[ "**A note-question on partitions of semigroups**\n\n**Igor Protasov, Ksenia Protasova**\n\n[**Abstract.**]{} ", "Given a semigroup $S$ and an $n$-partition $\\mathcal{P}$ of $S$, $n\\in \\mathbb{N}$, do there exist $A\\in \\mathcal{P}$ and a subset $F$ of $S$ such that $S=F ^{-1} \\{x \\in S: x A \\bigcap A\\neq\\emptyset\\}$ and $|F |\\leq n$?", "\n\nWe give an affirmative answer provided that either $S$ is finite or $n=2$.\n\n[**2010 MSC:**]{} 20M10, 05D10.", "\n\n[**Keywords:**]{} Partitions of semigroups, covering number.", "\n\n**1. ", "Introduction**\n\nIn 1995, the first author asked the following question \\[3, Problem 13.44\\].", "\n\n[*Given a group $G$ and an $n$-partition $\\mathcal{P}$, $n\\in \\mathbb{N}$ of $G$, do there exist $A\\in \\mathcal{P}$ and a subset $F$ of $G$ such that $G=FAA ^{-1}$ and $|F |\\leq n$?*]{}", "\n\nFor the current state of this open problem see the survey \\[1\\]. ", "We mention only that an answer is positive if either $G$ is amenable (in particular, finite), or $n\\leq 3$, or $x^{-1} A x =A$ for any $A\\in \\mathcal{P}$ and $x\\in G$. If $G$ is an arbitrary group and $\\mathcal{P}$ is an $n$-partition of $G$ then one can choose $A$, $B\\in \\mathcal{P}$ and subsets $F$, $H$ of $G$ such that $G=FAA^{-1}$, $|F|\\leq n!$ and $G=HBB^{-1} B$ and $|H|\\leq n$.\n\nIn this note, we formulate a semigroup version of above question and give positive answer provided that either $S$ is finite or $n=2$.\n\nFor systematic exposition of Ramsey theory of semigroups see \\[2\\].", "\n\nFor a semigroup $S$, $a \\in S$, $A \\subseteq S$ and $B\\subseteq S$, we use the standard notations $$a^{-1} B= \\{ x\\in S: ax\\in B\\}, \\ \\ A^{-1} B=\\bigcup _{a\\in A } a^{-1} B.$$\n\nWe set $\\Delta(A)=\\{ x\\in S: x A \\bigcap A\\neq\\emptyset\\}$ and observe that $\\Delta (A)= \\{x\\in S: x^{-1} A \\bigcap A\\neq\\emptyset\\}$ and if $S$ is a group then $\\Delta(A)=AA^{-1}.$\n\nWe suppose that $S^{-1} A=S$ and define a [*covering number* ]{} $$cov A = min \\{ |X|: X\\subseteq S, S = X^{-1} A\\}.$$ If $S^{-1}A \\neq S$ then $cov A$ is not defined. ", "Clearly, $cov A$ is defined if and only if $Sx \\bigcap A \\neq\\emptyset $ for every $x\\in S$.\n\nNow we are ready for promised question.", "\n\n[*Given a semigroup $S$ and an $n$-partition $\\mathcal{P}$ of $S$, does there exist $A \\in \\mathcal{P}$ such that $cov \\Delta(A)\\leq n$?*]{}", "\n\n**2. ", "Results**\n\n[**Theorem 1.**]{} [*", "For a semigroup $S$ and an $n$-partition $\\mathcal{P}$ of $S$, there exists $A\\in \\mathcal{P}$ such that $cov \\Delta (A)\\leq 2 ^{2 ^{n-1} -1}$.* ]{}\n\nIf $n=2$ then $cov \\Delta(A) \\leq 2$. In a personal communication, G. Bergman answered the question positively for $n=3$, and noticed that, we may suppose that a semigroup $S$ is a monoid.", "\n\n[**Theorem 2.**]{} [*", "For a finite semigroup $S$ and an $n$-partition $\\mathcal{P}$ of $S$, there exists $A \\in \\mathcal{P}$ such that $cov \\Delta (A)\\leq n$ .*]{}", "\n\n[**Theorem 3.**]{} [*", "If a subset $A$ of a semigroup $S$ contains either left or right zero then $cov \\Delta (A)=1$.*]{}\n\n**3. ", "Proofs**\n\n[*Proof of Theorem 1.*]{} ", "We adopt arguments from \\[4, pp. ", "120-121\\] proving this theorem for groups.", "\n\nWe define a function $f: \\mathbb{N}\\times \\mathbb{N}\\longrightarrow \\mathbb{N}$ by $$f(1,m)=m \\ \\ and \\ \\ f(n+1, m)=f(n, m+m^{2}).$$\n\nBy \\[4, Lemma 12.2\\], $f(n,m)\\leq 2^{2^{n-1}-1} m^{2^{n-1}}.$\n\nWe use induction on $n$ to prove the following auxiliary statement\n\n$ \\ \\ (*) $ [*Let $ F, A_{1}, A_{2}, …, A_{n}$ be subsets of a semigroup $S$ such that $S=F^{-1}(A_{1}\\bigcup A_{2}\\bigcup …\\bigcup A_{n})$ and $|F |\\leq m$. Then there exist $i\\in \\{1,2,…,n\\}$ and a subset $K$ of $S$ such that $S=K^{-1} \\Delta (A_{i})$ and $|K|\\leq f(n,m).$*]{}\n\nFor $n=1,$ we have $S=F^{-1} A_{1}$. We take an arbitrary $x\\in S$ and choose $g\\in F$ such that $xA_{1} \\bigcap g^{-1} A_{1} \\neq\\emptyset.$ Then $A_{1} \\bigcap x^{-1}g^{-1} A_{1} \\neq\\emptyset$, $A_{1} \\bigcap (gx)^{-1} A_{1}\\neq\\emptyset$ so $gx \\in \\Delta(A)$, $x\\in g^{-1} \\Delta(A)$, $x\\in F^{-1} \\Delta (A)$ and $S=F^{-1} \\Delta (A)$.\n\nLet $S=F^{-1}(A_{1}\\bigcup A_{2} \\bigcup … \\bigcup A _{n+1}).$ We consider two cases.", "\n\n[*Case 1.* ]{} ", "$gA_{1} \\subseteq F^{-1} (A_{2}\\bigcup … \\bigcup A _{n+1})$ for some $g \\in S$. Then $A_{1} \\subseteq g^{-1} F^{-1} (A_{2} … A _{n+1})$ and $ S=(F^{-1} \\bigcup F^{-1} g^{-1} F^{-1})(A_{2} \\bigcup …\\bigcup A _{n+1}).$ Since $\\mid F\\bigcup FgF \\mid\\leq m + m^{2}$, by the inductive hypothesis, there exist $i\\in \\{2,3,…, n+1\\}$ and a subset $K$ of $S$ such that $$S= K^{-1} \\Delta (A_{i}), \\ \\ |K|\\leq f (n, m+m^{2})= f(n+1, m).$$\n\n[*Case 2.* ]{} ", "$xA_{1} \\bigcap F^{-1} A_{1} \\neq\\emptyset$ for every $x\\in S.$ Then $A_{1} \\bigcap x^{-1} F^{-1} A_{1}\\neq\\emptyset$, $x^{-1} g^{-1} A_{1} \\bigcap A_{1}\\neq\\emptyset$ for some $g \\in F$, $gx \\in\\Delta (A_{1})$ and $x \\in g^{-1} \\Delta (A)$, $S= F^{-1} \\Delta (A)$. We set $K=F$ and note that $|K |\\leq m \\leq f(n+1, m)$.\n\nTo conclude the proof, we assume that $S=A_{1}\\bigcup ...\\bigcup A_{n}$, take an arbitrary $g\\in S$, put $F= \\{ g\\}$, note that $S=F^{-1}(A_{1} \\bigcup ...\\bigcup A_{n})$ and apply $(*)$.", "\n\n[*Proof of Theorem 2.*]{} ", "Let $S$ be a finite semigroup and $S= A_{1} \\bigcup … \\bigcup A_{n} .$ We take a minimal right ideal $R$ of $S$, choose $r\\in S$ and note that $rS\\subseteq R$, $S \\subseteq r^{-1} R$, so we may suppose that $S=R$. By \\[2, Theorem 1.63(g)\\], $S$ is a direct product of a group $G$ and a right zero semigroup $I$. We take $a \\in I$ and put $H=G\\times \\{a\\}$. For each $i \\in \\{1, …, n\\}$, we denote $B_{i}=A_{i} \\bigcap H$. Since $H$ is a finite group, there are $j\\in \\{1, …, n\\}$ and $K\\in H$ such that $|K|\\leq n$ and $H=K^{-1} \\Delta_{H}(B_{j})$, where $\\Delta_{H} (B_{j})=\\{ x\\in H: xB_{j} \\bigcap B_{j}\\neq\\emptyset \\} $. ", "We take an arbitrary $(g,b)\\in G \\times I$ and choose $z \\in K$ such that $z(g,a)\\in \\{x \\in H: xB_{j} \\bigcap B_{j} \\neq\\emptyset\\} $. ", "Since $I$ is a right zero semigroup, we have $z(g,b) B_{j} \\bigcap B_{j}\\neq\\emptyset$. Hence $(g,b) \\in z^{-1} \\{ x \\in S: x A_{j} \\bigcap A_{j}\\neq\\emptyset\\}$ and $ S=K^{-1 } \\Delta (A_{j})$.\n\n[*Proof of Theorem 3.* ]{}", "If $a \\in A$ is left zero then, for every $x\\in S$, we have $S= a^{-1} a = a^{-1} \\{ x \\in A: xA\\bigcap A \\neq\\emptyset\\}$ and $S=a^{-1} \\Delta(A)$.\n\nIf $a\\in A$ is right zero then, for every $x \\in S$, $a \\in xA \\bigcap A$ so $xA \\bigcap A\\neq\n\\emptyset$ and $ S= \\Delta (A)$ and $S= g^{-1} \\Delta (A)$ for each $g \\in S$.\n\n[**Acknowledgement.**]{} ", "We thank George Bergman for constructive remarks on the seminal version of this note.", "\n\n**References**\n\n\\[1\\] Banakh, T., Protasov, I., Slobodianiuk, S. [*Densities, submeasures and partitions of $G$-spaces and groups*]{}, Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, [**17**]{} (2014), Number 2, 193-221, preprint (http://arxiv.org./abs/1303.4612).", "\n\n\\[2\\] N. Hindman, D. Strauss, [*Algebra in the Stone-$\\check{C}$ech Compactification*]{}, 2nd edition, de Gruyter, 2012.", "\n\n\\[3\\] V.D. Mazurov, E.I. Khukhro (eds), [*Unsolved problems in group theory, the Kourovka notebook*]{}, 13-th augmented edition, Novosibirsk, 1995.", "\n\n\\[4\\] Protasov I., Banakh T., [*Ball structures and colorings of groups and graphs*]{}, Math. ", "Stud. ", "Monogr. ", "Ser., ", "Vol.[**11**]{}, VNTL, Lviv, 2003.", "\n\nDepartment of Cybernetics, Kyiv University,\n\nProspect Glushkova 2, corp. ", "6,\n\n03680 Kyiv, Ukraine\n\ne-mail: I.V.Protasov@gmail.com\n\nKsenia Protasova\n\nDepartment of Cybernetics, Kyiv University,\n\nProspect Glushkova 2, corp. ", "6,\n\n03680 Kyiv, Ukraine\n\ne-mail: ksuha@freenet.com.ua\n" ]
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[ "Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption The dolphin meat trade continues despite a long-standing ban\n\nTaiwan banned catching, selling and eating dolphins in 1989, after it faced international pressure. ", "But recent cases have shown that there is still an active black market trade in dolphin meat. ", "Though eating dolphin is not widespread on the island, the practice still exists in some areas.", "\n\nMy cameraman and I recently visited Yunlin, in western Taiwan, where there is a long tradition of eating dolphin. ", "Considered good for one's health, even though it is full of mercury, dolphin meat is so commonly eaten here that it is called the \"ocean's pork\". ", "It is an open secret among locals.", "\n\nBecause it is illegal, we went undercover and ordered dolphin meat at a stall known to sell it. ", "But the boss said she no longer sold it. ", "Asked whether the fried cakes she served actually contained the meat, she did not deny it.", "\n\n\"Some people say this is dolphin meat,\" she said.", "\n\nThe raw meat looked like dolphin flesh. ", "Asked about that, she simply laughed. ", "At one point she admitted she sold the meat, when we asked her why the fried dolphin meat cakes were not thought to taste fishy and whether it was because of the way she marinated it. \"", "That's right,\" she said.", "\n\nImage caption Restaurants serving dolphin meat are an open secret in parts of Taiwan\n\nJust to be sure, we asked a friend who grew up in the area and has eaten the meat many times to help. ", "A few days later, he was able to order dolphin cakes with no problem.", "\n\nStockpile seized\n\nAt Taiwan's fishing ports, coast guard officers routinely check boats returning from sea to see if illegal marine life has been caught. ", "Despite a stiff penalty - up to five years in jail and a maximum fine of $50,000 (£30,000) - dead dolphins have been found.", "\n\nIn early March, coast guard officers uncovered three bags of dolphin meat hidden in a fishing boat. ", "The fisherman claimed he accidentally caught the dolphin and had not intended to kill it. ", "But to mask what it really was, he had chopped off the head, tail and fins.", "\n\nOther cases have been discovered in the past two years.", "\n\nIn the biggest case late last year, 7.5 tonnes of dolphin meat were found in a refrigerated warehouse in southern Taiwan, the largest stockpile discovered in recent years.", "\n\nOfficials estimate 150 dolphins were killed. ", "The vendor who collected it told police he could make $3 for every 500 grams, or more than $6,500 if he had sold all of it.", "\n\nExperts believe many cases are not discovered, and as many as 1,000 dolphins are brought ashore by Taiwanese fishermen each year. ", "The fishermen do not intentionally hunt for dolphins, but the mammals eat the same kind of fish the fishermen try to catch, and tend to follow the fishing boats, so they often get caught in the fishing nets.", "\n\nImage copyright Taiwan Forestry Bureau Image caption Last year, a major stockpile of dolphin meat was seized by officials\n\nBecause the mammals need to breathe, and cannot survive for more than five to 10 minutes without oxygen, they drown in the nets and are dead by the time they are brought up to the boats. ", "Some experts believe several thousand dolphins die this way each year.", "\n\nLocal fishermen told the BBC they felt no sympathy for the dolphins.", "\n\nThat is the root of the problem - in Taiwan laws are sometimes passed because the government feels it must do something, including to protect Taiwan's image, but on the grassroots level people have not bought into the need for the law.", "\n\n\"Dolphins are our worst enemy. ", "They eat all our fish bait - they follow us everywhere. ", "We can't get rid of them other than killing them,\" said Chen Chun-sheng, president of the Suao Fishermen's Association in north-eastern Taiwan's Yilan county.", "\n\n\"But international conventions don't allow this. ", "So when they get into our net, we catch them. ", "We don't intentionally kill them. ", "But if there's a bad person and you catch him in your hand, don't you want him to die?\"", "\n\nImage caption Coast guards check boats for illicit cargo and there are stiff penalties in place\n\nLin Chen-an, a spokesman for the association of some 17,500 fishermen, added: \"If they accidentally catch the dolphins, the fishermen will bring it back; they think it is a shame to throw it back into the sea. ", "Some people eat the meat themselves; some sell it to restaurants.\"", "\n\n'Destroyed the evidence'\n\nBut there is a sign of hope for dolphins. ", "Commissioned by the government's Council of Agriculture (COA), a professor has developed the first test of its kind that detects whether the meat is dolphin within minutes.", "\n\nWith this test, authorities hope to police the illegal dolphin trade more effectively.", "\n\n\"It's been perplexing the COA for a long time; they used to use DNA to try to prove the meat is dolphin meat, but the results take one to two weeks to come back and they can't do anything during that time,\" said Jack Yang Wei-cheng, the professor, who teaches at National Chiayi University Department of Veterinary Medicine.", "\n\n\"By the time the results come back, the violators have destroyed the evidence and fled.\"", "\n\nImage caption Despite measures, demand for dolphin meat still exists\n\nThe government also subsidises fishermen to operate dolphin-watching tours and conversation groups to teach children at coastal schools that whales and dolphins should be protected.", "\n\nHowever, animal protection groups say more needs to be done, including discouraging fishermen from using fishing methods that harm the animals.", "\n\nWith one of the world's largest fishing industries, Taiwan has been blamed by environmental groups for overfishing or illegal fishing. ", "Its nearby waters used to be teeming with whales and dolphins, but some believe numbers may be dwindling.", "\n\n\"We don't know if the overall population is increasing or decreasing, but nonetheless, the foundation feels we should protect dolphins. ", "Only when their population is healthy is the whole ocean healthy,\" said Chang Tai-di, director of Kuroshio Ocean Education Foundation.", "\n\n\"We think dolphins are here because the ecology is rich.\"", "\n\n'Hard to catch'\n\nDespite the recent cases, Lin Kuo-chang, chief of the Forestry Bureau's Wildlife Conservation Section, said in recent years fishermen have become much more aware of protecting dolphin species.", "\n\nSome employ ways to prevent the dolphins from accidentally being caught in the nets, such as by using sound waves, boats or bamboo sticks to dispel the dolphins.", "\n\nBut as our visit to Yunlin and talking to people have shown, some local authorities either cannot or do not feel they can crack down on violators.", "\n\n\"It's not easy to catch the people selling the meat,\" said Guo Tzy-ming, an inspector of illegal wildlife trade in northern Taiwan's Yilan County.", "\n\n\"You need to know people who are regular customers at the restaurants. ", "The meat is not on menus and it's not displayed openly, but placed inside, in a refrigerator. ", "To check the fridge, we have to have a court order. ", "But before we can apply for one, people have to report the violations.\"", "\n\nHe says his office handled less than a handful of cases in the 15 years he has worked there.", "\n\nSo the jury is still out on how far the new litmus paper test, public education, and threatened punishment will go to end the dolphin meat trade.", "\n\nDemand for dolphin meat still exists in Taiwan. ", "That means more dolphins will suffer a grisly fate." ]
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[ "Associated morbidity of chalazia.", "\nChalazion may be associated with some local and systemic conditions. ", "We studied the prevalence of various conditions among patients with chalazion. ", "A retrospective observational case-control study of all the members who were diagnosed with chalazion in the Central District of Clalit Health Services in Israel (years 2000-2008; n = 9119) and 9119 age- and gender-matched controls randomly selected from the district members. ", "We calculated the prevalence of various ocular, systemic, and demographic conditions as risk factors for chalazion. ", "Demographically, a significant (P < 0.0001) tendency to develop chalazion was found in the population of lower socioeconomic class, in the population living in urban areas, in young females (10-29 years), in older men (older than 60 years), and in non-Ashkenazi Jews. ", "The following risk factors of chalazion were statistically significant: blepharitis [odds ratio (OR), 6.2], rosacea (OR, 2.9), gastritis (OR, 1.4), anxiety (OR, 1.5), irritable bowel syndrome (OR, 1.7), and smoking (OR, 1.2). ", "Diabetes (OR, 0.8) and hypothyroidism (OR, 0.8) were significantly less prevalent among chalazion patients. ", "Some systemic conditions are significantly more prevalent and some are significantly less prevalent among patients with chalazion. ", "Better understanding of the pathophysiological association between those diseases and chalazion may help in its treatment and prevention." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPass div to javascript function and change its style\n\nI'm trying to pass a div's id to a javascript function that does something simple, like change the background color of the div. ", "\nWeird thing is, my code works in the w3schools.com Tryit editor, but not in JSFiddle. ", "It also doesn't work in my compiler (Coda 2). ", "\nIs this even the right way of going about this? ", "Here's my code:\n<!", "DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<script>\nfunction changeBackgroundColor(asdf)\n{\n asdf.style.backgroundColor = \"#fff000\";\n}\n</script>\n</head>\n<body>\n\n<div id=\"myDiv\" style=\"background:red\"> this is my div </div>\n<button onclick=\"changeBackgroundColor(myDiv)\"> Set background color </button>\n\n</body>\n</html>\n\nand here's the JSFiddle stuff: http://jsfiddle.net/BH9Rs/\n\nA:\n\nYou need to use document.getElementById to get the element from the id\nfunction changeBackgroundColor(asdf){\n document.getElementById(asdf).style.backgroundColor = \"#fff000\";\n}\n\nand pass the id like this (in single quotes)\n<button onclick=\"changeBackgroundColor('myDiv')\"> \n\nAnd in your fiddle put your function inside the Head section. ", "\n(select no-wrap in Head) at left side Framework and Extension option\nJs Fiddle Demo\n\n" ]
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[ "Președintele PSD, Liviu Dragnea, l-a criticat pe senatorul Șerban Nicolae și declarațiile făcute de acesta pe tema legii grațierii. ", "Șeful social-democraților a declarat că situația va fi „tranșată” în partid, dar că el nu va mai „permite” ca membri ai PSD să afecteze prin acțiunile lor imaginea partidului.", "\n\n„Sunt destul de dezamăgit de modul în care a funcționat până acum Comisia juridică de la Senat. ", "Pe mine mă interesează ca în legea care va fi votată să nu fie acele amendamente. ", "Legea grațierii nu va cuprinde grațierea faptelor de corupție. (...) ", "Ce s-a întâmplat la Comisie ieri, ce s-a întâmplat astăzi, ce se va putea întâmpla în continuare, va fi un subiect de discuție în partid. ", "Acele amendamente nu vor intra în raportul final al Comisiei”, a declarat Dragnea.", "\n\nÎntrebat dacă majoritatea membrilor PSD sunt în favoarea grațierii condamnaților pentru corupție, șeful social-democraților a răspuns: „Categoric, nu”.", "\n\n„O să discutăm despre modul în care unii colegi de-ai noștri înțeleg să respecte ceea ce se decide în partid. ", "Partidul nu trebuie respectat doar înainte de a primi confirmarea că ești pe o listă și ajungi în Parlament. ", "Partidul trebuie respectat și ulterior. ", "Păreri personale putem avea fiecare dintre noi în baie sau în alte locuri. ", "Eu când vorbesc, ca președinte al PSD, vorbesc statutar în numele partidului și în urma unor decizii care s-au adoptat în partid”, a mai spus Dragnea.", "\n\nPotrivit acestuia, în prima ședință a Comitetului Executiv se va discuta situația de la Senat și, implicit, a senatorului Șerban Nicolae.", "\n\n„Nu o să mai permit nimănui să afecteze imaginea acestui partid”, a susținut șeful PSD.", "\n\nÎntrebat dacă, după votul de miercuri, a discutat cu senatorul Șerban Nicolae, Dragnea a răspuns: „Nu, nu am vorbit. ", "Am postat, aseară, pe Facebook un text în care am reiterat ceea ce am spus și spun de luni de zile, un punct de vedere pe care nu mi-l schimb, și anume că nu sunt de acord să se grațieze faptele de corupție”.", "\n\nLa începutul lunii martie, după ce Șerban Nicolae a depus amendamentele care extindeau grațierea la condamnații pentru corupție, Liviu Dragnea spunea că acesta își va retrage amendamentele. ", "Nicolae spunea că nu-și retrage propunerile și că nu mai este ca „pe vremuri, cu opinia unică ce emana de la partid și de la conducătorul iubit”." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a projection lens for magnifying and projecting display information or the like output from a light valve, such as a liquid crystal display device and a DMD (digital micromirror device). ", "Further, the present invention relates to a projection-type display apparatus using the projection lens.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nIn recent years, projection-type display apparatuses using light valves, such as a transmissive or reflective liquid crystal display device and a DMD display device, became widely used. ", "Especially, projection-type display apparatuses using three light valves corresponding to illumination light of RGB primary colors are widely used. ", "In the projection-type display apparatuses using three light valves, rays of illumination light of RGB primary colors are modulated by respective light valves, and combined by a prism or the like. ", "Further, an image is projected onto a screen through a projection lens.", "\nAs described above, a prism or the like for combining colors is arranged in the projection-type display apparatus, in which rays of light modulated by three light valves are combined by a color combination optical system. ", "Therefore, a projection lens mounted on the projection-type display apparatus needs to have a long back focus. ", "The long back focus is necessary also to prevent a thermal problem in the apparatus.", "\nFurther, in such a projection lens, projection of a large image with a short projection distance is requested. ", "Further, since reduction in the thickness of an apparatus is strongly requested especially in a rear-type projection apparatus, a wide-angle projection lens is requested.", "\nTo satisfy such requests, the inventor of the present invention has disclosed a projection lens that has a wide angle of more than or equal to approximately 105 degrees and excellent projection performance, while maintaining a long back focus (please refer to U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "7,529,033 (Patent Document 1)).", "\nHowever, the number of lenses in the projection lens disclosed in Patent Document 1 is in the range of 13 to 16. ", "Therefore, in Patent Document 1, the size and the cost of the projection lens are not reduced in an excellent manner.", "\nFurther, reduction in the diameter of a magnification-side lens in the projection lens is requested to reduce the size of the projection lens.", "\nEspecially, when a reflective liquid crystal display device or the like is used, a long back focus is requested. ", "However, in the projection lens disclosed in Patent Document 1, the back focus is not always appropriate." ]
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[ "A Cook’s Tour with Molly Ivins\n\nA recipe-laden memoir of the columnist’s life and times\n\nStirring It Up with Molly Ivins: A Memoir with Recipes | By Ellen Sweets | University of Texas Press | 288 pages, $29.95\n\nMolly Ivins was many things; columnist, civil libertarian, “professional Texan.” ", "But she also had a reputation as a fabulous cook and legendary hostess. ", "It’s this side of the writer that friend and fellow foodie Ellen Sweets attempts to capture in her new book, Stirring It Up With Molly Ivins.", "\n\nThe book charts Ivins and Sweets’s friendship, which lasted from their initial meeting at an ACLU function in 1989 to Ivins’s death from cancer in 2007, describing many memorable meals along the way. ", "In fact, Stirring It Up, which includes thirty-five recipes scattered throughout, could best be described as a portrait through food. ", "It’s an interesting concept for a book—but also a limiting one.", "\n\nIn his introduction, Lou Dubose, who co-authored three books with Ivins, expresses his original misgivings about the concept of Stirring It Up. ", "That it was neither cookbook nor memoir troubled him, but, he writes, he grew more fond of the idea because it presented a side of Ivins that was not usually public. ", "Sweets herself addresses the issue in the book’s opening chapters:\n\nFor some, a Molly-and-food book almost feels too small for her until you consider the kick-ass job she could do on a quiche Lorraine, creamy chilled cucumber soup, a robust coq au vin, or ratatouille.", "\n\nThat may be so, but unfortunately Sweets assumes too much of her readers. ", "I wanted to read more about Ivins’s life and work, to contextualize the public person whose more private side is exposed in the book’s pages. ", "We get tidbits here and there, but with an odd, seemingly unchronological structure, it’s incumbent on the reader to piece the scraps together into a more complete picture.", "\n\nIn the first half of the book, Ivins comes across as a vague outline of a character among the descriptions of dinner parties and chili cook-offs. ", "She liked hamburgers as much as she liked swanky French cuisine, she was a kind friend who often paid for meals, and without children of her own she took the nieces, nephews, and children of friends under her wing. ", "These facts help to outline her private character, but it’s only as the book moves closer to its final chapters the outline takes a more definite shape.", "\n\nSweets’s description of Ivins’s final years, fighting a spreading breast cancer and determined to continue to live her life her own way, is more illustrative. ", "Through interviews with friends who were there, Sweets describes a final Grand Canyon rafting trip that Ivins took despite the misgivings of friends and guides. ", "It’s here we see the courage and strength of a woman who was determined to make the most of the time she had left.", "\n\nSweets is an engaging writer, and the book bursts with personality and humor. ", "Stand-out moments included her description of a time she and Ivins dropped the ingredients for gumbo on the floor and decided to cook and serve it to guests anyway. ", "Another is the story of a memorable costume party where one guest dressed as a giant tampon. ", "It’s clear at points, though, that Sweets is very much still mourning the loss of a dear friend.", "\n\nIvins and Sweets’ friendship was formed through journalism and cemented over a hot stove. ", "Most of the stories in the book revolve around weekends where Sweets would travel to Austin to stay with Ivins, and the pair would tackle various dishes and entertain friends. ", "Although Ivins had many friends (Salman Rushdie and Paul Krugman are name-dropped), none were as dear as her “Austin crew,” including Sweets, with whom she ate, drank, laughed, and was able to share her real personality. ", "Politics, the ACLU, and journalism may have been shared interests, but it was over food that these interests were shared.", "\n\n“I liked that I could make Molly laugh,” Sweets writes. “", "Through alternating waves of internal smiles gleaned from silly and somber moments and bone-deep sadness, I kept returning to food memories and decided they are a good way to remember people you care about.”", "\n\nAs the book progresses, it becomes clear that cooking means much more to Ivins and Sweets than just filling bellies. ", "For Ivins, whom Sweets portrays as perhaps more than a little out of touch with her emotions, cooking for friends and family seems to have been a way of showing love. ", "But it was also a method of working through writers block for her syndicated columns. ", "Sweets recalls one Sunday breakfast:\n\nSlicing tomatoes, grating cheese, sniping and chopping chives, toasting brioche, and scrambling eggs helped clear the cobwebs and free the mind to receive an idea. ", "When Molly worked in the kitchen she occasionally talked to herself. ", "Not as if she was having a complete conversation, though. ", "More like she was rearranging thoughts in her head.", "\n\nFor Sweets, also, the reader gets the sense that there is a strong connection between food, cooking, family, friends and happy memories. ", "She describes her own family and the bonds formed over food, including one summer she was unemployed and spent time with her daughter (who eventually became a chef) baking bread and shopping at farmers markets.", "\n\nThe recipes are a nice touch and include a vast range of cuisines, from duck a la’orange to gumbo to Hungarian paprika mushrooms. ", "Vegetarians and anyone adverse to bacon grease should steer clear, however; simply reading about the bacon-spaghetti casserole may be enough to induce a mild heart attack.", "\n\nAs a portrait of a friendship, Stirring It Up is a poignant work that travels beyond the public view of a writer’s life. ", "But for a more contextualized, rounded picture of Ivins, one might be best advised to begin with more general biography, or perhaps one of her many collected volumes of columns.", "\n\nDon't Miss\n\nIn June 2003, the San Francisco company Linden Labs launched a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game called Second Life. ", "It quickly grew to over a million users, and has become a touchstone for the potential social adoption..." ]
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[ "ULTIMATE EDITION\n\nOkay....I'll try keep this as story spoiler free when it comes to the new content as I can. ", "Possible spoilers for those yet to even see the film - and I 1000% encourage the extended version to be your first viewing if so.", "\n\nThe TL;DR version - best way to describe this is that it's not a completely different movie. ", "It's a more complete, and definitely improved film. ", "From the word go - so much more room to let the story breathe, and even by the extension everything that the story goes for is done justice better here.", "\n\nThe improvements: the thing about this is that it isn't just the theatrical cut with a bunch of extra scenes added on. ", "Aside from the whole 3rd act (from end of BvS fight to epilogue - which, while being the weaker part of the film in this cut, oddly in the theatrical cut was the best paced part of the film), everything including existing theatrical cut scenes is expanded, changed up, in some cases early on even re-ordered. ", "Most importantly, everything gets a whole lot more room to breathe, the pacing is much more even (which helps even moments like the infamous email scene which is in the same place as in the TC), and the editing and intercutting is miles better, scenes intercut and transition much more naturally and smoothly. ", "You won't even care that there aren't that many more establishing shots even (a notable one was a nice one of Gotham early on). ", "I was at first a bit unsure on how the wheels are spinning quite a bit but overall the very graceful build up to the conflicts is very much appreciated.", "\n\nIt's the same story - but it feels really quite differently executed, and for the better. ", "There are expansions to story elements that really help make sense of a lot of the existing beats. ", "Don't really wanna say more because spoilers, but yes, the additions help immensely.", "\n\nClark/Supes and Lois benefit the most from the new content. ", "The balance between Bats and Supes is much more even as we get more to do, and both their storylines are really quite improved upon. ", "There is more Supes as well, with moments that should quieten down the hate, and Bats gets a few more characterisation shades (including a, to me, very notable improvement as well, retconning a point that many at first considered to be a big problem). ", "The new characters introduced, including Jena Malone's, while not really that big on screentime and as such easily expendable in the theatrical, are great to see and they help out overall with affecting expanded subplots. ", "Lex is improved upon also, adding a touch of Frank Underwood as well (one of two Fincher homages, may be uninitentional) to his first-act arc with Senator Finch, and the other additions are very interesting too, but may not be for everyone due to the divisive reaction. ", "I liked Eisenberg's take on Lex so to see more of it here was very welcome.", "\n\nThat third act is, for better or worse, weaker than the rest but still enjoyable to watch - probably a case of everything coming before that and the epilogue after being so good. ", "One thing that peeves me, like in the theatrical cut, is how they tried to introduce a third act element in the build up to the big fight, but I guess all of this is something I can live with.", "\n\nIf you liked the theatrical cut on the first go, you'll love this. ", "If you were on the fence/mixed on the theatrical cut primarily because of the execution issues (except runtime - because there are people for whom a 3 hour superhero blockbuster is too much), you'll likely come out enjoying this. ", "If you didn't like the film the first time for more fundamental reasons like Snyder's vision for these characters and the places he's taking them and the overall story? ", "You probably still come out disliking it.", "\n\nEDIT: one more thing - there was something someone said about the theatrical cut being far too preoccupied with setting up a universe than it own story. ", "Thankfully this cut does the film's own story justice for good (pun may or may not be intended).", "\n\n8.5/10" ]
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[ "Mason County Schools (West Virginia)\n\nMason County Schools is a school district headquartered in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. ", "It is within Mason County, West Virginia.", "\n\nSchools\n Secondary schools\n Hannan Junior/Senior High School\n Point Pleasant Junior/Senior High School\n Wahama Junior/Senior High School\n Primary schools\n Ashton Elementary School\n Beale Elementary School\n Leon Elementary School\n New Haven Elementary School\n Point Pleasant Primary School\n Point Pleasant Intermediate School\n Roosevelt Elementary School\n Other \n Mason County Career Center\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Mason County Schools\nCategory:Education in Mason County, West Virginia\nCategory:School districts in West Virginia" ]
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[ "Editorials\n\nWhy do they do it?", "\n\nOctober 19, 2012\n\nWe were mighty impressed earlier this week with the daring exploits of Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner, who completed a record jump from more than 24 miles above the earth, reaching a free-fall......" ]
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[ "[Evaluation and comparison of acid-base findings obtained using the partial and Astrup's technic in cattle].", "\nThe aim of the study was to compare the acid-base (AB-) findings in cattle obtained parallelly by the equilibration method after Astrup and the partial method (titration determination of total carbon dioxide in blood plasma) and at the same time to determine pH, net acid-base exudate in urine and the specific weight of urine. ", "Altogether we made 65 parallel examinations in three groups of cows according to phases of reproduction. ", "In 70.8% of cases correlation between the two results was very good or good, however under the condition that in many cases it was necessary to know also blood pH for the employment of the partial method. ", "Without the knowledge of the blood pH good correlation would be obtained only in 33.8% of all cases. ", "The partial method does not provide satisfactory results mainly in diagnosing respiratory disturbances and in determining compensatory degree of acid-base disturbances. ", "We analysed two alternative values for the top, reference limit of vol. % ", "CO2 in plasma: 60.0 or 55.0. ", "The results imply that from the aspect of correct partial method interpretation it is more accurate to use the value 60.0. ", "A high interpretation correlation between pH and net acid-base urine exudate was also confirmed and that independent urine pH values may be used in a complex acid-base examination to obtain acid-base findings. ", "The representation of the basic types of acid-base disturbances indicates that metabolical acidoses are most frequent in highly pregnant cows (36.9%) mostly without proved compensation. ", "The largest proportion of normal acid-base findings (43.4%) was determined in cows after calving in which also the compensatory mechanisms were most often activated. ", "In connection with these findings the possibilities of impaired health of calves are discussed." ]
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[ "Projects:Victoria wide\n\nFrom Gippsland to the South Australian border. ", "From central Melbourne to the Murray, 2MH Consulting provides design and project management for sports groups, education facilities, local governments and commercial clients." ]
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[ "Over the past decade in many countries, operating telephone companies have been investing extensively in a new generation of telephone switching equipment, generally referred to as digital switching systems. ", "Such systems are characterized by an abundance of silicon based integrated circuits which act in concert to provide time division multiplex channels for coupling telephone sets in communication as required. ", "Such systems are attractive because they require less space, less maintenance and attract greater revenue as compared to previous systems which provided for communications via metallic paths. ", "Substantial design efforts have been committed to developing appropriate line interface circuits in the same technology. ", "Recently transformerless analog silicon based integrated line interface circuits which are capable of performing coupling requirements between a switching system and a telephone set have become available. ", "However many of the transformerless line circuit designs require a degree of precision and perfection in manufacturing, which typical state of the art integrated circuit manufacturers find difficult and expensive to meet. ", "For example in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,514,595, an \"Active Impedance Line Feed Circuit\", S.D. Rosenbaum et al disclose tip and ring amplifiers which are intended to feed tip and ring leads of a telephone line with the preferred direct current feed resistance of 400 ohms and the preferred AC impedance of 900 ohms. ", "A control circuit drives the amplifiers in differential response to signals derived across matched tip and ring feed resistors which are coupled in series with outputs of the tip and ring amplifiers. ", "The derived signals are coupled to a differential input of the control circuit via precision tip and ring voltage dividers. ", "It is recommended that 0.05% tolerance feed resistors and 0.1% tolerance voltage divider resistors are preferred for interfacing telephone lines with a central switching office. ", "Furthermore it is recommended that the differential input have the best possible common mode rejection characteristic so that longitudinally induced signals on the telephone line can be tolerated. ", "Consequently the spectacular price and performance advantages realized in silicon based central office switching networks were not achieved to similar degree by this design of a line feed circuit.", "\nIn many switching systems, an individual line circuit is required to interface to each and every telephone line that is connected to the switching system. ", "Hence, the cost of the line interface requirement has continued to be a major portion of the hardware cost of such switching systems. ", "Furthermore in association with many telephone lines, the price/operating performance of many typical transformerless line interface circuits is often inferior to that of older designs as exemplified in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,103,112 issued to V.V. Korsky on July 25, 1978. ", "This is often due to the conditions in which a particular telephone line is required to operate. ", "For example excessive longitudinal energy may be reactively coupled to the telephone line from nearby power utility distribution lines. ", "Longitudinally induced currents on longer telephone lines may exceed the direct energizing current while the telephone set is in the OFF HOOK condition. ", "This results in periodic reversals in the flow of the energizing current. ", "In his U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,484,032, \"Active Impedance Transformer Assisted Line Feed Circuit\", S.D. Rosenbaum recognized some of the difficulties associated with his transformerless design and reintroduces a transformer. ", "In this later development, his original design is modified in that feed resistor and voltage divider resistor recommended tolerances are loosened to 1% by using only the direct current component of the signals derived across the tip and ring feed resistors while differential AC signals are transformer coupled to the differential amplifier, substantially to the exclusion of longitudinal AC signals. ", "However the tip and ring amplifiers are yet required to tolerate longitudinal currents on the telephone line. ", "As the feed resistor may also be exposed to severe electrical stress, as can be the result of a random transient event such as a lightening strike or a power line cross, the values of the feed resistors may become altered beyond tolerance limits for acceptable line circuit operation.", "\nIt is an object of the invention to provide a line interface circuit wherein common mode signals are substantially impeded such that required common mode rejection characteristics of active components in the circuit are less critical." ]
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[ "Greece has upgraded its diplomatic mission to North Macedonia's capital of Skopje to an embassy, following a deal to normalize relations with its neighbor — which renamed itself from Macedonia.", "\n\nA foreign ministry statement says Greece is also upgrading its representation in North Macedonia's southern town of Bitola to a general consulate.", "\n\nFriday's statement added that North Macedonia has upgraded its mission in Athens to an embassy and in the northern Greek city of Thessaloniki to a general consulate.", "\n\nThe two countries this year ended a decades-long dispute over Greece's neighbor's name. ", "Athens long claimed that plain \"Macedonia\" implied claims on its own northern region of the same name and on ancient Greek heritage.", "\n\nThe deal cleared the way for North Macedonia to join NATO and, potentially, the European Union." ]
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[ "With Swansea City’s allocation of away tickets sold out for the forthcoming Premier League fixture at Brighton, the club has received numerous queries regarding the sale process.", "\n\nThe club appreciate that a number of supporters were disappointed to miss out on the opportunity of making their first trip to the Amex Stadium, so we would like to clarify the process.", "\n\nAs is the case with all away fixtures, the club is offered various allocation options, normally varying between approximately 1,000 and 3,000 tickets depending on the capacity and segregation layout of the stadium in question.", "\n\nOnce the club confirms its first preferred option, it could have the commitment to pay for all the tickets whether they are sold or not, depending on the opposition club in question.", "\n\nThe club also has the option of increasing its allocation within a set period of time, if it did not take the full allocation at the first request.", "\n\nAgain, the club usually has to pay for the majority of unsold tickets if it does not reach a minimum sales level set by the opposition club.", "\n\nThe club looks at many factors when deciding its preferred option. ", "This includes the number of tickets sold for the previous fixture between the two clubs; the significance of the game; the travelling distance and the general trend of away tickets sold so far during that current season.", "\n\nIt is not an exact science, but the club uses its best endeavours to satisfy expected demand from supporters, while also trying to limit any losses from unsold tickets, especially as the club already subsidises away tickets by £10 each for Jack Army member to the tune of around £300,000 per season.", "\n\nIn reference to the Brighton game, the club had the allocation options of approximately 1,100; 1,850; 2,550 or 3,000 tickets.", "\n\nThe club chose 1,100 as its first option safe in the knowledge that it could increase the allocation by a set time.", "\n\nOnce the club saw we were closing in on selling the 1,100 tickets, we increased our allocation and commitment to 1,850.", "\n\nOne month prior to the fixture date, the away club is required to provide their final ticket commitment. ", "At the time we needed to make our final decision, our ticket sales were around 1,200 and, as such, the final option we chose was 1,850.", "\n\nBased upon historical data and ticket sales trends, we believed the remaining available tickets would meet the required demand.", "\n\nWhen the second option of Brighton tickets sold out, the club requested a further allocation, but the deadline had passed and Brighton, quite rightly, had already started to sell the additional capacity to home fans.", "\n\nDespite all the data and research described earlier we used to reach our decision, the club recognises that in hindsight we got this one wrong. ", "We underestimated the desire of our supporters to make their first trip to the Amex Stadium and the number of fans who chose to purchase tickets later than usual in the sales process.", "\n\nAs a result, the club apologises to supporters who have missed the opportunity of making the trip to support Carlos Carvalhal and the squad.", "\n\nThe club is constantly reviewing its processes and will carry the lessons learnt from the Brighton fixture into future decision-making." ]
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[ "\r\n// Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2009.", "\r\n// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.", "\r\n// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at\r\n// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)\r\n\r\n#ifndef BOOST_COROUTINES_DETAIL_TRAMPOLINE_PUSH_H\r\n#define BOOST_COROUTINES_DETAIL_TRAMPOLINE_PUSH_H\r\n\r\n#include <cstddef>\r\n\r\n#include <boost/assert.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/config.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/context/detail/fcontext.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/exception_ptr.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/move/move.hpp>\r\n\r\n#include <boost/coroutine/detail/config.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/coroutine/detail/data.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/coroutine/detail/flags.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/coroutine/detail/parameters.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/coroutine/detail/setup.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/coroutine/detail/setup.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/coroutine/exceptions.hpp>\r\n#include <boost/coroutine/flags.hpp>\r\n\r\n#ifdef BOOST_HAS_ABI_HEADERS\r\n# include BOOST_ABI_PREFIX\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nnamespace boost {\r\nnamespace coroutines {\r\nnamespace detail {\r\n\r\ntemplate< typename Coro >\r\nvoid trampoline_push( context::detail::transfer_t t)\r\n{\r\n typedef typename Coro::param_type param_type;\r\n\r\n data_t * data = static_cast< data_t * >( t.data);\r\n data->from->ctx_ = t.fctx;\r\n param_type * param(\r\n static_cast< param_type * >( data->data) );\r\n BOOST_ASSERT( 0 !", "= param);\r\n BOOST_ASSERT( 0 !", "= param->data);\r\n\r\n Coro * coro(\r\n static_cast< Coro * >( param->coro) );\r\n BOOST_ASSERT( 0 !", "= coro);\r\n\r\n coro->run( param->data);\r\n}\r\n\r\ntemplate< typename Coro >\r\nvoid trampoline_push_void( context::detail::transfer_t t)\r\n{\r\n typedef typename Coro::param_type param_type;\r\n\r\n data_t * data = static_cast< data_t * >( t.data);\r\n data->from->ctx_ = t.fctx;\r\n param_type * param(\r\n static_cast< param_type * >( data->data) );\r\n BOOST_ASSERT( 0 !", "= param);\r\n\r\n Coro * coro(\r\n static_cast< Coro * >( param->coro) );\r\n BOOST_ASSERT( 0 !", "= coro);\r\n\r\n coro->run();\r\n}\r\n\r\n}}}\r\n\r\n#ifdef BOOST_HAS_ABI_HEADERS\r\n# include BOOST_ABI_SUFFIX\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#endif // BOOST_COROUTINES_DETAIL_TRAMPOLINE_PUSH_H\r\n" ]
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[ "Would You Let Your Child Play Football? ", "Attitudes Toward Football Safety.", "\nAn estimated 1.6 million to 3.8 million sports-related concussions occur each year in the United States, and many are related to football. ", "This has generated much discussion in the media on the perceived safety of the sport. ", "In the current study, researchers asked 230 individuals various questions about attitudes toward safety in football. ", "Approximately 92.6% of participants indicated they would allow their child to play football; these participants were more likely to be female (χ(2) = 5.23, p > .05), were slightly younger (t= -2.52, p < .05), and believed an athlete could suffer a higher number of concussions before becoming excessive (t = 2.06, p < .05). ", "Findings suggest most individuals are comfortable with their children playing football, and future studies are needed to clarify factors that inform this opinion." ]
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[ "Comfort (magazine)\n\nComfort was a mail order magazine published in Augusta, Maine from 1888 to 1942. ", " Published by Gannet & Morris and edited initially by William H. Gannet, Comfort was touted as \"the key to happiness and success in over a million and quarter homes.\"", "\n\nIn 1888, William H. Gannet created Comfort primarily as a means to advertise his patent medicine, Giant Oxien, a variant of The Moxie Nerve Food. ", " Comforts circulation increased from 13,000, in 1888, to 1.3 million, in 1894, which made Comfort the first publication in America to reach a circulation of 1 million. ", "In order to handle this increase in circulation, Gannet purchased a new rotary color convertible web-fed press, which was one of the first of its kind in the country.", "\n\nThe increase in Comforts circulation was primarily due to its use of premiums to generate subscriptions. ", " Premiums, essentially rewards like sewing machines or clothing, were given to people who submitted \"clubs\" or lists of new subscribers. ", " As Frank Luther Mott notes in his book, A History of American Magazines, the use of the \"'club' device made the solicitor virtually a local subscription agent for the periodical.\" ", " Most of the time, publishers of mail-order magazines did not depend on the collection of subscription fees and instead generated income by selling their subscription lists to advertisers.", "\n\nThe practice of not collecting subscriptions fees went against the United States Post Office Department's criteria that required publications to maintain \"a legitimate list of subscribers\" in order to take advantage of the low second-class mailing rate of one-cent per pound. ", " In 1907, as a way to curb further abuse of the second-class postal rate, the US Post Office mandated that all subscription fees must be paid in advance. ", " Many mail-order magazines could not meet this requirement and folded. ", " The publishers of Comfort, who were more firm about collecting payment than other mail-order magazine publishers, lowered Comforts price to 15 cents a year in order to meet with the new regulations.", "\n\nTo prevent mail-order magazines from becoming little more than advertisement catalogs, the US Post Office also required mail-order magazines provide readers with \"information of a public character, or devoted to literature, the sciences, arts, or some special industry.\" ", " This regulation may explain why Comfort claimed on its front page to be \"devoted to art, literature, science, and the home circle.\" ", " In addition to the columns of advertisements, Comfort provided readers with various articles geared to meet the needs and interests of every member of the rural, American family. ", " With articles like \"In & Around the Home,\" \"Comfort Sisters' Recipes,\" and \"The Pretty Girls' Club,\" much of Comfort was dominated by content for women, which offered advice and information on cooking, sewing, health, and beauty. ", " Comfort also printed articles aimed at men, although not as many, such as \"The Modern Farmer\" and \"Automobile and Gas Engine Helps.\" ", " For children, Comfort occasionally published puzzles, activities, and comics. ", " \n\nAnother prominent feature of Comfort was its short and serialized fiction. ", " When Comfort was first published, much of the fiction was written by William H. Gannet as a means to further plug Giant Oxien and other products displayed in the magazine's advertisements. ", " From roughly September 1892 to April 1902, Comfort offered prizes to readers who submitted works of fiction for publication. ", " In later years, Comfort went on to publish fiction written by more legitimate and well known authors such as Augusta Jane Evans, Mrs. Georgie Sheldon, Horatio Alger Jr., Charles Felton Pidgin, and L. M. Montgomery. ", " The fiction published in Comfort was usually highly moral and typically fell into three genres: Adventure, Mystery, or Sentimental Romance. ", " Additionally, Comfort printed stories for children. ", " The Cubby Bear stories, written by Lena B. Ellingwood and illustrated by Harrison Cady, were the most regular children's fiction published in Comfort.", "\n\nIn 1940, Comfort was sold to the Needlecraft Publishing Corporation. ", " Needlecraft Publishing continued to publish Comfort for two years until it was combined with Needlecraft magazine, which ceased to be published soon after.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n Digitized issues of Comfort at the Digital Library@Villanova University\n\nCategory:American business magazines\nCategory:Defunct magazines of the United States\nCategory:Magazines published in Maine\nCategory:Magazines established in 1888\nCategory:Magazines disestablished in 1942\nCategory:1888 establishments in Maine\nCategory:1942 disestablishments in Maine" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nLarge image view with manipulation capabilities\n\nI'm trying to find a simple tutorial for using an image view within my activity that does these things below, but I've not had any luck in finding one as the ones I've come across are too complicated and don't make finding the necessary code to implement easy. ", "I have 1 XML (activity_map.xml) and 1 Java class (MapActivity.java). ", "Does anyone know any?", "\n\nPanning\nTwo finger pinch to zoom\nDouble tap to zoom in and out\nPanning while zoomed in\nSet a maximum zoom level\nUse a large image for all of the above\n\nMy XML code so far\n<com.apptacularapps.exitsexpertlondonlite.", "MapImageView\n android:id=\"@+id/imageView\"\n android:layout_alignParentTop=\"true\"\n android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n android:layout_height=\"match_parent\"/>\n\nPlease do not refer me to these samples as they do not work properly/are not what I'm looking for:\nhttps://github.com/moagrius/TileView\nhttps://github.com/johnnylambada/WorldMap\nhttps://github.com/davemorrissey/subsampling-scale-image-view\n\nA:\n\nTake a look into TouchImageView: https://github.com/MikeOrtiz/TouchImageView\nTo use https://github.com/davemorrissey/subsampling-scale-image-view\nAdd to build.gradle:\ndependencies{\n ...\n compile 'com.davemorrissey.labs:subsampling-scale-image-view:3.1.3'\n}\n\nDefault layout file 'activity_main.xml':\n<LinearLayout xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\nandroid:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\nandroid:layout_height=\"match_parent\" >\n\n<com.davemorrissey.labs.subscaleview.", "SubsamplingScaleImageView\n android:id=\"@+id/imageView\"\n android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n android:layout_height=\"match_parent\"/>\n\nAnd in MainActivity.java:\n@Override\nprotected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {\n super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);\n setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);\n\n SubsamplingScaleImageView imageView = (SubsamplingScaleImageView)findViewById(R.id.imageView);\n imageView.setImage(ImageSource.resource(R.drawable.cincinnatinight));\n}\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011037527593818985, 0.0040650406504065045 ]
[ "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Year 6 of my NFL picks.", "\n\nSince this is the first week of the season, we're going to do my favorite Week 1 exercise, which is me telling you how my offseason went. ", "If you're new here, this is generally the part of my picks that everyone skips due to the fact that my life is mostly boring and no one wants to read about it. ", "However, I had a bachelor party in March, which I'm only telling you about because Rob Gronkowski showed up in a leprechaun costume.", "\n\nLet me just tell you right now that if you ever see a 6-foot-6 guy in a leprechaun costume wearing a cut-off hoodie at a bar, it's definitely Gronk. ", "The important part of this story is that while I was at the bar, Gronk gave me a hot tip that he was going to play for the \"69ers\" next season. ", "Of course, when I heard that, I immediately assumed that Gronk didn't understand numbers and actually meant the 49ers, but then Jimmy Garoppolo went on a date with a porn star and now I have no idea what to believe anymore. ", "All I know is that if Gronk ever buys an NFL team, there's a 150 percent chance that it's going to be called the \"69ers\" and every player is going to have a contract worth $6.9 million.", "\n\nAs much fun as I had seeing leprechaun Gronk at my bachelor party, I would like everyone to know that I am not picking the Patriots to win the Super Bowl this year. ", "I'm also not picking the 49ers, the 69ers or any other team that ends with \"Niners.\"", "\n\nSo who am I picking?", "\n\nThat's a great question, and you can find the answer by clicking here and checking out our Super Bowl prediction page. ", "That page doesn't have any pictures of Gronk dressed as a leprechaun, but it does have the divisional and Super Bowl picks from all seven of our NFL writers here at CBSSports.com.", "\n\nIf you're not interested in Super Bowl picks and you just want Week 1 picks from the other writers, you can check those out by clicking here. ", "With gambling now legal in multiple U.S. states (Thanks Supreme Court!!) ", "you should probably pay extra close attention to our picks this year. ", "My personal plan for 2018 is to bet against the Buccaneers every week. ", "Sure, it's not as foolproof as Mychel Kendricks' plan to beat the stock market, but based on his situation, that's probably for the best.", "\n\nOK, I think I've made you guys wait long enough, let's get to the picks.", "\n\nAtlanta at Philadelphia\n\n\n\nThursday, 8:20 p.m. ET (NBC)\n\nI'm going to start things off here by giving a shoutout to Eagles fans (Except for the Philly fan who ate horse manure after the Eagles won the Super Bowl. ", "No shout out for him). ", "It's been a banner year for the Eagles and their fans and I think my new favorite thing to do is watch Eagles fans drink. ", "I actually live near some Eagles fans and I'm pretty sure they're still sobering up from the Super Bowl celebration, which is actually pretty impressive when you consider that the parade was seven months ago. ", "I mean, if you're going to go on a seven-month bender, doing it after your team wins its first Super Bowl is definitely the time to do it.", "\n\nThe downside for Eagles fans is that there's a good chance the Super Bowl celebration could finally be ending this week and that's because the Eagles are opening the season against a Falcons team that might actually beat them.", "\n\nHere's a small list of what I like about the Falcons this year: Everything.", "\n\nLast year, I liked everything about the Falcons except for offensive coordinator Steve Sarkisian, but I think I'm over that. ", "After calling one of the worst playoff games of any offensive coordinator ever in the Falcons 15-10 divisional playoff loss to the Eagles last season, I'm assuming that Sarkisian basically spent the past seven months trying to figure out how to attack the Eagles' defense. ", "If the Falcons don't score more than 10 points on Thursday, they need to fire Sarkisian and let Matt Ryan call the plays ... or let Matt Ryan's twin babies call them. ", "I think any of them would be better.", "\n\nThe ice cubes are on the loose. ", "A post shared by Matt Ryan (@ryan_matt02) on Aug 29, 2018 at 2:57pm PDT\n\nAlthough I thought about picking the Eagles in this game, I don't like the fact that they won't have Carson Wentz. ", "I don't like the fact that they won't have Alshon Jeffery and I don' t like the fact that Nick Foles led the Eagles offense to exactly zero points during the preseason. ", "I also don't like that I'm still having nightmares about the horse manure guy. ", "I'm taking the Falcons.", "\n\nThe Pick: Falcons 23-20 over Eagles\n\nSo who should you back in Week 1 of the NFL season? ", "Visit SportsLine now to see which teams are winning more than 50 percent of simulations, all from the model that has outperformed 98 percent of experts tracked by NFLPickWatch.com the past two seasons.", "\n\nPittsburgh at Cleveland\n\n1 p.m. ET (CBS)\n\nI was going to pick the Steelers to win this game by three touchdowns, but then I decided to binge-watch \"Hard Knocks\" over the weekend and now, not only did I change my mind, but I'm not sure I'm ever going to be able to pick against the Browns again. ", "Honestly, I should probably stop watching \"Hard Knocks\" because the same thing happens every year: HBO somehow brainwashes me into thinking that the \"Hard Knocks\" team is going to be good. ", "Thanks to this year's version of \"Hard Knocks,\" I'm so sold on Cleveland that my entire fantasy team is now made up of Browns players. ", "I'm going to go winless, aren't I?", "\n\nPart of the reason I like the Browns in this game is because I'm 60 percent convinced that Todd Haley has been plotting some sort of revenge against the Steelers ever since they decided to \"part\" ways with him as their offensive coordinator back in January. ", "If I've noticed one thing about Haley during \"Hard Knocks,\" it's that he always has a look on his face that says, \"I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure we destroy the Steelers in Week 1, but then plan a mutiny so that I'm head coach in Cleveland by Week 4.\" ", "Although I would normally say a mutiny has no chance of happening in the NFL, this is Cleveland we're talking about, so I'm not going to rule it out.", "\n\nBy the way, the best part of this game is that if the Browns do win, everyone in Cleveland gets free beer.", "\n\nAs someone who loves free beer, I'm basically morally obligated to pick the Browns. ", "Sure, they've lost 13-straight season openers, they're 1-10 in their past 11 games against the Steelers and they haven't won a Sunday game since 2015, but I'm going to ignore all of that and pick them anyway.", "\n\nNote to HBO: If this pick doesn't pan out, I'm probably going to have to boycott \"Hard Knocks\" next year.", "\n\nThe Pick: Browns 24-21 over Steelers\n\nCincinnati at Indianapolis\n\n1 p.m. ET (CBS)\n\nIf you like bizarre coaching drama, and who doesn't, then this is definitely the Week 1 game for you. ", "On one hand, we have the Colts, who are being coached by a guy (Frank Reich) who only got the job because the original coach they hired (Josh McDaniels) decided he didn't want the job after the Colts had already hired him. ", "On the other hand, we have the Bengals, who were going to part ways with Marvin Lewis after the 2017 season, but instead decided to invite him back for another two years.", "\n\nMarvin Lewis' job security is basically what we're all striving for in life. ", "I think we can all agree that Lewis is probably going to be coaching the Bengals for the rest of time. ", "As a matter fact, based on this poll, it seems that we all agree that he's actually going to be coaching the Bengals longer than the rest of time.", "\n\nI bet deceased Marvin Lewis wins at least one playoff game. (", "In related news, I actually think the current version of Lewis might also win a game, make sure to check out my bold predictions for the 2018 season by clicking here).", "\n\nOK, that was fun talking about the coaches, but now it's time to talk about the fact that the Colts have a quarterback who hasn't played a regular season game in 610 days. ", "I think Andrew Luck will put up big numbers this season, but as a general rule of thumb, I can't pick a team to win when they're starting a quarterback who has been out for more than 600 days.", "\n\nThe Pick: Bengals 27-24 over Colts\n\nDallas at Carolina\n\n4:25 p.m. ET (FOX)\n\nIf I were a billionaire businessman who just bought the Carolina Panthers, there's a 100 percent chance that I would sign Dez Bryant for this game. ", "I'm not sure how many billionaire NFL owners are reading right now, but David Tepper, if you're one of them, you need to pick up your cell phone, call Bryant, and get that man under contract ASAP. ", "Sure, there's a 10 percent chance the deal could blow up in the Panthers' face, but the way I see it, there's way more upside: If Dez is in football shape, then Cam Newton has another weapon to throw to. ", "If Dez is not in football shape, then the Panthers can utilize his intimidation factor and have him pick a fight with every player on the Cowboys roster. ", "I mean, there's zero downside. ", "Oh, and let's not forget that Cam Newton actually wants him on the team.", "\n\nOn the Cowboys' end, they've had so much drama going on this offseason that I think I briefly forgot about the fact that they might actually be good this year. ", "If you ignore the fact that they cut one of their all-time leading scorers over the weekend (Dan Bailey) and ignore the fact that their starting center is out indefinitely due to a rare disease (Travis Frederick), then what you have left is a team that could win the NFC East.", "\n\nI like the Cowboys so much that i\"m picking them to win their division and this game. ", "Of course, if the Panthers sign Dez before Sunday, then I'm switching my pick to Carolina.", "\n\nThe Pick: Cowboys 23-17 over Panthers\n\nL.A. Rams at Oakland\n\nMonday, 10:20 p.m. ET (ESPN)\n\nAs someone who just got married this year, I know all about the honeymoon phase of a relationship, and I think it's safe to say that Jon Gruden's honeymoon phase with the Raiders is definitely over. ", "As a matter of fact, if I had gotten in a plane crash on my honeymoon, I still think I could make a strong argument that my trip went better than Gruden's honeymoon phase with the Raiders.", "\n\nThe main problem so far is that I think Gruden has forgotten how football works. ", "In general, most teams try to sign their best players and not waste draft picks. ", "Over the past week alone, Gruden has done the opposite of both. ", "Not only did he trade away Khalil Mack, but he also wasted two drafts picks by trading for AJ McCarron (gave up a fifth-round pick) and cutting Martavis Bryant (The Raiders sent a third-round pick to the Steelers to acquire Bryant in April, which now makes that a total waste of a third-round pick).", "\n\nAfter watching the Raiders make those three moves, I am now convinced that Gruden's plan is to fill his roster with 53 Gruden Grinders who all make the league minimum.", "\n\nI thought briefly about picking the Raiders in this game, but since Gruden's return to Oakland has been a train wreck off the field so far, I'm just going to go ahead and assume that the same thing is going to happen on the field. ", "I would predict a 30-point win for the Rams, but I don't think Sean McVay is going to run up the score on the guy who gave him his first NFL job back in 2008. ", "Yup, you read that right, McVay's first NFL job came under Jon Gruden with the Buccaneers back in 2008.", "\n\nThe pick: Rams 41-20 over Raiders\n\nWeek 1 picks: All the rest\n\nTitans 20-16 over Dolphins\n\nVikings 33-20 over 49ers\n\nPatriots 34-27 over Texans\n\nSaints 31-17 over Buccaneers\n\nJaguars 19-16 over Giants\n\nRavens 24-13 over Bills\n\nChargers 37-27 over Chiefs\n\nBroncos 20-17 over Seahawks\n\nRedskins 22-19 over Cardinals\n\nPackers 27-16 over Bears\n\nLions 33-20 over Jets\n\nLast week\n\nBest pick: This is usually the part where I tell you about my best pick from last week, but since there weren't any regular-season games last week, that means there's no best pick, so instead, I'm going to talk about the fact that Millennials are killing Mayonnaise. ", "Millennials have been blamed for killing almost every other industry, but this one deserves it.", "\n\nIf the Browns can get a parade for going 0-16, then someone needs to throw Millennials a parade for killing mayonnaise.", "\n\nWorst pick: The worst pick of the 2018 offseason definitely goes to Zsa Zsa the Parrot, who was supposed to announce the Buccaneers fourth-round pick at the NFL Draft. ", "However, Zsa Zsa did not deliver anything except for a lot of disappointment.", "\n\nThe Bucs will put up with some ineptitude on their roster, but one thing they won't put up with is a parrot who gets stage fright. ", "Less than a week after the draft, Zsa Zsa was released from the team.", "\n\nUnfortunately for Zsa Zsa, she still hasn't been picked up by another team.", "\n\nOverall picks record since 2013\n\nAfter watching my record plummet for three straight years, there was finally some improvement in 2017. ", "I don't want to get cocky, but I think I might go 256-0 picking games in 2018.", "\n\nFinal 2017 regular-season record\n\nStraight up: 161-95\n\nAgainst the spread: 124-121-11\n\nFinal 2016 regular-season record\n\nStraight up: 147-107-2\n\nAgainst the spread: 116-129-11\n\nFinal 2015 regular-season record\n\nStraight up: 152-104\n\nAgainst the spread: 126-130\n\nFinal 2014 regular-season record\n\nStraight up: 164-91-1\n\nAgainst the spread: 125-131\n\nFinal 2013 regular-season record\n\nStraight up: 165-90-1\n\nAgainst the spread: 124-132\n\nYou can find John Breech on Facebook or Twitter and if he's not on either of those, he's probably trying to purchase a Rob Gronkowski \"69ers\" jersey." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIndexing a Structure in matlab\n\nI was under the impression that structure in matlab were similar to query tables in sql but I have a feeling I might be wrong.", "\nI have a rather large dataset consisting of many entries and many fields. ", "Ideally I want to index the structure, pulling out only the data I am interested in. ", "Here is an example of the dataset\nCond Type Stime ETime\n 2 10 1 900\n 2 10 1 900\n 2 10 1 900\n 3 1 901 1800\n 3 1 901 1800\n 4 1 1801 2700\n 8 1 901 1800\n 8 1 901 1800\n 9 1 901 1800\n 9 1 901 1800\n 12 1 901 1800\n 12 1 901 1800\n 13 10 1 900\n 13 10 1 900\n 13 10 1 900\n 16 1 901 1800\n 16 1 901 1800\n 17 10 1 900\n 17 10 1 900\n 17 10 1 900\n 19 10 1 900\n 19 10 1 900\n 19 10 1 900\n 20 10 1 900\n 20 10 1 900\n 20 10 1 900\n 22 1 901 1800\n 22 1 901 1800\n 25 10 1 900\n 25 10 1 900\n 25 10 1 900\n 27 1 901 1800\n 27 1 901 1800\n 28 1 901 1800\n 28 1 901 1800\n 30 1 1801 2700\n 31 1 901 1800\n 31 1 901 1800\n 32 10 1 900\n 32 10 1 900\n 32 10 1 900\n 35 10 1 900\n 35 10 1 900\n 35 10 1 900\n\nWhat I want to do is pull specific data entries for analysis example being I want all entries where Type is equal to 10 or I want all Cond from 1:20 that have ETime == 900.", "\nI can do this by the following\nidx = find([stats.", "Type] == 10);\n[stats(idx).Stime]\n\nbut for multiple types I need a for loop as trying to use a vector throws an error.", "\nidx = find([stats.", "Type] == 1:10); % Does not work\n\n% must use this\ntemp = [];\nfor aa = 1:10\n idx = find([stats.", "Type] == aa);\n temp = horzcat(idx,temp);\nend\n[stats(temp).Stime]\n\nIs this the wrong way to use structures? ", "Is there an easier method to index a structure to pull data of interest?", "\n\nA:\n\nThis answer proposes using table indexing instead of struct indexing, which is a bit of a side-step to directly answering the question. ", "However, my comments on this post were deemed useful so I've formalised as an answer...\n\nIf you use struct2table then you can interact with it as a table, which is generally much more intuitive.", "\nStructures are useful if your fields have different numbers of elements (i.e. you couldn't form a consistent height table). ", "In almost all other areas, I find tables are easier to use. ", "\nWith tables you can use:\n\nLogical indexing\nSorting (including sortrows by column name)\nThe family of \"join\" operations\nDot notation for accessing table columns by name, as you do for accessing struct fields, or select multiple columns by name using myTable( :, {'col1','col2'} ). - ", "You don't need weird syntactic tricks like [stats.", "Type] to group outputs, you can just do stats.", "Type\n\nI would then use ismember to compare multiple items against a table column...\nidx = ismember( stats.", "Type, 1:10 );\n\nUnless you need the indices, you can skip using find for speed, and just directly index using idx.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Pain syndromes in the cancer patient.", "\nParaneoplastic syndromes affect the nervous system in a very small percentage of patients with cancer. ", "In those patients, portions of the nervous system are damaged or destroyed, usually in association with a small and often occult neoplasm elsewhere in the body. ", "Current evidence suggests that these syndromes occur when the body mounts an immune response to an antigen shared between the tumor and the nervous system. ", "The immune attack is then misdirected against that portion of the nervous system that possesses the \"onconeural\" antigen." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "\n876 A.2d 392 (2005)\nAMERIKOHL MIN. ", "CO., ", "INC. ", "v. PEOPLES NATURAL GAS CO.", "\nNo. ", "579 WAL (2004)\nSupreme Court of Pennsylvania\nMay 24, 2005.", "\nDisposition of Petition for allowance of appeal denied.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow can you get the page count of the selected documents in Google Drive?", "\n\nMy Google Drive has a large number of documents at this. ", "Occasionally, I'll want to look at various statistics about the documents I've created (e.g. total number of pages I've written, total number of pages in certain selected documents, etc.) ", "How do you do that? ", "Is it even possible?", "\n\nA:\n\nI don't think you can check multiple documents at once, but to find statistics for a single Google Doc try Tools -> Word count or Ctrl+Shift+C\n\nVia Google Support: \"Count the words in a document\"\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0, 0.0049261083743842365 ]
[ "aXpire (AXP) gets listed on KuCoin!", "\n\nThis post is also available in: 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified)) 한국어 (Korean)\n\nDear Users,\n\nKuCoin is extremely proud to announce yet another great project coming to our trading platform. ", "aXpire(AXP) is now available on KuCoin. ", "Supported trading pairs including AXP/BTC, AXP/ETH. ", "Please take note of the following schedule:\n\n1. ", "AXP deposits and withdraw: 18:00 Feb 8, 2018 (UCT+8)\n\n2. ", "AXP trading: 22:00 Feb 8, 2018 (UCT+8)\n\naXpire (AXP) Introduction\n\naXpire has launched its latest technology innovation into the Fund Administration Services space. ", "aXpire will initially serve to help asset and fund administrators and managers at banks, hedge funds, private equity firms and others to deal with the resource and time-costly process of allocating and apportioning outside vendor costs to each fund, or split of funds as is appropriate, based on the deal.", "Our suite of aXpire applications will expand to create seamless, digital connections across all key functional departments and stakeholders, including:Legal,Compliance / Regulatory,Fund Accounting,Administration,Finance.", "\n\nICO Price:1 AXP = 0.1000 USD\n\naXpire(AXP) Official Website:https://www.axpire.io\n\naXpire(AXP) Telegram:https://t.me/AxpireOfficial\n\naXpire(AXP) Whitepaper:click here\n\nRisk Warning: The cryptocurrency investment is a venture capital deal, it has 7 x 24 hours trading business model with no market close time.", "Please pay more attention to risky investment.", "KuCoin hold a strict system of censorship about all tokens deal,But we never take any liability for the investment behavior.", "\n\nKuCoin Team" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.02857142857142857, 0.005405405405405406, 0.025, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0, 0.012121212121212121, 0, 0.013636363636363636, 0.006472491909385114, 0, 0.008064516129032258, 0 ]
[ "<?", "php\n\nnamespace Drupal\\Tests\\migrate\\Unit\\process;\n\nuse Drupal\\migrate\\MigrateSkipProcessException;\nuse Drupal\\migrate\\MigrateSkipRowException;\nuse Drupal\\migrate\\Plugin\\migrate\\process\\SkipOnEmpty;\n\n/**\n * Tests the skip on empty process plugin.", "\n *\n * @group migrate\n * @coversDefaultClass \\Drupal\\migrate\\Plugin\\migrate\\process\\SkipOnEmpty\n */\nclass SkipOnEmptyTest extends MigrateProcessTestCase {\n\n /**\n * @covers ::process\n */\n public function testProcessSkipsOnEmpty() {\n $configuration['method'] = 'process';\n $this->expectException(MigrateSkipProcessException::class);\n (new SkipOnEmpty($configuration, 'skip_on_empty', []))\n ->transform('', $this->migrateExecutable, $this->row, 'destinationproperty');\n }\n\n /**\n * @covers ::process\n */\n public function testProcessBypassesOnNonEmpty() {\n $configuration['method'] = 'process';\n $value = (new SkipOnEmpty($configuration, 'skip_on_empty', []))\n ->transform(' ', $this->migrateExecutable, $this->row, 'destinationproperty');\n $this->assertSame(' ', $value);\n }\n\n /**\n * @covers ::row\n */\n public function testRowSkipsOnEmpty() {\n $configuration['method'] = 'row';\n $this->expectException(MigrateSkipRowException::class);\n (new SkipOnEmpty($configuration, 'skip_on_empty', []))\n ->transform('', $this->migrateExecutable, $this->row, 'destinationproperty');\n }\n\n /**\n * @covers ::row\n */\n public function testRowBypassesOnNonEmpty() {\n $configuration['method'] = 'row';\n $value = (new SkipOnEmpty($configuration, 'skip_on_empty', []))\n ->transform(' ', $this->migrateExecutable, $this->row, 'destinationproperty');\n $this->assertSame(' ', $value);\n }\n\n /**\n * Tests that a skip row exception without a message is raised.", "\n *\n * @covers ::row\n */\n public function testRowSkipWithoutMessage() {\n $configuration = [\n 'method' => 'row',\n ];\n $process = new SkipOnEmpty($configuration, 'skip_on_empty', []);\n $this->expectException(MigrateSkipRowException::class);\n $process->transform('', $this->migrateExecutable, $this->row, 'destinationproperty');\n }\n\n /**\n * Tests that a skip row exception with a message is raised.", "\n *\n * @covers ::row\n */\n public function testRowSkipWithMessage() {\n $configuration = [\n 'method' => 'row',\n 'message' => 'The value is empty',\n ];\n $process = new SkipOnEmpty($configuration, 'skip_on_empty', []);\n $this->expectException(MigrateSkipRowException::class);\n $this->expectExceptionMessage('The value is empty');\n $process->transform('', $this->migrateExecutable, $this->row, 'destinationproperty');\n }\n\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0, 0, 0.0039603960396039604, 0.002347417840375587, 0.002197802197802198 ]
[ "Ruthless Pursuit\n\nFor Panther shifter Vapor, nothing is more important to him than his feline coalition. ", "A true soldier, he has never let them or his leader, Mitchell, down. ", "So when he’s given his latest assignment, he doesn’t think twice before accepting it, even if it is to track down Mitchell’s youngest brother, Andrew, and bring him in. ", "This isn’t going to be a regular rescue mission, since Andrew is a wanted fugitive and Vapor will be taking him back to face charges for crimes against the coalition. ", "Still, Andrew is young and inexperienced so Vapor knows the mission will be a snap—or at least he does until Andrew shows him otherwise.", "\n\nBefore he knows it, Vapor has been shot with his own gun, arrested by the human police and his favorite car is blown up. ", "Andrew is behind every humiliating incident, too. ", "Things climb to a whole new level of embarrassing when Andrew seduces Vapor, then leaves him naked and handcuffed to a fence. ", "Vapor vows that he will track down the brat and make him pay, not just for his prior criminal activity, but for each degrading encounter. ", "As Vapor gets closer and closer to capturing his prey, he finds himself falling for Andrew. ", "Then when Andrew runs to him, instead of away, Vapor finds he has to make the hardest choice of his life—his coalition or the man he loves." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0.011834319526627219, 0.011976047904191617, 0.014705882352941176, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0.007194244604316547 ]
[ "Hundreds of people gathered at a mosque in Melbourne's south-east to farewell Numan Haider on Friday.", "\n\nThe body of the 18-year-old terror suspect, having been taken to the Doveton mosque on Thursday afternoon, lay inside the faded yellow brick building.", "\n\nGrieving friends and relatives - men, women and children - started to arrive long before the 1pm prayer and embraced in the asphalt carpark.", "\n\nOne man pulled a black mask over his face to hide his identity from the growing number of media across the road." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
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[ "Ceratoglyphina bambusae\n\nCeratoglyphina bambusae, is an aphid in the superfamily Aphidoidea in the order Hemiptera. ", "It is a true bug and sucks sap from plants.", "\n\nReferences \n\n http://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Ceratoglyphina_bambusae/classification/\n http://www.nbair.res.in/Aphids/Ceratoglyphina-bambusae.php\n http://aphid.speciesfile.org/Common/basic/Taxa.aspx?TaxonNameID=1162525\n https://web.archive.org/web/20150402181308/https://www.princeton.edu/~dstern/papers/Aoki.1991.AnimBehav.pdf\n\nCategory:Hormaphidinae\nCategory:Agricultural pest insects" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.008620689655172414, 0, 0.012755102040816327 ]
[ "Q:\n\nSpring Boot + Botdetect Captcha: Inputstream cannot be null\n\nI've tried using the botdetetect captcha with Spring boot. ", "It all works well, the captcha is showing it can detect if it's human or not. ", "But whenever I'm going to my login screen with the captcha I keep getting this error stack: \n\n2018-08-02 12:09:01.074 ERROR 25196 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] .c.", "SimpleCaptchaFileConfigurationFactory : SimpleXmlConfigurationLoader.load()\n java.lang.", "IllegalArgumentException: InputStream cannot be null\n\nHere is my folder structure: \n\nI'm wondering if it's not detecting the botdetect.xml that's why it's having that error. ", "How can I add it without putting a new WEB-INF folder?", "\n\nA:\n\nFound an answer at their tutorial https://captcha.com/doc/java/captcha-options.html#simple-api\nadded this to the config class:\n@Bean\npublic ServletContextInitializer initializer() {\n return new ServletContextInitializer() {\n\n @Override\n public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException {\n servletContext.setInitParameter(\"BDC_configFileLocation\", \"/resources/botdetect.xml\");\n }\n };\n}\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0.009174311926605505 ]
[ "Canine coronavirus in Australian dogs.", "\nTo estimate the frequency of serum antibodies (IgG and IgM) to canine coronavirus (CCV) in the Australian dog population and evaluate the role of CCV as a causative agent of gastroenteritis. ", "A serological survey of antibodies to CCV among different dog populations. ", "The development and characterisation of an indirect ELISA for the detection of antibodies (IgG and IgM) to CCV was undertaken. ", "Sera collected from both diarrhoeal and non-diarrhoeal dogs from various populations throughout Australia were tested for these antibodies to CCV. ", "Serum samples (1396) collected from 1984 to 1998 were tested for the presence of IgG antibodies to CCV. ", "Samples were divided into two categories on the basis of the number of dogs housed together. ", "The groups were either an open population containing dogs housed as groups of three or less, or kennel populations. ", "Sera from 15.8% of the open population and 40.8% of kennelled dogs were positive for CCV antibodies. ", "The prevalence of antibodies varied from zero to 76% in kennelled dogs. ", "About 23% of 128 dogs positive for IgG antibodies to CCV were also positive for IgM antibodies to CCV, indicating recent CCV infection. ", "Of those dogs that were presented with clinical signs of gastroenteritis such as diarrhoea and vomiting (n = 29), 85% were positive in the IgM ELISA and 85.7% in the IgG ELISA for antibodies to CCV. ", "In comparison, for those dogs presented without any history of gastroenteritis only 15% were positive for IgM and 30% positive for IgG. Serological evidence indicates that infection with CCV in dogs is widespread throughout the Australian mainland. ", "The prevalence of antibodies varies greatly among different populations, with an average of 40.8% positive in kennelled populations and 15.8% in the open population." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.015625, 0.013333333333333334, 0.023622047244094488, 0.006802721088435374, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0.03676470588235294, 0.005025125628140704, 0.012048192771084338, 0 ]
[ "/*\n * Copyright 2019-present Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you may\n * not use this file except in compliance with the License. ", "You may obtain\n * a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT\n * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ", "See the\n * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations\n * under the License.", "\n */\npackage com.facebook.buck.features.python;\n\nimport static org.junit.", "Assert.assertThat;\nimport static org.junit.", "Assume.assumeThat;\n\nimport com.facebook.buck.core.rules.resolver.impl.", "TestActionGraphBuilder;\nimport com.facebook.buck.core.sourcepath.", "PathSourcePath;\nimport com.facebook.buck.core.sourcepath.", "SourcePath;\nimport com.facebook.buck.io.filesystem.", "ProjectFilesystem;\nimport com.facebook.buck.io.filesystem.", "TestProjectFilesystems;\nimport com.facebook.buck.io.filesystem.impl.", "FakeProjectFilesystem;\nimport com.facebook.buck.util.environment.", "Platform;\nimport com.google.common.collect.", "ImmutableMap;\nimport com.google.common.jimfs.", "Jimfs;\nimport java.io.", "IOException;\nimport java.nio.file.", "FileSystem;\nimport java.nio.file.", "Files;\nimport java.nio.file.", "Path;\nimport java.util.", "ArrayList;\nimport java.util.", "HashMap;\nimport java.util.", "List;\nimport java.util.", "Map;\nimport org.hamcrest.", "Matchers;\nimport org.junit.", "Test;\n\npublic class PythonModuleDirComponentsTest {\n\n @Test\n public void forEachInput() {\n ProjectFilesystem filesystem = new FakeProjectFilesystem();\n SourcePath dir = PathSourcePath.of(filesystem, filesystem.getPath(\"dir\"));\n PythonComponents components = PythonModuleDirComponents.of(dir);\n List<SourcePath> inputs = new ArrayList<>();\n components.forEachInput(inputs::add);\n assertThat(inputs, Matchers.contains(dir));\n }\n\n @Test\n public void resolvePythonComponents() throws IOException {\n assumeThat(Platform.detect(), Matchers.not(Platform.", "WINDOWS));\n FileSystem vfs = Jimfs.newFileSystem(\"testfs\");\n Path root = vfs.getPath(\"/root\");\n Files.createDirectories(root);\n ProjectFilesystem filesystem = TestProjectFilesystems.createProjectFilesystem(root);\n Path dir = filesystem.getPath(\"dir\");\n filesystem.mkdirs(dir);\n filesystem.touch(dir.resolve(\"file1\"));\n filesystem.touch(dir.resolve(\"file2\"));\n filesystem.mkdirs(dir.resolve(\"subdir\"));\n filesystem.touch(dir.resolve(\"subdir\").resolve(\"file\"));\n PythonComponents components = PythonModuleDirComponents.of(PathSourcePath.of(filesystem, dir));\n Map<Path, Path> resolved = new HashMap<>();\n components\n .resolvePythonComponents(new TestActionGraphBuilder().getSourcePathResolver())\n .forEachPythonComponent(resolved::put);\n assertThat(\n resolved,\n Matchers.equalTo(\n ImmutableMap.of(\n vfs.getPath(\"file1\"), root.resolve(dir.resolve(\"file1\")),\n vfs.getPath(\"file2\"), root.resolve(dir.resolve(\"file2\")),\n vfs.getPath(\"subdir\").resolve(\"file\"),\n root.resolve(dir.resolve(\"subdir\").resolve(\"file\")))));\n }\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.016483516483516484, 0.012698412698412698, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0, 0, 0.044444444444444446, 0.045454545454545456, 0.029411764705882353, 0.030303030303030304, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0, 0.008726003490401396, 0.0051635111876075735 ]
[ "If this is your first visit, be sure to\ncheck out the FAQ by clicking the\nlink above. ", "You may have to register\nbefore you can post: click the register link above to proceed. ", "To start viewing messages,\nselect the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.", "\n\nCA Server list\n\nIf it isn't, then suppose that the servers inside the red rectangle were not there, then the server marked with an arrow, would be above and adjacent to a public server with the same description \"CA\". ", "If it isn't a public server, then how do you tell the difference between a public server and the non-public server?", "\n\nWith public I mean 'a server that is not created by any single player, but by the quakelive framework'. ", "If it is created by a player, then it is not a normal public server impov, because the owner of the server can do stuff, that can't be done on a real public server.", "\n\nArrows and checkmarks only mean the server is ranked. ", "Pro spawned servers can be ranked. ", "You can know a server has been spawned by a player when it has his name.", "\n\nBut the forum news claim that all the top servers are pro/premium servers. ", "As you can see in the screenshot, the server I am asking about is called \"CA\" and it is listed above some servers that are clearly premium/pro servers. ", "So - is it a bug or?", "\n\nAs far as I know pro-spawned servers are not always on top. ", "They are given an higher priority but there are other factors which may have put your non-player-spawned-CA server over.", "\n\nWhat he said; anyways, why does it matter? ", "I fail to see what the point of this thread is. ", "Also, a simple check would reveal that the player CA can't spawn a server, because they are a standard player. ", "Case closed." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0.0045662100456621, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "For more than three years, he has been known only as Mosul Eye, an anonymous blogger documenting Islamic State's atrocities. ", "Now Iraq's Omar Mohammed, in Europe on Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2017, wants the world and his family to know his identity.", "\n\nHe would wander the streets of occupied Mosul by day, chatting with shopkeepers and Islamic State fighters, visiting friends who worked at the hospital, swapping scraps of information. ", "He grew out his hair and his beard and wore the shortened trousers required by the extremists. ", "He forced himself to witness the beheadings and stonings, so he could hear killers call out the names of the condemned and their supposed crimes.", "\n\nBy night, anonymously from his darkened room, Mosul Eye told the world what was happening. ", "If caught, he too would be killed.", "\n\nBut after more than three years, his double life grew too heavy to bear. ", "He missed his name.", "\n\nHis secrets consumed him, sapped energy he'd rather use for his doctoral dissertation and for helping Mosul rebuild. ", "In conversations with The Associated Press, he agonized over how to end the anonymity that plagues him. ", "He made his decision.", "\n\nMosul Eye is Omar Mohammed, historian, scholar, blogger. ", "He is 31.", "\n\nThe revelation of his identity is for his thousands of readers and followers, for all his volunteers in Mosul who have been inspired by a man they have never seen. ", "But above all, it is for the brother who died in the final battle and for his grieving mother.", "\n\n\"I can't be anonymous anymore. ", "This is to say that I defeated ISIS. ", "You can see me now, and you can know me now,\" he told The Associated Press.", "\n\nUpon learning this week the truth about \"her Omar,\" his mother wept with joy and told him: \"I knew there was something going on with you.\"", "\n\nMohammed first posted about the Islamic State group under his own Facebook account, in the first few days after its fighters swept into Mosul, but a friend told him he risked being killed. ", "So in those first days he made himself a promise: Trust no one, document everything.", "\n\nA newly minted teacher with a reputation for secular ideas, he had lost his university job.", "\n\nHe found another calling.", "\n\n\"My job as a historian requires an unbiased approach which I am going to adhere to and keep my personal opinion to myself,\" he wrote on that first day, June 18, 2014.", "\n\nMosul Eye became one of the outside world's main sources of news about the Islamic State fighters, their atrocities and their transformation of the city into a grotesque shadow of itself.", "\n\nDuring Friday sermons, Mohammed feigned enthusiasm. ", "He collected propaganda to post online later. ", "He drank tea at the hospital, fishing for information.", "\n\nMuch of what he collected went on the blog. ", "Other details he kept in his computer, for fear of giving away his identity. ", "Someday, he promised, he would write history with them.", "\n\nThe most sensitive details initially came from two old friends: a doctor and a high school dropout who had joined an Islamic State intelligence unit.", "\n\nMohammed's information sometimes included photos of the fighters and commanders, complete with biographies surreptitiously pieced together during the course of his normal life — that of an out-of-work scholar living at home.", "\n\n\"I used the two characters, the two personalities to serve each other,\" he said. ", "He expanded into a Facebook page and a Twitter feed to parcel out information at a time when little news was escaping.", "\n\nIntelligence agencies made contact as well and he rebuffed them.", "\n\n\"I am not a spy or a journalist,\" he would say. \"", "I tell them this: If you want the information, it's published and it's public for free. ", "Take it.\"", "\n\nIn March 2015, his catalog of horrors got to him.", "\n\n\"I was super ready to die,\" Mohammed said. \"", "I was so tired of worrying about myself, my family, my brothers. ", "I am not alive to worry, but I am alive to live this life. ", "I thought: I am done.\"", "\n\nHe cut his hair short, shaved his beard and pulled on a bright red sweater. ", "His closest friend joined him.", "\n\nThey drove to the banks of the Tigris blasting forbidden music. ", "They shared a carafe of tea. ", "Heedless of people picnicking nearby, Mohammed lit a cigarette- banned by IS. ", "Somehow, incredibly, he wasn't caught.", "\n\n\"At that moment I felt like I was given a new life.\"", "\n\nHe resumed what he had taken to calling his duty. ", "He grew out his hair and beard, put the shortened trousers back on.", "\n\nHe tested out different voices, Christian, Muslim. ", "Sometimes he indicated he was gone, other times that he was still in the city.", "\n\nFinally, after leaving Mosul a thousand times in his mind, he decided it was time to get out.", "\n\n\"I think I deserve life, deserve to be alive.\"", "\n\nA smuggler agreed to sneak him out for $1,000. ", "Mohammed left the next day, the contents of his computer transferred overnight to a hard-drive that he packed with him.", "\n\nNo one gave him a second look during the two days and some 500 kilometers (300 miles) it took to reach Turkey.", "\n\nOnce there, Mosul Eye kept at it: via WhatsApp and Viber, from Facebook messages and long conversations with friends and relatives who had contacts within IS. ", "From hundreds of kilometers away, his life remained consumed by events back home.", "\n\nBy mid-2016, deaths were piling up faster than he could record. ", "The Islamic State group was on a hunt for traitors and the airstrikes were taking an increasing toll on everyone. ", "His records grew haphazard, and he turned to Twitter to document the atrocities. ", "In February 2017, he received asylum in Europe.", "\n\nOnly after his elder brother Ahmed was killed in a mortar strike and IS was gone from the city did Mohammed reveal his secret to a younger brother — who greeted the news with a shock of pride and happiness. ", "His sibling spoke on condition of anonymity from his refuge in Iraq because he was fearful for his life.", "\n\n\"People in Mosul had lost hope and confidence in politicians, in everything,\" his brother said. ", "Mosul Eye \"managed to show that it's possible to change the situation in the city and bring it back to life.\"", "\n\nHis hundreds of thousands of followers on Facebook and Twitter on Thursday finally learned the identity of a man they felt they had known all along. ", "Post after post read: Hero.", "\n\n\"The voice of Mosul reached the world from the son of Mosul,\" wrote a woman identified as Bella Oskar.", "\n\nA weight has lifted for Omar Mohammed, who told AP on Thursday: \"I feel free.\"", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.016, 0.008771929824561403, 0.0053475935828877, 0, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0.03389830508474576, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0.013333333333333334, 0.007142857142857143, 0.005235602094240838, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005291005291005291, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006622516556291391, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0.018633540372670808, 0, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0, 0.009569377990430622, 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0.025, 0 ]
[ "Attempted suicide in patients with eating disorders.", "\nSuicide is a major cause of mortality for patients with eating disorders (ED), especially for patients with anorexia nervosa. ", "Attempted suicide is also relatively common in patients with anorexia or bulimia nervosa. ", "This study aimed at examining associations between attempted suicide and trait- and state-dependent characteristics in a large clinical population of ED patients. ", "The sample consisted of 1,436 in- and outpatients of the Centre for Eating Disorders of the Ghent University Hospital. ", "Measures of ED symptoms, psychopathology, and personality traits were compared between ED patients with and ED patients without a history of attempted suicide. ", "A history of attempted suicide was found in 11.8% of the ED patients and lifetime suicidal ideation was reported by 43.3%. ", "Multivariate analyses showed that a history of attempted suicide was associated with higher scores on depression, purging symptomatology, early-developed cognitive schemes (impaired autonomy and increased inhibition), and social insecurity. ", "These findings support the increased risk of suicidal behavior in ED. ", "The presence of particular personality traits, of cognitive schemes, and of purging and depressive symptoms should increase vigilance for suicidal behavior." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.015748031496062992, 0.011111111111111112, 0.006134969325153374, 0.008403361344537815, 0.0125, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0 ]
[ "Bubble butt babe, AJ Applegate drilled hard doggystyle by bbc\n\nBubble butt blonde babe AJ Applegate struggling to fit that monster cock into her slutty mouth and sucking it lustfully. ", "Watch her as she gets her tight Juicilicious pussy stuffed full. ", "For more visit us. ", "Arch Angel features the best interracial and anal scenes all in full HD quality First IR, first anal sex, double penetrations, group sex and hardcore action with the top pornstars and newcomers." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.005154639175257732 ]
[ "Madeline Ashby has worked with Intel Labs, the Institute for the Future, SciFutures, Nesta, Data & Society, The Atlantic Council, the ASU Center for Science and the Imagination, Changeist, and others. ", "She has spoken at SXSW, FutureEverything, MozFest, and other events. ", "Her essays have appeared at BoingBoing, io9, WorldChanging, Creators Project, Arcfinity, MISC Magazine, and FutureNow. ", "Her fiction has appeared in Slate, MIT Tech Review, and elsewhere. ", "She is the author of the Machine Dynasty novels. ", "Her novel Company Town was a Canada Reads finalist." ]
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[ "The present invention relates to DNA (desoxyribonucleic acid) particularly of human origin, and seeks to preserve the DNA molecule, which carries the genes characteristic of each individual, which is to say his genetic inheritance.", "\nMore precisely, the invention seeks to safeguard the genetic information by the preservation of the DNA molecule so as to prolong as long as possible and under conditions which preserve the integrity of the genetic information. ", "This invention has numerous interests, particularly for predictive medicine, for genetic genealogy and identification.", "\nIf the DNA molecule is relatively stable, archeogenetic studies have shown that it can be preserved for millions of years in a favorable environment, but that it can be degraded in the absence of preservation in such an environment.", "\nAmong the causes of alteration of the DNA, can be cited the action of ionizing radiation such as x-rays or gamma rays, the action of ultraviolet radiation, oxidation and enzymatic or chemical hydrolysis.", "\nThe present invention seeks to provide a technique for the preservation of DNA in an environment preserving it from the effects of the above actions.", "\nTo this end, the invention has for its object a process for the long-term preservation of DNA molecules, characterized in that it consists, after extraction and purification of the DNA by any suitable technique, conventional and not, in carrying out an encapsulation in a sealed corrosion-proof metallic capsule, of the preliminary dehumidified DNA molecule.", "\nAccording to a first embodiment of the process, the DNA is encapsulated in an atmosphere constituted by one or several inert gases and having a degree of humidity less than or equal to 1 ppm of water.", "\nAccording to a second embodiment of the process, before said physical encapsulation, the DNA is subjected to a chemical encapsulation by cladding in a suitable (co)polymer.", "\nAccording to a modification of this second embodiment, the chemical encapsulation is carried out with a hybrid constituted of said (co)polymer, of organic molecules and/or inorganic salts, for enhanced protection of the DNA as to ultraviolet or ionizing radiations.", "\nPreferably, and no matter what the embodiment of the process, the physical encapsulation is completed by placing said sealed and corrosion-proof metallic capsule in a container resistant to shock and crushing.", "\nThe thus-encapsulated DNA can theoretically be preserved for several tens of thousands of years, sheltered from ionizing radiations, ultraviolet radiations, chemical aggression and mechanical stress.", "\nThe invention also has for its object the different types of packaging obtained according to the process, which are present in the form either of a single capsule, or a capsule enclosed in a protective envelope called a container." ]
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[ "Permalink for this paragraph0\nPrinciples of research ethics and ethical treatment of persons are codified in a number of policies and accepted documents, such as the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the Nuremberg Code, the Declaration of Helsinki, the Belmont Report, and the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights. ", "At their core, the basic tenets include the fundamental rights of human dignity, autonomy, protection, safety, maximization of benefits and minimization of harms, and knowledge, or, in their most currently accepted phrasing, respect for persons, justice, and beneficence. ", "While originally stemming from the biomedical contexts, these principles have been adapted beyond these early contexts and rise above disciplines and methodologies. ", "We accept them as basic to any research endeavor. ", "In addition to these principles, researchers must be attendant to extant legal requirements in the countries implicated in the research.", "\n\nPermalink for this paragraph0\nEthical research is that which seeks to minimize harm. ", "Defining and identifying potential ‘harm’ in Internet research can be difficult, as technologies blur boundaries of traditional, more easily identifiable dichotomies, such as public-private, researcher-researched, subject-object. ", "The ethical dilemmas that arise in Internet research often resists yes-no binaries, thus making decision-making flow charts used by some research boards inapplicable. ", "For example, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services offers Human Subjects Regulations Decision Charts where one of the first questions is “Does the research involve intervention or interaction with the individuals?” ", "But what constitutes intervention or interaction on the Internet, particularly in social networking sites, virtual worlds, and massively multiplayer online games, is often not so easy to determine, calling for careful consideration of the particular circumstances of the context and careful consideration of other relevant cases (see bibliography for sources grouped by topic).", "\n\nPermalink for this paragraph0\nThe following sections are designed to help guide one’s consideration. ", "We begin with a brief list of broad ethical considerations that ground all research, followed by a list of questions more attuned to Internet research. ", "These detailed sets of questions may enable a researcher to become aware of ethical dilemmas and challenges that may go otherwise unnoticed. ", "We then provide a heuristic chart that lays out a similar array of questions arising in studies of particular contexts/venues or with particularly types of information or data produced or retrieved from those contexts.", "\n\nPermalink for this paragraph0\nAs emphasized in the casuistic, or case-based approach to Internet research ethics developed by McKee and Porter (2009), reviewing other researchers’ approaches can provide examples of the range of judgments possible, to guide one’s own judgments in relevantly similar cases. ", "To aid in further consideration, we provide in the bibliography a comprehensive listing of references that will give researchers and reviewers a range of studies that encounter or discuss specific types of ethical challenges in Internet settings.", "\n\nComments\n\n1. ", "Medicare paid $55 billion doralls for hospital and doctor bills for the last two months of patients lives. ", "b. 20-30% of the medical sexpenses spent in the last moments of peoples lives have no medical impact.2. ", "If the governemtn should continue to fund medical care to people when they, even with care, will die.3. ", "The amount of money spent on the prolonging of any individuals life should not matter. ", "To deny someone access to care based on the length of life puts a price on life. ", "What constitutes as unnecessary care and what does not? ", "If someone chooses to live then no person has the right to take their life away.", "\n\nWe must shine, because our preivous generations have slept in the fogs of poverty and the clouds of circumstances.", "Let our lights shine, that all may see! ", "We are no longer victims of circumstances.", "We are the raised up, soaring, resurrected nation of victors.", "\n\nMoslty economic. ", "There are direfefnt formulas, but the one I like is the one that apportions the amount of fossil fuel CO2 since the early 1830 s. I know China is a strong contributor now, but the UK and US had over a hundred years of lead time to add CO2 in the atmosphere.", "Unfortunately, there are no ethics in economics." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCan SymPy understand variables that are indexed by a summation index?", "\n\nI have an equation that is of the form (in LaTeX syntax):\n\\sum_{k=0}^{K-1} a_k = 0\n\na_k is \"a subscript k\", one of a list of variables that I'm setting up a system of linear equations in. ", "I would like to be able to express this equation to SymPy in as compact of a way as possible. ", "It seems like I would want to use its Sum() function to express the summation, but I'm not sure how to tell it that on term k in the sum, a_k refers to the k-th symbol.", "\nIs this possible, for instance if I set up a list of symbols like this?", "\na = [sympy.symbols('a' + str(i)) for i in xrange(K)]\n\nA:\n\nDo you mean something like this?", "\nIn [1]: a = IndexedBase(\"a\")\n\nIn [2]: Sum(a[k], (k, 0, K-1))\nOut[2]: \nK - 1 \n ___ \n ╲ \n ╲ a[k]\n ╱ \n ╱ \n ‾‾‾ \nk = 0\n\nIndexedBase are supposed to create a variable that needs to specify an index each time it is used. ", "If the indices are different, the variables should be considered different (e.g. a[k] vs a[j]).", "\nIn case your summation has known limits (i.e. non literal), you may expand it:\nIn [3]: Sum(a[k], (k, 0, 10))\nOut[3]: \n 10 \n ___ \n ╲ \n ╲ a[k]\n ╱ \n ╱ \n ‾‾‾ \nk = 0 \n\nIn [4]: Sum(a[k], (k, 0, 10)).doit()\nOut[4]: a[0] + a[1] + a[2] + a[3] + a[4] + a[5] + a[6] + a[7] + a[8] + a[9] + a[10]\n\nUnfortunately, not all of SymPy's algorithms support IndexedBase objects completely. ", "Replacement with a Symbol is advised in such cases.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Sick bay\n\nA sick bay is a compartment in a ship, or a section of another organisation, such as a school or college, used for medical purposes.", "\n\nThe sick bay contains the ship's medicine chest, which may be divided into separate cabinets, such as a refrigerator for medicines requiring cold storage and a locked cabinet for controlled substances such as morphine. ", " The sick bay and the medicine chest should be kept locked, with the keys only being available to the medical officer and the ship's master. ", " \n\nThe term is also applied ashore by the United States Navy and Marine Corps to treatment clinics on naval stations and Marine bases.", "\n\nSick bays appear in popular science fiction franchises, such as Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek, as the medical facility on board a starship.", "\n\nSee also\n First aid room\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Types of health care facilities\nCategory:Ship compartments" ]
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[ "VIDÉO - L'ex-producteur s'est livré à la police new-yorkaise vendredi. ", "Il est ressorti inculpé pour un viol en 2013 et une agression sexuelle en 2004 sur deux femmes différentes. ", "Il a été relaché sous caution d'un million de dollars et doit porter un bracelet électronique. ", "Selon son avocat, il plaidera non coupable.", "\n\nIl est arrivé au siège de la police new-yorkaise à 13h25 (7h25 heure locale), deux gros dossiers sous le bras. ", "Veste sombre, pull bleu clair, Harvey Weinstein, 66 ans, s'est rendu au siège de la NYPD vendredi matin, sept mois après le début du scandale qui a secoué tout Hollywood.", "\n\nL'ancien producteur portait également deux livres sous le bras. ", "Une livre sur Richard Rodgers, le magnat des comédies musicales de Broadway, et Une biographie d'Elia Kazan, le réalisateur d'Un tramway nommé désir. ", "A-t-il peur de s'ennuyer au commissariat ou est-ce une opération de communication pour passer des messages? ", "Le rendez-vous a été très rapide.", "\n\nÀ 14h30, un communiqué de la police new-yorkaise a annoncé que le producteur est arrêté et inculpé dans le cadre de deux enquêtes concernant deux femmes différentes. ", "L'une a conduit la mise en accusation pour viol, l'autre pour acte sexuel criminel. ", "Un quart d'heure plus tard, l'ancien producteur sortait du siège de la NYPD, les mains dans le dos, très probablement menotté.", "\n\nSi de nombreuses plaintes ont été déposées contre lui au civil ces derniers mois, ces inculpations sont les premières contre le producteur multi-oscarisé, exclu de l'Académie des oscars à la suite de ces accusations.", "\n\nHarvey Weinstein à sa sortie du siège de la police new-yorkaise, vendredi. ", "Julio Cortez/AP\n\nL'inculpation pour agression sexuelle correspond vraisemblablement à la plainte portée par l'actrice en herbe Lucia Evans. ", "Elle affirme que le producteur l'a obligée à lui faire une fellation en 2004.", "\n\nHarvey Weinstein a été relaché sous caution d'un million de dollars cash et avec le port d'un bracelet électronique. ", "Son avocat a annoncé qu'il plaidera «non coupable».", "\n\nPlus de 70 victimes présumées\n\nMême si la bataille judiciaire ne fait que commencer, Harvey Weinstein est depuis longtemps déchu. ", "Depuis les premières révélations, début octobre dans le Times et le New Yorker, l'ex-magnat d'Hollywood a été évincé de sa compagnie et de l'Académie des Oscars. ", "Il soignerait son addiction au sexe dans un établissement spécialisé de Scottsdale, en Arizona. ", "Longtemps à la tête de l'une des plus influentes sociétés de production américaines, Weinstein doit faire face aux accusations de plus de 70 femmes pour des faits de harcèlement sexuel et, dans certains cas, de viol. ", "Parmi elles figurent notamment les actrices Ashley Judd, Uma Thurman et Salma Hayek. ", "Le cofondateur du studio Miramax et de la Weinstein Company affirme que toutes les relations qu'il a eues étaient consenties.", "\n\nNous assistons peut-être à un changement dans la façon dont les affaires de violences sexuelles sont traitées. ", "Tarana Burke, fondatrice du #MeToo\n\nÀ lire aussi : Le monstrueux destin de Harvey Weinstein\n\nL'actrice Rose McGowan, parmi les premières à Hollywood à avoir accusé Harvey Weinstein d'agression sexuelle, s'est félicitée jeudi qu'un pas soit bientôt franchi en vue de rendre justice à ses victimes présumées. «", "Que cela donne de l'espoir à toutes les victimes et survivantes qui partout confient leur vérité», a-t-elle ajouté dans un communiqué. «", "C'est supercathartique pour beaucoup de victimes», a réagi Tarana Burke, fondatrice du #MeToo. «", "Nous assistons peut-être à un changement dans la façon dont les affaires de violences sexuelles sont traitées.» ", "L'actrice Asia Argento, qui a réaffirmé avec force samedi dernier lors de la cérémonie de clôture du festival de Cannes avoir été violée par le producteur en 1997 à Cannes, a réagi d'un seul mot sur Twitter: «BOOM.»" ]
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[ "The Washington Post: Poroshenko wants direct U.S. military aid\n\n(QHA) -\n\nTo protect its independence Ukraine should build up its armed forces and at this stage needs a direct military aid from the U.S. such as Lend-Lease Program during World War II, Ukraine's presidential runner Petro Poroshenko told The Washington Post in an interview, Ukrinform reports.", "\n\n“Now we should create a new security treaty exactly like Lend-Lease. ", "We should cooperate in military technical assistance and in advising assistance. ", "We are ready to fight for independence, and we should build up the armed forces of Ukraine,” - Poroshenko said.", "\n\nAccording to the leader of the Ukrainian presidential race, more aggression against Ukraine is possible, “and when aggression starts, no sanctions help.”", "\n\nAlso, the newspaper added, Poroshenko has made it clear he is ready to negotiate with Russia. “", "I know Putin quite well,” he said, adding that he is ready to compromise over everything but Ukraine's claim to Crimea and its decision to pursue economic association with the European Union.", "\n\nNote: The Lend-Lease policy was a program under which the United States supplied Great Britain, the USSR, Free France, the Republic of China, and other Allied nations with materiel between 1941 and August 1945.", "\n\nA total of $50.1 billion (equivalent to $656 billion today) worth of supplies were shipped. ", "Reverse Lend-Lease policies comprised services such as rent on air bases that went to the U.S., and totaled $7.8 billion; of this, $6.8 billion came from the British and the Commonwealth." ]
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[ "We have received the executed EEI Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement dated 8/13/01 from the referenced CP. ", " A copy will be scanned into Livelink." ]
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[ "MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — A Minnesota mother is charged with child endangerment for giving her son medical marijuana to treat his pain.", "\n\nAngela Brown in Madison calls the cannabis oil a lifesaver for her 15-year-old son, Trey.", "\n\n“No mother should have to hold their child so they don’t hurt themselves,” she said. “", "He didn’t want to live.”", "\n\nHe suffered a traumatic brain injury three years ago at a baseball game.", "\n\n“It’s been a very, very rough three years,” said David Brown, Trey’s father.", "\n\nOne pitch at a pickup game of baseball with friends would forever change Trey Brown’s future.", "\n\n“It just hurts in my brain everywhere,” he said. “", "I really can’t explain the pain.”", "\n\nThat pain came in headaches, muscle spasms and seizures. ", "It got so bad the teenager couldn’t go to school and started to punch and cut himself.", "\n\n“I was afraid to go to the bathroom, he’d be harming himself,” Angela Brown said.", "\n\nNothing that came from Minnesota doctors seemed to work. ", "Last winter, they left for Colorado where they found help.", "\n\n“Within an hour of him taking it, we could tell a difference,” Angela Brown said.", "\n\nThe Browns brought cannabis oil back home from Boulder, Colo.\n\n“I felt better, the pain went away,” Trey Brown said.", "\n\nBut when his school wondered what was helping him, teachers were not happy with his parents’ answer.", "\n\n“It was a week later when my mom called and said, ‘The cops are looking for you,'” Angela Brown said.", "\n\nInvestigators seized the oil and charged Angela Brown with child endangerment and causing a child to need protection.", "\n\n“The prosecutor’s version of this is that a good mom allows her child to be in pain, to self-harm, and attempt to take his life,” Angela Brown said. “", "I guess that’s a good mom in his eyes.”", "\n\nLac Qui Parle County Attorney Richard Stulz said he had no comment on the charges. ", "He said the paperwork speaks for itself.", "\n\n“He’s got the muscle spasms, the pain, everything back to where it was before,” David Brown said.", "\n\nThe Browns say they will handle their legal fight before likely starting over in Colorado, as their son waits in pain.", "\n\n“I used to cry myself to sleep every night,” Trey Brown said. “", "That was really hard.”", "\n\nAngela Brown faces two years in prison and a $6,000 fine if she’s convicted.", "\n\nThe family was told that even when Minnesota’s law takes effect next summer, they may not be able to access the same marijuana strain that’s been working for their son. ", "It’s why they believe a move to Colorado is best." ]
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[ "Anonymity, privacy -- these are things we have come to expect when it comes to our cell phones. ", "The last thing people anticipate is for unknown -- possibly malicious -- third parties to able to quickly track our positions every time we place a phone call.", "\n\nThey then conducted two attacks geared at tracking the victim's position. ", "The attacks were conducted in Europe on a number of real-world networks, across various carriers.", "\n\nThe researchers used a so-called \"paging attack\" -- a denial-of-service (DOS) type attack that involves tricking basestations or mobile devices into an always \"ready\" state. ", "By sending a TMSI (Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity) which appeared to contain a static IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity), the attacker tricked the victim device into giving up its real IMSI.", "\n\nThat in turn allowed the target to be continuously tracked within a monitored region.", "\n\nA second route to monitoring was also demonstrated, which used an Authentication and Key Agreement (AKA) protocol attack. ", "The target device returns a Mac error, while the rest of the devices would respond with a different error -- a synchronization error.", "\n\nThe authors write, \"The captured authentication request can now be replayed by the adversary each time he wants to check the presence of [a device] in a particular area. ", "In fact, thanks to the error messages, the adversary can distinguish any mobile station from the one the authentication request was originally sent to.\"", "\n\nThe caveat here is that the attackers first had to indentify example authentication requests by calling the victim's device. ", "But they argue that the flaw could still be abused in certain scenarios, such as if a boss wanted to track employees in a large office building.", "\n\nThe researchers elaborate, \"[The employer] would first use the femtocell to sniff a valid authentication request. ", "This could happen in a different area than the monitored one. ", "Then the employer would position the device near the entrance of the building. ", "Movements inside the building could be tracked as well by placing additional devices to cover different areas of the building. ", "If devices with wider area coverage than a femtocell are used, the adversary should use triangulation to obtain finer position data.\"", "\n\nII. ", "Fixing the Flaws\n\nSo what does all of this mean?? ", "3G networks -- any 3G network, according to the authors -- are vulnerable to tampering which allows their users to be tracked, due to protocol weaknesses.", "\n\nThe IMSI paging attack flaw seems to be the more dangerous attack as it can be used to track anonymous victims.", "\n\nFortunately, there's a fix to both problems. ", "The fix is to both modify the error messages, and adopt certain protocol changes. ", "Those changes would involve introducing a so-called \"unlikability\" session key to weed out malicious AKA requests, and to implement IMSI paging procedure fixes to prevent the DOS trickery.", "\n\nThe 3G mobile industry's security watchdog, 3GPP, is investigating the proof-of-concept attacks and is considering the proposed fixes, which the authors argue would have a \"low... computational and economical cost\". ", "Those fixes could (in theory) be rolled out in coming months to prevent attackers from exploiting \"in the wild\" the soon-to-be-published flaw.", "\n\nThe MIAmobi SilentPocket™ provides Instant Privacy. ", "It completely takes your mobile device off the grid. ", "It stops GPS tracking, provides data protection, and prevents texting and driving. ", "Voicemail rings, beeps, blings or vibes will not be heard. ", "Voicemail, Texts and email will be received once the device is taken out of the SilentPocket. ", "Simply put no signals in or out is the only way to protect your location. ", "If you really need to know for sure that you are in control of your mobile device, empower yourself with a SilentPocket™\n\nYour device more than likely does absolutely nothing to stop those signals. ", "Unless it's a box with atleast 5\" of metal on all sides, it's not going to be guaranteed to have enough isolation to keep your phone from making contact. ", "And that's just the beginning.", "\n\nI can't believe that people actually try to sell shit like this and keep a clean conscience.", "\n\nOr, you can achieve the same exact effect for free by turning on \"Airplane Mode\" (which basically switches off all the phone's antennas) and (if you're especially paranoid) also switching off the GPS location service by default (and turning it on only when you actually need to use it.) ", "I do the latter as a matter of course, because it saves battery.", "\n\nGods, you must feel awesome about yourself, peddling useless product to rubes who don't know any better...\n\nquote: Anonymity, privacy -- these are things we have come to expect when it comes to our cell phones\n\nCome on Jason... who really expects that? ", "I mean I guess we SHOULD expect it, but the reality of what we have is that anonymity and privacy are 2 things I feel I totally give up by using a cell phone, or more specifically a smart phone.", "\n\nquote: Come on Jason... who really expects that? ", "I mean I guess we SHOULD expect it, but the reality of what we have is that anonymity and privacy are 2 things I feel I totally give up by using a cell phone, or more specifically a smart phone.", "\n\nAnd that's why a lot of people avoid smartphones... I agree they're a big security risk. ", "I use one, and a lot of people do, but I know some people who specifically ONLY use 3G feature phones for the added anonymity/privacy.", "\n\nThose are the kind of folks who I'd imagine would be most perturbed by developments such as this. :-)", "\n\nhave you ever looked at the cost of a regular contract vs. a smartphone contract?", "\n\nbetter yet, have you ever looked at the cost of a pre-paid phone vs. the cost of a smartphone?", "\n\ni'm sorry, but the reason i haven't migrated to a smartphone isn't technophobia. ", "and concerns over privacy are relevant, but not primary. ", "the real reason is because i've spent less for my pre-paid phone (including the cost of the phone itself)--this year--than i would have paid for 2 months of a smartphone contract.", "\n\ni work in front of a computer all day..it's not like i can't google stuff when i need to. ", "heck, even if i didn't work in front of a pc, i'd be writing stuff down (or making a voice memo) and looking it up when i got home.", "\n\ni just loaded another 15 euro on my phone and it'll last me a good 2 months or so. ", "texts are cheap.", "\n\nI live outside the largest city in Vermont (Burlington) on Verizon and I would say 90%+ of the time I can't get a 4g signal on my phone. ", "If i can it's usually on an extremely localized feed near a specific location.", "\n\nI find it hard to quantify this as 4g coverage. . ", ".so don't be ignorant of 3g issues, you'd be surprised how many it will continue to affect for years.", "\n\nHow do you think a phone call gets charged to your bill and you even receive a CELL phone call in the 1st place.", "\n\nEasy enough right, cell towers. ", "Cell towers triangulate and your phone sends signal out for discovery, similar concept the the old days of televisions getting the TV signal over the air via rabbit ears, just now it goes 2 way vs 1 way receiver.", "\n\nYou dont have to have any gps or so called air plane mode, once a cell phone makes use of any data and cell towers in the area pick up the signals and know where you are.", "\n\n\"Intel is investing heavily (think gazillions of dollars and bazillions of engineering man hours) in resources to create an Intel host controllers spec in order to speed time to market of the USB 3.0 technology.\" -- ", "Intel blogger Nick Knupffer" ]
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[ "Halle Butler\n\nHalle Butler (born 1985 or 1986) is an American author.", "\n\nEarly life and education\nOriginally from Bloomington, Illinois, Butler graduated with a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2008. ", "Butler has lived in Chicago for 14 years.", "\n\nPublished works\nJillian, Curbside Splendor, 2015. ", "\nThe New Me, Penguin Books, 2019.", "\n\nAwards and honors\nGranta’s Best of Young American Novelists of 2017\nNational Book Foundation 5 Under 35 Honoree\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Year of birth missing (living people)" ]
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[ "Crystal Structure and Spectroscopic and Magnetic Properties of the Manganese(II) and Copper(II) Azido-Tetramethylammonium Systems.", "\nThe compounds [N(CH(3))(4)][Cu(N(3))(3)] (1) and [N(CH(3))(4)][Mn(N(3))(3)] (2) have been synthesized and characterized. ", "Compound 1 crystallizes in the monoclinic P2(1)/n space group, with Z = 4, a = 7.473(2) Å, b = 15.780(2) Å, c = 9.321(2) Å, and beta = 92.59(2) degrees. ", "Compound 2 crystallizes in the monoclinic P2(1) space group, with Z = 2, a = 6.264(3) Å, b = 13.150(6) Å, c = 6.375(3) Å, and beta = 90.00(6) degrees. ", "At high temperature, compound 2 undergoes a structural phase transition toward a pseudocubic phase with a = 6.446(4) Å. The nature of the metallic ion remarkably influences the molecular structure of both compounds. ", "Thus, while compound 1 is one-dimensional, with the copper(II) ions bridged by one end-on (EO) and two end-to-end (EE) azido ligands, the structural arrangement in compound 2 is three-dimensional, the manganese(II) ions being bridged by EE azido ligands. ", "In both cases, tetramethylammonium cations stabilize the negative charge of the [M(N(3))(3)](-) fragments. ", "Magnetic susceptibility measurements show antiferromagnetic couplings for compounds 1 and 2. ", "The obtained exchange parameters are J/k = -3.6 K, g = 2.10 and J/k = -2.5 K, g = 2.01 for compounds 1 and 2, respectively." ]
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[ "Free Shipping\n\nFree Shipping on Highland Bagpipes and Smallpipes\n\nWe are happy to help! ", "If you have questions or would like assistance with your order, just call, chat, or email\n\nPromotion Details:\n\nOrders that include Highland bagpipes or smallpipes will receive free standard shipping, within the US. ", "Electronic bagpipes are not included in this offer. ", "Other items in the order will also ship for free, if they are not among the following exclusions: rentals, services, bass drums, or bass drum cases. ", "Promotion applies to orders placed on or after October 1, 2014. ", "Not valid with other coupons. ", "Offer ends November 1, 2014.", "\n\nFootwear\n\nWe provide quality kilts, custom sewn from authentic tartan cloth. ", "Every kilt is made to measure, so you get a traditional garment, with a tairlored fit. ", "Individual and group kilt orders are welcome. ", "Order a kilt online, or call, chat, or email for assistance.", "\n\nSongs of Scotland - MacDonald\n\nSongs of Scotland, volume 12 of Keith MacDonald's extensive Church Piper series is, devoted to \"Best Loved Songs & Hymns of Scots Everywhere. ", "There are very interesting notes on many of the songs, and the words are included. ", "This is a unique collection of Scottish traditional songs arranged for the bagpipes. ", "The book is spiral bound, so it lays flat." ]
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[ "OFSTED March 2015 \"This s a GOOD school. ", "The headteacher and his senior team have created a strong culture of learning across the school. ", "Pupils and adults are keen to improve their skills and, as a result, pupils’ attainment is rising and the school has the capacity to improve further.\"" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "McAvan\n\nMcAvan is a surname. ", "Notable people with the surname include:\n\nBobby McAvan (born 1953), Scottish-Canadian footballer\nLinda McAvan (born 1962), English politician" ]
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[ "Real Time\n\nInstantly access your own health information. ", "Reach out to the community and learn more about your condition. ", "Connect with your care team at any time!" ]
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PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 5F5A53591ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Main.storyboard */; };\n\t\t5F5A537E1ADE67D500F81DF0 /* AppDelegate.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 5F5A537D1ADE67D500F81DF0 /* AppDelegate.swift */; };\n\t\t5F5A53801ADE67D500F81DF0 /* ViewController.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 5F5A537F1ADE67D500F81DF0 /* ViewController.swift */; };\n\t\t5F5A539C1ADE69AA00F81DF0 /* Main.storyboard in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 5F5A53591ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Main.storyboard */; };\n\t\t5F99610A1AE0CF4F0034F503 /* Images.xcassets in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 5F9961061AE0CF4F0034F503 /* Images.xcassets */; };\n\t\t5F99610B1AE0CF4F0034F503 /* Images.xcassets in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 5F9961061AE0CF4F0034F503 /* Images.xcassets */; };\n\t\t5F99610C1AE0CF4F0034F503 /* LaunchScreen.xib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 5F9961071AE0CF4F0034F503 /* LaunchScreen.xib */; 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PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXContainerItemProxy;\n\t\t\tcontainerPortal = 5F5A53441ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Project object */;\n\t\t\tproxyType = 1;\n\t\t\tremoteGlobalIDString = 5F5A534B1ADE670C00F81DF0;\n\t\t\tremoteInfo = MessagingExample;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5FDE055E1B0DAA090037B82F /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXContainerItemProxy;\n\t\t\tcontainerPortal = 5F5A53441ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Project object */;\n\t\t\tproxyType = 1;\n\t\t\tremoteGlobalIDString = 5F5A534B1ADE670C00F81DF0;\n\t\t\tremoteInfo = FCM;\n\t\t};\n/* End PBXContainerItemProxy section */\n\n/* Begin PBXFileReference section */\n\t\t107347A820315A3A004A66D1 /* MessagingExampleSwiftUITests.xctest */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.cfbundle; includeInIndex = 0; path = MessagingExampleSwiftUITests.xctest; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };\n\t\t107347AA20315A3A004A66D1 /* MessagingExampleSwiftUITests.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path 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\"<group>\"; };\n\t\t32E04E051DD4EBC6007706A0 /* MessagingExample.entitlements */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.entitlements; path = MessagingExample.entitlements; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\t5F5A534C1ADE670C00F81DF0 /* MessagingExample.app */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.application; includeInIndex = 0; path = MessagingExample.app; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };\n\t\t5F5A53501ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = Info.plist; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\t5F5A53511ADE670C00F81DF0 /* main.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = main.m; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\t5F5A53531ADE670C00F81DF0 /* AppDelegate.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AppDelegate.h; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\t5F5A53541ADE670C00F81DF0 /* AppDelegate.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType 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fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = FIREGHelper.h; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tDEB13BC623AEC9DF0066A6F3 /* FIREGSignInHelper.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = FIREGSignInHelper.m; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tDEB13BC723AEC9DF0066A6F3 /* FIREGHelper.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = FIREGHelper.m; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tDEB13BC823AEC9DF0066A6F3 /* FIREGSignInHelper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = FIREGSignInHelper.h; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n\t\tDED65CF723E9DE6400461312 /* FIREGSignInInfo.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = FIREGSignInInfo.h; sourceTree = \"<group>\"; };\n/* End PBXFileReference section */\n\n/* Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */\n\t\t107347A520315A3A004A66D1 /* Frameworks */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;\n\t\t\tbuildActionMask = 2147483647;\n\t\t\tfiles = (\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n\t\t};\n\t\t1073485B20333BF5004A66D1 /* Frameworks */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;\n\t\t\tbuildActionMask = 2147483647;\n\t\t\tfiles = (\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5F5A53491ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Frameworks */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;\n\t\t\tbuildActionMask = 2147483647;\n\t\t\tfiles = (\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5F5A53761ADE67D500F81DF0 /* Frameworks */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;\n\t\t\tbuildActionMask = 2147483647;\n\t\t\tfiles = (\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5FDE05551B0DAA090037B82F /* Frameworks */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;\n\t\t\tbuildActionMask = 2147483647;\n\t\t\tfiles = (\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n\t\t};\n/* End PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */\n\n/* Begin PBXGroup section */\n\t\t107347A920315A3A004A66D1 /* MessagingExampleSwiftUITests */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\t107347AA20315A3A004A66D1 /* MessagingExampleSwiftUITests.swift */,\n\t\t\t\t107347AC20315A3A004A66D1 /* Info.plist */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = MessagingExampleSwiftUITests;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\t1073485F20333BF5004A66D1 /* MessagingExampleUITests */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\t1073486020333BF5004A66D1 /* MessagingExampleUITests.m */,\n\t\t\t\t1073486220333BF5004A66D1 /* Info.plist */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = MessagingExampleUITests;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\t5F5A53431ADE670C00F81DF0 = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\t5F5A534E1ADE670C00F81DF0 /* MessagingExample */,\n\t\t\t\t5F5A537A1ADE67D500F81DF0 /* MessagingExampleSwift */,\n\t\t\t\t5FDE05591B0DAA090037B82F /* MessagingExampleTests 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/* AppDelegate.swift */,\n\t\t\t\t5F5A537F1ADE67D500F81DF0 /* ViewController.swift */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = MessagingExampleSwift;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\t5F9961041AE0CF4F0034F503 /* Shared */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\t5F9961061AE0CF4F0034F503 /* Images.xcassets */,\n\t\t\t\t5F9961071AE0CF4F0034F503 /* LaunchScreen.xib */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tname = Shared;\n\t\t\tpath = ../shared;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\t5FDE05591B0DAA090037B82F /* MessagingExampleTests */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\t5FDE055C1B0DAA090037B82F /* AppTests.m */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tpath = MessagingExampleTests;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n\t\tDEB13BC423AEC9DF0066A6F3 /* TestUtils */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\tDEB13BC523AEC9DF0066A6F3 /* FIREGHelper.h */,\n\t\t\t\tDEB13BC623AEC9DF0066A6F3 /* FIREGSignInHelper.m */,\n\t\t\t\tDEB13BC723AEC9DF0066A6F3 /* FIREGHelper.m */,\n\t\t\t\tDEB13BC823AEC9DF0066A6F3 /* FIREGSignInHelper.h */,\n\t\t\t\tDED65CF723E9DE6400461312 /* FIREGSignInInfo.h */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tname = TestUtils;\n\t\t\tpath = ../TestUtils;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n/* End PBXGroup section */\n\n/* Begin PBXNativeTarget section */\n\t\t107347A720315A3A004A66D1 /* MessagingExampleSwiftUITests */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXNativeTarget;\n\t\t\tbuildConfigurationList = 107347AF20315A3A004A66D1 /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget \"MessagingExampleSwiftUITests\" */;\n\t\t\tbuildPhases = (\n\t\t\t\t107347A420315A3A004A66D1 /* Sources */,\n\t\t\t\t107347A520315A3A004A66D1 /* Frameworks */,\n\t\t\t\t107347A620315A3A004A66D1 /* Resources */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tbuildRules = (\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tdependencies = (\n\t\t\t\t107347AE20315A3A004A66D1 /* PBXTargetDependency */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tname = MessagingExampleSwiftUITests;\n\t\t\tproductName = MessagingExampleSwiftUITests;\n\t\t\tproductReference = 107347A820315A3A004A66D1 /* MessagingExampleSwiftUITests.xctest */;\n\t\t\tproductType = \"com.apple.product-type.bundle.ui-testing\";\n\t\t};\n\t\t1073485D20333BF5004A66D1 /* MessagingExampleUITests */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXNativeTarget;\n\t\t\tbuildConfigurationList = 1073486520333BF5004A66D1 /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget \"MessagingExampleUITests\" */;\n\t\t\tbuildPhases = (\n\t\t\t\t1073485A20333BF5004A66D1 /* Sources */,\n\t\t\t\t1073485B20333BF5004A66D1 /* Frameworks */,\n\t\t\t\t1073485C20333BF5004A66D1 /* Resources */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tbuildRules = (\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tdependencies = (\n\t\t\t\t1073486420333BF5004A66D1 /* PBXTargetDependency */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tname = MessagingExampleUITests;\n\t\t\tproductName = MessagingExampleUITests;\n\t\t\tproductReference = 1073485E20333BF5004A66D1 /* MessagingExampleUITests.xctest */;\n\t\t\tproductType = \"com.apple.product-type.bundle.ui-testing\";\n\t\t};\n\t\t5F5A534B1ADE670C00F81DF0 /* MessagingExample */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXNativeTarget;\n\t\t\tbuildConfigurationList = 5F5A536F1ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget \"MessagingExample\" */;\n\t\t\tbuildPhases = (\n\t\t\t\t5F5A53481ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Sources */,\n\t\t\t\t5F5A53491ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Frameworks */,\n\t\t\t\t5F5A534A1ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Resources */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tbuildRules = (\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tdependencies = (\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tname = MessagingExample;\n\t\t\tproductName = FCM;\n\t\t\tproductReference = 5F5A534C1ADE670C00F81DF0 /* MessagingExample.app */;\n\t\t\tproductType = \"com.apple.product-type.application\";\n\t\t};\n\t\t5F5A53781ADE67D500F81DF0 /* MessagingExampleSwift */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXNativeTarget;\n\t\t\tbuildConfigurationList = 5F5A53991ADE67D500F81DF0 /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget \"MessagingExampleSwift\" */;\n\t\t\tbuildPhases = (\n\t\t\t\t5F5A53751ADE67D500F81DF0 /* Sources */,\n\t\t\t\t5F5A53761ADE67D500F81DF0 /* Frameworks */,\n\t\t\t\t5F5A53771ADE67D500F81DF0 /* Resources */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tbuildRules = (\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tdependencies = (\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tname = MessagingExampleSwift;\n\t\t\tproductName = FCMSwift;\n\t\t\tproductReference = 5F5A53791ADE67D500F81DF0 /* MessagingExampleSwift.app */;\n\t\t\tproductType = \"com.apple.product-type.application\";\n\t\t};\n\t\t5FDE05571B0DAA090037B82F /* MessagingExampleTests */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXNativeTarget;\n\t\t\tbuildConfigurationList = 5FDE05621B0DAA090037B82F /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget \"MessagingExampleTests\" */;\n\t\t\tbuildPhases = (\n\t\t\t\t5FDE05541B0DAA090037B82F /* Sources */,\n\t\t\t\t5FDE05551B0DAA090037B82F /* Frameworks */,\n\t\t\t\t5FDE05561B0DAA090037B82F /* Resources */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tbuildRules = (\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tdependencies = (\n\t\t\t\t5FDE055F1B0DAA090037B82F /* PBXTargetDependency */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tname = MessagingExampleTests;\n\t\t\tproductName = FCMTests;\n\t\t\tproductReference = 5FDE05581B0DAA090037B82F /* MessagingExampleTests.xctest */;\n\t\t\tproductType = \"com.apple.product-type.bundle.unit-test\";\n\t\t};\n/* End PBXNativeTarget section */\n\n/* Begin PBXProject section */\n\t\t5F5A53441ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Project object */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXProject;\n\t\t\tattributes = {\n\t\t\t\tLastSwiftUpdateCheck = 0920;\n\t\t\t\tLastUpgradeCheck = 1110;\n\t\t\t\tORGANIZATIONNAME = \"Google Inc.\";\n\t\t\t\tTargetAttributes = {\n\t\t\t\t\t107347A720315A3A004A66D1 = {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCreatedOnToolsVersion = 9.2;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLastSwiftMigration = 1110;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tProvisioningStyle = Automatic;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tTestTargetID = 5F5A53781ADE67D500F81DF0;\n\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t\t1073485D20333BF5004A66D1 = {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCreatedOnToolsVersion = 9.2;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tProvisioningStyle = Automatic;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tTestTargetID = 5F5A534B1ADE670C00F81DF0;\n\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t\t5F5A534B1ADE670C00F81DF0 = {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCreatedOnToolsVersion = 6.3;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLastSwiftMigration = 0800;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tProvisioningStyle = Automatic;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSystemCapabilities = {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcom.apple.", "Push = {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tenabled = 1;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t\t5F5A53781ADE67D500F81DF0 = {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCreatedOnToolsVersion = 6.3;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLastSwiftMigration = 1110;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tProvisioningStyle = Automatic;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSystemCapabilities = {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcom.apple.", "BackgroundModes = {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tenabled = 1;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcom.apple.", "Push = {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tenabled = 1;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t\t5FDE05571B0DAA090037B82F = {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCreatedOnToolsVersion = 6.3.2;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLastSwiftMigration = 0800;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tTestTargetID = 5F5A534B1ADE670C00F81DF0;\n\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tbuildConfigurationList = 5F5A53471ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Build configuration list for PBXProject \"MessagingExample\" */;\n\t\t\tcompatibilityVersion = \"Xcode 3.2\";\n\t\t\tdevelopmentRegion = en;\n\t\t\thasScannedForEncodings = 0;\n\t\t\tknownRegions = (\n\t\t\t\ten,\n\t\t\t\tBase,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tmainGroup = 5F5A53431ADE670C00F81DF0;\n\t\t\tproductRefGroup = 5F5A534D1ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Products */;\n\t\t\tprojectDirPath = \"\";\n\t\t\tprojectRoot = \"\";\n\t\t\ttargets = (\n\t\t\t\t5F5A534B1ADE670C00F81DF0 /* MessagingExample */,\n\t\t\t\t5F5A53781ADE67D500F81DF0 /* MessagingExampleSwift */,\n\t\t\t\t5FDE05571B0DAA090037B82F /* MessagingExampleTests */,\n\t\t\t\t107347A720315A3A004A66D1 /* MessagingExampleSwiftUITests */,\n\t\t\t\t1073485D20333BF5004A66D1 /* MessagingExampleUITests */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t};\n/* End PBXProject section */\n\n/* Begin PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */\n\t\t107347A620315A3A004A66D1 /* Resources */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase;\n\t\t\tbuildActionMask = 2147483647;\n\t\t\tfiles = (\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n\t\t};\n\t\t1073485C20333BF5004A66D1 /* Resources */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase;\n\t\t\tbuildActionMask = 2147483647;\n\t\t\tfiles = (\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5F5A534A1ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Resources */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase;\n\t\t\tbuildActionMask = 2147483647;\n\t\t\tfiles = (\n\t\t\t\t5F99610C1AE0CF4F0034F503 /* LaunchScreen.xib in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\t5F99610A1AE0CF4F0034F503 /* Images.xcassets in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\t5F5A535B1ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Main.storyboard in Resources */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5F5A53771ADE67D500F81DF0 /* Resources */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase;\n\t\t\tbuildActionMask = 2147483647;\n\t\t\tfiles = (\n\t\t\t\t5F99610D1AE0CF4F0034F503 /* LaunchScreen.xib in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\t5F5A539C1ADE69AA00F81DF0 /* Main.storyboard in Resources */,\n\t\t\t\t5F99610B1AE0CF4F0034F503 /* Images.xcassets in Resources */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5FDE05561B0DAA090037B82F /* Resources */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase;\n\t\t\tbuildActionMask = 2147483647;\n\t\t\tfiles = (\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n\t\t};\n/* End PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */\n\n/* Begin PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */\n\t\t107347A420315A3A004A66D1 /* Sources */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;\n\t\t\tbuildActionMask = 2147483647;\n\t\t\tfiles = (\n\t\t\t\t107347AB20315A3A004A66D1 /* MessagingExampleSwiftUITests.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n\t\t};\n\t\t1073485A20333BF5004A66D1 /* Sources */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;\n\t\t\tbuildActionMask = 2147483647;\n\t\t\tfiles = (\n\t\t\t\t1073486120333BF5004A66D1 /* MessagingExampleUITests.m in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tDEB13BC923AEC9DF0066A6F3 /* FIREGSignInHelper.m in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\tDEB13BCA23AEC9DF0066A6F3 /* FIREGHelper.m in Sources */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5F5A53481ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Sources */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;\n\t\t\tbuildActionMask = 2147483647;\n\t\t\tfiles = (\n\t\t\t\t5F5A53581ADE670C00F81DF0 /* ViewController.m in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\t5F5A53551ADE670C00F81DF0 /* AppDelegate.m in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\t5F5A53521ADE670C00F81DF0 /* main.m in Sources */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5F5A53751ADE67D500F81DF0 /* Sources */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;\n\t\t\tbuildActionMask = 2147483647;\n\t\t\tfiles = (\n\t\t\t\t5F5A53801ADE67D500F81DF0 /* ViewController.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t\t5F5A537E1ADE67D500F81DF0 /* AppDelegate.swift in Sources */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5FDE05541B0DAA090037B82F /* Sources */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;\n\t\t\tbuildActionMask = 2147483647;\n\t\t\tfiles = (\n\t\t\t\t5FDE055D1B0DAA090037B82F /* AppTests.m in Sources */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;\n\t\t};\n/* End PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */\n\n/* Begin PBXTargetDependency section */\n\t\t107347AE20315A3A004A66D1 /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXTargetDependency;\n\t\t\ttarget = 5F5A53781ADE67D500F81DF0 /* MessagingExampleSwift */;\n\t\t\ttargetProxy = 107347AD20315A3A004A66D1 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;\n\t\t};\n\t\t1073486420333BF5004A66D1 /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXTargetDependency;\n\t\t\ttarget = 5F5A534B1ADE670C00F81DF0 /* MessagingExample */;\n\t\t\ttargetProxy = 1073486320333BF5004A66D1 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5FDE055F1B0DAA090037B82F /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXTargetDependency;\n\t\t\ttarget = 5F5A534B1ADE670C00F81DF0 /* MessagingExample */;\n\t\t\ttargetProxy = 5FDE055E1B0DAA090037B82F /* PBXContainerItemProxy */;\n\t\t};\n/* End PBXTargetDependency section */\n\n/* Begin PBXVariantGroup section */\n\t\t5F5A53591ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Main.storyboard */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = PBXVariantGroup;\n\t\t\tchildren = (\n\t\t\t\t5F5A535A1ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Base */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tname = Main.storyboard;\n\t\t\tsourceTree = \"<group>\";\n\t\t};\n/* End PBXVariantGroup section */\n\n/* Begin XCBuildConfiguration section */\n\t\t107347B020315A3A004A66D1 /* Debug */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCBuildConfiguration;\n\t\t\tbuildSettings = {\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ANALYZER_NUMBER_OBJECT_CONVERSION = YES_AGGRESSIVE;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = \"gnu++14\";\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_DOCUMENTATION_COMMENTS = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_UNGUARDED_AVAILABILITY = YES_AGGRESSIVE;\n\t\t\t\tCODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = \"iPhone Developer\";\n\t\t\t\tCODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;\n\t\t\t\tDEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = dwarf;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu11;\n\t\t\t\tINFOPLIST_FILE = MessagingExampleSwiftUITests/Info.plist;\n\t\t\t\tIPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 11.2;\n\t\t\t\tLD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = \"$(inherited) @executable_path/Frameworks @loader_path/Frameworks\";\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.google.firebase.quickstart.", "MessagingExampleSwiftUITests;\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_NAME = \"$(TARGET_NAME)\";\n\t\t\t\tSWIFT_ACTIVE_COMPILATION_CONDITIONS = DEBUG;\n\t\t\t\tSWIFT_SWIFT3_OBJC_INFERENCE = Off;\n\t\t\t\tSWIFT_VERSION = 5.0;\n\t\t\t\tTARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = \"1,2\";\n\t\t\t\tTEST_TARGET_NAME = MessagingExampleSwift;\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tname = Debug;\n\t\t};\n\t\t107347B120315A3A004A66D1 /* Release */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCBuildConfiguration;\n\t\t\tbuildSettings = {\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ANALYZER_NUMBER_OBJECT_CONVERSION = YES_AGGRESSIVE;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = \"gnu++14\";\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_DOCUMENTATION_COMMENTS = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_UNGUARDED_AVAILABILITY = YES_AGGRESSIVE;\n\t\t\t\tCODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = \"iPhone Developer\";\n\t\t\t\tCODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;\n\t\t\t\tCOPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO;\n\t\t\t\tDEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = \"dwarf-with-dsym\";\n\t\t\t\tGCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu11;\n\t\t\t\tINFOPLIST_FILE = MessagingExampleSwiftUITests/Info.plist;\n\t\t\t\tIPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 11.2;\n\t\t\t\tLD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = \"$(inherited) @executable_path/Frameworks @loader_path/Frameworks\";\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.google.firebase.quickstart.", "MessagingExampleSwiftUITests;\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_NAME = \"$(TARGET_NAME)\";\n\t\t\t\tSWIFT_SWIFT3_OBJC_INFERENCE = Off;\n\t\t\t\tSWIFT_VERSION = 5.0;\n\t\t\t\tTARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = \"1,2\";\n\t\t\t\tTEST_TARGET_NAME = MessagingExampleSwift;\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tname = Release;\n\t\t};\n\t\t1073486620333BF5004A66D1 /* Debug */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCBuildConfiguration;\n\t\t\tbuildSettings = {\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ANALYZER_NUMBER_OBJECT_CONVERSION = YES_AGGRESSIVE;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = \"gnu++14\";\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_DOCUMENTATION_COMMENTS = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_UNGUARDED_AVAILABILITY = YES_AGGRESSIVE;\n\t\t\t\tCODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = \"iPhone Developer\";\n\t\t\t\tCODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;\n\t\t\t\tDEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = dwarf;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu11;\n\t\t\t\tINFOPLIST_FILE = MessagingExampleUITests/Info.plist;\n\t\t\t\tIPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 11.2;\n\t\t\t\tLD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = \"$(inherited) @executable_path/Frameworks @loader_path/Frameworks\";\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.google.firebase.quickstart.", "MessagingExampleUITests;\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_NAME = \"$(TARGET_NAME)\";\n\t\t\t\tTARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = \"1,2\";\n\t\t\t\tTEST_TARGET_NAME = MessagingExample;\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tname = Debug;\n\t\t};\n\t\t1073486720333BF5004A66D1 /* Release */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCBuildConfiguration;\n\t\t\tbuildSettings = {\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ANALYZER_NUMBER_OBJECT_CONVERSION = YES_AGGRESSIVE;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = \"gnu++14\";\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_DOCUMENTATION_COMMENTS = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_UNGUARDED_AVAILABILITY = YES_AGGRESSIVE;\n\t\t\t\tCODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = \"iPhone Developer\";\n\t\t\t\tCODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;\n\t\t\t\tCOPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO;\n\t\t\t\tDEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = \"dwarf-with-dsym\";\n\t\t\t\tGCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu11;\n\t\t\t\tINFOPLIST_FILE = MessagingExampleUITests/Info.plist;\n\t\t\t\tIPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 11.2;\n\t\t\t\tLD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = \"$(inherited) @executable_path/Frameworks @loader_path/Frameworks\";\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.google.firebase.quickstart.", "MessagingExampleUITests;\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_NAME = \"$(TARGET_NAME)\";\n\t\t\t\tTARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = \"1,2\";\n\t\t\t\tTEST_TARGET_NAME = MessagingExample;\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tname = Release;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5F5A536D1ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Debug */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCBuildConfiguration;\n\t\t\tbuildSettings = {\n\t\t\t\tALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ANALYZER_LOCALIZABILITY_NONLOCALIZED = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = \"gnu++0x\";\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_CXX_LIBRARY = \"libc++\";\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_BLOCK_CAPTURE_AUTORELEASING = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_BOOL_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_COMMA = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_CONSTANT_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_DEPRECATED_OBJC_IMPLEMENTATIONS = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_DIRECT_OBJC_ISA_USAGE = YES_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_EMPTY_BODY = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_ENUM_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_INT_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_NON_LITERAL_NULL_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_OBJC_IMPLICIT_RETAIN_SELF = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_OBJC_LITERAL_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_OBJC_ROOT_CLASS = YES_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_RANGE_LOOP_ANALYSIS = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_STRICT_PROTOTYPES = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_UNREACHABLE_CODE = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN__DUPLICATE_METHOD_MATCH = YES;\n\t\t\t\t\"CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]\" = \"iPhone Developer\";\n\t\t\t\tCOPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO;\n\t\t\t\tENABLE_BITCODE = NO;\n\t\t\t\tENABLE_STRICT_OBJC_MSGSEND = YES;\n\t\t\t\tENABLE_TESTABILITY = YES;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu99;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_DYNAMIC_NO_PIC = NO;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_NO_COMMON_BLOCKS = YES;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = 0;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = (\n\t\t\t\t\t\"DEBUG=1\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\"$(inherited)\",\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\tGCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN = NO;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_64_TO_32_BIT_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE = YES_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_UNDECLARED_SELECTOR = YES;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_UNINITIALIZED_AUTOS = YES_AGGRESSIVE;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_UNUSED_FUNCTION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES;\n\t\t\t\tIPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.0;\n\t\t\t\tMTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = YES;\n\t\t\t\tONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH = YES;\n\t\t\t\tSDKROOT = iphoneos;\n\t\t\t\tSWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = \"-Onone\";\n\t\t\t\tTARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = \"1,2\";\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tname = Debug;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5F5A536E1ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Release */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCBuildConfiguration;\n\t\t\tbuildSettings = {\n\t\t\t\tALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ANALYZER_LOCALIZABILITY_NONLOCALIZED = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = \"gnu++0x\";\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_CXX_LIBRARY = \"libc++\";\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_BLOCK_CAPTURE_AUTORELEASING = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_BOOL_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_COMMA = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_CONSTANT_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_DEPRECATED_OBJC_IMPLEMENTATIONS = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_DIRECT_OBJC_ISA_USAGE = YES_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_EMPTY_BODY = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_ENUM_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_INT_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_NON_LITERAL_NULL_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_OBJC_IMPLICIT_RETAIN_SELF = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_OBJC_LITERAL_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_OBJC_ROOT_CLASS = YES_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_RANGE_LOOP_ANALYSIS = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_STRICT_PROTOTYPES = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN_UNREACHABLE_CODE = YES;\n\t\t\t\tCLANG_WARN__DUPLICATE_METHOD_MATCH = YES;\n\t\t\t\t\"CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]\" = \"iPhone Developer\";\n\t\t\t\tCOPY_PHASE_STRIP = YES;\n\t\t\t\tENABLE_BITCODE = NO;\n\t\t\t\tENABLE_NS_ASSERTIONS = NO;\n\t\t\t\tENABLE_STRICT_OBJC_MSGSEND = YES;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu99;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_NO_COMMON_BLOCKS = YES;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_64_TO_32_BIT_CONVERSION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE = YES_ERROR;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_UNDECLARED_SELECTOR = YES;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_UNINITIALIZED_AUTOS = YES_AGGRESSIVE;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_UNUSED_FUNCTION = YES;\n\t\t\t\tGCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES;\n\t\t\t\tIPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.0;\n\t\t\t\tMTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = NO;\n\t\t\t\tSDKROOT = iphoneos;\n\t\t\t\tSWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = \"-Owholemodule\";\n\t\t\t\tTARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = \"1,2\";\n\t\t\t\tVALIDATE_PRODUCT = YES;\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tname = Release;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5F5A53701ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Debug */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCBuildConfiguration;\n\t\t\tbuildSettings = {\n\t\t\t\tASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME = AppIcon;\n\t\t\t\tASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_LAUNCHIMAGE_NAME = LaunchImage;\n\t\t\t\tCODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = MessagingExample/MessagingExample.entitlements;\n\t\t\t\tCODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = \"iPhone Developer\";\n\t\t\t\t\"CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]\" = \"iPhone Developer\";\n\t\t\t\tDEVELOPMENT_TEAM = \"\";\n\t\t\t\tENABLE_BITCODE = NO;\n\t\t\t\tINFOPLIST_FILE = MessagingExample/Info.plist;\n\t\t\t\tLD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = \"$(inherited) @executable_path/Frameworks\";\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.google.firebase.quickstart.", "MessagingExample;\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_NAME = \"$(TARGET_NAME)\";\n\t\t\t\tPROVISIONING_PROFILE = \"\";\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tname = Debug;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5F5A53711ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Release */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCBuildConfiguration;\n\t\t\tbuildSettings = {\n\t\t\t\tASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME = AppIcon;\n\t\t\t\tASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_LAUNCHIMAGE_NAME = LaunchImage;\n\t\t\t\tCODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = MessagingExample/MessagingExample.entitlements;\n\t\t\t\tCODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = \"iPhone Developer\";\n\t\t\t\t\"CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]\" = \"iPhone Developer\";\n\t\t\t\tDEVELOPMENT_TEAM = \"\";\n\t\t\t\tENABLE_BITCODE = NO;\n\t\t\t\tINFOPLIST_FILE = MessagingExample/Info.plist;\n\t\t\t\tLD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = \"$(inherited) @executable_path/Frameworks\";\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.google.firebase.quickstart.", "MessagingExample;\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_NAME = \"$(TARGET_NAME)\";\n\t\t\t\tPROVISIONING_PROFILE = \"\";\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tname = Release;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5F5A53951ADE67D500F81DF0 /* Debug */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCBuildConfiguration;\n\t\t\tbuildSettings = {\n\t\t\t\tASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME = AppIcon;\n\t\t\t\tASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_LAUNCHIMAGE_NAME = LaunchImage;\n\t\t\t\tCODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = MessagingExampleSwift/MessagingExampleSwift.entitlements;\n\t\t\t\tCODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = \"iPhone Developer\";\n\t\t\t\t\"CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]\" = \"iPhone Developer\";\n\t\t\t\tDEVELOPMENT_TEAM = \"\";\n\t\t\t\tINFOPLIST_FILE = MessagingExample/Info.plist;\n\t\t\t\tLD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = \"$(inherited) @executable_path/Frameworks\";\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.google.firebase.quickstart.", "MessagingExample;\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_NAME = \"$(TARGET_NAME)\";\n\t\t\t\tSWIFT_SWIFT3_OBJC_INFERENCE = Off;\n\t\t\t\tSWIFT_VERSION = 5.0;\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tname = Debug;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5F5A53961ADE67D500F81DF0 /* Release */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCBuildConfiguration;\n\t\t\tbuildSettings = {\n\t\t\t\tASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME = AppIcon;\n\t\t\t\tASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_LAUNCHIMAGE_NAME = LaunchImage;\n\t\t\t\tCODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = MessagingExampleSwift/MessagingExampleSwift.entitlements;\n\t\t\t\tCODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = \"iPhone Developer\";\n\t\t\t\t\"CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]\" = \"iPhone Developer\";\n\t\t\t\tDEVELOPMENT_TEAM = \"\";\n\t\t\t\tINFOPLIST_FILE = MessagingExample/Info.plist;\n\t\t\t\tLD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = \"$(inherited) @executable_path/Frameworks\";\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.google.firebase.quickstart.", "MessagingExample;\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_NAME = \"$(TARGET_NAME)\";\n\t\t\t\tSWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = \"-Owholemodule\";\n\t\t\t\tSWIFT_SWIFT3_OBJC_INFERENCE = Off;\n\t\t\t\tSWIFT_VERSION = 5.0;\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tname = Release;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5FDE05601B0DAA090037B82F /* Debug */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCBuildConfiguration;\n\t\t\tbuildSettings = {\n\t\t\t\tBUNDLE_LOADER = \"$(TEST_HOST)\";\n\t\t\t\tDEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = \"dwarf-with-dsym\";\n\t\t\t\tGCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = (\n\t\t\t\t\t\"DEBUG=1\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\"$(inherited)\",\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\tINFOPLIST_FILE = MessagingExample/Info.plist;\n\t\t\t\tLD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = \"$(inherited) @executable_path/Frameworks @loader_path/Frameworks\";\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.google.firebase.quickstart.", "MessagingExampleTests;\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_NAME = \"$(TARGET_NAME)\";\n\t\t\t\tTEST_HOST = \"$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/MessagingExample.app/MessagingExample\";\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tname = Debug;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5FDE05611B0DAA090037B82F /* Release */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCBuildConfiguration;\n\t\t\tbuildSettings = {\n\t\t\t\tBUNDLE_LOADER = \"$(TEST_HOST)\";\n\t\t\t\tCOPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO;\n\t\t\t\tDEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = \"dwarf-with-dsym\";\n\t\t\t\tINFOPLIST_FILE = MessagingExample/Info.plist;\n\t\t\t\tLD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = \"$(inherited) @executable_path/Frameworks @loader_path/Frameworks\";\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.google.firebase.quickstart.", "MessagingExampleTests;\n\t\t\t\tPRODUCT_NAME = \"$(TARGET_NAME)\";\n\t\t\t\tTEST_HOST = \"$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/MessagingExample.app/MessagingExample\";\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tname = Release;\n\t\t};\n/* End XCBuildConfiguration section */\n\n/* Begin XCConfigurationList section */\n\t\t107347AF20315A3A004A66D1 /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget \"MessagingExampleSwiftUITests\" */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCConfigurationList;\n\t\t\tbuildConfigurations = (\n\t\t\t\t107347B020315A3A004A66D1 /* Debug */,\n\t\t\t\t107347B120315A3A004A66D1 /* Release */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tdefaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;\n\t\t\tdefaultConfigurationName = Release;\n\t\t};\n\t\t1073486520333BF5004A66D1 /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget \"MessagingExampleUITests\" */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCConfigurationList;\n\t\t\tbuildConfigurations = (\n\t\t\t\t1073486620333BF5004A66D1 /* Debug */,\n\t\t\t\t1073486720333BF5004A66D1 /* Release */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tdefaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;\n\t\t\tdefaultConfigurationName = Release;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5F5A53471ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Build configuration list for PBXProject \"MessagingExample\" */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCConfigurationList;\n\t\t\tbuildConfigurations = (\n\t\t\t\t5F5A536D1ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Debug */,\n\t\t\t\t5F5A536E1ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Release */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tdefaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;\n\t\t\tdefaultConfigurationName = Release;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5F5A536F1ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget \"MessagingExample\" */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCConfigurationList;\n\t\t\tbuildConfigurations = (\n\t\t\t\t5F5A53701ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Debug */,\n\t\t\t\t5F5A53711ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Release */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tdefaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;\n\t\t\tdefaultConfigurationName = Release;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5F5A53991ADE67D500F81DF0 /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget \"MessagingExampleSwift\" */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCConfigurationList;\n\t\t\tbuildConfigurations = (\n\t\t\t\t5F5A53951ADE67D500F81DF0 /* Debug */,\n\t\t\t\t5F5A53961ADE67D500F81DF0 /* Release */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tdefaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;\n\t\t\tdefaultConfigurationName = Release;\n\t\t};\n\t\t5FDE05621B0DAA090037B82F /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget \"MessagingExampleTests\" */ = {\n\t\t\tisa = XCConfigurationList;\n\t\t\tbuildConfigurations = (\n\t\t\t\t5FDE05601B0DAA090037B82F /* Debug */,\n\t\t\t\t5FDE05611B0DAA090037B82F /* Release */,\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tdefaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;\n\t\t\tdefaultConfigurationName = Release;\n\t\t};\n/* End XCConfigurationList section */\n\t};\n\trootObject = 5F5A53441ADE670C00F81DF0 /* Project object */;\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0, 0, 0.001834546809608439, 0, 0, 0.002414209346439041, 0.0046168051708217915, 0.00404040404040404, 0.005235602094240838, 0.0027589134125636672, 0.009433962264150943, 0.008253094910591471, 0.007894736842105263, 0.007462686567164179, 0.008503401360544218, 0.0033755274261603376 ]
[ "Q:\n\nGoogle spreadsheet: security error from flex\n\nI have an app that uses a google spreadsheet to populate a menu and some related pages. ", "Works great in debug but gives the \"security error\" when released. ", "\nIt seems like some google services (eg picasa) permit flex apps to access them. ", "Is google docs not open this way?", "\n\nA:\n\nWhat is the API URL you are checking? ", " Does that URL have a CrossDomain.xml file? ", " If not; then you can't access it directly from a Flex (or Flash Player) app. ", " You'll have to use a Proxy of sorts.", "\nMost people implement Proxy's on the server side. ", " Basically, your Flex app will call the proxy and send the appropriate data. ", " The proxy will then call the API (in this case Google Docs), get the results of that call, and then return the results to the Flex app.", "\nDoing a quick search, I found this page. ", " Are you trying to access the spreadsheets.google.com URL? ", " If so, check out it's crossdomain.xml file. ", " It appears to prevent all access. ", " \n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "3 things that will change the world today\n\nSend me interesting reports, magazines, promotions and exclusive content from the Verdict group\n\nYou are in control of the communications you receive from us and you can update your preferences anytime to make sure you are receiving information that matters to you.", "\nPlease check our Verdict Privacy Policy to see how we protect and manage your submitted data.", "\n\nReform of UK gig economy employment regulations mean business costs for leading players will remain under control.", "\n\nThe Good Work Plan, the government’s response to the Taylor Review into working practices in the UK, pays particular attention to reforming the growing gig economy. ", "Companies including Uber and Deliveroo have made extensive use of self-employed workers who enjoy less employment rights.", "\n\nUnder new plans, UK gig economy workers will have the ability to request a stable contract after six months, fines for employers who break the law will increase and workers’ rights will be explained in full.", "\n\nUber has stated it welcomes the clarity new reforms will bring; labor unions have pointed to what they see as missed opportunities to bring about substantial change.", "\n\nWhile reforms will bring about small improvements for gig workers, such as removing the ability of employers to pay workers on zero-hours contracts less than full time staff members, companies using the gig economy will be relieved much stricter regulation was not included due to the potential implications regarding employment costs.", "\n\nCompanies dependent on the UK gig economy could have faced significantly higher business costs\n\nUber and other gig-economy companies could have faced higher business costs had campaigners secured improved workers’ rights such as the ability to join a trade union and request changes to working patterns.", "\n\nOut of the 53 recommendations made by the Taylor Review, the government plans to implement 51 of them. ", "Unions and some political groups had campaigned for an outright ban on zero-hours contracts. ", "Had such a plan been recommended and then implemented, business costs for Uber and other such companies would have soared, placing enormous pressure on the business model.", "\n\nOne of the rejected recommendations was ‘dependent contractors’ would earn national minimum wage whilst also being able to take advantage of the flexibility of the gig economy. ", "The term ‘dependent contractor’ refers to a self-employed worker who cannot work for a rival platform for varying reasons, and so becomes dependent on one particular company for their livelihood.", "\n\nIn not allowing workers to work for multiple players, companies will be shielded from uncertainty regarding the availability of their workforce, which in turn will help to keeps costs under control." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.003246753246753247, 0.010638297872340425, 0, 0.005988023952095809, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0.005847953216374269, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Author\nTopic: parenting backbone sighted! (", "Read 22162 times)\n\nI had to get a leash for my oldest child. ", "It wasn't so much that he liked to run off as it was he'd see something and just take off. ", "And when it was just him, I could keep tabs on him easily, though by the time he started walking I was already about 4 months pregnant with my second, and once my second child was born, it got a lot harder. ", "I'd be bending over to check on the baby, look up and poof, oldest pirate had disappeared. ", "Not that he'd gone far, but it was out of sight enough to scare the bejaysus out of me half the time.", "\n\nI had always hated those leash things but I broke down when I found out how useful they can be. ", "Even at home, I had one of those doorknob covers that's supposed to keep kids from opening the door, and I had it on the front door since he'd been trying to get out. ", "I had a hard time opening the door with this thing on so I was sure he couldn't do it. ", "So satisfied, I went to the bathroom.", "\n\nCame out and there was the door opened and the little cover in two pieces on the floor. ", "Thankfully he was just in the front yard but man, that kid was good at escaping.", "\n\nLogged\n\nBeyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. ", "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. ", "You have a right to be here. ", "Be cheerful, strive to be happy. ", "-Desiderata\n\nDYS, could open any child safe cabinet, or door protector. ", "We installed, at the top of the door, a slide lock, to keep him inside. ", "I once found him, standing on a kitchen chair trying to reach said lock.", "\n\nThe carseat we had him in had split arms on it, and they locked him into the carseat. ", "I used a clipping chest attatchment, backwards so he couldn't get out of it. ", "I had to make sure all belts and harnesses were on tight, or he could manipulate his little spider fingers around things to unlock them. ", "The grocery cart belts he could open and close at 9 months.", "\n\nWe lived on the second floor of a 2 family house, and in the summer, I would leave the door open for air flow. ", "I gated the stairs. ", "He climbed over the gate, and fell down the stairs. ", "I raised the gate up a few inches off the floor, he pushed the gate out from the bottom and fell down the stairs again. ", "Finally, I put a rubbermaid tote under the gate, pushed down on the gate to make it tight on the tote and locked it in place. ", "He was too short to climb on top of the tote.", "\n\nHe did all that before he could walk. ", "He was also on a crib mattress on the floor, because he kept climbing out of his crib, before he could walk. ", "I think if I would have had him first, there would not have been any more. ", "He was my third, and some days made me seriously wonder why I wanted kids.", "\n\nI generally do not judge when a child is throwing a tantrum because I recognize even the best kid has a bad day. ", "And I don't really think much if a child does something naughty. ", "What kid doesn't. ", "It's only when I see a parent ignoring the bad behavior (like the lady the other day who let her little ones run into people and block the entire grocery aisle with their mini carts) or giving obviously empty threats that I get a little judgey.", "\n\nFunny thing is my youngest will buckle himself into things. ", "I think it's partly because he just likes fastening the buckle. ", "Put him in a grocery cart, he looks for the seatbelt. ", "In the car seat, he tries to buckle himself in. ", "He'll do the high chair buckles even when he's not sitting in it.", "\n\nAt his age (21 months) his brothers were bucking and doing all they could to avoid getting buckled into things. ", "Actually he's been a really easy and pleasant little baby. ", "Sure he's getting a bit of an attitude as 2 creeps in on us, and has some tantrums, but they're not that bad and he rarely if ever tantrums in public as long as he's well rested.", "\n\nAnd often when I hear a kid tantruming in public, I do tend to feel sympathetic towards the parent more than judging them. ", "I don't always succeed at the no judging part, but I do try not to.", "\n\nLogged\n\nBeyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. ", "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. ", "You have a right to be here. ", "Be cheerful, strive to be happy. ", "-Desiderata\n\nWhen I see kids with those leashes attached to a backpack or body harness, my first thought is that the kid is a runner and Mom/Dad is doing her/his best to keep him/her safe and uninjured. ", "So much better for the kid's arm joints to have the leash than to be holding on to his/her arm and tugging on it when s/he tries to make a break for it. ", "And if the kid really does make a break for it, tugging on the harness tugs their whole body and if you really need to pull, if they are heading into traffic, for example, they land on their butt if they fall. ", "Good padding there, since most kids that age are still in diapers, too.", "\n\nI'm not, nor will I ever be, a parent. ", "But I remember my youngest nephew. ", "We were camping. ", "He started making a break for it towards the lake. ", "So I started after him. ", "The little so-and-so kept looking back at me to make sure I was following him and then he'd just go faster. ", "I always wondered what would have happened if I'd stopped chasing him. ", "But I wasn't willing to risk it with the lake relatively nearby. ", "Fortunately, he's grown up into a fine young man and he's off to University this September. ", "His older brother is a good 'kid' too.", "\n\nLogged\n\nAfter cleaning out my Dad's house, I have this advice: If you haven't used it in a year, throw it out!!!!.", "\n\nI don't think good parenting is making any kind of comeback. ", "I think there has always been good parents and parents who have had less idea about what to do, and kids who don't respond easily to techniques that do work easily for other families.", "\n\nAnd there are parents who desperately need to get done whatever it is they're doing in public, and really need the kid with them to be quiet on that one day and are giving in where they usually wouldn't, knowling that it will come back to bite them later.", "\n\nIt's great to be complimentary about people's parenting, and we should be careful not to be overly judgemental about people who are doing something we think is 'wrong' in a particular situation.", "\n\nThis is so true. ", "About a year ago, I posted about some troubles I was having while grocery shopping with my 2yo son. ", "When I wrote that one way I got him to behave so I could buy some food was to feed him french fries while we were shopping, a lot of people wrote back to say things like my son was training me to give into his demands, or that I was spoiling him, etc. ", "I was pretty insulted by that.", "\n\nI'm happy to say now that my son, who just turned 3, is very well behaved while shopping. ", "I don't need to bribe him with anything to behave well, and he either sits in the cart or walks along next to the cart while holding the cart. ", "He does whine a bit for M&Ms in the checkout line, but after I say once or twice, he keeps quiet.", "\n\nAnd oh, as for kids figuring out child safety measures, my youngest has now figured out how to open up the baby gate that leads from the living room to the kitchen. ", "I was in the living room with him last night while my older two were watching Ben 10 on my phone in the kitchen. ", "Piratebabe wanted to go see his brothers and he managed to open the gate 3 times.", "\n\nEach time he was brought back and Pirateboy2 refused to believe Piratebabe had figured out the gate. ", "He was sure I'd let him though even though I swore I hadn't.", "\n\nLogged\n\nBeyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. ", "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. ", "You have a right to be here. ", "Be cheerful, strive to be happy. ", "-Desiderata\n\n...That's pretty much the conclusion his parents have come to. ", "Like I said, all involved parties recognize that the No One wants to deal with a tantrum. ", "Even those (parents, doting godmother) who are obligated too.", "\n\nHave you tried carrying him in an uncomfortable manner?", "\n\nWhen walk-away isn't an option, I have picked up DD by the waist and let her feet and head dangle. ", "She gets so indignant at the position she is in, that she changes gears and wants down or to be held differently. ", "And, she is willing to promise good behavior.", "\n\nOr going out to sit in the car until the tantrum is over, for the child who wants to go home? ", "That way he's not really getting what he wants, and will have to go back into the store once he's calmed down.", "\n\nI know, it means you still have to hear it and interrupt your own shopping, so definitely not an ideal option but a possibility, perhaps?", "\n\nThe few times my youngest has gotten fussy during a trip, I just hurried to finish it up so I could get him home and put him down since at his age, the fussiness is usually due to tiredness. ", "When we went to the National Aquarium, we'd wanted to see the Australia exhibit but he still hadn't had his nap since he either didn't like the wrap or it was just too much going on for him to sleep (or both). ", "It was just as well since DH was about done with Bronycon and we had to get the stroller from the car and were going to meet him at the convention center.", "\n\nBoy wasn't in the stroller but two minutes and he fell asleep.", "\n\nLogged\n\nBeyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. ", "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. ", "You have a right to be here. ", "Be cheerful, strive to be happy. ", "-Desiderata\n\nI cart DS (2 1/2) out of shops, church, freinds' houses etc with my 'sack of potatoes' hold ie under one arm, because he weighs about 22kg now (tall, big built) and I can't carry him any other way while he's thrashing around and screaming. ", "Makes no difference. ", "He has no concept of undignified.", "\n\nScreaming in the car sounds fine, but I often have DD with autism with me, and the option of sitting in the car with the screaming for upwards of an hour (which is how long the tantrums can take to abate) is just not an option. ", "She wouldn't cope - I'd just have two kids in there screaming egging each other on. ", "And I actually think listening to the screaming at close quarters, like in the car is causing me some hearing damage. ", "My giant boy has an awesome set of lungs on him.", "\n\nIf we're close to home, we head home and cope with the noise for a few minutes. ", "If we're not close to home, I have to do something to stop the noise. ", "I can just imagine how long it would take for the police to show up if I stood outside the car in a car park and let him scream inside it for an hour. ", "Not to mention that the weather doesn't really allow that option at various times throughout the year.", "\n\nThe other problem with \"just leaving\" is that depending on what you have in your cart, you could be wasting food. ", "I can't put back $30 of deli meat or a fresh chicken I picked up- and probably no one is going to want the fruit I've picked over either. ", "I'd feel pretty wasteful leaving all that behind, and depending on what it was (like ice cream) it wouldn't last very well sitting in a cart while I went to deal with a tantrum. ", "Sometimes with young kids the fussiness *isn't* going to end just by taking them outside- maybe they just want to be out and running around, or stretched out in their crib for a nap, or just simply away from noise lights and people.", "\n\nIt also presumes that people can come back later- you might work, or have to pick another child up, or be at an appointment, or feed a child/take meds at specific times, or have to do 100 other errands that day. ", "Again, there is an assumption that every family has a parent that can devote a whole day to tasks no matter how long they take, with no accounting for schedule or responsibilities. ", "It assumes you have a car to sit in, and don't have a bus schedule to worry about, or a walk home to make before dark while it's still safe.", "\n\n« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 05:45:37 PM by Rohanna »\n\nLogged\n\nMy friends, love is better than anger. ", "Hope is better than fear. ", "Optimism is better than despair. ", "So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. ", "And we’ll change the world. ", "~ Jack Layton.", "\n\nI cart DS (2 1/2) out of shops, church, freinds' houses etc with my 'sack of potatoes' hold ie under one arm, because he weighs about 22kg now (tall, big built) and I can't carry him any other way while he's thrashing around and screaming. ", "Makes no difference. ", "He has no concept of undignified.", "\n\nScreaming in the car sounds fine, but I often have DD with autism with me, and the option of sitting in the car with the screaming for upwards of an hour (which is how long the tantrums can take to abate) is just not an option. ", "She wouldn't cope - I'd just have two kids in there screaming egging each other on. ", "And I actually think listening to the screaming at close quarters, like in the car is causing me some hearing damage. ", "My giant boy has an awesome set of lungs on him.", "\n\nIf we're close to home, we head home and cope with the noise for a few minutes. ", "If we're not close to home, I have to do something to stop the noise. ", "I can just imagine how long it would take for the police to show up if I stood outside the car in a car park and let him scream inside it for an hour. ", "Not to mention that the weather doesn't really allow that option at various times throughout the year.", "\n\nI just had an idea for a business... padded, soundproofed tantrum rooms. ", "Available for kids or adults who just need a little scream therapy.", "\n\nLogged\n\nWhat part of v_e = \\sqrt{\\frac{2GM}{r}} don't you understand? ", "It's only rocket science!", "\n\n\"The problem with re-examining your brilliant ideas is that more often than not, you discover they are the intellectual equivalent of saying, 'Hold my beer and watch this!'\" - ", "Cindy Couture\n\nThe other problem with \"just leaving\" is that depending on what you have in your cart, you could be wasting food. ", "I can't put back $30 of deli meat or a fresh chicken I picked up- and probably no one is going to want the fruit I've picked over either. ", "I'd feel pretty wasteful leaving all that behind, and depending on what it was (like ice cream) it wouldn't last very well sitting in a cart while I went to deal with a tantrum. ", "Sometimes with young kids the fussiness *isn't* going to end just by taking them outside- maybe they just want to be out and running around, or stretched out in their crib for a nap, or just simply away from noise lights and people.", "\n\nIt also presumes that people can come back later- you might work, or have to pick another child up, or be at an appointment, or feed a child/take meds at specific times, or have to do 100 other errands that day. ", "Again, there is an assumption that every family has a parent that can devote a whole day to tasks no matter how long they take, with no accounting for schedule or responsibilities. ", "It assumes you have a car to sit in, and don't have a bus schedule to worry about, or a walk home to make before dark while it's still safe.", "\n\n^All of this as well.", "\n\nHonestly, I'm not trying to sound argumentative, or shoot own every suggestion.", "\n\nMy point is that it's not that parents of difficult kids don't have any ideas about how to deal with their kids. ", "It's that their kids don't respond as easily to the same sorts of techniques.", "\n\nIt would be nice if the same methods worked for all kids, would take so much of the guesswork out of parenting, wouldn't it?", "\n\nI'll admit, I hate when people tell me \"you can't be your kid's best friend!\" ", "Well no carp, I know that! ", "I'm not trying to be their best friend! ", "Yes, I will admit in the past I was probably too easy on them but my hesitation to deliver tough love in the past was not out of fear of losing some mythical \"Nicest mom ever\" award, or worrying they wouldn't like me. ", "It was more due to the fact that, with the way I was raised I honestly didn't know where the line was between tough love and abusive, and I was terrified of crossing it and hurting my boys either physically or emotionally.", "\n\nNow I've gotten better in recent years, but I still hear that from some folks and I would love to say \"I'm not trying to be their friend, I'm working on breaking a cycle here, do you mind?\"", "\n\nLogged\n\nBeyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. ", "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. ", "You have a right to be here. ", "Be cheerful, strive to be happy. ", "-Desiderata" ]
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[ "#include <iostream>\n#include <cstdio> \n#include <algorithm>\n#include <functional>\n#include <vector>\n#include <map>\nusing namespace std;\n/*\n排序加二分 \n*/\nstruct e\n{\n\tint glod,tot;\n\tdouble avg_gold,avg_tot;\t\n}info[225];\n\nint a[225];\nint b[225];\ndouble c[225];\ndouble d[225];\nvector<pair<int,int> > ans; \n\ntemplate <class T>\nint find(T v, T elem[], int l, int r)\n{\n\tint left = l, right = r-1;\n\twhile (left <= right)\n\t{\n\t\tint mid = (left + right) >> 1;\n\t\tif(elem[mid] == v)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\twhile(mid >= 0 && elem[mid] == v)\n\t\t\t\tmid--;\n\t\t\tmid++;\n\t\t\treturn mid;\n\t\t}\t\n\t\telse if(elem[mid] < v) right = mid - 1;\n\t\telse left = mid + 1;\n\t}\n}\n\nint main()\n{\n\tint i,n,ask,gold,tot,peo,cur;\n\tscanf(\"%d %d\", &n,&ask);\n\tfor (i = 0; i < n; i++)\n\t{\n\t\tscanf(\"%d %d %d\", &gold, &tot, &peo);\n\t\tinfo[i].glod = gold;\n\t\tinfo[i].tot = tot;\n\t\tinfo[i].avg_gold = (double)gold/(double)peo;\n\t\tinfo[i].avg_tot = (double)tot/(double)peo;\t\t\t\n\t\ta[i] = gold;\n\t\tb[i] = tot;\n\t\tc[i] = (double)gold/(double)peo;\n\t\td[i] = (double)tot/(double)peo;\n\t}\n\tsort(a,a+n,greater<int>());\t\n\tsort(b,b+n,greater<int>());\n\tsort(c,c+n,greater<double>());\n\tsort(d,d+n,greater<double>());\n\t\t\n\tint tmp1,tmp2, tmp3, tmp4; \n\n\tfor(i = 1; i <= ask; i++)\n\t{\n\t\tscanf(\"%d\", &cur);\n\t\ttmp1 = find(info[cur].glod, a, 0, n);\n\t\tif(tmp1 == 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tans.push_back(make_pair(0,1));\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t}\n\t\ttmp2 = find(info[cur].tot, b, 0, n);\n\t\tif(tmp2 == 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tans.push_back(make_pair(0,2));\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t}\n\t\ttmp3 = find(info[cur].avg_gold, c, 0, n);\n\t\tif(tmp3 == 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tans.push_back(make_pair(0,3));\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t}\n\t\ttmp4 = find(info[cur].avg_tot, d, 0, n);\n\t\tif(tmp4 == 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tans.push_back(make_pair(0,4));\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t}\n\t\tint tmptmp = min(min(min(tmp1,tmp2),tmp3),tmp4);\n\t\tif(tmp1 == tmptmp)\n\t\t\tans.push_back(make_pair(tmptmp,1));\n\t\telse if(tmp2 == tmptmp)\n\t\t\tans.push_back(make_pair(tmptmp,2));\n\t\telse if(tmp3 == tmptmp)\n\t\t\tans.push_back(make_pair(tmptmp,3));\n\t\telse if(tmp4 == tmptmp)\n\t\t\tans.push_back(make_pair(tmptmp,4));\n\t\t\n\t}\n\tprintf(\"%d:%d\", ans[0].first+1, ans[0].second );\n\tfor(i = 1; i < ans.size(); i++)\n\t{\n\t\tprintf(\" %d:%d\", ans[i].first+1, ans[i].second );\n\t}\n\tprintf(\"\\n\");\n\treturn 0;\n}" ]
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[ "California fails to win waivers from restrictive No Child Left Behind education law\n\nSignaling that California again is marching to its own drum — perhaps trailing the parade — the federal government has denied the state’s request for a waiver from a key U.S. education law, thus assuring that schools will have to keep striving to meet what’s generally accepted as unachievable goals, then be punished for missing them.", "\n\nLike other states, California had been hoping to win a reprieve from the restrictive provisions of the No Child Left Behind law. ", "Among other terms, the law punishes schools and districts if not enough of their students reach proficiency in English and math.", "\n\nWith 33 states and the District of Columbia winning waivers from the law, and 10 more with waiver applications pending, that leaves California in the select company of states that must strive to meet escalating federal goals.", "\n\nThe sticking point for the Golden State was whether it was willing to evaluate teachers based in part on how well their students do on standardized tests.", "\n\n“We felt our application was approvable,” said state Board of Education President Mike Kirst, professor emeritus of education at Stanford University.", "\n\nAdvertisement\n\nHe said he had anticipated the rejection, which came via telephone Friday. ", "Instead, he blamed Congress for failing to rewrite No Child Left Behind, a 10-year-old George W. Bush-era law known as the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the primary federal legislation governing the education of poor children.", "\n\nEfforts to revise the law have been mired in political bickering.", "\n\nThe law has required that a certain percentage of students test proficient in English and math. ", "That percentage has increased annually; by 2014, every student — including the learning-disabled, poor and English learners — must reach proficiency.", "\n\nIf not, then schools must offer parents the option for their children to transfer to other schools within their district, and they also must set aside money for tutoring, transportation and teacher training.", "\n\nEducation officials don’t dispute the goals of educating all students, nor even some of the ways to do that. ", "But they do object to the law’s punitive and prescriptive means, denoting schools known as “Program Improvement” and potentially mandating that a school’s entire leadership and staff be fired.", "\n\nNo Child Left Behind requires test scores that show yearly improvement. “", "When you have everybody not meeting annual progress, it gets to be ludicrous and it gets to have no impact,” Kirst said.", "\n\nWhen asked whether the state should tie teacher evaluations to student test scores, he said, “I don’t have a personal position on this.”", "\n\nOn Friday, Kirst and state Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson wrote a joint letter to county and district school superintendents and charter school administrators. ", "The letter in part railed against the “unrealistic goals, labeling and programmatic burdens put on districts and schools” by the federal law, and it also said that California will continue using its own system to measure academic success." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Positive psychiatry comes of age.", "\nPositive psychiatry is the science and practice of psychiatry that focuses on psycho-bio-social study and promotion of well-being and health through enhancement of positive psychosocial factors (such as resilience, optimism, wisdom, and social support) in people with illnesses or disabilities as well as the in community at large (Jeste and Palmer, 2015). ", "It is based on the principles that there is no health without mental health and that mental health can be improved through preventive, therapeutic, and rehabilitative interventions to augment positive psychosocial factors. ", "Positive psychiatry is not a naïve, feel-good pseudoscience that views the world through rose-colored glasses. ", "It is an evidence-based approach to understanding normal behavior as well as psychopathology and to improving well-being by measuring and enhancing positive psychosocial factors (Jeste et al., ", "2015)." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nAndroid: How to get UAProf value in Android SDK?", "\n\nI am currently developing an Android application with a WebView component which displays a website that is designed for mobile phones and thus the x-wap-profile header must be sent to the site in order to resize the CSS and the images.", "\nCan anyone help me find the UAProf device setting?", "\nI've conducted a lot of searching, with no success.", "\nAny help will be greatly appreciated.", "\nThanks in advance.", "\n\nA:\n\nCan anyone help me find the UAProf device setting?", "\n\nThere is no \"UAProf device setting\".", "\nYou are welcome to use the version of loadUrl() where you supply your own set of headers to include your desired header. ", "Note that this was added in API Level 8 (a.k.a., ", "Android 2.2) -- AFAIK, prior versions of Android had no options for supplying custom headers.", "\nYou are also welcome to set your user agent string via WebSettings, if the Web site in question will use that instead of your desired header.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSelenium 3.0 Firefx Driver fails with org.openqa.selenium.", "SessionNotCreatedException: Unable to create new remote session\n\nSelenium 3.0 Firefx Driver fails with org.openqa.selenium.", "SessionNotCreatedException: Unable to create new remote session.", "\nSystem.setProperty(\"webdriver.gecko.driver\", \"..<Path>../geckodriver.exe\");\ncapabilities = DesiredCapabilities.firefox();\ncapabilities.setCapability(\"marionette\", true);\ndriver = new FirefoxDriver(capabilities);\n\nCaused by: org.openqa.selenium.", "SessionNotCreatedException: Unable to create new remote session. ", "desired capabilities = Capabilities [{marionette=true, firefoxOptions=org.openqa.selenium.firefox.", "FirefoxOptions@23aa363a, browserName=firefox, moz:firefoxOptions=org.openqa.selenium.firefox.", "FirefoxOptions@23aa363a, version=, platform=ANY}], required capabilities = Capabilities [{}]\nBuild info: version: '3.0.0', revision: '350cf60', time: '2016-10-13 10:48:57 -0700'\nSystem info: host: 'D202540', ip: '', os.name: 'Windows 7', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '6.1', java.version: '1.8.0_45'\nDriver info: driver.version: FirefoxDriver\n at org.openqa.selenium.remote.", "ProtocolHandshake.createSession(ProtocolHandshake.java:91)\n at org.openqa.selenium.remote.", "HttpCommandExecutor.execute(HttpCommandExecutor.java:141)\n at org.openqa.selenium.remote.service.", "DriverCommandExecutor.execute(DriverCommandExecutor.java:82)\n at org.openqa.selenium.remote.", "RemoteWebDriver.execute(RemoteWebDriver.java:601)\n at org.openqa.selenium.remote.", "RemoteWebDriver.startSession(RemoteWebDriver.java:241)\n at org.openqa.selenium.remote.", "RemoteWebDriver.<init>(RemoteWebDriver.java:128)\n at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.", "FirefoxDriver.<init>(FirefoxDriver.java:259)\n at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.", "FirefoxDriver.<init>(FirefoxDriver.java:247)\n at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.", "FirefoxDriver.<init>(FirefoxDriver.java:242)\n at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.", "FirefoxDriver.<init>(FirefoxDriver.java:135)\n\nA:\n\nthis issue is solved with geckodriver 0.15 and selenium 3.3 version.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// internals.hpp : internal structs : stream_format_state, format_item. ", "\n// included by format.hpp\n// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n// Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003. ", "Use, modification, and distribution are\n// subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (", "See accompanying\n// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)\n\n// See http://www.boost.org/libs/format for library home page\n\n// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n#ifndef BOOST_FORMAT_INTERNALS_HPP\n#define BOOST_FORMAT_INTERNALS_HPP\n\n\n#include <string>\n#include <boost/assert.hpp>\n#include <boost/optional.hpp>\n#include <boost/limits.hpp>\n#include <boost/format/detail/compat_workarounds.hpp>\n#include <boost/format/alt_sstream.hpp> // used as a dummy stream\n\nnamespace boost {\nnamespace io {\nnamespace detail {\n\n\n//---- stream_format_state --------------------------------------------------//\n\n// set of params that define the format state of a stream\n template<class Ch, class Tr> \n struct stream_format_state \n {\n typedef BOOST_IO_STD basic_ios<Ch, Tr> basic_ios;\n\n stream_format_state(Ch fill) { reset(fill); }\n// stream_format_state(const basic_ios& os) { set_by_stream(os); }\n\n void reset(Ch fill); //- sets to default state.", "\n void set_by_stream(const basic_ios& os); //- sets to os's state.", "\n void apply_on(basic_ios & os, //- applies format_state to the stream\n boost::io::detail::locale_t * loc_default = 0) const;\n template<class T> \n void apply_manip(T manipulator) //- modifies state by applying manipulator\n { apply_manip_body<Ch, Tr, T>( *this, manipulator) ; }\n\n // --- data ---\n std::streamsize width_;\n std::streamsize precision_;\n Ch fill_; \n std::ios_base::fmtflags flags_;\n std::ios_base::iostate rdstate_;\n std::ios_base::iostate exceptions_;\n boost::optional<boost::io::detail::locale_t> loc_;\n }; \n\n\n//---- format_item ---------------------------------------------------------//\n\n// stores all parameters that can be specified in format strings\n template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc> \n struct format_item \n { \n enum pad_values { zeropad = 1, spacepad =2, centered=4, tabulation = 8 };\n // 1. ", "if zeropad is set, all other bits are not, \n // 2. ", "if tabulation is set, all others are not.", "\n // centered and spacepad can be mixed freely.", "\n enum arg_values { argN_no_posit = -1, // non-positional directive. ", "will set argN later\n argN_tabulation = -2, // tabulation directive. (", "no argument read) \n argN_ignored = -3 // ignored directive. (", "no argument read)\n };\n typedef BOOST_IO_STD basic_ios<Ch, Tr> basic_ios;\n typedef detail::stream_format_state<Ch, Tr> stream_format_state;\n typedef ::std::basic_string<Ch, Tr, Alloc> string_type;\n\n format_item(Ch fill) :argN_(argN_no_posit), fmtstate_(fill), \n truncate_(max_streamsize()), pad_scheme_(0) {}\n void reset(Ch fill);\n void compute_states(); // sets states according to truncate and pad_scheme.", "\n\n static std::streamsize max_streamsize() { \n return (std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max)();\n }\n\n // --- data ---\n int argN_; //- argument number (starts at 0, eg : %1 => argN=0)\n // negative values for items that don't process an argument\n string_type res_; //- result of the formatting of this item\n string_type appendix_; //- piece of string between this item and the next\n\n stream_format_state fmtstate_;// set by parsing, is only affected by modify_item\n\n std::streamsize truncate_;//- is set for directives like %.5s that ask truncation\n unsigned int pad_scheme_;//- several possible padding schemes can mix. ", "see pad_values\n }; \n\n\n\n//--- Definitions ------------------------------------------------------------\n\n// - stream_format_state:: -------------------------------------------------\n template<class Ch, class Tr>\n void stream_format_state<Ch,Tr>:: apply_on (basic_ios & os,\n boost::io::detail::locale_t * loc_default) const {\n // set the state of this stream according to our params\n if(width_ !", "= -1)\n os.width(width_);\n if(precision_ !", "= -1)\n os.precision(precision_);\n if(fill_ !", "= 0)\n os.fill(fill_);\n os.flags(flags_);\n os.clear(rdstate_);\n os.exceptions(exceptions_);\n#if !", "defined(BOOST_NO_STD_LOCALE)\n if(loc_)\n os.imbue(loc_.get());\n else if(loc_default)\n os.imbue(*loc_default);\n#else\n (void) loc_default; // keep compiler quiet if we don't support locales\n#endif \n }\n\n template<class Ch, class Tr>\n void stream_format_state<Ch,Tr>:: set_by_stream(const basic_ios& os) {\n // set our params according to the state of this stream\n flags_ = os.flags();\n width_ = os.width();\n precision_ = os.precision();\n fill_ = os.fill();\n rdstate_ = os.rdstate();\n exceptions_ = os.exceptions();\n }\n\n\n template<class Ch, class Tr, class T>\n void apply_manip_body( stream_format_state<Ch, Tr>& self,\n T manipulator) {\n // modify our params according to the manipulator\n basic_oaltstringstream<Ch, Tr> ss;\n self.apply_on( ss );\n ss << manipulator;\n self.set_by_stream( ss );\n }\n\n template<class Ch, class Tr> inline\n void stream_format_state<Ch,Tr>:: reset(Ch fill) {\n // set our params to standard's default state. ", " cf of the C++ norm\n width_=0; precision_=6; \n fill_=fill; // default is widen(' '), but we cant compute it without the locale\n flags_ = std::ios_base::dec | std::ios_base::skipws; \n // the adjust_field part is left equal to 0, which means right.", "\n exceptions_ = std::ios_base::goodbit;\n rdstate_ = std::ios_base::goodbit;\n }\n\n\n// --- format_item:: --------------------------------------------------------\n\n template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc> \n void format_item<Ch, Tr, Alloc>:: \n reset (Ch fill) { \n argN_=argN_no_posit; truncate_ = max_streamsize(); pad_scheme_ =0; \n res_.resize(0); appendix_.resize(0);\n fmtstate_.reset(fill);\n }\n\n template<class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc> \n void format_item<Ch, Tr, Alloc>:: \n compute_states() {\n // reflect pad_scheme_ on fmt_state_\n // because some pad_schemes has complex consequences on several state params.", "\n if(pad_scheme_ & zeropad) {\n // ignore zeropad in left alignment :\n if(fmtstate_.flags_ & std::ios_base::left) {\n BOOST_ASSERT(!(fmtstate_.flags_ &(std::ios_base::adjustfield ^std::ios_base::left)));\n // only left bit might be set. (", "not right, nor internal)\n pad_scheme_ = pad_scheme_ & (~zeropad); \n }\n else { \n pad_scheme_ &= ~spacepad; // printf ignores spacepad when zeropadding\n fmtstate_.fill_='0'; \n fmtstate_.flags_ = (fmtstate_.flags_ & ~std::ios_base::adjustfield) \n | std::ios_base::internal;\n // removes all adjustfield bits, and adds internal.", "\n }\n }\n if(pad_scheme_ & spacepad) {\n if(fmtstate_.flags_ & std::ios_base::showpos)\n pad_scheme_ &= ~spacepad;\n }\n }\n\n\n} } } // namespaces boost :: io :: detail\n\n\n#endif // BOOST_FORMAT_INTERNALS_HPP\n" ]
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[ "Not all black and white? ", "Or pretty black and white. ", "YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS. ", "STOP TOYING WITH ME.", "\n\nEspecially in light of the National Zoo's devastating loss of the newborn panda cub this weekend. ", "Which: No joke or snark, I am UPSET. ", "I am feeling genuine feelings of feelingsosity and I don't like it. ", "This goes against every word I've ever written about The Fucking Zoo and how it Fucking Sucks because it's Outside and Full Of Nature and Pooping Things and also Uphill In Every Possible Direction. ", "But there it is. ", "I am really terribly sad and bummed about the poor tiny wittle baby panda and the poor sad mama panda and DAMMIT, NATURE. ", "YOU REALLY ARE THE WORST.", "\n\nAlso the worst: Me, for deciding to tell Noah about the baby panda yesterday morning, while he pondered the above cereal box and asked questions about pandas and hey! ", "Speaking of pandas! ", "There's a brand-new miracle panda baby at the zoo that we can maybe go see in a couple months!", "\n\nAnd of course Noah — since he is NOT a bitter jaded Zoo-person like his mother who thinks the pandas are kind of overrated and not worth the line because they just SIT THERE and chew on leaves while the tourists are all OMFG PANDAS PANDAS PANDAS — thought this sounded excellent! ", "Very exciting! ", "Can we go today? ", "Tomorrow? ", "Today?", "\n\nI totally jinxed that poor baby panda and I feel terrible about it. ", "And now I have to decide between telling my child the truth or inventing a cover story about how the baby panda went to go live on a nice big wide-open bamboo farm in China.", "\n\n***\n\nUgh. ", "This is too depressing for a Monday. ", "Let's look at some pictures instead, from earlier in the weekend when life was happy and fun and baby pandas lived forever.", "\n\nBONUS OF WHAT THE ACTUAL LIVING HELL, STOP THAT RIGHT NOW, NOT-SO-BABY IKE:\n\nComments\n\nWe told the kids about the Yay! ", "baby panda, and then at dinner last night had to do the Boo! ", "No baby panda talk. ", "It was sad, but they took it very matter-of-fact-ly. ", "I too am very sad about poor tiny panda. (", "Did you know it was only the size of a stick of butter? ", "How do mama pandas not just put the baby down and lose it under a bamboo leaf?)", "\n\nI'm beginning to think that the National Zoo is jinxed against pandas entirely. ", "Poor thing, I'm just glad that I didn't mention to my kids; thankfully they are still talking about the chimpanzees eating poopies at the Baltimore Zoo.", "\n\nNO. ", "NO. ", "NO. ", "You stop it this instant, IkeNonBaby! ", "THE HELL KIND OF NONSENSE IS THIS, AMY? ", "SERIOUSLY. ", "THE FUCK? ", "I CANNOT STOP SHOUTING.", "\n\nI am angry about the baby panda. ", "And sad. ", "Angry because damn, Mother Nature. ", "And sad because well, just damn, Mother Nature. (", "We didn't venture to the zoo this whole year when usually we go multiple times. ", "I attribute this to heat and nature and pooping things outdoors in the heat which makes all manner of poop reach far beyond the nostril, into the chamber of the brain that spews Fucking Zoo, and also too: hills no matter where you turn). ", "Truth to kids: the Chinese want their billions back. ", "They settled for a baby panda.", "\n\nBack to what I can deal with more easily: can't you like sit on baby Ike or tie him down, duct tape him so that he is actually living the baby in his name?", "\n\nI'm so glad you said that about (not so) Baby Ike, so I didn't have to. ", "Not even my kid, and I was all, WTF, IKE?!? ", "No one said you could get bigger. ", "I tell this to my 1.5 year old all the time. ", "Though, if she'd like to become potty trained today, that would be just fine with me. ", "But she can only do it if she stays little. ", "Who am I kidding - she can do it today if she continues to get big too. ", "I am craving an end to diapers. ", "Having just trained her big sis, I see the light at the end of the tunnel and I am running right for it.", "\n\nI, too, am so sad about the Baby Panda. ", "Did you hear that the Mama Panda has been cradling a plastic bear toy for days since the baby died? ", "It's just too much, Mother Nature.", "\n\nIn related panda FYIs, a friend of mine did her graduate thesis on panda reproduction (she created a prosthetic panda vagina so males in captivity could, um, practice) and told me that baby pandas are actually so small when they are born that they literally shoot out of their mother's ladybits.", "\n\nyeah...20+ weeks pregnant with first child + baby panda article = inconsolable for at LEAST 5 minutes. ", "I had to stop myself from going to the fridge and crying while holding a stick of butter (since they said the baby was that size). ", "WAAAAHHHH!!!", "\n\nOn a happier panda note, let me just say that when went to the National Zoo for the first time with our kids a few years back, they were kind of underwhelmed with the pandas...until one did what I can only call a prodigious poop. ", "So prodigious that they were able to call my attention to it and I was able to get a picture of it - IN PROGRESS. ", "Talk about a lasting impression! ", "They still talk about it to this day.", "\n\nI admit to being panda-obsessed. ", "So, I actually know a lot about the mother (Mei Xiang) and how long it took her to get pregnant, and that if she didn't get pregnant this year, she was going to be shipped back to China. ", "So sad. ", "I'm glad my son isn't old enough to understand.", "\n\nSoooo, I mentioned to my kids that yay there's a new baby panda and then didn't tell them when crap new baby panda died. ", "But, someone else told them. ", "So depending on how N will take it you might want to tell him yourself. ", "Mine looked like they were going to cry and I wish I had told them at home." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nOrderby datetime query in a foreach loop\n\nHi I have a rest service which has a list of students each student has a datetime attached to there creation. ", "\nOn my client side I want to order by this datetime from newest first, on my client side the code looks like this:\n public FindStudent()\n {\n InitializeComponent();\n string uriGroups = \"http://localhost:8000/Service/Student\";\n XDocument xDoc = XDocument.", "Load(uriGroups);\n\nAnd it lists students by first created, I thought for a moment I could have added in an orderby query into the foreach var node but I dont think that will work, is there anyway I could do this?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can use Linq to XML as follows\nvar temp = from feed in xDoc.", "Descendants(\"Students\")\norderby Convert.", "ToDateTime(feed.", "Element(\"CreatDate\").Value) descending\nselect new Student\n{\n ID = Convert.", "ToInt32(feed.", "Element(\"ID\").Value),\n //rest of the properties\n};\n\n" ]
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[ "Crossfit\n\nIf you’re ready to achieve elite fitness, then Crossfit is for you. ", "Here, elements of gymnastics, weightlifting, powerlifting, sprinting, rowing, and jumping are all combined into one program to provide you with inclusive fitness. ", "This is the only program capable of simultaneously developing your endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, agility, balance, coordination, and accuracy. ", "If you think you are ready, sign up for your intro course today!" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "---\nabstract: 'We discuss the highlights of recent developments in no-scale supergravity and flipped SU(5), especially in the context of a very light gravitino scenario that may explain the puzzling CDF $e^+e^-\\gamma\\gamma+{\\rm E_{T,miss}}$ event. ", "We update the status of both subjects and discuss the impact of the latest experimental constraints from LEP and the Tevatron. ", "We also comment on a new form of cold dark matter that may solve this phenomenological ‘problem’ of light gravitino models.'", "\n---\n\n6.0in 8.5in -0.25truein 0.30truein 0.30truein\n\nCTP-TAMU-01/97\\\nDOE/ER/40717–38\\\nACT-01/97\\\nhep-ph/9701264\n\n0.75cm\n\n$^1$Bonner Nuclear Lab, Department of Physics, Rice University\\\n6100 Main Street, Houston, TX 77005, USA\\\n$^2$Center for Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics, Texas A&M University\\\nCollege Station, TX 77843–4242, USA\\\n$^3$Astroparticle Physics Group, Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC)\\\nThe Mitchell Campus, The Woodlands, TX 77381, USA\\\n\n[lopez@physics.rice.edu]{}\\\n[dimitri@phys.tamu.edu]{}\\\nJanuary 1997\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nThe next frontier beyond the Standard Model of elementary particle physics is widely expected to contain some sort of low-energy supersymmetry. ", "Indirect evidence in favor of the existence of supersymmetry has been mounting ever since the Tevatron and LEP 1 were commissioned. ", "This body of evidence includes the convergence of the Standard Model gauge couplings at very high energies in the presence of low-energy supersymmetry, the heaviness of the top quark as required by the radiative electroweak breaking mechanism in supergravity, and the lightness of the Higgs boson as inferred from fits to the high-precision electroweak data. ", "Thus, even though direct manifestations of supersymmetry have not yet been observed (at least not convincingly so), there is plenty of circumstancial evidence that would otherwise be rather difficult to explain, and there certainly are no competing frameworks that even attempt to explain these three facts simultaneously.[^1]\n\nBut where are the supersymmetric particles? ", "Why haven’t they been found yet, despite many years of experimental searches? ", "Is absence of evidence evidence of absence? (", "as some maintain). ", "Naturalness arguments suggest that the supersymmetric particles are either ‘around the corner’, or they are not there at all. ", "Moreover, the mass scale of the superpartners is not necessarily related to that of electroweak symmetry breaking ([*e.g.*]{}, $M_Z,m_t$), but even if it were (as advanced in ‘no-scale’ models), particle accelerators have just recently become powerful enough to produce the top quark. ", "Ongoing runs at LEP 2 and future runs at the Main Injector (starting in 1999) may observe the first direct evidence of superpartners. ", "However, statistically speaking,[^2] it will take the LHC (starting $\\sim$2005) to fully vindicate or falsify the idea of low-energy supersymmetry.", "\n\nIt is important to realize that low-energy supersymmetry [*per se*]{} will not be the panacea that will explain the many ad-hoc Standard Model parameters. ", "In fact, as such it would worsen the situation, as the masses of the many new particles would become a new set of unknown and unpredicted parameters to be determined experimentally. ", "Larger symmetries, such as grand unification and supergravity are expected to correlate the many unknown parameters of both the Standard Model and its supersymmetric extension, leaving the ultimate symmetry – superstrings – to explain the few leftover fundamental parameters. ", "However, this program cannot be carried out at all in the absence of low-energy supersymmetry, in order to deal with the egregious gauge hierarchy problem which arises because of the disparate mass scales in the theory. ", "Therefore, one may regard supersymmetry as one of the pillars that would support the eventual ‘theory of everything’, not unlike special relativity and quantum mechanics supporting the Standard Model.", "\n\nThe vindication of no-scale supergravity\n========================================\n\nConcentrating on the ‘supersymmetric’ parameters, local supersymmetry or supergravity allows one to calculate the masses of the superpartners in terms of two functions: the Kähler function $G=K+\\ln|W|^2$, where $K$ is the Kähler potential and $W$ the superpotential, and the gauge kinetic function $f$. These essentially determine the scalar masses and the gaugino masses respectively. ", "Supergravity has the added bonus of incorporating gravity into the picture for the first time. ", "A special flavor of supergravity – no-scale supergravity [@no-scale] – tackles naturally the problem of the vacuum energy in the presence of supersymmetry breaking. ", "The scalar potential has a zero minimum, which is extended along a flat direction that parametrizes the scale of supersymmetry breaking or the gravitino mass. ", "This picture was proposed back in 1984, and all along has been known to hold well at the tree level, with no clear notion of what would happen at higher orders in perturbation theory.", "\n\nBecause of its incorporation of gravity, supergravity failed to provide acceptable answers at the Planck scale, where quantum gravity effects are no longer small. ", "This problem is believed to be resolved within the context of string theory, where the supergravity functions ($G$ and $f$) may be calculated from first principles, and higher-order corrections may be consistently obtained in string perturbation theory. ", "In this context Witten [@Witten] showed early on that no-scale supergravity emerges in the low-energy limit of weakly-coupled strings. ", "However, string perturbation theory may not be a good approximation to results that are not protected by non-renormalization theorems, such as the Kähler potential which so crucially influences the calculation of the vacuum energy.", "\n\nRecently there has been a great deal of theoretical progress in the understanding strongly-coupled strings, leading to many connections between previously-thought disconnected pieces of the string puzzle [@review]. ", "Moreover, a larger theory – M-theory – has been proposed as one that encompasses all of these new properties and describes strongly-coupled strings. ", "For our present purposes, perhaps the most relevant result has been the realization that no-scale supergravity may emerge also in the low-energy limit of M-theory [@Horava], and therefore the no-scale properties may be preserved to all orders in string perturbation theory. ", "In fact, before these results were known, string no-scale supergravity models were studied to lowest order in string perturbation theory [@LN], and found to possess many interesting and intriguing properties [@LNZ]. ", "One may now argue that at least the qualitative features of these models ([*e.g.*]{}, the vanishing of the vacuum energy) might survive to all orders in string perturbation theory.", "\n\nHaving established the central role that no-scale supergravity seems to play, we should also point out that this framework is more general than a specific Kähler function or gauge kinetic function that might realize it. ", "This generality is reflected in the possible values of the gravitino mass that are allowable: (i) $m_{3/2}\\gg M_W$, (ii) $m_{3/2}\\sim M_W$, and (iii) $m_{3/2}\\ll M_W$ [@no-scale]. ", "The third possibility was first advanced in Ref.", " [@EEN] and has motivated the recent surge in interest in light gravitino models within no-scale supergravity.", "\n\nWhatever happened to Flipped SU(5)?", "\n===================================\n\nIndeed. ", "Let us recount a little history. ", "In 1987 the gauge group SU(5)$\\times$U(1) \\[“flipped SU(5)\"\\] was revived as an interesting and very economical candidate for a unified theory [@revitalized]. ", "In the next few years it was realized that this gauge group fit best where others could not fit at all: in string model building [@revamped]. ", "The reason being related to the severe lack of large representations in the typical string models of the day (those realizing the gauge group using level-one Kac-Moody algebras), specifically those representations required in the breaking of the unified gauge symmetry down to the Standard Model gauge group. ", "This was a problem for SU(5), SO(10), and $E_6$, but not a problem at all for SU(5)$\\times$U(1). ", "Thus, flipped SU(5) appeared singled out.", "\n\nWith the success of the supersymmetric grand unification program, indicating an apparent convergence of the gauge couplings within the context of the supersymmetric Standard Model at a scale $M_{\\rm LEP}\\sim10^{16}\\,{\\rm GeV}$, it became apparent that something else might be coming to play, as the string unification scale does not occur (to lowest order) until $M_{\\rm string}\\sim5\\times10^{17}\\,{\\rm GeV}$. One possibility to obtain a consistent picture utilizing both mass scales was to try to obtain realistic [*grand*]{} unified gauge groups directly from string. ", "This class of models requires a more sophisticated string construction that is able to realize $k>1$ Kac-Moody algebras. ", "A lot of effort was expended by several groups along these lines with no clear results [@Lykken]. ", "In fact, with the exception of one group [@Tye], efforts to construct a realistic string model based on a grand unified gauge group appeared to have ceased altogether.", "\n\nThus, based on present knowledge one is led to conclude that stringy flipped SU(5) is singled out even more singularly now. ", "Furthermore, it has been shown that flipped SU(5) can make meaningful use of the two mass scales $M_{\\rm LEP}$ and $M_{\\rm string}$ when the set of string-required hidden-sector fields come to play in the evolution of the gauge couplings [@TwoStep].", "\n\nFlipped SU(5) is also able to solve a relatively new problem in conventional SU(5) grand unification: the prediction for the strong coupling $\\alpha_s(M_Z)\\gsim0.130$ [@Bagger], which greatly exceeds the experimental world average ($0.118\\pm0.003$) [@Altarelli]. ", "On the other hand, flipped SU(5) is able to accommodate a range of $\\alpha_3(M_Z)$ values, as low as 0.108 [@Lowering]. ", "Moreover, values of $\\alpha_s(M_Z)$ on the low side imply observable proton decay rates at SuperKamiokande via the $p\\to e^+\\pi^0$ mode [@Lowering].", "\n\nFlipped no-scale supergravity\n=============================\n\nBecause of the state of flux that string theory seems to be going through, it is perhaps more advantageous at this point to propose simple unified supergravity models that are heavily inspired from string, rather than being rigorously derived (and strongly constrained) within a framework that may need to be re-evaluated once M-theory settles down. ", "In this spirit, and taking the results from the previous two sections into consideration, we would like to concentrate on the generic predictions that might be obtainable in a model with flipped SU(5) gauge symmetry and no-scale supergravity. ", "The latter ingredient we take to imply a very ‘unified’ (and simplified) set of supersymmetry-breaking parameters at the string scale: $$m_0=A_0=B_0=0\\ ,\n\\label{eq:m0A0B0}$$ leaving $m_{1/2}$ as the sole source of supersymmetry breaking. ", "We have specified neither the Higgs mixing parameter $\\mu$, nor the ratio of Higgs-boson vacuum expectation values $\\tan\\beta$, because these become derived quantities once the constraints from radiative breaking of the electroweak symmetry are imposed. ", "In this sense we refer to the resulting superpartner spectrum as a ‘one-parameter model’ [@One], the one free parameter being any superparticle mass scale, such as $m_{1/2}$, or the neutralino mass ($m_\\chi$), or the chargino mass ($m_{\\chi^\\pm}$). (", "Other model parameters exist (like the quark masses, etc.), ", "but they are not required to determine the superparticle spectrum.)", "\n\nThe calculated spectrum of our one-parameter model [@Events] is displayed in Figs.", " \\[fig:light\\] and \\[fig:heavy\\] as a function of the neutralino mass. ", "We note the generally linear increase of all superpartner masses with the neutralino mass. ", "The exception being the lightest Higgs boson mass ($h$), which satisfies $m_h\\lsim120\\,{\\rm GeV}$. In Fig.", " \\[fig:light\\] we also show the calculated value of $\\tan\\beta$, which is in the range $7-10$. With such one-parameter spectrum, any observable can be calculated as a function of the neutralino mass. ", "Moreover, experimental limits on such observables can be immediately transformed into limits on $m_\\chi$, which then impact the prediction for any other observable. ", "In sum, we have a very predictive and easily falsifiable supersymmetric model.", "\n\nIn order to ascertain the experimental constraints on our one-dimensional parameter space, it is necessary to specify the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP), as experimental signatures and sensitivities depend crucially on this choice. ", "In this context there are two choices for the LSP: the neutralino ($\\chi$) or the gravitino ($\\widetilde G$). ", "If the gravitino is heavier than the neutralino, then the neutralino is the LSP, as has been assumed in the majority of phenomenological analyses to date. ", "This assumption is not unreasonable, as typical supergravity models entail Kähler functions which give $m_0\\sim m_{1/2}\\sim m_{3/2}$, and the gravitino is expected to have mass ${\\cal O}(M_Z)$.\n\nIn fact, the gravitino may be lighter than the neutralino and the above picture would effectively still hold, because decays of the neutralino into the gravitino (which is now the LSP) occur at a very slow rate, [*i.e.*]{}, outside the detector. ", "This effective neutralino-LSP scenario holds for gravitino masses as low as 250 eV [@DineKane]. ", "For lighter gravitinos the neutralino decay rate (which is proportional to $1/m^2_{\\tilde G}$) is large enough for the neutralino decay products to become observable in typical detectors, and the gravitino-LSP scenario becomes fully active. ", "This light-gravitino scenario is also not unreasonable, and is predicted in models of gauge-mediated low-energy supersymmetry [@DineKane; @others] and within no-scale supergravity (as discussed below).", "\n\nThe experimental signatures in these two LSP scenarios have some common aspects, but also some crucial differences. ", "In both cases there is missing energy in every supersymmetric process, as the LSP escapes detection. ", "However, in one case the missing energy is carried away by the massive neutralino whereas in the other it is carried away by the essentially massless gravitino. ", "This difference affects the spectrum of the observable particles, which is softer in the neutralino-LSP case. ", "Thus, missing energy is still the premiere experimental signature for supersymmetry. ", "A crucial difference between the two scenarios is the presence of pairs of energetic photons in the gravitino-LSP scenario, and not in the neutralino-LSP scenario.[^3] These photons come from the dominant decay mode $\\chi\\to\\gamma\\widetilde G$, and thus ‘illuminate’ the otherwise ‘dark’ neutralinos. ", "This new signature increases the efficiency of experimental searches in kinematical configurations where the observable particles would be too soft to be detectable in the neutralino-LSP scenario, but which in the gravitino-LSP scenario may always be tagged by the energetic photons. ", "In practice, one is able to put absolute lower limits on the sparticle masses which are essentially at the kinematical limit of the machine (such as LEP). ", "Finally, if the gravitino is sufficiently light, it might be produced directly at [*e.g.*]{}, electron-positron experiments ([*i.e.*]{}, $e^+e^-\\to\\chi\\widetilde G$), leading to single-photon signals [@Dicus; @1gamma].", "\n\nThe light gravitino scenario\n============================\n\nThe gravitino-LSP scenario has become quite topical recently because of its ability to naturally explain the intriguing ‘CDF event’ [@Park]. ", "As is well known this event, observed by the CDF Collaboration at the Tevatron in $\\approx100\\,{\\rm pb}^{-1}$ of data, is summarized as $p\\bar p\\to e^+e^-\n\\gamma\\gamma+{\\rm E_{T,miss}}$. The momenta of the leptons and photons is well measured, as is $\\rm E_{T,miss}\\sim50\\,{\\rm GeV}$. Two explanations within the gravitino-LSP scenario have been advanced: selectron pair production [@DineKane; @others; @Gravitino; @Events] and chargino pair production [@Gravitino; @Events], with the decay products containing $e^+$, $e^-$, and neutralinos; the latter decaying into photons plus gravitinos.", "\n\nHow might it be obtained\n------------------------\n\nIn the gravitino-LSP scenario, the main issue is that of [*decoupling*]{} the breaking of local supersymmetry (parametrized by $m_{3/2}$) from the breaking of global supersymmetry (parametrized by $m_0,m_{1/2}$). ", "This decoupling is achieved [*naturally*]{} in the context of no-scale supergravity, [*i.e.*]{}, $m_0=0\\cdot m_{3/2}$. Without this (scalar-sector) decoupling, sizeable values of $m_0$ ([*i.e.*]{}, $m_0\\sim M_Z$) cannot be obtained in the light gravitino scenario. ", "The remaining and crucial question is the decoupling in the gaugino sector, which depends on the choice of $f$, at least in traditional supergravity models. ", "The gaugino masses are given by $$m_{1/2}=m_{3/2}\\left({\\partial_z f\\over 2{\\rm Re} f}\\right)\n\\left({\\partial_z G \\over \\partial_{z z^*} G}\\right)\\ ,\n\\label{eq:formula}$$ where $z$ represents the hidden sector (moduli) fields in the model, and the gaugino mass universality at the Planck scale is insured by a gauge-group independent choice for $f$. As remarked above, the usual expressions for $f$ ([*e.g.*]{}, in weakly-coupled string models) give $m_{1/2}\\sim m_{3/2}$. This result is however avoided by considering the non-minimal choice $f\\sim e^{-A z^q}$, where $A,q$ are constants [@EEN]. ", "Assuming the standard no-scale expression $G=-3\\ln(z+z^*)$, one can then readily show that [@EEN] $$m_{1/2}\\sim \\left({m_{3/2}\\over M}\\right)^{1-{2\\over3}q} M\\ ,\n\\label{eq:result}$$ where $M\\approx10^{18}\\,{\\rm GeV}$ is the rescaled Planck mass. ", "The phenomenological requirement of $m_{1/2}\\sim10^2\\,{\\rm GeV}$ then implies ${3\\over4}\\raisebox{-4pt}{$\\,\\stackrel{\\textstyle{>}}{\\sim}\\,$} q\n\\raisebox{-4pt}{$\\,\\stackrel{\\textstyle{>}}{\\sim}\\,$}\n{1\\over2}$ for $10^{-5}\\,{\\rm eV}\n\\raisebox{-4pt}{$\\,\\stackrel{\\textstyle{<}}{\\sim}\\,$}\nm_{3/2}\\raisebox{-4pt}{$\\,\\stackrel{\\textstyle{<}}{\\sim}\\,$}10^3\\,{\\rm eV}$. Note that $q={3\\over4}$ gives the relation $m_{3/2}\\sim\nm^2_{1/2}/M\\sim10^{-5}\\,{\\rm eV}$, which was obtained very early on in Ref.", " [@BFN] from the perspective of hierarchical supersymmetry breaking in extended N=8 supergravity. ", "The recent theoretical impetus for supersymmetric M-theory in 11 dimensions may also lend support to this result, as N=1 in D=11 corresponds to N=8 in D=4.", "\n\nConsistency conditions\n----------------------\n\nThe two explanations of the CDF event are based on three consistency conditions that must be satisfied: (i) kinematical consistency, (ii) dynamical consistency, and (iii) overall consistency. ", "As an example let us describe the simpler case of the selectron interpretation. ", "Kinematical consistency is obtained by determining the region in $(m_{\\tilde e},m_\\chi)$ space that yields lepton and photon momenta of the observed values, once the unobserved gravitino momenta are allowed to vary at random [@Gravitino; @Events]. ", "The resulting allowed region is depicted in Fig.", " \\[fig:event1-sel\\], with the model predictions (from Fig.", " \\[fig:light\\]) indicated by the dashed lines. ", "The fact that these lines intercept the kinematically-preferred region demonstrates kinematical consistency.", "\n\nDynamical consistency requires a calculation of the selectron pair-production rate and that it be consistent with the one event observed in $100\\,{\\rm pb}^{-1}$ of data. ", "Overall consistency is satisfied if any and all related processes occur at their observed levels ([*i.e.*]{}, zero related events have been observed). ", "Dynamical and overall consistency are demonstrated in Fig.", " \\[fig:1evs2e\\], where the number of $e^\\pm\\gamma\\gamma+{\\rm E_{T,miss}}$ and $\\gamma\\gamma+{\\rm E_{T,miss}}$ events are plotted against the number of $e^+e^-\\gamma\\gamma+{\\rm E_{T,miss}}$ events, all expected from slepton production at the Tevatron in ${\\cal L}=100\\,{\\rm pb}^{-1}$ of data. ", "Note that one $e^+e^-\\gamma\\gamma+{\\rm E_{T,miss}}$ event implies much less than one $\\gamma\\gamma+{\\rm E_{T,miss}}$ event and about two $e^\\pm\\gamma\\gamma+{\\rm E_{T,miss}}$ events. ", "These results are consistent with present observations. ", "For reference, the top axis in Fig.", " \\[fig:1evs2e\\] shows the corresponding selectron masses ($\\tilde e_R$) in GeV.\n\nAn analogous but more involved analysis can be carried out in the chargino interpretation of the CDF event [@Events]. ", "The difficulties in this case come from the need to simulate two additional missing particles (the neutrinos in chargino decay) plus the many more chargino decay channels. ", "Moreover, chargino-neutralino production is also important, and it leads to even more decay channels. ", "Kinematical consistency singles out a region in the $(m_{\\chi^\\pm},m_\\chi)$ plane, which is intercepted by the predicted line in the one-parameter model (see Fig.", " 11 in Ref.", " [@Events]). ", "Dynamical and overall consistency are demonstrated in Fig.", " \\[fig:signals-cn\\]. ", "The various curves are obtained by computing the cross sections and branching ratios for the various decay channels. ", "Assuming a 10% detection efficiency, one ‘$2\\ell$’ event in $100\\,{\\rm pb}^{-1}$ of data appears consistent with the range $m_{\\chi^\\pm}\\approx(100-150)\\,{\\rm GeV}$. Most interestingly, in this range one sees that the events with no jets dominate over those with jets. ", "This is a feature of the data that is naturally explained in this model by the specific branching ratios, but that fails to be explained in alternative light-gravitino models [@BCPT].", "\n\nThe role of flipped SU(5)\n-------------------------\n\nLet us now reflect on the kinematically preferred region (at least in the selectron interpretation) from the supergravity perspective. ", "A scan of the four-dimensional parameter space $\\{m_{1/2},m_0,A_0,\\tan\\beta\\}$ allows one to calculate $m_{\\tilde e}$ and $m_\\chi$ for, say, fixed values of $\\xi_0=m_0/m_{1/2}$ and floating values of the other three parameters. ", "The resulting scatter plot, shown in Fig.", " \\[fig:lspsel\\], reveals that $\\xi_0\\approx0$ is required to match the kinematical data from the CDF event [@Events]. ", "This result is expected because the preferred selectron masses are quite light. ", "In the context of SU(5) supergravity grand unification this requirement on $\\xi_0$ leads to proton decay rates via dimension-five operators ($p\\to\\bar\\nu K^+$) that are inconsistent with experimental limits (which demand $\\xi_0\\gg1$ [@pdecay]). ", "So, proton decay and the light gravitino explanation of the CDF event are incompatible within minimal SU(5) GUTs. ", "Flipped SU(5), on the other hand, is perfectly compatible with such low values of $\\xi_0$ because dimension-five proton decay operators are naturally suppressed by the ‘flipped’ gauge structure [@revitalized]. ", "Of course, $\\xi_0=0$ is derivable from the SU(N,1)/U(1) no-scale supergravity structure [@no-scale].", "\n\nExpectations at LEP and the Tevatron\n====================================\n\nLEP\n---\n\nThe fact that the neutralino is unstable and decays within the detector into a photon and a gravitino makes the channel $$e^+e^-\\to\\chi\\chi\\to\\gamma\\gamma+{\\rm E_{miss}}\n\\label{eq:2gamma}$$ “visible\". ", "This channel also has the largest reach into parameter space,[^4] as $\\chi$ is the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle. ", "The cross section as a function of the neutralino mass is shown in Fig.", " \\[fig:N1N1-updated\\]. ", "Note that present data require $m_\\chi\\gsim65\\,{\\rm GeV}$.\n\nThere has been speculation that some LEP diphoton events might in fact be attributable to the process in Eq.", " (\\[eq:2gamma\\]) [@diphotons]. ", "Such ‘candidate’ events have turned up at the rate of one or two per run and have been reported by a few LEP Collaborations. ", "However, a remaining shadow of doubt remains because of their possible explanation as background events from $e^+e^-\\to\\gamma\\gamma Z\\to\\gamma\\gamma\\nu\\bar\\nu$, which have a missing invariant mass distribution that peaks sharply near $M_{\\rm miss}\\approx M_Z$, and which are also expected to occur at a rate of one or two per run per experiment. ", "The selected candidate events have $M_{\\rm miss}\\approx100,{\\rm GeV}$, and thus it is not clear what their origin might be.", "\n\nThe LEP diphoton events can be scrutinized more deeply by assuming that they indeed come from neutralino pair production, and then conducting a kinematical analysis analogous to that used in the case of the CDF event [@Events; @diphotons]. ", "In this case the number of kinematical constraints is larger (well known total momentum and energy) and allows one to obtain a range of allowed neutralino masses consistent with the diphoton kinematics. ", "These analyses indicate that most of the candidate events require neutralino masses otherwise excluded by direct searches ([*i.e.*]{} $m_\\chi<65\\,{\\rm GeV}$). ", "However, one must keep in mind that particles produced near the kinematical limit may be off shell, invalidating the analysis, and effectively widening the allowed neutralino mass interval. ", "More data at higher center-of-mass energies are required to reach a definitive conclusion.", "\n\nTevatron\n--------\n\nSearches for ‘CDF-like’ events at the Tevatron have been conducted, although not necessarily on a channel-by-channel basis but rather on an inclusive basis, where all events with two photons plus missing energy are analyzed. ", "A preliminary analysis from CDF has been released [@Toback], and more recently a full analysis from D0 [@D0gamma]. ", "The D0 analysis has been tailored to an alternative explanation of the event in the neutralino-LSP scenario. ", "Nonetheless, limits have been given for more general underlying scenarios: $$\\sigma\\cdot B(p\\bar p\\to\\gamma\\gamma+{\\rm E_{T,miss}}+X)<185\\,{\\rm fb}\n\\label{eq:D0limit}$$ with the following restrictions $$E^\\gamma_T>12\\,{\\rm GeV},\\quad |\\eta^\\gamma|<1.1,\\quad {\\rm and}\\quad\n{\\rm E_{T,miss}}>25\\,{\\rm GeV}\\ .", "\n\\label{eq:restrictions}$$ It is not easy to use this limit to constrain the model at hand. ", "One would need to simulate all of the possible decay channels individually and then collect the number of events that passed all cuts in Eq.", " (\\[eq:restrictions\\]). ", "Instead, one can obtain approximate constraints on the parameter space by assuming [@D0gamma] that 25%–50% of the events would pass these cuts, thus imposing an upper limit on the total (no cuts) inclusive diphoton cross section which is a factor of 2 to 4 larger than that in Eq.", " (\\[eq:D0limit\\]): (370–740) fb. ", "Adding up all of the curves in Fig.", " \\[fig:signals-cn\\], one finds that $$m_{\\chi^\\pm}\\gsim(110-130)\\,{\\rm GeV},\\qquad m_\\chi\\gsim(60-70)\\,{\\rm GeV}\n\\label{eq:newlimits}$$ appear required. ", "These limits are still perfectly consistent with the selectron and chargino interpretations of the event. ", "Moreover, the limit on the neutralino mass is remarkably close to that presently obtainable at LEP via neutralino pair-production searches.", "\n\nA new source of dark matter\n===========================\n\nBesides the ubiquitous photonic signature of gravitino-LSP models, perhaps the other notable difference with traditional neutralino-LSP models is the lack of an obvious candidate for the dark matter in the Universe. ", "The relic gravitinos themselves, as is well known, for $m_{3/2}\\sim1\\,{\\rm KeV}$ constitute a form of ‘warm’ dark matter with a behavior similar to that of cold dark matter. ", "The non-thermal gravitinos from $\\chi$ decay do not disturb big bang nucleosynthesis, and may constitute a form of hot dark matter [@BMY], although with small abundance. ", "Other forms of dark matter, such as metastable hidden sector matter fields (cryptons) [@cryptons] and a cosmological constant [@Age], may need to be considered as well.", "\n\nThere is however, another candidate for cold dark matter in light gravitino scenarios that has been overlooked in the recent revival of this idea, namely the coherent oscillations of axion-like particles in the model [@EENII]. ", "These fields are essentially the real and imaginary components of the hidden sector field $z$ that appears in Eq.", " (\\[eq:formula\\]), more commonly referred to in the literature by their scalar ($S$) and pseudo-scalar ($P$) linear combinations. ", "If these axion-like fields are as light as the gravitino, they contribute to supernova and stellar energy loss [@EENII; @GMR] and constrain the possible values of the gravitino mass.", "\n\nThe values of $m_{3/2}$ and $m_{S/P}$ depend only on $m_{1/2}$ and the choice of $p=1/(1-{2\\over3}q)$ in Eq.", " (\\[eq:result\\]): $m_{3/2}\\sim m^p_{1/2}$ and $m_{S/P}\\sim\\Lambda^2_{\\rm QCD}/m^{p-1}_{1/2}$ [@EENII]. ", "Preliminary studies show that there is a range of $p$ values for which (i) all astrophysical constraints on the gravitino and $S/P$ particles are satisfied, (ii) the axion-like $S/P$ particles contribute a significant component to the cold dark matter in the Universe, (iii) the neutralinos decay inside the detectors in collider experiments, and (iv) all laboratory constraints on the light gravitinos are satified [@S/P]. ", "Note that this is not the case in alternative gravitino-LSP models [@DineKane; @others], which have been recently shown to require much heavier gravitino massed ($m_{3/2}\\sim100{\\rm KeV}$) leading to much larger than closure gravitino dark matter abundances which need to be diluted somehow [@GMM].", "\n\nConclusions\n===========\n\nWe have provided a synopsis of recent developments in no-scale supergravity and the everpresent central role that it appears to play in string theory and its modern generalizations. ", "We have also updated the status of flipped SU(5) and the demise of its traditional GUT alternatives in string model building. ", "A model based on no-scale supergravity and flipped SU(5) may explain the puzzling CDF event and have many more falsifiable predictions. ", "Ongoing runs at LEP 2 and future runs at the Main Injector should support this picture. ", "Finally, we have discussed a solution to a poignant ‘problem’ of gravitino-LSP models – their lack of a clear cold dark matter candidate.", "\n\nAcknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered}\n===============\n\nThe work of J. L. has been supported in part by DOE grant DE-FG05-93-ER-40717 and that of D.V.N. by DOE grant DE-FG05-91-ER-40633.", "\n\n[99]{} -0.1mm E. Cremmer, S. Ferrara, C. Kounnas, and D. V. Nanopoulos, Phys. ", "Lett. ", "B [**133**]{} (1983) 61; J. Ellis, A. Lahanas, D. V. Nanopoulos, and K. Tamvakis, Phys. ", "Lett. ", "B [**134**]{} (1984) 429; J. Ellis, C. Kounnas, and D. V. Nanopoulos, Nucl. ", "Phys. ", "B [**241**]{} (1984) 406 and B [**247**]{} (1984) 373. ", "For a review see A. Lahanas and D. V. Nanopoulos, Phys. ", "Rep. [**145**]{} (1987) 1. ", "E. Witten, Phys. ", "Lett. ", "B [**155**]{} (1985) 151. ", "For a recent review see [*e.g.*]{}, J. Polchinski, Rev. Mod. ", "Phys. [**", "68**]{} (1996) 1245. ", "T. Banks and M. Dine, Nucl. ", "Phys. 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", "Thus one might say that LEP 2 has left only a 20% chance of observing supersymmetry, and with the phase space penalty associated with such relatively high masses.", "\n\n[^3]: Certain neutralino-LSP models [@KaneN] do allow photonic signals in restricted regions of parameter space, although such signals occur only in few specific supersymmetric production processes.", "\n\n[^4]: Excluding the $e^+e^-\\to\\chi\\widetilde G$ channel, which has an ever larger reach, but whose rate is very sensitive to the gravitino mass.", "\n" ]
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[ "So, I got surprised by Zaezar today. ", "This was a Christmas gift that he game me.", "\n\nThanks for the Christmas gift. :) ", "Merry Christmas Zaezar\n\nArtist:\n\nZaezar\n\nOrigional Upload:\n\nhttps://www.weasyl.com/~zaezar/submissions/1581012/gift-for-rob" ]
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[ "Wednesday, November 2, 2011\n\nThe delinquency rate for U.S. commercial real estate loans in commercial mortgage-backed securities rose last month - hitting its second-highest level in recorded history, according to Trepp, a real estate research firm.", "\n\nIn October, 9.77 percent of CMBS loans were delinquent 30 days or more or in foreclosure, up from 8.58 percent a year ago, Trepp says.", "\n\nCharlotte-area delinquency rates are due to be released Thursday.", "\n\nCommercial mortgage-backed securities are pools of real estate loans that have been packaged together and sold to investors. ", "Packaged loans account for 20 percent of the nation's commercial real estate loans.", "\n\nIndustrial properties saw the biggest increase in delinquencies, which rose to 11.59 percent from 6.27 percent during the past year. ", "Office property delinquency rates jumped to 8.95 percent from 6.68 percent a year ago. ", "Multifamily property delinquency rates rose to 16.73 percent from 14.63 percent; delinquencies for retail properties inched up to 7.61 percent from 7.17 percent; and the delinquency rate for hotel properties fell to 14.12 percent from 14.92 percent last year.", "\n\nBusiness loan is probably one of the most difficult achievements. ", "This is especially true given the current characteristics of our economic system and continuing regulating changes for credit. ", "As opposed to the earlier part of the past several years, financial institutions and organizations in the awaken of the results from the real estate industry have increased credit expectations across the board. ", "As we have mentioned in previous articles, while rates have continued to be low, financial institutions and organizations have still put considerable constraints on the loans that they allow.", "\n\nEly Portillo\n\nEly Portillo\n\nAbout this blog\n\nEly Portillo covers economic development for the Observer, writing about who's building what in a city that seems to be sprouting new apartment and office towers on every corner. ", "He also writes about Charlotte's airport, a major hub that's also undergoing a huge growth spurt. ", "A transplant from Maryland, he's been reporting on his adopted hometown for more than five years. ", "If you have a tip or story idea to share, you can contact him by email or give him a call at 704-358-5041. ", "For the latest news, follow him on Twitter @ESPortillo." ]
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[ "\n/*\n * Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file.", "\n */\n\n\n#include \"SkCornerPathEffect.h\"\n#include \"SkPath.h\"\n#include \"SkPoint.h\"\n#include \"SkReadBuffer.h\"\n#include \"SkWriteBuffer.h\"\n\nSkCornerPathEffect::SkCornerPathEffect(SkScalar radius) : fRadius(radius) {}\nSkCornerPathEffect::~SkCornerPathEffect() {}\n\nstatic bool ComputeStep(const SkPoint& a, const SkPoint& b, SkScalar radius,\n SkPoint* step) {\n SkScalar dist = SkPoint::Distance(a, b);\n\n step->set(b.fX - a.fX, b.fY - a.fY);\n\n if (dist <= radius * 2) {\n step->scale(SK_ScalarHalf);\n return false;\n } else {\n step->scale(SkScalarDiv(radius, dist));\n return true;\n }\n}\n\nbool SkCornerPathEffect::filterPath(SkPath* dst, const SkPath& src,\n SkStrokeRec*, const SkRect*) const {\n if (0 == fRadius) {\n return false;\n }\n\n SkPath::Iter iter(src, false);\n SkPath::Verb verb, prevVerb = (SkPath::Verb)-1;\n SkPoint pts[4];\n\n bool closed;\n SkPoint moveTo, lastCorner;\n SkVector firstStep, step;\n bool prevIsValid = true;\n\n // to avoid warnings\n moveTo.set(0, 0);\n firstStep.set(0, 0);\n lastCorner.set(0, 0);\n\n for (;;) {\n switch (verb = iter.next(pts, false)) {\n case SkPath::kMove_Verb:\n // close out the previous (open) contour\n if (SkPath::kLine_Verb == prevVerb) {\n dst->lineTo(lastCorner);\n }\n closed = iter.isClosedContour();\n if (closed) {\n moveTo = pts[0];\n prevIsValid = false;\n } else {\n dst->moveTo(pts[0]);\n prevIsValid = true;\n }\n break;\n case SkPath::kLine_Verb: {\n bool drawSegment = ComputeStep(pts[0], pts[1], fRadius, &step);\n // prev corner\n if (!", "prevIsValid) {\n dst->moveTo(moveTo + step);\n prevIsValid = true;\n } else {\n dst->quadTo(pts[0].fX, pts[0].fY, pts[0].fX + step.fX,\n pts[0].fY + step.fY);\n }\n if (drawSegment) {\n dst->lineTo(pts[1].fX - step.fX, pts[1].fY - step.fY);\n }\n lastCorner = pts[1];\n prevIsValid = true;\n break;\n }\n case SkPath::kQuad_Verb:\n // TBD - just replicate the curve for now\n if (!", "prevIsValid) {\n dst->moveTo(pts[0]);\n prevIsValid = true;\n }\n dst->quadTo(pts[1], pts[2]);\n lastCorner = pts[2];\n firstStep.set(0, 0);\n break;\n case SkPath::kCubic_Verb:\n if (!", "prevIsValid) {\n dst->moveTo(pts[0]);\n prevIsValid = true;\n }\n // TBD - just replicate the curve for now\n dst->cubicTo(pts[1], pts[2], pts[3]);\n lastCorner = pts[3];\n firstStep.set(0, 0);\n break;\n case SkPath::kClose_Verb:\n if (firstStep.fX || firstStep.fY) {\n dst->quadTo(lastCorner.fX, lastCorner.fY,\n lastCorner.fX + firstStep.fX,\n lastCorner.fY + firstStep.fY);\n }\n dst->close();\n break;\n case SkPath::kConic_Verb:\n SkASSERT(0);\n break;\n case SkPath::kDone_Verb:\n goto DONE;\n }\n\n if (SkPath::kMove_Verb == prevVerb) {\n firstStep = step;\n }\n prevVerb = verb;\n }\nDONE:\n return true;\n}\n\nSkFlattenable* SkCornerPathEffect::CreateProc(SkReadBuffer& buffer) {\n return SkCornerPathEffect::Create(buffer.readScalar());\n}\n\nvoid SkCornerPathEffect::flatten(SkWriteBuffer& buffer) const {\n buffer.writeScalar(fRadius);\n}\n\n#ifdef SK_SUPPORT_LEGACY_DEEPFLATTENING\nSkCornerPathEffect::SkCornerPathEffect(SkReadBuffer& buffer) {\n fRadius = buffer.readScalar();\n}\n#endif\n" ]
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[ "Introduction {#sec1-1}\n============\n\nSleep serves a restorative function in the brain and is involved with memory retention. ", "There are recurrent cycles of nonrapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM) activity about every 90 min in normal sleep. ", "Sleep stages can mentally and clinically show variance effects on human body,\\[[@ref1]\\] specially slow-wave sleep (SWS) is important for consolidation of long-term memory.\\[[@ref2]\\]\n\nNREM sleep is divided into four stages: the first stage is the lightest, and fourth is the deepest stage of NREM sleep, the spectral composition of the electroencephalography (EEG) changes in different sleep stages.\\[[@ref3]\\] Sleep deprivation plays an important role in health impairment\\[[@ref4][@ref5]\\] also correlates with mental distresses.\\[[@ref6]\\]\n\nEstimated prevalence of insomnia is about 10--40%.\\[[@ref7]\\] About one-third of the adult population suffer from sleep problems and in some cases, medical treatment is necessary although most of the drugs which are used can intensify breathing disorders and sleep apnea that presents more in adults.\\[[@ref8]\\] Benzodiazepines are a common group for sleep problems that have side effects of tolerance, withdrawal, complicate sleep behaviors, and cognitive disorders in some cases.", "\n\nSpathe of phoenix dactylifera is a hard-covering envelope of male date palm. ", "Researched article about this extract showed its analgesic effect,\\[[@ref9]\\] Demirci *et al*. ", "showed its repellent activity against the yellow fever mosquito,\\[[@ref10]\\] Mokhtari and Sharifi showed its effect on histological changes on testis and luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and testosterone concentrations,\\[[@ref11]\\] Abdulla showed its antidiarrhoeal effect\\[[@ref12]\\] and Hamedi *et al*. ", "proposed different fractions of the spathe contain steroids, triterpene steroids, oils, and flavonoids.\\[[@ref13]\\] In this research, doses were chosen according to analgesic research as some researchers showed same analgesic and hypnotic dose response in one same drug. ", "In accordance with the researches and characteristics, the effect of hydroalcoholic spathe of phoenix dactylifera extract on sleeping time, sedative efficacy, and EEG brain waves were examined in this research.", "\n\nMaterials and Methods {#sec1-2}\n=====================\n\nPlants {#sec2-1}\n------\n\nPlants were gathered to be extracted by pharmacological maceration technique. ", "The program of gathering spathe of phoenix dactylifera took place in Qeshm Island of Iran. ", "All pieces have been dried and cleaned in room temperature and out of direct sun shine, and then 70% alcohol was added to the dried and grinded powder of spathe. ", "For each 100 g of the powder, 400 ml of 70% alcohol was used and valves containing these solvent fastened to avoid alcohol evaporation. ", "In order to reach complete, solvate containing alcohol shaked 2 hours on shaker system before percolating. ", "Solvent condensed by rotary in 40°C and same temperature in bain-marie (water bath) for about 6 h followed by freeze drying of supernatant. ", "The achieved extract solved by dimethyl sulfoxide in saline to obtain three doses of 62.5, 125, and 250 mg/kg.", "\n\nAnimal {#sec2-2}\n------\n\nFor this experiment, Wistar male rats were used weighting about 270 ± 20 gathered from Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. ", "Animals were kept in lucid cages in animal house at 24 ± 2°C with humidity 44--56%. ", "There were light and dark cycle of 12 h beside reversed cycle that animal experienced light at 19 p.m. to 7 a.m. and rest times in dark. ", "Lights were turned on and off automatically by the reverse set-up of the system. ", "Rats diet were standard rodent pellet and water allowed *ad libitum*.", "\n\nProtocol {#sec2-3}\n--------\n\nThree protocols of sleeping time, sedative experiment, and EEG experiment were measured to assess different aspects of sleep and each group contained five rats. ", "Sleeping time was measured by behavioral Angel method,\\[[@ref14]\\] and rats were placed in sleep physiographic system. ", "In sedative experiment, enhancing or reducing chloral hydrate anesthesia time was measured. ", "In third protocol, animals were placed in EEG system for the evaluation of EEG brain wave activity to clarify extract effects on EEG brain waves. ", "Animal behavioral methods were in accordance with medical university of Isfahan and International Animal Rules. ", "Experimental groups had five members and were injected intraperitoneally. ", "Temperature, lights, and other conditions were same for all groups.", "\n\nSleeping time {#sec2-4}\n-------------\n\nRats usually have the sleep time of 10 a.m. to 16 p.m., 1 week before starting the protocol circadian rhythm of rat reversed. ", "In this protocol, we used behavioral Angel method, rats placed in a special plastic box with a flexible metal plexus above it. ", "This box is on two liquid-filled bags connected to a transducer that converts movements to electricity and a wire transfer it to physiograph. ", "After 20 min of settling down and reducing stress, records started for 2 h. In this protocol, test group included three extract group and control include three salines, intact (without injection), and midazolam (positive control) groups 0.1 mg/kg.\\[[@ref15]\\]\n\nSedative experiment {#sec2-5}\n-------------------\n\nThe sedative experiment included three extract doses for the test groups and a saline for the control group, test and control groups received extract and saline, respectively, after anesthetizing. ", "Animals were anesthetized by 450 mg/kg chloral hydrate.", "\n\nExtending anesthesia time by extract can show its sedative ability,\\[[@ref15]\\] and reducing this time can shows adverse effect on sedative efficacy of extract groups. ", "Rats placed in supine position in sleep system and checked period spending between anesthesia onset and recovery time. ", "While recovering rat tries to change the upward position, so the different anesthesia time between groups leads to underestimating sedative effect of extract.", "\n\nBrain wave {#sec2-6}\n----------\n\nFor this part of experiment, four groups were examined: saline control group and three test groups of extract doses 62.5, 125, and 250 mg/kg. ", "After anesthetizing by urethane, animals were fixed on stereotaxic for surgery, 2 cranial holes were drilled over dura. ", "Electrodes placed subcranially for EEG recording, in EEG system rats placed on a suitable pad and covered during the experiment to record better signals. ", "Recording started as brain waves stabilized and three parts of 20 min recording has been recorded. ", "No injection was accomplished for the first part (before part), but extract and saline were injected for test and control groups, respectively, in the second and third parts (after 1 and after 2 parts). ", "Each of alpha, beta, delta, and theta waves was counted in percent of total power, for example, all waves gathered in after 1 wave were counted as 100% and every single wave was counted as a percentage of total power to show the results more clearly.", "\n\nStatistical analysis {#sec2-7}\n--------------------\n\nResults are shown as mean ± standard error of the mean and a significant difference was measured using ordinary one-way ANOVA and repeated-measure ANOVA with post *t*-test. ", "Values were considered significant when *P* \\< 0.05. ", "Statistical analyses were performed by statistical INSTAT software (GraphPad software Inc. GTA-32289-839)\n\nResults {#sec1-3}\n=======\n\nSleeping time {#sec2-8}\n-------------\n\nResults of sleeping time are shown in [Figure 1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "All test groups receiving extract and midazolam group were significantly different from saline group. *", "P* value was more significant for midazolam positive control group (*P* \\< 0.001), and all extract groups were also meaningful (*P* \\< 0.05).", "\n\n![", "Rats sleeping time according to minute unite in three experimental groups of extract doses 62.5, 125, and 250 mg/kg and three control groups of saline, midazolam, and without injection. ", "Midazolam and three extract groups increased sleeping time compared with saline control group. (", "\\*\\*\\**P* \\< 0.001, \\**P* \\< 0.05). ", "Each bar represents mean ± standard error of the mean](ABR-8-24-g001){#F1}\n\nAnesthesia time {#sec2-9}\n---------------\n\nTo clarify the difference in four groups of sedated experiment, all groups were anesthetized; three groups receiving extract after anesthesia were compared with a saline control group to check its sedative efficacy; there are significant differences between groups. ", "Four sedated groups are not similar as it is clear in [Figure 2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "Two groups of chloral hydrate and 62.5 mg/kg of tarooneh extract did not show any different effect, but there were significant differences among two other groups of 125 mg/kg and 250 mg/kg of extract with chloral hydrate with *P* \\< 0.001 and *P* \\< 0.01, respectively.", "\n\n![", "Rats anesthesia time according to minute unite in three experimental groups of extract doses 62.5, 125, and 250 mg/kg and control groups of chloral hydrate. ", "125 and 250 mg/kg groups increased anesthesia time compared with chloral hydrate control group. (", "\\*\\*\\**P* \\< 0.001, \\*\\**P* \\< 0.01). ", "Each bar represents mean ± standard error of the mean](ABR-8-24-g002){#F2}\n\nBrain wave total power {#sec2-10}\n----------------------\n\nIn this experiment, percentage of waves counted to show extract effects on different waves. ", "The percent of delta power is more than other waves in saline group and none of the waves of alpha, beta, theta, and delta changed significantly when compared to before wave \\[[Figure 3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\].", "\n\n![", "Saline injected for surveying electroencephalography brain waves. ", "Each bar represents mean ± standard error of the mean](ABR-8-24-g003){#F3}\n\nIn dose 62.5 mg/kg and saline group delta power showed more amount in comparison to other waves; also there is a significant decrease in alpha power (*P* \\< 0.05) which is shown in [Figure 4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\n![", "Injected dose 62.5 mg/kg of tarooneh extract for surveying electroencephalography brain waves. ", "A significant decrease in alpha after 1 in comparison with before wave (\\**P* \\< 0.05). ", "Each bar represents mean ± standard error of the mean](ABR-8-24-g004){#F4}\n\nIn other dose experiment of 125 mg/kg, there was a very significant decrease in alpha after 2 in comparison with before wave (*P* \\< 0.001), it also decreased in comparing with after 2 (*P* \\< 0.05). ", "Decrease in After 2 beta wave was significant in contrast to before wave of beta (*P* \\< 0.05) after 2 delta wave increased in comparison with before wave of delta (*P* \\< 0.05) \\[[Figure 5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\].", "\n\n![", "Injected dose 125 mg/kg of tarooneh extract for surveying electroencephalography brain waves. ", "Significant decrease in alpha after 2 in compare with before wave, significant decrease in beta after 2 in compare with before wave and significant increase in delta after 2 in comparison with before wave (\\*\\*\\**P* \\< 0.001, \\**P* \\< 0.05). ", "Each bar represents mean ± standard error of the mean](ABR-8-24-g005){#F5}\n\nIn experimented extract dose of 250 mg/kg, there was a significant decrease in alpha after 1 compared to before wave (*P* \\< 0.05) \\[[Figure 6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\].", "\n\n![", "Injected dose 250 mg/kg of tarooneh extract for surveying electroencephalography brain waves. ", "Significant decrease in alpha after 1 in comparison with before wave (\\**P* \\< 0.05). ", "Each bar represents mean ± standard error of the mean](ABR-8-24-g006){#F6}\n\nDiscussion {#sec1-4}\n==========\n\nSleep is controlled by neurologic functions\\[[@ref16]\\] and can be monitored by the EEG system. ", "This method is a good way of sleep monitoring\\[[@ref17]\\] that shows different power waves. ", "Theta and delta powers are two important parts of sleep stages that are more in stage 3 and stage 4; these two parts of sleep are called SWS that contain more delta power specially in stage 4.\\[[@ref18]\\] SWS plays an important role in the restoration of cerebral functions and recovery in humans, also it has a very important role in maintenance and unification of sleep.\\[[@ref19]\\] EEG delta wave also characterizes the NREM sleep in mammalian.\\[[@ref20]\\] In deeper period of NREM sleep that delta power increases, it has been proposed that synaptic strength decreases to sustainable energy levels and causes synaptic plasticity and memory improvement.\\[[@ref21]\\] Benzodiazepines function can increase NREM sleep also in another way it can decrease EEG delta power\\[[@ref22]\\] while tumor necrosis factor, growth hormone releasing hormone, and interleukin-1 are cytokines that increase NREM along with an increase in EEG delta power.\\[[@ref23]\\] There is evidence of cholinergic involvement in REM sleep in recent researches\\[[@ref24]\\] cholinergic system can interfere with brain activity to control consciousness, and its activation can suppress slow wave activity and increase higher EEG frequency during sleep.\\[[@ref25]\\] Some muscarinic antagonizing drugs can cause a reduced level of consciousness.\\[[@ref26]\\]\n\nThis study along with focusing on sleeping time and sedative efficacy followed EEG brain waves to survey high-frequency waves in sleep that shows benefit effects on sleep quality.", "\n\nSleeping time {#sec2-11}\n-------------\n\nResults of behavioral Angel methods can show efficacy of tarooneh extract on sleeping time and increasing sleep tendency; also it shows the extract has less effect on sleeping tendency to compare to midazolam injected group.", "\n\nAnesthesia time {#sec2-12}\n---------------\n\nIt can show two 125 and 250 mg/kg doses are effective in anesthesia elongation, so these doses are considered to be sedative doses of extract according to increasing chloral hydrate anesthesia time.", "\n\nBrain wave total power {#sec2-13}\n----------------------\n\nThere is a high delta power in all four EEG figures reflecting acquired anesthesia levels. ", "In group 62.5 mg/kg decrease of after 1 alpha wave demonstrated its ability on reducing high-frequency waves and as a result increasing sleep tendency. ", "Sharp effects of dose 125 mg/kg on decreasing high-frequency wave of alpha and beta are concomitant with increasing low-frequency wave of delta can show the sedative efficacy of this extract.", "\n\nIncreasing sleep tendency in dose 250 mg/kg is according to decreasing high-frequency wave of alpha. ", "In spite of the fact that the sedative effects increased by increasing dose of 62.5 mg/kg to 125 mg/kg, the effects did not get more by increasing the dose to 250 mg/kg. ", "The most effective dose of tarooneh extract is dose 125 mg/kg according to this research. ", "The effects can be referred to flavonoid agents in the extract.\\[[@ref27]\\]\n\nConclusion {#sec1-5}\n==========\n\nAmong three experimented extract doses, all were effective in sleeping time protocol and increased sleep time, but the purpose of sleep is more than sleep quantity. ", "In the next two experiments, it was clear that dose 125 mg/kg of tarooneh extract can increase sleep quality along with sleep quantity so is more effective and relaxing.", "\n\nFinancial support and sponsorship {#sec2-14}\n---------------------------------\n\nAuthors are grateful to thank the Physiology and Pharmacognosy Department and the Deputy of Research, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences for financial support.", "\n\nConflicts of interest {#sec2-15}\n---------------------\n\nThere are no conflicts of interest.", "\n\nAuthors are grateful to thank the Physiology and Pharmacognosy Department and the Deputy of Research, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences for financial support. ", "This project is documented under registration no. ", "394114.", "\n" ]
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[ "Tags:\n\nAbout the Photographer\n\nKlement, Vera\n\nGerman, b. 1929\n\nVera Klement was born in 1929 in Danzig, a German Hanseatic state that later became part of Poland. ", "She emigrated to the United States in 1938, six months before the outbreak of World War II. ", "Klement went on to earn a degree at the Cooper Union School of Art and Architecture in 1950, and since 1965 she has been active in Chicago as an artist and professor at the University of Chicago, where she taught for twenty-five years.", "\n\nFor most of her artistic career Klement has worked primarily as a painter, influenced early on by abstract expressionism and avant-garde music. ", "Starting in the late 1970s, Klement began painting diptychs that pair figurative and abstract images, subtly dissolving the line between these modes of representation rather than asserting them as contradictions. ", "Although the respective sections of the paintings may appear to be very different they develop poetic connections on a more intuitive level. ", "Throughout these works Klement develops themes of solitude, death, and loss. ", "On the occasion of an exhibition in 1999, Klement reflected on her career thus far, saying, \"the endeavor serves, in my mind, as a memorial, a marker, for all those who were silenced in totalitarian states and those whose voices rose from that silence. ", "And the silence itself.\"", "\n\nIn her more recent multi-media works on paper, Klement gives shape to meditations on war and death while further exploring the possible effects of pairing images. ", "The War Monody series, which Klement began in 2003, combines color photographs of forest landscapes during different seasons with collaged drawings of solitary heads on larger sheets of white paper. ", "A monody is a poem lamenting a person's death, and with this in mind the desolate winter landscapes, in particular, elicit a feeling of loss. ", "The trees depicted in the photographs may also bring to mind the bodies of fallen soldiers. ", "In each of the adjacent drawings, meanwhile, Klement gives an individual head mass and dimension, rendering it as a complete object that condenses the entire human form, like the sculptures of Brancusi, suggesting a larger whole. ", "The heads are surrounded by a blank space that could symbolize silence, but their positioning on the white page suggests an existence in tangible space and a transfiguration to a higher state. ", "In this sense the works have a celebratory aspect as well.", "\n\nhttp://veraklement.com\n\nGallery talk at the MoCP: http://vimeo.com/36294213\n\nRelated Works\n\nAll images published by the Museum of Contemporary Photography within this website are copyright of the artist and are for educational, personal, and/or noncommercial use only. ", "For any other use, please contact ktaylor@colum.edu." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'Electron irradiation of GaN nanowires in a scanning electron microscope strongly reduces their luminous efficiency as shown by cathodoluminescence imaging and spectroscopy. ", "We demonstrate that this luminescence quenching originates from a combination of charge trapping at already existing surface states and the formation of new surface states induced by the adsorption of C on the nanowire sidewalls. ", "The interplay of these effects leads to a complex temporal evolution of the quenching, which strongly depends on the incident electron dose per area. ", "Time-resolved photoluminescence measurements on electron-irradiated samples reveal that the carbonaceous adlayer affects both the nonradiative and the radiative recombination dynamics.'", "\naddress: 'Paul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik, Leibniz-Institut im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V., Hausvogteiplatz 5–7, 10117 Berlin, Germany'\nauthor:\n- 'Jonas Lähnemann[^1], Timur Flissikowski, Martin Wölz[^2], Lutz Geelhaar, Holger T. Grahn, Oliver Brandt and Uwe Jahn'\nbibliography:\n- 'quenching.bib'\ntitle: 'Quenching of the luminescence intensity of GaN nanowires under electron beam exposure: Impact of C adsorption on the exciton lifetime'\n---\n\n[*Keywords*]{}: cathodoluminescence, nanowires, GaN, luminescence quenching, carbon contamination, exciton lifetime\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nThe large surface-to-volume ratio of semiconductor nanowires leads to a predominance of surface effects in their optical and electrical characteristics [@Calarco_nl_2005; @vanWeert_apl_2006; @Reshchikov_jvstb_2009; @Pfuller_prb_2010; @Lahnemann_nl_2016; @Calarco_jmr_2011; @Grabowska_prb_2005]. ", "In various material systems, both the conductivity and the emission properties have been shown to be governed by surface band bending induced by Fermi level pinning at the nanowire side walls [@Calarco_nl_2005; @vanWeert_apl_2006; @Reshchikov_jvstb_2009]. ", "In unintentionally doped GaN nanowires with diameters below 100 nm, this band bending extends throughout the cross-section of the wire [@Calarco_nl_2005]. ", "Another consequence of the large surface area is the observation of surface excitons, since the emission from excitons bound to donors located in the proximity of the surface is blue-shifted compared to that of bulk-like donor-bound excitons [@Grabowska_prb_2005; @Brandt_prb_2010; @Corfdir_jap_2009b]. ", "Furthermore, spectroscopic measurements themselves may (unintentionally) affect the electronic properties of the wires [@Pfuller_prb_2010; @Wallys_nl_2012]. ", "For example, an extended exposure of GaN nanowires placed in vacuum or in a N$_2$ atmosphere to ultraviolet radiation leads to a significant increase in the photoluminescence (PL) intensity, which is due to a photoinduced desorption of O$_2$. This process results in an unpinning of the Fermi level and a corresponding reduction of the radial electric fields associated with surface band bending [@Pfuller_prb_2010].", "\n\nAn effect to the contrary is observed when GaN nanowires are investigated by cathodoluminescence (CL) spectroscopy necessitating their exposure to an electron beam. ", "In these experiments, a strong decrease of the near band-edge emission is inevitably observed. ", "This quenching has been reported in the literature [@Robins_jap_2007a; @Lim_nl_2009], but no conclusive explanation has been given. ", "Robins  [@Robins_jap_2007a] have considered charge trapping effects, C contamination, and the formation of point defects as possible origins of the quenching. ", "They argued that neither of the latter two possibilities are likely to be the reason for the quenching, and solely attributed the quenching to charge trapping, which they proposed to enhance the nonradiative recombination rate. ", "Similarly, for unintentionally doped GaN layers, a (less significant) quenching of the CL signal with time has been reported [@Campo_mrssp_2001; @Campo_ijnsr_2004; @Wang_jvsta_2009]. ", "Absorption of the emitted CL in an electron beam deposited carbonaceous layer as a possible explanation was discarded on the basis of energy- and wavelength-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy [@Campo_ijnsr_2004]. ", "However, these techniques are not sensitive enough to detect very thin carbonaceous layers, whereas already a sub-monolayer C coverage could alter surface states. ", "In fact, Wang  [@Wang_jvsta_2009] proposed that adsorbed species on the surface play a role in the CL quenching in GaN layers, without further elucidating the nature of these adsorbates. ", "A quenching of the CL intensity in nanostructures with progressive electron beam exposure has been reported for other semiconductors as well, particularly for ZnO [@Dierre_jap_2008b].", "\n\nWe have systematically observed this quenching process during CL measurements on a variety of GaN nanowire samples grown in different molecular beam epitaxy reactors both in our laboratory and by external collaborators. ", "The quenching can be observed both at room temperature and at cryogenic sample temperatures and, though its magnitude varies from sample to sample, amounts to a reduction in emission intensity by one to two orders of magnitude. ", "In the present work, we systematically analyze the quenching behavior observed in CL measurements at room temperature, thereby relating it to the nanowire surface with contributions from both charging and C deposition. ", "C contamination of the sample surfaces in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a long-known problem [@Ennos_bjap_1953; @Hart_pm_1970]. ", "Modern instruments employ oil-free vacuum pumps to reduce the abundance of hydrocarbons in the SEM chamber, particularly those of higher molecular weight. ", "However, unless an ultra-high vacuum system is used, the partial pressure of hydrocarbons in typical SEM chambers is still considerable. ", "The electron beam will crack hydrocarbons sticking to the specimen surface, resulting in the gradual deposition of a thin carbonaceous film. ", "Polar molecules may actually be attracted to the exposed area as a result of electric fields induced by charging from the electron irradiation and enhance the C deposition [@Hart_pm_1970; @Fourie_optik_1978]. ", "Thus, the effects of surface charging and C deposition are interlinked.", "\n\nExperimental details\n====================\n\nThe nominally undoped, self-assembled GaN nanowire ensembles investigated in this study were grown on Si(111) substrates by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) under N-rich conditions (N/Ga flux ratio of 5) at a substrate temperature of 780 [$^{\\circ}$C]{}. ", "The total growth time was 90 min, yielding nanowires with an average length of 530 nm and an average equivalent disk diameter [@Brandt_cgd_2014] of $\\left<d\\right>=\\left(50 \\pm 20\\right)$ nm at a density of about $1\\times 10^{10}$ cm$^{-2}$. To investigate the role of the surface for the luminescence quenching, the nanowire growth was repeated with nominally identical conditions, after which the GaN core was covered by an (Al,Ga)N shell for an additional 5 min. ", "To promote radial growth, we kept the temperature constant but increased the total group-III metal flux such that flux ratios of $\\mathrm{N/III}=1.15$ and $\\mathrm{Al/Ga}=0.4$ were obtained. ", "The average diameter of the core/shell nanowire tips was found to be 10 nm larger than that of the sample without shell, indicating a shell thickness of about 5 nm at the top of the nanowires, which is reduced toward the base of the nanowires due to the shadowing of the incoming molecular beam. ", "The Al$_{x}$Ga$_{1-x}$N composition was estimated as $x = 0.2\\pm 0.1$ from a Gaussian fit to the (Al,Ga)N peak in CL spectra of the nanowire ensemble, which is slightly lower than the nominal value of $x \\approx 0.29$ determined from the metal flux ratio during growth.", "\n\nCL measurements were carried out with a Gatan MonoCL3 system fitted to a Zeiss Ultra55 field-emission SEM [@Lahnemann_jpd_2014]. ", "For simplicity, we limit this investigation to CL measurements at room temperature. ", "The SEM was operated at 5 or 10 kV with beam currents between 0.5 and 6.5 nA. The nanowire luminescence was collected using a parabolic mirror and dispersed using a spectrometer (focal length of 30 cm, 300 or 1200 lines/mm gratings, 0.1–0.5 mm slits). ", "The monochromatized light was detected using a photomultiplier tube (PMT). ", "The spectra were recorded using a charge-coupled device (CCD) as the detector. ", "For measurements with extended electron beam exposure, the microscope was set to scan a certain (freshly-exposed) field of view at the fastest scan speed (122.3 ms/frame), while the monochromatic CL intensity was continuously recorded with the PMT (integrated over intervals of 0.5 or 1 s).", "\n\nThe effect of an ex-situ 2 min H$_2$/O$_2$ plasma cleaning step preceding the insertion of the samples into the SEM was investigated using a Gatan Solarus (model 950) system at a power of 50 W with H$_2$ and O$_2$ fluxes of 6.4 sccm and 27.5 sccm, respectively. ", "Intentional sputter deposition of C was carried out in a Gatan precision etching and coating system.", "\n\nContinuous-wave PL spectra were recorded at room temperature using a confocal $\\upmu$-PL setup with excitation from the 325-nm line of a He-Cd laser and a CCD for detection. ", "Time-resolved $\\upmu$-PL experiments were performed at room temperature by focusing the second harmonic (325 nm) of an optical parametric oscillator pumped by a femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser onto the sample. ", "The PL signal was dispersed by a monochromator and detected by a streak camera operating in synchroscan mode.", "\n\n![", "\\[fig:illustr\\](a) Superposition of a panchromatic CL image of the GaN emission intensity (yellow) at room temperature with the corresponding bird’s eye view SEM image of the nanowires. ", "The central part has been exposed to the electron beam for several tens of seconds before zooming out to record the images (beam current 0.1 nA). (", "b) Room temperature CL spectra recorded in top-view geometry upon first exposure ($t=0$ s) and on the same area after 100, 200, and 300 s of electron beam exposure (scanned area 98 $\\upmu$m$^2$, beam current 0.75 nA).](figure1){width=\"7.5cm\"}\n\nResults and discussion\n======================\n\nAn illustration of the CL quenching is given in figure \\[fig:illustr\\](a), where a bird’s eye view CL image was recorded on the cross-section of a GaN nanowire ensemble directly after reducing the magnification so that the center of the image was exposed to the electron beam for several tens of seconds, while the rest of the image was freshly exposed. ", "The freshly exposed part shows strong near band-edge (NBE) emission due to the radiative decay of free excitons, while the other part was pre-exposed to the electron beam and, in comparison, appears basically dark. ", "Room temperature CL spectra recorded in top view on the nanowire ensemble with a CCD detector for a freshly-exposed field (0 s) and after scanning the same area for up to 300 s are shown in figure \\[fig:illustr\\](b). ", "The intensity of the NBE emission is reduced without apparent spectral shift, change in peak shape, or redistribution of intensity to deep level defect transitions.", "\n\n![", "\\[fig:surface\\](a) Temporal evolution of the normalized CL intensity $I_{CL}$ at room temperature (note the logarithmic intensity scale) under electron beam irradiation for a GaN nanowire ensemble continuously scanned in top-view geometry (scanned area 98 $\\upmu$m$^2$) using two different beam currents. ", "For comparison, the transient for the lower beam current (0.5 nA) is also plotted with the time scaled by a factor 1/4. ", "The inset shows two CL transients measured at low (scanned area 2450 $\\upmu$m$^2$) as well as high (scanned area 98 $\\upmu$m$^2$) magnification. (", "b) CL quenching of the bare nanowire ensemble compared with that for nanowires covered by an (Al,Ga)N shell (scanned area 98 $\\upmu$m$^2$, beam current 2 nA). ", "The sketch to the right schematically depicts the geometry of the core/shell nanowire heterostructure.](figure2){width=\"7.5cm\"}\n\nA quantitative analysis of the luminescence quenching is made possible by recording the monochromatic CL intensity over time while continuously scanning a fixed sample area (in top-view geometry). ", "Unless otherwise noted, the luminescence intensity refers to the spectral maximum of the NBE emission of GaN (364 nm or 3.4 eV). ", "Figure \\[fig:surface\\] shows several such measurements carried out under different exposure conditions, where the intensity after 300 s of exposure can decrease by as much as a factor of 25. ", "The measurements in figure \\[fig:surface\\] provide us with several insights into the quenching process.", "\n\nFirst, we show measurements at different beam currents (0.5 and 2 nA) in figure \\[fig:surface\\](a) and at different magnifications \\[inset of figure \\[fig:surface\\](a)\\], where an increase in the magnification also increases the electron dose per area. ", "In both cases, an increase of the incident electron dose accelerates the quenching. ", "In fact, scaling the time axis by the ratio in beam currents \\[figure \\[fig:surface\\](a)\\] yields quite similar curves and shows that the process roughly scales with the electron dose. ", "Therefore, the quenching is a process depending on the incident electron dose. ", "At a high impinging electron dose, the transients are characterized by a strong initial drop during the first 30 s, which subsequently slows down significantly. ", "At a reduced electron dose, both the initial drop and the slow-down are not as pronounced. ", "Note that the time dependence of the quenching process is non-exponential, but neither follows a stretched exponential nor a power law.", "\n\nSecond, to demonstrate the role of the sidewall surfaces, we have investigated the quenching in an ensemble of GaN nanowires covered with a thin (Al,Ga)N shell. ", "This wide gap passivation layer prevents carriers within the GaN core from reaching the surface. ", "In figure \\[fig:surface\\](b), the luminescence quenching in the bare nanowire ensemble is compared to the nanowires covered by an (Al,Ga)N shell. ", "The reduction of the luminescence intensity is much less significant for the latter sample: over a time period of 300 s, the intensity is reduced by a factor of 25 for the bare GaN nanowires, but only by a factor of 3 for the core/shell nanowires. ", "This measurement unambiguously confirms that we are dealing with a surface-related effect. ", "Note that the importance of the surface for the quenching process is already inferred by the fact that the quenching reported for layers under similar conditions is not as significant [@Campo_mrssp_2001; @Wang_jvsta_2009].", "\n\nIn order to further elucidate the origin of the observed electron-beam-induced quenching of the luminescence intensity without any alteration of the spectral shape, a number of possibilities have to be considered [@Robins_jap_2007a]: the generation of point defects by radiation damage, the trapping of injected charges at surface states, and the adsorption of C on the nanowire surface.", "\n\nRadiation damage\n----------------\n\nIn principle, the quenching could originate from the generation of native point defects acting as nonradiative recombination centers. ", "However, to generate point defects in the N and Ga sublattices of a GaN crystal, one typically has to employ electron irradiation at 450 and 2000 keV, respectively, with the threshold values for defect formation lying at about one third of these energies [@Tuomisto_prb_2007]. ", "At the lower acceleration voltages typical for SEM imaging (i.e., 5–10 keV), the activation of H-passivated Mg acceptors [@Amano_jjap_1989] or intrinsic point defects [@Nykanen_apl_2012] has been reported to affect the luminescence intensity. ", "However, in contrast to samples grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy or reactive MBE employing NH$_3$ as the N precursor, H is not incorporated in significant quantities during plasma-assisted MBE, the technique employed for the growth of the samples investigated in this study. ", "In any case, the creation of point defects and the resulting non-radiative recombination would not be inhibited by the presence of an (Al,Ga)N shell, contrary to the observation in figure \\[fig:surface\\](b). ", "Furthermore, if the luminescence quenching were caused by the generation or activation of point defects within the nanowires, we would expect planar GaN layers to be affected to a similar degree as the nanostructures. ", "Hence, we believe that radiation damage can be safely excluded as the origin of the luminescence quenching in GaN nanowire ensembles.", "\n\n![", "\\[fig:recovery\\]Recovery of the quenched CL intensity with time during beam blanking. ", "After a primary exposure time of 180 s (shaded yellow), the beam was blanked for 45 s to 24 min. ", "The evolution of the signal upon re-exposure is plotted in different colors (scanned area: 1090 $\\upmu$m$^2$, beam current: 5 nA). ", "Each measurement was carried out on a previously unexposed area. ", "In the inset, the recovery in CL intensity during the blanking period normalized to the intensity decay prior to blanking ($\\Delta I_\\mathrm{rec}/\\Delta I_0$) is shown for three series of measurements with different primary exposure times $t_0=$ 10, 80, and 180 s.](figure3){width=\"\\columnwidth\"}\n\nCharge trapping\n---------------\n\nNext, we turn to the charging of surface states, a process which is expected to be largely reversible. ", "For the oxidized *M*-plane surface of GaN, the Fermi level is known to be pinned at about 0.6 eV below the conduction band edge [@Calarco_nl_2005]. ", "Pfüller  [@Pfuller_prb_2010] reported an unpinning of the Fermi level in GaN nanowires due to O$_2$ desorption from their sidewall surfaces under irradiation by an ultraviolet laser. ", "This phenomenon results in a reduction of the radial electric fields, which in turn leads to an enhanced radiative decay rate (i.e., higher PL intensity) in the unpinned state. ", "The charging of surface states may essentially have the opposite effect: changing the charge state of the surface states may pin the Fermi level closer to mid-gap, thus increasing the radial electric fields and reducing the radiative decay rate.", "\n\nRobins  [@Robins_jap_2007a] considered this charge trapping as the dominant source of CL quenching as they observe that a temperature cycling subsequent to a quenching measurement at low temperature leads to a recovery of the original CL intensity. ", "They attributed this recovery to a thermally activated release of the trapped charges. ", "However, in our own experiments, we observed only a partial recovery of the CL intensity after heating up a sample exposed to the electron beam at low temperature (10 K). ", "In CL images recorded at room temperature, the contrast from the previously exposed region is still clearly darker than from its vicinity. ", "Note in this context that, when remeasuring quenching transients on a previously exposed field as presented in [@Robins_jap_2007a], already a minor misalignment of the fields may lead to an overestimation of the recovery.", "\n\nTo further investigate the non-persistent trapping of charges, we have investigated the recovery of the CL quenching during “blanking” of the electron beam (deflection from its usual path in the electron column) for intermittent periods while recording CL transients at room temperature. ", "An example of such measurements is given in figure \\[fig:recovery\\]. ", "Different fields were exposed to the electron beam for 180 s prior to blanking the beam. ", "For an increasing blanking time, the signal intensity upon re-exposure increases. ", "This recovery saturates after a few ten minutes of blanking. ", "To quantify this recovery, we can define the relative recovery as $\\Delta I_\\mathrm{rec}/\\Delta I_0$, where $\\Delta I_\\mathrm{rec}$ is the absolute recovery in CL intensity during the blanking period, which is normalized to the quenching of the CL intensity $\\Delta I_0$ during the primary exposure (as illustrated by the arrows in figure \\[fig:recovery\\]). ", "The relative recovery in CL intensity during beam blanking for several series of such measurements with different primary exposure times is summarized in the inset of figure \\[fig:recovery\\]. ", "The relative recovery is more pronounced for a short primary exposure (10 s), where it amounts to about 25% after 10 min, than for longer primary exposures (80 and 180 s), where it reaches only about 16% even after more than 20 min. ", "This behavior indicates that the charge trapping occurs on shorter time scales than the persistent quenching, the nature of which will be investigated in the next section. ", "Concerning the dynamics of the charge trapping, the gradual occupation of available surface states should continuously reduce the capture rate for electrons, since like charges repel. ", "As a consequence, the process is expected to slow down with time, contributing to the complex non-exponential dynamics of the quenching process. ", "Note that an incident electron from the beam creates about $10^3$ low-energy secondary electrons [@Mitsui_jjap_2005]. ", "Hence, charge trapping can indeed be expected to be a rather fast process.", "\n\nThe partial reversibility of the quenching process confirms that charge trapping does contribute to the CL quenching. ", "However, considering that the magnitude of the recovery does not exceed 25%, it is clear that charge trapping cannot be the sole origin of the quenching, but is indeed of rather minor importance, in particular for longer exposure times.", "\n\n![", "\\[fig:plasma\\] Comparison of the evolution of the GaN NBE CL intensity with time for a sample piece treated in H$_2$/O$_2$ plasma for 2 min prior to the placement in the SEM and an untreated piece (scanned area 98 $\\upmu$m$^2$, beam current 1.2 nA). ", "The inset shows a double-logarithmic plot of the same data.](figure4){width=\"7.5cm\"}\n\nCarbon adsorption\n-----------------\n\nA persistent quenching of the luminescence may result from the chemisorption of adsorbates. ", "An obvious candidate in SEM-based measurements is C, which is deposited on investigated samples due to the cracking of hydrocarbon molecules present on the sample surface or in the vacuum chamber by the high-energy electron beam [@Ennos_bjap_1953; @Hart_pm_1970; @Fourie_optik_1978]. ", "On the one hand, the build-up of a carbonaceous layer on the surface might simply lead to the absorption of the emitted luminescence in this opaque adlayer. ", "On the other hand, the adsorption of C on the surface may induce surface states promoting nonradiative recombination. ", "In contrast to the optical absorption, a sub-monolayer coverage could already be sufficient for giving rise to a pronounced quenching of the luminescence.", "\n\nA pre-treatment of samples in a combined H$_2$/O$_2$ plasma is known to be an effective way to remove hydrocarbon contamination on the surface and thereby mitigate the formation of a carbonaceous layer during electron beam exposure [@Griffiths_jpcs_2010]. ", "Figure \\[fig:plasma\\] shows a comparison between the CL quenching with exposure time for an untreated and a plasma-cleaned piece of the same sample. ", "Clearly, the quenching is less severe for the piece subjected to the 2 min plasma cleaning step. ", "Particularly, the initial quenching is much slower as can be clearly seen in the double logarithmic plot in the inset of figure \\[fig:plasma\\]. ", "For short exposure times, the remaining slow quenching for the cleaned sample piece is probably due to charging effects alone. ", "However, the quenching observed for longer exposure times is still considerable, and the improvement gained by the plasma cleaning step amounts to only a factor of three. ", "We believe this finding to be due to the abundance of hydrocarbons in the high vacuum of a typical SEM. ", "A partial pressure of $10^{-8}$ Torr, for example, results in monolayer coverage within a few minutes. ", "This view is confirmed by the fact that plasma treatments for longer than two minutes did not result in any further improvement.", "\n\n![", "\\[fig:exposure\\](a) Evolution of the normalized GaN NBE CL intensity during a 6400-s exposure on a large field. ", "Inset: Normalized integrated PL intensity at room temperature as a function of nominal layer thickness for nanowire samples sputter coated with C. (b) SEM images (in-lens detector, same contrast settings) showing the material contrast from a carbonaceous film for four fields exposed to the electron beam in the SEM for different times. ", "For each field, an area of 2450 $\\upmu$m$^2$ was continuously scanned with a beam current of 6.5 nA. (c) Magnified top-view SEM images of unexposed nanowires (left) and nanowires from the field exposed for 6400 s (right).](figure5){width=\"7.5cm\"}\n\nTo further elucidate the role of C adsorption in the process of luminescence quenching, we have carried out a series of electron beam exposures under controlled conditions. ", "To this end, we have scanned large fields (2450 $\\upmu$m$^2$) in the SEM at a fixed beam current of 6.5 nA and varied the exposure time from 200 to 6400 s. The CL quenching for the longest of these exposures is exemplified in figure \\[fig:exposure\\](a), where shorter exposure times simply interrupt this curve at an earlier time. ", "On these large fields, the quenching continues even after almost two hours of exposure since the dose is comparatively small. ", "Figure \\[fig:exposure\\](b) shows SEM images for four of the exposed fields recorded with the in-lens secondary electron detector. ", "Such an in-lens detector is most sensitive to low-energy secondary electrons. ", "The scattering of these low-energy electrons yields a strong chemical contrast enabling the detection of monolayer graphene films [@Kochat_jap_2011; @Wofford_njp_2014]. ", "The dark contrast visible in the images in figure \\[fig:exposure\\](b) is thus consistent with the formation of a carbonaceous film.", "\n\nThe strong contrast observed after an exposure of 6400 s may lead to the impression that we have deposited a layer of significant thickness on the surface. ", "In this case, an obvious candidate for the persistent quenching would be optical absorption. ", "For amorphous C, the absorption coefficient at 3.4 eV has been measured to be around $2\\times10^5$ cm$^{-1}$ [@Hagemann_jopt_1975; @Mominuzzaman_jjap_1999]. ", "A 10 nm thick C film would therefore absorb only about 20% of the NBE CL from the nanowires. ", "A similar absorption would be reached in the case of short-range ordered C layers for a thickness of 5 nm [@Dovbeshko_nrl_2015]. ", "However, when examining the exposed nanowire ensemble at a higher magnification as shown in figure \\[fig:exposure\\](c), no apparent change of the nanowire diameter is observed even for the longest exposure time. ", "The area coverage of the nanowires in the two micrographs in figure \\[fig:exposure\\](c) increases slightly from 49 to 51%, which for circular nanowires with an average diameter of 50 nm would correspond to a diameter increase of 1 nm. ", "However, the uncertainty in this measurement is actually larger than this difference.", "\n\nAdditionally, we have investigated sputter-coated nanowire samples with nominally 0.5–10 nm of C (corresponding to the layer measured by a quartz thickness monitor). ", "The evolution of the room temperature PL intensity with nominal C thickness for these samples is given in the inset to figure \\[fig:exposure\\](a). ", "Already an equivalent C thickness of 0.5 nm is sufficient to quench the PL emission by almost two orders of magnitude, comparable to the quenching in CL measurements. ", "Considering the much larger surface area of the nanowires, this thickness translates into a sub-monolayer coverage of their sidewalls. ", "In consequence, it can be ruled out that optical absorption plays a significant role in the CL quenching. ", "Instead, the quenching must be related to a change in the surface states induced by the presence of C. Furthermore, this measurement constitutes an independent proof that we can rule out the introduction of point defects and that also the charging of surface states plays only a subordinate role in the luminescence quenching.", "\n\n![", "\\[fig:trpl\\](a) Room temperature PL transients taken from an unexposed area of the GaN nanowire ensemble (exposure 0 s) and from the six fields previously scanned in the SEM/CL for exposure times between 200 and 6400 s \\[*cf* figure \\[fig:exposure\\](b)\\]. ", "The $1/e$ time $\\tau_\\mathrm{eff}$ of the initial decay decreases from 120 ps for the pristine nanowires to 25 ps for an exposure of 6400 s. (b) Evolution of the normalized effective lifetime $\\tau_\\mathrm{eff} \\approx \\tau_\\mathrm{nr}$ (squares) with exposure time compared with the corresponding normalized, spectrally integrated PL intensity at zero delay $I_\\mathrm{t=0} \\propto \\tau_\\mathrm{r}^{-1}$ (circles). (", "c) Normalized internal quantum efficiency $\\eta_\\mathrm{int}$ as determined from the time-resolved PL measurements in comparison to the CL intensity $I_\\mathrm{CL}$ during the corresponding beam exposure.](figure6){width=\"7.6cm\"}\n\nThis presence of C on the nanowire sidewall surfaces could, on the one hand, introduce nonradiative recombination centers at the surface, increasing the nonradiative decay rate. ", "On the other hand, C adatoms may induce the formation of surface states that pin the Fermi level closer to midgap, thus further increasing the radial electric fields and thereby reducing the radiative recombination efficiency in analogy to the charge trapping at already existing surface states. ", "For a direct quantitative determination of the radiative and nonradiative recombination rates, we have investigated the charge carrier dynamics by time-resolved micro-PL measurements on the fields depicted in figure \\[fig:exposure\\](b). ", "For these ex-situ PL measurements, we can expect that reversible charging of surface states does not play a role and that we are dealing only with persistent modifications of the surface states.", "\n\nThe recorded PL transients are shown in figure \\[fig:trpl\\](a). ", "The effective exciton lifetime $\\tau_\\mathrm{eff}$, which we define as the 1$/e$ time of the initial decay, amounts to 120 ps for the pristine nanowire ensemble. ", "This short lifetime is essentially purely nonradiative, but is not related to surface recombination since we have measured values exceeding 1 ns for other GaN nanowires of similar diameter. ", "For extended exposures, the PL decay accelerates, and $\\tau_\\mathrm{eff}$ is eventually reduced to 25 ps for the maximum exposure time. ", "This monotonic reduction of $\\tau_\\mathrm{eff}$ directly reflects a corresponding increase of the nonradiative recombination rate due to the electron-beam induced C deposition on the surface. ", "Its clear correlation with the exposure time \\[*cf* figure \\[fig:trpl\\](b)\\] demonstrates that the adsorbed C atoms act as nonradiative recombination centers and drastically increase the surface recombination velocity. ", "Since $\\tau_\\mathrm{eff} \\approx \\tau_\\mathrm{nr} \\ll \\tau_\\mathrm{r}$ with $\\tau_\\mathrm{r}$ denoting the radiative and $\\tau_\\mathrm{nr}$ the effective nonradiative lifetime, we can write $\\tau_\\mathrm{eff} \\approx \\tau_\\mathrm{nr} = \\left(1/\\tau_\\mathrm{nr}^b + 1/\\tau_\\mathrm{nr}^s\\right)^{-1}$ with the nonradiative contributions from the bulk ($b$) and the surface ($s$). ", "With $\\tau_\\mathrm{eff} = 25$ ps and $\\tau_\\mathrm{nr}^b = 120$ ps, we obtain $\\tau_\\mathrm{nr}^s = 32$ ps. ", "For the present average nanowire diameter of $\\left<d\\right> = 50$ nm, we can estimate the surface recombination velocity $S$ of the *M*-plane sidewall surface of the nanowires after 6400 s of exposure to $S = 4 \\left<d\\right> / \\tau_\\mathrm{nr}^s = 6.2 \\times 10^5$ cm/s. This value has to be compared to the one reported by Schlager  [@Schlager_jap_2008] for as-grown GaN microwires at room temperature, namely, $S = 9\\times10^3$ cm/s. Apparently, the deposition of C increases $S$ by almost two orders of magnitude, reaching a magnitude commonly associated with other semiconductors such as GaAs [@Joyce_nt_2013].", "\n\nTogether with this decrease in $\\tau_\\mathrm{eff}$, the spectrally integrated peak intensity at zero delay ($I_{t=0}$) also decreases with the exposure time as clearly seen in figure \\[fig:trpl\\](a). ", "Since we have ruled out a significant absorption in the deposited C layer, this reduction of $I_{t=0}$ implies that the electron beam exposure affects not only the nonradiative, but also the radiative decay rate. ", "For excitation pulses much shorter than the recombination time, $I_{t=0}$ is directly proportional to the radiative decay rate: $I_{t=0} \\propto \\tau_\\mathrm{r}^{-1}$ (see [@Brandt_jvstb_2002] for an explicit derivation). ", "The evolution of $\\tau_\\mathrm{r}^{-1}$ with exposure time is also shown in figure \\[fig:trpl\\](b). ", "The most plausible explanation for this decrease in the radiative decay rate of excitons is an increase in the radial electric fields by the C deposition. ", "This effect implies that C adatoms induce surface states that pin the Fermi level closer to midgap compared to the unexposed *M*-plane surfaces.", "\n\nThe quantities depicted in figure \\[fig:trpl\\](b) directly determine the internal quantum efficiency $\\eta_\\mathrm{int} = \\tau_\\mathrm{eff}/\\tau_\\mathrm{r}$. In figure \\[fig:trpl\\](c), we compare $\\eta_\\mathrm{int}$ deduced from the time-resolved PL experiments to the CL intensity $I_\\mathrm{CL}$ recorded during the exposure of the six investigated fields, which is expected to be proportional to $\\eta_\\mathrm{int}$. Note that $\\eta_\\mathrm{int}$ is likely to be different for steady-state and transient conditions and is certain to depend on excitation density [@brandt_prb_1996a]. ", "Also, the depth profile of the excitation differs between PL and CL. ", "Considering the dissimilarity in experimental conditions, the agreement between these two different measurements is surprisingly good. ", "The faster initial decay in CL can be attributed to charge trapping, while the slower decay for long times may result from the high excitation density in CL experiments.", "\n\nSummary and conclusion\n======================\n\nWe have shown that both charge trapping at the nanowire sidewall surfaces and the deposition of a carbonaceous film due to the cracking of hydrocarbons by the electron beam contribute to the luminescence quenching of GaN nanowires under electron beam exposure. ", "The former effect is fast, reversible, and comparatively weak. ", "The latter is persistent, acts on longer time scales, and quenches the CL intensity by up to two orders of magnitude. ", "We point out that these processes may be interlinked, i.e., hydrocarbon fragments created in the vacuum may actually be attracted to the scanned area due to surface charging.", "\n\nWe have ruled out the possibility of optical absorption in the deposited carbonaceous film. ", "Instead, this film has been found to induce strong nonradiative surface recombination and, at the same time, to drastically reduce the radiative decay rate of free excitons. ", "These two observations suggest that C adatoms create surface states that are highly efficient nonradiative centers and simultaneously pin the Fermi level closer to mid gap, thus increasing the radial electric fields in the nanowires. ", "To further elucidate the role of C on GaN surfaces, it would be interesting to employ surface sensitive techniques to clarify the detailed chemical and electronic configuration for C adsorbed on GaN surfaces of different orientations.", "\n\nThe luminescence quenching already occurs for sub-monolayer C coverage and will be difficult to avoid even with the utmost care in sample handling and vacuum conditions, unless an ultra-high vacuum setup is used. ", "As a consequence, the quenching effect has to be accounted for in the investigation of nanowires by CL spectroscopy. ", "In particular, the relative height of different spectral contributions can be significantly altered, because emission from strongly localized states, such as impurity-related transitions, is much less affected than the NBE luminescence arising (at room temperature) from free excitons. ", "Moreover, in time-resolved CL measurements, the transients are distorted by the buildup of C on the surface during the masurement. ", "It is also important to take great care when nanostructures are imaged by SEM prior to subsequent PL measurements. ", "In particular, carrier lifetimes obtained by such measurements may not represent those of the pristine nanostructure, but may rather reflect surface modifications as observed in the present work for GaN nanowires.", "\n\nNanostructures of other semiconductors, such as ZnO, are likely to suffer from similar surface effects during electron beam exposure. ", "For GaN layers, the surface clearly plays a less significant role. ", "Nevertheless, at low acceleration voltages and thus shallow penetration depths, surface effects become important also for CL measurements on layers, and the effects discussed in this work should play a role there as well.", "\n\nThe authors would like to thank Carsten Pfüller for a critical reading of the manuscript.", "\n\n[^1]: Present address: Institut Nanosciences et Cryogénie (INAC-PHELIQS), CEA, 17 av.", " des Martyrs, 38000 Grenoble, France\n\n[^2]: Present address: Jenoptik Laser GmbH, Göschwitzer Str. ", "29, Jena, Germany\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nManage Promotion in smart target\n\nI have created a promotion with when trigger date is 30 jan 2015 - 31 jan 2015 in targeting tab in CME which should not visible today \nBut its visible on browser .Any help regarding the same highly appreciated \n\nA:\n\nFor this to work, the trigger needs to be mapped to a value in your ADF.", "\nI wrote a blog post here that shows the steps to wire up the Context Engine into SmartTarget, the steps are essentially the same you just need to wire up to the source of where your date is coming from.", "\nIn short:\n\nYour app puts the date into the ADF\nConfigure this in your smarttarget_conf.xml\nConfigure the value from your conf into the Trigger types\n\nThen it should magically work :)\nIf you've done these steps, perhaps you could share some of your config files?", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0061162079510703364, 0.009852216748768473, 0.007633587786259542, 0 ]
[ "Inside the Matchup: USC vs Stanford\n\nJonathan Kahn\n\n09/14/2016\n\nA rematch of the 2015 Pac-12 Championship game.", "\n\nThe USC Trojans travel up the coast to take on the Stanford Cardinal in a week 3 Pac-12 showdown. ", "This rivalry is nearing the century mark. ", "They met twice in 2015, could we see this matchup twice again in 2016?" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.036036036036036036, 0.02, 0, 0 ]
[ "Virtual Museum\n\nService learning allows students to link their classroom\nlearning to “real-life” experiences in the community.", "\nAt its best, service learning has been shown to improve student\nlearning, address community needs, facilitate public debate and\ndialogue, and create a campus that partners with its community.", "\nEach semester more and more CSUCI students are involved in an array\nof service learning courses , allowing them to work on community\nissues and needs.", "To learn more about the types of service projects\nand contributions CSUCI students are making to the community please\nenjoy a walk through our virtual service learning museum.", "\n\nExhibits\n\nView ProjectTitle: Villa César Chávez Oral History\nProject\nProgram: Sociology/English 331: Narratives of\nthe Working Class\nProfessor: Beth Hartung and Renny Christopher\nDescription: CSUCI students in an oral history\nproject examine how quality housing impacts the quality of life\nfor farm worker families in the Villa César Chávez\nhousing community. ", "The project sought to build a relationship\nbetween CSUCI and under-served immigrant farm workers and their\nfamilies.", "\n\nView ProjectTitle: The Bracero interviews\nProgram: Chicana/o Studies, Spanish and Art.", "\nProfessor: Jose Alamillo, Terry Ballman, and\nLuke Matjas\nDescription: CI students in an oral history\nproject conduct interviews with ex-Braceros. ", "The project sought\nto document, preserve and introduce the the Bracero experience to\nVentura County." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.007936507936507936, 0, 0, 0.005714285714285714, 0.011049723756906077, 0.008620689655172414, 0.011363636363636364, 0.02040816326530612, 0 ]
[ "The present application relates to devices for injecting, delivering, administering, infusing or dispensing a substance, and to methods of making and using such devices. ", "More particularly, it relates to an injection device for administering a product, e.g. a drug. ", "In some embodiments, it relates to automatic injection devices, although it is not limited to such devices.", "\nAutomatic injection devices, which may be referred to as auto-injectors, are known from the prior art. ", "Such devices provide for automatic delivery of a substance or product. ", "A needle associated with such devices can be injected manually or automatically. ", "If the needle is manually injected or inserted into a patients or users body, the injection movement of the needle is imparted by a user's hand, for example by the user grasping the injection device and pressing it onto an injection point, thus injecting the needle. ", "If the needle is automatically injected, the injection movement of the needle is generated by a drive member, such as a spring element, which advances the needle into the injection point.", "\nSuch injection devices can comprise an opening from which the needle can be extended manually or automatically. ", "There are devices in which the opening exhibits a diameter only slightly larger than the needle, such that accessing the needle, for example with a finger, and thus inadvertently pricking oneself is prevented. ", "In these devices, however, the ability to assemble the injection device may be affected or restricted. ", "There are also devices in which the opening is dimensioned large enough to facilitate assembly of the device, but in these devices, the opening is generally large enough that a finger can fit into or through it, thus incurring the danger of an inadvertant needle stick or pricking.", "\nInjection devices which accommodate a product or substance container, e.g. an ampoule, carpoule, vial, etc., ", "containing a product to be delivered are also known. ", "A needle can be attached to the distal end of the product container. ", "In some instances, the proximal end of the product container, i.e. the end opposite the needle, is fastened to the injection device. ", "Due to the forces which arise when an injection device is used, the product container may be released and/or separated from the injection device or, in more extreme cases, the container may break, thus enabling it to fall out of the injection device." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhat is \"Policy Collapse\" and what are the causes?", "\n\nI saw the term \"policy collapse\" on the comments of a tutorial for reinforcement learning. ", "\nI'm guessing that it's referred to as a policy collapse when the policy worsens over training due to a bad hyper-parameter, be it the learning rate, batch size, etc., ", "but I couldn't find anything explaining it in clearly and in detail. ", "\n\nA:\n\nA web search for \"policy collapse\" \"reinforcement learning\" finds this question, a related one in stats.stackexchange.com and the comments section where you found the phrase. ", "There are two other results on unrelated subjects where the words happen to appear next to each other. ", "Then that's it - 5 results total from Google.", "\nA google books ngrams search for policy collapse finds no references at all.", "\nIt is hard to prove a negative, but I think this is not a widely used term.", "\nHowever, the comment does appear to be referring to a real phenomenon. ", "That is where a reinforcement agent, instead of converging on the value functions for an optimal policy as it gains experience, actually diverges (and the parameters of the approximator will diverge too).", "\nThis can happen when using non-linear function approximators to estimate action-values. ", "More generally, it tends to happen when you have the following traits in your problem:\n\nUsing a function approximator, especially a non-linear one (although even linear function approximators can diverge)\nUsing a bootstrap method, e.g. Temporal Difference (TD) Learning (including SARSA and Q-learning), where values are updated from the same value estimator applied to successive steps. ", "\nOff-policy training. ", "Attempting to learn the optimal policy whilst not behaving optimally (as in Q-Learning).", "\n\nIn Sutton and Barto's book this is called the \"deadly triad\". ", "If you do a web search for \"deadly triad\" \"reinforcement learning\" you will find many more results. ", "It is an ongoing area of research how best to combat the effect. ", "In the paper that introduced the DQN model learning to play Atari games, the researchers applied two things that help stabilise against the effect:\n\nExperience replay, where transitions are not learned from immediately, but put into a pool from which mini-batches are sampled to train the approximator.", "\nBootstrap estimates are made from a \"frozen\" copy of the learning network, updated every N training steps - i.e. when calculating the TD target $R + \\gamma \\hat{q}(S', A', \\theta)$, use this old copy of the network.", "\n\nFrom the comment section you linked, it appears even applying these things is not a guaranteed fix and takes some judgement. ", "In that case it was increasing the mini-batch size for experience replay that helped to stabilise an agent playing a variant of the video game Pong.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "NCB Capital, the GCC’s leading wealth manager and the Kingdom’s largest asset manager, believes that SAMA’s recently published draft regulations moves the country closer to the enactment of the long awaited and much needed Mortgage Law.", "\n\nIn a new report issued today commenting on the guidelines, NCB Capital highlighted that this illustrates the willingness of the Saudi government to reform and address the economic and social challenges it faces. ", "However, NCB Capital noted that alongside financing issues, the other key obstacle in the housing market, that of lack of supply of affordable housing, also needs to be addressed in order for the Mortgage Law to have its full desired effect.", "\n\nThe published draft regulations related to mortgage lending include: (1) Implementing regulation of real estate finance (2) Implementing regulations of financial lease law and (3) Implementing regulation of the law on supervision of finance companies. ", "However, although these regulations are set to become official after a period of 30 days, it is expected to take at least 18 months preparation before Saudi banks can start lending based on the new guidelines.", "\n\n“We believe that the regulations introduced fully tackles many of the issues facing the real estate market including: speculation and real estate “bubbles”, the need for a real estate price index, transparency, and the creation of a secondary market for the trading of these mortgages including securitization,” said Mahmood Akbar, Banking research analyst at NCB Capital, commenting on the report. “", "However, we believe the proposed law in its current form does not tackle a key underlying problem; lack of suitable and affordable housing. ", "Therefore, even if the process of mortgage lending was made easier through private property institutions, middle class borrowers will find a limited supply of suitable housing.”", "\n\nNCB Capital expects the impact of the Mortgage Law to have its full effect on home ownership only after the supply of housing becomes more affordable. ", "A key trigger for mortgage lending, even in the absence of enforced formal institutions, is the introduction of incentives to develop private land and/or deterrents in holding such undeveloped land. ", "An example of this which has been discussed in the past few months is the introduction of tax on underdeveloped lands. “", "We believe this will ease pressure on property supply by freeing up land for development. ", "This will be a key trigger for mortgage lending going forward; while a mortgage law will facilitate bank lending, a land tax will ensure greater supply to meet the demand of home buyers,” explained Mr. Akbar.", "\n\nAccording to various sources, the vast majority of credit companies do not meet the criteria mentioned in the draft regulation in terms of supervision of finance companies. ", "This will lead to the licenses of these companies to be revoked unless they meet the requirements. ", "NCB Capital believes this is a positive move as it will unify and increase confidence in terms of the quality of the firms which do meet the criteria.", "\n\nThe report highlighted that unless property supply improves, mortgage lending from banks is unlikely to significantly pick up in the short and medium term. ", "Therefore, NCB Capital does not expect this new legislation to have a material impact in the next two years for Saudi banks.", "\n\nNCB Capital expects the share prices of banks (Al Bilad and Alinma in particular) as well as real estate companies (e.g. Dar Al Arkan and Emaar EconomicCity) to see share price increases in the short-term. ", "However, like the announcement made in July, this is likely to be short-lived until more clarity is shown on the issue.", "\n\nPost new comment\n\nBackground information\n\nNCB Capital Company is the newly created independent investment company and the first subsidiary of a Saudi bank to be licensed by the Capital Market Authority. ", "It handles investment banking and asset management in Saudi Arabia to provide customers with premier solutions of integrated investment services.", "\n\nNCB Capital Company is the newly created independent investment company and the first subsidiary of a Saudi bank to be licensed by the Capital Market Authority. ", "It handles investment banking and asset management in Saudi Arabia to provide customers with premier solutions of integrated investment services.", "\n\nContact Information:\n\nTrans-Arabian Creative Communications (TRACCS) was founded in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in December 1997 to provide world class public relations services to the Kingdom's business community and to multinational enterprises operating in the country. ", "More...\n\nTrans-Arabian Creative Communications (TRACCS) was founded in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in December 1997 to provide world class public relations services to the Kingdom's business community and to multinational enterprises operating in the country.", "\n\nToday TRACCS has become one of the largest public relations networks in the Middle East and North Africa with over 200 dedicated professionals providing a diverse and sophisticated service offering from 14 offices in 13 countries." ]
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[ "Diner Dash was one of the first incarnations of the modern casual game: simple mechanics that are easy to learn and hard to master. ", "Wikipedia says that publisher PlayFirst has seen over 550 million downloads of the game in its various versions, to say nothing of sequels and spin-offs. ", "That's probably why Glu Mobile, one of the more visible mobile game publishers, has snatched up the company. ", "Glu's stock priced jumped 8% this morning on the announcement.", "\n\nGlu's press release says they they've acquired 3 million shares of PlayFirst stock and will be assuming $3.55 million in debt in the deal, which is expected to close next month. ", "In addition to the Diner Dash series which has released games on the PC, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, Nintendo DS, PSP, and of course Android and iOS, PlayFirst has released other versions starring poster girl Flo, like Cooking Dash and Hotel Dash. ", "The company has also created kid-focused licensed games for properties like SpongeBob Squarepants, Hotel Transylvania, and The Mortal Instruments. ", "PlayFirst's games outside the primary \"Dash\" series don't seem to climb the charts in the same way.", "\n\nGlu Mobile has been around since 2004, the same year that Diner Dash was first released, and has released dozens and dozens of games on Android and iOS, nearly all of them using the free-to-play model. ", "While the company is certainly profitable and has its fans, a reliance on dual-currency systems and manipulative \"free\" marketing has made it poster child for everything wrong with the dominant in-app purchase style of mobile games. ", "PlayFirst has already started work on a new Diner Dash title for late 2014, and you can bet your baloney sandwich that Glu will use its typical in-app purchase system for that game and all forthcoming PlayFirst properties.", "\n\nSource: MarketWatch" ]
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[ "Beverage dispensers, such as those used for carbonated soft drinks and the like, are well known in the art. ", "A beverage dispenser generally includes a series of syrup circuits and water circuits. ", "The syrup circuits generally include a syrup source, an incoming syrup line, a syrup pump, a means of cooling the syrup, and a dispensing valve. ", "The source of the syrup may be a bag-in-box, a figal, a syrup tank, or any other type of conventional syrup source. ", "The syrup pump pumps the syrup from the syrup source on to the cooling means and the dispensing nozzle. ", "The cooling means may be a series of conventional syrup cooling coils located in an ice water bath or the cooling means may include a cold plate located under an ice chest. ", "The syrup of the syrup circuits and the soda water from the water circuits are joined in the dispensing valve so as to produce the beverage. ", "The beverage is then dispensed through a nozzle to the consumer.", "\nThe combination of these various beverage dispenser components, however, makes the construction or the repair of a beverage dispenser somewhat of a time consuming task. ", "A typical beverage dispenser may have several of these syrup and water circuit components therein. ", "The repair of a single component within the beverage dispenser generally requires the entire beverage dispenser to be taken out of service. ", "Further, repair or replacement of any one of the components within a beverage dispenser may require the removal of several other components so as to gain access to the desired component.", "\nFor example, the removal of a single syrup pump from the beverage dispenser generally requires the entire beverage dispenser generally to be taken out of service. ", "Replacement requires the removal of the various fittings connecting the pump to the syrup source and the cooling means and the removal of several screws, bolts, or other conventional types of fastening means. ", "Removal of the syrup pump also inevitably leads to some spillage of the syrup within the pump or the lines. ", "Further, each syrup pump generally has a number of accessories connected thereto. ", "These accessories may include an air vent and an automatic selector valve. ", "The air vent may be used to bleed the syrup line. ", "The automatic selector valve is generally connected to two or more syrup sources. ", "As one syrup source is extinguished, the automatic selector valve switches to the next source such that the syrup pump always has a continuous source of syrup. ", "These accessories likewise must be removed whenever the syrup pump needs to be repaired or replaced.", "\nWhat is needed, therefore, is a simplified means for the installation of and access to beverage dispenser components. ", "These means should permit the quick installation and replacement of beverage dispenser components, such as a syrup pump or syrup pump accessories, without requiring the entire beverage dispenser to be shut down. ", "Further, these goals must be accomplished in a cost efficient and safe manner." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "The Lighthouse Boys\n\nThe Lighthouse Boys are an American Southern Gospel band from Bakersfield, California, and progenitors of \"The Bakersfield Sound\". ", " The group began in 1974 by brothers Mark and Bill Underwood and Bill's brother in-law Steve Johnson. ", " In 1976, the trio expanded from a vocal ensemble to a full band with the addition of Frank McNinch, Garry Miller, and Kenny Knight. ", " The band recorded their self-titled debut album in the late 1970s and released it in 1980. ", " The band has undergone many line-up changes throughout their recording and touring careers, but the core trio has remained at the helm during their history.", "\n\nCareer / Ministry\n\nFounding and early years\n\nFounded in 1974 in Bakersfield, California by Mark Underwood and Steve Johnson, who had been writing songs together since in 1973. ", " By 1974 Mark’s older brother Bill Underwood joined and they began performing all around California.", "\n\nIn 1975 Mark attended a concert that was put on by the Jesus music band Amplified Version, Mark began to talk with them, and they convinced Mark that for The Lighthouse Boys to continue successfully they needed to get a sound system to take with them on the road. ", "That same year a sound system was purchased. ", " In 1976 The Lighthouse Boys became a full quartet when Frank McNinch joined on bass vocals to fill out the sound. ", " They also added Garry Miller on bass guitar and Kenny Knight on drums to fill out the rest of the band.", "\n\nIn 1977 The Lighthouse Boys performed at The Blackwood Brothers and Gospelares Talent Show in Fresno, California at the Selland Arena. ", " They also made an appearance on The Bakersfield, CA local broadcast of The Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon.", "\n\nIn 1978, the group began recording their first album. ", " They entered Buck Owens' Recording Studio to record five of the songs that would go on that record. ", " Jim Shaw who produced the album was later quoted as saying \"They were fun sessions. ", " I just remember they had a nice, gospel-flavored country sound and that we enjoyed working with The Lighthouse Boys\"\n\nThe 80's\n\nBy 1980 The Lighthouse Boys finished and released their first album and went through a major member change. ", " Steve took some time away after the departures of Frank, Garry and Kenny in 1979. ", " With new members Tim Cantu, Dathan Fernandez, Ken Edwards, and Jon Edwards along with Mark and Bill the group had won their first award, recorded a live album at the \"Western Desert Gospel Sing\" on Memorial Day at The San Bernardino Fair Grounds in Victorville, CA. ", " The Lighthouse Boys had become one of the top artists in the west.", "\n\nIn 1983 Mark, Steve and Bill joined up with a few other musicians to form \"New Covenant\" to perform and record while The Lighthouse Boys took on a very limited schedule. ", " \"New Covenant\" recorded three songs, two of which were released on a Sampler LP for what was known as The WGA, on that LP was a re-recording of The Lighthouse Boys song \"When The Saints of God are Called T'ward Heaven.\" ", " In 1984 The Lighthouse Boys made another appearance in Bakersfield on the local broadcast of The Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon. ", " Mark and Steve continued to write songs. ", " The group continued to make appearances on local TV programs and various annual events, Mark spent some time with a group out of Taft, CA called \"Sonrise.\" ", " On Memorial Day 1987 The Lighthouse Boys made an appearance performing three sets over two stages at The Western Desert Gospel Reunion at the San Bernardino Fair Grounds in Victorville, CA. ", " In July they entered the studio again to cut a new single that was originally planned to be given to Jimmy Swaggart, instead it sparked a desire to re-emerge on the road, this time joined on drums by Bill’s son Stephen Underwood.", "\n\nThe 90's \n\nIn 1989, Mark Underwood, Steve Johnson & Ken Edwards signed a one-year contract as writers with a publishing company. ", " The Lighthouse Boys went into the studio to record 6 songs, but soon after the recording Ken Edwards took time away to help his father's radio station in Dry Prong, Louisiana. ", " A young man by the name of Terry Mullin joined as lead singer. ", " The Lighthouse Boys recorded backup vocals for soloist Debra Hoopiiaina on her album \"Bought With A Price.\" ", " In 1993 after Ken Edwards' return and a move down to bass vocals for Terry, The Lighthouse Boys released the previous six songs recorded from 1989 as a compilation album with five songs from their first album. ", " In 1994, The Lighthouse Boys went back into the studio where they felt at home: Fat Tracks - formerly The Buck Owens Recording Studio. ", " They joined the Western States Gospel Music Association and hit a North West US tour in the summer and released their third studio album “Golden Classics.” ", " On December 31, 1994 while The Lighthouse Boys celebrated their 20th anniversary, the original quartet Mark Underwood, Steve Johnson, Bill Underwood and Frank McNinch reunited for one concert in which they performed five songs from their first album.", "\n\nIn 1995 The Lighthouse Boys released the radio single “Midnight Cry” through the Rick Hendrix Company. ", "Between 1995-1997 they toured the North West and Southern parts of the United States. ", " In October 1997 they made an afternoon showcase appearance at Suwannee River Jubilee held in Live Oak, Florida. ", " The fans were so enthused by the performance The Lighthouse Boys were asked to perform on the evening show. ", " The quartet also began performing annually at The Great Western Quartet Convention (a \"spin-off\" event from the National Quartet Convention).", "\n\nIn 1998 Mark temporarily lost his voice, a young man by the name of Tim Williams had just stepped down as music minister at his home Church at Northland Assembly of God in Bakersfield, CA. ", " Tim was originally joining to play keyboards, but because of Mark's vocal health, Mark continued playing keyboards and Tim took over singing Tenor.", "\n\n2000’s \n\nIn March 2000, The Lighthouse Boys released “Golden Classics 2”. ", " In October after 20 years with The Lighthouse Boys, Ken Edwards left the group. ", " Terry Mullin and Tim Williams left as well to reform Golden State Quartet. ", " In 2001, original member Steve Johnson stepped back in, Stephen Underwood moved from the Drums to Lead Vocalist and The Lighthouse Boys set back out on the road. ", " In 2002, they met up with producer Mark Yeary and recorded the single “The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power.” ", " The song was recorded for a special compilation project called IAMM Volume 1. ", " They also guest appeared on the album \"I'll Be There\" by Mark Yeary's sister \"Cathy Hollowell.\"", "\n\nIn February 2004, the group celebrated their 30th anniversary. ", " In the summer of that year, their keyboardist Mike Smith was found by his bike after falling asleep while driving home from work. ", " He had run off the road in the hills outside of Santa Maria.", "\n\nIn October, Bill Underwood left the road to pastor a church. ", " Mark brought up his son Joe Underwood to sing baritone, they continued with Stephen Underwood as a trio until they briefly shut down in December 2005.", "\n\nIn 2006 Mark, Steve, Bill & Stephen came back together to perform limited concert dates, their first concert back was the 2006 Great Western Southern Gospel Fan Festival at The Save Mart Center in Fresno, California. ", " They again performed there in 2007. ", " In 2008, The Lighthouse Boys went live again for the first time in four years with the addition of Tommy Smith; a veteran Bass Guitarist who had played with the likes of Bobby Durham, Brian Lonbeck, Mark Yeary and The Buckaroos.", "\n\n2010's \n\nIn December 2009 Stephen Underwood returned to the Drums, and Ken Edwards stepped back in to sing lead. ", " April 29, 2010, The Lighthouse Boys returned to the Great Western Fan Fest and released Midnight Cry: The Lighthouse Boys Essential Collection, a 20-song compilation celebrating the years from 1994-2000. ", " On October 30, 2010 for the first time in 10 years, The Lighthouse Boys reunited the most popular version of the group with members Mark Underwood, Bill Underwood, Ken Edwards, Terry Mullin and Stephen Underwood for their entire set during the final 5th Saturday Sing of the year. ", " Tim Williams also joined them on 2 songs.", "\n\nIn December 2012, Jimmy Woods (son of Bakersfield Country Music Legend, Bill Woods) joined The Lighthouse Boys on keyboards. ", " The Lighthouse Boys returned to The Great Western Fan Fest in Visalia, CA with Tommy Smith singing Lead vocals.", "\n\n40 \n\nIn 2014, The Lighthouse Boys announced their 40th Anniversary. ", " In May The Lighthouse Boys rejoined The Western States Gospel Music Association (WSGMA). ", " In February 2015, The Lighthouse Boys released their single \"From Heaven's Point of View\" to digital music stores and to Radio through Patterson Music Promotions.", "\n\nJanuary 25, 2016, The Lighthouse Boys original drummer Kenny Knight passed away suddenly at age 52\n\nIn April 2016, \"The Lighthouse Boys Ultimate Collection\" featuring songs from every studio recording including 2 new songs.", "\n\nIn May 2016, Stephen Underwood officially stepped down from live performance, Randy Ivie (formerly of Golden State Quartet) filled in in June and joined officially as new Lead Singer in September.", "\n\nPersonnel (past and present) \n{| class=\"toccolours\" border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 style=\"width: 700px; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #E2E2E2;\"\n|+ <big>The Lighthouse Boys lineups</big>\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 1974\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, bass guitar\n Steve Johnson – lead vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 1974-1975\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, bass guitar\n Steve Johnson – lead vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n(with supporting members)\n Helen Underwood Embry - Piano\n Sharon Underwood – backup singer\n Donna Johnson – backup singer\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 1976-1978\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, piano\n Steve Johnson – lead vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Frank McNinch – bass vocals\n Gary Miller – Bass Guitar\n Kenny Knight – Drums\n|\nThe Lighthouse Boys (1980)\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 1979\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, piano, keyboards\n Steve Johnson – lead vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Tim Cantu – drums, backup vocals\n Dathan Fernandez – lead guitar, guitar effects\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 1979–1980\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, piano, keyboards\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar, bass guitar\n Tim Cantu – drums, background vocals\n Dathan Fernandez – lead guitar, guitar effects\n Ken Edwards – lead vocals, bass guitar, rhythm guitar\n Jon Edwards – bass vocals, rhythm guitar\n|\n'The Lighthouse Boys - Live (2003) recorded May 26, 1980\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 1981–1983 \n(limited appearances)\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, piano, keyboards\n Steve Johnson – lead vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 1983\n(limited appearances)\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, piano, keyboards\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar, bass guitar\n Tim Cantu – drums, background vocals\n Ken Edwards – lead vocals, bass guitar, rhythm guitar\n Jon Edwards – bass vocals, rhythm guitar\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 1984–1985\n(limited appearances)\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, piano, keyboards\n Steve Johnson – lead vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 1985–1986\n(limited appearances)\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, piano, keyboards\n Steve Johnson – lead vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Tim Cantu - drums, background vocals\n Ken Edwards – lead vocals, bass guitar, rhythm guitar\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 1986–1987\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, piano\n Steve Johnson – bass vocals, lead vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar, bass guitar\n Tim Cantu – drums, background vocals\n Ken Edwards – lead vocals, bass guitar, rhythm guitar\n Stephen Underwood - Tambourine, drums\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 1987–1991\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, piano, Fender Rhodes\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar, bass guitar\n Ken Edwards – lead vocals, bass guitar, rhythm guitar\n Stephen Underwood – drums\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 1991–1992\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, piano, Fender Rhodes\n Steve Johnson – bass vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Stephen Underwood – drums\n Terry Mullin – lead vocals, bass guitar\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 1992-1993\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, piano\n Steve Johnson – bass vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Ken Edwards – lead vocals, bass guitar\n Stephen Underwood – drums\n|\n The Lighthouse Boys (1993)\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 1993–1997\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, piano, keyboards\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Ken Edwards – lead vocals, bass guitar\n Stephen Underwood – drums\n Terry Mullin – bass vocals\n|Golden Classics (1994)\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 1997\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, piano, keyboards\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Ken Edwards – lead vocals, bass guitar\n Stephen Underwood – drums\n Terry Mullin – bass vocals\n Jeff Johnson - drums, bass guitar, vocals\n|After I Get to Heaven (2003)\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 1997\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Ken Edwards – lead vocals, bass guitar\n Stephen Underwood – drums\n Terry Mullin – bass vocals\n Ted McClaren - piano, keyboards\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 1998\n|\n Mark Underwood – keyboards, vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Ken Edwards – lead vocals, bass guitar\n Stephen Underwood – drums\n Terry Mullin – bass vocals\n Tim Williams – tenor vocals\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 1998-1999\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, piano, keyboards\n Steve Johnson – bass vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Tim Cantu – sound engineer, drums\n Stephen Underwood – lead vocals\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 1999-2000\n|\n Mark Underwood – piano, vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Ken Edwards – lead vocals, bass guitar\n Stephen Underwood – drums\n Terry Mullin – bass vocals\n Tim Williams – tenor vocals\n|Golden Classics 2 (2000)\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 2001-2002\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals\n Steve Johnson – bass vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals\n Stephen Underwood – lead vocals\n|The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power-The Single (2002)\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 2002-2003\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, piano, keyboards\n Steve Johnson – bass vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Stephen Underwood – lead vocals\n Joe Underwood – bass guitar\n Russ Higgens – drums\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 2003-2004\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Stephen Underwood – lead vocals\n Joe Underwood – bass guitar\n Jeff Edwards – drums\n Roger Peirce – bass vocals\n Mike Smith – keyboards, vocals\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 2004\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, keyboards\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Stephen Underwood – lead vocals, drums\n Joe Underwood – bass guitar\n Roger Peirce – bass vocals\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 2004-2005\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals\n Stephen Underwood – lead vocals\n Joe Underwood – baritone vocals\n|\n The Best of The Lighthouse Boys 1974-2004 (2005)\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 2006-2007\n(limited appearances)\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals\n Steve Johnson – bass vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals\n Stephen Underwood – lead vocals\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 2008\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, keyboards\n Steve Johnson – bass vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Stephen Underwood – lead vocals\n Tommy Smith - bass guitar\n Chuck Crocker - drums\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 2009\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, keyboards\n Steve Johnson – bass vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Stephen Underwood – lead vocals\n Tommy Smith - bass guitar\n Franky Olds - drums\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 2009\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, keyboards\n Steve Johnson – bass vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Tim Cantu - drums\n Stephen Underwood – lead vocals\n Tommy Smith - bass guitar\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 2009–2010\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, keyboards\n Steve Johnson - bass vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Ken Edwards - lead vocals\n Stephen Underwood – drums\n Tommy Smith - bass guitar\n|\n Midnight Cry: The Lighthouse Boys Essential Collection (2010)\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 2011-2012\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, keyboards\n Steve Johnson – bass vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Tim Cantu - drums\n Stephen Underwood – lead vocals\n Tommy Smith - bass guitar\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 2012\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals, keyboards\n Steve Johnson - bass vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Stephen Underwood – drums\n Tommy Smith - lead vocals, bass guitar\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 2012–2014\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals\n Steve Johnson – bass vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Stephen Underwood – drums, Vocals\n Tommy Smith - lead vocals, bass guitar\n Jimmy Woods - keyboards\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 2014\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals\n Steve Johnson – bass vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Stephen Underwood – drums, Vocals\n Tommy Smith - bass guitar\n Jimmy Woods - keyboards\n Duane Meadows - lead vocals\n|Songs For Easter (Limited Edition digital compilation EP) (2014)\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 2014–2015\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals\n Steve Johnson – bass vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals, rhythm guitar\n Stephen Underwood – drums, Vocals\n Tommy Smith - bass guitar\n Jimmy Woods - keyboards\n Carl Barber - lead vocals\n|From Heaven's Point of View - The Single (2015)\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 2015\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals\n Steve Johnson – bass vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals\n Stephen Underwood – lead vocals\n Jimmy Woods - keyboards\n|The Lighthouse Boys Ultimate Collection'' (2016)\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 2015-2016\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals\n Steve Johnson – bass vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals\n Stephen Underwood – lead vocals\n|-\n! ", "style=\"background:#e7ebee;\"| 2016-Present\n|\n Mark Underwood – tenor vocals\n Steve Johnson – bass vocals\n Bill Underwood – baritone vocals\n Randy Ivie – lead vocals\n|}\n\n Studio musicians \n\nA list of Producers, Engineers and Musicians that The Lighthouse Boys have recorded with over the years.", "Jim Shaw – Engineer, KeyboardsDoyle Curtsinger – Bass GuitarTerry Christoffersen – Guitar, Steel GuitarBrian Lonbeck – GuitarMark Yeary – Producer, KeyboardsMax Reese – EngineerTracy Heaston – Producer, KeyboardsMike Pillow – ProducerJerry Mulkins – GuitarJimmy Woods – KeyboardsNick Forcillo – Engineer\n\nDiscography\n\nAlbums\nSource:\n\n*originally recorded May 26, 1980\n**originally recorded from 1995-1997\n\nSingles\n\nOther Appearances1991 Debra Hoopiiaina - Bought With A Price (Indie)1995 Rick Hendrix Radio Source 1995 Volume 1 (Rick Hendrix Company)1995 WSGMA 20 Great Songs (WSGMA)2002 I.A.M.M Volume 1 (International Association of Music Ministries)2002 Cathy Hollowell - I'll Be There (Oreely Multi-Media)2003 Don Hodge - Song Promo''' (Indie)\n\nReferences\n\n Gospel Voice Magazine June 1994 “Just West of Here”\n Resource Publications, \"The Christian Music Directories\" formerly \"The Recording Locator\" - https://web.archive.org/web/20101006063310/http://www.rpinet.com/cmd.html\n http://www.thelighthouseboys.com The Lighthouse Boys Official Website\n https://web.archive.org/web/20110708124901/http://www.ccauthority.com/interviews/lighthouseboys.htm Interview with The Lighthouse Boys on CCAuthority.com\n http://nl.newsbank.com/cgi-bin/ngate/BCAB?ext_docid=1006D5E2B46C4AB9&ext_hed=A+30-year+musical+journey&ext_theme=bcab&pubcode=BCAB \"A 30-Year Musical Journey\" Bakersfield Californian Newspaper (must have a user name and password)\n\nExternal links\n The Lighthouse Boys Official Website\n Stephen Underwood Official Website\n The Lighthouse Boys Official YouTube Channel\n The Lighthouse Boys Official MySpace Page\n The Lighthouse Boys Official FaceBook Page\n Bakersfield Californian Official Website\n\nCategory:American gospel musical groups\nCategory:Gospel quartets\nCategory:Musical groups established in 1974\nCategory:Southern gospel performers" ]
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[ "Library to Go coming to Holts Summit\n\nA Library to Go will be established soon for Callaway County residents at the new Holts Summit City Hall.", "\n\nThe Holts Summit Board of Aldermen Monday unanimously approved an ordinance authorizing an agreement between the city and the Daniel Boone Regional Library to create the book delivery and pickup service at City Hall.", "\n\nThe new city hall building is located in a former bank the city purchased next door to the previous city hall on South Summit Drive. ", "The old city hall soon will be fully occupied by the Holts Summit Police Department.", "\n\nDaniel Boone Regional Library serves residents of Boone and Callaway counties and includes the Callaway County Public Library in Fulton and the Columbia Public Library.", "\n\nMelissa Carr, director of the Daniel Boone Regional Library, outlined the Library to Go proposal to the Holts Summit aldermen.", "\n\nCarr said Callaway library patrons would call the library or consult the online catalog of books, CDs or DVDs and reserve one of these items to be picked up at Holts Summit City Hall at 213 S. Summit Drive.", "\n\nWhen the book or item is available, it will be taken to the pickup point and placed in an individual locker with a door.", "\n\nThe individual who reserved the book would receive an e-mail when the book is ready, go to City Hall, key in the reservation number on a computer and the individual locker door will pop open, revealing the reserved material.", "\n\nWhen the item is ready to be returned it can be dropped off at a return station located at a drive-through window at city hall.", "\n\nHolts Summit City Administrator Brian Crane said the new City Hall has three drive-up windows. ", "He said the city is using only the one nearest the building.", "\n\n“The third window will be converted as a convenient drop-off point for Callaway County residents to return books to the Daniel Boone Regional Library,” Crane said.", "\n\nIn other action, the board approved a $37,000 bid from Jefferson Asphalt of Jefferson City on seven street overlay projects." ]
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[ "Dietary intake evaluation and dosimetric modelling for the Techa River residents based on in vivo measurements of strontium-90 in teeth and skeleton.", "\nExplanations are given for the models and algorithms that are utilised to reconstruct the doses due to the incorporation of 90Sr in the inhabitants of the Techa riverside villages. ", "A model for the 90Sr accumulation and excretion in the tooth enamel is employed to derive the relative intakes of 90Sr in the years 1950-1959. ", "The measurements of beta-ray activity on the surface of the front teeth of persons born between 1940-1959 are used to derive the relative intakes in different calendar years and the transfer functions to the tooth enamel as a function of age. ", "This derivation is based on a non-linear optimisation algorithm, to fit the observed average count rates for different birth cohorts in a village. ", "The data for the village of Muslyumovo are used as the reference data set. ", "Absolute values of the strontium intake are derived from the relative values by a fit to the measurements of the 90Sr body burdens that were performed after 1974. ", "A model has been developed for the age-dependent metabolism of strontium in the skeleton. ", "The computations in terms of this model are in reliable agreement with experimental data on strontium in man." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.005494505494505495, 0, 0, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "News\n\nOn Thursday March 30, 2017 The St Pius Symphonic band performed the World Premiere of a commissioned work by 90's rock icon and film music composer Page Hamilton. ", "Known mainly for his amazing work as the leader of the hard rock band Helmet, Page Hamilton was the guest Artist-in-Residence the week of March 30th. ", "Mr Hamilton conducted a guitar masterclass (sponsored by ESP Guitars) for the St Pius guitar students, gave a music business lecture, and attended band rehearsals and the premiere of his work at the Band Spring Concert.", "\n\nOn the concert Mr Hamilton sat in with the Jazz Band on Charlie Parker's \"Now's the Time!\"", "\n\nSt Pius X Band commissioning new music work from famed guitarist/composer Page Hamilton.", "\n\nThe St Pius X Band will have the incredible opportunity to learn and premiere a new commissioned work written by Page Hamilton. ", "The piece has already been written. ", "It will be rehearsed over the winter, then premiered by the St Pius X Symphonic Band in March 2017. ", "The band is making plans to have the composer attend the premiere, give a special guitar masterclass lesson for St Pius guitar students, and a lead a music discussion for all students. ", "For more info on Page Hamilton, visit http://pagehamiltonmusic.com/" ]
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[ 0.005917159763313609, 0.013333333333333334, 0.0136986301369863, 0.03260869565217391, 0.022222222222222223, 0.007692307692307693, 0, 0.01, 0.005405405405405406, 0.029850746268656716 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWhich .NET versions to install on XP?", "\n\nI run several XP computers, and just reinstalled one of them. ", "Now, which .NET versions would I need to install on this computer? ", "\nOn my developing computer I have these versions of the framework: \nCompact 2.0 SP2\nCompact 3.5\n2.0 SP2\n3.0 SP2\n3.5 SP1\n\nDo I need to install all these, or does some include the previous ones? ", "\n\nA:\n\nIt depends on what you need to use in your development projects...\nYou can have just one of them as pst (once) told you or even all together. ", "I am working with .NET 4.0 but I also have to maintain some other projects that use 2.0 and 3.5...\n\n" ]
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[ 0.024390243902439025, 0.015625, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "iStock/Tempura\n\n“Shaving hair will only make it grow back thicker”\n\n“I assure you that it does not. ", "A natural uncut hair has a tapered, wispy tip that all new natural hairs have. ", "The thickness of the hair shaft below the tip is much larger. ", "When you decide to shave or cut that hair at the surface, in a few days the hair is going to continue to grow, and when it does, the tip is rectangular so it appears coarser than the thin wispy tip that you originally had. ", "But the hair shaft is exactly the same thickness as before. ", "If you shave regularly, you are not causing those hairs to get any thicker, and shaving really is a very easy and convenient form of controlling unwanted hair.” —", "Neal Schultz, MD" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nsequence of bases with equal probability\n\nI want to create a sequence of the bases (A,T,G,C) which all appear at the same probability. ", "The sequence should have a variable length n. Could you help me?", "\n\nA:\n\npython has a module named random to choose randomly from a sample.", "\nimport random\nn = 5 # set n\nrandom_list = random.choices(range(4), k=n)\ndic = {0:\"A\", 1:\"C\", 2:\"G\", 3:\"T\"}\nbases_list = [dic[v] for v in random_list]\nseq = \"\"\nfor item in bases_list:\n seq += item\n\nAt first you create a list of n random numbers, all in range [0,3]. ", "Then you use a dictionary to replace numbers with strings representing bases.", "\nNow when we have a list, I just put them all together in one string to create one sequence. ", "That what the last three lines are doing.", "\nAs a general note for this site: for next time, give explanation about what you already tried or what difficulties you encountered. ", "The community is glad to help, but not to solve homework for you \n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.0037174721189591076, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "This invention relates to blades that are particularly useful as wind turbine rotor blades and to rotors and wind turbines utilizing such blades.", "\nAt least one known rotor blade configuration includes an aft-swept rotor blade design. ", "When a wind gust strikes a blade with aft sweep, an increase in out-of-plane (flapwise) loading produces a pitching moment about sections further inboard. ", "This pitching moment acts to induce outer portions of the blade to twist the leading edge of the blade sections into the wind so as to reduce an aerodynamic angle of attack of those sections, thereby ameliorating peak transient loads that the blade would otherwise experience. ", "However, if the root of the blade remains unswept or is swept aft, the pitching moment induced over the entire blade is reacted at the root of the blade through pitch drive hardware. ", "For even modest sweep, this moment can overwhelm baseline aerodynamic pitching moments for which the pitch hardware is designed. ", "In other words, although in-plane aft sweep of wind turbine rotor blades can be used to ameliorate transient loads, aft sweep also induces pitching moments at the blade root that can overwhelm the baseline aerodynamic pitching moments for which the pitch hardware is designed.", "\nFor example, many known straight swept blades with zero root sweep exhibit very high changes in root torsion due to coupling. ", "The same is true of some curved blades designed without a constraint on root torsion. ", "At least one known baseline configuration exhibits a maximum nose-down pitching moment about the blade root of approximately 30-40 kNm. ", "In some swept blades, the nose-down moment increases to hundreds of kNm. ", "Pitch drives on at least one known wind turbine model, the GE 1.5 turbine available from General Electric Co., Fairfield, Conn. are designed, with safety factors included, for 100 kNm applied load. ", "Therefore, increases in nose-down moment of more than 20-30 kNm should be avoided." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHTTPS request is not working in Node.js (Code 400)\n\nI am new with Node.js and try to call an existing API with basic auth and header/body. ", "Here are more details about the API I try to use. ", "I always receive a 400 code as response. ", "Please check my attached code snippet:\n\n// Include the request library for Node.js \r\nvar request = require('request');\r\n// Basic Authentication credentials \r\nvar username = 'myEmail';\r\nvar password = 'mySuperSecret';\r\nvar authenticationHeader = \"Basic \" + new Buffer(username + \":\" + password).toString(\"base64\");\r\n\r\nvar json = '{\"device\":\"\",\"os_type\":\"Android\",\"os_version\":\"4.0\",\"dvc_manuf\":\"unknown\",\"dvc_type\":\"unknown\"}';\r\nvar jsonstring = JSON.stringify(json);\r\n\r\nconst options = {\r\n method: 'POST',\r\n uri: 'https://api.indego.iot.bosch-si.com/api/v1/authenticate',\r\n headers: {\r\n 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + new Buffer(username + ':' + password).toString('base64'),\r\n 'Content-Type': 'application/json',\r\n 'Content-Length': jsonstring.length\r\n },\r\n body : jsonstring\r\n }\r\n\r\n request(options, function(err, res, body) { \r\n\r\n if (!", "err && res.statusCode == 200) {\r\n let jsonbody = JSON.parse(body);\r\n console.log(jsonbody);\r\n console.log(res);\r\n console.log(res.statusCode);\r\n }\r\n});\n\nI also tried a web client to test the API and was successful: https://client.restlet.com/\n\nAny suggestions what I did wrong?", "\nThanks,\ntro\n\nA:\n\nI tried the following and now it works:\n\nvar request = require('request-promise');\r\n\r\n\r\nvar options = {\r\n method: 'POST',\r\n uri: 'https://api.indego.iot.bosch-si.com/api/v1/authenticate',\r\n \r\n headers: {\r\n 'Authorization': 'Basic myBasicAuth',\r\n 'Content-Type': 'application/json',\r\n 'Content-Length': '116'\r\n },\r\n \r\n body: {\r\n \"device\":\"\",\r\n \"os_type\":\"Android\",\r\n \"os_version\":\"4.0\",\r\n \"dvc_manuf\":\"unknown\",\r\n \"dvc_type\":\"unknown\"\r\n },\r\n json: true // Automatically stringifies the body to JSON\r\n};\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nrequest(options, function (err, response, body) {\r\n var reason;\r\n if (err) {\r\n reason = {\r\n cause: err,\r\n error: err,\r\n options: options,\r\n response: response\r\n };\r\n} else if (!(", "/^2/.test('' + response.statusCode))) { // Status Codes other than 2xx\r\n reason = {\r\n statusCode: response.statusCode,\r\n error: body,\r\n options: options,\r\n response: response\r\n };\r\n }\r\n});\n\n" ]
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[ 0.006993006993006993, 0.02, 0, 0.00681044267877412, 0.010344827586206896, 0.005025125628140704, 0.004219409282700422 ]
[ "A Controlled Trial to Reduce the Risk of Human Nipah Virus Exposure in Bangladesh.", "\nHuman Nipah virus (NiV) infection, often fatal in Bangladesh, is primarily transmitted by drinking raw date palm sap contaminated by Pteropus bats. ", "We assessed the impact of a behavior change communication intervention on reducing consumption of potentially NiV-contaminated raw sap. ", "During the 2012-2014 sap harvesting seasons, we implemented interventions in two areas and compared results with a control area. ", "In one area, we disseminated a \"do not drink raw sap\" message and, in the other area, encouraged only drinking sap if it had been protected from bat contamination by a barrier (\"only safe sap\"). ", "Post-intervention, 40% more respondents in both intervention areas reported knowing about a disease contracted through raw sap consumption compared with control. ", "Reported raw sap consumption decreased in all areas. ", "The reductions in the intervention areas were not significantly greater compared to the control. ", "Respondents directly exposed to the \"only safe sap\" message were more likely to report consuming raw sap from a protected source than those with no exposure (25 vs. 15%, OR 2.0, 95% CI 1.5-2.6, P < 0.001). ", "While the intervention increased knowledge in both intervention areas, the \"only safe sap\" intervention reduced exposure to potentially NiV-contaminated sap and should be considered for future dissemination." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0048543689320388345, 0.004830917874396135 ]
[ "The Recording Industry Association of America just announced it will now count streams when determining if a record qualifies for a gold or platinum certification.", "\n\nThe RIAA has been bestowing albums with gold and platinum labels since 1958. ", "Up until now, only album sales counted toward a gold or platinum certification, despite the recent emergence and proliferation of streaming services. ", "An artist needs to sell 500,000 copies of a single record for it to reach a gold benchmark and 1 million to go platinum. ", "But this doesn't mean a single stream will now carry the same weight as an album sale — instead, the RIAA says 1,500 song or video streams will be equivalent to ten track sales or one album sale.", "\n\nHey, we just remembered streaming!", "\n\n\"We know that music listening – for both albums and songs – is skyrocketing, yet that trend has not been reflected in our album certifications,\" Cary Sherman, CEO of the RIAA, said in today's announcement. ", "Despite their struggles with profitability, streaming services account for millions of listeners, many of whom likely never purchase full albums. ", "RIAA's move is a necessary one that finally recognizes the influence of streaming on the music industry. ", "Plus, the RIAA has been stuck playing catch-up with Billboard, which has been counting streams on its own charts since the end of 2014.", "\n\nThe RIAA's new methodology was implemented today, which means several albums earned a gold, platinum, or double-platinum certification after the announcement, including Big Sean's Dark Sky Paradise, Kendrick Lamar's To Pimp a Butterfly, and The Weeknd's Beauty Behind the Madness." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.006134969325153374, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0, 0.005128205128205128, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0.014814814814814815, 0.01773049645390071 ]
[ "Abstract: The brain is not only a remarkable computational organ - capable of feats that stymie the best computers and robots - it is the generator of our thoughts and actions. ", "Yet modern systems neuroscience has principally asked how the brain transforms inputs into outputs. ", "This approach has deep historical roots: both Descartes and Sherrington saw the nervous system as a massively elaborated reflex. ", "The approach also produced critical early successes: the descriptions by Mountcastle, Hubel, and Wiesel, of how sensory stimuli drive single- neuron responses. ", "Yet the brain is clearly more than a glorified input-output device. ", "The neural networks within it do not just respond reflexively to external stimuli, they also generate their ow activity. ", "In doing so they produce thoughts, plans, decisions and actions. ", "As the study of such processes becomes increasingly central to systems neuroscience, we will need to become increasingly concerned with internal neural dynamics: how neural circuitry shapes and generates the responses that allow us to act upon the world. ", "We will become less interested in how individual neurons reflect external stimuli. ", "We will become much more interested in the dynamics of how neural activity sustains and shapes itself over time. ", "I believe this rising interes in internal neural dynamics will drive large changes in the conceptual, analytical, and experimental paradigms employed by systems neuroscience. ", "The first changes will focus on collecting, visualizing, and analyzing data that can reveal underlying dynamics: how the state of the neural circuit at one point in time leads lawfully to the state of the neural circuit at the net point in time. ", "The focus will then shift to designing experiments that most effectively probe dynamics. ", "Such experiments will borrow techniques from the physical sciences and from engineering, but will initially be based on the traditional behavioral paradigm of systems neuroscience in which animals are trained to produce tightly-controlled behavior. ", "However, I believe the traditional experimental framework will give way to a new one. ", "Instead of indirectly influencing neural activity by operantly conditioning behavior, we will directly monitor and operantly condition the internally generated neural activity itself. ", "This methodology will be built upon the technical platform recently developed in the service of neuro-motor prostheses, but will serve a basic scientific purpose: it will give the experimenter unprecedented control over the system they are trying to understand, and allow stringent tests of hypotheses regarding dynamics. ", "My goal is to help build this emerging paradigm. ", "A subsequent but equal goal is to leverage our growing understanding of neural dynamics. ", "I believe that we should be able to develop a new class of neural prosthetic device that uses the dynamic patterns of motor cortex activity to drive artificial locomotion. ", "I believe this is both the best way to demonstrate that ou hard-won knowledge of dynamics is meaningful, and that it may be one of the most effective ways to develop a neuro-motor prosthesis that will help significant numbers of people. ", "Public Health Relevance: The proposed research aims to improve our understanding of how the brain generates patterns of activity, including those patterns of activity that allow us to mov our limbs and to walk. ", "We propose to leverage that knowledge to build a proof-of-concept neural prosthetic that allows direct neural control of locomotion, something that could greatly improve the live the hundreds of thousands of tetra- and quadriplegics. ", "The proposed research is also of relevance to the many diseases where the ability to generate normally patterned neural activity is lost: most obviously motor disorders such as Parkinson's disease, and potentially cognitive disorders as well." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.0125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nOptimizing PDF using Python?", "\n\nIs there a way to optimize a PDF using Python? ", " \nI am exporting hundreds of .mxds - that works fine with a loop. ", " But the file size of each is large. ", " Right now my option is to manually open each and save as optimized. ", " I would like to run this process monthly, so I need a better solution than that.", "\n\nA:\n\nOn the assumption that you are using ArcGIS Desktop 10.0 SP1 (or later), my quick research turned up an ArcGIS Discussion Forum posting entitled Help - Large file sizes exporting to PDF using ArcPy that looks to be relevant.", "\n\n[At 10.0] SP1, with ExportToPDF and ExportToEPS, we added Adaptive and JPEG\n compressions. ", "We also added the {jpeg_compression_quality} parameter.", "\n\nThese optional parameters are described in the ArcGIS Help for ExportToPDF.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0625, 0.04081632653061224, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008658008658008658, 0.031914893617021274, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0 ]
[ "The Washington Metropolitan WINS (WMW) Consortium has enrolled and retained a representative cohort of HIV infected and HIV uninfected women since 1993 with the purpose of investigating the consequences of HIV infection and its treatment. ", "Although significant progress has been made in both our understanding and treatment of HIV, curative therapy is still not available and the chronically administered complex therapies used to treat HIV are not always successful. ", "Treatment with highly active antiretrovirals (HAART) appears to be associated with a wide range of adverse effects and the impact of other co-pathogens such as HPV and HCV has yet to be fully elucidated. ", "Additionally, the early cohort of infected women is aging, and the effects of age and changes in sex steroids both on the long term outcomes of HIV, on neurocognition and the effects of HAART treatment needs investigation. ", "The WMW has joined with centers around the country and with sites across the metropolitan Washington region to develop a scientific plan to address these issues. ", "A successful and flexible infrastructure has been established to allow us to accomplish these scientific aims and to assure ongoing retention of this important cohort. ", "The WMW has successfully participated in all elements of the WIHS protocol, and has actively supported the infrastructure of the national WIHS. ", "WMW investigators have participated in all of the major WIHS scientific initiatives. ", "Additionally, the WMW has established both a local specimen repository and contributes to the national specimen repository. ", "As the study has matured, an increasing number of collaborations have been established with local investigators to allow for broader access to the rich repository of WIHS specimens. ", "Furhter, the WMW has expanded its local epidemiologic expertise to allow for on site data analyses. ", "This application will describe both our accomplishments to date and the structure that we have established to 1) advance the scientific agenda as outlined in Part A, 2) to continue to expand our local collaboration in order to better define the status of women with HIV, and 3) to bring to fruition the promises of a sustainable treatment of this devastating disease." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
[ 0.008368200836820083, 0, 0.00980392156862745, 0.004484304932735426, 0.006172839506172839, 0, 0.006944444444444444, 0.011764705882352941, 0.008064516129032258, 0, 0.01, 0 ]
[ "Description\n\nThis route is just left of Partners in Crime on the Freeform Wall in Sand Gulch. ", "It is just right of a shallow dihedral/crack.", "\n\nThe route is identified by six glue-in bolts, with washers behind the hangers. ", "The hangers, Kong-Bonati, have \"Italy\" stamped on the face. ", "A seventh bolt was apparently added later, at the bottom, by an unknown party and has a home-made hanger. ", "The anchors are 1/2 x 4\" sleeve bolts with Metolius hangers and quicklinks/chain.", "\n\nHistory - the FA party felt the line was a bit squeezed by standards of the day, so they called it \"No Vacancy.\" ", "Glue-ins are messy, so a rag was used to keep things clean. ", "A female climber came by, most curious about the route construction and especially the old pair of underwear used to tidy things up and dubbed the new route, \"Tighty Whities.\"", "\n\nProtection\n\n7 bolts to the anchor - six original, on standard 3/8\" hangers; one added later by unknown party, on a home-made hanger." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "A Famous Friend: Few young actresses would turn down an ensemble role in The Merchant of Venice with Al Pacino, but Shalita Grant recalls thinking, “I don’t want to move furniture as my Broadway debut.” ", "The risk paid off, and now the Juilliard grad is making her Main Stem bow as the youngest cast member in Christopher Durang’s new comedy, a project she has been involved with since it was a one-act. ", "Grant plays David Hyde Pierce and Kristine Nielsen’s maid Cassandra, a character she based on her bi-polar great-grandmother and describes as “so grand, so wrong, so ‘this is me, I’m the boss.’” ", "Grant knows the character well because Durang, a faculty member at Juilliard, wrote it for her: “I have letters from him saying he wrote the second act with me in mind.” ", "Still, she almost lost out on the off-Broadway premiere to an older actress. ", "Asked back to re-audition, she says, “I just did what I know the part is. ", "Chris e-mailed me and said, ‘You had it once you walked out of the room.’”", "\n\nMake 'Em Laugh: “When people tell me, ‘You’re so funny,’” says Grant, “I’m like, ‘Really? ", "I’m glad you think that,’ because the first 10 years of my life I was trying to make my family laugh and they said, ‘You’re not funny. ", "Stop.’” ", "The budding actress attended performing arts high schools in two cities and still remembers her most unique audition: “It was the scene from A Raisin in the Sun where Mama slaps Beneatha because she says she doesn’t believe in God. ", "I played both characters…and I slapped myself. ", "It was so bad, but they let me in.” ", "Moving from Virginia to Baltimore to live with her dad's family helped Grant focus on her future. “", "I took myself seriously for the first time when I was 15,\" she says. “", "I thought, I want to make a choice; I want to take control of my education; I want to take control of my behavior and take responsibility for myself. ", "And I did, and look at where I am.”", "\n\nLiving Life to the Fullest: Grant recently moved to a new apartment in Manhattan (“There’s no other boroughs. ", "I don’t believe they exist,” she jokes.) ", "The new digs inspired her to take up a new hobby, furniture-making. “", "I can build things and make my space my own,” she says proudly. ", "She also recently began ear training as preparation for venturing into musical theater, despite being unable to read music. “", "I want my life to be as full as it can be,’” Grant says of expanding her horizons. “", "Every year, there is something new that I’m experiencing, that I’m experimenting with, because I don’t want to be afraid in my life. ", "I want to really live.” ", "Not that all of her efforts at self-discovery have been successful: “It’s f**king hard!\" ", "she says with a laugh. “", "It’s hard, and it’s scary, and I’ve failed, and I’ve made some really ugly things. ", "But I’m trying.”" ]
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[ "Especially those who are into models, you might get lucky if you have Lisa Ann with you as not only it is her as one of your models in your portfolio and she might be one that you can erase in your bucket list as the first pornstar you’ve fucked." ]
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[ "[An autopsy case of rigid spine syndrome].", "\nWe reported an autopsy case of rigid spine syndrome. ", "A 20-year-old woman developed severe respiratory failure despite well-preserved muscle strength in her extremities. ", "Although she had mechanical ventilation during sleep, she had normal arterial blood gas values during daytime. ", "She was found dead in a morning approximately 71/2 years after the onset of the respiratory symptoms. ", "At autopsy, the respiratory diaphragm and intercostal muscles, and the truncal paravertebral and sternocleidomastoid muscles were more significantly affected than the limb muscles. ", "Many corpora amylacea were found in the whole spinal cord, though the significance remains to be elucidated." ]
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