This was official misconduct of an attorney, an officer of this court. ", "This Court cannot function if held in disrepute, if degraded, demeaned by any counsel in the case, which happened in this case. ", "There was also the risk of pressure being applied to the Court to enter rulings favorable to the Commonwealth by counsel's unfair, totally unfair and false accusations of bias, favoritism and so on.", "\nThe actions of the Assistant District Attorney have prevented this Court from maintaining a dignified administration over the proceedings, which is required in any criminal proceeding. ", "The Court cannot function if the Court is not able to maintain a dignified, impartial air, without any disruptive influences. . . .", "\nIn this morning's newspapers appear several articles which, again, indicate how there has been a total obstruction of justice in this case by the acts of the Commonwealth.", "\nOn page 14 of today's Daily News . . . ", "here is an article containing comments which would make it appear to anyone reading this newspaper that this Court has been delaying these proceedings and that the Court has applied a double standard in favor of the defendants. ", "Those are the words set forth in the article.", "\nThose allegations are totally outrageous, totally false. ", "These proceedings were lengthened by the insistence of the prosecutor on putting in numerous tape recordings, originals and duplicates, which this Court listened to, with courtesy, in an attempt to make proper rulings. ", "There was also a period of a week or a week and a half when the prosecutor did not feel well, and the Court did not pressure her in any way into continuing with the case.", "\nI think that the record will reveal that the case has moved along as expeditiously as possible.", "\nThis Court finds Ms. Christie in contempt of court and imposes a fine of five hundred dollars. . . . ", "This action *84 will not in any way prevent these proceedings or the trial from being conducted in a totally fair and impartial manner by this Court. . . .", "\nN.T. 4/3/84, 2-5.", "\nAccordingly, Christie was found to be in contempt of court, for which she was ordered by pay a five-hundred-dollar fine. ", "Counsel for Christie then requested Judge Ribner to stay his order pending appeal. ", "Following the denial of this request, counsel filed an immediate appeal to our Court along with a petition for supersedeas. ", "Said petition was granted pending disposition of the appeal.", "\nSubsequently, on May 29, 1984, Christie was again found to be in contempt of court. ", "This citation was directly prompted by her negative reaction to a ruling on the inadmissibility of certain evidence. ", "Specifically, Christie openly challenged Judge Ribner's ruling by stating, \"I don't believe this . . .\". ", "In Judge Ribner's 206-page opinion, he held that this citation represented the culmination of Christie's persistent and blatant disregard of his authority. ", "Further, he stated that Christie openly and harmfully displayed contempt and hostility towards him, effectively and unnecessarily dragged out the trial, and repeatedly threatened the just nature of the trial by knowingly misstating facts and by repeatedly introducing prejudicial and inflammatory evidence. ", "Judge Ribner stated that he was forced to contend with this behavior during a trial in which the jurors remained sequestered for six months. ", "As a result of this isolation, many of the jurors became emotionally strained and eventually exhibited signs of unrest which included temper tantrums and escape attempts. ", "Accordingly, Judge Ribner was faced with the task of expediting the trial at a reasonable pace without compromising its constitutional integrity. ", "In effect, Judge Ribner held that Christie continuously undermined his laborious attempts to maintain a smooth and fair trial.", "\nPursuant to the issuance of this citation, counsel for Christie asked Judge Ribner to stay the order pending appeal. ", "Judge Ribner refused, and Christie filed a second *85 appeal and petition for supersedeas with our Court. ", "Said petition was granted. ", "In response, Judge Ribner petitioned the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to quash our Court's directive. ", "Due to Judge Ribner's lack of standing, however, his petition was dismissed.", "\nOn December 29, 1988, Judge Ribner filed his opinion. ", "Following, in accordance with this Court's orders, Christie filed an appellate brief.[1] On appeal, Christie contends that: (1) the evidence was insufficient to support her two summary convictions for direct criminal contempt; (2) the trial court erred in its application of subsection (1) of 42 Pa.C. S.A. § 4132 to the instant convictions; (3) due process was violated when the trial court failed to allow counsel to defend Christie; and (4) the trial judge erred in declining to recuse himself and to refer the contempt charges to another judge for trial.", "\nInitially, Christie argues that the evidence was insufficient to sustain the convictions. ", "With regard to the first contempt citation, Christie contends that her objections, which ultimately led to her citation, were made pursuant to her duties and rights as an advocate and, as such, were not contemptuous. ", "Further, Christie argues that her objections were not made with the intent to obstruct the proceedings and did not cause any delay in the trial. ", "In an effort to justify any behavior which would support her convictions, Christie has prefaced and laced her arguments with allegations of favoritism by the trial judge towards the defense. ", "Christie also argues that she, as an attorney, could not be convicted under subsection (1) of the statute.", "\nThe power to impose summary punishment for contempt is controlled by 42 Pa.C.S. § 4131. ", "That statute provides:\n\n*86 The power of the several courts of this Commonwealth to. . . ", "inflict summary punishments for contempt of court shall be restricted to the following cases:\n(1) The official misconduct of the officers of such courts respectively.", "\n(2) Disobedience or neglect by officers, parties, jurors or witnesses of or to the lawful process of the court.", "\n(3) The misbehavior of any person in the presence of the court, thereby obstructing the administration of justice.", "\nInitially, we will address the applicability of subsection (1) to the conduct of attorneys at trial. ", "Although there is conflicting case law, recent Pennsylvania cases have mandated that subsection (1) is inapplicable to the conduct of attorneys at trial. ", "Matter of Creamer, 365 Pa.Super. ", "170, 529 A.2d 27 (1987); Matter of Campolongo, 495 Pa. 627, 435 A.2d 581 (1981). ", "In furtherance, these recent cases have also stated that the proper avenue for addressing the conduct of attorneys at trial is subsection (3). ", "Id.\nWhen applied to the instant case, it is clear that the trial court erred in proceeding under subsection (1) of the statute due to its inapplicability to attorneys. ", "Accordingly, this Court will address Christie's arguments as they apply to subsection (3) of the statute.", "\nCriminal contempt is a necessary sanction utilized by the courts to protect the dignity and structure of the court and to protect the interests of the general public. ", "Campolongo, supra. ", "This power, while inherent in all courts, is limited by the mandates of Section 4131 of the Judicial Code.[2]Id.", "\nTo support a conviction for contempt pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 4131(3), there must be proof of the following elements beyond a reasonable doubt: (1) misconduct, (2) in the presence of the court, (3) committed with intent to obstruct the proceedings, (4) which obstructs the administration of justice. ", "Matter of Creamer, supra. ", "In utilizing the above elements, this Court has sought to balance the *87 rights of an attorney to an uninhibited judicial forum which preserves the right to zealous representation, with the right of a trial judge to authoritatively maintain order and integrity within his or her courtroom. ", "Commonwealth v. Garrison, 478 Pa. 356, 386 A.2d 971 (1978).", "\nIt is well-established that for conduct to constitute an obstruction of the administration of justice, it must significantly disrupt the proceedings. ", "Commonwealth v. Rubright, 489 Pa. 356, 414 A.2d 106 (1980). ", "Conduct which interrupts and delays the proceedings may constitute conduct which obstructs the administration of justice. ", "Commonwealth v. Falkenhan, 306 Pa.Super. ", "330, 452 A.2d 750 (1982). ", "Remarks that are solely injudicious, disrespectful, or insulting do not warrant the imposition of a summary conviction for contempt of court. ", "Matter of Campolongo, supra. ", "While it has clearly been held that the mere showing of noncompliance with a court order or misconduct is insufficient to show contempt, such an act done with wrongful intent may constitute contempt. ", "Weingrad v. Lippy, 300 Pa.Super. ", "76, 445 A.2d 1306 (1982).", "\nWhen reviewing the propriety of a contempt conviction, this Court places great reliance upon the discretion of the trial judge. ", "Commonwealth v. Hawkins, 322 Pa.Super. ", "199, 469 A.2d 252 (1983). ", "As such, this Court is confined to a determination of whether the facts support the trial court's decision. ", "Commonwealth v. Jackson, 367 Pa.Super. ", "6, 532 A.2d 28 (1987).", "\nInstantly, the first contempt citation was based upon Christie's remarks on Friday, March 30, 1984, and Monday, April 2, 1984.[3] On March 30, the court recessed while the *88 defense was in the middle of cross-examining a witness on his qualifications. ", "At that time, the following exchange took place:\nMR. ", "BROWN: I haven't finished, Judge, if that's what — on Monday morning I'll be very —\nTHE COURT: All right. ", "We'd better start promptly at nine-thirty on Monday morning.", "\nMR. ", "BROWN: I'll order from Mr. Muller — I already owe him some money — just the last fifteen minutes or so of my examination.", "\nTHE COURT: All right. ", "I was going to suggest we take a look at that and see what we have.", "\nMR. ", "BROWN: May we ask that there be no consultation with the witness, who is under cross-examination? . . .", "\nMISS CHRISTIE: I haven't had redirect examination of the witness. ", "If I am to be permitted to redirect the witness as to his qualifications, in view of counsel's questions — your Honor allowed those questions over the Commonwealth's objection — questions which, it is the Commonwealth's recall, referred to statistics and attitudinal research. ", "And the Commonwealth certainly would ask leave to have redirect examination of this witness.", "\nTHE COURT: The witness is under cross-examination.", "\nMISS CHRISTIE: No, he is not, sir. ", "I haven't even been able to ask him one question relative to anything other than his qualifications.", "\nMR. ", "BROWN: Your Honor, if I can continue for an hour on Monday, we may save a lot of time, an awful lot of time. ", "But he is on cross-examination, sir, in this area.", "\nTHE COURT: The witness is under cross-examination. ", "Are you saying that you won't follow a direction to the witness not to discuss with counsel, at this phase of his testimony, while he is under cross-examination?", "\n\n*89 MISS CHRISTIE: I may wish to prepare and discuss with the witness his testimony on Monday — if we ever get to his testimony on Monday.", "\nIn my opinion, to suffer under a restriction because I cannot speak to the witness, when I have not even had a chance to yet direct examine this witness —\nTHE COURT: We are not talking about the direct examination with respect to the substance of his testimony. ", "We are talking about his qualifications. ", "He is now under cross-examination with respect to his qualifications. ", "And I don't think it would be proper for you to discuss the present cross-examination of the witness while he is still under cross-examination, any more than it would be for you to walk up to him while he is on the stand.", "\nMISS CHRISTIE: Then we are applying a double standard. ", "Because that's exactly what was going on during the entire time that Dr. Kadane was on the stand, your Honor. ", "I don't quite understand the standard being applied to the Commonwealth and not to the defense.", "\nMR. ", "BROWN: I have not been talking to him. ", "I deliberately did not. ", "He wasn't even here.", "\nTHE COURT: My understanding of the law is that if a witness is under cross-examination the attorney who offered that witness cannot walk up to him and discuss his testimony or otherwise confer with him while he is under cross-examination. ", "And the witness should consider that he is still under cross-examination while he is off the stand and should not consult with counsel. ", "And any direction to the witness to that effect is a proper admonition.", "\nMISS CHRISTIE: Then I move to strike Dr. Kadane's testimony. ", "He was on cross-examination on Wednesday, your Honor, when we recessed, at recess, during the recess, and as well this morning. ", "And there was consultation between counsel and the witness, Kadane, as to the substantive aspects of his testimony — let alone before the witness, in this instance, has even been direct examined as to the substantive merits of his testimony.", "\n\n*90 THE COURT: We are talking about the cross-examination of the witness as to his qualifications. ", "I am directing the witness not to discuss his qualifications with his attorney until cross-examination is finished. ", "Are you telling me you won't follow that admonition? ", "If you are, I'll bar the witness' testimony right now.", "\nMISS CHRISTIE: I'm telling the Court —\nTHE COURT: Answer me yes or no. ", "I'm not going to play games with you. ", "My direction to the witness —\nMISS CHRISTIE: The only thing the Commonwealth —\nTHE COURT: All right. ", "The witness' testimony is barred. ", "If I can't get a word in edgewise, that's the end of it. ", "We'll proceed with anything else you have Monday morning.", "\nMISS CHRISTIE: I would ask your Honor's reconsideration of that ruling.", "\nTHE COURT: Not while you are talking. ", "If I can't get a word in edgewise, that's it.", "\nMISS CHRISTIE: I am not speaking. ", "I would ask your Honor's reconsideration.", "\nTHE COURT: Recess until Monday morning.", "\nN.T. 3/30/84, 226-230.", "\nOn the following Monday, another verbal exchange took place between Christie and the court. ", "This exchange was triggered by Christie's response to the court's directive to provide the defense with a list of alleged co-conspirators. ", "Christie's list included the names of 70 people. ", "Thereafter, the following verbal interchange took place:\nTHE COURT: And you should be able to decide right now whom you are going to call and for what purpose. ", "If not, if your preparation is that fuzzy —\nMS. ", "CHRISTIE: My preparation in this case isn't fuzzy at all. ", "There's something in this courtroom that's fuzzy, but it certainly isn't my preparation in this case. ", "I have been attempting to put this case on for two months to a forum that appears to see the right side of the courtroom and not the left side of the courtroom.", "\n\n*91 Now, my preparation is fine in this case, Your Honor. ", "And if I am ever permitted to proceed with the case, ever permitted to be heard from, ever permitted to cross-examine a witness without being accused of being dilatory or having some purpose in mind for lengthening the cross-examination of the witness, ever permitted to offer a witness without having the testimony of that witness barred twice amidst a hasty retreat from the bench, then maybe I can present my case to this Court, however contemptuous that may sound to Your Honor.", "\nTHE COURT: Let's go through a few of these items. ", "You said something in the case is fuzzy and it's not your preparation. ", "What are you referring to?", "\nMS. ", "CHRISTIE: I rest on the record of this nine-week travesty here that passes for a pretrial motion.", "\nN.T. 4/2/84, 18-31.", "\nSubsequently, Christie accused the court of applying a \"double standard\" and cited certain instances from the record to support her accusation, including the court's actions on the previous Friday. ", "At that time, largely due to its desire to review the foregoing statements, the court recessed. ", "The following day, the court reconvened and held that Christie's actions on the previous day warranted a citation for criminal contempt of court. ", "In his opinion, Judge Ribner states that this determination was largely based upon Christie's use of the word, \"travesty,\" and on her constant interruptions.", "\nIn resolving whether Christie's actions warranted a contempt conviction, it is helpful to review prior case law. ", "Therein, the following behavior was held to constitute criminal contempt: (1) an attorney's failure to appear as directed at a hearing, United States v. Lespier, 558 F.2d 624 (1st Cir. ", "1977); (2) an attorney's attempt to pressure court into a favorable ruling by accusing the court of being a tool of the government, United States v. Schiffer, 351 F.2d 91 (6th Cir. ", "1965); (3) fighting with deputy sheriffs in the courtroom after they stopped an unlawful attempt by criminal defendants to leave, Commonwealth v. Patterson, 452 Pa. 457, *92 308 A.2d 90 (1973); (4) constantly interrupting the Commonwealth's closing argument and refusing to behave in an orderly manner, Commonwealth v. Snyder, 443 Pa. 433, 275 A.2d 312 (1971); and (5) interrupting the proceedings and calling the judge a \"hatchet man for the State,\" \"a dirty S.O.B.,\" and a \"dirty tyrannical old dog,\" Mayberry Appeal, 434 Pa. 478, 255 A.2d 131 (1969), vacated on other grounds, 400 U.S. 455, 91 S.Ct. ", "499, 27 L.Ed.2d 532 (1971).", "\nIn contrast, the following was held not to constitute contemptuous behavior: (1) attorney's attempt to place on the record what he considered to be inappropriate remarks by the trial judge, Commonwealth v. Restifo, 339 Pa.Super. ", "225, 488 A.2d 633 (1985); (2) attorney's repeated attempts to address issues which the court had foreclosed, Matter of Creamer, supra.; (", "3) defense attorney's objection to court's direction that defendant stand to be identified by witness, and subsequent inquiry as to whether his client \"[was] to be flagellated in front of the jury,\" Commonwealth v. Garrison, supra.; ", "and (4) attorney's continued assertions that his line of questioning on cross-examination should be allowed, despite objections to the same which were previously sustained, Commonwealth v. Collier, 353 Pa.Super. ", "543, 510 A.2d 796 (1986).", "\nInstantly, Christie's actions on Friday, March 30, coupled with her actions on the following Monday, warranted a citation for criminal contempt. ", "While said actions are seemingly less reprehensible than the above-cited cases which upheld the existence of contemptuous behavior, they will not be ignored by this Court. ", "The record clearly shows that Judge Ribner acted with admirable restraint in handling Christie's outwardly abusive behavior. ", "Despite her hostile confrontations, he gave her the necessary leeway to prosecute her case. ", "Only when her behavior clearly threatened and interfered with his ability to effectively preside over the case did he choose to issue the contempt citation. ", "In doing so, he took ample time to review the record and to make this determination. ", "Christie's behavior constituted an intentional and flagrant challenge to Judge Ribner's authority *93 which was undoubtedly designed to intimidate the Judge into indulging her desires.", "\nUnequivocally, Christie's overall conduct at the trial was exhausting. ", "She challenged everything and pushed the limits of attorney advocacy. ", "We can only envision the hardship of attempting to maintain an orderly and dignified trial when continually battling with such a stubborn and defiant prosecutor. ", "She continually halted the proceedings and stripped the court of its dignity and control.", "\nWhen viewed in accordance with the statutory mandates of 42 Pa.C.S. § 4131(3), the Commonwealth has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Christie committed a misconduct in the presence of the court, and that this conduct was intended to obstruct the proceedings. ", "Further, we find that said conduct did obstruct the proceedings in that it \"prevented [the trial court] from maintaining a dignified administration over the proceedings\" and resulted in an unnecessary delay. ", "For this Court to hold otherwise would be to effectively strip a trial judge of his or her ability to assert authority where necessary and to preserve the integrity and dignity associated with a court of law.", "\nThe ability to issue a criminal contempt citation empowers a trial judge with the ability to maintain command over his or her courtroom. ", "Effectively, the criminal contempt sanction gives credence to a judge's status as commander in chief over his or her courtroom. ", "If we continually carve away at this power, the sanctity and balance of the courtroom may be in jeopardy. ", "Instead, it will become an open forum for theatrics. ", "Accordingly, we confidently agree with the determination of the trial court and hold that the facts clearly support its decision to issue the first criminal contempt citation.", "\nThe second contempt citation was the result of Christie's verbal response to a ruling made by Judge Ribner. ", "Directly following the ruling, Christie complained, \"I don't believe this . . .\". ", "Herein, although indignant and disrespectful, this comment does not exhibit contemptuous characteristics. ", "Unlike the behavior which prompted the *94 issuance of the first contempt citation, a review of the record indicates that the actions in question did not not overtly interfere with the court's ability to proceed with the trial, nor did it result in the obstruction of justice. ", "Accordingly, we cannot sustain the trial court's determination as to the second contempt citation.[4]\nNext, Christie alleges that she was denied due process as she was not given sufficient notice of the charges and, therefore, was unable to defend herself or to present mitigating factors to justify her behavior. ", "Due to our disposition of the second contempt citation, our focus will be on Christie's argument as it relates to the first contempt citation.", "\nIn imposing summary punishment, a court is permitted to \"eliminate the traditional steps involved in an adjudication\". ", "Falkenhan, supra. (", "quoting Cooke v. United States, 267 U.S. 517, 536, 45 S.Ct. ", "390, 394, 69 L.Ed. ", "767, 773 (1925)); Commonwealth v. Stevenson, 482 Pa. 76, 393 A.2d 386 (1978) (plurality opinion). ", "Accordingly, formal hearings, argument and findings are unnecessary where the administration of justice is threatened so as to require such summary action. ", "Falkenhan, supra.", "\nInstantly, a review of the record demonstrates that Christie's actions warranted the imposition of summary punishment. ", "She continually tampered with Judge Ribner's authority and overtly threatened his ability to effectively preside over the proceedings. ", "As such, Judge Ribner was justified in summarily imposing the citation in lieu of complying the conventional procedural mandates.", "\nChristie also contends that Judge Ribner erred in failing to recuse himself. ", "It is well-established that recusal is required in contempt proceedings where the record demonstrates a \"running, bitter controversy\" between the contemnor and the trial court. ", "Falkenhan, supra; Commonwealth v. Reid, 494 Pa. 201, 431 A.2d 218 (1981). ", "Where, *95 however, no such \"bitter\" controversy exists, recusal is unnecessary. ", "Falkenhan, supra.", "\nInstantly, while the record does reveal the existence of a \"running\" controversy between Christie and the trial court, there is no indication that said controversy was \"bitter\". ", "In contrast to Christie's contentions, the trial court responded to her behavior with a patient, learned, and detached hand. ", "As such, the trial court did not err in failing to recuse itself.", "\nAccordingly, the convictions of Christie of direct criminal contempt are affirmed in part and reversed in part. ", "Order of April 3, 1984 affirmed and order of May 29, 1984 reversed.", "\nNOTES\n[1] Edward G. Rendell, former District Attorney of Philadelphia County, has also appealed from the trial court's order of April 3, 1984. ", "Since he was not a party to the proceeding in the trial court, however, and has failed to demonstrate that he had a direct, immediate and substantial interest in the matter, he is not an aggrieved party and, as such, his portion of the appeal is hereby quashed. ", "See, In re Reorganization of Penn Cambria School District, 40 Pa.Commw. ", "322, 397 A.2d 465 (1979); Walker v. Walker, 362 Pa.Super. ", "75, 523 A.2d 782 (1987).", "\n[2] Act of July 9, 1976, P.L. 586, No. ", "142, § 2, 42 Pa.C.S. § 4131 (1982).", "\n[3] Seemingly, the trial court has attempted to qualify Christie's actions throughout the trial as a basis for her contempt convictions. ", "Although we find it appropriate to review the entire record for a determination as to the propriety of the contempt convictions, we also find it appropriate to base the thrust of our determination on the incidents which directly contributed to the issuance of each contempt citation. ", "Commonwealth v. Garrison, supra. (", "this Court acknowledged that attorney's behavior was offensive throughout the trial, but decision to reverse contempt conviction was solely based upon attorney's remark which triggered the issuance of the contempt citation).", "\n\nFurther, the trial court has directed our attention to newspaper articles which reiterated certain occurrences during the trial. ", "Since our review is confined to the record, Commonwealth v. Jackson, 367 Pa.Super. ", "6, 532 A.2d 28 (1987), however, it would be inappropriate to consider these articles in making our determinations.", "\n[4] Due to our disposition of this issue, we need not reach the balance of the appellant's contentions as they relate to the second contempt citation.", "\n" ]
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[ "#******************************************************************************\r\n#\r\n# Makefile - Rules for building the USB host mouse example.", "\r\n#\r\n# Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Texas Instruments Incorporated. ", " All rights reserved.", "\r\n# Software License Agreement\r\n# \r\n# Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and\r\n# exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. ", "The software is owned by\r\n# TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright\r\n# laws. ", "You may not combine this software with \"viral\" open-source\r\n# software in order to form a larger program.", "\r\n# \r\n# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\" AND WITH ALL FAULTS.", "\r\n# NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT\r\n# NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR\r\n# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. ", "TI SHALL NOT, UNDER ANY\r\n# CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\r\n# DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER.", "\r\n# \r\n# This is part of revision of the EK-LM4F232 Firmware Package.", "\r\n#\r\n#******************************************************************************\r\n\r\n#\r\n# Defines the part type that this project uses.", "\r\n#\r\nPART=TM4C123GH6PGE\r\n\r\n#\r\n# The base directory for TivaWare.", "\r\n#\r\nROOT=../../..\r\n\r\n#\r\n# Include the common make definitions.", "\r\n#\r\ninclude ${ROOT}/makedefs\r\n\r\n#\r\n# Where to find source files that do not live in this directory.", "\r\n#\r\nVPATH=../drivers\r\nVPATH+=../../../utils\r\n\r\n#\r\n# Where to find header files that do not live in the source directory.", "\r\n#\r\nIPATH=../\r\nIPATH+=../../..\r\n\r\n#\r\n# The default rule, which causes the USB host mouse example to be built.", "\r\n#\r\nall: ${COMPILER}\r\nall: ${COMPILER}/usb_host_mouse.axf\r\n\r\n#\r\n# The rule to clean out all the build products.", "\r\n#\r\nclean:\r\n\t@rm -rf ${COMPILER} ${wildcard *~}\r\n\r\n#\r\n# The rule to create the target directory.", "\r\n#\r\n${COMPILER}:\r\n\t@mkdir -p ${COMPILER}\r\n\r\n#\r\n# Rules for building the USB host mouse example.", "\r\n#\r\n${COMPILER}/usb_host_mouse.axf: ${COMPILER}/cfal96x64x16.o\r\n${COMPILER}/usb_host_mouse.axf: ${COMPILER}/startup_${COMPILER}.o\r\n${COMPILER}/usb_host_mouse.axf: ${COMPILER}/uartstdio.o\r\n${COMPILER}/usb_host_mouse.axf: ${COMPILER}/usb_host_mouse.o\r\n${COMPILER}/usb_host_mouse.axf: ${COMPILER}/ustdlib.o\r\n${COMPILER}/usb_host_mouse.axf: ${ROOT}/usblib/${COMPILER}/libusb.a\r\n${COMPILER}/usb_host_mouse.axf: ${ROOT}/grlib/${COMPILER}/libgr.a\r\n${COMPILER}/usb_host_mouse.axf: ${ROOT}/driverlib/${COMPILER}/libdriver.a\r\n${COMPILER}/usb_host_mouse.axf: usb_host_mouse.ld\r\nSCATTERgcc_usb_host_mouse=usb_host_mouse.ld\r\nENTRY_usb_host_mouse=ResetISR\r\nCFLAGSgcc=-DTARGET_IS_TM4C123_RA1\r\n\r\n#\r\n# Include the automatically generated dependency files.", "\r\n#\r\nifneq (${MAKECMDGOALS},clean)\r\n-include ${wildcard ${COMPILER}/*.d} __dummy__\r\nendif\r\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCan I disable X-Frame-Options on Firefox?", "\n\nI'm testing an internal web application that pulls content from servers that I'd rather leave 100% alone, and some of them send the \"X-Frame-Options\" header. ", " While that's the right setting in production, while we're testing, I'd like to strip it out on just our browsers.", "\nIs that possible? ", "Googling turned up nothing.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou could put an intermediary proxy like WebScarab in the middle. ", " It'll allow you to rewrite responses on the fly so you should be able to strip that header out.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "#! ", "/bin/sh\n\n# Ulimit: don't drop core.", "\nulimit -c 0\n\n# Timer: how many minutes format runs before aborting.", "\ntimer=2\n\n# Runs: set to 0 to run infinitely.", "\nruns=1000\nif test \"$#\" -gt \"0\"; then\n\truns=$1\nfi\n\n# Config: additional test/format configuration\nconfig=\n\n# Assumes we're running in build_*/test/format directory.", "\ntcmd=./t\nwtcmd=../../wt\nrundir2=RUNDIR.SAVE\ncount=0\nwhile true; do\n\tcount=`expr $count + 1`\n\tif test $runs -eq 0; then\n\t\techo \"recovery test: $count\"\n\telse\n\t\tif test $count -gt $runs; then\n\t\t\texit 0\n\t\tfi\n\t\techo \"recovery test: $count of $runs\"\n\tfi\n\n\trm -rf $rundir2\n\t$tcmd $config -q abort=1 logging=1 timer=$timer\n\n\t# Save a copy of the database directory exactly as it was at the crash.", "\n\tcp -rp RUNDIR $rundir2\n\n\t#\n\t# Everything is a table unless explicitly a file.", "\n\t#\n\tisfile=`grep data_source RUNDIR/CONFIG | grep -c file || exit 0`\n\tif test \"$isfile\" -ne 0; then\n\t\turi=\"file:wt\"\n\telse\n\t\turi=\"table:wt\"\n\tfi\n\n\t# We know we aborted, so force recovery to run.", "\n\t$wtcmd -R -h RUNDIR verify $uri || exit 1\ndone\n" ]
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[ "No separation\n\nThere does appear to be a transmission between one who has realized and one who has not but there is actually no transmission because there is no separation, no distance between them.", "\nOne is water and the other is an ice cube melting in that water only to find out eventually that it too is just that same water.”" ]
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[ 0, 0 ]
[ "News Focus\n\nNews Search\n\nKeyword:\n\nEU Consulting Project Wins in Balkans\n\nPM Group’s international consultancy division today announced it has won EU funded consultancy projects worth €10m in the Balkan Region.", "\n\nPM Group competed against some of Europe’s leading consultancy companies in countries such as Belarus, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova and Serbia to win the high profile contracts. ", "Projects include Waste Governance in Moldova and Belarus; environmental and economic sector projects in Bosnia; Competition and State Aid in Croatia; SME Development in Kosovo; Strengthening of Macedonia’s Civil Service Agency on behalf of the European Commission and environmental and municipal projects in Serbia.", "\n\n“We were delighted to win these new projects. ", "It is a particularly rewarding area to work in as we are involved with helping pre-accession countries to implement sustainable solutions as foundations to their future growth. ", "Employing highly-qualified and experienced professionals with the range of skills, knowledge and experience, we are well positioned to comply with and execute world-class projects in that region and beyond” said Dermot O’Dwyer of PM Group.", "\n\nIn addition to the successes in the Balkan Region, PM Group has recently begun work in Brussels with the European Commission to assist in effectively coordinating activities with other donors (World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Bank etc.) ", "in the Western Balkan region and Turkey.", "\n\n“PM Group’s recent successes are a reflection of the company’s strategic ambitions to broaden its international consultancy activities. ", "This is reflected by our long term presence in Romania and Bulgaria and our recent work with the Asian Development Bank in Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan. ", "Our reputation in international consultancy has grown to the extent that we continue to see this market as a major growth area for the Group”, added Mr O’Dwyer.", "\n\n“PM Group’s international consulting services places particular emphasis on the strengthening of Ministries and state institutions, cross border development, human resource development and regional development, using the experience gained from an Irish perspective to guide the beneficiary countries through the often difficult transition process to full membership of the European Union”, Mr. O’Dwyer said.", "\n\nFor more information about PM Group's International Consulting services, please contact:" ]
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[ "Another\n\nI've had the same issue, except it is always with emails. ", "It happens about once every few days, and then the mobile device will not sync again until I disable and then re-enable \"email\" under the server sync settings.", "\n\nMostly posting to make sure this doesn't get forgotten. ", "What exactly causes this? ", "Is it a specific action I should avoid? (", "such as reading on one device and the other at different times, for example?)" ]
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[ "Vision Systems and Their Customers and Strategic Partners Showcase an Impressive Array of Breakthrough SPD-SmartGlass Products at InnoTrans 2016\n\nWOODBURY, NY and BRIGNAIS, FRANCE and BERLIN, GERMANY--(Marketwired - September 26, 2016) - Yesterday was the final day of 2016 InnoTrans, the leading international trade fair for transport technology held every two years. ", "The event was a showcase for the versatility and diversity of innovative products using Research Frontiers film-based SPD-Smart variable light transmission technology. ", "At four different locations at InnoTrans, Research Frontiers licensee Vision Systems, and their customers and strategic partners, exhibited many different types of SPD-Smart products all focused on improving the passenger experience. ", "Products included:\n\nVision Systems' SPD-Smart electronically dimmable windows (EDWs) provide unprecedented passenger benefits on all types of trains and other vehicles on the ground, aircraft in the air, and marine craft on the water. ", "By enabling users to precisely control the amount of daylight and glare coming through windows, people can instantly tune the tint of the EDWs to a comfortable level while continuing to enjoy views, rather than blocking their view with a shade. ", "The system delivers many other practical benefits including a cooler interior due to remarkable thermal insulation properties, and a quieter interior due to acoustic insulation properties.", "\n\nThe AeroLiner3000, a train being proposed for British Railway, made its world premier at InnoTrans at the booth of the German Aerospace Center (DLR). ", "The interior of this 30 foot long (9 meter) 1:1 scale demonstrator was designed by Andreas Vogler Studio and includes SPD-Smart EDWs (Electronically Dimmable Windows) supplied by Vision Systems. ", "In an information article DLR noted: \"The design of the AeroLiner 3000 high-speed double decker train was inspired by business jets… the demonstrator is aimed at highlighting the feasibility, ergonomics and aesthetic appeal of a double decker train that is compatible with the UK rail network.\"", "\n\nSPD-SmartGlass EDWs for trains offer instant and precise control over the tint level of the window -- from clear to extremely dark. ", "They improve the passenger experience by allowing the optimum amount of healthy daylighting into the cabin, in real time, while passengers continue to enjoy their nice views. ", "They keep the cabin cooler by blocking heat entering the cabin, and the acoustic insulation properties deliver a quieter cabin.", "\n\nTo see the SPD-Smart EDWs in operation on the AeroLiner3000, please view this video.", "\n\nSPD-Smart EDW with Integrated Thin Transparent Information Display\n\nAt InnoTrans, Vision Systems also had the world premier of its latest innovative concept for the rail market -- Acti-Vision -- an SPD-Smart EDW that combines a dimmable window with an interactive display. ", "It offers solar protection as well as interactive maps, travel services and other content such as safety information, meal/drink orders, etc. ", "All of this is integrated in SPD-Smart EDWs that can be controlled by the passenger using a transparent touchscreen.", "\n\nSPD-Smart technology allows passengers to regulate light and heat, reduce noise inside the cabin, while preserving their views without blocking it with shades or blinds. ", "This application also allows passengers to interact with useful applications and services, directly on the window. ", "Railway companies can build their brand and their image by offering creative tailored uses of this new interactive passenger amenity, and can also maximize revenues as a result of the increased value of window seats.", "\n\nSPD-Smart Contrast Enhancement Filter for Information Display\n\nAnnax, a leading supplier of passenger information systems consisting of six companies in four countries (Germany, Switzerland, Austria and China), showcased another information-display related innovative application for SPD-Smart technology at InnoTrans. ", "At their booth, Annax's information display used an SPD-Smart contrast-enhancement filter supplied by Vision Systems. ", "The functionality of the SPD-Smart filter brings more contrast to Annax's information display, and facilitates reading the text on the screen.", "\n\nSPD-Smart EDW with Multi-Zone Control\n\nAt their InnoTrans booth, Vision Systems exhibited a large multi-zone SPD-Smart window. ", "This allows passengers to independently control the tint of different \"zones\" within the same window. ", "This enhancement provides more comfort from a more accurate regulation of light. ", "Passengers can select a darker level of tint to control light and glare from direct sun, and at the same time select a lighter level of tint in the part of the window not subject to direct sun, to maximize his or her magnificent view.", "\n\nThis benefit is possible because SPD-Smart light control technology is film-based, rather than coated directly onto glass as is the case with electrochromic technology. ", "SPD film offers many other production, performance, and flexibility advantages over other electronically dimmable window technologies, including instant switching speed. (", "In contrast, a large train window using electrochromic technology could take up to 30 minutes to switch from clear to dark, as compared to a few seconds for SPD EDWs.)", "\n\nTrain Passenger Cabin SPD-Smart EDW\n\nAmaronia Rail Ltd, a Vision Systems sales representative, exhibited a large-format train passenger SPD-Smart EDW supplied by Vision Systems. ", "Amaronia notes on their website that especially when it is hot and sunny outside, large amounts of heat penetrate the train and make passengers uncomfortable and overload the climate control systems. \"…", "If the sunshades are down, the passengers cannot enjoy the scenery outside. ", "What if the solution could be so simple that the train guard, by just pressing a button, could dim all windows in the train, but in such a way that the heat of the sun would not any more penetrate, and the passengers could still see out and enjoy the scenery? ", "Another possibility would be that every window is separately controlled by the passenger….\"", "\n\nAftermarket Driver Cabin SPD-Smart Windows\n\nVision Systems exhibited at InnoTrans an aftermarket SPD-Smart EDW designed for use in the driver cabin -- expanding the light and glare reducing benefits of Vision Systems' SPD-Smart products from the passenger car to the driver area. ", "This breakthrough solution for the light and glare issues commonly experienced in the driver cabin was seen for the first time by the public and the media at InnoTrans.", "\n\nDriver cabins can be extremely difficult to shade, and this aftermarket product is installed over the existing window and brings dynamic solar control to driver cabins -- providing automated management of light and glare, protection from harmful UV radiation, and heat rejection. ", "It can be removed quickly in the case of emergency, and has high optical quality and scratch resistance.", "\n\nAbout Vision Systems\n\nHeadquartered near Lyon, France, with a production and sales unit in Florida, USA, and a trade office in Singapore, Vision Systems is a tier-one system supplier in the aeronautic, land transport and marine industries, designing and producing bespoke solutions for specific market segments in complex environments. ", "The company's genuine expertise in solar protection places it today as the world leader in this area and the development of customized entertainment & connectivity solutions allows it to rank as a competitive challenger in embedded systems.", "\n\nVision Systems combines complementary skills in electronics, mechanics and composite to provide ever more innovative solutions for cost reduction, heightened safety and improved comfort. ", "Last week, Vision Systems announced the formation of its Smart Lite division, the largest known team in the world dedicated to SPD-Smart product solutions.", "\n\nAbout Research Frontiers Inc.\n\nResearch Frontiers (NASDAQ: REFR) is the developer of SPD-Smart light-control technology which allows users to instantly, precisely and uniformly control the shading of glass or plastic, either manually or automatically. ", "Research Frontiers has built an infrastructure of over 40 licensed companies that collectively are capable of serving the growing global demand for smart glass products in automobiles, homes, buildings, museums, aircraft and boats. ", "For more information, please visit our website at www.SmartGlass.com, and on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.", "\n\nNote: From time to time Research Frontiers may issue forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. ", "This press release contains forward-looking statements. ", "Actual results could differ and are not guaranteed. ", "Any forward-looking statements should be considered accordingly. \"", "SPD-Smart\" and \"SPD-SmartGlass\" are trademarks of Research Frontiers Inc. \"Nuance\" is a trademark of Vision Systems." ]
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[ "Eugene Weekly : ¡Ask A Mexican! : ", "12.31.09\n\nArticle |\nFebruary 23, 2012 - 11:04pm\n\nBY GUSTAVO ARELLANO\n\nSPECIAL BEST-OF EDITION\n\nDear Readers: The Mexican is still trying to shake off the Herradura from the previous year, so I’m reprinting this week a favorite column of mine from el pásado. ", "To make up for my siesta, though, I’m bringing back the YouTube edition of this column, where I’ll take the questions of the non-anonymous brave and ramble muy funny. ", "Just visit youtube.com/askamexicano every Thursday for the latest edition!", "\n\nDear Mexican: I just don’t get Mexicans and their grooming. ", "The men slick their hair with baby oil, gel or Vaseline, or just shave it all off. ", "The women wear it in ponytails with neon green hair bands or in pigtails, or they wear bangs created with the biggest curling iron in the world. ", "Do they see themselves in the mirror before leaving home? ", "Do they realize everyone is staring ‘cause they look bad??", "\n\n— Tommy Toupee\n\nDear Gabacho: Not only do we stare at our hair in the mirror, but we also blow kisses to our reflection and whisper, “Ay papi chulo, you’re más bonito than those gabachos feos.” ", "If there’s one body feature that Mexicans can boast about — besides the glorious guts of our men and the asses grandes of mujeres — it’s follicles, repositories of the world’s hair DNA. ", "Kinky, straight, curly or wavy, the Mexican head is pregnant with possibility, and Mexicans do everything possible to draw attention to what humans can do with a comb and three pounds of gel. ", "Some hairstyles are utilitarian: the Mexi-mullet protects the neck from the brutal sun, while bangs allow our ladies to hide switchblades. ", "Other styles, like indigenous pigtails or the Zach de la Rocha’s frizzy ‘fro, sing the body Mexican. ", "But the best Mexican hair involves Three Flowers brilliantine, the lightly scented petroleum jelly revered by generations of Mexican for its tight hold, its pleasant smell and a shine that rivals a flashlight. ", "Women use it to slick their hair into buns, men to sculpt Morrissey-esque pompadours. ", "Class: thy name is mexicano. ", "Oh, and contrary to popular belief, no self-respecting Mexican man shaves his head: that’s the domain of pendejo cholos and their Chicano cousins.", "\n\nI am a nice looking white girl with a great job and life. ", "I recently starting seeing a Mexican guy, who I’m pretty certain I scare the crap out of. ", "He has never dated a white woman before and seems very nervous around me. ", "He also asks me about the education and status of my ex-husband and previous boyfriends. ", "I really feel like he thinks he is not good enough for me, although I don’t know why. ", "He is gorgeous, hard-working and so kind. ", "I have never been one to care about what someone does, where they are from or how much money they make. ", "How can I get this guy to see that I really like him as a person and just relax?", "\n\n— Enamorada Gabacha\n\nDear Gabacha in Love: The first draft of my answer to your question ended this way: “You want to soothe your Mexican man’s frayed nerves, Enamorada? ", "Give him a blowjob.” ", "Thinking this was too glib, I wrote a second draft in which I explained the minefield of race and class that you and your beloved will have to cross. ", "I noted that dating a gabacha is the pinnacle of a Mexican man’s sexual life, proof that he can navigate bedrooms as easily as borders. ", "I cited the Orson Welles’ classic Touch of Evil (notice white-hot Janet Leigh is married to Mexican protagonist Mike Vargas — played by Charlton Heston in brownface) and I considered norteño super-group Los Tigres del Norte’s “El Mojado Acaudalado” (The Wealthy Wetback): “Decí-a una güera en Florida/’I love you Mexican men’” (Said a white woman in Florida/”Amo a ustedes hombres mexicanos”). ", "By the time I’d worked through all of that, I concluded that my first answer was best: nothing eradicates ego and all of its clunky superficialities (race, class, culture), nothing says I love you, nothing says “Welcome to America” like an old-school blowjob." ]
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[ "The ancient closest relatives of mammals – the cynodont therapsids – not only survived the greatest mass extinction of all time, 252 million years ago, but thrived in the aftermath, according to new research published today (28th August).", "\n\nThe first mammals arose in the Triassic period, more than 225 million years ago. ", "These early fur balls include small shrew-like animals such as Morganucodon from England, Megazostrodon from South Africa and Bienotherium from China.", "\n\nThey had differentiated teeth (incisors, canines, molars) and large brains and were probably warm-blooded and covered in fur – all characteristics that stand them apart from their reptile ancestors, and which contribute to their huge success today.", "\n\nHowever, new research suggests that this array of unique features arose gradually over a long span of time, and that the first mammals may have arisen as a result of the end-Permian mass extinction – which wiped out 90 per cent of marine organisms and 70 per cent of terrestrial species.", "\n\nThe research was conducted by the University of Lincoln, UK, the National Museum in Bloemfontein, South Africa, and the University of Bristol, UK, and has been published today in Proceedings of the Royal Society B.\n\nLead author Dr Marcello Ruta, evolutionary palaeobiologist from the University of Lincoln’s School of Life Sciences, said: “Mass extinctions are seen as entirely negative. ", "However, in this case, cynodont therapsids, which included a very small number of species before the extinction, really took off afterwards and were able to adapt to fill many different niches in the Triassic – from carnivores to herbivores.”", "\n\nCo-author Dr Jennifer Botha-Brink of the National Museum in Bloemfontein, South Africa, said: “During the Triassic, the cynodonts split into two groups, the cynognathians and the probainognathians. ", "The first were mainly plant-eaters, the second mainly flesh-eaters and the two groups seemed to rise and fall at random – first one expanding, and then the other. ", "In the end, the probainognathians became the most diverse and most varied in adaptations, and they gave rise to the first mammals some 25 million years after the mass extinction.”", "\n\nCo-author Professor Michael Benton, of the University of Bristol, UK, added: “We saw that when a major group, such as cynodonts, diversifies, it is the body shape or range of adaptations that expands first. ", "The diversity, or number of species, rises after all the morphologies available to the group have been tried out.”", "\n\nThe researchers concluded that cynodont diversity rose steadily during the recovery of life following the mass extinction, with their range of form rising rapidly at first before hitting a plateau. ", "This suggests there is no particular difference in morphological diversity between the very first mammals and their immediate cynodont predecessors.", "\n\nThe paper ‘The radiation of cynodonts and the ground plan of mammalian morphological diversity’ by Marcello Ruta, Jennifer Botha-Brink, Steve Mitchell and Michael J. Benton is published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B 20131865 on 28th August, 2013.", "\n\nHeader Image : Species of Cynodont : WikiPedia\n\nContributing Source : University of Lincoln\n\nHeritageDaily : Palaeontology News : Palaeontology Press Releases" ]
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[ "Australopithecus species have been the topic of much debate in palaeoanthropology since Raymond Dart described the first species, Australopithecus africanus, in 1925. ", "This volume synthesizes the geological and paleontological context of the species in East and South Africa; covers individual sites, such as Dikika, Hadar, Sterkfontein,... more...\n\nFor the first two thirds of our evolutionary history, we hominins were restricted to Africa. ", "Dating from about two million years ago, hominin fossils first appear in Eurasia. ", "This volume addresses many of the issues surrounding this initial hominin intercontinental dispersal. ", "Why did hominins first leave Africa in the early Pleistocene and not earlier?... ", "more..." ]
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[ "607 F.2d 1005\nStatev.", "O'Hair***\nNo. ", "79-1823\nUnited States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit\n11/9/79\n\n1\nW.D.Tex.", "\n\nDENIED\n\n\n*\n Fed.", "R.App.", "P. 34(a); 5th Cir.", "R. 18\n\n\n**\n Local Rule 21 case; see NLRB v. Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 5 Cir., ", "1970, 430 F.2d 966\n\n\n" ]
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[ "KABUL, Afghanistan — Since his days as a C.I.A.-backed Afghan guerrilla leader against the Soviets in the 1980s, the former prime minister and perpetual insurgent Gulbuddin Hekmatyar has always seemed to be negotiating his next shift of alliances.", "\n\nNow, with his Hezb-i-Islami militant group nearly eclipsed by the Taliban, Mr. Hekmatyar, 68, is once again working a deal — this time to formally reconcile with the Afghan government for the first time since the end of the country’s civil war.", "\n\nAfter years of failed overtures, representatives of Mr. Hekmatyar, whose location is unknown, are now said to be finalizing a peace agreement with the struggling government of President Ashraf Ghani, according to representatives from both sides. ", "If signed, the agreement would allow Mr. Hekmatyar to return to Kabul for the first time since 1996. ", "That was when the Taliban pushed him out of power after he had negotiated a deal to become prime minister in return for ending his insurgency against the government.", "\n\nFor Mr. Hekmatyar, history seems to repeat like that.", "\n\nBut the timing of the efforts to make peace with Mr. Hekmatyar’s small faction of the insurgency this time has raised questions in Kabul. ", "Mr. Ghani’s government, failing to persuade the Taliban to come to the table this winter, is hoping that a quick deal with Mr. Hekmatyar, which evaded the previous administration, would bring it much-needed good news. ", "The government’s peace body, the High Peace Council, also needs to show some results for the hundreds of millions of dollars in donor money it has spent on the reconciliation process." ]
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[ "Scientific discoveries burgeoning from the Human Genome Project are revolutionizing health care. ", "These discoveries are rapidly diffused into the public domain through media reports which can generate false expectations about their short and long term benefits. ", "It is increasingly common for consumers, armed with media reports and World Wide Web page printouts, to approach health care professionals to gain access to the latest genetic technology. ", "Nurses with a solid knowledge base in genetics are necessary to help anticipate, assess, and address the human responses to expanding genetics screening, diagnostic, and therapeutic capabilities. ", "Efforts to improve nurses' knowledge in genetics must begin in RN preparatory programs. ", "Before this can happen, nursing faculty must be educated in genetics and offered a variety of educational resources and tested strategies to increase genetics content in RN preparatory programs. ", "The two specific aims are unchanged for the expanded Genetics Educational Program for Nursing Faculty: a) to increase nursing faculty knowledge about genetics and its clinical application, and b) to increase genetics content taught in RN preparatory educational programs. ", "To continue the progress that has been made towards accomplishing the specific aims, the following updated and innovative approaches will be used: a) continue to conduct annual on-site Genetics Summer Institutes (GSI) for nursing faculty; b) develop and conduct a long distance version of the GSI; and c) enhance on-going support for past GSI participants. ", "The innovative long distance GSI (LDGSI) will be offered during 15 week periods. ", "The content will be divided into 6 learning units and will be based on the on-site GSI learning objectives. ", "Enrollment will be limited in order to create learning communities through Web-based asynchronous and synchronous communication and group activities. ", "The LDGSI will be designed to meet the following instructional goals: a) ensure access to current and accurate genetic instruction materials; b) enable learner control over educational process; c) promote formation of a learning community d) facilitate participants' successful completion of the LDGSI; and e) provide tools necessary for participants to successfully increase genetics content in their curricula. ", "On going support for participants will include a one year follow up period, Genetics Update workshops every other year, and updated educational resources posted on the GPNF Web site." ]
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[ "Dakota Ditcheva\n\nDakota Lili-Joa Ditcheva (born 1999) is a British Muay Thai champion. ", "She was part of the British team that won International Federation of Muaythai Amateur World Championships in Jönköping, Sweden. ", "She is three-time world champion and Daily Mirror and Sport England Pride of Sports Young Sportsperson of the Year.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:English Muay Thai practitioners\nCategory:Female Muay Thai practitioners\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:1999 births" ]
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[ "9 Stats that Reveal the Future of the Workplace\n\nTechnology has always driven, and will always drive, the future of work: just consider how the history of farming changed with the advent of the horse-drawn plow! ", "Similarly, Deloitte’s Human Capital Trends for 2017 contends that the modern workplace is changing rapidly and companies across all industries are having to adapt to the speed and connectivity of today’s world. ", "These are the top 9 statistics that highlight the state of the workplace in 2017—and beyond.", "\n\n1. ", "Only 9% of companies believe they have a good understanding of which talent dimensions drive performance in their organizations.", "\n\n9% is a shockingly low number for a metric that tells companies how to glean more productivity and efficiency from their employees. ", "Deloitte reports that the new field of “people analytics” hasn’t been mainstream long enough for companies to act on such information. ", "Going forward, businesses will need to find a way to connect HR and employee data to business processes.", "\n\n2. ", "Nearly 80% of executives rated employee experience as very important, but only 22% reported that their companies were excellent at building a differentiated employee experience.", "\n\nThe large percentage of executives in this statistic reveals that today’s connected world makes it easier than ever for employees to switch jobs. ", "This, in turn places pressure on employers to build good company cultures. ", "However, it’s also worth noting that less than 1 in 4 say they’re doing it well.. In the war for talent, more companies will need to tackle this issue going forward.", "\n\n3. ", "79% of companies survey their employees only once (or less) annually, and 14% never survey their employees at all.", "\n\nFeedback and communication are huge factors in creating a positive employee experience, but many companies still need to improve in these areas. ", "Deloitte notes that “creating a holistic approach to the employee experience demands better tools and programs to capture employee feedback continuously.” ", "The companies that are collecting feedback early and often, using programs and software like Lessonly, allow employees to help shape company culture and benefit the most.", "\n\n4. ", "91% of companies that have adopted continuous performance management say they now have better data for people decisions.", "\n\nMaking performance management a continuous process benefits both the organization and its employees. ", "When employees receive feedback on strengths and weaknesses in real-time—instead of waiting for quarterly or annual performance reviews—they can make changes sooner. ", "And with frequent check-ins, management reported to Deloitte that they can “make major progress in removing bias and discretion in promotion and advancement.”", "\n\n5. ", "79% of executives rate redesigning performance management as a high priority.", "\n\nThe biggest challenge of redesigning performance management is implementing these new methods in a way that benefits both the business and its employees at the same time. ", "Given the earlier statistic showing how often teams are surveyed by their leaders, there is a lot of room for improvement. ", "An easy win for organizations is simply asking for feedback from the team on existing processes and identify opportunities.", "\n\n6. ", "90% of companies are redesigning their organizations to be more dynamic, team-centric, and connected.", "\n\nCompanies are very focused on building the “workplace of the future” and are doing so by investing in agile, adaptive workplaces. ", "In practice, this means new software centered around communication, departments focused on innovation, and leadership that encourages continuous learning and improvement. ", "As companies come to embrace the reality of continuous change, expect to see more investments into software that can best support it.", "\n\n7. ", "59% of survey respondents reported they were not ready or only somewhat ready to address the employee experience challenge.", "\n\nAs noted earlier, executives understand the importance of the employee experience, but that doesn’t mean every organization is ready to address it. ", "In the growing war for talent, companies need to understand and adapt to the ways that employees view and interact with organizations. ", "This means everything from better employee learning and development to more leadership transparency.", "\n\n8. ", "Only 14% of companies believe their internal processes for collaboration and decision-making are working well.", "\n\nCollaboration is another focus area seeing a major push from businesses and employees alike. ", "The rise of communication tools like Slack coincides with the fact that 77% of companies believe email is no longer a viable tool for effective communication. ", "Workplaces are increasingly aware of the changing nature of employees’ communication styles and preferences, but many are slow to react.", "\n\nThe negative effects of this reluctance are compounded by the next statistic…\n\n9. ", "94% of surveyed companies report that agility and collaboration are critical to their organization’s success.", "\n\nAn overwhelming majority of companies are placing a premium on collaboration. ", "And while almost everyone surveyed for this year’s report believes that agility is important, nearly one-fifth of companies described themselves as “not agile” at all. ", "The gap between the recognized need for agility and actual performance is telling. ", "Businesses are behind the latest wave of digital transformation, but won’t stay that way for long.", "\n\nIf one were to sum up this year’s Human Capital Trends in a single word, it would likely be “change.” ", "Of all the businesses surveyed for this report, very few statistics that land in the middle. ", "Large percentages of executives understand that things are changing, but relatively few report actual performance on those changes. ", "As these workplaces trend more toward the future, modern tools and software are critical to company success.", "\n\nBuild a workplace of the future with Lessonly\n\nForward-thinking organizations use Lessonly to enable and empower their teams to do great work that has real impact on the bottom line. ", "Take the next step toward a more engaged workplace with our self-guided tour of Lessonly. ", "Sign up today." ]
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[ "Background {#Sec1}\n==========\n\nGiven that there were more than 130,000 deaths each year, stroke has been the fifth leading cause of death in the United States \\[[@CR1]\\]. ", "In addition to the high mortality, the high rate of long-term disability is the other reason which makes stroke a serious threat to human health \\[[@CR2]\\]. ", "What's worse, the incidence is increasing and the therapeutic option is quite limited \\[[@CR3], [@CR4]\\].", "\n\nIschemic stroke represents a series of pathological reactions among the blood microvessel parenchymal cells, which would lead to the injury of parenchymal cells \\[[@CR5], [@CR6]\\]. ", "The pathological process of stroke is a complex and highly dynamic process that includes the interactions between cerebral endothelial cells, the basal lamina, pericytes, astrocytes, microglia and neurons \\[[@CR7]\\]. ", "Although the development of neuroprotective drugs has received considerable research interest and a number of promising neuroprotective agents have been identified in preclinical studies, no one can achieve success in clinical trials \\[[@CR8]\\]. ", "The reason for this are various: (1) the difference between animals and human beings; (2) the individual condition of patients; (3) the complexity of ischemic stroke; (4) the treatment time windows; (5) the serious side effects; (6) the effective dose and course of treatment; and so on.", "\n\nWhen the research of neuroprotective drugs have not achieved progress for a long time, our team found that *N*-oleoylethanolane (OEA), an endogenous peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPAR-α) agonist, can protect against acute and chronic ischemic injury and improve spatial cognitive deficits in mice \\[[@CR9]--[@CR11]\\]. ", "The mechanism is that the deficiency of PPAR-α expression in the brain would aggravate the brain injury after ischemic stroke \\[[@CR12]\\], and the activation of PPAR-α would perform protective effects against brain ischemic injury \\[[@CR13]--[@CR15]\\]. ", "Apart from other synthetic neuro-protectors, OEA is a naturally occurring ethanolamide lipid, which would address many bottlenecks in the previous clinical trials, such as the difference between animals and humans, the side effect. ", "And then owing to the safety of OEA, the problem of its effective dose and the treatment time windows would be solved easier. ", "Therefore, OEA is a promising neuro-protector which may gain success in clinical trials.", "\n\nHowever, OEA is a water-insoluble molecule with a fatty acid-based structure, which would become a major barrier to its absorption \\[[@CR16], [@CR17]\\]. ", "In other words, OEA could not be used in clinic in its current form \\[[@CR18]\\]. ", "The problem of poor solubility comes to be a common difficulty to the new drugs' R&D \\[[@CR19]\\]. ", "Up to 40% of the new chemical entities in development have been suggested to be \"poorly water-soluble\" \\[[@CR20]\\]. ", "Whatever their therapeutic effect is, they are often dismissed at the beginning of the pharmacological characterization, just owing to the difficulties of their administration \\[[@CR21]\\]. ", "Nevertheless, given the failure of the neuro-protectors and the pronounced neuroprotective effect of OEA, it's a real pity to give up developing OEA to be a clinic neuro-protector. ", "Fortunately, the progress in nanotechnology research and development gives OEA another opportunity to enter the clinic \\[[@CR22]--[@CR24]\\]. ", "As the nanoparticle drug delivery system (NDDS) could greatly improve the solubility, and then enhance the bioavailability, this would make up for the deficiency of OEA's poor solubility \\[[@CR25], [@CR26]\\]. ", "Significantly, since the application of the NDDS is mostly focused on the treatment or diagnosis of cancer \\[[@CR27]--[@CR29]\\], the combination of NDDS with stroke therapy might come to an unexpected effect.", "\n\nHence, in this work, we combined OEA with the SPC-based nanoparticles. ", "By means of XRD, FT-IR and H^1^NMR, we confirmed that OEA could form hydrogen bonds with SPC, which totally changed the form in OEA--SPC NPs and increased the drug loading efficiency. ", "Possessing a drug loading of 18.3 ± 1.3%, a PDI of 0.181 ± 0.019, a zeta potential of − 16.8 ± 0.9 mv, and a size of 230.7 ± 7.9 nm, OEA--SPC NPs were well-distributed and stable enough for oral administration. ", "Then the in vivo neuroprotective effect were systemic evaluated. ", "At the dosage of 10 mg/kg, with which there were no obvious effects in our previous work \\[[@CR9]--[@CR11]\\], the OEA--SPC NPs could greatly optimize the damaged motor function, the learning and memory disorder induced by ischemia reperfusion. ", "And they could reduce the cerebral infarct volume reduced by 81.1%, and the edema degree by 78.4%. ", "Significantly, the OEA--SPC NPs could inhibit the inflammation of reperfusion to a very slight level and protect the neurons. ", "With an outstanding neuroprotective effect, the OEA--SPC NPs would become a promising anti-stroke drug delivery system for the clinic application.", "\n\nMaterials and methods {#Sec2}\n=====================\n\nMaterials {#Sec3}\n---------\n\nAll chemical reagents were of analytical grade and used without further purification unless otherwise stated. ", "OEA (purity grade \\> 95.0%) and Cy 5.5-NHS were obtained from Sigma Chemical Corp (St. Louis, MO, USA). ", "SPC (soybean phosphatidylcholine, purity grade \\> 90%) was purchased from Lipoid GmbH (Ludwigshafen, Germany). ", "Dichloromethane (DCM), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), and tetrahydrofuran (THF) were provided by Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China).", "\n\nPreparation and characterization of OEA--SPC complex (OEA--SPC) {#Sec4}\n---------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe OEA--SPC was prepared by a solvent evaporation method. ", "Briefly, 6 mg of OEA powder and 30 mg of SPC were codissolved in a glass pressure vessel with 15 mL of THF, accompanied by vigorous agitation at 40 °C for 10 h. Then, THF was removed via vacuum rotary evaporation with a rotary evaporator (N-1001S-W; EYELA, Tokyo, Japan). ", "The physical mixture of OEA and SPC (OEA & SPC) was prepared at the same weight ratio by grinding them with an agate mortar.", "\n\nPreparation of OEA--SPC nanoparticles (OEA--SPC NPs) {#Sec5}\n----------------------------------------------------\n\nThe OEA--SPC NPs was synthesized by a nanoprecipitation technique. ", "In brief, 10 mL of DCM was added to the OEA--SPC (6 mg of OEA), and then the clear homogeneous solution was then dropwise (0.2 mL/min) introduced into 40 mL of distilled water under magnetic stirring (200 rpm/min). ", "Subsequently, the dispersed phase gradually evaporated with stirring overnight to remove the DCM, producing a clear suspension and resulting in the formation of the OEA--SPC NPs.", "\n\nCharacterization {#Sec6}\n----------------\n\nThe OEA--SPC NPs was analysed using XRD (Phillips X'pert Pro Super), FTIR (Bruker IFS-55 FTIR spectrometer), and H^1^NMR (AVANCE III 600 MHz). ", "The bulk OEA powers, SPC, and the physical mixture of OEA and SPC were used as control. ", "Morphology of the OEA--SPC NPs was examined by SEM (UV-70) and TEM (JEM-2100) at 5 and 200 kV, respectively. ", "The Size and zeta-potential values were determined by a Malvern Zetasizer Nano-ZS machine (Malvern Instruments, Malvern). ", "Three parallel measurements were carried out to determine the average values. ", "The content of OEA in OEA--SPC NPs was determined by LC--MS (3200Qtrap). ", "The content efficiency was calculated by Eq.", " ([1](#Equ1){ref-type=\"\"}):$$\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$${\\text{Drug loading content of OEA}}\\left( {{\\% }} \\right) = ( {\\text{weight of OEA in NPs}})/( {\\text{weight of NPs}}) \\times 100{{\\%}}$$\\end{document}$$\n\nIn vitro drug release study {#Sec7}\n---------------------------\n\nThe in vitro drug release studies of OEA--SPC NPs were performed via the dialysis technique. ", "The bulk OEA powers and OEA--SPC NPs were dispersed in a PBS buffer solution (12 mL) and placed in a pre-swelled dialysis bag (MWCO 3500 Da). ", "Then, the dialysis bag was then immersed in PBS (0.1 M, 150 mL, pH 7.4) and oscillated continuously in a shaker incubator (180 rpm) at 37 °C. ", "All samples were assayed by LC--MS.", "\n\nBiodistribution {#Sec8}\n---------------\n\nFor in vivo fluorescence imaging, Cy 5.5 was conjugated to OEA. ", "Briefly, 1 g of OEA was dissolved in 2 mL of DMSO, and then added with 100 µL Cy 5.5-NHS, accompanied by agitation at rt for 4 h. Then, the suspension was added with 10 mL of DI water and dialyzed against DI water to remove excess Cy 5.5 molecules. ", "The remaining suspension was centrifuged (5000 rpm) and lyophilized for 24 h to obtain the dry OEA-Cy 5.5 powder. ", "OEA-Cy 5.5 and OEA (-Cy 5.5)-SPC NPs (\\[OEA\\] = 1 mg/mL) were infused to stomach of the nude mice at an OEA-dose of 5 mg/kg. ", "At 0 h, 1 h, 2 h, 4 h, 6 h, 12 h, and 24 h post-injection, the mice were anesthetized and imaged in vivo with the Maestro imaging system (Cambridge Research & Instrumentation). ", "After 24 h, the mice were sacrificed, and the brain and the major organs (liver, kidney, lung, spleen, and heart) were excised, followed by washing the surface with 0.9% NaCl for fluorescence intensity measurement.", "\n\nAnimals {#Sec9}\n-------\n\nThe experimental protocols were approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of Medical College of Xiamen University in compliance with the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (NIH Publications No. ", "80--23). ", "The male BALB/C nude mice (16--20 g), male Kunming mice (18--22 g) and male Sprague--Dawley (SD) rats (260--280 g) were purchased from Beijing Vital River Experimental Animal Co. (Beijing, China) and housed under a 12/12 h dark/light cycle in specific pathogen-free (SPF) conditions. ", "The animals were fasted without food deprivation for 12 h before the MCAO procedure was performed.", "\n\nDrugs administration {#Sec10}\n--------------------\n\nDrugs were dissolved in saline with ultrasonic breaking. ", "Drugs (10 mg/kg, *ig*) were administered once in mice/nude mice at the time of redispersion. ", "For rats, drugs (10 mg/kg, *ig*) were administered once daily for 14 consecutive days after ischemia.", "\n\nPreparation of the focal cerebral ischemia model {#Sec11}\n------------------------------------------------\n\nFocal cerebral ischemia was induced by middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) in both adult male Kunming mice and adult male Sprague--Dawley (SD) rats, as previously described \\[[@CR9], [@CR11]\\].", " In brief, animals were anesthetized with chloral hydrate (400 mg/kg, ip). ", "The 6-0 (mice) or 4-0 (rats) silicon rubber-coated nylon monofilament was inserted into the right internal carotid artery (ICA) through the external carotid stump, and past the ECA/ICA bifurcation to occlude the origin of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) at the junction of the circle of Willis. ", "The monofilament was kept in place for 90 min (mice) or 120 min (rats) and then withdrawn. ", "Sham-operated animals were treated with an identical surgery except that the intraluminal filament was not inserted. ", "Throughout the procedure, body temperature was maintained at 37 ± 0.5 °C. ", "Animals were excluded if hemorrhage was found in the brain slices or at the base of the circle of Willis during postmortem examination.", "\n\nMeasurement of infarct volume {#Sec12}\n-----------------------------\n\nFocal cerebral ischemia was induced by MCAO \\[[@CR9]\\]. ", "At 24 h after MCAO, the mice were decapitated, and the brains were removed rapidly and cut into five 2-mm thick coronal sections, which were then stained with standard 2% 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) at 37 °C for 10 min followed by overnight immersion in 10% formalin. ", "Images of the stained brain sections were captured using a digital camera (FinePix S602 Zoom). ", "The infarct area on each TTC-stained section was measured with Image Tool 2.0 software (University of Texas Health Science Center) and calculated as the infarct area thickness (2 mm). ", "The volume of the infarct is: V~real~ = V~measured~/(V~ipsi~/V~contra~). ", "To determine the extent of ipsilateral oedema, the percentage increase in the ischemic hemisphere volume was calculated by Eq.", " ([2](#Equ2){ref-type=\"\"}):$$\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\n \\usepackage{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{wasysym} \n \\usepackage{amsfonts} \n \\usepackage{amssymb} \n \\usepackage{amsbsy}\n \\usepackage{mathrsfs}\n \\usepackage{upgreek}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt}\n \\begin{document}$${\\text{Ipsilateral oedema degree}}(\\%) = ({{\\text{ipsilateral volume}} - {\\text{contralateral volume}}})/{\\text{contralateral volume}} \\times 100{{\\%}}$$\\end{document}$$\n\nEvaluation of neurological deficit {#Sec13}\n----------------------------------\n\nAt 24 h after MCAO, we tested all the mice/rats for neurological function using an established method, and we eliminated the mice/rats without neurological impairment. ", "Neurological scores were defined as follows: 0, no deficit; (1) flexion of the contralateral forelimb upon lifting the entire animal by the tail; (2) decrease in thrust towards the contralateral plane; and (3) circling to the contralateral side. ", "Additionally, at 3 days, 7 days, and 14 days after reperfusion, rats (n = 6 rats for sham group, and n = 8 rats for each ischemia group receiving different formations) were evaluated neurologically by a single examiner who was blinded to the animal groups.", "\n\nBalance beam walking test {#Sec14}\n-------------------------\n\nMotor coordination and balance were assessed by measuring the ability of rats to traverse a 1 m long beam with a width of 2.5 cm. ", "The beam was placed 50 cm above the floor, with one end mounted on a narrow support and the other end attached to the rat's home cage. ", "Rats were pre-train for 3 consecutive days (3 trails a day) until they could walk through the beam stably before surgery. ", "At 3 days, 7 days, and 14 days after reperfusion, the score of each rat traversing the balance beam is as follows: (0) if rat traverses the balance beam smoothly without foot-slip of the hind limb; (1) if rat traverses the beam with more than one foot-slip, but less than 50% foot-slips of the hind limb; (2) if rat traverses the beam with more than 50% foot-slips of the hind limb; (3) if rats traverses the balance beam reluctantly, but the hind limbs cannot help move forward; (4) if the rat is unable to move forward, but able to balance on the beam; (5) if rat is unable to stay on the beam. ", "The mean score was calculated by three individual tests.", "\n\nGrip strength test {#Sec15}\n------------------\n\nAt 3 days, 7 days, and 14 days after reperfusion, the grip test is used to evaluate the muscle strength of rat limbs. ", "Gently place the rat on the grip plate. ", "After the animal is firmly grasped, pull the rat tail backwards to release the claw. ", "The maximum grip of each animal will be recorded automatically. ", "The mean value was calculated by three individual tests.", "\n\nMorris water maze task {#Sec16}\n----------------------\n\nMorris water maze (MWM) task was begun from day 15 to day 20 after cerebral ischemia. ", "The protocol followed the previous report \\[[@CR11]\\]. ", "Acquisition training consisted of 5 days of conditioning with four trails per day from day 15 to 19. ", "For each trail, the rat was placed in the water at one of the four starting points (north, south, east or west) and allowed to swim for a maximum of 90 s. If the rat found the platform, it was allowed to remain on it for 15 s. If the rat cannot find the hidden platform within 90 s, it would be guided to the hidden platform. ", "The swimming speed and escape latency of finding the hidden platform were recorded. ", "On day 20, the platform was removed and rats were given one 90-s retention probe test. ", "We recoded the swimming traces of the rats by a video camera with a computer via an image analyzer. ", "The time spent in the targeted quadrant and the number of times each animal crossed the position where the platform had been previously located were also measured by the analyser.", "\n\nImmunofluorescence staining and cell counting {#Sec17}\n---------------------------------------------\n\nMice (24 h after reperfusion) and rats (21 days after reperfusion) were anesthetized with chloral hydrate and perfused transcardially with ice-cold saline followed by perfusion with 4% paraformaldehyde. ", "The brains were removed and dehydration with a 10%, 20%, 30% sucrose gradient and then coronal sectioned (30 μm) using a vibrating microtome (Leica, Wetzlar, Germany). ", "The sections were incubated in PBS containing 0.5% Triton X-100 and 10% normal goat serum for 1 h at room temperature, following by incubation with rabbit polyclonal NeuN (1:500; Abcam, Cambridge, UK) and rabbit polyclonal Iba1 (1:500; Wako, Osaka, Japan) at 4 °C overnight. ", "After several PBS rinses, sections were incubated with Alexa Fluor 594 donkey anti-rabbit IgG (1:500; Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) or Alexa Fluor 488 donkey anti-rabbit IgG (1:500; Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). ", "The number of NeuN or Iba1 positive cells was analysed by fluorescence confocal microscopy (EX61, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). ", "The positive cells were counted in three randomly chosen squares of identical size (460 × 460 μm) located in the cortical penumbra or hippocampal CA1 area.", "\n\nToluidine blue staining {#Sec18}\n-----------------------\n\nThe 30-μm section of mice and rats were stained with 1% toluidine blue in PBS for 20 min. ", "After rinsing with double distilled water, they were dehydrated with alcohol and mounted. ", "Representative images of mouse brain slices were obtained using a BX53 Olympus microscope (BX53, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan), and rats brain sections were obtained using a PreciPoint M8 microscope (M8, PreciPoint, Freising, Germany).", "\n\nStatistical analysis {#Sec19}\n--------------------\n\nThe statistical significance of treatment outcomes was assessed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the differences within treatments followed by Tukey's post hoc test (Prism 5 for windows, GraphPad Software Inc., USA); P \\< 0.05 was considered statistically significant in all analyses (95% confidence level).", "\n\nResults and discussion {#Sec20}\n======================\n\nPreparation of OEA--SPC Nanoparticles (OEA--SPC NPs) {#Sec21}\n----------------------------------------------------\n\nDifferent from other drug delivery systems, a key feature of the SPC-based nanoparticles is the preparation of drug-SPC complex via forming hydrogen bond between drug and SPC molecules, which would greatly improve the pharmaceutical properties of the drug. ", "To prepare the OEA--SPC complex, OEA and SPC were codissolved in tetrahydrofuran and stirred for 10 h at 40 °C. ", "Perhaps owing to the complexity of the drug used in the system, which group that could form hydrogen bond with the phosphatide is still not fully understood \\[[@CR30], [@CR31]\\]. ", "In this work, XRD, FT-IR, and H^1^NMR were employed to confirm the existence of hydrogen bonds and the groups forming them.", "\n\nFirstly, the X-ray diffraction was used to detect the form of OEA within the OEA--SPC NPs (Fig.", " [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}a). ", "The XRD pattern of bulk OEA exhibited many sharp peaks, suggesting its high crystallinity. ", "However, only one weak and broad peak could be observed in the pattern of SPC, illustrating its semicrystalline. ", "As to the mixture of OEA and SPC, the pattern was just similar to that of OEA. ", "This stated that the OEA maintained the same polymorph in the mixture. ", "However, in the XRD pattern of OEA--SPC NPs, almost all of the sharp peaks of OEA disappeared and only the broad peak ascribed to SPC remained unchanged. ", "The results nicely suggested that the preparation process had totally changed the growth kinetics of OEA and the crystalline OEA was existed in the amorphous state within the OEA--SPC NPs. ", "The reason was that the hydrogen bonds might have formed between OEA and SPC molecules.", "Fig.", " 1XRD patterns (**a**), FT-IR spectra (**b**) and H^1^NMR spectra (**c**) of OEA, SPC, the mixture of OEA and SPC, and OEA--SPC NPs. ", "TEM image (**d**), zeta potential (**e**), and size distribution (**f**) of OEA--SPC NPs. **", "g** The in vitro drug release of OEA and OEA--SPC NPs. ", "The ratio of OEA to SPC was the same in the mixture and the OEA--SPC NPs\n\nThen, FT-IR was employed to confirm the groups that formed hydrogen bonds. ", "In the FT-IR spectra of SPC, the absorption peak at 1238 cm^−1^ was ascribed to the aliphatic phosphate P = O stretching vibration, which remained unchanged in the spectra of the mixture (Fig.", " [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}b) Nevertheless, the peak was obviously blueshifted to 1233 cm^−1^, and a shoulder peak emerged at 1255 cm^−1^. The results indicated that the aliphatic phosphate P = O was affected by other new bonds in the OEA--SPC NPs compared with in the mixture. ", "Since none of covalent bonds were newly formed in the OEA--SPC NPs, the influence can only come from the newly formed hydrogen bonds between the aliphatic phosphate P = O and OEA molecules.", "\n\nWhen forming hydrogen bonds, the hydrogen atoms would be affected and their chemical shift would make a difference. ", "Hence, the H^1^NMR was used to further search the hydrogen atoms included in the hydrogen bonds. ", "As shown in Fig.", " [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}c, the peak at 7.72 ppm (ascribed to the --NH-- of OEA) and the peak at 4.62 ppm (ascribed to the --OH of OEA) appeared to obviously shift to the higher field in the OEA--SPC NPs. ", "The results indicated that the two hydrogen atoms were simultaneously affected by the hydrogen bonds. ", "Combined with the results of XRD, FT-IR and H^1^NMR, it is suggested that the aliphatic phosphate \"P = O\" could form hydrogen bonds with the \"-NH-\" or \"-OH\" of OEA, and thus change the form of OEA in the NPs. ", "Since one aliphatic phosphate \"P = O\" could only offer a lone pair, \"--NH--\" and \"--OH\" of OEA might combine with two SPC molecules simultaneously (Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}: Formula S1).", "\n\nThe OEA--SPC NPs were prepared via nanoprecipitation technique, which was based on the amphipathicity of SPC \\[[@CR32], [@CR33]\\]. ", "Briefly, the OEA--SPC complex was dissolved in dichloromethane and diffused toward the continuous phase at a certain, slow speed. ", "Then the system turned into an O/W suspension. ", "With the volatilization of the dichloromethane, a dramatic decrease in the interfacial tension took place, leading to the progressively smaller droplet size. ", "After the evaporation of the organic phase, the system came to a total water environment. ", "Owing to the hydrophobicity of the \"tails\" of SPC, they would assemble together to keep away from the water environment. ", "Hence, the liposomes loaded with OEA were successfully prepared with a structure of lipid bilayer (Scheme [1](#Sch1){ref-type=\"fig\"}).Scheme 1Illustration of the preparation process and the structure of the OEA--SPC and the OEA--SPC NPs\n\nThe characters of the nanoparticles, such as the size, the PDI, the zeta potential, play a paramount role on the fate of a drug delivery system. ", "Hence, to prepare OEA--SPC NPs with better pharmaceutical properties, the characters of OEA--SPC NPs with different drug loading were analyzed. ", "As shown in Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}, the drug loading of the OEA--SPC NPs increased with the ratio of OEA to SPC. ", "However, the other pharmaceutical properties, such as PDI, size, and zeta potential, became poorer. ", "Especially when the ratio increased from 1:5 to 1:4, the size increased dramatically. ", "The reason might be that the excess bonding with OEA would change the hydrophilia of the \"head\", which played a crucial role in the preparation process. ", "As a result, no liposomes were obtained when the ratio came to 1:3 (Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}).Table 1The drug loading, zeta potential, size and PDI of OEA--SPC NPsThe ratio of OEA to SPC (w/w)Drug loading (wt%)PDIZeta potential (mv)Size (d)1:3--------1:419.7 ± 1.80.224 ± 0.030− 13.4 ± 1.3330.8 ± 21.61:518.3 ± 1.30.181 ± 0.019− 16.8 ± 0.9230.7 ± 7.91:713.3 ± 0.60.173 ± 0.016− 19.6 ± 0.7215.4 ± 7.81:1010.9 ± 0.40.170 ± 0.018− 20.5 ± 0.7223.4 ± 8.2Values are mean ± SD, n = 3\n\nHence the ratio 1:5 was chosen as the optimal condition and used for the following evaluation experiments. ", "Then, photographs of a zeta potential distribution and size distribution of the OEA--SPC NPs are depicted in Fig.", " [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}e, f, respectively. ", "Possessing a drug loading of 18.3 ± 1.3%, a size of 230.7 ± 7.9 nm, a zeta potential of − 16.8 ± 0.9 mv, and a PDI of 0.181 ± 0.019, the OEA--SPC NPs were identified to greatly improve the solubility of OEA, which would substantially increase its bioavailability and make it suitable for oral administration. ", "TEM images (Fig.", " [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}d) exhibited more directly that the OEA--SPC NPs possessed the shape of a relatively integrated sphere, with fairly uniform size and well-distributed character dispersed in water environment.", "\n\nIn vitro drug release study {#Sec22}\n---------------------------\n\nThe hydrogen bonds between OEA and SPC, plus the lipid-bilayer architecture allow the sustained release of OEA. ", "The in vitro release studies of the OEA--SPC NPs were performed using a dialysis technique, alongside with the bulk OEA powers. ", "All samples were assayed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC--MS). ", "The release profiles of OEA are shown in Fig.", " [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}g. ", "With a release of about 45% at 4 h, the burst release of bulk OEA was serious. ", "At the second half time, the release profile was stable at 70%, indicating its incomplete release. ", "This could be owing to the poor water solubility of OEA. ", "As comparison, the OEA--SPC NPs exhibited a remarkably prolonged release profile over the course of experiment. ", "Above all, the release of OEA from OEA--SPC NPs exceeded that from bulk OEA at the last sample time. ", "The reason might be that the OEA--SPC NPs were suspended well in the phosphate buffer solution, which dramatically increased the surface area and hence improved the drug release.", "\n\nBiodistribution {#Sec23}\n---------------\n\nThe biggest weakness of bulk OEA lay in its lower bioavailability caused by the poor water solubility. ", "To visually exhibit the drug absorption of OEA in vivo, the biodistribution of OEA--SPC NPs, as well as bulk OEA was investigated. ", "To facilitate the observation of OEA in vivo, OEA was labelled with Cy 5.5 at equivalent concentration. ", "Briefly, the nude mice were treated with OEA (-Cy5.5)-SPC NPs or OEA-Cy5.5 via intragastric administration at equivalent concentration, and fluorescent images of the mice were taken at different time intervals to evaluate their biodistribution. ", "As depicted in Fig.", " [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}A, the fluorescent signals emerged the shape of intestinal canal after the administration of OEA-Cy5.5, indicating that the OEA-Cy5.5 just stayed inside and moved along the alimentary canal, and a majority of the OEA-Cy5.5 could not be absorbed. ", "As comparison, the OEA (Cy5.5)-SPC NPs could obviously extend outside of the alimentary canal, suggesting that they were absorbed into the blood circulation system. ", "Another meaningful improvement is that the OEA (-Cy5.5)-SPC NPs could greatly prolong their duration in vivo. ", "At the sample time of 24 h, the mouse treated with OEA (-Cy5.5)-SPC NPs still fluoresced a very intense signal, which was significantly higher than that from the mouse treated with OEA-Cy5.5. ", "The reason were as follows: on one hand, the unabsorbed OEA-Cy5.5 was excreted out, leading to the sharply decrease of fluorescence signal. ", "On the other, owing to the controlled release of OEA (-Cy5.5)-SPC NPs, OEA could be sustained release from the NPs, which would keep the fluorescence signal at a relatively high level.", "Fig.", " 2**A** The in vivo biodistribution of the OEA-Cy 5.5 (a) and OEA (-Cy 5.5)-SPC NPs (b) in nude mice receiving intragastrical administration of the indicated formulation. **", "B** Ex vivo fluorescence imaging of the brain and normal tissues harvested from the euthanized nude mice. ", "The images were taken 24 h after the intragastrical administration of the indicated formulations. ", "H, Li, Lu, K, S, and B represent heart, liver, lung, kidney, spleen, and brain, respectively\n\nAfter 24 h, the mice were sacrificed and the brain as well as the normal tissues were isolated for analysis (Fig.", " [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}B).The fluorescence intensity from the tissues of the mouse treated with OEA (-Cy5.5)-SPC NPs was significantly higher than the OEA-Cy5.5 group, validating that OEA (-Cy5.5)-SPC NPs offered the OEA a more enhanced bioavailability. ", "Especially in the brain, the fluorescence intensity of the mouse treated with the OEA (-Cy5.5)-SPC NPs was three time as much as that of the OEA-Cy5.5 group, which would leading to a highly efficient anti-stroke treatment (Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}: Figure S1). ", "In addition to the better absorption, we speculate that the combination of OEA with SPC was speculated to help penetrate the blood--brain barrier and hence increase their accumulation in brain, which might further enhance their neuroprotective effect.", "\n\nThe evaluation of neuroprotective effects in mice {#Sec24}\n-------------------------------------------------\n\nTo assess the in vivo neuroprotective effects of the OEA--SPC NPs on ischemic cerebral injury, a systematic experiment were performed on mice and rats. ", "Firstly, the cerebral infarct volume is one of the most important evaluation indicators, which could visualized reflect the state of stroke. ", "The TTC-stained brain slices revealed the cerebral infarct volume of the MCAO models treated with different formations (Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "Since the SPC was reported to maintain potential neuroprotective effects, the SPC and SPC and OEA groups were added as control. ", "As shown in Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}A and the statistical data (Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}D), the mice treated with SPC came into the similar cerebral infarct volume to that of the MCAO group, indicating that SPC did not have significant effect on improving the cerebral infarct. ", "The same conclusion could also be reached by comparing the OEA group to the SPC and OEA group. ", "Although the cerebral infarct volume of OEA group was reduced from 176.1 ± 4.2 to 132.4 ± 13.8 cm^3^ compared to the MCAO group, there was no significant difference between the OEA and MCAO groups at the dosage of 10 mg/kg (P \\> 0.05), which was in according with our previous study \\[[@CR9]--[@CR11]\\]. ", "Above all, a dramatic improvement had emerged when OEA was associated with SPC via hydrogen bonds (the OEA--SPC complex group). ", "The reason was that the hydrogen bonds had totally changed the form of OEA and increased the water solubility. ", "When OEA--SPC NPs was prepared, there was a further improvement. ", "The cerebral infarct volume was decreased to be 33.3 ± 4.7 cm^3^, which only accounted for 25.2% of that of OEA group and 18.9% of the MCAO group. ", "This highly pronounced therapeutic effect could be owing to the protection of OEA by the nanostructure plus the hydrogen bonds, which could greatly increase the bioavailability of OEA. ", "A pathological phenomena of ischemic cerebral is cerebral oedema, which could also be observed that the volume of the ischemic hemisphere was significantly increased compared with the normal hemisphere (Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "According to the statistical data of cerebral oedema (Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}E), the ipsilateral oedema of the OEA--SPC NPs was about 3.3%, which was reduced by 78.4% compared with 15.3% of the MCAO group and 69.2% compared with 10.7% of the OEA group. ", "The result indicated that the OEA--SPC NPs possessed highly efficient improvement to the cerebral infarct volume and the subsequent cerebral oedema.", "Fig.", " 3Therapeutic effects of the indicated formulations (0.9% NaCl (Sham), SPC, OEA and SPC, OEA, OEA--SPC, and OEA--SPC NPs, \\[OEA\\] = 10.0 mg/kg, \\[SPC\\] = 44.6 mg/kg) on cerebral damage after MCAO in mice. ", "The infarct volume (**A**, **D**), oedema degree (**E**), number of neurons (**B**, **F**) and number of Iba-1^+^ cells (**C**, **G**) were detected at 24 h after reperfusion in mice. ", "OEA and SPC: The mixture of OEA and SPC; OEA--SPC: The OEA--SPC complex. \"", "a--e\" in **B**, **C**, **F**, and **G** represent Sham, MCAO, OEA, OEA--SPC, and OEA--SPC NPs, respectively. ", "Bar in figure B is 100 µm, and bar in figure C is 100 µm. ", "Data are expressed as mean ± SD. ", "\\*P \\< 0.01 VS. ", "MCAO group\n\nThe intractable sequelae of stroke lies in the injury of neuron, which was really hard to recover. ", "The neuron damage of the mice treated with different formations were evaluated with toluidine blue stain (Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "The normal neurons were oval shaped with wathet or translucent blue color, just as shown in Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}B-a. When the neurons were injured, the chromatin were pyknotic, leading to deepened color as well as shrunken and irregular shape (Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}B-b). ", "Compared with almost all the neurons injured of MCAO group, the terrible situation was largely improved via the administration of OEA--SPC NPs. ", "Approximately 75% neurons were well protected and maintained their normal appearance (Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}F). ", "The result stated that the OEA--SPC NPs could perform well in the protection of the neurons from ischemic cerebral injury.", "\n\nTo a stroke patient, the ischemic reperfusion brain injury is the primary cause of the serious sequelae, which was mainly induced by the inflammation of reperfusion. ", "Iba-1 is a unique marker of microglial cell, which plays a paramount role in the brain inflammation. ", "Hence, the quantity of expressed Iba-1 was used to evaluate the inflammation of reperfusion. ", "As depicted in Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}C-a, there are less number of Iba1 positive cells which have small cell body in the sham group. ", "As comparison, the Iba1 positive cells of MCAO group exhibited larger cell body and number, which could be reduced almost to the normal level by the administration of OEA--SPC NPs (Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}C-e, G). ", "These results indicated that the OEA--SPC NPs could greatly alleviate the inflammation induced by ischemic reperfusion, and hence, provide significant neuroprotective effects.", "\n\nThe evaluation of neuroprotective effects in rats {#Sec25}\n-------------------------------------------------\n\nInterestingly, we found the mice mortality rate after MCAO at convalescence is too high. ", "However, the mortality rate of rats is relatively low. ", "Therefore, we used rats to evaluate the neuroprotective effect at the chronic phase of stroke. ", "Since the neurons of the stroke patients were damaged, their behavior coordination might terribly impaired, which possibly caused hemiplegia. ", "The effect of the formations mentioned beforehand on the rats' behavior were continuingly investigated. ", "The bederson score, beam walking score, and the grip strength were assessed at 3 days, 7 days, and 14 days after MCAO. ", "Compared with the sham group, the rats of the MCAO group made almost the poorest scores in all the three indexes at 3 days. ", "Although the score were higher in the following two evaluation, they still kept at a very low level, suggesting their destroyed motor ability. ", "When the MCAO rats were treated with different formations, their performance become better to different extents. ", "The OEA--SPC NPs still obtained the most improvement, which was in according with our previous test on mice.", "\n\nLearning and memory are the important computational strategies of the brain, which might also be impaired by ischemia reperfusion. ", "To examine the effects of OEA--SPC NPs on spatial learning and memory, rats were exposed to the water maze task after 10 days of OEA--SPC NPs treatment and 7 days of drug withdrawal. ", "Spatial learning was assessed by the time required to find the platform (escape latency), and the memory was assessed by the ability to find the removed platform (Target crossing and Time in target quadrant). ", "Firstly, the precondition for the assessment is the same swimming speed. ", "As shown in Fig.", " [4](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}D, all the rats swam at a speed of around 20 cm/s, ensuring the fairness and validity of the measurement. ", "Compared with the sham group, the rats of the MCAO group exerted much longer escape latency, which could be markedly decreased via the treatment of OEA--SPC NPs (Fig.", " [4](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}E). ", "Another stronger evidence for the improvement of the impaired cognitive ability is the significantly decreased escape latency at 19 days compared with that at 15 days. ", "Across the 5-day training period, the escape latency of the OEA--SPC NPs group reduced from 77.83 ± 4.59 to 27.67 ± 3.98 s (64.5% off), whose extent was much greater than the 28.3% of the MCAO group. ", "The data forcefully illustrated that the OEA--SPC NPs treatment effectively improved the spatial learning, which even had no significant differences with the sham group (P \\> 0.05). ", "At 20 days, the platform was removed, and the traces of rats in the water maze task were recorded (Fig.", " [4](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}H). ", "The rats treated with OEA--SPC NPs exhibited markedly prolonged time in the target quadrant and increased number of the crossing platform position, compared with the MCAO and OEA group (Fig.", " [4](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}F, G), indicating their stronger potential memory for the removed platform. ", "Therefore, OEA--SPC NPs greatly ameliorated ischemia-induced spatial memory impairment.", "Fig.", " 4The evaluation of the behavior ability. ", "The Bederson scores (**A**), beam walking scores (**B**), and holding power (**C**) of rats treated with the indicated formations (0.9% NaCl (Sham), SPC, OEA and SPC, OEA, OEA--SPC, and OEA--SPC NPs, \\[OEA\\] = 10.0 mg/kg) at 3 days, 7 days, and 14 days after reperfusion. ", "The effect of the formations on MCAO-induced spatial cognitive deficits. ", "The swimming speed (**D**), and escape latency (**E**) in the hidden platform trails. ", "The time spent in the target quadrant (**F**) the number of target platform crossings (**G**) and swimming trace (**H**) in the spatial probe trials. ", "The legend of (B-E) were the same as that in **A**. \"", "a--e\" in **F**--**H** represent Sham, MCAO, OEA, OEA--SPC, and OEA--SPC NPs, respectively. ", "Data are expressed as mean ± SD. ", "n = 10--12 rats per group. ", "\\*P \\< 0.01 vs. MCAO group\n\nAfter the Morris water maze test, the rats were sacrificed and the brains were isolated for further analysis. ", "Firstly, toluidine blue stain was employed to exhibit the ischemic area of the brains (Fig.", " [5](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "Compared with the whole brain of the sham-operated rats, about 20% brain missing stated the severe condition of the MCAO rats. ", "Across the 10-days administration of OEA--SPC NPs, the brain was almost fully emerged with only 5% deficiency. ", "The data once again revealed the highly outstanding efficiency of neuroprotection.", "Fig.", " 5**A** The ischemic area of rats treated with indicated formations (0.9% NaCl (Sham), SPC, OEA and SPC, OEA, OEA--SPC, and OEA--SPC NPs, \\[OEA\\] = 10.0 mg/kg). ", "Rats were sacrificed 21 days after reperfusion and immunohistochemistry was performed to identify the phenotype of NeuN-positive cells in cortex (**B**) and hippocampal CA1 (**D**). ", "Quantitative analysis of NeuN + cells in cortex (**C**) and hippocampal CA1 (**E**). \"", "a--e\" represent Sham, MCAO, OEA, OEA--SPC, and OEA--SPC NPs, respectively. ", "Data are expressed as mean ± SD. ", "n = 10--12 rats per group. ", "Bar is 100 µm. ", "\\*P \\< 0.01 vs. MCAO group\n\nTo microcosmic observe the condition of the brains, the cerebral cortex were treated with NeuN antibodies to image the functional neuron (Fig.", " [5](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}B, C). ", "In addition to the dramatically decreased quantity (Fig.", " [5](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}C), the light color and the irregular revealed that the neuron of the MCAO group were in a terrible condition (Fig.", " [5](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}B-b). ", "As shown in Fig.", " [5](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}B-e, C, the OEA--SPC NPs could protect the neuron from the ischemia reperfusion, leading to that the neuron quantity picked up approximately to the level of the sham-operated group (P \\> 0.05). ", "As mentioned before, the inflammation induced by the reperfusion are greatly pernicious to the neuron. ", "Hence, the inflammations in the cortex were also evaluated via the analysis of the Iba-1 positive cells. ", "As was expected, the inflammation of the rats treated with the OEA--SPC NPs was markedly reduced, compared with that of the MCAO and OEA group (Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}: Figures S2 and S3). ", "Since the OEA--SPC NPs could improve cognitive ability, in which the hippocampal mainly involved, the hippocampal might also obtain protection. ", "Therefore, the neuron condition and the inflammation of hippocampal CA1 were evaluated, simultaneously. ", "Just in according with the result of the cortex, the neuron condition and the inflammation were largely improved (Fig.", " [5](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}D, E, Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}: Figures S4 and S5).", "\n\nConclusions {#Sec26}\n===========\n\nIn summary, the current study presents a superefficient anti-stroke formation via a simple manufacturing process. ", "The OEA--SPC NPs almost eliminate the adverse effect of ischemic reperfusion. ", "The evaluation indicators including ischemic areas, edema degree, the inflammations, the behaviors, and the cognitive ability were all dramatically improved, which was very close to that of the sham-operated group. ", "These results highlights the feasibility of OEA--SPC NPs for clinic anti-stroke application and might give a voice to thousands of stroke patients in the future. ", "Particularly interestingly, the combination of the NDDS with stroke therapy opens a door for the extended application of NDDS. ", "Other effective but insoluble drug candidates, not only for cancer, but also for stroke or other serious diseases, might achieve another success via combining with the NDDS.", "\n\nAdditional file\n===============\n\n {#Sec27}\n\n**Additional file 1: Formula S1.** ", "The formal structural formula of the hydrogen bonds. **", "Figure S1.** ", "Ex vivo fluorescence intensity of brains and normal organs harvested from nude mice intravenously treated with the OEA-Cy 5.5 or OEA(-Cy 5.5)-SPC NPs at 24 h post-injection. **", "Figure S2.** ", "Iba-1+ cells in cortex. **", "Figure S3.** ", "Quantitative analysis of Iba-1+ cells in cortex. **", "Figure S4.** ", "Iba-1+ cells hippocampal CA1. **", "Figure S5.** ", "Quantitative analysis of Iba-1+ cells hippocampal CA1.", "\n\nXY, LX, and JZ conceived and carried out experiments, analysed data and wrote the paper. ", "SW, LY and XJ designed the study, supervised the project, analysed data. ", "SW, JH, and YL assisted in the synthesis and characterizations of the NCs. ", "MZ, and LY assisted in the biological evaluations of the NPs. ", "All authors read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nCompeting interests {#FPar1}\n===================\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n\nAvailability of data and materials {#FPar2}\n==================================\n\nAll data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this published article.", "\n\nConsent for publication {#FPar3}\n=======================\n\nNot applicable.", "\n\nEthics approval and consent to participate {#FPar4}\n==========================================\n\nAll procedures were carried out in accordance with the National Institutes of Health Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and were approved by the Animal Ethical and Welfare Committee of Xiamen University.", "\n\nFunding {#FPar5}\n=======\n\nThis project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. ", "81373407 and 81402921), the Health Science Research Personnel Training Program of Fujian Province (2018-CXB-30), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. ", "20720180042), the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian, China (No. ", "2016D018), the Introducing High-level Talents Scientific Research Foundation of the Affiliated Xiang'an Hospital of Xiamen University (No. ", "PM201809170016) and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Nos. ", "2017M622080 and 2018M632584).", "\n\nPublisher's Note {#FPar6}\n================\n\nSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.", "\n" ]
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[ "In recent years, cell phones have included optical devices on which an optical unit for photography is mounted. ", "In the optical unit, in order to restrain or reduce any disturbance of a photographed image due to a shake in the hand of a user, a technique has been proposed in which a movable body provided with an optical element such as a lens is set to be in a supported state by a fixed body through a plate-shaped spring member and, when a shake is detected, the movable body is swung by a magnetic drive mechanism in a direction for correcting the shake with a swing support point as a swing center (see, Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. ", "2010-96803).", "\nHowever, in a case of the structure in which the movable body is supported by a plate-shaped spring member, when the movable body is largely displaced in a direction perpendicular to an optical axis direction due to an impact applied to the movable body, a malfunction such that the plate spring is plastically deformed and damaged may occur. ", "Further, also in a case that an impact is applied to the movable body to make the movable body largely displace in the optical axis direction, a malfunction such that the plate spring is plastically deformed and damaged may occur." ]
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[ "/**\n * This file is part of the CernVM File System.", "\n */\n\n#include <gtest/gtest.h>\n\n#include <unistd.h>\n\n#include <algorithm>\n#include <cstdio>\n#include <cstring>\n#include <string>\n\n#include \"encrypt.h\"\n#include \"hash.h\"\n#include \"testutil.h\"\n\nusing namespace std; // NOLINT\n\nnamespace cipher {\n\nTEST(T_Encrypt, Entropy) {\n // Enough entropy for 100,000 256 bit keys?", "\n for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) {\n UniquePtr<Key> k(Key::CreateRandomly(32));\n ASSERT_TRUE(k.", "IsValid());\n }\n}\n\n\nTEST(T_Encrypt, KeyFiles) {\n CipherNone cipher;\n UniquePtr<Key> k(Key::CreateRandomly(cipher.key_size()));\n ASSERT_TRUE(k.", "IsValid());\n\n string tmp_path;\n FILE *f = CreateTempFile(\"./key\", 0600, \"w+\", &tmp_path);\n ASSERT_TRUE(f !", "= NULL);\n fclose(f);\n EXPECT_FALSE(k->SaveToFile(\"/no/such/file\"));\n EXPECT_TRUE(k->SaveToFile(tmp_path));\n\n UniquePtr<Key> k_restore1(Key::CreateFromFile(tmp_path));\n ASSERT_TRUE(k_restore1.IsValid());\n EXPECT_EQ(k->size(), k_restore1->size());\n EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(k->data(), k_restore1->data(),\n std::min(k->size(), k_restore1->size())));\n\n EXPECT_EQ(0, truncate(tmp_path.c_str(), 0));\n UniquePtr<Key> k_restore2(Key::CreateFromFile(tmp_path));\n EXPECT_FALSE(k_restore2.IsValid());\n\n unlink(tmp_path.c_str());\n UniquePtr<Key> k_restore3(Key::CreateFromFile(tmp_path));\n EXPECT_FALSE(k_restore3.IsValid());\n}\n\n\nTEST(T_Encrypt, KeyStrings) {\n UniquePtr<Key> k_invalid_small(Key::CreateFromString(\"\"));\n EXPECT_FALSE(k_invalid_small.", "IsValid());\n UniquePtr<Key> k_invalid_big(\n Key::CreateFromString(string(Key::kMaxSize + 1, 'X')));\n EXPECT_FALSE(k_invalid_big.", "IsValid());\n UniquePtr<Key> k_max_size(\n Key::CreateFromString(string(Key::kMaxSize, 'X')));\n EXPECT_TRUE(k_max_size.", "IsValid());\n\n string secret = \"This is a secret\";\n UniquePtr<Key> k(Key::CreateFromString(secret));\n ASSERT_TRUE(k.", "IsValid());\n EXPECT_EQ(k->ToBase64(), Base64(secret));\n}\n\n\nTEST(T_Encrypt, MemoryKeyDatabase) {\n MemoryKeyDatabase database;\n UniquePtr<Key> k(Key::CreateRandomly(32));\n string id;\n EXPECT_TRUE(database.", "StoreNew(k.weak_ref(), &id));\n EXPECT_FALSE(database.", "StoreNew(k.weak_ref(), &id));\n EXPECT_EQ(NULL, database.", "Find(\"not available\"));\n const Key *found = database.", "Find(id);\n EXPECT_EQ(k.weak_ref(), found);\n}\n\n\nTEST(T_Encrypt, DecryptWrongEnvelope) {\n CipherNone cipher;\n UniquePtr<Key> k(Key::CreateRandomly(cipher.key_size()));\n ASSERT_TRUE(k.", "IsValid());\n UniquePtr<Key> k_bad(Key::CreateRandomly(1));\n ASSERT_TRUE(k_bad.", "IsValid());\n\n string ciphertext;\n string plaintext;\n int retval = Cipher::Decrypt(ciphertext, *k, &plaintext);\n EXPECT_FALSE(retval);\n\n ciphertext = \"X\";\n ciphertext[0] = 0xF0;\n retval = Cipher::Decrypt(ciphertext, *k, &plaintext);\n EXPECT_FALSE(retval);\n ciphertext[0] = 0x0F;\n retval = Cipher::Decrypt(ciphertext, *k, &plaintext);\n EXPECT_FALSE(retval);\n\n ciphertext[0] = cipher.algorithm() << 4;\n retval = Cipher::Decrypt(ciphertext, *k_bad, &plaintext);\n EXPECT_FALSE(retval);\n retval = Cipher::Decrypt(ciphertext, *k, &plaintext);\n EXPECT_TRUE(retval);\n}\n\n\nTEST(T_Encrypt, None) {\n CipherNone cipher;\n UniquePtr<Key> k(Key::CreateRandomly(cipher.key_size()));\n ASSERT_TRUE(k.", "IsValid());\n\n string empty;\n string dummy = \"Hello, World!\";", "\n string ciphertext;\n string plaintext;\n bool retval;\n\n retval = cipher.", "Encrypt(empty, *k, &ciphertext);\n EXPECT_TRUE(retval);\n retval = Cipher::Decrypt(ciphertext, *k, &plaintext);\n EXPECT_TRUE(retval);\n EXPECT_EQ(empty, plaintext);\n\n retval = cipher.", "Encrypt(dummy, *k, &ciphertext);\n EXPECT_TRUE(retval);\n retval = Cipher::Decrypt(ciphertext, *k, &plaintext);\n EXPECT_TRUE(retval);\n EXPECT_EQ(dummy, plaintext);\n}\n\n\nTEST(T_Encrypt, Aes_256_Cbc) {\n CipherAes256Cbc cipher;\n UniquePtr<Key> k(Key::CreateRandomly(cipher.key_size()));\n ASSERT_TRUE(k.", "IsValid());\n\n string empty;\n string dummy = \"Hello, World!\";", "\n string dummy2 = k->ToBase64();\n string ciphertext;\n string ciphertext_two;\n string plaintext;\n bool retval;\n\n retval = cipher.", "Encrypt(empty, *k, &ciphertext);\n EXPECT_TRUE(retval);\n retval = Cipher::Decrypt(ciphertext, *k, &plaintext);\n EXPECT_TRUE(retval);\n EXPECT_EQ(empty, plaintext);\n\n retval = cipher.", "Encrypt(dummy, *k, &ciphertext);\n EXPECT_TRUE(retval);\n retval = cipher.", "Encrypt(dummy, *k, &ciphertext_two);\n EXPECT_TRUE(retval);\n // Initialization vector should differ\n EXPECT_NE(ciphertext, ciphertext_two);\n retval = Cipher::Decrypt(ciphertext, *k, &plaintext);\n EXPECT_TRUE(retval);\n EXPECT_EQ(dummy, plaintext);\n\n retval = cipher.", "Encrypt(dummy2, *k, &ciphertext);\n EXPECT_TRUE(retval);\n retval = Cipher::Decrypt(ciphertext, *k, &plaintext);\n EXPECT_TRUE(retval);\n EXPECT_EQ(dummy2, plaintext);\n\n retval = Cipher::Decrypt(ciphertext.substr(0, 1), *k, &plaintext);\n EXPECT_EQ(\"\", plaintext);\n retval = Cipher::Decrypt(ciphertext.substr(0, 1 + cipher.block_size()),\n *k, &plaintext);\n EXPECT_EQ(\"\", plaintext);\n retval = Cipher::Decrypt(ciphertext.substr(0, ciphertext.length()-1),\n *k, &plaintext);\n EXPECT_EQ(\"\", plaintext);\n}\n\n\nTEST(T_Encrypt, Aes_256_Cbc_Iv) {\n CipherAes256Cbc cipher;\n UniquePtr<cipher::Key> key(cipher::Key::CreateRandomly(cipher.key_size()));\n ASSERT_TRUE(key.", "IsValid());\n // Many Iv requests in a short time should still return unique IVs\n shash::Md5 md5;\n for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) {\n shash::Md5 next_iv = cipher.", "GenerateIv(*key);\n ASSERT_NE(md5, next_iv);\n md5 = next_iv;\n }\n}\n\n} // namespace cipher\n" ]
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[ "{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}\n\n-- !!! ", "Functional dependencies\n-- This one gave \"zonkIdOcc: FunDep_a11w\" in earlier days\n\nmodule Main (main) where\n\ndata ERR a b = EOK a | ERR b deriving (Show)\ndata Error = No | Notatall deriving (Show, Eq)\n\n\nclass MonadErr m e | m -> e where\n aerturn :: e -> m a\n areturn :: a -> m a\n acatch :: a -> (a -> m b) -> (e -> m b) -> m b\n (>>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b\n (>>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b\n\ndata BP a = BP (Int -> (ERR a Error, Int))\n\ninstance MonadErr BP Error where\n aerturn k = BP $ \\s -> (ERR k, s)\n areturn k = BP $ \\s -> (EOK k, s)\n acatch k try handler = BP $ \\s -> let BP try' = try k\n (r,s1) = try' s\n (BP c2, s2) = case r of\n EOK r -> (areturn r, s1)\n ERR r -> (handler r, s)\n in c2 s2\n a >>> b = a >>>= \\_ -> b\n\n (BP c1) >>>= fc2 = BP $ \\s0 -> let (r,s1) = c1 s0\n BP c2 = case r of\n EOK r -> fc2 r\n ERR r -> BP (\\s -> (ERR r, s))\n in c2 s1\n\nrun_BP :: Int -> BP a -> (ERR a Error, Int)\nrun_BP st (BP bp) = bp st\n\nfoo :: (ERR Int Error, Int)\nfoo = run_BP 111 (aerturn No)\n\nmain = print (show foo)\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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[ "Ben Garrett\n\nBen Garrett may refer to:\n\n Ben Garrett, of the American worship band Zealand Worship\n Ben Garrett, English art pop musician, known as Fryars" ]
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[ "That AHA moment\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLike many in the medical profession, we LOVE everything about House MD. ", "We’re sad to see it end.", "\n\nWe made a little homage to Gregory House and wanted to share it with you. ", "We may not have liked him much as nurses, but as fans & viewers we absolutely do! ", "Thanks HOUSE MD team for 8 great seasons!", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ "[expect php]\r\n[file]\r\n<?", "php $a=\"This is a nice and simple string\";\r\n echo ereg_replace(\"^This\",\"That\",$a);\r\n?", ">" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0, 0.00013520822065981613, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nAdding a Search Bar to a Table View Run and Crash\n\nhi everyone\ni am using the code in below without using storyboard and its run ok, but its crash when i write the second letter of searching word.", "\nanyone can help me\nin ViewController.h\n#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>\n\n@interface ViewController : UIViewController <UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate>\n@property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UITableView *tableView;\n@property (retain, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *nameLabel;\n\n@end \n\nin ViewController.m\n#import \"ViewController.h\"\n#import \"DetailController.h\"\n@interface ViewController ()\n\n@end\n\n@implementation ViewController {\n\n NSArray *peopleName;\n NSArray *searchResult;\n\n}\n- (void)viewDidLoad\n{\n [super viewDidLoad];\n // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.", "\n\n peopleName = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@\"john\", @\"Waseem\", @\"Bruce\", @\"Ammar\", @\"Londol\", nil];\n}\n\n- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning\n{\n [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];\n // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.", "\n}\n\n- (void)dealloc {\n [_nameLabel release];\n [super dealloc];\n}\n\n//\n\n#pragma mark - Table view data source\n\n- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView\n{\n return 1;\n}\n\n- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section\n{\n if (tableView == self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView) {\n return [searchResult count];\n\n } else {\n return [peopleName count];\n }\n}\n\n- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath\n{\n static NSString *identifier = @\"Cell\";\n UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:identifier];\n if (cell == nil) {\n cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:identifier] autorelease];\n }\n if (tableView == self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView) {\n cell.textLabel.text = [searchResult objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];\n } else {\n cell.textLabel.text = [peopleName objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];\n }\n return cell;\n}\n\n #pragma mark - UISearchDisplayController delegate methods\n\n- (void)filterContentForSearchText:(NSString*)searchText scope:(NSString*)scope\n{\n NSPredicate *resultPredicate = [NSPredicate\n predicateWithFormat:@\"SELF contains[cd] %@\",\n searchText];\n searchResult = [peopleName filteredArrayUsingPredicate:resultPredicate];\n}\n\n-(BOOL)searchDisplayController:(UISearchDisplayController *)controller shouldReloadTableForSearchString:(NSString *)searchString\n{\n [self filterContentForSearchText:searchString\n scope:[[self.searchDisplayController.searchBar scopeButtonTitles]\n objectAtIndex:[self.searchDisplayController.searchBar\n selectedScopeButtonIndex]]];\n\n return YES;\n}\n@end\n\nits crash and show me this\ncell.textLabel.text = [searchResult objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];\n\n(lldb)\nThread 1:EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0x8)\n\nA:\n\nUsed the below code snippet:\n#pragma mark - UISearchDisplayController delegate methods\n\n- (void)filterContentForSearchText:(NSString*)searchText scope:(NSString*)scope\n{\n NSPredicate *resultPredicate = [NSPredicate\n predicateWithFormat:@\"SELF contains[cd] %@\",\n searchText];\n [searchResult release];\n searchResult = [peopleName filteredArrayUsingPredicate:resultPredicate]retain];\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "Product Description\n\n\"Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In\" record signed on the inner photo by Dan Rowan, Dick Martin, Judy Carne, Goldie Hawn, Artie Johnson, Gary Owens, Ruth Buzzi, Henry Gibson, Joanne Worley and Larry Hovis. ", "The cover shows some signs of wear, but in overall very good shape. ", "The vinyl record appears to be in excellent shape." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.00021041999831664001, 0, 0 ]
[ "A web browser is a software application that may enable a user to display and interact with text, images, and other information typically located on a web page stored in a web server on the World Wide Web or a local area network. ", "Popular browsers available for personal computers include Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Netscape, and Apple Safari. ", "A conventional web browser may use a hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) to transfer or convey information with a server. ", "A web browser may access resources stored in a web server, which can store or create resources such as hypertext markup language (HTML) files and images. ", "A web server may operate by accepting HTTP requests from the network, and providing an HTTP response to the requester (e.g., the web browser). ", "The HTTP response typically consists of an HTML document, but can also be a raw text file, an image, or other type of document." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nTitle in more than 1 line for FancyBox 2.0.6\n\nI'm trying to do the exact same thing explained here:\nFormatting a title for FancyBox\nThe problem is that I'm using FancyBox version 2.0.6 that it's different from the versione explained in the other topic\n/*\n * Title helper\n */\n\nF.helpers.title = {\n beforeShow: function (opts) {\n var title, text = F.current.title;\n\n if (text) {\n title = $('<div class=\"fancybox-title fancybox-title-' + opts.type + '-wrap\">' + text + '</div>').appendTo('body');\n\n if (opts.type === 'float') {\n //This helps for some browsers\n title.width(title.width());\n\n title.wrapInner('<span class=\"child\"></span>');\n\n //Increase bottom margin so this title will also fit into viewport\n F.current.margin[2] += Math.abs(parseInt(title.css('margin-bottom'), 10));\n }\n\n title.appendTo(opts.type === 'over' ? ", "F.inner : (opts.type === 'outside' ? ", "F.wrap : F.skin));\n }\n }\n};\n\nCan you help me..? ", "I tried to add the line temp=title.split('|'); if(!temp[1]){temp[1]=\"\"}; after if (text) but it broke everything.. :P\n\nA:\n\nWith Fancybox v2.x you could set your title in a separated (hidden) <div> just right after the anchor that triggers fancybox like:\n<a class=\"fancybox\" href=\"images/01.jpg\">open image</a>\n<div style=\"display: none;\"><!-- my title for fancybox above-->\n <p>Line 1</p>\n <p>line 2 with <a href=\"#nogo\">link</a></p>\n</div>\n\nIn that way, you can have a more complex title with many lines and html content. ", "Then you could use a much simpler script:\n$(document).ready(function() {\n $(\".fancybox\").fancybox({\n helpers : { \n title : { type : 'inside' }\n }, // helpers\n /* the following option works fine until version v2.0.5 or below */\n // afterLoad: function(){\n // this.title = '<div class=\"myTitle\">'+$(this.element).next('div').html()+'</div>';\n // }\n /* the following option should be set for version v2.0.6+ */\n beforeShow: function(){\n this.title = '<div class=\"myTitle\">'+$(this.element).next('div').html()+'</div>';\n }\n }); // fancybox\n}); // ready\n\nYou can also set separated css declarations for your title:\n.myTitle {background-color: #fff; padding: 5px;}\n.myTitle p {line-height: 16px; font-size: 12px; padding: 0; margin: 0;}\n/* if you want the title stick to the image in fancybox */\n.fancybox-title-inside-wrap {margin-top: 0 !", "important;}\n\nWith this method you don't have to mess with the fancybox js/css files. ", "Also less javascript means less CPU overhead with unnecessary splits, size calculation, wraps, etc.", "\nQUESTION: what if I have more then one image (a gallery)?", "\nAnswer: do the same for each image in the html like:\n<a class=\"fancybox\" rel=\"gallery\" href=\"images/01.jpg\">open image 1</a>\n<div style=\"display: none;\"><!-- my title for fancybox above-->\n <p>Line 1</p>\n <p>line 2 with <a href=\"#nogo\">link</a></p>\n</div>\n<a class=\"fancybox\" rel=\"gallery\" href=\"images/02.jpg\">open image 2</a>\n<div style=\"display: none;\"><!-- my second title -->\n <p>Line 1 for second image title</p>\n <p>line 2 with <a href=\"#nogo\">link</a></p>\n <p>a third line here, why not?</p>\n</div>\n\netc. ... ", "and use the same script.", "\nNOTES: the OP commented:\n\nif I click previous or next button the title disappear.", "\n\nFor fancybox v2.0.6, we need to build the title with the option beforeShow, rather than afterLoad so this line:\n afterLoad: function(){\n this.title = '<div class=\"myTitle\">'+jQuery(this.element).next('div').html()+'</div>';\n }\n\nshould be (from v2.0.6):\n beforeShow: function(){\n this.title = '<div class=\"myTitle\">'+jQuery(this.element).next('div').html()+'</div>';\n }\n\nWorking demo using v2.0.6\n\n" ]
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[ "Women's Tennis\n\nWomen's Tennis Improves to 8-4 With 5-0 Win Over Boston University\n\nMar 19, 2003\n\nMarch 19, 2003\n\nPROVIDENCE, RI - The Brown women's tennis team won all three doubles matches and all four singles matches played, en route to a 5-0 win over Boston University on Wednesday afternoon. ", "Sophomore Kerry Meath (St. Paul, MN) led the way, combining with sophomore Alex Arlak (Leonia, NJ) for an 8-4 win at #1 doubles, winning at #1 singles (6-3, 6-4)." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.00004534684669364804, 0.00011431184270690443 ]
[ "Q:\n\nJSON GZIP Design choice\n\nI am working on a web application with dynamic content generated by a servlet running in a JBoss container and static content/load balancing being handled by Apache + mod_jk. ", "\nThe client end uses jQuery to making AJAX requests to the servlet which processes them and in turn generates large JSON responses.", "\nOne thing I noticed is that the original author chose to manually compress the output stream in the servlet using something like below.", "\n gzout = new GZIPOutputStream(response.getOutputStream());\n\nCould this have been handled using mod_deflate on the Apache end? ", "If you can do this, is it considered better practice, can you explain why or why not?", "\n\nA:\n\nA little additional research shows a couple of good alternatives.", "\nIssue:\n\nThere is a network channel that exists between Apache and Jboss. ", "Without compression of any kind on the jboss end you'd have the same latency and bandwidth issues you have between Apache and your clients. ", "\n\nSolutions:\n\nYou can use mod_deflate on the Apache and accept uncompressed responses from jboss and compress before delivering to your clients. ", "I could see this making some sense in certain network topologies(Proposed by Dave Ward).", "\nYou can apply a Java EE filter. ", "This will filter responses compressing them before they exist the JBoss container. ", "This has the benefit of compression at the JBoss level without a bunch of nasty GZIP related code in your business servlet.", "\nJBoss with by default uses Tomcat as its Servlet engine. ", "If you navigate to $JBOSS_HOME/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat55.sar you can edit the server.xml file to turn 'compression=on' attribute on the HTTP/1.1 connector. ", "This will compress all responses outbound from the container. ", "\n\nThe trade-off between 2 and 3 is compressing piece meal for different servlets or compressing all responses.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0.0001165433249810617, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00012913223140495868, 0, 0, 0, 0.0005945303210463733, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Bourne, the series of a former CIA assassin and has lost his memory due to a near fatal accident. ", "The 03-part series has redefined action movie genre in term of smart storyline and especially shaken camera action sequences. ", "After a hugely box office success and critical acclaimed with Bourne Ultimatum in 2007, the duo director Paul Greengrass & main actor Matt Damon called it a quit, saying Jason Bourne has done his duty.", "\n\nNearly a decade later, Bourne is back and a lot of dedicated fan (including me) was counting days until its release date, which is 29-July-2016 in Vietnam.", "\n\nIt seems like Jason Bourne had a solid opening week as it’s accumulating $60mil box office revenue in US. ", "The problem is its mixed review. ", "55% Rotten Tomato, 7.5 on Imdb and sliding. ", "Many people would say my review is too subjective due to the fact that’s I belong to Bourne’s loyal fan base. ", "But I believe every voice deserves a chance.", "\n\nFirst, These are what I loved about this movie.", "\n\nThe action, the pace, the intensity, the shaken camera, the close range fighting, of course. ", "Everything is still there. ", "As one reviewer on Imdb said:\n\n“If you’re the sort of person who can turn their brain off for two hours and watch wall-to-wall action and explosions, then this film will have you in dreamland.”", "\n\nI could not agree more.", "\n\nMe and my girlfriend had to glue our eyes on the screen because the movie is so intense. ", "Every 10 seconds new development emerged. ", "Is that what an action movie is suppose to be? ", "This movie has achieved all that. ", "The last fighting scene was dark, gruel and it’s between Vincent Cassel and Matt Damon for god’s sake.", "\n\nAnd here come another good point about Jason Bourne. ", "The cast. ", "This movie has a solid cast. ", "It’s rare that you could find a better cast with Matt Damon, Tommy Lee Jones as main characters and Vincent Cassel as a villian.", "\n\nAlicia Vikander did quite well in this movie, even though not so impressive. ", "however I’d love to see more screen time of Julia Stiles.", "\n\nNow, it’s the mixed bag, things I don’t like and believe it could be improved.", "\n\nThe main criticized point is the story line and here’s why.", "\n\nUnlike all other 4 Bourne movies, this movies has no suffix. ", "Not Bourne Ultimatum, Bourne Legacy or even Bourne Referendum (someone on the Internet is really sick of Brexit, me too). ", "It’s just Jason Bourne. ", "And it’s no coincedence. ", "Bourne movies has been known as loosely based on original Robert Ludlum’s novels and this one is no exception. ", "In fact, it’s not based on any of those. ", "If you call this movie’s a spin-off then it is. ", "The storyline is written by Greengrass and editor Christopher Rouse. ", "They decided to add a typical Snowden scandal as a way to update Bourne and it’s absolutely understandable. ", "However, the way they handle it along with Bourne’s own quest is not smooth and I’m afraid this script was written in hurry. ", "Even director Greengrass said:\n\n“I was skeptical there was one to be done, I was skeptical I wanted to do it and I was skeptical it would hold up with the others.” ", "I thought, ‘Maybe I’ve been too negative to an old friend”\n\nNobody comes to the theater watching Jason Bourne care about this Snowden-like thing. ", "Even Bourne doesn’t give a shit about it while following his quest. ", "However it’s mentioned quite a lot during the movie and it’s like you’re watching 02 movies at once. ", "Incoherence is the most basic mistake an editor would make and sadly it’s in this movie. ", "And I believe they should stick to Robert Ludlum’ novels. ", "They’re great and deserves respects.", "\n\nSecondly, the appearance of Bourne. ", "It has been years since the previous Bourne movies and I know he does age but adding too many wrinkles and grey hair to Bourne is not ideal. ", "Somehow it does bother me and make me feel sorry for Jason Bourne himself. ", "In real life, Matt Damon has not aged that much and the disguise is intentionally. ", "But to me, they did it too much. ", "Just my 02 cents.", "\n\nIn conclusion, This Jason Bourne movie is still a great one and does deserve your hard earned money for a weekend night out. ", "Most of the critics comes from a “comparison” with previous movie and I don’t think that’s a good way to do critic for a movie. ", "Indeed, every movies should be viewed independently and criticized on its own. “", "Jason Bourne” is a great action movie on its own but every critics are now taking it along with previous trilogy and making it worse than it should be. ", "Don’t follow them, try to make a judgement by yourself. ", "Bond has lived up for over 40 years. ", "We need Bourne as a counter approach for doing PROPER action movie." ]
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[ "Vnetphone V1-A2 Bluetooth 4.0 Headset for sports and motorbikes has 10 meter range and built in 260mnAh battery for a long usage time.", "\nThe Vnetphone V1-2A model uses Bluetooth 4.0 that bring a stable connection but also allows the device to be incredibly power efficient so with a built in 260mAh battery you get an incredible 8 hours of talk time or around 150 hours in standby. ", "The 10 meter connection range lets you pair it with a phone in your pocket or panniers and it can even be sued when cycling, skiing or for many other outdoor sports as its very weather resistant. ", "Sync it to a music player, GPS or your cell phone and enjoy the pleasures of hands free communication as you swish down the slopes or tear it up on the roads. ", "The choice is yours and Vnetphone brings you the freedom to enjoy it." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.000055691690799732676, 0, 0, 0.00003955539733396622, 0.00021003990758244068 ]
[ "Q:\n\nSalesforce Trigger Test Coverage\n\nI'm very noob and I'm writing a simple trigger (and I need to know if it works before re-writing in bulk mode). ", "\nSo, in order to have the trigger deployed, I wrote a simple (not useful) test class, but I still get this error: \n\nTest coverage of selected Apex Trigger is 0%, at least 1% test coverage is required \n\nTRIGGER:\ntrigger UpdateQuotationRollups on Q_Product__c (after insert, after undelete, after update){\n Quotation__c theParent = [SELECT Name, Agent_hours__c from Quotation__c \n where Id = :Trigger.newMap.keySet()];\n\n AggregateResult a = [SELECT SUM(Agent_hour__c)somma \n From Q_Product__c WHERE Quotation__c=:theParent.id];\n\n Decimal ore = 0;\n\n String str = '' + a.get('somma');\n ore = Decimal.", "ValueOf(str);\n\n theParent.", "Agent_hours__c = ore;\n}\n\nCLASS:\n@isTest \npublic class testUpdateQuotationRollupsTrigger {\n\n static testMethod void insertNewChild() {\n Q_Product__c nuovochild = \n new Q_Product__c(Name='fortestChilds',Quotation__c = 'a0WD000000EbSpu');\n\n insert nuovochild;\n }\n\n}\n\nA:\n\nYou can't use record ids in your test class which look like what you are doing for quotation__c. ", "The Record ids change every time. ", "You'd have to do a query to get the id after you insert it if you need the id.\nNote: Salesforce doesn't actually insert a record as you may know, but still generates an id for testing.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0.000012677999107468862, 0, 0.000012753800632588513, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nUpdate JS Variable in another file\n\nI am working on a bot and my goal is to essentially create a counter for my bot every time it is called. ", " My first thought is to have a variable stored in another file and when the main js file is called it calls a method to update the variable in the other file. ", " Do I have to use require() or is there another way for me to do this? ", "\n\nA:\n\nYou should either store data in database or a JSON file. ", "In the case of JSON file, the code can be written like this.", "\nlet fs = require('fs');\nlet updateCounter = () => {\n fs.readFile('/path/to/counter.json', 'utf8', (er, data) => {\n if(er){\n throw er;\n }\n data = JSON.parse(data);\n data.calledTimes++;\n fs.writeFile('/path/to/counter.json', JSON.stringify(data), er => {\n if(er){\n throw er;\n } \n });\n });\n}\n\ncounter.json\n{\n \"calledTimes\": 0\n}\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0.00025195263290501383, 0, 0 ]
[ "We are a new Company realising old Dreams, the opportunity to experience the thrill of flight in a World War II fighter aircraft. ", "This has been made possible by the recent Civil Aviation Authority legislation which enables Adventure Aviation Flights.", "\n\nWarbirds Adventure Rides is certificated under CAA Part 115 Rules to conduct Adventure Aviation flights. ", "To the customer this ensures our operations are authorised by CAA to ensure personal safety and strict compliance with NZ Civil Aviation Authority rules.", "\n\nKittyhawk ZK-CAG Currawong\n\nGround Attack Aircraft\n\nHarvardT-6 ZK TVI\n\nTrainer aircraft\n\nDuring World War II the Harvard was the advanced trainer pilots had to master before progressing onto frontline fighters. ", "It served this role in the Commonwealth and United States Forces, thereby becoming one of the unsung heroes of this era.", "\n\nSpitfireTR Mk IX ZK-WDQ\n\nIconic British Aircraft\n\nThe Spitfire origins can be traced to the Schneider Trophy air races of 1930’s where it was conceived as the Supermarine S.6B . ", "This successful racing aircraft was the basis for the development of the Type 300 experimental fighter which flew for the first time on 5th March 1936." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0000591715976331361, 0.0001388888888888889, 0.0001746877456546423, 0.00008543722499893203, 0.00008816592827701735, 0.00006944444444444444, 0.0000308641975308642, 0 ]
[ "\n\nSpotify bitrategate: 320kbps premium quality not there yet - kraymer\nhttp://www.spotifyclassical.com/2011/07/spotify-bitrategate-story-so-far.html\n\n======\nkenthorvath\nSolution: Everytime a track is requested by a premium member, if it does not\nexist in 320 then they send FLAC and the client converts it on the fly while\nplaying it and sends it back to Spotify. ", "Do this 3x for every track and verify\nthat the md5 is the same on all three.", "\n\nThen, the most popular songs will be available in 320, and the ones that\naren't would never have been accessed in the first place.", "\n\n~~~\ndavej\nThis solves the CPU issue but I reckon bandwidth is the real issue. ", "This\nsolution actually increases bandwidth usage and there would need to be a lot\nmore checks than just 3 md5's to prevent abuse.", "\n\n~~~\ndanieldk\nMaybe, but this could easily be refined, e.g. by using fingerprinting. ", "Perhaps\neven the fingerprint of the Flac data (assuming that fingerprinting is much\ncheaper than lossy compression).", "\n\nHowever, it would be odd if CPU power is the real bottleneck here. ", "I read the\narticle, but can we actually be sure that licensing is not at fault? ", "Or\nsimply, the lack of proper management?", "\n\nGiven how much more revenue iTunes sales would give for the average Premium\nuser, it could be possible that they (RIAA and others) want to keep the\nincentive to buy iTunes tracks (or the physical album). ", "Not that Spotify would\never admit this, since it would effectively change their status to 'music\npreview/demo/shareware' provider.", "\n\nThe quality plus the 'disappearing tracks' issues, make me think that it is\nall about preserving buying incentive. ", "At least, that's what it did for me.", "\n\n~~~\nulyssestone\nThanks for all the comments.", "\n\nPersonally I don't think licensing is the problem. ", "Why would the labels let\nSpotify stream the new Paul Oakenfold and Beyonce album as exclusive pre-\nreleases and, at the same time, not allow them to offer HQ streaming for those\nalbums? ", "What's the point? ", "To force the audiophile users to buy 320 kbps mp3s\nor CDs? ", "Many of the premium users don't even know it's not 320 kbps.", "\n\n~~~\ndanieldk\n_Personally I don't think licensing is the problem. ", "Why would the labels let\nSpotify stream the new Paul Oakenfold and Beyonce album as exclusive pre-\nreleases and, at the same time, not allow them to offer HQ streaming for those\nalbums? ", "What's the point?_", "\n\nThe very same reason they pay some television and radio stations to broadcast\nparticular material: to get people to buy the albums.", "\n\nIt's a combination of things that make Spotify subpar for many music\nenthusiasts. ", "The lack of availability of lossless streams, incompleteness of\nthe catalog in 320kbps, missing tracks on many albums, uncertainty about\nfuture accessibility of music, etc.", "\n\nWhen Spotify was introduced in The Netherlands, I absolutely loved it, and was\nconvinced that I'd never need to spend much more on music than 10 Euros per\nmonth (imagine what a save this is when you buy at least 4 albums per month).", "\nHowever, given the reasons listed above, I am now mostly using Spotify for\nmusic discovery, and still buy albums. ", "It only helped me to make more\n'accurate' purchases. ", "As a side effect, I ended my Premium subscription,\nbecause the 2.5 hours/week, 5 plays per track is plenty enough for evaluation.", "\n\n------\ncageface\nIn controlled listening tests most people have trouble distinguishing mp3 at\n128-160 VBR kbits from the uncompressed original. ", "320 kbits is just a waste of\nbandwidth but people just assume more is better.", "\n\n~~~\nShenglong\nThat depends on what you're listening to. ", "For all my progressive/power metal,\n128 just sounds terrible and _empty_. ", "I'm not very well versed in the\nterminology, so I don't know how better to describe it. ", "On the contrary, 320\nsounds _full_.", "\n\nMy two cents.", "\n\n~~~\ncageface\nPeople make a lot of those kinds of qualitative statements about sound\nquality, but when they actually do a rigorous A/B test they usually can't tell\nthe difference.", "\n\nI've done quite a bit of A/B testing on metal at ~128 kbits and it's _very_\ndifficult to spot differences on most tracks. ", "Modern lossy audio encoders are\nvery, very good.", "\n\n~~~\nshazow\nUsing decent in-ear headphones (I like the Etymotic HF2), listening to\nJustice, I can definitely without a doubt tell the difference between 128 kbit\nand +256 kbit. ", "Or more specifically, 128 kbit and lower for specific music\nmakes me feel nauseous.", "\n\nI'm guessing this type of music simply doesn't compress as well as say... Red\nHot Chili Peppers.", "\n\nI'm not performing a rigorous A/B test, and I can believe that I would fail\nsaid A/B test given other conditions (other speakers, other music, etc). ", "I\nwould love for this to be true for all conditions and save all that storage\nspace. ", "Unfortunately, in my personal real-life conditions, better quality does\nmake for a better listening experience.", "\n\n~~~\nbaddox\nAre you doing the encoding and performing A/B tests yourself? ", "There are all\nkinds of things that can hurt audio fidelity a lot worse than bitrate. ", "Some\nMP3's are poorly encoded by some crappy shareware application. ", "Some are\ntranscoded from an already-lossy source. ", "Some productions will compress better\nthan others (supposedly, some producers actually mix and master with\ninevitable compression in mind).", "\n\n~~~\nshazow\nMy original source was pirated music at 128kbits. ", "Since then, I bought it and\nhave the 320kbit version which immediately sounded incredibly better.", "\nOccasionally I'll hear it on 128kibts or 192kbits on Pandora and such, and the\ndifference is very noticeable to me.", "\n\nMy data is purely anecdotal but I feel strongly about it and would be willing\nto put money where my mouth is if someone wants to call me on it.", "\n\n------\nrobert-boehnke\nFrom Spotify's perspective, there is a low incentive to offer unpopular songs\nas 320kbps streams.", "\n\nIf there is only a small number of peers in the network that have the high\nBitrate stream (paying users with HQ enabled on desktop clients and with\ninterest in unpopular song X), they benefits of the peer to peer networking\nare less likely to pay off.", "\n\nHowever, that does not explain why they don't offer HQ for some of their more\nprestigious releases, though I wouldn't be surprised if the labels hand them\n'shitty' 192kbps mp3s every now and then.", "\n\nInteresting read about some of their p2p architecture (PDF):\n[http://www.csc.kth.se/~gkreitz/spotify-p2p10/spotify-p2p10.p...](http://www.csc.kth.se/~gkreitz/spotify-p2p10/spotify-p2p10.pdf)\n\nEDIT:\n\nAfter looking at the spreadsheet, I’d wager that there is a correlation\nbetween lower popularity of tracks and being 160 kbps only. ", "The only track out\nof the last 40 is Michael Jackson's This is It, and a quick look up in the\nSpotify client gives most of them a very low 'popularity' measure.", "\n\nI mean, really? ", "<http://open.spotify.com/track/7kBDTeWty0z1MXjcH9twph>\n\n------\npornel\nSpotify uses Vorbis for streaming and Vorbis' 320kbit is not the same as MP3's\n320kbit.", "\n\nIn fact, MP3 has quality problems (sample/frequency resolution limit per\nblock) that cannot be fixed at any bitrate. ", "Moreover, re-encoding one lossless\nformat to another ( _edit: not what article suggests_ ) would further degrade\nquality. ", "You'd get desired bandwidth, but not the quality.", "\n\nIt's a shame that bandwidth became synonymous with quality and MP3's upper\nlimit is taken as \"highest quality\". ", "320kbit (and lossless!) ", "WAVE sounds like\na phone line! ", "OTOH it's quite possible that Vorbis at lower bitrate has higher\nquality than MP3's maximum.", "\n\n~~~\ndirtbag\nI believe you are referring to lossy formats, as re-encoding one lossless\nformat to another will not degrade quality. ", "Re-encoding the lossless format to\n320kbit Vorbis is what he's requesting which will ensure minimum quality\ndegradation while still reducing the file size.", "\n\n------\nulyssestone\nI think the ever-ongoing war between audiophiles and \"nobody can tell\n128/192/256/whatever kbps lossy files from CD\" supporters is irreverent here.", "\nI am not suggesting Spotify to give us a better quality that maybe doesn't\nmean too much for some other users, I am asking them why they didn't deliver\nthe goods they promised more than two years ago.", "\n\n~~~\ndrv\nYou probably mean \"irrelevant\".", "\n\n------\ntintin\nNot to start the \"320kbs is better\" discussion but with my Unlimited account I\nonly heard one or two albums which sounds very compressed\n(spotify:album:07hc4SjPjogLqwBc7dUCiD for example: Alan Parsons). ", "Most of the\ntime the quality is just very good. ", "I think the standard 160kbs is great imho.", "\n\n~~~\nburo9\nThat really depends on what you're listening to the music on.", "\n\nIf you want to use Spotify at home and are listening on a nice stereo, then\ncompression artifacts are very obvious in almost everything on Spotify.", "\n\nFor that reason, if I'm not listening to local music I tend to listen to\nKEXP's uncompressed stream. ", "It's a mere 1.4Mbps.", "\n\nWhich then hits on why Spotify are most likely not serving 320. \"", "It's the\nbandwidth, stupid\".", "\n\nIt's all about the bandwidth. ", "How few people are going to hear the difference,\nand how much would it cost to implement? ", "The bandwidth costs are definitely\nnon-trivial for their subscriber base, so implementing 320 is going to hit\ntheir costs hard.", "\n\nFor the article linked, notice the blog title, Spotify Classical.", "\n\nClassical music really does show up artifacts in compression like Hip Hop, Pop\nand Rock (and Prog Rock) simply doesn't. ", "The strings and low bass both exist\nin the upper and lower audio ranges precisely where compression is most\naggressive and therefore noticeable. ", "This isn't going to affect greatly the\nBeyonces of this world, but it affects some delicate string recital.", "\n\nTo be honest, if I were Spotify, I'd probably just rip the classical in 320 as\nthat is a specialist crowd who probably can hear the difference and would kick\nup a stink. ", "And then keep the vast majority in 160 as the vast majority aren't\ngoing to notice and wouldn't kick up a stink. ", "If I wanted to be more\nintelligent, I'd write something to try and detect artifacts, and if a 160\nfile exhibited above a certain threshold, then I'd make that a contender to be\nat 320... thus trying to find a sweet spot between quality and bandwidth\ncosts.", "\n\n~~~\ntintin\nTo give a little context: I listen to everything from classical music to noise\nand use good equipment.", "\n\nYou make it sound like classical music is the only kind of music where quality\nis important. ", "This is not true. ", "Quality is also important in modern music.", "\nListen to Amon Tobin or Aphex Twin for example.", "\n\nBesides Ogg is not the same as MP3. ", "It's not a \"kill all low and high\" format.", "\nListening test showed that Ogg is fine for strings. ", "Short attack times are the\nproblem areas when using a lower bitrate.", "\n\n------\naw3c2\n\"Give us the snakeoil you advertised no matter if it is actually 'better'\"\n\n------\nniklas_a\nIt's not like high bit rate is the only feature of Spotify Premium. ", "It's\ndefinitely a good feature but I ordered premium without even knowing about the\nhigh bit rate option.", "\n\n------\nrms\nI'm impressed by Spotify. ", "20 hours of the same sort of unlimited free music as\nwhat.cd and waffles.fm. ", "50 million Spotify users in the first year seems like\na possibly not that unrealistic prediction for them to make. ", "Perhaps Spotify\nmotivates the record companies to launch and relentlessly promote their own\nHulu for music. ", "I don't think the record companies can react that quickly\nthough. ", "Maybe a few Swedish entrepreneurs just took quietly over (or become\nthe prime influencers of) the US record industry.", "\n\n@Daniel Ek: I'll sign up for the $9.95/month plan when you have 95% of your\nmusic available at ~192 kb/s OGG. ", "I just want the slightly more bandwidth that\nensures I can't tell it apart from CD and it isn't much more bandwidth.", "\n\nActually, what I really want is one of those menus where you got to choose\nyour own encoding like allofmp3.com had.", "\n\nEdit: Actually, these ads are really annoying. ", "I guess I have to sign up. ", "Damn\nyou, compelling product.", "\n\n------\nvizzah\nwell, I guess it can really be only due to bandwidth reasons. ", "It is a lesser\nknown fact, that Spotify (in the same way as Skype), is relying on P2P behind\nthe scenes.", "\n\nOften, the music you listen to is streamed from other users, and so bandwidth\nload is a very crucial factor. ", "Looks like Spotify can't afford harder load to\ntheir servers and they're gradually increasing the requirements.", "\n\nBut marketing their whole library as 320kbps is really disappointing. ", "As a\npremium subscriber, I was under impression that it is what I was getting.", "\n\n------\nnateberkopec\nIt should definitely tell you something that he had to check file sizes to\ndetermine if the song was 320 kbps.", "\n\nSpotify knows most users just don't care - so they don't really care either.", "\n\n~~~\nulyssestone\nSo... You are suggesting me to write this entire report based on \"from what I\nheard, about 70% of the 100 tracks I auditioned are probably not at 320\nkbps\"?...", "\n\n~~~\nnateberkopec\nWell, it would have been interesting. ", "There is, of course, quite a bit of\ncontroversy over what bitrates a normal person can distinguish. ", "You make it\nsound like Spotify is being unreasonable, but I think they're being completely\nreasonable - if people can't hear the difference, why should they devote a\nlarge amount of their operational capacity towards making sure all their\nlibrary is 320kbps?", "\n\nI'm guessing Spotify would need to receive the 320kbps version from the label\nfor it to be legal/work with their licensing. ", "Can you imagine working with\nrecord labels? ", "These are the guys that brought you the RIAA...working with\nthem must be like pulling teeth. ", "And doing all that work for almost no\nappreciation from your users (who can't tell the difference?).", "\n\nIf the listening experience is the same, your perception of the end product is\nthe same - does it really matter? ", "I mean, bad on Spotify for false advertising\nand everything, but I wouldn't chalk up their behavior as being a big deal.", "\n\nI understand that for someone with good taste in music, like yourself, this\nmatters. ", "But for 90% of Spotify's users, I'll bet it doesn't.", "\n\n~~~\nulyssestone\nYes I understand, actually I know quiet a bit about how dinosaur like\nRIAA/IFPI make their lives:P\n\nBut as I quoted in my article, Spotify staff admitted that they got music in\nlossless from labels, and have the rights to convert and stream them in HQ.", "\n\nTo be frankly I know how this will end: most users don't care and the story\nsinks into nowhere. ", "For my own interest I don't even want to do this, @Spotify\ntweeted about my blog about eight times since last year, and I'd assume it\nwon't happen again after this post. ", "The US launch tripled the traffic of my\nsite, a post like this will only bore the new visitors away. ", "I did this\nbecause I believe it's the right thing to do, and I still have faith in\nSpotify. ", "That's all.", "\n\n------\ngorm\nI really don't understand how someone can complain on Spotify. ", "It's a great\nservice with very good sound quality at a decent price.", "\n\n~~~\nmodokode\nIt is indeed a decent service, and I guess it was worth the money I've paid\nfor it, but there certainly are a bunch of flaws. ", "I miss a lot of my personal\nmusic library in it, for example, (and yes, while you can add them, but I\npretty much only use/used spotify at work). ", "To be honest, I didn't even\nremember to enable the HQ option when I had a paid subscription. ", "I also use it\non gnu/linux, where the windows client under wine for me is very sluggish (but\nonly at work, not at home), and the native client still has ways to go.", "\n\nAnyway, I seem to have gotten quite sidetracked, the point I was trying to\nmake is that at least OP is giving them direct feedback and thus an\nopportunity to improve. ", "While you think it's a great service, surely you can\nfind some ways to improve it? ", "I could, for example, live with a larger cache\non the android app so that I can enter a store under ground without the music\nstopping when the cell service does...\n\n~~~\ngorm\nIt's always room for improvement on any service, but it's not really fair to\ncomplain that a service costing $10 a month is not suitable for critical\nclassical listening on a stereo that cost $10.000.", "\n\nBest step IMHO is to push more online music retailers to sell lossless files\nfor critical listening or maybe Spotify could sell it, hopefully for more than\n$10 a month.", "\n\n~~~\nmodokode\nEh, my stereo equipment didn't cost anywhere near ten grand, but I wager it\ncan still show the difference between 160 and 320 kilobits of compressed\nmusic. ", "From what I gathered from the op, though, it's not so much about the\npractical difference than the fact that he feels he's paying for something\nhe's not actually getting - and that's something that is fair to complain\nabout.", "\n\n------\naugustl\nSome of the albums I've been listening to (with HQ enabled) have raised red\nflags, I've recognized compression artifacts. ", "But I dismissed this as being\ndeliberate, a weird sounding microphone, an effect, or whatever, since the HQ\nbox was checked in Spotify settings.", "\n\nTime to investigate..\n\n------\ns04p\nwhat about rdio? ", "Does anyone know?", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Treatment issues in poststroke depression.", "\nDepression is perhaps the most frequent emotional disorder to occur after a stroke. ", "These depressions may be either major or minor in type and usually remit within the first year after the stroke. ", "In addition to emotional suffering, poststroke depression has been associated with inhibited physical recovery, impaired cognitive functioning, and increased mortality. ", "Determining whether these consequences of stroke may be improved by treatment of depression constitutes both a major challenge and an enormous opportunity for new approaches to poststroke pharmacotherapy. ", "Previous controlled and uncontrolled treatment trials have provided partial support for the hypothesis that mood, cognitive, physical, and survival consequences of poststroke depression may be improved by antidepressant therapy." ]
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[ "[In vitro culture of granulopoietic precursors in dysmyelopoiesis. ", "Prognostic value (author's transl)].", "\n96 patients with a dysmyelopoiesis have had an in vitro study of bone marrow CFUc at the time of diagnosis. ", "A correlation between in vitro growth characteristics and the transformation in acute leukemia (AT) was searched. ", "We found 5 types of in vitro growth: 3 with a \"non-leukemic\" pattern IA, IB, and IC, and 2 with a \"leukemic\" pattern II and III. ", "In the type IA (normal growth) there is few death (16%), all without AT. ", "In the types IB and ic with decreased in vitro growth, 40% of patients dead without an at and 25% after an AT. ", "In the types II (with excess of clusters) and III (clusters without colonies) an AT was almost the case. ", "The specificity, the positive and negative predictive values of in vitro growth type for the study of an AT outcome were the best of all that we obtained in the study of biological parameters in the dysmyelopoiesis. ", "The study of bone marrow CFUc in dysmyelopoiesis can separate a group of patients with high risk of an AT outcome, which could be ameliorate with chimiotherapy." ]
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[ "Getting My arisebank To Work\n\nGetting My arisebank To Work\n\nThe FDIC is really an impartial company developed because of the US Congress to maintain stability and public self-assurance inside the country’s monetary technique. ", "By acquiring the lender AriseBank might have full money capabilities of traditional banking united with the ability and platform of serious-time crypto-banking including a world network of ATM’s, debit cards, and an AI trading System In keeping with a report inside the Huffington Post\n\nThis Tale was shared from this siteThe globe’s initial decentralized cryptocurrency bank, AriseBank, declared that they've reached an arrangement using a Federal Deposit Insurance policy Corporation (FDIC) insured financial institution that has been in operation within the US for over a century. ", "The acquisition, in addition t...\n\nThe planet’s very first decentralized bank and the whole world’s initially decentralized exchange will Incorporate forces to fill in lots of the gaps that exist when bridging the bigger economical system with digital belongings.", "\n\nI counsel digging a little deeper into what we do and cease forming baseless thoughts, when in fact, I am simply answering your concerns with info.", "\n\nbringing cryptocurrencies into the masses. ", "Whilst AriseBank and the acquisition of a private bank team will remain two independent entities, we imagine it’s our initially chance to begin referring to honest regulatory measures in which the previous guard can operate alongside The brand new guard.", "\n\nNone of us would exist if not for Bitshares. ", "In terms of Arise is anxious, we're always joyful to view teams developing with ARK tech and would like you men nicely!", "\n\nMany individuals who posted libel on the web about us are experiencing some significant lawsuits at this stage. ", "We stand driving our hard work and may go on proving people wrong. ", "We don’t lay down while in the encounter of dread - we always react.", "\n\nThis is a collective of greatest methods, which are electronic and constitutional initially. ", "This is the optimum combination of principles and expertise for that economic and social betterment of the world’s the greater part”, claimed read this Eddy Taylor, spokesperson for AriseBank.", "\n\ntwentieth-century technologies like the telephone fully transformed how the globe talked to each other, and the web only included to it. ", "Now, it is possible to send out a message to anyone, any where on the planet, in essence totally free by way of email or textual content. ", "That’s\n\naBank is totally decentralized, which implies it’s never ever hosted in their data Centre plus they in no way touch your cash. ", "It’s completely hosted within the user’s desktop and cell devices.", "\n\nWe always converse fantastic important link about ARK and Now we have publicly said how we come to feel about @ArkEcosystem in several venues. ", "You go reduced, we're going to go large. :) #", "Unity\n\n“Undoubtedly our eyesight is usually to make use of the investment decision lender for a tunnel involving the legacy bank and our decentralized cryptocurrency financial institution, being a method of Placing numerous cryptocurrencies from the arms of consumers across the United States, without the 4–5 working day waiting around time period, you sometimes see through other centralized cryptocurrency providers like Coinbase and Gemini”, explained Rice.", "\n\nAll they needed was for us to to get rid of the phrase “lender”. ", "Have you bothered looking through their submitting? ", "They by no means mentioned we were a rip-off. ", "Every person involved is aware of we aren’t a fraud. ", "Arrive Get More Information out to our offices. ", "We exist.", "\n\nBitShares (BTS) is a great coin manufacturing manufacturing unit with hundreds of ground breaking monetary goods and compliant ICO choices. ", "It at present retains the file for over a million blockchain transactions each day dwarfing the overall performance of Bitcoin and all other blockchain networks.", "\n\nAriseID is a innovative verification platform, that has the capacity to shield your information by hardly ever storing it in the banking platform, even though also ensuring they know you might be who you say you're. ", "AriseBank provides protection with out at any time being aware of your id." ]
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[ "Seaside High School\n\nSeaside High School may refer to:\n\nSeaside High School (California), located in Seaside, California\nSeaside High School (Oregon), located in Seaside, Oregon" ]
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[ "Culture\n\nCulture isn't about kombucha in the fridge, the XBox game room, or mission statement posters on the walls. ", "It's about the people in a company, the values they share, and how they work to achieve goals together.", "\n\nWe strive for excellence as hard as any other company, but it's the way we get there that makes us different. ", "We strive for kindness and transparency, and in the spirit of open-source, we're able to openly give each other feedback in a candid and constructive manner. ", "As a result, we're constantly teaching and learning from each other, and therefore growing both professionally and personally.", "\n\nWe are a small, tight-knit team, spread across the globe, that is dedicated to helping developers build great apps. ", "Everyone here is passionate about making software development easier, better, and more accessible to more people.", "\n\nOur work culture and social culture complement each other. ", "While we love attending conferences, hosting meetups, and inviting our partners and community members over for lunch, we also enjoy having office movie nights, playing board games at dinner, going out for a Friday afternoon happy hour, and taking the interns to Six Flags.", "\n\nWe care deeply about the personal and professional growth of all of our people during their time at Apollo, and we work hard to maintain an empathetic, diverse, and inclusive environment." ]
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[ "Enhancement of bleomycin-induced DNA damage by exposing isolated DNA to high concentrations of the calcium antagonist verapamil.", "\nThe calcium antagonist verapamil was found to enhance synergistically the DNA (desoxyribonucleic acid) strand breakage activity of the radiomimetic antitumor agent bleomycin in vitro. ", "The induction of single and double strand breaks in isolated DNA was investigated by agarose gel electrophoresis. ", "Three types of DNA (two plasmids and one native eukaryotic DNA) were used as target molecules. ", "The effect of verapamil was concentration dependent (concentration range tested: 0.75-3.0 mmol/l). ", "However, at those low concentrations, as they were used in cytotoxicity assays and cytogenetic experiments, no potentiating effect of verapamil on bleomycin action could be observed. ", "The significance of these findings is discussed with respect to various hypothesis concerning the potentiation of tumor drug efficiency by verapamil and other calcium antagonists." ]
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[ "Resolved: that we'll do better for Alabama in 2016 (opinion)\n\nWe spent a lot of time in Alabama in 2015, arguing over budgets and cutting programs and services to the bone, and now our political leaders are telling us that 2016 probably will bring a new round of sparring over more cuts to more agencies that have already been devastated.", "\n\nThis is no way to run a state - and it's a good reason to make a couple of New Year's resolutions, not just for ourselves, but also for our beloved Alabama. ", "Resolved for 2016:\n\n1)That state legislators will realize and accept the enormous responsibility they bear as representatives of the people.", "\n\nYes, their campaign contributions come mostly from businesses, special-interest groups and influential folks with big bank accounts. ", "Even so, they are obligated to us - the people who walk into the polling places and cast our votes for them.", "\n\nSadly, however, although they make a lot of noise about serving their constituents, many of them apparently don't really worry what we think. ", "If they did, they wouldn't do some of the irresponsible, self-serving stuff they do - stuff that clearly isn't in Alabama's best interest. ", "It's up to us to flex our muscles, participate in the process, let politicians know what we do and don't want, and vote in every election and every race.", "\n\n2)That we, the people, will decide - and then tell our legislators -- how we want to fund our state government.", "\n\nYou don't have to be a rocket scientist, much less a financial whiz, to see that in Alabama we don't raise enough revenue to pay for vital services and important programs. ", "That's why in their 2015 session, legislators managed to level-fund the state's most critical services and also managed to raise a few taxes, albeit modestly. ", "Otherwise, they ended up whacking the budget by more than $80 million.", "\n\nThere are several ways to raise money, including increasing taxes, reforming our underlying tax system (so that it generates more money from big businesses and wealthy individuals while relieving the poor of punitive and regressive taxes), and/or finding new revenue sources. ", "The problem is, nobody seems willing to talk about realistic solutions.", "\n\nRaise taxes? ", "It's worth discussing, but the conversation is hampered by no-new-taxes Tea Partiers and lily-livered legislators who duck their responsibility by insisting that they promised constituents they'd never raise any taxes whatsoever.", "\n\nReform our tax code? ", "Not as easy as it might sound, seeing as how much of our tax structure is enshrined in our outdated state constitution. ", "Have you ever heard of Alabama's \"big mules\"? ", "The term refers to the powerful coalition of agricultural, timber, industry and business interests that dominated state politics in the 20th century. ", "The big mules have steadfastly kept property taxes artificially low, forcing the state to depend on regressive sales taxes that punish low-income Alabamians.", "\n\nFind new revenue sources? ", "In Alabama, that's code for legalizing some or all forms of gambling. ", "You may agree with that approach, or you may not. ", "But in order to give gambling a thumbs-up or thumbs-down, state leaders are going to have to give you the chance to actually vote on the idea.", "\n\nProponents insist that a state lottery and casino gambling could pump about $400 million a year into the state budget, while opponents insist that there are significant social consequences of legalized gambling; and meanwhile, nothing gets decided. ", "Polls show that the people want to vote on it, so instead of wasting another year on pointless wrangling, why don't we make 2016 the year we put it on the ballot?", "\n\nBesides settling the issue, saying yes or no to gambling could force legislators to also talk about taxes and tax reform - subjects many of them would rather avoid. ", "And as long as we allow them to avoid such conversations, then agencies will continue to have to close state parks, cut environmental protection programs and underfund education, prisons, the courts, social services and children's services.", "\n\nThat's a high price to pay for failing to demand the best from our politicians and from ourselves. ", "In 2016, let's do better." ]
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[ "Novokilmetovo\n\nNovokilmetovo () is a rural locality (a village) in Mishkinsky District, Bashkortostan, Russia. ", "The population was 151 as of 2010. ", "There are 2 streets.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Rural localities in Bashkortostan" ]
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[ "Orthogonally polarized optical single sideband modulation for microwave photonics processing using stimulated Brillouin scattering.", "\nWe present a novel technique to generate orthogonally polarized optical single sideband modulated signals. ", "The modulation scheme is based on all optical stimulated Brillouin scattering processing of the optical carrier of an optical single sideband modulated signal, by means of the polarization state dragging induced by this non-linear effect. ", "This modulation technique can be used in several microwave photonics applications, such as antenna beamforming or microwave photonics filters. ", "In order to perform a proof-of-concept experiment, the orthogonal modulator is deployed for the implementation of an RF phase-shifter." ]
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[ "<?", "php\n\nnamespace Faker\\Provider\\nl_BE;\n\nclass Company extends \\Faker\\Provider\\Company\n{\n protected static $formats = array(\n '{{lastName}} {{companySuffix}}',\n '{{lastName}}',\n );\n\n protected static $companySuffix = array('VZW', 'Comm.", "V', 'VOF', 'BVBA', 'EBVBA', 'ESV', 'NV', 'Comm.", "VA', 'CVOA', 'CVBA', '& Zonen', '& Zn');\n}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nThe word \"doooooooor\" often girlishly said, what is the actual spelling?", "\n\nBoy: May I know you're name please?", "\n Girl: I'm not telling, doooooor!", "\n\nI know I'm spelling it like a 'door' but that's actually how it sounds. ", "Is it an English word and what's the right spelling.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe actual spelling of \"doooooor\" is \"duh\".", "\nAccording to this answer to this question:\nAccording to Merriam Webster, duh is an interjection which has two meanings:\n\nused to express actual or feigned ignorance or stupidity\nused derisively to indicate that something just stated is all too obvious or self-evident\n\nApparently this first appeared in 1966 (per Merriam Webster). ", "If you look at Google NGrams, \"duh\" has appeared even in the 1800s but a quick look at the results shows that in the early cases \"duh\" was used mostly as a syllable in a foreign language or as a form of \"the\". ", "You can see that there is an increase over time, regardless, after 1960.", "\n \nThe etymology of the interjection is, as you suggested, onomatopoeic in origin. ", "One site, Think-Ink, devotes an entire page to the discussion of the word. ", "One thing they mention is an etymology, from the American Heritage Dictionary:\n\nImitative of the utterance attributed to slow-witted people.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "RobinH20\n\nCarpe Diem\n\ni'm passionate, opinionated and extremely loyal. ", "i mind my own business and i've developed a habit of not talking much, but i have a lot to say to the right person(s). ", "i avoid stressful/negative energy and situations at all costs.", "\ni'm honestly not looking to impress or be impressed.. not looking for a model, just a cool companion w/no hangups. ", "i simply want to be myself and allow you to do the same..\ni wear two earrings, speak a couple languages and have a few strategically placed tattoos. ", "i'm straight forward but diplomatic..\ni love the rain, making my family and friends happy, shopping, traveling, cooking, eating, computers and new technologies, walking/sightseeing, cuddling on the couch watching movies..\ni don't mind children, pets, buses, trains, planes, helicopters or boats. ", "i have a thing for foreign cars and i've had my share of motorcycles. ", "i'm a homebody and i'm pretty good at figuring things out and fixing stuff..\ni've got a ton of hobbies and interests. ", "taking pics, creating media & music among them. ", "i'm a hard worker and though i like to keep myself busy i know how to relax and have fun..\nmy life is an open book and i have nothing to hide. ", "i've seen a few things, i have a lot of life experience to share, and i look forward to sharing myself with the right person..\ni love being with my lady as often as possible, and her red lips and/or nails will most certainly get special attention from me..\ni guess there's more, but for now thanks for stopping by!!", "\n\nThis person has the following filters in place for first-contact messages. ", "If you don't match the filters (and you are not on their favorites list),\nthen your message will go to their junk folder where they may or may not see it." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "I took my 16-on-Friday son with me to the caucus tonight. ", "I had trouble keeping him interested past an hour and a half, so I took him home (six blocks) while people were still signing in. ", "I returned for the meeting, and am a senate district delegate. ", "Our town split completely down the middle, numbers and demographically. ", "Nearly 200 came back for the caucus. ", "When I got back home and we watched some returns and got talking about it I could see he is interested, and I lit a bit of a fire under him telling him about our meeting. ", "I think that tomorrow at school it might just be useful to him that he experienced part of it. ", "The Democratic process isn't very tidy, but it is interesting. ", "When he was complaining about the crowd and the heat, I pointed out to him that these people have been waiting eight years for someone to care about their vote, so they were more than willing to stand in line a few minutes longer and let the officials certify their signatures on the caucus forms.", "\n\nI think that was the best part of this for me today, seeing that my son is familiar with the process, that he gets something more visceral than a classroom discussion.", "\n\nI consider this remark entirely appropriate for the MOAB thread, by the way. ", "We are talking politics, after all. ", "It is a powerful component (at least it is something to be understood in the context of Dubya's operation, though he fouled the place so much his BS is bound for the toxic waste dump, not the compost.)", "\n\n\"This week, we have a find in Arctic Canada that dates from the emergence of terrestrial vertebrates out of the seas about 375 million years ago. ", "It's been known for a while that the lobe-finned fish were critical intermediaries in this process, but there were multiple changes involved in the transition, and the sequence in which they fell into place remained unclear. ", "The new fossil, of a species named Tiktaalik roseae (Tiktaalik is the word for large, shallow water fish in the Inuktikuk language of Nunavut, where it was found) bridges that gap:\n\nAlthough the body scales, fin rays, lower jaw and palate are comparable to those in more primitive sarcopterygians [the precursor fish], the new species also has a shortened skull roof, a modified ear region, a mobile neck, a functional wrist joint, and other features that presage tetrapod conditions.", "\n\nIn other words, most of the body was very fish-like, but the top of the head and neck were very much like those of the first amphibians. ", "Meanwhile, much of the eventual terrestrial limb, including the shoulder, elbow, and parts of the wrist, were in place at the forelimb level, but not in the hind limb. ", "Even the forelimb still ended in a fin, rather than digits, though. ", "Although this beast was a predator, with a vaguely alligator-like head, the researchers suggest that it took advantage of its ability to drag itself onto land to escape predators. ", "This is both because it would have moved too slowly to hunt down prey out of water, and it's unclear whether any prey was out of the water at the time. \" (", "Ars Technica--4-06)\n\nIf we keep on finding missing links at this rate we'll be back to square one. ", "Or something like that.", "\n\nHere's a question: does anyone know whether Big Bang theory asserts that space as well as matter began with the Big Bang? ", "Or was space itself an existing initial condition of the Big Bang? ", "Was the expansion generating apce as well as all matter? (", "Why does this feel like asking an adult hard questions about God?)", "\n\nEIther way, I don't think we understand space very well; just as most fish do not know they are wet.", "\n\nI once caught a fish that grabbed a towel and dried itself off as soon as I got it out of the water.", "\n\nAs for your other question, Amos -- since space and time appear to be linked just as mass and energy are, did time exist before the Big Bang-o? ", "If it did (and I'm talking Time, not just duration), was space created from time when the fuse hit the powder? ", "Or are Space and Time and Mass and Energy all linked -- different aspects of the same thing, perhaps?", "\n\nWell, I guess my question as written has to be answered \"No\". ", "Big Bang theorists count the development of the Universe from the big bang in nano- and atto-seconds. ", "But all I have heard them talk about is the energy transformation in those time spans.", "\n\nAs for the apparent dependency of time on space, I think it may be illusory. ", "I think space and mass are somehow tied together and brokered in terms of gravity, but I am not sure why this should be so. ", "Psychologically, space is a variable -- a function of the postulated viewpoint of dimension. ", "How that mirrors in the material universe, I dinna ken. ", "Psychologically, time is sort of handy construct that says everything is the same thing as the thing it was before, just persisting., ", "The belief in persistence is they key; it has a certain rotten flavor to it that gives it the lie. ", "How this translates into the lovely time-phases of material spacetime I dinna ken.", "\n\nAnd so I was curious how the Big Bang is viewed in terms of space itself. ", "It is mindumbingly hard to think about sometimes, so I don't do it very often.", "\n\n\"At the instant of the Big Bang, the universe was infinitely dense and unimaginably hot. ", "Cosmologists believe that all forms of matter and energy, as well as space and time itself, were formed at this instant. ", "Since \"before\" is a temporal concept, one cannot ask what came before the Big Bang and therefore \"caused\" it, at least not within the context of any known physics. (", "At least one cosmological theory, however, predicts that our universe's Big Bang is part of a chain reaction in which the demise of one universe spawns the birth of many, parallel, universes. ", "According to this scenario, our universe may simply be part of a huge, infinitely growing fractal.)", "\n\nScience tells us nothing about the way space, time and matter behaved in our universe's earliest instant, from the time of the Big Bang to 10^-43 seconds later. ", "Space was certainly expanding--violently--and from this expansion of space was formed a highly energetic soup of particles and antiparticles.", "\n\nThe energy was so great during the this so-called Grand Unification Epoch--a fine-sounding name for the period from 10^-43 to 10^-35 seconds after the Big Bang--that all matter and energy was essentially interchangeable and in equilibrium. ", "What's more, electromagnetism and the two nuclear forces were as one (gravity, the fourth and weakest force, had separated from the other three at the beginning of the Grand Unification Epoch).\"", "\n\n\"As the universe expanded, it cooled down. ", "At 10^-35 seconds, the temperature was a mere 10^27 degrees K (water boils at 373.16 K or 3.7316^2!). ", "At this critical temperature, the universe underwent a phase transition, something like the process that happens when liquid water freezes into ice. ", "The strong nuclear force--which acts at very short distances and holds protons and neutrons together--split off from the other forces. ", "Physicists call this process \"symmetry breaking,\" and it released an enormous amount of energy.", "\n\nThen, in an extraordinary instant that theorists have dubbed \"inflation,\" the universe expanded exponentially. ", "During this time, the universe grew by a factor of 10^50 in 10^-33 seconds. ", "Talk about runaway inflation!", "\n\nThis scenario, much as it strains credulity, neatly explains several different observations made during the last 20 years--the large-scale smoothness and apparent flatness of the universe among them--that had weakened the original Big Bang theory of cosmology based on a much more leisurely period of expansion.", "\n\nThings slowed up a bit after the inflationary epoch. ", "A number of observations, well supported by theory, suggest that our universe continued to expand, albeit more slowly, and that it is expanding still.", "\n\nAs space expanded, it continued to cool down. ", "Matter--at first photons, quarks, neutrinos, and electrons, and then protons and neutrons--condensed out, all less than one second after the Big Bang. ", "It was not until one billion years later, when the universe was one-fifth the size it is today, that the matter would form the first stars and galaxies.\"", "\n\nIf, as I suspect, Time and Space are related to Mass and Energy -- that is, all are manifestations of the same thing -- then we would have a sheaf of continuums spread from a central point:\n\n(((((((((((.))))))))))", "\n\nThat central point would be the Big Bang. ", "I will have to investigate what happened inside the Bang, at the exact \"moment\" when it happened.", "\n\nOf course, these sheafs would have spread multi-dimensionally, in more than the four (or possibly five) dimensions we normally deal with. ", "More of a point within what is at this \"moment\" (as far as we can perceive) a constantly expanding hypersphere.", "\n\nI don't think that this would have to be an infinite number of dimensions, but certainly a large number. ", "Let's see: a point can be defined as the intersection of two lines, only without the lines of course. ", "This intersection would require multidimensionalality, and perhaps it's therein that the key to the initial point of \"Big Bang\"-ness lies -- that the nearly infinite density, etc. ", "of that point would force multidimensionality by its very existence. ", "Hmmm...yes, this is seems to be an \"Uncaused Cause\" sort of reasoning...\n\nGravity: is this some form of energy and if so, how does this work with Mass? ", "Can we create gravity during Mass/Energy conversion?", "\n\nIt seems to me that politics is becoming more & more a matter of how to get votes from the careless, ignorant and superstitious ....and those who are single issue voters... than of appeal to the folks who read, study and care.", "\n\nMOM! ", "It's supposed to snow on my daffodils again! ", "They're predicting an accumulation of up to 2 inches overnight tonight. ", "It's March! ", "This is Texas, a Southern state, fercrhistsake! ", "Enough of this already!", "\n\nMy compter's a little faster, they managed to speed up my DSL to about half of what I'm paying for, instead of 1/5 of what I'm paying for. ", "The tech said there are only three DSL accounts in the neighborhood and they're all faster, but the phone company won't let anyone else get DSL because we're too far from the phone company switches. ", "Funny, there's an office just down the road. . . ", "if I have to stay indoors at least I can get more done on the computer.", "\n\nIt's all right, dear. ", "Mom is going to buy you full cable-quality broadband this year, so nect winter you'll be able to snuggle up and cruise zippity-zip all day. ", "Assuming this winter ever ends.", "\n\nYou do realize this is Texas' DIvine Judgement for not doing right by the Democrats, don't you? ", "If you'd only sent Obama in without any quibbles, you'd be frolicking in sunlight and daisies. ", "But nooooo....\n\nWe are all submerged in a sea of almost undetectable particles left over from the first few seconds of the big bang, according to the latest observations from a NASA satellite. ", "The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) has confirmed the theory that the universe is filled with a fluid of cold neutrinos that remain almost entirely aloof from ordinary matter.", "\n\nCosmologists think that in the hot, dense, young universe, neutrinos should have been created in high-energy particle collisions. ", "About two seconds after the big bang, the cauldron of colliding particles would have cooled down so much that most would not have had enough energy to interact strongly with neutrinos. ", "The neutrinos would then have \"de-coupled\" from other matter and radiation. ", "In theory, they should still be buzzing around, a soup of slippery particles that by today has been chilled to a temperature of only 1.9 ° Celsius above absolute zero.", "\n\nNow WMAP has found evidence of this cosmic gazpacho. ", "The spacecraft, launched in 2001, has been building up a picture of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which carries a detailed imprint of the state of the universe 380,000 years after the big bang. ", "In particular, it reveals the pattern of density fluctuations in space, the \"texture\" of the early universe.", "\n\nTravelling at nearly the speed of light, neutrinos should have discouraged matter from forming tight clumps, and so smoothed out the texture of the universe slightly.\"", "\n\nIt was postulated as an explanation of the positron (e-) that as a fish moves through the water and notices water only by its absence (that is, bubbles) we live in a sea of electrons and notice positrons as the absence of electrons. ", "The positrons occur when an electron is knocked out of its position the the electron \"array\" by a gamma or other ray and the positron thus formed \"disappears\" when an electron fills the hole.", "\n\nI'm sorry I wasn't clear in my earlier post. ", "This explanation was first given back in the 1930s by Fermi or Bohr or Heisenberg or somebody famous whose name escapes me at the moment.", "\n\nThe problem with things that we notice only by their absence, is the overwhelming magnitude of the set. ", "Start a list of things that you can plainly see are not there, and by George, you'll be up all night!!", "\n\nAs for names which escape you, I fully sympathize. ", "Those artful dodgers are too slippery for words. ", "They dig tunnels, adopt disguises, hide in out-bound laundry, smuggle themselves in delivery vans -- ANYTHING to get out of their proper holding area. ", "I have tried redoubling my surveillance and patrols, but it just costs me sleep at night.", "\n\n1. ", "A positive balance in my checking account. ", "2. ", "Completed and filed income taxes. ", "3. ", "A little man upon the stair. ", "4. ", "A positive balance in my savings account. ", "5. ", "Wise, courageous leaders who work for the good of everyone.", "\n\nI received a telephone call from a woman who said she worked directly for the Idaho State Police Association and that she wanted to send me a decal and the money raised would go to help officers who were injured or even killed in the line of duty and could they count on my support?", "\n\nI paused to collect my thoughts and then told her that last year my brother was killed in the line of duty by a couple of meth dealers who first shot him and then, as he lay bleeding, stomped him to death.", "\n\nShe really didn't know what to say.", "\n\nAfter I hung up I promptly called my brother and apologized for killing him. ", "He said that he understood and he'd be happy to kill me the same way if the need arose. ", "I think this is the second or perhaps the third time I've killed him.", "\n\nI have little patience with organizations that purport to collect money for those who have suffered tragedy in their lives but which keep up to 90% of the money raised for \"administrative costs.\"", "\n\nI once told a salesman for a photo company that I couldn't have pictures taken of my children even though my wife and I very much wanted them, I had been wounded by a \"castrator mine\" in Vietnam. ", "I was \"sobbing\" as I said this; NOBODY called again for three years. ", "Now I'm on the \"Do Not Call\" list.", "\n\nI've also told callers for political candidates that \"I wouldn't vote for that goddamned Commie bastard if s/he were the only one running!\" ", "and then I launch into an imaginary speech about WHY the person is a \"Commie.\" ", "This is even more effective if they ARE the only one running as it confuses the caller.", "\n\nI do like killing off my brothers, however. ", "And they don't mind at all.", "\n\n\"But even an endeavor of this scale isn't going to answer all the important questions of matter and energy. ", "Not a chance. ", "This is because a century of particle physics has given us a fundamental truth: Reality doesn't reveal its secrets easily.", "\n\nPut it this way: The universe is a tough nut to crack.\"", "\n\nSee, there's the rub. ", "In my view it comes down to the question, \"What could we know if we didn't already believe we know what we learned to know?\"", "\n\nI suspect there is a deep shift needed in our approach, and what makes sense to me is shifting from particle physics to spationics. ", "Either that, or turning over the whole fielsd to psychologists, to create the subject of psionics. ", "I think the whole \"Chase me, I'm a particle\" flirtation has gone too far, so to speak.", "\n\nThe trouble is no-one really has the first idea of how tof ormulate the fields of spationics OR psionics, because we don't \"know\" how. ", "It's a damned conundrum, is what.", "\n\n\"The preferred name for the God particle among physicists is the Higgs boson, or the Higgs particle, or simply the Higgs, in honor of the University of Edinburgh physicist Peter Higgs, who proposed its existence more than 40 years ago. ", "Most physicists believe that there must be a Higgs field that pervades all space; the Higgs particle would be the carrier of the field and would interact with other particles, sort of the way a Jedi knight in Star Wars is the carrier of the \"force.\" ", "The Higgs is a crucial part of the standard model of particle physics—but no one's ever found it.", "\n\nTheoretical physicist John Ellis is one of the CERN scientists searching for the Higgs. ", "He works amid totemic stacks of scientific papers that seem to defy the normal laws of gravity. ", "He has long, gray hair and a long, white beard and, with all due respect, looks as if he belongs on a mountaintop in Tibet. ", "Ellis explains that the Higgs field, in theory, is what gives fundamental particles mass. ", "He offers an analogy: Different fundamental particles, he says, are like a crowd of people running through mud. ", "Some particles, like quarks, have big boots that get covered with lots of mud; others, like electrons, have little shoes that barely gather any mud at all. ", "Photons don't wear shoes—they just glide over the top of the mud without picking any up. ", "And the Higgs field is the mud\"...\n\nJanie, this is a really well-done article and a good find. ", "Thanks.", "\n\nI suspect the Higgs boson may be the spation of which I spoke. ", "Maybe the field will be called bosonics.", "\n\nNot to be confused with bos'nics, which is the art of luring young ladies up to the foc's'le locker.", "\n\nTHe notion that a sea of Higgs' bosons is what imparts variable degrees of mass to all other particles, I mean.", "\n\nIn the most fundamental definition I know of, mass is defined as \"resistance to acceleration\". ", "Acceleration of course is the change of rate of movement through space. ", "The strange limiter of c on velocity is tied to the fact that it is the nature of space that it seems to increase mass of particles when they approach that speed. ", "And the more mass, the more resistance to accelerating particles.", "\n\nWell, suppose an equation were to be formulated that said S=m/c^2, or something like that -- in other words, defined a relationship between mass and \"space\".", "\n\nTwo interesting consequences, sketchily appearing, are:\n\n1. ", "That increasing mass with acceleration approaching c could be defined as space approaching infinity because \"going faster adds to the amount of space carried by the particle\". ", "This would in some wise simplify the measurement of continua, I suspect.", "\n\n2. ", "The psychological link is tantalizing also. ", "Consider that an individual's sense of space is a function of his viewpoint, and his ability to look at different spaces at will is one index of his psychological well-being. ", "You can build a whole model of human dysfunction and therapy around the priciple of restoring space and command of space tothe viewpoint of the individual. ", "There is a strong implication in all this that space is a function of a viewpoint generating dimensionality, in other words. ", "To cut a long explanation short, suppose the relationship between space and mass on the side of the space-time continuum had a corrollary relationship between space and viewpoint on the consciousness side. ", "THis could lead to a unified theory not only of space-time-energy, but of mind and matter. ", "A single theory which harmonized the spectrum of phsyics studies and the spectrum of consciousness or psychological studies.", "\n\nThe notion of a big sweet unified construct addressing all these critters sure is temptin', ain't it?", "\n\nAmos, the formula is S=e(c/m^2). ", "c/m^2 is called the \"Constant Constant\" and defines the amount of ignorance in the Universe. ", "Ignorance, of course, is neither created or destroyed, but simply rearranged.", "\n\nI like your approach to telemarketers, Rapaire. ", "I would hire you if I could afford it, but I'm totally strapped now due to having to hire all those other people to remove all the insulting things I said about Amos in previous posts on this (and other) threads.", "\n\nWe're talking about a project that could still be going on years from now. ", "It rivals the building of the tower of Babel, only it's sort of the opposite way around.", "\n\nIf it weren't for all the dreadful and pretentious codswallop that Amos deluges this forum in all the time I wouldn't be in this unpleasant posi---\n\nMy gawd, Rapaire! ", "You may be on to something there; the notion that negative values of S are the governing principle behind ignorance is breathtaking in its possible implications!! ", "That could also explain the tensions that keep recurring in human dynamics, such as tribal spats, wars, and global warming. ", "If the value of -S is constant, then all interactions between viewpoints within the frame of reference in which the constant prevails atre just tugs of war for more or less of it. ", "This explains why the terrorists hate us, too. ", "THey're jealous of our Space! ", "Someone call the White House.", "\n\nDepends on whether matter is something you view, or something you identify with, LH...\n\n\"Theoretically, the big bang should have yielded equal amounts of matter and antimatter that annihilated each other, leaving a largely empty universe. ", "So why is our universe almost exclusively matter? ", "The movements of distant galaxies and supernovae hint that the dark expanse of space holds vastly more matter and energy than we see in all the stars and galaxies. ", "The LHC could shed light on this dark matter and dark energy.\"", "\n\nNow, the LHC is turning into a really interesting tool, by expectation, anyway.", "\n\nTHis means Europe will march ahead of the US in being the leading front of physics endeavours.", "\n\nI don't mind if it means we'll get a little closer to FTL drives, hyperspace transits, and anti-grav field generators.", "\n\nI just knew I was being conspired against today. ", "Quantum physics, a theory of everything, LH trying to refrain from insulting Amos, HIPPAA compliant forms for the new practice, the resurfacing of an HTML practice thread, and the disappearance of the first time I typed and posted this into the far, lost reaches of cyberspace.", "\n\nI tell you, I am not paranoid, this is a cosmic conspiracy!", "\n\nOh well. ", "Think I'll go forth and make a PB&J sandwich for lunch. ", "Not only will I be comforted by the warm, fuzzy childhood memories thus evoked, I'm also confident of my ability to digest it." ]
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[ "Attending Kobe Bryant's last game between the Utah Jazz and the Los Angeles Lakers in Los Angeles." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThis invention relates generally to computerized information retrieval, and more particularly to retrieving, indexing, and ranking of documents in a hyperlinked information environment such as the World Wide Web (the “Web”).", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nThe amount of information stored in the Web continues to increase. ", "This makes it more difficult for users to find pages relevant to concepts of interest. ", "Users of computers connected to the Web commonly employ search engines to locate Web pages having specific content. ", "A search engine, such as the AltaVista® search engine, indexes hundreds of millions of Web pages hosted and served by computers all over the world. ", "The users of such engines compose queries, and the search engine identifies pages that match the queries, e.g., pages that include the key words of the queries. ", "The Web is a hyperlinked environment. ", "Pages in the Web generally contain links to other Web pages. ", "The links enable users to navigate the Web. ", "In the page containing the link, usually there is some text associated with the link. ", "In typical browsers the user clicks on this text to follow the link. ", "This text is known as anchortext. ", "For instance, a page about travel may contain a link to www.ual.com, the home page of United Airlines. ", "The anchortext associated with the link might be “United,” “United Air Lines,” or “U.A.L,” entirely at the discretion of the author of the page linking to the United site.", "\nA challenge for search engines is to identify the most relevant resources to the query and to place them first among all the results returned. ", "This ordering of the result set by relevance of results is known as “ranking.” ", "Ranking based solely on the content of the documents is only partially effective on such a large scale. ", "Other factors, in particular anchortext, are necessary. ", "One source of difficulty in locating the most relevant documents is the lack of an effective system and method for determining the relevance of indexed documents based on terms used by persons linking to a Web page. ", "In addition to the textual content of the individual pages, the link structure of such collections contains information that can be tapped when identifying the most authoritative sources. ", "The text associated with a link called “anchortext” also provides information useful for identifying relevant and important documents.", "\nYanhong Li discusses a system called Hyperlink Vector Voting, or HVV, which uses the content of hyperlinks to a document to rank its relevance to the query terms. ", "See Li, Toward A Qualitative Search Engine, IEEE Computing, July-August 1998. ", "HVV assigns importance to pages by analyzing the inbound links to a particular Web site. ", "Authors of Web pages in effect vote for, or endorse, a Web page to which they include hyperlinks. ", "Li provides an example of a page that uses the word “attorney” throughout. ", "However, the word “lawyer” is not used at all. ", "Nevertheless, the page may still have much content relevant to those searching for lawyers. ", "A conventional search system that only seeks documents that use at least some of the query terms would not identify the document using the word “attorney” when responding to queries such as “best lawyers” or “best divorce lawyers.” ", "Li also discusses some detriments of HVV, such as the fact that ranking of the documents does not depend on the words appearing in the documents satisfying a given query. ", "Thus, although a Web page may be very popular and hence be the object of many hyperlinks, the content may not be the most relevant to the received query. ", "Moreover, it is also possible to intentionally mislead users of HVV-based search engines by creating a Web page including a large number of hyperlinks all pointing to the same page in order to inflate artificially the connectivity-based ranking of the referenced page. ", "Such techniques are commonly known as spam. ", "Nevertheless, if one can defeat such spamming schemes and other drawbacks, it appears clear that the number of inbound links to a given Web page provide a useful measure of its popularity and perhaps its quality.", "\nAs discussed above, the language used in queries by users of search engines is often not the most precise expression of the desired concept. ", "A need thus exists for a connectivity-based indexing system that better uses the information provided by hyperlinks." ]
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[ "Pechtregon Cycles\n\nMatthieu fell for cycling when he was very young, and it's been hard for him to get over it. ", "It takes time in life... In his childhood, he used to tinker bicycles, then, the adolescence crisis led him to cut frames and modify them, and quickly to build them. ", "An internship in Sunn, when it was big, and after crossing the US, trip during which he kept learning with Jeremy & Jay Sycip for a year. ", "He's been loving building structures ever since: bikes, trailers, furnitures, buildings...\n\nSince about 4 years ago, he progressively started to associate the construction of every kind of bicycles with his designer activities. ", "Frames, forks, stem, seat tubes, some parts processed here and there, TIG weld essentially, and a delicate braze when necessary.", "\n\nGenerally, everything starts with word-to-mouth. ", "Then a certain meeting, a bicycle trial, discussions, an arrangement, and more importantly the need for a common understanding. ", "All the Pechtregon bicyles are the crossing of these chromosomes with the ones of their owners." ]
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[ "Search form\n\nThe Man Who Would Be Bush\n\nThe Man Who Would Be Bush\n\nby\n\nRobert Scheer\n\nAre Americans unusually stupid or is it something our president put in the water? ? ", "As millions surrender their homes and sacrifice other standards of our nation's economic and political reputation to the caprice of the Bush-Cheney imperium, a majority of voters tell pollsters that they might vote for a candidate who promises more of the same.", "\n\nAssuming that likely voters are not now thinking of yet another Republican president simply because John McCain is the only white guy left standing -- an excuse as pathetic in its logic as the decision four years ago to return two Texas oil hustlers to the White House because they were not Massachusetts liberals -- must mean that tens of millions of Americans have taken leave of their senses.", "\n\nIf not the white-guy syndrome, why would even a shocking minority of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama supporters say they prefer McCain to the other Democrat? ", "How otherwise to explain the nation's widespread bipartisan rejection of the Bush presidency and yet a willingness to let McCain continue in that vein?", "\n\nTo be sure, as a senator, McCain has exhibited flashes of independence on behalf of taxpayers, as in his support of campaign-finance reform in which he partnered with Democrat Russ Feingold. ", "McCain's investigations of the military-industrial complex's shameless exploitation of terrorism fears set a high standard, as in exposing the air-tanker scandal that dispatched a Boeing exec and a former Pentagon employee to prison. ", "But his political ambition is showing. ", "Although he previously harshly criticized the enormous waste in the Iraq occupation, today, as a presidential candidate, he opens the door to a hundred years of taxpayer dollars tossed down the drain in Iraq. ", "The man who was tortured now hugs a leader who authorized the same.", "\n\nBy so unabashedly embracing the most glaringly failed U.S. president ever, McCain has surrendered the right to be considered an independent candidate, judged on his own merits and personal history. ", "A vote for McCain is a vote for that rancid recipe mixing religious bigotry, imperial arrogance and corporate greed that he had stood against in the run-up to the 2000 presidential election when he challenged George W. Bush, but to which he now has capitulated.", "\n\nToo harsh? ", "Then consider just how tight the space is between the rocks of our failed Mideast policy and the hard place of our impending financial disaster. ", "The sudden out-of-control spike in the cost of oil -- the key short-term market variable, the specter that stokes inflation fear and limits moves to avoid recession -- is not a natural disaster or in any realistic way the result of inefficiency in the use of energy. ", "What more than doubled the price of petroleum in the short run was not that too many of us bought Hummers, but rather that the political stability of the region that contains the bulk of that oil was deliberately and recklessly roiled.", "\n\nIn the name of fighting the 9/11 terrorists, the Bush administration overthrew the one Arab government most adamantly opposed to the Saudi financiers of that son of their system, Osama bin Laden. ", "Instead of confronting the royal leaders of a kingdom that supplied 15 of the 19 hijackers, we invaded a nation that supplied not a single one. ", "While Bush overthrew Saddam Hussein, who had no ties to the hijackers, he embraced the leaders of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, the only three nations in the world that had diplomatically recognized and supported the Taliban sponsors of al-Qaida.", "\n\nConsider that historical marker at a time when the UAE and Saudi Arabia bankers are buying major positions in distressed U.S. financial and other key corporate institutions. ", "I know, it all sounds too conspiratorial, like imagining that we might wake up from this national nightmare and discover that the CEO of Halliburton, who replaced Dick Cheney when the latter selected himself to be Bush's vice president, now has his headquarters in Dubai, tucked safely into the obscenely oil-revenue-rich UAE that our troops were sent to Iraq to protect.", "\n\nThere is no national outrage, or even seriously sustained media interest, over the fact that Cheney's old company profited enormously from ripping off U.S. tax dollars going into the Iraq occupation. ", "Nor is there even much curiosity about the shenanigans of Halliburton, which is doing business with Arab oil sheiks at a time when the U.S. banks these Middle Eastern oil interests bought into are moving to foreclose on American homeowners.", "\n\nIt's just the sort of egregious betrayal of the trust of the taxpayers that Sen. McCain would have gone after, before he sought to don the soiled robes of the Bush presidency.", "\n\nRobert Scheer is editor of Truthdig.com and a regular columnist for The San Francisco Chronicle.", "\n\nFurther\n\nLord, what would John Lennon have made of the Trump monster? ", "Marking Thursday's 36th anniversary of Lennon's murder, Yoko Ono posted a plea for gun control, calling his death \"a hollowing experience\" and pleading, \"Together, let's bring back America, the green land of Peace.\" ", "With so many seeking solace in these ugly times, mourns one fan, \"Oh John, you really should be here.\" ", "Lennon conceded then, and likely would now, \"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.\"" ]
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[ "\n70 B.R. 288 (1987)\nIn re Timothy Edward & Carmen Delores GALLAGHER, Debtors.", "\nBankruptcy No. ", "86-05060-H3-7.", "\nUnited States Bankruptcy Court, S.D. Texas, Houston Division.", "\nJanuary 28, 1987.", "\n*289 J. Craig Cowgill, Houston, Tex., ", "for debtors.", "\nJanet S. Casciato, Casciato, Payne & Havekost, Houston, Tex., ", "Trustee.", "\n\nORDER\nLETITIA Z. TAITTE, Bankruptcy Judge.", "\nCame on for hearing on December 19, 1986, the Trustee's Motion for Extension of Time to File Objections to Discharge of Debtor, and after considering the evidence presented and the argument of counsel the Court enters the following Order.", "\n\nI. Facts\nOn June 9, 1986, Debtors filed their petition in Bankruptcy under Chapter 7. ", "On July 27, 1986, the first meeting of creditors was held pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 341. ", "The Debtors, Debtors' attorney, Trustee and counsel for creditor James Adkins (Adkins) were present at this meeting. ", "At the meeting, counsel for Adkins requested that the Trustee file a motion to extend time to file objections to the discharge of the Debtors, pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 4004(b). ", "B.R. 4004(b) states that a motion for extension of time may not be filed more than 60 days following the first date set for meeting of creditors. ", "The meeting was adjourned, and on reconvention on August 29, 1986, counsel for Adkins made the same request of the Trustee.", "\nThe Trustee filed her Motion for Extension of Time to File Objections to Discharge of Debtor on September 15, 1986. ", "The Motion simply stated \"there are questions regarding certain assets of this estate and whether all assets have been properly and completely disclosed.\" ", "No creditors were mentioned in the Motion.", "\nA hearing on the Motion was held December 19, 1986. ", "The Trustee did not appear, and later indicated that she did not wish to pursue her Motion. ", "Counsel for Adkins announced that he wished to join in the Trustee's Motion. ", "Adkins, who did not file his own motion for extension, seeks to rely on the Trustee's timely filed Motion to support his own objection to discharge of the Debtor.", "\n\nII. ", "Conclusions\nAbsent an extension of time, no party may file an objection to discharge after 60 days following the first date set for the meeting of creditors. ", "B.R. 4004(a). ", "Any extension of time for filing must be made pursuant to B.R. 4004(b). ", "B.R. 9006(b)(3).", "\nB.R. 4004(b) provides:\nOn motion of any party in interest, after hearing on notice, the court may for cause extend the time for filing a complaint objecting to discharge. ", "The motion *290 shall be made before such time has expired.", "\nThe language of B.R. 4004(b) supports the view that only the movant who timely requests the extension may take advantage of that extension. ", "In re Floyd, 37 B.R. 890 (Bankr.", "N.D.Tex.1984). ", "A Trustee's timely motion for extension will not extend such time for any other party in interest. ", "In re Tatum, 60 B.R. 335 (Bankr.", "D.Colo.1986); In re Ortman, 51 B.R. 7 (Bankr.", "S.D.Ind. ", "1984). ", "See also the Advisory Committee Note to B.R. 4004: \"An extension granted on a motion pursuant to subdivision (b) of the Rule would ordinarily benefit only the movant, but its scope and effect would depend on the terms of the extension.\"", "\nAdkins alleges that the Trustee was acting on his behalf in filing the motion for extension. ", "A Trustee may not act on behalf of any particular creditor since she is a representative of the estate. ", "In re Bell & Beckwith, 50 B.R. 422 (Bankr.", "N.D. Ohio 1985). ", "Adkins cites Penick v. Tice, 732 F.2d 1211 (4th Cir.1984) to support the proposition that a Trustee may have standing in some instances to file a motion on a creditor's behalf. ", "Penick held that the Trustee had standing to object to a debtor's voluntary dismissal on behalf of unsecured creditors who did not affirmatively consent to the dismissal. ", "However, Penick was based on the Trustee's power to represent creditors who were unwilling to object to such dismissal, or who were unaware that such dismissal may adversely affect their interests. ", "Here, objection, not dismissal, is at issue, Adkins has been active, and the limiting language of B.R. 4004(b) is effective.", "\nThe underlying purpose of B.R. 4004(b) is to provide the debtor with a definite date after which no party may object to discharge. ", "As explained by the court in Ortman, supra at page 8:\nAt some point in time, proceedings must come to a halt and the debtor be allowed to seek his fresh start. ", "To allow creditors on a one-by-one basis to take advantage of extensions of time to file complaints would make a mockery of the legislative intent to give debtors a fresh start.", "\nWhile Adkins says he relied on the Trustee's assurances to his detriment, this is not sufficient cause to ignore the purpose and language of B.R. 4004(b).", "\nIt is therefore:\nORDERED that the Trustee is permitted to withdraw her Motion for Extension of Time to File Objections to Discharge of Debtor, and it is further\nORDERED that Adkins' oral motion to join in that Trustee's Motion after the deadline provided in Bankruptcy Rules 4004(b) and 4007(c) is Denied.", "\n" ]
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[ "Gastroesophageal reflux disease: clinical features.", "\nGastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a chronic disease affecting up to 40% of people in the Western world. ", "Risk factors associated with GERD include age and lifestyle habits, although the clinically relevant contribution of many of these factors is unclear. ", "In GERD, refluxed gastric acid damages the oesophageal mucosa, generally when the pH falls below 4. ", "GERD patients present a variety of symptoms, most commonly heartburn and regurgitation. ", "Oesophageal complications associated with GERD include erosions, ulcers, peptic strictures, and Barrett's oesophagus which is implicated in the development of oesophageal adenocarcinoma. ", "Diagnosis of GERD is problematic due to the range of symptoms which may be presented to the physician and symptom severity is frequently unrelated to disease severity. ", "While endoscopic monitoring may be used to assess the presence and severity of GERD, a lack of visible damage does not necessarily indicate an absence of GERD. ", "Techniques used to diagnose GERD include addition of an acid solution into the oesophagus in order to replicate symptoms (Bernstein test) or 24-hour intra-oesophageal pH monitoring. ", "Proton pump inhibitors are effective in the treatment of GERD, acting to reduce the acidity of the gastric juice and hence reduce oesophageal damage and symptoms associated with GERD. ", "Symptoms most indicative of GERD are those associated with erosive oesophagitis, including heartburn and acid regurgitation. ", "Less common GERD-associated symptoms include chest pain, a range of ear, nose and throat conditions, and asthma. ", "In contrast to perceptions of the disease as 'merely' heartburn, the impact on patients' quality of life can be profound. ", "Increasing awareness of GERD by health care professionals has led to improved diagnosis and a greater appreciation of the need for maintenance therapy." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nembed youtube html5 player shows no fullscreen button\n\nI include the YouTube player as follows in my php file but the player does not show the fullscreen button. ", "Switching to the flash player works (whether through changing the url from /embed to /v or by disabling &html5=1). ", "What am I doing wrong?", "\nAn example is available here: http://jonnyrimkus.square7.ch/stuff/youtube_html5_fullscreen.php\n<script>\n\nvar tag = document.createElement(\\'script\\');\ntag.src = \"https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api\";\nvar firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName(\\'script\\')[0];\nfirstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);\n\nfunction onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {\n player = new YT.Player(\\'player\\', {\n playerVars: {\n \\'allowfullscreen\\': \\'true\\', \n \\'allowscriptaccess\\': \\'always\\'\n },\n events: {\n \\'onReady\\': onYouTubePlayerReady,\n \\'onStateChange\\': playerStateChange,\n \\'onError\\': playerStateError\n }\n });\n}\n</script> \n<iframe id=\"player\" width=\"425\" height=\"356\" border=\"0\" frameborder=\"0\" src=\"http://www.youtube.com/embed/36XdO9Iv9ew?enablejsapi=1&playerapiid=lastfmplayer&autoplay=1&html5=1&fs=1&origin=http://jonnyrimkus.square7.ch\"></iframe>\n\nA:\n\nThe fullscreen button will also not be visible if the Youtube player is inside another iframe that does not have allowfullscreen attribute.", "\nUnlike what Google's documentation says(as of 11/2014), the fs attribute in querystring does not seem to influence the visibility of fullscreen. ", "The visibility seems to be influenced by allowfullscreen attribute in iframe which youtube player puts by default during instantiation. ", "That said, if your embed the player inside another iframe you should also mark that iframe for allowfullscreen ( or all its variants webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen)\n<iframe src='' frameborder='0' webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen>\n <!-- ", "YT player-->\n</iframe>\n\nA:\n\nThe way you are using the iframe api now does nothing, the api is made to bind on an empty element, like <div id=\"player\"></div>, the id is the first argument in the new YT.Player function.", "\nIn order to load a youtube video with the iframe api you need this in the body:\n<div id=\"player\"></div>\n\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\nvar tag = document.createElement('script');\ntag.src = \"https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api\";\nvar firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];\nfirstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);\n\nfunction onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {\n player = new YT.Player('player', {\n height: 480,\n width: 640,\n videoId: \"36XdO9Iv9ew\",\n });\n}\n</script>\n\nThere is no need to explicitely specify you want to enable fullscreen when using the iframe api.", "\nYou can also just use the iframe without the api, you'll need to specify you want fullscreen when you use it.", "\n<iframe width=\"640\" height=\"480\" frameborder=\"0\" id=\"player\" allowfullscreen=\"1\" title=\"YouTube video player\" src=\"http://www.youtube.com/embed/36XdO9Iv9ew?enablejsapi=1\"></iframe>\n\nJust using the iframe tag is a bit faster, but if you want to use the extra features of the iframe api you have no choice.", "\nA page with examples (also check the source): http://qnet.co/yt\nYou can also implement the fullscreen feature yourself (not needed for Youtube, but still cool):\nvar goFullscreen = function(id) {\n var el = document.getElementById(id);\n if (el.requestFullScreen) {\n el.requestFullScreen();\n } else if (el.mozRequestFullScreen) {\n el.mozRequestFullScreen();\n } else if (el.webkitRequestFullScreen) {\n el.webkitRequestFullScreen();\n }\n}\n\nvar leaveFullscreen = function() {\n if (document.cancelFullScreen) {\n document.cancelFullScreen();\n } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {\n document.mozCancelFullScreen();\n } else if (document.webkitCancelFullScreen) {\n document.webkitCancelFullScreen();\n }\n}\n\nand to make the Youtube player go fullscreen with: goFullscreen('player'), and leave fullscreen with: leaveFullscreen()\nThe different versions of requestFullscreen and cancelFullscreen are for different browsers, because the standard is not yet completely finished\nMore info on Javascript Fullscreen: http://johndyer.name/native-fullscreen-javascript-api-plus-jquery-plugin/ (relative old document, but still valid)\noff-topic: It is useless to echo such a string with php, you can just paste it in the body the file outside of the php tags.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nggmap doesn't show maps\n\nI have the following code:\nlibrary(ggmap) \nggmap(get_map(location=c(lon = 5.218922, lat = 52.342366), zoom =14))\n\nWhich by my account should work fine, but I only get a standard ggplot2 image (grey background, etc), with the correct axis, but without the map shown:\n\nWhen I look in my working directory I do find a file called \"ggmapTemp\" which has the correct map in it. ", "But the map is not shown by ggplot2.", "\nI work with RStudio and have limited rights on my work pc. ", "Could this be the reason that the map is not shown correctly? ", "My version of RStudio is 0.96.316 and R is R-2.15.1.", "\n> sessionInfo()\n R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22)\n Platform: x86_64-pc-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)\n\n locale:\n [1] LC_COLLATE=Dutch_Netherlands.1252 LC_CTYPE=Dutch_Netherlands.1252 \n [3] LC_MONETARY=Dutch_Netherlands.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C \n [5] LC_TIME=Dutch_Netherlands.1252 \n\n attached base packages:\n [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base \n\n other attached packages:\n [1] ggmap_2.1 ggplot2_0.9.1\n\n loaded via a namespace (and not attached):\n [1] colorspace_1.1-1 dichromat_1.2-4 digest_0.5.2 grid_2.15.1 \n [5] labeling_0.1 MASS_7.3-18 memoise_0.1 munsell_0.3 \n [9] plyr_1.7.1 png_0.1-4 proto_0.3-9.2 RColorBrewer_1.0-5\n [13] reshape2_1.2.1 RgoogleMaps_1.2.0 rjson_0.2.9 scales_0.2.1 \n [17] stringr_0.6 tools_2.15.1 \n\nUpdate:\nMy sessionInfo() after answer 1:\nsessionInfo()\n\n attached base packages:\n [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base \n\n other attached packages:\n [1] mapproj_1.1-8.3 maps_2.2-6 ggmap_2.1 ggplot2_0.9.1 \n\n loaded via a namespace (and not attached):\n [1] colorspace_1.1-1 dichromat_1.2-4 digest_0.5.2 grid_2.15.1 \n [5] labeling_0.1 MASS_7.3-20 memoise_0.1 munsell_0.3 \n [9] plyr_1.7.1 png_0.1-4 proto_0.3-9.2 RColorBrewer_1.0-5 \n [13] reshape2_1.2.1 RgoogleMaps_1.2.0.2 rjson_0.2.9 scales_0.2.1 \n [17] stringr_0.6.1 tools_2.15.1 \n\nAs requested:\ncapabilities()\njpeg png tiff tcltk X11 aqua http/ftp sockets libxml fifo \nTRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE \ncledit iconv NLS profmem cairo \nTRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE \n\nA:\n\nOn my machine, the list of attached packages is:\nother attached packages:\n[1] mapproj_1.1-8.3 maps_2.2-6 ggmap_2.1 ggplot2_0.9.1 \n\nThis means you probably need mapproj as well as maps to run your code, since these are suggested packages from ggplot to enable correct map projections.", "\nTry:\ninstall.packages(c(\"mapproj\", \"maps\"))\n\nthen rerun your code.", "\n\nA:\n\nI had this error but it is solved now that I upgraded to the latest version of ggmap (V2.3)\n\n" ]
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[ "NEC Display Solutions Europe today announced the launch of its new digital signage devices for media playback and IT operations including a series of new Slot-in PCs based on NEC’s Open Modular intelligence (OMi), the platform that enables smart and seamless connections between source and display, to deliver powerful, tailored and future-proof digital signage.", "\n\nThe OPS Slot-in PC is an embedded computer that supports a wide variety of uses, from static content playback to the most demanding, interactive and high-resolution applications. ", "These include everything from retail and digital-out-of-home (DooH) advertising to food and beverage menu boards, transportation wayfinding and information screens to digital cinema posters — and much, much more.", "\n\nThe new Slot-in devices are based on the seventh and most recent generation of Intel Core processor technology including CoreTM i3, CoreTM i5 and even the most powerful CoreTM i7 processors, and simplify device installation, usage and maintenance while making it easier to upgrade digital signage equipment. ", "The variety of interchangeable Slot-in products alongside high levels of customization options enable custom-made solutions that are perfectly matched to individual demands.", "\n\nAlongside the OPS Slot-in PCs with Core processors, NEC Display Solutions is launching two additional products: the OPS value Slot-in PC featuring a Quad Core Intel Atom processor. ", "Meanwhile, the External Micro PC features a similar processor to the Entry version, but is designed to support standalone operation where displays don’t feature an OPS-slot, or when multiple displays rely on a single playout system.", "\n\nThe three new devices complement NEC Display Solutions’ existing portfolio of Raspberry Pi- and Android-based OPS computers, and will bring more intelligent and dynamic signage to a wide range of industries and applications." ]
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[ "Strawberries Remain at Top of Pesticide List, Report Says\n\nAmericans eat nearly 8 pounds of fresh strawberries per person each year, and even when they are rinsed in the field and washed before eating, they are still most likely to be contaminated with pesticide residue, according to the Environmental Working Group.", "\n\nBy Johanzynn Gatewood\n\n(CNN) -- An annual report by the Environmental Working Group found that nearly 70% of samples of 48 types of conventionally grown produce were contaminated with pesticide residues. ", "That's down 6.6 percentage points from last year.", "\n\nThe EWG Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce, released Wednesday, ranks pesticide contamination of popular fruits and vegetables based on more than 36,000 samples of produce tested by the US Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration.", "\n\nThis year, strawberries remained at the top of the list of produce with the highest concentration of pesticides, while sweet corn and avocados were ranked as having the lowest concentration.", "\n\nWhat are pesticides?", "\n\nPesticides are widely used in producing food to control pests such as insects, rodents, weeds, bacteria, mold and fungus. ", "In addition to their uses in agriculture, pesticides are used to protect public health by controlling organisms that carry tropical diseases, such as mosquitoes.", "\n\nPesticides are potentially toxic to humans, according to the World Health Organization. ", "They may have negative effects on reproduction, immune or nervous systems, cause cancer and lead to other problems.", "\n\nPesticide residue can remain on fruits and vegetables even after they are washed and, in some cases, peeled, according to the report.", "\n\nHowever, a report by the USDA in 2014 found that \"overall pesticide chemical residues on foods tested were at levels below the tolerances established by the Environmental Protection Agency\" and were not a safety concern to consumers.", "\n\nThe Dirty Dozen\n\nProduce that tested positive for various pesticides and contained higher concentrations of pesticides than other produce is featured on the list, known as the \"Dirty Dozen.\"", "\n\nStrawberries remained at the top of the list with at least 20 pesticides, while spinach jumped into the second spot with twice as much pesticide residue by weight than any other crop.", "\n\nAmericans eat nearly 8 pounds of fresh strawberries per person each year, and even when they are rinsed in the field and washed before eating, they are still most likely to be contaminated with pesticide residue, according to the Environmental Working Group.", "\n\nIn 2016, spinach was ranked eighth, but the latest numbers from the USDA showed a sharp increase in pesticide residues on non-organic spinach since the crop was last tested eight years ago.", "\n\nThe pesticides responsible for the residues included three fungicides and one insecticide called permethrin, which has been linked to tremors and seizures in the nervous systems of animals and insects.", "\n\nThe newest additions to the list were pears and potatoes, which replaced cherry tomatoes and cucumbers from last year.", "\n\nThe Clean Fifteen\n\nProduce that had relatively fewer pesticides and lower total concentrations of pesticide residues was placed on the group's \"Clean Fifteen\" list." ]
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