[ "Conventionally, there exists a device that has a function for reducing a noise generated from an inverter, a motor, etc. ", "provided in an electric automobile or a hybrid automobile, as a device provided in this electric automobile or hybrid automobile to receive a radio broadcast, for example (see Japanese Laid-open Patent Publication No. ", "08-274663, for example).", "\nHowever, a conventional device demodulates a reception signal on the basis of a signal received by using one antenna, and further performs a noise reducing process on the basis of a noise signal detected from this signal. ", "In this manner, the conventional device reduces a noise on the basis of the signal received by using the one antenna, and thus the conventional technology has room for improvement in reduction accuracy of a noise." ]
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[ "Gloria Steinem on the Politics of \"Trumpism,\" Why She's Behind Hillary Clinton: \"It's Not Identity Politics\" (Q&A)\n\n\"Had it been Sarah Palin, I would not have been happy,\" the feminist icon, whose Vice doc series tackles global violence against women, says as she breaks down Hillary's challenges and the (partial) progress her candidacy represents.", "\n\nWith its roster of hipster-gonzo correspondents parachuting into perilous spots around the globe, Vice often can feel like a dudes-only affair. ", "Woman, with Gloria Steinem, seeks to correct that.", "\n\nThe half-hour Viceland series, hosted by the legendary feminist activist, features female journalists spotlighting women in equally dire situations. ", "This is not light stuff: The first season tackled the use of rape as a weapon in the Democratic Republic of Congo; the forcible marrying of teen girls in Zambia; and, in a stark reminder that these issues exist in our own backyards, the startlingly high murder and disappearance rates among Canada's aboriginal females (1,200 killed or missing between 1980 and 2012).", "\n\nThe show has been nominated for an Emmy for outstanding documentary or nonfiction series for an episode on the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, a guerrilla movement of roughly 60,000 soldiers, many of whom are women. ", "Speaking from the Sicilian resort where Google hosts an annual summit of corporate and intellectual elites, Steinem talked about the importance of a show like Woman and — in this, the Year of Trump — the state of female empowerment in 2016.", "\n\nWhat was the inspiration for Woman?", "\n\nIt came from a book called Sex and World Peace, which disclosed two things: One said violence against females is actually the more reliable indicator of all other violence — more than absence of natural resources or more than religion. ", "Violence against females tends to be what we see first and normalizes the idea of [other forms of] violence, including military violence. ", "It also pointed out, as the United Nations has, that now for the first time violence is so severe that there are fewer females on Earth than males.", "\n\nHow did it end up at Viceland?", "\n\nWhen I was here the year before last at this same Google camp and Shane Smith was here, I was speaking about that. ", "He was very struck by it, and that was the origin of this series. ", "It was always clear that we were going to focus on violence against females, and we wanted to show that it was not just a problem of one part of the world but also in the U.S. and Canada as well as in the Congo and other places that might have been more publicized.", "\n\nWhat does Vice bring to the project that a more conventional media outlet might not?", "\n\nSince Vice has a unique ability to put viewers on the ground, it's the closest I've seen to being there yourself, with the women correspondents asking questions in a good journalistic way that don't presume the answer. ", "But also they are responding as human beings, not pretending to be emotionless.", "\n\nHas 2016 been a good year or a bad year in terms of women's rights?", "\n\nIt's hard to know when we're in the middle of it. ", "It does seem that we've had, in the States, two big waves of movements: One was the abolitionist and the suffragist era, and that took a century for women of all races and black men to gain an identity as human beings rather than cattle. ", "The laws about slavery were adapted from the laws about wives, for instance. ", "That took a hundred years to get a legal identity. ", "Now we're trying to get legal and social equality. ", "That probably will take a least a hundred years. ", "We're maybe halfway into it. ", "It's hard to know, but at least now it is clearly a majority movement. ", "In the beginning, it wasn't a majority in public opinion polls, and now it is.", "\n\nSo the general population has had a shift of perception?", "\n\nYeah, and that's good news. ", "But the bad news is that if you have a \"frontlash,\" you get a backlash. ", "We see it in Trumpism and the ultra-right wing and their control of state legislatures, for instance, and their response against reproductive freedom. ", "Nowhere is it written that the backlash might not win, even though we have the majority. ", "It's still going to be a long process.", "\n\nIvanka Trump has defended her dad against claims of sexism. ", "Her brother Eric recently said she was too \"strong and powerful\" to endure workplace harassment. ", "What's your take on this family's views on women?", "\n\nI don't know her. ", "I've never met her. ", "I don't know what she's going through. ", "As Jack Kennedy famously said, \"Everybody has a father.\" ", "I can't put myself in her shoes. ", "But clearly, to say that someone would never put themselves in the position of being abused is blaming the person, not the abuser. ", "It makes no sense. ", "Sometimes people blame the individual black men or women who have been wrongly victimized by the cops, that these people put themselves in the position of being victimized. ", "That's ridiculous. ", "The people who have the power are the people who have the responsibility.", "\n\n\"It's not about identity politics. ", "Had it been Sarah Palin, I would not have been happy,\" said Steinem, on the prospect of Hillary Clinton becoming the first female president.", "\n\nWhat did you make of the Hillary Clinton bashing at the Republican National Convention?", "\n\nIt is very uncivil discourse at a minimum. ", "It's quite dismaying and alarming. ", "I don't think I've ever seen such extremism as part of even the Republican National Convention before, but it is a familiar tactic. ", "Remember swiftboating with John Kerry? ", "That was the first time that I'm aware of that the Republican establishment invented the tactic of attacking somebody for their strength, not their weakness. ", "They attacked the fact that he was a war hero. ", "With Hillary — who clearly is, as all the objective, fact-checking services point out, more accurate and more truthful than any other candidate — they're attacking her trustworthiness. ", "It's swiftboating.", "\n\nAre Hillary's disapproval ratings connected to her being a woman?", "\n\nYeah, I think so. ", "It's hard to know because nothing is a single factor. ", "Part of it is that she is not a new face. ", "The fact that she and Bill Clinton have been in public life for a very long time means that they are not as likely to benefit from unrealistic expectations. ", "But I think there are other deep reasons. ", "For instance, as children, most of us are raised by women, so we may tend to associate female authority with childhood. ", "We see it as emotional, overwhelming, perhaps inappropriate to public life, not rational enough. ", "You can see that in some of the media coverage from otherwise mature, grown-up men, who are saying things like, \"I cross my legs whenever I see her. ", "She reminds me of my first wife asking for alimony.\" ", "They are responding to the last time they saw a powerful woman. ", "They feel unmanned. ", "I don't think it's conscious, but I think it's present. ", "It's not going to be easy. ", "It's a very big change.", "\n\nDid you watch the Democratic National Convention?", "\n\nI watched all the major speeches at the Democratic convention. ", "The remarkable thing about it was that they wisely focused on her as a human being. ", "She's been stereotyped and demonized. ", "My friend Robin Morgan, she's a wonderful novelist and poet, says, \"Hate generalizes, love specifies.\" ", "Hatred directed at Hillary generalized her; people who know her made her into a particular, unique human being, which is what she is.", "\n\nDid the historic implications for women have any kind of emotional effect on you?", "\n\nI just want to make clear that it's not identity politics. ", "In other words, had it been Sarah Palin, I would not have been happy. ", "Had it been Margaret Thatcher, I would not have been happy. ", "What you want is somebody who represents your majority interest and experience, not someone who's selling you out. ", "Sometimes the media takes it as identity politics, which it isn't.", "\n\nDo you regret saying on Real Time with Bill Maher that female Bernie Sanders supporters are looking for boyfriends?", "\n\nWell, I would if I said that. ", "I was interrupted mid-sentence. ", "I wasn’t talking about dates. ", "I was talking about power. ", "I had just talked about the massive college debt and that women will get a million dollars less over their lifetime to pay it back. ", "So I was on my way to saying when you're young you think that power is where the men are. ", "It wasn’t about dates, but he stopped me in the middle and I confessed that it was so far away from what I meant that I just didn’t get it.", "\n\nHas that incident altered the way you express yourself in the media?", "\n\nWell, I thought perhaps we should call for all Twitter posts to have three dots at the end to remind ourselves that there's context. ", "It's very hard to understand that people think you mean what you never meant. ", "I'm sure it's happened to lots of people, where half of your sentence becomes a tweet and it would have been different had it been the whole sentence.", "\n\nWhat are your feelings on the verdict in the Stanford rape case?", "\n\nIt is a circumstance in which there were actual witnesses, which is rare. ", "Still, the judge seemed to take into consideration more the professional future of the criminal than the experience of the victim. ", "I think the anger at the judge was understandable.", "\n\nHas the culture surrounding sexual assaults on campus changed over the years?", "\n\nI think the bad news is that it's happening; the good news is that we are reporting it now. ", "I'm not sure that it's increased — I don't have a way of knowing for sure. ", "I think that it's different now, the people are coming forward about it.", "\n\nIs it getting better?", "\n\nYeah, but remember that through the '60s, rape, as it was then referred to rather than sexual assault, was the only crime that you had to have someone standing there witnessing and willing to testify because the testimony of the raped person was not believed. ", "You had to have a third party, which ironically in the Stanford case you did have. ", "And it incidentally happens to men, too. ", "Not to the same degree, but men on campus also have been sexually assaulted.", "\n\nWhat were these young women advised to do in the 1950s and 1960s?", "\n\nIt was clearly the shame and fault of the victim, as was domestic violence. ", "There wasn't even a phrase \"domestic violence.\" ", "If the police were called, their idea of success was getting the victim and the criminal back together again. ", "At least now we're seeing the scope of the problem and beginning to deal with it. ", "In the beginning, say in the 1970s, when I was on campus, there was really no way of reporting it. ", "Women were going out at night and putting big black Xs on the sidewalk with a sign that said, \"A women was raped here.\" ", "There was no process.", "\n\nYou made your mark going undercover for a 1963 expose on the Playboy Club, \"A Bunny's Tale.\" ", "Have you ever crossed paths with Hugh Hefner since?", "\n\nYeah, I did, I interviewed him. ", "If I had written a novel and created him people would be furious. ", "He's a parody of himself.", "\n\nAt one point didn’t he surround himself with intellectual people?", "\n\nNo, it was always, at least among the writers I knew, they were there because they needed the money, they had to pay their alimony. ", "Nobody was proud of this. ", "It was always something of a joke. ", "He had laid out rules: There could never be fiction or an article in which women won. ", "He actually commissioned an article about the women’s movement early on in a memo that a woman who worked at Playboy leaked, which started out, \"These chicks are our natural enemy.\"", "\n\nWhat did you discuss in your interview with Hugh Hefner?", "\n\nFor instance, I had reported that what the Bunnies were told while I was working there was that it was a requirement of New York State law that women have an internal exam in order to serve food, which is a lie of course. ", "I reported this and they stopped doing it. ", "His way of dealing with it was saying, \"Well, we could see this might be misunderstood.\" ", "It's hard to take any of it seriously. ", "He's gifted at self-parody.", "\n\nThis story first appeared in the Aug. 19 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. ", "To receive the magazine, click here to subscribe." ]
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[ "This section contains the essential information about InstaForex. ", "In particular, you will learn about the company's history, its major achievements, advantages, and awards. ", "Here, you will get to know InstaForex team. ", "Besides, you will find out the latest news and events arranged by the company.", "\n\nThis section is a must-read for those, who decided to start on trading in Forex. ", "Here, you will find everything that will ensure a successful start in trading: the basics of trading principles, guidelines, instructive articles, video tutorials, training courses, forex library, demo accounts, free lessons, and many other helpful materials.", "\n\nThis section is aimed at those who have been operating in Forex. ", "Here, you will get an insight about trading conditions with InstaForex. ", "Besides, you will learn about ways of depositing your account and withdrawing money from it. ", "You will be provided with analytical articles, charts, video reviews of financial markets, news updates, photo events, contests, promo campaigns, InstaForex sports projects etc. ", "The most important, you will gain access to a facility to open a trading account.", "\n\nAll Forex services offered by InstaForex are presented in this section. ", "These services expand notably possibilities of routine trading in Forex. ", "Moreover, they make trading various currency pairs much more efficient. ", "The use of a wide range of Forex services is the key to successful trading for many clients.", "\n\nThis section is created for those, who have already entered into partnership with InstaForex or who is interested in being a partner. ", "Here, you will find exhaustive information on how to join InstaForex team as a partner. ", "Besides, we will tell you about different forms of partnership and ways of attracting clients. ", "There is also Partner Cabinet in the section.", "\n\nThis is a universal section with a great number of web resources and charts. ", "It is a mine of forex-related information. ", "Feel free to express and swap your ideas! ", "Forums for traders, corporate blogs, humor, and a large Forex portal are available to everyone.", "\n\nForex Analysis\n\nTechnical analysis of USD/JPY for January 12, 2018\n\nUSD/JPY is under pressure. ", "The pair tested the support at the key level of 111.00 overnight (January 11). ", "Currently, the pair is off that low but remains capped by the descending 20-period moving average, which stands below the 50-period one. ", "And the relative strength index is yet to recover the neutrality level of 50, showing a lack of upward momentum for the pair.", "\n\nThe U.S. dollar remained on the defensive as the euro jumped 0.7% to US$1.2031 (day-high at US$1.2059) as the European Central Bank's December meeting minutes helped to boost investors' expectations that the central bank is preparing to reduce its monetary stimulus program.", "\n\nAlternatively, if the price moves in the opposite direction, a short position is recommended below 111.95 with a target of 110.80.", "\n\nChart Explanation: The black line shows the pivot point. ", "The current price above the pivot point indicates a bullish position, while the price below the pivot point is a signal for a short position. ", "The red lines show the support levels and the green line indicates the resistance level. ", "These levels can be used to enter and exit trades.", "\n\nStrategy: SELL, stop loss at 111.95, take profit at 110.80.", "\n\nResistance levels: 112.15, 112.35, and 112.55\n\nSupport levels: 110.80, 110.45, and 110.00.", "\n\n*The market analysis posted here is meant to increase your awareness, but not to give instructions to make a trade." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nNumber of $5$-letter words that use letters from a $4$-letter set in which exactly one letter is missing\n\nThis is a fairly straightforward problem. ", "We can break this problem into $4$ cases: the words that don't contain either of $A, B, C, D$. For example, the words that don't contain $D$ are $AAABC, ABBCC,\\ldots$ There are $3 \\cdot \\binom{5}{1, 2, 2} + 3 \\cdot \\binom{5}{1, 3, 1} = 150$ of those. ", "In total there are $4 \\cdot 150 = 600$ words with the given property.", "\nI am supposed to solve this problem using the formula $N_1 = |X| + |Y| + |Z| - 2|X \\cap Y| +3|X \\cap Y \\cap Z|$. The answer is supposed to be $972 - 384 + 12 = 600.$ I'd like to see how they came up with that. ", "But I am having difficulty defining $X, Y, Z.$ I'd be thankful if someone could explain how they defined these sets. ", "\nedit: I guessed the formula from the answer so the actual formula they have used might have been different. ", "I think I made a mistake there. ", "\nedit 1: the actual formula might have been either of \n$|X| + |Y| + |Z| - 2(|X \\cap Y| + |X \\cap Z| + |Y \\cap Z| + 3(|X \\cap Y \\cap Z|)$\n$|X| + |Y| + |Z| + |W| - 2(|X \\cap Y| + |X \\cap Z| + |X \\cap W| + |Y \\cap W| + |Y \\cap Z| + |Z \\cap W|) + 3(|X \\cap Y \\cap Z| + |X \\cap Y \\cap W| + |Y \\cap Z \\cap W| + |X \\cap Z \\cap W|) – 4(|X \\cap Y \\cap Z \\cap W|)$\n\nA:\n\nLet $X$ be the set of outcomes in which $A$ is missing.", "\nLet $Y$ be the set of outcomes in which $B$ is missing.", "\nLet $Z$ be the set of outcomes in which $C$ is missing.", "\nLet $W$ be the set of outcomes in which $D$ is missing. ", "\nThe number of outcomes in which exactly one letter is missing is \n$$|X| + |Y| + |Z| + |W| - 2(|X \\cap Y| + |X \\cap Z| + |X \\cap W| + |Y \\cap Z| + |Y \\cap W| + |Z \\cap W|) + 3(|X \\cap Y \\cap Z| + |X \\cap Y \\cap W| + |X \\cap Z \\cap W| + |Y \\cap Z \\cap W|) - 4(|X \\cap Y \\cap Z \\cap W|)$$ \nIf $A$ is missing, there are $3$ ways each of the five positions can be filled, so $|X| = 3^5 = 243$. By symmetry, \n$$|X| = |Y| = |Z| = |W| = 243$$ \nIf $A$ and $B$ are missing, there are two ways each of the five positions can be filled, so $|X \\cap Y| = 2^5 = 32$. By symmetry, \n$$|X \\cap Y| = |X \\cap Z| = |X \\cap W| = |Y \\cap Z| = |Y \\cap W| = |Z \\cap W| = 32$$\nIf $A$, $B$, and $C$ are missing, there is one way each of the five positions can be filled, so $|X \\cap Y \\cap Z| = 1^5 = 1$. By symmetry,\n$$|X \\cap Y \\cap Z| = |X \\cap Y \\cap W| = |X \\cap Z \\cap W| = |Y \\cap Z \\cap W| = 1$$\nSince it is not possible for all four letters to be missing, \n$$|X \\cap Y \\cap Z \\cap W| = 0^5 = 0$$\nHence, the number of outcomes in which exactly one letter is missing is \n$$4 \\cdot 243 - 2 \\cdot 6 \\cdot 32 + 3 \\cdot 4 \\cdot 1 = 972 - 384 + 12 = 600$$\n\n" ]
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[ "Thyroid blood flow evaluation by color-flow Doppler sonography distinguishes Graves' disease from Hashimoto's thyroiditis.", "\nThyroid hypoechogenicity at ultrasound is a characteristic of autoimmune thyroid diseases, with an overlap of this echographic pattern in patients affected by Graves' disease or Hashimoto's thyroiditis. ", "Aim of the present paper was to study the thyroid blood flow (TBF) by color-flow doppler (CFD) and peak systolic velocity (PSV) at the inferior thyroid artery in 37 Graves' and 45 goitrous Hashimoto's thyroiditis patients. ", "CFD pattern was defined as normal (or type 0): TBF limited to peripheral thyroid arteries (PSV = 17.7 +/- 3 cm/sec, mean +/- SD); type I: TBF mildly increased; type II: TBF clearly increased; type III: TBF markedly increased. ", "The CFD was in direct relationship to the PSV. ", "Out of 18 patients with Graves' disease and untreated active hyperthyroidism CFD pattern was type III in 17 and type II in 1. ", "The PSV was 42.1 +/- 15 cm/sec. ", "In 17 patients euthyroid under methimazole, the CFD pattern was type 0 in 3 (17%) type I in 5 (30%), type II in 5 (30%), type III in 4 (23%). ", "In this group of Graves' patients the PSV was 36 +/- 14 cm/sec. ", "In two patients, hypothyroid after radioiodine treatment, the CFD pattern was type 0 in 1 and type I in 1. ", "In the group of Hashimoto's patients TBF was in no relationship with thyroid status or treatment and was type 0 in 22 (49%), type I in 20 (44%), type II in 3 (7%), while none had type III CFD pattern. ", "Thyroid hypoechogenicity at ultrasound was present in 32/37 (86%) Graves' and 41/45 (91%) Hashimoto's patients. ", "All the four patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and normal thyroid ultrasound pattern had also a normal CFD pattern, while 4/5 patients with Graves' disease and normal echographic pattern had an increased TBF. ", "In conclusion, a diffusely increased thyroid blood flow is pathognomonic of untreated Graves' disease and an abnormal CFD pattern identifies the majority of Graves' patients with a normal thyroid ultrasound pattern. ", "Thus, CFD sonography may be useful in distinguishing patients with Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis having a similar thyroid echographic pattern at ultrasound." ]
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[ "A New Mexico man who was shot by his dog while rabbit hunting last year said the dog was fatally shot weeks later.", "\n\nSonny “Tex” Harold Gilligan, 74, was with his 120-pound Rottweiler mix Charlie in October 2018 when the dog accidentally triggered a shotgun in the back of a pickup truck. ", "The bullet went through the front seat and struck Gilligan.", "\n\n\"There’s a hole the size of my fist in my back,\" Gilligan told the Las Cruces Sun News. \"", "It broke my scapula and went through my lung.\"", "\n\nAfter spending more than two weeks in a hospital, Gilligan - who once died and was rivived back to life - came to his home to find two of his three dogs. ", "A week later Charlie died from a gunshot wound.", "\n\n\"Sadly, my dog Charlie got out and I guess a rancher shot him,\" Gilligan told the Sun-News.", "\n\nCLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP\n\nGilligan has a new German shepherd/husky mix named Lady who recently gave birth to puppies. ", "He plans to continue rabbit hunting, just not with a shotgun, he said.", "\n\n\"I will go back to hunting rabbits with my dogs but I won’t use a shotgun anymore,\" Gilligan said. \"", "The safety on those things is where the dog can actually knock the safety off and shoot it. … ", "The safety is really easy to knock off. … ", "That’s what Charlie did, he knocked the safety off and shot me.\"" ]
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[ "Heracleum mantegazzianum growth phases and furocoumarin content.", "\nThe observation of photocontact dermatitis from Heracleum mantegazzianum Sommier et Levier in 2 gardeners at work prompted the analysis of furocoumarin content of stem, leaves and fruits of the plant during a period of 1 year. ", "Their concentration was found to be maximal in fruit, intermediate in leaf, and minimal in stem. ", "Psoralen was the most prevalent substance in the leaf and bergapten in the fruit. ", "In the stem, in contrast, individual furocoumarins were found in lower but variable concentrations. ", "3 furocoumarin seasonal peaks were observed in the leaf: the maximal peak occurred in June, the intermediate in August, the minimal in November. ", "This trend corresponds to 3 biological phases of the weed." ]
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[ "As a known facsimile apparatus connectable with a data processing terminal, such as a personal computer, there is a facsimile apparatus connected with the terminal through a two-way parallel port (compliant with IEEE 1284) interface, e.g., Centronics or the like, or a Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface, as disclosed in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. ", "7-288625.", "\nIn an image processing system constructed with the aforementioned facsimile apparatus and data processing terminal, as a connection form between the facsimile apparatus and data processing terminal, a single logical interface is assigned to a single physical interface.", "\nFurthermore, the main control unit and printing unit included inside the facsimile apparatus are connected through one-way parallel communication and a two-way serial interface.", "\nAs an example of the facsimile apparatus which constitutes the image processing system according to the conventional art, a brief configuration of an image processing apparatus 1100 is described in detail with reference to FIG. ", "12.", "\nIn the image processing apparatus 1100, a CPU 1101 serving as a system control unit controls the entire image processing apparatus 1100. ", "ROM 1102 stores control programs and an incorporated operating system (OS) program or the like, which are executed by the CPU 1101. ", "Each of the control programs stored in the ROM 1102 executes software controlling, e.g., scheduling, task switch and so on, under the control of the incorporated OS stored in the ROM 1102.", "\nRAM 1103, configured with SRAM (static RAM) or the like, stores program control variables or the like and set values registered by an operator as well as control data of the image processing apparatus 1100 and so on, and includes a buffer area for various works. ", "Image memory 1104, configured with DRAM (dynamic RAM) or the like, stores image data.", "\nA data conversion unit 1105 performs image data conversion, such as interpretation of a page description language (PDL) or the like, CG (computer graphics) development of character data and so on.", "\nA reading control unit 1106 performs various image processing, e.g., binarization, halftone processing or the like, on an image signal obtained by a reading unit 1107, which optically reads an original document with the use of a contact image sensor (CIS) and converts the read data to electric image data, through an image processing control unit (not shown) and outputs high-definition image data. ", "Note that the reading control unit 1106 and reading unit 117 are adaptable to both a sheet-reading control method, which performs reading by a CIS image sensor fixed at a predetermined position while conveying an original document, and a book-reading control method, which scans an original document placed on a platen while moving the CIS image sensor.", "\nAn operation display unit 1108, including numeric value input keys, character input keys, one-touch telephone number keys, mode setting keys, an OK key, a cancel key and so on, is constructed with an operation unit for a user to decide image transmission destination data or to perform registration operation of setting data, various keys, a light-emitting diode (LED), a liquid crystal display (LCD), and a display unit for displaying operator's various input operations and an operation state or status of the image processing apparatus 1100.", "\nA communication control unit 1109 is constructed with a modulator-demodulator (MODEM), a network control unit (NCU) and so on. ", "The communication control unit 1109 is connected with an analogue communication line (PSTN) 1131 to perform, for instance, communication control according to the T30 protocol, or perform line control such as call out and call in of the communication line.", "\nA resolution conversion processing unit 1110 performs resolution conversion control, such as millimeter-to-inch resolution conversion of image data. ", "Note that in the resolution conversion processing unit 1110, enlargement/reduction processing of image data is possible. ", "A coding/decoding processing unit 1111 performs coding/decoding processing on image data (non-compressed or compressed in accordance with MH, MR, MMR, JBIG, JPEG or the like) handled by the image processing apparatus 1100, or performs enlargement/reduction processing.", "\nA print control unit 1112 performs various image processing, e.g., smoothing, print density correction, color correction and so on, on image data subjected to printing through an image processing control unit (not shown), and converts the data to high-definition image data to be outputted to an IEEE 1234 host control unit 1114 (to be described later).", "\nA USB function control unit 1113, which performs communication control of a USB interface, performs protocol control according to the USB communication standard, converts data transmitted from a USB control task executed by the CPU 1101 into a packet, and transmits the USB packet to an external data processing terminal, and inversely, converts a USB packet from an external data processing terminal into data and transmits the data to the CPU 1101.", "\nThe IEEE 1284 host control unit 1114 is a control unit for performing communication according to a protocol designated by a compatibility mode of the IEEE 1284 communication standard. ", "The compatibility mode of the IEEE 1284 communication standard, capable of one-way data communication, can connect one host (master) with one peripheral (slave). ", "The IEEE 1284 host control unit 1114 serves as the host in the IEEE 1284 communication, and transmits only print data to a printing unit 1115 (to be described later).", "\nThe printing unit 1115, which is a printing device configured with a laser beam printer, inkjet printer or the like, prints color image data or monochrome image data on a printing material. ", "The printing unit 1115 communicates with the IEEE 1284 host control unit 1114 according to a protocol designated by the compatibility mode of the IEEE 1284 communication standard. ", "Particularly the printing unit 1115 serves as the peripheral. ", "In the IEEE 1284 communication, the printing unit 1115 receives print data from the IEEE 1284 host control unit 1114. ", "Meanwhile, the printing unit 1115 performs asynchronous serial interface (UART) communication with a serial I/F control unit 1116 (to be described later). ", "In the asynchronous serial interface communication, the printing unit 1115 receives a command from or transmits print status data to the serial I/F control unit 1116.", "\nThe serial I/F control unit 1116 is a control unit for performing asynchronous serial interface communication. ", "Asynchronous serial interface communication is low-speed data communication capable of full-duplex transmission. ", "The serial I/F control unit 1116 transmits a command to or receives print status data from the printing unit 1115.", "\nThe aforementioned components 1101 to 1106, 1108 to 1114 and 1116 are connected to each other through a CPU bus 1121 controlled by the CPU 1101.", "\nIn an image processing system having the above-described conventional image processing apparatus, a single logical interface is assigned to a single physical interface as mentioned above. ", "Furthermore, in addition to a one-way physical interface for the main control unit to transmit image data to the printing unit for printing, another two-way physical interface is necessary for acquiring status information of the printing unit. ", "This causes problems of an increased product designing work and complicated control.", "\nIn order to solve the above problems, a universal serial bus (USB) is adopted to the physical interface between the data processing terminal and facsimile apparatus, and also to the physical interface between the control unit and printing unit of the facsimile apparatus, thereby providing a plurality of logical channels compliant with the USB standard (USB composite device). ", "By virtue of this configuration, it is no longer necessary to provide a physical interface for acquiring status information of the printing unit in addition to the interface provided for the main control unit to transmit image data to the printing unit. ", "As a result, a reduced number of designing processes, ease of making changes, and improved data permeability can be expected.", "\nMoreover, generally in a case where an external data processing terminal uses a printer to print out image data, it is necessary to start driver software on the external data processing terminal and acquire status information of the printer through the USB. ", "At the time of USB connection, a printing unit information registration command is transmitted from a USB host via an end point 1 (Bulk-Out), serving as a USB logical channel, to register in the printer items of the printing unit status information to be acquired. ", "At desired timing of status information acquisition, a reverse request (In-Token) is transmitted from the USB host using an end point 2 (Bulk-In), serving as a USB logical channel. ", "In response, information regarding the items registered in initial setting is returned from a USB function unit of the printer using the end point 2.", "\nSimilarly to the foregoing method, in a case where the aforementioned external data processing terminal is connected to the facsimile apparatus via the USB in the above-described image processing system to print out image data, a printing unit information registration command transmitted from driver software, which is launched on the data processing terminal, is received by the control unit of the facsimile apparatus, and the command is transferred to the printing unit via the end point 1 of the internal USB host, thereby registering in the printing unit items of the printing unit status information to be acquired by the driver software. ", "At desired timing of acquisition, the control unit of the facsimile apparatus transmits a reverse request from the USB host using an end point 2. ", "In response, information regarding the registered items is returned from the USB function unit of the printing unit using the end point 2, thereby providing information of the printing unit necessary to the driver software working on the data processing terminal. ", "In the above method, since the printer driver software installed in the printing unit can be used without alteration, it provides an advantage in that controlling of the printing unit can also be realized with ease.", "\nFurthermore, in order to perform operation of the functions, such as copying, recording of facsimile reception or the like, it is necessary for the control unit of the facsimile apparatus to regularly monitor the status of the printing unit through the USB. ", "Therefore, as similar to the above-described method, the following control can easily be considered. ", "More specifically, at the time of turning on the power, the control unit of the facsimile apparatus transmits a printing unit information registration command from the USB host using the end point 1 to register items of the printing unit status information. ", "At desired timing of acquisition, the control unit of the facsimile apparatus transmits a reverse request from the USB host using the end point 2. ", "In response, information regarding the registered items is returned from the USB function unit of the printing unit using the end point 2. ", "According to the above method, there is an advantage in that the acquisition control of printing unit status information becomes common.", "\nIn the image processing system having the above-described configuration, when the power is turned on, items of the printing unit status information are registered in the printing unit for internally monitoring the facsimile apparatus. ", "However, if a data processing terminal is connected with the facsimile apparatus and printing unit status information is registered from the driver software, the registration is written over the items which have been registered in the printing unit for internally monitoring the facsimile apparatus. ", "Because the driver software working on the data processing terminal and the main control unit of the facsimile apparatus request printing unit status information via the same logical channel using the same method, it is unable to distinguish whether a reverse request from the printing unit is from the main control unit or from the external data processing terminal. ", "Therefore, in response to a reverse request from the main control unit, status information for the items registered by the driver software is returned. ", "In a case where items requested and registered by the driver software are different from items requested and registered for internally monitoring the facsimile apparatus, the printing unit status information returned in response to the reverse request becomes inconsistent.", "\nFurthermore, if the driver software working on the data processing terminal and the internal unit of the facsimile apparatus attempt to acquire printing unit status information via the same channel (end point 1 or 2), the control unit must determine from where the status information is transferred, in order to correctly return a response. ", "Therefore, it may cause disadvantages, such as complicated control or delayed response timing.", "\nIn addition, since the end point 1 of the USB is normally used as an image data transmission channel, it tends to be busy due to printing unit errors. ", "Such errors cause interruption in transmission of the printing unit information registration command using the end point 1,thus disabling the registration of the printing unit status information." ]
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[ "Drug and Alcohol Rehab Directory\n\nAddiction & Substance Abuse Centers\n\nCounseling, Detox, Rehab, Hotlines\n\nDrug and Alcohol Rehabilitation and Detox Centers : Arizona\n\nVida Libre\n\n2502 North Dodge Boulevard Suite 100\n\nTucson, AZ 85716\n\n(520) 624-5272\n\nAddiction Jobs\n\n1Addiction Counselorus Licensed and in good standing with the State of Arizona's Board of Behavioral Health Examiners as a SubstanceAbuse Counselor or Licensed Professional Counselor (LASAC, LISAC, LAC, LMSW, LCSW or LPC... Apply Now>>\n\n3Lead Counselor (Substance Abuse)Chandler, AZ, USA Must have at least 3 years previous substanceabuse counseling experience; Native American population preferred. ", "5. ", "Current valid State of Arizona driver's license; fingerprint clearance to work with ...... Apply Now>>\n\n6Behavioral Health SpecialistScottsdale, AZ, USA Since 1970, A New Leaf's residential treatment facility, The New Foundation , has been providing wellness services for adolescents ages 11-17 and aiding them in overcoming substanceabuse and ...... Apply Now>>\n\n16BHT Mentor (Behavioral Health Tech)Phoenix, AZ, USASubstanceAbuse * Academic Assistance Family Support Services Mentors communicate with guardians and other family members involved in client's treatment program and educate them on treatment and ...... Apply Now>>\n\n18Licensed TherapistPhoenix, AZ, USA A master's degree in counseling, social work, psychology or a closely related behavioral health field and two years of professional counseling experience in a substanceabuse or mental health ...... Apply Now>>\n\n19Therapists LPC/ LAC/ Mental Health CliniciansGilbert, AZ, USA Through structured counseling and other services we help our clients with life skill, behavior coaching, counseling and a host of other supports to help them with their behavior, substanceabuse and ...... Apply Now>>\n\n24RN - Overnight Position - Sign On Bonusus ... substanceabuse diagnoses in both the Psychiatric Acute Care Unit (PAC) and the Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU). ", "This is an overnight position from 7pm-7am. ", " ABOUT TGC The Guidance Center is a ...... Apply Now>>\n\n26Registered NurseScottsdale, United States The RTC is a safe and supportive environment that provides youth, from the ages of five to 17, who are experiencing emotional, behavioral or substanceabuse challenges As a Registered Nurse, you will ...... Apply Now>>\n\n27In Home Sales ExpertTucson, United States Successfully complete a background check, driver's license check and substanceabuse testing * A valid driver's license and good driving record * Employee must be able to work flexible hours ...... Apply Now>>\n\n29Occupational Health Nurseus Administers Corporate SubstanceAbuse Policy, including, but not limited to; refer non-negative specimens for further testing and follow up as indicated. ", "Communicate results of testing in a ...... Apply Now>>\n\n30Membership SpecialistTucson, United States Screens clients for eligibility for services to individuals with serious mental illness, substanceabuse and general mental health. * ", "Completes a Priority Population Screening tool for all persons ...... Apply Now>>\n\n31PsychiatristGlendale, AZ, USA On a typical day, the provider will see between 12 and 14 adult patients for depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia, detox, substanceabuse, and more. ", "The locum will be on call five ...... Apply Now>>\n\n32Executive DirectorChandler, AZ, USA ... the substanceabuse treatment industry. ", "JOB FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES : The following sets forth the primary responsibilities of this job, but is not an exhaustive list. ", "The Organization ...... Apply Now>>\n\n33Behavioral Health TechnicianGlendale, AZ, USA ... abuse, abandonment, and neglect. ", "Since 1996 Sunshine Residential Homes has offered shelter, safety, health, love and healing to over 25,000 children in Arizona in need of emergency out of home ...... Apply Now>>\n\n36Safety CoordinatorLos Angeles, United States ... substanceabuse testing Facilitate Edison's \"return to work program\" with employees, medical professionals, and project personnel Support the activities of the local health and safety committee Serve ...... Apply Now>>\n\n38RN - Behavioral HealthScottsdale, AZ, USA We offer programs to youth ages 11-17 who are struggling with substanceabuse and behavioral health issues through behavioral health and education programs. ", "Our mission is to help children and ...... Apply Now>>\n\n39School PsychologistPhoenix, AZ, USA Provide counsel to parents on topics such as communication and substanceabuse * Research and implement learning programs * Evaluate and advise school disciplinary practices for troubled students... Apply Now>>\n\n40Psychiatric Nurse PractitionerPrescott, United States Experience with substanceabuse A PLUS! ", "Wonderful benefits! ", "Fantastic pay! ", "From fine dining to mountain biking, you'll be awed by the hometown atmosphere, perfect weather, and myriad of things to do ...... Apply Now>>" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'In this paper we show that every $L^1$-integrable function on ${\\partial\\Omega}$ can be obtained as the trace of a function of bounded variation in ${\\Omega}$ whenever ${\\Omega}$ is a domain with regular boundary ${\\partial\\Omega}$ in a doubling metric measure space. ", "In particular, the trace class of $BV({\\Omega})$ is $L^1({\\partial\\Omega})$ provided that ${\\Omega}$ supports a $1$-Poincaré inequality. ", "We also construct a bounded linear extension from a Besov class of functions on ${\\partial\\Omega}$ to $BV({\\Omega})$.'\nauthor:\n- Lukáš Malý\n- Nageswari Shanmugalingam\n- Marie Snipes\ndate: 'July 6, 2016'\ntitle: 'Trace and extension theorems for functions of bounded variation [^1]'\n---\n\nOverview\n========\n\nIn Dirichlet boundary value problems in analysis, one prescribes the trace value of the solution at the boundary of the domain. ", "Given a domain $\\Omega$, it is therefore natural to ask what class of functions on the boundary can be realized as the traces of functions of specified regularity on the domain.", "\n\nThe model problem that motivates our study is the problem of finding least gradient functions from the class of functions of bounded variation (BV), with prescribed boundary data, see [@AnzGia; @Giu; @M-Sr; @SWZ]. ", "Therefore the regularity of the extended function inside the domain is BV regularity.", "\n\nThe paper [@AnzGia] first studied the trace and extension problem for functions of bounded variation in Euclidean Lipschitz domains. ", "It was shown there that the trace functions of BV functions on the domain lie in the $L^1$-class of the boundary. ", "In contrast, the work [@Gag] demonstrated that every $L^1$-function on the boundary of a Euclidean half-space (and hence boundaries of Lipschitz domains) has a BV extension to the half-space. ", "Together, these two results indicate that the trace class of BV functions on a Euclidean Lipschitz domain is the $L^1$-class of its boundary.", "\n\nIn the metric setting, a version of the Dirichlet problem associated with BV functions was considered in [@GMS1; @GMS2; @GMS3; @HaKiLa], but their notion of trace required that the BV function be defined on a larger domain. ", "In [@LS] this requirement was dispensed with for domains whose boundaries are more regular (Euclidean Lipschitz domains satisfy this regularity condition). ", "In [@LS] it was shown that if in addition the domain supports a $1$-Poincaré inequality, then the trace of a BV function on the domain lies in a suitable $L^1$-class of the boundary, thus providing an analog of the results of [@AnzGia] in the metric setting. ", "The recent work [@Vit] gave an analog of the extension result of [@Gag] for Lipschitz domains in Carnot–Carathéodory spaces, which indicated that it is possible to identify the trace class of BV functions in more general metric measure spaces. ", "The goal of this paper is to provide such an identification, by adapting the technique of [@Gag] to the metric setting.", "\n\nIn this paper ${\\Omega}$ denotes a bounded domain in a metric measure space $(X,d,\\mu)$. The natural measure on ${\\Omega}$ is the restriction of $\\mu$ to ${\\Omega}$. The measure we consider on the boundary ${\\partial\\Omega}$ is the co-dimension $1$ Hausdorff measure $\\mathcal{H}:=\\mathcal{H}\\vert_{{\\partial\\Omega}}$ (see  below). ", "The function spaces related to ${\\partial\\Omega}$ will have norms computed using the measure $\\mathcal{H}$, and this being understood, we will not explicitly mention the measure in the notation representing these function spaces.", "\n\nWe now state the two main theorems of this paper. ", "In what follows, $T:BV({\\Omega})\\to\\mathcal{F}$, where $\\mathcal{F}$ is the collection of all Borel functions on ${\\partial\\Omega}$, is the trace operator as constructed in [@LS], see . ", "In the event that ${\\Omega}$ does not support a $1$-Poincaré inequality, the trace need not be defined for each function in $BV({\\Omega})$, but it would still be well-defined in the sense of  for certain functions in $BV({\\Omega})$. Thus in the next two theorems, by stating that $T\\circ E$ is the identity operator on the corresponding function space, we are also implicitly claiming that for each $u$ in that function space the trace of $Eu$ is well-defined.", "\n\n\\[thm:main1\\] Let ${\\Omega}$ be a bounded domain in $X$ satisfying the co-dimension $1$ Ahlfors regularity . ", "Then there is a bounded linear extension operator $E:{B_{1,1}}^0({\\partial\\Omega})\\to BV({\\Omega})$ such that $T\\circ E$ is the identity operator on ${B_{1,1}}^0({\\partial\\Omega})$.\n\n\\[thm:main2\\] With ${\\Omega}$ a bounded domain in $X$ satisfying the co-dimension $1$ Ahlfors regularity , there is a *nonlinear* bounded extension operator $\\operatorname{Ext}:L^1({\\partial\\Omega})\\to BV({\\Omega})$ such that $T\\circ\\operatorname{Ext}$ is the identity operator on $L^1({\\partial\\Omega})$.\n\nThe extension from $L^1({\\partial\\Omega})$ to $BV({\\Omega})$ cannot in general be linear; this is not an artifact of our proof, see [@Pee; @PW], and the discussion in Section 4.8 below.", "\n\nIn proving Theorem \\[thm:main1\\] we actually prove a stronger but less elegant statement. ", "We show that if the boundary of ${\\Omega}$, equipped with the co-dimension $1$ Hausdorff measure $\\mathcal{H}$, is *lower* Ahlfors regular, that is, if $C\\mathcal{H}(B(x,r)\\cap\\partial{\\Omega})\\ge \\mu(B(x,r))/r$ whenever $x\\in\\partial{\\Omega}$ and $0<r<2\\text{diam}(\\partial{\\Omega})$, then there is a bounded linear extension operator $E:{B_{1,1}}^0({\\partial\\Omega})\\to BV({\\Omega})$. We then show that in the event that $\\partial{\\Omega}$ also satisfies the requirement of *pointwise upper* co-dimension $1$ Ahlfors regularity in the sense that for $\\mathcal{H}$-almost every $x\\in\\partial{\\Omega}$ there are constants $C(x)\\ge\n1$ and $R(x)>0$ such that for $0<r\\le R(x)$, $$\\mathcal{H}(B(x,r)\\cap\\partial{\\Omega})\\le C(x)\\, \\frac{\\mu(B(x,r))}{r},$$ then $T\\circ E$ is the identity operator on ${B_{1,1}}^0({\\partial\\Omega})$.\n\nCombining the above two theorems with those of [@LS] we obtain the following identification of the trace class of $BV({\\Omega})$.\n\n\\[cor:TrBV=L1\\] Let $X$ support a $1$-Poincaré inequality. ", "With ${\\Omega}$ a bounded domain in $X$ that satisfies the density condition, i.e., $$\\label{density}\n \\mu(B(z,r)\\cap{\\Omega})\\ge C^{-1}\\mu(B(z,r))\\ \\text{ for all } z\\in {\\Omega}\\text{ and } 0<r<\\operatorname{diam}({\\Omega}),$$ the co-dimension $1$ Ahlfors regularity , and $1$-Poincaré inequality, we have that the trace class of $BV({\\Omega})$ is $L^1({\\partial\\Omega})$.\n\nIn the above we cannot drop any of the respective conditions we impose on the domain ${\\Omega}$. The requirement of the support of a $1$-Poincaré inequality is needed only in order to obtain the trace theorem from [@LS]. ", "As the example of a slit disc shows, eliminating the support of a Poincaré inequality might result in the failure of the trace theorem, though as the example of the Euclidean (planar) domain $$\\Omega=[-2,2]^2\\setminus \\{(x,y)\\in{\\mathbb{R}}^2\\, :\\, -1\\le x\\le 1, |x|\\le |y|\\le 1\\}$$ shows, the support of $1$-Poincaré inequality is not essential in obtaining the trace theorem of [@LS]. ", "The measure density condition  is also needed to obtain the trace theorem. ", "Again, this property might not be a requirement for obtaining the trace theorem of [@LS] and hence the above corollary, but if the requirement is removed, some other property of the domain needs to be required as the following example shows. ", "This example is also a planar Euclidean domain, obtained by pasting a sequence of thin tubes, with relatively narrower and narrower trunks, to a rectangular base. ", "For each positive integer $n$ let $U_n$ be the domain given by $$U_n=\\left(\\frac1{n^2}-4^{-n},\\frac1{n^2}+4^{-n}\\right)\\times[0,2^{-n}),$$ and let $$\\Omega=(-1,2)\\times (-1,0) \\, \\cup \\bigcup_{n\\in{\\mathbb{N}}} U_n.$$ The trace theorem of [@LS] fails here because the trace $T(u_n)$ of the function $u_n=\\chi_{(\\frac1n-4^{-n},\\frac1n+4^{-n})\\times[0,2^{-n}]}$ has $L^1(\\partial\\Omega)$-norm of the order of $2^{-n}$, while the BV-norm of $u_n$ is of the order of $4^{-n}$. Note that $\\Omega$ fails the measure density condition .", "\n\nFor clarity, we note that the statements of Theorems \\[thm:main1\\] and \\[thm:main2\\] do not require the domains or the ambient metric measure space to support any Poincaré inequality, which allows the domains to have interior cusps or slits. ", "Thus, even in the Euclidean setting our methods give rise to new results, as the results of [@Gag] and [@Vit] are in the setting of Lipschitz domains. ", "Smooth bounded Euclidean domains and bounded smooth domains in a Riemannian manifold with positive Ricci curvature would satisfy the hypotheses listed in the above three results. ", "Indeed, such domains are uniform domains, and as uniform domains in a metric measure space supporting a $1$-Poincaré inequality do support a $1$-Poincaré inequality (see [@BSh]), the trace class of the class of BV functions on such domains is the $L^1$-class of the boundary of the domain. ", "In general, balls in the space with center in the smooth domain need not be connected, but there is a scaling factor $\\lambda>0$ such that each ball with center in the domain can be connected in the $\\lambda$-times enlarged ball (that is, all the points in the original ball belongs to the same connected component of the enlarged ball). ", "The property of connecting a ball inside a fixed scaled concentric ball is called *linear local connectivity* in [@HK]. ", "Thus the scaling factor $\\lambda$ on the right-hand side of the Poincaré inequality given in Definition \\[def:PI\\] cannot in general be removed.", "\n\nA related problem is to investigate the extensions of functions from a domain $\\Omega$ to the whole space. ", "See [@BM; @BS; @HKT; @L; @Maz]. ", "1.5ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.5ex [**Acknowledgement:**]{} The research of the first author was supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (Sweden), and the research of the second author was partially supported by the NSF grant DMS-1500440 (U.S.A.). ", "Majority of the research for this paper was conducted during the visit of the third author to the University of Cincinnati; she wishes to thank that institution for its kind hospitality. ", "The authors also thank the anonymous referee for suggestions that helped improve the exposition of the paper.", "\n\nNotation and definitions\n------------------------\n\nIn this section $(X,d,\\mu)$ denotes a metric measure space with $\\mu$ a Radon measure. ", "We say that $\\mu$ is *doubling* if there is a constant $C_D$ such that for each $z\\in Z$ and $r>0$, $$0<\\mu(B(z,2r))\\le C_D\\, \\mu(B(z,r))<\\infty.$$\n\nGiven a Lipschitz function $f$ on a subset $A\\subset X$, we set $$\\operatorname{LIP}(f,A):=\\sup_{x,y\\in A\\, :\\, x\\ne y}\\frac{|f(x)-f(y)|}{d(x,y)}.$$ When $x$ is a point in the interior of $A\\subset X$, we set $$\\operatorname{Lip}f(x):=\\limsup_{y\\to x}\\frac{|f(y)-f(x)|}{d(y,x)}.$$\n\nWe follow [@M] to define the function class $BV(X)$. The space $BV(X)$ of functions of bounded variation consists of functions in $L^1(X)$ that also have finite total variation on $X$. The total variation of a function on a metric measure space is measured using upper gradients; the notion of upper gradients, first formulated in [@HK] (with the terminology “very weak gradients”), plays the role of $|\\nabla u|$ in the metric setting where no natural distributional derivative structure exists. ", "A Borel function $g:X\\to[0,\\infty]$ is an upper gradient of $u:X\\to{\\mathbb{R}}\\cup\\{\\pm\\infty\\}$ if the following inequality holds for all (rectifiable) curves $\\gamma:[a,b]\\to X$, (denoting $x=\\gamma(a)$ and $y=\\gamma(b)$), $$|u(y)-u(x)|\\leq\\int_{\\gamma}g\\,ds$$ whenever $u(x)$ and $u(y)$ are both finite, and $\\int_{\\gamma}g\\,ds=\\infty$ otherwise. ", "For each function $u$ as above, we set $I(u:X)$ to be the infimum of the quantity $\\int_Xg\\, d\\mu$ over all upper gradients (in $X$) $g$ of $u$.\n\n\\[rem:lip-upp1\\] We note here that if $u$ is a (locally) Lipschitz function on $Z$, then $\\operatorname{Lip}u$ is an upper gradient of $u$; see for example [@Hei01]. ", "We refer the interested reader to [@BB; @HKST] for more on upper gradients.", "\n\nThe *total variation* of the function $u\\in L^1(X)$ is given by $$\\|Du\\|(X):=\\inf\\left\\{\\liminf_{i\\to\\infty}I(u_i:X)\\colon u_i\\in\\operatorname{Lip}_{\\textrm{loc}}(X),\nu_i\\to u\\textrm{ in }L^1(X)\\right\\}.$$\n\n\\[rem:lip-upp2\\] From Remark \\[rem:lip-upp1\\] we know that if $u$ is a locally Lipschitz continuous function on $X$, then $\\Vert Du\\Vert(X)\\le \\int_Z\\operatorname{Lip}u\\, d\\mu$.\n\nFor each open set $U\\subset Z$ we can set $\\Vert Du\\Vert(U)$ similarly: $$\\|Du\\|(U):=\\inf\\left\\{\\liminf_{i\\to\\infty}I(u_i:U)\\colon u_i\\in\\operatorname{Lip}_{\\textrm{loc}}(U), u_i\\to u\\textrm{ in }L^1(U)\\right\\}.$$ It was shown in [@M] that if $\\Vert Du\\Vert(X)$ is finite, then $U\\mapsto\n\\Vert Du\\Vert(U)$ is the restriction of a Radon measure to open sets of $X$. We use $\\Vert Du\\Vert$ to also denote this Radon measure.", "\n\nThe space $BV(X)$ of functions of bounded variation is equipped with the norm $$\\|u\\|_{BV(X)}:=\\|u\\|_{L^1(X)}+\\|Du\\|(X).$$\n\nThis definition of BV agrees with the standard notion of BV functions in the Euclidean setting, see [@AFP; @EvaG92; @Zie89]. ", "See also [@AMP] for more on the BV class in the metric setting.", "\n\nWe say that a measurable set $E\\subset X$ is of *finite perimeter* if $\\chi_E\\in BV(X)$. It follows from [@M] that the superlevel set $E_t:=\\{z\\in Z\\, :\\, u(z)>t\\}$ has finite perimeter for almost every $t\\in{\\mathbb{R}}$ and that the coarea formula $$\\Vert Du\\Vert(A)=\\int_{\\mathbb{R}}\\Vert D\\chi_{E_t}\\Vert(A) \\, dt$$ holds true whenever $A\\subset X$ is a Borel set.", "\n\n\\[def:PI\\] A metric space $X$ supports a $1$-Poincaré inequality if there exist positive constants $\\lambda$ and $C$ such that for all balls $B\\subset X$ and all $u\\in L^1_{{\\mathrm{loc}}}(X)$, $$\\fint_{B}|u-u_{B}|\\,d\\mu\\leq C\\operatorname{rad}(B)\\frac{\\|Du\\|(\\lambda B)}{\\mu(\\lambda B)}\\,.$$\n\nHere and in the rest of the paper, $f_A$ denotes the *integral mean* of a function $f\\in L^0(X)$ over a measurable set $A \\subset X$ of finite positive measure, defined as $$f_A = \\fint_A f\\,d\\mu = \\frac{1}{\\mu(A)} \\int_A f\\,d\\mu$$ whenever the integral on the right-hand side exists, not necessarily finite though. ", "Furthermore, given a ball $B=B(x,r) \\subset X$ and $\\lambda>0$, the symbol $\\lambda B$ denotes the inflated ball $B(x, \\lambda r)$.\n\nGiven $A\\subset X$, we define its *co-dimension $1$ Hausdorff measure* $\\mathcal{H}(A)$ by $$\\label{eq:deff-mathcal}\n\\mathcal{H}(A)=\\lim_{\\delta\\to 0^+}\\ \\inf\\bigg\\lbrace\\sum_i\\frac{\\mu(B_i)}{\\operatorname{rad}(B_i)}\\, :\\, B_i\\text{ balls in }X, \\operatorname{rad}(B_i)<\\delta,\n A\\subset \\bigcup_iB_i\\bigg\\rbrace.$$\n\nIt was shown in [@A1] that if $\\mu$ is doubling and supports a $1$-Poincaré inequality, then there is a constant $C\\ge 1$ such that whenever $E\\subset X$ is of finite perimeter, $$C^{-1}\\mathcal{H}(\\partial_m E)\\le \\Vert D\\chi_E\\Vert(X)\\le C\\, \\mathcal{H}(\\partial_mE),$$ where $\\partial_mE$ is the *measure-theoretic boundary* of $E$. It consists of those points $z\\in X$ for which $$\\limsup_{r\\to 0^+}\\frac{\\mu(B(z,r)\\cap E)}{\\mu(B(z,r))}>0\\quad\n\\text{and}\\quad\n\\limsup_{r\\to 0^+}\\frac{\\mu(B(z,r)\\setminus E)}{\\mu(B(z,r))}>0.$$\n\nWe next turn our attention to the definition of other function spaces to be considered in this paper. ", "The Besov classes, much studied in the Euclidean setting, made their first appearance in the metric setting in [@BourPaj] and were explored further in [@GKS].", "\n\nLet $(Z,{{\\mathrm d}})$ be a metric space equipped with a Radon measure $\\nu$. For a fixed $R>0$, the *Besov space* $B_{1,1}^\\theta(Z)$ of smoothness $\\theta\n\\in [0, 1]$ consists of functions of finite Besov norm that is given by $$\\label{eq:Besov}\n \\|u\\|_{B_{1,1}^\\theta(Z)} = \\|u\\|_{L^1(Z)} + \\int_0^R \\int_Z \\fint_{B(x, t)} |u(y) - u(x)|\\,d\\nu(y) \\,d\\nu(x) \\frac{dt}{t^{1+\\theta}}\\,.$$\n\nIn our application of Besov spaces, the metric space $Z$ will be the boundary of a bounded domain in $X$, and the measure $\\nu$ will be the restriction of the co-dimension $1$ Hausdorff measure $\\mathcal{H}$ to this boundary.", "\n\nWe will show that the function class $B^\\theta_{1,1}(Z)$ is in fact independent of the choice of $R \\in (0, \\infty)$, see Lemma \\[lem:BesovIndepR\\] below.", "\n\nThe following *fractional John–Nirenberg space* was first generalized to the metric measure space setting in [@HKT]. ", "In the Euclidean setting it was first studied in [@BBM] and [@Brez], but the case $\\theta=0$ in the Euclidean setting appeared in the earlier work of John and Nirenberg [@JN]. ", "The fractional John–Nirenberg space $A^{\\theta}_{1,\\tau}(Z)$, where $\\theta\n\\in[0,1]$ is its smoothness and $\\tau \\ge 1$ the dilation factor, is defined via its norm $$\\label{eq:JN}\n \\|u\\|_{A^{\\theta}_{1,\\tau}(Z)} = \\|u\\|_{L^1(Z)} + \\sup_{{{\\mathcal B}}_\\tau} \\sum_{B \\in {{\\mathcal B}}_\\tau}\n \\frac{1}{\\operatorname{rad}(B)^\\theta} \\int_{\\tau B} |u-u_{\\tau B}|\\,d\\nu,$$ where the supremum is taken over all collections ${{\\mathcal B}}_\\tau$ of balls in $Z$ of radius at most $R/\\tau$ such that $\\tau B_1\\cap\\tau B_2$ is empty whenever $B_1,B_2\\in{{\\mathcal B}}_\\tau$ with $B_1\\ne B_2$. The class $A^{\\theta}_{1,\\tau}(Z)$ is also independent of the exact choice of $R \\in (0, \\infty)$.\n\nStanding assumptions\n--------------------\n\nThroughout this paper $(X,d,\\mu)$ is a metric measure space, with $\\mu$ a Borel regular measure. ", "We assume that $X$ is complete and that $\\mu$ is doubling on $X$. Furthermore, $\\Omega\\subset X$ is a bounded domain and there is a constant $C\\ge 1$ such that for all $x\\in {\\partial\\Omega}$ and $0<r\\le \\operatorname{diam}({\\Omega})$, we have $$\\label{boundary-Ahlfors-regularity}\n C^{-1}\\frac{\\mu(B(x,r))}{r}\\le \\mathcal{H}(B(x,r)\\cap{\\partial\\Omega})\\le C\\frac{\\mu(B(x,r))}{r}.$$ The property of satisfying  will be called *Ahlfors codimension $1$ regularity* of ${\\partial\\Omega}$.\n\nThroughout the paper $C$ represents various constants that depend solely on the doubling constant, constants related to the Poincaré inequality, and the constants related to . ", "The precise value of $C$ is not of interest to us at this time, and its value may differ in each occurrence. ", "Given expressions $a$ and $b$, we say that $a\\approx b$ if there is a constant $C\\ge 1$ such that $C^{-1}a\\le b\\le C a$.\n\nBounded linear extension from Besov class to BV class: proof of Theorem \\[thm:main1\\] {#sec:B110-extension}\n=====================================================================================\n\nWhitney cover and partition of unity\n------------------------------------\n\nThe following theorem from [@HKST Section 4.1] gives the existence of a Whitney *covering* of an open subset $\\Omega$ of a doubling metric space $X$ by balls whose radii are comparable to their distance from the boundary, see also [@BBS].", "\n\nLet $\\Omega\\subsetneq X$ be bounded and open. ", "Then there exists a countable collection $\\mathcal{W}_\\Omega=\\{B(p_{j, i},r_{j,i})=B_{j,i}\\}$ of balls in $\\Omega$ so that\n\n- $\\bigcup_{j,i} B_{j,i} = \\Omega$,\n\n- $\\sum_{j,i} \\chi_{B(p_{j,i}, 2r_{j,i})}\\leq 2C_D^5$,\n\n- $2^{j-1}<r_{j,i}\\leq 2^{j}$ for all $i$,\n\n- and so that $r_{j,i}=\\frac{1}{8}\\operatorname{dist}(p_{j,i}, X\\setminus \\Omega)$.\n\nHere the constant $C_D$ is the doubling constant of the measure $\\mu$.\n\nThe radii of the balls are small enough so that $2B_i\\subset\\Omega$. Also, since we are only concerned with bounded domains $\\Omega$, there is a largest exponent $j$ that occurs in the cover; we denote this exponent by $j_0$. Hence $-j\\in{\\mathbb{N}}\\cup\\{0,\\cdots, -j_0\\}$. Note that $2^{j_0}$ is comparable to $\\operatorname{diam}({\\Omega})$. One wishing to keep track of the relationships between various constants should therefore keep in mind that the constants that depend on $j_0$ then depend on $\\operatorname{diam}({\\Omega})$.\n\nWe also note that no ball in level $j$ intersects a ball in level $j+2$. This follows by the reverse triangle inequality $d(p_{j,i},p_{j+2,k})\\geq\n2^{j+4}-2^{j+3}=2^{j+3}$ and the bounds on the radii: $2^{j-1}<r_{j,i}\\leq 2^j$ and $2^{j+1}<r_{j+2,k}\\leq 2^{j+2}$.\n\nAs in [@HKST Section 4.1], there is a Lipschitz partition of unity $\\{{\\varphi}_{j,i}\\}$ subordinate to the Whitney decomposition ${\\mathcal{W}}_{\\Omega}$, that is, $\\sum_{j,i} {\\varphi}_{j,i} \\equiv \\chi_{\\Omega}$ and for every ball $B_{j,i}\\in{\\mathcal{W}}_{\\Omega}$, we have that $\\chi_{B_{j,i}} \\le {\\varphi}_{j,i} \\le\n\\chi_{2B_{j,i}}$ and ${\\varphi}_{j,i}$ is $C/r_{j,i}$-Lipschitz continuous.", "\n\nAn extension of Besov functions {#ssec:BesovExt}\n-------------------------------\n\nSuppose that $f:\\partial\\Omega\\to{\\mathbb{R}}$ is a function in $B_{1,1}^0(\\partial\\Omega)$. We want to define a function $F:\\Omega\\to{\\mathbb{R}}$ whose trace is the original function $f$ on $\\partial\\Omega$.\n\nConsider the center of the Whitney ball $p_{j,i}\\in\\Omega$ and choose a closest point $q_{j,i}\\in\\partial\\Omega$. Define $U_{j,i}:=B(q_{j,i}, r_{j,i})\\cap\n\\partial\\Omega$. We set $a_{j,i}:=\\fint_{U_{j,i}}f(y)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(y)$. Then for $x\\in\\Omega$ set $$F(x):=\\sum_{j,i} a_{j,i} {\\varphi}_{j,i}.$$ In subsequent results in this section we will show that $F\\in BV({\\Omega})$. From the following proposition and Remark \\[rem:lip-upp2\\] we obtain the desired bound for $\\Vert DF\\Vert({\\Omega})$.\n\n\\[prop:extnBounds\\] Given $\\Omega\\subset X$ and $f\\in B_{1,1}^0(\\partial\\Omega)$, there exists $C>0$ such that $$\\int_\\Omega \\operatorname{Lip}F\\,d\\mu \\leq C\\|f\\|_{B_{1,1}^0(\\partial\\Omega)}.$$\n\nFix a ball $B_{\\ell,m}\\in {\\mathcal{W}}_{\\Omega}$, and fix a point $x \\in B_{\\ell,m}$. For all $y\\in B_{\\ell,m}$, $$\\begin{aligned}\n |F(y)-F(x)| = \\left|\\sum_{j,i}a_{j,i}({\\varphi}_{j,i}(y)-{\\varphi}_{j,i}(x))\\right|& \\\\\n = \\left|\\sum_{j,i}(a_{j,i}-a_{\\ell,m})({\\varphi}_{j,i}(y)-{\\varphi}_{j,i}(x))\\right|\n \\leq &\\sum_{\\substack{j,i\\, \\textrm{ s.t.}\\\\ 2B_{j,i}\\cap B_{\\ell,m}\\ne\\emptyset}}|a_{j,i}-a_{\\ell,m}|\\frac{C}{r_{j,i}}d(y,x).", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ The last inequality in the above sequence follows from the Lipschitz constant of ${\\varphi}_{j,i}$. Rearranging and noting that if the balls intersect then $|j-\\ell|\\le 1$, we see that $$\\frac{|F(y)-F(x)|}{d(y,x)}\\leq \\frac{C}{r_{\\ell,m}} \\sum_{\\substack{j,i \\,\\textrm{ s.t.} \\\\", "\n 2B_{j,i}\\cap B_{\\ell,m}\\neq \\emptyset}}|a_{j,i}-a_{\\ell,m}|.$$ Hence, we want to bound terms of the form $|a_{j,i}-a_{\\ell,m}|$: $$\\begin{aligned}\n |a_{j,i}-a_{\\ell,m}| &= \\left|\\fint_{U_{j,i}}f(z)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(z)-\\fint_{U_{\\ell,m}}f(z)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(z)\\right|\\notag \\\\\n &= \\left|\\fint_{U_{j,i}}\\fint_{U_{\\ell,m}}\\bigl(f(z)-f(w)\\bigr)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(w)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(z)\\right| \\notag\\\\\n &\\le \\fint_{U_{j,i}}\\fint_{U_{\\ell,m}} \\left|f(z)-f(w)\\right|\\,d\\mathcal{H}(w)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(z) \\notag \\\\\n &= \\frac{1}{\\mathcal{H}(U_{j,i})\\mathcal{H}(U_{\\ell,m})}\\int_{U_{j,i}}\\int_{U_{\\ell,m}}\n \\left|f(z)-f(w)\\right|\\,d\\mathcal{H}(w)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(z) \\notag \\\\\n \\label{ineq:expandballs1}\n &\\leq \\frac{C}{\\mathcal{H}(U_{\\ell,m}^*)\\mathcal{H}(U_{\\ell,m}^*)}\\int_{U_{j,i}}\\int_{U_{\\ell,m}}\n \\left|f(z)-f(w)\\right|\\,d\\mathcal{H}(w)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(z) \\\\\n &\\leq \\frac{C}{\\mathcal{H}(U_{\\ell,m}^*)\\mathcal{H}(U_{\\ell,m}^*)}\\int_{U^*_{\\ell,m}}\\int_{U^*_{\\ell,m}}\n \\left|f(z)-f(w)\\right|\\,d\\mathcal{H}(w)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(z) \\notag\\\\\n &= C\\fint_{U^*_{\\ell,m}}\\fint_{U^*_{\\ell,m}} \\left|f(z)-f(w)\\right|\\,d\\mathcal{H}(w)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(z),\\notag\\end{aligned}$$ where $U^*_{\\ell,m}$ denotes the expanded subset of the boundary: $$\\label{eq:expandedsubset}\n U^*_{\\ell,m}:=B(q_{\\ell,m}, 2^{6}r_{\\ell,m})\\cap\\partial\\Omega.$$ By the doubling property of $X$, the boundary regularity condition on $\\partial\\Omega$, and the definition of codimension-$1$ Hausdorff measure, we have $$\\mathcal{H}(U^*_{\\ell,m})\\leq C\\mathcal{H}(U_{\\ell,m})\\,,$$ which gave inequality . ", "The above estimates together with the bounded overlap of the Whitney balls yield the following inequality: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eq:pointwise-Lip-est}\n\\operatorname{Lip}F(x)&=\\limsup_{y\\to x}\\frac{|F(y)-F(x)|}{d(y,x)}\\notag\\\\\n &\\le \\frac{C}{r_{\\ell,m}}\\, \\fint_{U^*_{\\ell,m}}\\fint_{U^*_{\\ell,m}} \\left|f(z)-f(w)\\right|\\,d\\mathcal{H}(w)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(z)\\end{aligned}$$ for $x\\in B_{\\ell,m}$. From  and  we see that $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\int_\\Omega \\operatorname{Lip}F(x)\\,d\\mu(x) &\\le \\sum_{\\ell,m}\\int_{B_{\\ell,m}}\\operatorname{Lip}F(x)\\, d\\mu(x)\\notag\\\\\n &\\le \\sum_{\\ell, m}\\mu(B_{\\ell,m})\\, \\frac{C}{r_{\\ell,m}}\\,\n \\fint_{U^*_{\\ell,m}}\\fint_{U^*_{\\ell,m}} \\left|f(z)-f(w)\\right|\\,d\\mathcal{H}(w)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(z)\\notag\\\\\n &\\leq C\\sum_{\\ell,m} {\\mathcal{H}}(U_{\\ell,m})\n \\fint_{U^*_{\\ell,m}}\\fint_{U^*_{\\ell,m}} \\left|f(z)-f(w)\\right|\\,d\\mathcal{H}(w)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(z)\\\\ &\\leq C\\sum_{\\ell=-\\infty}^{j_0}\\sum_{m}\n \\int_{U^*_{\\ell,m}}\\fint_{U^*_{\\ell,m}} \\left|f(z)-f(w)\\right|\\,d\\mathcal{H}(w)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(z)\\\\\n &\\leq {C}\\sum_{\\ell=-\\infty}^{j_0}\n \\int_{\\partial\\Omega}\\fint_{B(z,2^{7+\\ell})} \\left|f(z)-f(w)\\right|\\,d\\mathcal{H}(w)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(z)\\,.\\end{aligned}$$ Here the last inequality follows from the uniformly bounded overlap of the balls $U_{\\ell,m}^*$ for each $\\ell$. Without loss of generality, we may choose $R = 2^{j_0+7}$ in the definition of the Besov norm . ", "Note that $R\\approx \\operatorname{diam}(\\Omega)$ then. ", "The following estimate (cf. ", "the proof of [@GKS Theorem 5.2]) concludes the proof: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\sum_{\\ell=-\\infty}^{j_0}&\n \\int_{\\partial\\Omega}\\fint_{B(z,2^{7+\\ell})} \\left|f(z)-f(w)\\right|\\,d\\mathcal{H}(w)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(z)\\notag\\\\\n & \\label{eq:BesovEquivSum}\n \\approx\\int_{t=0}^{2^{j_0+7}}\n \\int_{\\partial\\Omega}\\fint_{B(z,t)} \\left|f(z)-f(w)\\right|\\,d\\mathcal{H}(w)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(z)\\frac{dt}{t} \\\\\n & \\le C\\|f\\|_{B_{1,1}^0(\\partial\\Omega)}\\,. ", "\\notag \\qedhere\\end{aligned}$$\n\nWe will use the extension constructed in this section in formulating a nonlinear bounded extension from $L^1({\\partial\\Omega},\\mathcal{H})$ to $BV({\\Omega})$ in the subsequent sections. ", "There we will need the following estimates for the integral of the gradient and the function on layers of $\\Omega$.\n\n\\[layer-est-grad\\] For $0 \\le \\rho_1<\\rho_2<\\operatorname{diam}({\\Omega})/2$, set $$\\label{eq:def-OmRhoRho}\n {\\Omega}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2):=\\{x\\in{\\Omega}\\, :\\, \\rho_1\\le \\operatorname{dist}(x,X\\setminus{\\Omega})<\\rho_2\\}.$$ Let $\\mathcal{J}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)$ be the collection of all $\\ell\\in{\\mathbb{Z}}$ such that there is some $m\\in{\\mathbb{N}}$ with $B_{\\ell,m}\\cap\\Omega(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)$ non-empty. ", "Then $$\\int_{{\\Omega}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)}\\operatorname{Lip}F\\, d\\mu\\le C\\, \\sum_{\\ell\\in\\mathcal{J}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)}\n \\int_{{\\partial\\Omega}}\\fint_{B(z,2^{7+\\ell})}|f(z)-f(w)|\\, d\\mathcal{H}(w)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(z).$$\n\nFor each $\\ell\\in\\mathcal{J}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)$ let $\\mathcal{I}(\\ell)$ denote the collection of all $m\\in{\\mathbb{N}}$ for which $B_{\\ell,m}\\cap\\Omega(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)$ is non-empty. ", "Then by  and , $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\int_{{\\Omega}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)}\\operatorname{Lip}F\\, d\\mu\n &\\le \\sum_{\\ell\\in\\mathcal{J}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)}\\sum_{m\\in\\mathcal{I}(\\ell)}\\int_{B_{\\ell,m}}\\operatorname{Lip}F\\, d\\mu\\\\\n \\le C \\sum_{\\ell\\in\\mathcal{J}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)}&\\sum_{m\\in\\mathcal{I}(\\ell)}\\frac{\\mu(B_{\\ell,m})}{r_{\\ell,m}}\\,\n \\fint_{U^*_{\\ell,m}}\\fint_{U^*_{\\ell,m}} \\left|f(z)-f(w)\\right|\\,d\\mathcal{H}(w)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(z)\\\\\n \\le C \\sum_{\\ell\\in\\mathcal{J}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)}&\\sum_{m\\in\\mathcal{I}(\\ell)} {\\mathcal{H}}(U_{\\ell,m})\n \\fint_{U^*_{\\ell,m}}\\fint_{U^*_{\\ell,m}} \\left|f(z)-f(w)\\right|\\,d\\mathcal{H}(w)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(z)\\\\\n = C \\sum_{\\ell\\in\\mathcal{J}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)}&\\sum_{m\\in\\mathcal{I}(\\ell)}\n \\int_{U^*_{\\ell,m}}\\fint_{U^*_{\\ell,m}} \\left|f(z)-f(w)\\right|\\,d\\mathcal{H}(w)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(z)\\\\\n \\le C \\sum_{\\ell\\in\\mathcal{J}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)}&\\sum_{m\\in\\mathcal{I}(\\ell)}\n \\int_{U^*_{\\ell,m}}\\fint_{B(z,2^{7+\\ell})}|f(z)-f(w)|\\, d\\mathcal{H}(w)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(z)\\\\\n \\le C \\sum_{\\ell\\in\\mathcal{J}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)}&\\int_{{\\partial\\Omega}}\\fint_{B(z,2^{7+\\ell})}|f(z)-f(w)|\\, d\\mathcal{H}(w)\\,d\\mathcal{H}(z).", "\n\\qedhere\\end{aligned}$$\n\n\\[cor:layer-est-grad-lip\\] Using the notation of Lemma \\[layer-est-grad\\], we have that $$\\int_{{\\Omega}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)}\\operatorname{Lip}F\\, d\\mu\\le C \\rho_2 {\\mathcal{H}}({\\partial\\Omega}) \\operatorname{LIP}(f,{\\partial\\Omega})$$ whenever $f$ is Lipschitz on ${\\partial\\Omega}$.\n\nFor a fixed $\\ell \\in {\\mathbb{Z}}$, we can estimate $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\int_{{\\partial\\Omega}}&\\fint_{B(z,2^{7+\\ell})}|f(z)-f(w)|\\, d{\\mathcal{H}}(w)\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}(z) \\\\\n & \\le \\int_{{\\partial\\Omega}}\\fint_{B(z,2^{7+\\ell})}\\operatorname{LIP}(f,{\\partial\\Omega}) {{\\mathrm d}}(z,w) \\, d{\\mathcal{H}}(w)\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}(z) \\\\\n & \\le C {\\mathcal{H}}({\\partial\\Omega}) \\, \\operatorname{LIP}(f,{\\partial\\Omega})\\, 2^{7+\\ell}\\,.\\end{aligned}$$ Therefore, $$\\int_{{\\Omega}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)}\\operatorname{Lip}F\\, d\\mu\\, \\le\\, C {\\mathcal{H}}({\\partial\\Omega}) \\operatorname{LIP}(f,{\\partial\\Omega}) \\, \\sum_{\\ell\\in\\mathcal{J}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)} 2^\\ell.$$ Every ball $B=B(p,r) \\in \\mathcal{I}(\\ell)$ satisfies $2^{\\ell-1} < r \\le\n2^\\ell$ and $\\operatorname{dist}(p, X\\setminus {\\Omega}) = 8 r$. There is $C\\ge1$ such that $C^{-1} \\rho_1 \\le 2^\\ell \\le C \\rho_2$ whenever $\\ell \\in \\mathcal{J}(\\rho_1,\n\\rho_2)$. Thus, $\\sum_{\\ell\\in\\mathcal{J}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)} 2^\\ell \\le C \\rho_2$.\n\nWe next turn our attention to the $L^1$-estimates for $F$.\n\n\\[lem:L1-est\\_Whitney\\] There exists $C>0$ such that $$\\int_\\Omega |F|\\,d\\mu \\leq C\\operatorname{diam}({\\Omega}) \\|f\\|_{L^1({\\partial\\Omega})}.$$\n\nWe first consider a fixed ball $B_{\\ell, m}$ from the Whitney cover. ", "Then $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\int_{B_{\\ell, m}}|F(x)|\\,d\\mu(x) &=\\int_{B_{\\ell, m}}\\left|\\sum_{j,i} \\fint_{U_{j,i}}f(y)\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}(y){\\varphi}_{j,i}(x)\\right|\\,d\\mu(x)\\\\\n&\\leq\\int_{B_{\\ell, m}}\\sum_{j,i}\\left|\\fint_{U_{j,i}}f(y)\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}(y)\\right|{\\varphi}_{j,i}(x)\\,d\\mu(x)\\\\\n&=\\int_{B_{\\ell, m}} \\sum_{\\substack{j,i \\, \\textrm{ s.t.} ", "\\notag\\\\\n 2B_{j,i}\\cap B_{\\ell,m}\\neq \\emptyset}}\\left|\\fint_{U_{j,i}}f(y)\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}(y)\\right|{\\varphi}_{j,i}(x)\\,d\\mu(x).\\end{aligned}$$\n\nRecall that if $2B_{j,i}\\cap B_{\\ell,m}\\neq \\emptyset$, then $|j-\\ell|\\le 1$, so $\\mathcal{H}(U_{j,i})\\approx \\mathcal{H}(U_{\\ell,m}^*)$. Also, for $U_{\\ell,\nm}^*$ as defined in equation , $U_{j,i}\\subset\nU_{\\ell,m}^*$. Furthermore, by the construction of the Whitney decomposition, each point is in a fixed number of dilated Whitney balls $2B_{j,i}$. Hence, $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\int_{B_{\\ell, m}} \\sum_{\\substack{j,i \\,\\textrm{ s.t.} \\\\", "\n 2B_{j,i}\\cap B_{\\ell,m}\\neq \\emptyset}}\\biggl|\\fint_{U_{j,i}} f(y)\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}(y)\\biggr| {\\varphi}_{j,i}(x)\\,d\\mu(x)&\\\\\n\\leq C \\int_{B_{\\ell, m}} \\fint_{U_{\\ell,m}^*}|f(y)|\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}(y)\\, d\\mu(x)\n\\leq& C \\mu(B_{\\ell, m}) \\fint_{U_{\\ell,m}^*}|f(y)|\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}(y).\\end{aligned}$$ In view of , we obtain that $$\\label{eq:Ball-F-est}\n\\int_{B_{\\ell, m}}|F(x)|\\,d\\mu(x)\\le C\\,r_{\\ell,m} \\int_{U_{\\ell,m}^*}|f(y)|\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}(y).$$ Summing up and noting that $\\Omega=\\bigcup_{\\ell,m}B_{\\ell,m}$, we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\int_\\Omega |F|\\,d\\mu\n \\leq C \\sum_{\\ell=-\\infty}^{j_0}\\sum_{m} r_{\\ell,m} \\int_{U_{\\ell,m}^*}\\left|f\\right|\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}\\leq C \\sum_{\\ell=-\\infty}^{j_0}&2^{\\ell} \\sum_{m} \\int_{U_{\\ell,m}^*}\\left|f\\right|\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}\\\\\n \\leq C \\sum_{\\ell=-\\infty}^{j_0}2^{\\ell} \\int_{\\partial\\Omega}\\left|f\\right|\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}\\le& C \\operatorname{diam}({\\Omega}) \\|f\\|_{L^1(\\partial\\Omega)}.", "\n \\pushQED{}\\tag*{$\\square$}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nWe now aim to obtain an analog of Lemma \\[layer-est-grad\\] for the $L^1$-norm of $F$ on the layer ${\\Omega}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)$.\n\n\\[layer-est-Fn-boundaryball\\] Let $z \\in {\\partial\\Omega}$ and $r \\in (0, \\operatorname{diam}({\\Omega})/2)$. Then, $$\\int_{B(z,r)\\cap {\\Omega}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)}|F|\\, d\\mu\\le C \\, \\min\\{r, \\rho_2\\}\\, \\int_{B(z, 2^8r) \\cap {\\partial\\Omega}}|f|\\, d\\mathcal{H}$$ whenever $0\\le \\rho_1 < \\min\\{r, \\rho_2\\}$ and $\\rho_2 < \\operatorname{diam}({\\Omega})/2$.\n\nSince $B(z,r)\\cap {\\Omega}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2) = B(z,r)\\cap\n{\\Omega}(\\rho_1,\\min\\{r,\\rho_2\\})$, we do not lose any generality by assuming that $\\rho_2 \\le r$. Similarly as in the proof of Lemma \\[layer-est-grad\\], we set $\\mathcal{J}^\\prime(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)$ to be the collection of all $\\ell$ for which there is some $m$ such that $B_{\\ell,m}\\cap\\Omega(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)\\cap\nB(z,r)$ is non-empty, and for each $\\ell\\in\\mathcal{J}^\\prime(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)$ we set $\\mathcal{I}'(\\ell)$ to be the collection of all $m\\in{\\mathbb{N}}$ for which $B_{\\ell,m}\\cap\\Omega(\\rho_1,\\rho_2) \\cap B(z,r)$ is non-empty. ", "Then by , $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\int_{B(z,r) \\cap{\\Omega}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2) } |F|\\, d\\mu\n & \\le \\sum_{\\ell\\in \\mathcal{J}^\\prime(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)}\\sum_{m\\in\\mathcal{I}'(\\ell)}\\int_{B_{\\ell,m}}|F|\\, d\\mu\\\\\n & \\le C \\sum_{\\ell\\in \\mathcal{J}^\\prime(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)}\\sum_{m\\in\\mathcal{I}'(\\ell)} r_{\\ell,m}\\int_{U^*_{\\ell,m}}|f|\\, d\\mathcal{H}.\\end{aligned}$$ The triangle inequality yields that $$d(z, q_{\\ell, m}) \\le d(z, p_{\\ell,m}) + d(p_{\\ell,m}, q_{\\ell, m}) \\le 2 d(z, p_{\\ell,m}) \\le 2(r + r_{\\ell,m}),$$ where $B_{\\ell, m} = B(p_{\\ell,m}, r_{\\ell,m})$ and $U_{\\ell, m} =\nB(q_{\\ell,m}, r_{\\ell,m}) \\cap {\\partial\\Omega}$ with $q_{\\ell,m} \\in {\\partial\\Omega}$ being a boundary point lying closest to $p_{\\ell,m}$. Moreover, $8 r_{\\ell,m} =\n\\operatorname{dist}(p_{\\ell,m}, X\\setminus {\\Omega}) \\le d(p_{\\ell,m}, z) \\le r+ r_{\\ell,m}$. Hence, $r_{\\ell,m} \\le \\tfrac17 r$. Consequently, $d(z, q_{\\ell,m}) \\le\n\\tfrac{16}{7} r$ and $U_{\\ell, m} \\subset B(z, (\\tfrac{16}{7} + \\tfrac17)r)$. Thus, $U^*_{\\ell, m} \\subset B(z, 2^8 r)$ and $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\int_{B(z,r) \\cap{\\Omega}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2) } |F|\\, d\\mu\n & \\le C\\sum_{\\ell\\in \\mathcal{J}^\\prime(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)}2^{\\ell}\\, \\int_{B(z, 2^8 r) \\cap {\\partial\\Omega}}|f|\\, d\\mathcal{H} \\\\\n & \\le C \\rho_2 \\int_{B(z, 2^8 r) \\cap {\\partial\\Omega}}|f|\\, d\\mathcal{H},\\end{aligned}$$ where the last inequality can be verified as follows: Every ball $B=B(p,r) \\in\n\\mathcal{I}^\\prime(\\ell)$ satisfies $2^{\\ell-1} < r \\le 2^\\ell$ and $\\operatorname{dist}(p,\nX\\setminus {\\Omega}) = 8 r$. There is $C\\ge1$ such that $C^{-1} \\rho_1 \\le 2^\\ell\n\\le C \\rho_2$ whenever $\\ell\\in\\mathcal{J}^\\prime(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)$. Thus, $\\sum_{\\ell\\in\\mathcal{J}^\\prime(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)} 2^\\ell \\le C \\rho_2$.\n\nBy covering ${\\partial\\Omega}$ by balls of radii $r$, whose overlap is bounded, we obtain the following corollary.", "\n\n\\[layer-est-Fn\\] With the notation of Lemma \\[layer-est-grad\\], we have $$\\int_{{\\Omega}(\\rho_1,\\rho_2)}|F|\\, d\\mu\\le C \\, \\rho_2\\, \\int_{{\\partial\\Omega}}|f|\\, d\\mathcal{H}.$$\n\nTrace of extension is the identity mapping\n------------------------------------------\n\nFrom the above lemma we know that given a function $f\\in {B_{1,1}}^0({\\partial\\Omega})$ the corresponding function $F$ is in the class $N^{1,1}({\\Omega})\\subset BV({\\Omega})$, where $N^{1,1}({\\Omega})$ is a Newtonian class introduced in [@S]. ", "The mapping $f\\mapsto F$ is denoted by the operator $E:{B_{1,1}}^0({\\partial\\Omega})\\to BV({\\Omega})$. This operator is bounded by Proposition \\[prop:extnBounds\\] and Lemma \\[lem:L1-est\\_Whitney\\], and it is linear by construction.", "\n\nWe now wish to show that the trace of $F$ returns the original function $f$, i.e., $T\\circ E$ is the identity function on ${B_{1,1}}^0({\\partial\\Omega})$. It was shown in [@LS] that if ${\\Omega}$ satisfies our standing assumptions, then for each $u\\in BV({\\Omega})$ and for $\\mathcal{H}$-a.e. ", "$z\\in{\\partial\\Omega}$ there is a number $Tu(z)\\in{\\mathbb{R}}$ such that $$\\label{defoftrace}\n \\limsup_{r\\to0^+}\\fint_{B(z,r)\\cap{\\Omega}}|u(y)-Tu(z)|\\, d\\mu(y)=0.$$ The map $u\\mapsto Tu$ is called the *trace* of $BV({\\Omega})$. Moreover, if ${\\Omega}$ supports a $1$-Poincaré inequality, then $Tu\\in L^1({\\partial\\Omega})$ for $u\\in\nBV({\\Omega})$.\n\nNote also that ${B_{1,1}}^0({\\partial\\Omega})\\subset L^1({\\partial\\Omega})$ and the inclusion is strict in general, which is shown in Example \\[exa:Bes0!=L1\\] below. ", "Further properties of the Besov classes are explored in Section \\[sec:spaces\\].", "\n\nFor the sake of clarity, let us explicitly point out that the following lemma shows that the BV extension of a function of the Besov class $B^0_{1,1}({\\partial\\Omega})$, as constructed above, has a well-defined trace even though no Poincaré inequality for ${\\Omega}$ or for $X$ is assumed.", "\n\n\\[trace-Besov\\] For $f$ and $F$ as above, and for ${\\mathcal{H}}$-a.e. ", "$z\\in \\partial\\Omega$, $$\\lim_{r\\to 0^+} \\fint_{B(z,r)\\cap\\Omega}|F(x)-f(z)|\\,d\\mu(x)=0.$$ That is, $TEf(z)$ exists for ${\\mathcal{H}}$-a.e.", " $z\\in{\\partial\\Omega}$.\n\nSince $f\\in {B_{1,1}}^0({\\partial\\Omega})\\subset L^1({\\partial\\Omega})$, we know by the doubling property of $\\mathcal{H}\\vert_{{\\partial\\Omega}}$ that $\\mathcal{H}$-a.e. ", "$z\\in{\\partial\\Omega}$ is a Lebesgue point of $f$. Let $z$ be such a point. ", "Since $\\smash{\\sum_{j,i}}{\\varphi}_{j,i}=\\chi_{\\Omega}$, we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\fint_{B(z,r)\\cap\\Omega}|F-f(z)|\\,d\\mu & =\n \\fint_{B(z,r)\\cap\\Omega}\\left|\\sum_{j,i} \\left(\\fint_{U_{j,i}}f\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}\\right){\\varphi}_{j,i}(x)-f(z)\\right|\\,d\\mu(x) \\\\\n &= \\fint_{B(z,r)\\cap\\Omega}\\left|\\sum_{j,i} \\left(\\fint_{U_{j,i}}(f-f(z))\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}\\right){\\varphi}_{j,i}(x)\\right|\\,d\\mu(x) \\\\\n &\\le \\fint_{B(z,r)\\cap\\Omega}\\sum_{j,i} \\left(\\fint_{U_{j,i}}\\left|f-f(z)\\right|\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}\\right){\\varphi}_{j,i}(x)\\,d\\mu(x)\\,.\\end{aligned}$$ By the properties of the Whitney covering ${\\mathcal{W}}_{\\Omega}$, $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\int_{B(z,r)\\cap{\\Omega}}&\\sum_{j,i} \\left(\\fint_{U_{j,i}}\\left|f-f(z)\\right|\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}\\right){\\varphi}_{j,i}(x)\\,d\\mu(x) \\\\\n & \\le \\sum_{\\substack{\\ell,m\\, \\textrm{ s.t.}\\\\ B_{\\ell,m}\\cap B(z,r)\\ne\\emptyset}} \\int_{B_{\\ell,m}}\n \\sum_{j,i} \\left(\\fint_{U_{j,i}}\\left|f-f(z)\\right|\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}\\right){\\varphi}_{j,i}(x)\\,d\\mu(x)\\\\\n & \\le \\sum_{\\substack{\\ell,m\\, \\textrm{ s.t.}\\\\B_{\\ell,m}\\cap B(z,r)\\ne\\emptyset}} \\int_{B_{\\ell,m}}\n \\sum_{\\substack{j,i\\,\\textrm{ s.t.} \\\\ ", "2B_{j,i}\\cap B_{\\ell,m}\\ne\\emptyset}} \\left(\\fint_{U_{j,i}}\\left|f-f(z)\\right|\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}\\right)\\,d\\mu(x).\\end{aligned}$$ If $2B_{j,i}\\cap B_{\\ell,m}$ is non-empty, then $U_{j,i}\\subset U_{\\ell,m}^*$ and $\\mathcal{H}(U_{j,i})\\approx \\mathcal{H}(U_{\\ell,m}^*)$. Therefore by  we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\int_{B(z,r)\\cap{\\Omega}}\\sum_{j,i} &\\left(\\fint_{U_{j,i}}\\left|f-f(z)\\right|\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}\\right){\\varphi}_{j,i}(x)\\,d\\mu(x) \\\\\n &\\le C\\sum_{\\substack{\\ell,m\\, \\textrm{ s.t.}\\\\ B_{\\ell,m}\\cap B(z,r)\\ne\\emptyset}}\n \\left(\\fint_{U_{\\ell,m}^*}\\left|f-f(z)\\right|\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}\\right)\\mu(B_{\\ell,m})\\\\\n &\\le C\\sum_{\\substack{\\ell,m\\, \\textrm{ s.t.}\\\\ B_{\\ell,m}\\cap B(z,r)\\ne\\emptyset}} r_{\\ell,m}\\int_{U_{\\ell,m}^*}\\left|f-f(z)\\right|\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nLet $\\mathcal{J}(B(z,r))$ denote the collection of all $\\ell\\in{\\mathbb{Z}}$ for which there is some $m\\in{\\mathbb{N}}$ such that $B_{\\ell,m}\\cap B(z,r)$ is non-empty. ", "For each $\\ell\\in\\mathcal{J}(B(z,r))$, set $\\mathcal{I}(\\ell)$ to be the collection of all $m\\in{\\mathbb{N}}$ for which $B_{\\ell,m}\\cap B(z,r)$ is non-empty. ", "Then, $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\int_{B(z,r)\\cap{\\Omega}}\\sum_{j,i} &\\left(\\fint_{U_{j,i}}\\left|f-f(z)\\right|\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}\\right){\\varphi}_{j,i}(x)\\,d\\mu(x) \\\\\n&\\le C\\sum_{\\ell\\in\\mathcal{J}(B(z,r))}2^{\\ell} \\sum_{m\\in\\mathcal{I}(\\ell)}\\int_{U_{\\ell,m}^*}\\left|f-f(z)\\right|\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}\\\\\n&\\le C\\sum_{\\ell\\in\\mathcal{J}(B(z,r))}2^{\\ell} \\int_{B(z,2^7r)\\cap{\\partial\\Omega}}|f-f(z)|\\, d{\\mathcal{H}}\\\\\n&\\le C\\, r\\, \\int_{B(z,2^7r)\\cap{\\partial\\Omega}}|f-f(z)|\\, d{\\mathcal{H}}.\\end{aligned}$$ In the above, we used the fact that $\\sum_{\\ell\\in\\mathcal{J}(B(z,r))}2^{\\ell}\\approx r$, since only the indices $\\ell\\in{\\mathbb{Z}}$ for which $2^{\\ell}\\approx\\operatorname{dist}(B_{\\ell,m},X\\setminus{\\Omega})\\le r$ are allowed to be in $\\mathcal{J}(B(z,r))$. From the fact that $z$ is a Lebesgue point of $f$, we now have $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\fint_{B(z,r)\\cap\\Omega}|F-f(z)|\\,d\\mu&\\le C \\frac{r}{\\mu(B(z,r)\\cap{\\Omega})}\\int_{B(z,2^7r)\\cap{\\partial\\Omega}}|f-f(z)|\\, d{\\mathcal{H}}\\\\\n &\\le C\\fint_{B(z,2^7r)\\cap{\\partial\\Omega}}|f-f(z)|\\, d{\\mathcal{H}}\\to 0\\text{ as }r\\to 0^+.\\end{aligned}$$ This completes the proof of the lemma.", "\n\nComparison of ${B_{1,1}}^0({\\partial\\Omega})$ and other function spaces {#sec:spaces}\n=======================================================================\n\nWe now wish to show that ${B_{1,1}}^0({\\partial\\Omega})$ has more interesting functions than mere constant functions. ", "What functions are in $B_{1,1}^0(\\partial\\Omega)$? ", "Since the results of this section deal with function spaces based on more general doubling metric measure spaces, we consider the underlying metric measure space $(Z,{{\\mathrm d}},\\nu)$. The other function spaces include $L^1$, BV, and the fractional John–Nirenberg spaces as well as the class of Lipschitz functions.", "\n\nLet $Z = (Z, {{\\mathrm d}}, \\nu)$ be a metric space endowed with a doubling measure. ", "In applications in this paper, $Z$ will be $\\partial \\Omega \\subset X$ and $\\nu$ will be the Hausdorff co-dimension $1$ measure $\\mathcal{H}\\vert_{{\\partial\\Omega}}$.\n\nPreliminary results\n-------------------\n\n\\[cor:ballcovering\\] For every $\\tau > 3$, there is $C = C(C_D, \\tau) \\ge 1$ such that for every $r>0$ there is an at most countable set of points $\\{x_j\\}_j \\subset Z$ (alternatively, $\\{x_j\\}_j \\subset \\Omega$, where $\\Omega \\subset Z$ is arbitrary) such that\n\n- $B(x_j, r) \\cap B(x_k, r) = \\emptyset$ whenever $j\\neq k$;\n\n- $Z = \\bigcup_j B(x_j, \\tau r)$ (alternatively, $\\Omega \\subset \\bigcup_j B(x_j, \\tau r)$);\n\n- $\\sum_j \\chi_{B(x_j, \\tau r)} \\le C$.", "\n\nThe above lemma is widely known to experts in the field, but we were unable to find it in current literature; hence we provide a sketch of its proof.", "\n\nAn application of Zorn’s lemma or [@HKST Lemma 4.1.12] gives a countable set $A\\subset Z$ such that for distinct points $x,y\\in A$ we have ${{\\mathrm d}}(x,y)\\ge\nr$, and for each $z\\in Z$ there is some $x\\in A$ such that ${{\\mathrm d}}(z,x)<r$. The countable collection $\\{B(x,r)\\, :\\, x\\in A\\}$ can be seen to satisfy the requirements set forth in the lemma because of the doubling property of $\\nu$.\n\n\\[lem:BesovIndepR\\] Let $f\\in L^1(Z)$. Then, $$\\begin{aligned}\n &\\int_0^r \\int_Z \\fint_{B(x, t)} |f(y) - f(x)|\\,d\\nu(y) \\,d\\nu(x) \\frac{dt}{t^{1+\\theta}}\n < \\infty \\quad\\mbox{if and only if} \\\\\n &\\int_0^R \\int_Z \\fint_{B(x, t)} |f(y) - f(x)|\\,d\\nu(y) \\,d\\nu(x) \\frac{dt}{t^{1+\\theta}} < \\infty\\,,\\end{aligned}$$ where $0<r<R<\\infty$. If $\\theta > 0$, then the equivalence holds true even for $R=\\infty$.\n\nBy the triangle inequality, we obtain for $t>0$ that $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\int_Z \\fint_{B(x, t)} |f(y) - f(x)|\\,d\\nu(y) \\,d\\nu(x)\n &\\le \\int_Z \\fint_{B(x, t)} \\bigl(|f(y)| + |f(x)|\\bigr)\\,d\\nu(y)\\, d\\nu(x) \\\\\n & = \\int_Z \\biggl(|f(x)| + \\fint_{B(x, t)} |f(y)| \\,d\\nu(y)\\biggr)d\\nu(x)\\\\\n & = \\|f\\|_{L^1(Z)} + \\int_Z \\fint_{B(x, t)} |f(y)| \\,d\\nu(y)\\,d\\nu(x).\\end{aligned}$$ The Fubini theorem and the doubling condition then yield $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\int_Z \\fint_{B(x, t)} |f(y)| \\,d\\nu(y)\\,d\\nu(x)\n& \\approx \\int_{Z\\times Z} \\frac{|f(y)| \\chi_{(0,t)}({{\\mathrm d}}(x,y))}{\\nu(B(y,t))}\\, d(\\nu\\times\\nu)(x,y) \\\\\n & = \\int_Z |f(y)| \\fint_{B(y, t)} \\,d\\nu(x)\\,d\\nu(y) = \\|f\\|_{L^1(Z)}\\,.\\end{aligned}$$ For $r>0$ set $$I(r):=\\int_0^r \\int_Z \\fint_{B(x, t)} |f(y) - f(x)|\\,d\\nu(y) \\,d\\nu(x) \\frac{dt}{t^{1+\\theta}}.$$ Then, $$\\begin{aligned}\nI(R)&=I(r)+\n \\int_r^R \\int_Z \\fint_{B(x, t)} |f(y) - f(x)|\\,d\\nu(y) \\,d\\nu(x) \\frac{dt}{t^{1+\\theta}}\\\\\n &\\le I(r)+C\\int_r^R \\|f\\|_{L^1(Z)} \\frac{dt}{t^{1+\\theta}}\n = I(r)+C \\|f\\|_{L^1(Z)} \\Bigl(\\frac{1}{r^{\\theta}} - \\frac{1}{R^\\theta}\\Bigr),\\end{aligned}$$ with obvious modification for $\\theta=0$.\n\n\\[lem:BesovEquiv\\] Let $R \\le 2 \\operatorname{diam}(Z)$ and $\\theta \\in [0, 1]$. Then, $$I(R) \\approx \\int_Z \\int_{B(x,R)} \\frac{|f(y) - f(x)|}{ \\nu(B(x, {{\\mathrm d}}(x,y))) {{\\mathrm d}}(x,y)^\\theta}\\,d\\nu(y)\\,d\\nu(x) .$$\n\nThe equivalence follows from the Fubini theorem, see also [@GKS Theorem 5.2].", "\n\n\\[lem:BesovEquivFixedBalls\\] There is a constant $C\\ge 1$ and there are collections of balls ${{\\mathcal B}}^k$, $k=0,1,\\ldots$, such that $$C^{-1}I(1)\n \\le\\sum_{k=0}^\\infty \\sum_{B\\in{{\\mathcal B}}^k} \\frac{1}{\\operatorname{rad}(B)^\\theta}\\int_B |f-f_B|\\,d\\nu\n \\le C I(4).$$ Moreover, $\\operatorname{rad}(B) \\approx 2^{-k}$ whenever $B\\in{{\\mathcal B}}^k$, and the balls within each collection ${{\\mathcal B}}^k$ have bounded overlap (also after inflation by a given factor $\\tau\\ge1$).", "\n\nBy Lemma \\[cor:ballcovering\\], there is a constant $C = C(C_D, \\tau)\\ge1$ and collections of balls $\\widetilde{{{\\mathcal B}}}^k$, $k=0, 1,\\ldots$, such that $\\operatorname{rad}(B) = 2^{-k}$ for every $B \\in \\widetilde{{{\\mathcal B}}}^k$ and $1 \\le \\sum_{B \\in\n\\widetilde{{{\\mathcal B}}}^k} \\chi_{2\\tau B}(x) \\le C$ for all $x\\in Z$. Then, by , $$\\begin{aligned}\n I(1)\n& \\le \\sum_{k=0}^\\infty 2^{k\\theta} \\sum_{B\\in\\widetilde{{{\\mathcal B}}}^k} \\int_B \\fint_{B(x,2^{-k})} |f(y) - f(x)| \\,d\\nu(y)\\,d\\nu(x) \\\\\n & \\le C \\sum_{k=0}^\\infty 2^{k\\theta} \\sum_{B\\in\\widetilde{{{\\mathcal B}}}^k} \\int_B \\fint_{2B} |f(y) - f(x)| \\,d\\nu(y)\\,d\\nu(x) \\\\\n & \\le C \\sum_{k=0}^\\infty \\sum_{B\\in\\widetilde{{{\\mathcal B}}}^k} \\frac{1}{(2^{-k})^\\theta}\\int_{2B} \\fint_{2B} |f(y) - f(x)| \\,d\\nu(y)\\,d\\nu(x)\\\\\n & \\le C \\sum_{k=0}^\\infty \\sum_{B\\in\\widetilde{{{\\mathcal B}}}^k} \\frac{1}{\\operatorname{rad}(B)^\\theta} \\int_{2B} |f-f_{2B}|\\,d\\nu.\\end{aligned}$$ Thus, we choose ${{\\mathcal B}}^k = \\{2B: B\\in \\widetilde{{{\\mathcal B}}}^k\\}$, $k=0, 1,\\ldots$, to conclude the proof of the first inequality.", "\n\nThe proof of the second inequality follows analogous steps backwards. ", "Recall that $\\operatorname{rad}(B) = 2^{1-k}$ whenever $B\\in{{\\mathcal B}}^k$. Thus, $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\sum_{k=0}^\\infty \\sum_{B\\in{{\\mathcal B}}^k}& \\frac{1}{\\operatorname{rad}(B)^\\theta} \\int_{B} |f-f_{B}|\\,d\\nu \\\\\n& \\approx \\sum_{k=0}^\\infty \\sum_{B\\in{{\\mathcal B}}^k} 2^{k\\theta} \\int_B \\fint_B |f(y) - f(x)|\\,d\\nu(y)\\,d\\nu(x) \\\\\n& \\le C \\sum_{k=0}^\\infty 2^{k\\theta} \\sum_{B\\in{{\\mathcal B}}^k} \\int_B \\fint_{B(x,2^{2-k})} |f(y) - f(x)|\\,d\\nu(y)\\,d\\nu(x) \\\\\n\\displaybreak[1] & \\le C \\sum_{k=0}^\\infty 2^{k\\theta} \\int_Z \\fint_{B(x,2^{2-k})} |f(y) - f(x)|\\,d\\nu(y)\\,d\\nu(x),\\end{aligned}$$ where we used the fact that the balls have uniformly bounded overlap within each collection ${{\\mathcal B}}^k$.\n\nLet $0 \\le \\theta < \\eta \\le 1$. Then, $\\|u\\|_{B_{1,1}^\\theta} \\le C\n(1+R^{\\eta-\\theta}) \\|u\\|_{B_{1,1}^\\eta}$ and $ \\|u\\|_{A^{\\theta}_{1,\\tau}} \\le\nC (1+R^{\\eta-\\theta}) \\|u\\|_{A^{\\eta}_{1,\\tau}}$ for any $\\tau \\ge 1$.\n\nComparison of function spaces with ${B_{1,1}}^\\theta(Z)$\n--------------------------------------------------------\n\nLet $\\theta \\in [0,1]$ and $\\tau \\ge 1$ be arbitrary. ", "Then there is a constant $C\\ge 1$, which depends on $\\theta$ and $\\tau$, such that $$\\|u\\|_{A^{\\theta}_{1,\\tau}} \\le C \\|u\\|_{B_{1,1}^\\theta}.$$\n\nLet ${{\\mathcal B}}_\\tau$ be a fixed collection of non-overlapping balls in $Z$ of radius at most $R/\\tau$. Then, $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\sum_{B\\in{{\\mathcal B}}_\\tau} \\frac{1}{\\operatorname{rad}(B)^\\theta} &\\int_{\\tau B}|u-u_{\\tau B}|\\,d\\nu\\\\\n& \\approx \\sum_{B\\in{{\\mathcal B}}_\\tau} \\frac{1}{(\\tau\\operatorname{rad}(B))^\\theta} \\int_{\\tau B}\\fint_{\\tau B}|u(x)-u(y)|\\,d\\nu(y)\\,d\\nu(x) \\\\\n & = \\int_Z \\sum_{B\\in{{\\mathcal B}}_\\tau} \\frac{\\chi_{\\tau B}(x)}{(\\tau\\operatorname{rad}(B))^\\theta}\\fint_{\\tau B}|u(x)-u(y)|\\,d\\nu(y)\\,d\\nu(x) \\\\\n & \\le \\int_Z \\sum_{B\\in{{\\mathcal B}}_\\tau} \\chi_{\\tau B}(x)\\int_{\\tau B}\\frac{|u(x)-u(y)|}{\\nu(B(x, {{\\mathrm d}}(x,y))){{\\mathrm d}}(x,y)^\\theta}\\,d\\nu(y)\\,d\\nu(x) \\\\\n & \\le \\int_Z \\int_{B(x,2R)}\\frac{|u(x)-u(y)|}{\\nu(B(x, {{\\mathrm d}}(x,y))){{\\mathrm d}}(x,y)^\\theta}\\,d\\nu(y)\\,d\\nu(x) \\approx I(2R),\\end{aligned}$$ where we used that $\\nu$ is doubling and $B(x, {{\\mathrm d}}(x,y)) \\subset 3\\tau B$ for all $x,y\\in\\tau B$. Taking supremum over all collections of balls concludes the proof.", "\n\nAssume that $Z$ is bounded. ", "Let $0 \\le \\theta < \\eta \\le 1$ and $\\tau \\ge 1$. Then, $A_{1,\\tau}^\\eta(Z) \\subset B_{1,1}^\\theta(Z)$.\n\nWe use the characterization of Besov functions from Lemma \\[lem:BesovEquivFixedBalls\\]. ", "$$\\begin{aligned}\n \\sum_{k=0}^\\infty &\\sum_{B\\in{{\\mathcal B}}^k} \\frac{1}{\\operatorname{rad}(B)^\\theta}\\int_B |f-f_B|\\,d\\nu \\\\\n & \\le C \\sum_{k=0}^\\infty\n \\sum_{B\\in{{\\mathcal B}}^k} \\frac{2^{k(\\theta-\\eta)}}{\\operatorname{rad}(B)^\\eta}\\int_B |f-f_B|\\,d\\nu\n \\le C \\sum_{k=0}^\\infty 2^{k(\\theta-\\eta)} \\|f\\|_{A_{1,\\tau}^\\eta(Z)}. ", "\\qedhere\\end{aligned}$$\n\nFor every $\\tau \\ge 1$, we have $L^1(Z) = A_{1,\\tau}^0(Z)$.\n\nLet ${{\\mathcal B}}_\\tau$ be a fixed collection of balls in $Z$ that remain pairwise disjoint after being inflated $\\tau$-times. ", "Then, the triangle inequality yields that $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\sum_{B\\in{{\\mathcal B}}_\\tau} \\frac{1}{\\operatorname{rad}(B)^0} \\int_{\\tau B}|u-u_{\\tau B}|\\,d\\nu\n &\\approx \\sum_{B\\in{{\\mathcal B}}_\\tau} \\biggl(\\int_{\\tau B}|u| + \\biggl|\\fint_{\\tau B} u\\,d\\nu\\biggr|\\biggr)\\,d\\nu\\\\\n &= \\sum_{B\\in{{\\mathcal B}}_\\tau} 2 \\int_{\\tau B}|u| \\,d\\nu \\le 2 \\int_{Z} |u| \\,d\\nu\\,.\\end{aligned}$$ Hence, $\\|u\\|_{A_{1,\\tau}^0(Z)} \\le 3 \\|u\\|_{L^1(Z)}$.\n\nConversely, $\\|u\\|_{A_{1,\\tau}^0(Z)} \\ge \\|u\\|_{L^1(Z)}$ by the definition .", "\n\nThe following example shows that the inclusion $B_{1,1}^0(Z) \\subset\nA_{1,\\tau}^0(Z)$ may, in general, be strict.", "\n\n\\[exa:Bes0!=L1\\] Let $$f(x) = \\sum_{j=1}^\\infty \\chi_{[1/(j+1), 1/j)}(x) u(4^j x), \\quad x\\in(0,1),$$ where $u$ is the $1$-periodic extension of $\\chi_{[0,1/2)}$. Obviously, $f\\in\nL^\\infty(0,1)$. Hence, $f \\in L^1(0,1) = A_{1,\\tau}^0(0,1)$. On the other hand, $u \\notin B_{1,1}^0(0,1)$, which we are about to show.", "\n\nWe will use the characterization of $B_{1,1}^0(0,1)$ from Lemma \\[lem:BesovEquivFixedBalls\\]. ", "There, we may choose ${{\\mathcal B}}^k = \\{ (l\n2^{-k}, (l+2) 2^{-k}): l=0,1,\\ldots, 2^k-2\\}$ to get $\\fint_B |f-f_B| \\approx\n1$ whenever $B \\subset (0, 1/j)$ and $B\\in{{\\mathcal B}}^k$ for some $k\\le j$. Then, $$\\sum_{k=0}^\\infty \\sum_{B\\in{{\\mathcal B}}^k} \\int_{B} |f-f_B|\n\\ge C^{-1} \\sum_{k=0}^\\infty \\sum_{\\substack{B\\in{{\\mathcal B}}^k\\\\ B \\subset (0,k^{-1})}} |B|\n\\approx \\sum_{k=0}^\\infty \\frac{1}{k} = \\infty.$$\n\nNext, we will provide a family of examples that show that $BV(Z)$ is, in general, a strictly smaller space than $B_{1,1}^\\theta(Z)$ for every $\\theta\\in[0,1)$.\n\nLet $\\alpha \\in (\\theta, 1)$. Then, the Weierstrass function $$u_\\alpha (x) = \\sum_{k=1}^\\infty \\frac{\\cos(2^k \\pi x)}{2^{k\\alpha}}\\,, \\quad x\\in[0,1],$$ is $\\alpha$-Hölder continuous but nowhere differentiable in $[0,1]$ by Hardy [@Har]. ", "Hence, $u_\\alpha \\notin BV[0,1]$ as it would have been differentiable a.e. ", "otherwise. ", "Since $\\alpha > \\theta$, we have ${{\\mathcal C}}^{0,\\alpha}[0,1] \\subset B_{1,1}^\\theta[0,1]$ by [@GKS Lemma 6.2].", "\n\nIn conclusion, we have now proved the following theorem.", "\n\nLet $\\tau\\ge 1$ and $\\theta \\in (0,1]$ be arbitrary. ", "Then, $$L^1(Z) = A_{1,\\tau}^0(Z) \\supset B_{1,1}^0(Z) \\supset A_{1,\\tau}^\\theta (Z) \\supset A_{1,\\tau}^1 (Z) \\subset BV(Z),$$ where all but the last of the inclusions are strict in general. ", "Furthermore, Lipschitz functions on $Z$ belong to ${B_{1,1}}^0(Z)$.\n\nWe know from [@HKT Theorem 1.1] that $A_{1,\\tau}^1(Z)\\subset BV(Z)$. Note however that $A_{1,\\tau}^1 (Z) = BV(Z)$ holds by [@HKT Corollary 1.3] whenever $Z$ supports a $1$-Poincaré inequality.", "\n\nExtension theorem for $L^1$ boundary data: proof of Theorem \\[thm:main2\\] {#sec:l1-extension}\n=========================================================================\n\nGiven an $L^1$-function on ${\\partial\\Omega}$, we will construct its BV extension in ${\\Omega}$ using the linear extension operator for $B_{1,1}^0({\\partial\\Omega})$ boundary data. ", "Observe however that the mapping $f\\in L^1({\\partial\\Omega}) \\mapsto F\\in BV({\\Omega})$ will be nonlinear, which is not surprising in view of [@Pee].", "\n\nInstead of constructing the extension using a Whitney decomposition of $\\Omega$, we will set up a sequence of layers inside ${\\Omega}$ whose widths depend not only on their distance from $X\\setminus {\\Omega}$, but also on the function itself (more accurately, on the choice of the sequence of Lipschitz approximations of the function in $L^1$-class). ", "Using a partition of unity subordinate to these layers, we will glue together BV extensions (from Theorem \\[thm:main1\\]) of Lipschitz functions on ${\\partial\\Omega}$ that approximate the boundary data in $L^1({\\partial\\Omega})$. Roughly speaking, the closer the layer lies to $X\\setminus {\\Omega}$, the better we need the approximating Lipschitz data to be. ", "The core idea of such a construction can be traced back to Gagliardo [@Gag] who discussed extending $L^1({\\mathbb{R}}^{n-1})$ functions to $W^{1,1}({\\mathbb{R}}^n_+)$.\n\nFirst, we approximate $f$ in $L^1({\\partial\\Omega})$ by a sequence of Lipschitz continuous functions $\\{f_k\\}_{k=1}^\\infty$ such that $\\|f_{k+1} - f_k\\|_{L^1({\\partial\\Omega})} \\le\n2^{2-k} \\|f\\|_{L^1({\\partial\\Omega})}$. Note that this requirement of rate of convergence of $f_k$ to $f$ also ensures that $f_k\\to f$ pointwise $\\mathcal{H}$-a.e. ", "in ${\\partial\\Omega}$. For technical reasons, we choose $f_1 \\equiv 0$.\n\nNext, we choose a decreasing sequence of real numbers $\\{\\rho_k\\}_{k=1}^\\infty$ such that:\n\n- $\\rho_1 \\le \\operatorname{diam}(\\Omega)/2$;\n\n- $0<\\rho_{k+1} \\le \\rho_k /2$;\n\n- $\\sum_k \\rho_k \\operatorname{LIP}(f_{k+1}, {\\partial\\Omega}) \\le C \\|f\\|_{L^1({\\partial\\Omega})}$.\n\nThese will now be used to define layers in $\\Omega$. Let $$\\psi_k (x) = \\max\\biggl\\{ 0, \\min\\biggl\\{1, \\frac{\\rho_k - \\operatorname{dist}(x, X\\setminus {\\Omega})}{\\rho_k - \\rho_{k+1}} \\biggr\\} \\biggr\\},\n \\quad x \\in {\\Omega}.$$ Then, the sequence of functions $\\{\\psi_{k-1} - \\psi_k: k=2,3,\\ldots\\}$ serves as a partition of unity in ${\\Omega}(0, \\rho_2)$ subordinate to the system of layers given by $\\{ {\\Omega}(\\rho_{k+1}, \\rho_{k-1}): k=2,3,\\ldots\\}$.\n\nRecall that Lipschitz continuous functions lie in the Besov class $B_{1,1}^0$. Thus, we can apply the linear extension operator $E: B_{1,1}^0({\\partial\\Omega}) \\to\nBV({\\Omega})$, whose properties were established in Section \\[sec:B110-extension\\], to define the extension of $f \\in L^1({\\partial\\Omega})$ by extending its Lipschitz approximations in layers, i.e., $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\notag\n F(x) & := \\sum_{k=2}^\\infty \\bigl(\\psi_{k-1}(x) - \\psi_{k}(x)\\bigr) Ef_k(x) \\\\\n & \\phantom{:}= \\sum_{k=1}^\\infty \\psi_k(x) \\bigl(Ef_{k+1}(x) - Ef_{k}(x)\\bigr), \\quad x\\in{\\Omega}.", "\n \\label{eq:L1-ext}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nThe following result shows that the above extension is in the class $BV({\\Omega})$ with appropriate norm bounds (see Remark \\[rem:lip-upp2\\]). ", "Indeed, we will see that the extension given below lies in $N^{1,1}({\\Omega})\\subset BV({\\Omega})$.\n\n\\[prop:trace-L1\\] Given $f \\in L^1({\\partial\\Omega})$, the extension defined by satisfies $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\| F\\|_{L^1(\\Omega)} & \\le C \\operatorname{diam}(\\Omega) \\|f\\|_{L^1({\\partial\\Omega})} \\quad\\mbox{and}\\\\\n \\|\\operatorname{Lip}F\\|_{L^1(\\Omega)} & \\le C (1+{\\mathcal{H}}(\\partial{\\Omega})) \\|f\\|_{L^1({\\partial\\Omega})}.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nCorollary \\[layer-est-Fn\\] allows us to obtain the desired $L^1$ estimate for $F$. Since the extension on ${B_{1,1}}^0({\\partial\\Omega})$ is linear, we have that $Ef_{k+1}-Ef_{k}=E(f_{k+1}-f_{k})$. Therefore, $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\| F\\|_{L^1(\\Omega)} &\\le \\sum_{k=1}^\\infty \\| \\psi_k E(f_{k+1}-f_{k})\\|_{L^1(\\Omega)}\n \\le \\sum_{k=1}^\\infty \\| E(f_{k+1}-f_{k})\\|_{L^1(\\Omega(0, \\rho_{k}))} \\\\\n \\le &C \\sum_{k=1}^\\infty \\rho_{k} \\|f_{k+1}-f_{k}\\|_{L^1({\\partial\\Omega})} \\le C \\rho_1 \\|f\\|_{L^1({\\partial\\Omega})}\n \\le C \\operatorname{diam}({\\Omega}) \\|f\\|_{L^1({\\partial\\Omega})}\\,.\\end{aligned}$$ In order to obtain the $L^1$ estimate for $\\operatorname{Lip}F$, we first apply the product rule for locally Lipschitz functions, which yields that $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\operatorname{Lip}F & = \\sum_{k=1}^\\infty\\bigl( |E(f_{k+1}-f_{k})|\\operatorname{Lip}\\psi_k + \\psi_k \\operatorname{Lip}(E(f_{k+1}-f_{k})) \\bigr)\\\\\n & \\le \\sum_{k=1}^\\infty \\biggl(\\frac{|E(f_{k+1}-f_{k})| \\chi_{\\Omega(\\rho_{k+1}, \\rho_k)}}{\\rho_k-\\rho_{k+1}}\n + \\chi_{\\Omega(0, \\rho_k)} \\operatorname{Lip}(E(f_{k+1}-f_{k}))\\biggr)\\end{aligned}$$ It follows from Corollary \\[layer-est-Fn\\] that $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\sum_{k=1}^\\infty \\biggl\\| \\frac{E(f_{k+1}-f_{k})}{\\rho_k-\\rho_{k+1}} \\biggr\\|_{L^1(\\Omega(\\rho_{k+1}, \\rho_k))}\n& \\le C \\sum_{k=1}^\\infty \\frac{\\rho_k}{\\rho_k-\\rho_{k+1}} \\|f_{k+1}-f_{k}\\|_{L^1({\\partial\\Omega})} \\\\\n& \\le C \\sum_{k=1}^\\infty \\|f_{k+1}-f_{k}\\|_{L^1({\\partial\\Omega})} \\le C \\|f\\|_{L^1({\\partial\\Omega})}\\,.\\end{aligned}$$ Next, we apply Corollary \\[cor:layer-est-grad-lip\\] to see that $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\sum_{k=1}^\\infty \\bigl\\| \\operatorname{Lip}E(f_{k+1}-f_{k}) \\bigr\\|_{L^1(\\Omega(0, \\rho_k))}\n \\le C & \\sum_{k=1}^\\infty \\rho_k {\\mathcal{H}}({\\partial\\Omega}) \\operatorname{LIP}(f_{k+1}-f_{k},{\\partial\\Omega}) \\\\\n \\le C {\\mathcal{H}}({\\partial\\Omega}) & \\sum_{k=1}^\\infty \\rho_k \\bigl(\\operatorname{LIP}(f_{k+1},{\\partial\\Omega})+\\operatorname{LIP}(f_{k},{\\partial\\Omega})\\bigr) \\\\\n \\le C {\\mathcal{H}}({\\partial\\Omega}) & \\|f\\|_{L^1({\\partial\\Omega})},\\end{aligned}$$ where we used the defining properties of $\\{\\rho_k\\}_{k=1}^\\infty$ to obtain the ultimate inequality. ", "Altogether, $\\|\\operatorname{Lip}F\\|_{L^1({\\Omega})} \\le C (1+\n{\\mathcal{H}}({\\partial\\Omega})) \\|f\\|_{L^1({\\partial\\Omega})}$.\n\nTrace of the extended functions {#subsec-L1Trace}\n-------------------------------\n\nIn this section we complete the proof of Theorem \\[thm:main2\\] by showing that the trace of the extended function yields the original function back.", "\n\nLet $F \\in BV({\\Omega})$ be the extension of $f\\in L^1({\\partial\\Omega})$ as constructed in . ", "Then, $$\\lim_{r\\to 0} \\fint_{B(z,r)\\cap {\\Omega}} |F - f(z)| \\,d\\mu = 0$$ for ${\\mathcal{H}}$-a.e. ", "$z\\in {\\partial\\Omega}$.\n\nLet $E_0$ be the collection of all $z\\in{\\partial\\Omega}$ for which $\\lim_kf_k(z)=f(z)$, and for $k\\in{\\mathbb{N}}$ let $E_k$ be the collection of all $z\\in{\\partial\\Omega}$ for which $TEf_k(z)=f_k(z)$ exists. ", "Lemma \\[trace-Besov\\] yields that ${\\mathcal{H}}({\\partial\\Omega}\\setminus \\bigcap_{k=0}^\\infty E_k) = 0$. We define also an auxiliary sequence $\\{F_n\\}_{n=1}^\\infty$ of functions approximating $F$ by $$F_n = \\sum_{k=2}^n (\\psi_{k-1}-\\psi_k) E{f_k} + \\sum_{k=n+1}^\\infty (\\psi_{k-1}-\\psi_k) E{f_n}, \\quad n\\in{\\mathbb{N}}.$$ It can be shown that $F_n\\to F$ in $BV({\\Omega})$, but we will not need this fact here. ", "Note that $F_n = Ef_n$ in ${\\Omega}(0, \\rho_n)$ and hence the trace of $F_n$ exists on ${\\partial\\Omega}$ and coincides with the trace of $Ef_n$, i.e., with $f_n$.\n\nFix a point $z \\in \\bigcap_{k=0}^\\infty E_k$ and let ${\\varepsilon}>0$. Then, we can find $j \\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ such that $|f_k(z) - f(z)| < {\\varepsilon}$ for every $k\\ge j$. Next, we choose $k_0>j$ such that $R := \\rho_{k_0}$ satisfies:\n\n- $R \\operatorname{LIP}(f_j, {\\partial\\Omega}) < {\\varepsilon}$;\n\n- $\\fint_{B(z,r)} |F_j - f_j(z)|\\,d\\mu < {\\varepsilon}$ for every $r < R$;\n\n- $\\sum_{k=k_0}^\\infty \\rho_k \\operatorname{LIP}(f_{k+1}, {\\partial\\Omega}) < {\\varepsilon}$.\n\nFor every $r \\in (0, \\rho_{k_0+1}) \\subset (0, R/2)$, we can then estimate $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\notag\n \\fint_{B(z,r)\\cap{\\Omega}} &|F-f(z)|\\,d\\mu \\\\\n \\notag\n & \\le \\fint_{B(z,r)\\cap{\\Omega}} |F-F_j|\\,d\\mu + \\fint_{B(z,r)\\cap{\\Omega}} |F_j - f_j(z)|\\,d\\mu + |f_j(z) - f(z)| \\\\\n \\label{eq:L1-trace}\n & \\le \\fint_{B(z,r)\\cap{\\Omega}} |F-F_j|\\,d\\mu + 2{\\varepsilon}.\\end{aligned}$$ For such $r$, choose $k_r> k_0$ such that $\\rho_{k_r+1} \\le r < \\rho_{k_r}$. Then, $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\notag\n \\int_{B(z,r)\\cap {\\Omega}} |F-F_j|\\,d\\mu & \\le \\sum_{k=k_r}^\\infty \\int_{B(z,r)\\cap{\\Omega}} (\\psi_{k-1} - \\psi_k) \\bigl|E(f_k - f_j)\\bigr|\\,d\\mu \\\\\n \\notag\n & \\le \\sum_{k=k_r}^\\infty \\int_{B(z,r) \\cap {\\Omega}(\\rho_{k+1}, \\rho_{k-1})} \\bigl|E(f_k - f_j)\\bigr|\\,d\\mu \\\\\n \\label{eq:L1-trace-A}\n & \\le C \\sum_{k=k_r}^\\infty \\min\\{r,\\rho_{k-1}\\} \\int_{B(z,2^8 r) \\cap {\\partial\\Omega}} |f_k - f_j|\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}\\end{aligned}$$ by Lemma \\[layer-est-Fn-boundaryball\\]. ", "In the last inequality above, we used the fact that when $k=k_r$, we must have $B(z,r)\\cap {\\Omega}(\\rho_{k_r+1},\n\\rho_{k_r-1}) = B(z,r)\\cap{\\Omega}(\\rho_{k_r+1},r)$ by the choice of $r<\\rho_{k_r}$.\n\nLet us, for the sake of brevity, write $U_r = B(z, 2^8 r) \\cap {\\partial\\Omega}$. As $f_k -\nf_j$ is Lipschitz continuous, we have by the choice of $j$, and the fact that $k\\ge j$, $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\notag\n \\int_{U_r} |f_k - f_j|\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}& \\le \\int_{U_r} \\bigl|f_k - f_j - (f_k(z) - f_j(z))\\bigr|\\,d{\\mathcal{H}}+ |f_k(z) - f_j(z)| {\\mathcal{H}}(U_r) \\\\\n \\label{eq:L1-trace-B}\n & \\le Cr {\\mathcal{H}}(U_r) \\operatorname{LIP}(f_k - f_j, U_r) + 2 {\\varepsilon}{\\mathcal{H}}(U_r).\\end{aligned}$$ Observe that $r {\\mathcal{H}}(U_r) \\approx \\mu(B(z, r))$ by , and the doubling condition for $\\mu$. Note that $\\sum_{k=k_r}^\\infty\\rho_{k-1}\\le C\\rho_{k_r-1}\\le CR$. Combining this with  and gives us that $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\int_{B(z,r)\\cap {\\Omega}} |F& -F_j|\\,d\\mu \\le \\sum_{k=k_r}^\\infty C \\rho_{k-1} \\mu(B(z,r)) \\bigl(\\operatorname{LIP}(f_k, {\\partial\\Omega}) + \\operatorname{LIP}(f_j, {\\partial\\Omega})\\bigr) \\\\\n & \\phantom{\\le} + 2 {\\varepsilon}\\mu(B(z,r)) \\sum_{k=k_r}^\\infty \\frac{\\min\\{r, \\rho_{k-1}\\}}{r} \\\\\n &\\le C \\mu(B(z,r)) \\biggl(\\sum_{k=k_0}^\\infty \\bigl(\\rho_k \\operatorname{LIP}(f_{k+1}, {\\partial\\Omega})\\bigr) + R \\operatorname{LIP}(f_{j}, {\\partial\\Omega}) + {\\varepsilon}\\biggr)\\\\\n & \\le C \\mu(B(z,r)) {\\varepsilon}.\\end{aligned}$$ Plugging this estimate into  completes the proof.", "\n\nSummary and further discussion\n------------------------------\n\nIn conclusion, we have shown that every function in $L^1({\\partial\\Omega})$ has an extension to $BV({\\Omega})$ in such a way that the trace of the extension returns the original function. ", "This extension is nonlinear, but it is bounded. ", "In a preceding section we demonstrated that there is a bounded linear extension from the subclass ${B_{1,1}}^0({\\partial\\Omega})$ to $BV({\\Omega})$. Note that ${B_{1,1}}^0({\\partial\\Omega})$, containing all the Lipschitz functions on ${\\partial\\Omega}$, must necessarily be dense in $L^1({\\partial\\Omega})$. It therefore follows that this extension from $L^1({\\partial\\Omega})$ to $BV({\\Omega})$ cannot be continuous on $L^1({\\partial\\Omega})$ since if it were, then the extension from $L^1({\\partial\\Omega})$ would be bounded and linear–and this is not possible (see [@Pee] for the fact that in general any extension from $L^1({\\partial\\Omega})$ to $BV({\\Omega})$ cannot be both bounded and linear).", "\n\nOn the other hand, in the setting of Corollary \\[cor:TrBV=L1\\], using this corollary we see that the trace operator $T$ of [@LS] is a continuous *surjective* linear mapping of the Banach space $BV({\\Omega})$ to the Banach space $L^1({\\partial\\Omega})$, and hence there exists a continuous (non-linear) right inverse of $T$ by the Bartle–Graves theorem [@BP Corollary 7.1]. ", "Should we know that ${\\Omega}$ is a domain for which each function $f\\in L^1(\\partial{\\Omega})$ has an associated function $u_f\\in BV({\\Omega})$ such that $u_f$ is of least gradient (that is, $1$-harmonic) in ${\\Omega}$ and with trace $Tu=f$ $\\mathcal{H}$-a.e.", " in $\\partial{\\Omega}$, then the natural continuous inverse map would be the map $f\\mapsto u_f$; the stability results of [@HKLS] would indicate that this map is continuous. ", "However, even under the best of circumstances, for example ${\\Omega}$ the unit disk in ${\\mathbb{R}}^2$, no $u_f$ exists for general $f\\in L^1(\\partial{\\Omega})$ (see [@ST]). ", "It is not clear what the Bartle-Graves inverse map is.", "\n\n[00]{} L. Ambrosio, [*Fine properties of sets of finite perimeter in doubling metric measure spaces*]{}, Calculus of variations, nonsmooth analysis and related topics. ", "Set-Valued Anal. **", "10** (2002), no. ", "2–3, 111–128.", "\n\nL. Ambrosio, N. Fusco, and D. 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Snipes: Department of Mathematics, Kenyon College, Gambier, OH 43022, U.S.A.\\\n[snipesm@kenyon.edu]{}\n\n[^1]: [**2010 Mathematics Subject Classification**]{}: Primary 46E35; Secondary 26A45, 26B30, 30L99, 31E05.[*Keywords*]{}: Besov, BV, metric measure space, co-dimension $1$ Hausdorff measure, trace, extension, Whitney cover.", "\n" ]
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[ "Port Neches\n\nLanguage Learning\n\nPronunciator is a fun and easy way to learn to speak, read, and write any of 80 languages. ", "Includes live tutors, feature films, music with lyrics, pronunciation analysis, quizzes, and more! ", "Also features ESL for 50 non-English languages, plus free apps for Android, Apple, and Kindle Fire devices.", "\n\nPronunciator is a fun and easy way to learn to speak, read, and write any of 80 languages. ", "Includes live tutors, feature films, music with lyrics, pronunciation analysis, quizzes, and more! ", "Also features ESL for 50 non-English languages, plus free apps for Android, Apple, and Kindle Fire devices." ]
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[ "Method\n\nBrown the chicken pieces on a hot pan with some oil until nicely coloured.", "\n\nPlace the chicken in a suitable casserole dish.", "\n\nNow in the same pan fry off the onions and mushrooms, then toss them onto the chicken.", "\n\nPour in the stock and cover with foil or lid.", "\n\nPlace in the oven at 180c for about an hour or until cooked through.", "\n\nRemove the chicken from the liquid and keep warm.", "\n\nMake a roux from the butter and flour.", "\n\nNow slowly whisk in the stock until you achieve a nice sauce, cook until the flour. ", "is cooked out ( you cant taste the raw flour), be careful as it can stick if not stired! ", "If it's too thick, just add a little more water to thin it out." ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.", "\n */\n\npackage com.android.systemui.recents.views;\n\nimport static android.app.", "WindowConfiguration.", "ACTIVITY_TYPE_ASSISTANT;\nimport static android.app.", "WindowConfiguration.", "WINDOWING_MODE_FULLSCREEN;\nimport static android.app.", "WindowConfiguration.", "WINDOWING_MODE_SPLIT_SCREEN_PRIMARY;\nimport static android.app.", "WindowConfiguration.", "WINDOWING_MODE_SPLIT_SCREEN_SECONDARY;\nimport static android.app.", "WindowConfiguration.", "WINDOWING_MODE_UNDEFINED;\n\nimport android.content.", "Context;\nimport android.graphics.", "Bitmap;\nimport android.graphics.", "Rect;\nimport android.util.", "Log;\n\nimport com.android.systemui.recents.", "LegacyRecentsImpl;\nimport com.android.systemui.recents.", "RecentsDebugFlags;\nimport com.android.systemui.shared.recents.model.", "Task;\nimport com.android.systemui.shared.recents.view.", "AppTransitionAnimationSpecCompat;\nimport com.android.systemui.shared.recents.view.", "RecentsTransition;\n\nimport java.util.", "ArrayList;\nimport java.util.", "Collections;\nimport java.util.", "List;\n\n/**\n * A helper class to create the transition app animation specs to/from Recents\n */\npublic class RecentsTransitionComposer {\n\n private static final String TAG = \"RecentsTransitionComposer\";\n\n private Context mContext;\n private TaskViewTransform mTmpTransform = new TaskViewTransform();\n\n public RecentsTransitionComposer(Context context) {\n mContext = context;\n }\n\n /**\n * Composes a single animation spec for the given {@link TaskView}\n */\n private static AppTransitionAnimationSpecCompat composeAnimationSpec(TaskStackView stackView,\n TaskView taskView, TaskViewTransform transform, boolean addHeaderBitmap) {\n Bitmap b = null;\n if (addHeaderBitmap) {\n b = composeHeaderBitmap(taskView, transform);\n if (b == null) {\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n Rect taskRect = new Rect();\n transform.rect.round(taskRect);\n // Disable in for low ram devices because each task does in Recents does not have fullscreen\n // height (stackView height) and when transitioning to fullscreen app, the code below would\n // force the task thumbnail to full stackView height immediately causing the transition\n // jarring.", "\n if (!", "LegacyRecentsImpl.getConfiguration().isLowRamDevice && taskView.getTask() !", "=\n stackView.getStack().getFrontMostTask()) {\n taskRect.bottom = taskRect.top + stackView.getMeasuredHeight();\n }\n return new AppTransitionAnimationSpecCompat(taskView.getTask().key.id, b, taskRect);\n }\n\n /**\n * Composes the transition spec when docking a task, which includes a full task bitmap.", "\n */\n public List<AppTransitionAnimationSpecCompat> composeDockAnimationSpec(TaskView taskView,\n Rect bounds) {\n mTmpTransform.fillIn(taskView);\n Task task = taskView.getTask();\n Bitmap buffer = RecentsTransitionComposer.composeTaskBitmap(taskView, mTmpTransform);\n return Collections.singletonList(new AppTransitionAnimationSpecCompat(task.key.id, buffer,\n bounds));\n }\n\n /**\n * Composes the animation specs for all the tasks in the target stack.", "\n */\n public List<AppTransitionAnimationSpecCompat> composeAnimationSpecs(final Task task,\n final TaskStackView stackView, int windowingMode, int activityType, Rect windowRect) {\n // Calculate the offscreen task rect (for tasks that are not backed by views)\n TaskView taskView = stackView.getChildViewForTask(task);\n TaskStackLayoutAlgorithm stackLayout = stackView.getStackAlgorithm();\n Rect offscreenTaskRect = new Rect();\n stackLayout.getFrontOfStackTransform().rect.round(offscreenTaskRect);\n\n // If this is a full screen stack, the transition will be towards the single, full screen\n // task. ", "We only need the transition spec for this task.", "\n\n // TODO: Sometimes targetStackId is not initialized after reboot, so we also have to\n // check for INVALID_STACK_ID (now WINDOWING_MODE_UNDEFINED)\n if (windowingMode == WINDOWING_MODE_FULLSCREEN\n || windowingMode == WINDOWING_MODE_SPLIT_SCREEN_PRIMARY\n || windowingMode == WINDOWING_MODE_SPLIT_SCREEN_SECONDARY\n || activityType == ACTIVITY_TYPE_ASSISTANT\n || windowingMode == WINDOWING_MODE_UNDEFINED) {\n List<AppTransitionAnimationSpecCompat> specs = new ArrayList<>();\n if (taskView == null) {\n specs.add(composeOffscreenAnimationSpec(task, offscreenTaskRect));\n } else {\n mTmpTransform.fillIn(taskView);\n stackLayout.transformToScreenCoordinates(mTmpTransform, windowRect);\n AppTransitionAnimationSpecCompat spec = composeAnimationSpec(stackView, taskView,\n mTmpTransform, true /* addHeaderBitmap */);\n if (spec !", "= null) {\n specs.add(spec);\n }\n }\n return specs;\n }\n return Collections.emptyList();\n }\n\n /**\n * Composes a single animation spec for the given {@link Task}\n */\n private static AppTransitionAnimationSpecCompat composeOffscreenAnimationSpec(Task task,\n Rect taskRect) {\n return new AppTransitionAnimationSpecCompat(task.key.id, null, taskRect);\n }\n\n public static Bitmap composeTaskBitmap(TaskView taskView, TaskViewTransform transform) {\n float scale = transform.scale;\n int fromWidth = (int) (transform.rect.width() * scale);\n int fromHeight = (int) (transform.rect.height() * scale);\n if (fromWidth == 0 || fromHeight == 0) {\n Log.e(TAG, \"Could not compose thumbnail for task: \" + taskView.getTask() +\n \" at transform: \" + transform);\n\n return RecentsTransition.drawViewIntoHardwareBitmap(1, 1, null, 1f, 0x00ffffff);\n } else {\n if (RecentsDebugFlags.", "Static.", "EnableTransitionThumbnailDebugMode) {\n return RecentsTransition.drawViewIntoHardwareBitmap(fromWidth, fromHeight, null, 1f,\n 0xFFff0000);\n } else {\n return RecentsTransition.drawViewIntoHardwareBitmap(fromWidth, fromHeight, taskView,\n scale, 0);\n }\n }\n }\n\n private static Bitmap composeHeaderBitmap(TaskView taskView,\n TaskViewTransform transform) {\n float scale = transform.scale;\n int headerWidth = (int) (transform.rect.width());\n int headerHeight = (int) (taskView.mHeaderView.getMeasuredHeight() * scale);\n if (headerWidth == 0 || headerHeight == 0) {\n return null;\n }\n\n if (RecentsDebugFlags.", "Static.", "EnableTransitionThumbnailDebugMode) {\n return RecentsTransition.drawViewIntoHardwareBitmap(headerWidth, headerHeight, null, 1f,\n 0xFFff0000);\n } else {\n return RecentsTransition.drawViewIntoHardwareBitmap(headerWidth, headerHeight,\n taskView.mHeaderView, scale, 0);\n }\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "NO MATTER THE APPLICATION, CARRIER CAN HANDLE IT.", "\n\nCarrier offers a range of air-handling units to meet the demands of precise indoor environments.", "\n\nWhether you need a custom-built or preconfigured product, Carrier air handlers are available with a wide airflow range, flexible designs and advanced filtration options to bring clean air and comfort to a variety of spaces." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'We study supersymmetric models of lepton and baryon number violation based on an abelian family gauge group. ", "Due to possible lepton-Higgs mixing, the lepton violating couplings are related to the Yukawa couplings and may be generated by them even if they were absent in the original theory. ", "Such terms may be dominant and are not given by the naive family charge counting rules. ", "This enhancement mechanism can provide an alignment between lepton-number violating terms and Yukawa couplings: as a result they conserve quark flavour. ", "A natural way of suppressing baryon number violation in this class of models is also proposed.'", "\n---\n\nCERN-TH/97-333\\\nLPTHE-ORSAY 97/xx\\\nSaclay T97/xx\\\nhep-ph/9711517\\\n\n.5cm\n\n1.5cm\n\nP. Binétruy $^{a,b}$, E. Dudas $^{a,b}$, S. Lavignac $^{a,c}$ [^1] and C.A. Savoy $^{d,b}$\n\n$^{a}$ Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Hautes Energies [^2]\n\nBât. ", "210, Univ. ", "Paris-Sud, F-91405 Orsay Cedex, [France]{}\n\n$^{b}$ CERN-TH, CH-1211 Geneva 23, [Switzerland]{}\n\n$^{c}$ Institute for Fundamental Theory, Dept. ", "of Physics\n\nUniv. ", "of Florida, Gainesville FL 32611, [USA]{}\n\n$^{d}$ CEA-SACLAY, Service de Physique Théorique,\n\nF-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex [France]{}\n\n.5truecm\n\nNovember 1997\\\n\nMost of the phenomenological discussions on R-parity violations in the supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model assume that there is a single R-parity violating coupling, at least to leading order. ", "This is often presented in parallel with the situation among the Yukawa couplings where the top Yukawa coupling is clearly leading. ", "But if this argument has any truth in it, any theory of fermion masses should account for the relative size of R-parity violating couplings as well. ", "In this paper, we will assume the existence of an abelian family symmetry which explains the observed hierarchies and mixings in the quark and charged lepton sectors and discuss its consequences for the R-parity violating couplings [@BN; @BaGNN; @BLR; @BoGNN; @NP].", "\n\nIt is well-known that the simultaneous presence among R-parity violating couplings of unsuppressed couplings violating lepton number as well as baryon number leads to dangerously fast proton decay. ", "We will in most of what follows assume the existence of a discrete symmetry such as a baryonic parity which ensures baryon number conservation: the only allowed couplings violate lepton number. ", "We will however relax in the end this assumption and show that family symmetries may yield a natural suppression mechanism for such couplings.", "\n\nIn the general approach using an abelian family symmetry to constrain the order of magnitude of Yukawa couplings [@FN], one describes the breaking of the family symmetry by the small parameter $\\epsilon\n\\equiv <\\theta> / M_F$ where $\\theta$ is a field of family charge normalized to $-1$ and $M_F$ a typical flavor symmetry scale. ", "For example denoting by $\\phi_i$ the family charge of the superfield ${\\hat{\\Phi}}^i$, the coupling ${\\hat{\\Phi}}^i {\\hat{\\Phi}}^j {\\hat{\\Phi}}^k$ is not allowed by the family symmetry if $x_{ijk} \\equiv \\phi_i + \\phi_j + \\phi_k \\not =\n0$, but ${\\hat{\\Phi}}^i {\\hat{\\Phi}}^j {\\hat{\\Phi}}^k \\theta^{x_{ijk}}$ is. ", "Thus, once the family symmetry is spontaneously broken by $<\\theta> \\not = 0$, the superpotential may include $$W \\ni \\lambda_{ijk} {\\hat{\\Phi}}^i {\\hat{\\Phi}}^j {\\hat{\\Phi}}^k,$$ with $$\\lambda_{ijk} \\sim \\epsilon^{\\phi_i + \\phi_j + \\phi_k}. ", "\\label{naive}$$\n\nThis sort of naive power counting is actually not exact if, for some reason, the low energy fields, which we will denote by $\\Phi_i$ do not coincide with the fields $\\hat \\Phi^i$ of definite family charges $\\phi_i$. There is a possible enhancement of the low energy couplings with respect to the naive estimate (\\[naive\\]). ", "A standard example occurs precisely in the case of R-parity breaking: the weak doublets of hypercharge $-1$ and given family charge may not coincide with the Higgs doublet $H_d$ and the lepton doublets $L_i$ of the Standard Model. ", "If they do not correspond exactly, the rotation to the low energy states –which are not eigenstates of the family symmetry– may yield a different order of magnitude for the low energy couplings (\\[naive\\]) in the case where the field redefinition is nonholomorphic. ", "We will illustrate this enhancement mechanism precisely on the R-parity violating couplings and show that it is accompanied with an alignment of these couplings along the direction of diagonal Yukawa couplings.", "\n\n.5cm To be more precise, let us first write the superpotential in terms of the fields which have definite charges under the abelian family symmetry: besides the standard low energy quark and lepton superfields $Q^k$, $U^k$, $D^k$ and $E^k$, the Higgs doublet $H_u$ and the Standard Model singlets ${\\bar{N}}^k$ of respective family charges $q_k,u_k, d_k, e_k, h_u, n_k$ ($k=1,2,3$), we introduce four left-handed doublets ${\\hat{L}}^\\alpha$ of hypercharge $-1$ and family charge $l_\\alpha$ ($\\alpha=1,2,3,4$).", "\n\nThe superpotential reads: $$\\begin{aligned}\nW &=& \\mu_\\alpha {\\hat{L}}^\\alpha H_u \n+ M_{ij} {\\bar{N}}^i {\\bar{N}}^j \\nonumber \\\\\n& & + \\lambda^E_{\\alpha \\beta k} {\\hat{L}}^\\alpha {\\hat{L}}^\\beta E^k\n+ \\lambda^D_{\\alpha j k} {\\hat{L}}^\\alpha Q^j D^k\n+ \\lambda^N_{\\alpha k} {\\hat{L}}^\\alpha H_u {\\bar{N}}^k\n+ \\lambda^U_{i k} Q^i H_u U^k \\nonumber \\\\\n& & + \\lambda''_{ijk} U^i D^j D^k \\label{W1}\\end{aligned}$$ with $\\lambda^E_{\\alpha \\beta k} = - \\lambda^E_{\\beta \\alpha k}$ and $\\lambda''_{ijk} = - \\lambda''_{ikj}$. .3cm\n\nThe standard Higgs superfield $H_d$ of hypercharge $-1$ is defined as the combination of ${\\hat{L}}^\\alpha$ along which $U(1)_Y$ is broken.", "\n\nMore precisely, introducing $v^\\alpha \\equiv <~{\\hat{L}}^{\\alpha 0}~>$, $$H_d \\equiv {1 \\over v_d} \\sum_\\alpha v_\\alpha {\\hat{L}}^\\alpha \\label{Hd}$$ where $v_d \\equiv (\\sum_\\alpha v_\\alpha v^\\alpha)^{1/2}$.\n\nThe other interesting direction is along [$\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\mu$}$]{} $= [\\mu_\\alpha]$ (if it is not completely aligned with ${\\bf v} = [v_\\alpha]$, as is generally the case). ", "Defining therefore ${\\bf w} = [w_\\alpha]$ as the normed vector orthogonal to ${\\bf v}$ in the ([**v**]{}, [$\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\mu$}$]{} ) plane, one introduces the lepton superfield: $$L^3 \\equiv \\sum_\\alpha w_\\alpha {\\hat{L}}^\\alpha. ", " \\label{L3}$$ As we will see the corresponding neutrino acquires a mass through the ${\\hat{L}}^\\alpha H_u$ terms in (\\[W1\\]).", "\n\nWe can then write $$\\begin{aligned}\n{\\hat{L}}^\\alpha &=& {H_d \\over v_d} v^\\alpha + L^3 w^\\alpha + L^\\alpha_\\perp \n\\nonumber \\\\\n&=& {H_d \\over v_d} v^\\alpha + {e^\\alpha}_i L^i. ", "\\label{Lhat}\\end{aligned}$$ where $L^\\alpha_\\perp = \\sum_{a=1,2} \n{e^\\alpha}_a L^a$ is orthogonal to ${\\bf v}$ and ${\\bf w}$ and ${e^\\alpha}_3 = w^\\alpha$. .3cm\n\nWe also introduce the angle $\\xi$ between ${\\bf w}$ and ${\\bf v}$, [ *i.e.*]{} $$\\mu_\\alpha = \\mu \\cos \\xi {v_\\alpha \\over v_d} + \\mu \\sin \\xi w_\\alpha, \n\\label{xi}$$\n\nwhere $\\mu \\equiv (\\sum_\\alpha \\mu_\\alpha \\mu^\\alpha)^{1/2}$.\n\nThe superpotential in (\\[W1\\]) now reads: $$\\begin{aligned}\nW &=& \\mu \\cos \\xi H_d H_u + \\mu \\sin \\xi L^3 H_u \n+ M_{ij} {\\bar{N}}^i {\\bar{N}}^j \\nonumber \\\\\n& & + \\lambda^E_{i k} L^i H_d E^k\n+ \\lambda^D_{i k} Q^i H_d D^k\n+ \\lambda^N_{i k} L^i H_u {\\bar{N}}^k\n+ \\lambda^U_{i k} Q^i H_u U^k \\nonumber \\\\\n& & + \\lambda_{i j k} L^i L^j E^k\n+ \\lambda'_{i j k} L^i Q^j D^k\n+ \\lambda^N_{k} H_d H_u {\\bar{N}}^k\n + \\lambda''_{ijk} U^i D^j D^k, \\label{W2}\\end{aligned}$$ where $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\lambda^E_{ik} \\equiv 2 \\lambda^E_{\\alpha \\beta k} {e^\\alpha}_i \n{v^\\beta \\over v_d} \\ , \\\n\\lambda^D_{ik} \\equiv - \\lambda^D_{\\alpha i k} {v^\\alpha \\over v_d}, \n\\nonumber \\\\\n\\lambda^N_{k} \\equiv \\lambda^N_{\\alpha k} {v^\\alpha \\over v_d} \\ , \\\n\\lambda_{ijk} \\equiv \\lambda^E_{\\alpha \\beta k} {e^\\alpha}_i \n{e^\\beta}_j \\ , \\nonumber \\\\\n\\lambda'_{ijk} \\equiv \\lambda^D_{\\alpha jk} {e^\\alpha}_i \\ , \\\n\\lambda^N_{ik} \\equiv \\lambda^N_{\\alpha k} {e^\\alpha}_i \\ . ", " \n\\label{lambda}\\end{aligned}$$ An obvious remark at this point, which will prove to be useful in what follows, is that the baryon number violating couplings $\\lambda''_{ijk}$ are not touched by the field redefinition and therefore stay independent of the Yukawa couplings. ", "For the time being, we will set them to zero by imposing for example a baryonic parity [^3] . ", ".3cm\n\nIn the new basis $(H_d, L^i)$, the two neutrinos corresponding to $L^a, \\; a=1,2$ decouple from the other states and we are left with a five-by-five neutralino-neutrino mass matrix which reads in the $(\\tilde \\gamma, \\tilde Z, \\tilde H^0_u, \\tilde H^0_d, L^0_3)$ basis: $$M_\\nu = \\left(\n\\begin{array}{ccccc}\nM_1 c^2_w + M_2 s^2_w & (M_2-M_1) s_w c_w & 0 & 0 & 0 \\\\\n(M_2-M_1) s_w c_w & M_1 s^2_w + M_2 c_w^2 & m_Z \\sin \\beta\n& -m_Z \\cos \\beta & 0 \\\\\n0 & m_Z \\sin \\beta & 0 & -\\mu \\cos \\xi & - \\mu \\sin \\xi \\\\\n0 & -m_Z \\cos \\beta & -\\mu \\cos \\xi & 0 & 0 \\\\\n0 & 0 & -\\mu \\sin \\xi & 0 & 0\n\\end{array} \\right)\n\\label{massmat}$$ where $c_w \\equiv \\cos \\theta_w$, $s_w = \\sin \\theta_w$ and $\\tan \n\\beta \\equiv v_u/v_d$.\n\nThe non-zero eigenvalue corresponding to the neutrino reads [@hempfling]\n\n$$m_{\\nu_{3}} = m_0 \\tan^2 \\xi, \\label{eq:mLHu}$$\n\nwith $$m_0 = {m_Z^2 \\cos^2 \\beta (M_1 c_w^2 + M_2 s_w^2) \\mu \\cos \\xi\n\\over M_1M_2 \\mu \\cos \\xi - m_Z^2 \\sin {2 \\beta} ( M_1 c_w^2 + M_2 s_w^2)},\n \\label{m0}$$ where $M_1$ and $M_2$ are the usual $U(1)_Y$ and $SU(2)_L$ gaugino soft masses.", "\n\nAs is well-known [@HS; @all], such a neutrino mass is compatible with the experimental limits only if the angle $\\xi$ is small, that is in case of approximate alignment between ${\\bf v}$ and [$\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\mu$}$]{}. ", "We will consider this situation in what follows.", "\n\nThe family symmetry gives the order of magnitude of the couplings (\\[W1\\]), in the basis of family symmetry eigenstates. ", "If we assume that the quadratic terms are not present in the original superpotential and are produced from the Kähler potential through the Giudice-Masiero mechanism [@GM], then $$\\mu_\\alpha \\sim \\tilde m \\epsilon^{{\\tilde{l}}_\\alpha}$$ where $${\\tilde{l}}_\\alpha \\equiv |\\l_\\alpha + h_u|,$$ $\\tilde m$ is a typical supersymmetry breaking mass scale and $\\epsilon$ measures the breaking of the family symmetry (as usual we take it to be the sine of the Cabibbo angle). ", "Let us denote by ${\\tilde{l}}_0\n\\equiv h_d$ the smallest of the ${\\tilde{l}}_\\alpha$ and assume that $0 \\le\n{\\tilde{l}}_0 < {\\tilde{l}}_i$ ($i=1,2,3$). ", "Then obviously $$\\mu_i / \\mu_0 \\sim \\epsilon^{{\\tilde{l}}_i-{\\tilde{l}}_0}.", "\n\\label{mudir}$$\n\nThe components of [**v**]{} depend on [$\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\mu$}$]{}  as well as on the soft terms in the scalar potential, $$V_{{\\rm soft}} = (B\\mu)_{\\alpha} {\\hat L}^{\\alpha} H_u + m^2_H {H_u^+} H_u\n+ m^2_{\\alpha \\beta}{\\hat L}^{\\alpha +} {\\hat L}^{\\beta} + \\cdots \n\\label{Vsoft}$$ where the order of magnitude of the parameters are as follows [^4], $$(B\\mu)_\\alpha \\sim \\epsilon^{{\\tilde{l}}_\\alpha} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\\nm^2_H \\sim {\\tilde{m}}^2 \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\\nm^2_{\\alpha \\beta} \\sim \\epsilon^{|l_\\alpha - l_\\beta |} \\tilde{m}^2.", "\n\\label{soft}$$ Since ${\\tilde{l}}_0 < {\\tilde{l}}_i$, the scalar potential can be minimized in some obvious approximations and the $\\epsilon$ dependence of the [**v**]{} components can be easily obtained, $$v_0/v_u \\sim \\epsilon^{{\\tilde{l}}_0}\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\\nv_i/v_0 \\sim \\epsilon^{{\\tilde{l}}_i-{\\tilde{l}}_0}.", "\n\\label{vdir}$$ Thus, within our assumptions, $$\\begin{aligned}\nv_d \\sim v^0 & \\mu \\sim \\mu_0 \\nonumber \\\\\n{\\hat{L}}^0 \\sim H_d & {\\hat{L}}^i \\sim L_i\\end{aligned}$$ and $\\tan{\\beta} = (v_u / v_d ) \\sim \\epsilon^{- {\\tilde{l}}_0}.$\n\nFrom (\\[mudir\\]) and (\\[vdir\\]), the alignement between [**v**]{} and [$\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\mu$}$]{}  is controled by the powers $({\\tilde{l}}_i-{\\tilde{l}}_0)$, so that $${e^\\alpha}_i \\sim \\epsilon^{|{\\tilde{l}}_\\alpha-{\\tilde{l}}_i|}.", "\n\\label{eai}$$ Since $\\sin^2 \\xi$ can be written as $$\\sin^2 \\xi = {\\sum_{\\alpha,\\beta} (\\mu_\\alpha v_\\beta - \n\\mu_\\beta v_\\alpha)^2 \\over2 \\mu^2 v^2_d}$$ one easily obtains that $$\\sin^2 \\xi \\sim \\epsilon^{2({\\tilde{l}}_3-{\\tilde{l}}_0)}, \\label{angle}$$ where ${\\tilde{l}}_3$ is defined by $0 \\le {\\tilde{l}}_0 < {\\tilde{l}}_3 \\le {\\tilde{l}}_a$ ($a=1,2$). ", "One thus checks that the vector $w_\\alpha$ defined in (\\[xi\\]) is of order $\\epsilon^{|{\\tilde{l}}_\\alpha - {\\tilde{l}}_3|}$ in agreement with $w^\\alpha =\n{e^\\alpha}_3$.\n\nLet us consider the consequences of this mixing for the R-parity violating interactions. ", "The superpotential (\\[W1\\]) is defined in terms of the family symmetry eigenstates. ", "Its invariance under this symmetry implies that the couplings are proportional to powers of $\\epsilon$ as given by (\\[naive\\]) if charge $\\phi_i + \\phi_j\n+\\phi_k \\ge 0$, while its analiticity implies that they vanish if the total charge is negative. ", "From this and the $\\epsilon$ dependence of the mixings in (\\[eai\\]), one derives relations between the R-parity violating couplings and the Yukawa couplings as defined by (\\[lambda\\]). ", "In the case where $l_i < l_0$, the former come out larger than the latter in contradiction with experimental limits. ", "It is possible to escape this conclusion by assuming sufficiently negative $l_i$ charges, so that the couplings $\\lambda^{E}_{ijk}$, $\\lambda^{D}_{ijk}$, $\\lambda^{N}_{ik}$ in (\\[W1\\]) vanish by analyticity[^5]. ", "Then, in all cases, $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\lambda_{ijk} & \\sim & \\epsilon^{{\\tilde{l}}_i-{\\tilde{l}}_0}\\lambda^E_{j k} \\ ,\n\\nonumber \\\\\n\\lambda'_{ijk} & \\sim & \\epsilon^{{\\tilde{l}}_i-{\\tilde{l}}_0}\\lambda^D_{jk} \\ , \n\\label{general}\\\\ \n\\lambda^N_{ij} & \\sim & \\epsilon^{{\\tilde{l}}_i-{\\tilde{l}}_0}\\lambda^N_{j} \\ .", "\n\\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$\n\nNotice that by the naive power counting the $\\epsilon$ factor in (\\[general\\]) would be $\\epsilon^{l_i-l_0}$. Therefore, according to the values of the charges $l_\\alpha$, we distinguish four different patterns in the relations (\\[general\\]), as follows. ", ".5cm (I) $l_i + h_u > l_0 + h_u \\ge 0 .$\\\nIn this case, all couplings in (\\[W1\\]) are non-vanishing (unless there are zeroes in the corresponding fermion mass matrices) and, in the combinations given by the [*r.h.s.*]{}", "’s in (\\[lambda\\]), all terms such that $l_\\alpha \\le l_i,$ are comparable in magnitude. ", "Then the naive power counting is preserved and the relations (\\[general\\]) are verified for any values of the indices, but the matrices $\\lambda'_{i}$ ($\\lambda_{i}$) do not commute with the Yukawa $\\lambda^E$ (resp. ", "$\\lambda^D)$ matrix. ", "Hence the R-parity violations are flavour changing in this case. ", "These non-diagonal lepton number violations are required to be extremely small by FCNC processes, in particular by the limits on ${\\epsilon}_K $ and $\\Delta\nm_K$ [^6]. ", "However, in models which account for realistic fermion mass hierarchies, it is sufficient to require $l_i-l_0 \\ge 3$ in order to fulfil these constraints. ", "This suppresses as well quark flavour conserving R-parity violations.", "\n\n.5cm (II) $l_0 + h_u \\le 0 < l_i + h_u $\\\nThis pattern of charges gives rise to an enhancement of flavour conserving[^7] lepton number violation. ", "Indeed, the naive power of $\\epsilon$ would be different from that in (\\[general\\]) since, in this case, ${\\tilde{l}}_i-{\\tilde{l}}_0 = (l_i-l_0) - 2{\\tilde{l}}_0.$ The R-parity violating couplings are larger by a factor $\\epsilon^{- 2{\\tilde{l}}_0}.$ Furthermore, only the same terms with $\\alpha=0$ (or $\\beta = 0)$ in (\\[lambda\\]) contribute to this enhanced couplings as well as to the corresponding Yukawa matrices. ", "For example, $$\\lambda^D_{jk} \\sim \\lambda^D_{0 j k} \\ , \\ \n\\lambda'_{ijk} \\sim \\lambda^D_{0 jk} \\epsilon^{{\\tilde{l}}_i-{\\tilde{l}}_0}\n\\sim \\epsilon^{-2 {\\tilde{l}}_0} \\epsilon^{l_i+q_j+d_k} \n \\label{align}$$ and similarly for $\\lambda^E_{jk}$ and $\\lambda_{ijk}$ ($\\lambda^N_k$ and $\\lambda^N_{ik}$). ", "Hence, the matrices of the couplings of the $H_0$ and all the $L_i$’s are approximately proportional, i.e., aligned in the flavour space. ", "The leading R-parity violations are predicted to be diagonal in the quark flavours. ", "This can also be seen as a suppression of the flavour changing lepton number violations, which obey the naive power counting, and a more comfortable fulfilment of the experimental constraints from FCNC processes. ", "In this case, the flavour diagonal couplings $\\lambda'_{i}$ and $\\lambda_{i}$ might be larger by a factor $\\epsilon^{- 2{\\tilde{l}}_0}$ as compared to case (I). ", "This would result in a factor of $O(10^3)$ for the corresponding widths and cross-sections since, as already discussed, ${\\tilde{l}}_0 = 1$ for intermediate values of $\\tan{\\beta}$.\n\n.5cm (III) $l_i + h_u < l_0 + h_u \\le 0 $\\\nAs explained above, in this case the charges $l_i$ have to be sufficiently negative, so that the non-vanishing couplings in the right-hand side of (\\[lambda\\]) have $\\alpha=0$ or $\\beta=0$. One recovers the alignment in flavour space as in (\\[align\\]). ", "The lepton number violating trilinear couplings are all driven by the mixing (\\[Lhat\\]) induced by the misalignment between ${\\bf v}$ and [$\\mbox{\\boldmath$\\mu$}$]{} so that they are fully aligned to the $H_d$ couplings. ", "The power of $\\epsilon$ in (\\[general\\]) is the opposite of the naive counting one and the R-parity violations can be suppressed by the choice of the charge differences, $l_i - l_0,$ and are not constrained by $K\\bar{K}$ mixing.", "\n\n.5cm (IV) $l_i + h_u < 0 \\le l_0 + h_u $\\\nIf the charges $l_i$ are not negative enough to imply vanishing couplings by analyticity, the lepton number violating couplings obey the naive power counting while the Higgs couplings would get an enhancement factor of $\\epsilon^{-2{\\tilde{l}}_0}$. There is no alignment and the R-parity violating couplings still supersede the Higgs couplings by a factor $\\epsilon^{{\\tilde{l}}_i-{\\tilde{l}}_0}$ in spite of their enhancement. ", "In order to satisfy the phenomenological constraints, the $l_i$’s have to be more negative, and the pattern of lepton number violating couplings will be similar to case (III) above, with alignment given in (\\[align\\]) and the failure of naive power counting.", "\n\nTherefore, in models with abelian charge assignments that satisfy the experimental requirements, the lepton number violating couplings obey the naive power counting in case (I), but not in the other three cases, where they are aligned to the fermion mass matrices in flavour space. ", "Moreover, in case (II) this property is due to an enhancement of flavour diagonal R-parity violation!", "\n\nAn important consequence of lepton number violation is the generation of neutrino masses. ", "At the tree-level, one neutrino gets a mass as given by (\\[eq:mLHu\\]) and (\\[m0\\]). ", "If the gauge singlets $N_i$ are not introduced in the theory, the other two neutrino states get their masses and mixings at the one loop level. ", "This has been recently discussed [@BoGNN] in detail for case (I), but the other cases are quite similar (with the assumption made in case (III)). ", "For completeness, we just present the general expression for the neutrino mass matrix, which takes into account the loop contributions as well as the seesaw masses. ", "It can be written as follows: $$(m_{\\nu})_{ij} = \\epsilon^{{\\tilde{l}}_i+{\\tilde{l}}_j-2{\\tilde{l}}_0}(m_0 \\delta_{i3}\n\\delta_{j3} + m_{{\\rm loop}} + m_{{\\rm seesaw}}).", "\n\\label{mnu}$$ where $m_{{\\rm loop}}$ is a scale defined by the loop contributions [@HS; @loop], which are dominated by the $b\\tilde{b}$ one, so that [@BoGNN], $$m_{{\\rm loop}} \\sim {{ 1\\ {\\rm keV}}\\over{\\cos^2{\\beta}}} \\ \\left(\n{{500\\; {\\rm GeV}}\\over{\\tilde{m}}}\\right),\n\\label{loop}$$ where $\\tilde{m}$ is the squark mass. ", "The seesaw contribution corresponds to the scale, $$m_{{\\rm seesaw}} \\sim ( 1\\ {\\rm eV})\\epsilon^{2(l_0+h_u)} \\ \n\\left( {{10^{13}\\; {\\rm GeV}}\\over{M_R}}\\right),\n\\label{seesaw}$$ where we have introduced the large scale $M_R$ such that the $N_i$ mass matrix in the superpotential (\\[W1\\]) is of the form $M_{ij}\n\\sim \\epsilon^{n_i+n_j} M_R.$ For $M_R > 10^{10} {\\rm GeV}$, the loop contribution dominates over the seesaw mechanism. ", "For the sake of comparison, we approximate (\\[m0\\]) by $$m_0 \\sim { (100\\ {\\rm GeV})}\\cos^2{\\beta} \\ \\left( {{500\\; {\\rm GeV}}\n\\over{\\tilde{m}}}\\right),\n\\label{maprox}$$ and we recall that $\\cos{\\beta} \\sim \\epsilon^{{\\tilde{l}}_0}.$ In order to satisfy the cosmological limits on the $\\nu_{\\tau}$ mass, we must require ${\\tilde{l}}_3 \\ge 7.$ We refer to [@BoGNN] for a detailed phenomenological discussion of these predictions, which extend to the three cases above as already remarked.", "\n\nIt is worth noticing that the powers of $\\epsilon$ in the neutrino mass matrix (\\[mnu\\]) are the same that appear in the relation between lepton number violating couplings and the Yukawa couplings in (\\[general\\]), providing relations for the magnitudes of these physical quantities. ", "For example $$m_{\\nu_3} \\sim m_0 ({{\\lambda'}_{3jk} \\over {\\lambda^D_{jk}}})^2 \\ .$$\n\n.5cm We now come back to the problem of baryon number violation in this class of models. ", "We already noticed that there is a qualitative difference between the couplings $\\lambda^{''}$ and $\\lambda, \\lambda'$. The latter, even if for some symmetry reason they are absent from the superpotential, can be generated for leptons and down quarks through the Higgs-lepton mixing that we discussed previously. ", "On the contrary, if a symmetry reason forbids the former ($\\lambda^{''}$) couplings in the superpotential and allow them in the Kähler potential, they will only appear after supersymmetry breaking through the Giudice-Masiero mechanism [@GM]. ", "More precisely, if $u_i+d_j+d_k <0$ for all $i,j,k=1,2,3$, then at high energy we have terms in the Kähler potential of the type ${1 \\over M_P} \n{\\bar \\epsilon}^{-(u_i+d_j+d_k)} U^i D^j D^k$. Then we get contributions in the low-energy effective superpotential $$W \\sim {{\\tilde m} \\over M_P} \\epsilon^{|u_i+d_j+d_k|} U^i D^j D^k \\ ,\n\\label{baryon} $$ where $M_P$ is the Planck mass. ", "We therefore find suppressed couplings, of order ${10}^{-17}$ to ${10}^{-19}$ depending on the specific model, for moderate negative quark charges. ", "Combining these values with the corresponding ones for $\\lambda'$ as discussed previously, we find that the proton decay can be suppressed down to acceptable values which could be tested in the forthcoming years. ", "Of course, not all the couplings (\\[baryon\\]) are equally dangerous and this discussion can be refined in a specific model.", "\n\nBecause of the usual quark Yukawa couplings, this mechanism generally asks for large positive $q_i$ charges and is constrained by the $U(1)$ anomaly cancellation conditions. ", "We have searched for explicit solutions in models based on a family $U(1)$ symmetry [@LNS], [@IR], [@BR] with anomaly cancellation à la Green-Schwarz [@GS]. ", "By imposing anomaly conditions and using explicit models [@BR] , we found that the mechanism can be implemented in cases (III) and (IV) with the standard particle content. ", "We give as an illustration one model with the following charge assignements: $$\\begin{aligned}\nq_1=6 \\ , q_2=5 \\ , q_3=3 \\ , u_1=7 \\ , u_2=4 \\ , u_3=2 \\ , \\nonumber \\\\\nd_1=-7 \\ , d_2=-8 \\ , d_3=-8 \\ , l_1=-8 \\ , l_2=-8 \\ , l_3= -8 \\ .\\end{aligned}$$ In this example, the relevant couplings mediating proton decay satisfy $\\lambda' \\lambda'' \\le 10^{-16} \\epsilon^{16} \\sim 10^{-26}$ for $\\epsilon\n\\simeq 0.22$, which shows the high degree of suppression which can be obtained if such couplings are obtained through the Giudice-Masiero mechanism. ", "We emphasize that if we relax the anomaly cancellation conditions (by allowing the presence of exotic particles in the spectrum) models can be proposed with more moderate values of the charges and efficient suppression of proton decay.", "\n\n[99]{} V. Ben-Hamo and Y. Nir, Phys. ", "Lett. ", "B339 (1994) 77. ", "T. Banks, Y. Grossman, E. Nardi and Y. Nir, Phys. ", "Rev. D52 (1995) 5319. ", "P. Binétruy, S. Lavignac and P. Ramond, Nucl. ", "Phys. ", "B477 (1996) 353. ", "F. Borzumati, Y. Grossman, E. Nardi and Y. Nir, Phys. ", "Lett. ", "B384 (1996) 123. ", "H.-P. Nilles and N. Polonski, Nucl. ", "Phys. ", "B484 (1997) 33. ", "C. D. Froggatt and H.B. Nielsen, Nucl. ", "Phys. ", "B147 (1979) 277. ", "L.E. Ibanez and G.G. Ross, Nucl. ", "Phys. ", "B368 (1992) 3. ", "R. Hempfling, Nucl. ", "Phys. ", "B478 (1996) 3. ", "L.J. Hall and M. Suzuki, Nucl. ", "Phys. ", "B231 (1984) 419 L.H. Lee, Phys. ", "Lett. ", "138B (1984) 121; G.G. Ross and J.W.F. Valle, Phys. ", "Lett. 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", "below).", "\n\n[^6]: For a review on these limits see, [*e.g.,*]{} [@Drei]\n\n[^7]: Notice that the alignment discussed here means that, for the mass eigenstates, the $\\lambda'_{ijk}$ matrix elements in (\\[general\\]) are non-vanishing for $j=k$, and that the six non-vanishing antisymmetric purely leptonic couplings $\\lambda_{ijk}$ have $j=k$ or $i=k$. For simplicity, we also refer to the latter as flavour conserving lepton number violation.", "\n" ]
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[ "Podcast: Insert Disney Star Wars Pun Here\n\nWe’re so gob-stopped by the news of Disney buying LucasFilm, and therefore Star Wars, that we had to send out for an extra geek to spread the load. ", "Bryan from Movie Meltdown joins our Tower team this week.", "\n\nShow Notes:\n\nMan, swing a dead cat on the Internet and you’ll find stuff on this. ", "This was a particularly good article, we thought:" ]
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[ "A federal judge ends a five-year court-ordered reform effort that implemented major changes in patient treatment at Atascadero State Hospital and Patton State Hospital in San Bernardino.", "\n\nTwo California mental hospitals have been released from federal oversight, ending a five-year court-ordered reform effort that implemented major changes in patient treatment.", "\n\nAtascadero State Hospital and Patton State Hospital in San Bernardino will no longer be subject to a consent judgment on patient care that state and federal officials reached in 2006, according to an order issued Monday by a federal judge in Los Angeles.", "\n\nBut Chief U.S District Court Judge Audrey B. Collins extended the consent judgment until Dec. 2 for two other hospitals — Napa State Hospital and Metropolitan State Hospital in Norwalk. ", "State and federal officials are negotiating an agreement related to care at those facilities.", "\n\nThe court action comes as serious concerns remain about violence at the hospitals, particularly Napa, where a psychiatric technician was killed by a patient a little more than a year ago.", "\n\nState Department of Mental Health officials could not be reached for comment Monday night, and U.S. Department of Justice officials declined to discuss the court order.", "\n\nThe federal government sued California to force changes in the four hospitals after issuing scathing reports of dismal treatment planning, overuse of medication and restraints and poor patient safety. ", "In the consent judgment, the state agreed to an extensive to-do list to overhaul patient care." ]
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[ "Order online and have your items delivered by truck from a local Home Depot store. ", "Select the delivery time that is most convenient for you.", "\n\nHow Does It Work?", "\n\nStart by building your Shopping Cart. ", "Select items for Express Delivery from Store and check availability for the\ndelivery ZIP.", "\n\nDuring Checkout, choose an available delivery date and time window from the scheduling calendar.", "\n\nPlace your order. ", "Your items will arrive during the delivery window selected.", "\n\nHow Much Does Delivery Cost?", "\n\nThe delivery fee is the same regardless of the size, weight or number of items in your order. ", "Your final price will be based on the delivery options you select during Checkout.", "\n\nStandard service includes an All Day time window on the date of your choosing. ", "Items will be delivered to an area outside the house or job site.", "\n\n2-hour and 4-hour time windows and Threshold delivery service are available for an additional cost.", "\n\nWhat Service Levels Are Available?", "\n\nOutside Delivery: Service includes delivery to area outside the house which is accessible by delivery equipment.", "\n\nThreshold Delivery: Service includes delivery across your first doorway or threshold (i.e. garage, backyard, deck, first room of the home).", "\n\nCan I Track My Order?", "\n\nYes! ", "On the day of delivery, you can track your truck's location and estimated arrival time in My Account. ", "Your driver will also call you 30 minutes prior to arrival. ", "If you are unable to receive your items in person, you can choose to have the delivery left unattended during Checkout (Outside Delivery service only).", "\n\nFrequently Bought Together\n\nProduct Overview\n\nBlue Max is a leading brand for over 10-years in professional outdoor power equipment and includes Generators, Chainsaws, Snow Blowers and Log Splitters. ", "Expect the very best quality components in Blue Max equipment so they won’t let you down on your outdoor projects. ", "Blue Max equipment is built to work and start the first time, every time. ", "The Blue Max 13 HP Gas Engine is an ideal choice for powering tools on the job site or at home. ", "The single cylinder OHV engine features an easy pull recoil start that powers the 4 stroke engine. ", "The engine runs at 13 HP at 3600 RPM and has an idle speed of 1400 RPM. ", "A side shaft and counterclockwise rotation of the shaft make it versatile for a variety of uses.", "\n\nWas this helpful?helpful0unhelpful0http://reviews.homedepot.com/answers/submit/1999/product/202342258/question/2307707/undohelpfulness.djs?authsourcetype=__AUTHTYPE__&format=embeddedhtml&innerreturn=http%3A%2F%2Freviews.homedepot.com%2Fanswers%2F1999%2Fproduct%2F202342258%2Fquestions.djs%3Fexpandquestion%3D2307707%26format%3Dembeddedhtml%26scrolltotop%3Dtrue&return=__RETURN__&sessionparams=__BVSESSIONPARAMS__&submissionparams=__BVSUBMISSIONPARAMETERS__&submissionurl=__BVSUBMISSIONURL__&user=__USERID__\n\nAnswer (1)\n\nWe apologize for the incorrect specs. ", "We will get this resolved with Depot right away. ", "This is a 4 stroke engine.", "\n\n0points\n\n0out of0found this answer helpful.", "\n\nWas this helpful?helpful0unhelpful0http://reviews.homedepot.com/answers/submit/1999/product/202342258/answer/3373128/undohelpfulness.djs?authsourcetype=__AUTHTYPE__&format=embeddedhtml&innerreturn=http%3A%2F%2Freviews.homedepot.com%2Fanswers%2F1999%2Fproduct%2F202342258%2Fquestions.djs%3Fexpandanswer%3D3373128%26expandquestion%3D2307707%26format%3Dembeddedhtml%26scrolltotop%3Dtrue&return=__RETURN__&sessionparams=__BVSESSIONPARAMS__&submissionparams=__BVSUBMISSIONPARAMETERS__&submissionurl=__BVSUBMISSIONURL__&user=__USERID__\n\nWas this helpful?helpful0unhelpful0http://reviews.homedepot.com/answers/submit/1999/product/202342258/question/2286152/undohelpfulness.djs?authsourcetype=__AUTHTYPE__&format=embeddedhtml&innerreturn=http%3A%2F%2Freviews.homedepot.com%2Fanswers%2F1999%2Fproduct%2F202342258%2Fquestions.djs%3Fexpandquestion%3D2286152%26format%3Dembeddedhtml%26scrolltotop%3Dtrue&return=__RETURN__&sessionparams=__BVSESSIONPARAMS__&submissionparams=__BVSUBMISSIONPARAMETERS__&submissionurl=__BVSUBMISSIONURL__&user=__USERID__\n\nAnswer (1)\n\nWas this helpful?helpful0unhelpful0http://reviews.homedepot.com/answers/submit/1999/product/202342258/answer/3345422/undohelpfulness.djs?authsourcetype=__AUTHTYPE__&format=embeddedhtml&innerreturn=http%3A%2F%2Freviews.homedepot.com%2Fanswers%2F1999%2Fproduct%2F202342258%2Fquestions.djs%3Fexpandanswer%3D3345422%26expandquestion%3D2286152%26format%3Dembeddedhtml%26scrolltotop%3Dtrue&return=__RETURN__&sessionparams=__BVSESSIONPARAMS__&submissionparams=__BVSUBMISSIONPARAMETERS__&submissionurl=__BVSUBMISSIONURL__&user=__USERID__\n\nWas this helpful?helpful0unhelpful0http://reviews.homedepot.com/answers/submit/1999/product/202342258/question/2275305/undohelpfulness.djs?authsourcetype=__AUTHTYPE__&format=embeddedhtml&innerreturn=http%3A%2F%2Freviews.homedepot.com%2Fanswers%2F1999%2Fproduct%2F202342258%2Fquestions.djs%3Fexpandquestion%3D2275305%26format%3Dembeddedhtml%26scrolltotop%3Dtrue&return=__RETURN__&sessionparams=__BVSESSIONPARAMS__&submissionparams=__BVSUBMISSIONPARAMETERS__&submissionurl=__BVSUBMISSIONURL__&user=__USERID__\n\nAnswer (1)\n\nThank you for your recent inquiry with The Home Depot, Rondo 710. ", "We do not carry that gasket for this engine, however you may be able to locate it with the vendor here:http://www.northamericantoolindustries.com/#!blue-max/c14d7We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you in the future. ", "Thank you for shopping Home Depot.", "\n\n0points\n\n0out of0found this answer helpful.", "\n\nWas this helpful?helpful0unhelpful0http://reviews.homedepot.com/answers/submit/1999/product/202342258/answer/3492774/undohelpfulness.djs?authsourcetype=__AUTHTYPE__&format=embeddedhtml&innerreturn=http%3A%2F%2Freviews.homedepot.com%2Fanswers%2F1999%2Fproduct%2F202342258%2Fquestions.djs%3Fexpandanswer%3D3492774%26expandquestion%3D2275305%26format%3Dembeddedhtml%26scrolltotop%3Dtrue&return=__RETURN__&sessionparams=__BVSESSIONPARAMS__&submissionparams=__BVSUBMISSIONPARAMETERS__&submissionurl=__BVSUBMISSIONURL__&user=__USERID__\n\nWas this helpful?helpful0unhelpful0http://reviews.homedepot.com/answers/submit/1999/product/202342258/question/2105957/undohelpfulness.djs?authsourcetype=__AUTHTYPE__&format=embeddedhtml&innerreturn=http%3A%2F%2Freviews.homedepot.com%2Fanswers%2F1999%2Fproduct%2F202342258%2Fquestions.djs%3Fexpandquestion%3D2105957%26format%3Dembeddedhtml%26scrolltotop%3Dtrue&return=__RETURN__&sessionparams=__BVSESSIONPARAMS__&submissionparams=__BVSUBMISSIONPARAMETERS__&submissionurl=__BVSUBMISSIONURL__&user=__USERID__" ]
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[ "Modeling and analyzing biomedical processes using workflow/Petri Net models and tools.", "\nComputer simulation enables system developers to execute a model of an actual or theoretical system on a computer and analyze the execution output. ", "We have been exploring the use of Petri Net (PN) tools to study the behavior of systems that are represented using three kinds of biomedical models: a biological workflow model used to represent biological processes, and two different computer-interpretable models of health care processes that are derived from clinical guidelines. ", "We developed and implemented software that maps the three models into a single underlying process model (workflow), which is then converted into PNs in formats that are readable by several PN simulation and analysis tools. ", "These analysis tools enabled us to simulate and study the behavior of two biomedical systems: a Malaria parasite invading a host cell, and patients undergoing management of chronic cough." ]
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[ "describe 'ruby_version_is \"1.8.7\"', ->\n describe \"Array#drop_while\", ->\n it \"removes elements from the start of the array while the block evaluates to true\", ->\n expect( R([1, 2, 3, 4]).drop_while((n) -> n < 4 ) ).toEqual R([4])\n\n it \"removes elements from the start of the array until the block returns nil\", ->\n expect( R([1, 2, 3, null, 5]).drop_while((n) -> n ) ).toEqual R([null, 5])\n\n it \"removes elements from the start of the array until the block returns false\", ->\n expect( R([1, 2, 3, false, 5]).drop_while((n) -> n ) ).toEqual R([false, 5])\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSplit one subfolder from git repository with all branches and history\n\nI would like to split on folder from my git repository into new one. ", "But I would like to keep all open/closed branches and history for everything related to this folder. ", "\n\\ Source Repo\n--\\ AAA\n--\\ BBB\n----\\ DDD\n----\\ EEE\n--\\ CCC\n\n\\ New Repo 1\n--\\ AAA\n--\\ CCC\n\n\\ New Repo 2 (BBB subfolder)\n--\\ DDD\n--\\ EEE\n\nI followed steps described here https://help.github.com/articles/splitting-a-subfolder-out-into-a-new-repository/ - but this work only for a single branch. ", "At the end - I get new repository with all (?) ", "commits but no branch information is present. ", "\nI tried to do this for all branches using --all parameter, but I'm not clear how to push all rewritten branches to the empty remote repo.", "\nHere is what I have currently:\n$ git clone https://github.com/USERNAME/REPOSITORY-NAME\n$ cd REPOSITORY-NAME\n$ git filter-branch --prune-empty --subdirectory-filter FOLDER-NAME -- --all\n\nAt this point if I look at my local repo, I seem to have all history and all branches in remotes origins. ", "\n$ git remote -v\norigin https://github.com/USERNAME/REPOSITORY-NAME.git (fetch)\norigin https://github.com/USERNAME/REPOSITORY-NAME.git (push)\n$ git remote set-url origin https://github.com/USERNAME/NEW-REPOSITORY-NAME.git\n$ git remote -v\norigin https://github.com/USERNAME/NEW-REPOSITORY-NAME.git (fetch)\norigin https://github.com/USERNAME/NEW-REPOSITORY-NAME.git (push)\n\n$ git push -u origin --all \n\nLast command doesn't seem to be pushing all branches. ", "What am I missing? ", "\n\nA:\n\nFound missing pieces of information here Detach (move) subdirectory into separate Git repository\nFinished scripts looks like this. ", "Use this process for both new repositories with one line being different\nClone source repository:\n$ git clone https://github.com/USERNAME/REPOSITORY-NAME\n$ cd REPOSITORY-NAME\n\nRe-create all remote branches locally\n$ for i in $(git branch -r | sed \"s/.*origin\\///\"); do git branch -t $i origin/$i; done\n\nUse filter-branch to trim everything for required subfolder (this will create new repo using only FOLDER-NAME\n$ git filter-branch --prune-empty --subdirectory-filter FOLDER-NAME -- --all\n\nUse filter-branch to remove FOLDER-NAME (this will create new repository with everything but FOLDER-NAME)\n$ git filter-branch --prune-empty --tree-filter 'rm -rf FOLDER-NAME' -- --all\n\nUpdate remote URL to new empty repo:\n$ git remote -v\norigin https://github.com/USERNAME/REPOSITORY-NAME.git (fetch)\norigin https://github.com/USERNAME/REPOSITORY-NAME.git (push)\n$ git remote set-url origin https://github.com/USERNAME/NEW-REPOSITORY-NAME.git\n$ git remote -v\norigin https://github.com/USERNAME/NEW-REPOSITORY-NAME.git (fetch)\norigin https://github.com/USERNAME/NEW-REPOSITORY-NAME.git (push)\n\nPush everything together\n$ git push -u origin --all\n\n" ]
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[ "Syndicate\n\nBritain: A short history of Green Left current within the Green Party\n\nBy Mike Shaughnessy\n\nMarch 12, 2015 -- London Green Left Blog, posted at Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- The Green Left grouping was formed in 2006 when a small number of members\nof the Green Party of England and Wales met at spring conference and drafted\nthe Headcorn Declaration.", "\nLater in the year, in June, 37 members met in London to formally adopt\nthe name Green Left (the original prototype grouping was called Green\nRevolution) and amended and adopted the Headcorn Declaration. ", "I\nwas one of those members.", "\n\nThe thinking behind the need for such a grouping within the\nGreen Party was that the party should \"raise Green Party politics to meet the\ndemands of its radical policies\" and to \"act as an outreach body that will\ncommunicate the party’s radical policies to socialists and other\nanti-capitalists outside the party\". ", "Green Left would also promote ecosocialism as a\nsolution to our social and ecological ills.", "\n\nThe ensuing nine years has seen members come and go from\nGreen Left but supporters’ numbers have risen steadily, so now Green Left is\nbigger than it has ever been before. ", "It should be noted that by far the\nmost common reason for people leaving Green Left has been over actions taken by the Green Party and has had little to do with Green Left itself.", "\n\nEvents on Brighton Council post the 2011 election of a\nminority Green Party administration imposing public service cuts is chief\namong the reasons cited by erstwhile comrades for heading for the exit.", "\n\nWithin the first year Green Left adopted the (first)\nEcosocialist Manifesto, written by Joel Kovel and Michael Lowy in Paris in\n2001. ", "The manifesto is onto its third version now, but the original is still my\nfavourite. ", "Check it out, it's really inspiring I think.", "\n\nThe early years of Green Left saw attacks from some elements within\nthe Green Party, but on the whole as people have gotten used to us, this has fallen\naway somewhat, although we certainly still have our detractors.", "\n\nThe first big test for Green Left was the decision within the Green Party to hold a referendum in 2007 on whether to replace our \"principal speaker\" set-up\nwith a leader and deputy leader(s). ", "Green Left opposed the change, quite rightly I\nthink, and campaigned strongly in the \"no\" camp. ", "Unfortunately, the vote went\nthe other way, but we dusted ourselves off and got on with the more important\nbusiness of changing the way the party projected itself, as a party of the\npolitical left.", "\n\nGreen Left's main contribution to the evolution of the party has been\nmade at national conferences, putting forward motions and debating issues firmly\nfrom the left and holding fringe meetings on matters of interest to this constituency. ", "The\nWatermelon magazine is written, produced and distributed at conference by Green Left supporters and less frequently, The Ecosocialistnewspaper (together with Socialist Resistance) is likewise handed out on\ndemonstrations and protest marches.", "\n\nThe regional (and later sub-regional) structure of GL was\nfirst introduced in 2009, and although this has achieved only limited presence,\nwith sporadic spikes in West Midlands and the South West, recent indications\nfrom Brighton and London in particular, appear to show a growth of local level\norganisation and activity.", "\n\nIncreasingly, Green Left is focusing on working with trade unions\nand has been busy encouraging Green Left regions to appoint/elect trade union liaison officers\n(TULOs), and the success of this is shown most spectacularly in the recruitment\nof the RMT union president Peter Pinkney to the Green Party and his candidacy\nat the general election.", "\n\nSeveral Green Left supporters have done and do continue to hold\nsenior positions within the Green Party and positions in the wider social,\npolitical and peace movements.", "\n\nWith Caroline and\nthen Natalie out in front, and with the (left leaning and very influential)\nYoung Greens and groups like Green Left organising among the activists, the\nimage presented in recent years has been much more consistently left. ", "Gone are\nthe days of “not left or right but forwards”. ", "The party is now clearly an\nelectoral expression of the emerging new left.", "\n\nAnd that sums up what Green Left is all about. ", "When Green Party\nmembers ask me why they need to join Green Left, my short answer is; \"to keep the Green\nparty honest\", i.e. on the left." ]
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[ "Around the time that this doctoral research into Aboriginal water rights and interests in Australia commenced a former Prime Minister of Australia remarked that Australia was in the ‘worst drought for a hundred years’. ", "During the following eight years of thesis research a regular review of media articles about Australia’s ‘worst drought’ highlighted the dire effects of restricted water access and its use on the farming community, irrigators and other non-Indigenous interests in water. ", "From this point it was clear to the author that the water rights and interests of Aboriginal peoples in Australia were rarely mentioned in the Australian media. ", "An Aboriginal perspective on these national issues demanded ‘a voice’ to examine and analyse why Aboriginal water values and concepts relating to the use of water was effectively a non-issue in the national consciousness. ", "In 2014 various media organisations have again declared that Australia is in ‘the worst drought in living memory’. ", "The Aboriginal claim to a property right and interest is examined from an Aboriginal perspective. ", "The thesis examines Aboriginal concepts and values of water and posits that Aboriginal values not only exist as ancestral rights, but should be formally incorporated within the body of Australian water law. ", "The thesis argues that although an Aboriginal ancestral water use and contemporary use of water represent different ideological concepts, as the chapters discuss, it is reasonable to submit that the cultural and economic water requirements of Aboriginal communities in Australia should be recognised and incorporated into Australia’s legal system on the basis of how Aboriginal peoples value water and its use.", "The argument is developed in a number of ways. ", "In applying an Aboriginal perspective to water rights and regulation in Australia, the thesis establishes a new understanding in the significance of water to Aboriginal peoples and that, the value of water for Aboriginal peoples is inextricably connected to, and informed by, a wider system of laws and customs which govern its use and protection. ", "The thesis demonstrates how Aboriginal peoples continue to maintain their cultural rights to water in Australia and why they require national recognition. ", "As the thesis will show, Western and European perceptions of Aboriginal peoples relationship to land and water and the continued devaluation of Aboriginal ways of understanding and relating to an Aboriginal environment impeded the recognition and protection of Aboriginal water rights and interests in Australia. ", "However it is not the aim or purpose of this thesis to compare and evaluate Aboriginal laws alongside Western and European legal frameworks. ", "The intention of this thesis is to focus on Aboriginal perspectives of water and how it is distinguished from Western and European perspectives in water values, use and management. ", "The thesis recounts how Western and European policies and laws sought to frustrate and exclude Aboriginal peoples from their inherent relationship with water. ", "In saying this, the thesis does recommend specific solutions to address the rights and interests of Aboriginal communities on the basis of fundamental human rights. ", "Through the lens of Aboriginal cultural knowledge and law the thesis begins by examining the differences in Western and European concepts and Aboriginal conceptualisations of the meaning of ownership in water. ", "The thesis examines how these different frameworks of knowledge have clashed in ways that have undermined Aboriginal peoples enjoyment of their water rights – in particular, in the context of the thesis, their rights to access and use water. ", "Although rights to water continue to be asserted by Aboriginal communities and maintained by them, the development of Australian law post-contact has impeded their full recognition and protection.", "\n\nDescription\n\nThe thesis chapters examine and analyse a range of themes in Aboriginal water rights and interests in Australia that present current gaps in Indigenous academic research. ", "The thesis analyses and develops an Aboriginal perspective on the impact of native title in respect to Aboriginal water rights and interest, and seeks to analyse the Western and European treatment of Aboriginal water values, customs and practices in Australia. ", "It examines the general failure of the Australian legal system to formalise Aboriginal peoples’ ownership of water as an Aboriginal property right and how this failure to recognise has negatively impacted Aboriginal peoples’ rights to make decisions on water resources. ", "This examination of the nature of Aboriginal water rights and interests is positioned from a holistic understanding of kinship relationships which the thesis argues would restore Aboriginal peoples’ ownership to water and use of water for cultural or other uses; and improve the health outcomes for Aboriginal peoples. ", "The final chapters of the thesis argue that Aboriginal wellbeing is integral in the development of water policy and its legislative system in order to achieve positive outcomes in Aboriginal health and self-determination, and to maximise the potential for future Aboriginal economic development. ", "Although not all Aboriginal communities seek to exploit water rights through commercial opportunities or seek to trade their water rights for financial gain, as this doctoral research highlights, there is the potential for wealth creation through water ownership. ", "The current dispossession experienced by Aboriginal peoples in Australia from their legitimate water rights and interests rests should be addressed through the reservation, or setting aside, of Aboriginal water rights, prioritised above the water rights and interests of other groups. ", "The idea of a reservation of water rights evolved out of a state review of Aboriginal water rights and interests which I undertook, commissioned by the Department of Water in Western Australia. ", "As a result of my review I submitted to the department that legal recognition of Aboriginal autonomy over water rights and interests ‘on country’ is essential to redress the unjust treatment of Aboriginal water rights and interests since colonial settlement and to guarantee water use for Aboriginal communities. ", "Finally, the thesis argues that Aboriginal water rights and interests in Australia should be viewed through the lens of human rights, and not merely through Indigenous race theory or post-colonial theory, because it is vital that Aboriginal water rights dialogue is implemented upon the values, beliefs and expectations of human rights instruments. ", "The thesis includes an analysis of international and domestic human rights which provide Indigenous peoples with fundamental frameworks and internationally recognised standards that advocate persuasive reasons why Indigenous communities should be recognised with a guaranteed cultural and legal right to water. ", "The thesis conclusion puts forward recommendations which seek to acknowledge and to protect Aboriginal water rights and interests in Australia, not as a ‘special interest group’, as current water policy has determined, but as ‘the First Peoples’ of Australia. ", "Aboriginal peoples in Australia are unable to assert their water rights and interests through treaty instruments and domestic legislative instruments have failed to deliver the expectations of Aboriginal communities. ", "A new paradigm is required." ]
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[ "Allison Mack was photographed outside her parents' California home over the weekend, the first time the Nxivm leader has been seen during her house arrest.", "\n\nIn the pictures, a happy and healthy looking Mack steps just outside the front door of the Los Alamitos home to grab an Amazon delivery in shorts and a button-down shirt before immediately heading back inside.", "\n\nThe electronic monitoring bracelet that Mack is required to wear by law was on display as well, wrapped around her ankle along with a wrap that partially obscured the device.", "\n\nHer brief appearance came just days before four more members of the branded sex-slave cult were arrested on federal charges.", "\n\nAllison Mack is seen wearing an electronic ankle bracelet as she grabs an Amazon package from the front door of her parents home in Los Alamitos, California\n\nIn the pictures, a happy and healthy looking Mack steps just outside the front door home to grab the delivery in shorts and a button-down shirt before immediately heading back inside\n\nThe Smallville actress was freed on a $5 million bail after pleading not guilty to sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy and forced labor conspiracy charges related to her involvement in the sex cult NXIVM\n\nRaniere remains behind bars while Mack was able to negotiate her release and had been seeking a plea deal in the case, though it is unclear what came of that and the US Attorney's Office for the Eatsern District of New York has refused comment on the matter.", "\n\nAs part of her release, Mack was ordered to cut off contact with Nxivm cult members as a condition.", "\n\nThat included Nicki Clyne, who is reportedly Mack's wife and still a member of the cult.", "\n\nNxivm sources claimed that Mack married Clyne so that the Candaian-born actress could reamain in the United States when she had trouble with her visa.", "\n\nMack's communications via mobile phone and online have been limited to just her attorneys.", "\n\nThis is the first time Mack has been seen since she's been on house arrest. ", "Her brief appearance came just days before four more members of the branded sex-slave cult were arrested on federal charges\n\nAllison's parents, Jonathan and Mindy Mack are seen outside of the home\n\nOn Tuesday, Mack was seen walking out of Brooklyn Federal Court with her legal team, before making her way through a scrum of waiting photographers and reporters.", "\n\nShe was able to secure the bond thanks to her mother putting up her house as collateral along with a retirement account in addition to Mack's New York home in Clifton Park.", "\n\nMovers were seen at that property on Monday carrying out Mack's belongings.", "\n\nMelinda was in court to support her daughter on Tuesday, and will soon be taking her home to Los Alamitos where she will be monitored by officials from the Central District of California." ]
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[ "CDO Street Tutorials (Advocacy)\n\nLate last year, I heard of a passionate group of advocates who are conducting tutorials to street children of Divisoria. ", "Spearheaded by Kuya Jett Torres of XU-KKP-SIO, this group of students and professionals conducts tutorial activities every 7pm – 8pm of Wednesdays and Fridays at the Magsaysay Park, Divisoria. ", "Ever since I saw the photos of the said activity, it got me so interested.", "🙂 I really wanted to join.", "\n\nThen the opportunity finally came! ", "Yesterday, I made sure to attend the activity. ", "It was the perfect time since it did not rain, I was with my friend Maggi, and I brought the donations we collected for the tutorial.", "\n\nWhen we arrived at the venue, the tutorials was already ongoing. ", "I was so fascinated because of the group of people who helped and the group of people who were willing to be helped. ", "I immediately took a spot and started talking to one child. ", "I asked him about the things he wanted to learn and we started the tutorial right away. :)) ", "Excited. ", "hehe.", "\n\nThe boy is in the third grade at the public school in Macasandig. ", "At first, he was kinda hesitant but when I told him that I am a teacher (a Math teacher in particular) and I could help him in his lessons, his face brightened up. ", "That was my clue to start teaching him. :)", "\n\nAfter a few minutes, CU-LSRG (the one who helped us in collecting donations) arrived and I had to stop tutoring to welcome them. :)) ", "I passed the boy to another tutor so that he could still learn even if I’m not the one teaching him. ", "The students of CU-LSRG started tutoring right away. :))", "\n\nNow, let the following pictures now tell the story:\n\nhanding-out our donations\n\ntutorials ongoing : where am i?", "\n\nteaching… teaching…\n\nIt was a wonderful opportunity! ", "It will not be my last, for sure! :))", "\n\nNow, if you would like to help too, please read the letter below. ", "It might touch your generous hearts. ", "Please let me know what you think. ", "Thanks.", "🙂\n\n~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~\n\nKalinaw!", "\n\nWe often remain mere strangers to one another and pay no attention to others especially those street children. ", "We must be clear-eyed regarding situations that are unjust, that exploit and humiliate street children, that deprive them of their basic right to education. ", "Some of the business communities consider street kids as pests to be exterminated. ", "However, they have committed no crime and are the victims of the wrongdoing of uncaring parents and corrupt politicians. ", "These street children are addicted to sniffing industrial glue to ward off hunger and they suffer malnutrition, and lack of education. ", "This results of human neglect, spiritual paralysis, greed and political irresponsibility that allow poverty in an unjust social system. ", "We need to develop the eyes of the heart, to see and feel children’s needs and a heart of helping hands.", "\n\nSince September 2009, we have been doing Street Tutorial activity every Monday and Wednesday, 7:00 – 8:00pm at the Magsaysay Park, Divisoria, Cagayan de Oro City. ", "This activity invites young students, professionals, youth organizations and other volunteers to render their time and knowledge to the street children by teaching Basic English and Mathematics and conduct supplemental feeding.", "\n\nOn September 26, 2010 (Sunday), we will be celebrating our 1st year of service and advocacywith the Street Children at Magsaysay Park, Divisoria, Cagayan de Oro City through team building activity. ", "In connection with this, we are seeking financial support to help us in our celebration. ", "We would be grateful if you help us in sponsoring our event.", "\n\nPlease feel free to contact me at 09062266926 or jett.torres@gmail.com if you need more information. ", "Your generous contribution would enable us to share in this wonderful opportunity. ", "Thank you in advance for your consideration and support." ]
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[ "New technique for optical control of the first trocar insertion.", "\nIn laparoscopic surgery serious complications caused by the blind insertion of the first trocar have been reported even after the pneumoperitoneum is established by means of a Veress needle. ", "As a consequence, some techniques to safely insert the first port have been developed. ", "Many surgeons advocate a minilaparotomy to position the first port. ", "However, especially in obese patients, the dissection to insert the Hasson's trocar may be difficult and time consuming. ", "As an alternative, optical disposable trocars have been studied and produced to be safely positioned under direct visualization. ", "A new technique to insert, under adequate optical control, a non disposable standard port is described. ", "Personal experience in 126 consecutive patients is reviewed. ", "Data were recorded prospectically and insertion time was recorded in every case. ", "Medium time of trocar insertion was 55 sec (range 30-160 sec). ", "Identification of distinct layers of the abdominal wall was always possible. ", "There were no complications related to the insertion of the first reusable cannula under visual control. ", "This technique may be considered a safe, simple and cost effective method to insert the first trocar." ]
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[ "We noticed that this post from 2007 was trending this morning, obviously because Mr. Nugent decided to grab his crotch during a Trump rally.", "\n\nStay Classy, Ted Nugent! -- ", "eds.", "\n\nMany Thanks to Richard Roeper for exposing the wingnut fool known as Ted Nugent for being the coward during the Vietnam war that he was:\n\nSo Ted Nugent roams a concert stage while toting automatic weapons, calls Barack Obama \"a piece of -----\" and says he told Obama to suck on one of his machine-guns. ", "He also calls Hillary Clinton a \"worthless bitch\" and Dianne Feinstein a \"worthless whore.\" ", "That Nugent, he's a man's man. ", "He talks the talk and walks the walk, right? ", "Except when it was time to register for the draft during the Vietnam era. ", "By his own admission, Nugent stopped all forms of personal hygiene for a month and showed up for his draft board physical in pants caked with his own urine and feces, winning a deferment. ", "Creative!...read on\n\nWhen he had a chance to actually arm himself with a machine gun he cowered in his own excrement. ", "That's Hannity's man alright. ", "And Roeper makes a great point about the Dixie Chicks. (", "h/t Peer)" ]
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[ "Reuves\n\nReuves is a commune in the Marne department in north-eastern France.", "\n\nPopulation\n\nPolitics\n\nPresidential Elections 2nd Round\n\nSee also\nCommunes of the Marne department\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Communes of Marne (department)" ]
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[ "1944 United States presidential election in Tennessee\n\nThe 1944 United States presidential election in Tennessee took place on November 7, 1944, as part of the 1944 United States presidential election. ", "Tennessee voters chose 12 representatives, or electors, to the Electoral College, who voted for president and vice president.", "\n\nTennessee was won by incumbent President Franklin D. Roosevelt (D–New York), running with Senator Harry S. Truman, with 60.45% of the popular vote, against New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey (R), running with Ohio Governor John Bricker, with 39.22% of the popular vote.", "\n\nResults\n\nResults by county\n\nReferences\n\nTennessee\n1944\nCategory:1944 Tennessee elections" ]
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[ "Muungano Party\n\nThe Muungano Party (MP) is a political party in Kenya.", "\n\nHistory\nThe Muungano Party was established in 2007, and nominated a single National Assembly candidate for the 2007 general elections, Tito Mutunga Muunda in Makueni. ", "He received 517 votes, finishing twelfth in a field of nineteen candidates.", "\n\nIn the 2013 elections the party nominated 16 candidates for the National Assembly. ", "It received 0.9% of the vote, winning a single seat, Francis Mwangangi Kilonzo in Yatta. ", "It also won the gubernatorial election in Makueni County, with former MP Kivutha Kibwana elected as the county's Governor. ", "Kibwana left to join Wiper in February 2017.", "\n\nThe party nominated twelve National Assembly candidates for the 2017 general elections, although Kilonzo had left the party and ran as a Chama Cha Uzalendo candidate. ", "The party lost the Yatta seat, but Fabian Muli was elected in Kangundo to retain the party's representation in parliament.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nOfficial website\n\nCategory:Political parties in Kenya\nCategory:Political parties established in 2007\nCategory:2007 establishments in Kenya" ]
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[ 0.0010144240222871304, 0.0007203645072877407, 0.0007598891970701516, 0.0006744501297362149, 0.001803730265237391, 0.0007408634410239756, 0.0012701444793492556, 0.0008964330772869289, 0.0012049111537635326, 0.0005880499957129359 ]
[ "Andhra Pradesh\n\nVizianagaram\n\nYSR Congress Party\n\nNellimerla\n\nPala Raju\n\nHyderabad: At a time when the nation is worried about atrocities on women, a rape complaint by a 21-year old physically-challenged woman in’sdistrict has kept the cops on their toes for three days. ", "However, the detailed investigation by the police discovered that the allegations were ‘false’.", "In the meantime, the issue became political with the oppositioncriticising the government comparing the ‘incident’ to that of Kathua.", "Finally, the woman confessed to the police that she had come up with the rape story to escape being pulled up by her parents for going home late.", "A 21-year old woman complained to her parents on Sunday night that she was violated by an auto driver, with the help of his two friends, when she was returning home from her relatives’ place.", "The parents took her to hospital and lodged a complaint with thepolice immediately. ", "In her statement to the police, she said she had taken an auto after killing an hour waiting for a pick up by a relative. ", "There were already two men in the auto. ", "The driver zipped past her alighting point and the two men shut her mouth and restricted her movement. ", "They took her to an isolated place where the driver had violated her. ", "A biker passing by had responded to her cry for help and also dropped her home.", "The police registered a case of rape and atrocity on an SC woman. ", "They quickly formed six teams to nab the culprits. ", "Technical teams were entrusted with the job of collecting CCTV footage and other technical evidences to equip the teams to probe. ", "A woman magistrate recorded the victim’s statement around 1.30 am (the same night). ", "The victim did not mention about the rape in her declaration to the magistrate.", "“The declaration to the magistrate made us grow suspicious about the complaint of rape”, Vizianagaram district superintendent of police Gtold Mirror.", "“She made several contradictory statements and claims. ", "Basically, the rape spot indicated by her is a place where autos cannot go. ", "Secondly, she said the miscreants had taken away her mobile phone. ", "But, the mobile signal tracker showed her phone at her home. ", "Our men collected it. ", "The CCTV footage collected from the route mentioned had no clues to offer to us. ", "Then, we confronted her with the facts”, the SP narrated. ", "The woman confessed that she had lied to escape being pulled up by parents for going home late.", "“We have seen the case from the social aspect where girls and women, unlike men, face questions if they are late to home. ", "This woman might not have come up with a false story had she had the freedom and flexibility,” Pala Raju said.", "The police also decided against initiating any legal action on her for filing a false complaint. “", "It might deter real victims from complaining”, the police officer said.", "The police will submit her statement to the court and seek dropping of the case." ]
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[ "Numerous methods and materials exist for the construction of retaining walls. ", "Such methods include the use of natural stone, poured in place concrete, masonry, and landscape timbers or railroad ties. ", "In recent years, segmental concrete retaining wall units which are dry stacked (i.e., built without the use of mortar) have become a widely accepted product for the construction of retaining walls. ", "Such products have gained popularity because they are mass produced, and thus relatively inexpensive. ", "They are structurally sound, easy and relatively inexpensive to install, and couple the durability of concrete with the attractiveness of various architectural finishes.", "\nTypically, retaining walls are constructed with multiple courses of blocks. ", "The various courses may be tied together or connected in some manner. ", "For example, numerous block designs have used a sheer connector embodied in the blocks shape to align the blocks with a setback, or batter. ", "A common form of such sheer connectors is a rear, downwardly projecting lip or flange. ", "In forming a multi-course wall, the blocks are placed such that the flanges contact the upper back edge of the blocks located in the course below. ", "As such, blocks having flanges are caused to become aligned with the blocks position below, while at the same time providing a degree of resistance against displacement of individual blocks by earth pressures. ", "In walls formed using blocks of this type, the rear flanges of the blocks cause the wall to have a setback from course to course such that the wall slopes backward at an angle which is predetermined by the width of the flanges. ", "However, blocks with flange connection and setback means are susceptible to having the flange crack or break away from the block due to forces and pressures caused by debris and/or excess material buildup that accumulates between courses of blocks adjacent the flange. ", "The cracking or breaking away of the flange destabilizes the structure and can result in the displacement of blocks within the structure; cracks to form in individual blocks of the structure; and the potential collapse of portions or all of the structure.", "\nIt would be desirable to provide a retaining wall block system having a flange connection means that would minimize or eliminate any cracking or breakage caused by debris or excess material buildup adjacent the flange between courses of blocks in a retaining wall. ", "It would be desirable to provide a retaining wall block system having a flange connection means that would minimize or eliminate the ability of retaining forces acting on a block in a course of blocks in a structure to pivot upward (skyward). ", "It would be desirable to provide a retaining wall block system having a flange connection means that would allow for the flange to be more readily broken away cleanly and completely from the block body, eliminating/reducing any excess material that may extend below the bottom face of the block. ", "It would be desirable to provide a method of manufacturing a retaining wall block having a flange connection means that would minimize or eliminate deformation of the flange and to prevent the formation of sharpened edges or burs. ", "It would further be desirable to provide a retaining wall block system having a flange connection means that would form continuous vertical cavities from the uppermost course of retaining wall blocks to the lowermost course of retaining wall blocks to allow stabilizing material to be inserted within the retaining wall to further strengthen the structure." ]
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[ 0.0005911167827434838, 0.0006474072579294443, 0.0006292654434219003, 0.0005787105765193701, 0.0006052805692888796, 0.0008003573748283088, 0.0005422027898021042, 0.0006155502051115036, 0.002554657869040966, 0.000986527418717742, 0.000659130746498704, 0.0010538272326812148, 0.0011454974301159382, 0.0008146492182277143, 0.000753637170419097, 0.0007420102483592927, 0.0007886486710049212, 0.0007610650500282645, 0.0006867723423056304 ]
[ "The changing pattern of clinical Mycobacterium avium isolation in the Netherlands.", "\nNational Mycobacteria Reference Laboratory, The Netherlands. ", "To assess the role of factors other than laboratory improvements in the increasing frequency of isolation of non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) in the Netherlands; laboratory improvements are often considered key factors in this increase. ", "Laboratory database study. ", "All clinically isolated NTM referred to the national reference laboratory between January 2000 and January 2007 were retrieved from the laboratory database and categorised by species, patient age group and sample origin. ", "Data were compared with national demographic data. ", "Clinical Mycobacterium avium isolates accounted for most of the increase in referred NTM. ", "The number of respiratory M. avium samples in patients aged >40 years increased over time. ", "This age group increased in size during the study. ", "In this age group, the prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) increased during the study period. ", "M. avium isolation from lymph nodes in children remained stable, whereas extra-pulmonary M. avium isolation in the middle age group, including human immunodeficiency virus associated bloodstream isolates, decreased. ", "The increasing NTM notification in the Netherlands is unlikely to have been a result of laboratory improvements alone: the ageing population with an increasing prevalence of COPD is likely as important. ", "Environmental characteristics may specifically favour M.avium." ]
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[ 0.0005836118943989277, 0.0006243310635909438, 0.0006107453955337405, 0.000613075855653733, 0.000543846923392266, 0.0005760816275142133, 0.0006082645850256085, 0.0005928989266976714, 0.0005632362444885075, 0.0007162343827076256, 0.0010571706807240844, 0.0005604500183835626, 0.000605977198574692 ]
[ "Q:\n\nIndex Position in a 2D list to get a sub return value from same list\n\nSo basically atm i've made two different lists, and their places are respective of each other.", "\nUser inputs an item name. ", "The program searches for its index in the pre-defined list and then gives its respective value from the second list.", "\nWhat i want is the list on the first comment (2d list) to work. ", "Is it possible that using that list, a user inputs : 'Bread'.", "\nThe program gets its index and then returns the value 5.", "\nBasically indexing in 2d list.", "I've searched a lot but to no avail.", "\nIf you could provide a code or atleast guide me the right way.", "\nThanks.", "\n#super_market_prices=[['Bread',5],['Loaf',100],['Meat_Chicken',2.4],['Meat_Cow',450]]\n'''\nProgram listing Super Market Prices\nSearch by name and get the price\n'''\nsuper_market_items=['Bread','Loaf','Meat_Chicken','Meat_Cow']\nsuper_market_prices=[5,4,20,40]\n\nitem=str(input('Enter item name: '))\nFinal_item=item.capitalize() #Even if the user inputs lower_case\n #the program Capitalizes first letter\ntry:\n Place=super_market_items.index(Final_item)\n print(super_market_prices[Place])\nexcept ValueError:\n print('Item not in list.')", "\n\nA:\n\nYou don't want a 2D list, you want a dictionary, and luckily, it's super simple to go from a 2D list (where each sublist has only two elements) to a dictionary:\nprices = [['Bread',5],['Loaf',100],['Meat_Chicken',2.4],['Meat_Cow',450]]\nd = dict(prices)\n# {'Bread': 5, 'Loaf': 100, 'Meat_Chicken': 2.4, 'Meat_Cow': 450}\n\nNow all you have to do is query the dictionary (O(1) lookup):\n>>> d['Bread']\n5\n\nIf you want to enable error checking:\n>>> d.get('Bread', 'Item not found')\n5\n>>> d.get('Toast', 'Item not found')\n'Item not found'\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006548807141371071, 0.0006551481783390045, 0.0005985235911794007, 0.0006659348728135228, 0.0006326012662611902, 0.0007262885337695479, 0.0006344237481243908, 0.0005854975315742195, 0.0006973179988563061, 0.0006072824471630156, 0.0006833910010755062, 0.0012156154261901975 ]
[ "Literary Living with Yours Truly\n\nOccupational Hazards\n\nMy first National Novel Writing Month and I’m almost to the 8,000 word mark! ", "So far I’ve only faced mild writer’s block, major inkstains, and a few hand cramps, but I supposed I can consider those occupational hazards. ", "🙂" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.000787880620919168, 0.0006114717107266188, 0.005230684764683247 ]
[ "{\n \"name\": \"unity-fullserializer\",\n \"version\": \"1.1.0\",\n \"description\": \"Full Serializer is an easy to use and robust JSON serializer that just works.\",", "\n \"main\": \"index.js\",\n \"repository\": {\n \"type\": \"git\",\n \"url\": \"git+https://github.com/jacobdufault/fullserializer.git\"\n },\n \"files\": [\n \"index.js\",\n \"Scripts\",\n \"Assets\"\n ],\n \"author\": \"jacobdufault\",\n \"license\": \"MIT\",\n \"bugs\": {\n \"url\": \"https://github.com/jacobdufault/fullserializer/issues\"\n },\n \"homepage\": \"https://github.com/jacobdufault/fullserializer\",\n \"scripts\": {\n \"postinstall\": \"node Scripts/postinstall.js\"\n },\n \"dependencies\": {\n \"ncp\": \"^2.0.0\",\n \"mkdirp\": \"^0.5.1\"\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ 0.0006780799012631178, 0.0007079087663441896 ]
[ "Although I bought an enormous iMac 5K I still use my iOS devices as my main computers: my iPad Air 2 and my iPhone 6 Plus. ", "I keep receiving questions about my setup. ", "What keyboards I use? ", "Which accessories I recommend to buy? ", "I've talked all about it on my blog but let's put all the answers here:" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0008028643787838519, 0.0005878933588974178, 0.0007435001316480339, 0.000827981682959944, 0.0005657901638187468 ]
[ "Black Mountain, Slovakia\n\nBlack Mountain ( , ) is a small mountain range in eastern Slovakia. ", "It forms part of the Slovak Ore Mountains. ", "The range is located roughly between the city of Košice to the southeast and the municipalities of Krompachy to the northwest and Kysak to the northeast and has an area of about 250 km². ", "Its highest point is the Roháčka () between Margecany and Kluknava.", "\n\nThe region of the Black Mountain is drained by the River Hornád. ", "Within the range lies the reservoir of Ružín, built in the 1960s, whose main purpose is to supply water, but which also serves as a recreation area.", "\n\nOn the lower slopes beech is predominant, the higher reaches are covered by spruce and mixed forest.", "\n\nThe range itself is only sparsely settled. ", "Part of the main line from Košice to Žilina runs through the mountains with large railway hubs in Margecany and Kysak.", "\n\nExternal links \n\nThe Black Mountain (Čierna hora) at www.infoglobe.sk (Slovakian)\n\nCategory:Mountains of Slovakia" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.0019320447463542223, 0.0018212369177490473, 0.0006571449339389801, 0.0011351655703037977, 0.0009590170229785144, 0.0006709945155307651, 0.0005943986470811069, 0.0006144836661405861, 0.0009135533473454416, 0.0006237859488464892 ]
[ "Commanders To Personnel: Stay On Base\n\nMANILA — Commanders at two large U.S. military installations in the Philippines Monday told military men and women to stay on the bases through the country's political crisis.", "\n\nBut military spokesmen said that the naval and air bases had not been put on alert and that there was no sense of danger. ", "They said military personnel could leave base if they insisted, although they were strongly advised against it.", "\n\nSeveral large American corporations were sufficiently concerned to order senior executives and their families to leave the country. ", "According to a knowledgeable American businessman, the evacuations were intended to be temporary and were made over the executives' insistence that they were safe here.", "\n\nA spokesman at the U.S. Embassy, Allan Croghan, said that Americans were being advised not to travel in the Philippines. ", "But he also said the precaution was not rooted in fear of immediate danger.", "\n\nCroghan estimated that there were 700,000 Americans in the country, including 15,500 members of the military at Clark and nearby at Subic Bay Naval Base.", "\n\nThe two bases are the largest American military installations of their kind outside the United States, and their protection has figured prominently in the Reagan administration's reactions to the turmoil here.", "\n\nOfficers aligned with the anti-Marcos rebels asserted that they now had ''free access'' to Clark\n\nbecause of the defection to their side Monday by the commander of Philippine forces at the base. ", "Technically, both bases are Philippine territory, and 700 Philippine officers and enlisted men belong to the base security force.", "\n\nThe aircraft carrier Enterprise left Subic Monday after weeks of maintenance and repairs. ", "A spokesman at the naval base said that the departure had long been scheduled and was unrelated to political developments.", "\n\nAt Clark, 35 fighter planes were transferred to Kadena Air Base on the Japanese island of Okinawa, but U.S. Air Force officers said that this move also had been scheduled and had nothing to do with Philippine unrest." ]
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[ 0.0005809562280774117, 0.0006653410964645445, 0.0006293847691267729, 0.0008229060331359506, 0.0005481541156768799, 0.0006169365951791406, 0.0007632788619957864, 0.0006439322605729103, 0.0006634528981521726, 0.0006580480257980525, 0.0005854735500179231, 0.0007789907394908369, 0.0005570607609115541, 0.0007064940873533487 ]
[ "Q:\n\nDataTables plug-in - Display scrollbar below tfoot tag?", "\n\nI use jQuery DataTables plug-in and \"scrollX\":true for horizontal scrolling.", "\nWhy scroll bar appears above tfoot tag? ", "How to make it appear below footer?", "\nvar table = $('#example')\n .DataTable(\n {\n \"scrollX\": true,\n \"scrollCollapse\": true,\n \"dom\": 'Zlrtip',\n \"colResize\": {\n \"tableWidthFixed\": false,\n //\"handleWidth\": 10,\n \"resizeCallback\": function(column)\n {\n\n }\n },\n \"searching\": false,\n \"paging\": false,\n \"info\": false,\n \"deferRender\": true,\n \"sScrollX\": \"190%\"\n });\n\nSee JSFiddle example demonstrating the problem. ", "\n\nA:\n\nYou need to add the following code to you DataTables initialization options:\n\"fnInitComplete\": function(){\n // Disable TBODY scoll bars\n $('.dataTables_scrollBody').css({\n 'overflow': 'hidden',\n 'border': '0'\n });\n\n // Enable TFOOT scoll bars\n $('.dataTables_scrollFoot').css('overflow', 'auto');\n\n // Sync TFOOT scrolling with TBODY\n $('.dataTables_scrollFoot').on('scroll', function () {\n $('.dataTables_scrollBody').scrollLeft($(this).scrollLeft());\n }); \n},\n\nSee updated JSFiddle for demonstration.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0007131248712539673, 0.0006550520774908364, 0.0006981072947382927, 0.00094177620485425, 0.0008821707451716065, 0.0008302147034555674, 0.0019954426679760218 ]
[ "Apple’s claims that Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet is a copycat device that infringes on Apple-owned patents have been widely reported. ", "The Cupertino-based company has filed numerous patent complaints against Samsung, and it has even succeeded in temporarily blocking the sale of the 10-inch Honeycomb tablet across Europe and in Australia. ", "Samsung isn’t the only tablet vendor in Apple’s sights, however, as Apple also recently filed a complaint against Motorola in Europe, FOSS Patents reports. ", "The complaint alleges that the design of Motorola’s XOOM tablet copies Apple’s iPad tablets, just like the Galaxy Tab 10.1. ", "Apple currently has multiple outstanding patent complaints against Motorola right now, and Motorola has issued multiple complaints against Apple as well. ", "In total, 40 different patents are named in the various suits Apple and Motorola have filed against each other since October 2010.", "\n\nRead" ]
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[ 0.0007269867928698659, 0.0006563941133208573, 0.0006200410425662994, 0.00100065884180367, 0.000639446428976953, 0.0006193210720084608, 0.0007845552754588425 ]
[ "Sennen Andriamirado\n\nSennen Andriamirado (1945 – July 15, 1997) was a Malagasy journalist. ", "He was associated with the magazine Jeune Afrique for eighteen years and served as one of its four editors-in-chief. ", "He is best known for his biographies of Thomas Sankara, the revolutionary leader of Burkina Faso from 1983 to 1987.", "\n\nBibliography \n Il s'appelait Sankara, Jeune Afrique Livres, 1987\n Sankara, le rebelle, 1987, Jeune Afrique Livres, 1989\n Le Mali aujourd'hui, Jaguar, 1998, 2003\n Madagascar, Jaguar, 2004\n\nNotes and references \nThis article was originally translated from the French Wikipedia article :fr:Sennen Andriamirado.", "\n\nCategory:1945 births\nCategory:1997 deaths\nCategory:Malagasy journalists\nCategory:20th-century biographers" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.001545208040624857, 0.0007488292176276445, 0.0006412647780962288, 0.0007101087830960751, 0.0006312344339676201 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow can i make a list and click on item to navigate to a new route\n\nI know this code only displays title and i want to make a onTap method to navigate to a new route, but this is how fare i made it, any help, hint, tip, even shaming me for how stupid i am would be very much appreciated.", "\nEdit: I did posted the whole code because something is going wrong even after help that i got here. ", "maybe is a syntax problem or maybe i am just too stupid\nWidget build(BuildContext context) {\nreturn new Scaffold(\n body: new ListView.builder(\n itemCount: data == null ? ", "0 : 10,\n itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index){\n return new Card(\n child: new ListTile(\n onTap: _onTapped,\n title : new Text(data[index][\"title\"]),\n ),\n );\n },\n ),\n);\n\n}\n}\n\nA:\n\nJust wrap your title in a GestureDecector to handle clicks.", "\nThen call Navigator's pushNamed to redirect to a new route.", "\nnew GestureDetector(\n onTap: () {\n Navigator.pushNamed(context, \"myRoute\");\n },\n child: new Text(\"my Title\"),\n);\n\n" ]
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[ 0.02038625441491604, 0.0006297592190094292, 0.12068747729063034, 0.0007552753086201847, 0.0006988471141085029, 0.0006513827829621732 ]
[ "DU suspends five officials for leaking Smriti documents\n\n\"The BJP countered it with questions about Congress chief Sonia Gandhi's academic background.\"", "\n\nNew Delhi, May 30 - The Delhi University (DU) Friday suspended five officials for allegedly leaking documents related to educational qualifications of union Human Resources Development Minister Smriti Irani, officials said here.", "\n\nFive of the non-teaching staff of the school of open learning have been suspended for accessing the confidential file and then leaking it, Malay Neerav, DU joint dean of students's welfare and media coordinator, told reporters.", "\n\nThese are officials below section officer level, he said.", "\n\nDU took the action after a Hindi daily published the leaked documents. ", "The daily had written that Irani had taken admission in DU's School of Open Learning last year, but had not appeared for her examination.", "\n\nIrani is in the center of a controversy due to her educational qualifications that has led to a full-blown war of words between the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party.", "\n\nThe Congress had alleged that Irani had misrepresented facts in her election affidavits.", "\n\nThe Congress leaders have said that Irani in her affidavit -- when she was contesting the 2004 Lok Sabha election -- mentioned her qualification as bachelor of arts (BA) which she passed in 1996 from Delhi University's school of correspondence.", "\n\nBut in her affidavit for this year's Lok Sabha election, the actor-turned-politician mentioned her educational qualification as Bachelor of Commerce Part I, School of Open Learning (Correspondence), University of Delhi - 1994.", "\n\nThe Congress has protested against an undergraduate being appointed the HRD minister.", "\n\nThe BJP countered it with questions about Congress chief Sonia Gandhi's academic background.", "\n\nIrani has meanwhile said that extraneous circumstances were created by the opposition to divert her and requested the people to judge her on the basis of her work.", "\n\nAll rights reserved for news content. ", "Reproduction, storage or redistribution of Nerve content and articles in any medium is strictly prohibited.", "Contact Nerve Staff for any feedback, corrections and omissions in news stories.", "\n\nAll rights reserved for the news content. ", "Reproduction, storage or redistribution of Nerve content and articles in any medium is strictly prohibited." ]
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[ 0.0008386787958443165, 0.0006058262661099434, 0.0006195510504767299, 0.0006542596966028214, 0.0008116981480270624, 0.0006784137804061174, 0.0015580427134409547, 0.0007011894485913217, 0.0005469003226608038, 0.000546917028259486, 0.0008269246900454164, 0.0006329203606583178, 0.000607099907938391, 0.0005960674025118351, 0.0006489605875685811, 0.000660433026496321, 0.0005864908453077078, 0.0006489605875685811 ]
[ "Pope Francis is carrying out a revolution in the Vatican. ", "It will also be a revolution in the world, setting it right because it is upside down. ", "The revolution of Jesus of Nazareth: \"The last will be first, and the first will be last.\"", "\n\nIn 2013 there was a resurgence of populism in the U.S., with the enormous popularity of Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and the victory of Bill de Blasio in the New York mayor's race. ", "And populists gained a powerful ally in Pope Francis.", "\n\nIt has been a tough five years since [Obama won the presidential election], and there will be three more to his presidency. ", "But I think he is the best president since Kennedy, or perhaps even since FDR. ", "Here are a few of my reasons for saying this.", "\n\nAdvent is about the choice to nurture a world reflective of divine justice and individual choice. ", "To participate in a challenge to oppressive powers. ", "Mary chose to participate, to nurture a force pushing against her experience of an occupying empire and furthering equality among peoples.", "\n\nSuch a story is raising hope among activists and progressive Catholics, many of whom have left the church behind but still recognize its potential power as a source for good in many parts of the world.", "\n\nI sat down to discuss a wide range of topics with the idol of my high school days, Noam Chomsky, in early October. ", "This was before the release of Evangelii Gaudium, but after a lot of encouraging words about economic justice from Pope Francis.", "\n\nWhile the Argentine pontiff weighs in on diverse issues in his groundbreaking interview, he clearly emerges as a pastor who is profoundly influenced by what have been two competing tendencies in the Latin American church.", "\n\nMatthew Fox offers advice to Pope Francis on dozens of hot-button issues that were mostly silenced by Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI. ", "Imagine an issue that you might care about and it is here. ", "Birth control. ", "Pre-marital sex. ", "Ordaining women. ", "Looking to more than the Bible and Church tradition (nature, science, creative arts, imagination) for God's revelation.", "\n\nOver the past 10 years I have found myself doing two things over and over again: Coming out and having conversations about the so-called \"clobber passages\" relating to homosexuality and the Bible. ", "I have grown weary of those conversations.", "\n\nA top Salvadoran church official says the elevation of Cardinal José Maria Bergoglio to Pope Francis could advance the plodding campaign for sainthood for Msgr. ", "Oscar Arnulfo Romero, an outspoken peace advocate and possibly the country's most revered figure, assassinated for his views on March 24, 1980.", "\n\nThe new pope favors a modest lifestyle without chauffeured limousines or ostentatious palaces. ", "I am sure that his concern for the poor is sincere. ", "Yet, he is not going to do anything radical to reduce poverty." ]
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[ "* Tamil Nadu has the highest number of unnatural deaths in prisons per year\n\nThe brutal death of an Indian inmate Sarabjit Singh at the Kot Lakhpat Jail in Lahore and a subsequent attack on Pakistani inmate Sanaullah Haq at the Kot Balwal Jail in Jammu brought the issue of custodial deaths to the fore.", "\n\nSome facts: There were 372,926 inmates in Indian jails in 2011. ", "Around 73% of unnatural deaths in Indian prisons are due to suicides, and Karnataka (97%) and Uttar Pradesh (82%) top the state prisons in terms of suicides. ", "And Tamil Nadu has the highest number of unnatural deaths every year (50 since 2009-11). ", "The Ministry of Home Affairs, in a Parliamentary reply recently, gave out state-wise details for 2009, 2010 and 2011 of the number of natural and unnatural deaths in Indian prisons.", "\n\nFigure 1\n\nThe total number of unnatural deaths came down from 109 in 2009 to 88 in 2011. ", "Like we mentioned, there were 372,926 inmates in Indian jails in 2011.", "\n\nHere’s a look at the top 4 states with highest unnatural deaths:\n\nFigure 1 (b)\n\nTamil Nadu accounts for the highest number of unnatural inmate deaths every year. ", "Moreover, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan feature in the list every year. ", "The following figures give us an idea of the number of suicides from 2009 to 2011\n\nFigure 2 (a)\n\nThe number of all-India suicides in jails came down from 75 in 2009 to 68 in 2011.", "\n\nFigure 2 (b)\n\nIncidentally, Tamil Nadu is the only state where the number of suicides has been going up. ", "Figure 3 gives an idea of total number of suicides in 3 years compared to the total number of unnatural deaths:\n\nFigure 3\n\n73% of unnatural deaths in Indian prisons are due to suicides. ", "Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh have the highest percentage of suicide deaths in their prisons out of the states studied. ", "Tamil Nadu, which has a very high number of unnatural deaths, has 68% of it due to suicides. ", "The numbers may be coming down but suicides in Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh prisons and the number of unnatural deaths in Tamil Nadu are a cause for concern." ]
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[ "Creative Warriors\n\nWelcome Warriors!", "\n\nSome of Melissa's clients include...\n\nWelcome Warriors!", "\n\nI had such a blast chatting with Jeffrey about building business invincibility. ", "As a small token of my appreciation, I wanted to share some additional resources with you. ", "For those of you who have bought my book, Crisis Ready: Building an Invincible Brand in an Uncertain World, the below resources go hand-in-hand with the book to provide you with an exact roadmap for becoming crisis ready and, thus, building brand invincibility. ", "However, if you haven't bought the book, don't worry, you don't require the book to make effective use of the below materials.", "\n\nWith that said, I hope you find these resources to be helpful.", "\nTo your business's invincibility,\n\nCrisis Ready Flowchart\n\nWhen a customer's complaint begins to go viral... or when controversy breaks out on your Facebook page... or when a mishap occurs and angry stakeholders take to the online world to express their grievances with your brand... what are you supposed to do? ", "Should you respond and, if so, how? ", "Should you sit back, monitor, and let the conversation unfold on its own? ", "Or, does the situation present a significant risk to your business and, therefore, require's more dedicated attention?", "\n\nIt isn't always easy to know precisely how to respond to negative online events against your brand. ", "And yet, it's that you respond appropriately in order to nip the situation in the budd as quickly as possible. ", "This is the purpose of the Crisis Ready Flowchart.", "\n\nDownloaded and used by thousands of organizations and professionals around the world, this flowchart was created to provide you and your team with a resource to help in responding appropriately to any type of negative online incident that may strike your brand.", "\n\nInterested in working with Melissa?", "\n\nDo you have questions concerning your business's crisis readiness? ", "Book Melissa for a strategic consultation session where together you will discuss your business's particular objectives and needs, and Melissa will provide you with actionable next steps to help you build brand invincibility.", "\n\nSpeaking for your organization\n\nMelissa brings her experience in helping some of the world's largest organizations become crisis ready to your team/audience in an engaging, fun, and impactful way. ", "Learn more about her seminars and how they will help your team build brand invincibility.", "\n\nIf you're interested in implementing a CRISIS READY™ culture, then subscribing to my newsletter is a good place to start.", "\nSubscribe to receive emails with all my latest tips, strategies and case studies to help you turn today's real-time challenges into a winning crisis management strategy." ]
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[ 0.0006810396444052458, 0.0006578906322829425, 0.0009168643155135214, 0.0005121214198879898, 0.0006159448530524969, 0.0007161828689277172, 0.0005391177255660295, 0.003979813773185015, 0.0008836594060994685, 0.0014300517505034804, 0.000641319842543453, 0.0007644461002200842, 0.0008190937805920839, 0.0006732893525622785, 0.0006068855291232467, 0.0008042422123253345, 0.0006767306476831436, 0.0006743704434484243, 0.0005710598197765648, 0.0006785550503991544, 0.0005446875584311783, 0.0005721718189306557 ]
[ "\n117 Wis.2d 478 (1984)\n344 N.W.2d 719\nJeffrey A. SWART, Plaintiff-Appellant,[†]\nv.\nRURAL MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant-Respondent,\nRobert W. SWART and Betty Swart, Defendants.", "\nNo. ", "83-223.", "\nCourt of Appeals of Wisconsin.", "\nSubmitted on briefs December 12, 1983.", "\nDecided January 26, 1984.", "\n*479 For the plaintiff-appellant the cause was submitted on the briefs of George S. Curry and Kopp, McKichan, Geyer, McKichan, Curry & Geyer, of Platteville.", "\nFor the defendant-respondent the cause was submitted on the briefs of Robert G. Wixson and Winner, McCallum, Hendee & Wixson, of Madison.", "\nBefore Gartzke, P.J., Dykman, J. and Gordon Myse, Reserve Judge.", "\nDYKMAN, J.\nAppellant Jeffrey Swart appeals from a summary judgment dismissing his complaint. ", "The issue *480 is whether appellant was a \"dependent relative\" of his parents when he was injured, thereby precluding coverage under their farm liability insurance policy. ", "We affirm the judgment.", "\nAppellant graduated from high school in the spring of 1979. ", "That summer, he lived with his parents and worked twenty to twenty-five hours per week at a restaurant, earning approximately $900. ", "He also worked on his parents' farm forty to forty-five hours each month and was paid $3.00 per hour. ", "He became 18 on August 13. ", "On September 25, he started a full-time job at Advanced Transformer Company, receiving $3.43 per hour. ", "On September 28 appellant was helping his father fix a silo unloader when he was injured.", "\nAppellant sued his parents and their liability insurer, Rural Mutual Insurance Company, claiming negligence. ", "Rural Mutual moved for summary judgment, alleging that because the policy did not cover bodily injury to \"persons insured\" under the policy, appellant could not recover. ", "The trial court granted the motion.", "\nThe policy provides in part:\nThis company agrees under this form:\nI. Coverage and Exclusions\nCoverage L—Personal Liability (Public and Employer's): To pay on behalf of the Insured all sums which the Insured shall become legally obligated to pay as damages (but excluding any punitive or exemplary damages) because of bodily injury or property to which this insurance applies, caused by an occurrence . . . .", "\nExclusions. ", "This coverage does not apply: . . . .", "\n(f) to bodily injury to any Insured under parts (a), (b) and (d) of \"Persons Insured\"; . . . .", "\n. . . .", "\nV. Persons Insured. ", "Each of the following is an Insured under this form to the extent set forth below:\n(a) the Named Insured;\n*481 (b) if residents of the Named Insured's household, his spouse, the dependent relatives of either, and any other person under the age of 18 in the care of any Insured; . . . .", "\nThe issues are the meaning of \"dependent relative\" and whether summary judgment was properly granted.", "\nConstruction of Policy\n[1]\n\"'[A]n insurance policy should be construed as it would be understood by a reasonable person in the position of the insured. ", "The language of the policy is to be given the common and ordinary meaning it would have in the mind of a lay person.'\" ", "Reserve Life Ins. ", "Co. v. La Follette, 108 Wis. 2d 637, 645, 323 N.W.2d 173, 177 (Ct. ", "App. ", "1982) (citations omitted). ", "We may look to a recognized dictionary to determine the common and ordinary meaning of words. ", "Lawver v. Boling, 71 Wis. 2d 408, 414, 238 N.W.2d 514, 517 (1976).", "\nWebster's Third New International Dictionary (1976) defines a \"dependent\" as \"one that depends or is dependent; esp. ", "one relying on another for support.\" ", "Id. at 604. ", "Webster's defines the adjective \"dependent\" as \"lacking the necessary means of support and receiving aid from others.\" ", "Id. Black's Law Dictionary (5th ed. ", "1979) defines \"dependent\" as \"deriving existence, support, or direction from another . . . .\" ", "Id. at 393. ", "Black's defines a \"dependent\" as: \"One who derives his or her main support from another. ", "Means relying on, or subject to, someone else for support; not able to exist or sustain oneself, or to perform anything without the will, power, or aid of someone else.\" ", "Id.\nThe word \"dependent\" is ambiguous because it could refer either to one who must be supported by another or to one who simply is supported by another, regardless *482 of need. ", "Because neither party offered extrinsic facts to aid in construction of the policy provisions, a question of law is presented which we may determine independently. ", "Reserve Life Ins. ", "Co., 108 Wis. 2d at 646, 323 N.W.2d at 177.", "\nGenerally, we construe ambiguous language in insurance contracts against the insurance company, the drafter of the contract. ", "Wisconsin Builders, Inc. v. General Ins. ", "Co., 65 Wis. 2d 91, 103, 221 N.W.2d 832, 838 (1974). ", "Applying that rule of construction to this policy is difficult, however, because the phrase \"dependent relative\" is used in the coverage clause to identify individuals whose liability to third parties is covered and in the exclusions clause to identify those whose bodily injuries are not covered. ", "If we interpret \"dependent relative\" narrowly, to mean one who must be supported by another, appellant's injury will be covered under the policy but his liability to third parties will not.", "\n[2,3]\nWhere an insurance contract is uncertain and the intention of the parties is not clearly ascertainable from the policy itself, the courts will take into consideration the apparent object or purpose of the insurance and, in the context of the policy, the subject matter of the insurance, the situation of the parties, and the circumstances surrounding the making of the contract.", "\nChemtec Midwest Services, Inc. v. Ins. ", "Co. of No. ", "Amer., ", "290 F. Supp. ", "106, 109 (W.D. Wis. 1968). ", "The purpose of this policy is to protect the named insureds, appellant's parents, from liability to persons who have suffered physical injury or property damage due to the negligence of the insureds, their family members, or their employees. ", "It is not meant to protect family members from negligent acts of other family members. ", "In light of that purpose, we will construe the policy to provide a broader coverage clause, rather than a narrower exclusion clause. *", "483 We therefore construe \"dependent relative\" to mean one who receives support from the named insureds, regardless of need.", "\nSummary Judgment\nSection 802.08 (2), Stats., ", "provides that summary judgment \"shall be rendered if the pleadings, depositions, answers to interrogatories, and admissions on file, together with the affidavits, if any, show that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law.\" ", "When reviewing a trial court's grant of summary judgment, we apply the same analysis as the trial court. ", "Heinz Plastic Mold v. Continental Tool, 114 Wis. 2d 54, 57, 337 N.W.2d 189, 191 (Ct. ", "App. ", "1983).", "\n[T]he court . . . ", "first examines the pleadings to determine whether claims have been stated and a material factual issue is presented. ", "If the complaint . . . ", "states a claim and the pleadings show the existence of factual issues, the court examines the moving party's affidavits for evidentiary facts admissible in evidence or other proof to determine whether that party has made a prima facie case for summary judgment. ", "To make a prima facie case for summary judgment, a moving defendant must show a defense which would defeat the claim. ", "If the moving party has made a prima facie case for summary judgment, the court examines the affidavits submitted by the opposing party for evidentiary facts and other proof to determine whether a genuine issue exists as to any material fact, or reasonable conflicting inferences may be drawn from the undisputed facts, and therefore a trial is necessary.", "\nIn re Cherokee Park Plat, 113 Wis. 2d 112, 116, 334 N.W.2d 580, 582-83 (Ct. ", "App. ", "1983).", "\nIn support of its motion, Rural Mutual submitted excerpts from appellant's deposition. ", "When deposed, appellant testified that at the time of the accident he was living with his parents and working full-time, hoping to *484 save enough money to move from the farm and begin attending classes in Madison. ", "He had never paid his parents for food and lodging. ", "He took a one-credit piano course at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville during the fall semester of 1979, for which his parents paid tuition. ", "He drove his parents' car to school and to work and he paid them no rental for it. ", "He saved most of his earnings from the summer of 1979 but bought a few items of clothing and paid for his entertainment. ", "His parents paid for his food, lodging, and most of his clothing that summer. ", "He was covered under their medical insurance policy, which paid most of the bills for his injury. ", "His parents paid the rest. ", "He continued to live with his parents until August 1981.", "\nBy this evidence, Rural Mutual has established a defense to appellant's claim. ", "The defense is that appellant was receiving most of his support from his parents and therefore was a \"dependent relative\" when he was injured. ", "Appellant disputes none of the facts advanced by Rural Mutual. ", "We therefore must examine appellant's affidavits and other proof to determine whether reasonable conflicting inferences may be drawn from the undisputed facts.", "\nExcerpts from appellant's deposition[1] establish that appellant turned 18 before he was injured; that his sister lived at home and worked elsewhere for two years; that appellant worked full-time for three days before the accident and would have continued to do so had he not been injured; that his parents paid him $3.00 per hour for haying during the summer of 1979, the same wage *485 paid to non-family employees; that he took the job at Advanced Transformer to earn money for school because his parents would not pay for his higher education; that he had planned to continue living at home for a few months or until he could afford to move; that he had approximately $600 in a savings account when he was injured; and that he was able to support himself after he moved out of his parents' house. ", "An affidavit from a personnel officer at Advanced Transformer states that appellant was employed there full-time, at a wage of $3.43 per hour, and worked there from September 25 through September 27.", "\n[4]\nAppellant's deposition and affidavits raise an inference that he was capable of self-support at the time of the accident. ", "They do not raise an inference that his parents were not supporting him at that time. ", "Appellant argues that his parents would not support him after he reached the age of majority and that he expected to use his earnings to support himself. ", "He submitted no factual material to support these allegations, however. ", "Appellant's material does not establish that a factual issue exists. ", "Summary judgment was therefore properly granted.", "\nBy the Court.—Judgment affirmed.", "\nGORDON MYSE, Reserve Judge. (", "dissenting.)", "\nThe status of \"dependent relative\" is a question of fact relying on extrinsic facts for its determination. ", "Such issues should generally be determined by the jury, not by the court on a motion for summary judgment. ", "See Bauman v. Midland Union Ins. ", "Co., 261 Wis. 449, 451, 53 N.W.2d 529, 530 (1952), quoted in Katze v. Randolph & Scott Mut. ", "Fire Ins., ", "116 Wis. 2d 206, 211, 341 N.W.2d 689, 691 (1984). ", "Factors to be considered involve support, the *486 degree of control exercised over the claimed dependent relative, and the intent of the parties.", "\nThe majority construes \"dependent relative\" to include an individual who receives support from the named insureds. ", "I disagree with the majority's construction of dependent, which relies solely on the question of support as evidenced by room and board.", "\nThe majority's own authorities indicate that more than the provision of room and board is involved in being dependent. ", "The cited definition from Webster's Third New International Dictionary (1976) is preceded by this definition: \"unable to exist, . . . ", "or act suitably or normally without the assistance or direction of another.\" ", "Id. at 604. ", "Similarly, Black's Law Dictionary (5th Ed. ", "1979) as cited by the majority states: \"[d]eriving existence, support, or direction from another . . . .\" ", "Id. at 393. (", "Emphasis added.) ", "The direction or control of the individual by another is an integral part of dependency, as the majority's own authorities indicate, but was completely omitted from its analysis.", "\nThe relevant factual question of direction or control was not addressed in the respondent's summary judgment motion and accordingly the respondent has not \"show[n] a defense which would defeat the claim.\" ", "In re Cherokee Park Plat, 113 Wis. 2d 112, 116, 334 N.W.2d 580, 583 (Ct. ", "App. ", "1983). ", "I would remand this action for resolution of that issue as it bears on dependency.", "\nNOTES\n[†] Petition to review denied.", "\n[1] Appellant introduced the entire transcript of his deposition, in addition to the excerpts we discuss, in opposition to the motion for summary judgment. ", "We will not search the deposition for material favorable to appellant's position. ", "Commercial Disc. ", "Corp. v. Milw. ", "Western Bank, 61 Wis. 2d 671, 678, 214 N.W.2d 33, 36-37 (1974).", "\n" ]
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[ "ライフハッカー[日本版]より再編集して掲載\n\n暦のうえでは秋だというのに、まだまだ暑い日が続きますね。外を出歩くのが億劫なんてものじゃありません。もはや苦行。", "\n\nそこでご紹介したいのが、Ama Fanshopの「ミストファンアンブレラ」。水を霧状にしてファンで飛散させて温度を下げる、昨今話題のハイテクな傘です。", "\n\nペットボトルから水を吸い上げ霧状に\n\nこの「ミストファンアンブレラ」は、傘のハンドル部分にペットボトルを装着できる作り。そこから水を吸い上げ、傘のなかに霧を発生させます。", "\n\n日傘は日光は防げても、体の周りの温度は下げられません。でも、「ミストファンアンブレラ」なら、日傘の効果に加えて、水が蒸発するときに周りの熱を奪う気化熱を利用。辛い暑さを和らげてくれます。", "\n\nファンと霧でダブルの効果\n\nまた、傘の内側に強力なファンがついており、ファンの風とともに霧状になった水を体全体にかけてくれます。霧は持ち手部分のボタンを押すたびに発生。", "\n\nちなみに、ペットボトルは付属していますが、サントリー「天然水」シリーズにも対応しているとのこと。", "\n\n稼働時間に関しては、単3電池4本で最大5時間使用することができます。", "\n\n日々の移動や、屋外で長時間待つときに\n\n通勤、通学、お買い物、お散歩、旅行など、活躍する場面がたくさんありそう!", "\n\n特にイベントの観戦やテーマパークといった、長時間外にいたり、並んだりしなければならないときは、熱中症対策のためにも必携かもしれませんよ。もちろん、晴雨兼用なので、突然の夕立がきても安心です。", "\n\nなお、ご紹介したアイテムは、執筆現在在庫切れの様子です。", "\n\n以下は類似アイテムですので、興味のある方はご覧になってみてください。" ]
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[ "Occurrence and antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella spp. ", "isolated from food other than meat in Poland.", "\nAntimicrobial resistance of pathogenic bacteria can result in therapy failure, increased hospitalization, and increased risk of death. ", "In Poland, Salmonella spp. ", "is a major bacterial agent of food poisoning. ", "The majority of studies on antimicrobial resistance in Salmonella spp. ", "isolates from food have focused on meat products as the source of this pathogen. ", "In comparison, this study examines the antimicrobial susceptibility of Salmonella spp. ", "isolated from retail food products other than meat in Poland. ", "A collection of 122 Salmonella spp. ", "isolates were isolated in Poland in 2008-2012 from foods other than meat: confectionery products, eggs, fruits, vegetables, spices and others. ", "The resistance of these isolates to 19 antimicrobial agents was tested using the disc diffusion method. ", "Salmonella Enteritidis was the most frequently identified serotype (84.4% of all tested isolates). ", "In total, 42.6% of the Salmonella spp. ", "isolates were resistant to antibiotics. ", "The highest frequencies of resistance were observed in isolates from 2009 (60.0%) and 2012 (59.5%). ", "Antibiotic resistance was most prevalent among Salmonella spp. ", "isolated from egg-containing food samples (68.0%). ", "Resistance to nalidixic acid was most common and was observed in 35.2% of all tested isolates. ", "The isolates were less frequently resistant to sulphonamides (6.6%), ampicillin (4.9%), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (2.5%) and to streptomycin, cefoxitin, gentamicin and tetracycline (1.6%). ", "Only one isolate showed resistance to chloramphenicol. ", "Four isolates displayed multiresistance. ", "Although, the level of resistance and multiresistance of Salmonella spp. ", "isolates from non-meat foods was lower than in those from meat products, the presence of these resistant bacteria poses a real threat to the health of consumers." ]
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[ "In the past year significant progress has been made in the molecular cytogenetics and molecular biology of cancer cells. ", "We obtained information on chromosome alterations in several novel cancer model systems, provided further evidence regarding the role of DLC family genes in cancer development, and identified TMEM7 as a potential tumor suppressor in HCC. ", "The heat shock transcription factor Hsf1 regulates expression of heat shock proteins and, as such, protects cells against apoptosis triggered by protein damaging agents. ", "To understand the role of Hsf1 in tumorigenesis, hsf1-/- mice were crossed with p53-/- mice to analyze p53-mediated tumorigenesis in the presence or absence of the hsf1 gene. ", "While p53-/- mice develop mostly lymphomas, hsf1-/-p53-/- mice develop mostly testicular cancers and sarcomas - yet both succumb to their respective tumors by the age of 35 weeks. ", "We demonstrated by spectral karyotyping analysis (SKY) that loss of the hsf1 gene increased genomic instability in mouse embryo fibroblasts from hsf1-/-p53-/- animals. ", "This suggests that the loss of Hsf1 in mice already deficient for p53 gene promotes an increase in genomic instability that triggers a change in the program of neoplastic transformation that favors the formation of solid tumors over lymphomas. ", "In addition to its major function removal of topological stress in DNA associated with replication, transcription, repair and recombination - human topoisomerase 1 (Top1) has been proposed to play a role in many other important processes. ", "Since total elimination of Top1 is lethal, stable Top1 small interfering RNA derivatives (siTop1) of colon and breast carcinoma cell lines were generated. ", "Reduction of Top1 availability resulted in altered expression of 55 different genes, increased genomic instability (as demonstrated by SKY analysis) and decreased nucleolus organizing region (NOR) activity (demonstrated by controlled chromosomal silver-staining assay) and formation of histone H2A.X foci associated with replication. ", "Taken together, these findings point to a non-classical role of Top1 in maintenance of genomic integrity, gene-specific regulation of transcription, and the response to various anticancer agents. ", "The most compelling characteristic of cells acting as self-renewing mammary gland stem cells (MGSC) is their ability to reconstitute a differentiated mammary gland in vivo following implantation into cleared mammary gland fat pads. ", "In recent years the ability of such cells to grow as nonadherent, free-floating-mammospheres has become an in vitro test of their MGSC function. ", "Using specific immunostaining and FACS, several fractions of mouse mammary gland cells with specific surface marker signatures were isolated and showed to be able to both form mammospheres and to regenerate mammary gland on implantation into a mammary fat pad. ", "Culturing of those cells changes their immunophenotype and also affects their genomic stability, as evidenced by SKY analysis of freshly isolated and precultured samples, opening the possibility that accumulation of somatic alterations in MGSC may be a factor in tumorigenesis. ", "We have continued our studies on DLC1, a Rho GTPase activating protein and tumor suppressor originally isolated in the Molecular Cytogenetics Section. ", "To learn more about the molecular mechanisms by which DLC1 influences cell behavior, we entered into a partnership with Myriad Genetics to use yeast two-hybrid screening to identify proteins that interact with DLC1. ", "A number of potential DLC1 binding partners were found, including 3 members of the tensin family of focal adhesion proteins (tensin1, tensin2, and tensin3), which act as a link between the actin cytoskeleton and the cytoplasmic tails of integrins. ", "The tensin1 binding site of DLC1 was characterized by Dr. Douglas Lowygroup, who demonstrated that mutation of a critical residue (Y442) abolished tensin1 binding, eliminated the focal adhesion localization of DLC1, and reduced its ability to inhibit cell migration and growth in soft agar We had used gene targeting to generate DLC1 knockout mice and found that gene is essential for normal development, as Dlc1-/- embryos died at midgestation. ", "Since the embryonic lethality precluded attempts at studying the role of DLC1 at later stages of development and during tumorigenesis in adult tissues, we set out to produce a conditional DLC1 knockout strain to allow tissue-specific inactivation of the gene using Cre-LoxP technology. ", "In collaboration with Dr. Snorri Thorgeirsson, Dr. Douglas Lowy, and the Gene Targeting Facility at NCI-Frederick, we have successfully obtained mouse embryonic stem cells that carried the correctly targeted conditional allele and were able to generate chimeric mice. ", "Breeding of the chimeras to identify offspring with germline transmission of the conditional allele is currently underway. ", "DLC1 is the founding member of a family of closely related Rho GTPase activating proteins that have tumor suppressor properties. ", "The DLC2 gene on chromosome 13q13 had been shown by others to be down-regulated in HCC, and we demonstrated that its expression is also reduced in several other common human cancers. ", "We also characterized a novel gene on chromosome Xq13 that encodes DLC3, a third member of the DLC family that is around 50% identical to DLC-1 and DLC-2. ", "The DLC3 mRNA was widely expressed in normal tissues, but was down-regulated in a number of human cancer cell lines and in primary tumors from kidney, lung, ovary, breast, and prostate. ", "Transfection of human breast and prostate cancer cells with a DLC3 expression vector inhibited cell proliferation, colony formation, and growth in soft agar, indicating that DLC3 may act as a tumor suppressor in these tissues. ", "In addition, DLC3 was found to stimulate GTP hydrolysis by RhoA and to bind tensin1. ", "Both genetic and environmental factors are important in the development and prevention of breast cancer. ", "Among such external factors, diet is thought to play an important role. ", "A low incidence of breast cancer in Asia has been attributed in part to a high intake of flavonoids. ", "Flavone treatment restored DLC1 expression in aggressive breast and colon carcinoma cell lines that were DLC-1- negative due to promoter hypermethylation and also inhibited cell proliferation, induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, and lead to deregulation of several proto-oncogene and tumor suppressor genes. ", "The results obtained with cells from aggressive or metastatic breast tumors suggest the possibility that administration of flavone, alone or in combination with DNA methyltransferase and histone deacetylase inhibitors, may be an effective adjunct to chemotherapy. ", "The TMEM7 gene, which encodes a transmembrane protein, is among the candidate tumor suppressor genes located at a region of deletion 3p21.3 in various cancers. ", "This gene is expressed specifically in the liver, and the Tmem7 protein shares substantial sequence homology with human and mouse 28-kDa interferon-alpha (IFN-&#945;) responsive protein. ", "We investigated the role of TMEM7 in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and demonstrated down-regulation or silencing of the gene is due aberrant DNA methylation and histone deacetylation, in the absence of genomic deletion and mutation. ", "Ectopic expression of TMEM7 in HCC lines suppressed cell proliferation, colony formation, and cell migration in vitro and reduced tumor formation in nude mice. ", "Treatment of two highly invasive HCC cell lines with IFN-&#945; for 7 days significantly increased TMEM7 expression and inhibited cell migration. ", "These observations implicate loss of TMEM7 expression in hepatocarcinogenesis and suggest that modification of TMEM7 expression by IFN-&#945; may have potential therapeutic relevance in a subset of HCC" ]
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[ "The great mistake\n\nBlair Walsh's miss Sunday another reminder that kickers are not people\n\nGetty Images\n\nLet’s be honest about this: Kickers are appliances. ", "Yes, we can like them. ", "We can even vaguely love them in the same way that we love our snow blowers or big screen televisions. ", "Adam Vinatieri will never have to buy a beer in Boston, not after so many crucial kicks, including two game-winners in the Super Bowl.", "\n\nBut let’s be honest about it: Everyone in New England expected Vinatieri to make those field goals, even the tough Oakland snow kicks. ", "Sure, after a game-winning field goal, you will sometimes hear people call a kicker the game’s “hero.” ", "But nobody believes that. ", "A sports hero is someone who does something extraordinary to help win the game. ", "Nobody sees kicking a field goal as extraordinary. ", "If Vinatieri had missed, people would have been outraged beyond words.", "\n\nAnd that’s the thing: People expect kickers always to make their field goals. ", "They are appliances.", "\n\n“We miss a chip-shot field goal — that’s life,” says Minnesota Vikings coach Mike Zimmer in the aftermath of his team’s heartbreaking loss to Seattle on Sunday. ", "Vikings kicker Blair Walsh had indeed missed a 27-yarder in the final seconds that would have won the game. ", "When Zimmer was asked, essentially, if he blamed Walsh for the loss, he did not hesitate.", "\n\n“It’s a chip-shot,” Zimmer says. “", "He’s got to make it.”", "\n\nCoaches never do this to players. ", "In the aftermath of even the worst losses, they stand behind their players because that’s the football code. ", "You win as a team; you lose as a team. ", "No one play wins or loses a football game. ", "Fifty-three players stand as one. ", "You know the football clichés as well as I do. ", "A coach will not hesitate to sound ridiculous in the name of protecting one of his players, no matter how egregious the player’s mistake.", "\n\nAfter Cincinnati’s crushing loss to Pittsburgh, coach Marvin Lewis was asked about Vontaze Burfict’s unnecessary and dangerous shot to the head, one that drew a 15-yard penalty at the worst moment and partially cost the Bengals the game. “", "He’s trying to go over and defend the play,” Lewis said. “", "There’s a lot of balls out there, and calls went different ways. ", "They deemed that to be a hit to the head, I guess.”", "\n\nYeah, guess so. ", "And of the Jeremy Hill fumble that gave Pittsburgh the ball back, Lewis said: “Jeremy knows he fumbled the football. ", "I don’t have to say anything to him. ", "He’s disappointed as everyone else is.”", "\n\nYes, this is how it goes with football coaches. ", "They never pile on a player because to do so would be to go against the core, “We’re all in this together” doctrine of football. ", "Here was Mike Zimmer’s answer when asked if Adrian Peterson’s critical fumble against Seattle — which cost the Vikings the game every bit as much as Walsh’s missed field goal — happened because he was holding the ball loosely:\n\n“I don’t know. ", "I couldn’t see.”", "\n\nWell, for those of us who did see it on replay — yeah, Peterson was holding the ball loosely, something he has done before. ", "That’s why he had the ball stripped out of his hands. ", "It was a sloppy and calamitous mistake for one of the best players in the NFL in the biggest game of his pro career. ", "Zimmer didn’t know. ", "He couldn’t see. ", "These are the rules of engagement for professional football coaches.", "\n\nThe rules do not apply to kickers. ", "This is because they are not players. ", "They are appliances. ", "Coaches don’t know how they work and don’t care to know. ", "During practices, when their teammates are bashing into each other, kickers are generally off alone kicking footballs. ", "When coaches talk about the toughness of their players, they are generally excluding kickers. ", "When kickers are forced to make actual football plays — such as tackle someone on a kickoff or run a fake field goal — there is something surreal about it, as if someone from the stands has been chosen to play in the game.", "\n\nAnd, in the end, kickers are just expected to work, like refrigerators or toasters or Honda Civics. ", "Do you get excited when your Honda Civic starts? ", "No. ", "You might have a brief sensation of approval, just like when a kicker makes a field goal or an extra point. ", "OK. ", "That worked. ", "Let’s go. ", "Sometimes, a kicker makes a long field goal, and that’s a little bit more gratifying — like when your Honda Civic starts on a freezing night with nobody around.", "\n\nBut it’s still not like kickers are real people.", "\n\nBlair Walsh made three field goals Sunday under the coldest conditions in Vikings history. ", "He made one of those field goals even though the holder, Jeff Locke, had the laces turned toward Walsh, a universal holder no-no. ", "Two of those field goals were at pretty tough distances when you consider the cold (43 and 47 yards). ", "Walsh scored all nine of the Vikings’ points, in large part because the Vikings could not finish off their drives. ", "Walsh also led the NFL in field goals, though nobody cared about that either. ", "He was just the vehicle that secured those points, like the pneumatic tube that carries the money the bank sends you in the drive-thru window.", "\n\nThen came the 27-yard field goal at the end of the Seahawks game, the chip shot, and there’s no question that a pro kicker should make a 27-yard field goal under any conditions. ", "Then again, it’s also true that a runner should hold on to the football for dear life at the end of games. ", "It is true that a defender should not lose his head and try to make a big play and vacate his zone. ", "It is true that a quarterback should not throw the ball into triple coverage with the game on the line, and a cornerback should not stumble in coverage and a coach should not call a silly timeout because he misplayed the clock.", "\n\nIt is true, but it happens all the time. ", "Nobody’s happy about it, but we understand. ", "The game is hard. ", "It moves fast. ", "Mistakes are human. ", "Teammates and coaches pride themselves on standing behind their comrades in tough times because that’s at the heart of winning football.", "\n\nBut kickers are not comrades. ", "Kickers are appliances.", "\n\nWalsh, in the end, took full responsibility for the miss. ", "Of course, he did. ", "He refused to allow Locke even a tiny bit of the blame though Locke had again pointed the laces right at him. ", "He refused to make excuses about the weather. ", "He refused to do anything except to say that he let his teammates down and that he will have to work harder than ever to make it up to them. “", "It is shameful,” he said.", "\n\nIt is not shameful. ", "It is a mistake. ", "I suppose there must be a machine out there that could make 27-yard field goals in zero degrees temperature with the laces pointed at them under the most intense pressure imaginable every single time. ", "Coaches and fans would love to buy one of those machines. ", "But for now, we’re all stuck with real people kicking those field goals. ", "It might be nice if we remembered that.", "\n\nJoe Posnanski\n\nPosnanski is NBC Sports national columnist. ", "He is a No. ", "1 New York Times best-selling author, winner of the National Sportswriters and Sportscasters Hall of Fame’s National Sportswriter of the year and two-time winner of the Associated Press Sports Editors National Columnist of the Year. ", "His fourth book, “The Secret of Golf: The Story of Tom Watson and Jack Nicklaus,” was released in June 2015." ]
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[ "The Met Office needs to coordinate their official disinformation campaign better.", "\n\nThe Guardian, Friday 26 November 2010 :\n\nThe world warmed more rapidly than previously thought over the past decade, according to a Met Office report published today\n\nBBC, 25 November 2010 :\n\nDr Pope says the slowdown in temperature rise is consistent with projections from climate models. ", "She also says she expects warming to increase in the next few years.", "\n\n“The long-term warming trend is 0.16C,” she says. “", "In the last 10 years the rate decreased to between 0.05 and 0.13.", "\n\n\n\nhttp://www.guardian.co.uk/\n\nOn the same day from the BBC :\n\nhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/\n\nh/t to Marc Morano" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow do i set the height of the UINavigationBar in an iphone app\n\nIm using a typical situation with UINavigationController, id like to make the navigation bar a bit taller. ", "setting its bounds and frame dont seem to make a difference, im using this code\n //set up the navigation\nUINavigationController *navigationController = [UINavigationController new];\n\n[navigationController.navigationBar setBarStyle:UIBarStyleBlack];\n[navigationController.navigationBar setTintColor:[UIColor purpleColor]];\n[navigationController.navigationBar setBounds:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 480.0, 100.0)];\n[navigationController.navigationBar setFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 480.0, 100.0)];\n\nbut to no avail. ", "any ideas? ", "\n\nA:\n\nI don't think you can change the height of a navigation bar. ", "Except when you add a prompt message... But that's not what you want.", "\nFrame is the visible area of a view. ", "Bounds is the internal area. ", "Usually this has an origin of (0, 0) and is as wide and high as the frame. ", "However, when the content exceeds the visible area (like with a UIScrollView) the bounds can be larger (and the origin different). ", "You rarely see bounds that are smaller than their respective frames.", "\nEDIT: Looking at your code, what is [UINavigationController new] about? ", "You should do [[UINavigationController alloc] init], shouldn't you?", "\nAlso, what you are doing is not really subclassing...\n\n" ]
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[ "Microbial, chemical and sensory properties of shalgams made using different production methods.", "\nShalgam is a traditional Turkish lactic acid fermented beverage. ", "This study examined the microbial, chemical and sensory characteristics of shalgams produced by various methods. ", "Different production methods using traditional method (dough fermentation and carrot fermentation), direct method (without dough fermentation) and with the addition of starter cultures were applied to produce shalgams. ", "The final amounts of total acidity as lactic acid (6.33-9.22 g L(-1)), pH (3.42-3.55), the counts of lactic acid bacteria (7.43-7.74 log CFU mL(-1)), total mesophilic aerobic bacteria (7.03-7.46 log CFU mL(-1)), yeasts (6.96-7.50 log CFU mL(-1)) and non-Saccharomyces yeasts (4.21-5.19 log CFU mL(-1) ) were found. ", "Lactobacillus plantarum and then Lb. ", "buchneri were the most frequently isolated bacteria in shalgam samples. ", "Sensory evaluation of shalgams showed that sample produced using traditional method with starter additions obtained highest scores. ", "This study showed that addition of starter lactic acid bacteria cultures improved the quality of shalgams. ", "Analysis of the results indicated that the direct method for the production of shalgam is not preferable. ", "The data obtained can be useful for industrial shalgam producers." ]
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[ 0.0005777315236628056, 0.002713894471526146, 0.000562682282179594, 0.0006453204550780356, 0.0007187376613728702, 0.000734371249563992, 0.0007672455976717174, 0.0005671329563483596, 0.0006393665680661798, 0.0005875920178368688, 0.0005800455692224205 ]
[ "A conventional bicycle front suspension device 80 is disclosed in FIG. ", "6A and is controlled by a cable 81 which is connected to a switching device attached on handlebar of the bicycle. ", "The cable 81 is wrapped around to a cap 82 which is connected with a torsion spring 821 so as to return the cap 82 to its original position, a shaft 85 is fixed to the cap 82. ", "A tube 84 is received in the steeter tube which is movably inserted in a front fork and the handlebar is fixed to a top of the steerer tube. ", "A first through hole 841 is defined through a wall of the tube 84. ", "A seal member 83 is inserted in a top end of the steerer tube and the tube 84 extends through the seal member 83. ", "The shaft 85 is rotatably received in the tube 84 and includes a second through hole 851 which is rotated to an open position where the first and second through holes 841, 851 are in communication with each other. ", "Hydraulic oil is received in the steerer tube and when the suspension device 80 is set to an operative status, the shaft 85 is rotated to the open position such that the hydraulic oil enters the second through hole 851 and flows out from the first through hole 841 to allow the relative movement of the steerer tube and the front fork. ", "As shown in FIG. ", "6B, when the user wants to lock the front suspension device 80, he or she simply pulls the cable 81 to rotate the cap 82 and the shaft 85 to rotate the second through hole 851 from the first through hole 841. ", "The hydraulic oil then cannot flows through the two through holes 841, 851 so that there will be no relative movement between the steerer tube and the front fork. ", "It is experienced that it requires a lot of force to rotate the shaft 85, especially for the limited diameter of the cap 82 which generates only a short arm of force to rotate the shaft 85.", "\nThe present invention intends to provide a bicycle front suspension device which is optionally adjustable in various damping stages and includes a simple structure and can be positioned to match with different types of brake systems and orientation of the cable." ]
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[ "WASHINGTON – Insurers have raised concerns that too few young people are signing up for heath insurance through the ObamaCare exchanges after newly released statistics showed that less than a quarter of people who have enrolled are between the ages of 18 and 34.", "\n\nAccording to the numbers released Monday by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, only 24 percent – or 489,460 – of the 2.2 million people who signed up for ACA were in the coveted 18-to-34 age range. ", "That means the government has hit only 18 percent of its stated goal of registering 2.7 million adults in the 18-to-34 age range.", "\n\nExperts have predicted that the program will need roughly 40 percent of enrollees to be in that prime demographic in order to be fiscally solvent. ", "Adults ages 55 to 64 made up 33 percent of the total number of Americans who signed up, the largest group represented in the data.", "\n\nObamaCare needs so-called 'invincibles' -- healthy young adults -- to sign up in coming months to help offset the costs of older and less healthy enrollees. ", "If that doesn’t happen, insurers could be forced to raise the rates, making the costs and future of ObamaCare uncertain.", "\n\n\"This is concerning to us that we're seeing this portion come in so old,\" Marty Anderson, marketing director for Wisconsin-based Security Health Plan, told the Wall Street Journal.", "\n\nAllan Einboden, chief executive of Scott & White Health Plan, told the Journal that the data was \"more negative than we thought it was going to be,\" and added that several requests to pre-authorize surgeries for enrollees in the first days of their coverage had executives worried about costs.", "\n\nRobert Laszewski, a consultant who works with insurers, told The New York Times that \"You need healthy people of all ages ... the program is not ramping up fast enough to guarantee a good balance of healthy and sick people, which you need to sustain the program.\"", "\n\nAdministration officials, though, were upbeat in describing the numbers Monday. ", "They said they're in a \"solid place,\" and noted that this age group makes up just 26 percent of the general population.", "\n\nMonday’s report was the first time the government has released demographic data on the performance of President Obama’s signature health care overhaul. ", "In all, about 1.8 million people enrolled in new individual health plans through the law in December, bringing the total number of new enrollments between Oct. 1 and Dec.28 to about 2.2 million.", "\n\n\"There's no way to spin it: youth enrollment has been a bust so far,\" Brendan Buck, a spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner, said in a statement following the release. \"", "When they see that ObamaCare offers high costs for limited access to doctors – if the enrollment goes through at all – it's no surprise that young people aren't rushing to sign up.\"", "\n\nAs analysts have told Fox News, insurance companies have said they may want to take advantage of the \"risk pool\" provisions -- which involve the federal government covering 80 percent of any losses associated with an older and unhealthier base of customers.", "\n\nAccording to HHS, 79 percent of ObamaCare customers selected a plan with financial assistance. ", "While only 2.2 million people have actually signed up, 44.5 million called or visited state and federal websites.", "\n\nOf the 2.2 million who have signed up, 54 percent are female and 46 percent are male, HHS said.", "\n\nIndividuals and families are able to choose from four plans offered through the federal marketplace -- bronze, silver, gold and platinum.", "\n\nSixty percent selected a silver plan, while 20 percent selected a bronze plan, according to HHS." ]
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[ 0.0006283355760388076, 0.0006397155812010169, 0.0010975128971040249, 0.0005668514058925211, 0.0010760038858279586, 0.0007791815442033112, 0.0007031310233287513, 0.0007335015689022839, 0.0006199160125106573, 0.0013295435346662998, 0.0005762164946645498, 0.0006028805510140955, 0.0006249281577765942, 0.0005810207803733647, 0.0006025645998306572, 0.0006237484631128609, 0.0006102450424805284, 0.0005937477690167725, 0.000640542188193649, 0.0013640968827530742, 0.0005215465789660811, 0.0005736565217375755 ]
[ "Q:\n\nChecking if parameter is a contructor or an instance in javascript\n\nI wanna do the following, if the parameter passed is a contructor, then do new 'constructor' if not, just use the instance. ", "How can I do that?", "\nThis is what I've done so far, but it doesn't work. ", "I think something is wrong with my code:\nJS\nvar showList = function (view, options) {\n\n // checking if view is a conctructor or not\n if (view instanceof view) {\n app.getRegion('main').show(view(options));\n } else {\n app.getRegion('main').show(new view(options));\n } \n}\n\nso the above function can be used as:\nvar listView = new ListView;\nshowList(listView);\n\nor straight:\nshowList(new ListView);\n\nA:\n\nI think you're going to want to test whether the argument is an object or a function:\nif (typeof view === \"function\")\n\nwill tell you it's a function (a constructor function in your context)\nif (typeof view === \"object\")\n\nwill tell you that it's an already constructed object.", "\n\nvar showScreen = function (view, options) {\n\n // check if view is already an object\n if (typeof view === \"object\") {\n app.getRegion('main').show(view(options));\n } else {\n app.getRegion('main').show(new view(options));\n } \n}\n\nOne thing I'm confused about in your code is if view is already an object, then why do you do view(options). ", " That doesn't make sense to me. ", " Doing new view(options) when view is a function makes sense, but not the other option so I think something also needs to be corrected with that line of code. ", " Do you perhaps mean to call a method on that object?", "\n\nFYI, I tend to avoid using instanceof as a general practice if there is another option because instanceof can have issues with cross frame code whereas typeof does not have those issues.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0007247953326441348, 0.0008682774496264756, 0.0010231384076178074, 0.0008022754336707294, 0.0007483684457838535, 0.0008014983613975346, 0.000553533376660198, 0.0009268880821764469, 0.0007372254622168839, 0.0019954426679760218 ]
[ "956 F.2d 1163\nNOTICE: Fourth Circuit I.O.P. 36.6 states that citation of unpublished dispositions is disfavored except for establishing res judicata, estoppel, or the law of the case and requires service of copies of cited unpublished dispositions of the Fourth Circuit.", "UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee,v.Patrick Leopold REID, a/k/a Winston George Brown, Defendant-Appellant.", "\nNo. ", "90-5855.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit.", "\nSubmitted Dec. 6, 1991.Decided Feb. 26, 1992.", "\n\nAppeal from the United States District Court for the Western District of Virginia, at Roanoke. ", " Jackson L. Kiser, District Judge. ", " (CR-89-157)\nGary L. Lumsden, Roanoke, Va., for appellant.", "\nThomas J. Bondurant, Jr., Assistant United States Attorney, Roanoke, Va., for appellee.", "\nW.D.Va.", "\nAFFIRMED.", "\nBefore WILKINS and LUTTIG, Circuit Judges, and BUTZNER, Senior Circuit Judge.", "\nOPINION\nPER CURIAM:\n\n\n1\nPatrick Leopold Reid appeals his conviction for possession with the intent to distribute crack cocaine in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1) (1988). ", " His attorney filed a brief pursuant to Anders v. California, 386 U.S. 738 (1967), challenging the admission of certain trial testimony and asserting that the evidence was insufficient to sustain the conviction. ", " Reid was informed of his right to file a supplemental brief and has not exercised his right in that regard. ", " We affirm.", "\n\n\n2\nReid was arrested by Roanoke, Virginia police officers pursuant to a search of an apartment. ", " The search warrant was based upon an informant's statement that he purchased cocaine from someone in the apartment a few hours prior to the search. ", " According to the officers, when they entered the apartment Reid attempted to escape out the back of the apartment. ", " The officers subdued Reid after a struggle and recovered a package from the floor which a detective testified came from Reid's hand. ", " The package contained forty-two rocks of crack cocaine totalling 8.22 grams. ", " The crack was contained in a plastic baggie and the individual rocks were wrapped in foil. ", " Officers took $210 in small denominations from Reid at the time of his arrest. ", " Reid denied having possession of the cocaine and testified that a friend had loaned him the money. ", " He admitted that he had not had a job in the past several months and that he had lied to the police and the courts regarding his true identity.", "\n\n\n3\nReid's counsel contends that the district court committed reversible error in allowing a police detective to testify regarding the circumstances of an earlier encounter with Reid. ", " We find that this testimony was properly admitted under Fed.", "R.Evid. ", "404(b). ", " Even if there were an error in its admission, the error was harmless. ", " See Kotteakos v. United States, 328 U.S. 750, 765 (1946); United States v. Davis, 657 F.2d 637, 640 (4th Cir.1981); Fed.", "R.Crim.", "P. 52.", "\n\n\n4\nReid's counsel also claims that the evidence was insufficient to support Reid's conviction. ", " However, the attack on the sufficiency of the evidence showing that Reid possessed the cocaine is based on the alleged lack of credibility of a witness. ", " The determination of the credibility of the witnesses is within the sole province of the jury and is not reviewable on appeal. ", " See United States v. Saunders, 886 F.2d 56, 60 (4th Cir.1989). ", " There was sufficient evidence before the jury to find that Reid possessed the cocaine.", "\n\n\n5\nThere was also sufficient evidence to support the jury's finding that Reid possessed the cocaine with the intent to distribute it. ", " The amount of the cocaine, its packaging, and the cash found in Reid's pocket allowed the jury to find the requisite intent. ", " See United States v. Fisher, 912 F.2d 728, 730 (4th Cir.1990), cert. ", "denied, 59 U.S.L.W. 3769 (U.S.1991).", "\n\n\n6\nIn accordance with the requirements of Anders, we have examined the entire record in this case and find no other meritorious issues for appeal. ", " Pursuant to the plan adopted by the Fourth Circuit Judicial Council in implementation of the Criminal Justice Act of 1964 (18 U.S.C. § 3006A), this Court requires that counsel inform his client, in writing, of his right to petition the Supreme Court for further review. ", " If requested by his client to do so, counsel should prepare a timely petition for a writ of certiorari. ", " We deny counsel's motion to withdraw.", "\n\n\n7\nWe dispense with oral argument because the facts and legal contentions are adequately presented in the materials before the Court and argument would not aid the decisional process.", "\n\n\n8\nAFFIRMED.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Disgraced former Bergen County Sheriff Michael Saudino -- who resigned after being caught on tape making racist and homophobic remarks -- has changed his political affiliation back to Republican.", "\n\nSaudino appeared at a meeting of the Bergen County Republican Organization this week and was greeted with “enthusiastic applause,” according to the New Jersey Globe.", "\n\nBCRO Chairman Jack Zisa said in a statement obtained Thursday that Saudino’s decision to register as a Republican was “his personal decision and his alone.” ", "Saudino, Zisa said, “has not been promised anything in return for any help he may offer the organization.”", "\n\nThe former sheriff did not immediately return a call seeking comment.", "\n\nSaudino went back to his Republican roots because he has “strong disagreements with Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy and his administration over how they approach law enforcement and particularly how they address the issue of illegal aliens and their impact on the community,” Zisa said.", "\n\nSaudino was first elected Bergen County Sheriff in 2010 as a Republican. ", "He was reelected under the same party in 2013. ", "But in 2014, he appeared at a union rally where he told members to vote for James Tedesco, the opponent of then-Bergen County Clerk and his former Republican running mate Kathleen Donovan.", "\n\nSaudino and Donovan’s relationship soured over PBA contract negotiations and the merger of the Bergen County Police and the Bergen County Sheriff’s Department. ", "Saudino later apologized but in Jan. 2016, ahead of his November bid for a third term, Saudino joined the Democratic party.", "\n\nHe resigned from office in September of 2018 after a tape surfaced of a candid conversation about Murphy’s inauguration where Saudino can be heard saying, under Murphy’s policies, “the blacks” will “do whatever the f--k they want.” ", "He also says Attorney General Gurbir Grewal only got appointed to his position because he wears a turban, and asked if Lt. ", "Gov. Sheila Oliver is gay.", "\n\nSaudino apologized but did not immediately step down despite Murphy, Tedesco, Grewal, the Bergen County Freeholder Board, and others calling on him to resign.", "\n\nZisa said this week that he is disturbed by what he heard on the tapes. “", "I do not condone Mr. Saudino’s remarks and those remarks do not reflect the policies or attitudes of Bergen County Republicans,” he said.", "\n\nNot everyone in the party was happy with its newest member.", "\n\nEnglewood Cliffs Mayor Mario Kranjac -- whose town was involved in its own racist rant scandal over remarks make by it’s former Police Chief, Michael Cioffi -- was one.", "\n\n“There is no place in the Bergen County GOP for someone who spews racist hatred as Mr. Saudino clearly did while Bergen County Sheriff,\" Kranjac said.", "\n\nThe mayor also took the opportunity to make a jab at the Englewood Cliffs Democrats, who he says, “recently protected and financially rewarded disgraced Police Chief Cioffi and other officers in their racist anti-Asian rants and actions.”", "\n\n\"The Englewood Cliffs GOP will never tolerate racism or sweep it under the rug,” he said.", "\n\nAllison Pries may be reached at apries@njadvancemedia.com. ", "Follow her on Twitter @AllisonPries. ", "Find NJ.com on Facebook. ", "Have a tip? ", "Tell us. ", "nj.com/tips.", "\n\nGet the latest updates right in your inbox. ", "Subscribe to NJ.com’s newsletters." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to remove \"00:00:00.0\" from \"2012-03-04 00:00:00.0\" in java?", "\n\nI hava java program , the program get table 'Employees' from oracle Database 11G\nthe problem is , \njava program get the Hire_Date Column in this format “YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00.0”\nI want get the date in this format “YYYY-MM-DD\"\nHow can I solve This Problem ?", "\nthe photo will explian the problem \nhttp://i.imgur.com/4CT7MnG.png\n\nA:\n\nYou can do this as part of your select statement:\nSELECT TO_CHAR(HIRE_DATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY') HIRE_DATE_TRUNC FROM EMPLOYEES;\n\nUse of to_char to format dates is described here. ", " Alternatively, you could use a SimpleDateFormat to do the same thing in Java after the data has been extracted:\nSimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(\"YYYY-MM-dd\");\n\nDate d = new Date();\nString formatted = sdf.format(d);\nSystem.out.println(formatted);\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0007959991926327348, 0.001744728651829064, 0.000908345973584801, 0.000721743970643729 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to download remote index in Nexus OSS 3.2?", "\n\nI successfully installed Nexus OSS 3.2, but I get no search results, for example for \"junit\". ", "Also under Browse / Components / Maven Central are no components listed. ", "\nI found NEXUS-9563 with following answer:\n\nThis means that the search indexes from Central haven't been downloaded. ", "Have you set \"Download Remote Indexes\" to \"true\" in the central proxy repository's configuration?", "\n\nBut I can't find an option \"Download Remote Indexes\" in Nexus OSS 3.2. ", "See proxy settings for Maven Central:\n\nI tried:\n\nButton Rebuild index:\n\nThe Rebuild Index button allows you to drop and recreate the search index for the proxy repository, synchronizing the contents with search index. ", "This button is only available for proxy repositories.", "\n\nTask of type Publish Maven indexes:\n\nMaven indexes can be used to download an index of available components to a client including a developer’s IDE, for example. ", "The task publishes the index for all or a specific Maven repository.", "\n\nbut nothing downloaded the remote index. ", "\nHow can I download the remote index of a proxy?", "\n\nA:\n\nNexus Repository Manager 3.2 does NOT support usage of remote index for searches (and other purposes) at all. ", "If you want this feature I suggest to stick with Nexus Repository Manager 2 for now.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "---\ntitle: \"Flashear ntrboot (DSi)\"\n---\n\n{% include toc title=\"Tabla de contenidos\" %}\n\n### Lectura requerida\n\nAntes de continuar, asegúrate de haber leído toda la información en [ntrboot](ntrboot)\n\nEste método requiere de acceso temporal a una consola Nintendo DSi que sea compatible con la flashcart a utilizar. ", "Este método utiliza la flashcart para ejecutar el archivo `.nds` del flasher de ntrboot en tu DSi. ", "Esto significa que tu flashcart debe ser capaz de ejecutar archivos `.nds` en la versión de firmware de tu DSi. ", "Consulta la tabla de flashcarts en [ntrboot](ntrboot) para más información.", "\n\nTen en cuenta que en raras ocasiones, es posible que realizar el proceso de flasheo en un clon de flashcart podría dejarla **permanentemente inutilizable**. ", "Esto es poco probable, pero sin embargo, sólo las flashcarts originales mencionadas tienen soporte. ", "Para reducir la posibilidad de recibir una tarjeta clon, se recomienda que utilices un sitio con buena reputación para comprar tu flashcart (como [NDS Card](http://www.nds-card.net/))\n{: .notice--danger}\n\n### Qué necesitas\n\n* Tu flashcart compatible con ntrboot\n* Dos consolas \n + **La DSi de origen**: la consola Nintendo DSi que es compatible con tu flashcart\n + **3DS de destino**: la consola de la familia 3DS sin modificar\n* La última versión de [ds_ntrboot_flasher](https://github.com/ntrteam/ds_ntrboot_flasher/releases/latest) *(la version `dsi`; no la normal)*\n\n### Instrucciones\n\n#### Sección I - Preparativos\n\n1. ", "Apaga **la DSi de origen**\n1. ", "Inserta la tarjeta SD de tu flashcart en tu computadora\n1. ", "Copia `ds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds` a la tarjeta SD de tu flashcart\n1. ", "Reinserta la tarjeta SD de tu flashcart de regreso a ella\n1. ", "Inserta tu flashcart de DS / DSi compatible con ntrboot en la **DSi de origen**\n\n#### Sección II - Flashear ntrboot\n\n1. ", "Ejecuta `ds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds` en **la DSi de origen** usando tu flashcart\n1. ", "Presiona (A) para continuar\n1. ", "Usa (Arriba) y (Abajo) en el D-Pad para seleccionar tu flashcart\n1. ", "Presiona (A) para continuar\n1. ", "Presiona (A) para ejecutar la acción \"inject ntrboothax\"\n1. ", "Presiona (A) para seleccionar \"RETAIL\"\n1. ", "Presiona (A) para continuar\n1. ", "Selecciona \"EXIT\"\n\n___\n\n### Continúa a [Instalar boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot))\n{: .notice--primary}\n" ]
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[ "Kouassi Brou\n\nKouassi Franck Olivier Brou (born 16 June 1992 in Agnibilékrou, Côte d'Ivoire) is an Ivorian swimmer specializing in freestyle. ", "He competed in the men's 50 m event at the 2012 Summer Olympics.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:1992 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Ivorian male swimmers\nCategory:Male freestyle swimmers\nCategory:Swimmers at the 2012 Summer Olympics\nCategory:Olympic swimmers of Ivory Coast\nCategory:People from Comoé District" ]
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[ "I was at the Canadian border, headed toward the freedom that exists a few feet beyond the last security check. ", "I was gently waved down a side corridor.", "\n\nNinety minutes later, I was let go, but not before something truly alarming happened. ", "I’m pretty sure that the Canadian government captured a mirrored version of my smartphone — which pretty much holds the whole of my life.", "\n\nI’ll explain precisely how this happened in just a bit — in the hopes that perhaps you can take precautions that I did not. ", "But let’s first establish that this practice is not unusual. ", "According to documents obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union, this has become the standard backdoor method of search used today by governments around the world.", "\n\nAt border crossings, governments have discovered that they can get away with seizing and searching electronic devices from smartphones to laptops to tablets. ", "The reason is that it is standard practice that border officials can ask you anything. ", "Anything at all. ", "You have to answer. ", "They can make you empty the full contents of your brain and check for even the smallest misstatement. ", "You can refuse to answer, but then you can expect detention for untold amounts of time. ", "So of course, you comply.", "\n\nIf this is standard practice, it makes perfect sense that there is not anything they are not entitled to know. ", "This is why they have begun to profile people based on their devices.", "\n\nMaybe there was nothing I could have done to stop it. ", "Maybe I was somehow fated to be among the 15 that were hit with this. ", "But as I look back, I realize now that I was far too nonchalant in my whole approach. ", "I’ve crossed that border dozens of times and never had any trouble. ", "I expected no trouble this time.", "\n\nThe problem began at passport check. ", "I was coming into Canada just to visit friends, but my dress suggested business. ", "An official later confirmed to me that this was the first point that caused me to be flagged. ", "Then, in stating my traveling route to get to that point, I flubbed a bit on the cities I had been in (some I entered by car and others by plane). ", "I just wasn’t focusing, and I was just a bit too chatty and casual.", "\n\nAs I became increasingly flustered, the agent apparently marked my customs form to indicate that I should undergo a secondary screening. ", "I didn’t know this had happened. ", "As I casually presented my form to the last agent in the line, he signaled for me to follow a different path. ", "I did so. ", "There were no agents around. ", "There were no officials. ", "I just walked and walked until I found myself in a long and nearly empty room.", "\n\nI realized that I was going to be there for a few minutes at least, and that I was in some kind of lineup. ", "I was, essentially, under arrest. ", "Unguarded, but arrested. ", "There was nowhere to go. ", "I could not go forward nor could I go back. ", "There was no one to protest to.", "\n\nI asked the people ahead of me how long they had been there. ", "Forty-five minutes. ", "I pulled out my laptop and starting watching an episode of Breaking Bad to pass the time.", "\n\nAfter about an hour, I was called up. ", "At first, everything seemed fine. ", "The official wanted some clarification about whom I was visiting. ", "They wanted the phone number in particular — a startling demand, but one never knows for sure when one should comply or refuse. ", "Of course, I didn’t have the number memorized.", "\n\nThis was (I think) when I made my fateful decision. ", "I reached into my pocket. ", "I pulled out my smartphone. ", "I unlocked it. ", "I pulled up the contact information. ", "Instead of reading it out loud, I showed the agent the number. ", "She calmly took the phone — which I thought she was doing so she could see the number better.", "\n\nIn an instant, she was gone. ", "She went to some back room somewhere. ", "I stood there at the counter, completely unguarded. ", "My heart started to race. ", "My palms grew sweaty. ", "I began to fidget. ", "After all, my whole life was suddenly in the hands of a government official. ", "My emails, my phone calls, my Facebook messages, my contacts far and wide, my financial information, my browsing history — even my diet and exercise routines were there.", "\n\nAnd incredibly, I had unlocked it all and handed it over.", "\n\nI stood there in this vulnerable situation for 30 minutes. ", "Next to me, a man was being interrogated about the contents of his own smartphone. ", "He had claimed that he had no family in the country. ", "But officials confronted him with evidence that he had sent an email only 30 minutes earlier to a family member in Canada.", "\n\n“You lied to us. ", "Why did you lie to us?” ", "they kept pressing. ", "And the only reason they knew this was that they had read his email. ", "It is almost unbelievable to me that this whole scene was taking place, almost as if there are no protections at all in place for a normal understanding of privacy and human rights. ", "All is fair in love, war, and border crossings.", "\n\nShe returned finally, and with a new countenance. ", "I was free to go. ", "I said to her, in the most gentle possible way, “You know, I was really alarmed that you took my cellphone. ", "I was just standing here for 30 minutes, and you had my cellphone the entire time. ", "Was that necessary, really?”", "\n\nShe answered that she had to take it, to or else I might have made phone calls to people and ruined their investigation.", "\n\nWhat could I have done but nod my head and go on my way — shaken, but feeling like I had narrowly escaped some unknown fate.", "\n\nWhat did I learn?", "\n\nNever approach the passport window without being extremely clearheaded about what you are going to say. ", "Don’t ever reverse your story in light of questioning. ", "Tell necessary truths, but never volunteer unnecessary information. ", "Put all your digital devices away deep in your bags. ", "Do not pull them out at any point in approaching any border. ", "And if you ever get a secondary screening, prepare to have all necessary information stored in some place other than your live cellphone.", "\n\nI can’t guarantee that if I had done this, all would be well. ", "They could have searched my bags (which they did not!) ", "and found all my devices. ", "One way or another, they might have had their way with me. ", "But I didn’t have to make it so easy.", "\n\nLive with Leviathan and learn as we go. ", "We have no rights. ", "We are all one tiny step from formal incarceration. ", "But in many ways, the whole of society is already in jail. ", "All we can do is keep plotting our escape.", "\n\nSincerely,\n\nJeffrey Tucker" ]
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[ "London Buses route 149\n\nLondon Buses route 149 is a Transport for London contracted bus route in London, England. ", "Running between Edmonton Green and London Bridge, it is operated by Arriva London.", "\n\nHistory \n\nRoute 149 was introduced in 1961 to replace trolleybus route 649 between Waltham Cross and Liverpool Street station. ", "In 1968 it was extended on weekdays to Victoria with some peak hour journeys extended from Waltham Cross to Flamstead End via Cheshunt. ", "In 1970 the route was withdrawn north of Ponders End and in 1971 back to Edmonton, although a few peak hour journeys continued to serve Ponders End. ", "Seven years later route 149 was re-extended to Ponders End at all times.", "\n\nIn 1985, it was withdrawn between Waterloo and Victoria, and further cut back to Liverpool Street in 1991 apart from a few early weekday journeys to Mansion House station. ", "In the same year it was extended back to Waterloo during weekday peak hours. ", "In 1998 the route was extended south from Liverpool St station to London Bridge station. ", "The service was converted to an articulated bus operation in 2004 with a fleet of Mercedes-Benz O530G and withdrawn north of Edmonton, with new route 349 taking over.", "\n\nIn 2005, route 149 was subject to intensive bus priority measures along the length of its route. ", "A year later the route was used to test the iBus recorded announcements system to aid visually impaired passengers.", "\n\nWright Eclipse Gemini 2 bodied Volvo B9TL double deck buses were introduced on 16 October 2010 as part of the Mayor of London's policy to withdraw articulated buses from London. ", "The route was transferred to Tottenham garage and the peak vehicle requirement was increased to 36.", "\n\nArriva London has successfully retained route 149 with new contracts starting on 16 October 2010 and 17 October 2015.", "\n\nNew Routemasters were introduced on 17 October 2015. ", "The rear platform remains closed at all times except for when the bus is at bus stops.", "\n\nIt is London's fourth busiest bus route as of 2015/16, having carried 14.1 million passengers.", "\n\nCrime \nRoute 149 suffers from higher levels of crime than most routes in London. ", "In the 2006-07 financial year the route had the sixth highest levels of reported incidents on the network. ", "This was lower than in the previous year, when it was fifth.", "\n\nIn 2007, the route was highlighted as having extremely high levels of pickpocketing by London Assembly member Jeanette Arnold. ", "Ken Livingstone, then Mayor of London, was called upon to increase policing on the route, but stated that pickpocket activity had in fact decreased between 2005 and 2007.", "\n\nA vehicle on the route was involved in an accident in Tottenham on 15 September 2009 when a double-decker bus on route 243 crashed into it. ", "The driver and four passengers were injured in the accident, as was the driver of the 243, but there were no serious injuries.", "\n\nOn 27 February 2010, a bus driver on a late night working of the route was assaulted by a passenger who had failed to alight at the correct stop. ", "Two weeks earlier a driver on the route had been suspended for assaulting a pedestrian near Monument Station.", "\n\nOn 15 October 2015, a man was jailed for throwing walking frame off London bus and shouting hurling racist and Islamophobic abuse at the Turkish man in Tottenham, north London, went viral.", "\n\nOn 12 April 2018, a man wrestles knife away from attacker, he was left with cuts to his head and hand after he disarmed a knife attacker on a London bus. ", "Police were called to reports of a stabbing on a 149 bus on Stoke Newington Road just before 14.00 BST on Tuesday.", "\n\nCurrent route \nEdmonton Green Shopping Centre for Edmonton Green station \nUpper Edmonton\nBruce Grove station \nTottenham High Road\nSeven Sisters station \nSouth Tottenham station \nStamford Hill\nStoke Newington station \nDalston Junction station \nShoreditch High Street station \nLiverpool Street station \nMonument station \nLondon Bridge bus station for London Bridge station\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:Bus routes in London\nCategory:Transport in the London Borough of Enfield\nCategory:Transport in the London Borough of Hackney\nCategory:Transport in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets\nCategory:Transport in the City of London\nCategory:Transport in the London Borough of Southwark" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSSRS 2008-R2 using RDL as a portlet\\widget generator\n\nI'm a product manager at a company that developed a web application.", "\nThe system has a data warehouse that is used to create different reports using SSRS 2008-R2\nThe application has a portal infrastructure that allow users to customize their work environment using our \"System\" items and their own \"Reports\" (Very similar to using SharePoint and WebPart but for a whole different purpose)\nI wonder if anyone have a set of best practices for displaying RDL reports on a live webpage, the intention that the user will be able (to some extent) provide some interaction between the report and our system using different links an query strings.", "\nI have struggled with the following topics:\n\nParameters bar will not allow to increase the width of drop-downs which provides a poor user experience when the filter include long strings.", "\nReport table width cannot be set to 100%, it could only refer to px width, this results in a black white space and dose not allow for a good resolution support (the portals look ugly)\nThe native .Net report viewer control dose not work well with browsers other than IE \nThere is no search\\ quick search option for drop down filters.", "\nMoving from page to page requires to view the navigation bar of the report viewer control which looks quirky when there are several reports on the same dash-board\nPoor localization features - the loading animation cannot be changed to use a localized string.", "\n\nHave anyone every tried anything like this?", "\nAre there other alternatives to Report Viewer Control that can provide more flexibility?", "\nAre there other tool that can provide report generation capability that can plug in easily with an existing system?", "\n\nA:\n\nFor what its worth. ", "\nWe have done this kind of scenario with reasonable success. ", "The Report viewer control worked well on all browsers, as it generates pure html with small bits of javascript. ", "We have tested it on IE7-8, FF (2008-2009), IPad 3.1, MacOs Safari and FF and it worked.", "\nThe way we done it:\n\nCreated separate web aspx project to host Report Viewer Control (ReportViewer). ", "It actually acts as a reverse proxy to the SSRS website and provide query string parameter translation. ", "\nMain web application displays an IFRAME pointing to the ReportViewer app, and provide its own navigation and filtering controls. ", "\nReportViewer app is a simple aspx page containing Microsoft.", "Reporting.", "WebForms.", "ReportViewer ctlReportViewer and some code for parameter transform from url to MS ReportViewer, security and other fluff. ", "\nActual Report Viewer have its toolbar disabled. ", "I belive its Toolbar=false. (", "you can view all query string parameters by checking properties of the actual report area). ", "\nMost of Locale specific strings needed to be handled manually on report level. ", "\n\nOverall it worked reasonably well for circa 100 clients, but for anything more than that I would look for a different solution. ", "Perhaps 3rd party report control, or 3rd party dashboard controls. ", "We have started Silverlight dashboard route but then the project run out of funds and I moved on. ", "\nYou may still pull if off for larger amount of clients by creating multiple SSRS web servers and having your ReportViewer app picking up the least loaded one. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "BLOG\n\nDon’t Get Hacked. ", "Five Important Security Awareness Tips For Your Wordpress Website\n\nAs a user-friendly and Cost-Effective Open Source CMS, WordPress has witnessed a phenomenal demand amidst SMEs for their showcasing their web content in an influential manner. ", "With this organic growth, a parallel growth in data hacking threats is an unfortunate co-occurrence. ", "Insulating your WordPress blogs and websites from cyber threats such as data hacking is an urgent need of the hour.", "\n\n#1 Use an updated version of WordPress\n\nDon't miss out on those auto updates, that are conscious attempts to enhance data security. ", "When you get important dashboard notifications for an update, don't hesitate to update everything, including themes and plugins, to remain on the safer side. ", "With every update attempt Wordpress tries to plug its security vulnerabilities and introduce measures for enhanced safety. ", "Avoid free download of premium plugins.", "\n\n#2 Restrict your Wordpress admin access\n\nControl your admin access and protect it strong and unique passwords. ", "It is better to change the admin username that comes by default when installing Wordpress. ", "Using a password manager will be a protective measure against the malicious use of password cracking software that can easily crack random or easily guessable passwords. ", "Opt for 2-factor authentication. ", "2-factor authentication requires something more than a password, like an authorization code or a unique identification code, that is generated every time you need access. ", "There are many hardware authentication devices in the market that can be used to set multi-level security for your WordPress websites.", "\n\n#3 Develop custom secret keys\n\nThe file titled wp-config, PHP is the most crucial one in determining WordPress security. ", "It is the place where your username and passwords for MySQL database are stored. ", "By visiting this page and refreshing it, new and unique secret keys can be generated. ", "Having your own secret keys is an effective prevention against hacking attempts. ", "Also, a limited number of attempts to login will also prompt attention towards failed logins.", "\n\n#4 Consider disabling Plugin and theme editor\n\nIn case you do not require to edit your themes and plugins frequently, you should seriously consider doing away with them. ", "No one bothers to update WordPress themes and plugins that are not actively used and they become sources to invite hackers. ", "It is even better to delete them instead of only disabling them.", "\n\n#5 Be wary of malicious URLs\n\nAlways be on the lookout for URLs that are peculiar and odd. ", "Hacking WordPress sites by way of URL injection has become very common. ", "When a hacker has added unwanted pages to your website by way of inserting malicious codes, your Wordpress site becomes vulnerable for brute force attacks. ", "Using techniques like Google Scan, the malware can be located and security plugins and site lock scans can help in cleaning the hacking mess.", "\n\nFollowing these resourceful tips, maintaining the digital sanctity of your WordPress sites becomes easy. ", "They enable the webmasters to provide their clients with scam-proof WordPress sites. ", "Cyber hygiene is a top priority and no business can command brand repute using WordPress products if vital security protocols are not in place." ]
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[ "# /* Copyright (C) 2001\n# * Housemarque Oy\n# * http://www.housemarque.com\n# *\n# * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (", "See\n# * accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at\n# * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)\n# */\n#\n# /* Revised by Paul Mensonides (2002) */\n#\n# /* See http://www.boost.org for most recent version. */", "\n#\n# ifndef BOOST_PREPROCESSOR_ARITHMETIC_SUB_HPP\n# define BOOST_PREPROCESSOR_ARITHMETIC_SUB_HPP\n#\n# include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/dec.hpp>\n# include <boost/preprocessor/config/config.hpp>\n# include <boost/preprocessor/control/while.hpp>\n# include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/elem.hpp>\n#\n# /* BOOST_PP_SUB */\n#\n# if ~BOOST_PP_CONFIG_FLAGS() & BOOST_PP_CONFIG_EDG()\n# define BOOST_PP_SUB(x, y) BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2, 0, BOOST_PP_WHILE(BOOST_PP_SUB_P, BOOST_PP_SUB_O, (x, y)))\n# else\n# define BOOST_PP_SUB(x, y) BOOST_PP_SUB_I(x, y)\n# define BOOST_PP_SUB_I(x, y) BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2, 0, BOOST_PP_WHILE(BOOST_PP_SUB_P, BOOST_PP_SUB_O, (x, y)))\n# endif\n#\n# define BOOST_PP_SUB_P(d, xy) BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2, 1, xy)\n#\n# if ~BOOST_PP_CONFIG_FLAGS() & BOOST_PP_CONFIG_MWCC()\n# define BOOST_PP_SUB_O(d, xy) BOOST_PP_SUB_O_I xy\n# else\n# define BOOST_PP_SUB_O(d, xy) BOOST_PP_SUB_O_I(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2, 0, xy), BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2, 1, xy))\n# endif\n#\n# define BOOST_PP_SUB_O_I(x, y) (BOOST_PP_DEC(x), BOOST_PP_DEC(y))\n#\n# /* BOOST_PP_SUB_D */\n#\n# if ~BOOST_PP_CONFIG_FLAGS() & BOOST_PP_CONFIG_EDG()\n# define BOOST_PP_SUB_D(d, x, y) BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2, 0, BOOST_PP_WHILE_ ## d(BOOST_PP_SUB_P, BOOST_PP_SUB_O, (x, y)))\n# else\n# define BOOST_PP_SUB_D(d, x, y) BOOST_PP_SUB_D_I(d, x, y)\n# define BOOST_PP_SUB_D_I(d, x, y) BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2, 0, BOOST_PP_WHILE_ ## d(BOOST_PP_SUB_P, BOOST_PP_SUB_O, (x, y)))\n# endif\n#\n# endif\n" ]
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[ "Earlier this week, we learned that one of our members, Arkaei, had not only held down his third winning title in the German International DJ Association championships, but also went on to compete in the World Finals. ", "While he he didn’t make it onto the podium, he still rocked the stage with a wild setup: two Electrix Tweakers, a Moog Etherwave+ theremin, an Access Virus TI, a Kontrol Z2 and more. ", "In today’s article, Arkaei himself breaks down his workflow and gear, as well as a few insider tips exclusive for DJTT readers!", "\n\nEditor’s note: a quick bit of background – the IDA (International DJ Association) is a modern version of the former ITF (International Turntablism Federation) whose yearly battles were one of the major international competitions of turntablism. ", "The IDA was founded to modernize the ITF’s contest, and has been in operation since 2007.", "\n\nMAKING IT BIG\n\n\n\nOn Nov 24th 2012, I managed to defend my title as German IDA Champion in the Show Category. ", "This third consecutive win granted me the opportunity to compete at the World Finals in Kraków, Poland (see the set in the video above). ", "Despite not being much of a turntablist, I managed to turn quite a few heads with my routine because of its sheer nerd power; the Show category is less about technical scratching and more about live performance, so I focused on that. ", "In this article, I’ll walk you through my entire setup and workflow as a “thank you” to the DJTT community – I learned a lot from you guys, it’s time to give something back.", "\n\nTHE COMPLETE RIG\n\nI’m using two Electrix Tweakers, a Vestax PDX3000 mk2 with an Ortofon S-120 OM, a Native Instruments Kontrol Z2 with DJTT Chroma Caps (represent!), ", "an Access Virus TI with OS5 and a Moog Etherwave+ theremin. ", "The IBM W701 (W7pro/64) is running both Ableton Live 8.4 (64-bit beta) and Traktor Scratch Pro 2.6.", "\n\nPLANNING THE RIG\n\nWhen working on new material, I always start on paper. ", "It helps me get the basic stuff laid out before I go deep. ", "As you can see below, I was planning to use an iPad running Lemur at first, but in the end I decided to drop it for the sake of physical pads and faders, of which there are plenty on the Tweakers.", "\n\nBesides that, this crude scribbled draft is essentially the final setup; let’s take a closer look at it. ", "The Z2 is the Traktor audio interface, the Virus serves both as a synth and as the audio interface for Live – it’s going into the B channel on the Z2, which is set to Live Input inside Traktor so I can apply Traktor’s FX to whatever comes out of Live.", "\n\nThe Tweaker on the left controls Traktor (FX macros, activation, wet/dry, hotcues, track key), the Tweaker on the right controls Live – but it’s also the unit I am using to send MIDI from Live to Traktor (the 5-pin MIDI ports on these units really come in handy). ", "The big pads on the Tweakers are velocity sensitive and have aftertouch – so on the Traktor Tweaker, I am using them to control effects. ", "On the Live Tweaker, they are set to full velocity and trigger one-shots from a drum rack. ", "The theremin goes into the Virus’ input and is processed inside Live – we’ll get to that later on.", "\n\nSET AND SYNC CHALLENGES\n\nMy set starts at 142 BPM and goes up to 174 BPM, so the first big challenge I faced was: how do I get Traktor’s internal clock (which affects the beat-synced effects) to stay in sync with the stuff that’s happening in Live? ", "On Windows machines, getting Traktor to slave-sync to external MIDI clock input is literally impossible; I even talked to NI support about this and they couldn’t help me, so I had to find another solution. ", "Turns out there is one, and it’s not that hard once you figure it out.", "\n\nFirst set up Traktor to send MIDI clock and activate it in the Master Tempo tab . ", "A clock signal from Traktor isn’t necessary when slaving it – but when it’s activated, it enables you to retrigger the internal clock.", "\n\nThere’s just one simple command that you need to map: “Clock Trigger MIDI Sync”. ", "Next, map “Set Master Tempo” with fixed parameters of 142 and 174 BPM respectively. ", "Finally, set up a MIDI track in Live and have it send the appropriate notes. ", "I chose to trigger both commands on the first hit of every beat; this may be a little over the top, but I didn’t have time to test it thoroughly and this way it’s always tight.", "\n\nCheck out what DJTT’s Mad Zach did with Ableton and Traktor synced.", "\n\nI also had to consider MIDI offset; since there is a slight delay from Live (the Virus is set to a brave 128 samples) and the sound is going through Traktor instead of regular input on the mixer (which is set to 256 samples and 2ms USB latency to rule out dropouts), you’d think you have to send the MIDI from Live to Traktor a few milliseconds earlier to compensate. ", "However, to my surprise, the audio delay balanced out the MIDI delay perfectly, so I could immediately cross that off the list of possible headaches – but keep it in mind because it may be an issue on your machine when you attempt something similar.", "\n\nSince I only have two hands, I had to automate some parts of the routine – like loading new tracks into deck A inside Traktor. ", "This can be easily accomplished via MIDI as well – I had a sorted playlist inside Traktor, and at appropriate points in the set I triggered the “Load Next” command via MIDI clips; easy. ", "But then I ran into trouble: with both program windows open, sometimes I had slight dropouts during track loads that I could neither reproduce nor fully get rid of – this forced me to minimize the programs, successfully preventing me from looking at the laptop at all during the performance, which makes the whole thing a bit harder but also kind of cool.", "\n\nTWEAKER’S COLORED (AND PATRIOTIC) FEEDBACK\n\nI wanted some kind of feedback from Live, to see where I am in the set – especially since I didn’t have enough time to practice it, and when you’re standing on stage at a world championship there is a bit of pressure no matter how experienced you are. ", "Then I realized I have the perfect unit to make up for that: with its bright multi-color LEDs, the Tweaker can pull off quite a light show.", "\n\nI made MIDI clips that trigger the LEDs on the right Tweaker as the set progresses, with specific colour bursts indicating stuff like “Traktor is about to load the next track”. ", "This helped a lot, and I also used it to enrich my intro: even though I represented Germany, my nationality is Polish – and since the championship took place in Kraków, I decided to use edited quotes from a very popular Polish movie in the intro to win over the audience and also show the Polish flag (white over red) on the LEDs of the Tweaker. ", "This little maneuver worked perfectly and the response was awesome! ", "If you’re curious about the meaning of the samples, head over to my site for the translation. ", "Shameless plug completed.", "\n\nPERFORMING MODULATION\n\nFor the transition from 142 to 174 BPM, I decided to play a huge pad from the Virus, using three macro knobs to modulate the sound while the tempo of the set increases. ", "During the Drumstep/DnB part, I’m mashing buttons on the grid of the right Tweaker; these trigger gated dummy clips that talk to Izotope’s Stutter Edit and Sugarbytes’ Turnado. ", "Combined with Traktor’s internal effects, I can seriously mess stuff up this way. ", "I admit I overdid it a bit in the routine, but as I said… standing on that stage is a little different than rocking a club.", "\n\nWAVING YOUR HANDS ABOUT\n\nThe theremin is a wonderful instrument as is, but it has a rather simple sound and requires the player to stand absolutely still because the slightest changes in hand position are immediately audible in the pitch. ", "That’s not really what you want as an EDM musician, so I had to make it more interesting and less restraining.", "\n\nI ran it into Reaktor, using “The Mouth” which is set to beats rather than pitch mode and then controlled by MIDI notes sent in from another channel. ", "In beats mode, if the key is locked by inputting a MIDI note, raising the pitch of the input sweeps through the formants of Mouth’s vocoder – which kind of makes sense if you think this mode was intended for beats rather than tones. ", "The pitch antenna (the vertical one) controls the formant of the vocoder. ", "The volume antenna (the round one) affects filter cutoff, because I’ve got an instance of SugarBytes’ WOW filter behind Reaktor in envelope follow mode. ", "This turned out to be a slightly complex and CPU-hungry, but very playable beast, and I love the fact that despite the digital processing it still retains part of the analogue character – because the theremin sounds a little bit different every time, and that has a tremendous impact on the tones that “The Mouth” produces.", "\n\n(DON’T) QUIT YOUR DAY JOB?", "\n\nI only spent about a week working on this whole thing – including production, arrangement and defeating all those crazy technical issues; the theremin alone took forever to set up. ", "This is the reason why I made a few mistakes during the performance – I just never got to rehearse it in full because I was still making final adjustments in the hotel room, which is of course my own fault for having a full-time job (I may have to fix that for 2013). ", "I’m still very happy with how it turned out, and going to the world championships was crazy awesome; even with as many as 13 countries involved, there was NO hostility at all among the competitors – we were all having fun and supporting one another. ", "Love and respect, this is how it should always be.", "\n\nGot questions for Arkaei about his setup or performing in a major DJ competition? ", "Ask away in the comments!", "\n\nMore Info:" ]
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[ "Vehical body sunroof assemblies have been used for quite some time to provide partial opening of vehicle body roofs in order to increase ventilation and to also provide the roof with a somewhat convertible-like capability of opening the vehicle occupant compartment. ", "With some sunroof assemblies, the sunroof has a front edge that is secured to the roof and a rear edge that is movable upwardly from a closed position to an open position under the control of a latch mechanism. ", "With other sunroof assemblies, the sunroof is mounted for longitudinal movement between a forward position closing the roof opening and a rearwardly retracted position below the roof to the rear of the roof opening such that the roof opening is partially opened to the environment. ", "Examples of these two types of sunroof assemblies are disclosed by U.S. Pat. ", "Nos: 4,005,901; 4,038,910; 4,085,,965; 4,103,962; 4,126,352; 4,350,385; 4,403,805; 4,523,785; and 4,541,665.", "\nIn some roof constructions, there is insufficient room for a sunroof assembly of the rearwardly retractable type to have its sunroof stored below the roof in the rearwardly retracted position. ", "To overcome this problem, it has previously been proposed to have the sunroof stored externally at a location above the roof in the rearwardly retracted position. ", "Examples of such externally retractable sunroof assemblies are disclosed by U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "3,993,348; 4,005,900; 4,043,590; 4,407,541; 4,426,112; 4,463,983; and 4,475,767.", "\nVehicle sunroof assemblies as described above are conventionally mounted on a vehicle roof by cutting an opening through the outer roof panel over the front seat area that is selectively opened and closed by the sunroof. ", "The lateral dimension of such sunroof assemblies is limited by the fact that the roof opening cut has to be located at each lateral side inboard from the adjacent side rail that defines the edge of the roof. ", "Such side rails are conventionally defined by the adjacent side edge of the outer roof panel and by an inner rail that cooperates with the side edge to provide a hollow side rail for rigidifying the roof in order to provide the vehicle with structural integrity. ", "The limitation on lateral width of sunroof assemblies is a particular problem with a recently introduced type of vehicle body wherein side door window frames have outer members that continue the contour of the outer roof panels at their side edges rather than being located below drip rails at the side edges of the roof. ", "With this type of vehicle body construction, the side rails are located farther inboard than the drip rail type of roof construction and there is thus less lateral space for the sunroof assembly to be mounted within an opening through the outer roof panel.", "\nVehicle T-roofs that have recently received commercial acceptance are illustrated by U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "4,120,529; 4,138,155; 4,287,654; and 4,475,766. ", "Such T-roofs conventionally include a pair of removable roof panels that are located on opposite sides of a central strut extending between the windshield header and a rear roof portion. ", "In a closed position, the roof panels extend between the windshield header and the rear roof portion outwardly in opposite directions from the strut and each roof panel defines the adjacent outer side edge of the roof at which an associated unframed side door window is sealed by a seal provided on the roof panel. ", "Most conventional types of T-roofs have the roof panels made of metal or of glass that is usually tinted to reduce the transmission of solar heat into the vehicle occupant compartment. ", "At their inboard edges as disclosed by the above mentioned patents, the T-roof panels are located relatively close to each other so as to provide the general appearance of continuity of the panels from one side door to the other, which is an aesthetically appealing design. ", "It has not been previously possible to incorporate any door-to-door continuous panel appearance with sunroof assemblies as has been done with T-roofs since the opening cut into the roof for a sunroof assembly has to be located inboard from the side rails as described above." ]
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[ "Follow us\n\nBecome Globally Accredited\n\nFollowing extensive worldwide consultation with Marketing Leaders from academia and industry we launched the word's first and only Global Accreditation system for Marketing Professionals.", "\n\nThe same exacting professional standards are applied, consistently, fairly and transparently, worldwide. ", "Global Accreditation provides highly desirable, portable recognition of your standing and 'fitness to practice' as a Marketing Professional.", "\n\nWhy you should consider applying for Global Accreditation\n\nWe are unique amongst all membership associations purporting to represent the Marketing Profession by being the only 'truly global' institute establishing global standards of marketing practice. ", "In much the same way that ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is the Global Body for Accountants, GMN is positioned as the Global Accreditation Body for Marketing Professionals.", "\n\nAs part of our commitment of creating a stronger, better respected and more unified Marketing Profession we work with and recognise many national membership associations.", "\n\nGlobal Accreditation means that for the first time\n\nYou can demonstrate to your peers, clients and employers that you have achieved globally established standards, have been recognised worldwide for your Marketing achievements and are committed to your own professional continuing development.", "\n\n—You can strengthen your own Profession by visibly becoming part of it - and the larger GMN becomes, the more effective we can be on behalf of the Marketing Profession, and Marketing Professionals such as you.", "\n\nThere are three Grades of Global Accreditation - Associate, Professional Marketer and Global Marketer. ", "To see which Grade is right for you click here\n\nWho are Globally Accredited Marketing Professionals?", "\n\nGlobally Accredited Marketing Professionals work in either client-side or agency-side roles. ", "They might be business owners. ", "Above all else they want to be recognised for their Marketing achievements and differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace by demonstrating that they meet globally-established standards and are keeping up-to-date with the latest developments in Marketing." ]
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[ "EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is Jonah Goldberg’s weekly “news” letter, the G-File. ", "Subscribe here to get the G-File delivered to your inbox on Fridays.", "\n\nDear Reader (including foreign donors who’d like to hide their direct support of this “news”letter by giving money to the Goldberg Global Initiative),\n\nI was going to write about the latest Clinton stuff but, frankly, I can’t muster the energy. ", "I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. ", "The Clintons are to sleazy behavior what Joe Biden is to craziness and inappropriate backrubs. ", "Sure, they get criticized or mocked, but ultimately it gets discounted because that’s just the way they are. ", "Biden could divulge his sacrofricosis addiction on national television while explaining how the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor and within a week it would be “old news.”", "\n\n\n“Oh, that’s just Joe!”", "\n\nBut at least Biden’s behavior is contained to himself and perhaps whoever is foolish enough to get in his bitch’n TransAm. ", "The Clintons run a vast enterprise which at this moment is in the finishing stages of taking over the Democratic party and, if it has its way, the United States government. ", "No serious person of any ideological stripe denies — privately, at least — that what the Clintons have been doing over the last 15 years has been unseemly. ", "Legitimate debates can be had as to whether it was criminal. ", "But if the standard is the appearance of corruption, tax-status abuse, influence-peddling, access-selling, money laundering, greed, self-aggrandizement, arrogance, non-transparency, or simply flat-out lying, then no serious person can deny the Clintons have fallen short of that standard.", "\n\nThe Clintons are to sleazy behavior what Joe Biden is to craziness and inappropriate backrubs.", "\n\nSure, the foundation spends a few pennies on the dollar for latrines and textbooks. ", "But its real purpose is to serve as a super–super PAC with better branding.", "\n\n\nBut what really rankles is that the Clintons began their post-presidency in reputational shambles. ", "Bill Clinton sold pardons, or at the very least didn’t care that it seemed like he did. ", "That’s not my characterization; it’s Barney Frank’s, E.J. Dionne’s, Jimmy Carter’s and Patrick Leahy’s, just to name a few. ", "Oh and Hillary’s brother was in on it as well. ", "Hugh Rodham, a Haitian gold-mining expert of late, took $400,000 dollars to shop for pardons, too.", "\n\n\nMany people thought that Bill Clinton created his foundation in an effort to repair his reputation. ", "And that’s probably true. ", "But that’s just part of what makes Bill Clinton such a spectacular sleaze-ball. ", "He created a foundation to restore his good name and then used the foundation to do precisely the kind of things that gave him a bad name. ", "It’s like Tony Soprano doing volunteer work at an old-age home just so he can rob money from little old ladies while they’re at bingo. ", "Win-win!", "\n\nBut where is the sense of betrayal from liberals? ", "Sure, a few people have been noticeably embarrassed, but for the most part they are acting like Clinton deserves the benefit of the doubt or that the appearance of impropriety is a fair standard to apply to every politician except ones named Clinton.", "\n\n\n\nIt’s like having an addict in the family (something I know a bit about, alas). ", "Everyone agrees in principle that you shouldn’t enable bad behavior, but no one has the stomach to actually live by that principle. ", "The Clintons left the White House having used up every second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth chance they had.", "\n\nAnd their behavior never changed!", "\n\nOnly their public-relations strategy changed. ", "In Aesop’s fables, the scorpion must sting the frog because, much to the frog’s foolish surprise, that’s what scorpions do. ", "The Tudors of the Ozarks must do what they do. ", "I get that. ", "Indeed, I sometimes feel like I’m one of the only ones who does. ", "But we are long past the point of blaming the scorpions for being scorpions. ", "Frankly, I don’t expect better from the Clintons and their ability to arouse anger in me is pretty limited at this point. ", "But it’s time to point fingers at the frogs who insist on playing the part of the fool. ", "If you ever find yourself saying something like, “I don’t understand how the Clintons could let us down like this,” understand this: You’re the frog.", "\n\nI don’t think Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States, but if she is, her enablers will have no right to be shocked by any of the inevitable embarrassing scandals that will follow. ", "Heck, they lost that right a long time ago.", "\n\n\nThug Strife\n\n\nI don’t get it.", "\n\nI feel like Tom Hanks in Big when all the executives are excited about the toy buildings that turn into robots. ", "Hanks just doesn’t get it. ", "He asks, “What’s fun about that?”", "\n\nExcept I’m asking, “What’s racist about that?”", "\n\nThe mayor of Baltimore, who will spend the rest of her days living light-years from the word “Churchillian,” recently apologized for two gaffes. ", "First, she walked back her statement that she gave rioters space to “destroy.” ", "That’s not what she meant, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said.", "\n\nIt sure sounded like it to me, and the facts on the ground seemed to line up with the rhetoric (this new video of Baltimore cops fleeing rioters is pretty compelling). ", "But fair enough. ", "People often say things clumsily in stressful situations.", "\n\nBut then the mayor apologized for calling the destroyers “thugs.”", "\n\n\n“There are no thugs in Baltimore,” she added. “", "Sometimes my own little anger translator gets the best of me.”", "\n\nReally, there are no thugs in Baltimore? ", "It’s a thug-free zone?", "\n\nRELATED: Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party’s Own Making\n\nA Thug by Another Name Still Stinks . . .", "\n\nDon’t get me wrong, I’m sure there were plenty of non-thug kids pretending to be thugs in the mobs in Baltimore. ", "When I was growing up in the 1970s and 1980s in New York City, I knew, or at least met, dozens of kids who said they were in gangs. ", "The number who were actually in anything like an actual gang was much, much lower. ", "Long before we hunted the woolly mammoth to extinction, young men were acting like they’re tougher than they really are.", "\n\nBut here’s the thing. ", "Someone torched those stores. ", "Those looters weren’t holograms or masked Scooby Doo villains looking to get those good-but-meddling kids in trouble. ", "At least one actual carbon-based life form is responsible for burning down a community center and apartment complex that was being built by the Southern Baptist Church for low-income old folks.", "\n\nRELATED: What Are Baltimore’s Rioters Trying to ‘Communicate’?", "\n\nNow, if there’s some reason we can’t use the word thug to describe these people, I’m all ears. ", "I’ve written about the etymology of “thug” many, many times and if the issue is lexicological exactitude, I’m up for that conversation.", "\n\nSomeone torched those stores. ", "Those looters weren’t holograms or masked Scooby Doo villains looking to get those good-but-meddling kids in trouble.", "\n\nOthers argue that the word has now taken on too many racial connotations. ", "Barret Holmes Pinter writes that “thug” is the new “ni**er.” ", "Baltimore city councilman Carl Stokes bullied CNN’s Erin Burnett the other day. “", "These are children who have been set aside, marginalized, who have not been engaged by us. ", "No, we don’t have to call them thugs,” Stokes said. “", "Just call them ni**ers. ", "Just call them ni**ers.”", "\n\nFirst of all, it seems to me there’s no small amount of racial paranoia here. ", "I use “thug” all of the time with no racial intent at all (I started calling Robert Gibbs a “thug-dufus” after I heard someone else use the phrase). ", "At the dog park, my wife and I will sometimes call bullying dogs (including, alas, our own) “thugs.” ", "One time when Zoë pinned a standard poodle on the ground, I grabbed her, and said, “Don’t be such a thug.” ", "I’ll canvass for witnesses to be sure, but I don’t recall everyone in the park gasping in horror the way they would if I’d yelled at my dog: “don’t be such a ni**er.”", "\n\n\nRELATED: Black Thugs Hammer Black Citizens\n\nPinter argues that the word was imposed on blacks and that Tupac Shakur and others boldly appropriated and embraced it. ", "I’m not sure I buy the first part. ", "It seems to me the term “thug” was mostly imposed on, you know, thugs. ", "But the second part is pretty obviously true. ", "After all, Shakur tattooed “thug life” across his stomach. ", "Which, according to Pinter, he did for really complex reasons:\n\nTupac’s embracing of the word, in effect, said that black Americans have been unfairly called this word for far too long, and that now we need to start employing the word so that we can impact the discussion and the word’s usage. ", "It is not a justification for non-black voices to refer to blacks as thugs, but rather the appropriation of insult as a mechanism for social discourse.", "\n\n\nWell, maybe.", "\n\nMaybe there’s something to this “mechanism for social discourse” thing. ", "Or maybe Tupak Shakur was part of a broad transracial fad in American popular culture to glamorize criminality.", "\n\nWhatever the case, I’m not an absolutist here. ", "If it’s really true that a significant share of blacks hear “ni**er” when someone says “thug,” I’m totally open to the idea of using a different word.", "\n\nBut here’s the real problem, even after we expunge this now-hateful word: We will still need a negative word for people (of any race!) ", "who riot, rob, torch and act like [insert non-racially loaded term to replace “​thug”​ here].", "\n\nRELATED: Baltimore, Charlie Hebdo, and the Weaponization of Cultural Politics\n\nI don’t want to be racist. ", "So, please, give me the shaming word for people who behave horribly that lets me condemn the content of their character without referencing the color of their skin.", "\n\nYou can be a transgender half-Hmong half-Swede in a pinstripe suit, an albino Norwegian in a Bentley, or a poor black kid from West Baltimore, but if you burn down a home for poor old people there still has to be some bad word available to us to describe you.", "\n\nExcuses vs. Explanations\n\nWhere is the acknowledgement that some of the so-called thugs aren’t so-called, they’re simply thugs?", "\n\nPinter is outraged about the fact that some tough football players get called thugs. ", "Okay that’s one conversation. ", "But getting offended when gangsters who loot mom-and-pop stores are called thugs strikes me as a completely different conversation.", "\n\nA society that refuses to distinguish between people who behave criminally and people who don’t won’t be a society for very long.", "\n\nBefore he insinuated that Burnett is a racist, Stokes waxed eloquent about how these kids have been marginalized, etc. ", "Translation: The punks setting cars on fire and looting stores are the real victims.", "\n\nFirst of all, it’s not only plausible, but obviously true, that many of these punks had rough starts in life. ", "Unlike the largely bogus claim that poverty and powerlessness is what creates terrorists, the root-causes argument has explanatory power for street criminals. ", "No serious conservative disputes that poverty, joblessness, crime, family breakdown, crappy schools, etc. ", "help explain why young men make bad choices. ", "But explanations aren’t excuses, even if they overlap at the margins from time to time. ", "Bad choices are still choices, and if we don’t judge people by their choices we can’t judge people at all.", "\n\n#related#If a sane man rapes and kills a little girl but, when caught, explains how terrible his own childhood was, the civilized response of the criminal justice system must be “we don’t care.” ", "Some crimes are moral gray areas — the man who steals bread to feed his starving family, etc. ", "But, other crimes aren’t. ", "Nonetheless, a society that refuses to distinguish between people who behave criminally and people who don’t won’t be a society for very long.", "\n\nAnd by the way, how exactly it helps the black community to say that th*gs cannot be singled out from the rest of the black community completely mystifies me. ", "I thought the antidote to racism was judging people individually, based upon their behavior. ", "I don’t discriminate against people because of the color of their skin, but I will freely admit I discriminate against people who burn down senior centers. ", "But that’s just me.", "\n\nVarious & Sundry\n\nThanks to everyone at NRI for making the Ideas Summit such a big success, and thanks to everyone who stayed up for the night-owl podcast last night. ", "I don’t think it quite fired on all cylinders, but I blame that on an audience not properly lubricated. ", "Anyway, it should be up over at Ricochet soon.", "\n\nIn May, I am hosting two events at AEI. ", "The first, on May 11, is a book event for The Dadly Virtues. ", "This is sort of like a sequel to the Seven Deadly Virtues book. ", "Panelists will include: yours truly, Tucker Carlson, Stephen F. Hayes, Jonathan V. Last, James Lileks, and P. J. O’Rourke.", "\n\nThen on May 14, I will be having a conversation with Charles Murray on his new book By the People: Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission. ", "It’s quite a humdinger of a book, as you can tell from my blurb.", "\n\nZoë Update: The Dingo’s behavior continues to improve steadily. ", "She’s still too eager to scrap with other dogs and get a bit thuggish brutish with other dogs. ", "But she comes when called, gets in the car when asked and looks for Aldrich Ames when commanded to.", "\n\n\nOh, here’s something that’s equally depressing and encouraging. ", "We have new software at NR that allows me to tell how far into an article readers have actually read. ", "I always know that most readers rarely get past the first couple paragraphs, but it’s another thing to see the drop-off by sentence. ", "The good news is that this “news”letter, at least when it appears on the website on Saturdays, retains more readers than most. ", "The surprising news is that the vast majority of you don’t read all of the way to the V&S section and weird links. ", "I always put the weird stuff at the end on the assumption that people will stick around for the dessert. ", "Anyway, it raises some interesting issues if most of you really aren’t reading the stuff at the end. ", "First of all, my angry dismissals of many of your complaints may have fallen on deaf ears. ", "Second, some of these announcements really are important to me. ", "I may have to figure out how to front load some of them. ", "I also may have to downgrade my level of effort on this section from half-assed to quarter-assed.", "\n\nThis is why we can’t let computers take over journalism\n\nStarbucks name generator\n\nSquirrels lifting weights\n\nCat tattoos\n\nPouring molten aluminum into a watermelon\n\nDry dog, wet dog\n\nThe science behind songs getting stuck in your head\n\nDisney songs remixed as 90s jams" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nball-game created in Python 3\n\nThis is a very simple ball game in which we have to avoid projectiles falling from the sky. ", "This is my second project and first game. ", "Please review and tell where I can improve.", "\nimport time\nimport random\nimport pygame\npygame.init()\n\n#colors\nblack=(0,0,0)\nwhite=(255,255,255)\nred=(255,0,0)\ngreen=(0,255,0)\nblue=(0,0,255)\ndarkViolet=(148,0,211)\n\n#display\ndisplayWidth=1024\ndisplayHeight=600\ndisplay=pygame.display.set_mode((displayWidth, displayHeight))\npygame.display.set_caption('PHY')\nheart=pygame.image.load('heart.png')\nmyfont=pygame.font.", "SysFont('Terminal', 18)\nclock=pygame.time.", "Clock()\nendTime=time.time()\n\n#physics\nx,y=displayWidth/2,displayHeight/2\nux, uy, ax, ay= 0, 0, 0, 0 # u means velocity, a means acceleration\nyp1, up1, ap = 0, 50, 50 #p for projectile\nxp1,yp1,up1,ap1=[],0,50,50 #projectile variables. ", "xp1 list coz multiple projectiles\nuc, ac = 20, 5 # c stands for the amount of change on key press\nscore, lives=0,3\ntouching=False\nrunning=True\n\n#misc\nprojectile=pygame.", "Surface((10,20))\nprojectile.fill(darkViolet)\n\n#adding random locations for projectiles to spawn in\nfor _ in range(20):\n xp1.append(random.randint(0,displayWidth))\n\nwhile running:\n #taking dt to be a small value which will depend on the processing power\n startTime=time.time()\n t=startTime-endTime\n\n #changing the postions and velocities with time\n ux+=ax*t\n uy+=ay*t\n x+=ux*t\n y+=uy*t\n up1+=ap*t\n yp1+=up1*t\n\n endTime=time.time()\n\n #checking for collision of ball with boundaries\n if x<0:\n x=0\n ux=-ux/3\n if x>displayWidth:\n x=displayWidth\n ux=-ux/3\n if y<0:\n y=0\n uy=-uy/3\n if y>displayHeight:\n y=displayHeight\n uy=-uy/3\n\n for ev in pygame.event.get():\n if ev.type == pygame.", "QUIT:\n running=False\n elif ev.type == pygame.", "KEYDOWN: #acts on pressing and not on holding key\n if ev.key == pygame.", "K_UP:\n ay-=ac\n uy-=uc\n if ev.key == pygame.", "K_DOWN:\n ay+=ac\n uy+=uc\n if ev.key == pygame.", "K_LEFT:\n ax-=ac\n ux-=uc\n if ev.key == pygame.", "K_RIGHT:\n ax+=ac\n ux+=uc\n elif ev.type == pygame.", "KEYUP:\n if ev.key == pygame.", "K_UP:\n ay=0\n if ev.key == pygame.", "K_DOWN:\n ay=0\n if ev.key == pygame.", "K_LEFT:\n ax=0\n if ev.key == pygame.", "K_RIGHT:\n ax=0\n\n #condition for when the projectile crosses the screen\n if yp1>displayHeight:\n yp1=0\n up1=3*up1/5\n ap+=5\n xp1=[]\n score+=1\n for _ in range(20):\n xp1.append(random.randint(0,displayWidth))\n\n #checking for collision between ball and projectile\n for g in range(20):\n if x>xp1[g]-10 and x<10+xp1[g] and y>yp1-15 and y<yp1+15:\n touching=True\n xp1[g]=1050\n if touching:\n if lives>1:\n lives-=1\n touching=False\n else:\n running=False\n\n #displaying\n display.fill(black)\n for g in range(lives): #displaying the lives as hearts\n display.blit(heart, (950+g*25,25))\n for g in range(20): #displaying the same projectile at 20 places\n display.blit(projectile, (xp1[g], yp1))\n textDisp=myfont.render('SCORE: %s'%(score),False,white)\n pygame.draw.circle(display, red, (int(x),int(y)), 10, 0) #displaying the ball\n display.blit(textDisp,(950,50)) #displaying the score\n pygame.display.update()\n clock.tick(60)\n\npygame.quit()\nquit()\n\nA:\n\nFollow standard identifier conventions. ", " Variable are lower_case, class names should be CamelCase, and constants should be UPPER_CASE. ", " With this in mind, your block of colours at the start should be altered:\n# Colours\nBLACK = (0, 0, 0)\nWHITE = (255, 255, 255)\nRED = (255, 0, 0)\n#... etc ...\n\nNamed colours are fine, but what are you using them for? ", " Maybe, after naming colours, name some of the usages, and assign the named colours. ", "\nBALL_COLOUR = RED\nSCORE_COLOUR = WHITE\n\nNote the spacing above. ", " \nux+=ax*t\nuy+=ay*t\nx+=ux*t\ny+=uy*t\n\n... I find hard to read. ", " Add a space before and after operators, a space after commas, etc. ", "\nux += ax * t\nuy += ay * t\nx += ux * t\ny += uy * t\n\n... is much easier to read. ", "\n\nscore, lives=0,3\n\nTuple unpacking assignment is a wonderful feature. ", " But don’t use it for unrelated values, like score and lives. ", " Use two separate assignment statements. ", "But when you do use it, remember spaces around the equals, and after the commas.", "\n\nDeclare variables as close as possible to where you use them. ", " What is this running = True statement, near the start? ", " Is there someone walking and running as well as bouncing a ball?", "\nrunning = True\nwhile running:\n # ...\n\nThis is much clearer. ", " The value controls the loop. ", " \n\nWatch for “if condition, do something, else if different condition, do same thing”. ", " Use an “or” in the test. ", " \nif ev.key == pygame.", "K_UP or ev.key == pygame.", "K_DOWN:\n ay = 0\n\nDon’t intermix unrelated code. ", "\ntextDisp = ...\npygame.draw.circle(...)\ndisplay.blit(textDisp, ...)\n\nKeep the two textDisp lines together; the circle draw code is unrelated and should be moved before or after this code. ", "\n\nElephant in the room: Variable names. ", "They are terrible. ", " I’d suggest better ones, but I’d suggest using classes for player/projectile even more. ", " And maybe a function or two for organization. ", "But as this is your third project, I don’t want to confuse you with constructs you may not have learned yet. ", "\nLet us know what you know, and perhaps we can help further. ", "\n\nInefficiency: repeating the same test 20 times. ", " Both y and yp1 remain constant in this loop:\nfor g in range(20):\n if x>xp1[g]-10 and x<10+xp1[g] and y>yp1-15 and y<yp1+15:\n\nInstead, check for a y-collision first, and only if it is a possibility, then check the 20 x-collisions.", "\nif y > yp1 - 15 and y < yp1 + 15:\n # loop over all xp1 values\n\nHard-coded numbers. ", "You repeat 20 multiple times throughout the code. ", " What if you want to change that? ", " Find every place it is used and change it? ", " Better: use a variable for num_projectiles. ", " Even better, just iterate over the storage structure itself:\nif y > yp1 - 15 and y < yp1 + 15:\n for xp in xp1:\n if x > xp - 10 and x < xp + 10:\n # collision code\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCalling php function in android adds blank record in mysql\n\nI have created android app for adding data to my local host server. ", "The problem is every time I enter data and submit there is no error reported in android app. ", "But the data added to the mysql database is blank in all fields. ", "Does anyone know how to overcome the problem?", "\nAs a fellow coder has asked I have added the code\npackage localhost80.sample1; \nimport android.content.", "Context; \nimport android.os.", "AsyncTask; \nimport android.widget.", "Toast; \nimport org.apache.http.", "HttpResponse; \nimport org.apache.http.client.", "HttpClient; \nimport org.apache.http.client.methods.", "HttpGet; \nimport org.apache.http.impl.client.", "DefaultHttpClient; \nimport java.io.", "BufferedWriter; \nimport java.io.", "IOException; \nimport java.io.", "InputStream; \nimport java.io.", "OutputStream; \nimport java.io.", "OutputStreamWriter; \nimport java.net.", "HttpURLConnection; \nimport java.net.", "MalformedURLException; \nimport java.net.", "URI; \nimport java.net.", "URL; \nimport java.net.", "URLEncoder; \npublic class serverLinking extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> \n{ \n private String link; \n private Context context; \n private String ed,lno,par,pcs,mts,wt,ct,var,gw,fw,remarks,method; \n\n public serverLinking(Context context) \n { \n this.context = context; \n } \n\n protected void onPreExecute() \n { \n super.onPreExecute(); \n } \n@Override \n protected String doInBackground(String... arg0) \n { \n method = arg0[11]; \n link = \"\"; \n if(method.equals(\"POST\")) \n { \n ed = arg0[0]; \n lno = arg0[1]; \n par = arg0[2]; \n pcs = arg0[3]; \n mts = arg0[4]; \n wt = arg0[5]; \n ct = arg0[6]; \n var = arg0[7]; \n gw = arg0[8]; \n fw = arg0[9]; \n remarks = arg0[10]; \n\n try \n { \n URL url = new URL(link); \n HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();\n httpURLConnection.setRequestMethod(method); \n httpURLConnection.setDoOutput(true); \n OutputStream os = httpURLConnection.getOutputStream();\n BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os,\"UTF-8\")); \n String data = URLEncoder.encode(\"ed\",\"UTF-8\")+\"=\"+URLEncoder.encode(\"lno\",\"UTF-8\")+\"=\"+URLEncoder.encode(\"par\",\"UTF-8\")+\"=\"+ URLEncoder.encode(\"pcs\",\"UTF-8\")+\"=\"+URLEncoder.encode(\"mts\",\"UTF-8\")+\"=\"+URLEncoder.encode(\"wt\",\"UTF-8\")+\"=\"+ URLEncoder.encode(\"ct\",\"UTF-8\")+\"=\"+URLEncoder.encode(\"var\",\"UTF-8\")+\"=\"+URLEncoder.encode(\"gw\",\"UTF-8\")+\"=\"+ URLEncoder.encode(\"fw\",\"UTF-8\")+\"=\"+URLEncoder.encode(\"remarks\",\"UTF-8\"); \n bufferedWriter.write(data);\n bufferedWriter.flush(); \n bufferedWriter.close(); \n os.close(); \n InputStream IS = httpURLConnection.getInputStream();\n IS.close(); \n return \"Data Added Successfully\"; \n } \n catch (MalformedURLException e)\n { \n e.printStackTrace();\n } \n catch (IOException e)\n { \n e.printStackTrace(); \n } \n } \n return null; \n} \n\n protected void onPostExecute(String result) \n { \n Toast.makeText(context,result,Toast.", "LENGTH_LONG).show(); \n } \n\n protected void onProgressUpdate(Void... values) \n { \n super.onProgressUpdate(values); \n } \n}\n\nA:\n\npackage localhost80.sample1;\nimport android.content.", "Context;\nimport android.os.", "AsyncTask;\nimport android.widget.", "Toast;\nimport org.apache.http.", "HttpResponse;\nimport org.apache.http.client.", "HttpClient;\nimport org.apache.http.client.methods.", "HttpGet;\nimport org.apache.http.impl.client.", "DefaultHttpClient;\nimport java.io.", "BufferedWriter;\nimport java.io.", "IOException;\nimport java.io.", "InputStream;\nimport java.io.", "OutputStream;\nimport java.io.", "OutputStreamWriter;\nimport java.net.", "HttpURLConnection;\nimport java.net.", "MalformedURLException;\nimport java.net.", "URI;\nimport java.net.", "URL;\nimport java.net.", "URLEncoder;\npublic class serverLinking extends AsyncTask < String, Void, String > {\n private String link;\n private Context context;\n private String ed, lno, par, pcs, mts, wt, ct,\n var, gw, fw, remarks, method;\n public serverLinking(Context context) {\n this.context = context;\n }\n protected void onPreExecute() {\n super.onPreExecute();\n }\n @Override protected String doInBackground(String...arg0) {\n method = arg0[11];\n link = \"\";\n if (method.equals(\"POST\")) {\n ed = arg0[0];\n lno = arg0[1];\n par = arg0[2];\n pcs = arg0[3];\n mts = arg0[4];\n wt = arg0[5];\n ct = arg0[6];\n var = arg0[7];\n gw = arg0[8];\n fw = arg0[9];\n remarks = arg0[10];\n try {\n URL url = new URL(link);\n HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();\n httpURLConnection.setRequestMethod(method);\n httpURLConnection.setDoOutput(true);\n OutputStream os = httpURLConnection.getOutputStream();\n BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os, \"UTF-8\"));\n String data = URLEncoder.encode(\"ed\", \"UTF-8\") + \"=\" + URLEncoder.encode(\"lno\", \"UTF-8\") + \"=\" + URLEncoder.encode(\"par\", \"UTF-8\") + \"=\" + URLEncoder.encode(\"pcs\", \"UTF-8\") + \"=\" + URLEncoder.encode(\"mts\", \"UTF-8\") + \"=\" + URLEncoder.encode(\"wt\", \"UTF-8\") + \"=\" + URLEncoder.encode(\"ct\", \"UTF-8\") + \"=\" + URLEncoder.encode(\"var\", \"UTF-8\") + \"=\" + URLEncoder.encode(\"gw\", \"UTF-8\") + \"=\" + URLEncoder.encode(\"fw\", \"UTF-8\") + \"=\" + URLEncoder.encode(\"remarks\", \"UTF-8\");\n bufferedWriter.write(data);\n bufferedWriter.flush();\n bufferedWriter.close();\n os.close();\n InputStream IS = httpURLConnection.getInputStream();\n IS.close();\n return \"Data Added Successfully\";\n } catch (MalformedURLException e) {\n e.printStackTrace();\n } catch (IOException e) {\n e.printStackTrace();\n }\n }\n return null;\n }\n protected void onPostExecute(String result) {\n Toast.makeText(context, result, Toast.", "LENGTH_LONG).show();\n }\n protected void onProgressUpdate(Void...values) {\n super.onProgressUpdate(values);\n }\n}\n\ncheck your querystring(String data).", "\npassing parameter need that's name.", "\nand separator is &\nvalue1=value2=value3.... (x)\nvalue1name=value1&value2name=value2&value3name=value3... (o)\nEXAMPLE\nString data = \"ed=\" + ed\n + \"&lno=\" + lno\n + \"&par=\" + par\n + ....\n\ncheck received data($_GET or $_REQUEST) on add.php\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0006177732720971107, 0.0012635093880817294, 0.0006831679493188858, 0.0008419023361057043, 0.000587949703913182, 0.0007776567945256829, 0.0009575593867339194, 0.0007194699137471616, 0.0008014708873815835, 0.0006931834504939616, 0.002146607032045722, 0.0009155954467132688, 0.0008753854781389236, 0.0011321234051138163, 0.000762450450565666, 0.0007340851007029414, 0.0007262721774168313, 0.0007804943015798926, 0.002480336232110858, 0.0008783101802691817, 0.000947539578191936, 0.0010509408311918378, 0.0010897949105128646, 0.0007776567945256829, 0.0009575593867339194, 0.0007194699137471616, 0.0008014708873815835, 0.0006931834504939616, 0.002146607032045722, 0.0009155954467132688, 0.0008753854781389236, 0.0011321234051138163, 0.000762450450565666, 0.0007340851007029414, 0.0007262721774168313, 0.0007804943015798926, 0.002480336232110858, 0.0008783101802691817, 0.000947539578191936, 0.0010509408311918378, 0.0010892074787989259, 0.000712763809133321, 0.0010053219739347696 ]
[ "Tag Archives: weibo\n\nWe’re treating you this Christmas with our blog giveaway week three! ", "Enter for your chance to win a Dooney and Bourke python embossed satchel with matching wallet. ", "It’s the perfect accessory for carrying your new presents and a scarf and all your other daily essentials. ", "Just follow the easy rules to qualify. ", "Here’s how to enter:" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0007925663376227021, 0.0030419782269746065, 0.0008029844611883163, 0.0006955091375857592, 0.0008360373903997242 ]
[ "American Folk Art Museum\n\nMusic featured at the Free Music Fridays series thematically reflects the spirit of the self-taught art on view at the museum. ", "Support the proceedings with a donation-based cash wine bar. ", "Admission is always free." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005888323648832738, 0.0006105615175329149, 0.0005967351025901735 ]
[ "Patch-closure of tracheal defects with pericardium/PTFE. ", "A new technique in extended pneumonectomy with carinal resection.", "\nPatch closure of a tracheal defect resulting from extended pneumonectomy including the main carina and a limited area of the lower trachea or the opposite bronchus is described in five cases of bronchogenic carcinoma and one case of metastatic melanoma. ", "It was accomplished by the use of a PTFE soft-tissue patch and integrated pericardial flap. ", "Airway continuity was satisfactorily restored in all but one case with a longest survival of 30 months. ", "One patient developed an empyema and died from respiratory failure after 6 weeks. ", "The method is technically easy and can serve as an alternative to resection of the whole bifurcation in selected cases. ", "Intraoperative ventilation using double lumen tubes needs not be altered." ]
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[ "This invention relates to wafer carriers. ", "More particularly it relates to sealable wafer enclosures having doors with latching mechanisms.", "\nProcessing of semi-conductor wafers into finished electronic components typically requires many processing steps where the wafers must be handled and processed. ", "The wafers are very valuable, and are extremely delicate and easily damaged by physical and electrical shocks. ", "In addition, successful processing requires the utmost in cleanliness, free of particulates and other contaminants. ", "As a result, specialized containers or carriers have been developed for use during processing, handling and transport of wafers. ", "These containers protect the wafers from physical and electrical hazards, and are sealable to protect the wafers from contaminants. ", "It is important that the containers remain sealed when in use to prevent damage to the wafers from contaminants. ", "It is also important from a process efficiency standpoint that carriers be easily useable and cleanable.", "\nVarious configurations of door enclosures and latching mechanisms for sealable wafer carriers are known in the art. ", "Some known latching mechanisms use rotary members for actuating the latch, such as a cam. ", "A problem, however, with such mechanisms is that the cam member can self-rotate at undesirable times. ", "This self-rotation can cause unlatching of the door and exposure of the wafers to contaminants. ", "When the door is not in place on the carrier, self-rotation can cause extension of the latches, making it difficult to reinstall the door on the carrier. ", "Other latching mechanisms use systems of interlinked latching arms actuated by a rotary or sliding element. ", "Such systems can have similar problems with actuation of the latching mechanism at undesired times and by intended means.", "\nPrevious methods used with cam actuated latching mechanisms for restraining cam rotation have typically involved a simple leaf spring with a bent tip arranged tangential to the cam. ", "As the cam is rotated near the rotational limit of travel where it is to be held, a surface or projection of the cam slides past the bent tip of the leaf spring. ", "The cam is then held in position at a favored position by the spring force of the leaf spring and friction between the parts. ", "Such a mechanism does not generally urge or spring-bias the cam member toward the favored position to prevent further cam rotation should the cam be dislodged from the detent. ", "Moreover, if two favored positions are provided corresponding to the latch-open and latch-closed position, two separate leaf springs are needed to adequately address both conditions. ", "This adds complexity to the mechanism and complicates assembly of the parts. ", "The leaf springs, if formed from plastic material, do not generally have sufficient rigidity in bending to generate enough friction to hold the cam in position. ", "Alternatives, such as metallic materials, are undesirable in that sliding contact between such materials can generate damaging particulates. ", "Other known methods involve simple detent systems, involving for example, projections from the cam member that engage structures on the door. ", "Such simple detents, however, can become disengaged at unintended times and by unintended means. ", "Once a detent is disengaged, the simple detent mechanism provides no biasing force urging the cam member back toward the detent to prevent latching or unlatching of the door.", "\nAccordingly, what is needed is a device or apparatus that provides favored positions for a wafer carrier door latching mechanism, and that also provides some type of biasing force urging the latching mechanism toward the favored positions to resist further movement of the latch in the event it is dislodged from the favored positions." ]
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[ "ters picked without replacement from ttxttxttttttt. ", "What is prob of sequence xxt?", "\n1/78\nCalculate prob of sequence eea when three letters picked without replacement from eeaeeeeaeaeeeeeaeee.", "\n140/969\nCalculate prob of sequence vciu when four letters picked without replacement from cidcuvi.", "\n1/210\nWhat is prob of sequence nnc when three letters picked without replacement from nccccncncccccccccnn?", "\n140/2907\nFour letters picked without replacement from {i: 1, h: 2, o: 6, v: 2, t: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence vvht?", "\n1/2970\nWhat is prob of sequence ih when two letters picked without replacement from iuhuuhhhhhuhi?", "\n7/78\nFour letters picked without replacement from {f: 1, j: 3, o: 12, s: 1, u: 1, d: 2}. ", "What is prob of sequence oosd?", "\n11/4845\nThree letters picked without replacement from {g: 2, y: 8, d: 6, l: 2}. ", "Give prob of sequence gdd.", "\n5/408\nWhat is prob of sequence mkkm when four letters picked without replacement from {k: 2, m: 5, x: 5}?", "\n1/297\nCalculate prob of sequence kk when two letters picked without replacement from {g: 12, k: 3}.", "\n1/35\nCalculate prob of sequence ibjj when four letters picked without replacement from bijcjijcibcbc.", "\n9/2860\nFour letters picked without replacement from {q: 9}. ", "What is prob of sequence qqqq?", "\n1\nCalculate prob of sequence gii when three letters picked without replacement from wigieneigneqggi.", "\n8/455\nWhat is prob of sequence indn when four letters picked without replacement from {u: 1, x: 1, i: 2, d: 2, n: 2}?", "\n1/210\nCalculate prob of sequence fs when two letters picked without replacement from nfsffsfs.", "\n3/14\nTwo letters picked without replacement from jakbjbjbjlljj. ", "What is prob of sequence ak?", "\n1/156\nThree letters picked without replacement from {u: 2, w: 3, a: 4, p: 2, i: 3, b: 2}. ", "What is prob of sequence aaa?", "\n1/140\nFour letters picked without replacement from egzgzgllblg. ", "Give prob of sequence llze.", "\n1/660\nWhat is prob of sequence rggy when four letters picked without replacement from {g: 4, y: 1, e: 10, r: 4, k: 1}?", "\n2/4845\nWhat is prob of sequence uu when two letters picked without replacement from uhhuuh?", "\n1/5\nWhat is prob of sequence beb when three letters picked without replacement from {e: 4, b: 10}?", "\n15/91\nTwo letters picked without replacement from fddvk. ", "What is prob of sequence vf?", "\n1/20\nTwo letters picked without replacement from ytdyfydyyd. ", "What is prob of sequence fy?", "\n1/18\nFour letters picked without replacement from bkeelbkekkebbbkb. ", "Give prob of sequence kebl.", "\n1/364\nCalculate prob of sequence uoux when four letters picked without replacement from uooxouxzuuo.", "\n2/165\nWhat is prob of sequence kk when two letters picked without replacement from knnknuknunnk?", "\n1/11\nTwo letters picked without replacement from nwwnjqn. ", "What is prob of sequence qn?", "\n1/14\nFour letters picked without replacement from {q: 6, t: 5, d: 2}. ", "What is prob of sequence qtqt?", "\n5/143\nThree letters picked without replacement from {f: 8, e: 3}. ", "What is prob of sequence eee?", "\n1/165\nThree letters picked without replacement from oebbblobdbdbbekbdbbl. ", "Give prob of sequence kdb.", "\n1/228\nWhat is prob of sequence aai when three letters picked without replacement from aia?", "\n1/3\nWhat is prob of sequence wwws when four letters picked without replacement from swwwswwwwwwwwwsswwww?", "\n112/969\nCalculate prob of sequence fkz when three letters picked without replacement from {z: 2, f: 3, w: 4, k: 1, d: 3, e: 6}.", "\n1/969\nTwo letters picked without replacement from nnwnnw. ", "Give prob of sequence nn.", "\n2/5\nCalculate prob of sequence wb when two letters picked without replacement from {y: 1, w: 9, b: 3, x: 1}.", "\n27/182\nCalculate prob of sequence mmmm when four letters picked without replacement from mmmmmmmmmm.", "\n1\nThree letters picked without replacement from {w: 1, m: 4, v: 9}. ", "What is prob of sequence vwv?", "\n3/91\nThree letters picked without replacement from fbfvwfvffbubfufff. ", "What is prob of sequence fuf?", "\n3/85\nWhat is prob of sequence tt when two letters picked without replacement from gggtt?", "\n1/10\nWhat is prob of sequence vcbb when four letters picked without replacement from {b: 4, t: 1, c: 3, x: 2, z: 2, v: 2}?", "\n3/1001\nFour letters picked without replacement from crcrrrdf. ", "What is prob of sequence fcdc?", "\n1/840\nCalculate prob of sequence ku when two letters picked without replacement from {t: 4, u: 2, k: 5}.", "\n1/11\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {g: 4, z: 3, b: 3, v: 2, y: 1, q: 3}. ", "Give prob of sequence bv.", "\n1/40\nCalculate prob of sequence nni when three letters picked without replacement from {n: 6, i: 2}.", "\n5/28\nFour letters picked without replacement from zcizzbzitbftz. ", "Give prob of sequence tczf.", "\n1/1716\nFour letters picked without replacement from ppoopssusmspospssu. ", "Give prob of sequence sosp.", "\n7/816\nCalculate prob of sequence wm when two letters picked without replacement from {w: 4, m: 14}.", "\n28/153\nWhat is prob of sequence ovu when three letters picked without replacement from vomus?", "\n1/60\nWhat is prob of sequence to when two letters picked without replacement from hto?", "\n1/6\nTwo letters picked without replacement from jrimjggbirmjmrmmrjgm. ", "Give prob of sequence ri.", "\n2/95\nWhat is prob of sequence uq when two letters picked without replacement from {m: 1, s: 1, w: 2, u: 1, q: 2}?", "\n1/21\nCalculate prob of sequence yacc when four letters picked without replacement from {g: 1, t: 1, y: 2, c: 2, a: 10}.", "\n1/1092\nWhat is prob of sequence xxtx when four letters picked without replacement from xtxxttxx?", "\n3/28\nFour letters picked without replacement from btditttbtiati. ", "Give prob of sequence ibat.", "\n3/1430\nWhat is prob of sequence zk when two letters picked without replacement from {o: 1, l: 1, z: 2, k: 1, w: 1, v: 1}?", "\n1/21\nCalculate prob of sequence ep when two letters picked without replacement from {l: 1, x: 1, r: 5, k: 2, e: 3, p: 3}.", "\n3/70\nTwo letters picked without replacement from lxqpy. ", "What is prob of sequence xq?", "\n1/20\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {p: 2, d: 4, e: 5}. ", "What is prob of sequence ed?", "\n2/11\nFour letters picked without replacement from {l: 2, x: 5, v: 2, e: 3}. ", "What is prob of sequence evve?", "\n1/990\nCalculate prob of sequence ggg when three letters picked without replacement from ggggggg.", "\n1\nThree letters picked without replacement from {w: 3, t: 2, c: 1, x: 3, g: 3, h: 1}. ", "Give prob of sequence twx.", "\n3/286\nThree letters picked without replacement from qqlvvewvvwlvhvv. ", "Give prob of sequence evv.", "\n1/65\nWhat is prob of sequence ht when two letters picked without replacement from {g: 2, h: 1, x: 1, t: 1}?", "\n1/20\nThree letters picked without replacement from {t: 3, h: 7, j: 4}. ", "What is prob of sequence jtt?", "\n1/91\nFour letters picked without replacement from {j: 2, t: 4, c: 4}. ", "What is prob of sequence cctt?", "\n1/35\nWhat is prob of sequence sl when two letters picked without replacement from gsrelgp?", "\n1/42\nThree letters picked without replacement from jjjjhjjjjjjppjpjeje. ", "Give prob of sequence ppe.", "\n2/969\nWhat is prob of sequence hj when two letters picked without replacement from {j: 3, b: 4, q: 3, h: 1, c: 2, w: 3}?", "\n1/80\nFour letters picked without replacement from trdtckttttridt. ", "Give prob of sequence ttrr.", "\n1/286\nTwo letters picked without replacement from vvvevekdevovo. ", "What is prob of sequence dv?", "\n1/26\nCalculate prob of sequence cec when three letters picked without replacement from ecccccecccccccccce.", "\n35/272\nThree letters picked without replacement from {m: 5, t: 3}. ", "Give prob of sequence mmt.", "\n5/28\nTwo letters picked without replacement from xbxxqbxbbdxxx. ", "Give prob of sequence qb.", "\n1/39\nTwo letters picked without replacement from bywbvmbvbmybvvvm. ", "Give prob of sequence my.", "\n1/40\nThree letters picked without replacement from {a: 1, b: 12, d: 6}. ", "What is prob of sequence dda?", "\n5/969\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {z: 1, j: 1, c: 1, b: 1, f: 1}. ", "Give prob of sequence cz.", "\n1/20\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {a: 4, b: 2, q: 6}. ", "Give prob of sequence qa.", "\n2/11\nThree letters picked without replacement from llqlqpplqlp. ", "What is prob of sequence lqp?", "\n1/22\nTwo letters picked without replacement from zeee. ", "What is prob of sequence ez?", "\n1/4\nWhat is prob of sequence lv when two letters picked without replacement from vlllllll?", "\n1/8\nThree letters picked without replacement from eeveooeoe. ", "Give prob of sequence eov.", "\n5/168\nCalculate prob of sequence kiwr when" ]
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[ "Embodiments of the invention relate to backup power systems in a vehicle. ", "Backup power systems may provide temporary power to operate electronic control units (ECUs) or similar control computers or processors of the vehicle upon failure of a main power supply. ", "When the main power supply of the vehicle fails, critical functionality of the ECUs may cease unexpectedly. ", "Backup power systems provide power for a limited time so that functionality may continue for a brief period of time. ", "As a consequence, the ECUs may perform safe shutdowns and communicate critical vehicle messages to other vehicle systems before losing power. ", "However, backup power systems may fail to operate when needed." ]
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[ "Charting a course to development\n\nTwo planning conferences in Albany focus on how cities can use their waterfronts for economic gain\n\nBy Jimmy Vielkind\n\nUpdated\n10:06 pm EDT, Thursday, September 26, 2013\n\nAlbany\n\nIn Buffalo, city officials have created an industrial history path and kayaking pier in the shadow of the grain elevators that made it the Queen City along Lake Erie.", "\n\nIn Syracuse, a boardwalk-like lounge area is being built on the south shore of Onondaga Lake, once tagged as the nation's most polluted lake.", "\n\nAnd in distant San Antonio, the famous tourist magnet River Walk is being extended to connect with historic missions that helped establish the Texas city.", "\n\nWhat about the Capital Region?", "\n\nTwo planning conferences this week center on ways that sputtering cities can use their waterfronts to jumpstart development. ", "On Monday, Rep. Paul Tonko's annual \"Mighty Waters\" conference drew a Democratic colleague from San Antonio, Rep. Joaquin Castro, who told how investments in his city's River Walk created a tourist destination. ", "Set one story below street level, the River Walk is a public park lined with restaurants and stores.", "\n\n\"It's clear that you have a lot more to work with than we did,\" Castro said. \"", "There's a lot of natural beauty here, and it's much more vast than the River Walk was.''", "\n\nThe problem is, and has been, I-787. ", "A bridge connects Broadway to the Jennings Landing area of Corning Preserve, but the highway has split Albany from its riverfront for decades.", "\n\nAlbany Planning Director Doug Melnick said the city is working on a master plan for Corning Preserve in conjunction with the Downtown Tactical Plan that is being funded by Capitalize Albany.", "\n\n\"It's definitely on our radar,\" he said, noting that the city plans to build a permanent stage at Jennings Landing. ", "The master plan examine potential uses for large fields just south of the Patroon Island Bridge and ways to better use land between the amphitheater and boat launch. ", "Bike or kayak rental shops are possibilities, Melnick said.", "\n\nDuring one panel session, landscape architects from Trowbridge Wolf Michaels presented recent park projects in Buffalo and Syracuse. ", "Margot Chiuten described a 3.5-mile stretch along Lake Erie in Buffalo's outer harbor where five \"nodes\" were created along an existing trail to help people connect to the water and the area's industrial past.", "\n\nBenches were made from limestone slabs recovered on the site, and bollards were adapted from steel girders. ", "At several points along the trail, interpretive panels were cut into metal fencing.", "\n\n\"Rather than just a sign on a stick, we thought this was a more interesting approach,\" Chiuten said.", "\n\nThe point is to make a place special, unique and worth visiting. ", "In the case of Buffalo and along Syracuse's Onondaga Creek, planners connected to the history and ecology of the sites.", "\n\nChiuten said other cities could copy the same techniques.", "\n\n\"We're at this turning point where all of our riverfront highways are under consideration, and there's more of a move toward pedestrian access,\" she said." ]
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[ "A publication in JAMA Psychiatry indicates that 1 in 8 Americans may be at risk related to alcohol consumption. ", "This may be a public health problem much like the current opioid epidemic but with a much longer fuse.", "\n\nThe concept of the out-of-work, down-on-luck alcoholic is not operative today. ", "The vast majority of people with alcohol use disorders or risky drinking have jobs and/or are raising families. ", "They are college students and parents and grandparents and in every walk of life. ", "The one thing they all have in common is either a lack of understanding--or a denial--of the risk." ]
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[ "Manila, Philippines - Japan donated a fleet of police vehicle to the Philippine National Police. ", "In a simple ceremony held at Camp Crame, His Excellency Koji Haneda, Ambassador of Japan to the Philippines, turned over 100 units of Mitsubishi Montero Sport SUVs to PNP Chief Police Director Ronald Dela Rosa. ", "The donation was intended to aid the PNP's anti-criminality campaign and to see more police visibility.", "\n\nPhoto Credit to Unofficial Ronald Bato Dela Rosa FB\n\nPolice chief Dela Rosa warmly accepted the Police Montero Sports vehicle for the Philippine National Police. ", "Surely, this new fleet for the Philippine National Police will augment police visibility in the Philippines.", "\n\nThe PNP definitely upgrade and our policemen will surely enjoy the ride of 178hp and 430Nm manual transmission." ]
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[ "Nam Ngum Dam\n\nThe Nam Ngum Dam is a hydroelectric dam on the Nam Ngum River, a major tributary of the Mekong River in Laos. ", "It was the first hydropower dam built in the Lao PDR.", "\n\nConstruction\nThe dam was constructed in three stages, beginning in with stage I in 1968 and ending with the completion of stage III in 1984. ", "The Mekong River Commission first implemented the dam project as part of the national development plan. ", "The project was mainly focused on harnessing Lao PDR's hydropower potential, but it has also striven to achieve flood protection, implement lift irrigation, facilitate lake fisheries, and develop Lao PDR's tourism industry. ", "The Nam Ngum Dam has a capacity of 155 MW and generates most of Laos' electricity, including all the power used in the capital, Vientiane. ", "Additionally 70–80 percent of electricity created by the dam is exported to Thailand. ", "The revenue from export accounts for about a quarter of Laos' foreign exchange earnings. ", "The gross power revenues of the dam are approximately US$36 million annually. ", "Recent studies have indicated that the dam has adversely affected lake fishery and the Nam Ngum River ecosystem. ", "Responsibility for operation of the project rests with the national power utility Electricité du Laos, a state enterprise under the Ministry of Industry and Handicraft.", "\n\nToday, the Lao PDR's hydropower potential is widely recognized as one of the country's main resources, since it enjoys a strategic location between the booming economies of China, Vietnam, and Thailand and rivers that contribute 35 percent of Mekong flows. ", "The Lao PDR has an estimated potential of some 18,000 MW from over 60 project sites on the tributaries of the Mekong River, of which less than 3 percent has been developed.", "\n\nLocation\nThe Nam Ngum River originates in Phou Kout in the northeastern part of the Tran Ninh Plateau, through which the river flows southwestward, and discharges into the Mekong River 55 kilometers east of Vientiane. ", "Covering seven percent of the nation's land area, the Nam Ngum basin is home to roughly 500,000 people, representing approximately nine percent of the Lao PDR's population. ", "The length of the river is 420 kilometers. ", "The Nam Ngum project is 60 kilometers north of Vientiane on the Nam Ngum tributary of the Mekong, within the Vientiane Capital Province. ", " \nThe Nam Ngum catchment covers , and is on track to becoming one of the most heavily dammed catchments in Laos, with six additional dams at various stages of planning and construction, and two water diversions.", "\n\nHistory\nDuring the 1960s, power production in the Kingdom of Laos was not sufficient to meet national needs. ", "The government had attempted to meet power requirements through small local developments and power loans from Thailand. ", "A feasibility study presented in December 1962 was the first detailed plan outlining the Nam Ngum 1 project. ", "The study explained how the proposed dam could contribute to hydropower generation, flood control, and irrigation. ", "The project was well received by the Lao government and many international organizations, and the plan for construction was finalized in 1968. ", "Three distinct feasibility studies were conducted to outline each stage of the project, and three distinct funds were established to fund all three stages of the Nam Ngum 1 project. ", "Ten countries gave financial aid to pay for its construction. ", "These funds were collected, overseen, and administered by the United Nations and The World Bank. ", "The total cost of the Nam Ngum Dam was US$97 million.", "\n\nConstruction of the Nam Ngum 1 (NN1) Dam\n\nFirst stage funding (1966)\nIn 1966 Japan, The United States, the World Bank and the United Nations established the NN1 Fund to finance the first stage of the project.", "\n\nPlanning of Stage I (1968)\nIn 1968 the Mekong Commission completed their design for Stage I of the NN1 project.", "\n\nStage 1 of NN1 project (1968-1971)\nThe first stage of the project was implemented in by the Mekong-Commission as part of the 1968-1974 Lao Development Plan. ", "Construction began in 1968 and completed in 1971. ", "During the Stage I the dam was given a full supply level of 202.5 elevation, two 15 MW turbine-generator units, and intakes for units 3, 4, and 5. ", "The total cost of Stage I was US$28 million.", "\n\nPlanning of Stage II (1973)\nIn 1973 the government of Laos issued a feasibility study in order to fully plan of the NN1 project Stage II.", "\n\nStage II funding (1974)\nIn 1974 Laos established the Stage II fund with the help of the World Bank, the United Nations, and the Asian Development Bank.", "\n\nStage II of the NN1 project (1976-1980)\nStage II was undertaken from 1976 and completed in 1980. ", "During stage II four spillway gates were installed, the full supply level was raised to 212 m elevation, and two 40 MW turbine-generator units were added to the power output. ", "The total cost of Stage II was US$49 million.", "\n\nFishery Development (1978)\nAfter completion of Stage II in 1978 the government of the Lao PDR realized that it had neglected to account for how the dam would affect the Nam Ngum river ecosystem, and the hundreds of thousands of people who relied on fishing for subsistence. ", "As a response to this issue fishery development projects were contributed by Netherlands and Switzerland. ", "This included the construction of primary schools and water supply networks as well as the provision of gill nets and boat engines to selected villages. ", "These projects were intended to facilitate fishery employment in Nam Ngum 1 reservoir. ", "This project facilitated the movement of tens of thousands of local fisherman to the banks of the Nam Ngum reservoir throughout the 1980s and 1990s.", "\n\nFunding of Stage III (1976)\nIn 1976 the government established the NN1 Stage III Fund with the help of Japan, the United States, and the Asian Development Bank.", "\n\nPlanning of Stage III (1980)\nIn 1980 the government of the Lao PDR issued a feasibility study to plan Stage III of the NN1 project.", "\n\nStage III of the NN1 project (1983-1984)\nStage III began in 1983 and was completed in 1984. ", "During this final stage a third 40 MW turbine-generator unit was added to the dam. ", "The total cost of Stage III was US$20 million.", "\n\nDescription of the Nam Ngum 1 project\n\nNam Ngum Dam\n\nNam Ngum 1 is a gravity concrete dam with a power station at the base of the dam. ", "Currently the Ngum Nam has a total output capacity of 150 megawatts. ", "Nam Ngum 1 is approximately 75 meters tall, with a total area of 400 km2. ", "The effective storage capacity of the dam is 4,700 x 106 m3.", "\n\nNam Ngum Reservoir\n\nThe Nam Ngum reservoir is the largest body of water in the Lao PDR. ", "The dam also serves as major river regulation infrastructure in the basin and its maximum storage is approximately 8.5 billion m3, with a reservoir surface area of 370 km2, and an available depth of 16 m. In 1996 a diversion from the Nam Song River directly into the Nam Ngam 1 reservoir was completed. ", "The diversion transfers 400 m3/second to increasing hydropower generation.", "\n\nEcological Impacts of the Nam Ngum Dam\nAs rapid economic development continues in Southeast Asia and the lower Mekong basin, demands for both food and energy will continue to rise. ", "The Lao government is also keen to utilize its water resources to pursue irrigation expansion and more hydropower projects. ", "This development is seen as critically important for meeting current and future energy demand in the rapidly growing cities and towns throughout the lower Mekong in Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos. ", "With these rising demands come the challenges of regional management of water resources and increased pressure upon surrounding ecosystems. ", "Within this context, the implications of the Nam Ngam Dam, and other projects like it, are a matter of some controversy. ", "Whether or not hydropower-based economic development is consistent with other socioeconomic and environmental objectives in the Lao PDR (irrigation, fisheries, flood control) has scarcely been explored.", "\n\nDetermining the viability of the dual strategy of irrigation and hydropower expansion requires careful analysis to understand whether the water needed for energy generation objectives could be balanced with the water that would be required for additional irrigation development. ", "The issue is that the dam projects in the Nam Ngum are often independently planned and managed, with only minimal consideration of their cumulative and basin-wide economic and hydrological impacts. ", "The lack of coordination is evident in recent controversies and observed flood damages from poorly managed water releases during high flow events. ", "This is in part due to an insufficient valuation of the country's vast water resources. ", "Revenues from electricity generation at individual dams sometimes overshadow potential trade-offs with other important economic sectors like agriculture and aquaculture, or with the nonmarket value generated by subsistence fisheries and other hydrological services.", "\n\nFishing in particular is extremely important to the local economy. ", "Fishing provides the primary source of meat for these villagers, with fish contributing 56.3 percent of protein to the local diet. ", "The average household consumes 83.2 kg fish protein each year compared to the Laos national average of 8–10 kg /year. ", "Among these households, 50 percent supplement family income by selling fish to traders in their villages. ", "In total villagers harvest more than 55 indigenous species from in the Nam Ngum reservoir annually. ", "\nIn recent years the excess harvesting of the Nam Ngum reservoir has greatly reduced the biodiversity of the reservoir, and made fishing more difficult. ", "Many ecologists have criticized the Lao PDR for failing to effectively manage reservoir fishing. ", "Annual fish production in the reservoir from 1979 to 1983 was estimated at 1,472 tons or 37 kg /ha. ", "Since then, harvest rates and productivity have decreased substantially to about 20 kg/ha by 1988, resulting in a total estimated fish production of some 740 tonnes per year. ", "Considering that reliable fish catch assessments are extremely difficult the actual situation may be even worse. ", "Nonetheless, the catch statistics available indicate that the reservoir fishery has progressively shifted from the large-bodied top-predators to small-bodied, low-value planktivores. ", "This trend of fishing down food webs is common in fisheries. ", "The data available evidences the trend of individual fishers experience more total catches, but lesser returns from the small fish harvested. ", "Many researchers examining the problem have suggested giving local villages more control over the regulation of fishing in the reservoir, to facilitate more sustainable fishing practices.", "\n\nSome reports have also found that the Nam Ngum dam has adversely affected aquatic life downstream. ", "Careful analysis has revealed that water released from the Nam Ngum reservoir has different quality as compared to the water in undammed natural rivers. ", "Specifically the dissolved oxygen levels in the water released from the reservoir are unfavorable for aquatic life most of the year, especially during the wet season. ", "Similarly some reporters have noted an unsafe level of hydrogen sulfide. ", "The dam also actively blocks migration by upland fish into the downstream part of the river, which secludes these fish from active spawning sights. ", "These deteriorations in the water quality and biodiversity of Nam Ngum river, pose a significant risk to the overall river ecosystem.", "\n\nThe Nam Ngum 1 heavily influences local agriculture irrigation. ", "According to the 2005 national census, subsistence-based agriculture is the main form of livelihood generation for the majority of citizens, and 75 percent of the population in basin provinces report agriculture as their primary form of employment. ", "Some government officials and academics have raised concerns about if the water required for hydropower generation could co-exist with the water being used for irrigation expansion. ", "A study from Duke recently used the Nam Ngum dam as a case study to model the effects of current and expanded hydropower usage on the river. ", "The study determined that if high-levels of water availability continue tradeoffs between agricultural and hydropower goals will be modest because with high-levels of water irrigation expansion will not significantly effect hydropower generation or vice versa. ", "However, the study did find that under dry conditions the tradeoff between expanded irrigation and hydropower increases. ", "The study determined that continued hydropower generation and hydropower expansion could become exceedingly difficult in such conditions. ", "This is because future returns from Nam Ngum dam and expanded agriculture are largely dependent on high levels of rainfall and water levels. ", "Accordingly, the expected future economic returns from the Nam Ngum dam as well as agriculture expansion in the Vientiane province would be severely decreased in dry conditions. ", "As a result of the potential impact of dry conditions, there is widespread uncertainty about the future of Nam Ngum 1 and further hydropower project on the Nam Ngum. ", "Some scholars have become concerned that climate change may lead to decreased levels of rainfall. ", "As with fishing in the reservoir, the government of the Lao PDR will likely have to take steps to address hydrology issues in the future.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Dams in Laos\nCategory:Dams in the Mekong River Basin\nCategory:Hydroelectric power stations in Laos\nCategory:Dams completed in 1971\nCategory:Energy infrastructure completed in 1971\nCategory:Buildings and structures in Vientiane Province\nCategory:Japan International Cooperation Agency" ]
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[ "Obama addressed supporters in an email message accompanying the video.", "\n\n\"Today, we are filing papers to launch our 2012 campaign,\" he wrote. \"[", "E]ven though I'm focused on the job you elected me to do, and the race may not reach full speed for a year or more, the work of laying the foundation for our campaign must start today.\"", "\n\nThe new video is expected to be accompanied by a Federal Election Commission (FEC) filing some time on Monday, which would provide additional details about the campaign. ", "Obama's public schedule, as of Monday morning, called for no public statements, though he could add some to his agenda.", "\n\nThe news of Obama's launch comes at a high-stakes moment during his third year in office. ", "The president has spent the better part of the last month dealing with protracted fighting between Moammar Gadhafi and rebels in Libya while seeking to strike a budget deal with congressional Republicans that would avert a government shutdown in the U.S.\n\nThe filing will give Obama the legal opportunity to begin using the campaign infrastructure his staffers have built behind the scenes, and begin an aggressive fundraising effort that could net him close to $1 billion in donations between now and the fall of next year.", "\n\nThe president's aides have already picked out an office in downtown Chicago to headquarter the campaign, the first outside-the-Beltway base of operations for an incumbent president in decades. ", "Jim Messina, Obama's former deputy chief of staff, will serve as campaign manager, and the campaign has hired two deputy campaign managers: Jen O'Malley Dillon, the former executive director of the Democratic National Committee, and Julianna Smoot, the president's former social secretary.", "\n\nObama's decision to file in early April places him at the beginning of a new month and a new quarter in the fundraising cycle, giving him time to build in an impressive initial haul from donors. ", "Both Obama and Biden have met in recent weeks with supporters at events billed as non-fundraisers that have hosted a number of top donors whose financial support is likely to come quickly to the campaign. ", "On top of that, the president has a major fundraiser scheduled for mid-April in Chicago, which could bring in millions for his campaign.", "\n\nThe reelection launch comes at an earlier point in his presidency than did the launch of former President George W. Bush's reelection effort, which was announced in mid-May of 2003.", "\n\nObama's reelection also precedes many Republicans' official efforts to unseat him.", "\n\nFew Republicans have formally entered the race: former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R), former Godfather's Pizza CEO Herman Cain and former Louisiana Gov. Buddy Roemer are the only recognized GOP candidates to have filed paperwork to set up a campaign or exploratory committee with the FEC.", "\n\nA greater number of possible Republican presidential candidates are sitting on the sidelines, only to flirt (with varying degrees of seriousness) with running.", "\n\nPolls of the Republican field have consistently shown former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin huddled toward the top of the race to win the GOP nomination in 2012, though none of them have actually entered the race and those same polls show no commanding lead for any of them.", "\n\nPawlenty's exploratory committee released a Web video Monday highlighting the uncertain economy and claiming Obama lacks the right policies to right the ship.", "\n\n\"I got a question of you: How can America win the future when we're losing the present?\" ", "Pawlenty said, in a jab at one of Obama's main talking points. \"", "In order for America to take a new direction, it's going to take a new president.\"", "\n\nThe Republican National Committee, meanwhile, used Obama's reelection announcement for a fundraising pitch, asking supporters to help the committee raise \"$270,000 in the next 72 hours — $1,000 for every electoral vote required to elect the next Republican president.\"", "\n\nPolls testing Obama against generic Republican candidates or any of the would-be GOP contenders suggest that Obama, like many incumbent presidents, starts the campaign with an early advantage over his would-be challenger.", "\n\nThat advantage is almost certain to winnow as the 2012 campaign reaches full-swing next year and voters start to pay more attention, and familiarize themselves with the Republican nominee.", "\n\nRegardless, political analysts have said Obama has positioned himself well for another run, shaking off what he called the \"shellacking\" of the 2010 midterm elections.", "\n\nA Gallup poll on Sunday showed him with a 46 percent approval rating; the same percentage of respondents said they disapproved.", "\n\nPerhaps the biggest variable facing Obama is the state of the economy next fall. ", "Polls of voters repeatedly rank the economy and employment as top concerns going into the election, and dissatisfaction with the pace of the recovery drove Republican victories in the 2010 midterm elections.", "\n\nObama got some good news last Friday, when March jobless numbers showed a downward tick in the unemployment rate to 8.8 percent, and an addition in 216,000 nonfarm jobs. ", "But the unemployment rate still remains above where the White House projected it would be at this point when it sold its 2009 stimulus, a signature accomplishment of Obama's first year in office.", "\n\nMindful of the primacy of the economy's role in the election, Obama said on Friday that jobs drive his thinking and policymaking decisions on a daily basis.", "\n\n\"You should know that keeping the economy going and making sure jobs are available is the first thing I think about when I wake up the morning; it’s the last thing I think about when I go to bed each night,\" he said at an event in Landover, Md." ]
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[ "Essex hunt culls 213 deer from park\n\nEssex County's South Mountain Reservation has 213 fewer deer after a monthlong hunt that ended today.", "\n\nWith no safety or security problems reported during the length of the hunt, county officials said they were pleased with the first year's results.", "\n\nSince Jan. 29, a dozen volunteer sharpshooters have worked from tree stands at stations throughout the reservation to curb the deer population. ", "The hunt took place on Tuesdays and Thursdays, though it was shortened from 10 days to 8½ because of inclement weather and the Presidents Day holiday.", "\n\n\"This program was a huge success,\" said Essex County Executive Joseph DiVincenzo. \"", "We are 12 years too late. (", "If we had started 12 years ago), we would not have the problem we have today.\"", "\n\nSharpshooters exceeded the county's goal of culling 150 deer from the 2,047-acre park two weeks ago. ", "County leaders and environmental groups say the deer have overpopulated the park, ruined its underbrush and are a nuisance for drivers and residents living nearby.", "\n\nDan Bernier, a consultant hired from Union County to oversee the hunt, said each of the animals killed was checked for age and gender to learn more about the population of the South Mountain herd. ", "Yesterday, 22 deer were killed. ", "One male and three females were killed in the morning session, and five males and 13 females were killed in the afternoon session.", "\n\nOf the 213 animals killed over the course of the hunt, 88 were male and 125 were female. ", "Nearly all of the does were pregnant, some with twins. ", "Bernier estimated the culling prevented an additional 125 deer from being born in the reservation.", "\n\nThough the county executive acknowledged he'd gotten phone calls and letters from residents and deer activists objecting to the hunt, he said the hunt wasn't something he wanted to do, it was something that had to be done.", "\n\nThe county executive estimated the cost of the hunt at just under $60,000, factoring in Bernier's contract, overtime for sheriff's deputies and park employees and the cost of butchering the animals. ", "The venison -- estimated at more than 15,000 pounds -- was donated to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey.", "\n\nDiVincenzo said he planned to bring the marksmen back to South Mountain, which stretches through South Orange, Maplewood, Millburn and West Orange, and to other parks in the future.", "\n\n\"There's a major problem in the entire county,\" DiVincenzo said. \"", "I plan to expand it next year.\"", "\nRead the full story in Friday's Star-Ledger" ]
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[ "By the time the buzzer sounded and 3 p.m. eastern on Monday rolled around, the Rangers trade dealings had been almost 22 hours in the books, but that is not to say it wasn’t a busy stretch for the Broadway Blueshirts. ", "On Sunday, the Rangers made a big splash with the acquisition of defenseman Keith Yandle, as well as a series of other smaller moves to shore up some remaining holes in their roster in preparation for what is expected to be a deep run into the post-season.", "\n\nThe action picked up late in the afternoon on Sunday when news broke that the Rangers were in deep talks with Arizona regarding Yandle. ", "One thing led to another, and despite the initial inaccurate reports that Dan Girardi was being shipped the other way, the 28-year-old defensemen did eventually land himself a gig in the Big Apple. ", "The obvious upside is the fact that Yandle, who is a talented offensively minded blue-liner that can produce points on the power play the way a power play quarter back should be able to, has now made one of the league’s strongest and deepest defense cores even deeper. ", "And better yet for the Rangers, they’re only responsible for half of his $5.25 million salary over the next two seasons.", "\n\nMcDonagh on Yandle: “Always got his head up looking to make plays…Great to see management want to improve our team that way” — Steve Zipay (@stevezipay) March 3, 2015\n\nOf course what they sent to the desert isn’t anything to sneeze at, as Anthony Duclair was one of the most promising Rangers prospects in recent memory, John Moore was a young defensemen who will only continue to mature as a player, and a first-round pick is, well, just that. ", "It was a high price to pay, but it was a move that Sather said was made easier by the recent emergence of Kevin Hayes. ", "It was also a transaction which signaled that this team is primed and ready to make a run. ", "It’s a sign that there are no longer any options aside from winning the Stanley Cup, and as Arizona’s GM Don Maloney said of Yandle, he could be the final piece to a Stanley Cup winning team.", "\n\nGlen Sather then proceeded to make a couple of other smaller moves before the weekend was finished. ", "He first sent fourth-line forward Lee Stempniak to Winnipeg in exchange for minor-leaguer Carl Klingberg in what was more or less a small cap dump. ", "That gave the team a bit of breathing room to bring in both James Sheppard from San Jose, a guy who may or may not be used as a bottom-six forward primarily for faceoffs, as well as to re-sign the hobbit himself, Mats Zuccarello.", "\n\n“I’m really happy to stay here with my friends. ", "It feels like we are a family here. ", "This is where I want to be”-#NYR @zuccarello36 — New York Rangers (@NYRangers) March 3, 2015\n\nWhile the Zuccarello extension was not confirmed until early Monday evening, the deal to keep him in New York was all but official come sundown on Sunday. ", "The extension, which is for four years, is worth $18 million with an AAV of $4.5 million per. ", "After a start to the weekend where it appeared Zuccarello might be on the move, the end result was to keep to the Norwegian in New York, and acquire a top-tier defensemen without giving very much in terms of the current roster at hand.", "\n\nIt was a complete 180 from what initially appeared to be unfolding.", "\n\nIt is true that a big part of the future was sent away this deadline, but the Rangers obviously feel, for good reason, that the time is now. ", "The team has bettered themselves in hopes of achieving the ultimate dream, and that message was conveyed loud and clear on Sunday. ", "A move may not have been made on deadline day itself as has become pretty typical of Sather, but it was a huge weekend for the Rangers whichever way you slice it.", "\n\nHigh Caliber Win\n\nIn the Rangers’ first contest post-deadline on Monday, the squad played like a group relieved to have the sea of uncertainty behind them. ", "It was a relentless 60 minute effort which powered the Blueshirts to a convincing 4-1 win over the top team in the National Hockey League.", "\n\nThe man whose future remained unknown until late Sunday was the one who led the way for the Rangers on Monday. ", "A spirited two-assist evening from Mats Zuccarello, combined with goals from Marc Staal, Chris Kreider, Dominic Moore, and Rick Nash, as well as a stellar 25 save performance from Cam Talbot, was enough for the Rangers to kick off the drive to the post-season on the right foot.", "\n\nWhile the Rangers were still unable to hit the 50% mark with regard to faceoffs, as they won 31 of the game’s 67 draws, they were able to outshoot the Predators 40-26, and the defense gave Nashville very little from the high percentage areas. ", "The pressure on all three penalty kills was also unwavering, and allowed the Predators very little room to work. ", "Put that all together, and you’ve got an impressive victory over a very strong Nashville team.", "\n\nIn Monday’s win, the Rangers put new meaning to the old adage that a good defense is the best offense. ", "If that’s the type of play we’re going to see from the Rangers moving forward, this spring could develop into something special for the New York Rangers.", "\n\nQuick hits from Monday’s win:" ]
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[ "Characterization of irradiated starches by using FT-Raman and FTIR spectroscopy.", "\nFourier transform infrared (FTIR) and Fourier transform Raman (FT-Raman) methods were used for rapid characterization and classification of selected irradiated starch samples. ", "Biochemical changes due to irradiation were detected using the two vibrational spectroscopic techniques, and canonical variate analysis (CVA) was applied to the spectral data for discriminating starch samples based on the extent of irradiation. ", "The O-H (3000-3600 cm(-1)) stretch, C-H (2800-3000 cm(-1)) stretch, the skeletal mode vibration of the glycosidic linkage (900-950 cm(-1)) in both Raman and infrared spectra, and the infrared band of water adsorbed in the amorphous parts of starches (1550-1750 cm(-1)) were employed in classification analysis of irradiated starches. ", "Spectral data related to water adsorbed in the noncrystalline regions of starches provided a better classification of irradiated starches with 5 partial least-squares (PLS) factors in the multivariate model." ]
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[ "The company has said it is ahead of schedule on its effort to cut $1 billion in expenses in an 18-month period.", "\n\nCSC said in Monday’s announcement it plans to use between $300 million and $400 million of the $750 million to $850 million after-tax proceeds from the sale to repurchase shares. ", "It will devote another $300 million to $400 million to its pension plans.", "\n\nCSC said its credit services unit has been an Equifax affiliate for more than 20 years and owns credit files in 15 midwestern and central U.S. states.", "\n\nThe deal is slated to close by the end of the year.", "\n\nIn October, CSC sold off its consulting and systems integration services business in Italy to Italian IT services firm Dedagroup." ]
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[ 0.0005757564213126898, 0.0007135191699489951, 0.0006679940852336586, 0.0006418759585358202, 0.0007262524450197816, 0.0006730795139446855 ]
[ "Amalfi Airport (Colombia)\n\nAmalfi Airport is an airport serving the town of Amalfi, in the Antioquia Department of Colombia.", "\n\nThe runway is east of the town, in the valley of the Porce River. ", "Ridgelines lie within east and west of the runway.", "\n\nThe Otu VOR-DME (Ident: OTU) is located east-northeast of the airport.", "\n\nSee also\n\nTransport in Colombia\nList of airports in Colombia\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nOpenStreetMaps - Amalfi\nOurAirports - Amalfi\nFallingRain - Amalfi Airport\n\nCategory:Airports in Colombia\nCategory:Colombia transport-related lists" ]
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[ 0.0006765285506844521, 0.0007719590212218463, 0.0006117795128375292, 0.0008027928415685892, 0.000590736570302397 ]
[ "Plant triterpenoid saponins: biosynthesis, in vitro production, and pharmacological relevance.", "\nThe saponins are a diverse class of natural products, with a broad scale distribution across different plant species. ", "Chemically characterized as triterpenoid glycosides, they posses a 30C oxidosqualene precursor-based aglycone moiety (sapogenin), to which glycosyl residues are subsequently attached to yield the corresponding saponin. ", "Based on the chemically distinct aglycone moieties, broadly, they are divided into triterpenoid saponins (dammaranes, ursanes, oleananes, lupanes, hopanes, etc.) ", "and the sterol glycosides. ", "This review aims to present in detail the biosynthesis patterns of the different aglycones from a common precursor and their glycosylation patterns to yield the functionally active glycoside. ", "The review also presents recent advances in the pharmacological activities of these saponins, particularly as potent anti-neoplastic pharmacophores, antioxidants, or anti-viral/antibacterial agents. ", "Since alternate production pedestals for these pharmacologically important triterpenes via cell and tissue cultures are an attractive option for their sustainable production, recent trends in the variety and scale of in vitro production of plant triterpenoids have also been discussed." ]
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[ 0.00096419348847121, 0.0006817838875576854, 0.0013891197741031647, 0.0013792903628200293, 0.0012750279856845737, 0.0005707765812985599, 0.0007266727043315768, 0.0007326981867663562 ]
[ "Right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh claimed on his show Monday that the potentially lethal coronavirus afflicting several countries is nothing more than a “common cold” blown out of proportion by the media to take down President Donald Trump ― even as he also asserted it was a “bioweapon” created by China in a laboratory.", "\n\n“It looks like the coronavirus is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump,” Limbaugh said at the start of his lengthy, misinformation-filled rant.", "\n\n“Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. ... ", "I’m dead right on this. ", "The coronavirus is the common cold, folks.”", "\n\nCoronaviruses comprise a large family of many viruses, ranging in severity from the common cold to more severe illnesses such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), an epidemic that infected more than 8,000 people in 2003. ", "A novel coronavirus, such as the current COVID-19 outbreak, is a new strain of the virus that has previously not been identified in humans, the World Health Organization clearly explains on its site.", "\n\nLimbaugh, though, chose to go off on his own tangent.", "\n\n“The drive-by media hype of this thing as a pandemic, as the Andromeda strain, as, ‘Oh, my God. ", "If you get it, you’re dead...’ I think the survival rate is 98%,” he said. “", "Ninety-eight percent of people who get the coronavirus survive. ", "It’s a respiratory system virus.”", "\n\nThe mortality rate is not yet known, according to WHO. ", "The organization’s latest situation report confirms 79,331 infections globally and 2,618 deaths, both widely reported figures.", "\n\nCiting a debunked conspiracy theory, Limbaugh then claimed the disease was probably a “laboratory experiment” conducted by Chinese officials that is “in the process of being weaponized.”", "\n\nExperts have repeatedly said that this theory, pushed in conservative circles, has no scientific basis.", "\n\n“There’s absolutely nothing in the genome sequence of this virus that indicates the virus was engineered,” Richard Ebright, a professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University, told The Washington Post. “", "The possibility this was a deliberately released bioweapon can be firmly excluded.”", "\n\nLimbaugh insisted that the disease is being “weaponized by virtue of the media” in an “effort to bring down Trump,” doing so by scaring investors into cashing out of the stock market. (", "Global markets fell sharply on Monday after the novel coronavirus surged in countries outside of China, raising concerns about the threat the outbreak poses to the global economy).", "\n\nTo wrap up his monologue, Limbaugh declared the coverage of the outbreak represents an effort by the media to show that “Trump and capitalism are destroying America and destroying the world.”", "\n\nHe also worked in a reference to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) ", "during his diatribe, saying the Democratic presidential candidate wants to transform the U.S. into a “mirror image of” the country in which the novel coronavirus was first detected in humans ― China.", "\n\n“It didn’t come from an American lab,” Limbaugh said. “", "It didn’t escape from an American research lab. ", "It hasn’t been spread by Americans. ", "It starts out in a communist country. ", "Its tentacles spread all across the world in numbers that are not big and not huge, but they’re being reported as just the opposite.”", "\n\nEarlier this month, Limbaugh revealed that he had advanced lung cancer. ", "He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Trump during the president’s State of the Union address the following day." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'Cosmic rays accelerated by a shock form a streaming distribution of outgoing particles in the foreshock region. ", "If the ambient fields are negligible compared to the shock and cosmic ray energetics, a stronger magnetic field can be generated in the shock upstream via the streaming (Weibel-type) instability. ", "Here we develop a self-similar model of the foreshock region and calculate its structure, e.g., the magnetic field strength, its coherence scale, etc., ", "as a function of the distance from the shock. ", "Our model indicates that the entire foreshock region of thickness $\\sim R/(2\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}^2)$, being comparable to the shock radius in the late afterglow phase when $\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}\\sim1$, can be populated with large-scale and rather strong magnetic fields (of sub-gauss strengths with the coherence length of order $10^{17}\\ {\\rm cm}$) compared to the typical interstellar medium magnetic fields. ", "The presence of such fields in the foreshock region is important for high efficiency of Fermi acceleration at the shock. ", "Radiation from accelerated electrons in the foreshock fields can constitute a separate emission region radiating in the UV/optical through radio band, depending on time and shock parameters. ", "We also speculate that these fields being eventually transported into the shock downstream can greatly increase radiative efficiency of a gamma-ray burst afterglow shock.'", "\naddress:\n- '$^1$Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045'\n- '$^2$Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow 117997, Russia'\nauthor:\n- 'Mikhail V. Medvedev$^1$[^1] and Olga V. Zakutnyaya$^2$'\ntitle: 'Magnetic fields and cosmic rays in GRBs. ", "A self-similar collisionless foreshock'\n---\n\nKeywords: [gamma rays: bursts — cosmic rays — shock waves — magnetic fields]{}\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nDo gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) accelerate cosmic rays (CRs)? ", "There are arguments in favor of such an idea [@DA04]. ", "It is supposed that CRs are accelerated via the Fermi mechanism in which a particle crosses the shock many times and gradually gains its energy. ", "For an ultra-relativistic shock, a steady-state universal power-law energy distribution of particles shall form [@Kirk+00; @Acht+01]. ", "The shock shall accelerate all particle species, but the electrons being much lighter than protons and ions will also loose their energy via synchrotron cooling. ", "This radiation is thought to be observed as the delayed afterglow emission of GRB sources. ", "A problem immediately arises here from a simple estimate: if the X-ray afterglow observed on a day timescale after the prompt burst is indeed the synchrotron radiation from the shock-accelerated electrons, then the pre-shock medium has to be highly magnetized with the fields of milligauss strengths [@LW06]. ", "Thus, either the magnetic field is somehow generated in the shock upstream, or the conventional paradigm of the GRB afterglow needs revision.", "\n\nIn this paper, we present a self-similar model of the large region in front of a relativistic shock – the foreshock. ", "This region is populated with the shock-accelerated particles, which stream away from the shock into the collisionless ambient medium and generate magnetic field via a streaming (Weibel-type) instability. ", "The model predicts the generation of strong, sub-gauss, magnetic fields in the entire foreshock whose thickness is $\\sim R/(2\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}^2)$ and is comparable to the shock radius, $\\sim10^{17}-10^{18}\\ {\\rm cm}$, in the afterglow phase a day or more after the explosion, when the shock is weakly relativistic or non-relativistic. ", "The fields are sustained against dissipation by the anisotropy of newly accelerated particles. ", "Moreover, these fields are relatively large-scale, with the coherence length being as large as a fraction of the foreshock size, $\\sim10^{16}\\ {\\rm cm}$, which makes them effectively decoupled from dissipation. ", "We speculate, that these mesoscale magnetic fields being ultimately advected into the shock downstream can significantly increase the radiative efficiency of GRB afterglows and, perhaps, explain the origin of the magnetic field in an external shock of a GRB. ", "We remark here, however, that our study is analytical and cannot account for a number of nonlinear feedback effects of the generated fields and pre-conditioned external medium onto the shock structure and particle acceleration. ", "Kinetic and hybrid computer modeling is essential for better and more accurate understanding of the foreshock structure.", "\n\nThe model\n=========\n\nOverall, our model is as follows. ", "A shock is a source of CRs which move away from it, thus forming a stream of particles through the ambient medium, say, the interstellar medium (ISM). ", "If the ISM magnetic fields are negligible, i.e., their energy density is small compared to that of CRs, the streaming instability (either the pure magnetostatic Weibel or the mixed-mode electromagnetic oblique Weibel-type instability, depending on conditions) is excited and stronger magnetic fields are quickly generated. ", "These fields further isotropize (thermalize) the CR stream. ", "Since less energetic particles, having a greater number density and carrying more energy overall, are thermalized closer to the shock, the generated B-field will be stronger closer to the shock and fall off away from it, whereas its correlation length will increase with the increasing distance from the shock. ", "More energetic particles keep streaming because of their larger Larmor radii and produce the magnetic field further away from the shock. ", "This process stops at distances where either the CR flux starts to decrease (because of the finite distance the CR particles can get away from a relativistic shock or because of the shock curvature causing CR density to decrease as $\\propto r^{-2}$ if the shock is sub- or non-relativistic) or where the generated magnetic fields become comparable to the ISM field and the instability ceases. ", "Thus, a large upstream region — the foreshock — is populated with magnetic fields. ", "We now derive its self-similar structure. ", "We work in the shock co-moving frame unless stated otherwise.", "\n\nLet’s consider a relativistic shock moving along $x$-direction with the bulk Lorentz factor $\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}$; the shock is plane-parallel and lies in the $yz$-plane, and $x=0$ denotes the shock position. ", "The shock continuously accelerates cosmic rays, which then propagate away from it into the upstream region. ", "We conventionally assume that the CR distribution over the particle Lorentz factor is described by a power-law: n\\_[CR]{}=n\\_0(/\\_0)\\^[-s]{} \\[nCR\\] for $\\gamma>\\gamma_0$ and zero otherwise. ", "Here the index $s=p-1$ is approximately equal to 1.2 for ultrarelativistic shocks and $n_0$ is the normalization.[^2] We assume that the above energy distribution is the same everywhere in the upstream, that is, we neglect the nonlinear feedback of magnetic fields onto the particle distribution. ", "The CR momentum distribution exhibits strong anisotropy: the parallel ($x$) components of CR momenta are much greater than their thermal spread in the perpendicular ($yz$) plane. ", "Indeed, for a particle to move away from the shock, it should have the $x$-component of the velocity exceeding the shock velocity. ", "Since both the shock and the particle move nearly at the speed of light, this puts a constraint on their relative angle of propagation to be less then $1/\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}$ in the lab (observer) frame. ", "Hence, the transverse spread of the CR particle’s momenta is $p_\\perp{\\lesssim}p_\\|/ \\Gamma_{\\rm sh} \\ll p_\\|$. This is also seen in numerical simulations [@Spit08].", "\n\nThe CR particles propagate through the self-generated foreshock fields and scatter off them. ", "Lower energy particles are deflected in the fields more strongly and, therefore, izotropize faster than the higher energy ones, as having larger Larmor radii. ", "At a position $x>0$ the CR distribution can roughly be divided into isotropic (themalized) component with $\\gamma<\\gamma_r(x)$ and streaming component with $\\gamma>\\gamma_r(x)$, where $\\gamma_r(x)$ is the minimum Lorentz factor of the streaming particles at a location $x$; it is also the maximum Lorentz factor of the randomized component at this location. ", "The streaming component is Weibel-unstable with a very short $e$-folding time $\\tau\\sim\\omega_{p,{\\rm rel}}^{-1}$, where $\\omega_{p,{\\rm rel}}=\\left(4\\pi e^2 \\tilde n(\\gamma)/m_p \\gamma\\right)^{1/2}$ is the relativistic plasma frequency, $\\tilde n(\\gamma)$ is the density of streaming particles of the Lorentz factor $\\gamma$ (tilde denotes streaming particles). ", "Note that the Weibel instability growth rate depends on $n$ of the lower density component – cosmic rays, in our case – measured in the center of mass frame of the streaming plasmas. ", "For the lower-energy part of the CR distribution, the center of mass frame is approximately the shock co-moving frame, hence we evaluate the instability on the shock frame. ", "This approximation is less accurate for the high-energy CR tail; however, the growth rate and the scale length are weak functions of the the shock Lorentz factor ($\\propto\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}^{\\mp 1/2}$), so the result will be accurate within an order of magnitude for all reasonable values of $\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}$ for GRB afterglows. ", "Here we use the proton plasma frequency because the CR electron Lorentz factors are about $m_p/m_e$ times larger, so they behave almost like protons [@Spit08]. ", "The instability is very fast: it rapidly saturates (the fields cease to grow) in a few tens of $e$-folding times $\\tau$, that is in few tens of inertial lengths (also referred to as the ion skin length) $c/\\omega_{p,{\\rm rel}}$ in front of the shock. ", "Thereafter the particles keep streaming in current filaments and the field around them amounts to $\\xi_B\\sim0.01-0.001$ or so of the kinetic energy of this group of particles: B\\^2()/8\\~\\_Bm\\_pc\\^2n(), \\[B-gamma\\] where $\\xi_B$ is the efficiency factor obtained from particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations; $\\xi_B$ has the same meaning as the conventional $\\epsilon_B$ parameter reserved here for the ratio of the total magnetic energy to the total kinetic energy of the shock and which, as is seen in PIC simulations, is larger than $\\xi_B$ near the shock because of the nonlinear evolution and filament mergers. ", "The correlation length of the field is of the order of the ion inertial length ()\\~c/\\_[p,[rel]{}]{}=(m\\_pc\\^2 /4e\\^2 n())\\^[1/2]{}. ", "\\[lambda-gamma\\]\n\nThese random fields deflect CR particles and ultimately lead to their isotropization. ", "The deflection angle of the particle on a field coherence length scale in the self-generated field is \\~p\\_/p\\~(/c)\\_B, \\[theta-gamma\\] where $\\omega_B=eB/\\gamma m_p c$, $p$ is the particle momentum and $\\delta p_\\perp$ is it’s transverse change. ", "Using Eqs. (", "\\[B-gamma\\]), (\\[lambda-gamma\\]), we obtain: \\~eB()()/(m\\_pc\\^2)\\~. Note that the deflection angle is independent of the particle’s energy, as long as the field is produced by the particles of the same energy $\\gamma$. The particles diffuse in the field and their rms deflection angle after transiting through a distance $x$ is $\\Theta\\sim\\theta\\sqrt{x/\\lambda}$. The group of particles thermalizes when $\\Theta\\sim1$, i.e., at the distance from the shock: x\\_r\\~/\\^2\\~()/(2\\_B). ", "\\[x-gamma\\] At this point, $x=x_r$, one has $\\gamma=\\gamma_r$ by definition; no field of the strength $B(\\gamma_r)$ and the scale $\\lambda(\\gamma_r)$ can be produced at $x>x_r$. Similarly, one can estimate the randomization of the higher energy particles with $\\gamma\\gg\\gamma_r$: $\\theta(\\gamma)\\sim\\sqrt{2\\xi_B}(\\gamma_r/\\gamma)\\ll\\theta(\\gamma_r)$, which means that these particles keep streaming through much larger distances $x\\gg x_r$ and will produce the magnetic field further away from the shock. ", "This field will be weaker and larger scale because of the lower density of the streaming particles $\\tilde n(\\gamma)\\ll\\tilde n(\\gamma_r)$, according to Eqs. (", "\\[nCR\\])–(\\[lambda-gamma\\]).", "\n\nFinally, the number density of streaming CR particles at $\\gamma_r$ is $\\tilde n(\\gamma_r)=n_0(\\gamma_r/\\gamma_0)^{-s}$. Therefore, (\\_r) \\~(m\\_pc\\^2 \\_0/4e\\^2 n\\_0)\\^[1/2]{}(\\_r/\\_0)\\^[(1+s)/2]{} \\_0(\\_r/\\_0)\\^[(1+s)/2]{}, where $\\lambda_0$ is the inertial length of the lowest energy CR “plasma\". ", "Inverting this expression yields: \\_r\\~\\_0\\[(\\_r)/\\_0\\]\\^[2/(1+s)]{} \\~\\_0(2\\_Bx\\_r/\\_0)\\^[2/(1+s)]{}. ", "\\[gamma\\_r\\] Hereafter, the subscript “$r$” can be omitted without loss of clarity.", "\n\nIn a steady state, this field is continuously advected toward the shock (in the shock co-moving frame since the center of mass frame of the foreshock plasma differs from the shock frame) and may affect the onset and the saturation level of the Weibel instability. ", "In addition, the current filaments producing the fields merge with time, so that $B$ and $\\lambda$ change while being advected. ", "These nonlinear feed-back effects are difficult to properly account for in a theoretical model; hence they are omitted in the current study. ", "PIC simulations can help us to quantify the effects as well as to confirm or disprove our assumption that the shock and the foreshock do form a self-sustained, steady state structure.", "\n\nThe self-similar foreshock\n==========================\n\nThe self-similar structure of the foreshock immediately follows from Eqs. (", "\\[nCR\\]), (\\[B-gamma\\]), (\\[x-gamma\\]) and (\\[gamma\\_r\\]). ", "The magnetic field correlation length is proportional to the upstream distance from the shock, (x)\\~x(2\\_B), \\[lambda-x\\] and its strength decreases with the distance as B(x)\\~B\\_0 ([x]{}/[x\\_0]{})\\^[-]{}, \\[B-x\\] where $B_0=\\left(8\\pi\\xi_B m_pc^2n_0\\gamma_0\\right)^{1/2}$ and $x_0=\\lambda_0/(2\\xi_B)=\\left(m_pc^2 \\gamma_0/4\\pi e^2 n_0\\right)^{1/2}/(2\\xi_B)$. In this estimate we neglected the advected fields $B(\\gamma)$ as sub-dominant compared to $B(\\gamma_r)$ for $\\gamma>\\gamma_r$. The $\\epsilon_B$ parameter expresses the field energy normalized to the shock kinetic energy. ", "The energy of cosmic rays is $U_{\\rm CR}=\\int n(\\gamma/\\gamma_0)(m_pc^2\\gamma)\\ d(\\gamma/\\gamma_0)\\sim m_pc^2\\gamma_0n_0$ and constitutes a fraction $\\xi_{\\rm CR}$ of the total shock energy, $U_{\\rm sh}$. The efficiency of cosmic ray acceleration, $\\xi_{\\rm CR}$, can be as high as several tens percent, perhaps, up to $\\xi_{\\rm CR}\\sim0.5$, as follows from the nonlinear shock modeling [@V+06; @E+07]. ", "The scaling of $\\epsilon_B$ is: \\_B\\~\\_[CR]{}\\_B ([x]{}/[x\\_0]{})\\^[-2]{}. ", "\\[epsilonB-x\\]\n\nThese scalings hold while the shock can be treated as planar and while the ISM magnetic fields are negligible compared to the Weibel-generated fields. ", "If the shock is relativistic, CR particles can occupy a narrow region in front of it. ", "Assuming CR to propagate nearly at the speed of light, their front is ahead of she shock at the distance $\\Delta r=c t_{\\rm rel}=c(R/c-R/v_{\\rm sh})\\simeq R-R/[(1-1/2\\Gamma^2_{\\rm sh})]$ measured in the lab (observer) frame, that is at the distance $\\sim\\Delta r/\\Gamma_{\\rm sh} \\sim R/(2\\Gamma_{\\rm sh})$ in the shock frame. ", "Also, when the radial distance in the lab frame $\\Delta r=x/\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}$ becomes comparable to the shock radius $\\Delta r\\sim R$ the curvature of the shock can no longer be neglected: the density of CR particles, which was assumed to be constant in our model, starts to fall as $\\propto r^{-2}$. This leads to a steeper decline of $B$ with distance. ", "Obviously, the first constraint is more stringent for a relativistic shock, whereas both are very similar (within a factor of two) for a non-relativistic shock. ", "Hence we use the first constraint hereafter. ", "Meanwhile, at some distance $X$, the Weibel-generated fields can become comparable to the ambient magnetic field, $B(X)\\sim B_{\\rm amb}$ and the Weibel instability ceases; here we used that the ambient field in the shock frame is $B_{\\rm amb}\\sim B_{\\rm ISM,\\perp}\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}\\sim B_{\\rm ISM}\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}$. PIC simulations [@Spit05] indicate that for low magnetizations $\\sigma<0.01$, i.e., $B(X)/B_{\\rm amb}>0.1$, the shock behaves as unmagnetized and the Weibel instability dominates. ", "Although there is no a sharp threshold, one sees the Weibel instability to be suppressed for lower values of $B(X)/B_{\\rm amb}$. To the order of magnitude, we set $B_{\\rm ISM}\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}\\sim B(X)\\sim B_0(X/x_0)^{-(s-1)/(s+1)}$, therefore $X\\sim x_0\\left[B_0/(B_{\\rm ISM}\\Gamma_{\\rm sh})\\right]^{(s+1)/(s-1)}$. To conclude, the the scalings, Eqs. (", "\\[lambda-x\\])–(\\[epsilonB-x\\]), hold at $x{\\lesssim}x_{\\rm max}$, where x\\_[max]{}=[Min]{}=[Min]{}. ", "\\[xmax\\]\n\nThe region filed with the magnetic field in front of the shock is large, so does the region where radiation emitted by the CR electrons. ", "The power emitted by a relativistic electron in a magnetic field is $P_{B}=(4/3)\\sigma_T c \\gamma_e^2(B^2/8\\pi)$, where $\\sigma_T$ is the Thompson cross-section and $\\gamma_e$ is the Lorentz factor of the emitting electron. ", "This expression is accurate for both synchrotron and jitter radiation [@M00]. ", "For the distribution of electrons (\\[nCR\\]) homogeneously populating the foreshock, the power is dominated by the lowest energy particles with $\\gamma_e\\sim \\epsilon_e(m_p/m_e)\\gamma_p\\sim \\epsilon_e(m_p/m_e)\\gamma_0\\sim\\epsilon_e(m_p/m_e)\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}$ (here $\\epsilon_e$ is the efficiency of the electron heating) and the density $n_e\\sim n_p\\sim n_0\\sim n_{\\rm ISM}\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}$. Then $P_{\\rm tot}=\\int P_B(x)n_0dV$, where the volume element is $dV=4\\pi R^2 dx$, so P\\_[tot]{}\\_0\\^[x\\_[max]{}]{}(x/x\\_0)\\^[-2]{}dx \\~x\\_0 (x\\_[max]{}/x\\_0)\\^. Note that the co-moving radiated power [*increases*]{} with the foreshock thickness, $P_{\\rm tot}\\propto x_{\\rm max}^{(3-s)/(1+s)}$, thus emission is not localized in a thin layer near the shock and is, in fact, dominated by large distances: P\\_[tot]{}\\~L\\_[CR]{}\\_B \\_e\\^2(2/3)\\_T n\\_0x\\_0 ([x\\_[max]{}]{}/[x\\_0]{})\\^, \\[Ptot\\] where $L_{\\rm CR}=4\\pi R^2(m_pc^2n_0\\gamma_0)c$ is the kinetic luminosity of cosmic rays, which is a fraction $\\xi_{\\rm CR}<1$ of the total kinetic luminosity of a GRB, $L_{\\rm CR}=\\xi_{\\rm CR} L_{\\rm GRB}$, $R$ is the shock radius and the co-moving CR density is of order the density of the incoming ISM plasma, $n_0\\sim n_{\\rm ISM}\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}$. The foreshock electrons are radiating in the synchrotron regime: the jitter parameter $\\delta$ [@M00; @M+07], which is the average deflection angle of an electron in the foreshock fields, $\\theta_e\\sim(eB(x)/\\gamma_e m_ec)(\\lambda(x)/c)$ over the radiation beaming angle, $\\sim1/\\gamma_e$, is always much larger than unity: (x)\\~eB(x)(x)/(m\\_ec\\^2)\\~(m\\_p/m\\_e)\\_0 (x/x\\_0)\\^[2/(s+1)]{} 1.", "\n\nAlthough consideration of the post-shock fields is beyond the scope of the present paper, we can estimate the magnetic field spectrum at and after the shock jump as long as dissipation is not playing a role. ", "The magnetic field of different correlation scales created in the foreshock is advected toward the shock, so a broad spectrum is accumulated: B\\_\\^[-]{}\\~\\^[-0.091]{}, \\[Bspec\\] where Eqs. (", "\\[lambda-x\\]) and (\\[B-x\\]) were used and $s=p-1\\sim1.2$ was assumed.", "\n\nThe afterglow foreshock\n=======================\n\nThe relation between the shock radius $R$ and its Lorentz factor $\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}$ follows from a simple energy argument: the energy of an explosion is $E\\sim(4\\pi/3)R^3m_pc^2n_{\\rm ISM}\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}^2$, therefore R\\~(10\\^[18]{} [cm]{}) E\\_[52]{}\\^[1/3]{}n\\_[ISM]{}\\^[-1/3]{}\\_[sh]{}\\^[-2/3]{} or $\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}\\sim E_{52}^{1/2} n_{\\rm ISM}^{-1/2} R_{18}^{-3/2}$, where $E_{52}=E/10^{52}\\ {\\rm erg}$ and similarly for other quantities. ", "The observed time of photons emitted at radius $R$ is the time since the very first photons (i.e, emitted at $R\\sim0$) arrive, $t_{\\rm obs}=R/c-R/v_{\\rm sh}\\simeq R/c-R/[c(1-1/2\\Gamma^2_{\\rm sh})]$, that is $t_{\\rm obs}\\sim R/(2\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}^2c)$. Using the equation for $R$, one gets $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}&\\sim&3.7\\ E_{52}^{1/8} n_{\\rm ISM}^{-1/8} t_{\\rm day}^{-3/8},\\\\\nR&\\sim&(4.2\\times10^{17}\\ {\\rm cm})\\ E_{52}^{1/4} n_{\\rm ISM}^{-1/4} t_{\\rm day}^{1/4}.", "\n\\label{Gamma-t}\\end{aligned}$$ Here we assumed a local GRB with $z=0$; to include the redshift time dilation is trivial.", "\n\nThe co-moving density is $n_0\\sim n_{\\rm ISM}\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}$ (assuming the CR efficiency $\\xi_{\\rm CR}\\simeq0.5\\sim1$) and the minimum Lorentz factor of CR protons is $\\gamma_0\\sim\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}$. Hence, the length scale $x_0\\sim\\lambda_0/(2\\xi_B)$ ($\\lambda_0$ is the skin length) and the field $B_0$ in the shock co-moving frame become $$\\begin{aligned}\nx_0&\\sim& (2\\times 10^7\\ {\\rm cm})\\ n_{\\rm ISM}^{-1/2}/(2\\xi_B)\\sim(10^9\\ {\\rm cm})\\ n_{\\rm ISM}^{-1/2}, \\\\\nB_0&\\sim& (0.2\\ {\\rm gauss})\\ \\xi_B^{1/2}n_{\\rm ISM}^{1/2}\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}\\sim (1~{\\rm gauss})\\ E_{52}^{1/2}R_{17}^{-3/2},\n\\label{x0B0}\\end{aligned}$$ where we assumed $\\xi_B\\sim0.01$. Assuming $p=2.2$ and the interstellar fields, $B_{\\rm ISM}$, to be of order a microgauss, we estimate $X$ as X\\~x\\_0\\^ \\~210\\^[47]{} x\\_0 n\\_[ISM]{}\\^[5.5]{} B\\_[ISM, -6]{}\\^[-11]{}, independent of $\\Gamma_{\\rm sh}$. On the other hand, R/(2\\_[sh]{})\\~(510\\^[17]{} [cm]{}) E\\_[52]{}\\^[1/3]{}n\\_[ISM]{}\\^[-1/3]{}\\_[sh]{}\\^[-5/3]{}X, indicating that the ambient field is relatively unimportant, even for very steep energy spectra $p\\sim3.5$ rarely observed in prompt GRBs. ", "The foreshock thickness is x\\_[max]{}\\~R/(2\\_[sh]{}) \\~510\\^8 x\\_0 E\\_[52]{}\\^[1/3]{}n\\_[ISM]{}\\^[-1/3]{}\\_[sh]{}\\^[-5/3]{}. ", "Therefore, the typical field in the foreshock is of sub-gauss strength: B(x\\_[max]{})\\~(0.2 [gauss]{}) E\\_[52]{}\\^[0.45]{}n\\_[ISM]{}\\^[0.09]{}R\\_[18]{}\\^[-1.3]{}. ", "This field is relatively large-scale, as it’s co-moving correlation scale is (x\\_[max]{})\\~x\\_[max]{}/(2\\_B)\\~(510\\^[17]{} [cm]{}) E\\_[52]{}\\^[-1/2]{} n\\_[ISM]{}\\^[1/2]{} R\\_[18]{}\\^[5/2]{}. ", "\\[lambda-xmax\\] The power emitted by CR electrons from the foreshock amounts to P\\_[tot]{}\\^[obs]{}\\~(210\\^[39]{} [erg s]{}\\^[-1]{}) E\\_[52]{}\\^[1.6]{}L\\_[CR, 45]{} n\\_[ISM]{}\\^[-0.68]{}R\\_[18]{}\\^[-3.0]{} \\[P-obs\\] in the observer’s frame and is emitted at a peak (synchrotron) frequency \\_m\\^[obs]{}\\~(10\\^[11]{} [Hz]{}) E\\_[52]{}\\^[2.0]{} n\\_[ISM]{}\\^[-1.4]{} R\\_[18]{}\\^[-5.8]{}, \\[nu-obs\\] which corresponds to the IR band at about one day after the explosion, where $R(t)$ is given in Eq. (", "\\[Gamma-t\\]), so that $\\nu_m\\propto t_{\\rm day}^{-\\frac{7s+17}{8(s+1)}}\\propto t_{\\rm day}^{-1.4}$.\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nHere we presented a model of a self-similar foreshock produced by protons scattered by a relativistic shock into the unmagnetized or weakly magnetized external medium. ", "It is immediately applicable to the external shock producing a GRB afterglow. ", "The model predicts that a large region in front of the shock, of thickness of order the shock radius, shall be filled with relatively strong and large-scale magnetic fields. ", "The upstream magnetic field strength and correlation length depend on the distance from the shock and the power-law index of accelerated protons (cosmic rays) and are given by Eqs. (", "\\[lambda-x\\]), (\\[B-x\\]), (\\[x0B0\\]) in the shock co-moving frame. ", "The overall energetics of the field is dominated by large distances; hence the average foreshock B-field is of sub-milligauss strength and is increasing toward the shock while its typical coherence length is of order of few percent of the shock radius and is decreasing toward the shock.", "\n\nThe result is interesting, especially in the light of observational constraints on the particle acceleration in GRB afterglows. ", "It has been shown that a few-milligauss magnetic fields are needed in front of the shock in order to efficiently Fermi-accelerate the electrons to the energies required to produce the observed X-ray emission [@LW06]. ", "Our model provides a possible and rather natural mechanism for generation of such fields in the far upstream medium. ", "We also make a prediction that the shock-accelerated electrons will be radiating in the foreshock fields at a characteristic synchrotron frequency given by Eqs. (", "\\[nu-obs\\]). ", "For reference, $\\nu_m\\sim 10\\ {\\rm THz}$ at about a day after the burst. ", "It is possible that nonlinear effects omitted in this analysis (see discussion below) may limit the field strength to lower values compared to the present analysis, so the synchrotron peak can move to cm/mm-wave band. ", "We can speculate that the emission from the foreshock can form an emission region separate from the afterglow shock and show up in the X-ray/optical band in the early afterglow phase and in the radio at the very late times.", "\n\nThe presented results can have interesting implications for the radiative efficiency of external shocks. ", "Unlike internal shocks, where electron cooling is extremely fast and a thin shock layer of thickness of a hundred ion inertial lengths may be enough to produce the observed prompt emission [@MS09], the Weibel shock model [@ML99] seems to face the efficiency problem when it is applied to an external shock. ", "In such a shock, magnetic fields shall occupy a much larger region, perhaps the entire downstream region, in order for the shock to produce enough photons that will be observed as a delayed afterglow emission. ", "This is not very likely (though not proved to be impossible, yet) provided that the small-scale fields generated [*at*]{} the shock can be subject to rapid dissipation. ", "However, dissipation shall be of much lesser importance for the foreshock fields, which have a (much) larger coherence length, Eq. (", "\\[lambda-x\\]). ", "In the steady state, the fields generated in the upstream are advected to the shock and their strength is maintained against dissipation by the anisotropy of the continuously “refreshed” CR distribution. ", "Hence, one can expect that the magnetic field near the shock will have the spectrum given in Eq. (", "\\[Bspec\\]). ", "Once these fields pass though the shock into the downstream, they are enhanced by the shock compression and begin to decay. ", "Commonly, dissipation is proportional to the inverse gradient scale squared $\\propto\\partial_x^2\\propto\\lambda^{-2}$, so that the skin-length-scale fields may eventually disappear. ", "However, the fields above a certain coherence length, $\\lambda_{\\rm diss}$, shall survive and fill up the post-shock medium. ", "The mechanism of dissipation is not yet understood in detail, so it is premature to make any quantitative conclusions about $\\lambda_{\\rm diss}$, but it will certainly be much smaller than $\\lambda(x_{\\rm max})\\lesssim R$, see Eq. (", "\\[lambda-xmax\\]). ", "Since $B_\\lambda$ is a weak function of $\\lambda$ one can speculate that relatively strong fields, perhaps of order tens or hundreds milligauss, to occupy the post-shock medium.", "\n\nWe want to note that a number of simplifying assumptions has been made in our analysis. ", "In particular, [*nonlinear feedback*]{} effects of the upstream magnetic field on the particle distribution, on the shock structure and on Fermi acceleration were omitted. ", "The inclusion of these effects is hardly possible in any analytical model. ", "We also assumed that a steady state exists for the shock-foreshock system at hand. ", "Apparently, it is not at all clear whether the steady state is at all possible or the system exhibits an intermittent behavior. ", "One can envision a scenario in which the CRs overproduce upstream magnetic fields leading to enhanced particle scattering and the overall preheating of the ambient medium, which, in turn, can cause the shock to weaken, disappear and then re-appear in a different place further upstream. ", "Presently available 2D PIC simulations of an electron-position shock do show the upstream field amplification and no steady state has been achieved: both upstream and downstream fields continue to grow for the duration of the simulations [@KKSW08]. ", "We argue that extensive PIC or/and hybrid simulations of a shock are imperative for further study.", "\n\nFinally, we mention that our model compliments other models of the magnetic field generation. ", "It is reasonable to expect that the field can be amplified by vortical motions produced by the Richtmeyer-Meshkov instability, if the ambient medium is clumpy or if the shock velocity is not perfectly uniform [@GM07; @SG07; @Milos+08]. ", "On the other hand, if the ambient magnetic fields are strong enough, the fields can be generated via non-resonant [@BellLucek01; @Bell04; @PLM08] or resonant [@DM06; @DM07; @Z03; @V+06; @E+07] mechanisms, or both [@Kirk+08].", "\n\nThe authors thank colleagues at IKI and RRC “KI\" for discussions. ", "This work has been supported by NSF grant AST-0708213, NASA ATFP grant NNX-08AL39G, Swift Guest Investigator grant NNX-07AJ50G and DOE grant DE-FG02-07ER54940.", "\n\nReferences {#references .unnumbered}\n==========\n\nAchterberg, A., Gallant, Y. A., Kirk, J. G., & Guthmann, A. W. 2001, [[*Mon. ", "Not. ", "R. Astron. ", "Soc.*]{}]{}, ", "328, 393 Bell, A. R., & Lucek, S. G. 2001, [[*Mon. ", "Not. ", "R. Astron. 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[ "Prohibiting juvenile access to tobacco: Violation rates, cigarette sales, and youth smoking.", "\nScholars who examine the efficacy of juvenile tobacco sales restrictions, especially the 1992 \"Synar Amendment\" that led all of fifty U.S. states to enact prohibitions on tobacco sales to minors, are notably divided as to impact on youth smoking. ", "Some researchers claim that such policies have failed and ought to be abandoned (Craig & Boris, 2007; Etter, 2006; Glantz, 2002), while others insist that enforcement has indeed led to reduced tobacco use (DiFranza, 2011b; SAMHSA, 2011). ", "The present study is the first to combine data on Synar violation rates from all states and years available since the amendment's implementation, assessing the connection to national rates of cigarette sales and youth smoking behavior. ", "Using national data from the United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the Tobacco Institute, and the Centers for Disease Control's Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System across all U.S. states between 1996 and 2007, we employ hierarchical linear modeling to examine the connection between retailer Synar violations and youth smoking. ", "Controlling for state-level demographic variables, results indicate that retailer violation rates are significantly associated with greater youth smoking prevalence, as well as higher overall cigarette sales. ", "While critiques of Synar policies are substantive and should be addressed, laws prohibiting the sale of tobacco to juveniles appear to have had some degree of success." ]
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