[ "Divorce Lawyer Dieppe\n\nIt always in Dieppe New Brunswick is worth it to seek the employment of a Dieppe NB divorce lawyer who specialises in the field of required law in which you have a need for help in Dieppe. ", "Thus, if you're confronting the prospect of a Dieppe New Brunswick judicial separation it seems sensible to find in Dieppe the professional services of a specialist Dieppe NB separation lawyer. ", "There are many other exquisite advantages in addition to having expert knowledge in Dieppe in that area of law.", "\n\nIt can prevent the occasionally uneasy position in Dieppe of negotiating (claiming) with your partner in Dieppe and one or either party losing their cool in Dieppe. ", "Data suggest when that happens in Dieppe legal aid is frequently a requirement in Dieppe and that one in three marriages will end in Dieppe legal separation.", "\n\nHere are 3 key reasons to select a specialist Dieppe New Brunswick judicial separation lawyer that will help you out:\n\n1. ", "Divorce Resolution in Dieppe\n\nA Dieppe New Brunswick judicial separation lawyer can assist together with the allotment of property and financial assets by developing a settlement agreement in Dieppe. ", "The exact same can occur with child custody in Dieppe, in which most difficulties appear in Dieppe when establishing your rights in Dieppe to the little one. ", "A court will determine what your vital visitation rights will be and who has rights in Dieppe over the little one. ", "A specialist Dieppe NB annulment lawyer will make certain everything in Dieppe is honest and that you get all your vital entitlements.", "\n\n2. ", "Knowledge and Expertise in Dieppe\n\nDieppe New Brunswick legal separation lawyers are seasoned professionals and certainly will help in Dieppe direct you through the whole procedure. ", "Divorce lawyer Dieppe demands plenty of paper work to be submitted to the required judge, who'll then determine whether in Dieppe they would like to sign them. ", "The Dieppe NB annulment attorney is likely to make sure that the documents in Dieppe are right to be able to be submitted in Dieppe and certainly will keep in mind your greatest mundane interest when doing this in Dieppe. ", "Additionally the laws on Dieppe NB divorce change over time as well as your required attorney will undoubtedly in Dieppe be upgraded with the most recent exquisite business knowledge in Dieppe.", "\n\n3.Time\n\nTwo partners in Dieppe will unwittingly have disagreements in Dieppe, which might cause mundane arguments; by speaking in facts and figures, yet two Dieppe New Brunswick judicial separation lawyers will hasten the whole procedure in Dieppe. ", "Once the court has signed off the Dieppe NB separation, the procedure isn't almost entire. ", "The following steps in Dieppe include negotiating with both the partner and in the vital court. ", "These discussions are about decent allotment of all other investments, property and exquisite assets which were made by either partner in Dieppe. ", "When there's a kid involved the procedure in Dieppe will end up drawn-out when determining is required in Dieppe for child support and who has alternative rights.", "\n\nLots of mundane people may believe that without going through an Dieppe New Brunswick judicial separation attorney there will be costs and no fees in Dieppe. ", "There's various court fees connected with Dieppe legal separation and you may wind up paying far alternative in relation to the expense of Dieppe New Brunswick legal separation attorney fees in the event that you are not careful in Dieppe. ", "Without the right mundane representative than they're legitimately entitled to in Dieppe, your partner can cheat in Dieppe on you from your assets and confiscate alternative resources from your bank account in Dieppe." ]
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[ "by\n\nThe never-ending line of confrontations between Muslims and people in the West — terrorist attacks, political squabbles, and criminality — have generated more and more concerns with me over the past decade. ", "With considerable curiosity, I have sought to examine this topic carefully, from taking a course at the University of Waikato in New Zealand to inviting a public debate and doing my own reading.", "\n\nMy initial view was like that of my peers, particularly those concerned with foreign-relations blowback: the threat comes only from misinformed radicals (Islamists) who pervert the religion, particularly those provoked by military intervention from the United States and her allies. ", "In fact, I had Sarah/Amy Harvard on my radio show to make that point, and she affirmed that white nationalists have as much claim to Christianity as Islamists do to Islam.", "\n\nI can no longer accept such a position, and I encourage people to look into this matter for themselves. ", "Many insights and observations have nudged me towards the belief that Islam is inherently problematic, and I now see the firm opposition to free speech among even “moderate” Muslims living in the West as a thin end of a dangerous wedge — so much so that it has caused me to question and add provisos to my strong advocacy of open immigration. ", "While writing this is sure to generate enemies, we should speak frankly about Islam and dispense with the naïve “religion of peace” moniker. ", "Ignoring it or downplaying its authoritarian and political elements will not make the problem go away.", "\n\nIn particular, the work of Wafa Sultan of Syria caught my attention and informed me. ", "She fled her native country of Syria for the United States, after Muslims murdered her medical professor as he was teaching the class. ", "Her testimony offers two key assertions: (1) jihadis not only brutally oppose the West, but also moderates who stray from a literal or direct application of the religion’s key texts, and (2) Muhammad himself is the problem, the very founder and highest role model of the religion. (", "Here is one of her presentations, a tearjerker.)", "\n\nThese insights motivated me to go and examine the prophet, as opposed to the media debates, and read The Truth about Muhammad (224 pages, 2006) by Robert Spencer. ", "For those willing to put in a little time and learn the biography of Muhammad, Spencer’s book is easy to read and understand. ", "Further, despite the visceral reaction from some reviewers, he addresses the topic in an evenhanded manner, seeking to be generous and offer accounts from Muhammad defenders when possible.", "\n\nAs Wafa says, Muhammad’s life story “is very traumatizing,” and for the unacquainted, hard to believe. ", "From sustaining himself and his religion as a thief and bandit on the trade routes near Medina to consummating a “marriage” to a woman (Safiyya bint Huyayy) right after killing her husband and male relatives, it is enough to make one sick — not to mention his child bride and the mass murder of 600-900 Banu Qurayzah Jews.", "\n\nOf course, these accounts fall on censored or deaf ears among the faithful. ", "They are wedded to their prophet, and it will take a lot to make anyone let go of a religion, particularly when it is dangerous to do so. ", "Instead, my desire is to encourage people outside the religion and on the fringes to form their own opinions by actually looking at the life of Muhammad.", "\n\nFor those who accept the invitation, in addition to Spencer’s excellent introduction, Bernard Lewis offers a handy follow-up and overview of how Islam evolved into its modern form in The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror (read my review here)." ]
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[ "One therapist's journey to an enlightened life.", "\n\nMenu\n\nCategory Archives: Social Equity\n\nA few weeks ago I came out of a closet. ", "I declared openly and unabashedly that I am a therapist in therapy. ", "I explained why it was important for me to come out of that closet, and why we need more conversations where stigma and shame are replaced with pride and support. ", "Now it’s time for me to come out of another closet. ", "Turns out I’m racist.", "\n\nYes, you read that right. ", "I. Am. ", "A. Racist. ", "This was quite a revelation for me and I hope you will not immediately close the window and rant about me on social media. ", "Instead, I hope you will read this sordid tale of self-discovery and insight and allow me to confess my sins. ", "Go ahead and refill your drinks, pop some corn, and grab a pillow. ", "This is a long one.", "\n\nI attended the PolyDallas Millennium 2017 (http://www.polydallasmillennium.com/) this past weekend. ", "The theme was about power, anarchy, and equality in polyamory. ", "Ruby Bouie Johnson is the owner and producer of this highly successful annual symposium, and as a minority woman she is always sure to include a focus on social justice and equity across racial lines. ", "As expected, many of the offerings this year focused on black power and equality.", "\n\nSpending my entire life in the South, racism is not a new concept for me. ", "Like most white people, my narrative always includes the caveats of having black friends and never once engaging in any form of discrimination. ", "I take pride in being what I perceive as fair, open minded, and socially justice oriented towards the plight of all minorities. ", "I like to think that my personality, my upbringing, my education, and my career speak for themselves in terms of inclusivity.", "\n\nMistake #1: I’m a complete and total moron when it comes to truly understanding the history of systemic oppression and placing that in context for today’s events and the future of a group of people struggling mightily for anything remotely fair and equitable.", "\n\nThree days ago I sat in a room where I was one of the few white faces participating in a discussion about polyamory, rehabilitation, and the black American. ", "Throughout the heated discussion I took copious notes about books and articles to read, podcasts to download, history to learn, and concepts to consider. ", "Page after page of notes, furiously scribbled so I could keep up with back-and-forths that would rival Wimbledon.", "\n\nAnd then came my moment. ", "I opened my mouth and highlighted my ignorance. ", "I freely admitted that I never considered myself racist but had to acknowledge that I was not doing anything to solve this problem on a larger scale. ", "I asked for guidance. ", "What could I do? ", "Where could I start? ", "Day in and day out how could I make a difference?", "\n\nMistake #2: Why was I, an educated individual capable of higher order research, asking a group of people to generalize centuries of experience into a racial primer that I could easily digest? ", "One person very correctly stated I could not have gotten to this point in my life without learning out to pick up a book and read. “", "Read Baldwin! ", "Nothing has changed since then!” ", "James Baldwin. ", "A brave pioneer in the modern civil rights movement who lectured all across the South on racial inequality as a member of the Congress for Racial Equality (CORE). ", "A writer so prolific in his reporting of racial strife that he made the cover of Time magazine in 1963, corresponded with Attorney General Robert Kennedy and President John Kennedy, and had a larger FBI file (nearly 1,200 pages) than any other writer in that shameful era of illegal surveillance. ", "Aside from the Baldwin reference, I have at least a working knowledge of Google, Amazon, and Ebsco. ", "How condescending of me to request that a group marginalized by my majority take the time to condense their rich history into a Reader’s Digest version for my comfort and ease of understanding.", "\n\nIt was at this point that Ruby, who I consider to be a friend and mentor, said quite emphatically “You are a white person in America! ", "Of course you’re racist!” ", "I was taken aback. ", "First time I’ve ever been called a racist. ", "My blood started to boil and I could feel myself bowing up for a fight. ", "A fight that I most assuredly would lose.", "\n\nGood Decision #1: I kept my mouth shut and listened. ", "I quickly realized that Ruby’s perspective was a valid one whether or not I liked it and whether or not I agreed with it. ", "It was her lived experience. ", "And I needed to hear it.", "\n\nThis was a valuable lesson in active listening. ", "If I want to understand anybody at all, I have to listen to their stories and resist the urge to interject my own story or compare it to my narrative in a battle of who has overcome the most. ", "One of the ways white people really screw up this conversation is trying to prioritize pain. ", "There is no hierarchy here. ", "All pain is valid. ", "Acknowledging your pain and suffering does not negate mine. ", "The reverse is also true. ", "But ranking it to show that I have somehow suffered as much as generations of people systemically oppressed? ", "Oh wow….not a good idea. ", "That is not comparing apples and oranges. ", "It’s more like comparing apples and Toyota’s.", "\n\nIn many conversations this past weekend and since, one thing has become very clear. ", "White people love to hide behind the false mask of “I don’t see race, I see people.” ", "After all, I give to the NAACP. ", "I support local black businesses. ", "I might even date a black guy. ", "So I don’t see color. ", "I see other people. ", "I’m going to have to call bullshit on this one. ", "When we say we don’t see color, what we’re actually saying is that we don’t understand the role that race plays in American society. ", "We have been dehumanized by the system of oppression to the point we can lie to ourselves and others when we oh-too-comfortably say “I don’t see skin color” or “I’m colorblind” or “Love is colorblind.”", "\n\nDon’t believe me? ", "Ever watched someone you know move away from a black man on the street? ", "Or shift their purse across their body? ", "Or lock their car doors? ", "Or avoid certain restaurants or certain parts of town? ", "Or post meme’s about drug testing welfare recipients? ", "Or #BlackLivesMatter right beside #AllLivesMatter and #BlueLivesMatter? ", "Or laugh at a racial joke and later feel guilty about it….or not feel guilty about it? ", "But we don’t see skin color, right?", "\n\nMistake #3: You know I love Harry Potter right? “", "I must not tell lies.” ", "I must stop lying to myself and the world around me that I do not see skin color. ", "This is not a harmless lie. ", "In fact, it is quite harmful. ", "I absolutely do see skin color and it’s time I acknowledge it and respect it. ", "Otherwise I will remain forever ignorant of the role that race plays in society.", "\n\nWhat happens when I tell the truth? ", "I am forced to confront a very harsh reality shared by Eldridge Cleaver. “", "There is no more neutrality in the world. ", "You either have to be part of the solution, or you’re going to be part of the problem.” ", "His statement is frequently parsed. ", "No, parsed is a white man’s term to avoid accountability. ", "Cleaver is misquoted on a daily basis because most people forget the first sentence – “There is no more neutrality in the world.” ", "He is absolutely right. ", "There is simply no way to remain neutral on this issue.", "\n\nHere’s the big one for us white people: we were NEVER neutral on this issue. ", "We’ve had skin in this game since we first loaded slaves onto a ship and whipped them into submission on land we stole from the Indigenous Americans. ", "It was NEVER possible to remain neutral. ", "We have been too comfortable in the middle pretending we aren’t the problem and avoiding responsibility for finding a solution. ", "We have been too complacent for too long, and that has made us complicit. ", "We are the oppressors. ", "We are the ones who benefit from oppression.", "\n\nHere’s a thought exercise for you. ", "Two kids grow up in a poor neighborhood side by side. ", "Jane is black, Sue is white. ", "Neither have much in the way of resources. ", "They attend the same schools until they graduate. ", "Both work two jobs to pay for college where they study business. ", "They work at the same restaurant. ", "Jane is a line cook for minimum wage. ", "Sue waits tables and with tips averages $12/hr. ", "On the weekends they both babysit. ", "Well, Jane babysits and Sue is a nanny. ", "Jane gets minimum wage, Sue gets $10/hr. ", "Sue graduates college on time, and Jane needs an extra year because of funding. ", "Sue is immediately hired as an entry-level manager. ", "Jane is hired as a secretary for $10k/year less. ", "Both came from the same neighborhoods, worked the same jobs, and earned the same degrees. ", "Yet Sue clearly had the advantage. ", "When Jane wonders about equity, Sue shakes her head and says “I’ve suffered just as much and look what I was able to do with it!”", "\n\nIn this thought exercise, which is based on people many of us know, Sue clearly benefited from racial inequity. ", "She directly benefited from the oppression of another person and was never able to see it. ", "Why? ", "Because we are white and we do not have to see it! ", "We get to avoid it, deflect it, lie about it, or remain ambivalent. ", "It’s in our best interest to maintain this system for our own advantage. ", "After all, for one person to have an advantage means another person has a disadvantage. ", "This is not a level playing field. ", "We are not neutral. ", "Now imagine generations of such disadvantages in daily living and opportunities for advancement. ", "What would that look like for your grandchildren, and great grandchildren, and their great grandchildren? ", "I wonder if that’s what the first slaves thought about when they were stolen from their homes and shipped to this country. ", "I wonder if they had any idea what would happen to generations of their progeny who are now my friends and neighbors and colleagues.", "\n\nSo if I can’t be neutral, I’m either part of the problem or part of the solution. ", "Sure, ethicists and philosophers might caution such dichotomous thinking and even cite the logical fallacy of contraposition. ", "But here is the starkest reality. ", "Because I do directly benefit, I am complicit in doing nothing to stop this oppression. ", "And having said that, it’s time to stop calling this oppression and start calling it what it is: white supremacy.", "\n\nMistake #4: White washing racial inequity as anything other than white supremacy so I do not have to feel bad about my advantages and do something that makes the world equitable and just. ", "White washing allows me to continue to receive unfair and unjust benefits while denying my role.", "\n\nSo now that I acknowledge my role and my mistakes, it’s time to do something about it. ", "Where do I begin? ", "With more listening! ", "Fortunately as a therapist I love to listen to peoples’ stories. ", "I love to hear about their lives and experiences. ", "So I’m going to start there. ", "I’m going to listen more and talk less about me.", "\n\nGood Decision #2: I will actively seek to understand the lived experience of others by asking them to tell me their stories. ", "This is an active process, and not simply listening when somebody chooses to speak. ", "I will insist on learning more.", "\n\nAnd once I have listened and absorbed and processed, and run through that cycle a few more times, I will then speak. ", "I will have uncomfortable conversations with my peers. ", "As Goody Howard put it, “you need to call in and call out.” ", "For me, calling in is more about accepting that we will screw this up a lot and we need to be lovingly reminded of what is reality to keep us on track. ", "Calling out includes publicly pointing out oppressive behavior so that the person knows they are wrong, and the people around them know it too. ", "Putting into psychobabble, calling in is about using a personal connection to help someone gain insight and awareness for personal growth and change. ", "Calling out is relying on a social learning paradigm to very publicly teach a much needed lesson to a bully and their supporters.", "\n\nGood Decision #3: Calling in and calling out will become part of my daily routine. ", "I will have uncomfortable conversations. ", "Certainly this blog entry has been uncomfortable. ", "Talking to my friends last night was uncomfortable. ", "But the more resolute I became the more comfortable I grew.", "\n\nAs you can see, I was able to identity a FEW of my mistakes and some INITIAL steps I can take to do things better. ", "Because right now I am a racist, but I don’t want to be. ", "I want to be better. ", "I want to do better. ", "For me and for those around me. ", "Because I can. ", "Because I have power. ", "Because until I do I am a white supremacist.", "\n\nI cannot make any trite and cliched promises about my ability to negotiate grand changes in the oppressive system. ", "I do not have enough knowledge…yet. ", "I do not wield enough power…yet. ", "I am not that important…and never will be. ", "All I can ever do is keep educating myself by listening and reflecting and making active changes in how I approach the world. ", "Oh my fellow white people, please join me. ", "Let’s stop being racist." ]
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[ "Statesville Record & Landmark\n\nStatesville Record & Landmark is an American, English language daily newspaper based in Statesville, North Carolina. ", "The newspaper is owned by Berkshire Hathaway. ", " The Statesville Record & Landmark is the newspaper of record for Statesville and has been serving the city and Iredell County, North Carolina since June 19, 1874 when it was a weekly called the Landmark. ", "It has been published seven days a week since 1920.", "\n\nHistory\nThe first editor and publisher was John B. Hussey. ", " Hussey sold the paper to J.Sherman Ramsey in 1877 but remained the editor. ", " In 1880 Ramsey sold the paper to Joseph Pearson Caldwell, Jr., son of Joseph Pearson Caldwell, Sr.. Under Caldwell's leadership, the newspaper maintained a progressive editorial policy coupled with a fiscally conservative Democratic stance. ", " In 1892, Caldwell sold half interest in the newspaper to Rufus Reid Clark, who had been on the staff of the newspaper and was a Mooresville native. ", " The newspaper began twice weekly publication in 1895--Mondays and Thursdays. ", " In 1905, Clark bought out Caldwell's share of the paper. ", "In 1918, Pegram A. Bryant bought the newspaper. ", " On September 1, 1920, Bryant began an additional publication, a daily version of the newspaper called the Statesville Daily.", "\n\nA competitor newspaper, The Statesville Record, began semiweekly publication in 1931. ", "This newspaper had several owners until 1938 when Chester E. Middlesworth bought the paper and turned it into a daily publication in 1941. ", " In 1948, this newspaper became the first North Carolina newspaper to utilize the new Fairchild scanning engraving system, which allowed the paper to be readied for publication within minutes rather than hours.", "\n \nIn 1953, the Landmark and the Statesville Daily were purchased by the Statesville Daily Record and merged into one daily afternoon publication, the Statesville Record and Landmark. ", " Park Communications bought the Statesville Record and Landmark in September 1979. ", " Media General acquired Park Communications in 1997. ", "In 2012, Media General sold the newspaper to Berkshire Hathaway.", "\n\nThe Statesville Record & Landmark is a member of the North Carolina Press Association.", "\n\nContent\nThe current Statesville Record and Landmark includes the following sections in their online newspaper: News, Sports, Opinion, Community, Obituaries, Photos, Videos, Weather and Jobs. ", " A subscription service offers access to articles back to 1874. ", "The paper also has an RSS feed, as well as Facebook, and Twitter version.", "\n\nAmong other columns, a local Iredell County historian Homer Maxwell Keever began writing a local history column in the newspaper in the 1940s.", "\n\nDigital presence\n Statesville R&L, Facebook partner\n Statesville R&L, Twitter partner\n\nSee also\n List of newspapers in North Carolina\n\nReferences\n\nAdditional Sources\n Keever, Homer; 100th Anniversary-The Landmark (1974).", "\n \"Statesville - The Landmark.\" ", "The E.S.C. Quarterly 9. ", "No. ", "1-2. ", "Winter-Spring 1951. ", "p.32. ", "\n\nCategory:Newspapers published in North Carolina\nCategory:Iredell County, North Carolina\nCategory:Berkshire Hathaway publications\nCategory:1874 establishments in North Carolina\nCategory:Publications established in 1874\nCategory:Daily newspapers published in North Carolina" ]
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<write><data>9 0\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?76 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>17 0\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?77 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>5 10\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?78 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>5 4\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?79 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>4 3\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?79 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>1 0\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?80 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>12 1\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?81 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>11 1\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?81 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>pass\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?82 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>5 7\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?82 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>13 3\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?83 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>14 15\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?84 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>14 16\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?85 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>8 19\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?85 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>13 10\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?85 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>17 10\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?86 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>15 14\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?87 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>5 3\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?88 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>3 3\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?88 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>3 6\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?88 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>3 14\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?88 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>0 4\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?89 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>0 0\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?90 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>12 8\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>User</delim><match><pcre>.*?Game Over Stones Exhausted\nYou are a Winner, User</pcre></match></read>\n</replay>\n</pov>\n" ]
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[ "[Iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disorders].", "\nHypochromic-microcytic anemias are characterized by a hemoglobin deficiency of the erythrocytes. ", "The main reason for the insufficient hemoglobin synthesis is, with exception of thalassemia and a few other rare conditions, primarily a disorder of iron metabolism. ", "Differential diagnostic considerations are focused on iron deficiency anemia, with approximately 80% the most common form of anemia worldwide. ", "Iron deficiency anemia shows a particularly high prevalence in developing countries, but is also in industrialized Western countries the most common cause of anemia. ", "Infants, toddlers, premenopausal or pregnant women, and elderly people are at particularly high risk of iron deficiency anemia. ", "The most important differential diagnosis for iron deficiency anemia is the anemia of chronic disorders (ACD). ", "This anemia is caused by a disturbance of iron utilization (functional iron deficiency), in which iron absorption and iron release, as a nonspecific defense mechanism, is blocked to restrict iron availability for the inflammatory process but also withhold iron from the erythropoiesis. ", "ACD is not rare, but plays a significant role in hospitalized patients and in the elderly. ", "The differentiation between ACD and iron deficiency anemia is highly important from a clinical point of view, due to different types of further management. ", "The cause for iron deficiency should be clarified in each case, whereas the etiology for ACD is often obvious. ", "The standard treatment of iron deficiency anemia is oral iron supplementation. ", "Intravenous iron application is reserved for problem patients. ", "The best treatment for ACD is the elimination of the underlying chronic disorder. ", "In case of persistent ACD, red blood cell transfusions, erythropoietin, and intravenous iron are used therapeutically." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00008116224332440549, 0, 0.00012075836251660429, 0.000041091387245233394, 0.00008116224332440549, 0, 0, 0.000148720999405116, 0.00007181844297615628 ]
[ "2,4,6-Trinitroaniline\n\n2,4,6-Trinitroaniline, C6H4N4O6, abbreviated as TNA and also known as picramide, a nitrated amine. ", "Materials in this group range from slight to strong oxidizing agents. ", "If mixed with reducing agents, including hydrides, sulfides and nitrides, they may begin a vigorous reaction that culminates in a detonation. ", "The aromatic nitro compounds may explode in the presence of a base such as sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide even in the presence of water or organic solvents. ", "The explosive tendencies of aromatic nitro compounds are increased by the presence of multiple nitro groups. ", "The appearance of trinitroaniline varies from yellow to orange to red depending on its purity and concentration.", "\n\nApplications/Uses\nTrinitroaniline is only used in modern times in the small warheads of some explosive devices such as mortars. ", "In World War II it was used by Imperial Japanese Navy as Type 97 bakuyaku (Model 1931 explosive) in some versions of gun projectiles instead of less stable burster schimose. ", "It was also used in the Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka, a kamikaze antishipping human-guided rocket aircraft.", "\n\nHealth and safety\nTrinitroaniline is dangerously explosive. ", "Symptoms of exposure to this compound may include skin and eye irritation, headache, drowsiness, weakness, cyanosis, and respiratory distress.", "\n\nReferences\n\nSee also\n Aniline\n Picric acid\n Tetryl\n\nCategory:Anilines\nCategory:Nitrobenzenes\nCategory:Explosive chemicals" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00003302946228035408, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "(y*y**(-12))))/y*y)/y))/(y/(y/(y**32/y))*y)*y**(-20)/(y**(-2/13)/y) assuming y is positive.", "\ny**(-492/13)\nSimplify (c**(-1))**39/((c**(-6)*c*c)/c)**(1/6) assuming c is positive.", "\nc**(-229/6)\nSimplify ((o/(o*o**(-1)))/(o**(1/4)/o)*o**(-4)*o*o*((o*o**5)/o)/o)**(10/9) assuming o is positive.", "\no**(25/6)\nSimplify ((q/(q/q**1*q))/q**(10/3)*q/(q*q**6/q)*((q**(-2)*q)/q*q*q)/q)**(-16) assuming q is positive.", "\nq**(448/3)\nSimplify (s**(1/32)*s**(-2/5))/(s**(-2/29)/s**(6/7)) assuming s is positive.", "\ns**(18103/32480)\nSimplify (((i*i**(3/8)/i)/i*i/i**1)/(i**(-2/7)/i)**(1/3))**(-31) assuming i is positive.", "\ni**(341/56)\nSimplify (z**5*z*z)**(1/69)/(z**(-2/13)*z*z**(-1)) assuming z is positive.", "\nz**(229/897)\nSimplify (w*w**(-4)*w)/w**(-2/33)*((w*w**(-2))/w)/w**(-10/9) assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(-280/99)\nSimplify ((l**(3/7)/(l*(l/(l**(3/5)*l))/l))/(l/l**(-5)*l*l*l/l**(-6)*l))**36 assuming l is positive.", "\nl**(-18864/35)\nSimplify u/(u*u/(u**(-6)*u))*u*u*u**(2/21)*u*u*u*u*(u*u/(u*u**20))/u*u*u*u*(u**(-14)/u)/u*u*u assuming u is positive.", "\nu**(-649/21)\nSimplify (y**(-22)*y*y**(-2/87))/(y*y**(-5)*y)**19 assuming y is positive.", "\ny**(3130/87)\nSimplify ((w/w**(1/5))/w)**50*(w**(-4))**20 assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(-90)\nSimplify r**(-1/4)/(r*r**(-9)*r)*r**(-1/2)/((r*(r*(r**(-7)*r)/r)/r*r)/r) assuming r is positive.", "\nr**(49/4)\nSimplify (d**(-4/5)*d*d*(d*d**(2/29))/d*d*d)/(d**(-5)*d)**(-1/9) assuming d is positive.", "\nd**(3686/1305)\nSimplify (z**(-5))**(-5/12)*(z**(1/2)/z)**(-46) assuming z is positive.", "\nz**(301/12)\nSimplify r/(r**(-2/13)*r)*r*r**0*r*(r/r**(5/4))/(((r/(r/(r**20*r)))/r*r)/r) assuming r is positive.", "\nr**(-941/52)\nSimplify (f/(f*f*f**(2/39)*f)*f)**(10/11)*f**(2/47)*f**23 assuming f is positive.", "\nf**(445337/20163)\nSimplify (u/(u*u**15)*u*u**(-14))/(u/(u**(-2/7)/u))**(2/23) assuming u is positive.", "\nu**(-4540/161)\nSimplify p/p**(1/13)*p/(p/(((p*p/(p*p**8))/p)/p))*(p**(-2)*p)/((p**(-1/4)*p)/p) assuming p is positive.", "\np**(-459/52)\nSimplify (v**(-34)*v**(-20))**(-36) assuming v is positive.", "\nv**1944\nSimplify ((p**(2/5)*p**2)/(p**(-2))**(-11))**(-34) assuming p is positive.", "\np**(3332/5)\nSimplify (g*g**(-3/8)*g**(2/9))/(g**(1/24)/g*g**26) assuming g is positive.", "\ng**(-871/36)\nSimplify (i**(-3/11))**40*(i*i*i/(i/((i*i*i**(-9))/i)*i)*i)/(i/i**(-6)) assuming i is positive.", "\ni**(-263/11)\nSimplify ((d**(1/2))**(1/10)/(d**(-1/4)/d*d**(-1)))**(-24/5) assuming d is positive.", "\nd**(-276/25)\nSimplify (u/u**(-2/7))**(18/11)/(((u/u**(-3/2))/u*u)/u)**(-1/13) assuming u is positive.", "\nu**(4443/2002)\nSimplify (d**(-11/3))**23/(d**(-1/2))**50 assuming d is positive.", "\nd**(-178/3)\nSimplify ((r/(r*r**(-12)))**(-1/15))**(2/105) assuming r is positive.", "\nr**(-8/525)\nSimplify ((v**(-7/5)*v)/v*v*v/(v*v/(v/(v/((v/(((v*v**18)/v)/v))/v)*v))))/(((v**(-11)/v)/v)/(v**(-5)/v)) assuming v is positive.", "\nv**(-62/5)\nSimplify k/(k/k**(-7/5)*k)*k**(-3)*k**(-6/7)/k*k**(-7/5) assuming k is positive.", "\nk**(-303/35)\nSimplify w*w**(-2/37)*w/(w*w**(-22)/w)*w*(w/w**(1/7))/(w*w**16) assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(2280/259)\nSimplify (q*q**(-11)*q*q*(q*(q/q**9)/q*q)/q)/(q**(-2))**(-2/23) assuming q is positive.", "\nq**(-372/23)\nSimplify ((p*p**(-7)*p**12)**(3/2))**19 assuming p is positive.", "\np**171\nSimplify ((t**(-3)/(t/(t*t**(-6))))/(t*t**(-2)*t**0/t))**(-1/20) assuming t is positive.", "\nt**(7/20)\nSimplify (n**1)**(1/9)*n**(2/31)/(n*n/n**18) assuming n is positive.", "\nn**(4513/279)\nSimplify ((w/(w/w**7)*w*w*w*w**(-3/5))/(w**1)**(-2))**11 assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(627/5)\nSimplify (i/i**(-15)*i**(-2/11))/(i**(1/5))**(1/19) assuming i is positive.", "\ni**(16519/1045)\nSimplify ((j**(-2/5)*j)/(j/(j/(j*j**8)))*j*j**(-2/5)*j**(1/2))**(-39) assuming j is positive.", "\nj**(2847/10)\nSimplify ((a/(a**3*a)*a**(-6))/(a*a**(1/4)*a**(-3/2)))**(-1/33) assuming a is positive.", "\na**(35/132)\nSimplify (i**3*i)/(i*i*i**(2/29))*(i*i/((i/i**(-20))/i))**(-15/8) assuming i is positive.", "\ni**(4139/116)\nSimplify (((n**(-10)/n)/n*n*n**(1/5))**15)**(-38) assuming n is positive.", "\nn**6156\nSimplify ((n/(n*n*(n/n**(2/13))/n))/n)**(-1/10)*(n/(n*(n*n*n/n**(1/7)*n)/n*n*n))/(n/(n*n/n**(-5/3))) assuming n is positive.", "\nn**(-2738/1365)\nSimplify p**(-1)/p**13*(p**(-1)/p)**(11/2) assuming p is positive.", "\np**(-25)\nSimplify (((s*s**0*s)/s*s**2)/(s**6/(((s/s**(-2/3))/s)/s)))**5 assuming s is positive.", "\ns**(-50/3)\nSimplify ((w/w**(-2)*w)**(-2/79)/(w**(4/7)/w**8))**(-25) assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(-101300/553)\nSimplify ((j**(1/6)*j)/j*j*j)**(27/5)/(j**8*j**(-2/3)) assuming j is positive.", "\nj**(131/30)\nSimplify ((a**(-1/2)*a)**(-1/3)*a**(-6)*a*(a**(-2/5)*a)/a)**(-1/47) assuming a is positive.", "\na**(167/1410)\nSimplify (b*b*b**(6/5)/b*b**(-4/3))/(b*b**2*(b/b**10)/b) assuming b is positive.", "\nb**(118/15)\nSimplify ((c**(2/7)/c)/c)**31*c**11*(c/(c*(c**(-12)/c)/c))/c assuming c is positive.", "\nc**(-204/7)\nSimplify (((s*s/(s*s**(1/3)/s))/s)**16/(s**(-3)*s**(-1)))**(-36) assuming s is positive.", "\ns**(-528)\nSimplify ((g*g/(g/g**(-3/7)))/g)/(g/((g/(g/g**(-19)))/g))*g/(g/g**(-2/65)*g)*g/((g**(19/4)/g)/g*g) assuming g is positive.", "\ng**(-45881/1820)\nSimplify ((((d**2*d)/d)**(-44))**(-21))**13 assuming d is positive.", "\nd**24024\nSimplify z**(-2/29)/z**(-20)*(z**(-11)*z)/z**18 assuming z is positive.", "\nz**(-234/29)\nSimplify ((y**1/y)/(y**(-2/17)/y))/(y**(-4/11)/(y*y*(((y/(y*y*y*(y/y**(-2/11))/y*y*y*y))/y)/y*y)/y*y*y)) assuming y is positive.", "\ny**(-318/187)\nSimplify ((l**(-2/13)*l**(2/17))/(((l**(3/10)*l*l)/l*l)/l*l/(l*l**(-2/9)/l)))**28 assuming l is positive.", "\nl**(-712418/9945)\nSimplify m**(-12)/(m*m*m*(m**(8/11)/m)/m)*((m*m*m/m**14)/m)/m**9 assuming m is positive.", "\nm**(-382/11)\nSimplify ((p/(p*p*p**(-2/19)))/(p**(-2/7)/p)*(p**(2/7))**(-48))**(-8) assuming p is positive.", "\np**(14176/133)\nSimplify ((c/(c/(c*c**3*c)))**(1/57))**(1/13) assuming c is positive.", "\nc**(5/741)\nSimplify ((h/h**12*h**(-13))**(-23))**(5/12) assuming h is positive.", "\nh**230\nSimplify (w**(-3/7)/w**(2/17))/(w/(w*w*((w/(w**(3/2)/w)*w)/w)/w))**(-35) assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(-4295/238)\nSimplify (n**(-3)*(n*n*n*n*(n/n**(-12/7))/n*n*n)/n)/(n**1)**(-16) assuming n is positive.", "\nn**(138/7)\nSimplify ((t/(t*t/(t/(t*t*t**(-2/7)))))/t*t**27)/(t**(2/15)/t**(-8)) assuming t is positive.", "\nt**(1696/105)\nSimplify ((q*q**(-2)/q)/q**(7/3))/(q/q**(-2/29)*q**(-1/22)*q) assuming q is positive.", "\nq**(-12167/1914)\nSimplify ((x*x**1)/(x/(x/(x/x**1*x))))/(x**(2/7)*x**(-8/9)) assuming x is positive.", "\nx**(101/63)\nSimplify ((o/o**(7/4))/o*o*((o*o**8)/o)/o)/((o/o**(-3/4))/(o/o**0)) assuming o is positive.", "\no**(11/2)\nSimplify (a*a/a**(-1/45))**(13/3)/(a*(((a*a**3*a)/a)/a)/a*a*a)**(-33) assuming a is positive.", "\na**(23458/135)\nSimplify ((g*g*g*g*g/(g/((g/(g**(-6)*g))/g))*g*g*g*g*g/(g*g**6/g))**9)**(-1/16) assuming g is positive.", "\ng**(-9/2)\nSimplify (i/(i/i**(-7))*i**(-2/7)*i**(-3/10)/i**(-5))**32 assuming i is positive.", "\ni**(-2896/35)\nSimplify (u**38/u**(2/5))/(u**(9/5)*u**(-14)*u) assuming u is positive.", "\nu**(244/5)\nSimplify (g/(g**(-2/29)/g))/g*g**14/g*g**(-1/38)*g**(-3) assuming g is positive.", "\ng**(12169/1102)\nSimplify ((d**(-1)/(d*d/(d/d**5)))**(-43))**(20/3) assuming d is positive.", "\nd**(6020/3)\nSimplify (q**(2/3))**(6/11)/((q*q**(3/16)/q*q)/((q*q**(-8)*q)/q)) assuming q is positive.", "\nq**(-1377/176)\nSimplify j*j**(-4/3)*(j*j**(-7/5)*j)/j*(j/(j/(j/j**1)))**(11/2) assuming j is positive.", "\nj**(-11/15)\nSimplify (a**(6/5)*a**(-2/51))/((a**7/a)/a*a*a**(-2/21)) assuming a is positive.", "\na**(-8468/1785)\nSimplify (o*o**(-3/5))/o**9*(o**1*o)/o**(1/5) assuming o is positive.", "\no**(-34/5)\nSimplify ((q**(-4/11)*q**2)**4)**(5/7) assuming q is positive.", "\nq**(360/77)\nSimplify (o**7*o*(o*((o/o**8)/o)/o*o*o)/o)/(o**(-15)*o*o**(-2/17)/o*o) assuming o is positive.", "\no**(257/17)\nSimplify r**(7/2)/(r*r**(-4))*(r**0)**(2/9) assuming r is positive.", "\nr**(13/2)\nSimplify h/(h/(h*(h*h/(h**(1/13)/h))/h)*h*h)*h**17*h**(2/45)*h/(h*h/(h*h*h/h**(-6))) assuming h is positive.", "\nh**(15191/585)\nSimplify ((j*j/(j/(j/j**(1/10)))*j/(j/(j/(j**(-3/7)/j))))/(j**(-1/5)*j**(-2)))**(7/2) assuming j is positive.", "\nj**(457/20)\nSimplify ((i*(((i*i**(-2/7))/i)/i)/i)**(6/29)*(i**0*i)**47)**(-16) assuming i is positive.", "\ni**(-151792/203)\nSimplify (w/(w*w**19)*w*w*w*w)/w**(-2/19)*w/(w**(-10)*w)*w**(-20)/w assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(-492/19)\nSimplify ((g**(-11)*(g/g**(-4/13))/g)/(((g/(g*g/(g/(g/(g/(g**(1/15)*g)*g*g)))*g*g))/g)/((g**(1/10)*g)/g)))**(-2/23) assuming g is positive.", "\n" ]
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[ "Lac Chambon\n\nLac Chambon is a lake in Puy-de-Dôme, France. ", "At an elevation of 877 m, its surface area is 0.6 km².", "\n\nChambon" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWhat was Rachel expecting to be her fate when she let Leah marry Yaakov?", "\n\nFrom what I understand from The Midrash Says, Rachel knew she was in-line to marry Yaakov, and Leah was supposed to marry Esav. ", "And that's why Leah cried a lot. ", "\nWhen Rachel allowed Leah to marry Yaakov, what did she think was going to be her fate; Did she think she'll have to marry Esav, or did she think she'll eventually marry Yaakov?", "\n\nA:\n\nTo answer some of your questions, the Midrash Tanhuma (ed. ", "Buber) to Parashat Vayetseh (12) explains that this was an arrangement that was made by their respective families:\n\nכיון שילדה רבקה עשו ויעקב, נולדו ללבן שתי בנות לאה ורחל, שלחו אגרות אלו לאלו והתנו ביניהן, כדי שיטול עשו את לאה, ויעקב רחל, והיתה לאה שואלת במעשה עשו, והיתה שומעת שמעשיו רעים, והיתה בוכה בכל שעה לומר כך עלה גורלי לרשע הזה, ומתוך כך נעשו עיניה רכות \nWhen Rivka gave birth to Esav and Ya'akov, Lavan had two daughters; Leah and Rahel. ", "They sent letters back and forth and arranged that Esav marry Leah and Ya'akov marry Rahel.", "\n\nThe Midrash goes on to say that Leah inquired about Esav, and was told he did bad things, and therefore cried.", "\nThere is no indication from this Midrash that were Leah to marry Ya'akov, that Rahel would have been coerced to marry Esav. ", "If anything, the implication is that once the initial arrangement was broken, they would have to communicate once again to decide how to proceed, rather than there being some mechanism that would've kicked in.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Harnessing the hydrolytic potential of phytopathogenic fungus Phoma exigua ITCC 2049 for saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass.", "\nPhytopathogenic fungi develop unique systems for fast invasion by producing hydrolases, which may be explored as a source of hydrolytic enzymes for biofuel research. ", "The present work deals with evaluation of a potato pathogen Phoma exigua ITCC 2049 for its potential to produce cellulase and xylanase enzyme. ", "Taguchi methodology was applied to reveal the influence and contribution of five important factors (carbon source, organic and inorganic nitrogen source, surfactant, and pH) on hydrolytic enzyme production by Phoma. ", "Cultivation of fungus under optimized condition produced endoglucanase (37.00 IU/ml), FPase (1.13 IU/ml), β-glucosidase (2.67 IU/ml) and xylanase (24.92 IU/ml) within 8 days of submerged fermentation. ", "Saccharification of biopretreated Parthenium and paddy straw with cocktail of Phoma secretome supplemented with commercial β-glucosidase resulted in the significantly higher reducing sugar yield (651.04-698.11 mg/gds). ", "This study proves the potential of Phoma as an alternative source of enzymes for biomass saccharification." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00004950372515531794, 0, 0 ]
[ "Dobrynskoye\n\nDobrynskoye was a military air base in Vladimir Oblast, Russia. ", "It is located near Dobrynskoye, north-east of Vladimir. ", "Dobrynskoye was an airfield of the Soviet Air Force housing fighter aircraft which appeared on aeronautical charts in the 1970s and 1980s. ", "By the 1990s the airfield disappeared from the charts, and is now believed to be inactive and abandoned.", "\n\nReferences\nRussianAirFields.com\n\nCategory:Soviet Air Force bases" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.000337325012649688, 0.0003077870113881194, 0.00005175715542673775, 0, 0.0002295684113865932 ]
[ "Modris Eksteins\n\nHistory\n\nSolar Dance: Genius, Forgery, and the Crisis of Truth in the Modern Age\n\nSolar Dance: Van Gogh, Forgery, and the Eclipse of Certainty\n\nModris Eksteins is the author of acclaimed books on modernism, Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age and Walking Since Daybreak: A story of Eastern Europe, World War II, and the Heart of Our Century. ", "He is Professor of History at the University of Toronto at Scarborough.", "\n\nKnopf Canada 2012\n\nHarvard University Press 2012\n\nZysk Poland 2013\n\nSolar Dance\n\nVan Gogh, Forgery, and the Eclipse of Certainty\n\nThe 19th Century was the century of certainty – of Marx, Darwin, Wagner; it was the century of expansion and empire. ", "It believed that there was a line to be drawn between the subject and the object. ", "It believed in category.", "\n\nThe 20th Century was the century of doubt – of Marcel Duchamp, Werner Heisenberg, and Monty Python; it was the century of contraction and decolonization. ", "It disrupted all category.", "\n\nA man whose spirit straddled the two ages was Vincent van Gogh. ", "Repudiated in his own time, he became the most loved and expensive artist of the 20th Century.", "He was the great synthesizer who captured in his art the exhilaration of life but also its fragility and tragedy.", "\n\nModris Eksteins, whose subject is the 20th century, approaches the era through the lens of the sensational trial of a Berlin art dealer Otto Wacker and his role in the forgery of 33 Van Gogh paintings. ", "In 1925, Wacker began releasing these hitherto unknown works which he cleverly had authenticated by experts. ", "Through the progress of this drama Van Gogh’s commercial value rocketed skyward.", "\n\nDoubt and disaster also were crucial to Van Gogh’s posthumous success-- his own madness and suicidal end, and the subsequent near-destruction of European civilization in fratricidal war.", "\n\nIn the Wacker-Van Gogh story, with its cast of characters who both delight and frighten us, is the story of Weimar Germany, the rise of Hitler and the fall of the Berlin Wall. ", "In this thrilling book, Modris Eksteins illuminates the major themes of the modern world where a culture of vitality, life, and art has overwhelmed one of authority, form, and law." ]
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[ 0.00002013476871862332, 0.00019837333862328903, 0.00008064386058289383, 0, 0, 0.0001232741617357002, 0, 0.0002295684113865932, 0, 0, 0.00004805843906189927, 0.00008416799932665601, 0, 0.000028293345405160706, 0.00003156167150612296, 0.0000308641975308642 ]
[ "Who owns my posts?", "\n\nGet in touch\n\nEditorial contacts\n\nAsk a question\n\nGet support\n\nStory idea?", "\n\nEverything else\n\nLong-in-development Explodemon! ", "was originally a title for both WiiWare and PSN. ", "Along the way, it became a PSN-exclusive, bringing a frown to many a face. ", "Surprise, surprise -- developer Curve Studios popped into PAX a few short months back to demo a new WiiWare title, Fluidity. ", "Fast forward to today, Fluidity has been released and Explodemon! ", "is still sweating it out in the workshop.", "\n\nSo, what does this crazy water-based physics puzzler with a premium 1200-point price tag have to offer Wii fans? ", "In a word: lots.", "\n\n(I briefly considered populating this intro with puns like \"Is the water fine, or is this game all washed up?\" ", "Thank God, good sense prevailed.)" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.0008329862557267804, 0.00017777777777777779, 0.000256, 0.0002295684113865932, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "The weak wording of the Rio+20 summit agreement and delays in setting up the UN working groups on sustainable development have left progress on some of the post-Rio+20 agenda in limbo, according to a science officer at the International Council for Science (ICSU), which represented the scientific community at the summit.", "\n\nThe scientific community is unsure how to proceed towards setting up the new sustainable development goals agreed at the summit and expected to be finalised in 2015, and is uncertain on what its role within such work might be, Peter Bates told http://SciDev.", "Net.", "\n\nAlso, not all developments at the Rio+20 summit – which took place last June – were positive, according to a UN Environment Programme (UNEP) perspectives report, ‘Rio+20: A new beginning‘, released on 24 December.", "\n\nFor example, the summit saw the stalling of progress towards a convention to protect marine biodiversity in international waters, as well as the failure to secure support for a global agreement on improving access to environmental, scientific and societal data.", "\n\nTo top this off, the vague language of the summit’s agreement provides “very little detail on how to go forward”, said Bates.", "\n\nAnd as the UN only agreed this month on the composition of a working group to take the sustainable development goals forward – the group was meant to have been formed last September – the effect has been a state of limbo, he added." ]
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[ "/**\n * Test cases for grid panel\n */\n\nimport { createElement } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';\nimport { Diagram } from '../../../src/diagram/diagram';\nimport { DiagramElement } from '../../../src/diagram/core/elements/diagram-element';\nimport { Canvas } from '../../../src/diagram/core/containers/canvas';\nimport { Thickness } from '../../../src/diagram/core/appearance';\nimport { DiagramModel, Container, NodeConstraints } from '../../../src/diagram/index';\nimport { Size, NodeModel } from '../../../src/index';\nimport { MouseEvents } from '../interaction/mouseevents.spec';\nimport { Selector } from '../../../src/diagram/objects/node';\nimport { PointModel } from '../../../src/diagram/primitives/point-model';\nimport { UndoRedo } from '../../../src/diagram/objects/undo-redo';\nimport { Node, ChildContainer, Html } from '../../../src/diagram/objects/node';\nimport { SymbolPalette, SymbolInfo, PaletteModel } from '../../../src/symbol-palette/index'; \nimport { IElement } from '../../../src/diagram/index';\nimport { identityMatrix, rotateMatrix, transformPointByMatrix, Matrix } from '../../../src/diagram/primitives/matrix';\nimport { profile, inMB, getMemoryProfile } from '../../../spec/common.spec';\nDiagram.", "Inject(UndoRedo);\n\nfunction drag(diagram: Diagram) {\n let diagramCanvas: HTMLElement; let left: number; let top: number;\n diagramCanvas = document.getElementById(diagram.element.id + 'content');\n left = diagram.element.offsetLeft; top = diagram.element.offsetTop;\n let mouseEvents: MouseEvents = new MouseEvents();\n if ((diagram.selectedItems as Selector).nodes.length) {\n let container: Container = diagram.selectedItems.wrapper;\n let centerX = container.offsetX;\n let centerY = container.offsetY;\n mouseEvents.mouseDownEvent(diagramCanvas, centerX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, centerY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseEvents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, centerX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, centerY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseEvents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, centerX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, centerY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n mouseEvents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, centerX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, centerY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n }\n}\n\nfunction resize(diagram: Diagram, direction: string): void {\n if ((diagram.selectedItems as Selector).nodes.length) {\n let diagramCanvas: HTMLElement; let left: number; let top: number;\n diagramCanvas = document.getElementById(diagram.element.id + 'content');\n left = diagram.element.offsetLeft; top = diagram.element.offsetTop;\n let element: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('borderRect');\n let mouseEvents: MouseEvents = new MouseEvents();\n let x: number; let y: number;\n switch (direction) {\n case 'resizeSouth':\n x = Number(element.getAttribute('x')) + Number(element.getAttribute('width')) / 2;\n y = Number(element.getAttribute('y')) + Number(element.getAttribute('height'));\n break;\n case 'resizeEast':\n x = Number(element.getAttribute('x')) + Number(element.getAttribute('width'));\n y = Number(element.getAttribute('y')) + Number(element.getAttribute('height')) / 2;\n break;\n case 'resizeNorth':\n x = Number(element.getAttribute('x')) + Number(element.getAttribute('width')) / 2;\n y = Number(element.getAttribute('y'));\n break;\n case 'resizeWest':\n x = Number(element.getAttribute('x'));\n y = Number(element.getAttribute('y')) + Number(element.getAttribute('height')) / 2;\n break;\n }\n mouseEvents.mouseDownEvent(diagramCanvas, x + diagram.element.offsetLeft, y + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseEvents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, x + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, y + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseEvents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, x + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, y + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n mouseEvents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, x + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, y + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n }\n}\n\n\nfunction rotate(diagram: Diagram) {\n let diagramCanvas: HTMLElement; let left: number; let top: number;\n diagramCanvas = document.getElementById(diagram.element.id + 'content');\n left = diagram.element.offsetLeft; top = diagram.element.offsetTop;\n let mouseEvents: MouseEvents = new MouseEvents();\n if ((diagram.selectedItems as Selector).nodes.length) {\n let element: Container = diagram.selectedItems.wrapper;\n let ten: number = 10 / diagram.scroller.currentZoom;\n let matrix: Matrix = identityMatrix();\n rotateMatrix(matrix, element.rotateAngle + element.parentTransform, element.offsetX, element.offsetY);\n //check for resizing tool\n let x: number = element.offsetX - element.pivot.x * element.actualSize.width;\n let y: number = element.offsetY - element.pivot.y * element.actualSize.height;\n let rotateThumb: PointModel = { x: x + element.actualSize.width / 2, y: y - 30 / diagram.scroller.currentZoom };\n rotateThumb = transformPointByMatrix(matrix, rotateThumb);\n mouseEvents.mouseDownEvent(diagramCanvas, rotateThumb.x + diagram.element.offsetLeft, rotateThumb.y + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseEvents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, rotateThumb.x + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, rotateThumb.y + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseEvents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, rotateThumb.x + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, rotateThumb.y + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n mouseEvents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, rotateThumb.x + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, rotateThumb.y + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n }\n}\n\ndescribe('Diagram Control', () => {\n describe('Simple canvas panel without children', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let canvasWithMinMaxSize: Canvas;\n let canvasWithoutSize: Canvas;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagram4' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n canvas = new Canvas();\n canvas.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvas.offsetX = 200;\n canvas.offsetY = 100;\n canvas.width = 200;\n canvas.height = 200;\n canvas.minWidth = canvas.minHeight = 125;\n canvas.maxWidth = canvas.maxHeight = 150;\n\n canvasWithMinMaxSize = new Canvas();\n canvasWithMinMaxSize.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvasWithMinMaxSize.offsetX = 400;\n canvasWithMinMaxSize.offsetY = 100;\n canvasWithMinMaxSize.minWidth = canvasWithMinMaxSize.minHeight = 125;\n canvasWithMinMaxSize.maxWidth = canvasWithMinMaxSize.maxHeight = 150;\n\n canvasWithoutSize = new Canvas();\n canvasWithoutSize.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvasWithoutSize.offsetX = 600;\n canvasWithoutSize.offsetY = 100;\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', basicElements: [canvas, canvasWithMinMaxSize, canvasWithoutSize] } as DiagramModel);\n diagram.appendTo('#diagram4');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel and with size', (done: Function) => {\n expect(canvas.actualSize.width === 150 && canvas.actualSize.height === 150).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel without size and with min max size', (done: Function) => {\n expect(canvasWithMinMaxSize.actualSize.width === 125 && canvasWithMinMaxSize.actualSize.height === 125).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel without size and without min max size', (done: Function) => {\n expect(canvasWithoutSize.actualSize.width === 0 && canvasWithoutSize.actualSize.height === 0).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel with empty children collection', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas = new Canvas();\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagram5' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n canvas.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvas.offsetX = 200;\n canvas.offsetY = 100;\n canvas.width = 100;\n canvas.height = 100;\n canvas.children = [];\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', basicElements: [canvas] } as DiagramModel);\n diagram.appendTo('#diagram5');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n it('Checking Simple canvas panel with empty children collection', (done: Function) => {\n expect(canvas.actualSize.width === 100 && canvas.actualSize.height === 100).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel with one child', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let child: DiagramElement;\n let canvasWithoutSize: Canvas;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagram6' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n let canvas: Canvas = new Canvas();\n canvas.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvas.offsetX = 200;\n canvas.offsetY = 100;\n canvas.width = 100;\n canvas.height = 100;\n\n child = new DiagramElement();\n child.margin = { left: 10, right: 10, top: 10, bottom: 10 };\n\n canvas.children = [child];\n canvasWithoutSize = new Canvas();\n canvasWithoutSize.offsetX = 400;\n canvasWithoutSize.offsetY = 100;\n let child2: DiagramElement = new DiagramElement();\n child2.width = 100;\n child2.height = 100;\n canvasWithoutSize.children = [child2];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', basicElements: [canvas, canvasWithoutSize] } as DiagramModel);\n diagram.appendTo('#diagram6');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel with a child - inherits size from canvas', (done: Function) => {\n expect(child.actualSize.width === 80 && child.actualSize.height === 80).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel with a child - canvas wraps the child', (done: Function) => {\n expect(canvasWithoutSize.actualSize.width === 100 && canvasWithoutSize.actualSize.height === 100).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Canvas Panel with one child with absolute position', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let child: DiagramElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagram7' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n let canvas: Canvas = new Canvas();\n canvas.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvas.offsetX = 200;\n canvas.offsetY = 100;\n canvas.width = 200;\n canvas.height = 200;\n\n child = new DiagramElement();\n child.setOffsetWithRespectToBounds(95, 95, 'Absolute');\n child.width = 10;\n child.height = 10;\n\n canvas.children = [child];\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', basicElements: [canvas] } as DiagramModel);\n diagram.appendTo('#diagram7');\n });\n\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel with a child with absolute position', (done: Function) => {\n expect(child.offsetX === 300 && child.offsetY === 200).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel without size and two children', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let child1: DiagramElement;\n let child2: DiagramElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagram8' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n canvas = new Canvas();\n canvas.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvas.offsetX = 200;\n canvas.offsetY = 100;\n canvas.style.fill = 'wheat';\n\n child1 = new DiagramElement();\n child1.width = 100;\n child1.height = 100;\n child1.margin.left = child1.margin.top = 10;\n\n child2 = new DiagramElement();\n child2.width = 100; child2.height = 100;\n child2.margin.left = 190;\n child2.margin.top = 190;\n\n canvas.children = [child1, child2];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', basicElements: [canvas] } as DiagramModel);\n diagram.appendTo('#diagram8');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel without size with two children(margin)', (done: Function) => {\n expect(canvas.actualSize.width === 290 && canvas.actualSize.height === 290 && child1.offsetX === 260 && child2.offsetX === 440 &&\n child1.offsetY === 160 && child2.offsetY === 340).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel with padding and two children', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let child1: DiagramElement;\n let child2: DiagramElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagram9' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n canvas = new Canvas();\n canvas.padding = new Thickness(10, 10, 10, 10);\n canvas.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvas.offsetX = 200;\n canvas.offsetY = 100;\n canvas.style.fill = 'wheat';\n\n child1 = new DiagramElement();\n child1.width = 100;\n child1.height = 100;\n child1.margin.left = child1.margin.top = 10;\n\n child2 = new DiagramElement();\n child2.width = 100; child2.height = 100;\n child2.margin.left = 190;\n child2.margin.top = 190;\n\n canvas.children = [child1, child2];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', basicElements: [canvas] } as DiagramModel);\n diagram.appendTo('#diagram9');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel with padding and with two children', (done: Function) => {\n expect(canvas.actualSize.width === 310 && canvas.actualSize.height === 310 && child1.offsetX === 270 && child2.offsetX === 450 &&\n child1.offsetY === 170 && child2.offsetY === 350).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel with size and two children', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let child1: DiagramElement;\n let child2: DiagramElement;\n let child3: DiagramElement;\n let child4: DiagramElement;\n let child5: DiagramElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagram11' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n canvas = new Canvas();\n canvas.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvas.offsetX = 200;\n canvas.offsetY = 100;\n canvas.width = 400;\n canvas.height = 400;\n\n child1 = new DiagramElement();\n child1.width = 100;\n child1.height = 100;\n child1.horizontalAlignment = 'Center';\n child1.verticalAlignment = 'Stretch';\n child1.relativeMode = 'Object';\n\n child2 = new DiagramElement();\n child2.width = 100; child2.height = 100;\n child2.horizontalAlignment = 'Stretch';\n child2.verticalAlignment = 'Center';\n child2.relativeMode = 'Object';\n\n child3 = new DiagramElement();\n child3.width = 100; child3.height = 100;\n child3.horizontalAlignment = 'Left';\n child3.verticalAlignment = 'Top';\n child3.relativeMode = 'Object';\n\n child3.margin.left = child3.margin.top = 10;\n\n child4 = new DiagramElement();\n child4.width = 100; child4.height = 100;\n child4.horizontalAlignment = 'Right';\n child4.verticalAlignment = 'Bottom';\n child4.relativeMode = 'Object';\n child4.margin.right = 10;\n child4.margin.bottom = 10;\n\n child5 = new DiagramElement();\n child5.width = 100;\n child5.height = 100;\n child5.relativeMode = 'Object';\n\n canvas.children = [child1, child2, child3, child4, child5];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', basicElements: [canvas] } as DiagramModel);\n diagram.appendTo('#diagram11');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel with size and with two children(relative position)', (done: Function) => {\n expect(canvas.actualSize.width === 400 && canvas.actualSize.height === 400 &&\n child1.offsetX === 400 && child1.offsetY === 300 &&\n child2.offsetX === 400 && child2.offsetY === 300 &&\n child3.offsetX === 260 && child3.offsetY === 160 &&\n child4.offsetX === 540 && child4.offsetY === 440 &&\n child5.offsetX === 250 && child5.offsetY === 150).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel with two rotated children', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let child1: DiagramElement;\n let child2: DiagramElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagram12' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n canvas = new Canvas();\n canvas.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvas.offsetX = 200;\n canvas.offsetY = 100;\n canvas.style.fill = 'wheat';\n canvas.padding = new Thickness(10, 10, 10, 10);\n\n child1 = new DiagramElement();\n child1.width = 200;\n child1.height = 100;\n child1.rotateAngle = 45;\n\n child2 = new DiagramElement();\n child2.width = 100; child2.height = 100;\n child2.margin.left = 190;\n child2.margin.top = 190;\n child2.rotateAngle = 45;\n\n canvas.children = [child1, child2];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: 1000, height: 1000, basicElements: [canvas] } as DiagramModel);\n diagram.appendTo('#diagram12');\n });\n\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel with two rotated children', (done: Function) => {\n expect(canvas.actualSize.width === 351.41999999999996 && canvas.actualSize.height === 351.41999999999996 && child1.offsetX === 310 && child2.offsetX === 450 &&\n child1.offsetY === 160 && child2.offsetY === 350).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Rotated canvas panel without size and two rotated children', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let child1: DiagramElement;\n let child2: DiagramElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagram13' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n canvas = new Canvas();\n canvas.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvas.offsetX = 200;\n canvas.offsetY = 100;\n canvas.style.fill = 'wheat';\n canvas.rotateAngle = 45;\n\n child1 = new DiagramElement();\n child1.width = 200;\n child1.height = 100;\n child1.margin.left = child1.margin.top = 10;\n\n child2 = new DiagramElement();\n child2.width = 100; child2.height = 100;\n child2.margin.left = 190;\n child2.margin.top = 190;\n\n canvas.children = [child1, child2];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', basicElements: [canvas] } as DiagramModel);\n diagram.appendTo('#diagram13');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel without size and rotated children', (done: Function) => {\n expect(canvas.actualSize.width === 290 && canvas.actualSize.height === 290 && child1.offsetX === 235.36 && child2.offsetX === 200 &&\n child1.offsetY === 220.21 && child2.offsetY === 439.41 && child1.parentTransform === canvas.parentTransform + canvas.rotateAngle &&\n child2.parentTransform === canvas.parentTransform + canvas.rotateAngle).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n describe('Rotated canvas panel without size and two rotated children', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let child1: DiagramElement;\n let child2: DiagramElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagram14' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n canvas = new Canvas();\n canvas.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvas.offsetX = 200;\n canvas.offsetY = 100;\n canvas.style.fill = 'wheat';\n canvas.rotateAngle = 45;\n\n child1 = new DiagramElement();\n child1.width = 200;\n child1.height = 100;\n child1.margin.left = child1.margin.top = 10;\n child1.rotateAngle = 45;\n\n child2 = new Canvas();\n child2.width = 100; child2.height = 100;\n child2.margin.left = 190;\n child2.margin.top = 190;\n child2.rotateAngle = 45;\n\n canvas.children = [child1, child2];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', basicElements: [canvas] } as DiagramModel);\n diagram.appendTo('#diagram14');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking rotated canvas with rotated children', (done: Function) => {\n let size: Size = new Size(0, 0);\n size.isEmpty();\n expect(canvas.actualSize.width === 331.41999999999996 && canvas.actualSize.height === 331.41999999999996 && child1.offsetX === 235.36 && child2.offsetX === 200 &&\n child1.offsetY === 220.21 && child2.offsetY === 439.41 && child1.parentTransform === canvas.parentTransform + canvas.rotateAngle &&\n child2.parentTransform === canvas.parentTransform + canvas.rotateAngle).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n});\n\ndescribe('Diagram Control', () => {\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel interaction', () => {\n\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let canvasWithMinMaxSize: Canvas;\n let canvasWithoutSize: Canvas;\n let mouseevents: MouseEvents = new MouseEvents();\n let diagramCanvas: HTMLElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagramCanvasInteraction1' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n\n let nodes: NodeModel[] = [\n {\n id: 'node1', width: 50, height: 50, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 200,\n },\n {\n id: 'node2', margin: { left: 150, top: 50 }, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 200,\n },\n {\n id: 'group', children: ['node1', 'node2'],\n width: 300, height: 100,\n offsetX: 200, offsetY: 200,\n container: { type: 'Canvas', orientation: 'Vertical' }\n }\n ];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', nodes: nodes });\n diagram.appendTo('#diagramCanvasInteraction1');\n diagramCanvas = document.getElementById(diagram.element.id + 'content');\n mouseevents.clickEvent(diagramCanvas, 2, 3);\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel selection', (done: Function) => {\n\n let object = diagram.nodes[2];\n mouseevents.clickEvent(diagramCanvas, object.offsetX, object.offsetY);\n expect(diagram.selectedItems.nodes.length === 1).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel - Drag', (done: Function) => {\n let object = diagram.nodes[2];\n expect(diagram.nodes[2].offsetX == 200 && diagram.nodes[2].offsetY == 200).toBe(true);\n mouseevents.mouseDownEvent(diagramCanvas, object.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, object.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, object.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 10, object.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, object.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, object.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 40);\n mouseevents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, object.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, object.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 40);\n expect((diagram.nodes[2].offsetX == 220 || diagram.nodes[2].offsetX == 200) && (diagram.nodes[2].offsetY == 250 || diagram.nodes[2].offsetY == 200)).toBe(true);\n expect(diagram.selectedItems.nodes.length === 1).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n\n it('Checking canvas panel resizing', (done: Function) => {\n mouseevents.mouseDownEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, (diagram.nodes[2].offsetY + diagram.nodes[2].height / 2) + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, (diagram.nodes[2].offsetY + diagram.nodes[2].height / 2) + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, (diagram.nodes[2].offsetY + diagram.nodes[2].height / 2) + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n mouseevents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, (diagram.nodes[2].offsetY + diagram.nodes[2].height / 2) + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n expect((diagram.nodes[2].offsetX == 220 || diagram.nodes[2].offsetX == 200) && (diagram.nodes[2].offsetY == 260 || diagram.nodes[2].offsetY == 215 || diagram.nodes[2].offsetY == 200 ) && diagram.nodes[2].width == 300 && (diagram.nodes[2].height == 120 || diagram.nodes[2].height == 130 || diagram.nodes[2].height == 100)).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel interaction', () => {\n\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let canvasWithMinMaxSize: Canvas;\n let canvasWithoutSize: Canvas;\n let mouseevents: MouseEvents = new MouseEvents();\n let diagramCanvas: HTMLElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagramCanvasInteraction12' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n\n let nodes: NodeModel[] = [\n {\n id: 'node1', width: 50, height: 50, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 200,\n },\n {\n id: 'node2', margin: { left: 150, top: 50 }, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 200,\n },\n {\n id: 'group', children: ['node1', 'node2'],\n width: 300, height: 100,\n offsetX: 200, offsetY: 200,\n container: { type: 'Canvas', orientation: 'Vertical' },\n constraints: NodeConstraints.", "Default | NodeConstraints.", "AllowDrop\n }\n ];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', nodes: nodes });\n diagram.appendTo('#diagramCanvasInteraction12');\n diagramCanvas = document.getElementById(diagram.element.id + 'content');\n mouseevents.clickEvent(diagramCanvas, 1, 1);\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it(\"Checking child's node selection\", (done: Function) => {\n mouseevents.clickEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n expect(diagram.selectedItems.nodes[0].id === 'node2').toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it(\"Checking child's node drag\", (done: Function) => {\n mouseevents.mouseDownEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 30, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 30, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 40, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 40, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 30);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 70, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 30);\n mouseevents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY);\n expect(diagram.nodes[1].offsetX == 295 && diagram.nodes[1].offsetY == 255 && diagram.nodes[2].offsetX == 200 &&\n diagram.nodes[2].offsetY == 215 && diagram.nodes[2].width == 300 && diagram.nodes[2].height == 130).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it(\"Checking child's node resize\", (done: Function) => {\n mouseevents.mouseDownEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + (diagram.nodes[1].width / 2) + diagram.element.offsetLeft, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + (diagram.nodes[1].width / 2) + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 30, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + (diagram.nodes[1].width / 2) + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 30, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + (diagram.nodes[1].width / 2) + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 40, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + (diagram.nodes[1].width / 2) + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 40, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 30);\n mouseevents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 40, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 30);\n expect(diagram.nodes[1].offsetX == 315 && diagram.nodes[1].offsetY == 255 && diagram.nodes[1].width == 90 &&\n diagram.nodes[1].height == 50 && diagram.nodes[2].offsetX == 205 && diagram.nodes[2].offsetY == 215).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel interaction', () => {\n\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let canvasWithMinMaxSize: Canvas;\n let canvasWithoutSize: Canvas;\n let mouseevents: MouseEvents = new MouseEvents();\n let diagramCanvas: HTMLElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagramCanvasInteraction3' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n\n let nodes: NodeModel[] = [\n {\n id: 'node1', width: 100, height: 100, margin: { left: 10 }, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 200,\n },\n\n {\n id: 'group', children: ['node1'],\n width: 300, height: 200,\n offsetX: 200, offsetY: 200,\n container: { type: 'Canvas', orientation: 'Vertical' },\n constraints: NodeConstraints.", "Default | NodeConstraints.", "AllowDrop\n },\n {\n id: 'node3', offsetX: 500, offsetY: 200, width: 75, height: 75\n }\n ];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '900px', height: '600px', nodes: nodes });\n diagram.appendTo('#diagramCanvasInteraction3');\n let child = new ChildContainer();\n diagramCanvas = document.getElementById(diagram.element.id + 'content');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Add child from diagram nodes', (done: Function) => {\n let object = diagram.nodes[2]; let container = diagram.nodes[1];\n mouseevents.clickEvent(diagramCanvas, object.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, object.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.dragEvent(diagramCanvas, object.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, object.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop, 200 + diagram.element.offsetLeft, container.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, container.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, container.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n expect(diagram.nodes[1].children.length === 2 || diagram.nodes[1].children.length === 1).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Undo redo after add child from diagram nodes', (done: Function) => {\n diagram.undo();\n expect(diagram.nodes[1].children.length === 1).toBe(true);\n diagram.redo();\n expect(diagram.nodes[1].children.length === 2 || diagram.nodes[1].children.length === 1).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Remove child from canvas container', (done: Function) => {\n let object = diagram.nodes[2]; let container = diagram.nodes[1];\n diagram.select([diagram.nodes[2]]);\n mouseevents.mouseDownEvent(diagramCanvas, object.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, object.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, 600 + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, 300 + diagram.element.offsetTop + 10);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, 600 + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, 300 + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n mouseevents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, 600 + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, 300 + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n expect(diagram.nodes[1].children.length === 1).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Undo redo after add child from diagram nodes', (done: Function) => {\n diagram.undo();\n expect(diagram.nodes[1].children.length === 2 || diagram.nodes[1].children.length === 1).toBe(true);\n diagram.redo();\n expect(diagram.nodes[1].children.length === 1).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel interaction', () => {\n\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let canvasWithMinMaxSize: Canvas;\n let canvasWithoutSize: Canvas;\n let mouseevents: MouseEvents = new MouseEvents();\n let diagramCanvas: HTMLElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagramCanvasInteraction4' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n\n let nodes: NodeModel[] = [\n {\n id: 'node1', width: 50, height: 50, margin: { left: 10 }, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 200,\n },\n {\n id: 'node2', width: 50, height: 50, margin: { left: 150, top: 50 }, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 200,\n },\n {\n id: 'group', children: ['node1', 'node2'],\n width: 300, height: 200,\n offsetX: 200, offsetY: 200,\n container: { type: 'Canvas', orientation: 'Vertical' },\n constraints: NodeConstraints.", "Default | NodeConstraints.", "AllowDrop\n },\n {\n id: 'node3', offsetX: 500, offsetY: 200, width: 75, height: 75\n }\n ];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '700px', height: '600px', nodes: nodes });\n diagram.appendTo('#diagramCanvasInteraction4');\n diagramCanvas = document.getElementById(diagram.element.id + 'content');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Copy and paste the container', (done: Function) => {\n diagram.select([diagram.nodes[2]]);\n diagram.copy();\n diagram.paste();\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 7).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Cut and paste the container', (done: Function) => {\n diagram.cut();\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 4).toBe(true);\n diagram.paste();\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 7).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Delete', (done: Function) => {\n diagram.select([diagram.nodes[2]]);\n expect(diagram.selectedItems.nodes.length === 1).toBe(true);\n diagram.remove();\n expect(diagram.selectedItems.nodes.length === 0).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('undo and redo after delete a container', (done: Function) => {\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 4).toBe(true);\n diagram.undo();\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 7).toBe(true);\n diagram.redo();\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 4).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Copy and paste the child of container', (done: Function) => {\n\n diagram.select([diagram.nodes[1]]);\n diagram.copy();\n diagram.paste();\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 5).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Cut and paste the child of container', (done: Function) => {\n diagram.select([diagram.nodes[1]]);\n diagram.cut();\n diagram.paste();\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 5).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Delete child of container', (done: Function) => {\n\n diagram.select([diagram.nodes[1]]);\n diagram.remove();\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 4).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('undo and redo after delete a child of container container', (done: Function) => {\n diagram.undo();\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 5).toBe(true);\n diagram.redo();\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 4).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel interaction - Events', () => {\n\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let canvasWithMinMaxSize: Canvas;\n let canvasWithoutSize: Canvas;\n let mouseevents: MouseEvents = new MouseEvents();\n let diagramCanvas: HTMLElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagramCanvasInteraction5' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n\n let nodes: NodeModel[] = [\n {\n id: 'node1', width: 100, height: 100, margin: { left: 10 }, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 200,\n },\n {\n id: 'node3', offsetX: 500, offsetY: 200, width: 75, height: 75\n },\n {\n id: 'group', children: ['node1'],\n width: 300, height: 200,\n offsetX: 200, offsetY: 200,\n container: { type: 'Canvas', orientation: 'Vertical' },\n constraints: NodeConstraints.", "Default | NodeConstraints.", "AllowDrop\n },\n\n ];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', nodes: nodes });\n diagram.appendTo('#diagramCanvasInteraction5');\n diagramCanvas = document.getElementById(diagram.element.id + 'content');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Selection change event', (done: Function) => {\n let isSelectionChange: boolean = false;\n diagram.selectionChange = function (args) {\n isSelectionChange = true;\n }\n mouseevents.clickEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, diagram.nodes[2].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n expect(isSelectionChange).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Position change event', (done: Function) => {\n let isPositionChange: boolean = false;\n diagram.positionChange = function (args) {\n isPositionChange = true;\n }\n mouseevents.dragAndDropEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, diagram.nodes[2].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop, 200, 200);\n expect(isPositionChange).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Size change event', (done: Function) => {\n\n let isSizeChange: boolean = false;\n diagram.sizeChange = function (args) {\n isSizeChange = true;\n }\n resize(diagram, 'resizeEast');\n expect(isSizeChange).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Drop event', (done: Function) => {\n let isDrop: boolean = false;\n diagram.drop = function (args) {\n args.cancel = true;\n isDrop = true;\n }\n let object = diagram.nodes[1]; let container = diagram.nodes[2];\n mouseevents.clickEvent(diagramCanvas, object.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, object.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.dragEvent(diagramCanvas, object.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, object.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop, 200 + diagram.element.offsetLeft, container.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, container.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, container.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n expect(diagram.nodes[2].children.length === 1).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Check drag and drop the node inside the container', (done: Function) => {\n diagram.drop = function (args) {\n args.cancel = false;\n }\n diagram.clearSelection();\n mouseevents.clickEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[0].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, diagram.nodes[0].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseDownEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[0].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, diagram.nodes[0].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[0].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, diagram.nodes[0].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[0].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, diagram.nodes[0].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 30);\n mouseevents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[0].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, diagram.nodes[0].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n expect(diagram.nodes[2].children.length === 1).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n describe('Testing symbol palette node and container', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let palette: SymbolPalette;\n let ele: HTMLElement; let diagramCanvas: HTMLElement;\n let mouseEvents: MouseEvents = new MouseEvents();\n let flowshapes: NodeModel[] = [\n {\n id: 'group', width: 5, height: 5, offsetX: 10,\n offsetY: 100,\n },\n ];\n\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { styles: 'width:100%;height:500px;' });\n ele.appendChild(createElement('div', { id: 'symbolpaletteGroupIssue', styles: 'width:25%;float:left;' }));\n ele.appendChild(createElement('div', { id: 'diagramGroupIssue', styles: 'width:74%;height:500px;float:left;' }));\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n\n\n diagram = new Diagram({\n nodes: [\n {\n id: 'node1', width: 50, height: 50, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 200,\n },\n {\n id: 'node2', width: 50, height: 50, margin: { left: 200, top: 50 }, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 200,\n },\n {\n id: 'group1', children: ['node1', 'node2'],\n width: 300, height: 100,\n offsetX: 200, offsetY: 200,\n container: { type: 'Canvas', orientation: 'Vertical' },\n constraints: NodeConstraints.", "Default | NodeConstraints.", "AllowDrop\n }\n ],\n width: '70%'\n });\n diagram.appendTo('#diagramGroupIssue');\n\n palette = new SymbolPalette({\n width: '25%', height: '500px',\n palettes: [\n { id: 'flow', expanded: true, symbols: flowshapes, title: 'Flow Shapes' }\n ],\n expandMode: 'Multiple',\n symbolHeight: 50, symbolWidth: 50,\n symbolPreview: { height: 100, width: 100 },\n enableSearch: true,\n getNodeDefaults: setPaletteNodeDefaults,\n symbolMargin: { left: 12, right: 12, top: 12, bottom: 12 },\n getSymbolInfo: (symbol: NodeModel): SymbolInfo => {\n return { fit: true };\n }\n });\n palette.appendTo('#symbolpaletteGroupIssue');\n function setPaletteNodeDefaults(node: NodeModel): void {\n node.width = 50;\n node.height = 50;\n }\n });\n\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n palette.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking Drag and drop the child from palette to container', (done: Function) => {\n diagramCanvas = document.getElementById(diagram.element.id + 'content');\n setTimeout(function () {\n palette.element['ej2_instances'][1]['helper'] = (e: { target: HTMLElement, sender: PointerEvent | TouchEvent }) => {\n let clonedElement: HTMLElement; \n let position: PointModel = palette['getMousePosition'](e.sender);\n let target = document.elementFromPoint(position.x, position.y).childNodes[0];\n let symbols: IElement = palette.symbolTable[target['id']];\n palette['selectedSymbols'] = symbols;\n if (symbols !", "== undefined) {\n clonedElement = palette['getSymbolPreview'](symbols, e.sender, palette.element);\n clonedElement.setAttribute('paletteId', palette.element.id);\n }\n return clonedElement;\n };\n palette.getPersistData();\n let events = new MouseEvents();\n let element = (document.getElementById('group_container').getBoundingClientRect());;\n events.mouseDownEvent(palette.element, element.left + palette.element.offsetLeft, element.top + palette.element.offsetTop, false, false);\n events.mouseMoveEvent(palette.element, element.left + 40 + palette.element.offsetLeft, element.top + palette.element.offsetLeft, false, false);\n events.mouseMoveEvent(palette.element, element.left + 60, element.top, false, false);\n events.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX, diagram.nodes[2].offsetY, false, false);\n events.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, diagram.nodes[2].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n events.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 2, diagram.nodes[2].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n events.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 2, diagram.nodes[2].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n events.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, diagram.nodes[2].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n expect(diagram.nodes.length === 4).toBe(true);\n done();\n }, 1000);\n });\n it('memory leak', () => {\n profile.sample();\n let average: any = inMB(profile.averageChange)\n //Check average change in memory samples to not be over 10MB\n expect(average).toBeLessThan(10);\n let memory: any = inMB(getMemoryProfile())\n //Check the final memory usage against the first usage, there should be little change if everything was properly deallocated\n expect(memory).toBeLessThan(profile.samples[0] + 0.25);\n })\n });\n});" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCan we make template for contextual filter?", "\n\nCan we make template for contextual filter, because while I am writing php code in it, it is not supplying true values.", "\nI am writing these code in php code of contextual filter:\n<?", "php \n $children = array_keys(taxonomy_get_children($handler->argument, $vid=1));\n if(!empty($children)) $handler->argument .= '+' .implode('+', $children); \n?", ">\nI need to apply these code in template file so that get satisfactory result over there and can apply some custom code too.", "\n\nA:\n\nThere is no such template, but to override contextual filters you can follow the following approach:\nIn a custom module\nyou can use hook__views_pre_view to change contextual filter,\nadd children terms till depth to the contextual filter,\nfunction taxonomy_get_children_all() defined below, will fetch all child terms till depth:\nIn view, don't forget to allow multiple value contextual filter for contextual filter.", "\nfunction taxonomy_get_children_all($tid, $vid = 0, $key = 'tid'){\n $c = taxonomy_get_children($tid, $vid, $key);\n $result = array();\n foreach ($c as $t => $d){\n $result[$t] = $d;\n $below = taxonomy_get_children_all($t, $vid, $key);\n if (!", "empty($below)) {\n foreach ($below as $nt => $nd){\n $result[$nt] = $nd;\n }\n }\n }\n return $result;\n }\n\n function formalter_views_pre_view(&$view, &$display_id, &$args){\n if($view->name == \"category_view\") { // && $display_id == \"page\") {\n $vid = <Your vocabulary id>;\n\n $t = $args[0];\n\n $tt = taxonomy_get_children_all($t,$vid);\n foreach($tt as $k => $v) {\n $a = (string)$k;\n $args[0] = $args[0] . \"", "+\" . ", "$a;\n }\n }\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to an optical film, an image display device, and a method for producing an image display device.", "\nDescription of Related Art\nHeretofore, optical films such as a hard coat film and an antiglare film are arranged on a display surface of an image display device such as a liquid crystal display (LCD), for the purpose of preventing the display surface from being damaged (i.e., improving the mechanical strength of the display surface) and preventing reflected glare of external light, for example. ", "In recent years, for example, for the sake of design and improvement in mechanical strength of a display surface, image display devices with a front plate formed of a transparent plastic, glass, or the like being provided at their outermost display surface have been introduced to the market. ", "When the front plate is attached to the outermost display surface, a space is formed between the optical film arranged on the display surface and the front plate. ", "Thus, in order to fill this space, a resin (interlayer filler) intervenes as an interlayer between the front plate and the outermost optical film (e.g., JP 2008-241728 A). ", "In JP 2008-241728 A, an active energy ray-curable resin such as a photocurable resin is used as the interlayer filler." ]
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[ "At our house the gardening catalogs started arriving last week. ", "Burpee’s, Henry Fields, Stark Brothers, K Van Bourgondien & Sons, Van Enselen inc, John Scheepers Inc, Gurney’s, Henry Field’s, and Jung Seeds & Plants have all arrived in our mailbox (we are on a lot of lists!). ", "The beautiful full page pictures of colorful summer flowers, trees and vegetables set the heart to yearning for warm weather and planting season.", "\n\nPlan your garden.", "\n\nNow is the time to plan your garden. ", "Sure – take a look at the catalogs or online sites selling plants and seeds. ", "Use them to help you learn about what species and varieties will do well in your yard or in your garden. ", "But don’t necessarily order from them yet. ", "Before you settle on a particular plant, remember to think about the quality of soil in the areas you are thinking of planting.", "\n\nYou can have your soil tested if you have trouble growing things, or if your soil has been greatly disturbed by recent construction activity. ", "Your state university most likely has an agricultural extension to which you can submit samples to be analyzed (for a fee – ours is$15 per sample).", "\n\nAccording to the University of Missouri – “Soil testing provides an estimate of the plant-available nutrients in the soil and is an essential tool for a sound fertilization program. ", "Periodic soil testing will help to correct nutrient deficiencies, avoid excess fertilizer applications and maintain a healthy lawn. ", "A routine soil fertility test will check the pH, neutralizable acidity, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, organic matter, and cation exchange capacity.”", "\n\nObviously you also need to think about how much sun or shade and moisture the plants you like need. ", "You set yourself up for failure and waste of money if you put a sun loving plant in deep shade or a succulent in a swamp!", "\n\nUnderstand whether and how you need to amend your soil.", "\n\nOnce you envision the kinds of plants you want, understand their needs and have an idea of what your soil currently is like; you can figure out if you need to make some changes to the soil before you plant anything. ", "About 5 years ago, I decided I wanted a ready supply of blueberries – they taste great and have many, many health benefits, but they can be expensive. ", "Blueberries, I found, need a very acidic soil. ", "The ph level of ours showed alkaline so I dug big holes where I wanted to plant the bushes and mixed in peat moss (which increases the acidity) and sulfur to bring the soil to the proper drainage and acid levels. ", "The berries are doing great!", "\n\nYou many need to add things such as gypsum (which helps to break up heavy clay soils), lime to increase the alkalinity of the soil or organic matter (such as decomposed leaves). ", "It is easiest to do this prior to planting and gives the soil time to amend. ", "We often have dug big and deep holes (we plant a lot of trees), then layered in the compost and other amendments as we fill the hole back in, mixing each layer. ", "Your hole will be mounded up when you finish but in a few months it will sink level again. ", "When your plant arrives, it is easy to dig up the soil, slide in the plant and give it a drink.", "\n\nFind a frugal source for the plants you want.", "\n\nFree is sometimes cheapest (unless you spend money prepping for a free plant that won’t grow in your area).", "\n\nMy Grandmother in the Midwest used to trade plants with her sister in the far west so each could have different varieties. ", "You have to be careful, however, not to introduce a species in your area that will take over your native plants and replace them.", "\n\nPerhaps your sister-in-law (like mine) has a small garden area and want to change out the plants every few years – and gives you the ones she takes out.", "\n\nPerhaps you find a wild flower that you can dig up or get seeds from to put in your garden.", "\n\nMy spouse has even used dried seeds from old flower arrangements we got for anniversary to plant and grow flowers! ", "Sometimes free samples arrive with the flower catalogs as well.", "\n\nYou can also propagate additional plants yourself – through dividing, cloning or planting the seeds now to grow seedlings to use in the spring. ", "You can save seeds from fruits or vegetables you buy and eat. ", "Also consider digging up and moving plants that currently exist on your property. ", "We did this with cedar tree saplings – which pop up around here like weeds – to make an evergreen screen against our neighbor’s house and barn.", "\n\nIn addition, seek out local resources, such as your state’s department of natural resources. ", "Ours provides tree seedlings at great prices – such as a bundle of 100 for $6.", "\n\nCheck out sales at specialized garden suppliers as well – especially if you are looking for a not so common variety of plant. ", "Farmer’s markets also may sell plants.", "\n\nDeals at brick and mortar stores and nurseries can be had if you wait until most of the planting season is over. ", "Here in the Midwest that is usually June. ", "There is still time to get your plants established and going for the summer – although they will bloom a bit later. ", "Keep them watered and fertilized and they will shoot up.", "\n\nPerennial plants (those that keep coming up year after year) are a better value long term, even though they typically cost more to start.", "\n\nPaper catalogs are usually the worst place to go to buy – but even there you can get a deal, especially if you are looking for special plants that either aren’t offered locally or get sold out quickly.", "\n\nTake care of your ‘investment’.", "\n\nOnce you have planned your garden, chosen your plants, amended your soil and purchased the actual plants, don’t wait to plant them. ", "Get them in the ground as quickly as you can. ", "Treat them like the babies they are. ", "Keep them properly watered and spend a bit of money on that fertilizer to get them started.", "\n\nProtect them from the rabbits, squirrels, deer and other wildlife in your area (we use hog wire fences in a circle around each tree).", "\n\nAs the spring and summer wear on, prune them as needed, move them to a new spot if they suffer in their original one and enjoy them!", "\n\nWhen fall arrives, if you have planted perennials, mark the location with the variety planted so you don’t mistakenly dig them up or mow them down next year!", "\n\nGardeners – give up your tips in the comments below!" ]
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[ "I really hope the manga comes back. ", "It is awesome, and Togashi seems like he always has some aces up his sleeve. ", "This manga is far better than current shounen's, like Naruto and Bleach. ", "The details are amazing, the story is brilliant and the characters are well-developed.", "\n\nThe article to prove it was taken down twice already because people say it's false. ", "I don't even know what's real anymore... It stated that Togashi was finally asked to make a decision. ", "Come back, or hit the road. ", "Togashi is rich and his wife is rich, so he just decided to retire.", "\n\nPeople live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. ", "That's how they define reality. ", "But what does it mean to be correct or true? ", "Merely vague concepts… their reality may all be a mirage. ", "Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00009611687812379854, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThis invention relates to a fluidic governor system, and, more particularly, to a fluidic governor system which is capable of controlling the output of any prime mover where no separate fluidic energy is available to power the governor.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Prior Art\nFluidic governor systems have been used to control the output of prime movers, such as steam turbines, gas turbines and air motors. ", "In all cases, pneumatic or hydraulic, power has to be available for this system to be operative. ", "In a steam turbine, plant instrument air is both used to power the fluidic governor and a turbine mounted interrupter which produces a pulsating fluidic signal. ", "In a gas turbine, the compressor discharge air is used to power the fluidic governor and to provide the power for the pulsating fluidic signal from the output shaft of the prime mover. ", "In an air motor, its gaseous exhaust is used as the fluidic signal having a frequency proportional to the output of the air motor, wherein the fluidic signal is coupled to a control input port of a fluidic governor, and an external power source is needed to supply the power to a power input port of the fluidic governor. ", "For the above prime movers, a speed error signal is generated from the control output port of the fluidic governor, and this speed error signal is used to stroke a valve to adjust the fuel, air or steam feed to the prime mover, and thereby control the shaft output speed of the prime mover.", "\nThe above prior art systems could only be used in limited applications and are not adaptable to any prime mover, unless pneumatic power is available to drive the governor and generate the pulsating fluidic signal." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nConverting byte array to publickey ECDSA\n\nI need to use ECDSA algorithm to sign a message and send to receiver in java. ", "Then, receiver should verify sender's signature.", "\nSo, for this, receiver has sender's public key but in byte array format after converting java.security.", "PublicKey to byte array by the command bellow:\nbyte[] byteArrayPublicKey = publickey.getEncoded();\n\nThe format of public key in ECDSA algorithm (before converting it to byte array) is as follow:\nPublic Key:\nX: 8a83c389e7bb817c17bf2db4ed71055f18342b630221b2a3a1ca752502dc2e21\n\nY: 3eaf48c9ab1700fe0966a0cde196b85af66bb8f0bacef711c9dca2368f9d8470\n\nBut, the problem is to convert this byte array to usable format to verify the signature that is java.security.", "PublicKey by receiver. ", "\nIn general, is there any solution to verify the signature without converting it to byte array? ", "In the other word, the problem is to verify the signature by sender's public key, using any method.", "\n\nA:\n\nBut, the problem is to convert this byte array to usable format to verify the signature that is java.security.", "PublicKey by receiver.", "\n\nYou can solve the problem like this way:\npublic static ECPublicKey genEcPubKey() throws Exception {\n KeyFactory factory = KeyFactory.getInstance(\"ECDSA\", \"BC\");\n java.security.", "PublicKey ecPublicKey = (ECPublicKey) factory\n .generatePublic(new X509EncodedKeySpec(Helper\n .toByte(ecRemotePubKey))); // Helper.toByte(ecRemotePubKey)) is java.security.", "PublicKey#getEncoded()\n return (ECPublicKey) ecPublicKey;\n}\n\nNote that, you need BouncyCastle provider to do that.", "\nBut question remains, how you generate the private key?", "\npublic KeyPair ecKeyPairGenerator(String curveName) throws Exception {\n KeyPair keyPair;\n KeyPairGenerator keyPairGenerator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(\n \"ECDSA\", \"BC\");\n ECGenParameterSpec ecGenParameterSpec = new ECGenParameterSpec(\n curveName);\n keyPairGenerator.initialize(ecGenParameterSpec, new SecureRandom());\n keyPair = keyPairGenerator.generateKeyPair();\n java.security.", "PublicKey ecPublicKey = (ECPublicKey) keyPair.getPublic();\n System.out.println(\"JAVA EC PublicKey: \"\n + Helper.toHex(ecPublicKey.getEncoded()));\n\n // write private key into a file. ", "Just for testing purpose\n FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(\n \"ECPrivateKey.key\");\n ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(\n fileOutputStream);\n objectOutputStream.writeObject(keyPair.getPrivate());\n objectOutputStream.close();\n return keyPair;\n}\n\nI have the full running code for EC sign/verify in github. ", "You can take a look for better understanding.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.00013007284079084286, 0, 0, 0.000009660669001328342, 0.001890359168241966, 0, 0, 0, 0.002066115702479339, 0.00008861058601134215, 0.00004901480247034605, 0, 0, 0.000033374866500534, 0.00005101520253035405, 0.000006541035184228256, 0, 0 ]
[ "Over the last few years mobile communications apparatuses, such as mobile phones, have evolved from being just communications devices to being handheld multimedia devices. ", "In comparison to earlier mobile communications apparatuses more recent mobile communications apparatuses have larger screens, more memory, more computational power. ", "Some mobile communications apparatuses even comprises image capturing devices arranged to capture both still images and video sequences having a resolution of several megapixel per image.", "\nIn combination with higher memory capacity and computational power this enables image processing to take place on the mobile communications apparatus itself instead of on a dedicated computer running dedicated image processing tools. ", "Furthermore, although powerful, dedicated image processing tools may be complex and as such have a high learning curve for the user. ", "It may therefore be desirable for the user to be able to perform advanced image processing directly on the mobile communications apparatuses, i.e. without having to resort to using a dedicated computer or to spend time learning how to use complex tools." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "A new kaempferol 7-O-triglucoside from the leaves of Brassica juncea L.\nFrom the leaves of Brassica juncea, a new rare kaempferol 7-O-triglucoside isolated and characterized as kaempferol 7-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->3)-[beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->6)]-glucopyranoside (1) based on the spectroscopic evidences. ", "This compound was found to be a scavenger of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.000020545693622616697, 0 ]
[ "Information\n\nFIX Pedalboards\n\nFIX Pedalboards\n\nNewcomer FIX Pedalboards debuted their 100 percent aluminum pedalboards that are completely designed and built in the USA. ", "Tim Mitchell says he built these pedalboards because as a guitar player he saw a niche for high-quality, affordable pedalboards that are stronger than anything else on the market. \"", "You'll never have to buy another pedalboard again,\" he says. ", "There are four standard sizes, but custom orders are also available. ", "Prices range from $125 to $250 depending on size, and all include custom-fit carrying cases." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.000030524098775983637, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "\n185 N.J. Super. ", "77 (1982)\nE.T., PLAINTIFF-RESPONDENT,\nv.\nL.P., DEFENDANT-APPELLANT.", "\nSuperior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division.", "\nArgued February 1, 1982.", "\nDecided April 7, 1982.", "\n*78 Before Judges MILMED, JOELSON and GAULKIN.", "\n*79 John A. West argued the cause for defendant-appellant (Rutgers Legal Aid Clinic, Cedric A. Edwards, Acting Director, attorney).", "\nEldridge Hawkins argued the cause for plaintiff-respondent (Walter A. Oliveras on the brief).", "\nThe opinion of the court was delivered by MILMED, P.J.A.D.\nDefendant L.P., the mother of T.L., an infant now nine years old, appeals from an order of the Essex County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court awarding custody of the child to plaintiff E.T., the mother's aunt, \"until further order of [the] Court,\" with overnight visitation to the mother, at her home, every other weekend. ", "The order also provides for both parties to have \"partial visitation on all major holidays ... and such other visitation as agreed upon\" by them.", "\nFollowing the filing of a \"Best Interest\" report by the chief probation officer of the county, a plenary hearing was conducted on plaintiff's complaint seeking custody of the infant. ", "After hearing testimony from the parties and the mother's brother and after interviewing the child in chambers, the trial judge, in a letter opinion, found that the child \"has been exposed to excessive abuse of marijuana by adults while in the mother's home\"; that \"the child himself was caused to smoke marijuana by his mother\"; that \"this had an adverse [e]ffect\" on the child; that \"the home of [E.T.] is a better home for the child than that of [L.P.], his mother\"; that the infant's mother \"is absolutely without concern with respect to use and abuse of marijuana in the child's presence\"; that the child is \"obviously happy and well adjusted in the home of his aunt\"; that it is \"the child's wish that he should remain with the aunt,\" and that \"the mother's home in which the child had resided was not a good environment for the child from a standpoint of the education, clothing or facilities provided.\" ", "The trial judge concluded:\n\n*80 While the court does not determine that the home in which the child was residing was totally unfit or that the mother was unfit, it is clear that the best interest of this child requires that custody continue with the aunt, who is providing a far more suitable home for the child.", "\nN.J.S.A. 9:2-9, the statute applicable to the action instituted by plaintiff, reads as follows:\nWhen the parents of any minor child or the parent or other person having the actual care and custody of any minor child are grossly immoral or unfit to be intrusted with the care and education of such child, or shall neglect to provide the child with proper protection, maintenance and education, or are of such vicious, careless or dissolute habits as to endanger the welfare of the child or make the child a public charge, or likely to become a public charge; or when the parents of any minor child are dead or cannot be found, and there is no other person, legal guardian or agency exercising custody over such child; it shall be lawful for any person interested in the welfare of such child to institute an action in the Superior Court or the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court in the county where such minor child is residing, for the purpose of having the child brought before the court, and for the further relief provided by this chapter. ", "The court may proceed in the action in a summary manner or otherwise.", "\nN.J.S.A. 9:2-10, the companion statute governing the dispositional order in the matter, provides:\nIn an action brought pursuant to section 9:2-9 of this Title, the Superior Court, or the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, as the case may be, after an investigation shall have been made by the chief probation officer of the county in which the child may reside, concerning the reputation, character and ability of the plaintiff, or such other person as the court may direct, to properly care for such child, shall make an order or judgment committing the child to the care and custody of such person, who will accept the same, as the court shall for that purpose designate and appoint, until such child shall attain the age of eighteen years, or the further direction of the court; provided, however, that in proper cases such care and custody may be exercised by supervision of the child in his own home, unless the court shall otherwise order. ", "Such order or judgment may require the giving of a bond by the person to whose care or custody the said child may be committed, with such security and on such conditions as the court shall deem proper.", "\nIt is apparent from the record before us that plaintiff-aunt has failed to establish by competent proof any of the pertinent alternative jurisdictional grounds for institution of an action under N.J.S.A. 9:2-9. ", "At least one of such grounds must be shown to exist before the trial judge, in light of the proofs and the report of the investigation of the chief probation officer of the county, can begin to consider what kind of dispositional *81 order under N.J.S.A. 9:2-10 would be in the best interests of the child. ", "Thus, before an order such as the one under review could be made by the trial judge, it was incumbent on plaintiff to demonstrate, by clear and convincing competent evidence, that (1) defendant-mother (a) is \"grossly immoral or unfit to be intrusted with the care and education of [the] child,\" or (b) \"neglect[s] to provide the child with proper protection, maintenance and education,\" or (c) is \"of such vicious, careless or dissolute habits as to endanger the welfare of the child or make the child a public charge, or likely to become a public charge...\"; and (2) that the making of the order would be in the child's best interests. ", "Plaintiff's proofs must comport with the criteria here required. ", "The best interests of the child and the rights of the natural parent demand no less.", "\nHere, however, while plaintiff in her complaint alleged that defendant (1) \"provided an improper home environment for [the infant] causing him severe mental and physical distress\"; (2) \"reportedly forced the infant ... to smoke marijuana and drink beer...\"; (3) \"reportedly\" severely beat the child \"with a plastic baseball bat,\" and (4) \"reportedly engages in sexual acts in [the] infant['s] ... presence\"; the testimony at the plenary hearing, particularly when viewed in light of the \"Best Interest\" report of the chief probation officer of Essex County, fails to substantiate seriously any of the charges. ", "Actually, there was no testimony at the hearing regarding beer drinking or sexual acts. ", "And, the evidence regarding marijuana and spankings with a toy plastic baseball bat is at best nebulous and conflicting.", "\nDefendant-mother testified that she \"[o]n occasion\" smokes marijuana at home but categorically denied ever having \"given it\" to her son, ever telling her brother or aunt that she did, or smoking it in her son's presence. ", "She said, \"he is only a child now. ", "There's no way I would give him marijuana now. ", "No way. ", "If he was sixteen-seventeen then there's a possibility.\" ", "She explained that she told her aunt, the plaintiff, \"that they were smoking marijuana out in the playground all around him *82 and at the school right next door to him, and ... that if it came to a thing where he wanted marijuana I would prefer giving it to him rather than have him get it in the street.\" ", "She said that if she found T.L. smoking marijuana, which if obtained \"in the street\" might contain \"angel dust and everything else in it,\" she would \"prefer\" at that time to give it to him herself rather than \"to take a chance and have him get some angel dust.\"", "\nDefendant's brother, called as a witness by plaintiff-aunt, at whose home he lives, testified that he never saw his sister give T.L. marijuana although he saw people smoke it in his sister's apartment in the boy's presence, as he himself has done. ", "He said that in \"73 or 74\" it was alleged that marijuana was given to the child,[1] \"and since then it's been an on-going conversation about it.\" ", "He said defendant's home was \"unsanitary.\"", "\nPlaintiff testified that she heard about defendant allowing the boy to smoke marijuana from defendant's sister-in-law in early February, 1980. ", "However, the probation officer who made the \"best interest\" investigation for the trial court reported that when he visited defendant in June 1980 her sister-in-law was there and when he told the sister-in-law of plaintiff's \"allegation\" she \"adamantly denied that she ever told [plaintiff] that the defendant had given the child marijuana or beer.\" ", "The officer further reported:\n... This officer also questioned the child who stated his mother did indeed give him marijuana. ", "This is a direct contradiction of an interview conducted by a [social worker with] the Division of Youth and Family Services on 5-26-80. ", "At that time the child denied this allegation. ", "At the time [the social worker] felt that [T.L.] could be easily manipulated by adults.", "\nThere is also an allegation that the defendant severely beat the child with a plastic baseball bat. [", "Defendant] admits on two occasions she spanked the child with a plastic baseball bat but denies ever severely beating him. ", "She further stated that her aunt also spanked the child with a plastic baseball bat.", "\nThe following additional pertinent information is gleaned from the \"best interest\" report. ", "Defendant-mother has two additional children, a girl born in May 1977 and a boy born in *83 December 1978. ", "The children appeared to the probation officer to be \"healthy and very well-kept.\" ", "T.L. resided with his mother until the end of May 1980. ", "Since then he has been residing with plaintiff. ", "The mother is \"receiving assistance from the Essex County Welfare Board for herself and her two children... She receives no money from her husband.\" ", "As the probation officer properly observed, \"[i]t should be kept in mind that [defendant's] income is limited to her grant from the Essex County Welfare Board, this would greatly limit the type of housing that is available to her.\" ", "In a statement taken at the County Probation Department offices in June 1980 defendant stated, among other things:\nI feel I should have custody of [T.L.] because I love him, he is mine and I want him. ", "He is part of my family. ", "I have two other children besides him. ", "I don't understand why I would do him one way and not the others. ", "Her allegations about mistreating the child are not true. ", "I did spank him twice with a plastic bat but she also uses a plastic bat according to my son....\nPlaintiff is a retired nurse. ", "She receives Social Security benefits, and her husband \"a Railroad Pension.\" ", "They own their own home which consists of 16 rooms and is occupied by them, T.L., a housekeeper and two boarders. ", "The home \"is far superior to that of [defendant]. ", "It is much larger and the boy has his own room. ", "He also has a playroom in the basement.\"", "\nIn his concluding observations the probation officer noted:\n... There appears to be some long-standing animosity between the parties in this case. [", "When defendant was a child she] was ... raised by [plaintiff]. ", "There was a great deal of conflict in the home and the defendant was eventually placed on probation for incorrigibility and for being a runaway. ", "This has [led] to a great deal of hostility between the two parties which continues to this day. ", "It is the feeling of this officer that both [plaintiff and defendant] are sincerely interested in the well-being of the child. [", "Defendant] appears to be doing reasonably well in caring for her other two children. ", "Due to financial restrictions she can not provide as spacious and luxurious a home as [plaintiff]. ", "If custody of the child were granted to [plaintiff], [T.L.] would be separated from his brother and sister.", "\nAfter interviewing all parties this officer suspects that the child [T.L.] is attempting to take advantage of this situation. ", "When questioned on May 27th by [the social worker] at the Division of Youth and Family Services the child stated that he wanted to live with his mother. ", "Prior to this he had told [defendant's] attorney that he preferred to live with his aunt. ", "Upon this *84 officer's interviewing him he again ... stated that he wanted to live with his aunt. ", "When this officer spoke to the boy it could not be helped but noticed that his bedroom contained a great many toys. [", "Defendant] had told this officer that the child had been promised \"anything he wants\" by his aunt if he told the probation officer and the Court that he wanted to live with his aunt.", "\nWe approach our determination on this appeal bearing in mind certain basic principles particularly germane to the type of statutory proceeding instituted by plaintiff. ", "Thus, at the outset, defendant-mother has the right to custody of her child as against plaintiff-aunt. ", "See In re Flasch, 51 N.J. Super. ", "1, 18 (App.", "Div. ", "1958), certif. ", "den. ", "28 N.J. 35 (1958). \"", "This right, which recognizes the natural bond of blood and affection between parent and child ... has been described as akin to a trust reposed in the parent by the State, as parens patriae, for the welfare of the infant.\" ", "In re Mrs. M., 74 N.J. Super. ", "178, 183-184 (App.", "Div. ", "1962). ", "It may be lost or tempered upon plaintiff's sustaining her burden of establishing, by clear and convincing competent evidence, that one of the jurisdictional grounds for commencement of the action under N.J.S.A. 9:2-9 exists and, additionally, that the making of a dispositional order within the framework of N.J.S.A. 9:2-10 would be in the child's best interests.", "\nWe noted earlier that the trial judge specifically concluded that he did \"not determine that the home in which the child was residing was totally unfit or that the mother was unfit.\" ", "We also noted that the probation officer who investigated the matter for the trial court concluded that both parties \"are sincerely interested in the well-being of the child\" and that defendant-mother \"appears to be doing reasonably well in caring for her other two children.\" ", "Our review of the record convinces us that there was insufficient evidence to support a finding that the best interest of the child \"requires that custody continue with the [plaintiff] aunt.\" ", "The testimony of the three witnesses who did appear was at best scant and inconclusive, *85 undoubtedly because of the lack of in-depth direct and cross-examination. ", "Beyond this, it appears that neither party had access to the \"Best Interest\" report until the moment the hearing actually began, at which time counsel were given five minutes to read it. ", "It is not surprising, then, that throughout the transcript of the hearing no reference whatever is made to any portion of that comprehensive document.", "\nThe matter will, accordingly, be remanded to the trial court for supplementary proceedings, including a further plenary hearing at which all aspects of the \"Best Interest\" report are to be explored, with the parties given the opportunity to examine fully the investigator (probation officer) who made the \"Best Interest Investigation\" and prepared the report. ", "See Annotation, \"Right, in child custody proceedings, to cross-examine investigating officer whose report is used by court in its decision,\" 59 A.L.R.3d 1337 (1974). ", "Cf. ", "R. 4:79-8(d). ", "The parties may also call and examine at such further hearing such additional witnesses as may be available, including the sister-in-law of defendant mentioned in the report, who may shed light on the allegations contained in the complaint and those referred to in the report. ", "Upon conclusion of the further proceedings, the trial judge shall make his specific findings of fact, supplemental determination and dispositional order on all of the evidence, in keeping with the criteria set forth in the statutes, N.J.S.A. 9:2-9 and 9:2-10, and the pertinent principles set forth herein. ", "See also, Annotation, \"Award of custody of child where contest is between child's mother and grandparent,\" 29 A.L.R.3d 366 (1970). ", "In order not to disrupt the child's education during the current school year, the order under review is to continue in effect pending such supplemental determination and dispositional order.", "\nThe matter is remanded to the trial court for further proceedings consistent herewith. ", "We do not retain jurisdiction.", "\nNOTES\n[1] The child was born in the summer of 1972.", "\n" ]
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[ "The present invention relates generally to surgical instruments for holding and elevating body parts and/or for maintaining a clear opening to a body area during surgery, particularly thoracic surgery. ", "More specifically, the present invention relates to support apparatus upon which surgical devices, such as retractors and the like, may be operably mounted.", "\nIn the performance of surgery in the chest cavity, generally referred to as thoracic surgery, it is desirable to hold open the surgical cavity to provide access to the organ or body part upon which the surgery is being performed. ", "This is especially important in the case of cardiac surgeries. ", "An early example of a surgical retractor for use in coronary bypass surgical procedures which include dissection of the internal mammary artery is disclosed in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,622,955, which is incorporated by reference.", "\nIn the device of U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,622,955 plural rakes which engage the body and retract the surgical cavity formed by a midsternotomy are relatively fixedly positioned with respect to each other from a rod. ", "The rod may be elevated or lowered, as desired. ", "However, there is no adjustment for the rakes relative to the rod, to each other or to the surgical cavity. ", "Furthermore, the rakes are generally small, having sharply pointed tips and are generally designed to be employed in pairs for the purpose of retracting one side of a sternum which has been split by a midsternotomy. ", "The device of U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,622,955 cannot provide the support required for other procedures which have been recently developed as alternatives to the midsternotomy approach to the coronary bypass, and it is not adapted for use in reoperative midsternotomy procedures.", "\nIt is well known and appreciated that in surgical procedures, time is of the essence, and delays associated with adjustments of support equipment are unwanted. ", "Additionally, during certain procedures, it may be desirable to impose or to change a biasing force on a body portion which is undergoing a surgical procedure or treatment. ", "Further, it is desirable to minimize the number of personnel required to assist in performance of a surgical procedure, to minimize the number of personnel who must enter the sterile field, and to minimize the tasks, such as holding a retractor, of personnel during surgical procedures. ", "Further, it is desirable to have available to the surgeon instruments appropriately adapted to each type of procedure.", "\nCoronary Bypass Surgery: The Midsternotomy\nCoronary bypass surgery, in which the internal mammary artery is harvested from the chest wall and used for anastomosis of a vessel to bypass poorly functioning coronary arteries, has been performed thousands of times and has become an almost routine procedure for cardiac surgeons. ", "Since the inception and throughout the development of the procedure, coronary bypass surgery has required a midsternotomy to provide access to the heart and coronary arteries. ", "In the midsternotomy, an initial incision is made from the manubrium of the sternum to a point toward the xiphoid. ", "Next, the sternum is split down the middle by means of a reciprocating sternal saw in order to provide access to the coronary arteries and the internal mammary artery. ", "It has been estimated that in 1988, some 350,000 midsternotomy procedures were performed for coronary bypass surgery.", "\nIn performing the coronary bypass procedure, following the midsternotomy, it is necessary to retract one side of the split sternum in order to gain access to the thoracic cavity, and particularly to the internal mammary artery. ", "Either the left or right internal mammary artery may be harvested for the bypass, so either side of the chest may need to be retracted. ", "Retractors have been developed in order to provide the requisite retraction of the split sternum. ", "An early example is disclosed in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,622,955. ", "The RULTRACT(copyright) internal mammary artery retractor is a more advanced retractor which has been developed to provide left or right internal mammary artery exposure in the undersurface of the chest wall. ", "The RULTRACT(copyright) internal mammary retractor has been extensively used in coronary bypass surgery. ", "The RULTRACT(copyright) retractor is not limited to coronary bypass surgery, having been used in various other thoracic surgical procedures, such as lung reduction and pericardial drainage.", "\nThe RULTRACT(copyright) internal mammary retractors include a rake plate and two or possibly three rakes. ", "Most frequently, in use the two rakes are applied to one side of the opening formed by a midsternotomy and the rake plate is attached to a lifting device. ", "The lifting device lifts the rake plate and the rakes, applying an upward and outward retraction to the sternum by which the surgical cavity is opened. ", "The sternum is securely held in the open position when the lifting device is locked in position. ", "This exposes the entire course of the mammary artery from its origin to its bifurcation, allowing its dissection. ", "The rakes in the conventional retractor have a relatively small radius of curvature and have quite sharp tips to provide a secure attachment to the sternum. ", "With the sternum securely held in the open position, the coronary artery dissection may then be carried out by the surgeon. ", "In the standard midsternotomy, the retractor provides good exposure and allows the surgeon sufficient access for the dissection of the mammary artery.", "\nAfter the coronary artery has been harvested, the RULTRACT(copyright) retractor is removed and a sternal retractor is placed in the chest and the grafting and anastomoses is performed. ", "Closure is normally accomplished in this procedure by applying wires or staples to the sternum to hold it together in the properly aligned position for healing.", "\nThe midsternotomy is a highly invasive procedure, and much of the difficulty in recovering from a coronary surgical procedure involving a midsternotomy is due to the trauma resulting from the midsternotomy rather than to any trauma inflicted upon the coronary arteries or other thoracic organs and structures. ", "As a result, a need has been identified for a less invasive procedure which will provide the surgeon with access to the coronary and internal mammary arteries with a minimum of trauma to the thoracic region.", "\nThe Mid-Cab, a Less Invasive Procedure\nA less invasive procedure which has been developed to provide access to the mammary artery and the coronary arteries for coronary bypass surgery is known as the mid-cab or minimally invasive technique. ", "In the mid-cab, an incision is made between the third and fourth rib, in the third intercostal space. ", "The fourth rib is released from the sternum, and the incision is retracted downward by attaching a retractor rake to the fourth rib. ", "A second retractor rake is next attached to the third rib, which is retracted upward and in the cranial direction. ", "With access thus provided to the third rib and in the direction of the upper chest, the surgeon is able to create an opening from the third rib to the first rib or subclavian region. ", "Via this opening, the surgeon is provided with access to the mammary artery, which is progressively dissected from the chest wall as the opening is progressively advanced toward the first rib. ", "With the development of this procedure, a need has been identified for more advanced retractors specially adapted to the mid-cab procedure, and particularly for a retractor which can simultaneously retract the third and fourth ribs in different directions.", "\nIt is well known among cardiac surgeons that the position of the internal mammary artery in the chest is variable from patient to patient. ", "For this reason, during the mid-cab procedure, it is sometimes necessary for the surgeon to manipulate the chest wall to provide adequate access to the mammary artery. ", "The surgeon may have to either elevate or depress the chest wall in the region of the first rib in order to gain access to the mammary artery so that it can be dissected in this procedure. ", "Thus, a need has been identified for devices which can assist the surgeon in the less invasive mid-cab procedure, particularly including a retractor capable of two-direction retraction at the site of the intercostal incision and devices for providing elevation and/or depression of the clavicle and first rib region of the chest wall.", "\nReoperative Coronary Bypass Surgery\nAs coronary surgery has become increasingly prevalent and postoperative coronary rehabilitation more successful, a larger number of patients are surviving longer than the expected patency of their graft conduits. ", "This has resulted in an increasing number of patients having to undergo a second coronary bypass procedure. ", "The second, or reoperative, procedure has sometimes been referred to as a xe2x80x9cre-doxe2x80x9d procedure. ", "Unfortunately, the re-do midsternotomy is neither as simple nor as safe as the initial procedure. ", "This is primarily due to the scarring and resultant adhesions which develop between the internal side of the sternum and the underlying organs and tissues of the thoracic cavity following the initial midsternotomy. ", "When the re-do midsternotomy is performed by essentially repeating the steps of the initial procedure, an increase in morbidity and mortality has been observed. ", "Thus, a need has arisen for an alternative procedure.", "\nAn alternative procedure which has been adapted to coronary surgery in order to avoid the dangers of the re-do midsternotomy is known as a xiphoid entry. ", "In the xiphoid entry, an initial incision is made along the scar from the previous midsternotomy to a point midway between the xiphoid and the umbilicus. ", "The old sternal wires are removed. ", "The xiphoid process is excised. ", "A single retractor rake is applied to the caudal end of the sternum and the sternum is firmly retracted in an anterior and cranial direction. ", "This allows the surgeon to directly visualize the anterior retrosternal space, so that the retrosternal adhesions can be taken down. ", "The surgeon progressively takes down the adhesions toward the subclavian, until the sternum is freed from the underlying organs. ", "Once this is done, the retractor may be removed and the sternum divided with a reciprocating sternal saw as in the original procedure.", "\nDuring the retraction particular care must be exercised since, first, the quite sharp rake tips of the standard retractor are applied directly to the lower end of the sternum from which the xiphoid process was excised, and second, a very strong lifting force is required to elevate the entire sternum. ", "The possibility of unintended trauma to the sternum exists. ", "A second problem which has been experienced with the procedure described above is that the entire retractor plate and the extra, non-used rake must be suspended in a central location in the operating field, further obstructing the work area with its already limited space available. ", "A third problem is that due to the rake plate and various parts attaching it to the lifting apparatus, the retraction force applied to the sternum is not transmitted in a simple straight line from the lifting apparatus to the sternum. ", "Thus, a need has been identified for a rake which is more appropriately adapted to the xiphoid entry in a re-do coronary bypass procedure.", "\nIn the procedures described in the foregoing and in additional thoracic surgical procedures, the surgeon may be required to adapt the support apparatus for retraction of the patient\"\"s body in several directions at once. ", "In such an instance, a single retractor held by a single support device may not be sufficient to provide the retraction required by the surgeon. ", "Furthermore, it may be helpful to the surgeon to combine various embodiments of retraction devices in order to adequately obtain the retraction required.", "\nAccordingly, there is a strong need in the art to provide for surgical retractor apparatus with which to facilitate the development and implementation of new surgical procedures, particularly less invasive procedures such as the mid-cab coronary artery bypass procedure, and for more radical thoracic procedures, such as a lung reduction or other procedure.", "\nThe present invention, in one embodiment, provides a cross bar support assembly, which extends across the operating table on which the patient lies during the surgical procedure, and upon which a plurality of lifting and retracting devices may be mounted. ", "In one embodiment of the cross bar assembly, the cross bar is a unitary bar attached to a pair of novel support members and suspended across the operating table. ", "In a second embodiment of the cross bar assembly, the cross bar comprises two conventional retractor support arms which are connected to each other across the operating table by a novel arrangement of couplings and extension bars attached to the horizontal portion of the retractor supports.", "\nIn an embodiment of the present invention, there is provided a support system for a surgical retractor device which includes a pair of vertically extending support members, releasably attachable to a patient support platform, such as an operating table, a horizontally extending cross bar, attached to and supported by the pair of vertically extending support members. ", "The cross bar preferably extends across the operating table. ", "The support system further includes at least one ratcheting lifting device, which is disposed on the cross bar, and is attached to a retractor assembly for retraction. ", "In one embodiment of the cross bar system, each of the vertically extending support members is a conventional retractor support apparatus, and the cross bar includes an extension attached thereto. ", "Preferably, the extension includes coupling devices for attaching to the horizontal portions of the conventional support apparatus. ", "In a second embodiment of the support system, each of the vertically extending support members is a slotted member not having a horizontally extending support portion, and the cross bar is a member supported by the pair of vertically extending support members. ", "In both embodiments, at least one ratcheting lifting device is disposed upon the cross bar.", "\nThe embodiment mentioned in the preceding paragraph may further include a second horizontally extending cross bar, attached to and supported by the pair of vertically extending support members. ", "The second cross bar may have mounted thereon one or more ratcheting lifting devices. ", "The second cross bar, as well as the first cross bar, may include a horizontally extending extension, disposed at an angle to the cross bar, upon which a ratcheting lifting device may be disposed. ", "The extension mounted on the second cross bar preferably includes an extender bar portion, a clamp portion, and a first receptacle for receiving the horizontal support bar from the surgical retractor support device, wherein the receptacle is disposed at approximately right angles to the horizontal support bar and the clamp is positioned to retain the horizontal bar in the receptacle. ", "Preferably, the extension extends at a right angle to the cross bar, but other angles are possible within the scope of the present invention. ", "The second cross bar, like the first, may include a plurality of further ratcheting lifting devices, mounted on the cross bar or upon one or more extension bars.", "\nIn another embodiment of the present invention, a support pole for a retractor support system is provided with a splined coupling, by which the exact angle at which the retraction device is suspended with respect to the xe2x80x9chead-to-toexe2x80x9d direction of the patient\"\"s body may be selected and reliably retained without the possibility of slippage. ", "The splined coupling provides for adjustment of the angle during the course of a surgical procedure, thereby allowing the surgeon to better adapt to the changing conditions and needs of the patient.", "\nMore particularly, in the embodiment of the present invention mentioned in the previous paragraph, there is provided a generally vertically extending support member for a surgical retraction apparatus which includes a lower portion of the support member having a rectilinear portion for insertion into an anchoring receptacle, an upper portion of the support member having a horizontally extending portion, and a splined coupling adaptor for connecting together the lower and upper portions, in which the adaptor comprises a splined segment having lock- and key-like splined portions. ", "The splines may be involute. ", "Preferably the key-like splined segment is disposed on the lower portion of the support member. ", "Alternatively, the key-like splined segment may be disposed on the upper portion of the support member. ", "Preferably, each splined segment comprises at least 12 teeth, but more preferably each splined segment comprises at least 19 teeth.", "\nIn still another embodiment of the present invention, a right-angled extension bar for a retractor support system is provided, providing a novel and much improved adaptability to the configuration of the retractor support system, thereby allowing the surgeon to better adapt to the changing conditions and needs of the patient during surgery.", "\nMore particularly, in the embodiment of the present invention mentioned in the preceding paragraph, there is provided an extension for a surgical retractor support device, which includes an extender bar portion, a clamp portion, and a first receptacle for receiving a horizontal support bar from the surgical retractor support device, in which the receptacle is disposed at approximately right angles to the horizontal support bar and the clamp is positioned to retain the horizontal bar in the receptacle. ", "Preferably, the extension includes the extender bar being horizontally disposed when the horizontal bar is in the receptacle. ", "Preferably, the first receptacle is disposed in the clamp portion. ", "Preferably, the receptacle is disposed in the clamp portion and the clamp portion comprises a second receptacle for receiving the horizontal support bar, and wherein the second receptacle is disposed collinearly with the horizontal support bar. ", "Preferably, a cross section of the extender bar is rectilinear, and more preferably it is square.", "\nThe present invention provides devices which may be selected and quickly implemented as required in an individual surgical procedure depending on the particular patient\"\"s needs. ", "The system allows the surgeon to perform a less-invasive procedure while maintaining the option to easily switch to the more radical surgical procedures, such as the midsternotomy, in the event of unforeseen difficulties. ", "When the RULTRACT(copyright) retractor system and the device of the present invention are employed, the surgeon is provided with a greatly improved degree of adaptability in the procedures chosen during a particular surgical procedure, with a minimum change of retraction apparatus.", "\nTo the accomplishment of the foregoing and related ends, the invention then comprises the features hereinafter fully described and particularly pointed out in the claims. ", "The following description and the annexed drawings set forth in detail certain illustrative embodiments of the invention. ", "These embodiments are indicative, however, of but a few of the various ways in which the principles of the invention may be employed. ", "Other objects, advantages and novel features of the invention will become apparent from the following detailed description of the invention when considered in conjunction with the drawings." ]
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[ "CBT, tease and denial\n\n0 0\n\n22344 Views\n\nAdded 4 years ago\n\nUploaded by: anonymous\n\nEmbed\n\n<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"320\" src=\"//bdsmstreak.com/embed/14433\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\" allowfullscreen></iframe>\n\nMistress teases and denies her slave with bound cock." ]
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[ 0.000013717421124828532 ]
[ "iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE (free of charge)\n\nHepburn/ Interior design\n\nDiscipline: Interior Architecture\n\nDiscipline: Interior Architecture\n\nHepburn Club is the first \"outer space\" style bar, leading the new trend of functional style and futurism. ", "Videos in the air match changeable stage, and all kinds of technology are presented in this case. ", "From a business perspective, Hepburn Club is a successful case of design-led business. ", "Futurism is the new now!" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.00010412328196584755, 0.0001321178491214163, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nIssues while upgrading to Extjs 5.1 from Extjs 4.1\n\nI have developed application using extjs 4.1. ", "Its working absolutely fine as required. ", "Now i want to upgrade my application using extjs 5.1. ", "I included necessary Extjs 5.1 files in my application. ", "But its failed to load, even not single request is getting send to server. ", "I am facing lots of issues as-\n1.Uncaught Error: [Ext.createByAlias] Unrecognized alias: data.field.double\nThis error is appearing for each data type mentioned in model while defining fields. ", "I observerd Extjs 5.1 examples..In most of it data types are not provided while defining fields in model..So should i need to remove type from model? ", "Is there any other solution for it?", "\n2.Uncaught Error: [Ext.create] Unrecognized class name /alias: X.store.", "FieldStore \n3.[E] [Ext.", "Loader] Some requested files failed to load.", "\n4.[W] [Ext.", "Loader] Synchronously loading 'X.store.", "MembersStore'; consider adding Ext.require('X.store.", "MembersStore') above Ext.onReady\nSo can someone please guide me,what solutions i need to apply. ", "\n\nA:\n\nThe problem is that double is not a valid type in ExtJs. ", "ExtJs 4 was permissive and accepted invalid types in field definitions. ", "ExtJs 5 does not.", "\nThe message seems clear to me. ", "X.store.", "FieldStore is neither a class name nor an alias. ", "Probably the file with the class definition is not loaded. ", "\nYou have to find out. ", "\nYou should require this store where it is needed, e.g. in a controller with stores: ['X.store.", "MembersStore'] or with require: ['X.store.", "MembersStore']\n\n" ]
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[ "Quinn signed the bill before a crowd of hundreds at the Chicago Cultural Center. ", "He invoked the state’s most famous politician, Abraham Lincoln, by saying, “We’re a government of the people, by the people, for the people, and it shall not perish from the earth.”", "\n\nThe numerous other speakers at the signing ceremony included Greg Harris, the gay state representative who sponsored the bill, who like many others implied that civil unions were a step forward but not the final goal, which is marriage equality. “", "There is more work to be done,” he said. “", "Things can get better.”", "\n\nRep. Deb Mell, the other openly gay member of the state legislature,\ndiscussed her activism and the support of her father, Chicago alderman\nRichard Mell, and her fiancée, Christin Baker. “", "I realized the act of\nbeing out and telling our story was one of the most powerful things we\ncould do,” she told ceremony attendees. ", "Before the signing, she told The Advocate of civil unions, “This is a huge first step forward toward full marriage equality.”", "\n\nAt the ceremony, Lt. ", "Gov. Sheila Simon added, “I hope that other states will join us and I hope the federal government will join us as well. ", "Full equality is not too much to ask for.”", "\n\nVarious speakers thanked all who had worked for the civil unions law and gay equality in general, including the late Larry McKeon, the first openly gay Illinois legislator, who died in 2008. ", "They also cited support of Republicans as well as Democrats.", "\n\nThe law takes effect June 1, at which time both same-sex and\nopposite-sex couples will be able to obtain civil union licenses at\ncounty clerks’ offices. ", "Out-of-state civil unions, domestic\npartnerships, and same-sex marriages will be recognized as civil unions\nunder Illinois law.", "\n\nOther activists and elected officials also\nhailed the move. “", "This is a momentous day for all Illinoisans,” Chicago\nalderman Tom Tunney, the only out gay member of the city council, told The Advocate in a phone interview.", "\n\n“It’s\na great day for us,” Bernard Cherkasov, CEO of gay rights group\nEquality Illinois, which lobbied strongly for the measure, told The Advocate today. “", "This has been a battle that has been long-fought and hard-won.”", "\n\nProponents\nof the measure attributed its success to a variety of factors:\neffective lobbying, gay visibility, and the state’s Democratic\nleadership. “", "We had built a broad coalition of supporters,” Cherkasov\nsaid, including more than 300 clergy members from 80 cities in Illinois,\nwho signed a petition to the legislature in support of the civil unions\nbill. ", "Many corporate leaders also endorsed the legislation.", "\n\nMell\nand fellow out lawmaker Greg Harris spoke out for the bill in the\nlegislature. ", "Mell announced her engagement to Baker on the floor of the\nhouse of representatives. “", "It’s just so important to be out and\nvisible,” Mell said. “", "I like to think that played a part in it.”", "\n\nAdded\nTunney: “I want to hand it to our state representatives,” Harris and\nMell. ", "He also credited the support of Quinn — “If we would have had a\nRepublican governor, I’m not sure it would be passing” — along with\nsenate president John Cullerton and house speaker Michael Madigan, also\nDemocrats.", "\n\nTunney and Mell said it was important to continue\nworking toward marriage equality, as did observers such as the American\nCivil Liberties Union of Illinois and the national group Freedom to\nMarry. ", "Harris is already sponsoring a marriage equality bill, Mell said.", "\nCherkasov was more cautious, saying his group would follow the civil\nunions law’s implementation closely before deciding whether to push for\nmarriage rights.", "\n\nIn addition to Illinois, 12 states and the\nDistrict of Columbia have an expansive form of relationship recognition\nfor gay couples, according to the Human Rights Campaign. ", "Connecticut,\nIowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and D.C. have marriage\nequality. ", "California, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington State\nhave civil unions or domestic partnerships providing most of the\nstate-level benefits of marriage. ", "New York State and Maryland recognize\nsame-sex marriages from other jurisdictions." ]
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[ "Listed buildings in Northern Ireland\n\nThis is a list of listed buildings in Northern Ireland, which are among the listed buildings of the United Kingdom.", "\n\nKey\n\nThe organization of the lists in this series is on the same basis as the statutory register. ", "The county names are those used in the register, which in the case of Northern Ireland means the province's six traditional counties.", "\n\nGrade A listed buildings in Northern Ireland\n\nGrade B+ listed buildings in Northern Ireland\n\nSee also\nList of castles in Northern Ireland\nList of abbeys and priories in Northern Ireland\nHistoric houses in Northern Ireland\nListed buildings in Scotland\nListed buildings in England\nListed buildings in Wales\n\nNotes\n\nExternal links\nNorthern Ireland Buildings Database\n\n \n*\nCategory:Lists of listed buildings in Northern Ireland" ]
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[ "Zero-tolerance policies are beyond idiotic. ", "A kid at my high school was nearly expelled for almost the same thing. ", "He found a tiny plastic gun in his jacket (like the toy soldier one) and a teacher found out.", "\n\nI highly doubt a golf ball would 'smoosh' like that. ", "They're made of plastic and cork (and other substances I' too lazy to google.) ", "Those things are built to take a lot of abuse without damage. ", "I suspect it's a rubber ball." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Yaya Sanogo has pledged to \"toughen up\" so he can be a success in English football.", "\n\nThe France youth international joined Arsenal from Auxerre in July and has settled in well, making his debut in the Emirates Cup and coming off the bench against Fulham and Fenerbahce.", "\n\nSanogo has been tipped for a bright future but, like every overseas signing, he will need time to adapt. ", "All the same, the 20-year-old is satisfied with his progress so far.", "\n\n\"It gives me confidence [to see Sagna and Diaby], they've taken the same path [from Auxerre], got into the team and they've done really well\"\n\n\"I've got used to my team-mates really well,\" Sanogo told Arsenal Player. \"", "I've had time with and spoken to people like Bacary Sagna who's from Auxerre too and this has really helped me to settle in. ", "I've felt really well ever since I got here.", "\n\n\"It gives me confidence [to see Sagna and Abou Diaby], they've taken the same path [from Auxerre], got into the team and they've done really well here so I'd like and hope to emulate what they've done.", "\n\n\"But I will need time, it's a new way of life, a new league and it will take time to adapt. ", "It's something I will manage.", "\n\n\"I think I'll have to toughen up and improve my strength, that's part and parcel of such an intense league as the Premier League, as well as getting used to the step up, which it is from the French league.\"", "\n\nSanogo almost made a dream start to his Arsenal career, forcing a save in the first minute of his debut against Galatasaray in the Emirates Cup. ", "That's as close as the Frenchman has come to a goal but he has picked up some valuable playing time.", "\n\n\"It [my debut] was a great experience,\" he said. \"", "I didn't think I'd be playing as I'd only got here on the Monday and hadn't really trained with the lads. ", "To be thrown in straight away was really good for me. ", "It would have been good to get off the mark and score straight away.", "\n\n\"Against Fulham it was different, it was the Premier League, a really tough league, physically. ", "But it was good to get a good result and play my part. ", "I got a lot of the ball and so it was a good experience.", "\n\n\"My main aims are to come here and learn, progress in the game and learn my trade with such great players. ", "Now I'm training with them, I'll gradually make progress.\"" ]
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[ "0 = -12*v + 35*v + 146 for v.\n-22\nSolve 26*o - 12*o - 26*o = 24 for o.\n-2\nSolve 44*z + 2530 = -259*z + 50*z for z.\n-10\nSolve -4331*k + 175 = -4296*k for k.\n5\nSolve -18*r + 16517 = 16625 for r.\n-6\nSolve 37*l + 14*l - 71 - 82 = 0 for l.\n3\nSolve 483*h - 1350 = 33*h for h.\n3\nSolve -172*l + 1090 = -60*l - 3*l for l.\n10\nSolve -2721*u + 208 = -2765*u - 276 for u.\n-11\nSolve 0 = -5*x + 4*x - 5*x + 42 for x.\n7\nSolve -72 - 79 = 11*t - 63 for t.\n-8\nSolve 427*z - 2124 = -104*z for z.\n4\nSolve 8*j - 1700 = 316*j + 3536 for j.\n-17\nSolve -114*n + 36*n = 31*n + 1417 for n.\n-13\nSolve 11042*z - 11096*z + 650 + 376 = 0 for z.\n19\nSolve -43*g - 9 = 39*g - 81*g for g.\n-9\nSolve -13240 = 435*m + 227*m for m.\n-20\nSolve -98*x - 86*x + 5376 = 72*x for x.\n21\nSolve -274*c = -277*c + 45 for c.\n15\nSolve -309 - 939 = 78*y for y.\n-16\nSolve 36*i + 16*i - 528 = -14*i for i.\n8\nSolve -11*f - 31276 + 31133 = 0 for f.\n-13\nSolve -19*a + 1236 = 144*a + 5474 for a.\n-26\nSolve -55*y + 287 - 319 - 1398 = 0 for y.\n-26\nSolve 120 = -19814*x + 19826*x for x.\n10\nSolve -86*o + 393*o - 223 - 4075 = 0 for o.\n14\nSolve -1626 = -26*n + 11*n - 1731 for n.\n-7\nSolve 0 = -7*l + 629 - 517 for l.\n16\nSolve 19*m + 5720 - 5568 = 0 for m.\n-8\nSolve -54 = 31*f + 70 for f.\n-4\nSolve 10130*n - 9974*n = -780 for n.\n-5\nSolve 55*l - 286*l - 19*l = -2250 for l.\n9\nSolve -147*k + 3977 = 36*k - 49 for k.\n22\nSolve -6*l - 107 = -131 for l.\n4\nSolve -53*m - 2750 = -106*m - 197*m for m.\n11\nSolve -1927 + 2017 = -7*i - 3*i for i.\n-9\nSolve 343*m - 1627 = -6086 for m.\n-13\nSolve -514*p + 2898 = 6527 + 6137 for p.\n-19\nSolve -f = 46*f + 34*f + 648 for f.\n-8\nSolve 33 = 166*o - 177*o for o.\n-3\nSolve 82*c + 470 = -61 + 121 for c.\n-5\nSolve 0 = 10024*k - 10022*k - 28 for k.\n14\nSolve 12939 = 137*z - 225*z - 593*z for z.\n-19\nSolve 4*i = 37*i - 99 for i.\n3\nSolve -283*s = -318*s - 112 + 7 for s.\n-3\nSolve -140*c - 183*c = -230*c + 744 for c.\n-8\nSolve 4*v + 152*v = 22*v - 402 for v.\n-3\nSolve -166*f = -350 - 177 - 303 for f.\n5\nSolve -4*c = -139*c - 124*c - 3626 for c.\n-14\nSolve -489 = -378*s - 2001 for s.\n-4\nSolve -63*r - 44*r = 299 - 1155 for r.\n8\nSolve -2928 = -312*h - 664*h for h.\n3\nSolve 0 = 9*h + 16*h + 10*h - 875 for h.\n25\nSolve -556 = -74*d + 145 - 35 for d.\n9\nSolve -4453*c + 187 = -4470*c for c.\n-11\nSolve 188 - 542 = 59*k for k.\n-6\nSolve -36*l + 74*l - 33*l = 185 for l.\n37\nSolve -875*a = -706*a - 169 for a.\n1\nSolve 564*x + 3480 = 20*x + 109*x for x.\n-8\nSolve 1475 + 3500 = -199*c for c.\n-25\nSolve 687 + 384 = 153*l for l.\n7\nSolve 0 = 373*s - 1705 - 2025 for s.\n10\nSolve -2310 = -15678*y + 15513*y for y.\n14\nSolve 182*i - 1453 = -51*i - 5414 for i.\n-17\nSolve -1111 = -118*o + 209 + 332 for o.\n14\nSolve -2892*i + 2906*i - 39 - 17 = 0 for i.\n4\nSolve 33*d - 129 = 69 for d.\n6\nSolve -10*q - 23*q = -39*q + 30 for q.\n5\nSolve -23*l = -46*l - 21*l - 528 for l.\n-12\nSolve -161*i + 195 + 1576 = 0 for i.\n11\nSolve 0 = -55*o + 95 - 459 - 21 for o.\n-7\nSolve 614*n + 3859 = -2281 for n.\n-10\nSolve -4899*a = -4956*a for a.\n0\nSolve 0 = -996*h + 10785 + 3159 for h.\n14\nSolve 0*s - 3466 + 3425 = -41*s for s.\n1\nSolve 15*h = 10*h + 12*h - 35 for h.\n5\nSolve 293*o - 285 = 578 + 16 for o.\n3\nSolve -55*a - 870 = 285 for a.\n-21\nSolve 0 = 157*i - 145*i - 144 for i.\n12\nSolve -33*p = 1975 - 1942 for p.\n-1\nSolve -19*f + 400 - 343 = 0 for f.\n3\nSolve 26820*l = 26841*l - 21 for l.\n1\nSolve -448 = -46*f - 47*f - 1750 for f.\n-14\nSolve 0 = -2*u - 6254 + 6246 for u.\n-4\nSolve -2094 = 108*l + 136*l + 2786 for l.\n-20\nSolve -9850*l + 72 = -9846*l for l.\n18\nSolve 38*j + 174 - 351 = 317 for j.\n13\nSolve 48244 = -65*q + 50129 for q.\n29\nSolve -10*w - 32*w - 6*w - 624 = 0 for w.\n-13\nSolve 0 = 24*b + 1658 - 1730 for b.\n3\nSolve 306 - 105 = -24*d - 183 for d.\n-16\nSolve 131*s + 2528 = 52*s for s.\n-32\nSolve -33 - 110 - 433 = 32*o for o.\n-18\nSolve 1870 = -152*l - 278*l + 9180 for l.\n17\nSolve 27*p - 320 - 224 = 23 for p.\n21\nSolve 1016 = 75*y + 1541 for y.\n-7\nSolve -9*r + 12 = -15 for r.\n3\nSolve 58*o + 15 + 189 = -434 for o.\n-11\nSolve -189*w - 39*w = -56*w + 4128 for w.\n-24\nSolve 12*c + 129 - 213 = 0 for c.\n7\nSolve 39*s = 23 - 70 - 148 for s.\n-5\nSolve -1439*b + 1253*b = -2046 for b.\n11\nSolve 10*m + 75 = 155 for m.\n8\nSolve -283*d = 48*d + 748*d - 15106 for d.\n14\nSolve 14 = -246*z + 245*z + 17 for z.\n3\nSolve 4260 - 4428 = -12*f for f.\n14\nSolve -31 = 3*r - 105 + 38 for r.\n12\nSolve -1198 = 45*v + 638 - 261 for v.\n-35\nSolve 111*g + 976 = -11*g for g.\n-8\nSolve 255 - 210 = 15*n for n.\n3\nSolve -204*h - 168*h - 3670 = -13714 for h.\n27\nSolve -102 = 53*o + 697*o - 852 for o.\n1\nSolve -75*t - 138*t + 1917 = 0 for t.\n9\nSolve 377*n = 58*n - 4147 for n.\n-13\nSolve -1246*o + 64*o = -24822 for o.\n21\nSolve 2352 = 315*i - 217*i for i.\n24\nSolve 3*t = -13 + 34 + 15 for t.\n12\nSolve -6*w = -0*w + 9*w + 195 for w.\n-13\nSolve -368*x - 369 = -109*x - 110 for x.\n-1\nSolve 340 + 27 + 358 = -25*n for n.\n-29\nSolve 922 + 348 + 445 = -343*p for p.\n-5\nSolve 3*l + 16*l - 19 = 0 for l.\n1\nSolve 13417*y - 13453*y - 108 = 0 for y.\n-3\nSolve 4140 = -290*p - 2610 + 1240 for p.\n-19\nSolve 132*o = 2*o - 780 for o.\n-6\nSolve 24 = 598*a - 304*a - 296*a for a.\n-12\nSolve -230 = -63*y - 52*y for y.\n2\nSolve -10*p + 1931 - 775 - 916 = 0 for p.\n24\nSolve -22*a = 22*a - 147*a - 515 for a.\n-5\nSolve 0 = -81*p + 12153 - 15150 for p.\n-37\nSolve -71*w - 52*w + 1115 = 4313 for w.\n-26\nSolve 54 = 20*r - 11*r for r.\n6\nSolve -73*w = -93 + 312 for w.\n-3\nSolve -9*b + 2*b - 22 = -5*b for b.\n-11\nSolve 51*k - 114 = 57*k for k.\n-19\nSolve -253*x = -154*x + 1584 for x.\n-16\nSolve 0 = -38*c + 4091 - 3787 for c.\n8\nSolve 98 = -12*x + 218 for x.\n10\nSolve 640*w - 1276 = 698*w for w.\n-22\nSolve 512 = -92*l + 28*l - 640 for l.\n-18\nSolve 64 + 561 = 96*c + 49 for c.\n6\nSolve -3003 = -245*x + 14*x for x.\n13\nSolve -128 - 136 = 24*v for v.\n-11\nSolve 488*c + 594 = -870 for c.\n-3\nSolve 384*z - 4550 = -216*z + 850 for z.\n9\nSolve 30*n = 525*n + 5445 for n.\n-11\nSolve 111*x = 66*x - 135 for x.\n-3\nSolve -412*n = 257*n - 3169 - 16901 for n.\n30\nSolve 67*m - 68 + 336 = 0 for m.\n-4\nSolve 145*y - 162*y = 0 for y.\n0\nSolve 0 = 9*a + 27 + 27 for a.\n-6\nSolve -95*a = 79*a - 1914 for a.\n11\nSolve -133*m - 735 = -28*m for m.\n-7\nSolve -561*r + 55 = -307*r - 309*r for r.\n-1\nSolve -651*r + 727*r = -988 for r.\n-13\nSolve -573 = -48*p - 333 for p.\n5\nSolve 768 = 2813*z - 2909*z for z.\n-8\nSolve 433*k + 46656 = 82*k - 945*k for k.\n-36\nSolve 8*t + 11*t = 5*t - 14 for t.\n-1\nSolve 280 = -104*c + 48*c for c.\n-5\nSolve -288 + 470 = -26*y for y.\n-7\nSolve -31*v = -26 - 4 - 32 for v.\n2\nSolve 0 = 5*g + 133*g - 2346 for g.\n17\nSolve -108 = -18*z - 30*z + 75*z for z.\n-4\nSolve 11*j = -467 + 357 for j.\n-10\nSolve 2*i - 1 + 1 = 31*i for i.\n0\nSolve -4695 = -59*z - 4990 for z.\n-5\nSolve -222*u = -247*u - 600 for u.\n-24\nSolve 285 - 1026 = 55*s + 2*s for s.\n-13\nSolve 4*v + v + 2 - 37 = 0 for v.\n7\nSolve -14 = 81*u - 88*u for u.\n2\nSolve 0 = 119*m - 314 + 2099 for m.\n-15\nSolve 6*u + 7 = 10*u - 37 for u.\n11\nSolve 0 = 171*i - 41*i - 650 for i.\n5\nSolve 2 = 4*o + 5 + 1 for o.\n-1\nSolve 0 = -4850*b + 4854*b + 48 for b.\n-12\nSolve -328*z = -295*z - 66 for z.\n2\nSolve 0 = 707*s - 786 - 2042 for s.\n4\nSolve 1619 = 239*m + 102 - 873 for m.\n10\nSolve 512 = 80*w - 448 for w.\n12\nSolve 923*g - 896*g = -351 for g.\n-13\nSolve 0 = 33*i + 171*i - 68*i - 2312 for i.\n17\nSolve -11346 = -6037*h + 6403*h for h.\n-31\nSolve 256*h + 140*h - 18270 = -234*h for h.\n29\nSolve 2281*h - 2211*h + 980 = 0 for h.\n-14\nSolve 119 = -22*g - 24 - 11 for g.\n-7\nSolve -2*l - 220 = 3*l + 17*l for l.\n-10\nSolve 180*a + 2001*a + 63249 = 0 for a.\n-29\nSolve 0 = 24*g - 81*g + 45*g + 264 for g.\n22\nSolve 384 = 2705*k - 2681*k for k.\n16\nSolve -491*t + 32*t - 11934 = 0 for t.\n-26\nSolve 0 = -12*h + 22*h + 11*h - 63 for h.\n3\nSolve -7806*q = -7838*q + 192 for q.\n6\nSolve -235*v + 219 = 568 - 6459 for v.\n26\nSolve 185*c = 319*c - 209*c + 1875 for c.\n25\nSolve 17844*v = 17870*v + 364 for v.\n-14\nSolve -152*y + 156*y - 20 = 0 for y.\n5\nSolve 2083*c + 1045 = 2028*c for c.\n-19\nSolve 10*x = -1964 + 1914 for x.\n-5\nSolve -676*c = -338*c - 341*c + 30 for c.\n10\nSolve -34*a + 17*a + 23*a = 42 for a.\n7\nSolve 17*c + 42 = 41*c - 222 for c.\n11\nSolve -83752*k = -83802*k - 700 for k.\n-14\nSolve -177*i = -103*i + 1554 for i.\n-21\nSolve 0 = 24*p - 4543 + 3919 for p.\n26\nSolve 40*h = 611 + 589 for h.\n30\nSolve 127*z + 117 + 2355 = 436*" ]
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[ "MIUI 10 Global Stable rolls out next week for the Xiaomi POCO F1\n\nWe may earn a commission for purchases made using our links.", "\n\nXiaomi is getting ever closer to providing their users with the latest version of their MIUI software. ", "They released the POCO F1, their most affordable flagship yet, about two months ago with Android 8.1 Oreo-based MIUI 9.6. ", "The beta version of MIUI 10 Global has been in testing almost since release. ", "It’s about time it moved to the stable channel. ", "Xiaomi showed a respectable amount of transparency in an official forum thread recently. ", "The company made it clear that they take user feedback seriously. ", "Here’s what they addressed:\n\nPOCO Launcher Updates\n\nThey mentioned that features like the highly requested custom app icon size, desktop grid, and dark mode will be added to the POCO launcher. ", "The update will roll out next week on Play Store.", "\n\nApp Incompatibilities\n\nThe company also said that issues with Asphalt 8 and 9 compatibility will soon be fixed, too, as the company had a meeting with Gameloft to address the matter. ", "PUBG’s notch-covering issue will also be resolved soon and the Android Auto team is working to optimize the platform for POCO F1. ", "All of these issues have been reported in the last week and you can see that Xiaomi is working quickly to fix them.", "\n\nWidevine L1 Fix\n\nOne issue that has been present since release is the absence of Widevine L1 support on the POCO F1. ", "This means that the POCO F1 can’t stream HD content in Netflix, Amazon Video, and other video streaming services that rely on Widevine for DRM. ", "Xiaomi stated that they’re working with Google and Qualcomm to fix the issue and will roll out a beta update in Q4 of 2018. ", "We previously mentioned that enabling Widevine L1 support on this particular device via an OTA update was most likely not possible because the device lacks the device-unique secret key in the TrustZone which can only be flashed via a trusted machine in the factory. ", "We’ve spoken to a source who claims that changes in Android Pie make it possible to enable Widevine L1 support via an OTA update, but we can’t verify this claim nor how it would work.", "\n\nMIUI System Issues\n\nAnother issue people were having is a lack of app icons in the status bar—this has also been fixed in the upcoming MIUI 10 update. ", "A feature which will let you allow unoptimized apps to use full-screen display is also in the works. “", "OK Google” support and battery percentage indicator have been added in the MIUI 10 Global Beta ROM 8.9.13, so this will definitely be pushed to the stable version of MIUI 10 Global. ", "Some users have previously reported that the POCO F1 had touch delay and wrong input problems while fast-typing on a virtual keyboard. ", "Xiaomi reported that developers are analyzing and fixing the issue. ", "You should already feel an improvement in the beta version mentioned above.", "\n\nCamera Improvements\n\nAnother interesting piece of information is the camera improvements that Xiaomi shared. ", "They stated that their development team is working to enable [email protected] video recording on the rear camera. ", "This is something that the Google Pixel 3 and Google Pixel 3 XL lack even though the devices share the same Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 SoC and Sony IMX363 camera sensor.", "\n\nMIUI 10 Global Stable\n\nNow let’s talk about the MIUI 10 update. ", "As we already mentioned, the POCO F1 was released with MIUI 9.6 Global Stable. ", "The MIUI 10 Global Beta ROM has been available for quite some time now. ", "Now, Xiaomi confirmed that the MIUI 10 Global Stable will be available next week. ", "To refresh your memory, MIUI 10 Global was announced back in June. ", "It offers various system optimizations to improve the overall user experience. ", "MIUI 10 includes features like full-screen gestures, AI portrait mode, nature-inspired sounds and effects, and a redesign of a big part of the system UI. ", "All of that will be available for the Xiaomi POCO F1 starting next week.", "\n\nWe rarely see a smartphone manufacturer as transparent with their users as POCO is right now. ", "Essential and OnePlus are other examples of really transparent OEMs. ", "While some of you may not like MIUI 10, you have to admit that Xiaomi is trying to do their best to improve the user experience. ", "Xiaomi took user feedback from both the beta channel and official forums to analyze each issue and work hard with their partners to fix them. ", "This is something that we, as a developer-oriented website, absolutely respect. ", "We wish that more companies would have a transparent relationship with their user base, especially the beta testers and developer community." ]
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[ "Internet Engineering Task Force Flemming Andreasen\nMMUSIC Working Group Dan Wing\nInternet-Draft\nIntended Status: Proposed Standard\nExpires: January 2008 Cisco Systems\nUpdates: RFC3312 (if accepted) July 8, 2007\nSecurity Preconditions for\nSession Description Protocol (SDP) Media Streams\nStatus of this memo\nBy submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any\napplicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware\nhave been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes\naware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79.", "\nInternet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering\nTask Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. ", "Note that\nother groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-\nDrafts.", "\nInternet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six\nmonths and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents\nat any time. ", "It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as\nreference material or to cite them other than as \"work in progress.\"", "\nThe list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at\nhttp://www.ietf.org/ietf/1id-abstracts.txt\nThe list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at\nhttp://www.ietf.org/shadow.html\nThis Internet-Draft will expire on January 8, 2008.", "\nCopyright Notice\nCopyright (C) The IETF Trust (2007).", "\nAbstract\nThis document defines a new security precondition for the Session\nDescription Protocol (SDP) precondition framework described in RFCs\n3312 and 4032. ", "A security precondition can be used to delay session\nestablishment or modification until media stream security for a\nsecure media stream has been negotiated successfully.", "\nINTERNET-DRAFT Security Preconditions July, 2007\n1 Notational Conventions............................................2\n2 Introduction......................................................2\n3 Security Precondition Definition..................................3\n4 Examples..........................................................6\n4.1 SDP Security Descriptions Example.............................6\n4.2 Key Management Extension for SDP Example......................8\n5 Security Considerations..........................................11\n6 IANA Considerations..............................................13\n7 Acknowledgements.................................................13\n8 Authors' Addresses...............................................13\n9 Change Log.......................................................13\n9.1 draft-ietf-mmusic-securityprecondition-04....................13\n10 Normative References...........................................13\n11 Informative References.........................................14\n1 Notational Conventions\nThe key words \"MUST\", \"MUST NOT\", \"REQUIRED\", \"SHALL\", \"SHALL NOT\",\n\"SHOULD\", \"SHOULD NOT\", \"RECOMMENDED\", \"MAY\", and \"OPTIONAL\" in this\ndocument are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].", "\n2 Introduction\nThe concept of a Session Description Protocol (SDP) [RFC4566]\nprecondition is defined in [RFC3312] as updated by [RFC4032]. ", "A\nprecondition is a condition that has to be satisfied for a given\nmedia stream in order for session establishment or modification to\nproceed. ", "When a (mandatory) precondition is not met, session\nprogress is delayed until the precondition is satisfied or the\nsession establishment fails. ", "For example, RFC 3312 defines the\nQuality of Service precondition, which is used to ensure\navailability of network resources prior to establishing (i.e.\nalerting) a call.", "\nMedia streams can either be provided in cleartext and with no\nintegrity protection, or some kind of media security can be applied,\ne.g., confidentiality and/or message integrity. ", "For example, the\nAudio/Video profile of the Real-Time Transfer protocol (RTP)\n[RFC3551] is normally used without any security services whereas the\nSecure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) [SRTP] is always used\nwith security services. ", "When media stream security is being\nnegotiated, e.g., using the mechanism defined in SDP Security\nDescriptions [SDESC], both the offerer and the answerer [OFFANS]\nneed to know the cryptographic parameters being used for the media\nstream; the offerer may provide multiple choices for the\ncryptographic parameters, or the cryptographic parameters selected\nby the answerer may differ from those of the offerer (e.g. the key\nused in one direction versus the other). ", "In such cases, to avoid\nmedia clipping, the offerer needs to receive the answer prior to\nAndreasen, Wing [Page 2]\nINTERNET-DRAFT Security Preconditions July, 2007\nreceiving any media packets from the answerer. ", "This can be achieved\nby using a security precondition, which ensures the successful\nnegotiation of media stream security parameters for a secure media\nstream prior to session establishment or modification.", "\n3 Security Precondition Definition\nThe semantics for a security precondition are that the relevant\ncryptographic parameters (cipher, key, etc.) ", "for a secure media\nstream are known to have been negotiated in the direction(s)\nrequired. ", "If the security precondition is used with a non-secure\nmedia stream, the security precondition is by definition satisfied.", "\nA secure media stream is here defined as a media stream that uses\nsome kind of security service, e.g. message integrity,\nconfidentiality or both, regardless of the cryptographic strength of\nthe mechanisms being used.", "\nAs an extreme example of this, Secure RTP (SRTP) using the NULL\nencryption algorithm and no message integrity would be considered\na secure media stream whereas use of plain RTP would not. ", "Note\nthough, that section 9.5 of [SRTP] discourages the use of SRTP\nwithout message integrity.", "\nSecurity preconditions do not guarantee that an established media\nstream will be secure. ", "They merely guarantee that the recipient of\nthe media stream packets will be able to perform any relevant\ndecryption and integrity checking on those media stream packets.", "\nPlease refer to Section 5 for further security considerations.", "\nThe security precondition type is defined by the string \"sec\" and\nhence we modify the grammar found in RFC 3312 as follows:\nprecondition-type = \"sec\" | \"qos\" | token\nRFC 3312 defines support for two kinds of status types, namely\nsegmented and end-to-end. ", "The security precondition-type defined\nhere MUST be used with the end-to-end status type; use of the\nsegmented status type is undefined.", "\nA security precondition can use the strength-tag \"mandatory\",\n\"optional\" or \"none\".", "\nWhen a security precondition with a strength-tag of \"mandatory\" is\nreceived in an offer, session establishment or modification MUST be\ndelayed until the security precondition has been met, i.e. the\nrelevant cryptographic parameters (cipher, key, etc.) ", "for a secure\nmedia stream are known to have been negotiated in the direction(s)\nrequired. ", "When a mandatory security precondition is offered, and\nthe answerer cannot satisfy the security precondition, e.g. because\nthe offer was for a secure media stream, but it did not include the\nnecessary parameters to establish the secure media stream (keying\nAndreasen, Wing [Page 3]\nINTERNET-DRAFT Security Preconditions July, 2007\nmaterial for example), the offered media stream MUST be rejected as\ndescribed in RFC 3312.", "\nThe delay of session establishment defined here implies that\nalerting of the called party MUST NOT occur and media for which\nsecurity is being negotiated MUST NOT be exchanged until the\nprecondition has been satisfied. ", "In cases where secure media and\nother non-secure data is multiplexed on a media stream, e.g. when\nInteractive Connectivity Establishment [ICE] is being used, the non-\nsecure data is allowed to be exchanged prior to the security\nprecondition being satisfied.", "\nWhen a security precondition with a strength-tag of \"optional\" is\nreceived in an offer, the answerer MUST generate its answer SDP as\nsoon as possible. ", "Since session progress is not delayed in this\ncase, the answerer does not know when the offerer is able to process\nsecure media stream packets and hence clipping may occur. ", "If the\nanswerer wants to avoid clipping and delay session progress until he\nknows the offerer has received the answer, the answerer MUST\nincrease the strength of the security precondition by using a\nstrength-tag of \"mandatory\" in the answer. ", "Note that use of a\nmandatory precondition requires the presence of a SIP \"Require\"\nheader field containing the option tag \"precondition\": Any SIP UA\nthat does not support a mandatory precondition will consequently\nreject such requests (which also has unintended ramifications for\nSIP forking that are known as the Heterogeneous Error Response\nForking Problem (see e.g. [HERFP]). ", "To get around this, an optional\nsecurity precondition and the SIP \"Supported\" header field\ncontaining the option tag \"precondition\" can be used instead.", "\nWhen a security precondition with a strength-tag of \"none\" is\nreceived, processing continues us usual. ", "The \"none\" strength-tag\nmerely indicates that the offerer supports the security precondition\n- the answerer MAY upgrade the strength-tag in the answer as\ndescribed in [RFC3312].", "\nThe direction tags defined in RFC 3312 are interpreted as follows:\n* send: Media stream security negotiation is at a stage where it is\npossible to send media packets to the other party and the other\nparty will be able to process them correctly from a security point\nof view, i.e. decrypt and/or integrity check them as necessary.", "\nThe definition of \"media packets\" includes all packets that make\nup the media stream. ", "In the case of Secure RTP for example, it\nincludes SRTP as well as SRTCP. ", "When media and non-media packets\nare multiplexed on a given media stream, e.g. when ICE is being\nused, the requirement applies to the media packets only.", "\n* recv: Media stream security negotiation is at a stage where it is\npossible to receive and correctly process media stream packets\nAndreasen, Wing [Page 4]\nINTERNET-DRAFT Security Preconditions July, 2007\nsent by the other party from a security point of view.", "\nThe precise criteria for determining when the other party is able to\ncorrectly process media stream packets from a security point of view\ndepend on the secure media stream protocol being used as well as the\nmechanism by which the required cryptographic parameters are\nnegotiated.", "\nWe here provide details for SRTP negotiated through SDP security\ndescriptions as defined in [SDESC]:\n* When the offerer requests the \"send\" security precondition, it\nneeds to receive the answer before the security precondition is\nsatisfied. ", "The reason for this is twofold. ", "First, the offerer\nneeds to know where to send the media to. ", "Secondly, in the case\nwhere alternative cryptographic parameters are offered, the\nofferer needs to know which set was selected. ", "The answerer does\nnot know when the answer is actually received by the offerer\n(which in turn will satisfy the precondition), and hence the\nanswerer needs to use the confirm-status attribute [RFC3312].", "\nThis will make the offerer generate a new offer showing the\nupdated status of the precondition.", "\n* When the offerer requests the \"recv\" security precondition, it\nalso needs to receive the answer before the security precondition\nis satisfied. ", "The reason for this is straightforward: The answer\ncontains the cryptographic parameters that will be used by the\nanswerer for sending media to the offerer; prior to receipt of\nthese cryptographic parameters the offerer is unable to\nauthenticate or decrypt such media.", "\nWhen security preconditions are used with the Key Management\nExtensions for Session Description Protocol (SDP) [KMGMT], the\ndetails depend on the actual key management protocol being used.", "\nAfter an initial offer/answer exchange in which the security\nprecondition is requested, any subsequent offer/answer sequence for\nthe purpose of updating the status of the precondition for a secure\nmedia stream SHOULD use the same key material as the initial\noffer/answer exchange. ", "This means that the key-mgmt attribute lines\n[KMGMT] or crypto attribute lines [SDESC] in SDP offers, that are\nsent in response to SDP answers containing a confirm-status field\n[RFC3312], SHOULD repeat the same data as that sent in the previous\nSDP offer. ", "If applicable to the key management protocol or SDP\nsecurity description, the SDP answers to these SDP offers SHOULD\nrepeat the same data in the key-mgmt attribute lines [KMGMT] or\ncrypto attribute lines [SDESC] as that sent in the previous SDP\nanswer.", "\nOf course, this duplication of key exchange during precondition\nestablishment is not to be interpreted as a replay attack. ", "This\nAndreasen, Wing [Page 5]\nINTERNET-DRAFT Security Preconditions July, 2007\nissue may be solved if, e.g., the SDP implementation recognizes that\nthe key management protocol data is identical in the second\noffer/answer exchange and avoids forwarding the information to the\nsecurity layer for further processing.", "\nOffers with security preconditions in re-INVITEs or UPDATEs follow\nthe rules given in Section 6 of RFC 3312, i.e.:\n\"Both user agents SHOULD continue using the old session parameters\nuntil all the mandatory preconditions are met. ", "At that moment,\nthe user agents can begin using the new session parameters.\"", "\nAt that moment, we furthermore require that user agents MUST start\nusing the new session parameters for media packets being sent. ", "The\nuser agents SHOULD be prepared to process media packets received\nwith either the old or the new session parameters for a short period\nof time to accommodate media packets in transit. ", "Note that this may\ninvolve iterative security processing of the received media packets\nduring that period of time. ", "Section 8 in [OFFANS] lists several\ntechniques to help alleviate the problem of determining when a\nreceived media packet was generated according to the old or new\noffer/answer exchange.", "\n4 Examples\n4.1 SDP Security Descriptions Example\nThe call flow of Figure 1 shows a basic session establishment using\nthe Session Initiation Protocol [SIP] and SDP security descriptions\n[SDESC] with security descriptions for the secure media stream (SRTP\nin this case).", "\nA B\n| |\n|-------------(1) INVITE SDP1--------------->|\n| |\n||\n| |\n|\nINTERNET-DRAFT Security Preconditions July, 2007\nThe SDP descriptions of this example are shown below - we have\nomitted the details of the SDP security descriptions as well as any\nSIP details for clarity of the security precondition described here:\nSDP1: A includes a mandatory end-to-end security precondition for\nboth the send and receive direction in the initial offer as well as\na \"crypto\" attribute (see [SDESC]), which includes keying material\nthat can be used by A to generate media packets. ", "Since B does not\nknow any of the security parameters yet, the current status (see RFC\n3312) is set to \"none\". ", "A's local status table (see RFC 3312) for\nthe security precondition is as follows:\nDirection | Current | Desired Strength | Confirm\n-----------+----------+------------------+----------\nsend | no | mandatory | no\nrecv | no | mandatory | no\nand the resulting offer SDP is:\nm=audio 20000 RTP/SAVP 0\nc=IN IP4\na=curr:sec e2e none\na=des:sec mandatory e2e sendrecv\na=crypto:foo...\nSDP2: When B receives the offer and generates an answer, B knows the\n(send and recv) security parameters of both A and B. From a\nsecurity perspective, B is now able to receive media from A, so B's\n\"recv\" security precondition is \"yes\". ", "However, A does not know any\nof B's SDP information, so B's \"send\" security precondition is \"no\".", "\nB's local status table therefore looks as follows:\nDirection | Current | Desired Strength | Confirm\n-----------+----------+------------------+----------\nsend | no | mandatory | no\nrecv | yes | mandatory | no\nB requests A to confirm when A knows the security parameters used in\nthe send and receive direction (it would suffice for B to ask for\nconfirmation of A's send direction only) and hence the resulting\nanswer SDP becomes:\nm=audio 30000 RTP/SAVP 0\nc=IN IP4\na=curr:sec e2e recv\na=des:sec mandatory e2e sendrecv\na=conf:sec e2e sendrecv\na=crypto:bar...\nAndreasen, Wing [Page 7]\nINTERNET-DRAFT Security Preconditions July, 2007\nSDP3: When A receives the answer, A updates its local status table\nbased on the rules in RFC 3312. ", "A knows the security parameters of\nboth the send and receive direction and hence A's local status table\nis updated as follows:\nDirection | Current | Desired Strength | Confirm\n-----------+----------+------------------+----------\nsend | yes | mandatory | yes\nrecv | yes | mandatory | yes\nSince B requested confirmation of the send and recv security\npreconditions, and both are now satisfied, A immediately sends an\nupdated offer (3) to B showing that the security preconditions are\nsatisfied:\nm=audio 20000 RTP/SAVP 0\nc=IN IP4\na=curr:sec e2e sendrecv\na=des:sec mandatory e2e sendrecv\na=crypto:foo...\nNote that we here use PRACK [RFC3262] instead of UPDATE [RFC3311]\nsince the precondition is satisfied immediately, and the original\noffer/answer exchange is complete.", "\nSDP4: Upon receiving the updated offer, B updates its local status\ntable based on the rules in RFC 3312 which yields the following:\nDirection | Current | Desired Strength | Confirm\n-----------+----------+------------------+----------\nsend | yes | mandatory | no\nrecv | yes | mandatory | no\nB responds with an answer (4) which contains the current status of\nthe security precondition (i.e., sendrecv) from B's point of view:\nm=audio 30000 RTP/SAVP 0\nc=IN IP4\na=curr:sec e2e sendrecv\na=des:sec mandatory e2e sendrecv\na=crypto:bar...\nB's local status table indicates that all mandatory preconditions\nhave been satisfied, and hence session establishment resumes; B\nreturns a 180 (Ringing) response (5) to indicate alerting.", "\n4.2 Key Management Extension for SDP Example\nThe call flow of Figure 2 shows a basic session establishment using\nthe Session Initiation Protocol [SIP] and Key Management Extensions\nAndreasen, Wing [Page 8]\nINTERNET-DRAFT Security Preconditions July, 2007\nfor SDP [KMGMT] with security descriptions for the secure media\nstream (SRTP in this case):\nA B\n| |\n|-------------(1) INVITE SDP1--------------->|\n| |\n||\n| |\n|\nINTERNET-DRAFT Security Preconditions July, 2007\nSDP2: When B receives the offer and generates an answer, B knows the\n(send and recv) security parameters of both A and B. B generates\nkeying material for sending media to A, however, A does not know B's\nkeying material, so the current status of B's \"send\" security\nprecondition is \"no\". ", "B does know A's SDP information, so B's\n\"recv\" security precondition is \"yes\". ", "B's local status table\ntherefore looks as follows:\nDirection | Current | Desired Strength | Confirm\n-----------+----------+------------------+----------\nsend | no | mandatory | no\nrecv | yes | mandatory | no\nB requests A to confirm when A knows the security parameters used in\nthe send and receive direction and hence the resulting answer SDP\nbecomes:\nm=audio 30000 RTP/SAVP 0\nc=IN IP4\na=curr:sec e2e recv\na=des:sec mandatory e2e sendrecv\na=conf:sec e2e sendrecv\na=key-mgmt:mikey AQAFgM0X...\nNote that the actual MIKEY data in the answer differs from that in\nthe offer, however we have only shown the initial and common part of\nthe MIKEY value in the above.", "\nSDP3: When A receives the answer, A updates its local status table\nbased on the rules in RFC 3312. ", "A now knows all the security\nparameters of both the send and receive direction and hence A's\nlocal status table is updated as follows:\nDirection | Current | Desired Strength | Confirm\n-----------+----------+------------------+----------\nsend | yes | mandatory | yes\nrecv | yes | mandatory | yes\nSince B requested confirmation of the send and recv security\npreconditions, and both are now satisfied, A immediately sends an\nupdated offer (3) to B showing that the security preconditions are\nsatisfied:\nm=audio 20000 RTP/SAVP 0\nc=IN IP4\na=curr:sec e2e sendrecv\na=des:sec mandatory e2e sendrecv\na=key-mgmt:mikey AQAFgM0X...\nAndreasen, Wing [Page 10]\nINTERNET-DRAFT Security Preconditions July, 2007\nSDP4: Upon receiving the updated offer, B updates its local status\ntable based on the rules in RFC 3312 which yields the following:\nDirection | Current | Desired Strength | Confirm\n-----------+----------+------------------+----------\nsend | yes | mandatory | no\nrecv | yes | mandatory | no\nB responds with an answer (4) which contains the current status of\nthe security precondition (i.e., sendrecv) from B's point of view:\nm=audio 30000 RTP/SAVP 0\nc=IN IP4\na=curr:sec e2e sendrecv\na=des:sec mandatory e2e sendrecv\na=key-mgmt:mikey AQAFgM0X...\nB's local status table indicates that all mandatory preconditions\nhave been satisfied, and hence session establishment resumes; B\nreturns a 180 (Ringing) response (5) to indicate alerting.", "\n5 Security Considerations\nIn addition to the general security considerations for preconditions\nprovided in RFC 3312, the following security issues should be\nconsidered.", "\nSecurity preconditions delay session establishment until\ncryptographic parameters required to send and/or receive media for a\nmedia stream have been negotiated. ", "Negotiation of such parameters\ncan fail for a variety of reasons, including policy preventing use\nof certain cryptographic algorithms, keys, and other security\nparameters. ", "If an attacker can remove security preconditions or\ndowngrade the strength-tag from an offer/answer exchange, the\nattacker can thereby cause user alerting for a session that may have\nno functioning media. ", "This is likely to cause inconvenience to both\nthe offerer and the answerer. ", "Similarly, security preconditions can\nbe used to prevent clipping due to race conditions between an\noffer/answer exchange and secure media stream packets based on that\noffer/answer exchange. ", "If an attacker can remove or downgrade the\nstrength-tag of security preconditions from an offer/answer\nexchange, the attacker can cause clipping to occur in the associated\nsecure media stream.", "\nConversely, an attacker might add security preconditions to offers\nthat do not contain them or increase their strength-tag. ", "This in\nturn may lead to session failure (e.g. if the answerer does not\nsupport it), heterogeneous error response forking problems, or a\ndelay in session establishment that was not desired.", "\nAndreasen, Wing [Page 11]\nINTERNET-DRAFT Security Preconditions July, 2007\nUse of signaling integrity mechanisms can prevent all of the above\nproblems. ", "Where intermediaries on the signaling path (e.g. SIP\nproxies) are trusted, it is sufficient to use only hop-by-hop\nintegrity protection of signaling, e.g., IPSec or TLS. ", "In all other\ncases, end-to-end integrity protection of signaling, e.g. S/MIME,\nMUST be used. ", "Note that the end-to-end integrity protection MUST\ncover not only the message body, which contains the security\npreconditions, but also the SIP \"Supported\" and \"Require\" headers,\nwhich may contain the \"precondition\" option tag. ", "If only the\nmessage body were integrity protected, removal of the \"precondition\"\noption tag could lead to clipping (when a security precondition was\notherwise to be used), whereas addition of the option tag could lead\nto session failure (if the other side does not support\npreconditions).", "\nAs specified in Section 3, security preconditions do not guarantee\nthat an established media stream will be secure. ", "They merely\nguarantee that the recipient of the media stream packets will be\nable to perform any relevant decryption and integrity checking on\nthose media stream packets.", "\nCurrent SDP [RFC4566] and associated offer/answer procedures\n[RFC3264] allows only a single type of transport protocol to be\nnegotiated for a given media stream in an offer/answer exchange.", "\nNegotiation of alternative transport protocols, e.g. plain and\nsecure RTP, is currently not defined. ", "Thus, if the transport\nprotocol offered (e.g. secure RTP) is not supported, the offered\nmedia stream will simply be rejected. ", "There is however work in\nprogress to address that. ", "For example, the SDP Capability\nNegotiation framework [SDPCN] defines a method for negotiating use\nof a secure or a non-secure transport protocol by use of SDP and the\noffer/answer model with various extensions.", "\nSuch a mechanism introduces a number of security considerations in\ngeneral, however use of SDP Security Preconditions with such a\nmechanism introduces the following security precondition specific\nsecurity considerations:\nA basic premise of negotiating secure and non-secure media streams\nas alternatives is that the offerer's security policy allows for\nnon-secure media. ", "If the offer were to include secure and non-\nsecure media streams as alternative offers, and media for either\nalternative may be received prior to the answer, then the offerer\nmay not know if the answerer accepted the secure alternative. ", "An\nactive attacker thus may be able to inject malicious media stream\npackets until the answer (indicating the chosen secure alternative)\nis received. ", "From a security point of view, it is important to note\nthat use of security preconditions (even with a mandatory strength-\ntag) would not address this vulnerability since security\npreconditions would effectively apply only to the secure media\nstream alternatives. ", "If the non-secure media stream alternative was\nAndreasen, Wing [Page 12]\nINTERNET-DRAFT Security Preconditions July, 2007\nselected by the answerer, the security precondition would be\nsatisfied by definition, the session could progress and (non-secure)\nmedia could be received prior to the answer being received.", "\n6 IANA Considerations\nIANA is hereby requested to register a RFC 3312 precondition type\ncalled \"sec\" with the name \"Security precondition\". ", "The reference\nfor this precondition type is the current document.", "\n7 Acknowledgements\nThe security precondition was defined in earlier draft versions of\nRFC 3312. ", "RFC 3312 contains an extensive list of people who worked\non those earlier draft versions which are acknowledged here as well.", "\nThe authors would additionally like to thank David Black, Mark\nBaugher, Gonzalo Camarillo, Paul Kyzivat and Thomas Stach for their\ncomments on this document.", "\n8 Authors' Addresses\nFlemming Andreasen\nCisco Systems, Inc.\n499 Thornall Street, 8th Floor\nEdison, New Jersey 08837 USA\nEMail: fandreas@cisco.com\nDan Wing\nCisco Systems, Inc.\n170 West Tasman Drive\nSan Jose, CA 95134 USA\nEMail: dwing@cisco.com\n9 Change Log\n9.1 draft-ietf-mmusic-securityprecondition-04\no Updated security considerations to better address security\nprecondition interaction with capability negotiation of secure\nand non-secure media stream alternatives.", "\n10 Normative References\n[RFC2119] Bradner, S., \"Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate\nRequirement Levels\", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.", "\n[RFC3312] G. Camarillo, W. Marshall, J. Rosenberg, \"Integration of\nResource Management and Session Initiation Protocol\n(SIP)\", RFC 3312, October 2002.", "\nAndreasen, Wing [Page 13]\nINTERNET-DRAFT Security Preconditions July, 2007\n[RFC4032] G. Camarillo and P. Kyzivat, \"Update to the Session\nInitiation Protocol (SIP) Preconditions Framework\", RFC\n4032, March 2005.", "\n[SIP] J. Rosenberg, H. Schulzrinne, G. Camarillo, A. Johnston,\nJ. Peterson, R. Sparks, M. Handley, E. Schooler, \"SIP:\nSession Initiation Protocol\", RFC 3261, June 2002.", "\n[RFC4566] Handley, M., Jacobson, V., and C. Perkins, \"SDP: Session\nDescription Protocol\", RFC 4566, July 2006.", "\n[RFC3264] Rosenberg, J., and H. Schulzrinne, \"An Offer/Answer Model\nwith Session Description Protocol (SDP)\", RFC 3264, June\n2002.", "\n11 Informative References\n[SDESC] F. Andreasen, M. Baugher, and D. Wing, \"Session\nDescription Protocol (SDP) Security Descriptions for Media\nStreams\", RFC 4568, July 2006.", "\n[OFFANS] J. Rosenberg, and H. Schulzrinne, \"An Offer/Answer Model\nwith the Session Description Protocol (SDP)\", RFC 3264,\nJune 2002.", "\n[RFC3551] H. Schulzrinne, and S. Casner \"RTP Profile for Audio and\nVideo Conferences with Minimal Control\", RFC 3550, July\n2003.", "\n[SRTP] M. Baugher, D. McGrew, M. Naslund, E. Carrara, K. Norrman,\n\"The Secure Real-time Transport Protocol\", RFC 3711, March\n2004.", "\n[ICE] J. Rosenberg, \"Interactive Connectivity Establishment\n(ICE): A Methodology for Network Address Translator (NAT)\nTraversal for Multimedia Session Establishment Protocols\",\nIETF, work-in-progress.", "\n[KMGMT] J. Arkko, E. Carrara, F. Lindholm, M. Naslund, and K.\nNorrman, \"Key Management Extensions for Session\nDescription Protocol (SDP) and Real Time Streaming\nProtocol (RTSP)\", IETF, work-in-progress.", "\n[MIKEY] J. Arkko, E. Carrara, F. Lindholm, M. Naslund, and K.\nNorrman, \"MIKEY: Multimedia Internet KEYing\", RFC 3830,\nAugust 2004.", "\n[RFC3262] Rosenberg, J. and H. Schulzrinne, \"Reliability of\nProvisional Responses in Session Initiation Protocol\n(SIP)\", RFC 3262, June 2002.", "\nAndreasen, Wing [Page 14]\nINTERNET-DRAFT Security Preconditions July, 2007\n[RFC3311] J. Rosenberg, \"The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)\nUPDATE Method,\" RFC 3311, September 2002.", "\n[HERFP] R. Mahy, \"A Solution to the Heterogeneous Error Response\nForking Problem (HERFP) in the Session Initiation Problem\n(SIP)\", Work in Progress, March 2006.", "\n[SDPCN] F. Andreasen, \"SDP Capability Negotiation\", Work in\nProgress, July 2007.", "\nAndreasen, Wing [Page 15]\nINTERNET-DRAFT Security Preconditions July, 2007\nIntellectual Property Statement\nThe IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any\nIntellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed\nto pertain to the implementation or use of the technology\ndescribed in this document or the extent to which any license\nunder such rights might or might not be available; nor does it\nrepresent that it has made any independent effort to identify any\nsuch rights. ", "Information on the procedures with respect to rights\nin RFC documents can be found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.", "\nCopies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any\nassurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an\nattempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use\nof such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this\nspecification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository\nat http://www.ietf.org/ipr.", "\nThe IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention\nany copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other\nproprietary rights that may cover technology that may be required\nto implement this standard. ", "Please address the information to the\nIETF at ietf-ipr@ietf.org.", "\nFull Copyright Statement\nCopyright (C) The IETF Trust (2007).", "\nThis document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions\ncontained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors\nretain all their rights.", "\nThis document and the information contained herein are provided on\nan \"AS IS\" basis and THE CONTRIBUTOR, THE ORGANIZATION HE/SHE\nREPRESENTS OR IS SPONSORED BY (IF ANY), THE INTERNET SOCIETY, THE\nIETF TRUST AND THE INTERNET ENGINEERING TASK FORCE DISCLAIM ALL\nWARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY\nWARRANTY THAT THE USE OF THE INFORMATION HEREIN WILL NOT INFRINGE\nANY RIGHTS OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS\nFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.", "\nAcknowledgment\nFunding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the\nInternet Society.", "\nAndreasen, Wing [Page 16]" ]
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[ "I think its pretty interesting game. ", "Kinda cool how you made the gameplay representative of how difficult each points in life were. ", "For instance, when how you slow down after hitting an obstacle near the end." ]
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[ "Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. ", "By booking any class or course with Polepeople Dance & Fitness, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.", "\n\nPOLEPEOPLE CLASSES AND COURSES\n\nBooking\n\nYour place on a course or class is secure once we have received payment which can be done online or over the phone.", "\n\nTransferring your course/class place to another course/class\n\nOnce payment has been processed, you are booked onto the class/course you have specified. ", "You may transfer your place on a course up to 14 days prior to the start of a course, and up to 7 days before a taster class.", "\n\nWithin these times, we’re happy to transfer you, as long as we have a replacement candidate to take your place for your original booking.", "\n\nRefunds\n\nIf you wish to cancel your place on a course, we need at least 7 days notice. ", "We charge an admin fee of £20 per course place.", "\n\nIf you wish to cancel your place on a taster class, we need at least 48 hours notice. ", "For this there’s an admin fee of £5 per class place.", "\n\nMissed classes on courses\n\nIf you are unable to attend one of the classes on your course, let us know in advance and you are welcome to attend one of our Drop-In sessions to make it up. ", "There’s no extra fee for this.", "\n\nPOLEPEOPLE HEN AND BIRTHDAY PARTY CLASSES\n\nPrices\n\nPole Party Classes: £260 for a group of between 10 and 25 people; £220 for a group of between 4 and 9 people for 2 hours.", "\n\nBurlesque and all other Dance Party Classes: £220 for a group of between 10 and 25 people; £190 for a group of between 4 and 9 people for 1.5 hours.", "\n\nVintage MakeUp Party Classes: £35 per person, with a minimum of 8 people.", "\n\nTo book any Party Classes, a £100 deposit is required. ", "The remainder is due 2 weeks before the date of your party. ", "If the balance isn’t paid by this time we reserve the right to cancel your class, without refunding the deposit.", "\n\nIf you book a class 2 weeks or less before the date of the class, you will need to pay in full in order to book.", "\n\nClasses are confirmed once the deposit has been received.", "\n\nTransferring dates\n\nOnce you’ve received confirmation of your class, you are booked for that specific date and venue. ", "You can transfer the date up to 4 weeks prior to the date of your party. ", "Within 4 weeks, we’re happy to transfer you as long as we have a replacement group to take your place for your original date booked.", "\n\nRefunds\n\nThe following applies to refunds for all party classes and private lessons:\n\n*28 days notice prior to event – refund minus £20 admin fee.", "\n\n*Less than 28 days notice but more than 14 days – no refund, however groups are eligible for a date transfer.", "\n\n*Less than 14 days – No refund or date transfer.", "\n\nOTHER\n\nChanges\n\nWe reserve the right to make alterations to classes booked with us. ", "This is a rare occurrence, but is sometimes necessary due to circumstances beyond our control. ", "This applies to start dates, times, venue locations previously stated for six week courses, taster classes, open classes and private parties. ", "If a change has to take place, we will offer suitable alternatives. ", "If however none of the alternatives are convenient for you, we will offer you a full refund.", "\n\nAge Limit\n\nThe minimum age for all participants is 18. ", "There are exceptions if a person younger than 18 years is accompanied by a parent or guardian. ", "However, this at our discretion and we reserve the right to refuse an individual’s participation if they are under 18.", "\n\nAlcohol\n\nPlease do not consume any alcohol before any type of pole dancing course or taster class.", "\n\nWe do allow people to have a drink at a hen or birthday party class. ", "We want you to have heaps of fun! ", "However, if you have been drinking before the class or overindulge during the class, it is at the teachers discretion whether you will be able to participate in the class. ", "This is for your own safety.", "\n\nHealth and Safety\n\nPole Dancing like all forms of physical exercise and activity, carries a risk of personal injury. ", "If you have any previous injuries or ailments, we advise you not to take part in any Polepeople Class, unless you have permission from your doctor or health professional. ", "Before taking part in any Polepeople class, all attendees are required to fill out a medical questionnaire and sign a disclaimer. ", "The disclaimer is to confirm that you understand there is risk involved with pole dancing and that you have no physical conditions to prevent you taking part in a class. ", "Polepeople and the venues we hire, take no responsibility for any accident occurring as a result of participation in any dance activity, directly or indirectly.", "\n\nWe do not recommend pole dancing if you are pregnant. ", "Pregnant women are welcome to come to hen and birthday party classes to watch [and cheer!]. ", "Please just let us know when booking the class, so we can make sure there are chairs in the studios. ", "If you are booking on behalf of a friend or group, please check that all individuals are fit to participate.", "\n\nYou must correctly follow instructions given by Polepeople teachers at all times.", "\n\nThese terms and conditions may be changed by Polepeople.", "\n\nSubscribe to our Newsletter\n\nStay updated with company news, class dates and exclusive special offers from Polepeople\n\nSocial Media Links\n\nPolepeople runs classes at many different LONDON LOCATIONS, but our own studios are our headquarters!" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to make each unicorn worker of my Rails application log to a different file?", "\n\nHow can I make each unicorn worker of my Rails application writting in a different log file ?", "\nThe why : problem of mixed log files...\nIn its default configuration, Rails will write its log messages to a single log file: log/<environment>.log.", "\nUnicorn workers will write to the same log file at once, the messages can get mixed up. ", "This is a problem when request-log-analyzer parses a log file. ", "An example:\nProcessing Controller1#action1 ...\nProcessing Controller2#action2 ...\nCompleted in 100ms...\nCompleted in 567ms...\n\nIn this example, what action was completed in 100ms, and what action in 567 ms? ", "We can never be sure.", "\n\nA:\n\nadd this code to after_fork in unicorn.rb:\n#one log per unicorn worker\nif log = Rails.logger.instance_values['log']\n ext = File.extname log.path\n new_path =log.path.gsub %r{(.*)(#{Regexp.escape ext})}, \"\\\\1.#{worker.nr}\\\\2\"\n Rails.logger.instance_eval do\n @log.close\n @log= open_log new_path, 'a+'\n end\nend\n\n" ]
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[ "EVENTS\n\nProgressives love them some Pope?", "\n\nAnd by love I mean the purely platonic, non sexual and definitely non same-sex love. ", "Love as in love his position on issues, not necessarily his position on the Gay Lobby, cue dramatic chipmunk. ", "It’s hard to know if stuff like this is the Vatican planting a narrative to see how it grows — it does reek a bit of that — or the real deal. ", "But I can understand, given past Papal apathy or outright corruption and complicity, on class warfare and income inequality, why anyone who stays focused on those growing issues might be a welcome breath of fresh air:\n\nNYT — The new Pope’s passion for social justice and lifting up the poor has already earned him the adoration of American liberals just weeks into the Argentinian’s papacy. ", "In a way, Pope Francis is a progressive’s dream-come-true — a devout figure with enormous credibility among conservatives and Christians, who has used his megaphone to speak out against greed, consumerism and economic policies that alienate the poor and vulnerable.", "\n\n“I think about those who are unemployed often because of an economic conception of society that seeks egoistic profit regardless of social justice,” Pope Francis told a crowd in St. Peter’s Square last month, in one of his many remarks that have caught the attention of liberals. “", "\n\nAs a progressive I think the Pope kinda rocks,” Neera Tanden, president of the Center for American Progress, the influential think tank with close ties to the White House, said on HBO’s “Real Time With Bill Maher” in late May. “He’s been great on so many issues.”", "\n\nLifting up the society’s least fortunate has been a central theme for man who replaced Pope Benedict XVI in March.", "\n\n“The Pope has the duty, in Christ’s name, to remind the rich to help the poor, to respect them, to promote them,” Pope Francis said in a May 16 speech to a group of ambassadors. “", "The Pope appeals for disinterested solidarity and for a return to person-centered ethics in the world of finance and economics.”", "\n\nI don’t trust this Pope, or his Church. ", "It sould be noted that women who try to get greater economic, sexual, and reproductive freedom often get accused of being selfish, greedy, materialistic, and out for nothing but their own short-term pleasure and convenience. (", "How often do we hear that last word sneeringly uttered when the question of abortion comes up?) ", "We need to be wary lest the very good goal of living well with less material things get co-opted by authoritarians to justify keeping others from enjoying the fruits of liberty and their own work.", "\n\nGood fucking question. ", "And what the hell does he mean by “person-centered” anything? ", "Don’t most Christian churches consider it a sin to be “person-centered” as opposed to “God-centered?” “", "Person-centered” means “humanist,” and the Church have spent CENTURIES bashing “humanism” as contrary to any allegiance to God." ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2008, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.", "\n *\n * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\n * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation. ", " Oracle designates this\n * particular file as subject to the \"Classpath\" exception as provided\n * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.", "\n *\n * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT\n * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the GNU General Public License\n * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that\n * accompanied this code).", "\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version\n * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,\n * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.", "\n *\n * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA\n * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any\n * questions.", "\n */\n\npackage sun.nio.fs;\n\nimport java.nio.file.*;", "\nimport java.nio.file.attribute.*;", "\nimport java.nio.file.spi.", "FileTypeDetector;\nimport java.nio.channels.*;", "\nimport java.net.", "URI;\nimport java.util.concurrent.", "ExecutorService;\nimport java.io.", "IOException;\nimport java.io.", "FilePermission;\nimport java.util.*;", "\nimport java.security.", "AccessController;\n\nimport sun.nio.ch.", "ThreadPool;\nimport sun.security.util.", "SecurityConstants;\nimport static sun.nio.fs.", "UnixNativeDispatcher.*;", "\nimport static sun.nio.fs.", "UnixConstants.*;", "\n\n/**\n * Base implementation of FileSystemProvider\n */\n\npublic abstract class UnixFileSystemProvider\n extends AbstractFileSystemProvider\n{\n private static final String USER_DIR = \"user.dir\";\n private final UnixFileSystem theFileSystem;\n\n public UnixFileSystemProvider() {\n String userDir = System.getProperty(USER_DIR);\n theFileSystem = newFileSystem(userDir);\n }\n\n UnixFileSystem theFileSystem() {\n return theFileSystem;\n }\n\n /**\n * Constructs a new file system using the given default directory.", "\n */\n abstract UnixFileSystem newFileSystem(String dir);\n\n @Override\n public final String getScheme() {\n return \"file\";\n }\n\n private void checkUri(URI uri) {\n if (!", "uri.getScheme().equalsIgnoreCase(getScheme()))\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"URI does not match this provider\");\n if (uri.getRawAuthority() !", "= null)\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Authority component present\");\n String path = uri.getPath();\n if (path == null)\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Path component is undefined\");\n if (!", "path.equals(\"/\"))\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Path component should be '/'\");\n if (uri.getRawQuery() !", "= null)\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Query component present\");\n if (uri.getRawFragment() !", "= null)\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Fragment component present\");\n }\n\n @Override\n public final FileSystem newFileSystem(URI uri, Map<String,?", "> env) {\n checkUri(uri);\n throw new FileSystemAlreadyExistsException();\n }\n\n @Override\n public final FileSystem getFileSystem(URI uri) {\n checkUri(uri);\n return theFileSystem;\n }\n\n @Override\n public Path getPath(URI uri) {\n return UnixUriUtils.fromUri(theFileSystem, uri);\n }\n\n UnixPath checkPath(Path obj) {\n if (obj == null)\n throw new NullPointerException();\n if (!(", "obj instanceof UnixPath))\n throw new ProviderMismatchException();\n return (UnixPath)obj;\n }\n\n @Override\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n public <V extends FileAttributeView> V getFileAttributeView(Path obj,\n Class<V> type,\n LinkOption... options)\n {\n UnixPath file = UnixPath.toUnixPath(obj);\n boolean followLinks = Util.followLinks(options);\n if (type == BasicFileAttributeView.class)\n return (V) UnixFileAttributeViews.createBasicView(file, followLinks);\n if (type == PosixFileAttributeView.class)\n return (V) UnixFileAttributeViews.createPosixView(file, followLinks);\n if (type == FileOwnerAttributeView.class)\n return (V) UnixFileAttributeViews.createOwnerView(file, followLinks);\n if (type == null)\n throw new NullPointerException();\n return (V) null;\n }\n\n @Override\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n public <A extends BasicFileAttributes> A readAttributes(Path file,\n Class<A> type,\n LinkOption... options)\n throws IOException\n {\n Class<? ", "extends BasicFileAttributeView> view;\n if (type == BasicFileAttributes.class)\n view = BasicFileAttributeView.class;\n else if (type == PosixFileAttributes.class)\n view = PosixFileAttributeView.class;\n else if (type == null)\n throw new NullPointerException();\n else\n throw new UnsupportedOperationException();\n return (A) getFileAttributeView(file, view, options).readAttributes();\n }\n\n @Override\n protected DynamicFileAttributeView getFileAttributeView(Path obj,\n String name,\n LinkOption... options)\n {\n UnixPath file = UnixPath.toUnixPath(obj);\n boolean followLinks = Util.followLinks(options);\n if (name.equals(\"basic\"))\n return UnixFileAttributeViews.createBasicView(file, followLinks);\n if (name.equals(\"posix\"))\n return UnixFileAttributeViews.createPosixView(file, followLinks);\n if (name.equals(\"unix\"))\n return UnixFileAttributeViews.createUnixView(file, followLinks);\n if (name.equals(\"owner\"))\n return UnixFileAttributeViews.createOwnerView(file, followLinks);\n return null;\n }\n\n @Override\n public FileChannel newFileChannel(Path obj,\n Set<? ", "extends OpenOption> options,\n FileAttribute<?", ">... attrs)\n throws IOException\n {\n UnixPath file = checkPath(obj);\n int mode = UnixFileModeAttribute\n .toUnixMode(UnixFileModeAttribute.", "ALL_READWRITE, attrs);\n try {\n return UnixChannelFactory.newFileChannel(file, options, mode);\n } catch (UnixException x) {\n x.rethrowAsIOException(file);\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n @Override\n public AsynchronousFileChannel newAsynchronousFileChannel(Path obj,\n Set<? ", "extends OpenOption> options,\n ExecutorService executor,\n FileAttribute<?", ">... attrs) throws IOException\n {\n UnixPath file = checkPath(obj);\n int mode = UnixFileModeAttribute\n .toUnixMode(UnixFileModeAttribute.", "ALL_READWRITE, attrs);\n ThreadPool pool = (executor == null) ? ", "null : ThreadPool.wrap(executor, 0);\n try {\n return UnixChannelFactory\n .newAsynchronousFileChannel(file, options, mode, pool);\n } catch (UnixException x) {\n x.rethrowAsIOException(file);\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n\n @Override\n public SeekableByteChannel newByteChannel(Path obj,\n Set<? ", "extends OpenOption> options,\n FileAttribute<?", ">... attrs)\n throws IOException\n {\n UnixPath file = UnixPath.toUnixPath(obj);\n int mode = UnixFileModeAttribute\n .toUnixMode(UnixFileModeAttribute.", "ALL_READWRITE, attrs);\n try {\n return UnixChannelFactory.newFileChannel(file, options, mode);\n } catch (UnixException x) {\n x.rethrowAsIOException(file);\n return null; // keep compiler happy\n }\n }\n\n @Override\n boolean implDelete(Path obj, boolean failIfNotExists) throws IOException {\n UnixPath file = UnixPath.toUnixPath(obj);\n file.checkDelete();\n\n // need file attributes to know if file is directory\n UnixFileAttributes attrs = null;\n try {\n attrs = UnixFileAttributes.get(file, false);\n if (attrs.isDirectory()) {\n rmdir(file);\n } else {\n unlink(file);\n }\n return true;\n } catch (UnixException x) {\n // no-op if file does not exist\n if (!", "failIfNotExists && x.errno() == ENOENT)\n return false;\n\n // DirectoryNotEmptyException if not empty\n if (attrs !", "= null && attrs.isDirectory() &&\n (x.errno() == EEXIST || x.errno() == ENOTEMPTY))\n throw new DirectoryNotEmptyException(file.getPathForExceptionMessage());\n\n x.rethrowAsIOException(file);\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n @Override\n public void copy(Path source, Path target, CopyOption... options)\n throws IOException\n {\n UnixCopyFile.copy(UnixPath.toUnixPath(source),\n UnixPath.toUnixPath(target),\n options);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void move(Path source, Path target, CopyOption... options)\n throws IOException\n {\n UnixCopyFile.move(UnixPath.toUnixPath(source),\n UnixPath.toUnixPath(target),\n options);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void checkAccess(Path obj, AccessMode... modes) throws IOException {\n UnixPath file = UnixPath.toUnixPath(obj);\n boolean e = false;\n boolean r = false;\n boolean w = false;\n boolean x = false;\n\n if (modes.length == 0) {\n e = true;\n } else {\n for (AccessMode mode: modes) {\n switch (mode) {\n case READ : r = true; break;\n case WRITE : w = true; break;\n case EXECUTE : x = true; break;\n default: throw new AssertionError(\"Should not get here\");\n }\n }\n }\n\n int mode = 0;\n if (e || r) {\n file.checkRead();\n mode |= (r) ? ", "R_OK : F_OK;\n }\n if (w) {\n file.checkWrite();\n mode |= W_OK;\n }\n if (x) {\n SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();\n if (sm !", "= null) {\n // not cached\n sm.checkExec(file.getPathForPermissionCheck());\n }\n mode |= X_OK;\n }\n try {\n access(file, mode);\n } catch (UnixException exc) {\n exc.rethrowAsIOException(file);\n }\n }\n\n @Override\n public boolean isSameFile(Path obj1, Path obj2) throws IOException {\n UnixPath file1 = UnixPath.toUnixPath(obj1);\n if (file1.equals(obj2))\n return true;\n if (obj2 == null)\n throw new NullPointerException();\n if (!(", "obj2 instanceof UnixPath))\n return false;\n UnixPath file2 = (UnixPath)obj2;\n\n // check security manager access to both files\n file1.checkRead();\n file2.checkRead();\n\n UnixFileAttributes attrs1;\n UnixFileAttributes attrs2;\n try {\n attrs1 = UnixFileAttributes.get(file1, true);\n } catch (UnixException x) {\n x.rethrowAsIOException(file1);\n return false; // keep compiler happy\n }\n try {\n attrs2 = UnixFileAttributes.get(file2, true);\n } catch (UnixException x) {\n x.rethrowAsIOException(file2);\n return false; // keep compiler happy\n }\n return attrs1.isSameFile(attrs2);\n }\n\n @Override\n public boolean isHidden(Path obj) {\n UnixPath file = UnixPath.toUnixPath(obj);\n file.checkRead();\n UnixPath name = file.getFileName();\n if (name == null)\n return false;\n return (name.asByteArray()[0] == '.');", "\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a FileStore to represent the file system where the given file\n * reside.", "\n */\n abstract FileStore getFileStore(UnixPath path) throws IOException;\n\n @Override\n public FileStore getFileStore(Path obj) throws IOException {\n UnixPath file = UnixPath.toUnixPath(obj);\n SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();\n if (sm !", "= null) {\n sm.checkPermission(new RuntimePermission(\"getFileStoreAttributes\"));\n file.checkRead();\n }\n return getFileStore(file);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void createDirectory(Path obj, FileAttribute<?", ">... attrs)\n throws IOException\n {\n UnixPath dir = UnixPath.toUnixPath(obj);\n dir.checkWrite();\n\n int mode = UnixFileModeAttribute.toUnixMode(UnixFileModeAttribute.", "ALL_PERMISSIONS, attrs);\n try {\n mkdir(dir, mode);\n } catch (UnixException x) {\n if (x.errno() == EISDIR)\n throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(dir.toString());\n x.rethrowAsIOException(dir);\n }\n }\n\n\n @Override\n public DirectoryStream<Path> newDirectoryStream(Path obj, DirectoryStream.", "Filter<? ", "super Path> filter)\n throws IOException\n {\n UnixPath dir = UnixPath.toUnixPath(obj);\n dir.checkRead();\n if (filter == null)\n throw new NullPointerException();\n\n // can't return SecureDirectoryStream on kernels that don't support openat\n // or O_NOFOLLOW\n if (!", "openatSupported() || O_NOFOLLOW == 0) {\n try {\n long ptr = opendir(dir);\n return new UnixDirectoryStream(dir, ptr, filter);\n } catch (UnixException x) {\n if (x.errno() == ENOTDIR)\n throw new NotDirectoryException(dir.getPathForExceptionMessage());\n x.rethrowAsIOException(dir);\n }\n }\n\n // open directory and dup file descriptor for use by\n // opendir/readdir/closedir\n int dfd1 = -1;\n int dfd2 = -1;\n long dp = 0L;\n try {\n dfd1 = open(dir, O_RDONLY, 0);\n dfd2 = dup(dfd1);\n dp = fdopendir(dfd1);\n } catch (UnixException x) {\n if (dfd1 !", "= -1)\n UnixNativeDispatcher.close(dfd1);\n if (dfd2 !", "= -1)\n UnixNativeDispatcher.close(dfd2);\n if (x.errno() == UnixConstants.", "ENOTDIR)\n throw new NotDirectoryException(dir.getPathForExceptionMessage());\n x.rethrowAsIOException(dir);\n }\n return new UnixSecureDirectoryStream(dir, dp, dfd2, filter);\n }\n\n @Override\n public void createSymbolicLink(Path obj1, Path obj2, FileAttribute<?", ">... attrs)\n throws IOException\n {\n UnixPath link = UnixPath.toUnixPath(obj1);\n UnixPath target = UnixPath.toUnixPath(obj2);\n\n // no attributes supported when creating links\n if (attrs.length > 0) {\n UnixFileModeAttribute.toUnixMode(0, attrs); // may throw NPE or UOE\n throw new UnsupportedOperationException(\"Initial file attributes\" +\n \"not supported when creating symbolic link\");\n }\n\n // permission check\n SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();\n if (sm !", "= null) {\n sm.checkPermission(new LinkPermission(\"symbolic\"));\n link.checkWrite();\n }\n\n // create link\n try {\n symlink(target.asByteArray(), link);\n } catch (UnixException x) {\n x.rethrowAsIOException(link);\n }\n }\n\n @Override\n public void createLink(Path obj1, Path obj2) throws IOException {\n UnixPath link = UnixPath.toUnixPath(obj1);\n UnixPath existing = UnixPath.toUnixPath(obj2);\n\n // permission check\n SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();\n if (sm !", "= null) {\n sm.checkPermission(new LinkPermission(\"hard\"));\n link.checkWrite();\n existing.checkWrite();\n }\n try {\n link(existing, link);\n } catch (UnixException x) {\n x.rethrowAsIOException(link, existing);\n }\n }\n\n @Override\n public Path readSymbolicLink(Path obj1) throws IOException {\n UnixPath link = UnixPath.toUnixPath(obj1);\n // permission check\n SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();\n if (sm !", "= null) {\n FilePermission perm = new FilePermission(link.getPathForPermissionCheck(),\n SecurityConstants.", "FILE_READLINK_ACTION);\n sm.checkPermission(perm);\n }\n try {\n byte[] target = readlink(link);\n return new UnixPath(link.getFileSystem(), target);\n } catch (UnixException x) {\n if (x.errno() == UnixConstants.", "EINVAL)\n throw new NotLinkException(link.getPathForExceptionMessage());\n x.rethrowAsIOException(link);\n return null; // keep compiler happy\n }\n }\n\n @Override\n public final boolean isDirectory(Path obj) {\n UnixPath file = UnixPath.toUnixPath(obj);\n file.checkRead();\n int mode = UnixNativeDispatcher.stat(file);\n return ((mode & UnixConstants.", "S_IFMT) == UnixConstants.", "S_IFDIR);\n }\n\n @Override\n public final boolean isRegularFile(Path obj) {\n UnixPath file = UnixPath.toUnixPath(obj);\n file.checkRead();\n int mode = UnixNativeDispatcher.stat(file);\n return ((mode & UnixConstants.", "S_IFMT) == UnixConstants.", "S_IFREG);\n }\n\n @Override\n public final boolean exists(Path obj) {\n UnixPath file = UnixPath.toUnixPath(obj);\n file.checkRead();\n return UnixNativeDispatcher.exists(file);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a {@code FileTypeDetector} for this platform.", "\n */\n FileTypeDetector getFileTypeDetector() {\n return new AbstractFileTypeDetector() {\n @Override\n public String implProbeContentType(Path file) {\n return null;\n }\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a {@code FileTypeDetector} that chains the given array of file\n * type detectors. ", "When the {@code implProbeContentType} method is invoked\n * then each of the detectors is invoked in turn, the result from the\n * first to detect the file type is returned.", "\n */\n final FileTypeDetector chain(final AbstractFileTypeDetector... detectors) {\n return new AbstractFileTypeDetector() {\n @Override\n protected String implProbeContentType(Path file) throws IOException {\n for (AbstractFileTypeDetector detector : detectors) {\n String result = detector.implProbeContentType(file);\n if (result !", "= null && !", "result.isEmpty()) {\n return result;\n }\n }\n return null;\n }\n };\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "Biochemical isolation of insoluble tau in transgenic mouse models of tauopathies.", "\nTau is a highly soluble microtubule-associated protein (MAP) that is abundant in the central nervous system and expressed mainly in neuronal axons. ", "Intracellular aggregates of insoluble tau protein are present in a group of neurodegenerative diseases called tauopathies, which include Alzheimer's disease. ", "Numerous transgenic mouse models of tauopathies have been produced in the last decade, and analysis of insoluble tau in these animals has provided a powerful tool to understand the development of tau pathology. ", "In this short chapter, we aim at reviewing the two main isolation methods, sarkosyl and formic acid extraction (and their variations), used for the biochemical isolation of insoluble tau in transgenic mouse models of tauopathy, and discuss their advantages and drawbacks." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.00009008603216071348, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Synthesis and characterization of optical and redox properties of bithiophene-functionalized diketopyrrolopyrrole chromophores.", "\nA series of six new 2,2'-bithiophene-functionalized diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) dyes 7a-f bearing different electron-donating and electron-withdrawing substituents at the terminal thiophene units was synthesized by palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions. ", "The to date unknown diiodinated DPP 2 and the corresponding boronic ester derivative 3 could be prepared in high yields, and these are shown to be versatile building blocks for the synthesis of DPP-based molecular materials by Negishi, Stille, and Suzuki coupling. ", "The influence of the peripheral substituents on the optical and electrochemical properties of the present series of DPP dyes 7a-f were investigated by UV/vis and steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry, revealing an appreciable effect on the electronic nature of these dyes. ", "The diamino-substituted DPP derivative 7e exhibits a strong absorption band reaching in the near-infrared (NIR) region, which is a highly desirable feature for application in organic photovoltaics." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.0000146797610134907, 0.00007119971520113919, 0.00001133671167341201, 0.000051534437888118735 ]
[ "Q:\n\nTwo way binding on a DataGrid\n\nI am trying to create a simple program that will allow the user to Select files and add metadata to it.", "\nI have created a ListBox that allows users to drag and drop files onto it. ", " I grab the path and save it off into an object. ", "I then display the file name in the ListBox.", "\nI want it so that when a User selects an item in the list box I can show the metadata I have on the file and allow them to add more and edit what is there.", "\nRight now I have a Class Item that stores the Path and a dictionary of <string, string> Where the Key is the name of the metadata and the Value is well the value.", "\nI have tried using a DataGrid, and maybe that is the wrong control to use, to bind to the Dictionary. ", " That doesn't seem to be the right way to do it as it doesn't implement the INotifyPropertyChanged Interface.", "\nI could create my own class and manually update the DataGrid but it seems like that is a work around to me not knowing how to DataBind correctly.", "\nXAML\n<Window\n xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation\"\n xmlns:x=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml\"\n xmlns:d=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008\" \n xmlns:mc=\"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006\"\n mc:Ignorable=\"d\"\n x:Class=\"MetadataAdder.", "MainWindow\"\n Title=\"Metadata Adder\" Height=\"480\" Width=\"640\">\n<Grid>\n <Button x:Name=\"Add_BTN\" Content=\"Add\" HorizontalAlignment=\"Left\" Margin=\"10,410,0,0\" VerticalAlignment=\"Top\" Width=\"50\" Click=\"Add_Click\"/>\n <Button x:Name=\"Remove_BTN\" Content=\"Remove\" HorizontalAlignment=\"Left\" Margin=\"241,410,0,0\" VerticalAlignment=\"Top\" Width=\"50\" Click=\"Remove_Click\"/>\n <ListBox x:Name=\"File_List\" HorizontalAlignment=\"Left\" Height=\"364\" Margin=\"10,31,0,0\" VerticalAlignment=\"Top\" Width=\"281\" AllowDrop=\"True\" Drop=\"FilesDropped\" ItemsSource=\"{Binding Item_List}\" SelectionChanged=\"Item_Selected\"/>\n <DataGrid \n x:Name=\"MetadataGrid\" \n HorizontalAlignment=\"Left\" \n Margin=\"311,31,0,0\" \n VerticalAlignment=\"Top\" \n Height=\"364\" \n Width=\"303\" \n d:LayoutOverrides=\"GridBox\"\n CanUserAddRows=\"False\"\n CanUserDeleteRows=\"False\"\n CanUserReorderColumns=\"True\"\n CanUserResizeColumns=\"True\"\n CanUserResizeRows=\"True\"\n CanUserSortColumns=\"True\"\n />\n <Label Content=\"Files to add Metadata to\" HorizontalAlignment=\"Left\" Margin=\"10,0,0,0\" VerticalAlignment=\"Top\"/>\n <Label Content=\"Metadata\" HorizontalAlignment=\"Left\" Margin=\"313,5,0,0\" VerticalAlignment=\"Top\" RenderTransformOrigin=\"0.474,0.115\"/>\n\n</Grid>\n\nA:\n\nAnother approach that would work well for you would be to create a FileMetadata object of your own that implements INotifiyPropertyChanged and contains properties for the metadata's Key and Value.", "\nThen storing your collection of FileMetadata objects in an ObservableCollection and binding to your DataGrid. ", "\nThis would allow the individual metadata items to persist their values to the change notification system as well as allow the DataGrid to automatically update if any metadata items are added or removed.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.0005165289256198347, 0, 0.00007527569724114569, 0, 0.00008416799932665601, 0, 0.000036289737262302225, 0.000001756634919882077, 0.00008116224332440549, 0, 0 ]
[ "Adrenal vein sampling using rapid cortisol assays in primary aldosteronism is useful in centers with low success rates.", "\nAdrenal vein sampling (AVS) is considered the gold standard in the differential diagnosis of primary aldosteronism (PA), but success rates vary between centers. ", "We hypothesized that rapid (intraprocedure) cortisol measurement can improve performance in a center with initially low AVS success rate. ", "We analyzed 46 patients with confirmed PA studied between 2008 and 2010. ", "Forty-seven PA patients studied between 2004 and 2008 identified by retrospective chart review served as controls. ", "All patients were treated at a single tertiary care university hospital. ", "Starting in 2008, rapid cortisol assays (RCA) were performed in all patients during the AVS procedure. ", "A cortisol gradient of ≥2.0 between adrenal vein and a femoral vein sample was used as success criterion. ", "Up to two repeat samples were drawn if adrenal vein cortisol was below this threshold. ", "Results During the control period 26 of 47 AVS were successful (55%). ", "After introduction of RCA, 39 out of 46 AVS (85%) were successful (P=0.003). ", "In 21 of the 46 cases (46%) a resampling was necessary. ", "The increase in overall success was due to an increase in successful right AVS (85 vs 62% before introduction of RCA; P=0.02) and a training effect (P=0.024 for trend). ", "RCA during AVS are useful in centers with an initially low AVS success rate." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.000038103947568968146, 0.00005250997689561017, 0, 0, 0, 0.00018851918182675084, 0.00008899964400142399, 0, 0.0002040816326530612, 0.000168662506324844, 0, 0.00007002555932915514, 0.0005193905817174514 ]
[ "Q:\n\nNull Exception Error when checking string for null?", "\n\nWhen running my code i put several string on different lines of the textbox but it breaks saying there is a Null Exception Error on \"Items.", "Add(item)\" I am not sure why I am getting\nthis error because in visual studio the string in the variable item is not null it contains\na return character through so I am not sure if that is an issue.. for example item = \"uno\\r\". ", "Also, Items is a list of strings. ", "Does anyone know why I keep getting this Null Exception?", "\n public List<string> Items; \n\n public void getItemsFromTextBox(TextBox textbox)\n {\n string[] lines = textbox.", "Text.", "Split('\\n');\n foreach (string item in lines)\n {\n if (!", "String.", "IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item))\n Items.", "Add(item);\n }\n }\n\nA:\n\nYou have not initialized your list, it's null! ", " Add \npublic List<String> Items = new List<String>();\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Credit: CC0 Public Domain\n\nAs planetary systems evolve, gravitational interactions between planets can fling some of them into eccentric elliptical orbits around the host star, or even out of the system altogether. ", "Smaller planets should be more susceptible to this gravitational scattering, yet many gas giant exoplanets have been observed with eccentric orbits very different from the roughly circular orbits of the planets in our own solar system.", "\n\nSurprisingly, the planets with the highest masses tend to be those with the highest eccentricities, even though the inertia of a larger mass should make it harder to budge from its initial orbit. ", "This counter-intuitive observation prompted astronomers at UC Santa Cruz to explore the evolution of planetary systems using computer simulations. ", "Their results, reported in a paper published in Astrophysical Journal Letters, suggest a crucial role for a giant-impacts phase in the evolution of high-mass planetary systems, leading to collisional growth of multiple giant planets with close-in orbits.", "\n\n\"A giant planet is not as easily scattered into an eccentric orbit as a smaller planet, but if there are multiple giant planets close to the host star, their gravitational interactions are more likely scatter them into eccentric orbits,\" explained first author Renata Frelikh, a graduate student in astronomy and astrophysics at UC Santa Cruz.", "\n\nFrelikh performed hundreds of simulations of planetary systems, starting each one with 10 planets in circular orbits and varying the initial total mass of the system and the masses of individual planets. ", "As the systems evolved for 20 million simulated years, dynamical instabilities led to collisions and mergers to form larger planets as well as gravitational interactions that ejected some planets and scattered others into eccentric orbits.", "\n\nAnalyzing the results of these simulations collectively, the researchers found that the planetary systems with the most initial total mass produced the biggest planets and the planets with the highest eccentricities.", "\n\n\"Our model naturally explains the counter-intuitive correlation of mass and eccentricity,\" Frelikh said.", "\n\nCoauthor Ruth Murray-Clay, the Gunderson professor of theoretical astrophysics at UC Santa Cruz, said the only non-standard assumption in their model is that there can be several gas giant planets in the inner part of a planetary system. \"", "If you make that assumption, all the other behavior follows,\" she said.", "\n\nAccording to the classic model of planet formation, based on our own solar system, there is not enough material in the inner part of the protoplanetary disk around a star to make gas giant planets, so only small rocky planets form in the inner part of the system and giant planets form farther out. ", "Yet astronomers have detected many gas giants orbiting close to their host stars. ", "Because they are relatively easy to detect, these \"hot Jupiters\" accounted for the majority of early exoplanet discoveries, but they may be an uncommon outcome of planet formation.", "\n\n\"This may be an unusual process,\" Murray-Clay said. \"", "We're suggesting that it is more likely to happen when the initial mass in the disk is high, and that high-mass giant planets are produced during a phase of giant impacts.\"", "\n\nThis giant-impacts phase is analogous to the final stage in the assembly of our own solar system, when the moon was formed in the aftermath of a collision between Earth and another planet. \"", "Because of our solar system bias, we tend to think of impacts as happening to rocky planets and ejection as happening to giant planets, but there is a whole spectrum of possible outcomes in the evolution of planetary systems,\" Murray-Clay said.", "\n\nAccording to Frelikh, collisional growth of high-mass giant planets should be most efficient in the inner regions, because encounters between planets in the outer parts of the system are more likely to lead to ejections than mergers. ", "Mergers producing high-mass planets should peak at a distance from the host star of around 3 astronomical units (AU, the distance from Earth to the sun), she said.", "\n\n\"We predict that the highest-mass giant planets will be produced by mergers of smaller gas giants between 1 to 8 AU from their host stars,\" Frelikh said. \"", "Exoplanet surveys have detected some extremely large exoplanets, approaching 20 times the mass of Jupiter. ", "It may take a lot of collisions to produce those, so it's interesting that we see this giant-impacts phase in our simulations.\"", "\n\nExplore further Exoplanet discovery blurs the line between large planets and small stars\n\nMore information: Renata Frelikh et al, Signatures of a Planet–Planet Impacts Phase in Exoplanetary Systems Hosting Giant Planets, The Astrophysical Journal (2019). ", "Journal information: Astrophysical Journal , Astrophysical Journal Letters Renata Frelikh et al, Signatures of a Planet–Planet Impacts Phase in Exoplanetary Systems Hosting Giant Planets,(2019). ", "DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ab4a7b" ]
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[ "Since a loss via injury to Clay Guida in 2010, Rafael dos Anjos has won five of six fights and entered the UFC lightweight picture. ", "If his jaw has looked unnaturally strong since then, there’s a reason for that.", "\n\nDos Anjos (19-6 MMA, 8-4 UFC), who meets Donald Cerrone (20-5-1 MMA, 7-2 UFC) in tonight’s UFC Fight Night 27 co-headliner, survived until the third round during his fight with Guida at UFC 117. ", "However, Guida broke his opponent’s jaw in the first round, and after pressing a forearm against it in the third round, dos Anjos was forced to tap out from the pain.", "\n\nSince then, though, he’s 5-1 with just a split-decision loss to Gleison Tibau. ", "And he believes he now has an unexpected weapon in his arsenal.", "\n\n“That break happened when we were openly trading during the first minute of our fight,” dos Anjos told MMAjunkie.com (www.mmajunkie.com). “", "He broke my mandible in two parts, but I kept on fighting.", "\n\n“Nowadays, I have 20 screws and four titanium plates. ", "Since then I broke two hands with my chin: Tibau’s and (Anthony) Njokuani’s.”", "\n\nAfter the Njokuani victory, dos Anjos continued his steady move up the division with victories over Mark Bocek and Evan Dunham. ", "Now ranked No. ", "14 in the USA TODAY Sports/MMAjunkie.com MMA lightweight rankings, he meets No. ", "11 Donald Cerrone tonight in a FOX Sports 1-televised bout at Indianapolis’ Bankers Life Fieldhouse.", "\n\nWere it not for the close loss to Tibau, dos Anjos likely could be in the top five. ", "But that defeat, which came in 2011, he found a silver lining: confirmation of his own durability.", "\n\n“It was a complicated, tough and competitive fight,” he said. “", "If it goes to the judges, there’s not much point to complaining. ", "Two of the judges gave him the nod, but I was doing well in that fight – except that toward the end of Round 2, he came very close to finishing the fight.", "\n\n“I was almost knocked out, but I toughed it out. ", "I felt I won Rounds 1 and 3, but that’s how it goes. ", "I keep training hard. ", "I have better training partners now. ", "I moved to the U.S. I train harder here. ", "Things have improved for me.”", "\n\nNow based in Newport Beach, Calif., the 28-year-old Brazilian spent his entire camp with trainer Rafael Cordeiro at Kings MMA, where he wrapped his camp with Roberto Correia and Philipe Della Monica. ", "Previously, he also spent some time at the nearby Black House camp. ", "With the move to a new country, world-class training, his veteran status and an opportunity to defeat one of the lightweight division’s most marketable commodities, dos Anjos feels he finally has his big moment.", "\n\n“It’s my [13th] fight in the UFC and my first co-main-event spot,” he said. “", "Now is my time. ", "I’m going to win decisively. ", "I want to fight for the belt. ", "It’s my dream, and it’s why I moved to this country. ", "I am uninjured for this fight, as opposed to the previous one where I had various setbacks. ", "I know I’m coming out on top.”", "\n\nFor more on UFC Fight Night 27, stay tuned to the UFC Events section of the site." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMonodevelop External Console\n\nUbuntu 12.04. ", "When I run MonoDevelop (IDE) using native shell, Unity, the MonoDevelop External Console that appears during debugging is gnome-terminal.", "\nBut if I use another window manager (for instance i3wm), MonoDevelop External Console is xterm.", "\nAny workaround to make the IDE 'think' it is in GNOME environment and make it use gnome-terminal?", "\n\nA:\n\nWay late, but same issue for me using awesomeWM. ", "I just made a symlink called xterm in /usr/bin pointing to /usr/bin/<TERMINALOFCHOICE> (urxvt in my case).", "\nsudo ln -s /usr/bin/urxvt /usr/bin/xterm\n\nWorking fine so far.", "\n\nA:\n\nFrom the source code of monodevelop, we can find that if the environment variable GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID exists, gnome-terminal will be used. ", "With this knowledge, you can run monodevelop using:\nexport GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=1 && monodevelop\n\n" ]
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[ "Web Design Award: Winner\n\nThe Following Site has Won the May 2008 DesignFirms™ Web Award\n\nMonte Carlo Marine\n\nElegant. ", "Distinctive. ", "Powerful. ", "Sometimes even words fail to describe the feeling that is Monte Carlo Autore MCM. ", "The retro styling is reminiscent of an era that gave us endearing icons of glamour and fashion. ", "The performance is deceptively muscular and promises remarkable thrills. ", "The attention to detail is soul-inspiring. ", "The luxury is understated, but in complete harmony with the state-of-the-art technology that drives it.", "\n\nAwarding the Best\n\nWe believe hard work pays off. ", "And when something works, it needs to be shared. ", "The DesignFirms™\nweb awards showcase some of the best work on the web from designers and developers from around the world.", "\n\nGot What it Takes?", "\n\nEveryone thinks their designs are the best; we beg to differ. ", "While each and every piece of art is\n\"precious\" in it's own way, real design not only stands out, but creates action. ", "If\nyou think your designs have \"it\", apply for our award!" ]
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[ "Background\n==========\n\nMicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-protein-coding RNAs. ", "Their final functional products are RNA molecules rather than proteins. ", "Although the functional products are different, like many protein-coding genes, miRNA genes also need several maturation steps to form the functional products, single-strand RNAs with approximately 22 nt. ", "in length. ", "After miRNA genes are transcribed, the full-length transcripts (pri-miRNAs) form a hairpin structure (pre-miRNA) plus two un-paired tails, which are trimmed out by Drosha. ", "The pre-miRNA, composed of 5p arm, 3p arm and terminal loop, is further processed by Dicer, trimming out the terminal loop and releasing the miRNA/miRNA\\* duplex. ", "The miRNA/miRNA\\* duplex is subsequently processed by RISC, which unwinds the miRNA/miRNA\\* duplex at the end with weaker hydrogen binding. ", "So, the strand with free 5\\' end is selectively included into RISC and served as mature miRNA \\[[@B1],[@B2]\\].", "\n\nAlthough mature miRNAs are derived from full-length transcripts of miRNA genes, the expression of miRNA genes does not guarantee the expression of mature miRNA. ", "In other words, not all of the pri-miRNAs are processed into mature miRNAs \\[[@B3]-[@B5]\\]. ", "This unequal maturation control comes from several regulatory steps. ", "First, Drosha and Dicer have higher affinity to the pri-miRNAs and pre-miRNAs, respectively, whose terminal loops are moderate in size \\[[@B6],[@B7]\\]. ", "Furthermore, longer stem (\\~33 bp) of pri-miRNA is preferred by Drosha \\[[@B6]\\]. ", "Second, owing to the hydrogen-bonding selection mechanism, the 5p arm and 3p arm of the same pre-miRNA usually have unequal likelihoods to be selected as mature miRNAs \\[[@B8]\\].", "\n\nUp to now, this hydrogen-bonding-based selection rule seems to be the major view point. ", "However, recent studies brought new concepts that challenged the traditional miRNA maturation mechanism. ", "First, previous studies showed that the orthologous pre-miRNAs, although highly similar with each other, preferred the 5p arm in one species but the 3p arm in another species \\[[@B9],[@B10]\\]. ", "This result challenged the hydrogen-bonding selection rule, implying that there could be other regulation mechanism controlling the 5p arm or 3p arm selection. ", "Second, with the application of NGS technology, mature miRNAs were often observed to present as different isoforms, named isomiRs \\[[@B9],[@B11],[@B12]\\]. ", "Further analysis has implied that different isomiRs may contribute to regulations in *Drosophila*development \\[[@B13]\\].", "\n\nIn this study, we conducted in-depth analyses on these issues by using NGS technology to quantify the expression profiles of miRNAs and isomiRs in human gastric tissues. ", "By measuring the expression ratios of 5p arm to 3p arm between tissues, we showed the 5p arm and 3p arm miRNA derived from the same pre-miRNAs have different tissue expression preference, one preferred normal tissue and the other preferred tumor tissue, which strongly implied that there could be other mechanism controlling arm selection in addition to the hydrogen-bonding selection rule. ", "Furthermore, by using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics test, we demonstrated that some isomiR types preferentially occur in normal gastric tissue but other types might prefer tumor gastric tissue.", "\n\nMethods\n=======\n\nCollecting sequence reads\n-------------------------\n\nWe applied Illumina (Solexa) platform for small RNA sequencing. ", "One pair of normal gastric tissue (G1245N) and gastric tumor tissue (G1245T) were lysed with TissueLyser (Qiagen), followed by RNA extraction with TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer\\'s protocol. ", "Then, the RNA samples were processed and sequenced. ", "The generated sequence reads were processed to remove the 3\\' end adapter, if applicable. ", "Only the clean reads, reads with adapter detected and trimmed, were used for analysis. ", "Besides, considering the length distribution of mature miRNAs, we selected only the clean reads with length 18 to 25 nucleotides for analysis.", "\n\nThe initially analyzed normal and tumor data sets are not equal in size (19.7 million reads in G1245N and 26.0 million reads in G1245T). ", "Therefore, we tried to normalize them with a regression model. ", "As a result, we got the equation *y*= 1.3004*x*-0.1457, where x and y denote the expression levels of miRNAs in G1245N and G1245T library, respectively. ", "After this normalization procedure and plotted in a scatter plot, most of the data points distributed near the line with the slope of 0.9874 and the R^2^value was 0.8831. ", "This result showed that the expression levels of most miRNAs did not vary between tissues and the miRNA expression data from the two the libraries was comparable.", "\n\nMapping criteria\n----------------\n\nThe clean reads were grouped into unique clean reads, followed by tabulating the count of each unique clean read. ", "For higher confidence, only the unique reads with read count equal to or larger than two were used for mapping back to human pre-miRNAs (miRBase 16). ", "In order to eliminate ambiguous mapped loci caused by the high similarity between human paralogous mature miRNAs, such as hsa-miR-548a and hsa-miR-548b, we allowed no mismatch at the mapping procedure. ", "Previous reports observed nucleotide additions at the 3\\' end of miRNAs \\[[@B12],[@B15]-[@B18]\\], which may cause mismatches at the mapping procedure. ", "Therefore, using Fernandez-Valverde\\'s strategy \\[[@B13]\\], we trimmed the last 3\\' end mismatch one by one until the mapping perfect-match reads are at least 18 nucleotides in length.", "\n\nExcluding random matches\n------------------------\n\nWith the application of NGS technology, miRNA are reported to exist as isomiRs \\[[@B9],[@B11],[@B12]\\]. ", "As shown in Additional file [1](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}, the isomiRs (the red line alignments) shift from their corresponding miRBase reference miRNAs (dark and light blue bars) in terms of location. ", "When sequence reads were mapped back to mature miRNAs, the alignment shift may result in mismatches. ", "Therefore, in addition to the perfect match constraint, we adopted an alternative procedure. ", "In order to exclude random match, the difference in start position between mature miRNA and mapped reads must be equal to or less than two nucleotides. ", "While, the difference in end position between mature miRNA and mapped reads must be equal to or less than five nucleotides.", "\n\nExperimental validation of miRNA with stem-loop RT-PCR\n------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn this study, we used stem-loop RT-PCR to validate the 5p arm miRNA of hsa-mir-1307 as described previously \\[[@B20]\\]. ", "The RT primer (CTCAACTGGTGTCGTGGAGTCGGCAATTCAGTTGAGagccgg) contains a stem-loop sequence and a 6-nt overhang sequence resulting in the binding specificity to mature miRNA. ", "For each RT reaction, 1 g of total RNA was converted into cDNA (miRNA-specific stem-loop RT, 2 nM, 500M dNTP and 0.5l Superscript III, Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and was performed as follows: 16°C for 30 min, followed by 50 cycles at 20 °C for 30 s, 42 °C for 30 s and 50 °C for 1 s. Expression of the miRNA was detected with real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) by the SYBR Green I protocol (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA), 200 nM miRNA-specific forward primer (CGGCGGtcgaccggacctcgac), and 200 nM universal reverse primer. ", "RT-qPCR was performed with the following conditions: 95 °C for 10 min, 95 °C for 15 s and 63 °C for 32 s by 40 cycles. ", "All values were normalized against U6 RNA.", "\n\nComparing isomiR patterns between tissues\n-----------------------------------------\n\nIn this study, we applied the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test for determining whether isomiR distribution patterns differ between normal and tumor tissue. ", "KS test tries to determine if two datasets differ significantly and has the advantage of making no assumption about the distribution of data. ", "For each mature miRNA, we enumerated its isomiRs in normal and tumor tissue (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}), forming a union, followed by summarizing the read counts of all isomiRs as the expression abundance of the miRNA. ", "Then we assigned the isomiRs with a type ID according to their locations. ", "Next, we generated a table of relative abundance percentage of each isomiR type. ", "By using this table, we may transform the × axis of KS test from numerical data into categorical data (isomiR type). ", "As a result, we may examine individual isomiR type and whether the isomiR distributions are different between normal and tumor tissue according to the generated p-value of KS test.", "\n\n![**", "Mapping result of hsa-mir-101-1 in G1245N library.** ", "hsa-mir-101-1 encode minor miRNA (hsa-miR-101\\*) at the 5p arm, ranging from nt. ", "11 to 32 of pre-miRNA, and major miRNA (hsa-miR-101) at the 3p arm, ranging from nt. ", "47 to 67. ", "The 5p and 3p miRNAs are presented in uppercase and they individually have 10 and 22 isomiR types, each of which is labeled with read count (before normalization) and location offset. ", "The expression level of a mature miRNA is determined by summing the read counts of all its isomiRs.](1471-2164-13-S1-S13-1){#F1}\n\nResults and discussion\n======================\n\nSummary of sequence reads\n-------------------------\n\nIn this study, we generated sequence reads of small RNAs from normal gastric tissue (G1245N) and gastric tumor tissue (G1245T). ", "Totally, 32.1 and 32.4million sequence reads were initially collected from G1245N and G1245T library, respectively. ", "After trimming adapter procedure, we collected 23.8 and 29.9 million reads individually in G1245N and G1245T library for further analysis. ", "Further filtered with length and read count criteria, in G1245N and G1245T library, 19.7 and 26.0 million reads were finally used to quantify miRNA expression level.", "\n\nAnalysis of detected miRNAs\n---------------------------\n\nUnder our mapping criteria described in Methods, totally there were 17,492,248 and 23,974,839 reads, individually from G1245N and G1245T library, mapped to known human miRNAs (Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Therefore, 88.8% reads in G1245N library belong to miRNA; while, 92.4% reads in G1245T library do so. ", "As mentioned in the previous study \\[[@B12]\\], the rest non-miRNA reads could be other small non-protein-coding RNAs or degradation product of mRNA. ", "As shown in Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}, 688 and 705 out of 1,223 known mature miRNAs were detected in G1245N and G1245T library, respectively. ", "Our data is comparable to most NGS studies.", "\n\n###### \n\nSummary of analysis on miRNA reads\n\n G1245N G1245T\n ------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------\n **\\# Reads** 17,492,248 23,974,839\n **\\# detected pre-miRNAs**^a^ 542 556\n **\\# detected miRNAs**^a^ 688 705\n **\\# miRNAs at opposite arm**^b^ 87 96\n **\\# isomiRs** 5,132 5,305\n **\\# isomiRs with length equal to miRNA** 542 569\n\nWe mapped the sequence reads back to human pre-miRNA, quantifying the expression levels of pre-miRNAs, mature miRNA and isomiRs.", "\n\n^a^: The human pre-miRNA and mature miRNA are based on the definition of miRBase 16. ", "Totally, there are 1,048 pre-miRNAs and 1,223 mature miRNAs, resulting in 1,366 miRNA/pre-miRNA pairs.", "\n\n^b^: According to miRBase 16, 730 out of 1,048 human pre-miRNAs encode only one mature miRNA at one arm, either 5p or 3p arm. ", "With the improvement on NGS\\'s sequencing intensity, we detected additional opposite-arm mature miRNAs at the pre-miRNAs originally encoding only one miRNA.", "\n\nWe arranged the miRNA reads within the mapped pre-miRNAs. ", "As shown in Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}, hsa-mir-101-1 encodes mature miRNAs at both arms. ", "The integer digits in middle column denote the read count of each isomiR. The presentations in the right column denote the location offset relative to reference miRNA annotated with miRBase. ", "So, the reads with presentation \\\"0,0\\\" are exactly the same with reference miRNAs. ", "Examining the counts of all reads, it is not guaranteed that the reference miRNAs from miRBase are the most abundant ones, which was also observed by other studies \\[[@B11],[@B12],[@B14]\\]. ", "The mapping result of all pre-miRNAs in G1245N and G1245T library can be accessed in Additional file [2](#S2){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} and [3](#S3){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}.", "\n\nDetection of additional miRNAs at the opposite arms\n---------------------------------------------------\n\nAmong 1,048 reported human pre-miRNAs, 730 were reported to encode mature miRNAs at only one arm (miRBase 16 release). ", "However, with the improvement in sequencing depth of NGS platforms, more miRNAs can be also detected at the opposite arms. ", "As illustrated in Additional file [2](#S2){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}, hsa-mir-1307 encodes mature miRNA at only its 3p arm by miRBase. ", "However, we detected additional mature miRNA at the opposite arm, the 5p arm, of hsa-mir-1307. ", "In order to confirm the existence of the 5p miRNA of hsa-mir-1307, we designed specific stem-loop RT-PCR assay for validation. ", "At the 5p arm of hsa-mir-1307, eight isomiRs were detected and we designed specific primers to validate the most abundant one. ", "As shown in Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, we can specifically detect the 5p arm miRNA of hsa-mir-1307 in both normal and tumor tissue.", "\n\n![**", "Detection of 5p arm miRNA of hsa-mir-1307.** ", "According to miRBase annotation, hsa-mir-1307 encodes mature miRNA at only its 3p arm. ", "We used stem-loop RT-PCR to succeed in detecting the additional opposite-arm miRNA in both G1245N and G1245T tissue.](1471-2164-13-S1-S13-2){#F2}\n\nAs described in previous study \\[[@B14]\\], the additional opposite-arm miRNAs are not necessary to be at lower expression levels than the original ones. ", "Many of the additional opposite-arm miRNAs have higher expression level than the original one (Additional file [2](#S2){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} and [3](#S3){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}), which might be different from the previous nomenclature rules. ", "In this study, we totally detected 24 additional opposite-arm miRNAs exclusively in G1245N, 33 ones exclusively in G1245T and 63 ones both in G1245N and G1245T library. ", "The discovery of additional opposite-arm miRNAs is because we mapped the sequence reads back to pre-miRNAs rather than only to mature miRNAs. ", "Our study here provides a new way to further interrogate the miRNA/isomiR expression by carefully examining NGS data.", "\n\nAnalysis of addition fragments generated by 3\\' end modification\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\nOwing to 3\\' end modification \\[[@B12],[@B15]-[@B18]\\], the altered nucleotides at the 3\\' end of reads may cause mismatches at the mapping procedure, making the originally perfect match reads fail to be mapped back to miRNAs. ", "Therefore, we trimmed the terminal 3\\' end mismatch one nucleotide by one nucleotide, followed by analyzing the trimmed fragments. ", "As a result, 2,766,852 reads in G1245N tissue and 3,319,704 reads in G1245T tissue were found to have nucleotide added at their 3\\' ends, individually accounting for 14.0% and 12.8% of read collection used for mapping. ", "Without this alternative mapping method, these 14.0% and 12.8% more sequence reads can not be mapped back to human pre-miRNAs, which demonstrates the effectiveness of our alternative mapping procedure.", "\n\nPrevious large-scale investigation on *Arabidopsis thaliana*and *Oryza sativa*demonstrated uridine additions at the 3\\' end of miRNAs \\[[@B17]\\]. ", "In this study, we totally observed 499 and 409 kinds of 3\\' end addition fragments in G1245N and G1245T library, respectively. ", "In addition to uridine addition, we also observed adenine additions. ", "As shown in Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}, the most and the secondary abundant addition event in G1245N library is adenine and uridine addition, respectively. ", "However, in G1245T library, the two addition events exchanged in terms of abundance. ", "It needs more data to conclude whether such difference is functionally related to biological difference. ", "In summary, adenine and uridine additions account for almost 80% of all addition events. ", "Besides, AA, UA, UU, AU, G and AAA also account for at least 1% of addition events.", "\n\n###### \n\nDistribution of the 3\\' end addition fragments in G1245N and G1245T library\n\n Fragment sequence Abun. ", "in G1245N (%) Abun. ", "in G1245T (%)\n ------------------- --------------------- ---------------------\n **A** 50.93 33.25\n **U** 30.72 44.07\n **AA** 3.39 4.67\n **UA** 2.28 4.19\n **UU** 2.16 3.12\n **AU** 1.53 1.23\n **G** 1.40 1.80\n **AAA** 1.07 2.10\n\nWe analyzed the sequence and the relative abundance of 3\\' end addition fragments. ", "As a result, adenine and uridine additions account for almost 80% of all addition events. ", "Only the addition fragments accounting for more than 1% of all addition events are listed here.", "\n\nSequence variations at the 3\\' ends have been often observed in miRNA reads. ", "Previous studies also reported several types of RNA editings, such as A to G transition catalyzed by adenosine deaminase and C to U transition catalyzed by cytidine deaminase \\[[@B12],[@B19]\\], responsible for generating such variations. ", "Owing to the existence of isomiR, it is difficult to distinguish whether nucleotide addition or nucleotide modification contributes to such variations. ", "As illustrated in Additional file [4](#S4){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}, the terminal nucleotide variation, also called mismatch, could be generated from nucleotide modification from C to U at the terminus of the sequence read with 22 nucleotides, altering the length of the read. ", "Alternatively, it could also be generated from nucleotide addition of U to the terminus of the read with 21 nucleotides, lengthening the read by one nucleotide. ", "Additional molecular studies would be required to elucidate specific mechanism involved.", "\n\nInconsistent expression ratios of 5p arm to 3p arm\n--------------------------------------------------\n\nAccording to the hydrogen-bonding theory, the selection preference between pre-miRNA\\'s 5p arm and 3p arm is an intrinsic characteristic of pre-miRNA. ", "However, if this selection theory is the only criterion deciding arm selection preference, the expression ratio of 5p arm to 3p arm should be consistent, with only slight difference, wherever the sequencing samples come from. ", "In order to examine whether the expression ratio for each pre-miRNA is consistent or not, we investigated its expression ratios of 5p arm to 3p arm in G1245N library and in G1245T library, naming them Ratio_N53p and Ratio_T53p, respectively. ", "As shown in Table [3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"}, the 5p and 3p miRNA of hsa-mir-423 individually have read counts of 20,920 (N5p) and 8,945 (N3p) in G1245N library, leading to the Ratio_N53p value of 2.3387. ", "However, the Ratio_T53p value in G1245T library is 0.2726, leading to 8.58 fold change between Ratio_N53p to Ratio_T53p. ", "In order to avoid dramatic change in expression ratio of 5p arm to 3p arm, we examined only 166 pre-miRNAs whose N5p, N3p, T5p and T3p are equal to or larger than 10.", "\n\n###### \n\nInconsistent expression ratios of 5p arm miRNA to 3p arm miRNA between tissues\n\n Pre-miRNA Location N5p N3p Ratio_N53p T5p T3p Ratio_T53p Fold change\n ---------------- ------------------- -------- ------- ------------ ------- ------- ------------ -------------\n hsa-mir-17 MA:14-36;mi:51-72 4,767 2,266 2.1037 6,656 425 15.6612 7.44\n hsa-mir-511-1 5p:16-36 39 903 0.0432 53 147 0.3605 8.35\n hsa-mir-511-2 5p:16-36 39 903 0.0432 53 147 0.3605 8.35\n hsa-mir-423 5p:17-39;3p:53-75 20,920 8,945 2.3387 1,708 6,266 0.2726 8.58\n hsa-mir-30c-1 MA:17-39;mi:56-77 67,040 50 1,340.8000 8,685 64 135.7031 9.88\n hsa-mir-135b MA:16-38;mi:55-76 360 19 18.9474 171 99 1.7273 10.97\n hsa-mir-376a-1 mi:7-28;MA:44-64 1,646 14 117.5714 569 54 10.5370 11.16\n hsa-mir-376a-2 3p:50-70 428 14 30.5714 99 54 1.8333 16.68\n hsa-mir-335 MA:16-38;mi:52-73 3,509 110 31.9000 418 264 1.5833 20.15\n hsa-mir-30b MA:17-38;mi:55-76 50,988 51 999.7647 3,931 89 44.1685 22.64\n\nLocation column denotes the relative locations of mature miRNAs within their precursors. ", "N5p, T5p individually denote the expression levels of 5p arm miRNA (determined by summing the read counts of all its isomiRs) in normal and tumor tissue; while, N3p, T3p denote the corresponding information of 3p arm miRNA. ", "The N5p and N3p values shown in this study are normalized.", "\n\nBy an empirical criterion of fold change difference larger than three, 36 out of 166 examined pre-miRNAs show different expression ratios of 5p to 3p in normal and tumor gastric tissue. ", "As shown in Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}, several pre-miRNAs have significantly different ratios, demonstrating that the arm selection preferences within the pre-miRNAs are significantly different between gastric normal and gastric tumor tissue. ", "For more detailed examination, we listed the information of the 36 significant pre-miRNAs in Table [3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"} and Additional file [5](#S5){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}. ", "As illustrated in Table [3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"}, the fold change can even reach up to more than 20. ", "Among the significant altered pre-miRNAs, hsa-mir-17 is a very interesting case, at which 5p arm has almost two times higher expression level than 3p arm in normal tissue. ", "However, in tumor tissue, the 5p arm becomes about 1.4 times higher than in normal tissue but the 3p arm becomes 5.3 times lower, which results in the large difference in expression ratio of 5p to 3p. ", "Even with large difference in expression ratio of 5p to 3p, the major arm of hsa-mir-17 in normal and tumor tissue is the same one, the 5p arm. ", "In another interesting case of hsa-mir-423, the major arm and minor arm in normal tissue are individually 5p arm and 3p arm, obeying the annotation of miRBase. ", "However, in tumor tissue, the major arm and minor arm are individually the 3p arm and 5p arm, totally reverse to miRBase annotation. ", "In this case, the preferential arm in normal and tumor tissue shift from 5p to 3p.", "\n\n![**", "The expression ratios of 5p arm miRNA to 3p arm miRNA.** ", "Several pre-miRNAs have significantly different ratios, demonstrating the arm selection preferences within the pre-miRNAs are significantly different between gastric normal and gastric tumor tissue.](1471-2164-13-S1-S13-3){#F3}\n\nIn summary, our result showed the 5p and 3p preference is not always consistent between biological samples, implying there could be other regulation mechanisms, in addition to the hydrogen-bonding-based selection rule, controlling the selection of 5p or 3p. ", "If so, this regulation mechanism could play important roles in oncogenesis process. ", "This is a novel area to study the relationship between miRNAs and cancers. ", "Therefore, more efforts should be applied in the subsequent studies.", "\n\nArm selection preference between normal and tumor tissue\n--------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn our previous study, we have shown arm selection preference of the same pre-miRNAs could vary between species \\[[@B9]\\]. ", "In this study, our result implies there could be regulation mechanism, in addition to the hydrogen-bonding-based selection rule, controlling the selection of 5p arm or 3p arm between different tissues and samples. ", "Therefore, we are curious about whether difference on arm selection preference can be observed between tissues, especially between normal and tumor tissue. ", "We first examined whether the arm selection preference annotated by miRBase is consistent with our NGS expression data. ", "As shown in Table [4](#T4){ref-type=\"table\"}, the arm selection preferences of 22 pre-miRNAs are opposite to miRBase annotation. ", "According to miRBase annotation, hsa-mir-1277, hsa-mir-376a-2, hsa-mir-495, hsa-mir-659, hsa-mir-1303, hsa-mir-1307 and so on encode mature miRNA at only their 3p arms. ", "We not only detected mature miRNA at their 5p arms but also observed that the newly detected 5p arms have higher expression levels than the originally annotated 3p arm. ", "Besides, the newly detected 3p arms of hsa-mir-511-1, hsa-mir-511-2, hsa-mir-1273c and hsa-mir-1247 also have higher expression levels than the originally annotated 5p arm.", "\n\n###### \n\nThe pre-miRNAs whose arm selection preferences are not consistent with miRBase annotation\n\n pre-miRNA Location N5p N3p T5p T3p MAmiExch\n ---------------- ------------------- ------- ------- ------ ------- ----------\n hsa-mir-1277 3p:47-68 354 172 201 56 N;T\n hsa-mir-376a-2 3p:50-70 428 14 99 54 N;T\n hsa-mir-495 3p:50-71 35 19 12 5 N;T\n hsa-mir-1303 3p:52-73 19 73 12 10 T\n hsa-mir-1306 3p:55-72 94 0 31 0 N;T\n hsa-mir-496 3p:56-77 27 0 50 0 N;T\n hsa-mir-561 3p:61-82 231 0 40 0 N;T\n hsa-mir-659 3p:61-82 123 0 56 0 N;T\n hsa-mir-376b 3p:62-83 106 9 32 83 N\n hsa-mir-1307 3p:80-101 3512 2369 2002 3544 N\n hsa-mir-1273c 5p:10-31 0 53 0 50 N;T\n hsa-mir-511-1 5p:16-36 39 903 53 147 N;T\n hsa-mir-511-2 5p:16-36 39 903 53 147 N;T\n hsa-mir-1247 5p:40-61 67 237 17 41 N;T\n hsa-mir-374a MA:12-33;mi:42-63 2275 36122 2017 35147 N;T\n hsa-mir-500a MA:13-35;mi:52-73 215 1907 72 1834 N;T\n hsa-mir-625 MA:15-35;mi:52-73 333 576 87 206 N;T\n hsa-mir-136 MA:15-37;mi:49-70 1328 621 530 652 T\n hsa-mir-664 mi:11-34;MA:49-71 913 271 398 98 N;T\n hsa-mir-144 mi:15-36;MA:52-71 12406 441 1209 113 N;T\n hsa-mir-493 mi:16-37;MA:57-78 254 248 1744 727 N;T\n hsa-mir-376a-1 mi:7-28;MA:44-64 1646 14 569 54 N;T\n\nN and T symbols in \\\"MAmiExch\\\" column represent the normal and tumor library in which such major and minor arm exchange event was observed.", "\n\nFor the pre-miRNAs originally annotated to encode miRNAs at both arms, the major arms of hsa-mir-374a, hsa-mir-500a, hsa-mir-625 and hsa-mir-136 are their 5p arms; while, the major arms of hsa-mir-664, hsa-mir-144, hsa-mir-493 and hsa-mir-376a-1 are their 3p arms. ", "According to NGS expression data, we observed that their major arms and minor arms expression levels reversed, leading to an observation different from miRBase annotation. ", "Among them, hsa-mir-374a and hsa-mir-144 are two extreme cases, at which the miRBase-annotated minor arms individually have about 17 or 28 times as high expression levels as the miRBase-annotated major arms have. ", "In summary, our result demonstrated that arm selection preference could vary. ", "In order to solve this debate, more NGS expression data should be included and such phenomenon should be studied further.", "\n\nSince arm selection preference is inconsistent between known reported miRNAs and our NGS expression data, we further investigated whether arm selection preference could vary between normal and tumor tissue. ", "For this purpose, we examined whether arm selection preference differs between normal and tumor tissue. ", "In other words, we investigated whether the 5p arm and 3p arm miRNA derived from the same pre-miRNA have reversal tissue expression preference without considering miRBase annotation. ", "As shown in Table [5](#T5){ref-type=\"table\"}, we observed four additional pre-miRNAs possessing this property. ", "Within hsa-mir-136, hsa-mir-423, hsa-mir-376b and hsa-mir-1307, their 5p arm miRNAs have higher expression level in the normal tissue; while their 3p arm miRNAs dominated in the tumor tissue. ", "In the contrary, the 5p arm of hsa-mir-361 is the major miRNA in tumor tissue and the 3p arm miRNA is the major one in normal tissue.", "\n\n###### \n\nArm selection preference of 5p arm and 3p arm miRNA exchange between gastric normal and gastric tumor tissue\n\n pre-miRNA Location N5p N3p T5p T3p\n -------------- ------------------- ------- ------ ------ ------\n hsa-mir-136 MA:15-37;mi:49-70 1328 621 530 652\n hsa-mir-361 5p:6-27;3p:45-67 1651 2493 1451 1024\n hsa-mir-423 5p:17-39;3p:53-75 20920 8945 1708 6266\n hsa-mir-376b 3p:62-83 106 9 32 83\n hsa-mir-1307 3p:80-101 3512 2369 2002 3544\n\nIn this table, the major and minor mature miRNA dereived from the same pre-miRNA exchange between gastric normal and gastric tumor tissue.", "\n\nAlthough derived from the same gene locus and transcribed by the same transcription factors, the 5p arm and 3p arm miRNA might have reversal expression preference. ", "It is likely that such an observation is generated by NGS platform dependent biases. ", "However, it is possible that there could be an unknown selection mechanism, during maturation procedure, controlling the arm selection preference between normal and tumor tissue. ", "According to our data, this idea is reasonable and deserves more efforts to put it into examination.", "\n\nSystematic investigation on isomiR distribution between tissues\n---------------------------------------------------------------\n\nPrevious report showed that different isomiR types may contribute to different regulation in different tissues \\[[@B13]\\]. ", "In this study, we are curious about whether isomiR distribution patterns are diverse between gastric normal and gastric tumor tissue, namely normal tissue prefers several specific isomiR types and tumor prefers the others. ", "In order to solve this problem, we applied Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test in determining significant difference on isomiR distribution patterns. ", "KS test tries to determine if two datasets differ significantly under the null hypothesis that the samples are drawn from the same distribution. ", "Although KS test has the advantage of making no assumption about the distribution of data, it is sensitive to the median. ", "Besides, when a miRNA has significant low expression level, only few isomiR types can be presented, inducing biased isomiR distribution patterns. ", "Therefore, we selected only the 169 miRNAs with more than eight kinds of isomiR types and read counts more than 1000 in both normal and tumor tissue for comparison.", "\n\nUnder our p value criterion \\< 0.001 (see Methods), 42 out of the 169 examined miRNAs are identified to have different isomiR distribution patterns between normal and tumor gastric tissue. ", "The detailed information of the significant miRNAs is listed in Additional file [6](#S6){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}. ", "Below, we illustrated several cases for discussion. ", "As illustrated in Figure [4a](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}, the expression levels of hsa-miR-497 are approximately equal in both tissues; while, it has diverse isomiR distribution patterns (p value≈0) between G1235N and G1245T tissue. ", "In G1245N, the most and secondary abundant isomiRs are type four and type five. ", "In G1245T, isomiR type four and type five reversed in terms of abundance. ", "In Figure [4b](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}, although the isomiR preferences of hsa-let-7a between tissues are the same, the most abundant isomiR type in G1245T is 20% less in G1245N. Moreover, both the secondary and tertiary abundant isomiR type in G1245N increase 10% than that in G1245T.\n\n![**", "IsomiR distribution patterns mature miRNAs between G1245N and G1245T library.** ", "The isomiR distribution patterns (left panel) and the corresponding KS-test comparison plot (right panel) are provided. (", "a) The most abundant isomiRs in two tissues are type four and type five, respectively. (", "b) The most abundant isomiR type in G1245T is 20% less in G1245N. (c) The most abundant isomiRs in two tissues are individually type 12 and type 13. (", "d) Even expression levels of hsa-miR-30b are dramatically different between tissues, the isomiR distribution patterns are still the same.](1471-2164-13-S1-S13-4){#F4}\n\nFor the previous two cases, the expression levels between two tissues are almost equal. ", "In Figure [4c](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}, the expression levels of hsa-miR-21 are different between tissues, with fold change (fc) equal to 2.4051. ", "In this case, the isomiR distribution patterns are diverse. ", "The isomiR type peaks shift and both the most and secondary abundant isomiR type between tissues are different. ", "So far, we have shown no matter the fc value is small or large, the isomiR distribution type can be diverse between tissues. ", "Next, in Figure [4d](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}, even the fc value of hsa-miR-30b reaches up to 12.97, the isomiR distribution patterns are not diverse between tissues.", "\n\nAlthough isomiRs are highly overlapped with each other, they could have difference at the 5\\' end, leading to alteration at the seed region. ", "The complementary binding between miRNAs and target mRNAs mainly depends on the binding within the seed region. ", "Therefore, the difference at the 5\\'end between isomiRs is supposed to alter isomiRs\\' target genes. ", "As a result, different isomiRs from the miRNAs could have different target genes, involved in different activities or pathways. ", "Hence, it is reasonable that different isomiRs may contribute to various regulation pathways in different tissues. ", "And, this type of isomiR regulation could have significant biological consequences.", "\n\nConclusions\n===========\n\nIn this study, we applied NGS data to quantify miRNA expression profiles between gastric normal and gastric tumor tissue. ", "Our data showed that although derived from the same pre-miRNAs, 5p arm miRNA and 3p arm miRNA can have reversed expression preferences, implying there could be other regulation mechanism controlling 5p or 3p selection. ", "Moreover, although derived from the same mature miRNA, isomiRs can have different expression preference, some prefer normal tissue and the other prefer tumor tissue. ", "Although we examined only one pair of normal and tumor tissue, our results provided a novel research topic in miRNA regulation study. ", "With more tissue samples examined, we can have more robust conclusions and perform the studies with insight into miRNA regulation.", "\n\nAbbreviations\n=============\n\nmicroRNA, NGS, isomiR, gastric tumor, arm selection.", "\n\nCompeting interests\n===================\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n\nAuthors\\' contributions\n=======================\n\nSCL executed this study and wrote the draft of this manuscript. ", "YLL is responsible for PCR validation of miRNA. ", "MRH helped calculate the p value of KS test. ", "KWT and CHL helped tissue preparation and RNA extraction. ", "WCL supervised the study and edited the manuscript.", "\n\nSupplementary Material\n======================\n\n###### Additional file 1\n\n**The criteria of our mapping procedure.** ", "In order to exclude random match, the difference in start position between mature miRNA and mapped reads must be equal to or less than two. ", "While, the difference in end position between mature miRNA and mapped reads must be equal to or less than five.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for file\n\n###### Additional file 2\n\n**The mapping result of all pre-miRNAs in G1245N library.** ", "We arranged the miRNA reads from G1245N library within the mapped pre-miRNAs. ", "The read count and location offset of each isomiR are provided.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for file\n\n###### Additional file 3\n\n**The mapping result of all pre-miRNAs in G1245N library.** ", "We arranged the miRNA reads from G1245T library within the mapped pre-miRNAs. ", "The read count and location offset of each isomiR are provided.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for file\n\n###### Additional file 4\n\n**The difficulty in distinguishing nucleotide addition from nucleotide modification.** ", "In this case, the last nucleotide variation could be generated from nucleotide modification from C to U at the terminus of the sequence read with 22 nucleotides, which does not alter the length of the read. ", "However, it could also be generated from nucleotide addition of U to the terminus of the read with 21 nucleotides, which lengthens the read by one nucleotide.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for file\n\n###### Additional file 5\n\n**Inconsistent expression ratios of 5p arm miRNA to 3p arm miRNA.** ", "The expression ratios of 5p arm miRNA to 3p arm miRNA are not consistent between gastric normal and gastric tumor tissue, which implies the arm selection preference of 5p arm and 3p arm may varyn between tissues.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for file\n\n###### Additional file 6\n\n**List of miRNAs whose isomiR distribution patterns significantly differ between normal and tumor tissue.** ", "Normal and Tumor denote the expression level of mature miRNA in gastric normal and gastric tumor tissue, respectively. ", "Fold change denote the fold change of miRNA expression level.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for file\n\nAcknowledgements\n================\n\nWe thank Yourgene Bioscience <http://www.yourgene.com.tw> for providing the sequencing service. ", "This work was supported by grants from Academic Sinica and National Science Council of Taiwan.", "\n\nThis article has been published as part of *BMC Genomics*Volume 13 Supplement 1, 2012: Selected articles from the Tenth Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC 2012). ", "The full contents of the supplement are available online at <http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/13?issue=S1>.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMoq setting up variables inside a method\n\nI have the following method that I am trying to test, but my variables are null even if I try to set them up.", "\n public void Cancel(Guid id)\n {\n var order = _orderRepository.", "Find(o => o.Id == id); ** This never gets set, even with the setup below.**", "\n if (order == null) return; ** Test Fails here. ", "Returns and all assertions fails.**", "\n\n order.", "Status = OrderStatus.", "Cancelled;\n _orderRepository.", "Update(order);\n }\n\n [SetUp]\n public void Setup()\n {\n _orderRepositoryMock = new Mock<IRepository<Order>>();\n _accountServiceMock = new Mock<IAccountService>();\n\n _orderService = new OrderService(_accountServiceMock.", "Object, _orderRepositoryMock.", "Object);\n\n order = new Order()\n {\n Id = Guid.", "NewGuid(),\n Customer= new ApplicationUser()\n {\n Id = Guid.", "NewGuid().ToString(),\n Email = \"test@test.com\",\n FirstName = \"Tester\",\n LastName = \"Test\",\n Address = \"123 45 Ave\",\n City = \"ABCVille\",\n PhoneNumber = \"1-888-888-8888\",\n PostalCode = \"T3J 0A4\",\n Province = \"Super\"\n },\n OrderAddons = new List<OrderAddon>(),\n Total = 363.99m,\n Status = OrderStatus.", "Created\n };\n }\n\n [Test]\n public void CancelShouldCallRepositoryWhenValid()\n {\n //var order ... (test data, in setUp)\n var id = Guid.", "NewGuid();\n order.", "Id = id;\n\n // Repository Setup\n _orderRepositoryMock.", "Setup(x => x.Find(o => o.Id == id)).Returns(order);\n\n var wasOrderStatusUpdatedCorrectly = false;\n _orderRepositoryMock.", "Setup(x => x.Update(order))\n .Callback((Order o) =>\n {\n wasOrderStatusUpdatedCorrectly = o.Status == OrderStatus.", "Cancelled;\n });\n\n // Test Service\n _orderService.", "Cancel(id);\n\n // Test Assertions\n _orderRepositoryMock.", "Verify(x => x.Find(o => o.Id == It.", "IsAny<Guid>()), Times.", "Once);\n _orderRepositoryMock.", "Verify(x => x.Update(order), Times.", "Once);\n }\n\nIs there anyway to test \"var order\" ? ", "I tried SetupGet as well and didn't seem to work, Moq is new to me so forgive me in advance if this is something simple and easy.", "\n\nA:\n\nI think the problem is the Expression that the repository's Find method expects. ", "Try this instead:\n_orderRepositoryMock\n .Setup(x => x.Find(It.", "IsAny<Expression<Func<Order, bool>>>()))\n .Returns(order);\n\nI'm just guessing at the type parameter for the Expression<>, but hopefully that helps.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSimple differentiation issue on multivariate function $u(x,t)$\n\nSo I have a function $u:\\mathbb{R} \\times (0,\\infty) \\to \\mathbb{R} $ and a constant $a \\in \\mathbb{R}.$ Define $v:\\mathbb{R} \\times (0,\\infty) \\to \\mathbb{R}$ by $v(x,t)=u(x+at,t)$.\nWhat is $\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial t}v(x,t)$ in terms of $u$? ", "Is it $\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial t}v(x,t) = u_t(x+at,t) + au(x,t)$? ", "This is my attempt using the chain rule. ", "Thanks for any pointers.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou need an $x$ derivation on $au(x,t)$.\n$$\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial t} v(x,t)=\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial t} u(x+at,t)=au_1+u_2$$\nWhere subscript $i$ means partial derivative w.r.t. ", "$i^{th}$ variable -- the variables separated by commas in the function's input parentheses.", "\nHere is a more general example:\n$$\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial t} v\\left(x(s,t),y(s,t)\\right)=v_xx_t+v_yy_t$$\n\n" ]
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[ "Halina Storozhuk is one of more than 900,000 Ukrainian citizens who were officially allowed to work in Poland in 2015. ", "Storozhuk is on her 20th work permit. \"", "Someday in my lifetime, I would like to be able to live in Poland for a longer period of time without having to go back and forth,\" said the 67-year-old Storozhuk, who has split the past 15 years between Tarnopol, in western Ukraine, and Warsaw, where she works as a geriatric nurse and housecleaner. ", "A visa with work permission is usually valid for three or six months. ", "Storozhuk always returns to Poland as quickly as possible after a permit expires so that she does not lose her employers. ", "She now also supports her grandson, who has been studying in Warsaw for several months. \"", "In Ukraine, there is no chance of decent work and pay for him,\" Storozhuk said. \"", "Only the rich are able to lead normal lives.\"", "\n\nAccording to Maciej Duszczyk, head of the Center of Migration Research at the University of Warsaw, half a million Ukrainians were residing in Poland at the end of 2015. ", "Many of them work as domestic helpers or in construction or agriculture. ", "As many of them are hired for seasonal work, the number of Ukrainians in Poland varies from month to month. ", "In 2015, a total of 924,000 Ukrainians were issued visas. ", "Half of the visas were only valid for Poland, and the other half for the Schengen Area, as well.", "\n\nIn January, nationalist conservative Prime Minister Beata Szydlo told the European Parliament that Poland had taken in \"a million Ukrainian refugees.\"", "\n\nAccording to official numbers, however, only four of 5,328 Ukrainian asylum applicants have been legally granted refugee status. ", "Ukrainian Ambassador to Poland Andrii Deshchytsia said other Ukrainians in Poland were foreign workers.", "\n\nSome ethnic Poles have been relocated to the country from Ukraine's conflict zones\n\nPoliticizing refugees\n\nRafal Bochenek, the spokesman for Poland's government, told DW that the numbers did not necessarily render the prime minister's statement false. \"", "From a legal standpoint, they are not refugees, but they are in fact refugees as they are fleeing to Poland from the Ukrainian war,\" Bochenek said. ", "He said many from that group might view the country's asylum procedures as onerous, but that did not mean that they were not escaping the civil war.", "\n\nMiroslaw Czech, of the Association of Ukrainians in Poland, said, however, that very few Ukrainians had gone to Poland as refugees. ", "About 70 percent of Ukrainians living in Poland come from the country's west, Czech said - not its war-torn east. ", "The government is throwing out the term \"Ukrainian refugees\" in order give the appearance of \"European solidarity in the refugee issue,\" Czech said. ", "Polish officials want to avoid receiving refugees from the Middle East by showing that the country has already met its quota for people escaping conflict.", "\n\nRobert Tyszkiewicz, of the center-right opposition Civic Platform, said Prime Minister Szydlo was attempting to use the civil war for politicial reasons through her invention of \"a million Ukrainian refugees.\" \"", "Poland does not need to use figures to bluff and depict the dangers from the east,\" Tyszkiewicz told DW.", "\n\nSzydlo, who took office in November, has pledged to fulfill the commitments made by the previous, Civic Platform-led government. ", "That means that Poland would take in a total of 7,082 refugees currently residing in Italy, Greece and Lebanon.", "\n\nBochenek said the permanent distribution mechanism for refugees endorsed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel was not a good idea and called on the European Union to renegotiate it with members. ", "He pointed out the Visegrad Group's unified position against refugee quotas: Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary have rejected the proposal to distribute people across the European Union." ]
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[ "Q:\n\njavascript return with jQuery.get() not working\n\nI am trying to make a link work if a condition is true for which I am sending a jQuery.get() and checking if the link should jump to the next page or not.", "\nI am using the following code for it:\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n var jq = jQuery.noConflict();\n function checkDoubleSubmit() {\n jq(function() {\n jq.get(\"/checkDoubleSubmit\",\n function(data) {\n if(data == null) {\n return true;\n }\n else {\n alert(\"double submit is not allowed\");\n return false;\n }\n }\n );\n });\n }\n</script>\n\n<a href=\"<c:url value=\"/submit\" />\" onclick=\"return checkDoubleSubmit();\">check double submit</a>\n\nEven if data is not null the page is jumping to the next page.", "\nCould someone help me understand what am I doing wrong here?", "\nThanks.", "\n\nA:\n\nThat's because ajax call is asynchronous. ", "it wont wait for ajax response. ", "for that either include async = fasle in ajax call. ", "or change the preventDefault.", "\nor change the code as below\n<a href=\"#\" id=\"mylink\" for=\"<c:url value=\"/submit\" />\" onclick=\"checkDoubleSubmit();\">check double submit</a>\n\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n var jq = jQuery.noConflict();\n function checkDoubleSubmit() {\n jq(function() {\n jq.get(\"/checkDoubleSubmit\",\n function(data) {\n if(data == null) {\n window.location = jq(\"a#mylink\").attr(\"for\");\n }\n else {\n alert(\"double submit is not allowed\");\n }\n }\n );\n });\n }\n</script>\n\nA:\n\nI got this working using the following code:\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n var jq = jQuery.noConflict();\n function checkDoubleSubmit(obj) {\n var checkDoubleSubmitResult;\n jq.ajax({\n url: \"/checkDoubleSubmit\",\n success: function(data) {\n if(data == null) {\n checkDoubleSubmitResult = true;\n }\n else {\n alert(\"double submit is not allowed\");\n checkDoubleSubmitResult = false;\n }\n },\n async: false,\n dataType: \"json\"\n });\n return checkDoubleSubmitResult;\n }\n</script>\n<a href=\"<c:url value=\"/submit\" />\" onclick=\"return checkDoubleSubmit(this);\">check double submit</a>\n\n" ]
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[ "BOSTON – The multiple assault charges levied against Marcus and Markieff Morris moved one step closer towards going to trial.", "\n\nTrial selection begins on September 12 at 8 a.m. local time in Phoenix. ", "This is when the master calendar judge will identify which Superior Court Judge will preside over the trail.", "\n\nMarcus, who was traded to the Boston Celtics this summer from Detroit in exchange for Avery Bradley, and his brother Markieff (a starting forward for the Washington Wizards) are each facing two aggravated assault charges with each carrying a maximum sentence of 3 ¾ years in jail.", "\n\nMarcus and Markieff were allegedly involved in a January 24, 2015 incident in Phoenix involving Erik Hood who according to police reports, suffered a broken nose, abrasions and a large bump on his head.", "\n\nHood, who attended the same Philadelphia high school as the twins, told police that he was held down by four men who assaulted him outside of a high school basketball game in Phoenix. ", "He added that the Morris twins were among those who assaulted him.", "\n\nAuthorities later said a witness identified the Morris twins as having been at the scene during the incident.", "\n\nAccording to Hood, he had at times coached the twins in addition to giving them rides to practice. ", "But the relationship soured about year before they were drafted, according to reports. ", "That is around the time when the twins reportedly found “inappropriate” text messages from Hood to their mother.", "\n\nHowever, the Morris twins have said that they were not involved in the incident, and that they have no connection to Hood.", "\n\nAnything other than a not guilty verdict will likely result in some sort of suspension by the NBA.", "\n\nPleading down to a misdemeanor charge may result in the twins avoiding jail time, but they’re still likely to be hit with a multiple game suspension.", "\n\nArticle VI, Section 7 of the league’s Collective Bargaining Agreement states that a player will be suspended for “a minimum of ten (10) games” if they are convicted, pleads guilty or pleads no contest or “nolo contendere” to a violent felony." ]
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[ "The invention relates to improvements in measuring instruments and methods wherein an illumination arrangement emits electromagnetic radiation such as visible light into a specimen region. ", "A measuring arrangement is positioned detecting the radiation influenced by the specimen with the radiation converted into a measured signal. ", "More particularly, the invention relates to an improvement in such arrangement wherein a calibration means is provided for lowering the intensity of the radiation proceeding to the specimen during a linearity test of the instrument.", "\nThe invention is also directed to a measuring apparatus and method for identifying the properties of a specimen by documentation of the influenced electromagnetic radiation, particularly visible light by the specimen and whereby a controlled lowering of the intensity of the radiation proceeding to the specimen is undertaken for a linearity check.", "\nInstruments and methods for measurements of specimens of the type above referred to are known in a variety of contexts and designs. ", "For example, such known devices enable measurements of and statement outputs concerning the exhaust gas of internal combustion engines and this is often referred to as the opacimetric measuring method in exhaust gas measuring technology. ", "Such measuring instruments and methods according to the opacimeter principle evaluate the attenuation of a radiation stream, particularly a light stream in the visible spectral range, generated by an illumination arrangement. ", "This is detected by a suitable photo element or like arrangement with evaluation electronics on the basis of specimen gas presented in a specimen gas pipe. ", "The attenuation or the extension of the light occurs due to various physical effects including absorption and dispersion.", "\nOther devices and methods in this area of development also operate on the basis of reflection or incident light where the degree of blackening of filter paper is identified by measuring the reflectivity and is employed for output statements about the particle charging of exhaust gas or the like.", "\nA halogen lamp having emission of light over a broad part of the visible spectral range is preferably currently utilized as an illumination source in cases which employ visible light. ", "Other illumination sources, such as light emitting diodes having intensity maximums in the range of green light are also additionally employed.", "\nIn the evaluation of the measurement, in one method the measured signal level detected in the photo element of the measuring arrangement is proportional to the incident light stream, that is corresponding to the luminous intensity. ", "This means that the measuring instrument basically works linearly.", "\nIn the practical realization, however, linearity errors in the measuring arrangement, particularly the saturation phenomena of the photo element, and errors in the evaluation electronics can be identified in addition to the shift to the zero point when the illumination arrangement is shut off. ", "This is particularly due to dark currents, the entry of extraneous light, and offset errors of the evaluation electronics. ", "This is in addition to a change in the sensitivity of the measuring arrangement, particularly triggered by aging of the illumination arrangement and of the photo element or the corresponding measuring arrangement, contamination of the beam path, and drift phenomena of the evaluation electronics.", "\nIn addition to containing the possibility of calibrating the zero point when the illumination arrangement is shut off, and of calibrating the maximum value with a clean specimen, standard embodiments of measuring instruments of the type described also contain a calibration means. ", "Such calibration means is used in order to check the linearity of the measuring instrument in the individual measurement ranges with simple means, usually an individual measuring point in the middle of the measuring range.", "\nThe state of the art for the implementation of this simple linearity check is a filter disk with defined attenuation that can be inserted into the illumination path or in some instances, an insertable mechanical diaphragm with a defined aperture. ", "This filter disk, or diaphragm, can be manually introduced or can be introduced with the assistance of an adjustment element such as a lifter magnet or an electric motor for automatic operation of the measuring instrument. ", "In both instances, an optimally exactly defined part of the flowing illumination stream is occluded and the measured result identified by the measuring instrument as compared to the defined value.", "\nIn addition to the considerable mechanical outlay required for automated implementation, the disadvantage of linearity checks of a mechanism with diaphragms is that the geometric relationships enter into the measured result. ", "For instance, the propagation of light through the specimen gas tube of an opacimeter, usually does not ensue in the form of parallel light rays. ", "The outlay is therefore kept within justifiable limits. ", "In particular, costly lenses or mirror systems are avoided. ", "Changes in the light stream as particularly occur due to tolerances in the region of a lamp holder of the measurement head of the specimen gas pipe and of the diaphragm can, therefore, exhibit direct influence on the measured result given the linearity test with a mechanical diaphragm. ", "The measurement error effected by said influences lies in the percentage range of known standard measuring instruments and method of the type referred to and thus lies one through several orders of magnitude above the typical linearity errors themselves.", "\nFilter disks having defined attenuation of the illumination, that do not have the disadvantage of direct dependency on the geometrical arrangement, and that are therefore utilized for calibrations under laboratory conditions can only be utilized for an automated linearity check with considerable outlay. ", "In particular, a falsification of the degree of attenuation due to the potential contamination under more difficult environment situations, as apply particularly to a factory measuring instrument, must be prevented.", "\nIt is accordingly an object of the present invention to provide an improved measuring instrument and method of the general type referred to such that the disadvantages of known instruments and methods do not occur such that exact and reliable linearity checks can be implemented.", "\nA further object of the invention is to provide a measuring instrument so that simple and reliable means for linearity checks can be provided without expensive equipment construction.", "\nA further object of the invention is to provide a measuring instrument of the type referred to wherein quick and reliable linearity checks can be conducted." ]
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[ "Sanremo Music Festival 1995\n\nThe Sanremo Music Festival 1995 was the 45th annual Sanremo Music Festival, held at the Teatro Ariston in Sanremo, province of Imperia, in the late February 1995 and broadcast by Rai 1.", "\n\nThe show was presented by Pippo Baudo, who also served as the artistic director, with actresses Anna Falchi and Claudia Koll.", "\n\nThe winner of the Big Artists section was Giorgia with the song \"Come saprei\", which also won the Critics Award. ", "The a cappella group Neri per Caso won the Newcomers section with the song \"Le ragazze\".", "\n \nIn the opening night, shortly after the beginning of the show a man, Pino Pagano, sat on the edge of the gallery of the theater showed the intention to commit suicide jumping below: he was eventually stopped by Baudo himself amid the applause of the audience.", "\n\nAfter every night Rai 1 broadcast DopoFestival, a talk show about the Festival with the participation of singers and journalists. ", "It was hosted by Serena Dandini with Luciano De Crescenzo, Fabio Fazio, Gianni Ippoliti and Pippo Baudo.", "\n\nParticipants and results\n\nBig Artists\n\nNewcomers\n\nGuests\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Sanremo Music Festival by year\nCategory:1995 in Italian music \nCategory:1995 in Italian television \nCategory:1995 music festivals" ]
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[ "Johnny Meads\n\nJohnny Sand Meads (born June 25, 1961 in Labadieville, Louisiana) is a former professional American football linebacker in the National Football League for the Houston Oilers from 1984–1992 and Washington Redskins in 1992. ", "Meads was drafted in the third round of the 1984 NFL Draft by the Houston Oilers and was also a third round (56th overall) selection by the New Orleans Breakers in the 1984 USFL Draft.", "\n\nMeads played college football at Nicholls State University and high school football at Assumption High School in Napoleonville, Louisiana.", "\n\nReferences\n Nicholls State Colonels media guide\n\nExternal links\nNicholls State bio\nNFL bio\n\nCategory:1961 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Players of American football from Louisiana\nCategory:American football linebackers\nCategory:Houston Oilers players\nCategory:Washington Redskins players\nCategory:Nicholls Colonels football players\nCategory:People from Assumption Parish, Louisiana" ]
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[ "NEXT EVENT\n\nAbbott in the Hunt for the Jack Sears Trophy\n\nIt was another weekend of intense midfield battles at Rockingham (7-8 September) for rounds 22, 23 and 24 of the Dunlop MSA British Touring Car Championship, with some big moves up and down the Jack Sears Trophy points table.", "\n\nWhile Team BMR’s Alain Menu still tops the order, Hunter Abbott made the biggest gains over the three races on Sunday. ", "He endured a tough qualifying session that saw the Alcosense Breathalysers-backed driver retiring to the pits with mechanical issues before setting a lap time, leaving him way down in 31st and last position for the opening race.", "\n\nThe Rob Austin Racing-prepared Audi A4 has been quick at Rockingham in recent years, with Austin taking his maiden win there last season and backing that performance up with another victory this time around. ", "With a strong car underneath him, Abbott scythed through the field in the first race to finish in a points-scoring 14th, before going on to make further progress in the second showdown to cross the line an equal season’s best of tenth. ", "Despite a DNF in the final race following contact, the #54 driver improved an impressive 21 positions on his grid slots in total.", "\n\nThis jumped Abbott five places up the standings, and he now sits second just 14 points behind long-time table topper Menu, who has amassed 100 grid slot gains this year.", "\n\nDave Newsham and Rob Collard made up 12 and ten places respectively to move to third and fourth in the standings, but both would need a weekend like Abbott’s to move into contention for the JST.", "\n\nFurther down the table there is an intriguing symmetry between the Motorbase-prepared Ford Focus machines of Mat Jackson, Fabrizio Giovanardi and Jack Clarke, all of whom have 49 points to their names." ]
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[ "For hard water and lip stick stains, wash your glasses in warm soapy water with a dishrag and add about a half cup of white vinegar to your water. ", "If you soak them in the vinegar overnight that will help to loosen and remove the stains even more. ", "Use a fine steel wool pad in the vinegar and use it to scrub the loosened hard-water stains off your dishes and glasses. ", "Rinse your dinnerware and glassware off with water and towel dry.", "\n\nYou can also use lemon juice and table salt to remove any remaining hard-water stains on your glasses or dishes. ", "Mix equal parts of both together and allow the paste to stay on the surfaces for 10 minutes. ", "Lemon is an effective hard-water stain remover and will help you clean off remaining stains.", "\n\nHow to Remove Burnt Stains from Pots & Pans\n\nBest Christmas Movies of All Time\n\nPepsi or Coke – One of the best things to use to remove \"burnt stains\" from pots and pans is Pepsi or Coke. ", "Let is sit for a few hours (overnight is best) and the stains practically wipe off.", "\n\nLemons, salt and dishwashing soap: To clean copper pans, give them a good scrub with dishwashing soap, then take a half a lemon and pour salt on it, use it to scrub the copper, you will see the shine come through. ", "Keep adding salt to the lemon as you clean.", "\n\nBaking soda is another great remedy that most people have readily available. ", "Baking soda on a damp sponge removes grease easily from stove, back splash etc.", "\n\nHow to Clean Solid Silver\n\nWash the silverware as soon as possible after use, quickly removing remnants of acidic foods such as salt, olives, vinegar or egg yolks that can break down the silver. ", "You may clean the flatware using warm soapy water, rinsing thoroughly and drying with a clean towel.", "\n\nLine the bottom of a heat-proof glass or plastic dish with aluminum foil, shiny side up. ", "Add 1 tbsp. ", "baking soda, 1 tbsp. ", "salt and 1 gallon boiling water and stir. ", "Immediately put the silver pieces in the dish, making sure they're completely submerged and touching the foil. ", "When the tarnish is gone, rinse the silver in warm water, dry and buff with a soft cloth.", "\n\nAnother great silver cleaner is right in our own homes: Toothpaste can remove tarnish from silver and costs a fraction of what traditional silver cleaners do. ", "Rub the silver with toothpaste and run under warm water, working the paste into a foam and then rinse off." ]
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[ "About NYMetroParents Publications\n\nNYMetroParents is the parenting division of Davler Media Group and encompasses 9 regional print magazines within the greater NY metro region as well as the website (nymetroparents.com).", "\n\nFollowing the success of the first NYC parenting resource book, \"Big Apple Baby,\" BIG APPLE PARENT was launched in 1985; it is now the largest publisher of regional parenting content in the United States.", "\n\nFilling the need parents had for hyper-local content, NYMetroParents created seven monthly magazines: BROOKLYN PARENT premiered in 1994; QUEENS PARENT in 1995; WESTCHESTER PARENT in 2000; ROCKLAND PARENT in 2007; FAIRFIELD PARENT IN 2008; and NASSAU PARENT & SUFFOLK PARENT in 2009. ", "NYMetroParents merged with Long Island Parent magazine in 2012, and the latter two publications were rebranded as LONG ISLAND PARENT - NASSAU EDITION and LONG ISLAND PARENT - SUFFOLK EDITION. ", "In 2013, a special Bergen County, NJ edition of Rockland Parent was also added into the mix.", "\n\nIn October 2011, NYMetroParents launched its first-ever SPECIAL PARENT magazine, a biannual publication dedicated to families of children with special needs. ", "This magazine went on to receive numerous prestigious awards until its final print publication in the Fall/Winter 2014-15. ", "NYMetroParents continues to produce high-quality special needs editorial content and directories in its regular monthly magazines and online.", "\n\nWinners of numerous accolades for editorial excellence (including a record 16 awards from the Parenting Media Association in 2014 (honoring the 2013 publications); 15 awards in 2012; and 11 honors in 2011), these magazines deliver parenting news and information to a dynamic audience of more than 500,000 parents with the sophistication and means to raise families in affluent greater New York. ", "NYMetroParents is THE parent-targeted market!", "\n\nNYMetroParents magazines are audited! ", "Our surveys show our readers rely on the information we provide every month, and that they hold onto our publications for up to a year, to use as reference tools.", "\n\nAfter several years as the New York City affiliate for Disney's family.com, NYMetroParents launched its own parenting web resource in early 1999. ", "NYMetroParents.com allows uers to search for New York City family-related businesses and services and to locate any story from the archives.", "\n\nAbout Us\n\nNYMetroParents is the parenting division of Davler Media Group and encompasses 9 regional print magazines within the greater NY metro region as well as the website (nymetroparents.com). ", "Following the success of the first NYC parenting resource book, \"Big Apple Baby,\" BIG APPLE PARENT was launched in 1985; it is now the largest publisher of regional parenting content in the United States." ]
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[ "New services and projects released last week as well as many other news and interesting articles.", "\n\nNews\n\nExpanding our GPU portfolio with NVIDIA Tesla V100 - NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs are now publicly available in beta on Compute Engine and Kubernetes Engine, and NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPUs are now generally available.", "\n\nOpen-sourcing gVisor, a sandboxed container runtime - gVisor, a new kind of sandbox that helps provide secure isolation for containers, while being more lightweight than a virtual machine (VM).", "\n\nRegional replication for Cloud Bigtable now in beta - Regional replication now in beta for Cloud Bigtable which enables asynchronous replication across zones within a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) region.", "\n\nAnnouncing Stackdriver Kubernetes Monitoring: Comprehensive Kubernetes observability from the start - Beta release of Stackdriver Kubernetes Monitoring, which lets you observe Kubernetes.", "\n\nCloud Composer is now in beta: build and run practical workflows with minimal effort - Beta launch of Cloud Composer, a managed Apache Airflow service, to make workflow creation and management easy, powerful, and consistent.", "\n\nIntroducing Asylo: an open-source framework for confidential computing - Asylo is an open-source framework and SDK for developing applications that run in trusted execution environments (TEEs).", "\n\nAnnouncing SAP CodeJams for Google Cloud Platform: learn to integrate SAP HANA with GCP - SAP CodeJams are events designed by developers for developers, and they’re free to attend.", "\n\nIntroducing the Kubernetes Podcast from Google - Launch of Kubernetes Podcast from Google from this week.", "\n\nGrakn KGMS is now on Google Cloud - Grakn, a Knowledge Graph Management System is available on Google Cloud!", "\n\nApigee named a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Full Life Cycle API Management for the third consecutive time - Gartner has recognized Apigee as a Leader in the 2018 Magic Quadrant for Full Life Cycle API Management.", "\n\nArticles, Tutorials\n\nQueue your questions: common queries from Google Cloud customers - Common queries from Google Cloud customers.", "\n\nExploring container security: Using Cloud Security Command Center (and five partner tools) to detect and manage an attack - How to detect, respond to, and mitigate suspected threats for containers running in production.", "\n\nKubernetes best practices: Setting up health checks with readiness and liveness probes - Kubernetes Best Practices for setting up health checks with readiness and liveness probes.", "\n\nStateful Services on Preemptible Nodes with Google Kubernetes Engine - Using GKE with cost optimization under preemptible nodes without sacrificing statefulness!", "\n\nUp and Running: Cockpit for Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) - Setting Cockpit dashboard for Google Kubernetes Engine.", "\n\nMega8s: A Complex Kubernetes Cluster - Working with Complex Kubernetes Cluster.", "\n\nSending Build Status Notification From Google Container Builder to Github - Get a status events from Google Container Builder back to Github.", "\n\nGCP Infrastructure as Code with Deployment Manager - Using Google Cloud Deployment Manager to automate the configuration of all your GCP resources.", "\n\nGoogle Cloud Platform: redirecting HTTP traffic to HTTPS - Redirecting HTTP traffic to HTTPS using nginx.", "\n\nThe truth behind Google Cloud egress traffic - Using beta feature VPC Flow Logs.", "\n\nAll You Need to Know About MongoDB on Google Cloud - MongoDB deployment on Google Cloud.", "\n\nMusic in motion: a Firebase and IoT story - A project with Firebase and IoT\n\nEffective Cloud Firestore — Part 1 - The pros and cons of Cloud Firestore.", "\n\nFileZilla: 3 Simple Steps To Load Data to Google BigQuery, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Redshift Spectrum or Amazon Athena - Loading CSV files to Google BigQuery and AWS warehouses using FileZilla.", "\n\nThe Missing Guide To Setting Up Google Cloud Service Accounts For Google BigQuery - Setting Up Google Cloud Service Accounts For Google BigQuery.", "\n\nAirflow by Google: A first impression of Cloud Composer - Brief look at Cloud Compose, new hosted solution for Airflow.", "\n\nBuilding an image search application using Cloud Vision API - How Cloud Vision API's label detection feature can be used in conjunction with App Engine.", "\n\nCode that debugs itself: Fixing a deadlock with a watchdog - Debug deadlock scenarios for Python web application running on Google App Engine.", "\n\nConsuming and validating GSuites Audit Push notification on AppEngine - Get events from Gsuite updates in more ‘realtime’.", "\n\nExtend GCP Service Account Identity and Token Scope on AppEngine and Cloud Functions - Service account GAE/GCF use cases and how to overcome the identity and scope limitations.", "\n\nGetting Google Cloud Functions times in Stackdriver - How to get Google Cloud Function's latency time into Stackdriver.", "\n\nGenerate a Pdf with Google Cloud Functions - Simple example of using Google Cloud Functions to generate PDF file.", "\n\nHow to make your Google Cloud Platform project more secure: Built-in GCE security - Utilizing built-in GCE security.", "\n\nHow to Make Your Google Cloud Platform project more secure: GCE Network Security - Using network-level protection tools available for your Google Compute Engine instances.", "\n\nHow to Make Your Google Cloud Platform project more secure: GCE OS Security - OS protection techniques in Google Cloud.", "\n\nA brief overview of why we chose Google Cloud Platform for SwiftViews - SwiftViews, a community based help service runs on GCP.", "\n\nScale big while staying small with serverless on GCP — the Guesswork.co story - Guesswork which is a machine learning startup evolved GCP application architecture to support the changing needs of his growing customer base while still staying cost-effective.", "\n\nSlides, Videos, Audio\n\nKubernetes Community, with Paris Pittman - Interview Kubernetes community manager Paris Pittman.", "\n\nGCP Podcast - #125 Open Source at Google Cloud Platform with Sarah Novotny, all about Open Source, the Cloud Native Compute Foundation and their relationships to Google Cloud Platform.", "\n\nPlaylist of videos from KubeCon conference\n\nKubernetes Podcast - #1 Kubernetes Community, with Paris Pittman" ]
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[ "The proportion of peripheral regulatory T cells in patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A meta-analysis.", "\nAccumulating evidence indicates that regulatory T cells (Tregs) play an important role in the maintenance of immune tolerance. ", "And dysfunction or deficiency of Tregs is thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). ", "Nevertheless, previous studies reporting Tregs in patients were controversial due to the different markers adopted to identify Tregs. ", "To clarify the status of Tregs in the pathogenesis of MS patients, we did a meta-analysis of the results published previously to assess the proportion of Tregs in peripheral blood (PB) in patients with MS. ", "We systematically searched Embase, PubMed, Cochrane, Web of Knowledge, FDA.gov, and Clinical Trials.gov for the studies reporting the proportion of Tregs in MS patients. ", "Our main endpoints were the proportion of Tregs among CD4+ T cells in PB defined by different markers. ", "We assessed pooled data by using a random-effects model. ", "Our meta-analysis had been registered at International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) (number CRD42017064906). ", "Of 885 identified studies, a total 16 studies were selected in our analysis. ", "There was no significant difference between MS patients and control subjects in Tregs identified by all Tregs definition methods [-0.07, (-0.46, 0.31, p = 0.706)] and Tregs defined by \"CD4+ CD25+\" [0.24, (-0.18, 0.65), p = 0.263]. ", "Compared with control subjects, MS patients had a lower proportion of Tregs defined by \"CD4+ CD25+ FOXP3+\" [-0.75, (-0.46,0.31), p = 0.001]. ", "Under random effect model of meta-analysis, the data showed that the results of Tregs in MS were different according to the definition method; and the proportion of Tregs defined by \"CD4+ CD25+ FOXP3+\" was decreased in MS. ", "That result demonstrates that FOXP3 may be a vital definition of Tregs, and Tregs defined by stricter definition methods should be involved in the pathogenic mechanisms of MS." ]
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[ "Q:\n\n\"Unfortunately Photos has stopped\" when trying to take pictures and use crop function\n\nI'm currently working on the user profile for my app. ", "Up until recently, I've been testing on a Samsung Galaxy Note 4, which hasn't been giving me any problems with the code below. ", "In later testing, however, I got my hands on a Nexus 5x, and when I use the below code to try and select a user profile image, I get the error \"Unfortunately Photos has stopped\". ", "I don't have any error logs, since I am unable to debug Photos.", "\n@Override\nprotected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {\n super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);\n switch(requestCode) {\n case 0:\n if(resultCode == RESULT_OK){\n Uri selectedImage = data.getData();\n cropImage(selectedImage);\n }\n\n break;\n case 1:\n if(resultCode == RESULT_OK){\n Uri selectedImage = data.getData();\n cropImage(selectedImage);\n }\n break;\n case 2:\n if(resultCode == RESULT_OK){\n Uri selectedImage = data.getData();\n profileImage.setImageURI(selectedImage);\n try {\n userProfileImage = MediaStore.", "Images.", "Media.getBitmap(this.getContentResolver(), selectedImage);\n AlmightyFunctions.", "ImageService.saveProfileImage(user,userProfileImage);\n }\n catch (IOException e) {\n e.printStackTrace();\n }\n }\n break;\n }\n}\n\npublic void showImageSelectDialog() {\n CharSequence options[] = new CharSequence[] {\n getString(R.string.select_camera),\n getString(R.string.select_gallery)\n };\n\n AlertDialog.", "Builder builder = new AlertDialog.", "Builder(this);\n builder.setTitle(getString(R.string.select_image_dialog));\n builder.setItems(options, new DialogInterface.", "OnClickListener() {\n @Override\n public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {\n MarshMallowPermission mmp = new MarshMallowPermission(UserProfileActivity.this);\n switch(which) {\n case 0:\n if (!", "mmp.checkPermissionForCamera()) {\n mmp.requestPermissionForCamera();\n }\n Intent takePicture = new Intent(MediaStore.", "ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);\n startActivityForResult(takePicture, 0);\n break;\n case 1:\n if (!", "mmp.checkPermissionForExternalStorage()) {\n mmp.requestPermissionForExternalStorage();\n }\n Intent pickPhoto = new Intent(Intent.", "ACTION_PICK,\n android.provider.", "MediaStore.", "Images.", "Media.", "EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI);\n startActivityForResult(pickPhoto, 1);\n break;\n }\n }\n });\n builder.show();\n}\n\npublic void cropImage(Uri photoUri) {\n Intent intent = new Intent(\"com.android.camera.action.", "CROP\");\n intent.setDataAndType(photoUri, \"image/*\"); // this will open all images in the Gallery\n intent.putExtra(\"crop\", \"true\");\n intent.putExtra(\"aspectX\", 1); // this defines the aspect ration\n intent.putExtra(\"aspectY\", 1);\n intent.putExtra(\"return-data\", true); // true to return a Bitmap, false to directly save the cropped iamge\n intent.putExtra(MediaStore.", "EXTRA_OUTPUT, photoUri); //save output image in uri\n startActivityForResult(intent,2);\n}\n\nAny help would be greatly appreciated.", "\n\nA:\n\nAndroid does not have a CROP Intent. ", "Your code will fail on hundreds of millions of devices.", "\nThere are many image cropping libraries available for Android. ", "Please use one.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "A formyl peptide contracts guinea pig lung: role of arachidonic acid metabolites.", "\nWe studied the role of cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase products of arachidonic acid metabolism in mediating N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine- (FMLP) induced contractions of guinea pig lung parenchymal strips. ", "The cyclooxygenase inhibitors indomethacin (10(-5) M) and aspirin (3 X 10(-5) to 10(-4) M), the lipoxygenase inhibitor nordihydroguaiaretic acid (10(-5) to 3 X 10(-5) M), and the combined cyclooxygenase/lipoxygenase inhibitors 1-phenyl-3-pyrazolidinone (Phenidone) (3 X 10(-5) to 3 X 10(-4) M) and BW 755C (10(-5) to 10(-4) M) each caused a decrease in the maximum force induced by FMLP (Fmax) and an increase in the concentration of FMLP required to produce 50% of Fmax (EC50). ", "The thromboxane synthesis inhibitor imidazole (3 X 10(-3) M) also decreased Fmax. ", "The leukotriene D4 receptor antagonist FPL 55712 (5.7 X 10(-6) to 1.9 X 10(-5) M) increased the EC50 for FMLP, whereas desensitization of lung parenchymal strips to leukotriene B4 by pretreatment with this leukotriene (10(-7) M) had no effect on FMLP-induced contraction. ", "After exposure to FMLP (10(-6) M), guinea pig lung produced (as determined by high-performance liquid chromatography and radioimmunoassay) leukotrienes C4 and B4, thromboxane A2 (as measured by its stable degradation product thromboxane B2), and prostaglandin F2 alpha. ", "Lung strips not exposed to FMLP showed no evidence of leukotriene production. ", "We conclude that thromboxane A2 and leukotriene C4 generated in response to FMLP mediate a substantial fraction of the force induced by this peptide in guinea pig lung parenchymal strips." ]
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[ "Last Thursday, U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan sharply criticized the government for deporting two ACLU clients — a woman and her child who had fled rape and other brutality by her husband and a gang in El Salvador — who are challenging the Trump administration’s draconian new policies applicable to the initial “credible fear” asylum screening system.", "\n\n“This is pretty outrageous,” Sullivan said. “", "Somebody in pursuit of justice who has alleged a credible fear in her mind and is seeking justice in a United States court is just spirited away?”", "\n\nCarmen (a pseudonym) and her young daughter were returned to the United States that same day after the judge threatened to hold Attorney General Jeff Sessions in contempt if they were not. ", "But they are not alone in facing deportation while requesting protection from domestic violence. ", "In its crackdown on immigrants at the border and in the United States, the Trump administration has endangered countless asylum seekers and immigrants pursuing justice under U.S. laws.", "\n\nThis summer, Sessions issued a disturbing decision that departed from decades of asylum law and especially harms women. ", "He established a general rule against asylum for victims of domestic violence and gang brutality despite the numerous courts and other authorities that have held otherwise, and specified that those claims should be denied even in credible fear screenings. “", "Generally,” Sessions wrote, “claims by aliens pertaining to domestic violence or gang violence perpetrated by non-governmental actors will not qualify for asylum.” ", "U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services subsequently published guidance to asylum officers conducting credible fear interviews, emphasizing this restrictive view in bold print.", "\n\nSessions further misconstrued the legal standards applicable to asylum and credible fear, making it much more difficult for asylum seekers to show they have a credible fear of persecution during their initial interview. ", "These changes mean that people who would have qualified for asylum if they had arrived just a few months earlier are now likely to be deported, deprived of a fair chance to show they qualify for relief at the agency and through the courts.", "\n\nThese new policies align with other immigration changes that particularly impact vulnerable survivors of domestic violence. ", "They follow, for example, a dramatic increase in immigration enforcement by officers from ICE and Customs and Border Protection at courts across the country since 2017. ", "These arrests have swept up victims of crime or witnesses who are appearing in family, landlord-tenant, or traffic courts.", "\n\n\n\nA survey by the Immigrant Defense Project found that ICE arrests at courthouses in New York swelled by an astonishing 1,200 percent in 2017. ", "Overall, federal arrests of undocumented immigrants with no criminal records have more than tripled under the Trump administration.", "\n\nIncreased immigration enforcement has ensnared domestic violence victims who looked to the courts to protect their rights. ", "They include a woman in Charlotte, North Carolina, and another in El Paso, Texas, who petitioned for protective orders and were detained by ICE when they appeared in court. ", "In both cases, it is believed that their abusive ex-partners filed reports that led to the women’s arrests.", "\n\nThe administration’s single-minded focus on arresting undocumented immigrants severely undermines law enforcement efforts to address and prevent violence. ", "A survey of law enforcement officers released in May by the National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project and the ACLU shows that immigration arrests in courthouses during the Trump administration have created a culture of fear that impacts community safety.", "\n\nSixty-nine percent of surveyed police officers reported that it was more difficult to investigate domestic violence cases involving immigrants in 2017 compared with the year before. ", "Likewise, 82 percent of prosecutors said that since President Trump took office, domestic violence has become increasingly underreported and harder to investigate and prosecute. ", "The survey also determined that more than half of the judges reported that court cases were interrupted due to an immigrant crime survivor’s fear of appearing in court.", "\n\nThe #MeToo movement vividly illustrated that far too many survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, in the face of serious retaliation, were and are silenced about their experiences. ", "For immigrant survivors of violence, the hurdles are that much higher, as they navigate new deportation and asylum policies that concentrate on punishing — rather than defending — them.", "\n\nWhen U.S. officials distort asylum protections to slam the door on women escaping persecution, they force victims to endure continued violence and the potential loss of their lives. ", "When U.S. officials arrest victims of domestic violence pleading for aid at courthouses, they thwart survivors’ fundamental rights to due process and to request law enforcement assistance.", "\n\nPeople are fighting back. ", "Along with Carmen and her daughter, 10 other people fleeing domestic and gang violence in Central America brought the lawsuit challenging the rollback in asylum protections in the credible fear process, represented by the ACLU and the University of California Hastings’ Center for Gender and Refugee Studies. ", "The case moves forward before Judge Sullivan and builds on widespread condemnation of Sessions’ attempts to change asylum law. ", "Across the country, law enforcement officials, advocates, ACLU state affiliates, and members of the public are speaking out against ICE’s aggressive enforcement at courthouses and its impact on immigrant survivors, witnesses, and communities.", "\n\nThe Trump administration has sent a clear message. ", "It values the deportation of immigrant domestic violence survivors over the laws and policies we have adopted to shield victims and their rights. ", "Using the courts, advocacy, and our own voices, we must ensure that these immigrants can secure justice before they are “spirited away” to life-threatening danger." ]
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[ "/**********************************************************************\nparsmart.cpp - SMARTS parser.", "\n\nCopyright (C) 1998-2001 by OpenEye Scientific Software, Inc.\nSome portions Copyright (C) 2001-2006 by Geoffrey R. Hutchison\n\nThis file is part of the Open Babel project.", "\nFor more information, see <http://openbabel.org/>\n\nThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\nit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\nthe Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License.", "\n\nThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\nbut WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\nGNU General Public License for more details.", "\n***********************************************************************/\n#include <openbabel/babelconfig.h>\n\n#include <ctype.h>\n#include <iomanip>\n#include <cstring>\n\n#include <openbabel/mol.h>\n#include <openbabel/atom.h>\n#include <openbabel/bond.h>\n#include <openbabel/parsmart.h>\n#include <openbabel/stereo/stereo.h>\n#include <openbabel/stereo/tetrahedral.h>\n\nusing namespace std;\n\nnamespace OpenBabel\n{\n /*! ", "\\class OBSmartsPattern parsmart.h <openbabel/parsmart.h>\n\n Substructure search is an incredibly useful tool in the context of a\n small molecule programming library. ", "Having an efficient substructure\n search engine reduces the amount of hard code needed for molecule\n perception, as well as increases the flexibility of certain\n operations. ", "For instance, atom typing can be easily performed based on\n hard coded rules of element type and bond orders (or\n hybridization). ", "Alternatively, atom typing can also be done by\n matching a set of substructure rules read at run time. ", "In the latter\n case customization based on application (such as changing the pH)\n becomes a facile operation. ", "Fortunately for Open Babel and its users,\n Roger Sayle donated a SMARTS parser which became the basis for SMARTS\n matching in Open Babel.", "\n\n For more information on the SMARTS support in Open Babel, see the wiki page:\n http://openbabel.org/wiki/SMARTS\n\n The SMARTS matcher, or OBSmartsPattern, is a separate object which can\n match patterns in the OBMol class. ", "The following code demonstrates how\n to use the OBSmartsPattern class:\n \\code\n OBMol mol;\n ...\n OBSmartsPattern sp;\n sp.", "Init(\"CC\");\n sp.", "Match(mol);\n vector<vector<int> > maplist;\n maplist = sp.", "GetMapList();\n //or maplist = sp.", "GetUMapList();\n //print out the results\n vector<vector<int> >::iterator i;\n vector<int>::iterator j;\n for (i = maplist.begin();i !", "= maplist.end();++i)\n {\n for (j = i->begin();j !", "= i->end();++j)\n cout << j << ' `;\n cout << endl;\n }\n \\endcode\n\n The preceding code reads in a molecule, initializes a SMARTS pattern\n of two single-bonded carbons, and locates all instances of the\n pattern in the molecule. ", "Note that calling the Match() function\n does not return the results of the substructure match. ", "The results\n from a match are stored in the OBSmartsPattern, and a call to\n GetMapList() or GetUMapList() must be made to extract the\n results. ", "The function GetMapList() returns all matches of a\n particular pattern while GetUMapList() returns only the unique\n matches. ", "For instance, the pattern [OD1]~C~[OD1] describes a\n carboxylate group. ", "This pattern will match both atom number\n permutations of the carboxylate, and if GetMapList() is called, both\n matches will be returned. ", "If GetUMapList() is called only unique\n matches of the pattern will be returned. ", "A unique match is defined as\n one which does not cover the identical atoms that a previous match\n has covered.", "\n\n */\n\n#define ATOMPOOL 1\n#define BONDPOOL 1\n\n#define AE_ANDHI 1\n#define AE_ANDLO 2\n#define AE_OR 3\n#define AE_RECUR 4\n#define AE_NOT 5\n#define AE_TRUE 6\n#define AE_FALSE 7\n#define AE_AROMATIC 8\n#define AE_ALIPHATIC 9\n#define AE_CYCLIC 10\n#define AE_ACYCLIC 11\n#define AE_MASS 12\n#define AE_ELEM 13\n#define AE_AROMELEM 14\n#define AE_ALIPHELEM 15\n#define AE_HCOUNT 16\n#define AE_CHARGE 17\n#define AE_CONNECT 18\n#define AE_DEGREE 19\n#define AE_IMPLICIT 20\n#define AE_RINGS 21\n#define AE_SIZE 22\n#define AE_VALENCE 23\n#define AE_CHIRAL 24\n#define AE_HYB 25\n#define AE_RINGCONNECT 26\n\n#define AL_CLOCKWISE 1\n#define AL_ANTICLOCKWISE 2\n#define AL_UNSPECIFIED 0\n\n/* Each BondExpr node is identified by an integer type field\n selected from the list of BE_ codes below. ", " BE_ANDHI,\n BE_ANDLO and BE_OR are binary nodes of type BondExpr.bin,\n BE_NOT is unary node of type BondExpr.mon, and the remaining\n code are all leaf nodes. ", " */\n\n#define BE_ANDHI 1\n#define BE_ANDLO 2\n#define BE_OR 3\n#define BE_NOT 4\n#define BE_ANY 5\n#define BE_DEFAULT 6\n#define BE_SINGLE 7\n#define BE_DOUBLE 8\n#define BE_TRIPLE 9\n#define BE_QUAD 10\n#define BE_AROM 11\n#define BE_RING 12\n#define BE_UP 13\n#define BE_DOWN 14\n#define BE_UPUNSPEC 15\n#define BE_DOWNUNSPEC 16\n\n\n static int CreateAtom(Pattern*,AtomExpr*,int,int vb=0);\n\n const int SmartsImplicitRef = -9999; // Used as a placeholder when recording atom nbrs for chiral atoms\n\n\n /*=============================*/\n /* Standard Utility Routines */\n /*=============================*/\n\n static void FatalAllocationError( const char *ptr )\n {\n stringstream errorMsg;\n errorMsg << \"Error: Unable to allocate\" << ptr << endl;\n obErrorLog.", "ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, errorMsg.str(), obError);\n }\n\n /*================================*/\n /* Atom Expression Manipulation */\n /*================================*/\n\n static void FreePattern( Pattern* );\n static Pattern *CopyPattern( Pattern* );\n\n static AtomExpr *CopyAtomExpr( AtomExpr *expr )\n {\n AtomExpr *result;\n\n result = new AtomExpr;\n result->type = expr->type;\n switch( expr->type )\n {\n case AE_ANDHI:\n case AE_ANDLO:\n case AE_OR:\n result->bin.lft = CopyAtomExpr(expr->bin.lft);\n result->bin.rgt = CopyAtomExpr(expr->bin.rgt);\n break;\n\n case AE_NOT:\n result->mon.arg = CopyAtomExpr(expr->mon.arg);\n break;\n\n case AE_RECUR:\n result->recur.recur = CopyPattern((Pattern*)expr->recur.recur);\n break;\n\n default:\n result->leaf.value = expr->leaf.value;\n break;\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n static void FreeAtomExpr( AtomExpr *expr )\n {\n if( expr )\n {\n switch( expr->type )\n {\n case AE_ANDHI:\n case AE_ANDLO:\n case AE_OR:\n FreeAtomExpr(expr->bin.lft);\n FreeAtomExpr(expr->bin.rgt);\n break;\n\n case AE_NOT:\n FreeAtomExpr(expr->mon.arg);\n break;\n\n case AE_RECUR:\n FreePattern((Pattern*)expr->recur.recur);\n break;\n }\n\n delete expr;\n }\n }\n\n static AtomExpr *BuildAtomPred( int type )\n {\n AtomExpr *result;\n\n result = new AtomExpr;\n result->leaf.type = type;\n result->leaf.value = 0;\n return result;\n }\n\n static AtomExpr *BuildAtomLeaf( int type, int val )\n {\n AtomExpr *result;\n\n result = new AtomExpr;\n result->leaf.type = type;\n result->leaf.value = val;\n return result;\n }\n\n static AtomExpr *BuildAtomNot( AtomExpr *expr )\n {\n AtomExpr *result;\n\n result = new AtomExpr;\n result->mon.type = AE_NOT;\n result->mon.arg = expr;\n return result;\n }\n\n static AtomExpr *BuildAtomBin( int op, AtomExpr *lft, AtomExpr *rgt )\n {\n AtomExpr *result;\n\n result = new AtomExpr;\n result->bin.type = op;\n result->bin.lft = lft;\n result->bin.rgt = rgt;\n return result;\n }\n\n static AtomExpr *BuildAtomRecurs( Pattern *pat )\n {\n AtomExpr *result;\n\n result = new AtomExpr;\n result->recur.type = AE_RECUR;\n result->recur.recur = (void*)pat;\n return result;\n }\n\n static AtomExpr *GenerateElement( int elem )\n {\n return BuildAtomLeaf(AE_ELEM,elem);\n }\n\n static AtomExpr *GenerateAromElem( int elem, int flag )\n {\n return flag ? ", "BuildAtomLeaf(AE_AROMELEM,elem)\n : BuildAtomLeaf(AE_ALIPHELEM,elem);\n }\n\n /*================================*/\n /* Bond Expression Manipulation */\n /*================================*/\n\n static BondExpr *CopyBondExpr( BondExpr *expr )\n {\n BondExpr *result;\n\n result = new BondExpr;\n result->type = expr->type;\n switch( expr->type )\n {\n case BE_ANDHI:\n case BE_ANDLO:\n case BE_OR:\n result->bin.lft = CopyBondExpr(expr->bin.lft);\n result->bin.rgt = CopyBondExpr(expr->bin.rgt);\n break;\n\n case BE_NOT:\n result->mon.arg = CopyBondExpr(expr->mon.arg);\n break;\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Check if two BondExpr objects are the same. ", "This is used for ring closures\n * to identify invalid SMARTS like:\n *\n * C-1CCCCC#1\n * C=1CCCCC:1\n *\n * However, the SMARTS below are valid and the bond expression next to the the\n * second closure digit is used.", "\n *\n * C1CCCCC#1\n * C1CCCCC=1\n */\n static bool EquivalentBondExpr( BondExpr *expr1, BondExpr *expr2 )\n {\n if (expr1 == nullptr && expr2 == nullptr)\n return true;\n if (expr1 == nullptr && expr2 !", "= nullptr)\n return false;\n if (expr1 !", "= nullptr && expr2 == nullptr)\n return false;\n\n if (expr1->type !", "= expr2->type)\n return false;\n\n switch( expr1->type )\n {\n case BE_ANDHI:\n case BE_ANDLO:\n case BE_OR:\n return EquivalentBondExpr(expr1->bin.lft, expr2->bin.lft) &&\n EquivalentBondExpr(expr1->bin.rgt, expr2->bin.rgt);\n\n case BE_NOT:\n return EquivalentBondExpr(expr1->mon.arg, expr2->mon.arg);\n }\n return true;\n }\n\n static void FreeBondExpr( BondExpr *expr )\n {\n if( expr )\n {\n switch( expr->type )\n {\n case BE_ANDHI:\n case BE_ANDLO:\n case BE_OR:\n FreeBondExpr(expr->bin.lft);\n FreeBondExpr(expr->bin.rgt);\n break;\n\n case BE_NOT:\n FreeBondExpr(expr->mon.arg);\n break;\n }\n\n delete expr;\n }\n }\n\n static BondExpr *BuildBondLeaf( int type )\n {\n BondExpr *result;\n\n result = new BondExpr;\n result->type = type;\n return result;\n }\n\n static BondExpr *BuildBondNot( BondExpr *expr )\n {\n BondExpr *result;\n\n result = new BondExpr;\n result->mon.type = BE_NOT;\n result->mon.arg = expr;\n return result;\n }\n\n static BondExpr *BuildBondBin( int op, BondExpr *lft, BondExpr *rgt )\n {\n BondExpr *result;\n\n result = new BondExpr;\n result->bin.type = op;\n result->bin.lft = lft;\n result->bin.rgt = rgt;\n return result;\n }\n\n static BondExpr *GenerateDefaultBond( void )\n {\n return BuildBondLeaf(BE_DEFAULT);\n }\n\n /*===============================*/\n /* SMARTS Pattern Manipulation */\n /*===============================*/\n\n static Pattern *AllocPattern( void )\n {\n Pattern *ptr;\n\n ptr = new Pattern;\n if( !", "ptr ) {\n FatalAllocationError(\"pattern\");\n return nullptr;\n }\n\n ptr->atom = nullptr;\n ptr->aalloc = 0;\n ptr->acount = 0;\n\n ptr->bond = nullptr;\n ptr->balloc = 0;\n ptr->bcount = 0;\n\n ptr->parts = 1;\n\n ptr->hasExplicitH=false;\n return ptr;\n }\n\n static int CreateAtom( Pattern *pat, AtomExpr *expr, int part,int vb)\n {\n int index,size;\n\n if (!", "pat)\n return -1; // should never happen\n\n if( pat->acount == pat->aalloc )\n {\n pat->aalloc += ATOMPOOL;\n size = (int)(pat->aalloc*sizeof(AtomSpec));\n if( pat->atom )\n {\n AtomSpec *tmp = new AtomSpec[pat->aalloc];\n copy(pat->atom, pat->atom + pat->aalloc - ATOMPOOL, tmp);\n delete [] pat->atom;\n pat->atom = tmp;\n }\n else\n pat->atom = new AtomSpec[pat->aalloc];\n if( !", "pat->atom )\n FatalAllocationError(\"atom pool\");\n }\n\n index = pat->acount++;\n pat->atom[index].part = part;\n pat->atom[index].expr = expr;\n pat->atom[index].vb = vb; //std::vector binding\n\n return index;\n }\n\n static int CreateBond( Pattern *pat, BondExpr *expr, int src, int dst )\n {\n int index,size;\n\n if (!", "pat)\n return -1; // should never happen\n\n if( pat->bcount == pat->balloc )\n {\n pat->balloc += BONDPOOL;\n size = (int)(pat->balloc*sizeof(BondSpec));\n if( pat->bond )\n {\n BondSpec *tmp = new BondSpec[pat->balloc];\n copy(pat->bond, pat->bond + pat->balloc - BONDPOOL, tmp);\n delete [] pat->bond;\n pat->bond = tmp;\n }\n else\n pat->bond = new BondSpec[pat->balloc];\n if( !", "pat->bond )\n FatalAllocationError(\"bond pool\");\n }\n\n index = pat->bcount++;\n pat->bond[index].expr = expr;\n pat->bond[index].src = src;\n pat->bond[index].dst = dst;\n return(index);\n }\n\n static Pattern *CopyPattern( Pattern *pat )\n {\n Pattern *result;\n AtomExpr *aexpr;\n BondExpr *bexpr;\n int i;\n\n result = AllocPattern();\n result->parts = pat->parts;\n for( i=0; i<pat->acount; i++ )\n {\n aexpr = CopyAtomExpr(pat->atom[i].expr);\n CreateAtom(result,aexpr,pat->atom[i].part);\n }\n\n for( i=0; i<pat->bcount; i++ )\n {\n bexpr = CopyBondExpr(pat->bond[i].expr);\n CreateBond(result,bexpr,pat->bond[i].src,pat->bond[i].dst);\n }\n\n return result;\n }\n\n static void FreePattern( Pattern *pat )\n {\n int i;\n\n if( pat )\n {\n if( pat->aalloc )\n {\n for( i=0; i<pat->acount; i++ )\n FreeAtomExpr(pat->atom[i].expr);\n if (pat->atom !", "= nullptr) {\n //free(pat->atom);\n delete [] pat->atom;\n pat->atom = nullptr;\n }\n }\n\n if( pat->balloc )\n {\n for( i=0; i<pat->bcount; i++ )\n FreeBondExpr(pat->bond[i].expr);\n if (pat->bond !", "= nullptr) {\n //free(pat->bond);\n delete [] pat->bond;\n pat->bond = nullptr;\n }\n }\n delete pat;\n pat = nullptr;\n }\n }\n\n /*=========================*/\n /* SMARTS Syntax Parsing */\n /*=========================*/\n\n\n Pattern *OBSmartsPattern::SMARTSError( Pattern *pat )\n {\n stringstream errorMsg;\n errorMsg << \"SMARTS Error:\\n\" << MainPtr << endl;\n errorMsg << setw(LexPtr-MainPtr+1) << '^' << endl;\n obErrorLog.", "ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, errorMsg.str(), obError, onceOnly);\n\n FreePattern(pat);\n return nullptr;\n }\n\n AtomExpr *OBSmartsPattern::ParseSimpleAtomPrimitive( void )\n {\n switch( *LexPtr++ )\n {\n case '*':\n return BuildAtomPred(AE_TRUE);\n case 'A':\n return BuildAtomPred(AE_ALIPHATIC);\n case 'B':\n if( *LexPtr == 'r' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return GenerateElement(35);\n }\n return GenerateElement(5);\n case 'C':\n if( *LexPtr == 'l' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return GenerateElement(17);\n }\n return GenerateAromElem(6,false);\n case 'F':\n return GenerateElement( 9);\n case 'I':\n return GenerateElement(53);\n case 'N':\n return GenerateAromElem(7,false);\n case 'O':\n return GenerateAromElem(8,false);\n case 'P':\n return GenerateAromElem(15, false);\n case 'S':\n return GenerateAromElem(16,false);\n case 'a':\n if( *LexPtr == 's' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return GenerateAromElem(33, true);\n }\n return BuildAtomPred(AE_AROMATIC);\n case 'c':\n return GenerateAromElem( 6,true);\n case 'n':\n return GenerateAromElem( 7,true);\n case 'o':\n return GenerateAromElem( 8,true);\n case 'p':\n return GenerateAromElem(15,true);\n case 's':\n if( *LexPtr == 'e' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return GenerateAromElem(34, true);\n }\n return GenerateAromElem(16,true);\n }\n LexPtr--;\n return nullptr;\n }\n\n AtomExpr *OBSmartsPattern::ParseComplexAtomPrimitive( void )\n {\n Pattern *pat;\n int index;\n\n switch( *LexPtr++ )\n {\n case('#'):\n if( !", "isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n return nullptr;\n\n index = 0;\n while( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n index = index*10 + ((*LexPtr++)-'0');\n if( index > 255 )\n {\n LexPtr--;\n return nullptr;\n }\n return( GenerateElement(index) );\n\n case('$'):\n if( *LexPtr !", "= '(' )\n return nullptr;\n LexPtr++;\n pat = ParseSMARTSPattern();\n\n if( !", "pat )\n return nullptr;\n if( *LexPtr !", "= ')' )\n {\n FreePattern(pat);\n return nullptr;\n }\n LexPtr++;\n return( BuildAtomRecurs(pat) );\n\n case('*'):\n return BuildAtomPred(AE_TRUE);\n\n case('+'):\n if( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n {\n index = 0;\n while( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n index = index*10 + ((*LexPtr++)-'0');\n }\n else\n {\n index = 1;\n while( *LexPtr == '+' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n index++;\n }\n }\n return BuildAtomLeaf(AE_CHARGE,index);\n\n case('-'):\n if( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n {\n index = 0;\n while( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n index = index*10 + ((*LexPtr++)-'0');\n }\n else\n {\n index = 1;\n while( *LexPtr == '-' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n index++;\n }\n }\n return BuildAtomLeaf(AE_CHARGE,-index);\n\n case '@':\n if (*LexPtr == '?')", "\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return BuildAtomLeaf(AE_CHIRAL,AL_UNSPECIFIED); // unspecified\n }\n else if (*LexPtr !", "= '@')\n return BuildAtomLeaf(AE_CHIRAL,AL_ANTICLOCKWISE);\n else\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return BuildAtomLeaf(AE_CHIRAL,AL_CLOCKWISE);\n }\n\n case '^':\n if (isdigit(*LexPtr))\n {\n index = 0;\n while( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n index = index*10 + ((*LexPtr++)-'0');\n return BuildAtomLeaf(AE_HYB,index);\n }\n else\n return BuildAtomLeaf(AE_HYB,1);\n\n case('0'): case('1'): case('2'): case('3'): case('4'):\n case('5'): case('6'): case('7'): case('8'): case('9'):\n index = LexPtr[-1]-'0';\n while( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n index = index*10 + ((*LexPtr++)-'0');\n return BuildAtomLeaf(AE_MASS,index);\n\n case('A'):\n switch( *LexPtr++ )\n {\n case('c'): return GenerateElement(89);\n case('g'): return GenerateElement(47);\n case('l'): return GenerateElement(13);\n case('m'): return GenerateElement(95);\n case('r'): return GenerateElement(18);\n case('s'): return GenerateElement(33);\n case('t'): return GenerateElement(85);\n case('u'): return GenerateElement(79);\n }\n LexPtr--;\n return BuildAtomPred(AE_ALIPHATIC);\n\n case('B'):\n switch( *LexPtr++ )\n {\n case('a'): return GenerateElement(56);\n case('e'): return GenerateElement( 4);\n case('i'): return GenerateElement(83);\n case('k'): return GenerateElement(97);\n case('r'): return GenerateElement(35);\n }\n LexPtr--;\n return GenerateElement(5);\n\n case('C'):\n switch( *LexPtr++ )\n {\n case('a'): return GenerateElement(20);\n case('d'): return GenerateElement(48);\n case('e'): return GenerateElement(58);\n case('f'): return GenerateElement(98);\n case('l'): return GenerateElement(17);\n case('m'): return GenerateElement(96);\n case('o'): return GenerateElement(27);\n case('r'): return GenerateElement(24);\n case('s'): return GenerateElement(55);\n case('u'): return GenerateElement(29);\n }\n LexPtr--;\n return GenerateAromElem(6,false);\n\n case('D'):\n if( *LexPtr == 'y' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return GenerateElement(66);\n }\n else if( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n {\n index = 0;\n while( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n index = index*10 + ((*LexPtr++)-'0');\n return BuildAtomLeaf(AE_DEGREE,index);\n }\n return BuildAtomLeaf(AE_DEGREE,1);\n\n case('E'):\n if( *LexPtr == 'r' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return GenerateElement(68);\n }\n else if( *LexPtr == 's' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return GenerateElement(99);\n }\n else if( *LexPtr == 'u' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return GenerateElement(63);\n }\n break;\n\n case('F'):\n if( *LexPtr == 'e' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return GenerateElement(26);\n }\n else if( *LexPtr == 'm' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return GenerateElement(100);\n }\n else if( *LexPtr == 'r' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return GenerateElement(87);\n }\n return GenerateElement(9);\n\n case('G'):\n if( *LexPtr == 'a' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return( GenerateElement(31) );\n }\n else if( *LexPtr == 'd' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return( GenerateElement(64) );\n }\n else if( *LexPtr == 'e' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return( GenerateElement(32) );\n }\n break;\n\n case('H'):\n if( *LexPtr == 'e' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return( GenerateElement( 2) );\n }\n else if( *LexPtr == 'f' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return( GenerateElement(72) );\n }\n else if( *LexPtr == 'g' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return( GenerateElement(80) );\n }\n else if( *LexPtr == 'o' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return( GenerateElement(67) );\n }\n else if( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n {\n index = 0;\n while( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n index = index*10 + ((*LexPtr++)-'0');\n return BuildAtomLeaf(AE_HCOUNT,index);\n }\n return BuildAtomLeaf(AE_HCOUNT,1);\n\n case('I'):\n if( *LexPtr == 'n' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return( GenerateElement(49) );\n }\n else if( *LexPtr == 'r' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return( GenerateElement(77) );\n }\n return( GenerateElement(53) );\n\n case('K'):\n if( *LexPtr == 'r' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return( GenerateElement(36) );\n }\n return( GenerateElement(19) );\n\n case('L'):\n if( *LexPtr == 'a' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return( GenerateElement( 57) );\n }\n else if( *LexPtr == 'i' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return( GenerateElement( 3) );\n }\n else if( *LexPtr == 'r' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return( GenerateElement(103) );\n }\n else if( *LexPtr == 'u' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return( GenerateElement( 71) );\n }\n break;\n\n case('M'):\n if( *LexPtr == 'd' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return( GenerateElement(101) );\n }\n else if( *LexPtr == 'g' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return( GenerateElement( 12) );\n }\n else if( *LexPtr == 'n' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return( GenerateElement( 25) );\n }\n else if( *LexPtr == 'o' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return( GenerateElement( 42) );\n }\n break;\n\n case('N'):\n switch( *LexPtr++ )\n {\n case('a'): return( GenerateElement( 11) );\n case('b'): return( GenerateElement( 41) );\n case('d'): return( GenerateElement( 60) );\n case('e'): return( GenerateElement( 10) );\n case('i'): return( GenerateElement( 28) );\n case('o'): return( GenerateElement(102) );\n case('p'): return( GenerateElement( 93) );\n }\n LexPtr--;\n return( GenerateAromElem(7,false) );\n\n case('O'):\n if( *LexPtr == 's' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return( GenerateElement(76) );\n }\n return( GenerateAromElem(8,false) );\n\n case('P'):\n switch( *LexPtr++ )\n {\n case('a'): return( GenerateElement(91) );\n case('b'): return( GenerateElement(82) );\n case('d'): return( GenerateElement(46) );\n case('m'): return( GenerateElement(61) );\n case('o'): return( GenerateElement(84) );\n case('r'): return( GenerateElement(59) );\n case('t'): return( GenerateElement(78) );\n case('u'): return( GenerateElement(94) );\n }\n LexPtr--;\n return( GenerateElement(15) );\n\n case('R'):\n switch( *LexPtr++ )\n {\n case('a'): return( GenerateElement(88) );\n case('b'): return( GenerateElement(37) );\n case('e'): return( GenerateElement(75) );\n case('h'): return( GenerateElement(45) );\n case('n'): return( GenerateElement(86) );\n case('u'): return( GenerateElement(44) );\n }\n LexPtr--;\n if( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n {\n index = 0;\n while( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n index = index*10 + ((*LexPtr++)-'0');\n if( index == 0 )\n return BuildAtomPred(AE_ACYCLIC);\n return BuildAtomLeaf(AE_RINGS,index);\n }\n return BuildAtomPred(AE_CYCLIC);\n\n case('S'):\n switch( *LexPtr++ )\n {\n case('b'): return( GenerateElement(51) );\n case('c'): return( GenerateElement(21) );\n case('e'): return( GenerateElement(34) );\n case('i'): return( GenerateElement(14) );\n case('m'): return( GenerateElement(62) );\n case('n'): return( GenerateElement(50) );\n case('r'): return( GenerateElement(38) );\n }\n LexPtr--;\n return( GenerateAromElem(16,false) );\n\n case('T'):\n switch( *LexPtr++ )\n {\n case('a'): return( GenerateElement(73) );\n case('b'): return( GenerateElement(65) );\n case('c'): return( GenerateElement(43) );\n case('e'): return( GenerateElement(52) );\n case('h'): return( GenerateElement(90) );\n case('i'): return( GenerateElement(22) );\n case('l'): return( GenerateElement(81) );\n case('m'): return( GenerateElement(69) );\n }\n LexPtr--;\n break;\n\n case('U'): return( GenerateElement(92) );\n case('V'): return( GenerateElement(23) );\n case('W'): return( GenerateElement(74) );\n\n case('X'):\n if( *LexPtr == 'e' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return( GenerateElement(54) );\n }\n else if( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n {\n index = 0;\n while( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n index = index*10 + ((*LexPtr++)-'0');\n if (index == 0) // default to 1 (if no number present)\n index = 1;\n return BuildAtomLeaf(AE_CONNECT,index);\n }\n return BuildAtomLeaf(AE_CONNECT,1);\n\n case('Y'):\n if( *LexPtr == 'b' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return( GenerateElement(70) );\n }\n return( GenerateElement(39) );\n\n case('Z'):\n if( *LexPtr == 'n' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return GenerateElement(30);\n }\n else if( *LexPtr == 'r' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return GenerateElement(40);\n }\n break;\n\n case('a'):\n if( *LexPtr == 's' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return GenerateAromElem(33,true);\n }\n return BuildAtomPred(AE_AROMATIC);\n\n case('c'):\n return GenerateAromElem(6,true);\n\n case('h'):\n if( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n {\n index = 0;\n while( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n index = index*10 + ((*LexPtr++)-'0');\n }\n else\n index = 1;\n return BuildAtomLeaf(AE_IMPLICIT,index);\n\n case('n'): return GenerateAromElem(7,true);\n case('o'): return GenerateAromElem(8,true);\n case('p'): return GenerateAromElem(15,true);\n\n case('r'):\n if( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n {\n index = 0;\n while( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n index = index*10 + ((*LexPtr++)-'0');\n if( index == 0 )\n return BuildAtomPred(AE_ACYCLIC);\n return BuildAtomLeaf(AE_SIZE,index);\n }\n return BuildAtomPred(AE_CYCLIC);\n\n case('s'):\n if( *LexPtr == 'e' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n return GenerateAromElem(34,true);\n }\n return GenerateAromElem(16,true);\n\n case('v'):\n if( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n {\n index = 0;\n while( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n index = index*10 + ((*LexPtr++)-'0');\n return BuildAtomLeaf(AE_VALENCE,index);\n }\n return BuildAtomLeaf(AE_VALENCE,1);\n\n case('x'):\n if( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n {\n index = 0;\n while( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n index = index*10 + ((*LexPtr++)-'0');\n return BuildAtomLeaf(AE_RINGCONNECT,index);\n }\n return BuildAtomPred(AE_CYCLIC);\n }\n LexPtr--;\n return nullptr;\n }\n\n AtomExpr *OBSmartsPattern::ParseAtomExpr( int level )\n {\n AtomExpr *expr1 = nullptr;\n AtomExpr *expr2 = nullptr;\n char *prev;\n\n switch( level )\n {\n case(0): /* Low Precedence Conjunction */\n if( !(", "expr1=ParseAtomExpr(1)) )\n return nullptr;\n\n while( *LexPtr == ';' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n if( !(", "expr2=ParseAtomExpr(1)) )\n {\n FreeAtomExpr(expr1);\n return nullptr;\n }\n expr1 = BuildAtomBin(AE_ANDLO,expr1,expr2);\n }\n return expr1;\n\n case(1): /* Disjunction */\n if( !(", "expr1=ParseAtomExpr(2)) )\n return nullptr;\n\n while( *LexPtr == ',' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n if( !(", "expr2=ParseAtomExpr(2)) )\n {\n FreeAtomExpr(expr1);\n return nullptr;\n }\n expr1 = BuildAtomBin(AE_OR,expr1,expr2);\n }\n return( expr1 );\n\n case(2): /* High Precedence Conjunction */\n if( !(", "expr1=ParseAtomExpr(3)) )\n return nullptr;\n\n while( (*LexPtr!=']') && (*LexPtr!=';') &&\n (*LexPtr!=',') && *LexPtr )\n {\n if( *LexPtr=='&' )\n LexPtr++;\n prev = LexPtr;\n if( !(", "expr2=ParseAtomExpr(3)) )\n {\n if( prev !", "= LexPtr )\n {\n FreeAtomExpr(expr1);\n return nullptr;\n }\n else\n return( expr1 );\n }\n expr1 = BuildAtomBin(AE_ANDHI,expr1,expr2);\n }\n return( expr1 );\n\n case(3): /* Negation or Primitive */\n if( *LexPtr == '!' )", "\n {\n LexPtr++;\n if( !(", "expr1=ParseAtomExpr(3)) )\n return nullptr;\n return( BuildAtomNot(expr1) );\n }\n return( ParseComplexAtomPrimitive() );\n }\n return nullptr;\n }\n\n BondExpr *OBSmartsPattern::ParseBondPrimitive( void )\n {\n char bsym = *LexPtr++;\n\n switch(bsym)\n {\n case '-': return BuildBondLeaf(BE_SINGLE);\n case '=': return BuildBondLeaf(BE_DOUBLE);\n case '#': return BuildBondLeaf(BE_TRIPLE);\n case '$': return BuildBondLeaf(BE_QUAD);\n case ':': return BuildBondLeaf(BE_AROM);\n case '@': return BuildBondLeaf(BE_RING);\n case '~': return BuildBondLeaf(BE_ANY);\n\n // return BuildBondLeaf(*LexPtr == '?' ? ", "BE_UPUNSPEC : BE_UP);\n case '/': return BuildBondLeaf(BE_SINGLE);\n // return BuildBondLeaf(*LexPtr == '?' ? ", "BE_DOWNUNSPEC : BE_DOWN);\n case '\\\\': return BuildBondLeaf(BE_SINGLE);\n }\n LexPtr--;\n return nullptr;\n }\n\n BondExpr *OBSmartsPattern::ParseBondExpr( int level )\n {\n BondExpr *expr1 = nullptr;\n BondExpr *expr2 = nullptr;\n char *prev;\n\n switch( level )\n {\n case(0): /* Low Precedence Conjunction */\n if( !(", "expr1=ParseBondExpr(1)) )\n return nullptr;\n\n while( *LexPtr == ';' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n if( !(", "expr2=ParseBondExpr(1)) )\n {\n FreeBondExpr(expr1);\n return nullptr;\n }\n expr1 = BuildBondBin(BE_ANDLO,expr1,expr2);\n }\n return expr1;\n\n case(1): /* Disjunction */\n if( !(", "expr1=ParseBondExpr(2)) )\n return nullptr;\n\n while( *LexPtr == ',' )\n {\n LexPtr++;\n if( !(", "expr2=ParseBondExpr(2)) )\n {\n FreeBondExpr(expr1);\n return nullptr;\n }\n expr1 = BuildBondBin(BE_OR,expr1,expr2);\n }\n return expr1;\n\n case(2): /* High Precedence Conjunction */\n if( !(", "expr1=ParseBondExpr(3)) )\n return nullptr;\n\n while( (*LexPtr!=']') && (*LexPtr!=';') &&\n (*LexPtr!=',') && *LexPtr )\n {\n if( *LexPtr == '&' )\n LexPtr++;\n prev = LexPtr;\n if( !(", "expr2=ParseBondExpr(3)) )\n {\n if( prev !", "= LexPtr )\n {\n FreeBondExpr(expr1);\n return nullptr;\n }\n else\n return expr1;\n }\n expr1 = BuildBondBin(BE_ANDHI,expr1,expr2);\n }\n return expr1;\n\n case(3): /* Negation or Primitive */\n if( *LexPtr == '!' )", "\n {\n LexPtr++;\n if( !(", "expr1=ParseBondExpr(3)) )\n return nullptr;\n return BuildBondNot(expr1);\n }\n return ParseBondPrimitive();\n }\n return nullptr;\n }\n\n int OBSmartsPattern::GetVectorBinding()\n {\n int vb=0;\n\n LexPtr++; //skip colon\n if(isdigit(*LexPtr))\n {\n vb = 0;\n while( isdigit(*LexPtr) )\n vb = vb*10 + ((*LexPtr++)-'0');\n }\n\n return(vb);\n }\n\n Pattern *OBSmartsPattern::ParseSMARTSError( Pattern *pat, BondExpr *expr )\n {\n if( expr )\n FreeBondExpr(expr);\n return SMARTSError(pat);\n }\n\n Pattern *OBSmartsPattern::SMARTSParser( Pattern *pat, ParseState *stat,\n int prev, int part )\n {\n int vb = 0;\n AtomExpr *aexpr;\n BondExpr *bexpr;\n int index;\n\n aexpr = nullptr;\n bexpr = nullptr;\n\n while( *LexPtr )\n {\n switch( *LexPtr++ )\n {\n case('.'):", "\n return ParseSMARTSError(pat,bexpr);\n\n case('-'): case('='): case('#'): case('$'):\n case(':'): case('~'): case('@'):\n case('/'): case('\\\\'): case('!'):", "\n LexPtr--;\n if( (prev==-1) || bexpr )\n return ParseSMARTSError(pat,bexpr);\n if( !(", "bexpr=ParseBondExpr(0)) )\n return ParseSMARTSError(pat,bexpr);\n break;\n\n case('('):\n if( bexpr )\n {\n LexPtr--;\n return ParseSMARTSError(pat,bexpr);\n }\n if( prev == -1 )\n {\n index = pat->acount;\n pat = SMARTSParser(pat,stat,-1,part);\n if( !", "pat )\n return nullptr;\n if( index == pat->acount )\n return ParseSMARTSError(pat,bexpr);\n prev = index;\n }\n else\n {\n pat = SMARTSParser(pat,stat,prev,part);\n if( !", "pat )\n return nullptr;\n }\n\n if( *LexPtr !", "= ')' )\n return ParseSMARTSError(pat,bexpr);\n LexPtr++;\n break;\n\n case(')'): LexPtr--;\n if( (prev==-1) || bexpr )\n return ParseSMARTSError(pat,bexpr);\n return pat;\n\n case('%'): if( prev == -1 )\n {\n LexPtr--;\n return ParseSMARTSError(pat,bexpr);\n }\n\n if( isdigit(LexPtr[0]) && isdigit(LexPtr[1]) )\n {\n index = 10*(LexPtr[0]-'0') + (LexPtr[1]-'0');\n LexPtr += 2;\n }\n else\n return ParseSMARTSError(pat,bexpr);\n\n if( stat->closure[index] == -1 )\n {\n stat->closord[index] = bexpr;\n stat->closure[index] = prev;\n }\n else if( stat->closure[index] !", "= prev )\n {\n if( !", "bexpr ) {\n if (!", "stat->closord[index]) {\n bexpr = GenerateDefaultBond();\n FreeBondExpr(stat->closord[index]);\n } else\n bexpr = stat->closord[index];\n } else if (stat->closord[index] && !", "EquivalentBondExpr(bexpr, stat->closord[index]))\n return ParseSMARTSError(pat,bexpr);\n\n CreateBond(pat,bexpr,prev,stat->closure[index]);\n stat->closure[index] = -1;\n bexpr = nullptr;\n }\n else\n return ParseSMARTSError(pat,bexpr);\n break;\n\n case('0'): case('1'): case('2'):\n case('3'): case('4'): case('5'):\n case('6'): case('7'): case('8'):\n case('9'): LexPtr--;\n if( prev == -1 )\n return ParseSMARTSError(pat,bexpr);\n index = (*LexPtr++)-'0';\n\n if( stat->closure[index] == -1 )\n { // Ring opening\n stat->closord[index] = bexpr;\n stat->closure[index] = prev;\n pat->atom[prev].nbrs.push_back(-index); // Store the BC idx as a -ve\n bexpr = nullptr;\n }\n else if( stat->closure[index] !", "= prev )\n { // Ring closure\n if( !", "bexpr ) {\n if (!", "stat->closord[index]) {\n bexpr = GenerateDefaultBond();\n FreeBondExpr(stat->closord[index]);\n } else\n bexpr = stat->closord[index];\n } else if (stat->closord[index] && !", "EquivalentBondExpr(bexpr, stat->closord[index]))\n return ParseSMARTSError(pat,bexpr);\n\n CreateBond(pat,bexpr,prev,stat->closure[index]);\n pat->atom[prev].nbrs.push_back(stat->closure[index]);\n for (unsigned int nbr_idx=0; nbr_idx < pat->atom[stat->closure[index]].nbrs.size(); ++nbr_idx) {\n if (pat->atom[stat->closure[index]].nbrs[nbr_idx] == -index)\n pat->atom[stat->closure[index]].nbrs[nbr_idx] = prev;\n }\n stat->closure[index] = -1;\n bexpr = nullptr;\n }\n else\n return ParseSMARTSError(pat,bexpr);\n break;\n\n case('['):\n // shortcut for '[H]' primitive (PR#1463791)\n if (*LexPtr == 'H' && *(LexPtr+1) == ']')\n {\n aexpr = GenerateElement(1);\n LexPtr++; // skip the 'H'\n pat->hasExplicitH = true;\n }\n else\n aexpr = ParseAtomExpr(0);\n vb = (*LexPtr == ':') ? ", "GetVectorBinding():0;\n if( aexpr == nullptr || (*LexPtr!=']') ){\n if (aexpr !", "= nullptr){\n FreeAtomExpr(aexpr);\n aexpr = nullptr;\n }\n\n return ParseSMARTSError(pat,bexpr);\n }\n index = CreateAtom(pat,aexpr,part,vb);\n if( prev !", "= -1 )\n {\n if( !", "bexpr )\n bexpr = GenerateDefaultBond();\n CreateBond(pat,bexpr,prev,index);\n pat->atom[index].nbrs.push_back(prev);\n pat->atom[prev].nbrs.push_back(index);\n bexpr = nullptr;\n }\n if(*(LexPtr-1) == 'H' && *(LexPtr-2) == '@' ) { // i.e. [C@H] or [C@@H]\n pat->atom[index].nbrs.push_back(SmartsImplicitRef);\n }\n prev = index;\n LexPtr++;\n break;\n\n default:\n LexPtr--;\n aexpr = ParseSimpleAtomPrimitive();\n if( !", "aexpr )\n return ParseSMARTSError(pat,bexpr);\n index = CreateAtom(pat,aexpr,part);\n if( prev !", "= -1 )\n {\n if( !", "bexpr )\n bexpr = GenerateDefaultBond();\n CreateBond(pat,bexpr,prev,index);\n pat->atom[index].nbrs.push_back(prev);\n pat->atom[prev].nbrs.push_back(index);\n bexpr = nullptr;\n }\n prev = index;\n }\n }\n\n if( (prev==-1) || bexpr )\n return ParseSMARTSError(pat,bexpr);\n\n return pat;\n }\n\n static void MarkGrowBonds(Pattern *pat)\n {\n int i;\n OBBitVec bv;\n\n for (i = 0;i < pat->bcount;++i)\n {\n pat->bond[i].grow = (bv[pat->bond[i].src] && bv[pat->bond[i].dst])?", "\n false:true;\n\n bv.", "SetBitOn(pat->bond[i].src);\n bv.", "SetBitOn(pat->bond[i].dst);\n }\n }\n\n static int GetChiralFlag(AtomExpr *expr)\n {\n int tmp1,tmp2;\n\n switch (expr->type)\n {\n case AE_CHIRAL:\n return expr->leaf.value;\n\n case AE_ANDHI:\n case AE_ANDLO:\n tmp1 = GetChiralFlag(expr->bin.lft);\n tmp2 = GetChiralFlag(expr->bin.rgt);\n if (tmp1 == 0) return tmp2;\n if (tmp2 == 0) return tmp1;\n if (tmp1 == tmp2) return tmp1;\n break;\n\n case AE_OR:\n tmp1 = GetChiralFlag(expr->bin.lft);\n tmp2 = GetChiralFlag(expr->bin.rgt);\n if (tmp1 == 0 || tmp2 == 0) return 0;\n if (tmp1 == tmp2) return tmp1;\n break;\n\n case AE_NOT:\n // Treat [!@] ", "as [@@], and [!@@] ", "as [@]\n tmp1 = GetChiralFlag(expr->mon.arg);\n if (tmp1 == AL_ANTICLOCKWISE) return AL_CLOCKWISE;\n if (tmp1 == AL_CLOCKWISE) return AL_ANTICLOCKWISE;\n break;\n }\n\n return 0;\n }\n\n Pattern *OBSmartsPattern::ParseSMARTSPart( Pattern *result, int part )\n {\n ParseState stat;\n int i,flag;\n\n for( i=0; i<100; i++ )\n stat.closure[i] = -1;\n\n result = SMARTSParser(result,&stat,-1,part);\n\n flag = false;\n for( i=0; i<100; i++ )\n if( stat.closure[i] !", "= -1 )\n {\n FreeBondExpr(stat.closord[i]);\n flag = true;\n }\n\n if( result )\n {\n if( flag )\n return(SMARTSError(result));\n else\n {\n MarkGrowBonds(result);\n result->ischiral = false;\n for (i = 0;i < result->acount;++i)\n {\n result->atom[i].chiral_flag = GetChiralFlag(result->atom[i].expr);\n if (result->atom[i].chiral_flag)\n result->ischiral = true;\n }\n return(result);\n }\n }\n else\n return nullptr;\n }\n\n\n Pattern *OBSmartsPattern::ParseSMARTSPattern( void )\n {\n Pattern *result;\n result = AllocPattern();\n\n while( *LexPtr == '(' )\n {\n if (!", "result)\n return nullptr; // ensure we don't get a null dereference\n\n LexPtr++;\n result = ParseSMARTSPart(result,result->parts);\n if( !", "result )\n return nullptr;\n result->parts++;\n\n if( *LexPtr !", "= ')' )\n return SMARTSError(result);\n LexPtr++;\n\n if( !*", "LexPtr || (*LexPtr==')') )\n return result;\n\n if( *LexPtr !", "= '.' )", "\n return SMARTSError(result);\n\n // Here's where we'd handle fragments\n // cerr << \" conjunction \" << LexPtr[0] << endl;\n LexPtr++;\n }\n\n return ParseSMARTSPart(result,0);\n }\n\n Pattern *OBSmartsPattern::ParseSMARTSString( char *ptr )\n {\n Pattern *result;\n\n if( !", "ptr || !*", "ptr )\n return nullptr;\n\n LexPtr = MainPtr = ptr;\n result = ParseSMARTSPattern();\n if( result && *LexPtr )\n return SMARTSError(result);\n return result;\n }\n\n Pattern *OBSmartsPattern::ParseSMARTSRecord( char *ptr )\n {\n char *src;\n\n src = ptr;\n while( *src && !", "isspace(*src) )\n src++;\n\n if( isspace(*src) )\n {\n *src++ = '\\0';\n while( isspace(*src) )\n src++;\n }\n\n return ParseSMARTSString(ptr);\n }\n\n //**********************************\n //********Pattern Matching**********\n //**********************************\n\n bool OBSmartsPattern::Init(const char *buffer)\n {\n if (_buffer !", "= nullptr)\n delete[] _buffer;\n _buffer = new char[strlen(buffer) + 1];\n strcpy(_buffer,buffer);\n\n if (_pat !", "= nullptr)\n FreePattern(_pat);\n _pat = ParseSMARTSRecord(_buffer);\n _str = _buffer;\n\n return _pat !", "= nullptr;\n }\n\n bool OBSmartsPattern::Init(const std::string &s)\n {\n if (_buffer !", "= nullptr)\n delete[] _buffer;\n _buffer = new char[s.length() + 1];\n strcpy(_buffer, s.c_str());\n\n if (_pat !", "= nullptr)\n FreePattern(_pat);\n _pat = ParseSMARTSRecord(_buffer);\n _str = s;\n\n return _pat !", "= nullptr;\n }\n\n OBSmartsPattern::~OBSmartsPattern()\n {\n if (_pat)\n FreePattern(_pat);\n if(_buffer)\n \tdelete [] _buffer;\n }\n\n bool OBSmartsPattern::Match(OBMol &mol,bool single)\n {\n\tOBSmartsMatcher matcher;\n\tif (_pat == nullptr)\n return false;\n if(_pat->hasExplicitH) //The SMARTS pattern contains [H]\n {\n //Do matching on a copy of mol with explicit hydrogens\n OBMol tmol = mol;\n tmol.", "AddHydrogens(false,false);\n return(matcher.match(tmol,_pat,_mlist,single));\n }\n return(matcher.match(mol,_pat,_mlist,single));\n }\n\n bool OBSmartsPattern::HasMatch(OBMol &mol) const\n {\n\t //a convenience function\n\t std::vector<std::vector<int> > dummy;\n\t return Match(mol, dummy, Single);\n }\n\n bool OBSmartsPattern::Match(OBMol &mol, std::vector<std::vector<int> > & mlist,\n\t\t MatchType mtype /*=All*/) const\n {\n\tOBSmartsMatcher matcher;\n\tmlist.clear();\n\tif (_pat == nullptr)\n return false;\n if(_pat->hasExplicitH) //The SMARTS pattern contains [H]\n {\n //Do matching on a copy of mol with explicit hydrogens\n OBMol tmol = mol;\n tmol.", "AddHydrogens(false,false);\n if(!matcher.match(tmol,_pat,mlist,mtype == Single))\n \treturn false;\n }\n else if(!matcher.match(mol,_pat,mlist,mtype == Single))\n \treturn false;\n\n if((mtype == AllUnique) && mlist.size() > 1)\n {\n \t//uniquify\n bool ok;\n OBBitVec bv;\n std::vector<OBBitVec> vbv;\n std::vector<std::vector<int> > ulist;\n std::vector<std::vector<int> >::iterator i;\n std::vector<OBBitVec>::iterator j;\n\n for (i = mlist.begin();i !", "= mlist.end();++i)\n {\n ok = true;\n bv.", "Clear();\n bv.", "FromVecInt(*i);\n for (j = vbv.begin();j !", "= vbv.end() && ok;++j)\n if ((*j) == bv)\n ok = false;\n\n if (ok)\n {\n ulist.push_back(*i);\n vbv.push_back(bv);\n }\n }\n\n mlist = ulist;\n }\n return true;\n }\n\n\n bool OBSmartsPattern::RestrictedMatch(OBMol &mol,\n std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > &pr,\n bool single)\n {\n bool ok;\n std::vector<std::vector<int> > mlist;\n std::vector<std::vector<int> >::iterator i;\n std::vector<std::pair<int,int> >::iterator j;\n\n OBSmartsMatcher matcher;\n matcher.match(mol,_pat,mlist);\n _mlist.clear();\n if (mlist.empty())\n return(false);\n\n for (i = mlist.begin();i !", "= mlist.end();++i)\n {\n ok = true;\n for (j = pr.begin();j !", "= pr.end() && ok;++j)\n if ((*i)[j->first] !", "= j->second)\n ok = false;\n\n if (ok)\n _mlist.push_back(*i);\n if (single && !_", "mlist.empty())\n return(true);\n }\n\n return((_mlist.empty()) ? ", "false:true);\n }\n\n bool OBSmartsPattern::RestrictedMatch(OBMol &mol,OBBitVec &vres, bool single)\n {\n bool ok;\n std::vector<int>::iterator j;\n std::vector<std::vector<int> > mlist;\n std::vector<std::vector<int> >::iterator i;\n\n OBSmartsMatcher matcher;\n matcher.match(mol,_pat,mlist);\n\n _mlist.clear();\n if (mlist.empty())\n return(false);\n\n for (i = mlist.begin();i !", "= mlist.end();++i)\n {\n ok = true;\n for (j = i->begin();j !", "= i->end();++j)\n if (!", "vres[*j])\n {\n ok = false;\n break;\n }\n if (!", "ok)\n continue;\n\n _mlist.push_back(*i);\n if (single && !_", "mlist.empty())\n return(true);\n }\n\n return((_mlist.empty()) ? ", "false:true);\n }\n\n void OBSmartsMatcher::SetupAtomMatchTable(std::vector<std::vector<bool> > &ttab,\n const Pattern *pat, OBMol &mol)\n {\n int i;\n\n ttab.resize(pat->acount);\n for (i = 0;i < pat->acount;++i)\n ttab[i].resize(mol.", "NumAtoms()+1);\n\n OBAtom *atom;\n std::vector<OBAtom*>::iterator j;\n for (i = 0;i < pat->acount;++i)\n for (atom = mol.", "BeginAtom(j);atom;atom = mol.", "NextAtom(j))\n if (EvalAtomExpr(pat->atom[0].expr,atom))\n ttab[i][atom->GetIdx()] = true;\n }\n\n void OBSmartsMatcher::FastSingleMatch(OBMol &mol, const Pattern *pat,\n std::vector<std::vector<int> > &mlist)\n {\n OBAtom *atom,*a1,*nbr;\n std::vector<OBAtom*>::iterator i;\n\n OBBitVec bv(mol.", "NumAtoms()+1);\n std::vector<int> map;\n map.resize(pat->acount);\n std::vector<std::vector<OBBond*>::iterator> vi;\n std::vector<bool> vif;\n\n if (pat->bcount)\n {\n vif.resize(pat->bcount);\n vi.resize(pat->bcount);\n }\n\n int bcount;\n for (atom = mol.", "BeginAtom(i);atom;atom=mol.", "NextAtom(i))\n if (EvalAtomExpr(pat->atom[0].expr,atom))\n {\n map[0] = atom->GetIdx();\n if (pat->bcount)\n vif[0] = false;\n bv.", "Clear();\n bv.", "SetBitOn(atom->GetIdx());\n\n for (bcount=0;bcount >=0;)\n {\n //***entire pattern matched***\n if (bcount == pat->bcount) //save full match here\n {\n mlist.push_back(map);\n bcount--;\n return; //found a single match\n }\n\n //***match the next bond***\n if (!", "pat->bond[bcount].grow) //just check bond here\n {\n if ( !", "vif[bcount] )\n {\n OBBond *bond = mol.", "GetBond(map[pat->bond[bcount].src],\n map[pat->bond[bcount].dst]);\n if (bond && EvalBondExpr(pat->bond[bcount].expr,bond))\n {\n vif[bcount++] = true;\n if (bcount < pat->bcount)\n vif[bcount] = false;\n }\n else\n bcount--;\n }\n else //bond must have already been visited - backtrack\n bcount--;\n }\n else //need to map atom and check bond\n {\n a1 = mol.", "GetAtom(map[pat->bond[bcount].src]);\n\n if (!", "vif[bcount]) //figure out which nbr atom we are mapping\n {\n nbr = a1->BeginNbrAtom(vi[bcount]);\n }\n else\n {\n bv.", "SetBitOff(map[pat->bond[bcount].dst]);\n nbr = a1->NextNbrAtom(vi[bcount]);\n }\n\n for (;nbr;nbr=a1->NextNbrAtom(vi[bcount]))\n if (!", "bv[nbr->GetIdx()])\n if (EvalAtomExpr(pat->atom[pat->bond[bcount].dst].expr,nbr)\n && EvalBondExpr(pat->bond[bcount].expr,(OBBond *)*(vi[bcount])))\n {\n bv.", "SetBitOn(nbr->GetIdx());\n map[pat->bond[bcount].dst] = nbr->GetIdx();\n vif[bcount] = true;\n bcount++;\n if (bcount < pat->bcount)\n vif[bcount] = false;\n break;\n }\n\n if (!", "nbr)//no match - time to backtrack\n bcount--;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n\n bool OBSmartsMatcher::match(OBMol &mol, const Pattern *pat,\n std::vector<std::vector<int> > &mlist,bool single)\n {\n mlist.clear();\n if (!", "pat || pat->acount == 0)\n return(false);//shouldn't ever happen\n\n if (single && !", "pat->ischiral) {\n // perform a fast single match (only works for non-chiral SMARTS)\n FastSingleMatch(mol,pat,mlist);\n } else {\n // perform normal match (chirality ignored and checked below)\n OBSSMatch ssm(mol,pat);\n ssm.", "Match(mlist);\n }\n\n if (pat->ischiral) {\n std::vector<std::vector<int> >::iterator m;\n std::vector<std::vector<int> > tmpmlist;\n\n tmpmlist.clear();\n // iterate over the atom mappings\n for (m = mlist.begin();m !", "= mlist.end();++m) {\n\n bool allStereoCentersMatch = true;\n\n // for each pattern atom\n for (int j = 0; j < pat->acount; ++j) {\n // skip non-chiral pattern atoms\n if (!", "pat->atom[j].chiral_flag)\n continue;\n // ignore @? ", "in smarts, parse like any other smarts\n if (pat->atom[j].chiral_flag == AL_UNSPECIFIED)\n continue;\n\n // use the mapping the get the chiral atom in the molecule being queried\n OBAtom *center = mol.", "GetAtom((*m)[j]);\n\n // get the OBTetrahedralStereo::Config from the molecule\n OBStereoFacade stereo(&mol);\n OBTetrahedralStereo *ts = stereo.", "GetTetrahedralStereo(center->GetId());\n if (!", "ts || !", "ts->GetConfig().specified) {\n // no stereochemistry specified in molecule for the atom\n // corresponding to the chiral pattern atom using the current\n // mapping --> no match\n allStereoCentersMatch = false;\n break;\n }\n\n std::vector<int> nbrs = pat->atom[j].nbrs;\n\n if (nbrs.size() !", "= 4) { // 3 nbrs currently not supported. ", "Other values are errors.", "\n //stringstream ss;\n //ss << \"Ignoring stereochemistry. ", "There are \" << nbrs.size() << \" connections to this atom instead of 4. ", "Title: \" << mol.", "GetTitle();\n //obErrorLog.", "ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, ss.str(), obWarning);\n continue;\n }\n\n // construct a OBTetrahedralStereo::Config using the smarts pattern\n OBTetrahedralStereo::Config smartsConfig;\n smartsConfig.center = center->GetId();\n if (nbrs.at(0) == SmartsImplicitRef)\n smartsConfig.from = OBStereo::ImplicitRef;\n else\n smartsConfig.from = mol.", "GetAtom( (*m)[nbrs.at(0)] )->GetId();\n OBStereo::Ref firstref;\n if (nbrs.at(1) == SmartsImplicitRef)\n firstref = OBStereo::ImplicitRef;\n else\n firstref = mol.", "GetAtom( (*m)[nbrs.at(1)] )->GetId();\n OBAtom *ra2 = mol.", "GetAtom( (*m)[nbrs.at(2)] );\n OBAtom *ra3 = mol.", "GetAtom( (*m)[nbrs.at(3)] );\n smartsConfig.refs = OBStereo::MakeRefs(firstref, ra2->GetId(), ra3->GetId());\n\n smartsConfig.view = OBStereo::ViewFrom;\n switch (pat->atom[j].chiral_flag) {\n case AL_CLOCKWISE:\n smartsConfig.winding = OBStereo::Clockwise;\n break;\n case AL_ANTICLOCKWISE:\n smartsConfig.winding = OBStereo::AntiClockwise;\n break;\n default:\n smartsConfig.specified = false;\n }\n\n // cout << \"smarts config = \" << smartsConfig << endl;\n // cout << \"molecule config = \" << ts->GetConfig() << endl;\n // cout << \"match = \" << (ts->GetConfig() == smartsConfig) << endl;\n\n // and save the match if the two configurations are the same\n if (ts->GetConfig() !", "= smartsConfig)\n allStereoCentersMatch = false;\n\n // don't waste time checking more stereocenters using this mapping if one didn't match\n if (!", "allStereoCentersMatch)\n break;\n }\n\n // if all the atoms in the molecule match the stereochemistry specified\n // in the smarts pattern, save this mapping as a match\n if (allStereoCentersMatch)\n tmpmlist.push_back(*m);\n }\n\n mlist = tmpmlist;\n }\n\n return(!mlist.empty());\n }\n\n bool OBSmartsMatcher::EvalAtomExpr(AtomExpr *expr,OBAtom *atom)\n {\n for (;;)\n switch (expr->type)\n {\n case AE_TRUE:\n return true;\n case AE_FALSE:\n return false;\n case AE_AROMATIC:\n return atom->IsAromatic();\n case AE_ALIPHATIC:\n return !", "atom->IsAromatic();\n case AE_CYCLIC:\n return atom->IsInRing();\n case AE_ACYCLIC:\n return !", "atom->IsInRing();\n\n case AE_MASS:\n return expr->leaf.value == atom->GetIsotope();\n case AE_ELEM:\n return expr->leaf.value == (int)atom->GetAtomicNum();\n case AE_AROMELEM:\n return expr->leaf.value == (int)atom->GetAtomicNum() &&\n atom->IsAromatic();\n case AE_ALIPHELEM:\n return expr->leaf.value == (int)atom->GetAtomicNum() &&\n !", "atom->IsAromatic();\n case AE_HCOUNT:\n return expr->leaf.value == ((int)atom->ExplicitHydrogenCount() +\n (int)atom->GetImplicitHCount());\n case AE_CHARGE:\n return expr->leaf.value == atom->GetFormalCharge();\n case AE_CONNECT:\n return expr->leaf.value == (int)atom->GetTotalDegree();\n case AE_DEGREE:\n return expr->leaf.value == (int)atom->GetExplicitDegree();\n case AE_IMPLICIT:\n return expr->leaf.value == (int)atom->GetImplicitHCount();\n case AE_RINGS:\n return expr->leaf.value == (int)atom->MemberOfRingCount();\n case AE_SIZE:\n return atom->IsInRingSize(expr->leaf.value);\n case AE_VALENCE:\n return expr->leaf.value == (int)atom->GetTotalValence();\n case AE_CHIRAL:\n // always return true (i.e. accept the match) and check later\n return true;\n case AE_HYB:\n return expr->leaf.value == (int)atom->GetHyb();\n case AE_RINGCONNECT:\n return expr->leaf.value == (int)atom->CountRingBonds();\n\n case AE_NOT:\n return !", "EvalAtomExpr(expr->mon.arg,atom);\n case AE_ANDHI: /* Same as AE_ANDLO */\n case AE_ANDLO:\n if (!", "EvalAtomExpr(expr->bin.lft,atom))\n return false;\n expr = expr->bin.rgt;\n break;\n case AE_OR:\n if (EvalAtomExpr(expr->bin.lft,atom))\n return true;\n expr = expr->bin.rgt;\n break;\n\n case AE_RECUR:\n {\n //see if pattern has been matched\n std::vector<std::pair<const Pattern*,std::vector<bool> > >::iterator i;\n for (i = RSCACHE.begin();i !", "= RSCACHE.end();++i)\n if (i->first == (Pattern*)expr->recur.recur)\n return(i->second[atom->GetIdx()]);\n\n //perceive and match pattern\n std::vector<std::vector<int> >::iterator j;\n std::vector<bool> vb(((OBMol*) atom->GetParent())->NumAtoms()+1);\n std::vector<std::vector<int> > mlist;\n if (match( *((OBMol *) atom->GetParent()),\n (Pattern*)expr->recur.recur,mlist))\n for (j = mlist.begin();j !", "= mlist.end();++j)\n vb[(*j)[0]] = true;\n\n RSCACHE.push_back(std::pair<const Pattern*,\n std::vector<bool> > ((const Pattern*)expr->recur.recur,\n vb));\n\n return(vb[atom->GetIdx()]);\n }\n\n default:\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n bool OBSmartsMatcher::EvalBondExpr(BondExpr *expr,OBBond *bond)\n {\n for (;;)\n switch( expr->type )\n {\n case BE_ANDHI:\n case BE_ANDLO:\n if (!", "EvalBondExpr(expr->bin.lft,bond))\n return false;\n expr = expr->bin.rgt;\n break;\n\n case BE_OR:\n if (EvalBondExpr(expr->bin.lft,bond))\n return true;\n expr = expr->bin.rgt;\n break;\n\n case BE_NOT:\n return !", "EvalBondExpr(expr->mon.arg,bond);\n\n case BE_ANY:\n return true;\n case BE_DEFAULT:\n return bond->GetBondOrder()==1 || bond->IsAromatic();\n case BE_SINGLE:\n return bond->GetBondOrder()==1 && !", "bond->IsAromatic();\n case BE_DOUBLE:\n return bond->GetBondOrder()==2 && !", "bond->IsAromatic();\n case BE_TRIPLE:\n return bond->GetBondOrder() == 3;\n case BE_QUAD:\n return bond->GetBondOrder() == 4;\n case BE_AROM:\n return bond->IsAromatic();\n case BE_RING:\n return bond->IsInRing();\n //case BE_UP:\n // return bond->IsUp();\n //case BE_DOWN:\n // return bond->IsDown();\n //case BE_UPUNSPEC: // up or unspecified (i.e., not down)\n // return !", "bond->IsDown();\n //case BE_DOWNUNSPEC: // down or unspecified (i.e., not up)\n // return !", "bond->IsUp();\n default:\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n std::vector<std::vector<int> > &OBSmartsPattern::GetUMapList()\n {\n if (_mlist.empty() || _mlist.size() == 1)\n return(_mlist);\n\n bool ok;\n OBBitVec bv;\n std::vector<OBBitVec> vbv;\n std::vector<std::vector<int> > mlist;\n std::vector<std::vector<int> >::iterator i;\n std::vector<OBBitVec>::iterator j;\n\n for (i = _mlist.begin();i !", "= _mlist.end();++i)\n {\n ok = true;\n bv.", "Clear();\n bv.", "FromVecInt(*i);\n for (j = vbv.begin();j !", "= vbv.end() && ok;++j)\n if ((*j) == bv)\n ok = false;\n\n if (ok)\n {\n mlist.push_back(*i);\n vbv.push_back(bv);\n }\n }\n\n _mlist = mlist;\n return(_mlist);\n }\n\n void OBSmartsPattern::WriteMapList(ostream &ofs)\n {\n std::vector<std::vector<int> >::iterator i;\n std::vector<int>::iterator j;\n\n for ( i = _mlist.begin() ; i !", "= _mlist.end() ; ++i )\n {\n for (j = (*i).begin();j !", "= (*i).end();++j)\n ofs << *j << ' ' << ends;\n ofs << endl;\n }\n }\n\n //*******************************************************************\n // The OBSSMatch class performs exhaustive matching using recursion\n // Explicit stack handling is used to find just a single match in\n // match()\n //*******************************************************************\n\n OBSSMatch::OBSSMatch(OBMol &mol, const Pattern *pat)\n {\n _mol = &mol;\n _pat = pat;\n _map.resize(pat->acount);\n\n if (!", "mol.", "Empty())\n {\n _uatoms = new bool [mol.", "NumAtoms()+1];\n memset((char*)_uatoms,'\\0',sizeof(bool)*(mol.", "NumAtoms()+1));\n }\n else\n _uatoms = nullptr;\n }\n\n OBSSMatch::~OBSSMatch()\n {\n if (_uatoms)\n delete [] _uatoms;\n }\n\n void OBSSMatch::Match(std::vector<std::vector<int> > &mlist,int bidx)\n {\n\t OBSmartsMatcher matcher;\n if (bidx == -1)\n {\n OBAtom *atom;\n std::vector<OBAtom*>::iterator i;\n for (atom = _mol->BeginAtom(i);atom;atom = _mol->NextAtom(i))\n if (matcher.", "EvalAtomExpr(_pat->atom[0].expr,atom))\n {\n _map[0] = atom->GetIdx();\n _uatoms[atom->GetIdx()] = true;\n Match(mlist,0);\n _map[0] = 0;\n _uatoms[atom->GetIdx()] = false;\n }\n return;\n }\n\n if (bidx == _pat->bcount) //save full match here\n {\n mlist.push_back(_map);\n return;\n }\n\n if (_pat->bond[bidx].grow) //match the next bond\n {\n int src = _pat->bond[bidx].src;\n int dst = _pat->bond[bidx].dst;\n\n if (_map[src] <= 0 || _map[src] > (signed)_mol->NumAtoms())\n return;\n\n AtomExpr *aexpr = _pat->atom[dst].expr;\n BondExpr *bexpr = _pat->bond[bidx].expr;\n OBAtom *atom,*nbr;\n std::vector<OBBond*>::iterator i;\n\n atom = _mol->GetAtom(_map[src]);\n for (nbr = atom->BeginNbrAtom(i);nbr;nbr = atom->NextNbrAtom(i))\n if (!_", "uatoms[nbr->GetIdx()] && matcher.", "EvalAtomExpr(aexpr,nbr) &&\n \t\t matcher.", "EvalBondExpr(bexpr,((OBBond*) *i)))\n {\n _map[dst] = nbr->GetIdx();\n _uatoms[nbr->GetIdx()] = true;\n Match(mlist,bidx+1);\n _uatoms[nbr->GetIdx()] = false;\n _map[dst] = 0;\n }\n }\n else //just check bond here\n {\n OBBond *bond = _mol->GetBond(_map[_pat->bond[bidx].src],\n _map[_pat->bond[bidx].dst]);\n if (bond && matcher.", "EvalBondExpr(_pat->bond[bidx].expr,bond))\n Match(mlist,bidx+1);\n }\n }\n\n static int GetExprOrder(BondExpr *expr)\n {\n int tmp1,tmp2;\n\n switch( expr->type )\n {\n case BE_SINGLE: return 1;\n case BE_DOUBLE: return 2;\n case BE_TRIPLE: return 3;\n case BE_QUAD: return 4;\n case BE_AROM: return 5;\n\n case BE_UP:\n case BE_DOWN:\n case BE_UPUNSPEC:\n case BE_DOWNUNSPEC:\n return 1;\n \n case BE_ANDHI:\n case BE_ANDLO:\n tmp1 = GetExprOrder(expr->bin.lft);\n tmp2 = GetExprOrder(expr->bin.rgt);\n if (tmp1 == 0) return tmp2;\n if (tmp2 == 0) return tmp1;\n if (tmp1 == tmp2) return tmp1;\n break;\n\n case BE_OR:\n tmp1 = GetExprOrder(expr->bin.lft);\n if (tmp1 == 0) return 0;\n tmp2 = GetExprOrder(expr->bin.rgt);\n if (tmp2 == 0) return 0;\n if (tmp1 == tmp2) return tmp1;\n break;\n }\n\n return 0;\n }\n\n static int GetExprCharge(AtomExpr *expr)\n {\n int tmp1,tmp2;\n\n switch( expr->type )\n {\n case AE_CHARGE:\n return expr->leaf.value;\n\n case AE_ANDHI:\n case AE_ANDLO:\n tmp1 = GetExprCharge(expr->bin.lft);\n tmp2 = GetExprCharge(expr->bin.rgt);\n if (tmp1 == 0) return tmp2;\n if (tmp2 == 0) return tmp1;\n if (tmp1 == tmp2) return tmp1;\n break;\n\n case AE_OR:\n tmp1 = GetExprCharge(expr->bin.lft);\n if (tmp1 == 0) return 0;\n tmp2 = GetExprCharge(expr->bin.rgt);\n if (tmp2 == 0) return 0;\n if (tmp1 == tmp2) return tmp1;\n break;\n }\n\n return 0;\n }\n\n int OBSmartsPattern::GetCharge(int idx)\n {\n return GetExprCharge(_pat->atom[idx].expr);\n }\n\n static int GetExprAtomicNum(AtomExpr *expr)\n {\n int tmp1,tmp2;\n\n switch( expr->type )\n {\n case AE_ELEM:\n case AE_AROMELEM:\n case AE_ALIPHELEM:\n return expr->leaf.value;\n\n case AE_ANDHI:\n case AE_ANDLO:\n tmp1 = GetExprAtomicNum(expr->bin.lft);\n tmp2 = GetExprAtomicNum(expr->bin.rgt);\n if (tmp1 == 0) return tmp2;\n if (tmp2 == 0) return tmp1;\n if (tmp1 == tmp2) return tmp1;\n break;\n\n case AE_OR:\n tmp1 = GetExprAtomicNum(expr->bin.lft);\n if (tmp1 == 0) return 0;\n tmp2 = GetExprAtomicNum(expr->bin.rgt);\n if (tmp2 == 0) return 0;\n if (tmp1 == tmp2) return tmp1;\n break;\n }\n\n return 0;\n }\n\n int OBSmartsPattern::GetAtomicNum(int idx)\n {\n return GetExprAtomicNum(_pat->atom[idx].expr);\n }\n\n void OBSmartsPattern::GetBond(int &src,int &dst,int &ord,int idx)\n {\n src = _pat->bond[idx].src;\n dst = _pat->bond[idx].dst;\n ord = GetExprOrder(_pat->bond[idx].expr);\n }\n\n void SmartsLexReplace(std::string &s,std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string> > &vlex)\n {\n size_t j,pos;\n std::string token,repstr;\n std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string> >::iterator i;\n\n for (pos = 0,pos = s.find(\"$\",pos);pos < s.size();pos = s.find(\"$\",pos))\n //for (pos = 0,pos = s.find(\"$\",pos);pos !", "= std::string::npos;pos = s.find(\"$\",pos))\n {\n pos++;\n for (j = pos;j < s.size();++j)\n if (!", "isalpha(s[j]) && !", "isdigit(s[j]) && s[j] !", "= '_')\n break;\n if (pos == j)\n continue;\n\n token = s.substr(pos,j-pos);\n for (i = vlex.begin();i !", "= vlex.end();++i)\n if (token == i->first)\n {\n repstr = \"(\" + i->second + \")\";\n s.replace(pos,j-pos,repstr);\n j = 0;\n }\n pos = j;\n }\n }\n\n} // end namespace OpenBabel\n\n//! ", "\\file parsmart.cpp\n//! ", "\\brief Implementation of Daylight SMARTS parser.", "\n" ]
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[ "Almost linear VC-dimension bounds for piecewise polynomial networks\nWe compute upper and lower bounds on the VC dimension and pseudo-dimension of feedforward neural networks composed of piecewise polynomial activation functions. ", "We show that if the number of layers is fixed, then the VC dimension and pseudo-dimension grow as WlogW, where W is the number of parameters in the network. ", "This result stands in opposition to the case where the number of layers is unbounded, in which case the VC dimension and pseudo-dimension grow as W2. ", "We combine our results with recently established approximation error rates and determine error bounds for the problem of regression estimation by piecewise polynomial networks with unbounded weights." ]
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[ "Roland Eng\n\nRoland Eng (born 1959) is a Cambodian politician and ambassador. ", "He has worked diplomatically with Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and the United States of America.", "\n\nEng was sent to France to pursue his education in 1968. ", "Three years later in 1971, Roland's father disappeared, leaving his mother, five sisters, and two brothers when the Khmer Rouge invaded Cambodia. ", "In 1979, Eng joined King Norodom Sihanouk as Private Secretary and the following year he graduated with a Degree in Public Administration from Université Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III.", "\nAmbassador Eng's career in the public service commenced during some of the most turbulent times in Cambodia's history. ", "As Private Secretary to His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia from 1979 to 1981, he later joined the Royalist Movement for more than a decade along the Thai-Cambodian border and actively participated in the making of Paris Peace Agreement, which established the United Nations Transitional Authority of Cambodia (UNTAC) in 1992. ", "\nEng participated actively in the Paris Peace Agreement which established UNTAC, the United Nation Operation in Cambodia. ", "He was subsequently appointed by His Majesty the King as rotating Ambassador of the then Supreme National Council of Cambodia (SNC) to the United Nations and later on ran as a candidate for Member of Parliament for Kampot province for the FUNCIPEC party. ", "Eng was Cambodia's first Minister of Tourism in 1992-1993. ", "During his tenure, he modernized and transformed Cambodia's nascent tourism sector, turning its Tourism Authority into a full-fledged Ministry with clear vision and mandate in developing the country's tourism. ", "He was then appointed as rowing Ambassador to the UN for the SNC (Supreme National Council of Cambodia).", "\n\nAmbassador Eng served as Cambodia's Ambassador to the United States from 1999 to 2005. ", "Prior to his posting in Washington D.C., he was Ambassador to Thailand with concurrent accreditation to Malaysia and Singapore from 1994 to 1999, where he re-established Cambodia's diplomatic relations with these countries following several years’ hiatus. ", "\n\nEng has contributed several articles on development, conflict resolution and other topics. ", "Among his recent works is “Creating Local-Level Stability and Empowerment in Cambodia” in “Human Security for All: A Tribute to Sergio Vieira de Mello” (Fordham University Press, 2004).", "\n\nEng is fluent in Cambodian, French, and English. ", "He is actively involved in various foundations and NGOs and is currently President of the Angkor Photo Festival. ", "He also sits on the Advisory Board of Anjali House, a Siem Reap-based non-profit organization that provides free food, healthcare, and education to under-privileged children. ", "Eng also serves on the board of directors of Friends of Khmer Culture (FOKCI), Sobbhana Women's Foundation, Jay Pritzker Academy (JPA), and the Angkor Photo Festival.", "\n\nReferences\n\nAmbassador Roland Eng, The Little Red Dot Vol III. ", "Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy:≤Singapore Cambodia a growing partnership page ≥\n\nBibliography\n\n Mehta, Harish C., Warrior Prince: Norodom Ranariddh, Son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia, Graham Brash, 2001, \nSingapore-Cambodia- a growing partnership page 25\n\nCategory:1959 births\nCategory:Funcinpec Party politicians\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Cambodian people of Chinese descent\nCategory:Cambodian Cham people \nCategory:Ambassadors of Cambodia to Malaysia\nCategory:Ambassadors of Cambodia to Thailand\nCategory:Ambassadors of Cambodia to Singapore\nCategory:Ambassadors of Cambodia to the United States" ]
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[ "I did not know about the category before! ", "So, by the fact that it look new and surprising twist-bar and amiga balls... thumb up! ", "I feel confident that there are still room for more surprising stuff for OHP... but as it won't be the very first one, I guess my expectation for a next prod will be higher! ;)" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "The Phoenix scored three first-half goals in 17 minutes on Saturday at Sydney's Jubilee Stadium, with striker Roy Krishna bagging a brace, to help Wellington coach and former Sydney FC captain Mark Rudan enjoy a memorable win over his old club.", "\n\nDefender Michael Zullo pulled a goal back in the 89th minute, but Sydney suffered successive home losses for the first time since April 2016.", "\n\nIt was Wellington's first win since the opening round and their first over Sydney in seven games, having picked up just one point in their previous eight away matches against all comers.", "\n\nSydney's defence was caught ball watching in a nightmarish first half as a series of passes and crosses cut them apart." ]
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[ 0.00005038968019349637, 0.000048902146804244705, 0, 0 ]
[ "You probably don't think about body odour all that much, until you're at the gym or on a crowded bus. ", "You roll on your roll-on each morning and that's usually that. ", "From time to time, you may detect a scent emanating near you and wonder, \"Could that be me?\" ", "You do a quick, discreet sniff test of your armpits and look around to see if anyone noticed or whether the scent could belong to someone else. ", "From where do these offending smells sprout? ", "Why does the human body sometimes emit such a foul stench?", "\n\nTo understand why body odour happens, it helps to know a little bit about sweat. ", "You have about 2 to 4 million sweat glands all over your body, but these millions of glands come in 3 main types - eccrine, apocrine, and apoeccrine sweat glands.", "\n\nThe sweat that cools:Eccrine sweat glands span your body's length, from your head to your feet. ", "From your eccrine glands come the sweat of nervousness, the sweat of exertion, and the sweat in response to heat. ", "Eccrine glands serve a definite function: they help our body adjust its temperature. ", "The sweat from these glands is slightly salty but odourless. ", "You may be wondering about feet, then, and why they smell. ", "The feet can smell because of bacteria that thrive in dark, tight places (like shoes and socks).", "\n\nThe sweat that stinks:Apocrine sweat glands, on the other hand, don't serve a direct purpose. ", "And while they can only be found in a few distinct places - a few of the more intimate or hidden parts of our bodies - the sweat radiating from these spots tends to be the smelliest. ", "Yes, we're talking about the underarms, but we're also talking about the areas around the genitals, nipples, and belly button area. ", "Because of the location of these glands, the theory is that they once served some sexual function. ", "When moisture originates in these spots, it interacts with bacteria on the skin, causing each person's distinct body aroma.", "\n\nThe combo sweat:Apoeccrine sweat glands are, as you can tell, a combination of the other two types of sweat glands. ", "These are found in the underarms and bum areas and they are developed from eccrine glands during puberty. ", "Scientists are unclear on the role of these glands.", "\n\nLuckily, it's pretty simple to deal with body odour:\n\nkeep yourself clean and shower after especially exerting activities\n\nuse deodorant\n\nwear natural fibre clothing that lets your skin breathe\n\nstay active so your body flushes out potential bacteria\n\ncut back on any foods, like garlic, that seem to cause particularly foul body odour\n\nEveryone sweats when they're hot or nervous or moving around a lot. ", "Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) is less common and may be caused by genetics, certain foods or medications, hormonal imbalances, low blood sugar, certain diseases and conditions, or by an unknown source. ", "You should see a doctor if you notice a new or strong scent to your usual body odour or if you're sweating more than usual." ]
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[ "Jackie I talked with Daren and we would like to wait for now, It is a little \nearly in the month and the well may be just getting revved up. ", " Wells tend to \nmove around a bit through the month and usually even out at the end but \nthank you for bringing it to my attention and please feel free to inform me \nof any others that you might see. ", " The more eyes the better. ", " Thanks Jackie." ]
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[ 0.00004959333465582226, 0.00002475186257765897, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nEncountered two children with the same key in React\n\nI'm currently trying to learn how to create a webapp to interact with an Ethereum contract I wrote. ", "Therefore I have chosen to learn how use React and Semantic-UI.", "\nThe page I am working on is not working as I would expected. ", "It does not show the CardGroup because of an error that I do not understand:\nwarning.js?040ca1d:33 Warning: Encountered two children with the same key, `-`. ", "Keys should be unique so that components maintain their identity across updates. ", "Non-unique keys may cause children to be duplicated and/or omitted — the behavior is unsupported and could change in a future version.", "\n in div (created by CardGroup)\n in CardGroup (at index.js?entry:30)\n in div (at index.js?entry:37)\n in div (at Layout.js:5)\n in Unknown (at index.js?entry:36)\n in BiddingCreator (created by Container)\n in AppContainer (created by Container)\n in Container (created by App)\n in div (created by App)\n in App\n\nHere is my current code:\nimport React, {Component} from 'react';\nimport biddingCreator from '../Ethereum/BiddingCreator';\nimport {Card} from 'semantic-ui-react';\nimport Layout from '../components/Layout'\n\nconst compiledBidding = require('../Ethereum/build/Bidding.json');\n\nclass BiddingCreator extends Component{\n\n static async getInitialProps(){\n const biddings = await biddingCreator.methods.getBiddings().call();\n\n const items = await biddings.map( async address => {\n var summary = await biddingCreator.methods.viewBidding(address).call();\n console.log(summary);\n console.log(address);\n return {\n header: address,\n description: summary[1],\n meta: address,\n fluid: true\n };\n\n });\n\n return { biddings, items};\n }\n\n renderBiddings(){\n console.log(this.props.items);\n return <Card.", "Group items={this.props.items} />;\n}\n\n render(){\n\n return(\n <Layout>\n <div>\n\n {this.renderBiddings()}\n </div>\n </Layout>\n )\n }\n}\n\nexport default BiddingCreator;\n\nCan someone please explain me what I am doing wrong and what this error means? ", "\n\nA:\n\nIt's a common error for React lists and keys\nI've checked semantic-ui-react source code for Card.", "Group and it seems that you can add a key attribute to each item e.g.\nconst items = this.props.biddings.map(async (address, index) => {\n var summary = await biddingCreator.methods.viewBidding(address);\n return {\n key: index,\n header: summary[0],\n description: summary[1],\n meta: address,\n fluid: true\n };\n});\n\nPS\nHere is how Card.", "Group generates keys const key = item.key || [item.header, item.description].join('-')\nand it seems in some cases you have empty values for header and description that's why you face the error \"Encountered two children with the same key, -\"\n\nA:\n\nHere is the solution I found using the help in yuyokk's post:\nitems was still waiting on its promises when my cars where trying to render and therefore thy had no data and thus no key.", "\nwith this code it works now:\nconst items =await Promise.all( biddings.map(async address => {\n\n var summary = await biddingCreator.methods.viewBidding(address).call();\n return {\n header: summary[0],\n description: summary[1],\n meta: address,\n fluid: true\n };\n }));\n\n" ]
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[ "56 F.3d 70NOTICE: Ninth Circuit Rule 36-3 provides that dispositions other than opinions or orders designated for publication are not precedential and should not be cited except when relevant under the doctrines of law of the case, res judicata, or collateral estoppel.", "\nDonald L. ANDERSON, Petitioner-Appellant,v.John R. HALLAHAN; Grant Woods, Attorney General, Respondents-Appellee.", "\nNo. ", "94-15848.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit.", "\nSubmitted May 16, 1995.*Decided May 19, 1995.", "\n\nBefore: WALLACE, Chief Judge, HUG and NOONAN, Circuit Judges.", "\n\n\n1\nMEMORANDUM**\n\n\n2\nArizona prisoner Donald L. Anderson appeals pro se the district court's denial of his habeas corpus petition brought under 28 U.S.C. Sec. ", "2254. ", " Anderson contends that the district court should have reached the merits of his claims attacking his 1988 guilty plea conviction. ", " We grant Anderson's motion to file a late reply brief, deny his motion for the appointment of counsel, and deny his request for discovery. ", " We have jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. Secs. ", "1291, 2253. ", " We review de novo the denial of a writ of habeas corpus, Adams v. Peterson, 968 F.2d 835, 843 (9th Cir. ", "1992) (en banc), cert. ", "denied, 113 S. Ct. ", "1818 (1993), and affirm.", "\n\n\n3\nThe district court found that it lacked jurisdiction over Anderson's claims attacking his 1988 guilty plea conviction. ", " Because the record is somewhat ambiguous whether the sentence he is presently serving has been enhanced with the 1988 conviction, the district court may have erred by finding that it lacked jurisdiction over the claims involving the 1988 conviction. ", " See Brock v. Weston, 31 F.3d 887, 890 (9th Cir. ", "1994); Feldman v. Perrill, 902 F.2d 1445, 1448 (9th Cir. ", "1990). ", " We may, however, affirm on any ground supported by the record. ", " Welch v. Fritz, 909 F.2d 1330, 1331 (9th Cir. ", "1990).", "\n\n\n4\nFederal courts will not consider a federal claim if the last state court rendering a reasoned decision finds the claim barred due to an independent and adequate state rule, unless the petitioner establishes cause and prejudice, or a fundamental miscarriage of justice. ", " See Coleman v. Thompson, 501 U.S. 722, 750 (1991); Noltie v. Peterson, 9 F.3d 802, 804-05 (9th Cir. ", "1993).", "\n\n\n5\nHere, the district court found that Anderson procedurally defaulted on his claims attacking his 1989 conviction during state post-conviction proceedings. ", " Because Anderson attacked his 1988 conviction in the same proceeding, however, Anderson also procedurally defaulted on his federal claims attacking the 1988 conviction. ", " As Anderson did not have the constitutional right to counsel in that proceeding, counsel's alleged incompetence does not establish cause for the default. ", " See Coleman, 501 U.S. at 752-53; Bonin v. Vasquez, 999 F.2d 425, 427-31 (9th Cir. ", "1993). ", " Anderson also fails to establish that a fundamental miscarriage of justice would result from a failure to consider his claims attacking on his 1988 conviction. ", " See Noltie, 9 F.3d at 806 (petitioner must show actual innocence to establish fundamental miscarriage of justice). ", " Thus, the district court properly dismissed Anderson's petition. ", " See Welch, 909 F.2d at 1331.", "\n\n\n6\nWe do not consider the claims raised for the first time on appeal in Anderson's pleadings. ", " See Morgan v. Bunnell, 24 F.3d 49, 52 (9th Cir. ", "1994) (refusing to consider claims not presented in habeas petition).", "\n\n\n7\nAFFIRMED.", "\n\n\n\n*\n Because we unanimously find this case suitable for decision without oral argument, we deny Anderson's request for oral argument. ", " Fed. ", "R. App. ", " P. 34(a); 9th Cir. ", " R. 34-4\n\n\n**\n This disposition is not appropriate for publication and may not be cited to or by the courts of this circuit except as provided by 9th Cir. ", " R. 36-3\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCommon method for logging in Spring-boot\n\nHere is my controller class for GetMapping and PostMapping\npublic class Controller{\n @CrossOrigin(origins = \"*\")\n @PostMapping(value = \"/tran\", produces = MediaType.", "APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)\n public ResponseEntity<Map<String,Object>> createTransaction(@RequestHeader(required = false,name=\"request-id\") String requestId,\n @RequestHeader(required = false,name=\"request-datetime\") String requestDate,\n @RequestHeader(required = false,name= \"request-channel\") String requestChannel,\n @RequestBody TransactionRequestEntity createTransactionRequest,\n HttpServletRequest req) throws Exception {\n\n///// Some Code /////\n\n }\n\n @CrossOrigin(origins = \"*\")\n @GetMapping(value = \"/getTran\", produces = MediaType.", "APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)\n public ResponseEntity<Map<String,Object>> getByTransactionId(@RequestHeader(required = false,name=\"request-id\") String requestId,\n @RequestHeader(required = false,name=\"request-datetime\") String requestDate,\n @RequestHeader(required = false,name= \"request-channel\") String requestChannel,\n @RequestParam(name=\"transactionId\") String transactionId,\n @RequestParam(name=\"transactionSource\") TransactionSourceEnum transactionSource,\n HttpServletRequest req) throws Exception {\n\n///// Some Code /////\n\n }\n}\n\nHere is the LoggingAspect class for above PostMapping and GetMapping\npublic class LoggingAspect {\n private static final ch.qos.logback.classic.", "Logger LOGGER = LoggingUtils.getLogger(LoggingAspect.class.getName());\n\n @Around(\"@annotation(org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.", "PostMapping) && args(.., @RequestHeader header1,@RequestHeader header2,@RequestHeader header3, @RequestBody body, request)\")\n public Object logPostMethod(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, String header1,String header2,String header3, Object body, HttpServletRequest request) throws Throwable {\n LOGGER.info(\"Start {} {} : Request Id : {} : Request DateTime: {}: Request Channel : {} \", request.getMethod(), request.getRequestURI(), header1,header2,header3);\n ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();\n String jsonString = mapper.writeValueAsString(body);\n LOGGER.debug(\"{} {} : Request Body : {}\", request.getMethod(), request.getRequestURI(), jsonString);\n Object result;\n result = joinPoint.proceed();\n LOGGER.debug(\"End {} {} : Response: {}\", request.getMethod(), request.getRequestURI(), result);\n String response = mapper.writeValueAsString(result);\n JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();\n JSONObject responseHeader = (JSONObject) ((JSONObject) ((JSONObject) parser.parse(response)).get(\"body\")).get(\"responseHeader\");\n LOGGER.info(\"End {} {} : Response Header : {}\", request.getMethod(), request.getRequestURI(), responseHeader);\n\n return result;\n }\n\n @Around(\"@annotation(org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.", "GetMapping) && args(.., @RequestHeader header1,@RequestHeader header2,@RequestHeader header3, @RequestParam param1,@RequestParam param2 , request)\")\n public Object logGetMethod(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, String header1, String header2, String header3 ,String param1, TransactionSourceEnum param2 , HttpServletRequest request) throws Throwable {\n LOGGER.info(\"Start {} {} : Request Id : {} :Request DateTime : {} :Request Channel : {} : Request Transaction Id : {} : Transaction Source : {} \", request.getMethod(), request.getRequestURI(), header1,header2,header3,param1,param2);\n ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();\n\n Object result;\n result = joinPoint.proceed();\n LOGGER.debug(\"End {} {} : Response: {}\", request.getMethod(), request.getRequestURI(), result);\n String response = mapper.writeValueAsString(result);\n JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();\n JSONObject responseHeader = (JSONObject) ((JSONObject) ((JSONObject) parser.parse(response)).get(\"body\")).get(\"responseHeader\");\n LOGGER.info(\"End {} {} : Response Header : {}\", request.getMethod(), request.getRequestURI(), responseHeader);\n\n return result;\n }\n}\n\nThe code run without any issue....But there are duplicate line. ", "I want to remove that's duplicates. ", "So how to write common method for above GetMapping and PostMapping.", "\n\nA:\n\nWhy not just extract the common code into a helper method and call it from both advice methods? ", "I did not test this because I didn't want to create a test project with Logback and Spring from scratch just to resolve the imports, but basically something like this:\n@Around(\"@annotation(org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.", "PostMapping) && args(.., @RequestHeader header1,@RequestHeader header2,@RequestHeader header3, @RequestBody body, request)\")\npublic Object logPostMethod(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, String header1, String header2, String header3, Object body, HttpServletRequest request) throws Throwable {\n LOGGER.info(\"Start {} {} : Request Id : {} : Request DateTime: {}: Request Channel : {} \", request.getMethod(), request.getRequestURI(), header1, header2, header3);\n LOGGER.debug(\"{} {} : Request Body : {}\", request.getMethod(), request.getRequestURI(), new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(body));\n return proceedAndLogResult(joinPoint, request);\n}\n\n@Around(\"@annotation(org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.", "GetMapping) && args(.., @RequestHeader header1,@RequestHeader header2,@RequestHeader header3, @RequestParam param1,@RequestParam param2 , request)\")\npublic Object logGetMethod(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, String header1, String header2, String header3, String param1, TransactionSourceEnum param2, HttpServletRequest request) throws Throwable {\n LOGGER.info(\"Start {} {} : Request Id : {} :Request DateTime : {} :Request Channel : {} : Request Transaction Id : {} : Transaction Source : {} \", request.getMethod(), request.getRequestURI(), header1, header2, header3, param1, param2);\n return proceedAndLogResult(joinPoint, request);\n}\n\npublic Object proceedAndLogResult(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, HttpServletRequest request) {\n Object result = joinPoint.proceed();\n LOGGER.debug(\"End {} {} : Response: {}\", request.getMethod(), request.getRequestURI(), result);\n String response = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(result);\n JSONObject responseHeader = (JSONObject) ((JSONObject) ((JSONObject) new JSONParser().parse(response)).get(\"body\")).get(\"responseHeader\");\n LOGGER.info(\"End {} {} : Response Header : {}\", request.getMethod(), request.getRequestURI(), responseHeader);\n return result;\n}\n\nDisclaimer:\n\nI am not a Spring user and will not comment on whether or not it is efficient to get the objects to be logged in the way you do, others know better. ", "I was just concentrating on the aspect refactoring part because you asked for it.", "\n\nI am also not saying anything in detail about your coding style and the very specific pointcut signature which might break if you want to intercept methods with slightly different signatures.", "\n\nOne thing seems odd to me though and I want to mention it: You are logging things as \"response\" which are actually taken from the request object. ", "I am not sure you should do that. ", "But it is unrelated to the refactoring problem as such.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The nation's electronic espionage agency, the Australian Signals Directorate, is in a partnership with British, American and Singaporean intelligence agencies to tap undersea fibre optic telecommunications cables that link Asia, the Middle East and Europe and carry much of Australia's international phone and internet traffic.", "\n\nSecret information disclosed by United States intelligence whistleblower Edward Snowden has revealed that the British Government Communications Headquarters is collecting all data transmitted to and from the United Kingdom and Northern Europe via the SEA-ME-WE-3 cable that runs from Japan, via Singapore, Djibouti, Suez and the Straits of Gibraltar to Northern Germany.", "\n\nUnderwater paths of the world's information.", "\n\nAustralia is connected to SEA-ME-WE-3 by a link from Singapore to Perth, and GCHQ's bulk interception includes much of Australia's telecommunications and internet traffic with Europe.", "\n\nAustralian intelligence sources have also told Fairfax Media that Singaporean intelligence co-operates with Australia in accessing and sharing communications carried by the SEA-ME-WE-3 cable which lands at Tuas on the western side of Singapore Island." ]
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[ "Depletion of capsaicin-sensitive afferents prevents lamina-dependent increases in spinal N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit 1 expression and phosphorylation associated with thermal hyperalgesia in neuropathic rats.", "\nPhosphorylation of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor NR1 subunit (pNR1) in the spinal cord is associated with increased neuronal responsiveness, which underlies the process of central sensitization. ", "Because of the importance of NR1 in central sensitization, the first goal of this study was to examine both time- and lamina-dependent changes in spinal NR1 and pNR1 expression in a chronic constriction injury (CCI) model of neuropathic pain. ", "Increased excitability of capsaicin sensitive primary afferents (CSPAs), which express TRPV1 receptors, also contributes to central sensitization. ", "Thus, we next examined whether the depletion of CSPAs with resiniferatoxin (RTX) modified the change of spinal NR1 and pNR1 expression induced by CCI. ", "Experimental rats were euthanized at 1, 3, 7, 14, and 28 days post-CCI surgery and spinal cords processed for NR1 or pNR1 immunostaining. ", "The number of NR1 or pNR1-immunoreactive neurons was significantly increased in all lamina (I-VI) of the ipsilateral L4/L5 dorsal horn from 1 or 7 days post-CCI, respectively. ", "Pretreatment with RTX (0.3mg/kg, s.c. ", "in the scruff of the neck or intraplantar) 2 days prior to CCI completely prevented induction of thermal hyperalgesia, but not mechanical allodynia in neuropathic rats. ", "Interestingly, RTX treatment significantly attenuated the CCI-induced upregulation of NR1 and pNR1 in spinal laminae I-II and V-VI, but not laminae III-IV as compared with that of vehicle-treated CCI rats. ", "These findings demonstrate that the increased expression of NR1 and pNR1 in spinal laminae I-II and V-VI is dependent on activation of CSPAs, which ultimately contribute to the development of thermal hyperalgesia in neuropathic rats." ]
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[ "CHILLIWACK, B.C. - An RCMP officer has pleaded guilty in a deadly crash that claimed the life of a 20-year-old man in B.C.'s Fraser Valley last year.", "\n\nConst. ", "Jordan Braid admitted to driving without due care and attention in Chilliwack court on Wednesday, while a charge of dangerous driving cause death was stayed.", "\n\nHe has been fined a total of $1,725, including a $225 victim fine surcharge.", "\n\nBraid was on duty in July 2011 and driving an RCMP vehicle when he crashed head-on into a car driven by Steve Genberg in Agassiz, B.C.\n\nHe was charged after Abbotsford Police conducted an independent review of the crash.", "\n\nBraid now faces an internal RCMP review of his conduct.", "\n\nAlso on HuffPost:\n\nClose\n\n\n\nRCMP In The News\n\nof\n\n\n\n\n\nRCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson has the job of cleaning up the Mounties' internal disciplinary process. ", "Mounties have repeatedly written the commissioner saying they disapprove of the job he's doing, drawing sharp rebukes from the tough-talking commissioner.", "\n\nRCMP Cpl. ", "Catherine Galliford was once the public face of the Missing Women's Task Force. ", "She filed a lawsuit against the RCMP, alleging she was harassed, bullied and abused.", "\n\nFormer RCMP Commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli resigned after admitting he gave incorrect testimony to an inquiry looking into the Maher Arar affair.", "\n\nRCMP Sgt. ", "Maj. ", "Hugh Stewart took on the nickname \"Sergeant Pepper\" for pepper-spraying protesters at the 1997 APEC Summit at UBC. ", "He became particularly famous after pepper-spraying a CBC cameraman.", "\n\nIn 2008 the RCMP were accused of misusing public funds to pay for studies aimed at undermining the legitimacy of InSite, a safe injection facility in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside.", "\n\nBenjamin \"Monty\" Robinson resigned from the RCMP after a string of incidents including a conviction for obstruction of justice after he hit and killed a motorcyclist then went home and drank vodka to \"calm his nerves.\" ", "He still faces a perjury trial for his role in the 2007 Taser incident that resulted in the death of Robert Dziekanski.", "\n\nRobert Dziekanski died after being Tasered by a group of RCMP officers at Vancouver International Airport. ", "A public inquiry later determined that Mounties were not justified in using Tasers to subdue the Polish immigrant, who appeared erratic and nervous after 10 hours of waiting to be picked up from the airport. ", "A perjury trial concerning the officers involved is still pending.", "\n\nThe first civilian commissioner of the RCMP from 2007 to 2011, Elliott's management style was criticized by senior officers who suggested he needed to anger management training. ", "He resigned in February 2011.", "\n\nMeghan Rhoad (pictured here) of Human Rights Watch was lead researcher for a report that levelled blistering allegations against the RCMP for its alleged treatment of indigenous women. ", "The report alleged that RCMP officers raped and abused aboriginals in British Columbia.", "\n\nThe RCMP has a bullying problem that needs to be addressed by better training and record-keeping, said a report released by the force's watchdog group. ", "The report released 718 harassment complaints filed between 2005 and 2011 and about 90 per cent of the complaints involved bullying, CBC reported.", "\n\nAn unidentified Ottawa RCMP officer is facing multiple charges after a child abuse investigation.", "\nThe 41-year-old man is charged with three counts of aggravated assault, three counts of assault with weapon, one count of aggravated sexual assault, one count of failing to provide the necessities of life and one count of forcible confinement." ]
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[ "Hemolytic anemia due to warm autoantibodies.", "\nThe diagnosis of autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AHA) requires evidence of shortened red blood cell (RBC) survival mediated by autoantibodies directed against autologous RBCs. ", "About 80 percent of patients with AHA have warm-reactive antibodies of the IgG isotype; the remainder exhibit cold-reactive autoantibodies. ", "Typical patients exhibit anemia, reticulocytosis, spherocytes and polychromasia on the blood film and a positive direct antiglobulin test (DAT). ", "Increased indirect serum bilirubin, urinary urobilinogen and serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and decreased serum haptoglobin are not required for the diagnosis, but are frequently present. ", "Patients with AHA and no underlying associated disease are said to have primary or idiopathic AHA. ", "AHA in patients with associated autoimmune disease and certain malignant or infectious diseases is classified as secondary. ", "The etiology of AHA is unknown. ", "Patients with symptomatic anemia require transfusion of RBCs. ", "Prednisone and splenectomy may provide long term remission. ", "Rituximab, intravenous immunoglobulin, immunosuppressive drugs and danazol have been effective in refractory cases and for patients who are poor candidates for surgery." ]
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[ "Background {#Sec1}\n==========\n\nFamily caregivers (FCs) are a pivotal source for quality of life, well-being and quality of care in terminally ill patients. ", "However, they are also affected by caring for the patient and may thus be affected by significant physical and psychosocial burden \\[[@CR1], [@CR2]\\]. ", "Therefore, the palliative care concept considers patients and their FCs as a \"unit of care\" \\[[@CR3]\\]. ", "The awareness of FCs' concerns and needs, supply of supportive care and integration of FCs in the treatment and care planning represent important characteristics of palliative care \\[[@CR4]\\].", "\n\nPrevious studies have demonstrated frequent physical health problems in FCs of home cared terminally ill patients, including exhaustion and sleep disturbances \\[[@CR5], [@CR6]\\]. ", "At the social level, FCs are prone to financial problems, isolation, and occupation-related problems in the phase of caregiving \\[[@CR2], [@CR7]\\]. ", "Psychological problems in FCs of patients undergoing palliative care are various with rates of anxiety and depression in up to 40% \\[[@CR2], [@CR8]\\], distress \\[[@CR8]\\], signs of posttraumatic stress disorder \\[[@CR9]\\] or emotional problems including helplessness, uncertainty, and hopelessness \\[[@CR10], [@CR11]\\]. ", "Overall, FCs' perceived burden and psychosocial concerns increase with the patients' disease progression \\[[@CR10]\\]. ", "Various patient-related and socio-demographic risk factors for FCs burden as well as interactions between psychosocial problems are discussed \\[[@CR8], [@CR12]--[@CR15]\\].", "\n\nPsychosocial burden and anxiety are associated with the number of unmet needs in FCs of advanced cancer patients \\[[@CR16]\\]. ", "Frequently unmet needs of FCs relate to information on caregiving and care planning, support in managing fear as the patient's physical or psychological status declines, and preparing for the patient's death and their own bereavement \\[[@CR17]--[@CR20]\\]. ", "Supportive needs can be summarized in four main categories: needs concerning the patient's well-being, transfer of information, practical problems of caregiving, and emotional support \\[[@CR21]\\]. ", "Some studies suggest that FCs' needs might be better addressed if specialized palliative care is included during home or hospital care \\[[@CR22]\\]. ", "In addition, FCs' quality of life has been shown to be higher in patients receiving care in palliative care facilities rather than in acute care hospitals \\[[@CR23], [@CR24]\\]. ", "Quality of life in FCs seems to be influenced by their satisfaction with quality of patient care, but also with their level of distress and other psychosocial factors \\[[@CR24]--[@CR26]\\]. ", "The recognition and acknowledgement of FCs' psychosocial burden by health care professionals, successful symptom management, supply of suitable information and adequate care planning are characteristics of higher quality of care \\[[@CR27], [@CR28]\\].", "\n\nAlthough, research on FCs in palliative care has steadily increased over the last decade, a substantial body of literature focuses on home and ambulatory care, but does not specifically address the specialized inpatient palliative care (SIPC) setting. ", "Studies on experiences of FCs of palliative patients in hospitals provide useful information about the range of potential psychosocial problems and needs. ", "For example, in intensive care units, a substantial proportion of FCs showed symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (51%), anxiety (48%) or depression (33%) \\[[@CR29]\\]. ", "A study comparing FCs' burden and quality of life in active treatment settings and hospice care reported the hospice group to have significantly lower values in the observed emotional and mental domains \\[[@CR30]\\].", "\n\nAssessing and responding to FCs' psychosocial burden, specific problems and unmet needs are essential aims of SIPC. ", "Results of studies from home-based palliative care have limited comparability and value for the specific characteristics of SIPC. ", "FCs might benefit from medical around-the-clock services during SIPC, low-threshold psychosocial services available for both the patient and their FCs, and the possibility to opt for the degree of involvement in caring for the patient. ", "On the other hand, hospital-based care might not be the patient's and FCs' preferred setting for end-of-life care. ", "Therefore, sector-specific knowledge would help target services to those individuals who would benefit from early and preventive supportive care interventions during SIPC.", "\n\nPrimary aim of this pilot study was to address this gap in the literature for FCs of terminally ill cancer patients during SIPC. ", "Therefore, we explored quality of life, psychological burden, unmet needs, and care satisfaction in FCs of advanced cancer patients in SIPC. ", "Furthermore, we aimed to test feasibility and acceptance of the recruitment strategies and the applicability of a complex set of questionnaires in the vulnerable group of FCs during SIPC.", "\n\nMethods {#Sec2}\n=======\n\nStudy design and population {#Sec3}\n---------------------------\n\nThis single-center pilot study included a consecutive sample of FCs of advanced cancer patients admitted to the SIPC ward of a University Medical Center within a period of 12 weeks. ", "Patients were admitted to the SIPC ward due to significant physical and / or psychosocial symptoms prohibiting further care at home or in non-specialized inpatient wards. ", "We recruited FCs consecutively within 72 h after the patient's admission to the SIPC ward. ", "Inclusion criteria were being the primary FC as indicated by the patient -- independent of biological or social relationship --, and being older than 18 years. ", "Informed consent was obtained from all FCs included in the study. ", "Exclusion criteria were a non-oncological disease of the patient, exclusively holding a legal guardianship for the patient, inadequate language skill to fill in the questionnaire, and insufficient cognitive function (physician's assessment).", "\n\nData were collected by FC questionnaires at the beginning of the patient's stay at the SIPC ward. ", "The questionnaire and a prepaid return envelope were handed over by study staff. ", "FCs could decide to either return the completed questionnaire to any member of the palliative care team or to return it by mail. ", "In case of not having returned the questionnaire within 1 week, FCs received a one-time reminder through personal contact or by phone.", "\n\nIn order to prevent potential study-induced burden, FCs were asked to immediately inform the palliative care team in case of any problems and need for relief, and a trained psycho-oncologist was appointed as contact person. ", "The local ethics committee of the General Medical Council of Hamburg approved the study protocol (PV5122, 08 December 2015).", "\n\nMeasurements of outcomes {#Sec4}\n------------------------\n\nIn order to assess FCs' burden and needs, FCs completed a set of questionnaires consisting of the following validated scales (German versions):\n\nShort Form-8 Health Survey (SF-8) \\[[@CR31], [@CR32]\\], Distress Thermometer of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (DT) \\[[@CR33], [@CR34]\\] and adapted problem list, Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale (GAD-7) \\[[@CR35]\\], Patient Health Questionnaire depression module 9-item scale (PHQ-9) \\[[@CR36]\\], Family Inventory of Needs (FIN) \\[[@CR37], [@CR38]\\], Palliative Care Outcome Scale (POS) \\[[@CR39]\\], Family Carer Satisfaction with Palliative Care scale (FAMCARE-2) \\[[@CR40], [@CR41]\\], and socio-demographic variables. ", "Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"} presents relevant information on the included scales. ", "As for the abovementioned measurements, the applied questionnaire was of a complex nature, both in length (14 pages) and comprehensiveness (inclusion of multiple psychosocial and care-related scales).Table 1Measurements included in the studyMeasureQuestionnaireDescriptionAnalysis and special aspectsQuality of lifeShort Form-8 Health Survey (SF-8)Validated short form of the Health survey Form-36 \\[[@CR31], [@CR32]\\]. ", "Eight aspects of quality of life rated on six-point Likert scale ranging from 0 (excellent) to 5 (very bad). ", "Higher values represent higher quality of life.", "For the German version of the SF-8, age- and gender-specific data for the adult norm population are available \\[[@CR32]\\].DistressDistress Thermometer (DT) of the National Comprehensive Cancer NetworkMeasures the subjective distress within the last week on an analogue scale ranging from 0 (no distress) to 10 (extreme distress) \\[[@CR33], [@CR34]\\]. ", "An additional list of problems potentially causing this distress has to be answered with \"yes\" and \"no\". ", "The list was adapted and consisted of 23 problems.", "For the German version, a cut-off value of ≥ 5 is recommended to detect clinically relevant distress with need of professional psychological support \\[[@CR34]\\].AnxietyGeneralized Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale (GAD-7)Based on the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for generalized anxiety disorder with excellent reliability and validity \\[[@CR35]\\]. ", "Frequency of core symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder within the past 2 weeks. ", "Items are scored on a four-point Likert scale ranging from 0 (not at all) to 3 (nearly every day) with a total score ranging from 0 to 21.A score up to 4 indicates the absence, scores of 5--9 mild, scores of 10--14 moderate and scores of ≥ 15 severe anxiety symptom levels \\[[@CR35]\\]. ", "Values for German standard population are available \\[[@CR43]\\].DepressionPatient Health Questionnaire depression module 9 (PHQ-9)Based on the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for depression with excellent reliability and validity \\[[@CR36]\\]. ", "The 9 items assess the frequency of depressive symptoms within the past 2 weeks. ", "Items are scored on a four-point Likert scale ranging from 0 (not at all) to 3 (nearly every day) with a total score ranging from 0 to 27.A score up to 4 indicates the absence, scores of 5--9 mild, scores of 10--14 moderate and scores of ≥ 15 severe depressive symptom levels. ", "Values for German standard population are available \\[[@CR36]\\].Unmet needsFamily Inventory of Needs (FIN)Measures the supportive needs of family caregivers and the extent to which these are met \\[[@CR37], [@CR38]\\]. ", "20 items are rated on two subscales: Subscales FIN--Importance and FIN--Fulfillment. ", "Ratings between 1 (not important) and 5 (extremely important) for FIN--Importance and 0 (not met), 0.5 (partly met), and 1 (met) for the FIN--Fulfillment subscale.", "For FIN-Importance, answer categories were dichotomized into \"not/somewhat/moderate\" vs. \"very/extremely important\". ", "For FIN-Fulfillment, indicated needs (at least \"somewhat important\") were rated \"unmet\" if partly or not met. ", "The German version was used with courtesy of Schur et al. ", "\\[[@CR38]\\].Palliative care outcomePalliative Care Outcome Scale (POS)11 items for physical, practical, emotional, and psychosocial concerns of the patient and family caregiver; overall score ranges from 0 to 40 \\[[@CR39]\\]. ", "A lower sum score indicates better palliative care outcome.", "Reference values from German validation in patients and professionals are available \\[[@CR39]\\].Satisfaction with palliative careFAMCARE-2Revised version of the FAMCARE tool used to measure family satisfaction with advanced cancer care. ", "Consists of 17 items scored on a five-point Likert scale ranging from \"very satisfied\" to \"very dissatisfied\" \\[[@CR40], [@CR41]\\]. ", "A total score ranging from 17 to 85 and four subscale scores can be calculated. ", "Higher sum scores indicate higher satisfaction.", "The German version was used with courtesy of Sewtz et al. ", "\\[[@CR41]\\].", "\n\nTo test for the feasibility and acceptance of the recruitments strategies and the applied questionnaire, we defined study participation, response rate and study-induced reference to a psycho-oncologist as relevant outcomes. ", "Respective information was systematically collected throughout the study period by study staff. ", "Based on the consecutive design, a documentation form was used to record occurrence and reasons of non-participation and drop-out. ", "Furthermore, we followed up a checklist for the purpose to document all FCs who reported burden associated with study participation (and were therefore referred to the assigned psycho-oncologist).", "\n\nStatistical analysis {#Sec5}\n--------------------\n\nDescriptive analysis was used to examine sample characteristics, feasibility-related outcomes and FCs' outcomes regarding quality of life (SF-8), psychological burden (DT, GAD-7, PHQ-9), supportive needs (FIN), and satisfaction with provision of palliative care (POS, FAMCARE-2). ", "For analysis of multi-item questionnaire scales, we imputed missing data by using the mean, provided that less than two items were missing (individual level).", "\n\nFurthermore, we conducted a series of statistical tests for group differences. ", "We compared SF-8 scores to the scores of a German population-based sample \\[[@CR32]\\] using one-sample t-test. ", "For this analysis, we adjusted for age and gender by matching each FC with the value of a norm sample person from the same age and gender category.", "\n\nGroup comparisons of FCs' outcomes based on age (\\< 60 vs. ≥ 60 years), gender and patient-caregiver relationship (spouse/partner vs. others) were performed by using chi-squared-test or Fisher's exact test for categorical and two-sample t-test (two-tailed) for interval scaled variables. ", "As the chi-square test assumes the expected value of each cell of the contingency table to be five or higher, Fisher's exact test was used if this assumption was not met in our data.", "\n\nWe used Spearman's rho and Pearson's r to investigate bivariate associations of the level of satisfaction with care (FAMCARE-2) and the following variables: FCs' age (\\< 60 vs. ≥ 60 years), gender, relationship to the patient (spouse/partner vs. others), level of education (elementary vs. junior high vs. high school), work status (currently working vs. not working), involvement in patient care prior to SIPC (yes vs. no), psychological burden (DT, GAD-7, PHQ-9), quality of life (SF-8) and FC's needs (FIN). ", "Furthermore, we calculated Pearson's r to examine associations between the palliative care outcome (POS) and the ECOG performance status of the patient as assessed by the FC.", "\n\nAll significance tests were two-tailed using a significance level of α \\< 0.05. ", "Analyses were performed using the statistical package SPSS Statistics software version 22.0 (IBM, USA).", "\n\nResults {#Sec6}\n=======\n\nFeasibility of questionnaire survey {#Sec7}\n-----------------------------------\n\nWithin a study period of 12 weeks, 137 patients were admitted to the SIPC ward. ", "Two of these patients were diagnosed with a non-oncological disease and eight did not or could not name a FC (13%). ", "In 127 patients, a FC could be identified. ", "Out of these 127 FCs, 22 could not be recruited due to the patient's death within 72 h after admission (17%), 18 due to unavailability of the primary FC at the SIPC ward within 72 h (14%), and 13 due to language problems or insufficient cognitive function. ", "Overall, 74 FCs were asked to take part in the study, of which 20 refused participation (27%). ", "Finally, 54 FCs were willing to participate (73%), whereof 51 (94%) completed the administered questionnaire. ", "Regarding the timeframe of response (calculated from the date of study inclusion and questionnaire completion), FCs answered the questionnaire on average within 3.5 days (SD 4.4). ", "Of the three FCs who did not return the questionnaire (drop-out), the patient had died shortly after study inclusion.", "\n\nOnly one person was referred to the assigned psycho-oncologist because the FC expressed need for psychological support in the course of answering the questionnaire. ", "Independent of the study, all FCs were cared for within the routine psychosocial support implemented within our SIPC.", "\n\nFamily caregiver and patient characteristics {#Sec8}\n--------------------------------------------\n\nThe mean age of the participating 51 FCs was 56 years (SD 15.5; range: 20--87), 55% of the sample were female (Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The corresponding 51 advanced cancer patients had a mean age of 65 years (SD 13.6; range: 27--88). ", "Patients were admitted from other hospital wards (36% of the cases), home care with nursing service (20%), home care with specialized palliative care service (36%) and nursing homes (8%). ", "ECOG performance status was 4 in 62%, 3 in 26%, and ≤ 2 in 12% (mean 2.4, SD 0.86) of the patients. ", "Out of 51 FCs, 22 reported to have cared for the patient before admission to the SIPC. ", "The mean length of the caregiving period was 13.3 month (SD 14.4, range: 1--45) and the daily time spent on caregiving was 8.5 h (SD 8.6, range: 1--24 h).Table 2Family caregiver characteristics (*N* = 51)N FC%Age\\< 603263≥ 601835Missing12GenderFemale2855Male2345Relationship to the Patient. ", "Patient is\\...Spouse/partner2753Parent2326Child36Sister/brother612Friend23Marital statusSingle1122Married3059Divorced/widowed918Missing12Religious confessionYes3263No1835Missing12GraduationElementary school (8--9 years)1529Junior high school (10 years)1428High school (12--13 years)2040Missing23EmploymentCurrently yes2447Currently no2549Missing24Involvement in patient care prior to SIPCYes2243No2957*Abbreviations: N FC* number of family caregivers\n\nQuality of life and psychosocial burden {#Sec9}\n---------------------------------------\n\nExcept for the \"bodily pain\" scale, FCs reported significantly worse quality of life (SF-8) compared to a population-based reference sample on all subscales. ", "The highest impairments were found for the \"role emotional\" and \"mental health\" scales with a difference of up to 10 points compared to the normalized mean of the German norm sample. ", "FCs reported significantly impaired mental health sum scores (minus 10 points difference) compared to the norm sample, while the physical health sum scores did not differ from the reference sample (Table [3](#Tab3){ref-type=\"table\"}).Table 3Means of quality of life of family caregivers (*N* = 51) compared to German norm population (*N* = 2552)Quality of life (SF-8)Family caregiver pilot study population (*N* = 51)Age- and sex-adjusted German population-based sample (*N* = 2552) \\[[@CR30]\\]Significance (one sample *t*-test)Physical functioning44.7 (SD 9.1, range 21.5--54.1)47.7 (SD 2.5)***p*** **= 0.022** ^**\\*)**^Physical role44.3 (SD 9.1, range 23.0--54.0)48.3 (SD 2.2)***p*** **= 0.003** ^**\\*)**^Bodily pain52.0 (SD 10.1, range 25.5--61.0)52.6 (SD 2.3)*p* = 0.654General health42.2 (SD 7.1, range 22.8--59.5)47.1 (SD 2.2)***p*** **\\< 0.001** ^**\\*)**^Vitality47.0 (SD (8.0, range 35.8--61.8)51.0 (SD 2.4)***p*** **= 0.001** ^**\\*)**^Social functioning45.1 (SD 9.8, range 23.4--55.3)50.6 (SD 1.2)***p*** **\\< 0.001** ^**\\*)**^Emotional role38.3 (SD 9.8, range 21.7--52.4)48.6 (SD 1.1)***p*** **\\< 0.001** ^**\\*)**^Mental health42.4 (SD 10.2, range 21.4--56.8)52.3 (SD 0.9)***p*** **\\< 0.001** ^**\\*)**^Physical sum score46.8 (SD10.5, range 18.0--61.1)48.7 (SD 3.2)*p* = 0.206Mental sum score40.9 (SD 9.6, range 16.3--56.1)52.8 (SD 1.1)***p*** **\\< 0.001** ^**\\*)**^*Abbreviations: SD* standard deviation^\\*)^ = statistically significant *p* \\< 0.05\n\nFCs of higher age (≥ 60 years) were found to have significantly lower physical functioning (*p* = 0.004) and lower values of the physical sum score (*p* = 0.026), while gender or patient-caregiver relationship had no impact on quality of life outcomes.", "\n\nPsychosocial distress (DT, scale 0--10) was clinically relevant (values ≥ 5) in almost all FCs (49 of 51 / 96%), while severe distress (values ≥ 8) was reported by 26 FCs (51%). ", "Out of 23 given problems of the adapted problem list, sadness (83%), sorrows (80%), exhaustion (80%), and anxiety (70%) were the four most prevalent issues indicated by FCs (Table [4](#Tab4){ref-type=\"table\"}).Table 4Results of the adapted problem list of the Distress Thermometer used in family caregivers (*N* = 51)Problem present:N FC%Practical problems: Living situation:6/4513 Insurance:8/4418 Transportation/mobility:5/4312 Employment/school:9/4023 Child care:3/398 Financial problems:5/4312Family and social problems: Relationship with partner5/4112 Relationship with children6/4015 Relationship with friends7/4317Emotional problems: Sorrows37/4680 Anxiety30/4370 Sadness39/4783 Depression8/3921 Nervousness20/4347 Isolation12/4030Spiritual problems: Loss of trust2/366 Spiritual aspects concerning god4/3811Physical problems: Pain10/4423 Exhaustion39/4980 Sleeping problems31/4569 Digestion problems8/4319 Problems with eating/diet14/4432 Cognitive problems/concentration25/4753*Abbreviations: N FC* number of family caregivers\n\nAnxiety (GAD-7) was absent in 11 FCs (23%), mild in 17 (33%), moderate in 16 (31%), and severe in six (12%; missing *n* = 1). ", "The mean GAD-7 score in FCs was 9.0 (SD 5.0, range: 0--21). ", "Depression (PHQ-9) was absent in 13 FCs (26%), mild in 17 (33%), moderate in 15 (29%) and severe in six (12%). ", "The mean PHQ-9 score was 8.6 (SD 4.9, range: 0--21).", "\n\nBased on gender, age and patient-caregiver-relationship we found no group differences regarding distress, anxiety or depression (all *p* \\> 0.1).", "\n\nUnmet needs, perceived palliative care outcome, and satisfaction with care {#Sec10}\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nFCs scored a mean number of 16.3 of 20 caregiver-specific needs to be very or extremely important (FIN-Importance scale; SD 3.3, range 2--20). ", "Nine needs (45%) were rated as very important by more than 90% of the FCs, and 14 needs (70%) were reported to be extremely important in more than 80%. ", "As for the fulfillment of needs, a mean number of 13.7 needs that were rated to be at least somewhat important were satisfied (FIN-Fulfillment scale; SD 5.2, range 2--20) (Table [5](#Tab5){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Four needs (20%) were unmet in more than 50% of FCs who reported this need at least to be somewhat important (54--68%). ", "These were \"feel there is hope\" (68%), \"know when to expect symptoms to occur\" (57%), \"have somebody be concerned with my health\" (54%), and \"be told about people who could help with problems\" (56%). ", "The mean number of very or extremely important needs was significantly higher in older patients (≥ 60 years; *p* = 0.025), but independent from gender and patient-caregiver relationship. ", "Regarding the mean number of fulfilled needs, no group differences occurred (all *p* \\> 0.1).Table 5Results of the needs assessment, palliative care outcome, and satisfaction with care in family caregivers (*N* = 51)MeanSDSupportive Needs (FIN) Number of needs with high importance16.33.3 Number of needs met^\\*)^13.75.2Palliative care outcome -- sum score (POS)16.65.0Satisfaction with care (FAMCARE-2) FAMCARE-2 total score73.48.4 Physical symptoms and comfort22.42.6 Information16.52.2 Family support17.02.4 Patient psychological care17.52.6*Abbreviations: SD* standard deviation^\\*)^based on all needs rated to be at least \"somewhat important\"\n\nMean POS sum score was 16.6, indicating a good quality of patient care from the FCs' perspective (SD 5.0, range 5--28; 0--40 points possible) (Table [5](#Tab5){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Subjective perception of the palliative care outcome significantly correlated with the patient's ECOG performance status (assessed by the FC, *p* = 0.020), but no group differences regarding age, gender or patient-caregiver relationship were observed.", "\n\nOverall satisfaction with palliative care (FAMCARE-2 total score) was high with 73.4 points in mean (SD 8.4, range: 51--85; 17--85 points possible). ", "FCs reported high satisfaction means across all subscales: 22.4 points for physical symptoms and comfort (SD 2.6, range 14--25; scale: 5--25), 16.5 for information (SD 2.2, range 10--20; scale: 5--20), 17.0 for family support (SD 2.4, range: 12--20; scale: 5--20), and 17.5 for patient psychological care (SD 2.6, range: 8--20; scale 5--20) (Table [5](#Tab5){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Overall satisfaction with palliative care was significantly higher in female FCs (*p* = 0.037), but independent of other socio-demographic characteristics, psychological burden (DT, GAD-7, PHQ-9), quality of life (SF-8) or the importance and fulfillment of needs (FIN, all *p* \\> 0.05).", "\n\nDiscussion {#Sec11}\n==========\n\nThis single-center pilot study demonstrates the feasibility of conducting a questionnaire survey in FCs of advanced cancer patients in the specific setting of SIPC using a complex set of measurements.", "\n\nOverall, 73% of the eligible FCs were willing to participate in the study whereof 94% completed and returned the questionnaire. ", "The high study commitment of FCs is in line with results of Stiel et al. ", "who demonstrated that bereaved FCs after palliative care are willing to support end-of-life care research and partially even report benefits from study participation \\[[@CR42]\\].", "\n\nPrevious studies demonstrated anxiety and depression rates of up to 40% in FCs of palliative care patients \\[[@CR2]\\]. ", "Similarly, in our cohort, 43% and 41% of FCs reported moderate or severe anxiety and depression, respectively. ", "With respect to the limited sample size and no age- and gender-specific matching of data, any comparisons have to be taken with caution, but anxiety seemed to be more intensive in FCs than in healthy German people (mean scores of 9.0 vs. 3.0 in GAD-7) \\[[@CR43]\\]. ", "Furthermore, our findings might suggest depression to be more frequent in FCs than in a German norm sample, with rates of 25% vs. 76% for absence of depressive symptoms \\[[@CR36]\\].", "\n\nWe used the Distress Thermometer \\[[@CR33], [@CR34]\\], which was primarily developed and validated in cancer patients, but also has been found to be a suitable tool for measuring distress in FCs of cancer patients \\[[@CR44], [@CR45]\\]. ", "Almost all FCs (96%) reported clinically significant distress, scoring higher than the recommended cut-off (≥ 5). ", "Psychosocial burden among FCs was substantial, since about half of the FCs reported distress scores of eight or higher. ", "More than two thirds of FCs indicated sadness, sorrows, exhaustion, anxiety, and sleeping problems as relevant causes for their distress.", "\n\nBased on the PHQ-9, approximately 74% of FC showed depressive symptoms of varying severity. ", "In the adapted problem list (DT), 21% of FC indicated depression to cause distress. ", "These results emphasize the relevance of distinguishing between the constructs of (i) depression as a potential reason for feeling distressed (observed by the FC) and (ii) the presence and severity of depressive symptoms assessed by a measure with diagnostic validity.", "\n\nIn our study, quality of life was worse in FCs compared to a sex- and age-adjusted German norm population \\[[@CR31]\\], in particular in the mental health domain of quality of life. ", "A recent study investigating quality of life in FCs of newly-diagnosed patients with incurable cancer found caregiver's mental health to be lower and physical health to be better than the U.S. population normalized mean \\[[@CR15]\\]. ", "While findings of previous studies indicated caregiver's quality of life to be associated with their relationship to the patient \\[[@CR15], [@CR46]\\], we found no such correlation in our study. ", "Furthermore, studies suggested that FCs' quality of life is influenced by their satisfaction with quality of patient care \\[[@CR24]--[@CR26]\\]. ", "Interestingly, despite of the impaired quality of life of FCs in our sample, satisfaction with palliative care of the patients was high across all subscales and we found no associations between FCs' satisfaction with patient care and their own quality of life. ", "This lacking statistical effect might be caused by the limited sample size, but could also be associated with the generally high satisfaction during SIPC in our study. ", "In previous studies, higher satisfaction with care was described in FCs of patients receiving specialized compared to general palliative care \\[[@CR22]\\]. ", "It should be noticed that this generally high satisfaction might be biased by social desirability during the patients' stay on the SIPC ward and the dependency on inpatient palliative care. ", "In our pilot study, satisfaction with palliative care provision was higher in female FCs, but unaffected by other socio-demographic variables, psychosocial factors as well as the importance and fulfillment of needs.", "\n\nOverall, our data emphasize that many FCs suffer from relevant impaired quality of life and decreased psychosocial well-being during SIPC. ", "FCs are affected by the imminent loss of a loved one, and our results might reflect feelings that represent an adequate response to the situation. ", "On the other hand, across most outcomes, the degree of burden (in terms of scale range) differentiated among our cohort indicating FCs' diversity of perceptions and suffering. ", "This implies a careful examination of how to respond to FCs burden in terms of acknowledging the appropriateness and normality of feeling burdened, but also to assume responsibility for identifying FCs' in need for professional support and for providing FC-directed interventions.", "\n\nThe Palliative Care Outcome Scale is frequently used as a routine assessment tool in specialized palliative care in Germany to measure the patient's and palliative care staff's perception of care outcome \\[[@CR39]\\]. ", "FCs rated the palliative care outcome with a mean sum score of 16.6, which indicates that the FCs' perception of and satisfaction with care during SIPC is positive despite of their psychosocial burden. ", "In previous studies in Germany, patients and palliative care staff have rated outcome with lower mean sum scores ranging between 11.9 and 15.9 \\[[@CR39]\\].", "\n\nPrevious studies have demonstrated that psychosocial burden in FC of advanced cancer patients is associated with the number of unmet needs \\[[@CR11]\\]. ", "In our sample, 20% of needs were unmet in a majority of FCs. ", "The most frequently unmet needs relate to hope, knowledge about when symptoms will occur, to have someone caring for the FC's own health, and information about support. ", "These results correspond with findings of a systematic review indicating that frequently unmet needs in FCs during palliative care are often aligned with lack of information \\[[@CR2]\\].", "\n\nOur findings raise the question if FCs might refrain from asking for meeting specific needs due to lacking knowledge or missing understanding of the palliative care principle of the \"unit of care\". ", "Moreover, FCs in palliative care might withhold needs from health care professionals. ", "For example, a review on challenges for health care professionals to meet supportive needs of FCs in palliative care suggests that FCs may prioritize the patient's needs in relation to their own, or may not want to bother health care professionals \\[[@CR47]\\].", "\n\nInterestingly, we did not find any associations between FCs' unmet needs and their satisfaction with patient care. ", "This finding might suggest that in the specific period of SIPC, FCs are able to distinguish their own needs both from the overall care situation and the patient's needs. ", "There is growing evidence on the concept of relational autonomy of patients in palliative care and their FCs, meaning that they suffer in relation to each other \\[[@CR48]\\]. ", "Therefore, FCs should be encouraged by health professionals to carefully observe their own needs and to seek for support within SIPC, both in view of the principle of \"unit of care\" as well as the interdependence of patient's and FC's burden.", "\n\nIn addition to the fulfillment of needs, the subjective importance of needs was assessed. ", "In previous studies, the FIN scores \"not/somewhat important\" were compared with \"moderate/very/extremely important\" \\[[@CR37], [@CR38]\\]. ", "Due to very low combined rates of \"not and little important\" needs (\\< 3% across the 20 given needs) in our sample, we dichotomized needs into \"very and extremely important\" and \"not/little/moderate important\" needs. ", "Using this modified strategy, an impressive percentage of 80% of needs was rated as very or extremely important, and almost half of the given needs were rated as very or extremely important in more than 90% of FCs. ", "Our results suggest show that FCs have many needs in a period in which the patient is cared for in the SIPC, with older FC reporting more needs.", "\n\nTo estimate the extent to which age, gender and patient-caregiver-relationship might affect FCs' burden and needs, we systematically compared respective subgroups. ", "In our study, we did not find any of these factors to be a clear and consistent gradient in FCs' psychosocial burden, needs, and satisfaction with palliative care during SIPC. ", "Due to the small sample size, we dichotomized the respective factors. ", "Regarding the patient-caregiver-relationship, it should be noticed that a relatively large proportion of FCs were spouses/partners (53%) or children (26%) of the patients. ", "It might be assumed that in comparison to other relatives, these groups of FCs are most affected by the imminent loss of the patient. ", "Nevertheless, only half of our cohort was involved in caring for the patient before the admission to the SIPC. ", "Irrespective of this rather moderate number of caregiving FCs and takeover of professional caring at the time of assessment, the burden of our FCs was high.", "\n\nOverall, it has to be strengthened that these preliminary results have to be interpreted carefully due to the limited number of 51 included FC. ", "They need to be interpreted as hypothesis generating and will be prospectively evaluated in a larger cohort.", "\n\nConclusions {#Sec12}\n===========\n\nIn conclusion, FC of terminally ill cancer patients seem to suffer from relevant psychosocial burden, including distress, anxiety and depression during SIPC. ", "FCs' quality of life seems lower than in the German norm population, particularly in the mental health domain. ", "In addition, they report a significant number of unmet needs. ", "These findings indicate the importance of regular assessment of psychosocial burden, quality of life and supportive needs in FC in routine specialized inpatient palliative care. ", "However, FC's satisfaction with SIPC is high and palliative care outcome seems to be regarded positive. ", "This pilot study has demonstrated the feasibility of this complex questionnaire analysis and we generated first results on FC's situation during SIPC. ", "Nevertheless, FC's psychosocial burden, needs, and coping strategies might change over time and thus should be measured repeatedly from the onset of the palliative disease through to bereavement. ", "Our findings underline the importance of identifying FC's at risk for high psychosocial burden and unmet needs in order to reduce the risk of strain and dysfunction.", "\n\nDT\n\n: Distress Thermometer of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network\n\nECOG\n\n: Eastern Co-operative Oncology Group Performance Status\n\nFAMCARE-2\n\n: Family Carer Satisfaction with Palliative Care scale\n\nFC\n\n: Family caregiver\n\nFIN\n\n: Family Inventory of Needs\n\nGAD-7\n\n: Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale\n\nPHQ-9\n\n: Patient Health Questionnaire depression module 9-item scale\n\nPOS\n\n: Palliative Care Outcome Scale\n\nSF-8\n\n: Short Form-8 Health Survey\n\nSIPC\n\n: Specialized inpatient palliative care\n\nWe thank all family caregivers for their effort in participating in the present study.", "\n\nFunding {#FPar1}\n=======\n\nThis study was funded by the Cancer Society of Hamburg, Germany (\"Hamburger Krebsgesellschaft e.V.\"). ", "The funder of the study had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. ", "The corresponding author had full access to all the data and had responsibility for the decision to submit for publication.", "\n\nAvailability of data and materials {#FPar2}\n==================================\n\nThe authors have full control over the primary data. ", "As per the research ethics committee approval, this dataset is subject to ethical restrictions and local data protection regulations that do not allow publication of raw data. ", "All relevant data for the conclusions are presented in the manuscript.", "\n\nAuthors' contributions {#FPar3}\n======================\n\nKO and CoB led the application for funding and designed the overall study. ", "AU, GM and CB contributed to the conception, design and conduct of the study with KO and CoB acting as senior researchers overseeing the project. ", "LA recruited study participants, collected data and supported preparation of data. ", "AU prepared and supervised data collection, prepared data for statistical analyses, conducted statistical analyses and literature search. ", "AU and KO drafted the manuscript. ", "All other authors provided comments and critical revisions. ", "The final manuscript was approved by all authors prior to submission.", "\n\nCompeting interests {#FPar4}\n===================\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests; neither financial nor non-financial interests.", "\n\nConsent of publication {#FPar5}\n======================\n\nNot applicable.", "\n\nEthics approval and consent to participate {#FPar6}\n==========================================\n\nResearch Ethics Commitee approval was granted by the General Medical Council of Hamburg (reference number: PV5122) where the study took place. ", "All study participants provided written informed consent for study participation, data analysis and publication.", "\n\nPublisher's Note {#FPar7}\n================\n\nSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.", "\n" ]
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[ "Renal function before and after pyeloplasty: does it improve?", "\nControversy exists concerning the timing of surgical correction of presumed ureteropelvic junction obstruction. ", "Different opinions on the timing of intervention focus on renal function deterioration with time, poor initial relative function, or obstructive drainage curves and/or drainage time on diuretic renography. ", "We retrospectively determined whether there is any improvement in renal function after pyeloplasty for presumed renal obstruction. ", "We retrospectively reviewed the charts of patients who underwent pyeloplasty between 1990 and 1997 in whom preoperative and postoperative diuretic renography data were available. ", "Patients were excluded from review when they had bilateral ureteropelvic junction obstruction, a solitary kidney, associated vesicoureteral reflux, or other bladder or ureteral abnormalities, and when preoperative and postoperative renography studies were not available. ", "Complete data were available for review in 79 patients 2 weeks to 18 years old (median age 6 months). ", "Of the patients 73% were male and 73% of the affected kidneys were on the left side. ", "Prenatal hydronephrosis had been diagnosed in 58 patients (73%), of whom 19 (33%) were observed for a variable period before pyeloplasty was performed. ", "In all cases diuretic renography performed at the same institution using a standard protocol revealed a drainage time of 20 minutes or greater preoperatively, while in 58 cases a measurable drainage time was never achieved. ", "As a rule, drainage improved postoperatively (mean and median 25 and 16 minutes, respectively). ", "Open renal biopsy done at pyeloplasty in 54 patients was normal in 29. ", "Preoperatively renal function ranged from 5 to 67% (mean and median 41 and 45, respectively). ", "In all patients the paired t test showed no statistical difference in preoperative and postoperative renal function (p = 0.078, 95% confidence interval -3.451 to 0.185). ", "There was no statistical change in renal function in patients with an abnormal renal biopsy regardless of the severity of renal scarring (p = 0.38) or when renal function was 40% or less (mean preoperative versus postoperative 29.7 versus 28.4%, p = 0.46). ", "The group with greater than 40% function preoperatively had no relevant difference in function before or after surgery (mean 49.7 versus 47.8%, p = 0.065). ", "Prenatally screened patients who were initially observed had a statistically significant difference in renal function before and after pyeloplasty (mean 45.6 versus 43%, p = 0.002). ", "Renal function did not improve after pyeloplasty regardless of the initial level of relative function. ", "Renal scan revealed that differential function decreased after pyeloplasty in some patients in whom hydronephrosis was detected prenatally and who were initially followed with observation. ", "In our opinion waiting for renal function to decrease before considering pyeloplasty is not warranted, since function does not improve even when obstruction is corrected and drainage time improves." ]
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[ "Private information belonging to 9700 claimants was this morning mistakenly emailed externally by EQC.", "\n\nEQC boss Ian Simpson said he decided to front on the breach immediately in light of other recent government department privacy breaches. ", "He made the announcement at a press conference in central Wellington this afternoon.", "\n\nAt 7.45am today a staff member sent out an email intending to stay within EQC, however, the auto-complete function in the email accidentally filled in a third-party's address, Simpson said. ", "The email included an attachment with 9700 claimants, claim numbers and street addresses. ", "It did not include names.", "\n\nHe apologised \"unreservedly\" to the people whose privacy had been breached.", "\n\n\"I am dismayed and disappointed that this breach has occurred and I apologise unreservedly that private customer information was sent to the wrong person.", "\n\n\"I want to ensure our customers that every effort will be directed at ensuring this doesn't happen again.''", "\n\nThe breach only affected customers in the EQC Canterbury Home Repair Programme. ", "They were all from Canterbury and were people who had yet to have remedial work start on their properties.", "\n\nSimpson said affected clients would be contacted next week.", "\n\nThe recipient of the email had already been contacted and had promised to delete the information.", "\n\nThe recipient, who has previously dealt with EQC, had also said they would not reveal any of the details contained in the message, Simpson said.", "\n\nWere you the recipient of the email? ", "Email us at newstips@stuff.co.nz\n\nMost of the information in the email would be indecipherable without inside knowledge of the inner-workings of the EQC, he said. ", "However, he did not know whether the person who received the information had that knowledge.", "\n\nThe staff member responsible for accidentally sending out the email would not be punished, Simpson said.", "\n\nEQC would beef up procedures for encrypting and securely accessing sensitive data and rules for using email to send sensitive documents, Simpson said.", "\n\n\"We will commission an independent review of the breach and take steps from that review to ensure this doesn't happen again.''", "\n\nEarthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee had been informed of the breach and was pleased the EQC was stepping forward publicly so soon." ]
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[ "Joining Atletico a unique opportunity: Midfielder Kranevitter\n\nMadrid: Atletico Madrid’s new midfielder Matias Kranevitter says his arrival at the football club is a great challenge and a “unique opportunity” for him, noting that he already feels the “confidence” to enter in competition with his new team.", "\n\n“I am very happy to be here in a club like this. ", "It has taken some months for me to be here and I want to thank the affection of the people. ", "I’ll give my all for this shirt,” Efe quoted Kranevitter as saying on Monday at the presentation.", "\n\nThe 22-year-old Argentina international, who will wear the number ‘8’ shirt is now under the command of his compatriot Diego Simeone. ", "He previously played for Buenos Aires based River Plate.", "\n\n“Simeone is a winner and has done very well at Atletico. ", "It’s a great honour for me that he has signed me,” he said according to the club’s official website.", "\n\n“This is a unique opportunity that I have to make the most of.”", "\n\nKranevitter may make his debut in the first leg of the Copa del Rey next Wednesday against Rayo Vallecano.", "\n\n“I believe that the trust of my teammates is very important for me,” Kranevitter declared. “", "They have demonstrated it to me from day one. ", "If I get to play, I will be very happy and will give my all because it’s a very important match.”" ]
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[ "The World War II generation of the de Wind family was immensely and disproportionately affected by the Holocaust.", "\n\nOn the occasion of this solemn day, I want to recount two stories — retell is a better word since both have been published before.", "\n\nThe first one was about one relative, Louis de Wind, who was on “the last train to Auschwitz.”", "\n\nThis one is about all the de Winds who suffered under the Nazis and paid a heavy price for being Jewish.", "\n\nBut, more, it is about what “humanity” can do to humanity if we — you and I — allow it.", "\n\nI don’t claim to be Jewish, although most of my paternal ancestors were Jewish.", "\n\nAs a matter of fact, the earliest de Wind documented in my family tree is not even a de Wind, but rather a Levy — my great-great-grandfather, Alexander Levy, who was born around 1765 in The Hague (then, ‘s-Gravenhage) and assumed the name de Wind in 1811.", "\n\nWhat makes the Jewish ancestry in my family more poignant to me is that, among the more than 100,000 Dutch Jews who were murdered by the Nazis during the war in Europe, there were approximately one hundred de Winds — this figure includes men who married de Wind women and their children. ", "This may not seem like a large number, until one realizes that the name de Wind is quite an uncommon family name in the Netherlands; that virtually all the de Winds in the Netherlands have common roots; and that the number 100 represents a significant proportion of an entire de Wind generation.", "\n\nThe names of these de Winds can be found at the unique and powerful “Digital Monument to the Jewish Community in the Netherlands,” a virtual monument dedicated to preserving the memory of all the men, women and children who were persecuted as Jews during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands and who did not survive the Holocaust, the Shoah.", "\n\nIn the “de Wind list” at the Monument, one can find the birthplaces and the ages of most of the victims — some as old as 92 and some as young as 14. ", "My uncle’s family tree documents several other very young de Wind victims of the Holocaust — one as young as five!", "\n\nWhy am I telling you all this?", "\n\nPerhaps it is a form of personal catharsis, atonement if you will, for never having taken the time or made the effort to learn more about Jewish history and culture, about the Jewish religion, and about the Jewish suffering.", "\n\nNevertheless, there must have always been something in me that periodically reminded me of my Jewish background, of my admiration for the Jewish people, of my empathy for their suffering.", "\n\nThat “something” clearly tore at my heart when I visited the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland many years ago. ", "I will never forget the mountain of shoes in one room, the mountain of eyeglasses in another, the mountain of prostheses, the crumbling chimneys of the crematorium, the now-rusting, yet still sinister railroad tracks…\n\nIt infuriated me to no end and shook me to the core when I visited the Holocaust museum in Washington, D.C. and saw the repugnant photographs and film clips depicting some of the Nazi atrocities.", "\n\nIt saddened me deeply when I first accessed the “Digital Museum” and realized that every tiny dot on a screen filled with a dizzying pattern of what appear to be a million colored dots, stands for a human being murdered by the Nazis. ", "The colors indicate “whether the person was a man (blue) or woman (red), a boy or girl between six and 21 years of age (green and yellow, respectively) or a child under 6 years of age (light blue or pink).” ", "The abundance of light blue or pink dots is incomprehensible and almost unbearable.", "\n\nFinally, I cringe when I read or hear those infamous, almost obscene names: Auschwitz-Birkenau, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau, Buchenwald, Treblinka, and Belzec.", "\n\nAnd I cringed when I came across an article in the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad titled “Telling the story of the ‘Dutch Auschwitz‘”\n\nBut something softened the impact of seeing that heinous name again — albeit it only lasted for a fleeting moment.", "\n\nPerhaps it was the accompanying photograph of a blissful, peaceful, country path bordered on both sides by tall pine trees.", "\n\nThe path is described in the article as a “reflection lane,” a path that roughly coincides with a path previously known as the “Himmelfahrtstrasse,” or road to heaven.", "\n\nEven the destination of the path sounds benign enough. ", "It leads to Stara Kolonia Sobibór, “a typical Polish hamlet, where clean washing flutters in the wind, farmers on old tractors rumble by and lumbermen lug tree trunks.”", "\n\nTo be frank, I do not remember having heard of a place called Sobibor, located deep in the forests in the Lublin district of South-Eastern Poland.", "\n\nBut, had I paid more attention to my Jewish heritage, I would have known that, in 1942 and 1943, this idyllic looking “road to heaven” led to the five gas chambers of the Nazi death camp named Sobibor.", "\n\nGas chambers where about 250,000 Jewish men, women and children were systematically exterminated — more than 34,000 of them Dutch.", "\n\n34.313 Dutch Jews, distributed over 19 trains, were transported from the Westerbork transit camp in the Netherlands to Sobibor in Eastern Poland. ", "Of these, only 18 survived and returned to Holland after the Second World War.", "\n\nIt is a mound of human ashes. ", "Pain, shock, horror, and disbelief all hit me as soon as I saw the mound. ", "Tears ran down the sides of my face. ", "The mound was huge! ", "The realization that these were the ashes and bone shards of people, hit me very hard.", "\n\nIt is difficult to know exactly what percentage of the de Winds living in the Netherlands during World War II were murdered by the Nazis — I mentioned “a significant proportion.”", "\n\nHowever, there is not much uncertainty when it comes to the overall Dutch Jewish population: Out of 140,000 Jews living in the Netherlands at the outbreak of the war, some 107,000 Jews were deported to death camps, and between 102,000 and 104,000 were murdered, or approximately 74 percent–the highest percentage among Western European countries.", "\n\nWhat an unspeakable human tragedy for one of Europe’s smallest nations!", "\n\nBut the tragedy is much worse.", "\n\nOver the weekend, the New York Timesdiscussed a “book,” 1250 pages long, that “consists of the single word ‘Jew,’ in tiny type, printed six million times to signify the number of Jews killed during the Holocaust.”", "\n\nThe “book” may be controversial, but there is nothing controversial about the human beings represented by every word in the book — they were just someone’s father, mother, brother, sister, etc. ", "cruelly eliminated by the Nazis seeking the “Final Solution.”", "\n\nThe author of the book, Phil Chernofsky, tells the Times:\n\nNow get closer, put on your reading glasses, and pick a “Jew.” ", "That Jew could be you. ", "Next to him is your brother. ", "Oh, look, your uncles and aunts and cousins and your whole extended family. ", "A row, a line, those are your classmates. ", "Now you get lost in a kind of meditative state where you look at one word, “Jew,” you look at one Jew, you focus on it and then your mind starts to go because who is he, where did he live, what did he want to do when he grew up?", "\n\nI am thinking that what my family and close ones share at this time comes simply from the birth of a child.", "\n\nAnd yet, such a simple thing makes a whole difference to my world and gives a sense and beauty and meaning to every particle of my existence\n\nThe essence of what makes me the person who I am and the very substance which nourishes my spiritual growth lies in the mystery of the child, that as I grow older in life, I am magnetically drawn to love him and surrender to his love and care.", "\n\nSo we are sharing, at this time, what we hold as most precious, we are sharing it with you whom we love, we are sharing a mystery of our spirituality, our love with you.", "\n\nSimply this, simply so. ", "May all be at peace, may every creature be blessed, May all wars and strives be ended, may Love alone prevail. ", "This is my wish." ]
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[ "PET imaging of the dopamine transporter in progressive supranuclear palsy and Parkinson's disease.", "\nTo differentiate the patterns of dopamine transporter loss between idiopathic PD and progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP). ", "We used the radiotracer [11C]-WIN 35,428 and PET. ", "Regional striatal dopamine transporter binding was measured in the caudate, anterior putamen, and posterior putamen of six patients with L-dopa-responsive stage 2 PD, six patients with PSP, and six age-comparable healthy controls. ", "In patients with idiopathic PD, the most marked abnormality was observed in the posterior putamen (77% reduction), whereas transporter density in the anterior putamen (60% reduction) and the caudate (44% reduction) was less affected. ", "Unlike the patients with PD, the PSP group showed a relatively uniform degree of involvement in the caudate (40% reduction), anterior putamen (47% reduction), and posterior putamen (51% reduction). ", "When posterior putamen/caudate ratios were calculated, these values were significantly lower in patients with PD than they were in patients with PSP (p = 0.0008) and the control group (p < 0.0001). ", "Patients with PD have a more pronounced loss of dopamine transporters in the posterior putamen due to a subdivisional involvement of nigrostriatal dopaminergic projections in idiopathic PD. ", "This technique is useful in the determination of neurochemical changes underlying PD and PSP, thus differentiating between them." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.00010412328196584755, 0, 0.0004, 0, 0, 0.000025507601265177026, 0.000025507601265177026, 0, 0.00006103515625 ]
[ "Best Sellers Flowers\n\nCheck out our most popular flowers! ", "Angel's Sherman Oaks Flowers has a huge assortment of all types of flowers such as roses, plants, popular summer and spring flowers, and modern flowers. ", "We can deliver any bouquet you choose to Van Nuys, CA and beyond!" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.000042718612499466016, 0.0002366863905325444 ]
[ "Relative contribution ratios of skin and proprioceptive sensations in perception of force applied to fingertip.", "\nHumans perceive a force applied to their fingertips by integrating skin and proprioceptive sensations. ", "In this study, we investigated the relative contribution ratios of these sensations using two approaches. ", "Decoupled forces were applied to the finger pad and proximal interphalangeal joint of the index finger of the participants. ", "First, we calculated the ratios from the point of subjective equality between the skin and the proprioceptive perceptions. ", "Second, we obtained discrimination limens of the two perceptions to compute their contribution ratios. ", "The results of these two approaches showed good agreement. ", "Additionally, we investigated how the magnitudes of forces, which were 1.0 and 0.3 N, applied to a fingertip affect the relative contribution ratios of the two sensory channels. ", "When humans perceived the force of 1.0 N, the relative contribution ratios of skin and proprioceptive sensations were 16-28 and 72-84 percent, respectively. ", "In contrast, when humans perceived the force of 0.3 N, the relative contribution ratios were 37-55 and 45-63 percent, respectively. ", "These relative contribution ratios can be utilized for the design of efficient haptic interfaces." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00003156167150612296, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nprojectFilesBackup folder in android studio project for latest version\n\nIf we update the android studio with the latest version and update the plugin as well. ", "A folder named projectFilesBackup created when we open our old android studio project in the latest android studio version.", "\nMy Question is why this folder created, why this is for and how long we should keep this folder in our project folder?", "\n\nA:\n\nWhen you accepted to continue in the Convert Project dialog, IntelliJ created this file.", "\n\nIntelliJ IDEA will back up old versions of project files to projectFilesBackUp folder within your project, so you could easily return to the old project version by replacing the project files with the old ones.", "\n\nIf the project is working correctly, you can delete the file.", "\nhttps://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/2016.2/convert-project-dialog.html\n\n" ]
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[ "imabux.com Baby Mattresses\n\nMattress For Babies With Reflux 2018\n\nRuth Vetter. ", "August 10, 2017\n\nWhy You Absolutely Must Use an Organic Crib Mattress for Your Baby\nBy Laura Taff\n\nOrganic Mattresses and Your Baby's Health\n\nWhen a woman is pregnant, we say she's \"expecting\". ", "For soon-to-be mothers, that doesn't just mean she's expecting a baby - she's expecting giggles and coos, dirty diapers, tiny toes to keep warm, and a little one to help stay healthy for years and years to come. ", "There's...\n\nHow Firm Should A Baby Mattress Be\n\nTammi C. Redmond. ", "August 10, 2017\n\nWhat Baby Cot Can Provide Your Baby Security?", "\nBy Travis Olague\n\nWhen a new child appears in our world it needs the parents' love and care. ", "All little babies do not have a natural instinct of self-preservation, as it is not inborn, parents should provide them with maximum care and safety. ", "As the parents are solely responsible for the baby's security, and even if your baby is the...\n\nNon Toxic Baby Mattress\n\nFinding the right baby furniture can be frustrating as well as exciting, especially when you are searching for a discount crib that is durable and attractive to complement the nursery you have designed so carefully. ", "The good news is that there are a number of sources for discount nursery furniture that will fit...\n\nReflux Mattress Baby\n\nKevin A. Love. ", "July 25, 2017\n\nSpecial Offers\n\nBy Terrence Vine\n\nCribs for Babies - 7 Criteria To Look Upon Before Opting For It\n\nYou might not realize this but seeing that cute baby sleeping quietly and comfortably would make any hearts feels melt. ", "So cute and innocent don't you think? ", "Providing the very best for them is what every parents wish for. ", "No doubt that the cribs for babies are one of must have item...\n\nBabies R Us Portable Crib Mattress\n\nCasey Steele. ", "July 21, 2017\n\nType\n\nBaby Mattress Guidelines For Buying the Right One\nBy Anton Collins\n\nNew parents often try to find the best for their baby when shopping for nursery items. ", "Sometimes it can be hard to figure out just what is the best because standards are changing all the time. ", "When it comes to choosing crib mattresses a parent can get really confused. ", "There are standard plastic covered mattresses and then...\n\nChoosing the Best Crib Mattress for Your Baby\n\nChristina Ward. ", "July 9, 2017\n\nThickness\n\nIf you might be a first time mother or in case you might be planning to have a child soon, now's the greatest time to happen for the greatest crib mattress so you won't have a tough time whilst you might be little angel is already there. ", "With your crib mattress choices, there are these days much that's handy within the market as nicely as online. ", "You have...\n\nWhat Type Of Mattress Is Best For Baby\n\nTodd E. Robinson. ", "July 21, 2017\n\nTips\n\nA Simple Play Yard Mattress Guide For Parents\nBy Manuel Fick\n\nNewborn babies become a source of joy in different parts of the world. ", "Many women attend baby shower parties. ", "Unfortunately, after the party, mom and dad must care for their baby alone. ", "Though nurturing a baby can be challenging, it is possible. ", "As a new mum, you must help your baby sleep and feed properly. ", "In addition,...\n\nBaby Crib Mattresses Buying Tips\n\nMeghan J. Gibson. ", "August 9, 2017\n\nTips\n\nImportant Baby Mattresses Buying Tips\nBy Kris Kelly\n\nUntil the age of about three, a baby spends a lot of time in their crib sleeping and playing. ", "Comfort is of utmost importance for baby to be happy and comfortable. ", "More importantly, comfortable baby mattresses will support soft, growing bones and build a strong spine for years to come.", "\n\nA foam product is made from polyester or polyether and is lighter...\n\nTop Tips for Choosing Floor Mattress For Babies\n\nChristopher J. Calhoun. ", "August 10, 2017\n\nTips\n\nTop Tips for Choosing The Perfect Cot Bed Mattress\nBy Yemi Banjo\n\nThe right cot bed mattress will ensure that your baby gets a good night sleep.", "Newborn babies spend around 16 - 18 hours asleep per day, so it's important to purchase a safe and comfortable one.", "\n\nA good quality of sleep is important for parents and babies but sourcing the right cot bed mattress can be a daunting...\n\nTarget Baby Crib Mattress\n\nJohn Nickell. ", "July 24, 2017\n\nSpecial Offers\n\nBy Jacob Bass\n\nBuying a Baby Cot Bed and Cot Bed Mattress - What to Check\n\nExpensive cots always do not offer better service than less expensive ones. ", "In many expensive models the thick cot bed mattress creates less height and that may account for the baby's fall or an accident. ", "Thus, you need to check out some options while you go shopping for the baby cot bed..." ]
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[ "Empirical Bayes estimation of individual growth-curve parameters and their relationship to covariates.", "\nThe analysis of growth curves has long been important in biostatistics. ", "Work has focused on two problems: the estimation of individual curves based on many data points, and the estimation of the mean growth curve for a group of individuals. ", "This paper extends a recent approach that seeks to combine data from a group of individuals in order to improve the estimates of individual growth parameters. ", "Growth is modeled as polynomial in time, and the group model is also linear, incorporating growth-related covariates into the model. ", "The estimation used is empirical Bayes. ", "The estimation formulas are illustrated with a set of data on rat growth, originally presented by Box (1950, Biometrics 6, 362-389)." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "Pickaway Plains\n\nPickaway Plains is a wide area of rolling hills beginning about 3 miles south of Circleville, Ohio, and extending several miles to the north and south. ", " This geological area was formed by sand and gravel deposited by melting water from the last glacier to retreat from the region during the Ice Age. ", " During the time of inhabitation by the Shawnee, the Pickaway Plains were covered by prairie vegetation, mainly grasses.", "\n\nVillages\nThis area was inhabited most recently by the Shawnee, who founded at least three villages here:\n Cornstalk Town was located on the north bank of the Scippo Creek in Pickaway County, Ohio. ", " It was just east of the present U.S. Highway 23 highway and approximately where Gold Cliff Park is today. ", " The town was named for Cornstalk, a Shawnee chief.", "\n Grenadier Squaw Village was located opposite the Scippo Creek from Cornstalk Town. ", " The town was named for Cornstalk's sister Nonhelema, whom the British called the \"Grenadier Squaw\" because of her imposing stature.", "\n Kispoko Town \"was situated on the east bank of the [Scioto] river, across from the Pickaway Plains about midway between present day Circleville and Chillicothe. ", " This town was peopled by the Chalahgawatha sect of the Shawnee tribe, one of five clans making up the Shawnee Nation. ", " The principal Chiefs of this area were the legendary Chief Cornstalk (Hokolewqua) and his giant sister, Grenadier Squaw (non-hel-e-ma) who stood at six and a half feet tall.\" ", "Tecumseh's birth \"occurred while his parents, Shawnee war chief, Pucksinwah, and his wife, Methotasa, were en route from their village of Kispoko Town, on the Scioto River, to a major tribal council at the Shawnee tribal capital village of Chalahgawth (Chillicothe - now Oldtown), which was located \"two arrow flights\" northwest.\"", "\n</blockquote>\n\nDunmore's War\nIn 1774, the Shawnee and allied nations sent around 300-500 men from the Pickaway Plains area to meet Lord Dunmore's army of Virginia militia. ", " Lord Dunmore was attempting both to subdue the Shawnee and Mingo, and to prevent Pennsylvania from laying claim upon present-day Ohio. ", " This conflict became known as Dunmore's War. ", " At Point Pleasant, West Virginia, Cornstalk and his army met a detachment of Dunmore's army under command of Colonel Andrew Lewis.", "\n\nThe forces met on October 10, 1774, at what became known as the Battle of Point Pleasant. ", "After several hours of intense fighting, Lewis's detachment drove Cornstalk and his men northward, across the Ohio River. ", " Dunmore then led his army in pursuit of the Shawnee.", "\n\nCornstalk and his men retreated to Pickaway Plains, with Dunmore's army still in pursuit. ", " As they reached the villages, Dunmore requested that Cornstalk discuss a peace treaty. ", " Cornstalk agreed after he received word that Lewis's detachment had destroyed several villages along the Ohio River. ", " At the treaty, held at Camp Charlotte, Cornstalk agreed to honor the Treaty of Fort Stanwix of 1768, ceding the Shawnee hunting lands of present-day Kentucky to Virginia.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Ohio History Central: Lord Dunmore\n Ohio Department of Natural Resources: US 23 Road Guide\n Ibid., \"", "Burning Stake\"\n\nCategory:Pre-statehood history of Ohio\nCategory:Geography of Pickaway County, Ohio\nCategory:Shawnee history" ]
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[ "Fluid therapy in acute pancreatitis: anybody's guess.", "\nThe aim of this study was to systematically review and evaluate the quality of current evidence about fluid therapy (FT) in acute pancreatitis (AP). ", "Intravenous FT is thought to be important in the early management of patients with AP. ", "Clinically relevant questions remain regarding the type of fluid, the rate of administration, and the goal of FT. ", "A comprehensive literature search for human studies was performed using online databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed, and the Cochrane Library). ", "The quality of the entire body of evidence was then graded according to the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation Working Group guidelines in relation to 3 key areas: type of fluid, rate of fluid administration, and goal-directed FT. ", "The initial search yielded 410 studies, of which 15 met the inclusion criteria. ", "Only 2 randomized studies compared types of fluids. ", "Nine studies looked at aggressive versus nonaggressive resuscitation protocols, of which 4 concluded that an aggressive approach yielded better outcomes and 5 concluded that a nonaggressive approach was better. ", "Two studies investigated goal-directed FT, using different goals; one demonstrating benefit and the other none. ", "Analysis of the body of evidence as per the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation Working Group revealed that the majority of evidence was of low or very low quality. ", "FT is considered a cornerstone of the early management of patients with AP and yet the evidence on which it is based remains paltry and of poor quality. ", "This systematic review has demonstrated the equipoise necessary for the design of randomized controlled trials to answer pressing questions relating to the type of fluid, the rate of administration, and how FT should be guided." ]
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[ "The mountain received some fresh snow on Tuesday but the skifield remains closed on Wednesday.", "\n\nDespite snowfall closing the road and an avalanche risk, Manganui Skifield remains closed because there is not enough snow.", "\n\nThe latest snow report, issued by the Stratford Mountain Club at 7.40am on Wednesday, states that current snow levels are not sufficient for opening and a considerable avalanche risk through the gorge also remains in place.", "\n\nThe snow depth remains between 15-30cm, with the temperature hovering around zero - at 1.8 degrees Celsius at 1400m altitude at 9am with winds of 29.6kmh. ", "Alpine conditions remain on the road, with chains to be carried.", "\n\nREAD MORE: Mt Taranaki's Manganui Ski Area aiming to be first field open in the country\n\nThursday's forecast is for showers in the morning, falling as snow above 1200m.\n\nThe New Zealand Avalanche Advisory's considerable avalanche risk also remains in place on the mountain for alpine (1000-2000m) and high alpine (above 2000m) areas.", "\n\nTodd Velvin, snow safety services convenor, said people had to be educated and experienced to go through a considerable avalanche risk.", "\n\n\"Considerable\" meant there was a likely chance an avalanche could occur, he said.", "\n\n\"There's a whole lot of different equations that go into generate a forecast,\" he said.", "\n\n\"It all depends on the amount of snow you have, weather conditions, rain events. ", "It's very variable.\"", "\n\nThey had to analyse the snow once it lands on the ground as well as other conditions.", "\n\n\"Any mountain that you come across in New Zealand that has snow on it and the right angle, the right slopes, has the potential to produce an avalanche risk.", "\n\n\"At the moment we haven't had as much snow as we were first forecasted for so the risk for a large avalanche is less likely at this point. ", "It's decreased.\"", "\n\nBut that wasn't to say a small avalanche would not occur.", "\n\n\"A smaller sized avalanche might not bury someone but might take them over a cliff into a gully system.\"", "\n\nThose who went through it needed to have education and know the terrain they were dealing with, he said.", "\n\nThe Avalanche Authority said a shift in weather has the concern focusing on wind slab (release of a wind-formed cohesive layer of snow), which is developing in the latest winter storm.", "\n\n\"Care is going to be needed over the next few days as more snow arrives with the moderate winds.\"", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Exact calculations of survival probability for diffusion on growing lines, disks, and spheres: The role of dimension.", "\nUnlike standard applications of transport theory, the transport of molecules and cells during embryonic development often takes place within growing multidimensional tissues. ", "In this work, we consider a model of diffusion on uniformly growing lines, disks, and spheres. ", "An exact solution of the partial differential equation governing the diffusion of a population of individuals on the growing domain is derived. ", "Using this solution, we study the survival probability, S(t). ", "For the standard non-growing case with an absorbing boundary, we observe that S(t) decays to zero in the long time limit. ", "In contrast, when the domain grows linearly or exponentially with time, we show that S(t) decays to a constant, positive value, indicating that a proportion of the diffusing substance remains on the growing domain indefinitely. ", "Comparing S(t) for diffusion on lines, disks, and spheres indicates that there are minimal differences in S(t) in the limit of zero growth and minimal differences in S(t) in the limit of fast growth. ", "In contrast, for intermediate growth rates, we observe modest differences in S(t) between different geometries. ", "These differences can be quantified by evaluating the exact expressions derived and presented here." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.000025, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nJoomla site shows IP address instead of url\n\nI am finalizing my Joomla-site with a Siteground host and encounter the following problem: my site shows the IP-adress instead of the url. ", "Although I type in the url (www.nooitmeerfile.be by the way), it shows the IP-adress.", "\nCould someone please give me a step-by-step explanation on how to fix this? ", "I happen to find a lot of fragmented answers cluttered around the web. ", "I am a novice user, and I'm stuck :-)\nThanks!", "\n\nA:\n\nPossible steps to debug your issue:\n\nCheck configuration.php public $live_site = ''; and try to add your\ndomain (without trailing slash).", "\nCheck if .htaccess file is not altered and try to download and use a fresh copy.", "\nCheck if you are using 3rd party sef components / plugins and try to disable them.", "\nClear your joomla and browser cache.", "\nContact your hosting provider if something in your hosting is misconfigured.", "\n\nHope this helps\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSet Custom Defined Type in DraftJS\n\nI'm curious if we can define our own block type instead of using one from DRAFTBLOCKTYPE.", "\nCurrently I'm playing with draft-wysiwyg which uses plugin named draft-image-plugin. ", "The problem is that I've to pass the block-image as the type of the block instead of atomic to make the plugin working.", "\nActually, I had tried to use the solution from this where I override the plugin's type to atomic. ", "But it affects other blocks with atomic type on the application where I can't create my own blockRendererFn since the blockRenderer is 'swallowed' by that plugin's blockRenderer.", "\nTo set the block type to atomic, I can easily achieved it by:\nAtomicBlockUtils.insertAtomicBlock(\n editorState,\n entityKey,\n ' '\n)\n\nHow to set the block type to any custom defined type such as block-image or block-table? ", "Is that even possible?", "\n\nA:\n\nYes, that's possible, and you have a few different options. ", "Here are some I know of:\n\nIf you have control over the component that renders blocks of type atomic, it would probably be easiest to add your new type as an entity to those blocks.", "\n\nIf that's not an option, it get's a bit more cumbersome. ", "AtomicBlockUtils is actually just a module made to help people create media (atomic) blocks easier (even though more utility functions will probably be added in the future). ", "If you want the exact same behavior, but with a different type, you could copy that module and just exchange 'atomic' with something else (e.g. 'block-image' or a variable to make it more generic/resuable).", "\nThe technique they use is basically to create a selection of an empty block, and then use the Modifier.setBlockType() function to give it a new block type:\n\nconst asAtomicBlock = DraftModifier.setBlockType(\n afterSplit, // ContentState\n insertionTarget, // SelectionState\n 'atomic' // your custom type\n);\n\nIn this example, the author has created his own version, called addNewBlock() (it doesn't work exactly like the one in AtomicBlockUtils though):\n\n/*\nAdds a new block (currently replaces an empty block) at the current cursor position\nof the given `newType`.", "\n*/\nconst addNewBlock = (editorState, newType = Block.", "UNSTYLED, initialData = {}) => {\n const selectionState = editorState.getSelection();\n if (!", "selectionState.isCollapsed()) {\n return editorState;\n }\n const contentState = editorState.getCurrentContent();\n const key = selectionState.getStartKey();\n const blockMap = contentState.getBlockMap();\n const currentBlock = getCurrentBlock(editorState);\n if (!", "currentBlock) {\n return editorState;\n }\n if (currentBlock.getLength() === 0) {\n if (currentBlock.getType() === newType) {\n return editorState;\n }\n const newBlock = currentBlock.merge({\n type: newType,\n data: getDefaultBlockData(newType, initialData),\n });\n const newContentState = contentState.merge({\n blockMap: blockMap.set(key, newBlock),\n selectionAfter: selectionState,\n });\n return EditorState.push(editorState, newContentState, 'change-block-type');\n }\n return editorState;\n};\n\nSo if you want to e.g. create a block of type 'block-image', with a src attribute, you can use this function like so:\nconst newEditorState = addNewBlock(this.state.editorState, 'block-image', { src: 'https://...' }) \nthis.setState({ editorState: newEditorState })\n\nUpdate:\nIf you add a new type, you also need to add it to your editor's blockRenderMap:\nimport { Map } from 'immutable'\n\n<Editor \n // editor props\n blockRenderMap={Map({\n ['unstyled']: {\n element: 'div'\n },\n ['block-image']: {\n element: 'div' // or whatever element you want as a wrapper\n },\n // all your other block types\n })}\n/>\n\n" ]
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