[ "If you wear sweatpants in public is that still an admission of defeat?", "\n\n“Sweatpants are a sign of defeat,” the iconic designer Karl Lagerfeld once said. “", "You lost control of your life so you bought some sweatpants.” ", "But judging by current trends, the creative director at Chanel’s estimation of the classic sweat suit seems way off-base. ", "The fact is, wherever you go these days, you’re bound to see lots of people walking around in public in their sweats.", "\n\nSo what exactly has changed so dramatically in our fashion sensibility that has rendered sweatpants acceptable outdoors-wear?", "\n\nThe answer comes down to three things: fit, price and culture.", "\n\nWhen Lagerfeld made his comment, he was likely referring to the classic sweatpant silhouette – baggy legs, a sagging butt, maybe even the infamous ripped hem that al sweatpants seem to eventually succumb to. ", "But the modern sweat pant is an entirely different animal, designed to fit snug on the leg and tight at the ankle. ", "The comfort of that soft cotton feel remains, of course, but today’s sweats are designed to be seen in, not slept in.", "\n\nAs for Lagerfeld’s view of sweatpants as “a sign of defeat,” well, it appears defeat comes with a hefty price tag these days.", "\n\nThe modern sweatpant trend has attracted the attention of just about every luxury fashion house, and it’s not uncommon to see people paying somewhere in the neighbourhood of $500 for a lux pair of sweats these days. ", "If you can afford to pay that for sweat pants, you’re probably doing just fine in life. (", "Either that, or your spending priorities are way out of whack.)", "\n\nStill, how did we get to this weird point in our existence where wearing sweatpants out of the house is acceptable and paying through the teeth for a pair is de rigueur for the fashion conscious among us? ", "It probably has to do with our culture’s increasing focus on health and an active lifestyle. ", "More than ever, people are focusing (maybe obsessing is a better way to put it) over their health and body image. ", "Wearing a sleek pair of sweats signals to the world that you’re into health – that you could break out into a jog at any minute (even if you’re not really going to).", "\n\nSo, is it OK to wear sweats out in public? ", "Yes, so long as they fit well and give off a modern vibe. ", "Otherwise, you’ll look like you’ve lost control of your life, just like Karl Lagerfeld said." ]
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[ 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304 ]
[ "Background\n==========\n\nDespite significant progress in malaria control over the last few years, malaria-related morbidity and mortality are still considerable\\[[@B1]\\]. ", "The contribution of inadequate dosage regimens (dose and frequency of administration) to anti-malarial treatment failure and the emergence of resistance has been underappreciated\\[[@B2]\\]. ", "Most recommended dosage regimens are based on studies in non-pregnant adult patients, yet young children and pregnant women are at the greatest risk of treatment failure and often bear the brunt of the malaria burden\\[[@B2]\\]. ", "Optimizing current treatment regimens could provide major health benefits and is a necessary prerequisite for malaria elimination. ", "Effective treatment of malaria requires that the dose and frequency of administration of the anti-malarial drug provide drug concentrations over time (known as the \\'concentration-time profile\\') sufficient to kill all of the parasites in the body. ", "This profile is determined by the pharmacokinetic properties of the anti-malarial drug. ", "In endemic areas, young children have the least immunity and the worst treatment responses. ", "Anti-malarial pharmacokinetics often differ substantially between patients and, therefore, need to be quantified precisely for all key target populations, especially young children and pregnant women. ", "A recent pharmacokinetic study for sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) found that children, receiving the same weight-adjusted SP dose as adults, had an area under the drug concentration-time profile, for both sulphadoxine and pyrimethamine, that was half that observed for adults \\[[@B3]\\]. ", "The authors recommended that the current SP dose for children needs to be revised.", "\n\nOver the last two decades developments in statistical methodology have allowed drug concentration-time profiles to be derived from patients providing only \\\"sparse\\\" samples at random times\\[[@B4],[@B5]\\]. ", "Data from all patients are modelled simultaneously using nonlinear mixed effects modelling (also known as \\'population pharmacokinetic (PK) modelling\\'). ", "This provides estimates of the mean population PK parameters (e.g. clearance), the inter-individual variability of the PK parameters, and the residual variability (which includes intra-individual variability, measurement errors and model misspecification). ", "Additionally the introduction of liquid chromatography mass spectrometry has revolutionized drug analysis and is a highly sensitive assay with low limits of quantification while at the same time permitting low (i.e. 25--50 ml) sample volumes. ", "The viability of field studies has been considerably improved by the introduction of sensitive assays using dried capillary whole blood spots taken on filter paper. ", "Thus, since the PK profile can be determined from fewer blood samples per patient using nonlinear mixed effects modelling, and that the drug concentration can often be determined from blood taken by a simple finger prick, it has become easier to include pregnant women and young children in PK studies. ", "PK studies, which determine the drug concentration-time profile in the target patient population, are known as \\'population PK studies\\'. ", "The importance of population PK studies in drug development and evaluation has been recognized by the US FDA\\[[@B6]\\].", "\n\nAlthough there are now statistical methods to analyse sparse data from population PK studies, the design of these population PK studies is not straightforward. ", "Many questions arise about how best to conduct these studies including: how many patients should be included in the study, what sampling scheme should be used, how many different sampling schemes are required, and how many patients need to be allocated to each of these sampling schemes. ", "Answers to these questions require prior knowledge of the PK profile of the drug, the statistical methods used to analyse data from population PK studies, and also the practical constraints of sampling the patient population. ", "Examples of such constraints include the timing of clinic visit, the maximum number of blood samples per patient that can be collected, logistical constraints of clinic workload, and whether a venous or capillary sample is being collected. ", "Currently population PK studies are designed based on logistical, financial and ethical constraints, and the investigator\\'s knowledge of the drug concentration-time profile. ", "Although these factors are important, they may result in a study of \\'insufficient design\\', which is unable to determine the desired PK parameters and, therefore, unable to answer the fundamental questions that the population PK model was intended to answer. ", "In such a case the study is wasted. ", "Thus, there is both a scientific and an ethical imperative to ensure PK studies are designed in such a way that they are most likely to provide useable results.", "\n\nA prime example of the applicability, but also the difficulty of a population approach is seen with PK studies of the artemisinin derivatives. ", "These compounds are rapidly absorbed and have very short elimination half-lives, typically less than one-hour \\[[@B7]\\], thus limiting options for sampling schedules. ", "Additionally, there is large inter-patient and residual variability \\[[@B8]-[@B13]\\], reflecting in part issues with the previous drug assay methodologies \\[[@B14]\\]. ", "Another complication is that these drugs decompose in the presence of iron(II) and, therefore, have to be analysed in plasma, and not in samples collected using the dried blood spot technique. ", "This is because during the sample collection of dried blood spots, the blood cells rupture and the protein configuration is changed during the drying process. ", "All of these factors may contribute to an \\'insufficient design\\' for population PK studies of these drugs. ", "Consequently, many of the PK analyses of the artemisinin derivatives have either been unable to fit satisfactory structural PK models to the data \\[[@B9]-[@B11],[@B13]\\], fit only a one-compartment structural PK model \\[[@B9],[@B13]\\], or required some of the PK parameters to be fixed \\[[@B8],[@B9],[@B13]\\]. ", "In the study by Mithwani *et al*\\[[@B9]\\], the authors state that a number of assumptions were required to obtain a satisfactory fit of the model to the PK data due to the sparseness of the data. ", "Considering that the key PK information required for the artemisinins is the maximum concentration, the area under the concentration-time profile, and the time above a certain concentration, then, it is unethical to continue conducting these PK studies when the sampling schedule will be insufficient to obtain accurately this information.", "\n\nThese various problems could be overcome by designing population PK studies using both information regarding the practical constraints of sampling and optimal design methods\\[[@B15]\\]. ", "Optimal design methods provide designs for population PK studies that are robust and efficient by taking into account the concentration-time profile of the drug, the statistical methods required to analyse population PK data, practical constraints of sampling, and uncertainty in the PK parameter values and structural PK models. ", "They can also help the researcher understand the benefits and limitations of particular sampling schedules.", "\n\nThis paper will provide an introduction to optimal design methods, including the prior information required for optimal design methods, followed by a theoretical application of the method for designing a population PK study of intravenous artesunate.", "\n\nOptimal design methods\n======================\n\nOptimal design methods (also known as data-independent methods) for designing population PK studies have only been available in the last decade \\[[@B15]-[@B17]\\]. ", "The methods have been used for designing studies of the population PK studies of itraconazole and ibuprofen in cystic fibrosis patients \\[[@B18],[@B19]\\], enoxaparin in patients with acute coronary syndrome and deep vein thrombosis \\[[@B20]\\], mizolastine in children with allergies \\[[@B21]\\], and fluconazole in people with HIV infection\\[[@B22]\\].", "\n\nThe methods require prior specification of:\n\n• structural PK model (e.g. one-compartment PK model with first-order absorption and elimination),\n\n• PK parameter values (e.g. the values of the absorption rate constant (k~a~), clearance (CL), apparent volume of distribution (Vd)),\n\n• the distribution of inter-individual variability for each of the PK parameters and the values of the variance of each of these distributions,\n\n• the residual variability model and the values of the variance(s),\n\n• study design space determined from sampling constraints (examples of sampling constraints: maximum number of patients that can be recruited in the study; maximum number of samples allowed per patient; minimum time allowed between consecutive samples for an individual; constrained times for the collection of the blood samples, say 9 am to 5 pm; cost limitations).", "\n\nFigure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"} provides a flow-chart showing the components involved in designing a population PK study using optimal design methods. ", "The study design team should have clinical, pharmacological and statistical expertise.", "\n\n![**", "Flowchart for designing population pharmacokinetic studies using optimal design methods**.](1475-2875-8-189-1){#F1}\n\nIt is important to note that optimal design methods, when applied to PK studies, are dependent on the prior choice of a particular set of parameters and model. ", "The influence of this dependence can be diluted by considering and accounting for uncertainty in both the parameter values as well as the plausible models. ", "For example, Roos *et al*\\[[@B22]\\] used optimal design methods to determine a PK design for fluconazole in patients with HIV infection, using prior information from a phase I study of healthy volunteers. ", "Since the prior information was from healthy volunteers who may differ in their PK of fluconazole, five different competing structural PK models were considered when designing the study for the patients with HIV infection. ", "This ensured that the design proposed for HIV patients was robust to uncertainty in the structural PK model.", "\n\nIn addition to consideration of uncertainty in the prior information on the models, it is also important to consider that the optimum design may not necessarily be achievable in the clinic. ", "Hence, it is important to consider practical constraints such that an optimum design is achieved conditioned on logistical components. ", "An example using constraints on optimal design methods is given in \\[[@B21]\\]. ", "In this work, a restrictive sampling schedule was developed for a population PK study of mizolastine in children. ", "The study design constraints specified were a maximum of four and six blood samples drawn from a catheter in children aged 2 to 6 years and 6 to 12 years respectively, and only one sample from children aged 6 to 12 years without a catheter. ", "For children with a catheter, blood sampling was restricted to the first six hours so they would not have to remain for a long time in the hospital. ", "A population PK study, based on the derived optimal design, was then conducted in children and the corresponding data were successfully analysed using nonlinear mixed effects modelling.", "\n\nOptimal design methods have not been used for designing population PK studies of anti-malarial treatments.", "\n\nDerivation of optimal design\n============================\n\nTo derive the optimum design, several candidate designs within the study constraints are considered, where the amount of \\\"information\\\" (i.e. the precision of the parameters to be estimated) in each design is estimated. ", "Thus the design that contains the most \\\"information\\\" (i.e. the design with the most precision) is considered optimal. ", "This is done mathematically by computing the Fisher information matrix based on parameters of the structural PK model, the inter-patient variability, and the residual variability. ", "A brief explanation of the Fisher information matrix is given in Additional file [1](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}. ", "The design that maximizes the determinant of the Fisher information matrix (the determinant can be thought of as a measure of the volume of a matrix) also minimizes the determinant of the estimation variance-covariance matrix. ", "In other words, optimizing a design based on the determinant of the Fisher information matrix will provide a design that has the highest precision (smallest standard errors) of the parameters to be estimated. ", "The optimum design is called the D-optimal design. ", "An optimization algorithm \\[[@B23]\\] searches for the D-optimal design within the study design constraints.", "\n\nThere are currently five open source software packages that derive optimal designs for population PK studies using the above D-optimal criteria, PFIM\\[[@B24]\\], PopDes\\[[@B25]\\], PopED\\[[@B26]\\], and POPT and its complement WinPOPT\\[[@B27]\\]. ", "All of the packages evaluate sampling designs using the same mathematical derivation of the Fisher information matrix described above but vary in terms of the extensibility of the package \\[[@B28]\\]. ", "For this paper, further discussion will be limited to the properties and features of the software package POPT (WinPOPT is the graphical user interface of POPT). ", "POPT allows the user to specify various study constraints (maximum number of patients, maximum number of samples per patient, sampling windows, minimum time between consecutive blood samples). ", "For prior specification of the structural PK model, the user can select one of the available PK models or specify their own model using any parameterization. ", "Additionally, more than one structural PK model can be selected (e.g. one- and two-compartment models). ", "For example, the structural PK model fitted to mefloquine concentrations in population PK studies has been both one-compartmental \\[[@B29],[@B30]\\] and two-compartmental \\[[@B31]\\]. ", "Since it is not known which model may best describe the data arising from the new study it is reasonable to consider all previously published models as potential candidates for the structural PK model. ", "POPT then automatically combines a measure of the \\\"informativeness\\\" of the design for each PK model into a single criterion. ", "This criterion can then be optimized using one of the global search algorithms available within POPT to provide a design that is jointly optimal for estimation of parameters from all candidate PK models.", "\n\nBesides searching for the D-optimal design, POPT can evaluate the performance of any particular design. ", "This informs researchers of the expected precision of the PK parameters and any limitations of their proposed population PK design.", "\n\nApplication of the optimal design method to design a population pharmacokinetic study of intravenous artesunate\n===============================================================================================================\n\nThe following hypothetical example is a population PK study to determine the PK of dihydroartemisinin (the principal biologically active metabolite) following a single intravenous infusion (given as a rapid push) of 120 mg of artesunate (circa 2.4 mg/kg). ", "It is assumed that artesunate is rapidly and completely converted to dihydroartemisinin. ", "The study population are adults requiring intravenous treatment for malaria.", "\n\nPrior information regarding the structural PK model and PK parameters is required. ", "For this example a one-compartment model with first-order elimination was selected to describe the PK profile of dihyroartemisinin:\n\nThe mean values chosen for *Vd*and *CL*were 38 L and 37 L.hr^-1^\\[[@B32]\\], and the PK profile simulated for these mean values is presented in Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "These values were selected based on a preliminary review of literature. ", "When designing an actual population PK study, the parameter values should be selected after an extensive literature review, which may provide a number of competing PK models and parameter sets. ", "This review needs to account for sampling schemes and assay limitations, and adjust accordingly, as many of the differences between PK studies of anti-malarial drugs can be ascribed to differences in the assays or sampling schedule. ", "This ensures that the final population PK design will have been optimized to provide good estimates of the parameters for all of the candidate PK models.", "\n\n![**", "Pharmacokinetic profile of dihydroartemisinin following a single intravenous dose of 120 mg artesunate (Vd = 38 L, CL = 37 L.hr^-1^)**. ", "Superimposed on the pharmacokinetic profile is the symbol \\\"o\\\" (Panel A) to represent the sampling times for the rich design in Table 1 (20 patients, 10 samples per patient) and the symbol \\\"O\\\" (Panel B) to represent the sampling times for the sparse design in Table 1 (50 patients, 4 samples per patient).](1475-2875-8-189-2){#F2}\n\nInter-patient variability was assumed to be log-normally distributed with the inter-patient standard deviation equal to 0.5 for both *Vd*and *CL*, and covariance of *Vd*and *CL*equal to zero. ", "Residual variability was assumed to be additive with a standard deviation of 200 ng.mL^-1^.\n\nSampling constraints were based on preliminary findings of a survey of 16 experts, who currently conduct anti-malarial PK studies in Asia and Africa. ", "The constraints identified for venous sampling of an adult were: minimum time of 15 minutes between consecutive blood samples of a patient; and no more than 10 samples in the first 8 hours post drug administration.", "\n\nThe total number of patients to be recruited for our hypothetical population PK study is constrained to be 50 and the total number of blood samples that could be transported to a laboratory and assayed was fixed at 200.", "\n\nTable [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"} presents an evaluation of different sampling designs for a total of 200 blood samples. ", "The four elementary designs presented illustrate how alterations in the number of patients and number of samples per patient affect the precision of the parameter estimates and efficiency of the design. ", "All of the designs provide estimates of the parameters within the expected precision limit (expressed as 100 × standard error/estimate) of 15% for the PK parameters, less than 40% for the inter-patient variability, and less than 10% for the residual variability. ", "The designs with more patients and less samples per patient improve the precision of the PK parameters and inter-patient variability, and improve the overall efficiency by at least 50%. ", "The mixed design consisting of 10 patients with 10 samples per patient and 25 patients with 4 samples per patient, had slightly less expected precision for the PK parameters and inter-patient variability compared with the sparse design (50 patients with 4 samples per patient) but had marginally greater expected precision for the residual variability.", "\n\n###### \n\nEvaluation of elementary designs^a^for population pharmacokinetic studies of adults with moderately severe malaria receiving a single dose of 120 mg intravenous artesunate\n\n Number of patients Number of samples per patient Sampling times Expected precision^b^of PK parameter estimates (initial values^c^: *Vd*= 38 L, *CL*= 37 L.hr^-1^) Expected precision^b^of inter-patient variability estimates (initial values: ω~Vd~= 0.5, ω~CL~= 0.5) Expected precision^b^of residual variability estimate (initial value: σ~ε~= 200 ng.mL^-1^) Efficiency^d^(%)\n -------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------\n 20 10 {0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 6} 11.5, 11.4 33.5, 33.1 5.6 100 (criterion = 13.7)\n \n 40 5 {0.25, 0.75, 1, 2, 4} 8.2, 8.2 24.2, 24.3 6.5 157\n \n 50 4 {0.25, 0.75, 2, 4} 7.4, 7.6 21.8, 22.9 7.1 177\n \n 10 10 {0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 6} 8.8, 8.9 25.8, 26.6 6.2 143\n 25 4 {0.25, 0.75, 2, 4} \n\n^a^-- total number of blood samples constrained to be 200;\n\n^b^-- expected precision expressed as 100 × standard error/estimate;\n\n^c^-- Batty KT et al \\[[@B30]\\]; ω -- sd of inter-patient variability (lognormal distribution);\n\n^d^-- Relative comparison of criterion of sampling design to criterion of rich design of 20 patients (expressed as a percentage). ", "The criterion is the determinant of the population Fisher information matrix raised to the power of one over the number of parameters to be estimated (for this example there are 5 parameters: *Vd*, *CL*, ω~Vd~, ω~CL~, σ~ε~)\n\nThese findings demonstrate the advantage of population PK studies compared with traditional PK studies of a small group of patients. ", "The elementary designs presented have fixed sampling times for each of the patients. ", "For a study in the field, which requires flexibility with blood sampling (for logistic reasons), POPT can generate optimal sampling windows around the fixed time points. ", "Based on the fixed sampling times of 0.25, 0.75, 2 and 4 hrs for 50 patients presented in Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}, the four sampling windows derived by POPT were 0.25--0.4, 0.6--1, 1.1--2.6, and 3--6 hrs. ", "An evaluation of the sampling times at the boundaries of the sampling windows, observed at least 95% statistically efficiency of the design with the fixed time points.", "\n\nThe above elementary designs were evaluated and compared based on the expected precision (calculated using the Fisher information matrix) of the parameters, inter-patient and residual variability. ", "Once a final design has been selected the design should also be evaluated by a population PK analysis of simulated data\\[[@B22]\\]. ", "At least 100 datasets of virtual patients should be simulated that include uncertainty in the prior values of the PK parameters and execution error in the conduct of the trial.", "\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nPopulation PK studies determine the drug concentration-time profile in the target patient population and the patient factors that cause changes in the drug concentration-time profile. ", "These studies might be easier than traditional detailed PK studies to conduct, but they are complex to design and analyse. ", "The design of a population PK study is very different to a sample size calculation for the number of participants required for a randomized controlled trial which can be performed using a hand calculator. ", "Optimal design is necessary to ensure we design robust and efficient population PK studies that are able to estimate precise PK parameters. ", "This is the necessary prerequisite for optimizing dose regimens. ", "It is especially important for population PK studies of anti-malarials in pregnant women and young children in whom blood sampling cannot be extensive. ", "Optimal design is a collaborative process involving clinicians, pharmacologists and statisticians. ", "This research team plans to provide optimal designs for population PK studies of the artemisinin derivatives and their partner drugs. ", "Prior specification of the structural PK model and parameters will be determined from an extensive literature review. ", "Study design constraints for all malaria patients will be identified from the survey of clinicians and field workers actively involved in anti-malarial pharmacokinetic studies.", "\n\nCompeting interests\n===================\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n\nAuthors\\' contributions\n=======================\n\nJAS, SBD, RNP and NJW conceived the project. ", "JAS wrote the first draft of the manuscript. ", "KMJ, RNP, NJW, NL, JT and SBD revised the manuscript critically for important intellectual content. ", "All authors read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nSupplementary Material\n======================\n\n###### Additional file 1\n\nExplanation of the Fisher information matrix.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for file\n\nAcknowledgements\n================\n\nThis work was funded by a project grant from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC; 566855). ", "The Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit and the PKPDia collaboration are supported by the Wellcome Trust.", "\n" ]
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[ "Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) officials have been meeting with pharmaceutical companies to seek voluntary cuts in drug prices, according to sources familiar with the meetings.", "\n\nVoluntary cuts in prices would allow the administration to immediately tout benefits of President Trump Donald John TrumpBiden on Trump's refusal to commit to peaceful transfer of power: 'What country are we in?' ", "Romney: 'Unthinkable and unacceptable' to not commit to peaceful transition of power Two Louisville police officers shot amid Breonna Taylor grand jury protests MORE's drug pricing plan, which was announced last month, rather than having to wait for any regulatory actions to be put forward and take effect.", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\nIt is not yet clear whether any drug companies have agreed to cut their prices voluntarily.", "\n\nThe website Inside Health Policy reported last week that the administration could soon announce a deal to lower the price of insulin for people paying without insurance.", "\n\nTrump said at the end of May that “in two weeks” drug companies would “announce voluntary massive drops in prices.”", "\n\nOfficials have not provided any more details on what he meant with those remarks. ", "The two-week mark is coming up this week.", "\n\n“We are working with stakeholders across the spectrum including drug companies, [pharmacy benefit managers], distributors, patients, health care professionals, physicians, insurers, etc., ", "to respond to President Trump’s call to action and help patients pay less for their prescription drugs,\" an HHS spokesperson told The Hill on Monday when asked about the meetings with drug companies.", "\n\nHealth and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, himself a former drug company executive, hinted at the voluntary action approach in a speech last month when he said the administration prefers to try to work with industry first but would act if industry does not cooperate.", "\n\n“We look forward to working with industry to build a better drug-pricing system,” Azar said then. “", "But if industry isn’t willing to work with us, President Trump and his administration will keep turning up the pressure — until we have a system that finally puts American patients first.”", "\n\nThe administration last month put forward a long-awaited plan aimed at lowering drug prices, which included possible proposals such as reclassifying drugs within Medicare to increase competition and requiring drug companies to disclose their prices in television ads.", "\n\nDemocrats attacked the proposal as being too soft on drug companies, as it leaves out more sweeping items like having Medicare negotiate drug prices directly.", "\n\nPharmaceutical stocks rose on the announcement, an indication that the plan was not what drug companies feared. ", "Azar has since sought to push back on that reaction and indicate that he is serious about taking action." ]
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[ "287 F.2d 86\nGREATER BATON ROUGE PORT COMMISSION, and Cargill, Incorporated, Petitioners,v.UNITED STATES of America, and Federal Maritime Board, Respondents.", "\nNo. ", "18006.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit.", "\nFebruary 7, 1961.", "\n\nWeston B. Grimes, Carey & Grimes, Washington, D. C. and Samuel D. Timmons, Minneapolis, Minn., for appellant Cargill, Inc.\nGeorge Mathews, Hynes, Mathews & Lane, Baton Rouge, La., for appellant Greater Baton Rouge Port Commission.", "\nEdward Aptaker, Robert B. Hood, Jr., Attys., ", "Robert E. Mitchell, Asst. ", "Gen. Counsel, Federal Maritime Board, Washington, D. C., Richard A. Solomon, Atty., ", "Dept. ", "of Justice, Washington, D. C., Robert A. Bicks, Acting Asst. ", "Atty. ", "Gen., (E. Robert Seaver, Gen. Counsel, Federal Maritime Board, of counsel), for appellees.", "\nWalter Carroll, Edward S. Bagley, New Orleans, La., Terriberry, Rault, Carroll, Martinez & Yancey, New Orleans, La., of counsel, for intervenor.", "\nBefore TUTTLE, Chief Judge, and CAMERON and WISDOM, Circuit Judges.", "\nWISDOM, Circuit Judge.", "\n\n\n1\nCargill, Inc., is a large grainhandling company. ", "It has an exclusive right to operate a public grain elevator within the Greater Baton Rouge port area by virtue of an agreement with the Baton Rouge Port Commission. ", "The dispute generating this litigation began when Cargill attempted, by amendment to the agreement, to control all the stevedoring business at the elevator. ", "Petitioners pose jurisdictional problems under the Shipping Act, 46 U.S.C.A. § 801 et seq., ", "and question the validity of a Report and Order of the Federal Maritime Board.1 This order, under authority of Section 17 of the Shipping Act empowering the Board to enjoin unjustly discriminatory rates, approves the original agreement between Cargill and the Port Commission. ", "The order disapproves the amendment authorizing the restrictive arrangement creating a monopoly over stevedoring activities at the elevator.", "\n\nI.\n\n2\nBaton Rouge Port Commission, one of the petitioners, is a regulatory agency of the State of Louisiana.2 Cargill, the other petitioner, is a Delaware corporation engaged throughout the country in the business of buying and selling, loading and unloading, storing and delivering grain.", "\n\n\n3\nIn 1955 the Port Commission leased to Cargill a grain elevator and wharf on the Mississippi River one mile south of Port Allen, Louisiana, within the Greater Baton Rouge port area. ", "This lease, Agreement 8225, gives Cargill the exclusive right to operate a public grain elevator within the port area, and a first option on additional grain storage and handling facilities if the Port Commission should decide to construct any more such facilities. ", "Article 10 of this agreement, a key provision, states that the grain elevator and wharf shall be maintained as public port facilities; that \"to the extent economically feasible [Cargill] will give preference to this grain elevator over the other grain elevators operated by [Cargill] in the Gulf area\"; and, that Cargill's rates shall be on a competitive basis with published rates at New Orleans and other Gulf ports.", "\n\n\n4\nIn 1957 the parties amended their original lease by requiring Cargill to furnish stevedoring service for vessels calling at the grain elevator, and allowing Cargill to condition the loading and unloading of vessels on their using Cargill's stevedoring service exclusively. ", "This amendment is Agreement 8225-1.", "\n\n\n5\nThe original lease agreement was not filed with the Board for approval. ", "After the lease was amended, Cargill and the Port Commission on April 25, 1957, filed both agreements, 8225 and 8225-1, with the Board for approval under Section 15 of the Shipping Act.", "\n\n\n6\nCargill is licensed under the United States Warehouse Act, 7 U.S.C.A. § 241 et seq., ", "to operate the grain elevator, and has filed copies of the agreements, 8225 and 8225-1, and a schedule of charges with the Secretary of Agriculture. ", "On this peg Cargill hangs its jurisdictional argument.", "\n\n\n7\nWe note that Cargill's wharf extends over the Mississippi River, and a long ramp runs, on land, from the wharf to the elevator. ", "The license issued by the Secretary of Agriculture covers the elevator only and makes no reference to the wharf, or, for that matter, to any maritime facilities.", "\n\n\n8\nThe grain elevator was opened in September, 1955, greatly expanding the facilities of the port of Baton Rouge. ", "Four Gulf stevedoring firms, encouraged by the Port Commission and assured by Cargill that the elevator would not be operated on an exclusive basis but would be open to all stevedores, organized the Baton Rouge Marine Contractors, Inc., (BARMA) to supply agency and stevedoring services at Baton Rouge. ", "The four firms decided to make this a cooperative effort mainly because of the substantial capital investment required for equipment necessary to engage in stevedoring operations at the grain elevator. ", "In the beginning, BARMA ran into trouble in the purchase of equipment and in the hiring and training of personnel and labor. ", "These troubles were overcome and efficiency improved. ", "By the time of the hearing, BARMA's stevedoring rates were only slightly higher than stevedoring rates charged in New Orleans. ", "Cargill was not satisfied. ", "From time to time, Cargill complained to BARMA regarding vessel dispatch and turnaround time. ", "Then in August 1956 Cargill decided to enter into the stevedoring business at Baton Rouge. ", "It brought into the area Rogers Terminal and Shipping Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary. ", "Cargill notified BARMA that it was no longer welcome at the elevator and that all vessels calling at the elevator would have to employ Rogers as stevedore. ", "BARMA refused to withdraw from the stevedoring business at the elevator. ", "It has continued to operate in competition with Rogers.", "\n\n\n9\nIn March 1957, with no notice to BARMA and with no inquiry into how Cargill would conduct the stevedoring operation, the Port Commission entered into an exclusive stevedoring arrangement with Cargill embodied in Agreement 8225-1. ", "The reason stated in the Agreement for this action was to integrate the unloading of vessels \"into the over-all elevator operation so as to provide a more efficient service.\" ", "The Board found, however, that BARMA was more efficient than Rogers, notwithstanding the fact that when Rogers started in business it succeeded in hiring some of BARMA's key supervisory personnel. ", "In the proceedings before the Board BARMA filed a protest against the amendment to the Cargill Agreement. ", "In the instant case BARMA intervened.", "\n\nII.", "\n\n10\nThe Port Commission concedes it is subject to the provisions of the Shipping Act and to the jurisdiction of the Federal Maritime Board. ", "State of California v. United States, 1944, 320 U.S. 577, 585, 64 S.Ct. ", "352, 88 L.Ed. ", "322. ", "Cargill, relying on its license under Section 29 of the Warehouse Act (7 U.S.C.A. § 269), asserts that this Act vests in the Secretary of Agriculture exclusive jurisdiction over all activities of a licensed warehouseman, including stevedoring, wharfage, and dockage activities; citing Rice v. Santa Fe Elevator Corp., 1947, 331 U.S. 218, 67 S.Ct. ", "1146, 91 L.Ed. ", "1447 and Cargill, Inc. v. Commodity Exchange Commission, D.C.D.C.1952, 103 F.Supp. ", "992. ", "The Warehouse Act does, as Cargill points out, provide that \"the power, jurisdiction, and authority conferred upon the Secretary of Agriculture under this Act shall be exclusive with respect to all persons securing a license hereunder so long as said license remains in effect.\" ", "7 U.S. C.A. § 269.", "\n\n\n11\nGoing first to the Shipping Act,3 we find that Section 1 defines the term \"other person subject to this act\" to mean \"any person not included in the term `common carrier by water,' carrying on the business of forwarding or furnishing wharfage, dock, warehouse, or other terminal facilities in connection with a common carrier by water.\" ", "Of course, effective regulation of common carriage would necessarily involve some supervision over auxiliary services. ", "Cargill comes within the Act, since it furnishes \"wharfage, dock, warehouse, or other terminal facilities\" at the Baton Rouge grain elevator \"in connection\" with common carriage by water.", "\n\n\n12\nGoing now to the Warehouse Act,4 we find that it does not vest jurisdiction over wharves, docks, and stevedoring in the Secretary of Agriculture. ", "By definition the Act applies to the storage of agricultural products, not to maritime activities and facilities. ", "Thus, 7 U.S.C.A. § 242 defines the term \"warehouse\" to mean \"every building, structure, or other protected inclosure in which any agricultural product is or may be stored for interstate or foreign commerce, or, if located within any place under the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States, in which any agricultural product is or may be stored.\" ", "The primary concern of the Act is to establish standards for the safe storing of agricultural products in federally licensed warehouses. ", "It seems clear to us that the Secretary of Agriculture is not primarily concerned with Cargill's stevedoring functions and that the Federal Maritime Board is not primarily concerned with Cargill's warehousing functions.", "\n\n\n13\nHere, although many of Cargill's facilities and services are of a maritime nature, some pertain to the warehousing business. ", "A geographical line cannot be drawn separating the two. ", "Thus, \"loading out\" is considered a part of the business of a grain elevator. ", "The loading gallery, surge hoppers, and chutes are part of the premises of the entire grain elevator and are covered by the license issued by the Secretary of Agriculture. ", "Where would the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Agriculture cease and the jurisdiction of the Federal Maritime Board begin? ", "Somewhere along the loading gallery? ", "Complicating the problem, Cargill is responsible for the quality of grain even after it is stowed by the stevedores aboard the ship. ", "The grain must be determined by laboratory inspection to be of equal quality to the grain called for by the warehouse receipts surrendered for loading. ", "The purpose of this inspection is to correct any mistakes resulting from the delivery of the wrong kind of grain through the spout. ", "But, all of this relates to Cargill's contractual obligations — not necessarily to its stevedoring obligations, as such. ", "If Cargill fails to deliver the proper grain, it must rectify the error. ", "The nature of Cargill's business, therefore, subjects it to the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Agriculture; but no inference can be drawn from this fact that would oust the Federal Maritime Board from its control over Cargill. ", "The Secretary of Agriculture, it should be noted, is not appearing in the case to assert any jurisdiction.", "\n\n\n14\nUnder the original United States Warehouse Act, enacted in 1916, federal regulation was subservient to state regulation. ", "Section 29 of the original act provided that \"nothing in this act shall be construed to conflict with, or authorize any conflict with, or in any way to impair or limit the effect or operation of the laws of any State relating to warehouses, warehousemen * * *.\" ", "Section 6 required any applicant for a federal warehouse license to post a bond to secure the performance of his obligations. ", "Congress amended the Act in 1931, changing Section 29 so that the Secretary of Agriculture, although authorized to cooperate with State officials charged with the enforcement of state laws relating to warehouses, had exclusive power, jurisdiction and authority with respect to all persons securing a license under the Act. ", "Congress amended Section 6 by deleting the requirement that the bond be conditioned on compliance with requirements of state law. ", "The history and purpose of these legislative changes are discussed in Rice v. Sante Fe Elevator Corp., 1947, 331 U.S. 218, 67 S.Ct. ", "1146, 91 L.Ed. ", "1447. ", "This case concludes that a warehouseman is not obligated to operate under the Act, but he may choose to be licensed under it; if he does, he is responsible solely under the federal act, free from the interference of state acts.", "\n\n\n15\nIn Rice v. Santa Fe Elevator Corp., 1947, 331 U.S. 218, 67 S.Ct. ", "1146, 91 L.Ed. ", "1447, the state regulatory agency having jurisdiction over warehouse activities brought proceedings against a federally licensed warehouseman. ", "The warehouseman sued in the federal courts to enjoin the proceedings before the state agency and to enjoin the state attorney general from enforcing any order of the agency. ", "In granting the injunction, the Supreme Court held that Congress had exercised its preemptive constitutional power over grain warehouses by adopting a uniform regulatory scheme to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture. ", "The case was decided on the issue of federal-state relations: \"The test, therefore, is whether the matter on which the State asserts the right to act is in any way regulated by the Federal Act.\" ", "Id., 331 U.S. at page 236, 67 S.Ct. ", "at page 1155. ", "Since the matter is regulated by the federal act, the federal scheme of regulation prevails; the matters involved in the suit before the State regulatory commission are beyond its reach. ", "Congress pre-empted the field by declaring its policy in the Warehouse Act. ", "To knock down dual regulation between state and federal systems is a far cry from saying that other federal agencies, within their proper sphere, may not exercise control or regulation along with the Secretary of Agriculture. ", "The Rice decision does not extend the authority of the Secretary of Agriculture into matters beyond the scope of the Warehouse Act.", "\n\n\n16\nCargill relies also on Cargill, Inc. v. Commodity Exchange Commission et al., ", "D.C.1952, 103 F.Supp. ", "992. ", "In that case Cargill sued the Commission for a declaratory judgment to determine the validity of certain amended rules and regulations adopted by the Chicago Board of Trade. ", "7 U.S.C.A. § 7a(7), part of the Commodity Exchange Act, authorizes local boards of trade to set up reasonable warehousing requirements for warehouses whose receipts are traded at the local board of trade. ", "The Chicago Board of Trade adopted rules requiring all persons in the Chicago area operating federally licensed warehouses to file formal application with the Board to have each such warehouse declared to be \"regular\" if the warehouse receipts were to be accepted on grain futures contracts. ", "The local board's regulations went far beyond the \"reasonable requirements\" authorized by the Act. ", "The district court held, properly enough, that the Act authorizing local boards of trade to set up ground rules for trading in warehouse receipts did not intend to impair the principle of exclusive federal control of the operation of federally licensed warehouses. ", "Again, this is a far cry from holding that the Secretary of Agriculture's control is exclusive as against other federal agencies.", "\n\n\n17\nBusinesses are frequently subject to regulation by several government agencies. ", "We see nothing unusual in Cargill's being subject to the regulatory authority of the Secretary of Agriculture in its warehousing activities and at the same time being subject to the regulatory authority of the Federal Maritime Board when it furnishes maritime facilities and services. ", "The situation would be anomalous if it were otherwise.5\n\n\n18\nWe hold that both Cargill and the Port Commission are subject to the Shipping Act, and subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Maritime Board.", "\n\nIII.", "\n\n19\nCargill argues that Agreement 8225 was not within Section 15 of the Shipping Act. ", "Section 15 of the Shipping Act requires persons subject to the Act to file with the Board every agreement relating to \"fixing or regulating transportation rates or fares; giving or receiving special rates, accommodations, or other special privileges or advantages; controlling, regulating, preventing, or destroying competition; pooling or apportioning earnings, losses, or traffic; allotting ports or restricting or otherwise regulating the number and character of sailings between ports; limiting or regulating in any way the volume or character of freight or passenger traffic to be carried; or in any manner providing for an exclusive, preferential, or cooperative working arrangement.\" ", "The term \"agreement\" in this section \"includes understandings, conferences, and other arrangements.\"", "\n\n\n20\nThe Chief Examiner of the Board was in accord with Cargill. ", "He found that the agreement is \"purely and simply a lease establishing Cargill as tenant and the Port as landlord.\" ", "It seemed to the Board, and it seems to us, that the agreement \"goes far beyond the usual provisions of a mere lease of property.\"", "\n\n\n21\nUnder Article 10 of the original agreement Cargill agreed \"to the extent economically feasible that it will give preference to this grain elevator over other grain elevators operated by [it] in the Gulf area,\" and that Cargill would \"maintain and publish rates and charges for the handling and storage of grain upon or within the facility on a competitive basis to rates published for similar services at New Orleans and other competitive Gulf ports. * * *\" ", "In Article 17 of the agreement the Port Commission agreed that its rates for privileges and services would be competitive with rates for similar services charged at other Gulf ports, that \"during the term of this lease Cargill shall have the exclusive right to operate hereunder a public grain elevator within the Port area as such area is defined by law,\" and that if \"the Port decides to construct additional grain storage and handling facilities, Port must first offer such facilities to Cargill for operation. * * *\" ", "In its Report the Board states that \"[t]hese provisions fix and regulate transportation rates or fares, give special privileges or advantages, control, regulate, prevent or destroy competition, and provide for an exclusive, preferential or cooperative working arrangement within the meaning of Section 15.\"", "\n\n\n22\nThe provisions for (1) the preference to the Baton Rouge elevator over other elevators in the Gulf area, (2) the regulation of rates (required to be competitive with other Gulf ports), (3) Cargill's exclusive right to operate a grain terminal, and (4) Cargill's first refusal on any additional terminals, take the agreement out of the ambit of ordinary leases and place it squarely within the terms of Section 15. ", "This is no ordinary grain elevator. ", "It is operated at a port. ", "Its function is to facilitate the loading and unloading of grain for vessels using the port because of its handling and storage services. ", "It is part and parcel of an over-all scheme for the greater commercial development and use of the Baton Rouge port area. ", "An agreement pertaining to the exclusive operation of such an elevator, dealing with preferences and rates, maritime services and facilities, has such a significant maritime connection as to fall well within the jurisdiction and scope of authority of the Federal Maritime Board.", "\n\n\n23\nSince the agreement comes within the terms of the Act, Board approval must be secured before the agreement can be carried out by the parties. ", "Here, the Board approved the original agreement, finding it not unjustly discriminatory or unfair, and not detrimental to the commerce of the United States.6 This conclusion is not contested by any of the parties. ", "We leave it undisturbed.", "\n\nIV.", "\n\n24\nAgreement 8225-1 amended Section 10 of Agreement 8225 by adding the following provision:\n\n\n25\n\"Cargill further is required to and agrees to provide and furnish stevedoring services to vessels loading or unloading at the wharf, it being recognized that vessels loading or unloading should be integrated into the overall elevator operations so as to provide efficient service, both to such vessel and to persons depositing commodities into the elevator. ", "It is deemed to be a reasonable rule and regulation in the operation of the wharf which is part of the leased property, for Cargill to condition the loading or unloading of a vessel upon the requirement that Cargill's integrated stevedoring service be used by such vessels.\"", "\n\n\n26\nArticle 10 was also amended to require Cargill to \"maintain and publish rates and charges * * * in a competitive basis to rates published or charged for similar services at New Orleans and other competitive Gulf ports * * * for the stevedoring of vessels loaded or unloaded at the wharf.\"", "\n\n\n27\nSection 15 of the Shipping Act authorizes the Board to disapprove, cancel or modify any agreement found to be \"unjustly discriminatory or unfair\" or operating to the \"detriment of the commerce of the United States\". ", "46 U.S.C.A. § 814. ", "Section 17 authorizes the Board to determine, prescribe and order the enforcement of a \"just and reasonable regulation or practice\" whenever it finds regulations or practices established by persons subject to the Act to be \"unjust or unreasonable.\" ", "46 U.S.C.A. § 816. ", "The Board's decision in the instant case applied both of these sections. ", "After considering Agreement 8225-1, the Board refused to approve it, holding that Agreement 8225-1 resulted in a monopoly of stevedoring services detrimental to the commerce of the United States. ", "See Baker-Whiteley Coal Co. v. Baltimore & O. R. Co., 4 Cir., ", "1911, 188 F. 405; Donovan v. Pennsylvania Co., 1905, 199 U.S. 279, 26 S.Ct. ", "91, 50 L.Ed. ", "192. ", "See also Isbrandtsen Co. v. United States, 1954, 93 U.S.App.", "D.C. 293, 211 F.2d 51, 57; McLean Trucking Co. v. United States, 1944, 321 U.S. 67, 87, 64 S.Ct. ", "370, 88 L.Ed. ", "544.", "\n\n\n28\nThe Port Commission and Cargill contend that Agreement 8225-1 does not come within the purview of Section 15 of the Shipping Act, and that these provisions merely represent the exercise of the free right of managerial judgment by the Commission as owner and Cargill as operator of the property. ", "But if Agreement 8225 comes within Section 15, as we have held, then a fortiori Agreement No. ", "8225-1, which broadens the lease to include stevedores — clearly a maritime concern — comes within Section 15.", "\n\n\n29\nStevedoring is traditionally maritime. ", "Stevedoring of grain requires a close relation between the stevedore and the vessel, a careful inspection of the ship, a sound plan of stowage, and skillful execution of the plan. ", "There is a complete separation between the function of the elevator in delivering the grain and the function of a vessel in receiving it. ", "There is no physical connection between vessel and elevator except guide lines to hold the spout discharging grain into a hatch. ", "The elevator workers perform no services on the vessel; the longshoremen perform no services in the elevator or on the wharf.", "\n\n\n30\nAccordingly, under Section 15, we find that Agreement 8225-1 required the approval of the Board in order for it to become effective.", "\n\nV.\n\n31\nThe Board's decision was reached after a full hearing, including submission of briefs and oral argument. ", "The Board was set up by Congress to determine questions of fact and make administrative orders on the basis of its informed judgment and discretion. ", "If the Board's order is supported by sufficient evidence considering the record as a whole, and if the order has a reasonable basis in law, this Court will not disturb it.7\n\n\n32\nIn spite of the fact that the ship's master is legally responsible for the proper loading and seaworthiness of the vessel, Agreement 8225-1 would prohibit the vessel from participating in the selection of its stevedore. ", "The Agreement would make the Baton Rouge elevator the only one of nine elevators in the Gulf area not \"open\" to stevedores. ", "Cargill asserts that the agreement will result in a \"more efficient and economical over-all operation.\" ", "Efficiency is not enough. ", "It is not a cure-all. ", "Not in our system of law.", "\n\n\n33\nCargill and the Port Commission assert that the exclusive stevedoring contract enabled the Port Commission to secure favorable rental payments which are necessary in order for the Commission to finance its operations, the Commission having no power to tax and not having the benefit of taxes being dedicated to it. ", "La.Const. ", "of 1921, Art. ", "VI, Section 29. ", "Monopolies secure economic advantages. ", "They are expected. ", "But if economic advantages are factors to be considered at all, they are to be weighed and evaluated by the Federal Maritime Board. ", "Not by us in our appellate role.", "\n\n\n34\nThe record does not justify Cargill's high opinion of its stevedoring activities. ", "Over 80% of the vessels free to select the stevedore chose BARMA rather than Rogers, Cargill's affiliate. ", "The average hourly tonnage loaded by BARMA has substantially exceeded that of Rogers, before and after the exclusive arrangement.8 The record shows that the stevedoring services and efficiency of BARMA steadily improved and are in some cases superior to Rogers' services. ", "BARMA has held on to half of the grain stevedoring business at Baton Rouge even though Cargill's affiliates have appointed Rogers as stevedore.", "\n\n\n35\nCargill argues that its legal obligation to provide stevedoring services in accordance with specified standards, thereby protecting vessel owners and operators against unreasonable charges for stevedoring, removes any possibility that the amendment could be detrimental to commerce or in any way conflict with Section 17 of the Act. ", "No matter how desirable an agreement may appear, no matter how beneficent the monopoly may appear, Congress has commanded that agreements limiting or destroying competition must first be approved by the Board before they may be lawfully carried out. ", "National policy favors free and healthy competition; monopoly is the exception. ", "Here, to rely on the agreement's alleged built-in safeguards, preventing harmful effects of a monopoly, is to fail to look at the total picture. ", "It would take away, too, the Board's function and arrogate it to us. ", "This we will not do if there is a reasonable basis for the Board's decision. ", "On the record, as we read it, there is a rational foundation in law and in fact for the Board's conclusion that Agreement 8225-1 would be unjustly discriminatory, unfair, and unreasonable, and therefore detrimental to commerce in the United States.", "\n\n\n36\nWe summarize. ", "Cargill is subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Maritime Board, whether or not it is also licensed as a warehouseman by the Secretary of Agriculture. ", "The exclusive lease arrangement embodied in Agreement 8225 between Cargill and the Port Commission is within the scope of Section 15 of the Shipping Act. ", "The Board properly approved it. ", "The restrictive stevedoring arrangement in Agreement 8225-1 is also within the scope of Section 15. ", "Under Section 17, the Board properly found that Agreement 8225-1 violates the standards established in the Shipping Act.", "\n\n\n37\nThere being no legal basis for setting aside or modifying the order of the Board, the petition is denied.", "\n\n\n\nNotes:\n\n\n1\n Under the Review Act of 1950, 5 U.S. C.A. § 1031 et seq\n\n\n2\n Louisiana Constitution of 1921, Art. ", "VI, Section 29, LSA-Const\n\n\n3\n The Shipping Act was entitled: \"An Act To establish a United States Shipping Board for the purpose of encouraging, developing, and creating a naval auxiliary and naval reserve and a merchant marine to meet the requirements of the commerce of the United States with its Territories and possessions and with foreign countries; to regulate carriers by water engaged in the foreign and interstate commerce of the United States; and for other purposes.\" ", "Act, Sept. 7, 1916, c. 451, 39 Stat. ", "728. ", "The Maritime Commission was established by Congress to safeguard a special aspect of the national interest by stopping all unjust and unreasonable practices in receiving, handling, storing or delivering property \"in connection with a common carrier by water.\" ", "State of California v. United States, 1943, 320 U.S. 577, 64 S.Ct. ", "352, 357, 88 L.Ed. ", "322, rehearing denied 321 U.S. 802, 64 S.Ct. ", "516, 88 L.Ed. ", "1089. ", "Cf. ", "United States Navigation Co. v. Cunard S.S. Co., 1932, 284 U.S. 474, 52 S.Ct. ", "247, 76 L.Ed. ", "408. \"", "The Shipping Act is a comprehensive measure bearing a relation to common carriers by water substantially the same as that borne by the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C.A. § 1 et seq.) ", "to interstate carriers by land. * * * ", "In its general scope and purpose, as well as in its terms, that act closely parallels the Interstate Commerce Act; and we cannot escape the conclusion that Congress intended that the two acts, each in its own field, should have like interpretation, application, and effect.\" ", "United States Navigation Co. v. Cunard S.S. Co., 1932, 284 U.S. 474, 480-481, 52 S.Ct. ", "247, 249, 76 L.Ed. ", "408. \"", "The evil of discrimination was the principal thing aimed at by the [Interstate Commerce] Act, see Louisville & N. R. Co. v. United States, 282 U.S. 740, 749, 51 S.Ct. ", "297, [75 L.Ed. ", "672], and its language is certainly broad enough to embrace all discriminations of the sort described which it was within the power of Congress to condemn.\" ", "Merchants Warehouse Co. v. United States, 1931, 283 U.S. 501, 512-513, 51 S.Ct. ", "505, 509, 75 L.Ed. ", "1227\n\n\n4\n \"The basic program reflected in the [Warehouse] Act was described in HR Rep No 60, 64th Cong., ", "1st Sess., ", "p. 1, as follows: `The oubreak of the European war emphasized the fact that the farm marketing machinery of this country is seriously weak, insufficient, and inadequate — a condition which already had been more or less recognized by students of farm economics. ", "From a very thorough study of our system of marketing there will appear: (1) A lack of adequate storage facilities; (2) a lack of proper control and regulation of such storage systems as exist; (3) an absence of uniformity in their methods of operation and the form of receipts issued; (4) a multiplicity of standards for grading and classification, or in some cases an entire absence of such standards for grading and classification; (5) a lack of disinterested graders, classifiers, and weighers; (6) a lack of proper relationship between the storage and banking systems of the country. ", "The inauguration under this bill of a permissive system of warehouses licensed and bonded under authority of the Federal Government for the storage of staple and nonperishable agricultural products upon which uniform receipts may be issued, the weights and grades of the products specified therein having been previously determined by licensed weighers and graders in accordance with Government standards, would go far in the direction of standardizing warehouse construction, storage conditions, insurance, accounting, financing, and the handling and marketing of farm products.\" ", "Rice v. Santa Fe Elevator Corp., 1947, 331 U.S. 218, 67 S.Ct. ", "1146, 1154, 91 L.Ed. ", "1447, footnote 13\n\n\n5\n Baltimore & Ohio R. Co. v. United States, 3 Cir., ", "1953, 201 F.2d 795, holds that a railroad providing maritime terminal operations is subject to regulation by both the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Federal Maritime Board, the former with respect to its full operations, the latter with respect to its maritime operations\n\n\n6\n The Board pointed out in its Report that \"This exclusive lease, Agreement No. ", "8225, has never been approved by the Board as required by said Section 15, but has been carried out by the parties since September 7, 1955. ", "To this extent respondents Cargill and the Port have acted unlawfully and in violation of Section 15.\" ", "Even though the parties violated the statute, the Board approved the agreement. ", "If the Board finds no cause to complain of the violation, neither do we\n\n\n7\n This principle is firmly established, beyond the realm of contestation. ", "See 4 Davis, Administrative Law, §§ 29.01-30.14; Federal Maritime Board v. Isbrandtsen Co., 1958, 356 U.S. 481, 78 S.Ct. ", "851, 2 L.Ed.2d 926; Swift & Co. v. United States, 1952, 343 U.S. 373, 72 S.Ct. ", "716, 96 L.Ed. ", "1008; United States Nav. ", "Co. v. Cunard S.S. Co., 1932, 284 U.S. 474, 52 S.Ct. ", "247, 76 L.Ed. ", "408; Manufacturers R. Co. v. United States, 1918, 246 U.S. 457, 38 S.Ct. ", "383, 62 L.Ed. ", "831; Pennsylvania Co. v. United States, 1915, 236 U.S. 351, 35 S.Ct. ", "370, 59 L.Ed. ", "616\n\n\n8\n Rogers loaded 262.5 tons per hour in 1956, when it began operations; 326.3 tons per hour in 1957; and 259.4 tons per hour in the first quarter of 1958. ", "BARMA, on the other hand, has increased its rate of loading from 364.7 to 445.9 to 510.6 tons per hour in the same periods. ", "BARMA loaded an average of 40% more grain per hour than Rogers at the date of the hearing, April 1958\n\n\n" ]
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[ "In one of the racketeering counts, Bulger was accused of involvement in killing 19 people, including two women.", "\n\nThe jury found Bulger played a role in 11 murders, and that the the government failed to prove he was involved in seven other murders. ", "The jury made no finding in one murder.", "\n\n“Pat Donahue is crying,” Feyerick tweeted from court. “", "Her husband’s murder was proved.” ", "And Eddie Connor’s daughter Karen clenched her fists and said, “Yes” when her father’s death by Bulger was proved, Feyerick reported.", "\n\nBut the daughter of Buddy Leonard left court after the jury did not find enough evidence to link Bulger to his death.", "\n\nAnd Debra Davis’ brother Steven Davis left the court in disbelief after the jury had “no finding” in her death.", "\n\nDebra Davis was dating Bulger’s partner Steve Flemmi, and one day just didn’t come home.", "\n\nThe only count Bulger was not found guilty of was on the alleged extortion of Kevin Hayes, a ticket broker, who had said he was warned in 1994 that he had to give “payoffs” to Bulger in order to operate.", "\n\nBulger showed no emotion as the verdicts were read.", "\n\nThe eight men and four women of the jury deliberated for five days, over more than 32 hours, before reaching their verdict.", "\n\nIt came after seven weeks of testimony about murder, extortion, drug trafficking, loansharking, bookmaking and other gangster crimes covering the time Bulger ran Boston’s Irish mob from the early ’70s through 1995, when he fled the city.", "\n\nThe verdict closes an epic criminal tale that included a life on the lam for 16 years that began in 1994 when a crooked FBI agent told Bulger that he was about to be indicted on federal racketeering charges.", "\n\nThe Irish mob kingpin of tough-talkin’ south Boston soon became one of the most wanted men in America. ", "Bulger the FBI informant became Bulger the FBI fugitive.", "\n\nIt was the stuff of Hollywood moviemaking, and in fact, Bulger’s mob-boss brutality inspired Jack Nicholson’s character in the film “The Departed,” which was directed by Martin Scorsese and won four Oscars in 2006, including best picture.", "\n\nThen, in 2011, the FBI finally tracked him down: Bulger was living on the other side of the country in an apartment just blocks from the beaches of Santa Monica, California, caressed by year-round sunshine and ocean breezes.", "\n\nIt was a fine life, with about $822,000 in cash — largely $100 bills — hidden inside a wall in his apartment, located in a tourist haven right beside Los Angeles. ", "Bulger also kept 30 guns in his residence.", "\n\nDaring to the end, Bulger was hiding in plain sight, living under an alias with his girlfriend. ", "They called themselves Charlie and Carol Gasko.", "\n\nIt was a long fall for Bulger: One of America’s notorious mob bosses was called “a rat bastard” and “a coward” by victims’ relatives and former associates who attended or watched the trial.", "\n\nBulger declined to take the stand to testify in his defense, telling the judge, outside the jury’s presence, that his trial was “a sham” because he had an immunity deal with federal authorities in exchange for being an informant. ", "The judge had ruled he couldn’t make that claim during his trial.", "\n\nBulger’s girlfriend, Catherine Greig, pleaded guilty in March to charges of conspiracy to harbor a fugitive, identity fraud and conspiracy to commit identity fraud.", "\n\nHer crime was “the most extreme case” of harboring a fugitive, prosecutors said." ]
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[ "The relationships between health anxiety, online health information seeking, and cyberchondria: Systematic review and meta-analysis.", "\nCyberchondria refers to an abnormal behavioral pattern in which excessive or repeated online searches for health-related information are distressing or anxiety-provoking. ", "Health anxiety has been found to be associated with both online health information seeking and cyberchondria. ", "The aims of the present systematic review and meta-analysis were to examine the magnitude of these associations and identify any moderator variables. ", "A systematic literature search was performed across several databases (PsycINFO, PubMed, Embase) and reference lists of included studies. ", "Twenty studies were included across two independent meta-analyses, with 7373 participants. ", "Random effects meta-analyses showed that there was a positive correlation between health anxiety and online health information seeking [r = 0.34, 95% CI (0.20, 0.48), p < .0001], and between health anxiety and cyberchondria [r = 0.62, 95% CI (0.52, 0.71), p < .0001]. ", "A meta-regression indicated that the age of study participants [Q(1) = 4.58, p = .03] was partly responsible for the heterogeneity found for the relationship between health anxiety and cyberchondria. ", "The generalizability and validity of our findings are restricted by the methodological limitations of the primary studies, namely, an over-reliance on a single measure of cyberchondria, the Cyberchondria Severity Scale. ", "Our review found a positive correlation between health anxiety and online health information seeking, and between health anxiety and cyberchondria. ", "Further research should aim to explore the contexts for these associations as well as address the identified limitations of the extant literature." ]
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[ "Time to say hello again. ", "56.13 By JonnyQuattro on 28/05/2015 6:28 AM (EST) Not many updates this week. ", "There isn't a current\n\nchangelog for the new 56.13 of synergy.", "\n\n\n\nThere have been some new added features which are still a Work in progress.", "\n\n\n\nFor instance the shell casings update not many have noticed yet but if you shoot the smg1 or shotgun you will see that actual physics shell casings come out and hit the floor just as a normal shell casing should. ", "They can be stepped on and moved around (client side)\n\n\n\n\n\nAlso donators have a new addition to their playermodel selection\n\n\n\n\n\nComments\n\nKeeping it simple and updated By JonnyQuattro on 22/05/2015 10:17 AM (EST) Just a heads up. ", "We'll try our best to keep you guys updated as much as possible.", "\n\nOur coder has thrown a few updates in the past week that fixes a few issues (no changelog for that),\n\nAs you know we barely post news and updates on what's going on. ", "We'll try to keep our changes in order.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nRebel rush event is not yet scheduled. ", "I will keep you posted.", "\n\n\n\nEvery week I or another team member will be posting some updates/changelogs.", "\n\nJust to keep you guys in the \"know\".", "\n\n\n\nThank you so much for being a part of Synergy till this very day.", "\n\nWe hope to release some crazy new things very soon.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nComments Just a heads up. ", "We'll try our best to keep you guys updated as much as possible.", "Our coder has thrown a few updates in the past week that fixes a few issues (no changelog for that),As you know we barely post news and updates on what's going on. ", "We'll try to keep our changes in order.", "Rebel rush event is not yet scheduled. ", "I will keep you posted.", "Every week I or another team member will be posting some updates/changelogs.", "Just to keep you guys in the \"know\".", "Thank you so much for being a part of Synergy till this very day.", "We hope to release some crazy new things very soon.", "\n\nSynergy Version 56 Released By Krazy Kasrkin on 9/04/2015 5:34 PM (EST) Heya folks, here is another update for ya with various internal improvements. ", "If you find any issues with this update, please post the details in the forums and I'll be sure to check it out. ", "Please note that if you have a Workshop Add-on (not \"Item Replacements\") currently active in the Synergy Workshop you need to re-update it. ", "This update removed the VPK requirement for Add-ons to solve various engine issues. ", "All you need to do is select your Add-on in the Workshop Publisher Menu and do an \"Update Item\" and re-upload your content. ", "Workshop standards are now out of beta so these requirements will no longer change. ", "Also a Rebel Rush event will be coming up soon so stay tuned! ", "Synergy will now automatically mount and manage all content.", "\n\nUsers no longer need to manage their game mounts.", "\n\nContent will be automatically mounted and unmounted as needed.", "\n\nRemoved the need for mount.cache, SteamContent.manifest, basemaps.txt, LevelContent.manifest files and the GameList menu.", "\n\n\n\nFurther decreased average load times.", "\n\n\n\nInclude files (.inc) are no longer required and will not exit Synergy with an error, but are still needed to tell Synergy which content a map needs to mount. ", "Maps without a corresponding include file will default to Half-Life 2 content only.", "\n\n\n\nMaps that are a part of a specific game (i.e. a content file: content/*.dat) no longer require Include files.", "\n\n\n\nAdded support for the following languages (Interface, Voiceovers, and Closed Captions) - Synergy will now choose the correct language pack based on Steam or in-game settings (Special thanks to user Allower for pointing this out with his Workshop fix):\n\nFrench\n\nGerman\n\nItalian\n\nKorean\n\nSpanish\n\nRussian\n\nSimplified Chinese\n\nTraditional Chinese\n\nDanish (UI Only)\n\nDutch (UI Only)\n\nPortuguese (UI Only)\n\n\n\nRemoved unnecessary Half-Life 2: Episode One requirement for Episode Two.", "\n\n\n\nFixed all known cases of the \"Closing pack file with -1 open files!\" ", "error.", "\n\n\n\nAdded content files for the following games:\n\nAge of Chivalry\n\nCounter-Strike: Source\n\nDay of Defeat: Source\n\nDystopia\n\nEternal Silence\n\nHalf-Life 2: Update\n\nNEOTOKYO\n\nPortal\n\nTeam Fortress 2\n\nZombie Panic: Source\n\n\n\nWorkshop :\n\nAdd-on (non-'Item Replacement') items will no longer be stored in VPKs. (", "Fixes various issues with BSPs being stored in VPKs)\n\nNOTICE: Existing Add-ons require a re-update in order to mount properly! (", "i.e. not packed in VPKs)\n\nAdd-on items will mount all VPKs in it's root directory.", "\n\nAdded a \"Workshop Settings\" Menu to Prioritize Subscriptions.", "\n\nAdded more helpful Messages during Workshop Item publishing.", "\n\nAdd-on's will now show in the Create a Server menu.", "\n\n:\n\nOther:\n\nFixed (and updated) donors not working due to a recent change in the SteamID format.", "\n\n\n\nAdded support for loading a random background map on launch from the pool of what content you have available in the Advanced Multiplayer Options menu.", "\n\n\n\nFixed a few cases of missing textures on a listen server.", "\n\n\n\nFixed Synergy's custom weapon sounds not playing. (", "Again)\n\n\n\nProperly removed cheat flag from stopsound command.", "\n\n\n\nEnabled sv_airaccelerate and sv_rollangle (camera sway) convars.", "\n\n\n\nAdded conver glow_max to limit the maximum number of object outlines to render at once.", "\n\n\n\nFixed a client crash on Linux.", "\n\n\n\nReplaced Convar toggle_show_players with hud_player_info_enable to toggle the Avatar over player's heads.", "\n\n\n\nAdded support for mounting content inside the \"custom\" folder (synergy/custom) to enable, set contentloader_custom_folder_enable to 1. ", "This will also mount all VPKs found in the root of the folder.", "\n\nVarious minor bugfixes.", "\n\nSynergy Workshop Released By Krazy Kasrkin on 17/12/2014 7:56 PM (EST) Hey folks! ", "Been quite some time! ", "I hope over the next few months to have some time to give Synergy the attention it needs! ", "This round we're releasing Steam Workshop for Synergy. ", "We know you like to mod Synergy up so we figured having a centralized and game-supported implementation is the way to go to keep it easy as possible. ", "How does Synergy Workshop work?", "\n\nSimply head over to the Simply head over to the Synergy Workshop page and search for items to subscribe to (You can do this in-game as well). ", "Once you subscribe, the item will begin downloading in Steam. ", "You do not have to restart Synergy in order to mount new Workshop items you've subscribed to; they will be automatically mounted the next time you load a level (if the item is finished downloading). ", "We have a few small test example items to toy with, but it may take some time for users add their own content. ", "What type of content is supported?", "\n\nTechnically most if not all forms of content are supported but we categorized it into two distinct groups.", "\n\nAdd-on : Stand-alone content which does not override base content.", "\n\n\n\n: Stand-alone content which does not override base content. ", "Item Replacement: Content will override all other base content.", "\n\nOf course, as this is a beta, all of this is subject to change if we decide a different system is better, or if you have an awesome suggestion! ", "Technically most if not all forms of content are supported but we categorized it into two distinct groups.", "Of course, as this is a beta, all of this isif we decide a different system is better, or if you have an awesome suggestion! ", "How do I upload something to Synergy Workshop?", "\n\nCheck out our Check out our Synergy Workshop Documentation Why are dedicated servers not supported right now!??", "\n\nThe Workshop is primarily in beta because dedicated servers do not support the new method Steam uses to manage Workshop Items. ", "Item Replacement items will work fine on the client, however, Add-on items will only work on the client and listen servers. ", "As soon as Steam adds support for dedicated servers we will implement it right away! ", "The Workshop is primarily in beta because dedicated servers do not support the new method Steam uses to manage Workshop Items.items will work fine on the client, however,items will only work on the client and listen servers. ", "The new method (known as ISteamUGC) is the next version of Workshop support for Steam games. ", "The previous method used the Steam cloud which had many limitations. ", "The new method supports unlimited file sizes and file counts and can be updated frequently and easily using the SteamPipe content system for fast and small downloads/updates. ", "So head on over! ", "If you have suggestions to help improve Synergy Workshop or just wish to report a bug, please create a post in the new Workshop Discussion! ", "Other minor fixes in this update (55c):\n\nFixed players not taking drown damage. ", "Changes in 55d (12-16-2014):\n\nAdded player outlines that visually represent the player's health when obstructed.", "\n\n\n\nUpdated Donors.", "\n\n\n\nFixed a few Workshop bugs.", "\n\n\n\nAdded support for dynamic skies (See this Workshop Item for an example.) ", "When is the next Rebel Rush event?", "\n\nWe're planning on hosting another We're planning on hosting another Rebel Rush event sometime within the next month so stay tuned! ", "Til next time!" ]
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[ "Ready to fight back? ", "Sign up for Take Action Now and get three actions in your inbox every week. ", "You will receive occasional promotional offers for programs that support The Nation’s journalism. ", "You can read our Privacy Policy here. ", "Sign up for Take Action Now and get three actions in your inbox every week.", "\n\nThank you for signing up. ", "For more from The Nation, check out our latest issue\n\nSubscribe now for as little as $2 a month!", "\n\nSupport Progressive Journalism The Nation is reader supported: Chip in $10 or more to help us continue to write about the issues that matter. ", "The Nation is reader supported: Chip in $10 or more to help us continue to write about the issues that matter.", "\n\nFight Back! ", "Sign up for Take Action Now and we’ll send you three meaningful actions you can take each week. ", "You will receive occasional promotional offers for programs that support The Nation’s journalism. ", "You can read our Privacy Policy here. ", "Sign up for Take Action Now and we’ll send you three meaningful actions you can take each week.", "\n\nThank you for signing up. ", "For more from The Nation, check out our latest issue\n\nTravel With The Nation Be the first to hear about Nation Travels destinations, and explore the world with kindred spirits. ", "Be the first to hear about Nation Travels destinations, and explore the world with kindred spirits.", "\n\nSign up for our Wine Club today. ", "Did you know you can support The Nation by drinking wine?", "\n\nMy favorite moment during the GOP debate in Las Vegas came when Rand Paul cut my governor off at the kneecaps. ", "Ad Policy\n\nNot that that’s hard to do. ", "When Chris Christie overplays his tell-it-like-it-is, Jersey-tough-guy shtick—encouraged lately by a slight bump he has raised in the New Hampshire polls—he tends to walk into traps of his own making.", "\n\nCNN debate moderator Wolf Blitzer had asked him whether, if the United States imposed a no-fly zone over Syria and a Russian plane invaded it, he would “be prepared to shoot down that Russian plane and risk war with Russia.”", "\n\n“Not only would I be prepared to do it, I would do it,” Christie said, without hesitation.", "\n\n“Maybe because I’m from New Jersey, I just have this kind of plain-language hang-up. ", "But I would make very clear [and tell Vladimir Putin], ‘Listen, Mr. President, there’s a no-fly zone in Syria; you fly in, it applies to you.’ ", "And yes, we would shoot down the planes of Russian pilots if in fact they were stupid enough to think that this president was the same feckless weakling that the president we have in the Oval Office is right now.”", "\n\nThis was just too easy a set-up for Rand Paul. “", "Well, I think if you’re in favor of World War III, you have your candidate,” Paul said to a mixture of jeers and cheers. ", "Noting that Hillary Clinton also advocates a no-fly zone, Paul wondered if we really want “someone who is so reckless as to stand on the stage and say, ‘Yes, I’m jumping up and down, I’m going to shoot down Russian planes.’ ", "Russia already flies in that airspace. ", "It may not be something we’re in love with the fact that they’re there, but they were invited by Iraq and by Syria to fly in that airspace.”", "\n\nWhen we think about the judgment of someone who might want World War III, we might think about someone who would shut down a bridge because they don’t like their friends.", "\n\nBoom. ", "Thank you, Rand. ", "Help The Nation raise $200,000 by 12/31! ", "Your gift will be matched! ", "Donate Today\n\nChristie acted like he never heard the B-word, of course, sputtering on in his reply about how Obama and Clinton were truly reckless for inviting Russia into Syria in the first place (Russia built its military base in Syria in 1971, when Obama was 10 years old, but hey, the Guv is communicatin’ here).", "\n\nAnd many in the Beltway media acted like they didn’t hear it, either. ", "They’re eager for Christie to score a Comeback Kid moment in New Hampshire, especially since the conservative Manchester Union Leader endorsed him last month. ", "The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza and Jennifer Rubin both deemed Christie one of the debate’s big winners, with the latter writing that the governor “played the role of the experienced adult.”", "\n\nReally, who he plays in these debates is Frank Underwood, looking straight into the camera like there’s no one else onstage to deliver a monologue through the tumbled fourth wall—Look into my eyes, America!—reaching through the media frame to deliver a slap of cold, hard truth. ", "As when he said from the Vegas stage when Cruz and Rubio got into the legislative weeds about terrorism and immigration, “Listen, I want to talk to the audience at home for a second. ", "If your eyes are glazing over like mine, this is what it’s like to be on the floor of the United States Senate. ", "I mean, endless debates about how many angels on the head of a pin from people who’ve never had to make a consequential decision in an executive position.", "\n\n“The fact is, for seven years, I had to make these decisions after 9/11, make a decision about how to proceed forward with an investigation or how to pull back, whether you use certain actionable intelligence or whether not to. ", "And yet they continue to debate about this bill and in the subcommittee and what—nobody in America cares about that.”", "\n\nThose last six words are actually true, and fit Christie’s own FU-like swagger. ", "But then he goes and overdoes it—verbally shooting down the Russkies, pretending Bridgegate is behind him (why, his own lawyers exonerated him!), ", "and mentioning five times that he was a former federal prosecutor whose career was devoted to fighting terrorism. ", "Which is so not true, as Olivia Nuzzi chronicles in the Daily Beast, that it should taint every clause it touches (Christie in fact focused like a laser on corruption cases, even in the aftermath of 9/11, because bringing the New Jersey political class to heel was his first step toward higher office). ", "Christie claimed at the debate that his office “thwarted” “two of the biggest terrorism cases in the world”—though those cases, as Nuzzi says, might be better characterized as “the results of entrapment.”", "\n\nAnd for years the media has fallen for it. ", "Christie was the made-for-the-Internet candidate, the YouTube vids of him yelling at the press or teachers or anyone who looked at him wrong going viral for their raw, bully quality. ", "Christie in fact was always a risky bet, even before Bridgegate effectively ended his political career, because they don’t go for that kind of thuggish impoliteness down South.", "\n\nUnless, of course, it comes from Donald Trump, who plays the tough guy a hundred times better. ", "And Trump has something else—he’s likable. ", "Christie has his charms, but mostly he’s angry and full of hot air. ", "Christie would shoot down Russian planes (and decades of a hard-won US-Russian cold peace) in a heartbeat, but he’ll take days to shoot down Trump’s lie that “thousands and thousands” of Muslims in Jersey City celebrated 9/11. ", "Then, when Trump struck back that Christie “totally knew” about closing the George Washington Bridge, Christie, as NJ.com put it, “curled up in Trump’s lap like a warm kitten.”", "\n\nIt must be maddening: Christie sees Trump say stupid, career-ending slurs, he sees him flick off one premature obit after another and come out stronger each time. “", "Why can’t I be like that?” ", "Christie must wonder. ", "Why don’t Bridgegate, New Jersey’s nine credit downgrades, the highest foreclosure rate in the country, the outrage of Hurricane Sandy victims who feel betrayed by the shenanigans with federal relief money, just make me stronger the way Trump’s excesses do?", "\n\nAh, the difference between being a reality-TV star and just acting like one. ", "One day, after the delusion that he can be prez fades but his rage continues to boil, Chris Christie’s going to look directly into the camera and say, “Listen, I want to talk to the audience at home for a second. ", "You people disappoint me…. ", "Sit down and shut up!”" ]
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[ "Amanda Bao is an assistant professor of civil engineering technology at Rochester Institute of Technology.", "\n\nWritten by\n\nGreg Fox\nStaff writer\n\nAmanda Bao, a researcher at the Rochester Institute of Technology, is working to make bridges stronger, an important task seeing how many of the nation's bridges are aging, deficient or don't meet minimum grades established by the American Society of Civil Engineers.", "\n\nThe Pittsford resident discovered during computer simulations that adjusting the shape of bridge piles - the long, heavy steel beams that are driven into the ground to support the structures - can make bridges stronger and last longer." ]
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[ "require_relative '../../spec_helper'\nrequire 'bigdecimal'\n\ndescribe \"BigDecimal#to_f\" do\n before :each do\n @one = BigDecimal(\"1\")\n @zero = BigDecimal(\"0\")\n @zero_pos = BigDecimal(\"+0\")\n @zero_neg = BigDecimal(\"-0\")\n @two = BigDecimal(\"2\")\n @three = BigDecimal(\"3\")\n @nan = BigDecimal(\"NaN\")\n @infinity = BigDecimal(\"Infinity\")\n @infinity_minus = BigDecimal(\"-Infinity\")\n @one_minus = BigDecimal(\"-1\")\n @frac_1 = BigDecimal(\"1E-99999\")\n @frac_2 = BigDecimal(\"0.9E-99999\")\n @vals = [@one, @zero, @two, @three, @frac_1, @frac_2]\n @spec_vals = [@zero_pos, @zero_neg, @nan, @infinity, @infinity_minus]\n end\n\n it \"returns number of type float\" do\n BigDecimal(\"3.14159\").to_f.should be_kind_of(Float)\n @vals.each { |val| val.to_f.should be_kind_of(Float) }\n @spec_vals.each { |val| val.to_f.should be_kind_of(Float) }\n end\n\n it \"rounds correctly to Float precision\" do\n bigdec = BigDecimal(\"3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375\")\n bigdec.to_f.should be_close(3.14159265358979, TOLERANCE)\n @one.to_f.should == 1.0\n @two.to_f.should == 2.0\n @three.to_f.should be_close(3.0, TOLERANCE)\n @one_minus.to_f.should == -1.0\n\n # regression test for [ruby-talk:338957]\n BigDecimal(\"10.03\").to_f.should == 10.03\n end\n\n it \"properly handles special values\" do\n @zero.to_f.should == 0\n @zero.to_f.to_s.should == \"0.0\"\n\n @nan.to_f.should.nan?", "\n\n @infinity.to_f.infinite?.should == 1\n @infinity_minus.to_f.infinite?.should == -1\n end\n\n it \"remembers negative zero when converted to float\" do\n @zero_neg.to_f.should == 0\n @zero_neg.to_f.to_s.should == \"-0.0\"\n end\nend\n" ]
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[ "twopass_compat -- verifica compatibilidad con archivos \".hal\" existentes usados por sim/axis.ini\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nGeneric singleton array with archiving and insertion functions\n\nI find that I often have to maintain a singleton primarily to hold an array that is sometimes persisted between user sessions, that should have only one class of items, and that sometimes needs to be ordered. ", "I got tired of writing the same boilerplate over and over so came up with this. ", "I'd welcome critiques (particularly re: thread safety) and suggestions for how to expand this to cover more situations. ", "Some notes:\n\nThis only takes care of object properties, not fundamental types.", "\nThis uses NSUserDefaults for inter-session persistence.", "\nThis is meant to remove boilerplate and make smart default assumptions for users.", "\n\nHere's the generic object from which custom objects to be put in a singleton class should be subclassed:\nCKGeneralizedItem.h\n#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>\n#import \"CKGeneralSingletonArray.h\"\n\n@interface CKGeneralizedItem : NSObject <CKArchivingItem, NSCoding>\n\n+ (NSArray *)objectPropertiesToArchive;\n+ (NSArray *)boolPropertiesToArchive;\n+ (NSArray *)floatPropertiesToArchive;\n+ (NSArray *)intPropertiesToArchive;\n\n@end\n\nCKGeneralizedItem.m\n#import \"CKGeneralizedItem.h\"\n\n@implementation CKGeneralizedItem\n\n#pragma mark Encoding\n- (void) encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder {\n for (NSString *keyName in [[self class] objectPropertiesToArchive]) {\n [aCoder encodeObject:[self valueForKey:keyName] forKey:keyName];\n }\n return;\n}\n\n- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder;\n{\n self = [super init];\n if (self !", "= nil)\n {\n for (NSString *keyName in [[self class] objectPropertiesToArchive]){\n [self setValue:[coder decodeObjectForKey:keyName] forKey:keyName];\n }\n }\n return self;\n}\n\n#pragma mark Archival properties\n+ (NSArray *)objectPropertiesToArchive {\n return @[];\n}\n\n+ (NSArray *)boolPropertiesToArchive {\n return @[];\n}\n\n+ (NSArray *)floatPropertiesToArchive {\n return @[];\n}\n\n+ (NSArray *)intPropertiesToArchive {\n return @[];\n}\n\n#pragma mark Inspection\n- (NSString *) description {\n NSString *descriptionString = @\"\";\n for (NSString *keyString in [[self class] objectPropertiesToArchive]) {\n descriptionString = [descriptionString stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@\"%@: %@\\n\", keyString, [self valueForKey:keyString]]];\n }\n return descriptionString;\n}\n\n@end\n\nHere's the singleton array:\nCKGeneralSingletonArray.h\n#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>\n\n@protocol CKArchivingItem <NSObject>\n\n#pragma mark State persistence\n- (void) retrieveItemsFromArchive;\n- (void) archiveItems;\n@end\n\n@interface CKGeneralSingletonArray : NSObject\n\n@property (strong, atomic) NSString *arrayObjectClassString;\n@property (strong, atomic) NSComparator sortWithThisComparator;\n@property NSBinarySearchingOptions binarySearchOption;\n+ (instancetype) sharedManager;\n\n// array membership\n- (void) insertItem:(id<NSCoding, CKArchivingItem>) item;\n- (void) clearAllItems;\n- (void) printItems;\n\n// saving/uploading data\n- (void) uploadItems;\n\n// archiving items\n- (void) archiveItems;\n- (void) retrieveItemsFromArchive;\n- (void) setArchiveName: (NSString *)archiveName;\n\n@end\n\nCKGeneralSingletonArray.m\n#import \"CKGeneralSingletonArray.h\"\n#import \"CKGeneralizedItem.h\"\n\n#define kCKGeneralizedItemsDefaultTheadName \"com.yourAppHere.", "Bundle\"\n#define kCKGeneralizedItemsDefaultArchivingName @\"yourAppKeyedArchiving\"\n#define kCKGeneralizedItemsDefaultNSUserDefaultsSuite @\"com.", "DefaultsThisApp.", "AppBundle\"\n\n@interface CKGeneralSingletonArray ()\n\n@property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableArray <id<NSCoding, CKArchivingItem>> *items;\n@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *archiveString;\n@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *threadingQueueString;\n@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *userDefaultsString;\n@property dispatch_queue_t itemsAccessQueue;\n@end\n\n@implementation CKGeneralSingletonArray\n\n@synthesize items, itemsAccessQueue, archiveString, threadingQueueString, arrayObjectClassString, sortWithThisComparator, binarySearchOption;\n\n#pragma mark Instantiation\n+ (instancetype) sharedManager {\n static dispatch_once_t once;\n static id sharedInstance;\n dispatch_once(&once, ^{\n sharedInstance = [[self alloc] init];\n });\n return sharedInstance;\n}\n\n- (id) init {\n self = [super init];\n if (self) {\n self.items = [NSMutableArray new];\n self.binarySearchOption = NSBinarySearchingFirstEqual;\n }\n return self;\n}\n\n#pragma mark Public-facing array manipulation\n- (void) insertItem:(id<NSCoding, CKArchivingItem>) item {\n \n if (arrayObjectClassString && ![", "item isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(arrayObjectClassString)]) {\n [NSException raise:@\"YOU MADE A MISTAKE\" format:@\"you tried to insert a %@ but I can only accept %@\", [item class], arrayObjectClassString];\n } else {\n if (!", "sortWithThisComparator) {\n [self.items addObject:item];\n } else {\n NSInteger newItemIndex = [self.items indexOfObject:item inSortedRange:NSMakeRange(0, [self.items count]) options:NSBinarySearchingFirstEqual usingComparator:sortWithThisComparator];\n [self.items insertObject:item atIndex:newItemIndex];\n } \n }\n}\n\n- (void) clearAllItems {\n [self.items removeAllObjects];\n}\n\n- (void) printItems {\n NSLog(@\"here are printed items %@\", self.items);\n}\n\n#pragma mark Thread-safe multiple-point thread-safe access\n- (void) setItems:(NSMutableArray<id<NSCoding,CKArchivingItem>> *)itemsVal {\n if (!", "threadingQueueString) {\n itemsAccessQueue = dispatch_queue_create(kCKGeneralizedItemsDefaultTheadName, DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);\n }\n dispatch_barrier_async(self.itemsAccessQueue, ^{\n items = itemsVal;\n });\n}\n\n- (NSMutableArray <id<NSCoding, CKArchivingItem>> *) getItems {\n if (!", "threadingQueueString) {\n itemsAccessQueue = dispatch_queue_create(kCKGeneralizedItemsDefaultTheadName, DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);\n }\n __block NSMutableArray <id<NSCoding, CKArchivingItem>> *copyItems;\n dispatch_sync(self.itemsAccessQueue, ^{\n copyItems = [items mutableCopy];\n });\n return copyItems;\n}\n\n- (void) setThreadingQueueString:(NSString *)threadingQueueStringVal {\n static dispatch_once_t once;\n dispatch_once(&once, ^{\n threadingQueueString = threadingQueueStringVal;\n });\n}\n\n#pragma mark Between-session persistence in user defaults\n// this can also be modified to store the NSData in a file\n- (void) retrieveItemsFromArchive {\n if (!", "archiveString) {\n [self setArchiveName:kCKGeneralizedItemsDefaultArchivingName];\n }\n\n NSString *defaultsString = self.userDefaultsString;\n if (!", "defaultsString) defaultsString = kCKGeneralizedItemsDefaultNSUserDefaultsSuite;\n \n NSUserDefaults *defaults = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] initWithSuiteName:defaultsString];\n NSArray *retrievedItems = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData: [defaults objectForKey:archiveString]];\n if (retrievedItems) {\n self.items = [retrievedItems mutableCopy];\n }\n}\n\n- (void) archiveItems {\n if (!", "archiveString) {\n [self setArchiveName:kCKGeneralizedItemsDefaultArchivingName];\n }\n NSString *defaultsString = self.userDefaultsString;\n if (!", "defaultsString) defaultsString = kCKGeneralizedItemsDefaultNSUserDefaultsSuite;\n \n NSUserDefaults *defaults = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] initWithSuiteName:defaultsString];\n [defaults setObject:[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:self.items] forKey:archiveString];\n [defaults synchronize];\n NSLog(@\"here is what got archived %@\", [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData: [defaults objectForKey:archiveString]]);\n}\n\n- (void) setArchiveName: (NSString *)archiveStringVal {\n static dispatch_once_t once;\n dispatch_once(&once, ^{\n archiveString = archiveStringVal;\n });\n}\n\n#pragma mark Uploading to remote API \n- (void) uploadItems {\n // this should be entirely defined by the sub-classer\n [NSException raise:@\"uploadItems has not been properly defined\" format:@\"This class method must be overridden.\"];", "\n}\n\n@end\n\nHere's a sample of what you could do:\n\n[[CKGeneralSingletonArray sharedManager] retrieveItemsFromArchive];\n[[CKGenericSingletonSubclass sharedManager] printItems];\n[[CKGeneralSingletonArray sharedManager] setArrayObjectClassString:@\"NSString\"];\n\nCKGeneralizedItemSubclass *subclass = [[CKGeneralizedItemSubclass alloc] init];\nsubclass.firstName = @\"Doofus\";\nsubclass.lastName = @\"Potter\";\nsubclass.age = @(11);\nCKGeneralizedItemSubclass *subclass2 = [[CKGeneralizedItemSubclass alloc] init];\nsubclass2.firstName = @\"Draco\";\nsubclass2.lastName = @\"Malfoy\";\nsubclass.birthday = [[NSDate date] dateByAddingTimeInterval:-1*24*60*60*50];\nsubclass2.age = @(11);\n[[CKGenericSingletonSubclass sharedManager] insertItem:subclass]; // this will throw an exception because the array singleton has been set to only accept NSStrings\n[[CKGenericSingletonSubclass sharedManager] insertItem:subclass2];\n\n[[CKGenericSingletonSubclass sharedManager] printItems];\n\nA:\n\nAs my comment explains, there are some things about your code I definitely don't understand. ", " This answer will focus on the parts that I know need to be changed.", "\n\nSo, starting from the top...\n\n#define kCKGeneralizedItemsDefaultTheadName \"com.yourAppHere.", "Bundle\"\n#define kCKGeneralizedItemsDefaultArchivingName @\"yourAppKeyedArchiving\"\n#define kCKGeneralizedItemsDefaultNSUserDefaultsSuite @\"com.", "DefaultsThisApp.", "AppBundle\"\n\nSo, a couple of things. ", " First, we should not prefer to use #define. ", " The #define macros should be reserved for use cases where basically there is no alternative option. ", " And to be honest, those cases going to be extraordinarily few and far between.", "\nInstead, we should prefer typed constants. ", " For example:\nNSString * const kCKGeneralizedItemsDefaultThreadName = \"com.yourAppHere.", "Bundle\";\n\nBut importantly, it seems like there's a decent enough chance that these values are used else where in your app. ", " It also seems like you can retrieve these values programmatically based on what the user actually has set for their app bundle here. ", " And we should probably prefer that.", "\n\n@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *archiveString;\n@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *threadingQueueString;\n@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *userDefaultsString;\n\nI can see that these are declared as NSString types. ", " You don't have to put String at the end of each of their names. ", " I don't have recommendations for these three properties now--we'll get to that as we work our way down through the code.", "\n\n@synthesize items, itemsAccessQueue, archiveString, threadingQueueString, arrayObjectClassString, sortWithThisComparator, binarySearchOption;\n\nYou don't need to @synthesize properties. ", " You haven't needed to for quite some time now. ", " Properties are autosynthesized with an underscore prefix. ", " And that underscore makes for a very strong indication that this is the backing instance variable for a property. ", " We should tend to prefer that.", "\n\n+ (instancetype) sharedManager {\n static dispatch_once_t once;\n static id sharedInstance;\n dispatch_once(&once, ^{\n sharedInstance = [[self alloc] init];\n });\n return sharedInstance;\n}\n\nYou're not instantiating a manager, so your singleton method should be called \"sharedManager\". ", " This should be named something that gives a clue as to what it is. ", " Importantly, even \"shared\" isn't always the right word here. ", " \nSo first, \"Manager\" should be replaced with \"Array\". ", " This is a singleton array implementation, so any singleton method should tell us we're returning an array.", "\nSecond, the word \"shared\" is typically reserved for cases where one total instance of this class is the only thing that ever possibly makes sense. ", " For example, UIApplication's singleton method is called sharedApplication. ", " It doesn't make sense to have two UIApplication instances floating around within a single app. ", " But NSUserDefaults? ", " It opts for standardUserDefaults as its singleton method name.", "\nIf we only ever want one instance created and we want to always force the user through that instance, we need to take the appropriate steps to enforce that (we're not, currently) and name our singleton method sharedArray. ", " If, however, we think it makes sense for there to sometimes be multiple instances running around, we should opt for that and name our singleton method defaultArray or standardArray.", "\n\n- (void) insertItem:(id<NSCoding, CKArchivingItem>) item {\n\n if (arrayObjectClassString && ![", "item isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(arrayObjectClassString)]) {\n [NSException raise:@\"YOU MADE A MISTAKE\" format:@\"you tried to insert a %@ but I can only accept %@\", [item class],\narrayObjectClassString];\n } else {\n if (!", "sortWithThisComparator) {\n [self.items addObject:item];\n } else {\n NSInteger newItemIndex = [self.items indexOfObject:item inSortedRange:NSMakeRange(0, [self.items count])\noptions:NSBinarySearchingFirstEqual\nusingComparator:sortWithThisComparator];\n [self.items insertObject:item atIndex:newItemIndex];\n } \n }\n}\n\nFirst, I would expect this method to to match the same sort of signature that Apple gives for regular mutable arrays. ", " And you use it within this method: addObject:. ", " \nSecond, we should consider whether we want to always maintain the array in sorted order, or only sort it when the array is retrieved. ", " The real question here is how often are you doing which things to the array. ", " If you're inserting more frequently than you are retrieving the full array, than this is the more expensive approach to returning a sorted array. ", " \n\n- (void) clearAllItems {\n [self.items removeAllObjects];\n}\n\nTwo problems here.", "\nFirst, like above, I don't see a particularly good reason to deviate from Apple's naming scheme. ", " This could & should simply be removeAllObjects, just like we'd expect to see on an NSMutableArray.", "\nSecond, despite the efforts we've made for thread safety in other places that mutate the array, we've completely ignored thread safety in this method.", "\n\n- (void) printItems {\n NSLog(@\"here are printed items %@\", self.items);\n}\n\nNope. ", " Please don't do this. ", " You should never have a method that looks anything like this. ", " NSObject (which all Objective-C classes inherit from) implements the NSObject protocol which has description as a required instance method. ", " This method returns an NSString *, and the value returned from this method is what is used in format strings for the %@ placeholder. ", " Your class is responsible for coming up with a string that adequately describes the class, but it should not be printing it with an NSLog statement.", "\nThere's simply very minimal value in a printItems method like this in any serious application. ", " If we instead implement description in a very similar way:\n- (NSString *)description {\n return [NSString stringWithFormat:@\"here are the printed items %@\", self.items];\n}\n\nIt's simply enough to write the equivalent of the printItems method:\nNSLog(@\"%@\", [CKGeneralSingletonArray defaultArray]);\n\nBut more importantly, we can now do other useful things with the description. ", " Perhaps we want to debug while we're not plugged into Xcode or anything? ", " We can put this text in a label on the screen or something. ", " Perhaps we want to log it to a file so that we have some means of letting our end users file bug reports? ", " Perhaps we're using a logging library like CocoaLumberjack and we need our log messages to go through there instead of pointlessly going through NSLog.", "\nOverriding the description method is simply going to be significantly more valuable in all cases than a silly printItems method ever will be.", "\n\n- (void) setItems:(NSMutableArray<id<NSCoding,CKArchivingItem>> *)itemsVal {\n if (!", "threadingQueueString) {\n itemsAccessQueue = dispatch_queue_create(kCKGeneralizedItemsDefaultTheadName, DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);\n }\n dispatch_barrier_async(self.itemsAccessQueue, ^{\n items = itemsVal;\n });\n}\n\nThis method has a couple of problems.", "\nFirst of all, we've probably over complicated our efforts at thread safety, but second of all, we've still left a vulnerability.", "\nWe can use a @synchronized block to help with thread safety. ", " But the problem here looks like this...\nNSMutableArray *foo = // some mutable array\n[[CKGeneralSingletonArray defaultArray] setItems: foo];\n\nNow, if we only modify things in that array by going through the singleton, we're relatively safe... but the singleton simply points to the same NSMutableArray instance we create outside of our singleton. ", " So, anyone with a reference to this foo object can modify the contents of our singleton.", "\nAnother problem here is that we accept only NSMutableArray instances. ", " We should probably accept the superclass: NSArray.", "\n\n- (NSMutableArray <id<NSCoding, CKArchivingItem>> *) getItems {\n if (!", "threadingQueueString) {\n itemsAccessQueue = dispatch_queue_create(kCKGeneralizedItemsDefaultTheadName, DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);\n }\n __block NSMutableArray <id<NSCoding, CKArchivingItem>> *copyItems;\n dispatch_sync(self.itemsAccessQueue, ^{\n copyItems = [items mutableCopy];\n });\n return copyItems;\n}\n\nA few things here too.", "\nFirst, in Objective-C, we prefer omitting \"get\" from our getters. ", " This method should simply be named items.", "\nSecond, it would be expected that we actually return an NSArray. ", " In general, we should prefer immutable objects (as a general rule across all of programming). ", " The caller can always create a mutable copy if they need to. ", " Or if you really wanted, you could provide a method for both immutable and mutable versions, but we should in general prefer an immutable version.", "\nThird, again, our thread safety work could be simplified with a @synchronized block.", "\n\n- (void) setThreadingQueueString:(NSString *)threadingQueueStringVal {\n static dispatch_once_t once;\n dispatch_once(&once, ^{\n threadingQueueString = threadingQueueStringVal;\n });\n}\n\nThis method has a ton of problems.", "\nFirst and most egregious, it's a set-once, which doesn't even make sense. ", " Once the value is set, this silently turns into a no-op. ", " And importantly, if I looked at a code-base with multiple calls to this method, I wouldn't have any way of really knowing with too much confidence exactly which value this actually gets set too. ", " But worst of all, it really shouldn't even matter if this is reset.", "\nIf you want a set-once, then you need an immutable, non-nil property that is set on initialization and never modified after init (or initWithThisValue: returns.", "\nSecond, if we're setting the queue things run on, we should just set the queue, not set the string that represents the name of the queue.", "\nThird, this is all really entirely unnecessary, because either we use @synchronzied, or even if we don't, the caller shouldn't care what thread you run stuff on, so, just figure something out, and don't confuse the caller by exposing things that the caller should never ever care about.", "\n\n- (void) retrieveItemsFromArchive {\n if (!", "archiveString) {\n [self setArchiveName:kCKGeneralizedItemsDefaultArchivingName];\n }\n\n NSString *defaultsString = self.userDefaultsString;\n if (!", "defaultsString) defaultsString = kCKGeneralizedItemsDefaultNSUserDefaultsSuite;\n\n NSUserDefaults *defaults = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] initWithSuiteName:defaultsString];\n NSArray *retrievedItems = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData: [defaults objectForKey:archiveString]];\n if (retrievedItems) {\n self.items = [retrievedItems mutableCopy];\n }\n}\n\nOptional braces should never be considered optional. ", " And what's worse is that we're inconsistent about them. ", " We should throw the defaultsString assignment into braces:\nif (!", "defaultsString) {\n defaultsString = kCKGeneralizedItemsDefaultNSUserDefaultsSuite;\n}\n\nBut also, a method called retrieve should probably actually return something.", "\nUltimately though, the thing is, this method should never have to be called. ", " This should simply be part of the initialization of the object.", "\n\n- (void) archiveItems {\n if (!", "archiveString) {\n [self setArchiveName:kCKGeneralizedItemsDefaultArchivingName];\n }\n NSString *defaultsString = self.userDefaultsString;\n if (!", "defaultsString) defaultsString = kCKGeneralizedItemsDefaultNSUserDefaultsSuite;\n\n NSUserDefaults *defaults = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] initWithSuiteName:defaultsString];\n [defaults setObject:[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:self.items] forKey:archiveString];\n [defaults synchronize];\n NSLog(@\"here is what got archived %@\", [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData: [defaults objectForKey:archiveString]]);\n}\n\nAgain, we shouldn't be using NSLog like this.", "\nWe also have once again inconsistently opted to omit optional braces, which shouldn't be considered optional. ", " In this case, however, we could write it as such:\nNSString *defaultsString = self.userDefaultsString ?: ", "kCKGeneralizedItemsDefaultNSUserDefaultsSuite;\n\nWe also don't need to call synchronize on NSUserDefaults manually in most cases... it can be a performance problem, in fact.", "\n\n- (void) setArchiveName: (NSString *)archiveStringVal {\n static dispatch_once_t once;\n dispatch_once(&once, ^{\n archiveString = archiveStringVal;\n });\n}\n\nAgain, we have this very strange set-once method. ", " Why?", "\nIf it's a problem for this to be changed, it should be passed in during initialization and immutable. ", " There shouldn't be a misleading setter.", "\nIf it's not a problem for this to be changed, we shouldn't have this weird set-once logic.", "\n\n- (void) uploadItems {\n // this should be entirely defined by the sub-classer\n [NSException raise:@\"uploadItems has not been properly defined\" format:@\"This class method must be overridden.\"];", "\n}\n\nThis method should simply not exist at all. ", " This is Objective-C. We don't have abstract classes. ", " If you're not going to implement uploading logic, don't add the method. ", " Don't add methods just to blanket throw exceptions whenever it is called. ", " If the user wants a means to upload their items, it is up to them to either extend or subclass this class (or do some other logic to upload the data). ", " This method simply needs to be removed.", "\n\nOn top of all of this, your code is completely missing any AppleDocs that allow for inline Xcode documentation to pop up when programmers are using this code, and for code designed to be so reusable, that's a big problem.", "\nYou're also missing any Objective-C nullability annotations. ", " This were primarily introduced and mostly exist for using your Objective-C code from Swift (which you should care about even if you're not using Swift today). ", " But even without using the code from Swift, the nullability annotations add a layer of self-documentation to the code. ", " For example, the insertItem: method should never accept a null argument, right? ", " Let's document that by marking that argument as _nonnull, and then throw an exception if null is passed.", "\nAlso, as noted by my comment, I don't see the value that this class is adding over simply using NSUserDefaults directly, so it's probably worth addressing that concern.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Child-mother attachments in the face of grandparent HIV.", "\nChild-mother attachment, as observed in the Strange Situation (SSP), was assessed in 61 families affected by HIV and 18 neighborhood comparison families not affected by HIV, but of similar ethnicity and socioeconomic status. ", "Children were aged one to three years at the assessment. ", "Secure attachment was significantly less likely among children in the HIV-affected group than among comparison group children (36% versus 67%). ", "The most common pattern of attachment in the HIV-affected group was disorganized/disoriented, observed in 41% of children (versus 22% of comparison children). ", "Children from families that included a surviving grandparent with HIV showed disorganized attachments more often than children whose grandparents died (53% versus 36%). ", "Child attachment classifications were not associated with families' participation in a family-based, cognitive-behavioral HIV intervention. ", "These results document the inter-generational impact of young mothers' who were growing up with an HIV-infected parent. ", "These findings suggest that families affected by HIV may benefit from interventions that address attachment issues." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Tall light poles are used, for example, for parking lot lighting and for highway lighting. ", "The lower end of a light pole has a pattern of holes for receiving bolts which are embedded in a concrete base. ", "The layout and spacing of the holes, hole diameters and number of holes can vary between lighting pole manufacturers and between different size and different model poles made by the same manufacturer. ", "Concrete light pole bases are typically a cylindrical concrete column having a round exterior and a flat top from which the threaded ends of embedded bolts extend. ", "The number, size and spacings of the bolts are determined by the hole pattern in the base of the light pole which will be mounted on the base. ", "One or more conduits are embedded in the concrete base for feeding underground wiring to a light fixture mounted on the light pole. ", "The height of the pole base is based on the size of the light pole and the light fixtures mounted on the pole to provide the necessary stability for the light pole, and to the height the base is to extend above ground. ", "In parking lots, for example, it may be desirable to have the base extend sufficiently above ground to prevent vehicle damage to the light pole.", "\nThe specification for a light pole base bolt pattern are based on the base configuration of a specific light pole which will be mounted on the base. ", "A hole is drilled into the ground for receiving the light pole base. ", "The diameter of the hole is based on the diameter of the base and the depth of the hole is determined by the total length of the base less the amount that the base is to extend above the ground surface. ", "The light pole is bolted to the base and electrical wires extend through one or more conduits in the base and up through the light pole for powering lighting fixtures which will be attached to the pole. ", "The minimum dimensions of the portion of the base which will be embedded in the ground will be influenced by the size of the pole to be mounted on the base and the properties of the soil in which the base is buried.", "\nThe portion of a typical concrete pole base which extends above the ground has been an extension of the round cylinder which is embedded in the ground. ", "From an architectural point of view, it is unattractive." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "I recently received a complementary sample of the new Dove Advanced Care deodorant to test out & review from Influenster.", "\n\nI’ve been using this for about a week in place of my beloved, all-natural LaVanilla. ", "Let me just tell you: when I love love love a product, I don’t stray, so this was actually kind of tough.", "\n\nAs weird as this is, I have to honestly say that this is a great product! ", "The scent isn’t overwhelming, it dries quickly, and is fantastic over all. ", "Glad to have had such a positive experience with my first sample for review.", "\n\nSo the other day, I stopped into Ulta and realized that I was intrigued by the idea of perfumed nail polish, despite the disgust that I felt upon its release.", "\n\nI loved the light pink color. ", "I loved the packaging. ", "I hated the fact that you couldn’t smell the fragrance from the bottle. ", "You have to just trust the label. ", "Pink Pineapple (070) didn’t sound terrible, so I shelled out that $5.99 and purchased this baby.", "\n\nTwo coats in, and I had smooth, pale pink color. ", "So far, so good. ", "Then the waiting game began. ", "Two minutes later, my nose was inundated with a sweet, super artificial but not awful pineapple scent. ", "I thought I could get used to it until I kept smelling the polish later that day as I did trivial things like run my fingers through my hair.", "\n\nVerdict? ", "The polish quality is great. ", "Revlon has a great line for a really affordable price. ", "I’m still not crazy about the idea of a nail polish “scent,” but hopefully it will go away a bit. ", "The packaging and colors sold me though, so I’ll likely buy this again." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.008264462809917356, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.09090909090909091, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0 ]
[ "---\nabstract: |\n In this paper, we further investigate the global dynamics of a stochastic differential equation SIS (Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible) epidemic model recently proposed in \\[A. Gray et al., ", "SIAM. ", "J. Appl. ", "Math., ", "71 (2011), 876-902\\]. ", "We present a stochastic threshold theorem in term of a *stochastic basic reproduction number* $R_0^S:$ the disease dies out with probability one if $R_0^S<1,$ and the disease is recurrent if $R_0^S\\geqslant1.$ We prove the existence and global asymptotic stability of a unique invariant density for the Fokker-Planck equation associated with the SDE SIS model when $R_0^S>1.$ In term of the profile of the invariant density, we define a *persistence basic reproduction number* $R_0^P$ and give a persistence threshold theorem: the disease dies out with large probability if $R_0^P\\leqslant1,$ while persists with large probability if $R_0^P>1.$ Comparing the *stochastic disease prevalence* with the *deterministic disease prevalence*, we discover that the stochastic prevalence is bigger than the deterministic prevalence if the deterministic basic reproduction number $R_0^D>2.$ This shows that noise may increase severity of disease. ", "Finally, we study the asymptotic dynamics of the stochastic SIS model as the noise vanishes and establish a sharp connection with the threshold dynamics of the deterministic SIS model in term of a *Limit Stochastic Threshold Theorem*.", "\n\n [**Keywords**]{} SIS epidemic model, basic reproduction number, global threshold dynamics, invariant density, stochastic differential equation, Fokker-Planck equation.", "\nauthor:\n- |\n [Chuang Xu[^1]]{}\\\n \\\n \\\n \\\ntitle: '**Global Threshold Dynamics of a Stochastic Differential Equation SIS Model** '\n---\n\n\\#1[\\#1\\_2]{} \\#1[\\#1]{}\n\nIntroduction {#sect1}\n============\n\nTransmission of diseases are usually described in compartmental models [@DHM; @HY; @KM; @VW]. ", "Most of the early work on mathematical epidemiology focused on deterministic models [@AM; @DH; @DHM; @VW]. ", "However, stochastic noise plays an indispensable role in transmission of diseases, especially in a small total population. ", "Therefore it seems more practical to consider stochastic epidemic models.", "\n\nOne way to describe the compartmental stochastic epidemic models is via stochastic differential equations (SDE), which change parameters involved in deterministic models randomly. ", "This is the so-called *parameter perturbation method* of deriving an SDE model from its deterministic counterpart [@DGM; @G; @TBV]. ", "Such environmental noise reflected in specific parameters of the stochastic epidemic models may indicate whether severity of disease increases or decreases based on what the deterministic compartmental epidemic models predict and thus influence of these parameters is well captured.", "\n\nIt is well known that epidemic threshold theorem holds for most deterministic compartmental epidemic models [@KM; @VW]: the disease free equilibrium (DFE) is globally asymptotically stable if the basic reproduction number $R_0\\leqslant1,$ and an endemic equilibrium exists and is globally asymptotically stable if $R_0>1.$ However, there seems no global threshold result for SDE epidemic models in literature.", "\n\nIn [@TBV], a stochastic differential equation SIR (susceptible-infected-recovered) model is discussed and a sufficient but not necessary condition for local almost sure asymptotic stability of DFE is presented. ", "Later, in [@Lu], an improved sufficient condition is given by considering an SIRS model which specializes the SIR model in [@TBV]. ", "Both of these results are derived by constructing Lyapunov functions. ", "In [@C], a sufficient and necessary condition for local almost sure asymptotic stability of DFE is proved by considering the linearized system.", "\n\nPerturbing the constant $\\beta$ in the deterministic SIS type model $$\\label{ode}\n \\begin{split}\n \\frac{{\\rm d}S(t)}{{\\rm d}t}=&\\mu N-\\beta S(t)I(t)+\\gamma I(t)-\\mu S(t),\\\\\n \\frac{{\\rm d}I(t)}{{\\rm d}t}=&\\beta S(t)I(t)-(\\mu+\\gamma)I(t),\n \\end{split}$$ randomly by $\\tilde{\\beta}{\\rm d}t=\\beta {\\rm d}t+\\sigma {\\rm d}B(t),$ Gray et al. [", "@G] proposed the following SDE SIS model $$\\label{0}\n \\begin{split}\n {\\rm d}S(t)=&[\\mu N-\\beta S(t)I(t)+\\gamma I(t)-\\mu S(t)]{\\rm d}t-\\sigma S(t)I(t){\\rm d}B(t),\\\\\n {\\rm d}I(t)=&[\\beta S(t)I(t)-(\\mu+\\gamma)I(t)]{\\rm d}t+\\sigma S(t)I(t){\\rm d}B(t)\n \\end{split}$$ with initial values $S_0+I_0=N.$ Over a long period of time, the average total population size is assumed to be constant $N.$ Here $S(t)$ and $I(t)$ are the number of susceptibles and the number of infectives at time $t,$ respectively; $B(t)$ is a Brownian motion; $\\mu$ is the per capita (birth) death rate, $\\gamma$ the recovery rate, $\\beta$ the disease transmission coefficient, and $\\sigma$ the standard deviation of the noise. ", "For more details of the model, we refer the reader to [@G; @HY].", "\n\nSince $S(t)+I(t)=N,$ which is a constant, it reduces to studying the following one-dimensional SDE: $$\\label{1}\n {\\rm d}I(t)=I(t)\\Big([\\beta N-\\mu-\\gamma-\\beta I(t)]{\\rm d}t+\\sigma [N-I(t)]{\\rm d}B(t)\\Big).$$\n\nIn [@G], the global existence, uniqueness, boundedness and positiveness of are proved, and the counterpart of the basic reproduction number in SDE SIS model is defined by $R_0^S:=\\displaystyle\\frac{\\beta N}{\\mu+\\gamma}-\\frac{\\sigma^2N^2}{2(\\mu+\\gamma)}.$ When $R_0^S<1$ and $\\sigma^2\\leqslant\\displaystyle\\frac{\\beta}{N},$ or $\\sigma^2>\\displaystyle\\max\\bigg\\{\\frac{\\beta}{N},\\frac{\\beta^2}{2(\\mu+\\gamma)}\\bigg\\},$ it is shown that the disease dies out with probability one. ", "When $R_0^S>1,$ it is demonstrated that the disease persists in the sense that $$\\label{p}\n\\liminf_{t\\to\\infty}I(t)\\leqslant \\tilde{I}_*(\\sigma)\\leqslant\\limsup_{t\\to\\infty}I(t),$$ where $\\tilde{I}_*(\\sigma)=\\displaystyle\\frac{1}{\\sigma^2}\\Big(\\sqrt{\\beta^2-2\\sigma^2(\\mu+\\gamma)}-(\\beta-\\sigma^2N)\\Big).$ Moreover, a unique stationary distribution of model is proved to exist and formulae for the mean and variance of the stationary distribution are presented. ", "Numerical simulations reveal that as long as $R_0^S<1,$ the disease will die out in the long run. ", "Thus a conjecture on the extinction of the disease is proposed in [@G]: 0.2cm\n\n\\[co1\\] If $R_0^S<1$ and $\\displaystyle\\frac{\\beta^2}{2(\\mu+\\gamma)}\\geqslant\\sigma^2>\\frac{\\beta}{N},$ then the disease will die out with probability one.", "\n\n0.5\n\nIn this paper, we further investigate the dynamics of the stochastic SIS model . ", "Instead of using the standard approach of constructing a Lyapunov function, we use [*Feller’s test*]{} for explosions (see Lemma \\[le3\\] in the Appendix) to establish a global threshold theorem for model . ", "We prove that the disease dies out with probability one if $R_0^S<1,$ and the disease is *recurrent* in the sense that the process of disease transmission is recurrent if $R_0^S\\geqslant1.$ For a precise definition of recurrence in this paper, we refer the reader to Lemma \\[le3\\] in the Appendix. ", "Although the existence of the stationary distribution is presented in [@G], the profile of the stationary distribution, which contains more information about the SDE SIS model, is not addressed. ", "Instead of studying the SDE, we investigate the Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) associated with and solve the invariant density. ", "By constructing a proper Lyapunov function, we show that the invariant density is unique and globally asymptotically stable. ", "We further define a *persistence basic reproduction number* $R_0^P,$ *disease-extinction with large probability* and *disease-persistence with large probability* in term of the profile of the invariant density. ", "We show that the invariant density peaks at $0$ if $R_0^P<1,$ while peaks at some positive number $I_*(\\sigma)$ if $R_0^P>1.$ Comparing the *stochastic disease prevalence* with the *deterministic disease prevalence*, we discover that the stochastic prevalence is greater than the deterministic prevalence if the [*deterministic basic reproduction number*]{} $R_0^D>2.$ These results reveal that stochasticity favors disease extinction if the basic reproduction number is small, but enhances severity of disease if the basic reproduction number is large. ", "By analyzing the asymptotic behavior of the invariant density as $\\sigma\\to0,$ we establish a sharp connection with model via a *Limit Stochastic Threshold Theorem*.", "\n\nThis paper is organized as follows. ", "In the next section, we present the global stochastic threshold theorem. ", "We derive the existence, uniqueness, global stability and an explicit formula of an invariant density of the FPE associated with in Section 3. ", "Then we define the persistence basic reproduction number and give a persistence threshold theorem in Section 4. ", "Finally, we study the asymptotic behavior of the invariant density as the noise vanishes and establish the Limit Stochastic Threshold Theorem in Section 5. ", "We list some preliminary results on Feller’s test and FPE in the Appendix.", "\n\nStochastic Threshold Theorem {#sect2}\n============================\n\nIn this section, we prove a stochastic threshold theorem: the disease dies out with probability one if $R_0^S<1,$ but is recurrent in the sense that the process of disease transmission is recurrent if $R_0^S\\geqslant1.$\n\nFor the reader’s convenience, we first restate the global existence of a unique bounded positive solution of . ", "0.2cm\n\n[[@G]]{}\\[le1\\] For any given initial value $I(0)=I_0\\in(0,N),$ the SDE has a unique global positive solution $I(t)\\in(0,N)$ for all $t\\geqslant0$ with probability one, namely, $$\\mathbb{P}\\{I(t)\\in(0,N) : \\forall\\ t\\geqslant0\\}=1.$$\n\nNow we state the following stochastic threshold theorem, which in particular, verifies Conjecture \\[co1\\] in Section \\[sect1\\].", "\n\n0.2cm\n\n\\[th1\\]\n\n1. ", " If $R_0^S<1,$ for any given initial value $I(0)=I_0\\in(0,N),$ $$\\mathbb{P}\\Big\\{\\lim_{t\\to\\infty}I(t)=0\\Big\\}=1.$$ In other words, the disease dies out with probability one.", "\n\n2. ", " If $R_0^S\\geqslant1,$ for any given initial value $I(0)=I_0\\in(0,N),$ $$\\mathbb{P}\\Big\\{\\underset{0\\leqslant t<\\infty}{\\sup}I(t)=N\\Big\\}=\\mathbb{P}\\Big\\{\\underset{0\\leqslant t<\\infty}{\\inf}I(t)=0\\Big\\}=1.$$ In particular, the process $I_t$ is recurrent: for every $x\\in(0,N),$ we have $$\\mathbb{P}\\{I(t)=x:\\ \\exists\\ t\\in[0,\\infty)\\}=1.$$ In other words, the disease is recurrent.", "\n\n0.2cm\n\nBy Lemma \\[le1\\], let $Y(t)=g(I(t)),$ where $g:(0,N)\\to\\mathbb{R}$ is defined by $$\\label{3}\n g(\\xi)=\\log\\frac{\\xi}{N-\\xi}.$$ Using Ito’s formula, it is easy to verify that $Y(t)$ solves the following SDE $$\\label{2}\n {\\rm d}Y(t)=\\bigg[\\Big(\\beta N-\\mu-\\gamma-\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma^2N^2\\Big)-(\\mu+\\gamma)e^{Y(t)}+\\frac{\\sigma^2N^2e^{Y(t)}}{1+e^{Y(t)}}\\bigg]{\\rm d}t+\\sigma N{\\rm d}B(t).$$\n\nIn fact, by , $${\\rm d}Y(t)=\\bigg[b(I(t))g'(I(t))+\\frac{1}{2}\\Big(a\\big(I(t)\\big)\\Big)^2g''(I(t))\\bigg]{\\rm d}t+a(I(t))g'(I(t)){\\rm d}B(t),$$ where $a(\\xi)=\\sigma(N-\\xi)\\xi,$ $b(\\xi)=(\\beta N-\\mu-\\gamma)\\xi-\\beta \\xi^2,$ $g'(\\xi)=\\displaystyle\\frac{1}{N-\\xi}+\\frac{1}{\\xi}$ and\\\n$g''(\\xi)=\\displaystyle\\frac{1}{(N-\\xi)^2}-\\frac{1}{\\xi^2}.$ Thus $$\\label{8}\n {\\rm d}Y(t)=\\bigg[\\Big(\\beta N-\\mu-\\gamma-\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma^2N^2\\Big)-\\frac{(\\mu+\\gamma)I(t)}{N-I(t)}+\\sigma^2NI(t)\\bigg]{\\rm d}t+\\sigma N{\\rm d}B(t).$$ Substituting $I(t)=g^{-1}(Y(t))=\\displaystyle\\frac{Ne^{Y(t)}}{1+e^{Y(t)}}$ into , we obtain .", "\n\nNext, by Lemma \\[le1\\] and Lemma \\[le2\\] in the Appendix, we have the global existence of a unique solution to :\n\n\\[th10\\] For any given initial value $Y(0)=Y_0\\in\\mathbb{R},$ the SDE has a unique global solution $Y(t)\\in\\mathbb{R}$ for all $t\\geqslant0$ with probability one, namely, $$\\label{22}\\mathbb{P}\\{Y(t)\\in\\mathbb{R}\\ :\\ \\forall\\ t\\geqslant0\\}=1.$$\n\nBy Theorem \\[th10\\], the process $Y_t$ is [*conservative*]{} (for its definition, see p.153 in [@I]).", "\n\nThe scale function defined before Lemma \\[le3\\] in the Appendix for is given by$$\\psi(x)=\\int_0^x\\phi(\\xi){\\rm d}\\xi$$with $$\\begin{split}\\phi(\\xi)=&\\exp\\Bigg\\{-\\frac{2}{\\sigma^2N^2}\\int_0^{\\xi}\\bigg[\\Big(\\beta N-\\mu-\\gamma-\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma^2N^2\\Big)-(\\mu+\\gamma)e^r+\\frac{\\sigma^2N^2e^r}{1+e^r}\\bigg]{\\rm d}r\\Bigg\\}\\\\\n =&\\exp\\Bigg\\{-\\frac{2}{\\sigma^2N^2}\\Big(\\beta N-\\mu-\\gamma-\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma^2N^2\\Big)\\xi+\\frac{2(\\mu+\\gamma)}{\\sigma^2N^2}\\big(e^{\\xi}-1\\big)-2\\log\\frac{e^{\\xi}+1}{2}\\Bigg\\}.\\end{split}$$ It is obvious that $\\psi(\\infty)=\\infty.$ Note that $$\\phi(\\xi)\\thicksim\\exp\\bigg\\{-\\frac{2}{\\sigma^2N^2}\\Big(\\beta N-\\mu-\\gamma-\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma^2N^2\\Big)\\xi-\\frac{2(\\mu+\\gamma)}{\\sigma^2N^2}+2\\log2\\bigg\\},\\ \\mbox{as}\\ \\xi\\to-\\infty.$$ Recall that $R_0^S=\\displaystyle\\frac{\\beta N}{\\mu+\\gamma}-\\frac{\\sigma^2N^2}{2(\\mu+\\gamma)}.$ If $R_0^S<1,$ then $\\beta N-\\mu-\\gamma-\\displaystyle\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma^2N^2<0,$ which implies that $\\psi(-\\infty)>-\\infty;$ if $R_0^S\\geqslant1,$ then $\\beta N-\\mu-\\gamma-\\displaystyle\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma^2N^2\\geqslant0,$ which implies $\\psi(-\\infty)=-\\infty.$ Hence by Lemma \\[le2\\] and Lemma \\[le3\\] in the Appendix, we arrive at the conclusions.", "\n\nInvariant density\n=================\n\nIn this section, for $R_0^S>1,$ we give the existence, uniqueness, global asymptotic stability and an explicit formula of the invariant density of the FPE associated with SDE $$\\label{10}\n \\frac{\\partial p(t,x)}{\\partial t}=-\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x}\\Big\\{x\\big[\\beta N-\\mu-\\gamma-\\beta x\\big]p(t,x)\\Big\\}+\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma^2\\frac{\\partial^2}{\\partial x^2}\\big(x^2(N-x)^2p(t,x)\\big).$$ 0.2cm\n\n\\[th11\\] If $R_0^S>1,$ then there exists a unique invariant probability measure $\\nu_{\\sigma}^s$ for which has the density $p_{\\sigma}^s$ with respect to the Lebesgue measure. ", "Moreover, the invariant density $p_{\\sigma}^s$ is globally asymptotically stable in the sense that $$\\lim_{t\\to\\infty}\\int_0^N|\\mathcal{P}(t)q(x)-p_{\\sigma}^s(x)|{\\rm d}x=0,\\ \\forall\\ q\\in L^1_+((0,N)),$$where $\\{\\mathcal{P}(t)\\}_{t\\geqslant0}$ is the Markov semigroup defined by and $L^1_+((0,N)):=\\{w\\in L^1(\\mathbb{R}): \\int_0^Nw(x){\\rm d}x=1,\\ w(x)=0\\ \\text{for}\\ x\\geqslant N\\ \\text{or}\\ x\\leqslant0, \\mbox{and}\\ w(x)\\geqslant0\\ \\text{for}\\ x\\in\\mathbb{R}\\}.$ In addition, the process $I_t$ has the ergodic properties, i.e., for any $\\nu_{\\sigma}^s$-integrable function $K:$ $$\\mathbb{P}_{I_0}\\bigg(\\lim_{t\\to\\infty}\\frac{1}{t}\\int_0^tK(I_\\tau){\\rm d}\\tau=\\int_0^NK(y)\\nu_{\\sigma}^s({\\rm d}y)\\bigg)=1,$$for all $I_0\\in(0,N).$ Moreover, the unique invariant density $p_{\\sigma}^s$ of the Markov semigroup $\\{\\mathcal{P}(t)\\}_{t\\geqslant0}$ is given by $$\\label{17}p_{\\sigma}^s(x):=CN^3\\frac{x^{c_0(R_0^S-1)-1}}{(N-x)^{c_0(R_0^S-1)+3}}e^{-c_0\\frac{x}{N-x}}$$with $$\\label{29}\nC^{-1}=c_0^{-c_0(R_0^S-1)}\\Big[(R_0^S)^2+c_0^{-1}(R_0^S-1)\\Big]\\Gamma(c_0(R_0^S-1)),$$ $c_0=\\displaystyle\\frac{2(\\mu+\\gamma)}{\\sigma^2N^2}$ and $\\Gamma(\\cdot)$ the gamma function.", "\n\nTo prove Theorem \\[th11\\], we need to first study the following FPE associated with SDE $$\\label{5}\n \\frac{\\partial u(t,\\xi)}{\\partial t}=-\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial \\xi}\\Bigg\\{\\bigg[(\\beta N-\\mu-\\gamma-\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma^2N^2)-(\\mu+\\gamma)e^{\\xi}+\\frac{\\sigma^2N^2e^{\\xi}}{1+e^{\\xi}}\\bigg]u(t,\\xi)\\Bigg\\}+\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma^2N^2\\frac{\\partial^2u(t,\\xi)}{\\partial \\xi^2}.$$ Denote by $\\{\\mathcal{U}(t)\\}_{t\\geqslant0}$ the Markov semigroup (also called [*stochastic semigroup*]{}, see Remark 11.8.1 on p.370 in [@LM]) defined by .", "\n\nNow we give the existence, uniqueness and asymptotic stability of an invariant density of the Markov semigroup $\\{\\mathcal{U}(t)\\}_{t\\geqslant0}.$ 0.2cm\n\n\\[th3\\] If $R_0^S>1,$ then there exists a unique invariant probability measure $\\kappa_{\\sigma}^s$ for which has the density $u^s_{\\sigma}$ with respect to the Lebesgue measure. ", "Moreover, the invariant density $u^s_{\\sigma}$ is globally asymptotically stable in the sense $$\\lim_{t\\to\\infty}\\int_{-\\infty}^{\\infty}|\\mathcal{U}(t)v(\\xi)-u^s_{\\sigma}(\\xi)|{\\rm d}\\xi=0,\\ \\forall\\ v\\in L^1_+(\\mathbb{R}),$$ where $L^1_+(\\mathbb{R}):=\\{f\\in L^1(\\mathbb{R}): \\int_{-\\infty}^{\\infty}f(x){\\rm d}x=1\\ \\text{and}\\ f(x)\\geqslant0,\\ \\text{for}\\ x\\in\\mathbb{R}\\}.$ In addition, the process $Y_t$ has the ergodic properties, i.e., for any $\\kappa_{\\sigma}^s$-integrable function $F:$ $$\\mathbb{P}_{Y_0}\\Big(\\lim_{t\\to\\infty}\\frac{1}{t}\\int_0^tF(Y_\\tau){\\rm d}\\tau=\\int_{-\\infty}^{\\infty}F(\\eta)\\kappa_{\\sigma}^s({\\rm d}\\eta)\\Big)=1,$$for all $Y_0\\in\\mathbb{R}.$ Moreover, the unique invariant density $u^s_{\\sigma}$ of the Markov semigroup $\\{\\mathcal{U}(t)\\}_{t\\geqslant0}$ is given by $$\\label{16}u^s_{\\sigma}(\\xi):=Ce^{c_0(R_0^S-1)\\xi-c_0 e^{\\xi}+2\\ln(e^{\\xi}+1)},$$ where $C$ and $c_0$ are defined in in Theorem \\[th11\\].", "\n\n0.2cm\n\nSince $Y_t$ is conservative and non-degenerate (i.e., $\\displaystyle\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma^2N^2>0,\\\n\\forall\\ \\xi\\in\\mathbb{R}$), by [@K] (see Chapter III), there exists a unique classical fundamental solution to (see also p.153 in [@I]). ", "Thus by Theorem \\[th0\\] in the Appendix, there exists a generalized solution $u(t,\\xi)\\in L^1_+(\\mathbb{R})$ for all $t>0,\\ \\xi\\in\\mathbb{R}$ provided that the initial density $u_0\\in L^1_+(\\mathbb{R}).$\n\nFor simplicity, we denote $u^s_{\\sigma}$ by $u^s$ throughout this proof. ", "We first give the existence, uniqueness and global asymptotic stability of $u^s.$ Let $V(\\xi):=e^{-\\alpha_0\\xi}+\\xi^2$ with $\\alpha_0=\\displaystyle\\frac{\\beta N-\\mu-\\gamma}{\\sigma^2N^2}-\\frac{1}{2}.$ Notice that $\\alpha_0>0$ for $R_0^S>1.$ It is straightforward to verify that $V$ is a Lyapunov function defined in the Appendix. ", "Let $\\delta=2,$ $\\alpha_1=c_1=1,$ $c_2=\\displaystyle\\frac{\\bigg(\\beta N-\\mu-\\gamma-\\displaystyle\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma^2N^2\\bigg)^2}{4\\sigma^2N^2}.$ Then there exists sufficiently large $\\alpha_2>0$ such that both inequalities in in Theorem \\[th9\\] hold. ", "Hence by Theorem \\[th9\\] in the Appendix, we have the uniqueness and global asymptotic stability of the invariant density $u^s.$ Next, we verify that $u^s$ given by is an invariant density. ", "From , it suffices to show that $$\\label{20}-\\frac{{\\rm d}}{{\\rm d}\\xi}\\Bigg\\{\\bigg[\\Big(\\beta N-\\mu-\\gamma-\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma^2N^2\\Big)-(\\mu+\\gamma)e^{\\xi}+\\frac{\\sigma^2N^2e^{\\xi}}{1+e^{\\xi}}\\bigg]u^s(\\xi)\\Bigg\\}+\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma^2N^2\\frac{{\\rm d}^2u^s(\\xi)}{{\\rm d} \\xi^2}=0.$$ In fact, $u^s$ is a solution of the ODE $$\\label{21}\n \\frac{{\\rm d}u}{{\\rm d}\\xi}=\\frac{2\\bigg[\\Big(\\beta N-\\mu-\\gamma-\\displaystyle\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma^2N^2\\Big)-(\\mu+\\gamma)e^{\\xi}+\\displaystyle\\frac{\\sigma^2N^2e^{\\xi}}{1+e^{\\xi}}\\bigg]}{\\sigma^2N^2}u,$$which implies $u^s$ solves . ", "Note that $0<\\Gamma(c_0(R_0^S-1))<\\infty$ for $R_0^S>1,$ and thus $C$ defined in is finite. ", "Hence $u^s$ is an invariant density.", "\n\nBy Theorem \\[th3\\] and Theorem \\[th8\\] in the Appendix, we prove Theorem \\[th11\\].", "\n\nPersistence Threshold Theorem\n=============================\n\nIn this section, for $R_0^S>1,$ we define a persistence basic reproduction number, disease-extinction with large probability and disease-persistence with large probability in term of the profile of the invariant density $p^s_{\\sigma}$ given by and establish a persistence threshold theorem.", "\n\nLet $R_0^P:=\\displaystyle\\frac{\\beta N-\\sigma^2N^2}{\\mu+\\gamma}$ be the *persistence basic reproduction number*. ", "Model is *disease-persistent with large probability* if the invariant density peaks at a positive number (or equivalently, the mode of the stationary distribution is positive); otherwise, if the invariant density peaks at zero (or equivalently, the mode of the stationary distribution is zero), then model is *disease-extinct with large probability*.", "\n\nIn the following, we investigate the profile of the invariant density $p_{\\sigma}^s.$ 0.2cm\n\n\\[th5\\] Assume $R_0^S>1.$ Then $$\\lim_{x\\uparrow N}p_{\\sigma}^s(x)=0.$$\n\n1. ", " Suppose $R_0^P<1.$ Then $$\\lim_{x\\downarrow0}p^s_{\\sigma}(x)=\\infty.$$ Moreover,\n\n 1. ", " if $\\displaystyle R_0^P\\leqslant\\displaystyle\\frac{4(\\sqrt{c_0}-1)}{c_0},$ then $p_{\\sigma}^s$ is strictly decreasing in $(0,N);$\n\n 2. ", " if $R_0^P>\\displaystyle\\frac{4(\\sqrt{c_0}-1)}{c_0},$ then $p_{\\sigma}^s$ is strictly decreasing in $(0,I_-),$ $(I_+,N),$ and increasing in $(I_-,I_+),$ where $$\\label{+}\n I_{\\pm}=\\frac{N}{8}\\bigg[(4-R_0^Pc_0)\\pm\\sqrt{(4+R_0^Pc_0)^2-16c_0}\\bigg]$$ and $c_0$ is defined in in Theorem \\[th11\\].\\\n\n2. ", " Suppose $R_0^P=1.$ Then $$\\lim_{x\\downarrow0}p_{\\sigma}^s(x)=C/N,$$ where $C$ is defined in in Theorem \\[th11\\]. ", "Moreover,\n\n 1. ", " if $c_0\\geqslant4,$ then $p_{\\sigma}^s$ is strictly decreasing in $(0,N);$\n\n 2. ", " if $c_0<4,$ then $p_{\\sigma}^s$ is strictly increasing in $\\Bigg(0,\\bigg(1-\\displaystyle\\frac{c_0}{4}\\bigg)N\\Bigg)$ and decreasing in $\\Bigg(\\bigg(1-\\displaystyle\\frac{c_0}{4}\\bigg)N,N\\Bigg).$\\\n\n3. ", " Suppose $R_0^P>1,$ then $$\\lim_{x\\downarrow0}p_{\\sigma}^s(x)=0.$$ Moreover, $p_{\\sigma}^s$ is strictly increasing in $(0,I_*({\\sigma}))$ and decreasing in $(I_*({\\sigma}),N),$ where $$\\label{-}\n I_*(\\sigma)=\\frac{N}{8}\\bigg[(4-R_0^Pc_0)+\\sqrt{(4+R_0^Pc_0)^2-16c_0}\\bigg].$$ In particular, the invariant density peaks at $I_*(\\sigma).$\n\n0.2cm\n\nNote that $$p_{\\sigma}^s(x)=CN^3e^{h_{\\sigma}(x)},$$ where $h_{\\sigma}(x)=c_0(R_0^P-1)\\ln x-[c_0(R_0^P-1)+4]\\ln(N-x)-c_0\\displaystyle\\frac{x}{N-x}.$ The limit $\\lim_{x\\uparrow N}p_{\\sigma}^s(x)=0$ follows from $\\lim_{x\\uparrow N}h_{\\sigma}(x)=-\\infty.$ Straightforward calculations show that $$h_{\\sigma}'(x)=\\frac{-4x^2+(4-R_0^Pc_0)Nx+(R_0^P-1)c_0N^2}{(N-x)^2x}.$$ Next, we prove this theorem case by case.", "\n\n1. ", " For $R_0^P<1,$ we have $$\\lim_{x\\downarrow0}h_{\\sigma}(x)=\\infty,$$ which implies $$\\lim_{x\\downarrow0}p^s_{\\sigma}(x)=\\infty.$$By $R_0^S=R_0^P+c_0^{-1}>1,$ we have $$\\frac{-4(\\sqrt{c_0}+1)}{c_0}<1-\\frac{1}{c_0}<R_0^P.$$ Hence if $R_0^P<1$ and $\\displaystyle R_0^P\\leqslant\\displaystyle\\frac{4(\\sqrt{c_0}-1)}{c_0},$ we have $$(4-R_0^Pc_0)^2+16(R_0^P-1)c_0\\leqslant0.$$ Thus $$h_{\\sigma}'(x)\\leqslant0\\ \\text{in}\\ (0,N),$$ which indicates that $p_{\\sigma}^s$ is strictly decreasing in $(0,N).$\n\n If $R_0^P<1$ and $R_0^P>\\displaystyle\\frac{4(\\sqrt{c_0}-1)}{c_0},$ then $$h_{\\sigma}'(x)<0\\ \\text{in}\\ (0,I_-),\\ (I_+,N),\\ \\text{and}\\ h_{\\sigma}'(x)>0\\ \\text{in}\\ (I_-,I_+),$$ where $I_{\\pm}$ is defined in . ", "Hence $p_{\\sigma}^s$ is strictly decreasing in $(0,I_-),$ $(I_+,N),$ and increasing in $(I_-,I_+).$\n\n2. ", " For $R_0^P=1,$ $$\\lim_{x\\to0^+}h_{\\sigma}(x)=-4\\ln N,$$ which implies $$\\lim_{x\\downarrow0}p_{\\sigma}^s(x)=C/N.$$ If $R_0^P=1$ and $c_0\\geqslant4,$ then $$h_{\\sigma}'(x)<0\\ \\text{in}\\ (0,N),$$ which indicates that $p_{\\sigma}^s$ is strictly decreasing in $(0,N).$\n\n If $R_0^P=1$ and $c_0<4,$ then $$h_{\\sigma}'(x)>0\\ \\text{in}\\ \\Bigg(0,\\bigg(1-\\frac{c_0}{4}\\bigg)N\\Bigg),\\ \\text{and}\\ h_{\\sigma}'(x)<0\\ \\text{in}\\ \\Bigg(\\bigg(1-\\frac{c_0}{4}\\bigg)N,N\\Bigg).$$ Hence $p_{\\sigma}^s$ is strictly increasing in $\\Bigg(0,\\bigg(1-\\displaystyle\\frac{c_0}{4}\\bigg)N\\Bigg)$ and strictly decreasing in $\\Bigg(\\bigg(1-\\displaystyle\\frac{c_0}{4}\\bigg)N,N\\Bigg).$\n\n3. ", " For $R_0^P>1,$ $$h_{\\sigma}'(x)>0\\ \\text{in}\\ (0,I_*(\\sigma)),\\ \\text{and}\\ h_{\\sigma}'(x)<0\\ \\text{in}\\ (I_*(\\sigma),N),$$ where $I_*(\\sigma)$ is defined in . ", "Hence $p^s_{\\sigma}$ is strictly increasing in $(0,I_*({\\sigma}))$ while decreasing in $(I_*({\\sigma}),N),$ and peaks at $I_*(\\sigma).$ Moreover, $\\lim_{x\\downarrow0}h_{\\sigma}(x)=-\\infty$ implies $$\\lim_{x\\downarrow0}p_{\\sigma}^s(x)=0.$$\n\nNow we complete the proof.", "\n\nFigure \\[fig1\\] well illustrates results in Theorem \\[th5\\].", "\n\nAlthough the mean and variance of the stationary distribution are given in [@G], for sake of integrity, we restate them as a corollary of Theorem \\[th5\\] and give an alternative proof by considering the FPE directly.", "\n\n0.2cm\n\nAssume that $R_0^S>1.$ Then the mean and variance of the invariant density $p_{\\sigma}^s$ are given by $$\\label{6}\n {\\rm E}[I]=I^*(\\sigma)$$ and $$\\label{24}\n {\\rm Var}[I]=(I^*-I^*(\\sigma))I^*(\\sigma),$$ where $I^*(\\sigma)=\\Bigg(1-\\displaystyle \\frac{1}{R_0^D+1-\\frac{R_0^D}{R_0^S}}\\Bigg)N$ and $I^*=\\bigg(1-\\displaystyle \\frac{1}{R_0^D}\\bigg)N.$\n\n\\\n\\\n\n0.2cm\n\nIt follows from that $$\\label{25}\n x[\\beta N-\\mu-\\gamma-\\beta x]p_{\\sigma}^s(x)-\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma^2\\frac{{\\rm d}}{{\\rm d}x}(x^2(N-x)^2p_{\\sigma}^s(x))=0.$$ Note from and Theorem \\[th5\\], $$\\label{q}\\lim_{x\\uparrow N}p_{\\sigma}^s(x)=\\lim_{x\\downarrow0}xp_{\\sigma}^s(x)=0.$$ Integrating on both sides of from $0$ to $N,$ we have $$\\int_0^Nx[\\beta N-\\mu-\\gamma-\\beta x]p_{\\sigma}^s(x){\\rm d}x=0,$$ which implies $$\\label{26}\n (\\beta N-\\mu-\\gamma)\\int_0^Nxp_{\\sigma}^s(x){\\rm d}x=\\beta\\int_0^Nx^2p_{\\sigma}^s(x){\\rm d}x.$$ Multiplying $\\displaystyle\\frac{1}{x}$ on both sides of and integrating from $0$ to $N,$ we have $$\\label{27}\n \\int_0^N[\\beta N-\\mu-\\gamma-\\beta x]p_{\\sigma}^s{\\rm d}x-\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma^2\\bigg[x(N-x)^2p_{\\sigma}^s(x)\\Big|_0^N+\\int_0^N(N-x)^2p_{\\sigma}^s(x){\\rm d}x\\bigg]=0.$$ Combining -, we have $${\\rm E}[I]=\\int_0^Nxp_{\\sigma}^s{\\rm d}x=I^*(\\sigma)$$ and $${\\rm Var}[I]=\\int_0^Nx^2p_{\\sigma}^s{\\rm d}x-\\Big(\\int_0^Nxp_{\\sigma}^s{\\rm d}x\\Big)^2=(I^*-I^*(\\sigma))I^*(\\sigma).$$\n\nFrom Theorem \\[th5\\], it follows the persistence threshold theorem with respect to disease-extinction with large probability and disease-persistence with large probability. ", "0.2cm\n\n\\[**Persistence Threshold Theorem**\\]\\[th6\\] Assume $R_0^S>1.$\n\n1. ", " If $R_0^P<1$ or $R_0^P=1\\leqslant\\displaystyle\\frac{c_0}{4},$ then is *disease-extinct* with large probability.", "\n\n2. ", " If $R_0^P>1$ or $R_0^P=1>\\displaystyle\\frac{c_0}{4},$ then is *disease-persistent* with large probability.", "\n\nFor $R_0^S>1,$ even there exists a stationary distribution as proved in [@G], the chance for the disease to go extinct may still be very large (or the chance for the disease to persist may still be tiny) if $R_0^P<1$ or $R_0^P=1\\leqslant\\displaystyle\\frac{c_0}{4}.$ The disease will persist with large probability only when $R_0^P>1$ or $R_0^P=1>\\displaystyle\\frac{c_0}{4}.$ Such result interprets differently from deterministic epidemic models in that for $R_0^D>1,$ the disease is endemic and there is no chance for the disease to vanish. ", "However, in the stochastic epidemic model, even when the stochastic basic reproduction number $R_0^S>1,$ there is still chance for the disease to go extinct. ", "Model is also different from stochastic epidemic models in term of a finite Markov chain, which concludes that disease goes extinct with probability one regardless of the basic reproduction number [@A].", "\n\nFrom Theorem \\[th6\\], for $R_0^P>1,$ the mode of the stationary distribution is located at $I_*(\\sigma).$ We define the *stochastic disease prevalence* for the SDE SIS model by $$\\displaystyle\\frac{I_*(\\sigma)}{N}=\\frac{1}{8}\\bigg[4-R_0^Pc_0+\\sqrt{(4+R_0^Pc_0)^2-16c_0}\\bigg],$$ a number independent of the total population size $N.$ Recall that for the deterministic model, the disease prevalence is $\\displaystyle\\frac{I^*}{N}=1-\\frac{1}{R_0^D},$ where $R_0^D=\\displaystyle\\frac{\\beta N}{\\mu+\\gamma}$ is the deterministic basic reproduction number and $I^*=N\\bigg(1-\\displaystyle\\frac{1}{R_0^D}\\bigg).$ In the following, we compare the two numbers for $R_0^P>1.$ 0.2cm\n\n![", "Disease prevalence. ", "The dashed line and the solid line stand for the deterministic disease prevalence curve and the stochastic disease prevalence curve, respectively. ", "The two curves intersect at $R_0^D=2.$[]{data-label=\"fig2\"}](compare.pdf){width=\"2in\" height=\"1.2in\"}\n\n\\[th12\\] Assume $R_0^P>1.$\n\n1. ", " If $R_0^D<2,$ then $$\\displaystyle\\frac{I_*(\\sigma)}{N}<\\frac{I^*}{N},$$ i.e., the stochastic prevalence is smaller than the deterministic prevalence.", "\n\n2. ", " If $R_0^D=2,$ then $$\\displaystyle\\frac{I_*(\\sigma)}{N}=\\frac{I^*}{N},$$ i.e., the stochastic prevalence equals the deterministic prevalence.", "\n\n3. ", " If $R_0^D>2,$ then $$\\displaystyle\\frac{I_*(\\sigma)}{N}>\\frac{I^*}{N},$$ i.e., the stochastic prevalence is bigger than the deterministic prevalence.", "\n\n0.2cm\n\nEquality $c_0R_0^D=c_0R_0^P+2$ implies $$\\frac{I_*(\\sigma)}{N}=\\displaystyle\\frac{1}{8}\\bigg[6-c_0 R_0^D+\\sqrt{(c_0R_0^D+2)^2-16c_0}\\bigg].$$ Notice that $\\displaystyle\\frac{I_*(\\sigma)}{N}<\\frac{I^*}{N}$ is equivalent to $$\\sqrt{(c_0R_0^D+2)^2-16c_0}<2-\\frac{8}{R_0^D}+c_0R_0^D.\\label{4}$$Since $R_0^P=R_0^D-2c_0^{-1}>1,$ we have$$\\begin{split}\n &2-\\frac{8}{R_0^D}+c_0R_0^D\\\\\n =&\\frac{c_0(R_0^D)^2+2R_0^D-8}{R_0^D}\\\\\n >&\\frac{c_0(R_0^D)^2+2R_0^D-4c_0(R_0^D-1)}{R_0^D}\\\\\n =&\\frac{c_0(R_0^D-2)^2+2R_0^D}{R_0^D}>0.", "\n \\end{split}$$Hence inequality is equivalent to $$-16c_0<\\displaystyle\\frac{64}{(R_0^D)^2}-\\frac{16}{R_0^D}(2+c_0R_0^D).$$ Note that $$-16c_0-\\displaystyle\\frac{64}{(R_0^D)^2}+\\frac{16}{R_0^D}(2+c_0R_0^D)=\\frac{32(R_0^D-2)}{(R_0^D)^2},$$ we have $$\\frac{I_*(\\sigma)}{N}<\\frac{I^*}{N}\\Leftrightarrow R_0^D<2.$$\n\nFigure \\[fig2\\] demonstrates results in Theorem \\[th12\\]. ", "From Theorem \\[th12\\], we see that though the randomness in the transmission coefficient stabilizes the disease-free equilibrium for $R_0^S<1$ and still reduces severity of disease for $1<R_0^P<R_0^D<2,$ it enhances severity for $R_0^D>2.$\n\nIn other words, when the deterministic basic reproduction number is small, stochasticity in the transmission rate decreases the prevalence. ", "However, when the deterministic basic reproduction number is big, such stochasticity in fact increases the prevalence. ", "Persistence result in Theorem \\[th6\\] is different from that stated in *Theorem 5.1* in [@G], which claims that almost all the sample paths will fluctuate around the level $\\tilde{I}_*(\\sigma)$ in the sense of inequalities . ", "Whereas Theorem \\[th6\\] states that it is most likely that the disease persists at the level $I_*(\\sigma).$ In other words, the most possible number of infected individuals in the total population at the stationary distribution is $I_*(\\sigma).$\n\nNow we compare $\\tilde{I}_*(\\sigma)$ and $I_*(\\sigma).$ 0.2cm\n\n\\[th4\\] Assume $R_0^P>1.$ Then\n\n1. ", " $\\tilde{I}_*(\\sigma)>I_*(\\sigma)$ if $\\displaystyle\\frac{10}{3}c_0^{-1}<R_0^D<\\frac{3}{2}+\\frac{2}{3}c_0^{-1};$\\\n\n2. ", " $\\tilde{I}_*(\\sigma)=I_*(\\sigma)$ if $R_0^D=\\displaystyle\\frac{3}{2}+\\frac{2}{3}c_0^{-1}<\\frac{7}{4};$\\\n\n3. ", " $\\tilde{I}_*(\\sigma)<I_*(\\sigma)$ if $1+2c_0^{-1}<R_0^D\\leqslant\\displaystyle\\frac{10}{3}c_0^{-1}.$\n\n0.2cm\n\nRecall that $R_0^P=R_0^D-2c_0^{-1}.$ Rewrite $\\tilde{I}_*(\\sigma)$ and $I_*(\\sigma),$ we have $$\\tilde{I}_*(\\sigma)=\\displaystyle\\frac{N}{2}\\bigg[\\sqrt{(c_0R_0^D)^2-4c_0}-c_0R_0^D+2\\bigg]$$ and $$I_*(\\sigma)=\\displaystyle\\frac{N}{2}\\Bigg[\\sqrt{\\bigg(\\frac{2+c_0R_0^D}{4}\\bigg)^2-c_0}+\\frac{3}{2}-\\frac{c_0R_0^D}{4}\\Bigg].$$ Hence $$\\tilde{I}_*(\\sigma)>I_*(\\sigma)\n \\Leftrightarrow\\sqrt{(c_0R_0^D)^2-4c_0}>\\frac{3c_0R_0^D-2}{4}+\\sqrt{\\bigg(\\frac{2+c_0R_0^D}{4}\\bigg)^2-c_0}.$$ Note that $$\\frac{3c_0R_0^D-2}{4}=\\frac{3c_0R_0^P+4}{4}>0.$$ This implies $$\\begin{split}\n &\\tilde{I}_*(\\sigma)>I_*(\\sigma)\\\\\n \\Leftrightarrow&\\frac{3}{8}(c_0R_0^D)^2+\\frac{c_0R_0^D}{2}-\\frac{1}{2}-3c_0>2\\bigg(\\frac{3}{4}c_0R_0^D-\\frac{1}{2}\\bigg)\\sqrt{\\bigg(\\frac{2+c_0R_0^D}{4}\\bigg)^2-c_0}\\\\\n \\Leftrightarrow&3c_0<\\frac{3c_0R_0^D-2}{2}\\Bigg[\\frac{2+c_0R_0^D}{4}-\\sqrt{\\bigg(\\frac{2+c_0R_0^D}{4}\\bigg)^2-c_0}\\Bigg]\\\\\n \\Leftrightarrow&3c_0<\\frac{c_0(3c_0R_0^D-2)/2}{\\displaystyle\\frac{2+c_0R_0^D}{4}+\\sqrt{\\bigg(\\frac{2+c_0R_0^D}{4}\\bigg)^2-c_0}}\\\\\n \\Leftrightarrow&\\sqrt{\\bigg(\\frac{2+c_0R_0^D}{4}\\bigg)^2-c_0}<\\frac{3c_0R_0^D-10}{12}\\\\\n \\Leftrightarrow&\\frac{10}{3}c_0^{-1}<R_0^D<\\frac{3}{2}+\\frac{2}{3}c_0^{-1}.", "\n \\end{split}$$ Combining $R_0^P=R_0^D-2c_0^{-1}>1,$ we arrive at the conclusions.", "\n\n\\\n\nResults in Theorem \\[th4\\] are illustrated in Figure \\[fig3\\]. ", "We see that when $c_0$ are sufficiently large (or equivalently, $\\sigma$ is sufficiently small, ), $\\tilde{I}_*(\\sigma)$ and $I_*(\\sigma)$ almost coincide. ", "In fact, it is easy to verify that $$\\lim_{\\sigma\\to0}\\tilde{I}_*(\\sigma)=\\lim_{\\sigma\\to0}I_*(\\sigma)=I^*,$$ which is a corollary of Theorem \\[th7\\] in the next section.", "\n\nLimit Stochastic Threshold Dynamics {#sect5}\n===================================\n\nIn this section, we further investigate the asymptotic dynamics of and try to establish a sharp connection between and its deterministic counterpart in term of the limit of the invariant density $p_{\\sigma}^s$ as $\\sigma\\to0.$0.2cm\n\n\\[th7\\]\n\n1. ", " If $R_0^D\\leqslant1,$ then the number of susceptibles $I$ at DEF converges to $0$ in probability as $\\sigma\\to0.$\n\n2. ", " If $R_0^D>1,$ then the number of susceptibles $I$ at $p_{\\sigma}^s$ converges to $I^*$ in probability as $\\sigma\\to0.$\n\n0.2cm\n\nNote for $R_0^D\\leqslant1,$ $$R_0^S<1,\\ \\forall\\ \\sigma>0.$$ Conclusion (a) trivially follows from Theorem \\[th1\\] for the random variable $I$ at DFE is identically zero.", "\n\nIn the following, we only prove (b).", "\n\nIt suffices to show that for small $\\varepsilon>0,$ $$\\label{14}\n \\int_{I^*-\\varepsilon}^{I^*+\\varepsilon}p_{\\sigma}^s(x){\\rm d}x\\to1,\\ \\text{as}\\ \\sigma\\to0.$$ Since $$\\label{31}\n \\lim_{\\sigma\\to0}I_*(\\sigma)=I^*,$$for sufficiently small $\\sigma,$ $$\\label{13}\n |I_*(\\sigma)-I^*|<\\frac{\\varepsilon}{2}.$$ This implies $$\\label{30}\n I^*-\\varepsilon<I_*(\\sigma)-\\frac{\\varepsilon}{2},\\ I^*+\\varepsilon>I_*(\\sigma)+\\frac{\\varepsilon}{2}.$$ Since $R_0^D>1$ and $R_0^P=R_0^D-\\displaystyle\\frac{\\sigma^2N^2}{\\mu+\\gamma},$ we know that $R_0^P>1$ for all sufficiently small $\\sigma^2.$ By Theorem \\[th5\\], $p_{\\sigma}^s$ is increasing in $(0,I_*(\\sigma))$ and decreasing in $(I_*(\\sigma),N).$ Thus $$\\begin{split}\n &\\int_0^{I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2}p_{\\sigma}^s(x){\\rm d}x\\\\<&(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2)p_{\\sigma}^s(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2)\\\\\n =&(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2)p_{\\sigma}^s(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/4)e^{h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2)-h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/4)}\\\\\n <&\\frac{I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2}{\\varepsilon/4}e^{h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2)-h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/4)}\\int_{I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/4}^{I_*(\\sigma)}p_{\\sigma}^s(x){\\rm d}x\\\\\n <&\\frac{I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2}{\\varepsilon/4}e^{h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2)-h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/4)}\\int_{I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2}^{I_*(\\sigma)+\\varepsilon/2}p_{\\sigma}^s(x){\\rm d}x.", "\n\\end{split}$$ Similarly, $$\\int_{I_*(\\sigma)+\\varepsilon/2}^Np_{\\sigma}^s(x){\\rm d}x<\\frac{N-I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2}{\\varepsilon/4}e^{h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)+\\varepsilon/2)-h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)+\\varepsilon/4)}\\int_{I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2}^{I_*(\\sigma)+\\varepsilon/2}p_{\\sigma}^s(x){\\rm d}x.$$ Hence by , we see$$\\begin{split}\n 1=&\\int_0^{I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2}p_{\\sigma}^s(x){\\rm d}x+\\int_{I_*(\\sigma)+\\varepsilon/2}^Np_{\\sigma}^s(x){\\rm d}x+\\int_{I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2}^{I_*(\\sigma)+\\varepsilon/2}p_{\\sigma}^s(x){\\rm d}x\\\\\n <&\\Bigg[1+\\frac{I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2}{\\varepsilon/4}e^{h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2)-h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/4)}\\\\\n &+\\frac{N-I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2}{\\varepsilon/4}e^{h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)+\\varepsilon/2)-h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)+\\varepsilon/4)}\\Bigg]\n \\cdot\\int_{I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2}^{I_*(\\sigma)+\\varepsilon/2}p_{\\sigma}^s(x){\\rm d}x\\\\\n <&\\Bigg[1+\\frac{I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2}{\\varepsilon/4}e^{h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2)-h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/4)}\\\\\n &+\\frac{N-I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2}{\\varepsilon/4}e^{h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)+\\varepsilon/2)-h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)+\\varepsilon/4)}\\Bigg]\\cdot\\int_{I^*-\\varepsilon}^{I^*+\\varepsilon}p_{\\sigma}^s(x){\\rm d}x.", "\n\\end{split}$$ In the following, we only need to show that $$\\begin{split}&\\frac{I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2}{\\varepsilon/4}e^{h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2)-h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/4)}\\\\+&\\frac{N-I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2}{\\varepsilon/4}e^{h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)+\\varepsilon/2)-h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)+\\varepsilon/4)}\\to0,\\ \\text{as}\\ \\sigma\\to0.\\end{split}$$ By , it suffices to prove that $$\\label{32}\n h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2)-h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/4)\\to-\\infty$$ and $$\\label{33}\n h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)+\\varepsilon/2)-h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)+\\varepsilon/4)\\to-\\infty.$$ Straightforward calculations give $$h_{\\sigma}''(I_*(\\sigma))=-\\frac{N}{I_*(\\sigma)(N-I_*(\\sigma))^2}\\sqrt{(4+R_0^Pc_0)^2-16c_0}.$$ Since$$\\label{34}\nc_0\\to\\infty,\\ \\text{as}\\ \\sigma\\to0,$$which implies $$\\lim_{\\sigma\\to0}h_{\\sigma}''(I_*(\\sigma))=-\\infty.$$ Hence for small $\\varepsilon>0$ and sufficiently small $\\sigma>0,$ $h'_{\\sigma}$ is decreasing in $(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2,I_*(\\sigma)+\\varepsilon/2).$ Thus $$h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/2)-h_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/4)<-\\frac{\\varepsilon}{4}h'_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/4).$$ Recall that $$h_{\\sigma}'(x)=\\frac{-4x^2+(4-R_0^Pc_0)Nx+(R_0^P-1)c_0N^2}{(N-x)^2x}.$$ Substituting $h_{\\sigma}'(I_*(\\sigma))=0,$ by , we have $$h'_{\\sigma}(I_*(\\sigma)-\\frac{\\varepsilon}{4})=\\frac{-\\varepsilon^2+8\\varepsilon I_*(\\sigma)+\\varepsilon N(R_0^Pc_0-4)}{4[N-(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/4)]^2(I_*(\\sigma)-\\varepsilon/4)}\\to\\infty,\\ \\text{as}\\ \\sigma\\to0.$$ Now is proved. ", "Using similar arguments, we can prove .", "\n\nRecall that for deterministic SIS model , we have the threshold theorem: the disease-free equilibrium $P_0=(N,0)$ is globally asymptotically stable if $R_0^D\\leqslant1,$ and a unique endemic equilibrium $P_*=(N-I^*,I^*)$ is globally asymptotically stable if $R_0^D>1.$ Theorem \\[th7\\] establishes a sharp link between the SDE SIS model and ODE SIS model in term of their threshold dynamics as the randomness in the transmission coefficient vanishes.", "\n\nSummary\n=======\n\nIn this paper, we further study the global dynamics of an SDE SIS epidemic model proposed in [@G]. ", "Using Feller’s test for explosions of solutions to one dimensional SDE, we establish a stochastic threshold theorem and thus prove the conjecture proposed in [@G]. ", "By studying the FPE associated with the SDE, we prove the existence, uniqueness and global asymptotic stability of the invariant density of the FPE. ", "Using the explicit formula for the invariant density, we define the persistence basic reproduction number and give the persistence threshold theorem in term of the invariant density. ", "By comparing the stochastic disease prevalence with the deterministic disease prevalence, we discover that the stochastic prevalence is bigger than the deterministic prevalence if the deterministic basic reproduction number $R_0^D>2.$ This shows that the disease is more severe than predicted by the deterministic model if there is randomness in the transmission coefficient when the basic reproduction number is large enough. ", "Finally we investigate the asymptotic dynamics of the SDE SIS model and establish a connection with the dynamics of the deterministic SIS model as the noise vanishes. ", "We expect such global stochastic threshold theorem, persistence threshold theorem and limit stochastic threshold theorem discovered in this simple SIS type model to exist in more complicated epidemic models, for instance the SDE SIR model [@LJ; @TBV]. ", "We also expect that the approach used in this paper applies to other (high dimensional) SDE biological models, by considering the associated FPE and its invariant density, even though the dynamics may be more complex and there may not exist an explicit formula like for the invariant density. ", "Nevertheless, Feller’s test may not work for Stochastic Threshold Theorem (like Theorem \\[th1\\]) if the model can not be reduced to a one-dimensional SDE.", "\n\nAcknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered}\n===============\n\nThis research is supported by the financial support of a China Scholarship Council scholarship, University of Alberta Doctoral Recruitment Scholarship, Pundit RD Sharma Memorial Graduate Award, Eoin L. 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", "Biosci., ", "180 (2002), 29–48.", "\n\nAppendix {#appendix .unnumbered}\n========\n\nFirst, we present the monotonicity of function $g$ defined in in Section 2.", "\n\n0.2cm\n\n\\[le2\\] The function $g$ defined in is strictly increasing in $(0,N).$ Moreover, $$\\lim_{\\xi\\downarrow0}g(\\xi)=-\\infty,\\ \\mbox{and}\\ \\lim_{\\xi\\uparrow N}g(\\xi)=\\infty.$$ Hence, its inverse function $g^{-1}$ exists and is strictly increasing in $(-\\infty,\\infty).$ In addition, $$\\lim_{y\\to-\\infty}g^{-1}(y)=0,\\ \\mbox{and}\\ \\lim_{y\\to\\infty}g^{-1}(y)=N.$$\n\nNow we give some preliminary results on Feller’s test of explosions and FPEs [@I; @LM].", "\n\nThe following is a result on Feller’s test of explosions [@F; @KS]. ", "For a complete statement of Feller’s test of explosions, we refer the reader to Proposition 5.22 on p. 345 in [@KS].", "\n\nConsider the following one-dimensional SDE $$\\label{19}\n\\begin{split}\n {\\rm d}X(t)=&b(X(t)){\\rm d}t+a(X(t)){\\rm d}B(t),\\\\\n X(0)=&X_0\n\\end{split}$$ for some $X_0\\in\\mathbb{R}.$ Assume that 0.2cm [(H1)]{} $(a(x))^2>0,\\ \\forall\\ x\\in\\mathbb{R}.$ 0.2cm [(H2)]{} $\\forall\\ x\\in\\mathbb{R},$ $\\exists\\ \\varepsilon>0$ such that $\\displaystyle\\int_{x-\\varepsilon}^{x+\\varepsilon}\\frac{1+|b(\\xi)|}{\\big(a(\\xi)\\big)^2}{\\rm d}\\xi<\\infty.$\n\nDefine the *scale function* $\\psi$ by $$\\psi(x)=\\displaystyle\\int_0^x\\exp\\Bigg(-\\int_0^{\\xi}\\frac{2b(r)}{\\big(a(r)\\big)^2}{\\rm d}r\\Bigg){\\rm d}\\xi,\\ x\\in\\mathbb{R}.$$ Now we give Feller’s test [@KS]. ", "0.2cm\n\n\\[le3\\] Assume that [(H1)]{} and [(H2)]{} hold. ", "Let $X_0\\in\\mathbb{R}.$\n\n1. ", " If $\\psi(-\\infty)>-\\infty$ and $\\psi(\\infty)=\\infty,$ then $$\\mathbb{P}\\Big\\{\\lim_{t\\to\\infty}X(t)=-\\infty\\Big\\}=1.$$\n\n2. ", " If $\\psi(-\\infty)=-\\infty$ and $\\psi(\\infty)=\\infty,$ then $$\\mathbb{P}\\Big\\{\\underset{0\\leqslant t<\\infty}{\\sup}X(t)=\\infty\\Big\\}=\\mathbb{P}\\Big\\{\\underset{0\\leqslant t<\\infty}{\\inf}X(t)=-\\infty\\Big\\}=1.$$ In particular, the process $X_t$ is recurrent: for every $\\xi\\in\\mathbb{R},$ $$\\mathbb{P}\\{X(t)=\\xi:\\ \\exists\\ t\\in[0,\\infty)\\}=1.$$\n\nNext, we present some basic results on FPE. ", "Consider the following initial value Cauchy problem: $$\\label{15} \\frac{\\partial v}{\\partial t}=-\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x}(b(x)v)+\\frac{1}{2}\\frac{\\partial^2}{\\partial x^2}\\Big(\\big(a(x)\\big)^2v\\Big),\\ \\ t>0,\\ x\\in\\mathbb{R},$$$$\\label{115}\n v(0,x)=v_0(x),\\ x\\in\\mathbb{R}.$$ Eq. ", "is the [*Fokker-Planck*]{} associated with . ", "It is well-known that there is a unique [*generalized solution*]{} to provided that there exists a unique classical fundamental solution to ( for the definitions of fundamental solution and generalized solution, see, for instance, p.365 and p.368 in [@LM]).", "\n\nIn the following, we assume there exists a unique classical fundamental solution to and thus\n\n[[@LM]]{} \\[th0\\] For every $v_0\\in L^1_+(\\mathbb{R}),$ there exists a unique generalized solution $v(t,x)$ to .", "\n\nEq. ", "defines the Markov semigroup (also called stochastic semigroup in [@LM]) $\\{\\mathcal{V}(t)\\}_{t\\geqslant0}$ of operators on $L^1_+(\\mathbb{R})$ by $$\\mathcal{V}(t)v_0(x)=v(t,x),$$ and the set of all densities $L^1_+(\\mathbb{R})$ is invariant under $\\mathcal{V}(t)$ for each $t>0.$\n\nFor more preliminaries on FPEs, we refer the reader to [@LM].", "\n\nNow we state a known sufficient condition given on p.742 in [@MLL] for the existence, uniqueness and global asymptotic stability of an invariant density (see also Theorem 2 and Theorem 4 on p.154 in [@I] and Theorem 11.9.1 on p.372 in [@LM]).", "\n\nWe define a [*Lyapunov function*]{} $V:\\mathbb{R}\\to\\mathbb{R}$ as a $C^2$ function with the following properties [@MLL]:\n\n1. ", " $V(x)\\ge0, \\forall\\ x\\in\\mathbb{R};$\n\n2. ", " $\\lim_{|x|\\to\\infty}V(x)=\\infty;$\n\n3. ", " $V(x),\\ |V'(x)|\\leqslant\\delta_1e^{\\delta_2|x|}, \\forall\\ x\\in\\mathbb{R},$ for some positive constants $\\delta_1,\\ \\delta_2.$\n\n0.2cm\n\n\\[th9\\] Suppose there exists a Lyapunov function $V$ and positive constants $c_1,\\ c_2,\\ \\delta,\\ \\alpha_1$ and $\\alpha_2$ such that $$\\label{18}\n \\begin{split}\n &-\\alpha_1+c_1|x|^{\\delta}\\leqslant V(x),\\\\\n &b(x)V'(x)+\\frac{1}{2}a^2(x)V''(x)\\leqslant-c_2V(x)+\\alpha_2.", "\n \\end{split}$$ Then there exists a unique invariant probability measure $\\rho$ for which has the density $f_0$ with respect to the Lebesgue measure. ", "Moreover, the invariant density $f_0$ is globally asymptotically stable in the sense that $$\\lim_{t\\to\\infty}\\int_{-\\infty}^{\\infty}|\\mathcal{V}(t)f(x)-f_0(x)|{\\rm d}x=0,\\ \\forall\\ f\\in L^1_+(\\mathbb{R}).$$ In addition, the process $X_t$ has the ergodic properties, i.e., for any $\\rho$-integrable function $F:$ $$\\mathbb{P}_x\\Big(\\lim_{t\\to\\infty}\\frac{1}{t}\\int_0^tF(X_{\\tau}){\\rm d}\\tau=\\int_{-\\infty}^{\\infty}F(y)\\rho({\\rm d}y)\\Big)=1,$$for all $X_0=x\\in\\mathbb{R}.$\n\nIn [@LM], [*regularity*]{} of coefficients are required in Theorem 11.9.1. ", "However, as pointed out on p. 365 in [@LM], this regularity is simply for the existence and uniqueness of solutions to and . ", "In other words, Theorem 11.9.1 on p.372 in [@LM] without regularity condition still holds if the existence and uniqueness of solutions to and are provided.", "\n\nIn the following, we state the relationship between the solution $u(t,\\xi)$ to and the solution $p(t,x)$ to . ", "0.2cm\n\n$$p(t,x)=g'(x)u(t,g(x))=\\frac{N}{x(N-x)}u\\Big(t,\\log\\frac{x}{N-x}\\Big),\\ \\mbox{for\\ all}\\ t>0,\\ x\\in(0,N)$$ provided that the initial densities satisfy $$p_0(x)=\\frac{N}{x(N-x)}u_0\\Big(\\log\\frac{x}{N-x}\\Big).$$ In particular, the invariant densities satisfy $$p^s_{\\sigma}(x)=\\frac{N}{x(N-x)}u^s_{\\sigma}\\Big(\\log\\frac{x}{N-x}\\Big).$$\n\nLet $F_1(t,x)=\\int_0^xp(t,y){\\rm d}y$ and $F_2(t,\\xi)=\\int_{-\\infty}^\\xi u(t,\\eta){\\rm d}\\eta.$ Then $$F_1(t,x)=F_2(t,g(x)),\\ \\forall\\ t>0,\\ x\\in(0,N).$$ Hence for all $t>0,\\ x\\in(0,N),$ $$\\frac{\\partial F_1}{\\partial x}(t,x)=\\frac{\\partial F_2}{\\partial\\xi}(t,g(x))g'(x),$$ i.e., $$p_{\\sigma}(t,x)=g'(x)u(t,g(x)).$$\n\n0.2cm\n\n\\[th8\\]\n\n1. ", " $\\kappa$ is an invariant measure for if and only if $\\nu=\\kappa\\circ g$ is an invariant measure for .", "\n\n2. ", " $u^s_{\\sigma}$ is asymptotically stable if and only if $p^s_{\\sigma}$ is asymptotically stable.", "\n\n3. ", " $Y_t$ is ergodic if and only if $I_t$ is ergodic.", "\n\n0.2cm\n\nWe only prove case (2). ", "Suppose $u^s_{\\sigma}$ is asymptotically stable, i.e., $$\\lim_{t\\to\\infty}\\int_{-\\infty}^{\\infty}|\\mathcal{U}(t)f_0(\\xi)-u^s_{\\sigma}(\\xi)|{\\rm d}\\xi=0,\\ \\forall\\ f_0\\in L^1_+(\\mathbb{R}).$$ $\\forall\\ w_0\\in L^1_+((0,N)),$ let $f_0(\\xi)=[g^{-1}(\\xi)]'w_0(g^{-1}(\\xi)),$ then it is easy to verify that $f_0\\in L^1_+(\\mathbb{R}).$ Moreover, we can show that$$\\int_0^N|\\mathcal{P}(t)w_0(x)-p^s_{\\sigma}(x)|{\\rm d}x\n =\\int_{-\\infty}^{\\infty}|\\mathcal{U}(t)f_0(\\xi)-u^s_{\\sigma}(\\xi)|{\\rm d}\\xi,$$which implies that $$\\lim_{t\\to\\infty}\\int_0^N|\\mathcal{P}(t)w_0(x)-p^s_{\\sigma}(x)|{\\rm d}x=0,$$ i.e., $p^s_{\\sigma}$ is asymptotically stable. ", "Conversely, we can also prove that $u^s_{\\sigma}$ is asymptotically stable provided that $p^s_{\\sigma}$ is asymptotically stable.", "\n\n[^1]: E-mail address: cx1@ualberta.ca\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1-children-07-00051}\n===============\n\nGlobally, Africa is expected to experience the highest increase in noncommunicable diseases (NCD) related mortality, with about 46% of all expected mortality attributed to NCDs by 2030 \\[[@B1-children-07-00051]\\]. ", "It is increasingly recognised that the occurrence of adult NCDs are influenced by factors operating from childhood, which are sustained throughout the individual's life course \\[[@B2-children-07-00051]\\]. ", "The increased risk may start in infancy or even before birth and will continue to be influenced by health-related behaviour during adulthood \\[[@B1-children-07-00051],[@B3-children-07-00051]\\], yet evidence to capture these changes in NCD profile is still very limited in Africa. ", "The South African National Development Plan (SANDP) vision for 2030 \\[[@B4-children-07-00051]\\] highlights key recommendations for reducing the prevalence of NCD by 28% in 2030, which are all mirrored in the World Heart Federation, though they focus on reducing the NCDs prevalence by 25% in 2025 \\[[@B5-children-07-00051]\\].", "\n\nThe desire of the South African government to improve the health of rural people requires that adequate baseline data be provided to combat the emerging NCDs as they are becoming a major health burden in communities today \\[[@B4-children-07-00051]\\]. ", "However, Twisk and Kemper \\[[@B6-children-07-00051]\\] pointed out that growth and development studies, namely, cross-sectional, longitudinal and time-lag designs are influenced by several factors. ", "The study design measurements are taken on a subject at a particular point in time and are influenced by the age of the subject, birth cohort to which the subject belongs, time of measurements, learning or test effects and the dropout effects \\[[@B7-children-07-00051],[@B8-children-07-00051],[@B9-children-07-00051],[@B10-children-07-00051]\\]. ", "These factors introduce the differences between repeated measurements and play a significant role in the analysis, interpretation and conclusion of the outcome measures of these studies. ", "The study aimed to outline the genesis, procedures, attrition rate and major reasons for study participants to miss measurement sessions in the Ellisras Longitudinal Study (ELS).", "\n\n2. ", "Materials and Methods {#sec2-children-07-00051}\n========================\n\n2.1. ", "Geographical Area {#sec2dot1-children-07-00051}\n----------------------\n\nEllisras is a rural area in the northwestern region of the Limpopo province, South Africa. ", "It consists of 42 settlements with a population of about 50,000 people \\[[@B11-children-07-00051]\\]. ", "The majority of the workforce is in the mining sector and a few in education and civil services. ", "Unemployment and poverty remain a challenge in this region \\[[@B12-children-07-00051]\\].", "\n\n2.2. ", "Study Design and Sampling {#sec2dot2-children-07-00051}\n------------------------------\n\nEllisras Longitudinal Study followed a multiple Longitudinal Study design suggesting that repeated measurements were carried out in more than one cohort with overlapping ages \\[[@B13-children-07-00051]\\].", "\n\nUsing STATA, the sample size required for the study was calculated based on a power of 90% and a two-tailed significant level of 5%, the prevalence of undernutrition of 25% amongst rural South African populations \\[[@B14-children-07-00051],[@B15-children-07-00051]\\] if the true prevalence or proportion of undernutrition is 22%. ", "An estimated sample size of 2115 was required.", "\n\nThe study was undertaken at 22 schools (10 preschool and 12 primary schools) randomly selected from a total of 68 schools within the Ellisras area. ", "Birth records were obtained from the principals of each school. ", "Only those birth records that had been verified against health clinic records were used to determine the age of each potential participant. ", "Each of the 22 chosen schools were assigned an age category (i.e., 3, 4, ... 9, 10), and only children whose verified age was within the category for a particular school were assessed. ", "Sample sizes by age ranged from 14 to 199 for boys and 17 to 174 for girls. ", "Sample sizes per age group fluctuated within and between genders because within each school, there were different numbers of children of the designated age.", "\n\nA total of 2225 (1201 boys, mean age 6.81 years, and 1024 girls, mean age 6.81 years, (age 3--10 years) SD 1.57) were followed from baseline throughout the periodic surveys (1996--2015). ", "A total of 1701 subjects (873 boys, mean age 13.9 years, SD 1.92, and 828 girls, mean age 14.0 years, SD 1.87) were measured in November 2003, while in the last survey of November 2015, only 728 subjects (356 males and 372 females aged 24 years) who are part of the ELS study were found.", "\n\n[Table 1](#children-07-00051-t001){ref-type=\"table\"} presents research question data collected in the Ellisras Longitudinal Study Sample as from 1996 to Dec 2013. ", "This was collected twice yearly from baseline to November 2003. ", "Furthermore, information on lifestyle (tobacco and smoking, alcohol intake, physical activity and socioeconomic status) and biological risk factors for NCD and educational achievements were collected over time ([Table 1](#children-07-00051-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The questionnaire covered important concepts relating to lifestyle risk factors and socioeconomic status, which were previously validated with other populations and were also validated in the Ellisras population and subsequently used for data collection (also used in the current study \\[[@B16-children-07-00051],[@B17-children-07-00051],[@B18-children-07-00051]\\]).", "\n\nBlood samples were collected for the first time at the 17th point of data collection in November 2015. ", "The participants were followed 17 times in the past 25 years with measurements (anthropometry and blood pressure) collected twice during the first consecutive 8 years to account for growth dynamics and other health-related variables ([Table 1](#children-07-00051-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}) in this Ellisras rural population.", "\n\n2.3. ", "Data Collection {#sec2dot3-children-07-00051}\n--------------------\n\nAll the schools that nested the ELS sample based on the baseline data were visited in February/March each year from 1997 to date. ", "In each school/community, a contact person was established through the help of the school principal. ", "The contact person/ELS coordinator was responsible for providing information regarding the whereabouts of the ELS participants in that particular school/village such that when the data collection resumed in May and November each year, ELS data forms for each ELS subject was located to the school of migration.", "\n\n2.4. ", "Ethical Clearance {#sec2dot4-children-07-00051}\n----------------------\n\nEthics approval was obtained from the University of Limpopo's research ethics committee in the circle of 5 years from when the project started (TREC/356/2017:PG and MREC/P/204/2013IR). ", "Parents and guardians were provided with and signed informed consent. ", "Children at a younger age were also requested to sign an assent form after study information was provided. ", "Later, the ELS participants took the responsibility of signing the consent form after information regarding the study was provided to them and all the question they had adequately answered by the principal investigator.", "\n\n2.5. ", "Quality Control {#sec2dot5-children-07-00051}\n--------------------\n\nAll selected ELS coordinators attended refresher training each year before the completion of the register at the beginning of the year. ", "A 1-week intensive training was arranged in November 2003 in preparation of the completion of the questionnaire based on reasons for missing measurements session by the ELS subjects in November 2003. ", "The questionnaire was completed after the measurement session of November 2003. ", "The intertester (between fieldworkers) and intratester (principal investigator and field workers) technical error of measurements ranged from 97% to 100% in agreement with the coding of the respondent based on the pilot survey in the Ellisras area before the actual survey.", "\n\n2.6. ", "Statistical Analysis {#sec2dot6-children-07-00051}\n-------------------------\n\nDescriptive statistics of the mean age of the total number of ELS subjects in each period of measurement was recorded over time. ", "Frequency and percentage frequency of ELS subjects missing the measurement period were recorded each year. ", "Frequency and percentage frequency of the educational level, reasons for school dropout, employment level and family size of the ELS participants were reported. ", "Frequency and percentage frequency of the educational level, reasons for school dropout and employment level of ELS participants was reported in November 2003. ", "Student *t* test was used to determine the significant difference between gender, whereas the chi-square test was used to test the significant association between frequency in each gender. ", "Fisher exact test was used to test the significant association between genders for frequency cell less than 10. ", "Analysis of variance was used to test the significant difference between subjects missing measurement session over time. ", "Bonferroni post hoc test was used to identify the period of measurement session showing a significant increase or decrease. ", "All analyses were performed using the SPSS Version 14.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). *", "p*-value was set at *p* \\< 0.05.", "\n\n3. ", "Results {#sec3-children-07-00051}\n==========\n\n[Table 2](#children-07-00051-t002){ref-type=\"table\"} presents the mean age and attrition rate from May 1997 to November 2015 overtime for ELS participants. ", "The mean age ranges from 6.9 to 23.7 years for boys and 6.8 to 23.9 for girls throughout the measurement period (November 1996 to November 2015).", "\n\n[Table 3](#children-07-00051-t003){ref-type=\"table\"} demonstrates the analysis of variance and Bonferroni post hoc test for the significant difference between attrition rates in the measurement period of May 1997 to November 2015 overtime for the ELS participants. ", "The attrition rate for ELS sample for boys (14%--27.3%) was significantly (*p* \\< 0.05) high than girls (7.9%--18.6%) during the period May 1999 to November 2003. ", "There was a gradual insignificant increase (6.7%--27.3%) in the attrition rate during the period November 1997 to May 2003. ", "There was a significant (*p* \\< 0.05) increase (25.3%--70.3%) in the attrition rate during the period November 2009 to December 2015.", "\n\n[Table 4](#children-07-00051-t004){ref-type=\"table\"} presents the frequency and percentage frequency of educational level, employment level and reasons for missing measurement session as reported on November 2003 amongst ELS participants. ", "There was a significant (*p* \\< 0.05) high percentage (7.8%) of ELS girls who attended tertiary education as compared to boys (3.2%) in November 2003. ", "The majority of the ELS sample (84.6%) were in secondary education level by November 2003. ", "Furthermore, a majority of the ELS sample (55%) cited a lack of finance or school uniform or school fees and poverty as their main reasons for dropping out of school in November 2003. ", "The level of unemployment (77%) for the ELS participants was high.", "\n\n[Table 5](#children-07-00051-t005){ref-type=\"table\"} presents the frequency and percentage frequency of family size of ELS participants as reported by November 2013. ", "There was no significant (*p* \\< 0.05) difference in the family size for boys and girls across the family size categories. ", "ELS participants reported a larger family sample of more than six family members (35.9% for girls and 32.7% for boys).", "\n\n4. ", "Discussion {#sec4-children-07-00051}\n=============\n\nThe study aimed to outline the genesis, procedures, attrition rate and major reasons for sample missing during measurement session in the ELS. ", "A total of 2225 children were sampled at baseline in the ELS using a cluster random sampling technique. ", "This sample size was high at baseline and was similar from birth to 20 studies \\[[@B16-children-07-00051],[@B19-children-07-00051],[@B20-children-07-00051]\\]. ", "However, the Amsterdam Growth and Health Longitudinal Study sample size was low at baseline (1977) compared to our ELS \\[[@B7-children-07-00051],[@B8-children-07-00051]\\].", "\n\nThe attrition rate of the ELS participants increased with increasing age, though insignificant, thus, reaching a significant rate at older samples measured from November 2009 to November 2015. ", "Similar findings were reported in the Amsterdam Growth and Health Study \\[[@B2-children-07-00051],[@B20-children-07-00051]\\]. ", "This was because subjects completed their school years and were going for tertiary education, while others migrated to urban areas looking for work. ", "Amongst ladies' pregnancy played a significant role due to government funding strategies (child support grant from the government) for all young children under the age of 16 years \\[[@B21-children-07-00051]\\]. ", "The ELS participants migration to urban areas provided a unique opportunity to investigate the effect of urban life on these rural young adults given the previous data collected on the same subjects at a younger age (3--10 years at baseline in 1996). ", "It is worth mentioning that a majority of the subjects returned home (Ellisras) in December each year, and they availed themselves for the ELS measurement session. ", "Furthermore, poverty was cited as a major reason for dropping out of school.", "\n\nChallenges of cohort studies in Africa were previously documented, of which, ELS is not an exception \\[[@B19-children-07-00051],[@B22-children-07-00051]\\]. ", "These include: long-term financial commitment; long-term commitment of staff and subjects, changing leadership in an institution where the study is housed may have negative consequences for continuity and marriage of subjects and migration to urban areas. ", "All these affect the follow-up measurement of the subjects. ", "Gordis \\[[@B23-children-07-00051]\\] and Kemper \\[[@B2-children-07-00051]\\] reported that in a cohort study, subjects who missed the measurement sessions should be included in the analysis to check if outcome of interest affected them in the previous analysis including all other subjects who are currently enrolled in the study. ", "That will assist in reducing the subject bias which may affect the interpretation of the results and the conclusion drawn thereof. ", "This was carried out with success in the previous analysis of ELS \\[[@B24-children-07-00051],[@B25-children-07-00051]\\].", "\n\nELS has some limitations and strengths. ", "Like all cohort studies, ELS participants are not self-selective, whereas in the Internet-based cohort epidemiological studies, participants tend to be self-selective and are feasible \\[[@B26-children-07-00051]\\]. ", "The ELS study, like all other population-based cohort studies, is expensive with changing methodology over time \\[[@B27-children-07-00051]\\]. ", "However, ELS provides unique data for the rural South African population for tracking of one biological risk factor to another. ", "Knowledge of the level of tracking of a characteristic further helps to answer the question of whether or not lifestyle intervention should be provided for the whole population or to a subsample. ", "If stability is high, the value of a character is a good predictor for that characteristic later in life \\[[@B28-children-07-00051]\\].", "\n\nOne serious drawback of a Longitudinal Study is the number of subjects lost in time from the original sample. ", "In the first 8 years (1996--2003), the main reason for withdrawal from the study was leaving school, pregnancy, illness, impregnating women, looking for work and death. ", "In that period, the total percentage of dropout in the Longitudinal Study ranged from 2.4% to 23.3% \\[[@B25-children-07-00051]\\]. ", "However, permanent dropout groups due to death for anthropometric measurements, blood pressure and nutritional variables did not show any significant difference compared to those that are currently in the study \\[[@B29-children-07-00051]\\]. ", "ELS provides a unique baseline for tracking the changes of NCDs in rural South African population over time. ", "Given the introduction of biochemical blood sample collection late in the ELS sample and the fact that most of the ELS samples are now from adults, it will be important to compare the current samples with the dropout for any outcome of interest to avoid biases in the interpretation and conclusion of the results \\[[@B2-children-07-00051],[@B23-children-07-00051]\\].", "\n\n5. ", "Conclusions {#sec5-children-07-00051}\n==============\n\nEllisras Longitudinal Study followed a multiple Longitudinal Study design rooted in cluster random sampling techniques. ", "The attrition rate was low during the first 8 years of the study and increased as the sample grew older. ", "A well-formulated ELS study in Africa could answer major questions relating to the changing magnitude of the NCDs risk factor profile in Africa.", "\n\nThe authors are obligated to the administrators of the ELS, Seleka, T Tselapedi and T.T. Makata. ", "The ELS participants and ELS coordinators at the community level are thankfully acknowledged for assisting in the ELS.", "\n\nConceptualisation, P.M., K.M. and B.S.; methodology, P.M., K.M. and B.S.; software, P.M., K.M. and B.S.; validation, P.M., K.M., B.S. and H.S.; formal analysis, K.M., B.S. and. ", "H.S.; investigation, P.M., K.M., B.S. and H.S.; resources, K.M., B.S. and H.S.; data curation, B.S. and K.M.; writing---original draft preparation, P.M., K.M., B.S.; writing---review and editing, P.M., K.M., B.S. and H.S.; visualisation, B.S.; supervision, P.M., K.M. and H.S.; project administration, P.M. and funding acquisition, H.S. and K.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.", "\n\nThe financial support received from Vrije University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (grant: UNIN Health Project under VUA Foundation funds), the University of Limpopo, South Africa (grant no. ", "1404) and the National Research Foundation of South Africa (grant no. ", "URD2002050400168) for the Ellisras Longitudinal Study is acknowledged with gratitude. ", "Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and therefore, the funding sources do not accept any liability in regard thereto.", "\n\nThe authors report no conflicts of interest.", "\n\nchildren-07-00051-t001_Table 1\n\n###### \n\nResearch question data collected in the Ellisras Longitudinal Study Sample as from 1996 to Dec 2013\n\n Survey 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 Dec 2013\n --------------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----------\n Anthropometrical measurement \\* \\*\\* \\*\\* \\*\\* \\*\\* \\*\\* \\* \\*\\* \n Blood pressure \\*\\* \\*\\* \\*\\* \\* \\* \n Diet \\* \\* \n Socioeconomic status \\* \n Glucose tolerance \\* \n Learning environment \\* \\* \n Educational achievement (Maths and English) \\* \\* \\* \n Aptitudes tests (IQ test) \\* \n Tanner Scale \\* \\* \n Questionnaire on menarche \\* \n Physical activity \\* \n Fitness \\* \\* \\* \\* \n Smoking \\* \\*\n Alcohol and drugs \\*\n\n\\* one survey, \\*\\* two surveys.", "\n\nchildren-07-00051-t002_Table 2\n\n###### \n\nEllisras Longitudinal Study sample mean age and attrition rate during the period of measurements May 1997 to Nov 2015 over time.", "\n\n Males Females Number of ELS Subjects Over Time \n -------------- ------- --------- ---------------------------------- ------ ------ -------- ------ ------ ------ -------- ------ -------- ------ ------\n Nov 1996 6.9 (1.57) 2.6 10.9 6.8 (1.57) 2.0 10.7 1201 1054 2255 \n May 1997 7.3 (1.61) 2.8 11.3 7.3 (1.57) 2.4 11.2 1106 969 2075 \n Missing 95 7.9 55 5.2 150 6.7\n Nov 1997 8.1 (1.93) 2.9 11.8 8.2 (1.85) 2.9 11.9 1146 1054 1890 \n Missing 55 4.5 0 0 55 2.4\n May 1998 8.6 (1.95) 3.4 12.3 8.7 (1.84) 3.4 12.3 999 891 1890 \n Missing 202 16.8 133 12.6 335 14.9\n Nov 1998 9.1 (1.95) 3.9 12.8 9.1 (1.84) 3.9 12.8 1007 894 1901 \n Missing 194 16.2 130 12.3 324 14.4\n May 1999 9.7 (1.91) 4.4 13.3 9.7 (1.81) 4.4 13.3 1033 941 1974 \n Missing 168 14.0\\* 83 7.9\\* 251 11.1\n Nov 1999 10.2 (1.88) 4.9 13.8 10.2 (1.79) 4.9 13.8 998 920 1918 \n Missing 217 18.1\\* 117 11.1\\* 334 14.8\n May 2000 10.6 (1.91) 5.4 14.4 10.7 (1.81) 5.4 14.3 1006 918 1924 \n Missing 195 16.2\\* 106 10.1\\* 301 13.3\n Nov 2000 11.0 (1.90) 5.9 14.8 11.0 (1.82) 5.9 14.8 936 877 1813 \n Missing 265 22.1\\* 147 14.0\\* 412 18.3\n May 2001 11.5 (1.90) 6.4 15.3 11.6 (1.83) 6.4 15.0 962 904 1866 \n Missing s 239 19.9\\* 120 11.4\\* 359 15.9\n Nov 2001 12.0 (1.91) 6.9 15.9 12.1 (1.82) 6.9 15.6 914 855 1769 \n Missing 287 23.9\\* 169 16.0\\* 456 20.2\n May 2002 12.4 (1.91) 7.3 16.3 12.5 (1.87) 7.4 16.3 890 823 1713 \n Missing 311 25.9\\* 201 19.1\\* 512 22.7\n May 2003 13.4 (1.91) 8.3 17.3 13.5 (1.85) 8.4 17.1 942 878 1820 \n Missing 259 21.6\\* 146 13.9\\* 405 18.0\n Nov 2003 13.9 (1.92) 8.9 17.8 14.0 (1.86) 8.9 17.8 911 828 1739 \n Missing 328 27.3\\* 196 18.6\\* 524 23.2\n Nov 2009 15.3 (2.03) 10.2 18.3 15.3 (1.99) 10.3 19.2 854 800 1654 \n Missing 347 28.9 224 21.3 571 25.3\n Nov/Dec 2013 23.7 (2.05) 18.2 27.6 23.9 (2.06) 18.3 27.6 520 541 1061 \n Missing 681 56.7 483 45.8 1164 51.6\n Nov/Dec 2015 23.7 (2.01) 19.2 29.1 23.9 (2.01) 18.7 29.9 356 372 728 \n Missing 845 70.3 652 61.9 1497 66.4\n\nSD = Standard deviation, \\* = *p* \\< 0.05\n\nchildren-07-00051-t003_Table 3\n\n###### \n\nAnalysis of variance for the significant difference between attrition rate during the period May1997 to Nov 2015 over time for the Ellisras Longitudinal study sample.", "\n\n -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Boys\n\n Measurement\\ May97  Nove97  May98  Nove98  May99  Nove99  May00  Nove00  May01  Nove01  May02  May03  Nov03  Nov09  Nov13  Nov15\\\n Session \\_\\_\\_\\_\\_ns\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\\n       \\\n \\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\\n                \\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_ns \\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\\n       \\\n \\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_ns\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\\n        \\\n \\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_ns\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\\n        \\\n \\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_ns\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\n\n Girls\n\n Measurement\\ May97  Nove97  May98  Nove98  May99  Nove99  May00  Nove00  May01  Nove01  May02  May03  Nov03  Nov09  Nov13  Nov15\\\n Session   \\\n   \\\n \\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_ns\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\\n       \\\n \\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_ns\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\\n \\_\\_\\_\\_\\_ns\\_\\_\n -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nchildren-07-00051-t004_Table 4\n\n###### \n\nFrequency and percentage frequency of the educational level, reasons for school dropout and employment level of Ellisras Longitudinal study participants reported as of Dec 2013.", "\n\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Total\\ Males\\ Females\\ \n N = 1061 N = 520 N = 541 \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------\n Educational level \n\n Primary school 9.6 \\(102\\) 10.4 \\(54\\) 8.9 \\(48\\)\n\n Secondary school 84.6 \\(898\\) 86.0 \\(447\\) 83.4 \\(451\\)\n\n Tertiary education level 5.7 \\(61\\) 3.7 \\* \\(19\\) 7.8 \\* \\(42\\)\n\n Reasons for leaving school \n\n No money/uniform/school fees/no food at home 54.8 \\(581\\) 60.4 \\* \\(314\\) 49.4 \\* \\(267\\)\n\n No reason given 1.0 \\(11\\) 0.6 \\(3\\) 1.5 \\(8\\)\n\n Employed 2.3 \\(24\\) 2.7 \\(14\\) 1.8 \\(10\\)\n\n Educational system in South Africa changing/no water in the community 0.7 \\(7\\) 0.2 \\(1\\) 1.1 \\(6\\)\n\n Failed one grade many times/suffering 10.9 \\(116\\) 10.2 \\(53\\) 11.6 \\(63\\)\n\n Did not get along with the teachers/not supported by my parents 0.7 \\(7\\) 1.2 \\(6\\) 0.2 \\(1\\)\n\n Sick (epilepsy and eye)/pregnant or impregnate a lady/not having anybody to look after my child 8.4 \\(89\\) 5.4 \\* \\(28\\) 11.3 \\* \\(61\\)\n\n Friends/peer pressure/marriage 1.1 \\(12\\) 1.2 \\(6\\) 1.1 \\(6\\)\n\n Completed 7.0 \\(74\\) 5.4 \\(28\\) 8.5 \\(46\\)\n\n Still at school 13.2 \\(140\\) 12.9 \\(67\\) 13.5 \\(73\\)\n\n Employments level \n\n Labour 18.4 \\(195\\) 22.3 \\* \\(116\\) 14.6 \\* \\(79\\)\n\n Professional 8.2 \\(87\\) 8.7 \\(45\\) 7.8 \\(42\\)\n\n Unemployed 73.4 \\(779\\) 69 \\(359\\) 77.6 \\(420\\)\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\\* *p* \\< 0.05.", "\n\nchildren-07-00051-t005_Table 5\n\n###### \n\nFrequency and percentage frequency of family size of Ellisras Longitudinal Study participants as of Dec 2013.", "\n\n Total, n = 1061 Male Female \n -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- --------- -------- --------- ------ ---------\n Less than three 28.5 \\(302\\) 31.7 \\(165\\) 25.3 \\(137\\)\n More than three but less than six family members 37.2 \\(395\\) 35.6 \\(185\\) 38.8 \\(210\\)\n More than six family members 34.3 \\(364\\) 32.7 \\(170\\) 35.9 \\(194\\)\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
[ 0, 0.007407407407407408, 0.004878048780487805, 0.010714285714285714, 0.015384615384615385, 0.003952569169960474, 0.01015228426395939, 0.011594202898550725, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0.00684931506849315, 0.0030120481927710845, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003484320557491289, 0.006060606060606061, 0, 0.0037593984962406013, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0.00967741935483871, 0, 0.007782101167315175, 0, 0, 0.0045662100456621, 0, 0.004901960784313725, 0.005, 0, 0, 0, 0.004830917874396135, 0.009345794392523364, 0.006211180124223602, 0.00625, 0, 0, 0, 0.008064516129032258, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0, 0.0049504950495049506, 0, 0.00749063670411985, 0.006134969325153374, 0, 0, 0.004149377593360996, 0.006622516556291391, 0.01098901098901099, 0.005434782608695652, 0.015151515151515152, 0.005952380952380952, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0.005128205128205128, 0.009615384615384616, 0.018867924528301886, 0.029239766081871343, 0.005128205128205128, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0.004761904761904762, 0.00398406374501992, 0.006097560975609756, 0, 0.0189873417721519, 0, 0, 0.0060790273556231, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0.023809523809523808, 0.009345794392523364, 0.014084507042253521, 0.0078125, 0, 0.007462686567164179, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0.004149377593360996, 0.009174311926605505, 0.01092896174863388, 0, 0.005747126436781609, 0, 0.006944444444444444, 0.030303030303030304, 0.025423728813559324, 0, 0, 0.015706806282722512, 0.014285714285714285, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0.0005022601707684581, 0, 0.0010976948408342481, 0.007730535615681944, 0.0002610966057441253, 0.006578947368421052, 0 ]
[ "Unilateral distension of the tarsal sheath in the horse: a report of 11 cases.", "\nEleven horses with unilateral distension of the sheath are reported with emphasis on the use of plain and contrast radiography in diagnosis. ", "Six had associated bony abnormalities of the sustentaculum tali, and two of these showed destructive or mixed destructive and proliferative lesions resulting from osteomyelitis. ", "One horse had a fracture of the sustentaculum. ", "In three horses proliferative changes were found. ", "Bony changes were best demonstrated on a dorsomedial-plantarolateral oblique view. ", "Contrast radiography of the tarsal sheath was performed in five cases without, and two horses with, associated bony lesions. ", "In five cases ballooning with or without folding of the proximal aspect of the sheath was demonstrated. ", "Additional band-like filling defects (two cases), triangular filling defect (one case), nodular intra-tendovaginal masses (two cases), or an extra-tendovaginal mass (one case) were noticed. ", "The remaining two horses showed a semicircular collar shape dilation of the proximal aspect of the sheath. ", "Contrast radiography appeared to be a helpful tool for the examination of tarsal sheath lesions. ", "Two horses with associated bony changes were destroyed immediately after diagnosis, one failed to recover following surgical intervention and in three horses the outcome was unsatisfactory after conservative treatment. ", "Three horses without associated bony lesions recovered completely after conservative treatment. ", "One was operated on subsequently; the results are promising but the outcome of this case is not yet known. ", "One was sold shortly after diagnosis and lost to follow up." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "The present invention, in some embodiments thereof, relates to image compression and/or reconstruction and, more particularly, but not exclusively, to image compression in a video.", "\nOver the last years, both video and still image frame achieved high definitions in commercial products. ", "Resolutions of 2, 4 and 8 million pixels per frame are already common in the video industry, whereas resolutions of 16 and even more million pixels per bitmap are already common in the camera market, and cellular handset devices with 8 and 12 million pixels are already marketed.", "\nVarious applications, like still image compression and frame-accurate video editing call for coding of independent bitmaps. ", "Coding of such bitmaps poses some difficulties in terms of compression efficiency, progressive transmission, and previewing efficiency. ", "Additionally, stereoscopic imaging is becoming a notable medium as televisions sets capable of 3D viewing are introduced, as are movies such as the notorious Avatar film, generally doubling the volume of image data.", "\nContemporary techniques typically apply DCT, Wavelet, near-block spatial prediction, and optimized quantization tables, and the results are well known and documented in numerous researches and articles.", "\nIn some cases fast de-compression of high resolution frames is important to video editing, where an editor needs to be able to view real time presentation, while the widely used production codecs (e.g. DNxHD of Avid Technology, Inc, and Panasonic's AVC-Intra)) typically do not have any reduced resolution and/or reduced quality presentation ability to present the frames, and others (e.g. ProRes422/444 of Apple, Inc), have a reduced presentation ability at reduced quality, which in many cases are deemed as not satisfactorily efficient.", "\nUsing video to compress images is disclosed, for example, in US patent application publication US2008/0159639 that discloses a method for compressing high resolution images as low resolution video, or the US2008/8165843 patent application publication which discloses a hardware architecture for compressing images in a video, where the above cited applications share common inventors as the present application." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004651162790697674, 0, 0.003703703703703704, 0 ]
[ "Gurab, Andika\n\nGurab (, also Romanized as Gūrāb; also known as Gorrāb) is a village in Chelo Rural District, Chelo District, Andika County, Khuzestan Province, Iran. ", "At the 2006 census, its population was 28, in 5 families.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Populated places in Andika County" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.024096385542168676, 0, 0 ]
[ "Insufficient knowledge and inappropriate practices of emergency doctors towards tetanus prevention in trauma patients: a pilot survey.", "\nChina has a shocking number of tetanus cases in the world, but little research has investigated doctors' knowledge of and practices in tetanus prophylaxis, especially tetanus vaccination. ", "To this end, we conducted a pilot study on 197 emergency doctors using a mixed method of web-based (163; 82.8%) and paper-based (34; 17.2%) surveys. ", "There was no difference between the two groups except for the percentage of doctors receiving a tetanus booster in the past 10 years and the responses to question 11. ", "Surprisingly, only 28.9% of doctors had received formal training on tetanus immunization and only 21.3% had themselves received a tetanus vaccine booster in the past 10 years. ", "Furthermore, only 14.2% of the respondents confirmed the availability of the tetanus vaccine in their respective institutions. ", "Finally, the correct rates and Tetanus-immune-globulin (TIG)-only option rates for questions 11-15 were unsatisfactory. ", "Our results showed that most emergency doctors' knowledge and practices strayed from the recommendations of Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP): 1) TIG alone for most trauma patients instead of vaccine was an overused treatment approach. ", "2) Most of the emergency doctors lacked formal training on and knowledge of tetanus vaccination. ", "3) Even the emergency doctors themselves were not properly vaccinated. ", "4) The tetanus vaccine was only available in a small number of the respondents' institutions. ", "The findings of this study suggest an urgent need to improve this dire situation." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "The present invention relates to a new and distinct cultivar of Distylium mycricoides x Distylium racemosum and will be referred to hereafter by its cultivar name, ‘PIIDIST-VI’. ‘", "PIIDIST-VI’ represents a new Distylium, an evergreen shrub grown for landscape use.", "\nThe new cultivar of Distylium arose from a breeding program conducted by the Inventors in Watkinsville, Ga. ‘PIIDIST-VI’ originated as a seedling that arose from seed planted from the open pollination of Distylium hybrid ‘PIIDIST-II’ (U.S. Plant Pat. ", "No. ", "24,409). ‘", "PIIDIST-VI’ was selected as a single unique plant in summer of 2013 from amongst the resulting seedlings.", "\nAsexual propagation of the new cultivar was first accomplished by semi-hardwood stem cuttings by one of the Inventors in Watkinsville, Ga. in 2014. ", "Asexual propagation by semi-hardwood stem cuttings has determined that the characteristics of the new cultivar are stable and are reproduced true to type in successive generations." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0.003968253968253968, 0, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0.006711409395973154, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to set any font in reportlab Canvas in python?", "\n\nI'm using reportlab to create pdfs. ", "When I try to set a font using the following method, I get a KeyError:\npdf = Canvas('test.pdf')\npdf.setFont('Tahoma', 16)\n\nBut if I use 'Courier' instead of 'Tahoma' there isn't a problem. ", "How can I use Tahoma?", "\n\nA:\n\nPerhabs Tahoma is a TrueType font, and you need to register it first. ", "According to the user guide of ReportLab you need to do this:\nfrom reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics\nfrom reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont\n\npdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('Vera', 'Vera.ttf'))\npdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('VeraBd', 'VeraBd.ttf'))\npdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('VeraIt', 'VeraIt.ttf'))\npdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('VeraBI', 'VeraBI.ttf'))\n\ncanvas.setFont('Vera', 32)\ncanvas.drawString(10, 150, \"Some text encoded in UTF-8\")\ncanvas.drawString(10, 100, \"In the Vera TT Font!\")", "\n\nThe canvas object has a getAvailableFonts method that should return all currently registered (and therefore usable) fonts.", "\n\nA:\n\nStart at Reiner's answer.", "\nIt is perfect with one caveat.", "\nReportlab only searches for fonts in predefined folders:\nTTFSearchPath = (\n 'c:/winnt/fonts',\n 'c:/windows/fonts',\n '/usr/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/',\n '/usr/share/fonts/truetype',\n '/usr/share/fonts', #Linux, Fedora\n '/usr/share/fonts/dejavu', #Linux, Fedora\n '%(REPORTLAB_DIR)s/fonts', #special\n '%(REPORTLAB_DIR)s/../fonts', #special\n '%(REPORTLAB_DIR)s/../../fonts',#special\n '%(CWD)s/fonts', #special\n '~/fonts',\n '~/.fonts',\n '%(XDG_DATA_HOME)s/fonts',\n '~/.local/share/fonts',\n #mac os X - from\n #http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn/tn2024.html\n '~/Library/Fonts',\n '/Library/Fonts',\n '/Network/Library/Fonts',\n '/System/Library/Fonts',\n )\n\nIf you're trying to use a ttf font that you've downloaded off of the internet, and would like that font available on all your servers, I would suggest the following:\n\nAdd the font to your project in any directory. ", "e.g.: /project_root/app/lib/reportlabs/fonts/\nMake sure you have something like BASE_DIR/ROOT_DIR in your settings:\nBASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))\n\nadd the following line to a python file that generates pdf:\nimport reportlab\nfrom django.conf import settings\nreportlab.rl_config.", "TTFSearchPath.append(str(settings.", "BASE_DIR) + '/app/lib/reportlabs/fonts')\npdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('Copperplate', 'Copperplate-Gothic-Bold.ttf'))\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0.047619047619047616, 0.02631578947368421, 0.003968253968253968, 0, 0, 0, 0.006172839506172839, 0.0031446540880503146, 0.029411764705882353, 0.008333333333333333 ]
[ "While LEGO City Undercover won’t be available on launch day, we’re hopeful to see it hit the stores sometime later this year. ", "Lego City Undercover is an open world, GTA-styled adventure game set in a fictional Lego city, where players assume the role of Chase McCain, who is out to capture a gang of bank robbers.", "\n\nLego City Undercover is an exclusive Wii U title and is published by Nintendo. ", "It was previously known as “LEGO City Stories”. ", "It’s developed by TT Games, who have a lot of experience when it comes to the LEGO game franchise: they’ve made a whopping 15 LEGO based games since 2005.", "\n\nHow nice of you to take a break from drinking tea and eating crumpets to post here Nintedward. ", "Your replys are most appreciated.", "\n\nNintedward.", "\n\nI am drinking tea and eating toast right now , lol .", "\nIt’s not pretentious to drink tea or eat crumpets .", "\n\nDid you know over 5 trillion cups of tea are consumed in England every day ??? ", "and over 10 trillion crumpets .", "\n\nNintedward.", "\n\nIn England EVERYBODY drinks tea ALL day , lol . ", "Its a mild caffiene boost much more sophisticated to that of your power house American coffee beans 😛 . ", "Or should I say ”cowooooorfeee”\n\nZombieGuns\n\nThose numbers don’t surprise me.", "\n\nNeonridr\n\n5 trillion every day huh? ", "😛\n\nZombieGuns\n\nI always imagine you Brits like to drink your tea like Capt. ", "Picard, a hot cup of Earl Grey or something. ", "I don’t often drink tea but when I do it’s Iced Tea in a 24 ounce can.", "\n\nNintendoGator\n\nWhats the #1 best selling tea in England Nintedward??", "\n\nNintedward.", "\n\n@Nintendo gater = Tetley’s tea or PG tips or Typhoo .", "\n\nNintedward.", "\n\n@Nintendo gater = Tetley’s tea or PG tips or Typhoo .", "\n\nNintenlord\n\nJust imagine lego zelda or lego metroid :0\n\nLUCIFER\n\nActually nintendo has made some awful games like the virtual boy library or metrod m. This lego game is sad i mena wii is suppose to be a hardcore gaming machine. ", "No wonder rockstar is scared to bring gta to the wiiu yhey think its to mature for nintendo fans. ", "I think lego starwars was good and should have beenthe end ofthe series. ", "I dont see the appeal of legos its for kids and you can play legos in real life thats like playing a mowing simulator but alas ya want to see family games than look at microsoft its a family freandly machine at the same time its hardcore with great graphics and thats beating sony. ", "Thats how you market a system folks. ", "Reggie take notes no more horrendous metriod m\n\nMadmagican\n\nTROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLL!!!!! … ", "go home Lucy\n\nTroll patrol.", "\n\nExcuse me sir , could you please wind down your window . ", "I said can you please wind down your pc window .", "\n\nAre you aware that the speed limit is 70 trolls per hour ??? ", "well you were travelling over 80 TPH .", "\n\nI am now going to issue you your first speed trolling ticket .", "\n\n*tears ticket*\n\nTheBoldman67\n\nALERT: AN ENEMY FANBOY HAS BEEN SPOTTED IN YOUR AREA!", "\n\nShankovich\n\nDo you know how to use a keyboard?", "\n\nMechadestroyah\n\nNintendo’s games aren’t designed for kids they are designed to be fun. ", "If you want to limit to not playing a game for the sake of it being child friendly then you are missing out and for no good reason. ", "Games are made to be fun not for the themes they portray. ", "If you don’t find Nintendo game to be fun then I can understand that, but there is no reason to try to find a way to insult others tastes just because something isn’t right for you.", "\n\nMujuranoKamen\n\nHe never said Nintendo was perfect and what has Other M got to do with this?", "\n\nlogan7699\n\nZelda lego\n\nroedburn\n\nThere is a possibility that they could start producing Legend of Zelda Lego Sets in the future.", "\n\nBananaPwnz\n\nLike:\nLego Mario bros\nLegend of Zelda Lego’s in time\nLego Kirby\nor even a Pokemon Lego game!", "\nOh the possibilities…\n\ngoginho\n\nyea, in the trailer you see the guy go through a pipe from Mario i believe.", "\n\nSteampunkJedi\n\nAnd there’s a few Zelda sounds, too.", "\n\nJust nintendo\n\nLego city is best lego game.", "\ni love lego characters and i so like open world games SO i love LEGO city under cover.", "Wii U i cant wait for you i will buy wii U and PLAY it.", "\nJUST NiNTENDO\nLOL\n\nfrank\n\nAlso while its got many different people interested, it will probably be something that younger gamers can play. ", "I know my 6 year old brother wants it as well as nintendo land, mario bros u, and skylanders giants, so while he probably won’t be able to hold the gamepad easily, he’ll still have some games that he can play.", "\n\nHerox95\n\nActually, your ‘lil bro can use the Wii U Pro Controller.", "\n\nSmitty\n\nAfter seeing clips of this game I am slightly worried. ", "The frame rate was all over and it had screen tearing, which is a huge shame because up until seeing these issues I was looking forward to playing it. ", "I hope they smooth it out for release :-(.", "\n\ndojo\n\nim a sure they will\n\nflashdrive\n\nthis game hasn’t been released yet, it should be fixed by then.", "\np.s. ", "the same goes with sonic racing.", "\n\nSmitty\n\nYeh I saw that it had issues too, loving how you get downvoted for blatant observations… not even opinions they were observations asin anyone can see them by just watching the clips!", "\n\nNintenlord\n\nIs the weak player in the 3ds the videos looks amaising\n\nMacarony64\n\ni have see videos of the game in my 3ds and the games run smoth maybe is the video player that you use\n\nMike\n\nA GTA LEGO game is just such a great idea. ", "Kids can play it because there is no gore, and adults can enjoy it because it’s got a lot of stuff to do, and the gameplay is just generally improved for the last few LEGO games.", "\n\nNintedward.", "\n\nNintendo’s philosophy in a nut shel 🙂 .", "\n\nZeta\n\nyep, Nintendo is just great at making great games which can appeal to practically any age, when i was younger my aunt used to play Mario more than the owner of the SNES, i mean everyday i would wake up to the mario theme, same thing applies to all their great games, Metroid even is okay for the younger ones if they can take the slight occasional scare.", "\n\nNintedward.", "\n\nI agree bro , except I would like to see some one less than the age of 15 finish metroid prime trilogy without a guide 😛 . ", "Even zelda is rock solid without a guide 🙂 .", "\n\nThe funny thing is sony fans will say ”hur durrr I finished ocarina and skyward sword in 35 hours durp didily durpa durr” when the truth is they just used a big ol guide :/ .", "\n\nOcarina masterquest without a guide , all skulltulas and heart pieces .", "\nBoy oh boy took me about 70 hours , lol . ", "Including time spent on fishing, riding epona and all the glorious mini games 🙂 .", "\n\nocarinaoftime\n\nSaints sleeping auto: Lego city\n\nHope you know what I mean and I hope it is like that, it’ll be one of the funniest games on the wiiu launch window\n\nocarinaoftime\n\nFun* stupid auto correct.", "\n\nBenjaminkno\n\nI wasn’t crazy about any of the Lego games. ", "I didn’t play Batman, but this looks like the best of the series.", "\n\nBenjaminknows\n\nHow about you play Batman Arkham City Armoured Edition? ", "That’s Wii U for you!", "\n\nBobsingh\n\nI am getting this!", "\n\nSwic11\n\nI really want this game, kinda sad its not available on launch day, but I will get it eventually\n\nssb4\n\nanother game that brings casuals and core gamers together. ", "also nice to see that LUCIFER is gone. ", "Hopefully SONY LOVER BOY will stay away also.", "\n\ngoginho\n\nSshhh ..don’t mention their names anymore, you might jinx it LoL\n\nssb4\n\nsorry\n\nSwic11\n\nAll your doing it baiting them to return and be annoying, leave it alone\n\nDrawin\n\nIf they don’t get any attention, they won’t find a need to come here. ", "😉\n\nBenjaminknows\n\nYup, at least I’m inviting TheRatedD to our Forums so we can *psst, smash him up and slap him all around* say hi to him.", "\n\nMylochek\n\nIt’s great to see games that bring both sides together like ssb4 just stated. ", "Casual gamers, core gamers, the one thing that is permanent in both…both sides are gamers 🙂 and it’s great to have games for both, makes things so much more fun 🙂\n\nZombieGuns\n\nWell said Mylochek, my thoughts exactly.", "\n\nNintendo Power of Canada/USA\n\nLet’s hope that SONY LOVER BOY is gone and all Sony and Microsoft trolls gone too\n\nCheckItNow12\n\nShh…. ", "Don’t attact them!", "\n\nH\n\nMeh. ", "I’m inviting TheRatedD to our Forums so we can *psst, smash him up and slap him all around* say hi to him.", "\n\nD2K\n\nI don’t why but this game seems to have more jaggies and grainies than it should. ", "It’s not a problem, but it is noticeable.", "\n\nSwic11\n\nI saw that on the screen with the helicopter, but we have to remember its Lego, it’s all square jagged blocks lol\n\nPaul\n\nday one game for me if its @ launch and if not will wait later down the line when its released\n\n16der\n\nExcept for Ninjago Masters of Spinjiztu, im not into Lego games,but i’ll have to say that this game is impressive.", "\n\nI am disappointed that Wii U daily staff did not post the article on Unity saying the Wii U was capable of DirectX 11.", "\n\nI sent you the article. ", "Yet you ignore such intriguing news.", "\n\nNintenlord\n\ni saw the article it was a interview whit unity president or vice president\n\nNintedward.", "\n\nPlease post a link !! ", "^^\n\nNintendoGator\n\nWhats the link?????????????/\n\nSteampunkJedi\n\nI’ll be getting this game for sure. ", "I love Lego video games.", "\n\nJc\n\nNow this is why I love wii u daily because they give us updates everyday 🙂\n\nElite\n\nThis will probably be the first lego game i buy and not rent rofl. ", "Looks fing fantastic.", "\n\nCynthia\n\nlego city is badass you could go and explore the city and you could ride,cars,helicopter and more stuf i cannot what for the wii u\n\nDrawin\n\nCan you just imagine, if this was the start of some Nintendo based Lego games? ;", "o\n\nWANTWANTWANTWANTWANT!", "\n\nNeonridr\n\nLego Legend of Zelda anyone?? ", "😀\n\nOn The Fence\n\nThey already did that on Minecraft.", "\n\nH\n\nMeeeeee!", "\n\nMaverick-Hunter\n\nHahaha suck it minecraft\n\nMaster Awesomeness\n\ndoesn’t look very lego-ish, except maybe for vehicles.", "\n\nXblade13\n\nLEGOs + Nintendo = EPIC!", "\n\nOn The Fence\n\nHa, this is the closest Wii U owners will ever get to playing GTA V so enjoy it.", "\n\nP.S It’s f#$%ing lego, do you really think you’ll be able steal, maime and blow s#$t up all with a PG rating it’s about as likely as Rare saying “f##k Microsoft lets make Donkey Kong U” it just won’t happen.", "\n\nNeonridr\n\nbecause you know for sure that GTA V will never come to the Wii U?", "\n\nOn The Fence\n\nUnless Nintendo step in to assist with financing and develpment (Bayoneta 2) no.", "\n\nCollected\n\nNonsense, the people at Activision, tecmo Koei, Gearbox, etc all seem to want to develop games for the Wii U. Why should Rocksteady be different if they should see a perfectly good system that could sell their product/game.", "\n\nOn The Fence\n\nBecause of a little game called Manhunt 2 the firestorm of bad publicity caused my motion controlled murder had parents up in arms it was hugely damaging to rockstar’s image so I wouldn’t blame them for wanting to stay as far away from Nintendo as possible.", "\n\nJohny\n\nthe game looks actually pretty DARN neat ! ", "😀\nbut i wouldnt praise TT for releasing so many lego games… theres TOO many of them ! .. ", "and theyre all basicly the same…\nLego Star wars was VERY VERY cool and a really good game… but then they just started milking it cuz and they got money… but the lego games were worse with every released..\nbut yea… could be just my opinion… thats how i see it\n\nMujuraNoKamen\n\nThis one does look pretty amazing though, new ideas, cool gameplay, tons of humour, and it combines an open-world GTA style game with Lego! ", "This and Pikmin 3 are my most anticipated Wii U games so far (well, out of the ones that have been confirmed anyway, I’m anxious to hear news of Zelda Wii U, a New Metroid and I like the idea of a new Starfox)\n\nTheBoldman67\n\nWhen I first saw the name Chase McCain I thought the old presidential candidate had a kid made out of LEGOs.", "\n\nLegogamersdad\n\nI really want to know if there is any two player in this at all? ", "Some reports say yes and others no. ", "Does anyone know as I have two boys who want to play this together!!" ]
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[ "The invention relates to a vibration switch, particularly but not exclusively for use in security systems to detect vibration through building structures during a forcible entry.", "\nThe operation of such switches relies on an electrical connection being maintained by means of gravity acting upon a free moving mass connected to or part of the electrical circuit. ", "The body of the switch is normally firmly attached to the building structure. ", "During vibration, the switch body and associated fixed electrical contacts will move, whereas the mass will tend to remain relatively stationary due to inertia effects.", "\nDuring vibration, the electrical circuit will be opened and closed rapidly as the mass loses contact with its points of rest. ", "The electrical signals obtained may be suitably analysed and processed by electronic circuits and, provided pre-set conditions are met, be used to signal an alarm condition.", "\nNumerous different switch designs are in use but most suffer from certain disadvantages. ", "It is known to provide a sensor switch with conductive circular cross-section bars as bridging conductors between a pair of contacts which are perpendicular to the bars, the resulting electrically parallel connections between the contacts being disturbed when the sensor is vibrated due to relative movement of a mass supported by the bars. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,686,335 discloses an arrangement in which the force applied to the bars is increased by a leverage principle, allowing use of a smaller mass. ", "However, experience has shown that occasional high resistance or open-circuit conditions at the contact points may be caused by microscopic particles of foreign matter, oxides or polymer contamination from impurities migrating through the relatively porous gold contact plating which is often used.", "\nThe present invention seeks to overcome the problem of occasional false alarm conditions due to contact contamination." ]
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[ "DNA microarrays: an overview of technologies and applications to toxicology.", "\nDNA microarrays or chips can be used to simultaneously monitor the expression levels and/or genotypes of thousands of genes. ", "The application of these techniques heralds a new era in toxicology research, where genotypes and toxicant-induced expression signatures may be used to monitor cellular responses to different doses, to classify toxins on the basis of their mechanisms of action, to monitor exposures, and to predict individual variability in toxicant sensitivity. ", "This unit reviews the current state of microarray technologies and discusses potential applications in toxicology, with emphasis on the strengths and limitations of the technologies." ]
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[ "14 Child Care Resume Skills\nExamples\n\nA lot of the people are yearning to make their very own resume since these individuals know that resumes are needed when getting a job. ", "There are some individuals who find it difficult to generate their very own resume as well as it is recommended for these people to be conscious regarding the Resume templates which can assist them conveniently create their own Resumes.", "\n\nParts of the Resume Theme\n\n– One part of the resume design templates is the purposes wherein you will show the task that you want. ", "In the objective, you must compose your goals and this should be concise in order for the reader to approve the message clearly. ", "The unbiased component must at the very least have one or two sentences that can currently define what you want to do. ", "It is extremely important that you have unbiased because this will certainly enable the employers whether you truly fit for the task.", "\n\n– The next component of the resume layout will certainly be the occupation emphasize or the credentials. ", "In this component you will certainly be documenting your success acquired and also abilities that you have which will serve for the work you are requesting. ", "It will serve for you to write down whatever that will thrill your company since this will also help you obtaining hired.", "\n\n– Resume Layouts likewise include work experiences which will certainly indicate your employment documents. ", "You will certainly note down all the companies you have benefited and also compose the positions and also obligations you had on your past companies. ", "It is essential to include all of your work history because this will also aid you thrill companies. ", "The companies will certainly have the ability to determine conveniently if you are received the job specifically when your work history tells that you already have experience on specific tasks.", "\n\n– The next vital part of resume layouts is the Education and learning which tells about your Educational attainment. ", "In this part, you will certainly list down all the institutions you have gone to as well as the level you obtained. ", "You must also include the honors and also honors you got while in school due to the fact that this will certainly likewise be useful for having great impression towards companies. ", "Having good Educational achievement implies that you have actually done an excellent job while in school as well as you have high tendency to do excellent in work as well.", "\n\n– The Referral is one more component of resume layout as well as right here you will certainly list all the people that can give info regarding you. ", "These individuals can be provide a phone call as well as asked something about you that is why it is best to list down the people whom you have work with or worked for. ", "You can include you past employers, school teachers, college managers and other people who can tell information about you." ]
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[ "Zagheh, Bahar\n\nZagheh (, also Romanized as Zāgheh; also known as Zāgha) is a village in Simineh Rud Rural District, in the Central District of Bahar County, Hamadan Province, Iran. ", "At the 2006 census, its population was 3,053, in 755 families.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Populated places in Bahar County" ]
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[ "Prenatal diagnosis of abdominal wall defects and their prognosis.", "\nTo determine whether associated anatomic features may be useful in predicting fetal prognosis, 43 fetuses who had ultrasonographic evaluation for abdominal wall defects during a 13-year period were reviewed. ", "Thirty-one fetuses had omphalocele and were classified into three groups according to fetal ultrasonography results: ruptured omphalocele with exposed liver, giant omphalocele with exposed liver, and small omphalocele without liver herniation. ", "Twelve fetuses had gastroschisis. ", "Ten of the 12 fetuses with gastroschisis survived; one died in utero. ", "Nine of the 12 with a small omphalocele survived. ", "Ten of 12 fetuses with giant omphalocele survived, but six of the seven with ruptured omphalocele died of pulmonary hypoplasia and respiratory insufficiency. ", "Ruptured omphalocele recognized in utero was accompanied by intrauterine growth retardation and liver herniation and frequently was associated with deformity of the spine, diaphragmatic defects, vesicointestinal fissure, and meningocele. ", "These results indicated that, together with the deformity of the spine, rupture and absence of the covering membrane with an exposed liver (noted through fetal ultrasonography) may suggest a poor prognosis because of pulmonary hypoplasia." ]
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[ "BB Bernardo Bittar\n\n\n\n\n\n;A renovação de Brasília tem 37 anos, é gestor premiado e tem muita disposição para fazer um #novodf. ", "Vamos conversar?;, ", "apresenta-se Guerra no aplicativo. ", "A assessoria do candidato informou que a presença dele no Tinder \"faz parte da estratégia\" de campanha e que as respostas aos questionamentos ficam a cargo de uma equipe contratada pelo partido.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nO Novo devolveu os R$ 3,6 milhões do Fundo Eleitoral e está organizando suas plataformas com dinheiro próprio e de doadores. ", "Alexandre Guerra é sócio da rede de fast-food Giraffas ; com 410 lojas espalhadas por 161 cidades brasileiras.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nEmbora curiosa, a ideia do Partido Novo não é inédita. ", "Desde julho, o candidato a deputado federal Felipe Oriá (PPS-PE) faz o mesmo que Alexandre nos aplicativos de paquera e nas redes sociais." ]
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[ "Protesters shattered business windows, set bonfires in the streets and vandalized a police car Monday afternoon in downtown Portland as a May Day protest devolved into a short-lived but chaotic riot.", "\n\nThe demonstration began as a city-permitted march featuring impassioned but peaceful rhetoric, but it ultimately was defined by black-clad protesters, fires and property damage. ", "Ninety minutes into the march, police declared the gathering a riot. ", "Officers used flash-bang grenades to disperse the crowd after they pronounced the march illegal, eventually arresting 25 people.", "\n\nMay 1 is International Workers' Day, and protesters from the Philippines to Paris celebrated by demanding better working conditions. ", "The holiday traditionally celebrates laborers' rights but in recent years has expanded its focus in the U.S. to support immigrants.", "\n\nArrests\n\n— Ayden Michael Foster-Wysocki, 21: Facing second-degree disorderly conduct charge\n\n— Madhab Pulle, 18: Second-degree disorderly conduct\n\n— Tyler Hans Larsen, 37: Second-degree disorderly conduct\n\n— Luis Marquez, 44: Second-degree disorderly conduct\n\n— Grahme Meneses, 20: Second-degree disorderly conduct\n\n— Jace Anthony Willis, 22: Second-degree disorderly conduct\n\n— Corey Daniel Joe, 42: Second-degree disorderly conduct and assaulting a police officer\n\n— Brianna Borgen, 19: Second-degree disorderly conduct\n\n— Rachel Visco, 34: Second-degree disorderly conduct\n\n— Phoebe Loomis, 33: Second-degree disorderly conduct\n\n— Michell Korin Myers, 19: Second-degree disorderly conduct\n\n— Rylie Wolff, 22: Second-degree disorderly conduct\n\n— Lucy Elizabeth Smith, 35: Second-degree disorderly conduct\n\n— Glenn Allen Silbersdorff, 38: Second-degree disorderly conduct\n\n— Christopher Fellini, 28: Second-degree disorderly conduct\n\n— Frank Martinez, 24: Second-degree disorderly conduct and resisting arrest\n\n— Ian Lawrence Henderson, 28: Second-degree disorderly conduct\n\n— Javier Ivan Reyes, 20: Second-degree disorderly conduct\n\n— Dan Edward Wright, 34: Second-degree disorderly conduct\n\n— Jeff Richard Singer, 29: Second-degree disorderly conduct and interfering with a peace officer\n\n— Taylor James Evans, 24: Second-degree disorderly conduct and interfering with a peace officer\n\n— John Barton Elliott, 26: Second-degree disorderly conduct\n\n— 17-year-old: Riot\n\n— 14-year-old: Riot\n\n— 17-year-old: Riot\n\nSource: Portland Police Bureau\n\nThe Oregonian/OregonLive generally doesn't identify juveniles accused of crimes unless they're tried as an adult or face Measure 11 charges.", "\n\nPolice ask business personnel and other people who think they're victims of crimes to call a non-emergency number, 503-823-3333, or file a report online.", "\n\nA common theme in the widespread U.S. was disapproval of the President Donald Trump, who in his first 100 days has intensified immigration enforcement by pushing for a U.S.-Mexico border wall and a ban on travelers from six predominantly Muslim countries.", "\n\nIn Portland, the afternoon began with a rally in the South Park Blocks, where speakers addressed about 1,000 people in Shemanski Park while a group of self-described anarchists gathered at a distance from the microphones.", "\n\nOne of the more than half-dozen speakers urged the crowd to support workers' rights and unions. ", "A Somali, Muslim woman encouraged people to continue fighting against racism, Islamophobia and other social injustices and to not lose hope.", "\n\nPolice at the periphery of the rally confiscated several sticks, poles and homemade shields — which were in sharp contrast to the more plentiful balloons, banners, costumes and props that otherwise filled the park. ", "Some of the black-clad demonstrators burned small American flags.", "\n\nMarchers set off after about 90 minutes, chanting as they marched south along the park blocks and turned toward the waterfront. ", "Marchers remained mostly peaceful as they meandered past City Hall and the west side of the Justice Center.", "\n\nBut things turned violent as some in the crowd began throwing rocks and full soda cans at police while the mass moved north on Southwest 2nd Avenue.", "\n\nPolice later said items protesters threw or launched at officers also included fireworks, road flares and smoke bombs. ", "Anarchists also threw at least one Molotov cocktail at officers but didn't hit them, a police spokesman said in an email.", "\n\nPolice in riot gear rolled in after the first objects were lobbed. ", "Shortly after, police declared the assembly \"unlawful\" and warned that any marchers in the streets faced arrest.", "\n\nThe first of two main flashpoints came shortly after at Southwest 4th Avenue and Morrison Street, where demonstrators lit a large bonfire in the intersection using traffic cones, newspaper and brochure boxes, wood and a pallet. ", "The blaze produced a plume of black smoke that rolled skyward next to a Starbucks and MAX tracks.", "\n\nOfficers rushed the scene, firing flash-bang grenades to disperse the crowd. ", "The flames were quickly extinguished.", "\n\nPolice shortly after declared the demonstration a riot, saying protesters had vandalized a police car, were \"attacking\" officers and were vandalizing property.", "\n\nOfficers stymied the protest on the west side of City Hall about 10 minutes later, swooping in on protesters from the north and south and taking dozens into custody.", "\n\nDamage included windows shattered or broken at the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse, City Hall, J. Crew, Brooks Brothers, Target, Gus J. Solomon U.S. Courthouse building and Michael Parsons Fine Arts gallery.", "\n\nA rock was thrown through a window at Goldmark Jewelers, and protesters left a wall and other windows marred by graffiti.", "\n\n\"Why'd they have to do this?\" ", "said Kurt Thomas, the building security guard. \"", "The owner's a nice guy, not a corporate store at all.\"", "\n\nCity Hall was also tagged with graffiti, as was the shuttered Macy's building and other downtown structures. ", "Someone scrawled \"Kill Cops\" on a Biketown rack, its bicycles' tires slashed.", "\n\nPolice said in a news release Monday night that officers deployed \"limited\" amounts of less-than-lethal munitions during the riot.", "\n\nPortland Police Chief Mike Marshman said he's \"proud of the professionalism\" shown by law enforcement officers and firefighters who \"worked to keep the peace in Downtown Portland under very difficult circumstances.\"", "\n\n\"Unfortunately the actions of the law breakers undermined and covered up the message of the law abiding individuals who worked to peacefully get their message heard on May Day,\" he said in a statement.", "\n\nThe Portland May Day Coalition, which organized the rally and march, didn't immediately respond to messages seeking comment Monday evening. ", "It did, however, address the day's events on Facebook, saying in part that police \"chose to violently escalate a peaceful march.\"", "\n\nToday the Portland police chose to violently escalate a peaceful march. ", "The people asserted their (lawful) right to be... Posted by Portland May Day Coalition on Monday, May 1, 2017\n\nThe coalition, made up of almost 50 organizations, had released its march route and obtained a city permit for the event.", "\n\nThat route was followed only partway, never formally returning to the park where it began.", "\n\nA separate group, called the Anarchist Student Union, vowed beforehand to join the event and \"do our own thing.\" ", "It was unclear how many of the anarchists were among those arrested. ", "But the vast majority of the hundreds — possibly thousands — of people assembled participated peacefully.", "\n\nThe 25 arrested include two 17-year-olds and a 14-year-old who each face riot charges, police said. ", "They were released to parents, police said, and the other 22 people arrested were jailed.", "\n\nEach of the adults arrested face second-degree disorderly conduct charges and traffic citations for failing to obey a police officer, according to police. ", "Police said two adults face interfering with a peace officer charges, one faces an assaulting a police officer charge and another faces a resisting arrest charge.", "\n\nPortland police released booking photos for adults arrested in a May Day demonstration that was deemed a riot on May 1, 2017.", "\n\nElsewhere in the U.S., peaceful protesters flocked to the streets in Chicago. ", "At the White House gates, they demanded \"Donald Trump has got to go!\"", "\n\nThree people in Seattle were arrested, one for hurling a rock as pro- and anti-Trump demonstrators faced off. ", "In Olympia, police ordered protesters to disperse, calling them \"members of a mob\" as some threw bottles, used pepper spray and fired rocks from slingshots at officers. ", "Two officers were injured and 10 people were arrested.", "\n\nIn Oakland, California, at least four were arrested after creating a human chain to block a county building where demonstrators demanded that county law enforcement refuse to collaborate with federal immigration agents.", "\n\nDespite the West Coast clashes, most nationwide protests were peaceful as immigrants, union members and their allies staged a series of strikes, boycotts and marches to highlight the contributions of immigrants in the United States.", "\n\n— Jim Ryan\n\njryan@oregonian.com\n\n503-221-8005; @Jimryan015\n\nThe Associated Press and Everton Bailey Jr., Maxine Bernstein, Tony Hernandez, Dave Killen, Stephanie Yao Long and Lynne Terry of The Oregonian/OregonLive staff contributed to this report" ]
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[ "Story highlights Proposal to build mushroom garden in disused tunnel wins \"High Line for London\" competition\n\nIdea suggests use of tunnel under Oxford Street and would double as a pedestrian walkway\n\nCompetition inspired by New York's High Line with co-creators of the elevated park on the judging panel\n\nLondon's abandoned rail and tube lines have been put to many novel uses down the years functioning as bomb shelters, impromptu party venues and film sets for Hollywood movies.", "\n\nBut a new idea to create a mushroom garden in a tunnel beneath Oxford Street is perhaps one of the more unconventional attempts to breathe new life into the UK capital's forgotten subterranean murk.", "\n\n\"Pop Down\" imagines a section of the defunct \"Mail Rail\" tunnel -- a narrow gauge railway used for transporting mail around London which closed in 2003 -- being repurposed as a mushroom farm and pedestrian walkway lit at street level by glass-fiber, mushroom-shaped sculptures.", "\n\nIts creators, London-based Fletcher Priest Architects , say underground tunnels provide the ideal environment for an urban mushroom farm and could supply pop-up \"Funghi\" cafes at the tunnel's entrance and exit.", "\n\nThe idea was recently awarded the top prize in the \" High Line for London \" competition run by the UK's Landscape Institute in partnership with the Mayor of London and the Garden Museum.", "\n\nThe competition, which attracted 170 submissions, was inspired by New York's High Line -- a derelict section of elevated railroad which has been transformed into a park -- with co-founders Joshua David and Robert Hammond joining the judging panel.", "\n\n\"The response to this competition shows how many ideas are just waiting to happen, on, over or under the streets of London,\" Hammond said in a statement.", "\n\nRunner-up in the competition was \" The Lido Line \" by [Y/N] Studio which proposes turning a section of the Regent's Canal running from Little Venice to Limehouse into a public swimming area.", "\n\nOther entries were also highly commended including an idea for a floating park/farm/wetland near Canary Wharf called \"Barge Walk\" and \"Bridge-It\" which envisions building parks over, under and besides existing railway lines.", "\n\n\"During this Olympic summer it was clear that London's public spaces are coming alive as never before. ", "There is now a popular appetite for making our outdoors more useable and more wonderful,\" Penelope Curtis, director of Tate Britain said in a statement." ]
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[ "Alternative Investments\n\nMarcum's Alternative Investment Group is unique in its focus.", "\n\nAssisting alternative investment advisors isn't just a part of what we do, it is ALL that we do. ", "We focus our expertise on the audit, tax, and consulting needs of emerging and established fund managers. ", "Since this is our specialty, we are superior in our expertise and nimble in our technique.", "\n\nMarcum's highly-respected team of professionals can help you meet the challenges of starting or managing your fund. ", "Our thought leaders are recognized experts, frequent speakers at industry conferences and often quoted in trade publications. ", "In today's environment of increased regulation and changing rules, Marcum's Alternative Investment Group stays on the cutting edge of relevant policies, practices and procedures.", "\n\nIn addition to our core audit and tax services, Marcum's Alternative Investment Group is able to accommodate project demands from firms that are watching their costs more closely. ", "They appreciate the quality service that an independent accounting firm of our size is prepared to offer, while containing costs and maximizing efficiencies.", "\n\nExpanding Our Reach Into Europe\n\nIn October 2016, Marcum announced the opening of Marcum RBK (Ireland) Limited, allowing us to better serve our hedge fund and private equity clients nationally and on a global scale.", "\n\nThe three leading fund domiciles are the United States, Grand Cayman and Ireland. ", "Our new service center in Dublin completes the Firm's service coverage in each of these areas. ", "Ireland has become a global financial center due to its competitive tax structure as well as the new opportunities created by Brexit, which is enabling Ireland to step up as a key gateway to the European market. ", "Marcum RBK (Ireland) combines Marcum's leadership as a Top 5 U.S. hedge fund service provider with Russell Brennan Keane's (\"RBK's\") nearly 60 years of experience as Ireland's largest independent accounting and business advisory firm.", "\n\nMarcum RBK (Ireland) is perfectly positioned to assist both mature funds and managers needing to navigate the process of establishing a new fund in Ireland, including optimizing the fund's structure. ", "We invite you to take advantage of our localized expertise to assist you in creating new business opportunities in the investment-friendly Irish market.", "\n\nMarcum LLP Named Best Accounting Firm for Hedge Fund Client Service\n\nMarcum LLP was named best accounting firm for client service at HFMWeek's U.S. Hedge Fund Services Awards 2017. ", "The award was accepted by Beth Wiener, leader of Marcum's Alternative Investment Group, at the awards luncheon in New York City on October 19.", "\n\nMarcum's Alternative Investment Group Ranks Among the Top 5 Hedge Fund Service Providers in the Nation\n\nThe Alternative Investment Group at Marcum LLP has been ranked among the top 5 hedge fund service providers in accounting. ", "Institutional Investor's prestigious Alpha Awards honor accounting firms that excel in five aspects of service, including client service, hedge fund expertise, regulatory & compliance, audit and tax.", "\n\nIn addition to the more traditional long/short equity funds, Marcum's Alternative Investment Group has in-depth knowledge of complex entities with hard-to-value investments such as PIPE funds, life settlement funds, ABL funds and credit strategies.", "\n\nWith our Emerging Manager Program, we offer a suite of services for the new fund manager. ", "We help you meet the challenges of starting or managing your fund.", "\n\nWe remain committed to offering our clients the highest level of personal service available. ", "The responsiveness and accessibility that Marcum's team offers is unmatched by our competitors.", "\n\nPrivate Investment Forum\n\nOur Expertise\n\nWith our bench strength of knowledgeable professionals dedicated exclusively to the Alternative Investment Group, we've established a reputation as an industry leader. ", "Our experience with myriad complex investments has allowed us to carve out a niche practice area in hedge funds and private investment partnerships. ", "We individually tailor a wide range of services to meet each of our client's needs.", "\n\nWe understand that the risks, hard work, and costs of startups are daunting, and we're sensitive to your concerns. ", "That's why, at Marcum, we're committed to working with you to achieve an affordable solution.", "\n\nThe Marcum services team is driven by this set of core values to achieve a positive client experience.", "\n\nProfessionalism.", "\n\nIntegrity.", "\n\nTeamwork.", "\n\nTechnical expertise.", "\n\nResponsiveness and accessibility.", "\n\nEntrepreneurial mindset.", "\n\nIndustry specialization.", "\n\nCommunity service.", "\n\nState Society of CPA leadership roles and committees on alternative investments.", "\n\nHedge Fund Association.", "\n\nCalifornia Hedge Fund Association.", "\n\nThe Alliance of Alternative Asset Professionals (TAAAPs) - a non-profit organization founded to provide education and up-to-date market information to professionals in the alternative investment industry.", "\n\nAs Marcum's national practice continues to grow, so do our international capabilities. ", "We offer a full range of assurance, tax and advisory services to clients operating businesses offshore as well as those headquartered abroad who seek financing in the U.S. markets. ", "Because of the need for more localized service, Marcum has an office in Grand Cayman, specifically for Cayman-domiciled funds. ", "Through these international locations, as well as our affiliation with LEA Global, our aim is to give you service excellence, no matter where in the world your business takes you. ", "Additionally, Marcum RBK (Ireland) is perfectly positioned to assist both mature funds and managers needing to navigate the process of establishing a new fund in Ireland, including optimizing the fund's structure.", "\n\nServices\n\nAssurance\n\nCertified audits, reviews and compilations of financial statements.", "\n\nVerification of performance results.", "\n\nAdvising on regulatory issues.", "\n\nAssessments of internal controls.", "\n\nSSAE 16 reports – Types 1 and 2.", "\n\nSurprise custody examinations.", "\n\nEngagements for agreed upon procedures.", "\n\nConsulting\n\nFund formation and structuring, including evaluations of and recommendations for attorneys, prime brokers, fund administrators and other industry service providers.", "\n\nFund document review.", "\n\nFinancial operations and compliance review.", "\n\nRegulatory registration, including offshore jurisdictions.", "\n\nIndustry best practices.", "\n\nCompensation and ownership planning for the firm and the management team.", "\n\nTax\n\nPreparation of fund, management company, general partner and principals tax returns and K-1s.", "\n\nRaffa - Marcum's Nonprofit & Social Sector Group's strength and competitive edge lies in the fact that we provide expertise and superior service across a variety of essential interrelated financial, technology and consulting competencies.", "\n\nWith the first tax season post-tax reform nearing completion in the U.S., the small business accounting sector has seen even more evidence that the advisory role of SMB accountants remains of prominent importance.", "\n\nMarcum LLP is one of the largest independent public accounting and advisory services firms in the nation, with offices in major\nbusiness markets throughout the U.S., as well as Grand Cayman, China and Ireland." ]
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[ "Vitreous Hyper-Reflective Dots in Optical Coherence Tomography and Retinal Tear in Patients with Acute Posterior Vitreous Detachment.", "\nTo report the presence of hyper-reflective dots in the vitreous cavity using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) in patients with acute symptomatic posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) and investigate their association with the presence of retinal tear. ", "The medical records of 77 patients with acute symptomatic PVD, who were examined between March 2013 and February 2015, were reviewed. ", "The severity of vitreous hyper-reflective dots (VHDs) was graded using SD-OCT images, and the presence of retinal tear was assessed. ", "Forty-one (53.2%) eyes had mild VHDs, 13 (16.9%) eyes had moderate VHDs, and 14 (18.2%) eyes had severe VHDs. ", "Retinal tear was found in 21 (27.3%) eyes. ", "The presence of severe VHDs was associated with an increased likelihood of retinal tear (positive likelihood ratio, 9.78; 95% confidence interval, 3.02-31.63). ", "In 14 (66.7%) eyes with retinal tear, the mean number of VHDs significantly decreased from 23.2 ± 20.27 to 2.3 ± 2.66 at a mean follow-up interval of 2.8 ± 1.48 weeks (P = 0.002). ", "The presence of severe VHDs is suggestive of retinal tear in patients with acute symptomatic PVD. ", "However, this SD-OCT finding should be limited to the acute phase of PVD." ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1-materials-12-02464}\n===============\n\nDental cements have a wide range of applications in modern dentistry. ", "They are used for luting, fixation and cementation, i.e., luting inlays crowns, bridges, veneers on the prepared tooth. ", "They protect pulp from heat (\"thermal insulation\") and from chemical irritation (liners and bases), they also stimulate secondary dentin formation and act as temporary filling material.", "\n\nThe rehabilitation of the stomatognathic system is a very important aspect for patients with partial edentulism. ", "Prosthetic restorations used during treatment often restore lost function of chewing, improve aesthetics and speech \\[[@B1-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "Dental cements constitute an important element during prosthetic treatment. ", "These materials are designed to bond the restoration to the natural teeth of the patient or metallic core. ", "Cements affect the retention of a restoration and protect the exposed dentin against many mechanical, chemical, thermal and bacterial factors. ", "Success of the treatment depends on the proper selection of material used to bond the restoration. ", "As there is currently no ideal cement that can meet all the requirements in terms of mechanical and biological properties, it is important to make an appropriate individual selection for each patient based on the properties of the materials \\[[@B2-materials-12-02464],[@B3-materials-12-02464],[@B4-materials-12-02464]\\].", "\n\nNowadays, prosthetic restoration can be performed using composite, zinc-polycarboxylate, glass-ionomer, glass-ionomer reinforced with resin, zinc-phosphate and oxide-zinc-eugenol cements and compomers \\[[@B5-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "Of these, composite cements show the best mechanical properties: Their diametral tensile strength (DTS) ranges from 30 to 60 MPa (zinc phosphate cements approximately 10 MPa, polycarboxylate cements approximately 10 MPa, glass-ionomer cements greater than 15 MPa) and compressive strength from 140 to 200 MPa (zinc phosphate cements approximately 50 MPa, polycarboxylate cements greater than 60 MPa, glass-ionomer cements approximately 100 MPa) \\[[@B6-materials-12-02464],[@B7-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "These materials consist of an organic matrix and powdered ceramics, e.g., aluminum-boron-bar glass or silanized silica. ", "The filler constitutes from 30% to 80% of the volume of the material, and the size of their particles is from 0.04 to 5.0 µm. ", "The organic phase (matrix) consists of resins such as bisphenol A glycol dimethacrylate (bis-GMA), urethane dimethacrylate (UDMA), hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), 4-methacryloxyethyl trimellitic anhydride (4-META). ", "Most resin cements contain bis-GMA. ", "Some materials have replaced bis-GMA partially or entirely with bis-EMA resin (ethoxylated bisphenol-A dimethacrylate) or UDMA to reduce their viscosity, eliminating the need for large quantities of diluents such as TEGDMA (triethylene glycol dimethacrylate) and DEGMA (di(ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate) monomers \\[[@B4-materials-12-02464],[@B8-materials-12-02464],[@B9-materials-12-02464]\\].", "\n\nZinc-polycarboxylate cements have been in use for over 30 years and are considered to be the safest cements due to their high biocompatibility. ", "They are available in powder and liquid forms. ", "The powder consists of zinc and magnesium oxide previously subjected to sintering and grinding; it also sometimes contains tin fluoride, which influences the setting time. ", "The liquid form is usually based on a 40% aqueous solution of polyacrylic acid; however, cements can also be made with distilled water, the powder contains oxides particles coated with polyacrylic acid (15--18%). ", "Mixing the powder with the liquid induces formation of complexes called chelates. ", "The reactions occur between metal ions (zinc, calcium) and carboxylic groups derived from polyacrylic acid (liquid) \\[[@B2-materials-12-02464],[@B10-materials-12-02464],[@B11-materials-12-02464]\\].", "\n\nZinc-polycarboxylate cements not only offer very favorable biocompatible properties, but they also are characterized by good adhesion to dentine. ", "Unfortunately, such cements also demonstrate poor mechanical properties, such as low compressive strength (67--91 MPa) and high solubility; in addition, due to their plasticity after curing, they are also not viable for cementation of restorations exposed to high short-circuit forces or those with large spans. ", "Zinc-polycarboxylate cements also show low resistance to erosion in an acidic environment, which is a contraindication to use in patients struggling with reflux disease or consuming large amounts of acidic or carbonated drinks \\[[@B12-materials-12-02464]\\].", "\n\nGlass-ionomer cements (GIC) are also available as powders and liquids. ", "The powder consists of calcium-aluminum-fluorosilicate glass. ", "The fluid is an aqueous solution of polyacrylic acid, maleic acid, tartaric acid and itaconic acid \\[[@B13-materials-12-02464],[@B14-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "The glass-ionomer cements are cured through acid-base reactions comprising a three-step process of dissolving, gelling and hardening. ", "Reactions occur between polyacids (polyanions) and glass (metal cations and fluoride anions) which leads to the formation of a gel matrix. ", "The main advantage of glass ionomer cements is their ability to release fluoride ions, which has a remineralizing effect and prevents the development of caries. ", "They bind physically and chemically with enamel and dentin \\[[@B13-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "Among other properties, they are also distinguished by adequate tensile and compression strength: The compressive strength of glass-ionomer cements is above 130 MPa and this value is sufficient to resist the masticatory forces in the posterior teeth \\[[@B15-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "They also have a similar coefficient of thermal expansion to dentine \\[[@B15-materials-12-02464],[@B16-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "Glass-ionomer cements are characterized by high sensitivity to both moisture and dehydration. ", "In all binding steps, they have high solubility in water, which can lead to modification of their mechanical properties. ", "However, such materials are also characterized by low initial pH, which can lead to pulp hypersensitivity \\[[@B3-materials-12-02464],[@B17-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "The above-mentioned cements seem to be most often used in today's dental prosthetics, hence their resistance to selected solvents are significant.", "\n\nProsthetic cements must be resistant to wide variations in the oral fluid environment, which is influenced by a range of factors including food, drinks and smoking. ", "The aim of the work is to examine the resistance of selected cements used for cementing prosthetic restorations (composite, zinc-polycarboxylate and glass-ionomer) to solvents (75% ethanol, soda solution, green tea) and variations in pH = 5--9.", "\n\nThe following research hypothesis is stated at work: Solvents with different pH (across the range of 6 (tea) to 9 (soda solution)) has an impact on the properties of dental cements.", "\n\n2. ", "Materials and Methods {#sec2-materials-12-02464}\n========================\n\nThree different cements were selected for the tests: Breeze, Adhesor Carbofine and IHADENTA Giz typ II. ", "Selected cements are a representative example of luting cements (resin, glass-ionomer and zinc-polycarboxylate). [", "Table 1](#materials-12-02464-t001){ref-type=\"table\"} contains information on tested materials.", "\n\nFifty samples of each cement were made according to the manufacturer's instructions ([Table 1](#materials-12-02464-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "All samples were shaped as cylinders with a diameter of 6 mm and a height of 3 mm. ", "The material was cured according to manufacturer's instructions ([Table 1](#materials-12-02464-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}) and the samples were placed in a container with distilled water for a period of seven days.", "\n\nAfter seven days, control tests (hardness and DTS) were conducted. ", "Five samples were put in separate containers that contained various substances:Solution of baking soda (2.5%);Solution of water and ethanol (75%);Green tea.", "\n\nMost foods have a pH close to neutral or acidic. ", "In order to widen the pH range, a 2.5% solution of baking soda was included. ", "Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) produces OH^−^ ions during hydrolysis, which can accelerate the hydrolysis of dental materials.", "\n\nSamples were immersed in the solutions for 1, 7 and 30 days. ", "The pH values of the solutions were measured using litmus paper and a pH meter (CPI-505, Elmetron, Zabrze, Polska). ", "The obtained results are presented in [Table 2](#materials-12-02464-t002){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\nThe hardness of Breeze and Adhesor Carbofine cements were measured using the Vickers method. ", "The Zwick ZHV2-m hardness tester (Zwick-Roell, Ulm, Germany) was used for the tests. ", "The applied load was 1000 g and the penetration time was 10 s. Eleven measurements were performed on three out of five samples from container for each material at specific time intervals (1, 7 and 30 days).", "\n\nFor testing the diametral tensile strength (DTS), a Zwick Roell Z020 universal strength machine (Germany) was used. ", "The traverse speed was 2 mm/min. ", "The measurement was made on five samples from each material at specific time intervals (1, 7 and 30 days) making a total of 15 samples. ", "The DTS values were calculated using the Formula (1): $$DTS = \\frac{2F}{\\pi dh}\\left( {MPa} \\right)$$\n\n*F*---Compressive force, which caused the destruction of the sample (N)\n\n*d*---Diameter of the sample (mm)\n\n*h*---Height of the sample (mm).", "\n\nFor statistical calculations, Statistica v. 13.1 (Statsoft, Kraków, Poland) was used. ", "The normality of the distribution of data was confirmed using the Shapiro---Wilk test; depending on the result, either parametric (F-test) or non-parametric (Kruskal---Wallis test) tests were used for statistical analysis (alpha = 0.05). ", "Equality of variance was tested with Levene's test.", "\n\n3. ", "Results and Discussion {#sec3-materials-12-02464}\n=========================\n\nThe composite cements, *viz.* ", "Breeze and Adhesor Carbofine, were found to have a higher hardness than the zinc-polycarboxylate cement ([Figure 1](#materials-12-02464-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [Figure 2](#materials-12-02464-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "DTS results indicate that Breeze has the highest strength ([Figure 3](#materials-12-02464-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"}, [Figure 4](#materials-12-02464-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [Figure 5](#materials-12-02464-f005){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Cements modificated with resin matrix demonstrate better properties than traditional cements and tend to be more popular \\[[@B18-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "The research hypothesis was not rejected. ", "But it should be emphaticized that immersion in solutions of pH 6 (tea)--9 (soda solution) has little impact on the properties of the dental cements. ", "The impact depends on the material and solution composition.", "\n\nThe hardness of the composite cement (Breeze) ([Figure 1](#materials-12-02464-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}) stored in ethanol solution was found to decrease with time. ", "This tendency is also seen for soda and tea solutions, but no statistically significant difference was found between the two. ", "Significant differences were found between:-Control group vs. 30 days in ethanol solution (*p* = 0.0006);-1 day in ethanol vs. 30 days in ethanol solution (*p* = 0.0008);-30 days in ethanol solution vs. 1 day in tea solution (*p* = 0.0000), 7 day in tea solution (*p* = 0.0017), 1 day in soda solution (*p* = 0.0000), 7 day in soda solution (*p* = 0.0006), 30 days in soda solution (*p* = 0.0459).", "\n\nAlthough no studies have so far examined the effect of aging in various solvents on the properties of resin cements, Breeze has a similar structure and composition to that of a dental composite with a resin matrix. ", "In contrast to conventional dental resin, cements are most often characterized by the addition of a chemical catalyst, which allows for the dual polymerization of the material. ", "In addition, fluoride can be added as an anticaries agent, and is used to be competitive with GICs. ", "To simplify the cementation procedure, self-adhesive resin cements consisting of adhesive monomers were designed \\[[@B19-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "The fracture toughness values of various dental composites are known to decrease after aging in ethanol solution for six months \\[[@B20-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "Ageing of dental composites in ethanol solution resulted in the elution of residual, unreacted monomers, filler/matrix interfacial failure, and reduction of the mechanical properties \\[[@B20-materials-12-02464],[@B21-materials-12-02464],[@B22-materials-12-02464],[@B23-materials-12-02464],[@B24-materials-12-02464],[@B25-materials-12-02464],[@B26-materials-12-02464],[@B27-materials-12-02464],[@B28-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "This can be explained by the structure and properties of the resin matrix. ", "Some dental resins, such as Bis-GMA and HEMA, absorb a significant proportion of ethanol and water molecules thanks to their hydrophilic properties. ", "Ethanol is considered to be good solvent of dental composites: Ethanol and the dimethacrylate resins used in these materials have similar Hoy's solubility parameters (26.1 and 19.2--23.6 (J/cm^3^)^½^ respectively) \\[[@B29-materials-12-02464],[@B30-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "Hence, when immersed in ethanol, Breeze swells, resulting in lower moduli of elasticity and strength \\[[@B31-materials-12-02464]\\].", "\n\nThe hardness of zinc-polycarboxylate cement (Adhesor Carbofine) was found to decrease with duration of immersion in soda solution ([Figure 2](#materials-12-02464-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "No similar relationship was noticed for the soda or tea solutions.", "\n\nStatistical analysis of hardness results allowed to show significant statistical differences between:-Control group vs. 30 days in soda solution (*p* = 0.0163),-1 day in tea solution vs. 7 days in ethanol solution (*p* = 0.0021),-7 days in soda solution vs. 1 day in ethanol solution (*p* = 0.0167), 7 days in ethanol solution (*p* = 0.0000), 30 days in ethanol solution (*p* = 0.0108),-30 days in soda solution vs. 1 day in ethanol solution (*p* = 0.0022), 7 days in ethanol solution (*p* = 0.0000), 30 days in ethanol solution (*p* = 0.0013), 7 day in tea solution (*p* = 0.0336).", "\n\nAdhesor Cabofine belongs to the group of zinc-polycarboxylate cements whose curing reaction consists of the formation of a complex binding between metal ions (zinc, calcium) and carboxylic groups derived from polyacrylic acid. ", "The hardness of zinc-polycarboxylate cements has been found to increase after 35 days in distilled water \\[[@B32-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "This has been attributed to the presence of a solid polycarboxylic phase around the oxides (e.g., zinc oxide) responsible for curing. ", "In addition, glass-ionomer cements and zinc-polycarboxylate cements have been found to be the most soluble of various tested cements \\[[@B33-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "As a result of solubility and sorption, margin integrity tends to reduce, resulting in improved surface properties and aesthetics. ", "Water sorption adversely affects bending strength and hardness \\[[@B33-materials-12-02464]\\].", "\n\nDental cements were found demonstrate greater solubility with duration of immersion in the test solutions, at all tested pH values (pH 3, 7 and 9) \\[[@B34-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "However, for the Adhesor Carbofine cement samples in the present study, no great differences in solubility were observed for samples treated with tea and ethanol solution. ", "Interestingly, a clear downward trend in the value of HV hardness was observed when the cement was immersed in soda solution. ", "These findings can be explained by the fact that the cement contains zinc, magnesium and aluminum oxides, which are higher in the electrochemical series than sodium. ", "Sodium, as a more active element, displaces the less active metal from the salt compound.", "\n\nFew studies examine the strength properties of prosthetic cements; nevertheless, the most common methods used are the three-point bending and compression tests. ", "The three-point bending test is very important to assess the suitability of materials. ", "It is recognized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as a valid strength test of composite materials \\[[@B35-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "However, it should be noted that sample preparation is difficult and may result in heterogeneous results being obtained for the degree of polymerization. ", "Additionally, real dental restorations are several times smaller and this method is \"clinically\" unfounded. ", "Furthermore, the tensile strength values of dental materials have greater clinical value than compressive strength, because many clinical failures are due to tensile forces \\[[@B36-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "Composite cements have been found to demonstrate higher DTS values (44 MPa) than zinc phosphate cements \\[[@B37-materials-12-02464]\\], with similar results being obtained in other studies (e.g., Li and White \\[[@B6-materials-12-02464]\\]., ", "Kim et al. ", "\\[[@B38-materials-12-02464]\\]). ", "Sokolowski et al. ", "\\[[@B7-materials-12-02464]\\] obtained similar result for a composite cement, i.e., Breeze.", "\n\nAlthough it is difficult to compare our findings with those of previous studies, assuming that resin cements consist of similar components as dental composites, it would be reasonable to assume that the two sets of materials have similar strength properties. ", "The DTS values for composite materials for fillings are usually in the range of 30--55 MPa \\[[@B39-materials-12-02464],[@B40-materials-12-02464],[@B41-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "Although some variation was observed between the mean DTS values of the Breeze cement, it is within the limits of measurement error ([Figure 3](#materials-12-02464-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Significant differences in hardness were found between:-1 day in tea solution vs. 30 days in ethanol solution (*p* = 0.0321).", "\n\nThe mean DTS value of Adhesor Carbofine cement increased with duration of immersion in ethanol solution ([Figure 4](#materials-12-02464-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The DTS values of the samples immersed in the tea and soda solutions are very similar and no differences were found. ", "Significant differences in hardness were found between:-7 days in ethanol solution vs. 30 days in soda solution (*p* = 0.0439), 7 days in tea solution (0.0439).-30 days in tea solution vs. 30 days in soda solution (*p* = 0.0348), 7 days in tea solution (0.0348).", "\n\nNo information is available in the literature regarding the DTS of zinc-polycarboxylic cement (Adhesor Carbofine). ", "However, literature findings indicate that the compressive strength of this material and of other tested zinc-polycarboxylate cements increased after 30 days in water. ", "The reaction between the metal ions with the polyacrylic acid reaches stabilization after one day; therefore, some changes of the mechanical properties can be deduced after this time. ", "This observation may be explained by the presence of the unreacted phase (solid polycarboxylate phase around the zinc oxide or other metal oxides), which can further react, causing hardening over time \\[[@B32-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "Our findings indicate that the DTS values of the samples contained in the ethanol solution increase according to time of immersion. ", "The setting time of cement is believed to be stabilized and extended by the addition of alcohol to the fluid of zinc-polycarboxylic cements.", "\n\nThe highest DTS values of glass ionomer cement (IHDENT Giz type II) were observed for samples treated with ethanol solution after seven or 30 days. ", "The lowest recorded values were for samples immersed in soda solution ([Figure 5](#materials-12-02464-f005){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Significant differences in hardness were found between:-30 days in ethanol solution vs. 30 days in soda solution (*p* = 0.0093).", "\n\nIt should be emphasized that the mechanical strength of glass ionomer cements depends on the water balance during the curing process. ", "This process is based on acid-base reaction in which an acid reacts with the salts present in the powder; the process causes the release of metal ions and the formation and precipitation of polyolefin salts \\[[@B42-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "The initial curing is followed by a maturation process, which takes place more slowly. ", "It was observed to be disturbed by the presence of soda solution \\[[@B43-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "As with the Adhesor Carbofine cement, the presence of sodium can cause changes in ionic reactions by displacing less active metals from the salt compound. ", "Large changes were observed in the appearance of samples, which delaminated and crumbled after exposure to soda ([Figure 6](#materials-12-02464-f006){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The DTS results for this material are characterized by low values, in other studies values for GIC are higher (\\>20 MPa), however, in these studies GIC for temporary fillings was tested \\[[@B44-materials-12-02464]\\]. ", "It is know that the highest strength were obtained by the restorative glass-ionomers in comparison to luting type \\[[@B45-materials-12-02464]\\].", "\n\n4. ", "Conclusions {#sec4-materials-12-02464}\n==============\n\n1\\. The immersion in solvents (tea, ethanol and baking soda solutions) have influence on the diametral tensile strength and the hardness of analyzed cements. ", "The impact depends on the material and solution composition.", "\n\n2\\. Of the tested cements, composite cement obtained the highest hardness and diametral tensile strength values.", "\n\n3\\. Ethanol affects studied composite cement and causes its diametral tensile strength and hardness to deteriorate in time.", "\n\n4\\. Baking soda solution affects the properties of zinc-polycarboxylate. ", "The prolongation of aging time results in a significant reduction in the hardness of the cement.", "\n\n5\\. Baking soda solution influences glass-ionomer properties. ", "Glass-ionomer samples immersed in a baking soda solution after seven and 30 days showed changes in appearance and DTS value.", "\n\nConceptualization, K.B.; data curation, A.S.-W. and K.K.; funding acquisition, J.S.; investigation, A.S.-W. and K.R.; methodology, A.S.-W., K.K. and K.B.; supervision, J.S. and K.B.; writing---original draft, K.R. and K.K.; writing---review and editing, A.S.-W. and K.B.\n\nThis research received no external funding.", "\n\nThe authors declare no conflicts of interest. ", "The founding sponsors had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results.", "\n\n![", "Box and whiskers plot of Vickers hardness of samples. ", "Values were obtained for samples made of Breeze cement treated with ethanol (75%), green tea and baking soda (2.5%) solutions after one, seven or 30 days and samples immersed for seven days in distilled water as control. ", "Statistically significant differences were detected between: (a) Control group vs. 30 days in ethanol solution, (b) 1 day in ethanol vs. 30 days in ethanol solution, (c) 30 days in ethanol solution vs. 1 day in tea solution, 7 day in tea solution, 1 day in soda solution, 7 day in soda solution, 30 days in soda solution.](materials-12-02464-g001){#materials-12-02464-f001}\n\n![", "Box and whiskers plot of Vickers hardness. ", "Values were obtained for samples made of Adhesor Carbonfine cement treated with ethanol (75%), green tea and baking soda (2.5%) solutions after one, seven or 30 days and samples immersed for seven days in distilled water as control. ", "Statistically significant differences were detected between: (a) Control group vs. 30 days in soda solution, (b) 1 day in tea solution vs. 7 days in ethanol solution, (c) 7 days in soda solution vs. 1 day in ethanol solution, 7 days in ethanol solution, 30 days in ethanol solution, (d) 30 days in soda solution vs. 1 day in ethanol solution, 7 days in ethanol solution, 30 days in ethanol solution, 7 days in tea solution.](materials-12-02464-g002){#materials-12-02464-f002}\n\n![", "Box and whiskers plot of diametral tensile strength (DTS). ", "Values were obtained for samples made of Breeze cement treated with ethanol (75%), green tea and baking soda (2.5%) solutions after one, seven or 30 days and samples immersed for seven days in distilled water as control. ", "Statistically significant differences were detected between: (a) 1 day in tea solution vs. 30 days in ethanol solution.](materials-12-02464-g003){#materials-12-02464-f003}\n\n![", "Box and whiskers plot of diametral tensile strength (DTS). ", "Values were obtained for samples made of Adhesor Carbonfine cement treated with ethanol (75%), green tea and baking soda (2.5%) solutions after one, seven or 30 days and samples immersed for seven days in distilled water as control. ", "Statistically significant differences were detected between: (a) 7 days in ethanol solution vs. 30 days in soda solution, 7 days in tea solution, (b) 30 days in tea solution vs. 30 days in soda solution, 7 days in tea solution.](materials-12-02464-g004){#materials-12-02464-f004}\n\n![", "Box and whiskers plot of diametral tensile strength (DTS). ", "Values were obtained for samples made of IHDENT Giz typ II cement treated with ethanol (75%), green tea and baking soda (2.5%) solutions after one, seven or 30 days and samples immersed for seven days in distilled water as control. ", "Significant statistical differences were detected between: (a) 30 days in ethanol solution vs. 30 days in soda solution.](materials-12-02464-g005){#materials-12-02464-f005}\n\n![", "Samples made of IHDENT Giz type II ionomer glass cement removed from the soda solution after (**a**) 7 days and (**b**) 30 days.](materials-12-02464-g006){#materials-12-02464-f006}\n\nmaterials-12-02464-t001_Table 1\n\n###### \n\nThe composition of tested materials.", "\n\n Manufacturer Material Type Composition Preparation and Curing\n ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Jeneric Pentron (Orange, CA, USA) Breeze Self-adhesive resin cement Bisphenol A glycol dimethacrylate (bis-GMA), urethane dimethacrylate (UDMA), triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA), hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), 4-methacryloxyethyl trimellitic anhydride (4-MET), silanized barium glass, silica, BiOCl, curing system Mixing: Self-mixing syringe, curing: Polymerized using a 3M ESPE EliparTM S10 diode lamp on the top and bottom surface of the sample as recommended by the manufacturer for 20 s\n SpofaDental (Jičín, Czech Republic) Adhesor Carbofine Zinc-polycarboxylate cement Powder: Zinc oxide, magnesium oxide, aluminum oxide, boric acid, liquid: Acrylic acid, maleic anhydride, distilled water Mixing: 1:1 (power:liquid) mixing ratio recommended by manufacturer; curing: 7 min self-curing in plastic zip bag\n Ihde Dental AG (Gommiswald, Switzerland) Glass-ionomer cement (Ihdent^®^ GIZ^®^ fil Typ II) Glass ionomer cement Aluminum-fluoride-silicate powder, iron oxide, polyacrylic acid Mixing: 1.8--2.2 g of powder per 1 g of liquid (mixing ratio recommended by manufacturer); curing: 5--8 min self-curing in plastic zip bag\n\nmaterials-12-02464-t002_Table 2\n\n###### \n\nThe results obtained during the pH measurement of the solutions.", "\n\n Solution pH (Litmus Paper) pH (pH-Meter)\n ---------------------- ------------------- ---------------\n Green tea 5--6 6\n Ethanol:water (75%) 7 8\n Soda solution (2.5%) 9 9\n" ]
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[ "Deicide\n\nPlanes\n\nTransitive\n-Astral: This plane is the medium through which most souls enter the afterlife after departing the Material Plane. ", "The Astral Plane appears as empty space except\nfor the presence of many distant motes of light not unlike a typical night sky. ", "Most planeswalking and teleportation spells make use of this plane to rapidly displace person(s) on the Material Plane and reappear elsewhere.", "\n\n-Ethereal: The Ethereal Plane is a realm devoid of any physical matter, though it would appear as the Material Plane to the naked senses. ", "Mages who can travel to or scry through this plane are free to observe and pass through anything on this plane, remaining mostly undisturbed unless visited by another being occupying the plane in the same location. ", "Not many creatures are known to inhabit the Etheral Plane but souls can occasionally be lost here and some extraplanar beings are known to travel through or visit this plane.", "\n{Note: *The Ethereal Plane is permeable, though anyone or anything occupying it is not – this means that the Ethereal Plane itself has physical form and the properties thereof, but any being projecting onto the plane or travelling through the plane is immaterial.", "\n\n-Shadow: The Shadow Plane only manifests where matter or energy are are present on the physical plane and mirrors them as dark matter and energy. ", "Few beings can survive here or have access to magic to travel through this plane due to the strong presence of negative energy, though some primal umbral dragons are known to reside here.", "\n\nInner Planes\n-Aligned Planes\n\nLawful ///// Neutral ///// Chaotic*\n\nGood Elysium / Nirvana / Luællan\n\nNeutral Syrinx / Tharrus / Orlacc\n\nEvil Macilifus / ??? / ", "The Abyss\n\nThe Inner Planes began as demi-planes of some of the more powerful denizens of Dovah shortly after the Calamity. ", "As the first beings to take on the magic of the reborn world they were able to shape its basic forces to their own will, warping their respective planes to suit their needs. ", "In time the planes and their creators grew in power, becoming accepted as the pantheon of Dovah. ", "At this point it is difficult to say if the planes reflect their God, or if differing Gods have molded their planes to diverse environments. ", "Each plane generally has one deity considered a God, among other beings of relative power serving theirs or relevant interests – though a few planes share their sovereignty or it is disputed (see Syrinx or Macilifus/the Abyss, respectively.)", "\n\nList of Planes and their Associated Deities:\n\nElysium – Rathus, God of Order\n\nNirvana – Cygnus, God of Balance\n\nLuællan – Madreisus, God of Choice\n\nSyrinx – The Priests of Lersxt\n\nTharrus – Panthoum\n\nOrlacc – Retsuryusaii\n\nMacilifus – Domain of Devils\n\nThe Abyss – Domain of Demons\n\nSome notable Devils/Demons include:\n-Kether-Voralis: Known as the “Lord of Torture” self-given titles include Master of Masters, Lord of Lords, King among Kings, ect. [", "Demon]\n\n-The “Deal Brothers”\n-Baal, Lord of the Crossroads (Deals made upon death or near death) [Devil]\n-Belphegor, Lord of Contracts (Deals made during life or involving\nanother being’s soul) [Devil]\n\nOuter Planes\nThe Outer Planes that are traversable to those magically inclined are many, though often not as hospitable to life. ", "Mostly planes that make up the resources called upon by summoners of the arcane and spiritual alike, they are made up primarily of their namesake and can be difficult to survive on for long if preparations are not made.", "\n\nThe elemental planes take on the basic forms of Air, Earth, Fire and Water\n\nThere are also planes of Positive and Negative energy, filled with the powers of their respective Deities and their believers which can be drawn upon by those with a devout mind and proper training.", "\n\nSome scholars have speculated about the existence of a plane of non-existence, known commonly as The Void, but their discussions are rarely taken seriously in the realm of academic discourse and are widely disregarded by the general public." ]
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[ "next Image 1 of 2\n\nprev Image 2 of 2\n\nAfter agreeing on terms for a new Brexit deal, European Union leaders are meeting again on Friday to discuss other thorny issues, including the bloc's budget and climate change.", "\n\nNo decision is expected on the next long-term budget for 2021-2027, though, a topic more divisive than Brexit.", "\n\nLeaders need to find a compromise that satisfies countries in favor of minimal spending, those arguing that it must at least be maintained at the current level and others fighting for increased contributions from members states to compensate for Britain's planned departure.", "\n\nThe Finnish presidency of the council is expected to present a draft including a proposal on the overall level of financing. ", "A top French diplomat said the draft will be contested, insisting it's crucial to keep a high level of funding in order to maintain the same level for agriculture and increase money for climate, innovation and migrations issues.", "\n\nSome other big net contributors, including Germany, disagree and are trying to limit spending from 2021.", "\n\nThe diplomat, who was not authorized to be identified publicly, said that to keep the next budget at its current level, member states will need to contribute at least 1.16% of their gross national income. ", "The European Commission has set an objective of 1.11% for an overall budget of 1.113 trillion euros, while the European Parliament has proposed 1.30%.", "\n\nIn the wake of the United Nations' climate change summit, the Council will continue talks on its goal of a climate-neutral Europe by 2050 and leaders will also discuss the agenda of priorities set up by incoming European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen.", "\n\nIn June, EU leaders failed to agree on a plan to make the bloc's economy carbon neutral by 2050. ", "Several large European countries — including Britain, France and Germany — have backed the target, but coal-reliant countries in the east, such as Poland, blocked consensus on the proposal, which entails an almost complete phase-out of fossil fuel use.", "\n\nMeanwhile, after winning the support of European Union leaders for his new Brexit deal, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has returned to London to try to secure backing from his fractious Parliament.", "\n\nJohnson will now need to convince lawmakers who rejected the previous deal sealed by his predecessor Theresa May three times to vote for the divorce deal he negotiated.", "\n\n\"We all hope that what we decided yesterday will also be accepted in Westminster,\" Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel said." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAccidentally merged github repo into personal project\n\nI accidentally pulled a github repo into a personal project in the same folder as my .git. ", "This has had the effect of intertwining the commits from the repo with my project. ", " Now instead of 30ish commits, I have 600. ", " Is there a good method to extricate these two sets of commits. ", " Can I delete (and deleting them would be fine) the commits with a different author name? ", "\nRebasing isn't really an option because I often push to a public repo and that would cause the two sets of commits to be significantly out of sync.", "\n\nA:\n\nIf you can find the point in which those commits started to diverge (that is, if you can find the last commit that you authored), then you can move the tip of master to that specific commit, and force-push it.", "\nWhat this means in layman's terms:\nWith these commits, square denoting the ones you've created, and curly denoting the ones introduced:\n [ ] ---- [ ] ---- [ ] ---- [ ] ---- { } ---- { } ---- { } ...\n ^\n\n...you want to be able to reset to your latest commit.", "\ngit reset --hard <SHA>\n\n [ ] ---- [ ] ---- [ ] ---- [ ] ---- { } ---- { } ---- { } ...\n ^\n\nAt this point, you would force-push your branch.", "\ngit push --force\n\nThe history on the remote would appear as if those other commits had never occurred.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe solution I ended up on:\nI used git rebase --interactive master to rebase onto the end of the branch. ", " I then manually deleted the commits that weren't part of the original project. ", " I also used squash quite a bit. ", " Finally, I had to resolve some merging issue using git checkout --theirs|--ours. ", " This was pretty tedious but it seems like a solid solution.", "\nHope that can help someone.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "5月15日、英日曜紙サンデー・テレグラフが関係筋の話として伝えたところによると、欧州連合(EU)の欧州委員会は、米アルファベット傘下のグーグルが反トラスト法に違反したとして、来月にも30億ユーロ(34億ドル)程度の制裁金を課す見通し。写真はEUとグーグルのロゴ。4月撮影(2016年 ロイター/File Photo)\n\n[ロンドン 15日 ロイター] - 欧州連合(EU)の欧州委員会は米アルファベットGOOGL.O傘下のグーグルが反トラスト法に違反したとして、来月にも30億ユーロ(34億ドル)程度の制裁金を課す見通し。英日曜紙サンデー・テレグラフが関係筋の話として伝えた。", "\n\nこれまでにEUが反トラスト法違反で課した制裁金の最高額は、2009年の米インテルINTC.Oに対する11億ユーロ。", "\n\n欧州委は、グーグルが自社の買い物サービスサイトで、ネット検索での独占的な地位を不当に利用していると主張。グーグルと欧州委は2010年からこの問題で対立している。", "\n\n複数の関係者は先月、ロイターに対し、グーグルは過去6年間で3度にわたり欧州委への譲歩を試みたが、いずれもうまく行かず、現在では双方に歩み寄りの兆しは全く見られないと語っていた。", "\n\nサンデー・テレグラフ紙によると、EU当局者は来月にも制裁金の発表を予定しているが、その額はまだ確定していないという。", "\n\nまた、グーグルは自社のサービスが他社よりも有利になるように検索結果を操作することも禁じられる見通し。", "\n\n欧州委は反トラスト法に違反した企業の年間売上高の最大10%まで制裁金を課すことができる。グーグルの制裁金は最大で60億ユーロを超える可能性がある。", "\n\n欧州委とグーグルはともにコメントを拒否した。" ]
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[ "With his trade tariffs on China President Trump has chosen an adversary that he cannot beat, holds Philippe Legrain of Foreign Policy. ", "While both countries have much to lose from a potential trade war, China has the means persevere economically and politically. ", "Thirty-seven percent of its exports are essential to American manufacturers. ", "Much of the technology that China sends over is simply assembled there but originates from places like South Korea and Japan. ", "Furthermore, while many US industries rely on imports from China, it can simply buy elsewhere. ", "Soybean farmers and airplane builders are set to suffer from tariffs.", "\n\nThe US is much better equipped to withstand a trade war than China is, infers Bill Powell of Newsweek. ", "Its economy is more diversified and robust. ", "China has much less leverage than many assume. ", "For example, not buying American debt would result in its own currency getting stronger in ways that would hamper its exports. ", "A potential trade war could benefit the US, because it would reduce its national deficit due to importing more than it exports. ", "Even if China were to block imports on soybean companies or Apple, this would not severely affect America’s GDP. ", "The US holds all the aces because of its economic supremacy." ]
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[ "Olympic Speed Skater Medalist Sponsored by Jeunesse Global\n\nJeunesse Global, the well-known manufacturer and supplier of health supplements and anti-aging products, came out victorious when they sponsored South Korean speed skater Kim Min-seok. ", "Min-seok ended up winning the bronze medal in the men’s 1500m speed skating event in his Olympic debut at the 2018 Winter Olympics at PyeongChang. ", "He was the first Asian athlete to ever win a medal in this specific event. ", "He also went on to accomplish even more at the Olympics as he earned a silver medal in the men’s team pursuit.", "\n\nMin-seok surprised the speed skating world as he went from a relatively unknown athlete to an Olympic medalist. ", "As mentioned earlier, no other Asian had ever medaled in the men’s 1500m event before.", "\n\nJeunesse has been sponsoring individual athletes such as Min-seok, but the company is also now supporting sports teams in an effort to build global brand awareness. ", "The world-famous Turkish football club Galatasaray SK recently announced that the team had entered into a multi-year sponsorship deal with Jeunesse Global.", "\n\nJeunesse manufactures and sells skincare products and health supplements worldwide. ", "The company is perhaps best known for their Luminesce skincare product line that includes a cellular rejuvenation serum, a moisturizing complex, and an anti-wrinkle facial cream. ", "With multilingual customer service, back office support, and a global enrollment system, Jeunesse utilizes a cutting-edge platform to share innovative products, training, and support through 32 fully operational offices and markets in more than 140 countries.", "\n\nJeunesse began in the minds of its visionaries Randy Ray and Wendy Lewis. ", "They were able to achieve much success in their other businesses, so they emerged from retirement to launch Jeunesse on September 09, 2009 at 9:00 p.m. The number nine, which represents longevity, reflected the founders’ desire for their new company to change people’s lives for the better.", "\n\nThe pair has been enthusiastic about sharing their revolutionary youth enhancement products with the world. ", "As a result, they now have a cutting-edge, global platform that has harnessed the power of technology to share innovative products, training, and support.", "\n\nKim Min-seok is not only thrilled about the sponsorship from Jeunesse, but he personally loves the company’s products as well. “", "I am so happy to be part of the Jeunesse family,” said Min-seok. “", "I’ve been using Jeunesse products for some time now, with great results. ", "I love all the products, but I have to say my favorite is Reserve. ", "It tastes great and provides the antioxidant power that’s so important in my training. ", "I always keep Reserve and ZEN Fit® in my bag to use before and after training. ", "To compete on the Olympic stage, I had to go into the games feeling my best, and with these products, I was able to do just that.”", "\n\nKim Min-seok wasn’t the only Olympic athlete that Jeunesse invested in. ", "The company also sponsors the up-and-coming female South Korean speed skater Kim Min-sun as part of their strategy to further build global brand awareness.", "\n\nJeunesse could not be more pleased with how well Min-seok and Min-sun performed during the Olympics. ", "Jeunesse chief visionary officer, Scott Lewis, said, “We were thrilled to support Kim Min-sun and Kim Min-seok as they pursued their Olympic dreams in their home country of South Korea. ", "With their energy, dedication, and enthusiasm, these talented athletes perfectly capture the Generation Young® spirit, and we are honored to have them in the Jeunesse Family.”", "\n\nThe people at Jeunesse realize just how rare of a feat it was for Min-seok to capture two medals in his first Olympic appearance. “", "We are so proud of Kim Min-seok and congratulate him for earning silver and bronze medals and for taking his place in Olympic history as the first Asian athlete to medal in the Men’s 1500m event,” Lewis said.", "\n\nJeunesse, cleverly, has named their collection of products the Y.E.S. System. ", "Y.E.S. is an acronym for the Youth Enhancement System that was carefully created by combining powerful ingredients that have formed a synergistic system of skincare and supplements you won’t find elsewhere.", "\n\nJeunesse would like to make the world a better place through their own amazing products, the inspiration and sponsorship of athletes, and through giving back to the world around them. ", "The company is interested in helping empower communities that give children a brighter future. ", "Because of this, they have started their own foundation, Jeunesse Kids™. ", "The foundation’s goal is to create a positive impact in the lives of children around the world. ", "As a nonprofit charitable foundation, Jeunesse Kids is funded and supported by a vast community of caring individuals whose mission is to build a better future for young people in underprivileged communities around the world." ]
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[ "Canadian Contraception Consensus (Part 3 of 4): Chapter 7--Intrauterine Contraception.", "\nTo provide guidelines for health care providers on the use of contraceptive methods to prevent pregnancy and on the promotion of healthy sexuality. ", "Overall efficacy of cited contraceptive methods, assessing reduction in pregnancy rate, safety, ease of use, and side effects; the effect of cited contraceptive methods on sexual health and general well-being; and the relative cost and availability of cited contraceptive methods in Canada. ", "Published literature was retrieved through searches of Medline and The Cochrane Database from January 1994 to January 2015 using appropriate controlled vocabulary (e.g., contraception, sexuality, sexual health) and key words (e.g., contraception, family planning, hormonal contraception, emergency contraception). ", "Results were restricted to systematic reviews, randomized control trials/controlled clinical trials, and observational studies published in English from January 1994 to January 2015. ", "Searches were updated on a regular basis in incorporated in the guideline to June 2015. ", "Grey (unpublished) literature was identified through searching the websites of health technology assessment and health technology-related agencies, clinical practice guideline collections, clinical trial registries, and national and international medical specialty societies. ", "The quality of the evidence in this document was rated using the criteria described in the Report of the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (Table 1). ", "CHAPTER 7: INTRAUTERINE CONTRACEPTION: 1. ", "Intrauterine contraceptives are as effective as permanent contraception methods. (", "II-2) 2. ", "The use of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) 52 mg by patients taking tamoxifen is not associated with recurrence of breast cancer. (", "I) 3. ", "Intrauterine contraceptives have a number of noncontraceptive benefits. ", "The levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) 52 mg significantly decreases menstrual blood loss (I) and dysmenorrhea. (", "II-2) Both the copper intrauterine device and the LNG-IUS significantly decrease the risk of endometrial cancer. (", "II-2) 4. ", "The risk of uterine perforation decreases with inserter experience but is higher in postpartum and breastfeeding women. (", "II-2) 5. ", "The risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is increased slightly in the first month after intrauterine contraceptive (IUC) insertion, but the absolute risk is low. ", "Exposure to sexually transmitted infections and not the IUC itself is responsible for PID occurring after the first month of use. (", "II-2) 6. ", "Nulliparity is not associated with an increased risk of intrauterine contraceptive expulsion. (", "II-2) 7. ", "Ectopic pregnancy with an intrauterine contraceptive (IUC) is rare, but when a pregnancy occurs with an IUC in situ, it is an ectopic pregnancy in 15% to 50% of the cases. (", "II-2) 8. ", "In women who conceive with an intrauterine contraceptive (IUC) in place, early IUC removal improves outcomes but does not entirely eliminate risks. (", "II-2) 9. ", "Intrauterine contraceptives do not increase the risk of infertility. (", "II-2) 10. ", "Immediate insertion of an intrauterine contraceptive (10 minutes postplacental to 48 hours) postpartum or post-Caesarean section is associated with a higher continuation rate compared with insertion at 6 weeks postpartum. (", "I) 11. ", "Immediate insertion of an intrauterine contraceptive (IUC; 10 minutes postplacental to 48 hours) postpartum or post-Caesarean section is associated with a higher risk of expulsion. (", "I) The benefit of inserting an IUC immediately postpartum or post-Caesarean section outweighs the disadvantages of increased risk of perforation and expulsion. (", "II-C) 12. ", "Insertion of an intrauterine contraceptive in breastfeeding women is associated with a higher risk of uterine perforation in the first postpartum year. (", "II-2) 13. ", "Immediate insertion of an intrauterine contraceptive (IUC) post-abortion significantly reduces the risk of repeat abortion (II-2) and increases IUC continuation rates at 6 months. (", "I) 14. ", "Antibiotic prophylaxis for intrauterine contraceptive insertion does not significantly reduce postinsertion pelvic infection. (", "I) RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. ", "Health care professionals should be careful not to restrict access to intrauterine contraceptives (IUC) owing to theoretical or unproven risks. (", "III-A) Health care professionals should offer IUCs as a first-line method of contraception to both nulliparous and multiparous women. (", "II-2A) 2. ", "In women seeking intrauterine contraception (IUC) and presenting with heavy menstrual bleeding and/or dysmenorrhea, health care professionals should consider the use of the levonorgestrel intrauterine system 52 mg over other IUCs. (", "I-A) 3. ", "Patients with breast cancer taking tamoxifen may consider a levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system 52 mg after consultation with their oncologist. (", "I-A) 4. ", "Women requesting a levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system or a copper-intrauterine device should be counseled regarding changes in bleeding patterns, sexually transmitted infection risk, and duration of use. (", "III-A) 5. ", "A health care professional should be reasonably certain that the woman is not pregnant prior to inserting an intrauterine contraceptive at any time during the menstrual cycle. (", "III-A) 6. ", "Health care providers should consider inserting an intrauterine contraceptive immediately after an induced abortion rather than waiting for an interval insertion. (", "I-B) 7. ", "In women who conceive with an intrauterine contraceptive (IUC) in place, the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy should be excluded as arly as possible. (", "II-2A) Once an ectopic pregnancy has been excluded, the IUC should be removed without an invasive procedure. ", "The IUC may be removed at the time of a surgical termination. (", "II-2B) 8. ", "In the case of pelvic inflammatory disease, it is not necessary to remove the intrauterine contraceptive unless there is no clinical improvement after 48 to 72 hours of appropriate antibiotic treatment. (", "II-2B) 9. ", "Routine antibiotic prophylaxis for intrauterine contraceptive (IUC) insertion is not indicated. (", "I-B) Health care providers should perform sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing in women at high risk of STI at the time of IUC insertion. ", "If the test is positive for chlamydia and/or gonorrhea, the woman should be appropriately treated postinsertion and the IUC can remain in situ. (", "II-2B) 10. ", "Unscheduled bleeding in intrauterine contraception users, when persistent or associated with pelvic pain, should be investigated to rule out infection, pregnancy, gynecological pathology, expulsion or malposition. (", "III-A)" ]
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[ "late the highest common factor of 30 and h.\n6\nLet o = 15 + 35. ", "What is the highest common divisor of 10 and o?", "\n10\nLet s = 1 - 1. ", "Let i be 0 - 3*(-1 - s). ", "Suppose -3*a + 2*h + 65 = -i*h, -3*a + h + 61 = 0. ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of a and 10.", "\n10\nLet l be 0 + 0 + 2 + 14. ", "Suppose 0 = j + j. Let r(p) = -p + 112. ", "Let y be r(j). ", "What is the highest common factor of y and l?", "\n16\nLet q be -8*1 - (-2 + 1). ", "Let h(z) = z**3 + 7*z**2 - 2*z - 10. ", "Let l be h(q). ", "Let d(k) = 4*k**2. ", "Let u be d(3). ", "What is the greatest common factor of u and l?", "\n4\nSuppose -80 = 12*r - 17*r. ", "What is the highest common divisor of 80 and r?", "\n16\nLet w be (-426)/(-27) + (-4)/(-18). ", "Suppose 0 = -n + 3*n - 160. ", "Calculate the greatest common factor of n and w.\n16\nLet m be (-50*(-4)/8)/1. ", "Suppose -1 = 4*f - m. Let o(t) = 3*t**2 + 7*t + 4. ", "Let v be o(-4). ", "What is the highest common factor of v and f?", "\n6\nLet y = -3 - -12. ", "Suppose 4*d - 2*d = 0, 126 = 2*b - d. What is the highest common divisor of y and b?", "\n9\nLet p(a) = a**3 - 3*a**2 + 1. ", "Let w be p(3). ", "Suppose 28 = 4*f - 2*d, 0 = -2*f - 4*d - w + 5. ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of f and 24.", "\n6\nLet m(w) = -w**2 + 2*w + 108. ", "Let r be m(0). ", "What is the highest common divisor of r and 27?", "\n27\nSuppose 6*j - j - 2 = -2*y, 5 = 5*y + 4*j. ", "Let c be 0*((-1)/y)/(-1). ", "Suppose c = 5*v - v - 324. ", "What is the greatest common factor of v and 9?", "\n9\nLet g = -21 - -31. ", "Let q be (-100)/(-8)*8/g. What is the highest common factor of 110 and q?", "\n10\nLet z be 3*((2 - 0) + 1). ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of 9 and z.\n9\nLet p be ((-35)/14)/((-3)/30 - 0). ", "Calculate the greatest common factor of 200 and p.\n25\nSuppose 0 = -w + 3*w + 12. ", "Let d = 42 + -53. ", "Let a = w - d. Calculate the highest common divisor of a and 10.", "\n5\nLet j = 55 + -25. ", "Let v = -24 - -69. ", "Calculate the greatest common factor of v and j.\n15\nLet c be ((-127)/4)/((-1)/(-4)). ", "Let h be c/5 + 4/10. ", "Let d = -7 - h. Calculate the greatest common factor of d and 45.", "\n9\nSuppose 2*o = 2*x + 321 + 749, -3*x - 2145 = -4*o. ", "Suppose 0 = -2*t - t + o. What is the highest common divisor of t and 20?", "\n20\nLet t be 4 + (-4)/1 - -18. ", "What is the greatest common factor of t and 6?", "\n6\nLet m be ((-24)/(-2))/((0 + 2)/2). ", "What is the greatest common factor of 156 and m?", "\n12\nSuppose 0*a - 3*a + 21 = 0. ", "Let m be 2/(-4) + 5/2. ", "Suppose -m*w + 36 = -6. ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of w and a.\n7\nLet o(z) = -4*z - 3. ", "Let d be o(-2). ", "Suppose d*m + 53 = 4*n, 6*n - 4*n = 4. ", "Let q = 12 - m. What is the greatest common divisor of q and 147?", "\n21\nLet b be 14/21 + 1/3. ", "Let t be 0 + (13 - 3/b). ", "What is the highest common factor of 10 and t?", "\n10\nSuppose 24 = 3*s - 4*y, -2*y = -3*s - 0 + 30. ", "Calculate the highest common factor of s and 3.", "\n3\nLet f(y) = -y**2 - 4*y + 8. ", "Let a be f(-6). ", "Let v be (-43)/a + (-3)/(-12). ", "Let l be -2 + 22 - (0 + -2). ", "What is the highest common divisor of v and l?", "\n11\nLet r(x) = 4*x**2 + x + 2. ", "Let h be r(-3). ", "Calculate the highest common factor of h and 5.", "\n5\nLet u = 16 - -4. ", "Suppose 5*c = -2*k + u, 0 = -4*c - 4*k - 3 + 19. ", "Suppose 5*j - 46 = -c*o, j - o + 28 = 5*j. ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of 66 and j.\n6\nLet c = 4 + -3. ", "Suppose -c - 24 = -5*k. ", "What is the highest common divisor of k and 40?", "\n5\nSuppose -3*w = 6*t - 2*t - 17, -4*t = -w - 5. ", "Suppose -4*j = -o + 6, o = -j - w*o - 10. ", "Let a = 0 - j. Calculate the highest common factor of a and 20.", "\n2\nLet h(k) = -k + 8. ", "Let u be (2 + 0)/(3/12). ", "Let c be h(u). ", "Suppose c = 2*r + 3*r - 275. ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of 11 and r.\n11\nSuppose 11 + 3 = 2*s. ", "Let u(a) = a + 10. ", "Let i be u(-8). ", "Suppose -550 = i*z - s*z. ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of 10 and z.\n10\nLet f be 14/(-35)*(-160)/1. ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of 32 and f.\n32\nSuppose 0 = -2*a - c + 31, 20 = 3*a - 2*a + 2*c. ", "Suppose 14 = -2*g + 3*g. ", "Calculate the greatest common factor of g and a.\n14\nLet i(l) = l**2 - 4*l - 13. ", "Let z be i(-9). ", "Let b = -8 - -34. ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of b and z.\n26\nLet v be 130/25 + (-1)/5. ", "Suppose -v*r - 1 + 11 = 0. ", "Let c(w) = 2*w**2 + 2*w - 2. ", "Let k be c(-2). ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of k and r.\n2\nLet d(r) = 4*r**2 - r - 4. ", "Let w be d(-3). ", "Calculate the greatest common factor of w and 7.", "\n7\nSuppose w = -5*w + 1344. ", "What is the greatest common factor of w and 7?", "\n7\nSuppose 9*d = 3*c + 4*d - 103, 0 = -2*c - 2*d + 42. ", "Calculate the greatest common factor of 208 and c.\n26\nSuppose -4*m + m + 4*y = -114, -y + 31 = m. Let c = m + -19. ", "Suppose -q - 12 = -3*h + c, -4*h = -3*q - 31. ", "What is the greatest common divisor of 20 and h?", "\n10\nLet n = 12 + -4. ", "What is the greatest common factor of 16 and n?", "\n8\nLet d = 69 + -45. ", "Suppose 37 + 35 = b. What is the highest common divisor of b and d?", "\n24\nSuppose 151*k = 155*k - 52. ", "What is the highest common divisor of k and 169?", "\n13\nLet t(u) be the first derivative of u**4/4 + 2*u**3 + 5*u**2/2 + 10*u + 6. ", "Let m be t(-5). ", "What is the greatest common factor of m and 40?", "\n10\nLet f(m) = 11*m**2. ", "Let n be f(-1). ", "Let g(w) = -3 + 4*w**2 - 3*w**3 - 4*w + 2*w**3 + n*w. ", "Let i be g(5). ", "What is the highest common factor of 7 and i?", "\n7\nSuppose 7*y - 36 = 4*y. ", "Calculate the highest common factor of y and 96.", "\n12\nSuppose 0 = -0*z - 5*z + 255. ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of 34 and z.\n17\nLet t = 13 - 40. ", "Let a be (-3)/(t/60)*3. ", "Suppose 19 = 4*i + 3. ", "What is the greatest common divisor of a and i?", "\n4\nLet n(r) = -r**3 - 4*r**2 - r - 5. ", "Let k(u) = u**2 + 5*u + 1. ", "Let z be k(-2). ", "Let j be n(z). ", "What is the greatest common factor of 50 and j?", "\n25\nLet h(d) = d**3 + 2*d**2 + d + 5. ", "Let o be h(4). ", "What is the greatest common factor of 15 and o?", "\n15\nSuppose -20 = 3*z + 13. ", "Let w be (z/(-2))/(1/10). ", "Suppose -o + 0 = -3*i + 4, 2 = 2*o - 4*i. ", "What is the highest common factor of w and o?", "\n11\nSuppose s + 24 = -4*l - 3*s, -2*l = 3*s + 16. ", "Let o be (1/(-2))/(l/24). ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of o and 2.", "\n2\nLet f(g) = 4*g**2 + g + 1. ", "Let h be f(-1). ", "Suppose h*b - 16 = 3*z + 15, 27 = 4*b + z. Calculate the greatest common divisor of b and 77.", "\n7\nLet a(u) be the first derivative of -u**4/4 + u**3 + 3*u**2/2 + 3*u - 3. ", "Let p be a(-2). ", "What is the highest common divisor of p and 51?", "\n17\nLet k = -35 + 42. ", "Calculate the highest common factor of 7 and k.\n7\nSuppose -4*j + 10 = j. Let s be 3 + -2 - (-2)/2. ", "What is the highest common factor of s and j?", "\n2\nLet v(q) = q**3 - 11*q**2 - 2*q - 13. ", "Let t(m) = -m**3 - 1. ", "Let b(g) = 2*t(g) + v(g). ", "Let r be b(-11). ", "What is the highest common divisor of r and 7?", "\n7\nLet z(f) = -f**2 - 19*f - 6. ", "Let d(p) = p**2 - 9*p + 5. ", "Let o be d(7). ", "Let u be z(o). ", "What is the highest common divisor of 28 and u?", "\n28\nSuppose -8*p + 522 = -918. ", "Calculate the highest common factor of 10 and p.\n10\nLet k = 71 - 38. ", "Let l = 51 - k. Let h = 12 - 10. ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of h and l.\n2\nLet q = 140 + -56. ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of 126 and q.\n42\nSuppose 4*b = -2*g + 284, 3*b = b + 4*g + 152. ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of 8 and b.\n8\nSuppose -6*g = -38 + 8. ", "Suppose s = g + 35. ", "What is the greatest common factor of s and 100?", "\n20\nLet w be 3 - (-4)/(4/2). ", "Let l(v) = 2*v**2 + v - 1. ", "Let m be l(-2). ", "Calculate the highest common factor of w and m.\n5\nSuppose -82 = -2*o + 4*b, 4*o + 2*b - 6*b = 152. ", "What is the highest common factor of 7 and o?", "\n7\nLet o(y) = -y**2 - 7 - 5*y - y + 0*y - 3*y. ", "Let w be o(-8). ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of 2 and w.\n1\nLet p be 3/((-9)/(-6)) - 1. ", "Let k be 2 + p/2*2. ", "Suppose 3*o - 9 = -0*o. ", "Calculate the greatest common factor of o and k.\n3\nSuppose 30 = -n + 4*n. ", "Let m = 10 - 6. ", "Suppose 2*l + 104 = 4*s - 214, -m*s + 322 = 2*l. ", "What is the greatest common factor of n and s?", "\n10\nLet h be 12 + 0 + -5 + 3. ", "What is the greatest common divisor of h and 20?", "\n10\nLet l(i) be the first derivative of -1/2*i**2 + 2 - 1/4*i**4 - 1/3*i**3 + 45*i. ", "Let d be l(0). ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of 5 and d.\n5\nLet f(n) be the third derivative of n**5/30 - n**4/3 - 2*n**3/3 + 3*n**2. ", "Let i be f(7). ", "Calculate the highest common factor of 57 and i.\n19\nLet u = 280 - 192. ", "What is the greatest common divisor of u and 22?", "\n22\nLet b(g) = -8*g**3 - 1. ", "Let k be b(-1). ", "Suppose 0*n - 4*l - 8 = 4*n, 5*n = 5*l - 10. ", "Let s = n - -9. ", "Calculate the greatest comm" ]
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[ "Suffolk’s Green Party is calling for an end to “fusion voting” in New York State and for changes in the way the county boards of election are structured and managed.", "\n\nGreen Party voters in Riverhead and Southold earlier this year were duped into signing nominating petitions for registered Republican judicial candidates seeking the Green Party ballot line, according to Suffolk District Attorney Tim Sini.", "\n\nGreen Party officials are calling on state lawmakers to reform the state election law to ban candidates from running on multiple party lines — a practice known as “fusion voting.”", "\n\n“New York State is one of only eight states that allows candidates to run on multiple party lines,” the Green Party said in a press release Wednesday night.", "\n\nThat opportunity provides an incentive for candidates and their supporters to attempt to claim the lines of other parties with or without the knowledge of those other parties, and potentially to seek those lines in unethical or illegal ways, according to the Green Party of Suffolk.", "\n\n“While we are happy DA Timothy Sini’s office investigated the complaints we made earlier this year,” said Pauline Salotti, chairwoman of the Green Party of Suffolk, “to prevent this from happening in the future, New York State needs to end fusion voting.”", "\n\nThe party is also calling for a major change to how the county board of elections is constituted and managed.", "\n\nCurrent law allows Democratic and Republican party committees to name the two elections commissioners in the county — one Democrat and one Republican. ", "The commissioners in turn, hire the clerks, machine technicians, and other employees as political appointments with equal representation of both parties on the board’s staff.", "\n\nThe number of voters enrolled in minor parties and voters enrolled in no party (“blanks”) taken together, is greater than the number of voters enrolled in either the Republican or Democratic party, so allowing the board of elections to be run by the Democratic and Republican parties is allowing it to function “as a partisan agency with its employees beholden to the two major parties for their jobs,” according to Salotti.", "\n\nVoters registered with minor parties and with no party must receive representation on the Suffolk BOE, she said.", "\n\nAt a minimum, Suffolk County should immediately add a commissioner, as allowed by election law, chosen by and representative of the minor parties. ", "The need for such representation is shown by the fact that two of those accused of petition fraud are employees of the Suffolk County Board of Elections, Salotti said." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nNewton CamelCase Issue with underscore\n\nI've notice that when I serialize C# dictionary which has key of HTTP_VERB it turn into httP_VERB in the JSON structure instead of hTTP_VERB or http_verb I expected the camel case will make it.", "\nThis is the code I use to reproduce the issue:\n class Program {\n static void Main(string[] args) {\n\n var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings();\n\n settings.", "ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();\n settings.", "NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.", "Ignore;\n\n var headers = new Dictionary<string, string>();\n headers[\"SessionID\"] = \"123456\";\n headers[\"HTTP_VERB\"] = \"POST\";\n headers[\"HTTPVERSION\"] = \"1\";\n var data = new\n {\n headers = headers\n };\n\n string serializedEvent = JsonConvert.", "SerializeObject(data, settings);\n\n if (serializedEvent.", "Contains(\"httP_VERB\")) {\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"Something is wrong with this camel case\");\n }\n else {\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"Sucess\");\n }\n\n }\n }\n\nA:\n\nThere's no way to make CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver convert strings to camel case the way you want, but you can easily write your own ContractResolver.", "\nI've used PascalCase conversion in my CsCss project. ", "After a bit of adaptation, here's the result:\npublic enum IdentifierCase\n{\n Camel,\n Pascal,\n}\n\npublic class CustomPropertyNamesContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver\n{\n private static readonly CultureInfo Culture = CultureInfo.", "InvariantCulture;\n\n public CustomPropertyNamesContractResolver (bool shareCache = false)\n : base(shareCache)\n {\n Case = IdentifierCase.", "Camel;\n PreserveUnderscores = true;\n }\n\n public IdentifierCase Case { get; set; }\n public bool PreserveUnderscores { get; set; }\n\n protected override string ResolvePropertyName (string propertyName)\n {\n return ChangeCase(propertyName);\n }\n\n private string ChangeCase (string s)\n {\n var sb = new StringBuilder(s.", "Length);\n\n bool isNextUpper = Case == IdentifierCase.", "Pascal, isPrevLower = false;\n foreach (var c in s) {\n if (c == '_') {\n if (PreserveUnderscores)\n sb.", "Append(c);\n isNextUpper = true;\n }\n else {\n sb.", "Append(isNextUpper ? ", "char.", "ToUpper(c, Culture) : isPrevLower ? ", "c : char.", "ToLower(c, Culture));\n isNextUpper = false;\n isPrevLower = char.", "IsLower(c);\n }\n }\n return sb.", "ToString();\n }\n\n // Json.", "NET implementation for reference\n private static string ToCamelCase (string s)\n {\n if (string.", "IsNullOrEmpty(s) || !", "char.", "IsUpper(s[0]))\n return s;\n var sb = new StringBuilder();\n for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; ++i) {\n if (i == 0 || i + 1 >= s.Length || char.", "IsUpper(s[i + 1]))\n sb.", "Append(char.", "ToLower(s[i], Culture));\n else {\n sb.", "Append(s.", "Substring(i));\n break;\n }\n }\n return sb.", "ToString();\n }\n}\n\nThis converter supports both PascalCase and camelCase. ", "It seems to convert the property names the way you expect.", "\nI've left oroginal ToCamelCase function from Json.", "NET for reference.", "\nSample program:\ninternal class Program\n{\n private static void Main ()\n {\n var obj = new Dictionary<string, string> {\n { \"SessionID\", \"123456\" },\n { \"HTTP_VERB\", \"POST\" },\n { \"HTTPVERSION\", \"1\" },\n };\n var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings {\n Formatting = Formatting.", "Indented,\n ContractResolver = new CustomPropertyNamesContractResolver()\n };\n string strCamel = JsonConvert.", "SerializeObject(obj, settings);\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"camelCase: \\n\" + strCamel);\n Console.", "WriteLine(strCamel.", "Contains(\"httP_VERB\") ? \"", "Something is wrong with this camel case\" : \"Success\");\n settings.", "ContractResolver = new CustomPropertyNamesContractResolver {\n Case = IdentifierCase.", "Pascal,\n PreserveUnderscores = false,\n };\n string strPascal = JsonConvert.", "SerializeObject(obj, settings);\n Console.", "WriteLine(\"PascalCase: \\n\" + strPascal);\n Console.", "ReadKey();\n }\n}\n\nOutput:\ncamelCase:\n{\n \"sessionId\": \"123456\",\n \"http_Verb\": \"POST\",\n \"httpversion\": \"1\"\n}\nSuccess\nPascalCase:\n{\n \"SessionId\": \"123456\",\n \"HttpVerb\": \"POST\",\n \"Httpversion\": \"1\"\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "I need to buy one (maybe two) SD Cards for my Flytouch 2. ", "I have no clue which to buy. ", "I want to make an informed choice, and not throw money away. ", "I'm thinking I'm probably not alone.", "\n\nI'm also thinking it would be a great idea to have a list (see below) of all the cards people have already tried with the Flytouch 2, and whether or not they work.", "\n\nPlease let me (and the others who will surely follow!) ", "know the make, model, size (GB), and anything else you think is relevant about your SD card, and importantly, whether or not it works in the Gome Flytouch 2 (aka. '", "FT2'), aka..\n\nWOWpad\n\nSuperPAD\n\nAPad GF10\n\nZH10X2\n\nCareeror CM10104\n\n“HyPE-Pad” bei BuyADroid\n\nShenZhen FirstView Electronic Co. PC1002I\n\nMany thanks!", "\n\n;o) Cor\n\n--\n\nFirstly, it seems most cheap, generic SDHC cards will work with the Wowpad (yup, even those sub-£30 32GB SDHC cards you see on eBay). ", "If your pad has any problems with it, give it a full format (Fat32) on a Windows/Linux/Mac box, and try again.", "\n\nGosh is there that many different names for the Flytouch.", "\nYes, handy to know about sd cards, they are expensive little things.", "\nI am just looking at buying some now.", "\nI would like to know if it is better to use a small capacity card to boot from to change firmware.", "\n\nI don't see the link now, but here is where I got it: 11-7 update is here and confirmed to work! . ", "From what they say, it seems any micro-SD card will do, just so long as update.zip is put in the root. ", "Probably no need to format either--maybe cannot be NTFS. ", "I'll look around for that link.", "\n\nUpdate: I wasn't paying attention-- the link is the word \"Here\", the first word in the second paragraph.", "\n\nLast time I used this file, update failed, did not pass some verification even my ft2 is with entered license. ", "After failed update tablet did not accept same license key.", "\n\nSame as wrote here\n\nI created a test update.zip and signed it with the common testsign.jar found everywhere on the Internet. ", "I then rebooted the device into recovery mode and selected the update.zip option. ", "The device did recognize the my update.zip but gave an error message saying \"signature authentication failed!\" ", "So, any idea how the update.zip can be properly signed?", "\n\nI think this is the same update.zip I successfully ran while trying to fix my bricked ft2 (it didn't fix it, but there were no errors). ", "The downloaded update.zip file I have is 7.12 MB and contains 3 folders: META-INF 311 KB, patch 3.71 MB, and system 3.87 MB (from Windows Explorer).", "\n\n\"Last time I used this file, update failed,..\" You're referring to the Slatedroid update.zip, right? ", "You previously ran it and it worked ??", "\n\nAre you quoting Zap, the moderator who wrote the 11-7 Update thread at Slatedroid? ", "Or is this someone else writing about a different update.zip (They all have to be named update.zip to work, I think)?", "\n\nSorry, for all the questions. ", "I'm just trying to figure out why it worked for me, but not you. ", "I was running build 1001 when I ran the 1107 upgrade.zip successfully.", "\n\nThanks. ", "It's especially good to know it can handle HC cards, they seem to be cheaper. ", "I've only tried a regular Micro SD 2GB Sandisk card a mate gave me; after a couple of hours, half full, it decided to become read-only on me. ", "Even Gparted on a linux box can't format it now. ", "Och well. ", "Time to spend some money I guess..\n\nHi I have a Wowpad with the Kernal Version hzhao@emma #1 build number deb-r2.1.1170.", "\nIam using a Patriot 32 Gig class 10 card. ", "The system reports Total Space of 30.91 gb and I have some ebooks and a some pictures on the card. ", "All can be used by the appropriate apps.", "\n\nps if someone could tell me of an app that will get the processor speed type etc i would appreciate the info\n\nHi I have a Wowpad with the Kernal Version hzhao@emma #1 build number deb-r2.1.1170.", "\nIam using a Patriot 32 Gig class 10 card. ", "The system reports Total Space of 30.91 gb and I have some ebooks and a some pictures on the card. ", "All can be used by the appropriate apps.", "\n\nps if someone could tell me of an app that will get the processor speed type etc i would appreciate the info\n\nMorrgainne\n\nClick to expand...\n\nThere are a few apps that you might find useful, like Advanced System Info or Android Task Manager. ", "The best way is to go into a shell (over adb from the comfort of your desktop machine, is fine) and do:\n\nCode:\n\ncat /proc/cpuinfo\n\nor maybe..\n\nCode:\n\nbusybox cat /proc/cpuinfo\n\n..if the first command didn't work (and if the second doesn't work, install busybox!). ", "The output from mine looks like this..\n\nUseful Searches\n\nAbout AndroidTablets.net\n\nAndroidTablets.net is a community dedicated to Android Tablets made by various manufacturers. ", "We discuss topics including Android Tablet Help, Android Tablet Reviews, Android Tablet Apps, Android Tablet Accessories (such as Tablet Keyboards, Tablet Cases, Tablet Covers), Android Tablet Games and more. ", "Our goal is to be the Internet's largest and best Android Tablet Forum.", "\n\nAndroidTablets.net is not affiliated with Google. ", "We are an enthusiast site dedicated to everything Android Tablet" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPaint Event of Viewport3D\n\nHow can I change the rendering of my Viewport3D? ", " Is there a Paint Event like in winforms?", "\nI want to draw some content in screen space (On the viewport) and not in world space (in the viewport). ", " Why? ", "Because it's too heavy to draw text and lines directly in viewport3D. I have hundreds of thousands of lines and text to draw. ", "And even if I use good libraries, it slowes the drawing process and inflates the memory dramatically.", "\nAlso, I want to draw a rectangle on the surface of viewport3D regardless of the content. (", "e.g I don't want to calculate where I should draw the rectangle so that it's not behing the objects.)", "\nSo drawing on the surface of the viewport3D will be an excellent solution if only I knew how to do it.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can override the OnRender method of the Viewport3D. Refer below code.", "\n class MyViewPort : Viewport3D\n{\n protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext)\n {\n base.", "OnRender(drawingContext);\n }\n}\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Q:\n\nfoldr vs foldr1 usage in Haskell\n\nIf I write:\n> let xs = [1,5,19,2,-3,5]\n> foldr max 0 xs\n19\n\n> foldr1 max xs\n19\n\nAnd if I write (I know, the initial value is incorrect here for a generic maximum function...):\n> let maximum' = foldr max 0\n> maximum' xs\n19\n\nBut if I write:\n> let maximum2' = foldr1 max\n> maximum2' xs\n\nthe response is:\n<interactive>:61:11:\n Couldn't match expected type `()' with actual type `Integer'\n Expected type: [()]\n Actual type: [Integer]\n In the first argument of maximum2', namely `xs'\n In the expression: maximum2' xs\n\nI am new to Haskell. ", "What am I doing wrong? (", "Can't decipher the error message...) How to use foldr1 with max? ", "Thanks.", "\nEDIT (AFTER ACCEPTING ANSWER):\nJust to show some more examples of the defaulting rules' effect (the answer explains these, too):\nExample 1:\n> let max' = max\n> :t max\nmax :: Ord a => a -> a -> a\n\n> :t max' \nmax' :: () -> () -> ()\n\nExample 2:\n> let plus = (+)\n> :t (+)\n(+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a\n\n> :t plus \nplus :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer\n\nA:\n\nThe problem is to do with the polymorphism of the types and GHCi's defaulting. ", " The type of max is polymorphic:\n> :t max\nmax :: Ord a => a -> a -> a\n\nIn the case of maximum', the compiler can see that a is some sort of number, and GHCi defaults the number to Integer:\n> :t maximum'\nmaximum' :: [Integer] -> Integer\n\nIn the case of maximum2' it has less clues, and defaults a to the unit type:\n> :t maximum2'\nmaximum2' :: [()] -> ()\n\nIf you provide a type signature, all is well:\n> let maximum3' :: Ord a => [a] -> a ; maximum3' = foldr1 max\n> :t maximum3'\nmaximum3' :: Ord a => [a] -> a\n\nI think GHCi's defaulting rules are there to make certain other cases where the types are omitted easier -- see http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/7.6.2/html/users_guide/interactive-evaluation.html#id484837 \n\n" ]
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[ "PETA USING DRONES TO WATCH AN REPORT HUNTERS\n\nITS A CRIME TO HARASS HUNTER'S OR DISTURB WHAT THERE HUNTING . ", "MY GUESS THEY WANT SOME ONE TO SHOOT ONE DOWN SO THEY CAN USE IT AGAINST HUNTERS .", "\n\nPeople for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has unveiled their “Air Angel,” a quadrapcopter drone meant to ensure hunters adhere to the law.", "\n\nAR-Drone-2.0\nThe “Air Angel” is actually a Parrot AR Drone 2.0 with PETA decals plastered to its sides.", "\n\nRecently, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals said they were acquiring drones, and now that the animal rights group has released their final product, they believe it will aid in raising awareness about the cruelty of hunting, though they may not legally be permitted to use them, Mashable reported.", "\n\nAccording to Petacatalog.com, the “Air Angel” drone is a four-motored quadracopter capable of hovering high above the tree line while beaming captured video directly to a cell phone. ", "Its purpose is to use the footage to alert game wardens of hunters engaging in illegal activity such as “drinking while in possession of a firearm, injuring animals and failing to pursue them, and illegally using spotlights, feed lures, and other nasty but common hunting tricks.”", "\n\nPETA spokeswoman Lindsay Rajt told Mashable that drone users have already used the “Air Angel” to report bow hunters after they violated the rule that states hunting shall not begin until “one-half hour before sunrise.”", "\n\n“[Authorities] were very receptive, and they said they were going to look into it,” Rajt said. “", "I think people should call in violations as they see them.”", "\n\nBut not everyone looks upon the “Air Angels” with such affinity. ", "President of the Massachusetts Bowhunters Association Dennis Boomer feels the drones are not just unnecessary, but redundant.", "\n\nPETA-Air-Angels-Hobby-Drone-4\nMany hunters aren’t about having the drones buzzing over their head as they stalk their game.", "\n\n“Hunters already have a police force that watch us, they’re called game wardens, Hayden told Mashable. “", "Obviously, they more than protect the wildlife in Massachusetts. ", "They would arrest a hunter if they were doing something wrong.”", "\n\nThe quadracopters may be more than just a nuisance, however. ", "Hayden gave a word of caution to those looking to spend $324.99 on “the new hobby for animal protectionists,” saying its use would be a violation against the law that protects hunters against those seeking to “drive or disturb wildlife or fish for the purpose of interrupting a lawful taking.” ", "The law also states no one shall “block, follow impede or otherwise harass another who is engaged in the lawful taking of fish or wildlife.”", "\n\n“Anybody that’s going to go out there and buy one of these things to go watch hunters, it’s a form of harassment, and they’re breaking the law,” Hayden said.", "\n\nSo as PETA takes to the skies with their “Air Angels,” earnestly searching to capture video of hunters committing violations, members of the animal rights group may find themselves breaking the law as well.", "\n\nThat's what I'm sayin!! ", "Target of opportunity. ", "It looked like dinner to me. ", "Sorry.", "\n\nEnforcement, NOT Amnesty!!!!!!", "\n\n\"If they’re going to come here illegally, apply for & receive assistance through a corrupted Government agency encouraging this lawless behavior, work under the table & send billions of dollars each year back to their families in Mexico, while bleeding local economies dry, protest in our streets waving their Mexican flags DEMANDING rights, while I have to press ’1′ for English, then they need to be shipped back to where they came from!\" ", "-Chad Miller\n\nAs someone who pilots model aircraft with a camera onboard or as the 'news' media' calls them 'drones' I think the better way to combat them would be send up my 'drone' to take theirs out or if you can't take your drone hunting with you then a small electronic device which disables their control hint:ebay jamm3r\n\nAs someone who pilots model aircraft with a camera onboard or as the 'news' media' calls them 'drones' I think the better way to combat them would be send up my 'drone' to take theirs out or if you can't take your drone hunting with you then a small electronic device which disables their control hint:ebay jamm3r\n\nI know..I've got helis up to 450 class and 450 quads, along with a couple powered gliders with go pro! ", "Wonder how hard it would be to fire a 12 ga slug or 00 buck?? ", "Sort of like a divers \"bang stick\"" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to pass data from a master array to multiple arrays in PHP\n\nI have an array with subarrays, each subarray has 'type' (int) and a 'datetime'. ", "I need to loop trought the array and create new arrays (or objects) with groups of these subarrays in a special way: every 'type' could be [0-3] 0 means startdate and 3 means enddate (1 and 2 are in between for other purposes). ", "Every new array with these subarrays should start with 0 and end with 3.", "\nIm not using any framework, only PHP5 and jQuery. ", "The master array comes from a loop I made from a SQL query with GROUP_CONCAT. ", "I just passed the concat fields to a master array but I need to regroup the subarrays to create some type of registries.", "\nHere is the array I got with subarrays. ", "They are already sorted by datetime, every type '0' means \"start date / start new registry\" and '3' means \"end date / end registry\".", "\n$array = [\n[\"tipo\"=>0,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-26 09:35:30\"],\n[\"tipo\"=>1,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-26 10:30:15\"],\n[\"tipo\"=>2,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-26 10:43:12\"],\n[\"tipo\"=>3,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-26 14:30:26\"],\n[\"tipo\"=>0,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-26 15:35:22\"],\n[\"tipo\"=>3,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-26 16:35:31\"],\n[\"tipo\"=>0,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-27 08:31:57\"],\n[\"tipo\"=>1,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-27 10:27:22\"],\n[\"tipo\"=>2,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-27 10:38:31\"],\n[\"tipo\"=>3,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-27 14:20:38\"],\n[\"tipo\"=>0,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-28 09:39:42\"],\n[\"tipo\"=>1,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-28 11:43:08\"],\n[\"tipo\"=>2,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-28 11:53:19\"],\n[\"tipo\"=>3,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-28 14:43:31\"],\n[\"tipo\"=>0,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-29 10:30:22\"],\n[\"tipo\"=>3,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-29 14:38:46\"]\n];\n\nI need to create a new array with subarrays or objects by registry, a registry is an element who have startdate (type 0), somedates in between (type 1,2) and a enddate (type 3). ", "Its important The next subarray have the startdate more current than the older subarray enddate. ", "Every \"tipo\"+\"fechahora\" array have more fields (signature, address, etc) so I need to keep these as subarrays:\n$newarray = [\n 'registry0' => [ \n \"startdate\"=> [\"tipo\"=>0,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-26 09:35:30\"],\n \"pauses\"=> [\n [\"tipo\"=>1,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-26 10:30:15\"],\n [\"tipo\"=>2,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-26 10:43:12\"]\n ],\n \"enddate\" => [\"tipo\"=>3,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-26 14:30:26\"]\n ],\n 'registry1' => [ \n \"startdate\"=> [\"tipo\"=>0,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-26 15:35:22\"],\n \"pauses\"=> [],\n \"enddate\" => [\"tipo\"=>3,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-26 16:35:31\"]\n ],\n 'registry2' => [ \n \"startdate\"=> [\"tipo\"=>0,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-27 08:31:57\"],\n \"pauses\"=> [\n [\"tipo\"=>1,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-27 10:27:22\"],\n [\"tipo\"=>2,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-27 10:38:31\"]\n ],\n \"enddate\" => [\"tipo\"=>3,\"fechahora\"=>\"2019-05-27 14:20:38\"]\n ]\n];\n\nI could use arrays or objects, I dont know hot to develop a loop to regroup arrays like this (starting at one field value and ending with another and so on). ", "I dont even know if there is a simpler way. ", "Any help would be appreciated.", "\nIf this could help: I need the registries this way to put into an HTML table, each registry in a row.", "\nEDIT:\nIknow I have to use a loop but I dont know how to \"get first element with type 0, create an array, include element, include all other element until type 3, close array, create new array and so on...\"\nIn some code:\n$newarray = [];\nforeach($array as $element) {\nif ($element[\"tipo\"]==0) {\n //new subarray\n //include this in subarray\n}\n// include all \"tipos\" 1,2 in subarray\nif ($element[\"tipo\"]==3) {\n //include this in subarray\n //finish subarray\n}\n//incude subarray in $newarray\n}\nreturn $newarray;\n\nI dont know how to continue.", "\n\nA:\n\nFor this case a simple foreach followed by switch case will do,\n$result = [];\n$i = 0;\n$var = 3; // you can manage this at your will\nforeach ($array as $key => $value) {\n switch ($value['tipo']) { // passing tipo value here\n case 0:\n // it will capture for same record for current value of $i\n $result['registry' . ", "$i]['startdate'] = $value; \n break;\n case $var:\n // detects last entry and will increment\n $result['registry' . ", "$i++]['enddate'] = $value; \n break;\n default:\n // if not 0 and $var then push it in pauses\n $result['registry' . ", "$i]['pauses'][] = $value; \n break;\n }\n}\n\nDemo Link.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "M9S - Z8 mediabox Inspired on the Nvidia Shield TV\n\nM9S - Z8 is a new media box with a design inspired by Nvidia Shiel, equipped with a SoC Amlogic S905 and mutch more:\n\nThe M9S-Z8 is powered by the SoC Amlogic S905, that features ARM Cortex-A53 CPU 64bit up to 1.5GHz with a Mali-450mp5 GPU, 2GB of RAM, 16GB eMMC storage and wifi ac 2.4 / 5.0 GHz with internal antenna. ", "As for connectivity we have two USB 2.0 ports, microSD card reader, an HDMI 2.0a port 10/100 network and analog audio optical out.", "\n\nWhile the Shield runs Google’s Android TV software and features support for NVIDIA exclusive games and features such as streaming PC games over your home network or over the internet, the Z8 runs a customized version of Android 5.1 with Kodi media center pre-installed.", "\n\nArchive\n\nWE RECOMMEND:\n\nDISCLAIMER:\n\nWatching pay-tv without legal subscription is illegal, and forbidden by law! ", "We don't take ANY responsibility for contents on this site, even if it damages your equipment. ", "Every file and information on this website are only for educational purposes!" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Recording Your Video Resume\n\nIf you can’t pretty much recite your script from memory, you haven’t practiced enough. ", "Take the time to practice before record. ", "It really does make a difference.", "\n\nDress professional;\n\nTreat this video resume like you would a first job interview.", "\n\nMake eye contact;\n\nUse a teleprompter located just below the camera lens to read your script so you’re not looking down or away. ", "If you don’t have access to a teleprompter, memorize your script.", "\n\nBe enthusiastic;\n\nShow off your personality & let employer see how excited you are not in just words, but your tone & body language. ", "If you feel your enthusiasm is a bit over the top, it’s probably just right for video.", "\n\nBe professional;\n\nIf your video doesn't look professional, it will not be taken seriously. ", "It’s ok to add a touch of humor and discuss what you do in your spare time, but avoid trying too hard to be funny. ", "Stand out with your credentials and great personality, not with cheesy tricks.", "\n\nDon'ts\n\nDo Not Show Up Unprepared;\n\nMaybe you could just “wing it”, but you WILL come across more relaxed & confident and the whole process is easier if you’ve practiced.", "\n\nDo Not Dress in casual clothes;\n\nThis is your first impression – make it a good one.", "\n\nDo Not Just read your script;\n\nRelax. ", "No one wants to watch you read from a script behind the camera. ", "Talk as if it’s a conversation. ", "Show some enthusiasm.", "\n\nDo Not Have dead space when speaking;\n\nKeep your words flowing smoothly.", "\n\nDo Not Speak too fast;\n\nYou want to keep it moving, but be careful not to talk so fast you slur your words together.", "\n\nDo Not Fidget;\n\nFidgeting looks bad in an in-person interview, but it is even more noticeable on camera because the viewer has nothing to look at but you. ", "Take a few deep breaths before beginning. ", "Relax and have fun." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "“When we’ve been there 10,000 years bright shining like the sun, we’ll have no less days to sing God’s praise than when we’ve first begun.” – ", "Amazing Grace\n\nThis life is like a vapor in comparison to the Kingdom of Heaven.", "\n\nBut what we do in this life affects eternity.", "\n\nOk, I’m going to say a few quotes and you tell me who said them, or where they are from?", "\n\n“Brothers, what we do in life, echoes in eternity.”", "\n\nMaximus – Maximus Decimus Meridius (Gladiator) …His full name is just too epic to not say.", "\n\n(opening scene…of the movie Gladiator…)\n\n“Hold the line, stay with me, if you find yourself riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled for you are in Elysium and you’re already dead! (", "and all these roman soldiers are like…hahaha…horses snorting in the background) then he says… Brothers, what we do in life, echoes in eternity.", "”(they all cheer and wave their swords in the air…)\n\nGreat movie. ", "But is that true?", "\n\n- Now we know it’s true that at least one thing we do in this life echoes in eternity…that’s receiving Christ as Lord and Savior…that not only echoes in eternity that determines where you spend eternity!", "\n\n- But is that it? ", "Does everything else just wash away?", "\n\n- This morning I want to show you that yes, what we do in this life does matter. ", "Way more than any of us can really comprehend…\n\n- The Bible has a lot to say about Heavenly Rewards. ", "In fact Jesus himself references heavenly rewards more than 50 times!", "\n\no Eternal rewards for the things you do in this life are a massive part of the Kingdom of Heaven!", "\n\nWe are in a series called The Kingdom: Seeking and Savoring the Rule and Reign of Jesus Christ in everyday life…\n\nAnd this morning I want to show you that Seeking and savoring Christ’s rule and reign in this world, comes with eternal rewards in the age to come!", "\n\nThis is what I want to talk about this morning…\n\nEternal Rewards.", "\n\nRisen Church, you need to get this deep down in your soul…There is more to this life and the next than just escaping the fires of hell.", "\n\nJesus didn’t just come to set you free from your sin and liberate you from eternal condemnation, HE came to bring you eternal life! ", "To Redeem, and to restore, and to invite you into an eternally significant purpose!", "\n\nHear this:\n\n- Salvation is not a result of works. ", "It is the free gift of Christ.", "\n\n- It’s the fundamental foundation of life in Christ, but it is just the beginning! ", "It’s ground zero! ", "It’s the foundation of a life designed for the Kingdom of Heaven!", "\n\n- There is so much more to the Kingdom of heaven than just being saved from Hell!", "\n\nFaith in what Jesus did for you at the cross determines WHERE you spend eternity. ", "But how you spend your life here and now determines HOW you will spend eternity. (", "say X 2)\n\nNow counts forever.", "\n\nGo with me to 2 Corinthians 5:9-11\n\n9 So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him. (", "Speaking to Christians who want to please God.)10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil. ", "11 Therefore, knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade others.", "\n\nWe will all appear before the judgment seat of Christ…\n\nRevelation 20:11-15(gives us a vivid picture of this)\n\n11 Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. ", "From his presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them. ", "12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. ", "Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. ", "And the dead were judgedby what was written in the books, according to what they had done. ", "13 And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done. ", "14 Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. ", "This is the second death, the lake of fire. ", "15 And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.", "\n\nThe word Judgement is the Greek Crema… “decision made as the result of an investigation”\n\n- So we will all stand before the throne of God….a\n\n- Our hearts exposed…\n\n- Everything done in secret revealed… 1 cor. ", "4:5\n\nThere will be no hiding, or convincing, or talking it out or being misunderstood. ", "No, he will see all.", "\n\nJesus’ eyes in revelation are described as being flames of fire. ", "And when he looks at you on this day with fire in his eyes, hes gonna penetrate and he’s gonna know.", "\n\n- But he’s also gonna know. ", "He understands.", "\n\nTwo kinds of evaluations/or judgments will take place…\n\nThe first is the one most of us are very aware of. ", "Judgement of our eternal destination….This is the part of judgment day that most of us think of.", "\n\n- This is what we just sang about.", "\n\nBefore the throne of God above\n\nI have a strong, a perfect plea\n\nA great high Priest whose Name is Love\n\nWho ever lives and pleads for me\n\nMy name is graven on His hands\n\nMy name is written on His heart\n\nI know that while in heaven He stands\n\nNo tongue can bid me thence depart\n\nNo tongue can bid me thence depart\n\nRemember the one on the throne is the one who died for you!", "\n\n- The one judging you is the one who saved you!", "\n\n- ….and it’s at this point that God Almighty will look at you …sinner though you are! ", "Every deed both good and bad written in that book exposed! ", "On display!", "\n\n- And The Righteous Judge of eternity will look at me, sinner though I am, and speak from that great white throne…with fire in his eyes and say…NOT GUILTY!!!", "\n\n- That’s the beauty of the cross. ", "And it won’t be an unrighteous thing. ", "In fact it would be unrighteous for him to look at those in Christ and declare them unrighteous. ", "That’s the power of the cross!", "\n\nJohn Allen…Sinful man, not good enough by any standard on my own…declared Not Guilty by the righteous verdict of The King of Glory!!!", "\n\n- This is the power of the resurrection, this is the foundation of all we do!!", "\n\nIf that doesn’t stir your heart you need to fast and pray some more!!", "\n\nSo the first judgment is about salvation. ", "And all of us will be judged according to what we have done (vs. 12)…\n\nRomans 2:6\n\n6 He will render to each one accordingto his works\n\nThat doesn’t mean that you are judged by your works though…\n\nEphesians 2:8-9 makes it very clear…\n\nFor by grace you have been saved through faith. ", "And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast..\n\n- Salvation is a free Gift! ", "You can’t earn it, you can’t buy it. ", "No amount of obedience or good deeds can save you. ", "Only faith in Christ can save us from the eternal damnation we all deserve.", "\n\nSo salvation is not a result of works!", "\n\n- While unfortunately most people are very confused about this in our world…they think if their good deeds outweigh their bad deeds that’s what gets them into Heaven.", "\n\n- That’s totally wrong. ", "Nobody will ever be good enough…that’s why we all need Jesus!", "\n\nThis is basic Christianity 101.", "\n\nSalvation by Grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.", "\n\n-\n\n- But that doesn’t mean that what you do doesn’t matter. ", "In fact this phrase Judged according to your works…means that your works will be used as corroborating evidence for true saving faith on that day of judgment.", "\n\n- In other words…Faith without works is dead. …", "as Jesus’ brother put it in James…\n\nJames 2:18\n\nShow me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.", "\n\n(a little snarky …but it’s ok…it would have been tough to have jesus as your older brother…like why can’t you be like your older brother James…everybody wants to be like Him…I don’t know mom, maybe cuz he’s the son of God..)\n\n- Inevitably somebody is thinking…well we’re still all called to be like Jesus…(calm down…it’s just a joke)\n\nThis confusion by the way is one of the reasons why people don’t teach on eternal rewards!", "\n\n- They are afraid people will fall into works righteousness..\n\nSo lets make it clear.", "\n\nAgain…\n\nFaith in what Jesus did for you at the cross determines WHERE you spend eternity.", "\n\nAnd that’s the first portion of this judgement. ", "If your life is hidden in Christ as your lord and savior, then this appointment is something you should be looking forward to!!! ", "Which is what I’m going to get into next…but first I want to make sure I point out that if your life is covered by the righteous blood of Christ.", "\n\n- If you have not placed your faith in him as your lord and savior, and your life has not been transformed by his love…\n\n- Then your name will not be written in that book of life.", "\n\nAnd just like there are different levels of Heavenly reward, the same holds true for Hell.", "\n\nNot only will you be condemned to the lake of fire…but we know that Even that lake of fire which represents eternal punishment will have levels that are a custom fit….(I don’t have time to get into this…but lets just say the Righteous judge will visit his wrath in very equal measure….) …", "one reference I’ll throw out there is what Jesus had to say about people who would harm little children…. ", "He said with all the wrath and fury of Eternity behind him…. ", "It is better for them to have a 2 ton millstone tied around their neck and drowned in the ocean, than for them to harm one of these little ones.…When God says, Vengeance is mine…He means it.", "\n\n- We can trust that he will enact justice on our behalf in a way that we can’t even fathom. ", "That’s why we can pray for our enemies.", "\n\nSo that’s the first portion of this judgement…has to do with salvation:\n\nFaith in what Jesus did for you at the cross determines WHERE you spend eternity.", "\n\nBut is that it?", "\n\nLook at vs 10 of 2 Corinthians 5…\n\n10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.", "\n\nFor those in Christ, condemnation is totally off the table…For those who are in Christ…you may approach the throne boldly!! ", "In love!! ", "The one who sits upon it is your savior! ", "His name is love!", "\n\n- This is not aboutcondemnation, now it is about commendation!!", "\n\n- And this is what I want you to really get in your heart!!", "\n\nFaith in what Jesus did for you at the cross determines WHERE you spend eternity.", "\n\nBut how you spend your life here and now determines HOW you will spend eternity. (", "say X 2)\n\nJesus made reference to heavenly rewards more than 50 times… yet I think we tend to be a bit hesitant to say they are a major motivator in our lives…Even though it’s clear that Jesus presents them that way…\n\nLike you might say well…I don’t do it for any other reward than Christ himself!", "\n\n- Shouldn’t he be the only reward I need?", "\n\n- Isn’t Christ enough?", "\n\nLike the psalmist who says, “Whom have I in heaven but you, and there is nothing on earth that I desire but you!”", "\n\nOr Paul, who declared, “I count everything as loss compared to the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my lord!”", "\n\nJohn Piper put it like this:\n\n“Christ is revealed more fully, when he’s revealed not only immediately to the eyes of the heart by the Holy Spirit because of his moral and spiritual excellencies, but also when he is revealed mediately through things he has made and done in creation. ", "Physical creation. ", "Things which we experience in our own created physical bodies, not only in our created spiritual souls. ", "That’s why God created a material universe and he created the earth and he created us with physical bodies and capacities to experience good through the created material existence. ", "So the bible says we are to eat and drink and do everything in our physical bodies to the glory of god. ", "which must mean that the pleasures of God that he has built into the taste of food are not designed primarily as competitors with God’s beauty but as means of it’s communication. ", "He’s communicating something of himself with the good creation he has made. ", "So the creation becomes one of the ways that we taste and see that the Lord is good. ", "This is not only true now, but it will also be true in the resurrection! (", "Even more so!) ", "That’s why there is a resurrection of the body and not just an immortality of the soul.", "\n\nThe whole creation will be adapted to be a perfect dwelling for the children of God so that it functions perfectly to reveal Christ and to be the means by which we will most fully enjoy Christ!", "\n\n“Christ indeed is our reward and everything else, morally and spiritually and physically inside us and outside us in the universe, crowns, stars, cities, health, friends, family, great saints etc…everything else with him that will maximize the communication of his glory and our happiness in Him through it.", "\n\nIf God thought that Christ could be known most completely and enjoyed most fully by being the solitary object of our awareness with no created reality as means I don’t think God would have created a material universe in the first place, but only immaterial souls. ", "He didn’t do it that way, and he’s not going to do it that way in the future. ", "So Christ is our reward, and everything else is our reward that more fully reveals him and enables us to enjoy him.”", "\n\n- When God gives us good things on the earth, they are given to us so we can experience the fullness of His glory better!", "\n\nSo are heavenly rewards the right motive? ", "For doing good things on earth?", "\n\n- You might say, well my only motive is the love of Jesus. ", "I just want to please him. ", "YES. ", "That is what these rewards represent. ", "His pleasure expressed for eternity!", "\n\nHeavenly Rewards represent the pleasure of Jesus being expressed upon you for eternity!", "\n\nC.s. ", "lewis\n\n“if you read history, you will find that it was the Christians who did the most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next. ", "It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world they have become so ineffective in this one.”", "\n\nThe way we live now, will determine the way we live in eternity!", "\n\nSo if these Rewards are eternal expressions of God’s love…\n\nHow do we get them?", "\n\n- Every sacrifice you make for His Sake, In His Name, for his Kingdom, will come with an eternal reward…\n\n- Praying for your enemies, serve others, engaging and embracing people with the love of Christ… putting your flesh to death when that person is annoying you… in that moment at 3:30am when your child woke you up for the 8thtime that night…or when you feel fully justified in shaming, or attacking, or holding onto that bitterness…and you lean into the Spirit of God, repent and forgive quickly, often and completely.", "\n\n- When you exercise the fruit of the spirit, rather than the fruit of your flesh. ", "Especially when your circumstances make you feel entitled to act out of your flesh…that anger, or rage, or criticism wells up… and instead you lean into God’s grace…\n\no And walk out your faith in love…\n\n- None of it will go unseen or unrewarded in eternity!", "\n\n- Jesus talks about the smallest act of caring for one of His disciples simply because they are His disciples as something that will come with an eternal reward!", "\n\n- Even something as simple as giving them a cold cup of water.", "\n\nIt’s about obedience of the heart….when nobody else sees…\n\nIn when I say obedience I’m not talking about that empty religious stuff that does things you don’t want to do because you have to. ", "We just saw that there is no condemnation for those in Christ. ", "But there is commendation.", "\n\nTrue obedience from the heart is faith worked out in love. ", "That’s what will get rewarded!!", "\n\nWrite this down:\n\n“Only what is done for Christ remains.”", "\n\nIn 1 Corinthians 3 Paul talks about how we are building upon the foundations of Christ and compares an individual the life of a believer to a building….", "\n\n1 cor 3:11-15\n\n11 For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. ", "12 Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw— 13 each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, (referring to the day of Judgement before the throne of God)because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done. ", "14 If the work that anyone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward. ", "15 If anyone's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire.", "\n\nThis is a picture of someone’s life on this earth. ", "The foundation is of course Jesus..the cornerstone…and they build on that foundation in\n\nNow remember that Great White throne? ", "Who sits on that throne? …", "Jesus…The eyes of Jesus are described in Revelation as flaming fire.", "\n\nOn that day, jesus is going to look right into your soul…and he’ll do it with fire in his eyes…and anything you did for yourself, or for attention, or to feed an idol, or for any other purpose than The King and His Kingdom …he’ll see it and it will be burned up.", "\n\nThe only things that are done for Christ are what remains. ", "The rest of it is just wood, hay and straw and it burns up.", "\n\nBut there’s gold to be had for eternity!", "\n\n- We can trade in our ashes for Gold in eternity!", "\n\n- That when we deal with all the things we struggle with, all the difficulty and sickness, and despair and death and all the sinfulness and the trials of this life…even in the triumphs!", "\n\no Through trial and triumph we are presented with the opportunity to give God Glory. ", "To operate out of a place of obedience, and that obedience that is faith worked out in love.", "\n\no Not just that empty dry obedience that’s just religious and trudging through life like “I don’t want to be doing this and this is stupid and I just resent God”. ", "I’m talking about faith in what is to come, and recognizing that I am in love with my savior, I’m not in love with this world, and so I’m gonna operate in my circumstances according to the things that God has said about me, not my circumstances!”", "\n\nThis is not about condemnation, it’s about commendation!", "\n\nBut there will be those who stand before the throne of God, and you’ll be like that little drummer boy, who has no gift to bring. ", "But you won’t even have a drum.", "\n\nWe all want to hear that “Well done good and faithful servant”. ", "We want to hear that!", "\n\n- But I’m telling you, you come in, and all you have is the foundation. ", "You’re saved, but only through fire. ", "I’m telling you’re gonna stand there before Him, and you’re gona be like, ‘I don’t even have a drum’..\n\no He’s going to look at you with fire in His eyes, and all of that straw and all of that wod and all of that hay is just going to burn up!", "\n\no What are you pursuing in this life that will carry over into eternity!", "\n\nYou want to hear:\n\n‘Well done, good and faithful servant. ", "You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. ", "Enter into the joy of your master.” ", "Matthew 25:23\n\n- What do you believe?", "\n\n- In that time where life is crushing you? ", "Who will you lean in on? ", "Will you shift your mindset, change your attitude? ", "Are you going to allow the lord to move in the hidden places that nobody knows about. ", "when you’ve been abandoned, hurt, or rejected?", "\n\n- When you feel so justified to hold onto that bitterness, and Jesus says, forgive. ", "Jesus says, Let it go. ", "Be a peace maker, move toward unity. ", "I want you to operate out of Grace. ", "I want you to turn the other cheek.", "\n\nJesus says, I want you to savor my rule, I want you to seek my reign I want you to operate as a child of the King of the Universe in a world that’s all jacked up and dark, and when you do I will not overlook it for eternity!", "\n\nNot even a cup of cold water given to a disciple because they are a disciple of Jesus, given in the name of Christ, done for him will not go unrewarded!", "\n\n- Even the little things!", "\n\n- In fact it’s the little things which produce the greatest rewards. ", "The consistent everyday, dying to yourself and picking up your cross to follow Him, saying it’s not about my Kingdom it’s about Him. ", "I know I’m frustrated with all these things, but I’m not gonna indulge all that. ", "I’m gonna put my flesh to death and I’m gonna lean into the Spirit. ", "God rewards those things!!", "\n\nWhat we do in this life echoes in eternity in a glorious way. ", "I pray that you will receive the full reward.", "\n\nThere is so much more to this thing than just ‘stop sinning’. ", "It’s about life and life more abundant! – ", "John 10:10" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "# json-table [![", "Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/micha/json-table.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/micha/json-table)\n\n**Jt** reads UTF-8 encoded JSON forms from `stdin` and writes tab separated\nvalues (or CSV) to `stdout`. ", "A simple stack-based programming language is used\nto extract values from the JSON input for printing.", "\n\n## INSTALL\n\nLinux users can install prebuilt binaries from the release tarball:\n\n```\nsudo bash -c \"cd /usr/local && wget -O - https://github.com/micha/json-table/raw/master/jt.tar.gz | tar xzvf -\"\n```\n\nmacOS users can install the latest release using [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/):\n\n```\nbrew install json-table\n```\n\nOtherwise, build from source:\n\n```\nmake && make test && sudo make install\n```\n\n> **NOTE:** Previous versions installed the **jt** manual in the `$PREFIX/man/`\n> directory, which was incorrect. ", "They are now installed into `$PREFIX/share/man/`.", "\n> If you have installed **jt** previously you will probably want to delete those\n> old man pages from the `$PREFIX/man/` directory if you install a newer version.", "\n\n## OVERVIEW\n\nExtracting information from deeply nested JSON data is difficult and unreliable\nwith tools like **sed** and **awk**, and tools that are specially designed for\nmanipulating JSON are cumbersome to use in the shell because they either return\ntheir results as JSON or introduce a new turing complete scripting language\nthat needs to be quoted and constructed via string interpolation.", "\n\n**Jt** provides only what is needed to extract data from nested JSON data\nstructures and organize the data into a table. ", "Tools like **cut**, **paste**,\n**join**, **sort**, **uniq**, etc. ", "can be used to efficiently reduce the\ntabular data to produce the final result.", "\n\n#### Features\n\n* **Self contained** &mdash; statically linked, has no build or runtime dependencies.", "\n* **Fast, small memory footprint** &mdash; efficiently process large JSON input.", "\n* **Correct** &mdash; parser does not accept invalid JSON (see tests for details).", "\n\n#### Example 1\n\nSuppose we have some JSON data in a log file that we want to process:\n\n```json\n{\"account\":123,\"amount\":1.00}\n{\"account\":789,\"amount\":2.00}\n{\"account\":123,\"amount\":3.00}\n{\"account\":123,\"amount\":4.00}\n{\"account\":456,\"amount\":5.00}\n```\n\nFirst, use **jt** to extract interesting values to get us out of JSON-world and\ninto a nice tab delimited, newline separated tabular format that is amenable to\nprocessing with shell utilities:\n\n```bash\njt [ account % ] amount % <<EOT\n{\"account\":123,\"amount\":1.00}\n{\"account\":789,\"amount\":2.00}\n{\"account\":123,\"amount\":3.00}\n{\"account\":123,\"amount\":4.00}\n{\"account\":456,\"amount\":5.00}\nEOT\n```\n```\n123 1.00\n789 2.00\n123 3.00\n123 4.00\n456 5.00\n```\n\nFrom here we can process the values in the shell. ", "For example, to compute the\nsum of the amounts for account 123:\n\n```bash\njt [ account % ] amount % <<EOT | awk -F\\\\t '$1 == 123 {print $2}' | paste -sd+ |bc\n{\"account\":123,\"amount\":1.00}\n{\"account\":789,\"amount\":2.00}\n{\"account\":123,\"amount\":4.00}\n{\"account\":123,\"amount\":4.00}\n{\"account\":456,\"amount\":5.00}\nEOT\n```\n```\n9.00\n```\n\nOr to compute the amount frequencies for the account:\n\n```bash\njt [ account % ] amount % <<EOT | awk -F\\\\t '$1 == 123 {print $2}' | sort | uniq -c\n{\"account\":123,\"amount\":1.00}\n{\"account\":789,\"amount\":2.00}\n{\"account\":123,\"amount\":4.00}\n{\"account\":123,\"amount\":4.00}\n{\"account\":456,\"amount\":5.00}\nEOT\n```\n```\n 1 1.00\n 2 4.00\n```\n\n#### Example 2\n\n**Jt** can also extract data from nested JSON:\n\n```bash\njt asgs [ name % ] instances [ id % ] [ az % ] [ state % ] <<EOT\n{\n \"asgs\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"test1\",\n \"instances\": [\n {\"id\": \"i-9fb75dc\", \"az\": \"us-east-1a\", \"state\": \"InService\"},\n {\"id\": \"i-95393ba\", \"az\": \"us-east-1a\", \"state\": \"Terminating:Wait\"},\n {\"id\": \"i-241fd0b\", \"az\": \"us-east-1b\", \"state\": \"InService\"}\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"test2\",\n \"instances\": [\n {\"id\": \"i-4bbab16\", \"az\": \"us-east-1a\", \"state\": \"InService\"},\n {\"id\": \"i-417c312\", \"az\": \"us-east-1b\", \"state\": \"InService\"}\n ]\n }\n ]\n}\nEOT\n```\n```\ntest1 i-9fb75dc us-east-1a InService\ntest1 i-95393ba us-east-1a Terminating:Wait\ntest1 i-241fd0b us-east-1b InService\ntest2 i-4bbab16 us-east-1a InService\ntest2 i-417c312 us-east-1b InService\n```\n\nThe resulting TSV data can be piped to **awk**, for example, to get just the\ninstances in `test1` that are in service:\n\n```bash\njt asgs [ name % ] instances [ id % ] [ az % ] [ state % ] <<EOT \\\n | awk -F\\\\t '$1 == \"test1\" && $4 == \"InService\" {print}'\n{\n \"asgs\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"test1\",\n \"instances\": [\n {\"id\": \"i-9fb75dc\", \"az\": \"us-east-1a\", \"state\": \"InService\"},\n {\"id\": \"i-95393ba\", \"az\": \"us-east-1a\", \"state\": \"Terminating:Wait\"},\n {\"id\": \"i-241fd0b\", \"az\": \"us-east-1b\", \"state\": \"InService\"}\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"test2\",\n \"instances\": [\n {\"id\": \"i-4bbab16\", \"az\": \"us-east-1a\", \"state\": \"InService\"},\n {\"id\": \"i-417c312\", \"az\": \"us-east-1b\", \"state\": \"InService\"}\n ]\n }\n ]\n}\nEOT\n```\n```\ntest1 i-9fb75dc us-east-1a InService\ntest1 i-241fd0b us-east-1b InService\n```\n\n## DOCUMENTATION\n\nSee the [man page][man] or `man jt` in your terminal.", "\n\n## EXAMPLES\n\nThe [man page][man] has many examples.", "\n\n## SEE ALSO\n\n**Jt** is based on ideas from the excellent [jshon][jshon] tool.", "\n\n## COPYRIGHT\n\nCopyright © 2017 Micha Niskin. ", "Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.", "\n\n[man]: http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://raw.githubusercontent.com/micha/json-table/master/jt.1.html\n[jshon]: http://kmkeen.com/jshon/\n" ]
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[ "REMINDER:\nMeeting of CA Energy Working Group\nMonday, May 14, 2001 @ 4:00 PM (EDT)\nLocation: Enron, Large Conference Room\n1775 Eye Street, NW\nSuite 800\nWashington, DC 20006\n\nPLEASE PLAN ON ATTENDING THIS IMPORTANT MEETING.", "\n\n\nFor those of you not in Washington, DC\nplease call:\n800-713-8600; Code 6261" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'We prove a topological obstruction for a Riemannian manifold-with-boundary of dimension at least $3$ to be Euclidean flat: if the first homology is nontrivial, then the centre of the fundamental group cannot be trivial. ", "As a corollary, we obtain an obstruction for isometric embeddings of Riemannian manifolds-with-boundary into higher-dimensional Euclidean spaces. ", "The arguments are motivated by the study of incompressible Euler equations with prescribed initial and terminal configurations in hydrodynamics.'", "\naddress: 'Siran Li: Department of Mathematics, Rice University, MS 136 P.O. Box 1892, Houston, Texas, 77251, USA'\nauthor:\n- Siran Li\ntitle: 'An obstruction for flat manifolds-with-boundary via incompressible Euler equations'\n---\n\nIntroduction and the main result\n================================\n\nThe Euler Equation\n------------------\n\nIn the seminal paper [@a] in 1966, Arnold interpreted the Euler equation describing the motion of incompressible inviscid flows on a Riemannian manifold-with-boundary $(M,g)$ as the geodesic equation on ${{\\bf SDiff}}(M)$, the group of orientation-, volume-, and boundary-preserving diffeomorphisms on $M$. The Euler equation on $(M,g)$ reads as follows: $$\\label{euler}\n\\begin{cases}\n{\\partial}_t v + {\\rm div}(v \\otimes v) + {\\nabla}p = 0 \\qquad \\text{in } [0,T] \\times M,\\\\\n{\\rm div}\\, v = 0\\qquad \\text{in } [0,T] \\times M,\\\\\n\\langle v, \\nu \\rangle = 0 \\qquad \\text{on } [0,T] \\times {\\partial}M.\n\\end{cases}$$ Here $v: [0,T] \\times M \\to TM$ is the velocity, $p: [0,T] \\times M \\to {\\mathbb{R}}$ is the pressure, $\\nu$ is the outward unit normal vectorfield on the boundary ${\\partial}M$, and $\\langle\\bullet,\\bullet\\rangle$ is the inner product on ${\\partial}M$ induced by the metric $g$. The infinite-dimensional Lie group ${{\\bf SDiff}}(M)$ is equipped with the $L^2$-metric. ", "In this note we shall normalise $T=1$.\n\nTwo problems on ${{\\bf SDiff}}(M)$ {#subsec: 2 prob}\n-----------------------------------\n\nArnold’s viewpoint initiated fruitful researches on the Euler equation via global-geometric and variational methods. ", "One important question is the following\n\n[**Two-Point Problem:**]{} Given $h_0, h_T \\in {{\\bf SDiff}}(M)$. Find a smooth curve $\\{\\xi_t\\}_{t \\in [0,1]}$ such that $\\xi_0 = h_0$, $\\xi_T=h_T$, and that the action $$\\label{J}\nJ(\\{\\xi_t\\}) := \\frac{1}{2} \\int_0^1 \\left\\|\\frac{{\\partial}\\xi_t(\\bullet)}{{\\partial}t}\\right\\|_{L^2}^2\\,{{\\rm d}}t$$ is finite.", "\n\nWithout loss of generality, we shall take $h_0={{\\bf id}}$ throughout the paper. ", "We call the diffeomorphism $h_T \\in {{\\bf SDiff}}(M)$ *attainable* if and only if the two-point problem is soluble for $h_T$. In this case, it is natural to furthermore consider:\n\n[**Classical Variational Problem:**]{} Given $h_0={{\\bf id}}, h_T \\in {{\\bf SDiff}}(M)$. Find a smooth curve $\\{\\xi_t\\}_{t \\in [0,1]}$ such that $\\xi_0 = h_0$, $\\xi_T=h_T$, and that $\\{\\xi_t\\}$ minimises the action $J(\\{\\xi_t\\})$.\n\nThe above problems are essentially different from the usual Cauchy problem. ", "They are concerned with whether two prescribed configurations of an incompressible fluid on $M$ can be nicely deformed into each other inside ${{\\bf SDiff}}(M)$. A solution for the classical variational problem will give rise to a smooth solution for the Euler Eq.", "  .", "\n\nAttainable and unattainable diffeomorphisms\n-------------------------------------------\n\nIn a series of original works [@s89; @s93; @s94] around 1990s, Shnirelman showed that the answers to both the two-point problem and the classical variational problem are, in general, *negative*. ", "More precisely, denote by $I^n$ the $n$-dimensional unit cube $[0,1]^n$; it was proved in [@s89; @s93; @s94] that\n\n\\[thm: sh\\] There are unattainable diffeomorphsims on $I^2$; in contrast, any diffeomorphism $h \\in {{\\bf SDiff}}(I^n)$ is attainable when $n \\geq 3$. Also, there exists $h_{\\rm BAD} \\in {{\\bf SDiff}}(I^{n \\geq 3})$ such that there are no action-minimising curves of diffeomorphisms connecting ${{\\bf id}}$ and $h_{\\rm BAD}$.\n\nThe existence of unattainable diffeomorphisms on $I^2$ is closely related to the fact that the diameter of ${{\\bf SDiff}}(I^2)$ (with respect to the $L^2$-metric) is infinite. ", "This can be proved for general surfaces using symplectic geometric techniques; see Eliashberg–Ratiu [@er].", "\n\nOn the other hand, let us remark that if $h=h_T$ is sufficiently close to ${{\\bf id}}=h_0$ in the $H^s$-norm for $s>\\lfloor n/2 \\rfloor +1$, then the two-point and classical variational problems are both soluble; see Ebin–Marsden [@em].", "\n\nSome subsequent developments\n----------------------------\n\nThis paper relies crucially on Theorem \\[thm: sh\\]. ", "Nevertheless, to put our work into perspectives, we digress briefly to discuss some developments further to the resolutions of the two-point and classical variational problems.", "\n\nThe non-existence of action-minimising paths in ${{\\bf SDiff}}(M)$ suggests that the putative fluid flows which “minimise the kinetic energy” may allow collisions, merges, and splits of particle trajectories. ", "Thus, one may need to forgo the smoothness of ${{\\bf SDiff}}(M)$ and work in measure-theoretic settings. ", "In 1989 Brenier [@b] introduced the notion of *generalised flows* (GF). ", "They are the probability measures on the path space $C^0(I,M)$, where $I=[0,1]$. A GF is incompressible if and only if its marginals for all times $t$ are equal to the normalised Riemannian volume measure on $M$. Roughly speaking, GFs correspond to measure-valued solutions for the Euler Eq.", " .", "\n\nPioneered by [@b], variational models for incompressible GFs remain up to date a crucial topic of mathematical hydrodynamics. ", "Many studies have been devoted to understanding the approximations by diffeomorphisms, the rôle of pressure, the optimal transportational aspects, and the numerical algorithms for GFs. ", "We refer the readers to Bernot–Figalli–Santambrogio [@bfs], Ambrosio–Figalli [@af], Brenier–Gangbo [@bg], Eyink [@e], and Benamou–Carlier–Nenna [@bcn] among many others papers, as well as the exposition [@df] by Daneri–Figalli.", "\n\nIn addition, Arnold’s paper [@a] triggered active research activities on the global geometry of diffeomorphism groups. ", "See Misiołek–Preston [@mp] and the many references cited therein.", "\n\nFluid domains other than $I^n$ or ${\\mathbb{T}^n}$?", "\n---------------------------------------------------\n\nThe works [@bcn; @bfs; @b; @bg; @df; @e; @s89; @s93; @s94] cited above pertaining to unattainable diffeomorphisms or generalised flows are all working essentially with $I^n$, the unit cube, or ${\\mathbb{T}^n}$, the flat torus. (", "Ambrosio–Figalli [@af] obtained results for GF on measure-preserving Lipschitz preimages of $I^n$ or ${\\mathbb{T}^n}$.) It seems difficult to generalise many of the results in the above works to general manifolds, as they make crucial use of explicit constructions of fluid flows on $I^n$ or ${\\mathbb{T}^n}$.\n\nOn the other hand, considerable developments concerning measure-preserving homeomorphisms and diffeomorphisms on manifolds-with-boundary have taken place in topology and dynamics. ", "See, [*e.g.*]{}, Fathi [@fathi], Schwartzman [@s], and many subsequent works.", "\n\nOur main result\n---------------\n\nMotivated by the above discussions, we set out to combine various ideas from (A), the topological properties of Lie groups of measure-preserving (also, boundary- and orientation-preserving) homeomorphisms/diffeomorphisms on manifolds-with-boundaries; and (B), the two-point problem of the Euler equation.", "\n\nIn particular, making use of results on unattainable diffeomorphisms via the *mass flow homomorphism* as in §5 of Fathi [@fathi] and on symplectomorphism groups by Eliashberg–Ratiu [@er], we arrive at a somewhat surprising topological-geometrical result; the surprise mainly comes from the method of the proof:\n\n\\[thm: main\\] Let $(M,g)$ be an $n$-dimensional compact Riemannian manifold-with-boundary; $n \\geq 3$. If $g$ is the Euclidean metric and $H_1(M;{\\mathbb{R}}) \\neq \\{0\\}$, then $\\pi_1(M)$ has nontrivial centre.", "\n\nRecall that the centre of $\\pi_1(M)$ is the subgroup $$\\mathcal{Z}\\big(\\pi_1(M)\\big) = \\Big\\{ \\sigma \\in \\pi_1(M):\\, \\sigma \\gamma = \\gamma \\sigma \\,\\text{ for all } \\gamma \\in \\pi_1(M) \\Big\\}.$$\n\nAs an illustrating example, consider a *rope* in ${\\mathbb{R}}^3$ — by a rope we mean the thickening of a knot $\\mathcal{K}$; i.e., making a small tubular neighbourhood of $\\mathcal{K}$ solid. ", "The rope has nontrivial first homology, while the centre of its fundamental group is $\\mathbb{Z}$.\n\nNotations and Nomenclatures\n===========================\n\nThe following notations shall be used throughout:\n\n- $I=[0,1]$ and $I^n = [0,1]^n$.\n\n- For a set $S$, denote by $\\mathring{S}$ its interior (with respect to an obvious topology in context).", "\n\n- For sets $S$ and $R$, $S \\sim R$ denotes the set difference.", "\n\n- For a group $G$, $\\mathcal{Z}(G)$ denotes its centre.", "\n\n- $(M,g)$ is a Riemannian manifold-with-boundary if $M$ is locally diffeomorphic to ${\\mathbb{R}}^n$ or $\\overline{{\\mathbb{R}}^n_+}=\\{x=(x',x^n):\\,x'\\in{\\mathbb{R}}^{n-1}, \\, x^n \\geq 0\\}$, and $g$ is a Riemannian metric on $M$.\n\n- ${\\partial}M$ is the boundary of the manifold $M$.\n\n- ${{\\bf id}}$ denotes the identity map that is clear from the context.", "\n\n- For a topological space $X$ containing ${{\\bf id}}$, $X_0$ denotes the identity component of $X$.\n\n- ${{\\mathbf{E}}}^n$ is ${\\mathbb{R}}^n$ equipped with the Euclidean metric.", "\n\n- ${{\\bf Homeo}}(M)$ is the group of homeomorphisms on $M$.\n\n- Let $\\mu$ be a measure on $M$. ${{\\bf Homeo}}(M;\\mu)$ is the $\\mu$-preserving subgroup of ${{\\bf Homeo}}(M)$, namely that ${{\\bf Homeo}}(M;\\mu):=\\{\\Phi \\in {{\\bf Homeo}}(M):\\, \\Phi_\\# \\mu= \\mu\\}$. As in [@fathi], we always consider $\\mu$ that is “good” in the sense of Oxtoby–Ulam [@ou], [*i.e.*]{}, $\\mu$ is atomless, its support is the entire $M$, and $\\mu({\\partial}M)=0$.\n\n- ${\\widetilde{{\n {{\\bf Homeo}}_{\\,0}}}}(M;\\mu)$ is the identity component of the universal cover of ${{\\bf Homeo}}(M;\\mu)$.\n\n- ${{\\bf Diff}}(M)$ is the group of diffeomorphisms on $M$. When ${\\partial}M \\neq \\emptyset$, an element of ${{\\bf Diff}}(M)$ also fixes the boundary (hence the corresponding vectorfields are perpendicular to ${\\partial}M$).", "\n\n- $\\Phi_\\#$ and $\\Phi^\\#$ denote the pushforward and pullback under $\\Phi$, respectively. ", "They can be defined for suitable measures, maps, tensorfields, etc.", "\n\n- $\\Omega$ is the Riemannian volume measure on $M$.\n\n- ${{\\bf SDiff}}(M):=\\{\\Phi \\in {{\\bf Diff}}(M):\\, \\Phi_\\# \\Omega = \\Omega\\}$.\n\n- A path $\\{\\xi_t\\}_{t \\in I}$ in ${{\\bf SDiff}}(M)$ with $\\xi_0={{\\bf id}}$ is known as a smooth *isotopy* connecting ${{\\bf id}}$ to $\\xi_1$. We also write it as $\\{\\xi_t\\}$. In Fathi [@fathi], Appendix A.5 it is written as $(\\xi_t)$, and the group of isotopies is denoted by $\\mathscr{IS}^\\infty(M)$. Moreover, $\\mathscr{IS}(M;\\mu)$ denotes the subgroup of $\\mu$-preserving smooth isotopies. ", "Therefore, the two-point problem in §\\[subsec: 2 prob\\] concerns the existence of smooth isotopies with volume measure-preserving prescribed endpoints.", "\n\n- $J\\{\\xi_t\\}$ denotes the action (total kinetic energy) of the isotopy $\\{\\xi_t\\}$, defined in Eq.", " .", "\n\n- $H_k(M;{\\mathbb{R}})$ and $H^k(M;{\\mathbb{R}})$ denote the $k$-th ${\\mathbb{R}}$-coefficient homology and cohomology groups of $M$, respectively.", "\n\n- $\\pi_1(M)$ is the fundamental group of $M$.\n\n- For a vectorfield $X$ and a differential form $\\beta$ on $M$, $X{\\mathbin{\\vrule height 1.6ex depth 0pt width\n 0.13ex\\vrule height 0.13ex depth 0pt width 1.3ex}}\\beta$ denotes the interior multiplication of $X$ to $\\beta$.\n\n- In many places, $[\\bullet]$ designates an equivalence class. ", "For example, for a closed $k$-form $\\beta$ on $M$, $[\\beta]$ may denote the corresponding cohomology class in $H^k(M;{\\mathbb{R}})$.\n\n- ${{\\mathbb{T}^1}}= {\\mathbb{R}}\\slash 2\\pi\\mathbb{Z} = \\mathbb{S}^1$. We write ${{\\mathbb{T}^1}}$ to emphasise that the group operation is additive.", "\n\n- For a map $f: X {\\rightarrow}{{\\mathbb{T}^1}}$ with $f(0)=0$, we write $\\overline{f}$ for its lift to the universal ${\\mathbb{R}}$ with $\\overline{f}(0)=0$.\n\n- We shall reserve the symbol $\\theta: {{\\bf Homeo}}_0(M,\\mu) \\to H_1(M;R)$ for the mass flow homomorphism on $M$; see §\\[sec: mass flow\\].", "\n\n- ${\\widetilde{\\theta}}$ is the lift of $\\theta$; see §\\[sec: mass flow\\] too.", "\n\nMass flow {#sec: mass flow}\n=========\n\nAn essential ingredient of our arguments is the mass flow homomorphism defined by Fathi in §5, [@fathi]. ", "The idea had also appeared in [@s] by Schwartzman, under the name of “asymptotic cycles”. ", "We summarise here the definition and some properties of the mass flow, which will be needed for the proof of Theorem \\[thm: main\\] in §\\[sec: proof\\].", "\n\nLet $M$ be a compact metric space. ", "Given any good measure $\\mu$ on $M$ (in the Oxtoby–Ulam sense), one can define a natural map $$\\label{tilde-massflow}\n{\\widetilde{\\theta}}: {\\widetilde{{\n{{\\bf Homeo}}_{\\,0}}}}(M;\\mu) \\longrightarrow {\\rm Hom}\\left(\\left[M,{{\\mathbb{T}^1}}\\right];{\\mathbb{R}}\\right),$$ where $\\left[M,{{\\mathbb{T}^1}}\\right]$ is the homotopy class of maps from $M$ to ${{\\mathbb{T}^1}}$. When $M$ is a compact manifold-with-boundary, we have $${\\rm Hom}\\left(\\left[M,{{\\mathbb{T}^1}}\\right];{\\mathbb{R}}\\right)\\cong H_1(M;{\\mathbb{R}}),$$ as well as $${\\widetilde{{\n{{\\bf Homeo}}_{\\,0}}}}(M;\\mu) = {{\\mathscr{IS}}}(M;\\mu) \\slash \\sim,$$ with the equivalence relation $\\{h_t\\} \\sim \\{k_t\\}$ if and only if $h_0=k_0={{\\bf id}}$, $h_1=k_1=e$, and there is a continuous map $H: I \\times I \\to {{\\bf Homeo}}(M;\\mu)$ such that $H_{0,s}={{\\bf id}}$, $H_{1,s}=e$, $H_{t,0}=h_t$, and $H_{t,1}=k_t$. The space ${{\\mathscr{IS}}}(M;\\mu) \\slash \\sim$ is equipped with the quotient topology derived from the compact-open topology on the isotopy group.", "\n\nTo define ${\\widetilde{\\theta}}$ in Eq.", " , take any $\\{h_t\\} \\in {{\\mathscr{IS}}}(M;\\mu)$. Then, for any $f \\in C^0(M,{{\\mathbb{T}^1}})$ we have a homotopy $(f\\circ h_t - f) : M {\\rightarrow}{{\\mathbb{T}^1}}$ which equals $0$ at $t=0$. So one may lift it to $\\overline{f \\circ h_t - f}: M {\\rightarrow}{\\mathbb{R}}$. We set $$\\label{tilde theta, def}\n{\\widetilde{\\theta}}(\\{h_t\\}) (f) := \\int_M \\overline{f \\circ h_1 - f}\\,{{\\rm d}}\\mu.$$ One can easily check that ${\\widetilde{\\theta}}$ induces a homomorphism as in Eq.", " , and that ${\\widetilde{\\theta}}$ is continuous when ${\\rm Hom}\\left(\\left[M,{{\\mathbb{T}^1}}\\right];{\\mathbb{R}}\\right)$ is endowed with the weak topology.", "\n\nWrite ${{\\mathcal{N}}}(M;\\mu)$ for the kernel of the universal covering ${\\widetilde{{\n{{\\bf Homeo}}_{\\,0}}}}(M;\\mu) \\to {{\\bf Homeo}}(M;\\mu)$. It is identified with “loop space”: $${{\\mathcal{N}}}(M;\\mu) = \\Big\\{ \\big[ \\{h_t\\} \\big] \\in {{\\mathscr{IS}}}(M;\\mu)\\slash \\sim :\\, h_1={{\\bf id}}\\Big\\}.$$ For $M$ being a compact manifold-with-boundary, set $$\\label{Gamma}\n{\\Gamma}:= {\\widetilde{\\theta}}\\left( {{\\mathcal{N}}}(M;\\mu)\\right) \\leq H_1(M;{\\mathbb{R}}).$$ Then ${\\widetilde{\\theta}}$ declines to a homomorphism $$\\label{theta, massflow}\n\\theta: {{\\bf Homeo}}(M;\\mu) \\longrightarrow H_1(M;{\\mathbb{R}}) \\slash {\\Gamma}.$$ We shall call either ${\\widetilde{\\theta}}$ in Eq.", "  or $\\theta$ in Eq.", "  the *mass flow homomorphism*.", "\n\nWhen $M$ is a compact Riemannian manifold-with-boundary equipped with a normalised volume form $\\Omega$ ($\\int_M \\Omega=1$), one may further characterise ${\\widetilde{\\theta}}$ via smooth isotopies.[^1] Indeed, ${\\widetilde{\\theta}}$ is equivalent via the Poincaré duality to $$\\widetilde{V} : {{\\mathscr{IS}}}^\\infty(M;\\Omega) \\longrightarrow H^{n-1}(M;{\\mathbb{R}}),$$ where for $\\{h_t\\} \\in {{\\mathscr{IS}}}^\\infty(M;\\Omega)$ we define $\\widetilde{V} (\\{h_t\\})$ as follows: let $X_t \\in {\\Gamma}(TM)$ be the vectorfield whose integral flow is $h_t$. Then $$\\widetilde{V} (\\{h_t\\}) := \\int_0^1 X_t {\\mathbin{\\vrule height 1.6ex depth 0pt width\n0.13ex\\vrule height 0.13ex depth 0pt width 1.3ex}}\\Omega \\,{{\\rm d}}t,$$ where ${\\mathbin{\\vrule height 1.6ex depth 0pt width\n0.13ex\\vrule height 0.13ex depth 0pt width 1.3ex}}$ denotes the interior multiplication.", "\n\nFinally, let us present here Proposition 5.1 in [@fathi], attributed to D. Sullivan. ", "Consider the homomorphisms: $$\\begin{aligned}\n&&a_M: \\left[M,{{\\mathbb{T}^1}}\\right] \\to H^1(M;{{\\mathbb{Z}}}),\\qquad f \\mapsto f^\\#\\sigma;\\\\\n&&b_M: H_1(M;{{\\mathbb{Z}}}) \\to {\\rm Hom}\\left(H^1(X;{{\\mathbb{Z}}}),{{\\mathbb{Z}}}\\right)\\qquad\\text{the natural duality};\\\\\n&&h_M: \\pi_1(M) \\to H_1(M;{{\\mathbb{Z}}})\\qquad\\text{the Hurewicz map},\\end{aligned}$$ and define $$\\alpha_M := a_M^* \\circ b_M \\circ h_M.$$ Then, whenever $M$ is a connected compact metric space, it holds that $$\\label{sullivan}\n\\alpha_M({\\Gamma}) \\subset \\mathcal{Z}\\big(\\pi_1(M)\\big).$$\n\nProof of the main Theorem \\[thm: main\\] {#sec: proof}\n=======================================\n\nOur proof has three key components:\n\n1. ", " the mass flow homomorphism (§\\[sec: mass flow\\]);\n\n2. ", " Shnirelman’s proof for the existence of unattainable diffeomorphisms on $I^2$ (see Theorem \\[thm: sh\\] and [@s94]);\n\n3. ", " control of the action $J$ by the mass flow (see Appendix A, Eliashberg–Ratiu [@er]).", "\n\nLet $(M,g)$ be a compact Riemannian manifold-with-boundary of dimension $n \\geq 3$. Without loss of generality, we may assume that $M$ is connected.", "\n\nSuppose for contradiction that $g$ is the Euclidean metric, $\\pi_1(M)$ has trivial centre, and $H_1(M;R)\\neq \\{0\\}$. We would then have an inclusion ([*i.e.*]{}, isometric embedding) $$(M,g) {\\hookrightarrow}{{\\mathbf{E}}}^n.$$ Let $\\{B_j = B(x_j,\\rho_j)\\}_{j=1}^\\infty$ be a collection of disjoint Euclidean $n$-balls inside $\\mathring{I}^n$, such that $x_j$ has an accumulation point on the boundary ${\\partial}I^n$. Consider the mass flow homomorphism in Eq.", " : $$\\theta: {\n{{\\bf Homeo}}_{\\,0}}(M,\\mu) \\to H_1(M;{\\mathbb{R}}),$$ where $\\mu$ is the normalised volume measure on $(M,g)$, and ${\n{{\\bf Homeo}}_{\\,0}}(M,\\mu)$ is the identity component of the group of $\\mu$-preserving homeomorphisms. ", "In this case, $\\mu$ is the Lebesgue measure restricted to $M$, which is clearly good in the Oxtoby–Ulam sense [@ou]. ", "Under the assumption that $\\pi_1(M)$ has trivial centre, by Eq.", "  we know that ${\\Gamma}$ is trivial. ", "In fact, $\\theta$ is a group epimorphism (see Fathi [@fathi], §5).", "\n\nMoreover, as $M$ is a smooth manifold-with-boundary, we can choose the generators of $H_1(M;{\\mathbb{R}})$ to be smooth loops with tubular neighbourhoods in $M$. For a generator $[\\sigma] \\in H_1(M;{\\mathbb{R}})$ and any $j\\in \\mathbb{N}$, let us select $h_j \\in {\n{{\\bf Homeo}}_{\\,0}}(M,\\mu)$ such that $$\\theta(h_j) = N(j)[\\sigma],$$ where $N(j)$ is a large number to be specified later. ", "Thus $\\|\\theta(h_j)\\|= c_1 N(j)$, with $c_1$ being the positive constant $\\|\\theta([\\sigma])\\|$.\n\nHere and hereafter, the norm $\\|\\bullet\\|$ is the quotient norm on cohomology/homology groups induced by the usual $L^1$-norm on differential forms. ", "We shall fix $\\sigma$ once and for all.", "\n\nLet $O_j$ be suitable compositions of homotheties and translations on ${{\\mathbf{E}}}^n$ such that $O_j (M) \\subset \\mathring{B}_j$ for each $j$. Then we set $$S_\\infty(x):=\\begin{cases}\nx\\qquad \\text{ if } x \\in I^n \\sim \\bigcup_{j=1}^\\infty B_j,\\\\\n{O_j}_\\#\\, h_j(x)\\qquad \\text{ if } x \\in B_j. ", "\n\\end{cases}$$ It is a volume-preserving, orientation-preserving diffeomorphism on the cube $I^{n}$ which fixes the boundary ${\\partial}I^n$.\n\nSince the dimension $n \\geq 3$ and $S_\\infty \\in {{\\bf SDiff}}(I^n)$, by Theorem \\[thm: sh\\] ([*cf.*]{} ", "Shnirelman [@s93]), $S_\\infty$ is an attainable diffeomorphism. ", "That is, there exists an isotopy $\\{k_t\\}_{t\\in I} \\in {{\\mathscr{IS}}}^\\infty(I^n;\\mu) $ connecting ${{\\bf id}}$ to $S_\\infty$ with $J(\\{k_t\\})<\\infty$; $J$ is the action/total kinetic energy in Eq.", " .", "\n\nBy the construction of $S_\\infty$, we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{chain 1}\nJ(\\{k_t\\}) \\geq \\sum_{j=1}^\\infty J_j, \\end{aligned}$$ where $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{chain 2}\nJ_j= \\frac{1}{2} \\int_0^1 \\int_{B_j} \\left| \\frac{{\\partial}k_t(x)}{{\\partial}t}\\right|^2\\,{{\\rm d}}\\left\\{{O_j}_\\#\\mu(x)\\right\\}\\,{{\\rm d}}t.\\end{aligned}$$ Note that $k_0={{\\bf id}}$ and $k_1={O_j}_\\#\\, h_j$ on each $B_j$.\n\nTo proceed, we relate the integral of $|{\\partial}k_t\\slash {\\partial}_t|$ to the mass flow homomorphism. ", "The arguments essentially follow from Appendix A in Eliashberg–Ratiu [@er], with more details provided. ", "First note that $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{chain 2.5}\n\\int_{B_j} \\left| \\frac{{\\partial}k_t(x)}{{\\partial}t}\\right|^2\\,{{\\rm d}}\\left\\{{O_j}_\\#\\mu(x)\\right\\}= \\int_M \\left|\\frac{{\\partial}\\left({O_j}^\\# k_t\\right)(y)}{{\\partial}t}\\right|^2\\mathbf{J}_{O_j}(y) \\,{{\\rm d}}\\mu(y),\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\mathbf{J}_{O_j}$ is the Jacobian of $O_j$. Since $O_j$ is a homothety that sends $M$ into an $n$-ball of radius $\\rho_j$ (modulo rigid motions in ${{\\mathbf{E}}}^n$), it is clear that $$\\label{jac}\n\\mathbf{J}_{O_j} \\geq c_2 (\\rho_j)^n$$ with some universal constant $c_2$ depending only on the volume of $(M,g)$.\n\nThanks to Eq.", " , we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{chain 3}\n\\int_M \\left|\\frac{{\\partial}\\left({O_j}^\\# k_t\\right)(y)}{{\\partial}t}\\right|^2 \\mathbf{J}_{O_j}(y)\\,{{\\rm d}}\\mu(y) \\geq c_3 \\, (\\rho_j)^n \\int_M \\left|\\frac{{\\partial}\\left({O_j}^\\# k_t\\right)(y)}{{\\partial}t}\\right|\\,{{\\rm d}}\\mu(y),\\end{aligned}$$ where $c_3$ again depends only on the volume of $(M,g)$. This follows immediately from the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality.", "\n\nNow, notice that for any vectorfield $X \\in {\\Gamma}(TM)$, it holds that $$\\label{X}\n\\int_M |X|\\Omega \\geq c_4 \\left\\| X {\\mathbin{\\vrule height 1.6ex depth 0pt width\n0.13ex\\vrule height 0.13ex depth 0pt width 1.3ex}}\\Omega \\right\\|$$ for a dimensional constant $c_4$, where ${\\mathbin{\\vrule height 1.6ex depth 0pt width\n0.13ex\\vrule height 0.13ex depth 0pt width 1.3ex}}$ is the interior multiplication and $\\Omega$ is the normalised volume form corresponding to $\\mu$. We can see this, for example, by computing in local co-ordinates. ", "Let $\\{{\\partial}_1, \\ldots, {\\partial}_n\\} \\subset {\\Gamma}(TM)$ be the canonical frame (recall that $M$ is Euclidean) and $\\{dx^1,\\ldots,dx^n\\}$ be the dual coframe. ", "Then write $X=\\sum X^i{\\partial}_i$ and $\\Omega = \\rho dx^1 \\wedge \\cdots \\wedge dx^n$ for scalarfields $X^1,\\ldots,X^n$, and $\\rho$. It follows that $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\int_M |X|\\Omega = \\int_M \\sqrt{\\sum_i \\left|X^i\\right|^2 }\\,\\rho\\, {{\\rm d}}\\mu\\end{aligned}$$ and $$\\begin{aligned}\nX {\\mathbin{\\vrule height 1.6ex depth 0pt width\n0.13ex\\vrule height 0.13ex depth 0pt width 1.3ex}}\\Omega = \\sum_i (\\rho X^i)\\, dx^1 \\wedge \\cdots \\wedge dx^{i-1} \\wedge dx^{i+1}\\wedge\\cdots\\wedge dx^n.\\end{aligned}$$ On the other hand, $\\|X{\\mathbin{\\vrule height 1.6ex depth 0pt width\n0.13ex\\vrule height 0.13ex depth 0pt width 1.3ex}}\\Omega\\|$ is less than or equal to the $L^1$-norm of $X{\\mathbin{\\vrule height 1.6ex depth 0pt width\n0.13ex\\vrule height 0.13ex depth 0pt width 1.3ex}}\\Omega$. Hence $$\\|X {\\mathbin{\\vrule height 1.6ex depth 0pt width\n0.13ex\\vrule height 0.13ex depth 0pt width 1.3ex}}\\Omega\\| \\leq \\int_M \\rho \\left(\\sum_i \\left|X^i\\right|\\right)\\,{{\\rm d}}\\mu,$$ from which Eq.", "  follows.", "\n\nLet us take $$\\begin{aligned}\nX = \\frac{{\\partial}\\left( O_j^\\# k_t\\right)}{{\\partial}t}.\\end{aligned}$$ An application of the Fubini theorem and Eq.", "  yields that $$\\label{chain 3.5}\n\\int_0^1 \\int_M \\left|\\frac{{\\partial}\\left({O_j}^\\# k_t\\right)(y)}{{\\partial}t}\\right|\\,{{\\rm d}}\\mu(y)\\,{{\\rm d}}t \\geq c_4 \\left\\|\\int_0^1 \\left\\{ \\frac{{\\partial}\\left({O_j}^\\# k_t\\right)}{{\\partial}t} {\\mathbin{\\vrule height 1.6ex depth 0pt width\n0.13ex\\vrule height 0.13ex depth 0pt width 1.3ex}}\\Omega\\right\\} \\,{{\\rm d}}t \\right\\|.$$\n\nHowever, recall from §\\[sec: mass flow\\] that the group homomorphism sending a smooth isotopy to a representitive of the $(n-1)$-cohomology: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{poincare dual}\n\\left\\{{O_j}^\\# k_t\\right\\}_{t\\in I} \\quad \\longmapsto\\quad \\left[\\int_0^1 \\left\\{ \\frac{{\\partial}\\left({O_j}^\\# k_t\\right)}{{\\partial}t} {\\mathbin{\\vrule height 1.6ex depth 0pt width\n0.13ex\\vrule height 0.13ex depth 0pt width 1.3ex}}\\Omega\\right\\} \\,{{\\rm d}}t \\right] \\quad \\in H^{n-1}(M;{\\mathbb{R}})\\end{aligned}$$ is the Poincaré dual of ${\\widetilde{\\theta}}\\left(\\left\\{{O_j}^\\# k_t\\right\\}_{t \\in I}\\right)$, where ${\\widetilde{\\theta}}$ is the lift of the mass flow homomorphism $\\theta$. The square bracket over $\\int_0^1\\,{{\\rm d}}t$ denotes the equivalence class in the cohomology group. ", "Since $\\pi_1(M)$ has trivial centre, we can work with $\\theta$ and ${\\widetilde{\\theta}}$ interchangeably, thanks to Proposition 5.1 in [@fathi] due to Sullivan.", "\n\nWe also recall that the $\\theta$-image of the volume-preserving diffeomorphism $h_j \\equiv {O_j}^\\# k_1$ is $N(j) [\\sigma]$, where $[\\sigma]$ is the nontrivial cycle in $H_1(M;{\\mathbb{R}})$ chosen before. ", "By the definition of the mass flow homomorphism (see Eqs.", "  and ), it holds that $$\\begin{aligned}\n{\\widetilde{\\theta}}\\left(\\left\\{{O_j}^\\# k_t\\right\\}_{t \\in I}\\right)(\\varphi) = \\int_{M} \\overline{\\varphi \\circ h_j - \\varphi} \\,{{\\rm d}}\\mu\\end{aligned}$$ for each test function $\\varphi \\in C^0(M,{{\\mathbb{T}^1}})$, where $\\overline{\\varphi \\circ h_j - \\varphi}$ is the lift of ${\\varphi \\circ h_j - \\varphi}$ from ${{\\mathbb{T}^1}}$ to the universal cover ${\\mathbb{R}}$ with $\\overline{\\varphi\\circ k_0-\\varphi}=0$ (recall that $k_0={{\\bf id}}$). ", "So $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{chain 4}\n\\left\\|\n{\\widetilde{\\theta}}\\left(\\left\\{{O_j}^\\# k_t\\right\\}_{t \\in I}\\right)\\right\\| \\geq c_5 N(j)\\end{aligned}$$ with another universal constant $c_5>0$ (which may depend on $c_1$).", "\n\nThus, combining and , we obtain $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\left\\|\\int_0^1 \\left\\{ \\frac{{\\partial}\\left({O_j}^\\# k_t\\right)}{{\\partial}t} {\\mathbin{\\vrule height 1.6ex depth 0pt width\n0.13ex\\vrule height 0.13ex depth 0pt width 1.3ex}}\\Omega\\right\\} \\,{{\\rm d}}t \\right\\| \\geq c_5 N(j).\\end{aligned}$$ This together with , , , , , and leads to: $$\\begin{aligned}\nJ\\big(\\{k_t\\}\\big) \\geq \\frac{c_3 c_4 c_5}{2} \\sum_{j=1}^\\infty N(j)\\cdot (\\rho_j)^n.\\end{aligned}$$ By choosing $$N(j):= (\\rho_j)^{-n}j^{-1}$$ we get $$J\\big(\\{k_t\\}\\big)=\\infty,$$ which contradicts the attainability of $S_\\infty \\in {{\\bf SDiff}}(I^n)$. Therefore, there cannot be an inclusion $(M,g) {\\hookrightarrow}{{\\mathbf{E}}}^n$. The proof is now complete.", "\n\nA concluding remark\n===================\n\nFor a compact Riemannian manifold-with-boundary $(M^n,g)$, let $\\iota: (M^n,g) {\\hookrightarrow}{{\\mathbf{E}}}^{\\overline{n}}$ be an isometric embedding.", "\n\nWe say that $\\iota$ has the “*rigid isotopy extension property*” if for every $\\{\\xi_t\\}_{t \\in I} \\subset {{\\bf SDiff}}(M,g)$ and for any ${\\epsilon}>0$, the following two conditions hold:\n\n- There exists $\\left\\{\\hat{\\xi}_t\\right\\}_{t\\in I} \\subset {{\\bf SDiff}}\\left({{\\mathbf{E}}}^{\\overline{n}}\\right)$ such that $\n J(\\{\\xi_t\\}) + {\\epsilon}> J\\left(\\left\\{\\hat{\\xi}_t\\right\\}\\right)$ and $\\hat{\\xi}_t \\circ \\iota = \\iota \\circ \\xi_t$ for all $t \\in I$.\n\n- For any $\\left\\{\\check{\\xi}_t\\right\\}_{t\\in I} \\subset {{\\bf SDiff}}\\left({{\\mathbf{E}}}^{\\overline{n}}\\right)$ such that $\\check{\\xi}_t \\circ \\iota = \\iota \\circ \\xi_t$ for all $t \\in I$, one must have $\n J(\\{\\xi_t\\}) < J\\left(\\left\\{\\hat{\\xi}_t\\right\\}\\right) + {\\epsilon}$.\n\nIn the above definition, $J\\left(\\{\\xi_t\\}\\right)$ is computed with respect to $(M,g)$, and $J\\left(\\left\\{\\hat{\\xi}_t\\right\\}\\right)$, $J\\left(\\left\\{\\check{\\xi}_t\\right\\}\\right)$ are computed with respect to ${{\\mathbf{E}}}^{\\overline{n}}$.\n\nHeuristically, an isometric embedding $(M,g) {\\hookrightarrow}{{\\mathbf{E}}}^{\\overline{n}}$ has the rigid isotopy extension property if and only if any smooth, volume-preserving isotopy on $M$ can be extended to an ambient isotopy on $ {{\\mathbf{E}}}^{\\overline{n}}$ at the expense of very small extra kinetic energy; moreover, any such extension cannot essentially save any kinetic energy.", "\n\nA straightforward adaptation of the arguments in §\\[sec: proof\\] yields an obstruction for the existence of isometric embeddings into ambient Euclidean spaces:\n\nLet $(M,g)$ be a compact Riemannian manifold-with-boundary. ", "Assume that $(M,g)$ admits an isometric embedding into ${{\\mathbf{E}}}^{\\overline{n}}$ with the rigid isotopy extension property; $\\overline{n} \\geq 3$. If $H_1(M;{\\mathbb{R}}) \\neq \\{0\\}$, then $\\pi_1(M)$ must have nontrivial centre.", "\n\n[**Acknowledgement**]{}. ", "SL is greatly indebted to Prof. Alexander Shnirelman for very insightful discussions on his works [@s93; @s94], when the author undertook a CRM–ISM postdoctoal fellowship at the Centre de Recherches Mathématiques and the Institut des Sciences Mathématiques in Montréal during 2017–2019. ", "The author would also like to thank McGill University and Concordia University for providing pleasant working environments.", "\n\n[**Conflict of Interest.**]{} ", "The author declares that they have no conflict of interest.", "\n\n[99]{}\n\nL. Ambrosio and A. Figalli, [Geodesics in the space of measure-preserving maps and plans]{}, *Arch. ", "Ration. ", "Mech. ", "Anal.* **", "194** (2009), 421–462\n\nV. I. 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Preston, [Fredholm properties of Riemannian exponential maps on diffeomorphism groups]{}, *Invent. ", "Math.* **", "179** (2010), 191–227\n\nA. I. Shnirelman, [The geometry of the group of diffeomorphisms and the dynamics of an ideal incompressible fluid (in Russian)]{}, *Mat. ", "Sb. (", "N.S.)* **128** (1985), 82–109\n\nS. Schwartzman, [Asymptotic cycles]{}, *Ann. ", "of Math.* **", "66** (1957), 270–284\n\nA. I. Shnirelman, [ Attainable diffeomorphisms]{}, *Geom. ", "Funct. ", "Anal.* **", "3** (1993), 279–294\n\nA. I. Shnirelman, [Generalized fluid flows, their approximation and applications]{}, *Geom. ", "Funct. ", "Anal.* **", "4** (1994), 586–620\n\nJ. C. Oxtoby and S. M. Ulam, [Measure-preserving homeomorphisms and metrical transitivity]{}, *Ann. ", "of Math.* **", "42** (1941), 874–920\n\n[^1]: Fathi [@fathi] attributed this result to W. Thurston, “*On the structure of the group of volume preserving diffeomorphism* (to appear)”. ", "It seems to the author that this Thurston paper has never appeared in publication.", "\n" ]
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[ "HS football: Trumbull vs. Greenwich\n\nOctober 7, 2011\n\nBob Luckey\n\n36of43\n\nDon Cherry of Trumbull, #44, left, sacks Greenwich HIgh School quarterback, Liam O'Neil, # 14, during high school football game between Greenwich High School and Trumbull High School at Trumbull High School, Thursday night, Oct. 6, 2011.", "\n\nDon Cherry of Trumbull, #44, left, sacks Greenwich HIgh School quarterback, Liam O'Neil, # 14, during high school football game between Greenwich High School and Trumbull High School at Trumbull High School, Thursday night, Oct. 6, 2011." ]
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[ "iLuv Creative Technology, the premier provider of the most comprehensive accessories line for the Apple and smartphone markets, rapidly delivers award winning products for today’s discriminating consumers. ", "Since inception, iLuv has amassed an impressive total of 16 prestigious CES Innovations awards, recognized for design and engineering in the Portable Multimedia Accessories, Headphones and the In-Vehicle Accessory categories. ", "Headquartered in New York, iLuv is a division of jWIN Electronics Corp., a leading consumer electronics company since 1997. ", "All iLuv products are conceived, designed and developed in New York and continue to lead in quality, value, design and innovation.", "\n\nAll of our used parts are fully tested and in are in Grade A- to A condition unless stated otherwise. (", "Scratches possible, but no heavy wear or dents). ", "Used parts designated with a Grade B condition may have slight damage such as small dents or deep scratches that are noticeable but should not affect the functionality of the device. ", "Used parts designated as Non-Working will be parts that will need additional repair in order to be functional. ", "This may include physical or liquid damage. ", "All of our parts (new and used) come with a one year warranty direct from us.", "\n\nShould you have any questions about the condition of an item feel free to give us a call at 1-866-726-3342 or email us at support@powerbookmedic.com\n\nProduct Compatibility\n\nSubmit your device's serial number or model number to check for compatibility using our built-in system. ", "These devices will be saved for future visits as well.", "\n\nStill need help?", "\n\nGive us a call at 1-866-726-3342 or use our live support.", "\n\nSelf-Install Guides and Videos\n\nWe have a large selection of free take apart and installation guides on our repair guide page: Mac Repair Guides .", "\n\nNeed this product Installed?", "\n\nClick Here to visit our send-in Mac Service center, or call us at 1-866-726-3342, and ask us to do it for you!", "\n\nWe can install any item on our site for less than anyone else, guaranteed! ", "We'll even ship you a box to send your unit in.", "\n\nRelated Products\n\nCustomers who bought this product also bought the following products: This does not necessarily mean these products are compatible with your device.", "\n\niLuv Creative Technology, the premier provider of the most comprehensive accessories line for the Apple and smartphone markets, rapidly delivers award winning products for today’s discriminating consumers. ", "Since inception, iLuv has amassed an impressive total of 16 prestigious CES Innovations awards, recognized for design and engineering in the Portable Multimedia Accessories, Headphones and the In-Vehicle Accessory categories. ", "Headquartered in New York, iLuv is a division of jWIN Electronics Corp., a leading consumer electronics company since 1997. ", "All iLuv products are conceived, designed and developed in New York and continue to lead in quality, value, design and innovation.", "\n\nAll of our used parts are fully tested and in are in Grade A- to A condition unless stated otherwise. (", "Scratches possible, but no heavy wear or dents). ", "Used parts designated with a Grade B condition may have slight damage such as small dents or deep scratches that are noticeable but should not affect the functionality of the device. ", "Used parts designated as Non-Working will be parts that will need additional repair in order to be functional. ", "This may include physical or liquid damage. ", "All of our parts (new and used) come with a one year warranty direct from us.", "\n\nShould you have any questions about the condition of an item feel free to give us a call at 1-866-726-3342 or email us at support@powerbookmedic.com\n\nProduct Compatibility\n\nSubmit your device's serial number or model number to check for compatibility using our built-in system. ", "These devices will be saved for future visits as well.", "\n\nStill need help?", "\n\nGive us a call at 1-866-726-3342 or use our live support.", "\n\nSelf-Install Guides and Videos\n\nWe have a large selection of free take apart and installation guides on our repair guide page: Mac Repair Guides .", "\n\nNeed this product Installed?", "\n\nClick Here to visit our send-in Mac Service center, or call us at 1-866-726-3342, and ask us to do it for you!", "\n\nWe can install any item on our site for less than anyone else, guaranteed! ", "We'll even ship you a box to send your unit in.", "\n\nRelated Products\n\nCustomers who bought this product also bought the following products: This does not necessarily mean these products are compatible with your device.", "\n\nAbout\n\nFor over 13 years, Powerbook Medic has been providing parts, repair, and service for a variety of gadgets. ", "In that time, over 300,000 orders have left our facility for US and international destinations to help save old devices from the landfill and bring them back to working condition." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nselecting html by id using BeautifulSoup\n\nI'm trying to select a section of html from a webpage\nI use the code:\nimport urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error\nfrom lxml import html\nfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoup\n\nhtml = urllib.request.urlopen(\"http://archiveofourown.org/works/1758087?view_full_work=true\").read()\nsoup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')\n\nfor tag in soup.find_all(id=\"children\"):\n print(tag.get('href'))\n\nto get this:\n<div id=\"children\" class=\"children module\">\n <h3 class=\"heading\">Works inspired by this one:</h3>\n <ul>\n <li>\n <a href=\"/works/2219289\">not an origin story</a> by <a rel=\"author\" href=\"/users/eiirene/pseuds/eiirene\">eiirene</a>\n </li>\n </ul>\n</div>\n\nand then extract the number (2219289) and name (eiirene).", "\nWhen I run the same code on url = \"http://archiveofourown.org/works/225563?view_full_work=true\" to try to select this:\n<div id=\"children\" class=\"children module\">\n <h3 class=\"heading\">Works inspired by this one:</h3>\n <ul>\n <li>\n <a href=\"/works/240745\">Cover- Performance in A Leading Role by mad_lori</a> by <a rel=\"author\" href=\"/users/blanketforyourshock/pseuds/blanketforyourshock\">blanketforyourshock</a>\n </li>\n <li>\n <a href=\"/works/341326\">Movie still: To A Stranger</a> by <a rel=\"author\" href=\"/users/RedOrchid/pseuds/RedOrchid\">RedOrchid</a>\n </li>\n <li>\n <a href=\"/works/787850\">Future Yesterday</a> by <a rel=\"author\" href=\"/users/ladymac111/pseuds/ladymac111\">ladymac111</a>\n </li>\n </ul>\n</div>\n\nIt returns 'None'. ", "If I use find_all it returns an empty list [].", "\nAny ideas?", "\n\nA:\n\nI included both urls in a list and looped over them. ", "Also I used the requests library for simplicity.", "\nCode:\nimport requests, re\nfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoup\n\nurls = [\"http://archiveofourown.org/works/1758087?view_full_work=true\", \"http://archiveofourown.org/works/225563?view_full_work=true\"]\nfor url in urls:\n print(\"***********************\")\n html = requests.get(url).text\n soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')\n part = soup.find(\"div\", id=\"children\")\n soup = BeautifulSoup(str(part), 'html.parser')\n nums = soup.findAll('a', href=re.compile('/works/'))\n names = soup.findAll('a', href=re.compile('/users/'))\n for i in range(0, len(nums)):\n print(str(nums[i]['href']).split('/works/')[1] + \" : \" + names[i].text)\n\nOutput:\n***********************\n2219289 : eiirene\n***********************\n240745 : blanketforyourshock\n341326 : RedOrchid\n787850 : ladymac111\n\n" ]
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[ "Do you have questions about the ride? ", "Message us on Facebook Instagram!" ]
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[ 0, 0 ]
[ "PDF Che cos'è davvero la democrazia: PDF\n\nby Edward N. Luttwak\n\nAmerican military strategist and historian who has published works on military strategy, history and international relations.", "\n\nIn addition to his persona as a \"public intellectual\", Luttwak is also an independent intelligence operative who is involved in clandestine activities that include \"field operations, extraditions, arrests, interrogations (never, he insists, using physical violence), military consulting and counterterrorism training for different agencies of the U.S., foreign governments and private interests\", he told Laura Rozen of the weekly The Forward newspaper" ]
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[ "Hypovitaminosis D is associated with reductions in serum apolipoprotein A-I but not with fasting lipids in British Bangladeshis.", "\nAlthough hypovitaminosis D has been suggested to increase the risk of heart disease, its relation to components of the fasting lipid profile has not been clarified for specific ethnic groups. ", "The objective was to determine the relation of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations to fasting lipid concentrations in South Asian subjects at risk of hypovitaminosis D. The present study was conducted in 170 British Bangladeshi adults, 69 men and 101 women, from east London who were free of known diabetes or chronic disorders. ", "Vitamin D repletion was assessed by measuring fasting serum 25(OH)D concentrations. ", "Fasting lipid profiles were measured as part of a study of the risk factors for type 2 diabetes and ischemic heart disease, which included hypovitaminosis D. A univariate analysis showed that total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and both apolipoprotein (apo) A-I and apo B concentrations correlated directly with serum 25(OH)D concentrations. ", "However, a multiple regression analysis, which included all the documented risk factors for diabetes and ischemic heart disease, showed that the 25(OH)D concentration (vitamin D status) was an independent predictor of increasing apo A-I concentrations (standardized coefficient beta = 0.3; P < 0.001) but not of fasting lipid concentrations. ", "In this study of British South Asians, the data showed a positive relation of fasting apo A-I concentrations to serum 25(OH)D concentrations, independent of glycemia and other dietary, anthropometric, and lifestyle risk factors for type 2 diabetes and ischemic heart disease after multiple regression analyses. ", "Subjects with hypovitaminosis D are likely to have an increased risk of ischemic heart disease independent of their increased risk of type 2 diabetes." ]
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[ "Lord Lieutenant of Sussex\n\nThis is a list of people who served as Lord Lieutenant of Sussex. ", "From 1677 until 1974, all Lord Lieutenants were also Custos Rotulorum of Sussex.", "\n\nLord Lieutenants of Sussex to 1974\nHenry FitzAlan, 19th Earl of Arundel 1551–? ", "jointly with\nThomas West, 9th Baron De La Warr 1551–?", "\nHenry FitzAlan, 19th Earl of Arundel 1559–1561\nJohn Lumley, 1st Baron Lumley 1561–1569\nAnthony Browne, 1st Viscount Montagu 1570–1585 jointly with\nWilliam West, 1st Baron De La Warr 1570 – 1585 and\nThomas Sackville, 1st Baron Buckhurst 1570 – 1585\nCharles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham 3 July 1585 – 26 August 1608 jointly with\nThomas Sackville, 1st Earl of Dorset 1586 – 19 April 1608 and\nHenry Percy, 3rd Earl of Northumberland 1586 – 26 August 1608\nRobert Sackville, 2nd Earl of Dorset 26 August 1608 – 27 February 1609\nvacant\nRichard Sackville, 3rd Earl of Dorset 10 December 1612 – 28 March 1624\nEdward Sackville, 4th Earl of Dorset 13 July 1624 – 1642 jointly with\nAlgernon Percy, 10th Earl of Northumberland 16 September 1635 – 1642 and\nLord Maltravers 2 June 1636 – 1642\nEnglish Interregnum\nAlgernon Percy, 10th Earl of Northumberland 11 August 1660 – 13 October 1668\nJoceline Percy, 11th Earl of Northumberland 9 November 1668 – 31 May 1670\nRichard Sackville, 5th Earl of Dorset 15 July 1670 – 27 August 1677 jointly with\nCharles Sackville, 6th Earl of Dorset 15 July 1670 – 28 February 1688\nFrancis Browne, 4th Viscount Montagu 28 February 1688 – 17 April 1689\nCharles Sackville, 6th Earl of Dorset 17 April 1689 – 29 January 1706\nAlgernon Seymour, 7th Duke of Somerset 22 April 1706 – 7 February 1750\nvacant\nJohn Ashburnham, 2nd Earl of Ashburnham 18 March 1754 – 20 September 1757\nGeorge Nevill, 1st Earl of Abergavenny 20 September 1757 – 4 July 1761\nThomas Pelham-Holles, 1st Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne 4 July 1761 – 15 January 1763\nCharles Wyndham, 2nd Earl of Egremont 15 January 1763 – 21 August 1763\nCharles Lennox, 3rd Duke of Richmond 23 November 1763 – 29 December 1806\nCharles Howard, 11th Duke of Norfolk 19 January 1807 – 16 December 1815\nCharles Lennox, 4th Duke of Richmond 11 March 1816 – 28 August 1819\nGeorge Wyndham, 3rd Earl of Egremont 18 November 1819 – 19 June 1835\nCharles Gordon-Lennox, 5th Duke of Richmond 19 June 1835 – 21 October 1860\nHenry Pelham, 3rd Earl of Chichester 21 November 1860 – 16 March 1886\nHenry Brand, 1st Viscount Hampden 6 April 1886 – 14 March 1892\nWilliam Nevill, 1st Marquess of Abergavenny 12 April 1892 – 19 December 1905\nHenry Fitzalan-Howard, 15th Duke of Norfolk 19 December 1905 – 11 February 1917\nCharles Wyndham, 3rd Baron Leconfield 26 March 1917 – 25 January 1949\nBernard Fitzalan-Howard, 16th Duke of Norfolk 25 January 1949 – 31 March 1974\n\nAt this point the Lieutenancy was split into two, per the Local Government Act 1972, and replaced by the Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex and the Lord Lieutenant of West Sussex.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nLord Lieutenant of West Sussex\n\nSussex\nCategory:History of Sussex\n \nCategory:1974 disestablishments in England" ]
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[ "\n723 N.W.2d 845 (2006)\nPEOPLE of the State of Michigan, Plaintiff-Appellee,\nv.\nWillie MERRIWEATHER, a/k/a William Merriweather Defendant-Appellant.", "\nDocket No. ", "131890. ", "COA No. ", "269679.", "\nSupreme Court of Michigan.", "\nNovember 29, 2006.", "\nOn order of the Court, the application for leave to appeal the April 27, 2006 order of the Court of Appeals is considered, and it is DENIED, because we are not persuaded that the questions presented should be reviewed by this Court.", "\n" ]
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[ " SUBROUTINE ccsdtq_lambda2_10_2_2_1(d_a,k_a_offset,d_c,k_c_offset)\nC $Id$\nC This is a Fortran77 program generated by Tensor Contraction Engine v.1.0\nC Copyright (c) Battelle & Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (2002)\nC i3 ( h11 p5 )_f + = 1 * f ( h11 p5 )_f\n IMPLICIT NONE\n#include \"global.fh\"\n#include \"mafdecls.fh\"\n#include \"sym.fh\"\n#include \"errquit.fh\"\n#include \"tce.fh\"\n INTEGER d_a\n INTEGER k_a_offset\n INTEGER d_c\n INTEGER k_c_offset\n INTEGER NXTASK\n INTEGER next\n INTEGER nprocs\n INTEGER count\n INTEGER h11b\n INTEGER p5b\n INTEGER dimc\n INTEGER h11b_1\n INTEGER p5b_1\n INTEGER dim_common\n INTEGER dima_sort\n INTEGER dima\n INTEGER l_a_sort\n INTEGER k_a_sort\n INTEGER l_a\n INTEGER k_a\n INTEGER l_c\n INTEGER k_c\n EXTERNAL NXTASK\n nprocs = GA_NNODES()\n count = 0\n next = NXTASK(nprocs,1)\n DO h11b = 1,noab\n DO p5b = noab+1,noab+nvab\n IF (next.eq.count) THEN\n IF ((.not.restricted).or.(int_mb(k_spin+h11b-1)+int_mb(k_spin+p5b-\n &1).ne.4)) THEN\n IF (int_mb(k_spin+h11b-1) .eq. ", "int_mb(k_spin+p5b-1)) THEN\n IF (ieor(int_mb(k_sym+h11b-1),int_mb(k_sym+p5b-1)) .eq. ", "irrep_f) T\n &HEN\n dimc = int_mb(k_range+h11b-1) * int_mb(k_range+p5b-1)\n CALL TCE_RESTRICTED_2(h11b,p5b,h11b_1,p5b_1)\n dim_common = 1\n dima_sort = int_mb(k_range+h11b-1) * int_mb(k_range+p5b-1)\n dima = dim_common * dima_sort\n IF (dima .gt. ", "0) THEN\n IF (.not.", "MA_PUSH_GET(mt_dbl,dima,'noname',l_a_sort,k_a_sort)) CALL\n & ERRQUIT('ccsdtq_lambda2_10_2_2_1',0,MA_ERR)\n IF (.not.", "MA_PUSH_GET(mt_dbl,dima,'noname',l_a,k_a)) CALL ERRQUIT('\n &ccsdtq_lambda2_10_2_2_1',1,MA_ERR)\n CALL GET_HASH_BLOCK(d_a,dbl_mb(k_a),dima,int_mb(k_a_offset),(p5b_1\n & - 1 + (noab+nvab) * (h11b_1 - 1)))\n CALL TCE_SORT_2(dbl_mb(k_a),dbl_mb(k_a_sort),int_mb(k_range+h11b-1\n &),int_mb(k_range+p5b-1),2,1,1.0d0)\n IF (.not.", "MA_POP_STACK(l_a)) CALL ERRQUIT('ccsdtq_lambda2_10_2_2_1'\n &,2,MA_ERR)\n IF (.not.", "MA_PUSH_GET(mt_dbl,dimc,'noname',l_c,k_c)) CALL ERRQUIT('\n &ccsdtq_lambda2_10_2_2_1',3,MA_ERR)\n CALL TCE_SORT_2(dbl_mb(k_a_sort),dbl_mb(k_c),int_mb(k_range+p5b-1)\n &,int_mb(k_range+h11b-1),2,1,1.0d0)\n CALL ADD_HASH_BLOCK(d_c,dbl_mb(k_c),dimc,int_mb(k_c_offset),(p5b -\n & noab - 1 + nvab * (h11b - 1)))\n IF (.not.", "MA_POP_STACK(l_c)) CALL ERRQUIT('ccsdtq_lambda2_10_2_2_1'\n &,4,MA_ERR)\n IF (.not.", "MA_POP_STACK(l_a_sort)) CALL ERRQUIT('ccsdtq_lambda2_10_2\n &_2_1',5,MA_ERR)\n END IF\n END IF\n END IF\n END IF\n next = NXTASK(nprocs,1)\n END IF\n count = count + 1\n END DO\n END DO\n next = NXTASK(-nprocs,1)\n call GA_SYNC()\n RETURN\n END\n" ]
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[ "\"In the IBD/TIPP survey of public opinion, we asked respondents \"How closely are you following news stories about the role played by the FBI and the Department of Justice during the 2016 presidential election?\" ", "Of those who responded, 72% said they were following the story either \"very closely\" (39%) or \"somewhat closely\" (33%). ", "Our responses were taken only from those who were following the story closely.\"", "\n\nCommon technique for propagandists: collect poll data and then slice it till you get the result you want and write a strident headline. ", "In this case the strident headline was outsourced, quite deliberately I'm sure.", "\n\nMaybe But out of the people that know (72%) they think Obama is Nixon Cubed.", "\n\n“The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.” … ", "George Orwell\n\n\"Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats told a congressional committee that Russia and other foreign entities were likely to attack U.S. and European elections this year and beyond, adding that Moscow believes similar efforts successfully undermined U.S. democracy two years ago.", "\n\nCoats, a former senator appointed by President Donald Trump as Washington's top intelligence official, said he had already seen evidence Russia was targeting U.S. elections in November, when Republican control of the House of Representatives and Senate are at stake, plus a host of positions in state governments.", "\n\n\"Frankly, the United States is under attack,\" Coats said at the Senate intelligence committee's annual hearing on worldwide threats.\"", "\n\n\"Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats told a congressional committee that Russia and other foreign entities were likely to attack U.S. and European elections this year and beyond, adding that Moscow believes similar efforts successfully undermined U.S. democracy two years ago.", "\n\nCoats, a former senator appointed by President Donald Trump as Washington's top intelligence official, said he had already seen evidence Russia was targeting U.S. elections in November, when Republican control of the House of Representatives and Senate are at stake, plus a host of positions in state governments.", "\n\n\"Frankly, the United States is under attack,\" Coats said at the Senate intelligence committee's annual hearing on worldwide threats.\"", "\n\nThat has been happening since at least WWI when British propaganda lead to the lynching of German Americans.", "\n\nThus far there has been no evidence that Russian Hackers changed any votes on electronic voting machines. ", "That may happen in the future given the no paper record of most US voting machines. ", "But that isn't Trump's fault. ", "I lay that on Al Gore and people in SOUth FLorida that admitting they weren't bright enough to use paper ballots. .", "\n\n“The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.” … ", "George Orwell\n\n\"Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats told a congressional committee that Russia and other foreign entities were likely to attack U.S. and European elections this year and beyond, adding that Moscow believes similar efforts successfully undermined U.S. democracy two years ago.", "\n\nCoats, a former senator appointed by President Donald Trump as Washington's top intelligence official, said he had already seen evidence Russia was targeting U.S. elections in November, when Republican control of the House of Representatives and Senate are at stake, plus a host of positions in state governments.", "\n\n\"Frankly, the United States is under attack,\" Coats said at the Senate intelligence committee's annual hearing on worldwide threats.\"", "\n\nThat has been happening since at least WWI when British propaganda lead to the lynching of German Americans.", "\n\nThus far there has been no evidence that Russian Hackers changed any votes on electronic voting machines. ", "That may happen in the future given the no paper record of most US voting machines. ", "But that isn't Trump's fault. ", "I lay that on Al Gore and people in SOUth FLorida that admitting they weren't bright enough to use paper ballots. .", "\n\n\"Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats told a congressional committee that Russia and other foreign entities were likely to attack U.S. and European elections this year and beyond, adding that Moscow believes similar efforts successfully undermined U.S. democracy two years ago.", "\n\nCoats, a former senator appointed by President Donald Trump as Washington's top intelligence official, said he had already seen evidence Russia was targeting U.S. elections in November, when Republican control of the House of Representatives and Senate are at stake, plus a host of positions in state governments.", "\n\n\"Frankly, the United States is under attack,\" Coats said at the Senate intelligence committee's annual hearing on worldwide threats.\"", "\n\nThat has been happening since at least WWI when British propaganda lead to the lynching of German Americans.", "\n\nThus far there has been no evidence that Russian Hackers changed any votes on electronic voting machines. ", "That may happen in the future given the no paper record of most US voting machines. ", "But that isn't Trump's fault. ", "I lay that on Al Gore and people in SOUth FLorida that admitting they weren't bright enough to use paper ballots. .", "\n\nSo Trump's appointee is an MI6 mole?", "\n\nHappy Birthday Frederick Douglass\n\n\"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.\" ", "~Republican Frederick Douglass\n\n“The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.” … ", "George Orwell\n\nThirteen Russians have been charged with interfering in the US 2016 election, in a major development in the FBI investigation.", "\n\nThree of those named have been accused of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and five have been accused of aggravated identity theft.", "\n\nThe announcement was made by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is probing alleged Russian meddling.", "\n\nThree Russian companies are also named in the indictment.", "\n\nThe indictment says some of the defendants used computer systems in the US to hide the Russian origin of their activities.", "\n\nThat makes a lot of sense Milo.", "\n\nA century ago Vladimir Lenin spoke of \"useful fools\" abroad who would help further the ambitions of his Bolshevik state. ", "I am sure that, borrowing a leaf from Lenin's copybook, another Vladimir currently holding power in Moscow must be delighted with the \"USEFUL FOOL\" his plants in the US helped get incumbent in the White House.", "\n\nHillary might be a crook but at least she would be too astute to allow the likes of Putin put one over her.", "\n\nThirteen Russians have been charged with interfering in the US 2016 election, in a major development in the FBI investigation.", "\n\nThree of those named have been accused of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and five have been accused of aggravated identity theft.", "\n\nThe announcement was made by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is probing alleged Russian meddling.", "\n\nThree Russian companies are also named in the indictment.", "\n\nThe indictment says some of the defendants used computer systems in the US to hide the Russian origin of their activities.", "\n\nThat makes a lot of sense Milo.", "\n\nA century ago Vladimir Lenin spoke of \"useful fools\" abroad who would help further the ambitions of his Bolshevik state. ", "I am sure that, borrowing a leaf from Lenin's copybook, another Vladimir currently holding power in Moscow must be delighted with the \"USEFUL FOOL\" his plants in the US helped get incumbent in the White House.", "\n\nHillary might be a crook but at least she would be too astute to allow the likes of Putin put one over her.", "\n\nThirteen Russians have been charged with interfering in the US 2016 election, in a major development in the FBI investigation.", "\n\nThree of those named have been accused of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and five have been accused of aggravated identity theft.", "\n\nThe announcement was made by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is probing alleged Russian meddling.", "\n\nThree Russian companies are also named in the indictment.", "\n\nThe indictment says some of the defendants used computer systems in the US to hide the Russian origin of their activities.", "\n\nYou know Milo, I find myself wondering why, as soon as the 2016 election was over, Putin did not promptly order those thirteen back to the safety of Russia? ", "They had by then surely served their useful purpose.", "\n\nLeaving them in place within the USA speaks to be of overconfidence, even smugness, on the part of the Russians.", "\n\nDid they really believe that American law enforcement was so slack they would never be caught?", "\n\nThirteen Russians have been charged with interfering in the US 2016 election, in a major development in the FBI investigation.", "\n\nThree of those named have been accused of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and five have been accused of aggravated identity theft.", "\n\nThe announcement was made by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is probing alleged Russian meddling.", "\n\nThree Russian companies are also named in the indictment.", "\n\nThe indictment says some of the defendants used computer systems in the US to hide the Russian origin of their activities.", "\n\nYou know Milo, I find myself wondering why, as soon as the 2016 election was over, Putin did not promptly order those thirteen back to the safety of Russia? ", "They had by then surely served their useful purpose.", "\n\nLeaving them in place within the USA speaks to be of overconfidence, even smugness, on the part of the Russians.", "\n\nDid they really believe that American law enforcement was so slack they would never be caught?", "\n\nThe Russians conducted most of their activities out of St Petersburg and likely won't ever see the inside of a US courtroom." ]
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[ "A group of Israeli soldiers has danced up a storm of criticism after they were filmed boogying alongside Palestinians while on patrol in the West Bank.", "\n\nThe soldiers were making their rounds in the city of Hebron when they entered a dance hall and joined dozens of Palestinian men dancing to South Korean rapper Psy's hit Gangnam Style.", "\n\nThe Israeli military said on Thursday that it considers the incident serious, adding \"the soldiers exposed themselves to unnecessary danger and were disciplined accordingly,\" without elaborating.", "\n\nFootage aired on Israeli Channel 2 TV shows the solders in uniform, flak jackets and carrying guns.", "\n\nOne was shown hoisted on the shoulders of Palestinian dancers. ", "Other soldiers joined hands and grooved with the partygoers. ", "The channel said the incident occurred on Monday.", "\n\nHebron has been a flashpoint of violence between Israelis and Palestinians for decades." ]
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[ "Octodontotherium\n\nOctodontotherium is an extinct genus of ground sloth of the family Mylodontidae, endemic to South America during the Oligocene-Early Miocene (Deseadan). ", "It lived from 29—21 mya, existing for approximately .", "\n\nFossil distribution is exclusive to Santa Cruz Province, Argentina (Deseado and Sarmiento Formations) and Bolivia (Salla Formation).", "\n\nTaxonomy \nOctodontotherium was named by Ameghino (1894). ", "It was assigned to Mylodontidae by Carroll (1988); and to Mylodontinae by Gaudin (1995).", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Prehistoric sloths\nCategory:Oligocene genus first appearances\nCategory:Aquitanian genus extinctions\nCategory:Oligocene mammals of South America\nCategory:Miocene mammals of South America\nCategory:Deseadan\nCategory:Paleogene Argentina\nCategory:Neogene Argentina\nCategory:Fossils of Argentina\nCategory:Paleogene Bolivia\nCategory:Neogene Bolivia\nCategory:Fossils of Bolivia\nCategory:Fossil taxa described in 1894\nCategory:Taxa named by Florentino Ameghino" ]
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[ "\n\nPEP 3146: Merge Unladen Swallow into CPython - dchest\nhttp://svn.python.org/view/peps/trunk/pep-3146.txt?view=markup\n\n======\nJoachimSchipper\nI don't really understand the politics surrounding Python, but I don't\nunderstand why they believe this could be \"blessed\" by inclusion into the\nrepository.", "\n\nPerformance goals have not been met so far; it increases memory usage; PyPy is\nan alternative with more community support (if only because the typical Python\nprogrammer knows more Python than C++); and it makes the code much more\ncomplex, introducing lots of hard-to-debug problems, at a time when the\ndevelopers already have trouble getting people to migrate to 3.x.", "\n\nThe 3.x branch does _not_ need a reputation for instability.", "\n\n(None of this is to say Unladen Swallow is a bad idea, or should be killed;\nbut it should prove its worth first.)", "\n\n~~~\ngarnet7\n> but I don't understand why they believe this could be \"blessed\" by inclusion\n> into the repository.", "\n\nGoogle is, of course, a big company with lots of _very_ smart people, and they\nrely on Python (and probably want to rely on it more in the future). ", "Given\nthat they employ Guido and also the primary developers of Unladen, the chances\nare very good that they will continue to vigorously improve upon it until\ntheir performance goals are met.", "\n\nAs far as introducing C++ goes, it's going to stay roped off in LLVM land (see\n[the PEP](<http://python.org/dev/peps/pep-3146/>) for details).", "\n\nAs far as community support, LLVM has plenty of that.", "\n\n~~~\nJoachimSchipper\nHmm, yes, I understand why the Unladen Swallow developers, and to a certain\nextent Google, would want to do that. ", "It just seems to me that the community\nwould benefit more by waiting a little.", "\n\nBy the developers' own admission, LLVM's JIT infrastructure is immature and\nintegrating it with Python uncovered lots of issues. ", "Sure, clang has pretty\ngood community support, but that doesn't mean that the Python integration - or\neven the JIT stuff - is equally well-supported. ", "And the Python community\ndoesn't contain many LLVM experts, I'd wager.", "\n\n------\nkingkilr\nA pretty, rendered version of the markup is available here:\n<http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3146/>\n\n------\namix\nI don't think it's enough to just add JIT. ", "For a runtime system the garbage\ncollector is important, it's important to do optimizations such as V8's hidden\nclasses, function inlining, to remove the GIL etc. ", "This is probably the reason\nwhy their perfomance gain is so small - - they have added JIT, while applying\nonly a few smart optimizations.", "\n\nI don't think Unladen Swallow should be merged into CPython until the benefits\nare proven. ", "Currently it will just add an extra layer of complexity, worsen\nPython's greedy management of memory and add little benefits in perfomance.", "\n\n------\naidenn0\nI want a pony from Guido too\n\n~~~\ncarbocation\nSurprisingly on-topic :-) For the curious, the reference is within this\narticle: \"We seek the following from the BDFL:\n\n _Approval for the overall concept of adding a just-in-time compiler to\nCPython, following the design laid out below._", "\n\n _Permission to continue working on the just-in-time compiler in the CPython\nsource tree._", "\n\n _Permission to eventually merge the just-in-time compiler into the py3k\nbranch once all blocking issues have been addressed._", "\n\n _A pony._ \"", "\n\n------\nIgorPartola\nIt's unfortunate that they never hit their original 5x performance boost.", "\nHopefully acceptance into CPython will help.", "\n\n~~~\nsnprbob86\nSo is the goal to gain resources by becoming part of CPython? ", "It seems like\nthe small performance increases they got are completely overshadowed by the\nadditional memory requirements. ", "I don't pretend to understand the mainline\nPython development cycle, but this surely doesn't seem mature enough to\njustify declaring it as \"the way forward\".", "\n\n~~~\njmatt\nYa I noticed that too. ", "I'd love to have some performance benefits from JIT too\nbut not at those costs. ", "2.43x - 2.76x increase in memory to Django[1]. ", "Ugh.", "\nThat's a large enough change that I'd have to upgrade hardware. ", "Come on now.", "\n\n[1] <http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3146/#memory-usage>\n\n~~~\nalecthomas\nFrom TFA \"We view reducing memory usage as a blocking issue for final merger\ninto the py3k branch. \"", "\n\n~~~\nIgorPartola\nDown further they say something about how they'll ask the community what the\nacceptable memory usage increase will be. ", "In other words, they might reduce it\nby say 15%, but not anywhere near the JIT-less levels, and call it a day. ", "I\nsuppose you always have the option to compile python as --without-jit...\n\n------\nyoden\nI think that a JIT compiler will eventually be added to python, so the sooner\nthis happens the better. ", "The new generation of javascript engines (e.g. V8)\nhave shown us how fast dynamic code can be; there is no reason python can't\nachieve this either. ", "I also think the swallow team has gone about this in the\nright way: presenting what they've done, and asking for what needs to happen\nbefore it can become mainline. ", "They obviously value this merge, so kudos to\ngoogle.", "\n\nOn the other hand, performance so far is quite underwhelming. ", "Certainly, as a\nPEP, this is by no means intended to be merged now, but to provide a roadmap\nfor the future. ", "Here's to hoping they can remove their remaining roadblocks.", "\n\n------\nstuaxo\nUntil they get more performance out of it, it's way too marginal for the\nmemory used. ", "If they can get it 2x the speed of CPython I'm all for it.", "\n\nOf course one day pypy will emerge too, so unladen swallow should hurry up!", "\n\n(TBH I'd prefer pypy to become the canonical python in the end)\n\n------\nluismgz\nSorry but I need to know this: What does \"Pony\" mean in a nerdy-geek humor\ncontext?", "\n\n~~~\nprodigal_erik\n\"... and a pony\" is just an admission that you've already asked a lot and it\nmight not happen. ", "A pony is the kind of thing a child requests on a whim, who\nis then crushed because they don't understand how ridiculously impractical it\nwould be.", "\n\n~~~\nluismgz\nThanks. ", "That's a very good answer :-)\n\n------\nabdulhaq\nIf it was at terminal velocity it should be considered, but it's yet to get\noff the ground. ", "Until then, psyco is a great JIT compiler that really works.", "\n\n------\nwanderr\n...African or European?", "\n\n" ]
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[ "In the large civil aircraft aviation industry the growth in size of wing tip devices over the years as a result of drive to increase wing efficiency through reduction of drag has lead to technical challenges related to the load transfer and efficient joint technology between the wing tip device and wing. ", "Existing large civil aircraft wing tip attachment methods, such as that described in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "7,975,965 B2, are generally made up of a ‘back-to-back’ rib solution where the loads are transferred across a joint utilising the chord depth of the local wing section.", "\nAn innovative solution created to decouple the limitations of load transfer through local chord depth is described in US 2012/0112005 A1. ", "This idea proposes a joint concept that utilises a ‘main beam’ structure to carry the primary wing tip loads and transfer these into the wing via an increased moment arm.", "\nHowever, the wing tip device tends to be over-engineered, particularly at the attachment point, in order to guarantee the mechanical properties required for the use of such fastening means because current manufacturing methodologies make it difficult to adequately tailor the structural behaviour of the composite beam.", "\nIt remains difficult to manufacture and construct using composite materials the complex spar geometry that enables a winglet to be attached to a main wing element. ", "The use of conventional methods such as an assembly of multiple parts to form the spar are difficult due to the lack of access in the geometry available for tooling and assembly, and also inefficient as a result of requiring an increased number of parts, thus increasing cost and weight of the final component, or resulting in a compromise of the structural design to meet the manufacturing constraints.", "\nA known braiding process for forming a complex shaped fibre preform is described in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "8,061,253. ", "The method comprises braiding a plurality of fibres over a non-cylindrical mandrel to form a variable thickness shaped fibre preform. ", "The preform is subsequently flattened and cut to form the spar component. ", "The mandrel is moved at a constant speed during the braiding process.", "\nAs noted in J. S. Tate, A. D. Kelkar, and V. A. Kelkar, “Failure analysis of biaxial braided composites under fatigue loading”, The 15th European Conference of Fracture (ECF), Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 11-13, 2004, when a biaxial braid tube is used for a component of varying cross-section, the braid angle, thickness and areal weight (yield) vary from point to point.", "\nWhite, Mark L. Development of Manufacturing Technology for Fabrication of a Composite Helicopter Main Rotor Spar by Tubular Braiding. ", "Vol. ", "1618. ", "KAMAN AEROSPACE CORP BLOOMFIELD Conn., 1981 describes a braided spar for a helicopter main rotor. ", "Each braided layer is designed to be applied at a constant pitch (i.e., mandrel advance per revolution of the braider carriers) allowing the fibre orientation angle to decrease and the layer thickness to increase as circumference decreases along the tapered spar." ]
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[ "\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n                                   NUMBER 13-02-413-CV\n \n                             COURT OF APPEALS\n \n                   THIRTEENTH DISTRICT OF TEXAS\n \n                                CORPUS CHRISTI\n____________________________________________________________________\n \nBILLY\r\nRELL MILES,                                                               Appellant,\n \n                                                   v.\n \nTEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL\r\nJUSTICE, ET AL.,", "             Appellees.", "\n____________________________________________________________________\n \n                         On appeal from the 94th District Court\n                                  of Nueces County, Texas.", "\n____________________________________________________________________\n \n                                   O P I N I O N\n \n                   Before Justices\r\nDorsey, Rodriguez, and Castillo\n                                       Opinion Per Curiam\n \n\n\n\n\nAppellant, BILLY\r\nRELL MILES, perfected an appeal from a judgment entered by the   94th District Court of Nueces County, Texas, in cause number 00-4745-C.  The clerk=s record was filed on July 17, 2002.", "  No reporter=s record was filed.", "   Appellant=s brief was due on August 16, 2002.", "\r\nTo date, no appellate brief has been received.", "\nWhen the appellant has\r\nfailed to file a brief in the time prescribed, the Court may dismiss the appeal\r\nfor want of prosecution, unless the appellant reasonably explains the failure\r\nand the appellee is not significantly injured by the appellant=s failure to timely\r\nfile a brief.", "  Tex. ", "R. App. ", "P. 38.8(a)(1).", "\nOn September 16, 2002,\r\nnotice was given to all parties that this appeal was subject to dismissal\r\npursuant to Tex. ", "R. App. ", "P. 38.8(a)(1).", "  Appellant was\r\ngiven ten days to explain why the cause should not be dismissed for failure to\r\nfile a brief.", "  To date, no appellate\r\nbrief has been filed.", "\nThe Court, having\r\nexamined and fully considered the documents on file, appellant=s failure to file a\r\nproper appellate brief, this Court=s notice, and\r\nappellant=s failure to file a\r\nproper response, is of the opinion that the appeal should be dismissed for want\r\nof prosecution.", "  The appeal is hereby\r\nDISMISSED FOR WANT OF PROSECUTION.", "\nPER CURIAM\nDo not publish.", "\nTex. ", "R. App. ", "P. 47.3.", "\n \nOpinion delivered and filed\nthis the 19th\r\nday of December, 2002\n \n \n \n\n" ]
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[ "INTRODUCTION {#SEC1}\n============\n\nThe ribosome ensures high speed and accuracy in translation ([@B1]--[@B4]) by selecting the correct aminoacyl-tRNA (aa-tRNA) specific to the mRNA codon presented in the ribosomal A-site, from the pool of aa-tRNAs. ", "Standard Watson--Crick base pairing (A with U and G with C) is at the heart of the selection process. ", "It has been suggested that the ribosome recognizes correct codon-anticodon Watson--Crick geometry by its shape and achieves high accuracy by interaction with the so-called monitoring rRNA bases of the 30 S subunit, concomitant with a small 30S inter-domain movement ([@B5]). ", "These monitoring bases, A1492, A1493 and G530, adopt significantly different conformations in the case of an empty A-site ([@B6]--[@B8]) and an A-site into which a tRNA (or anticodon stem-loop) has relaxed ([@B5],[@B9]--[@B11]). ", "In the former case the bases appear conformationally variable and are generally directed away from the decoding site, while upon tRNA binding they become ordered and interact with the minor groove of codon-anticodon minihelix. ", "The monitoring bases have a tighter interaction with the first two codon-anticodon positions relative to the third ([@B5],[@B12]), which partly explains the degeneracy of the genetic code. ", "Hence, any deviation from standard Watson--Crick geometry at the first two codon positions resulting from near-cognate (A-C or G-U) mismatches will be strongly sensed by the monitoring bases, causing efficient rejection of the incorrect tRNA ([@B2],[@B4],[@B13]). ", "Furthermore, tRNA modifications also have a prominent role in expanding the decoding capacity and maintaining fidelity ([@B14]--[@B19]) and is has, for example, been shown that modifications at residue 34 of the tRNA anticodon can both expand and restrict the ability to recognize multiple codons ([@B14]--[@B18]).", "\n\nA key unresolved question in mRNA decoding on the ribosome regards the possibility of tautomerization of the codon-anticodon bases, which could potentially be a threat to high fidelity. ", "Particularly for near-cognate A-C and G-U mismatches tautomerization of either of the bases could add an extra hydrogen bond to the pairing. ", "In the former case (A-C) it is imino tautomers and in the latter (G-U) it is the enol forms that could cause decoding problems. ", "Such tautomeric equilibria for free bases in solution are difficult to measure accurately due to the high prevalence of the standard amino and keto forms ([@B20]). ", "However, quantum mechanical calculations (including solvation effects) clearly predict that it is easier to form the relevant C (imino) and G (enol) tautomers (6--8 kcal/mol) than those of A and U (\\>10 kcal/mol) ([@B21]--[@B23]). ", "As far as A-C mismatches are concerned, it is also energetically more favorable to protonate the adenine at N1 (p*K*~a~ = 3.5) at neutral pH in solution (4.8 kcal/mol) than to invoke the imino form of cytosine. ", "For the case of tRNA^Phe^~GAA~ misreading the serine UCU codon, with a second position A-C mismatch, recent molecular dynamics (MD) free energy calculations also showed that protonation of the anticodon A yielded almost isoenergetic tRNA binding compared to the unprotonated case ([@B24]). ", "However, the predicted discrimination against the UCU codon with tRNA^Phe^~GAA~ accommodated in the A-site was about 7 kcal/mol in both cases, indicative of a very high second position fidelity. ", "While there is no 3D structural information available for first and second position A-C codon-anticodon mismatches on the ribosome, a crystal structure has been determined with a tRNA^Trp^~CCA~ variant bound to UGA codon ([@B25]). ", "This corresponds to a third position A-C mismatch and shows a single hydrogen bond between the bases. ", "Both the structure and energetics of that complex was also well predicted by computer simulations ([@B26],[@B27]).", "\n\nKeto-enol tautomerization of a G-U base pair at the wobble position has, in fact, been suggested as a possible reason for the expanded genetic code readability of tRNA^Val^ carrying a 5-oxyacetic acid modified U at position 34 ([@B18]). ", "This modification enables reading of all four valine codons and the crystal structure of the anticodon stem-loop complex with ribosome seems to indicate a Watson--Crick geometry of the G-cmo^5^U wobble base pair ([@B18]). ", "However, if the same (G or U) enol tautomer would be energetically accessible at the first two codon positions this would obviously cause protein synthesis errors. ", "Interestingly, recent crystal structures ([@B11]) of near-cognate aa-tRNAs bound to the 70S bacterial ribosome, and fully accommodated into the A-site, indicate that the first two base pairs are forced to adopt standard Watson--Crick geometry even with G-U mismatches. ", "Although the resolution is moderate (3.1--3.4 Å) the electron density does not seem to allow any other reasonable interpretation. ", "This means that either the crystal structures have captured a state with high repulsion between the standard G and U tautomers or that an enol state is actually being observed. ", "At any rate, these near-cognate complexes must correspond to a state that is high in energy in order for the reading error to be low.", "\n\nHere we address the codon reading energetics on the ribosome for G-U mismatches in the first two codon positions by extensive molecular dynamics free energy simulations ([@B28]). ", "We examine misreading of the phenylalanine UUU codon by tRNA^Leu^ and tRNA^Ser^, both corresponding to G-U mismatches, in the first and second position, respectively. ", "Besides the standard keto forms of the base pairs, the enols of both the codon and anticodon bases are considered, and their energetics evaluated using a combination of MD simulations and quantum chemical calculations. ", "The results clearly show that enolization does not introduce unacceptably high error frequencies in codon reading. ", "However, we find that the enol tautomer of the anticodon G can be equally or even more stable than the standard keto form for a G-U mismatch, although such a mismatch is still significantly higher in energy than a cognate A-U base pair.", "\n\nMATERIALS AND METHODS {#SEC2}\n=====================\n\nMolecular dynamics simulations {#SEC2-1}\n------------------------------\n\nInitial coordinates for MD simulations of the fully accommodated (A/A) state were retrieved from the crystal structure with cognate tRNA^Phe^~GAA~ bound in the ribosomal A-site with the UUU codon (PDB ID: 3I8H) ([@B10]). ", "The corresponding complexes with tRNA^Ser^~GGA~ and tRNA^Leu^~GAG~ were modeled by mutating A to G in the anticodon of the tRNA^Phe^ complex at position 35 and 36, respectively. ", "Calculations were carried out both with (Supplementary Table S1) and without the 2-methylthio-N6-isopentenyladenosine (ms^2^i^6^A) modification at position 37 found in tRNA^Phe^. All MD simulations were performed with spherical simulation systems as implemented in the program Q ([@B29]). ", "The simulation procedures were identical to those reported in earlier work ([@B24],[@B30]). ", "Spheres of radius 25 Å centered on the N1 atom of the first codon position were cut out from the crystal structures and solvated by a 37 Å radius water droplet, where water molecules at the sphere boundary were subjected to radial and polarization restraints according to the SCAAS model ([@B29],[@B31]). ", "Solute atoms 22--25 Å from the center were tightly restrained throughout the simulations leaving the inner 22Å radius sphere, which includes all A- and P-site atoms, fully flexible. ", "Mg^2+^ ions were taken as described earlier ([@B24],[@B30]) from the crystal structure and added to the system in order to obtain an overall neutral simulation sphere. ", "Phosphate groups beyond 22Å from the simulation center were neutralized by scaling down the partial charges. ", "The MD simulations were performed using CHARMM22 force field ([@B32],[@B33]) with a 1 fs time step and a direct cut-off of 10 Å for non-bonded interactions, with electrostatic interactions beyond this cut-off treated by the local reaction field multipole expansion method ([@B34]). ", "No cut-off was applied to the base that was mutated. ", "Charges for the enol forms of G and U were derived so as to be compatible with the force field, utilizing minimally modified heteroatom charges from A and C as well as hydroxyl group parameters from tyrosine (Supplementary Figure S1).", "\n\nFor the simulations of the tRNAs in water (Figure [1a](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}), the tRNA molecule along with counter ions close to its backbone were taken from the model of the ribosome complex. ", "The overall charge of the simulation sphere is neutral with 20 tRNA nucleotides and 10 Mg^2+^ ions included. ", "Most of the counter ions are tightly bound to the tRNA backbone and none of them are close to the anticodon bases. ", "The restraint region for the tRNA simulations was same as in the ribosome complex and the anticodon is fully water exposed and at the center of the simulation sphere. ", "Because the anticodon bases that are mutated are fully exposed to water, the free energy results in these calculations are found to be very stable. ", "Independent simulations starting with different initial velocities (see below) give \\<0.5 kcal/mol differences in mutation free energies despite the fact that the final counter ion positions, of course, can differ between different simulations.", "\n\n![", "Thermodynamic cycles for evaluation of tRNA binding to the ribosome. (**", "a**) The cycle used to calculate relative binding free energies between different tRNAs to the same codon (UUU), where G\\* denotes the enol form of G. (**b**) Thermodynamic cycle used for evaluating the effect of tautomerization of the mRNA codon for a given tRNA, where U\\* denotes the enol form of U. Molecular dynamics free energy calculations are carried out along the horizontal legs in all cases and the final ΔΔ*G*~bind~ (Table [1](#tbl1){ref-type=\"table\"}, Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) is obtained either from ΔΔ*G*~mut~ or ΔΔ*G*~enol~ (i.e. the differences between the bound and free legs) together with the Δ*G*~wat~ penalty for the enol forms (Table [1](#tbl1){ref-type=\"table\"}).](gku1044fig1){#F1}\n\nIt should also be emphasized here that there are distinct advantages with using the spherical simulation models ([@B19],[@B24],[@B26]) for the present type of free energy calculations. ", "That is, with such a reduced simulation system it is possible to do many independent simulations that allow sufficiently good statistics to be attained. ", "This is not only due to a smaller system size but also to the fact that large scale motions that occur on much longer time scales are suppressed. ", "Such motions themselves are, of course, better studied with periodic boundary models including the entire ribosome, but will then require very long simulations for convergence. ", "There is, however, considerable progress being made in the general area of nucleic acid MD simulations as described in two excellent recent reviews ([@B35],[@B36]).", "\n\nFree energy calculations {#SEC2-2}\n------------------------\n\nRelative binding free energies were calculated with the free energy perturbation (FEP) method ([@B28]) as described earlier ([@B26],[@B30]). ", "Mutations of A to G and A to G^enol^ were performed for positions 35 and 36 of the tRNA anticodon, which make base pairs with first two codon positions of the mRNA. ", "These simulations were done both for the tRNA bound to the ribosome programed with the UUU codon and for the free tRNA in water. ", "This allows the relative binding free energies ΔΔ*G*~bind~ to be calculated via a standard thermodynamic cycle (Figure [1a](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Each separate free energy calculation with the free and ribosome bound tRNAs involved with 51 discrete FEP windows and was repeated 8--10 times with different initial velocities from a Maxwell distribution, yielding a total of 10--30 ns of data collection for each such calculation. ", "In order to explore the effects of enolization at the first and second codon position uracils, the same type of free energy calculations were also carried out for the mRNA programed ribosome with and without tRNA^Leu^ and tRNA^Ser^ bound to it, where the UUU codon was then mutated into U^enol^UU and UU^enol^U. The corresponding thermodynamic cycle for obtaining the relative binding free energies of the tRNAs to the keto and enol forms of the codon is shown in Figure [1b](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"} (see Ref. [", "@B37] for a similar thermodynamic cycle). ", "In order to minimize the convergence errors of the FEP simulations we also explored which paths in Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"} yielded the most precise free energy estimates. ", "Thus, for enolization of the anticodon base it was found that direct calculations of the A → G and A → G^enol^ paths were most efficient, and the G → G^enol^ results were thus obtained indirectly from the two former paths (Table [1](#tbl1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "For the mRNA U → U^enol^ calculations we further used the double mutation path A-U → G-U^enol^ in the second codon position to improve convergence and, in that case, the G-U → G-U^enol^ result is indirectly calculated (Table [1](#tbl1){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n###### Energetic effects of base tautomerization on tRNA binding free energies^a^\n\n![](", "gku1044tbl1)\n\nHere, it is important to note while the thermodynamic cycles in Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"} directly give the relative tRNA binding strengths between the keto and enol forms of codon and anticodon, they do not include the absolute free energy cost of forming the enol in a solvated (water exposed) environment. ", "This free energy term, which represents the cost of bringing the enol to the same standard state as the ketone, thus needs to be added as a correction to the calculated relative binding free energies. ", "Note also that the mRNA codon bases are solvent exposed in absence of the A-site tRNA molecule, wherefore the solution energetics of enolization of the codon uracils should be a good approximation to the situation on the ribosome with vacant A-site (Figure [1b](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Thus, to compute the corresponding free energy difference between the keto and enol forms of G and U in water, density functional calculations were carried out with the Gaussian09 software ([@B38]) using the M06--2X functional ([@B39]) (optimization with the 6−311++G\\*\\* basis set) and the polarizable continuum model (PCM) ([@B40],[@B41]) continuum solvent model. ", "The N9 and N1 ring nitrogens of G and U, respectively, were capped by −CH~3~ groups in these calculations. ", "An alternative approach here would be to evaluate only the gas-phase component by quantum mechanical calculations and the solvation contribution from explicit free energy calculations as done in Ref. [", "@B22], but the results therein were very similar with the PCM and FEP methods for the solvation term. ", "The reported mean unsigned error of 0.6 kcal/mol for hydration free energies of neutral compounds with the PCM method ([@B41]) is also quite satisfactory for the present purposes.", "\n\nRESULTS {#SEC3}\n=======\n\nEnergetics of mismatches with standard tautomers {#SEC3-1}\n------------------------------------------------\n\nTo explore the possible existence of rare G-U tautomers at the first two positions of the codon-anticodon pair we carried out extensive molecular dynamics free energy simulations of cognate and near-cognate ribosome complexes in both the keto and enol forms. ", "The MD simulations were based on the crystal structure ([@B10]) with cognate tRNA^Phe^~GAA~ bound to the A-site of the 70S ribosome programed with a UUU codon. ", "This structure has the tRNA fully accommodated in the so-called A/A conformation. ", "It is further considered to give an accurate view of the proofreading stage of protein synthesis as the 30S monitoring bases A1492, A1493 and G530 are in tight interaction with the codon-anticodon minor groove ([@B10]). ", "In order to compute relative binding free energies between different tRNAs competing for same UUU codon in the ribosomal A-site, we first used the FEP approach to mutate the cognate tRNA anticodon into near-cognate ones. ", "Thus, the GAA anticodon (tRNA^Phe^) was mutated into GAG (corresponding to tRNA^Leu^) and GGA (corresponding to tRNA^Ser^) which yields G-U mismatches in the first and second codon position, respectively. ", "Of the three tRNAs it is only tRNA^Phe^ that carries the ms^2^i^6^A modification at position 37 and we therefore report the results without this modification present. ", "We have earlier shown that the main effect of ms^2^i^6^A37 in tRNA^Phe^ is to boost discrimination against a near-cognate first position mismatched codon in the initial selection of the EF-Tu ternary complex (A/T state), which is not relevant for the present situation (A/A state). ", "However, as an additional check, we also carried out calculations with the modification present and the energetic results (Supplementary Table S1) are, in fact, very similar to those reported below.", "\n\nThe energetic penalties of binding the standard keto forms of tRNA^Leu^ and tRNA^Ser^ to the UUU codon are predicted by the MD/FEP simulations to be 4.8 and 12.8 kcal/mol, respectively (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, Table [1](#tbl1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The value of about 5 kcal/mol discrimination against a first position G-U mismatch (tRNA^Leu^) appears reasonable in that it is somewhat smaller than found earlier for a more severe first position A-C mismatch ([@B24]). ", "It corresponds to a reduced binding affinity compared to the cognate tRNA^Phe^ by factor of about 3000. ", "However, the very strong penalty against tRNA^Ser^ appears unphysically large and would also seem incompatible with the observed binding of a second position G-U mismatched tRNA in crystal structures ([@B11]). ", "That this strong discrimination has a significant contribution from the interaction with the monitoring bases in the minor groove (their 'On-state') was verified by repeating the calculations with these bases turned away to their Off-state ([@B24]). ", "As expected, this yielded a much reduced ΔΔ*G*~bind~ = 5.0 kcal/mol for the second position mismatch with the UUU codon, i.e. for tRNA^Phe^ → tRNA^Ser^, but the fact that the monitoring bases are crystallographically observed in the On-state for the near-cognate complexes still remains unexplained. ", "It may also be noted that a similar value of ΔΔ*G*~bind~ = 5.6 kcal/mol is predicted for tRNA^Phe^ → tRNA^Leu^ in the Off-state (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}), in agreement with earlier work ([@B24]).", "\n\n![", "Calculated energetics of mismatches in the first and second codon positions. ", "Calculated binding free energies of tRNA^Leu^~GAG~ and tRNA^Ser^~GGA~ (in kcal/mol) are given relative to the cognate tRNA^Phe^~GAA~ complex with the UUU codon. ", "The enol forms of G and U are denoted G\\* and U\\*, respectively. ", "Yellow bars denote calculations with the monitoring rRNA bases in their Off-state. ", "Error bars, 1 s.e.m.](gku1044fig2){#F2}\n\nEnergetics of mismatches with enol tautomers {#SEC3-2}\n--------------------------------------------\n\nThe results from the free energy calculations on the enol forms of mismatched first and second position G-U pairs are also summarized in Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "There it can be seen that enolization of U in the mRNA yields less favorable binding free energies of the mismatched tRNA^Leu^ and tRNA^Ser^ than the keto forms, resulting in significantly stronger discrimination against the near-cognate complexes. ", "Enolization of G in the tRNA, on the other hand, does not cause large additional penalties and, in the case of tRNA^Ser^ with a second position mismatch, it actually decreases the discrimination by about 4 kcal/mol. ", "For the first position mismatch with tRNA^Leu^ the corresponding effect is a moderate selectivity increase of 1 kcal/mol. ", "Hence, it is clear that for the mismatched complex of tRNA^Ser^ with the UUU codon, enolization of the second position (anticodon) G yields the most favorable energetics among the possible tautomers. ", "However, it is important to point out here that 'enolization does not alleviate the high selectivity against incorrect tRNAs', either of the first two positions, since the discrimination is still very high. ", "Further, that the second position should be mostly affected by taumerization is logical in view of the fact that it sequestered between the two other base pairs and therefore has more limited possibilities of structural relaxation. ", "This is also in line with earlier computational and experimental observations of an intrinsically higher selectivity in the second position ([@B4],[@B24],[@B42]), which also may be reflected by the genetic code structure where the second position is the main determinant of physico-chemical properties of the coded amino acid.", "\n\nThe net effects of tautomerization on tRNA selectivity (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) are the result of compensating factors for which the detailed energetics is given in Table [1](#tbl1){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "In all cases, i.e. both G and U enolization and in the first and second position, does the ribosome actually stabilize the enol tautomer of the mRNA or tRNA (ΔΔ*G*~enol~ in Table [1](#tbl1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "However, this stabilization is counterbalanced by the high energetic cost of forming the enol tautomer in water (Δ*G*~wat~ in Table [1](#tbl1){ref-type=\"table\"}), which is equivalent to bringing this form to a standard state of 1 M (the same as the keto form). ", "In the case of U tautomerization the latter penalty is predicted to be about 4 kcal/mol higher than that of G and this is the basic reason for why the enol form U is unlikely to ever play any significant role in G-U base pairing. ", "The present calculations of Δ*G*~wat~ are also in reasonable agreement with earlier quantum mechanical results for the energetics of enolization in continuum solvent models of water ([@B21],[@B22]).", "\n\nStructural effects of base tautomerization {#SEC3-3}\n------------------------------------------\n\nThe MD simulations of the cognate crystal structure yield an excellent agreement with the observed conformation of the decoding region, with an r.m.s. ", "heavy atom coordinate deviation for the fully mobile inner 22 Å sphere of 1.0 Å with respect to the 3I8H structure ([@B10]). ", "The average MD structure (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) shows that the minor groove of the codon-anticodon minihelix is completely dehydrated due to solvent exclusion caused by the On-conformation of the monitoring bases (the crystal structures do not have any water molecules refined). ", "This phenomenon was been also observed in earlier MD simulations ([@B24]) and is the main reason for why the monitoring bases can increase the penalty of mismatches in their On-conformation, since no water molecules can enter to compensate for missing hydrogen bond interactions in non-cognate complexes ([@B24]). ", "However, it is interesting to note that, as opposed to the case of a first position A-C mismatch ([@B24]), the effect of switching On/Off the monitoring bases is negligible for a G-U mismatch as in the case of tRNA^Leu^ (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This phenomenon is explained by the hydrogen bond that can be formed between the amino group of G36 in the tRNA and the A1493 base (Figure [4a](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}), which is also observed experimentally for cognate first position G-C pairs ([@B11]). ", "That is, in the On-conformation of A1493 this hydrogen bond can actually compensate for the suboptimal base pairing.", "\n\n![", "Comparison of the average MD and crystal structure for the cognate complex. ", "Stereo view of the average MD structure (yellow carbons with the monitoring bases depicted with magenta carbons) overlayed on the crystal structure ([@B10]) of the cognate tRNA^Phe^~GAA~ complex (cyan carbons). ", "Water molecules in the vicinity of the codon-anticodon pair are shown as red spheres.](gku1044fig3){#F3}\n\n![", "Average MD structures of first and second position G-U mismatches. (**", "a**) First position G-U mismatch with the standard keto form of the anticodon for tRNA^Leu^~GAG~ binding to the UUU codon. (**", "b**) Second position G-U mismatch with tRNA^Ser^~GGA~ and the standard keto form of the anticodon. (**", "c**) First position mismatch with tRNA^Leu^~GAG~ and the enol form of G36 in the anticodon. (**", "d**) Second position mismatch with tRNA^Ser^~GGA~ and the enol form of G35 in the anticodon. ", "The key hydrogen bonds are drawn with dashed lines and the weaker (somewhat longer distances) hydrogen bonds between the anticodon amine and O6 of the codon U are shown as dotted lines in panels (**a**,**b**).](gku1044fig4){#F4}\n\nThe G-U mismatches naturally lead to distortions of the standard (A-U) geometry and corresponding average MD structures, in the standard keto form, are shown in Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "Besides the most prevalent G-U interaction with two hydrogen bonds (Figure [4a](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [b](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}), another type of conformation is also occasionally seen in the MD simulations where a water molecule can bridge the hydrogen bond between N3 of U and O6 of G. Furthermore, it is apparent that the change in shape of the minor groove due to the G-U pair is sensed differently by the ribosome in the first and second positions. ", "As noted above, in the former case the amine group of the anticodon G can form a hydrogen bond with N3 of A1493 (Figure [4a](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}), whereas no such hydrogen bonding interaction for the amine is possible in the second position. ", "Hence, it is logical that the energetic penalty is larger for a mismatched second position anticodon G, with its amine group is in the minor groove of the codon-anticodon minihelix. ", "This is because A1492 and G530 efficiently exclude any solvent in their On-conformation, thereby causing partial desolvation of the base.", "\n\nThe simulations of the G^enol^-U and G-U^enol^ tautomers confirm a standard Watson--Crick geometry of these ribosomal complexes, with three distinct hydrogen bonds between the bases. ", "The average MD structures of the two alternative enol forms (G^enol^-U and G-U^enol^), in both codon positions, are virtually identical apart from the enolic proton position and are shown in Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"} for the G^enol^-U cases. ", "The fact that the O...H−O hydrogen bonds are generally stronger than those involving nitrogen is also reflected by it being slightly shorter (2.6--2.7 Å O...O distance), in agreement with a recent higher resolution crystal structure of a DNA polymerase complex with a G-T mismatch showing Watson--Crick geometry ([@B43]). ", "In addition to the base pair interactions, the crystallographically observed ([@B10]) hydrogen bonds to the O2′ and N3 of A1493 can be maintained by the first position G^enol^-U pair. ", "In the second position, no such hydrogen bonding to the ribosome is possible (Figure [4d](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}), which makes the three base pair hydrogen bonds energetically more important. ", "This appears to the main reason for why the net stabilization of the enol form is larger in the second position.", "\n\nSince the structures of the G^enol^-U and G-U^enol^ complexes are identical to each other in both codon positions (only differing in the enolic proton position), the energetics of their interactions with the ribosome are very similar. ", "However, since the enolization of U increases the dipole moment of the base, while enolization of G decreases it (see Table [1](#tbl1){ref-type=\"table\"} and ([@B21])), the solvation energies of the bases in the reference states (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}) go in opposite directions. ", "This is another factor that contributes to the less favorable energetics of U enolization and is reflected by the less negative values of ΔΔ*G*~enol~ in Table [1](#tbl1){ref-type=\"table\"} for both the first and second position G-U^enol^ compared to their respective G^enol^-U form. ", "That is, besides the overall energy of forming U^enol^ in water being higher than that for G^enol^ (Δ*G*~wat~ in Table [1](#tbl1){ref-type=\"table\"}, which also includes the electronic contribution), the solvation energy is more negative relative to the keto form than for G^enol^ (for which it is positive). ", "These results are also in agreement with earlier calculations ([@B21],[@B22]).", "\n\nDISCUSSION {#SEC4}\n==========\n\nThe idea that tautomerization of nucleic acid bases can be a source of error in the otherwise specific base pairing mechanism dates back to Watson--Crick, who proposed this as an origin of spontaneous mutation in DNA replication ([@B44]). ", "With regard to mRNA translation the problem is the same, namely, that less prevalent tautomeric forms could potentially change the specific codon-anticodon pairing and cause errors in protein synthesis. ", "The unique crystal structures obtained by Yusupova *et* *al*. ([", "@B11]) of non-cognate aa-tRNAs bound to the ribosome, with mismatches in the first and second codon positions, show base pair geometries indicative of tautomerization. ", "We also verified this by calculating electron density maps from the deposited structure factors. ", "It should further be noted here that the possibility of ionization of either G (N1) or U (N3), with normal p*K*~a~\\'s around 9.4, cannot explain the crystal structures with close oxygen-oxygen contacts between the bases. ", "A similarly mismatched G-U structure was also observed in a recent crystal structure of an error-prone variant of DNA polymerase λ ([@B43]). ", "Since this type of structures are apparently possible to trap crystallographically, this immediately raises the question of whether their energetics is sufficiently prohibitive in order to avoid errors.", "\n\nOur computer simulations unambiguously show that enolization of G-U base pairs in the first two codon positions on the ribosome does not cause any significant error in the specificity of tRNA binding. ", "That is, the ribosome complexes with fully accommodated aa-tRNAs, corresponding to the proofreading stage of protein synthesis ([@B11]), are predicted to disfavor the enol forms of non-cognate tRNAs (tRNA^Leu^ and tRNA^Ser^) by at least a factor of about 10 000 compared to the cognate case (tRNA^Phe^). ", "So it is clear that tautomerization does not alleviate the high discrimination against incorrect substrates for peptide elongation. ", "Our results also show that, as far as G-U mismatches are concerned, the enol tautomer of guanine is far more stable than that of uracil, both in aqueous solution and on the ribosome. ", "The enol form of G is, in fact, predicted to be more stable than the keto form for a second position G-U mismatch, while it is approximately isoenergetic with the ketone in the first position of the codon-anticodon pair. ", "In both cases, however, is the cognate A-U pair highly favored.", "\n\nThe present calculations are thus in agreement with the observed crystal structures of G-U mismatches on the ribosome ([@B11]) in the sense that, given that such complexes can be trapped, the enolic forms are indeed predicted to be energetically accessible (first position) or even the most stable (second position). ", "The question of how it can be possible to trap such complexes in the first place is perhaps even more interesting. ", "That is, how can you trap a structure that is 6--9 kcal/mol higher in free energy than the cognate complex? ", "Here, it should be noted that besides a high excess of the non-cognate tRNAs over ribosomes, the crystals were also obtained with a high Mg^2+^ concentration ([@B11]). ", "This is known to increase the error frequency in protein synthesis and the rate of both GTP hydrolysis and peptide bond formation with non-cognate tRNAs ([@B4]). ", "Further, the mechanism whereby increased Mg^2+^ concentration speeds up both cognate and non-cognate reactions at the expense of losing accuracy seems to be that the On-state of the monitoring rRNA bases is stabilized irrespective of the A-site substrate ([@B4],[@B11],[@B45]). ", "For example, the crystal structures ([@B11]) with G-U mismatches (PDB IDs: 3UYD and 3UZG) show a Mg^2+^ ion with strong electron density in helix 44, in the region occupied by A1492 and A1493 in their Off-state on ribosomes with empty A-sites ([@B6]--[@B8]). ", "This was also verified from our calculated electron density maps based on the deposited structure factors ([@B11]). ", "It thus appears that the monitoring bases can be titrated from the Off- to the On-state for non-cognate substrates by increased Mg^2+^ concentration. ", "This is similar to the error-inducing mechanism of paramomycin which also binds in this region of helix 44 and drives the monitoring bases to their On-state ([@B5],[@B45],[@B46]).", "\n\nHence, in combination with the low temperature cryo-conditions used in crystallographic data collection it is perhaps not so surprising that this type of complexes can be trapped. ", "It may further be noticed that under similarly high Mg^2+^ concentration conditions the dissociation of cognate aa-tRNAs from the ribosomal A-site has been measured as exceedingly slow ([@B47]). ", "These off-rates are on the order of 10^−4^ s^−1^ at 20°C, which implies an exit free energy barrier of about 23 kcal/mol. ", "Hence, even if the corresponding non-cognate exit barriers are 6--9 kcal/mol lower than this value the corresponding off-rates would indeed be small at the crystallographic cryo-temperature (100 K).", "\n\nThe calculations reported herein also confirm our earlier conclusions regarding the key role played by the monitoring bases, A1492, A1493 and G530, in maintaining a high fidelity ([@B24]). ", "Thus their principal effect, in their On-state, is to exclude solvent from the minor groove side of the codon-anticodon minihelix. ", "This causes the penalty for unsatisfied hydrogen bonds to become significantly larger than when the bases are in their Off-state and water molecules can compensate for such missing hydrogen bonds. ", "However, the case with a G in position 36 of the tRNA anticodon appears somewhat special since this base, both in cognate G-C and near-cognate G-U complexes ([@B11]), can form a seemingly critical hydrogen bond to A1493 (Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This interaction is found here to make the On-state much less discriminatory for such a G-U pair than for a corresponding first position A-C mismatch ([@B24]). ", "Conversely, for a G-U mismatch in the second position we find that the discrimination is much stronger in the On-state and similar in magnitude to that of A-C mismatches ([@B24]), as no compensating hydrogen bonds can be formed. ", "This situation would thus lead to the prediction that discrimination against misreading a first position U would be similar also for the tRNAs coding for Pro, His, Gln and Arg that carry a G in position 36, at least as far as the proofreading stage is concerned. ", "With regard to second position misreading of the UUU codon by tRNA^Ser^, it is also possible that the actual pathway when such a rare event occurs never involves the On-state of the monitoring bases observed crystallographically, but instead progresses through the Off-state with a lower energetic penalty.", "\n\nAs argued earlier ([@B24]), the solvent exclusion effect of the monitoring rRNA bases leads to the existence of both low selectivity Off-states and high selectivity On-states, where the latter seem to mainly pertain to the second codon position. ", "These high selectivity states will in practice very rarely be populated by non-cognate tRNAs under physiological conditions, simply because they are too high in energy and, consequently, rejection from the ribosome instead becomes the preferred route for incorrect tRNAs. ", "These high-energy states are thermodynamically hidden in the sense that they are difficult to probe experimentally but they are an essential component of the machinery that ensures high accuracy in protein synthesis.", "\n\nSUPPLEMENTARY DATA {#SEC5}\n==================\n\n[Supplementary Data](http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1093/nar/gku1044/-/DC1) are available at NAR Online.", "\n\n###### SUPPLEMENTARY DATA\n\nFUNDING {#SEC6}\n=======\n\nSwedish Research Council \\[VR, 2010-5264\\]; Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation; Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC). ", "Funding for open access charge: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.", "\n\n*Conflict of interest statement*. ", "None declared.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "Minneapolis is America's most intriguing food and drink city that no one’s talking about. ", "Aside from Prince, Target, and the Twins, outsiders don’t know much about it, because traditionally there are only two kinds of people up there: those who never left, and natives who explored the world but returned. ", "They're fearless in the elements and worthy of validation—overdue for it, even—though in no way longing for it. ", "As welcoming to outsiders as they are, “We’re just as happy to see you go,” one local admitted.", "\n\nAs the country descends upon Minneapolis for Super Bowl LII, stories of a Scandinavian-esque foodshed, revitalized industrial districts, and homegrown booze will be told, but it's only a fraction of what makes it the best-kept secret in the north. ", "Well, lucky for us, the word is finally out. ", "Whether or not you’re headed there for the game, it's time to put it in your sights.", "\n\nWhere to Eat\n\nFor much of the year, locals are just trying to survive—there's no energy to be wasted on artifice or razzle-dazzle. ", "You'll find excellent meals and service, but don't expect dress codes or molecular gastronomy. \"", "People don't care for the 'put-on-ness' of fine dining,\" said one restaurant manager. \"", "I will refold your napkin when you get up, but you can still eat a bologna sandwich with a $3 canned beer.\"", "\n\nAt Borough, where the chef de cuisine is Danish, pickled mackerel and raw vegetable salad will change how you think about winter bounty. ", "Ask Keely for a table, and high-five cocktail guru Jesse Held. ", "His drink—the Nightman Cometh, with beet-infused gin, sage, honey, Cynar, lemon, locally made Dashfire Bay Leaf Bitters, and a curry salt rim—is a Loch Duart salmon-hued showstopper.", "\n\nThe \"Jucy Lucy.\" ", "Jason Tesauro\n\nHead to Powderhorn Park, and you’ll encounter a regional burger war to rival the battle taking place on Super Bowl Sunday. ", "Matt’s Bar & Grill, home of the molten cheese core, is the original landmark burger dive. ", "For stupid good hangover food, try the Jucy Lucy, misspelling and all. ", "It’s served cash only, on waxed paper, with or without pickles and sautéed onions. ", "Amy runs the floor and Paulie runs the flat-top with a mesmerizing calm, even during the lunchtime rush. ", "Down the street, 5-8 Club calls its burger a Juicy Lucy (note the \"i\") and lets you fuss with cheeses, toppings, and yes, debit cards.", "\n\nMercy in downtown Minneapolis, across from the famed Orpheum Theatre, is hunter/fisherman/papa bear/chef Mike Rakun's love letter to the Gopher State. ", "Beer can chicken and the best fish fry of your life? ", "Yes, please. ", "Downstairs, his bibliophile wife, Abby, has created the Library Lounge, where you can relax among curated tomes after downing frosty drams outside at their ice bar.", "\n\nSouth of the city near Richfield Lake (one of the state's 13,000-plus lakes), Lyn 65 Kitchen & Bar is a gastropub anomaly with fare ranging from fried chicken to ramen to Neapolitan pizza and Au Cheval-style burgers. \"", "I come from a picky family,\" says Chef Ben Rients. \"", "I needed a burger for my dad, pizza for my brother, and fish for my mom.\" ", "All of the craveables are here, and they're flat-out delicious. ", "Don't miss the hummus with veal ragu.", "\n\nYou don’t have to be vegan or vegetarian to dig Fig + Farro. ", "Eschewing Michelin stars for a mission bar, proprietress Michelle Courtright gave up the riches of advertising to instead tackle climate change, food waste, and carbon footprint issues in the restaurant industry. ", "With communal tables, accessible and affordable eats, eclectic design and high-minded policies (an all-regional booze list, $15/hr minimum wage), this is the place for hungry progressives who like voting with their dollars while toasting with strangers.", "\n\n\n\nCocktails at Martina. ", "Jason Tesauro\n\nThey leave, they come back. ", "Martina executive chef Daniel del Prado got a taste of Minneapolis, went away, and then returned. ", "Now, del Prado and his business partner, both Argentina-born, serve Spanish and Italian verve to a quiet neighborhood. ", "Chef Facundo DeFraia makes his grandmother’s empanadas each day. ", "And then there’s Marco Zappia’s cocktails. ", "Even if you don’t finish them, order three, or five, or all 10, just to see genius in concoction, color, flavor, and garnish. ", "We're calling it now: At barely three months old, Martina is destined to be one of 2018’s best new restaurants.", "\n\nWhere to Drink\n\nIt’s cold. ", "The ground is frozen. ", "Wine grapes don’t really grow here, but breweries and distilleries thrive. ", "Minneapolis is an A+ drinking town where the local booze IQ falls somewhere between gifted and savant. ", "Barflies rejoice: While craft cocktails and ice programs in some cities are reserved for preferred eateries and premium bars, here a serious drink is standard fare in just about any place with chairs and straws.", "\n\nIn these parts, craft beer is as basic a public utility as tap water, and it flows down every street in pretty much the same way. ", "Surly Brewing Co. Beer Hall is open all day, every day, with up to two dozen brews on tap and an appetite-spanning food menu that alone is worth the trip. ", "Bonus: from the brewery, you can catch a glimpse of the historic 1913 Witch’s Hat Water Tower.", "\n\nLooking for an energetic place to drink and mingle? ", "Tattersall Distilling Co. is tucked into an enclave of artists and small industry. ", "One of the partners is a bartender, so the portfolio ranges from base spirits (a juniper-muted flagship gin, a corn-based vodka, and a dynamite caraway/rye/fennel-forward aquavit) to all of the liqueurs and fixins needed for proper cocktailing, including a natural Bitter Orange that’s a cross between Campari and Aperol.", "\n\nTattersall Distilling Co. Jason Tesauro\n\nIf you can stomach egg whites, Cheetos, and a no-reservations policy, then Marvel Bar is the joint for you. ", "It’s a geeked-out cocktail hangout beneath a restaurant, hidden behind an unmarked purple door. ", "This isn’t where you go for classics, tiki, or shots of Fernet, it’s where you sip on something you’ve never tasted before—and might never again.", "\n\nRemember Jesse Held from Borough? ", "Parlour is one of his seven drinking havens. ", "Try his take on the region’s ubiquitous Old Fashioned, a go-to warmer-upper. ", "This bar is like a house party, which makes sense, because “Minnesotans love to entertain, especially in the winter,” says Held. “", "Tornado, blizzard, whatever: Parlour gets busier when the weather gets worse.\"", "\n\n“Kastina Morrison sent me\" are the words you might have to utter to gain access to Brick + Mortar, a private social club with panoramic vistas, gorgeous furnishings, discrete lockers, corners for canoodling, and a rooftop terrace. ", "Smooth talk your way past the velvet ropes, if only to see two remarkable tables: one of petrified wood, another of inlaid wood and stone.", "\n\nWhere to Party\n\nSeemingly every Minneapolis native has a Prince story—attending one of his Paisley Park parties, pulling alongside his 1999 Plymouth Prowler convertible (purple, of course), running into him at Whole Foods. ", "He loved just showing up, hitting the stage, and throwing down. ", "When the tunes get hot, ditch the parka and follow his lead.", "\n\nThe Dakota Jazz Club & Restaurant is the kind of laid-back, old-school jazz club where you might hear the Roy Hargrove Quintet bust out old MJ hits while you sip on a regional gin and tonic. ", "It's in Nicolett, a pedestrian-friendly downtown district. ", "Stroll through the enclosed overhead skyways that allow local suits to scoot block-to-block without ever stepping outside.", "\n\nFirst Avenue & 7th St Entry. ", "Jason Tesauro\n\nFirst Avenue & 7th Street Entry is two venues in one: 7th Street is a tight, 250-person club for DJ sets and punk shows. ", "The Mainroom holds over 1,500 and has featured too many greats to list—Prince got his start here, and there’s a who-who constellation of rock stars painted on the building. ", "Two blocks away, Eduardo Kobra’s Bob Dylan mural awaits a selfie.", "\n\nTo find rock, funk, and blues, head to Bunker’s Music Bar & Grill. ", "North Loop is the up-and-coming, trendy section of town, but Bunker’s is still a neighborhood bar with loud music and cheap beer.", "\n\n\n\nWhere to Nightcap\n\nKeep it simple for your late night snacks and last call drinks: Go where the locals go.", "\n\n\"Don’t tell anyone about Northeast,” warned one local about Minneapolis' best after hours neighborhood. ", "Visit 331 Club, where there's no cover, $5 Fernets after midnight, and amp-smokin' bands onstage, and you’ll know why some want to keep the secret safe. (", "Just pronounce it “Nordeast” like locals do.)", "\n\n\n\nYoung Joni. ", "Jason Tesauro\n\nAlso in Northeast is Young Joni. ", "The wood-fired pizzas and Korean short ribs are reportedly smashing, its Back Bar is sublime. ", "Look for a red light in the alley around back, where you'll find reel-to-reel music on a mint-condition Akai, sumptuous sofas, and vintage touches galore. ", "As the bartender put it, “It’s not any basement bar. ", "It’s Grandma’s basement where your cool uncle lives.”", "\n\nBehind Monte Carlo's century-old copper bar, bottles reach nearly to the ceiling. ", "Elegance aside, no one will look at you askance for ordering Beijing-style chicken wings with a Captain and Cherry Cola float at midnight.", "\n\nWhere to Recover\n\nTo soak up your night out, face the cold sunshine of a Minneapolis morning and treat yourself to a hearty brunch. ", "And don't skip out on the donuts.", "\n\nAdjacent the restaurant, Bachelor Farmer's café serves up a healthy breakfast. ", "Wild rice porridge with walnuts and maple-cardamom butter will stick to your ribs before a day of fat tire biking, cross-country skiing, or frozen waterfall hiking.", "\n\nDon’t be afraid to order a mixed dozen Cardigan Donuts just for yourself. ", "At the very least, grab yourself the sweet and spicy, cinnamon-sugared churro roll with fudge sauce. ", "Cardigan also serves Blackeye Roasting Co. coffee. ", "Pocket a slim can of nitro cold brew for a defibrillating afternoon jolt.", "\n\nThe Hi-Lo \"Yum Yum Yum Hi-Top.\" ", "Jason Tesauro\n\nChef Gavin Kaysen is a James Beard winner and another Minnesotan-returned-home. ", "His restaurant Spoon & Stable (formerly a horse stable) is lavishly bright and inviting, elevating brunch the way caviar elevates a blini. ", "Go hungry, linger, and treat it like a tasting menu: trout roe on lefse (a gluten-free potato pancake), bison tartare with chickpea flour crisps, pastry service, and a 20-layer crepe cake so light it should come with string to tie about your wrist to keep it from floating away.", "\n\nRelocated from New Jersey to Pennsylvania to Minnesota, Hi-Lo Diner is a true time-machine. ", "Sip a Vikre Boreal Gin Red Snapper (served with a High Life pony) and chow down on a Yum Yum Yum Hi-Top: braised Korean short rib, apple-bacon slaw, and wasabi microgreens served on a glazed donut. ", "Yeah, you read that right. ", "Whether you’re stretching legs after brunch or killing time before getting a table, walk down the block to Hymie’s Records, a first-class new and used vinyl shop. ", "Buy a record as a souvenir from your new favorite food and drinks city in America.", "\n\nThis content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. ", "You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io" ]
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[ "[android-components](../../index.md) / [mozilla.components.tooling.lint](../index.md) / [LintIssueRegistry](./index.md)\n\n# LintIssueRegistry\n\n`class LintIssueRegistry` [(source)](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/android-components/blob/master/components/tooling/lint/src/main/java/mozilla/components/tooling/lint/LintIssueRegistry.kt#L14)\n\nRegistry which provides a list of our custom lint checks to be performed on an Android project.", "\n\n### Constructors\n\n| Name | Summary |\n|---|---|\n| [&lt;init&gt;](-init-.md) | `LintIssueRegistry()`<br>Registry which provides a list of our custom lint checks to be performed on an Android project. ", "|\n\n### Properties\n\n| Name | Summary |\n|---|---|\n| [api](api.md) | `val api: `[`Int`](https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin/-int/index.html) |\n| [issues](issues.md) | `val issues: `[`List`](https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin.collections/-list/index.html)`<<ERROR CLASS>>` |\n\n### Extension Functions\n\n| Name | Summary |\n|---|---|\n| [loadResourceAsString](../../mozilla.components.support.test.file/kotlin.-any/load-resource-as-string.md) | `fun `[`Any`](https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin/-any/index.html)`.loadResourceAsString(path: `[`String`](https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin/-string/index.html)`): `[`String`](https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin/-string/index.html)<br>Loads a file from the resources folder and returns its content as a string object. ", "|\n" ]
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[ "How are we all? ", "Me, I'm Ok. ", "Still coughing like anything and I had the joy of going back to work and listening to all the I told you so's. ", "Fun.", "\n\nAnyway, it was a very quiet weekend - my parents came over and we did a bit of shopping. ", "I bought some more plants and a couple of tops. ", "I bought some lettuces, peppers and some herbs. ", "The herbs and peppers are doing quite well, but the lettuces don't look that great. ", "I'll see how they go. ", "I also dropped my ring off to be resized. ", "It's been very loose for a few weeks and I thought it was time to do something before I lost it and it had to be resized down 2 sizes! ", "Its funny the little things that you don't even think about - like rings getting too big.", "\n\nExercise wise, I haven't done much at all. ", "I made it back to the gym this morning and did some cardio, but it felt like a struggle. ", "I haven't really had a lot of energy, so that hasn't helped. ", "I want some energy back now!", "\n\nSo the menu today was:\n\nB - english muffin and peanut butter\n\nS - muesli bar\n\nS - grapes\n\nL - leftover beef stirfry, kiwifruit\n\nD - 1/2 an antipasto platter - vegies, breads, meats, dips\n\nHave fun everyone!", "\n\n__________________\nThe future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.", "\n\nNicolen - I couldn't wear my wedding rings for 2 years. ", "I remember the day I could put them back on. ", "It was marvelous!", "\n\nI made it through a whole week of staying on-plan. ", "I'm feeling good and the scales are smiling. ", "This week, my goal is to add water and exercise to the mix. ", "I'm committing to at least 5 glasses of water and 30 minutes on the treadmill each day.", "\n\nGood Morning! ", "Only four more days of work, then I am on vacation!!!! ", "YIPPEE!!!", "\n\nnicolen--Hope that cough goes away soon and that you get your energy back!", "\n\nRhonda--That's fantastic! ", "Great job!", "\n\nI was in a bit of a 'mood' this am....I am wearing jeans today that I never thought I would wear again. ", "Not my 'after' jeans, but not the jeans I would like to be wearing right now. ", "I realized that my mood would certainly not help me stay focused today, so I am letting it go. ", "And starting fresh. ", "I know what I need to do.", "\n\nTonight I am going to the gym--I am going to do weights and cardio. ", "I have already started drinking water this morning, so that's a good thing.", "\n\nHave a great OP day everyone!", "\n\n__________________\n\nRe-start 12/14/10 at 256\n\nThere are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going...the road to success is never an easy one. ", "Stay strong and focused on your journey.", "\n\nI'm all excited after last week, I stayed on plan and managed to resist 99% of temptation. ", "I bowl Mondays on a league, and normally eat something fried, and a big 32 oz soda or 2. ", "Today I had a piece of raisin bread. ", "What a rush, I was really nervous, since for me bowling and snacking have gone hand in hand.", "\n\nI'm also experimenting with peppers, which I have found out I like. ", "I've been eating chicken breast with sauteed peppers. ", "Yum yum!", "\n\nWell, yummy trainer is so not my favourite person at the moment. ", "Very sore and yes, it may be doing me good, but at the moment its all about the pain. ", "I think I'll be crawling around the place tomorrow, and I'm not sure how I'm going to get the rubbish out to the gate.", "\n\nApart from that I'm good. ", "I'm not coughing as much as I was, but still pretty tired. ", "Really looking forward to the weekend at the moment - there's a few dramas brewing at work which doesn't help. ", "Nothing too major, but just completely unnecessary stuff to be honest.", "\n\nSo the menu today was:\n\nB - muffin and peanut butter\n\nS - yoghurt and berries\n\nS - muesli bar\n\nL - soup and bread\n\nD - chicken salad sandwich\n\nRhonda, awesome start! ", "Brilliant!", "\n\nMJ, how did the gym go?", "\n\nCrazy, welcome! ", "Awesome job with staying on plan while you were out!", "\n\nDiane, yay for a holiday! ", "Sounds as if you're going away - where are you off to?", "\n\nTake care everyone!", "\n\n__________________\nThe future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.", "\n\nHi everyone. ", "I didn't do very well yesterday with staying on plan. ", "I'll do better today. ", "I'm getting really excited to go on vacation and I'm having trouble focusing. ", "By the way, we're going elk hunting, so 5 days in the mountains with no phone, no tv, no computer, yay!", "\n\nI did go to the gym, but I didn't last very long. ", "My knee really hurt--that sharp, ouchie pain. ", "Even one of my 'gym friends' noticed. ", "He asked if maybe I should take the day off. ", "I decided that I probably should leave (which I did). ", "I came home--ice, elevation, pain meds....the 'usual' routine. ", "It feels better now, but it's really stiff. ", "I see the dr in about two weeks. ", "can't wait to hear what he has to say!", "\n\n__________________\n\nRe-start 12/14/10 at 256\n\nThere are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going...the road to success is never an easy one. ", "Stay strong and focused on your journey.", "\n\nHi ladies! ", "I'm back! ", "Today wasn't so good, I went about 360 empty calories over due to \"snacking for dinner\" at a bridal shower... those calories really add up! ", "I think those kinds of situations are ones I struggle with the most - people always bring out the most decadent things too. ", "But, I settled for a small piece of cake and only took a few bites. ", "Tomorrow I'll do better, and it will be easier because I won't have a party to go to .", "\n\nYep, I was sore today. ", "And he's going to put me through torture again. ", "I so want a trainer who's not evil when he goes - but I don't think I'm going to get one. ", "Although I do have to try and work on his musical taste in the next few weeks - he thinks Crazy Frog is good music! ", "I think that might be a lost cause!", "\n\nAnyway, quiet day today since I don't go to the gym. ", "I'm going to go for a walk in a few minutes - daylight savings has arrived and it's great! ", "Work is a bit messy - had a fairly long meeting this morning over a couple of issues which means I'm a wee bit behind with my work. ", "Not a big deal - we're still fairly quiet, but it's the first day in a long time where I have had to leave more than 2 pieces of work on my desk at the end of the day.", "\n\nTomorrow - gym and torture session, work, home. ", "I've got to buy my niece a birthday present at some stage between now and Saturday so I've got to get to the shop before then." ]
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[ "search\n\nlogin form!", "\n\nGallery\n\nPatty Stonefish can take down a fully grown man by his finger. ", "Patty, a 26-year-old joint-lock ninja of Lakota heritage from North Dakota, has actually been studying taekwondo for more than a decade. ", "For demos like the one she is doing tonight, she keeps it easy: single-action moves with names that women can keep in mind in a panic, like grandmother s grip.", "\n\nIf you’ve spent at any time around health nuts or fitness enthusiasts, there’s an opportunity you’ve become aware of the benefits of butter coffee. ", "The drink, made from mixing butter and medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil with coffee, is promoted by popularizer Dave Asprey as a biohack that can give customers the \"clarity and energy to rip it up for hours.\"", "\n\nMartial arts fighter takes Bloody course to biz success\n\nA year ago, Emily Griffen was still a Muay Thai personal trainer. ", "Now, she’s making Bloody Mary mix.", "Griffen was heavily associated with the\nmicah terrill MMA martial art for six years, consisting of combating and training in Thailand for all 2012 up until she saw a niche in the Bloody Mary company.", "She began the health-conscious Brewt s Bloody ." ]
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[ "Lebanon’s and Egypt’s national carriers will halt flights to the Iraqi Kurdish regional capital Arbil this week at the request of the Baghdad authorities, they said on Wednesday.", "\n\nTheir decision comes after Iraq’s government threatened to ban international flights to and from Iraqi Kurdistan after the region held an independence referendum on Monday.", "\n\nLebanon’s Middle East Airlines and EgyptAir both said their flights to and from Arbil would be affected.", "\n\nMEA chairman Mohammad al-Hout confirmed “the suspension of all flights to and from Arbil from Friday, upon the request of the Iraqi aviation authorities for the halt of all international flights to and from the airport.”", "\n\nIn a statement, EgyptAir also said its flights would halt from Friday “until further notice.”", "\n\nSource: AFP" ]
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[ "The invention relates to a method and system for robot localization and confinement.", "\nThere have been many systems proposed in the prior art for confining a robot to specific physical space for the purpose of performing work. ", "These systems are typically designed for any number of robotic applications such as lawn care, floor cleaning, inspection, transportation, and entertainment, where it is desired to have a robot operate in a confined area for performing work over time.", "\nBy way of example, a vacuuming robot working in one room may unintentionally wander from one room to another room before satisfactorily completing the vacuuming of the first room. ", "One solution is to confine the robot to the first room by closing all doors and physically preventing the robot from leaving the first room. ", "In many houses, however, open passageways often separate rooms, and doors or other physical barriers cannot easily be placed in the robot's exit path. ", "Likewise, a user may desire to only have the robot operate in a portion of a single open space and, therefore, letting the robot work in the entire room decreases efficiency.", "\nIt is therefore advantageous to have a means for confining the area in which a robot works.", "\nOne approach in the prior art is to provide sophisticated systems for navigation and orientation for the robot such that the robot either travels along a predetermined path and/or monitors its current location against a map stored in memory. ", "These systems require sophisticated hardware, such as precision sensors and significant computer memory and computational power, and typically do not adapt well to changes in the area in which the robot is working. ", "Likewise the robot cannot simply be taken from one building to another building, or even from room-to-room, without significant reprogramming or training.", "\nFor example, the method disclosed in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,700,427 (Knepper) requires a means for generating a path for the robot to travel, which can be either a manually-controlled teaching of the path or automatic mapping function. ", "If “the place of use is frequently changed” or the “rooms are modified,” large amounts of data memory is required in order to store information related to each location. ", "Similarly, the method and system disclosed in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,119,900 (Kremnitz) requires powerful computation and sensors to constantly ascertain the orientation of the robot in a given space. ", "Other examples of robotic systems requiring inputted information about the space in which the robot is working include methods and systems shown in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,109,566 (Kobayashi et al.) ", "and U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,284,522 (Kobayashi et al.).", "\nSimilarly, certain prior art systems not only require the training or programming of the robot to the specifics of a particular space, but also require some preparation or alteration to the space in which the robot is to work. ", "For example, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,341,540 (Soupert et al.) ", "discloses a system in which in a preferred embodiment requires the robot to include a positioning system and that the area for the robot be set up with “marking beacons . . . ", "placed at fixed reference points.” ", "While this system can avoid an unknown obstacle and return to its preprogrammed path through signals from the beacons, the system requires both significant user set-up and on-board computational power.", "\nSimilar systems and methods containing one or more of the above-described disadvantages are disclosed in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,353,224 (Lee et al.), ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,537,017 (Feiten et al.), ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,548,511 (Bancroft), and U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,634,237 (Paranjpe).", "\nYet another approach for confining a robot to a specified area involves providing a device defining the entire boundary of the area. ", "For example, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,300,737 (Bergvall et al.) ", "discloses an electronic bordering system in which a cable is placed on or under the ground to separate the inner area from the outer area. ", "Likewise, the system disclosed in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,255,793 (Peless et al.) ", "requires installation of a metallic wire through which electricity flows to define a border. ", "While these systems provide an effective means for confinement, they are difficult to install, are not portable from room-to-room, and can be unsightly or a tripping hazard if not placed under ground or beneath carpeting. ", "Equally important, such systems can be difficult to repair if the wire or other confinement device breaks, as the location of such breaks can be difficult to determine when the system is placed underground or under carpet.", "\nThe present invention provides a modified and improved system for confining a robot to a given space without the drawbacks of the prior art." ]
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[ "Christian Orlainsky\n\nChristian Orlainsky (born 27 February 1962) is an Austrian former alpine skier who competed in the 1980 Winter Olympics.", "\n\nHe was born in Tschagguns.", "\n\nIn 1980 he finished 13th in the Olympic giant slalom event. ", "He also competed in the slalom competition but did not finish the race.", "\n\nIn 1981 he won his only world cup giant slalom in Ebnat-Kappel and finished sixth in the giant slalom world cup.", "\n\nExternal links\n \n\nCategory:1962 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Austrian male alpine skiers\nCategory:Olympic alpine skiers of Austria\n\nCategory:Alpine skiers at the 1980 Winter Olympics" ]
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[ "While there's nothing wrong with the logo, It's hard to believe this many teams got a patent.", "Anyways, I decided to create logos for those 3 teams revolving around the letter S and their team name.", "\n\nStanford's S sometimes has a nice little tree on it. ", "So I decided to create a logo where they're together. ", "I wanted to make a diamond shape, but realize that hey duplicating the top bit looks a lot like a tree. ", "I connected the branches and added a trunk.", "\n\nI started this concept MONTHS ago. ", "The only progress I had was an MS alternating because I had another letter to play with. ", "I played around with some stuff, and added a nose plate in the negative space of the S. This evolved into a Spartan helmet. ", "The more I played with it, the more it evolved. ", "It became an M-S-U logo,\n\nThis one is an orange\n\n13\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nGuest\n\nGuest\n\nPersonally the only one I think that works is the Stanford one. ", "But on that one you really knocked it out of the park. ", "What really bothers me about the Syracuse one is it looks so much like a tilted poke ball lol\n\n5\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nI thought of that, and there really wasn't anything I could do committing to the circle and shape that didn't. ", "I had SO for Syracuse Orange, and SU for Syracuse University. ", "I didn't explain it all just for the joke\n\nNC State doesn't have the block S as well? ", "I know they modify it with the NC - but would love to see what you can do with them as well. ", "Never thought they've used the Wolfpack moniker appropriately in their logos/branding.", "\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nI really like where these are headed, but there's a few things you may want to try. ", "Personally, the biggest thing that isn't working for me on the Michigan State logo is how wide the M is. ", "I think that if you made the M narrower and more in line with the top part of the S from your original logo, then it might look better. ", "The Stanford one is fantastic, and its super clean and would look great on their jerseys, but with Syracuse, it looks more like a company log than an athletics logo. ", "I love the creativity behind these designs, and they're all right on the edge of working really well, but I think a few more changes are necessary to make the MSU and Syracuse ones work. ", "Overall, a really great start.", "\n\n0\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nAs a Sparty fan, I'm not digging that logo too much. ", "The order of the letters is important. ", "It looks like it belongs (order wise anyway) to Southern Methodist University rather than MSU. ", "I appreciate the effort and do agree that the block S is overused (MSU's primary is the helmet now I believe), but I'd love to see the the letters in the correct order.", "\n\nThe Stanford one is great (I didn't want to sound like a complete curmudgeon)." ]
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[ "[Chemoradiation therapy: a model for treatment optimization in oncology].", "\nThis work aims at describing the wide variety of questions relative to the treatment of locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer; it shows how the advent of new results induces new questions, as well as the diversity of clinical research directions. ", "Lung cancer represents a model of organization of multimodal therapeutic algorithms, the ultimate aim being the therapeutic optimization of the most frequent cancer." ]
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[ "Harestua Solar Observatory\n\nHarestua Solar Observatory () is a solar observatory near Harestua in the municipality of Lunner, Oppland, Norway.", "\n\nIt was used for solar research purposes from 1954 to 1986, and was subordinated the University of Oslo. ", "From 1987 it has been a dedicated science centre for astronomy education for Norwegian schools and public science events. ", "Since 2008, the Solar Observatory has been run by Tycho Brahe Instituttet AS extending the educational activities to incorporate natural sciences as a whole.", "\n\nExternal links\nOfficial site\n\nHarestua\nCategory:1954 establishments in Norway\nCategory:Tycho Brahe\nCategory:Lunner\nCategory:University of Oslo" ]
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[ "It is known to have a portion of the rear window of a truck cab slide horizontally to create an opening to increase ventilation through the cab and to create a passage to the bed of the truck.", "\nIt is known to have a fixed rear window with a central opening defined between a pair of stationary window panes and to provide a slidable window pane that slides horizontally to a position overlying one of the stationary window panes. ", "It is also known to have a reversible electric motor driving a rack and pinion arrangement for sliding this slidable window pane between the opened and closed positions.", "\nFor example, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,920,698 patent discloses a rack and pinion arrangement where the rack is attached to the slidable window pane and is engaged by the pinion. ", "A reversible motor rotates the pinion through a rotating transmission cable. ", "A switch operates the motor, allowing the operator to open the window without having to turn around. ", "The patent also discloses an alternative in which a slotted tape has one end of the tape secured to the slidable window pane is engaged by a gear driven by motor so that the tape pushes the slidable window pane in one direction and pulls the window in the other direction between the opened and closed positions. ", "The shortcoming of a single pane is the limited area that can be opened.", "\nIt would be desirable to have a pair of movable window panes that are driven horizontally in opposite directions to create a center opening by a single remotely located motor." ]
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[ "Salami tactics\n\nSalami tactics, also known as the salami-slice strategy or salami attacks, is a divide and conquer process of threats and alliances used to overcome opposition. ", " With it, an aggressor can influence and eventually dominate a landscape, typically political, piece by piece. ", "In this fashion, the opposition is eliminated \"slice by slice\" until it realizes, usually too late, that it is virtually gone in its entirety. ", "In some cases it includes the creation of several factions within the opposing political party and then dismantling that party from the inside, without causing the 'sliced' sides to protest. ", "Salami tactics are most likely to succeed when the perpetrators keep their true long-term motives hidden and maintain a posture of cooperativeness and helpfulness while engaged in the intended gradual subversion.", "\n\nOrigins\nThe term salami tactics () was coined in the late 1940s by the orthodox communist leader Mátyás Rákosi to describe the actions of the Hungarian Communist Party in its ultimately successful drive for complete power in Hungary. ", "Rákosi claimed he destroyed the non-Communist parties by \"cutting them off like slices of salami.\" ", "By portraying his opponents as fascists (or at the very least fascist sympathizers, which only a few were), he was able to get the opposition to slice off its right wing, then its centrists, then some left wingers, until only those Fellow travellers willing to collaborate with the Communists remained in power.", "\n\nPiecemeal strategy\nThe term is also known as a \"piecemeal strategy\". ", "It was used by the Nazi Party (which used the term Gleichschaltung) to achieve absolute power in Germany, beginning in the early months of 1933. ", "The Reichstag fire of February 27 rattled the German population and led to the Reichstag Fire Decree, leading to the suspension of many civil liberties and outlawing of the Communist Party and the Social Democrat parties. ", "An estimated 10,000 people were arrested in two weeks. ", "An Enabling Act soon followed on March 24. ", "The act gave Hitler plenary power, which allowed him to bypass the Reichstag and consolidate power. ", "Hitler and the Nazis then eliminated such potential opposition as trade unions and rival political parties. ", "They established organizations with mandatory membership, such as the Hitler Youth, the League of German Girls and the Reich Labour Service. ", "The Enabling Act was renewed in 1937 and 1941.", "\n\nOn April 26, 1942, the Reichstag passed a law making Hitler the oberster Gerichtsherr or the supreme judge of the land, giving him the power of life and death over every citizen, which effectively extended the Enabling Act for the rest of the war.", "\n\nCultural references\n\nIn television\nSalami tactics are discussed by the British Chief Scientific Adviser in the Yes, Prime Minister episode, \"The Grand Design\".", "\n\nIn film\nIn the 2016 film Arrival, Agent Halpern mentions a Hungarian word meaning to eliminate your enemies one by one. ", " It is thought that this alludes to szalámitaktika. ", " Indeed, this is cited in Amazon Prime X-Ray (1:07:50).", "\n\nSee also\nBoiling frog \nCreeping normality\nEntryism\nSalami slicing\nWedge issue\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading\nHorvath, John. ", "2000. ", "Salami Tactics, Telepolis, at Heise.de online. ", "Retrieved July 11, 2005.", "\nSalami tactics - Central and Eastern Europe 1945-8\n\nCategory:1940s in Hungary\nCategory:Political repression\nCategory:Political terminology" ]
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[ "Q:\n\niii9 - I progression in Bach?", "\n\nIn the last of his 15 Sinfonias (aka Three-Part Inventions), Bach uses quite a daring approach to the tonic chord. ", "Occurring in a sequential progression by downward thirds, it can be described most plainly as a V7-iii9-I cadence.", "\n\nAnalyzing a similar example from the WTC, Walter Piston, or rather his editor DeVoto, interprets the A as an anticipation, resolving with change of octave to the A in the alto (Harmony, 4th ed., ", "p.128) which seems rather far-fetched.", "\n\nHave more recent theorists got anything of sense to say about the idiom? ", "And are there precedents from the 17th century, before the congealment of functional harmony?", "\n\nA:\n\nIf I may offer a different analysis of the excerpt in question, it appears to me that the progression moves as thus:\nI6/3 - ii - V6/5 - I\nIntermediary arpeggiations are upper-tertian embellishment that essentially just serves as smooth harmonic leading between chords. ", " This is a very common progression for the period and a very common progression for JS Bach. ", " A iii9 is such a weak chord that, as others have mentioned, its use would be negligible, and it certainly wouldn't stand up in a background Schenkerian Analysis.", "\nHaving played through all of JS Bach's 371 Harmonized Chorales, I can tell you that I cannot recall a time where he ever used a iii chord in a cadence, or even as part of an anticipation. ", " Anticipation suggests non-chord tones and/or dissonance. ", " A iii chord is merely an upper-tertian extension of a I chord, and therefore is glossed over aurally. ", " I think it would be very difficult to distinguish a iii as a plausible anticipation aurally.", "\nDid JS Bach use iii chords at all? ", " Absolutely. ", " Sometimes to prolong I, sometimes to serve different connective functions, but I would say never at a cadence; not unless it was re-purposed as a secondary dominant/leading tone chord\nAs you might already know, mediant and chromatic mediant relationships did not become popularly in music until at least Beethoven (moving from I to bVI in developments! ", "Of course, you can reason that he went to the relative major of the subdominant minor - two ways of getting to the same place.) ", "If someone has an earlier example than Beethoven, feel free to share!", "\nI mention this because it is important to remember the time period. ", " During the 17th century, composers were not in the habit of thinking vertically. ", " Yes, they were conscious of vertical intervals (you must be to resolve your counterpoint correctly), however, composers did not think in vertical blocks like so many composers do today. ", " By and large, composers thought linearly, and creating their harmonic progressions as embellishments of a 1st-Species framework (Hint: this is one reason why Schenkerian analysis works in this period!). ", "Apart from the larger, intended harmonic motion (note the first beat of each measure in the example), the motion in between facilitates the prolongation of chord tones through upper-tertian harmony, and as such, should be seen moreover as an extension of those larger, horizontal harmonic shapes.", "\nIf you took this thought literally, the passage is reduced to a progression of I6/3-ii-I which, in Schenkerian analysis, the ii would be seen as a passing tone between F# and D, with the whole passage resulting in a prolongation of I. \nAs this is only an excerpt and we are not analyzing the entire piece or movement, it is difficult to determine exactly how important any of the chord outlines are in the excerpt. ", "Because of this reasoning and the given excerpt, I am not being strict in my thoughts concerning harmonic downbeats, and, as I mentioned above, inserted the V6/5 in my analysis above.", "\n\nA:\n\nI'm inclined to agree with @dwn. ", "The relative major here isn't particularly tonicised: it is just emphasised a bit by melodic motion through the upper auxiliary, and a slowdown of harmonic rhythm. ", "It is otherwise just a natural conclusion to the preceding sequence. ", "It's the next 2 bars that start to look a bit more like a conventional cadence, only Bach reinterprets D in the second half of the 2nd bar as the seventh of a dominant 7th on E and moves to A, and thence to E, using the figuration of the last bar of your example. ", "\nThe nature of the piece is very much \"toccata\": Bach isn't going to make any cadences before the end that aren't undercut in some fashion, and the easiest way to end a sequence without stopping is just to change the figuration (and harmonic rhythm in this case), and start a new sequence. ", "\n\nAs for the WTC example, I think it is proper to say that the entire bass figuration after the tie is an anticipation. ", "Look at the outline it takes up to and including the low F: E-A-C-F. Then take a look at how he delays the resolution of the suspension over the F to emphasise the IV7 sonority.", "\nThe A in specific is an anticipation of a note that isn't there: if he had continued the melodic sequence (up a 3rd, down a 5th) in the bass, the note immediately following F would have been A. That, however, wouldn't have confirmed F as the root as well as C does, and wouldn't have allowed the ascending scale segment to set up ii6 (which is anticipated on the 4th beat of the bar). ", "The setup in the second half of the bar, as he has it, can be read as IV7, vi6, ii, vi 6-4 (and thence ii6), and also more simply as an elaboration with passing notes of IV7 - the ambiguity, I think, is deliberate, but would have been somewhat broken if he used A in the bass after the low F. There's even a little ambiguity as to whether the D [semiquaver] in the descant [in the figuration] on the 4th* [3rd] beat is a neighbouring* [passing] tone or a resolution of the suspension, which throws the real weight of resolution onto the start of the next bar* [beat].", "\nNow here's the interesting notion: what happens immediately after the low F is suggesting a harmonic continuation of the \"up a 3rd, down a fifth\" movement with its suggestion of vi and ii. ", "Notice too that there is a pattern working through the entire bar, that of anticipating the following harmony by a variety of means. ", "I haven't analysed the entire prelude, but I would not be surprised to see that pattern showing up a lot.", "\nThe A in question is thus something of an anticipation of a \"pensato\", and yeah, I think Bach was sneaky enough to do something like that. ", "I don't think there's any question that the harmony in the first half of the measure is the dominant 7th on C: the A in question doesn't have enough weight (unprepared, on the 4th [semi]quaver of the bar* [2nd beat]) to become a root.", "\nThe main point to take away from all this, I think, is that Baroque composers, including Bach, didn't necessarily see all the voice leading as a figuring of the bass: a lot of notes (even in the bass) would be considered non-harmonic tones, and those could be used both freely and motivically, as was done here. ", "The A in question can be seen as a kind of nota cambiata that helps to trace a broken chord on F and anticipates the following harmony through melodic means. ", " \nEdit: The last sentence of the fourth paragraph (2nd after the break) should read \"There's even a little ambiguity as to whether the D semiquaver in the descant in the figuration on the 3rd beat is a passing tone or a resolution of the suspension, which throws the real weight of resolution onto the start of the next beat.\"", "\nThe last sentence of the 6th paragraph should read \"I don't think there's any question that the harmony in the first half of the measure is the dominant 7th on C: the A in question doesn't have enough weight (unprepared, on the 4th semiquaver of the 2nd beat) to become a root.\"", "\nThis is the problem of doing an analysis of this sort in the wee hours of the morning: I become innumerate. ", "<wry grin>\n\nA:\n\nIt's easy to see a figure consisting of a stack of thirds, and think that this represents the chord. ", "But this isn't necessarily the case. ", "The figures here could more plainly be seen as merely ornamenting a central pitch with upper and lower auxiliary tones, a third above and below. ", "It may seem odd to think of notes a third away as neighbors, since that term is technically used only for stepwise motion, but the key is that this is a rapid figuration, and it is always the first note of each group which is repeated (thrice), and is always on the beat. ", "The other notes act primarily as unaccented decorations or ornaments, and would certainly be seen as non-functional if they were only a step away, instead of a third.", "\nI'm trying to be careful about calling them \"non-functional\" rather than \"non-harmonic\" because they notes may indeed be harmonic (and usually are, though not always), but they are less important in determining the harmony. ", "IOW, the harmony does not depend on these ornaments.", "\nThus I would progressively simplify the figure as follows (again, I'm using N and P -- Neighbor and Passing tones, in a very loose, and technically wrong manner):\n\nBased on this reading, I've prepared a series of four reductions (separated by double bars) which demonstrates my analysis. ", "Note that I've also included the measure preceding the three that you posted, as it helps to indicate the linear nature of this progression. ", "I've also converted the meter to a more straightforward 3/4 for no particular reason. ", "You'll probably have to right-click -> View Image in order to read the thing at full size.", "\n\nFor the most part, all I've done here is replace the elaborate figure with a simpler dotted figure that emphasizes the functional accented note, and the falling thirds motif. ", "You'll note the clash in the penultimate beat between the stepwise A-G-F&sharp in the R.H. and the skipwise (A-F&sharp-D) in the L.H.\nIn the R.H., I've removed the repeated-octave notes in the third beat of each bar (incorporating them into the previous note an octave lower), and I've lengthened the accented notes where they bleed into the next chord. ", "With those actions done, it was natural to view the R.H. as consisting of two voices: the second imitates the first a beat later and a fifth lower, and the remaining sixteenth notes act as upward resolutions for implied suspended sevenths. ", "In the L.H. I've merely removed the unaccented tones, as if they were passing tones. ", "This reveals the passage progresses in fifths, instead of thirds.", "\nIn the R.H. I've removed the unaccented sixteenth notes (which were doubling the bass notes), and I've made the previously implied 7-6 suspensions explicit. ", "In the L.H., I've also gotten rid of the repeated octaves. ", "This represents what I see as the pure 3-voice counterpoint that underlies this progression.", "\nI've further removed the alto voice, and the third beat of the bass (which is always the fifth of the following note) in order to emphasize the linear nature of the progression.", "\n\nMy harmonic analysis comes from levels 2 and 3, and allocates one chord per beat. ", "I'll leave off the implied sevenths from the chord symbols, since they aren't actually written (except for the final A7).", "\nG Em/G C&sharpdim | F&sharpm D/F&sharp Bm | Em C&sharpdim/E A7 | D\nIV (ii6) vii | iii (I6) vi | ii (vii6) V7 | I\nYou'll notice that within each bar, the chords are dropping by a third each beat, then raising a fourth across the bar lines. ", "If you were to remove the intermediate chords on beat two (in parenthesis) -- which are all first inversion chords that retain the same bass note as the previous chord -- then you're left with a simple circle of fifths progression. ", "If you further remove the third beat chords, you're left with a simple descending scale, as in reduction 4:\nIV - iii - ii - I\n\nFrom the harmonic analysis, we can also see why the confusion arises: most of the time, when the figure occurs, it is ornamenting the third of the current chord. ", "For example, in the first measure, in the first beat, it occurs on the B, which is the third of the G chord. ", "On the second beat it occurs (in the bass) on the third of the E minor chord (which happens to be in first inversion, so the ornamenting notes a third below end up conveniently playing the root. ", "On the third beat, the figure occurs on the E in the R.H. (which is the third of the C&sharp diminished). ", "But in that third beat, it also occurs on the chord root in the L.H., so the decorating notes end up being a third beneath the root. ", "For the most part, this note a third beneath the root doesn't interrupt the flow of the harmony too much (it actually helps to stabilize the diminished chord) but in the penultimate measure, it does slightly weaken the dominant harmony there, by having that F&sharp that clashes with the rest of the A7 chord.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "God among Us discussion 02\n\nAbram/Abraham was an Ivri, a Hebrew, one from the other side. ", "In Jesus we meet the God from the very other side. ", "Abraham, Jesus, us—from the other side of the dominant social and economic culture of consumerism, exorbitant consumption and self-aggrandizement (among other things)?!", "\n\n2 Samuel 7:5-6 “I have not dwelt in a house from the day I brought the Israelites up out of Egypt to this day. ", "I have been moving from place to place with a tent as my dwelling.’", "\n\nJohn 1:14 And the word became flesh and tabernacled, pitched a tent among us...\n\nRevised Common Lectionary, Christ the King year C: Luke 22:23-27 …the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like one who serves. …", "I am among you as one who serves.", "\n\nDuring the darkest, shortest days of the year, we anticipate the God of justice, mercy, compassion and common-wealth arriving incarnate in our midst in Jesus of Nazareth, to continue reshaping and renewing us into the divine image. ", "Consider: what changes to the world and to us does God’s incarnation in Jesus bring? ", "Consider: Jesus’ journey from the Bethlehem manger to the Calvary cross to Easter to reigning over all creation. ", "Consider: God loves and saves us freely by grace and without reservation, so what’s all the talk about works and deeds and doings, especially in the Christmas texts? ", "Consider: How we can become mangers? ", "Martin Luther refers to the bible as “the cradle in which Christ is laid” – a container to keep the free and elusive Word safe?", "\n\nThe liturgical color for Advent has changed from penitential purple to blue, a color that symbolizes hope. ", "How about the talk of repentance and judgment? ", "Penitence or hope?", "\n\nActs 1:1-8 …they asked him, “Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel?” ", "He replied… “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”", "\n\nRCL Advent 2A: Isaiah 11:1-10 A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. ", "The spirit of the Lord shall rest on him…with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth…\n\nRCL Advent 2A: Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19 May he judge your people with righteousness, and your poor with justice. …", "May he defend the cause of the poor of the people, give deliverance to the needy, and crush the oppressor.", "\n\nRCL Advent 2A: Matthew 3:1-12In those days John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness of Judea, proclaiming, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”", "\n\nAdvent 3 – Gaudete—rejoice! ", "the introit began with Philippians 4:4-6\n\nAdvent 3 continues announcing and anticipating God arriving into our midst with a subversive (in terms of the status quo) rule of justice for all creation, a reign of shalom. ", "Yet this ruler first appears on earth in the vulnerability and humility of the Bethlehem manger. ", "Countercultural? ", "Consider: the King who reigns from a cross. ", "Opulence and glory? ", "Advent 3 features Mary’s Magnificat and also emphasizes the redemption, wholeness and integrity of all creation.", "\n\nCheck out these parallels:\n\n1 Samuel 1: 24 When she had weaned him …[Hannah] brought him to the house of the Lord at Shiloh…\n\nLuke 2: 22-27 Mary presents Jesus to the Lord at the temple in Jerusalem.", "\n\n1 Samuel 2:1-10 Hannah prayed and said, “My heart exults in the Lord…Those who were full have hired themselves out for bread, but those who were hungry are fat with spoil.", "\n\nLuke 1:46-55 And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior … He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty.", "\n\nCool stuff: Luke includes four canticles in his gospel: Mary’s Magnificat in 1:47-55; Zechariah’s Benedictus in 1: 67-79; the angels’ Gloria in Excelsis in 2: 13-14; and Simeon’s Nunc Dimittis in 2:28-32. ", "Similar in form and content to the Hallel Psalms, they reverberate with Israel’s salvation history as they celebrate God’s life-transforming reversals in the lives of Mary and her contemporaries—and now in our lives and world. ", "Luke-Acts’ particular emphasis, focus and passion?! ", "Advent’s persistent theme?", "\n\nRCL Advent 3A: Isaiah 35:1-10 The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad, the desert shall rejoice and blossom… Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened… waters shall break forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert…\n\nRCL Advent 3A: Psalm 146:5-10 whose hope is in the Lord their God …who executes justice for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry. ", "The Lord sets the prisoners free…watches over the strangers...(this is the appointed psalm, but the church typically uses the Magnificat for the 2nd reading.)", "\n\nRCL Advent 3A: Matthew 11:2-11 “Are you the one who is to come?” “", "Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk...and the poor have good news brought to them...”\n\nChristmas texts\n\nChristmas Eve: Titus 2:11-14 Grace has appeared… to redeem us as a people -zealous for good deeds!", "\n\nChristmas Dawn: Titus 3:4-7 Goodness and loving kindness of God appeared... justified by his grace…not because of works, despite redeeming us as people zealous for good deeds!", "\n\nChristmas Eve: Luke 2:1-14In those days a decree went out from Emperor Augustus that all the world should be registered ... And she gave birth to her firstborn son and...laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.", "\n\nChristmas Eve and Dawn: Luke 2:8-20 In that region; night; angel = messenger, “Be not afraid!” ", "sign: child in the manger. ", "The Lord has made known to us – revelation...\n\n1 comment:\n\nWow! ", "Great work here. ", "I wish I had a place to preach.", "Anyhow, you really did soem good stuff and i will save it.", "Also, yeah, fried okra is my fav, but I also like it in soup (just toamteos and okra) and a cafeteria lady wher i taught once made the best-est pickled okra. ", "I could have easily ate a jar in one setting.", "Blessings and many thanks" ]
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[ "Tips And Ideas For Greener Gardens\n\nGreen isn’t necessarily always better for the environment when it involves invasive, non-native plants and the classic American lawn. ", "However, gardeners can enhance their personal havens by focusing on gardening techniques that align with sustainability practices.", "\n\nVegetation serves a very important role in environmental processes, acting as storage tanks for carbon sequestration, as nitrogen fixation converters, as storm water capturers and greenhouse gas absorbers. ", "An understanding of habitat, climate and soil type is necessary when choosing plants and designing gardens. ", "Vegetation optimally grows under certain conditions, and when gardeners become in tune with these characteristics, the more their gardens will flourish.", "\n\nUsing native plants will increase natural habitat in the specified area and will provide native fauna with more options to communicate, mate, reproduce and live. ", "Also, native plants are adapted to the region’s climate and will require fewer resources, such as water and fertilizers, to mature.", "\n\nEliminating and reducing dependence on synthetic fertilizers and herbicides, such as RoundUp and Miracle-Gro, will improve the environmental health of the garden. ", "While these chemicals contributed to the green revolution in the 1950s, mass production of agriculture and the transition into the popular practice of monoculture farming, the constant application of these chemicals has many repercussions, especially for watershed health. ", "After sprayed, excess chemicals filter through the soil and ultimately make their way into neighboring waterways, altering water chemistry as fertilizers and herbicides contain high levels of nutrients, such as phosphates and nitrates. ", "High levels of nutrients can lead to algal blooms, which can lead to hypoxic or dead zones. ", "Furthermore, sensitive aquatic life can determinately be affected. ", "Thus, gardeners should consider the external costs of fertilizers and herbicides not just for their own garden but also for the specific habitat, communal ecosystem and regional biome connected to their garden.", "\n\nFor centuries, even before the manufacturing of chemical-based fertilizers and pesticides, farmers and gardeners have been using natural fertilizers, such as manure and composted biomass, to increase productivity and growth for their gardens and farms. ", "Often local animal farms sell excess manure to the public at discounted rates. ", "Also, for a very minimal amount and effort, backyard compost systems can be installed and maintained.", "\n\nIn addition to compost systems, installing rain gardens and cisterns as well as gray water systems can help increase environmental benefits of a garden. ", "Before conducting any projects, check with county rules and regulations to understand the potential permitting process needed for storm water infrastructure. ", "Often referred to as Low Impact Developments (LIDs), gardeners can easily purchase a cistern to capture rainwater and with some effort, plant a rain garden that uses drought- and flood-tolerant native plants. ", "Depending on the region, different rain gardens can be designed to accommodate the climate and average annual rainfall. ", "There are many books, various online sources and local nurseries that can help gardeners achieve a functioning rain garden. ", "Even more ambitious, environmentally conscious gardeners can have a gray water system installed. ", "Essentially, a gray water system captures wastewater from the dishwasher, cooking, laundry and shower and distributes excess for irrigation purposes. ", "While this process decreases water demand, precautions should be taken for potential hazardous chemicals and toxins.", "\n\nPlanting legumes helps facilitate and even expedite the nitrogen cycle. ", "Within the roots of the legumes, Rhizobia bacteria breaks down atmospheric nitrogen (N2) into usable nitrates, essential for cell growth and development. ", "In addition to sustaining the nitrogen cycle, vegetation also helps absorb greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide.", "\n\nObserving current garden practices alongside shifting towards more sustainable land management practices provides gardeners with the ability to further reduce their ecological footprint and increase their garden’s benefits for the planet.", "\n\nYou May Also Be Interested In These Stories\n\n[display-posts category=”ecowatch” posts_per_page=”4″]\n\nIsabel Sepkowitz is a freelance writer. ", "She is an environmentalist who values sustainability, education, and innovation for the emerging green economy. ", "Her work can be found on Examiner.com." ]
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[ "January 16, 2013 Comments (2) Training\n\n5 Unlikely Tips for Winter Running\n\nDo you hate the treadmill as much as the rest of us? ", "Willing to brave the freezing temps, snow, rain, mud, and whatever else Old Man Winter can throw at you so that you can maintain some semblance of fitness during the off season? ", "Well then, you are definitely a trail and ultra runner. ", "Running outside in the cold doesn’t have to be as miserable as the war stories you hear. ", "Here are five helpful tips for making your next long run in the cold a little more bearable.", "\n\nLayering – Everyone knows to layer when they perform physical activity in the cold. ", "What many people don’t know is that there is an optimal order to layering. ", "Try this; instead of putting on a core short sleeve shirt as your first layer, put it on as your last one before your jacket. ", "That way if you need to shed a layer you aren’t losing a layer off of your arms. ", "Fuel – Don’t you hate it when your gels get so cold it’s like trying to squeeze dried cement through tube? ", "Next time, keep your gels in your pants pockets where they stay warmer. ", "Also, during the winter take food items that aren’t affected by temperature; granola bars, salted nut rolls, and fruit leather. ", "These not only stay eatable but help teach you to eat real food while you’re running. ", "Hydration – There is nothing worse than having your hydration hose freeze up during a run. ", "There are two things you can do to keep it thawed and drinkable. ", "1. ", "Wear your hydration vest under your jacket. ", "It keeps the water and hose closer to your body produced heat and protected from the biting wind and outer temperature. ", "2. ", "After taking a drink blow the water back into the reservoir. ", "I’ve been doing this for some time now and whether I wear my vest inside or outside of my jacket my hose still stays clear. ", "Socks and Shoes – Don’t be fooled by all the winter running shoe and sock gimmicks. ", "The only thing Gortex shoes are good for is keeping the inevitable water and snow in your shoe, not out. ", "The best thing you can do is wear tall socks (CEP Compression is a great brand) and shoes that allow your toes to move freely (try Altra Zero Drop with their wide toe box). ", "When your feet are comfortable and can move it is easier for the blood to flow freely, keeping them warmer. ", "The socks will act as a barrier against biting snow and cold wind. ", "You can also try gaiters to keep the snow out (I prefer Inov-8 as they are insulated too). ", "Neck Gaiter – We all know that the primary sources for heat loss are the head and hands, but what many don’t realize is that a tertiary, yet significant location for heat loss is the neck. ", "Wearing a simple neck gaiter is extremely helpful because not only can it keep your neck warm, but it can be pulled up over your chin and mouth if it’s brutally cold. ", "I prefer lightweight gaiters that still keep you warm without causing excessive sweating (try Buff as a great option).", "\n\nRunning in the cold doesn’t have to be a disaster. ", "I haven’t run on a treadmill in two years and it’s not because I’m crazy. ", "I have taken the time to buy the appropriate gear and learn simple principles, like above, that make running in freezing temps not only bearable, but enjoyable." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSQL count with where clause to find a Single Rows in a Table\n\nI have table called Details. ", "Sample records as follows\nID PNO ActionsTaken \n52101 2 Received \n52101 5 Received \n52101 3 Received \n52101 3 Send To HO \n52101 3 Send to RD \n52101 7 Received \n52101 8 Received \n35501 2 Received \n35501 7 Received \n35501 7 Send To HO \n\nI need to query records as follows\nID PNO ActionsTaken\n52101 2 Received\n52101 5 Received\n52101 7 Received\n52101 8 Received\n35501 2 Received\n\nActionTaken is only \"Received\" not get another action like \"Send to HO\" or Send to RD\".", "\n\nA:\n\nTable contains 7 records with [ActionsTaken] as \"Received\". ", "But the result set need only 5 records with [ActionsTaken] as \"Received\", which means result need to have [ActionsTaken] as \"Received\" and that [ID] and [PNO] should not have [ActionsTaken] other than \"Received\".", "\nSELECT T1.*", "\n FROM [Table] T1\n WHERE T1.ActionsTaken = 'Received'\n AND NOT EXISTS (\n SELECT TOP 1 NULL\n FROM [Table] T2\n WHERE T2.ID = T1.ID\n AND T2.PNO = T1.PNO\n AND T2.ActionsTaken <> 'Received'\n )\n\n" ]
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[ "An early twist on this is the character Five, who as a teenage girl is clearly not one of the original crew. ", "She also ends up with the memories of the others jumbled in her head, without a guide as to who it is that the memories relate. ", "This aspect was initially used to reveal, mostly through flashback, curious facts about the six, and how they became to be in the crew.", "\n\nMost of the early episodes rotate around self-discovery, though on several occasions either the memories Five holds or other information provide an entirely misleading perspective. ", "Gnawing away at what cohesion is forming between the six is the knowledge that one of them probably sabotaged the sleep pods. ", "Just as they do start to find common ground, cleverly things happen that undermine what trust they have, and even their understanding of who they are.", "\n\nBeing on the Syfy channel, I didn’t really hold out much hope for Dark Matter on first viewing. ", "It used a simple idea, and worked around it familiar tropes mostly from western movies, but also some well-worn sci-fi notions. ", "An early story was a version of The Magnificent Seven, and then there was a zombies-in-the derelict-starship plot, and in another they needed to rely on the Android to take a spacewalk to fix the ship. ", "Seen all this before? ", "These weren’t bad stories, though they didn’t really break away from the initial derivative feel that anyone coming to Dark Matter cold might rapidly assume.", "\n\nAnd then, slowly something really strange started to happen, because the more the show’s characters learn about who they were, the less the crew seem to like about themselves or their ship mates.", "\n\nAs a long term Star Trek fan, I can recognize the value of discord. ", "Because, and I’m sure lots of people will disagree with me on this, that’s what made Deep Space Nine really interesting. ", "On all the other Trek shows, the characters generally got on very well, pulling towards a common objective. ", "That wasn’t always the case in DS9, and it made for a much more exciting character dynamic. ", "After a short while, Dark Matter started to exhibit exactly that sort of friction." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhat does a mobile battery percentage indicate?", "\n\nJust curious to understand, what does a mobile battery percentage indicate?", "\nWhat is the input and output in the percentage formula with respect to batteries?", "\n\nA:\n\nUnlike the fuel tank of a car which has a simple physical parameter, the volume of fuel, a battery's voltage does not fall linearly with the amount of charge left in the battery. ", "In fact a lot of effort goes into trying to make the battery voltage remain constant until it is close to fully discharged.", "\n\nFigure 1. ", "A randomly chosen battery discharge curve. ", "Source: Uncredited on Estimating Li-Ion (or any other type) battery resistance.", "\nNote that the vertical axis on the graph does not start at zero.", "\nTo give an indication of the state of charge phones have a charge controller built-in. (", "The so-called \"charger\" is just a power-supply and doesn't contain a charge controlling circuit.) ", "The charge controller will monitor the battery voltage during charge while keeping an eye on temperature. ", "When the voltage rises to a preset level the battery is deemed fully charged.", "\nIn use the charge controller can \"count\" the amount of charge used while again monitoring the battery voltage and temperature. ", "When the voltage drops to the lowest limit it will know the capacity of the battery (which will deteriorate with each charge / discharge cycle).", "\nAfter that it depends on the hardware of the charge controller or the software of the phone. ", "You can expect some fudging of the remaining charge level with the aim to give you the appearance of an accurate readout - \"It's digital so it must be accurate?\" - ", "Not really. ", "Batteries are analogue.", "\n\nFrom the comments:\n\nBut when you say, \"Note that the vertical axis on the graph does not start at zero\", what is the inference that one should draw?", "\n\nYou should realise that the graph is flatter than it appears. ", "If you take the green curve the battery gives out 4.0 V at full charge. ", "We can see that the voltage starts to collapse at 3000 mAh (empty) so if we take 1500 mAh as \"half full\" we can see that the voltage is still about 3.5 V. If it behaved like a fuel tank it would only be 2.0 V.\n\nWhen you say, \"In fact a lot of effort goes into trying to make the battery voltage remain constant until it is close to fully discharged\" - Even after prolonged use of the battery, the charges depletes but the voltage should remain constant or near to the original voltage before we started using it?", "\n\nYes. ", "Most electronics are designed to run on a specified voltage so a constant voltage power supply (battery in this case) is desirable.", "\n\nDoes the voltage on the vertical axis never go to 0 V?", "\n\nNo, it will if you continue to discharge it. ", "Many battery chemistries are damaged or severely degraded if you completely discharge it. ", "Your phone battery management should power down the phone before this happens. ", "This may happen at 3.0 V or whatever the manufacturer decides.", "\n\nDoes that mean, a battery will never go to 0 V but will stay at 2.5 V at worst case when depleted?", "\n\nIf it stayed at 2.5 V then it would be an infinite power source. ", "The graph shows what will happen but doesn't go below 2.5 V because you shouldn't ever be in that region.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "var baseTimes = require('./_baseTimes'),\n castFunction = require('./_castFunction'),\n toInteger = require('./toInteger');\n\n/** Used as references for various `Number` constants. */", "\nvar MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991;\n\n/** Used as references for the maximum length and index of an array. */", "\nvar MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH = 4294967295;\n\n/* Built-in method references for those with the same name as other `lodash` methods. */", "\nvar nativeMin = Math.min;\n\n/**\n * Invokes the iteratee `n` times, returning an array of the results of\n * each invocation. ", "The iteratee is invoked with one argument; (index).", "\n *\n * @static\n * @since 0.1.0\n * @memberOf _\n * @category Util\n * @param {number} n The number of times to invoke `iteratee`.", "\n * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.", "\n * @returns {Array} Returns the array of results.", "\n * @example\n *\n * _.times(3, String);\n * // => ['0', '1', '2']\n *\n * _.times(4, _.constant(0));\n * // => [0, 0, 0, 0]\n */\nfunction times(n, iteratee) {\n n = toInteger(n);\n if (n < 1 || n > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {\n return [];\n }\n var index = MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH,\n length = nativeMin(n, MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH);\n\n iteratee = castFunction(iteratee);\n n -= MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH;\n\n var result = baseTimes(length, iteratee);\n while (++index < n) {\n iteratee(index);\n }\n return result;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = times;\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSolve this PDE using a change of variable.", "\n\nSolve the following PDE using a change of variable:\n$$ \\alpha^2 \\dfrac{\\partial^2 z}{\\partial x^2} - \\beta^2 \\dfrac{\\partial^2 z}{\\partial y^2} = 0$$\nThis is my attemp:\nLet the following change of variables:\n$$ \\left\\{ \n \\begin{array}{ll}\n \\phi = a x + by \\\\\n \\eta = cx + dy\n \\end{array}\n\\right.$$\nNow I compute the derivatives according to that change:\n$$\\left\\{ \n \\begin{array}{ll}\n z_x = a z_\\phi + c z_\\eta \\\\\n z_y = b z_\\phi + d z_\\eta \\\\\n z_{xx} = a^2 z_{\\phi \\phi} + 2 a c z_{\\phi \\eta} + c^2 z_{\\eta \\eta} \\\\\n z_{yy} = b^2 z_{\\phi \\phi} + 2 b d z_{\\phi \\eta} + d^2 z_{\\eta \\eta}\n \\end{array}\n\\right.$$\nThus the previous PDE has now been turned into\n$$\\alpha^2 (a^2 z_{\\phi \\phi} + 2 c a z_{\\eta \\phi}+ c^2 z_{\\eta \\eta}) - \\beta^2 (b^2 z_{\\phi \\phi} + 2 b d z_{\\eta \\phi} + d^2 z_{\\eta \\eta}) = 0$$\nor equivalently\n$$ (\\alpha^2 a^2 - \\beta^2 b^2) z_{\\phi \\phi} + (2 c a \\alpha^2 - 2 b d \\beta^2)z_{\\eta \\phi} + (\\alpha^2 c^2 - \\beta^2 d^2) z_{\\eta \\eta} = 0$$\nNow usually, in other example I am able to solve this by chosing $a,b,c,d$ such that the coefficients of $z_{\\phi \\phi}$ and $z_{\\eta \\eta}$ are both $0$. But this time that implies that my equation becomes just $0=0$\nHave I done something wrong in my calculations? ", "Should I have used another change of variables? ", "Is there any other way (as simple as possible, as I have just started with PDEs) to solve this PDE?", "\n\nA:\n\nI'm guessing that you get $0$ because you do the following:\n$\\alpha^2 a^2 - \\beta^2 b^2 = 0 \\Rightarrow \\text{let}\\ a = \\beta, b = \\alpha\\\\\n\\alpha^2 c^2 - \\beta^2 d^2 = 0 \\Rightarrow \\text{let}\\ c = \\beta, d = \\alpha\n$\nThen $ca\\alpha^2 - bd\\beta^2 = 0$ as well.", "\nSo instead, observe that you just need, for example, $c^2 = \\beta^2$. Instead of choosing $c = \\beta$, therefore, you can just as well choose $c = -\\beta$. Then $ca\\alpha^2 - bd\\beta^2 = -2\\alpha^2 \\beta^2 \\ne 0$.\nThen $\\boxed{\\phi = \\alpha x + \\beta y\\\\\\ \\eta = \\alpha y - \\beta x}$\nNote: There are many other possible choices too.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Posts\n\nHello Viewers,Welcome To Watch & Enjoy Chelsea vs Leicester City Live English League Championship 2018 Full Game Coverage On ESPN, FOX, CBS, SKY, NBCSN, TNT, Star Sports Or Any TV Channels Online, Here You Can Easily Watch Your Favorite Team Match Chelsea vs Leicester City Live On Any Device as Desktop, Laptop, notepad, tab, smart phone, Mobile, iPhone, iPad, iPod, Apple, MacBook, And all others. ", "English League Championship live broadcast, live sopcast, live telecast, live coverage, live stream z online, live internet pc games, live streaming free games on online. ", "It’s is worldwide TV Channel coverage and no TV Streaming restrictions. ", "So keep watching and enjoy your time.", "\n\nYou can watch this EVENT live stream on all TV Chanel Sunderland vs Nottingham Forest English League Championship Live. ", "ESPN, ESPN3, SONY SIX, FOX SPORTS, STAR SPORTS, HBO, ABC, NBC, ESPN2 any one of these channel will broadcast this *Watch 2018 English League Championship Live* Chelsea vs Leicester City Live Streaming, Today’s hard-hitting big match will held involving by Leeds United vs Birmingham City English League Championship Live that’s Streaming Live Online Today from site.", "\n\nSunderland vs Nottingham Forest English League Championship 2018 Date Time Tv Info How To Watch Live Stream Online, Watch Chelsea vs Leicester City Live Live all the games, highlights and interviews live on your PC. ", "The Online TV Player is ideal for the frequent traveler in long airport waits and train rides. ", "Get instant access to the widest sports coverage on the net directly from any location. ", "Watch Over 4500 Plus HD TV Channel on Worldwide. ", "Crystal clear coverage is essential so you don’t miss any part of the action. ", "The High Definition(HD) TV. ", "It’s the best on the net.", "\n\nGet instant access to the widest sports coverage on the net directly from any location. ", "Watch Over 4500 Plus Hd TV Channel on Worldwide. ", "Crystal clear coverage is essential so you don’t miss any part of the action. ", "The High definition(Hd) TV. ", "It’s the best on the net. ", "You Can Easily Watch Your Favorite Sports Online Tv On Pc.", "\n\nSunderland vs Nottingham Forest . ", "Chelsea vs Leicester City Live Live Stream English League Championship, Chelsea vs Leicester City Live, Chelsea vs Leicester City Live English League Championship 2018 live" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nElectron & ReactJS, Use BrowserWindow for GitHub oAuth authentication\n\nI have set up github's Electron with ReactJs. ", "So I got a BrowserWindow and a react app playing nicely in that window. ", "What I'm trying to achieve is to get authenticated with GitHub. ", "So when a user presses the Login with Github button, a new BrowserWindow opens and goes to the github authorize app url. ", "The issue I have has to do with the callback and how I will get the code returned from the callback. ", "I've done it with Apache Cordova and the InAppBrowser but it was different since I was able to use localhost as a callback.", "\nWhat I've done so far with electron is opening the new BrowserWindow but after the authorization I cannot get the code from the callback.", "\nvar authWindow = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600, show: true, 'always-on-top': true });\nvar githubUrl = 'https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize?';", "\nvar authUrl = githubUrl + 'client_id=' + options.client_id + '&scope=' + options.scope;\n\nauthWindow.loadUrl(authUrl);\nauthWindow.setVisibleOnAllWorkspaces(true);\nauthWindow.setResizable(false);\n\nauthWindow.addListener('page-title-updated', function(stream) {\n console.log(\"LOADED\");\n console.log(JSON.stringify(stream));\n console.log(stream);\n\n var url = (typeof stream.url !", "== 'undefined' ? ", "stream.url : stream.originalEvent.url),\n raw_code = /code=([^&]*)/.exec(stream.url) || null,\n code = (raw_code && raw_code.length > 1) ? ", "raw_code[1] : null,\n error = /\\?error=(.+)$/.exec(strean.url);\n\n if (code || error) {\n authWindow.close();\n }\n\n // If there is a code in the callback, proceed to get token from github\n if (code) {\n // requestToken(code);\n } else if (error) {\n alert(\"Oops! ", "Couldn't log authenticate you with using Github.\");", "\n }\n});\n\nWhere I'm doing console.log(JSON.stringify(stream)); I get {} so it's something that has to do the the eventListener? ", "Any ideas or better approaches?", "\n\nA:\n\nSo what I was missing was the right event. ", "The correct approach is:\n// Build the OAuth consent page URL\nvar authWindow = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600, show: false, 'node-integration': false });\nvar githubUrl = 'https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize?';", "\nvar authUrl = githubUrl + 'client_id=' + options.client_id + '&scope=' + options.scopes;\nauthWindow.loadUrl(authUrl);\nauthWindow.show();\n\n// Handle the response from GitHub\nauthWindow.webContents.on('did-get-redirect-request', function(event, oldUrl, newUrl) {\n\n var raw_code = /code=([^&]*)/.exec(newUrl) || null,\n code = (raw_code && raw_code.length > 1) ? ", "raw_code[1] : null,\n error = /\\?error=(.+)$/.exec(newUrl);\n\n if (code || error) {\n // Close the browser if code found or error\n authWindow.close();\n }\n\n // If there is a code in the callback, proceed to get token from github\n if (code) {\n requestGithubToken(options, code);\n } else if (error) {\n alert(\"Oops! ", "Something went wrong and we couldn't log you in using Github. ", "Please try again.\");", "\n }\n\n});\n\n// Reset the authWindow on close\nauthWindow.on('close', function() {\n authWindow = null;\n}, false);\n\nI also wrote a tutorial that describes the full implementation which can be found at http://manos.im/blog/electron-oauth-with-github/\n\n" ]
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[ "PROCEDURES, FORMS, MANUAL (pdf's)\n\nATTENDANCE DATA AND REPORTS\n\nStudent attendance has been correlated to academic achievement by the U.S. Department of Education. ", "Average Daily Attendance (ADA) for all public schools in Broward County for the 2017/18 school year was 94%. ", "The reports below provide a snapshots of district-wide attendance for all public schools from elementary, middle, high, multi-level schools, and centers.", "\n\nChronic absenteeism has been included in the Attendance Brief beginning with the 2016/17 report. ", "Chronic absenteeism is defined as a student missing 10% or more full school days (including absences that are excused, unexcused, or external suspensions). ", "This metric operates as an Early Warning Indicator for students missing days throughout the school year.", "\n\nExample: In the first 30 days of school, a student that was absent 3 days may receive phone calls from teachers, support from other school staff, and strategies and interventions for the family to help prevent the student from missing too many days before the end of the school year.", "\n\nOfficial reports for attendance are created by the Student Assessment and Research Department in collaboration with the Student Services Department and the Coordinator for District Attendance.", "\n\nATTENDANCE RECOGNITION: AN EVENING AMONG THE STARS\n\nBy special invitation only.", "Recognition for 2018/19 is scheduled for Thursday, May 9, 2019 at Plantation High School.", "\n\nElementary school students will be recognized in 5th grade for perfect attendance from K-5.", "\n\nMiddle school students will be recognized in 8th grade for perfect attendance for grades 6-8.", "\n\nHigh school students will be recognized in 12th grade for perfect attendance from grade 9-12.", "\n\n“Best in Class” – High School senior(s) with the best attendance from K-12.", "\n\nThe District Attendance Committee is comprised of teachers, administrators, parents, students, and support professionals from Broward County Public Schools. ", "The committee has developed criteria for this district-wide attendance recognition event. ", "The committee recognizes the highest level of commitment by students and parents for each grade level from over 200 public schools within Broward County. ", "The committee encourages school-based incentives for improved attendance and outstanding attendance.", "\n\nCriteria for Student Recognition at “Evening Among the Stars”\n\nStudents are continuously enrolled in Broward County Public Schools from K-12 in a non-charter school.", "\n\nAttendance is not counted for students who have attended a private school or any other public school outside Broward County. ", "Those years cannot be counted toward this attendance recognition.", "\n\nAttendance is not counted or reported during the time the student is enrolled in a Florida Home Education Program. ", "Those years cannot be counted toward attendance this recognition.", "\n\nA student who submits satisfactory documentation regarding absences due to the observance of a religious holiday, or because the tenets of that student’s religion forbid secular activity, should not be disqualified from the attendance recognition/awards/incentives at the district level.", "\n\n“BEST IN CLASS”: The best attendance for all grades K-12. ", "Considered for seniors only. ", "Best attendance does not necessarily mean perfect attendance.", "\n\nPerfect attendance recognition in levels K-5, 6-8, and 9-12. ", "Combination schools will be recognized at each level. (", "Children in a K-8 center will be recognized for attendance in K-5 and 6-8.)", "\n\nData for District eligibility is compiled at the completion of the 3rd marking period for the school year of the recognition (grades 5, 8, and 12).", "\n\nFor exceptions not meeting the listed criteria for “Best in Class,” the District Attendance Committee may consider students on a case-by-case basis. ", "The parent or guardian should contact the Coordinator for District Attendance to initiate a panel review by February 1 of the child’s senior year.", "\n\nFrequently Asked Questions\n\nCan my child make up work for any absences?", "\n\nMake up work is allowed for full credit and grade for excused absences within guidelines for Policy 6000.1: Student Progression Plan.", "\n\nMake-up work is allowed for unexcused absences with the following stipulations:\n\nElementary Schools: Make-up work is allowed for full credit and grade, submitted within two days of each absence. ", "Previously assigned work is due the day of return.", "\n\nMiddle Schools: Make-up work is allowed for full credit and grade. ", "For high school courses taken at the middle school level, high school guidelines below apply.", "\n\nHigh Schools: Make-up work is allowed for unexcused absences. ", "Teachers may, at their discretion, record a 10% reduction in the grade for tests and major projects that meet standards or proficiency. ", "At their discretion, teachers may record the lowest passing grade (i.e. “D” or “60”) for homework assignments, unless less than 50% of the work was successfully completed.", "\n\nHow much time does my child have to submit make-up work?", "\n\nMake-up work must be submitted within two days, not including the day of return, for each day of an absence. ", "Previously assigned work is due the day of return. ", "Under extenuating circumstances and at teacher’s discretion, additional time may be allowed.", "\n\nWill the teachers provide my child with the make-up work?", "\n\nTeachers will have the make-up work available, but it is the student and family’s responsibility to get the make-up work. ", "Options include accessing the work on-line, picking up the work at school, or by getting notes and assignments from classmates.", "\n\nIs there a deadline to get absences excused?", "\n\nParents have 2 days (48 hours) in which to report, i.e. the day before, the day of and the day after the absence.", "\n\nWhat should I do if the school records my child’s absence as unexcused when it was an excused absence?", "\n\nImmediately contact the school and provide documentation with a request to have the absence corrected. ", "Follow up with the school administrator if necessary.", "\n\nWhat are the acceptable reasons for an excused absence?", "\n\nThe Attendance Policy allows eight reasons for an absence to be excused. ", "The reasons are:\n\nillness of student,\n\nillness of an immediate family member,\n\ndeath in the family,\n\nreligious holidays of the student’s own faith,\n\nrequired court appearance,\n\nspecial event,\n\nscheduled medical or dental appointment,\n\nor student having, or suspected of having a communicable disease.", "\n\nCan my 18-year-old student sign himself out of school?", "\n\nNo. ", "Regardless of age, parents are responsible for providing excusal for absences, tardiness, and early sign-outs for their child.", "\n\nHow do I ensure that the school has my current contact information?", "\n\nImmediately notify the registrar and/or school counselor at your school if your telephone number and/or address changes.", "\n\nNov. 28, 2018At least 40 percent of California school districts and charter schools have rates of chronic absence in grades K-8 that are high or very high based on new performance measures that will be unveiled next month as part of the state’s updated school accountability system, known as the California School Dashboard.", "\n\nOver the past decade, chronic absence has gone from being a virtually unknown concept to a national education metric that provides every school in the nation with critical data on how many students are missing so many days of school it jeopardizes their academic success. ", "The inclusion of chronic absence in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was a watershed moment that made this metric an integral component of efforts to help students succeed in school and later in life.", "\n\nThe Miami Marlins today announced further details regarding its Good Student Program, a new community ticket program and core pillar of the organization's Baseball For Kids partnership with J.P. Morgan. ", "The Good Student Program's inaugural edition in 2018 will recognize K-12 students in the public school systems of Miami-Dade County and Broward County who achieved perfect attendance and/or straight A grades during the 2017/2018 academic year." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nExecuting Hudson jobs remotely\n\nI am trying to automate Hudson by hitting the appropriate urls remotely. ", "I am using python's urllib2 for doing the same.", "\nFirst of all , I am trying to build an existing job and get the build status.", "\nA sample url for the build would look like this:\nhttp://tomcaturl:8080/hudson/job/.NET%20Build/build\nHowever this returns to me html data.", "\nHudson docs say that I can get data in python/json/xml format, so I try to hit\nhttp://tomcaturl:8080/hudson/job/.NET%20Build/build/api/json\nBut I get no data at all, although the build happens successfully.", "\nIs there a way to find out which build was started by my remote build request, so that I can maintain a one-to-one mapping.", "\nPlease note that I am doing this through a remote python program and I DO NOT have access to hudson GUI.", "\n\nA:\n\nFirst of all, if you have any security/login enabled you have to be logged in to the remote hudson server for the /job/JobName/build. ", "If you allow starting the build without being logged in, this is not a problem.", "\nThe /job/JobName/build request will return html data. ", "If you are not logged in you will get a repsonse redirecting to the login page and the build will not be started. ", "If the request is successful you will not get a redirect to the login, and you can assume the build was queued. ", "You can also check the build queue using the api url of the project (see below). ", "Note that there may be a delay before the build is started, which you can control by calling /job/JobName/build?delay=0sec \nThe API is not available under the job/JobName/build url, but you can see api information here:\nhttp://tomcaturl:8080/hudson/job/.NET%20Build/api\nMost pages in hudson that shows information (about a project, a specific build and so on) has an api page if you append /api/xml or /api/json to the end of the url.", "\nThe reason /job/JobName/build doesn't have an api page is simply because it isn't an url to an information page.", "\nExample api requests:\nxml call for information about the project:\nhttp://tomcaturl:8080/hudson/job/.NET%20Build/api/xml\njson call for information about the last successful build of the project:\nhttp://tomcaturl:8080/hudson/job/.NET%20Build/lastSucessfulBuild/api/json\n\n" ]
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